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Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 9 1 0 *° eac*1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the. anthoritv of Town AND County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. j d-SafeDep.©Sav.$bastSale%Div. Abhottsto wn.. 334 Abbottstown State Bank.5' 3 Adams P16 *60 60-1561 Addison_____ 300 First National Bank d®»J' 4P Somerset Q6 *175-4% par 100 60-1058 Akron_______723 Akron National Bank d©t' 3 Lancaster 019 *193.50-6% par 100 60-1059 Albion............ 1549 Albion State Bank -.<!©•!§ 4P Erie D2 *100 par 100 60-1699 First National Rank...®*! *120-6% 60-971 Alexandria ___440 First National Bank..©*! 3 Hunt'gd’n Mil *120-6% par 100 60-1496 Allquippa___ 2931 First National Bank d®*t 4P Beaver L21 *250-12% par 100 60-952 ‘Allentown .92,151 ♦Allentown National Bank 3 Lehigh L22 *400-10% par 100 dB®T<’55 60-128 ♦Allentown Trust Company *162-10% par 50 dB©T*t§’07 60-133 ♦Citizens Trust Co..©T«t|'05 *200-9% 60-132 President. A. A. Jacobs, Ch. Cashier. Vice-President. H. A. Waltman__ W. A. Ass’t Cashier. Bream____ *23-6% par 10 ♦ 60-137 ’MERCHANTS Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonda MlSCEI/- Cam k ExOtfer Paid-up Surplus D epos CHAHOB#, Dm and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Diacounta Securities LANEOU8 from Bank# ties 35.000 S $ Manliff H. Dean... 8,500 $ 161,000 S 25,000 18,300 35,000 63.490 4,600 $ 100,000 $ 85.000 ? 16,550 $ 120,000 35.010 76.000 80.000 212,840 249,330 16,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev. 28,720 770 58,640 2,010 90,570 8.290 4.770 7.790 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Erie; Bk. of 50.000 24.550 677.920 26.270 542.010 115.010 55.600 66.120 Chase N.. N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt.; Peo. Bk. Ida C. Spyker....... C. E. Kapitzky.. P. J. Swigart C. J. Langdon, Sec. T. G. Crownover Joseph Cochran... VV. S. Kidd. Jr___ Robert D. Barry... J, H, Neish........ SaverioPelosi 50.000 9,790 208,890 25.040 138.420 74,940 39,350 41.010 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; Mellon N., 76,610 1,007,670 49,000 412,110 468,170 137,900 165.100 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. R. J. Butz______ Wm. H. Gangewere Frank M. Cressman Chas. S. Dilcher... 1,000,000 1,381.190 8,743,450 1.580.570 6.626,310 4,718,890 H.W. Pretz.TV. Off. J. F. Wenner 594.080 765.930 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Mar 269.240 350,960 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N. Geo. W. R. L. Hart_____ G. 50,000 500,000 894,750 2.920,140 814,700 445,480 300.000 168,020 1.419,880 173.280 1,117.780 325,260 387,260 250.880 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 10th N., Phil. 283,480 11.120 50.000 25,590 362.723 10.000 86.350 26,720 3.569,210 1,603,740 par 100 ’FIRST NAT. BANK *55 par 50 60-123 (Altoona banks con tinned on next page) Leonard Miller .... d and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Phil. N.. Phil. 67.360 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 367,780 1,882,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rem. Chi.; 1st N.. Bos.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 789,970 323,360 188,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 400.000 1.434.000 6.242.710 222.810 5.564.090 1.902,440 332.720 500.260 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N., Pbil. 230.590 1.915,060 1.077,770 139,920 1.135,060 personal attentio n. A.W. Durner.A.TV. C.M. Appel, A.See. 357,887 377,710 2.660,650 50,000 104,410 1.413,130 W. Schwenk____ P. D. Schmeyer 300,000 1,228,000 6.355,080 365.860 268.150 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Penn N., Phil. 688,910 108,980 163,510 Han. N., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 236,040 4,936,690 2,409,280 196,460 576.700 N. Bk. Com..Am. Ex, Irv. Tr., and 1st N., 75.010 681,150 N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. Direct wires to New York, Chi., Phila. & Pitts. Edw. B. Smith&Co., N.Y..Phil.,Williamsport.Pottsville,Easton,andNewLondon. H. M. Narber. 25.040 30,800 Market St.N.. Phil. 162,710 19.980 250,000 654.100 2.552.500 38.600 1.285.100 1.578,100 182.600 449.4)0 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; PhiJ.- 246,800 357,000 2,400,000 30.000 1.450,000 234.000 722,000 N. Citv. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and O.E. FRANCE-------- 150,000 N. F. LANE. A. C. and Tr. Off. Items given pro mpt 542,220 5.272,690 129,590 110,240 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N., J. H. Dillen, A. Tr. H. K. McCauley... Wm. V. Hughes... Samuel Wilson, E. M. Jones Sec. and Tr. d®T»t§’l 60-119 ♦Cemtral Trust Co. ®T»tl’l M. N. Canan_____ J. G. Davis.... .. J.G. Davis. Sec. and Tr. *250-16% 60-120 T. J. Lucas, A. Tr■ — f JOHN LLOYD____ J. M. SKYLES_____ R.C,.WILSON 1 < | j Collections, Bill of Lading drafts. Cash and Time 60-116 ®T»t’63 (.attention. Re mlttcd for on day of payment. *300-18% ket St. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 550,490 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y,; |F. 0. RITTER------ FRANK D. BITTNER.. H. B. WAGNER____ G. A. WIEGNER------ A. L. Tate Pitt. 110 2.504.320 908,750 8 ♦ALTOONA TRUST CO. & Tr. Co., Erie. 267.720 2,120,510 364.000 F. K. Hartzell, 500,000 1,067,360 5.829,020 E. M. Young_____ George K. Mosser. H. J. Hornbeck, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. L. 0. Shankweiler. E. H. Reninger V. P. R. E. Green, A. Tr. 483,290 498,750 1.315.310 A. W. Hagenbach-- Hope T. M. Ritter . F. M. Cline, Sec. and Tr. F. W. Sanders, A. Sec. (Members indicated by a*) Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 500,460 2,517,280 F. S. Newhard, Avon Barnes____ Geo. F. Seiberling . C. A. Heckman, Jacob W. Grim Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A, Tr. NATIONAL BANK Allenwood National Bank par 100 60-1540 ®t’] 38,450 Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; Far. Tr. Co., Lancaster. 50,000 Hall............ (.Send us your A1 lentown Items dl rect, for prompt, 60-131 ©T«t’03 ♦Penn Trust Company N. A. Haas............. J. P. Fry_______ R. E. Domey, Sec. and Tr. 8% par 50 ♦ 60-135 dB®T»!S’12 E. A. Donecker ♦Ridge Ave. Deposit Bank *175-10% 60-134 ®‘§12 C. H. Moyer_____ ♦SECOND NATIONAL BANK Thos. E. Ritter *1056-30% par 100 dB®T»t’ 60-120 Le Roy Smith, Mgr. EASTMAN, DILLON & CO.. ) Members New Y ork Stock Exchang e (Penn. Trust Bldg.. ) Members Philade lphia Stock Excha nge th and Hamilton Sts.) ^Members Pittsbu gh Stock Exchange E. S. Thomas, Mgr. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. (Dime Svgs.&Tr. Bldg.) IT. (Investment Secu rities) Allentown Clearing House.. *140-2% 19.050 H. Eckert____ J. A. *522-14% Allenwood . 3 Union 116 Altoona ___66 3 Blair M10 Principal Correspondents. McIntosh. C. C. Mead. Sec...... W. O. Loomis F. T. L. Keiter, F. H.Llcht en walner R. B. Klotz______ J. R. Helwig, Tr. Officer Sec. and Tr. O. N. Clauss, V. P. L. D. Krause, V. P. Emeritus O. A. Mahler, ♦Dime Savings & Trust Co. F. E Lewis______ G.F. Breinig____ R. W. Kurtz, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. E. Heimbach *34 ♦ 60-138 ©T*+§’21 er______ P. E. Herrity ♦Jordan State Bank .©•t§’19 *55 60-136 ♦Lehigh Valley Trust Co. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA The American Bankers Ass’n. W. B. Reed, A. Sec. M. W. Miller.A.Tr. Melvin G. Smith, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 25,000 150,000 18,130 30,560 226,560 591,880 81,240 737.000 148,100 3.029.020 1.171.050 352,870 179,750 Girard N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N. and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. Phil.-Gir. N.. Phil.; Mellon N. and 1st N„ Pitt. 529.540 1.383,400 Han. N., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Far. Dep. N., Pitt. Pitt.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia COLLECTION SPECIALISTS DEPOSITS OVER Successfully Serving Our Customers since 1865 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital ......................................................$1,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Earned, $5,700,000 We invite your account TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA, PA. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits & Reserves $4,500,000 Thoroughly Equipped for Efficient Service “STRENGTH AND SERVICE WRITE FOR LIBERAL PROPOSITION SIMONS, BRITTAIN & ENGLISH INC. BANK BUILDINGS Design, Construction and Furnishment ALL AS A COMPLETE SERVICE OR SEPARATELY—JUST AS DESIRED General Offices: 336 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURGH 929 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 193 E. Broad St., Columbus Pennsylvania. INDEX TO COUNTIES Adams ....... P 15 Allegheny ... .L 3 Armstrong... .L 5 Beaver.......... L 2 Bedford..........0 9 Berks..........M 20 Blair...........M 10 Bradford... .E 17 Bucks..........N 23 Butler........... K 3 Cambria.......M 8 Cameron... .H 11 Carbon..........J 21 Center.........K 12 Chester........ P 21 Clarion..........16 Clearfield...... J 9 Clinton........H 13 Columbia.... J 18 Crawford.......F 3 Cumberland. 0 14 Dauphin.. .M 16 Delaware....P 23 Elk.. Erie. .G 8 .E 3 Fayette...........Q 4 Forest.............G 6 Franklin ... .P 13 Fulton..........P 11 Greene............Q 2 Huntingdon. M12 Indiana..........L 6 Jefferson........17 Juniata.......M 14 Lackawanna. G 21 Lancaster .. .0 19 Lawrence.........J 2 Lebanon... .M 18 Lehigh.........L 22 Luzerne....... I 20 Lycoming.. .H 15 McKean.........E 9 Mercer........... H 2 Mifflin......... L 13 Monroe........I 23 Montgomery N 22 Montour....... J 17 Northampton K23 Northumberland J 16 Perry...........N 14 Philadelphia .P 24 Pike............. H 23 Potter...........F 12 Schuylkill...K 19 Snyder..........L 15 Somerset........ P 7 Sullivan....... G 18 Susquehanna E 20 Tioga........... E 14 Union............J 15 Venango.........H 4 Warren...........F 6 Washington. .0 2 Wayne......... F 23 Westmoreland M5 Wyoming ...G 19 York. •P 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A REPRESENTATIVE LIST Here are the bond and investment houses of PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. C. Allyn & Co. American Bond & Mortgage Co. Baker, Young & Co. Bankers Bond & Mortgage Co. Boles & Westwood Brooke, Stokes & Co. Brown Bros. & Co. Geo. H. Burr & Co. H. M. Byllesby & Co. C. F. Childs & Co. E. W. Clark & Co. Dillon, Read & Co. Drexel & Co. Eastman, Dillon & Co. Equitable Trust Co. of N. Y. First National Corp. of Boston Frazier & Co., Inc. Graham, Parsons & Co. Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. Guaranty Co. of New York Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc. Harrison, Smith & Co. Janney & Co. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Lee, Higginson & Co. Lilley, Blizzard & Co. Edward D. C. Lynch Samuel McCreery & Co. National City Co. Paine, Webber & Co. Parsly Bros. & Co. Frederick Peirce & Co. E. A. Pierce & Co. Puritan Mortgage Corp. Salomon Bros. & Hutzler Shawmut Corp. of Boston Edward B. Smith & Co. S. W. Straus & Co., Inc. Taylor, Ewart & Co., Inc. Townsend Whelen & Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. C. F. Childs & Co. Dillon, Read & Co. Eastman, Dillon & Co. First National Corp. of Boston Goddard & Co. Gordon & Co. Graham, Parsons & Co. Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. Guaranty Co. of New York Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Lee, Higginson & Co. A. E. Masten & Co. National City Co. Stout & Co. S. W. Straus & Co., Inc. Wells, Deane & Singer ALBANY, N. Y. American Bond & Mortgage Co. Eastman, Dillon & Co. Guaranty Co. of New York A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. National City Company Paine, Webber & Co. F. H. Smith Co. BUFFALO, N. Y. American Bond & Mortgage Co. Guaranty Co. of New York W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc. J. L. Markell & Co., Inc. National City Company Pierce-Arrow Finance Corp. F. H. Smith Co. S. W. Straus & Co., Inc. A. J. Wright & Co. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Guaranty Co. of New York National City Company A. J. Wright & Co. SYRACUSE, N. Y. American Bond & Mortgage Co. W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc. A. J. Wright & Co. UTICA, N. Y. . Mohawk Valley Investment Corp. Utica Investment Co who announce their readiness to serve bankers in this issue of the Bankers Directory, Let the names speak for themselves as a representative list. 1211 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers^Ass’n. Town and countt. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dlst. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem.A.B.A.^NewgStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept s :T-Trust B -Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav4LastSale%Div Altoona ....66,148 ♦MOUNTAIN CITY TRUST CO, (Continued) *70-12% par25 60-122 d®T*t§ 0a ♦Second National Bank 60-118 ®»ro4 ♦Union Bank............... ®»tt'86 *220-12% 60-117 Altoona Clearing House— (Members indicated, by a *) Alum Bank ...242 Bedford County Bank®tS’18 60-1497 3 Bedford 09 *71-4% Ambler______ 3094 Ambler Trust Co...d®T«t§'17 3 Montgomery 023 *75-6% par 50 60-1469 First National Bank d®W84 *240-12% par 100 60-1060 President. Vice-President. M. E. SMITH - m- .Send us your A I toon a Items. Cashier. S. S. METZ, Ass’t Cashier. L. M. MOSES. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A J. L. TATE, A. Special attention V. A. Oswald_____ G. A. Klesius ____ A. M. Replogle.... W. S. Kilgore C. K. Nagle W. L. Woodcock J. D. Findley.......... D.S. Keith............ I. W. Smith______ J. Lamb_____ ^Economy National Bank 60-1724 ®'27 R. V. Mattison, Jr. Harry Renninger. George Scherff, Tr. F. W. Worth Jos. M. Haywood— E. H. Faust.......... S. R. Horst---------- H. M.Stout O. S. Tolan Win. H. Faust Sec. and Tr. Lebanon N18 Apollo.............. 3227 4P Armstrong M5 Archbald .....9111 3 Lackawanna022 3 Montgomery 023 Ardmore.__ 20,000 C. V. Henry______ John H. Gingrich. ®Tt’78 G. W. Stine 60-874 par 100 Peoples Trust Co.. d®T**5'23 J. M. Early______ *74-6% par 50 60-875 Samuel Fry, V. P. Apollo Trust Co.—_®T«}#'01 J. N. Nelson______ *350-12% 60-842 First National Bank.._®«t’01 W. L. George.......... *350-16% 60-843 Archibald Bans— d®*t8'09 A. B. Kinback____ *160-10% par 50 60-1061 Ardmore Nat’l Bk. & Tr. Co. J. W. Phillips........ io% 60-555 ®»ril ^Counties Title & Trust Co. Charles E.Goodman *150 60-556 ©T§'27 *205-6% D. SMITH. A. Sec. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Special attentio Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation Send us your A mbridge business F. C. Schroeder... L. C. Beall.............. j, H. Murdock____ Annvllle_____2700 Annville National Bank 3 $ 162.962 $ 328.320 $2 248 910 $ and A. Tr. 100.000 621.660 3,306,910 415,700 3,497.820 194,440 128,480 200,000 267,900 2,375,500 245,000 2,250,420 188,440 354,580 623,540 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 294,160 Han. N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 55,000 56,000 28,000 16,000 Union N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; Bedford 338,120 252,380 166.780 1,577.820 1,290,230 304,900 25,000 11,300 120,000 125,000 63,620 595,310 50,930 125,000 167,950 2,933,020 284.450 50,000 68,160 1,845.460 83,710 125,000 310.430 3.849,300 . A. Henry______ O. S. Light .. Tr. 60-554 d®T«i§’89 100.000 209,000 60-1062 Adams P14 266.790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 133.670 1.763.310 2,127,580 121,580 405,920 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Pitt. 15,000 50,500 75,000 575,860 1.136,000 22,490 115,680 Han. N.. N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 64,280 St. N.. Phil. 243,220 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 5,000 23.000 175,770 1,344,320 129,940 531,520 18.080 425.000 225,570 14,000 29,530 791,390 998,300 20,000 50,000 107,960 1,282,190 47.950 708.640 554,100 31,460 50,000 156,860 1,152,970 31.680 771,740 591,840 51,859 150,000 176,880 2.027,220 200,000 100,000 J. J. Kearney____ L. S. Parsons_____ E. A. Gerhardt .... R. J. Bourke, Sec. Wm. J. Serrill___ H. T. Leedom____ E. J. Buckley.......... Wm. P. Landis Wm. P. Landis, Tr Off. Anthony L. Aff__ D. S. Edmonds, Sec, and Tr. 54,250 232,570 1,770,020 394,340 282,280 186.090 — 233,750 163,350 76,510 1.230.170 8.010.450 739 830 8.374.470 698.460 842.170 7,500 203,900 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 66,080 Lm. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. and Peo. Sav. & Dime Bk. & Tr., Scranton. 170,020 Lm. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y ; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 12,780 815.330 No. Am. & Tr. Co.. 1st N„ and Penn. N„ Phil. VIDUAL BANK I N PH1LADELPHI A SUBURBS. 51,030 Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. 25,000 47,440 347,940 26,259 154,590 232,870 8,150 125.000 48.000 575,000 100.000 570.000 135,000 43,000 125,000 282.480 1.943,990 109,930 842,080 1,326,520 102,600 100,000 lm. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; Logan Tr.Co.and 1st N..New Kensington. 213.940 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 122,380 998,250 1,566,470 230,750 120,330 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. {’08 60-624 dB®T«{1900 par 100 ** _____ “ Citizens National Bank F. L. Buck........ ..... *350-20% 60-623 dB®»{'75 par 100 Ashley..............6520 First National Bank d®»t’07 W. B. Foss_______ 3 Luzerne 120 | *220-8% 60-1063 ispinwall _...3170|nBank of Aspinwall _d®t§'25 G. D. Edwards ___ (Pittsburg P.O.) *150 par 100 60-1698 4P Allegheny M3 Atgien________ 659 Atglen National Bank d®T'03 T. J. Philips.......... 3 Chester P20 *169-8% par 100 60-1065 Athens_______ 4384 Athens National Bank®»t’B9 E. B. Arnold--------3 Bradford E17 *230-10% 60-783 “ _____ “ Farmers National Bank«t'93 W. T, Page.............. 60-782 Auburn_____ ..977 First National Bank ®{'08 S. B. Vernon-------3 Schuylkill L20 *275-10% par 100 60-1066 Austin_______ 1556 First National Bank-.®»t’03 F. E. Baldwin____ 3 Potter Fll I 60-1067 148,580 217,830 1,680,560 125,000 Arnold_______6120 National Deposit Bank W. L. Hankey........ F. E. Pratt.............. H. H. Slocum_____ L. C. Springer. J. H. Keibler 4P Westmorel L4 *ho par 100 60-1566 d®»t’20 Ashland. .6666 Ashland National Bk. J. D, McConnell__ H. Hunter................ George F. Rentz__ U. A. Klees.__ 3 Schuylkill R18 857,750 125,000 H. L. Kinports.__ J .Frank Smith, Tr. E. H. Smith,Tr.Off. H. Zimmerman A. C. Hammitt .... J. H. Jackson, Sec. and Tr. Geo. J. Bortz____ S. M. Jamison____ Arend ts vllle... 358 National Bk. of Arendtsville S. G. Bucher______ W.E. Wolff______ S. A. Skinner_____ Arthur Roberts ... 3 774,220 Co. Tr. Co.. Bedford. 77,580 Han. N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., Ambler. 337,660 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Bk. of No. Am. &Tr„ Phil.-Girard N. and Cent. N., Phil. Report 8. J. HAMILTON — M. P. CLANEY. . . . . . . . DANIEL LEITCH, Tr.. H. W. SMEDLEY, Sec. 750.000 MERION TITLE & fR. GEO. W. SUPER, D. W. CHARLES, H. C. BARE H. A. ARNOLD, A. Sec. A. Tr. < V. P. H. L. YOCUM TRUST CO. R. J. BOYD, A.TV. M. H. FOWLER, A. T r. (.LARGEST INDI *280-16% par 50 65.000 $2182030 $ 138,050 $ 105,630 $ 379,480 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N„ Pitt. Ing draf ts, Cash and Tf me Ite ms. Albert Barefoot... Clarence Beckley.. O. W. Wigfleld___ F. C. SCHROEDER— R. G. MANNING. . . . . . . . J. C. PEFFER, 60-730 d®T»tl 02 *300-i6%^ Liabilities. Subplus Bonda Loans Miscel ■ Gas* 4 EiPaid-up Depos Other and and CXANOM'Dui and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts flaeuritiaa laneous 1 non Barks ties J. G. Davis, Mgr... John Lloyd.............. Ambridge.. .16,993 Ambridge National Bank.t'16 J. E. McKee_____ E. J. Schleiter.__ Ralph W. Aye------ Chas. L. Martin. 60-1463 4P Beaver L2 AMBRIDGE SAV. & TR. CO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aram), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. PENNSYLV A NIA —Continued *400-20% F. J. Pepper W. S. Rothermel. 150,000 425,280 2,218,150 A. M. Northrup. Enoch Thomas F. R. Harbison . W. A. Edgar______ Edward Brodginski 150,000 189,650 2,272.990 88,850 1,161.070 1.308.120 32.730 199.560 313,500 156,160 73,100 71,400 40.200 248,990 158,320 9,060 73,270 99.520 557,720 457.030 10,500 59,810 357,240 535,930 38,830 109,980 77,260 559,400 29,270 40,070 137,020 217,440 15,570 54,620 26,340 525,100 40,000 72,310 337,130 50,000 124,580 810,950 C. F. Thurston.... David Cash___ 75,000 119,150 767,830 80,000 H. H. Koerper.__ H. F. Koerper. 25,000 50.000 570.000 61.000 50,000 33,150 292,000 49,500 Louis P. Lehr____ 50.000 W. D. Swisher... Louise L. Hastings E. P. Hogg____ N. F. Walker.__ J. H. Kelley______ J. E. Weller .. A. R. Brown___ L. C. Robinhold . S. C. Bayless.__ H. B. King_______ 12.710 N., Phil. Buffalo. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 —SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1212 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. 1 •Mem. A.B. A.'"New §State fPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. president. ........................ Vice President. Cashier. | Ass't Cashier. Avalon_______ 5277 Avalon Bank_______ ®»tl’05 W,J. K. Snyder _ William Jenkins.. H. W. Feick (Pittsburgh P. O.) 4P Allegheny M3 Avella________ 520 4P Washington N1 Avis__________1092 3 Clinton 114 Avoca________4950 3 Luzerne H21 Avondale_____ 627 3 Chester Q21 *115-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus DeposITS Capital Profits $ Other 50.000 l 71,990 $1 481 390 $ 50,000 59.600 1.422.500 25,000 41.800 TIES Resources. Bonds Miscel- Cash ft ExDiscount! Securities vrom Bahzs Loads 7,000 *1168 890 $ 203,490 $ 60-1068 S. S. Campbell____ A. C. Wilson.......... Lincoln National Bank par 100 60-1069 d®*t'06 W. M. Bardo__ _. G. M. Betts............ State Bank of Avis_____tl'll R. F. Rich. W. P. Dorman 60-1070 First National Bank..d®»t’07 J. F. McLaughlin— J. H. Anderson.__ H. N. Weller ... __ *250-8% par 100 60-1071 B. A. Mendenhall. J. Howard Brosins National Bank of Avondale *460-20% 60-1072 ® •t'91 R. M. Allison_____ *175-6% A. J. Druffner____ F,. S. Thomas .. Chas. J. Pusey 23,500 288,700 Principal Correspondents. 35.200 i 202.800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N..Pitt. 729.900 521,600 131.300 210,790 98,680 9.050 125.000 175,000 1,637,630 48,400 857,620 854,790 31.300 50,000 213.960 1.086,750 59.270 955,840 248.490 21.360 172,800 N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 36,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore. 242.320 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 184,290 N.City, N.Y.; Franklin 4th St.N.. Phil. Avonmore___ 1242 First National Bank __®»{’05 T. P. Sturgeon___ J. B. Glass_______ T. S. Couch 50.000 66,850 526,420 48,600 251.680 344,820 13.630 Bainbrldge........ 827 First National Bank_____ '08 3 Lancaster 017 60-1074 Bakerton_____ 1022 First National Bank d®»t'20 J. A. McClain 25.000 18,840 97,470 32,100 95,560 46,490 13.000 81,630 Han. N„ N. Y.: Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 18.360 Com Ex. N.. Phil. 50,000 54,030 406,630 71,690 132,540 337,520 91.080 21,210 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 50.000 25,000 274,220 10,290 170,280 103,870 13,540 71,830 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 45,030 564,280 475,110 80,980 479,960 4P Westmore. M6 *200-10% par 100 60-1073 (Elmora P. O.) |?200-6% 60-1541 3 Cambria L9 par 100 Bala-Cynwyd 10000 Bala Cynwyd National Bank 3 Montgomery P23 *150 par 100 60-1697 ®£’25 Merion Title & Trust Co, 60-1679 ®T»t5’17 Bally-------------- 560 First National BankdB®*i’09 *250-8% par 100 60-1075 3 Berks M22 Bangor_____ 5402 Bangor Trust Co... d®TtJ 3 Northampton K23 *103-4% par 100 60-709 First National Bankd®«t *225-12% par 100 60-707 Merchants National Bank *260-16% 60-708 d®T *t Barnesboro _. 4183 Citizens Bank______®»t§ *165 60-1531 3 Cambria L8 First National Bank d®»t’01 *575-15% 60-1076 Bath_________ 1401 First National Bank®»i’1900 3 Northampton K22 *250-14% 60-1077 Beallsville____445 Jess P. Miller, Banker—•t'14 4 P Washington 03 60-1078 I. Oliver Fry R. P. Reed H*. R. Bnr.k Jos. M. Gerhard, 3rd H. B. McLaughlin.. M. J. Brown______ Beaver Calls 13,147 4P Beaver K2 60-422 62,620 942,480 25,340 513,880 72,900 162,210 2.708,960 270,280 1.801.150 1,130,390 61,160 Chem. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Bk. of No. Am. & Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Phil. 92,540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; Reading N.. Reading. 88,700 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Tradesmen N„ Phil. 318,750 Chase N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 96,460 597.260 2,221,880 45,400 186,950 Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 291,790 113,090 84,700 90,280 N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; 363,300 Fidelity Tr., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil.; Mellon N. and Diamond N., Pitt. 349,770 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. John F. Sweet........ 125.000 170.000 125.000 225,710 2,604,310 C. A. Sharbaugh... Ray E. Brown........ H. B. McMillen John Barnes, Ch. L. Luxenberg........ G. F. Wildeman... H. E. Drew--------J. H. Allport V, P. and Cash. B. F. Rohn______ 50.000 31,570 498,300 Jas. W. Gordon. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. rc.M. Hughes___ James Galey.......... Geo. I. McIntyre, J. 160,420 2,121,770 105,200 1.091.800 849,800 182,500 50.000 83,410 1,295,260 54,200 405,570 712,970 14,560 19,950 1.390.710 399,840 34,850 241,530 Seab. N..N.Y.:Diamond N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 300.000 Citiz. N., Wash.; Duquesne N., Pitt. 214,700 1.532,300 and Time Items. nd 25 c for Credit Reports. M. C. Marshall ___ 50,000 34,410 791,790 50.000 349.160 241,560 42.650 292,830 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. S. O. Haer . 50,000 85,950 1,026,620 50,000 434,090 628,110 35,140 115,220 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Diamond N., Pitt. LOUTHAN--------WALTER 8. BERT — W. W. D0UDS--------H. SGHIMEK. Your Collections Wanted. Mgr. For,Dept. Personal, Persistent Attention. Quiok Returns. 100,600 569.410 3.193.620 114.990 1.970.540 1.515.220 111.000 381.260 Han. N„ N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., CbL; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 200,000 82.030 1.295.200 122.530 837.830 519.980 102.790 140,150 ChaseN..N.T.;MeUon N., Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. 391,180 1.728,270 161.390 700.000 1.331,350 179.350 42,280 220,140 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Market St. N.. Phil. 71,710 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Bk. of Pitt.N.A.Union N..and 1st N..Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 99,100 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Pitt. R. MARTIN - C. W. Diamond N„ Pitt. 100.000 25,000 ®*t'93 ’FEDERAL TITLE 985,730 H. H. Wilford........ E. J. Houck.............. A. G. Abel________ W. J. Pyshen_____ D. H. Keller R. H. Steinmetz... I. L. Kressler_____ J. H. Jones_______ B. F. Miller__ S. B. Latshaw Luther Schoch ___ Edwin Rutt......... . R. R. Strausburg ‘BEAVER TRUST COMPANY *460-24% 107,150 75,000 *160-8% ’FARMERS NATIONAL RANK (Branch of Ardm ore. Pa.) H. W. Kemp_____ J. R. Huber-............ G. W.Melcher____ A.B. Mensch... W. S. Moore < Special attentlo n given Bill of La drafts. Cash ♦ 60-814 d®T»tl'02 ) Please send 15cm ith each sight draft ding for presentation a par 100 (.Largest Bank In Beaver. Try Us. ♦Fort McIntosh National Bk, J. S. Wilson_____ J. T. Anderson R. F. Patterson.__ 6% 60-815 . ®«t'0t (*Member of Beaver County Clearing House, New Brighton) Beaverdale.__ 2534 First National Bank..C irvan A. Boucher— G. B. Davis_______ 8% 60-1501 3 Cambria N9 Peoples Deposit Bank .. (Taken oxer by First National Bank) .Beaver______4135 4 P Beaver L2 R. C. Adams______ KLEIN------------ . J. S. H. VAUGHAN-------- W. W. POTTS, TV..... W. F.WAXENFELTER, Sec. and A. Tr. W. W. POTTS C. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send, 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Rep art*. i& TRUST60-424 COMPANY Send ns roar Beaver Falls Items. d®T»t*'04 *135-8% ♦ par 100 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK Geo. Davidson___ C. B. Beegle............ E. R. Radtke_____ H. L. Liebendorfer 10% par loo SO-421 d®»’85 E.C. Rebeske. V.P. W. F. Bell ♦John T. Reeves & Co. Bkrs. C. R. May................. H. N. Merriman... Geo. W. Coates___ *4,400-24 % 60-423 ®»tt’9i ♦State Bank of Beaver Falls G. L. McCormick.. J. G. Sakraida........ *75-6% par 50 60-426 d ®»tt' T M. Gordon Clearing House, New Brighton) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150.000 38.000 126,080 740,090 50,000 52,600 550,790 713,510 134J80 26,840 409,030 112,630 32,630 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY . Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. 1213 ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dis. P is Pittsburgh Br. Beaver Springs 498 3 Snyder K14 ‘Bedford_____ 2330 3 Bedford P9 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. First National Bank____ • 01 1150-6% 60-1079 Bedford County Trust Co. $150-6% 60-1457 dB®Tt§'15 par 100 Farmers Nat. Bk. & Trust Co. $160-6% par 100 60-1485 d®t 25 (Formerly Farmers National First National Bank._d®»t'84 6% 60-901 President, Vioe-Phbsident . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) ,_Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNS YLV ANIA—Continued Cashier, Ass’t Cashier, A. A. Dish_______ H. G. Manbeck -__ J. F. Snook_ A. B. Egolf______ H. C. Heckerman. C. A. Diehl.. H. I. Shoenthal Helen B. Hughes. L. S. Imler, Sec. P. N. Risser______ J. M. McIntyre ... J. H. Eshelman___ H. C. James. Sec... D. C. Reiley. Bank) Tr. Off, A. B. Egolf_____ J. P. Cuppett____ H. B. Cessna_____ J. A. Donahoe.. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and Li a bili Capital its Profits TIES Resources. Loam Bondi Ci» A SxMiscel cuMM,l>n and and Diaoount* Sceuritias laneous raoa Baku S 25.000 $ 28,000 $ 260,000 $ 220,000 $ 92,140 7,440 9.730 450.150 141.835 67,530 570,000 150.000 445,500 310.000 5,000 141,000 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr. Co., N.Y.;Union N.,Phil.: Mellon N„ Pitt. 65,510 985,910 50,000 732,220 204,370 87,080 25,380 232,980 249,560 14,940 127,800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th st. N. and 1st N.. Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 28,860 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Colonial Tr.Co., Pitt.: Lock Haven Tr. Co.. Lock Haven. 234,900 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 306.810 Chase N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Mellon N., Pitt. 209,130 Chase N„ N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 125,000 50,470 545.160 S 125.000 56,500 50,000 HARTLEY BANKING CO. 60-900 (J. M. Reynolds,.. Russell S. H. Sell) J. A. Wright_____ W. C. Allen .... ©‘Jf’72 Beech Creek...750 Beech Creek State Bank P. McD. Tibbins... 8. 8. Williams____ L. D. Brungard—. J. F. Wynn, Sec. .. 3 Clinton 113 $125-6% 60-1565 ©*5’21 ‘Bellefonte... 3996 Bellefonte Tr. Co._dB®T»S'04 J. L. Spangler........ J. H. Hunter A. C. Mingle____ N. E. Robb, E. S. Orr, 3 Center J13 $169-8% par 100 60-759 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. First National Bank d©T«i’62 CharlesM.McCurdy W. F. Reynolds___ J. K. Barnhart C. E. Robb_______ 60-757 Belle Vernon. 2342 First National Bank....©t’93 J. R. Ferguson ___ C. S. Lynn_______ B. F. Taylor__ S. C. Shull.............. 4 P Fayette 04 $312.50-16% 60-886 $340-20% par 100 Belleville_____415 3 Mifflin L13 Bellevue_____8874 4P Allegheny M3 Bellwood_____ 2629 3 Blair L10 VALLEY DEPOSIT & TR. CO. Samuel Jones_____ W. H. Lange_____ A.C.Jones,Sse.dfe Tr W. F. Jones, A.Tr. $315-20% 60-885 d®].J§'72 S. W. Murphy W. G. Wilson_____ A. C. Henderson. O. T. Mitchell_____ S. R. Swigart_____ Belleville National Bank $275-10% par 100 50-1054®«}1900 A. R. Hayes______ R. E. Brindle____ F. W. Steffey... Farmers National Bank O. M. Yoder............ $180-6% par 100 60-1055 d©*’12 Frank Cruikshank John Dewar____ Ralph Witherspoon, J. H. Alter, Bellevue Sav. & Trust Co. $142-8% ♦ 60-647 ®»+§’02 „ T W. J. Longmore Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Citizens National Bank — J- R- Longabaugh. A. D. Smith______ L. R. Meister_ c. F. Nettrour $125-7% par 100 60-648 flB®»t’07 C. C. Elste. V. P. E. E. Glass H. C. Kinsloe_____G. A. Jamison___ James W. Lowther, G. L. Bower, A. Tr. Bellwood Trust Co. $62.50-4% 60-896 d®T»t§’92 Sec, and Tr. par 35,000 180,000 134.330 1,290,270 125,000 308.400 2,106,880 50,000 125,000 25,000 50,000 125,000 104,200 990,130 179.460 1,468,280 7,000 1,021,870 100,000 1,222,340 54.000 969.000 220 1.071,640 236.400 118,430 926.630 184,500 20,200 300,000 201,980 77,850 469,190 25,000 379,670 156,880 12,440 69.400 315,450 52,700 305.000 241,640 2,343,840 98,000 17,700 23,190 1.197.130 1.080.770 152,870 $200-8 % par 100 60-897 d®»t’07 21,190 Chase N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phi). 70,840 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N„ Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 199.345 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Mellon N.. and Far. Dod. N„ Pitt. 48,050 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 66,850 Franklin 4th 8t. N., Phil. 302.890 Seab.N.. N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 100,000 67,810 1,566,740 156,030 879,110 799,250 35,660 125,000 33,470 576,250 220 193,960 424,570 76,220 40,190 Chase N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. Phil.: 1st N., Pitt. 25,000 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. • Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Send us your B ellwood Items. 44,800 411,060 20,000 137,640 287,720 23,050 52,460 Han. N., N.Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 47,860 489,760 32,500 289,120 232,640 45,400 27.950 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Merch. N.. Balt. 50,000 1,050,000 50 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. rFred Bland,Sr... W. F. Wagner____ H. W. Schalles ... Benders vllle... 369 Bendersville National Bank S. B. Gochnaur 3 Adams P15 $225-10% par 100 60-1080 • il'08 Benson........ .....365 (See Hollsopple) L. A. Warren_____ I. C. Bucher______ 25,000 176,560 Chem. N„ N. Y. 4P Somerset 07 Bentleyvllle.. 3679 4 P Washington 03 Benton_____ 6f * 3 Columbia 118 Berlin..............1563 4 P Somerset P7 Farmers & Miners Nat. Bk. Joseph A. Herron. $140-10% 60-943 ®«t’08 Columbia County Nat. Bk A. R. Pennington.. $250-10% 60-1081 ®«t’02 First National Bank__d®*{’01 Fred Groff_______ $500-15% par 100 60-997 W. F Richardson. Herbert Hertzog.. W. H. Alexander W. L. Yorks_____ T. Carl McHenry.. J. W. McHenry___ J. J. Mather C. F. Swope_____ G. A. Hoffman.. H. E. Landis___ PHILS0N NATIONAL BANK H. B. Philson____ S. B. Philson_____ 60-996 dB®<02 par 100 Bernvllle____ ..302 First National Bank. d®»t’07 H. K. Derr.............. $300-10% par 100 60-1082 3 Berks M20 Berwick........14,160 Berwick National Bank.«t'02 Charles C. Evans.. 3 Columbia J19 $200-10% 60-713 Berwick Sav. & Tr. Co,.«S’03 S. W. Dickson........ 60-714 First National Bank.. ®«t’64 M. J. Crispin_____ 22% 60-712 Berwyn...........1050 Berwyn National Bank.®»’88 Wm. H. Haines.__ 3 Chester P 22 60-1083 Bessemer. 2000 Bessemer Stafe Bk. d©»t§’20 A. Green.................. 4P Lawrence J1 $85-8% par 50 60-1560 Bethlehem. 62,828 ♦Bethlehem National Ban£ Adam Brinker____ 3Northampton L23 $300-12% 60-256 d®T»t’89 par 100 ♦Bethlehem Trust Company J. E. Mathews____ $225-10% 60-407 ©MS'06 Castiello’s Private Bank (PasqualeCastiello 69-408 d©t’25 $275-8% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100.000 100,000 550,000 450,000 100,000 550.000 40,000 250,000 200,000 115,000 50,000 234.650 1.171,860 50,010 296.190 1,082,800 18,910 Miss Anna Philson Robert Philson 60,000 131,510 729,700 59,140 187.320 34,340 109.190 618,380 J. R. Blanning ___ 150,000 O. F. Ferris_____ A. Q. Bittner, Tr.. A.H. Everett, A.Tr. Duval Dickson H. P. Field______ S. C. Jayne______ W. J. Hehl.............. C. G. Crispin Wm. H. Fritz.__ John C. Acker.... 125,000 200,000 112,780 964,130 35,080 612,300 J. P. McCabe... C. M, Richardson. L. C. Klopp_____ T. H. Doan______ B. D. Freas_____ 25,000 50,000 59.000 66,000 232.040 524.960 5.380 242,720 1 010,000 , 550,000 253,720 186.720 1.016.830 546,520 471.750 126.000 160,700 2.031,440 25,000 1,467,940 714,820 31,940 65.200 163.610 925,130 10,060 14,910 214,280 298.000 1,358,000 41,880 611,560 F. R. Kanengeiser. Chas. Weitz_____ V. I. Mandich.......... C. A. Stewart C. P. Hoffman........ Philip J. Byrne.. F. T, Beckel______ 397.960 13.000 300,000 617,320 7,256.020 353,050 3,135,910 4.230.560 498,570 A. W. Radley.. 210,000 327.260 1,661,910 144,280 1,194.030 829,650 149,590 5,000 127,350 ------------- ) J. W. Barrett, R. J. Hunter, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 50.000 100.000 1,420 134.090 31.410 80,680 200,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., 1st N., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 108,620 Han. N. and Gty.Tr. Co., N.Y.: Diamond N.. Bk. of Pitt N. A., and Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 147,130 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N., Pitt. 57,070 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.,N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Penn. N., Reading. 145,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 184,270 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Corn Ex N.. Phib-Girard N., and Tradesmens N.,Phil. 201,910 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N, Phil. 93,300 1st N„ Phil. 87,050 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., New Castle. 661,340 Chase N„ N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 170,170 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. Phil.; 1st N.. Bethlehem. 53,890 Banca Commerciale Italiana Tr. Co. N.Y. E. P. Wilbur Tr. Co.. Betblehem. ini a L41 i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State t Priv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Bethlehem _ 62,828 (Continued) President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Loans Paid-up Surplus Dspoa- Other and AND Liabili Capital Profits ITS Discounts ties Resources. Bonds and Securities Principal Correspondents. Cass k ExMiscel c*ARaas,Dui laneous from Banks R. P. Hutchinson.. Thos. F. Keim......... F. 1. Klinker_____ $ 300.000 J 750,000 $5 000 000 $ 298,080 $2 900 000 $2 659 633 $ 129,750 $ 651,000 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Corn Ex. J. M. Bodder N., Phil. 60-405 »:t’63 209,610 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. and Chase N.. N. Y.: 211,700 79,610 1,482,770 118,230 493,870 890,450 125,000 Mrs.RoziGosztonyi R.E, Gosztonyi-— C. A. Gosztonyi, Tr. Jos. G. Patocska, ♦Gosztonyi Savings & Tr. Co. A. Tr. Mkt. St. N. and Tradesmens N„ Phil. par 100 60-258 dfi®T«4§’^ ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK ♦Lehigh Valley Nat. Bank R. E. Wilbur_____ $210-10% 60-406 d©T»t'72 par 100 A. Heim_______ ♦E. P. WILBUR TRUST CO., F. $135-6% 60-255 dB©T»tS 70 W. A. Wilbur, Ch. of Bd. par 100 GUARANTY CO. OF N.Y.-T20 A. N. Cleaver-------- F. P. Snyder---------- G. J. Frantz, A, C. and Tr Off. G. R. Radford 400.000 483,600 3,636,090 867.970 2,799,850 1.728,200 425.160 434,450 1st N„ N.Y.: Phil.-Girard N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. E. F. Eberts............ D. C. Ryman, Sec. C. A. Bramwell.Jr., E. D. Mill, Title Off. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. H. Felker, W. J. Toohey, 660,000 226,530 5,787,440 203,980 3,334,120 2,112,830 631,340 799,660 Empire Tr., Chat. & Phenix N„ N. Y. Tr., and Guaranty Tr. Cos.,N.Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. A. Tr. Off. Tr. Off. {Investment Securti Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. Representative (303 E. P. Wilbur Tr.Co.Bldg.) Bethlehem Clearing Bouse T. F. Keim P. J. Byrne______ (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr. BlgiervUIe____ 539 3 Adams P15 Big Run...........1023 4P Jefferson J Biglerville Nat. Bank.©«t’05 C. L. Longsdorf... R. H. Lupp______ .T. TV Miller $235 60-1084 Citizens National Bank d»t’01 C. H. Irvin_______ J. M. McClure____ CV C. Bowers ______ *300-20% par 100 60-1085 G. W. Miller Blrdsboro.........3299 3 Berks N20 Black Lick.__ 1518 4P Indiana M6 Blaln__________ 310 3 Perry N14 50.000 75,180 573,740 60,900 536,520 125.580 33,240 35,000 76,250 506,110 35,000 168,540 386,480 5,310 176,100 1,089,610 First National Bank...®»t’88 Edward Brooke ... George Brooke___ H. L. March............. H. F. fleam 50,000 55.000 $372-20% 60-1086 E. R. DeLong. Sec. E. M. Bushnell .... C. J. Grater______ 1,340 Manufacturers & Mechanics H. S. Longwill____ 25,000 193,290 W. P. McCrea $75 Bank-,60-1087 ...®*t§'07 T, W fTerreh (Branch of Bank Bank of Blain.__________ t’Q4 teburg. 60-1088 556,950 691.890 30,390 91,480 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 134,540 28,990 22,470 33,630 Han. N.. N. Y.; Col.Tr. Co.. Pitt. Blairs Mills.__ 162 Tuscarora Bank______ -tt’88 60-1089 3 HuntingdonN12 $200-8% Blalrsville ____4391 Blalrsville National Bank 60-797 ®«t’93 4P Indiana M6 Blairsville Savings & Tr. Co. $2003% 60-1703 ®Tt§’25 par 100 First National Bank *260-14% 60-796 dB®T»t'65 par 100 » Bloom sburg .8500 3 Columbia J18 J. C. Robertson... J. A. Swan ...____ J. E. Robertson.__ D. E. McMinn____ 25,000 Thomas H. Long .. L. S. W. Ray_____ H. P. Rhoads_____ H. R. Baker E. E. Lewis F. M. Graff_______ L. S. W. Ray_____ D. W. Yealy, Tr. _. L. S. W. Ray, W. H. Sweet. J. M. Turner, J. M. Turner, A. Tr. 100,000 132,780 1,324,320 125,000 143,740 230,310 260 F. M. Graff............... L, S. W. Ray______ D. W. Yealy_____ 150,000 352,860 2,657,900 161,400 375.000 251.650 2.750.810 Ch. of Bd. Tr. Off. 42,380 248,760 urn. Pa) 55.050 7,930 333,150 1,140,870 35,130 267,080 1,380 1,346,470 1,261,540 404,110 310,030 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil. 1.557.150 1.202.220 276.830 352.270 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 222,270 98,100 211,380 1 J Z. SCHOCH........ F. W. MILLER............ WM. H. HIDLAY. Tr.. J. H.OEILY. -Sec.... FRINK W Mill FR. w C MPIMERCUnTT 1 P TPRU/II 1 IftER Tr. Officer 30,900 N.. Phil. 146,050 Han. N., N.Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 19,470 1st N. and Mellon N., Pitt. A. Tr. Off. R. W. Plowman BLOOMSBURG ( A. BANK-GOLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 64,470 Seab. N., N.Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Merch. N..Balt. 92,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. A. Tr. / A thoroughly or ganlzed collectio n department. A. Tr. / This bank ende avors to give pro mpt, faithful and intelligent atten tlon l, to all business r ecelved. SENDU S YOUR BLOOM SBURG ITEMS. ♦ 60-593 ©T»t§’99 Farmers National Bk. d®«t’91 $600-20% par 100 60-592 $400 FIRST NAT! BANK $225-8% par 100 60-591 d®*t’64 Biossburg.__ 2033 Miners National Bank 60-1090 T»t’8i 3 Tioga F15 $200-8% Blue Ball_____ 269 Blue Ball National Bank 3 Lancaster O 19 $255-10% par 100 60-1091 d®»t’0( Blue Ridge Sum First National Bank—©’2! mlt_________2500 $110 60-1629 3 Franklin Q14 Boiling Springs Boiling Springs State Bank 924 $60 par 50 60-1615 d®t§’2] Cumberland 015 dlvar________ 766 Bolivar National Bank 4P Westmoreland $240-12% 60-1092 dB®»t’0: N7 par 100 Citizens National Bank $125 60-1639 ®»t’2! L M. Milleisen . r < l Send 337,690 Han. N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Tradesmens’ N., Phil. M, Milleisen_____ S. L. Miller............. 60,000 306,700 2,124,420 59,200 1,982,530 230,100 GEORGE L. LOW.—. GEORGE L. LOW------ FRED HOLMES______ 100,000 160.000 1.207.000 108.000 715.000 630.000 86.300 143.700 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Us Tour Bloom sburg Items Di rect For Prompt Per sonal Attention F. B. Smith_______ •T. H. Filey___ 50,000 69,340 1,310,540 196 600 919,920 532,660 36,000 137,900 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Jacob Hartz............. M. H. Grube............. H. S. Shirk............... H. W, Oberholzer 50.000 139,480 884,830 51.000 512,200 479,170 20.020 H. C. Bridgers ___ J. H. Poole................. F. R. Martin---------- E. L. McClain......... 25,000 5,000 190.000 30,000 90,000 90,000 40,000 113,920 Chase N..N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N.. Phi). 25,000 1st N., Waynesboro. L. Floyd Hess____ D. E. Burr________ Clayton Strickler . C N. Gihhs L. H. Brehm 30,000 7,580 122,060 55,680 65.05C 19,350 19,560 1st N., Phil.; Secur. Tr. Co., Harrisburg. W. F. Gibson_____ G. Cunningham___ F. R. Hammond... 30,000 70,590 355 200 149,440 315,840 17,000 23,700 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. W. B. Hammond... C. W. Hammond — F. J. Sutton______ 50,000 20,000 318,000 168,000 169,000 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... 50 190 50,000 Mellon N.. Pitt. NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention 1215 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State tPriv. [Estab. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. Boswell______ 2168 First National Bank. d®«t’03 4P Somerset 07 1300-12% par 100 60-1093 “ . r . “ Peodes State Bank.d®»+§'14 par 100 60-1448 Bowmanstown 834 Citizens Bank_____ dB®»S’20 3 Carbon K21 {87 par 50 60-1533 Boyers.................400 4 P Butler I 4 Boyertown ..3189 Farmers National Bank 3 Berks N22 $400-12% 60-879 dB®T«J'83 par 100 ** National Bank of Boyertown $450-16% 60-878 dB®T»t’74 par 100 Brackenrldge. 4987 Merchants & Mechanics Bank 60-1410 d®»tS'll 4P Allegheny L4 $100-10% President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA —Continued ------------------ Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital Profits ITS R. W. Lohr_______ $ T. M. Murray Levan Ash_______ J. M. Wright.......... R. U. Bittner........... P. L. Ferrell C. S. Ickes F. J. Blose______ W. J. Koch_______ F. F. Serfas______ E. J. Boyer, Sec,... OlHER TIES Resources. Bonds MISCEI,- Cash k Ex Loans and Diicounta Securities LANEOU8 TBOM Bakkp Principal Correspondents. 30,000 $ 60.000 $ 613,910 $ 30,000 $ 380,140 $ 289,550 30,000 53,990 383,620 10,100 179,930 243,840 $ 25,000 29.000 313.120 20,940 143.000 202,000 125,000 264.670 1.507,100 125,000 1,083,640 672,920 92,860 172,360 Samuel C. Houck.. C. A. Y. Davidheiser W.B. Freed,Tr.Off. 200,000 554,110 2,049,740 103,960 1.354,510 1.316,850 45,560 190,890 ieab. N. andN. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. C. C. Henderson... J. F. Trees............... W. A. Hild............... F. W. Maurhoff... 100,000 $ 30,880 64,220 and 1st N. Pitt.: 1st N.. Phil. 23,060 JuarantyTr. Co., N.Y.: Bk. of ; Pitt. 43,000 (Sold to Grove City State Bank, Grove C ity, Pa.) J. H. Moyer______ D. D. Fisher_____ Allen R. Moyer ... C. K. Lefever D. R. Kohler........... H. G. Grofe Horace K. Boyer N., Phil. 79,820 983,910 13.000 170.070|Fidelity Tr.. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 170,070 461,610 par 50 Braddock... 21,739 Bessemer Trust Co.-®T»t5’05 J. G. Kelly.............. George A. Todd.... 4P Allegheny M4 $200-8% par 100 60-271 rJ. G. Kelly.......... George A. Todd... „ M BRADDOCK NAT'L BANK 82 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La 60-267 v.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo M M A. H. Wooldridge, T. C. Rankin, Sec.. 250.000 285,480 2,256,730 750,180 2,983,590 A. H. Wooldridge.. Geo. M. People.... R. E. Miller 500,000 957,070 13,488.970 150.000 3,787,420 9,471,860 250.000 389,240 3,531.730 69.310 .. CG.C. WATT_______ HARRYW. BENN......... E.C.STRIEBICH.Sm. P. C. BRIDGES. Tr... GEORGE NASH C. L. MASTERS.A.Sec. B. F. HUNTER, A. Tr. R. W. WILLIAMS, E.M.SHARAH, BRADDOCK TRUST G0.-®T* Mgr, R. E. Dept. $200-15% par loo 60-270 JS’01 ) A thoroughly o rganlzed collectlo n department. / Efficient servic e. Reasonable ra tes. Prompt Ser vice. LWE WANT YO I B BUSINESS .. FIRST NATIONAL BK.d®*; 82 George C. Watt... F. G. Bishoff_____ E. C. Striebich ___ B. P. Byrgerson... 16% 60-268 E. D. Rudolph. 100,000 483,260 3587 710 28,000 600,000 Tr. 340,560 26.640 Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N.! Phil. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation. 501,550 501,550 Gty. Tr.. N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt I Slate Bank of Braddock 1,707,970 1,747,790 362,130 381,080 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 578,140 6,087,830 284,340 5,069,230 1,485,770 44,420 950,880 1st N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Mellon N.,Pitt. 567.770 164.010 2.963.210 169,230 515,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Seab. N.. N. Y.; Market St. N.. Phil.; Bk. 549,770 of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 217.380 146.460 45.410 Auditor (Merged with Bradd ock Trust Co.) Bradford ... 15,796 BRADFORD NAT’L BANK-*'t 79 H. J. HAGGERTY......... M. J. LOWE................ H. W. LOVELAND — J. A. RILEY—........... T. H. KENNEDY. 3 . McKean E9 A. j. HAGGERTY H. W. LOVELAND 60-366 Ch. of Bd. “ ...... “ •• 191,600 Inion Tr. Co.. Pitt.: Braddock N.. Braddock. 351,160 1,485,600 _____ “ W. H. Powers......... R. L. Mason_____ COMMERCIAL NATIONAL T. C. Kearns BANK-—80-368...®T.r90 F. R. Parmenter.. E. W. Calkins......... 300.000 203,120 3.540,920 132,520 •• E. E. Lindemuth... A. M. Whitney — George H.Mills,Tr. W. E. Burdick, McKean County Trust Co. C. L. Melvin, Sec. Tr. Off. $200-14% 60-367 ®T»t§’80 Lewis Emery. V. P. R. W. Evans 200,000 240,830 3.221,450 19,940 « 2.929,080 Producers State BankB®»§’26 Jas. G. Paul______ J. C. Looker_____ J.M. Brooder____ F.M. Johnston.F.P F. P. Isherwood 75,000 10.370 472,010 A. G. Kaufmann... J. A. Werner_____ J. H. Tritschler... F. Y. Mecklem___ Brentwood State Bank W. G. Roth $75 par 50 60-1636 d®»T§’23 50,000 22,650 711,200 8,560 477,450 170,650 10,000 Joseph A. Ranck.. Michael V. Hanlon. Frank A. Logan, W. K. Lederach... ♦Bridgeport Nat. Bank V. P. and Cash. U75-8%porl00 60-1094 d®»t'06 (Member of Norristown Clear ing House indicated by a *) 75,000 124.810 1.499,860 84,180 753.630 875,580 33.040 121.600 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. Brldgevllle.__ 3092 BRIDGEVILLE TRUST CO. Geo. P. Murray.... S. C. McGarvey ... C. C. Erhard, Philip Green, 4P Allegheny N 2 8% par 100 60-929 dB®»7§’02 F. B. Ollett Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. G. Murray, 125.000 215,290 2,034.970 1,417,870 569,290 175,000 213,150 N.Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Col. Tr. Co.. Pitt. J. H. LUTZ_______ T. A. WARENSFORD- ling ^ra^ts," Cash 50,000 J Special attentlo n given Bill of La and Time Items. ®*t'03 1 Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. (Prompt Service. TBY US. 114,850 1.162,460 90,000 541.230 684,800 66,470 124.810 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 287,500 1,368,000 584,000 34,000 154.000 N. City. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 125.000 «10 par 100 60-369 Brentwood ...1695 (Pittsburgh P. O.) 4 P Allegheny M4 Bridgeport.. .4680 3Montgomery022 148.120 Cent. Un. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; Un. Tr. Co. and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Far. 134,300 Dep. N.. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. A. Sec. and A. Tr. " ___ __ M FIRST NATIONAL BANK $150-10% 60-930 Bristol_____ 12.849 Bristol Trust Co. ..d®T«t|’07 $111-10% par 50 60-502 3 Bucks 025 '* . “ FarmersNat. Bk.of Bucks Co. $70-24% par 15 60-501 d®*tl814 Brockway .... 2369 Citizens Banking & Trust Co. 4P Jefferson H8 $185-5%parioo 60-1556 ®T*t§’20 ** “ First National Rk $315-12% par 100 60-1095 Clifford L. Ander- H. H. Headley......... L. D. Thorne. Tr. . H. H. H. Poole. H. I. James,Tr. Off. A. Tr. son Joseph R. Grundy. A. B. Shoemaker .. Thomas Scott____ W. H. H. Fine......... 125,000 365,000 1.362,500 92,220 747,610 2,293,100 B. E. Taylor______ C. O. Chittester... J.D. MacLauchlan, David L. Holt. 125,000 A R nhanin Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. G. H. Humphreys. Loretta G. Romeo. E. M. Oldknow___ 35.000 107.300 266,420 1st N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 692,640 2.173,870 735,700 25,000 542.700 235,000 90,300 98,500 1,275.000 20,000 445,000 765.000 68,500 and 1st N.. Pitt. 150.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1216 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County »Mem. A.B. A. "New §State t Priv. ^County Seats, [Mem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -B ond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lit' dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. | RESOURCES. Liabilities. Other Loans Bonda Oau A ExPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel ch AND and and atrass, Dui iabili Capital Profits its i Diacoun ta Securities laneous rmoM Baku ties $2 926 930 $ 906.030 $ 164.490 $ 412.170 N. City. N. Y.: Far. Dep. N.,lst N„ and Mellon N„ Pitt. F. B. Jones. Tr,... $ 125,000 $ 379,270 $3 905340 iBroolcvlUe ...3272 Brookville Title & Trust Co. J. E. Geist______ G. C. Reitz---------- C. T. Benscoter, Sec. F. P. Verstine, A. Tr. ♦P Jefferson 17 *350-20% 60-846 d©T»il'03 par 100 Brownstown .1489 3 Lancaster N7 Brownsville ..2502 4P Fayette P4 Bruin____ ____ 720 4P Butler J 4 Bryn Mawr...3056 3 Montgomery P23 Jefferson Co. National Bank *250-i6%parioo60-844dB©T »J'78 National Bk.of Brookville 60-845 *$'83 Brownstown National Bank. *176-6% par 100 60-1096 d®»i’08 Brownsville Trust Co. *75 par 50 60-1542 d®Tt§'20 Monongahela Nat. Bank *125-20% 60-889 d®»tl812 National Deposit Bank®»t’73 100% 60-880 Second National Bank®T»t’82 *190-10% 60-891 First National Bank—®»i’07 6% 60-1097 Bryn Mawr National Bank *400-12% par 100 60-847 d®t’87 Bryn Mawr Trust Co. *167-12% 60-848 ®T«t5’89 J. B. Henderson . W. H. Gray______ L. B. Shannon------ W. A. Kelly_______ 125.000 143,040 1,143,990 624,360 567,790 110.250 Charles Corbet__ A. D. Deemer------ L. V. Deemer_____ C. K. Hawthorne.. 100,000 135,000 541,790 456,840 201,490 25,000 25,000 60,370 317,560 242,770 152,340 10,720 158,130 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.,Phi!.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N„ Pitt. 193,450 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 4th 8t. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. 33.410 Seab. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 529,090 123,540 118,060 101,220 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 562,830 4,954,930 216,240 3,267,710 1,110,980 689,150 50.000 1.104,510 6,540,680 3.597,180 2,887,470 483,430 775,150 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Ex. N„ and Mellon N.. Pitt. 777,110 Chase N.. N. Y.: Mellon N.. 1st N.. and Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 489,240 1st N., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. A. Y. Walter____ S. H. Wolf.............. D. C. Boyer______ D. K. Orr............... J. H. Sherrard .... F. B. Theakston C. L. Snowdon___ W. A. Ed mis ton__ Geo. H. Snowdon S. E. Taylor_____ G. J. Edel................ H. F. Taylor Earl Huston....__ N. A. Porter_____ W. S. Conwell, H. N. Keibler, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. T. A. Waggoner... 125.000 100.000 H. F. Taylor_____ G. D. Grimes_____ I. E. Moyer. Aud. L. B. Bulger____ 125,000 J. C. Twaddle___ P. G. Turner______ J. N. Long_______ W. Steckman........ S. R. Walker J. W. Mat lack....... Wm. H. Ramsey... Warren R. Jaquett N. L. Irwin............. 25,000 61,940 148.190 1,561,480 98,390 1,443,810 181,000 32,500 130,450 11.640 224.750 2,034,140 Jesse H. Hall, P. A. Hart............... Wm. H. Ramsey .. J. S. Garrigues, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 250,000 795.540 3,627,700 C. P. Porter 60-1718 John M. Scott........ Lee R. McKinney. Washington Nat'l Bank Jas. B. Taylor___ D. J. Coulter. *225-12% par 100 60-1007 ®»r03 W. B. Culley Ira C. Mayes ____ Burnham____ 2765 First National Bank.d®*i’19 Dyson Fisher___ L. G. Yost. *135 par 100 60-1495 G. H. Lewis 3 Mifflin M13 J. H. Patchin____ W. C. Browne____ B. F. Sterling........ John Casto______ Burnside_____ 480 Burnside National Bank 60-1572 (g)»t’21 J. B. Stauffer 3 Clearfield L8 *130-4% 50.000 Burgettstownl990 Peoples National Bk..dB®'26 T. B. Brown,Sr,... W. F. ScottWash. Ml4 »Butler_____ 25,230 4P Butler K 4 36,300 684,980 50.000 4P J. V. Ritts______ 60-241 d®»t'90 J. Y. Ritts--------♦Butler County Trust Co. 60-245 Ttl’14 *400-22% par 100 WM. B. PURVIS-. OTsc«m *265-13% par 100 W. A. Ashbaugh... E. W. Humphrey J. H. Stewart C. E. Cummings, Tr. Off. _ _ _ IE WORRALL — L.B.STEIN.Sec. cfcTr. I. S. CAMPBELL. JR. H. S. ADAMS. Tr. Off. ‘.F.HEROLD. Auditor C. E. CRONENWETT. G. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 0-239 dB®T»:i’68 Farmers National Bank . T. P. Mifflin_____ John G. McMarlin, V. P. and Cash. W. G. McCandless Elias Ritts W. C. McCandless. R. H. McClester, Sec. and Tr. J. J. Schultis C. LOWRY, A. watt Sec. VINCENT DE MATTEIS. 50,000 25.600 209,510 60,680 82.580 12,520 159,690 50.000 15.730 177,890 300,000 1,056,000 8,960,000 250.000 240,000 500,000 813,530 3,647,120 11,000 97,200 930,170 169,600 2,307,670 25.000 84,600 824,970 1,133,180 87,280 3,159,890 *155 par 100 SUTLER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents . 36.290 24,090 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 253,570 Equit.Tr.Co.,N.Y.:Franklin4th St.N.,Phil.Girard N„ and Brown Bros. & Co.. Phil. 460,750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bryn Mawr N., Bryn Mawr. 34.220 Han, N. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Colonial Tr. Co.. Pitt. 361,230 Han. N„ N.Y.; Mellon N.and 1st N„Pitt. 22,060 41.300 985,170 1,149,110 82,000 118,170 42,880 41,590 30,870 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard. N„ Phil. 127,520 125.940 10,830 41,800 Chase N„ N. Y.; Diamond N„ Pitt. 400,000 7,550,000 1,294,000 452,000 1,420,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 119,040 3,575,450 356,700 647.340 500,190 1st N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Mellon N.,and Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pttt. 3.346.670 1.901.450 467,700 561,030 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 52,660 34,900 90,180 N.City.N.Y.; Mellon N.and Bk.of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 258,320 17,120 82,660 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 729,680 1,308,660 87,630 298,510 Chase No N. Y.; Mellon N. and Ex. N.. Pitt. 167,360 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N„ Union N., and Diamond N., Pitt. 113,110 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. Sec. Mgr. For. Dept. ' Collections ha ▼e the personal attention of an o fflceT of this ban k; we remit on day of payment* send ns your bn sine as. (Taken over by the B utler County Nation al Bank) ♦Guaranty Trust Co. A. B. Reiber_____ W. G. Donthett.__ L. G. Nicol. Tr___ F.R. Hildebrand,5. 500.000 1,040.220 4,334,310 1265-15% ♦ 60-243 dB©T»t*’01 J. N. Riddle, A. T. Roy Campbell, A. Sec. G. C. Stewart,F. P. Daniel Younkins par 100 Merchants National Bank___ (Consolidated with B utler Savings & Tru 8t Co.) ♦South Side National Bank F. E. Troutman__ Geo. Worrall_____ D. B. Douthett ___ R. C. Milsom. *140-6% par 100 60-246dB®*I'20 W. H. Larkin, Jr. Butler Clearing House______ L. G. Nicol______ J. G. McMarlin.__ L. S. Hoon, Jr. Sec. (Members indicated by a *) Cairnbrook___567 First National Bank .®»:T15 j. m. Waener 4P Somerset 08 *250-20% 60-1454 California___ 2480 First National Bank ..®»3’91 Wm, H. Binns. *365-20% 60-902 4P Wash. 03 PEOPLES BANK & TR. CO. G. B. Frantz.. *i50-6%parl00 60-903 ®T»t§1900 Cambridge Sprgg First National Bank d®»t’02 D. E. Kelly.__ 60-974 4P Craw’d E8 1663 *200-8% Springs National Bank®»t'09 J. A. Logan... *100-8% par 100 60-975 CampbeUtown 350 Campbelltown Bankd®«t§’19 H. K. Kreider 3 Lebanon N18 *65-2% par 50 60-1512 Archibald Miller. Ghas. O. Ringler. 100,000 50,440 384,320 357,010 ..... 25,000 40,870 510,390 246,310 A. C. Piper______ Wm. S. Nicodemus R. M. Cole.. 100,000 E. M. Lilley_____ John R. Gregg ___ W. S. Hall_______ 125,000 92,520 1.121,640 170 600,030 532,100 39,840 H. W. Canfield.— N. H. Bertram------ D. L. Mathews ___ W. A. Baird R. A. Birchard T. C. Morgan------ J. C. Allee_______ B. A. Boylan t____ R. C. Rider J. M. Brandt_____ W. P. Horst--------- 75,000 95.960 1,005,510 93,220 911.380 212,390 32,800 50,000 77,570 921,060 50,000 423,420 539,770 36,010 99,430 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 50.000 21,610 132,260 15.490 108,060 24,930 55,020 31,340 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 271,020 2,003,460 50,000 1 ■ THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1217 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and coonty. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State tPrir tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bnnd d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. Camp Hill ....1636 Camp Hill National Bank 3 CumberlandN16 S120 par 100 60-1641 Canonsburg 13,488 ____ .. 2154 3 Bradford F16 •• .. 60-775 d®T«t'91 60-961 M _ " #< ___ _ *' 90,000 1,958,840 1,192,130 t 181,000 202,390 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. a. McConnell_ _ ^W. MUNNELL...... C. H. JACOBS......... (l£MH2a j.established Ban J. W. McNUTT < Special collect! on faculties. Pro mpt, personal pr esentatton. ) Quick returns. Send your Items direct to ns for r esults. 200,000 358,100 3,382,510 74.500 1,836,630 1.462,740 491,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bk. of Pitt. N. A. andMonongahela N.,Pitt. Irwin Whitehead.. 29,010 500,330 86,700 349,710 218,550 39,990 57.790 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 60,550 881,310 99,000 807,410 162,700 74,800 95.950 N. City. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 100,000 967,250 2.211,540 2,716,860 121,890 110,000 567,910 3,910,310 39,000 807,340 3,347,540 60,000 100,000 149,170 1.116,950 426,420 731,670 725,160 166,070 169,630 Scab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Scranton;Trades mens N., Phil. 100.000 146,460 1.723,460 — 1,090,580 617,530 112,660 149,140 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Scranton. J. P. McKeehan... George McMillan.. W. H. Goodyear 150,000 377,390 1,773,160 9,640 1.255,940 718,900 117,190 218,160 Bk.of America, N.Y.;Phil.-Girard N„ Cent. N.,and Corn Ex. N., Phil. Merkel Landis____ L. C. Lesher______ E. E. Sellers, Tr... M. R. Whitcomb. H. F. Rinesmith A. Tr. 200,000 300,000 2,300,000 97.930 2,000,000 579.830 58.850 352,420 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 225.000 451,590 2,007,360 20,020 2,119,070 178,760 98,210 307,920 Chem. N.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N..Phil.; Citiz. N.. Balt.; Un. Tr. Co.. Pitt. Charles E. Bullock F. C. Griswold ® »t’81 60-317 dB® ‘A'71 I.HEALEY ) Special attentl on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas MARION h and Time Item s. First National Bank $530-20% 60-316 R. A. Jadwin.. Frank G. Winter.. N.M. Townsend... R. D. Stuart A. p. Wells Liberty Discount & 8av. Bk Harry Wright_____ A. J. Casey_______ D. $135-10% par 50 60-319 d®»tl’03 60-470 & Tr. Co. ®T‘t»’46 CARLISLE TRUST 00. $163-12% J. Conanghton.. ♦60-473 ©T‘tJ'05 Abram Bosler. «• Walter Stuart_____ S. M. Goodyear-__ H. E. Sheaffer, FARMERS TRUST 00. $225-12% 60-472 d®T‘tl’02 Sec. and Tr. par 50 Carmichaels 481 First National Bank .d©*i’0I L. T. Laidley............ J. N. Scott............. Richard L. Baily__ $340-16% par 100 60-1098 4P Greene P3 J. F. Briner, A. Sec. and A. Tr. F. G. Huston.. F. M. Baily 50,000 138,000 4P Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. oT Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. « A. W. SGHREIBER 200,000 431,610 3,315.280 ®‘I'02 \ Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and time items. 1 Please send 15c witb each sight d raft for presentat ion and 25c for credit reports. (.Send us your C arnegie Business. 60-478 Union National Bk. d®«t’26 F. O. Reed............. I. B. Reed_______ $125 par 100 60-1709 Carrlck..........12.989 Carrick Bank (Mt. Oliver P. 0.) $100-12% 60-1429 100.000 ©t*’13 Wm. R. McShane.. Geo. L. Gearing__ 4P Allegheny M3 Carrolltown ..1369 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3 Cambria L9 60-1099 ©»t’01 C. A. Sharbaugh__ A. B. Clark.. H. J. Vetter______ .... F. J. Brophy_____ C. C. Adams____ Cassandra____467 First National Bank. d®t’20 B. Hendler.............. A. M. Leap............... S. D. Miller............ 3 Cambria M9 $70 par 60 60-1578 T. W. Bender Castle Sbannon First National Bank...®»t’08 A. D. Robb.............. S. V. Barton.......... A. D. Robb. Jr........ 60-1100 4PAllegh’yN3 2353 $200-10% Henry Meuschke Catasauqna ..4714 LehighNational Bfc._d®»t'06 r. C. Beitel.............. R. M. Wint.............. J.S. Matchette.. $210-8% par 100 60-727 3 Lehigh L22 Chas. W. Schneller M ___ M CiiOKJ Cii LtJVJ CARNEGIE NATIONAL BANK Allegheny M3 $260-14% NAT’L BK. OF CATASAUQUA $72.50-12% 60-726 ©T»r57 U. V. SWARTZ_____ LEONARD PECKITT- RALPH C. BOYER — ‘ 412,330 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 750,000 TGEORGE FAUNCE-- Carnegie.... 12.369 482,600 Guaranty Tr. Co.. 1st N..andN. Y. Tr.Co., N. Y. 1 Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for preservation. ASend us your C arbondale bustne ss. ‘Carlisle .__ 11.438 Carlisle Dep. Bk. M 224,590 50,000 rJAMES H. PAUL. GEORGE H. PAUL- C. E. 0LVER....... Cumberland 015 $165-12% 31.000 460,160 2,859,200 % Pioneer Dime Bank J. F. Wheeler____ B. A. Kelly______ W.G. Biocksidge.. Mary B. Kelly____ $125-10% 60-318 dB®*tl'03 N. H. Hiller 3 J 125-000 ®»t'09 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $iooo-8o% par 50 14.880 {.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report 8, Carbondale.19,545 Lackawanna F22 S 154.nO(VS 10,000 $ 190,000 EDW.R. SMITH, A. Sec. andA.Tr. B. R. WILLIAMS, Sec. and Tr. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK C. F. Biddle.......... 60-960 3 A. STRAUB...... J. T. McNARY -...... E. Q. JOHNSON, 50,006 $ $ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel- Gas* k BxLoans l and LANJiiOUs Diicounta Securities nou Banks 60-776 dB ®T»«’01 j Do a general B anklng and Exc hange business. A. Sec. and A. Tr. >. Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $115-6% Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other and ITS Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. L. H. Wible............ G. R. Bentley........ R. B. Thompson... H. $227-8% par 100 Canton.. Cashier. Vice-President. CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY 4P Washington N2 Moo-i4% par 100 .. ®t’23 President. PENNSYL V A NIA —Continued 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., 1st N.. and Mellon N.. Pitt. OOtlluU 50,000 133,430 1,812,490 50.000 217,380 731,390 48,900 50,000 15,500 219,200 49,220 25,000 51.530 1.130,690 125,000 212,640 1.278,130 400,000 553,500 3.067,180 IwiUUU Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 189,600 1.473,750 488,320 60,320 163.120 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N„ 1st N., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 599.530 283,710 33,130 95,700 184,040 29,950 131,290 Han. N„ N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Corn Ex. N.. and 1st N„ Phil.; 1st and Mellon N„ Pitt. 24,240 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. 588,300 495,760 18,550 125,3801 N. Park. N. Y.: Colonial Tr. Co.. Pitt. 390.400 1,063.900 44.300 150,980 150.980 N. Park. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 136,870 1,002,740 2.542,050 144.920 33.800 467,830 Girard N. and Penn. N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1218 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dis. P is Pittsburgh Br. *Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Catawlssa___ 2025 Catawlssa National Bank C. J. Fisher--------- Ambrose Shuman.. 60-941 ®*t’04 3 Columbia J18 1275-12% First National Bank__ ®»t'01 J. T. Fox.................. Luther Eyer--------$210 60-940 Cecil________ 1000 First National Bank...®»t’03 Adam Wagner------ Q. S. Kocher............ Washington N2 $140-8% 60-1101 ntral City..1051 Central City National Bank John Lochrie--------B. L. Simpson.......... 4P Somerset 08 8% par 100 60-1580 d®#t'21 Centralia___ 2356 First National Bank___ dt'09 M. J. McDonnell.. H. J. Heffner-------3 Columbia K18 $500-10% par 100 60-1103 S Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. rJ. A. STRITE- - - - CHAMBERSBURG TRUST CO. J.C.GERBI6i£.J>. Special atfentlo n 60-429 ®T*tS'01 FARMERS & MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY $270-10% par 50 60-430dB®Tt5’06 EB- 75,000 % 85.39J * 766,630 542.660 £ 299.610 50,000 60.000 440,000 500,000 ________ John F. Wagner .. 25,000 34.150 451,090 $ 25.000 286,930 176.830 J. M. Miller______ 50,000 42,570 562.750 50.000 185,070 396.010 36.800 J. S. Creamer_____ E. S. Owens. 25,000 103,530 635,470 39,600 231.600 487.400 24,390 25,000 12,860 210,000 32,390 175.9 50,170 34,360 F.JL ZIMMERMAN. W. R. APPENZELLAR. B. H. MILLER. T. Z. MINEHART. Tr. Officer L. 0. HOVIS, A. Tr. ^W. K. SHARPE---- JOHN A. DIEHL— WM. S. HOERNER. Sec. and Tr. F. P. and. Solicitor H. W. HARPER. Mgr. rC. 0. WOOD......... WALTER K. SHARPE G. A. W. ST0UFFER- C.P. MILLER. Tr.Off. JAS. G. BIETSCH. | GEO. H. STEWART. Ch. 5,290 50,000 225,000 87,450 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; ! 1st N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 60,220 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 19,760 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. _____ 1st N.. Phil. 50,000 225,000 50.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin ith St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 56,690 Han. N.. N. Y.; Diamond N„ Pitt. 210,080 131.420 66,580 28,310 1,689,510 529,660 200.000 242,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Corn Ex. N.. and 1st N.. Phil. 2.304.960 771.560 43.700 342.200 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.s Trades— mans N., Market St. N., and Frank lin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 155.000 1.637,88 0 946,330 79,850 219,420 Han. N. and N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., PhU. 98,700 2,980,110 615,200 85.000 325.240 1st N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 109.650, 3.511.320 1,034.810 278.240 274.260 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N„ Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt.: 1st N.. Phil. 212,210 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. and Ex. N.. Pitt. 4.050 420,100 2.016.220 336.300 2.901.030 Officer 43.120 1st N.. Phil. 200,000 342,720 2,185,760 C. E. FOGELSANGER 350,000 419,070 3,137,780 Special attentlo n given BUi of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ©Tt'00 I Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts. ^Send us your C hambersburg Ite ms. 200,000 742.050 4.046.920 125,000 E. W. HASTINGS, Sec. and Tr. Sec. Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. | Please send 15c w ith each sight dra ft for presentatio n and 50c for Cred it Repor ..Prompt, efflele nt service. 225,630 1.492,520 31,570 1.252,010 340,610 69.890 454,570 3,165.600 159,300 2.284,640 806,220 289.630 20% 1.1 Mr- Tr. Officer ' rb‘e®e S. BATEMAN . iMUZ • $220-12% par 100 80-494 FIRST 14.800 A, Tr. Off. Charleroi... 12.592 BANK OF CHARLEROI & TR. K. W. DALY- - - - - - - - W. I. BERRYMAN4P Washington 03 C0MPAMY ~60-49S-®T«tt,iW W. W. JIMESON --- $ 84.750 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. I Prompt service. We get results, Real Estate Dept. I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Ored it Repor ts. rGE0.H. STEWART. Jr. C. PRICE SPEER FRED.I.REED . VALLEY NATIONAL BANK " Principal Correspondents. , “THE OLD NA TIONAL” I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Item >.Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repo rts. $225-12% par 50 60-4 2 7 60-428 $ Tr. Officer V.P., Sec. and Tr. given BUI ofL adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item 8. Please send lac with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repo rts. .A Bank of Stren gth and Charaet er. NATIONAL BANK OF CHAM >W. C. BAMBRICK. Asst, to Pres. BERSBURG ...-dB®T*tl800 . 1 $296-10% Resources. Loana I Bonda a, Cash 4 El Paid-up Su™ Depos Other and and LANFOTIS CHANr,E"’IJuli Liabili its Capital pBOFITS Discoun ts Securities 1R0M Banks ties W. M. Vastine .... C. S. Shuman.......... R. J. Eistler. Centre Hall.__ 525 First National Bk..d®»J'22 Daniel Daup-------- F. E. Wieland.......... H. L. Ebrlght____ D. S. Daup_______ . 3 Center £13 $160 par 150 60-1610 Penn sValley Bkg.Co—*f73 W. F. Bradford-------------------------------- D. K. Keller--------- C. D. Bartholomew 60-1102 J- M. Hartzel--------R. M. Hartzel.......... F. Cyrus Twining Cbalfont_____ 317 Chalfont National Bank 3 Bucks N23 $noporioo 60-1685 d®*'24 ‘Chambersburg 13.947 $152-12% 3 Franklin P12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc. see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued NATIONAL BANK ft aVa®*''.'P. GEO .S. MIGHT- - - - - - R.H. RUSH............ I. H. STEPHENS— D. M. McCLOSKEY $500-20%i par 100 60-492 ®»t’#l ) Prompt attentl on given Collect! ons GEO. H. HOTT 50,000 448,980 Chase N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. \ SEND US YOU YC R ITEMS Cheltenham..2800 Cheltenham National Bank F. R. Taylor. 3 Montgomery 024 $127 par 100 60-1670 d®«t’24 Ernest Rieben........ J. H. Brownlee... H. S. Ashworth—. 50,000 17,540 425,090 78,070 273,660 199,990 37.810 Cherry Tree...555 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. D. Ake___ 4PIndianaL8 $128-3% 60-1628 d®«t§’23 R. J. Pratzeller__ H. C. Hanna______ F. L.Zeigler____ R. M. McCormick 100.000 23,470 417,280 1,150 356,290 139,810 5,770 150,000 1.919,630 164,710 1.064,930 777,290 265,350 par 100 59.240 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Penn. N., Phil. 40,020 Un. Tr. Co.. Pitt.: Girard Tr. Co., Phil. '■ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $30O-is% par 100 60-1104 f' FINS™AIT--- B. W.KINPORTS— B. W. HAWES T. W.MUNROE- - - - - - J. S. MENOSKY 100,000 d®»t’03 ) Send us your It ems on CHERRY TREE and vlcinit Please send ISc in advance for pi ain sight drafts and 25c for credi t repor ts and g et prom pt servi 226,780 Chat. Phenix N. and Seab. N„ N. Y.; Diamond N. Pitt.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 O 1 Q t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. '"New §State fPriv. Liabilities. County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dis. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Chester__*_ 68.507 3 Delaware Q23 ‘CAMBRIDGE TRUST CO. ................... 1300-8% * .......................... 60-182 d®T»tS’01 par 100 President. 50-180 par 100 Ass’t Cashier. JOHN L. BLACK_ _ _ _ C. P. WEBSTER— J. B. HANNUM. JR.— G. H. EFFING_ _ _ _ T. M. HAMILTON 15.910 $ 679.390 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St, N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 701.360 3.627.160 695.600 3.268.100 1.363.980 101.970 590.070 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. UNEP 650,000 1.201.060 5.290.400 1.250.000 5.105,720 2.200.000 320.500 766.150 N.City.N.Y.; 1st N., Phil. )Send us y our Chester Items direct [for prompt, personal at tention. 500.000 1.454,560 6,114,830 Mr F. A. HOWARD...... JAMES C. BAKER— JAMES C. BAKER— 200,000 Organized 1863. We are old In y ears but modern In faculties, Special attentl on to Bill of Ladl ng Drafts. Cash and Time CoUect Ions. Send us your C hester Items. ‘FIRST NATIONAL RANIT 323.040 2.917.950 3,602,850 4.442,680 89,700 222.000 1.812.250 1.300.200 451.520 591,990 526,150 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 99.910 N. City, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. UHIIIV d®T»t’63 (Office at 1806 W. 3d St.) 60-179 ( “ 9th <fc Mart on Sts.) ).................. Italian Bank.................d®t’18 (Frank E. DeFuria 60-185 ‘Merchants Trust Company C. P. Webster i......... J. B. Hannum, Jr,. G. H. Effing. M. E. Reeve. $64-2% 60-184 T*tS’19 M. E. Reeve, V. P., Sec, and Tr. Tr.-Title Officer ♦Pennsylvania Nat. Bank J. C. Taylor_____ E. C. Burton_____ J. V. Wingert_____ F. G. Andrews ___ 60-183 ©T»t’03 D. B. McClure F. W. McClure Chester Clearing House___ D. R. Faith.. G. H. Effing. (Member* indicated by a ♦) Chlcora_____1159 Millerstown Deposit Bk.»tf’87 H. J. Myers______ 4P Butler J4 60-1105 Mgr. 11,910 27,310 150.000 30,680 650 250.000 3.509.000 14,630 6,030 1.670 98.000 36,920 5,650 Banca Com’l Italiana Tr. Co., N. Y.; Banca Com’lltaliana. Genoa. Del. County N., Chester. 500.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 2.250,000 1.150.000 G. J. Myers_______ E. D, Myers______ Clairton.__14,869 First National Bank d®«t’03 Edwin Latchem... Joseph Arkwright. O. H. Neilson 4P Allegheny N4 12% par 100 60-1896 Union Trust Co........®»J|’02 H. J. Davis______ J. Will Taylor.. 12% 60-1107 20.000 125,000 Jas. C. Baker, Sec.. Christiana.... 985 Christiana National Bank M. B. Kent_______ C, G. Barr................. T. B. Harry.. 60-1106 ®»t’03 3 Lancaster 020 $202-8% Clarendon......928 4P Warren F7 Principal Correspondents. k Cash ExCHAX0BS,DC1 from Basks dB®»t’83 ♦Delaware County Tr. Co. J. A. G. Campbell John C. Hinkson.. R. E. Jefferis, W. K. Foley,A.Sec. 60-181 d®T*J§’85 See. and Tr. E. A. Mergy, A. Tr par 50 par 100 $ 500.000 $ 997.540 $6343 570 $ 525.280 $4879930 $2 791 170 $ 300,000 $255-16% $215-10% Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-dp Surplus Depos Other Miscel and AND and Liabili Capital its Discount! Securities laneous Profits ties Prompt att ention given to collection S. 60-178 dB®T«tl814 par 100 Cashier. Title and Tr, Off. RICHARD WETHER! LL- - - - - - - - J. F. BLACK, Ch. ’DELAWARE CO. NATIONAL BANK $310-12% Vice President. D. R. Faith_______ I. D. Wood---------- W. N. Truax. G.R.Crothers, Richard Wetherill Sec. and A, Tr, Tr. and A. W. S. Blakeley,Jr., G. S. Pierce. 'CHESTER NATIONAL BANK $226-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNS YLV ANIA—Continued N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt. 60,000 W. F. Dickson.. J. Will Taylor, Tr. J. R. Taylor, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 90,010 473.860 293,050 322,000 63,830 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 50.000 179,370 1.275,910 25,000 457,990 867,960 21,250 183,350 Han. N., N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 125,000 215.490 1.860,580 31,770 1.899.760 147.620 29.210 156,250 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 145.710 109.030 18,700 52.850 Clarendon State Bk._®*JS’l9 A. W. Goal............... S. G. Perry______ E. S. Kennedy____ J. M. Croasmun.... 60-1502 R. A. Simpson 50,000 ‘Clarion_____ 2793 Citizens Trust Co. d®T*i|’04 Thos. M. Arnold... C. W. Amsier___ H. M. Hufnagel.TY. C. C. Moore, A. Tr. $310-22% par 100 60-865 4P Clarion 16 135.000 303,320 2.241,480 1.934,490 462,720 29,160 253,430 First National Bank..®»t’65 S. W. Wilson_____ M. M. Kaufman.... A. B. Collner_____ H. F. Strattan____ 60-863 100.000 297.980 1,686.960 1,307,520 593,000 5.200 179.220 Abington National Bank W. N. Butts______ N. A. Wallace___ E. D. Morse_______ A. C. Stevens_____ 3 Lackaw’aG211404 $200-8% 60-1430 ©•flS 50,000 62,970 804,950 61.400 542,670 276,850 40.490 119.300 m. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex i Claysburg ___ 617 First National Bank _.©»fl2 Chas. O. Johnston. Z. T. Lingenfelter. D. E. Brumbaugh.. C. N. Querry........... 3 Blair N10 60-1422 25,000 47,530 525,810 35,000 381,350 173,899 6.000 72,110 m. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon ! D.W. BASEL- - - - - - - - C. L. MCDONOUGH— 50,000 39,530 392,560 Geo. B. Lysle____ Mary F. McGill— 50,000 $70-4% B. L. Bowman, 27,500 250.420 1.570 A. Tr. $250-10% Clarks Summit Claysvllle ....1009 4P Washington 01 FARMERS W,L “«i W. B. IRWIN .. ........ 8: e.’cWthef National Bk. of Olaysville W. J. E. McLain... Geo. B. Lysle. 30% 60-1016 ®t’90 422,060 1,070.560 642,830 35,280 718,190 Phil. Pitt. 143,960 54.320 Pitt., N. A., Col. N., and 1st N..Pitt. 103,950 N. and Mellon N„ Pitt.; N. Bk. of W. Va.. Wheeling. 131,980 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N.A., 1st N.. and Mellon N.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 199n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J.44U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.ttNewfStatetPriv. xCounty Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Clearfield ... 9132 3 Clearfield J10 CLEARFIELD NATIONAL BANK $300-14% •• 60-628 ®T«t’0S President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonds Miscel Cass k lx ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and CKAIC«M,I>TTE AMD its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous nunc Barks ties (■JAMES MITCHELL- A. E. LEITZINGER- H. S. WHITEMAN, JR. JAS. MITCHELL, JR.- $ H. S. WHITEMAN, JR. ) The Bank of Per sonal Servic e. L OUT OF T OWN BUSINESS PROMPTLY HANDLED. 206,600 $ 301.570 SI 241560 G. R. Bigler............ P. T. Davis.............. P. T. Davis. Tr. A. K. Staver. Clearfield Trust Co. Sec. and A. Tr. 12% par 100 60-629 dUDMI’02 A. W. Lee. W. E. Brown. Ch. of Board Tr. Officer L. T. Gaulin. A. See. and A, Tr. 150.000 568,400 2,680,620 COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 500,000 947.150 5.348.320 50,000 178,810 2.274,760 $400-24% fH. B. POWELL------ A. (theoldes 60-627 dB®T»t'65 K. WRIGHT--------- R. 1. FULTON---------- R. C. WRIGHT............. $ 234 460 $1424100 $ 289.100 $ 60.000 $ Principal Correspondents. 204.390 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 629,740 565,010 248.940 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Far. Dep. N„ and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 645,530 5.252.790 1.291.070 16 5.680 730,570 Chase N„ N. T.: 1st N.. Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 876,060 38,370 589,710 48,550 8,440 1,200,000 159,000 66,680 71,120 26,690 26,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Col. Tr. Co., Pitt. 173,610 131,310 12,680 30,190 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N„ Phil.; Dime, Lansford. 8,780 1,964,110 t. ULAIn UAYlo T BANK IN C LEARFIELD Clifton Heights First National Bank—®«t'02 J. M. Lutz________ 60-1108 3 Del.P23 3469 E. E. Barry Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see taws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued COUNTY. H. M. Collins_____ Cllntonville... 329 Peoples National Bank Geo. A. Rumsey... T. B. Gregory____ J. S. Forbes. 4P Venango 13 $300-24 par 100 60-1109 ®«t’08 25,000 Clymer--------- 2867 ClymerNational Bank ®»+T0 J. M. Stewart____ L. E. Ackerson $236-12% 60-1110 4P Indiana L7 I. F. Wilson .. Union Deposit Bk...d®»+§'25 J. W. Rankin_____ $60 par 50 60-1701 W. E. Oakes 75,000 S. H. McFarland... 43,080 618,300 75,000 1.432,230 25.700 100,000 1,200,000 231,920 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 65 380 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N..Pltt. 38,000 Haa. N., N. Y.; Diamond N.. Pitt. 25,000 1,460 154,030 Coal dale___ 6336 Coal Dale State Bank®*t§’23 B. J. Duffy_______ Wm. J. Clements— Russell Yemm___ 3 Schuylkill K20 $120 par 100 60-1645 .. .. First National Bank d©»t'10 John R. Boyle___ John McTague ___ $350-10% par 100 60-1111 50.000 10,570 287,220 25,000 87,860 617,480 115,000 471,430 284,400 21,040 68,470 Fidelity Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. Coalport_____ 1074 First National Bank—®»t’03 A. L. Hegarty____ C. D. McMurray—. J. P. McKeehen... D. S. Brancht........ 3 Clearfield L9 16% 60-1112 50,000 144.000 637,100 23,610 212,880 450.150 41.300 150.390 Han. N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. | A. F. HUSTON------ H.B.SPACKMAH___ GEO. W. LACEY, J. R.FREEL, Coatesvllie.. 16,457 COATESVILLE TRUST CO. Bee. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. CHAS. H. ASH 3 Chester P20 $95-8% par 50 60-454 d®T«tl’07 (Please send 15c with each coliectl on; 25c for credit reports. 125,000 189,150 1,356,900 18,780 853,540 488,270 57,860 293,160 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 200,000 718,250 2,530,040 15,330 1,754,660 1.190,580 227,950 290,420 N, City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N.,Phil. 100,000 662,600 2,363,140 98,750 2,188,020 566,480 126,660 343,330 Han. N. and N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 106.050 Haa. N„ N. T.: Mellon N. and Un. N.. Pitt.; Lamberton N.. Franklin. -------- " National Bk.of OhesterValley H. J. Branson_____ $200-20% 80-452 ®»t’57 NAT. BANK OF COATESVILLE $625-30% 10-453 D. H. Strong.......... 10,000 - Ivan S. Morris____ CM. W. P0WNALL P. M. DAVIS......... R0BT. T. ASH—- E. E, STERN ®»t’89 ] Collections bar e the personal at tentlon of an offl eer of this bank, LWe remit on da 7 of payment. Cochranton... 647 First National Bank...®+’94 C. Lamberton........ R. Lamberton____ 4P Crawford G3 $280-18% 60-1113 Send os your Com tesrllle business. F.D. Patterson___ 50,000 120.880 583,190 49.100 563.080 123,700 10.330 Codorus______400 Codorus Nat. Bk. of Jefferson Isaac Hildebrand.. Emanuel Sterner .. Elmer Sterner____ Emory Sterner..— 3 Yeak Q17 $241-8% par 100 60-1114 ©t’10 25,000 63,830 521,820 25,020 98.440 459,040 8,730 CollegevllIe....681 Collegeville National Bk........ A. D. Fetterolf.__ M. B. Linderman.. W. D. Renninger.. Lulu H. Sacks____ 3 Montgomery 022 80-1115 06 100,000 158,390 836,830 49.400 507,400 482,540 37,470 69,460 N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 117,200 Seab. N„ N. T.; Cora lx. N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1001 •L4*41 X Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Town and County. »Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatefPriY. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Loans Bonds ther Gajui ft BxVice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. lP AID-UP Depos- LOiabili Miscel- CIAX0M,DUB Fig. is F .Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Capital Profits ITS Disoounts Swuritiu LAJTEOU8 r&on Ban P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeUep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ties Collingdale.,,6500 Collingdale State Bank W. H. Kirkpatrick Alexander Mackie. H. W. Kline______ $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 174,060 % 2.460 $ 134.650 $ 20.690 $ 51.610 $ 29.570 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. (Darby P. 0.) *60 par 50 60-1716 d®i§*26 3 Dela ware P23 Columbia .. 10.8SC CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK C. F. Markel______ Roy K. Garber__- J. J. Dietrich. 125.000 133,390 1.485.760 140,020 1.020.170 N. Bk. Com.. N.T.; Merch. N„ Balt.; 3 Lancaster P18 *166-8% 60-448 d©T*t'88 A. Tr. Off. Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. *' _____ ** Columbia Trust Co. D. L. Glatfelter— D. C. Denney . „__ H. M. Bruner. Sec. R. C.McCochren, 125.000 219,860 1,465,140 1.359.790 33.100 204,410 Am. Ex. lrv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Franklin 212.700 *175-8% 60-440 d®l:il900 A. Tr. 4th St. N., Phil. par 100 “ ...... M FIRST-COLUMBIA NAT. BK. H. M. North, Jr..._ W.S. Detwiler .... 450,000 165.330 2,101.660 127,940 1.214.970 1.164.710 135,370 329.870 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., *107-6% 60-447 d®T<’64 Phil.; Merch. N., Balt. par 100 Commodore...426 Peoples Bank---------d®»t§ 20 A. J. Musser______ L. C. Bence___ .. 35,000 15,000 332.000 18,000 3.000 130.000 234,000 33,000 Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 4P Indiana L7 *76-4% par 5o 60-1576 C.E. Elkin. A. to Pres. Conemaugh 10,000 UNITED STATES SAVINGS & J. H. Waters____ P. 8. Fisher _____ I. E. Jendricks, H. S. Pringle. A.Tr. 125,000 65.000 1.607.820 188.400 1,049.550 559.430 221.130 lijOtlUU Seab. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4thSt. N.,Phil.; 3 Cambria N8 TR. CO. 60-1116 ®T<I’24 J. W. Walters. John Dowling Sec. and Tr. Un.Tr. Co.,Pitt.; U.S.Tr.Co.. Johnstown. V. P. G. 0. Suppes Confluence... 1031 First National Bank__ <1900 V. M. Black............ D. L. Miller______ D. L. Miller_____ R E Black 92.320 589,940 25.000 269,240 9.390 25,000 344.380 109.250 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 4P Somerset Q6 *336-12% 60-1117 ConneautLake 347 First National Bank__d®<’03 I. M. Lewis______ A. L. Bates_______ Geo. C. Oobler____ 25,000 50,660 698,630 58.020 491.220 14,050 238.230 88,820 Chase N.. N. T.; Mellon N., Pitt. 4P CrawfordG2 *200-16% par 100 60-1118 R. C. Jackson Conneautvllle.969 First National Bank d®*t'22 C. H. Thompson... Hervey White........ O. L. Dean______ Agnes Sheehan.... 17,620 449.010 50.000 259,990 199.810 24.590 25.000 57,-230 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N„ 4P Crawford El *135-6% par 100 60-1609 Pitt. Connellsvllle ♦Citizens National Bk.®<’02 F. E. Markell— T. J. Mitchell- .. James L. Kurt*__ 100.000 290,540 1.074.770 100,070 489.380 689,520 117.270 269,220 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Ex. N.. Pitt. 60-400 4 P Fayette P514,347 *200-12% J. B. Henderson “ - - - - - - " Colonial National Bank____ (Consolidated with Title & Trust Co.of Western Pennsylcan ia) ‘FIRSTDllll/ NATIONAL — 60-397 *150-6% par 100 •• _ _ _ _ « ** 41 Kfllfa wn'ila ROBERT NORRIS...... GEO. W. STAUFFER- H. C. NORTON_ _ _ _ W. D. MCGINNIS Send us vonr Collections prompt attention. d©<’76 ♦Second National Bank .<’90 Worth Kilpatrick— W. J. Davidson___ A. B. Hood 60-398 TITLf & TRUST COMPANY 0TWESTERN PENNA, L. F. Ruth.. ♦UNION NATIONAL BK.®< 02 A. 6% .. M 60-309 . \Y. H. * Soisson ___ E. K. 200.000 114.240 2.374.410 J. O. Whitley____ Dick. Tr. .... 50,000 220.000 2,080.600 250.000 212.760 3.974.100 C. EDWARDS........ P JT TORMAY -...... JAMES C. LONG........ 11. V SNAflFB 940,430 R. S. Trenberth, Sec, E. G. Ruth, Tr. ... A. S. MacKenzie, 125.000 12.240 525,300 H. C. Pedrick.......... 150,000 299.750 2,693,580 Tradesmens Nat. Bank.®'82 George Corson........ I. P. Boogar______ John R. Wood. Mary R. Getzfread *420-24% 60-578 Coopersburg ..870 First National Bank___< 08 M. L. Engelman... H. T. Trumbauer.. R. D. Barron __ . 3 Lehigh M23 60-1120 Coplay..............2845 Coplay National Bk...d®<’08 Wm, H. Thomas... W. W. Kuntz_____ S. M. Kramer___ S. B. Walker 3 Lehigh L22 *265-10% par 100 60-1121 Morris Caplan 50.000 227.060 2,082,480 (Consolidated with Title & Trust Co.of Connellsville Clearing Bouse L. K. Miller........... G. W. Stauffer .... (Members indicated by a *) Conshohocken Conshohocken Tr. Co. D. T. Fordyce........ John Kearns _____ 8842 *55 par 50 60-1388 d®TI§'23 3 Montgomery 028 First National Bank d®<’73 Horace C. Jones. R. P. Davis___ 1250-10% 60-577 par 364.410 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Bk. of Pitt. 65.000 787,250 i ixi rum 5.660 2.199.530 447,350 Han. N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.: 1st N. and Monongahela N., Pitt. 702.220 1.060.860 331.650 Corn Ex., N.Y.; Union Tr. Co. Pitt.; Phil.Qirard N.. Phil.; Riggs N,. Wash.. D. C. 555.720 279.520 35.150 236,780 266,360 89.930 69.460 Corn Ex. N., Colonial Tr. Co., and Market St. N.. Phil. 113,709 1.275.810 1.620.200 165.970 195,050 N. City, N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Corn Ex. N„ and 1st N.. Phil. 50,000 192.400 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. Western Pennsylian ia) See. 100 TO. B. FERGUSON— P. F. VON STEIN — D. W. KING .................. Coraopolis___6162 CORAOPOLIS NAT’L BANK 4P Allegheny M2 *150-8% par 100 60-721 d©<'97 ) Collections hav e the personal att entlon of an oiB (.Vigorous attent Ion given same. Proceeds promptl — Coraopolis 8av. & Trust Co. W. J. Stewart____ H. R. McMahon ... A. B. Sharpe______ *140-8% par 100 60-723 d©Tti'08 ---MaM. Coraopolis State Bank Vincent Deramo.. F. C. Gangloff_____ *55 par 50 60-724 ®»§’25 C. B. Ferguson ____ OHIO VALLEY TR. CO. J. E. Thompson. *175-10% 60-722 d®T<|'01 Sec. & Tr. 230.960 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil. 1.230.010 898.570 696,480 23.710 439,060 310.460 36,000 50,000 211.340 1,580.610 55.020 729.620 1,008.560 8.130 J. W. HAMILTON — p, o. shanks 50,000 97,120 1,037,270 65,000 596,940 576,130 69.850 96.470 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. C. E. Stoddard. F. J. Irvin. Tr. Off. 125.000 196.030 1.920,900 84.840 1.216.400 606,400 228.020 77.470 28.360 29.110 275.960 Han. N., N.Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Mellon N., and Union N.. Pitt. 35.910 Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 60.000 2,099,940 425,350 225.730 14,900 271.500 20.540 50.000 79.450 65.370 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 150,660 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. cer. y accounted for. 50,000 4,930 110,900 R. G. Ridgeway. 200,000 364.560 2.365.810 Tr. Off.. A. Sec. a nd A.Tr. J. F. Ferguson, Tr. Off., A. S ec.and A. Tr. Cornwells___ 1000 Cornwells State Bk. d®<§'20 J. Wm. Simons___ Otto Zschamisch.. A. T. Lippincott... 35.400 399.230 50.000 (Cornwell* Height* *80 par 50 60-1583 J. R. Jenks P.O.) 3 Bucks 024 par 305.640 ®TI§1900 18.360 “ 1.179.560 1.180.530 N. A., and 1st N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Ciev. 50,000 .. 341.500 5,150 100 170.250 239,350 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Keystone N.. Un. N., and 1st N., Pitt. 37,230 Market St. N. and 1st N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1222 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State+Priv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond' P is Pittsburgh Br. d- Sa fe De p. ®Sav. $ Las t Sa le % Div. Vice President. Cashier. ("BLAINE KINCAID.- H. H. KEPPEL......... 0. H. ANDREWS_ _ _ ®»t'92 j Special attenti CPleasesend 15c »Coudersport_2836 Citizens Safe Dep. & Tr. Co. O. G. Metzger____ 3 Potter F12 tuo-7% 60-833 ®Ti§’03 JohnF. Stone_____ Coudersport Trust Co. 60-834 ®T«i§’03 First National Bank ..d»I’94 A. F. Smith.............. $175-16% 60-832 Crafton..____ 5954 First National Bank...®«t'011. B. Reed ............... 4P Allegheny M3 *ioo 60-738 60-660 Cresson____ 2170 3 Cambria M9 Ass’t Cashier. HIMfr- Principal Correspondents. Loam Surplus Depos Other Bonds Cash k ExMiscel cha Paid-up and and Liabili i *g*p,Du« AND its Capital Profits Discount* Securities laneous from Bank* ties 60.000 $ 179.000 $1600 000 50,000 149.420 1.944,100 $ S $ 258.223 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 940.000 $ 608.380 50.000 921.040 353 867.410 $ 46.930 358.140 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 127.520 Han. N„ N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 155.000 Seab. N. and N. Park.N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 33,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tr. N., Buffalo: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 168.670 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time lte ms. with each sight dra ft for presentation B. V. Elliott.............. O. J. Wettrick, Tr. Howard Stone W. F. Du Bois____ M. S. Harvey, Sec. and Tr. W. G. Van Kuren. M. S. Harvey------T. J. Fitzpatrick.. R. W. Scott. f C. WENDEROTH... J. P. CONLEY......... R. C. KANE J. G. MARKS . and 25c for Credit Reports. 125,000 Esther C. Fee, A. Tr. 125,000 J. H. Grant, A. Tr. 70.860 994.640 368,120 671,980 23.220 60.000 870.000 459.000 417,000 25,000 J. H. Grant---------- 50,000 33.770 290.000 281,000 8.000 32.000 J. W. Giffin............ 50,000 25,690 1.009.970 263,580 655,790 44,120 GERTRUDE M. NOEL- 50,000 60,000 46.500 870,000 850,000 89,600 Am. Ex. Irvine Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.: 1st N.. Phil. We want your Cresson business on this basis, FARMERS DEPOSIT BANK 60-1452 Resources. LIABILITIES. President. Corry............... 7228 Citizens National Bank..»'91 J. J. Desmond.__ S. G. Sweet______ H. W. Parker____ M.H. McCarthy... S 4P Erie E5 60-659 NATIONAL BANK OF CORRY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYL V A NIA —Continued .il’15 | Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items ^Please send 15e w ith each tight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rtt. M. NOEL ------ J.W.SKA6ERBER6 GERTRUDE N ENRY TAYLOR flhi 50,000 153.140 1,707.500 96.830 728.630 1,107.620 45.920 125,290 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Union N., Pitt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK _ FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and nal atte ntlon. *350-18% 60-1122 d®»t’01 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each par 100 .We get results. Send ns your lte Wm. P. Heffner. 3 Schuylkill L19 *210-6% par 100 50—1123 Curwensvllle. 2973 Curwensvllle Nat’l Bk.®*t’04 C. S. Russell______ H. M. Irvin-------3 Clearfield J19 *230-12% 60-1124 M. D. Walborn ... C. E. Smith-------- 50.000 78.310 786.190 49.400 211,330 670,500 16.730 65,350 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. Anthony Hile_____ Geo. L. Benner — 100,000 168.720 671,410 100,000 468,200 391,460 15,340 165,140 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co.. Phil. H. J. Thompson ... I. B. Norris------- D. C. Griffith------- Bruce Norris____ 100,000 11.000 303,000 227.000 103.000 14,000 73.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 40,000 539,460 200.000 380.510 12,070 123,080 1.097,110 487.020 40,080 35.930 87,440 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.: Union Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wilkes-Barre. 118,940 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.: N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 40.630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Citiz. Sav. & Tr. Co.. York. 30.960 Franklin 4th St. N. and Fidelity-Phil. Tr. Co.. Phil. 50,300 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N.Y.; Peo. Sav. X Dime Bk. & Tr.. Scranton; Cent. N., Phil. 44,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Cressona____ 1739 First National Bank.d®»t’09 C. F. Beck. CURWENSVILLE ST. BANK' *110 par 100 60-1676 d®»t§'24 Dallas_____ ...716 First National Bank ..®»t’06 George R. Wright. D. P. Honeywell. W. B. Jeter............ 3 Luzerne H20 3 York P17 *145-9% C. A. Frantz 60-1125 60-1126 Union State Bank -_d®t$’21 60-1586 Farmers State Bank d®tl’12 *127-6% par 147 60-1415 Central State Bank..®»t§’23 60-1669 Danielsville National Bank *175-10% par 100 60-1127 ®»+’05 Danville National Bank *200-12% 60-573 dB®T«t‘48 par 100 *200-10% *62 par 50 Dalmatia..........374 3 Nort min’d L16 Dalton________786 3 Lackawanna 621 Danlelsvllle ..1055 3Northhampt'nJ22 ‘Danville____ 6952 3 Montour J17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK x 60-1128 nn d®T»t'90 60.000 22,930 355.050 10.000 310.440 60,980 25,000 48.940 238.140 410 170,650 103,410 7.470 25,000 9.930 267.560 1.259 112.150 124,180 17.110 41,000 272,000 32.000 58,000 258,000 10,000 M. B. Fuller______ E. F. Snyder-----J. E. Edwards S. J. Drumheller__ A. H. Marsh.......... L. W. Hazlett_____ M. G. Youngman .. Jas. O. Warner. F. Jameson______ A. W. Mayan. ?on 000 125.000 1.810.000 D. J. Reese------ W. G. Breitenbach A. M. Campbell.... 150,000 499.650 2.355,530 203.760 509.710 27,120 Alex Foster.— J. S. Verlenden ... H. T. Painter__ G. W. Dwier Geo. L. Brown___ S. M. Fertig.— Dauphin.......... .598 Dauphin National Bank 60-1526 ®t’19 3 Dauphin N16 *130-4% Davldsvilie___ 300 First National Bank—-®t’19 H. A. Zimmerman Chas. Kaufman. 4P Somerset N7 *200-6% H. H. Hower_____ 25,000 53.203 M. E. Strawn 60-1129 First National Bank_____’01 C. W. Ellenberger. A. J. Gourley— 60-1130 200,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 735.000 1.500.000 634,080 2.209,320 129,730 188.710 334,140 73,630 237.810 N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 118,560 Chase N., N Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. G.F. Pur pur, J. F. Gehrig, Sec. Tr. and Tr. Off. A.Tr.& A. Tr. Off 125,000 J. B. Simpson, Tr.. Wm. MacDougall. 200,000 144.850 1,620.240 18,893 1.162,920 387,210 265.080 168.760 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. and Southwark N.. Phil. A. J. Crawford___ H. C. Carson.. 200,000 339.010 4.382,000 147.540 3.906.590 450,390 241.360 470.210 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. N„ and Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. 32.350 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Camp Curtin Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 58,130 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N.Y.; Corn Ex.N.,Phil.; Colonial Tr., Pitt. G.E. Troup---------- 25,000 Josiah Swank.......... R. E. Kaufman.... 25,000 R. D. Henry--------- 50,000 C. C. Marshall------ 25,000 9.160 15.000 136,040 327,620 22.230 69.010 78.980 11.940 25,000 247,540 63,029 23,930 60-1516 Dawson_______ 956 First National Bank.__«t’91 M. M. Cochran__ A. C. Sherrard. 4P Fayette 05 Dayton_____ 1040 4P Armstrong K6 6,250 C. W. Frey.............. Geo. A. Wagman. C. G. Grim---------- A. S. Benedict Geo. A. Meyers J. F. Brosious____ J. H. Zerbe--------- R. E. Tressler____ H. P. Bahner.. Montour County Trust Co. H.T.Hecht.............. F. W. Diehl.. H. B. Schultz *70-4% ♦ 60-575 d®T*t§’21 par 50 J. B. Simpson. Chas. F. Eggleston Darby................7922 Darby Bank & Trust Co I. C. Yocum 3 Delaware P23 *80-8% par 50 60-1424 d®T*tJ’12 (Succeeds Darby Bank) *300-12% par 100 182,270 1,312,800 125,000 *400-16% par 10060-574d®T»t’64 FIRST RATIONAL BANK 50.000 O. W. Reachard... C. E. Ness------ Dailastown.. .2124 First National Bank...®t’0S J. C. Heckert------- W. H.Raab-------- 400,000 1,187.000 935,000 213.500 281,840 55,160 575,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N.. and Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; 1st N. Phil. 51,820 Far. Dep. N., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 199'3 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«-New § State fPrlv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep. ©Sav. $LastSale%Div. President. 3 York Q18 Denver........ ..1125 3 Lancaster N19 4P WestmorerdN6 Derry................ 2889 Dickson........12.023 (.Scranton P. 0.) 3 Lackawanna G21 par 100 60-1026 Peoples National Bank IE. M. Kileore_____ *180-10% par 100 60-1027 d®»t’99 j Denver National Bank.®j’01 R. D. Oberholtzer $300-10% 60-1131 First Nat. Bank in Derry Wm. Ramsay_____ $200 par 100 60-1711 (1B®’26 First Savings & Trust Co. D. W. Yealy. $250-15% 60-1132 dB®T*t§ 87 par 100 Dickson City National Rank John J. Ait ken__ $250-10% 60-1133 ®»t’ll $250-12% Liberty National Bank $122 par 110 60-1663 d®*t’24 Dillsburg. 924 Dillsbure National Bank $180 8% 60-1030 ®«t’78 York 016 Farmers & Merch. Bank 60-1031 ®J5’10 Dlxonvllle .... 830 Dixonville Deposit Bank 4P Indiana L8 $-5 par 50 60-1661 d®*t§’23 Donors_____17.030 BANK OF DONORA- d®*tl 01 60-529 4PWashington 04 *190-10% Vice-President. $325-20% 60-528 Liabilities. ther Ass’t Cashier. Paip-ot Surplus Drpos- LOiabili AND Capital A. H. Beatty_____ 108,530 J. R. Williams.. W. J. Reed H. J. Evans______ C. F. Janness_____ 50,000 70,000 Alvin W. Mentzer. — 50,000 V. W. Smith, Sr,. J. Fred Kuntz____ 50,000 George Mowry... F. H. Kelly M. Zsembik, Jr., J. W. Yealy, Sec, and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Samuel Moskovitz. John A. Goudy____ C. H. Lehmer___ H. E. Bence_____ C. R. Bence_______ C. J. Oakes SPROWLS-— C, F. THOMAS .... tve time and r FEE IN ADVA JOHN W. AILES C.M. KENNEDY— E. C. HARTUNG -— 65,940 610,000 91,140 626,460 89,270 26,240 360,930 1,414,010 76,930 658,500 1,117,050 18.740 210,190 1,730 137,000 19,000 647,000 1,019.000 50,000 164,330 1,393.550 52,500 609,580 872,430 60,500 268,740 123,870 101.610 543,630 834.830 17,500 22,810 338,640 100.580 1.244,290 84,890 25,000 14.120 282,000 286,000 25,000 11,310 230,62.) 105,450 100,000 75,000 Bank 122.570 16.380 197,780 2.617.770 72.800 1.488,670 1,007.200 151.870 255.540 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. ot x III* il. Aty X III* 116,060 Han. N.. N. Y., Mellon N. and Un. Tr, Co.. Pitt 64.710 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Mellon N., and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 819,090 Dormont Savings & Tr. Co. J. S. McKibbin .... Frank Ryman........ F. P. Johnston ___ J. H. Schloter, Sec. 60-1475 d©T*W’17 J. H. Schloter 125,000 60-1134 998,490 M. L. Smith. V. P. H. P. Julius 25,000 442,650 426,750 54,550 38.970 255.120 109.730 57,960 97,960 1.832,960 13,180 720,030 1,119,960 66,110 646.810 50.340 96,460 565,250 98,900 689,180 988,170 23,250 50,150 Downingtown Nat. Bank T. W. Downing___ Charles T. Thomas E. P. Fisher______ Ernest Smedley... 3ChesterK213018 $150-14% par 50 60-8 07 d®»t’61 H. D. Baldwin 100,000 291.210 1,334,820 Grange N. Bk. of Chester Co. W. I. Pollock_____ J. H. Whiteside ... Walter R. Kendig. Eliz. A. Thomas... $115 6% par 100 69-808 d®t’07 F. P. Willits 100,000 100.100 580.010 104.870 390,440 377,849 33.000 200,000 348,110 854.280 8,620 557,760 612,360 113,910 125,000 456,720 1,670,560 105,000 577.570 1.511,720 125,000 323,070 1,661,190 ‘Doyiestown .3837 Bucks County Trust Co. H. A. James______ C. S. Wetherill.... H. C. Garner, Tr. H.A. James, Tr.Off. 60-823 dBWS’86 O. O. Bean, V, P, Wm. Lewis Central Trust Co.___ 205,870 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Peo. Say. & Tr. Co., Pitt. 76,400 Com Ex. N., Phil.: Merch. N. indN. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Western N„ York. 147.580 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cent. N„ Phil. 83.700 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil,-Girard N.. Phil. 126,980 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Union N. and Northw. N„ Phil. (Merged with Doyles town National Bank as Doyiestown Nati onal Bk. & Tr. Co.) DoylestownNationaIBk.&Tr. John M. Jacobs.__ $225-i2%par35 Co..60-822 ©T'64 Doyiestown Trust Co. Wm. H. Satter*147-12% par 100 d®T«’96 thwaite, Jr. 60-824 State Bk. of Dravosburg W. H. Crump_____ $150-10%parl00 60-1135 d®tS’03 Drexel Hill Title & Trust Co. 1C. R. Arnold_____ *150 par 100 60-1684 dB®T*i5’24 D. T. Mitchell. V.P. Citizens National Bank®j’16 J. F. Walker_____ Wm. F. Fretz____ Chas. S. Northing- A. W. Preston, Sec. E. R. Kirk George Ross__ ___ John Yardley, Tr.. J. P. Weiss, A. Tr. A. K. Anders J. H. W. Simpson . T. M. Shoup............. 75,000 20,250 1,109,080 37,750 230,240 Phil.-Girard N. and 1st N„ Phil. 734.450 47,960 238,030 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of No America & Tr. Co., Phil. 18,170 69,100 N.Y.Tr. Co. N. Y ■ TTninn N Mellon N and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. 146,990 Franklin 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 680,280 1,500 829,910 66,590 1,242,920 3,600 686,730 439,390 165,000 154,950 224,410 1.280 15.929 3.000 130,000 66.000 9.000 21,000 Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 160,400 A. S. Garrett_____ C. A. Meurer, Tr... T. F. Simmons,See. G. W. Statzell JaneC. Thomas, A. Tr. S. D. Peterson____ E. I. Eshleman___ W. L. Line_______ 125,000 25.000 50.330 321,260 Path Valley Bank___d©S’08 W. M. Alexander— J. C. Robertson-__ J. W. Shearer___ Geo. Bair................ *98-6% par 50 50-1056 J. F. Brinley Dublin.............3200 ’’Dublin National Bank.©'27 E. B. Landenslage. II. S. Stauffer_____ Geo. S. Shelly, Tr.. A. C. Aithouse, Tr. 3 Bucks N24 60-1730 25,000 32,000 166,000 50,000 15,000 60-1057 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 239,550 359,810 4P Allegheny N3 3 Delaware P23 Dry Run_____200 3 Franklin 013 $271-8% 16,720 92,650 95,910 Downlngtown Drexel Hill ....100 93.800 of Helpful Serv ice $65-7%parso Dravosburg ..2204 lin 4th St.N., Phil.; 1st N. and Tra. N„ Scranton• 22,780 Spah Ttf NY* Phil -fiirard V Phil 32,810 13.740 *i30-8%parioo 117,870 (DONORA’S BIG BANK) he Dover ............. 535 Dover National Bank..—109 J. M. Gross______ C. D. Hoffman ___ R. O. Lauer______ C. W. Spangler___ Bucks N 24 62,380 chase N NY- Mellon N Pitt. 201,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N„ and 1st N„ Pitt. 143.650 1,196,760 75.000 d®T«*’01 4P Allegheny M3 3 26,980 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.: Merch. N. and N. Bk. of Balt.. Bal t. 79.17C Chase N..N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Merch. N., and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 107,570 Chase N„ N.Y.; Corn Kx. N„ Phil. 31,000 t drafts, iSe: Crs dit Reports, SOe. TRY II S. B. 6. BINNS------------ H.0. C0LGAN------- A. 0. FARQUHAR - 95.530 Ion N., Pitt. 142,530 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N„ Pitt. 125,000 York P16 189,610 361,690 160,000 1,700,000 ectiong and Credi t Reports by send Ing Dormont ...10,000 Citizens State Bank ..©t§’24 H. L. Dixon .. (Pittsburgh P. O.) *120 60-1689 3 262,410 $ Ben G. Binns____ C. T. Lewis_______ F. J. McCue. Tr.._ M. M. Sweeney, A. Tr. L.B. Finley. Tr.Off. T. W. Kinsey_____ W. E. Palmer, Jr... C. H. Walter......... Walter Long 60-530 $ 591.960 ©•roi UNION TRUST COMPANY $140-6% $ 200,500 $ 103,500 52,980 125,000 60,000 J. G. Deardorff.__ Jos. Bauman . ties Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cask A Bxand and ■AMB,Dn Discounts flaeuritias laneous rasa Bams 735,780 $ 52,220 100,000 Louis Berger A. H. Williams------ J.S. Kapp____ rrs 18.320 $ 365,200 50,000 J. P. Wilson.... A. 25,000 $ $ Calvin Galbreath.. C. O. Brown............ P. E. Thompson... par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cashier. Propits Delmont_____ 545 Peoples National Bank®«t’71 C. J. Shuster.. 4P Westmorel’dMS 1160-6% 60-1406 Delta............. .....858 First National Bank d©»t’89 J. H. Stubbs__ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued — THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1224 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Resources. Liabilities. County. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNS YL V A NIA —Continued PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits Other Liabili J. Q. Groves______ B. B. McCreight... F. L. Newmeyer— $ 200,000 i 264.630 $2 630 290 $ Du Bois........14,279 Deposit National Bank F. D. Osburn 60-416 ®T<’80 M. I. McCreight.CA. 3 Clearfield 19 $215 269.580 2,333,030 W. F. LOTT-. 200.000 , J. E. DUBOIS, J. A. GREGORY.......... W. G. BROWN. 1 Ch. of Bd. , W/F. LOTT, Tr.Off. M4U9 “ __ ** DUBOIS RATIONAL BAHK C. BOND. Pres. $205-127. 60-418 ®»t'04 <I S. Special attentlo □ given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Ite ms. LSend u* your D ubols Items. it «« William Pistner... J. R. Axelson_____ J. A. Miller............ 50.000 60-419 ** *• J.A.Weaver, A.S«c. UNION BANKING&TRUSTCO. F. G. St. Clair____ J. F. Sprankle____ M. H. Hartzfeld. 250,000 643,610 2,043,320 Sec. Tr. and Tr. Off. C. G. Schwem, A. Tr. $375-127. ♦ 60-417 d®T<11900 B. M. Marlin par 100 93,850 C has. Nemon_____ M. L. Hay.................. 73,150 A. M. Nemon____ 60-936 4P Fayette P5 (Closed February 19 1927) W. S. Duncan 65.000 132,680 566,740 Duncannon _ 1670 P. F. Duncan_____ George Pennell $315-16% 60-978 ©t’90 3 Perry M15 12.750 189,200 M. N. Lightner.... ■T, -T, f.i'ght.ner 25,000 Peoples National Bank__ t'07 60-979 J. W. Fleth . „ C. B. Watrous .... 150.000 398,410 2.889,540 Dunraore ...21,741 Fidelity Dep. & Discount Bk. W. E. Quinn 3 Lackawanna H22 $282-16% par 50 60-312 d® <S’03 100.000 166.360 1.513,120 F. T. Mongan_____ M. A. Gibbons____ L. S. Marsh- - .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A $315-8% 60-313 ®<’10 125,000 315.950 4,058.940 H. 0. WILLIAMS— kMMUr J. R, DAVIES, Jr., i\ jfsCHORRf'l.S Duquesne... 20,870 DUQUESNE TRUST CO. ( ec. Tr. 4P Allegheny^ $220-30%par 50 60-338 d®<!'03 100,000 288,850 4,947,330 First National Bank d®<’92 J. S. Crawford.... F. W. Scott______ W. H. Beatty........ . L. A. Williams___ $250-30% 60-337 125.000 49,330 767,130 W. F. Barron. Tr.. E. T. Daniels, Sec.. G. Swantkwoskl — J. H. Breymeier — ♦Peoples Savings & Tr.Co. Duryea..___ 7776 V. W. Gudaitis, 60-1635 ®T<§’23 E.G.Watkins. V.P. A. J. Baker (Pittston P. 0.) $65 ouse) A. Tr. (*Member Pittston Clearing H 3 Luzerne H21 50.000 115,780 956.100 J. D. Reeser. B. F. Crossley____ R. I. Rush.............. First National Bank .rl®»t’91 Fisher Welles. $200-10% par 100 60-1136 3 Sullivan G18 25,000 108,340 1,090,180 If. L. Slothour.__ W. A. Keeney____ East Berlin___610 East Berlin National Bank $380-24% par 100 60-1040 d®t’03 3 Adams P16<t 30,000 33,550 485,130 D. A. March. Peoples State Bank..d®tl'll N. W. Sell ............ T. C. Miller $98-6% par 50 60-1041 130.000 100,500 1.775,030 T. B. Gregory____ F. L. Ludwick........ A. J. Harnack. .. East Brady... 1531 Peoples National Bank J. H. McClaine $225-20% 60-1137 d®*tl900 4P Clarion J5 E. Downington.. (See Downington) 50,000 386.530 1.745,430 O. H. C. Erdman... E. E. Erb________ E. GreenvlUe. 1620 Perkiomen National Bank $497-24 % 60-1138 ®<’99 3 Mont. M22 50,000 East Lansdowne. ^Citizens Bank of Delaware F. C. Hookes........... County 60-1726 §’27 J. M. Lutz, V. P. James Wolfeuden 1561 (Lansdowne P. O.) 3 Delaware P23 Quinton Stemler.. C. H. Kreamer___ J. H. Leibenguth.. M. C. Bamberger.. 50,000 102,700 550,300 E. Maucta Chunk Citizens National Bank 3 Carbon K 213800 $130-10% par 100 60-1139 d®t 06 •Easton. ..36,810 3 Northampton L23 ♦EASTON DOLLAR SAV. &TR. N. R. Turner_____ W. M. Heiberger .. F. W. Light, H. L. Hay, A. Sec. 200,000 55.500 1.262,310 Sec- and Tr M. A. Mulligan and A. Tr. COMPANY $20 par 10 60-214 d®T*i§'2I 4| ,t W. C. Hackett .... H. G. Siegfried— Wm. H. Heil ♦EASTON NATIONAL BANK T V Roll 500,000 287,460 3,724,29) $72-6% par 50 60-212 d®<1814 »t ee HB/krer,t. 250,000 1,081,070 7.454,100 ♦EASTON TRUST COMPANY E. J. FOX-.................. B.F.FACKENTHAL, Jr. H. G. MUTCHLER. Sec. and Tr $550-24% ♦ 60-210 d®T<|’9< See. ARJAY DAVIES par 100 E. J. FOX, Tr. Off. H. K. NENNIG, A. Tr. Off •e ee ♦First National Bank d®<’65 Chester Snyder.— Wm. J. Daub . . Frank W. Simpson H (i Walter 400.000 548.370 3,811,220 $101-8% par 50 60-206 H. J. Steele <« •• R. S. Knapp______ B. S. Reading, Lafayette Trust Co. ®T»t§'22 Asher Seip.. 125,000 136.090 1.995,050 R. W. Laros, A. Tr. 1175 60-213 E. R. Yarnelle Sec. and Tr A. H. Strunk. A.Tr. •« •• ♦Northampton Nat. Bank 100.000 705,690 6,456.870 E. J. Richards____ W. J. Kuebler____ John H. Neumeyer W. H. Myers $600-247. par 100 60-207 d®<’98 S. F. Hahr. V. P. J. H. Neumeyer C. W. Rosley M 125,000 321.160 1.680.080 H. J. Steele______ F.R. Drake______ Chester Snyder, Northampton Trust Oo. R. W. Bowlby, $125-12% 80-211 ®Ttf’02 S. R. Bush Sec. and Tr A. Sec. and A. Tr. “ M B. H. ghawde & Co. ___t’M 60-208 .. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. Investment Secu Titles (First N. Bk. Bldg.) H’92 (* Members of Easton-Phillips burg Clearing House , Phillipsburg, N. J. ) ties Loans Bonds and and Discounts Sacuritiss Principal Correspondents. k Capo Ex changes,Dei laneous from Banks Miscel 274.860! $1893 360 $ 895.280 $ 214.240 $ 366.900 Han. N., N. Y.: Phil.-Gir. N.. Phil.;MfUon N. and Un. Tr., Pitt.: Marine Tr., Buff. 100,000 1,045,300 1,474,420 40,000 342.893 N. Park. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Market St. N.. Phil. 14,840 1.046 360 1.545,800 113,060 246,540 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Far. Dep. N. Pitt. 50.000 1st N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 60,603 98,200 60,180 579,330 155,800 36.400 216,640 8,230 1st N.. Pitt. 74,990 3,000 24,130 2.514,400 490,050 28.310 1.123.410 452.810 45.800 38.870 2.340.310 1.572,280 79.940 64,050 2,517,780 1.968,740 134,810 20,000 635,970 244,440 51,920 29.120 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Scranton: Miners Sav., Pittston. 50,000 370,060 691,530 48.650 15.500 379,910 737.530 47,940 61,660 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ and Market St. N., Phil. 73,630 MerchN., Balt: Western N.. York. 11,980 137,640 228,830 116,480 74,420 1.625,000 157,610 11.530 77,710 Tradesmens N„Phil.;N.Bk. of Balt., Balt.; 1st N., Hanover. 285,840 Han. N.. N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 306,330 1.692,930 16.000 218,900 Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 52.200 147.220 68,670 N. Oity. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.andPhil.Girard N. Phil.: 1st N.. Pitt. 43,710 Tradesmens N„ Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 310.430 Bkrs.Tr. Co.. N.Y.: 1st N., Scranton.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 185.760 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Phil. 546,240 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co-, N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 778,890 1st N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A.. Pitt. Franklin 4th St, N. and 1st N., Phil. 202,900 481.900 40,050 84,150 Fidelity Tr. Co., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 111,700 1.146,880 245,193 149,090 88,350 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 593,860 2.236,490 2.442,530 126,960 316.493 4.989,750 2,741,880 616,450 299,630 Fid. Tr. Co.. Grace N. and Gbem. N„ N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N.,Phll. 753,570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., PhU. 106,000 479,500 2.312,910 1.360.960 1,008,080 615.550 146.750 557.140 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Mellon N.. Pitt.: Franklin 4th St. N.,Phil. 144.850 N. Oity, N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 100,000 2.588,320 4,012,280 155,000 606.960 Chase N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 110.860 1.459.859 39.480 631.110 1,329.910 3.110 231.570 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Easton. Henry Clews & Co., N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil. 1 Edward B. Smith & Co., N.Y., Phil., Allen town, Williamsport, Pot tsville,Balt..and New London. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 —SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis loot Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND County. eMem.A.B.A.nNew § State TPriv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estah. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br.1 d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div ( President. East Petersburg 3 Lancaster 018800 E. Pltteburgb.6527 P4 Allegheny N3 East Petersburg State Bank P. B. Rohrer_____ W5 par 50 ♦ 60-1552 d®t§’21 EastPittsbureh8av.ATr. Co. P. W. Morgan___ *350-ir.% -» 60-1140 clB®T*tf’02 par 100 “ _____ “ PEOPLES STATE BANK Herman Windt... *147-6% 60-1521 d®«+}’19 jpar TOO East Prospect 327 East Prospect State Bank N. A. Overmiller3 York P17 ** *122-6% 60-1500 ®I§19 East Smithfieid First National Bank-_®»t’U G. I. Kingsley___ 3 Bradford E17 330 ________ 60-1407 East Stroudsburg E. STROUDSBURG NAT’L BK. J. A. Seguine____ 3 Monroe J23 48551 60-820 •’89 " _____ *• Moiroe County National Bk. L. S. Hoffman____ 60-821 T»11900 EastWaterford 200l Citizens Union Bank d»T§'21 S. M. Milliken___ 3 Juniata N13 *105 par 50 60-1601 Eau Claire____337 1 Eau Claire State Bank C. B. McFarlin ___ *62,50 60-1532 ®»t§'20 4P Butler 14 ‘Ebensburg ..2179 American National Bank S. L. Reed_______ 60-932 d®»t’02 3 Cambria M8 „ Ebensburg Trust Comp: G. E. Prindible.__ *160-8% 60-933 ©TtS’10 First National Bank d®T»t’«7 M. D. Kittell____ *333-54% 60-931 Edenburg____ 354 I Clarion County National Bk. J. C. Berlin_____ (Knox P. O.) *300-20% 60-1209 d®T»+’76 4P Clarion I 5 par 100 Edlnboro____ 835 i First National Bank.. ®t'04 G. W. Minium ___ ,, *160 60-1043 4P Erie E3 Edwardsville .9250 Peoples National Bank..»tT0 W. J. Trembath—. (Wilkes-Barre P.0.) 60—1141 3 Luzerne H20 _ Egypt...............1055; Farmers Bank_____d®»t§’19 J. E. S. Minner.... 3. Lehigh L22 *100-5% par 50 ♦ 60-1506 Elderton______261 Elderton State Bank d®*8’18 James B. Fisher.. 4P Armstrong L6i *100-6% par 50 60-1514 Eld red_______1037 First National Bank _ dB»'09 O. D. Underwood— 3 McKean E10 *300-15% par 60-1142 .....________ *,„,J State Bank of Elizabeth Elizabeth.........2703 J. M. Nevin______ 4P Allegheny N4 *00-12% 60-893 ®»t|1900 Elizabethtown Elizabethtown Trust Co. A. G. Heisey_____ 3 Lancast. 0183319I *8.5-10% par 50 60-871 d®T»t|'26 First Nat. Bank & Trurt Co. A. G. Coble______ *240-7% 60-870 d®T*t'85 par 100 (Formerly Elizabethtown Nati onal Bank) Elizabeth vllie 1236i First National Bank -®»J1900 I. T. Buffington.... 3 < Dauphin M16 *500-20% 60-1018 Lykens Valley Bank ..©JJ'OS I. S. Daniel_______ *250-8% 60-1019 Elkins-------Park- ,.„vuj ..5000 Elkins Park National Bank P. A. Hall............... -------3 Montgomery O24|*100 par 100 60-1722 d®’27 Elkland..___ 1703 PattlsonNational Bank®»t'96 J. O. Pattison____ 3 Tioga D14 I 60-1143 Elk Lick____ 900 (See Salisbury) 4P Somerset Q7 Ellsworth........2828 National Bank of Ellsworth W. F. Hartmann... 4 P Washington 03 20% 60-1145 ®t’02 Ellwood Cityl0.780 Citizens National Bank D. C. Handler ___ 4P Lawrence K2,*150-8% par 100 60-1530 d®t'19 . . . . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK “ -------- " *250-12% par 100 60-773 ©TVf'92 iPeoples National Bank____ *225-12% 60-774 ®»t'17 25c Vice-President. Cashier. Asst Cashier. R. G. Kauffman .... H. C. Stauffer____ C. E. Myers______ L. D. Haines, A.Sec. Cash. & Sec. Harrison Fauth R. W. Child______ Ralph S. Taylor... A. W. Wood W. E. Van Vliet -- M. S. Kistler_____ C. L. Fellows, Sec. J. S. Schoonover... J. N. Gish_______ H. C. Lawson_____ J. W. S. Raffensberger W. H. Shaffer____ F. A. Heyl_______ F. J. Hartmann___ A.W. Evans _ Reso TRCES. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Miscel Paid-up ™ Depos L and and iabili Capital pROFIT8 its Diaoounfca Securities laneous ties Sv l?a $ C. I. Miller.............. C. I. Miller. 7V........ R. V. Wissinger, A. T. Morgan, Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Officer. L. L. Swaney_____ A. H.Shultz . . P. J. Little__ A. M. Schettig Webster Griffith. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidavs. etc., see Laws. PENNS YLV A NIA —Continued Ernest Apel . 50.000: 200,000 50,000 27,100 $ 164,190 $ 143.350 $ 52,920 $ 451,960 5.104,130 $ 119,140 1,624,900 2,837,620 19.830 562.270 15.500 $ 300.40) 15,000 17,890 191,790 5,010 65,330 158,5(0 2,600 43.870 307.920 25.870 341.340 25,000 6,930 34.000 28.970 Han, N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co.. Syracuse; Tradesmens h., Phu. 204,480 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 102.230 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th 8t. N„ Phil. 140,000 1.235,910 50.000 1,184,830 50,000 125.000 114,290 1,406,980 179,030 1.397,150 261,330 64,580 67,430 15,050 14.020 Franklin 4thSt.N.,Phil.; MellonN„ Pitt. 20.090 18.700 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil. 150.000 165.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; 1st N. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 129,140 Chase N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Diamond N.. Pitt. 253,540 Chase N..N. Y.: Franklin 4th8t. N.. and lstN., Phil.; 1st N„ Pitt. 275,000 N. City, N. Y.ilst N., Mellon N. and Key stone N., Pitt. 25,000 7,500 103,000 1,880 40.880 25.000 7.350 179.410 1.600 174.570 — 100,000 135.000 750.000 135,000 400.000 370.000 20,310 1,010,580 150,000 321.270 1.725.590 150.000 1,611.310 Geo. R. Berlin........ 125,000 200,000 1.685,000 65,000 1.600,000 200.000 562,280 24.600 322.620 262.930 25,000 54,980 269,030 386,830 95,180 19,720 125,000 H. P. Grammes ... P. W. Smith............ 60.000 86,350 691.420 M. T. Schall______ R. M. Heilman 25,000 24,940 203.330 63,410 396.730 25.130 238,470 142,640 33,000 133,830 1,459.860 20.480 913,540 492.950 52.970 37.500 25,000 75,000 Allen A. Coble........ J. H. Eshelman.TV. I. H. Stauffer, 125,000 E. W. Strickler.__ A. H. Martin_____ 125.000 A. M. Romberger . L. O. Buffington.... G. F. Gaupp. J. A. Boyer H. L. Stortz______ S. E. Craig............... Geo. F. Shuster C. L. Pattison____ C. L. Pattison..... E. A. Blackwell... J. B. Redfleld A. T. Harris.......... J. W. Dague______ W. L. Achenback.. 13,220 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 76.300 1,187,140 L. E. Finney______ Hazel B. Weigel.. 67.330 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 25.000 John H. Rice_____ L. L. Reese______ B. E. Wylio 29.520 1st N.. Phil. 25,000 125,000 S.R. Huff................. E.L. Rhoads_____ Principal Correspondents. 131,760 1,280,950 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 249.393 Chas. Hasson, Tr. I. E. Lewis, A. Tr. Chas. Port. A. Tr. D. S. Griffith.......... C. K. Henry______ E. P. Campbell ___ Asa I. Skelton___ Cash & Ex ckancim.Dus from Baku 87,500 940.000 324,000 1.225,790 25.000 108,670 563.330 50,000 86.270 487.430 50.000 10.000 162.430 50.000 136,360 732.810 61,600 Chase N„ N. Y.:Bk.of PittN. A*, Pitt. 145 nnn Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 370,000 1,200,000 225.000 1,500.000 381,850 379,240 3,000 83,750 122,050 16,370 705.000 283,000 19,000 73,680 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Market St. N., Phil. 31,990 Guaramy Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 96,170 8eab. N., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Syracuse Tr. Co.. Syracuse. 229,700 Chase N., N. Y.: Colonial Tr. Co,, Mellon N.. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 183,000 Franklin 4th 8t. N., Phil. 158,200 1.091,530 448.380 12,410 126,290 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 332,460 316.850 5.920 288,090 269.300 15,000 890 24.500 52,500 66,270 Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 25,450 71.100 57.630 51.290 Corn Ex. N., Bk. of No. America and Tr. Co., Phil. 68.270 Market St. N. and Penn. N.. Phil. 486,010 373.140 35,630 76.930 N. Park, N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 25,000 76,680 891,590 10,310 6,370 816,540 10,900 W. G. Evans............ G. B. Hancher___ 100,000 39.300 695.220 100,000 476,870 237.790 75,450 C. P. CLOAK.............. L. L. GELBACH, A. C. JONES Cash, and Tr. Off. J. H. BOOTS n given coliectio ns. any each request for Report or Rating. Iwood City Items. 125.000 236.440 2.017,290 251.130 1,764,760 587.010 58.670 219,430 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N.and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 50,000 100,260 1.331.070, 80,000 1.186.450 183.100 66.470 125,300 N. City, N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt,; Phil. Girard N., Phil. Thos. A. Clark.... John G. Cobler.__ D. W. Jackson____ J. Devic, Mgr. For. Dept. 169,770 N. City. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; 1st N., Bethlehem. 94.40) Am. Ex. Irv.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1226 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ and Liabilities. County. ellem. A.B. A. "New §State tPnv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Chester 021 60-1458 $125 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ©»tT5 G. F. Herb____ . Will Richards ___ T. M. Reed 3 N'rthumbrl. K18 *250-6% par 100 60-1465 Emaus________ 4370 Emaus National Bank©T»t'04 B. Lorentz Miller.. J. A. Brunner____ Emaus______ 4370 Elysburg______ 236 First National Bank-d©»t'16 60-1146 Security Trust Co-.d®TU’19 $50 par 50 80-1510 Emlenton___ 1025 Farmers National Bank 4P Venango 14 $100-8% par 100 60-1013 ©11900 First National Bank-®T»t’73 60-1012 ‘Emporium ..30361 Cameron County Bank______ 3 Cameron G10 FirstNational Bank _d©T«t'84 $200-12% par 100 60-1147 Liberty Trust Co._____ J Lehigh M22 Surplus Paid-up DapoaCapital Profits ITS George Fleming__ E. K. Witwer_____ D. J. Knauer, Sec.. $ Elverson.._____ 304 Elverson National Bank 3 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued M. J. Backenstoe.. F. M. Kunkle.......... F. H. Iobst.............. H. B. Druckenmiller I. J. Weida W. W. Shawkey. H. J. Crawford___ C. C. King. _____ ties Lords Bonds Cash k SiMiscel- CRANOBa,Din and Discounts SMuritiu LaNJoOUB from Banks 25,000 $ 36.180 $ 379,830 i 56,000 { 253.040 i 195,940 i 11.420 1 36,610 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Reading N.. 25,000 58.570 27.640 22.290 41.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil, and Reading; 1st N., Phil. 125,000 1315-12% Resources. Other 125.000 50.000 362.580 145.260 265,230 247.320 1.804.500 312,000 1,597,400 582,300 118.440 92.65) 980.600 64.900 975,260 35.190 151.500 101,200 53.280 401.350 58,150 278,120 130.390 52.360 101.910 352,900 100,000 310.540 3,252,310 110.000 3,038,390 364.660 16.900 200,000 130,180 1,958,560 233,270 840.540 201.970 190.660 Shamokin. N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N.. Phil. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; Phii-Girard N.. Phil. Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. Seab. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Harry Heasley (Taken over by Firs t National Bank for liquidaton) T. B. Lloyd W. S. Walker_____ 1.318,660 160.830 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. (Taken o er by Firs t National Bank for liquidation) 249,120 20.510 228,660 40.870 32,540 30.040 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co. Walter W. Moyer. J. H. Hibshman.... C. A. Raezer_____ 125,000 519,240 2,623.420 144.420 1.932.290 982,130 260.420 237.250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., J. F. Mentzer____ H. Westerhofl..... H. R. Mohler_____ S. C. Wolfsklll.__ H. M. Shnavely ‘Erie_____ 112,571 American State Bank Louis Phillips____ Angelo Phillips ... Jennie Phillips.__ Joseph Phillips, Sec. 60-1654 ©*§’24 4P Erie C3 125,000 211.690 1,161,380 93,250 667,170 708.840 75.660 60,490 74,390 37.250 875.000 1.292.000 75.400 55.070 42,440 37.510 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Credito Italiano. 5.744.330 3.546.000 1.815.530 080.470 Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Market St. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 60.000 Enola ____ .-...825 Peoples Bank______ d®»t§'20 3 Cumberland N16 $60-4% par 50 60-1537 Ephrata_____ 3735 Ephrata National Bank 3 Lancaster 019 $315-8% 60-825 ®T«t'81 Farmers National Rank $235-10% par 100 60-826dB®Tt’M *BANK OF ERIE 80-78 Bank of Italy 60-80 >tfl8 F. A. Brevillier—. $175-4% par 100 GEO. W. KUNZ BANK W.JBSy.3Tc«a: $400-24% 19.270 C. K. DICKINSON; A. Tr. H.J.0LDACH; A. Tr. HENRY KNEPPER. 500,000 1.189.680 9.096.600 — J. L. STERNBERG, Jr. C.G. HEARN. Asst. 300,000 1,457,880 8.864.420 597.100 7.260 113.490 175.200 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 6.616.590 3.235.780 154.030 1.213.010 Chase N., N. Bk, Com., and Far. Ln. & Tr.. 316.490 39.430 N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. andDet.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N.. Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Mfrs. & Tra. Tr., Buff.; Un. Tr., Clev. 32,330 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y. 50,000 503.200 11.270 713.800 7.625.040 318,450 16,790 3,769.070 3,759,030 543.070 886.120 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev.; 1st 193,010 60-79 fW. E. BECKWITH.. J 60-73 W. E. RINIERNEGHT- LAW-- 300.000 (.SEND US YOU R ERIE ITEMS DIRECT FOR PR OMPT, PERSON AL 'PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY 60-76 $205-12% 17,870 Banca Commerciale Italiana. Genoa and Genoa, Italy; Banca Com. Ital., Naples. J. W. Glowacki... E. J. Blakely_____ J. A. Carlson_____ ©T*t8’0l 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK $250-15% 194,000 2,098.600 Cash. and Auditor $60-3X% par 50 Phil. 139.640 Chase N., N. Y.; Phll.-Girard N.. Phil. Aud. A. Tr. Off. J. R. MCDONALD...... J. C. SPENCER_____ 137.350 196,970 25,000 licchio licchio ny (Merged with Pe oples Bank & Trust Co.) fF. F. CURTZE—- LB.'scHurr!"*'1 F. E. MOSHER, Sec. & Tr. J H. S. DARSIE. F. J.DETZEL. \ Tr. Off. A. Sec. K. ♦FIRST F. T. Nagorski 2.640 of Pa., Harrisburg. Rome, Italy. 125,000 ©•t’ll ♦ERIE TRUST COMPANY $275-12% 60-74 dB®T**!'1 50,000 12,480 rW. S. CALDERWOOD H. 6. SELKRE60— W. SMITH - — D. E. HEFFERAN LEiWfcss Wl|, ) COLLECTION I TEMS SENT DIR ECT TO US WILL BE REMITTED (. ON DAY OF PAYMENT AT B EASONABLE RA TES. F. M. WALLACE...... C. F. ALLIS............ A E KEIM n. J. LtoLI t YOUR COLLECTION WILL RECEIVE OUR PERS CHARGES REASONABLE. Will NOBLF K. W. RILLING •UbPSUn N.. Pitt. AT TENTI ON. 300.000 338.370 6126.280 Central Branch ’EM 500.000 1.047.590 10 939 860 316.000 4.750.030 ILLIAMS. 091.840 333.470 095.700 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union Trust Co., Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. A. Mgr. • 498.800 8.966.080 1,776.080 ON AN D PRO MPT R EMITT ANCE WHEN 677.000 1.554.100 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt.; Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. PAID. par 100 60-72 d®T*3’64 ♦Security Sav. & Tr. Co. $400-20% ♦ 60-75 ©MI’OI ♦UNION TRUST C0.-d®T<i’2; 60-81 Messenkopf & Co. Charles.1 (Erie Trust Bldg.) $65 par 50 R. J. Moorhead___ A. B. McDonald... A. B. McDonald, IV J. Q. Becht. Sec___ 200,000 L. W. Enslin. A. Tr W. M. Wakefield A. Sec. A. M. Doll D. S. Milloy____ ____ W. L. Stnw . . .. J. Ross Mayer Erie Clearing House________ J. C. Spencer_____ A. E. Keim ............. (Membert indicated by u ♦) Harry A. Bryan, 0. Edw. Dean,A.77. See. and Tr 215,167 697.200 6,470.370 57.790 1.418,780 72.000 4.536.260 1,772.920 907.470 527.340 210.530 919.850 N. Park, N. Y.: Marine Tr., Buffalo; Bk. 15.230 241.690 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt.; of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Un. Tr.. Clev. Un. Tr. Co.. Clev. |w. J. Flynn, Sec... J. G. Becht, Mgr.. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1227 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Pig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem. A.B. A. ’’•New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Essington____400 3 Delaware Q23 $111-6% Etna................ 8341 (SharpsburoSta. PO) 4P Allegheny M3 Etters............... 6500 3 York N17 Evans City.... 1548 4P Butler K3 Everett 1(1X7 3 Bedford P10 “ »• PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. F. M. Pennypacker Herman Wit tig, Sr Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loans Other Cash * ExPaid-up Surplus Miscel ciaiou D bpos and and ,Dvi and Liabililaneous Capital Profits IT» Discounts S«euriti*8 from Barks TIES PENNSYLVANIA—Continued $ 25,000 $ 44,450 1 377,300 I 20,560 f 224,570 $ 165,840 $ 15,260 S 61,640 Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; 1st N„ Chester. H. B. Griffith 60-1520 100,000 341,000 3.672.000 THJE FiRST NAT’L BANK OF J. S. PATTERSON-— J. W. HOFFMAN........ H. A. BEISWENGER- C W.GARDNER...... G. W. SEEL ETNA___ 60-1148 dB®»t 02 it repor ts. ISc mast accomp any all sight dra fts for present at ion; SOc for cred $225-8% par 100 (See Goldsboro) 75.000 H. M. Wilson ... C. H. Behm______ S, J. Irvine, Jr. — Citizens National Bank ©»t'94 S. J. Irvine 60-1149 20,000 W. H. Lloyd............ G. W. Derrick____ $900-60% par 100 60-954 25,000 jH. FRANK GUMP, Sr. J. G. HANKS............. JAY M. WALTER........ B. M. WILLIAMS........ MARY J. MELLOTT FIRST NATIONAL BANK $300-12% 60-955 d(f)»f02 ) Thoroughly eq ulpped to handle all banking matt era entrusted to us. $225-20% 168.000 25,000 1,854,000 1.932.000 109,000 386.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N„ Pitt. 525.160 310.630 17.780 366,010 483,750 15,500 65.550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Keystone N. and Melton N.. Pitt. 226,460 Union N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 125.00(1 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt 109.740 709.37C 145,640 926,090 65.0CK] 670.000 130.000 645.000 80.000 40.00(1 10.610 88,830 24,920 54.350 66.540 3.400 120,770 1,010,560 15,000 268,180 710,510 10,930 ! Prompt Service. Reasonable Char ges. Send ns yo or Everett busin ess. Exchange ... 268 Farmers National Bank J. L. Brannen........ A. H. Litchard........ J. F. Ellis................ B. C. Dennin........ . 3 Montour 117 $120-6% 60 1150 ©•’Of! 25,000 Export, 269fi First National Bank-®*t’05 E. L. Piper_______ 4P Westmorel’d M5 60-1151 25,000 Factorvvllle 628 3 Wyoming G20 4P First TJntinnal HIil/SIat'IM $145-6% par 100 60-1152 C. E. Hunt_______ T. J. Jones______ E. W. Dolph______ Earl Sisson C. F. Odell, V. P. Geo. Sisson E. B. Fast______ Payette Q4 3 Adams U14 Falls Creek __ 1364 4P Clearfield 19 Eannettsburg .330 3 Franklin 01.2 par 400 60-1153 " $350-10% $180-6% par 100 60-1156 Mercer 11 H U $290-12% par 100 826 3 Lancaster 018 Fogelsville........700 3 Lehigh x\122 Ford City........ 5605 4P Armstr’g K5 Forest City...6004 3 Susaue’na P22 395,510 49,500 131,800 333,890 10,350 48,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N„ Scranton. C. W. Conn _____ E. F. Beal............... H. Humphreys 25,000 76.000 560,000 39,000 330,000 210,000 92,000 68,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. Paul J. Lower.......... 25,000 37,710 285,440 35,000 184,930 141,690 29.210 27,320 Tradesmens N.,Phil. 50.000 78,600 370,310 49,300 190,220 269,350 13,500 25,000 19,370 126,560 71,170 76,190 890 75,150 Han. N.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Monongahela N.. Pitt. 22,670 Valley N., Chambersburg. FRED C. MCGILL-— J. G. MARSHALL—. F. H. BAIR, Tr.......... J. G. MARSHALL, Sec. R. T. SNODGRASS, A. Tr. L. MINNER, A. Sec. (FRED S. FISH...... JOHN FITZPATRICK- D. R. DAVIES............ 200,000 2.035.420 1,010,750 374,290 641.310 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Colonial Tr. Co., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. ®’16 60-1345 d®T*tl’02 384,940 3.476,840 50.000 26,000 850,000 46,700 564,330 137,300 140,100 130,960 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 25,000 62,290 545,380 24,830 312,560 241,160 52,820 50.960 Tradesmens N„ Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 56,710 107,130 Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Potter Title & Tr Co.. Pitt. 133.800 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Reading; Tr. Co., Heading. PEOPLES BANK.... d®.JST6 ( SEND US YOU R FARRELL ITE MS FOR PROM PT ATTENTION. $70-6% par ltO 60-1461 $220-10% A. W. Webb______ T. E. Kilgore.......... E. G. Riiff, Sec___ 60-1157 Fayette City..2048 Payette City National Bank .. (Closed July 7, Florin 49,370 _____ D. T. Dennison.__ F. A. Lane______ J. C. Dennison.... G. S. Null................ (Bank in Jefferson Co.) R. W. McAllen___ Geo. C. Gury_____ Fawn Grove.. 345 First National Bank ..®»t’09 3 York R18 4P Fayette 04 Finleyvllle____ 609 4P Wash'ton N3 Fleet wood.... 1652 3 Berks M21 First National Bk...d®»i‘02 par 100 60-1158 First National Bank d®T»t'07 $203-8% 60-1159 par 100 Florin Trust Co____ ®Tt4’21 $100 60-1581 Fogelsville Nat. Bk....... ©«'26 par 100 60-1714 First Nat’l Bank & Tr. Co. $225-10% 60-1160 ®T»'98 Peoples Bank...............®»tl’14 $145-6% par 100 60-1444 Farmers & Miners Nat. Bank 60-679 *t’08 First National Bk. _dB®»tl900 $500-20% par 100 60-678 Fort Loudon State Bank par 50 60-1649 d®t§’22 Forty Fort State Bank $75 par 50 60-1715 d®«t§’27 $175-6% 181,700 Mellon N., Pitt. 30,000 J. E. Zimmerman . $200-10% 60-1154 First National "RanIt fsWPO* $235-12% var 100 80-1155 Farrell____ 13,654 COLONIAL TRUST 00. 4P P. R. Foight. 25.070 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 1927) J. H. .Tones. C. B. Troutman...: J. E. Potter______ 26,000 D. F. Kelchner___ H.C. Urich______ Geo. A. Knoll.......... A. K. Leibelsperger C. A, Wanner.P. P. W. D. Schaeffer 125.000 D. M. Wolgemuth. A. G. Walters........ J. W. Aungst, Tr.. P. G. Shelly, Sec... 722,480 25,050 401,760 297,990 22,360 121.950 1.289,460 190.700 607.100 887.220 98.980 125,000 25,340 156,920 10,000 179,730 74,530 34.040 John P. Mohr_____ Jas. I. Sechler........ 25,000 3,590 110,950 2,420 54,120 63,410 4,960 D. B. Heiner.__ _ H. A. Reynolds ... Daniel H. Core.__ Ghas.A.Doverspike a. W. Larkins R. J. Heasley 125,000 84,650 2,324,910 Oliver E. Kocher.. E. M. Engel A. M. Mateer_____ J. T. Milliken........ a. P. Johns_______ E. A. Bloxham__ _ Martin Muchitz John Lynch............ T. P. McCormick.. T. P. McCormick.. F. T. Gelder Wm. S. Hoerner .. J. S. Rotz_______ Fort Loudon..335 3 Franklin P12 Forty Fort___ 8200 E. M. Rosser_____ (Kingston P. O.) 3 Luzerne H20 Foxburg............ 584 Foxburg Bank & Trust Co. W. L. Fox________ 60-1161 d©»t§'70 4P Clarion 14 $150-6% par 100 150,350 1.778.380 622.660 83.200 50,000 28,410 574,030 1,210 426,260 126,690 1,860 50,000 101,310 977,820 53,390 834,460 221,780 29,370 50,000 216,530 1.886,030 78,010 751,800 1,216,660 38,530 85,350 23,950 6.400 56,020 200,360 115.250 226,790 296,690 11,050 25,000 5,440 95,610 R. H. Garrahau A. A. Killian H. B. Glidden........ J. J. Williams. Sec. 100,000 25.000 261,360 H. H. Porterfield M. R. Morgan L. D. Noel.7V.___ 125.000 94,910 456,210 29,570 28,970 Harriman N., N.Y.; Market 8t. N„ Phil.; Far. Tr. Co., Lancaster. 19,470 1st N.. Phil. 200,570 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 98.280 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N.A., Pitt. 96,910 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 223,580 Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 10.350 1st N„ Phil.; Far. & Merch. Tr., Co., Chambersburg. 44,280 N. Park. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Kingston Bk. &Tr.. Kingston. 141,580 Chase N., N. Y.; Monongahela N.,Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1228 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN and County, i •:Vlem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Tnist B-Bond P is Pittsbnrgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNS YL V A NIA —Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paxd-ut Subplus DEPOS AND Capital PRorrrs ITS Resources. Other Liabili ties Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Cara k liMiscel 0BAH«M,I>tn and and Discounts Securities laneous nan Bans c. FrackvUle__.lo.000 First National Bank &Trust j. McGinnis J K Berk $ 125.000 $ 175.000 SI 562 640 $ 118.370 $ 945,740 $ 502,870 $ 455,900 $ 176,500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. 3 Schuylkill K19 io% Co___ 60-1162. d®T*t’05| ""I ’ ' K.............. R. G. Garrett........ and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. “ .......... “ Peoples Trust Co..®,T§'21 j.q. Johnson........ Walter Zetuskv... F. J. Freiler. 84,930 605,630 81,430 448.730 209.380 160.500 Peter Cominskie, 125,000 78.330 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co.. N.Y.; Tradesmens N.. ♦ 60-1577 1 Chas. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. O'Donnell Phil. J. L. NESBIT- - - - - - G. E. GLINES_ _ _ _ _ R. B. HETTENBAUGH, L. H. WRIGHT, rr.°7L 200,000 511.260 .2,956.470 35.000 2.355,020 681.760 295.800 370.160 N. Park. N. Y.; Union N.. Pitt. ‘Franklin ...10,242 ‘EXCHANGE BANK & TRUST D. GRIMM, c/i.o/Bld. Sec. and Tr. 4P Venango H4 20% CO____60-488.-_®T»«'88 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and .25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention 0. D. BLEAKLEY - R. R. BLEAKLEY .. WM. E. ROSS, Tr. C. M. MILLER. See. C. P.NICKLIN,a.7Y. y P.C.M00RE,7V.O#. MABEL E. WITJ. H.M FRANKLIN TRUST COMPANY *165-9% i par 100 Fredericksburg 3 Lebanon M18 628 Fredericktown 4P Wash. N3 2000 Fredonla_____ 422 4P Mercer H2 Freeburg______563 3 Snyder K16 Freedom____ 3452 60-489 dB®T*:i'01 Cambria M9 654.290 229.450 422.740 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Diamond N., Pitt. 455,700 156.640 646.020 N. Park. N.Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. A. Sec. 125.000 Jonathan Swope.. L. S. Moyer______ Charles C. Bensing Samuel A. Deck.... 25,000 59.320 563,230 12.180 422.260 160.490 5.680 L. M. Crowthers.. C. H. Day________ R.S.Bune________ W.B. Vandegrift- 25,000 89,370 1,232,700 24,200 668,220 401.390 65.920 W. H. Moore_____ T. F. Hogue______ C.W.Perrine........ . H. C. Hays______ 25,000 67,790 475.140 24.500 259.890 284.340 8,200 Benjamin Apple... J. C. W. Bassler... L. Harvey Smith.. 25,000 34,110 27.900 Franklin Clearing House___ (Members indicated by a*) First National Bank. d©»J'07 *232-10% par 100 60-1163 First National Bank.__®»'01 60-1164 Fredonia National Bank *200-12% 60-1166 «t'04 Freeburg State Bank®»t§’12 *ii8-6% 60-1420 Freedom National Bank *210-10% par 100 60-840 d©t’72 441,760 4.309,020 123.600 3.741.020 71.300 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 235.740 N.Park, N.Y.; Dnquesne N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 39.990 N. City, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 349,070 1.530 240.420 95.230 100,000 172,910 1,028.230 222,600 503,580 847.260 75.110 200,000 471.040 2.650.830 1.530 985.570 2,012.390 50.230 275.160 Chase N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.- G. S. Christian___ J. J. McGarey____ 150,000 238.180 2.130,900 107.000 830.170 1.606.630 27.230 H. G. CORNELL...... W.F. TURNER.......... F. K. WEAVER.......... FARMERS NATIONAL BANK < Special attentio nH.C.BRENNEMAN given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. *180-8% par 100 60-899 d®»t'04 50.000 76.560 1.103.550 50.000 819,769 77.380 162.060 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 148.740 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and CITIZENS DEPOSIT * BANK 234,230 46.150 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 97.790 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. Girard N., Corn Ex. N., and Tradesmens N., Phil. Mellon N., Pitt. ) Send ns your F reeport Items. \.Pleme send 15c each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts. Freeport Bank & Trust Co. Isaac Guckenhei- with A. L. Strouse.......... A. M. Johnston, Tr. H.G.Ralston. A.Tr. 125,000 114.410 1.288,620 *135-6% 60-898d®T»t§’68 mer H. G. Meyer, A. Sec. par 125 Friedens.......... .319 n First National Bank___'27 L. M. Walker_____ 60-1729 Somerset P 8 Fryburg......... ..327 First National Bank___®t'09 H. N. Hess_______ 4P Clarion H6 *400-20% par 100 60-1166 Gale ton_____ 2969 First National Bank._®»t’04 J. T. Hurd................ 60-764 3 Potter F13 *200-10% Galeton Banking Co.d®»Jt’93 Wm. O’Connor___ 60-763 Gallitzln_____ 3580 LF. U. FERGUSON— 3 201,690 3.679,700 "HARRYLAMBERT0N- CHESS LAMBERTON, R. LAMBERTON, C. G. McCRADY- - - - - V. P. and Tr. Off. V. P. and Cash. J. A CORRIN ‘LAMBERTON NAT’L BANK | B-L DRAFTS S OLICITED. 20% 60-486 d®T»t'60i 15c must accomp any all sight drafts for presentation and 50c for credit -reports or ratings We want your it emsonly on this ba sis. First National Bank..®«t’02 j. a. Saricks !*2io-8% 60-652 l 4P Armstrong L5 388.630 3.895.870 I A thoroughly o rganlzed collect! on department, .This bank ende avors to give pro mpt, faithful, an d Intelligent atte ntlon to all bust ness re celved. E. J. Schleiter ___ D. J. Snead_______ H. O. Mengel_____ P. M. Fletcher ___ 4P Beaver L2 J. J. Kasunic Freeland_____6666 Citizens Bank............ ®»t|'90 C. O. Boyle______ E. J. Edwards____ W. E. Eahler____ M. Krusko_______ 3 Luzerne J 20 *150-14% par 50 60-651 J. E. Dougherty Freeport_____2696 500,000 220 477.550 660.439 102.560 287.710 Gty.Tr. and Chem. N., N. Y.: Far. Dep. N., Un. Tr., Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Mellon N.. Pitt. C. IT. Smucker........ B. F. Miller. Sec... 23,000 15,000 H. C. Faller______ M.M. Fleming........ L. J. Lauer_______ 25.000 83,570 610.280 32,870 357.620 307,100 5.000 J. C. Gault.............. J. C. Gault............. R. C. 8traley------- 50,000 63,380 553.020 50.000 335.359 261,300 11.200 Geo. R. Mathers__ T. R. Quick_____ H. L. Lush______ 50.000 50.000 J. E. BURNS.......... H. G. WISSINGER— R. R. GILLEN......... 75.000 6.780 81.980 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 108.550 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A.. Pitt. Fidelity Tr. Co.. N. Y. 426.820 15.000 130.820 281.570 57.790 53.780 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 75,170 Han. N..N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt.; Com Ex. N.,Phil. 76.860 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. < Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. j Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 5 0e for Credit Report f. (.SEND US YOU R GALLITZLN I TEM8. 60-1623 “ ......... “ First National Bank. d©»t’02v a rpps George Ehrenfeld. I ................ Peter Gutwald Gap................... 1050 Gap National Bank.__ ©»t'87 Jonas Ehv 3 LancasterP20 $312-15% 60-1168 Jonas hDy................ Garrett............. 859 First National Bankd©»t’03 w * Merrill J. B. Walker-----4P Somerset Q7 *500-20% par 100 60-1169 ’ -----Genesee............368 First National Bank._d©»no a w chaDman 3 Potter D12 *160-6% par 100 60-1170 w. r. ^napuian .... John F. Stone Germantown....... (See Philadelphia) 3 Phil. 024 *375-16% par 100 50-1167 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75.520 1.146.070 B. W. Harding----- K. A. Cooper_____ 25,000 73.000 307.330 935.760 1.330 E. 0. Smith______ 50.000 139.140 727.400 50,010 442.770 434.770 12.140 E. F. Snyder------- G. W. Dodson. 25.000 145.930 841.120 30.000 93.970 843,129 7.410 F. W. Reynolds... R. A. Taylor... 25.000 21.950 170.510 25.000 118,870 98.820 6.680 97.560 Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Diamond N., Mellon N.. and Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 18.080 N. Park, N. I.; Tradesmens N., Phil. NATIONAL BANK — All Items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers 122Q ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist P is Pittsburgh Br V. “i President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYL V A NIA—Continued V ice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier, V. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k Exther Paid-ui Surplus Depos LOiabili and and CHANG IB, Du and Cafitai Profits its Discounti Securitise laneous from Barrs ties ‘Gettysburg. .4439 3 Adams Q15 ti04-io% par 50 60-762 4 Geo. W. Schwartz H. C. Hartley____ H. L. Snyder, Tr.. R. W. Bream. $ 125,00( 1 127.00( $1159 00C S. B. Gochnaur Tr. Off J 890,00C 1 280,00C $ $229-11% 60-761 8 E. C. Tyson______ E. W. Thomas........ E. L. Deardorff.__ A. E. Roth, J.ElmerMusselman A, Cash, and A. Tr O. V. P. and Tr. O 1.242.19C Gettysburg National Bank I. L. Taylor______ E. P. Miller_____ C. W. Stock_____ Chas. W. Ogden... $145-12% 60-760 d®~ 4 C. J. Toot I. W. Appier par 50 Lincoln Trust Co.____ Girard_______ 1242 4P Erie D2 60-1010 NATIONAL BANK OF $150-8% par 100 Girardvllie ... 4482 3 Schuylkill-K19 60-1011 st National Bank 60-1171 9 C. E. Battles____ I W. F. Andrews.__ J. C. Murphy_____ C. M. Drury 4 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev.; 1st N.. Phil. 65,370 1,154,250 128,370 795,920 399,050 151,960 121,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 0 Albert Bordy_____ J. F. Bryson_____ A. 0. Sehreiner___ Chas. Barnhard-... 80,000 171,600 1,011,280 74,780 613,710 610.710 33,500 79,740 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Phil.Girard N„ Phil. 166.160 515.490 253.690 73.460 82,370 Franklin 4th St. N. and Market St. N„ Phil. 1,660 401,010 676,880 101,030 250,240 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. AUltOSU 663,210 358,950 6,500 123,410 Han. N.. N. Y.: Un. N. Phil.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 165,500 1.511.000 699,000 710.000 22.000 320.500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmans 500 080 376,450 268,740 11,390 55,130 Merch. N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.: Fidelity Tr. Co., Phil. S. A Bryce.. 125,000 par 100 First National Bank ®»±,09 I. M. Buffington... $400-20% 60-1177 par 100 Greencastle.. 2271 Citizens National Bank A. G. McLanahan.. 3 Franklin Q12 $600-26 % 60-945 d®t01 par 100 First National Bankd©Tt'65 J. C. Myers.......... $300-12% 60-944 par 100 Green Lane....332 Valley National Bank J. S. Cressman___ 3MontgomeryN22 $255-8% 60-1178 d©*t'08 par 100 Greensboro... 516 S. I. Black_____________ 4P Greene Q3 $150-6% 60-1518 par 50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54.140 679.700 ___ G. A. Hassel______ W. S. Kearney, Tr. R. N. Claypool, First National Bank___dt’08 H. R. Rair 60-1175 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Citiz.N..Balt. 120,000 Trust Co. of Glen Rock Joseph Dise_____ $82-6% 60-1008 ®T»t§’l par 50 Glenslde_____ 1831 Glenside Bank & Trust Co. F. Quittner______ 3 M’ntgom’y 024 $01-6% ♦ 60-1174 d@T«t§T par 50 Glenside Trust Co. F. X. Renninger... $55 par 50 60-1613 dB®Tt§’2 $200-10% 387.74C 2,975,710 167,450 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. R A. Kratzke........ Glen Campbell First National Bank..®*}'! E. C. Ake-.............. 4P Ind. K8 1059 $225 60-1173 Gleniyon____ 2300 H. D. Nyhart.____ 3 Luzerne 120 $155-16% 60-1412 Glen Rock. 1232 Glen Rock State Bank J. L. Myers_______ 3 York Q17 $100-8% 60-1009 d®»l}'l W. B. Miller, V. P. par 50 Goldsboro....... 477 (Etters P. O.) 3 York 016 Gratz................. 700 3 Dauphin L17 162.67C C. F. Webster. Victory Banking Trust Co. M. A. Kilker____ J. Capparell............ J. J. McGrath. 60-1640 ®T5'2 3 W. Heine, V. P. Cash, and Sec. Thos. Kelshaw 60-1172 " 225.00C 597,140 51.50c $ 190.00C Merch. N„ Balt.; Phil -Girard N.. Phil. . (Merged with Getty burg National Bank January 1, 1927) $80-8% Glassport____ 7000 4P Allegheny N4 $65-6% par 50 ’ Principal Correspondents. A. Tr. J. D. Ake. R. L. Briggs Geo. McKeage Sandor Engel_____ B. C. Rydxewski.. 75.000 H. Z. Sweitzer___ C. H. Seitz_______ S. H. Barnd W.C. Miller 50,000 J. F. Neuhaus........ Paul J. Beck, IV... E. B. Keller, A.TV. 125,000 71,570 N„ Phil. 107,080 1,401,480 8,000 713,120 810,670 29,140 88.630 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co. and 155,800 2,735,410 220,730 2,092,300 912,770 116,860 290.010 N. City, N. Y.; Market St. N., Franklin 4th St. N., Phil-Girard N.. and Corn Kx. N., N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; 1st N„ Phil. T. B. Smith E.H. Effing, F. D. Love, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Geo. M. Gray____ F. P. Zarr, See. and Tr. J. M. Anderson Phil. 250,000 88,560 800,000 245,000 906,000 298,000 88.650 73,500 Market St. N., Colonial Tr. Co., 10th N„ and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Samuel Schlosser.. Wm. Mansberger.. Dale Hays........ .............. A. G. Kohr 25,000 36,260 288,310 25,010 93,520 231,800 9,710 39,570 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. J. A. Willier............... R. H. Snyder______ 25,000 99,900 572,130 50.000 226,590 466,680 11,750 25,000 115,000 900,000 12,500 852,000 197,150 1,086,540 104,400 732,890 614,760 61,300 [. M.Buffington.. Jacob Gearhart... Emmert Sheely.___ 1. G. Rider .............. M. Minnich_____ 125,000 3. M. Yerger________ 3.W. Seasholtz... 50,000 96,840 795.040 52,000 343,480 561,570 3,370 25.000 48,530 322,770 3,060 168,110 136,510 10,600 W. A. Stevenson... Prank B. Kramer.. 3. L. Williams \. D. Black ....... 42,010 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 104,140 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 85,440 Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 84,140 Chase N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 1230 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TownandCounty. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F.Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0% 60-388 Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital Propits ITS Other TIES RICHARD C0JILTER-- J. R. EISAMAN-—- r. J. MCTIGHE--—- Resources. Loans Bond* Miscrl- Can k lzand Diicounta Securities LANJROUO nM Bma $4 419 910 $1 496 930 { J.K. Barclay_____ H. H. Murdock, 2V Thomas Barclay, f 400.000 $1504 000 $4 940 230 Sec. John Barclay, Jr.A H. E. Marker A. Tr. W. S. MacDonald, Tr. Off. *Greensburgl6.056 ♦Barclay-WestmorelandTrust Company .60-393 dB®T*t§’08 4P Westm’d N5 1430-20% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Principal Corkzspondents. 69,890 $ 857,500 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N„ Far. Dep. N., and 1st N„ Pitt.: 1st N. and Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 150,900 1.114.350 5.908.520 $ 603.340 4.008.760 1.805.240 1.055.800 840.420 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 1th St. N., Special Attention Givein Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Monongahela N., and Mellon N., Pitt. Please send lSe with each sight draft for presentation and SOc for credit reports. ®T«t’81 Maddas Bk. & Tr.Co.®T»t§’23 F. A. Maddas_____ J. F. Dietrich------ J.F.Giffen, Jr., Sec. and Tr. 60-365 200,000 ^MERCHANTS & FARMERS C.B. MOORE............. tfcHHr- R. A. BRANDON—- R.T. WOLFF. A.Cash.and Tr.Off. NATIONAL BANKdB®T«: 8) 150,000 606,550 15,060 364,920 321,350 25,250 182,170 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 179,190 1,065,610 98,500 799,380 418,230 73,560 202,120 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 422.060 3.451.870 18.040 2.841.320 824.780 192.280 333.580 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.s Monongahela N., Exchange N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 72,070 1125 1250-14% par 100 60-389 J. H, McKLVEEN, C. HILEMAN- HLfcHF- PAULS. BAIR. MERCHANTS CHAS. J. K. ROBINSON, JR., NICHOLAS LONG. W. M. SHUMAKER, J. K. ROBINSON, JR., by TRUST COMPANY Tr... Mar. For. Dept. 1230-12% ♦ 60-392 d®T»t§’03 And. 300.000 Sec. and Tr. Off. A.Sec. a nd A. Tr. A. Tr. Collections and Requests for Credit Reports MUST be accompanied FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. par 100 M. Watson. Jr., ♦Safe Deposit & Trust Co. W. A. Huff................ J. U. Kuhns_____ O. A. Adrian, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec..A. Tr.,and 1275-18% 60-391 d®T«tl'95 R. W. Smith Tr. Off. par 100 200,000 463,520 2,262,030 1.951,290 513,450 81,590 379,210 Scab. N„ N. Y.: Union Tr. Co.. Pitt.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. LESLIE MOSER, /C. MCKENNA LYNCH J. 0. WENTLING..... D. P. HUDSON, Sec. and A. Tr. V, P. and Tr. 1 A.M. COSHEY, A.Sec. M. H. LEASURE. J A. Tr. Officer \ Send us your co Ilectlons direct. They will receive prompt attention i Special attentlo n given bill of lad Ing drafts, cash a nd time items. f Please send 15c fo r each sight draft for presentation and 50 e for credit reports. 400.000 138,170 2,136,990 1,942,600 270,360 79,720 382,490 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. and Mellon N„ Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 125,000 280,720 2,405,690 18,960 1,508,830 692,560 122,200 506,780 N. City. N. Y.: Mellon N„ Bk.ofPitt.N. A., and Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. SEND US TOUR GREENVILLE ITEMS DIRECT For prompt attention. “STRONGEST” “OLDEST” 125.000 353.040 2.104.030 155.090 1.423.790 052.050 163.530 197.200 Cbem. N. and Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co.. N. Y.? 1st N., Pitt. N. E. Peters............ R. G. Love............. 135,000 172,850 1,924,570 814,450 1,114,440 76,710 317.370 Chase N., N.Y.; Far. Dep. N„ and Col. Tr. Co.. Pitt. 8. B. MORRISON R.B.DONALDSON 150.000 220.520 2.040.340 152.600 1.583.100 503.150 159.000 264.200 Han. N. and Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co.. N. HIIT1 - 125.000 155.700 2 035.270 130.300 1.514.230 516.260 59.470 350.270 Seab. N.. and Chase N., N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. 326,000 54.000 14,800 30,800 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Ex. N.. Pitt. 72,370 Han. N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Harrisburg Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 47,870 Seab. N., N. Y.; 3d N., Scranton. UNION TRUST COMPANY 1135-4% par 100 ♦60-1595 dB®W5 21 l COMPLETE FO REIGN DEPART MENT. • CORRE SPONDENCE IN VITED. Oreensburg Clearing House.. (Members indicated by a *) Greenville.__ 8890 Farmers & Merch. Trust Co. G. H. Rowley____ J. A. Keck ............. S. D. Hum, «P Mercer HI 1150-18% par 50 60-665 ®Ttl’02 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 60-663 1375-20% ®T »t'6 J. F. Christman W S McKAY ........ F 1 KFP.I L, Herdein 1262.50-12% Grove City.__ 4944 4P Mercer I 3 R 1 HflRNF. . . M-1- HITTIF ____ 90,560 par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6B0VE CITY 1240-12% R. Loutzenhiser, A.Sec. Sec. and Tr. parm 60-790 d®T»t’96 NATIONAL BANK fA. M. ALLEN........ 1 Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. rafts a specialty. 115c must be sen t with each Sigh t Draft for preaen tatlon and L*Se for each rep ort or rating. T RT US FOB PRO MPT SERVICE. fE. J. FITHIAN— E.B. HARSHAW... E.B. HARSHAWHHAr1hAW, Tr.Off. N. A. and Diamond N„ Pitt. \ Special Attenti on given to Colie ctlons. 115c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon, and end US your Gro ve City Item*. 80-791 d®T«tl900 t25c for each re port or rating. S Grove City State Bank ®tS’18 165-6% 60-1486 Halifax .........771 Halifax National Bank A. M. Smith............ C. P. Scholl............. S Dauphin M16 1500-20% por 100 60-1179 ®tl900 J. M. Hoffman Hallstead___ 1261 First National Bank.. ©»J’05 A. F. Merrell------- E. A. Harmes_____ 60-1180 3SusquehannaD21 1250-12% F. W. DAUGHERTY- { BUI of Lading D A. R. Hodge______ 50,000 18,150 335.000 W. J.Seiders.......... W. R. Lehn . 25,000 122,960 599,150 24,500 161,580 531,670 6.000 O. L. Watkins------ W. J. Kirby.. __ 25,000 74,950 508,480 53,000 272,440 334,060 7,050 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1231 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. 1 aMem.A.B.A. **New §State tPriv ‘County SeaU. fMem. State B. Ass’n. TBstab. President. Vice-President. Fig.isFed.Re9.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Hamburg____2764 First National Bk. & Tr. Co. H.R.Shollenberger Geo. B. Miller____ J(( Berks M20 60-895 ©T‘t’08 Hamburg Savings & Trust Co S. D. Bausher_____ D. S. Wolfe . *65-10% par 20 d®T«t|’72 R, S. Loose 60-894 Hanover___ 9242 Farmers State Bank _.®tl'07 N. E. Gobrecht—. S. M. Bare_______ S York Q16 *112-7% 60-613 •• •< First National Bank d®«t'63 J. D. Zouck______ G. D.Gitt.................. *230-10% par 100 "60-611 » .. Paul Winebrenner J. J. Schmidt_____ HANOVER SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY 60-610..d®»JS’35 *111-41% par 10 •• _ •• Hanover Trust Co..__ ®T§’14 H. D. Sheppard___ H. M. Stokes __ 60-614 •• •« Peoples Rank ‘t§’9? Alvin R. Nissly___ F. W. Weber... 60-612 Harleysvllle... 350 Harleysville National Bank A. C. Alderfer........ M. C. Clemens____ 3MontgomeryN22 1325-10% par 100 60-1181 ®‘t’09 ‘Harrisburg 33,422 *ALLIS0N HILL TRUST CO, A. G. Eden........ ..... Hiram Billett........ 3 Dauphin N16 *102-8% par 50 60-94 d®T‘ti'fO A. W. Loser II M M “ -------- M “ M ♦Camp Curtin Trust Co. *85-12% par 25 dB®Ttl'16 60-97 ♦CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY tiso-12% ♦ 60-89 dB®T‘t#'93 par 50 ♦Citizens TrustCo. d©T*t|’07 *77-6% par 50 60-96 ‘COMMERCIAL R. A. Enders . Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Harry K. Geary _ Chas D. Burkey, T. F. Confer, A.Tr Tr G. F. Meharg, Sec R. W. Snyder........ J. E. Moul, Sec..... W. D. Carver_____ Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other MiscelCapital Profits ITS Discount! Securities LANEOU8 TIES $ 125,000 $ 102,350 $1223 790 $ 84,590 $ 722,890 $ 681,640 $ 23,550 125,000 235,590 1,758,400 Ralph J.S.Hoffack- L.H.Hoffacker, Sec. er. Tr. John F. 8hnltz___ S. C. HofTheins.... 122,620 1,315,75( 320,530 62.850 345,900 2,464,820 217,760 1,039,660 1.785,150 21,920 50,000 441,550 3,147,400 86,800 1,662,950 1,572,520 106,000 125,000 170,550 1,703.730 62,200 1,072,110 499,830 7,670 50,000 197,350 1,860,380 1,421,480 509,300 30,500 11 •• M J. S. Mumma, Sec. and Tr. A. W. Loser, R. R. Loban, Sec., Tr. & Tr. Off. u M || 369,530 421,060 7,830 50,280 141,290 201,890 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 125,000 192,000 2,047,000 1.337,000 2.691,000 666,000 130,000 214,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 400,000 772,260 3,776,230 38,630 2,913,120 1,344,000 175,170 554,830 Han. N., N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Trades mens N., Phil. 69,000 116,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 02.210 — 120.880 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 125,000 135.008 65,740 70,170 719,120 820,320 " *• M || M —— “ m m 48,080 50,180 575,380 114.570 1.550.400 — 1.570.880 305,170 COMPANY A. T. East End Trust Company Al. K. Thomas .... E. M. Sible.............. J. Paul Machen, R. B. Zeigler, d®T*t8’20 J. A. Affleck Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 200,000 84,780 1,821,480 ♦Harrisburg National Bank George W. Reily .. Geo. R. Bailey____ H. A. Rutherford, Geo. R. Bailey ___ *80-13% par 25 60-82 T‘tl814 Edw. Bailey, Ch, V. P. and Cash. 300,000 803,020 3,691,260 400,000 ♦Harrisburg Trust Co. G. W. Reily______ Geo. G. Carl______ G. G. Carl, Tr. . M.Y. Thomas. *355-16% par 100 dB®T‘tl'M E. Keister. Tr. Off. P. Y. Minter, A. Tr. A. Tr. Off. 60-88 S.S.Zimmerman,A. Tr. Off. 917,060 5,563,320 ‘KEYSTONE TRUST CO. rH. S. SMELTZER — ELI N. HERSHEY .... H. L. BRIGHTBILL, F. A. PETERS, G. W.HARTMAN Sec. and Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. R. BURKHOLDER, A. Sec. Coll / Send us your It ems direct. d@T«18’16 LCash and Time Items given prom 60-98 ♦Market Street Trust Co. W. F. Witman .... J. W. Barker________ *72.50 par 50 60-100 d©Tt§’21 ♦MECHANICS TRUST CO. *152-14% 185,970 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Far. & Merch. N„ Balt. 381,730 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.Merch. N. and N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 384,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt. 27,770 1,497,300 A. Sec, and A. Tr. E. C. Thompson... C. G. Miller______ C. G. Miller, Sec... R. B. Manley, Spencer F. Barber R. M. Thompson, Tr. and A. Sec. A. Tr. and A. Sec. LH. A. ROBINSON- W. L. F0RRY------- C.Z.HUFFER, J. L. HESS, 254,530 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 166,650 1,546,340 Tr. Officer B. W. Rider, $ 107,650 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 150,000 Sec, and Tr. A, Sec. and A. Tr. *100-8% par 50 M 922,600 Principal correspondents. Cash k EsCHANOM.Dn from Baku 481,860 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 146,490 Chase N„ N. Y.: Market St. N„ Phil.; Merch. N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 59,510 1st N„ Phil. 25.00C A. A. Price............. 80-91 m 3,580 125,970 50,000 *155-6%Lpar 100 — 718,690 200,(XX H. A. LEB0. A. Tr. j Special facllltl es for making collections. *92-6% par 50 60-90 d®T»tl'06 V Prompt and pe rsonal presen tat Ion. Quick retur ns at reasonable rates. ♦Commonwealth Tr. Oo. W. H. Metzger,Sec. 750,200 1,922,030 7,589,070 W. M. OgeJsby.... W. H. Metzger ___ C. L. Mathias, *415-20% par 100 d®T*t8'81 W. G. Rauch, V. P. A. C. Stamm A. Tr. and A. Sec. 60-86 F. J. Hall ♦Dauphin Dep. Tr. Company Donald McCormick H. W. Spong. W. D. Collier, A. T. F.M.Gilbert, A.Tr. 300,000 666,720 4,712,680 *310-14% ♦ 60-83 d®T‘t#’S2 Tr. Off., Sec. and Tr. C. L. Keister, A. S. J. A. Grieshaber, TRUST 7,740 1.027,530 J. J. Conrad. Sec. R. E.H.Romberger, A. Tr. Lewis Balser_____ F. L. A. Froehlich, J. Robert Storey. H. O. Miller.......... J. A. Donaldson J. F. Dapp, Ch. Guy J. Swope Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNS YLV A NIA —Continued 60-84 ®T‘t8’13 E. Bruce Taylor... John H. Troup New York Joint Stock Land Bank ♦Security Trust Co. J. O. S. Poor man.. *15-8% par 10 60-92 d®T‘J8’06 ♦Union Trust Co. of Pa. A. S. Patterson.__ *180-8% par 100 dB®T»tl'05 60-93 Harrisburg Clearing Honse~ Donald McCormick {Membert indicated bv a*) _____ 200,000 159.120 1.477.000 406,840 4,800,970 2,225,240 1,103,280 2,538,650 N. Bk. Com. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. 2,668,960 2,034,010 286,320 690,120 Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 16,020 1,366.510 288,720 240,000 227,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Bk. of No. America & Tr.. Phil.; Harrisburg Tr., Harrisburg. 1.090,880 334,190 2,180,770 1,779,810 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. 77,000 Am. & Tr., Phil.: Ex. N.. Pitt.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 60,080 4,124,800 771,280 230,830 1,813,540 N. City andN.Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Ill.Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil.Girard N., Phil. 58,000 1,088.000 435.420 190.680 179,420 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 23,540 107,310 64,520 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 4th St. N., Phil. ections, Bill of La ding Drafts, pt, personal atten tion. I. H. Yohe, Tr.............. J. T. Olmsted Sec.. F. L. Hale, A, Tr. E. R. Peterman, A, S. S.K. Wilhelm. G. P. Shaffer, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 125,000 300,000 45.840 495,140 528,560 5,564,600 106,240 576,850 855.110 3,727.650 1,510,510 880,880 1.129.220 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. {Branch of New Y ork City, Territory New Yor hand Pa. ) E. G. Hoover______ J. R. Taylor. Tr... Geo. D. Fry, A. Tr. 286,010 R. E. Steward Edward S. Nissley. Edward S. Nissley, H.Lloyd Myers,See. 250,000 □.Ernest Keys, Tr. Ira C. Kindler, A. Sec. A. TV. R. M. Rutherford. A. K. Thomas. Sec. 150,880 1,354.170 294,030 3,218,450 38,460 1,181,470 155,970 2,689,660 276,600 68,760 303,430 265,160 179,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 660,210 N. Park, N.Y.: Phil.-Girard N.and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1232 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. - Town and County. AMem. A.B. A. «New §State t Priv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Vice-President. President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Cabh k Ex Miscel changes Paid-up and ,Dub and AND L iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous rmoM Banks ties Harrlsville.. ...359 First National Bank..©»|’03 W. B. Campbell... T. V. Porter_______ L. G. Brown_______ W. E. McBride____ $ D. W. Humphrey 4P Butler 13 1260-12% 60-1182 TB. R. LLOYD............ Hastings ..2292 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3 Cambria L9 $225-6% 60-1492 ®»t’18 j Special attentlo LPlease send 13c par 100 3 1109 Montgomery 023 Hatfield 830 Montgomery N23 Haverlord Township 3 Hastings Bank__________ t§’18 $254-6% 60-1498 Hatboio Natioudl Bank $421-20% porlOO 60-1183 d®»t’75 Hatboro Trust Co. d©T»t§'22 $100-6% par 50 60-1020 Hatfield National Bank©»’27 $130 par 100 60-1725 (See Upper Darby, Pa.) 10% 9951 4P Allegheny N3 M T, Riielr Geo. A. Clark Penrose Robinson. W. F. Florence E. Buck.. P, Cooke.............. .. V. A. Decker______ J. D. Ames________ 51,100 i 746,570 i 250,000 50.000 869,820 57,770 i 492.370 $ 217,730 $ 452,160 430,320 52,180 Principal Correspondents. 1 66,000 i 119,330 Han. N..N.Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 15,290 141,450! Seab. N.. N. Y. Diamond N.,Pitt.; Phil.Girard N., Phil. 84,670 Han. N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. Phil.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 197,630 1st N..N.Y. and Phil. N., 155,150 106,940 57,000 125,980 1,506,510 22,000 778,330 681,520 49,000 443,230 3,090 554,580 168.180 2,340 100,530 600 83,970 31,250 4,710 103,040 Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil.; Hatboro N., Hatboro. 40,240 Quaker City N. and 1st N., Phil. 103,980 Chase N.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 47,840 131,830 9,050 330,920 H. Kearney____ 50,000 157,880 1,062,970 50,000 298,370 900,000 18,500 J. 50,000 144,680 661,690 70,250 234,250 622,360 8,000 25,000 93,580 576,090 29,780 171.340 421,180 18,330 400,000 543,590 4,888,780 271,400 3,661,330 1,532,370 618,110 291,970 Guaranty Tr Co., Eauit. Tr. Co., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Market St. N.. Phil. 125,000 62.260 1,006,400 30,000 393.130 5.750 172,110 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 500,000 828,020 5,669,840 34,710 3,419,860 2,825,180 186,900 500,000 943,390 5,332,200 111,850 2,279,930 3,334.590 733,750 600,620 N. Park and Fid.Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. Amenca&Tr. Co. and Market St. N„ Phil. Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th Bt. N. and 541,170 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. P. Walter Vetterlein. C. S. Houck_______ _ T. 14% 60-924 Hays National Bank.__ »f’02 25,000 52,000 Wilson______ C. S. Kinsey. Penrose Robinson. O.E. C. Robinson.. T. C. Walker, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec and A. Tr. W.Hobensack.V.P. Walter Rothwell V? I, tTalpr Geo. W. Moyer___ N. S. Hartranft — 60-923 40.000 $ 67,220 50,000 FRANK FINSTHWAIT- 0. A. WESTOVER .... JESSIE HUETHER— J. C. COSGROVE n given B-L draft s, cash and time Items. with each sight A raft for presentat ion and 25c for cr edit rep orts. A. C. Strittmatter.. L. 3. Wayne G23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLV A NI A—Continued Oldfield______ W. C. McClure 62,010 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Girard N.. Phil. 113,600 Han. N., N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. Phil.- 60-1184 J. C. KOCHCZYNSKI-- M. YURKANIN.Tr.... E.A. BYORICK. A-.Tr. Hazleton... 36,143 ♦AMERICAN BANK & TRUST NICHOLAS YACKGEO. A. SHIGO.zLZY. ANICZ M. YURKANIN 3 Luzerne J20 COMPANY ♦ dBOMS 17 $265-10% par 100 60-236 *« •« Z. Drosdiek, Tr__ J. H. Bonin, Sec---J. H. Lahm............... Z. Drosdiek ♦CITY BANK & TR. CO. $90-6% par 50 6U-237 B©T#t§’23 J. H. Bonin, Tr. Off. Chas. F. Schneider, J. J. Boyle, A. Sec. 647.660 A. Tr. .. M .. .. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK $300-13% 60-233 d®T*t'88 par 100 ♦Hazleton National Bank $325-15% 60-234 dB©T»t'90 ' B. Price________ H. W. Heidenreich P. G. Heidenreich. G. H. Martin_____ Henry Walser Frank Pardee_____ B. E. Kunkle_____ H. Jas. Lee Pardee /ALVAN MARKLE— ALVAN MARKLE, Jr.. C. J. KIRSCHNER___ J. E. ALTMILLER, C. J. KIRSGHNER Sec. R. C. KREMER^ y p ALVAN MARKLE, Jr., Tr. Officer J. M. GRIFFITH. . 'MARKLE BANKING \ & TRUST GO. (THE COLLECTION $185-14% ♦ .. J. 60-232 ®T»t$’67 : T-- — ♦PEOPLES SAV. & TR. CO. $315-14% ♦60-235 dB®T«tl’05 G. W. Wilmot.F.P. M. G. Shennan (4 W. Broad St.) Hazleton Clearing House ... B. E. Kunkle, Ch. (Members Indicated by a *) Begins __1000 First National Bank__ ®t’08 Schuylkill L18 1175-8% par 100 60-1185 4Q9 Farmers State Bank.©»tl’ll 3 York P18 $55-4% 60-1186 -.3008 Saucon Valley Trust Co. 60-1558 ®T»t§’20 Northampt on L23 Herminie son First National Bank__d®»’12 4P Westmorel'd N4 ($300-20% par 100 6 0-1416 Herndon.... ...650 First National Bank_..©t’02 JNorthumbeiTdL17 $585—25% 60-1187 Hershey National Bk____®+25 60-1696 Dauphin N17 $120-7% Hershey Trust Co___ ©Ttl'06 $310.38-10% 60-1188 Farmers National Rank PWashingtonN2lll65-8% 60-1189 ©•J,04 3 3 3< L. J. FERDINAND — M.FRIEDLANDER,Tr. 1. A. HORN, A. Tr. A. L. MARC0LINA, 600.000 1.240.260 6.866,210 — 2.958.810 3,821.140 714.990 1.211.530 N. Y. Tr. Co., Chase N., Bkrs. Tr., and J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Phil.Glrard N., Phil. A. Tr. Officer BAN K. ^Oldest and Largest Ban k in Hazleto n. * M. G. Shennan, . W. E Kahler, W.A. Deisroth.Sec. 250,000 550,930 4,505,930 11,230 75,350 2,007,340 2,699,690 163,220 N. Y.; 447,840 Franklin 4th St.. N., Phil. Tr. and Trust Off. P. A. Boyle, A. Tr. G. J .Kohlhaas.A. Tr G. J. ■ -■ Swettm&n ... A. Sec. par 100 . ; J. Kohlhaas, A. Tr. Off. H. H. Price, Sec.... Geo.H.Martin.Afffr. Vice Ch. 250,510 505,520 22,640 166,780 106,510 13.970 836,610 251.530 4,500 361.840 536.400 10.440 233,940 606,920 16,950 396,980 135,210 192.840 35.25( John Schrope--------- M. W. Kessler_____ Rufns Reed----------- S. R. Masser, Sec... 50.000 65,290 649,610 Amos Strickler.__ G. W. Maish_______ R. W. Kaltrider... W. H. Markley T. A. Peffer, 0. H. Fretz_______ Elmer E. Punk, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Chas. W. Kirchline James N. White... Mary R. Coles.......... W. B. Howell 25.000 13.040 262,240 15,000 125,000 66,910 770,930 181,040 25,000 82.36C 885.57C 27.500 810,930 35,600 105,110 1,359,05C A. S. Hepner______ J. W. Newman ____ Lee A. Hepner 25,000 166,830 E. F. Hershey.......... W. F. R. Murrie... 8 C. Steelier . .. 200,000 105.74C 1,531,710 W. H. Lebkicher.. S. C. Stecher, Tr.. J. E.Snyder H. W. Denny--------- W. R. Simpson.......... Robert R. Hays... T. M. Berryhill 125.000 810.700 50.000 33.34C 15,680 357,190 680,350 31.190 1 514,400 61,580 Y.; Citiz. 28.010 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Sav. & Tr. Co., York; Com. Ex. N.. Phil. 51,240 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Market St. N.. Phil. 111.750 Han. N., N. Y.; Comw. Tr. Co., and Mel lon N.. Pitt. 130,550 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N.,Phil. 567,900 N. City and N. Pk., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 67,000 N. Park and N.City.N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 52.390 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given lOQQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1400 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. -4 (0 Town and countt. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist, P is Pittsburgh Br, High Spire___ 2031 | Dauphin 017 ‘Hollldaysburg LlABlXITIES. oMem.A.B.A.^NewJStatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. I Resources. Lomna Bonda Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and AND Liabili Capital Profits its Diicounts Securities laneous ties ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Highspire State Bank M. A. Cumbler .— H. S. McDanel........ C. A. Coble.. S 25,000 $ 16.940 $ 300,500 $75-4% par 50 60-1548 d©»tS'20 J. W. Oakes______ 50.000 88.070 638.320 S Citizens National Bit. d®»rM P. S. Duncan-------- H. D. Hewit______ H. S. Smith— 4071 16% io7c par iuu ioo oU“/o 60-787# Blair N10 HOLLIDAYSBURGTRUSTCO. {i'irs^aSd^dest J. W. BROMILLER— J.G.SHOPE, Tr..... J. C. MAY, Tr. 125,000 115,260 1,215.520 established bank. *160-8% 60-786 d>Tt§ 17 ( Collection* a sp ecialty and remit ted on day of pay men*. Hoilsopple... .1041 First National Bank of Benson. (Closed for liquidat ion) 4P Somerset N7 Homer City.. 1802 Homer City National Bk. •t’Q7 t. J. Brandon____F. F. Moore______ S. C. Steele______ Geo. L. Douglass ..j 80,830 1,212.460 50,000 60-1191 ! 4P Indiana M7 Homestead. 21,437 •First National Bank Hugh Nevin____ George F. Lloyd... Herbert RihelF. W.Stille............ 100,000 257,660 2.684,990 4P Allegheny M3 16% par 100 60-301 d®»t’87| R. H. Watson daffer •Monongahe la Tr ust Co. Reid Kennedy__ G. V.L.Wickerham HughNevin, Tr._ G. F. Lloyd, Sec.... 200,000 881,790 9,070,410 $350-24% par ioo60-303d®T »t§ '01 j. C. Miller C. A. Goeddel. A. Tr. Homestead Olearina House - Reid Kennedy... ---------------------------HughNevin, See.., (Members indicated by a*) •Honesdale ...2756 Farmers & Merchants Bank G. Wm. Sell____ I Geo. W. Lillie........W. B. Lesher______ Geo. H. Koehler... 85,000 850.000 75,000 1 Wayne F2S $100-6% par 50 60-856dB®*t§'23 HonesdaleDime bank E. C. Mumford — W. F. Riefler_____ Clarence L. Wright 100,000 214,430 1,420,180 $200-10%60-855 dB©*tl'86 par 100 Honesdalc National Bk. Andrew Thompson L. J. Dorflinger — L. A. Howell______ G. J. Mueller_____ 150,000 200,170 2.323,560 $104-10% 60-853 ®T»t’M Wayne County 8av. bank T. B. Clark............... C. J. Smith..............H. S. Salmon____ W. J. Yerkes_____ 200,000 792,760 3,722,770 $400-25% ♦ 60-854 d®T»t|’71 A. T. Searle,Ch. H. S. Salmon W. J.Ward. Par 100 V. P. and Tr. Off. Honey Brook..585 First National Bank.®T»t’6" J. S. Galt________ A. C. Moroni______ E. J. Kandle............. Olive L. Elmer .... 125,000 161,890 803.200 3 Chester 020 $200-10% 60-1192 L.H. Whitaker. Sec. Honey Brook Trust Co. C. R. Young............. E. B. Kennel_____ Wm. E. Poole. Tr.. S. M. Lemmon. 125,000 15,880 119,220 $27.50 60-1659 d®m’23 A. Tr. Hooversvllle ..1345 Oitizen* National Bank©t’19 Fred G. Fryburg .. L. R. Berkey_____H. H. Dull________ Freda Frybure ___ 55,550 432,380 25.000 4P Somerset (08 $300-12% 60-1516 j ! Norman Lewis First National Bank_.®*j'M J.K. Custer.............H.J.Koontz______ J. E. Naugle______ Frances Shaffer... 64.000 485.000 25.000 $300-12% 60-1193 Daniel Shaffer Hop Bottom ..500 Hop Bottom National Bank A. J. Taylor______J. W. Bisbee______ H. C. Packer_____ 61,560 483,790 25.000 Susquehanna F21 $275-10% par 100 60-1194dB®*'10| E. J. Whitney opewell....... 516 Hopewell National Bank F. S. Campbell____ J. L. Tenley______ E. M. Painter_____ 25.000 30,990 290.730 3 Bedford OlO $160-4% 10-1195 ®»t’10 Houston____ 1398 First National Bank_._®»i'01;L. H. Moore............W. W. Donaldson . J. S. Gantz_______ 25,000 50,130 405.620 4PWashington N2 $212-6% 60-1196 ffoutzdale ....1504 First National Bank d®T»t'0S L. W. Beyer______W. M. Burns______ George W.Ganoe.. 125,000 319,690 1,901.020 3 Clearfield K10 $240-16% par 100 60-1197 Houtzdale Trust Co.®T»tl’07 W. R. Cameron___ B L. Simnson--------J. M. Laurie. 125,000 105,800 1,011,800 $165-11% ♦ 60-1479 W. R. Gallagher Sec. and Tr. par 100 Howard_______621 First National Bank— ®*3'M W. J. Kurtz-------- |Thos. A. Plitcher..JW. K. McDowell.. W. C. Thompson... 25,000 47,070 303.730 3 Center J13 $225-12% 60-1101 HughesvUle.. .1577 First National Bank__ ®*t'S8 W. C. Frontz.____G. W. Sones_______ Frank A. Reeder. . 50,000 219,330 1,008.320 3 Lycoming 117 $300-16% 60-956 Wm. A. Ball______ H. G. VanDevender Orange Nat.Bk. of Lycoming Isaac Shaffer 50,000 35,210 272.910; $ho-5% Ooonty..60-957.-•I’07 par 100 Hummelstown Farmers Bank------dB® tl'SS Allen K. Walton... R. B. Earnest____ H. M. Horst______ 50,000 133,610 679.250 3 Dauphin N17 2654 $200-12% par 50 60-909 U. L. Balsbaugh... F. J. Schaffner.... F. C. Witmer_____ Hummelstown Nat. Bk. 125,000 162,000 817,000 $235-8% par 100 60-908 d®T»t’82 Hummels Wharf ^Snyder County State Bank S. E. Slaymaker... F. M. Machmer.... C. B. Eichman........ 50.000 70.000 d®»§’27 550 $50 par 50 60-1717 (Northumberland P. O., R. D. 2.) C. F. ZIMMERMAN. J. D. DORRIS.......... R.W. FLECK_ _ _ _ _ W. C. HALL 150,000 596,910 2,772,780 1 3 Snyder L15 C. D. FETTERHOOF, J. W. STRAI AIT ‘Huntingdon.7051 FIRST NATIONAL BANK . , Tr. Officer 3 Huntingdon M12 par ioo 60-616 d®T«t'63 Spoeial attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. I Please send 15c to ith each sight draf t for pr esentation Reports. I Send ns your H untlngdon Items. Grange Trust Company H. W- Read............|T O. Milliken____ C. H. Swigart.......... WalterHohman.Jr. 125,000 87,100 1.068,070 $H5-6% ♦ 60-620 d®Tt»|'08 !G. W. Fisher J. Brucheacker par 100 Onion National Bank._T»t'66 John W’Tiite............J. B. Kunz________ R. M. Watson........ A. P. Silverthorn 175.000 185,910 1,161,270 10% par 103 60-617 A. V. Shaffner Huntingdon Val’y Huntingdon Valley Trust Co. Israel Hallowed .. A. V. Brown_____ R. B. Caldwell, G. B. Hallowell, 125,000 73,630 681,940 275 $76-2% 60-1555 d®Tt{’21 Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 3 Montgomery 024 par 50 s Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued $ 139.660 $ 127,990 $ Principal Correspondents. 1 Cash A Ex- chawom.Dtji from 23,500 $ Banks 48,550 Sieelton Tr. Co., Steelton; Penn.Ou., Phil 41,040 449,670 143,380 16,220 208,150 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; Medon N.. Pitt. 5,400 811,010 77,700 191,340 381,140 Chase N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 58,140 587,060 621.640 33,000 162,010 697,930 2,154,210 458,640 2,794,570 5,910,880 39,000 200 526,190 ; 672,450 309,310 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt,; Drexel & Co.. Phil. 791,840 1,113,540 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 387,570 60,720 892,570 54,430 154,390 ; 915,230 1,544,950 43,670 46,890 864,730 3,459.880 202,030 188,110 856,500 223,790 120,790 6,000 169,070 57,560 9,430 24.000 239,920 243,630 21.290 47,000 320.000 175,000 42.000 40,010 389,170 143,900 35,590 26,470 66,990 260,600 9,803 37.610 188,540 191,760 59.870 22,040 505,920 1,653,510 32,540 728,000 159,730 Franklin 4th St, N., Phil. 43.210 2,000 74,520 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Peo. Sav. & Dime Bk.&Tr.Co andTra N., Scranton. 115,360 N.Cityand N. Park,N.\.;lstN..Scranton. 324,270 Bk. of America (Atlantic Office), N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 235,780 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 77,410 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 30,050 N. Bk. of Chester Valley, Coatesville; Franklin Tr. Co., Phil. 32,080 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Medon N., Pitt. 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 41,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra.N., Scranton; Trades mens N., Phil. 35.800 Mellon N. Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 78,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 175,770 N.City, N.Y.;Oorn Ex. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil 108,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 2,400 406,500 22.000 103.220 227,380 8,250 49.100 398,690 758,430 21,500 46,010 179,200 107,630 14,000 103,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. and Tradesmens N., Phil.: N. Bk of Balt.. Balt. 78,760 Han. N.. N. Y.; Corn Kx. N.. Union N.. and Cent. N., Phil. 66,200 N. Park, N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 58,960 Chase N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th 8t. N„ Phil.; Far Dep. N.. Pitt. 148,130 Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th It. N.. Phil. 25.660 506,890 273,290 29,570 63.000 469,990 594,390 35,420 3,000 25,000 35,000 33.000 30,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. X.. Phil.; Mellon X.. Pitt. 177.670 1,702,310 1,419,840 238,830 336,380 N. City, N Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N. Pitt. 791.790 340,520 17,310 130,540 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Mellon X.. Pitt. 204,030 1,001.400 502,710 64,780 359.600 464.950 33,430 157,320 Chase N.,N. Y.; Cent. N„ Phil.; Medon N., Pitt. 76.570 Market St. N. and 1st N., Phi). 50,000 THE PHILADELPHIA- GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ " Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New § State fPriv. ^County Seats. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P IsPitttsburghBr. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ...... ..... , President. Hyndman___1170 3 Bedford Q9 Ickesburg..............430 3 Perry M14 Hoblitzell National Bank $300-l8%parl00 3O-1199d®»t'0S Ickesburg State Bank..»tS’18 A. W. Shelley___ 170 60-1493 Imperial State Bank d®«t§’19 185—8% par 50" 60-1524 4P Allegheny M2 ‘Indiana.____ ..7043 Citizens National Bk. d®»+’05 Geo. J, Feit_________ $120 par 100 60-686 4 P Indiana L7 FARMERS BANK & TRUST Vernon F. Taylor. $220-10% CO. 60-684 •tl’76 M M <• i l( Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. 1 Loans Bonds Miscel Cass k ExSurplus Depos Other and csakoM'Dtib and AND L iabili its Discounts Sseuritiss laneous raoit Banks Profits ties PENNSYLVANIA—Continued | Vice President, Paid-up Capital Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. $ J. W. Buchanan... H. L. McGinty .... R. E. Wilson_____ F. E. McClnrg. 25,000 $ 53.490 $ 363.140 $ 8.000 125.000 5.000 120,000 35,000 25,000 17.200 526.370 1.120 235,280 272.730 19,990 56,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. 8.000 Girard Tr. Co., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 50.000 803,670 49,280 469,360 294,570 70,070 88,950 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Bk. of Pitt.N. A. and 325.010 3,768.380 44.090 2.996,540 746.780 114.270 First National Bank _.®t'64 J. S. Biair. $275-16% 60-682 J. R. Daugherty... Paul Lewis---------- 200,000 463.300 4.836.650 207.120 3.378,150 1.987.070 82.790 504.870 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.: Diamond N., Far. Dep. N.,and 1st N., Pitt. 259.060 N. City. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.: 1st N.. Pitt. INDIANA COUNTY DEP. BANK H. J. Laughlin______ W. C. Fleck_____ 116,700 168.020 1.064,590 593.340 138,000 117.230 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A.. Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. J. W. McCartney, A. Tr. H.T. Rankin, A.Tr. 400,000 574.200 4.381.580 150,520 773.270 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 25,000 7.890 294.530 8.170 65.210 162.840 11,770 95.760 Mellon N.. Pitt. H. B. Showalter... L L. Buckwalter. 35,000 76,760 513.200 79,810 364,510 287.840 17.140 30.560 391.440 8,000' 177,230 241,000 5,170 35.290 Chase N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.: Lancaster Tr. Co., Lancaster. 31.610 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 196,000. 1.050.000 60 683 ®Ttf’7S Harry White s M jao ___ J. A. Weller______ 25,000 Irwin......................... 3235 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 60-858 ®tl9O0 4P Westmorel’dN5 $355-16% First National Bankd®»t'9I R. P, McClellan... 36% par 100 6(^887 .. IRWIN SAVINGS & TRUST CO. A. P. Cameron — $200 60-1625 ®T§ 22 Jacksonville... 174 (See Kent) (Kent P. 0.) 4P Indiana K6 Jamestown... .818 Jamestown Banking Oo. _t'74 R. T. Porter--------60-1201 4P Mercer G1 Jeannette...11.742 First National Bank________ t'89 John W. Keltz ___ 60-544 4P Westmorel’dNS Glass City Bank. ..®«tl'07 A. B. Greenawalt.. $217,50-6% par 50 60-547 .. Jeannette Sav. A Trnst Co. H. A. Lauffer................ $290-l2%parlo060-545d®T<T03 •• Jefferson________ 392 First National Bank ddX'19 S. C. Hawkins______ 4P Greene P 3 $175-4% parlOO 60-1605 Jenklntown. 3366 Citizens National Bank 3 Montgomery 024 $115 par 100 60-1666 d®T«t’24 L. S. Malone _ _ C. A. Anderson.... R.T. McCormick G. W. Flowers.... J. B. Cunningham. Norman Hayes ___ 100.000 50,000 256.000 2.140.000 John L. Ridinger.. F. D. Peoples, Tr George Bowman 200,000 72.240 1.060,500 Chas. H. Cramer.. Geo. A. Wilson_____ 150,000 JENKINT0WN BANKS TRUST L. R. Dutton________ C0.---^ 60-851...d®T»tS’75 Howard Fleck. Ch. Arnold Aiman______ W. T. Locker, D. M. Demptser, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. S. H. H^h B. J. King, Aud, S. L. Schively I. R. Ha Howell. Tr. Off. Wilson Fried!ine.. L, G, Lichliter-------- 250,000 1.097.230 8.225.720 $355-14% par 50 Sec, and Tr. W. P. Miller P. B. Buckwalter B. A. Krlse.. EstherL.McMaster J R Fry George Eckert A. L. Leonard — T. L. Ashcom A. L. Leonard______ F. E. Pikulski P. K. Black. A. Cash. J. W. Keltz, Tr.... W. I. Mull, Sec. and A. Tr. t National Bank Ju ne 23,1927, and oper H. A. Cree...................... J. C. Stewart------------- G R Miller _____ T. B. Crawford.... B. E. Matthews.... Jerome __________1032 First National Bank., ©t’21 T. W, Guthrie. . 60-1599 4 P Somerset 07 R. M. Wol. A. Tr,. Jersey Shore..6103 JERSEY SHORE TRUST CO. H. G. ltorabaugh .. S. Spigelmyer............. C. E. Peterson. Sec. and Treas 3 Lycoming H14 $350-16% 60-699 ®>tl'0e Robt. McCullough, Robert Dunbar Ch, of Bd J. H. Messerly M. Taylor, A. Tr National Bk, of Jersey Short (Absorbed by Jersey Shore Trust Co,) STATE BANK OF JERSEY 518,740 18.000 2,250 4.434.140 C. S. Strong Jennerstown__130 Peoples State Bank_____®§’25 R. R. Rhoads............... Howard Fleck.CA. 60-1693 4 P Somerset N7 Jermyn--------------- 332( First National Bank_________ '02 John W. Cure............. Chas. F. Baker 60-1202 W. S. Badger 3 Lackawanna G22 3 6.340 225,000 SAVINGS&TRUST COMPANY John M 57,110 Han. N.. N. T.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. Wm.A, Simpson.. J. G. St. Clair. Tr.. J. A. Graff, A.Tr,._ C. Northnagel, J. W. Mack A. Tr. Off. A. Scott-----$240-10% 6®=-685 d®T«t*’02 par 100 Indian Head ..213 First National Bank.d©«t’23 D. B. Zimmerman. 60-1633 4P Fayette P5 $no-6% Intercourse . 336 First National Bank .©•t'08 J. K. Kessler_____ 60-1200 3 Lancaster 020 $200-6% First National Bank~®»t’17 3 Clearfield K9 $175-12% 60-1480 L. A. Lord, V. P. M 2.360 $ E. B. Bennett........ T. N. Robinson.___ Chas. W. Carnahan $225-8% . ------ - 16.520 $ 139.690 I 258.720 $ 25,000 J. W. Ritter__________ W. M.Bardo_________ J. J. Nicholson-— S. W. Eddy, Sec,... L. J. Holmes SHORE--60-701.. d®»t§’2C $102-6% par 50 P. J. O’Mallev.... First National Bank...®»t'0£ M. J. Barrett---------1 Peter Basalyga Lackawanna G 2( $225-8% parlOO 60-1203 180.000 1.300.000 475,000 9.000 74,000; 1.160.000 1.100.000 63.800 209,080 121.860 142.030 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 888.790 29.030 62,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 196.200 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N.. Pitt. 33.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N.. Pitt. 300.000 370,000 50,000 171.090 2.484.870 244.850 1,451,490 641,570 177.550 50,000 215.720 2.721.590 2.335.000 325,620 89,220 680,190 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 237.480 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Diamond N., Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. 1st N., and Mellon N.. Pitt. 10.760 1.392.690 619,990 42.410 155.260 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.: Monong&hela N. and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 51.630 Han. N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 65.000 N. Park, N.Y.: IstN., Quaker City N.,and N. Bk. No. Phil., Phil. 50,000 25,000 . 150.000 25.000 30,000 100,000 25,000 250.000 50,000 100.000! 294.890 1.754.710 26.000 29,000 3,040 1 229,470 90,510 8.490 600.000 287.000 147,470 536.750 4.450,680 4.423.020 645,400 303.580 25,530 643.000 277.470 33,430 24.990 421.950 28.610 33,320 22,690 17.850 211.220 1.464,240 250.00( 3.250,000 439,190 1.055.780 83.200 24,830 Mellon N.,Pitt. 222.280 Han. N.. N. Y.: Franklin4th 8t. N., Phil. 433.510 32.350 2.000.00(1 1,000,000 250.000 500.000 N. Y. Tr. Co. and N. City. N.Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., 1st N., and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 35,440 Chase N.. N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil.; Lycoming Tr. Co.. Williamsport. 358.950 11.920 209.36C 147,48(1 44.940 133.510 1.465.570 48,800 709.31C 873,12C 24.900 16.350 590.610 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Market St. N, and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 43.020 1st N„ Pitt, and Phil. 140.550 Fidelity Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Scranton. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par—No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lO'SC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSale%Div. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities . Resources, Loans Bonds Cm k Mix Paid-up Surplus Depos Other MISCEL chan and and «m,Dui Liabili and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities LANEOUS pbom Bask* ties Johnsonburg.5400 Johasonburg Nat. Bank A. G. Paine, Jr.. 3 Elk P9 20% 60-1204 d®»t’01 E. L. Myers______ F. S. O’Donnel.__ A. A. Johnson____ * 150,000 $ 171,980 i 981,490 $ Eustis Paine Johnstown -71.475 + Dale National Bank®»t’21 J. D. Keiper.... 3 Cambria N7 60-1687 W. R. Lohr____ W. C. Beckley * First National Bank,„«t62 David Barry.__ 60-103 D. J. McMonigai.. T. A. Blackburn... Harry Swank_____ P. F. McAneny.__ C. E. McGahan___ J. M. Murdock J. B. Jones, A. C. J. C. Griffith E. A. Plack, A. C. J. A. Haughton +Johnstown State Deposit H. M. Davies. Bank d®»t§’19 60-115 Geo. Von Lunen... F. T. Mulvehlll.__ B. L. Schubert___ G. D. Gartland WM. R.THOMAS — P. L. CARPENTER.— D. M. S.MCFEATERS. G. Tr. & Tr. Off. A. V. BARKER NATHAN MILLER. Sec. "JOHNSTOWN TRUST 00-106 dB®I par 100 $3 50-16% RUTLEDGE .... A. Tr. T COMPANY IN CAMBRIA COUN TY on given to all C ollections L. H. Opperman... M. D. Bearer, G. W. Hamilton, Sec. & Tr. Geo. D. Gartland A. Sec. + Morrellville Deposit Bank $73-8% par 50 60-113 d®»t§’17 252,470 400,000 1.783.660 14356490 503,100 12809 230 1.790,250 455.540 2.855,290 67,960 1.122.380 1.931,740 50,000 200.000 50,000 19.150 107,160 2.747.980 882,220 454,630 394,620 N. Park, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; 1st N.. Pitt. 562,000 10.000 470,000 55,000 27,000 92,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Trades mens N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 184.640 647,730 546,510 40.430 279.980 Gty. Tr. N. Y.: Col. T. Co. and Mellon N„ Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil, 732.300 56.710 559,500 165,890 287,860 97,070 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Col. Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st N„ Phil, and Johnstown. 30.350 1.782.170 353,220 257,160 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 143,330 162.210 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Bk. of Pitt. N. 22,000 231,700 229.790 1.903,710 200,000 127.650 1.583.240 ®»t’06 60-107 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK $250-14% par 100 60-106 dB®«i’0i 246.050 1.417.170 434.230 A., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ith each sight draf t for presentation and 60c for Credit Reports. 'Prompt Service. We get Results. JOHN H. WATERS- J. W. WALTERS_____ FRED KREBS WM. H. STRAUSS G. 0. SUPPES m&m E. L. EDWARDS_____ T. P. A. MURRAY M. J. LEWIS 800.000 000.000 10 410000 890.000 8.060.000 3.014.000 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. 326.000 1.600.000 N. Bk. Com. and Han. N.,N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.-Girard N., and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.: Mellon N., 1st N., Diamond N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. .Try us for prom pt service and go od results. "UNITED STATES J. H. TRUST COMPANY $300-14% par 100 270,830 Drexel & Co. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil.: 1st N., Far. Dep. N.. and Mellon N., Pitt. 329,270 3,843,010 "Title Trust & GuaranteeCo. Samuel Lenhart... H. E. Baumer_____ M. D. Bearer, G. W. Hamilton, 60-109 «l’07 L. H. Opperman G. D. Gartland Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. V. P. $170-8% 53,830 69,500 Gty, Tr., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N..PhU.; Colonial Tr., Pitt.; 1st N.. Johnstown. 57,310 BOYD................ 480,000 1.963,760 N. City and Chase N„ N. Y.; C. & C, N., Chi.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 6.360 264.000 S. 60,530 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr„ N. Y.; Peo. Sav. & Tr., Pitt. 119,360 H. M. Tarr______ J. A. Sloan______ J. D. Lonergan. "Pennsylvania Trust Co. C. W. Konvalinka, $120 60-1584 ®T«t§’21 G. F. Lee, Ch. O. G. A. Barker Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. R. C. LOVE_______ H. THOMAS H. WATT 40.300 303,710 76,150 1,053,860 V. P. 23,440 $ 214,490 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Bk. oi Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 5,370 200,000 / 83.640 Principal Correspondents. 424,410 O. M. Stineman.... B. E. Bosler_____ N. W. Hoffman.__ F. N. Scully............ +Moxham National Bank 60-114 ®»t22 Edward Hahn LOVE_ _ _ ‘UNION NATIONAL /J.(JOHNK. STEN6ER. BANK 60-110 dB®T*t§’ll ' Waters_____ J. W. Walters........ [. E. Jendricks, A. L. Schwing, John Dowling Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Geo. O. Suppes J. W. Walters, S. H. Hovanac, Tr. Off. A. Tr. Investment Securi ties __ (302 U. S. Bk. Bldg.) West & Co.--------------------- I (IT. 8. National Bldg.) Johnstown Clearing House— David Barry........ .. (.Members indicated by a* Affiliated Banks by a +) Jonestown__ 580 3 Lebanon M18 C. 78.480 $ 290,690 $ 833,310 $ 31,330 Johnstown Savings Bank W. R. Thomas ___ Fred Krebs............. Theodore Mainhart, 60-104 ®»tj’70 Charles Griffith. A. B. Cooper Tr. V, P. $70-4% par 50 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws PENNS YL V A NIA —Continued Jonestown Bank_____ ®tf'71 Elias Gerhart_____ M. F. Arndt.. $82-7% 60-1205 160,000 220,370 3,873,300 48.150 2.232.440 942,050 511,720 3. L. McVicker, 615,620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N. Phil; Mellon N., Pitt. Guaranty Co. of N. Y.. N. Y. Representative Sec. Thomas J. Rank .. Clayton R. Boltz.. 50.000 94,650 383.420 13.690 254,740 220,070 8,490 57,660 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Juniata_____ 7660 First National Bank d®«t’06 V. A. Oswald_____ J. W. Parks............ L L. Gruver______ Esther Barley____ 3 BlairM 10 $145-6% par 100 60-1207 W. S. Simpson | 25,000 28.680 609,370 65.090 325,600 317,480 7,070 77,990 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N. Pitt. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 1400 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. 10-3A to each bank in U. S. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F.Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (.In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- PENNSYLVANIA —Continued Cashier. Liabilities. DbposPaid-up Surplus and ITS Capital Profits Aas’T Cashier. W. S. Calderwood. EL H. Watkins___ O. H. Johnson------ A. O. Cooke______ $ 125,000 Kane________ 7288 First National Bank J. E. Calderwood W. L. Heim 16% 60-634 dB©T*t’05 S McKean F8 par 100 125,000 0. E. Longshore. W. A. Longshore. Kane Bank ft Trust Company S. K. Foote, Jr. ... B. N. McCoy____ A. Tr. Tr. 12% par 100 60-633 dB®T*4S’01 338,850 12534 370 Resources. ties 176,520 $ 820,470 $1930580 $ 163,810 $ 259,880 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 245,800 2,271,870 45,010 2,299,380 43,990 344,310 Seab. N.. N Y.- Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Mellon N. and 1st N„ Pitt. James McDade.2nd, W. W. McDade— R. A. Hill_________ F. E. Hogan. Kane Trust & Savings Co. Asst. Tr. 8se. and Tr. J. E. Healy par 100 60-635 d®M§’02 150,000 107,260 969,690 31,230 763,220 264,390 76,650 153,930 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com Ex. N„ Phil.: A. L. Shone--------- J. F. Rolley---------- 25,000 9.310 196,620 1.250 25,760 168,360 14,890 23,170 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 12,570 201,320 12,370 93,820 137,620 29,500 15,310 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 125,000 167,370 959,140 609,360 408,510 144,120 Chase N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.Girard N and lit N.. Phil. M. P. Darlington— 125,000 200,890 1,297,750 207.550 1,385,070 278,070 168,040 N. City, N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. J. R. Mclntire.... W. H. McQuilken. W.H. McQuilken, Sec T. R. Boden 25,000 9.500 56.880 88,000 17.080 230,000 4,960 60,000 170,000 20,000 950,000 499.820 5.869.410 455.000 3.725.440 2,904,190 428.570 109,960 1st N„ Wilkes-Barre: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 716.030 N. Park. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ PhlL 455,050 323.000 2,536,850 — 2,036,230 773,890 187,810 316,970 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens A. L. Sheridan. H. G. Gates. Sec. and Tr. A. See. and A. 300,000 234,390 4.402,130 20,190 2,964,840 1,217,090 177.570 597,201 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co , George G. Titzell.. Calvin E. Millei 100,000 168,500 915,000 P. L. McKenrick — Millicent Painter 100,000 84,190 F. S. Knoble------- J. D. White 100,000 119,950 , 135,000 408,690 4,013,300 . 25,000 24,910 372,470 30,000 10,000 97.000 25,000 30.440 325,800 25,040 *165 Karthaus____ 415 Karthaus State Bank ®*t§T9 H. G. Kunes_____ G. B. Smith__ 60-1517 S Clearfield 111 *65-5% Kempton____ 250 Kempton State Bk.. d®t5’2S A. B. Greenawalt.. V. F. Dietrich----- F. A. Deisher___ Wm. Kunkel *63 par 50 60-1650 3 Berks L21 Kennett Square Kennett Trust Co—®T*I4'06 J. W. Jefferis........ 0. G. Gawthrop—- A. M. Passmore, See. and Tr. S.J. Philips 60-919 3 Chester Q21 2308 *100-8% Mat. Bank ef Kennett Square T. I. Marshall___ E. R. Green-------- D. Doer Phlltns. 60-918 ®«rn Kent_________600 Farmers ft Miners Bank of W. E. Griffith____ Jacksonville-------- ®*tl'17 4 P Indiana L6 *75 60-1483 Kersey______ 826 Farmers & Merchants Bank 60-1728 t’27 Elk H9 Kingston... 17.998 First National Bank...d®’26 O. R. Mullison____ 3 Luzerne H20 *140 par 100 60-1708 Kingston Bank ft Trust Co. B. M. Rosser_____ *115-8% 66-1208 dB®T,J4’6t par Mgr. 100,000 E. G. Chapin______ H. R. Hay________ R. H. Scureman F. E. Zerbey---------- E. J. Evans_______ F. I. Remmell.. Chas. E. Davies Wm. W. Inglis 60 •Klttannlng .7153 Armstrong County Trust Co. H. R. Gault______ H. G. Gates-------60-754 ®T«|'I2 O. W. Gilpin. V. P. Dwight C. Morgan 4P ArmstrongK5 *300 Floy 0. Jonas_____ George G.Titzell.. Farmers National Bank J. S. Porter *255-10% par 100 66-756 d©»t'84 J. M. Painter------ J. R. Einstein____ Merchants National Bank *175-10% par loo 66-752 ®'97 National Kittanning Bank James McCullough, (135-6% 66-753 ®.f02 Klingers town. 240 3 Schuylkill L17 Knox Dale___ 815 4P Jefferson J7 nnoxvllle____7201 3 Tioga D14 R. G. Best, A. Sec. Safe Deposit ft Title Gfuar. Co. J. McCullough, Jr. J. A. Fox, V. P., Sec. & Tr. Dale Barger, A.Sec. 9% 66-751 ®T»3I'60 O. S. Bower. State Bank of Klingerstown W. O. Leitzel____ W. C. Maurer------ John Leitzel__ *120-6% 60-1488 ®tl'18 E. E. Swineford... H. D. Smail______ Bank of Knoxdale....®tS'21 L. P. Fike__ *60-4% 60-1583 First National Bank_.*’ll J. O. Pattison------- S. A. Weeks............. C. H. Lugg_______ 60-1033 KoppeI„........... 762 First National Bank...®t’21 H. P. Hoffstot........ G. G. Schmidt___ F. A. Hawthorne.. *150-5% par 100 60-1571 4f Beaver K2 Kulpmont.__4695 Dime Deposit Bank..d®tl'13 H. 8. Evert---------- W. R. Reinhardt .. C. T. Mi roll! —........ F. H. Strouss 3 Northumb I’d K18 *150-6% par 50 ♦ 60-1446 Arthur Bonner___ H. A. Fister_____ O. E. Merkel. 0. W. Miller.— Kutztown.__ 2684 Farmers Bank ft Trust Co. U. J. Miller 60-888 •tl’08 3 Berks M21 John R. Qonser. Kutztown National Bank *290-10% 80-887 ®T3’98 C. S. Siegfried......... O. P. Grimley____ H. W. Saul Laeeyvllle_____466 Grange Nat. Bk. of Wyoming A. 0. Keener _ 3 Wyoming F16 County______ ____ ®»t’07 *215-10% 66-1216 G. E. Detrick------- D. E. Brady---------- Lake Ariel.........433 First National Bank of 3 Wayne G23 Lake Charles Shaffer— W. R. Shaffer------- R. N. Howe — Ariel....60-1211.... ®*t*10 7,600 155,000 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 25,140 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt (Branch of St. M arys, Pe nn.) M. J. Fuenffinger, W. H. Cocking, Sec. ♦West Side Tr. Co.d®T*tl'21 Donald O. Coughlin F. P. Oliver______ Harold Tippett, Tr. Chas. F. Hess *70-8%par 25 ♦ 60 1603 (Member of Wilkes-Barre Cle aring House) (Ariel P. O.) Principal Oorrbspondbits. Bondi MlBCBLand Sieuritiis UKIOUB Other Liabili 25,000 N..Phil. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., and 1st N., Pitt. 167,000 Han. N.. N.Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 107,500 430.000 694,000 722,860 98,460: 278,010 646,430 6,980 793,450 100.000 308,720 620,140 55.000 129,530 Chase N.. N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 34,720 2,712,540 1,201,680 203,440 474,050 Chase N.. N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil.: Diamond N., Colonial Tr. Co., and 1st N., Pitt. 34,670 Cora Ex. N., Phil. 450 _______ 74.090 Seab. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. 236,450 128,270 25,000 86,000 10,000 139,350 226,350 10,400 16,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co.. Pitt. 30,270 1st N„ Phil, 23,450 . 50,000 32,180 218,280 50,710 103,920 206,010 9,500 31,740 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. _ 50,000 91,660 620,340 8,430 515,770 160,600 22,320 71,750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. . 125,000 158,000 1.175.00C 150,000 244,370 1.432.43C 200.250 _ 119,000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 1,800,000 643.100 1,213,440 21,680 148,820 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 25,000 51,600 402.64C 35,000 164,200 284.610 9,830 55,600 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 50,000 148,62 793,691 52,500 417,000 566,770 8,570 52,470 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. *300-15% THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19^7 Number under Name uf Hank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Bt. •Mem.A.B.A. n-New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Div. PRESIDENT. V ice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA - Continued Cashier. Asst Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DbpobCapital Profits ITS Resources. Bonds Cam * lx Miscec- cHA>ns,Dui Discounts Securities LANEOU8 non Ram* Loan* Other TIES Principal Correspondents. ‘Lancaster. .56,505 AGRICULTURAL TRUST & J. H. Mowrer_____ P. F. Snyder---------- P. F. Snyder- Tr... J. G. Forney, Sec.. $ 263.125 $ 160.220 $1 844 860 $ 268.280 U 418 410 i 807.050 * 158.000 $ 153.020 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Fid. 3 Lancaster P18 SAVINGS COMPANY., , ;EdgarS.Rose,A.7V. Phil. Tr. Co. acd Corn Ex. N.. Phil. *46 par 25 60-151 d®T#t§ 22 J E. Phillippi, A. Tr. and Tr, Off, ‘CONESTOGA NATIONAL BANK — *610.25-25% par 100 .. 60-146 FRANK McGRANN— A. H. LANDIS, Cash. and. Tr. Off. TiRMFHSTR RR MARTIN RINBHALT-. C. A. SAUBER, WJ.NEUHAUSER,Tr. K. Prm. and See, WM. K. DIETZ,A- Tr. WM. J. NEUHAUSER MELO H. HESS. 1. H. BARE <0-130 ®T«t|1810 _____ •« » •• *• „ — .. H. M. Musser____ P. H. Ruhl............... J. F. Ruhl Harold Sawyer ♦Guaranty Trust Oo. C. H. Nolt . , *205-7% 60-150 d®T*«T2 par 100 Lancaster County Nat’l Bk. w-. E. Zeeher *162-12% 60-140 d®Tt’4l R. c. Zecher, par 50 | A. to Pres. ♦Lancaster Trust Co. Ijohn Hertzler____ *631.25-34% 60-145 d®T«t§’89 J. L. Ruth. V. P. par 50 NORTHERN TRUST & SAW- E. J. Ryder_______ INGS CO. <0-149 ®Tt» 02 *182-12% L. B. Herr ‘ r t Rrandt -- J i (Investment Sec EASTMAN, DILLON & CO.--- Members New Y 126 No. Duke St. ) Members Philad (.Members Pittsb 44 E. R. Garvin, Tr. 261.930 543.380 N. Bk. Com., N. ¥.; Cent. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 225.000 1.356.040 7.664.040 ________ 6.080.600 1.735.360 290.530 1.138.580 Chem. N. and 1st N.. N. Y.; Cent. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 200.000 5pJOu,udU 909.640 579.520 412,100 92,160 252,340 Chase N.. N. Y.; Com Ex. N.. Phil. 1,586.750 71.380 462.860 J. P. Morgan & Co. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. N. and Penn N.. Phil. 481.290 3,587,580 205,920 »/ t)U yu,o j.u H. W. Hartman__ H. C. Miller. Ira K. Herr.^L. See. Sec. and Tr. F. L. Homsher and A. Tr. 250.000 1.816.290 9,982,170 153,520 W. S. Rehm, Tr... M. H. Baer. Jr., See. J. L. Sammy, A.Tr. C. F. MILLER............. J. C. JACKSON. Tr... F. J. SEKINGER. A. Tr. and Tr. Off. 402.280 Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Cent. N.. Phil. 1n G. R. Boyd, A. Tr. David Ringwalt... H. F. Diffenderffer H. W. Kauffman... | 9,684,580 1.086,990 200,000 1,948.420 400.000 1.019.710 5.108.850 17.110 4.634.240 795.220 346,420 1,034,000 N. Park and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.-Girard N., and Trades mens N„ Phil.; Un. N., Pitt. 287,610 540,430 N. Y.Tr.Co., N. Y.: Corn Kx. N.and Union N.. Phil.; Merch. N.. Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 416.100 700.100 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. J. F. SIDES, A . Tr. Off. 60-147 d®T‘t*'82j ♦Union Trust Com pan v tiso-io% 60-141 d®T«M’02 par 100 _____ 159.810 2.914.240 2.475.980 ■ ♦Fulton National Bank John n. Carter 1315-12% 60-142 d@T®{’82 *2S2-I6% par 50 '* 828.240 5.007.480 Tr. Off. ‘PEOPLES TRUST, „ >u COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . . ** 200.000 A.C.and A.Tr.Off. d@T*i'89 i i n ■ uui « J. F. AIERSTOCK, E. J. Eby. E. S. Snyder Sec. and Tr. urities ..................... ___________ A. F. Witmer. A. Tr. 300,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; Phil.- Girard N.. Phil.: X. Bk. Balt.. Balt. Wm. K. Ressler.A. Sec. and A. Tr. Direct wires to N. Y.. C hi., Phila . & Pitt. ork Stock Ex. elphia Stock Ex. urg Stock Ex. McCOWN & CO. ——-------- (Investment Securiti gg)__ McCown & Co., Phil. West & Co............ ....................♦ (19 N. Queen St.) .. Lancaster Clearing House___ J. C. Carter, Ch.... (Member e indicated by a♦) Landlsburg.__ 185 Bank of Landisbnpg.___•tt’13 W. H. Loy......... ....... 3 Perry M14 *80-10% 60-1212 Landlsville. . 632 First National Bank____ t’09 E. F. Nolt______ _ 60-1213 3 Lancaster 018 *200-10% Langhorne... 1067 Peoples Nat. Bk. & Tr. Co. Henry Lovett_____ 3 Bucks 0 25 1250-10% 60-1214 d®T*t'83 par 100 Lansdale_____ 4728 Citizens National Bank H. L. S. Rath_____ 3 Montgomery N23 *353-10% 60-802 d®»t'06 J. O. Jackson, Sec. J. C. Waggoner___ J. R. Wilson............. Raymond Egolf ... 100,000 112,150 1.052,650 320,490 27,980 999.720 12.200 419,690 735.800 25.620 137.720 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N.. Franklin 4th St. N.. and Tradesmens N.. Phil. 51,420 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Lancaster Tr. Co.. Lan caster. 138,500 Cent. N.. Phil. 50.000 260,190 1,260.490 57,880 1.026,940 358.020 54.800 188.810 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 150.000 626.230| 3.023.070 ! 101,860 2.351,910 1.059,790 60,860 428,600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ 1,027,070 J. N. 8nmmy_____ Howard B.Stauffer, W. S. Bushong Henry Palmer____ Horace G. Mitchell F. R. Mitchell____ Lily H. Ridge James M. Hartsel- F. A. Clayton........... 125,000 182.690 266.300 par 100 " -------- “ First National Bk. .d®T«t'63 Irwin G. Lnkens .. W. H. Rosenberry. P. G. Hartman___ H. L.Shellenberger 1 par too 60-801 *350-10% Phil.-Girard N.. and 1st N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 oon lilJo Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWS AND COUNTT. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §8tate fPriv. JMem. 8tate B Ass’n. fEstab. *Oonnty Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br.i d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. ▼iCB-Pnsisnrr. Oaskike. Ass t Gassier. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Gash k BxuUkpliIB Other Miscel oiAmas,Ifen Pjoo-up D epos and and AND Liabili Capital Pbofits its Disco unti Saeuritiss laneous Eton Bins ties $ 375.000 $ 452,000 J4 800 100 $ C. C. Lippincott... H. L. Price, Tr,... Morgan Bunting. Lansdowne... 4797 LANSD0WNE BK. & TR. CO. See. Mary L. Kenney, 60-1215 d®T«tl'02 Walter Bowers.Ch. L. L. Smith 3 Delaware P23 10% A Tr. W. R. White. „ C. W. Stubbs R. C. Davies, A.Tr. Tr. Off. and A. Sec. E. U. Barry A. J. Levington, Title Off. (Consolidation of Lcinsdowne Trust Co, and Lansd owne National Ban k) 96,160' $4996,270 — $ Principal Oorrespondbcts. 21,970 $ 705,030 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Franklin 4th St. N.. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 127,650 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. T.; 1st N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 305,620 Chase N.. N. Y.j Phil.-Girard N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Peo. 8av. & Dime, Scranton. 219,490 Chase N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th 8t. N„Cent. N. and Tradesmens N.. Phil. 18,120 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 191,580 1,367.790 50,000 584,740 $ 906.490 40,500 50.000 99,520 1.506,250 2,130 994,710 303.060 54,500 First National Bank d®»t'W Charles Riebe........ G. M. Harris_____ G. M. Harris_____ R. W. Jones......... . Milton Kleckner $246- 12% par 100 60-624 A. D. Helsman — R. D. Kehrer------W. B. Snider 1120-3% 60-1216 100,000 194,320 1,737.910 181,570 939,310 974.840 80,170 105,850 25,000 111,320 40.140 6,990 Joseph E. Barnett. Warner Utts------- W. H. Flickinger.. Joseph A. Cesare-9799 Citizens National Bank 60-666 d®»t'88 50.000 239,920 1,932,850 59,100 1,441,760 284,070 238,580 317,470 Chase N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 H. H. SMITH_____ H. H. SMITH---------- H. M. HUFFMAN— a given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 308,250 2,997.370 127,480 1,357.790 1,354,780 186,510 634,030 1st N.. N. Y.; Cent. N„ Phil.; Mellon N. and 1st. N.. Pitt. C. M. Stickler........ W.J. Davis Lansford.__ 10,094 Citizens NaUonal Bk. d®*i’W Andrew Breslin... G. M. Kistler.__ 3 Carbon K21 $400-20% par 100 66-625 W. H. Hasten____ T. J. Jenkins-------- Samuel Boyle, Jr._ T. W. Chapman.__ $135-14% 60-526 50,000 3 Sullivan H18 Latrobe Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws. PENNSYLVA NIA —Continued 25.000 20,720 4P Westmorel'd N6 20% par 100 — ( JOSEPH C. HEAD 1 Special attentio FIRST NATI0MAL BANK 20% 60-506 dB®*t’88 j Please send 15c w (.Bend your bust -------- Latrobe Trust Co____ ®TI’08 M. W. Saxman___ J. E. Barnett------ I. B. Shallenberger R. D. Eisaman, A. Tr. See. and Tr. I. B. Shallenberger $235-22% 60-608 300,000 428.080 2,533,110 36,590 1,135,190 1,694,440 164,610 303,530 Han. N..N. Y.: Union Tr. Oo„ 1st N.. and Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co.. Pitt. C. H. McLaughlin.. A. F. Downing____ Ernest Overholt-- C. T. Walker_____ F. V. Pisula 100.000 185,610 2,657,200 177,130 1,253.560 1,507,540 180,030 178,810 Han. N„ N. Y.; Far. Den. N„ Mellon N.. and 1st N„ Pitt.; 1st N..Phil. C. E. Von Neida— A. S. Hassinger ... 25,000 11,330 123,470 2,850 93,950 35.690 7.450 E. H. Stoddard___ 25.000 41.910 238.080 57.360 236.120 68.330 22.420 J. O. Light.............. A. 8. Kreider-------- H H. TTlriVh ^Lebanon... 25.207 ♦Farmers Trust Co. W. E. Weimer 60-278 d®T»tl’05 3 Lebanon M18 $125-10% par 50 ** _____ •• ♦First National Bk. d®T»f56 B. D. Coleman____ E. R. Coleman____ D. J. Leopold_____ H. H. Hoffman___ R. 8. Donough 60-276 500.000 603,650 2,740,150 2,419,310 931,150 111,870 381.460 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 250.000 528,710 3,359,910 115.030 1,895,880 1,850,970 108,300 398,490 IstN.. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. ♦Lebanon County Trust Co. W. C. Freeman-__ C. F. Strickler____ Wm. E. Zecher, Tr. F. 1. Tar rach. A.Tr. Geo. D. Krause $53-10% 60-279 d®T«t|'01 300.000 355,700 1,520,410 120 433,550 51,600 228,530 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. H. C. Uhler.... ......... L. A. Sattaz&hn... ♦Lebanon National Bank Frank 8. Becker.. Thomas L. Becker $158-14% 60-274 ®T»t’*l 200.000 382,080 2,167,460 148.010 867,150 1,590.470 7,320 432,610 N.Bk.Com., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Franklin 4th St. N.. and 1st N.. Phil. J. M. BOMBERGER, A. Sec. 200.000 236,470 1,347,750 25,000 125,000 “ “ $300-10% 60-607 ©dlK’01 par 100 Laurel ton_____ 327 Laureltou State Bank®t§‘20 $es 60-1568 3 Union K15 ness to a good, at rong and reliable bank. H.C.Cloos. Lawrencevllle 508 First National Bank ...®t’l# 1200-12% 60-1218 3 Tioga D15 “ -------- •« “ <• LB. F, PATSCHKE— iiioir— J. G. KREIDER, Sec. and Tr. 1,462,550 916,350 503,460 262.770 25.560 Tradesmens N„ Phil. 35.480 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 126.640 N. City. N. Y.; Corn Tradesmens N.. Phil. Ex. N. and A. 6. LIGHT. A. Tr ♦NORTH SIDE BK. & TR. CO. ts of Ba nks, Co rporatl ons, $110-8% 60-280 ®T*ti'15 \ A Bank with ad equate facilities f or efficient servic e. We solicit the aecoun 1 Commercial Houses and Indlv iduals. Please se nd 15c with each sight dr aft for present atlon a nd 50c for Lebanon Items. . Send us your (. credit reports — •« ee ♦PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK C. Z. Weiss______ A. J. Riegel............ M. E. Dononeh — W. W. Kleiser____ Cash, and Tr. Off. $100-10% 80-277 d©T<’88 •• $4 Lebanon Clearing House____ 180,000 1,219,500 129,600 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 169.000 1,095,100 404,800 64.000 577,240 214,850 39,360 91,480 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N. and Diamond N., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 125,000 1,200,170 1,014.540 27,500 385,600 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N„ Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Third N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. M. E. Donough.Sec. (Members indicated by a*) rO. M. Leech burg.__ 399] FARMERS NATIONAL 4P Armstrong L5 $225-10% 60-708 t’hWi- J. W. SAULTERS...... W. HICKS— FIRST HATI0HAL BANK $300-16% 60-702 CLARA ANDREES— 50,000 67.260 758,770 46,900i items. BANK < Send us your Le echburg ®*t'08 ) Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each eight draft fo' r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Reports (.Please send 15c to* a. •• CAMPBELL.. FRANK E. BASH— < Special attentio n given to collect Ions. ®*tl000 115e mnst accom pany each sight diraft for presentat loo, and 125.000 307,030 2.070.820 (.25c for eredit re port or rating. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10-30 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tfriv ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Eetab Figure is F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d- Sa f e De p. ©Sav. $Las t Sale % Div. Leesport____ .615 3 Berks M20 Lehigh ton.__6 3 Carbon K21 3 Franklin Q12 Lemoyne____193 3 Gumb’land 01 LeRaysvllle___25 3 Bradford E19 •Lewlsburg ...320 3 Union J16 3 Mifflin L13 President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. E. W. Graeff.......... Surplus Paib-oi DiorosAJfD Cajpstal Profits ITS 1 64,390 155,730 13,100 31,580 Phil.-Qirard N.. Phil. 19,330 1.048,870 333,050 16,250 134,670 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Trades mens N., Phil.; Cent. Tr.Co., Harrisburg. 100 25,000 28,690 184,840 26,270 Geo. B. Allen_____ 60,040 369,680 25,300 197,460 249,560 1,250 30,750 Am.Ex.Irv.Tr..N.Y.;Tradesm«nsN..Phil.; 3d N..Scranton; Syracuse Tr., Syracuse. 594.160 149,250 393.090 396.230 87,330 902,190 447,090 59,500 593,320 771,070 85,290 97.110 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and 1st N.. Phil. 271,150 Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Franklin 4th St. N.. Tradesmens N.. 1st N., and Market St. N., Phil. 89,800 . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 264,040 1.004,240 125,000 190,000 125,000 93,360 Mifflin County Nat’l Bank R. C. Elder_______ Wm. P. Woods.... Wm. P. Woods 12% 60-635 d®*t’59 par 100 .. WALTER F0SR0T. H. C. B0RDMAN— S.S. SNOOK ........ 0. C. SKINNER LESLIE HECK. Off. NATIONAL BANK | Oldest—Largest —Strongest Bank in Mlflltn Tr. Conn ty. $203-4% 6U-534 d®T»I’49 L Prompt attentl on to Collections. Liberty_____ 194 Farmers National Bank F. O. Rnnpp F. C. Snyder_____ Eugene Frutiger... Leslie Kimble........ 3 Tioga F15 $200-6% par 100 60-1481d®»t’18 Ligonler____ 1807 First National Bank..®»i'02 R. B. Weaver_____ L. B. Weller______ C. G. Grinder J. W. Clopp 4P Westm’landN6 $475-25% 60-066 J. C.Weller par 100 R. S. KEFFER ?:fcsW~ 44.450 $ 25,000 125,000 L Ws remit 77,010 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 637,450 Union National Bank F. M. Simpson____ John P. Ruhl_____ L. T. Butler______ R. A. Hoffa............. $3oo-h% 60-836 d®T»t’65 par 100 Citizens National Bank A. R. Hayes______ W. W. Cunningham W. W. Cunningham E. T. Gramley____ 12% par 100 60-536 dB®*H900 A. A. Orr Lewistown Trust Co.®T»t§’06 J. M. Selheimer... Geo. K. McClintic. Earl H. Bergey, G. W. Graybill, $150-6% ♦ 60-537 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. E. McMeen OF UG0NIER 88,800 85,180 173,000 1,381,920 8% 60-967 ®.fS2 Lilly___________ 2346 First National Bank...®»t’07 T. F,. Carman 60-1223 3 Cambria M9 8% Lincoln____ __ 480 Lincoln National Bank©«t'84 A. B. Hollinger___ 60-1224 3 Lancaster 019 $180-8% Linesvllle____ 1015 Linesville State Bank C. S. Gehr............... 4P Crawford FI n% 60-1225 d®*§T3 Lliitz________3680 Farmers National Bank S. W. Buch______ 3 Lancaster 019 $300-10% 60-912 d®»t’«l par 100 Lititz Springs Nat’l Bank D. M. Graybill .... $300-8% 60-913 d®»t’09 par 100 Llttiestown ..1552 Llttiestown Nat’l Bankdkt’OS W. R. Jones______ $300-12% 60-995 3 Adams Q15 Littlestown Sav. Inst'n M.N. Wehler_____ $135-24% 60-994 d®tl’67 par 25 Liverpool..........586 First National Bank_____t’06 J. D. Snyder_____ 3 Perry L15 $180-8% 60-1226 1 257,040 125,000 220,349 FRANK —- H. S. DENNY_ _ _ _ J. W. BARKLEY ) Celleetloas ha ▼e the perianal 424,880 H.B. Saeger, A. S. Mertx, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 100,000 re. C. 175,470 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 93,660 1.262,870 269,050 1,044,460 Principal Correspondents. Bonds 99,920 237,969 1.940,180 200,000 nnn T onrc 858,550 125,000 H.D.Schwartz, Sec. ntn 36,790 Franklin 4th St.N.. Phil.; N. Union. Read ing. 156,430 N. Park. N. Y.; Phil.-Qirard N.. Phil. Ohas. F. Bretney _ L. S. Kemmerer... W. K. Klugh. Tr. Unlidnim 66,800 98,200 1,935,820 J. E. Reiter. A. Tr. RaTnc Cash ft ExM iscsi/* Discounts flseuritiss LANHOUA worn Bans 218,710 1,717,140 125,000 1 TIES Loam 50,000 $ 122.910 $ 544.290 S 152.260 $ 537.780 S 250.440 $ John W. Bucher _ rS. B. BUSSELL Other 125.000 A. C. Garland_____ T-TV i»' Til fnrncl Resources. A. F. 8mith, J. N. Bennett...... Cash, and Tr. Off. H. M. Long, E. J. Herring, Tr... Sec. and A. Tr. NATIONAL BANK xrr\liiTTvr» Liabilities. First National Bank___»r09 Charles Dunkel... $310-12% par 100 60-1219 J.H. Wagner H. B. Kennell------ C. J. Kistier.. — Citizens National Bank $187.50-6% 60-718 dB®T»t’02 par 100 First National Bank d©»t’75 G. D. Kresge_____ F. J. Obert_______ $200-9% 60-717 par 100 C. H. Wagner A. F. Wehr.............. Lehighton Trust Co. $65-4% 60-719 dB®Tti’16 par 50 Peoples National Bank.®t’17 S. L. Brindle_____ Aaron Myers $220-6% 60-1220 S. B. Huber par 100 Lemoyne Trust Co. Robert L. Myers.. J. W. Bowman. $120-12%^ 60-1221 dB®T*I5’10 par 50 First National Bank Chas. Miller______ G. G. Corbin______ $250-10% 60-1222 dB®*t’02 par 100 Lewlsbnrg Nat’l Bank®«t’53 Wm. C. Walls____ R. W. Thompson.. $135-12% 60-835 Lewlsburg Tr.& Safe Dep. Co. D. F. Green........... John T. Judd_____ $60-8% 60-837 ®T»t§’07 Charles Steele, Ch. RUSSELL Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA —Continued 146,210 980.000 53,850 1.022,120 267,850 31.000 137,270 Market St. N.,Phil. 652,440 624,400 194,530 52,000 125,000 193,370 1.218,120 265,400 1,074,100 363.090 129,150 62,100 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y. Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N. Phil. 235,550 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil. 200.000 184,700 2.645,670 271,270 2.319,570 249.260 264,250 468.560 62,230 25,000 24.170 418,540 20.770 173,260 257.820 18.580 25,000 93,340 710,860 25,000 316,890 412,330 30,630 190.000 1,243.710 49.400 816.020 493.430 25.500 50,000 and Union N., PhU.; Mellon N., Pitt. 38,810 Miners N., Blossburg; Syracuse TT. Co., Syracuse; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 94,340 Han. N.. N.Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N„ Pitt.; Market St. N.. Phil. 168,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. attention ef an ofHeer ef this ha nk. day ef paymea t| send ns year hnslness. James McCann ___ Victor L. Smith.... 50,000 49,270 569,790 29.060 182.720 438.110 11.900 Samuel S. Hess.__ Samuel H. Wissler. 60,000 117,220 440,030 60,630 138,360 446,980 17,000 75,550 C. C. Thompson... 30,000 30,000 468,040 9,380 329,210 132,650 24,950 50,610 H. J. Pierson____ J. H. Breltigan.__ P. H. Bomberger .. 60,000 188.980 1.325,720 58,800 913,140 419,380 161,990 138,980 A. W. Sensenich... H. H. Diehm 50.000 218,720 1.440,900 49,500 754,530 733,210 106.920 164,460 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 30,000 1,607,910 A. W. Feeser A. G. Keagy 50,000 137,540 1.794,000 [. S. Brumgard Tr. R.V.Barker, A. Tr. J. W. Little, .4. Tr. 50.000 227,020 1.654,700 H. A. S. Shuler.__ 25,000 24,800 162,320 65,390 134,330 97,270 172,030 150 1.323,950 349,370 63,330 195,210 25,000 75.130 122.400 6,900 N.. Pitt. .Park. N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. Lancaster Tr. Co., Lancaster. . Park, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt, it N.. Phil.-Girard N„ and T» N., Phil.jN. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 32,700 Corn Ex. N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ IaIT’U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PENNSYL V A NI A—Continued Town and Oodnti. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. *Oounty Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Cashier, 1 Figure is F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier, Paid-up Capital Prof°ts DEPOS ITS Other Liabili $ 200,000 ,$ 128,180 $1123160 W. C. Long, ‘Lock Haven..8840 CLINTON TRUST COMPANY W. 8. Harris_____ M. B. Rich______ R. W. Barrows, 1150—7% 60-660 ©Tt*’05 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Wm. Keiner 3 Clinton 114 First National Bank_©T»J'64 I. A. Shaffer. Jr... K. W. Fredericks.. C. W. Keller_____ H. B. Geary______ H.A. Sorgen, Tr.Off. H. M. Shaffer 60-558 Lock Haven Trust Co...»tS'00 C. R. Armstrong S. J. McGhee_____ L. M. Hayes, Tr... J.C. Clark, V.P. F. H. Fredericks ♦ 60-650 Logan ton_____ 254 Logantdh National Bank E. E. Douty_____ J. A. Shreckengast W. A. Morris_____ W. E. Meyer_____ 1215-10% par ion 6&-1227 d®l'09 3 Clinton J14 Loysville______ 400 First National Bank \V. T. Morrow . J. E. Garber_____ J. G. Morrow.......... J. H. Noll............... $150-4% 60-1523 dB©»f'20 3 Perry M15 par loo Luzerne_____ 5998 LuzerneNational Bank Wm. J. Parry........S. P. Frantz.............. W. W. Burleigh... 3 Luzerne H20 $260-12% 00-1228 d®T«t'07 par 100 Merch. & Miners State Bank G. M. Roat---------- W. V. Sullivan S. J. Tkach______ D. Hottenstein, Sec. $63 Emil Freedman 60-1644 d®»t§'23 Z. F. Schoole.v, V. P. par 50 Lykens_______2880 First National Bank .. .®t'17 R. Coble-------------- C. A. Hoff.............. . J. M. Sheibley.. 3 Dauphin M17 $200-8% 60-1471 Isaac Mossop____ J. L. Hoffman, Tr,. F. G. Kniley, Sec... Miners Deposit Bank & Trust J. N. BakerCo. ♦ 60-1229 d®T;5’72 *260-20% par 100 (Formerly Miners Deposit Bk.) Lyndora_____8057 Lyndora National Bank William Fletcher.. J. H. Allman___ J. H. Adelman . 4P Butler K4 io% 60-1230 ®«t’07 Macungie___768 Macungie Bank_______®§'23 H. W. Schantz......... M. H. N. Ritter. Wm. R. Saylor ___ Raymond O.Knauss 3 Lehigh M22 $60 par 50 00-1656 Madera........... 1227 Madera National Bank®* 04 H. B. Swoope_____ S. J. Miller______ V. E. 8hoff____ 3 Clearfield K10 $300-12% par 100 60-1231 Mahaffey_____900 Mahaffey National Bank B. W. McCracken W. H. Thomson... W. B. Clark______ Blanche Wetzel. 3 Clearfield J8 $250-14% 60-1232 dB®t'04 par 100 Mahanoy City American Banking Trust Co. John Smith______Joseph Wyatt Augustine Smith, John D. Giffin. A. Tr. Tr. 3SchnylkK1915,599 60-335 ®T*§’23 John Ryan FIRST NATIONAL BANK $500-24% 'EDWARD S. SILLI- CHAS. S. PARMLEY- C. F. BECKMAN Special Att ention Given J. C. DWYER_______ .nd PKIMOIPAl COKKKSPONDBNT*. .od Discounts Securities LANKOU8 ties ™ from Banks 25,000 38,450; 222.299 8,740 $ 425.520 $ 756,840 $ 101,690 $ 176,030 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil.: Mellon N„ Pitt. 125,880 380,850,1st N., N. City,and Chase N., N.Y.: Frank lin 4thSt. N. and 1st N„ Phil. 24.980 _______ 2,993.430 185,350 540.180 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of No. Am. & Tr. Co., Phil. 8.850 24.793 22.410 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 132.000 147,250 25,000 19,010 301.690 25,340 180,000 807,670 2,705,820 250,000 423,270! 3.020,720 150.000 50,000 158,150 1.923,870 137,000 1,388.570 1,940,180 109.720 213,630 26,390 107,500 1.007,480 1.104.900 73.520 18,160 362,510 13,750 264,290 41,880 74.550 36,120 21.300 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 153,620 Am. Ex. Irv, Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 69,470 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N„ Phil.; Lib. State Bk.& Tr, .Wilkes- Ba r r e. 369,263 102.940 389.310 103,760 22,930 135,000 138,390 1.222,120 4L.000 871,910! 512,880 13.070 142,640 Corn Ex. N..Phil. 100,000 131.423 856.110 50,000 749.123] 154.670 15.000 50.000 11,760 240,210 114.390 156,210 2,970 50,000 155,000 387,000 102,000 450,000 25,000 221,740 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt.; Butler Co. N„ Butler. 28,380 Is’ N„ Phil.; Allentown Tr. Co., Allen town. 15.000 Provident Tr. Co.. Phil. 50.000 71,180 869,820 808,640 50,000 27,640 200.000 100.000 125.000 485.560 2.481,770 175.000 2.299.110 695.960 63.900 322.760 1,393.350 165,990 1,216,230 525,990 143,600 755,000 3,225,000 300.000' 2,642.000 1,250.000 I 88,410 695,170 376,190 203,000 370,830 1,555,540 183.600 1,109.600 788,560 187.060 149.740 N. City. N. Y.: Com Ex. N.. Phil. 198.760 1.292,850 238.000 1,549,070 140,000 107.030 433.980 23,970 81,510 N. Park, N. Y.; Lancaster Tr. Co., Lan caster; 1st N.. Phil. 150.780 Han. N., N.Y.; Ex. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 50,000 50.010 .. 48.080 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 154,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Col. Tr. Co., Pitt.; Frank lin 4thSt. N.. Phil. Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 208.360 1st N., N. Y. 1st N. and Market St. N., Phil. Collections. d8®T«t’64 par 100 60-332 Merchants BankingTrustCo.lD. F, Guinan W. I. Hinch, Tr... 200,000 Leon Eckert--------- Jas. A. Dolphin, Sec. H. V. McKerns, A. Tr. $250-15% ♦ 60-334 ®TiS’0S 125,000 Union National Bank Harrison Ball_____ George W. Barlow J. E. Ferguson-----*1-30-24% par 100 60-333 (l®T«t'89 Alice C. Bartram.J 50,000 Malvern_____ 1286 National Bk. of Malvern Wm. B. Brosius.... M. J. Reynolds.— W. W. Evans__ 3 Chester P22 *208-16% 60 1233 d®«t’84 par 100 125.000 Manhelm____ 3500 Keystone National Bank J. G. Hershey------ J. G. Graybill____ C. H. Keen______ John B. Shenk. 3 Lancaster 018 *2100% 60-905 ®Tt’88 J. R Cassel. Sec. “ ____ “ Manheim National Bank J. L. Gray bill____ Jacob S. Hackman. D. T. Hess, Jr....... E. S. Bombereer_. 150.000 *211-8% 60-904 ®T»t'6a 50.000 Manor_______1077 Manor National Bank ®»+’02 •*. P. Whitehead._ C. C. Walthour— Frank R. Rankin. C. C. Whitehead... 60 1234 4P Westm land-N5 50.000 Mansfield____ 1609 First National Bank____•t'07,Charles S. Ross___ L. M. Palmer______ Wilton W. Allen .. C. W. Ross_______ 60 958 3 Tioga FI 6 25.000 Mapleton_____802 First National Bank. _®»tT8 Bruce Yocum J. F. Mattern........ B. F. Godard. Sec.. M D Campbell. (Mapleton Depot 1135-6% 60-1494 P. O.) 3 Huntingdon N12 |'26 Marcus Hook.5324 lambridge Trust Co. 3 Delaware 023 Marcus Hook National Bank a, B. Geary .......... R. M. Wood............ Chas. H. Wimmer. R. F. Blundin_____ loo.OOO *210-6% 00-1528 d®*;’20' P. P. Nelson Marianna.__1124 Peoples Hank_______ ®»t§’19 John A. Barr_____ J. L. McCullough.. V.J.McCarty____ S. A. Lewis.......... 25.000 4 P Washington P2 *90-6% par 90 60-1504 L. H. Mensch........ T. J. Reyner-------- R. A. Deible______ EarlaG. McClellan 50,000 MarienviUe.,.1226 Hold Standard Nat. Bank $180-7% par 100 60-1236 d®»t’01 j 4 P Forest G7 50.000 Marietta____ 18on Exchange National Bank J. N. Brandt_____ Ethelbert Miller.. J. L. Brandt_____ C. B. Siegel_______ J. H. Miller. Sec. 3 Lancaster 018 *220-10% par 100 60-915 d@»t’74 100,000 First National Bank. _. ©•$’#* John Orth................ S. S. Kraybill____ R. C. Engle_____ $190-10% 60-914 ! 310,950 760.560 jj 132.713 1,128.000 78,140 100.830 1.334,090 30.320 , 1,279.520 32,000 251.000 35,000 780.110 210.000 15.610 111,320 100,000 3,000 196,290 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn. Ex., Phii., N., and Tradesmens N., Phil. 310,000 Han. N„ N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Mar ket St. N.. and Phil. Girard N., Phil. 122.940 N.City, N.Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 130.940 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 29.000 Chase N..N- Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. (Branch of Cheste r, Pa.) 143,930 1.326.500 20,140 215,160 4.210 786.740 442,050 161,330 67,170 137.800 11,750 51.560 300.360 48.900 249.120 135,470 28,300 83,900 591,830 119,150 348,920 343.750 93,170 152,680 481,740 100,620 349,480 404.400 27,500 180,410 N. City, N.Y.: Franklin 4th 8t. N.. Phil.; Delaware Co. N .Chester. 47.780 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Diamond N.. Pitt. 37.930 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. 59,050 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil., Lancaster Tr. Co., Lancaster. 53.670 N. City, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Far Tr. Co., Lancaster. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 194.1 XCi’t l Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 10 each bank in U. S. exclusively h.v The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ANDOOCNTT. e.\lem.A.B.A.»*New § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fe1.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav $LastSale%Div. Liabilities. President. V ice-Peesident. Marion,.—... 26lMarion Bank______ _<DtS’llIJ. A. Strite______ T. H. Weagley. 3 Franklin Q13 iioO-0% par 50 6^1408 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. J. F. Detwiler____ Paid-uf s"Sk'"’ Capital Profits I Marlon Center 444 Marion Center Nat. Bank H. J. Thompson.. C. R. Griffith..........P. J. Straitiff............ Glenn Miller____ 4 P Indiana K7 1235-10% 60-1237 dB®t’05 par 10 ' Mars________1825 Mars National Bb,.d®»tl900 E. P. Sutton______ C. L. Norton---------A, B. Norton. 4 p Butler L3 *200-15% par too 61-1238 Martinsburg 1026 First National Bank.d©t’06 G. W. Garner____J. P. Rearick 3 Blair N10 $125-4% par too 60-1023 Morrisons Cove Bank. .tt’99 J. Miller. 60-1022 I. E. Brumbaugh L. H. Holsinger.... Grace Seedenburg __!w. U. Skyles__ $500-20% par 100 Marysville.__1877 First National Bank.d®»t’04 E. B. Leiby.............H. J. Deckard.......... E. W. Geib_______ H E Hess $260-16% par 100 60-1239 3 Perry N16 Masontown.. 15251 First National Bk..d©»tl900 R. B. Hays______ Jos. G. Cover______C. H. Harbison____ $ 220 12 % par 100 60-1024 4 P Fayette Q4 Masontown National Bank W. L. Graham___ E. R. Ingraham.___ W. O. Johnson____ j *275 par 100 60-1025 d®»t ’021 Matamoras.. 1535jBank of MatamorasdB®lj’20!E. B. Labar----------J. S. Schroeder ... Jas. C. Martin____ 3 Pike H25 | $92-10% par so 60-1559 J R. Jeffries ‘Mauch Chunk Mauch Chunk Nat. Bank I. G. Ross-----------J. C. Loose------------R. 8. Ruddle______ 3 Carbon K21 3666 1200-10% 60-769 ®T«t’20 “ ____ _ '• I Mauch Chunk Trust Co. Wm. G. Freyman_ N. D. Cortright... Chas. F. Dolon, i $200-10% 60-770 d®T**»’02| Sec. and Tr. \par 100 Mayfield____3832|Mayfleld State Bank___ §’23jJ. A. Hart________JJno. Eastlake, Sr.. M. J. Mooney____ 60-1638 John Nayduch . G22 I ay town 500 Maytovm National Bank H. H. Engle----------A. Kisser---------------J. H. Hoffman.. ®T$’09 3 Lancaster 018 $182.50-10% 60-1240 Mrs. W. I. Greenhoe McKeesport 49,097 4 P Allegheny N4 FIRST NiT’L BANK 8400-26% par 100 51,110 $ 218.420 50.000 76,400 40.000 J. A. Dehoff, Sec... W. H. Sieber------- H. A. Sieber_______A. H. Benner______ F. Loam Bonda Miscel Gam * Bkand and Pfa Diaeounta Securities laneous iiu Bams I 25.290 Phil.-Girard N. and Tradeimeni N., Phil. 821.700 167,480 762,130 S 28.830 64,810 Han. N.. N. T.; Mellon N. and 1st N.. Pitt. 87.980 700.870 455.140 275,100 72,930 72.680 Has. N.. N. T.; 1st N., Pitt. 25,000 12,500 90.000 37,460 75,000 48,020 23,520 18.420 CornKx. N.. Phil.; lit N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 15,000 75,030 363.940 17,180 286,100 104.350 2.000 78.690 1st N.. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 53,450 380,940 322,290 66,570 17,150 100,000 204,970 1.598,590 937,410 906,970 43.410 100.000 173,490 1,574.960 834,720 711,400 45.530 232,160 349,750 27,360 719.050 1.233,110 161,460 641,640 284.460 21,650 169,780 475,880 48.660 32,230 167,130 230.740 10.670 77,670 Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 124.950 N. City. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 356.800 Am. Ex. irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 70,850 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 275,580 N.Park.N.City. and Chem. N.. N.Y.: Phil.Girard N., Com. Ex. N., and 1st N.. Phil. 127.650 Chase N.. Bkrs. Tr., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N.. Fid.-Phil.Tr.,and Market St. N.. Phil. 59.780 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. NM Phil. 46.970 1st N., Phil. 73.000 922.230 1.219,460 51.370 141,870 Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Phil. 596,860 8,490 250,000 374,320 1.314.880 250.000 150,000 256,050 638.700 34.120 644,610 363,680 223.750 1,963.190 49.790 50.000 37,840 25.000 34.610 1 50.000 25.000 251.080 72,430 184,420 25.120 24.240 44,980 Eauit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 50,240 Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 25.000 34,440 426.340 53,470 410.860 57.460 20,690 H. C. Ulsh----------- jWm. J. Treaster..|C. F. Wagner_____ 25.000 54.290 274.830 24,700 244.080 77.090 13.640 J. P. Sipes----------- B. F. Henry_______M. W. N&ce___ ___ 25,000 70,550 573,460 25,000 221,720 353.240 32,100 C. R. Spangler------S. W. Kirk_______ [W. L.Nace_______ 50,000 123.160 678,780 1,500 438,140 300.000 13,770 Edward McDonald j J. N. McDonald-__ G. S. CampbelL. J. W. Campbell—. [Samuel Shane I. V. Steen, A.Cash R. J. Bamford D. C. Brown---------B. D. Tillinghast___ T. M. Elliott. R. F. Brady, A. Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. J. K. McCarty 50.000 285,670 2.656.040 48,620 1.238,360 1.379.670 124.420 118.360 19,260 125.000 rCHAS. R.SHAW-—[J. L. HAMMITT- - - - - - - JOHN A. KELSO WM. W. HURRELL. Principal Correspondents. 71.020 75.000 L. Sieber_____ Rksourcis. Otheb Liabili TIBS $ 198,210 1 25.000 R. E. Smith, A. Cash. & Tr. Off. W. G. Freyman. Tr. Off. rr* 25.000 % 25.000 E. S. Smith______ McAdoo____ _ 4670 First National Bank d®«J’07 J.H. Burnard_____E. J. Dailey_______ J. S. Brogan_______ A. B. Midash_____ 1 J. C. Haddock 3 Schuylkill E20 $385-19% par 100 60-1241 Miners Bank________ ®§'26 Daniel Bavolack. Philip Bruno_____ M. E. Simmonds... Stephen Payer___ $81 par 75 60-1690 Sr.| John Sekerak, Sec. McAiisterville.570 Farmers National Bank*t’09 60-1242 3 Juniata L15 McClure______540 First National Bank... «t’05 $279-8% 60-1243 3 Snyder L15 ‘McConnells burg First National Bank..®2'06 3 Fulton Pll 689 $300-10% 60-1051 “ “ Fulton County Bank-.©t§’87 $130-12% 60-1050 McDonald___2751 First National Bk._dB®*t'92 4 P Washington N2 $450-16% par 100 60-872 “ -------- “ McDonald Sav. & Trust Oo. $110-6% 60-873 ®T»t§’03 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 831,010 300.000 1.439.250 9.659.890 270,500 671,000 49.300 295.000 3.181.520 7.116.880 415.730 980,010 Seab. N. and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon 209,760 1,498,980 1.028,560 531,800 561,710 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 21,280 5,513,740 2.470,850 229,610 654,420 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ' Tr. Officer I Special attentio n given bill of lad ing drafts, cash a nd time Items, 15c must accom pany each sight d raft for presentat ion and 25c for ea eh eredl t report. 60-169 dB®T»t’71 ^Oldest and larg est bank in the C ity. N&tionalBank of McKeesport'D. H. Rhodes-------- J. W. Albig---------- J. W. Albig. F. M. Wolf______ 200,000 367,080 2.842,200 60-171 ®»i'87 (Peoples City Bank...®<§’73(F. T. Nason---------- H. R. Stuckslager. T. C. Baird_______ N. J. Trimble____ 1 000,000 1,148,730 6,698.600 $100-12% 60-170 iH. R. Stuckslager. R. C. Painter Ch.o/Bd. , 44,000 Han. N..N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; 1st N.. Middleburg. 86.950 Chase.N.and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Frank lin 4th St N., Phil. 101.530 Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 297.290 Seab. N. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Union M., 1st N.. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 97,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. N.. Union Tr. Co., and 1st N., Pitt. Joseph Roth & Son, Bankers Henry Friedman.. 60-175 •tt*86 50.000 41,930 935,260 14,540 349,510 316,470 231,500 144,260 Gty. Tr. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Tr. Oo. and Mellon N.. Pitt. George Dandar___ Thos. J. Lewis____ E. J. Zanoni______ STATE BANK OF..... PORT-—60-176___ dd)t§'25 Andrew Petach.CA, 50.000 35,000 299,070 290 168,460 162,070 24,480 29,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Pitt.; Peo. City, McKeesport. 213,730 2,737,520 574,930 82,080 $85 par 50 Union National Bk___®»t’05 George Altmeyer. R. M. Baldridge... R. M Baldridge... C. C. Hernlotz „ 8% 60-173 I S. A. Soles 150,000 322,520 3,118,470 410,190 ChaseN..N.Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia —FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1242 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Oounty Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeUep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. i Vice-President. President. McKees Rocks Obartiers Trust Oo..-©«tl’01 T. W. Friend 18,077 *185-14% 60-362 4P Allegheny M3 par 100 First National Bank.d®»t'98 *400-18% 60-861 t« «• McKEES ROCKS TRUST CO. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. H. G.Haupt. A. Tr. $ 200.000 $ 455,490 62 016110 6 C. M. Christiansen E. W. Sutton_____ Frank J. Lanahan. Robert Nenpert—. H. A. Irwin. Peoples State Bank .d©*§’26 *135 par 100 60-364 David Lefhowitz.. Stephen Sembrot.. par Principal correspondents. h Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 57,270 $1185 650 $1133 870 $ 147,770 $ 261,580 N. Tr. Sec.and Tr. 60-363 KESOU RCES. Liabilities. Bonds Loans Cash k ExSURPLUS Other Miscel (7HAMSS,I>UB Dnroe- LiabiliPam-ur and and AMD rre Capital Profits Discounts Securitise laneous from Basks TIES Frank J. Lanahan Ira W. Johnston, d®»t§'01 *100-7% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNS YLV A NIA —Continued 100 100,000 288,910 3.240,330 138,040 1,697,150 1,600,880 144,780 324.470 C ihatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and h Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 125,000 182,640 2,057,970 78,330 1.002,400 1.095.340 82,850 263,340 I Ian. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.andBk.of Pitt.N.A Pitt. 120 80,120 166,830 12,140 24.850 i im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. State B1 & Tr. Co.. Pitt. 50.000 12.460 221,360 50,000 60.0001 590.000 305.000 331,000 25.000 47,160 295,520 24,410 89,410 207,650 40.440 55.000 1! I. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt Tradesmens N., Phil. 54.580 ^ im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 200,000 253.400 2.404,450 71,790 1.592,190 806,620 153,880 N.. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Oo., Pitt. 376,940 Seab. S 125.000 315.550 1.800,000 142,340 1.325,000 416,700 312,860 328,320 I. Park. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: Unit Tr. Oo., Olev. CHARLES FAHR -— E. A. HEMPSTEAD... A. F. MILLER______ J. W. HUNTER............. 200,000 244.000 2.850.000 314.000 1.840.000 1.005.000 295.300 467.700 1. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y. j 1st N Pitt.; Cent. N., Clev. M. L. Dick, Mecbanicsburg FIRST BANK & TRUST COM J. Morris Miller — George E. Lloyd... Charles Eberly. Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. and Tr. Off. SCumbTdN15 4688 PARY ♦ #0-742 ®T«t§’M *100-8% H •« G. L. Strock______ F. M. Dougherty.. J. J. Milleisen......... Mechanicsburg Tr. Company *116-5% 60-744 ®T»t§’23 par 100 M M ___ T. J. SchollSecond National Bank-.«t’64 A. B. Rupp_______ T. J. Scholl 60-743 250.000 223.080 1.965.640 — 1.049,890 1.113,340 110.000 165,480 L City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Phil.-Qirard D 83.700 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. Am. & Tr., Phi N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. McSberrystown S Adams Q15 1800 MeVey town.. .480 3 Mifflin M13 Farmers Bank______ ®»tl'08 F. X. Weaver_____ par 50 60-1244 James Macldin — John T. Rodgers .. B. S. Dieffenbach.. F. H. Stahl............... ill C V CJ tUW U 11 Ab> D All A *200-8% 60-1245 d®»3'07 *70-6% par 100 •Meadville..15,580 CRAWFORD COUNTY TR. CO. E. W. McGill_____ M. G. Beatty_____ J. J. Farnicorn.Tr. R. D. Gaskill. Sec. L. C. Beatty, A. Tr. E. H. Dilley, A.Sec. C. C. Johnston 4 P Crawford F3 *150-10% ♦ 80-412 ®T»*|1900 J.C. Chaplin, Ch. oj Bd. .. J. H. Gurnsey-----Jno. S. Reynolds.. A. R. Hnidekoper. H. S. Tripp. V. P. and Cash. L. L. Lord ®»t'66 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. 60-410 *260-16% NEW s* „ FIRST NAT'L BANK *225-10% 80-411 dB®T*t’04 •Media________4109 Charter National Bank 3 Delaware P22 *210-8% 10-799 •• FIRST RATIONAL BANK *250-12% par 100 80-7V8 TR, FUSSELL J The Bank of 8a fety and Service. 50.000 300 293,900 207.000 21.700 170.000 1,017,940 49,160 383.040 774.760 59,320 118.340 720,110 59,030 369.220 426.150 21.530 101.040 388.340 2.873,830 332,160 1,897.490 1.134.550 304.560 457,740 194,960 3,468,740 1.308.140 260.430 395,500 88,800 G. A. RIGBY------------ J. V. LATTIMER S. L. HOWELL. Tr. Off. 200.000 d®T«t’84 ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to ui wit h each sight draft for presentation, and l TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each e redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal att entlon. 250.000 f; c! pffif.TA. Tr.' T. E. LEVIS. See____ F. L. WILLCQX. Tr. Off. H. B.JQHNSONi A.Tr. J.J.tlcCANN.M.TY. Off. MEDIA TITLE & TRUST CO. *131-16% 60-800 d®T«tl 90 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and par 25 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. (.BRANCH OFFI CE. 69th ST. TE RM1NAL, UPPER DARBY, PHILAD KLPHIA 720.630 4.267,210 80.000 111.230 1,020,570 fFRANK B. RHODES H M LUT7 W. n. JOHNS ---------- “ 125,000 Phil. 456.000 25.000 ®»t’87 par 100 « J. E. Quinby______ Horace Darlington T. S. Bartram.......... Wm. B. Miller. 125,000 •Mercer____ —1932 Farmers & Mech. Nat. Bank *200-8% par 100 60-921 ®»t’7a First National Bank.d®»t’64 *345-20% par 100 60-920 Mereersbnrg. 1663 Farmers Bank_________ ®tt'74 60-984 3 Franklin Q12 *130-10% First National Bank _d®«’09 *275-10% par 100 60-985 Meshoppen... 608 First National Bank.©»tl900 3 Wyoming F20 60-1246 Meyersdale...3718 Citizens National Bank 60-784 ©T<01 4P Somerset Q7 par 100 Second National Bank®»t’01 *350-12% 60-785 • Middleburg 984 First National Bank_____ «J’89 *500-20% 60-1247 3 Snyder K15 _____ P. O. Anderson___ C. G. Williams.__ H. W. Byron_____ C. F. Fendrick.— 8. G. Steiger_____ H. S. Waidlich____ John Miller H. B. Heee_______ J. M. Kuhn.............. G. W. Harsh_____ A. L. Hoch_________ Edwin Hoffman John B. Jennings. Wm. M. Carter .— 120,00C 238,720 60.000 1,036,490 1.042,110 60,770 814,280 292,76( 1.921,340 120,000 50,000 76,350 675,570 65,030 463,480 358,150 15,650 50,000 73.510 633,200 62,510 562.250 109.360 90,500 100.001 114,340 767,830 39,300 293.080 570.470 6.000 38.50C Clarence Moore... H. A. Pfeiffer.......... 130,000 163,680 1,240,600 65,720 600,000 720,000 J. H. Bowman-------- R. H. Bowman.......... 65,000 180,840 1,073,980 85,100 539,450 610,330 51.82C Jas. G. Thompson.. J. C. Showers_____ E. W. P. Benfer... William Roosh____ Wm. A. Hassinger, Ch. of Bd 50,000 210,000 71,430 833.000 200,000 39,65( S. B. Philson . ___ N E. Miller . . W. H. Habel............. 900,000 No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. 98,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 314.730 1st N.. N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt.; Un ion Tr. Co., Olev. 29.670 N. Bk. Com. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N..Phil.; Mellon N.,Pitt. 57.100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 151,920 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. N., 1st N.. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 241.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 203.320 Han. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt.; Phil.-Qirard N.. Phil. 174,830 Chase N.. N. Y.; Union N., Franklin «th St. N.. and 1st N.. Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IO40 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’11. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist, P is Pittsburgh Br a.Mem.A.B.A. "New §State tl*ri\ tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Dept,s.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep. ©Say. $LastSale%Div President. Vice-President Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Middletown .5920 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J.J. Landis----------I. H. Doutrich____ A. R. Geyer, ___________________ 3 Dauphin 017 *100-8% ♦ 60-704 ®T»t§'05 Sec. and Tr FarmersTrustCo. dB®r*i#’22 S. C. Young---------H. H. Rhodes------- M. H. Gingrich- Tr. B. E. Longenecker, *143-10% 60-7US A Tr Midland_____ 5452 First National Bank...®»t’06 Thomas E. Poe.— jW. A. Filson_____jPasko Ivancevich. |C. A. Finley______ 4P Beaver LI 1135-6% 60-1248 _______________ ! I A. Cash.! F. G. MOORHEAD.— C. M. HUGHES......... F. G. BRUCE, F. M. POTTS, W. J. POTTER Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. MIDLAND SAVINGS Special attention given BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. & TR. COMPANY tuo-8% 60-1438 ®T*t*’13 Prompt Service. Liabilities. Surplus Depos AND its Profits Other Liabili 125.000 * 122,840 I 693,770 * 125.000 50,000 125.000 176,040 ties Resources. Cam * BxMiscel JMAXSsSrDtn and Discounts Securitise laneous ntOM Bmi Loans and 15,000 $ 530.080 350,220 I 20.200 810,740 380,960 65,160 51,040 391.730 624.830 33,900 940,010 182,490 72,010 1.041,750 Midway National Bank J. J. Charlier. . Robert Bamford— E. F. Charlier____ Mary M. Jamieson 187.50-6% 60-1249 d®T»t'03 par 100 Mifflin........ .—865 Peoples National Bank...»’10 E. M. Guss . E. R. McMeen____ D. M. Hetrick____ S. David Zeiders.. 60-1297 3 Juniata M14 B. F. Long Mlffllnburg... 1744 Farmers Bank ____ d©»tl’89 J. K. Reish--------- . D. B. Miller______ C. V. Lontz. __ Jonas Hoy 3 Union J15 180-6% par 50 60-969 Mifflinburg Bank & Trust Co. Harry A. Gast. R. H. Snodgrass... L. E. Walter_____ $155-12% par 50 60 -968 d©T*t§ ’72 R. Mitchell ‘Mlffllntown .1083 First National Bank........ ®’6 . R. L. Bousum_____ Ezra C. Doty_____ C. W. Mavfir $250—10% 69-1020 3 Juniata L14 Ezra C. Doty. Jr. JuniataValley Nat.Bk.®*t'67 . Andrew Bunks .... J. L, Hartman____ J. T. Sterrett ........ $400-10% 60-1021 Mildred______ 728 First National Bank. d®*t . A. L. Dyer_______ ffm. Gilmore_____ 3 Sullivan G18 $125-6% par 100 60-1250 *Mlilford ... ,768 First National Bankd®*tl906 . C.G. Wood______ P. N. Bournique... 3 Pike H25 $400-20% par 100 (0-1251 Mlllersburg... 2936 First National Bank__(Dt’67 . O. P. Polk______ J.W, Hoffman____ H. S. Hoffman____ 60-881 3 Dauphin L16 1375-20% Mlllersburg Bank___®«tt’68 . A. F. Gilbert. K. E. Heckert____ A. F. Gilbert_____ $500-20% 60-880 Millerstown ...616 First National Bank____ *t'04 ■ S. A. Lohr________ T. Clair Kerchner. Mary L. Ulsh_____ *347.50-15% 60-1252 Perry M15 G. W. Fry Hersvilie .. .1345 Millersville National Bank J. H. Pickle_____ E. G. Hertzler____ Roy M. Lehman... Mary Geiger______ 60-1258 ®*t’08 3 Lancaster P18 *110-5% A. S. Kendig Mill Hall........ 1238 Mill Hall State Bank ©•IJ'll W. A. Esenwine... Kobt. Cheesman... F. K. O’Connor___ Mary Rohe_______ 3 Clinton I 14 *50-6% par 50 ♦ 60-1413 MlUhelm...........515 Farmers Nat. Bk. & Tr. Co G. S. Frank______ O. L. Gramley____ L. W. Stover_____ J. R. Miller______ 60-1045 ®*r09 3 Center K14 $150 A. A. Frank Principal Correspondents. Bonds 111,210 732.370 18.050 577.160 253.360 49.450 50.000 37.680 466,640 48.700 284.170 262.080 14.520 25,000 75,190 503,170 60,800 539.370 65,000 17.750 125,000 72,880 558,450 22,090 650.250 64,880 17,790 125,000 331,530 971.970 230 920.250 280,910 124,850 50,000 85.06J 307.200 76,300 243.590 225.350 18,970 60,000 281,540 859,060 60,000 619,720 441,630 12,000 25,000 41,510 460,120 38,190 129,780 376,640 15,270 25,000 130.500 807,270 34,240 203.370 642,720 41,080 We want yonr Midland Items. 4PWashingtonM2 56,120 N.City, N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. andMarket St. N„ Phil,; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 166,680 Han. N„ N. Y.; Corn tex. N. ana Phil.Girard N„ Phii.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 164,330 Han.N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mel lon N„ Pitt. 106.650 Par. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Par. Dep. N. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Beaver Tr. Co., Beaver. 42,250 Han. N.. N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 42,040 1st N„ Phil. 45,510 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Tradesmens N„ Phil.-Girard N„ and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 102,700 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Franklin 4th StN, and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 30,640 N. City. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Harrisburgh N., Harrisburgh. 187,250 Chase N., N. Y.: Franklin 4tb 8t. N., Phil. 43,120 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse; Tradesmens N„ Phil. 109,840 Han. N„ N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 50,000 156,040 490,940 54,200 328,450 283,780 21.800 117.150 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 30,000 222,550 483,560 2,760 306,860 314,600 15,050 68.750 102.360 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Union N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 65,380 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 25,000 70,500 521,190 243,600 238.960 25,000 34,640 411.970 24,500 124,520 307,300 18,860 35,000 15.660 293,900 7,660 166.810 99,210 15,910 125,000 62500 980,780 503,630 481.990 130.600 J. G. Yoders_____ G. M. Nyswaner... 25,000 16,000 175,000 40,000 150,000 36.000 30,000 C. C. Henderson.. Fred O. Klussmann E. B. McRoberts.. A. F. Reetz .... . 125,000 275,160 2,292,740 20,060 701,470 1,521,500 20,280 138,510 213.990 13.310 135.000 543,010 26,030 72,730 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 240,760 94,390 20,000 50,660 Chase N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 184,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. ? A. L. Taylor_____ ,T. W. Porter H. H. Dixon______ Lewis W. Schwab. Geo. V. Braun____ Herman F. Busch J. W. Bowman____ C. K. Henri«__. C. M. Eves Roy Ikeler Taylor Reed______ W. J. McNitt_____ D. G. Meek Milton............ .9062 First National Bank ©T*t'&4 W. W. Wilson........ JNorthumb'd J16 $200-10% par 100 60-582 Milton National Bankd©*8’57 H. W. Chamberlin. *100-10% 60 581 Milton Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. N. T. Marsh______ W. G. Jolley_____ $70-14% par 25 60-583d®T*t|’87 MlnersvUle . 7845 First National Bank.d®*t'64 Harrison A. Rear 3 Schuylkill L19 20% par 100 60-596 Miners State Bank.......... §T9 Geo. R. Dolbin James Tobin_____ $70-5% 60-598 Union National Bank ®*t'02 J. W. Woodward S. G. Crawford___ *327-20% 60-597 Minooka____ 3047 Minooka State Bank.. ©§’24 John Kelly_____ Paul Shorten_____ ( Scr intnn P O. ) *87 60-1688 P. J. Conaboy 3 Lackawanna H21 Moran q .a .2500 First Na'ional Bank..©*! 23 S. M. Whitesell ... John Bridle_____ 3 Luzerne 119 *125 60 1631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Paid-up Capital Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Midway______ MUlsboro____ 1000 First National Bank ,d©*t’04 4PWashington P3 *120 par 100 60-1254 Mtilvale............ 8091 Bank ol Millvale___ ©*t§1910 60-1255 4P Allegheny L3 *80-12% Keystone State Bank *60 par so 60-1651 d®*t§’23 Millville............ 658 First National Bank ©*81900 3 Columbia I 18 60-1256 Mllroy_______1545 Mllroy Bankine Co.___®j§’07 3 Mifflin L13 *150-8% 60-1257 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banting Polut (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tills volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws. PENNS YLVA NIA —Continued 9,270 346,850 25,000 91,740 640,000 40,000 38,450 291,050 36,320 50,000 6,650 45.430 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 70.400 Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N„ Phil. 51,960 1st N., Franklin 4th St. N., and Corn Ex„ Phil. 40,000 Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 424,960 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Monon gahela N„ and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 46,950 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Keystone N„ Pitt. D. S. Bnbb______ S. C. Clemens____ 200,000 216,170 1,184,790 194,420 974,680 543,800 91,990 Paul Harbeson____ 100,000 203,330 100.000 494.700 165,100 30,000 176,600 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil, G. E. Wertz, Tr... B. B. Kuhns, Sec... 200.000 403,400 1,153,940 880.460 664,310 47,590 113,920 1.286,990 67,500 Harry F. Potter__ 50,000 F. A. Krohmer____ 100,000 Fred J. Wiest____ 50,000 463,070 12,500 583,400 645,150 800,000 50,000 550,000 325.000 25,000 165,060 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Tradesmens N„ Phil.; Allentown Tr. Co., Allentown. 167.360 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100,000 Tradesmens N„ Phil. 166.990 1.669.470 53,360 580.280 1.087.780 29.620 241,940 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th 8t. N„ Phil. 50,000 W. P. Stokes. J. D. Price, Sec. W. R. Bauer 50,000 12,870 207,580 W. D. Taylor_____ ----------------- 25,000 5,000 250,000 15,080 81,300 154,110 28,150 21,970 1st N„ County Sav„ and Anthracite Tr Co., Scranton. 185,000 26,000 59,000 10,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 10 A a i i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. jMem.A.B.A.wNew § State+Priv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.Sj>LastSale%Div. Town and County. Mohnton____1640 Mohnton Trust Co. 3 Berk* N20 *21-7% President. Vice President. G. H. Leininger---- Clias. V. Walter .. 60-1258 d®T«t§'21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENN SYL VANIA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Subplus Paid-up and Capital Pkopitb Resources. Bonda Loan a Cask k IxMiscel oaurnMNn and and DiacountB Baeuritias laneous not Bmi ““IfflSS- $ 329,100 $ 548.690 $ D. S. Krick. TV— A. 8. Hornberger, $ 125,000 $ 114,810$ 711.320 $ 78.870 Sec. W. W. Mohn.A.TV. John J. Allen____ Mont U. Youtes... T. A. Steiner— A. S. Batchelor Monaca National Bk. d®*t’01|M. W. Carey........ . James R. Gormley R. C. Campbell — Anna Zinke-------Chas. Weinman 60-816 61.540 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil.-GMrard N.. Phil.; Far. N., Beading. 50,000 59.860 434,140 50,000 i 385.610 25.000 50.600 848.580 24.400 434.370 306.880 47,000 160.330 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. 1st N.. Key 100.000 47.030 736,670 122.150 667.910 168.150 66,300 103.470 Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 1.938.000 1.037.000 _____ 393.600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co.. Colonial Tr.Co., and Mellon N.. Pitt. 668.820 87.490 386.240 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Duquesue N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. par 10 Aionaca______3838 CITIZENS NAT’L BANK©«i'0l John T. Taylor 60-817 4P Beaver L2 6% 1 90,670 $ Principal Correspondents. 97,980 4.000 106.410 Chase N., N. Y.: Monongahela N., Pitt. stone N., and Union N.. Pitt. $300-16% Y. Dale G. F. Wright-------E. B. Sloterbeck .. John S. Duvall — Gladys Monessen. ..21,205 Citizens National Bank C. L.Sehoaf. A. C. J .D. Mammas 4PWestmorl’d 03 $130-6% 60-436 ®«+T9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. $250-12? 60-434 60-435 C. I. PALOMAKI...... F. M. NEWCOMER M. C. McGINLEY 160.000 240.000 3.200.030 -------- I | “HONOB ROL L BANK.” . ®T»+09 lSend us your “Monessen” Ite ms direct for pro mpt personal attention. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK *250-12% J. HOWARD KELLY- LOUIS X. ELY- - - - - - - - A. E. THOMAS. V. P. ana Cash W. S. BUMBAUGH, J. W. MAN0WN Ch.iW. A. McSHAFFREY W. S. BUMBAUGH 1 im W.R.STEPHENS, V.P.and Tr. Officer. GEORGE NASH_ _ _ JESSE HANCOCK — C. M. ELLISON- - - - - - - d®T*{’01 J. A. WATKINS, V.P. F. H. STEEN M.KISEOA................... 1.143.940 125,000 STAMOS PRINIAS par 100 Monongahela 9081 ALEXANDER & COMPANY 4P Wash. 03 60-567 ©‘tt'50 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MGN0NGAHELA CITY *300-15% 60-569 (i®*roi "®»*4K’™ST 4% dB®MI’01 450.000 ______ F. R. COLVIN_ _ _ _ C. E. STEPHENS — H. F. LARIMER- - - - - - - T. A. WILSON, JR. E. H. VOLKER 150.000 252.780 2.643.490 JOSEPH A. HERRON. FRANK BEBOUT-. . . . . . . F. B. KRAMER, TV... J O. NOBLE. Sec— W. K. VANCE, W. H. ALEXANDER, 130,000 314.310 1.457.110 ______ _____________ ESTABLISHED IN 1850------------- 3.100.000 Chem. N.. N. Y.: Drexel & Co.. Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Mellon N., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. | ------- ------ 1.601.910 1.446.100 22.180 300.190 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., 936,080 567.520 227,120 170.700 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Pitt. B/L drafts and cash Items a specialty. We remit on day of payment. Reasonable rates. 7V. Off. Co.. Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. A. Her. j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash. and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eporfc* l We want your Monongahela Ite Monroe ton___ 500 First National Bank ...®'25 F. C. Shiner_____ A. C. Mott............... J. W. Keyser------3 Bradford F18 *110 Mont Alto........ 589 Mont Alto State Bank 3 Franklin Q14 *140-6% 60-1470 d®{§’17 par 50 E. C. Wingerd — N. S. Good............. J. F. Neely-......... J. M. Heefner... M. D. Jacobs Montgomery. 1798 Farmers & Citizens Nat. Bk. A. P. Hull............ 3 Lycoming 116 *255-10% 60-977 d®*t'07 John Meixel_____ Robt. G. Armstrong S. B. Henderson par 100 First National Bank ..©‘fOl D.W.Shollenberger W. A. Smith........... G. V. Thomas___ *285-10% 4,020 184.060 _ _ _ _ t 58.180 107.840 13.090 33,970 33.970 Han. N.. N. Y.: Tradesmens N.. Phil. 25.000 31,350 215.980 10,000 145.740 97.270 10.620 28,690 28.690 Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 35.000 60.090 504,580 35,130 437.250 104.150 32.900 60,500 im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y., Franklin St. N.. Phil. 100.000 189.300 673.650 193.230; 868,260 121.080 114.610 52.220 100.000 82.500 737.100 100,080 389.190 463.400 50,070 117,040 55.000 10.520 278,370 11.680 239.710 29.420 62,720 179.060 1.103.030 1.291,110 80,540 60-076 Montoursville 1949 First National Bank .—•t’03; C. E. Bennett___ G. E. Shaffer_____ - H. W. App______ 3 Lycoming 116 25.000 60-1686 60-1259 Peoples Bank______ ®»t§’20 C. V. Adams_____ G. W. Weaver____ J. F. Sedam_____ H. M. King*58-4% 60-1062 K. A. Woo l — ‘Montrose___ 1661 First & Farmers National H. F. Manzer___ H. P. Read_______ A. J. Wheaton ___ S. B. Tingley Bank & Trust Co. _®T»t’75 C. F. Pross, V. P. A. L. Titman 3 Susqueh'naE20 *200-6% par 100 60-946 ^, 11a. VJUUI•« xv • tm mens N.. Phil.; Lycoming Tr. Co.. Wil liamsport. lan.N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and 23.720 Market Si. N.. Phil.; Nor. Cent. Tr.. Williamsport. 200,000 143.680 2.173.440 221,500 Jhase N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N., 1st N.. Corn Ex. N.,and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; 3d N., Scranton. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 O4.C to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. JMem. State B. Ass’n. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Rr. Morrlsdale____675 3 Clearfield Jll M orris ville.__ 3639 3 Bucks N25 Morton............ 2100 3 Delaware 023 Moscow_______702 JLackawannaH22 Mt. Carmel. 17.469 3 Northnmb’dKlS j Bank of Morrisdale..d®4i’211 60-1578 Morrisville Trust Co. ) *60 par 50 60-1543 d®1 Morton National Bank 60-1720 1 first National Bank ,d( *315-12% par 100 60-1260 First Nat. Bank.-.dB® *800-38% par 100 60-307 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume.__For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Cokkkspondknts. Surplus Loana ther Bonda MISCIIL- Oam A I* Dbfo»- LOiabili and and «MAJMaa,l>0i I and rra LAJTBOUS Diaoounta Profits . Soeuritiae ties PENNSYLV A NIA—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital W. H. Densham___ Jno. W. Howe, Ch. G. W. Balderston . P. A. Case, V.P. F. B. Rhodes____ P. R. Long. V. P. J. E. Loveland__ S. N. Kelso— $ 30,000 t 21.700 1 170.000 1 3,200 S 60.000 $ 126.000 J 22,500 { 16.400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. Geo. M. Hill T. B. Stockham ... P. A. Case. Sec----- C. M. Young. Tr. .. 125.00C 49.24C 722,350 3.070 46.540 491,740 287.340 74.040 1st N. andMech. N.. Trenton, N. J.; 1st Henry T. Moon N.. Phil. A. W. Reinhold... 42,000 3.50C 121.570 130 38.410 14.850 2.290 111.660 Phil-Girard N., Phil.. Media Title & Tr.. T. J. Haigh Media. E. P. Schooley....... 25.00C 47.39C 610,160 27.000 330,790 302,540 9.500 64.710 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. J. w. Knedler 125.000 536.830 2.214,880 173.100 1.524.950 1.223.270 Voris Auten_____ William Kiefer__ Henry L. Learn— — Geo. W. Scott____ 92.510 209.070 Am. Ex. Irv., Tr. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Franklin 4th St. Tr., and Market St. N., Phil. E. E. Whit©_____ B. F. Christ______ John A. Carl......... J. C. Beierschmitt 390.000 308,170 1.662.450 190,000 1.361,750 789.440 104,020 205.400 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. G. J. Moleski___ John Dropeski__ Silas Nayfleld, Tr. W. R. Buckley,-See, 150,000 210.810 1,193,250 75,188 88,870 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th 912,960 551,960 75.440 A.Tehansky. A.Tr. 1 St. N and Tradesmens N.. Phil. James W. Jones.— E. E. White. 300.000 409,310 2,976,870 165.790 1.371,770 2,026.540 169.250 284,420 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. and Equit. Tr., N. Y.; F. H. Strouss *310-10% 60-309 Franklin 4th tit. N . and Corn Ex. N.,Phil. 10,970 151.050 Mt. Holly Springs First National Bank__ •!’ Park Gardner___ W. Frank Hartzell G. C. Hall.............. 25,000 25,000 20.280 40.050 136,670 15.020 1st N.. Phil. 3Cumberl.O151109 *100-4% 60-1261 14.000 443.000 17.560 W. S. Calderwood - R. A. Hill................ R. S. Howe______ B. T. Howe______ 30.000 28.900 113.000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt. Mt. Jewett... 1494Mt. Jewett National Bk. 290.000 120,000 3 McKean F9 60-1262 ®»f 43.610 865.120 144.190 Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. Mt. Joy_____2192 First National Bank d©Tt’ Thomas J. Brown . J. S. Carmany....... R. Fellenbaum.... E. M. Bomberger.. 125,000 214.920 1.374,580 207,000 868.570 3 Lancaster 018 *240-10% par 100 60-907 346.930 1,620.090 148,400 1.165.390 33.700 125.000 832,130 209.200 N. City. N. Y.; Corn Bx. N.. Phil. “ _____ " Onion National Mt. Joy Bu J. E. Longenecker. H. S. Newcomer... H. N. Nissly_____ C. S. Krall............ w . 60-906 ®T»fl Mt. Lebanon .3500 Mt. Lebanon Rank... ®tl’ H. B. Salkeld........ 522.730 2.070 16.950 G. M. Hawkins___ H. J. Mayer_____ 177.710 72.060 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Comw. Tr. Co., 296.820 60.000 (Pittsburgh P. O.) *65 Pitt. 60-1680 4P Allegheny M3 Mt. Morris___328 Farmers & Merck, Nat’l. Bk. (Closed) 4P Greene Q2 Mt. Penn___ 1370 917,200 James R. Brown-.. A. M. Snyder____ W. R. Ramsay, Tr.. C. S. Adams. -See,.. 125.000 60,000 300 167,800 81.000 752,400 122.520 Equitable Tr Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; Far. (Reading P. O.) *67 C. W.Wi 11 man, A. Tr V. L. Goodhart N. and Northeastern Tr. Co., Reading. 60-1585 3 Berks N20 Mt. Pleasant. 5862 CITIZENS SAVING!. 4.000 J. A. Warden_____ J. S. Mack______ J. D. Hitchman.TV. J. L. Ruth. See. ... 125.000 225.000 1.601,000 156.000 502,000 1.030.000 267,000 SAVINGS &TR.CO _ v 4P Westmorel’d 05 i*175-14% 60-674 M. N. Pigman, J. D. Hitchman and 1st N„ Pitt. ------ dB®T ‘ITtl-ros A. Sec. and A. Tr. par 100 99.860 428.420 100,000 165.900 609,690 46.980 385.860 114,190 1st N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ Diamond N„ fJ. D. HITCHMAN -- GEO. W. STONER.— CHAS. F. STONER — C. 0. CHRISTNER — Please s end 16c with ea cb sight draft f or ; Union Tr. Co., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. ISAAC SHERRieK presen tation a nd 25c f or Credi t Repor ts. ) Oldest National Bank in Westmor eland County. ! *240 -20% par 100 60 673 Pitt. _ Ions. tion given collect (.Vigorous atten *65-6% *200-14% C. L. Bobbs..___ R. P. M. Davis___ R. M. Longacre.__ D. Dale Brandt.__ G. D. Lukens____ 60.000 76,670 756,090 270,790 T. Appleby........ W. J. Campbell__ E. S. Gaster_____ Geo. W. Morgan... 50.000 51,570 803,230 103.020 828,050 90,000 18.000 71.760 600,000 31.120 200.000 420,000 91.950 40.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Mellon N., anc Union Tr. Co., Pitt. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Phil.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 187.930 1.005.690 50.000 169,480 1.016.040 10.000 98.090 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 99.920 631.140 37.500 67.140 71.300 Han. N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 487.830 7Q.11D 74,900 197.030 844.000 838.000 543,660 435,580 22.640 122.9901 600,000 60-675 Mt. Union___4744 CENTRAL NATIONAL BARK 3 Huntingdon N12 ?235_s% Pnr 100 00-818 d®*JT! *215-9% 60-819 Mt. Wolf_____ *175-10% par 100 60-1264 3 York 017 Mountville___757 Monatvule National Bk. 3 Lancaster P18 *300-10% 60-1265 dB®l A. 50.000 C. H. Krebs_____ Jacob Bruah ____ S. T. Peeling J. C. May C. H. Gable............. P. F. Schopf C. C. Seitz 50.000 50,000 70.630 70.820 762,080 113,940 614,580 25,380 128,810 600,000 417,240 41.100 105.200 par 100 Money ______2054 Ottiaeni National Bank .*{'86 F. M. Opp_______ H.E. Kirk............... Earl D. Buck_____ 3 Lycoming 117 60-948 “ _____ “ Money Banking Oo..d®»tl’9l J. Reed Opp_____ S. S. Buffington... *150-6% par 100 60-949 Myerstown 2500 MYERSTOWH RAT. BANK W. P. Mosser_____ 3 Lebanon M19 *350-20% par 50 60-876 d®T»t’73 Ephraim Zug_____ -----MYERSTOWN TRUST CO *34-6% par 20 60-877 d®T«tl'14 Nnnticoke.. 24.732 First NationalBank..®T*t'8# C. A. Shea _____ 3 Luzerne 119 *450-16% 60-288 “ _____ “ Miners Trust Co..dB®T»tS’20 Emil Malinowski.. $150-6% “ _____ par 50 ♦ 60-290 “ Nanticoke National Bank *500-12% par 100 60-289 ®»t'64 “ ------- “ PeoDles Savings & Trust Co. *40 par 25 ♦ 60-291 d®T»t§'23 Nnnty GIo___.5028 Miners & Merchants Bank *100 -6% 60-1525 ®*t|'19 3 Cambria M8 Union Bank____________ F. B. Horst______ F. S. Carmany........ (Merged with Mine rs & Merchants Ba nk) 73.510 533.650 50,000 58.640 730.230 50.000 J. H. Yeiser______ Edwin R. Noll. Tr. H. H. Kiilmer, A. Tr. T TT. Wm. T. Harris___ E. Makowski F. H. Kohlbroker John Malinowski.. H. S. Twarowski, M. J. Cannon. Sec. D. S, Pensyl______ V. B. Sheeder____ R. R. Zarr.............. J. W. Schreiner W. J. Morgan____ Wm. W. Smith, Jr. F. W. Quoos Martin McDermott A. A. Dietrich___ J. H. Williams........ H. Donofsky, V. P. r. W. Harrison 100.000 125.000 296,000 1.480.000 120.830 824,050 150.000 1,250.000 7,000,000 55,000 144.000 2.500,000 4,500,000 800.000 125,000 232.780 2.671.390 13,590 1.517,970 1.095,450 244.670 184,680 S. F. Wompierskl.. D. R. Jones FI. B. Nash______ 100,000 356,450 3.111.920 100.000 1.262.840 1,984,140 105,000 316.390! K. W. Carlson____ 60,000 H. S. Lehman •1 180,000 57,380 734.140 70.150 351.240 471.750 143,230 75,460 31,970 1.288.200 23.010 726,690 313,160 169.610 193,710 I 1 Bk. of Wilkes-Barre. Wilkes-Barre. Ihatham Phenix N., N. Y.: Franklin St. N., Phil.; Diamond N.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1246 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ • Town and Countt. ‘County Seats. Pig. is P. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. TBstab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. • »» 4P Allegheny L4 •« •• Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Caib k Kx Other D epos Paid-up Surplus and OHAxau,Dui and and Liabili its Capital Profits Disoounta Securities laneous non Baiu ties (Branch o/Ardmo re, Pa.) $ J. Francis Heck... John Armstrong .. Frank Ozaplinski First National Bank..d®*t'«l J. G. Campbell____ H.M. Brackenridge J. A. Seel NorthamptonK23 16% 4* Ass t Cashier. Wm. H. Fowler, A. Tr. Citizens Bank............. ©tS’21 60-1598 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 275.000 50,000 16,510 287,000 $ 60-765 M. T. Swartz_____ J. A. Miller. i 125,000 $ 120,000 $ 45,000 $ 250.420 74.170 ‘ 9,800 48.850 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N 1st N., Pitt. 53,000 713,900 436,200 77,200 186,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N.,Pitt. 200.000 2.250.000 3,600,000 125,000 375.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 125,000 Chase N., N.Y,; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. A. and 50 000 171,900 1,139,000 200,000 450,000 5,500,000 50,000 85,000 1.500.000 50,000 450,000 1,060,000 50.000 50,000 37,990 376,380 50.000 103,100 371.330 3,960 35,980 1st N„ Phil. 25,000 20.660 320,810 430 172.740 158,300 1,800 34.060 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. J. C. Corby_______ 75,000 69,050 830,270 88,000 418,310 536,900 17,500 89,590 Am. Ex.. Irving Tr.Co., N.Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. C. D. Wilcox............ 25,000 51,080 352,630 31,520 206.410 191,590 29,010 33,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 25,000 101,380 668,500 25,000 223,230 445,260 4,400 25,000 33,000 240,000 18,000 154.000 136,000 975,060 F. H. Schmidt_____ F. D. Heckman.... Second National Bank ©»t’01 E. J. Unangst-------- H. M. Kleckner... A. E. Frantz. $250-12% 60-766 ____ 60.000 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 29,740 ®W#7 Neffs____________ 208 Neffs National Bank .©•t’23 Calvin F. Hill $170 60-1660 3 Lehigh L22 Principal Correspondents. Chem.N..N.Y.; Penn.N.,Phil.-GirardN..lst N„ and Bk.of No. America & Tr.Co.,Phil. 60-1267 Nazareth........ 4288 Nazareth National Bank >4 Cashier. Carl B. Metzger... C. E. Kremer......... Narberth National Bank Jas. K. Stone $160 par 150 00-1692 d®»t'25 $350-20% par 100 3 --------------------- 1------------ - -------------- :----------------------- Vice-President. Narberth........ 4000 Merion Title & Trust Co. 60-1675 ®T*t§’89 3 Montgomery P23 $282-16% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued H. P. Wehr_________ Nescopeclt____ 1638 Nescopeck National Bank Wilson Harter ___ C. M. Harter______ Wm. T. Hetler.... E. B. Hess_______ 60-1604 ©*'22 E. S. Walker 3 Luzerne J19 $175-3% par 100 Nesquehoning 3 Carbon First National Bank...©»t’12 Levi Marsden____ 60-1423 J21 2057 $150-6% New Albany... 315 First National Bk..-d®»t’08 L. C. Allen 60-1268 3 Bradford P18 $260-8% par 100 NewAlexandria587 New Alexandria Nat. Bank Wilson E. Kepple. S. C. Patterson.__ T. J. Kerr________ Nora J. Dornon... 60-1269 4P Westmorel’d N5 »t’02 New Berlin__ 460 First National Bank---------- 1'96 R. S. Meiser______ Geo. F. Ritter_____ A. A. Shiffer............... B. F. Eaton_________ 3 Union K16 $125-5% par 100 26,000 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 60-1270 .. 100,000 212,980 1,046,990 12,160 163,530 120,450 FRANK FERGUSON— fCHAS. E.ANDREWS, A.S.JOHNSON---------- C. E. SHEFFER, V. P. and Cash, A. H. SMITH C.W. ANDREWS 50,000 416,000 3,253,000 70.000 1,262,000 2,017,000 15,000 New Bethlehem Trust Oo. R. R. Anderson — C. M. Lower_____ H. W. Nophsker W. K. Baumgardn e r. Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 60-961 ®Tt§’05 150,000 35,630 1,035,780 142,250 D. B. Alter_______ 50,000 154,520 916.110 J. W. Tallon, New Brighton 9659 ♦Beaver County Trust Co. G. F. Kennedy .... R. R. Bentley___ H. W. Douglass. Sec. and A. Tr, Tr. H. W. Douglass 4P Beaver K2 $126-7% ♦ (0-621 d®T»tll900 C. L.Wright. A.Sec. par 100 ; 4, 44 ♦Old National Bank--cl®»t'04 George Davidson.. Thomas Kennedy.. O. E. Kennedy____ F. H. Brobeck........ $175-10% 60-621 400,000 277,080 924,960 100,000 157,000 757,360 125,000 236,390 1.447,510 3 BANK OF NEWBERRY Lycoming H15 $290-15 M% par 100 New Bethlehem 1662 4P Clarion J6 4. 60-1271 d®»tl'65 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $900-24% par 100 147.000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Mellon N.. 1st N., and Ex. N., Pitt. 60-062 dB®»t 72 S. R. McKean........... H. E. Mosser______ H. S. V. Phillips W. Reeder. Samuel Sweigart W. B. Quigley 113,070 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil. 494,000 N. Park and 1st N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. Special attentio □ given bill of lad ing drafts, cash a nd time items. vSend us your Ne w Bethlehem ite ms. 107,010 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 4,500 715,440 261,200 125,000 560,810 547,760 40,100 1.073,990 367,930 68,400 131,820 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Peo. Sav. N.. Pitt. 140,000 750,900 250,690 48.750 104.010 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt N. A.. Pitt.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 148,000 867,820 787,840 53,500 247,740 Seab. N. and N. City. N. Y.: Mellon N and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.; Pitt. $116-6% ‘New Bloomfield First National Bank-.®fV* J W Shull 3 Perry M14 780 $325-14% 60-1272 4. ♦Union National Bk. .®Tt’91 P. A. McHattie (6-519 G. Beaver County Clearing House Ass'n. (Members indicated by a ♦) I. J. T. Alter... — J. D. Bruhn_____ _ A. L. Bingham. McIntyre___ E. R. Radtke............ C. E. Kennedy, Mgr. J. D. Brubaker___ O. F. Franklin 137,060 Han. N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. & Tr. Co. and 1st THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — All items received at par—No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 947 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each t>ank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv ‘County Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. Fig. is F.Res. Cist. ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br.|d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSaie%Div. *New Castle 49.842 *Citiiens National 4P Lawrence J2 $120-24% 60-189 President. Vice-President. Ij. H. Lamb.............B. D. Phillips ___Geo. R. Balph.. OF LAWRENCE CO. $240-20% par 100 CASHIER. ®T»t’92 FOLTZ_ _ R. C. PATTERSON. FIRST NAT’L BK. I SAMUEL 60-187 0«lo5 Ch. of Bd. R.C. LOVEA. C. HOYT Ass’t Cashier. John J. Maher ... JOHN ELDER, Jr..... H.L.AILEY F. W. SMITH WM. _ _ _ A. _ POND ONL E. L. THOMPSON Liabilities. Resources. I Loan* Bonds Cash ft ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Otheb Miscel chang and and *b,Du* AND Liabili Capital its Discount! Securities laneous from Banks Profits ties * 200.000 * 840,370 *3 505 380 * 200,000 *1301 720 *2 399010 * 992,840 * 1.000.000 HARTMAN 'LAWRENCE SAV. T.E. H.E. McGILL, & TRUST CO. Ch, f 89-109 dB®T»t§'01 P. L. CRAIG- - - - - - - - - F. A. SCHULZ, S. A. WEINSCHENK, 0. P. BROWN Executive V.P.and Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. W.K.HUGUS. A. W.TLNOAL, a. Sec. NewEnterprlse 275 3 Bedford OlO New Florence. 780 4P Westmorel’d N7 Newfoundland 918 3 Wayne H22 New Freedom. 906 3 York Q17 New Holland .1453 3 Lancaster 020 New Hope ...1093 3 Bucks M24 New Kensington 14.412 4P Westmorel’dM4 125.000 136,780 300.000 623.380 4,958.720 746.770 LOGAN TRUST CO. 350,010 436,070 35,430 414.680 2.421.050 2.856.590 257.840 125.000 15,910 521,440 2,880 22,390 200,000 70,500 1,488,890 46.530 100,000 94,350 978,490 24.100 1.323,000 1,323.590 1,240,930 IJ. R. ALTER- - - - - - P. C. KING- - - - - - - - - A. C. STOTT. Tr........... P. C. KING, ) FIFTEEN CEN TWENTY-FIVE $240-12% 60-563 ®M»1900 \Send ns your (Union National Bank.®»t’18;E. B. Kowe______ *70 60-565 l(Formerly Peoples State Bank ) W. S. GABEL, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. Off. 196,100 Am. Ex. Pitt. Irv. Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., 761.290 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt* 9 Uuluu Tr# Co** Clew# Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. 483,280 11,910 1,053,550 344,640 143.630 293,080 645,990 20,930 236,940 13.180 246.550 3,407,690 16,790 229.670 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Pitt.; Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. 926,290 34.320 664,850 291,220 3,870 149,940 N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 274,220 3.550 203.080 82,000 51,610 88.370 200,170 15.320 1,000 21,250 147,640 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 264,110 Am. Ex. 100,000 49.270 125,000 22,300 25,000 26,360 186,370 25,000 27.690 353,790 24.400 101,700 275,840 20,360 32.980 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 25,000 2,500 89,360 161,890 22,890 16.260 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Scranton. 69.720 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Comw. Tr. Co.. Harrisburg. Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 236,360 26,550 50,000 101.400 1.160,130 56.070 591,210 711,920 14.600 50,000 150,980 1,070,320 99,400 735,970 343,130 116,500 125.000 172,760 1,130,040 121.200 714,310 717,920 22,410 94.360 360 253,950 167,870 28,250 46,490 122.750 3.596.820 2.248.040 269.260 760.050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.jlst N., Pitt.; Phil.- 232.470 3.143.340 658.300 714.710 313,800 Chase N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 280.290 72,380 23,400 25,000 25,140 446,050 E. J. BAXTER------- W. C. BLACK_ _ _ _ _ G. R. SHIARELLA_ _ 250.000 421.090 6.080.340 H. B. SMITH 1 Send us your “New Kensington” Items direct for prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. d©T»t’93 THE 9,060 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. y) FIRST NAT’L BANK (F. E. PR An----60-564 N., N. Y.; Bk. ot Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N.. Phil. 317.870 1.332.310 COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Mahoning Trust Co. .®T+§'24 A. C.Hoyt_______ R. C. Patterson.__ G. A. Carpenter, A. H. Hill. A. Tr... par 50 60-1672 R. C. Love. V. P. Samuel Foltz Sec. and Tr. National Bank of Lawrence Co. (Merged with First National Bank as First National Bank of Lawrence Count ♦Peoples Barings & Trust Co. Adolph Green___ Jno. W. Hutton... J. D. Kennedy. Fred C. Duff. 60-193 ®T»S'07 Jos. Hannon Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. ♦Union National Bank .®t’06 L. M. Buchanan ... W. S. Reynolds__ E. B. Hawkins___ V. D. Johns______ $150-6% par 100 60-192 ♦Union Trust Co.._d®T#t§’16 A. C. Hoyt............. R. C. Patterson ... G. A. Carpenter. J. C. Moore. A. Tr. 4% par 50 60-194 R. C. Love. V. P. Samuel Foltz See. and Tr. L. C. Moosman, J. N. Martin, Tr.O. A, Sec. New Castle Clearing House. John Elder, Jr..__ -------------------------Samuel Foltg, Tr.. (Members indicated by a*) New Cumberland Nat, Bank E. S. Herman____ H. F. Kohr ............ F. E. Coover.. $175-6% par 100 60-1273 ®.r04 New Cumberland Trust Co. C. Z. Brubaker ___ S. A. Kirkpatrick.. J. B. Corl, $55 60-1667 ©T§’24 Sec., Tr. and Tr. Off. New Enterprise Bank ®tS’ll C. O. Brumbaugh.. D. B. Snowberger.. E. W. Van Horn... $100-5% 60-1411 New Florence Nat. Bank J. M. Trimble----- Thomas Kirschner M. E. Horrell......... S. W. Newlings. $lS0-8%parl00 60-1427 d®»t'13 First National Bank.d®»'26 H. R, Megargel.— C. F. Ehrhardt.__ R. G. Fahringer .. $125 par 100 60-1707 First National Bank..®*! J. F. Zeller______ J. F. Singer_____ W. H. Freed____ H. L. Bubb____ 60-1274 Farmers National Bank A. B. C. Groff____ Charles S. Zwally. I. R. Weaver__ $285-10% 60-1015 ®»I'07 New Holland Nat. Bank B. M. Winters....... H. K. Storb_____ G. F. Besore..____ $225-10% 60-1014 ®Tt’81 Solebury National Bank Wm. W. Hurley... George R. Kline__ I. S. Worthington. W. R. Janney. $130-5% 60-1473 d©»t’17 par 100 $230-12% par 100 482.080 2.406.920 5.802.150 Tr. Officer $54-4% New Cumberland 3 Cum’d 016 1577 1.429.740 6.946.540 Principal Oobraspondknts. 52,190 1st .SEND US YOU K NEW CASTLE ITEMS DIRECT FOB PROMPT. PERSONAL ATTENTION. ♦Home Trust Oe. ..d®T«tl'02 T. H. Hartman.__ P. L. Craig______ J. O. Miner, Tr.... S. A. Weinschenk, par 100 60-191 O. P. Brown W. McCaslin, j Sec. Tr. Off. n%par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 300.000 453.260 3,844.420 175,100 Chem. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.: Peo. Tr. Co.. Lancaster. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. G.C. STOWERS. Aud. TS sent to ns wi th each sight dr aft for presentat Ion, an d CENTS tor each credit report Ins ares prompt, per sonalat tentton. New Kensington and Arnold Item P. A. Brown-------- W. K. Cooper____ 100,000 37,970 332,110 94.010 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nuinbsr under Name of Bank is tile New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. ‘County Seats. Pig. is P. Res. Dist. Pittsburgh Br. P •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. New Milford...644 Grange Nat. Bk. of Susque W. H. Tingley____ C. H. Ainey 3 Susquehanna E21 hanna County.60-1276 «t’08 1200-6% Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 1 N ew Philadelphia Silver Creek St at e Bank 60-1499 ©.}’19 3500 *150-6% (SUverCreek P.O.) 3 Schuylkill K19 Citizens National Bank..t’05 J. H. McCulloch. 60-926 3 Perry M15 <1 M First National Bank ..®t’76 A. W. Rough— *350-16% 60-925 J. E. Fleisher____G. H. Frank_______ H. W. Robinson... New Salem... 1000 First National Bank..®*t'03 C. E. Bortz______ Geo. H. Reynolds j Payette D4 *250-20% par 100 60-1277 4P •• _____ " Liabilities. ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Subplus AND its Capital Profits ties J John S. Weaver... J. W. Barnitz_____ Will A. Sheely........ New Oxford....949 Farmers ft Merchants Bank ♦ 60-1276 JS1900 3 Adams 015 Miners State Bank..®»t§’23 S. O. McCormick.. F. L. Guseman____Michael Cervenak. G. L. Dils, Sec-----*85-5% 60-1616 25,000 $ 15,880 $ 55,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil 15.020 83.700 Meich. N.. Balt.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 16,290 174.370 1,309.730 _______ 748.020 517.99D 97.490 50.000 105,000 550,000 218.000 410.000 50.000 200.000 948,320 590,000 580.000 71.700 25,000 73.570 710.140 219.750 420,470 25.830 142,670 Han. N.. N. Y.: Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 25.000 6,810 341,520 1.250 121,500 176,800 20,770 573,990 1.616,000 98.600 576,830 1,591,770 14,000 55.260 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Merch. & Miners State, Uniontown. Chase N..N.Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N.. 230,990 Phil. 50.000 75.000 743,640 42.500 50,000 Tradesmens N., Phil. ’MONTGOMERY TRUST CO. ) 9.370 62.790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Miners Bk. of Wilkes Barre, Wilkes Barre. 117,870 N. City. N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil.; 3rd N.. Scranton. 13.750 30.000 248.000 17.000 163.000 109.000 9,000 182,300 769.700 100.220 353,360 707,450 40.450 50.000 135,730 1,249.060 50.000 867.020 378,310 62,500 50.000 112,510 722.930 57.000 423,050 413.090 11.670 176.960 N. Park. N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N., Pitt.: Peo. Sav & Tr. Co., New Castle. 94.620 N.Park. N. Y.; 3rd N„ Scranton. 200.000 747.460 3 035,670 399,990 1,793,230 2,168,260 59.690 361,930 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil 500.000 571.950 5.557,750 41.260 2.401.500 3.228.070 477.970 563.410 N. Bk. Com , N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N. 6.887.320 2.888.070 680.000 641.420 Chase N., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N. and 971,530 60,280 345,710 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Phil. 125.000 A. ANDERSON — H. H. GANSER............H. W. SHELDON, Sec. W. W. W|LSTHL ^ J. L. ANDERS and Tr. W. W. WILSON 0SCART.RAHN,A.7V. rerboeberatK<^0^. J. A. ANDERSON, J. W. KING. A. Sec. Tr.Off.\ and A. Tr. A. S. SWARTZ, JR.. Solicitor L. A- WIDRODER, 248,050 959,510 25.000 / J. 201.400 1.036,590 Newrille.......... 1482 J. T. Alter................ J. C. Swigert.......... S. B. Hewlett........... R. S. Lehman_____ 60-983 ®riO JCumberland 014 *170-6% •• ll The First National Bank Edwin R. Hays ___ »22o-io% 60-982 d©T»t'88 4P 425,350 66.880 Chase N.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Melloi N.. Pitt. 20,530 75,000 Inez A. Hope......... New Wilmington First National Bank R. S. Mercer______ J. L. Coulter Law’ce 12 886 $325-12% par 100 60-1280 H. W. Seamans.__F. H. McIntyre____ Nicholson........842 First National Bank.d®*t’06 G. G. Rought.......... 3 Wyoming F20 *300-18% par 100 60-1281 ‘Norristown 34.836 ♦Montgomery National Bank W. H. Slingluff___ 60-216 d® *41814 3Mo„tgomery023 *431-16% 21,230 183.680 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Corn Ex, N- Phil.; Safe Dep., Pottsville. 176.310 1.855,890 E. W. Fisher_____ .. 27,020 J 269,420 $ 111,430 $ 60-1278 New Tripoli...516 New Tripoli National Bank O. D. Werley_____ E. J. Bachman........D. C. Kerstetter .. 60-1279 ®»'10 C. S. Oswald. V. P. A. J. Harter 3 Lehigh L21 Principal Correspondents. 444.980 Newtown............... Peoples State Bank _d®t§'23 T. A. Curley______ Calvin M. Keller .. R. J. Lynott............ (Ashley P. O.) *65 par 50 60-1655 3 Luzerne G20 *435-22% Resources,. Loans Bonds ' Cash k ExMiscel cblakobs ,Dci and and Discounts Securities laneous 367.880 104,200 125.000 Bucks N 24 57.660 $ 342,430 $ 50.000 H. B. Hogeland___ John W. Cooper. 3 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 29.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 75,950 1st N.. Phil. \ 1 *308-10% ♦ 60-220 d®T*t5'84 IsEND US YOU par 100 B NORRISTOWN ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT, P ERSON AL ATT ENTIO N. /ADAM SCHEIDLCA. F.S. YEAKLE.......... - G. F. BERGER, .. _____ .. ’NORRISTOWNPENN♦ TRUST GO. S1/ *26i-io% par 100 •• «• ___ .> M 60-217 dB®T»t§’88 H. M. TRACY J. F. BOYER H. M. CASSEL, A . Sec. and .4. Tr. GEO. E. WIERMAN, R. S. KRIEBEL „ Tr. Off. J. W. ZIEGLER, E.H.LEE, A. Tr.Off. H. A. MCDERMOTT, 1.000.000 1.412,130 8.684.670 C. H. BRU NNER, Ti He Off. MARGAR ET POTTE R, A. Tit leOff. HENRY 1 . FOX, So Heitor .4ssf. Treasurers THE LARGEST BANK IN MONT GOMERYCOUNT Y. A Member of th e Federal Reserve System. \Send us your eo llections and cash items for prompt atttention at rea sonable rates. ♦Peoples National Bank Charles Johnson... W. N. Easton------- B. B. Hughes______ S. S. Anders............ *280-10% 60-219 ®T*i'81 Norristown Clearing House. W. S. Slingluff— (Mombert indicated by a*) 150,000 378,150 3.264.740 148,700 2.564,070 " THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 194Q Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN and COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. Co ‘County Seats. tM«m. 8t»t« B. Ass’n. [Ectah. n Pig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. (l-SafeDep.®Sav.$I,astSale%I>iy. PUSIDXNT. Vicb-Prksidknt. Liabilities. RE80URCK8. Loan* Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and and L iabili Capital Profits it* Diaoounta Securities laneous ties Oashikk. Northampton 3 Allen Trust Oo. .-di®T»tS’ll P. J. Laubach____ Charles A. Porter. J. E. Rumsey, See. 9542 !*lS0-6% 80-12*2 and Tr. Off. H. A. Miller Northa'n L22 par loo —— " Cement Nat’l Bk. of Siegfried :E. O. Reyer______ E. C. Nagle. Alfred P. Laubach. 1235-12% 60-1338 ®T»t'99, V. P. and Tr. Off. No. Beile Vernon PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK F. H. Steen............ (Belle VernonP. O.) 60-1589 ®*t'21 Hugh Price, V. P. 4PW’stm I'd04 2605 North East...3481 First National Bank...®t’93 N. P. Fuller_____ 4P Erie C4 1125-6% 60-861 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. P'or Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued H. T. Bilheimer.Tr. $ 250,000 1 239,000 SI 550 980 $ R.M.Kiechel.A.Tr. Jes9eW. Slotter... T. F. Weitknecht W. E. Cole______ T. S. Adams-------G. T. Crosbie 150,000 263.470 2.482.840 100.000 28,490 397.340 200,000 100.000 1.200.000 50,000 91,180 514,240 North Girard..786 First National Bank .d®t’23 George Hawkes ... W. J. McMannis... Clarke Pain______ 4P Erie D2 *120 par 100 60-1643 25,000 9.990 Northumberland Farmers & Mechanics Bank J. B. Krebs_____ 3 4016 *70-3% 60-1455 d®»t|T5 Northnmberl dK17i?>ar so “ ------- “ Northumberland Nat. BankCharles Steele-__ *251.25-10% 60-1288 d®T»t’03 [par 100 I North Wales..2041 North Wales Nat. Bank H. R. Swartley.__ 88-12*4d@»I'90l 3 Montgom’y 023 *306-12% par 100 North York...2239 (See York) D. F. Heilman___ S. S. Smith______ C. G. Bolig 75.000 30.500 Harry Steele____ John A, MitchelL. J. E. Mottier____ C. D. Cole----------J. A. Spooner, A. V. P. Bk. of North East O. C.Hirtzel_____ F. B. Moorhead... F. M. McDonald... W. W. Wellman... 60-862 ®t’08 18,250 S 970,890 $ 861,830 $ 132.500 347.920 116.600 56.240 Ex- rmom Bam 49,350 $ 176.170 Gty. Tr. Co.. N., N. Y.; Phil Girard N., Phil. 209.000 1,432,340 1.324.810 45.000 Principal Corrkspondknts. Gass A 215,670 Chase N.. N. Y.: Market St. N.. Phil. 50.070 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 850.000 350.000 150,000 150,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Columbia N„ Pitt. 53,930 284.050 298,910 21.620 104,770 N. Park. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; Phil.Giraro N„ Phil.; 1st N„ Erie. 187.230 9.700 54,010 129,580 13,580 187.870 12,110 201,850 69,410 3,900 125,000 160.000 1.100.000 125,000 925,000 300,000 140,000 Henry S. Kriebel— Otto Schlieske___ 50,000 156.950 1.212,970 146.550 1,142.400 255.790 45,660 M. W. Whitaker.. C. A. Boston__ G. A. Shook 25,000 7,000 160,140 72.070 81.090 28,760 10,210 Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. Nnmldia____ 315 Valley National Bank.®»’21 W. S. Sharpless... Irvin Kreischer .. E. R. Unangst.. 3 Columbia K18 *180-6% 60-1594 25,000 21,110 317,370 26,480 100.250 249,580 17,870 22.280 1st N.. Phil. Nuremberg ..1000 First National Bank.__©’24 E. S. Silliman ... 3 Schuylkill J19 *120 60-1677 25,000 7.670 272,970 24,100 46.830 219,920 29,160 33.830 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 965,400 18,000 136,280 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union N.. Pitt. " _____ “ National 34,740 N. Park. N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 30,330 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 150.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„Phll.Girard N., 1st N., and Tradesmens N„ Phil. 122.610 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. Norwood....... 2353 (See Prospect Park, Pa., Nor wood Sta, P, O.) (Norwood Sta. P.O.) 3 Delaware P23 Noxen_______ 1047 Tanners Bank___ d®«ti’22 W. B. Risley __ 3 Wyoming G19 *60 par so 60-1608 Henry Sachs____ S. A. Klinger K. H. Erdman.. Oakdale_____ 1611 First National Bank..©»1900 W. J. Cassidy___ L. G. Simpson.... B. M. Hopper_____ 4P Allegheny M2 *150-10% 60-1285 R. M. Delaney 75,000 179,390 1,133,000 75,000 342,720 H. S. Paul______ J. B. Neely______ Thos. A. Hunter Charles L. Roach. Donald P. Horsey. J. Williar Sheetz 50,000 104.150 1.237.590 73.290 Oakmont___..4512 FIRST NATIONAL BANK D. B. Blackburn... 4P Allegheny M410% 60-1286 ®«t'05 Oakmont_____ 200 Oakmont National Bank V. Gilpin Robinson ( Upper Darby P.O.) *200 par 100 60-1706 d®»+'26 3 Delaware 023 0*1 City.........23.260 CITIZENSBANKINGCOMPANY 4P Venango G4 *100-6% 60-345 d®*tS’02; par 50 I'll. J. CRAWFORD.. H. 6. RUSH_ _ _ _ _ _ E. S. HUGH......... H. D. CLARK. W. O.INNIS fH. J. CRAWFORD 1*450-20% jpor 100 60-344 497.950 12.500 102.390 121.190 13.170 158.020 Seab. N., N. Y.; Duquesne N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 40.950 Franklin 4th St.N., Phil.; 69thSt.Terminal Title & Tr. Co., Upper Darby. 100,000 90.710 1.660,900 540 1,587.720 13,160 21,590 229,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt 125,000 255,510 2,022,980 261,600 2,029,470 284.640 113,850 237,120 N.Park and Han.N.,N.Y.;Mellon N.and 1st N„ Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 300.000 868,730 6.933,320 672,930 6,490,070 482,410 670.900 1,131,600 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St N.. Phil. 300,000 2,740,000 8,839,470 1.133,140 8,724,450 3,168,890 55,110 1.064.150 Seab. N., N. Y.: Keystone N.. Pitt.: Bk.of No. America & Tr. Co.. Phil. 15,510 A NEW PROGR ESSIVE INSTITU TION. Let us se rve you. | Thoroughly equ Ipped. Prompt 1 erviee. Reasonab le rates. LPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft a nd 25c for each reque st for rating. ♦First National Bank E. C. Breene_____ James Hasson....... *300-15% 60-342 d®T»f83 j par 100 *0IL CITY NATIONAL BANK 796,560 237.170 25,000 Lester Fry tMUki ;rttOBT Tr. Officer d®T«3’63 I Special attentlo a given Bin of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 1 Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a Reports. , Prompt service. We get results. A. K. Helle............ G. M. Friedhaber, Arnold Moore. ♦Oil Oity Trast Oo. d®MI'71 £r®de,ri?k Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. cmd A. Tr. A. E. Mackintosh I $600-42% 60-343 O. L. Suhr, V. P, par 50 Oil City Clearing House____|E. C. McFate-------Fred Fair____ (Members indicated by a*) \ THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given IQrrv to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ XADvJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oodntt. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. ;Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F.Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P Pittsburgh Br. l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President, Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bonds Other Cash A Ex Miscel 0HAHaBS,I)UB Paid-up Surplus D epos and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discount! Securitise laneous from Banks ties S Old Forge...12.755 Miners & Merchants State JLackawannaH21 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Bank—.60-1668.. d®»t§’24 170 par 50 W. J. G. Salmon Old Forge Disc't & Dep. Bk. 60-1287 •T§,09 Frank Berger........ R, E. Siebecker___ 62,500 $ 50.000 13,330 $ 325,660 $ 131,430 1,027,120 48,750 1 44,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Peo. Sav. & Dime Bk. & Tr. Co., and Lin. Tr. Co., Scranton. 5,000 562,540 514.250 16,600 120,160 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Scranton. 24,670 184,970 622.360 50,480 59,150 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; 2d N„ Reading. Union N„ Oley ................. 600 First National Bank.®T*t’07 [srael M. Bertolet. A. F. Breidigam... Sidney J. Hartman A. F. Breidigam. Sec. C. L. Glase 1165-8% 60-1288 3 Berks M21 125,000 101,180 First National Bank --®»t’02 Michael Bosak........ J. G. Hufnagel........ P. J. McGlnty. V. P. and Cash. 12% 60-515 250,000 501,030 2.516.410 375.000 1.468,680 1.751.680 176,400 245.670 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil.; 1st N., Scranton, Pa. Michael Bosak ___ George Chylak .... Miners Savings Bank John Bosak *140-10% 60-517 dB®*t§'23 100,000 98,020 1,023,790 653,360 446,830 16,000 105,630 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil.; Bosak State and 1st N., Scranton. 100,000 333,110 2,739,230 100,000 1,657,970 1,349,320 75,000 190,040 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 25,000 33,870 . 385.070 48,290 333,000 12,320 50,900 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ PhlL 50,000 76,020 566,510 70.000 531,500 9,510 81,530 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. I. W.Workman___ 25,000 8,910 150,240 81,250 62,450 11,700 I. N. Garman_____ 25,000 23.220 202,280 7.630 185,450 30,290 9,910 Orwigsburg ..1985 First National Bank & Trust H. S. Albright........ G. C. Diefenderfer G. W. Garrett____ Harold O. Shoener. 3 Schuylkill L20 Co............. 60-1289..d®T«t’90 125,000 225,240 860,430 49,300 244,200 748,620 123,470 25,000 15,950 57.890 3LackawannaG21 «• u D. G. Jones______ J. J. O’Malley......... M. J. Philbin liso ♦ 60-516 Orangeville. _. .417 Farmers National Bank 3 Columbia 118 *230-8% par 100 60-1476 Clinton Herring... •• 1 <! FTNIFR Orbisonia National Bk. -®t’13 G. W. Miller.......... G. W. Hicks............ *100 par 100 60-1046 Orrstown ___ 217 Orrstown Bank............©t§’19 T. Z. Minehart___ D. H. Shields_____ Z. 8. Brenize.. 3 Franklin 013 570 d®»t'17 Orblsonta_____ 682 eiacT ■stiansi mi S. 0. FRAKER............... H T WF1VFR 3 Hunt'gdon N12 *250-8% 64-1047 d®t 08 .. Walter Tinsley— 666,120 1,090 $ 177,400 i 131,780 Principal Correspondents. 28,750 Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 32,480 N. Bk. of Chambersburg, Chambersburg. *95-6% ♦ 60-1503 143,670 N. Park. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. $250-8% par 100 3 Tioga D14 Cowanesque Valley Bank 6% 60-1290 tt’77 E. G. Blandy_____ E. A. Hall________ W. H. Woodcock... 100,000 Robert Jackson... A. L. Edwards____ C. B. Gardner, Jr.. John T. Hughes... Peoples National Bank *131.50-3% 60-1574 d®»t’22 50,000 16,500 75,000 111,050 Osceola Mills.2355 First National Bank-d®»t'02 3 Clearfield Kll .. „ J. M.Scnt.t (F. E. BROWN......... M. E. SNODGRASS— M. E. SNODGRASS— C. B. KIRK_______ J. C. HAYS NATIONAL BANK OF OXFORD < Send us your O xford items. 60-882 dB®»4’6a *220-12% par 100 Jos. M. Showalter. Thomas F. Grier .. Clyde E. Mason___ N. L. Russell.......... *200-8% par 100 H 4« *75-4% M 585,370 499,560 97,800 148,840 Franklin 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil,; Mellon N.. Pitt. 308.200 36,010 196,500 140,250 500 73,460 Han. N.. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 816,870 75.000 675,190 152,050 118,000 125,000 192,200 1.406,040 123,100 452,680 1,183,970 53,800 155,890 Blair & Co., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 201,120 219,610 21,500 39.470 Corn Ex. N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 469,890 388,910 38,750 75,100 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 66,000 700.590 994,910 49.65C 305,150 N. City and Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Phil. 4,830 194,160 112,350 25.01C 26.98C Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Han. N., N.Y. Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 50,000 72,780 358,920 60,000 73.920 838,720 A. A. Ziegenfus ... L. M. Arner______ 100,000 Raymond F. Smith Wm. C. Hooey........ J. W. Sporinsky... Palmerton State Bank *60-3% 60-1477 d®»tl’2E 50,000 par 50 132,670 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. ____ 50-1474 First National Bank.. .®»t'07 1200-10% •S 50,720 179,650 1,001,210 60-1443 Palmerton.__ 7168 Citizens Bank----------- ®t5’17 D. M. Reitz_______ W. H. Ziegenfns.. Carbon K22 18,890 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. j Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanle d by (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight dr afts, 15c: Credit Rev orts, 50c. .. 3 2,140 14% par 100 60-1291 James Wood .......... Oxford______ 2093 Farmers National Bank 60-884 d®«t’83 3 Chester Q20 *110-12% — 77,810 176.120 1.708,180 60-1292 19,000 284,680 ■ THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Oe1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raud-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ---’------ ------------------------------- — Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tatetPriv ^County Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab President. Vice-President. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. lies.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Palmyra_____3646 Palmyra Bank & Trust Co. 3 Lebanon N17 “ *200-16% 60-849 ®t§’2C Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA -Continued ^----- Cashier. 1 Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up AND Depos- Other Capital Pbofits ITS TIES | E. W. Bowman___ Geo. W. Bowman.. J.S.Bombereer.TV. A. W. Garman. $ 125,000 $ 401,740 SI 017 620 A. Tr. Valley Trust Co...dB®T+§’03 *30-7% 60-850 W. I. Hess____ F. S. Carper. A. Sec. 125,000 236.540 F. W. Coffman, Tr. M. E. Summerell. A. Tr. 125.000 Resources. Loans Misceland Discounts Seouritiss LANEOUS from Bastes SI 231 950 $ 726,22J S 20.810 $ 165.370 St. N.. Phil. 785.930 S 20.780 630.510 381.010 67,570 77.480 394,290 30,110 303,900 238.650 8.070 50.000 28.780 279.550 1.150 187,650 109.540 15.000 Parkers Landing First National Bank__.»f01 E. W. Allen............ A. R. Lobaugh........ E. C. Griffith_____ 50.000 34,020 423,440 63,660 530,660 Parkesburg...2543 Farmers Bank_____ ®«tl’12 M. T. Phillips____ Geo. C. Maule........ 3 Chester P21 *140-10% par 50 60-1419 12.000 426.000 804,000 20.000 21,450 17,420 28,5’JO 459,000 478,440 34,890 865,810 155.770 14.230 Paoll............ ififis Paoll Bk.&Tr. Co. d®T»t§’27 *160 par 100 4 60-1637 3 Chester P22 Paradise_____ 415 State Bank of Paradise 3 Lancaster P20 *75-4% par 50 60-1576 4PArmst’g 15 1548 d®*t§'21 A. G. Dickson. In charge of Trusts Sec. and Tr. I.L. Rutt________ Win. A. Frew_____ 60-1294 Alex Affolter 50,000 108,000 620,000 T. F. Win die.......... J. R. Maxwell........ C. B. Bloom______ Parkesburg State Bank *60 par 50 60-1710 d®»§’26 Chas. Kalber 25.000 6.450 47.130 Parnassus__ 8816 Parnassus National Bk. »i’72 J. R. Copeland____ Frank R. Alter.... C. R. Alter______ E. H. Blackburn... 4P West morel. M4 60-1295 J. K. Natson 25,000 89,360 957.770 Parsons 50,000 121,490 954.820 “ __ 5628 Citizens Bank..............®«t§'09 F. N. Chase ..._. J. W. Wall 3 Luzerne H20 *150-16% par 50 60-1296 _____ Jos. L. Golden____ 25,000 100,000 139,300 1,584,340 100.000 Orange National Bank Geo. E. Prindible.. James Westrick... Lester Larimer, Myron S. Larimer. *200-8% 60-772 ®»f0« P. J. Kelly V. P. and Cash. 60,000 59,060 1.140.920 59.990 150,000 217,370 1.860.200 135,500 125.000 229,780 1.347.730 98.700 750.950 760,040 Cambria L9 ------- “ *215-10% par 100 60-771 Reuel Somerville peckvllle____7000 Peckville National Bank 3 LackawannaG21 *300-12 % par 100 60-1298 d®«t’05 F. H. Hemelrlght.. F. P. Benjamin.__ F. E. Brink.............. J. H. Schnerr, Sec. E. H. Ritter Pen Argyl___ 4066 First National Bank _d®Tt’W0 Richard Jackson.. Milton Bitz............ Thomas He wet t... 3NorthamptonK23 *260-12% par 100 60-767 .. .. Pen Argyl National Bank C. J. Knowles........ J. S. Jackson......... 60-768 ®«f05 W. H. Oyer “ ........ •« Pen Argyl Trust Co. R. L. Wyman . _ *14 60-1642 d@T*t§’22 par 10 Penbrook____2072 National Bank of Penbrook H.S. Plank.............. (Harrisburg P. O.) *126 60-1611 ®t'22 3 _ Dauphin N16 Penbrook Trust Co. ®T»J§’20 O. E. Good.............. *185-6% 60-1299 Pennsburg___1500 Farmers National Bank 3 MontgomeryM22 *460-16% par 100 60-1300 d©t'76 Per ka sic____ 3150 First National Bank--®«t’01 3 Bucks M23 60-1301 “ Perkasie Trust Company sioo-4% 60-1648 d®Tt§’22 par 50 Perryopolls ___ 825 First National Bank____ *8 03 4 P Fayette 04 60-1302 Petersburg___691 First National Rank.. 3 HuntingdonM12 *160-6% 60-1303 Edgar Harding___ M. H. Wheeler Sec. and Tr. J. A. Miller_______ R. FT Gish E. M. Crum_______ See, and Tr. A. E. Aungst, A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. J. Wreder_____ Geo. E. Hevener... F. F. Huber______ W. 11. Himsberger C. B. Weaver_____ R. J. Freed.......... . W. K. Terry______ J. P. Harr_______ T. A. CrouthameL. Harry Neamand... Wm. M. High, E. E. Althouse Sec. and Tr. M.M. Cochran____ M.E. Strawn_____ Howard Adams.__ J. B. Knox, Jr.___ Howard Adams. J. L. Cochran _t’13 J. H. 8cott. 653.270 1.080.940 667.460 Cent. N.. Phil. 47,290 N. Bk. Com., N. V.: 1st N.. Phil.; Lancas ter Tr. Co., Lancaster. 40.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 16,210 Gty. Tr.Co., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 124.190 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 90,490 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. Sav. &DimeBk. & Tr. Co., Scranton. 179.080 Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Diamond N.. Pitt. 461,300 40.220 151.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 659.380 1,489,280 100.550 rluciuy Hi uUm iN. x,« rrdliKliu 4lii ol» N.. Phil.; 1st N.. Scranton. lit N.. N. T.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 100,000 66.570 779.710 50,000 317,860 471,020 35,380 N. City. N. T.: Franklin 4th St. N. and Tradesmens N.. Phil. 125,000 18.030 306.640 20,260 166.070 137.850 127.870 38.120 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 25,000 6.150 180,030 16.730 165.310 6.900 21.300 1,110,680 49,440 44.100 109,210 Han. N., N.Y.; Phil.-Gizrard N. and Trades mens N.. Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 34.400 1st N., Phil.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 125,000 111,800 1.076.630 75.000 233,290 1.095,890 95,000 563.310 737,380 119,830 78,660 Franklin 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 60,000 191.940 1.366,050 58.400 1.057,790 386.720 108,820 N. City, N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Frank lin 4t,h St. N . Phil 54,860 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 125,000 54.470 446,670 15,230 368.160 173,030. 45.310 50,000 198,480 560,250 50.000 208,760 503.170' 3.500 143.310 and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Centennial N.. Phil. V. P. H. M. Stryker........ A. S. Little.............. J. E. Young 89.160 Phil.-Gtrard N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 40.460 Seab. N., N. Y,; Mellon N. and 1st N.. Pitt. Patton______ 3628 First National Bank___ »i’93 Geo. E. Prindible.. F. E. Farabaugh... F. L. Brown______ M. D. Connell_____ 3 Principal Correspondents. 25.000 25,060 210,050 139,680 68.640 19,890 31.890 Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1252 PHILADELPHIA—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew IStatetPriv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. (Philadelphia, P 24. (Federal Reserve City No. 1) Liabilities. A. M. Matthews... W. O. Harris____ T. H. Ingram, Tr.. W. O. Harris, Sec.. Aldlne Trust Company Chas.V. Noel,A. Tr. J. L. Schleyer, J. J. Hoffecker ♦ Mil d®T«ti’06 A. See. Wm.F. Morlok, Jr., A. TV. par ioo (2020 Chestnut St.) Paid-up Capital SCBPLU8 AND Profits Total Dbpomtb Resources. MiacblBonds Oamh A ExLoans la it no us cMijra«,DvB and and Diboocrts SicuirriEs RjBSOTTnOM now Baku Other Liabili $ 1.000.000 S 1.087,310 1 4,201.290 $ ties 922.920 15.457.860 11.011.600 $ 197.670 S 544.380 *265-12% Allegheny Title & Trust Co. George H. Grant .. Harry Kramer.— A. E. Peterson. Tr. J. R. Patterson. J. L. Mintz ioo 3-205 d®T*V24 Title Off. (Front St. and AlleghenyAve.) f T. S. BOYLE---------- AMERICAN BANK A TRUST CO. M. C. Brooks. A. W. YOUNG ------- ELWELL WHALEN.Tr. WM.T. COVENTRY. A. Tr. ROBERT KILL0U6H HARVEY McCOURT.T itle Off. *166.50-14% par 50 3-120 d®T§ 08 ) SPECIAL ATT ENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIO (Broao and Pastynnk Ave.) (^PERSONAL PB E8ENTATIONS; PROMPT RETU Gennaro DiGenova John DiGenova... John DiGenova ... Banca D'ltalia & Trust Co. B. DiGenova. Tr. *160-7% par 100 3-190 dB®T«5'22 H. B. Gandolf. (727 S. 7th St.) Tr. Off. E. R. Scott. Tr.... J. M. Lutz_____ BankersTrust Co.-.dB©T#t§'26 R. M. Thompson. (Two Branches) E. R. Scott *80-6% par 62.50 3-129 Title and Tr. Off. Max Weinmann (N. E. Oor. Walnut & Juniper) Bank of M. L.Blitzstein & Co. 3-177 (4th & Lombard) ®*tt'89 NS. BNS. An»ibale Vernacichio M. DiGenova, Sec. C. E. Mayo. Sec. and A.Tr. Han. N„ M.Y.; Phil-Girard N., Market 8t. N.. Corn Ex. N., and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 406.472 75.570 1,269.090 356.960 1,539,090 257.170 209.500 102.340 500.000 666.000 3.872,000 111.000 1.894,000 1.191,000 1.179.000 885.000 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Hudson Tr.. Hoboken. N. J.: Cent. N.. Southwark N., and FrankliD 4th St. N.. Phil. 125,000 85,190 365.600 1,410 300.050 104.520 90.880 81.740 Franklin 4th St. N. and Franklin'Tr. Co.. Phil.; Banca Commerciaie Italiana, Rome. Italy; Banca D’Am, & D’ltalia. Naples. Italy. 1.77J.730 455.780 3.855.510 267.160 3.531,140 1.393.950 705,820 519.270 Phil.-Girard N.. and N. Bk. of N. Phil.. Phil. Tr. 6. County Seat, Pop. 1,979 364) Principal Correspondents. 1 5.III.IM 6,681.170 48.041.710 901.370 31.606.040 18.144.130 Tr. Co.. Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.-Girard N.. ano Land Title & Tr.. Phil. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 1,068.870 9,805.200 JOHN H. MASON. Bank OF North America AND Trust Company *400-16% par 100 3-2 dBWS’94 Chairman PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS E. PUSEY PASSMORE, President NEW YORK C. P. LINEAWEAVER, Vice-President MARK WILLCOX, Vice-President CHARLES M. PRINCE, Ass’t Treasurer HARRY E. RIGHTER, Ass’t Secretary City Hall Square and 307 Chestnut St. P. O. Box 1342 Philadelphia, Penna. R- s- UcKINLEY, Vice-President E.S. KRONER, Treasurer H. W. STEHFEST, Vice-President J. WATTS MERCUR, Jr. Secretary R0REBT NacNEILL, JOHN S. ADAMS, MEL'SSA ,SMJTH> HUGH F. GENWORTH, Ass't Treasurer * Secretary J. H. MASON, Jr. Ass’t Secretary Ass't Treasurer Ass’t Secretary DIRECTORS GEORGE FALES BAKER, M.D. EDWARD F. HENSON EDWARD H0PK1NS0N' JR. LEONARD T. BEALE HARRY A. BERWIND A. F. HUSTON W.S. CARPENTER, Jr. WALTER C. JANNEY ROBERT K. CASSATT L. H. KINNARD MORRIS L. CLOTHIER W. W. LAIRD THERON I. CRANE C. P. LINEAWEAVER J. NOWELL CUMMINGS WALTER H. LIPPINCQTT W. KIRKLAND DWIER HORATIO 6. LLOYD HARRY S. EHRET j. r. McAllister CHRISTIAN C. FEBI6ER r. s. mckinley N. MYERS FITLER JOHN H. MASON CASPAR W. MORRIS ARTHUR C. NEEDLES LOUIS R. PAGE E. PUSEY PASSMORE LINCOLN K. PASSMORE SAMUEL REA EDWARD B. ROBINETTE WALTER H.ROSSMASSLER W. PERCY SIMPSON WILLIAM C. SPROUL SIDNEY F. TYLER GRAHAME WOOD CHARLTON YARNALL Bankers Trust Company, Chatham Phenlx National Bank and Trust Company, Bank of New York and Trust Co., National City Bank, United States Mortgage and Trust Co. CHICAGO Illinois Merchants Trust Co., Northern Trust Company. BOSTON National Shawmut Bank, State Street Trust Co. ST. LOUIS National Bank of Commerce. SAN FRANCISCO Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co. (Philadelphia banks continued on next page.) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par—No charge for telegraphic transfers The Land Title & Trust Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BROAD STREET, CHESTNUT TO SANSOM PHILADELPHIA Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Banking Titles to real estate insured Trusts executed DIRECTORS William R. Nicholson Samuel S. Sharp John W. Brock Ralph H. North Joseph E. Widener Edward H. Bonsall William M. Elkins George D. Widener Eugene W. Fry Percival E. Foerderer George W. Elkins, Jr, Cyrus H. K. Curtis Edgar G. Cross John C. Martin Thomas Shallcross, Jr. 3Sfi 30iffo puv quvg xof puvpuvis dm dW SIAISHHQV M S.QdOdNVb ? £ » *g S. a* r* ^ g*. «> ^ n > o g* srTO S' o 5* 3 O »• c *» n 5* Vs X SI ca* > X a m H cw <4 m § X I lU ► SL TO 58 > s3 © O o •a S 33 „ r§ W Hj So ft ^ 03 S HOW oOW 53 ^ W w * X D > § w > r H S e e B a ck o f W a s h in g to n , D . C . M ap T ru st D ep artm en t — A cco u n tin g System s r> o JO so tn to *t> O & t*i 5: rs t*5 H t*i D Special Service to Dealers PUBLIC UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL BONDS Lilley. Bliz ZARD Zf Co. MEMBERS PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE PACKARD BLDG Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PHILADELPHIA ' I 'HERE has long been needed a dependable service giving current quo tations at regular intervals on the hundreds of unlisted bonds. Many Bankers and Dealers admit that our reg ular quarterly booklet and other services fill this need. Sent to dealers on request o 33 33 SS Z zo QW w CO k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chartered 1836 Individual Trust Funds, $460,000,000 Corporate Trusts - $1,427,000,000 RARD TRUST COMPANY BROAD Se CHESTNUT STS PHILADELPHIA Effingham B. Morris President A. A. Jackson Vice-President S. W. Morris Secretary T. S. Hopkins Treasurer A * : Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each Bank in the U. S. exclmively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1253 •Mem.A.B.A.H'New §StateTPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab President. ♦Feil. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. Cashier. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 3) 1 Liabilities. Other ASS’T CA8HIER. PAID-UP Surplus Total and Deposit* Liabili Capital Promts ties Belmont Trust Company J. E. Haeerty. $ O. W. Osterlund.. T- F. Slattery__ Win. Dignan. par SO *-122 d®T»tl’07 See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. ( has. E. Wolbert (Office at 1407 L. R. Keiffer. (4826 Baltimore Ave.) R. L. Jack. S. 49th) 250.000 l 313,160 $ 3.316,300 1 Load* and Discount* (Philadelphia, P 24, County Seat, Pop. 1,979,364} RESOURCES. MwcbdBond* 53,350 % 2,961.700 S 683.800 S 160,650 $ $122-8% A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 1 L. E. Peauignot— T. H. Cullinan____ F. C. Mcllhenney. Edward J, Dooner,________ Sec. 3-57 ©§’53 (1 Branch) Jr.. Tr. F. C. Mcllhenney. (1200 Chestnnt St.) Jr. F. P. Burns. A. Tr. 2,953,450 32,033,420 _______ Principal Correspondents. Cah* lxLAMaOVB auna^Ihn AND Sicnmu Kaaouaca* 326,670 N. City. N. Y.: Com Ex. N„ Market St. Title & Tr,, and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 1,318.540 20.539.790 10.908,210 2,422,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. BroadStreet Nat'l Bank L. A. Lewis ____ W.C. Mitchell___ T. W. Ball______ L. W. Leonard__ par loo 3-130 d®T«{’14 (3 Offices) J. R. Tricebock, J. R. Tricebock E. S. Radley (Broad and Diamond) Tr. Off. S. B. Boerner 500,000 523.790 7,849,670 1,059,190 6,214,140 1,933,260 587,340 1,147,920 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; l»t N„ Tradesmens N., and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. L. E. Mill. 1 Broad Street Trust Company J. W. Salus..____ S. C. Kraus______ H. J. McCaully, d®T»»’Zl See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr.\ H. J. Horan. Jr. Girard) F. K. Hammon. A. C. Mueller. (12th and Arch) Title Off. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 500,000 350,000 2,400,000 35,550 2.000,000 595,000 31.000 659,550 Corn Ex. N.. Franklin 4th St. N.and Southwark 591,610 16,800 222,300 Southwestern N.and Jefferson Title & Tr. Co., Phil.; Citiz. Tr. Co.. Atl. 346.400 20.514.390 13.644.190 178.030 7.366.750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., and Han. N., N. V.; Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.: Atl. N. and N. Shawnuit, Bos. 640,830 586,070 1,943.720 1,545,750 404,100 353,050 $350-10% $75.50-6% 3-176 par50 (Broad St. at gineers Title & Trust Co. ( Merged with Mitten Men and Manageme nt Bank & Trust Co. June 1. 1927) Brown & Stevens, Bankers (E. C. Brown, A. F. 3-169 ®fl6 (427 So. Broad St.) ‘CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK par 100 3-108 (6614 Germantown Are.) $260-8% . E. IN6ERS0LL- S. E. WILSON----- A. D. SWIFT------- A. 1. ASfJBY-------A. B. R00P WILLIAM POST. A. D. SWIFT Ch. Baecutin Com. II B. CiDSfll i ri X par 100 3-20 dT»2'66 (Fitth and Chestnut) 3-98 (401 Market St.) -■...... .. I. W. Underhill. Jr. 100.000 40,250 912,300 251,150 472,990 C. $085-24% $220.50-12 % N.. Phil 1,500,000 6 082.830 33.774,130 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PENNA. INDEX. STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK C. J. Craft_______ F. G. Helmbold---. Lewli Van Oonrt, W. F. Ritter, A. Tr. 1,000,000 1,788,300 12,091,860 621,470 12,331.000 Tr. A. B. Evans, Tr.Off. (Broad St. • Office at Spring G arden St.) C. K. Lukeng T. C. Hunter, Ch. of Bd. G. H. McNeely S. G. Stem. A. Tr. O. Sheldon Potter___ E. J. Smith, G. S. Coyne, A. Sec. S. P. Ritter. 371,990 4,727,120 3.196,210 400,000 V. P. and Tr. Officer V. PSec. and Tr. (2 offices) L. E. Pfeifer. Real Est. and Title Off. Chestnut Hill Title*Trust Co. Wm.M. Houston... $64-i% par60 3-170 dB®T5'22 (Germantown Are. and Gravers Lane) Citizens*Southern Bank&Tr. R. R. Wrteht. SrCompany..3-166___ ®T»T§’23 E. W. Thornton, V. P. <150 (1848 South St.) Daniel Lammot___ Julius P. Schnell, Russell H. Ferrier, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. F. P. Streeper 125.000 55,600 1.357,260 11,380 779,200 491,070 125.430 Frank Hopkins___ K. R. Wright, Sr.. R. R. Wright. Jr., Sec. Tr. J. H. Irvin C. A. Ealy, A. Tr. E. C.Wright, A.Sec. 125,000 33,500 261,160 820 182,080 122,100 52,740 Cobb’s Creek Title & Tr. Co. Richard Purdy — C. K. Garrison........ Wm. M. Kift, Harry McCarthy, $85-6% par 50 3-178 d®T*t§'22 Wm. J. Smith Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. (68th St, and Baltimore Are.) W. S. Kite. .4. Sec. J. J. Carroll, 125.000 153,540 N„ Phil.-Girard N„ and Cent. N.. Phil. Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. town Phil. 63,550 Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co. and Southwark N„ Phil. 55,100 1.326,970 116,750 878,620 512,620 107.620 125,570 Girard N„ Phil. Title and Tr. Off. THE COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY $225.25-12% par 50 (20 ♦ 3-93 dB®T»I8’99 So. loth St.) W. T. GR0SSCUP. Tr. 1. H. DAVIDSON. JR.. Sec. J. R. BURH0USE, N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; Franklin 4th A. Tr. A. N, GRAY. -4. Sec. St. N., Phil.-Girard N., 1st N., Tradesmens N., H. V. MlLBOURNE- C. L. LITZENBERG. Franklin Tr. Co. and Germantown Tr. Co., A. Tr. A Sec. and A. Treas. 1.875 000 1813.830 34 806.260 1 762.710 21 904 400 12.817 970 2 126.740 3.408.690 V. P. and Title Off. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Century Tr. Co., W. J. LLOYD. A. Tr. and Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt.; N. ShawC.'P. HAMILTON. (Branch at Yith and Walnut and Excelsior Office) mut, Bos.; *Jd N., Atlantic City. A. Tr. WM. F. KURTZ_ _ W. T. GR0SSCUP A. G. FELIX- V.P. H.B. REINHARDT F. C. EVES WM. M. WEST. EVERY SERVICE A BANK SHOULD GIVE. COMMERCIAL— TRUST — INVESTMENT — SAVINGS. Geo. E. Lloyd, Tr. Officer, Thomas Mcllhenny, A. Tr. Officer, W. A. Hennegan, Compt., P. G. Grew, Auditor. (Philadelphia banks continued on next page) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ioc^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNalty Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A. n-New §Slate tPriv {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fei. Hes. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d- SafeI)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%l)iv COLUMBIA AVENUE TRUST CO. $351-12% par too 3-72 d®T*+l 86 (1647 N. Broad St.) President. r ............. Vice-President. CASHIER. (Federal Reserve City No. 1) Ass’t Cashier. A. B. MILLETT........ J. B. MONTGOMERY 6. E. HENTSCHEL, A. Tr. J. C. GILPIN. Tr.Off. EDWIN BOOTH. Title Off. WM. S. BURKHART. A. Tr. Off. 0. F. BOSTON. A. Title Off. Liabilities. Other TOTAL Paid-up Surplus Liabili and Capital Profits Deposits ties $ 500,000 $ 1,029,990 $ 6,635,010 * v Fully equipped for the careful an d conservative ha ndllng of all Ban king A. C. DIBerardino, M. DeRuschi.A.IY. Frank DIBerardino Guido Cajano. Columbus Title & Trust Co. Tr. Ida DiBerardino. (2 Branches) A. Tr. par 100 3-185 ®T*t5 22 N. Nicolucci, A. Tr. A. Tr. (1835 S. Broad) (J. R. Morgan___ 1 D. Beeber. Ch. Kay. Title O. COMMONWEALTH TITLE. INS. \) A-T. R. J. Williams, & TRUST CO.-— d©M* »b )C. B. Brewster. 3-71 (12th and Chestnut) / H. E. Jordan, $625-16% par 100 v A. Title Officers CONTINENTALEQUITABLE TITLE A TRUST CO. C. K. Zus________ J. V. Ellison. A. D. Emerick. V. P.. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Andrew T. Kay E. B. McCarthy, F. E. Brewster F. J. Schaefer, C. K.Zug. Tr.Officer V. P., A. Sec. and Real Est. Off. A. Tr. L. B. Runk. R. F. Reaver, A. Tr. Off. W. J. Hutchinson, Safe Supt. A. Sec. and A. Tr. L. J. Knodel. A. Tr. Off. Loans and Discounts Resources. Mischl- Cash A ExBonds LANBOU8 changm.Due and SlCUBITUB Rmsoubcbb nton Bans 13.530 $ 3,865,140 J 3,243,590 $ 350,910 $ Principal Correspondents. 718,890 Chase N., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. an d Trust Compan y buslne ss. 125,000 1.500,000 122,870 1,797.830 4,752.380 11,303,380 1,000.000 2,307,380 Wm. J. McGLINN.... i mm*........ J. V. L0UGHNEY, J. F. MCMENAMIN, Sec. and A. Tr. J. K. UMSIty V. P. and Tr. P. F. M0YLAN W. J. FITZPATRICK, F. T. MATTHEWS, J. M. DALY A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Officer Trans acts a E.F. STANTON. Depos it Bus A. Tr. Officer and C orper JOSEPH MALLON, Real Estate Officer 3-85 (21 South 12th St.)©T«t§'12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City 59,490 1,063,230 603,440 90,060 252,320 11,980.960 2,707,360 1,932,510 16,773.980 1.998.000 14.542,200 5.905.340 Gener al Ban iness. Invite ations . Trus Exec 348,460 Phil.-Girard N. and Haddington Title & Tr. CoPhil.: Bk. of Naples, Naples, Italy; Banca D’America d’Italia, Rome. 1,187,260 Cent. Onion Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com- N. Y. 87.200 1.544,610 Chase N. and Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y. king, Trust and S afe s acco unts o f Indiv i duals ts of E very Descr iption uted. $220-16%, S. CALWELL’CORN EXCHANGE CHAS. M. N WILLITS, JR.. NAT'L BANK»-<“ N. W. CORSON, V. P. V.P. 3-18 (Chestnut and Second) $732-28% par 100 fr.i* fSeHalT” E. T. JAMES_ _ _ _ _ _ E. J. PAUL---------- R. A. HILLAS PAUL E. LUDES L.R. DICK 2.700.000 8.514.290 73,714,350 4.334.120 63.592.080 5,394,650 3.003.370 17,272,670 Seab. N., E. ILFREEMjpL r p'pPhwTiVnV‘ °1L C- L- CHANDLER. C. P. ROWLAND, Mgr. For. Com l A. Tr. Officer CENT RAL Cl TY OFF ICE,* IS 10 Chest nut St, SEE ADVERT ISEMENT ON INDE X PENN A. Dej)i Accounts of Banks and B ankers received on favo rable Chas. V. Mohan ... L. R. Halbert........ Drovers & Merchants Nat. Bk. Samuel Graham, J. P. Kolb. Jr. V. P. and Tr. Off. $225-8% ®T»ri7 3-144 <3110-16 Market) terms 327,650 3.001.620 1,000.000 (Office at 5517 Chest er A re.) 111.220 3.250.830 448.530 214.880 275,000 1,749,700 7,049.510 355,530 2,881,660 5,388,820 119,930 1,569,110 170,240 908,140 869,070 151,830 178.180 Han. N- N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Market 8t. N„ and Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 478,580 11.420 291,890 291,730 71,900 106,900 Chatham Phenix N„N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Quaker City N- Phil. •EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK t W. J. Montgomery Samuel Bell, Jr.... Charles B. Cooke.. John D. Adair____ Wm. A. Nickert, A. Cash.and Tr. Off. Empire Title & Trust Co William Powers... P. J. McGarvey.__ John F. Donnelly, Edward Green, 128.700 239,170 W. H. G. Gould Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Peter McDonald J. A. Donnelly, A. Sec. and A. Tr. $1001-30% par 100 3-25 d®T*F64 (Second and Girard) 3-104 ©Tt§'05 (4401 Lancaster Ave.) $45.50-8% Erie National Bank .—d®»’27 Allan Sutherland J. W. Masland........ J. P. Leof_______ Chas. D. Jones. V’-P J. L. Aylsworth 3-2 15 (3824 N. 5th) (Philadelphia continued on next page) $127 par 125 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; Duquesne N., Pitt.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. San F.; Merch. N., Balt. 225,000 47.430 526.240 N. Bk. Com. and Seab. N- N.Y.; Franklin 4thSt. N„ Phil.-Girard N..and Con Ex. N-Phil. 1,039,330 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 —SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given lOCC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MoNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. n-New §State tPriv. titan. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Excelsior Trust Company President. Vice-President. (Merged with Colon Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 3) Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Other Total Paxd-uv Surplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Loans Resources. Miscel Bonds laneous Discounts Sbcubitisb Resources and and Cash t ExCHAHOn,Dui PROM BaIVKB Principal Correspondents. elsior Office) Fairhill Trust Co....... ®T*+§’22 H. H. Sinnamon... T. H. Walters....... C. S. Wallace, A. C. Swigear, $ 134,250 $ 165-2% 3-174 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. C. G. Moye (Allegheny and 5th) Federal Reserve Bank, Dist. 3 • (See page 23 for complete informat ton) 3-4 (926 Chestnut) jOLIVERP.WALDRON B-.raw1-- H. F. RICHARDS. PAUL E. ULRICH, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. <md A. Tr. A. S. RUGGIERO, F. S. GOGLIA, ♦ 3-110 d®T«tl'06 Tr .Officer A. Sec. and A. Tr. *325-14% (Broad & Federal) A. A.MOSSER. par 100 200,000 Fern Rock Trust Co.. d®T§'25 S. B. Davis______ Chas. Rehfuss___ *73 par 50 3-210 W. F. Doohan (Broad St. & Nedro Ave.) 192.480 FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY G.BRENGLE— J. C. NEFF _ _ _ WM.P.GEST, F. M. HARDT FIDELITY-PHILA- HENRY WM. G. LITTLETON T. E. FRAME DELPHIA TRUST T. H. ATHERTON N.C. DENNEY GHAS. H. BANNARD COMPANY S. W. COUSLEY, ♦ dB®T«t*'M H.L. McCLOY, 458,540 6,316,510 25.030 J 601,950 J 447.190 $ 302,640 3,000,810 3,207.210 104,720 $ 139,400 Market 8t. N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 303,870 765,790 N. Bk. Com, and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Frank lin 4th St. N., Union N.. and 1st N., Phil. MEM BER FE DERAL RESERY E SYST EM. A mode rn and complet e Flnanc ial Instl tutlon. You r patron age invi ted and a ppreciat ed. Title Officer Sec. and Tr. 52,320 $ 1,081.660 $ 41.830 331.690 21,870 247.850 134.590 142.300 63.130 Franklin 4th St. N„ Tenth N.. and N. Bk. of German town, Phil. J. C. WALLACE, Secretary Treasurer Ch. of Bd. J. B. BARTOW, A. R. BISHOP, H. R. ANDERSON, CARL ROYER, E. B. SMYTH, F. 0. PEARCE, M. S. ALTEMOSE, LOUIS BUSGHE, H. W. WOODWARD, V. R.TILDEN, LEON GIH0N, Asst. V. P, F. B. KELLY, 0. S. MATHERS, H.C. HAINES, 3-50 *705.50-24% par 100 (325 Chestnut St.) (415 Chestnut St.) (1481 Chestnut) (Broad and Chestnut Sts.) (6824 Woodland Ave.) M.S. MORGAN, HARRY STEWART LINFORD EASTBURN, Controller Real Estate Officer W.A. NIEWEG, Auditor Asst, to V. P. A .Real Estate Officer F.T. COXE, M. S. ALTEMOSE, JAS. J. NEELY, Safe Supt. Registration Off. A.Real Estate Officer Finance Co. of Pennsylvania G. H. Earle. Jr___ Ralph Earle______ C. W. Funk. L. C. Dill. A. Sec. *125-*% 3-66 Tt«’71 C. W. Funk See. and Tr. (8. Penn. Square) .Italian Exchange Bank (Charles C.A. Baldi V. B Baldi V. M. Baldi *-180 (928 So. Eighth 8t.) ®t’B3 & Bros.) ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK *465—14% par 100 3-20 d®»t’63 (315 Chestnut) L. E. JONES---------- MS.— A w n H flHlFFFF c. m. ntMLrMOo UDWIRR n SflRnnM THOMAS W. SMITH, RWIN FISHER DAVIS, J.P.HOLLINGSWORTH, l. W. WRIGHT A. Cashiers ( Send your Business to the First Bank chartered under the National Bank Act D. G. WING_ _ _ _ _ _ WM. H. POTTER. JR.. L.MEREDITH MAXSON A. B. KENNEY. S«-._. Tr. j. B. SEAGER. .4. Sec. JAS.COGGESHALL.JR. the FIRST NATIONAL ALLAN M. POPE. CORPORATION (OF BOSTON) ’18 DIRECTORS: (Packard Bldg., Chestnut & lath Sts.) NEVILFORD CHARLES T. W.TIGH E. P. Brow n R. F. Herrick H. Hornblower J. R. Macombcr First National State Bank of.......................... Camden, N. J.................... 13 (223 Market St.)* (Philadelphia banks continued| on next page) Allan M. Pope W. H. Potter, Jr. C. G. Rice Tr. Co., N. Y. E. E. DANIELL, CHAS. BRINKMAN, Asst, to Ch. of Bd. 6.700.000 24.598.270 84.151.140 7.132.520 58.249.900 44.984.480 5.698.290 13.649.260 1st N., Chase N., N. City, Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Gty Ass/. Treasurers Trust Funds $ 624.718. 395.17 Corpo rate T rusts $ 985.915. 500.00 2.500.000 4,966,710 1.340.310 1.021,080 334.650 4.783.374 4.324.120 385,960 N. Y. Tr. Oo. and N. Park, N. Y. 1.950.000 5.255.570 50.388.870 1.586.920 31.905.580 16,698.530 1.484.310 15.092.950 Broad St . Office: •Broad a nd Sans am Sts., H. D. So rdon, As s’t Cash. Chase N., Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Han. N., N. Centen nial Offi ce: »32n d and M arketSts ., E. M. Malpass, V. P„ Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; Atlan Irwin Fisherf, Asst. Ca sh., A. W. Wrig ht, Asst . Cash. tic N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 1.000.000 2.000.000 ........... 1st N., Bos.: Chase N„ N. Y. Tr. Co., Bankers Tr. Co., Int’l Acceptance Securities & Tr. Co.. and N. City, N.Y.; Mech. N., Brooklyn; Cont. Mgr. Camptroller & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Ill. DEALERS IN BANKERS’ ACCEPTANCES AND Merch, Tr., Co., Northern Tr. Co., and Re U. S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS. liance State, Chi.; 1st N. and Peo. State Bk., B. W. Trafford Det.; Cnion Tr. Co., Guardian Tr. Co., and We are Originators and Participating Distributors in General Market Clev. Tr. Co., Clev.: Phil.-Girard N., Pa. Co. E. S. Webster Securities, Specialists in Bankers’ Acceptances, U. S. and Foreign Ins. on Lives and Granting Annuities, and A. B. Wells D. G. VI ing Cent. N. Bk., Phil.; Citlz. N. Bk., Balt.; Far. Government Obligations, Land Bank Bonds and Short Term Securities. Dep.N., 1st N., Diamond N., and tin. Tr. Co., Pitt. W. S. Ayres. (Agency n f First N ational S tateBank, Camden, N. J.) — — — — — THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. incc 14 DO •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatefPriv. [Estab. tMem. State B. Ass’n. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Tiust B-Bond Liabilities. 1 Total Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Deposits Cashier. Vice-President. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. R. M. Coyle...........John Hreenwell First Penny Savings Bank Wm. B. Vl'OOman 3-81 (1324 Chestnut) d®»t§’88 (1 Branch) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City ties $ 1,005,240 $18 388 820 $ Alexander Gamble. W. J. McCangh&n, Sec. and Tr Resources. Other Liabili MlbCBLLANBOUB Discount, Swmmu Rmovbou Bonds Loans AMD and Principal Correspondents. Cam A £x- ckah«b*,Dci mom Sari 189,610 $13 500 230 $ 3,009,130 $ 1,599,950 $ 1.474,370 Sec. of Bd. $ First Trust Co............... ®T§’25 C. H. Chaflee____ _________________ A. W. Davis, Sec. and Tr. 3-208 (315 Chestnut St.) 200.000 2,700 -------------- 33,890 1st N„ Phil. 63,810 105.000 207,180 N. Bk. Com.. M. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Franklin 4th 263,490 889.710 1.631.210 125.000 379,290 2.468,350 18,940 Fox Chase Bank & Trust Co. C. H. Heyer.............W. C. Martin_____ Lewis Walker, Tr. J. C. Hildebrandt. St. N.. Phil. .4. Tr. U. W. Harkins, Jr., 5-92 d®T*t§’M dale Office : 6409 Risyberry Ro ad. Lawn (Somerlo n Office: B vstleton P ike and B Tr. Off. (Fox Chase P. 0.) Il27.25-10%par50 Cornell. FRANKFORDTR. C0. d®T«t# 96 JohnB. Hartmann. Wm. H. Smedley.. Wm.R.Wick,------- C. R.Sec. and A. $300-20% par 50 3-89 Tr. E. O’Neill, Ch. Chas. B. Colebaugh j. r. McAllister, w. k. hardt........ r. j. clark........... a. Mac nicholl- Tr. and A. Sec. ing Sun A ce. Bustle ton Office: Bustleton and Grant Ares.) 882,893 9.146.330 250,000 2)0.023: 5.283.210 4.005.260 438.170 752.610 Equitable Tr.Co., N. Y.; Phil.-Glrard N., 2d N., and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. (4400 frank ford Ave.) ‘FRANKLIN FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK *592-20% 3-39 M. D. REINHOLD E. E. SHIELDS W. M. GEHMANN, JR. G. F. WEIHMAN E. M. MANN C. R. HORTON j. A. HARRIS, JR. E. F. SHANBACKER, J. WM. HARDT Pres. W. R. HUMPHREYS Ch. of Bd. 6,000.000 18.788.510 123 528 970 5.956.620 100954260 West Philadelphia Office (32d Street & Lancaster Ave.) C. A. HARRIS, JR. - ARTHUR KITSON, JR., E. S. C0NR0, Tr.... A. L. CRISPEN, A. B. DAUPHINEE- ,VP A- «*■ CHOLMELEY- , . t qnd/*Jvv._ p. ------------L. 0. HOWELL, irdJONES,* a. Tr. A. L. TABER. A. Sec. -- -------• ■*w i II rrnuiii a (PH. E JONES, V. P. SAMUELL VANCE.JR., H Fc. JAnucn, iiRnFN A Tr J. H. FERNAN, A. Tr. Assistants to Vicei . nnnu A T Presidents MAURICE BART, £ VupnrPR 4 Tr (5 Offices) A. Tr. EDW. STONEHILL, ®T»tl’04 1-100 (15th and Chestnut St.) 5-77 (Ohelten & Germantown Aves.) (2 Branches) E. B. MORRIS ♦ 3-48 (Broad & Chestnut) $1,300-10% Cont. & 2.744.310 21217.790 20.362260 545.520 BANK ING HO UBS 8:3 0 A.M. T O MIDN IGHT— SAT UBDAY INCLUD ED. 1,120,000 2.570.720 21,863.160 31,080 8.306,810 14.112,920 1,00.1,090 2,166.150 Seaboard N.. N.Y.;Phil.-Girard N., Corn Ex. N.,and Franklin-4th St. N.. Phil. A. Tr. WM. N. ELY-—...... EDWARD NORRIS, J. H. LAWSON, r| A. A. JACKSON , „ Sec. A. Tr. Offic G. H. STUART, 3d J. M. STEERE, W. H. LOESCHE, S. W. MORRIS, Sec. Tr. Officer .4. Tr. Offic T. S. HOPKINS, Tr. G. L. BISHOP, JR., LARDNER HOWELL, E. T. STUART, A. Tr. Tr. Officer R. E. Officer' F. L. BARROLL, A.Tr. J. H. TUTTLE, J- M. OKIE, J. M. JOHNSTON, Asst, to V. P. . A-R.E- °^r A. Sec. (Philadelphia banks continued o n next page.) 4.180.620 36-343.370 C. S. Mansfield, C. S. Smyth Gimbel Brothers Bank & Richard Gimbel... E. A. Gimbel____ S. L. Hooven, Sec. and Tr. Charles Gimbel Trust Co. 3-203 d®Tt§’25 (9th and Chestnut) Girard Ave. Title A Trust Oo M. J. Ryan______ W. J. O'Brien___ W. H. Garges, Tr.. E. A. McVeigh, A. M. G. Campbell, John H. Gay 8-108 (18th and Girard Ave.) Title and Tr. Off. A. K. Ryan, $320-20% par 50 d®T*t§’®> ‘GIRARD TRUST COMPANY T»tl’88 V.; 3.233.740 1st N., Empire Tr. Co., and Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Girard Tr., and Phil.Glrard N„ Phil. VICE. ST SER OFFE as a c OMPLE TE BAN KING A ND TRU 2.000,000 Real Estate Officer GermantownTruit Oo.®T»tl'85 C. C. Brinton____ $555-20% N. Unexcelled Facilities. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Accounts Solicited. Money Transferred by Cable. FRANKLIN TRUST COMPANY $500-14% and N. Bk. Com., - (1416-1418 Chestnut St.) (131-141 South Fourth St.) 2.107.530 42.813.130 N. City SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT T*tl900 Main Office Downtown Office. 8.309.390 "^‘Comptroller, 200,000 157,770 3,669.030 14.030 504,830 3.056.090 158,700 321.210 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Cent. 200,000 480,110 4,402.560 1.980 3,737,440 887.980 81.520 377.710 8eab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Quaker City N., and 3.000.000 11,827.700 58.700,290 1.073.060 18.403.600 43.149.800 3.519 570 9.528.080 N. Bk. Com.. Far. Ln.&Tr.Co., Han. N.. N. City, lataraat allowed on balances. Aooounta of Banka and Corporation* solioitad. N.. Phil. Franklin-4th St. N., Phil. 1st N.. J. P. Morgan A Co., Bkrs. Tr.. and Guaranty Tr. Co., H.I.i 1st N., ChL; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Old Colony Tr. Co„ Bos. Mellon N„ Pitt. Corrtsoondcnc* Invltad. SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j. r. McAllister Chairman of the Board e. p. shanbackbr The Franklin Fourth Street National Bank OF PHILADELPHIA 1416-1418 Chestnut St. 131-141 So. Fourth St. 32c! Street and Lancaster Ave. Capital......................................$6,000,000 Surplus and Protfis - - - over $18,750,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Mercantile Firms and Individuals solicited. (See listing.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Every Trust Company Service Vvf*: . INCOR PORATED MARCH 10th 1812 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities PACKARD BUILDING S. E. Corner 15th and Chestnut Streets TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Resources Over ----- $99,000,000.00 Trust Funds ------ $400,000,000.00 Corporate Trusts - - - - $932,000,000.00 Deposits of Corporations, Firms, and Individuals invited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Acts as Trustee for Corporate Mortgages PHILADELPHIA, PA. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea^h bank in U. 8 exclusively h\ The Kand-lVfcNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1257 President. GUARANTEE TRUST & SAFE DEP. GO. Vice-President. ass’t Cashier. Cashier. H. W G00DALL... J. S. SHEPARD,,V. P. H. E. Y0UN6, H. H. KINGSTON. and 1 r. Officer and Tr 7iuucbmhp*C WE DO A GEN ERAL BANKING WM. lj Sec. JAMISON. C. B. ZtMHERUN^ AND TRUST BUSINESS. A. M. JENKINS, A.Tr. A. E. HOLT.Re</w'r«r WM. W. PECK, A. Tr, 3-64 d®T»tl'71 (816-320 Chestnut) 1330-8% par 100 Haddington Title ft Trust Oo. William Ribbons— H. C. Evans. Jr. 3-126 d®T«t*T0 J. J. McHugh 1178.25-8% par 100 (6014-6016 Market) Hamilton Trust Company Abraham Pyle__ EL C. Evans, Jr. 1205-10% par 100 3-96 d®T»tl'67 William Gibbons. (40th and Market) Ch.l Holmesburg Trust Oo. J. W. Mac Burney. Claude Henderson, See. and A. T. * 1.000.000 (1844-52North Front) 1.622,130 $12 096 850 $ (BranchM 3 74 dB®T»t§’87 (One Branch) (717 Chestnut) Italian Merchants Bank. J. S. Adams A. K. Wood (Closed November 4. 1926) Loans Bonds AND and MibcelLANEOU8 Discounts Securitibb Resour ceb 345,880 $ 9,693.160 $ 3.038,210 * Levi R. Franck, H. C. Evans. Jr.. See. and TV. Tr. Officer LL. J. E. SCHNEIDER.7V HARRY MARSHALL, .See, and A. Tr, E. F. VAN LOAN, Tr. Off. C.A.HOYER. A. Sec. JAS. P. PINKERTON, Title Off. W. J. Clark. A. Tr. H. L. Casselberry. A. Tr. Wm. H. Conger,Jr.. Tr. Off. 1.117.400 i 1.216.090 Chase N. and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y. U 1415 C host nut St reeto and 9 South 52<f St. •) 208.290 3,486,470 30.250 1.499.970 1.595,420 230.750 523.880 N. City. N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and West End Tr. Co.. Phil. 200,000 338.620 4.457,920 33.380 2,868.980 1.196 360 282.350 6X2.230 Seab. N„ N.Y.; Phll.-Girard N., Phil. 125.000 187.930 1.941.890 1.060 583.710 1.422.720 48.350 2,011.050 10,767,850 428,660 6,451,740 5,846,920 473.850 935.050 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Cent. N., Phil. 4.164.400 18,243,980 338.680 15.609.360 4.973.770 1,607.930 1.306.000 N. City, Am. Ex.-Irv. Tr. Co., and Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. N. Sec., Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.Girard N., Phila. 151.490 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Equitable Tr. Co.. At lantic City: Southwestern N., Corn Ex. N„ and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 500,000 and A.Tr. 750.000 C. P. Willcox. A. Sec. H.C.Antrim,.4. Sec. J. S. Smith. Jr.. A. Sec. Wm. C. Byrnes. Tit le Off. J. E. Miller. fRichard Weglein C. B. Addie........ . Ralph P. Miller. Chas. G. Linck Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (2836 W. Girard Ave.) John Mooney. Sr., Tr. Off. *71 8-184 ®Tt5’23 JEFFERSON TITLE & TR. CO. Cash A ExCHAV«S8,Du> FROM Bank* 125.000 INTEGRITY TRUST ............ P. E. Guckes_____ Wm. G. Rerlinger G. A. Kilian. Tr. .. Wm.G.Semisch.Sec. *550-40% par 50 $ Sec. and Tr. INDUSTRIAL TR.TITLE & SAV. J.S. BOWKER......... JOS. MI. STEELE COMPANY- 3-76... dSTvttW J. E. SCHNEIDER Resources. Otitfr Paid-up Surplus - Total AND Dbpositb Liabili Capital Profits ties T. E. Knapp, L, S. Neidig, Jr., Tr. Officer Title Officer Wm. M, Rowland. J. H. Brown. Jr— A. E. Green. *151-10% par 50 3-114 c1®T»$f’06 (8033-35 Frankford Ave.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 3) Liabilities. •vJem.A.U.A. ".New §SUte fPrlv. tMem State B Ass n i K«tah ♦Fc 1. Res. Dept,s:T-TrustB-Bond (l-SHfeI>ep.©Sav.$I,astSale%Div. *450-30% par 50 PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City 201.100 Equitable Tr, Co.. N. 4th St. N., Phil. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Franklin - 200,000 100.260 1,673.290 20,000 523,960 1,219,590 9.130 350.000 845.130 7 850.040 171.700 6.872.870 1.160.300 186.720 1.568.700 14.226.510 60.670 11.400.350 2.697.890 294.710 Guarantees Tit Ies to Real Estate. Transacts a Gene ral Banking and I Trust Business. Gives Special Att ention to Collect! ons. 'KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANK *135.25-12% 3-8 CHARLES DELANY— GEO. A. LANDELL — G. C. TUFT ESTABLISHED 1826. ®T»tl826 Prompt, Personal and Efficient Collection Service. (Girard and Frankford A vet.) 996.970 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. V. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. HENRY- - - - - - H.P. MAU6ER KENSINGTON CHAS. L. MARTIN-- JAMES WM. H. BREHM TRUST COMPANY 3-107 d®T#tl'0« J. W. K0MMER.A.7V. Sec. and Treas. *355-16% par 50 q w $CHQCH.4. Sec M. N. EASTBURN. Title mid Tr, Off. J.F. BENNETT. 500.000 (Branch Office Cor. Broad St. and Alleg heny Ave. ) Asst. Title Off. (Kensington&Allegheny Ares.) DEPARTMENTS: General Banking, Trust, Titie Insu ranee and R eal Es tate. This is one of Philadelphia's Finest Financial Insti tution s and Keystone Cooperative Banking Ass’n._____________________ Your & Uom’l N., Chi.; Phil.- Busin ess. ens A Southern Ban k A Trust Co.) Lancaster Avenue Title and Geo. B. Davis____ W. A. Nash............ W. H. Smith. W. H. Chrismer. Trnst CO.-.3-195—. d®T»+5’23 J. K. Lee Smith Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. Lancaster Ave.) R. C. Pearson. *oo-3%(3959-61 par 50 Cordi ally In vites 1.963.030 Han. N.t N.Y.: Cont. Girard N.. Phil. 289.127 79,110 1.545,300 72,540 963.730 690,040 245.390 86,900 Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. Title and Tr. Off. (Philadelphia banks continued on next page) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given loco to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14 JO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. S) § {stale tfri*. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [E»tab. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Total DEP°8ITB Other Liabili ties Loans and Discounts PklNCIPAL CORKKSPONDENTS. MikilCan k lx LANBOOS cn> »«m,Dub SacDKITIBS Klaocmcn raoM Bin* Bonds and W. R. NICHOLSON... L.P.6EI6ER-------------- W. S. JOHNSON) Tr... L. A. DAVIS) Sec.... E. H. B0NSALL, V.P. H. LE ROY WEBB. W. J. HAMILTON. JR., C. A. SIMPLER. and Gen. Counsel Real Estate Officer. d®T»tf'86 A. Tr. Tr. Officer PEIRCE MECUTGHEN, E.K.MERRILL. A.Sec. J. W. BROCK. JR.. Title Officer R [. HAYMAN, _ _ T’u'n0j^<:*r Titles to Real Estate Insured. First Trust Company in Philadelphia Clearing House Tr. 1,990 7.873,520 1,193,420 26,300 50,610 904,070 3,680 386.130 472,080 122,950 500,000 W. H Goshow ___ (1 Office) A. F.Skrobanek 1.458,800 8.004,710 304,650 4,838,740 3*593,500 687,880 1,148,040 Han. N.. N. Bk. Com., and N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 250,000 600.540 3.439.070 154.080 2.192.160 1.667.230 172,470 411,820 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y.;Phll.-Girard N„ and Onion N„ and Manaynnk N„ Phil. 150.000 14.230 665.670 1.000 442.350 191.950 110.050 86*550 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of No. Phil, and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 265,900 4.180 428,130 80.000 443,800 79.010 174.740 80,660 80.660 Market St. N.. Corn Ex. N.. and Met. Tr. Co.. Phil. 914.980 14.898.680 5.984.220 786.520 7.133.500 8,972,780 1.066.490 1,259,280 A. D. Lanard, par loo 'MARKET STREET 4 F ”ll,,M -, l s"lu,u NATIONAL BANK 700,000 1,154,290 200.000 177,200 A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. H. Goshow, Ab dB®T»t’Tl R. B. Wallace. Ch. E. J. Morris Tr. Off. L. H. Birkmire (4875 Main) Manaynnk Trust Oo. d®T«§'89 John A. Struse.__J. T. Littlewood... Lazelle Thornton, C. A. Jordan, Sec Tr. A. R. Morrison, C. A. Jordan *165-16% par 25 1-80 (4340 Main) A. Sec. S. D. Jenness. A. Tr. Lester L. Swope. Manheim Trust Co...... ®T»S'23 H. L. Elkins_____ C. E. Beury. Sec. and Tr. *60 3-188 (Wayne Ave. and Manheim St.) Manufacturers’ Title &Tr. Co. A. L. Skilton____ P. M. Shea............... Chas. L. Brock, Sec. and Tr. *60 par 50 3-204 d®T§25 R. M. Malijobian i52nd and Walnut St.) *500.25-20% 1,585,870 N. City and N.Bk. Com.,N.Y.; Corn Ex. N.,Franklin 4th St. N„ and Market St. N.. Phil. 8,822,830 $ Tr. Officer J. F.Lennon......... W. G. Scott, LOGAN BANK & TRUST CO, James J. Diamond Wm. Sec. and T. Weir, Jr. *75.50 3-187 ®TS 2i (4801N. Broad St.) L. H. Birkmire, Wm. A. Dyer____ J. J.^Fonlkrod, Jr._ MANAYBNK NATIONAL BANK 100 3-40 d®T»t’87 (1107 Market) $25984470 $1,198,640 $ 7.479.730 $ 5.619.880 Seab. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4tb St. N., Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., and Penn N., Phil. $13752100 $23530630 Sec. r. t. HULLANU . Officer GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. A‘ TrJ A. FLEMING, LIBERTY TITLE & TRUST CO. J. N. FORT, JR.........C. S. KRUMRINE .... F.M00SBRUGGER,7>. j. E.Sec. and Title Off. - 1300-10% par 50- 3-70 85 CHAS. A. DONNELLY, (Broad and Arch Sts.) par s Myr.Settlement Dpt. i SAMUEL EARLEY, (100 So. Broad St.) *500-14% Paid-uf S^08 Capital PROMTS A 8-46 Vice-President. President. ♦Fe;l. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%I»iv 1806.50-30% par 100 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. "New 'LAND TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA-Cont d—Reserve City F. F. SPELLISSY—W. H. Lw_._. R. W. HURST 1.000.000 3.260.280 23.627.660 Aooountaof Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. Prompt Attention Given to Collections. SE E DISPLA Y ADVER TISEME NT- MARKET ST. TITLE & TR. CO H. N. Diesel_____ B. G. Moore_______W. S. Tash, Tr------ Jos. New. A. Tr. .. 1,000.000 2,187.380 13,556,520 1,674.750 7,120.090 G.W.Weldy, Tr.Off. nif (5200 Market) A. Wilson, Jr., Ch. J. B. Waltz. D. S. Woodruff, V.P. and Title Off. A. Tr. J. Mamourian, par 50 dB®T»tS’06 *430-25% Phil. Harrlman N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cent.Tr. Co. of III., CbL; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ 2d N., N. Sbawmut, and Fed. N., Bos. Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. Compt. 125.000 Mercantile State Bank ®5’21 T. S. Russo_____ Nicholas Vitullo.. John Pugliese____ par 50 3-181 Carmine T. Barbieri (Broad and Morris) 23,200 297,740 233.990 126,030 6.410 3,270.560 1,200.500 308,390 7,531.690 173.750 79,510 Phil.-Girard N., Phil. *56-4% Metropolitan Tr. Co._.d®TT5’21 *126-6%parso 3-171 (1801 Market) Mitten Men & Management Bk. & Tr. Co........ dB®T*T§’26 *150 par 50 3-212 (927-29 Chestnut St.) Morris Plan Co___________ '13 *185-7% par 100 3-200 (1716 Arch St.) Mortgage Security Trust Co. *125 par 100 3-202 d®TT§’24 (1800 Fairmount Ave.) MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY *150 -8% par50 3-121 d®|»|§ •J5*08 (1518 Walnut) E. B. Shaw. Frank H. Tuft___ John Walton-------- Wilmer S. Baum. Title and Tr. Off. A. M. Greendeld. G. F. Uber Sec. and Tr. (2 Branches) V.P. T. E. Mitten......... A. A. Mitten_____ Wm. A. Welsh, Tr. C. P. Burke. A.Sec, H. G. Tulley A. A. Chapman. Sec. N.T. Heath. A.Tr. F. B. Snyder. L.V.Byrnes.A.V.P. ; n,t'1 *452-20% 2,115.994 888.180 20.319.490 268.970 11.899,430 Exec. V.P. 516,390 185.580 840.080 218,190 1,318.090 1,000 97,090 77.660 W. W. McNeary... David T. Nevin__ John A. Baily, Tr.. Wm. D. Hall, Sec.. B. D. Walton,A.Tr. 250.000 42.500 7 25,000 36,000 432.000 337,000 173,500 111.000 S. F.Scittereood— E. S. Gardner....... W. J. 8medley. Tr. P. R. Renn, Tr. Off. S. Street. V.P. D. B. McKimmie D.D.Durand,A.Sec. F. C. Hunsell. V. P. J. K. Scattergood 1.000.000 (5 Office 784.940 10.198.170 238.480 7.065.670 3,920,050 301.650 934.210 607,340 9.124,930 451,210 6,844,900 2,212,600 398,370 1.227.600 4,095,690 266,680 1.622.520 A. Walter Williams .. J. C. Knox----------- J. C. Knox. (Germantown Ave. and School Lane) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.000 Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 3,987.770 Ihem. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. : Tr. Co.. Phil. 250,000 par 100 par 276,150; 3,398.080 Gerald Ronon, Sec. Jas. A. Hoyt_____ Harvey Nelke____ R. M.Cinvrens. Geo. J. Schutz V, P. and Tr. National Bank of Commerce Jacob Natter____ Geo. W. Brown___ Edwin Ristine____ 3-101 (713 Ohestnut)d®T»t’04 N. T. Folwell, Ch. Edwin Ristine Carol H. Deshon, *285-10% 1.121.620 500,000 s) Y.; Market St. N. and 1st N.. Phil. No. America & Tr. Co.. Phil. Co., Pitt.; Equit. Tr., Atl. City. C. Lena Smith Edward Meadow- 300.000 1,537,400 9,978.190 297,990 6,128,680 Chi.: 1st N.. St. L. and Pitt.; Cent. N. and Frank lin 4th St. N.. Phil.; 1st N., Bos. NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers mm mt mrnmmmm 1107 Market St. PHILADELPHIA, PA Surplus and Undivided Profits Capital JAMES F. SULLIVAN President R. LIVINGSTON SULLIVAN FRED F. SPELLISSY Vice-President Cashier WILLIAM H. MERKER Asst. Cashier RALPH W. HURST Asst. Cashier JAMES F. SULLIVAN........... EDWARD R. WOOD, JR....... R. LIVINGSTON SULLIVAN DAVID BURPEE................... WILLIAM H. ROMETSCH .. JOHN J. SULLIVAN............. RALPH EARLE ..................... CHARLES C. DRUEDING. . . WILLIS FLEISHER............... ARTHUR W. JONES........... T. CHARLTON HENRY FRED F. SPELLISSY........... HARRY E. PAISLEY........... LOUIS E. PEQUIGNOT......... ARCHIBALD FRIES............. ..................................................................... President ............................................... Mechanical Engineeer ............................................................. Vice-President ................................ President W. Atlee Burpee Co. ..........................................Treasurer Fletcher Works ..........................................................Attorney-at-Law Vice-Pres. Penna. Warehousing & Safe Deposit Co. .................................. Chairman Drueding Bros. Co. ........................................Treasurer Shelbourne Mills ................... Treasurer William Simpson Sons & Co. ..........................................................Attorney-at-Law ......................................................................... Cashier ..............................................Treasurer Reading Co. .............................President Beneficial Saving Fund . . . Vice-President The Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. The Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited Prompt attention given to Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Letters of Credit and Travelers’ Checks available in all parts of the World MAP OF PHILADELPHIA AND ENVIRONS. Virginvilletf Hinterleiter Shoemakersuville &) Shartlesvllle ■g.aneock'V Topton^o— Jf MoSif/rlelV<. Bowers Sta. s' &, S. Evansviii/j 0 Montown Lyon sta. y* >letH^0e^ ta. Mohrs Centerport o i Scullhill ^ o Moselem Sprs. Dauber W. Lees Garfield 0 Rickenbach Strause Obold e\ Kirby ville S' t___ / . / Calcium / kLeesp((rt/^ojiaiaen Creek f/YE- - ' > Dryville Rittenlro^lg^sViott* . u _= ^ Shimerville o , Temple E. JE ^Basket °le> LobaehsviHe Haycockrun0 rO> Thatcher, Plover .\A\ Sundaleo . o Ottsville Tinicum o Shanesville //Pejkasie o in- illegasERedhilu Q/BcehtelsYillc < ^ ° Pafsmore YVvY^e Barbertc wn gj |gTunlble c Kingvrood °Idell|S *yo . - Ae7^ OF^N^-i* / Neshainc^ Cloverhill o o Reaville \ I Copper Hill Montgomery rLocktowu Sandbrook o Sergeautsville o Grover Wertsville 0 'Ringoe® Bosemont ^^owne sta. or ■Jfiffi;/ “““"'.“KocSwrf T oMountairy _____ ________ LumlBHMKk / Rosemou,T 1?lvnlo P?ewe11- ____Battop A- rt/KsT VPennsburg ' V°k'svl"'S Manatawny HiUchurcliEEgbbiM^EantiS 0 n. OHupp'i&xille 0Argus' ’ Bernharts Griesemersvilleo 5s) Wil Spangsville°s > tWVl» c Limekiln 5 Croton Flemington r Revere Chapel oX|-alm Spiniier/^Q MiltoBl Square ,, ■ „ ,Dn / \ X Tr<nubauensvil/ ‘ Vchurch Bill^ ° Ridge Piperst-ille c Ple «aVlt ^ ^Clayton ° M \Geryv'illeo otr l ° Cragsman/* Hager-svilje _ __ Wis mero Daleo^ / ^ V, „ \ ... lcjfc x s; ° Bal1/ FruitvillEfJ-JreeiVVille f 5fm Deeprunl Landis Store0 \ ft/ CAppIebachsville Old Zionsville/Tjnn«vilhe ^ VallcS ^jaaasalE === araener °DillingersvUIe\ o R EV*owder Yalley / Lionhill Sigmub oseusack ”, orning Mali!^!!i^FIelt^00d°x>w JeSiemCkSViUe^uffs Church® “'W'* [EvlJerkiey^11^®11 oPricetowul o Passer oopersbnrg ^imeport0 >rFUZ Locust® —^ V- Plumsteadville0 Oarversville0 CeflWrbnf%e \ . ... 0 Solcbiiry'Oi ------- -0------- v* / Gardenville ^ew{HopejM Laillbertville WoodsvilWMount Rose °- Blooming eien111 •■■■■ A^mnt.Aiicr _ -il ll \ *Ot/sii . CC [)Glenmore 0 Harbourton( o Ely Mechamcsvillc Pountainville c Laliaska I o Sassamansville i Esterly 0 °JacksonwaidQ Earlvil^^?^1/^ ^MoWU 0Anise O. ° a Holicong °Be?nltOWn ° evin Dyerstown ^Bucking ham Pennington Klapperthal Stouersville 0EloEhouse ' *• dilbprtsvilic Monte) lo QaV^° oVYoxall OEarliulgta nFricksDOylestOWn^ Mechanics ( Buckm auville ^ ^ ~ .Titusvilfe > c Layfleld ,■Hendricks °JlorwOod Yeversink ". Stonetown 0-E? bi'ttle Oley ^ $$) Valley \0Buckingham Valley ShillipgtOD o erton ^Bergey----Mountain Sunset o _ .A, Brumfieldville® ^Cholv Ironstone B rov.’ nso 'Furlong o BudyYb ^ernfieid Pranconia^\^*'s,s, Line o Frederick S Grill o „0 cacooJ^-zP Fritztow n & Pineville oWoodM o Obelisk' 'ApJj0rano Baumstowu .Vejv^Britain Porestgrove oiibeusKvll ^Salfordville/' Ilatfieltu \oP v i Pi/ne Ironworks New Hanover combe Taylorsville RWy Mohns Store c ^dsEde-c't —® ” -Edison'Mozart q <£ -Rirdsboro Sta ••acv4^XMa?atawny (Zieglerville0 ./ ORarleysviUe V^RatRnjd^ La \\J renceviltc<’ Yinemont *-----B J Angelica0 Q ^ — Monocacy^StaJ -acywg c . ^ Fafflevsville^ N, _ ^/^-O-^tYSpringmount f ° Elroy \d3\ <?, \ ,/,7ird) ° 6 Penns Park ‘ W «^e_ ^S§k^tvmfr*Co»S'a»d V^„XT^kBr'd“'^*Uey0Gi^ DolingtonO X^Gouglersvi! e ° Preem^B^^' [Trenton Jc. ^Vottitowu 0 W rightstown oKe,Ker ..^WenkyllW M^nsdale'MTeka «WarrtoB&iS" / WilburIk; land g -pottstown onocaey g|: \ Adamstown jUleghany Ct o Beckersville Kulpsville © Montgomery Square cm/ ->? Brower1 sSanatoga .q Newtown. Denver n ° Kn»iiers ^ TV A- m 1-^™o Neshaminy Gronoljle . White Bear Trap Rock k'anUwnrtlt' c Alleghenyville_, ^Scarlets Mill / Kenilworth Swartzville HartsvilleO /Y Traymore 19? Edgwood o Leaarvme o Plowville ProspectvHle , ^/Breadj'sville ■reorge School "Limerick r > oReamstown HumihfelaS tore Fricks Lock d |rater&Ford^ WestpointI Pigeonv N. Wales ° Waraxinstero ovrfjvyland. o Richboro Sigypns Geigertowr/or -c^Liniield f,.. Creamery o cedars 0 [ricks LockrSt^ VyGwvnedd Davisgrove ° c<'/ Trappeo Geigers Mills P. 0 Bowmansville \ abrt<lgeY o o\ L} Gwynedd Hallo well o vS/JohnsviUe Cornell = ^ | Aramingo Horsham 0 ,X „o lollegeville Worcester • Parkerford5 Cold Run'' , St, Peters Hahnstown o Muddy creel )J»auna/ pm Spring City mxRoyersmrtl V°wei Providence S)3potsW)od CRedrun Sersenig Warwick YP^ghtown °fm^ngo CD No^ftonvUiqeoa^ Morgantuw^ ) Sartisdaie oTerrehill ^ Elverson Hertzler nj la M" ^ ^ ™«na OFairview*** Sheeder.^-. ividence^ o Marsh ° Nantmeal VillageE* OWfl/yp;/ ,us ^TrO^ \ Ch-urcbtown X .. V Loag Birchrunville o Kimberton — 8P i&aaeora .East Blneball poodville ^ East Nantmeal Nantmeal aa^hja>, ft, Beartown' x ™ u. v,TOok ° ° West Vincent oi SjJ. . _____,___„ . /So Matthews ^SV'vVilliams Corbiero dwbrook^of' ^a-oJ^arueston oFont 0 Chester/„ „Pickering°><r xxgT «^A-‘SeorrjJ/» svfjgm&'isgr ODenglers Lew: Grcenlane ^ sort ^ ellersville nosilverdale oji uat'ii o i a Danboroo > Jbfs I M.0 IfTrM O MM Yp,sE <3bSSco3t'#reV d'Y- s* ^Wallace New Spring^/ ™ ° Rockvillfi PtEv R vppc np/x * * O ) Birdell^=aY^meni»ooVe'?P:^ Byers oro~-——■—^uselma Sjgj “JDevault Yy M ,xY_____ \\re<t, L1prtiS. Hermitage Cambridge P. 0. Oo-E ---- -OrZm*. Yest ^Brand^vfne%wchland Ap Milford Mills . Warreo V,7, ^ - Yinolao Yici Mast / iv Salisbury o Martins Corner 0 o Intercourse c Pequea o Gordonville “Ledger Cain: oYita, . __ 'ysJr io-'-’vj’, Compass ^( Leaman Piac?BuyerStqwu Lapps ^ o Ash Sadsbnr ^ 'Manor ^,0^ cLionv,lie^ Delanco oT?pd'geboro vWagontown QRoberts j' Th E. Downiugtov -‘ ^vert011 , Acilinam*nson T H * r *^4 ^%0E ( ^ ■Am Cr. *e o Ninepomts Buckruiv Steelville Gumtree o m l Dp4 Run ^ Qaarryv^l/3 Batt?11,e «' ODoe 1 /---o Rosenyick 1 Derbydown Corinne Cochranville w ... ------ - /, Londongrove “Leonid wi 5^ Octoraro o ^ Clonmell f§ Parkersvilie® HamoAonEE AU/iEMEY' 0Faggs Manor *\Chatham ^ Ywway’haE------ -iTChadds Ford^ D Collamcr , Kirkwood Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oUnicoril -.,nt o Coleral " Bridge Cream jiii Rnccpiiviiia ■ "hi, e Wrightsdale o ; Kirk .0* Fremont > Rooksprings -ypetoraro >JnI j /Tougbk(1ip &o ^—-9T pV\\L- & Oxford Barnsley Hickoryhill N ittiifgham o o Chrome Elk Mills0 'Sylmar Lombard Centerville a Guyencourt; Kemblesviile0 Stricklersville® o Lewisville o Blake . McClellandsvi lie ’ Fatrhille Idtown iedford ft t ^Snov\hillo ’ fl*Le ^ \fr&c0/^ Twinoaks/: Kressot , Ashland \ E-r\tW0°4 \kvr'? oGibbsborl) ooabur(y .Chews b3 Lindenwold Laurel/ \onessonc SpringsV Blackwood Itua Brandywine ranogue Carpenter"; O Grubbs o ' Clenienton Wicker ton ^Ne\v Garden Sta. "New London Landenbnrg! Mouul Laurel nobt EKennet SauareE-N_-^« 1 e Jennersville^^-^ Ti'estgrovp SprttOfigrove Oakhill © ° Little i Oafaryn 0 - r"'"'J o Grady ville A1 'Fulton House « ° Smyrna Barto V oMay C’,;^P\ oRancocas flITi iyra ■ V? r dGoshenvillel Nickel Mines® ^Christiana __ JDeacon . Mill W O Union ^Thompson Stanton. Choate 0 Harmony P^gcktowdh^/ Sewell Louden Turuersville ]Srial i 0 Hurffville E=, ■\iSOU .I*0*5 C. Willia nstown' Jc. a«\°erp.o. ' .V'^an i3V°J \ ^ AVu|Hini i Bassett Indian Mills, HI120(1 ^ Raleigh Aerford or tert'ord. Works ■ v THE Philadelphia-Girard ORGANIZED 1803 ORGANIZED 1803 National Bank CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $28,500,000.00 A BANK OF CHARACTER, STRENGTH AND SERVICE LEVI L. RUE, Chairman of the Board JOSEPH WAYNE, Jr., President CHARLES P. BLINN, Jr. EVAN RANDOLPH HOWARD W. LEWIS WILLIAM S. MADDOX - Vice-President V ice-President Vice-President Vice-President HORACE FORTESCUE ALBERT W. PICKFORD STEPHEN E. RUTH All Items Received at Par Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President CHARLES M. ASHTON NORMAN T. HAYES FRANCIS J. RUE O. HOWARD WOLFE Assistant Assistant Assistant - Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Cashier Direct Collection Service Transit and Collection Departments in Continuous Operation Day and Night FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED You need a Philadelphia account to handle your business properly Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 OCQ to each bank in D. s. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ “ Directory, under t'*e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 3) RESOURCES Liabilities. •Alem.A.B.A "New §S'taie tl’riv t.Mem State B Ass’n. fK.stab ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDei).©Sav.$I.astSale%l)iv. President. ■"National Bank of Mt. Airy $62.50 3-216 ©’27 (7161 Germantown Ave.) Naiioual Bank of North Phila $295,25-6% par 100 dR(s)T»t’21 M. A. Parke, A. to Pres. 3-164 13701 N. Broad' National Bank of Olney in I. M. Lewis______ Philadelphia............. ®»'26 $132 par too 3-211 (5608 No. 5th) Vice-President. Cashier. Other Total Paid-up Surplus and Deposits LiabiliTIBS Profits Ass’t Cashier. i A. T. Abbott Edward Bains Jay D. Roy W. D. Jennings Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City J. L. Williamson.. R. M. Flood J. W. Vautier 100,000 S 500,000 ‘NATIONAL SECURITY BANK J. H. Dripps_____ Frank Schoble__ Chas. H. Chapman. George Ovington.. 3-28 d®«t'70 J. F. Fox J. W. Whiting (714 W. Girard Ave.) Ninth Bank & Trust Company 1. W. Barnes_____ J. G. Sonneborn .. C. B. Conn, Wm. R. Leute, $468-16% ♦ 3-33 dB©T»J§'23 A. Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. J. W. Steimnetz, porioo (Front St. at Norris) H. A. Mankin, V. P. and Tr. A. S. Ashworth, Tr. Off. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (Office at Allegheny and Kensington Ave s.) F. S. Lynn. A. Tr.. NORTHEASTERN TITLE & TR. E. 1. Shuttleworth. Sec. and Tr. T. P. Buckley, COMPANY 3-163 d®T.§’26 Ferdk Weidemann $75.50-4%par50 (3160 Rens'gton) Title Off. Northeast-Tacony Bk.&Tr.Co. Caspar M. Titus... Charles Merz____ M. E. Walther, H. U. Porter. Title and Tr. Off. $106-8% par 50«.3-168dB®T»t§’21 Sec. and Tr. Torresdale Ave.&LongshoreSt. Northern Central Trust Co. Walter Gabell___ C. H, Bridenbaugh H. C. Pierson, Tr,. H. L. Girard. A.Sec. $125-6% par 50 3 1 53 d©T«t§’18 (3 Offices) R. J. Ballantyne. (Broad St. and Erie Ave.) A. Tr. ♦Northern National Bank B. J. Taylor_____ H. L. Ache___ T. E. Nickles $320-14% par 100 3-43 d®T*t’90 W. H. Bilyeu, T. C. Mann Wm. B. Rosskam (2300 Germantown Avfe.) Ch. of Bd. (723 Chelten Ave.) Northern Trust Company C. S. Stiefel, Tr... W. O.Harter____ (6th and Spring Garden' Sec. C. L. Hayhurst. K. B Crawford, $952-30% 3-63 ©T«:s'71 A. Tr.Off. Tr. Off. W. T. Andrews. A. Tr. North Philadelphia Tr.Co. Lee Sowden . J. M. Snyder......... J. F.McNelis, Tr.. H. P. Corbett. See. $375-21% par 50 3-99 d®T»t»’03 C. J. Wood. A.Sec. W.J.Snyder E. L. Allison, tBroad. Germantown & Erie A ve.) A. Tr. Loans Bonds and and Discounts Sbcukitibb Miacau- Cam ft ExLANBOU8 ohavqu.Dui Raso uveas MOM Hawks 25.000 Franklin 4tli St. N. and Pa. Co., Phil. 375.750 $ 4,650,530 { 569,480 $ 3,889,040 $ 772,470 $ 748,050 $ 686,200 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Market St. N., 1st N., and Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 200,000 50,000 654.910 211,290 416,140 509,660 65.760 124,640 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Pa. Co.. Phil. 250.000 2,207.240 9.653.380 337.480 9,761,990 551,430 236,370 1,898,290 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; N. Shawmut. Bos. 766.750 10.522,140 7,339,040 688.930 2,826,650 N. Bk. Com.. 1st N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Corn ! N., Chi. 1771-30% 1.000.000 ‘NORTHWESTERN NAT’L BK. E. A.Schmidt___ Linford C. Nice „ Linford C. Nice ... James Moore____ par 100 3-36 d®»t’86 Jos. A. Batten,A.C, (700 N. Broad) ' Northwestern Tr. Co. d®tt§'05 Wm. Freihofer___ 3-102 i Ridge and Columbia) Sec. and A. Tr. Fred Shmidheiser $010-40% par 50 Harry A. Ran, A.Sec. Oak Lane Trust Co. .d®T«t§'23 L. A. Lewis____ Joshua M. Holmes. M. B. Munn. $250-8% par 100 3-167 (2 Offices) Sec. and Tr. Leo Niessen (6700 N. Broad St.) Frank Yarrick H. A. Kitselman A. D. Robinson, Tr. Frank H. Griffith. A. Tr G. T. Mitchell. A. Tr. J. H. Hibbert, Title and Tr. Off. Olney Bank & Trust Co. John A. Voetsch .. Wm. L. Franck__ Wm. R. Thomas, J. C. Hummel, $255-14% par50 3-142 dB®T»ti’14 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Henry Franz (6thand Tabor) W. C. Benson, A.Tr. J. E. Tyler, A. Sec Overbrook National Bank Louis W. Robey. A. B. Caspar . __ G. A. Wells, Jr. .. H. H. Gaige_____ $162.50-5% 3-156 ®»*19 (1 Branch) R. 11. Thompson N. F. Davis. Jr. (60th and Masters) Oxford Bank & Trust Co. J. H. Schumacker J. M. Vernon____ R. G. Walton ..... $177,50-7% par 50 dB®T*t5’18 John Walton ♦3-151 (4700 FranKford Ave.) Parkway Trust Co. ..d©K5’18 Joseph Bechtel.. . E. C. Bell, Tr.___ J. L. Fravel. A.Tr. $198-6% par 100 3-154 Henry B. Johnson H. H. Schultz. (15th and Race) E. C. Bell A. Tr. and Tr.Off. Pelham Trust Company Company) E. B. Creighton_ _ Chas. E. Smith__ Geo. C. Rudolph, Chas. H. Wetter. PennCoIonyTrustCo.dB©T#§'26 $125 par 100 3-214 (4015 Walnut) Tr. and Title Off. Tr. T. J. Grayson 2,084,640 17,525,360 200,000 89,240 2.264,860 281,460 1,210,020 1.071,390 239,120 315,020 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Market St. N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 250,000 173,620 1.579.340 60,000 1.146.230 679,100 80.000 157,620 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mutual Tr. Co., Phil. 550,000 387,060 5,439,920 72,000 2.904.180 2,215.560 845,550 483,690 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.. Phil, 400,000 824,940 8,805.750 483,740 6,317.980 2,910.500 198,260 1,087,700 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 500,000 3,513.370 14,072.210 500,000 1,080.140 9.607,950 121.770 7,314,780 2.661,690 200,000 1,240.840 6.760,710 1,099,810 6.523,400 961,710 150,000 1.300.000 11.440,290 M. G. BAKER... ....... H. C. BEITZEL____ H C BEITZEL_____ C. B. CALLiNAN_ _ _ E. K. ACKER H.G. POLHEMUS 0. H- CLAWSON FOUNDED 1828. E. M. MASER par 100 3-9 d©T«t'28 (Market at 7th) $635-24% 368.700 8,961,880 $751-30% *PENN NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. 7.305.250 N. Bk. Com.. N. T.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.Girard N., and Cent. N., Phil. 250,540 1.082,850 N. Park. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 487,720 1.328,530 Han. N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Ill. Merck. Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 222.000 N. City and Bkrs. Tr. Co..' N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 500.000 411,930 2,262.900 393,750 1.629,350 1.331,690 409.430 198,100 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Market St. N„ Broad St. N.. and Land Title & Tr. Co., Phil. 250,000 478.350 7,793,400 228.620 5,022.260 2,024,610 1,114.520 588,970 Bk. of the Manhattan Co.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Penn. Co., Corn Ex. N..and Dn. N., Phil. 300,000 95,290 3.600.393 320.410 1.988.170 1.633.140 217.860 476.920 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Market St. N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 500.000 474,100 7,049,410 663,030 4,199,590 2,849.600 712.910 924.430 Chase N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil. 250.000 191,010 1,907,750 303.730 1.386.760 995,990 44,540 225,200 1st N.. N.Y.; Market St. N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 200.000 30,000 729,920 17,890 163,600 674,550 35,750 103.920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 1.000.000 3.696.350 18.040.590 1.347.140 16.334.280 3.877.440 271.000 3.601.360 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com’l N„ ChL; N. Shawmut, Boa. A COMMERCIAL BANK Equipped with every facility for handling commercial business. 1 * THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given incri to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 140U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 'PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND ORANTINO ANNUITIES President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. . S. W. PACKARD— A. V. MORTON......... WM. F. KRIEBEL....... C. S. NEWHALl, Sec. . E. HANSON, JAY GATES J. R. CARPENTERS., L. J. Cl ARK, A. Sec. Ass’t to Pres. £, S. NEWHALL Tr. F, 0. TROTH, A. Sec. ------------JAMES CHESTON. 3d, L. M. EVANS, A. Sec. F. G. SAYRE A. Tr, DOWNTOWN OFFICE 5 17 CHE8TNUT ST. w. 5. REED, A. Tr. F. G. Sayre, Tr. Officer A. Robbins, A. Tr. Officer H. J. Causley, A. Tr. Officer Incorporated 1812 H. S. CROSS, A. Tr. H. W. Coxe, R. B. Officer. E. L. Cross, .4. Tr. Officer. W. M. David, A. Tr. Officer. F. H. Shields, A. Tr. Officer. TMSrr ft SAFE DEPOSIT CO. C. $890 -28% ♦ S-62 par too (CHESTNUT (Federal Reserve City No. S) dT»t*18l2 $110-4% par 100 S. H. McElroy, Pennsylvania Warehousing A Geo. H. Earle. Jr. . Ralph Eirle, V. P. E. W. Opsrhpr. and Gen. Supt. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. Safe Deposit Oompany.®r72 rdf uoo-5% 8-67 fill Soul par 100 j (Merged with The C olonial Trust Co.) PHILADELPHIAGIRARD NATIONAL BANK JOSEPH WAYNE, JR- C. P. BUNN, JR-------- 0. HOWARD WOLFE - film LtVIL. RUE, EVAN RANDOLPH ,Uia u Ch. of Bd. H. W. LEWIS CHAS. M. ASHTON, uriuzHP W. S. MADDOX H. T. HAYES(Branch at 1416 So. HORACE F0RTESCUE F J. RUE. J. A. DUFFY $4,000,600 $18 098 660 $65198 020 $ PHILADELPHIA SAVINGS FUND onnirry 3-54 ©»t§i8i6 Loans Bonds and Diboountb and Sacv Bines Miscsi.LA N,nD8 Rbbotjbcbs Principal Correspondents. Oac 4 Exoumi,Din FROM BaITKH 354.610 $46 937 370 $25133170 $3,025,510 $12555250 Brown Bros. & Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., Chase N., and N. City, N. Y. Transacts a General Banking, Trust and Safe Deposit Business. Invites Accounts of Individuals and Corporations. TRUSTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED. SEE FULL PAGE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. 350.000 85.440 800.000 457.120 5,866,910 (Tcrritor y of New 899,330 562,700 147.740 81,450' 1,503,220 337,590 6.073.150 York and Pennsylr ania) 474,550 403.790 8.000.000 20.886.180 190571710 25.382.770 143315580 23.705.650 17.173.390 60.646.040 Asst. Vice Presidents W. G Penn Square) ! Co., Equitable Tr Co., and Chat# N„ N. Y.; Coat. * ComM N. and 1st N., ChL: N. Shawmut. Atlantic N., and 1st N„ Bet.; 1st N , St. L. p .b: ETWILER _____ W. N.STOKES SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMEIT Organized 1803. National Bank 1864. Accounts off Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals respectfully solicited. 3-1 T»tlH* (421 Chestnut) OUuILI I Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties AND 15TH> Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land T. H. B. Jacobs— J. A. McSparran __ A.W.Thatcher, Jr., Sec. and Tr. H. V. Morgan Bank 3-192^1416 Chestnut)t’22 $700-21% Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.T,New§State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. ♦FeJ. Kes.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond 0-SafeDep.©Sav.$l.astSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City OFFICERS President___ .................. J. M. WILLCOX Vice-President_ _ -......... S. B. LLOYD l ice-P., Sec’]/, and Treas... S. WOODWARD Ass’t Treasurer__ .. ......... -T. J. BECK Ass't Secretary_ _ ............. D.N. PATTERSON (7th & Walnut) S. KIRKPATRICK G. H. BEATTY 2.762.280 11662340 SCR OFFICES: 15 S. 52nd Street. N. E. cor. 11th St. and Lehigh Ave. S. E. cor. Broad and McKean Sts. The Oldest Savings Bank in the United States. S. E. eor. Broad and Ruscomb Sts. 4% INTEREST W. G. BOWLER F. H. BENDIG, Jr. The same passbook may be used at any office. 15299400 228870 930 Ass’t Treasurers sim 3.768.010 233513720 Phoenix Trust C o-----------------UMerged with North ern Central Trust Co.) PilgrimTitle,andTrustCo........ (jvoto wilUam Penn Title and Trust Co. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY J. BARTON TOWNSEND C. WALTER J ORTON- H. A. FOSTER. BfF.J0NES.A'7VO# A. G. SCATTERGOOQ. Tr. Officer and Sec. ROBERT 0. GEIGER. V. P and Tr. f. W. HALL. A. Tr. A. Tr. Office, CARL W. FENNINGER WM. R. K. MITfeHELL. R,MAYER. A Tr.Off Bua. F.J.SMITH. A. Sec. and A. Tr. WILLIAM B. BULLOCK OF PHILADELPHIA A. R. E. Officer WILLIAM H. LINDSAY. A.Tr.Office, $805-25% ♦ 3-51 dBWI’22 WILLIAM F. BITLER. Auditor W. S. MARTINGALE. par 100 (409 Chestnut) ‘QUAKER CITY NAT’L BANK $335-12% par 100 3-42 d®T»t’89 Transfer & Reg. Off. Mid City Office*\bD% Chestnut St. C. F. HAND-— ABRAHAM SICKLES W. P. RECH Real Estate Offictr W P RECH_ _ _ _ _ _ _ F. W. SP0EHR. 2,000.000 9.124.370 15.898 580 4.066 150 14.321.300 12.779 040 1.188 000 2.800.760 N. Bk. COB04N, Y, * DIRECTORS EPH WAYNE. Jr. S. W LOAMS 31ES W. WELSH H. FRAZIER „ JARTON TOWNSEND _JARLES J. RHOADS RICHAR0 0. WOOD GEORGE R. PACKARD CHARLES F. JENKINS I 515.240 4.672.050 2.111.400 214.470 887.730 6.310.040 ASA S. WING JOSEPH B." B0CKIUS LEVI L. RUE 500.000 mu ~ A Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.: Merch. N., Bo*. (721 Oheitnut) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK-—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1261 Number under Name of BanK is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPHv. JMem. State B. Ast'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Queen Lane National Bank in J. W. Snowden Germantown at Philadelphia 1135 par 100 3-209 dB®»t’25 (Germant'n Ave., & Queen L.) Francis A. Lewis.. A. King Dickson, V. P. and Tr. Officer 1550-23% (517 Chestnut) Vice-President. CASHIEB. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 3) ASS'T CASHIEE. Liabilities. Other Total PiIB-OT Surplus and Deposit* Liabili Capital Profits ties $ Wm. J. Maurer.... W. F. Mitchell .... 200.000 $ 27.290 $ 690.310 $ Loans and Resources. MiSCBIsBonds LANBOOfl and Discounts Securities Rosoubcbs 202.080 t 365.740 $ 483.110 if PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Gau a KxI)tr* men Banka CHANGE*, 141.570 $ 127.240 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Pa. Co.. Phil. Daniel Houseman. Daii'l Houseman, L. W. Downing, See. and A. Tr. Tr. Oakley Cowdrick H. L. McKaig, E. E. Paxson, V. P. J. H. Fairlamb, A. Tr. A. Sec. and Real Estate Off. 2,000.000 4.160,480 8,585.260 854.510 10.162,060 (Central Office. 151 h and Che stnut Sts.) 1.689.670 2.182.290 1,566,220 Han. N..N.Y.; Penn. N.. Corn Ex. N., Southwark N.. Penn. Co., and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. E. Y.Townsend, See. R. D. Ghriskey, A. Set. 3.131.200 1.472.620 7.248.950 608.650 3.586,350 4.283.050 3,147,02J 1.444.980 Bk. of N. Y. &Tr. Co. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman N.. Chi. W. B. Anderson, A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. F. Colebaugh. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Richmond Trust Co. d®T*!S'20 G. J. Kraus_______ A. J. Smoluk_____ M.C. Komorowski. E. M. Craig. A.Tr.. Anthony Ziernicki 1125-2% 8-181 Tr. par 100 ( 2701-03 E. Allegheny) Roosevelt Bank------------®»5'19 E. S. Lawrence.... J. P. Stuhltrager.. S. O. Roulstou ___ W. H. Conner_____ S. A. Green $70-o% 8-166 (Point Breeze AveA (21st and Wharton Sts.) Geo. G. Littlewood. E. M. 8imi»on........ E. C. Snyder, Jr., S. W. Watson, A.S. Koxborough Trust Co. and A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. $255-8% 3-152 d®T»tl'18 par 50 (Ridge Ave. and Green Lane) H. H. Hewett, Sav. Fund Society of German J. L.Woolston........ H. T. Montgomery W. N, Price, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. town and vicinity 3-58 ®»t|’64 (East Ger mantown Office: Che Iton Ave. and Wister St.) (School Lane and Germantown Ave.) ,1 K. (lossling____ Frank Adshead ... Frank Adshead___ C. H. Aspen, SECOND NATIONAL BARI .4. C. and A. Tr. Off. A. C. Mann, 3-59 d8®T»t'#4 D. R. Greenwood, Ch. of Bd. .4. Tr. Off. W. H. Thomas $588-20% par 100 Geo. F. Budd, (4868 PrankfordAre.) Asst, to Cash, Security Title & Trust Co. of W. Archer Coale .. J. H. Nagel, South Philadelphia Sec. and Tr. J. A. Nagel, Jr. 3-201(1601 So. Broad) ®T§’2o WALTERS. BUCKLIN- NORMAN 1. ADAMS - JAMES ARRINGTON. ERNEST W. CANNING. Treasurer A. Tr. FRANK C. NICHOLS 750.000 650.820 4.988.940 40.500 3.326.040 1.815.310 397.910 870.990 Chase N.. N. Y.; Quaker City N. and Franklin 4tn St. N., Phil. 147,400 59,670 1.886,070 7,160 497,940 596,980 732,590 272,790 65.000 118,210 1.989.070 11.390 833.000 1.076.010 90,820 178,840 ini. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4tl and Southwark N., Phil. 160.000 291,970 2.904,490 76.580 1.541.700 1,276.680 230.900 373.750 km. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N Y„ 1st N , Market No. Phil. Tr. Co., and Maoayunk N.. Ptul 1.995,910 21,484,750 315,450 5,627.040 16.947,280 120.000 1.101.780 1,582,150 10,960,790 720,810 9,147.900 372.890 1.327,280 1st N.. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., and N. City, N.Y.; 1st N„ Ohi.; Oent.N., Phil. G. H. Earle, Jr___ S. F. Houston____ E. S. Buckley, Jr.. Tr. J. A. McCarthy, Tr. Off. Edgar Fetherston, A. Tr. Thos. G. Hawke s_. W. C. Pollock. Jr.. RE PUBLIC TRUST COMPART - J. E. McOully. Sec. and Tr. 3-118 (1429 One*tnut)®T*t| 07 Pres, and Tr. Off. W. A. Gretzinger, Title Officer. 1100-10% SEAL ESTATE TRUST CO 1205-7% s-10o T»tT«5 (1338-48 Oheatnat St.) THE SHAWMUT CORPORATION OF BOSTON (1430 Chestnut St.) (Boston office: 40 Water St.) 2,915,680 Franklin 4th St. N.. Southwark N., and No. Phil. N.. Phil. 25,000 ................. Cent. Union Tr. Co., Equitable Tr. Co., Rkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., N. Bk. Com., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Clout. & Com’l N. and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Sbawmut, Bos.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Dealers in Bankers Acceptances. United States Government Obligations, Miscellaneous Securities. 300, 000 666,850 6,741,650 480,760 5,472,490 1,114,790 238.700 LeRoy Schoch.See. 125.000 25,000 524,260 86,530 218,790 251,940 183,690 G. L. Bvans. __ E. E. Green F. W. Crew C. H. Dowling 500,000 1.606,520 10,397.130 2,473,700 609,290 W.W. Foulkrod Jr. W. J. Steinman... E. H. Wert. F. W. Kimmerle, Sec. A Tr. A. Sec. A A. Tr. M. J. Klank R.A. Orndorf, A. S ee.A A. Tr. John T. Scott. Jr. John M. Dotterer.. H. S. Pollock.......... Jos. S. Weaver___ Eugene Walter 125,000 212,110 1,798.580 219,360 1.082.660 887,250 185,430 199.700 200.000 243,960 2.224,440 58,300 1,544,620 592,910 209,820 379,350 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. k Com'l N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. H. O. Johnson__ J. S. Lambert........ J. S. Lambert, Sec. and Tr. H. L. Elkins C. F. Ayer______ J. T. McDevitt___ T. S Derr, Jr.. R. F. White ............ 150.000 V. P. and Cash. H. F. Meixner, (2 Offices) E. L. Woodfleld. F. A. Diehl Title Officer Tr. Off. on next page) 56,840 531,670 4,890 23,310 641,070 100.000 (Second and Pine) V. J. Hamilton.... Sixty-Third Street Title & $52 Trust Co. 3-197 ..dB®T5’23 par so (63d and Lansdowne) ‘SOUTHWARK NATIONAL BANK W. W. Foulkrodjr. $426-3% par 100 3-7 d®T«tl825 (610-614 South Second) Southwark Title & Tr. Co. 3-159 dB®T»'20 (S. E. Cor. 7th and MorrisSts.) •Southwestern National Bank $228-8% par 100 3-37 dB®W'86 (Broad and South Sts.) Starr Barings Bank___ ®»tl'79 8-»2 (620-622SO. Ninth) Susquehanna Title & Tr Co. $63 par 50“ 3-198 d®T§’24 (1611-15 Susquehanna AveA (Philadelphia banks continued 125,000 * ALBERTA. WILCOX, R.PAGE MASON, FREDERICK M. 1.500.000 1.100.000 .4. V. P. THAYER KARL V. PANKE,' -L Mgr. JOHN BOLINGER JOHN F. WHITE, .4. V.P. A. H. GEARY. JAMES GOULD Mgr. Phila. Office R.C. ORR ‘SIXTH NATIONAL BANK Daniel Baird_____ N. C. Ives $355-14% par 100 |-28 d®»t'64 William Salter $223-14 % 500,000 and Kensingion NPhil. William Salter .... Wm. F. Cushing,Jr. A. W. Lnkens Ohas. Gaus______ F. G. Kulp.TY......... J. F. Booth Wm. C. Ranagan. A. Tr. W. J. Stein man . E. H. Wert.. ___ W. S. Acuff. Tr. Off. E. H. Wert M. J. Klank E. C. Taylor. A. Tr. Off. 1,040.680 12,678,020 344,930 523,760 24,640 354,150 134,620 1,363.270 Bos. 106,370 Col. Tr. Co. and Pa. Co.. Phil 106.370 2,345,110 Han. N.. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Rk. Com., Empire Tr. Co.,Equit. Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; C. & C.N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co. of Md., Balt.; Keystone N.. Pitt. St. N., Phil. 1st N„ Bos.; 45,000 Provident Tr. Co.. Phil.-Girard N., and United Secur. Life Ins. & Tr. Co., Phil. 80,680 Bk. of Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of No. Phil., Eighth N„ and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1262 —*—: tM«m. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ' President. ... . Vice-President. “ (Federal Reserve City No. 3) ■ "■' b ASS’T 0A8HIKR. Cashier. Paid-dp Capital Jacob S. Disston TAGONY TIUST COMPANY (1 Sub. Office) 8-87 (4900 Longshore )d®T»$l’92 $399-18% par 100 Matthew Jefferson. $ Bamilton Disston. J. L. Thornton. Tr. Officer Sec. andTr. Jacob M. Vogdes W. V. Walton JOHN F. BAUDER ♦TENTH NATIONAL BANK 3-54 (1341-45 N. Broad) ®<’85 $336.50-10% 6: fcHfr— H. L. SHAFFER------- R M Rill i.Z.mUM.A.Cash. H. C. YOUNG E. B. Gregory_____ ♦TEXTILE NATIONAL BANK , Harry Brocklehurst J. J. Diamond 3-45 (Ksnirngton Ave.d®T»t 04 L. L. Darling $302-10% par ioo and Huntingdon) $136 par 100 3-213 (3452 Germantown Ave.) P. J. Maiser. A. Tr. Off. S. A. Rhoads, J. R. Kolb, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. n Hrr.lBTHY PnUlINn WII1 liliS ♦TRADESMENS NAT’L BANK H. A. L0EI----------1 tDIUjp ViLL|AijS $890-14% 3-14 ®T»i’46 F. E. GUGGENHEIM (431 Chestnut) Liabilities. Surplus Other Total and Deposits Liabili Profits ties 150.000 $ TLesourcEs. 329.200 $ 2.057.000 — $ 1,362,310 $ 820,140 7.361,610 $ 744,990 500,000 (Central City Office : • 116 S. 15tX St.) 869,960 5,469,550 2,387,230 99,950 5 203,970 N. 1 City, N.T.; CornEx. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 1.026,520 N. 1 Bk. Com.. N. Y. 400,000 597.300 7.544.720 1,247.380 2,849.740 5,957,830 247.610 N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 734.230 Chase C 200,000 50,000 385,350 660 233.200 300,740 28.290 N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 73,770 Phil.-Girard I 125.000 166,750 2,550,540 543.960 1.961.550 1,057.900 136.750 H. F. DFILV . J V. FBTZZELL C. F. BROWN 1.000.000 3,466.460 19.540.410 7,669.800 18.003.590 1.822.430 6.463,890 230,050 C 5.386.750 1-19 d®T*t’58 par ioo (Third and Arch) $285-12% J. S. MeCULLOCH____ tfiWIiAi- FREDERICK FAIRLAMB, J. 6. KRATTENIIAKER V. P. and Cash. JOHN W. FRANK B. C. WASHINGTON, Trust Officer Phil. & Com’) N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. San F.; Klein wort Sons & Co., Westminster Bk. Ltd. and Bar clays Bk. Ltd., London; Comptolr Natlonale D’Escompte, Paris: Deutsche, Berlin: Rotterdamsche Bank vereenlglng, Amsterdam. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PENNSYLVANIA MAP. ‘UNION NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. Mnciir Ca« A JLxLoans Bonds LAlfMOtrS <XA*«aft,2hni and AMD Dmoovim Slocums EUmoumcm run Bari A, C. and Tr. Off. W. H. Zimerman.. Chas. W. Doane... L. D. Barford........ W. S. Smith. V. P. Wm. J. Eastwood Ralph McKelvey... Tioga Trait Company Jas. M. Snyder 178-10% par 50 3-131 dB®T»tl'12 (1700 W. Tioga) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1,000.000 1.432.490 17.978.080 » 11 3.154.660 16.950.920 1.952.370 788.900 3.873.050 Merch. N., Rich. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations,Firms and Individuals Solicited on favorable Terms. United Security L. 1. A Trust T. M. Perot, Jr.... G. M. Henderson.. W. H. Jungkurth, W. K. Clear, A.Tr. Jr., Tr. H. S. Campbell. H. P. Busch Company of Pennsylvania H.S.Campbell.A.T. A. Tr. Chas. Osborne. $215-8% par 100 3-75 d@WI'68 Tr. Off. C.J.Tully, Jr.. A.T. (005 Chestnut) WEST END TRUST COMPANY J. W. Smith d®T«tl’13 (Broad St. and So. Penn. Square) Wm. L. Nevln — F. T. Reinhart, F. G. Treston, A. Sec. and A, Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. S. L. Hayes. J. M. Strong, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Trust and R, E. Off. $395-I2%par 100 3-80 F. F. Hallowell___ F. F. Hallowell, Tr. J. R. Naulty, A. Tr. C.P.Humphreys.A. ♦West Phil. Title & Tr. Co. Augustus I. Wood.. R. I. Levering___ Ralph 1. Levering, IV. $215-18% par 50 ♦3-49 d®T»tl’90 W. Y. Conrad, V. P. Franklin Chandler! Wm. J. Kelly. Jr. N. H. Wood. A. Tr. (2 Offices) (S.W.Cor. 40th and Lancaster Mgr. Svgs. Fund F. Chandler, TitleOff. Are.) R. J. Brunker.. Western Sav. Fund Society (3 Branches) 8-56 (10th and Walnut) ®»t§’47 Dept. J. W. Frazier. Jr._ Wharton Title & Trust Co. $50 par 50 3-199 dB®T»t§'23 J. A. Doody (1341 So. 28th St.) William Penn Title & Trust Co. Aaron Herman........ F. J. Lambert____ J. G, Esmonde par 50 5-196 dB®»t§’26 (Succeeds Pilgrim Title cfc Trust Co.) Woodland Avenue State Bank j. W. Roberts------ A. J. Gotshall____ H. D. Fraser $65-4% par 50 3-189 d®»t§’20 (65th and Woodland Ave.) H. J. Sautter.......... Wyoming Bank & Trust Co. E. P. Stahl 3-193 ®T§’23 (Wyoming Ave. and 5th St.) Philadelphia Oleartnc House— Wm. M. Hardt, (SIS Ohestnnt) C. H. Examiner (Members indicated by a*) 1,000,000 1,233.020 6,738,750 217,920 3,612,740 4.463,310 491,380 622,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ex. N., Pitt. (Wayne J unction O ffice,* 4416 Germanto wn Are.) (Berks St. Office, »185 4 Germant own Ave.) 2.000.000 C. A. Wheeler, Sec. H. E. Thompson, 3,217.790 18,554,000 6.621.010 54.808.280 A. Sec. W. H. Hoot, Sec... 6,821,980 1.016.970 9.310 58.022,150 612,810 837,970 15,218.890 1.551.920 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co.. Franklin 4th St. N.. and Corn Ex. N.. Phil.: Mellon N.,Pitt. 2.785,020 Tr. 500,000 1,062.600 8,949.670 W.H.Thorn.A.Sec. H. P. Wattson, W. H. Ha rrison, Jr .. Tr. Off. A. Sec. G. S. Bro wn, A. Tr .Off. 405,890 5.309,220 3,947,950 836,470 Otto Ransch, 824.520 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 42.280 Franklin 4th St. N. and Tradesmens N. Phil. 158.200 10.000 442,960 14.400 386,380 180.250 16,640 J. O. Bessor, A. R. McCullough. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 250.000 51,940 552,700 20,530 507,280 91,470 182,020 R. J. Gotshall____ Thomas A. Teamer. 150.000 75,900 1.302.83C 936.920 281,660 108,250 201,900 Franklin-4th St. N. and Union N., Phil. J. B. Krug, J. F. Connor. Sec. and Tr. Title Officer 200,000 124.690 1,688.440 1,152,810 544.820 143.610 171,880 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Market 8t. N., Franklin 4th St. N.. and N. Bk. of No. Phil., Phil. Sec. and Tr. 94,390 Union N„ Quaker City N., and L. and Title & Tr. Co.. Phil. C. H. Batten, John C. Boyd. A. Mgr. Sec. and Mgr. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia —FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1263 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. 8tate Bks. Assn. EstabYMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. A. C. ALLYN & GO. (Packard Bldg.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories GEO. W. HEBDON, V] P................... The Pennsylvania Co. Investment Securities. Other offices:New YorkCity,Chicago, Boston.Mil- T12 AMERICAN BOND fc MORTGAGE COMPANY1 PHILADELPHIA—Reserve City J. A. STONE, Mgr... First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. •Mem. Am. Bkr. Assn. Yeab tMem. 8tate Bkr. Assn. EstabYMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. ubhkd. zfc.Mem. Local Stock Exchange. BURR, GEO. H. & CO. H. M. BYLLESBY & CO, E. M. NEWLIN. (226 McKnight Bldg.) BAKER, YOUNG & CO.......... ........ Joseph W. Swain. Jr., Mgr. .. (424Land Title Bldg.) (Investment Bankers) Commercial Paper. Investment Securities. waukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis, San Francisco, Franklin Trust Bldg. '05 Detroit. Butcher & Sherrerd--........................ »±| (220 Real Estate Trust Bldg.) American Bond & Mortgage Co., Chicago and New York. (1525 Walnut St.) Bache. J. S. & Co....................... (Pennsylvania Bldg.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories Mgr. .. V20 Geo. H. Burr &. Co., N. Y., Chi.,St. L.,Wash., D. C., Wilkesbarre, Bos., Hart., Atl., and Scranton; Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc., San F., Los A., Seattle, and Port. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chi., N. Y.. Bos., Prov. Det., Minpls.. St. Paul, and Kan. C. Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re tailers of Investment Securities —Specialists in Public Utilities. Cadbury, Ellis & Haines___________ 1 (111 S. Fifteenth St.) Baker, Young* Co., Bos., Springfield, Reading, Carstairs & Co.__________________ ± and Wilkes-Barre. (1419 Walnut) Cassatt & Co._________________ »±l Capital and Surplus $2,300,000 (Com’l Trust Bldg.) 1313 Walnut Street Chandler & Co.. Inc_______________1 BANK DEPOSITORIES (1416 Chestnut St.) BANKERS BOND & MORTGAGE COMPANY OFFICERS ALBERT M. GREENFIELD, President C. ADDISON HARRIS, JR., Vice Pres. J. S. MCCULLOCH, Vice Pres. MAURICE L. WURZEL, Vice Pres. FREDERICK P.GRUENBERG, Treas, Equitable Tr. Co., New York Franklin Trust Co., Philadelphia Union Nat’l Bank, Philadelphia Central Nat’l Bank, Philadelphia SELLS GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Barclay. Moore & Co._........... ......... *±T (Real Estate Trust Bldg.) Barney. Chas. D. & Co.................. ±1 (1428 Walnut) Battles & Co_____ _____ ±1 (1518 Locust St.) Bean, Chas. H. & Co._____________ ±1 (1523 Walnut) ! •Til The National Market for Farm Loan Bonds 14H Chestnut MEXEL&CO. —(3-127)------±»tYt'88 Infth and Chestnut. EASTMAN, DILLON & CO"1 Packard Bldg. BROOKE, STOKES, & CO., ——T’13 Francis M. Brooke. P. B. Fisher Brooke. Stokes & Co.. (N. E. Cor. 15th & Locust Sts.) J;w- Stokes, ffm. C. Longstreth Balt, and Wash., D. C. Mem. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Brown & Co., Champ C.____________± (317-18 Real Estate Trust Bldg.) ±«mi8i8 BROWN BROTHERS & CO. 1531 WALNUT ST. 59 WALL ST.---- 60 STATE ST. 3-130 BOSTON Dillon Read & Go.. N. Y.. Chi.. Pitt., and Bos. Dixon & Co. (1428 Walnut) Doherty & Co.. Henry L___________ t (1500 Chestnut St.) Drayton, Penington & Colket —......... ± (1427 Walnut) Bonbright & Co., Inc______________ U (1520 Locust St.) Borer & Ullrich__________________ ± (421 Chestnut) Boston, R. L. & Co._______________ ± (1411 Walnut) CORRESPONDENTS: ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS, Baltimore BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY, London Investment Securities - Commercial Credits Travelers’ Credits Foreign Exchange Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Packard Bldg.) DILLON, READ & CO_ _ _ _ „„±«ir06 (Investment Securities). .....................1 BOLES & WESTWOOD........... — ±T20 (Investment Securities)................... Phil.-Girard N., Southwark N., Ginrd Tr. Oo., Packard Bldg. 05 G.I.Boles, J.R.Westwood (Partners ) Penn. Co., Industrial Tr. Co.,N. Secur.,Phil. NEW YORK AND COMPANY CLARK, E. W. & CA—(3 134).±.tlt *7 (Bankers—Investment Securities) 1st N., Pynchon & Co..and Clark Dodge * Co. 321 Chestnut. N.Y. Coles & Wurts............. ± (218 S. 15th) ± Daniel & Co.________________ (1520 Locust) DeHaven & Townsend___________ *± (1415 Walnut St.) Bertron. Griscom & Co.. Inc...........i(Investment Securities) (Land Title Bldg.) Biddle. Thos. A. & Co__________ (511 Chestnut) Biddle & Henry________________ (1522 Locust) Bioren & Co_____________________»± (408-410 Chestnut) Boenning & Co.__________________ ± (1606 Walnut) PHILADELPHIA The Oldest House In America Offices in— Chi., Bos., San. F., Los A., Seat., specializing exclusively in Port., Den., St. L.. Kan. C.. Phil., Clev., Government Securities Cin., Det., Wash., D. C., Minpls. CHILDS, C. F. Eliason. Kolb & Eliason__________ ± (Packard Bldg.) Elkins. Morris & Co________ »±TI (305 Land Title Bldg.) Emory, Freed & Co.................... »± (109 S. Third) EQUITABLE TR. CO. OF NEW YORK . (1301 Packard Bldg., Chestnut and 15th Streets) Fearon. Charles & Co.___________ »± (333 Chestnut) J. P. Morgan ft Co., N. Y. MEMBERS NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANGES. Other offices: New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington, Reading, Lancaster, Scranton, Pottsville, Allentown, Trenton. Government, Municipal, Public Utility and Corporation Bonds. Whitehouse & Co., N. Y. Equitable Tr. Co. of N. Y.. Main Office, 37 Wall St. 1264 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS. •MibIwi An. Bankers Assn. Yeab IMember State Bankers Assn. EstablMember 1st. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Fearon. Wm. F. & Co.........................»± (119 S. Fifth) THE FIRST RATIONAL CORPORATION (OF BOSTON) (S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts.) Fitch. Crossman & Co........................±5! (225 S. Locust) Fox. Geo. S. & Sons--------------± (436 Com’l Trust Bldg.) FRAZIER & CO., Inc...................tV21 (1420 Walnut) PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories 435 Chestnut Street Correspondents and Bank Depositories Hano, Wasserman & Co--------------(1418 Walnut) Harper & Turner........... ................»±* (1411 Walnut) Bankers' Acceptances, United States and See Advertisement in Bank Joseph W. Wear, Vice-Pret......... W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Chi. Foreign Government Obligations and Section. HARRIMAH &C0., W. A., INC.—T19 (Investment Securities) Miscellaneous Securities. (Franklin Trust Bldg.) Harris, Forbes & Co.--------------------- 1 (Ronds)_____________________ Harris, Forbes & Co.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav. Chi.; Harris, Forbes & Co., Inc.. Bos. 1118 Widener Bldg. Harrison & Co........ ......................—±1 (106 S. 4th) ((H. W. HARRISON, T. D. SMITH, Harrison. Smith & Co., N. Y. B. W. Frazier. Pres, and Tr.; H. Frazier & Co., Inc.. N.Y. and Wash., D. C. F. Hansell, Jr., V.P.; J.E.Rich (INVESTMENT SECURITIES) ards, V.P.; C. E. Loxley. Sec. and A. Tr.; W. D. Garvey. A. Sec. Freeman & Co.. M. M.-------------------•* (111 So. Fifteenth St.) French & Co.. E. W.--------------------- ± (210-212 No. Am Bldg.) Fridenberg. S. M. & M. S._.................. ± (305-6 Lafayette Bldg.) Garrison, Watt &Co-------- -----± (Widener Bldg.) Geist & Co.. The C. H--------- ---------•I'i (111 So. Fifteenth St.) Gimbel Brothers (3-145)-------------- 1’06 (9th and Chestnut Sts.) H T Hnnv„n Mar Glendinning. Robt. & Co.....................± (Banters)------ 8. L.Hooven. Mgr. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. (Packard Bldg.) Goldman. Sachs & Co.-------------------• I (421 Chestnut St.) Goodbody & Co----- ---------± (1605 Walnut) GRAHAM, PARSONS •Member Am. Bankers Assn. Year tMember State Bankers Assn. EstabIMember Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. l liU. JR., AND J. H. IJAMS B HARRISON. SMITH & COMPANY±t 1 21 ) J.M. BROWN, -INVESTMENT1SECURITIES 1515 Locust Street UNVES Hathaway& Co.................. '80 (Commercial Paper)___________ Hathaway, & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bo6., Port.. Pitt. Seattle, Atl., Rich., and San F. Drexel Bldg.. Fifth and Chestnut Sts. Hecker & Co---------------- -........ -........± (S. W. Cor. 6th and Chestnut) Hemphill. Noyes & Co------ ------- (111 So. Fifteenth St.) Henry &Kirkbride............. ± (1430 S. Penn Sq.) Holman. Watson & Rapp................... ± (1420 Walnut) Hopper, Wm. G. & Co--------------------± (115 S. Third) Humphrey. Wm. M. & Co--------------- ± (1520 Packard Bldg.) Investment Registry of America, Inc. (1515 Locust St.) K BRANCH OFFICES INVESTMENT SECURITIES Graham. Parsons & Co., New York, Balti more, Camden, Pittsburgh, Reading, Scranton, Trenton, Washington. MEMBERS OF INVESTMENT BANKERS ASSOCIATION ^.E^AMERICA-P^NSYLVANIA RANKERS ASSOCIATION Jones. C. Clothier & Co.......................± (1603 Walnut) Jones, Miller & Co............................... ± (Com’l Tr. Bldg.) Greenebaum Sons Investment Co., Chicago ( First Mortgage Harold P..........................± Kansas City, St.Louis. Pittsburgh, Milwaukee Keen & Co..(606 Otis Bldg.) ) Real Estate Bonds Kelley. Drayton & Converse...........±1: ) (Head Office, Chicago) (807 Packard Bldg.) INVESTMENT COMPANY L. Res. V.P., Herbert B. Loeb Kennedy & Co. ................-.................. ± (2123 Land Title Bldg.) 215 So. Broad St. Kurtz Brothers —............................. GBARAHTY COMPANY OF HEW YORK ( O. J. Matthews, Manager......... Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. (Morris Bldg.) 1 Investment Securities 418-22 Packard Building 1 Laird. Bissel & Meeds-------------------± (1501 Walnut) Haines, Collier & Co-------- ------ — (1520 Locust) LEACH, A.B.f C0..IHC.-------------- 1 115 South Fourth. (Investment Bonds) Halsey. Stuart & Co., Chi., N. Y., Bos., Det., St. L., Mil., Minpli.. and Clev. LEE, HIGGINSON & CO.-—------------48 Resident Mgr., Arthur H. Vail 1801 Packard Bldg. Phone: Rittenhouse 7400 T01 .Lewis. S. B. & Co----------------------•t’17 421 Chestnut INCORPORATED 111 So. 15th St. Hambleton & Co.. Inc------- -------LILLET, BLIZZARD & C0(1603 Walnut) Packard Bldg. Hammitt & Co..........----------(400 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg.) JANNEY & GO. i 1529 Walnut Street INVESTMENT SECURITIES Post & Flagg. Walker Bros., N. Y. Greene & Co. ...................................... ± (Stock Ex. Bldg.) GREENEBAUM SONS HALSEY, STUART & GO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Investment Securities)-------------- A. B. Leach & Co., Inc.. N. Y., Chi., and principal cities. (Bonds)________________________ Lee, Higginson & Co.. N. Y., Chi., and Bos. (Dealers in Commercial Paper)... Blake Bros.& Wright,Inc..Chi.andSt.L.; E.C.Hol brook Co., San F.; Stedman & Redfleld, Hart. /Members Philadelphia Stock See Advertisement on Philadelphia Map. ) Exchange. ) Brokers — For dealers and ( institutions only. 1265 co Selected List INVESTMENT DEALERS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year TMem. St-ate Bks. Assn. EstabIfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem. Am. Bks. As?n. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn, EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Lloyd & Palmer ................................. ±1 (334 Com’l Trust Bldg.) Branch Office, 60 Wall, N. Y. C. LYNCH, EDWARD D. C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 06 (Investment Securities) Land Title Bldg. MacDonald & Co.......... ....................... ± (234 Real Estate Trust Bldg.) Mackie. Hentz & Co.............. ± (1503 Walnut) MacMeekin & Williamson.................. ± (N. E Cor. Broad and Sansom) Mann, Hagary & Bement....... ..............± (437 Chestnut) Martin & Co., Inc.............................. *±U (Investment Bankers)___________ (111 S. Fifteenth) Maus, W. H. & Co. ________________ ± (307 Franklin Tr. Bldg.) McBride & Co.___ _______________ ± (523-6 Phil. Stk. Ex. Bldg.) Perry & Co., Arthur............................1 . (1515 Locust St.) Phillips, Samuel K. & Co._________ ± (1317 Packard Bldg.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories Investment Bonds—....................lAm.Ex.Irv.Tr.Co.andGty.Tr.Co..N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N., Tradesmens N., Col onial Tr.Co.,Fid.-Phil. Tr. Co..and Penn. Co. for Ins. on Lives and Granting Annuities, Phil, I Bull & Eldredge, N. Y. 1 Phil.-Girard N. and Fid.- Phil. Tr. Co., Phil. Members: E. A. PIERGE & GO., ^ew'y°rJt Stock Exchange,Cot- Securities and Commodities in Principal ton Exchange, Curb Exchange, Markets. Private wires. SUCCESSORS TO Coffee and S-ugar Exchange, Housman-Gwathmey & Produce Exchange, Chicago Company, A. A. Board of Trade, New Orleans (Liberty Bldg.. Broad and Chestnut! Cotton Exchange, San Francis (Penn. Athletic Club Bldg., 18th and co Stock and Bond Exchange, Chancellor Sts.) Los Angeles Stock Exchange. Powell & Co........................................ (426 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg.) SAMUEL McGREERY & GO. 71/T * i ny . nij 10 TT7 j j Oi Mutual Trust Bldg. 1518 Walnut St. __ Members N. Y. and PHILA. STOCK EXCHANGES + DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD, UTILITY AND lNDTJS^ft¥AJj BONDS* ______ ___ _ COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MAP OF PHILADELPHIA AND VICINITY McLaughlin, W. J. & Co.--------------(508 Phil. Stk. Ex. Bldg.) Middleton, M. F. Jr. & Co._______ (1512 Chestnut) Monges, Davis & Lang.............. ........ (104 S. Fifth) Moore, E. J. & Co................. ........ ..... (141S. Fourth) Morgan & Co., Reed A----- ----------- ±1 (304 W. EndTr. Bldg.) Morley, Wood & Co......... ......... ± (333 Chestnut) Moyer & Co...........................................± (301 Chestnut) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY...............16 A. A. Custard. Asst. V. Pres..____ N. City Co., N. Y. and correspondent offices. (Investment Bonds) 1417—19 Chestnut. Newbold’s Son & Co., W. H............ *±U (1517 Locust) Newburger, Henderson & Loeb....*±f (1512 Walnut) PAINE, WEBBER &C0.--r-..........T80 Investment Securities------------Paine, Webber*Co.. Boston.New York,Chicago Franklin Trust Bldg. I and other cities. Members Boston, New York, Chica go, Detroit and Hartford Stock Exch anges; New York Cotton Exchange; Chicago Board of Trade. Parrish & Co..........................................± (212 S. 15th) PARSLY BROS. & CO_______±*i1'19 Government, Municipal and Tucker, Anthony & Co., N. Y. and Boston. Corporation Bonds. 1421 Chestnut. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Patton & Co., C. S...............................*± (S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut) Paul & Co............................................±11 (1420 Walnut St.) Prentice & Slepack________________ (506-7 Stock Exchange Bldg.) PURITAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION First Mortgage Real Estate Puritan Mortgage Corp., N. Y„ Boston, Wash. West End Trust Bldg. Bonds. D. G.. and Providence. Rebre & Vogel............................ ± (115-117 S. Fifth) Redmond & Co.______ _________ *±lf (1429 Walnut) Reilly. Brock & Co.............................±H (1607 Walnut) Richards & Lamorelle........................ ± (1524 Chestnut) Ristine, F. P. & Co....... ................. ____± (Widener Bldg.) Roberts, Graham__________ til (1416 Chestnut St.) Rollins & Sons, E. H.__........................If (1515 Locust St.) DISCOUNT HOUSE OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER 1521 Walnut Seeler & Co. Liberty Bonds, U. S. Treasury Certificates and Notes, Federal and Joint Stock Land Bonds, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures, Railroad, Industrial and Municipal ±(>r Bonds, Short Term Securities, Equipment Mortgages, High Grade Preferred Stocks and Bank and Bankers Acceptances. OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, and Minneapolis. (110 S. Third) J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO. (1520 Locust St.) THE SH#OTos%rR#TI°" , S. Bowmau Weeler, Mgr. Telephone Pennypacker 0420 J. & W. Seligman & Co., N. Y., Phil., and Alb. SEE BANK LIST (1430 Chestnut Street) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1266 Selected List INVESTMENT DEALERS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Yeah tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabilMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Smith Brothers & McCormick (Packard Bldg.) Waples, Rufus & Co............................. ± (322 Chestnut) Smith, Charles & Sons....... . (803 Chestnut) Ware & Co............................................± (1518 Walnut) EDWARD D. SMITH & GO. CORRESPONDENTS: (8-149) 1411 Chestnut ±*tV92 Edward B. Smith & Co., N. Y.. Bos., Wash.. D.C.,Newark, N. J., New London, Conn., Allentown, Easton, York, Pa., Albany, Buffalo, N. Y. and Portland. Me. M«mb«rs New York, Phil*, and Bos. Stock Exchanges. West & Co.........................................»±1 (1511 Walnut) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Wheeler & Co................................... ±*t (203 No. Am. Bldg.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories WHELEN & CO. TOWNSEND _«JT37 (Stocks and Bonds)___ 1606 Walnut Snyder. George E. & Co.-------- ------ -± (301 Phil.Stk. Ex. Bldg.) Wistar, Carter & Co............... _.±tl'19 (1016 No. Am. Bldg.) Snyder, R. M. & Co.-----------------------± (1520 Locust) Wolf Bros. & Co................................... ± (213-15 S. Broad) Sparks, J. W. & Co.............................. ± (1510 Chestnut) Wurts, Dulles & Co______________±1! (Franklin N. Bk. Bldg.) Starr & Co.--------- ----------------------- ± (400 Chestnut) Bkrs.Tr. Co.. N. Y. Stokes. Edward Lowber & Co.------- ± (1500 Chestnut) STRAUS, S.W.& GO. (INCORPORATED) Founded 1882 (Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.) (1617 Walnut St.) Telephone Rittenhouse 6387 , J.H. RUBIN, Resident Vice-Presi- S. W. Straus & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Chi. dent j First Mortgage Bonds Stroud & Co.. Inc.................... (1429 Walnut St.) TAYLOR, EWART & COMPANY, ING. (Packard Bldg.) Thayer, Baker & Co........................... (1237 Com’lTr. Bldg.) Toland. Trimble & Co.------------------- db (1326 Walnut) Tyson & Co., Warren A........................ 1; (1518 Walnut St.) Clark, Dodge & Co.. G. & A. Seligmann & Co., and Freeman & Co., N. Y. L. PAUL CLOSE, Res. Mgr............. Taylor. Ewart & Co.. Inc.. Chi.. N. Y.. Kan.C.. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Telephone Rittenhaus 5468 St. Louis. Minpls., Mil.. N. O., Hou.andSanF. Yarnall & Co..................................... ±1 (218 S. 16th St.) Philadelphia Stock Exchange....................................................... M. F. Middleton, Jr. Pres..........John C. Colehower, Sec. RATES OF COMMISSION On all purchases and sales for account of parties not members of the Exchange, and on all joint account trans actions in which a non-member is interested, and trans actions for partners not members of the Exchange, and for firms of which the Exchange member or members are special partners only, commissions shall be charged and paid under all circumstances and upon all transactions, both purchases and sales, as follows: Bonds—On all bonds and notes having over one year to run $2.00 for each $1,000 par value; on all bonds or notes having one year or less to run, such rates of com mission to members and non-members as may be mutually agreed upon; on United States Liberty Bonds and Victory Notes, at such rates of commission to members and non members as may be mutually agreed upon. Stocks—On stocks selling below $10 per share, 7J^c per share; on stocks selling at $10 per share and above, but under $25 per share, 12V£c per share; on stocks selling at $25 per share and above, but under $50 per share, 15c per share; on stocks selling at $50 per share and above, but under $75 per share, 17J^c per share; on stocks selling at $75 per share and above, but under $100 per share, 20c per share; on stocks selling at $100 per share and above, but under $200 per share, 25c per share; on stocks selling at $200 per share and over, 25c per share for the first $200 in price, and 5c per share additional for each $50 increase in price, or fraction thereof. ON BUSINESS BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE EXCHANGE Bonds—When name of principal is not given up, on bonds not less than 80c. for each $1,000 bond; when name of principal is given up, on bonds not less than 40c for each $1,000 bond. Stocks—When name of principal is not given up; on stocks selling below $10 per share, not less than at the rate of $2.50 per hundred shares; on stocks selling at $10 and under $50 per share, not less than at the rate of $5.00 per hundred shares; on stocks selling at $50 per share and over, not less than at the rate of $6.00 per hundred shares; when name of principal is given up; on stocks selling below $10 per share, not less than at the rate of $1.00 per hundred shares; on stocks selling at $10 and under $100 per share, not less than at the rate of $2.00 per hundred shares; on stocks selling at $100 per share and over, not less than at the rate of $2.50 per hundred shares. The minimum commission on any transaction for non members shall be $1. The minimum commission on any transaction for members shall be 25c. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ---------------------- --------------------------—|-------Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.f'-New } State fPriT. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ‘County Seats. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. V ice -P resident . Fig. is F. R.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bonc P Is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued ±4\J/ Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans ther Bonds Miscel Cash A ExPaid-uf Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and ohawum.Dce Oapitai Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Bajtx* ties i s s J.C. HOFFER (T.J.LEE H. W. TODD........ —- G. H. BARNES.. $ 200,000 $ 297,250 3,571,340 $ 101,730 2,360,090 1,020,080 $ 68,670 $ 721,480 Chase N„ N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phlllpsburg ..3900 FIRST NATIONAL BARK „ J. C. H0FFER.7V.Q/T. C.C.ADAM* „ Phil,; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 3 Center E 11 14% par 100 60-794 d®T*t 92 i Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and lime Items. ( Send us your P hlllpsbarg busin ess. •• M 60-795 $250-12% Phoenlxvllle 10,484 3 Chester 022 'WSSViV"**^ INN $265-12% .. _____ ©T»r#7 par 50 150.000 150,000 1,850,000 299,850 1,488,000 294,000 467,850 200.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. J. Clarence Parsons Elwood Detwiler — Ohas. W. Both well. G. W. Klenk 150,000 251,900 2,371,060 135,490 1,373,270 960,420 199,740 375,020 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. H. Harrop, Jr. ___ 200,000 265,990 1,684,980 206,000 1,142,210 882,390 180,170 152,190 1st N., N. Y.; Union N.. Phil. S. W. Deininger... F. C. Marshall, Tr. Jos. W. Rossiter, A. Tr. 125,000 192,760 881,230 100 524,220 510,440 36,650 127,760 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phll.-Girart N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 25,000 13,690 202,520 25,530 133,290 88,040 23,870 21,530 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 25,000 39,270 266,830 31,220 83,910 238,470 3,310 M. P. Haldeman... Carl J. Wolfe........ 50,000 37.850 609,200 H. L. Gensemer... E. J. Henninger... Sue E. Goebell........ W. R. Mohn 25,000 96,740 865,350 30,610 443,610 500,210 6,020 B. CRAIG.............. C. E. HILD.................. L. JACOBSON............ D. C. FEATHER------- F. C C UCACC 100,000 50,000 1.139.340 86.530 872,610 310.450 66.590 ®T»fT2 « $145-12% 0. B. Maxwell........ H. B. Scott.... .. T, C. Jackson.......... M. E. Meese. F. W. Warner Josiah Pritchard K. L. Hamilton. Tr. Off. dB®T*t’59 Sam’l Buckwalter . David Macfeat___ 60-465 .. PhoenixvilleTrustCo. $»0-8% 60-467 d®T»«,07 Picture Bocks. 526 Picture Rocks National Bank E. S. Burrows........ J. C. Burns 3 Lycoming H17 $150-5% par 100 d®*t'20 D. B. Little 6(1-1536 . _ M. C. James t**if Pillow...... .......... 350 Mahantongo Valley Bank 3 Dauphin L16 $130-4% 60-1487 ®t§'18 Daniel Schmeltz... D. E. Wilhour____ F. W. Boyer______ Pine Grove. ..1778 Pine Grove Bank___ ©•tf’Sfl John H. Angst........ 3 Schuylkill M18 » 60-092 Pine Grove National Bank H, P. Hess. par loo d®»t'06 60-993 $405-8% Pitcairn..........5738 4P Allegheny M4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $140-8% •• M d©»t’01 Peoples National Bank 60-1564 d®«t’20 $120 the 60-1304 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS CASH AND TIME ITEMS. Please send 15c for each Sight Draft for presentation and 35c for Credit Reports. W. N. Barnhart— A. S. Duff________ J. W. Gillespie___ 609,190 36,630 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 87,860 1st N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Miners N. and Safe Dep.. Pottsville. 67,850 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 126,220 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. We want your Pitca irn It ems. ’ 60q,760 102,880 N. Bk. Com. and Gty. Tr. Co N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A.. Pitt. PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1268 «Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriT. tMem. State B. Asa’n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Allegheny Trust Company------ O. W. Dahlinger .. ♦ 8-86 (til Federal) d®T»»'01 John Dewar, V. P. H. M. Schmitt PITTSBURGH—Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. J. E. Fisher, See. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. H. A, Spangler, F. H. Horst, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Off. John Loresch, Ch._ Frank Lackner.__ W. V. Brugge man. Allegheny Valley Bank 8-84 (1117 Butler)®*tU900 E. J. O’Brien J. S. E. Ruffennach John Sobczak____ W. F. Brewing.... A. J. Hagmeier.Sec. All Nations Deposit Bank $125-8% par 60 ®»tl'05 1-114 (1200 Carson St.) $220-10% par BANK & TRUST CO. 8-127 (Sixth Ave. & Grant St.) f IVAN BIELEK........ ANDREW NOVAK...... F. J.GURCAK- - - - - - - - ALEX 0. FROEDE— MICHAELSCHRAM, J. A. VIROSTEK, JACOB VIROSTEK Mgr. Foreign Dept, 50 Resources. Other Paid-up Subplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Miscel Caxk k ExLoans Bonds laneous GBAXaM,DuS and AND DliOOUNTB Securities Resources rtOM Banks $ Principal Pop. 631,563 correspondents. 367,110 $ 587,450 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt., Union Tr. Co., Clev. 1,225,530 43,300 583,810 134,480 452.420 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Diamond N„ 1st N.. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 193,800 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 684,660 565.650 241,650 271.020 ini. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of No. Am. & 693,550 1,139,770 101,260 186,760 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 72,190 $ 3,466,510 $ 3,764,340 $ 700,000 $ 985,620 $ 6,427,600 $ 100,000 267.000 3,595.980 4,410 2,246,130 75,000 91,490 1,935,410 44,970 1,234,780 200,000 100.690 1.453.630 8.670 ( 4300 Butler) 100.000 353,880 1,625,920 41,550 A. W. Kraus 8-66 Bank of Pittsburgh National Association Tr. Co., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Bosak State, Scranton. Tr. Off, / QUICK RET UR NS ON ALL COL LECTIONS. V Complete Forei gn Exchange Dep ’t. Corresponden ce Invited. Arsenal Bank................. ®»t§’72 H. S. Davison_____ 20% par Liabilities. 100 AMERICAN STATE $135-4% (Allegheny County, M 3) County Seat. (Branch of Federal Beaerre Bank, DlatrietNo. 4.) NABBISON NESBIT W. A. SHAW............ ALEX DUNBAB, V.-P. and Cash. W. A. SHAW, J. B. AYBES Ch. of Bd. J. M. BUSSELL Wm. A. WILSON, V.P. and Tr. Officer S. B. C0N6D0N F. W. DOTY, WM. M. BELL Ass<. Tr, Officer T. H. EDDY W.T. DAVIDSON V. C. BOGGS YONNfi............ Wm. M. KISER S. M. SHELLY SCOTT H. NESBIT J. A. REUSHER, F. D. Comptroller 3.000.0001 5.038,870163.129,0001 6.016.420 140,629,940 18,494,070 | 3,870.590 14,189.690 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. ACCOUNTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Chase N.. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, N. Park, andN. Bk. ©om., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; IstN., Franklin 4th St. N., and Phil -Girard N., Phil.; State N. and Boatmen’s N., St. L; Anglo & London Paris N., San F. SOLICITED. par 50 8-1 ®T*tlllO (IM Fourth Avs,) $195-18% J. B. Keaggy_____ E. E. Neely______ W. G. Doench____ Geo. F. Dombart.. Bank of Secured Savings par 50 8-78 d®»{|’93 (1429 Bearer Ave.) H. A. Kleeb_____ J. S. Rodgers_____ J. J. Daner, Bloomfield Trust Co,.d®*tl’04 H. J. Booth Sec. and Tr. (On* Branch) $150-8% par 100 8-112 (4761 Liberty Ave.) 125,000 246,450 2,571,230 44,890 404,390 2,125,080 96,730 198,000 61,830 2,112,470 173,660 1,353,280 569,090 375,280 125,000 14,670 249.25C 199,000 106,850 53,050 30,160 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fidelity Title & Tr. Co., Pitt.; Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. 150.00C 880.74C 8,959,740 69.620 4,511,22C 4.187.00C 695,700 666,19C Seab. N..N.Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Colonial Tr. Co., and lsi N.. Pitt. 1,693,360 16,660,890 744,020 11,906,070 5,343,810 782.960 1,565,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N.and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 4,330,880 25,366,690 914,730 16,128,870 8,788,660 2,501,830 5,792,920 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi. and Clev.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. $90-12% A.H.Bregenzer.Jr., Brookline Savings & Trust Co. P. S. Space.............. V. P. and Tr. par 50 8-138 d®T»t§'25 (820 Brookline Blvd.) Brotherhood. Savings & Trust Co. (Closed October 16,1 926) L. H. Meckel,A.Tr. A. E. Niemann — L. A. Meyran_____ C. F. Gardner. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK Sec. and Tr. C. H. E. Succop 20% 8-60 (423 Wood) ®»tl’70 par 100 CITY DEPOSIT BANKdB®*tl 16 James R. Mellon.. Jas. A. Johnston.. R. 0. Fulton_____ W. W. Johnston... ♦ 8-56 (Peaa and Center Ares.) $210-12% par 50 ♦COLONIAL TRUST CO. $250-14% par 100 H. W. Ludebuehl ((■.«: W&k; m ♦ 1-5# TdB®T»t* 0S J (317 Fourth Ave.) G. P. Richards. A. C. W. E. Richards. Jr. A. L. Hunter. A. C. H. D. Johnson A. 0. ROBB. Sec....... G. A. YOUNG, Tr........ A. 0. ROBB............. N. G. EYSTER, A.Sec. J. W. CHALFANT, GRANT CURRY, T. O. K.BUFFINGTON, T.O. GEORGE R. HAAS, Auditor Asst, to Pres. V. P. in Charge of Trusts 500,000 2,600,000 A.H,WILHARAM.?V. P.F.TESSMER, A.Tr. G. H. MATZ, A. Tr. Off. W. C. SHORT, R. E. Off. H. C. BELL, Mgr. Bond 361,360 N. Y. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Far. Dep. N., Mellon N. and Bk. ol Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 248,310 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N. Pitt. Transact s a gener al Bankl ng and T rust bus lness. 16c must aceompa nyeach p lain sigh t draft f or prese ntatlon. No advan ce ebarg e on Bill of Ladln g Drafts or Notes. Dep t. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A. "New§State tPriv. j JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Columbia National Bank — President. Vice president. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City 1?fiQ to eacb bank in u s- exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ (Branch Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 4) Liabilities. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, paid-up Capital Surplus Other Total AND Liabili Profits Deposits ties Loans and resources. Bonds and MiscblLANBODS Discount* Sbcuhot** Rmooicis Principal Correspondents. Ca*h k Xxcma neia, Dux fkom Bahxi j(Merged with Bank of Pittsburgh N. A., March 7, 1927) A. J. KELLY. JR...... GEORGE 0. EDWARDS- W. M. SHERIDAN, See. WILLARD PERRY,Tr. W. HERRON, C. W. 0RWIG G. H. STENGEL, DAVID S. COOPER, 'COMMONWEALTH JOHN A. MORTON, E. W. RIEGER. TRUST COMPANY 1376-12% ♦8-#J (312 Toarth Avs.) : ltSM.000 $ 1,747.290 $13,830,270 $ 723.230 $ 9,747,000 $ 5.447.520 $ 178.020 $ 2,428,250 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Fldelity-Phil. Tr. Co., Phil. W* • ollclt t h* aoc ount* and oo llectio na of Banka, A. Sec. Bank* ra, Co rporatl one, F Irma a nd Indi vlduala . Corr aapond anoa i nvhtad. Tr. Officer A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Officer R. SAUERS. A. Tr. Officer Continental Trust Co. 8-107 1150-6% dB®T»tl’03 par 100 (220 Fourth Art.) John R. Morrow .. A. H. Burchfield... Jesse H. Morrow, Emma M. Hall, A. 8 •e. 450,000 A. C. Houston See. and 2V. J. X. Van Dyke, A. Tr. J. S. Morrow 355,000 1,530,000 402,880 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Market St. N., Phil. 767.590 1,082,910 I----------------- M. L. O’BRIEN......... C.E. SCHINNELLER. ‘DIAMOND JAMES D. CALLERY— W.M. 0.L. PHILLIPS-— O’BRIEN L E.HUSEMEN,A.Cash.J, L. FOSTER Organised 1876. Aooounta of Bank* and Bankar* solicited. Exoaptional faollltf** for collecting NATIONAL BANK i39o-i ioo 8-19 d®M’7» Pannaylwaaia «nd W**t Virginia lt*m*. Guaranty Tr. Co., Scab. If., Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., Empire Tr. Co., and Chase N., If. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Tradesmen’s N., Phil.-Girard N., and Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt. 600.000 1.429.220 21.084.520 375.000 13.902.220 5.431.170 1.738.070 4.017.260 Dollar Savings & Trust Co. B. R. Baldinier„ Geo. E. Meyer___ J. A. Fuhs,See. and A. F. Bruggeman, 1,000,000 8-74 (124 Fedaral) ®T«t*’66 Henry Buhl, Jr., J. N. Davidson A. Tr. Tr. 1325-16% I Ch. E.G.McN air, A. See. C. L. Griffiths. Aud. C. H. Baker, A. Sec. 2.029,870 13.477.900 165,060 7,254.730 7.473,880 401,980 1.542.230 N. City and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N. Bk. of Alle gheny; 1st N.Un.Tr.Co. and Monongahela N., Pitt. 2.232.260 39.739.740 150,000 8.721.970 30.119.030 610.020 2.670.960 600,000 1.090,190 8.939.040 1,103,340 4,232.090 5,150,920 575,720 1,673.850 Seab. N. and Guaranty Trust Co., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: 1st N.. St. L. mi par (Fifth and Liberty) _______________ ___________ _________________________________ Dollar Savings Bank—®*ti’56 S. Bailey, Jr., .. 8-51 (338-344 Fourth Ave.) 4% J. W. Lloyd.......... W.B.von Bonnhorst E. S. Stanier, Sec. . J. E. Sterrett H. H. Latshaw, F. S. Guthrie A. Sec, and A. Tr. ‘DUQUESNE NATIONAL BANK W. S. UNDEIMAN S. A. McMULLEN- B. S. KERR.......... H.0. FARMER— 8-20 (333 Fourth Ave.) T. B. BROWNLEE *300-16% par 100 d®T»t’75 EAST ENI SAY. & TNVST CO. J. 0. MILLER— 8—87 dB®T*tf 01 (Highland and Penn Aves.) *190-5% par 100 H.W. LOOS_ _ _ _ _ _ J. R. JONES. 6. R. McHARY C. P. DENINN0, *88-10% par 50 8-2 d®»J’S6 (240 BthAve.) E. F. STRICKLER, OSCAR KAPFF, 260.000 489,400 10.719,300 8.010 1.000 1.132.670 8.676.660 752.360 A. Sec. 6,674,970 2,672,830 1.085,270 1.113,630 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Peo. Sav. & Tr. Oo., Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil. C. G. GUNTHER, JR., A. Tr. A. Tr.| J. P. MCXELVEY...... P. 0. BEATTY_ _ _ _ _ I:«~~ Mgr. For. Dept. ‘EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK J- W- MARSH Sec. and Tr. 5.966.470 2.311.160 1.045.160 1.988.900 N. Bk. Com. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Phil. -- - ' - THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 —SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1270 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SSftatefPriv. tMem Rtat« B. Ass’n. TEitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d- SafeI)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'FARMERS (Branch of federal Kewrrt Bank, District No. 4) Resources. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. E. BRAUN- - - - - - - - - M. A. KENDALL. deposit national;. H. REED, Ck. of Bd, BANK Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. H. JONES P. LAGANS_ _ _ _ G. C. MOORE M. E. BOYLE C. R. NESBITT J. M. LUTHER 8-11 (Fifth and Wood) H»t’32 *180-7% FARMERS DEPOSIT SAW. BANK E. B. Coll-------------- A. E. Braun______ 8-100 ®»ts’03 (Wood and Fifth Ave.) Farmers Deposit Trust Co. A. E. Braun_______ G. C. Moore............. 8-121 tS’14 (Fifth and Wood) *FEDERALftRESERVE^BANK OF (Pittsburgh Branch Federal Reeerve Ba C. W. Alston_____ Geo.Zimmermann Franklin Coar J. G. Hamilton, Tr. E. J. Askey, Sec.... P. H. Byers, A.See. A. H. Mensing, Other Paid-ut Surplus Dkfokftb ! Liabiliand Capital Profits TIES 500,000 1,320,000 A. Tr. 1,242,730 13,415.800 765,780 201,890 AND DnoovNTr PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Bonds i MikjilANTI 9bcubitiib 100,000 233.950 1,269,510 12,020,840 155,740 633,340 (For com pleteinfo rmotion nk of Cleveland, Oh JOHN C. KOHNE—~ E. C. BIETENDUEFEL J. C. SMITH.......... loans LANHOOT c*™ t Kx- j cXAWiH,l>tn Riaouicia i nu» Bmi S 6,000,000 S 4,888.370 $50 394 380 $ 3.970.440 $14019750 $34 277 160 S 5.316.750 $11639 520 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co.( N. T. Tr. Co., N. Bk. Com., Bk. of America, and 1st N., N. V.5 Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Phil, and Bos. (Liberty Ave. & Anderson St.) ♦Fidelity Title & Trust Co. Malcolm McGiffln. J.S.Brown. St.V.P. F. T. Power, Sec... Eugene Murray,Tr, 2,000,000 6.904,550 18.950,480 *450-20% par too 8-71 d®T«T§’86 Wilson A. Shaw, F. F. Doak. A. Sec. J. F. Walton.A. Tr, A. P. Ree d, V. P. a nd Tr.Off. John McGill (341-343 Fourth Ave.) Ch. of Bd. Eugene Murray H.W.Fisher, A .Sec. W. G. Boggs.A. Tr. B.R.B.T ownsend, A. Tr. FIFTH AVENUE BANK-®«*» 08 f®* Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PITTSBURGH—Continued— Reserve City 436,780 2,568,400 117,610 1,952,470 Bk. of America, N. Y. 847,330 Far. Dep. N„ Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 1,716,000 see page 24)------14,748,780 9,160.170 1,536.450 2,886,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 2.036,740 482,980 57.310 325,310 N. Oity, N. Y.; Cont. & ConTI N.. Ohi.; Union N. Pitt. C. E. McELOOWNEY 8-59 (1840-H61 Fifth Ave.) < Not too big to g ire your Flttsbur gh Collections an d other hutiineii $90-10% Prompt and Re al Personal Atten tion. IsatiSfactor Y SERVICE ASS UR ED. GIVE US A TRIAL- FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PITTSBURGH $300-10% 8-9 T®T«t’52 (Fifth Ave. and Wood) LAWRENCE E. SANDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ President FRANK F. BROOKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President CLYDE C. TAYLOR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President and Cashier J. HOWARD ARTHUR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President WILLIAM H. FAWCETT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Cashier THOMAS B. HUDSON—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ssistant Cashier GRIER C. ORR. . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Cashier JOHN DeM. WERTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Cashier OSCAR WILSON—. . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Cashier WM. J. FRANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Manager Foreign Department P. W. DAHINOEN. . . . . . . . . . —_ _ _ Assistant Manager Foreign Department J. PAUL FORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ Assistant Manager Foreign Department CORPORATION (OF BOSTON) — 18 (801 Farmers Bank Bldg.) 7.535,010 72.345.060 6,584,600 34.240.350 42.331,980 SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT First Nat’l Bk, of Birmingham t H Sankev 8-54 (1201 Carson) ®f65 y' 16% --------------------- theFIRST national 6.000.000 American Exchange—Irving Trust Company, New York. First National Bank, New York. National Bank of Commerce, New York. Chemical National Bank, New York. Hanover National Bank, New York. Seaboard National Bank, New York. Continental & Commercial National Bank, Chi. First National Bank, Philadelphia. 15.893,240 Philadelphia-Girard National Bank, Phil. Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia. Franklin Fourth Street National Bank, Phil. Union Trust Company, Cleveland. Midland Bank, Cleveland. Fifth Third Union Trust Company, Cin. First National Bank. St. Louis. First National Bank, Boston. Merchants National Bank, Baltimore. American National Bank, Richmond. Bank of California N. A., San Francisco. California Bank, Los Angeles. W. S. Charles......... O. F. Beech 100.000 284,930 2,195,390 138,700 2,216,880 91,160 150,550 260,450 N. City. N. Y. 1st N., Bos.; Chase N., N. Y. Tr. Co., Bankers Tr. Co., and Int’l Acceptance Securities & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mech., Brooklyn; Cont. & Com’l N., Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., and Reliance State, Chi.; 1st N. and Peo. State Bk., Det.; Union Tr. Co., Guardian Tr. Co., and Clev. Tr. Co., Clev.; Phil.-Girard N., Pa. Co. for We are Originators and Participating Distributors in General Market Ins. on Lives and Granting Annuities, and Securities, Specialists in Bankers’ Acceptances, U. S. and Foreign Cent. N. Bk., Phil.; Citiz. N. Bk., Bait.; Government Obligations, Land Bank Bonds and Short Term Securities. Diamond N., 1st N., and Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. . . 0. C. WING. . . . . . . . . . . . WM. H. POTTER. JR.- L. M. MAXSON. Tr... A. B ' FNNEY, Sec... 1 000.000 2 000.000 aL jT BOBBIN'S, . . l. .A. .nT . . . . . . .p. .OPEV"" .... . . . s. .A . . . . . . .g.S . . . .ha . . .V . . . . .jr . ". RICHARD . . . . . . . . .E.KiMBALL. "“1BALL. J.J.B. B. BOBBINS, Mgr. Comptroller Exec. V. P. A. G. TURNER DEALERS IN BANKERS’ ACCEPTANCES AND NEVIL FORD DIRECTORS: CHARLES T. W. TIGH U. S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS E. P. Brown R. F. Herrick H. Hornblower J. R. Macomber Fourteenth Street Bank J. E. Roth........... 8-61 (1401Oarson) d®»tS'71 par 50 (Pittsburgh banks continued on next page) Allan M. Pope W. H. Potter, Jr. C. G. Rice G. N. Monro, Jr... A. J. Benz.. B. W. Trafford E. S. Webster A. B. Wells D. G. Wing P. P. Stock, Jr. 200,000 360,050 4,831.060 123,830 594,190 4,415,810 121,750 383,190 Equitable Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Mellon N.. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. $135-16% THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~^ -—■ r - ^ ——7.. —- . :, - —. - _ — _■_ r ■ -- First National Bank M PITTSBURGH,PA. i CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES $13,546,732.66 $96,125,663.80 OFFICERS DIRECTORS Robert Wardrop, Chairman of the Board Lawrence E. Sands i m - - - - President Frank F. Brooks - - - - Vice-President Clyde C. Taylor Vice-President and Cashier J. Howard Arthur - - - Vice-President William H. Fawcett - Assistant Cashier Thomas B. Hudson - - Assistant Cashier Grier C. Orr - - - Assistant Cashier John DeM. Werts - - Assistant Cashier Oscar Wilson - - - Assistant Cashier Wm. J. Frank Manager Foreign Department P. W. Dahinden Asst. Mgr. Foreign Dept. J. Paul Ford - Asst. Mgr. Foreign Dept. FRANK F. BROOKS E. M. BYERS HENRY CHALFANT W. L. CLAUSE W. D. GEORGE J. H. HILLMAN, JR. A. L. HUMPHREY D. T. LAYMAN, JR F. H. LLOYD A. M. MORELAND P. W. MORGAN GEORGE E. PAINTER E. W. PARGNY WM. A. RENSHAW A. C. ROBINSON LAWRENCE E. SANDS ISAAC M. SCOTT CLYDE C. TAYLOR VERNON F. TAYLOR BENJAMIN THAW ROBERT WARDROP E. T. WHITER JOHN M. WILSON Equipped to Render to Correspondents Every Modern Banking Service, National and International ICCSftf Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ««• a? .5^3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Investment Bankers AND BANKER INVESTORS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NTERCHANGE of service and information I between deposit bankers and investment bankers is the outstanding feature of Amer ican banking today. The Bankers Directory, with its complete list of American Banks and its authoritative list of the sort of investment banking houses which deposit bankers deal with and recom mend to their customers, is in constant use to facilitate this phase of banking. In this Directory you will find members of stock exchanges and outstanding investment houses listed with the banks of each city. Give your bank, your directors, and your customers the benefit of this service on all matters affecting securities, either as invest ments for your own portfolio, collateral on loans, or adjustments of customer holdings. . \w,Vv-< Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1271 to each bank in U. _S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A. B. A. «New §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City (Branch Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 4.) Liabilities. President. Vice President. Non-Bank Towns ,.u . f’exed Acces.), Lawyers, Law's (indexed) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Other Total Paid-up Subplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Franklin Savings & Trust Co. J. M. Stoner, Jr.... A. O. Canfield____ C. A. Bardolph, R. T. Armstrong, $ A. Tr. 8-06 (2815 Penn Ave.)®T»t§’02 Sec. and Tr. (Produce Br., 21 st & W. L. Crawford, Penn.) A. Sec. Freehold Bank.. ______ §71 J. O. Chaplin Geo. A. Young .— A. H. Wilharm.— 29% par 50 8-62 (317 Fourth Ave.) Garfield Bank................... ®|’21 H. J. Booth.............. H. A. Kleeb_____ «% 8-131 J. J. Dauer (Penn, and Winebiddle Aves.) 175.000 $ 345,150 t 3,323,090 $ Loans and Discounts Resources. Mibcbl- Ca»h k Ex BONDS LANBOU3 changes, Dub AND SiccErrrKs Resources non Bim 70,000 * 2,986.760 $ 147,040 $ 222,820 $ 556,610 | 111 u.u of Principal Correspondents. uuu, xi •• xi. x .. in. xx. vu. auu ii . ur. j Chi.; Ex. N., Mellon N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 185-10% 200,000 1,112,090 3,476,800 29,980 1,288,610 477,500 4,060 50.000 16,440 464,490 2,830 184,690 210,960 81,430 56,690 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bloomfield Tr. Co., Pitt. 75.000 5.690 244,590 192,500 50.500 36,000 19,700 Marine N. and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. S. B. Brant, Tr........ J. T. Beall, Jr., Sec. O. L. Long, A. Tr. Anna B. Swart, 165.400 415,360 3,170.860 91,040 991,690 2,294,930 80,020 Highland National Bank Harrison Nesbit — Alex. Dunbar.......... J. F. Collins--------- A. V. Merriman ... 8-133 ®T»t’23 J. D. Ayres, V. P. J. N. Morrow (6102 Penn Ave.) 200,000 252,500 4,037,480 219,240 1.536.810 2,321,220 433.410 417,780 N. Park and N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Hill Top Savings & Trust Co. Henry Meuschke— James A. Griffith.. B. H. Say, Tr___ $100-10% par 50 8-94 d®T»tl 02 L. H. Frederick 150,000 307,390 2,958,800 62,700 1,849,330 1,303.490 102.220 223,870 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Union N., and Union Tr. Co.. Pitt. 100,000 162.060 4,180.940 24,000 1,590.690 2.277,150 225,700 373,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Diamond N.. Union Tr. Co., Mellon N., and 1st N., Pitt. 172,700 624,010 3,878.270 60.160 2.259,910 1.929,740 279,880 265,610 Hamilton State Bank...®§’24 R. L. Sleeth, Jr... H. W. Cromer____ N. A. Morrison-__ 8-136 (Homewood Ave. at Bennett Street) Hazelwood Sav. & Trust Co. D. C. W. Birming♦ 8-90 d®T»tl’01 ham (4801 Second Ave.) F. C. Kohne. Ch. $170-12% 3,041,710 Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 476.010 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (830 Warrington Ave.) Homewood Peoples Bank W. B. McFall. ... J. O. Hill________ A. G. Boal______ 8-86 (618Homewood)®*tll900 W R. fiappe $90-#% Iron A Glass Dollar S&v. Bank F. William Rudel Jas. H. Horner........ H. R. Donnally.__ H. F. Miller............ of Birmingham.__®»tl’71 E. P. Logan, Wm. L. Davis 8-68 (1113-1115 Oarson) Ch. of Bd. Union N., 1st N.. Monongahela N.. and Union Tr. Co.. Pitt. $200-16% 'KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK A. S. BEYMER------ CLARK HAMMOND GEORGE SIEFERT, «. P. WATSON W.H.NIMICK. 8. P. RHODES JR. — Ch. of Bd. Our* Is a Personal, Expert, and Efficient Servloa. 600.000 1,332.790 8.714,840 80.150 6,341.690 1.740.530 670.030 A. H. Trimble........ O. P. Mayer, J. D. A. Grumken, See. and Tr. G, O. Kneedler A. Tr. Adam Hoffmann, 250,000 392,520 3,460,780 68,520 2,422,160 1,159,340 5,260 S. A. Gilmore......... J. S. Brooks. —___ C. E. Braun______ J. S. Brooks H. M. Schaefer 300,000 309,860 3,064,030 356,790 2.407,170 754,620 242,330 626,560 N. Bk. Com. andGtyTr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; Franklin 4th St, N., Phil.; Cent. N., Clev. G. A. A. Hollander, McGillick Savings & Trust Co. F. E. McGillick.__ C. A. McGillick.... P.L. Corbett, Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. 8-128(5927-20 Penn Ave.) Wm.C.Kopp, A. Sec. 4% d®T»§'21 125,000 125,000 296,180 18,180 190,030 154,830 171,730 47,760 Fid. Title & Tr. Co. and East End Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 8®«t’84 (828 roarth Ave.) G. O, Gerwif MARINE NATIONAL BARK N« A (3018mlthfleld)®T*i’76 1130-7% par 100 Girard N., Phil.; 1st & Mercb. N„ Rich. At YOU'R service. 1240-12% par 100 8-27 1110-12% par 50 8-188 d®T«tf’0l (1312 Beaver Ave.) 1.975,530 585,070 N. City, N. Y.; Diamond N.. PUL Mgr. R. E. Dept. - THE PHILADELPH1A-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1979 to eactl bank *n U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ X4i / u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PITTSBURGH — Continued—'Reserve City Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew {State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Aae’n. [Bst&b. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. List of Officers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank District No. 4) Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Resources. Loans Bonds and and Discounts Mzbobi.lannous Sscuarriss Rasouaoas Gam * Xxoiinis,Dn FROM Principal Correspondents. Bum S S f7.500.000 19.511.310 154885 780 *14753 480 *52.477.700 102 015310 * 3.132.070 *29 025 480 CORRESPONDENTS: Bank of America, New York OFFICERS: MELLON NATIONAL BANK 8-2(1 woo Smithfiold St. Fifth and Oliver Aves. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. B. MELLON, President W. S. MITCHELL, Vice-Pruidmi A. W. McELOOWNEY, Vits-PrssiderU B. W. LEWIS, Vice-President and Cashier H. S. ZIMMERMAN, Vice-President E. M. FOSTER, Asst Cashier ERNEST CRIST, Asst. Cashier R. X. MELLON, A«s(. Cashier L. N. MURRAY, Asst. Cashier T. L. ORR, Asst. Cashier C. B. FERGUS, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: WILSON S. ARBUTHNOT CHARLES W. BROWN HARRY W. CROFT ARTHUR V. DAVIS WILLIAM H. DONNEB CHILDS FRICK HOWARD HEINZ ROY A. HUNT B. F. JONES, 3rd JAMES H. LOCKHART J. MARSHALL LOCKHART HENRY C. McELOOWNEY RICHARD B. MELLON RICHARD K. MELLON WILLIAM L. MELLON WALTER S. MITCHELL HOWARD PHIPPS DAVID A. REED WILLIAM C. ROBINSON WILLIAM B. SCHILLER JAMES M. SCHOONMAKER GEORGE E. SHAW WILLIAM G. WARDEN MELLON NATIONAL BANK National Bank of Commerce, New York Chase National Bank, New York Conducts a general banking business with thoroughly equipped departments for every phase of modern banking service. Maintains a special and fully organized department for handling the business of correspondent banks. Also has special facilities for handling accounts of out-oftown corporations and individuals. Maintains a Foreign Bureau for facilitat ing the transaction of foreign business and for financing international transactions of every sort. Has banking connections in all parts of the world. Issues Letters of Credltan d Travelers Cheques. The service of this institution derives special value from the long and close as sociation of the Mellon National Bank with the vast business activities of the great industrial Pittsburgh District. National City Bank, New York Bankers Trust Company New York First National Bank, New York Guaranty Trust Co., New York Continental & Commercial Natl. Bank, Chicago First National Bank, Chicago National Sbawmut Bank, Boston PhUadelphla-Glrard National Bank, Philadelphia Bank of North America & Tr. Co., Philadelphia First National Bank In St. Louis, St. Louis Canal Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans Wells Fargo Bank A Union Tr. Co., San Francisco First National Bank, Los Angeles Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 19 99 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*■4 /O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JSftaUtPnv. tMem. Stitt B. Ass'n. [Eatab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. "WW * President. Vice-President. Cashier. / EDWARD PARKER - E.R.K0PP__________ EDW. BREITWEISER, Sec. and Tr. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 4) Ass’t Cashier. M. E. TAAFE, Liabilities. Other Total Paid-dp Surplus AND Deposits Liabili Capital Propits ties $ 125,000 1 108,030 $ 1,297,940 % Loans Resources. MlSCSIsBonds Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex- LANIOUI CiIANO*H,I)Ul and and Duoodntb SBOCBinaS Rbsoubcbs n$OM Banks 15,000 $ 1,229,230 $ 95,810 1 76,100 $ 144,830 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Monongahela N„ Pitt. A. Sec. and A. Tr. ’ Collections carefully mad e. $72-6% par 50 8-97 d©T*J§’02 jPERSONAL attention give n all buelnee8 entrueted to ue. (1410-12 Fifth Ave.) \ Try us for pr ompt, efficlen t, peraonal ae rvioe. METROPOLIJJI^SAV. BK. & J. O. Miller.............. Herbert Ailes_____ S. B. Calhoon, Sec. and Tr. $75 par 50 8 -69 clB®T*J§’24 (41st and Butler)__ Modern State Bank.........®5’24 J. L. Phillips........... Geo. L. Winstead.. Dennis D.Mosby.. Monroe Groom $60 8-135 (6311 Frankstown Ave.) *M0N0N6AHELA NAT’L BANK James E. Fulton... Geo. C. Arnold ___ M. S. Vandevort... R. W. Mercer......... F. C. MacMillan F. S. Callander $300-16% par 100 8-21 dB®T»t’88 John W, Lloyd. Ch. of Bd. H. 0. Bnrchinal (Wood and Sixth) Napoleon State Bank B®*J§’23 Louis Napoleon... F. C. Blessing......... F. D. McCully......... $60 8-134 (601 Grant) NATIONAL BANK OF AMERICA f F. N. H0FFST0T— T. W. FRIEND GEO. 6. SCHMIDT.- H. J. C. BREKER • 241,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., Pitt. 200,000 105,000 2,642,700 38,800 1.331,400 1,294,600 118,800 50,000 2,460 52,850 8,220 60,450 36,440 7,230 2,459,540 17,086,260 1,667,450 15,818,540 1.743,300 976,550 3,674.850 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: City N., Dallas; 1st N, and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 1.000,000 9,410 50,000 5.170 135,640 10,750 105.630 52,820 1.840 41,280 Bowery & E. River N., and Banca Commerciale Italiana, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Banca Commerciale Italiana, Naples. 200,000 591,720 5,934,160 265,290 2,980,770 3,163,830 77,480 769,080 1st N. and Chat. & Plienix N., N. Y,; 1st N„ Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 300,000 556,520 5.885,000 280,000 2,797,000 3,353,000 62,800 809,650 IsiN. and Guaranty Tr. Oo„ N. Y.; 1st N., Mellon N.. and Peo.Sav. & Tr. Co.. Pitt. 100,000 197,300 2,378,150 5,500 1,556,280 647,040 45,790 431,840 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co..Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Diamond N., Pitt. 200,000 361,620 1,566,970 198,610 845,290 1,099,320 119,280 263,290 1st N.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 256,930 2,299,350 29.000 1,233,910 1.253,670 2,660 400.000 537,750 6,130,500 120,610 4,465,650 1,572,030 336,270 8.562,280 29.886.040 688,930 14.604,980 20.968.600 2,307.500 5,256,170 Han. N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt. < Send us your PI ttaburgh Items a nd Collections. LOur prompt ser vice and consist? nt charges will pi ease yon. $380-20% par 100 8-67 d®T»t’75 (709-11 E. Ohio) Oakland Sav. & Tr. Co.®T»tl’08 C. B. Aylesworth.. C. C. Taylor______ O. W. Ehnl, See.... O. O. Young, Tr... Adam Roscoe, F. W.Cotton. A. Tr. $270-15% ♦ 8-101 A. Sec. (8632 Forbes St.) 0NIB VALLEY BANK...®'*! 09 Henry M. Reed.... Chas. Monheim ... J. H. Bragdon ____ Chas. H. Hays........ $275-12% par 100 8-82 (2924 Preble Ave.) Pennsylvania National Bank Jos. A. Kelly_____ H. T. Aufderheide. H. T. Aufderheide. O. W. Brose______ 8-81 *$'90 (Penn, and Butler) J. A. Kelly_______ A. L. Lewin............. C. S. Bennett_____ Pennsylvania Savings Bank $175-12% par 100 8-104 ®*tl'03 H. T. Aufderheide (Butler and Penn Ave.) $136-10% $200-11% 8-80 (Fifth Ave. and William Penn Way) BENJAMIN PAGE.... J.I. LAUGHLIN. . . . . . C. E. GEETING, Aud. GEORGE KIRCH A. J. BRADFORD, LOUIS P. LAVIE, R. J. HOELZLE, Mar. Credit Dept. Tr. Offieer C.W. WILSON. A. PAGE, Sec......... D. E. MULHOLLAND. Tr. Officer S. LEE BEAR. C. $425-16% par 100 8-55 (Fourth Ave. and Wood) ------ Ch. of Bd. mfe M. B. HOLLAND, v.P. in charge of Trusts L. P. MONAHAN R.J. MILLER, Asst to Pres. Peoples Trust Oo.„. d®T*tl'01 H. F. Wigman........ $187-10% par 100 8~88 James Hogan, Ch. (1736 Carson) Perry State Bank.............®§'24 mo 8-137 (3908 Perrysville Ave.) 814,910 Chase N. and Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; and 1st N., Pitt. Mellon N. Mgr. Bond Dept. Mgr. R. E. Dept. ROBINSON JR., WSWH A.J. H. HILLMAN, F. L. 195,040 Pennsylvania N., Pitt. J. B. McKOWN. S. E. HARE. A. See. 4,000,000 Sec. and Tr. G. D. BERKEBILE, A. Sec. S. MUNNELL, JR.. Auditor CHAS. R. BARR, A. Sec. C. W. KISER, A. Tr. GEO. ARMOR, A. Tr. G. A. PRICE, Tr. Off. LAWRENCE ROGERS, A.Auditor (One Bra nch) A. H. Sunshine.... Geo. J. Lacher, Tr. John C. Rudolph, See. Wm. E. Sankey J. A. Bleichner 250.000 367,060 3.873,840 49,620 1,946,130 1.997,320 197,760 399,310 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt J. F. Wysseier.__ G. J. Knight............. C. T. Osterloh 100,000 13,770 491,560 1.730 133,440 384,850 29,620 59,150 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bank of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 42,710 1,286,840 92,570 836,620 225,710 218,840 240,960 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.: Diamond N. and Mellon N., Pitt. Pittsburgh Deposit & Title Co. (Closed January 6. 1927) Pittsburgh State Bank©»tl’85 Emanuel Dym____ F. R. S. Kaplan.__ J. E. Birmingham. M. T. Lencher......... J. J. Elling, A. C. Michael Fassberg $60-8% 8-70 (507 6th Ave.) par 50 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1274 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PRESIDENT. L. H. GETHOEFER— ♦s 76GOMPANYd®T-t§ 93 *260-14% par 100 (323 Fourth Ave. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 4.) Liartt.tttics. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘PinSBURG TRUST Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. D.O. McKEE-------------J. H. McGINRITY. W.B. JONES. Tr.... S. H. ALLEN. See. E.D.GILMORE.A. Tr. Tr. Off. A.P. MARTIN. A.Sec. E. E. SWARTZ, A. Tr. Paid-dp Capital Surplus and Profits Principal Correspondents. Other Total Deposits Liabili ties $ 2,000,000 $ 2.635.S30 $17 463 920 $ Bonds 777,020 $10863 340 $ 6.075.310 $ 1.595,350 $ 4.342.870 N. City, Chase N., and Chatham & Phenix N. Bk. A Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. MEM R ER FED ERAL R ESERVE YOUR BANKI NG AND TRUST BUSINESS SOUCITE D. Mibcbu- Oabb k ExLANBOUB CHAKON,DlTB and and Discounts Securities Rbsoubcbb mov Barks Loans SYSTE M. Polithania State Bank__®«t§’09 F. M. Schrack____ Elias Kauffeld........ Miss A.M.Sutkaitis B. M. Prosser.......... F. J. Kautz 8-117 (1110 Carton) 200.000 48.750 764.250 1.800 708.120 204.250 16.000 John B. Potter.__ John R. Hays_____ H. R. Hosick, J.B.Fleming, A.Sec. Potter Title & Trust Co. See. and A, Tr. *225-10% ♦ 8-116 dB®T»t§’02 A. B. Berger, V. P. W. K. Gamble. V. P. and Tr. S. A. Leety. Aud. par 100 (Fourthand Grant) 500.000 807.610 8,133.500 128.710 5,168.800 2.374,380 210,710 1,815,930 Seab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. Provident Trust Co..-®T»T§’02 O. F. Kb-tchler___ H. C. Albrecht. Jr. Albert Beck. IV... H. C. Albrecht, Jr., W. E. Conroy Sec. 8-95 (900 K. Ohio) 150.000 256,590 1.418,630 7.840 1,404,330 161,940 31.010 235.770 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. Thomas E. Long... James M. Duncan. Edward A. Young, J. M. Boggs, A. Tr. Real Estate Sav. & Tr. Co. Sec. and Tr. R. G. Geltz, A.Sec. 8-102 ©•tSTO (516 Federal) 400.000 167,500 4.632.780 184.650 2,997,490 1,370.970 442.490 573,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Duqueene N.. Pitt J. N. DarkUon___ W. L. Guckert ___ A. K. Grubbs............ J. H. Davidson.__ ♦Second National Bank E. G. Lang *380-20% of Allegheny d®T*t’65 Ernest Dietrich par 100 8-15 (Federal and Park Way) 800.000 1.292.520 6,882,060 311.140 4,034.620 3.109.840 419,150 1.222,150 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. Phil. Sheraden Bank______d®»J5’01 H. E. Clark________ Geo. F. Smith____ W. W. Hill________ F. H. Denison.......... 50,000 116,480 1.118.570 2,400 571,490 446,800 43.900 225.760 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 125,000 J. F. Walton, South Hills Trust Co._®T»t§'04 Edwin W. Smith .. K. Q. Bigham.......... E. U. Johnson. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. James F. Mackee 8-106 (Shiloh and Sycamore) 8% O. E. Bown, Tr. Offi cer 260.120 1,778.460 15,000 638,080 1,309.230 33,700 197.560 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Co. Pitt. 214.670 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Far. Dep. N., Mellon N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. *60-0% par 50 86.440 N. Y. Tr. Oo.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Mellon N., and Duquesne N., Pitt. *250-16% par 100 *H0-«% *150-10% par 50 8-98 (Hillsboro A Chartiers) ■ St. Clair Savings & Tr. Co. Henry Henning... G. W. Trimble .... Frank Henning. Wm. T. Garrow. *70-8% par 50 8-108 d®«t§'03 Tr. A, Tr. Joseph Dieterle. Jr. (300 Brownsville Rd.) 125,000 248.740 2,645.400 5.200 691.270 2.003,530 84.870 Terminal Trnst Company L. H. Gethoefer... D. Gregg McKee__ Wm.F.Woestchoff, W. U. Wittmer. 8-115 (315 Carton) ®T«t§’06 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 125,000 67.240 657.830 5.900 585.380 188.500 2,900 ♦Third National Bank W. McK. Reed ___ C. M. Gerwig............ W. W. Hamilton .. W. A. Caddick.......... *125-6% par 100 l-ie dB®»t’63 (Oliver Bldg.) 500.000 399,530 3.532.080 585.690 2.772,470 1,468.350 13.520 762.960 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 2.720,920 17,308,930 7,142,620 2,297,890 4,930,930 Han. N., N. Y.; X. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Guardian Tr. Co. Clev.; Phil. Girard N.. Phil. 953.100 ' 1.758,400 29,929.800 494.903 ♦UNION NATIONAL BANK L. W. Smith_______ E. S. Eggers............. R. H. Beatty______ Simpson Musgrave *400-20% par 100 »-12 dB©W57 C. D. Armstrong. J. W. Thompson J. W. Thompson. Geo. H. Leitch (Wood and Fourth) Ch. of Bd. John B. Dewar 5,795.690 21.163,560 1,000,000 2.187.200 32,828.600 G. G. Osmer, S. N. Whitworth, Tr. Officers Tr. O. Union Sarlngt Bank.. d®*t§’02 H. C. McEldowney. R. B. Mellon______ H. 1. Collingwood. L. G. Wilhelm____ t-91 (5 th Are. and Grant) E. V. Hays B. F. Smith, A. C. W. M. Crow par 100 H. H. Breitenbach Jas. J. Waters, A, C. 8% 2,000,000 79,190 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Pitt. Tr. Oo.. Pitt. 4.785.800 Bkrs. Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Co. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1275 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 4) Ass’t CASHIER. Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Surplus Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties Resources. Principal Correspondents. Miscel Cash A Ex laneous changes, ub Discounts Shcubitieb Resources from Banks Loans BONDS AND and D EDW. CREDE, Tr. ... W. I. BERRYMAN, Bkr>. Tr. Do.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N. and 111. C.P. DAVIS, $ $ j $ $ $ Mercli. Tr. Co., Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N., W. W. GRINSTEAD, $ 1,500.000 50.596.730 39 326 450 107 541780 $5,553,150 199 093 950 12.372.310 111 141490 Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Bkrs.Tr. Co., Lon Tr. Officers. don, Eng., and Paris, France. P. C. EDMUNDSON, Asst. Treasurers: C. E. YOUNG. Any business entrusted to this Bank will receive prompt A. Tr. Officers WM. L. CHURCH H. M. THOMAS, and careful attention. Your business solicited. A. V. P. 0.1. PARKINSON C. R. KORB, A. Tr. JAMES A. KOMMER WM. E. SCHEIBLER.A uditor K.H. HELD, A. Aud. S. P. GERST H.C. MeELDOWNEY—R.B. MELLON- - - - - - - -J. A. IRWIN .Sec.... Asst. Secretaries: R. W. ROSST^ff’’. ■. SCHOONMAKER W. A. ROBINSON, 3rd Safe Dev. Dept. SCOTT HAYES FLORENCE J. HILL J. E. McKIRDY, Mgr. J. A. IRWIN of Publicity. S. S. uuulii LIGGETT C. W. PHOSSER rniiCT nniininu ofpumtMy.a.a. MISS B. I. PATTON. TRUST COMPANY (5th Ave., Grant St., Oliver Ave. & Wm. Penn Place) $6,500-140% ♦ 8-72 l®T»t*'89 Washington Tr. Oo..dB®T»l'03 W. C. McEldowney E. S. Reilly______ (Fifth A Washington Place) " IChas. H. Sachs $240-10% par 100 8-113 WEST EMD SAV. BK. & TR. CO. H. 8. Hershberger. Albert Graham..— $250-20% par so dB®T*ti'7l 8-64 (8. Main and Wabash) Western Saving & Dep. Bank Charles B. Schuetz H. B. Demmler ___ 8-77 (531-533 Smithfield)®»t§95 1.157,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. S. G. Gallupe, Sec. 1 Max Perlman, Tr.. E. L. Boyle, A. Sec. F. J. Weigel, A. Tr. 1.000.000 885,320 8.202,880 171.910 3,900.500 4.816,310 386,290 W.D. Flanigan,Sec.|G. T. Osborne, Tr.. 125,000 710.800 4,872.430 30,000 1,945.700 2.735.640 344.900 J. H. Demmler__ Geo. A. Dutton___ 250.000 603,120 3,219.910 115.640 2.367,560 1,393,910 125.000 190.690 1.752.060 65,660 1.205.260 408.430 70.720 449.000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.; Bk. of 1.938.620 12.393,890 68.750 3,820,570 9,476.870 66,240 1.137.790 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. Chi.; Corn Kx. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 711,980 Equitable Tr. Co. (Imp. & Tr. Office), and Chem. N„ N. Y.: Far. Dep. N., Bk. of Pitt N. A., and Ex.N., Pitt. 427.210 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mellon N., and Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. C. A. Muehlbronner $125-14% par 50 William Penn Trust Compapy J. S. Crutchfield__John Jackson____ F. T. Loeffier. Tr. E. L. Jones, See. and A. Tr. $100 -12% par 50 d®»tST6 F. T. Loeffier 8-122 (Penn Ave. and 21st St.) Workingman’s Sav. Bank & Emil Winter____ Dwight Winter.... H. W. Bruggeman, J.M. Anderson,Sec. Tr. J. E. Foerster. 60% par50 Trust Company T. M. Rees F. D. Hague, A. Tr.\ A. Sec. 8-57...(800 E. Ohio) d®*I§'97 100,000 * Pitt. N. A. and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. • P D Fnulp, Pittsburgh Clearing House____ Members indicated by a 4.) Sec. and Tr. ............. 1 ■ Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS .... • Mem. Am. Bkr. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. YMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Year Estab lished CORRESPONDENTS AND BANK Depositories ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange DILLON, READ & CO______ 1t’05 American Bond& Mortgage Co. 1 (1805 Union Bk. Bldg.) Applegate. Geo. G.........................1 (316 Fourth Ave.) A skin & Co.. J. M----- ------------ ± (Peoples Bank Bldg) Barbour & Co.. John B............... ± (Magee Bldg.) Blair & Co.. Inc...... ............. H (308 Fourth Ave.) Cappeau & Sons. Jo. P................± (223 Fourth Ave.) Carothers & Co.. Jas................... ± (Union Bank Bldg.) CisnttfcCo...................................T (316 Fourth Ave.) (297 Union Tr. Bldg.) EASTMAN, DILLON & CO. (326 Oliver Bldg.) ± Edmundson. Eli. Jr----------------- ± (Magee Bldg.) Edwards, H. S. & Co------ -------- ± (Union Bank Bldg.) FI»ST"*T«sW0R#T,<?! (Farmers Bank Bldg.) CHILDS, C. F. AND COMPANY (Keystone Bank Bldg.) *T11 Chapin & Co.. S. B............ (Ill Broadway) E. J. HOWARD, Resident Mgr. I The oldest house in America specializing exclusively in Government Securities [The National Market for Bonds. Farm Loan Offices in: New York, Chicago, Bos., San F., Los A., Seattle, Port., Den., St. L., Kan. C., Phil.. Clev., Cin., Det., Wash., D. C., and Minpls. Dillon. Read & Co.. N. Y., Chi., Bos., and Phil. W. S. Charnley. Resident Officer, . (Investment Securities) 'INVESTMENT SECURITIES........................... Eastman. Dillon & Co.. N. Y.. Chicago. /,vrk Y Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange. .Members Pittsburgh Stock Exchange. Was^ssmssssst Trenton. 'Bankers’ Acceptances, United States and Foreign Government Obligations and Miscellaneous Securities. . See Advertisement in Bank Section. Frazier & Co.. Inc.--------------- H (324 Fourth Ave.) Glover & MacGregor................._1 (316 Fourth Ave.) GODDARD & GO. (Union Tr. Bldg.) STANHOPE S. GODDARD, Pres. WpWfRIgton. J'Rm V. P. jf HARRRY TH0ERHER, See. and Tr. ORIGINATORS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SOUND INVESTMENT SECURITIES Office at 44 Wall St.. N. Y. City. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par—No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PITTSBURGH—Continued—Reserve City 1276 ___ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Selected List—Investment Dealers •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year Correspondents and tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabBank Depositories iMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished Year Established ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Goldsborough & Co.. W. VV. ...± (Union Bank Bldg.) (Union ... —±*K uilding) Mem bers American Bankers’ Association. Green,Ellis & Anderson, N. Y. Members Pittsburgh Stock Exchange. Investment Bankers, Bonds. GRAHAM, PARSONS & C0.-T98 George B. Oates, Mgr. (869 Union Tr. Bldg.) Green, Ellis & Anderson......... •*! (316 Fourth Ave.) GREENEBAUM SONS INVESTMENT C0.“ I First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds (Head Office, Chicago) ..Samuel J. Black, Resident Mgr. I (2d Floor, Diamond N. Bk. Bldg) C. Ward, V. P.; P. H. Gerner, Mgr,. GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW [ II. YORK--(607 Oliver Bldg,).T20 (Investment Securities) ' E. Cherrington, Representative. .E. Naumburg & Co., N. Y„ Oh]., Bos., Phil, and SanF. R. V. Nuttall, & Co.................. ± (Fifth Ave. and Wood) Post & Flagg.............. ± (Oliver Bldg.) Greenebaum Sons Investment Co., N. Y„ Preston, Watt & Schoyer____ ± Chicago, Philadelphia, Pitt., St. Louis, (Union Bank Bldg.) Kansas City, Milwaukee. Reynolds & Co......................... =fc (Union Bk. Bldg.) Robinson & Orr_________ _± (419 Wood St.) Guaranty Oo. of N. Y„ N. Y. MEMBERS PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANGE STOUT & COMPANY Pittsburgh Listed and Unlisted Stocks and Bonds. M. STRAUS, S. W. & GO. { First Mortgage Bonds. KIRSTEIN. Resident Vice-Pres. Harris, Forbes & Co.................. H (316 Fourth Ave.) Hemphill. Noyes & Co............. 1 (306 Fourth Ave. Hetzel & Co.. Henry G............ ± (223 Fourth Ave.) Hill. Wright & Frew._...........±1f (Union Trust Bldg.) Holmes & Co., J. H............... (Union Bank Bldg.) (INCORPORATED) 409 Wood St. Vnnkfd & Cn.. S. \f._.......... .. (Keystone Bank Bldg.) H0RNBL0WER & WEEKS -T88 CHARLES F- 0URNING, Manager. (Fourth Ave. corner Wood St.) {Investment Securities) Members of Pynchon & Ca. Wire System. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Chi., N. Y., Phil. Bos., St. L., Det., Mil., and Minpls. (307 Fifth Ave.) Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y., Bos., and Port. Kane & Brinnam............. ........ db (421 Wood St.) Kay. Richards & Co_______ «± (Union Trust Bldg.) «T82 S. W. Straus & Co., N. Y. and Chi. (Telephone Coxxrt 3940) 4- WELLS, INCORPORATED DEANE & SINGER' s INVESTMENT SECURITIES 69 Broadway, N. Y. (Commonwealth Bldg.) Wettach & Co............................± (218 Fourth Ave.) LEE, HIGGINSON & CO..........1 48 (Bonds). (79 Union Trust Bldg.) Lee, Higginson& Co., N. Y„ Chi.,and Bos.; Wettengel & Co., A. C._____ ± Higginson & Co., London. (1210 Peoples Bank Bldg.) Levy & Co., M. M__________ ± (Keystone Bank Bldg.) Lyon & Co.. Prescott_______ 1 (538 Smithfleld St.) McLaughlin, MacAfee & Co. _±ir (Oliver Bldg. Moore. Leonard & Lynch__ (Union Trust Bldg.) Morris, Brown & Co_________± (316 Fourth Ave.) E. Naumburg & Co_________ ’94 (Commercial Paper). (Farmers Bank Bldg.) (•01-8-8 Union Bk. Bldg.) "Telephone Court 4960" Telephone: Atlantic 5072 HALSEY. STUART & CO........... 01 . INVESTMENT BONDS INCORPORATED (328 Fourth Ave.) ±»f91 ------------------N. City Co., N. Y. and correspondent offices. 1 Graham, Parsons & Co., N. Y.. Phil., Balt., Camden, Reading, Scranton, Wash., and Trenton. Halsey & Co.. C. D...................± (223 Fourth Ave.) A. E. HASTEN & GO. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY—'16 (Inv. Bonds)_____ (348 Union Trust Bldg.) ■M GORDON & Correspondents and Bank Depositories ±,Uem. Local Stock Exchange. Pittsburgh Stock Exchange. Stocks, Bonds, Wm. S.Masten......... Cotton, Grain, Fred C. Masten Provisions Wm. J. Fleming L. F. Brand Logan & Bryan, Henry Clews & Co,. J. S. Bacbe & Co., and W. J. Wollman &Co., N. Y.; Logan & Bryan, Cbl. Members N. F., Boston, and Pittsburgh S tock Exchanges, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Shirley P. Austin, Pres,... John M. Askin. V, P. W. J. Bauer, Tr, R. L. Brinham, Sec, C. J. Holman, Ch, Rates of Commission The minimum rates of commission charged to non-members Stock selling at $50 and under $75______________ .175 of the Exchange for buying or selling each $1,000 bond shall Stocks selling at $75 and under $100...................... . .20 not be less than $2.00 per bond (these commissions shall Stocks selling at $100 and under $200.......................... 25 Stocks selling at $200. $.15 per share additional, and not apply to government, state, or municipal bonds); for buying or selling each share of stock shall be as follows: for each advance of $100 in the selling price, an ad Stocks selling under $ 20 a share_________ ___ $ 005 ditional $.15 per share. Stocks selling at $.20 and under $1................. 01 A minimum commission of $1 shall be charged on all Stocks selling at $1 and under $3_.......................... 04 transactions. Stocks selling at $3 and under $10........................ 075 Commission for buying or selling memberships in the Stocks selling at $10 and under $25____ -125 Stocks selling at $25 and under $50____________ 15 Exchange shall be 1% of the price. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1977 it* I / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. * County Setts. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Tnist B-Bonc d-SaftDep.©Sav.$I,astSale%Di,. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Plttston____19,759 ♦DIME BANK_____dBG>t§’ll Alexander Sloan, T. A. Gibbons_____ B. W. Tennant___ 3 Luzerne H 21 $200-12% par 50 60-330 Sr •• <« ♦First National Bank®T*t’64 H. J. Mahon______ John Benfleld .... $400-24% 60-326 ** F. L. Pinola.......... C. F. Donnelly.... F. A. Loro. ♦Liberty National Bank $180-6% par 100 60-331 ®T*I’20 A. C. Kizis. Tr. Off. F. A. Loro •• _____ •• ♦Miners Savings Bank W. L. Foster_____ W. J. Fowler__ _ $250-80% 60-327 ®»t§ ’69 S. H. Wilson, A. C M II ♦PEOPLES UNION SAVINGS W. J. Kilgallen___ A. C. Shoemaker.. W. H. McMillan... BANK 60-328 ®T<|’71 C. K. Trumbower, $275-20% Sec. .. Pittston Clearing House... T. A. Gibbons.......... A. C.Shoemaker... F. A/Loro. Tr.___ (Members indicated by a *) Plains.......... .....120C Plains State Bank dB®«t§’23 T. H. James______ J.F. Kropp.—___ Butler O. Bower... Butler O. Bower 3 Luzerne H 20 $100-4% par 50 60-1657 (Parsons P.O.) Pleasant Unity6S3 Pleasant Unity Nat. Bank A. H. Bell.. „ J. R. Gress______ .1. R. Walter 60-1305 ®*t’02 4P WestmTd N 5 $175-10% par 100 Pleasantville ..813 Citizens Bank______ ®*+5’20 F. A. Williams.... G. K. Folwell.......... H. E. Ludwig__ ... 60-1553 J. E. Oyer 4P Venango G 5 $65 Plumvllle..........538 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4P Indiana K 7 $200-12% 60-1306 d®*$'0C par 100 Plymouth... 16,500 First National Bank____*’64 60-322 3 Luzerne I 20 4# T__r 11 Plymouth NationalBk $345-12% par 100 60-323 d©*t'03 Point Marlon 1607 First National Bank d®»t’02 4P Fayette Q 4 $270-15% 60-988 .. •• PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK $250-6% par 100 60-989 d®*I’09 NATIONAL BANK OF POTTSTOWN •• ........ •• Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Defos- Other Capital ITS | TIES Profits W. E. Margie.......... S 100.000 J 263,400 12 377 500 $ Anthony Prizzi L. A. Bortone T. E. Sharkey Eugene Scrndato.. Resources. Lords Bonds Miscel- Gash ft ExCHAKOS0,DtT1 Discounts Ssouritise LANBOU8 from Banks Principal Correspondents. 30,730 $1 726740 $ 675,61f $ 142,05C $ 227,230 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 250,000 805.230 5.781.070 680,220 2.428,830 4.403.150 250.000 145,700 1.492,380 157,390 933,810 241.36(1 443.190 1st N„ N. Y„ Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. ____ „ „ „ « . _. 160,080 Phil. ” 857,360 94,200 100,000 1,677,550 7,520,430 * 250,000 525.71C 3.157,080 520,180 5,696,990 3,255,800 153,890 714,470 1st N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., 1st N., Tradesmens N., and Penn. N„ Phil. 50,000 2.537,240 974,120 156.540 314,910 Han. N„ N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; County Sav.. Scranton,;Wyoming Valley Tr. Co., Wilkes-Barre. 175,000 94,000 940,450 645,420 195,860 25.000 124,780 603,110 226,250 406,390 12,500 40.000 18.000 180.000 124.000 70,000 10,700 32,700 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 60,000 49,360 596,870 10,000 307,960 337,920 12,800 57,550 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. Wm/Wicks, Sec... 3. J. Sndnick.__ D. W. Raraigh........ R. S. Moore______ 368,170 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N„ Phil.; Dime Bk. Title & Tr. Co., Wilkes-Barre. 107,760 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. Henry Lees_______ A. K. DeWitt.......... A. K. DeWitt_____ 200.000 830.050 5.198.2nn 583.470 2,781,680 3,848,990 49,000 Chas. Kuschke___ 0. L. Ashley... 100,000 411,230 2,364,240 177,710 793,300 1,779,010 185,350 100,000 183,730 1.397,020 35,000 791,310 588,470 21,090 692,780 51,500 345,650 305,040 83,670 128.440 Chase N..N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N.A.and 1st N„ Pitt. 151,880 1,185,640 126,660 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N.. Pitt.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 92,500 Am. Ex. Irv- Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N„ Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil. 149,040 Seab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra.-Peo. Tr. Co,, Buff. 44,070 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Phil.; Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Pottsville. 92,210 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. W. H. Hayward... J. F. Burchinal___ I. N. Lucas ............. E. E. Beardsley... M. K. Ruse E. M. Snider_____ F. L. Bowers_____ 50,000 68,530 H. S. Bierer Portage............4804 First National Bank.__ •t'04 Wallace Sherbine. J. G. Patterson.__ 60-1307 3• • Cambria M9•• Miners & Merch. Deposit Bk. L. C. Varner— T. M. Pringle 60-1434 •*,18 Port Allegany 2300 First National Bankd®T»t'88 W. J. Barrho.......... W. E. Mangold ___ 3 McKean Ell $250-10% par 100 60-934 Port Carbon..2882 Port Carbon State Bank John J. Miller____ P. E. Bassler.......... 3 Schuylkill L19 $70par50 ♦ 60-1626 d®*t§’23 G. A. Schumacher Portland______625 Portland National Bank Joshua Bray______ H. E. Weidman___ 3 North’ton J24 $225-12% 60-1308 dB®»'08 W. O. Williams par 100 Port Matilda..400 Community Bank.. d®»T§'23 O. D. Eberts............ J. H. Turner_____ 3 Center Kll 60-1590 Port Royal ___ 558 First National Bank d®*i’19 J. A. Kohler... .. A. W. Shelley_____ 3 Juniata M 14 $150-4% par 100 60-1507 “ ...... " Port Royal National Bank S. B. Crawford___ $280-12% 60-1*09 ®«3'68 Pottstown.. 18,467 Citizens National Bank T. B. Miller............ J. D. Tyson.............. 3 Mont ’ry N 22 $300-14% 60-351 dB®T«t’92 par 100 .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. ----- * ------ PENNSYLVANIA—Continued W. T. Yeckley------ 60,000 J. G. Eby.__ 50,000 F. 8. Cook............... F. E. Case................ 957,790 344.850 64.520 98,330 874,120 103,640 59,640 175,530 1,503,390 47,580 757,730 921,960 22,720 C. C. Weber______ 50,000 30,630 430,760 750 209,940 223,020 35,110 JamesWeidman.Jr. C. G. Weidman.... 50,000 87.430 876,490 50,850 206,260 737,490 28.810 B. F. Jordan______ 35,000 4,090 71,830 170 62,710 E. A. Ulsh................ MarthaFrankhouse 40,000 12,700 171,820 30,000 134,610 74,610 20.350 D. C. Pomeroy.— Alton L. Meloy.... E. T. Graham C. G. Rickel Cash, and Tr. Off, 60,000 116,000 576.000 30.000 435,000 204,000 68,500 150,000 475,240 1,280,130 55,280 975,940 721,090 81,130 300.000 902.000 3.707.000 513.000 2,163.000 2.553.800 154.900 fPERCY WILLIAMS. EPHRAIM L. FRITZ- LEONARD LEAF- - - - - - W. ROYSIGMAN...... R. H. SHELLY, Tr. o S SEND US YOU B POTTSTOWN ITEMS DIRECT ff. FOB PROMPT, 125,000 96,300 896,760 84,810 29,430 432.040 Chase N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ 1st N., and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 295,530 Han. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 314,860 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N„ Pitt. 19,000 Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 24,960 N. City. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 64,500 Chase N„ N. T.; Phil.-fflrard N„ Union N.. 1st N„ and Franklin 4th St.N..Phil. 182.490 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn lx. N., Phil. 550.300 N. City. N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Mel lon N., Pitt. PERSONAL ATTENTION. $220-18% 60-348 d®M'64 par 50 National Iron Bank _ John W. Storb.. . H. A. Bell H. A. Bell............ . $309-12% 60-349 dB®WW E. J. Storb par 100 Security Trnst Oo. d®T«$t'87 J. Elmer Porter... C. C. Burdan______ 3. M.Longaker.TV. E. E. Saylor, See. $225-12% par 50 60-350 Darvel Cole, A. S. and A. Tr. • 300,000 650,000 1,900,000 400.000 2,100,000 750,000 160.000 240,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N.,Phil.; Mellon N.,Pitt. 125.000 449,540 2,768,380 119,470 1,927,790 1,186,190 145,040 203,380 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1278 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND COUNTY. »Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv.! *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ast’n. [Estab. Fie. is F. R. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. l-KiifeDep.©Sav.$La.stSale%Div. •PottsvUlc.. 22,804 ‘Merchants National Bank 3 Schuylkill L19 60-252 ®*$'07 President. Cashier. Vice-President. Conrad K. Hock... C. G. Miller .... Ass’t Cashier. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k KiSurplus Dkpob- Other Paid-dp and and jha*«m,Dui AND iabili L rra Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous FHOM BaHKI ties 149.960 2,207.380 4,363,710 206,860 200.000 385,520 3,026,340 104,380 1.568,220 1,629,860 108,070 200,000 A. Tr. G. E. GanglotT, Sec. 132,625 R.W.Deitrich, A. T r. 548.190 3,729.630 250,000 3,103.980 803.250 413,280 278,060 2,964,870 91,950 1,194.010 1.918.900 34,310 320,290 I E. S. FERNSLER.Sec. 343,430 2,305,560 52,450 2.023.160 531.340 87,970 183,970 Han. i N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Henry C. Frick 1200-8% 60-248 ®»t’66 par luu D. W. Kaercher... ‘Safe Deposit Bankd®T»tl’70 Tr. and Tr. Off. J. G. Royal 5150-12% par 50 80-240 N. S. Farquhar ... W. C. Wilson____ Samuel Jones, Tr. ‘Schuylkill Troit Co. W. K. Woodbury «i77.50-io% 60-250 d®T»tl’87 par 50 j'WM. J. SCHMIDT— W. E. QUINLIN------- E. S. RUDLOFF, Tr... Wm. J. Schiele $93-12% Efficient service. Reason able rat es. Pro mpt ser vice. 60-251 L.M.SPANNUTH.A.7V ®T#t§’96; ) A thoroughly organized collect! on Department. ( WE WANT YO UR BUSINESS. 295,040 h L Oity, N. Y.; Phil.-Qirard N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 505.320 J t. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. 410,090 1 100,030 $1759940 $ 964,180 ‘PENNSYLVANIANAT'LBANK F. D. Yuengling... Harry O. Haag........ E. M. Burgan____ P. A. Schick............ ‘UNION BANK & TRUST CO. Principal Correspondents. $ 125,000 $ 277.290 12 666 790 500,000' 1.203,060 5,580,210 C. H. Marshall .... James Archbald— Geo. H. DeFrehn.. U76Hi2%por”50 60-247 d®T«+’28 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws| (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued C. B. Tyson, 125,000 402.310 Chase C N.. N. Y.; Cent. N„ Phil. Phil. Direct wires to N. Y., Chi., Phila. & Pitts. EASTMAN. DILLON & C0.~ ) Members New Y ork Stock Exchang e Schuylkill Tr. Bldg. ) MembersPhilade (.Members Pittsbu Pottsville Clearing House... (Members indicated by a *) Prospect Park 2353 Interborough Bank d ®»t§’21 J. F. Mansure........ (Norwood Sta.P.O.) 1103.50-6% par 50 60-1592 3 Delaware 023 County National Bank P. L. Brown_____ Punxsutawney 60-483 ®»t’10 4P Jeff's’n J811,021 5175-6% FAR. & MINERS TRUST COMPANY $210-12% 60-482 ®»t5‘07 rH.G. BOWERS........ PunxsutawnevNat.Bk. Irwin Simpson___ par 100 60-481 dT't’Ol J. H. Shelly______ Quakertown..4391 Merchants National Bank $500-16% 80-780 d®»t'02 3 Bucks M22 Quakertown Nat.Bank O. C. Haring--------$600-22% 60-779 dB®»t’77 4,000 285,190 372.540 21,500 100,000 114,280 1,145,180 100,000 690.300 541.720 48,680 150.000 168.020 1.648.130 J. L. Kurtz E H. Winslow .— T. E. Bennis J. W. Reiter------- S. F. Cressman__ A. G. Moyer, Sec.. 200,000 464,210 2,723,330 50,000 209,480 1,762,490 Seth Fisher______ 100,000 513.340 1,867,530 125,000 246,010 1,029,860 H. M. McGee .......... W. R. Chilcott___ D. M. McQnown— R. DAVIS............ T. B. MITCHELL, J. 6. KELLY. Sec. A. P. SUTTER J. . Quakertown Trust Co. ♦60-781 ®Tt§’04 Tr. „ OSwill (jUissmaii H. S. Funk $165.50-10% 3 Lancaster Q19 631,680 50,000 A. T. Rickards___ SARA ROBISON, 55.690 5.230 1.637.483 157,710 A. Sec. and A. Tr. 62,130 im. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; West End Tr. and Met. Tr. Cos.,Phil.; 1st N., Darby; Del. Co. N„ Chester. 178,760 L Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St, N., Phil,; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 176.190 Ian. N„ N. Y.; Diamond N. and 1st N.. Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. ) SEND US YOU R PUNXSUTAW(. NEY ITEMS DIRECT FOR PR OMPT, PERSON AL ATTENTION. $360-25% QuarryvIUe....823 lphia Stock Exchan ge rgh Stock Exchang e E. S. Rudolph........ 60-1037 QuarryvilleNational Bank G. W. Hensel, Jr... L. R. Ambler 60-1036 ®»*’83 57,200 52,560 558,830 1,283,900 67,170 Corn Ex.N.. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N.A.. Pitt, 164,630 st N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 131,130 510.540 1.924,300 20,000 157,150 L City. N. Y.; Union N. and Corn Ex, N.. Phil. 164,470 FUle Guarantee & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phil.Girard N.. Phil. 154,870 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.t Phil.; Merch. N.. Balt. 187,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 572.060 614,320 50,000 50,000 82.830 721,340 12,500 406.660 287,420 17,730 A. S. Harkness .... 60,000 218,650 573,330 66,910 550,070 159,850 21,490 N, n, stnii 25,000 48,010 359,110 25,040 217,900 199,530 4.090 50.000 10,000 242,390 4,430 157,460 75,840 16,120 Sec. and Tr. C. H. Ortt, Tr. Off. John D. Clark____ $265-10% 523,970 185.040 1.678.160 1.313.250 $361-16% Ralston..........921 First National Bank..d®»t'09 J. L. Mansuy_____ H.W. Jones............ par 100 60-1311 L. C. Warren, V.P. W. H. Van Wert 3 Lycoming G16 $250-10% (BraddockP.O.) $50 Rankin ......... 7301 par 50 60-1606 Carl D. Smith___ _ J. R. Dierst______ 4P Allegheny M4 1,000,000 1.380.990 7,157,900 G. Brosman, ♦Reading. ..112,707 ♦Berks County Tr. Company C. H. Ruhl .......... C. E. Leippe______ W. S. Dickinson, W. $43-12% ♦ 60-46 dB®T»t*190'0 J. H. Mull, V. P. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. S. D. Bausher 3 Berks N20 par 10 'COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY $25.75-6% jpar 100 60-45 dB®T*t*1900 'FARMERS Sec. and Tr. LOUIS F.KRAEMER. R. G. BUSHONG Ch. TITLE INSURANCE 'par 30 W.A. WEAVER, A.Sec. and A. r, W.G. HEIM, And. an d A.Sec. N. R. FIELD, _ 500.000 Title Officer 395.830 4.277.160 60.000 5,257,230 1.148,660 1,898,140 1.294,860 Gtv. Tr. Co. and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Fidelity-Phil. Tr. Co., Phil. . 3.606.510 1.418.390 721.710 451.960 417.840 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„Phil. F. F. EICHE. A. Title Off. Upon proper application we shall be pleased to insure the title to any property in Berks County. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BANKING MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US. H. L. Althouse.__ E. D. Miller_____ G. F. Eisenbrown Wm.F. McNall.Sec H. R. Meek, A. to P U.W. Miller. A.Sec cessful Banking, W. M. Bertolet. Ti 60-35 dB®T«U814 J Careful attentl on given to BUI o t Lading drafts s NATIONAL BANK $170-18^ J. TURNER MOORE.— E. W. McSPARRAN . H.O. MILLER, 35,640 1st N., Phil.; Northern Cent. Tr. Co., Williamsport. 57,390 Han. N.. N.Y.; Potter Title & Tr.Co.,Pitt. fR.S.Meck............ \ John Birbey, ) Ch. of Bd \ 112 years of Sue (.15c presentatio n fee must accom pany other Items P. J. Kaufmann... H. E. Quereau, V. P. and A.Tr. Off .Off. 500,000 1.767,930 9,891,160 nd notes. 25c for credit re ports. 966,500 8,324,510 2.123,430 1,256,92c 1.420,730 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; N. Shawmnt, Bos. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ' Town and County. ♦Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. P resident. Vice-President. Fig.isFed.Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 1279 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Miscel- Oamm * Mi Loans Paid-op Surplus Dbpos- Other and and AND LANISOuh mm B*n> ITS Capital Pbofits TIES | Diioounta Securities Principal Correspondents. Reading__._112,707 Tobias Knoblauch....®tl900 Tobias Knoblauch. 220 * 133.270 $ 40,000 $ 52.170 $ 61,580 $ 88.980 $ 17,060 C. B. Richards & Co., N. Y.; Penn. Tr. Co., $ 46.294 $ Continued) Reading. 60-49 “ ...... " W. Harry Orr.......... Thos. Breneiser... G. R. Howell_____ Wm. H. Kieser___ 191,620 3,007.470 654,630 132,670 608,890 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.andN. Y. Tr.,N.Y.;N Bk. •National Union Bank 200.000 1.000,950 3,011,090 Rep., Chi.; Bk.of No. Am. & Tr.Co., Phil. $178-26% par 25 60-36 d®T«t’57 f JOHN L. RHOADS— J. S.LERCH................. L. E. PFLUM. Tr........ L. L. HUMMELREICH, 327.180 2.764.530 287.830 2.396.200 995,910 237,410 259.570 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Market Si.. N., 509.555 \i F 1 TITI f)W V •*P • Li J. iiiLun*r U» Mi, * a i t J. G. ROTHERMEl, T r. Off. ) Office at Sixth and Washington streets in the hea rt of the city. $20 6% / Send your Read ing items to us. par 10 ♦ 60-50 dB®T«t§’19 IffE MAKE A S PECIALTY OF C OLLECTIONS. ‘NORTHEASTERN TRUST CO. .. “ „ _____ M " M 'PENN NATIONAL BANK —— “ M M II M “ Send us your Reading and Berks County Collections. 300.000 898.770 6.407.920 100.060 3.725.650 2.603.030 ‘READING NATIONAL BANK 60-44 ®T»t’M fHENRYK. HARRISON CHAS. W. HENDEL. < Ch, of Board J SEND US YOU (.PERSONAL AT war— »:ia........... W. G. MAST................ H. F. RAHN. Tr. Officer S.F. WARKOCZEWSKI R READING ITE MS DIRECT FOR PROMPT, TENTION. •Reading Trust Co..®T»t§’86 R. M. Hoffman___ George W. Bard... $416-16% 60-42 J. R. Hendel Second National Bank_______ (Absorbed by Readi ng Trust CoApril Clark 8s On.. E. W. 1 (31 N. 6th St.) CInvestment Sec urities_________ _ New Y one Stock Exchang EASTMAN. DILLON & CO.— )) Members Members Philade lphia Stock Excha 43 No. Sixth St. (.Members Pittsb urgh Stock Exchan W. H. Peacock. Tr. C. J. Hoffman, E. S. Hassinger. Sec. and A. Tr. 30, 1927) A. Tr. GRAHAM, PARSONS & CO. (Members indicated by a*) J. E. Lebkicher, H.K.Harrison.Afpr. Sec. (605 Washington St.) ’98 R. S. Meek.,... . Reading Clearing Home.. S. P. Woifskill......... Vf. C. Killian. Ser. A. K. Huntzinger.. J. R. Brungart.__ M. C. Haines_____ C. M. Bierly.. J. N. Moyer 500.000 1.452.660 12599100 7,526,440 9,107,550 909.770 Han. N.t N. Y.; Cont. &, Com’l N., Ctal.; 1st N.t Phil.; Union Tr. cy o„ Clev. 580,690 1,229,600 Chase N.. Gty. Tr. Co., and N. City. N.Y. Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 741.980 11760 270 1,293.940 1.024.560 1.214.980 N. City, Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 800.000 2.477,960 5,217,570 33,210 4,436,660 3,063,040 397,660 300.000 1.083.930 3.201.960 379.460 3.250.400 1.101.300 147.160 631,380 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; N. Un., Reading. 466,480 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. Direct private wires to New York, Chi,; Phila., Pitts., Wash., Allentown, Lancaster and Pottsville. e. nge. ge. W. K. Eckert, Mgr. Reams town... 820 Reamstown Exchange Rank 60-1435 d®ftl’13 3 Lancaster N19 $125-4% par 50 Rebersburg.__ 275 Rebersburg National Bank $145-4% 60-1551 d©»t’20 3 Center J14 par 100 Red Lion. _ SIPS Farmers & Merchants N. Bk. $525-20% 60-911 ®t'03 3 York P18 par 100 .. .. Red Lion First Nat. Bk. $250-10% 60-910 dB©Tt'M par 100 •< _____ •• Red Lion Trust Co. $120-8% 60-1442 d®T»tlT4 par 50 Reeds vllle___ 1000 Reedsville National Bk.®t'91 60-1312 3 Miffin K13 Renovo . 5877 First National Bank dB®*2'i7 $250-20% 60-1313 3 Clinton H12 100 .. .. par State Bank of Renovo $180-6% 60-1414 d®»tl’12 par 100 Republic 1500 First National Bank...®t'12 $175-6% 60-1441 4P Fayette P4 Reynoldsvllle.4116 First National Bank____ •t’M 60-827 4P Jefferson 118 20% Peoples National Bank $150-10% 60-828 d©»t'06 par 100 468.290 itemi. $397.50-16% 60-40 dB©T»t83 par 100 H. B. Hagy.............. E. H. Knerr______ Harry Doell, Tr... G. M. Jonea, See,... 1,000.000 2,801,080 13505 740 1,137,460 •Pennsylvania Trust Co. $682-20% 60-41 dB®T*tf’86 Edw. Brooke, Ch. Fletcher E. Nyce F. Z. Hosley, A.TV. A.S. Howell, A.8ec, $562-20% ** J. H. HASBR0UCK FERDINAND THUN- GEORGE T.C0BB-- F. EDWIN TITL0W ... A. C. Frey................ D. S. Mitzel______ O. E. Smith___ Graham, Parsons & Co., N. Y., Phil., Balt., Camden, Pitt., Scranton, Wash., and Trenton. 35,000 J 71,000 463,000 25.000 22,530 119,630 249,000 244,000 30,000 46,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 41,220 124,710 11,380 15.370 Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 2,250,000 340,000 106,770 1,548,620 275,840 255.090 267,400 N. City. N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 177,340 14,600 88,950 N. City.N.Y.: IstN.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 25,520 300,000 N. City, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Mercn. N.. Balt. 75.000 330,000 2,450,000 .. Jas. G. Arnold .... 125,000 185,660 1,929,520 Levi Kaltreider.__ J. W. Sheffer_____ W. W. Stauffer, E. E. Hartman. W. M. Gemmill Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 125.000 124,610 859,290 200 828,200 F. M. Parker_____ 50,000 46,380 280,000 50,000 336.160 F. A. Rriinn 50,000 157,790 1.666,210 12.500 798,480 744,570 124,380 219,070 Chase. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. am 1st N., Phil,; Mellon N..Pitt. 275,500 223.000 4,500 101,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Diamond 32.000 134.200 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 213,930 Han. N.,N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 134,690 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Far. Dep N., Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil. C. 8. LaMotte____ G. B. Murphy_____ J. B. Warner.. H. C. Kinsloe.. W. B. Reilley — A. Reed Hayes .... J. Bruce Davis John McDonald... F. J. Brunett Lewis Pfoutz_____ H. E. Finnefrock.. C. E. Harlan______ 50,000 59.000 495.000 35,760 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. J. D. VanKirk____ F. W. Newhall___ John P. Byrne____ 50.000 40.000 356,000 24,700 276.000 28.5C0 John H. Kaucher.. H. C. Deible.. 75,000 192,300 771,120 79,200 239,380 642,830 21,480 723,230 100,000 446,870 36,770 ,T. C. Sa yers „ K. C. Schuckers... E. E. Deible. August Baldauf—. J. W. Hunter,____ E. W. Hunter 100,000 46,280 351,170 N., Pitt.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK-—All items received at par—No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis inon J.4OU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § S'tate tPriv. ^County Seats. (Mem. State B. Aas’n. [Betab. President. Fig. is F. Res.Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Rices Landing .883 Rices Landing Nat. Bank J. M. Walton------*230-9% 60-1314 ®t’04 4P Greene P3 Richfield...........300 Richfield Bank................ BtS’21 W. S. Neimond___ *250-14% 60-1315 3 Juniata L15 par 50 Richland........... 841 Richland National Bank I. F. Landis............. 3 Lebanon N19 *226-10% 60-1316 d®»t'06 par 100 *Rldgway....... 6037 3 Elk 118 ELK COUNTY NATIONAL BK. 69-695 ©*{’74 RIDGWAY NATIONAL BANK *200-12% par 100 60-696 d® •t'01 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNS YLV A NIA —Continued Vice-President. CASH! Ass’t Cashier. Surplus DxrosITS Capital Promts Other L. A. Brown--------- M. L. Rich_______ Geo. M. Haver ___ $ 50,000 $ 65,240 $ 444,810 $ N. S. Graybill------ O. D. Deckard....... 35,000 88,210 820,140 53,640 Meade S. Graybill ties Resourcks. Loans Bonds Miscel Discounts Securities laneous 26,500 $ 469,390 $ 1,190 368.180 28.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Oasr a Bzfrom 27,100 $ 466,960 8,950 Barrs 62,060 1st N. and Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 100,450 N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ 1st N„ and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 63,180 N. Park, N. Y.i Phil.-Qirard N., Phil. 443,240 22,600 189,750 272.850 18,700 100,000 390,570 1,890,900 108,700 1,209,240 893,480 40,480 on given collectl ons. Me must acco mpany each requ est for report or rating. SEND US YOU R RIDGWAY IT EMS. Jno. P. Anderson.. E. G. Williams____ M. J. Beach_______Clyde T. Lesser 346,610 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N..Pitt.;Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 200,000 185.000 1,260.000 199,000 950.000 700,000 74,000 120,000 Han. N„ N. Y.! Far. Dep. N„ Pitt.: Phil Girard N.. Phil. A. A. Hoffman___ 50,000 65,960 686,520 165.000 297,000 564.920 29,280 76.280 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. Claude C.Wolflnger 25,000 62,600 645.260 48.870 199,260 521.240 5.750 55.480 Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. F. R. Johnston___ 50,000 78,710 1,009,230 51,860 635,330 379.600 45,770 129,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt H. H. Zulich_____ A. Ray Breisch.... 25,000 69,770 325,070 24,300 158,760 168,820 10.760 105,760 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. fcyS*I&ia M. E. Holstein.... M. D. M. Batdorff. G. H. Kintzer___ J. H. Bennetch ................... HARRY R. C. E. LOCKHART— RIDLEY PARK NATIONAL E. K. Nelson_____ F. J. Michell_____ L. L. Pyle........... Wm. H. Stanton Delaware Q23 *200- 6% BANK 60-1464d®»t’16 par 100 RIegelsville ....610 First National Bank..d©*J’08 J. B. Poore______ Henry Wells____ Wm. L. Leattor. 3 Bucks L23 *280-12% par 100 60-1317 Ridley Park...2313 S. F. ANDERSON— 25.000 3 Rimersburg.. 1060 First National Bank— C. E. Andrews, Jr. Eugene Woods....... E. H. Howard__ 60-1318 4 P Clarion J5 *150-8% Ringtown......... 785 First National Bank...©»J’03 R. A. Breisch____ James Lorah......... 3 Schuylkill K19 *400-10% par 100 60—1819 Roaring Spring.. First National Bank...®t’23 J. P. Martin______ P. S. Duncan, Jr... 3 Blair N10 2379 60-1630 Francis H. Russ... Roaring Spring’02 S. Q. Bobb_______ I. E. Garver_____ S. H.Cree_______ 60-1820 Robesonla ....1230 Robesonla State Bank R. R. Gerhart........ M, A. Moyer_____ H. E.Ohl-....... .. 3 Berks N19 *85 J. H. Horne 60-1602 d®*t§’21 par 50 Rochester.... 6957 ♦First National Bank..®»t'83 John C. Doutt____ H. P. Hartley_____ John H. Mellor____ K. I. Small.............. J. F. Scroggs John H. Mellor 4 P Beaver L2 *110-6% par 100 60-669 *165-7% par 100 60-668 'J. C. MCCAULEY- ROCHESTER TRUST CO. 60-670 dB®T*t»’02 par 100 ♦ (Member of Beaver County Rockwood ....1362 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. 60-1001 t'lQ 4 P Somerset P7 First National Bankd©»tl900 *450-20% par 100 60-1000 Rome________ 200 Farmers National Bank 60-1421 d®»t’12 3 Bradford E18 *135-6% par 100 *140-6% 26,720 113,730 5,000 116,660 33,340 13,730 66.500 473,000 400 178.000 270.000 19,000 50,000 33.000 407,000 10,000 210,000 190,000 60,000 48,330 1,074,150 154,500 59,650 150,000 JOSEPHC.CAMPBELL G.HAR0L0 FISHER- 50,000 . H. GRANDEY— W. A. MITCHENER. E. J. MENGEL, A.TV. Tr. C. E. RUTH, A. Tr. M. T GORDON . n given n Bill cof La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 125.000 L. Mills............ . fW.M.YOST- - - - - - - CHAS. R. Send us your c •iiections direct, d®*t’71 [ They will have prompt attentlo n, ^PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 50,000 100,000 < Special attentlo j Please send 15c wi kSend us your R ochester Business Clearing House, Ne w Brighton) E. E. Miller_______ H. W. Musser........ W.M. G. Day___ 730,920 388,610 654.000 534.000 121,000 53,170 1.209,090 690.460 424,210 45.000 105.150 19.160 241.210 26,330 134.110 94.610 42.160 25,000 105.000 800.000 25,000 380.000 375.000 119,000 25.000 24,400 209,940 38.960 135.130 117,920 13,290 J. W. Ailes.............. E. F. Sphar______ I J. W. Stephens 50,000 94.950 853.710 50.000 729,100 183,290 20,000 par 100 Roseto_______ 1634 First National Bank.d®*t'26 Philip Sabatino ... M. E. Falcone........ W. S. Azer.............. C. C. McCormick 3 NorthamptonK23 *125 par 100 60-1721 50.000 . 10.000 182,480 Joslyn............2600 Roslyn National Bank____'27 Perry Greenspan. C. Armbruster.... John W. Hagan 50.000 12,500 25,000 27.950 3 W. 60-1731 Montgomery N23 Rossi ter____ 3056 Rossiter State Bankd®*t5’19 Curtis E. Elkin.... C. C. Bonner_____ E. S. Spackman___ E. S. Fry________ 4 P Indiana K8 *100-5% par 100 60-1544 Roulette____ 1536 8tate Bank of Roulette 3 Potter Fll *100-6% 60-1467 d®*t§’16 R oyersford.... 3278 National Bank of Royersford 3 Montgomery022 *2H-8%pari00 60-838 dB®*t’86 ROYERSFORD TRUST CO. E. R. Thomas_____ A. T. Keeley--------- Rural Valley...841 R. M. Trollinger .. James Craig_____ 100 d®T»il’03 60-839 Rural Valley National Bank ®»t’02 60-1322 First National Bank ___ <’14 60-1447 First National Bank d®»t’20 *123-6% par 100 60-1323 State Bank of Salina *60 par 50 60-1700 d®<§’25 *135-12% 4 P ArmstrongK6 Russellton... 2036 4 P Allegheny L4 Saegerstown.. _ 659 4P Crawford F3 Sallna________210 4P Westmorel'd M4 par C. H. White W.G. Van Karen.. E. J. Brown______ M. L. App_______ 25,000 A. T. Keeley, Sec,. 150,000 J. A. Buckwalter.. H. F. 'Grander..._ H. F. Grander, Tr H.E. Anderson, Sec. 125,000 B. M. Barlow, A. Sec. F. Cobb, .A. Tr. Geo. Mackissic F. 8. Love................ G. W. Kepler— J. A. Curtis, Ch.of Bd. W. O. Hecker........ P. M. Hunter— M. B. Tarr P. S. Kier------------S. M. Kier_____ John Itzel 178.450 40.830 Han. N., N. Y., Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 81.000 Han. N.,N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co., Phil. 31,960 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 116,260 N. City. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 18.050 45.980 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 51,600 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 44,980 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 3,070 93.040 310,240 12,600 176,940 120 59,840 104,830 11,040 244,860 1,207,770 49,540 843,540 626,720 86,480 350 581,500 926,200 80,750 123,100 Chase N., N.Y.;Franklin 4th8t. N.,Corn Ex. N.. and Market St. N., Phil. 112,760 Han. N.. N.Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 158,360 N. City. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 18,610 411,460 274,420 1,311,780 95,430 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 23,600 256.180 844,120 26,000 839,590 77.610 34.880 865.400 11,970 22,420 282,390 25,520 126,230 171.950 11.550 45.590 Chase N.. N. Y.i Mellon N.. Pitt. 5,000 161,010 41,790 105,540 12,010 31,670 Chase N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon 1 N.. Pitt. 45,640 1.009,810 K. O. Boyer.. __ 60,000 K. F. Smith............ 25,000 128,410 . J.A. Smith____ 25.000 . W. B. McKallip. 25,000 . L. W. Muder__ 167,430 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. for Credit Reports. 25.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK...... 4 P Washington 04 *180-8% 60-1321 d®«tl900 247,800 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 94.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union N.. Pitt. H. F. Berkebile... Harry Swank_____ J. R. Shanks___ Irvin Wolf J. W. Conklin........ W. K. Friable.—. PaulM. Barnes.__ Jas. E. Eastman Roscoe______ 1480 31,710 Market St. N.. Phil. 172,900 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 40,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.: Peo. Tr. Co., Reading. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK — All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1901 _ _ x Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources. Liabilities. 00 Town and OOUNTT. •Mem. A.B.A."New §S(tate tPriv. 10 Fitr? is B^ef^Di'st. I ♦Feck Ref.DeptsfT-Trust B^Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued President. 1 d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. j _________ Vice-President. i cashier. I______ _______ Ass't Cashier. ; Salisbury „ 900 Citizens State Bank.. ©t§’26 J. C. Lichliter .... 0. W. Petry______M. T. Bender------- Florence Yoder... 4 P Somerset Q7 $200-8% 60-1466 Principal Correspondents. Loans Bondi Surplus Other Cash k ExMiscel ohahq Depos L Paid-up and and M'Ddi and iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous rmoif Bawhs ties $ 25.000 $ 33.280 $ 237.060 $ 8.000 $ 136,550 J 132.650 $# 3»19D $ 30,950 1st N„ Pitt.; Merch. N„ Balt. 50.000 100,000 407.150 50.000 232,230 277,370 4.S00 50,000 25,000 248,620 5,350 104,570 150,940 24,010 49,450 N. City. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt ; Union N„ Johnstown. Saitsburg.... 1022 First National Bank........ «r82 R. B. McNeil.......... J. A. McClaran.... H. F. Carson--------- E. S. Kelly.— 4P Indiana Ma $225-12% 60-1324 100,000 156,840 852,800 50,000 562,450 386,030 36,600 174,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st N., Pitt. Sandy Lake 645 jiercer County State Bank Lorenzo Craig........E. S. Smith_______ L. C. Jewell_____________________ 4P Mercer Hd $200-10% par 100 d®»tl'll ftO-1325 Saxton 1165 First National Bank__©t'04 W. C. Boyles-------- w. W. E. Shannon. R. M. Breneman... 3 Bedford O10 l0% 60-1826 35,000 59.040 482.740 279.990 218,560 8.000 71,220 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 30,000 68,460 645,870 20,000 230,480 354,000 1,000 158,540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex, N„ Phil.; 1st N. and Mellon N„ Pitt. 8VTRr',7f^H'ma 3 Firit National Bank R. F. Page................h. L. Bolich..............L. B. Shedden..........Frances H. 3 Bradford D18 $3so-i6% par 100 d®T*t’01 Williams 60,000 175,000 1,565,000 97,250 763,480 912,430 29,930 191,410 Han. N. N. T.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 68,000 925,000 99,320 534,000 420,940 57,160 135,140 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. 210,970 165,080 6,250 35.190 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Far. Dep. N., Pitt. First National Bank of Salis J. L. Barchus........ H. H. Maust______R. H. Johnston ... A. G. Lichty. bury ....60-1144...........©t’02 ------o ■< — $225-12% • V"V''—iro 3 Cambria N8 Salix State Bank.._d®'#t§’24!F. J. Livingston... J. G. Learner_____ C. S. Burtnett..........E. F. Dunmire.......... m par 50 60-1681 85.350 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 60-638 MERCH.& MECH $200-8% r“T««{ 60-639 D. A. KEEFE........G. F. CARLING....... L. W. DORSETT................................. 50,000 Special attenti «,n given Bill of L ading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please send 15c un th each sight draft fo r presentation and 50c for Credit Repo rts. B. L. Simpson____A. W. Brinham.___ E.P. Spencer... Merchants & Miners Bank ®»tJ'13 60-1439 30,000 51,630 335,860 First National Bank.d©»t'04 T. H. Dague______ Collin Swagler .... S. W. Rogers---------Blaine C. Bigler — 100 60-1327 25,000 39,000 339,'000 25,000 108,000 262,000 11,000 47.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Diamond N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. Schaefferstown First National Bank.. ®*t'08 U. B. Horst_______M. G. Umberger... Thomas Mock_____ SLebanon N19 1000 $200-10% par 180 60-1328 25,000 53.280 505,930 25,390 230,580 317,330 17,460 44.230 Seab. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. ScheUsburg 290 First National Bank-----©t’14 J, A. Scheller____ W. C. Keyser--------- W. C. Keyser _ 3 Bedford 09 ,165_6% 60_1451 25,000 18.500 170.000 85.000 132,000 Schnecksville 2o2 gchnecksville State Bank F. H. Hollenbach.. P. W. Smith_____ M. E. Hummel 3 Lehigh L21 $60_pa)-50 ♦ 60-1646 d®t§’23; 25,000 8,630 136.640 26,950 117,920 12,820 Schuylkill Haven pirst National Bank...®*t'99 F. B. Keller______S. E. Mengle______ R. E. Williams 3 Schuylkill £f97 ”80-12% 60-736 125,000 328,470 2,301,640 50,000 1,517,520 1.075,730 23,660 188,200 N. City, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 125,000 266,580 1,803,010 6,070 1,211,040 784,330 31,860 173,420 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 213,190 141.260 56,720 66,350 (Windher P. O) Cambria N7 4P ,120-12% par 50 4P Washington 03 ?2oo-o% par SCHUYLKILL HAVEN TR.C0. J.D. BERGER_ _ _ _ _ SAMUEL ROWLAND— S. T. DEIBERT. Tr. $265-8%par 100 ♦ 60-737 d®T»tS’10 h.C. WILSON, See.... C. H. WILLIAMS* A. T r. E. L. THOMAS J. M. Gipe______ G. A. Berger_____ _ W. A. Jones.—... H. W. Stager, Sec.. State Bank of Schuylkill $80 par 50 d®*t§'23 A. M. High Haven 60-1658 Schwenksvllle.337 c .___ _. Edward B.Schwenk Mnntty’v 1M99 Nsit. Bank of SciiwGnksviliG IrvinS. Schwenk.. J, P. Kline.. Montgy N22 l$350_12% 60-1329 ®»t’74 -------- 50,000 27,070 4,730 17,000 Mellon N., Pitt.: Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 17,310 1st N„ Phil. 25,940 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 100,000 381,300 1,799.840 58,500 780,630 1,293,940 50,400 214,680 Union N„ Phil. 50,000 79,180 1,100.910 51,360 786,800 284,420 18,150 192,080 Seab.N.,N.Y.;DiamondN.,Colonial Tr.Co., and Monongahela N„ Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 50,000 804,830 6,535,090 130,150 3,299,610 3,374,470 49,470 796,520 1st N„ N. Y. and Phil.: Mellon N„ Far. Dep. N„ and 1st N„ Pitt. Scottdale Sav. & Trust Co. B. C. Fretts........... B. F. Keister______ Harry Laughrey, A.J.Strickler.A.T, 148,800 $200-6% 60-691 dB®Tt§’01 • Sec. and Tr. E. Landenberger, A. Tr. 200.120 1,364.240 1,552,870 33.660 106,700 U. S. Mortgage & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt. a 4P w^frnorefd6??? Broadway National Bank E. H. Reid_______ John R. Byrne_____Thos. D. Byrne.___J. T. Wurtz .. 4P westmorei d 05 ,225_12% 6Q_«02 ©foi First National Bank...®»t’l $1200-100% 60-690 The Scottdale Trust Co,. B. F. Keister_____Charles H. Loncks. Chas. H. Loucks... E. G. Daugherty... P. B. Porter, A. C. J. T. Strickler (Merged with First National Bank. M arch 18, 1927) l THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1282 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.J1New§StatetPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. isF. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Pis Pittsburg Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div *Scranton..l42,266 3 Lackawanna H21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYL V A NIA —Continued President. Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits Other ^ABILI TIES Resources. Bonds Loani am k ExMiscel CIHANeU'Dci and and Discounts Securities laneous nu>M Barm Principal correspondents. 519.850 4 224 600 >1170 080 $4450650 1284 040 70.090 609.750 tm. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil.; 1st N. and Tra. N., Scranton. 16,540 3.752,750 2,386,070 500,000 754,210 5,881,640 E. A. Bosak_______ J. O. Batyko.......... J. H. Puczylowski ♦Bosak State Bank B®»iS’15 Michael Bosak.. J. A. Doherty. Sec. Geo. Munchak $325-12% par 50 60-24 (Converted to County National Bank Feb ruary 21, 1927 and then consolidated wi th the Fi "st Natio nal Bank April 1, 1927) County Savings Bank_____ 316,500 697,060 guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 103,230 Chem .N., N. Y. 'ANTHRACITE TRUST COMPANY 60-17 $238-10% par d®T»t§'10 50 J. F.MEARS- CHARLES McMEANS. W. M. BUNNELL. G. F. STUCKART, V. P. and 'l'r. Officer See. and Tr. H.C. REYNOLDS,F.P. W.C. MILLER, m wmpL S 500,000 and Gen. Counsel A. Sec. and A. Tr. I Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c u ith each sight draft for presentation a nd Zac for Credit Re ports. .Send us your Sr ranton items. ♦Dollar State Bank d®T»t§'24 P. W. Haas______ $127 par 50 60-28 W. H. Knoepfel—. East Scranton State Bank $115-4% 60-26 ®»t§’23 ♦ELECTRIC CITY BANK & G. L. Peck_______ TRUST CO. 60-18 ®T»tS’l0 W. J. Nealon_____ L. A. Haggerty.__ Jos. A. Sutula____ Frank Kapalski J. S. Woodling ___ E. H. Hausser___ P. F. Costello, Sec W. P. Jennings D. J. Davis, Sec.... E. S. Jones, Jr..__ Fern A. Olver, Cash, and Tr. J. B. Doyle 100,000 50.860 865,810 56.100 433,800 431,030 104,710 125,000 67.380 822,160 10,000 5 25,220 400,000 29,870 243,000 1,462.140 104.580 1.065.190 582,670 111,950 125,000 $190-10% (Formerly Electric City Bank) FIRST NATIONAL BANK $1,000-24 % 60-1 ©•§'63 GEORGEC.NYEMACDONALD FRANK HUMMLERp HEEBNER. A. C. W. B. OLIVER R. 0. deubler! ‘ WALLACE M. RUTH GEO. F. HOFFMAN. R. MAOKAY. v p A T. HUNT. V.'P.' W. B. KRAMER. A. C fCHAS. S. WESTON- geor(1eei| NYE H. S. KIRKPATRICK.. LOUELLA WARREN JOHN T. WALTERS. A WM. T. LINDSAY, A. 2.250.000 3.868.980 46486100 Special attentio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash Send ua your Sc ranton Itema. Eugene L. Vosburg Hyde Park Deposit Bank par 50 60-27 d®t§’23 ♦Keystone Bank.__ d®*tl’04 P. W. Tague______ $160-12% 60-14 par 50 Lackawanna Trust Company . (Merged with Scrant 50,000 Ch. of Bd E. H. SHAFER. Tr.. J. W. BROWNING. DANIEL P.PIEL, & TRUST COMPANY par 100 ♦60-2 dB®T#*l'91 ♦Pine Brook Bank ...®»tl’10 $115-7% 60-22 par 50 ♦Providence Bank ___ ®»§’07 $125-12% 60-15 Scranton Lackawanna Tr. Co $301-8% 60-7 •t»’27 par 100 (Consolidation of Lackawanna H. B. DUNHAM — GEO.T. BUNHAM_ _ R. J. HUBBARD. WILLIAM CAWLEY O’.ffls R. J HUBBARD. ^ Tr. Off. $220-8% 60-13 {Scranton banks con tinued on next page) CE CLOUD SUTCLIFFE 1EGYS, Gen 651,020 273,260 79,580 41,520 712.500 34.000 433,100 298.560 86,940 125,000 665,430 1.024,670 32,650 197.860 1st N. and Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 500,000 292.680 4.177.730 151.480 2.664.200 1 267.170 691.180 499.350 Han. N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.;lst N., Phil. 200,000 302.170 2,940,560 100,100 1,560,840 1,780,300 74,560 1,000,000 1.432.190 15333860 515.840 12444170 3.121.040 190,100 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 946.400 1.770.280 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex.N., Phil. t tance. 529,920 319.400 28,500 75,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo, Sav. & Dime Bk. Tr. and 1st N.. Scranton. 940.07C 917,160 146,410 880,930 1,409,460 375,730 197.850 Seab. N., N.Y.; Tradesmens N. and Market St. N.. Phil. 119,490 1st N.. Scranton. 1,040 215,19( 1,778,80( . 200,00( David J. Davis ___ G. W. Beemer____ Floyd D. Beemer.. P. F. Gibbons L. A. Wat res___ T. A. Morgan------- Harold Dond, Tr... R. A. Hull, Sec. .... 1,350,00C 1,049,84( ____ . H. J. Fear, A. Tr. C.S. Weston. V. P E. A. Jones 335,770 410 1.786.22C 1.584,191 75,69( James D. Jordan. J. A. Madden_____ Jas. O’Connor, Sec. D. G. Davis 50,000 47.63C 854.78C W. R. Roper ... 97,650 Bk. of America. N. Y.; Market St. N.,Phil.: Peo. Sav. & Dime Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Scranton. 71,420 N. City., N. Y. ounsel C.and A. Tr. Off. MS 15c must accom pany each Sight Draft for present atlon. The personal Se rvlce Bank. We get results and m (.We want your Scranton busines s on this basis. 7,500 Trust and Scranton Trust Cos.) ff. J. HELRIEGEL ♦SOUTH SIDE BANK -®«tl 02 50,600 Tr. Off. 60-23 ®T»tl'13 ♦North Scranton Bank Valentina Blit* .... H. E. Griffin--------- E. E. Mailer_____ S. R. Bliss $200-10% 60-11 ®»t§’01 $518-16% 881.700 on Trust Co. as Sera nton Lackawanna T rust Co.) MAS. A. LINEN. JR. GEO. 0. SHARPS R. A. AMERMAN, ‘PEOPLESSAVINGS 119.210 234,900 1,560.690 100.000 Henry Geiss_____ H. T. Harris......... R. C. Bennett Charles Leber, M. A. O’Toole G. B. Carson______ W. B, Layton_____ W. P. Evans._ T. J. McHugh $223-6% & DIME BANK N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l.N. and 1st N., Chi.: Franklin 4th St. N., Bk. of No. Am., and Phil.-Girard N., Phil.: N. Shaw., Bos.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. Pitt. eports. Please send 15c w tth each sight draft for presentation a $133 TRUST COMPANY 939.940 5.091.880 1st N„ Han. N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Bk. Mgr. Bo nd Dept, r. For. D ept. ♦Green Ridge Bank..®*tl’10 F. F. Hendrickson. O. D. DeWitt_____ J. A. Wynkoop.... F. G. Lewis. $175-10% 60-21 O. R. Conrad ‘LINCOLN 963.360 21302090 26234550 69,440 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Anthracite Tr. Co., and 3d N.t Scranton. 174,910 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Peo. Sav. & Dime Bk. & Tr. Co., Scranton; 1st N., Phil. F. J. DIGKERT- - - - - - ALFRED GUTHEINZ. FRED. G0NTER— S. S. SPRUKS Equipped to ha ndle ail banking matters entruste d to us. Proi (send us you B SCRANTON IT EMS. ) . 200,OOC 388,63( 3,188,80( t service Reason able ct arges. 331,741 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Phil, and Scranton. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis looq ±£iOJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American ^Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State f Priv. [Estab. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. is F.Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$Last Sale%Div. President. Vice-President. 0‘SHil Ass t Caseiik. Paid-up Capital % ‘Scranton..142,266 (Continued) ‘THIRD NATIONAL Si* BANK ®n»ii ‘TRADERS NATIONAL BANK fWILLIAMH. PECK- B. L. CONNELL- - - - - J.E. WILLIAMS_ _ _ _ HOWARD PLUMLEY. CLARA B. WHITMORE B. B. HICKS. Tr. Off. H. E. BARTHEL R.A.GREGORY 'UNION NATIONAL BANK 'F. W. WOLLERTON- JOHN HAPRICE. . . . . . W. W. MCCULLOCH- SEBERT WENZEL___ W.W. MCCULLOCH COLLECTIONS HAVE THE PER SONAL ATTENT ION OF AN OFF1 OF THIS BAN K. BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US GIVEN MORE THAN JUST THE NECESSAR Y ATTENTION. J. J. JERMYN - ttHHK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued __________ Resources.__________ Liabilities. Surplus Loan. 1 Bond* , 1 Cm A IiOther Drpos- L ‘n(i and j ,.......... and iabili Discounts Securities LA‘NE0US from Bins Profits its ties $ I $ 400.000 1.402.200 10436 240 E. R. KREITNER- R. M. FISH.......... T. H. MARSH 500,000 1.200,000 10500000 “ » ____ » “ •* ---------- “ “ *' _____ “ 500,000 “ -------- “ 499.500 2.420,240 1,476,010 550,020 593,750 N. City and Bk. of America, N. Y.; ■'■ — in Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 1,684,860 1.398.120 184,110 208,120 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Phil. ______ Edw. B. Smith & Co.. N. Y. and Phii.: J. H. Brooks & Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Binghampton, N. Y., and Hazleton. Pa. ______ Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y.,Chi., Phil., Bos., St.L., Clev.,Hart„ San F.. Seattle, Port., Atl., Dallas, Rich., Pitt., and Los A. SEND YOUR C OLLECTION ITE MS TO US FOR PROMPT ATTE NTION. 120,000 389,900 2.880.320 85,000 I. J. Hemingway, Representative. (Inz estment Securities) COMMERCIAL PAPER. J. H. Thomas, Mgr. GUARANTY . MPANY OF (Investment Securi ties).. . NEW Y0R (806 Brooks Bldg.) A. B. LEACH & C0.,INC.-’18 (Investment Secur ities) (Mears Bldg.) THE NATIONAL CITY CO— (Investment Securi W. K. Bender, Graham. Parsons & Co., N. Y„ Phil., Balt., Camden, Pitt., Reading, Wash, and Trenton. Guaranty Co. of N. Y., New York. (Scranton Life Bldg.) Sewickley........4955 4P 389,660 3.650.860 Try us for quic k results. GRAHAM, PARSONS & CO. 98 Allegheny M3 Representative Jonas Westling, A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., and princioal cities. See adv. Page VI. The National City Co. of N, Y. and Cor! respondent Offices, Representative (Scranton Life Ins. Bldg.) Weissenfluh & Co________If (142 Washington Ave.) (Scranton Clearing House.__ W. M. Ruth_______ J. A. Wynkoop— E. R. Kreltner, F. D. Beemer., Sec. Mgr. E. E. Muller (Members indicated by a *) B. F. Harley_____ C. P. Ulrich___ K. O. Walter... Chas. Arhogast.__ SelInsgrove...l937 Farmers National Bank.»t'07 3 Snyder K16 60-981 ‘‘ —... “ FirsiNationalBank.d®T»t'64 $260-6% par 100 60-980 “ _____ “ Snyder County Trust Co. *55 60-1702 d©Tt§’25 Seliersville„..1598 Sellersville National Bk. 3 Bucks M23 $370-i6%par i0O60-1330d®»t’82 Seven Valleys. 384 Seven Valleys Nat. Bank 3 York 017 $120-6% par 100 60-1331 d®»t’09 Seward----------- 657Citizens National Bank 4P Westm’landM7 $ioo 60-1570 ®«t§’21 ** -------“ First National Bank...»t’21 60-1573 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50,000 94,150 627,160 21,040 122,730 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 113,880 148,230 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 95,060 575,010 992,070 97,200 735.120; 408,980 240,000 18,000 243,000 72,000 43,000 201.140 1.170,910 120,610 821,180 523,830 63.850 14,650 . I 147,580 I 125,000 *191,950 Edgar R. Wingard. J. I. Woodruff......... Ralph Wit me r. Tr. T. J. Purdy, Sec... 125,000 7,000 M. D. Sellers.......... E. K. Moyer______ W. F. Day_____ W. B. Butterwick. F. M. Fretz H. I. Gladfelter... G. M. Fickes__ C. D. Kront_______ W. D. Rudisill ___ 75,000 25,000 21,230 287.290 25,020 103,710 214.810 j.g. 25,000 32,000 140.000 12.000 57.000 90.000 9,000 25,000 16,720 234.590 40,400 163,380 58,290! 22,550 88,810 2.088,630 125.070 901.380 1.143.650 103.000 Roscoe C. North.. W. M. Schnure. mu______ E. E. Dias_____ Chas. C. Walter__ C. G. Wagner_____ H. H. Thompson B. C. Wagner J.M. Mack................ I. D. Ford_______ 'EUGENE MURRAY— EZRA P. YOUNG_ _ _ H.E. BEALL G. M. Rude, Sec,... W.G. DAVIS- - - - - - - - F. A. NASH. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 100.000 42,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. 158,800 Han. N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Market St. N., and Union N., Phii. 25.390 N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 53.000 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Pitt. Tr. Co., Pitt.; U. S. Tr. Co., Johnstown. 72,500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.;U. S. N„ Johns town; Mellon N„ Pitt. 254,480 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Mellon N., Pitt. Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. ..Send us your S ewlckley Items. $175-10% par 100 60-740 d®»t’90 Peoples Bank of Sewickley C. L. Saxton............ R. L. Anderson— J. D. McCord. par 50 60-1597 d®»t5’21 EDWARD GRAY— F. E. RICHARDSON- ABRAM! SEWICKLEY VALLEY TR. CO. ----------®Tt§’r $ 900.000 5,600,000 5,300,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Han. N.. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. — —.... Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Frank lin 4th .St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Cassatt & Co.......... ............ If (630 Mulberry St.) ____ “ | Phil. 1232-8% 60-16 ®»t’07 *West Side Bank.. d®«tS’74 Wm. R. Williams.. Willard Matthews. A. B. Eynon______ T. G. Evans. $250-16% par 50 60-5 J. H. BROOKS & CO.-•tll’05 (Investment Sec urities)_________ W. H. Davis_____ D.D. Griffin.... Members N. T. Stock Exchange. (Brooks Bldg.) John H. Frantz & CO...........05 (Traders N. Bk. Bldg.) $ 547.190 1.473.590 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. 8s Com’l N., Chi.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. CEB I Unexcelled facll B-L Drafts I with prompt remittance on day of payment, 1 No attention p aid to plain sigh t drafts unless accom panted by presen tation fee of lie $7-15-20% par 100 60-8 d®»t’89 i GEO. H. BURR $ | $ | $ 719.210 8,195,770 2.749,090 Principal Correspondents. Spcelal attentlo 50,000 J.K. WEBSTER, 125,000 A. Tr. and Tr. Offi rer and Time Items. 287,260 216,990 146,410 1,786,660 25.090 1.341.360 58,720 34,400 349,610 49,260 52,230 Am. Ex.-Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Marine N„ Pitt. 333.150 Han. N., N. Y.; MonongahelaN., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1284 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number ElTen to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and Codnty. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsbnrgh Br, d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSalc%Div. Shamokln ..21,749 3 Northumb’dK18 DIME TR. & SAFE DEPOSIT GO. $300-24% ♦60-264 d®T«tS’10 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $200-12% 60-335 TI®T»t’68 R. McGILL_ _ _ _ J. FITZPATRICK....... F.C. SHIVELY- - - - - - - R.G. DE ARMENT... WM. A. BRYER | P. A. HIGGS, V. P, E.R. MILLER rK. f. W. KOEHLER... H. B. McDOWELL-— JOHN S. BYCROFT. Jr. J. J. BREEN- - - - - - JOHNS. BYCROFT,Jr. 0. H. ALLEN, Tr.Off. C. W. HARPST JOHN SALCAU, Mgr. NATIONAL BANK 4P Mercer Ill Sheffield_____1550 4P Warren F7 3 Schuylkill K19 Shenandoah 24.726 profits ties $ 125.000 $ 342.900 $2 032 680 Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cask ft Exand and CHiIOM,DUK laneous Discounts Securities PROM BaHU $1353 990 $ 743,750 116,300 i 286,530 Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th 8t. N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 347,880 232,550 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N. and Market St. N„ Phil. 686,250 86,720 146,330 125,000 560,950 2.462,190 $ 54,600 2,030.990 591,310 125,000 829.630 2,125,920 340,330 2,433,070 125,000 144,000 908,500 210 492,530 526,900 125 000 64,710 330.440 48,800 185,130 247,000 97,410 214,840 Am. Ex. Irv. N. and Franklin 4th St.N.. Phil. 526,160 N. City, N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Frank lin 4th St. N„ Phil. 95,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N. and Penn. N„ Phil.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 107,290 Fid.Tr.Co. of N.Y..N.Y,; 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 39,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil-Girard N„ Phil. 200,000 60,000 580,280 25,440 388,130 184,240 218,970 74,380 Am. Ex. Irr. Tr„ N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt. 200,000 781,920 3.948,850 120.770 3,656,280 722,760 125.000 195.000 950,000 660,000 375,000 140,000 50,980 300,000 430.180 5.687.480 314.200 3.527.850 2.382.390 286.830 534.790 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Columbia N„ Pitt. 300.000 417.110 6.564.060 669.570 3,581.430 3.415.300 194,210 759,790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; n* . Special attentl on given to Bill 115c must accom pany each sight draft and 25c for each credit report .Reasonable cha rges. SEND US YOUR SHARON ITEMS. SEND US YOUR SHARON PR OMPT PERSONA 10% par 100 60-356 d®T»J’68 Please send 15c with each sight draft Merch. & Mnfrs. Nat. Bank C. H. Pearson____ C. T. Stockton ___ $140-8% 60-358 ®*t'02 C. N. Patterson ... G. P. Loomis_____ Sharpsburg.. .9198 CITIZENS DEP. & TRUST 4P Allegheny M3 12% par 100 60-541 d®T»t! Sharpsville ...4674 Surplus Other Depos L AND iabili its A.T. The Collect ion Bank of Shamokin. Prompt Re mittance. Personal P resentation. Reasonable Charges. W E WANT YO UR BUSINE SS. T. S. Hamilton, E. G. Seiler______ T.S. Hamilton.... Wm. H. Ressler, Tr. Off. Sec. A. E. Breen R. N. Buffington, J. W. Haupt. Tr. $325-20% 60-262 dB®T*t8'95 A. Tr par 100 Market Street National Bank W. II. Unger_____ J. A. Wert_______ W. M. Tier.........— $665-16% 60-263 ©tl900 A. Gable.__ HAT. BK. OF SHAMOKIN 4 og A. D. Robertson__ Edw. Brennan____ Geo. C. Graeber... Frank A. S. Dries $450-24% 60-261 ®»t'83 Peoples Trust Co.dB®T»t§’21 Albert Lloyd_____ John Novack_____ C.S.Henderson, Tr. J. J. Kadingo, A. Tr. $145-12% par 50 60-265 ShamokinBanking&TrustCo. S. L. Gribbin_____ P. J. Friel................ P- F. Whitenight. Sec. and Tr. $135-8% par 50 ♦60-260 d©Tt*'71 West End Nat. Bk___ d©’25 A. L.Snyder_____ L. C. Myers______ C. H. Rumberger.. J. C. Taby $210 par 100 60-266 C. H. Patterson, W. Kennedy... R. E. Matthews, Sharon____ 24,963 DOLLAR TITLE & TRUST CO. C. S. Flower.......... G. A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. Thos. J. Dougherty $ 120-6% 60-359 d®Tt§ 21 4P Mercer 11 FIRST NATIONAL BANK MCDOWELL _ Capital ^ F.P. LLEWELLYN - W. U. JURY............ J. L.SHEEF. _ F. P. LLEWELLYN, Tr. Off. H. W. LARK Sec. Tr. and Tr. Off. G. C. SIMMONS. A.T. R. D. HENDERSHOT’ m»»v»*FE par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYL V A NIA —Continued ITEMS DIRECT FOR L ATTENTION. for presentation. Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. For. Dept. E. J. Bieber______ Richard Thomson, C. N. Patterson, A. See Sec. and Tr. Wm. 8. Saint, A.T. J. H. Crane____ Farmers & Mech. Bank C. O. Ohalfant.__ G. H. Calvert____ H. G. Woerner. $190-25% par 50 60-540 d®«t§'79 Geo. Wittmer, Jr. First National Bank..©»l’03 J, R. Gemmill.__ C. C. Moore............ T. F. Wickerham.. L. M. Bartleson. $150-8% 60-1332 P. J. Finerty.__ Sheffield Nat. Bk___d®»t’02 C. R. McNeal____ W. O. Skelton____ R. L. Irwin, V. P. and Cash. D. C. Hover $350-18% par 100 60-1333 Citizens National Bank Jos. Rynkiewlcz-. S. A. Ramonat ___ G. H. Krick $350-16% 60-228 ©»t’08 E. D. Longacre First National Bank..®»t’84 Dan J. Ferguson . J. P. Roberts_____ J. H. Quinn_______ D. L. Watson_____ $450-24% 60-225 F. P. Reilly Merchants National Bk.®t’91 J. S. Kistler_____ T. F. Bradigan .— J. W. Hough_____ P. C. Naylor_____ $500-24% 60-226 Miners Banking Trust Co. P. H. Burke------- Stanley F. Bauser. Julius Luschinsky, E. B. Beddall, A.Tr Sec. and Tr. $no-6% 60-229 ®T»§’17 ShenandoahTrust Co. H. M. Bradigan__ Harry Savulak___ A. F. Bredlckas, $425-20% 60-227 dB®T»*§’02 Sec. and Tr. 175.000 100,480 1,725,740 250,000 317,860 3,253,120 100,000 100,000 50,000 1,104,430 625,970 51,560 1,492,330 1,905,880 36,680 412,640 2,777,420 76,100 1,264,860 1,746,770 34.420 112.190 1.274.660 54,000 675.810 666,240 39,000 50,000 171,890 1.417.590 50,000 1,025,720 457,140 14,600 100.000 250,000 2.100,000 125,000 1,300,000 900,000 125,000 100,000 515,000 2,500,000 313,050 2,273,640 100,000 511,440 1,911,260 98,900 125,000 249,010 1,735,690 125,000 422.390 1.809.440 10.150 576,780 273,500 951,340 1,391.980 54,000 897,360 921.45C 78,500 907,840 1,111,480 124,950 par 100 Sherldanvllle .2948 (See Pittsburgh) 4P Allegheny L3 3 Luzerne H19 Shlckshinny. .2289 Farmers State Bk.. .d®»t§’22 D. M. Rosser— 60-1624 First National Bank®T*tl900 $200-12% 60-1334 Shilllngtou... 3100 Shillington Bank__ d©t§'21 $72.08 par 50 60-1596 3 Berks N20 Shlnglehouse 1169 First National Bk... .d®*t’03 $350-18% par 100 60-1335 3 Potter Ell Shlppensburg 4372 First National Bk___d®Tt’65 3 Cumb I’d P13 $195-8% par 100 60-811 Peoples National Bank._t’03 60-812 $60 par 50 E. W. Garrison.. G. H. Leininger. II. E. Fenner.— E. B. Koons-----M. L. Briggs R. W. Beadle___ S. M. Whitesell D. S. Krick.......... B. F. Nichols — J. M. Bredbenner. D. Z. Mensch, Cash, and Sec. P. B. Horning____ A. S. Hornberger, Sec R. L. Lunn---------- C. G. Failing_ 50,000 125,000 10,000 210,000 100,000 95.000 45,000 125,000 1,649,790 1,150,000 560,000 81,000 179,900 170,260 53,05( 39,610 25,000 16,250 403,920 25,000 66,080 330,290 338,480 53,830 1,100,210 552,540 49.340 : 1,276,580 | 300.110 53,500 W. A. Addams... G. H. Stewart ... G. S. McLean------ L. M. Hale.... 175,000 157,230 1.411.440 G. W. Himes ___ J. S. Omwake... Howard A. Ryder.. Errol F. Snoke___ 125,000 189,910 1.387,430 269,260 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st N„ Phil.; Un. Tr. Co.,CIev. 386,090 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Union Tr. Co., and Union N., Pitt. 320,100 N. City. N. Y.; Duquesne N. and Un. Tr. Co.. Pitt. 159,810 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 192,020 Seab. N., N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; Warren Sav„ Warren. 250.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Franklin 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N.. and 1st N., Phil. 171.710 N. Park, N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 224,280 Fid. Tr., N. Y.; Market St. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 212,420 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and Tradesmens N-, Phil. 222,700 Chase N., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil.Girard N., and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 30.000 Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 108,790 Han.N., N. Y. 44,430 1st N„ Phil.; Reading Tr. Co., Reading. 44,010 Han. N„ N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 134,050 Fid. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Franklin 4thSt. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Hd. Tr.Co., Balt. 121,150 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given & each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 12 8 S Town AND County. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State fPriv. „ ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. is F. Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Liabilities. PRESIDENT. P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ShlppenvUle.. .452 First NationadBank ®T»i'05 J. R. Bangert .. 4P Clarion H5 *300-20% 60-1336 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. T. M. Arnold-------H. H. Bittenbender Marie McElhattan Shiremanstown State Bank I. C. Hess_____ E. W. Rupp_____ H. C. Hendrix, *67 par 50 80-1546 d®*i5’2rt First National Bank..®*}’20 G. E. Alleman.. A. M. Sprenger... A. M. Sprenger... *135 60-1557 H. K. Phillips Shrewsbury Sav. Inst. A. D. Collins ... H. G. 8ieling----- W. H. Meyers....... C. W. Onllins *48-12% 60-1337dB©*t8’60 (See Northampton) Simpson State Bank M. H. Curnow....... T. F. McGee.......... E. G. Norton____ Vi par 50 60-1687 dB®K§'24 Joseph R. Kielor Sinking Spring Bank W. W. Webber.... F. K. Savage____ J. W. Woifskill... C. W.Freeman.Sw. par 50 60-1605 d©»J§'22 First National Bank..®*I’21 C. B. Korns_____ S. V. Swank_____ P. L. Hoffman___ Pierce Miller *no-5% 60-1563 Citizens National Bank S. B. Costenbader.. Wilson Rex_____ H. H. Misson____ 60-746 ®*f01 *255-10% National Bank of Slatington I. W. Griffith____ H. T. Craig_____ Charles Craig— „ *Z40-I0%parl00 60-745(1 B®»t'75 Slickville....... 2500 Slickville First Bank ©t’24 (F. A. Maddas and Etzio Nannini)__ J. F. Tomajko....... 4P Westm’land M6 „„ 60-1705 Sligo...................801 Sligo National Bank..®»ro7 G. E. Andrews, Jr.. Eugene Woods___ W. C. TCI lint t 4P Clarion 15 i«% 60-1339 Slippery Bock 826 Citizens National Bk. ®»1’07 W. M. Humphrey . H. M. Rimer J. E. Baird....... .... H. R. Smith_____ 4P Butler I2( *130-7% 60-1029 First National Bank..®*t'03 J. E. Stoops__, M. A. Gibson____ John A. Aiken. — R. A. McBride....... 60-1028 *300-20% •Smethport 1568 Grange Nat. Bk. of McKean E. A. Studholme... F. L. Holmes____ A. E. Quirk_____ 3McKean E10 *i60-6%_Co. .60-951 -_.©T*r07 Hamlin Bk. & Tr. Co. Orlo J. Hamlin__ Ralph E. Burdick . Ralph E. Burdick, Guy McCoy. 15% 60-950 ®T*t§'63 Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. Smlcksburg ...500 Smicksbnrg State Bank H. E. Roney_____ H. Blaine Dodson.. 4P Indiana K7 *100 par 50 60-1622 d©}’22 Geo. W. Seanor.__ J. W. Dodson Smithfleld___ 940 First National Bank..®«t'03 W. W. Parshall__ H. R. Sackett___ J. A. Leech 4P Fayette Q4 *200-10% 60-1340 Smithfleld State Bk..©*t§’25 J. N. McGill_____ E. L. Morgan........ R. S. Burchinal— Wm. H. Morgan... par 50 60-1694 G. L. Conn, Sec. Smithton....... 890 First National Bank ®»:fl900 F. M. Williams ___ R. H. Wolf.......... J. K. McDonald... Hazel M. Smith__ 4P Westm’land 04 *135-8% par 100 50-1341 Snow Shoe.......650 Snow Shoe Bank... d@»t|’14 David Chambers__ R. E. Kech______ N. B. Long .. ___ 3 Center J12 *120-12% par 50 80—1453 Somerfleld 169 First National Bank....... •t'07 J. W. Endsley___ R. P. Kelley Wm. A. Frey____ George B. Frazee. Goldie E. Frazee.. 4P Somerset Q6 *250-12% par 100 BO-1342 ^Somerset.__3121 County Trust Oo. ...®T»M'10 Charles J. Harrison C. H. Springer M. J.Pritts______ J. H. Fike, R. W. Glessner, 4 P Somerset P7 *200-10% 60-866 R. E. Meyers Sec. and. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Farmers NationalBk. Isaiah Good______ J. M. Bricker___ H. R. Boose_____ S. B. Friedline._ *420-20%par 100 60-868 d®»tlM0 First National Bank..®«f 86 George R. Scnll__ F. W. Biesecker... E. K. Gallagher__ Ralph E. Dickey... *480-20% 60-867 John I. Scull Somerset Tr. Oo._d©T»t*1900 George R. Scnll__ G. J. Krebs______ C. C. Wagner, Tr.. F. K. Sanner, *264-12% par 100 60-869 John I. Scull A. Tr. Souderton.__3125 Upion National Bk. d®T»t’76 C. K. Gotwals....... H. S. Souder_____ J. D. Moyer . J. B. Allem______ 3 Montgomery N23 *460-14% par 100 60-1343 II. M. Detwiler Southampton.300 Southampton State Bank C. W. Roberts....... F. E. Heston____ C. C. Kohl............. D. R. Hogeland.__ 3 Bucks 024 *60 60-1691 ®*J§’25 So. Bethlehem 485 (See Bethlehem) Northampton K23 §outh Fork...4239 First National Bank...©»t’0J W. I. Stineman.__G. A. Slick W. C. Strieker___ M. R. Hoffman.... 3 Cambria M8 *500-30% 60-1344 Union Deposit Bk. -d®»JS'17 H. C. George___ Chas. A. Hutzel.. Wallace Hughes... C. E. Dunmire___ $110-8% par 50 60-1472 J. A. Page So. Williamsport Bank of South Williamsport Chasi W. Sones__ V. C. Luppert.... J. H. Heim. ____ C. R. Schumacher. (Williamsp'tP.O.) *75-6% 60-1478 ®»t§T8 3 Lycoming 116 4841 Spangler____ 3035 First National Bank...®*t'04 James A. McClain. T. O. Helfrick... T, F. Dougherty -- F. E. Helfrick....... 3 Cambria L8 *275-10% par 100 60-1346 J. L. Spangler. Ch. Keystone Bank____ d®t§’21 G. E. Prindible.__ J. E. Reilly____ R. G. Husted. __ *75 par 50 60-1582 Spartansburg. 450 Grange National Bank®»t’08 C. H. Tauber____ Wm. Huff......... O. M. Thompson... B. E, Elston. 4 P Crawford E4 *150-10% 60-1347 C. S. Fisher Springboro__ 542 T. J. Bentley & Son____ f'01 4 P Crawford E2 60-1348 Spring City...2944 National Bank of Spring City E. G. Brownback.. Milton Latshaw... A. B. Peterman... E. C. Emery, Sec... 3 Chester 021 *200-10% 60-1840 dB®T«F72 Shlremanstown 3 Cumb’i’d N16 635 ShoemakersvlUe 3 Berks M20 700 Shrewsbury . 668 3 York Q17 Siegfried........ 3500 „ 3 North’ton K22 Simpson____ 2237 3 Lackawanna F22 SinldngSpringl270 3 Berks N20 Slpesville_____60 4P Somerset 07 Slatington.__4014 3 Lehigh K21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc . see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Resources. Surplus Loads Bonds Paid-up Depos Other Miscel AND And And Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 25,000 $ 82,160 50.000 17,120 166,260 50,000 47,140 662.770 49.100 217,500 1.272,690 110 50,000 % 562,450 1 25,000 { 580,990 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex change*,Dui whom Banks 25,000 1 15,820 J 72,800 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 102,770 75,930 26,010 28 670 659,539 52,950 36,050 60.470 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mech. Tr. Co., Harrisburg. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 166,680 1,219,030 35,880 118,700 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt, and Merch. N.. Balt. 50,000 20.810 591.000 20.000 170,000 420.000 18,000 73,810 50,000 57,150 516,400 2,280 271,010 282,560 16,750 55,510 25,000 17.759 194,430 13.750 178,490 20,390 52.050 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Scranton; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Pa. Tr. Co., Reading. Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 45.000 1.450,000 50.000 525.000 1.005.000 120,000 130,000 N. Park, N., Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 230,420 1.760,920 100,000 591,400 1.384,160 29.630 186,150 19,318 142,150 460 21,520 — 1st N..N. Y. and Phil. Maddas Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensburg. 92,880 25,000 75,110 550,060 25.000 439,270 166.970 3.140 65,780 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 35,000 28,310 411.490 27.760 237.180 175.530 15.060 74.780 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 25,000 76,090 766,940 23,000 678,670 29,200 68,680 114.480 125,000 74,510 693,000 124.960 672.080 219,770 62,090 63,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. Han. N..N.Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 311,390 1,926,530 5,410 1,703.810 409,060 76,660 253.800 Seab. N., N. Y.: Marine Tr.. Buffalo; Mel 25,000 150,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Duquesne N. and 1st N., Pitt. Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Fayette Title & Tr. Co., Uniontown. Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mel lon N., Pitt. Han. N.,N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 200,000 180,000 lon N.. Pitt.; Franklin 4thSt. N.. Phil. 25 noo Colonial Tr. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt. 25,000 25.000 75.000 84,850 687.290 53.150 372,480 415.060 23.940 88,810 60.000 12,000 144,740 6,260 49,460 91,960 34,580 47,010 25,000 49,270 204,290 300 102,560 108,760 620 66.920 25,000 52,880 294.250 50.000 91.510 260,220 14.670 55.730 84,590 65.230 309.340 25.000 137,600 235,590 5,500 150.000 145.690 1,032.970 22,5001 711,350 466,160 80.200 50,000 164,220 1.121,300 53,760 671,490 428.570 76.640 25,000 935.190 50.000 416.080 638.780 67.350 125.000 225,000 1.100.000 — 695.000 509,000 60.000 125,000 539.740 2.107.450 118.790 1,082,180 1.391,720 202,440 50,000 50,000 204.920 13,750 318.030 91.050 222.300 N. City, and Chem. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 117.900 Chase N., N.Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: Franklin 4thSt. N., Phil.: Merch. N., Balt. 186.000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Un. Tr. and Union N., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 214.630 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 45t36fi 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 93,450 212,580 51,010 280.020 944,620 29.620 218,750 50,000 57,230 618,150 ............... | 227,290 339,490 59.080 99,520 50,000 20,000 600,000 10.000 275,000 300,000 45,000 60,000 50,000 163,220 807,710 280,980 628,270 62,520 111.890 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 50,000 24,260 374,780 87.540 280,510 29,190 51,800 25,000 38,250 297.360 25,310 127,200 214,520 5,100 39,100 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Mellon N„ Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phii. Chase N..N.Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. Union Tr. Co. Pitt. 270,240 1.118,900 187,780 472,880 1,122.950 56,850 124,240 50,000 200,000 230,500 1.141,490 62,740 ---------- 1 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. 1st N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.,Pitt.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Go.. Pitt.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. N. City, N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Northern Cent. Tr. Co., Williamsport. Union N. and 1st N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 100A to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14 oO Directory, under the authorlt: *-------— Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«New SSftatetFriv. }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seat. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Piv. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. i Bondi Miscel Cash k ExLoam Other D epos Paid-up Surplus and and chai*o*s,Dc* AND Liabili Discounts its Capital Profits Seouritiaa laneous ruoM Banks ties Springdale.__ 2029 Springdale National Bk.©»t'06 Jos. Heidenkamp _ John A. Stevenson J. A. Lassalle_____ C. B. Eyler, Jr........ $ 4P Allegheny M4 Springfield------------ Media P. O. 60-1350 Springdale Trust Co. $218-8% E. W. Siegfried... R. C. Johnston.... C. M. Borland, Sec. F. J. Esser, A.Sec.and A.Tr. and Tr. M. J. Agan $110 par 100 60-1621 d®T«t§'2J J. W. Walch____ E, T. Bartlett, Jr.. ^Springfield National Bank. E. T. Birtlett, Sr.. J. W. Walch par loo 60-1723 ©’27 3 Delaware P22 Spring Grove.1115 First National Bank..©»t’02 W L Glatfftltar $300-15% 60-1002 3. York Q16 <t Peoples National Bk..d®t'06 $190-8% par 100 60-1003 H F. Erdley_____ Spring Milts...329 First National Bank $100 par 100 60-1490 3 Center K13 Springville___236 First National Bank d®»t’19 3 Susquehanna F20 $136-4% par 100 60-1511 State College 2405 First National Bank d®T»t’04 W. L. Foster------- N. E. Hess_______ D. F. Rapp_______ C. W. Swartz, Tr. Off. C. G. Aikens $240-16% par 100 60-1351 3 Center K12 E. C. Woodruff E. J. Williams — Peoples National Bank M. B. Meyer 60-1627 ©T23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 50.000 J 125,000 48,476 50,000 102,040 660, 47,240 179,010 1,219,600 54,250 423,230 39,780 • 938,220 26,340 33,4)0 S 122,920 45,690 51,140 20,030 90,760 699,030 217,640 25,000 3,590 142,790’ 25,000 71,190 84,220 21,400 25,000 12,940 165.430 26,220 110,320 72,370 11.250 35,660 286,560 200.000 260,000 1,725,830 24,850 210.280, 1,862,600 157,740 89,220 262,480 49.100: 238.490 89,770 73.580 J. J. Jacoby______ 50,000 64,410 1,266,040 56,600 847,010 452,210 33,820 C. J. Miller_______ 50,000 72,970 948,220 30,030 227,870 600,010 157,590 75,600 840,000 36,400' 794,700 S. H. Daddow St Clair State Bank.©»tS'19 A. T. Jenkins........ L. J. Whims--------- M. R. Sullivan-----4% 60-1513 Steeiton____13,428 ♦Peoples Bank--------- ®»tl'03 60-373 3 Dauphin N16 H W Stnhhs __ ♦Steeiton National Bk.( 60-371 M. A. Cumbler___ H. W. Stubbs. Sec.. R. M. Rutherford. ♦Steeiton Trust Co. d®Ttl'02 $104-10% par 50 60-372 N. D. Bishop_____ 50,000 H. C. Deik_______ C. F. Beshore G. 8. Bolton, Tr. _ R. F. Nissley. A.Sec.and A. Tr. (Members of Harrisburg Clear ing House Ass'n ind ir.aled by*) W. J. P. Gemmill.. H. S. Fulton_____ O. S. Bell____ ____ Stewartstown.718 First National Bank dC $210-10% par 100 60-1038 3 York Q18 (< R. N. Wiley-------- J. H. Fulton______ Carl N. Wiley..... M. F. Hannigan ... Peoples National Bank $225-10% par 100 60-1038 St. Marys....... 6967 Farmers & Merchants Bk....... N. J. Tierney 60-643 ©tt’03 3 Elk H10 C. E. Hartman____ W. 0. Thompson... St. Marys Nat’l Bank .d»t'6 W. E. Hall _____ Wm. Raul ____ L. G. Hall par 100 60-642 William Raul_____ E. G. Beck. Tr........ S. Ristler, Sec----St. Marys Trust Co................ W E. Hall J.LAIallison. A.Tr. E. G.Beck. A. Sec. L. G. Hall 12% par loo 60-644 d©T»tl’0 J. Ward Hile_____ St. Michael...2500 St. Michael National Bank ©t’2 60-1682 3 Cambria M9 F. N. Houser ___ H, D. Parker_____ A. M. Yeager_____ gtoneboro___1405 First National Bank____»t’0 16% 60-1353 4P Mercer H3 N. G. Speicher........ O. O. Lohr. Y C Mnllftr Stoyestown.__342 60-1354 4 p Somerset 08 $200-8% J. H. Wolf----------- A. M. Denlinger.. Strasbnrg____853 J. R. Ranck. Sec. 3 Lancaster P19 $215-10% pariOOjO-1356 Strausstown.. 429 Strausstown National Bank $200-6% par 100 50-1436 d®'l 3 Berks M19 ‘Stroudsburg 5278 First National Bank..®T»D) W. W. L’Homme- Steward Flagler... R.M. Houser____ G. W. Stettler........ dieu $205-10% 60-748 3 Monroe J23 S. F. Shiffer. Security Trust Co. d©T»t8’( 9 P. R. Johnson____ J. A. Singer______ F.V.B.P,Michaels. A.Sec.and A.Tr, Sec, and Tr. $285-10% par 100 60-749 N. T. Beers______ E. ff. Peters F. L. Stackhouse.. Stroudsburg National Bank 7 R. H. Kintner, Ch. 150,000 276,630 1,900,000 125,000 189,350 726.820 2,0-50; 50,000 90,870 668,120 70,630! 125,000 750,000 W. L. Andre_____ Harvey Huffman .. 0. B. Ellenberger, G. M. Shoemaker, Sec. Tr. G. M. Metzgar C.H.Wetterau.A.T Stroudsburg Trust Oo. $no-6% 60-1547 ®T»t o 50,000 200,000 558,740 1,801,720 2)0.000 388.480 1,829,420 25.00C 5.300 208,500 Franklin 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 34.590 lolonial Tr. Co., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 104.020 N. and Tradesmens N„ Phil; Miners N., Pottsville. 95.260 \m. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil.: Miners N., Pottsville. 79,800 Lm. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.j Phil-Girard N and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 240,120 10,000 117,500 630,000 1,385.000 34,260 444.860 35.880 142,460 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Girard Tr. Co., Phil.; Steeiton N., Steeiton. 321,090 466,910 19,940 305,000 525,000 — 71,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 65,000 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N.Y.; Union N. and 1st N.. Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 365.950 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.:Mnfrs.&Tra.-Peo. Tr. Co..Buff. 420,030 287,220 633.090 1,416,460 53.200 10,580 723,930 1,470.540 44,880 _____ 52,500 123,500 29,000 189,120 Tr. Co.. Pitt. 33,800 Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 140,050 Seab. N., N.Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 25,000 92,290 695,340 12,500 493,500 183,580 8,000 49,680 502.200 52.500 299.700 229.860 76,940 80,000 146,470 731.000 25,010 337,340 424,260 46,750 25.00C 29.49C 426,790 17,250 147,610 248,770 18,850 125,000 127,190 1.315.030 2)2,680 957.980 580.130 100.440 Chase N..N.Y.: 1st N.. Phil.; Fulton N„ Lancaster; Quarryville N„ Quarryville. 83,290 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Berks Co. Tr. Co.. Reading. , 131.360 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 125,000 188,610 2,136.100 360.490 1,825,050 236,590 418,630 329,940 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 200,00( 576,69( 2.598,19C 327,530 2.266,110 861,500 301,800 200,000 135,220 1.525,000 26,000 1,201,620 296,240 102,230 273.000 Bk. of Am.. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. and N. City, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St., N., Bk. of No. Am. & Tr., and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 286,140 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil.; 3d N., Scranton. 27,63( 140.63C 3 60-1357 Franklin P12 Sugargrove.__371 Sugar Grove Savings Bk. $118-7% 60-1358 © 4P Warren E6 Summerville. 1199 $ 140 8 % 60-1359 4P Jefferson 1 6 Summithill.. 6500 Summil [ill Trust 60-1538 3 Carbon R 20 $40-1% 19,560 50.000 26.001 St. Thomas.__532 St. Thomas Bank------------ 121,380 Ian. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil Girard N.. Phil.; N. Bk. ot Balt., Balt. 36,090 50,000 $123 St. Clair_____ 7200 CITIZENS BANK-— d®.«04 3 Schuylkill K19 $110-10% par 50 60-1352 Pitt. 55,620 nn. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr Co.. Pitt. 39,360 'ranklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N. Phil. 591,980 100.000 C. H. Gould............ 68,050 S 857,820 $ 70,090 S 570,710 $ 318,940 $ 6,410 264,670 207,680' 26,120 416,140 Principal Correspondents. 121.57C 47,880 Han. N..N.Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 174,130 4.05C 46,840 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 51,580 N. B. Com.. N.Y.; Warren Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Warren. 30.970 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. R J Weld ___ 7 3 Geo. A. Getty........ W. W. Carrier___ Geo. W. Breakwell. F.E. Matthews.__ 125,000 42,480 412.760 8.350 442.690 86.410 7.900 50,000 52.510 283.400 51,530 175,520 227.580 3.360 Nora E. Waite, John F. Breslin... J. B. Adams. Sec. and Tr Asst. Sec D.F. Miller 125,000 36,040 806.140 75,610 541,080 341,820 56,870 103,010 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Southwark N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Lansford. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1287 Directory, t0 each bankunder in u- s- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. jMem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. I Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonda ther Cash & ExPaid-tjp Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel cnAi»Q*a,Dm and and and ’Diacounta Capital Profits its laneous from Banks Securities ties % s s John F. Derr_ Wm. B. Waples—.. W. F. Rhoads___ D. E. Rloom. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $ 225,000 S 868.110 2.890,630 t 209.700 1.721,820 1.608.470 $ 456.030 . P. Morgan & Co. and Am. Ex. Irving $200-20% 60-376 d©T«t’31 W. F. Cree. A. Tr. A. Cash, and Tr.Off. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. par 50 Off. Geo. A. Deitrick.. W. H. I)rumm....... H. L. Deppen, Tr. J.C. H. Newcomer. 200.000 186.300 1.001,300 NORTH BRANCH TITLE AT 95,020 881.540 280,400 153.980 166,710 !haseN. and N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th COMPANY-........dB©T<§ A. Tr. St. N. anu 1st N.. Phil. $110-6% par 50 60-379 fG. B. REIMENSNY- W. H. ORUCKEMILLER B. F. REITZ. C. M. BOUST. 150.000 444.290 1.575.540 116.340 1.455.490 427.830 256.220 146.620 1. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Tradesmens Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. “EB N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. W. H. FOLTZ. Tr.Off. / SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T. COLLECTION S, BILL OF LADI NG DR AFTS, (.CASH AND TIM E ITEMS GIVEN PROMPT, PERSO NAL ATTENTIO N. $100-14% 60-377 ®T»t|’90| City National Bank__ ( M.L. Miller.......... A. D. Miller_____ R. F. Roberts .... 50.000 61,210 750.090 47.290 26.350 251.180 533,400 97.670 Han. N., N.Y.; Com Ex. N.. Phil. $130-6% par 100 60-810 W. H. Bronson First National Bank _d( G. W. Glidden....... Jos. F. Lannon .... A. I. Bayless ......... C. F. Beebe___ _ 100.000 83,280 91,540 1.707.920 49,860 886,860 861,140 184,880 Inter-State Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th $175-6% par 100 60-809 St. N.. Phil. Jacob Roth......... — A. J. Kelly............ Wm. E. Franklin.. Wm. Glen Peairs.. First National Bank...( 25,000 25,000 71.420 538.970 15,900 116,830 462,520 65,140 Han. N.. N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. ■ $200-12% 60-1360 ■ ‘County Seats. J.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fet Res.DeptsiT-Tiust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Sunbury... 16.827 3 NorthumbTd K16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. SUNBURY TR. & SAFE DEP. GO. Susquehanna 8764 3 Susqueh'a E21 SutersvIIIe....... 914 4P Westm l 'd 0 4 S war th more,. 2350 3 Delaware P23 SWARTHM0RE NAT’L . ...... E. B. Temple......... J. E. Ramsey____ E. S. Sproat......... Harold 60-1361 *400-12% Swlneford.__1000 First National Bank...® 3 Snyder K16 $575-42% 60-1362 Swlssvale... 12,935 First National Bank .d® 4P Allegheny M4 $150-6% pa, 100 60-1363 ^wissvale Trust Co..__ $112-5% 60-1508 Sykesvllle.__ 2507 First National Bank__d® 4 P Jefferson J8 *350 -20%- par 100 60-1364 Tamaqua...14,005 3 Schuylkill K20 FIRST I 60- 7 $300-25% par 50 $125-10^ 50,000 135,130 1.392,560 48,700 823.223 543,590 99,220 160.350 N. City. N. Y.: Franklin 4thSt. N.. 1st N.. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. G. M. Shindel......... W. B. Winey____ J. R. Kreeger___ L. G. Winey. A. C. C. H. Giluett P. W. Morgan ___ W. H. Ferguson... W. D. Bowers....... J. E. Allison....... A. L. Humphrey. Ch. W. D. Bowers 25.000 130,780 25,000 293,980 510,720 8.000 Chase N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 132,950 1.245,690 1,226,710 183.440 510.140 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N;, Pitt. 142,500 440 5,490 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. C. P. Webster P. W. Morgan____ C. I. Miller............ W. D. Bowers, Tr,. J. E. Allison, A,Tr. A. L. Humphrey. W. D. Bowers Ch B. E. Taylor_____ G. R. Null.............. ■S. M. Roale............ D. O. Wining......... BANK (L.S.F0LLWEILER d®T*t'65 ) E. M. B. SHEPP. ) The “Old Bella (.Special attentlo D. F. B. Shepp .... par 50 ♦ 60-480 . ............. NATIONAL BA $325-16% Taren turn.... 9468 4P Allegheny L4 Ogram____ ®»t’04 @•+’90 (Consolidation of National 60-586 139,150 2.793,880 125.000 23,440 25,000 57,040 433.520 490.050 3.115.240 200,000 1.885.090 1,656.310 111,020 277,850 Fidelity Tr. Co. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 125.000 158,340 1.160.260 146.300 W. C. Priser_____ W. J. Wendel. Tr. Off. 125.000 G. W. Smith.......... C. L. Leydic_____ F. C. Irvine........... K. B. Elliott. Ch. F. C. Irvine J. G. Camp . ■ ... J. A. Thomas Deposit Bank and Trust Co.) 200.000 R. F. Pitcairn, J. K. F. Weaver. Sec. and Tr. A, Sec. and A. Tr. Taylor.........10.170 Taylor Discount & Deposit J. J. Jermyn....... . E. G. Watkins....... J. A. Powell_____ 3 LackawannaH21 Bank—.60-1365____ »t§’05 Telford National Bank $305-8% par 100 60-1366 dB®»t’08 t'Temple State Bank.. ©§’27 ♦ 60-1727 Terre Hill National Bank $140 par 100 60-1367 d®»t’08 Farmers National Bank.»t'05 $180-6% 60-1368 Three Springs 345 3 Huntingdon 012 60-1417 918,980 396.280 153,920 120,820 111 m n 200,000 1,444,900 969.930 148.480 252,320 105,100 1,159.290 1,434.040 108.380 212,770 187.540 295,360 125,220 232.540 2,183,010 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK W. A. Marvin...__ R. J. Toepfer____• 200.000 266,870 2.397.530 $225-14% 60-587 ®«tl900 John R. Long Safe Deposit Bank & Trust Co. (Consolidated with National Bank of T arentum under title of First National B ank & T r. Co. Telford...........1250 3 Monteomery N 23 Temple ........... 1500 3 Berks M2) Terre Hill....... 840 3 Lancaster 020 Thompson town 3 Juniata M15 306 93,920 Gty. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; IstN. andColonialTr., Pitt. 229,230 125.000 C. B. Oreher_____ C. E. Christ___ Taren turn Sav. & Trust Co. E. M. Love______ John A. Bechtel $250-10% 60-588 dB@T<§'02 L. W. Hicks. Ch. J. R. Copeland 25,000 SAMUEL FOLK,Jr. C. M. WARDR0P— « ank of Tamaqua. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. E. G. Wade, 60-498 dB®T»t'04| FIRST NATIONAL BSANK & TRUST C0MPAN Si 75-»% P. H. HADESTY.... Ch. E.M.B. SHEPP ble” Collection B n given BUI of La H. E. Carter____ 100,000 818.660 6,990 1,804,240 125.000 265,690 100.00* 108,220 1,841.830 1 Bfifi 010 184.040 E. C. Leidy______ G.N. Zendt_____ V. B. Kulp 50.000 Jos. S. Pendleton. Wm. Brunner....... W. E. Heist........... E. J. Walters......... 67.140 13.430 196,900 980 18.370 202.590 J. M. Wenger....... H. E. Harting....... 357.190 60,1901 231,370 98,790 382,810 35,000 392,860 49.920 John M. Slater, Jr. 50,000 41,000 21.360 W. H. Nelson____ W. H. Eichman.__ C. B. Felmlee___ Oscar Benner___ 25.000 20.000 Play Park 25,000 42,820 aUd , vUU N.. Pitt. N., Pitt. Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. Scranton. 1st N.. Phil. 13.000 44.490 Lancaster. 9,700 33,150 Mellon N.. Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given lOOO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ IZOO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Town and Cocntt. •Mem.A.B.A.^NewgStatetPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. isF.Kes. Dlst. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond Pis Pittsburgh Br. d-SaffeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cashier. President. Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. Tbroop_____ 6672 Throop State Bank d®»tl’20 August Ollendick.. J. J. McDonnell... G. J. Evan. 3 LackawannaG21 $200-6% par 50 SB-1527 TIdloute_____1063 Tidioute State Bank d®*tl’14 F. B. Hertzel------- F. Brocklehurst... O. L. Daelhousen. Sarah E. Atkin.. L. R. Briggs, V.P. A. V. Olinger 4P Warren F6 20% par loo 60-999 Timblin_____ 430 4P Jefferson J6 Tioga________ 368 3 Tioga E15 *Tlonesta____ 642 4P Forest G6 First National Bank..d®t’18 G. W. E. Snyder „ $260-8% par 100 60-1489 R. J. Camp--------Grange Nat ional Bank $160-10% par 100 60-1369 ®«t’06 Citizens National Bk. ..•t’96 60-1035 A. W. Cook______ Forest County Nat. Bank $250-25% S0-1034 d®»t'96 1200-10% par 100 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 85.550 $ 775.440 $ 134.160 $ 436.310 $ 501.760 Principal Correspondents. Gash * fcxckanow.Du* tkom Banks 5.560 $ 101.540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Tradesmens N. and 3d N.. Scranton. 148,930 910,180 2.260 356.270 596.910 45.270 112.920 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Mellon Warren N., Warren. N.. 58.200 Han. N.. N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt. 25,000 41.700 418.300 26.000 117.600 311.200 24.000 25.000 50.060 169.110 25.000 108,380 111.799 3.910 45.080 N. Rk. Com.. N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 50,000 90,000 559,070 236,320 365,080 8,140 Wm. Smearbaugh- J.H. Kelly----------- Jas. D. Davis — 50,000 221.850 585,160 536.120 133.630 18,510 64,530 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 230,580 Equitable Tr.Co., N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. W.J. STEPHENS — .. M. BLOSS.......... . J. M. PENNELL- - - - - B. F. KRAFFERT, JR. 6- h.TZFand Tr. 61.830 150,000 731,590 2.598.920 1.865.540 820,010 51.320 743,630 Seab. N. and Chatham Phenix N.. Bk. & Tr.. N.S'S., Mellon N.. Pitt. 300,000 474.790 2.352.100 303.760 1,573.269 1.493.070 76.420 287,900 1st N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 4,134.510 125,000 Officer 60-511 dB®W *5 ) Oldest Bank In Titusville. Esta bllshed 1865. [Send your colie etlons direct to u s for efficient ser vice and quick re turns. TITUSVILLE TRUST COMPANY 60-513 ®T*tl'17 FRANK D. HILL, rl. G. MCKINNEY- FRANK von TACKY. R.J. HOPKINS. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. E. FERTIG 350,000 1,096.200 3.439.210 625,900 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. W.B.GRIFFEN.TV.o// ,The collect ion bank of Titusville. P ersonal Pro sonta tion. Prompt re mittance. Ra asonable ch argos '-WB WANT TO UR BUSINESS. 42,700 319,370 444.100 62,100 749.270 25,000 C. H. Trexler. A. H. Smith E. DeLong______ Topton_____1147 National Bank of Topton 3 Berks xM21 $250-io% 60-1370 d®T»i’06 par 100 _ 150,000 161,380 1,612,910 148.000 1,515.270 326.450 J. W. Codding.. H. P. Newell------iTowanda 4269 Citizens National Bk...d®T*t B. Kuykendall. ‘76 3 Bradford F18 $200-10% par 100 60-756 925,660 967.220 125,000 219,550 1,715.620 140.800 First National Bank---- ®t'6S W. W. Jennings— G. V. Dayton......... W. E. Lane-------- Norman McCoy.... $225-10% 60-7&5 46,000 290,130 107,520 50,000 26.180 318,810 W. C. Bachman.. D. J. Hawk---------- E. R. Carpenter.. Tower City ...2500 Commercial State Bank 3 Schuylkill L17 $65 60-1653 ©t§’23 559.520 700.320 86.770 50,000 191.710 1 011,210 C. M. Kaufman— W. F. Knecht------- A. D. Lewis_____ J. A. Miller........ Tower City National Bank 20% 60-1371 ®t'02 79.570 198,880 3.500 25,000 15.560 260.030 C. 0. Johnston — 0. A. Gundaker.__ F. D. Kingsley — K. M. Ghering----Townvllle___ 272 Townville State Bank 4P Crawford F4 6% pav 100 60-1372 d®»t|23 473.850 216,330 50,000 25.160 687.840 30,000 Trafford____ 2859 First National Bank- .®»t’0* H. T. Wynn-------- G. W. Cravan___ H. S. Miller_____ R. M. Whitney .... 4P West morel’dM4 $126 60-1378 Pine G rove. Pa. Grove Bk of Pine (Branch Tremont...... 2015 Tremont Depository Bankt’W (Jno. H. Angst) — 3 Schuylkill L18 60-916 328,469 630.830 39.400 83.550 931.630 25,000 F. D. Russell......... H. O. Haag-------- J. W. Schultz Tremont National Bank $300-6% 60-917 d®#t'02 par 100 275,040 231.220 41,660 62.120 493.640 25,000 Trevorton 1526 FirstNational Bank..-®*8'65 W.L. Helfenstein— D. F. Reichert------ O. J. Michael......... M. E. Heenan.. JN'thumb'd K17 <200-10% par 100 69-1374 731.010 913.870 145.100 1.349,440 240.220 75.000 R. A. Burr----L. Bliss_________ W. W. Beaman — A. B. McKean Troy_______ 1419 FIRST NATIONAL BANK H. K. Mitchell 3 Bradford F16 ;400-i2%par ioo 60-100$ d®»t 16 589.399 392.630 113,990 774,670 113.860 75,000 B. S. Greene... F. N. Hubbard___ J.C. Blackwell___ Grange Nat. Bk. of Bradford H. B. Van Dyne... J. M. Coney County. .60-1005 .. d®»t'07 437.900 804.730 50.000 1,115,210 50,000 189,290 John B. Fassett__ H. D. Billings........ G. N. Doyle______ *Tunkhaunock Citizens National Bank C. P. McKown } WyomingG201736 $450 16% par 100 60-965 d®*t'02 402.949 599,540 100,000 171.940 760,540 159.400 J. B. Henning....... H. F, Metcalf.... S. W. Eysenbach _ Wyoming Nat ional Bk. A. W. Sherwood $245-10% par 100 60-964Bd®»t'65 178,040 329.600 25,110 455.550 71,060 25.000 G. C. Youngman__ C. W. Derr............ M.B. Savidge------Turbotvllle__ 415 Turbotvllle National Bank 3 N’thumb'rl'd 117 $320- 20% 60-1375 ®»t'16 J. W. Walter, V. P Thos. Watts par 100 647.830 983.810 50.000 50.000 156.480 1.635.040 Turtle Creek.9270 First National Bank___ wfO* A. L. Faller---------- A. M. Thompson.. F. M. Morrow___ F. Floyd Askin---60-735 4P Allegheny N4 $200— 16% 344.999 1,011.550 44,230 1.295.830 125,000 158.320 H. F. Shultz. TURTLE CREEK SAV. & TR. C. W. Orwig........... A. M. Thompson... W. A. Reger. Sec. ana Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, $205 CO— - - 60-734. -d®T»tl’02 W. H.Semmens, Jr S.D. Hamilton S. D. Hamilton, Tr. Off. Ch 12% par 100 . 15.070 100.510 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 31.810 198,760 N. Park, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 53.660 213,040 Fid. Tr. and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Phil.Girard N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 9.170 18,170 2.930 34.160 1st N„ Phil. 61.670 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 22,710 1st N.. Phil.; Crawford Co. Tr. Co.. Meadville; Mellon N., Pitt. 14.750 88.070 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 43.869 76.423 Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 48.100 68.060 1st N., Phil. 23.160 140,100 N. Y. Tr. Co, and N. City. N.Y.; Franklin 4thSt. N .CornEx. N.. and 1st N.. Phil. 72,259 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 20.000 143,880 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 24.793 101.270 10.230 70.900 150.660 88.040 1st N„ N. Y. and Phil. 58.869 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 188.960 Han. N.. N. Y.: Ex. N. and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. 116,180 Chem. N., N.Y.; 1st N.and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pitt.; W. K. Hughes___ R. R. Camp______ Cecile M.Camp.. S. P. Hakes E. L. De Woody... J. A. Foreman... Orion Allio------ par 100 SECOND NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Dbpos- Other Miscel and and AND Liabili ITS Capital Profits Discounts Bseuritias laneous ties Paid-up J. F. McHenry.... N. L. Boddorf___ W. R. Startzell. Titusville....... 8432 Commercial Bank & Trust Co G. W. Horne-------- E. T. Roberts____ J. G. Williams, See. and Tr. E. O. Emerson, J r 4P Crawford F4 $650-32% 60-612 d®T»ti*2 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 19QQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv (Mem. State B. Au’n. ‘County Seats. Fig. isF. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. 60-605 (5 Farmers & Merch.Nal. Bank $200-8% 10-667 ®Tt’02 First National Bank_.®*f9C $300-12% 60-606 First National Bank_____•’OS 1 Bradford E18 60-1376 Ulysses 912 Orange Nat. Bk. of Potter Co. 3 Potter E13 H5o-«% 60-1377 Blair Lll $350-12% Pbesident. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Loans Paid-up Surplus Oash k Kz> Depos Other Miscel <»asose,I>vs and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous tsom Bara ties F. K. Lukenbach _ Wm. E. Hoffman .. A. B. Vogt----------- F. E. Jones $ 200,000 '$ 240.000 $1651 000 H. E. Jenkins John S. Ginter, F. E. Lauder............ 150.000 160.130 V. P. and Cash. D. S. Kloss J. D. Meyer ______ J. B. Nason.............. D. H. Burnham. 100,000 232,000 $1 320 000 F. W. Acklin J. H. Chaffee______ J. R, Eiffert............ R. B. Allen J. J. Morley A. 8. Burt G. S. Ladd.. 25,000 65,690 345,950 34,720 25,000 I 780,700 165,640 289,480 $ 321.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.: Mellon N., Pitt. 86,330 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt, and Phil. 188,060 245,620 8,020 230,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil-Glrard N„ Phil.; Bk. Of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 29,660 Han. N„ N. Y.;lst N..Phil. iubiUlU 22,280 23,640 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 32,430 59,430 iPar loo Union City... 3850 4P Erie E4 HOME BANK $130-6% par $172 NAT’L BANK OF UNION CITY $ioo-h% 60-788 rE. A. SHREVE...... C. R. DAVISE. H. SHREVE......... M. M. ROUSE 50,000 M. P. SHREVE ] Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time items. {.Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. J n. C. CAFLISCH — S. R. MILLER.......... W. B. FULTON-........ 1. F. Rfl 1FTT 35,940 458.990 100,060 230.130 303.000 Pitt. 100.000 196.830 2.380.350 98.700 150.000 538.140 5.359.360 55.400 1.694.070 682.120 74.360 325.330 Han. N.( N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N.,Pltt,;UnlonTr.Co., Clev.; Frank lin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Pbil. 680,010 201.050 791.900 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N„ Phil.; Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., Pitt. 2,714.940 2.156.030 222.730 926.160 224.380 134.460 199,820 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Pitt. 248.700 2.869.130 2,906.470 202.020 709.890 Special attentlo n given BO! of Lad Ing drafts, Cash a ad Time Items. ] Please send lie with each sight f Credit Reports. Principal Oorrmpondknts. draft for presenta tion and Sc for Prompt, efflel ent service. TRY US. d®*’9 par 100 •Unlontown 15.692 4P Fayette P4 CITIZENS TITLE /H. L. & TRUSTCOMPANY $650-25% par 100 60-385 ROBINSON - HARRY WHYEL........ L.H.HUMBERT, Tr... JASPER COPE, A.Tr. R. W. DAWSON J. R. THOMAS* R. C. ALTFATHER, Tr. Officer 6. W. BROWN A. T. E. HAMER, Jr., Sec. H. ROSENMAN, j Bills of Lading d®T*t|’01 f A thoroughly or Drafts a Special t y. ganUed collectlo n department. V We want your Unlontown Item ■. Lns.Inv. jand Mtg Mgr. Foreign Dept. Moderate charge s. Fayette Title A Tr. Company John M. Core_____ R. W. Playford— J. E. Gainer, Tr... R. E, Umbel, Sec... 60-384 d®T»tl’01 T. P. Darby, A. Tr. L. M. Reed, A. See. 150,000 834,300 5,035,560 •mmtzotm. 100,000 52,930 1.104.740 200,000 930.410 5.308.410 $800-20% par 100 $200-6% 60-386 |S. T. YANCHUS 10-832 SECOND NATIONAL H. BOWMAN........ “ ------- " H h HESS nur— D. M. Hertzog........ James R. Cray___ R. J. Arnett______ G. S. Harah 200,000 701.250 4 filf) 84n Uniontown National Bank Isaac Jackson____ W. B. Hustead .... E. W. McShane.__ & Trust Co. 60-1665 ®T'24 250,000 110,000 1,300,000 200,000 166.440 1.333.900 60-383 ®T»t’08 UNION TRUST C0.--®T*» 18 I$200-8% Pitt. 60-387 mens N„ Phil.; Union Tr. Co.! Clev. ®«T3,58 TD.M. HIGINBOTHAM “ ------ M 703.560 ) Send your Colle ctions on Union town and vicinity direct to us. NAT’L BANK OF M. FAYETTE COUNTY 12% 4,550 (.Collections rem Itted for on day o f payment. par 100 $250-50% A. J. KOVACH-...... C. J. MERES.......... E. l.PIVARNIK---H. J. ALTMAN W. C. HOOD, Sec. CHAS. F. EGGERS ... R. 1. SIBLEY, Tr.__ R. N, SHAFFER, A.Tr. DELBERT RUSH uuov XX .i 11. A .. AO* aa .. A 1 kb., JC 1 ailMlU flu St. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. R. F. SAMPLE,Sec.. 130.000 1 son non 11,860 796.030 17,520 376.620 1st N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 448,240 204.140 47.380 58.410 11.050 18,280 604,470 189,460 15.390 176.980 263.790 im. Ex. Irving Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., and Union N„ Pitt. J A new, progress Ive Institution. Send us yonr bus iness. (.Prompt service, reasonable char ges. THY US. Joseph Vecchio.-60-1678.t’24 (Joseph Vecchio).. Unlonvllle........516 Peoples Bank________ 0tS'19 James G. Logan ... G. de laRigaudiere F. E. Baily_______ 3 Chester P21 $50 par 50 60-1536 II. C. Taylor Unity------------- 500 Peoples Bank________ ®*S’18 W. M. Davidson.... L. C. Creighton.__ H. W. Fingal ~ .. 4P Allegheny K4 *185-8% 60-1484 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 11.010 93.890 50.000 73,910 853,380 5.220 4th St. N.. Phil. 1 Ofin l^yU Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. President. 51. TERMINAL TITLE & TRUST CO *110-4% par 50 60-1673 d©T' SUBURBAN TITLE & TRUST CO. *155 par 100 60-1607 / V. G. ROBINSON — W. P. LANDIS.......... J. W. SHEETZ, J „ F. H. BREHM, JR., f. I ROACH Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. WM. A. NAGLE, H. MURDOCK,^ CHAS. E. T. HAJfES,^ ' F P EPW. T. BARTLETT WM. D. P. HORSEY, ' r‘ H. C. HOSKINS. ' Tr. Off. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bond* Miscel Cash & Ex Surplus Depos Other Paid-up chjlhqm,Dui and and Liabili and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Barks ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. E. Watts_____ I. V. Dutton. ;.................................. $ 125.000 $ Upper Darby.. 528 Haverford Township Title W. S. Wilcox------- J. W. L. Banes Sec. and Tr. 3 Delaware P23 |62.50,&Tr.Co. 60-1712 d©§'25 69TH Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Par5° GOTH QT Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA —Continued $ 173,680 $ 111.840 1 84,850 $ 25,550 $ 297,540 375,000 196,370 1.990.330 $ 214.040 250,000 152.260 2.138.980 27.350 25.000 181.720 1,267,690 77,710 Phil. 932.500 395.530 253,750 927.050 1.197.190 170.330 274,020 West End Tr. Co., Sixth N., and 1st N.. Phil.; Merion Title & Tr. Co., Ardmore. 1.193,960 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Title Off. Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Casb and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 50c for Credit Repor ts. F. H. MANCILL, GEORGE WILC0X-- P. J. LAWLER......... N. A. DALTON, Sec. and Tr. Tr. Officer J. M. HARDCASTLE. J r., Title Off. d®TT5’21 _ SF.ND YOUR C OLLECTIONSON UPPER DARBY AND VICINITY, DIRECT TO US. REMITTED FOR ON DAY OF PAYMENT. Valley View...1375 Valley View Bank..._d®t§’ll................................. J. H. Dnnkelberger Clayton E. Herb. P. H. Updegrave 3 Schuylkill L18 *815-24% par 100 60-1378 Vanderbilt___ 1183 First National Bank____ «'06 W. A. Cosgrove.... J. F. Black.............C. M. Dull.............. K. A.Mayer. .. _______________ 60-1379 4P Fayette P4 Vandergrlft 10,329 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Chas. T. Culp------- Theodore Biehl—. D. E. Frew....... .... W. F. Hill_______ H. M. Cribbs 4P Westm rel dLD' *175-10% 60-778 dB©T»4'96 par 100 H. J. Kuhns ....... R. O. George, D. P. Miller, VANDERGRIFT SAW. & TR. CO. J S. Whitworth... J. A. Boale Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. *250-20% 60-777 ®T*»'02 . .. C. N. McFarland, Verona_______ 3938 Allegheny Valley Tr. Co. Alfred Martin.— C. D. Carey______ C. P. Wolfe, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 4P Allegheny M4 *ioo par ioo 60-1695 d©T5'25i FIRST NATIONAL BANK H^tt M. Cribbs — C.M.McLaughlin.. William T. Dible... C. J. Mischler....... Blaine L. Stoner C. D. Ludwick.Aud, j. R. Molleston *220-12% 60-1380 ®»t'93 Vintondale ...2000 Vintondale State Bk. ®»+§'23 Otto Hoffmam----- L. I. Arbogast----- Michael Mihalik.. Michael Mihalik.Sec, 60-1664 _ _ _ _ _ 3 Cambria M8 *uo ThomasBrenneman P. M. Cox.............. A. D. Kirkhride... Volant..:______ 211 First National Bank. dB®'20 H. T. Getty .. *165—6% par 100 60-1545 „ „ Lawrence I 2 E. H. Bittner------- C. M. Graver......... A. W. Peters. Inutport ..1051 Walnutport State Bank First National Bank-^S& 03 W. H. Grove.........W. H. Phillips......... H. E. Marshall.... E. E. McMillin 3 Northampton K22 Wampum____ 822 60-1381 _ t r. ,, 4P Lawrence K2 10% »Warren ....15,116 ♦Citizens National Bank •t'70 D. L. Gerould----R. S. Hall *156-8% 60-459 i T „ . 4P Warren E7 H. G. Eaton___ Frank Morrison__L. L. Radspinner. _________________ 1 Wilson Sec. and Tr.\ O. ♦C0NEWANG0 TRUST CO. in Bills of Lading C. Speclalt y. Thoroughly e quipped to afts a Si *60-4% 60-462 ®T*t|T0 .handle aU bra Drafts uches of banking Send us your items. C. T. CONIHRO 661,560 55.660 140,340 107,650 9,150 80,530 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st 125,000 116,930 1.311.090 27,640 1,193,130 114.640 52.540 220,350 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Diamond N. and 130.000 250,480 3,081,770 200,000 c 'WILLIAM MUIR -- F. K. RISSELL- 738,820 24,200 153.000 « r.PAffi0*...... OLDES T BANK IN WARREN CO UNTV. FIRST NATIONAL CO LLECTIONS A SPECIAL TV BANK REM ITTED ON D AY OF PAYM ENT. F. E. HERTZEL...... MINER 0. CRARY—- R.W. MACKAY- - - - - - - E- M. BRANCH ~ NELSON P. WHEELER, Jr. J- M. SONNE ’WARREN H. MUMtK M. I*uIH6M £ w J0HHS0|i g B. MEACHAM CONNELLY NATIONAL BANK 73,530 Corn Ex. N. and 1st N.. Phil. 55,170 276,850 25,000 11,610 2,410 N.. Pitt. 57,490 510,270 Seab. N.. N. ¥.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 214,710 39,960 63,010 96,440 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and 2.894,490 261,700 Mellon. N.. Pitt. Mellon N.. Pitt. Fidelity Title & Tr. Co.. Pitt. 265.290 3,222.030 181,800 2.281.260 802.849 211.900 567,110 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon 24.530 Cent. Union Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. N.. 1st N.. Un. Tr., Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Homewood Peo., Pitt. 50,000 11.300 205,960 __ __ 29.880 172.530 40,320 25,000 17,980 218,870 240 151,730 74,260 7,810 28,270 Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., New Wil. 28,970 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Co., Pitt.: 1st N., Phil. S5.000 10,040 182,250 130 37.300 155,750 5.400 26,000 149,510 634,180 11.250 145.270 564.950 63.480 41,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 125,000 77.840 1.006,330 118,240 1.034.300 119,560 86,050 87,490 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.iCorn Ex. N., 125.000 57.480 587,240 135,530 667.970 51,890 115.110 70.280 Bk. of Am. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 100,000 292,040 3.116.800 169,110 2.851.810 367.359 89.980 500.000 776,540 10779800 561.440 9.073.880 1.521.790 Phil.: 1st N.. Pitt. Oorn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N.. Pitt. 368,800 N. Park. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. AN D 325-12% 60-457 ©•t’Wi HCMFR M PUTNAM LARG EST BANK INW ARRE N CO UNTY m Servi ce an d Pro mptn ess w ith C ollect ions. Trust Officer I par 100 60-460 dB®T*t’93 ’ C. B. AYERS.----HAZELTINE, Ch. of Bd. *WARREN SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY M *400-45% par 50 60-458 dB®T«tl'70 M. H. DEARDORFF R. W. Mackay, Sec., Acting 191,500 1.594,850 8.716,260 fill!' 345,370 795,600 8.926,410 318,730 807,230 Seab. N. and Eanitable Tr. Co.. N. Y ; Phil.-Girard N.and 1st N.. Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. Tr. Off. Special attentlo n given Bill of lad ing drafts, cash a nd time items. Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presentat Send us your W arren items. Warren Clearing House___ 0. T. Connaro___ (Members indicated by a *) EUhr G. B. ENSWORTH. t V. P. and Cash. W. J. RICHARDS, Tr. Officer. A. H.WICKSTROM,-4- 415.900 1,606,200 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.;Phil. Girard N., Phil. r edit rep orts. J. C. Wilson. Mgr. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—DIRECT COLLECTION SERVICE OPERATING 24 HOURS DAILY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. isF. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. eMem.A.B.A.nNew SStatefPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts .T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. Resources. Lout Bonds Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- ^Otber MiscelCapital Profits ITS Diaeounti Securities LANEOUS TIES $ l $ $ t ‘Washington John W. Donnan.. John H. Donnan— R. B. Leslie_______ John F. McClay ... * 500.000 2.358.310 10160020 1,000,000 6.260,600 6,011.120 $ 515.000 Citizens National Bank 23,009 $«o-20% 60-294 ©T»t85 W. H. Baker. V.P. A. E. Donnan, Active M. J. Me Nary 4P Washington 02 H. P. McConnell, M Vice-President. Cashier. (T. J. DUNCAN........ J. P. BRADEN______ ROBERT R. HAYS___ R. S. WINTERS. Sec. and Tr. V.P. W.D.PATTON. Tr.OJJ. ] Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash / Please send 15c iv ith each sight draf t for vresentatum C0.d®T-t§ 36 ( Send us your W ashlngton items. OLDEST BANK 60-296 FIRST BANK TRUST $205 President. ♦ & mm J Ass't Cashier. Tr. Off. W. 0. SCHEU. 600.000 636.440 6.019.150 4.716.350 1.410,340 A. Sec. and A. Tr. 357.300 Principal Correspondents. Otu A £xCHAireEI,DCF non Babbs * 1.231,620 Seab. N. and N. City. N. Y.: Un. N. Ilk. of Pitt. N. A., and 1st N., Pitt.; Franklin 4th St N.. Phil. 771.600 and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil. and Time Items. and 25c for Credit Reports IN WASHINGTO N COU PITY. (Consolidation of First Nation al Bank and Real Es late Trust Co.) (R. C. BUCHANAN.. JAS, B. WYLIE........... J. W. McNULTY_____ PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Bills of Lading Drafts a specialty $100-4% par 100 «0-2tS d®»t’10 l Prompt Service. Seasonable Bat . Thorougbly org anlaed Collection es. A progressive, growing bank. •• 44 .. Real Estate Trust Co. UNION $40-4% 30,880 227,380 635,290 50,000 170 500.000 1,610,590 6,533,790 52,320 193,070 81,560 69,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. Consolidated with F irst National Ban k as First Bank, ifc Trust Co. TRUST COMPANY T. B. H. Brownlee T. O. Be bout____ 60-297 ©Ttt’02 250,000 Sec. and Tr. Washington Trust Go. R. L. McCarrell.__ W. R. Mclivaine__ W.A. Baird, Act.Tr. W. A. Baird, Sec... $420-20% 60-205 dB®T»tl,02 C. H.Lambie S. R. Fenner. J. C. Hart. par 100 A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Tr. Off. "------------- " 388,000 100.000 52,470 Depart ment. Waterford____ 744 Bnsworth National Bank.* 98 S. F. Craker............. M. A. Patten........... A. E. Ensworth 40-1382 4P Erie E4 H.Thomas. 135,610 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 5.313,940 1,620,050 1,093,780 668,920 Chase N.. Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N Y.; Union Tr. Co., 1st N., and Kk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 25.000 18.000 300.000 150.000 73.180 684.180 60.000 92,220 621,740 Way mart.............2300 nWaymart State Bank J. H. Stephenson.. E. J. Stanton........... H. M. Williams.... M. A. Loomis, Sec. 3 Wayne 022 $50 6 0-17 19 ©i'27 J. W. Doyle 48.130 9.630 190.780 Wayne___________ 2800 Main Line National Bank Henry W. Roth.... A. M. Campbell.... W. M. Witherow.. d ®»F24 3 Delaware 022 $165 par 100 60-1671 W. M. Witiierow 50,000 25,840 573.000 ’ranklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 22.J.380 Ik. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of No America & Tr.Co., Phil.-Girard N.,Phil. Watsontown. 2153 Farmers Nations !Bank®»t’88 W. H. Nicely 60-939 3 Nthumb’d J16 $150 .. .. “ ... H. R. Hummel___ E. D. Deitrick____ J. H Nicely Watsontown Nat. Bank.*t'80 F. E. Kirk................ J. K. Watson-------60-938 Wayne Title & Tr. Co. Louis H. Watt. $201-10% 60-1383 d®T»*»’»0 par 100 250,000 185.420 1.728.410 Waynesboro 10.627 Citizens National BankQTt'01 Ezra Frick___________ Val Smith......................... Chas. S. Karper_____ R. E. Stouffer............. 3 Franklin Q13 $325-8% 60-602 D. B. Snively, V. P. W. H. Gelbach 200,000 174,740 1,980,870 ___ “ »Waynesburg 3332 4P Greene P2 ; .. f ri■ ________ First National Bank & Trust J. H. Stoner__________ J. G. Benedict—. M. T. Brown, Scott Cunningham. Co.................... 60-600. dB®T»t’20 J. J, Oiler, V. P. P. D. Hoover V. P, and Cash, W. E. Minnich $365 par 50 A. E. Price S. G. Benedict CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $365-18% par 100 .. 60-803 d®T*t’90 fj. L. GARARD______ W. C. GRISWOLD G. P. 1 AMS —. J. D. ORNDOFF................ WM.BENNETT_________ E. M. POWELL, JR., J. R. LEDWITH Tr.Off. ) FIFTEEN CENT 384.030 442,900 4.000 137.650 !hase N., N. Y.: Franklin 4th8t. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 308.200 1.610 62.110 110.330 Squitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil.-€Hrard N. and 1st N., Phii.; 1st N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 31.700 193.200 1.010.010 1,243.570 57,470 46.010 ity. Tr. Co.. N, Y.: Peo. Sav. & Dime, 217.770 1. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N. and Balt. Tr. Balt. 900.000 1.123.540 6,909.270 557,000 3,960,890 4.449.620 496,020 583,280 Franklin 4thSt. N., Corn Ex. N. and Market St. N.. Phil. 500.000 1.254.250 4.951.100 275,000 4.704.880 1.299.530 516.060 459.880 N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. HM S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and L TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each Credit Beport In sures prompt, pe rsonal a ttemtlo n. Union Dep. & Trust Co. W. D. Cotterrel... H. C. Sayers............... Chas. T. Strosnider, W. H. Sutton, A.Tr. $350-17% 60-805 dB®T»t*’01 Sec. and Tr. J. E. Debolt. par 100 Tr. Officer. Weatherly.—.2356 First National Bank.___ *3 02 3 Carbon J21 60-1384 61.220 Scranton; 1st N., Phil. Jas.L.Fenimore.Jr., J. H. Hallman, A. Sec. and A. Tr, Sec. and Tr. •• 75,000! 75,000 n. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Olev. 147.000 Elmer Warner .... T. J. Drumbor______ Russell R.Gangwer W. H. Frable________ 250.000 335.000 3,750.000 125.000 130.000 700,000 2.800,000 900.000 600,000 235.000 700.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. 1st N., and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 65,000 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803 — SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to no XAi'Ja, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. •County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Br. s.Mem.A.B.A.»lNew§StatetPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fel Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond fi-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Weedvllle State Bank 7% par 50 60-1529 d®*tl’19 National Bank of Wehrum 60-1683 (DT 24 Wnlssport National Bank $200-10% 60-1418 d®*I’12 oar 100 ‘Wellsboro ...3452 First National Bank $200-12% 60-830 dB®»t’64 3 Tioga F15 oar 100 Tioga County 8av. A Tr. Co. $uo-6% 60-831 d®T»JI’M par 100 Wellsville 258 Wellsvllle National Bank $118-5% 60-1386 ®t’07 3 York 016 Weedvllle.........320 3 Elk 110 Webrum...........619 4P Indiana M7 Welssport___ 683 | Carbon K21 President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Surplus DrposPaid-try IT* Cap itax Profits J. E. Jackson____ L. Z. Hayes........... J. E. Mitchell------- D. C. Veronesi— $ W. F. Hartmann .. R. E. Abrams......... D. E. Kirkpatrick- W. L. Achenbach Milton Snyder__ E. W. Dreisbach... W.H, Stransburger Mrs. H. A. Smith.. H. F. Marsh........... C. M. Applegate... H. E. Webster....... C. E. Bennett____ G. M. Spalding___ P. L. Brooks, Tr... H. ' J. A. Latzer L. E. Speck______ A. G. Smith.. C. Young. Sec... •• Other 25,000 $ 27,940 $ 250,450 $ 25.000 25,000 TIES Bonds Loans and and Discounts Securities Principal Correspondents. MlSCEX- 1 Cash k Ex , Dr* LA N Hj U U b changes from Banks 2,500 182.070 42,380 652.130 290 S 3,750 56,880 36,400 J 201.620 $ 14,270 $ 51,390 Han. N., N. Y.; St. Mar/s N., St. Maryi. 18.910 133.870 5.260 452.270 234,940 10,520 55.280 Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Bethlehem. 78.670 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 236,450 Fidelity Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 200.000 142,860 2.572,220 200.000 1,629,770 996,400 252,450 125,000 60.780 1.266,380 148.370 1.307.830 64,610 87.490 140,610 Scab. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N. and 1st N., Phil. 19.170 Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 25.000 - E. W.Gladfelter.. Wernersvllle ..797 Wernersville National Bank S. 8. Hill............... Wm. W. Webber.. Leonard M. Ruth.. J.H. 8. Putt____ $425-12% 60-1387 d®»t’06 3 Berks N19 par 100 E. E. Johnston.... WesleyvHle.—1157 Bank of Wesleyville ®*ti’20 F. W. Sapper____ B. F. Chamber!... V. A.Snappa 4P Erie C3 $76-6% 60-1534 WestAlexander800 Citizens National Bank <’21 T. R. Bell.............. R. G. Buchanan— T. S. Maxwell___ H. K. Weisgerher.. H. M. Yates. Ch. 4P Wash. 01 60-1052 ____ Resources. Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. (Closed August 3 .19 27) 4PWestmorel’d 04 « Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNS YLV A NIA —Continued 50.000 193.230 20.149 128.070 114.130 2.610 210,890 1,048,120 48,800 807,350 439,960 14.000 96,490 N. Park. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 25.610 50.000 28.370 469.140 390 341,220 117.840 38.570 50.260 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 2d N. and Secur. Sav. A Tr. Co., Erie. 25.000 72.960 417,930 38.630 263.740 206.980 43,310 40,500 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt; N. Ex., Wheeling. W. Va. Peoples National Bank d®'07 R. J. McCleery___ J. B. Chambers.__ A. M. Struzka........ Chas. E. Blayney.. 60-1053 75.000 44.670 232.100 172.170 318,840 69.820 122.380 12,909 Mellon N.. Pitt.: Dollar 8av. & Tr., Wheel ing, W. Va. L. K. Stubbs_____ L. K. Stubbs. Tr... E. N. Pusey. Tr. Off. Wm. P. Sharpless Geo. Balderston. A. Tr. E. W. Young........... H H Plank 250.000 159.090 1.592,050 7.680 471,630 1,199,690 119.360 _____ 218,150 N. Park and N. City. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Corn Ex.N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 183.410 J. Comly Hall....... J. Comly Hall. Tr.. S. D. Ramsey. Sec. N.S. Ingram. A. Tr. J. H .Thomas, A. Se c. 250,000 275,000 George Newlin, Jr. 200,000 371.260 1,882.110 275,000 1,349.490 1.081,450 62.000 235.280 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. Wm. P. Morrison.. National Bank of Chester Co. Samuel Marshall.. Geo. Heed.............. H. F. Wyers. A. C. W. E. Powell 60-438 dB®T«tl814 300,000 619,860 2.634.410 372.400 1,804.960 1,658,680 79.360 383.670 N. Park. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. $152-6% pir 100 *West Chester CHESTER COUNTY TR. CO. J. E. Ramsey____ 11.717 6% 60-442 ©W51900 3 Chester P22 •• •• Dime Sav. Bk. of Chester Co. Arthur T. Parke.. 60-441 © •tS'90 .. •• Farmers & Mech. Trust Co. H. P. Worth 69-443 ®T<S'07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ^ „ A. P. Reid $247-12% 60-439 d®T<’63 W. T. Nields......... S.P. Cloud__ 212.520 1,727,560 953,970 802,700 290 oon 850,000 545,000 1 par 100 $30?.-u% par 100 50.000 Westfield....... 1303 Farmers A Traders Nat. Bk. J. F. Eberle_____ R. T. Pride______ F. P. Taylor-------3 Tioga E13 $300-12% 60-1390 <’09 West Grove...1152 National Bank & Trust Co. M. C. Pyle.............. O. W. Shortlidge .. Roberts. Ewing... B. M. Baily............ Robert Pyle. 3 Chester Q21 $175-7% 69-1391 ®T<’82 Tr. Off. Daniel Sachse Horace H. Price... Walter H. Herhst WestHazie ton 5854 ♦Miners Bank........ ddXS’13 3 Luzerne J20 $130-12% 60-1431 215.000 650.000 275,000 500,000 175,000 1st N., N. Y.: 1st N. Phil.-Girard N., and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 Bk. of America (Atlantic Office), N. Y.; Market St. N.. Phil. 125,000 115,000 1.000.000 50.000 656.300 439.020 1,300 77.380 Franklin 4th St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 125,000 .162.360 1,364,910 25.880 805.660 672,610 18,560 181.330 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. Nand Tradesmens N., Phil. par 50 (*Member of Hazleton Cltarin g House, Hazleton, Pa.) West Lebanon. 20( Peoples Bank--------- d®t§'21 R. L. George......... W. E. Collins......... W. C. Smith........... W. W. Oonlter 60-1591 4P Indiana L 6 $60-4% West Middlesex 4P Mercer I 2 1349 par 50 First National Bank—-<’03 60-1392 J. J, Knlp 50.000 9.750 211,080 100 41,660 191,770 22.570 14.930 Southwark N.. Phil.; Colonial Tr. Oo., Pitt. 25,000 31.000 395,00( 35,000 210.000 210,000 6.000 60.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. Deo. 1 N., Pitt. 20,000 300,000 235,000 16,000 59,000 85.000 240,690 1.587,040 1,148,310 608.780 1,500 J. C. Beattie____ 100.000 277,870 2,312,470 55,000 609,810 1.791.880 38,500 Wm. Wicks______ ' - — 50,000 487.300 24.860 267,250 217.920 34,500 W. V. Anderson... A. A. Youne. .. $175-8% par 100 26,000 West Milton...386 West Milton State Bank L. R. Ranck_____ J. R. Reiser.......... 60-1554 dX5'20 3 Union J16 West Newton.2645 Farmers & Merch. Bk.*311900 Evan I. Brown .... W. L. Scholl_____ 60-860 4P Westmore d 0 4 <• ____ •• First National Bank-®<’K> J. G. Patterson.__ R. H. Stevenson... $200-10% 60-859 par 377,86 West Pittston6968 ♦West Side Bank _dB®<§'09 R. S. Brenton........ S. J. Howell........... 60-329 (Pittston P. 0.) $110-6% 3 Luzerne H20 par 50 (Member Pittston Clearing H ouse) I 1 22,920 30.000 Market St. N.. Phil. 154,140 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N., and Bk. of Pitt. N.A., Pitt. Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond 305.140 N., Pitt. 65.400 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Miners and Lib. State Bk. & Tr., Wilkes-Barre. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—The Largest Bank in Philadelphia — FACILITIES UNEXCELLED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ANDCOUNTY. •Mern.A.B.A.flNew§State tPrivr. *Countv Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. d President. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. Vice-President. 1 9QQ P is Pittsburgh Br. White Haven.1402 White Haven Sav. Bank S Luzerne I 21 *300 60-1393 ®*J Wilcox............. 1049 3 Elk G>9 par 100 60-1713 ‘Wilkes-Barre 77,644 *182-10% 3 Luzerne 1 21 par 50 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Liabilities. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. P. Crellin_____ H. P. Baker______ E E, Rftit 1 6 E. 0. Aldrich___ W. Clearwater.... $ . Ross H. Lloyd____ G. A. Augherton... W. F. Luckenbaeh, R. B. Baird, A. Tr. A. G. Isaacs, V. P. J. E. Griffin Tr. R. G. Davenport. Z. S. Robbins A, Tr. WM.H.CONYNGHAM- FRANCIS DOUGLAS- F. W. INNES_ _ _ _ _ ’FIRST NAT. BANK fWM. S. MCLEAN- CHAS. F. HUBER "1 SEND US YOUR Resources. Loans Bond, Miscel Cash k Ex Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and changes,Dus iabili Capital j Promts its Discounts Securities laneous prom Banks ties 25,000 $ 161,000 $ 805,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 262,390 18,520 816,760 4,076,400 270,000 400.000 4,230 750,000 1,951.180 8.349.530 82,630 * 742,100 $ 25,180 $ 137,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil, N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 4,120,820 654,820 319,230 468,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 375.000 5,303.220 4.923.020 330,000 869.460 1st N. and Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; Frank WILKES-BARRE ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT, PERSO NAL AT TENTI ON. 60-56 ♦Hanover Bank & Trust Co. George Nicholson. W. S. Goff............... D. R. Tredinnlck.. E. A. Bedner_____ 259,000 — 1 tOTtJiOfaU $145-12% par 50 60~66 d®T»li’l C. K. Gloman, Sec. _ ________ ♦Heights Deposit Bank J. H. Shea— John Repa______ 50,000 AiUUu,uuU 22o,360 1/0,000 1,212,120 245-20% par 50 60-65 d®*L5'l lin 4th St N. and 1st N., Phil. *280-14% ‘LIBERTY STATE J fT. F. FARRELL— F. C. WINTERMUTE- GEORGE YESK0. Tr. J. J. KOCYAN, Sec... 150,000 146.640 1.289.140 Principal Correspondents. 120,110 51,980 500,900 228,370 „ _______ Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil.; Wyo. N.. Wilkes-Barre. 167,640 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Tradesmens N.,Phil.; 3d N., Scranton. 110.860 1.185.580 256,470 115.280 2,120 305,870 17.830 70,780 COLLECTIONS HAVE THE PER SONAL ATTENT ION OF AN \ OFFICER OF T HIS BANK; WE REMIT ON DAY OF PAYMENT; 139.300 Equit. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Market St. N. and Tradesmens N., fPhil. 1 SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. v.Please send IS c with each colie ction for present ation. M. S. Frederick... Jno. F. McGroarty Geo. O- Motter..— Carl TT. Tisr.h _ E. J. Breslin 60-70 *75 ’MINERS BANK OF WILKES-BARRE rC.W. LAYCOCK_ _ 1. M. THOMAS-. . . . . . WM. J. RUFF M, G ROBBINS F.M. KIRBY. J. N. CONYNGHAM ROLAND GROVER C'h. of Bd. SAMUEL MCCRACKEN A. W. DRIESBACH. Tr. Officer. R. H. MITCHELL F. A. GAMBLE Collections 50.000 10,000 362,500 2,000,000 4,848'O40 19187 920 30,140 Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Dime Bk. i Tr. Co., Wilkes-Barre. 214,710 16 786 810 5,532,150 1.100.650 2.831,660 N. Y. Tr. Co., Chase N.,and 1st N., N.Y. Franklin 4th St. N., 1st N., and Phil.' Girard N., Phil. remitted for on day of pay ment. 60-57 ®MI’8 [We solicit your b u si ness. D. J. Cray............. R. W. Johnson.... John Petro_______ E. W. Mnnn North End State Bank $70 par 50 60-1704 dB®§'2 G. A. Johnson, Geo. M. Yencha $230-14% par 50 60-67 $295-12% par 100 d®l ♦SECOND NATIONAL BANK $120-145 $55-6% par 25 ♦ 60-60 SAV. BANK $405-l8%parl00 60-59 DEP. & d®»ti ♦Wyoming National Bank V P A. V. Kozak_____ Michael Bosak.__ J. M. Hiznay A. S. Chuya W. E, Lewis............ W. T. Payne .... H.B.Schooley.Ch. A. P. Kirby E. B. Mulligan G. T. Dickover___ Henry Schappert.. J. G. Schuler H. N. Rust______ L. B. Jones_______ A. J. Sordoni, V. P. M. E. Moore J. C. Haddock n. R. DAVIS--------- J. J. BECKER................. E B \fnllipan 200,000 ............... 117,790 50,460 Chase X., N. Y.;Tradesmens N.. Phil. 169,640 378,080 2.509,960 127,940 1,728,790 1,156,000 123.000 Sheldon Evans___ 1,000,000 2,666,020 10 738 760 480,800 7,458,950 5,288,610 440,000 1,698,010 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil.- Tr. Officer 208,200 Market St. N., Phil.; Bosak State, Scran ton. Girard N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. R. S. Williams,7V. liiiiOjlj 1,784,740 65.740 198,440 116,340 353,290 1,929,460 282,490 1,336,760 1.236,640 227,070 241,660 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. B. F. WILLIAMS............ f n <;TiRRinn 768,620 5.122,500 j Complete equip ment for handlln g all banking ma tters entrusted to us. (.Prompt Service. Reasonable rates Dorrance Reynolds G. R. Bedford______ C. M. Austin_______ T. Alexander ___ 500,000 1,007,990 U,TUk,JuU Theo. S. Barber J. K. Jenkins 110,550 6»70t)»0bJ 2,741,550 429.310 425,750 4,247,800 1,977,800 459,550 585,460 1st N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 127.130 3,448,930 3.336.280 199.770 586,910 L City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Frank _______ $270-16% paroO 60—61 dB®T»tl'9S ___ J. M. Rvan 12,360 312,940 ’WYOMING VALLEY jW.B.SCHAEFFER G.E. W.W. MOORE DAVIS TRUSTCO. 50,000 AWE WANT YOU ft COL LECTIONS (efficient se RVICE. TRY US. O. S. Parker, Tr,.. Neil Chrisman. Sec. S.L. Wandell.A.TV. Nicholas Fox, G. M. MILLER, Tr. and Tr. Off. msm$r: 476,900 350,000 1,516.390 5,578,370 329,690 A. Tr. Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N.. Pitt. Tradesmens N., Phil. St. N. and Phil.-Girard N., Phil. - Brooks & Co.. J. II............. .11 (11 So. Franklin) Green, Ellis & Anderson ._•! (Miners Bldg.) NTY CO. OF NEW (604Mlners Bk.Bldg.) '20 Inglehart & Co.. J. A. W. ..If (Coal Exchange Bldg.) (Investment Securit its) ____ .... H. G. Gregg. Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. Representative (Investment Bond Wiesenfluh & Co............... if (Miners Bldg.) Wilkesbarre Clearing House Wm. S. McLean, (.Members indicated by a *) _ Chairman s) 1. City Co.. N. Y. and corresp Offices. See Adr. Page III. .. G. 0. Motter, See,. C. M. Austin, Mgr. 1 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—All Items received at par — No charge for telegraphic transfers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 OOA t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14^ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. 'Mem.A.B.A.TlNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. » County Seat. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond P. is Pittsburgn Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Bonds Miscel Loans Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties J 153,790 285.030 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Monongahela N., Pitt. 261,980 3,495,350 $3 074 980 331,240 960,910 Chase N., N. Y.: Monongahela N., 1st N., Mellon N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 3,000 4.537.110 485,600 193,740 712,540 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 36.290 53.940 252,540 7.540 5,500 N. City. N. Y.: Mellon N.. Pitt.; 1st N.. Wilkinsburg. 504,650 26,500 234,080 286,790 21,690 66,540 Han. N.. N. Y.: Franklin 1th 8t. N.. Phil.; Bk. Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 115.640 901,920 66.020 635.360 254.840 98.970 144.410 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 45,000 800,000 499,840 267,970 80,600 92,440 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Penn N., Phil. 448.460 269.200 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 8. A. Taylor______J. R. Wylie.. George Rankin, Jr. H. B. Hayden----- $ 100.000 $ 136,550 $2 011280 * 252.810 $2 061820 FIRST NATIONAL BANK B nn A.K. King________ L. S. Bell — L. S. Bell________ E. F. Strond............ . G. P. Moore. A. C. Kenneth Black 250.000 399,500 6.951.000 J. A. Patterson... F. E. Finley-------- 50.000 735.210 5.140,780 J. R. Willison, G. P. Moore. Sec. and Tr: A. Sec. and A. Tr. 125,000 158,230 J. C. McFarland —....................................... 25,000 52,950 F. Deitrick. First National Bank..®»t’03 E. S. Shelly______E. A. Schwab--------- F. P. Keller--------- Alice Emmeline P. 12% #0-972 Hanens tWlUlamsport ^Citizens State Bank— •tl’ll J. J. Brandt______A.M. Hoagland— M. J. McMahon___________________ #0-203 3 42.656 50.000 50.000 WlUdnsburg 27.392 4P Allegheny M4 $130-8% #0-284 $225-13% porlOO Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due prom Banks ®»jl900 #0-282 d|j®*t’92 J. F. Miller. Ch. Wilklnsbnrg Bank___d®$'96 R. L. Finley______ #0-283 I 5200-12% par 50 WilkinsburgReal Bst ATr.Oo John S. Hooper ... W. G. Stewart. 60-285 T’03 P. W. Morgan, Ch. of Bd. G. G. Patterson.... G. P. Ross-------Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank Williamsburg 1872 J. E. Fay $300-12% par 100 60-973 d®»t ‘ 3 Blair Mil $140-12% Lycoming H16 ‘FIRST #0-197 NAT’L BK. dB®T»J’«8 $275-14% par 100 - WM. P. BEEBEN- H. D. BROWN----“PROM PT SERVICE” D. A. SL0ATMAN- CNARLES W. HILL W. V. WILKINSON, 1. C. SL0ATMAN 522.940 4,638.340 301.500 4.413.110 2.000.000 550,000 14 043 400 127.430 1.017.930 13122930 1.092.790 1.487.170 Chem. N. and Rkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 10,200 539.000 2,311,000 500.000 734,270 4,267.800 250,000 352,880 1,519,030 Mgr. Bond Devi. WM. C. BURR 632.000 1st N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. aud Tradesmens N., Phil. H.K. GREENE, Tr. Officer .Established In IMS. SEND US TOUR COLLECT IONS. H. C. BUBB. 1YC0MING TRUST COMPANY BBB 300.000 EDWARD LADLEY— H. A. BROWN. Tr.... W. B. GEIGER. Sec, G. G. u. MITCHELL. M lUHtLL. ana A. a. Tr ir. E. L. TAYLOR Q. and CHAS. E. KRAPE. W.E.PFEIFFER.A.7Y. JAS. B. GRAHAM. E. E. SHAY W. L. H0USEL. W.S. ERIEG. A.Tr. Pres. E. R. ROSSER „ Asst. Treasurers G. KRISE- A.Tr.O. Mgr. Bd. Deptt. ___L._____ C. A. SCHREYER, M. L. GSTALDER. „ Honorary Pres. Tr. Off. and A. Sec. Phil.-Girard N. and Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. A. Tr, O $210-10%. ♦ 60-196 dB®T<§’26 Careful attention given to collections and remitted on day of payment. par 100 Reasonable rates. Try us for prompt service. Northern Central Trust Co.. (.See Lycoming Trus t Co.) *SaTings Inst, of the City of R. A. Housel.—___ Edgar Munson. illlamsport ©•tl’67 $tooo 60-198 W. F. Laedlein. 222.000 1st N..N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil. 2,592.000 46,200 543,190 4,324,660 916,320 272.530 531,750 Han. N.. N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 282,000 1,515,150 465,960 192,980 229,820 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. Sec. and Tr. rJ0HN G. READING- J. R. WAY............. LEO C. JONES. A. E. ESCHENBACH. J. M. PAINTER. p O mrn«r 22ff' SUSQUEHANNA TRUST CO. I\ (1 Branch) V.P. and Tr. Off. S. S. KURTZ. A.Tr. J. B. PIERCE. A.Sec ♦ #0-202 dB®T»t*'90 i 0. G.HAGER.A.Tr.O. $125-10% par 50 WILLIAMSPOR T OLDEST THUS T COMPANY SO LICITS YOUR BUSI NESS. West Branch National Bank.. (Merged with Lycom ing National Bank a s Lycoming Trust C o.) ^WILLIAMSPORT NATIONAL BANK W-199 ®T*t 65 R. C. Gingrich... W. R. Deemer........C. R. Stearns............ G. P. Shotwell. Cash, and Tr. Off. J. K. Rishel _________________ J. H. Heim, Sec. -- W. S. Erieg, Mgr. Williamsport Clearing House E. E. Shay. Cha/irnum (Members indicated by a *) WtUl’mstown 2878 Miners & Merchants Bank J• B. Lesher .. $100-4% par 50 60-1548 d®«t5’20 3 Danphin M17 -. A. L. Pritchard.... W. M. Groff------A. E. Adams Wm. J. Durbin___D. F. Lebo_______ V. I. Smith—.......... R. O. Thomas Williams Valley Bank $175-16% ♦ 60-1395 dB®tl’20 par 50.000 49,020 354.990 62,060 343,190 102,960 34.010 35,910 Phil.-Girard N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 50,000 117.480 812,810 126,030 615,510 353,540 50,540 86.720 1st N., Phil.; Dauphin Dep. Tr. Co. and Harrisburg Tr. Co., Harrisburg. 50 THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—A friendly bank—Your account will be given personal attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lOQr Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town amd County. ‘County Seats. Pig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Ur. Willow Grove.2065 3 Montg’y 024 •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. Liabilities. tMem. State B. Ass’n [Kstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div sium PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. J. Walther.........|p. C. Nash................R. B. Caldwell, Jr., S. F. Rockafellow, Sec. and Tr. A.Tr, Wlnburne.... 1536 Bituminous Nat’l Bk..©»t’04 R. H. Sommerville. H. G. Jones_______ Walter Stewart_______ ______________ 3 Clearfield Jll 12% 60-1397 A. G. Bant ley____ Uriah Weaver____ Wade Snyder-------- R. H. Harding........... Resources. Loans Bondi Miscel Paid-up Suf^DS ther Depos LOiabili and and Capital PBOFIT8 its Diacounta Seeuritiis laneous ties $ 125,000 f !C.T.Larzelere7V.O.;H, S. Mangin, Title O. WUmerding ..6441 First National Bank.d®*t’94 P. W. Morgan____ W. L. Hankey_____ J. A. Black________ J. C. Stauffer______ 200,000 4P Allegheny N4 1320-4% 60-655 J. S. Hughes Windber_ _ _ _ 9984 Oitizens National Bank®*$’03 4P Somerset 08 $325-20% par 100 60-550 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 50,000 * 93 ,540 1.347 ,290 $ 194,110 $1129 730 $ 447,010 $ 437,,190 4.7831,600 279,340 642,070 15,300 54,000 100,000 180,000 1.500.000 Windber Trust Co.... ®»-tl'09 B. L. Simpson____ R. M. Mullen-------- R. W. Maneval. W. F.Gibson, A.Tr 250,000 16% ♦ 60-551 Tr. and Tr. Officer H. H. Hoenstme.A Tr. WIndgap---------1133 Citizens Bank.........dB®*t§’15 O. A. Greenzweig. iGeo.N. Miller........ T. C. Henschen F. L. Werner, Sec 100,000 3 NorthamptonK23 $94-6% par 50 60-1459 Windsor..............854 First National Bank -d®»t'21 W. S. Grimm__ ___ J. W. Keller_____ R. J. Smith------------ C. R. Byrd________ 25,000 3 York P18 $170 par 100 60-1600 Womelsdorf ..1331 Womelsdorf Union Bank L. R. Valentine.__ J. H. Mays________ Ghas. P. Schaeffer. H. G. Illig________ 50.000 3 Berks N19 $275-16% par 50 60-1398 d©»t5'03 J. L. Shultz, Ch. A. M. Klopp F. T. Landis, Sec. Woodbury____ 246 Farmers State Bank.d®+§’' I. C. Stayer_______ D. M. Bayer______ D. 1. Pepple______ 25,000 3 Bedford OtO $86-4% par 50 60-1399 Wood lawn ..18,882 First National Bank ..®»t’07 A. W. Coombs____ J. H. Figley_______ F. D. Long________ C. C. Martin. 100,000 4f Beaver L2_ 60-1468 $145-6% Woodl awnTrust Cc.d®T*t|T0 P. M. Moore......... T. C. Swarts............ F. H. Jannuzi. E.E.McKean, A.Sec. 125.000 $225-12% par 100 ♦ 60-1400 Sec. and Tr. and A. Tr ,J. A. C. Ruffner, Jr. Wrights vllle 1943 First National Bank_®T*t’63 R. P. Wilton_____ , H. W.Huntzberger W. E. Weller_____ 150,000 3 York P17 $205-10% 60-1401 W/alusing____ 628 National Bank of Wyalusing E. A. Strong_____ M. R. Stalford .... M. R. Stalford.........F. N. Wells... 50,000 ^Bradford F18 60-1048 •f92 Peoples State Bank..®«tl’14 R. G. C. Jones.... C. H. Bosworth..— L. V. Murphy____ _______________ 25,000 8% 60-1450 Wyoming____ 3582 First National Bank.d®*t'07 W. J. Fowler_____ J. I. Shoemaker... F. D. Cooper______ S. A. Kluger.. 50,000 3 Luzerne H20 $510-20% par 100 60-1402 Wyomissing 2062 Peoples Trust Co___®T,tl'14 H. M. Fry_______ L. F. Miller______ W. G. Wade. 500,000 A. V. Bredbenner. 3 Berks N 20 $26-6% par 10 ♦ 60-1449 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. Henry Janssen Yardley______ 1262 Yardley National Bank—#t'90 H. W. Comfort.... H. T. Moon_______ Jesse E. Harper... 125,000 3 Bucks N 25 60-1403 500.000 5.371.420 217.770 82,910 390,350 17,520 12,030 343,690 34,100 224,320 1,487,190 19,110 ‘York...............50,000 3 York P17 ‘CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK $180-6% 60-165 ®T*ri0 Jas. G. Glessner. Allen Kauffman ... Geo. Jordan ............ j W. H. Blouse______ $275-12% par 100 60-159 $259-9% par 100 60-155 ! IV. A. KEYW0RTH E. g. |JUfiR------- I. M. MYERS __ ._ W. ML :STEWART 4 ( York banks continu 350,000 9,450 2.003,350 1,812,720 83,200 461.610 62.750 27,390 268,780 108,020 13,250 948,830 635,230 48,150 125,340 7,580 4,400 112.300 998,410 805.370 70.540 1,494,460 509,940 174,440 436,000 1,090,290 33,000 112,050 97,820 Colonial Tr. Co., Integrity Tr. Co., anc Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 184,900 2,076,440 37,400 163,200 45,000 309,070 50,000 423.610 27.340 363.960 1,030 320.720 30,170 860,000 790,000 90,000 2,551,710 1,193,970 119,550 144,040 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 220,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N„ 1st N„ and Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 439,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Mellon N„ Pitt. 39,030 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co.. N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 24.770 Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 148,400 Chase N„ N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; N. Union, Reading. 18,820 Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Monongahela N„ Pitt. 285,620 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pttt. 244.900 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y„ 1st N. and Ex. N„ Pitt. 146,330 Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 55,260 Chase N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 7,200 59,240 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tradesmens N„ Phii. 130,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 258,190 Equitable Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 64,600 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 215.000 1,510,000 95,000 379,730 2,308,640 935.050 126,170 485,430 192.520 679,630 170,890 14,000 2.044.000 226.000 1.633.000 680.000 207.000 267.000 N. City, N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 500,000 270,160 2,573,700 ------------ 2.186,920 766.110 144,790 246,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 150,000 408,620 2,234,530 100,000 1,722,550 631,420 233,980 305,200 1st N„ N/Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt. 526,730 1,890 479,100 100,910 13,860 500.000 598.410 5.892.190 400.000 3,893.110 2,217,130 393.500 500,000 621,820 3.804,710 25,080 2,616,220 1,499,960 79,600 100,000 22,390 57,140 Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 886.860 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. I lie mast be sen t with each sight draft for present atlon. .Prompt service. Send ns your Y ork items. d®T»t’64 ♦Guardian Trust Oo.d©Ttl’M E. C. Zelgler______ 0. M. Nes______ ___ W. C. Beitzel. E. P. Stair, ♦ 60-163 V. P., See.,and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. $64-10% par 25 1.200,000 Bari 187,770 1,070,730 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. ol Pitt. N. A„ 1st N„ and Mellon N„ Pitt. Send us your Y ork Items. Prompt persona 1 attention given BUI of Lading D rafts, etc. send 15c E. with each draft. ; W. R. Thomas.. ♦EasternNational Bank®t’23 E,Please D. Quickel____ E. Frey. 105 60-167 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 342,960 85,360 $ 191,040 1,201,380 Send your Collections on York and vicinity 250,000 270.000 direct to us. Prompt attention. Reasonable Charge. Wo got r esult s. ♦Citizens Savings&TrustCo. G. L. Stallman ___ P. A. Elsesser-------- G. L. Sprenkel, Tr. C. R. Lose, A. Tr. !R. P. Sherwood ♦DROVERS & MECH. RflT'L BANK...........................d®»t'83 264,900 pbom D. P. KLINEDINST-— A. F. FIX- - - - - - - - - - - H.B. WALTMAN- - - - - - - K. S. UG6ITT—. C. P. LUDWIG $40.25-6% ♦ 60-160 d©T»t§’24 par 25 19,090 128,580 1,819,060 1.909,950 2,531,690 Principal Correspondents. Cash * Ex- cBAiiasa.Dci 755,840 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. ed on next page) THE PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD NATIONAL BANK—Organized 1803—SERVICE BASED ON LONG EXPERIENCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -i one to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ !4yO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Paid-dp Liabili and its Capital Profits ties Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. "New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond P is Pittsburgh Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $ 100,000 *York______ 50,000 •Industrial Nat. Bank®»i’07 Zach. Laucr............ M. L. Strayer____ H. C. Stitt................ (Continued) 1205-10% 60-164 •• •• 149,870 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union N„ Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 31.230 Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil. 416,130 3.120,800 221.600 2.435,110 907.300 334.500 306.620 N. Bk. Cem., N. Y.j Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 300,000 917,670 3.236,000 322.880 2,124,390 2,034,370 116,550 501,240 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Western N.. Balt. 500.000 601,000 3.332.000 279.000 2,881.000 1.201.000 326.000 304,000 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt'. 500,000 782.020 3.925.430 17,970 2.935.690 1.462,100 266,820 550,810 Chase N. and Cbem. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt. 225,000 15,500 285,400 19,600 A. Tr. Off. I Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 1 Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation. par 100 60-158 d®T«t’75 .THE BANK OF SERVICE. •York County National Bank Si 60-154 G. S. Schmidt. William R. Horner. ®»*’45 ‘YORK NATIONAL ( BANK & TR. GO. • 691,440 S 126,610 18,900 A. H. HARB0LD-— A. H. HARB0LD. Tr. Off. C. H. EMIG. _ $180-8% 150,000 $ 682,950 correspondents. & Cash En hances,Dux from Banks 184,770 40,000 A. W. SMYSER 180,000 1-223390 Principal Loans Bonds M ISCEL- i and and Discounts Sscurities LANEOUS( 125,600 C. H. May........ ......... L. S. Shearer.......... R. F, Jones.............. J. J. Blankenstein North York State Bank E.D. Jacobs too-4% 60-1634 d®t§’23 par 50 ‘WESTERN NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ' Resources. PENNS YL V A NI A—Continued GRIER HERSH — HENRY NES. . . . . . . . . . . . H. 0. SAKEMILLER - J. F. SHARP. . . . . . . . E. 0. SCHEAFFER R. E. COCHRAN A live commerci ai institution, | Your business w ill receive promp t, careful attentlo 115 CENTS sent t o us with each sig ht draft for prese ntation, and 60-153 dB®T»tl810 V,25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sures prompt, pe rsonal attention. $63-12% par 25 (Formerly York National Bank ) ‘YORK TRUST j ELLIS S. LEWIS- &iraE--- V. P. and Tr. Officer •a ♦ 60-161 *125-12% ” _____ " par 50 C.H. MOORE. Tr... C. S. WITTMER, Sec. and A. Tr W. A. HOKE. A. Tr. H.P. KISSINGER. A. Sec Careful attentl on given ail collec tions. I Quick returns. Moderate charge s. Satisfactory s crvlce assured. Bd®T»t»’90 1 I We invite your business. , Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for credit reports. Wm.H.Horner.See, York Clearing House_______G (Members indicated by a *) Yorkhaven ....779 Yorkhaven State Bank E *50-3% 60-1491 ®t§'18 S York 016 par 50 Jno. 8. Fishel........ Geo. E. Ebaugh. J no. Cockley 25,000 6.700 142.630 3,630 45,880 106,750 4,880 York Springs..287 First National Bank ...d»t’05 E *257-13% 60-1404 S Adams P15 H. J. Gardner........ W. M. Weidner... 25,000 77.000 649,260 39,750 389,800 294,870 50,350 56,000 N. City. N, Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. W. C. Sigwortb.... H. H. Hasted— 50,000 34.690 562,490 50,490 446,530 165,300 24,600 61.240 Han. N„ N. Y.: Midland. Clev.; Warren N. and Warren Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Warren. W. P. Nutting........ F. G. Beckenbach. C. W. Spencer. 60,000 23.490 W. W. Scott__ 25,006 150.480 796,290 25,730 519.43C 332.24C 5.000 31,290 208,73C 6,980 205.211 67.68C 34,610 130,00( 112.501 par 100 J. A. Saeerdahl. YoungsviUe ..1611 First National Bank ..d©t'06 E 60-087 4P Warren E6 *185-8% par M « 100 YoungsviUe Savings Bank C 60-086 d»tt'93 Youngwood.. 2275 First National Bank—®+’03 J 4P Westmorel'dN5 *550-30% 60-1406 par 100 Savings & Trust Co..®T+§’21 1 *58 60-1588 Yukon______ 104f First National Bank d®*t'15 C *100-8% 60-1456 4P Westmorel’d NE par _ •• J. J. Houser___ J. W. Scott____ J. C. Lowe--------H. A. McMurray J. H. Feather. Sec. and Tr . 125,00C Seab. N.. N.Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Warren Sav. Bk. Sc Tr., Warren. 140,840 Mellon N., Pitt. 53.28C Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 95.00C Bowery & East River N„ N. Y.: Colonial Tr. Co. and Quaker City N., Pitt. A. Basilone............ A. S. Rodak............ Mary Cheselske ... H. B. Emerson 30.00C 12,000 295.00( L. M. Timlin____ . 50.00C 121,550 829,37( 49,300 866,00( 40,00( 40.55C 103,67C Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Mellon N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. C.S. Passavant.Jr. H. A. Hallstein.... Wm. M. Seaton.__ S. McKinney 50,00( 94.110 694,43( 50.760 625,88 ) 82,90 78.18( 102.331 N. City. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond N.. Pitt. _ ... 50 ZeUenople___ 187( First National Bank____ *$'81 60-000 4P ButlCT K3 M 20.440 Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. Peoples National Bank 60-001 ®T»t’04 Ch. of Bd. Chas. Stokey -0. B. Harper Digitized for THE FRASER PHILADELPHIA-GIRARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK—Transit Department in continuous operation under careful supervision 1907 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *.Mem.A.B.A.TlNew§StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 1 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$I,astSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RHODE ISLAND (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bondi Miscel Cam k Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and chaeobh.Du* and its Diacounts Securities laneous from Banks Capital Profits ties Ashaway.. .620 Ashaway National Bank.*’65 L. A. Briggs______ Washington M5 140-4% 57-93 Frank Hill $ 100,000 J ,Bristol....... 12.707 INDUSTRIAL TRUST Bristol H20 ♦ 57-99 Centerville.. 3035 (See West Warwick) Kent G12 ‘East Greenwich Kent H13 4157 ♦ 57-100 C. T. Sherman, Mgr. 4,000,000 9.598,809 (Branch of Provi dcncc) For Statem ent See Heme Office. Howard V. Allen, Mgr. (Branch of East Providence (Providence P. 0.) CO. *81900 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. I400-16%^ 57-111 ©Tt§’21 Ezra Dixon, Ch. of Bd. F. B. Halliday. Ch. of Bd. A. G. Johnson, Mgr. E. E. Penniman, A, Mgr, Provid. E17 26,088 Esmond ______ 542 Smithfleld Savings Bank. 8’12 Providence D12 57-109 Greenville___ 1230 National Exchange Bank*t'22 C. E. Walcott_____ Wm. A. Sprague... Providence Dll 140-6% 57-97 •• _____ •* 34.760 i 33,700 $ 26,250 $ 105,990 $ N. Ex., Greenville, R. I. 97,920 133,830 38,020 164.970 69.750 791,680 380 832,200 of West erlp, R. Narragansett.1357 Wakefield Trust Co___ *J’35 Wash. M14 57-103 E, J. Bateman, Mgr. of Wok efUld.R. J ) .. « „ „ J) M 370.930 6.817.430 300.000 4,254.630 2.682,92 J 245.850 108.740 NEWPORT TRUST CO. 300,000 375,240 3.189.659 10,710 1.214,390 2.036,320 124.250 2.314.290 17 033190 49,700 5.691.470 13 303060 119,920 $175-10% par 100 Savings 57-79 dT*I5'01 Clark Burdick. .. E. A. Sherman___ G.W.Bacheller, Jas. P. Cozzens, Sec. and Tr. A, Tr. Bank of Newport Wm. H. Hammett. W. A. Sherman ... H. G. Wilks, Tr,__ 57-75 B®*tS1819 A.L. Slocum, A.Tr. 607.820 108,200 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. ♦ 57-105 INDUSTRIAL TRUST ♦ 57-54 ©*§’01 Robert Wilcox, Ch. of Bd. fPawtucket Bra \ C. A. Moffett, Mgr. CO. *181900 \ Slater Branch :• JH.W. Fits, L V.P. and Mgr. J Mgr. RHODE ISLAND Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.630 N. City. N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.: 2d N. and N. Shawmnt, Bos.; 1st N., Phil.; Industrial Tr. Co., Prov. 282.730 1st N. Y.; N.Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. See advertisement In New York City section. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. R. I.)— Industrial Tr. Oo., Prov. 4,000,000 9.598,800 (Branch of Provi dence).. For S tateme nt See Home Office. {Pawtucket Branch) nch: E. L. Moffitt, A. Mgr. 4,000.000 9 598,800 (Branch For S tateme nt See Home dence).. Office. N. Park, N. Y.: N. 8hawmut, Bos. {Slater Branch) Chase N. and N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Bos. H. C. Jackson. Lewis E. Martin. J. F. Browning, Tr, Off. and A. Mgr. A. Mgr. A. Mgr. Pawtucket Inst, for Savings E. N. Littlefield... J. A. Arnold____ 4% 57-51 ®*iS'36 Rhode Island Hospital Trust H. A. Wilkinson, Company ♦ 57-52 d®T*t§’67 A. Sec. and Mgr. 15.000-16% Phenlx..............3325 Phenix Trust Co....®T*J8'56 H. T. White Kent G12 *67.50-8% 57-106 (West Warwick, P. O.) .. 133,500 1st N.. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 811.270 * J. J. Thompson. (Branch of Prov idcncc, A. Mgr. 604.960 N. Park, Chase N.. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. Industrial Tr. Co., Prov. 120,000 || ____ N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Prov.; Wash. Tr. Co., Westerly; 1st N., Bos. Chase N., N. Y.; Prov. N., Prov.; Merch. N., Bos. PRINCE & WHITELY........... (Investment Securit ies) Pawtucket.,69,760 Providence D16 .. 300,000 20,820 29,610 4.000.000 9.598.800 (Branch of Provi For Statem ent See Home Mgr. (33 Bellevue Ave.) Olueyvllle ..75,000 Union Trust Co___d®T*iS’97 (Providence P. O.) $200-6% par 100 ♦ 57-104 Providence E14 Pascoag______3680 Providence B7 5,240 Newport National Bank *1803 G. W. Sherman.__ W. A. Sherman___ $91-8% 57-72 5% •• ®»t8’05 228,740 ■' • INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. 57-80 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Oo., Prov.; 1st N., Bos. (Branch of Orten viUe, R. r) R. P. Mitchell, Mgr. ♦ 1st N., N. T. Industrial Tr. Oo., Prov. 150,000 Geo. H. Proud ___ J. W. Thompson .. Mary Greene Wm. R. Harvey H. A. Curtis, A. C. Congdon Betsey Tompkins 37,460 N.Shawmnt, Bos.; Prov. N.. Prov. Pro vidence. R. I.)— Hope Valley 1269 Washington Trust Co. 57-101 d®T*t§’65 Washington K6 1220-10% .. 2,250 $ 4.000,000 9.598,800 (Branch of Provi dence, R. /.) For Statem ent See Home Office. H, S. Turner_____ F. S. Colwell_____ N. 8. Winsor. Tr.. Smithfleld Savings Bank 4% 57-98 ©JS’72 ‘Newport ...27,757 Aquidneck Nat’l Exchange Peter King $100-9% Bk. & Sav. Co.®T*t’54 Newport L20 Washington Sq. Office, 57-76.* Thames St. Office, 57-77 * 49.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Ralph R. Kenyon, E. M. Lovejoy. Sec. 664.940 13 494 680 Tr. H. W. Wood, A. Sec. E. A. Tingley, F. M. Maxcy,A.Sec. (Pawtuc ket Office of Provi dence) .. A. Sec. and A. Mgr. and A, Mgr. Geo. E. Sheldon, Sec. andTr. 100,000 122,190 853,250 890 3,794,440 9.523,080 382.460 595,200 200,000 19.120 642.110 1st N., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Oo. and 1st N.. Bos. N. Bk. Com and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Bos.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 79.550 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Prov. N.. Prov.; N. Shawmut, Bos. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sm Mu t» Lurjera) PROVIDENCE (Providence Co., E 15) SS^uSt Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1908 to ea(,h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers^ Ass’n. Fed. Res. Dlst. No. 1. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Resources. Liabilities. MiscilOther BONDS Loans T otal Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus LANBOVI AND and AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits Discounts Sacnsmss Rbhoukcbs ties •Mem.A.B.A.7lNew§StatetPriv. A©’'1' ,LEotab;, president. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘BliGKSTONE CANAL NAT! BK. | Vice-President. Cashier. ■ V ■ y Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal correspondents. Cami A KxcmAHOM^Ihii twuu Bins ALBERT R. PLANT-JOHN B. BRANCH -C. P. BROWN ----------------------------------- If you appp*clat« prompt and oaraful aarvloa at a modarata oharga, sand US your Itama and collactlona on Provldanca. { 500.000 $ 891.660 $ 3.974.240 $ 864,430 $2,523,760 $ 2,775.630 $ 117.830 $ 813.110 W. Park and Han. N., N. lit N„ Bos. N. Bk. Rep., Cbl.; --------- $52-12% 57-13(20 Market8q.)»t’31 Waiter C. Nye----- C. F. Irons.—......... Charles O. Darling 4% 57-88 ©•t*,71 ArthurB.Hat haway (Cranston and Westminster) A. L. Gareis_____ Mariano Vervena.. Oolnmbos Exchange Bank R. E. Lyman $91-11% par 50 ♦ 57-40 ®»f§’l( (1 Market Square) (Branches at 361 At wells Ave.. 572 Chari Dante State Bank....... ....»§’25 Domenico DiLuglio Frank Galiano....... Joseph Paolino 57-44 (487 Atwells Ave.) •High Street Bank ..•JS1828 H. A. Grimwood— W. A. Hathaway... A. L. Peck $100-10% 57-12 (846 Westminster) CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK C.H.Jackson. A.Tr. ■ — 510,640 22.153,760 A. L. Gareis. Tr. .. C. T. Cambio. Sec. . A. G. Vervena. C. H. Moia. A. Tr. 200,000 166,520 3,291.590 F. P. Galiano, Sec.. 50,000 R. W. Cooke. Tr. A. Tr. es St., and 1 Govern or St.) Ernest DiLuglio, Tr. Victor H. Fraziei. F. W. Bartels. L. C. Ray 120.000 697,500 16.559,260 5.378,210 45.700 1.817.520 2,550 2.171.040 1.010.550 391,390 1,033,040 N. Bk. Com. and Chem. N., N. ¥.; Mereh. N., 1st N., and 2d N., Boa. . 155.380 720.360 N. City and Bowery & B. River N„ N.T.: Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. San F.; N. Rockland. Bos.: Banca d'Am. e. d'ltalia. Naples, Italy; N. CityBk. of N.Y.. Paris, France. 74,190 370,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Bos.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 75,000 219,750 2,273,490 F. M. HOWE ........ - Assistant Secretaries Trust Department Loan Department EARLS.CRAWFORD J. CUNLIFFE BULLOCK HARRY Cl OWEN. S. M. NICHOLSON F. P. and Sec. 4.000,000 9.598.800 146 250 540 5,820.940 78.207.260 66.447.670 5.686.380 15.331.980 1st N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., Ch. of Bdt ROBERTJ.CONNERY E.S. HARTWELL. V.P. CLYDE A. RINES. Chem. N., and N. City, N. T.; Cont. & Com’l A. Sec N., Cbl.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Phll.-Glrard N. H.C. JACKSON. „ Vice-Presidents (Washington Park Branch (57-41) at 1515 Broad St.) Tr. Off. Bond Department and Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Old Colony JOSHUA M. ADDEMAN Treasurer's Dept. (Atwells Ave. Branch (57-42) 220 at Atwells Ave.) Tr. Co. and 1st N., Bos. WILLIAM METCALFE. E. F. SEABURY. V.P. (Exchange Branch (57-2) 63 Westminster) CHESTER R. MARTIN. Tr. Off. N. E. CARR. A. Sec. (Elmwood Branch (57-45) 602 Elmwood Ave.) SHELDON Foreign Department ELLERY HOLBROOK^ CLAYTON D. R. McCOLL $405-16% 57-84 dB©T»tl’87 JAMES A. Tr. Off. MICHAEL F. DOOLEY W. GRANVILLE MEAD ER.F.F;Collectloiis will racalvaour oaraful attention. Branohea par 100 FREDERICKS. PECK ERNEST CLAYTON. FERRARIS. FELIX IX FERRARIS... |n Pawtucket. Newport. Woonaockat, Bristol. Warren, SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON RHODE ISLAND INDEX. (49 Westminster) A. Mgr. WARD E. SMITH A. Tr. Pasooag.Wlc kford, Westerly, and East Providence. Auditor WILLIAM 6. ROELKER (9 Branches throughout the State) HOWARD W. FITZ CARLETON E. TAFT INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY 497.750 116.080 143,960 N. Y. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmnt. Bos. 722,000 2.700.000 4,223.000 104,000 850.000 1st N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; N. Shawmut, 1st N.. and Merch. N., Bos. 274,160 3,299,410 200,120 3,937.900 223.830 361.920 850.000 1,249.660 . 8.368,460 322.400 7,735,220 1.050,710 462.000 1.542.600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phll.-Glrard N., Phil. Lincoln Trust Oo. . -B®T*tl'04 A. Silverman------- G. E. Smith—........ G W. Holt. Jr., Tr A. W. Pierce, Sec... par 25 67-39 F. D. McKendall. P. C. Joslin J. W. Beck. Auditor F. A. De Blasio, Ch. A. Tr (61 Weyhosset) 125,000 151.550 1,326,860 15.270 C. C. Harrington - E. A. Havens____ Shiriey HarrlngtOE F. A. Church ........ •Mechanics National Bk. par 50 57-9 ©§11823 (34 Dorrance St.) 500.000 432,000 6,223.000 J. R. MacColl____ H. W. Rice............ H. J. Wells. Tr.... H. E. Gladding, (6 Branches) E. R. Drown.A.Sec. Sec. and Gen. Mgr. H. T. Merriman J. E. Burke. A.Sec. C. W. Christiansen, A. J. Thornley 750,000 ?ENNY.L.WH-COX .... FRANK W. BALE____ W. H. PERRY--------- E, B, FESSENDEN, o. rncouuu nniuni nm. r. unArin jn.. 860.890 $50-4% $67-6% Morris Plan Co. of R. I. $131-7% 57-43 (10-12 Market Sq.) ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE (Cert.) A. Tr. par 50 57-25 ®T*f61 (146 Westminster) $105-6% Ch. of Bd. V.P. and Tr. Off. Send US your items and Collections for Providence and vicinity. Promptness and careful attention to every detail. Moderate charge. Peoples Savings Bank-_®»t|’5i C. C. Marshall....... John B. Branch.... 4M% (27 Market Sqnare)67-I7 Webster Knight. George M. Snow Ch. W. P. Chapin •Phenix National Bank. ..•t'35 Webster Knight... J. E. Thompson__ $110-12% (83 Dorrance) 67-21 F. W. Matteson.... Providence Inst, for Savings 4% 57-36 ®»t§'19 (1 Branch) H. D. Sharpe (86 South Main) John O. Ames Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O.F.Stevens, Sec. Tr. VV.P. Dodge, A.Sec. R. H. Blake. R. W. Upham. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 1.043,910 27,052,490 204,790 14.357.220 13,360.200 50,000 533.770 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Blackstone Canal N., Prov. 303,570 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman N.,Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. 845,850 Chem. N., Han. N„ and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and Merch. N„ Bos. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. E. Thompson ... F. W. York............ 450,000 1,262.730 3,052.240 C. W. Herrmann F. M. Mason. Sec.. 2,820,130 48,485.220 H. V. Mayo. A. Sec. E. W. Mason. A. Tr. P. R. Kenney, A. S ec. W. H. Congdon, A. Tr. 450.000 2.387.810 2.201,510 22,055,160 28,100,770 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Industrial Trust Company PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND AND FOURTEEN BRANCH OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE STATE Capital Surplus Undivided Profits $4,000,000.00 $6,000,000.00 $3,598,804.07 than A Complete and Prompt Service Through Our Main Offices or Any of Our Branches BOARD OF DIRECTORS SAMUEL M. NICHOLSON, Chairman of the Board of Directors ALFRED M. COATS EDWARD B. ALDRICH FLORRIMON M. HOWE FREDERIC W. HOWE WALTER F. ANGELL FREDERICK L. JENCKES JAMES H. HIGGINS HARRY PARSONS CROSS GEORGE M. PARKS PAUL C. NICHOLSON ANDREW E. JENCKS HERBERT G. BEEDE JOSHUA M. ADDEMAN EBEN N. LITTLEFIELD EZRA DIXON JAMES R. MACCOLL R. LIVINGSTON BEECKMAN WALTER S. BALLOU JAMES M. PENDLETON EVERETT I. ROGERS ERLING C. OSTBY JOHN S. HOLBROOK EDWARD H. RATHBUN HENRY A. HOFFMAN Joseph b. McIntyre JOSEPH W. FREEMAN FORREST W. TAYLOR WEBSTER KNIGHT GEORGE W. GARDINER BYRON S. WATSON HAROLD T. MERRIMAN JOSEPH SAMUELS ERVIN S. DUNN MICHAEL F. DOOLEY FREDERICK S. PECK E. TUDOR GROSS EDMUND C. MAYO Direct Inquiries to Us at Pawtucket Newport Woonsocket Bristol Westerly Warren Wickford East Providence Washington Park Atwells Avenue Exchange Elmwood WESTERLY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WICKFORD PROVIDENCE WOONSOCKET BRISTOL NEWPORT WARREN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19QQ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back, of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. President. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%I)iv. Vice-President. THOMAS L. PIERCE- E. G. BATTY.......... E. G. BATTY.................G. A. FREEMAN......... $ 1.500.000 $ 2.906.380 M. J. BARBER, , W. 1. ANGELL F. L. SAWYER, A. c. CHAS. L. EDDY Ch.ofBd. H. H. EDDY (Empire St. Office) Resources. 1 Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. ! 'PROVIDENCE NATIONAL BANK Other Liabili ties | Loans Bonds and and Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources $ 13,053,920 { 1.995.240 $ 9.693.510 t 7.546.090 % Oldest Bank in America under National Charter. *285-12% par 100 67-l©T«tl79l|| (20 Westminster St.) ♦Rhode Island Hospital Tr, T. H. West. Jr........ *5,ooo-20%^ 57-33 ®f< H. J. Wells. Ch. (15 Westminster) P. H.Gardner. V. P. H. L. Slader. V. P. J. H. Wells,F. P. W. F. Farrell........ *200-8% ♦ 57-24 A. J. Pothier. Ch. ■par ioo (62 Dorrance) Providence (Hearing House. H. L. Wilcox_____ (49 Westminster) ( mbert indicated b Y Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. PROVIDENCE—Continued Principal Correspondents. CUra ft Ex changer, Dow non Bamki 450.960 S 1.764.970 Chem. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. G. H. Capron. Sec. . C. D. Lewis, A. Sec. 3,000.000 6,756.950 102 841 300 3.765,730 57,979,990 43.844.860 2.250.110 12,289.030 Bk. of America. N. Bk. Com., Han. N.. Birrs. Tr. R.F.Munro, A.Sec. J. C.Peel. A. Sec. Co.,and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; N. S. E. Simmons, L. E. Barber. A .Sec. G. A. Ha rrington, E. A. Har ris. Trust Officers. R. T. Downs . H. W. S immons. Merch. N., 2d N.. Old Colony Tr. Co., A. Sec. C. A. Post, A. Sec. F. J.Hun t. P. F.A. mold and F. B. Kim ball. Asst. Tr. Officer s. C. B. Cox, Aud, Shawmut. and 1st N.. Bos.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. G. B. Hibbert____ R. S. Richards Henry Salomon Wm. S. Innis R. H. Trott F. E. Chafee........... John Congdon B.Ne wherry, A. Sec. L. R. Holmes, Tr... H. R. Fox, Sec. . . . . . . Wm. De Lancey H. F. Williams, Jacobs, A. Tr. A. Sec. 0. P. Brown, Mgr.. y a*) 1,000,000 1,029,230 24.176,690 14.098,110 7.332,170 1,236,530 3.539,100 N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS ± Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Bodell & Co______ _______±1 (32 Custom House St.) Brown. Lisle & Marshall — ±1 H.M.BYLLESBY&CO.U,westmt^. Wholesalers (Turks Head Bldg.) 1! J tailers of H. M. Byllesby & Co.. Ohi.. N. Y.. Bos., Phil., Det., Minpls., St. Paul, and Kan. C., and Hu Securi ties Inv es tment Davis & Davis........... ........... _*± L—Specialists 1 Public Utilit ies. (10 Weybosset St.) I Estabrook & Co.___________tj (15 Westminister St.) GUARANTY CO. OF NEW YORK (Investment Securit tes)--------------------- H. R. McPeck (623Hospital Trust Bldg.) ’20 I Representative HALSEY STUART & CO. (Investment Bonds) Ralph Knight, Rep resentative ,AI3?orPoraV3&! x Telephone; Gaspel 5877 (10 Weybosset St.) HORNBLOWER t WEEKS- -V88 (Investment Securit ies)----------------- ... Benjamin Cooke. (10 Weybosset) i. I .. Guaranty Co. of New York, N. Y. Halsey Stuart & Co., N.Y.,Chi..Phil.,Bos., St.L.,De Mil., Clev. and Minpls. Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y„ Bos., and Port. .... Mgr. KIDDER. PEABODY & CO.-'65 (Investment Securiti es)--------- ------------- Ernest G. Adams. (10 Weybosset) Representative| C. A. Kiivert & Co................... ± LEE. HIGGINSON & CO....... 48 (622 Hospital Trust Bldg.) Kidder, Peabody & Co.. N. Y.. Bos., and Newark. (Bonds)_ _ _ _ R. C. Langdon,Representative .. f Boston, Mass,)... .{Lee, Higginson & Co., N. Y„ Chi., and Bos. Livingston & Co..................... ± NATIONAL CITY COMPANY. 18 (Investment Bon ds)--------------------- G. S. Goodspeed, D istricl Sales Mgr........... (Turk s Head Bldg.) . OLD COLONY CORPORATION- InvestmentSccur ities-------------------- Arch. W. Older, R epresentative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (322 Hospital Trust Bldg.) PAINE. WEBBER & CO.-— . '80 ( Members Boston, (636 Hospital Trust Bldg.) Peck. Fredericks.,................... Richardson & Clark________± W. W. White & Co± I INVESTMENT SECURITIES. iFrank T. Hertell, Mgr. N. City Co., N.Y. and correspondent offices. Old Colony Corp., N. Y„ Bos., and Hart. — Cotton E xchange, Chicago B and other cities. RHODE ISLAND—Continued Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 1 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrli. tMem. State B. Ase’n. Ffetab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSa1e%Div. —----------president. Vick President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital — Resources. Liabilities. — Surplus Loans Bonds O ther Cam ft KxMiscel ciAionlDvi Dbpo»and and AND Liabili ITS Disoounts Bsouritiss laneous rmcm Bavu Profits ties Principal Correspondents. j Slatemllle. ..2152 First Nat. Bk. of Smithfleld F. E. Bartlett_____ I. H. Sweet----------- C. E. Seagrave____ C. S. Seagrave------- S 100.000 $ Providence Alo 150-6% 57-107 <1818 Wakefield........ 2716 Wakefield Inst, for Savings_ _ (Taken over by Wa Washington M13 — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 98,700 $ 374,590 1 134,520 S 650 $ 68,330 Prov. N., Prov.; 1st N., Bos. Icefield Trust Co.) WakefieldTrustCo. d©T«t§’90 Benj. F. Robinson. Geo. A. Kroener.. F. W. Clemens. Bessie P. Chappell, *125-10% par 50 57-90 1 Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. RHODE ISLAND Map on Index 48,470 $ 330,920 $ 100.000 273,490 3,408.490 158.320 1,156.700 2.595.060 56,330 132.200 Chase N.. N.Y.: Prov. N., Prov.; Merch. N., Bos. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 onn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ loUU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’u. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. *Connty Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. I Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Lo&na Bonds Cair k Exnrpna- °THER Miscel OHAN6M,D Paid-up And and u» LiabiliDiscounts Securities laneous nu>M Bini Capital pROFITS donee).. $9 598 800 tateme □ t See Home Office. idencc).. of Prom 9,598,800 (.Branch tateme nt See Home | Office. i $ $ 3.992.390 7,397,830 $ 300.000 893,600 CHARLES PERRY - CHAS. P. COTTRELL - ARTHUR L. PERRY.Tr. LVaIVerry s J. R. Abramson..... 100,000 E. W. Whitford, Sec. and Tr. J. E. Noel, Mgr----- _______ 705,200 304,200 140.000 614,000 434,400 (Branch of Provi dence, R. I.)_____ 4,000,000 9.598.800 (Branch, of Provi dence) .. Thaddeus W. Hunt. Basil K. Major, For S tateme nt See Home Office. A. Mgr. Mgr. 246,620 _______ 32,780 359,100 _______ J. G. Reynolds, Sec. and Tr. 984,130 100,000 47,840 1,217,510 100,230 H. H. Smith--------- H. J. Myette Industrial Tr. Oo„ Prov. 5,260 140,010 369,890 10,990 101,730 1st N., N. Y.; 2d N„ Bos. E. C. Francis, Mgr. H. S. Rickards, 261,520|N. Globe, Woonsocket; 1st N„ Bos, 261,520 7,73p 131,290 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos.; N. Bk. Com., Prov. 41,880 981,160 Chase N„ N. Y.; Industrial Tr. Oo„ Woon socket; 1st N. and New Eng. Tr. Co., Bos. 166,440 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Bos. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 41,980 SOUTH CAROLINA ^Abbeville___4570 Farmers Bank of Abbeville F. E. Harrison___ P. B. Speed______ J. C. Thomson___ T. A. Sherard....... $ 75,000 $ 39,460 $ 769.400 $ Abbeville F6 $H5-8%County 67-130®T»tl’90 •• 66 6,360 2,000 Operatives Trust Co____S’19 G. B. Hamby____ J. L. Burrell... _ J. F. Barnwell — 67-506 .. .. 6.420 152.830 50,000 L. C. Parker_____ Otto Bristow____ T. R. Gallman....... Planters Bank......... ®T*tS’19 .T, a, tno 67-524 289,300 383,900 3,647,300 xAlkpn llftt ____ W. W. Muckenfuss lAHtCU....... .f J.UO Bank of Western Carolina W, u. Turner____ J B. Salley 67-132 •tt’87 t Aiken J9 u 47,750 543,560 65,000 Farmers & Merch. Bank tl'06 J. P. McNair____ R. W. McCreary... .T. C. Thomas W. D. McNair 67-138 5,170 137.070 30,000 ‘Allendale___1893 Allendale Bank...........©+§'06 J. L. Oswald........... P. J. Fulmer_____ C. C. Chavous____ R. M. Harrison ___ .Allendale MU 67-216 Citi.T.enx Rank (Closed) 55,050 1,303,880 200,000 E. P. Vandiver___ J. W. Norwood.__ R. M. Cat heart.__ D. E. Brown_____ ^Anderson ..11,087 Carolina National Bank S. W. Vandiver 67-62 ®t'22 Anderson D5 $105 " lin 4th St. N.,PhiL; R.I.Hospital Tr. Co., Prov. •illOOO Entire State in ------------- 76.000 8 703.670 280,000 3,340,000 -........... 3,168.000 152.000 4,000,000 9.598.800 (Branch of Provi For S tJateme nt See Home Office. A. Mgr. F. W. Rounds, A. Mgr. _______ 224,800 4,174,180 136,410 2,134,020 2,139,860 F. E. Farnum, Tr.J ___________________ Mechanics Savings Bank.1’75 Wm. C. Mowrjr — Elzear C. Chagnon. 4*3% 57-67 759,250 216,570 100,000 91,370 792,850 130,620 F. E. Farnum_____H. P. Sutton-------National Globe Bank.. d*t’S4 T. A. Buell______ F. E. Farnum------$48-8% par 25 57-61 (Branch of Provid ence, R. I.) C. H. Pond, Mgr... T. P. Cook.A. Mgr. Rhode Island Hospital Tr. S. P.Cook.CA.o/Bd. ; Co...♦...57-70 ...®T«t§’25 (Branch of Provid ence, R. I J.)_____ Union Trust Co------------ »’25 J. H. Paquin, Mgr. Jas. MacDonald, A. Mgr. ♦ 57-71 Woonsocket Inst, for Savings Aram J.Pothier__ E. H. Ralhbun ___ Chas. N.Oook, Tr.. E.L. Arnold, A. Tr. ____________ 847,230 14 060850413,440 5,283,180 9,015,300 57-62 ®*»’45 75,000 209,700, 3,528,360 9,970 1,948,730 1,665,870 W, S, Hunt. A. Tr. Woonsocket Trust Company J. M. McCarthy___ Henri DesRochers. Wm. E. LaFond, (Branch at 521 So cial St.) Sec. and Tr, Frank A. Jackson $165-8%par100 57-68 d®T*l'12 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO, _ •* Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Bos.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. Tr. Off. IMSnTOALL B ANKING MATTE BS ENTRUSTED TO US. PROMPT ATTE 1250-12% 57-85 ®T»t*1800 Centreville National Bank E. W. Whitford... Chas. Matteson.— West Warwick 57-91 »I’88 Kent G12 18,215 tioo-7% Centreville Savings Bank Charles Duke......... G. B. Waterhouse. 57-92 t§’88 Union Trust Co.----- ®T«§’24 ♦ 57-112 Wlckford........ 1065 IRDNSTRIALjjjlgST CO.-M02 Washington J14 Wickford Savings Bank F. E. Brown..____G. Taylor------------4% 57-06 ®*§'55 Joseph G. Ray___ Louis Brodeur------Woonsocket 49,681 Citizens National Bank Providence A1S $110-7% par 100 57-65 d©T»'65 ♦ 57-68 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. $4 000 000 E. A. Cady, Mgr... E. R. Cutler, For S A. Mgr. 4,000,000 J. M. Pendleton, Lewis Stanton. For S A. Mgr. Mgr, Warren. 7997 INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0. »* M Bristol G19 ♦ 57-108 Westerly....11,177 INDUSTRIAL TJJJIST C0.«tt'04 Washington N3 WASHINGTON TRUST CO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RHODE ISLAND—Continued E vIlURA1 (tIVtIIITF TJ. H. ANDERSON— J. F. SHUMATE------ J,1 !■ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $140-8% par 100 67-60 ®«t’08 j 225,000 - MT~ Send us yo ur Anderson business dir ect. (.Collections , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts an d all items g i von 138,940 2.254.520 100 $ 624,140 $ 1 20.000 11,830 76.890 $ 148.520 41,100 $ 171,830 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 47.890 32.830 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 457,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; G&. R. R.. Augusta; Atlantic Sav.. Char. 108,790 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex.. Augusta. Ga.: So. Car. N.. Char. 8.190 Han. N„ N. Y.; Citiz.&Sou., Augusta; Peo.1st N., Char.; Lib. Bk. &Tr. Co., Sav. 3,385,580 252,610 225,240 418,670 105,940 34,750 47,710 116,340 15,000 1,249,290 97,050 9,000 218,600 Chem. N„ N. Y.; So.Car. N.. Greenville; State-Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Rich. 32.000 ! 1.576.040 317.550 76.960 679,920 Han. N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Oo.. Charlotte; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. prom pt SE RVIC E. | THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections A Blue Book Feature of Increasing Importance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis most complete and com prehensive list of Selected Investment Dealers we have ever published may be found following the regular bank list in each city. This is a very valuable feature of the Bankers Blue Book and subscribers are urged to get in touch with Investment Specialists. Reports from subscribers as to new investment firms, changes, etc., will be greatly appreciated by the publishers. Rand McNally & Company Largest Publishers of Banking Publications in the World 536 S. Clark St., Chicago So Carolina INDEX TO COUNTIES. Abbeville........F 6 Aiken.......... J 10 Allendale.. .M 11 Anderson....... D 5 Bamberg... .L Barnwell... .K Beaufort.... Q Berkeley ... .L 13 11 14 18 Calhoun........ I 14 Charleston .. N 19 Cherokee... .A 10 Chester........ C 12 Chesterfield .C 17 Clarendon ... 117 Colleton... .M 14 Darlington . .E 18 Dillon..........E 21 Dorchester . ,L 16 Edgefield..........H9 Fairfield....... E 13 Florence .... G 19 Georgetown .J 21 Greenville. ...C 6 Greenwood.. .F 8 Hampton .. .N 12 Horry.......... G 23 Jasper........... P 13 Kershaw... .E 15 Lancaster ... C 14 Laurens........ D 1 Lee.................F 17 Lexington.. .H 12 Marion........G 21 Marlboro.... D 19 McCormick . ,H 7 Newberry.. .E 10 Oconee............. C 3 Orangeburg.•J 14 Pickens............ B 5 Richland... .G 13 Saluda..............G 9 Spartanburg.. B 8 Sumter.........G 16 Union.......... C 10 Williamsburg. 119 York............. B 12 M s 5 # ■ (0 w & c! Mi ttfio 8" u* gQ- 81 Ho | 2 Bfi; *211 • tfi < U «8 S 9k* ® p«su H Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cA(eW 2 E LG IU M/S^o R.TH 06 Au E RICA seen by cm ambiAoiis princej was once an ambitious prince is hardly to be recommended as a guide who had owned and lost a choice for the traveler of today. portion of that territory now known as Much more exacting are the demands the United States of America. upon the modern map maker. He hoped some day to regain it. He must be accurate to the fraction of And while wresting actual possession a mile. His sizes, positions, distances out of the hands of the powerful Eng and proportions must be precisely lish might be a difficult matter, nothing right, or the map is unreliable, therefore could prevent him from making a map worthless. of what his heart desired. It is principally as America’s largest This, therefore, he had done, labeling and most successful map-making house it New Netherlands, or in Latin, Nova that Rand M?Nally & Company have Belgica. won their widespread reputation. It was easy enough in those days. This implies a habit of meticulous Existing maps were collected and com care, of scrupulous accuracy down to pared and the various renderings the smallest detail. It implies singu adapted to the maker’s fancy. larly high standards in all Rand One put Lake Champlain here and the M?Nally & Company’s greatly varied Hudson River there, with the Con activities. necticut River running almost anyw’here in between. A capricious curli Rand McNally Maps, Globes and cue did nicely for Cape Cod. Atlases are always scientific, accurate, The result was decorative indeed, as up to date. Obtainable at leading you can see from the above. But it booksellers’, stationers’, or direct. HERE T A Rand McNally Globe is the best of all geography teachers and a handy refer ence map of the places you read about. It makes an ornament of rare interest in the home. The patented slanted horizon makes it easy to read. Obtainable at leading booksellers’ and sta tioners’. Write for descrip tive booklet, “A World of Romance.” Rand McNally Maps for every purpose School Maps Climatic Maps Auto Road Maps Economic Maps Political Maps Linguistic Maps Commercial Maps Historical Maps Radio Maps Mileage Maps Population Maps City Guide Maps Special Maps to order Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Map Headquarters Dept. M-2 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago Washington 270 Madison Avenue, New York San Francisco Los Angeles Oni -LOUl 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.*lNew§Stati ‘County Seats ; JMem. Stat^B. Ass’n. i Ent ire Sta t e in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust No.aFed. Res. Dist.|d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Andrews____ 2023 Andrews Bank & Trust Co. M. M. Andrews__ Georgetown G14 67-609 ®Tt§’2 G. W. Camlin____ $10 par 10 67-613 AntrevUIe..........100 Bank of. ntrevilli E. A. Patterson ... *125-8% Abbeville E6 67-563 Aynor________ 275 Geo. J. Holliday. tioo 67-472 Horry G22 ‘Bamberg ___ 2210 Bamberg Banking Company A. M. Brabham.... Bamberg K13 67-171 »■*: State Loan & Savings Bank C. W. Rentz......... 67-599 §’25 E. C. Hays. V.Pres. ‘Barnwell ....1903 Bank of Western Carolina Barnwell L10 67-225 •tl’OI Home Bank_______________ (Closed November 2 Batesburg ___ 2848 Bank of Western Carolina Lexington Gil 67-486 ©•ST FIRST NATIONAL BANK Beaufort P14 67-202 . &Tr.C 67-204 ink.... 67-203 *75-10% Farmer *75-10% Marlboro C 20 Marlboro Trust Company 67-525 J. B. Grant............ H. S. Parsons____ Raymond Andrews J. L. Hogan______ E. E. Orvin______ S. J. Fisher_____ E A. Patterson.... Kershaw E16 3,550 $ 12.600 $ 51,060 $ 32,380 530 9.420 10,000 4,000 55.000 5,870 101,050 H. F.Spann_____ H. H. Stokes____ Emile B. Price.— 100,000 34,640 433,650 382,890 16.375 3,440 152.170 126,580 Robert Black — C. E. Black C. E. Copeland....... G. W. Manville, $ 55.000 84,230 $ 610 4.580 34.830 Han. N., N.Y.; So. Car. N., Char.; Murch 9.640 Chase N., N. Y.; Murchison N.. Wil. 3,000 10,000 8tate-Plan. 4,420 32,660 Murchison N., Wil.; Conway N., Conway; 2.430 (Branch of Aike n. S. C.) Mgr. 0.1926) $ Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Far. Bk. of Abbeville, Abbeville. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Columbia. N. Park and N. City. N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.: So. Car. N.. Char. 42,970 Murchison N., Wil.: N. Ln. & Ex., Colum bia; Peo.-lst N., Char. N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. J. B. Ballentine ... L. N. Watson____ (Branch of Aike n. S. C.) /T. B. KERNA6HAH— A. C. J0RES_______ J. R. UNGER............... ttMB— 125,000 Principal Correspondents. ison N.. Wil. 15,670 S 15.000 112.110 1.232.780 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R„ Augusta: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 101,100 1.013.200 399.140 43.890 114.770 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. and So. Car. N., Columbia.; Am. N., Rich. 0. C. SHEALY j SEND US Y OUR BATES BURG ITEM 8 DIRECT. dB®T«t§ 50,000 58,390 1.153,450 533.880 304,310 50,000 128.880 895,940 E. A. Smyth............ Walter E. Greer .. Henry R. Campbell Hulon G. Campbell 25,000 31,710 173,410 John A. Horton__ 25,000 38,760 386,330 130 339.430 48.450 364.800 1,139,000 480 891,000 75 ?nn C. M. Horton . .. P. L. Breeden — R. M. Smoak P. M. Crosland.... E. T. Crosland___ E. T. Crosland, Sec. H. L. Townsend. A. and Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. P. M. Crosland, 37.570 386.090 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Peo.-lst N., Char.; Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sav.; 1st & Merch.N., Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. ) BIB of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items, vgiven prompt a ttention. E. A. Smyth______ Walter E. Greer .. Henry R. Campbell H. G. Campbell.__ 59,700 25,000 15.980 10,020 173.170 688,430 95.860 189.760 16,730 5,400 295,150 Han. N. and N. Park. N. Y.; Columbia N.. Columbia: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Rich. 23,620 Bk. of Belton, Belton. 3.500 Tr. Co., Charlotte. N. C. 14.900 163,010 58,830 N. Park. N.Y.: So. Car. N.. Greenville.; Am. 601.000 N. City, N. Y., 1st N., Phil.; Murchison N., Wil. 34.250 N. Park. N. Y.; Murch. N., Wil.; So. Car. N., Char. Tr. Off. A. D. Matheson... H. J. Riley .. H. J. Riley______ C. N. Brasington.. Planters National Bank O. C. Covington *100-8% par 100 67-155 d®+ E. P. Miller............ O. A. Matthews.... E. W. Breeden, Jr. Union Savings bank —*t§’02 1 67-156 100,006 31,050 229,860 16,580 261,140 300 57,070 50.000 2.020 367.150 98,100 466.440 100 8.450 41.980 lhatham Phenix, N. N. Y.; Murchison N., A. B. McLaurin ... D. T. Yarbough... G. E. Parrott____ R. E. McCaskill... 15,000 5,000 88.040 20,430 81,650 5.100 21.780 19,940 N. Park N.Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. and So. Car. 20,000 10.060 87.450 1,520 59.420 12,650 6.230 40,720 Am. Ex Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Murchison N„ 75,000 139.600 632,390 158.960 744.350 111.000 78.870 152,240 1.187.220 72,600 1.008.360 244.650 48.670 85.000 259,000 25.000 260.000 40.000 T. C. Parker. Mgr. C.H. Love. A.Mgr, (Branch of Gaffne v. s.c.) name ui Detuuur.__.uv 50 67-289 |5% par John T. Stevens .. W. M. Stevens. Merchants & Farmers W. E. Davis 6% par 50 67-512 ®tST8 ‘Blshopville ..2090 Lee F17 % J. B. Cooper_____ L. R. Hagood par 100 ——------ v;7„ Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash k ExMiscel CHANGB8,DUK Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties 7.440 H. L- McColl____ 67-154 *125-8% Ass’t Cashier. SCHEPER, JR.. EABURfhK W. F. MARSCHER___ F.M. W.T. SAMS $185-10% par 100 67-159 tel ton......... ..: Anderson D6 Cashier. 1 Prompt, person attention given Bill of Lading Dr afts, Cash and T1 me Ite ms ®»tl900 \ and remitted fo al r promptly on da y of payment at 1 owest rates. 67-169 $140-8% Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued BISHOPVILLE NATIONAL BANK 67-199 ©•t,01| FIRST NATI0NALBANK 67-391 67-200 H. State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich, Wil.; State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. N., Columbia. Wil., N. Ln. & Ex.and Col. N., Columbia. W. WOODWARD— R.W. McCUTCHEN— W. 6. PARROTT...... W. E. WOODHAM.......... This bank invites correspondence regarding its superior facilities for making collections in Lee County and vicinity, and guarantees prompt service at very reasonable rates. J. S. CORBETT------- A M LEE A. C. Baskin......... W. P. Baskin____ Blacksburg.. .1512 ^American State Bank Cherokee A10 67-628 ®»t§’27 Bank of Blacksburg________ (Closed A pril 18,19 27) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. D. LafflttP 58.980 0. A. QUATTLEBAUM J. K. JOHNSTON------ 100,000 25,000 71,720 Columbia N., Columbia. 210,370 Ian. N„ N. Y.; Murchison N.. Wil.; Co lumbia N~ Columbia; Am. N.. Rich.; Peo.-lst N., Char. 85.000 r. Park. N.Y.: Murchison N.. Wil.: State- Plan. Bk. & Tr.. Rich.; S. C. N.. Char. _____ N. Bk,Com„N1Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ---------------- ----------— --------~~ Town and County. » Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. -County Seats, t Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. Entire State in «►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.5Fed. Res.Uist. d -SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loam Subplus Depos Other Case k ExMiscel ctlahgh Paid-up .Due and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Diicounta Securitise laneous run Barca ties . 10,000 » 7,000 $ 85,000 Blackstock___206 B lank of Blackstock ...®tl’07 E. M. Kennedy-.— S. D. Mobley......... K. M. Kennedy___ Chester D13 $ 40-10% 67-290 { Blackvllle. 1421 jank of Western Carolina Barnwell Kll 67-229 •tl’07 (Branch of AOte n.S. C.) T. L. Wragg, Mgr.. ational Bank of Bowman S. J. West_______ T. P. Whetsell.__ G. W. Weathers... J D West Orangeburg K15 » 15-8% 67-291 ®’05 Branchvllle... 1814 p Orangeburg K15 $ 120-8% W. O. Martin____ 67-215 Brunson_____ 699 E "irst National Bank ...®t’16 W. J. Holladay.__ G. L. Barnes......... T. W. Brunson___ Fay B. Barnes____ Hampton M12 $ 113 67-462 “ _____ “ lank of Buffalo_____ tS'18 Emslie Nicholson. 67-510 Cades . .200 / Williamsburg H19 iCamden___ 3930 1 Kershaw F16 ? “ iANK OF CAMDEN •tl'88 67-146 .......... " H.G. CARRISON — C. H. YATES- H. G. CARRISON, JR. M. B. 21,500 8,650 95,180 25,000 1,170 139,710 5.000 6,860 55,600 $ 7,000 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; N. Ex., Chester. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ga. R. R„ Augusta, Ga.; So. Car. N„ Columbia. 46,110 116,470 $ 5,230 119,050 25,000 8.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N„ Char. 6,280 Han. N„ N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Char. 104,310 25,800 12,380 49,920 11.030 340 6,160 Am. Ex. Irv, Tr. Co., N. Y.; Nicholson Bk. &Tr. Co., Union. 6.100 949,180 287.750 88.930 169.560 Han. N„ N. Y.; Columbia N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 48,390 Han, N., N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Columbia, WILLIAMS —- SEST IN THE COUNTY8.” 1 “OLDlGST AND STRON4 send your cimaen Business Direct. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, COLLECTIONS AND ALL ITEMS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. S.W.YAN LANDING HIM _ LEWIS L. CLYBURNMACKEY FIRST NATIONAL C. J. SHANNON. JR— L.J. A.T.WITTKOWSKY..BANK ®ro4 •• 44,590 $ 10,000 (Closed) 67-144 __ 14,000 85,000 $ jlMerchants & Planters Bank.. (Closed July 12.192 7) Union 010 “ . 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Send us your Collections. “We actually remit the day we collect.” Prompt and careful service; Charges reasonable. TRY US. Ixian A Savings Bank ®»tl'll T. J. Kirkland___ W. R. Zemp. t 100-8% par 100 67-692 Cameron . 524 Ilank of Cameron___ ®t|'02 A. O. Rickenbaker 0. D. Boll 67-294 Calhoun 116 t 176-8% Campobello ...309 1 Spartanburg A7 % ' J. S. Lindsay____ J. Whitaker, Jr.... J. P. Dan tiler___ S. W. Taylnr H. L. Bomar_____ T. B. Waldrop....... .1. C. Farmer J. D. Waldrop. 67-295 •H’Ofi W. L. Qassaway__ W. H. Marlin____ J. H. Ramseur___ Betty Gaines____ 39.020 509.470 63.290 476.370 114,740 33,820 61.850 Chem. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Colum bia; Am. Tr., Charlotte, N. C. 100.000 9,710 295,580 48,130 336,140 38,390 11,650 67.240 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Columbia; Am. 25,000 38,190 178,630 169,630 11,700 6,060 15,000 5.990 73.830 14.750 103.830 Tr. Co., Charlotte. 830 W. A. Webb 224,110 185,500 ___ Robt. A. Frick....... 10,000 4,500 80,000 50.000 W. O. Holloway... B. L. Cook.............. 15,000 5,670 74,420 36.710 tikfla rntmm 4,920 Cent. N„ Spartanburg. 59,800 N. City, N. Y.; So. Car. Sav„ Greenville. 5*830 2,600 9.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. A Ex., Columbia. 4.460 • CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 54,430 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. Far. & Merch., Marion. 7,500 lANIf flONAL 1 LINA NA' )UTH CAROI THE S( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75.000 25,000 _. ®t|'08 J. L. Cromer.__ — S. J. Clark Chapin______ 264 I lank of Chapin Lexington Fll 67-297 , Chappells___ 207 1 rarmars Rank 67-298 Newberry F9 t 125-8% 131,960 1.257.360 B. B. Baker_____ (Branch of Mario n, S. C.) Centenary 501rarmers & Merchants Bank 67-589 §’22 Marion 021 Central__ 898 lrarmers Rank Pickens C5 67-253 _ 100.000 Q 0 51,320 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia; Bk. of Greenwood. Greenwood. pecia1 Attention Given Collections rilflh 1 lOUO •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPri*. {Men. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 7% par 100 Vice-President. Cashier. J. H. JAHNZ....... — J. D. LESEMAHN__ H.W. HOPKE----------- M. HENRY SCHACHTE, H. J. BOLLMANN Ch. J. E. SCHROEDER L. ♦Miners & Merchants Bk. $120-8% 67-9 ® Peoples Federation Bank.... ‘PEOPLES-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200,000 t 170.180 S 3,418,890 S 200,000 507.700 3,829,990 200,000 213,510 3,014,450 G. A. Allen______ J. H. Rodolph. Sec. 30.138 270 116.240 W. L. W. Weston.. 50,000 42,500 421,860 1 R. 6. RHETT--------- E H SPARKMAN-- E. R. CROFT--------- J. L. WALPOLE....... W.H.SCHROEDER 1.000.000 Central Branch • W.H.LA FAR and First Na tional Ba W.W.F INLEY, A oldest national Bank in the state. Prompt and Careful Attention Given all Business Entrusted to us. Correspondence Invited. ®T*r84 R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., "So. 589,360 N. City and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 2.385.530 1.620.520 93,330 438.320 N. City. Bkrs.Tr. Co., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 65,160 1,383,640 1,755,450 92,940 261,090 Chem. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Phil.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 14.730 31.960 42,810 38.310 164,260 206,170 8,000 48.300 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Char. 135,920 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt. 6.988,770 2.538.420 1.161.050 1,637,400 N. City, N. Bk. Com., Gty. Tr. Co., and N. Park, 275 Kin 9 St. J. L. DAVI D, v.-p. and Mgr. T. A. WIL BUR, Ass’ tCashiers. nk Bran ch.(67-2): 139 East B ay, DWIG HT HUGH ES, Mgr.; . Mgr. (67-10): N.Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil.-Girard N. and 1st N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt.; lst& Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., St.L. ! . -J '- • R. S. SMALL_____ A. R. LA COSTE...... C.N.FISHIURNE— R. E. MUCKENFUSS— 1,100,000 1.050.830 22.514,580 3.325.830 16,098,070 5,139,770 1.914.890 4.844.500 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. Chi.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. J. H. MCGEE, lr.Ufl. L. H. EloENMANN G. If. WALKER 1. M. BRYAN' (Offices, 25 3 King St. • (67-1-2) 565 King St.» (67-1 -3) 302 Ki ug St. (67 -1-4)39 Asst, to Pres. J.H. LUCAS E. A. SCARPA BroadS 5) t.« (67-1L.F.DENAR0 E. M. SCHMETZER SPECIAL ATTENTION QIVEN COLLECTIONS. ■ ' ‘• • ■ L-m. j Also offices at Columbia and Greenville. CALEXANDER MARS ) TR API ER K. MARS HALL«I < Specializing in South Carolina ) Real Estate Bonds. (^Public Utilities. (33 Broad) '57 South Carolina Security Co. .11 (14 Broad St.) Charleston Clearing House.__ E. H. Sparkman__ (Members indicated by a *) Municipals and J. Walker &Sons, N. Y.: Alex. Brown & Sons, Balt. John L. Williams & Sons, Rich. First Mortgage v : i? ■ Eugene G.Johnson, K. E. Bristol. A .Mgr, Mgr. THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 155.060 { ___ , So. Carolina Loan & Trust Co’s. Bank________________ (Closed December 16 . 1926) 67-1 Principal Correspondents. and 269.080 * 1.574,270 S 1.739.460 S 605.780 8.869,510 1.850.360 , $210-10% MiscwlQa>b k KxLANIOUS chabow,Du« SaCDBITIBB Rmsoubcbb FROM BaIVKI Bonds n. L'TiITuToI. n. 0. nntIT. Jr, So, Carolina Loan & Trust Co,. (Closed December 16 . 1926) SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK and Disooitnts (Closed for liquidati on) ®T«t'65 THE ties Loans J. D. Lesemann, V. P. E. T. Edwards........ 67-20 Resources. Oteer Liabili RUNEY......... H. P Williams__ VV. P. Carrington.. E. A. Williams___ F. M. Duquercron. (B ranch 239 King St.) E. A. Williams J. J. Bonnoitt. A.C. Porter Williams 67-5 TOTAL Paid-up Subplus AND Deposits Capital Profits Try Us for Prompt and Courteous Service. 87-16 dB®T»t’13 67-3 Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Charleston, N 19; County Seat, Pop. 73,125— (Federal Reserve District No. 6) Liabilities. President. ♦Atlantic Savings Bank $280-15% par 100 67-6 dB®T*tS’74 Henry Schachte. J. E. Schroeder Ch. $125-10% CHARLESTON Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 704 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire state in No.5 Fed. Res- Dist. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPrit. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cheraw______8150 ♦BANK OF CHERAW ®«tt’87 Chesterfield C19 *180-8% ♦ 67-151 •• H •• PRESIDENT. iG. W. DUVALL . *150-8% par 10017-127 ®*t'06 S. M. JONES- - .. •• _____ » $ 150.000 3 12.610 17.420 216.810 89,930 257,030 W. O. Hines_____ J. D. Thorne_____ 50,000 28.440 536,030 890 573,110 Robert Gage. Robert Gage._____ J. S. Caldwell.......... 100,000 118,630 880,540 R. N. NcDILL W>. NcKINNELl — S. F. MURPHY------1M.M0 78.620 840.200 50,000 61.190 ♦White Bank_______ 15% 67-125 John Frazer______ M. H. White............ 3J’14 T. H. White. W. O. White- Chester Clearing Honse____ Robert Gage______ (Members indicated by a ♦) 51.800 52,710 N. City, N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rick.; Columbia N.. Columbia, 69.250 N. Park and Han. N., N.Y.; Carolina N„ Spartanburg; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 609,840 104,300 43,880 341.150 N. Bk. Com., N. T.: lat & Merch. N.. Rick.; Murchison N„ Wll.; Am. Tr. Co., Char lotte. 104.000 642.300 159.520 90.830 230.170 Chase If., If. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Bleb.; Columbia Columbia* 556.780 20.160 318.210 131,500 19.000 219,420 Han. N., N. Y.: Columbia N., Columbia; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. 20,000 186,040 1.000 141,630 200,000 900,000 40,000 200,000 2.400 ._ Clinton______8767 M. S. Bailey & Son, Bankers Laurens D9 67-146 ®tt’H 25.000 800.000 19,600 9.140 169.650 129.750 15,420 5,000 1.010 17.630 9,780 2,400 20,201 11.420 745,680 320 726.190 50,000 30,450 342,860 30.060 291.760 100,000 65,160 401,360 178.660 478.100 25.000 1,650 118.830 112,490 35.010 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Peo.1st N.. Char. 25,000 15.000 83 850 102.910 10.930 N. Ln. 30,000 29.000 552,000 440.000 46,000 25,000 9,000 300,000 260,000 50.000 F. C. Anderson___ Mrs. Grace W. Schilletter R. C. Adair.. __ Wm. Bailey Owens Commercial Bank——®»!|'10 H. D. Henry ...... *135-10% 67-148 G. W. Young_____ F. M. Bolaad L. H. Davidson First National Bank.... t’0« 8% 67-147 R. G. A. Copeland..._ G. W. Copeland... J. L. Davidson___ G.W. Copeland CUo................... 1009 Bank of Commerce...®t§’24 J. C. Covington— J. C.Covington, Jr. J. Marlboro D21 67-600 L. Bennett. Jr... fA. L CALHOUN, JR.- D.J. McLAURIN...... D. J. McLAURIN...... REMBERT PATE ...... JOHN (HclNNIS PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK 4% 67-256 ®*t|’09 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and 75.000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 125,000 Clifton_______6055 Peoples Savings Bank___ f *15 R. L. Humphries.. S. T. Reid. Jr.......... Miss Iris Taylor... Spartanburg A0 67-464 Z. Wright ,V. P. 65,410 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Wa chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. M. H. White. Sec. and Tr. Clemson College Fort Hill Bank___ —®tl’19 F. C. Anderson.__ D. n. Henry. Oconee C5 420 *25-8% par 25 67-529 .. 40,740 3 136,610 Han. N.. N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 50.000 ‘Chesterfield ..856 Bank of Chesterfield County G. W. Duvall_____ J. A. Arant..—___ C. C. Douglass____ Chesterfield C17 87-267 ®*«'26 R. E. Rivers. Ch. P. M. Therrell (2 Branches) •• Principal Correspondents. 90.000 S 773,970 3 149,970 3 754.500 $ 161.670 3 Atf L/HU1 AO BCU6 liV 116 navis STSkVIl Bl£UVr U14I1 li 1U5 ||1 CBCllilllilflll* ■11(1 25 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attention. ♦Peoples National Bank®!'05 W. A. Corkill — *200-12% par 100 67-126 _____ L. CRAIG............... L.S. GIBSON......... Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bondi Miscel Cabh A ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and OHANOM'Dui Capital Propits its Discounts Biouritiis laneous mom Baraa ties S. G. Godfrey____ ‘{I’ll H. B. Carlisle_____ J. J. C. Ezell .. V. E. Hatchette ‘NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK « J. Ass’t Cashier. Cheraw Clearing House. (Members indicated by a *) ‘Chester_____5557 ♦Commercial Bank...®*tf'09 R. B. Caldwell Chester Cll 1189-8% ♦ 67-124 « DUVALL_____ Cashier. (We solicit acco unis of Banks, B ankers, and Corp orations. All out 'of town Items g Iren prompt atte ntlon. ♦First National Bank.__ J’09 Wm. Godfrey____ 67-153 Chesnee______ 600 Bank of Ohesnee. Spartanburg A# 67-299 .. Vice-President. —- M. W. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 50.890 Merck. N., Balt.; So. Car. N„ Greenville. 11,460 Central N., Spartanburg. 9.190 42.230 Han. N., N. Y.: So. Car. N., Columbia; 4th N., Atl.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 85,800 19,010 56,790 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Colum bia. 149.650 61,980 55.440 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., & Ex.. Columbia. Columbia. 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. Clover.............1608 Bank of Clover_____ d®»2|’06 J. York A12 *162-10% par 50 67-300 .. Lee Robinson... M L. Smith.............. First National Bank..._®T9 G. F. Hambnght *110 67-532 A.M. Suggs______ F. L. McElwee___ S.A. Sifford I. J. Campbell____ 1 V. Q. Ham bright.. THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 125.000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Gastonia. 10,000 40,000 Peo. N.. Rock Hill. Special Attention Given Collections i one Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Entire State in No.5 ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav. $LastSale%Dir. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ‘Columbia. .41,225 Capital Trust Co________ §’26 G. M. Berry______ W. J.Roddey, Jr... E. R. Thayer, Richland G14 67-625 S. R. Spencer ‘COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK tuo • 7-28 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Sec. and. Tr. G. M. BERRY-- - - - - - - LEROY SPRINGS—- T. E. MARCHANT. J. B. BAXTER . W. J. RODDEY, B. E. GEER V. P. and Cash. j. N. BEARD Ch. of Bd. j L. MIMNAUGH S. J. ZIMMERMAN. E. R. THAYER W. J. RODDEY, Jr, Act. V. P. S. R. SPENCER, Act. ©Tef23 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-up SURPLUS Depos Other Miscel and AND and L iabili Capital its Discounts Securities laneous Profits ties $ 412.300 $ 191,170 $ 378,720 $ $ 160,000 500.006 $ 52.020 #5 500 860 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Doe from Banks 511.470 $1992280 1.796,080 2,400 Col. N.. Col. 962,360 1.813.630 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS MAKING COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY - - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED - - Columbia Sav. Bk. <t Tr, Co.. (Closed February 1, 1927) Equitable Trust Co.......... Tl’22 John P.Thomas. Jr. J. W. Thomas_____ O. S. Moore, Tr.... A. M. Lumpkin, Sec. 07-583 -------- “ .. 100,000 Columbia N., Colombia. Federal Intermediate Credit H.C. Arnold.__ L. I. Guion ...____ D. T. Gerow, Tr... W. F. Stevens, Sec. 2,000,000 Bank....67-598________ *23 J. D. Bell. Mgr. Federal Land Bank Dlst. 8.. (8** pat* 12 for com pl*t* information) 67-597 229,010 First Caxolinas Joint Stock A. F. Lover_______ A. M. Lumpkin .... Harold E. Way, Land Bank..67-596 t’22 Sec. and Tr. A. Scarborough *115-8% par 100 Homestead Bk..67-604.®§’13 Robert Moorman.. H. T. Patterson... Marie McGarity... (Morris Plan Bank) Christie Benet 175,000 (Territor V North 750,000 South Ca rolina) •• Industrial Loan Bank..T§'23 U. R. Brooks_____ I. M. Mauldin____ Harry Cantey, Sec. and Tr....................... *25 67-593 44,900 240 •• * Lower Main Street Bank S. C. Rhame.. __ F. A. Hoefer_____ J. F. Williams .... 8% 67-448 ©tru 35,000 16,000 ‘NATIONAL LOAN T. J. ROBERTSON .... J. R. MCMULLEN-— BURNELL SLOAN.... E.S. CARDWELL___ E.W.ROBERTSON. C/i. W. J. MURRAY J. J. EARLE, Tr.Off. J. E. MATTHEWS 500,000 & EXCHANGE BK. *125-10% 67-26 *125-6% par 100 67-24 d®»t’02 soutAouna NATIONAL BANK 12% 67-22 1,000 320,000 208.430 5.596.750 116.020 3,054,500 1,974,430 Chem. N., N. Y.; Fla. N.. Jacksonville; Alt. & Lowry N„ Atl.; Citiz.N., Raleigh; Peo.-lst N., Char. Carolina Chem. N. and Chase N.. N. Y. 45,020 255,640 1,120 Columbia N„ Columbia. 50,000 422.600 3.104.060 1.363.450 SEND TOUR ITEMS DIRECT. Special attention given collections. d©T«t’03 ‘NATIONAL STATE BANK 19 485 990 16570 050 10,000 50,000 Han. N., N.Y.; S. C. N., Columbia. 989.550 1.270.710 Han. N. and N.Park, N. Y.; Phil.-GIrard N., Phil.; State-Plan. Bk.&Tr. Co., Rich. Prompt Remittance. TOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. WM. BARNWELL — W. K. DUf FIE- - - - - - - J. C. GOODWIN- - - - - - - C. H. RICE, JR. ED. A. WAYNE SEND US YOUR COLUMBIA BUSINESS DIRECT. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ITEMS ENTRUSTED TO US. SPECIAL SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. TRY US. 200.000 50.260 2.267.360 6,040 940.200 771.190 240,110 572,150 N. Bk. Com. and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. R. S. SMALL.......... B. M. EDWARDS — J. D. BELL............... J. J. ROBB_ _ _ _ J. M. BELL SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS Also Offices at Charleston and Greenville 1.100.000 1.056.830 22514,580 3.325.830 16 098 070 5.139.770 1.914.890 4.844.500 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y. (Branch of Chari eston, S. C.) ©T*t’34 ( Columbia banks con tinned on next page) THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, CHflRLE%°RNEEsNVwrcMB,A'sc- Special Attention Given Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. ‘Columbia.. 41,225 ♦Victory Savings Bank (Continued) $10 par 10 67-587 ®§’21 HEYWARD-BOLLIN GO., INC. 1 H Rn11 IN Vice-President. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and Capital Profits its ties 14.360 $ 28.570 $ 110,510 $ 1,890 $ 74.810 $ 5.000 $ 36.100 S 39,430 N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. B. F. P. Leaphart, Sec., Tr., and Mgr. (Members indicated, by a *) Bank of Conestee__________ (Liquidating) R. L. Humphries _ Converse Savings Bank 67-301 ®*t§’02 Conway National Bank_«t’03 W. A. Freeman__ 8% 67-231 Conway Savings Bank—I’lO W. A. Freeman.... 67-233 $200-8% 67-454 d®T»t’14 Bank of Cope----------- ®tl’18 $100-5% 67-496 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. C. Lynch 112.50-8%par 10 67-440 ®T*tl’15 Cowpens Security Bank 67-302 ®*t§’04 Bank of Cross Hill------- i| 06 E. B. Rasor______ 8% 67-304 BANK OF DARLINGTON T«t CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law's (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonda Miscel Cash k Ex and and change,Du* Diacounta Securitios laneous tbom Bank* SPECIALIZING IN SOUTH CAR OLINA MUNICIP ALS. LISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Cope___ _____ 266 Orangeburg J13 Coward.... ......... 175 Florence G19 Cowpens_____1294 Spartanburg A9 Cross Hill_____587 Laurens E9 ‘Darlington.. 4669 Darlington F18 CASHIER. D. R.Starks_____ G. L. Floyd______ J. H. Johnson....... % L. J. Rhodes A. C. HEYWARD...... J H BOLLIN, Tr. (Palmetto Building) ’20 Columbia Clearing House .... .T M Bp.11 Conestee...........220 Greenville C7 Converse____ 1025 Spartanburg A9 * Conway_____1969 Horry H22 SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued .T. W. Brown S. T. Reid, Jr. H. L. Buck — Miss Iris Taylor. . A. K. Goldfinch__ T. T. H. L. Buck............. A. K. Goldfinch__ T. T. J. A. McDermott.. W. B. King______ C. G. B. Jenkins J. I. Vallentine___ B. T. R. T. Ludlam____ Elliott T.ndlam Elliott A. Spivey_____ F. M. Lynch_____ B. H. Smith____ T. J. Lynch............ H. R. McCall M. A. Moseley....... C. M. Sims______ E. L. Moore_____ W. C. Rasor_____ W. P. Martin____ J. C. McGowan.... J. H. Miller H. M. HILL_ _ _ _ _ _ CA. M. COKER........ B. F. WILLIAMSON -- W. B. BRUNSON 5,000 25.040 153.390 50,000 24,010 598.990 10,000 27.200 383,920 25,000 26.180 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. 157.700 265.790 221,430 15,430 8,750 364.570 10,000 15,030 28,870 370.230 89,300 7,200 56,990 4,910 5,620 60,660 46,180 465,110 30,000 6,560 36,090 20,000 12,740 110,200 37,500 143,780 2,500 19,290 320 186,450 30,000 195,620 1,000 38,800 31,460 135,600 20.180 193,590 714.940 9,470 519,920 80.900 66.940 30,000 50,000 100.000 C. E. BYRD 24,260 231,010 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N.t W1L; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 40.280 98,410 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Peo.-lst N., Char.; Murchison N., Wil. 5,130 Han.N.,N.Y.;So. Car. N., Char.; Southern Bk. and Tr. Co.. Orangeburg. 14,870 State-Plan Bk. & Tr.. Rich.; 1st N., Florence,; So. Car. N., Char. 11,350 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. N.. Spartanburg. 19,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood. Greenwood. 156.650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Murchison N., N., Wil.: So.Car. N., Char. ] We solicit your business and it is our pleasure | to extend every assistance consist ent with sound B anking. L Collections han died promptly. 67-139 8% 87-141 A.J. HOWARD.... .1. T. WELLING- - - - - - ALBERT L. FLOWERS I.T. WELLING 100,000 24.170 764.320 148.530 624.500 139.500 81.000 192,000 Ban N..N.Y.; ColumbiaN., Columbia; 1st & Mercb. N.f Bleb. 100,000 49.520 488.230 95.000 532.790 91,660 25.530 82,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., WIL; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Peo.-lst N., Char.; Mercb. N., Balt. 410 89,400 Chase N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Columbia. Special attention given every item sent us. Prompt remittance made. ©»t’08 PEOPLES BANK OF DARLINGTON $130-8% par 25 P. J. BOATWRIGHT - 67-140 ®»34’*8 W.M. HAYNSWORTH- L. E. CARRI6AN —- GEORGE ONSLOW-— SEND US YOUR DARLINGTON ITEMS DIRECT. Prompt, Personal Attention Given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and time Items, and remitted for on day of payment at Lowest Rates. Denmark........ 1254 Carolina Bank & Trust Co. D. N. Cox.............. F. V. James-------- F. V- James-------- J. S. Walker......... Bamberg K12 67-616 ®TS’2 Denver............... 50 Farmers Bank____________ (Voluntary liquidat ion) 20,850 96,440 26,480 (Anderson P. O.) Anderson D6 ‘Dillon..____ 2205 $200-10% Dillon E21 67-186 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 67-474 Peoples Bank_____ $ioo 67-187 $100-6% W. H. Muller. J. C. Bethea____ J. M. Sprunt------- E. R. Edwards___ Wade Stackhouse fR.S. ROGERS— A. B. JORDAN.......... F. M. FITTS\ E.T. ELLIOTT^. J.H.STACKHOUSJE, 81,860 100,000 590.750 105,000 702.390 39,660 52,000 58.560 N. Park and Chase N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; State-Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Rich. 400.000 61.000 355,000 57,900 69,000 79.100 Han. N„ N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil.; Citiz. & Sou.. N., Atl. 70.000 259,430 13,230 47,700 220 67,030 Han. N.. N. Y.; Murchisor N., Wil.; Am. N.. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. N. C. 11,210 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood. Greenwood. 5,250 25,000 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Columbia N . Columbia. j Special attentio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. L We remit on Da y of Payment. T. A. Dillon_____ F. B. David---------- T. W. Hamer____ W. H. Cain______ Donalds_____ 310 W. M. Agnew____ W. E. Algaray....... E. C. Donald_____ $50 par 50 67-622 Abbeville E6 Due West____ 702 Farmers tfc Merchants Bank_ (Liquidating) Abbeville E7 S. R. Spencer....... E. L. Reid ____ R.R. McDill........... 67-620 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000 65.700 14,250 237.440 12.500 740 27,530 25.000 3,210 135.000 29,340 2,500 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 134,330 1,130 Special Attention Given Collections 1307 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPri? ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 5 Fed.Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, Duncan____ 115 Peoples Bank.............. ©*§’25 O. M. Moore_____ M. C. Davenport. J. S. McClimon._________________ Spartanburg B7 67-608 Easley______ 3568 Commercial Bank.__®Tt§’16 W. M. Hagood___ W. M. Hagood, Jr. 0. M. Folger-------- j. c. Sitton____ Pickens B6 *100-8% par 100 67-480 L. H. Smith______ R. F. Lenhardt... A. F. Wyatt-------- 3. F. McDaniel. Easley Loan & Trust Co. *125-8% 67-150 dB©Tt§’02 par 100 ‘Edgefield.... 1865 Bank ofEdgefield.. ®T»tl’88 J. C. Sheppard__ Thomas H. Rainsio% 67-182 Edgefield H8 ford Farmers Bank_______ *^|’80 A. E. Padgett____ T. H. Rainsford... 67-183 Ehrhardt_____ 495 Ehrhardt Banking Co.-©tl'05 J. L. Copeland___J. O. Kinard...__ Bamberg L13 67-283 Ellenton_____ 385 Bank of Western Carolina 67-309 •t|'09 Aiken L9 EHoree_______925 First National Bank..©T«t’08 Robert Lide______P. P. Hungerpiller. Orangeburg J15 8% 47-276 Enoree______ 1820 Bank of Enoree_____ ©tl’10 J. Y. Bryson_____ N. N. Hanna... 47-310 R. H. Bryson Spartanburg C9 Estill................1393 Estill-Commercial Bank J. F. Wyman____ H. E. Gifford__ Hampton Nil 47-311 ©•**’08 EutawvUle____285 Orangebnrg J16 Fairfax_______ 527 Allendale M12 ‘Florence ...13,182 Florence F20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law^s (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued paid-up Capital $ Liabilities. Surplus Other Dkpos- L AND iabili ITS Profits 20.100 $ 3,650 $ 100,000 6.890 50,000 20,930 ties 336,930 And I Resources. Bondi | and 1 MlSCEL- Discount! Securities LANEOUS $ 86,030 86,220 574.800 $ Loans 500 $ 1,330 $ 553.480 1.680 48,220 79,580 Han. N., N. Y.: Peo. N„ Greenville. 15.000 293.230 19,000 70.620 40.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; So. Car. N. and 1st N„ Greenville. 40.500 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. E. J. Mims______ J. H. Allen_______ 57,400 39.850 380,420 386,080 25,590 25,500 75,000 88,580 539,370 498,300 40,000 72,000 J. B. Ehrhardt___C. M. Chitly______ 50,000 15.740 203.480 157.150 J. P. Patterson__ _________________ 25,000 15,790 127,720 H. C. Peeples._ 30,000 26,150 146,700 15,000 13,000 100,000 12,000 (Consolidation of Bank of Esti ll and Commercial Bank) Bank of Butawville...®tf'll J. F. Felder_____ T. S. Gelzer______ J. L. Hinnant.. P. F. West 67-380 J. D. Martin. COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK ♦ 67-78 **11900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN FLORENCE *135-8% par 100 67-614 dB®»t’25 J. R. CLEMMONS-—A. W. ELLIOTT- - - - - - 130,090 80,350 100 129,780 530 14,690 76,940, 236,600 23,030 2,490 17,660 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. Savan.; Bk. of Com. & Trusts, Rich. Han. N., N. Y.: Peo.-lst N., Char. 600,000 142,000 31,000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Columbia N„ Colum bia; 1st N„ Phil.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 1.286.040 566.320 231.100 269.640 N. Park, N.Y.; S. C.N.,Char.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 507.080 457.210 76.010 307.340 Chase N„ N.Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr., Rich.; Columbia N., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. 700,000 105,310 1,997.430 370 'SEND THE M DIRECT T o US. . F. STACKLEY- - - - - - W. 0. DOUGLAS- - - - - - SAM H. HUSBANDS— R. B. MILNER- - - - - - . T. BURGH, V. P. J.C. LYNCH A NEW BANK, A CLEAN BANK, A LIQUID BANK that will give TO YOU the kind of service on matters entrusted to it that it would appreciate FROM YOU. Savings Bank of Fort Mill W. B. Meacham... E. W. Springs........ W.B. Meacham, Jr. A. S. Parks... *150-8% 67-208 ©•tl’89 George Fish Fountain Inn.1100 Bank of Fountain Inn_______ (Closed November 8. 1926) Greenville C7 Peoples Bank _________ _______ (Closed November 8. 1926) 100,000 51.460 1.196.220 100,000 26,070 771,960 109,950 669,240 83,410 110,340 144.980 Chase N., N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil.; Phil.Girard N„ Phil. 40,000 11.300 339,040 96,420 333.650 53.410 51,080 48.620 Han.N.. N. Y.; Peo. N.. Rock Hill: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte;; So. Car. N„ Columbia. 25,000 19,670 209,070 215,000 6,000 Geo. Norwood___ B. M. Edwards ___ J. G. Reading___ Geo. P. Wenck__ 35.000 6,300 95,000 J. F. Causey. Jr.... J. C. Richardson .. W. P. Ellis______ F. A. Munn_____ 15,000 13.920 89.910 15,750 582,850 29,740 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 101,000 10,000 2,300 32,520 102.520 13.230 11,170 110 577,490 D. C. Ross_______ J. N. Lipscomb.__ T. D. Daniel_____ T. C. Parker_____ 150,000 Maynard Smyth... J. A. Carroll_____ C. W. Hames____ Claude Littlejohn T. L. Pettit C. M. Smith_____ W. O. Hamrick___ R. S. Lipscomb-__ M. G. Huskey____ 150.000 167,850 1,180.640 125,000 106,720 784,450 105,100 50.000 10.000 318,800 2,800 37.850 1.030.980 36,310 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 23.000 Chem. N„ N. Y.; S. Car. N„ Greenville. 24.430 N. City, N. Y.; Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sav.; So. Car. N„ Char. 134,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Tr.. Charlotte. 163,620 36,750 605,700 250,350 17,010 304.990 N.Bk. Com., N.Y.; Am. Tr.Co.,Charlotte; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 248,210 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; 1st N„ Phil.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 78,000 68,000 11,000 224.600 N. Park. N. Y.; Peo.-lst N„ Char, par 100 ‘Georgetown .4579 The Bank of Georgetown... W. D. Morgan....... J. I. Hazard_____ J. I. Hazard_____ Georgetown K21 par 100 ♦ 65-105 d©»+§'91 R. G. Rhett. JT.Ch. The Planters & Mechanics Bk. (Closed November 1 7. 1926) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Bk. Com., N. Y,: Ga. R. R., Augusta. Ga.; So. Car. N., Columbia. 15,150 Han. N.. N.Y.;S. C. N„ Ohar.: N.Ln. & Ex. Columbia. 23.610 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil. 284,140 I Prompt, person u attention give n Collection*, Bill of Lading Drafts, and all Item*. Palmetto Bank & Trust Co. W. R. Barringer__ F. H. McLeod___ W. A. Beaty, Jr.... J. A. Pettigrew__ E. H. Lueai, Active *125-8% ♦ 67-82 ®T»*ST1 Forkshoais.... 371 Peoples Bank_______ _________ (Closed November 8, 1926) (Fount'n Inn F.O.) Greenville D6 Fort Mill___ 1946 First National Bank.®T»*'ll T. B. Spratt_____ J. L. Spratt______ S. A. Ligon. 8% 67-209 York A13 nSouth Carolina Savings Bk. t90-par 100 67-626 d®T»§’26 Furman____296 Farmers & Merchants Bank Hampton N12 *93-8% 67-315 ©Ttl’10 ‘Gaffney____ 5065 ♦American State Bank *120-8% 67-517 ®*tST9 Cherokee A10 ♦First National Bankd©»*’#7 *200-12% par 100 67-122 ♦Merchants & Planters N.Bk. *175-12% 67-123 d® »*’01 250.000 92,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta, Ga.; Peo.-lst N„0har.: Palmetto N.. Columbia. 112,060 Ban. N„ N. Y.; Peo.-lstN., Char. 1,730 National Security Bank______ {Closed) Bank of Florence.—®T»il’88 W. J. Brown------- I. W. Jones............ G. M. Brown —-— L. K. Brown_____ *125-8% 66-77 G. O. Newman 22.110 Chase N„ N.Y.; Carolina N„ Spartanburg. 1.280 W. H. Harling___ W. A. Byrd_______ H.C. Fanning. Mgr. g. S. Harley, (Branch of Afkc n, S. O.) Asst. Mgr, A. F. Lide-----------S. D. Berry.............. 50,000 38,920 366,880 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex ClilGBH, Dm ,rom Banks Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 qn« t0 each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ J.OUO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Oounty Seats. Entire State in No.5 Fed. Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Hilbert_______ 463 Lexington Oil Gramling..........23 Spartanburg AS Granltevllle ..2560 Aiken 19 Gray Court....318 Laurens D7 Bank of Gilbert ®$$’19 67-514 Farmer* Bank_______ ®|’20 $123-8% 67-579 Bank of Graniteville $38-8% par 25 67-316 d®»«’02 Bank of Gray Court___ t5’08 8% 67-317 Peoples Rank . SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Liabilities. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos- I.Oiabili and Capital Profits TIES $ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest. Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash & Exand and LANEOUB Discounts Securities from Banks 18,550 $ 2.240 S 31,660 J M. E. Bowden____ B. M. Gramling ... N. J. McGinnis___ H. T. Gramling.__ 10,000 3,300 35,910 J. M. Posey______ J. F. Baker______ W. L. Rearden.__ 25,000 14,860 215,340 22,880 156,250 53,870 43,240 25,000 35,480 183.660 360 199.810 7.500 4,450 Great Falls...3520 Bank of Great Falls__ ®t5’17 R. S. Mebane_____ H. B. Mebane_____ R. C. Mullican____ T. C. O’Donnell... 10% 67-484 Chester D14 50,000 75,000 410,000 Greelyville____645 Bank of Greelyville ..®t§’04 T. W. Boyle______ Wm. O. Bryan........ G. W. Green 67-318 Williamsburg J18 25,000 450 68,680 W. M. Epting.......... D. E. Hammond... c. P. Shealy G TV Gray R. L. Gray_______ DHIlIV T#J72 ‘PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK $350-15% 67-44 ®T«t'87 ♦Piedmont Sav- & Trust Co. 6% 67-46 ®Tt§’16 ♦THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK $290-12% 67-50 14.250 I 2,700 2.740 Han. N., N. Y.: Columbia N., Columbia. 7.430 Cent. N., Spartanburg. 24.720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Western Caro lina, Aiken. 27,740 Han. N.. N. Y.; So. Car. N.. Greenville. 35,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 490,000 13,000 75.760 3.630 14,770 250 7,455 4,970 43.050 41,060 675,660 597.910 200.000 303,860 1,940.510 126,970 1.646,070 243.070 10.810 200.000 498.240 3.208.990 230.400 3.034,660 179.060 386.850 < YOUR COLLEC TIONS ON GREE NVILLE AND VIC INITY SOLICITE D. /Special att ention given Bill of Ladi ng Drafts. Lprompt serv ICE. 50,000 F. F. Beattie.......... W. R. Cely ............. H. J. Winn, Tr__ A. G. Taylor, Sec... 96,120 2,281,000 29.750 1.715,060 52,960 F. F. BEATTIE — W. R CELY ____ h.j.winn _____ A. G. TAYLOR, Tr. Officer 23.930 Remittance made on day of payment. rWM. C. BEACHAM- W. M.HA600D.......... T. G. DAVIS-—......... W. L. BENTZ............. M* Hi GEORGE NORWOOD - WESLEY KEY .......... J. F. DAVENPORT___ ERNEST PATTON J. G. READING SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. Also offices in Charleston and Columbia. N.. Char.; Murchison 5.420 So. Car. N., Greenville. 26,530 167,830 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. N. C.; Columbia N., Columbia. c-TTicient collection uepartment. R. S. SMALL.............. 12,960 • 50,000 671.380 Han.N.,N. Y.; lat& Merch. N., Rich.; Jr. Co., Charlotte, N. C.; FifthThird Un. Tr. Co., Cin. . 537,070 N‘pPhil.-Girard hntyrState N*’ A,bN., Phil. 689,070 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Greenville. 1,100,000 1.056.830 22514580 3.325.830 16 098 070 5,139.770 1.914.890 4,844,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; State-Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Phil.-Girard LN., Phil.; (Branch of Charle ston, S. C Citlz. & Sou. N., Atl. dB®T»t'07 South Carolina Savings Bank $100-8% 67-45 ®T»I§’90 (Formerly Amen can Bank & Trust Co.) ‘WOODSIDE NATIONAL BANK $102-7% par 100 67-53 d®T«t’19 ffice. Nav y Yard, S. C. Bra nch at M atthews. Wesley Key. V. P. and Cash. /R. 1. WOODSIDE — J. L. WILLIAMS........ H. B. SPRINGS J. G. THORNTON____ J. B. RICKETTS, T.O. G. H. HILL ........ 250.000 71.480 2,419,380 108,290 2.006.300 238,110 S C ) 127,270 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte; 1st & Merch. N. and State-Plan Bk.&Tr. Co.. Rich.; Columbia N., Columbia. 477,460 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Atl. Lowery N.. Atl.; j Send us your Greenville business direct. Prompt, /personal attention given collections, Bill of Ladting Drafts, and remitted for on day of payment. ♦Greenville Clearing House W. C. Beacham.... R. I. Woodside.... A. G. Taylor. _________________ (Members indicated by a*) Sec. and Tr. IHE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,920 $ 39,080 N., Wil. Brandon Community Bank W. F. Davis______ C. P. Dill C. E. Hatch______ 10% 67-559 ©§’19 ♦Farmers & Merchants Bank R. I. Woodside___ J. L. Williams____ J. G. Thornton.__ W. A. Jones_____ 67-52 ©1§'07 $237-10% 67-43 41.550 t (Closed. November 1 9.1926) ‘Greenville .27,311 American Bank & Trust Co. . (See Soutlt Carolina Savings Bank.) Greenville B7 Bank of Commerce .. 1926) ‘FIRSTQll||/ NATIONAL 8,000 $ 1 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ — . • own and County. *County Seats. Ertire State in Vo 5Fed.Res.Dist. *Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond i-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Greenwood.. 9456 AMERICAN BANK Greenwood F7 par 100 ** -r a , , M 67-90 President. - — Liabilities. ther Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its ties Cashier. Vice-President. fj. C. SMITH.............. W P TURNER D. A. G. OUZTSi R. E. GAINES J Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued ---------- :---------------------- ---------------J------ ----------- C R CALHOUN $ 125.000 S 6.340 S 329,910 $ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bondi Cash k ExMiscel CHANOIB'DUK and and Discount! Securities laneous trom Banks 25.930 $ 401,130 1 7.500 S 32.350 $ 46,190 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. Ch. of Bd. V'SEND us to UR GREENWOO D ITEMS DIREC T.” Collections, BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Remitted uor on Day of Payment. d®T*tS'20 / BANK OF GREENWOOD 67-84 J. K. DURST i. W. WATSON J. B SLOAN M W TURNER J. B. GAMBRELL “THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN GREENWOOD CO.'7 All Matters Sent Us Given Prompt Attention. .t§’8& 100.000 147.960 2,137,830 1,692,110 65.670 106,420 Bk. Com., ville. 521.590 N. N. Y.; So. Car. N., Green e J. P. Phillips . _ Farmers & Merch. Bk.®§1900 A. S. Harzog............. J. P. Abney_______ M.C. Taggart. 67-85 j H.L. WATSON— NATIONAL LOAN & EXCH Only National BANK—.67-86............ ®.roa ( Collections m S. C. HODGES............ W.T. BAILEY------- 6. C. HODGES, Jr.W.T. BAILEY First National Bank...®*’21 J. T, Smith________ 1110 -8% 67-198 C. { .. Greer Greenville B7 II «. .. .. Hampton M13 Hartsville..........3624 Darlington E17 1,241,570 132.000 325,000 350,000 3,000 84,950 1,150,060 1,107,980 18,350 94,560 14,050 76,390 50,000 100,000 R. Gibson 2,500 ______ 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. .. Lancaster C15 •• & 10,000 5,480 26,440 3,280 34,770 Bowden.......... Lucile Tuten______ 15,000 10,000 175,000 TL. VAUGHAN------ llm.cTOtns'"' J. A. MCINTYRE----- l.I:SiIIP" — 75,000 51.670 957.400 35.550 804,850 59.510 101.750 Renfrow___ 50,000 10,170 234,000 70,200 309,630 950 29,400 24.390 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. ®§'in W. Egleston.............. M. S. McKinnon .. G. H. Thomas____ M. C. Crouch, V.P. G. H. Thomas 50,000 40.793 316,290 283,830 250 29.060 93.940 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Murch. N., Wil.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; S. C. N., Char. Julian E.Sanderson R. M. Hilderbrand 67-161 ®»«’03 67-664 ®»J§’20 O. 61,010 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st 10,440 City N., Sumter; 1st 100,000 Merch. N., Rich. & Merch. N., Rich. 85.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. Winston-Salem. 153.510 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Com., N. Y. < Oldest and stro ngest bank In Ha rtsvllle. J Efficient collect ion department, ^Remittance ma deon day of paym ent. C. A. Manship.......... P. P. Chambers... A. J. E. Cannon C. . (No Ba nking).. Trust Co. of South Carolina J. J. Lawton___ . A. L. M. Wiggins.. J. A. McIntyre. J. B. Redfearn, 200-10% 67-660 T§’20 L. Vaughan, V. P. M. S. McKinnon Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. J. F. Wilmeth Heath Springs 505 114,130 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N.. Rock Hill; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 720,020 BANK OF Peoples Rank. (160-8% 67-163 250,730 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 23.000 „ tuc 1 Ml 106.880 737.170 HARTSVILLE ** 100,000 105,000 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 61.310 Hampton Ln. & Ex. Bk. .|'07 T. H. Tuten------------ W. C. Mauldin......... R. 8% 67-259 I200-10%^ “ 45,620 1,485,570 600,000 67-419 ‘Hampton..........706 „ H. Stokes---------- R. H. Bearden.......... M. C. Davenport— B. Carlisle______ W. M. Ballenger... .T. R. M. Hughes. Actxv e O. J. Jackson ______ Sumter A8 100,000 500,000 50,000 Planters Savings Bank.»t§’07 67-197 215 Hagood 55,000 Bank in Greenwo od. ade and remitted for promptly. E. C. Bailey_______ T. E. Smith_______ W. B. Smith. Greer Bank & Trust Co. B.A. Bennett,Aritue U50 67-196 ®TI§1900 C. L. Cobb, V. P. W. E. James, Active H. 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Hartsville, Hartsville; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Bank of Heath Springs Leroy Springs------- R. B. Mackey______ Jas. E. Caskey ____ J. H. Beckham ____ o% 67-277 ®T«»'09 J. T. Stevens 25,000 21,880 258,880 159,320 22,800 3,050 Col. N., 120,600 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.: Columbia; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr., Charlotte. i Merchants & Farmers Bank W. T. Gregory---- E. C. Bridges--------- E. C. Bridges !(100 par 100 67-637 ®tS'19 25,000 1,000 75,000 60,000 5,100 20,000 21,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. Cf ol1IITU JU1n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PADni IIUNAL i1 UAKUL IMA NA1rmwAi ■ifiM mM )AMJ/ jn mi, CHARLESTON, s. c. COLUMBIAi, GREENVILLE, S. C. s. c 0.nopio \K\j\a 1 0| AH ontin n All UlllIU II Oiuon UlYcll Pnllopfinno UUlIcCIIUIIo Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 *31 H to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lJ-iU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. »Mera.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.B Fed.Res.Dist. il-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. town and county. Hemingway.. .371 Williamsburg 120 par 10 Vice-President President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. J. S. Wilkerson.... W. F. McGill____ L. M. Allison____ J. L. Plaxico_____ Hickory Grove 301 160-6% par 50 67-319 ©Ttl’06 York BIO E. S. Tinsley_____ S. C. Riley______ B. S. Hodges........... W. G. Anderson... Greenwood F7 1108-8% 20,000 7,100 10,980 $ 79.320 J 26.750 8,000 89.890 $ 139.880 157,040 $ 4,150 * 6,910 16.990 1,630 59,830 50,900 20,000 15.290 108.750 29,610 139,900 670 11.910 50,000 46.780 669.820 25.850 443,340 134.130 31,250 A. M. GRAHAM................. M. M. ERWIN 25,000 41.930 406.310 1.060 373.800 6.050 33.010 Clyde Mann__________ M. M. Erwin_________ 25,000 3,680 85,140 750 89,210 National Bk. of Honea Path B. D. Riegel_________ L. A. Brock_________ G. C. Swetenburg. F. W. Griffin------------$100 67-595 ©t’23 J.C.Gambrell.F.P. Theo. Riegel 100,000 11,680 189,530 82,090 317,200 19,620 247,470 35,000 30,000 W. A. Jeffers------- M. Heesemann .... BANK OF HONEA PATH 67-185 (A. F. HATTiSON— t F SHIRIFY < “Send Us Your Honea Path Item j Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, (.Items Remitted for on Day of Pay CLYDE MANN...................... s Direct.” Cash and Time ment. Principal Correspondents. 20,000 So. Car, N„ Columbia. 27,130 N. Park, N. Y.; Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Gas tonia. 39,640 Greenwood, Greenwood. 3,080 First National Bank.®T»3'05 J. Francis Folk.... J. L. B. Gilmore.... J. W. Black___________ W. S. Hart...................... $200-10% 67-321 20,050 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Greenwood; Columbia N., Columbia. 21,160 Han. N.. N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Char.; Edisto N., Orangeburg. 183,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. 61.440 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; So. Car. N., Greenville. •»’0« Honea Path Savings & Trust A. F. Mattison............. Co__________67-612.............. ®T§’25 •• 25.000 S 20,000 25,000 W. B. Nickles, Jr.. Holly Hill________ 522 Farmers & Merchants Bank d©t5'13 Orangeburg K16 8% par 25 67-428 <« J 8,000 67-320 Peoples Bank-----------®tS’18 1 H Mpflnrrt 67-508 Honea Path.. 1900 Anderson E6 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Oabb k ExOther Depos L Paid-up Surplus CHANQIB,DUI &od and iabili and Capital its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Profits ties $ H. E. Eaddy_____ 67-619 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Bank of Inman. . (Closed December 1 4, 1926) H. E. Chapman.__ Jas. A. Chapman, J. P. Parker_____ Jr. 25,000 $75-8% par 50 67-547 J. C. Miller............ W. W. Miller____ J. B. Barker------- W. D. Campbell... O. W, Knight 18.675 225.000 8,010 15,470 25.360 28,200 3,150 34,750 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st 271,200 9,690 46,210 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., Spartanburg; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 190,000 65.670 18,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Bk. of Cheraw, Cheraw; Murchison N., Wil.: 3rd N., Gastonia. 7,520 1st N„ Florence; So. Car. N„ Char. & Merck. N., Rich. Spartanburg A8 67-324 Chesterfield C16 Johnsonviile ..271 Citizens Trust Co. _.dT»t§’25 S. B. Poston........... E. M. Husbands $100 par 10 67-611 Florence H21 Edgefield H9 Reuben Lindsay... P. .T, Free . _ 50.000 6,430 97,800 25,000 14,450 85,480 D. P. Dye............................ 50,000 120,000 J. T. Mackey................ E. J. Bailey_________ W. A. Shaw__________ 50,000 9.912 J. R. Littlejohn... O. A. Littlejohn... .T. M. Gault .. 14,150 1,200 620 Orone h of Aik cn, S. C. ) G. H. Ballentine, W. W. Rhoden, Mgr. A. Mgr, Bank of Western Carolina 67-385 *§’11 Jonesville _____1209 Bank of Jonesville ___*t§’01 $100 par 100 67-246 Union B10 .. H. E. Hilliard. Tr.. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic *Sav., Char. N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 119,200 5,940 29,090 Merch. N., Balt.: Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co..Union; Am. Tr.Co., Charlotte, N.C. 85,660 9,340 5,450 31,480 Han.N.,N.Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr.Co., Rich.; Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co., Union. 700,000 596.000 34,960 25,040 9.400 150.000 121,750 214.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Balt.; Am. Tr., Char.; Col. N., Columbia. 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 1.100 325,000 80.000 340 217,670 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Peo.-lst N., Char. 7,000 $75-8% par 50 67-247 Kershaw D15 .. T. B. Clyburn._ Bank of Kershaw.—®«t§’04 16% 67-326 •• W. T. Gregory .... — 67-278 ‘Klngstree___2074 Wee Nee Bank Williamsburg 118 „ M (Closed December 4. 1926) Williamsburg Bank & Trust P. G. Gourdin---------- W. H. Welch................ G. E. Douglass............. C. J. Wilson Co................... 67-610 d®Tt§'25 par 110 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i: ^CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 38.000 Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 O J 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ XvJXX Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. j Town and county, • Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatefPriv. ‘County Seats, 1 Mem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in *►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc No.5Fed.Res.Dist. d -SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass't cashier. CASHIER. Kline ________238 E lank of Kline ................©till B. M. Jenkins, Sr.. Victor Lewis______ Victor Lewis___ Barnwell Lll 67-387 .... Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other and Capital Profits ITS ties Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash k Exand j Discounts Securities LAN leu U8 r&OM Banks $ $ Resources. 8,870 $ 25.000 5,040 232,030 J. R. Matthews.... 25,000 2.500 150.000 151.000 1.170 50,000 Murchison N., Wil.; Columbia N„ Co lumbia.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. _ W. M. Gaddy______ R. E. Pace.............. .... 50,000 30,000 400,000 317,000 1,220 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. F. O. Huff_________ R. B. Scarborough. 25,000 14,660 127,330 $ 44,740 148,040 36,550 16,560 R C HUGGINS______ E. H. PATE- 50,000 22,310 663,350 4,100 467,520 33,400 27,350 211.480 Murchison N„ Wil.; Am. N„ Rich. 804.860 —— 277.250 54,930 296.040 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st and Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte, N. C. 66,040 71,750 51,540 $ $ 68,790 3,640 $ 3,540 •• _____ •• E armers & Merch. Nat’l Bank (Closed October 9. 1 926) ______ ** E lanters Bank............... ®t§'2C W. S. Lynch............ 67-548 G. R. Bowen {Formerly Peoples Bank) Lake View____ 320 E ank of Lake View_____t§T( R. S. Rogers. 67-346 Dillon E22 8% Lamar __ 784 T amar National Bank—©t’17 W. 67-425 Darlington F17 * 50-8% J. L. M. Oliver. Du Bose____ rDUNCAN MCKENZIE s: j: jbeefafsolreds ______ 9,440 N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Citiz. &Sou. N., Augusta. 138,200 1st N. Florence; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr„ Rich.; Murchison N„ Wil. C Commercial & Savings Bank. (Closed October 2. 19 26) *• “ - Principal Correspondents. 10,000 % Lake City......... 1606 n Citizens Bank.............. ©T§’27 W. A. McClam.__ E. L. Montgomery. E. L. Montgomery. Miss Cecil SeverFlorence H19 t no J. D. McClam 67-627 ance *• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued _____ 10,570 Chase N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. NIERCH.& PLANTERS BANI^ < 15c sent to us w fth each sight dra ft for presentatlo n and 35c for each j credit report In sures prompt, per sonal attention. V. We make a specialty of col lections. “ BANK OF LANCASTER ‘Lancaster ...3032 Lancaster C15 s 57-20% 67-166 LEROY SPRINGS.......... ,D. A. WILLIAMS.......... G. W. WILLIAMS —- J. H. P0AG---------------W. C. THOMSON ©T«t§’89 50.000 225.150 1,157,930 _ Oldest and Itirgest bank i n Lancaster. Prompt service given on all items. | . : • FARMERS BANK * •• — - '• ______ •* Landrum......... _980 rafts, Collections, Cash and or on Day of Pay ment. F irst Bank & Trust Company f!. D. .Tones . 67-167 ©T*t§’22 E. M. Croxton.......... E. M. Croxton.......... 5 ank of Landrum ------ “ ____ - -308 Bank of Lanes Williamsburg J19 67-536 . 1079 F armers & Merch.'03 Dillon E20 67-224 Laurens D9 “ “ ______ " Palmetto Bank______d©t§’06 $135-9% 67-118 .. p eoples-Enterprise «. H. A. Bethea______ '8% 67-115 J. Adams.............. C. M. Miller R. B. Terry J. Bethea. 17.230 33,830 86,420 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex., 700 346,100 4.290 45.650 35.070 N. City. N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Colum bia; Citiz. N„ Balt. 3,470 9,620 32,390 Han. N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Com., Spartanburg; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 38,630 341.800 15,000 12,600 187,280 169,400 25.740 30.890 15,250 4.590 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N., Char. Jr..— {Branch of Mario n, S. C.) H. Nabers Geo. H. Blakely... W. D. Ferguson... L.G.Balle f!. H. RoDer Bank ®#t§’24 INA ITU rARfll THF QflU |Uln 1l o UHifUL.IHM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 306.850 Plan. Bk. Laurens National Bank J. 67-116 ®t’95 8“7o 55,000 50.000 25d!00 S. F. N. Kennedy.... J. F armers National Bank 67-452 ©’26 ______ 290.790 terns Given Prom pt Atte ntlon ©119 H. P. Brown.............. J. A. McCullough.. E. M. Pate.................. " 48,550 {Closed December 27. 1926) Latta ‘Laurens_____4620 Time I Miutual Bank...................®»t§T6 B. T. Earle________ R. G. Christopher. J. G. Landrum —— V. T. Barnette.... 67-475 J. A. Christopher Lane__ 50,000 SEND YOU R LANCAST ER BUSINE SS DIRECT.’’ <(TRUST COMPANY 1 Bill of Lading D C And Remitted f 67-168 ©tS'08 ti 80-8% Spartanburg A8 “ rR. S. HARPER —- W. K. MOORE.............. M.G. BRITTAIN......... F. W. VAUGHN--------V. P. and Cash. A. C. Todd _ J. W. Todd. Jr......... W. R. McCuen.... H. L. Kennedy ) A Ml/ NA1 Mn 1 rinNAi IUNML i1m im, & Tr. Co.. Rich. 50.000 4,420 115,000 8.030 115,590 1,500 42.560 17.690 S. Car. N„ Greenville. 50,000 28,690 303,510 34,680 318.100 10.620 29.120 59.040 Chatham Phenix, Greenville. 50,000 59,900 651,030 180 532,800 35,000 46,950 146,350 Chase N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. Tr. Go., Charlotte. 100,000 55.070 608.990 25,350 608.150 66,320 35,880 81.550 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte, N. C. COLUMBIAi, S. C. CHARLESTON, s. c. GREENVILLE, S. c. Q|innia JBulfl N. Y.; Woodside nii/nn Pnllontinno AH nntm nn biven uoiibciioiis Alleniiu N„ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Numbers given IQio to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1014 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 1 Town and County. »Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.5Fed. Res.Dist. i-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Vice-President. ! Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Exther Miscel Cash ft ,D Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and ui and and laneous chahom Capital Promts its tbom Banks ties | Discounts Seeuritiss Principal correspondents. Leesvllle. 1216 farmers & Merchants Bank. (iConsolidated with National Bank of L eesville March 3,192 7) Lexington Hll .. J. L. Matthews___ H. A. Meetze_____ L. B. Livingston... $ National Bank of Leesville 8% 67-242 ®<05 •Lexington ___ 894 Lexington Gil .. 67-401 Mgr. •§’12 15,650 $ 512.200 $ 24,250 % 328.180 $ 97,110 $ 17,000 $ 159,800 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta. So. Car. N.. Columbia: Atlantic Sav.. Char. R. E. Cook, A. Mgr. (Branch of Aiken, S. C.)._. C. E. Leaphart___ J. E. Kaminer........ T. R. Keisler_____ Frank George Home National Bank._®«}’08 $120-8% 67-264 50,000 $ 24,550 519,770 42,460 81,720 Han. N.,N. Y.; Columbia N., Columbia. 50.000 15,420 654,870 10,000 3,500 45,000 55,000 10,000 20,740 120.750 80,110 9,000 10,530 61,540 10,000 4,380 182,170 126,300 9.000 900 33,100 33,000 10,000 Cent. N„ Spartanburg. 76,230 78,490 19.390 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Col umbia N.. Columbia. 100,890 Liberty............1705 Carey Bank & Trust Co.____ (Liquidating) Pickens C5 .. •• (Closed) .. (Closed November 16 . 1926) Little Mountain Farmers & Merchants Bank.. (Closed January 3, 1927) Newb'ry Fll 399 Little Blver.... 250 Bank of Little River..©tS’10 R. R. Stone---------67-330 Horry H25 J. A. Stone, Ch. Lockhart____2040 Lockhart Bank______® t§’19 $200-12% Union CIO Emslie Nicholson. 67-616 <T R_ Fox Colleton L13 67-469 Horry F24 67-521 Spartanburg B8 D. W. Hardwick... O. E. Hickman ___ .T H Faldwell Lyman Savings Bank..©§’26 67-623 Lee G17 W. J. Me Leod ___ 67-527 •Manning___2022 68,970 3.260 31,060 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co., Union. 3,090 14,020 Han. N.. N. Y.: Peo. 1st N.. Char.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 70,260 Murchison N., Wil. 35,000 F. A. Cribbs............ E. T. Mims (Closed December 1, 1926) Clarendon 117 285.040 96,940 245.220 48.790 63.360 100.000 93.910 1.089.110 3.540 901.360 56.700 78.610 249.890 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch.N., Bait.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bleb. 100,000 36,690 1,226,230 138,140 938,200 342,490 79,010 141.360 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. J. S. Bagnal........ — 50,000 GRAHAM P. C. EVANS R L. WILLIAMS — FARMERS & W.H. CROSS t1 D.C.A-BETHEA LIDE attention given to Bill off Lading items. MERCHANTS BANK Special Prompt service and reasonable rates. Marion National Bank®»J’U1 S. W. Norwood.— $145-8% 67-138 First National Bank ..®«t'll W. C. Davis______ T. H. Stukes______ $65-8% 67-177 L. H. Harvin J. T. Stukes______ 15.480 90,090 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Columbia. Ex. Bk., Home Bank and Trust Co. ... (Closed November 26.1926) •Marion_____ 3892 Marion F21 ......... 1. 1. . $225-12% •• 5,000 37,060 $20 par 20 Lynchburg___ 506 .. 5,100 Merch. N„ Balt.; Murchison N., Wil. W. H. Stone H 67-137 _____ . ®T •tS’Oi J. W. Johnson____ THE S OUTH CARO LINA NA TIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --------- J. S. Johnson_____ W. F. Miles 1 RAMIf DnIllX, CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Q 0 pecia Alllentilin Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 O 1 q to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J-O-LO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n 00 Town and County. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. Entire State in No. 5 P. Res. Dist — V. president. i2 P. M. Tiller_____ C. E. Maves 15 s% 67-206 67-270 < 15 CENTS sent ©•»' 6 ) 25 CENTS for e L.Send Items dire 6 J. B. Harmon.—__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 67-181 | to us with each s ach credit repor ct to us. Prompt J. C. Brown ©•: 67-507 $165-10% par 100 67-110 Bank... 67-112 NATIONAL BANK OF NEWBERRY Brookland Bank _ New Brookland Lexington G12 2540 Nichols_______191 Marion F22 67-397 Ninety-Six ____ 773 Bank of Ninety-Six. Greenwood F8 North_________700 Orangeburg 113 North Augusta (Augusta, Ga. P. O.) Aiken J8 1742 North Charleston Charleston M19 699 Norway..............474 Orangeburg J12 Olanta.............409 Florence H18 ties 19,650 $ 127.98C> $ 1 218,630I 40.000 13,290 103,860 2,0401 15.8201 326,230 282,110 10.440 26,480 60,510 Han. N..N.Y.; N.Ln.& Ex.,Columbia;Citiz. & Sou. Augusta, Ga. 262.400 169,320 15.260 47,090 90,110 20,340 890 56,620 5,800 81.130 Han. N.. N. Y.; Citiz, & Sou., N„ Augusta, Ga. 37,660 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Char* 38,940 N. Park, N. Y.i Peo.-lst N., Char. on. 42,600 7,800 1 30,000 11,190 107,710 — 30,000 31,730 230,950 191,300 25,000 350 24,500 42,350 S. Behrmann_____( 1 H. W. Harvey, Jr. 1 E.R.Osborne, Mgr. ................................... I Port City Bank........ d®»t§’18 67-502 Farmers National Bank 67-886 ©i’ll Farmers Bank______d©t|’ll $25-8% par 25 67-2 86 First National Bank ...©t’06 $100- 6% 67-285 Olar__________ 600 Bank of Olar_______ d©tl’08 Bamberg L12 67-344 K. JOHRSTORE 24.63CI Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: N. Bk. of S. Car. and N. Bk. of Sumter. Sumter. Han. N. and N.Park, N. Y.; Murchison N#« Wil.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 18,570 1 Murchison N.. WIL; Am. N„ Rich. 365,0601 \ MATTHEW*- T. Principal Correspondents. service given. ] — tW. 7,650 S. C. N., Char.; Columbia N., Columbia. (Branch of Cheste rfield, S. C.)____ G. H. Reaves. 25,000 6,700 250,860 22,800 200,420 3,750 66,200 A.D.ROGERS- 50,000 13,500 250.210 47,460 275.810 27,320 39,330 12,960 980.800 85.560 212.780 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte: Murchison N.. Wil. 34.980 1st & Merch.N„ Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlot 16, JN . v. 35,150 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Murch. N.. Wil. wn items. Lowes t Rates. Prompt returns . fC. N. Fishburne. ^ John M. Kinard... J. Y. McFall 1 J. M. Kinard. Jr. > H. L. Parr___ .... M. L. Spearman... T re. C. 4,11c1 $ } Chesle: rfield, S. C.)........ J. .T. Dorn • R. S. Small_______ A. R. La Costa 1 J. H. Lucas. V. P. G. W. Walker B. M. Edwards 4,33c) % 0 F. R. Towles R, H, Coney --------- — Resources. Bonds Loans CaSB * Ex MlSCEL- changes and , Dm and Oiscounfci1 Securities, LANEOU8 from Banks 1 rS.H.SCHOOLFIELD W. A. GRAY.......... . G T. L. SMITH W. CROMER. < “SEND US TO UK NEWBERRY I 1 Prompt, person al attention give u E. A. Scarpa. R. E. Muckenfuss, 100,000 47,050 1.873,330 564.190 (Main O ffice — Br anches at Greenvill e and St. Matthew s, S. C.) 100,000 84,880 1.571.800 4,000 1,164.590 288.290 124.320 183,490 Han. N., N.Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. R. H. Wright. H. T. Cannon 100,000 107,000 1,071,450 895,760 68,670 104,860 209,770 N. City, N. Y.; N. En. & Ex., Columbia; So. Car. N„ Greenville. F. G. DAVIS _ F. C. GILBERT 100.000 71.160 1.468.970 159.520 1.441,920 133,220 81,000 143.510 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. T<\ Co., Charlotte. 120.380 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. Draft*, ayment. (.Cash and Time Item* and remltt e (Closed) B. B. Elvington___ G. M. Ford............... FF. H. Harris______ H. Y. Taylor. 25,000 25,000 255,230 1,310 149,890 13,040 23,220 21,280 230,270 22,240 12,730 25.100 8,060 1.500 (Closed October 13, 1926) W. J. Patterson... $130-8% 67-256 State Bans, of North. H. C.Wannamaker. 67 618 Bank of Western Carolina 67-342 ®«t§’10 L. M. Lipscomb____ M. A. Gaillard 50,000 43.590 176.140 L. K. Etheredge... L W. 0. Culler _________________ 0 A. R. Livingston... 11.687 1.720 49,600 Mgr. T. 8. Wilbur______ 1 W. C. Wilbur H M. D. Kerby, (Branch ofAiken ,S. C.)_ A. Mgr. E. S. Franklin. A. Mgr. 9.100 4.100 44,350 100 23,840 Nellie Reader........ 25.000 10,000 80,000 25,000 140,000 S. J. Tomlinson___1 3. M. Truluck____R E. C. Rush_______ 30,000 16,290 162,770 20,000 S. W. Young______1 D. N. Baker_____A ]h. C. Floyd C. F. Rizer _ . .T Duncan Thompson 50,000 9.640 200.530 F. B. Bessinger___ 20,000 43,240 225,480 ■■■■■■I 23,780 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood, Greenwood. 28.360 1Chase N., N. Y.; Plan., Orangeburg. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R.» Augusta; AtlanticSav., Char. ;S. Car. N..Columbia! l3. T. Dowling____J, H. P. Fulmer THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Liabili 4,54()S 106,85() * 2,000I 75.0001 ) THE ONLY NA TIONAL BANK I ? (.Special attentlo n given collection s Navy Yard___1028 Charleston M 19 (Br. Sta. of Charles ton) ‘Newberry.__ 5894 Newberry E10 30.00C1 $ Ol HER W. M. Harmon 7 .T. P. Ahnp.y........... 67-485 Meggett_____ 1050 1 C. W. Geraty Charleston N17 i% 67-586 ‘Moncks Corner Farmers & Merchants Bank } R. G. Rhett, Jr.... Berkeley L17 309 i 80-10% 67-337 d Peoples Bank_______ ® G. W. Law.............. 67-554 Monetta_____187 Bank of Monetta_____ ■ (Closed) Saluda Hll Mt. Croghan.,232 T } " ------------- Chesterfield C17 67-410 Mullins______2379 ilullins.. ’ S. W. Norwood.... Marion F22 67-179 8% P. M. Tiller---------- C. D. Cooper, Jr... . $ McLAURIN — T. J. BETHEA....... . —------------- Liabilities. Paid-ui, Surplus* DeposAND Capitai' Profits j ITS (Branch 1 C0"sJf1W"k ‘McCormick .1284 McCormick G7 Ass't Cashier. v .. CD. L. McColl_______ 2129 Marlboro C20 Cashier. Vice-President. f. Mayesvllle____ 839 Sumter G17 *20—8% par 20 Me Bee________ 417 Bank of Chesterfi Chesterfield D16 67-336 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 6,100 18,610 115,140 1,000 4,000 24,300 134.180 5'). 000 12,590 43,000 296,150 530 5,970 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 19,100 Harriman N., N.Y.: Peo.-lst N., Char. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 108,920 Murchison N.. Wil.: Peo.-lst N., Char: 1st & Merch N.. Rich. 87.790 (Jhase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia: Cent. N.. Rich.: So. Car. N.. Char. 29.070 1Han. N., N. Y.: So. Car. N„ Char.; Col umbia N.. Columbia. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -1014. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. Cashier. ^Orangeburg. 7290 Orangeburg J14 •Mem. A.B. A.^New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. EDISTO NAI’L BK. *265-10% 67-92 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Ml',: MW B. H. MOSS......... - W. L. MOSELEY— WM Wm.L. GLOVER T Resources. Surplus Defos- Other Lords Bonds Miscel Paid-up and and and ITg Liabili Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ Principal Correspondents. Ex- : Oarii & changes,Due Banks ’ 110.000 $ 238.840 $3477 500 $ 110.000 $2975690 $ 333.260 $ 239.190 $ 388,200 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Car. N., Columbia; — “SEND US TOUR ORANGEBURG ITEMS DIRECT.” Collections, bill of d®T»t’89 lading drafts, cash and time items remitted for on day of payment State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Peo.-lst N., ('bar. Orangeburg National Bank— (Taken over by Edi sto National Bank, March 1, 1927) 100.000 40.000 700.000 125.000 25.640 666.360 R. M. Bryson_____ Miss Henry Etta Owings 25,000 16,880 50,640 M. G. Stone............Thomas J. Trowell 20.000 24,500 244,470 ♦Planters Bank........©•t}’08 H. C. Wannamaker H. A. Wright____ Otto E. Inabinet... Alva D. Inabinet.. $110-8% 67-95 ‘SOUTHERN BANK & TRUST- ™GO. $110-7% F. A. ADDEN......... JOS. McNAMARA - SCOVILL ..H. JENNINGS 625,000 45.000 32.000 142,000 Chase N. and N. Park. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Murchison N„ Wil. 538.310 201.220 29.370 126,590 Chem. N., N.Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. ■'' Co., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. 2,600 28,480 Bk. of America, N.Y.; So. Car. N., Green WAR A A- S. A. FAIR “The Bank to bo With'’ Collections a specialty. Prompt service, reasonable rates. We remit on day of payment. 67-97 ©T»t! 21 Send us your Orangeburg items. 78.500 Orangeburg Clearing House. H. C. Wannamaker W. L. Glover_____S. Wannamaker, Sec. (Members indicated by a *) Owings..............175 Bank of Owings-------------S’14 G. W. Owings— par 50 67-458 Laurens C7 Pacolet.............. 398 Employees Savings Bank ©tS’17 Spartanburg B10 $21.5010% 67-483 par 10 J.K. Westmoreland 16.750 1,500 76,740 G. J. Steele-......... L. M. Coleman — A. J. Coleman, Jr. 25.000 5.160 223.610 J. H. Poston_____ Allen Brown Kathleen Cain........ 25,000 12,140 219,310 Pellon_________184 Bank of Pelion_____d®ti’10 C. A. Shumpert Lexington 111 $25-6% par 27 67-348 D. F. Shumpert.— G. L. Taylor Agnes Taylor. 21.226 3,000 Pelzer...... ......... 6675 Chicora Bank......... .®»t§'81J. W. Kelly---------$200-8% par 100 67-349 __________ ■ Anderson C6 W. T. Martin.........T. J. Crane. 50.000 86,040 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. C. P. Mangum........ S. H. Laney........ — I. P. Mangum 67-602 T§'42 PampUco_____ 452 BANK OF PAMPUC0©*i§ 18 $100-8% 67-505 Florence G20 w. J. Gibbs-------- Farmers & Merchants Bank n. B. Finklea $150-8% 67-453 ®T»t§T5 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ville. 8,260 179,720 44,760 1,000 W. H. Graves. 78,830 i______ 2,690 13,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; 92.880 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; 1st N. Florence; Peo.-lst N., Char. 104.680 42.710 13,250 200 163,320 500 4.180 62,000 9.870 55,000 5,100 28,000 372,100 25,000 356,340 44,730' 67.960 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 71,740 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Cent. N., Spartanburg. N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Murchison N., Wil. (Branch of Cheste rfield, S. Car.) ... B. Croft Pigg, Mgr. Pageland_____521 Bank of Chesterfield County 67-345 ©M’Q7 Chesterfield C16 5% 61,430 Bk. of Cheraw, Cheraw. 88,660 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; S. C. N., Char. 8,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 64,130 Han. N., N. Y.; Woodside N., Greenville; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. N. C. ______ Special Attention Given Collections ] Q1 C Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 6 Fed.Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%I>iv Non-Rank Towns with Nearest-! Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Liabilities. PRESIDENT, Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. *Pickens_____ 805 Keowee Bank_______©M’09 J. P. Carey. Jr. .... M. C. Smith_____ H. A. Nealy, Jr Pickens B4 *125-8% 67-251 Boone Carey Resources. Loam ther Bonds Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties i 50,000 $ 10,900 $ 213,100 $ 203,830 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash k EX CHANGES,DUE vrom Banks 6,440 $ 63,740 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Greenville. par 100 So. Car. N„ Pickens Bank_______ ®tl’98 J. H. Bruce_____ Frank McFall....... J. E. Boggs______ 10% 67-250 20.600 23,500 580.000 Piedmont.__ 3690 Bank of Piedmont_____ JS'08 J. E. Wakefield.... Chris. Suber_____ E. P. Suber______ 67-351 Greenville C6 15,000 45,000 250.000 Plum Branch. 169 Bank of Plum Branch__t5’12 J. L. Bracknell__ Thos. McAllister.. Thos. McAllister .. McCormick H7 67-402 10,000 5,000 40,000 Pomaria............288 Bank of Pomaria ___d©t5’08 Z. T. Pinner_____ R. H. Hipp______ John O. Aull____ 67-353 Newberry Fll $50-8% 15,000 8.000 65,000 80.000 Prosperity____ 748 Bank of Prosperity ~®»tS'02 G. Y. Hunter____ J. S. Wheeler____ J. F. Browne_____ J.A. Counts_____ 67-260 Newberry F10 8% 50,000 18,300 347,250 288,340 41,000 49,750 Citizens National Bank. ©’25 J. D. Wheeler___ D. H. Ham______ J. A. Price______ J. R. Dawkins____ 67-261 50,000 16,670 251,160 134,240 2,510 132,360 Reevesvilie ....200 Bank of Reevesvilie.........§’06 A. R. Johnston.__ Carlisle Johnston.. J. Y. Bryson_____ M. E. Smith_____ Dorchester K15 67-354 15,000 12,210 11,710 62,370 ‘Ridgeland___ 41 BANK OF RIDGELAND S. B. Owens_____ J. P. Wise_______ S. B. Owens_____ W. C. Preacher.... 155-10% 67-355 ®«t§’10 Jasper P13 15,000 30,000 278.000 204.000 63,000 7,000 50.000 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich. Citiz. & Sou., Sav„ Peo.-1st N.. Char. Peoples Bank........._d®»t8'05 F. G. Asbill............ BenJ. Boatwright.. W. H. Stuckey ___ E. M. Lott............. 10% par 50 67-356 W. H. Stuckey 30,000 54,920 335,760 225,670 56,270 9,000 129,740 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. Bank of Ridgeway___ ®i§*99 D. W. Ruff______ R. C. Thomas____ S. P. Thomas___ W. R. Goodson ___ *275-10% par 100 67-357 25,000 59,180 267,300 133,360 113,220 15,620 89,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 300,000 206,810 2.172,780 46,840 1.707,120 492,250 67,630 459,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich ; Columbia N.. Columbia. 100,000 148.410 1.875.620 120.200 1,126.510 252.540 185.000 680,190 Chase N., N Y.: Am. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 88.000 81,000 $ 11,000 305,000 160,000 170.000 104.000 11,020 158,980 N. City, N. Y.; Peo. N. and So. Car. N.. Greenville. 77,050 N. Park. N. Y.: Merch. N„ Balt.; State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Pinewood_____338 Bank of Pinewood__________ (Closed January 13, 1927) Sumter H16 22,500 60,000 10,700 8,000 Corn Ex. N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Colum bia. Ridgeway___ 429 Fairfield E14 Rock Hill___ 9383 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ... (Closed January York B13 36,470 Ban. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Columbia. 48.720 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 12,000 S. C. N.. Char. par 25 Ridge Spring..697 Farmers & Merchants Bank.. (Closed January 13. 1927) Saluda H10 17,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Sou., Augusta, Ga. 29, 1927) Citizens Trust Company_____ (Closed) NATIONAL UNION BANK *210 67-71 W. J. Roddey____ W. J. Roddey, Jr. . A. B. Lindler__-__ W. C. Holroyd........ ®T*J’98 J. E. Gettys. V.P. G. A. Beach, Act. W. B. Dunlap PEOPLES NAT’L BANK 67-73 dB®*i'09 L L J0HNST0N MAffihir S6hlncr°lbobndon:a.c. i Gc: rbSrearon~- “SEND US YOUR ROCK HILL BUSINESS DIRECT.” PROMPT SERVICE — REASONABLE RATES. *235-10% par 125 Peoples Trust Co.____ TS’09 J.B. Johnson------- R. E. Barron______ C. L. Cobb, R. T. Fewell, 25,000 103,000 67-74 Sec. and Tr.\ A. Sec. and A. Tr. Ruby................ 290 Bank of Chesterfield County W. R. Eddins, Mgr. {Branch of Cheste rfield, S. Chesterfield C17 67-500 t8’18 Salley_______400 Aiken Jll Bank of Western Carolina 67-360 ®»t§’10 10% ------------------------- JL. A. McMillan.... J. A. Jones, Jr. *8aluda_____ 1203 Farmers Bank of Saluda B. W. Crouch____ L. E. Wheeler....... S. R. E. Addy____ M. F. O’Brien. Saluda G10 *225-8% 67-271 d©TJS’03 [W. A. Crouch. A.C.[j. K. Adams Peo. N„ Rock Hill. c.)..... N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. (Branch of Aik en, S. C N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R„ Augusta; Atlantic Sav., Char.; Citiz. & Sou., Sav. 25,000 27,120 515.390 369,800 91,150 14,000 92,550 N. City, N.Y.; Columbia N„ Columbia.; Citiz. & Sou. N„ Augusta, Ga. 100,000 21.680 634,090 609.130 3,600 6,020 137,030 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou., Augusta. {Consolidation of Bank of Sal uda and Farmers B ank) Planters National Bank *120-8% 67-272 ©fll par 100_________________ M. T. Pitts_______ C. J. Ramage-------J. A. Pitts------------ O. C. Gunter_____ THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis charlesto0rVnvc,LLe?0slucmb,a’s-c- Special Attention Given Collections , 1316 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §StatefPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. 8tat* B. Ass'n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 6Fed.Res.Dlst. d-SafeDe]>.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Mary Graham. Geo. C. Cusaac -__ G. E. Coleman. Scranton____ 294 Peoples Bank______ -tS’10 C. E. Graham------ B. B. Myers 67-361 Bonds Lomns Surplus Dbpos- Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili and ITS Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ $ 76,090 36.550 63.180 $ Cass k Ex- CRAiraM,Dui raoif Barks 2,000 $ 29.180 $ 18.280 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N.. Wil.; 1st N„ Florence. Florence H19 (Closed November 20 . 1926) Seneca....... —1460 Citizens Bank. Oconee C4 Sharon______ 419 First National Bank- ©»t'08 J.H. Saye---------- J. B. Swann----- York Bll 423,340 1,100 21,180 189,570 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Peo. 1st N„ Char. 36.650 229,900 37,740 5,350 90,140 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.: Peo. N., Rock Hill; 35.000 130,000 31.000 30,000 120,640 83,680 3,500 8,260 56,450 Han. N„ N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Greenville. 44,590 4,950 19,720 Pickens, Pickens. 22,250 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Car. N.. Char. 20,400 $ 27,010 587,770 J.S. Hartness___ P. F. Ferguson — 25,000 30,400 271.090 J. D. Hambright.. 35,000 18,000 120,000 25,000 6,250 Seneca Bank________ «tB'95 E. 0. Doyle--------- J. W. Shelor-------- F. S. Holleman .— 10% 67-227 3d N„ Gastonia, N. C. 67-362 $128-8% Planters Bank_____ d®tl’18 W. L. Hill_______ G. F. Hambright $no-6% 67-499 17,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Peo. N„ Rock Hill. par 100 (Closed November 8, 1926) Simpsonvllie ..566 Bank of Simpsonville. Greenville C7 Farmers Bank______ dtl’14 D. L. Bramlett---- J. M. Richardson.. R. P. Gaines-------- Margaret Martin.. $no-8% 67-457 par 50 Six Mile_____ 150 Bank of Six Mile---------§’19 J. A. Roper.$150 par 100 67-542 Pickens B5 Elisha Kelley....... B. T. Garrett------- 15,000 2,430 51,840 Sni oaks______132 Enterprise Bank ....d©tj'20 W. H. Vara.. $125-8% 67-287 Colleton L14 D. E. Sauls______ F. W. Campbell.— W. B. Kinsey-....... 25,000 14.310 56.710 26,450 96,020 170 4,030 150.000 143.690 680.590 221.920 758,730 108.480 82.090 100,000 69,450 889,760 95,560 907.450 63,000 5.790 200.000 60.690 995.100 376.540 1.310.480 46,220 70.690 343.000 3.050,000 390,000 2.570.000 460,000 508,180 30,000 436,700 20,820 par 100 ^Spartanburg Spartanb.B8 25,537 ‘AMERICAN NAT’Lw l,S0M BANK •BANK OF COMMERCE «■ F. PHIFER..........R. F. PHIFER............. ll.P.SJtUjlll This bank makes a specialty of handling cotton drafts as well as all coRections. T»’03 Promptness and service our other motto. Collections remitted for at lowest rates. WE ARE ACTIVE, MODERN AND PROGRESSIVE. 67-37 $190-10% C. c»Brc HICKS- - - - C. W. „ BOYD, ^ -__H. «■ A. «■ R. COLEMAN Collections a Specialty. V. C. EARLE 246.890 Chem-N., N. T.; Merch. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. B. T. EARLE------------- J.^O.’FRIERSON W. IELL- Ratm 10c per $100 on each Uttera and collection• aggregating $150.00 and apioardt. Minimum 15c. 67-40 ©TVK’10 WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. W.S. GLENN______ H.B. CARLISLE— j. W. WILLSON-.......... •CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK 67-36 $116 ®»t'22 •CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK $165-5% par 100 67-35 LE01 MOORE SEND US YOUR SPARTANBURG BUSINESS DIRECT ©t§’07 JOHN A. LAW_ _ _ _ C. C. KIRBY............ M. E. BOWDEN- - - - - - - - H. B CHAPMAN— un T S. PERRIN, Tr.Off. W.R. FRANCE .. , a r JN0. N. WRIGHT, JR. Collections Remitted on Day of Payment. 400.000 affiliated w W. 8. Glenn_____ J. W. Willson----- Thomas H. Daniel ITH THE CAROL IN A NATIONAL BANK. 100,000 1,710 (Spartanburg banks ■ontinued on following page) THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 204.930 N. Park, N. ¥.; Am. N., Rich. Prompt personal attention given to drafts drawn on the Cotton Mills of this section and remitted for promptly direct to your northern or eastern correspondent on date of payment/ at lowest rates._____________________________________ H. B. Carlisle. 67-39 Of. HENDRIX---------- dB@T»t'95 ♦DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK 178.530 N. Park, N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., WinstonSalem; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 25.980 1.127.100 97,070 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Merch. N., Bait. 85,290 Carolina N., Spartanburg. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q1 7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ iJ1/ Directory, uhder the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.5 Fed.Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. spart&nburg (Continued) 25,537 ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. „ .. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Loans Bonds Cash 4 ExPaid-up Depos Other Miscel chasois and and and L iabili .Dus its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous prom Banks ties Principal Correspondents. A. M.CHREITZBERG — ROY E. LEONARD— J. W. ISOM_________ W. F.KLUGH, A. C. V. J. RECTOR Han. N. and Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., $ $ L. L. PATTERSON $ 500,000 $ 198,580 3.165.310 % 204.500 2.771,010 $ 493.870 $ 179.490 $ 624.020 N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., PhU.; Merch. Olde st Bank in the Count v. 38 Cotton Mills. N., Balt.; Peo.-1st N., Char.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; FifthPersonal, immediate service bill of lading and other drafts. Low rates. Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln. Your items are handled as we would like you to treat ours. ®t**7h 6733 M President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued ♦Merchants & Farmers Bank A. L. White_______ W. S. Montgomery. H. McG. White $220-12% 67-34 ©•*§’89 par 100 T. S. Crawford -__ H. F. McGee_____ C. D. Ward, Montgomery Trust Co. Chas.E.Zimmerman Sec. and Tr. $ioo-6% 67-594 dBT«5’23 100,000 128,690 100,000 21,690 60,000 821,750 234,290 35.840 384.340 23,050 6.220 5,500 75,000 8.000 First National Bank—.®»t’14 H. F. Gleaton......... E. J. Boland_____ B. C. Boland______ $130-8% 67-280 50,000 22,430 239,240 62,920 .(s)|’15 J. S. Jones.............. E. P. Vandiver___ M. A. Chapman.__ C. O. Jones 10,000 11,920 52,590 50,000 17,570 ♦Southern Trust Co...®T§’04 W. L. Isom_______ R. F. Phifer............. R. F. Phifer, Tr. $157.50-10% 67-38 Spartan Savings Bank®*tS’15 H. L. Bomar______ J. H. Griffin.......... J. D. Burgess____ io% 67-41 916,040 147.230 47,540 1,900 16,310 2,720 173,920 Chatham Phenix and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 1st N., Spartanburg. n/\ «/»« Corn Ex. N., Phil. 7,000 Cent. N.. Spartanburg. ANDREW M. LAW— S. F. CANNON---------- H. J. BLACKFORD, Tr. E. J. CUNNINGHAM. •• -------- “ _____ •• A. M. LAW & ESTABLISHED 1892—INCORPORATED 1912 COMPANY - Investment Bankers —Southern Textile Securities. Sec. Spartanburg Clearing House. J. A. Law_________ A. L. White______ Frank C. Rogers, (Members indicated by a*) (Closed December 6, 1923) Springfield___798 Bank of Sprinafield ... Orangeburg J12 Starr___347 Anderson E5 ‘St. George...1386 Dorchester L15 Planters Bank. 67-466 $125 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 67-248 Sec. and Tr. W. W. HUTTO.............. ®«t’04 W. H. PEARCY_____ C. 0. DUKES............... B. C. PENDARVIS___ P.F SPELL *St.Matthews 1780 South Carolina Savings Bank Calhoun 114 $36.75-8% 67-218 ®»t’89 (Merger of Home Bank and. St. Matthews Natio nal Bank) E. W. Keller— 247,860 55,300 16,290 53,340 7,070 ooo,o40 55,140 Han. N„ N. Y.: Columbia N., Columbia, State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 21.170 Chase N., N.Y.; Carolina N., Anderson S. Car. N., Greenville. 104.970 (Main O ffice Nav y Yard, S. C„ Br anch at G 32,520 S. Car.). 53,600 Han.N.,N. Y.;S. C. N.,Char. S. Car. N., Char, and Columbia. St. Stephen 312 Bank of St.Stephen.®»J§’19 R. G. Rhett, Jr.... John Kllntworth.. $40 par 50 67-619 Berkeley K18 20,000 2,090 50,790 Summerton___957 Bank of Santee______ ®tS’17 W. D. McClary___ J. A. James______ W. W. Davis. Clarendon 117 67-488 25,000 14,450 288,180 205,300 1.190 5,600 25,000 42.100 487,193 270,310 144.000 84.270 55,710 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. 25,000 7,120 268,400 228,520 12.849 24,700 39,730 N. City, N.Y.; Atlantic N. and Peo.-lst N., Char, Summerton Bank & BANK OF SUMMERVILLE 7% 87-473 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N., Char. » Tr, Co... (Taken over by Bank of Santee) Summerville .2550 Bank of Dorchester..®»t§’95 J. A. Guerin--------Dorchester M17 $200-15% 67-365 — 6,000 E. L. Braid CL A. WALKER_ _ _ C. F. PRETTYMAN--. J. F. BISCHOFF_ _ _ ®T*t§’16 ) Special attentlo n given collection s and all out of to wn items. (.Prompt Remitt ance. TOURISTS ’ ACCOUNTS IN VITED. 5,270 115,550 Chase N..N.Y.: Peo.-lst N., Char.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESr«sNvc,LLEcosL cMB,A’sc Special Attention Given Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1318 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«-New § State tPriv ‘County Seats tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.5Fed.Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Sumter ....10,012 Sumter H17 CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK 67-65 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA —Continued Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. SURPLUS! Paid-up Capital Profits DeposITS — Other ties Resources. Bonds Loam and and Discounts Securitise Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex Miscel- changes ,Dui LAJSmOub tbom Banxi Bk. Com., N. V.; 1st & Merch. N., G. A. LEMMON_ _ _ _ I. C. STRAUSS--------- G. L. RICKER—........ M.R.'A.C.' wIlLIAMS''" $ 150,000 $ 62.410 $1086 710 $ 64.830 $ 936.420 $ 117.320 $ 104.350 $ 200,870 N.Bleb. Collections ” on Sumter solicited. We maintain a well organised collection department. We make a reasonable charge for service but get results. t'01 $225-10% par 100 NEILL O’DONNELL- JOHN D. LEE...... 0. L. YATES------- J. W. KINARD........ 67-63 d©»t’87 National Bank of So.Carolina C. G. Rowland....... $175-8% 67-66 ®»2’05 Isaac Schwartz, V. P. NATIONAL BK. OF SUMTER J. P. Booth______ $120-8% 67-64 ®»t’86 1,154.000 190.870 35.000 158,160 Chase 284,850 1,701,210 300,000 1,767.510 462.850 72,610 283,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. 66,050 1,030,000 175,000 1,025.000 267,300 86,900 105,820 N. Park, N.Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; So. Car. N„ Char. 24.460 Han, N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. and Columbia N., Columbia. 4,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Woodside N.. Greenville. 100,000 163.030 1.228.600 H. L. McCoy.. D. J. Cain 300,000 D. D. Moise______ W. J. Crowson. Jr., G. C. Warren. W. J. Crowson, Jr. F. S. Nance, A. C. F. M. Cain 200,000 As a rule, collections go direct to the First National Bank. We are no exception to this rule. Prompt service and reasonable rates assured. Our collection department under official supervision. Oldest bank In Sumter County. Let us handle your Items In this vicinity. Geo. D. Shore___ Earle Rowland. Earle Rowland 46.400 N., N. ¥.; Am. N., Bleb.; Murchison N., Wll.; Peo.-lst N., Char. Peoples Bank______________ (Closed February 15 , 1927) Sumter Trust Co.__________ (Closed February 17 , 1927) Bank of Swansea..,d®*t5’08 par 25 67-366 Citizens Bank........ ... © »tl’13 67-446 Bank of Timmonsville $100-8% 67—101 ®»+l’91 Commercial & Savings Bank ♦ 67-192 *§’03 Farmers Bank........... ®t§’09 Travellers Best 67-369 Greenv'le B5 322 $165-8% Trenton.........271 Bank of Trenton__ ®«*§’05 $95-8% 67-370 Edgefield I 9 ‘Union______6141 Bank of Union___ ©T«+§’19 $100-6% 67-103 Union CIO Swansea...........690 Lexington 112 Taylors........ ..250 Greenville B7 Tlmmonsville 1860 Florence G18 $25-8% W. H. Witt______ R. L. Lybrand___ B. E. Craft______ Mrs. S. C. Craft... A. C. Patterson R. I. Woodside__ J. F. Freeman__ W. A. Hopkins__ Duncan McKenzie. R. C. Rollins____ F. C. Rudy.......... W. L. Gassaway__ J. C. Roe . J. F. Bettis______ A. C. Yonce... W. W. Miller B. F. Kennedy.... P. E. Wilburn. W.|S.fftKt 9.440 157,280 15,250 135,480 7,600 64,430 10,000 1,310 81,080 26,190 105,650 4,400 4,500 100,000 25.000 350.000 84.000 465.000 16,000 41.000 (Branch of Floren C. B. Carter, Mgr.. E. L. Chapman, A. Mgr. 15,000 G. W. Nicoll_____ Geo. W. Johnson.. 19,340 W. W. Miller__ W. W. Alman .. ce, S. C.) 189,280 184,660 7,940 33,000 200,100 3,430 212,840 8.760 10,800 J. F. Jeffries. 150,000 417.400 116.170 468,360 45.960 95.693 34,220 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Car. N.. Columbia; Citiz. & Sou., Augusta. Ga. 73,560 N. Park., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; So. Car. N.. Columbia. 100,000 789,310 35,000 765,850 35,500 122,960 Han. N.,N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. 200.000 203.380 1,047.760 58.000 892.120 67.310 212.220 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st 28.090 — M. A. MOORE 337.470 do a General Banking Business. Send us your BUI of Lading Drafts &TRUST COMPANY We and Collections and receive prompt attention. ♦ 67-100 41,000 Chase N„ N.Y.; Murchison N.. Wil.; 1st & Merch. N. and Am. N., Rich. N. City, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: Com’l & Sav., Florence. 31.100 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Greenville. H. B. Kemp... Citizens Bank & Trust Co. R. P. Morgan____ C. K. Morgan......... J. W. Wilbanks.__ S. R. Perrin. 67-101 ©T+§’08 NICHOLSON BANK EMSL.E .1001*0. 50.000 N., Phil. ®T*t§’89 E. L. Richardson, Mgr. Wagener_____ 597 Bank of Western Carolina 67-282 *tS’0 Aiken 111 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Ga. R. R., Augusta: So. Car. N., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou., Sav. , S. C.) 50,000 7.500 85,000 ‘Walhalla ....2068 Bank of Walhalla____ •2T08 W. L. Verner____ J. W. Bell_______ S. L. Verner_____ L. C. Harrison ___ $150-8% 67-210 Oconee C3 Enterprise Bank___________ (Closed December 8. 1926) 50,000 46,110 * Walterboro.. 1853 Bank of Walterboro. ®Tt§’23 C. G. Padgett----- J. D. Von Lehe... E. W. Black-------- H. L. Smith. $120-8% 67-592 H.W. Black, Jr., Ch. A. D. Dodd Colleton N15 Colleton Banking Co,..®t§'91 J. E. Peurifoy----- R. L. Fraser_____ C. A. Witsell____ C. H. Fraser___ R. L. Fraser. Mgr. Miss I. L. Neyle 67-193 T. P. Murray Farmers & Merchants Rank I. M. Fishburne... J. G. Padgett___ A. F. Henderson .. J. A. Diederich.. M. H. Hiott $120-8% ♦ 67-194 ®t§'02 33,000 First National Bank..®#*’09 E. B. Jackson— par 50 67-281 W. A. Whitlock— W.P. Williams — O. R. Cofer. (Branch of Aiken 134.000 8,250 34,750 27,500 N. Park, N. Y.: So. Car., N., Columbia. 608,270 449.510 34,060 12,480 208.350 N.Park, N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 8,930 229,730 175,530 9,470 8,220 78,450 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N. and So. Car. N., Char. 100,000 31,050 726,740 75,000 638,760 115,440 88,160 100,ooc 40,800 458,860 100 436,260 45,510 18,950 90,430 Chase N.. N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char.; Am. N.. Richmond. 99,020 Han. N., N.Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: Murchison N., Wil. 62,000 $55-8% i First National Bank_________(Merged with Collet on Banking Co.) THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C'. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections 1 QI Q 3 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats Entire State No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.'n'New §S'tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Ward -.234 Bank of Ward— Saluda II9 67-455 . Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Loana Bonds Other Cash & Ex«nd Liabili CHAi»Qia,DTr* Discount! Securities lanxsous raOM Banks ties SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ®§’15 C. W. Satcher........ F. G. Asbill_____ V. R. Eidson Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits i Ware Shoals..3020 Bank of Ware Shoals.__ tS’07 B. D. Riegel______ J. C. Gambrell___ P. M. Washington. Greenwood E7 16% 67-374 Theodore Riegel Waterloo . 20fl Bank of Waterloo____®t§'10 Rex Lanford_____ E. V. Golding___ G. W. Fnller Laurens E8 1164-8% 67-375 25,006 $ ITS 19,190 $ 257,270 $ 206,920 S 58,830 o,d80 610.000 $ 130.000 590,000 144,000 42,000 150.000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Honea Path, Honea Path. 32,630 88,290 2,230 8,070 10,660 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex„ Greenwood. 3,000 1,170 26,560 N. Park, N. Y.; Laurens N., Laurens. 4,770 22,/80 1st N., Spartanburg: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. 41,750 37,460 69,570 N. Park.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N. and State Plan-Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz. & Sou., Atl. 5,710 16.030 N. Park, N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Columbia N., Columbia. $ 29,120 Han. N„ N. Y.; Columbia N„ Columbia. 50,000 136,000 25.000 21,850 10,000 7,820 99,900 -------- --- 86,990 25,000 6,380 69,810 73.640 100,000 22,130 450,480 West Union___806 Bank of Wfist Union ..•§t'21 James Phinney.... Mack Neville.......... O. S. Wvlv___ Oconee C3 Jioo-8% 67-580 20,000 3,110 142,560 122,700 21,220 Whitmire____1955 American Bank---------- »§’25 M. S. Lewis ............ L. E. Beard.............. W. W. Lewis_____ Newberry DIO 67-615 25,000 2,000 150,000 60,000 51,000 Whitney. „_120(i Whitney Savings Bank A. S. Thomas_____ E. B. Peck........ ..... W. H. Bishop.......... Spartanburg B9 $140-12% 67-585 ®t§’21 5,000 5,000 14,760 970 24.650 100 Wllllamston_.2322 Bank of Williamston®T»i§’99 James P. Gossett.. Chris. Suber______ W. H. Sullivan___ Anderson C6 $75-10% 67-377 40,000 36,370 213,670 2,860 149,810 — ———---- 3,500 Willlston_____854 Bank of Williston___©<§'05 A. M. Kennedy ___ W. E. Prothro____ G. W. Whitaker... .T. .T. Rell. Barnwell Kll 67-378 J. L. Smith 139,580 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 50,000 26.700 352.750 1,500 276.160 7.100 77.590 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Augusta: Murchison N„ Wil. Windsor... 103 Bank of Windsor............ §19 Hiram Scott______ J. F. Williams .... J. P. Joyner_____ Aiken Jll 67-534 25,000 1,500 22,500 *WInnsboro...l822 Bank of Fairfield........ ©<§’06 J. M. Jennings____ S. C. Cathcart........ E. P. Blair Fairfield E13 8% 67-189 50,000 50.360 341,810 20,030 354,370 26,990 Merchants & Planters Bank J. F. Davis............. 67-190 ®§'ll S. Lindsay _ 50.000 55.060 371,980 4,470 294,210 121,800 1,025.900 83.670 Watts Mills (Laurens P.0.) Laurens D8 Lucas Bank.................®*t§’09 Geo. M. Wright.... $125-8% 67-120 Weilford_____ 180 Bank of Weilford_____ §’20 F. C. Rogers______ Alfred Moore........ J. S. Loyless .. Spartanburg B7 67-568 .. Westminster .1847 Westminster Bank___d»t§’94 J. R. Sullivan_____ J. P. Stribling____ Oscar Tuck.__ Oconee C3 $100-8% ♦ 67-213 par 100 _. ■T. D. Hull ____ 29,770 81,040 70.090 Chem. N„ N. Y. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Spartanburg. Farmers & Merck. Bank____ (Taken over by Ban k of Williston. Dece mber 11, 1926) " _____ <# J. W. Cathcart____ Winnsboro Bank....®»t§’96 T. K. Elliott______ T. W. Lauderdale.. C. F. Elliott 67-188 W. D. Douglas 150,000 $215-12% Woodruff........2396 BANK OF WOODRUFF D. V.Irby................ A. W. Smith_____ J. E. Brockman .. Miss Lucy Parsons Spartanb’g C9 $100-10% ♦ 67-173 d®<§'01 J. B. Kilgore par 100 ** ** First National Bank........ <14 1. W. Gray_______ S. G. Anderson ___ S. G. Anderson 67-174 Woodvllle..........25 Bank of Woodvllle_____t§’18 Robt. I. Woodside. T. R. Finley______ (Pfizer P. O.) 67-491 Greenville C6 Yemassee 323 Bank of Yemassee____©§’26 B. M. Mixon______ T. B. McTeer.......... Loring Terry........ Bcsmfort 014 67-412 * York............... 2731 LOAN & SAVINGS BANK York B12 $200-10% 67-164 ©<§'89 par 100 .. Peoples Bank cfc Trust Co. •• 43,380 50,000 22,440 10,000 2.000 10.000 W. B, Moore .......... T. M. Ferguson.__ M. E. McCorkle___ T. M. Ferguson (Closed February 10 300,770 40.000 920,000 1,290 6d,690 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 687,940 590.940 35.220 67.270 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Columbia N., Columbia. 337,630 4,020 35,900 44,410 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Spartanburg Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 254,960 16,800 13,600 69,460 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 113,410 r? 52,000 102,000 120,320 10,000 6,040 Han. N., N. Y.; Woodside N., Greenville. non 887,000 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Sou.. Sav.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. 44,000 10,000 191,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 1927) York Trust Co------------ T§’26 C. W. McGee_____ J. S. Mackorell___ J. S. Mackorell, 67-624 Sec. and Tr. THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 77,800 in non 5,690 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. on nnn. Han. N„ N. Y,; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Am. N., Rich. 70.000 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, 9. C. Special Attention Given Collections 1320 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. Entire State No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. »Aberdeen __ 15,035 Brown D18 •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d- Safe De p. ©Sav. $Las t Sale% Div. 'ABERDEEN NATIONAL BANK 1300-18% 78-12 ®T»t’85 President. ‘CITIZENS TR. SAV. BANK M *175-10% 78-15 & M 78-14 'FIRST NATIONAL « *450-30% par 100 HANK Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Miscel D epos Paid-up Surplus and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Sseuritiss laneous ties Principal Correspondents. Cash A Ex changes,Due prom Banks 49.500 $ 910.430 $1473980 $ 100.270 $ 670.820 Chase N., N. Y.; C. & C. and Ill. Merch. Tr.,Chi.; Northw .N., Mid land N. Bk. & Tr., and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Oma., St. P., and ADVER TISEME NT. Fargo; Seeur. N.,Sioux C.; Mitchell, N., Mitchell; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. SEE Dl SPLAV (Closed March 2,1927) rC. N. HERREID—- DAVID STRAUSS— n H IIRHTNFR W. G. BICKELHAUPT ROBERT WEIDENBACH 50,000 22.500 900,290 50,000 42.690 870.210 169.680 1.999.200 429,750 165,000 72,860 305,180 Seab. N., N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N„ St. P. rH. C. McCARTNEY- GEO.FLETCHER......... E. A. PORTER______ M.J.TRONVOLD------F. 0. MCCARTNEY < Send us your Aberdeen Items direct. ) Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Tt me Items (. Remitted for promptly on da y of payment. 55,700 270,870 272.490 108.630 366,520 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.iCont. & Com’l N., Chi-; Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls. F H. GANNON_ _ _ _ F. G. SUTTLE ___ J. H. SUTTLE___ J. E. KOCH.......... A. SEVERSON J. H. JACKSON F. B. GANNON. 50.000 85,000 1.183'100 622.170 81.070 417.540 Am.Ex.Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.,Chl., Sioux C. Ch. o/ Bd. 78-h dB®»t’83 78-13 C. F. EASTON— — Ass’t Cashier. One of the Largest and Strongest Banks in South Dakota. *FIRST STATE SAV. BANK *300-20% Cashier. j A COMMERCIA L BANK WITH A N ACTIVE TRUS T DEPARTMENT • ®T«tS’06 (.Farm and City Loans A Speciait y. *DAK0TA NATL BANK ®»to7 *250-10% Vice President. J.C. BASSETT........... W.W. BASSETT........... -C. A. BREMER........... CLYDE BOWMAN — $ 100.000 $ 131.900 $2874100 $ S. L. ALLEN, Asst. V. P. CLARKE BASSETT CLAYTON WALKER Brown Bros, Slate Bank and Trust Co. «• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA J. C. Bassett C. F. Hauge ®«tS’01 '81 ( (Investment Ban [ FARM AND Cl W. M. Russell......... J. J. VanBeek ___ M. H. Hughes Mary Schneider 50.000 68.760 995,670 603.290 270 248,350 90.430 172,620 N.Park,N. Y.;Cont.&Com’lN..Chi. ;Norlhw. N.. Minpls.: Aberdeen N.,Aberdeen. 1st N. and Citiz. Tr. and Sav., Aberdeen. 50.000 TY LOANS. rs. W. Narregang NARREGANG INVESTMENT COMPANY ©83 ) First Mortgage 100.000 50,000 15.000 10.480 205,340 15.000 1,909 43,000 15.000 6.270 82,870 25.000 4.500 155,000 90,000 16,000 7,000 470.000 331.000 85,000 49,000 50,000 1st N. and Dakota N., Aberdeen. Loans —Investme nt Bonds (.Attractive Rate s— Ample Securit y. Aberdeen Clearing House.__ J. C. Bassett.......... Rfi Agar, Sully G13 (Members indicated by a *) Agar State Bank 78-484 •tS’10 Guy Wilson H. F. Brown______ H. F. Brown, Brookings 123 *100 Walworth E13 Akaska State Bank___d®t8’06 C. G. Schilling .— August Rettke ___ *200-10% 78-493 Farmers Security State Bank par 100 78-810 d®t§’20 Sec. and Mar. _____ Claude M. Jones... J. E. Schoof______ Margaret Sunne... Wm. Pickering.... P. H. Thompson... J. W. Pleinis .. . 109,900 10,000 20.000 38.000 ! 63,740 11,200 106,010 15,600 5.000 13.360 41,580 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; 1st N„ Minpls. 15.700 Pipestone N., Pipestone, Minn. 4.770 1st N., Chi. and Aberdeen; Northw. N., Minpls. Alcester...............481 Farmers and Merchants Natio nal Bank (Closed M ay 16. 1927) Union 025 •• M State Bank of Alcester *115 8% par 100 78-329 dB®t§’86 H. W. Peterson ... E. F. McKellips—. L. S. Eaton_______ D. C. Hammitt E. T. Johnson $100 E. W. Radeke____ aAlexandria___865 First National Bank in Alex Hanson L21 II H andria... .78-168 pti / 100 J. T. Basche_____ w. S. Hill................. H. L. Taylor______ G. S. Smiley............. W. S. King ______ Security National Bank 78-169 ®t'80 ■T. B. Fvans K. T. Aisenbrey... A. J. Aisenbrey___ 78-321 Jerauld J19 W. F. Carstens .— C. E. Kendall____ Altamont State Bank.®tS'07 78-495 Deuel G24 Amherst ___ 180 Farmers State Bank d©t5’07 Arnold Bornhoft.. Chas. Moeckly___ M. E. Bornhoft — Edgar Vandrey.__ 78-496 Marshall C20 Citizens State Bank.__ dt5'02 Earl L. Stone........... Ada B. Stone_____ 78-299 Day D20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 d®*t’24 30.000 15.000 400,000 300,000 25.000 2,610 124,940 91,390 15,000 7.340 102.370 5,000 25.000 8.000 122,000 2.500 80.000 690 1.120 77.140 90.000 67,000 20,000 41.840 9.000 10,000 14.000 7,500 71.500 1st N., Chi.; Toy N., Sioux C. 55.000 Cont. & Corn ! N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 75.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux Falls. 53,380 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 6,330 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 22,000 Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 23,000 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; IstN., Minpls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis South Dakota INDEX TO COUNTIES. Armstrong.. G 11 Aurora........ L 18 Beadle......... I 19 Bennett........N 9 Bon Homme 0 21 Brookings ... I 24 Brown.......... C 19 Brule............L 17 Buffalo..........J 16 Butte..............G 3 Campbell... .C 13 Charles Mix.N 19 Clark............G 21 Clay..............0 23 Codington.. .F 22 Corson..........D 10 Cust er............. L 3 Davison...... L 20 Day...............B 21 Deuel........... G 24 Dewey..........E 11 Douglas... .M 19 Edmunds .. .E 16 Fall River ... N 2 Faulk............ F 16 Grant............E 24 Gregory....... N 16 Haakon.......... 19 Hamlin........H 22 Hand........... I 17 Hanson........L 21 Harding.......D 3 Hughes........I 14 Hutchinson. .N 21 Hyde............H 15 Jackson......... K 9 Jerauld........ K 18 Jones............K 12 Kingsbury.. .1 22 Lake..............J 23 Lawrence........12 Lincoln........N 24 Lyman......... K 14 McCook....... L 22 McPherson. .C 16 Marshall. .. .C 21 Meade............ H 5 Mellette... .M 11 Miner.......... J 21 Minnehaha.. L 24 Moody...........J 24 Pennington.. .K 4 Perkins........... D 6 Potter...........F 14 Roberts........C 23 Sanborn ....K 20 Shannon......... N 6 Spink............G 19 Stanley..........I 11 Sully............ H 13 Todd............N 12 Tripp........... N 14 Turner......... N 23 Union........... 0 25 Walworth. . E 14 Washabaugh. M 8 Washington. .M 5 Yankton ... .0 22 Ziebach...........G 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1001 ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew §State t Priv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed. Res. Disl. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. " ------ " Artas------------- 177 Campbell B14 Artesian-------- 606 Sanborn K20 Ashton----------- 365 Spink F18 Astoria............. 243 Deuel H25 Aurora____ ,...235 Brookings 124 fB. N. BEAUMONT C. W. CONOVER E. E. DUBES......... G.6.CARL0N ARMOUR STATE BANK..*194 ) Collections hav e the personal att entlon of an offlc er. If they can be f225 7 8-161 25,000 $ 50,000 2,500 $ 130,000 15.000 40,000 235.000 $ $ 50,000 54,000 $ CITIZENS STATE BANK *200-10% m:RABEN PALMER c. w-bootjer... r. mckinnon 50 000 $ in nno ? 43 50n 1st N„ Chi.; Northw, N„ Minpls.; Corn 88,000 35.000 55.000 Cont. & Qom'l N., Chi.: 1st N., St. Paul and AVON STATE BANK—•«1900 78-297 Watertown; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 74.000 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.: Live Stock N„ Sioux O.; Mitchell N.. Mitchd ; 1st N., Minpls. 4.000 400,000 200,000 160.000 10.000 25,000 9,500 370,000 295,000 in nno 5.000 payment. R. J. Schirber. 15.000 10,000 185.000 160.000 7.000 H. H. Silkensen... 25,000 3.500 170.000 142.000 Gwladys Davies... 15.000 11,860 212,050 210 153.740 34,960 4,750 45,930 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; G. A. Rogness____ 20,000 5,000 297.120 10,000 271,760 300 45.450 14.620 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. 25.000 10.490 101.950 8.110 109.300 2,000 7,130 55,000 37,000 525,000 404,000 78 500 21,500 — w.h. palmer 78-160®»«’84 Ch. of Bd. LCollectlons a sp ecialty and remit ted for on day of Artas State Bank______ dtl'01 Jacob Bentz_____ F. W. Schirber.— N. S. Schirber____ 10% 78-498 Artesian State Bank... tl'14 O. E. Adams---------Ole Oleson................S. G. Callihan.......... *150 78-241 Ashfon State Bank____ *t$’06 R. T. Lee-------------W. H. Francis_____ E. N. Graves______ *uo-l5% 78-316 Astoria State Bank.__ ®t|'05 Chas. C. Swenson . A. J. Hogie______ J. A. Rogness_____ *101 78-499 Bank of Aurora_____ ®«tl’91 F. L. Messner____P. D. Wright______ F. I. Neal................. *165 78-601 Principal Correspondents. Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 172,000 L collected we c ollect and remit promptly. Farm mortgage loans □egotla ted. J. C.6REENFIELD ESTELLA F. Avon....................650 Bon Homme 020 Resources. Loans Bonds Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel chanq and and and Liabili «8,Dui Capital Profits its Discount* Securities laneous from Bark* ties Arlington_____977 Citizens State Bank _®t§1900 G. H. Glendenning Martin Peterson... C. P. Swift.............. C. P. Stanwood.... $ Kingsbury 123 78-191 C. W. Quinn First National Bank..®T»t’01 Wm. P. Allen........ Wm. Habel______ G. J. Dahl__ *100 par 100 78-190 *Armour............966 Douglas N19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued „ BERNARD BRANDT. F. B. P0PKES R. w.ifei5fliELD Prompt attend on to all ltankln g matters entrust ed to ns. 1st N.. Chi. and Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 43.000 1st N.. Minpls. and Aberdeen; 1st N„ Mobridge. 28.500 28.000 1st N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. Redfield N.,Redfield; Livestock N,Sioux C. N.. St. P 27.120 113,000 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Secur. N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. I Collections hav e the personal at tentlon of an offl clal of the bank. (.Farm mortgag e loans negotlat ed Badger ------ 194 Kingsbury H23 Baltic -----——307 Minnehaha L24 Bancroft______165 Kingsbury I 21 Badger State Bank .dB®*§’07 Andrew Nelson.. C. A. Johnson___ W. A. Burgess____ Valborg Nielson.. ,225 78-502 Dakota State Bank _.d®t|'02 A. L. Berg_______ O. S. Thompson... C. T. Hegnes_____ H. S. Sandvig — 10% parl20 78_503 w P. A. Riswold A. L. Dregseth Farmers State Bank..d<5’15 H. M. Best_______ W. H. BoormaD... *100-10% par 100 78-704 Beardsley______45 Farmers State Bank_..dt§’19 F. G. Bormann ___ John Bormann__ E. G. Bormann___ Anna Bormann__ Hutchinson N20 78-779 Mary Bormann ‘BeIIeFourchel244 BUTTE COUNTY BANK J. T. Craig_______ A. H. Marble____ W. B. Penfold____ De Witt Malvin... Butte H2 ♦ 78-95 d®»t§'91 John Clay, M. J. Smiley Ch. of Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK D. R. Evans______ Chas. A. Grow___ J. R. Mock_______ L. C. Miilen. ,350 par 100 78-96 d®*t’02 T. H. Gay. Ch. Pelvldere.......... 163 BELVIDERE STATE BANK O. A. Hodson_____ E. M. Pier_______ L. A. Pier________ R. D. Johnson____ Jackson L10 10% par 300 78-505 d®<§’07 A. N. Cacek Bemis________ 113 State Bank of Bemis..®i§’06 A. J. Lockhart..__ Oscar Carlson.__ Rex O. Lindsay... Carl B. Quail_____ Deuel G24 *130 78-506 Beresford____ 1507 First National Bank..®»J'15 Union N24 *200-10% 78-683 Security State Bk. _d®»t§’06 *120 78-126 Big Stone City.581 Farmers State Bank Grant E24 *135 78-773 d®«t§’19 ‘Bison.................155 Bison State Bank ___ ®»t§’09 Perkins D6 ,200-20 78-486 Blunt________ 504 Dakota State Bank.dB®t5’07 Hughes 114 *150-10% par 100 78-257 Security State Bank______ Bonesteel_____ 609 DAKOTA Gregory 017 *U5 STATE BANK 78-259 J. J. De Lay_____ O. J. Stene______ S. O. Steensland C. H. Olsen............. August Frieberg.. R. P. Sundstrom O. W. Kuderling.. Altred Swanson . F. G. Miller John H. Brandt... S. L. Anderson.... 8,550 138.840 25,000 24,330 323.430 25.000 26,000 4.180 71,710 9,500 72.100 12.130 47,630 30,530 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Peo. Sav., Watertown; 233.500 11,590 16,870 135.800 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux 72,590 — 23,840 13,950 1st N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; N. Bk. 1st N., Minpls. F.; 1st N.. Sioux C. Huron, Huron. 15.000 1,500 45,000 1.500 40,000 4.000 16,000 800,000 75.000 35.000 400.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: C. & C. N.. Chi.; Stock 570.760 45,350 115,900 101,990 Han. N., N. Y.; Packers N., Oma.; 1st N., 75,000 35,000 1.200.000 25.000 41.050 719,250 10,000 21,000 235,000 150,000 38,000 25.600 8,500 110.000 — 128.000 1.000 3,000 Com’l Tr. t Sav., Mitchell. Growers N., Cheyenne, Wyo. 48,810 29.000 Deadwood. tock Yards N.. Chi. and Oma.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. 12.000 1st N., Minpls. and St. #. 78 nno A. A. Soderstrom.. A. R. Olson______ L. A. Steadman E. M. Linde______ H. A. Bergren ___ 50,000 10,000 700.000 550,000 50 000 50.000 20,260 633,860 — 477,120 50,720 37,330 138.940 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Paul Trapp. Jr. ... H. R. Noli_______ 25.000 2,100 11,680 113,640 9,040 39.410 21,920 Chase N., N.Y.; Merch. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Ray Brandt______ Louise Monserud.. Bryant Knepper J. F. Gunsalus____ F. S. McDaniel___ H. J. Gians_______ E. O. Anderson___ 10,000 4.100 25.000 20.000 145,240 195.820 — 242,000 160,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live 8tock N., Sioux O.: 1st N.. Omaha and St P. Citiz. N., Sioux F. 90.680 86.330 6,440 Minpls. 25,470 lst^N..Chi; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., 116.530 101.000 15,500 54,000 N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Pierre and Minpls. (Closed October 5, 1926) f PROMPT aTte dBt§’23 ) Special attenti 13% paid on tim Bonilla........... 68 Bonilla State Bank.... ‘tl'O? W. J. Craig______ Beadle H18 78-509 Bowdle________769 FIRST STATE BANKd®.J5’07 J. O. Gross_____ Edmunds D15 ,200 -35% par 100 78-211 ' H. C. Gross. V. P. wn 25,000 5.000 12.000 72.000 78.500 C. C. Gross_______ F. G. Grosz............ E. H. Gruenhagen. M. C. Gross 30.000 33.000 424.000 38Q 000 25.000 6.500 275.000 190,000 R.J. TAYLOR. . . . . . - NTION TO ALL TERS. on given to Farm s and Farm mort gages. e deposits. Louis Schnetzer... F. B. McKlchan__ Robt. Kenyon........ Security State Bank.. ®t§’22 Alex. Searle______ M. Kundert______ K. J. Kundert____ A. C. Merkel_____ 78-819 C. N. Searle Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 2.500 256.500 — 80.000 25,000 22.000 147,000 Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Oma. N., Oma. 8.000 N. Bk. of Huron. Huron. '. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N A berdeen. 65.000 13.500 35,000 st N., Chi.; Aberd. N.. Aberdeen: Northv N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 1 OOO 10^4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority ol The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew IS'tatetPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Kes.DeptsiT-Trusl B-Bond Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Cist. il-SafeDep.©Sav.$La.stSale%r>iv. Vick President. President. A. N. Graff ........... Brandon_____ 144 Brandon Savings Bank d®*t#’05 Minnehaha L25 $150 par 100 78-510 Brandt_______ 307 First National Bank ...@$’16 78-721 Deuel H24 State Bank of Brandt_____ (Closed March 30, Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. i Loans | Bonds Cash A ExSurplus Depos Othek Paid-up and and | Miscel ohahom.Du* AND Liabili its Diioounti: Securities | laneous prom Banks Capital Profits ties * 20,000 $ 175,000 153.000 10.360 175.900 111.750 7.200 35,900 26.700 270,000 229.000 21.000 20,000 25,000 6.210 122,300 W. W. Knott______ C. B. Knott......... — M. J. Meuer--------- 20,000 14,920 239,420 F. A. Stiles.............. Claus Reyelts........ A. J. Behrmann... n. a• YV ILiJu. It. K. Jones Charles Wisner, V. P. /S. A. BELL_______ W. W. THORP............... W. S. GIVEN -............ W. H. WARD----------W. M. JAHN1G A. E. KELLY HOWARD DAKINS _ all County, al Bank In Marsh Oldest Nation @T.t.86 ( Depository for U. S. Postal Savin gs and for State of South Dakota. \ Sight drafts IS c. Reports 25c. 50.000 15,910 415,970 50.000 14.000 375.000 50,000 12,260 A.H.Mayp.r H. W. Clarkson___ H. J. Devereaux.— T. L. Sfippala F. M. Gilbert_____ W. M. Bennett.... W. H. Adams------N. B. Streeter------ O. M. Isham.......... 17.280 9,500 8,790 31,970 312,540 14,570 57,340 370,000 13.500 74.500 631,770 310,120 120,610 20.000 243,290 20,940 5,830 74,930 3.090 93 000 1 25,000 3,190 130,400 25.000 4,410 228,630 149,830 83,000 25.000 9,380 182,070 8,370 166,790 16,610 6,370 183,960 49,630 229,120 4,820 19,200 155,869 93,310 19.720 8.500 70,000 57,000 90,000 75,000 15,000 32.410 9.190 75.000 Ian., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 1st N., Minpls. tock Yds. N. and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls. 22,124 !ont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.: Corn Ex. Sav.. Sioux F. 35.040 1st N..St. P. 22.860 1st N., Minpls., Bowman, N. D., and Belle Fourche. 58,520 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Ouia ; Bk. of Hot Springs, Hot Springs. , ' ,,, L. S. Lillibridge... Ralph Watson........ Henry M. Witt___ Chas. Kruger_____ Frank C. Witt........ H. W. Weav er........ 15 000 James T. Craig.— W. B. Penfold___ A. C. Frohlich____ B. W. Keating____ 25,000 14,090 287,010 1,050 23,840 228,080 18.990 40,420 13,900 25.000 5,330 247.370 B. S. SummerwilL- R. L. Swenson____ 15,000 900 52.000 5.100 A. F. Clough------- S. E. Strobel-------- H. A. Schueller... 75 can P. A. Overseth .... A. Helgerson.......... Knud Ulrikson J V Conklin P. S. Puckett 51.000 700 325,000 200.000 50,000 25,000 780 67.810 61.830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. Butte Co., Belle Fourche. 18,810 Cont.& Com’l N.,Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Sioux N., Sioux C. 7,400 Am. Ex.. Pierre; juive Stock N., Sioux C.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 75,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 277,660 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux C. and Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. C. 11. Lindbloom K. E. Jacobson.__ H. E. Iverson 50,000 27.440 744,000 475.190 I. Bartholomew... 50,000 40,000 450.000 350,000 100,000 _____ 90.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux C. 15,000 4.200 114.560 10.740 99,200 5.150 13.230 26,9© Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.;lst N„ Watertown. 25,000 2,500 225,000 . - 165.000 7.50C 5.00C Roy Cox_________ P R RAF^IY 30.000 1st N., Chi. and Oma. 10,000 1st N., Minpls. 27,850 R. L Armstrong.. 10,000 18,000 3.000 306.800 28,600 rr A CTflNF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86,730 56,880 10,000 46,400 deen: Am. N., Redfleld. 51.000 !ont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.t Sioux C Northw. N., Minpls. 40,000 (orthw. N„ Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Abei deen. 70,420 !ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N., St. P. 97,430 st N., Northw. N., and Midland N. Bk., Tr., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 165,300 2,130 (Closed July 20, 1927 ) Carpenter.........100 State Bank of Carpenter 220-10% 78-519 ®» Clark H20 ©1 Tr. Co., Minpls. (Liquidated) ®T STATE BANK 19,000 35,000 25.000 A. E. Eske_______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 78-264 20,000 % 4.000 15,000 •Buffalo ............163 First State Bank______dtl’13 $150 par 100 ♦ 78-680 Harding D2 Harding County Bank $ioo 78-513 d®»t§’09 Buffalo Gap ...104 Buffalo Gap State Bank«t§’06 5% 78-407 Caster M3 Burbank_____ 164 Bank of Burbank_____ Clay P24 •Burke_______ 700 American State Bank Gregory N16 Burke State Bank--------1§’05 78-386 Butler________ 180 State Bank of Butler©»t§’03 78-440 Day E21 Camp Crook ..141 Little Missouri Bank ♦ 78-515 d®»tS'02 Harding D1 Canlstota.......... 540 Canistota State Bank $110 78-331 d® McCook L22 rmers State Bank.... Canning_______84 par 100 78-782 Hughes 114 Canova.__ ___ 339 Security State Bank..® 78-388 Miner K22 •Canton_____ 2562 Farmers State Bank _d* ♦ 78-75 Lincoln N25 Carthage...........663 FARMERS par 100 Miner J21 18,000 $ Principal Cokhkspondknts. 1927) (Closed November 18. 1926) •Brookings... 4613 Farmers National Bank Brookings 124 Horace Fishback.. C. O. Trygstad---- Van D. Fishback.. E. H. Carlisle........ Security National Bank H. Fishback, Jr. ®’25 78-844 -F. C. Ribstein........ L. A. Grape............ D. L. Chaplin____ d®tS'13 Bruce________ 310 BANK OF BRUCE Brookings 124 $110-10% par 100 78-413 J. E. Sehwendener L. A. Jacobson___ Bryant_______ 632 Bryant State Bank d©»t§’15 E. J. Gebbie. Active par 100 78-705 Hamlin H22 (Consolidated with Bryant State Bank) Merchants State Batik 78-73 15,000 * 180.000 $ 5.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 12.000 i 19 J, 000 $ 25,000 .. . Emil Guenther----- T. S. Mayer-------- Hugo H. Mayer.— Emil Mayer B. A. Adams_____ A. E. Lundeen........ G. A. Aasland........ Farmers State Bank. .®*tS’06 $200-15% 78-481 Farmers National Bank 8% par 250 78-172 d»t’04 Citizens National Bank $186-10% 78-718 d©t'16 First State Bank------- ®t§’02 78-303 •Britton_____ 1113 Farmers & Merchants Bank $200 par 100 78-727 ®»t§’17 Marshall C21 Brentford_____173 Spink F19 Bridgewater ...934 McCook M22 Bristol_______ 621 Day E21 78-176 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued R. G. LEUZINGER-— D.P. AMSBERRY — < Courtesy —Safe ty—Service, ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 50.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 1QOO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ^County Seats. Entire State in Hamlin G23 Cavour_______ Beadle 120 ’ Centerville...1 Turner N24 Brule L16 Turner M23 elsea______ Faulk F18 iremont .... Brown C20 Clark G21 •Mem.A.B.A.WNew §StatetPri». tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Citizens State Bank. ©»t§’02 J. B. Vaughn_____ H. F. Luebke_____ C. N. Halvorson... 78-237 (Closed.) Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other Capital Profits ITS TIES $ Bank of Centerville.d®t§’83 Jas. S. Thomson... Orrin Paddock.... J. N. Thomson .... $120 par 100 78-155 M. S. Steadman Farmers Security State Bank_ (Closed January 15. 1927) First National Bank__d®t’98 T.I. Gunderson.__ Robert Peterson.. Nora M. Anderson. par 100 78-156 J. M. Mee Brule State Bank____©»t§'07 W. H. Pratt............ J. Q. Anderson___ W. E. Mussman___ G. F. Pilger 78-103 B. W. Olinger____ J. Jurgensen______ C. H. Coxe_______ C. J. Andresen .... Chamberlain State Bank *150 78-102 ©•tl'03 Chancellor State Bank G. F. Hofmeister.. E. C. Hofmeister.. $250-20% par 100 78-522 d»t§’24 Chelsea stale Bank___di5’06 C. M. Mortenson... H. F. Bittner_____ Uriah Tinker.......... $250-10% 78-523 SECURITY BANK—®T«t§'88 < J 78-110 (. WARE & GRIFFIN BANK 78-112 ©T‘+§’26 25,000 * 4,020 $ 138,910 138,190 25,000 42,100 Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Watertown. 450 23.490 81,560 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Secur. N. and Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 100,000 35,000 900,000 $ 700,000 100.000 10,000 50,000 38.000 540.000 116.890 578.000 31.090 67,550 25,000 1,830 193.740 1,290 103.280 2.020 71.870 15,000 7.000 245.000 175.000 4n,000 15,000 5.860 106,990 82.940 8,000 5.310 250,000 N., Minpls. and Sioux C. 80.000 Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.: City N.. Clinton; Minnehaha N.. Sioux F. 44,690 !ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.: Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell; Northw. N., Minpls. 42,000 31,600 15,000 16,000 250,000 160.000 25.000 15,000 5,530 81,490 150 66,290 500 15,790 25,000 13.410 46.120 Cont. &Com’l N..Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Citiz. N., Watertown, 38,000 ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Watertown and Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 10.330 97,300 25,000 35.620 329,670 188.120 167.540 26.000 26,470 283,150 270,140 2 000 25.000 2.550 364.980 271.800 13,090 R. M. SCHMIDT OLDEST BAN K IN CLARK CO UNTY. 15 CENTS sen t to us witb each sight draft for pr esentation, and 25 CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo n. CM. S. ELTON....... C.S. EVANS--......... G. C. GRIFFIN......... ) Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas ) Negotiate Farm and Mortgage Lo ans. 96.000 Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen. 19,590 1st N., Minpls. and Aberdeen. ■■ town. 1st N.. Minpls. h and Time Item s. CPlease send 15c w ith each side draft fo r presentation and 25 C for Credit Reports. 17.500 175,000 5.000 128.810 15,000 15,000 290,000 Colome.............. 630 Tripp N15 Colton--------- .553 Minnehaha L24 Columbia..........279 Brown D19 25,000 10.740 273.030 25,000 4.030 215.470 12,800 11.350 Tripp Countv State Bank Peter Dek............... A. C. Flinders____ R. E. Montgomery. W. L. Wichner.__ $150-10% par 100 78-234 •tS’09 Colton Savings Bankd®»t§’05 D. J. Halloran........ H. N. Dybvig.......... M. E. Grinde_____ .T. S. Lepse par 100 78-341 J. C. Daly._ ____ F. W. Atkins_____ W. A. Krage______ Columbia State Bank $200-6% par 100 78-527 d©»t§’05 J. F. Holdhusen Farmers & Merch. State Bank (Consolidated with Principal Correspondents. 11,930 % 182,290 25,000 121.000 10,000 58.560 71.520 42.500 18,500 1st N., Minpls.. Watertown, and St. P. 17,160 21.560 base N.. N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. C< Minpls.; Citiz, N.. Watertown, 60.000 lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioi F.; 1st N., Minpls. 50,520 250.000 183.850 10.220 64.180 182,420 4.390 42,600 185,540 132.330 42.460 14,950 36.500 25.410 1st N.. Sioux C. and Oma. 40.500 linnehaha N. and Corn E F.; Northw. N., Minpls. 20,950 L Park. N. Y.; Aberdeen Northw. N.. Minpls. Sioux Columbia State Ban k December 18, 1926) E. H. Robertson... J. Lenz__________ Earl Baertsch........ 25.000 1.500 50,000 25.000 T. A. Belgum_____ E. H. Benedict .... H. A. Fenner_____ 15,000 7,130 116,960 97,990 15.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. 8,600 M. A. Dice________ Karl Fromm______ 25.000 4,500 287.000 191,000 Peter Nieveen ___ P. VanDerWerp .. F. E. VanZee_____ Roy Folkerts........ 24,000 6,000 550,000 400.000 A. G. Risty............. O. T. Rovang_____ C. W. Wirstad ___ 15,000 1,500 94.400 42.300 21.360 16.200 20.000 4,850 191,470 170,550 1,170 29,640 15,000 5,000 175,000 126,000 15,000 5,330 170,000 115,000 Cresbard.. .. 343 Bank of Cresbard...©•tl'07 John Bent son____ F. H. Wilson... .. W. F. Pick______ $125-10% 78-375 Faulk F17 par 125 Guaranty State Bank..®tl'17 John Davies... _. R. N. Stiles............ M. G. Anderson... Albert Perrv $110-10% 78-729 Crooks............... loo Crooks State Bank____•JS'09 W. L. Baker______ A. E. Bowring____ A. R. Crooks_____ Mrs. A. R. Crooks. Minnehaha L24 78-657 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26,550 % 11.403 25,000 Peoples Bank. ........... d>t§’26 $110 78-854 Corona State Bank___ dt§’03 $150-15% par 100 78-468 Corsica State Bank___ «t§’25 $200 par 100 78-404 Farmers State Bank___t§’05 20% 78-403 Corson________53 Corson State Bank....®t§’19 78-778 Minnehaha L25 $100 $ 87,390 $ 50.000 ‘Clear Lake ...976 Bank of Clear Lake___di§’85 E. W. Davis.............. Fred Seeeer______ P. J. Carstens........ M. G. Hanly _____ Deuel G24 $200-8% par 100 78-202 C. C. Swenson.......... S. E. Anderson___ A. G. Berger .......... Deuel County Nat’l Bank $120 78-846 d©*'26 Citizens State Bank........ t§’06 C. H. Allen............. J. P. Kluge______ E. A. Weiseth........ Wm, J. Berdahl... 78-360 Moody K24 Conde------------- 526 „ Spink F20 Corona______ 147 „ Roberts E24 Corsica_______450 Douglas M19 Resources. Bonds MlSCEb- Cash & Ex changm.Dtti Discounts Sscuritiss 1LANEOU8 from Banks Loans N„ Aberdeen. First State Bank.......... ®t§'02 C. J. Weiser........ . R. Algyer. A. T. Hagen............ H. W. Enger.......... $250-20% 78-525 Vance Weaver B. W. Lloyd Guaranty State Bank.©t§’19 H. Henrichs.......... T,ili» 78-776 Clark County National Bank R.J. Mann______ E. M. Jones______ Chas. Carpenter... 78-111 »t'02 rW.H. MOORHEAD 0. H. AMES-........ H. H. JENNINGS — H. R. LEXV0LD_ _ $240 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH DAKOTA-Continued 1,040 30.000 32,490 iorthw. N., Minpls.; Far. & Merch. N., Milbank. 104,220 . & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw N., Minpls,; Secur. N., Soux C. 150,000 st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N... Sioux C. 31,040 16,990 1st N., Aberdeen. 1 25,000 1 lidland N. Bk. & Tr. deen N.. Aberdeen, 26,000 lont. & Com'l N., Ch Sioux F. i o')A Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. "Pi A tfnT A___ rrkntirmo/1 I/nixU A n. I Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.OFed. Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav $LastSale%Div cm T'T'T-T OVJU A fl President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 4 Custer______ 803 CUSTER COUNTY BANK Custer L2 1150 par 100 78-232 d®T»tl'M •• •• First National Bank_.d®*t'*l I. M. Humphrey... James Halley_____ A. J. Wigness........ J. E.Kurka.. lioo-to% 78-231 Liabilities. Resources. Loads Bonds Miscel Gash k Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and CBAMQII| Dnx AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties % ___ 25.000 $ 25,000 25,000 K. B. Bunger____ First National Bank.d®»F19 Theo. Feenstra... par 110 78—767 Turner N23 iDeadwood ...2432 150.000 f W. E. ADAMS_ _ _ JACOBGOLDBERG- M. M. WHEELER-— A. H. SHOSTROM— Lawrence 12 6. O.GORDER 6. V. AYRES < An active bank, safely managed. Forty-nine years in business. ) A strong direct orate of successf ul business men. L8end us your b uslneas. *125-8% 78-57 ®»t’78 f F. H. ENRIGHT— KARL EULBERG----- P. R. KENEFICK---- tl !«-;-• 50,000 Dell Rapids...1582 HOME NATIONAL BANK ^ esentatlon and sight draft for pr ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each 78-94 ®»t 10 (.25 CENTS for e aeh credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo Minnehaha K24 *200-8% Do «• New First Nat’l Bank in Dell Oluf Hegge_______ 25.000 John Schmidt____ C. A. Golden — Rapids.......... 78-848 dB®»t’26 M. E. Wicks $147,50 par 140 25.000 A. U. Shaw______ A. F. Litz................ L. E. Houlton_____ 10% 78-3o5 Douglas N20 Security State Bank..-®tl’02 Wm, Mueller____ John Lehr ______ Martin Schaefer... A. J. Wieland......... 12.000 78-355 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' 78-761 Kingsbury 121 Hutchinson M20 Dimock State Bank—®*t8'll A. G. Bauer_____ 78-648 $ 231.980 $ 13,000 $ 337,910 4,120 180.000 $ 11,550 65,000 76,660 1,561,150 117.400 78-534 Gregory M15 Doland ..650 Security State Bank ...®§’07 $no 78-244 Spink G 20 52,060 i 19,100 $ 120.500 39,250 35.920 72,760 Chase N„ N. Y.: C. & C. N„ Chi.; Penn ington Co., Rapid C.; Stock Yds. N. and U. S. N., Oma. 25,000 1st N.. Rapid City; Oma. N.and 1st N., Oma. 46.000 2,000 24,000 18,000 Minnehaha N„ Sioux F. 692,710 814,210 67,110 340.000 25,000 2.270 224.790 110.430 33.330 80.810 Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Minnehaha N„ Sioux F. 287,790 1.450 180.110 27.500 18.090 241,170 620 165,640 98.790 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and Line Stk N., Sioux C.: Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 65,410 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. and Sioux C. 6,020 154,570 570 107,890 20,600 20,550 10,000 10,560 221,340 162,070 28.610 6.090 45,150 5.000 7,300 89,000 72,000 8.400 2,600 18,300 Oma. N., Oma. 30.000 3.000 170.000 64.400 41,500 6,000 144,080 106,540 5.000 13,500 355,000 11.410 410,680 10.250 9,180 25.000 11,100 _____ J.T. Schroeder___ 1. T. Kehn_______ 10,000 Draper State Bank.. dBT £l'06 George Hayes___ 78-435 Dupree State Bank._ dtS'10 C. G. Karley_ _ _ _ Ziebach Ffi^ 10% par 100 78-447 Fanners State Bank.—‘JS’IC G. A. McGarraugh. 15% 78-446 Eagle Butte ...251 Citizens State Bank d®»t8’10 Dewey F10 78-347 Eden _ ....165 First National Bank--- »t’19 Henry Kettler_ _ _ *125 par 100 78-789 Marshall D22 Edgemont._ 1092 FALL RIVER COUNTY BANK *160 78-179 d«tS’08 Egan_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 426 First National Bank d®T»t'03 A. B. Larson ....... par 125 78-536 Moody K24 »Elk Point._ 1319 Farmers State Bank ®»t§’14 78-685 Union P25 Carl Anderson----- V. A. Jorgensen_ F. M. Smith H. R. Hommedal.. 15,000 7,000 107,500 10.000 11.000 100.280 15.000 5,000 165,000 10,000 6,030 110,080 M. R. Ogren._ _ 26,000 5,640 128,760 6,010 W-C. Gifford 15,000 8,300 218,600 158,460 25.000 5.000 140.000 137,400 20,000 12,000 220.000 25.000 24,760 436,730 53.220 ®*’82 jT. E. SPAULDING- CArTuSIgES......... L. C. FOREMAN...... F. A. KAEMPER........ 11,190 15,000 d®t TSave time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding 78-851 §’07 (fee in ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U S. (.Closed Nov. 30, 192 6) First National Bank___ J ONLY NATION 78-117 20% ** ------ " 37,120 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. F. E. Riley T,. M. Henry . . A. B. Lord_ _ _ _ _ _ S. B. Linstad___ Marie A. Lord Frank Schlekewy, Jr C T. Volin.. W. R. Pagel........ _ A. L. Gullickson- J. D. Rathman __ W. F. Bushnell_ _ M. E.JOHNSON---- E. W. FREEMAN..... 108.200 Con. & Com'l. N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 22,450 92,400 10.000 43,900 47,230 3,630 88,650 63,270 19,680 10,000 109,020 4,070 10.800 97,270 20,880 2,660 14,060 8,680 23,810 20,000 8.000 187.000 25,000 345,270 48,960 006.510 522.570 142.390 131,660 66.040 26,240 34,000 K POINT. 26.090 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Corn Ex. Sav. Sioux F. 22.000 Secur. N., Sioux C.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 18,750 C. &C. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minds. 31.360 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.;Sec. N„ Sioux F.: 1st N.< St. P. and Aberdeen. 12,220 1stN.. Minpls.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 38,580 Stock Yds. N„ 8o. St. P.: 1st N., Minpls. 59,640 Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N.. Oma.; 1st N.. Lead. 21.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 57.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 83,260 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. 78-116 W. A. SCHAETZEL J.B. SCHAETZEL- 6E0. C. KIMMEL... IVARHAYH0ME— Oldest Bank in Union County. careful attention. 20,000 CORN EXCHANGE BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31,930 ®.roi UNION COUNTY BANK Elkton.......... 852 Brookings J25 53,500 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Toy N.. Sioux C. ) Save time and get service on Co Ilections and Cre dit Reports by se nding (.FEE IN ADVANfCE; Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. TRY U S. BANK 10% 351.180 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. St, Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N.. Oma. Dolton .123 Dolton State Bank-------tf’04 Turner M22 $150 par 100 78-535 FIRST NATIONAL fB. A. ROZELL .... Principal Correspondents. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. K.Cunningham Jones K12 Non-Bank Towns witn Nearest banking Point (Indexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ______ ______ V^UlllUlUCU 1 310.260 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Secur. 18.830 46,740 Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 1325 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Counit. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. 1 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav4LastSale%Div. Emery finn Farmers State Bank-dB*t§’24 Hanson L21 1125 par 100 78-301 “ “ Security National Bank 1140-8% 78-816 d©»t’20 par 100 Erwin______ 26^ Bank of Erwin____________ Kingsbury H22 Esmond State Bank_d®»tJ'06 Esmond isi *150 par 100 78-538 Kingsbury J21 Security State Bank _d®tl’06 *200 78-383 Davison M20 Eureka 1228 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 1500 78-167 d©*t§'07 McPherson C15 par 10O Guaranty State Bank d»t§’20 6% 78-166 | President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Loan a Bonda ther Dbpob- LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and ITS Capital Profits TIES | Diacounta Securities Leo Schroeder___ Richard Fluth....... i J. J. Hofer. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Teff. Vetter_____ C. T. Coyne_____ 40.000 i 12.000 i 400.000 25.000 11.090 $ 250.000 $ 191.150 150,000 MiscelLANBOUS 80.000 i 24,840 OBAVQM'Ddk 1,000 $ 17.540 85.000 Cont.&Com’l N.,Chi.: Mitchell N., Mitchell. Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Minpls. 34.850 Northw. N., Minpls.: Minnehaha N., Sioux F.; Toy N., Sioux C. (Closed November 1 6. 1926) Geo. Ostroot____ W. J. Wilkens A. Kopperud E. F. Blankenburg. 20,000 4.000 95,000 80.000 5.000 Henry Zeier_____ J. J. Walter_____ C. L. Breckenridge F. C. Breckenridge P. L. Clark Phil. Schamber.... John Liedle_____ A. W. Schumacher Eugene Liedle....... 13.500 6.500 170.000 140,000 15,000 25.000 19.190 382,330 $ 50,000 325.630 91,180 Wm. Boettcher__ A. F. Isaak______ Robert Jahraus__ M. W. Weber____ 25,000 10,000 469,450 370,180 65,160 John N. Ellerman. Chas. Woerpel___ John N. Ellerman I. E. Anderson.__ Fairfax............ 512 Farmers National Bank *75 par 100 78-275 J’23 John Booth R. O. Moll Gregory 017 50,000 3.160 234.120 80.850 150.310 139,450 64,780 18,610 Oma. N.and Packers N., Oma.; Northw. Falrvlew...........163 FairviewState Bank®*t5 1900 G. J.Moen_______ Louis Anderson-__ O. L. Greeuson__ Cornelias Kjelsou. 78-539 Chas. H. Groth Lincoln N25 Faith _ 606 Farmers State Bk.__ d®t#’10 H. C. Boke_______ D. R. Miller_____ A. L. Naslund....... 78-392 m Meade F7 m Stockmens State Bank ____ (Merged, with Farm ers State Bank, Apr il 25, 1927) 20,000 9,150 259,580 1.440 180,810 21,380 14.460 73,510 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N.. Sioux O.; 25,000 14,650 359,500 183,490 120,620 24,290 70.750 IstN., Minpls.; Com’l Tr.&Sav.. Mitchell; 25,000 550 109,690 75,850 2,300 12,340 44.750 1st N„ Minpls.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell. 46.000 5.000 3.000 13,000 Cont. & Com l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Rapid City; Farmer______ 145 Hanson L21 Farmingdale_..64 Pennington K4 ‘Faulkton....... 815 Faulk F16 “ •• First National Bank.__@19 *ioo 78-780 First State Bank....... ©tS’10 *125-6% 78-540 First National Bank ..©•I’17 *152-10% 78-709 Merchants Bank »t§’99 *300-20% 78-185 Fedora............ 148 Fedora State Bank...©»JS’04 78-541 Miner K21 Fernev. ifia Brown E20 78-542 FIresteel . . 80 Bank of Firesteel —d©«t§’15 *215-10% 78-708 Dewey E10 ‘Flandreau 1850 Farmers State Bk. dB©*t§’26 Moody J25 78-86 M M FIRST NATIONAL BANK *200 par 100 78-85 dB®T«t’01 Theo. Roster____ F. S. Brooks ___ C. W. Betts_____ 759 50,000 Cont.& Com’IN.. Chi.; Northw. N. Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell. 27,450 32,250 C.&C. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; DakotaN.andlst N., Aberdeen. 58,100 1st N. and Midland N. Be. & Tr., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich. N. Minpls. 10,000 4.000 55.000 G. C. Johnson....... J. T. Hovren____ J. P. Shirk P. H. O’Neil_____ C. L. Turner........... 25,000 14,000 190,000 25,000 42,950 616.570 1,330 MidlandN. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Stk.Yds.N..So.St.P.;Live S tk.N.,Sioux C. Northw. N., Minpls. 141.000 20.000 10,000 58,000 1st N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 371,900 40,550 27,150 246.250 Bk. of Am. (Atl. Off.), N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Redfield N.. Redfleld. 20,000 1.000 125.000 100,000 Edmund Harry.__ John Hoops______ 10,000 11.240 202,200 183,400 H. J. Kindred....... L. P. Nash______ 10,000 4.500 56,020 47,800 14,000 8,720 Robert Dailey___ W. G. Cowles____ 50,000 6,240 234,560 91.230 140,500 5,380 53,680 40,000 29,630 580,990 407,330 63,610 31,770 6,000 B. R. Laird___.. Milford Martinson James T. Bigelow.. T. E. Spaulding.__ J. R. Coonrod____ 39,600' 50,000 38,900 W. D. Spear' Florence _ aofi First National Bank.d®»t'15 F. B. Stiles______ M. F. Heint7 Ernest Ackley....... M. A. Dahle 78-409 Codington F22 *200 Guaranty State’16 Chris. Huppler ___ R. D. Goepfert.__ George C. Blum ... 78-719 *Fort Pierre Stanley 112 21,500 Midland N. Bk. & Tr.t Minpls.; N, Bk. of Huron, Huron. Adolph Mailman .. August Peterson J. T. Mitchell____ T. M. Moore 13,500 Karl Goldsmith... F. R. Strain_____ Fort Pierre National Bank *175-*% 78-188 d©»t’06 ___ Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. Secur. N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. Cont.& Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Groton. Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.: Aberdeen N . Aberdeen: Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls N. City. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 187,510 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.: Secur. N. and Minnehaha N., Sioux F., Live StockN., Sioux C. 20,000 1st N., Watertown; Northw. N.. Minpls. 25.000 5,000 148,000 120,000 15,000 3.000 240,000 165.000 25,000 5,000 320,000 170,000 50.000 41,000 93.000 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N., Pierre. 22,770 Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., Redfleld. ____ 60,000 1st N., Watertown; Northw. N., Minpls. Frankfort ids James River Rank $f’83 F. E. Bastian------- John Noonan____ C. F. Gilbertson... Spink G19 78-336 Frederick ___ 372 Farmers State Bk. _d®»}|'06 F. H. Geranen....... August Senn_____ E. G. Cummings... Oscar H11 kari Brown C18 *190-10% 78-313 par 100 First National Bank.d®»t’82 J. C. Campbell....... J. C. Bassett____ I. T. Parkhurst.... 78-314 M. A. Berg 30,000 4,270 173.350 126,960 31,040 26.860 15,000 5,630 127.620 78,350 43.080 8,310 25,000 27,380 311,700 195,440 112,450 11,740 Freeman Q17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. J. Waltner....... John J. Waltner... Hutchinson M22 *125 15% 78-228 »’02 John C. Mueller par 100 “ .. *• D. J. Mendel Merchants State Bank.d§'99 10% 78-227 Fulton 209 Fulton State Bank---- clt§'24 H. A. Blumenberg. F. L. Colflx______ Hanson L21 *116-6% 788-829 par 100 ‘Gannvalley 21B Bank of Gann Valley ..•t§’25 W. J. Hughes____ M. Plin Beebe....... Buffalo K17 78-847 J. J, Tschetter.__ A. J. Waltner___ 35,000 21,200 550,430 6,300 379,520 90,620 24,020 118,760 1st N., Chi.; Live StockN., Sioux C.; Secur. N.. Sioux F.; Northw. N.. Minpls. J. M. Wollmann... J. J. Wollmann.... Henry L. Gross Julius Bertsch ___ Mildred Dyson ___ 30,000 9,440 315,350 25.000 271,030 54,900 25,000 6,500 101,000 58,800 44,400 8,000 53,870 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 8ecur. N., Sioux C.: 1st N.. Minpls. 21,300 Cont. and Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P.; Com '1 Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. W. E. Lane______ 15.000 1,000 Sfi.oon ' 1 19,500 21,000 — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , ____________ 18.500 Citiz. Tr. & Sav.. Aberdeen; Northw. N. Minpls. 43.450 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N., St. P. 11.500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Com’l Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich. 1326 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Garretson____678 FIRST NATIONAL Minnehaha L25 35% par 100 78-212 BANK Gary_____ ____ 53,'( NATIONAL BANK par 160 78-281 Deuel G25 OF GARY E. W. DAVIES- - - - - - E. L. LOHR. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ass’t Cashier. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds „__ Surplus Cash k Ex Other Miscel changes Depos Liabili Paid-up , . ND and ,Dui and its Disoounts Bseuritiss laneous from Banks Capital profits ties $ Garden City...258 Citizens State Bank d®<§’22 J. A. McGillivray.. F. B. Stiles............ Clark F21 78-822 25,000 % $ 4,500 t 156.000 96,000' $ $ 38,000 35,000 1st N,, Minpls. and Watertown. D. F. Brown Thos. Wangsness.. J. A. Egge_______ H. L. Gerber.......... Alma Jacobson----T. E. Wangsness | A IQHR 6.250 278,460 40.730 f 31,410 129,730 126,590 29,550 55.770 19,230 475,980 57.520 25,500 55,150 11. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25,000 12,100 436,990 $ 25,000 15,000 135.640 25,000 36,880 527.680 25,000 34,280 425,070 376,990 7.870 99.490 50,000 10,000 400,000 325,000 100.000 35,000 50,000 6,000 379,250 318,710 27,670 64,870 N., Sioux F. town. d©'16 R. E. Voge______ J. F. Thoelke First National Bank..®<’09 Samuel Lewison .. E. B. Lewison........ 78-282 Gay ville_____309 Security State Bank...®tl’01 L. Berkley.............. 78-545 Yankton 023 Geddes .......... 1002 Bank of Geddes............. JH900 C. W. Pratt---------78-205 Charles Mix N18 L. N. Aaseth_____ T. B. Wetteland... P. N. Lund, Sec. M. M. Jiricek____ E. J. Novak CHARLES MIX COUNTY BK. ight draft for pre sentation, and Insures prompt,p ersonal attention 78-204 Resources. Liabilities. and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div.! Town d@T*'05 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued S. M. BANBURY—. iS, CENTS sent dt§1900 [25 CENTS for e H F. WARNER 23,600 228,120 87,470 36,170 688,130 406.120 157,570 34,410 136,590 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 85.000 49,000 4,000 6 000 1.500 163,560 125.180 25,000 25,290 36,180 327,380 21,430 51,000 litiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen; 1st N., Mobridge; 1st N.. Minpls 30,000 33,820* 28,830 5 000 5,000 80,000 54,000 16,000 1? nnn 50,000 4,850 403,030 285,610 79,350 38,650 10,000 7,500 135,000 125.000 12.000 61.790 Oma. N. and Packers’ N., Oma.: Live Stk N.. Sioux C.: Northw. N., Minpls. 12,000 1st N., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Web 25,000 15.000 450,000 300,000 55,000 60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.Co. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Aberdeen L, E. Weaver.......... 25,000 Potter County Bank..®»t§ 84 H. M. Griffith____ A. B. Whitlock 78-170 I Glencross.......... _50 Glencross State Bank ..t§’20 F. W. Schirber... M J. Schirber___ 1200-5% par 100 78-818 Dewey D12 Glenhain_____ 169 Glenham 8tate Bank__.<|’05 A. R. Scott--------- T. K. Myren. 78-546 Walworth D13 Goodwin_____ 148 First National Bank._©<’02iChas. C. Swenson. Samuel Lewison... io% 78-547 Deuel G24 Green way_____ 59 Greenway State Bank .dt§’07 F. Odenbach............ par 200 78-548 McPhersonB15 B. M. Kendall____ Gregory........... 1251 Commercial State'Bk._d<§’16 H. E. McKee------par 100 ♦ 78-724 Gregory N16 Grenville______256 First State Bank............<§'15 H. H. Fromelt-----78-702 Dhy D22 R.A. MATHER- — H. E. MUELLER. . . . . . J. J. WARKENTIN — Groton______1113 BROWN COUNTY BKG. CO. ARNOLD RING6ER, Ch. of Bd. Brown D19 1200-10% ♦ 78-132 d par 200 W. B. MILLER — ALEX HIGHLAND J. WILLIAMS........ FIRST NATIONAL BANK H. E. KNOX $225-20% 78-131 ®<’82 R. A. Nold.............. 30,000 16,570 15,000 10,000 15,000 G. R. Burkholder.. V. S. Whitley 25.000 25,860 24,880 82,680 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minpls.: 1st N., Sioux C. Harrold............. 342 Hughes 114 Hartford______ 645 Minnehaha L23 ‘Haytl.................327 Hamlin H22 Hazel...................221 Hamlin G22 Hecla...................533 Brown B19 Hermosa______ 93 Custer K14 Herreld............. 475 Campbell C13 First State Bank__________ First National Bank ..@<’87 78-291 Hermosa State Bank___t§’08 $160-10% 78-552 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. $200-10% 78-324 t§'09 State Bank of Herreid $i 78-323 d©<5'05 Hetland______233 First State Bank..........dt§'08 78-553 Kingsbury 122 ‘Highmore... 1224 Bank of Highmore.__d<§'85 $110 par 110 78-143 Hyde 115 First National Bank.__©t'05 12% 78-142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39,100 53.400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;Secur. N., Sioux F. Toy N., Sioux C. 28,000 6,500 3.73C 27.12C 83,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz.N., Sioux F,; Toy N. and Live Stock N,, Sioux C. 37,080 1st N., Watertown and Minpls. 12,500 250,000 25,000 3.000 180.000 90,000 25,000 11,570 19.3,00C 161.63C 25,000 5.000 235,000 170,000 10,000 G. E. Lane______ F. B. Gannon____ J. H. Kissinger-__ S. D. Mohr............... F. G. Suttle Peter Duhamel.__ Andrew Hanson ... 25,000 9,980 296,430 216,280 41,800 12,000 25.000 270,000 105,000 38,000 E. H. Buckenberger Ed. Buckenberger. 10,000 8,000 178,000 120,000 500 25,000 15.850 10.000 210,410 5,080 49,860 93.470 50.000 13.950 195,000 (Closed November 1 2. 1926) Community Bank........dt§’25 H. L. Lewis ........... $140-6% par 100 78-840 First National Bank ....<’10 Sam Peterson_____ $150-8% 78-421 First State Bank..........®t§’01 A. Melham______ A. N. Forcht $200-20% 78-551 $225 88,000 C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N. Minpls.; Aber deen N. and 1st N.. Aberden; Stock Yds N.. So. St. Paul. 25,000 35 000 Northw. N.. Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. ’ 8,000 st N., Minpls. ©<§’89 Grover_________64 State Bank of Grover________ (Closed July 30, 192 7) Codington G22 Harrisburg ....205 Harrisburg State Bank®t§’01 W. H. Wasem____ H. G. Leubecher. 78-550 Lincoln M25 N., Sioux C. Stock N.. Sioux O.; Met. N. and 1st N., (St. Anthony Falls Office). Minpls. ‘Gettysburg..1046 First National Bank___«'99 Adam Richardson. J. F. Weaver ___ Ellis Tillotson 78-171 | Potter F14 Gettysburg State Bank_______ (Taken over by Pott er County Bank) J. G. Eakins_____ A. A. Koehnlein 24,600 John Rossow... U.L.Wnnrl Chas. J. Mahl____ Leroy Wendt Arthur Arneson... Amelia Casjens___ F. W. Schirber.... N. S. Schirber........ M. J. Schirber------ A. J. Dobmeyer... J. Waby______ F. E. Con Ison 235,840 9,800 20.000 5.000 155.710 3,040 C. H. Drew---------- 25,000 2.800 105,000 . F. D. Greene--------- W. D. McDonald... C. P. Swanson------ 50,000 57.000 838.000 Henry Mauch... E. W. W. Swanson 95.410 369.000 71,000 18,610 27,500 . 11.250 326.000 _ __ 64,530 1st N., Aberdeen: Northw. N., Minpls. 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Oma.N.. Oma.; Penning. Co.. Rapid City. 40,000 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Citiz. Tr. &Sav., Aberdeen. 21,340 Cont.&Com’l N.. Chi.: Northw. N., and 1st N.. Minpls.: Dakota N., Aberdeen. 26,330 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls; Corn Ex. Sav.. Sioux F. 26,140 Sec. N.. Sioux C.; Northw, N„ Minpls. 220.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls Secur. N. and Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 1 09 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ / Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. EntireStateinNo.9 Fed. Res. Dist. Bill City 308 Pennington K2 Billhead ................20 Marshall C22 llillsvlew_______ 97 McPherson D15 Hitchcock------- 331 ^Beadle 1119 ^ •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § state tPriv. ?Mcm. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *220 *• ■n Vice-President. PRESIDENT. (Closed) HillsviewState Bank—±817 A. ,T. Ilaerter *165 78-738 Hitchcock State Bank •t§1900 G. C. Fullinweider. $275—12% par 240 78-415 (Taken over by Hite (Closed November 2 78-411 Iroquois__ 641 Kingsbury 121 .. Isabel _ 310 Dewey E9 Janousek . 35 Yankton 022 Java..................510 Walwortn D14 Jefferson. h Union Q25.. t Cashier. 15.000 3.000 12,000 20.670 301,120 Edwin Carlson___ 5,000 10,730 102,110 Albert J. Haerter. 15,000 12,500 298,220 30,000 10,690 10,000 15,000 Heckenlaible I. M. Humphrey... A. S. Halley............ G. C. Smith_______ S. J. Clarke C. A. Aarnes______ P. J. Hedblom____ Hugh Jones .............. E. H. Peters_______ ®»JS'94 d®t§'25 Dewey County Bank__ tS’10 78-350 Janousek State Bank—1§'19 78-774 American State Bank.®t5’06 78-284 First State Bank_____ t8’03 78-283 5in Bank of Jefferson ... 11,830 1st N., Minpls.; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich. 33.670 91.980 C. & C. N„ Chi.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; 1st N., Minpls.; Redfield N„ Redfield. 500 62,180 25,620 11,010 13,490 262,220 15,000 17,430 680,770 466,280 119,710 35,720 90,000 98,000 19,520 1st N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen; Far. & Merch. N., Webster. 44,560 C. & C. N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; Bk. of Ips., Ipswich. 99,750 Han. N„ N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; Oma. N and Stock Yds. N.. Oma. 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 14,530 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Aber deen N., Aberdeen. 72,790 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux C.: Dak. N., Aberdeen. 44,000 Northw N.. Minpls.; Sec. N.. Sioux F. 3,100 417,060 25.000 2,500 50,000 86,330 76,800 10,000 264,700 61.450 152,000 50,000 85,000 5,000 170,000 30,000 70.000 14,400 60.590 10,000 Toy______ H. A. Stoltenberg.. R. G. Eilers_______ C. H. Sanderson... 30,000 41,370 353,520 274,560 30.420 T. N. Torkelson... Axel Johnson_____ Jay Huisman______ N. W. Bergstrom.. 25,000 8,000 203,000 163,000 10,000 7,500 W. R. Larson_____ J. C. Parliman 97,020 22,040 15.290 205,000 15,000 26,000 158,430 39.050 12,420 80,770 1,100,890 1,241,430 115,790 180,250 F. H. W. Wait C. E. Dana________ E. T. Wait F. E. Jackson......... W. H. Benson .... E. G. Breen_____ W. A. Breen........... 25,000 5,320 155,640 30,000 10.000 265,000 J. D. McNair......... G. M. Townsend... H. D. Himmel___ W. M. Griffith....... 50,000 9,280 502,250 ____ ............. G. C. Fullinweider. Camden Rayburn.. C. E. Voigt............ H H Whaley W. L. Voigt. A. C. L. H. Cornell R. O. Richards ___ G. M. Richards__ W. S. Davis, Tr.and A. Sec. fE. D. SKILLMAN C. R. DOOLITTLE—- 11| LIAN THIEL advance: plain sight drafts . ervice. Q. W. Hutchinson. G. C. Loomis E. A. Eystad_____ M. E.SKILLMAN...... R. J. SKILLMAN...... ) FIRST AND OL DEST ESTABLIS HED BANK. 150,000 56,120 2,524.210 10,000 H. C. Strub 5,000,000 69,000 Stock Yards N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux O.; Corn Ex. Sav.. Sioux F. Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Sec. N., Sioux C. 352,990 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Bk. of America (Atlantic Office), N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Huron. 148,990 Cont.&Com’J N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 351,620 748,440 449,740 15.000 25,100 389,140 335,710 32,000 5,030 140,730 104,740 11,350 3.500 40,000 25,000 325.000 194.000 32,500 11,500 152,000 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N. St.P.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 25,000 28,940 309,590 192,500 84,960 10,000 76,070 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron.; Secur, N.. Sioux C. 55,510 2,000 13,769 1,650 111,520 49.990 15.000 1,000 150,000 15,000 2,250 47,760 P. Spiry-------------- C. F. Spiry______ P. H. Spiry......... ... 15,000 12,500 240,000 140,000 50,000 12,000 15,000 20,000 243,000 175,000 30.000 35.000 10,000 8.400 103,150 Geo. Wahl G. W. Hicks____ 51,610 Citiz. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. 117,070 D. B. Gurney......... W. C. Lusk............. W. C. Hicks 56,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 (Closed October 26. 1926) H. N. Johnson __ _ P. N. Johnson....... F. B. Gannon.. _. 90.000 Chase N., N. Y.; III. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. 107,030 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Toy N.. Sioux C. j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. LPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Reports 125,000 14,990 13,960 100,710 43,540 Cont.& Com’l N,, Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Aber deen N„ Aberdeen. 59,830 Drovi N., Chi.; Corn Ex. Sav.; Sioux F. 50,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N„ Aberdeen, (Closed for liquidati on) First State Bank.............§'27, Lawrence Authier 78-339 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9,160 $ 16,090 15,000 James 61,460 15,000 25,000 .. 4.410 191,310 Henry Thuente___ Geo. Schmidt............ P. J. Hackl................ flBME§?,T8E bWKANTS J. Baldridge_____ P. H. Schultz____ R. J. Skarloken ... H. D. Harrington.. *200 par 100 78-245 76.130 % Thos. E. O’Brien BANK OF IPSWICH STATE BANK OF IRENE “ Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Lo&ua Bonds Miscel- Cash & ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- Other and and Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities LANLOUS i prom Banks TIES . !$ 66,010 $ 63,930 H. R. Edwards.__ J 10,000 $ 7,740 J 192.460 $ 62.200 C. &C. N„ Chi.; IstN., Minpls., Penning ton Co., Rapid City; Oma. N„ Oma. Ass Markus Imberi___ G. J. Imberi Arthur J. Haerter Christ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _______ ______volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. tim 1 V/UiiTlilU.CU C. M. Henry_____ L. O. Anderson.__ H. C. Fields_____ Kenneth C. Boorse hcock State Bank) 0. 1926) rM. PUN BEEBE-- W. K. BEEBE-......... H.E. BEEBE < Send us your co Uections. Fee In 25c for persona] presentation of *600 par 100 78-180 d®»tS'84 jU25c for credit re ports. Try our s '* ______ " First State Bank __.d®»t§'01 Dean Hurlbut____ W. A. Rogers____ 78-181 Irene.... ............. 466 Citizens State Bank.. ®t§’05 M. E. W. Christian- G. F. Kjeldseth... Clay 023 78-412 sen •* k/niik/i ** Chris Gentemann. F. L. Iieardou......... Miss M. H, Doyle . Peter C. Abler (JESSE GASS-..........- 0. J. BOOS__________ 0. A. KVERNES_____ \ 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation an d ( 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention New First Nat. Bank d®» 26 Theodore Hanson.. C. N. Bontecou___ C. I. Danforth......... J. F. Peschong .... par 110 78-151 Hudson 486 First National Bank.d®:t’04 *350-10% par loo 78-343 Lincoln N25 “ ** Hudson State Bank _d©t§’92 *120 par 100 78-342 Humboldt__ 426 Bank of Humboldt --d®t§’24 Minnehaha L23 6% par 100 78-832 Hurley.. 626 Turner County Bank.®t§'83 20% par 100 78-271 Turner N23 ‘Huron___ 10,204 Farmers & Merchants Bank Beadle 119 78-43 ®*T§'18 •' ** National Bank of Huron * 250-10% 78-39 ®»t’96 •• •• Standard Trust Co_____ *§’89 78-38 ‘Ipswich____ 918 Edmunds D17 Cashier. C. E. McEachron.. E. M. Gentry_____ 78-554 | Hyde 115 Bolmauist .123 State Bank of Holmauist 78-556 ®tS’07 Day E21 Hosmer. 5131 Farmers State Bank - at* 20 *150-7% par 100 78-794 Edmunds D15 ‘Hot Springs 2447 BANK OF HOT SPR NGS Fall River M 3 ! 10% par 100 78-70 d®»tS'94 Houghton____ 140 Bank of Houghton_____ t§’08 78-558 Brown C19 Hoven.. ... .307 Farmers & Merchants Bank *100 par 100 78-786 ®»i§'20 .Potter E14 . Hoven State Bank.__ ®»t§’06 *250 78-438 ‘Howard 112o|MINER COUNTY.BANK dt§’26 ** QOTTT'W I"! A PTO'T'A 11,390 6,730 Secur. N„ Sioux C.; 1st Ln. & Tr. Co., Yankton. 45,000 Aberdeen N. and Dakota N., Aberdeen; 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 40,000 Cont.SCorn’lN.,Chi.: 1st N.and Northw.N., Minpls.; IstN.. Aberdeen. 23,420 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. 1328 Number under Name of Bank islthe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND OOUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9Fed.Res.*Dist. d-Sal eDep.©Sav.$Last Sale%I)iv. Junius_______ Lake K22 ‘Kadoka______ Jackson L9 Kaylor_______ 175 Hutchinson N21 President. Vick-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P. P. Dahl ___ _ State Bank of Junius ®»iS’07 F. J. Frautschy... E. W. Cole_______ 78-561 (Closed April 25, 19 27) Dakota State Bank............. Farmers State Bank d®t§’24 Frank Billars____ Fred Magstadt .... A G Vnll 78-830 Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Other Depos Liabili Paid-up and its Capital Profits ties Loans Bonds Cash k ExMiscel OHAHOSflfDUK and and Discounts Securities laneous raOM Banks i 140.000 $ 110,000 10.000 15.000 $ 4,560 134,750 77.450 30,000 5,000 22,000 21,000 $ Principal Correspondents. fi 000 $ 34,000 4,040 57,460 ( Ont.&Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., and Live Stock N„ Sioux C.; Northw. N„ Minpls. par 100 ‘Kennebec___ 354 Commercial State Bk._dtl’10 T. F. McGuigan.__ V.A. McGuigan — 12% 78-41# Lyman K14 son; 1st N., Minpls. 45,000 tock Yds. N., Chi. and So. St. P.; 1st N.. 7.000 Sioux C. First National Bank_______ (Closed June 18, 19 27) 5,000 Marie E. Holon___ 43,000 15,570 Klngsburg____250 Bank of Kingsburg...®tS’14 L. O. Gingerich ... O. H. Bochmann... T. C. Pier......... — Ralph Pier---------78-697 Bon Homme 021 Kranzburg ___ 129 Farmers State Bank....... tl’12 John Stricherz ___ M. Kranz________ *230-20% par 100 78-663 Peter Deville Codington G23 15,000 2,700 103,000 10,000 2.960 97,420 ‘Lake Andes...849 Lakeside State Bank.®«tl’04 G. M. Caster____ C. Stedronsky___ 78-174 A. O. Steensland Charles Mix N19 *175-10% (Closed September 3 0. 1926) Lake Norden..450 First National Bank_____ Hamlin H22 H. M. Larson__ Lake Preston.1026 Community State Bank Kingsbury I 22 *125 par ioo 78-834 .dB®»t§' 25 44,430 F. R. Harding.. Langford____ 436 Commercial State Bank *200-12% 78-289 ..d®«t8’88 Marshall D20 par 200 A. J. Anderson Langford State Bank 13% par 100 78-290 _dB®*t5'03 Laplant_______ 68 Bank of La Plant.-.d®»t§'19 J. J. Backus.... *150 par 100 78-787 Dewey F12 R. H. Driscoll.. Lead_______ 6810 FIRST NATIONAL BARK *275-25% 78-19 B®T»J’79 Lawrence 12 par 100 Miners & Merch. Sav. Bank *120 par 100 78-20 d®»t§’03 Lebanon...___ 351 Citizens State Bank__d©tl’10 Potter F14 78-352 Lebanon State Bank...»tl'02 78-351 Lemmon____ 1077 New First National Bank Perkins B7 78-845 ®»t'25 V. A. Lnssier — Lennox State Bank____ 264,550 1,500 66,000 67,150 54,130 11.000 43,000 Jorthw. N. and 1st N., (St. Anthony Falls Office), Minpls. 33,150 117,910 15,300 6,200 34,700 13,280 5,530 24,410 1st N., St. P. and Watertown. 290,000 118 530 80,000 Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. 1st N., Yankton; Northw. N., Minpls. 86,660 11,450 76,170 !. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N. Northw, N. and 193,020 146,520 9,610 8,040 50,820 !hase N., N. Y.; 1st N.,Minpls.; Aberdeen 7.510 320,530 180,800 21,600 68,280 77,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st 3,500 40,000 38,000 2.500 17,000 10.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & 50,000 1.160,260 1,258,970 83,640 F. W. Olson 15.000 6,970 V. E. Swenson__ Edgar Vandrey.__ 20,000 15,000 950 Midland N. Bn. & Tr., Minpls.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. N., Aberdeen. 9,000 N.. Aberdeen. Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N., Mobridge. R. E. Driscoll......... J.E. Corcoran....... Mason Tyler I. J. McGinity.. M. J. Hughes____ H. M. Griffith.. R. A. Jackson----- C. R. Jackson____ Wilson Eyer_____ G. P. Allen....... Robert Raney 100.000 160,950 2,564,600 372,670 Y.; 1st N., Chi., Oma., and Minpls. 25.000 9,500 626,780 292,210 10,000 8.000 195,000 160,000 15.000 6.030 187.243 30,000 7,370 359,480 23.000 204,970 6.000 158,100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; U. S. N., Oma. 53,000 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; 122,800 23.470 170,360 102,440 1st N.. Minpls. 23.500 44,590 Cont. & Com ! N.. Chi.; Potter Co., Gettys burg: 1st N., Minpls. 102,390 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 11. J dUJU5-----• — — — 25,000 14,960 270.190 25,000 170 296,000 170,560 29,500 15,6X0 252,190 1,100 14,060 94,420 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Northw. N,, Minpls.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. (Closed November 1 8. 1926) ‘Leola ____ ....620 Bank of Leola------ d®»t8’94 J. J. Hepperle....... W. C. Turner____ McPherson C17 78-279 Lesterville____291 Commonwealth State Bank __ (Merged with Farm ers State Bank) Yankton I 22 John Ripple-------Farmers State Bank.d®t§’19 J. A. Weilind.. *120 par 100 78-755 L. J. Turner ___ 48,260 102,080 Aber. N.. Aberdeen: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N.. St. P. 25,000 8.000 183,740 Letcher._____ 426 First National Bank.. ®t’02 W. A, Anderson__ Wm. E. Ryan___ Sanborn K20 78-344 25,000 13,020 183,980 Loomis______ 129 Loomis State Bank___®t8’05 A. F. Smith.......... C. A. Davison-----Davison L20 78-569 10,000 5,000 60,000 Lyons_________67 Farmers State Bank ___ t8’06 R. T. Sundal____ O. J. Stordahl---- . Allen Hildahl____ 78-573 Minnehaha L24 16.00C 6,570 129,930 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68,250 8,000 75,610 218,980 A. L. Revell-------- Wm. Raker....... 390,000 4.960 M R Mrttinitv Lennox_____1072 Exchange Bank--------- »t§’83 Louis Jacobs. Lincoln M24 78-192 291.790 $ 25,000 Fred LaPlant........ P. A. Gushorst__ Ernest May 115,000 152.000 20.000 Kidder...............200 Kidder State Bank-----»tr05 C. E. Castle-------- John Powers------*100-8% par 100 78-564 Marshall B21 Kimball..........1193 Kimball State Bank..®t§'92 J. R. McClenahan. 78-197 Brule L17 C. 147,810 6.300 143,900 42.210 F. Koblas 25,000 65,000 - 106,250 50,770 1st N., Chi.: Toy N.. Sioux C.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Citiz. N.. Sioux F. 30.77C 30,120 C. & C. N.. Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. Twin Cities N.. St. P.; Live Stk N., Sioux C. 12,000 Stock Yards N.,Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchei . 3,300 4.22C 38,730 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minnehaha N. Sioux F.; Northw. N.,Minpls. 85 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QQQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.fiNew §StatetPri?. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. PRESIDENT. ‘Madison____4386 Dakota State Bank.d®»tS'12 Gay E. Mitchell— Lake K23 78-660 Lake County National Bank Martin F. Berther tioo 78-61 ®»t'99 SECURITY STATE BANK C. A. Stensland.__ 1165 par 100 7X-0O dB®‘t§’09 Mansfield_____ 175 Mansfield State Bank-t§’1900 F. J. Simmons____ Brown E18 78-575 Marcus ________ 50 First State Bk. of White Owl F. F. Reich_______ Meade H7 1135-10% 78-576 t§T0 Marlon_______ 620 Farmers Tr. & Sav. Bk. J. J. Smith______ Turner M22 1300-20% 78-294 ®TtS’04 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. AS8’T CA8HIER. Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Bonds Paid-up 'Surplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and Liabili its CAPITAL Diacounti Securities laneous ties ;Pra™T8 K. V. Mitchell.. H. W. Mitchell.... E. M. Westby____ S 50,000 $ O. J. Porter.__ W. E. Lenhart .... L. O. Munson____ 75,000' 11,550 $ 293,880 $ 2,970 Principal Correspondents. k Oabh £x CHANOlB.Dui from Banks 66,970 268,090 S 450,490 65.000 294,630 102,270 5,000 210.000 40.000 25.000 85.000 30,000 15.000 77,940 8,560 13.380 : 281,290 16.170 11.060 80,520 42.660 9,430 1,060 | 126,220 45,940 17.510 132,510 250 24,240 7.000 35,750 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Aberdeen N..Aber deen; Northw. N., Minpls. 40,000 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Aberdeen. 92,000 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 58,000 C. & C. N„Chi.;Live Stk.N.,Sioux C.:Min nehaha, N., Sioux F.; 1st N„ Minpls. 40,040 Stock Yards N„ Chi.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N.. Oma.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Pierre N„ Pierre. 10,920 $ 74,790 $ 74,620 68.600 N. Bk. Rep., Chi,: 1st N„ Sioux C.; Secur. N„ Sioux F.; Midland N„ Minpls. 121.950 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Oitiz. N„ Sioux F. 70,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Minnehaha N„ Sioux F. 35.000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Aberdeen and Minpls. 21,750 N. City, Chi.; Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P.; 1st N.. Rapid City: Com’l N., Sturgis. 80,440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Sioux C.; Secur. N„ Sioux F.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Minpls. 97.790 Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen; Midland N., Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Minpls. 56.840 Dakota N., Aberdeen; 1st N„ Minpls. G. L. Scully............. 30,000 4,000 310,000 H. C. Borchard. A. R. Baisch........... 15,000 5,000 145,000 D- R. Murphy .. R. W. Douglass___ S. B. Douglass____ 25,000 10,770 85,450 J. C. Thomas__ John Hieb E. J. Graber_____ R.Klinkenborg.__ 25,000 13,990 349,970 Security State Bank d®«t8’16 A. L. Gibeau_____ P. C. Jackson__ R. H. Jackson___ J. S. Chase_______ 15,000, 9,130 206,260 First State Bank........ ®»J5’10 J. O. Van Nice.. 1250 78-396 Geo. Petersen____ 10,000 17,370 218,080 H. G. Taylor_____ 25,000 7.250 154,000 10,000 14,040 103.040 66,330 18,000 15.000 2.300 156.000 100,000 7,800 fADOLPH FRASCH-- E. W. AISENBREY — F. J. RITTERSHAUS- T. MEHLHAFF........ 50,000 7,000 470,000 70,000 400,000 A. J. METTLER ®<§’01 ) Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Credl t Reports by send Ing —„ (.fee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, 16c; Cred it Reports, 26c. TRY C g, MENNO STATE BANK J. W- Ulmer........... J. W. Ulmer, Jr.__ R. H. Seydel_____ L. E- Schmitt........ 25.000 20,000 370.000 324,000 78-226 d®t§'01 Midland______240 fTHOS. JONES — H. B. LOVALD......... V. L. FERGUSON J. M. STANFORD-___! 25.000 11,760 253,800 154,760 11,600 Haakon J10 C. K. MADSEN < Prompt, Person al attention given Cash Items and Collections. 1 15c mustaccom pany Sight Drafts for presentation, 35c for Ratings. 1150-8% par 100 78-436 d®»t’06 lDirect collectlo n facilities on Ma nila, Ottumwa, L eslle, MoenvIUe, Grand fl eld, Ha yes, and Stamfo rd. ---------------------- j 25.000 12.000 122,000 Midland State Bk. _d®»t§’08 H. G. Taggart_____ J. J. Willoughby... E. McKay_____ 113,000 1120-7% par 100 ♦ 78-437 9,600! 23,400 85,1001 22.270 2,000 22,000 22,000 1st N. and 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.; 1st N„ Rapid C.; Drov. State, So. St. P. 604.100 152,960 39,600 94.150 Seab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. ‘McIntosh___704 Corson B9 McLaughlin...649 Corson Cll Heckling_____ 219 Clay P23 Melham.............. 48 Clark H21 Mellette______ 459 Spink F18 Menno_______ 937 Hutchinson N22 1175-10% par 100 78-715 S. J. Hagg_____ Bank of Meckling______ tl’08 L. L. Eves_______ J. W. Steele.. 78-678 (Closed October 29. 1926.) State Bank of Melham ___ 1160 Farmers State Bank___ tS’05 H. Cady_________ George P. Cady Wm. R. Cliff.......... 1260-10% 78-286 A. I. Tollefson.... John McCaughey.. [N. D. MacArthur . State Bank of Mellette mo 78-285 T»t§’93 420 EXCHANGE STATE BANK 78-225 FIRST NATIONAL BANK (L. N.SAUNDERS N. J. BLESER....... E. H. BENEDICT- °.B.Wk ‘Mllbank........ 2444 Grant E24 75,000! 17,080 50.000 90,000 1,000.000 450,000 500.000 40.000 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; C. &C. N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 12,560 350.000 190,000 69,000 20,000 5,000 10,110 147,830 105,340 4,500 8,210 46.180 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 44,900 Cont. & Corn’] N„ Chi,; Redfield N„ Redfield. 59,010 FARMERS & MERCHANTS OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN GRANT COC NTv/ NAT’L BANK-78-76 ..©.f82 j 15 CENTS sent to us with each s igbt draft for pre sentatlon, and (.35 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. First National Bank (Closed October 19, 1 926.1 ‘Miller.............. 1528 Citizens State Bank Hand 117 78-114 ®T*t’01 F. D. Greene_____ G. C. Fullinweider A, B. Cahalan____ C. M. Thomson._ Hand County State Bank H.O. Bard_______ W. J. Halbower.. Russell Bard_____ 78-115 ®»tS92 Miranda...'.__ 113 Miranda State Bank ..•*§ 07 Philip Findeis____ C. M. Henry_____ W. E, Zarneke . Faulk G17 1150-10% 78-582 Mlssionhill.__189 Mission Hill State Bank____ (Closed, December 8, 1926.) Yankton 023 ‘Mitchell... 10,119 COMMERCIAL TR.&SAV.BK. H. R. Kibbee_____ J. W. Bryant____ E. A. Loomer____ H. R. Kibbee, Jr.. Davison L20 6% ♦ 78-81 d®T»tS'97 MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK M. F. Patton_____ par 100 78-30 ®«t'86 Mitchell Trust Co___d©T§'66 A. F. Smith______ 78-33 Mobrldge........2823 Citizens State Bank.®»t8’10 W. F. Mailand____ Walworth D12 78-120 First National Bank..®»t’15 F. W. Schirber___ 78-118 Security National Bank G, V. Cunningham. 78-798 ®»t’20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 786.230 12,500 1 (Closed) FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1260-12% 29.250 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Sioux C. A. F. Smith______ H. D. Lewis_____ J. N. Shelby_____ C. A. Davison D. V. Smith H. E. Hitchcock. E. H. Millen, Tr... M.F. Patton, Sec... M. E. Beckley.__ W. P. Jones______ H. O. Peterson.__ F. M. Regan H. J. Kindred___ J. J. Bentz______ H. A. Swenson.__ M. J. Schirber L. A. Nylen P. F. Gores............ . 100,000 28.920 1.534,710 12,840 638.040 563.15) 100,000 84,680 1.780,240 99,400 992,050 656.410 42,070 100,000 42,880 401,490 340.260 36.320 81,050 25.000 50,000 50.000 I 5,000 560,000 450,000 40,000 25,000 10.190 233.310 85,330 241,720 22,820 35.000 3,400 230.000 25,000 153.000 75,000 19,400 416.270 N. City, N. Y.: C. & C. N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N„ Sioux C.; 1st N., St. P.; Hennepin Co. Sav., Minpls. 373,790 Kountze Bros..N.Y.; lstN„Chi.and Minpls. Secur. N.. Sioux C. 86.740 Kountze Bros.. N.Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell. 100,000 N. City, N. Y.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Dakota N., Aberdeen. 79,280 N. Park., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Aberdeen: Northw. N„ Minpls. 61,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 1330 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. TOWB AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. John Noordsy.__ Dan. Jantz ..._... H. H. Buss............ Bank of Monroe-------®$l’#7 78-584 Turner M23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued $200 Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and Liabili its Capital Profits ties $ 25.000 $ 3,500 $ 216,000 $ 15,000 Resources. Loan* . Bonds Cash ft ExMiscel chai and and »gsb,Dux Discounts Sacuritiss laneous trom Banks $ 142.000 $ 18.750 $ 35,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 50,000 Stock Yards N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 30,560 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. 20,000 1st N., Aberdeen; Northw. N., Minpls. 35,000 7,090 178.110 15,000 2,500 115,000 95,000 10,000 15,000 7.000 239,000 196,100 13,500 14,500 50,000 25,910 465.080 404,860 30.650 39.590 38,000 Cont.&Com’l N., Chi.;Northw. N.,Minpls.; City Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen. 90,890 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux O.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. JONES COUNTY STATE.BANK C. E. Lange______ R. P. England....... Wm. Lange______ 25,000 2,500 150,000 115,000 6,500 16,000 40,000 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.; Drov. State, So. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. and Rapid C. Clark County Bank...®t5'05 H. H. Jennings.__ F. L. Fuller...____ A. T. Jennings .... Agnes Eldsness.__ $200 par 100 78-586 Clark Q22 A. G. Johnson Ada Olson_______ B. W. Schonweiler New Effington 328 Bank of New Effington 20% 78-679 ®»J5'13 Roberts 1123 (Closed May 4,1927) 15,000 5,490 131,280 90,280 4,000 28,970 15,000 4,800 140.000 105.000 15,000 12.000 29,410 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Watertown. 15.000 Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. L. L. Eno _____ E. W. Oolleran ___ 108,000 58,400 23,250 McCook L23 $110-6% par 100 78-305 MORRISTOWN STATE BANK G.G.Stadel_____ G. T. Holm............ H. W. Batzer.......... G. P. Men rer Corson B8 $110 par 100 78-43 2 •tt’09 A. A. Bentz_____ O. Syljuberget....... ‘Mound City.. 58 Mound City State Bank $166-20% par 100 78-585 d®»J8’06 Campbell C13 R. E. Harris_____ J. M. Newell____ J. G. Trotter-------Mt. Vernori___601 First National Bank ...®t’05 78-229 Davison L19 Jones Kll t 78-354 F. M. Kratz ®tt’06 Reclamation State Bank James T. Craig.... par 100 ♦ 78-452 d®»tl'10 NewUndierwood Underwood State Bank dtj’08 Fred Holcomb....... 78-587 Penington J5 186 $300-15% Irrigators State Bank James T. Craig.... 78-474 ®»«'10 Butte H3 Blackpipe State Bank..«§T9 78-772 Nunda State Bank._®*iS'07 M. O. Dahl............ $300-20% 78-455 Lake J23 Oacoma____ 201 F. A. Smith Bank........dtt’97 20% 78-426 Lyman L16 Okaton State Bank.... dS’18 David Hughes___ $150 78- 659 Jones Kll Oldham National Bank A. Kopperud____ 78-838 d©»t’25 Kingsbury J22 $110 ‘Olivet 197 Olivet State Bank. _____ _____ (.Closed. March, 5, 1 Hutchinson N21 First State Bank... d®»$8’07 $100-25% par 133 78-592 Faulk F15 First State Bank... d®»31’01 J. H. Gropengieser 10% 78-377 .Sully H13 Onida National Bank.®#t’25 Chas. L. Hyde___ $120 78-839 Ural 37 Oral State RankJtS’19 $100 78-748 Fall River M3 Orient ?R7 Orient State Bank.. d®tj’03 $250 par 100 78-593 .Faulk G17.. Xavier Schaefer,Sr. $100-6% par 110 78-740 C. Matter, V. P. 25,000 315,000 21.700 100,000 62.000 H. A. Bartlett ___ 25,000 10,700 447.900 Michael Quinn ___ G. A. Bailey..____ C. J. Poshusta....... 10,000 21,000 200.000 Geo. W. Malcolm.. 10,000 7,140 179,650 156,910 15.000 2,500 125,000 108,000 M. J. Smiley_____ D. J. Hull E. A. Waterbury. O. A. Hodson____ E. L. Hudson. 2.000 16.000 8,260 11,000 660 70,630 5,410 47,000 10,170 18,810 10,000 2,500 75,000 2,400 50,000 17,000 5,900 Thos. Hughes....... A. C. Levee........... 15.000 5.000 82,000 2,100 63,000 10.050 9,020 K. N. Fosland___ L. H. Loken........... Arthur 25,000 2,670 183,000 77,970 51.250 Olai Overskei....... L. A. Hansen_____ S. A. Lapp_______ 927) J. C. Green.__ Wachtmann .. E. L. Phillips____ 15,000 65,000 15,000 5,000 65.000 Luther Nelson .... M. R. Brown 25.000 910 259,670 151,540 55,490 20,060 A. J. Owens_____ H. G. Kottke......... W. H. Durrstein W. B. Tice___ ___ F. E. Weldon......... 25,000 2,530 193.92) 82.060 71.590 9,570 15,000 1,500 50,000 43.000 5.000 C. B. Zemlicka__ Geo. I. Gunnison.. 20,000 17,000 240.000 225.000 42.000 Martin Conway.... P. J. Dunn_______ Herman Martin- 15,000 3,750 167,000 25,000 29.000 104,050 14,880 4,380 138,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. 55.000 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 31,610 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. 26,000 Minnehaha N., Sioux F.; Stock Yds. N., Oma.: Belvidere State, Belvidere. 11,710 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 15,630 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Mitchell N„ Mitchell. 22,030 Drov. State, So. St. P.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.: 1st N., PuKwana 58,750 1st N., Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Citz. N„ Sioux F. 15.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.;Merch.. Faulkton. 58,480 1st N.. Chi.: 1st N. and Northw., N.. Minpls : 1st N.. Pierre. 58,230 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. Ex., Pierre: Live Stock N., Sioux C. 18,50) Pennington Co., Rapid C. 35.000 1st N.. Minpls. 62,440 1st N., Watertown and Minpls. Ortley _ 171 State Savings Bank________ (Closed October 6,1 926) Roberts E22 ‘Parker 130Q Turner M23 M FIRST NATIONAL BANK , K. I. Shager_____ C. S. Costain_____ V. L. Gotthelf.... K. P. Shager_____ 25,000 20,200 267,960 25,000 187,780 68,710 17,160 64,510 1st N., Chi.and Minpls.: Secur. N.. Sioux C.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. PARKER STATE BANK M. Plin Beebe....... Alan Bogue.___ Earl C. Hansen.... Vinal V. Clikeman 25,000 3,100 119,000 1,670 67,270 44,000 10,500 27,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich; Secur. N.. Sioux F. G. C. Winter 25,000 47,000 410,000 155,000 210,000 46,000 J. Kloiber_______ W. H. Shaw, Jr. G. O. Inman. 40,000 6.230 436,090 283,060 73.780 22,670 40,000 20,000 454.000 354,000 66,000 40,000 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 102.810 Chase N., N. Y., 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.; Northw. N.. M npls. 54,000 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Huron, Huron 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 19,190 246,330 154,680 65,570 4,400 78-109 $240 $130 par 100 ®»t 79 78-843 dB®»t§ 25 Parkston isn't First National Bank_.-T*t’05 C. Rempfer David Wudel____ W. C. Rempfer.__ 78-159 Hutchinson M20 $180-10% W. H.Shaw . F. W. Moeller___ Hutchinson County Bank $150-6% par 15078-157dB®»»’»2 E. F. Walden____ ‘Philip...............70S J. C. Nelson_____ 10% ♦ 78-247 Haakon K9 Pierpont_____ 432 'First State Bank...d®*tJ’04 F. E. Lemmon___ F. M. Roberts .... J. A. Anderson -— iE. A. Lofquist $225-20% par 100 78-380 Day D20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,860 1st N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1 Stock Yds. N.. So. St. Paul. 1 Mi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Presho............__537 Lyman K14 •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. PRESIDENT. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Chas. L. Hyde........ American Exchange Bank 6% par 100 78-55 d©T»{§'07 A. D. Hengel.......... FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1150-10% 78-52 ©•{'83 par 100 Pierre National Bank ...•'89 J. R. McKnight ... 10% par 100 78-53 CASE & LATHR0P STATE W. T. Lathrop........ BANK *200 78-199 dB®+§1900 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. H. T. Gerhard........ par 100 78-201 d©t§T0 Commercial State Bank»{§'97 C. W. Pratt.............. 78-128 Farmers State Bank.-T*{§’97 F. C. Smith........ 78-129 Platte State Bank........»t§’06 Peter Dek................ 78-130 First National Bank__©*{'18 Frank Chesrown... *uo 78-752 Pollock State Bank._®»{§'01 James Pollock........ *100-15% 78-596 Farmers & Merchants State N. J. Thomson___ *150-6% Bank. 78-826...d»{§'24 Pringle ...............42 Custer L2 Pukwana.......... 381 Brule L16 Pringle State Bank........ {§'20 T. W. Delicate... *125 78-805 Farmers State Bank...»{§'05 John Talich............ $200 78-466 TownandCountt. *Connty Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. ‘Pierre..............3560 ^Hughes 113^ “ ___ r “ *Plankinton___803 ^Aurora L19 Platte................1393 Charles Mix M18 “ _____ “ Pollock _ 501 Campbell B13 _____ “ ____ _ ** First National Bank..®»{’ll J. S. Sanborn_____ *225 par 100 78-465 Putney................. 26 Brown D19 Quinn............. 137 Pennington K7 Ramona........ ..313 Peoples State Bank.d®*{§'07 Lake J23 20% 78-385 »» It Kamona State Bk.. d®»{§'01 *150-8% 78-384 ‘Rapid City..7465 Pennington J3 FIRST NATIONAL *300-20% 78-44 niill/ DAIiIV (Merged, with First I Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Gass k ExPaid-up Surplus ANn Depos- Other Misckl- changes ,Dui Capital Profits LANEOU8 Discounts Securities 118 from Barks ties Byron S. Payne .... J. E. Mallery.......... Paul S. Dewell........ $ 50.000 $ 11,000 $ 675,000 _______ $ 375,000 $ 185.000 $ 27,000 $ 149,000 N. Bk. Rep„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Secur, J. P. Mallery N.. Sioux F. moon $ 65,000 ; 450,000 465,000 110,000 L. L, Branch ... 50.006 200,000 1st N„ Chi.; Merch. N„ St. P.; Midland N. T. C. McNamee Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. H. P. Alleman____ 50,000 L. B. Albright........ 26,970 699,670 50,000 219,560 467,930 17,270 121.880 N. City. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; H. R. Horner Northw. N. Minpls. 25,000 7,630, 307,850 A. N. Lathrop____ H. P. Wilmarth___ L. C. Conway_____ 248,060 6,600 24,750 61,070 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Mitchell N„ Mitchell; 1st N., Minpls. and Sioux C. 7.000! 180.090 25,000 R. C. Bakewell—. E. J. Branch . 41,200 84,000 38,800 48,000 C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N. Minpls.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. C. E. Lien____ fioa i'o 50,000 7,380 678,630 41.800 112,820 61.430 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; F. L. Murray 1st N.. Minpls. and Yankton. 50,000 W. F. Smith............ G. E. Cool................ L. J. Chastain........ 8.000 838,000 31.000 630,000 29,000 101,000 167.000 1st N„ Chi.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. 25,000 34,000 510.200 A. C. Flinders____ L. W. Ross............. M. G. Dek 425,500 92,900 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Livestock N.,Sioux C,; Northw. N„ Minpls. 25.000 J. J. Brokofsky.__ B. Knudson............ 6,470 308,350 6,900 230.900 44,200 9,960 61.650 1st N„ Minpls. and Bismarck. Eva Knudson 30.000 9,220 363,260 A. A. Pollock_____ 25,000 5,310 320,230 64,930 37,010 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N„ I. L. Fenelon Minpls. 25,000 9,480 232,000 35,570 131,180 Chas. Blanke.......... B. A. McAreavey.. H. N. Thomson.... 10,000 89,730 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Stk. Yds, N., So. St. P. 15,000 2,740 52,410 2,800 46,940 2,000 14,080 9,930 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Oma.; Custer Co.. Custer. 20,000 W. B. Martin John H. Talich.__ 15,000 367,000 234,000 15,350 124.000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux C.; Jennie A, Glass Com'l Tr. & Sav. and Mitchell N.. Mitchell. 25,000 7,850 385,200 A, R. Newman____ 24,600 185.550 137,250 51,160 68.700 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux H. D. Huddle C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell; 1st N., Minpls. Slate Bank, Clarem ont, S. D.) Vice-President. .____ “ M. F. Bert her... Redowl................ 25 Meade H6 Ree Heights...312 Hand 116 “ “ Reliance. 219 Lyman K15 Renner......... 19 Minnehaha L24 C. H. Thurow____ J. A. Deragisch, Jr. H. A. Davis F. O. Groce.............. LJ. S. HALLEY— 1. M. HUMPHREY. A. K. THOMAS .... urn' 11 20,000 3,760 144,480 25.000 5,000 120,000 108,430 2,500 35.550 24,250 C. & C. N„ Chi.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; Northw. N., Minpls,; Lake Co. N„ Madison. 20.000 1st N„ Minpls. and Sioux C.; Citiz. N„ Sioux F. 100,000 2,000 30,500 103,980 1.612.280 48.800 1,123.290 344,350 79.830 317,600 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 154,710 2,679,290 1.529,410 613,700 34,500 706,400 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; U. S, N„ Oma.; 1st N„ Minpls. 380,980 166,620 119,520 97,720 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. C. M. HENRY............. C. C. CRAIN ............. 50.000 30.340 819.890 76,120 557,450 G. M. MYERS EMS DIRECT.” R. J. CRAIN Cash and Time It ems Remitted Fo r Prom ptly on Day of Paymen t. r presentation and 5 9cfor Credit Reports. 60,550 15.000 6.290 43.000 221,040 85,550 112,300 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and Sioux C. 29,930 Stock Yds. N„ Chi. and So. St. P.; Com’l N., Sturgis. 48,900 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Miller. 100.000 FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum', 25c minimum charge if paid. For Prompt a nd Efficient Servi ce in ail branches of Banking send your items on Western South Dakota direct. rZ. A. CRAIN.......... W. F. BRUELL............ AUMu .t < “SEND US YOU ) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, 78-63 ©•{’01 {^Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo Security State Bank....{§’19 F. F. Reich.............. L. L. Bartlett........ *100-5% 78-795 First National Bank..®»{'07 F. D. Greene_____ C. W. Gardner........ *200 par 100 78-600 (Conversion of First State Bk.) Guaranty State Bank [Closed February 9, 1927) Reliance State Bank ...T§’24 Isaac Dirks______ Wm. Lindley......... *100-10% 78-831 First State Bank..........dt§'19 B. Mekvold.......... . T. G. Nyhus.......... 78-770 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ass't Cashier. John H.Groce,Sr.. O. J, Townswick... Wm.Carmody, V.P. ®T*{§'81 l REDFIELD NAT’L BANK Cashier. (Closed March 26,1 927) PENNINGTON COUNTY BANK G. F. Schneider.... *350-16% 73-45 d®T»{§’88 B. W. Carll par 100 Ravlnia............. 161 Andes State Bank...®T{§'09 Wm. Timm............. Paul Jaehn______ Charles Mix N19 *125 78-477 L. Engelhorn LS.W. CLARK— WM. SCH0NIGER.. ‘Redfield _ 9751 AMERICAN NArL BANK Spink G18 *150-10% 78-64 d®»{'06 <J AGGREGATE RESOURCES OF par 100 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si L50 CENTS for e ach credit report “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued G. H. White........... E. C. Baken............ 50,000 A, C. Loepp ............ Joseph Bouza_____ 30.000 3,000 145,000 L. D. ROBERTSON. 40,000 31,360 547,360 J.l. O’CONNELL - 165.000 146,130 15,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. STOCKHOLDER S OVER “TWO MILLI ON.” ght draft for pres entation, and insures prompt, personal attentio n. 1 C. V. Gardiner .... 25,000 13.650 241,760 H. A. Gaede______ 20,000 2,850 125,130 H, S. Wilkinson... J. H. Wilkinson ... 15,000 7,400 105 0OQ 750 1 2,900 5,950 146,710 81,500 3.300 38,800 13,010 6,120 96,500 90.810 C. & C. N., Chi., 1st N. and Northw. N. Minpls.: Live Stock N., Sioux C. 20,150 1st N.. Chi.; Minnehaha N.. Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. 1000 1004 Number underJName of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The>Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in N0.6 Fed. Res.Dist. President. H. Lien.............. Bevlllo______ 365 Farmers & Merchants Bank *150-16% 78-835 dB©*+§’24 M. Plin Beebe, V.P. Grant F 24 par 100 Wilson Brown .— Bockham____ 371 FARMERS STATE BANK 78-406 ®<S’07 Faulk G17 Security State Bankd®»tS’20 0. M. Henry_____ *110 78-808 Boscoe.............. 427 Farmers State Bank d®tS’10 Herman Tschirley. 78-362 Edmunds D16 *125 First State Baak-.-.d®*t5’03 Chas. W. Christen. 20% par 100 78-361 E. L.Stavig............ Bosholt............. 314 Rosholt Community Bank 78-670 _ ®§’13 Roberts B24 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Farmers & Merchants State N. O. Monson___ Bank.— 78-777___ ®t§T9 Rowena State Bank.. d«t5’16 Phil. Jacobson ... 78-722 (Closed March 25, 1 Farmers Savings Bank____ M. E. Billington... $ Oscar Fromke 20.000 $ C. Hogeboom____ O. H. Yetter.— Mabel F. Yetter... 25.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 $ 40.000 25.000 1st N„ Chi. and Minpis.; Merch N.. Ced. K.; Am. N., Redfleld. 11,000 21,480 10,000 Redfield N.. Redfleld: Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpis. 42,840 1st N., Minpis.; 1st N„ Aberdeen 42,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Aberdeen N. and 1st N.. Aberdeen; 1st N., Minpis. 50.300 1st N. Minpis. 1,500 40.000 45,500 M. Hauck________ Henry Lehr.— 136,710 84.950 22,530 10,000 15.000 200,000 138,000 37,700 20,000 5.000 103.300 90,950 1.580 4.500 15,000 6.540 120.810 101,510 10.200 14.500 15.000 6,000 58,000 82.000 12,000 6,000 25,000 6,810 140,650 79,290 50.380 8,320 290,000 27,000 22,000 80,000 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N. and C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpis. and Sioux C. 304,270 107,650 53,370 192,630 30,960 66,570 32,060 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch, N., St. P.; Northw. N.,Minpis.; Dak. N„ Aberdeen. 14,030 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpis.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 17,000 1st N.. Minpis. Bernard Mayer — H. A. Warner____ W. Christen_____ H. J. Schipke....... C. J. Champion___ L. F. Waddington Albert Fogel-----Andrew Swanson.. J. Schad------------ George Gilbertson Will Webster____ H. O. 8everson___ H. E. Buchanan 927) 10,000 6.000 60.000 30,000 11,000 400 non 30,000 6,000 427,200 F. C. Sattler-----— 30.000 9,410 264,790 A. G. Williams.— 15.000 S. T. Wagner. Chas. Pew — Melvin Nitteberg. Esther J. Johnson. d®*t§’26 ®T<’85 ‘SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 78-4 165.000 19,040 30,000 11,590 34.060 28,090 52,000 3,000 85,000 90 QOQ 16,140 1st N.. Minpis. 9.000 Minnehaha N.. Sioux F. 34,470 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpis. and Watertown; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Toy N.. Sioux C. Northw. N., Minpis.; 1st N„ Rapid City. 7,500 123,000 15,000 95,000 7.000 25,000 23,000 Northw. N., Minpis. 99,360 — 61,820 13,040 15,030 3.000 49.600 6,400 47,600 4.700 9.900 36,970 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpis. and St. P-; Minnehaha N.. Sioux F. 1.800 Corn Ex.Sav., Sioux F. 6.500 96,000 57,400 40,000 6,600 23,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpis.; Sec. N.. Brookings. 100.000 30.260 1.048.250 498.530 370.270 4.480 305.220 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpis.; Oma. N„ Oma. 100.000 10.000 950.000 450.000 250.000 10,000 5,000 25,000 2,500 15,000 25.000 A New Growing Bank Offering Pr oinpt and EfBcie nt Service. w. par 100 43,000 25,160 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpis. 20,100 ‘CORN EXCHANGE “A New Bank’' Youngest in Sioux Falls. SAVINGS BANK Complete Banking Service. Collection* W. L. BAKER- - - - - - - - - l»AxA.S. . . . . . . . . . ■-..«$«- - - - - - - - - - 1; ‘MINNEHAHA Bank with Successful Record of 42 Years. Collections our Superior Facilities Guarantee NATIONAL BANK AOnLive $300-12% 170,000 t $ 16,700 15,000 RAY G. STEVENS_ _ RAY G. STEVENSJ. M. TOOHEY 78-850 78-2 10.000 89,660 i 25,000 R. C. Stirk_______ G. F. Hecht .... Scenic. .121 State Bank of Scenic._t§’10 Pete Lemley__ 78-603 Pennington L6 10% Scotland.........1186 Farmers & Merchants 8tate F. Huisman______ C. Weidenbach.__ G. C. Weidenbach. Bank ___ 78-817----- d®tS’20 Bon Homme N21 *125—8% par 100 tSelby .568 First National Bank d®»t’09 H. P. Gutz______ E. Overholser___ C. A. Potter_____ Otto Doherr 78-262 Walworth D14 $165-10% Walworth County State Bk. E. A. Walter_____ V. M. Walter____ Elmer R. Schmid.. 78-261 ©•tS’99 Leo. A. Traver ___ Seneca_______ 159 Farmers Security Bank •t5’09 B. A. Chester____ J. A. Benson __ 78-874 Faulk F15 STATE BANK OF SENECA o Thos. O’Brien___ D. J. O’Keeffe___ G. A. O’Brien ____ 1225 78-375 ®»t§ 03 Sherman.......... 193 First National Bank ...d»’24 Thos. Wangsness.. Carl A. Digre___ B. O. Wangsness.. 78-825 Minnehaha L25 Shlndler______ 62 Shindler State Bank.. ©t§’18 John Krebs_____ A. Kehm......... ........ L. D. Kepple____ $137.50-10% 78-742 Lincoln M24 Sinai_________ 230 First State Bank.............t§’07 H. Melemseter__ J. M. Eastby_____ A. J. Biorge..____ 78-605 Brookings J23 par 120 78-849 $ 3,760 $ 130,670 Principal Correspondents. & Ex- Cash ohangis.Dd* prom Banks C. E. Harr_______ E. O. Roberts— McCook County National Bk. F. B. Stiles--------- W. A. Barnhart—. A. B. Knox______ F. B. Kolbeck. 78-841 <’25 par 100 Bonds Miscel Lords ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and Discounts AND its Securities laneous Capital Profits ties P. A. Hagen_____ P. C. Lien_____ L. E. Ensteness (Consolidation of First Intern ational and Farmer s Security State Ban ks) *Sloux Falls 30,127 Minnehaha M24 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Boslyn_______ 255 Day D21 Bowena______ 110 Minnehaha M25 Butland............164 Lake J23 tSalem............ 1104 McCook L22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued dB®T<’90 z. sharp....... o. a. McCullough 100.000 131,610 3.925.590 — 360.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Met. N., Minpis. 878.910 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and III. Merch. Tr. Co., Cbl.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpis.; Secur. N. and 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st N., St. P. 1,747.160 1,371.250 159,870 1.968.110 1.833.430 223.140 1.141.300 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpis. Satis facto ry Se rvice. — d. c. lowe.......... john barton F.W. K0NEMAN, J.V.L0WE A. BRAY m. I. 0RMS Mgr.Farm Ln.Dept. Q L. J. SHARP, Mgr. Tr. Dept. SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS ON SIOUX FALLS FOR CAREFUL ATTENTION AND PROMPT RETURNS. SOUTH DAKOTA’S LEADING BANK. 250,000 272.770 4.643.230 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given l qqo to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaily Bankers’ lOOO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §S'tatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDei>.©Sav.$LastSale%Piv. ‘Sioux Falls 30.127 Minnehaha M24 PRESIDENT. Vice President. CASHIER. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bondi Ass’t Cashier. j Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and AND L iabili Capital Profits its Discount! Securitiia laneous ties CITIZENS INVESTMENT CO. fF. W. Koneman. D. A. McCullough.. H. R. Bigham, (120 W. Ninth St.) $150-10% & allen, inc. so (P. O. Drawer 926) Sioux Falls Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) »Sisseton___ 1468 Citizens Security National Bank—-78-89 ...........©t’19 Roberts C23 $160 .. .. First National Bank .®Ttl900 78-88 South Shore...299 South Shore Bank ..d®t§’18 78-369 Codington F23 (C. E. McKinney. T. R. Richardson, | Investment Securities. Tr. W. Z. Sharp........... W. L. Baker_____ Louis Richardson, See. E. J. Turner........... Henry Helvig___ J. A. Robertson Jay B. Allen, Sec.. 100,000 Minmhaha N., and Citiz. N., Sioux F B. H. Re Qua, Mgr. 50,000 35,000 $ 630,000 $ J. A. Rickert____ Henry S. Morris... S. K. Olberg_____ ________________ 75,000 26.640 492,270 H. G. Andrisen___ C. G. Pederson-__ T. R. Hanson 25.000 7,500 190.000 Spearfish___ 1349 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK H. G. Weare........... T. W. Matthews... J. M, Ramsay___ ------------ ------------Lawrence I 2 to% 78-125 dBT*t’06 25,000 30.310 493,970 25,000 17.000 550,000 .. (H. B. WEARE—- W. E.DICKEY....... W. E. DICKEY...... BANK OF SPEARFISH ®*4§ 82 } 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and CENTS for e 125 78-124 Spencer______ 599 McCook L22 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Sioux F 30.000 M. O. Eikum____ A. F. Ertsgaard W. O. Sampson H. P. Andrisen___ G.K. Burt_____ Principal Correspondents. k Oabh Exchanom,Dub from Banks $ 200,000 $ 25,000 FARM AND Cl TY LO ANS. ’14 ) W. Z. Sharp. John Barton Sec. and Tr. ) Ch. of Bd. (.Affiliated with the Security Nati onal Bank. mckinney Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed AccesO, Lawyers, Law's (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 40,000 $ 370,000 $ 160,000 $ 115,000 S 110,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N , ■ Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced.R.; 1st X.. Aberdeen. 414.710 115.970 180.000 4.000 6,250 336.620 125,110 16,010 77,790 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; D. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Deadwood. 42,000 510.000 51,000 13.000 60,000 1st N., Chi.,Sioux C., and Deadwood: Stock 248,200 8,090 16.750 46,100 Secur. N., Sioux F. and Sioux C.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 115,000 100,000 15,000 40,000 1st N., Chi.; Srcur. N., Sioux C. and Sioux F. 11,000 55.000 ' 49,810 68,410 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: Des M. N., Des M., Ia. 38,500 Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Watertown. ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • fWM. H0ESE...... H. C. LUETH_ _ _ _ H.T. HAYNES- - - - - - D.0.DUKE.............. 25.000 1,780 292.350 J. A. CALLANT. A. E. DEAN V. P. M.CREMER FARMERS & MERCH. STATE J BANK---- 78-274 ..d®»t§'06 \ SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN B ELL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TI ME ITE MS. j 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. (Consolidated with the Farmers & Mer chants State Bank October 18. 1928) Springfield....... 689 Springfield State Bank .d§’24 L. A. Gray_______ P. G. Monfore___ 78-833 Bon Homme P20 $uo-6% par 100 Stickney......... .426 First State Bank____ t§’06 J. E. Bachmore.__ L. E. Bachmore___ 78-390 Aurora M19 Jos. O’Brien .. Stickney State Bank W. T. Lathrop___ W. P. Smith_____ 78-391 d®»i§’06 ________________ 25,000 6,000 235.000 E. P. O’Brien____ 20,000 ■ 20.000 9,280 295,130 182.600 20,850 12,160 302,260 203,900 46.000 25,000 25,710 ?71 260 150,340 103,660 P. O. Colby______ 10,000 3.770 121,200 — 74,220 25,040 15,070 20.630 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Deadwoo . Geo. W. Berg____ Arnold E. Berg.__ 15,000 6,860 186,200 114,020 27,490 27,260 39,380 Citiz. N.. Watertown; Stork Yds. N.. So. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Farmers National Bank Fred Beskow......... F. C. Schoepp....... A. J. Boeder_____ Flossie L. Boeder . par 100 78-803 d®»t’20 Farmers State Bank d®»t§’06 Albert Schley....... E. S. Wicklander.. G. W. Tollefson... 10% par 100 78-398 A. J. Schley First State Bank...d®»t§’06 A. P. Robinson___ O. H. Christian.__ $85 ♦ 78-397 par 100 Strool _ Rn First State Bank.............»§’08 Perkins D5 78-613 B. R. Strand 25,000 1,350 37,500 43.000 10,000 15,000 8,350 163,340 123,710 2,000 29,320 30,000 ' ' 15,000 2,840 114.910 123,440 22,090 29,050 31,660 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Northw. Minpls. 10,470 N., Minpls. and Aberdeen. 5,000 180,000 77,000 41,000 15,000 87 000 25,000 22,180 395.800 226,550 94.800 13,920 107,710 Chase N., N. Y.; C.&C. N.. Chi.- Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Minpls. and Deadwood. 50,000 60,000 658,000 335.000 322,200 18,800 127,000 N. Bk.Com., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Stock Yds. N. andU. S. N., Oma. 50,000 10,000 280,000 240,000 23,000 12,000 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Oma. and Sioux C. P. A. Zimmer....... St. Lawrence..343 First National Bank...®t’06 L. T. Jarmuth___ F. D. Greene....... . Hand I 17 $200 78-610 . St. Onge.......... 156 St. Onge State Bank..®t§T6 H. L. McLaury.... Guy Bailey______ B. E. Colby $100-18% 78-611 Lawrence H2 Stockholm ___ 116 Stockholm State Bank.®tS’07 O. B. Fornell____ R. F. Rerp Grant F24 $125-10% 78-612 Strandhurg ...124 Grant F24 Stratford 261 _ Brown E19 ( ‘Sturgis...........1448 Bear Butte Valley Bank Roscoe Keene ___ H. B. Jennings___ H. J. Walker____ Frank Burroughs. ti Meade H13_ $200-8% 78-666 d©»t§'12 ■ Commercial National Bank Theo. Haas W. H. Johnson__ C. W. Waldman.__ $200-8% 78-80 d® »t’03 Fred P. Hampton par 100 Summit .....490 [Closed October 16, 1 926) Roberts E23 Tabor 422 Tabor State Bank....... ©1§’26 M. B. Welfl........... J. J. Noll_______ J. E. Palensky— Bon Homme 021 $110 par 100 78-614 M. J. Rada A. G. Honner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 | 4.000 37.290 35.000 109,970 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.: Mitchell N.. Mit chell; 1st N., Yankton. 65,580 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Sioux C. and Minpls.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. _. N., Sioux C.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 10,850 1st N., Watertown and Minpls. N Aberdeen. 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §SftatetPri». ♦County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in Non-Bank Towns with'Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel Cash k Ex- SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. No. 6 Fed. Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Thomas............. 68 Farmers State Bank...*+§’08 R. W. Griffin. Hamlin G22 *190-5% 78-616 H. P. Holen_____ O. M. Gorder. ♦Timber Lake. .537 Bank of Timber Lake -•+§’25 H. E. Beebe......... Dewey Ell *125 78- 400 M. P. Beebe, Ch. G. G. Tunell-------- Oscar A. Olson. Tolstoy............. 244 Farmers State Bank...®t§’07 H. M. Griffith... Potter F15 *120 78-617 Thos. O'Brien___ F. L. Reardon. Toronto______ 392 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. F. Fries_____ Deuel H24 *100-15% 78-318 d®»t'02 Loans Surplus Othsr Paid-up Depos Liabili and and AND Capital Profits its Discounts flseuritisp ties laneous jhanom.Dui from Bahxb $ 1 18,000 $ 15.000 8 10.000 $ 100,000 $ 800 $ 90,000 64.740 i 20,000 7,050 126,730 15,000 5,610 119,050 8,310 93.440 O. G. Tuve______ L. A. Fries ___ M. Emerson 25,000 2.500 235.490 38.450 162.070 Trail City_____ 46 Security State Bank ..d»t§’18 A. R. Scott........ . Dewey Dll par 100 78-765 F. N. Schirber....... C. C. Bentz. 15,000 3.000 58,000 Tripp________927 DAKOTA STATE BANK Henry Klatt, Jr.. Hutchinson N20 *100 78-20W d®*tS’01 L. R. Klatt. Oscar Brosz. 25,000 19.010 293.560 A. Reich_____ E. E. Heinrich A. H. Gil by.... 40,000 17.690 215,000 par 200 Tulare.............. 359 Spink H18 Turton..............265 Spink F20 Twin Brooks ..157 Grant E24 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. *13.5-10% 78-820 ®Tt§'22 State Bank of Tulare ...if'OO 78-619 Farmers State Bank ..©tl'16 *150-10% 78-713 State Bank of Twin Brooks *120-10% 78-621 d»tl’04 ♦Tyndall_____1370 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wm. Block.. P. M. Hansen... Chris Roesler .... R. T. Hirsch____ Edward Schaefer W. J. Craig______ Jas. P. Paulsen.__ Axel Anderson William Wells ___ W. A. Mott______ W. A. Mueller. 15,000 11.750 132.730 Enoch Lindquist. H. A. Fenner____ S. W. Matteson—. A. E. Koepke .. 15,000 2,000 114,000 450.000 F. H. Hirsch___ H. H. Binger........ 20,000 4,810 68.350 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich. 44,380 10,150 Stock Yds. N., So. St. Paul; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Am. N., Redfield. 48,970 32.120 Midland N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Minpls; Merch. N.. St. P. 380 20,000 1st N.. Mobridge and Aberdeen; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 41.680 26.570 Chase N.. N. Y.: C.& C. N..Chi.: 1st N,. Minpls.; 1st N.. Sioux C. 62.760 38.450 1st N.. Minpls.: Secur. N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 42,150 Redfield N.. Redlield; 1st N.. Minpls.; Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 26.360 Redfield N., Redfield; Northw N., Minpls. 15.880 58,260 46,000 2.600 201.580 70.340 117,100 54.370 20.210 174,330 51.420 183,400 21,063 108.650 1.493 101.000 7.750 355,000 30.510 36.000 12.000 1st N., Minpls. and Watertown. 44.043 16,240 IstN., Minpls.; Far. & Merch. N.,Milbank. 43,490 112,000 Chem. N.. N. Y.: Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 40.000 15.000 ections and Credi t Reports by send ing rafts 75c; Credit Reports, 50c. T RY US. 20.000 Wm. Limpo_____ A. Walla_____ 5.000 60,000 50,000 5.000 25,000 2,390 124,720 86,820 4.140 6,000 8.240 44.600 41.040 2.150 11.150 Maud E. Sloan. C. L. Lloyd 50,000 20,000 300,000 230,000 25,000 45,000 70,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.: 1st N., Minpls. F.6. HYDE-- 75,000 84.000 1.050.000 730.000 170.000 100.000 250.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N„ 50,000 30,220 730,770 505,320 130,350 10.920 164,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 1 N., Ohi.; Secur. N. and 1st N., Sioux C. 50,000 1,500 262,000 26.000 242,000 12,000 33,500 40,000 18,000 500,000 25.000 475.000 25,000 10,000 5.000 104,000 52,000 Oont. A Oom'i N.. Ohi.; Toy N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. 83,000 Drov.N..Ohi.;Northw.N.,Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F, 18,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., White Rock. Cicely McBride 25,000 5,640 113,280 25.000 78,170 56,290 6,700 27,760 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls., Watertown, and Sioux C. O. C. Dunlap____ H. C.Callanan. N. C. Callanan.. 10,000 6,730 32,070 230 27.060 4.760 7,520 Volga------------ 601 First National Bank..®»f02 Edmund Hillestad. J. O. Lee_______ Chas. E. Lee... Brookings 123 12% 78-255 Edw. C. Lee___ 25,000 16,000 320,000 — 250.000 25,000 20,000 W. H. Rogholt . 15,000 8,000 280,000 165.000 32,000 Bon Homme 021 Utica_________ 160 Yankton 022 Valley Springs 403 Minnehaha L25 Vayland______ 72 Hand 118 f A. A. BYE- - - - - - - - WILLIAM THOMPSON- H. F. ABBOTT- - - - - - - W. F. LEHMAN 78-134 ©»t’03 1 Save time and g et service on Coll I FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Might d Utica State Bank______ §'27 J. H. Bierle______ James Peterka.... 78-623 Minnehaha County Bank §'27 L. Christensen___ J. B. Severson....... 78-625 Bank of Vayland______ |'09 J. T. MeOullen___ W. F. Pautsch-----78-626 A. M. Christensen M. L. Pottinger—. W. P. Noble___ ♦Vermilion. 3410 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. M. J. Chaney____ C. E. President__ M. A. Chaney. Clay P24 78-693 Tt*’14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 150 rM. D. THOMPSON— M. L. THOMPSON .... T.B. MATTER — E.M. HART ) Oldest and Lar I Send us your C I High Grade Far 78-68 dB®T»t'75 Iff# collect and 10 F. M. Olsen_____ F. B. Skola___ P. C. Madsen____ Harold Larson.. Guy O. Johnson... O. A. Hovren__ J. A. McGillivray V. E. Larson__ FIRST STATE BANK®«»I19P0 Robert Henry----- K. B. Henry_____ W. M. Henry — % Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78-254 41.000 gest Bank In Clay County, olleetlons. m Loans Negotla ted. remit Interest wl thout expense to Investors. Vermilion National Bank C. H. Barrett____ C. Christianson._ G. K. Brosius___ P. R. Miller__ 78-69 ®*2'87 G. M. Jackson C. J. Gunderson VIborg . 709 Farmers State Guaranty Bank H. E. Monk.......... tjTurner N23 78-328 ®|’98 FirstNational Bank_d©«'97 George Nelson ___ 8% par 100 78-327 Victor. Bank of Victor___®ti'14 J. T. Hovren____ Roberts B23 78-686 Vienna _ Farmers National Bank F. B. Stiles______ Clark H22 78-784 ®«t'20 Virgil _ Virgil State Bank________ (Closed) Beadle 119 Vivian 168 Vivian State Bank....d7§'09 H.W. Shoop____ Lyman K13 *125 par 125 78-421 2.290 H. D. Nelson. E. W. Nelson 101.000 ____ 30.000 Am. State and Dakota N., Yankton: Secur. N., Sioux C. 61.160 Northw. N., Minpls., Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 6.790 Oont. efc Com'] N., Chi.; 1st N., Miller. Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Northw. N., Minpls. 9,680 Northw. N., Minpls.; Sioux C. Live Stock N.f 66,000 Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Secur. N„ Brookings. iooc lOOJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.',1New§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Est&b. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDtp.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Volin__________ 304 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. John Oursland ___ Ole Lee ...... $110-5% 78-812 ®*t§’20 Yankton 023 .. Volin State Bank .-.d®Ttl'02 E. O. Lien 8% par 100 78-630 Wagner.............1444 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK Charles Mix 019 $150-10% 78-164 ®»t»'02 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued CABBIES. Ass’t Cashier. 1 ......... Erling F. Haugo Ole Ppdersnn . . Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Cash A Ex Paid-up Subplus Miscel chamois Depos L and and and ,Due iabili Capital Profits its Diaoounta Securities laneous from Barks ties 15.000 $ 30.000 840 { 84.820 $ 62.240 $ 1.349 $ 21.610 $ 15.470 Drov.N..Chi.;Am.State.Yankton: Northw. N., Minpls.: Live Stock N., SiouxC. 13.720 257.890 165,290 8.500 38.970 88.840 Cont. & Com’IN.. Chi.: 1st N..SiouxC., St. P. and Yankton. 30,000 19.680 jG. W. WILLIAMSON w. H.FREI................. R. J. HARNEY__ JOHN KABERNA ) Collections and paying taxes a sp eclalfy. Negotlat e farm and mort gage lo ans. 'Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to us. 351.480 270.310 2.700 19.930 108.220 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux C.; Norihw. N. Minpls. 360.000 — 129.000 60.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux O. 386,020 6,920 23,730 85,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 59.920 13.920 10,320 27,630 1st N.. Minpls. and Mobridge;Abordeen N., Aberdeen. 22,700 _ _ Einer Johnson — O. A. Hart. P. O. Breen First 8tate Bank___ 0*311900 F. S. Strohbehn__ B. V. Morgan........... E. J. Petrick_____ J. S.Silvis________ $150 78-163 50.000 35,000 BANK OF WAK0NDAd®'tl 93 M. J. Chaney........... C. H. Barrett_____ Sam Jacobson____ A. E. Diefendorf.. F. A. Swezey W. B. Simons 78-431 50.000 7.890 443.770 Wakpala State Bank ®*t§ 20 H. J. Kindred_____ A. Severson______ M. H. Severson.__ W. L. Taylor_____ 78-801 15.000 2.510 94.290 Wall 209 Farmers State Bank-..*3i'25 R. H. Packman___ Fred J. Deakman. A. S. Nystrom____ Elizabeth F. Doud_ 78-464 \ Pennington K7 10.000 2,900 95,100 55,000 20.000 2.000 85.000 85.000 15.000 3,000 76,000 47.000 12.250 74.000 •• ____ _ “ Clay 023 Principal Correspondents. 420.000 $ 25.000 Wakonda State Bank________ (Closed January 3. 1927) Corson D12 P. O. Rrekke Wallace 20Q Security State Bankd®»i§’06 Ezra Adams _____ A. Melham________ 78-633 Codington F22 •4 44 Wallace State Bank dB®!S'19 E. T. Hegna__ ____ H. A. Ustrud .......... 78-762 * 30,300 Merch. N./St. P.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 15.000 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Watertown. 7.600 25,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ Watertown. 8,000 26,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont.&Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 70.000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 29,000 1st N„ Aberdeen; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Com’l State, Little F.. Minn. par ioo Warner.............. 136 First State Bank_____ dtl*07 C. F. Hauge_______ Carl Wolter______ par 100 78-635 Brown E18 Michael Qninn.... S. H. Aos Bank of Wasta...........®*J|’07 $125-10% 78-636 Pennington J6 Farmers State Bank...Ttf’16 Pearl Hemphill... Wm. Holm .............. $165 78-717 Corson B9 •Watertown 10,319 Codington G23 ’CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $300-8% par 100 44 44 44 .. 78-27 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 155,000 63,000 8.000 223.000 158.000 15,000 4,700 74.360 7.800 100,000 94.110 1,774,210 100.000 106.950 2,473.280 30.000 3.000 12.300 50,000 669,740 1.016,660 64,840 267.080 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Minpls. and St. P. 90.000 1.169.400 1.009.330 46.650 553.840 N. City, N. Cont. & Com’l N. and Un. Tr. Co., Chi.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Sioux C. 140,000 Chase N.f N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 66.560 lH j Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied (.by FEE IN AD VANCE: Plain si qht drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 50c. A. Cash, K. U. liUtrrtn 1 L. C. BAKuEK “Oldest Bank in Codington County/* UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT FOR 46 YEARS. SEPARATE COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. @•2115 Watertown Clearing House (Members indicated by a *) 1007 First National Bank ___ M State Bank of Waubay dtf'02 $125 par 125 78-183 Waveriy.. . ss State Bank of Warerly Codington F23 78-677 ®»tl’13 Waubay H Day E22 1,000 25.000 mw 78-23 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK $135-7% 15,000 . rW. D. MORRIS— L.T. MORRIS........... H. M. HARTER — B. MORGAN-.......... ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK ®mw $300-10% 44 78-24 d®T»t’85 T. E. Neiger_____ RnyTieRates. H. 0. RICE-------------D. F. JONES.............. ft. U. SHBCC G. K. BURT................. M. J. ORANGE - 100.000 20.000 500.000 416.000 96.000 30,000 20.000 5,000 235.000 155,000 45,770 9,130 10,000 5,000 88.900 78.500 At your service all the time at Watertown, South Dakota. Best Farm Loans and Farm Loan Bonds always available. Writo us your needs. C. H. Lockhart .... H. D. Rice________ H. M. Hanten, Tr. (Closed) A. T. H. Bosland.. J. P. Antony.. Conrad Mogen .— E. B. Lewison_____ 50.100 1st N., Minpls. 16.600 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Citiz. N.. Watertown. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. . | Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. .......... . . ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-Pkesident. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 1 ooc LOOU Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in- QOUTH T'lAK'O'T'A___ dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this OWU A XT. X A VsUIlll.llU.CU volume. Liabilities. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Loam ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and AND Capital Propits its Discounts Securities ties ‘Webster____1687 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank David Williams— A. T. Cooper______ W. B. Stevens____ C. F. Luedke —„— $ Day E21 78-81 ®»’88 Frank Wagner Principal Correspondents. laneous from Banks 34,520 $ 355,480 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Duluth. 16,130 $ 999,780 $ 50,000 $ 580.170 $ 145.749 $ 10.000 210,000 20,000 95,000 40.000 15.000 7,500 170,000 2,000 133,000 10.200 8.800 42.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Sioux N., Sioux C. Lake Co. N., Madison. G J JOHANSON........ 0. W. HALLBACK— 30,000 12,240 291,910 252,180 19,190 21,120 41,340 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron. Huron. FARMERS & MERCH. STATE G. P. SC0TCHBR00K- ™iS,ETCH»R00K G. E. SCOTCHBROOK — G. W. PETERSON -— BANK—-78-252 ... ©*t§’06 22,000 9.790 209,300 152.030 850 32.000 48,290 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; Northw. N , Minpls. ♦ Wessingt’n Spg’s Jerauld County Bk._d®<§’24 J. E. Ziebach-------- Geo. H. Sickler ... L. M. Larsen_____ F.W.Bunday. A.C. Jennie Christensen Jera Id J18 1414 *200-10% par 100 78- 8 2 7 25.000 16.670 351.030 228,170 51.369 12,500 100.670 C. & C. N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 15.000 7,980 84,170 46,460 19.199 8,800 23,070 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. Security Bank & Trust Co. Wm. M. Naessig... 78-82 ©T»t§’98 Andrew Hedman Wentworth.__809 State Bank of Wentworth____ (Closed October 1, 19 26) u Lake K23 ( Wentworth Bank___d®t§’01 A. J. Harrington__! R. C. Zimmermann J. D. Mullaney .— J. P. Harrington .. 8% par 100 78-639 C. N. Fader Wesslngton.__717 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK E B DINSMORE —- J 1 McNEIL Beadle 118 78-250 d®»t’26 Westport_____215 Farmers State Bank .©<§’08 $250 78-640 Brown D18 Wetonka . .134 . McPherson D17 Wetonka State Bank........ § 00 78-478 Wewela________64 Wewela State Bank........t§’09 78-641 Tripp 014 White 521 First National Bank___ © 02 $165-10% 78-287 Brookings 124 Don W. DeVey... 50,000 S . 50,000 For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Bonds Miscel Cash & Exand ohangbb.Dux 1,090 380 . (Absorbed by First National Bank, Abe rdeen, S. Dak.) L. L. Heil________ W. A. Kenaston ... M. Rail R. H. Holden_____ Henry Moore.____ G. F. Gripentrog.. E. E. Thayer_____ ' l 129,000 5.000 127,000 10,000 11.490 48,930 429 32.799 15.540 6.499 25,000 23.220 368.620 25,000 168.340 127,850 14,950 130.690 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Pipestone N.. Pipestone. 40.620 20,870 7,650 10.870 Northw. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeeu 31,499 129,799 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st N.. Minpls. 73,529 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., SiouxC.; Mitchell N„ Mitchell. 65.010 25,000 25,720 601,499 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»i’06 John Goeres______ John P. Gilhertz .. Peter Goeres_____ $300-10% par 100 78-270 25.000 28.310 392,060 jH. A. KISER —- R0BT. R. JONES— J. F. SULLIVAN— BLANCHE VAN • White River..320 MELLETTE CO. STATE BANK SCHAACK $12.5-10% «. 78-658 ®<§T2 )Send your coll ectlons to us, we remit day of pa yment. Mellette M12 par 100 'County and To wnshlp Warrants and Real Estate Loans for sale. 15.000 2,500 • 169,280 White Rock .319 Citizens State Bank._©<§’02 A. H. Kolset______ O. S. Erickson___ L. A. Anderson___ 78-358 .Roberts B24 First National Bank........© 02 John L. Caldwell— A. W. Powell____ $135-10% par 100 78-357 15,000 9,860 131,440 920 105,950 25,000 6,569 160,150 25,000 115.610 u Aberdeen; Northw. N„ 8.000 5,000 • H TT HotOis Ludwig Loevinger. E. P. Sale-Pope ... White Lake...570 AURORA COUNTY BANK Frank R.Loevinger 78-209 d®<t’83 Aurora L18 •• 20,000 Aberdeen N„ Minpls. 11.010 D. S. N., Oma. 15.000 15,000 White Butte...84 Guaranty State Bank.._t§’20 par 100 78-814 Perkins B6 155.000 Midland N. Bk. &Tr.. Minpls.; DakotaN„ Aberdeen. Whitewood Banking Co. 490,920 10,000 335,359 41.500 5.000 47,480 • 38,230 17,900 83.160 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C. 3,980 24,820 22,470 Han. N..N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. 42,380 23.040 35,690 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. • A. W Cottier T. O. Mitchell____ H. L. McLaury .... dt§'88 Faimer^ A Merchants Bank D. H. Chase ___ L. S. Chase______ C. L. Chase_______ L. A. Pietz ______ $325 par 100 78-706 d®<§’15 F. G. Siewert C. H. cnase 20,000 16.000 200,000 141,000 43.000 17.000 35.000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Deadwood. 25.000 25,000 310.000 199.000 102.000 28.000 40,000 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.and Water town: N. Bk. of Huron. Huron. Security State Bank_d®<§’04 Casper Thoreson.. $100-4% par 100 78-310 L. J. Warkenthien. Theresa Peters.__ J. C. Kuhnert 25,000 11.680 277.680 114.740 104.600 38,440 56.570 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., Minp.s., Peo. Sav.. Watertown; Citiz. N., Sioux F. Wlirnot 567 First National Bank..®<’19 John A. Munro.... Sam C. Jones_____ W- F. Jones. Joseph Aasland... $150 par 100 78-766 Roberts D23 .. .. First State Bank___rl(s)<§'93 C.M. Jensen_____ R. E. White.............. $125 78-317 Jas, E. Carey 25,000 11.000 200,000 93,000 40,000 63.000 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 12.630 285,630 217.200 14,380 47,480 49.190 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. White wood 300 Lawrence 12 Willow Lake 514 Clark H21 .. $15j-8% par 150 7 8-645 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5.000 1007 ±OJ/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’11. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §Stat,e fPriv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B Ass’n. fEstab Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Other Loan* Bondi MlBCBL- I Ca,h * **' Paid-up Subplus Depos Liabili and and , o“».«i,Dui its Capital Discount! S‘euriti‘8 r*on Baku ties 78-424 ‘Winner_____ 2203 BANK OF WINNER Tripp M14 R. R. JONES.................. T.C. MONTGOMERY—L. 0. EVANS_______ Witten________221 Farmers State Bank ...•tl’09 B. G. Rahn............Fred W. Rahn____ W. H. Rahn_Frances Einkopf .. 78-491 Wolsey_______ 454 Bank of Wolsey___ ®t§l900 R. L. Atkinson__ B. E. Atkinson .... W. L. Darling__________ ____________ Beadle 119 Sanborn J19 Beadle 120 5.000 359 250 165.670 $ 40.000 11.990 324.260 237.410 15.000 10,000 150,910 $ 129.250 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpis. Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st Tr. & Sav. i Sioux C. 71.530 $ 70.300 68.540 1st Tr. & Sav.. Sioux O.: U. S. N„ Oma.’, Saunders Co. N„ Wahoo. 2,930 99,650 12,010 15.410 51,770 1st N., Chi.; Live Stk. N.. Sioux C.; Northw. N., Minpis.; Oma. N., Oma. 10.000 13,050 111,380 73,850 210 14,190 46,190 1st N., Minpis.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; 20.000 5.160 92,920 46,040 15,890 10,750 45,400 Live Stock Sanborn County Bank 25,000 9,200 214,000 115,200 38,500 78-311 $150-6% par 100 78-828 d®T§’24 R. E. Hazen......... James Hall______ T. M. Brisbine____ W. R. Jamison __ Worthing.......... 274 Peoples Security Bank _®§'04 Henry Bradshaw.. Wm. Bradshaw.__Charles Bradshaw. J. R. Warsing_____ $150 par 100 78-462 Lincoln M24 Kale________ 184 25.000 ----------I 52,600 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpis. and Sioux C. $ 295,090 . First State Bank---------- 18’06 R. F. Chenoweth .. Louis Schnetzer...iC. N. Schnetzer—;___________ $345-10% 78-312 1W oonsocket. 1203 5.000 $ 305,450 ALBERT SCHEINOST Deposits Guaranteed by State Law. Warrants and Farm Mortgages for Sale. Prompt and Efficient Service on all Banking Matters. Security Bank........... ®»tl’10 F. J. Kirchman.__G. F. Kares_______ Lloyd Mengel. 78-217 Tripp M13 25.000 $ E.E. Connor 78-214 dB®»t§’09 Principal Correspondents. ------------------------- -------- Winfred_____ .310 Bank of Winfred___©*t§’22 Thos. Westall___ Ed. Freet________ J. R. Shirey.......... M. A. Chapin____ I Lake E22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.'), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 26,000 16,890 286,660 State Bank of Worthing Thomas Brady___ F. M. Brady______ F. M. Brady 78-461 ©tS'03 |R. J. Brady 10,000 17,500 Farmers State Bank.. dt5’06 Wm. Davis______ W. F. Musolf_____ J. D. Kaufman ___Bessie Kaufman.. i |0. A. Kaufman 20.000 'AMERICAN STATE BANK 225-8% 78-49 75,310 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Secur. N., SiouxC. and Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpis. 7.000 52,290 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux F.; Toy N., Sioux C. 2,380 212,500 185.000 15,000 480 171,530 132,620 1.500 50.000 77.880 992.440 516.640 192.350 100,000 26,000 575.000 276.000 165.000 85.000 175 000 Chase N., N. Y.: III. Merch. Ti. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Sioux C. and Minpis.; Stock Yds. N., Oma. J. W. Donohoe ___ F. B. Ray. 50,000 16.230 230.000 176.150 18.740 45.000 E. R. HEATON......... F. R. WYNN............ LUCY FRENCH — 25,000 43,500 500,000 343.500 15,000 56.650 Stk. Yds. N..Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpis.; Live Stk. N., 1st Tr. & Sav. and Toy N„ Sioux C. 210,000!N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.. Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpis, 50,000 60.000 350,000 250.000 30.000 M. P. 0HLMAN .... J. M. LLOYD------- H. E. EDMUNDS— H. C. NYBERG-— A MODERN BANKING INSTITUTION Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. dB®*tS'91 N., Sioux O.: Northw. N., Minpis.: N. Bk. of Huron. Huron. 203,880 $150 par 100 78-646 ‘Yankton___ 5507 Yankton 022 Secur. N„ Sioux F. 77,000 40,000 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Minnehaha N., Sioux F.: Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 13.880 44,020 Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; Northw. N., Minpis. 113.470 297.860 Am, Ex. Irving Tr, Co., N. Y.; Cont. & _____ _____ Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpis.; Secur. N., Sioux C. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ■fr------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‘DAKOTA NATIONAL BANK % 78-60 J.A DANF0RTH R"• 0. REISER SEND US YOUR YANKTON BUSINESS. ®»t’12 ♦Farmers & Merchants State T. J. Frick.__ Bank_____78-783... dB®t§’20 Robert Yaggie ^W. E. HEATON......... ♦FIRST LOAN & TRUST CO. 'transacts 78-61 A.C. dLIfORTH* a GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS, ®T»t5’09 I Special attentio n given Bill of La ditig drafts, Cash and Time Items. l Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 50 c for Credit Reports. ‘FIRST NATIONAL W. E. HEATON------ E. R. HEATON- - - - - - - - - P. E. BRENNAN------ H. E. HANSON_ _ _ _ _ BANK 20% 78-48 .*•72 Yankton Clearing House (Members indicated by a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *) THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE TWO DAKOTAS. Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 16c; Credit Reports, SOc. TRY US. E. R. Heaton____ j_________________F. B. Ray, Sec. and Tr., 85 000 50.000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. and Com’l N. ___ _____ and 1st N., Chi.; Seeur. N., Sioux C. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 TTR to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ -LOOO Directory, under the authority of The American Banker Ass’n. Liabilities. TOW* AMD CJOUNTT. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State t Priv. ^County Seats. tMem. Stats B. Aw’a. [Betab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. Adams_______ 672 Bank of Adams . 6 N Robertson K10 Adams vilie.__459 Bank of Adamsville—-®il'04 IM McNairy P6 tno-8% 87-291 Farmers k Merch. Bank..i’09 87-292 ‘Alamo______ 720 Bank of Alamo______ »tl'02 8 M Crockett N4 87-314 PEOPLES BANK 87-643 President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. CASHIER. Loans Bonds ther Cash k Ex* Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel CHAH6M,DTT1 and and and Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous from Basks ties (Closed August 1,19 27) J. W. Martin____ J. L. Littlefield.... W. O. Phillips- Troy Hair_______ $ 40,000 $ F. P. Adams_____ J. M. Yancey____ Robert Smith.._ H. W. Yancey....... P. B. Nance_____ C. H. Conley____ H. A. Perry.__ .. A. P. Wainright .. 4,190 $ 115.830 $ 1,120 $ 106,450 $ 10.500 124,850 57.020 7,000 25.000 9,390 222,070 145,170 52,950 N. M. Foutch- Dibrell Dinges__ Miss Ida Foutch... 30 000 3,000 185,000 H. M. Judd............ J. T. Langford___ 0. E. Hampton___ J. R. Hampton.__ 15 000 2,000 120,000 J. H. Northcut.... J. G. Greeter......... J. W. Marler____ L. V. Woodlee Alex. Austin____ R. C. Rogers_____ J. T. Brown S.B. 8mith H.S. Griffin_____ S. Y. Wilson_____ J. S. Falls ........... John H. Falls 10.000 2.060 122,140 6,490 103,410 10,000 12,940 118,980 Hugh Dozier_____ G. E. Murff______ J. C. Chambliss.__ 20,000 8,670 211,140 L. J. Pardue_____ G. W. Fambrough 14,100 7,600 212,350 f6. F. LOCKMILLER A. E. WALTHALL—. F. R. DODSON-.75,000 ‘Athens_____ 2580 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK. time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding 8 N McMinn P17 *175-10% par 100 87-161 ®‘t’07 <(Save fee in advan CE: Ptain sight drafts, tSc; Cred it Reports, 25c. T RY US. 43,000 650,000 J. B. Smith, Jr— Farmers Bank ......... 1§’20 J. W. Fisher____ L.W.Wattenharger J. C. Cate.............. *100 87-659 First National Bank....»t’72 J. G. Fisher_____ C. J. Jones_______ Edgar Childress ... *165-10% 87-160 Atoka............ 246 Planters Bank________ tf’07 L. E. Gwinn —. 8M Tipton P2 $200 87-317 Atwood______ 417 Atwood Banking Co.______ (Closed) 8 M Carroll N5 C. T. Strong_____ W. W. Templeton. R. S. McDill........... E. W. Starnes Auburntown ..114 Bank of Auburn_______ tf'OS Robt. Robinson.__ B. R. McKnight... Carl Bass 6N Cannon N12 *150-10% 87-319 Union Bank, C ovington) Gwen McKnight.. 20.000 2,650 72,280 100,000 47,440 604,160 10,000 10,950 72,560 13,200 3,950 172,300 ! 180,000 15.500 - 8,800 20,580 Am. N., Nash. 5,160 35,520 73,200 11,020 111,500 3.910 146,050 6,280 3,450 84,020 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 161,230 38,980 6,650 35,990 Am. N„ Nash. 630,000 78,000 68,260 100,000 7.250 44,530 7,500 6,710 34,770 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Oo.Far. Union, Cov. 114,260 11,370 9,370 61,710 4th and 1st N., Nash. 13,070 178,240 330 168,840 R. L. Richardson.. R. L. Richardson . Edgar Fields......... N. S. Maxwell S. W. Todd............. W. A. Moore......... 15.000 6,270 128,000 2.250 7.500 1,180 29.98(1 J. F. Glenn........... Paul Tate.............. R. B. Cummings 10.000 2,730 62.620 20,000 4,500 155,000 95.000 — 18.150 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Athens. 52,460 30,000 13,600 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 12,760 23,640 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp, 99,550 19,630 26.570 3,540 32,340 Tenn,-Hermitage N.,Nash.; 1st N., Cookeviile. 8,540 Am. N., Nash. 2.350 15,800 Am. N„ Nash.; Peo. & Un., Lewis burg. 16,390 54,550 2,650 125,000 2,100 52,400 Chem.N., N. Y.: Am. N„ Nash. < Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, 1 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon and 25c for each re port. L Directors net w ortb over one hal f million doUars. Bells------------ 1025 Bank of Crockett_____»t§’87 J. C. Hamlett .... J. B. Fleming____ F. M. Henderson.. 8 M Crockett 04 87-323 H. L. Cates, A. C. B. A. Evans :ing Co. B. B. Barnes........... A. R. Bridger___ E. C. Smethers -__ 87-512 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8,510 118,250 Paul Barret...__ Ellen Trobaugh.__ I par 100 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hamilton N„ Chattanooga. 141,730 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chattanooga; City N., Knoxville. Barretvllle.__ 1200 Birretville Bank & Trust Co. 0.0. Castles........... P. .T. FlipDin ... (Kerrville P. O.) *130-10% par 100 d®T»t5’20 J. H. Barret. V. P. E. M, Moore 8 M Shelby P2 87-672 GEO. TR0XLER— - JOHN T. CLARY— 26,510 1st N., Memp, 539,150 90.000 e.b.’shoVf'ner' 15,000 Tenn.-TTnrniitage N., Nash. 4.150 3,600 rT.H. WOODS...... 40,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 12.990 15,000 *110-9% — 111.980 J. W. Hodge__ Baiter............. 521 Lawrence Grace... 87-320 6N Putnam M14 *226-30% Beechgrove.__500 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. S. F. Shelton......... 6 N Coffee 012 87-647 »’25 Belfast ........ 100 _________ J. C. Tate.............. 6 N Marshall 011 *128-8% par 100 87-322 16,000 125,000 Bailey ton..........169 Fanners A Traders Bk. .tl’12 G. B. Bailey.......... 87-534 6N Greene M22 *130-8% 6N Bedford 012 11.030 $ 36,180 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; 2d N„ Jackson; 4th & 1st N., Nashville. 4.000 75,660 Henderson.; 1st N„ Jackson. 7,750 50,590 4th ft 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. (Closed January 21. 1927) G. R. Lester... 15 000 BeUbuckle...„471 BANK OF BELUMICKL^, 7.480 % 8,333 {Branch of Tipto n County -Farmer* Cary Alsobrook, Mrs. G. C. Ran A. Cash, and Mgr. dolph, A. Mor. ..tS’19 Alexandria ___610 Bank of Alexandria. 6 N DeKalbM13 D. W. Dinges Bkg. Co,’99 87-256 Algood....... ...... 651 Bank of Algood_______ t|'09 87-315 6N Putnam M16 1115-6% ‘Altamont....... 114 Cumberland Mountain Bank 87-596 15’16 6N Grundy P14 IUO-10% Ardmore_____ 315 Bank of Ardmore_____»f:517 6 N Giles Qll 10% 87-610 Arlington____ 494 Arlington Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-316 ®Tt|’05 8M Shelby P 2 *125-10% ‘Ashland City .649 Ashland City Bk.&Tr.Co. 87-279 ®Tt5’01 61) Cheatham M10 *224-10 % Cheatham County Bank*il'09 *170-10% 87-280 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. TENNESSEE 25,000 12,470 351,530 15,000 9.690 136,930 10.000 300,230 2,940 13,070 127.090 5.710 5.250 72,760 Chem. N.. N. Y.;1stN.. St. T, • Union ft Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 33.570 1st N., Memp.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fenn. Tennessee INDEX TO COUNTIES. Anderson.. .M 18 Bedford........0 12 Benton..........M 7 Bledsoe........ 0 15 Blount..........0 19 Bradley........Q 16 Campbell... L 18 Cannon........N 13 Carroll..........N 6 Carter.........M 24 Cheatham.. .L 10 Chester............P 5 Claiborne ... L 20 Clay...............L 14 Cocke...........N 22 Coffee........... P 13 Crockett......... N 4 Cumberland. N 16 Davidson.. ,M 11 Decatur........... 0 7 De Kalb.... N 13 Dickson....... M 9 Dyer.............M3 Fayette..........P 3 Fentress... .M 16 Franklin ... .Q 12 Gibson........ M 4 Giles.............P 10 Grainger... M 20 Greene.........M 22 Grundy........ P 13 Hamblen .. M 21 Hamilton... ,P 15 Hancock. . . .L 21 Hardeman.... P 4 Hardin............ Q 6 Hawkins.... L 22 Haywood....... 0 3 Henderson. ...06 Henry..............L 6 Hickman........ N 9 Houston.........M 8 Humphreys .. N 8 Jackson ....M 14 Jefferson... .M 20 Johnson........L 25 Knox........... M 19 Lake................ L 3 Lauderdale... N 2 Lawrence........ P 9 Lewis...............0 9 Lincoln........Q 11 Loudon........ 0 18 McMinn... .P 17 McNairy........Q 5 Macon..........L 13 Madison........0 5 Marion......... Q 14 Marshall... P 11 Maury..........0 10 Meigs............O 17 Monroe........ P 18 Montgomery . L 9 Moore.......... P 12 Morgan ... .M 17 Obion..................L4 Overton .... M 15 Perry..................07 Pickett......... L 16 Polk..............Q 17 Putnam .... M 14 Rhea............0 16 Roane.......... N 17 Robertson.. L 11 Rutherford.. N 12 Scott............. L 17 Sequatchie . P 15 Sevier..........N 20 Shelby.............P 2 Smith.......... M 13 Stewart........... L 8 Sullivan .... K 24 Sumner.........L 12 Tipton.............0 2 Trousdale... L 13 Unicoi......... M 23 Union........... L 19 Van Buren . .0 15 Warren......... 0 13 Washington .L 23 Wayne.............P 8 Weakley..........L 5 White...........N 15 Williamson. .N 10 Wilson......... M 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map YOUR KEY BOOK? Numer Ninth Edition ical System1 ordered? INCE i NOW IS the time assigned by the Bankers Bankers rectory nd Numbering the American for Association Bankers the Numerical System” adopted Association The hundred pages, published every two supplements years every six months which KEYGsa NUMERICAL S V STEM oF THE AMERICAN BANKER ASS OCIATION numerical list making the cross either means banks or numbers can be located at once value in the Transit De partments of banks as it saves time, cuts labor, and handling of items. It is kept-up-to-date supplements which lphabetical list of all the banks in the United States scribers Numerical System Simplifies Check Handling the country and for numbering every checks are used officially adopted by the Executive the United States and :he American Bankers Association on number of the except a small fraction. 11, has practically revolutionized the Numerical Transit System of the American Bankdepartment of the bank. The benefits of the igned by the Rand McNally ers Association. have naturally been felt most Bankers Directory. In the 16 years in which this in this country 1 operation the banks of the system another has not country have saved hundreds of thousands profited by it. The Numerical System by of dollars as a result of the extraordinary helping to speed the transit items on their advantages in facilitating the registration Numerof transit items which the made possible a 50 per cent reduction in the ical System has effected It is not too much A COPY clerical force of many transit departments. that this system, which provides UNDREDS of millions of TWO PUBLISHED Rand WSaux a Company Official Numbering Agent, Clark Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Largest Publishers Banking Publications Established 1856 World 270 Madison Avenue 1 '3'3Q -lOOy Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Dirpctftrv. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and oountt. ‘County Seats. Pig. is P. Res. Dist. M Memp. N. Nash. 1 »Mem. A.B.A. nNew § State tPri¥. Mem. State B. An’n. [Estab. <►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 1-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. a Ran ton 525 6 N Polk Q17 1$ 125-6% par 100 87-3 24 Bethel Springs 409 1Bethel Springs Bank.—ti’03 87-325 Bk McNairy P5 1 125-10% farmers & Merchants Bank TtS'10 6N SumnerL12 it 150-12% 87-326 Bis Bock____ 250 Big Rock Bank................ tl’12 6 N Stewart K7 1112-8% 87-540 Big Sandy....... 603 first National Bank ®'27 87-304 8M Benton L7 Formerly Bank of Big Sandy) Blanche.............262 Blanche Banking Co.......t§'06 6 N Lincoln Qll 120-10% 87-327 ‘Blountville ...250 farmers Bank of Sullivan Co. 6 N Sullivan L24 6% 87-328 ®Tt§'06 Bluff City....... 524 Huff City Bank....... ®»tS’05 87-329 S N Sullivan L24 t 110-6% ‘Bolivar_____1031 [ IANK OF BOLIVAR d©*tl’87 8 M Hardeman P4 * 225-16% par 100 87-233 lardeman County SavingsBk. “ ------- " s HO-12% 87-234 d ®*t5'03 par 100 Bradford _ 507 Bank of Bradford-------- 1§'03 t M Gibson M5 $200 par 100 87-E30 | $115-10% 87-629 PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers,^ Laws ^(indexed) in back of this volume. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cass ft IxSurplus Depos Other and and CHAEQBB,Dl71 and L iabili its Discounts Securitise laneous FROM BaIU Profits ties TENNESSEE—Continued Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. W. P. Lang______ W. M. Lowery .... Founta L. Love... A. Williams_____ W l $ 178,000 25,000 1 13.500 $ 245,500 110.000 $ 13,000 185,000 25,000 10,000 10.000 5,580 W. B. Hall............ W. 1. Barnett___ 25,000 3,960 61,680 52,440 J. M. Moses........... J. G. McKenzie... 25,000 2,500 41,500 33.410 P. A. Twitty........... Jno. N. Maddot... 10,000 6,740 62.000 V. Tnhh Paid-up Capital J. B. McKee_____ C. Senter ______ E. Woodson, Sec. H. H. MassengilL. J. J. White___ J. W. Swadley . C. H. Massengill... C. .T. Phillips TATE.............. 200 47,920 Johnson 15,000 30,100 515.270 11,690 I JOHN L. MITCHELL- G. M. SAVAGE......... D. M. McAnulty... R. E. Hunter____ B. M. Gee__ 48,820 1.650 2,980 60,930 18,090 112,090 Lin. N.,0in.; 1stN„Bristol; CityN.,Knoxville. Bk. of Bristol, Bristol. 150,630 Han. N., N.Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 154,760 Chase N.. N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. 41,390 4th & 1st N„ Nash.: N. 8tock Yds. N..N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N., Jackson. 30,000 Am. N., Nash.: Gibson Co., Trenton; Cent. State N.. Memp. 10,360 Tenn.-Hermitage N„ Nash. 30,000 38,650 522,670 8.460 238,240 207,910 3,000 50,000 27.150 505.720 10.000 394,180 36,860 7,080 1.200 160.210 28,000 30,000 24.230 178,520 25,000 4,000 100,000 J. L. Cunningham- M. F. Caffy............ S. M. Patton____ 25.000 4.180 75,290 12,500 4,530 34,300 31,570 7.000 66,000 77,000 R. V. Atkins......... 6N Cannon 012 $155-10% 87-331 Brazil .8047 Bank of Brazil-.............. tl'05 T. K. Happel____ D. M. Dinwiddle.. J. H. Banks_____ R. J. Hunt_______ (Trenton P. O.) 1 $100-6% 37-332 8 H Gibson N4 R. F. Miller_____ J. C. Chisolm____ M. E. Hill.............. Brighton 265 Brighton Savings Bank L. K. Baird 87-333 ® ‘tl’10 8 M Tipton 02 rH. W. POWERS .... R.L. PENNINGTON R.W. KELLY............ R. J. MOTJERN....... . Bristol_____ 8047 | J. H. McCUE J. U. INbnAM 6N&5 Sullivan K24 | \ Transacts a general ban king busines S. 87-82 etl'12 jWe solicit your collecti ons. 10,000 200.000 4.340 14,000 85,000 20.080 101,190 132.800 1.750,000 — 1.700.000 2,830 ------ - 62.000 “ ____ “ ------- (.You will be pleased wit h our servic e. Bristol Savings & Loan Corp. W. H. Gibson____ H. H. Galloway__ H. A. Miller, W. H. Blakley $12 68-647 ®»§’22 Sec. and Tr. City Bank ®T«t§’2;> S. T. Copenhaver.. O. D. Hamrick ___ $115-8% 87-692 JohnG. Anderson “ C. S. Carter-------- A. E. Andersen__ Dominion National Bank $200-12% par 100 87-80 d®T#t’90 A. P. Moore, V, P, J. W. Wright ( JAS. W. LYNN E. W. KING.............. I E. W. KING, Ch.ofd Lu(Lge!tEbank Boldest and | Thoroughly equ ipped to handle a d®T«3 68 (.Prompt Service. Reasonable char FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. ------ .. •• ____ » -12% * 215 ar 100 87-81 dB®T»tS'06 2.420 Dominion N., Bristol. 50.000 11.220 33,460 3,920 92,630 3,540 25.000 25,450 156,180 12,750 189.750 3,000 26.630 N. Park., N. Y.; Dominion N. and 1st N„ Bristol. A. E. Andersen.... H. M. Bellamy___ H. W. Sparger W. F. SMITH_____ IRVIN AARON_____ 300,000 150,000 1,792,000 522,000 1.854,000 422,500 77,500 250,000 268.060 2.869.540 610.700 2.015.220 989.300 175.800 410,000 Han. N. and Chem. N.* N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co.,Cin ; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 817,970 N. City and Chem. N.. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: City N.. Knoxville; Phil.Girard N„ Phil. 1 485,000 10,100 105,400 9,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Dominion N. and 1st N„ Bristol. 797.040 141.960 102,430 85.250 Han. N„ N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 100,430 Equitable Tr.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Memp.; 4th & 1st N.,Nash. 226,400 N. City, N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Am. N., Nash. R. Y. OVERMAN IN BRISTOL. 11 banking matte rs entrusted to us ges. Send us you r Items. C. P. Daniel, Sec... V. M. BAKER—...... 122,000 250,000 218.000 (No com mercial b anking b usin ess) 100.000 110.550 905.060 11.080 100,000 32,660 522.460 23.430 441.230 83,630 53,260 200.000 30,870 1.042.110 1,210 962,040 58,150 27,590 ns of Banks, nd will give i. prompt atten rion to any busln ess entrusted to its care. ‘Brownsville. .3062,1Irownsville Bank... .®»J§’98 J. O. Bomer__ . D. D. Shaw .. .. J. M. Jackson____ J. H. Bennett. 8 M Haywood 03 $ 25-10% par 100 87-140 F. R. Chapman - _____ “ l’irst State Bank....®«t5'02 R. M. Chambliss .. G. W. Lyle______ W. G. Berson___ ♦ 87-141 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,830 Am. N., Nash.; Gibson Co., Trenton. E. J. Reynolds ___ *r 235-12% par 100 87-79 Jnion Trust Bank____ Tt§’20 J. H. Faucet te.... 87-83 $ 210-8% C. S. Carter. V. P. J • W. Lynn (H.E. JONES......... 0. T. McKEE.......... H. A. JONES............ i J. D MITCHELL. J. A. MAHONEY J Ch. of Bd. C. A. JONES H. A. JONES J This bank will receive the accou nts and collectio / Bankers, Cor porations, firms and individuals a WASHINGTON TR. & SAV. BANK 25,380 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N„ Fayetteville. 8,500 Union St Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co. Far. Union. Covington. 296.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Un. N„ Lou.; City N., Knoxville; 1st N. Ex., Roa noke, Va. 3ANK OF BRISTOL “ 35,290 Am. N.,Nash. 18.550 3d N., Nash.; 1st N„ Memp, 380,950 J. S. Alexander... W. L. Bryant____ R. P. Yates______ M. J. Lett.............. J. H. Rochelle....... J. N. Alexander... 2,860 11.160 (Branch of Bank of Bristo l, Bristol , Tenn.) W. H. Roden, Mgr. R. W. 59.660 J $ 38,000 $ 65,600 Chem.N.,N. Y ; CityN., Knoxville; Clev. N., Clev. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N„ 2d N„ and Bk. of Com., Jackson. 22,520 1st & Peo. N., Gallatin; Am. N., Nash. 5,000 Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QAfl to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 10“" •Mem. A.B.A. nNew ijState TPriv. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ►Fed. Kes. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M- Memp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. town and County. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Abs’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loads Bonds Miscel Casa k ExSurplus Other Paid-up Depos L and And DHAjraas,D(xs and iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous nos Bins ties $ $ 30,210 8.740 S Principal Correspondents. 22,310 1th & 1st N., Nash. 10.000 5,520 45.740 10.000 1.790 93.650 1.300 57.780 9.260 21.760 16.940 Am. N. and Tenn.-Hermitage N.. Nash. Bullsgap_____ 1025 Peoples Bank.............®<I’O0 J. B. Willoughby .. 8. S. Mooney_____ J. B. Willoughby.. Mary M. Willoaghb y 25.000 E. E. Rader 6N Hawkins M22 1130-14% 87-335 13,120 299.190 10.000 291,750 2,970 12.850 39.740 Chem.N.,N. Y.; Unaka&City N.,JohDson City. Bruceton____2500 LIU 111 C UdllN -___ - - |v<f!S ‘ L. H. McDaniel___ 8 M Carroll M 6 75-6% 37-700 par 50 Brush Creek ..600 farmers Banking Co..©t§’09 6 N Smith M13 »20-8% 87-334 B. A. Rodgers........ 49,000 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N.. Dickson. Laura Pugh ............ 25.000 3.500 101,000 72.000 6,550 Burns Bk.& Trust Co. _dTt§’19 W. D. Buttrey------ R. M. Holland____ H. B. Tidwell.......... Jessie White_____ $100-4% 87-633 par 100 L. H. Goodwin .... W. J. Pierce_____ Johnson County Bank.<l'06 F. E. Eller 6 N Johnson L25 10% 87-337 par 100 »Byrdstown___ 126 Pickett County Bk. & Tr. Co. G. T. Smith______ 8. O. Huddleston.. John Taylor ____ Everett Hassler... 87-338 Ttl’04 6 N Pickett L15 $200-30% 15,000 1,490 60,600 63.230 450 5,000 25.000 2.950 140,540 132,300 7,080 9.100 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N„ Bristol, Va. 10.000 6,350 124.600 300 94.170 150 3,070 43,870 Am. N., Nash.: Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. 25.000 3.460 55,780 10,400 81,430 Bumpus Mills.250 Farmers & Merch. Banktl’06 W. B. Pneh_______ J. W. Robertson... H K Holland J. G. Walker. Ch. 6 N Stewart K8 $112-15% 87-336 8,420 Citiz. N. and 1st N., Dickson. 6 N Dickson M0 B. A. McMurray... Calhoun_____ 236 Calhoun Bank..................tS'19 T. B. Saulpaw___ 87-663 6 N McMinn P 17 $100-6% 7.710 F H Fry (Camden Office. Branch 0 f Nashvil le, Tenn. )............. ‘Camden_____800 Commerce Union Bank.»§'06 A. V. Bowles, Ch. of Bd. 87-272 | M Benton M7 .. 26.120 159.420 20,000 3.530 238.430 _____ W. T. Pafford ___ L. E. Davis, Jr........ D. C. Pafford-........ L. Melton Peoples Bank & Tr. Co. C. N. Frazier $120-8% parlOO 87-663 ®T#tl’13 32.150 12.700 39.450 2,500 Campbellsvllle 150 Campbellsville Bank— tl’10 R. N. Hays ............. F. M. Collins_____ J. A. Morris 87-339 (Lynnville P.U.) $100-6% 6 N Giles P10 ___ 387.600 108,840 50,000 30.000 697.140 Julian Fisher_____ F. F. Robinson___ ‘Carthage.........920 Smith County Bank $200-10% 87-243 dB®T<§’92 6 N Smith M13 91,930 25.000 4,570 105,060 Caryvllle_____ 310 First State Bank____®t§’24 R. L. Gallaher........ Leonard Cross____ Dewey Lumpkins . G. E. Moore 6 N Campbell L18 6% par 100 87-731 6 N Clay L14 Bank of Celina_______ <195 $150 87-341 F. B. Mayfield____ E. P. Fowler Frank Kyle______ 20.000 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 87-746 T+§'26 W. C. Monroe........ H, H. Howard........ 15,000 Ed. Russell_____ 109,660 154.470 10,490 1.120 67,840 4th & 1st N., Nash. 8,690 Am. N., Nash. 30,130 11.320 253.720 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 31,380 Holston N., Knoxville: 1st N., Coal Creek 64,580 Am. N., Nash. 1.750 6,870 5,620 14.120 4th & 1st N., Nash. 38.950 7,180 14,410 City Bk. & Tr. Co., McMinnville. “ 12.000 530 48.040 W. L. Downey ___ 30,000 12,710 167,880 20.550 148,260 21,100 14.540 Center Town .150 Bank of Center Town._.t§'19 T. H. Arledge........ J. H. Brewer ( M rMinmillt P.O.j 6% 87-652 6N Warren N13 par 100 ‘Centerville ...882 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. G. Carothers ... N. D. Bates 87-826 ti’19 6 N Hickman OO $135-8% par 100 1.510 8,570 5,500 Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 47,230 Am. N.. Nash. 86,580 Chem. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N. Nash. “ -------- “ First National Bank........ <’85 J. B. Walker_____ Geo. St.anflll_____ S. S. Cunningham.. J. B. Walker. Jr... R. M. Clagett S. W. Murphree 87-229 $185-10% 50.000 38.290 358,200 12.500 341.780 24.120 6,520 “ ------- " Nixon Huddleston. C. D. Sargent_____ T. M. Huddleston.. J. B. Bogle............. Security Bank & Tr. Co. W. H. Nunnelly $110-6% 87-733 t§’25 25.000 4,250 104.060 30.970 109.990 25.380 14.22u 20.000 9.000 180.000 25.00C 200.000 _______ 40,000 30,210 241.690 21.310 248,28(1 23,331 8.45C 53,161 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. W. B. Leech______ J. N. Loggins_____ F. H. Hickerson... J. A. McMillan.... 10,000 10,X4(J 153.070 10,000 159.220 231 1.42( 23,02( Am. N„ Nash. W. M. Harris____ D. B. Greer______ 15.000 330 33,66( 7,000 37.30C 40r 8,13 10,170 4th & 1st N.. Nash. yj T Hurt Chapel H111...103C Bank of Chapel Hill------tl’05 87-342 6 N Marshall Oil $165-10% Charleston.__ 48( Hiwassee Bank............©<§’0t W. J. Eldredge___ 87-343 6 N Bradley P16 $37.50-7% ‘Charlotte____20( 6 N Dickson M0 $175-8% S. L. Giles........... . Mrs. J.G. Hargrove J. E. Quisenberry.. T. B. fshell ____ 14,690 Am. N„ Nash. 25.000 Am. N., Nash. 87-344 Dickson County Banking Co 87-651 Tt§’l£ $100 T HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C(LJCINCINNAT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. (■Ml Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QA 1 t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LvJ 'Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. Cashier. E.Y. CHAPIN-------- ‘AMERICAN TRUST & BANKING CO. 87-41 ®T«$|’12 *225-12% 87-30 ^ 87-36 Bonds and and A. tr. Off. $ 500,000 $ 673.010 S 3.920.910 $ 230.480 $ 3.954.880 I 224.270 $ 574.970 l 570,280 N. Park. N Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.; R. W. Barr .— T. R. Durham W. E. Brock Carl Gibbs_______ S. C. Brooks_______ 1,000.000 A. S. Simmons V. P. and Tr. Off. J. V. Holdam. A. V. p. 686,120 6.165.050 210.820 685.240 1,248,670 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & ComM N.and 1st N.,Chi,: Lin. N. and Fifth Third Un.Tr. Co.. Cin. 1.250.000 1.468.890 19.185,160 1.042.770 16,470,030 V. P. A. V. P. Auditor (G. l.'L.'NICHOLS LS L. NICHOLS J. T. LUPTON, V.p. J. H. McDOWELL, h. F. CRAIG J. W..DURR A.V. P. Comptroller C. E. KIRKPATRICK ATRI (Volunte er Office, Georgia A re. and N inth St.) We have unusual facil.ities for handling collections at reasonable charges, «5 Guaranteeing prompt service. Designated Depository for the United StateslCitY of Chattano oga and Tenness ee. State of 1,653.320 596.140 4.227.320 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; III. Merch. Tr. Co. W. H. Ford, p msflWfR T. R. PRESTON. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Phil. D. S. HENDERSON A. E. MACDONALD -------- m Mlss MA* 1.500.000 822.010 15.522.950 1.755.250 11.617.490 2813.160 1.258.640 3-910.930 Han. N., Chem.N., and N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and 1st N., Chi.: Fifth ThIM Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 1st N.. St. L.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Ass., San F. f: LUMEB WOOD t'. L UNDERWOOD l t lfct"EI' hi. fHAlM rr. Officer |. ft. ANDERSON 250.000 262.260 3.615.820 Highland Trust & Savings! J.L. Austin______ I. L. Bridgers--------- W. N. Dietzen._____ Bank........... 87-706___ ®Ti§’23 *100 par 100 j 35,000 3.340 138.190 Lovem&n Bank______ ®T*tl’07 B. E. Loveman 6% par 100 87-38 10.000 11.950 160.830 Morris Plan Bank........................ T. M. Clemons ___ John Stagmaier ... S. L. Deakins. Geo. M. Clark 87-728 | W. B. Schwartz Sec.andTr.l A Sec (7th and Cherry Sts.) 155.200 37.160 363,100 St. Blmo Bank & Tr. Co. Z. C. Patten, Jr... G. H. Patten----------C. N. Woodworth . L. H. Lamb, Jr 8% 87-37 dB®T.«'27 J. R. Hnff J. H. Per singer"" 50.000 28,210 Union Bank & Trust Co. G. H. Russell..........D. S. Etheridge ... S. C. Heyman. 87-35 ®T*«’07 35.000 3,630 dB®T«t5'80 2.733.860 543.100 210.400 141.010 — 29.460 18.060 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 122.930 — 41,000 18.850 1st N.. Chattanooga. 98.870 638.380 3,830 412.780 630 294,780 18.060 6.000 126,720 15,000 140.850 — 13,480 640710 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Send your Chattanooga business to us. Speeial attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. Our location very accessible to Wholesale District. J. P. Hoskins. W. M. Shorborg ... F. W. Pike . 5.000 12.120 172.780 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 26,020 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chat tanooga. W. E. Tomlinson- W. A. Sadd, Sec.__F. A. Nelson, Mgr. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Citiz. & Sou., Atl.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Every modern facility for making^coffections. dB®»t’05 iur e^a!»lished Policy to remit for items on the day we make collection. We solicit the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and Individuals. I We have the largest Capital of any bank in East Tennessee. Chattanooga ©tearing House (Memberu indicated by a *) Principal Correspondents. 5,706.440 ‘HAMILTON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 87-33 Miscel Cabh A Ex laneous changer, Dpi Discounts Securities Resources mu>e Banks Loans “B-L DRAFTS AND COLLECTIONS ARE OUR SPECIALTIES. TRUST MATTERS HANDLED BY MEN OF EXPERIENCE/’ ‘ HAMILTON NATIONAL RANK par too Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital ties Profits Auditcr C.G. MARTIN, T. R. PRESTON- - C. M. PRESTON, G. H. MILLER. Active E. B. SHADDEN, *215-12% Ass’t Cashier. C. W. TOMLINSON, _______ ♦Chattanooga Savings Bank &W. A. Sadd-------Trust Co. IS. R. Read, V. P. *225—14% ♦ 87-31 ®T»tl'89________________ par 100 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Hamilton Q15) County Seat.—Pop. 66,575. Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. ™New §State fPriv. Bute B. Ass’n. [Kstsb *225-12% CHATTANOOGA (Federal Reserve District No. 6) RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 1342 •Mem. A.B. A.nNew § State tPriv. }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond c!SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Resources. Liabilities. 1 Other Surplus Loans Bonds Miscel Total Liabili and laneous and and ties i Dl8COUNTS Securities Resources Profits Deposits '25 BOND DEP’T HAMILTON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK '89 SAULS & NORVELL......... (Not Inc.) (618 Provident Bldg.) 1 Kidder, Peabody ft Co., Equit. Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., and 1st N„ N. X. J. P. HOSKINS...........C. C. NOTTINGHAM - E. 0. WALTER. J m FREDA. HAHN. ^ J T- LUPT0N V. P. and Tr. Mgr. Bond Dept. Z.C. PATTEN ,Jr. E.H. LAWMAN. 1st N., Chattanooga. ALL THE STOCK OF THIS COMPANY IS OWNED BY THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHATTA NOOGA. Mgr.Mtge.Ln.Dept. DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE SECURITIES. CORPORATE FINANCING. MORTGAGE LOANS BOUGHT AND SOLD. F. L. UNDERWOOD. V. P., Active Officer in Charge DEALERS IN MUNICIPAL. GO VERNMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES. LISTEI) AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. REAL ESTATE 1ST MORTGAGES. DIRECT WIRE TO NEW YORK. ........... fit. C. Sauls, Jr. an d W. E. Norvell. Jr. Correspondenc e invited regard! ng Chattanooga Investments. TENNESSEE—Continued TOWN AND OOUNTT. ‘County Seats. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. M Memp. N Nash. Cashier. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State fPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities President. Christiana___780 Bank of Christiana--------$5’09 John M. Powell.__ 6 N Rutherford 012 $H7-io% par 100 87-345 Church Hill 500 Church Hill Bank_________ (Closed January 15, 6N HawkinsL23 Archer Howell____ ‘Clarksville8110 Clarksville National Bank 6N U|F|MT hat,Pl “ C. W. Bailey_____ 87-68 ®«$65 Wesley Drane, Ch. " Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. $202-12% 87-67dB®T*tl'54 60.000 $ 5,000 $ iM'Dtn Bam 4.500 $ 20.000 Am. N„ Nash, 1927 for liquidation) ______ 438,000 600.000 100,000 120,000 100.000 175,000 1.430,350 $ 394,970 1,285,460 262.740 274,940 100,000 100,000 750.000 17,720 619,890 70,290 36.180 100.000 99,600 677.000 106.000 827.830 38,850 51.060 10,100 75.000 205.000 165,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N„ Lou.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 274,240 N. City and Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N.. Nash. S 241,350 Chem. N., N.Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. Li B* Awntni Jit HERE IS OUR RECORD: Oldust Bank In Tennessee. Through all of the panioe and the Civil War we have kept on paying out good money. 109.910 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N.Y.: 4th ft 1st __ N., Nasb.; N. Bk. of Ky.f Lou. Fee in advance: Min. charge 15c with eaeh sight draft; 25c for oredit report. Sterling Fort------Northern Bank Trust Co. $110-8% 87-73 Tl'19 "__ “ Security Trust Co. —Ttl’12 George Fort_____ *130-*% 87-72 » ----- ’ O. W. Bailey_____ M. A. Bland. V. P. $200-12% 87-71 ^Cleveland ...6522 ClevelandBank k Trust Co. J. E. Johnston ___ (N Bradley Q16 io% 87-93 ®Ttl’07 » ----- “ CLEVELAND AT. BAHK#t,66 J. E. Johnston ___ Merchants Bank____ T»tl’02 C. W. Harle_____ $178 87-92 " ____ “ Peoples Bank........ d®T»tl’ll J. T. Hufflne____ $150-6% par 100 87-94 Clifton______ 715 Peoples Bank_____ ____ $§’90 T. S. Hassell.......... 6N WayneP7 9% 87-346 O. E. Layne____ 50,000 6.010 Emory Kimbrough, Frank Goodlett. 100,000 35,000 M. L. Cross_____ Thomas Foster .. J. G. Holleman P. B. Mayfield.... W. P. Lang_____ 100,000 50,000 Frank J. Harle. 75,000 W. P. Lang______ F. J. Harle____ C. L. Wilson.... 150,000 C. L. Hardwick.__ E. S. Petty____ M. C. Petty____ 75.000 90,000 463,000 L. L. Woollen____ E. F. Campbell-. J. W. Hayes........... W. S. Howard___ W. A. Hughes ... James G. Cate.. 50.000 30,500 414,260 J. J. Montague. 50,000 45,870 209,170 62,610 8,360 Northern Bk. of Tenn., Clarksville. 5,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Northern Bk. and 1st Tr. & Sav.. Clarksville: Am. N.. Nash. 25.000 1st N„ Clarksville: Citiz.-Un. N„ Lou. 125,000 652.900 162,540 1,545,560 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C0., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 4.500 $ 75,000 correspondents. Cabs A Xx- STERLING FORT------ F. N. SMITH--------- P. I. WAIFIELI-------- 0. f. LATHE —----- “ “______ “ Principal Resources. Loans Bonds ther Paid-up Subplus D Epos- LOiabili AND Capital Phopits Diaoounti Saeuritiu ties $ 10.000 $ A. N. Gordon____ Homer Powell. E. B. Trahern____ A. B. Durrett_____ R. E. Atkins M. A. Bland______ M. A. Bland______ Thos. Foster.......... J. J. Conroy R. B. Broster.A. C, Sara W. Hood Birney Austin Emory Kimbrough C. C. Brows...........W. H.Wall----------- Mary N. Morrison. First Trust & Sav. Bank R. E. Burchett, Jr. $200-12% 87-70 ©T»t§’06 • ...... •• NORTHERN BANK OF TENNESSEE “ ____ Affiliated with Hamilton National Bank. ] Dealers in local Securities, Listed and Unlisted Sto cks and Bonds. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. “ ____ Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Doe from Banks Investment Securities; Southern Municipal Bonds. Local Stocks and Bonds and General Banking. FIRST SECURITIES COMPANY , Est. '89 (Federal Reserve District No. 6) ROGERS CALDWELL.. E. J. HEITZEBERG—ROGERS CALDWELL. T. 6. DONOVAN, Sec.. F. 0. MARR, V. P. J.D. CARTER „„ .............. . Tr. H. C. ALEXANDER L. C. PARKES, Mgr. (339-40 Volnnteer Bide.) (8th and Broad) President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHATTANOOGA—Continued Selected List—Investment Dealers 707,290 19,770 75,240 167,000 1,268.450 396,580 21,740 26,300 7.000 508,000 10,000 431,110 7,030 19,310 210,660 13,610 9,660 14,520 Glev. N„ Clev. I 338,330 Seab. N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., , Chattanooga. 112,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 47,300 Chase N..N.Y.; HamiltonN„ Chattanooga.. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Citiz.-Un. N.. Lou. 71,120 Han. N„ N. Y.; 5th 3dUn. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Am. N„ Nash. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 1 "34 ^ Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given 10 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A. nNe» §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. | PRESIDENT. Vice President. - Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Bonda Losne Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other Miscel- Cash k ExL iabili | Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities LANEOU8 FROM B A1018 ties ‘Clinton_____ 1409 Peoples Bank_______ ®t§’18 J. H. Wallace........ O. N. Rutherford.. Geo. Taylor........... H. C. Scruggs____ $ 6 R Anderson M18 $200-10% 87-619 ••_____ •• Coal Creek....1204 61 Anderson M18 Coalmont____ 27 F, 61 Grundy P14 Cold water. .fin 6 N Lincoln Qll College Grove..275 6 N Williamson Nil Collierville____989 IM Shelby Q2 *• _____ “ Union Bank________ ©»J§’94 16% 87-347 First National Bank—_®«i’08 $200-10% 87-348 Coalmont Savings Bank $ioo 87-680 ®Tt8'20 Bank af Cold-water H. F. Miller............ S. M. Leath______ W. W. Underwood H. F. Rutherford— MissEdithM.Baker G. P. Norman-------- R. L. Gallaher .... M. H. Irwin_____ Sam Watts, Ch. T. L. Young J. C. Henley______ W. A. Patton . William Curtis— J. G. Northcut (Closed November 20 ,1926) Bank of College Grove—tl'11 T. H. Ogilvie_____ 87-350 Citizens Bank........... ®t§’17 R. D. Wilson_____ par 40 87-607 Peoples Bank..........®T»tl’08 J. L. Hutton . ... $200-12% 87-254 Collin wood 698 Bank of Coilinwood..®tS’17 87-611 6 N Wayne Q8 $175-10% ‘Columbia ....5526 COLUMBIA BANK&TR. CO. W. B. Greenlaw.... 87-87 ®T*S'09 6 N Maury O10 $150-12% Maury CountyTrustCo.-TS’ll C. A. Parker-------$175-6% 87-89 it tt Maury National Bank.®»f’93 C. A. Parker______ $2io-X2% 87-85 W. M. Chaffin,V.P. “ “ Phoenix National Bank.»J’09 W. A. Dale_______ io% 87-86 tt tt Phoenix SavingsBk. & Tr. Co. W. A. Dale______ 10% 87-88 ®T«t5’09 A. G. Alexander... Como________ 150 Farmers & Merch. Bank 87-351 •tflO 8 M HenryM5 tioo-io% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. *-i----- * TENNESSEE—Continued S. H. Brlsby______ W. E. Stammer___ E. M. Covington__ C. B. Haley J. D. Hester______ P. A. Perkins____ H. F. Kelsey E. F. Moreland— Fred Kirk................ M. V. Kirk 30,000 $ 26.000 $ 370.240 50,000 56,800 476 180 387,040 S 72,450 S 50,000 54,790 430,350 $ 24,100 343,440 62,910 32,500 15,000 500 72.020 51.610 2.730 2,300 22,150 15.000 12,000 115,000 100,000 430 31.010 35.340 25.000 18,500 318 000 295,000 (Branch of Bank of Way nesboro, 50,000 21.730 R. L. McKinney... W. P. Ridley W. P. Ridley_____ R. L. McKinney J.Lem Thomas___ H.G. Kittrell, Jr. J. Lem Thomas... H. G.Kittrell, Jr. W. A. Lovelace- - 25,000 24,000 H. B. Cochran. 200.000 „ H. O. Fulton... H. O. Fulton.. . J. J. Allman. J. A. Turner 700 12,000 W. H. Wilson......... J. P. Greenlaw___ C. A. Ross H. B. Cochran. Sec. $ 376,160 595,890 130,050 1,267.610 200.000 64,700 642.450 40,000 14,020 257.400 7.500 8.250 32,610 * 6.000 43,290 N. City, N. Y.: City N . Knoxville. 81.760 Chase N., N. Y.; Holston N., Knoxville. 120,390 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 31.580 1st N., Chattanooga. 30.000 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 2,220 1,970 5,900 On. & Plan. Bk. & Tr„ Memp. 59.000 Memp. Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. Waynes boro, Te -w-n ) 43.100 514.820 13.140 11.240 55.680 2,940 150.000 942,810 205.000 782.300 281.920 2.620 25,560 157.190 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th ft 1st N.. Nash.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. Han. N.. N. Y. 580.330 28.730 168.480 42.900 1,980 4.170 195,770 Han. N. and N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. A Com'l N..Chi.; 1st N..St.L. 118.460 N. City, N. Y.: 4th & 1st N. and Am. N.. Nash.; Hamilton N., Chat. 23,340 Phoenix N.. Columbia. 37.350 6.550 7.070 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Paris. ‘Cookeville.. .2395 Citizens Bank_______ •tl’14 S. B. Anderson___ Algood Carlen____ 6 N Pntnam M14 $300-6% par 300 87-564 First National Bank. ..•t'10 D. C. Wilhite_____ W. L. Whitson. O. E. Cameron____ 87-190 W. A. Hensley Copper bill___1102 First Nat. Bk. of Polk County C. L. Knoedler.__ M. C. King, Jr........ C. D. Sheets______ Wm. L. Parrish... 87-96 ©T»t’08 6N Polk Q18 15,000 34.380 295,550 20,000 295.470 10,000 26,000 50,000 50.630 831,110 51.000 628,740 170.600 14.500 114.890 25,000 30,810 567,750 31,510 450,430 69,650 19,020 115,970 Cordova..............300 Cordova Bank & Trust Co. Geo. T. Webb____ F. R. Farley............ S. B. Goodloe. __ 87-544 ®T»«’12 C. A. Chaffee 8 M Shelby Q2 8% 10.000 10,550 60,350 39,670 3.910 3,200 34,110 Cornersville ...314 Farmers Bank............. ®t|’04 R. E. Blackburn__ D. O. Kennedy ___ L. R. Harwell____ 87-353 6 N Marshall Pil $150-8% 25.000 16,690 135,160 1.500 123,160 1,500 Cottagegrove ..210 Cottage Grove Bank & Tr. Co. J. C. Rainey______ J. W. Olive_______ S. A. C. Austin. 87-354 TJS’05 8 M Henry L6 $112-8% 70.000 14,150 83.670 5,200 145,770 S. B. Lowenhaupt. J.C.McQuiston.Jr. 60,000 21,910 643,900 M. A. SHERROD— 200,000 80,660 982,970 ‘Covington.. .3410 First State Bank..........»t§’14 R. M. Robison.—.. L. P. Flippin_____ 87-567 W. C. Howard 8M Tipton 02 $160-12% .. .. fj. T. GAINER — W. S MAYESW. L.SHELTON FARMERS UNION BANK 1 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding iFEE IN ADVAN CIS: Plain light drafti, lSes Cred it Reporta, 2Sc. TRY U S. $62.50-10% 87-131 UNION SAVINGS BANK S. O. Shelton I. L. Wortham 50,000 27.500 462,650 G. W. Thorogood— 25,000 13,920 179,500 53,690 Am. N., Nash. 4.470 22,780 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Paris. 286,770 286,180 6,260 146,680 Chem. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Memp. and St.L.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 27,180 923,560 20,130 79,930 267,200 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 270 383,850 51,730 1.240 104,100 N. Park, N. Y.; Union A Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk.Com., St.L. 155,390 25,160 5.600 (Branch of Bk. of Crockett, Belle, Te nn.) .... F. M. Henderson, A. Cash, and Mgr. Cross Plains ...350 Cross Plains Bank.__T»tl'07 G. M. Howard____ J. M. Covington... J. H. Richards .... Chas. W. Cook........ N Robertson Lll $176-10% 87-356 W. L. Sanders par 100 20.000 14,000 88,960 2,880 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Park, N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. •t|'87 G. B. Gillispie___ W. M. Simon ton... B. S. Jamieson___ $16-12% 87-545 d®'»I§’12 Geo. G. Harvey,Jr. par 10 Cowan_______ 636 Bank of Cowan..........d»t#’06 G. M. Thorogood— Ross Hawkins........ B. B, Looney_____ 8 N Franklin Q13 $150-10% 87-355 J.W. Clark par 100 Crockett Mills. .50 Bank of Crockett Mills.. §19 8 IN Crockett N4 87-649 6 33,460 Chem. N., N.Y.; 4th& 1st N..Nash. & Tr. Co., Memp. TIPTON COUNTY- FVFF ■PFTFB hi kll All fca —————— Principal Correspondents. 91,680 32,280 Am. N., Nash.; Ham. N.. Chat. Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 5.350 28,820 Am. N., Nash.; Com.-Un., Springfield. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New §StatetPrii. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.DeDts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%I)iv. *Crossvflle____948 Cumberland Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-701 Tt§’22 6 N Cumberland N16 First National Bank... »tl900 $140-9% par 100 87-357 UllCUnd _ _M'J 87-358 6 N Maury OlO Cumberland City Citizens Bank & Trust Co. $225-20% 87-572 ®TJ§’14 6 N Stewart L8f 400 Cumberland City Bank $195 par 100 87-359 ©•i§,04 Cumberland Gap. Peoples Bank. ........t5'05 87-360 6 N Cl'b’rne L20 525 President. Vige President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. , J. R. Mitchell____ G. E. Harrison .... G. M. Martin J.R. Mitchell____ W. D. Walker........ M. E. Dorton Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loads ther Cash t ExMlBCEI/- CRAircM.Dtn Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus And And and its Discounts Securitis8 LANEOUS non Barrs Capital Profits ties $ J. W. Gibson. John P. Graham—. Fd. Wickham------O. H. Atkins J. W. Lewis ............ S. E. Bradford____ Alex Dougherty- Mary B. Stacker... 87-742 6N Hamilton Q15 $110 *Dandrldge ___ 439 Jefferson County Bank©tl’06 J. B. Hill 87-361 6fl Jefferson N20 ^Dayton 1701 American National Bank $450-40% 87-179 ®»t'01 6N Rhea P16 $ $ 112.000 3.000 $ 140.000 350.000 .. 17,330 384.000 10.000 10,000 67.000 62,000 10,000 13,790 150,300 153,840 $ 10,000 8.890 23,000 J. W. Thomas........ C. B. Billingsley .. 12,000 61,490 21.270 98,810 520 44.200 Principal Correspondents. 25.000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 70.000 Hamilton N.. Chat.; Am N., Nash. . 17,000 Am. N., Nash. 300 * 88,470 72.563 $ 370 .. 450 5,080 16,820 Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky„ Lou.; 1st N.. Clarksville. 10.860 4th & 1st N., Nash. 2.620 13,530 Chase N., N. Y.; City N„ Knoxville. 3.130 2,580 27,150 1st N., Chattanooga. 28,500 Chem. N., N. Y.: City N., Knoxville. Arthur Holtsiuger. H. B. Jarnagin---- Nell K. Taylor .— 40,000 13,500 225.000 250,000 W. O. Hill---------- H. P. Boren_____ : . •' • ’• A. P. Haggard____ L. N. Rodgers------ W. B. Allen______ C. V. Whitener — 7,500 3,750 59,210 51,050 1,200 3,930 25,000 82,900 634,790 25,210 499,190 151,890 74,220 W. F. Boren.. Darden_______ 210 8 M Henderson 06 10% par 50 87-562 25.000 $ 50.000 Frank Richardson. J. Frank White— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 3.500 14,280 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 42.620 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 340 T *¥-\ C. V. Whitener. American Trust Co. ....T§’25 A. P. Haggard____ Sec. and Tr. 87-740 J. T. Crawford___ B. L. Morgan_____ Blanche Gross____ Dayton Bank & Trust Co. .T. TV RHis $165-8% 87-178 ®T»tJ'94 25.000 2,650 40,000 38,850 356,490 200 290,110 43.510 34,500 67,410 Chatham Phenix N., N. Y.: Hamilton N.. Chatt.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. ___ W. J. Abel______ C. E. Buchanan---- E. W. Culvahouse. C. A. Culvahouse 25.000 16.870 147.010 650 118,820 7,470 14.043 49.193 1st N., Chatt.; Citiz. N., Athens. W. G. Smith.......... J S England_____ P. S. Simmons___ iDecaturrtlle ..315 Deeatnr County Bank_«t|'B9 J. A. England.V.P. P. H. Welch 87-383 8H Decatur 07 par 100 30,000 20,000 184.000 900 136,000 5,500 5,400 88.000 1st N., Jackson; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N„ Nash. 50,000 34,730 480.010 50,040 407,520 119,530 16,170 71,560 Chem. N.. N.Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Ham. »« M iDeeatur_____ 265 Meigs County Bank____ i|’07 J. W. Lillard $175-10% par 100 87-362 6 N Meigs P16 Dechcrd_____ 815 6 H Franklin Q13 FIRST NAT’L BK. OF FRANK- T. K. LIN CO.--87-364_____ d»t'89 $189-12% Home Bank & Trust Co.T§’24 87-723 Dell rose 300 Home Bank_____ 6 N Lincoln Q10 $100 par 100 87-575 6 N Giles PU Geo. Neal Bass.... Williams.... Geo. Mitchell, Jr., Mgr. Tt5’14 H. E. Sherrell____ H. M. Sherrell.... R. E. Harwell Farmers ft Merchants Bank 87-577 t§’13 S. A. Caudle______ W. E. Fox............ W. R. Boyte______ W. A. Meadow___ 23,800 Chem. N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. (Branch of Winch ester, Te Tin.) ___ 61,090 13,590 38.760 Am. N„ Nash. 11.503 51.480 11.920 8,223 Am. N., Nash. 520,000 51,000 393,000 50,000 35,000 175,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N„ Lou.: 4th & 1st N. and Am. N„ Nash. 43.670 1.210.070 78,450 886.440 336,850 29.049 209,870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am. N.. Nash.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 15,000 11,470 86,880 12.000 5.793 42,330 50,000 29,000 Dickson 2263 Citizens National Bk...•t,06 W. H. McMurry— 87-187 6 N Dickson M9 $145-8% ,, M First National Bank _.._»f0S S. G. Robertson... $200-10% par 100 87-186 C. M. Lovell S. E. Hunt Dixon Springs.290 Peoples Bank________ »t§T2 87-366 6 N Smith M13 J. W. Gregory........ 20,000 3,500 116,000 Donelson _ 400 Donelson Bk. ft Tr. Co. 87-536 d®T#tlT2 6N Davidson Mil $120—8% par 120 G. R. Lannom ___ 15,000 2,200 99,910 22,400 100.400 12,100 16,510 W. W. Brandon__ 50,000 760 126,070 10,000 151,480 1,350 3,340 E. R. Gorham____ Logan McElroy.__ Miss Amanda Wal 25,000 32,140 154,450 163,390 2,830 4,080 H. N. Cathcart J. C. Starke ______ E. F. Adkins______ S. J. Evans A. P. Johnson____ W. V. Bosson_____ W. A. Stewart, Jr. i W. F. Ward S. B. Sims 7) 12,000 5,000 125,000 25,000 8,400 122,390 6N Stewart L8 Dowell town ...242 6 N De Kalb N13 Doyle 212 6 N White N14 * Dresden 1007 8 M Weakley M5 S. C. Lewis_______ 87-267 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. W. C. Howell $200-10% 87-268 ®»t!'10 Dowelltown Banking Co.tS’16 J. F. Turner $155-158? par 100 87-588 First National Bank.----- 1’12 .1. M. Gamble $140-10% par 100 87-867 Dresden Bank___________ _ JClosed July 18, 192 J. A. Myatt--------- W. J. Johnson........ J. F. Crosby______ J. G. Mitchell D. E. Beasley 100,000 25.000 Ernest Byars_____ (Branch of Tipton County. Former* 87-632 14,160 173,590 25,000 Mrs. Nellie B. Weakley County Bank.*tf'87 J. R. Thomason----- Q. S. Copeland™. C. S. Jeter---------Tucker 87-265 s PEOPLES BANK_____ •t§19 .. 1 H E FI FT H 1 HIIR[) UNIION TRUST iC(). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 22,000 4th ft 1st N„ Nash. 85.000 100,000 3,300 121.590 29,350 cirsICININAT | — 30,650 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash.; Northerr Bk. of Tenn.. Clarksville. 41,300 4th ft 1st N.. Nash. 40.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Nash. 2,390 Union B ank, Cov inglon) 184,620 10,510 Am. N„ Nash. ,---------- 27,470 4th & 1st N., Nash. N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Jo . Memp. 15,730 4th & 1st N., Nash. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 1 QAC -*-vJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ‘County Seats. CD Fig. is F. Res. Dist M Memp. N Nash (•Mem.A.B.A.riNew §StatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Eitab ♦Fed. Res. Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Ducktown___1526 6 N PolkQl'8 Dukedom. Sir 8 M Weakley L5 » Dunlap_____ 1465 6 N Sequatchie P15 Dyer..................125t 8 M Gibson M4 “ ____ *' L. E. Kimsey_____ Ducktown Banking Co. $175-6% par 100 87-257 T‘iJ'04 Dukedom Bank_______ tl’04 W. L. Jones______ $200-16% par 260 87-368 H. P. Payne______ ■^eauatchie County Bank $225-20% 87-869 ®T»tS’05 H. D. Hayes______ $175-10% par 100 87-2 24 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. O. Ewell______ $18>-I2%parl00 87-2 23 *tS’D5 ‘Dyersburg ...6444 8 M Dyer MS FIRST-CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $350-20% •• President. 87-104 ®T»J'08 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. | Liabilities. Paid-ui Surplus Depos- Ot her and Profits TIES 25.00C $ 27.210 $ 376.240 _ 24.000 C. H. Ross P. B. Smith______ Sam B. Wilson .... Miss Una Lamb... 15.00C 96.000 20.00C 23.200 153.000 40,000 29,370 A. H. Sanford S. A. Bradley A. J. Thornton ___ R. B. McDaniel___ C. W. McDaniel.J. M. Evins Will Banks 199,590 40,000 41.59( 243,330 $ C. E. Taylor. M. H. Spargo___ E. W. Johnson .... $ M. H. Rose ............. S 265.65C $ . 4,630 ( J. N. PARKER... R. S. WATKINS-.- J. F. BIGGS, 120,000 1,550.000 300,000 T. V. WHITE............ V. P. and Cashier ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit b each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and (.twenty-five CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per gonal at tention MERCANTILE BK. &TR.C0. N. W. Calcutt........ J. C. Doyle_____ *i50-io% 87-106 dB®M»07 I. N. Bunnell par 165 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Bose Pillow............. J. E. Hall________ 87-741 ©•t§’25 Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash & Exand and Discount! SeeuritisB from Banks Principal Correspondents. 56.420 J 6.550 $ 99.820 Han. N., N. Y.; Clev. N., Clev. 67.27C 17.230 2,510 154.20C 2,000 7,000 48,000 IstN., Paducah; City N., Fulton, Ky.; 4tb & 1st N., Nash. 33.000 1st N., Chat. 171,820 59,610 3,040 222,070 36,540 18,480 1.250.000 210,000 17,000 450.000 Han. N. and N. City, N. 34.490 Chem. N., N. ¥.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.. Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 52,450 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; 4th & 1st N-. Nash.; 1st N.. Memp. Y.; 1st N.. St. L 100,000 81,090 439,750 145.000 485,900 71,94)0 84.72) 123,220 N. Park and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. and Memp. Jesse L. Bradshaw 100,000 10,610 235,840 9.500 186.740 5,200 38.850 Eagle vl lie_____500 Bank of Eagleville .B»troi E. L. Williams.... 0. B. Haley_______ W. T. Lowe--------- S. M. Williams___ 6N Rutherford Oil $320-16% par 320 8 7-305 R. P. Hay •• _____ •• Peonies Bank__________J|’07 C. C. Puckett_____ $47.50-6% par 25 87-306 J. H. Dyer East Chattanooga Hamilton Trust & Sav. Bank 4720 87-370 ®T»«’07 6 N Hamilton Q15 Eaton 275 Bank of Eaton.......... ....... Jl’lo G. W. Dodds_____ 8 M Gibson N4 87-371 10,000 21.810 144.980 128.150 5.600 7.950 125,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Am. N., Nash.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. 35.080 Am. N. and 4th * 1st N.. Nash. 10,000 9,010 57,510 •• Edith ___ 200 Rank of Edith_____ (.Ripley P. O.) 87-542 8 M Lauderdale N2 tfll W. E. Crihfleld—. J. T. Beard . Noble Bass Eibrldge______500 Bank of Elbridge_____ *L§’09 W. T. Gall 8M Obion MS $100-10% par 50 87-372 ‘EUzabethton 2749 6N Carter L24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $160-8% .. 87-148 W. Via _ E. A. Watson_____ E. C. ALEXANDER. E. H. HOLLY, Act... 6. J. HOLLY............ R. L. LONS______ H. E. JONES, „ Ch. of Bd. The Oldest, Strongest and L Carter County. We do a General Banking Business. ®»t'09 Prompt, Efficient Service on Collections. Holston National Bank.»t’17 J. B. Nave. Sr.___ 87-602 D. R. Hathaway. Act. V.P. Bank of Elkton___ .tl’04 J. E. Baugh.... ......... $135-8% 87-373 Bank of Englewood..®»t§’05 R. H. Hicks.. __ *120-8% 87-374 Bank of Enviile______ Ttl’05 3. B. O'Neal.. 87-375 Bank of Erin __________ Closed July 14, 192 Elkton 212 6 N Giles Qll Englewood ...1271 6 H McMinn P18 Enviile______ 250 8M ChesterP6 »Erin................... 855 6 N Houston L8 J. G. Collier_____1 *' — M Houston Oonnty Bank & *iio Trust Co. 87-661 _Tt§’20 rL. L. MCINTYRE— ‘Erwin_____ 2965 6 N Unicoi M24 < Strong and pro ) Send us your “ 87-226 d®T»rio (.Prompt, carefu ERWIN NATIONAL BANK ttAHIbr 51,900 43,020 40.930 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N.. Trenton. 7,830 1.490 31.410 21,050 16.620 Far. Union, Ripley; 1st N., Memp. 15,000 25.860 86.150 290 80,300 6.750 5.980 34.280 4th A 1st N.. Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp, 50,000 20,340 1.018,550 105.690 794.880 121.420 98.010 180.260 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cnaka & City N., Johnson City; City N., Knoxville; Dominion N., Bristol. 85,000 323,080 127.740 19,520 71,120 Chem. N.. N.Y.; Unaka & City N. and Tonn. N., Johnson City; 1st N., Bristol. 1,050 5.860 20,000 9,160 18.690 5,000 42,010 40,000 7.750 180.220 10,000 191.780 H. S. Lott................j T. C. Smith.... ......... Cora Sewell______ L. C. Smith 7) 15,000 7.000 145,000 — Han. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 79,310 W. W. Eledge____ Blaine Lawson ___ T. R. KEYS, Active._ . R. ROBERTS..........1 E. P. KEYS................. 22.420 Am. N.. Nash. 4,000 50,000 W. W. Patterson.. Sidney Boone . 3.400 Tenn.) 10,000 N. T. Perry............ H. C. Hathaway... C. H. Ritts, Jr-----N. C. Nave Ag i 1 J. C. Curtis........ . 7,740 398.440 10,000 4,830 110,120 25,000 15,000 470,000 35,000 20.000 550,000 55,000 60,000 3.930 Am. N., Nash. 36,180 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Athens. 115.000 Tenn. Hermitage N., Nash. 87.760 860 3,830 450.000 18,000 50,000 60.000 Han. N. and Chem. N., N. Y. 521,000 12.000 17.000 55.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Tenn. N., Johnson City. 32.500 Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. gresslve. Erwin” items. attention. Mo derate rates. First State Bank........ ©<§'19 R. M. Barry--------- T. C. Hensley____ Roy Tucker ... . 1 5% 87-225 1 T HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C(L CINCINNAT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.200 (East C hattanoo ga Branc h of Chat tanooga, ■ IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS -i OAf. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n TOWM AMD COUMTY. President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Eetil] Springs .275 Home Bank & Tr. Co... tl’ll 87-511 6 N Franklin P12 8% Ethridge.___..218 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. H. Massey____ ©tS'10 6N Lawrence P9 $100 par ioo 87-37* * & l. IjXmpbeLl FIRST NATIONAL BANK UR ETOWAH IT EMS DIRECT.** ‘‘SEND US TO $150 87-196 ®»tn ^Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts and all ma tters sent us. Peoples Bank_______ »tl'10 T. W. Cantrell. Sr. 87-198 ‘Fayetteville..3629 Elk National Bank....... »t’87 H. E. Dryden____ 87-123 6N Lincoln QU J. A. Moores_____ Farmers National Bank $100-6% 87-122 ®«tl2 First National Bank...©»t'78 T. D. Sugg________ $160-6% 87-121 Finger___ ....375 Home Banking Co------Tt§'15 J. R. Harris_____ 8M McNairy P5 $175-10% par 100 87-584 Platereek____ 150 Flat Creek Savings Bank E. L. Ward............. 87-878 tl’09 6N Bedford P12 Fountain City .510 Fountain City Bank-®»t§'24 A. J. Winegar ____ $26 87-719 Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Profits Other Liabili ties D. C. Duggan_____ T. W. Cantrell. Jr. Pearie Duffey____ S. C. Hipsh______ Lucy Roach______ Jean P. Gill W. F. Cannon____ O. F. Bagley, Act... J. J. Moyers, Act. W. P. Massey____ R. R. Feenflv L. A. Weaver......... Zada McCaskill... 10.000 J 220 $ 34,950 $ 4.200 $ 25,030 $ 10,380 $ 13.800 39,500 88,330 50.000 28,000 666,470 120,500 654,340 25,000 8.540 263,820 30.000 249.590 14,350 27,950 35.460 77,550 11,800 124,240 51,610 31,300 62,890 75,000 82,200 803,180 76,230 823,010 50.000 2,510 264,190 53,000 223,900 82,800 h & 1st N„ Nash. Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. lamilton N„ Chattanooga; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. base N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N„ Nash. Ihem. N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ Nash.; 1st N„ Chattanooga. 60,000 44,200 494,630 60,000 499,410 65,310 14,750 8.000 14,060 149,590 1,000 48,750 9,420 3,280 15.000 105.340 79.370 i 111,200 14,680 ihem. N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N. and Am. N„ Nash, nd N„ Jackson. Ihem. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and State Bk & Tr. Co., Nash.: Far. N., Shelbrville N., Knoxville. 10,000 8,060 64,050 R. L. Huff_________ 25,000 5.150 74.150 10,000 2,240 54,490 42,790 4,750 21.810 1,090 400 13,850 56.550 Ihem. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 684,120 113,500 19,790 89,780 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 56,870 1,090 24,380 Harpeth N„ Franklin. 37.070 15.000 273.280 67,430 5.730 8.230 lity C. R. Martin A. Roberts.. J. M. B. M. Fleming. Harpeth Trust Co______T’21 87-690 W. ■HHrML-anHi J. B. Briggs______ Robert Hodge. W. W. Campbell. J. E. Short Burke ........... F. J. Hyde______ 50,000 75.000 16,320 20,000 6,000 740,880 75,000 55,960 See. & Tr. and A. Tr. Henry Pointer. — A. T. Fugitt, Jr,... 150,000 110.640 858.490 793.780 Friendship ___ 487 Bank of Friendship.__•$|'04 Jno. L. Powell__ J. N. Baker______ 87-386 8M Crockett N3 Friendsville ...530 Peoples Bank_____ d©*tl'15 E. P. Prater............ $142 par 142 87-381 6N Blount N18 Frnltland____ 125 Fruit Growers Bank—J§’21 87-685 8M Gibson N4 Gadsden_____ 250 Peoples Exchange Bank*tS'08 8. W. Fullalove.— 0. W. Richard son 8M Crockett N4 $150-10% par 100 87-882 ‘Gaines boro.. .351 Bank of G&inesboro___*ti'89 A. H. Johnson___ Charles Brown .... Frank Gailbreath. 87-383 6N Jackson L14 $175-10% ‘Gallatin____2757 Commerce-Union Bank ©§’28 J. S. James, H. G. Hogan, V. Ch. 87-708 Ch. of Bd. N Sumner L12 First & Peoples National Bk. W. Y. Allen_____ Wm. Hall.. W. H. Hitchcock.. John B. Swaney... $200-12% 87-153 ®T»f'90 G. W. Pardos A. C. Earls, A. C. R. P. Hite Sumner County Bk. A Tr.Co. J. T. Baskerville.. A. J. Swaney $62—8% par 50 87-155 dB®Ttl’05 E. T. Seay. V. P. C. B. Brown, Act. Howard Kidwill.— Gassaway____ 100 Meltons Bank....... ......... tl'03 J. B. Smithson — Shelah Jetton___ J IT Kidwill 87-384 6N Cannon N13 19% J. W. Pearson_____ Gates_______ 393 Gates Banking & Tr. Co. 87-385 Tt*'04 8M Lauderdale N3 15% 10,000 18,020 401.070 230,720 6,800 75,000 87,000 National Bank of Franklin .. (.Closed October 7. 19 26) $225-5% 160 $ J. T. Conditt____ 6N Knox M19 Frankewlng.__300 Bank of Frankewlng .®tl'21 R. F. Storey____ P. W. Phelps_____ $120-6% 87-677 W. E. Jackson 6N Giles Pll ‘Franklin___ 3123 "First Bank & Trust Co. S. J. Wilson........... W. J. Smith............. 87-750 ©T§’27 DM Williamson Nil $no Harpeth National Bk...®»|’M W. A. Roberts____ 8. M. Fleming....... J. L. Cooke, Ch, $260-16% 87-189 $140-8% par 140 Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loana Cajh k Ex MISCBL- cRAi»eaa,Doa and and D ifcount* Securities LJlNSOUB non Baku Winchester. W. L. Brian_______ R. M. Benson R.C.TYE-............ CHAS.E.McCONKEY J. A. McCLARY— (Knoxville P. O.) Resources, Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.'"•New § State tPrir. *Coanty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F.Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond II Memp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Etowah_____ 2516 6 N McMinn P18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued to each bank in U. S. 19,190 Im. N., Nash. Ihem. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. V. P, 6 Gibson_______249 Bank of Gibson____ BT»tl’04 R. H. Hunt______ $50-12% par 25 87-386 8M Gibson N5 Gladeville____ .50 Commerce-Union Bank®P20 Gus Gnethlein, Ch. of Bd. 87-662 6N Wilson N12 $200-8% Gleason______402 Bank of Gleason____ T*tl’01 W. B. Bynum____ 8M Weakley M5 $165-10% 87-301 Carl Parks---------- Chas. H. Felts Farmers & CitizensBk. $70-10% 87-302 ®T*t*’07 Goodlettsvllle 1036 Bank of Goodlettsville.. tl’89 S. H. Wilhoite......... 87-387 6N Davidson Lll $150 Gordonsville ..278 Bank of Gordonsville.._»t|’89 W. H. James-------- S. J. Thomas—. $110-6% par 100 87-388 6N Smith M13 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY 15,000 198,670 Tr. Co., Memp. 13,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. Bk.. T renUm, Ttnn.). 18.000 5,500 122,000 109,500 50.000 29.820 471,380 17.550 400.360 29.690 7.700 100,000 34,100 931,930 99,300 696.830 182.970 43,500 100,000 23,070 355,110 337,140 1,000 42,590 12,000 3,290 69,160 54,580 3,660 12,500 12.500 101,550 88,860 14,110 10,000 17,460 150,000 65,000 10,000 29.000 3,500 1st N.. St. L. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & N„ Nash. Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Com.-Union, Nash. 131.000 Am. Ex. 242,030 97,470 1st N.Y.Tr.Co., N.Y.;N. Bk. of Ky.. Lou.; Am. N., Nash. Chem. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 26,220 Am, N„ Nash. N.. Memp.; Ripley Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ripley. 23,560 1st 79.960 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. State, Humboldt. Com.-Union, Nash. W. Bandy R. J. ___ F. Gwaltney — FORM M. E. Fanning____ W. C. Dalton........... OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 23.730 12,500 10,000 so ooc 14 00(1 30,000 11,000 176,470 5,280 179,780 141,550 13,550 166.000 177,000 224,690 424,000 14,750 322.000 18,750 82,670 38,470 C. & C. N„ Chi.; Am. N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 4th & 1st N., Nash. 28,000 Chem. 37,000 54.OOC 52,000 N.. N, Y.; Am. N., Nash. Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI K Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac}l bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 '347 to T/ Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.©8av.$LastSale%Div. Grand Junct. .497 Bank of Grand Junction 8M Hardeman Q4 87-389 Pbesident. R. E. Hunter_ ®t§'27 V ice-Pbesident. Cashieb. Ass’t Cashieb. Liabilities. Resoubces. Iioana Bondi Paid-up Subplus Depos Otheb Miscel AND and and L iabili Capital Pbofits its Diaoounta Saeuritiis laneous ties J. W. Hunt............. Ralph Parham____ C. B. Parham____ $ $195-10% 15,000 S 87-390 Grays viile___ 786 Graysville Bank____®T»t8'06 S. G. Hutcheson... T. E. Downey_____ K. F. Johnson____ Miss BerthaTeague 6N Rhea P16 $115-10% 87-391 L. M. Grimsley Miss Merle Morgan par 100 Greenback___ 200 Bank of Greenback, .©itl'll A. L. Jones___ H. A. Griffltts____ C. O. McCall.......... Mary Anderson... 6N Loudon 018 $160-10% 87-515 Green Brler....518 Farmers & Merchants Bank 6N RobertsonLll $110 87-726 ©t§’24 H. J. Phillips_____ O. D. Lutor______ W. H. Savage_____ CITIZENS SAVINGS £J. H. RADER___ J. D. BRITTON-...... S. H. BROYLES_ _ _ _ E. L. CHASE- - - - - - - A progressive b ank of complete omplete service, Special attentio n to Bill of Ladln g Drafts, Cash an d Time Items. BANK Pbincipal Cobbespondentb. Cash k Exchano*8,Dui non Banks 25,000 Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. (Formerly Hardeman County Savings Bank) Granville____ 250 Bank of Granville______ t§’05 S. S. Carver______ B. P. Shirley_____ A. H. Willoughby.. 6N Jackson M14 *Greenevllle__3775 6N Greene M22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 14.020 % 98.040 22.000 690 131,500 25,000 14.120 155.800 10,000 1,670 80,250 75,000 41,840 $ 85.460 92.310 $ I 11.090 8 30.510 4th and 1st N.. Nash. 4,060 4.640 53.170 Ham. N., Chat.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 163,050 5,540 7,630 18.730 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Lenoir City; City N„ Knoxville. 45,450 320 4,950 40,890 Am. N., Wash.; Corn-Union, Springfield. 891,220 40,980 79,290 148,830 Han. N„ N. Y.: Hamilton N„ Chat.; Union N., Knoxville; Unaka & City N., John son City. 38,450 790,610 85.970 140,860 100.000 463,580 1.540 139,960 871,880 $ 168,600 10% par 100 87-499 d®T«J8'll First National Bank.®T«t’89 T. D. Brabson____ J. E. Hacker_____ L. C. Willis........... D. K. Lawson—. $250-12% 87-182 Greene County Bank W. H. Armitage... J. A. Susong.......... P. O. Wakefield.. Mrs. F. D. Roberts $220-12% 87-183 ®T»tS'fil J. H. Kilday 65,000 68,980 1,020,140 75,000 99,690 435.780 Union Bank & Trust Co. J. M. Reaves_____ J. A. Rush________ J. P. Boles_____ 87-646 ®H§’20 N. C. Myers, Sec. 75,000 14,000 633,330 100.000 12,500 12,600 27,460 30,000 BANK OF HALLS —dPtl’99 W. T. NUNN............ W.C. PATTON_ _ _ _ 0. C. WARREN- - - - - - - F. W. HURT-------87-245 Peoples Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. C. Wilson_______ W. R. Jeffries____ F. R. Hurt_______ P. H. Henderson.. $125-10% ♦ 87-246 T»tB’04 T. L. Cook C. E. Myers___ Volunteer Trust Co___BTI’22 H. C. Maloney____ S. J. Milligan_____ O. C. Armitage, P. C. Wakefield, 8% par 100 87-699 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Greenfield ___ 1474 8M FRUIT GROWERS BANK Weakley M5 $150-10% 87-205 d®»JS’05 D. E. Brock______ W. A. Coats_____ J. B. McAdams. Halls........... .....1400 8M Lauderdale N3 W. A. Barton.......... 145,500 200,000 10,000 170.320 25.000 149.040 28,800 57,440 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 33.280 198.480 20,000 182.960 21,650 77,160 1st N.. St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 70,000 33.000 322.000 282.000 57,000 14,000 72,000 C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Memp.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N.,St.L. 25,000 11,990 181,800 179,680 1,900 7.200 30.000 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr., Memp.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. 111. 10,000 11,710 89,280 42,260 1,350 3,340 64,030 Am. N., Nash,; Phoenix N., Columbia. 100.000 21.120 751.910 518.160 150.230 113.790 212.240 Chem. N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. 132.050 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st N.. Chattanooga. 78,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. $150-12H% par 150 Hampshire ___ 227 Hampshire Bank..........®tS'll J. T. Akin_______ R. K. Staley........ . Jno. P. Stephens— 6N Maury 09 87-393 Harrlman___ 4019 Roane N17 FIRST NATIONAL 87-126 BANK ®»t’90 IN HARRIMAN L. G. CARSON---- W. G. ANDERSON — BANE CARSON — G. P. ADAkfs, Active M.H.RUTHERFORD- 89,960 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville;Hamil ton N„ Chattanooga. 75.000 N. Park and Chem. N„ N. Y.; Unaka & C. N. and Tenn. N„ Johnson C. 36.500 par 150 Greenfield Bank_____ ®»t8’99 R. L. Goolsby.......... J. N. Ray. $200-20% ♦ 87-204 6N 600,000 175,140 N. Park, N. Y.: Holston N„ Knoxville. 121.400 11.500 Cin.; Hamilton N., Chat. « SEND US YO UR HARRIMAN BUSINESS DIRE CT.” Prompt Attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all matter sent $125-6% Harriman National Bank H. L. Durell______ N. C. Blanchard- O. B. Harvey_____ S. H. Roberts____ s% 87-128 d®T«t’21 J. A. East. V. P. Tarwater A. F. Littleton • Hartsvllle.__1023 Bank of Hartsville___dTtS’84 Russell Wright-__ Torn R. C. Owen______ R. C. W. Puryear_ Manye Hammock. 6N Trousdale L12 $275-12% par 100 87-259 (citizens Bank....................J8’05 R. C. Owen______ T. J. Thompson. I $200-10% 87-260 C. A. Hammond__ Lytle Dalton_____ 60,000 24,610 463,780 367,030 74,210 14,200 25.000 27.000 270.000 132,000 102,000 10,000 25,000 24,760 181.320 179.170 5,500 23.890 49,100 rHE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22.520 Am. N„ Nash. Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. HNash. d-SafeDep.©Sat.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash & ExOther D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and hanqis,Du* and AND its Discounts Securities laneous FROM BAHKS Capital Profits ties T M Wry $ ^Henderson.. .1181 Chester County Bank„.i§’04 J. E. Rowsey......... W. H. Thomas____ 87-232 8M Chester P5 *165-12% par *100 J. W. Stewart____ J. E. Brown .......... . C. M. Purdy--------Farmers & Merchants Bank J ff O’Neal $125-10% par 100 ©T*tS’89 87-231 25,000 % 13.500 t 204,000 60,000 12,380 221,680 J. G. Hardeman___ G. E. McKinney__ J. A. Ward.............. Peoples Savings Bank $120-10% 87-550 ©•iS’Hl 15,000 21,240 181.720 Hendersonville 4115 Bank of Hendersonville.tS’07 J. H.Stephens ___ Miss Sarah Berry.. T B E^is 87-394 6 N Sumner Lll W. B. Drake, Jr,.. Henning........ ..495 Bank of Henning_____•Sl'10 H. B. Moorer_____ J. D. Alston______ H. D. Holts, V. P.<t Cash. W. D. Barfield R. B. Lipscomb 87-286 8 M Lauderdale 02 20,000 2,500 64,090 50,000 4,330 200,560 14,700 $ 130.000 50.000 20,000 72.000 1st N., St. L. and Memp. 3,300 173,480 26.910 14.690 82.280 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 650 117.890 17,600 83.120 IstN., St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co.. Memp. 63,680 4,120 18,480 Am. N., Nash. 8,470 38,620 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 76,610 15,000 11,500 169.000 J. T. Taylor______ S. G. Grable............ R. B. Cbrisman___ Vester Clark_____ Henry____ ____ 230 Peoples Bk. & Trust Co. 87-395 T»t§’06 8 M Henry M6 $166-10% par 100 25,000 7,500 149.000 20,000 H. P. Nixon__ .. Hickman_____325 Bank of Hickman........ dtS’0 N. S. Ashley______ J. F. Ashley........ T. H. Campbell 6 N Smith M13 $160-10% 87-396 par 100 (Branch of BoUv ar, Tmn Hickory VaUey_250 Hardeman County Sav. Bk. 8 M Hard’m’n Q4 $185-6% 87-307 ©tj’l ston, Te nn.)___ (Branch J. A. Hargrove___ H Ilham.............. 212 6 N Overton L14 87-687 43,790 35,000 8,500 142,000 VV. J. Edwards___ 1. G. Vourhies........ T. E. Poore_______ » Hoh enwald.. .7 4 2 G. H. Kittrell 87-656 6 N Lewis 09 $125-6% par 100 30,000 28,360 265.440 F. A. Goodman___ Hohenwald Bk. & Tr. Co. S. H. Hinson, V. P. G. N. Springer $188 87-398 ©Wi 5,450 53,740 8,650 2,670 J. R. Holladay........ L. M. Williams___ Holladay______ 177 8 M Benton N7 $100-10% 87-399 par 100 15,000 12,860 184.410 L. A. De Priest. . S. L. Borger —........ Hollow Rock ..600 Bank of Hollow Roc 8 M Carroll M6 $85 -16% par 50 87-400 22.960 20,000 43,300 126,570 W. P. Ellington.— Laura Rumage___ J. B. Short _ lk of Hornbeak. Hornbeak_____410 87-401 8 M Obion L3 *280-15% 12,000 71,680 1,230 J. P. Mitchell____ J. R. Hanna______ R. L. Doyle............. Hornsby______220 Bank of Hornsby... 8 M Hard’m’n Q5 6% a r | J. K. JAKKtLL-Humboldt....3913 MERCHANTS STATE BANK 87-118 »«’8 8 M Gibson N4 G. E. McDEARMON 103.500 132,000 122,500 55.000 1st N„ Memp. 32,500 32,800 4th & 1st N., Nash. Union A Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.. 1st N.. Jackson. Am. N., Nash. 41.400 23,030 221.160 15,010 5,080 82,550 4th & 1st N , Nash. 31.260 15.450 2,850 20,960 4th & 1st N., Nash. 149.120 5,000 4.200 53.950 Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash.: City N., Paducah. 150.880 11.000 2.250 48.710 4th & 1st N„ Nash, 5,519 21,169 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Bk. or Bolivar. Bolivar. 58,240 325.000 Chase N.. N. Y. 85,000 (.FORTY YEARS ’ SERVICE. N. Park, N. V.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. V-Farme rs Union Bank, Covingt on. Ten n.) Jno. T. Garner ___ Peter Fyfe_______ A. H. Williams, Mgr. (Branch of Tipto A mTXtuM IFF --------— fit NEILL WRIGHT------- J. H. McCALL, JR.— 26.000 50,00(1 496,220 G. W. Parish_____ W. E. Notes_____ G. W. Merrick 30,000 34.23C 436.600 25,000 4,00C 72,500 25,000 r 80,000 tate Ban 87-586 J. T. Peeler Huntland____ 223 Firs 6 N Franklin Q12 $100 onal Bai 87-402 J. C. Breeden____ ^Huntsville >nal Ban 87-403 I D. T. Chamber.... 315 r,i7 iRoscoe Bvrd THF FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33.660 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ Nash. 131.190 1,209,000 85.000 1,425.000 4.700 10.750 456,960 5,340 368.080 59,160 117,210 Chase N.. N. Y.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 87-227 12% a II nnnsnN 87-601 IUNT1NGI 23,439 ) All business ha ndled promptly. | ^Huntingdon 1121 8 M Carrol 1N6 260,980 2d N„ Jackson. E.L. Vaughan, Mgr. (Branch of Tipto n Count V-Farme rs Unio n Bank, Covingt on) .... N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co., Memp. 87-594 12% Principal Correspondents. 28.150 10.690 30.00C 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 56.000 - 63,000 91,140 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 23,00(1 ___ 10,00( 4th & IstN., Nash. 1___________________ OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 "34Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ wry Directory, under the authority of The American^ Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AMD OODMTT. #Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv ‘County Seats. {Mem. SUU B. Aas'n. [KeUb. Fje. isF. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. H Nash. |d-gafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. UVAND^H R.S. FLETCHER- - G. C. WILKERSON WM,HOLLAND SEND US YOU NAT’L BANK OF. 4.50Cl $ 32.0701 _ 6,030i 59,4801 $ 32,0101 _ __ 1 51.370 91,7001_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.000i 10.250i 25.000 7.040 197,4301 10,000 8,000 100,000 60.000 71,310 2.411,720 232.210 1.466.030 $ 58,100: $ 20,980 116,420 50,000 OLIVER BENTON —. SIMPSON RUSSELL 16.880 3,300 10,080i 12.400 5,110 7,500 SECOND NATIONAL BANK $235-14% par 100 87-60 d®‘t'86 [THOMAS POLK-— R. L. BEARE - - - - - - - R. C. SMITH- - - - - - - - R. M. WISDOM.—. W.D. NELSON C. B. ROWLETT 542.910 124,850 Security National Bank Bruce Mitchell.__ H. E. Oglesby............A. Y. Patton_____ d®»t’13 _____________ IW. H. Morgaa I.B.TIGRETT&CO. INC. 113 (Market & LaFayette Sts.) R. E. Mooney. P. C. Stovall . W. R. Case. . A. B. Norman .. 781,640 N. City and Chem. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; FifthThird Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 59.470 23,710 132,210 68.410 1.283,740 24,020 827.050 308.770 20,260 320.090 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Memp.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 100.GOO 144,230 2.219.310 97.400 1,497,480 487,920 22,380 553,160 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Memp.: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou.; Am. N., Nash. 100,000 29,680 11.165.280 97,200 852,470 273,660 11,340 254,690 iChem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. and Memp. 29.470 7.130 1 10,720 1st N. and Secur. N., Jackson. /'Memphis, Tenn. I Jackson, Tenn. OFFICES < Nashville, Tenn. I Little Rock, Ark. (.Birmingham, Ala. Bankers Securities for Investment Fiscal Agents for Municipalities and Corporations *Jamestown._.400 Bank of Jamestown ..d»t§’04 W. L. Wright. 6 N Fentress L16 $150-10% par 100 87-405 19.640 Am. N., Nash. 120,730 Holston N., Knoxville. 100,000 I K B MQNYPFNY >Send your colie ctlons to the only “Honor” bank In Jackson. We give service. : $62.50 par 50 87-65 11,630 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dover. 29.850 Am. N., Nash. 68,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Peo. Sav., Henderson, R JACKSON ITE MS DIRECT Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. „Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. 87-63 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex changes,Dui from Banks 2,940 $ S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation,, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures promp' sonal at tention . Jackson Bank & Trust Co. Lawrence Taylor.. T. V. Ashby______C. E. Castle_______ ____________ 87-722 BT§’24 I $180-10% 10,000l$ 10.000i 200.000 nuun n. niuiw t.'g.' hughes Resources. Loads Bonds ' Miscel Paid-up i Surplus1 Depos 1 Other AND and and LiabiliCapital 1 its Discount!i Securities laneous 1 Profits ' ties Ass't Cashier. ,nfldu,a£Mou“?!00 tiank of Indian Mound Erie Coppedge .... J. B. LaHiff............ClaudieP. Halliday S 6 N StewartL8 >125-10%par 100 87-710 ®Tt§’23 _ „ Elmer E. Wolfe ------Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 1109 87-709T±§*23 Iron City..........350 Farmers Bank________ t§’10 J. L. Hollis---------- J. M. Forsythe_____D. P. Hollis ... .. Della Hollis______ I I 6 N Lawrence Q8 Hoo-10% 87-404 ‘Jacksboro ___ 638 Campbell County Bk.& Trust Winston Baird.__ .. Ada M. Baird— 6 N Campbell L18 $125-6%..Co.. 87-683_.©Tt§21 Jacks Creek 70 Jacks Creek Bank_____t§’19 J. D. Anderson.... J. W. Thomas........ W. H. Pierce______Hanston Smith 8M ChesterP5 $100-10% 87-639 ‘Jackson___19.925 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 M Madison 05 $185-10% par 100 871-55 <1®i‘t’73 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws. T ENNESSEE—Continued 50.000 7.960 469,030 353.640 44.270 D. O. Beaty______ B. R. Chism______ Kirby Johnson........ 20.000 5,300 125,000 90.000 45,000 ‘Jasper_______728 Farmers State Bank®T«tl'20 W. O. Moore_____D. O. Shelton______A. L. Roberson___ W. N. Hack worth. 87-665 6 N Marion Q14 $115 40,000 7,970 157.970 210 : 148,120 220 23.140 34,660 1 25,000 10.750 151,860 18,120 181,650 1,230 4,520 18,340 1 Jefferson City 1414 First National Bank.d®»t'19 C. T. Rankin......... I. M. Cate...................C. A. Catlett_____ 25.000 20.000 225.000 20,000: 192,000 34,000 20,000 44,000 1 F. W. JARNAGIN— C. C. JAMES........... J. H. CLAYTON- - - - - - 60,000 4,500 240,000 225,000 10,000 41.700 27.800 ( hase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Knoxville. 50,000 16.540 605.100 519.670 48,090 29.750 98.830 ( Farmers Bank_______•t|’22 W. M. Johnson $107 87-693 E. O. Peters.__ iO. O. Greer Marion Trust A Banking Oo. S. H. Alexander... A. A. Cook______ F. A. Kelly______ D. M. Hall_______ 87-406 ®t|'04 $150-8% 6 N Jefferson M19 $150-6% par 100 87-641 ,1:1 if! MOSSY CREEK BANK $100-8% par 100 99,610 ‘ Co.. Cin.; Hamilton N., Chat. 15,300 1 'ifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; N., Nash. and East Tenn. N., Knoxville. 87-215 dB®T*t§'90 I Send us your It ems on Jefferson City direct. Spec lal attention give n I collections, Bil Is of Lading, cas h and time Items. .Fee In advance; Plain sight drafts 15c; Credit repor ts, 25c. Jeliico_______ 1878 6 N Campbell K18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-16% par 100 87-186 S. C. BAIRD- - - - - - - H. B. McCOMB_ _ _ _ R. H. McKEE_ _ _ _ _ 0. M. NEWMAN_ _ _ _ MISS MARIE RATLIFF “ SEND US YO UR JELLICO IT EMS DIRECT.” d»8‘05 .Prompt nttentl on given BUI of Lading Drafts an d all matters sen UNION BANK—........ d©.t|T8 Z. D. Baird.... $135-8% par 100 87~184___ . J. L. Heffernan.__,S. K. Dossett.......... R. B. Grinstead ... City N., Knoxville. t us. 50,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24,700 17.040 283.859 920 277,130 5,660 15,000 54,030 Fifth-Third i 54.030 Un. Tr. Co.. Ota.; City N. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 ocn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lOOU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N. Nashv. d-SafeDep.©Sav4LastSale%Div.! American Bank & Trust Oo. |C. S. Bowers . Johnson City 87-749 dB®Tt§’27l _ „ 6N Wash. L24 14.862 par 100 Franklin Guaranty Bank — 87-78 ®Tt§'16 L- Wallace. Peoples Bank_____ d®»tS’20 J- A. Vines— *130-8% 87-76 par 100 87-67J $ Blaine Taylor____ J. B. McNiel______ 65.000 $ 12.000 450,000 300,000 L. Armbrust_____ T. R. Getslnger.— S. J. Rose.. 50.000 12,000 485,000 475,000 200.000 79,940 1,817.170 87-74 Ch. of Bd. LESLIE R. DRIVER - 0. P. cox. . . . . . NAT D.SHOUN 9.460 $ 40,000 200,010 1,274,400 543,040 33,910 Han. N„ N. Y.; Holston N„ Knoxville; Tenn. N„ Johnson City. 70,000 Chem. N„ N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Tenn. N., Johnson City. 5,000 67,000 N. City. N. Y.; City N„ Knoxville; Dom. N„ Bristol. 215,480 264,190 Chase N. and Chem. N„ Nr Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; Am. N., Nash.: 1st & Merch, N.. Rieh.iCom’l N.. High Point, N. C. |- 400.000 200.000 3.100.000 333,080 2.560.710 405,400 326.010 717,940 Chem. N„ N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. OiD.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. (Branch Weel Ma rket St.) of Bd. Special attentlo n given BIB of La ding drafts, Cash ■ edit Rep orts. Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for prcsentati •t’Ol 4jonesboro___815 Banking & Trust Co...T*t§’86 John D. Cox.... 87-251 6N Wash. M23 io% 25.000 V. B. Cox................. J. M. Fink............. Paul M. Fink .. 25,000 First National Bank----- t'89 A. A. Deakins------ J. H. Epps. Jr.---- Frank S. Patton.. F. Bela Poteat.... Fred McPherson J. M. Ward *225-10% 87-262 Kelso_________126 Peoples Bank-----------©il’ll R. 6 N Lincoln Q12 *175-8% par 100 87-619 d. Oowley_____ T. J. Winford____ M. D. Crabtree... rT. P. FINCH- - - - - - W. P. JONES- - - - - - - R.B.6RAY. . . . . . . . . - CLEVE H0LL0M0NKenton_______804 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *7-240 g M Obion M4 *140-12% 13 WU \ DAVID ROLLER — j. 6. PRESTON — C. O. Ramer............ J. R. Carroll, Jr— W. R. JENNINGS R. THOS. BEATY- t for preeentai nmw cen lAfiSS-,... h each sight draf TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each e redlt report Insur os prompt, pi par ioo , (WILLIAM ROLLER J. FREQ JOHNSON. A. D. BROCKMAN A. D. BROCKMAN.- SEND US YOU B KINGSPORT B USINESS DIREC (.Prompt Atteuti on Given Bill of L adtng Drafts And ‘Kingston____516 First National Bank ..®t’23 D. H. Evans--------- J. W. Crowder .. T. E. Eblen........ 87-702 i 6 H Roane N17 *H5-s% Kingston Bank & Tr. Co. C. M. Rose----------- G. P. Zirkle_____ J. S. Parker.... 87-408 Ttl’89 C. C. HAMLETT-. TOM C. WARRICK 3,000 515,110 57,640 20,950 108,300 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Hamilton N„ Chat.; 30,720 279,960 26,760 158,480 125.680 9,600 68,650 Chase N.. N.Y.; City N„ Knoxville,Unaka, 3,120 25,910 Hamilton N„ Chat.; Elk N„ Fayetteville. 1,000 120,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Fid- Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 990 52,050 10.000 9,940 60.210 25,000 10,000 240,000 150,000 90,000 4,000 20,000 1.500 140,000 60,000 46.660 408.960 86,760 459,790 250,910 53,060 246,730 Union N., Knoxville. and Johnson City. 40,000 Am. N.. Nash.; IstN.. 8t. L. 5.530 63,570 63.490 Lin. N., Oin.; Unaka A City N.. Johnson 19,480 54,050i Bk. of Bristol, Bristol; City N., Knoxville. City. 15,000 . 75,000 1.290 110,650 1,365,730 50.000 1,060,980 124,610i 130,700i 224,290i Han. N.. N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; City N., Knoxville. 15.500 91,360 13,900i 7,830i 13.080 211.010 13.530i Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N„ Rockwood ana H&rrim&n, Tenn. 43,560i Seab. N„ N.Y.: 1st N., Chat.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. t Us. . Mae Blye... E. M. Page------------ A. L. Pendergrass I. F. Robertson___ Ethel Burgess----J. R. Hickmon d® tl’10 6N 450 10% par 135 87-409 Cheatham M10 H. K. Stephenson. Harpeth Valley Bank®t§’23 A. E. Beard---------- R. E. Harris.. *ioo 87-711 Kingston Springs Bank of Kingston Springs 643,300 i, »nd > nal atte ntlon. Farmers & Merchants Bank J. P. Bray, Sr........ J ohn Bain_______ H. C. Marsengill.. E. T. Sproles, Jr.. J. E. HufTaker *ioo 87-681 ®Tt5’21 „„ 30,700 Special attentlo n to all business entrusted to os. ] BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and time Items ear sp eelaity. (.Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for present atlon and S5e foi r credit r eports. Peoples Bank......... —•tl'01 T. L. Marsh............ J. D. Carroll — 12% 87-250 Kerrrille_____ .225 Bank of Kerrrille____________ (Closed June 17, 19 27) 8 M Shelby P2 _ 25,000 5,600 80.52(1i 25 ftftO 6W|VvU 32.340 2)1.510i 20,000 6,000i 132,000 10,450 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14,910 $ 120,000 dT*’20 >.Pleat* tend 15c fo r presentation of dra ftt and 25c for Credi t Reports. NATIONAL BANK . 6,130 $ 127,860 $ .This New Bank is directed and managed by eapa ble and efficient ) bankers of tw enty years’ exper ience in this com mnnlty. f Collection item s receive prompt and satisfactory service. UNAKA & CITY 'ftHf BANK OF S 150,000 $ 30.000 G. W. Keys---------- B. A. Lacy............... R. V. Wills.............. G.T. J. A. SUMMERS Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cask k Exther Depos LOiabili Paid-up 1Surplus CHAXaMtDui and and and its Capital Propits Diccounta flaeuritias laneous rum Bans ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier, Harry Faw Tit I AMS, , Vice-President, [ATE— H. C. BLACK. . . . . . . . . . C.H. HUNTER. . . . . . . . . W. B. MILLER Kingsport.... 5692 6 N Sullivan L28 Resources. Liabilities. TOWM AND OOUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. *County Seats. tMem. Btste B. Ass’n. [EsUb. TENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TENNESSEE—Continued 25,490l 110,0001 4,830 27,830 30,0001 3d N., Nash.; 1st N., Dickson. 25,000 10,130l 2,8ir1 4th & 1st N„ Nash. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks i __ 1351 t„Nui?bKr F“de?TNo,ne of Bank is the New Transit Number given nie *h bank 'h exc.,uslve,y by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State TPriv. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND Miscel Cash k Exand and L iabili Capital OHANOU'DUI its laneous Profits Discounts Beouritiss ties prom Bask* H. M. Johnston ... E. V. Cuilum, Jr., J. P. Hess. J 750.000 $ 697980 $3553980 $1290 450 $4063 240 *1 215260 $ 307,040 $ " 78,870 Chem. N„ N. Y.: Union N., Knoxville. J. F. Smith Sec.-Tr. Tr. Officer Tr. Inv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass n. [Bstab. President. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-TrustB-Bond MisMemp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Knoxrllle...95,464 Bankers Trust Co. dBT*t§’22 J. A. Wallace... SN Knox N19 $U8-6% par loo Vice-President. 87-697 Central Finance & Trust Co. T. G. Brown___ 8 7 739 T§’25 Ass’t Cashier. POWELL SMITH........ F. E. HAUN_ _ _ _ _ 0. C. CHAPMAN 100.000 Bds. 10,580 50.920 154,040 5,680 1.770 Holston N., Knoxville. A. P. FRIERSON...... GEO. W. OWEN, Jr. E. F. DEARING J. K. WEEMS LARGEST BANK IN KNOXVILLE 600,000 522.560 13 080 740 1624040 11171560 1747100 234.960 2673 710 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Am. N., Nash. Send us your items direct for Knoxville, *300-16% Par 100 Cashier. H. L. Dulin.............. T. G. Brown, Tr... E. C. Brown, Sec... (One Branch) ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK , T-owns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Lawyers,Rates, Laws Hogg, (indexed! in this volume.Acces.), For Interest etc.hark see of Laws! TENNESSEE—Continued 17-48 clB©T«f88 East Tennessee and the Appalachian Region Our facilities are unsurpassed in this City COMMERCIAL BK.&TR. CO. 8 7-736 d©T«|§’25 *20 par 20 N. G.CARTER—.~ G. M.CAMP............ R. L. HUFF............ Day&Night Credit Union Bk. J. H. Fowie----------- J. *20-12% par 10 87-747 ®§’25 ‘EASTTENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK *250-10% par 100 87-45 clB©T«i*72 s. Cameron_____ 325,000 2,770 450.670 83,195 30.800 109,650 35,000 N. L. Gilbert____ J. Setser, A. C. N. L. Gilbert Jr. J. W. Gilbert 11.190 151,170 171,390 7,940 14.310 78,200 Chem. N., N. Y.; Am N., Nash.; City N. Knoxville. 29,990 City N., Knoxville. 1.000.000 Designated Depository for the United States, State, County and City of Knoxville. We make a specialty of and have unequalled facilities for handling your East Tennessee Items and collections. 689,670 7,852,110 621,820 9,520.330 1.866.020 517.990 1.259.260 C5S?P*N* and Chase N., N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fouith N., Atlanta. Oldest and Strongest Bank in Knoxville. SEE US FOR SERVICE. ‘HOLSTON NATIONAL BANK 87-50 ®T»t’91 87-729 par 100 (218 So. Gay) *155-6% (Knoxville banks co ntinued on following page) O. B. Henderson... R- A. Slagle_____ 87-58*1 W. H. Henry C. A. Nickerson, TV. M.F.Nickerson, Sec Jno. W. Conner. A. N. Walling, Sec. & Tr. A Sec. and A. Tr. 200,000 J. B. Ramsey_____ R. W. Brown. Sec. M. B. Slaughter. Tr. Off. G. L. Price ............ E. M. Kennedy, J G. Sullivan, E. W. Ogdeni'vTp' A. L.Chavannes Sec., Tr. and Mgr. A. Tr. and A. Sec. W. C. Thomas, . 216.160 4.257,610 3,573,910 150,490 7.994,220 101,830 4,831,730 29,260 920.110 Chase N., N.Y.; E. Tenn. N., Knoxville. 50.000 500,000 J. p. BAUT.-__._-—_ 0. jL ROSENTHAL - A. Y. RUSSELL........ OLIVER BRANSON J. B. RAMSEY^- P. R! W. BROWN H. K. BOWEN, A. c. jU. MCMILLAN JOE. HACKER, Jr. WM. IRBY Unexcelled facilities for handling collections and 600.000 all items on Knoxville and East Tennessee. Your business solicited. Holston Trust Co— BT«t§’26 87-748 Morris Plan Bank ...©•i§’16 547,740 11891 620 778.560 6.341.140 1.314.560 5.364.810 1.678,080 11.570 City N.. Knoxville. 895.900 1.095.480 N- City. N. Y.; Foreman N., Chi.; 1st N., Phil.; Atlanta & Lowry N., Atlanta; lst& Merch. N.t Richmond. 200.000 71,200 50,000 32,650 439.650 287.820 140.470 51,310 560,820 137,880 243.480 6,950 37.190 N. City. N. Y.; Holston N.. Knoxville. 5,840 City N., Knoxville. A. Tr. and A, Sec. HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 562,880 S. V. CARTER....................................... WILLIAM RULE, JR... H. L. VANCE .... W.E. LUTTRELL J. F. DISNEY + East Tennessee Savings Bk. S. V. Carter______ Jno. L.Boyd_____ 87-55 ©’io (Branch at North Knoxville Empire Trust Co_____ T§’2? C. A. Nickerson... Amos H. Rule....... 100-10% 87-707 Fidelity Trust Company M. D. Arnold. Jr-. C. P. Smith.............. *200-12% 87-57 T»tri4 B. A. Morton, V. P.! J. Harry Price *190-10% F. H. CAGLE COLLECTIONS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. BILL OF LADI NGS A SPECIAL TY. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 1352 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Mem.A.B.A. rtNew § State tPriv. TOWM AND COUNTY. *Couuty Seats. tMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. President. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div R. A. Brown....... Knoxville... 95,464 South Knoxville Bank *100 par 100 87-744 ®Tt§’26 (Continued) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. RESOURCES. liabilities. Loans i Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili and its Discounts Seeuritise laneous Capital Profits ties 790 f 142.020 $ S. 0. Houston___ Geo. W. Cross___ Stella Baler...........$ $ 35.000 $ J. N. Haddox J 7.010 t 114.140 Principal Correspondents. Cash A £xCHAfU118,Dui prom Banks 3,820 % 66,860 CCity N.. Knoxville. Third National Bank________ (Merged with Holsto n National Bank, 0 ctober 1, 1926) H. M. JOHNSTON-— S. B. LUTTRELL- - - - - W. 0. WHITTLE —- W. R. JETT _ t HpTER w. s. mckinney. L. L. WORRELL, i'U C i AeT6? GID D EO N C. E. GENTRY, B. L. NEWMAN, WINONA ROEHL L. C ABEL, „ t 'UNION NATIONAL BANK *210-12% 87-51 798.330 5.559.730 $ 641,260 453.650 872.830 Ian. N. and Chem. N,, N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Am. N., Nash. Asst. Cashiers Prompt, careful attention given collections, Bills of Lading, Sight Drafts and all business entrusted to us. ®T»t'95 CALDWELL & CO. 130.320 6.098.830 500,000 ROGERS CALDWELL. F. D. MARR LD.' CARTER H. C. ALEXANDER ROGERS CALDWELL. Tr. T. G. DONOVAN. Sec. Gty. Tr. Co., and IstN., N. 1 Investment Securities. Southern Municipal Bonds. Local Stocks and Bonds and General Banking. Knoxville Clearing House... Wm. Rule. Jr____ A. Y. Russell-------- Miss Alma Dickson,__________________ Mgr.. (Member* indicated by a * Affiliated Banks by a+) Citizens Bank------- ...•tl’09 W. J. Sullivan....... P. East ..................... .William Parker... L. C. Parker--------- W. H Smith *121-8% par 100 87-274 .Lafayette 547 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. E. Carter .........S. F. Cornwell____ F. O. Smith.............D. T. Alexander...! [R. B. Meriman & Trust Co--------------- §'25 6 N Macon L13 *ioo 87-732 Lafollettell— .3075 Farmers National Bk.d®*t 24 A. J. Jones............J.A. Hollingsworth A. G. Beeler--------- |M. S. Scott............. 6 N Campbell L18 *120 par 100 87-724 W. S. McKamey |t. E. Satterfield .. L. 1. Mauney......... J. J. Dudley---------First National Bank d®»t'04 *200-18% par 100 87-146 G. B. Gallaher....... II.G. Murray____ David Reynolds... Walker Cusick.... Peoples National Bank *ho-8% 87-603 d®»t’17 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK *125-8% par 100 8^-115 d®»J’01 Commerce-Union Bank 8225-8% par 100 87-117d®tlT0 15,450 163,570 30,450 4,420 55,050 20,000 59.810 3.500 71.070 4.290 1.960 6,540 50.000 10,000 126,720 8,520 125,530 — 31.510 50,000 37,810 495,530 18,540 436.420 19,520 6,460 38,210 Co., Cin. E. Tenn. N., Knoxville. 139,480 Ian. N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. T Oin.; Holston N., Knoxville. 50.000 21.260 310.240 3.000 233.360 6.820 18.950 125,360 lhase N.. N. Y.; City N.. Knoxvil Bk. of Ky., Louisville. _ C. W. Simpson___ B. Rowland............. Jack Davis.................................................. 1 J. B. Rose E. G. Brown............Alex Bell_______ W. R. David----------Mrs.R.L.McKmght 30.000 100.220 1,970 90,940 5.510 6.110 29.630 12.500 13.050 72,890 — 86.610 800 3.570 7.470 J. R. Newton____ M. D. Harrison___ [T. M. Leech---------- jJ. N. Leech.._ 12.000 650 29,000 ------------------------- G. A. Dugger---------Elsier Huskey. Ch.oJBd.1 J. W. Springer. Jr. J. H Stribling .. Al. J. Smith_____ Robert Durrett ... D. H. Brock------W. W. Richardson M. Dugger. A. C. iN. C. Jetes ELMER _ _ _ _ W. D. FERRELL_ _n_ _ _ E. MARTIN- - - - - WALTERCURD_ HANCOCK H. S. CATRON, ROYL. HOBBS 75,000 100.000 706.090 23,900 1,131.360 214,100 728,090 139,150 97,080 960,130 127,300 103.160 , | Mgr, Extens n Dept, Special attentlo n to all business entrusted to us. Bill of Lading d rafts, cash and tl me Items our spe cialty. LPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft for vresentation and 25c for credit reports. J. J.McFarland,Ch. .............................iGeo. R. Bouton.— JJ. B, Branham .. 68,850 157,740 Chem. N.. N.Y.; Fourth & First N.. Nash. 1 , »i -if i ‘ - , 1 - < j Bk. of America. N. Y.; Com.-Union. Nash. l' A. A. Adams, Sr... F. M. Me Daniel... W. B. Hays............ Annie Lou S. H. Hamilton 1 McDaniel 87-737 ®T*t§ 2o M. A. Meacham — A. J. Beasley......... W. H. Birwell......... ......................... Bank of Leipers Fork—till Lelpers Fork...375 87-529 (FYanMin P. O.) 6N Williamson N10 (JOHN F. EASON— A. J. McKINNEY— S. F. CARROLL........ MRS. A. W. CARROLL < SEND US YOU B LENOIR CITY ITEMS DIRECT.' ®»t’04 J Prompt attentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts an d all matter (.PROMPT SEBY ICE OCR SPECI ALTY. Peonies Rank___ dB®Ttl'10 O. J. Hardin____ J.W. Bussell. Jr... R. G. Cardwell .— Edna Farris *120-8% par 100 87-125 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 87-124 1 H E FI FT H T H IR[) UNIION TRUST 1C( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,970 I LEBANON BANK & TR. CO. *60-9% 4.500 40.700 ashville, 25 000 *108 par 100 Lenoir City...4210 6 N Loudon N18 __ M. Richardson. rHH. M M. FREEMAN rnttMAN ‘Lebanon___ 4084 (N Wilson M12 200,350 560 O O Lancaster Banking Co...t5’04 *ioo 87-411 Lascassas Bank & Trust Co. *180-8% 87-576 TtS’14 Citizens Bank----------- ®t§’19 87-640 Commerce-Union Bank *200 87-194 ®T«'89 First National Bank d©»t’02 *150-12% par 100 87-195 7,680 CD Lancaster____ 500 6 N Smith M13 Lascassas____75 6 N Rutherford N12 ‘Lawrenceburg 6 N Lawr.QO 2461 30.000 5,770 20,170 202.180 262,970 7,600 24,440 10 000 1,100 41.000 100,000 29,000 608.220 46,000 440,750 183,650 21.970 12.250 230,000 35.000 225.000 6,500 49.001 71,390 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 17,000 Am. N., Nash. 136,850 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. US. 50,000 cirimINAT | 46,750 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: Un. N., Knoxville: Hamilton N. Chat. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Number given to each'bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNalty Rankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A '‘New {Stsietfrn ‘County (seats t.Mem State B Ass'n. [Estab President, Pig. isF. Res. Dist. ♦Pe l. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond V ice-Prebident . M Metnp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.©SaY.$LastSaie%Div. Leoma_______ 300 Citizens Bank.. 6 N Lawrence Q9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T ENN ESSEE—Continued Liabilities Cabhiek, Ass‘t Cashier, Resoukces. Paid-dp I'Surplus Depos- °ther r_a LiabiliCapital d and Profits and NIISCELA Exand „ Rn9 T A wnrr»T7a changib.Du* Discounts Securities LAN®OUS y*,,* Basm (Moved to Lawrence bury, Tenn.) ‘Lewisburg.. 2711 First National Bank.__®$’07 W. D. Fox_______ W. H. Hardison .. J. Lee Moss___ 6 N Marshall Pll $300-16% par 100 87-193 J. C. Adams, V. P. E. H. Me Lean D. I.a Shires___ $ 80,000 $ 107.000 629.000 * R. N. Glenn ___ 75.000 42,290 413.280 417,460 G. H. Maxwell___ J. T. Hanna 26,520 27.670 518,000 368,930 25,000 18,470 401.430 T. H. Bratten ___ 25,000 4,690 Thad A. Cox_____ D. B. Pence, Act... W. J. Propst__ R. Taylor.............. 6 tf Washing. M23 *333.33-25% 87-412 ©Tll'08 par 100 ‘Linden..............450 First National Bank dTt’12 G, W. Pearson____ O. A. Kirk______ S. F. Polk_______ P. E. Pearson____ 6 N Perry 08 *160-11% par 100 87-413 30,000 Peoples & Union Bank Thos. L. Cathey... C. C. Houston___ S. K. Walker___ *175-8% par 100 87-192 ®Tt§’89 S. E. Crutcher ‘Lexington... 1792 Central State Bank ... t5’07 T. Edwards______ G. B. Gibson .. 8 M Henderson 06 *175-10% 87-208 S. W. Murphy First National Bank. *175-10% 87-703 Liberty---------- 285 Liberty Savings Bank 6 N De Kalb N13 *130-10% 87-309 Principal Correspondents. Lo&n R. A. Lewis____ *i’23 J. W. Stewart....... C. H. Johnston.... John A. McCall... W. B. Wilkinson.. ©Tt§’05 R. B. Vanatta_____ T. F. Williams__ J. M. Bradley__ Farmers Bank______ T»t5’05 J. 8. Fleming____ E. D. White_____ W. H. Estes.... 87-415 121.000 $ 5.220 47.470 146,060 132,320 14,010 4,720 412.870 379.280 25,000 16.930 183,499 50,000 11,000 300,000 25,000 24,600 19.000 $ 188.000 Ckern. N„ N.Y.; Am. N., Nasb. 9,120j 98,460 Chem. N„ N. Y.. Am. N., Nash. 189,030 Han. N„ N.Y.; 1st N., Jackson; Am.N. an J 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; N. Bk. Com., St. L 269,210 Limestone____ 300 Farmers & Merch. Bank ‘Livingston.. .1215 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. W. R. Officer____ J. A. Hargrove.__ T. B. Copeland__ C. E. Rowe............ 6 N Overton L15 *100-10% 87-566 ®T«'14 Ruth Officer 93,000 $ 586.000 3,830| 149,390 Chem. N.. N. Y.; 4th and 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. 34,480 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash. 3,000 65,300 Chem. N., N. Y.; Unaka & City N Johnson City; Dominion N.. Bristol. 85.680 4th& 1st N. and Am.N., Nash.; 1st N., St. L. 113,100 43.470 1.360 250,000 4.000 10.000 97.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash A. T. Knight____ 50,000 9,000 469,250 69,100 439,730 79,650 12,610 62,810 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. Lobelville_____ 561 Bank of Lobelville___dtl’05 C. N. Daniel_____ J. C. Burns, Sr.... Ralph Patterson.. Ora M. Sanders__ 6 N Perry 08 *130-10% par 135 87-416 12.500 9,160 171.430 560 85,860 34,3101 10,870j 62,590 Am. N., Nash ; 1st N., Dickson. Loretto_______ 561 Bank of Loretto____ 25.000 18,110 197.870 4,000 178,690 15.990 21,250 29.050 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 32,100 50,630 259.280 61,500 291,960 34.390 15.150 62,000 Han. N., N.Y.;City N.,Knoxville; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 50.000 13,250 241,680 27,900 223,290 32,860 19.140 57,540 Chem.N., N.Y.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville; 1st N.. Chattanooga. J. W. Hamilton... L, Dows____ 7.500 2,430 104,480 43,940 8.820 61,650 2nd N., Jackson; Cent. State and 1st N.. Lexington. F. M. Waggoner... J. D. Mot low. 50,000 28,860 234.220 237,190 13,870 14,310l 47.700 Chem. N.. N. Y.: 4th & 1st N.. Nasb ; Elk N.. Fayetteville. G. F. Waggoner... 24,200 11,000 70,840 82.670 410 j 5.870: Geo. B. Witt____ P. E. Hickman.. 30.000 13,870 176,110 166,560 13,170 11,750 W. R. Smith____ R. L. Wagstaff. 25,000 5,500 85,000 Madison_____ 500 Madison Bank & Trust Co. V. I. Witherspoon. 6 N Davidson Mil 87-530 ®»t§’13 E. R, Doolittle___ V. H. Ellis___ I. E. Connors 15,000 6.900 120.150 ‘Madlsonvllle. 850 Bank of Madisonvilled®»t|’90 W. N.Magill........... J. F. McConkey. 6 N Monroe P18 *180-10% par 100 87-422 J. F. Llewellyn.__ W. J. Lambdin__ 50,000 27,840 199,660 6 N Lawrence Qfi *300 trio Wm. Sandschulte. W. H. Augustin.__ W. C. Caperton.... K. J. Augustin___ 87-417 ‘London_____1900 Bank of Loudon........©•tJ'89 Q. A. Tipton.___ J. H. Johnston___ Q. A. Tipton__ 8 N Loudon 018 *150-10% 87-418 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *120 87-416 Luray ..............225 Luray Banking Co... 87-549 8 M Henderson 06 *133-10% C. P. TALIOFERRO C. H. BACON. . . . . . . . . . . SAM WILSON_ _ _ ®«t’22 MAUDE JONES......... Special attentio n given collection s, sight drafts, ca sh and time Item Send us your L oudon items for p rompt, careful at tention. J|’l3 G. W. Priddy____ M. B. Hill........... ‘Lynchburg... 365 Farmers Bank____ dT»tl’88 Thomas Mot low... W. K. Parks___ 6 N Moore P12 *155-6% par 100 87-420 Moore County Bank___}§’n R. A. Parks______ J. F. Baxter____ *144-6% 87-506 Lynnviiie___ 552 Bank of Lynnviiie...©•till C. T. Reid_______ C. H. Witt_____ 6 N Giles P10 87-421 Peoples Bank............®«t§’19 W. S. Blackburn.. J. W. Wilson.... *100-4% par 100 87-622 Monroe Bank & Trust Co. L. R. Sloan _____ J. R. Sheets___ 87-823 d®T*§T9 3. 3,900 115,000 940 70.490 17,080 Am. N.. Nash. 32,400 4th & 1st N., Nash. 18,000 Am. N. and Com. Union, Nash.; Fiftb Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 54,410 3.150 14,940 Chase N„ N.Y.; Am. N„ Nash. 218,650 22,400 36,440 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Knoxville; 1st N., Chattanooga. 19,360[ 30,230 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga; City N., Knoxville. C. F. Hunt______ 50,000 4,380 125,030 1,050 130,870 ‘Manchester. 1114 First National Bank...»tl900 W. H. Ashley____ T. H. Willis____ 6 N Coffee P13 87-237 W. P. Hickerson... M. W. Hickerson. 25,000 33,740 350,400 6,250 218,580 61,760 1.690 133,360 Han. N„ N.Y.: 4th & 1st N„ Nash.: Hamil ton N., Chattanooga. Peoples Bank & Tr. Co.Ttl'06 A. M. May_______ C. D. Farrar____ 100 87-238 A. F. Vincent........ Alvin Vincent.... 20,000 5.900 237,980 156,370 11,780 16,450 78,270 Chem. N.« N. Y.: Am. N., and Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. par THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ TOWM AND COUNTT. *County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M Memp. N Nashv. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State f Priv. tMea. Btste B. Ass’n. [Bstsb. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d- Sa fe De p. ©Sav. $Las t Sale % Di v. PRESIDENT. ASS’T OAS&IER. CASHIER. Vice-President. Frank Smith-------- J. M. Gardner____ $140-10% J A Modern, Prog THE PEOPLES BANK ^+£> \ We Invite the b ■0% 17-164 ®t§ 08 | Send us your B Please send 15c wit J. W. EANES............... W M HIGGS ____ 6,000 S 200,000 6 160,000 423,190 437,620 86,000 29.140 25,000 2,040 •• 137.000 i 10,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 44,000 1st N„ St. L.; Citiz.-Union N.. Loo.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 85,870 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Coen.. 8t. Am. N.. Nash. 128.750 $ ressive Bank, uslness of those w bo desire Prompt, Efficient Service, ill of Lading Draf ts and Notes. h each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports, John M. Clark......... M. H. Gamble____ ‘Maryville.__ 3739 Bank of Blount County 17-157 ®»tl’92 6N Blount 018 •136—10% •« 35,000 J 67-162 (K. H. WARREN-— G.W. HALL....... — .. Resources. Liabilities. Lotoa Bond* Subplus Depos Other Cash k KxMiscel oiAaeaa,Dui Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Disco unU Steuritioa laneous vm> Baku ties G. H. Parker.......... Milburn Gardner . Raymond Algee... S Martin______ 2837 City ot(it6 DdPK.-■■ ■■ -*ol 17-163 8 M Weakley L4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TENNESSEE—Continued 1,780 $ 24.690 18,930 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; 4th & l«t N„ Nash. ♦ 100.000 42,980 698.810 888.000 3,320 558,930 68,330 689,000 87,800 100,000 525,000 340,000 116,000 240 92,050 19,100 4,180 51.320 166.530 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 245,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Holston N.. Knoxville; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Oin.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. J A. fin* J. 0. Tacker .. J. N. Bodgett 100,000 75,000 E. F. Ames W. W. Elmore. _ A. F. Renaker 100,000 34,000 1,000,000 Mason________ 387 Bank of Mason______ ©»36’03 J. W. McCraw......... W. E. Frawley— W. T. Williamson. W. M. Williamson. III Tipton P3 10% par 100 67-423 20,000 13,340 141,960 10.000 3.000 100,000 10,000 26.000 170,000 2,000 112,000 16,000 4,950 74.960 1,410 50.850 6.330 39,140 City N., Knoxville. 9,080 24,600 4th & 1st N.. Nash. Joseph Burger------ D. F. Young........ .. $175-10% •• •• 67-156 First National Bank..®*t’14 Thomas N. Brown. R, R Ames tiso-10% 47-676 J. W. Newman___ Mason Hall____ 36 Mason Hall Bank______ •il OB J. H. Smith-----------$e«-io% 67-424 (Kenton P.0.) 8 M Obion M4 D. J. Conyers-------- J.F. Peal 8M Crockett N4 $soo . K. L. Eason............. __ J.D. Riddick L.; 253,000 Han. N.. N.Y.; Fifth Third Un.Tr.Co., Cin.; East Tenn. N„ Knoxville. 60,200 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Memp. 41,000 1st N., Jackson; Bk. of Trenton, Trenton 82.000 5,000 13,000 78,000 Am. N„ Nash.; 1st N.. Jackson. 67-602 ‘Maynardvllle.375 Maynardville State Bank 6N Union M19 par m 17-684 ®t§'21 McEwen._____ 635 McEwen Bank_________t§’03 6N Humphreys M8 $150-10% 87-426 T. R. Meadow____ Susie M. Meadow.. 25,000 11,530 155.650 26,300 140,000 McKensie______1630 BANK OF R|^ZIE—t! U 8M Carrol M6 J. L. Tlmmiun 30,000 47.250 423,790 34,550 394,770 30,000 20,800 389,530 256,110 10,000 3,800 52.000 36.000 60,000 19.600 440,580 850 317.330 114,560 23,920 211.500 1,400,000 183,500 1,159.000 75,000 255.00( Commercial Bank_______ tl’10 N. B. Moort________ R. E. Thomas............ C.M. Wrinkle, 87-218 139,310 Am. N.. Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. Co., Memp.; City N., Paducah. 26,350 3,820 ft Tt, 154,110 4th ft 1st N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. ft Tr. Co., Memp.; Merch.-Laclede N., St. L. Act. J. A. Bramley______ H. L. Carter------------- J. C. McKinney Bank of McLemoresvllle McLemoresvllle 87-427 *S'Q7 8M Carrol N5 315 $65-10% par 50 E.W. Walling______ ‘McMinnville 2814 City Bank & Trust Company Ernest Smallman 87-627 ®T*tl'12 6N Warren 013 $150-8% •S h •s •* •• •• Medina...____ 358 8M Gibson N5 ... Zettie E. Gardner. 27,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 55.220 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash. 495,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Hamilton First National Bank...®t'7t J. N. Walling_____ J. L. Willis. Ch. $250 12% 87-166 par 100 ,Tos Gessler 6% 87-721 G. M. Smith______ F. S. Clark.............. L. H. Curtis______ R. S. Walling 180.000 T. R. Clark............... R. S. Walling......... E. J. Ramsey.......... G. M. Smith 90,000 5.160 185,750 11.270 171,290 17.220 46.460 57,210 1st N., McMinnville; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Peoples National Baak..Tt‘Sl ftntler Smith M. T. Bass. V. P. 87-166 Thos. Mason, Act. J. D. Elkins H. S. Wilson_____ W. L. Bryan............ 55,000 45.000 611.650 56.050 306.880 281.780 22.560 156,780 N. Park. N. Y.: Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. a# ^ Ji —. ^ Banting vxo «% It 1 fm A a tdMr \\r W. uo....*9lw J. H. Mathis________ J B. Rowlett W. R. Rowlett______ 15,000 6.630 9.400 6.430 umida A A rq C U. uiaVca—— EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC OFFERS5 UNSURPASSED FACILITIES 1 r AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 129.400 207.430 ■ 87-308 ■ ■■ N., Chat.; 4th and 1st N., Nash. 83.830 2d N.. Jackson; 1st N.. Memp. ■■ TH : F :TH TH R n IlfHON TRlJST CO., CINCINNATI L 1 Mill U L 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPRESENTATIVE LIST are the bond and investment houses of BIRMINGHAM, ALA Caldwell & Co. Jemison & Co., Inc. Marx & Co., Inc. Steiner Brothers, Inc. Ward, Sterne & Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. Bankers Bond Company Bankers Mortgage Company, Inc. Block, Fetter & Trost, Inc. Caldwell & Co. Consolidated Realty Co., Inc. Henning Chambers & Co. John L. Dunlap & Co. Equitable Bond & Mortgage Co., Inc. J. J. B. Hilliard & Son Louisville Title Co. W. L. Lyons & Co. National City Co. James C. Willson & Co. George T. Wood & Son NEW ORLEANS, LA Caldwell & Co. William R. Compton Co. Hibernia Securities Company Moore, Hyams & Co., Inc. Mortgage & Securities Co. National City Co. Securities Sales Co. of La., Inc. Taylor, Ewart & Co.. Inc. S. A. Trufant Watson, Williams & Co. Wheeler & Woolfolk WHEELING, W.VA Billingsley & Co. Hazlett & Burt Hazlett & Co. A. E. Masten & Co. J. D. Merriman & Co. Stevenson & Marshall MEMPHIS, TENN. Bolton, Smith & Co. Caldwell & Co. Commerce Securities Co. Falls & Co., Inc. Goldsmith & Galbreath Marx & Bensdorf National City Co. A. K. Tigrett & Co. I. B. Tigrett & Co., Inc. S. M. Williamson & Co., Inc. NASHVILLE, TENN American National Co. Bankers Bond & Mortgage Co. Caldwell & Co. J. W. Jakes & Co. Joe B. Palmer & Co. I. B. Tigrett & Co., Inc. who announce their readiness to serve bankers in this issue of the Bankers Directory, Let the names speak for themselves as a representative list. Fidelity Bank&Trust Co MEMPHIS Collections on Memphis and adjacent territory given vigorous, careful attention. Prompt returns. We cordially invite the accounts of banks, cor porations and individuals. Complete Banking Service JOHN D. McDOWELL, President JOHN T. FISHER, Chairman of the Board C. W. THOMPSON......................... Vice-President D. D. ROBERTSON.........Vice-Pres. and Cashier D. L. BINGHAM............................. Vice-President W. M. DANIEL..................................Asst. Cashier S. N. CASTLE....................................Asst. Cashier W. F. MURRAH................................ Trust Officer Capital $1,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Number uuder Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 occ _~Z •Mem.A.B.A.nN'ew SStatetPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. American Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. President. CITY SAVINGS BANK 26-90 ®»J§'27 ^COLUMBIA SAVINGS BANK $165-8% par 100 ^6-82 (lB®T*t8’22 "WM. WHITE............ par 100 26-89 ass’t Cashier. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties $3,006,800 Loans * Dis counts Bonds, Miscel Securi- laneous TIES, BTC. Resources Principal Correspondents. Cash k Exciuvon.Dua prom Btm 1.680.980 $32608360 $ 695.970 $22188270 $2,971,540 $1,882,280 $10952220 N. City and Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Bos. Collection s on Mem phis and Mississip pi points given spe cial atten tion. Our super ior faeiliti es guaran tee satisf actory se rvice. ELDRIOGE ARM IH. W. HURTSTEAD 250.000 5,360 1.321,050 58.970 945.960 148,480 214.950 326,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St.L.; Un. & Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Memphis. C. Q. Floyd... H. N. Taylor 100.000 52.830 855.550 63.050 777.330 10.000 147.420 136,670 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. R. E. LeClerc. 50,000 ALL ITS MS ENTRUSTED US WILL RECE IVE PROMPT, CAREF UL ATTENTION C. L. Tucker_____ W. G. Henderson.. L. H. Jones.. Neely Grant H. G. Kingston + Depositors Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo. J. F. Dickinson.__ G. K. Strickland. $98-8% Cashier. S.J. SHEPHERD A. C. BURCHETT ... LEW PRICE-------R. B. SNOWDEN J. H. FISHER.Sec. J. T. WILKINSON E. L. RICE J. R. PIPES. Tr. F. F. STURM L. A. THORNTON S. J. SHEPHERD. H. D. BURKETT Gen. Counsel E. C. LEWIS A. B. LEWIS L. E. WITTENBERG, T. W. VINTON. J. L. ROSS, Auditor Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer 28-1 tlB®T«2l’05 par 100 Vice-President. Resources. (Closed December 7. 1926) & TRUST CO. $360-18% (Shelby,Q-l) County Seat—Population 174,533 Liabilities. T. 0. VINTON- ‘BANK OF COMMERCE MEMPHIS—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 8) jf 10 Jr. J. F. Dickinson.. Co., Memp.; Cent. N., Rich. 2.250 320 66,170 117.750 2.780 Onion & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. East Memphis Bk. cfc Tr. Co. __ (Closed January 8. 1927) Federal Reserve Bank of St. (Memphis Branch Federal Resent Ba nk of St. Louie, Mo. Louis_____ 26-8________ ‘FIDELITY BANK i TRUST CO. $«5-6% par 100 ♦ 26-88 dB®T*t§’24 i-?:S8,ELL""S;NBa0H Ch. of Bd. CHAS.W. TKOMPSOK THOMPSC (For com plete infor motion ee « page 27) D.D. ROBERTSON-- S. N. CASTLE......... J-"-P' Modern, progressive and anxious to serve. Prompt attention given all items entrusted to us. Test our facilities. Tr. Off. . 1 000,000 112.260 4.959.690 534.390 3.977.590 175.300 1.207.940 1.245.510 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N.Y.; Cont.& Com’l N., Uhl. 1st N., St. L.; Marine Bk. &. Tr. Co., N. O. SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. E. RAGLAND-.........R. T. CRENSHAW-— S. C. SHEPHERD-------- J. R. CRAI6 P. S. SMITHWICK. C. H. CRAIG TROY BEATTY, Jr., W. H. FELTUS Ch. of Bd. L Y> WILLIAMSON Tr. Officer S. W. MCDOWELL S. P. FORTUNE J. A. DENTON S. W. WARDLAW 1.000,000 923.370 19.879.620 160.960 13.103.370 1.827.470 1.083.370 5.859.720 1st N..N.Y.; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.,Bos. Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. F. E. MAXWELL $288-12% 28-2 dB®W64 par 100 ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN MEMPHIS, ORGANIZED 1864 (Memphis banks continued on next page) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over Sixty Years of Service 1356 Number under Name of Bank exclusively to each bank in U. S. is the New Transit Number given by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank District No. 8) Resources, Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. TMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. I{es.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MEMPHIS—Reserve C