The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF T H E CITY OF NEW Y O RK 1000,000 DEPOSITS SURPLUS & PROFITS $24,605 034 (June 3o, 1924) $487,418,771 S E E P A G E A D V E R T I S E M E N T IN N E W Y O R K L I S T Commercial Paper • Bonds 1 Chicago ST. LOUIS LOS ANGELES New York SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE PORTLAND L IM IT E D Established 1833 Over 1100 Offices in England and Wales Agents Everywhere Head Office: 15 BISHOPSGATE, LONDON* E. C .2 Self-protectin A check on National Safety Paper is completely protected the moment it is written. If to attempt is made to alter the writing with chemicals, eraser or knife, an irremovable white spot or stain is produced in the paper, instantly exposing the fraud. This complete protection has the - added advantage of being perm anent. A tm ospheric or other conditions, so often des tructive to so-called pantagraphtinted checks, do not affect the chem ical-safety properties of National Safety Paper. National Safety Paper has been in use for over 50 years. So positive has its protection proved, that today it is used by a large majority of the banks in financial centers throughout the country. Specify National Safety Paper to your lithographer. We shall be glad to mail a complete set of samples, upon request. See the inside hack cover G eorge L a M o n te & Son 61 B roadw ay, New Y ork i 1871 N a tio n a l Safety P ap er Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I n all sections of the country there are N ational C ity C ompany offices where Banks, dealers, institutions and private investors may obtain information on, or prices of Bonds, Short Term N otes and Acceptances. Many of these offices are connected by a 11,000 mile private telegraph system bringing them in close touch with N ew York, and securing for customers the advantage of quick communi cation with the investment markets of the nation. PRINCIPAL Albany T en E y ck Building Telephone 6090 M ain A tlanta 66 N o rth B road S treet Telephone W aln u t 5070-71 A t l a n t ic C it y C halfonte Block Telephone A tlan tic C ity 749 B a l t im o r e C harles & F a y e tte Streets T elephone 7471 Plaza B o sto n xo S ta te S treet Telephone 8100 M ain he N Los R och ester W ilder Building T elephone 4464 - 5-6 M e m p h is B an k of Com m erce Bldg. Telephone (P ostal) 119 (C um berland) 1083 M il w a u k e e F irst W is. N a t’l B k. Building T elephone 2590 B roadw ay M in n e a p o l is B uilders’ E xchange Building T elephone 8060 A tlantic N ew ark K inney B uilding Telephone 1943 M arket N e w O rlea ns 301 B aronne S treet T elephone 6863 M ain O maha F irst N ational B an k Building T elephone 3 3 x6 Jackson P h il a d e l p h ia 1417 C h estn u t S treet Telephone 3400 R ittenhouse P it t s b u r g h U nion T r u s t B uilding Telephone 5926 G ra n t P o r t l a n d , Me. U nion M u tu al B uilding Telephone 6905 M ain, P ortland, O r e . Y eon B uilding Telephone 6072 M ain ational U p t o w n O f f ic e Bonds P r o v id e n c e 12 W estm inster St. T elephone 3262 U nion L o u is v il l e , K y . M arion E . T a y lo r B uilding T elephone M ain an d C ity 3384 M A IN OFFICE: . OFFICES K a n s a s C it y 1017 B altim ore A venue Telephone 2706 M ain A ngeles ■ 513 W est 6 th S treet T elephone 877051 B uffa lo E llico tt S quare Building Tel. (Bell) 2472 Seneca C h ic a g o 137 So. L a Salle S treet T elephone 7200 R andolph C in c in n a t i 4th N atio n al B an k B uilding Telephone 422 M ain C leveland G u ard ian B uilding T elephone (Bell) 763 C herry D a venport P u tn a m B uilding Telephone 7935 M ain D enver 718 S ev en teen th S treet Telephone 1475 M ain D e t r o it F irs t N atio n al B an k Bldg. T elephone 9 12 1 C adillac H artford C onn. M u tu al Building Telephone 2-3175 I n d ia n a p o l is Fletch er Sav. & T r. Building Telephone Circle 7800 T CORRESPONDENT C i ty S a n D ie g o U nion B uilding Telephone 264 M ain S a n F r a n c is c o 424 C alifornia S treet Telephone 921 K earny Sea ttle H oge Building Telephone 2254 E llio tt S t . L o u is 415 Olive S tree t T elephone 7140 Olive S a in t P a u l M erchants' N a t’l B ank Bldg. T elephone 0248 C edar W a s h in g t o n 74 i - i 5th S treet, N . W . T elephone 3176 M ain W il k e s -B a r r e M iners’ B an k B uilding Tel. (Bell) 2120 W ilkes-B arre M o n trea l, C anada 1 x2 St. Jam e s S treet Telephone 6493 M ain T oronto, C anada 10 K ing S tree t E a st Telephone 6120 M ain L ondon, E . C . 2, E ng. 34 B ishopsgate Telephone L ondon W all 1737 G e n e v a , S w it z e r l a n d 1 rue de la T o u r de 1’Ile Telephone 51 89 T o k io , J a pa n 12 N akadori M arunouchi Telephone 1615 M arunouchi C ompany National City Bank Building, N EW YORK National City Building, 42nd Street at Madison Avenue Short Term N otes Acceptances JANUARY s M T w .. 4 5 6 FEBRUARY F s s M T w T F s s M T w T F s 1 2 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 1 2 3 7 9 8 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH T 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 39 41 40 42 43 44 45 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 T 96 97 w T F 91 92 93 98 s 99 100 103 104 105 106 107 108 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 109 110 i n 112 114 113 115 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 116 117 118 119 81 2 2 s T M w 75 76 120 123 T F s 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 144 26 27 28 29 30 71 1 2 77 78 72 82 84 83 73 13 14 79 85 86 80 2 1 87 23 24 25 26 27 28 89 90 JUNE s 145 146 147 148 149 ISO 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T 152 153 1 2 101 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 102 74 70 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 MAY 1 2 3 95 69 29 30 31 APRIL M 68 8 9 10 88 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 67 w T F s 154 155 156 157 1 2 3 4 5 6 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 179 180 181 28 29 30 151 31 JULY s M T AUGUST w T F s 182 1 83 184 1 85 s M T w T SEPTEMBER F 1 2 3 4 18 6 1 87 1 8 8 189 190 191 192 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 193 1 94 1 9 5 196 197 198 199 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 200 2 01 2 0 2 2 03 204 205 2 06 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 207 2 08 2 0 9 210 211 212 s M 215 216 217 218 219 220 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 6 237 238 239 240 241 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 242 T 244 w 245 T F s 246 247 248 1 2 3 4 5 1 214 235 26 27 28 29 30 31 s 213 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 270 271 272 273 27 28 29 30 243 30 31 OCTOBER s M T w NOVEMBER T F s s 2 74 2 75 2 76 305 1 2 3 277 2 78 2 7 9 280 281 282 283 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 284 2 85 2 86 287 288 289 2 90 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 29 1 29 2 2 9 3 294 295 296 297 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 298 2 9 9 3 00 301 302 3 03 304 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M T 306 307 w 308 DECEMBER T F s 309 310 311 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 333 334 29 30 M T w T F s 33 5 336 337 338 339 1 2 3 4 5 340 34 1 3 4 2 343 344 .345 346 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 354 35 5 3 5 6 357 '3 5 8 359 360 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 361 3 6 2 363 364 365 27 28 29 30 31 -1 — W m Sm Wh ei Buyin Bonds forYour Bank it is a source of sfisfaction and a meaure of protection to klow that the bond house you deal with has njade a thorough and reli able investigation) be the fore identifying itse lf with issues which it offers. H jams'- The First Mortgage 6 °/o Gold B | Empire Gas & Fuel Comj ■ I long term First&Ref. Con. 3-Year ']° f\ “ m a t u r it y « M A T U R IT Y ■ .. ■ . .9 x y (Delaware) )ldBonds,Ser.B 7 °Jo Gold Bonds . . Gold Bonds , MonongahelaWest Penn] First Lien & R ef. Con. 6% Gil [blic Service t o .. 7 ^ °Jo 10 -Y ear Sinking Fij Ohio & Northern Gas C] Guaranteed 3 - Y r. 7 o]o Sec. Peoples Gas Light & Col 3- Year 6 °Jo Secured Goldjf Pressed Steel Car Comjl 5 °Jo Convertible Gold Bo;f j§ .• ipany Co. (Chicago) | I 1 * • 1/ I / I 933 , . 6 Y fflo Sinking Fund Gobi otes, SeriesA. . 6 /1 /1 9 3 3 Southwestern Bell Telq one Company lid Notes . . . . 4 /1 /1 9 * 5 5-Year 7 % Convertible First Mortgage 6 °fo Gold! West Penn Company 3-Year 6 °]o Gold Debentl Cun Corporation -nds SeriesA. .1 0 /1 /1 9 2 9 ’ es 'J • • . 6 / 1 5/ i 9a 5 ^ ■| f g M tge. 6 % Gold Bonds, Ser. B 2 /1 /1 9 5 * FirsC Lien and Ref. M tge. 6 % Gold Bonds . 5/ I/ I 95 2- Public Service Company of Colorado First Mtge. and Ref. (s°/o Gold Bonds, Ser. A 9 / * / 953 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois First Lien and Ref. M tge. Gold Bonds, S e rie sA ....................• * * * * * / The Laclede Gas Light Co. ( S t. Louis,Mo.) First M tge. Coll. & Ref. 30-Y r. 5 g i/i/iatT. Bonds, Series C .............................| | j 11 West Penn Power Company First Mortgage 59b Gold Bonds, Series A . . 3/ 1/194 mt quotations and circulars completely descriptive \dny ofthe above w ill be supplied upon request HALs I e CH ICAG O 2 0 1 S. La Salle St. 7 NEW Y O R K . i 4 Wall St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First Mtge. 30-Y r. 5 °jo Gold Bonds, Ser. A 9 / 1/ I 95 2- Northern IndianaGas & Electric Company [otes, Series A. . 3 / I / I 92-7 Pure Oil Company Vermont Hydro-Elects and Ref> M tge. 6% Gold Bonds, Ser. A 4 / 1 / 1 953 Metropolitan Edison Company rid Notes,Ser. A 1 1 /1/1925 ■old I ■ , First Mortgage 6 % Gold Bonds, Series A . • ? / / 947 Kansas City Power & Light Company [£ Gold Notes. . 9 / 1 / 93 |y Detroit City Gas Company Illinois Power & Light Corporation . SeriesA 2-/1/192 Morris & Company ' 6/ i / i 943 t , , , 6 I I 9 . . . . p;rst Mortgage $<Jo Gold Bonds . . . . . „ B onds, First Mtge. 20-Year S ^ ^ C u a t . Gold Bonds, Series A ................................................. First Mortgage 5% Gold Bonds H s / t / iq2q | - . Armour & Company of Delaware Cudahy Packing Company / / Government of Switzerl|| N A M E OH IS S U E Commonwealth Edison Company Government of the Argej] [ne Nation , D E TR O IT 601 Griswold St. u f o l l o w ^ issues are representative o f our offerings: SHORT! 'ERM N A M E O F IS S U E 1 • Cohoes Power & Light (I E ° 5 Because of the breadth of its facilities and ex perience, Halsey, Stuart & Co.’s endorsement of a bond issue has an accepted value which simplifies the responsibility of bank officers who select bonds for investment of bank funds. Y, S T U A R T ■ W MILW A U K E E 425 E. Water St. ■ AO a R n P O RDAATTE T Dn I El NC P H ILA D E LP H IA 100 South Broad St. ST. L O U I S 319 N. 4U1 Si. & CO BOSTON 82 Devonshire St. m in n e a p o l is 610 Second A v e .,S. This mark in a check comer means positive protection—for bank and depositor—against the check raiser! .cA J The need for checkinsurance has been proud! And thousands of banks have poved that it is a powerful help in getting ww business OD AY when you see a new building or a new home going up, you find that the construction S is of steel—fireproof. Yet every new building is insured against fire. Fireproof construction is wise — is a necessity. But the final, positive protection is insurance. Here are some facts concerning check-insurance for the serious consideration of every progressive banker: You know that check raisers are abroad and active today-^-just as they have always been. You know what a staggering sum check frauds cost this country every year. Safety paper, chemical and mechanical protective devices are good as far as they go. But the cun ning crook usually finds a way, in the end, to circumvent them. That’s why check-insurance is needed—and will always be needed as long as money is handled by check, as long as there are check-crooks at large. It is the only positive protection against loss through raised checks. Every time a check-alteration is reported, its need is proved! I I To furnish your!.«epositors with this broadened protection is thqiure way to build greater confidence. And thass the way banks build business ' increase deposii, In Super-Safety KfS'URED Bank Checks you possess and use tlij business-building force. W ith positive protection fi your depositors and for your bank, made a fartj They are made oqthe world’s safest check paper protected by lie Wm. J. Burns International Detective Agenc^Inc. And insure both bank and each depositif, for $1,000 in cash, against raised-check lossi This insurance is carried by the Hartford Acc n t & Indemnity Company— one of the strong1. companies in America, with more than twenty! iillion dollars in assets, and a lord for paying all just claims0 pomptly. You should havt j the facts— now! From the stal ¿points both of business promt Bn—and pro tection. Addres,*B)ur nearest 2*ord-< branch. # |f| T H E B A N K E R S S U P P L Y C O M P A N Y , Largest M a n u fa ct Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis New York Atlanta Chicago Dallas f [0/ B a n k s c h e c k s in the W orld o Denver FREE helps that do bring business: VERY step you make toward still greater Special “copy”—written by advertising experts— security for depositors’ funds means added to meet immediate problems and conditions you leverage on new business. Thousands of banks aremeet; proving this daily in a very tangible way. Well-thought-out, well-executed display material In Super-Safety INSURED Bank Checks you offer for lobbies, grills, windows; depositors positive protection against check-raisers. Skilfully planned-and-written letters, folders en That is something definite for your bank to mer velope stuffers, booklets and the like. chandise^—to sell—in getting new accounts, and These powerful helps are furnished free to banks holding present depositors. providing Super-Safety INSURED checks! They And back of this banking-service feature is the have a definite business building value— which trem endous force of our national advertising. thousands of banks have already proved. Monthly, in leading publications that |reach mil And these positively protected checks cost you lions, we advertise—for you—the wisdom, the no more than any checks of even approximately equal quality. That is because of our great manu safety of “paying by check.” facturing volume—which makes modern, money And coupled with that, we furnish to customer- saving efficiency possible. banks free advertising and sales-helps that are W e believe you will find the facts valuable. We proved business-bringers: know you will find them interesting. For detailed Complete campaigns of unusual, striking adver inform ation, prices, etc., simply address our tisements for your local newspapers; nearest branch. E T H E B A N K E R S SUP P LY C O M P A N Y , Largest M am Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis New York ^tlii W hat Do You Owe Your Depositors? HRIFT does not end with mere saving—it also involves put ting the savings to work for the highest return commensurate S with safety. Banks, therefore, perform a normal function when they advise their depositors how best to invest their savings in safe and conservative bonds. A good sense of service requires that every bank should be closely associated with a bond house of estab lished standing-—not only as an obvious obligation to its customers, but also as a means whereby its own surplus funds may be employed to best advantage. With such an association in view we invite your correspondence. A. B. Leach & Co Investment Securities NEW YORK CHICAGO CLEVELAND BOSTON MINNEAPOLIS 6 2 Cedar St. 1 0 5 S. La S a lle St. G uardian B ldg. 2 0 9 W ashington St. 1st Nat’L, Soo Line B ldg. PHILADELPHIA BU FFA LO DETROIT MILWAUKEE T A CO M A 115 S. 4th St. 9 3 5 E llico tt Square Ford B ldg. F irst W is. N at’l Bk. Bldg. P n get Sound N at’l Bk. B ldg. ALBANY CINCINNATI ST . LOUIS SEATTLE PORTLAND 6 6 State S t 4th N at’l B ank B ldg. Security B ldg. H oge Building Porter B uilding LLOYDS BANK LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: LONDON, E.C. 3 3.) CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND D EPO SITS, &c. m ADVANCES, &c. - ' ($5 =£1.) $ 359, 323,900 71,864,780 50,000,000 1, 708, 003,640 707,028,870 Lloyds B a n k h a s over 1,600 Offices in E ngland a n d W ales, a n d several in In d ia , B u rm a h a n d E gypt. I t also h a s A gents a n d C o rresp o n d en ts th ro u g h o u t th e B ritish E m pire a n d in a ll p a rts of th e W orld, a n d is a large S h a re h o ld e r in th e follow ing B anks, w ith w h ic h i t is closely asso ciated : THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LIMITED. BANK OF LONDON AND SOUTH AMERICA LIMITED. LLOYDS AND NATIONAL PROVINCIAL FOREIGN BANK LTD. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED BANK OF BRITISH WEST AFRICA, LIMITED. THE BRITISH ITALIAN BANKING CORPORATION, LIMITE RAND MCNALLY DIRECTORY AND BANKERS REGISTER W H LIST OF BONDED ATTORNEYS HE 3ANKERS BLUE BOOK OfficaViumbering Agent for American Bankers Association JULY 1924 \--------------0------- \------- A C onsolidation of BANKEB DIRECTORY (H om an’s and Sharp & Allemands Edition) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOUNDED 1845 (O ld est B a n k D irecto ry in th e U n ite d S ta te s) RAND MÇNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY FO U N D E D 1872 THE BANKERS REGISTER FO U N D E D 1888 ---------------- ■$----- ------------ 97th EDITION 52nd YEAR M ade in U . S. A. *AND MÇNALLY & COMPANY CHICAGO C opyright, 1924, by R and M cN ally & C ompany CONTENTS PAGE Abstract of the Laws of the United States and Canada_________ 1707 Abyssinia—Banks----------------------------------- fj----------------------- 1538 Accessible Banking Points to Non-bank Towns.—_______ . . . ___ 1847 Africa—Attorneys_____ _____ e. ____________ 1697 —Banks—____ ____ ________ ___________________________ 1538 —M ap.___ _______ „______________________ ____ opposite 1538 Alabama—Accessible Banking Points___ __ __________ _____ —1847 —Attorneys______ - ______ ___ &_____ ___ _________ _____ 1597 —-Banks.________________ __________________ — ..-------- - 33 —Bank Directors— . iS K iS l_________ . . . ___________ 1957 —Laws._______ _________ ___________ __ Z_____ _______ .1707 —Map, on “ ALA" Index..__________ ______________ opposite 34 —State Bankers Association Officers__ ____ ______ ______ . . . 8 —(Members shown in Bank List by X after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners___________ _____ 11 Alaska—Accessible Banking Points__________ . . . . _____ .1849 —Attorneys_________ j____ . . . —. . . . . _______ ,____ ..1598 —Banks______ _________ _____ _________ I ______ 48 —Bank Directors..________ ______ ___ ___________ ______ 1961 —Laws______ ________________ . . . . _________ ____ § ...1 7 0 9 —Map, on Alaska Index___________________ ______ opposite 48 Alberta—Accessible Banking Points________ __ _____ __ . .. .. .1 9 4 0 —Attorneys_______ ,i__________________ l________________ 1692 —Banks.__________ _________ _______ 1___________ i _____ 1485 —Laws_______ __________ . . . . ' _______ ______ ____ ____ ..1823 —Map, on Map of Canada_____ ______ _____ _____ opposite 1488 Algeria—Attorneys.................. ........ ...................... . . . _______ 1697 —Banks_____________ i__ ________ ________ . . . . . . _____ ..1538 American Bankers Association Officers___ __________ ..;____ 8 and 9 (Members shown In Bank List by J after name of bank) A. B. A. Numerical Transit System M ap_____ _____ ____ opposite 11 A. B. A. Transit Number (Listed under name of each bank in Bank List) Anglo-Egyptian Sudan—Banks__________ ___ ______________ 1538 —Map (see map of Africa)___ ____________ __ _____ opposite 1538 Angola—Attorneys.......... ________ !................ J --------------------- - 1697 —Banks______ _______ i ______; _____________ ___ __ 1538 Arabia—Banks. 4__ i___ i______ . . . ____. . . . ..ii.____i ___ ____ 1542 Argentine Republic—Attorneys.—— __________. . . ..... .................1704 —Banks____j______— ___ ._____________________________1590 —Map, on Map of South America________________ .opposite 1590 Arizona—Accessible Banking Points______________: __________ 1849 —Attorneys— ............................... :_______________ _________ 1598 —B anks...______________________________________ 49 —Bank Directors— ____m ______________________________ 1961 —Laws________________________ 1711 —Map on Index “ Ariz.” . . ______________ _______ ...opposite 50 —State Bankers Association Officers...—. _______ __________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by X after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and State Bank Examiners_________ '. . . 11 Arkansas—Accessible Banking Points___. . . ............... .................... 1850 —Attorneys._____ _____ _____ _____ _________ _ - ___ 1599 —Banks_____ __ . . . ____ ___ _____ _____ . _________ . . . . . 53 1962 —Bank Directors___ _______ —Laws.______ ___ __ _________ .____________ ____ ____ 1713 —Map, on “ Ark” Index_________________ _______ ..opposite 54 —State Bankers Association Officers____________ __________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners..— ____ _______ 11 Asia—A ttorneys___ __ _____________ Sgl___________________ 1697 —Banks___ —. . . . . ____ ________ _____________ _________ 1542 Associations—American Bankers (Officers of)_____ . . . . ______ __ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by • after name of bank) \ —Farm Mortgage Association of America (Officers)___________ 10 Membership List___ _________ __________ ____ opposite 10 —Investment Bankers Association of America Officers_______ 10 (Members shown in Investments Lists by a 1) ? —State Bankers Associations Officers________ . ______ ______ 8-9 (Members shown in Bank List by X after name of bank) Attorneys—United States and Canada (Bonded)______ ________ 1597 —Foreign Countries__ . . . . ________--------------- -------- ----------1697 Australasia—Attorneys__________ ___ — ____ _____ ______ 1698 ; —Banks.__________________ | __________________________1545 Austria—Attorneys___I____________________. . . . ____________ 1698 —Banks.._________________ _____________________ —___ 1549 F —Map (Map of New Europe)_______________ ____ opposite 1536 Azores Islands—Attorneys__________________. . . . ___________ 1697 Banks_______ L _____ ____ —......... — _____ _____ ________ 1538 —Map (Map of Africa).____________________ ____ opposite 1538 Bahamas—Attorneys.____. . . . _________ t_______________ — 1704 —Banks___________ _____________ ___ _____ . . . . . . . _____ 1589 —Map (Map of West Indies)___ ___ —____________ opposite 1588 Baluchistan—Banks ___ __ ________________ ______ _____....1542 Bank Directors of the United States and Canada__________ ____1957 Bank Examiners and State Bank Officials__________ _____ 11, 12, 13 Bank Examiners (National)___ _______ _______ _____ _______ 14, 15 Barbadoes—Attorneys___ gj_________ .____________________ .1704 —Banks.—. ____ ______ j____ ________ ________ _________ .1589 —Map (West Indies)______ _____ ____ _________ —opposite 1588 Basutoland—Banks—______ _ ______ ________ _____________1538 •“-Map (Map of Africa).______ _______________. . . .opposite 1538 Belgian Congo—Attorneys— _____________________________ 1697 —Banks___ _______ !__. . . ____ __________ ____________ ..1538 —Map (Mag of Africa)____________ ___ ______ ___ opposite 1538 Belgium—Attorneys.-__.;______________ ___ '. J_____ ______ ..1698 —Banks___________________ 1550 —Map (Map of New Eur ope) . . - . - —. j . - . — .opposite 1536 Bermudas—Attorneys__________ _____ . . . . ______ ! _____1704 ________ . . . . . . . ___________ 1589 —Banks______ —____ . . . . Bolivia—Attorneys__' ..1704 —Banks_________ ? . ................ 1590 —Map (map of South America)_____ ______ ______ .opposite 1590 Borneo—B anks__ ___ ____________________ ._______________1542 Brazil-—Attorneys_________________________ 1704 —Banks. ____ . . . . ___________________ . . . . . . __ ___ 1590 —Map (map of South America)___________________ opposite 1590 British Columbia—Accessible Banking Points______________ 1941 —Attorneys._______ ___________ ___________ . ___________ 1692 —Banks_____ _ . . . ______. . . ___ ________ _______________ .1489 —Bank Directors.— ____________ . . . ____________________ 2309 —Laws______________ ___ ___________________ . . . . _____ 1826 —Map (map of Canada)______ . . . . _______________ opposite 1488 British East Africa—Attorneys— ______ ¿ _ .. . ____________ ——1697 —Banks________ 1538 —Map (map of Africa).____________ _____________ opposite 1538 British Guina—Attorneys_____________________ . . . ____ :. 1_. 1704 —B anks...___ ______ __________ _____ ___________ . . . . . 1590 —Map (map of South America). . . . . . . ___ ___ opposite 1590 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAGE British Honduras—Attorney............ ............... ........................1704 —Banks, i ___ ____ ___ .¡.—. . . . . . .......................... ...........1589 Buffalo, N. Y.—M a p ..._________ _______________rçposite 908 Bulgaria—Attorneys......... . i ______ _______ ________ _____1550 —Banks______________ ;_____________________I___ ..1698 —Map (map of New Europ)_____1_____________ opposite 1536 California—Accessible Bankiç List— ,_________ _________ 1852 —Attorneys___ !________ . . . . . . . j_____________ .......... .1600 —B anks...___ j_____ ______ _________________ _____ 78 —Bank Directors____ . . . . . ____ ESI;_____ Ï . / J j _____ 1968 —Laws__________ ______. . 1 ___ ;i_________[_. X _____ 1716 —Map on Index “ C a l i f ___ ...;__________ ___ .opposite 79 —State Bankers Associatior,Officer&________ J ___;______ 8 (Members shown in BankList by' after name if bais) —State Bank Officials and feaminei________ ,__________ 11 Cameroons (Kamerun)—Bank.________________________ 1538 —Map (See Map of Africa)_____l ________ ,__ oposite 1538 Canada—Accessible Banking Bints..;______ . .1 ______ ...1 9 4 0 —Attorneys________ _____ i ___;___ ________________ 1692 —Banks________________.___ J___________ {________ 1485 —Bank Directors.___ . . . . . . _________ _____ i _________2309 —Laws____ ________ :_______ _____ ______ _________ 1823 —Map on Index “ Canada,”. . __ _______________pposite 1488 Canadian Bankers Association Officers.____ ______ j________ _ 8 Canary Islands—Attorneys___ — ____________________ 1697 .1538 -Banks— . . ................ —Map (map of Africa).____ t .............................jpposite 1538 Cape of Good Hope (see Union o’ Suth Africa)__[ .................... 1540 Cape of Verde Islands—Attorneys_______________________ 1697 —Banks____ _____ _______ L ___ _____ ____ ;__ . _____ 1538 —Map (map of Africa)_____ . . . . . . . _ ..............opposite 1538 Cardinal Numbers and Commercial Perms in Ten Lagua?es (Table of) _______________________________ opposite 18 Celebes—A ttorneys _____________________ .________ 1697 —B anks...______________ ________________ l_________1542 Central America—Attorneys___________________________ 1704 -Banks.— ________ . . . . — _______ _______________ 1589 _______ 19 Central Reserve Cities._________ ________1697 Ceylon—Attorneys. .*________. . . . . . . ____ 1542 —Banks_________________. . . ________1698 Channel Islands—Attorneys.—. . . —Banks____________ ... ...... ..........1550 —Map (Map of Europe)............ .opposite 1536 Chicago Map (central portion)___ .opposite 244 ................ 1704 Chile—Attorneys_____________ ________ 1590 —Banks_______ _____ ____ _ —Map (Map of South America) .opposite" 1590 ........ ....1 6 9 7 China—Attorneys____________ .................1542 —Banks___________________ ________ 1697 Chosen—Attorneys................ ...... ________ 1543 r—Banks____ __________- ___ Cincinnati, Ohio, Map opposite 1040 Clearing Houses of the United Staes and Canada (1st of)__ 16, 17 (Members of shown in Bank Lis by a *; zffiliatedanks by a + ) Colombia—Attorneys___________ _____ ________________ 1704 —Banks______ :._________._________________________1591 —Map (Map of South America).;________ _____opposite 1590 Colorado—Accessible Banking Point!__________________ ..1854 —Attorneys____— ——-----------l—_________ _________ 1603 —Banks;— - _________ ________ ;.__________ ;________ 136 —Bank Directors______ _______ ____ ____ __ _________ 1978 —Law s..— -------------------- .---------- i________ 1720 —Map on Index “ Col” ------------- 1___ .____. . . —.opposite 136 —State Bankers Association Officer,___ ._______________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List bj*3 aftr name of ank) —State Bank Officials and Bank E&nines—_____i ________ 11 Comptroller’s Calls to The National laiks-________ opposite 11 (From September 9, 1886, to dab) Connecticut—Accessible Banking Poiits.___ ____ 1________ 1855 —Attorneys— ............................... Wl------ ------ j _____ 1604 —Banks-------- ---------------------------I I -----------i ________ 152 —Bank Directors__ . . . . . --------- — I . ____ ___________.1982 —Laws..;____ __________________ 4------------ ----------- ..1723 —Map_____ ___ ________________ 4------------ 4—opposite 152 —State Bankers Association Officers... 1 .. --------•________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by i ter name o bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examirs_____ j____*______ 1 1 Correspondents_______ ______ ——----- ------------------------(For each bank shown in Bank List underirrespondets column.) Corsica—Banks_____________________________ i________ 1550 —Map (Map of New Europe)------------ U______¡.opposite 1536 Costa Rica—Attorneys______________a________ ____ ___ 1704 —Banks___ _____________________ I ________________1589 County of each Bank Town---------- i --------------- ________ ._ (Shown in Bank List under name of tot) County Seats_ .___________________ .- -L--------- .{-----------(Shown in Bank and Attorney Lists byt before naie of town or city) ! Cuba—Attorneys................... 1----------i ........... ..1605 —Banks____ :—.......................— .........t . -------- 1 -----------1483 —Bank Directors........ ........... i----------§________2310 —Tjaw s— -------------------------- 4-----------^------- 1842 —Map (See Map of West Indies)..........J------ ....opposite 1588 Cyprus—Attorneys........— _____ _ — 1----- ---- ^ ____ ..1697 —Banks____ _____ —----------- ---------- \--------- i ----------- 1550 Czechoslovakia—Attorneys. . . . . . ---------- .1------------------- ..1698 —B anks...______________ — -------- i---------4----------- 1550 —Map (map of New E urope).............„ I ----- ----.¡opposite 1536 Danzig—B anks__ _____ __£--------------- i i l ____J _______1557 —Map (map of New Europe).------------- i— ......opposite 1536 Dates of the Regular Meetings of the State Iislatures._______1706 Days of G race...----------- ----------------------!---------- ^opposite 19 Delaware-Accessible Banking Points..------ ---------j . ______ 1856 —Attorneys— . — — - - ------- . . l------------------— ..¿1605 —Banks________ ______ . ----------------- 1--------- j__ ___ 163 —Bank Directors___________________________ _______ 1985 —Laws. ________ :------ -------- a--------- ‘.I—. . . . _U _____ 1726, —Map on Del. Index------------- . — ----- j.----- —.¡.opposite 165 —State Bankers Association O f f i c e r s . ___ __ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by } afterime of bak) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners!— ___ _______ 11 Denmark—Attorneys----------------------------- 1—— _____ .1698 —Banks___ —________ --.------------ __________________1551 —Map (see map of New Europe) _ . . . — . . t - . . . . . Opposite 1536 . Digest of Banking and Commercial Laws of thehited Staes and Canada.________________________ L ——. .j_____ 1707 Directors—(List of United States and CaradiaJank Directors)—1957 CONTENTS— (Continued) PAGE District of Columbia—Accessible Banking Points--------- . ----------- 1857 —Attorneys.— ___ . . . . . ____ f_______. . . ------ fl--------.....1 6 0 5 —Banks_____ __________________ ______£------------------ 166 —Bank Directors...*___. . . — ___ »______. . . . . . ----- -— .1986 —■Laws...___________ ___ __ ___ ____ t-------------------------.1727 —Map, Indexed “ D. C.” _.________ ________________opposite 166 8 —State Bankers Association Officers_________________ _____ (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) Domestic Money Orders (see Postage Rates)_______________ --7 Dominican Republic—Attorneys--------- -------- -------- --------------- .1704 —Banks____________ ___________ _________ ______ H i------ 1589 —Map (see map of West Indies)__________________ opposite 1588 Dominion of Canada (map of), indexed “ Canada” __....opposite 1488 Dutch Guiana—Attorneys........ ....... .......................... ........... .......... 1704 —B a n k s...____ "it.____ _____________________ . . . . . ----- .1591 —Map (see map of South America)_________ ______ opposite 1590 Ecuador—Attorney s____ ___________________ I ____ $ _______1704 —Banks____ ,_______ 1______________________ - ____ -i— .1591 —Map (see Map of South America)___ ____________ opposite 1590 Egypt—Attorneys___ ________ __________________ . . . _____ g1697 —Banks........... ...................... ..... .......1 ____ _______ ______ 1538 —Map (see Map of Africa)......... ..................................opposite 1538 England and Wales—A ttorneys... _________________________ 1699 —Banks____ ___________ ;_______________ __ ____ i.______1551 —Map on London Index_____________ ____________ opposite 1562 Eritrea—Banks______________________ ___________________ 1539 —Map (See Map of Africa)_____________________ „opposite 1538 Estonia—Banks__________________________________________1572 —Map (see Map of New Europe)___________ . . . . . . opposite 1536 Europe—Attorneys____ ______________________ 1698 —Banks_______________ s___ . __ __________ ___ ________ 1549 —Map indexed “ Foreign”_______ 1__________ ____ opposite 1536 Examiners and Districts (National)________ ___________ ____ 14,15 Examiners (State and State Bank Officials)__ __ _____ ___ 11, 12,13 Express Money Order Rates (see Postage R a t e s ) . .. .. . __ ____ _ 7 Farm Mortgage Bankers Association Members_________ ..opposite 10 “ | “ “ Officers___________ _______ 10 Federal Farm Loan Board____________ J__________________ . 32 Federal Land Banks and their data___________ _____________ . 32 (Also listed in Bank List in Cities where located) Federal Reserve—Advisory Council___ _______________ 20 —Advisory Board___________________________ •_______ __ 20 Federal Reserve Bank Information............. .......... ....... ........... .20 to 32 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (District 6) with Branches_____ 25 “ “ “ Boston (District 1 ) . ______ 1__ ______ 21 " “ Chicago (District 7) with Branch______ 26 “ “ Cleveland (District 4) with Branches.__ 23 “ “ “ Dallas (District 11) with Branches_____ 30 “ “ “ Kansas City, Mo. (District 10) with Branches_____ i _____ ____ ...___ _ 29 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (District 9) with Branch.. 28 “ “ “ New York (District 2) with Branch____ 22 “ “ Philadelphia (District 3)_____________ 23 “ “ Richmond (District 5)with Branch_____ 24 “ “ San Francisco (District 12) with Branches 31 “ “ St. Louis (District 8) with Branches____ 27 Federal Reserve Map, showing the Twelve Districts_____ opposite 18 “ “ of District 7 _________ > __________opposite 246 Federal Reserve Districts in which Banking Town is located (Is shown in Bold Face figure under name of town or see top of first column bank pages) Federal Reserve Members (State Banks and Trust Companies) (Shown in Bank List by a ♦ under name of bank) Federated Malay States—-Banks___________________ ________ 1543 Fernando Po—Banks________________________ _______ L__ 1539 —Map (see Map of A frica)...____________ _______ ______ .1538 Fiji Islands—Attorneys_________ ____ ___________________ .1698 —Banks---------------------------------------------------.....1 5 4 5 Finland—Attorneys____________ _________________ __ __ _ .1701 —Banks_________________________ ________ $________ ..1572 —Map (see Map of New Europe)________________ ________ 1536 Fiume—Banks_______________ ...1 5 7 2 —Map (see Map of New Europe)_______ _____ ____________ 1536 Florida—Accessible Banking Points______h____ ____________ _ 1857 —Attorneys................ ................................................................. 1605 —Banks_______________ . _____ ___________________ 172 —Bank Directors___ _____ __ ______ _______ ________t 1987 —Laws......... ..................... ........................... ................____....... .1729 —Map, indexed “ Fla” ____ _____ _____ ____ ______ opposite 173 —State Bankers Association Officers___________ ______ ____ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners—— . . __________ 1 1 Foreign Attorneys (Selected List)— __________ 1697 “ Banks------------------- ------ ------------ . . . . ____ .1538 “ Coins (Value of)______________________________ •_ 18 Foreign Languages (Table of cardinal numbers and com mercial terms in ten languages)._______________ ..opposite 18 Foreign Postage Table____________________________ 7 Fort Map showing United States Military Posts_______ opposite 32 France—Attorneys__________________ ;___ . . . . . . . . 1701 —Banks— -----. . . . . _________________ 1572 —Map (see Map of New Europe)--------- ---------------- opposite 1536 French Congo—Banks__________________________ . . . . . . . . 1539 —Map (Map of Africa) . . . . u i —__ ,j________ ____ — 1538 French Guiana—A ttorneys.. ___________ __ . 1704 —Banks.---------------------------- *______ _______________ "Il591 —Map (see Map of South America)_________ ______ opposite 1590 French Indo China—Banks _____. . . ___ __________ , 1543 French Somoliland—B anks__. . . __!________________________ 1539 Map (See Map of Africa) — £m----- ----- __ .V—. ——o"ppos"ite"l538 French West Africa—Banks________ ______ _______ . . . . . 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa).. _____ ____ _______ _____ "”" 1538 Gambia—Attorneys_________________________ 1697 —Banks----------- ------------------------------------------------- . . ——1539 —Map (see Map of A frica)......................... ......... ....opposite 1538 Georgia—Accessible Banking Points____________ 1858 1606 —-Attorneys_______________ _____ ________ __ . . . . . . —Banks____ __ _________ 1 . . . . . . . _____ ____________ ~ 189 1991 —Bank Director's______ . . . . _______ _________ -L aw s— ...... ............ ...- I - 1 7 3 1 — ----- 7 ------------------ ■ — . ------------- . . . . . . -opposite 189 —State Bankers Associations Officers___ ______________________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a i after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners._________ ____ __ 1 1 Germany—Attorneys____ _____ ___________ . . . . . . ___ —. . . .'.¿—1701 —Banks— ------------------------------------ . . . ___ ""*1576 —Map (see Map of New Europe)______ ______ 1___ opposite 1536 Gibraltar (see Spain)____________ 1587 Goa—Attorneys_____________ _ jtfl&ft. j_ 6 i___ I" —” ” 5""."—Il698 Gold Coast and Ashanti—Attorneys.. . ___ __ I • 1697 —Banks_____ _________ __ _____ J ___ _ __ " 1539 —Map (seeMap of Africa)-------------------------—I ——opposite’! 538 Grace on Sight Drafts for the United States and Canada..opposite 19 Greece—Attorneys..___________ ________________________ ..1703 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Greece—(Continued) PAGE —Banks---- ----------- ------------------- 1578 —Map (see Map of New Europe)____ . . . ___ ______—opposite 1536 Grenada—Attorneys—_____ ________ ir ___ _ _____ __ ‘Jffj .1704 —Map (see Map of West In d ies)..______ _____ ____ opposite 1588 Guadaloupe—Attorneys (a_________j ____ | ___Kg#____ _ 1704 —Banks------------------------------_____________ . . . ___ _!______1589 —Map (See Map of West Indies)_______________ „.opposite 1588 Guatamala—Attorneys__'&_______ ______ __ __________. . . . 1704 —Banks........................ .............. .......... ....... ....... _. ........... ....1 5 8 9 Haiti—A ttorneys..___ . . . . . ...______ __________ . . . . _______1704 —B anks,.-----------------------------------1589 —Map (see Map of West Indies)___ . . . ______ oppostel588 Hawaii—Accessible Banking Points_______ _______ ____ ...:_ 1860 —Attorneys............. ............................J . . ...........i _"]1609 —Banks------------------------------- . ___ Sc!________________ __220 —Bank Directors.____________ ___ >___ _________________ 1998 —Map, indexed “ Hawaii” _____ _________ ,____ ____ oppoite 220 Holidays (See Interest Rates, Grace on Sight Drafts, Etc..oppoite 19 (See also Laws for Legal Holidays) Holland—Attorneys____ ______________—____ 1703 —B anks...—. . ------ --------------------------- _________________ 1578 —Map (see Map of New Europe)____ . . . . ___ ____ .opposit 1536 Honduras—Attorneys.. 11______________________ _______ ] 704 —Banks---------- --------------------- ------------ ------ . . . . . . . ___ .1589 Hongkong—Attorneys____________ ____ MS____ . . . . . . . ____..1698 —Banks— .............. ..........................________........... 1542 Hungary—Attorneys______ ___________ . . . . ________ _____ 1702 —Banks------- ---------------------- ----------------. . . —1579 —Map (see Map of N ew Europe)____ . . . ________ .... .opposita 536 1703 Iceland—Attorneys........ .......................... ..... .,________ —Banks. „ ; ----- --------- ----- --------- - _______ ______ 1 . . . .1579 —Map see Map of New Europe) _______ oppositel536 Idaho—Accessible Banking P oints.. _________. . . . ___ — ____ i860 —Attorneys______________________ _____________ . —....6 0 9 .221 —Banks------- -------—Bank Directors____. . . . _____ . . . _____ ___ •_____ . 999 —Laws— ....................................... .....7 3 3 —Map, indexed “ Idaho” _________________________ _opposit222 —State Bankers Association O ffic e rs ......i.L i ___ ___ _____ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a 1 after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank Examiners... . . . . . ___ ______ 11 Illinois—Accessible Banking Points___________________ . _____ Wb —Attorneys_________ ________________ ___ ______ . . . . _ Blv —Banks________ . . . ___ —_______ _______________ S____ _ 22\ —Bank Directors..__________ .__ . . . . . . . . . ______ ” "’230L —Laws----------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ _____ _ 1735 —Map, indexed “ Illinois” . . ____ >___________opposite229 Map of Chicago (Central portion)___ _________ ____ — opposite 244 Map of Federal Reserve District 7______________ . . . ___opposite 246 —State Bankers Association Officers____ _____ L___ . . ____. . . 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Bank E x a m i n e r s . . . . . . 1 11 India—Attorneys ______ _____ ,___ 1___ . . . . . . . . ___ . 1698 —Banks____...____ _____ ,______ _______________________ 1543 Indiana—Accessible Banking Points___ __ _____ ___ ________ 1863 —Attorneys........................................................................... . —...1 6 1 5 —Banks_____________ L_____________ L .* ..____________ __ 340 —Bank Directors__________ 1___ ________ _ 2023 —Laws----------- --------------------- --------------- . . . _____ .1738 - M a p —indexed “ Ind” ____ ___________ ______ ____ opposite 340 —Map of Indianapolis-------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ ..opposite 364 —State Bankers Association Officers_____ . . . . . . . . _______ _ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners— ___ i . . . 11 Indianapolis—M ap................... ................................... ___. opposite 364 Interest Rates (table of)..................... ....................................opposite 19 (Also found under Laws of each state) Interest Rates by contract____________ _________ i_____ opposite 19 International Money Orders___________ . . . . . . ___ _ 7 Investment Bankers Association___. . . . . . . . . ___________ . . . 10 (Members shown by a i in Investment Lists) Investment Dealers (Selected List) (Following banks in each city where listed) Ionian Islands—Banks_______ ______ _ .1579 —Map (see Map of New Europe)______ ____ ______ opposite 1536 Iowa—Accessible Banking Points__ — . . 1866 —Attorneys____ ____ __________ ____ ________ ” " l6 1 6 7 — - ............ — -------- -— --------------------------- 395 —Laws,____ . . . . . . _________ _ 1741 —MaP- 7?nd,exed “ IowaS ------ -—B P # — — — —. .Iopposite 395 —State Bankers Association Officers_____. . . _ 8 (Members shown in Bank list by a $ after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners__ ______ 11 Irak—B anks . . . . __ ______ ____ . . . . _____ „ _ .1 5 4 4 Irish Free State and Northern Ireland—Attorneys."..." " "1702 —Banks----------- --------------- --------..._____ . . . . . 1579 , - M® (see Map of New Europe)__________ ___ ....o p p o site 1536 Italian Somaliland—Banks________ _____ . . . |m i 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa).. . . . _ J "" "”""""1538 "” ’ l703 Italy—Attorney________________________ . —B a n k s...._______ ______________________ I .-” " 1579 —Map (see Map of New Europe) .-" -.IIIIZ IIIIIIIIIo p F o site ’ 1536 Jamaica—Attorneys_________ • 1704 '“"I"'"""l 589 —B a n k s .......----—Map (see Map of West Indies).___ _ j . ___ opposite 1588 Japan—Attorneys____StM _____ .L__ 1 1698 " "" ’ ”"1544 —Banks------___________ _ Java—A ttorneys..___ M _____. . . 1 ■” “ ” ” l698 —B a n k s .................. 1544 . . . . . _____ ....[..".".^11.". " l545 Johore—Banks. ________. . . . Joint Stock Land Banks and Territory__ 1 1 ........... "" """"opposite 32 (Also in proper places in Bank List) Jugo Slavia—Attorneys.___ ____ 1703 —B anks.,.------- :-------r-----: _ _ _ _ IIIiri-IZ III"'"':1 5»l —Map (see Map of New E u ro p e ) .....__________. . . opposite 1536 Kansas—Accessible Banking P o in ts.... . ■ 1867 —Attorneys..------------- ------------------------ 1111111111623 —Banks__________ _____ ____ . . . __ _ 473 _l____ _____ I _ZI - 1- 1I I1111 2053 — Bank D irectors...________ _ —Laws__. . . ___ _______ |_____ ____ __ ~ ”1743 Map, indexed Kans.” ------------- ----___ opposite 476 —State Bankers Association, Officers.... — — ^--opposiie Afg (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) ’ ' ’ " / —State Bank Officials and Examiners— ...______ 11 Kentucky—Accessible Banking Points___ 1868 —A tto r n e y s ..........-------- !i „ —Banks-«--:____________ _ _________ v 527 —Bank Directors_____ " " " ‘ ~~ ig —L aw s...__________ _ 1 ^ —Map, indexed “ Ky.” ________ 'V * " ‘ opposite 527 —State Bankers Association, Officers"""""— — ' 8 —Members shown in Bank List by a $ after name'ofbank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners._____ _______ _______ l l 3 4 CONTENTS— (Continued) PAGE Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates and Slovenes (Yugo Slavia) )—Banks__,_____________ — ____ — ______ ______ _1581 —Map (see Map#of New Europe) __________________ _____ 1536 Laws of the United States and Canada (Oigesi o f).___ __ 1707 Lawyers bf the United States and Canada (Bonded)____ ____ ...1 5 9 7 Lawyers of Foreign Countries (Selected List)________________ 1697 ____ _____ __ i 1704 Leeward Islands—Attorneys__________ i —Banks.__ _________. . __________ *__________________ — 1589 —Map (see Map of West Indies)........ ........................... opposite 1588 Legal Rite of Interest (Table of)__________________ .— .opposite 19 (See ilso Laws) Legislatures (Dates of Regular Meetings)___j___________ . ____ 1706 Lettonia—Banks____ ___________ ,— . ............ — ....1 5 8 2 —Mip (see Map of New Europe).____ ____________ opposite 1536 Liberia1—Attorneys_____ _____________ .1697 —Banks____________ 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa)____,. ___ . . . . . _________ opposite .1538 Libya—Banks__ _______ _____ _____ Y _______ ____________ 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa;.________ |___ . . . . ________ ___ .1538 Litnusnia—B anks____________ . . . _______ _________ |_____ .1539 —Nap (see Map.of New E urope).._______________ _____ 1.1536 Locatbn of Banking Towns and Cities on State Maps (Indicated by Guide Letter and Figure under each town) Lombbk—Banks__ _________________ ..,1545 Louisiana—Accessible Banking Points___ _____ 1874 —ittorneys_______ . . — — . — ___ ______ _____ .....1 6 2 9 —lanks________ ________ _______ — .................. ............ . . . 554 —lank Directors_______ . . . . . . _________________________ 2074 —laws__________ _____ ________ _____ ____________ . _... .1747 —Hap—indexed “ La.” __ I—........ ......... . . . __________ opposite 554 —State Bankers Association, Officers....... ..................... .............. 8 Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners..____ . . . _______ _____ 1 1 Luxanbourg—Attorneys_________. . . _______ 1 .______ ______ 1703 —Banks________ 1582 -M ap (see Map of New Europe)__ _____ _________ opposite 1536 Maoagascar Island—Attorneys________ _____ ____________ _ .1697 - B a n k s .. .. .. . __________ 1 ._______________ ________ ...1 5 3 9 —Map (see Map of Africa)_______________________opposite 1538 Mafeira Island—Attorneys___________ _________ _____ 1697 ^Banks.:______ 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa)_____ . . . . . . . _______ ___ .opposite 1538 Mahe—Accessible Banking Points______________________ 1875 -iAttorneys__. . . . . . ____________________________________1630 —Banks___ ____ l ____________________ ___ . . . ________ _ 571 —Bank Directors........................... ..2078 —L aw s.... . . . ------------.1750 — _______________ _____ opposite 572 —M ap, indexed “ Me.” .......■ —State Bankers Association, Officers___ . _________________ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners___ _____________ ____ 11 Malta—Attorneys._____________________ . _ ____ ________ 1703 —Banks____________________ 1582 —Map (see Map of New Europe).___ ,_____________ opposite 1536 Manitoba—Accessible Banking Points____ ____ ____ ...______ 1943 —Attorneys—. —................. _.................._____________ _____ 1 693 —Banks— _____— ..................................•_________________ 1491 —Bank Directors____ ___________ 2309 —Laws....... ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________ _____ _ .'.'.'11828 —Map------ -------- -------------- ---------------- --------------opposite 1492 Martinique—Attorneys._______________________ _.....................1704 —Banks— ____ __________ __________ . . . ___ .....1 5 8 9 —Map (see Map of West Indies)______ ____________ opposite 1588 1877 Maryland—Accessible Banking Points......... ............. .............. —Attorneys---- ---... : ____ ______ _____ _______ . . . . ______ 1631 —Banks.._____ _________ . . . . ______________. . . . . ____ . . . 578 —Bank Directors________ ___ ________________m A ___ 2080 —Laws----------------2_____ __________ . . . . . . ____ - ...." .....1 7 5 2 —Map, indexed “ Md.” _______________________ opposite 578 —State Bankers Association, Officers______ _________ ______ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners______________________ 1 1 Massachusetts—Accessible Banking Points_________ _________ 1879 —Attorneys__ '___________ ________________ _______ . . . ..1632 —Banks_____ ___ _________ ______ ____ ______ ___ _____ 592 —Bank Directors___________ ____ ____________ _ 2084 —Laws—— ........................................................ ......... .............. 1754 —Map, indexed “ Mass.” .............. ..........................opposite 592 —State Bankers Association, Officers____ _______ ______ ____ 8 (Members shown in Bank List by a J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Exam iners..._____ _____________ 11 Mauritius—Attorneys____________ _______ _______ $ . 1697 —Banks---------- ---------------------------._ -------- ------ --------------1539 —Map (see Map of A fric a )................ ........... . . . . ___ opposite 1538 Mesopotamia—Bank___!_____________________________ 1545 Mexico—Attorneys.___________ ____ _____ _____ _ 1704 —Banks---- -. . . i . _____ _______ _____________ ___________ 1536 —Map, indexed “ Mexico” ____. . . . . . . . . . __________ opposite 1554 Michigan—Accessible Banking Points_____________ . . . . 1881 —‘Attorneys.—. . . . . . ____ ______ _— _____ . . . . ___________ 1633 —Banks.._____________ C.________________ __________ 615 —Bank Directors—___&_____ ______ _________ _________ . .2092 —Laws..------ --------- ---------------------- ------ ----------------------1757 —Map, indexed “ Mich.” ____ _____ ___________ .....o p p o site 616 —State Bankers Association, Officers....... ....... .............. 8 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners___________ ;________ 12 Minnesota—Accessible Banking Points... . . . . . . . . . _________ ..1883 1636 —Attorneys—___ _______ ___________ _________ . . . . _ . —Bank . j . .................. - ------------------------------------------------- 660 —Bank Directors_________________________ ____ _ 2101 —Laws-. . . . . . . . . . . ----------------— . . — :_________________ 1759 —Map, indexed “ Minn.” . ________________ ________ opposite 660 —Map of Minneapolis......... .......... ....... .......... . . . _____ opposite 702 —Map of St. P a u l . . . . . . . . --------- -------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opposite 720 —State Bankers Association, Officers______________________ 8 —(Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners____________________ ... 12 Mississippi—Accessible Banking Points . . . . ___ 1885 —Attorneys...—. . . . . . _ .......... ............ ........ ........... _ 1640 —Banks----------- 1 ___ _________ ________ _______ 731 —Bank Directors— ____ 1 ____ . . . _____ _ 2116 —L aw s-. — ----- — ------------------------- 1 ________ _ 1761 —Maps, indexed “ Miss.” ------. . . . . . ___ I ___________ opposite 731 —State Bankers Association, Officers__________________ 8 —(Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners._______. . . ____ . . . 12 Missouri—Accessible Banking Points— __________ 1887 —Attorneys— .........1 _____ ................................ ................. 1642 —Banks.._______ . . . . . ___ ______ ______ ___ 746 —Bank D irectors........... .............. 2120 -L a w s— .— ________ _ _ : _ _ :: c : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : c : i 7 6 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Missouri— (Continued) PAGE —Map, indexed “ Mo.” ....- ,____ ______ ____ _____________ _ 746 —Map of St. Louis____________m ____________ __ _____ . 806 —State Bankers Association, Officers_______ ___ _______ . . . . 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.......... ....... .............. ........ 12 Moluca Islands—Banks______ _____ __ _____ ___ _________ _ 1545 Money Orders (International and Domestic)..______ ■___ ___ . . . 7 Montana—-Accessible Banking Points.__ >Ju.: ________ ______ 1890 —Attorneys........... . ......................... ....... ......... ......... *_____ . . . .1647 —Banks________________________________________ 821 —Bank Directors.—____ __________ __________ ___________ 2137 —Laws..______________ . . . ______ ( ....................... ............ ..1765 —-Map, indexed “ Mont.” ___ _______ ...— _____ | opposite 821 —State Bankers Association, Officers..._______ ______ ______ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by %after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners______________ _____ _ 12 Morocco—Attorneys. ____ 1________________— _____ 1697 —Banks_____ ______________ 1539 —Map (see Map of Africa)............... ........ ...................opposite 1538 Natal. See Union of South Africa.................................................. 1541 National Bank, Examiners and Districts__________ 14-15 National Banks (number of)______ ____ ____ _____ .....o p p o s ite 33 Nearest—Accessible Banking Points______ <_________ ________ 1847 Nebraska—Accessible Banking Points__________ 1891 —Attorneys.— ............ 1 ________________________ _______ 1648 —B a n k s ....._____ 831 —Bank Directors.................. 2140 —Laws__________ 1767 —Map, indexed "N eb.” ........................... — — .......... opposite 832 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers_____ _____ . __________ (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners..........-________________ 12 Negotiable Instruments Law (States having)______ . . . . _______ 1705 (Also see Laws.) Nevada—Accessible Banking Points______ 1892 —Attorneys........... ........... ............— _____ ______ ___________ 1651 —Banks_________;________ _______ t....................... .......... . . . 873 —Bank Directors______ ___ __________ _____ _____ ___ ...2 1 5 1 —Laws____ _____ 1770 —Map, indexed “ Nev.” . . . . . . . ____ ;............. .......... opposite 874 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers______________________ (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.............. ..... . . . . . . _____ 12 New Britain—B anks______________ 1545 New Brunswick—Accessible Banking Points..................................... 1944 —Attorneys..________________________ 1693 —Banks............a........................ .............. ........ ........ 1495 —Laws___________ . . . . . . . . ....... .......... ......................... ........... 1830 —Map---- . . . __________ . .......................... ..................opposite 1498 New Caledonia—Attorneys.______________ :_________________1698 —Banks________ __________ ____ ___________ . . . ____ 1545 Newfoundland—Accessible Banking Points.;__________________ 1945 —Attorneys_____ ____ ;...............................................................1693 —B anks...______ __________ i.............. ......... ................... ......... 1497 —Map on map of Canada ________ __________ __ ..opposite 1488 New Hampshire—Accessible Banking Points__________________1892 —Attorneys..................................................... —Banks_________ 875 —Bank D irectors...._____ _________________ —Law s..______ _______ ____________ ____________ ______ 1771 —Map, indexed “ N. H.”__________s ______________ opposite 876 —State Bankers Association, Officers.— _____ ______________ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners_______________ _____ _ 12 New Ireland;—B anks.._______________ ______ ___ 1_________1545 New Jersey—Accessible Banking Points........ ....................... .......... 1893 —Attorneys.____ ________ ________ ____________________ 1651 —Banks________ ___ ____________ _____ ________________ 879 —Bank D irectors...___________:______ ___________________2153 —Laws_____ __________ „___....... ..................... ........................ 1773 —Map, indexed “ N. J .” . . .......... ........ . . . . _____ ____ opposite 878 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers_____________________ _ . 12 New Mexico—Accessible Banking Points_________________ ___ .1895 —Attorneys_________ ____ ________ ____________________ .1653 —Banks____________________ ______________________ __. 900 ■ —Bank Directors__________________________ ____________.2160 —Laws______________________________________ ________ .1775 —Map, indexed “ N. M.” _________ _______________opposite 900 —State Bankers Association, Officers____________________ _ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by %after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.. ______________ . . . . . . 12 New South Wales—Attorneys____ _____________________ ____ .1698 —B anks_____________ _________ _________ ___ ________ .1545 New York—Accessible Banking Points_____________ _________ .1895 —Attorneys...................... ................................................. .............1653 —Banks_____________________________ 5__ . . . ^ _____ _ . . . . . 903 *—Bank Directors___________ ______ _____ ________ | _____ .2161 —L aw s'....._______________________________ _____ _____ .1777 —Map, indexed “ N. Y.” _________________________opposite 902 1—Map of Buffalo_____________________ fc_______ .opposite 908 —Map of N. Y. City (Southern Portion)__ . . . . . __ ..opposite 923 —Map of Greater New York and Vicinity__________ opposite 926 9 —Savings Bank Association of the State of New York____ . . . . 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers_________ ...... (Members shown in Bank List by X after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners________ _________ . . . . . 12 New York City Map (Southern Portion)____ ________ .opposite 923 New York City Map (Greater New York and Vicinity)..opposite 926 N ew Zealand—Attorneys_________ . . . .1698 —Banks_____________ _________ ____ 3 ............._............... . . . .1547 Nicaragua—Attorneys..,________ . . . . . . . . . . .1704 —Banks________________ ___ . . . __________ _____ ____ . . . 1589 Nigeria—Attorneys___________ £ 1 ___ ______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697 —Banks.—__________ 1_____ i ______ _________ ____ . . . . . 1539 —Map. (See Map of Africa)______ ________ _____ opposite 1536 Non-Bank Towns showing nearest Banking P o in t.._________ __ 1847 North America (except U. S., Canada and Mexico) Banks_______1589 Northern Territory—Banks. ___. 1 . _____ ____________ . . . ___ 1548 North Carolina—Accessible Banking Points....... ....... ...................... 1902 —Attorneys...._____________ . . . . __________ __________ ...1 6 5 6 —B an k s.i..______ ____________________ 978 —Bank Directors^_______ . . . _____________________ ______ 2178 —Laws... . . . . . ___ __________________________ L_. 1779 —Map, indexed “ N. Car.” ____ ___________ ........o p p o s ite 977 —State Bankers Association, Officers___ ________ _____ r___ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners______________________ 13 North Dakota—Accessible Banking Points— — . . _____ _______ 1904 —Attorneys________ __________ _____ !________________— 1658 —Banks._________ ..1005 —Bank Directors—______. . . . ____ ____________ ____ - . — -2186 1651. 2151 CON'TEN TS— (Continued) North Dakota—(Continued) PAGE „—Laws__________ ________ ___ ___ _______ ______ ————1781 —Map, indexed "N . Dak.” ____________ __ . . . . . — opposite 1066 —State Bankers Association, Officers.-____________________ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by,î after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners...... .............— ------------- 13 Norway—Attorneys_____ :_______________ ____ — 1-------------1703 —Banks. ____________ 1582 —Map (see Map of New Europe)___ . . . . . ___ ,_____ opposite 1538 Notes and Acceptances due on Holidays______ _________ opposite 19 Notes and Acceptances due on Half Days—_______ _____ opposite 19 Nova Scotia—Accessible Banking Points___!______________ 1946 —Attorneys. ________ _______ „ _ _____ —______ ...1693 ' —Banks___ ____ __ _ . .2 ____________ ____ _____ ____ . . . 1497 —Bank Directors...................._ ............................. .....................-.2309 —Laws............... ....... ....... __................................ .................-------- 1832 —Map______________ ____ ___ _______ ____ ____ opposite 1498 Number of Banks in United States and Canada______ opposite 33 Numerical System of the American Bankers Assn. Map..opposite 10 Numerical System of the A. B. A. (Explanation of)............ ....... . . . 15 Nyassaland—Attorneys.____ _____ 1 ___ §_________________ .1697 —B a n k ............. ....... __................................................................1539 —Map (see Map of A frica)..!—_____ . . . . . . . ______ opposite 1538 Ohio—Accessible Banking P o in ts ..-........... ......... ....... ....................1905 —Attorneys.._________ . . . __________ . . . ____________ .1660 — Banks___ _______ ________ ___ — ________ ________ ...1 0 3 0 —Bank Directors.__________ _______ _____ ______________ 2192 —Laws— ___ _. . . . _____ _ _____ 1____ . . . . ____ . . . . . . . „17 8 5 —Map, indexed “ Ohio”. ........ .......................................opposite 1031 —Map of Cincinnati___ . . . ________ ___ ;._____ ___ opposite 1040 —State Bankers Association, Officers.. ____ _____________ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by %after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.—. — __ . . . __ . . . 13 ____— __ __ 1909 Oklahoma—Accessible Banking Points —Attorneys____ ______ ____ ______ ___________ _______ ..1664 —Banks___ ___________ ............................ ......... \______—— 1090 —Bank Directors___ ___ —........................... .............._ . . . . — 2205 —Laws___ __________ ____ _____ _____ . _______________.1787 —Map, indexed ‘‘Okla.” ______ ___ ___________ ....opposite 1090 —State Bankers Association, Officers......... .............__________ _ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by i after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners— —-. ___________ _ 13 Ontario—Accessible Banking Points..——. ! _ . . . . 1948 —Attorneys_____ ____ ____________________ ____________ 1693 —Banks_____________ ________ — _____ . . . . . . . ! ______ 1499 —Bank Directors____ ______ , . . . . . . . . . . . ___ ..2310 —Laws____ ____ . __________ ...______ ___ ___ ______ 1834 —Map__________________ __ ___________ ___ ....opposite 1514 Orange Free States (see Union of South A fric a )....___ _____ 1541 Oregon—Accessible Banking Points..__ _______ ____ —_ ___ 1910 —Attorneys__________ . . . — _____ 1 . ________ _____ _____ 1666 —Banks— ___________ ___________ . . . . . ___ _____ ____ .1127 —Bank Directors____ j___ —. . . ___ ____ ________ ______ ..2213 —Laws... . . . . . . . . ........ .............__________________________ 1790 —Maps, indexed “ Ore.” . .............. ................... .......opposite 1127 —State Bankers Association, Officers._________ _____ . ; __ . . . 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners______i____ _______ — 13 Palestine—Banks ....___ ___ ....v . . . _____ ... . . . . 1545 Parcel Post Rates (Table of Foreign and Domestic).............. 7 Panama—Attorneys______ __ ________ ___ . . . ______________1704 ....1 5 8 9 —Banks_________ Papua—Attorneys.. ___ __________________ . ____ ..1698 .....1 5 4 8 —Banks___. . . —.................. .'—____ __________ _ Paraguay—Attorneys____________________ 1704 —Banks-------- p®............ ........... S -------------------- --------------..1591 —Map (see Bank of South America)— . . __ . . . . . ___ opposite 1590 Pennsylvania—Accessible Banking Points___ _____ 1911 —Attorneys......................................... w _____ _______ ____ ...1 6 6 9 —Banks._________ 1138 —Bank Directors.................!............ .......................„ ________ ^2216 —Laws— 1793 —Map, indexed “ Penn” ......................................... .....o p p o site 1138 —Map of Philadelphia and Vicinity___ ——___ ____ opposite 1176 —Map of Philadelphia (main p o rtio n )......___ *____ opposite 1180 —Map of Philadelphia and Environs_________ a___ opposite 1184 —Map of Pittsburgh (main portion).....................opposite 1190 —Map of Pittsburgh and Vicinity-----_____ . .........o p p o s i t e 1192 —State Bankers Association, Officers___ ______ _____ . . . 9 (Members shown in Bank List by %after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.,_______________ ___ _ 13 Persia—Banks__ ! . ! . . . . . . . . „ —......... L_ . .. . ___ . . . . . . . __. . .1545 .1704 Peru—Attorneys____ .______ ______ ____ ______ ___ —Banks— — --------------------------------------- E u _________ 1591 —Map (see Map of South America)___ ...opposite 1590 Philippine Islands—A t t o r n e y s . 1. _ _____.1671 —Banks__________ ____________________ _____ . 1484 —Laws......... ............................. . . --------------- -- ...1 7 9 5 —Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bag . . . ---------------------- .opposite 1482 Poland—Attorneys..—’— .......... ——————— 1703 —Banks— --------------------------------------—Map (see Map of New Europe)____ ______________opposite 1536 Population of Banking Towns shown by figures under name of Bank List and before town in Lawyers List. 1703 Portugal—Attorneys—__ ______ . . . . . . . _______________ —Banks.------i . — ! _ . . . ! . . - j . ' _ ! i . „ _ —..;_.7_7. 1583 • —Map (see Map of New Europe) . . ______ _____ _..opposite 1536 Portuguese East Africa—A ttorneys..___ _____ 1697 —B a n k s ...... . . . . . ------- „ —. . . . . ......... . — 77 1111539 —Map (see Map of E u r o p e ) . . . ___ -.opposite 1536 Postage Rates and Regulations...______ ____ ____ . . . . . 7 Porto Rico—Attorneys___________ __________ ___ t_______ "~1671 —Banks______ ___ . . . . ' ___ . . . . . . ____ . . . ____ " * '” l484 —Map (see Map of West Indies)---------- --------- -------opposite' 1588 Prince Edward Island—Accessible Banking Points . . . ____ . . . 1952 —Attorneys—— . —— ____ . . . ______ 1694 —Banks.......... ..... ....... ...................... _________ _____ ! 15 17 _. . [ '1 1836; —Laws., i . . —si . . . .... . . k . —— ____ i H . —Map -----. . . . . . . — . . . . . . . . . . . — . . .opposite 1498 Private Banks of the United States (number of)___ ____opposite 33 (Shown in Bank List by. t after, name of each bank) Quebec—Accessible Banking Points. . . . I.. 1952 —Attorneys.............................................................. ...............•___.1695 —Banks ..1518 —Bank Directors............. ................. 2310 —Laws----------- --------------------- ------------------------------------1838 —Map . ------. . . . . . --------------------- ------------- ...opposite 1522 Queensland—Attorneys__ — — . ____ ___ _______ _ 1698 —Banks.._______________ 1548 Rates of Postage (Domestic and Foreign)______ ___ 7 Republic of Panama—Banks__________________ ...1 5 8 9 Reserve Cities and Central Reserve Cities.. . . . _____________ _ 19 Reserves Required under Federal Reserve A c t.._______________ 19 Reunion—•Attorneys.—. . . _______. . . . ___ _ 1697 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 PAGE Reunion—(Continued) . . . ___...1539 —Banks__.______________-_________ ............ „ 1 9 2 0 Rhode Island—Accessible Banking Points. . . . —.1672 —Attorneys..——. ------ --------. ____....'1 2 1 6 — Banks______ ___ . . . . ----------. -------.— — 2240 —Bank Directors—_—— . . -------- . .. . .. .. .. .- 1 7 9 5 2 —Law s.._________________ - ......... . .opposite 1216 —Map indexed “ R. I.” ___________ —____. . . . 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers.—.. (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) ----- --------- .13 N |—State Bank Officials and Examiners.. Rhodes—Banks ¿-.1._______:— ------------------- . . . . . . ----- -—1545 Rhodesia—Attorneys________ ____ ___ '— ----------—. :-------— 1697 —Banks____5 _______ —........... ......... . . . --------— . ------- -1539 —Map (see Map of Africa)_________________ _____ opposite 1538 Rumania—Attor neys.—---------..1 7 0 3 .—Banks— _____ ___ ---------- --------, ----------——----- ------- —-1583 —Map (see Map of New Europe).............. ...............¿.opposite 1536 Russia—Attorneys___ '----------------------------------------------------..1703 —Banks_____________ —............— ........... .................... ———1584 —Map (see Map of New Europe)_____ _______ —...opposite 1536 St. Croix—Attorneys.— — -------------------------------- -------— —1704 —Banks_____ - __________ _______ ;----- — — .1589 —Map (see Map of West Indies)______ . . . . . . ____ opposite 1588 St. Louis, Mo., M ap____ ____ ___________ . . . _____ ...opposite 806 St. Paul M ap_____________________ ________________ opposite 720 St. Pierre et Miquelon—Ranks................... I __________ _____ __ .1530 —Map (Map of Dominion of Canada)....... .................... opposite 1488 St. Thomas—Attorneys_____ . . . _____________ . . . ___ '- . —...1 7 0 4 —B anks.. _______ ! . . . . --------- ——; ___ —4—..1 5 8 9 —Map (see Map of West Indies)___ ________ .......o p p o s ite 1588 Salvador—Attorneys__________________________ ______ ____ 1704 —Banks__— — ....................... .... ......... . . _....... .......... .1589 —Map (see West Indies)_____ — _____ __ ____ ___ opposite 1588 Samoa Island—Attorneys—_______________ _____ ___ ____ ...1 6 9 8 —Banks— . —_ _____ j£____ ....1 5 4 8 Saskatchewan—Accessible Banking P o in ts... _________. . . ____ 1955 —Attorneys_______ __________ ______ ______ §8®____ ____ 1696 —Banks__________ _____ _______________:_____ _____ . __ 1530 —Bank Directors____ . i — ________ ____ ____ ___ .___ _____ 2310 —Laws________ _______ —-------------- . . . 1840 i—Map (see Map of Dominion of Canada)____ . . . . . . ..opposite 1488 Savings Department (Banks Having) (Shown in Bank List by a © after name of bank) Scotland—Attorneys— ! . . . . . . . . . ___. . . . . ___________ . . . . . . .1702 —Banks— ___ _______ . . . ____ ——— ;_____ «____ _____ .1584 —Map (see Map of New Europe) ______ _____ ....opposite 1536 Senegal—Attorneys____. ! . . ________ _ ______ ________. . . .1697 —Banks___________ . . . . _____ !___ . ! ____ _______ .1540 —Map (see Map of A fric a )....________ ____ _____ .opposite 1538 Siam—Attorneys-__ ;_________ ________ ___ ______ _____ __ 1698 —B anks....................... .......... . . . . ____ . . . . . . . ____ .1545 __ ____ ___ 1545 Siberia—B anks..— .................... ..... ................ . . Sierra Leone—Attorneys. _______________ _____ _______ ....1 6 9 7 —Banks---------------- -------------------------------------- -------- . ——1540 —Map (see Map of Africa)______ ___ ________ ____ opposite 1538 South America—Attorneys.___ \___ ___ ____ _____ ___ ___ _ 1704 ' —Banks.— --------- ------ ------ . . . __________ _________ 1590 —Map, indexed “ So; Am.” . . . ____. . . . . _____. . . . . . .opposite 1590 South Australia—Attorneys_________ fg _____________ _ . 1698 —B a n k s..... —'. . . . . . . . . . . . „ _. __ . ! . ___ ____ _________ 1548 South Carolina—Accessible Banking P o in ts.... . . . . _____ ____ ..1920 —Attorneys_________ __________ ____ ___ _____ _____ 1672 —Banks.— ............ ............ ....................................................... 1219 —Bank Directors— ______ _______ — ___ _ 2240 —Laws— — -----—— ___ ______ _____ _________ —I! 1798 —Map, indexed “ S. C.”......................... .......................opposite 1218 —State Bankers Association, Officers________1__ _ . 9 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank)’ ” 13 —State Bank Officials and Examiners.. . . ____ ________ _ South Dakota—Accessible Banking Points..________ _ _ 1921 -—Attorneys..__. ____ _________________ _ ■ 8 ’ 1673 —B anks..-----—......... ......................................... ....... ............. I I .1 1239 —Bank Directors__________ ..¿ J ___ ____ 2245 —Law s..---------—......... ................. ............... ......... - - ————— 1801 •—Map,indexed ‘|S . D ” ---- -------------- ..opposite 1238 —State Bankers Association Officers..____. . . 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name'of bank)"'' —State Bank Officials and Examiners____ . 13 SOiith West Africa—Banks.:___ 1540 —Map (See,Map of Africa)__ •_•______ I |I " ~~I~’ "~1538 Spain—Attorneys____ . . . ______ 170 a —Banks___ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ '7 " ' i 5 g7 : o . T 5i>ap ,(see ¥ ap ?f Europe)— /_ .................— „opposite71536 State Bankers Associations and Officers — _ 9. £ 7 * (Members shown in Bank List by t after name Of bank) State Bank Officials and Examiners__ _____ g____ ^ ___ .13: State Banks of the United States (number of)..." "opposite 33 .a , (Shown in Bank List by a § after name of bank) . ' ' Statute of Limitations (arranged for quick reference)___ opposite 19' 1582 (See also “ Laws” indexed) • y. ” 1698 Straits Settlement—A tto rn ey s.....__ —Banks__________ ______________ „5 " ' 1545 Sumatra—^Attorneys.., •• ^"1698 —Banks . . ___ . . . . ____ _____ V . " ” T Swaziland—Banks. _. . ! iu 1!. „ I . _I . ICI" ' 1540 —Map (see Map of Africa)------------------. . . . . . ------- ..opposite 1538 Sweden—Attorneys___ ______ ___ ______ __________ . 1703 —Banks__B__ _________ _____ _ 1587 - M a p (see Map of New 1536 Switzerland—A tto rn e y s ......^ ,__________ _____ ______ 1703 —BahkS:i588 -M a p (see Map of New Europe)------ - - - - - - „ o p p o s i t e ' 1536 Syria—Banks— —■ : -h . , ■ 11 1 -i Tahiti—Attorneys___. . . _______ —™_'—7—'_T7—V———T J ----- 1698 —B a n k s....------ ----- . . . . ___ . . . . . stL_i . . _ ï 1548 Taiwan (Formosa)—B a n k s... . . . . ’ _ "s '" " " 1 5 4 5 Tanganyika Territory—Banks V ‘ - r ‘ 1:e40 -Map (see !Map of Africa). . . . . . . . . . . . _ opposite 1538 Tasmania—Attorneys.. . . __ . 17. .7.777.7777’7777'7^777'— . . 1 698 :—Banks. .1549 Tennessee—Accessible Banking P o i n t s ___' iq ii •‘-Attorneys.................................. _ —Banks___________________ —Bank Directors——. . . . _ ~ß~ ~ ~ " " " —Laws_______ _____ _ * ■" meto —Map, indexed‘‘Tenn.” . ——. . . . 7 7 ' opposite' 1264 —State Bankers Association, Officers PP°S te (Members shown in Bank List by a j after'¿¿me' öf bank')' | "| —State Bank Officials and Examiners iq Texas—Accessible Banking Points ------"'jra?# —Attorneys_____________ : iSSS —Banks___ | .......... ioqo —Bank D irectors.... ___ T “ 2259 6 CONTENTS—(Continued) Texas—(Continued) PAGE —Laws...........S...............Use___ p _____________________ ___ 1805 —Map, indexed “ Tex” _________ ____________ .....o p p o site 1292 —State Bankers Association, Officers_______ 9 —State Bank Officials and Examiners_____________ . 13 (Members shown in Bank List by a i after name of bank) Timor—B anks... _________ ________£8 - _____ 1545 Togo—Banks___ _________ ___________ _______ . ^ .. .1 ~1540 —Map (see Map of A f r i c a ) .......____ . . . . . . . . . . ...opposite 1538 Total Number of Banks in the United States and Canada..opposite 33 Total Statistics for the United States____ . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . opposite 33Towns without banks showing nearest Accessible P o in ts ...___ 1847 ._ 1542 Transvaal'—Banks—- - - - - - - ____________ ____ _ —Map (see Map of Africa)......... ___________ .......o p p o s ite ’ 1538 _ 1704 Trinidad—A tto r n e y s .____ ______________ __ —Banks -------------------------. . . . —’ 11—1589 —Map (see Map,of West Indies)_______________ . . . opposite 1588 Tripoli—Attorneys________ £_____ ____ __________ 1697 Trust Powers (Banks having) | (Shown in Bank List by T after name of bank) _ 1697 Tunisia—Attorneys..;___ _________ f__________ —Banks________ _*_____________ ____ . . . . . I I T . _ T 1540 —Map (see Map of A frica )...________. . . _________ opposite 1538 Turkey in Asia—Attorneys_______ ____ _______ _______ _. 1703 1545 —Banks.— . . _______ ________ ___ _____ Bg£j*___ . . . Turkey in Europe—Attorneys __________________ *1703 —B anks.------ ------------------------------ . . . i ______H_____ ___1588 Union of South Africa—A t t o r n e y s . _______ 1697 —Banks— ------ -----------— —- ——— - —— —1540 —Map (see Map of A frica )...------------------------------- opposite 1538 Uruguay—A ttorneys...____ j___ . . . . ______ ; _ " 1704 —Banks------. . . . . ________ _______________ - ___ _______ I I 1591 —Map (see Map of South America)— ______ _____ opposite 1590 Utah—Accessible Banking Points______________ ______ _ 1927 ■ ~ 1682 —Attorneys________ ________ —__ ___ —B a n k s-------------------------------------------- ----------- . . . ___I I l 365 —Bank Directors.— ___ _______ . . . 2277 —Laws___ ______ ________ 1_________ ____ ________ II 1807 —-Map indexed “Utah” -----— _---------- --------- ------ .opposite 1364 ■ ' =—State Bankers Association, Officers________ ______ ______ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by a t after name of bank)’ —State Bank Officials and Examiners____________ _ 13 18 Value of Foreign Coins____________ ________________ . . . Venezuela—Attorneys____ . _______ 1 . _ ” ” 1704 —Banks.—. _________________ _______ _____ I I I I H ” I ” ’ 'l5 9 1 —Map (see Map of South Am erica)............. ............ ..opposite 1590 Vermont—Accessible Banking Points.._____ . . . _______ 1928 —Attorneys— . . . . . . ________ 1683 —Banks---- -----------. . . . ----------- -------- _----- -----------_-------.1370 2279 —Bank Directors____ . . . ______________ —Laws------------------------------- „ — — — ......... — 1.1810 —Map. indexed “ Va.” ------ --------- — . . . ------ .....o p p o site 1370 —State Bankers Association, Officers______ ._ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by $ after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners_____________ ____ ___ 13 Victoria—Attorneys.—:_______ . . . . . 1698 —Banks----------------------- --------------- -------------I —IIIIIIIIII1 5 4 9 1929 Virginia—Accessible Banking Points_________ : —A ttorneys..________________ . _______ — ’ 1683 —Banks-----------------------------------------...1 3 7 5 Virginia—(Continued) PAGE 2280 —Bank D irectors...____ ____ _____ _________ . . . ____ —Laws---- --------- ------------------- --------- _______............. — 1812 —Map indexed "Va” _____ ___________ _____ _____ .opposite 1374 —State Bankers Association, Officers______________________ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners.___________ ___________ 13 Washington—Accessible Banking Points___________ 1933 —Attorneys__c........... .......gs____________ _____ __________ .1685 —Banks............... >................... ............................... ........................1402 —Bank Directors____________ . . . . . __________ _i ____ 2288 —Laws.—. _______________ ____ 1_________ __________ : 1814 —Map, indexed “ Wash.” . . ■________________ rz___ opposite 1402 —State Bankers Association, Officers___...__ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) , —State Bank Officials and Examiners___ _______ ___________ 13 Western Australia—Attorneys___ :_________ 1698 —Banks__________ 1549 West Indies—Attorneys.____ _______ ______ __ ______ -______ 1704 —B a n k s . ............ . J.................. ............ ......... ..................1589 —Map------ -------- 1---------------------------------. . . ____ opposite 1588 West Virginia—Accessible Banking Points___ . _________ ____ ..1934 —Attorneys___________ _____ _________ _______ ...______ 1687 —Banks— .......... ........................ 1419 —Bank Directors______ i_________________ .__________ ;__ 2292 —Laws........... ................... 1817 —Map, indexed “ W. Va.”_____________ ____ . . . . ..opposite 1420 —State Bankers Association, Officers______________ ____ __ _ 9 (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners _______ __ _________ 13 Windward Island—Banks . . . _________—___________________ 1589 —Map (see Map of West Indies)____ ___ ___ ;______opposite 1588 Wisconsin—Accessible Banking Points______ ______ . . . . ______ 1938 —Attorneys.— _______ _________________ ___ ___ 1688 — Banks— ___ —________ 1 . . . . _ _ .... . . . . . . ..........................1437 —Bank Directors____ ____ ______________. . . ____________ 2296 —Laws_________ —............:________ : ____ . . . . . . . . ___ .....1 8 1 9 —Map, indexed “ Wis.” _ .._ .________ _____ ____ ...opposite 1438 —Map of Milwaukee_________________; _______ .opposite 1460 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers...____________________ (Members shown in Bank List by J after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners____________________ 13 World (Map of)___ _________ __________ . . . ____ ___ opposite 6 Wyoming—Accessible Banking Points_______ ___ ____ _____ ..1940 —Attorneys— ___. . . . _______ __________ _______ :________ 1692 —Banks.____________ ____________ . . . ______ . . . . _______ 1477 —Bank Directors.—'. ___________ — _____ . . . . . . . ______ —2308 —Laws— . . . . _____________ 1 _______________ ________ 1821 —Map, indexed “ Wyo.” _______ ,________ ___ ____ opposite 1478 9 —State Bankers Association, Officers___________ _________ (Members shown in Bank List by t after name of bank) —State Bank Officials and Examiners____ . . _____ ___ 13 Yugo Slavia (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) Banks____ 1581 —Maps (See Map of New Europe)___ __________ _____ :___ 1536 Yukon—Accessible Banking Points______________ ____ _____ 1956 —A ttorneys______________ _____________ I _____________ 1696 —Banks_____ _____ _____ ___ ____ ________ ______ ___ ..1535 Zanzibar Island—Attorneys ________ _________________ *__ 1697 —B anks.____________________ ~ ______________ ________ 1542 —Map (see Map of Africa). _________________ . . . ..opposite 1538 To Our Subscribers This, the Ninety-Seventh Edition of the BANKERS BLUE BOOK, marks more than a half century of service to the bankers of the world, and the fact that nearly all of the banks of the United States use our book is proof that the service has met the hearty approval of the subscribers. We assure our patrons that, as in the past, nothing will be left undone by us in our effort to give them a Directory as nearly perfect as experience, continued vigilance, time, and money can make it. We wish to impress our constantly increasing number of friends and patrons that the claims of this publication for patronage are: 1. It is honestly revised twice a year. 2. It is complete, up-to-date, and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than is any other similar publication.3. It is printed in tabulated form, all similar items being placed in the same column, for the purpose of comparison —more expensive, but more satisfactory to the user. 4. It is beautifully printed in clear readable type. 5. It gives to advertisers a country-wide circulation, covering a majority of the best banks in America add thousands of the large corporations and lawyers offices, a circulation three times that of any other similar publication and larger than that of any other financial publication in America. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RAND M9NALLY & COMPANY. EBB B A R C LA Y S BANK LIMITED Head Office: 54, Lombard Street, LONDON, E. C. 3. FR ED ER ICK CR AU FU R D GOODENOUGH, Chairm an ------------------------------- (?5 = £ 1 ) AUTHORISED CAPITAL - - - - $ 100,000,000 ISSUED AND PAID-UP CAPITAL 77,961,860 RESERVE FUND - - - - - 41,250,000 DEPOSITS ( 3 is t D ec., 1923) 1,507,749,815 Over 1750 branches in England and W ales Agents and Correspondents throughout the W orld T H E B A N K IS S P E C IA L L Y O R G A N IS ED F O R T H E R E P R E S E N T A T IO N IN G R E A T BRITAIN O F A M E R IC A N B A N K S A N D B A N K E R S CH IEF FOREIGN BRAN CH : 168 Fenchurch S t., London, E. C. 3 AFFILIA TED B A N K S : B A R C L A Y S B A N K (O verseas) LIM ITED T H E BRITISH LIN EN B A N K T H E UNION B A N K O F M A N C H E S T E R LIM ITED T H E A N G L O -E G Y P T IA N B A N K LIM ITED R ep resen tative in A m erica: H. POE ALTON, 6 0 W all S tr e e t, N ew York, N. Y. MIDLAND BANK LIMITED C H A IR M A N : The Right Hon. R. McKENNA J O IN T M A N A G IN G D IR E C TO R S: FREDERICK HYDE EDGAR W. WOOLLEY Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund D e p o s its {Dec: 31 , 1923) £ 3 9 ,2 2 7 ,8 7 8 1 1 .9 7 1 .6 2 7 1 1 .9 7 1 .6 2 7 3 6 0 ,2 6 7 ,7 2 3 HEAD O FFIC E : 5, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON, E .C .2 OVER 1,760 OFFICES IN ENGLAND AND WALES OVERSEAS BRANCH: 65 & 66, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. 2 A tlantic Offices: “Aquitania” “Berengaria” “Mauretania” AFFILIATED BANKS: BELFAST BANKING COMPANY LTD. THE CLYDESDALE BANK LTD NORTH OF SCOTLAND BANK LTD. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AUSTRALIA and N EW ZEALAND. BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES {E S T A B L IS H E D 1817.) $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 19.6 0 0 .0 0 0 . 00 3 0 .0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 0 $ 7 9 ,6 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Aggregate Assets 30th September, 1923 - $ 3 8 0 ,162,171.00 - O S C A R LI N E S , -G eneral M anager 396 BRANCHES and AGENCIES in the Australian States, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua (New Guinea), and London. The Bank transacts every description of Australasian Banking Business. Wool and other Produce Credits arranged. London O ffice: 29. T H R E A D N E E D L E S T R E E T . E . C . 2 Head O ffic e : G EO R G E S T R E E T . SYDNEY T he C ommercial B anking C ompany of S ydney L imited. ESTABLISHED 1834. INCORPO RATED IN NEW SOUTH WALES 1893. Capital Paid up 1 - - - £3,000,000 (In cou rse o f b e in g p a id u p to £3,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) Reserve Fund - 2,580,000 Reserve Liability, of Proprietors - 3,500,000 HEAD OFFICE—SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. LONDON OFFICE—18, BIRCHIN LANE, E. C. SY D N EY BOARD G. J . COH EN. Esq , Chairman. Hon. JAS. W. MAC A RTH U R ONSLOW. M . L. C . Hon. H . E. KATER, M. L. C.. Deputy-Chairm an. OWEN E. F R IE N D , Esq. Hon. JAS. ASHTON. M. L. C. H . H. MASSIE, General Manager. 230 B ra n ch e s in New S o u th W ales a n d Q u e e n sla n d AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS TH RO U G H O U T T H E W ORLD NATIONAL B A N K z f N E W ZEALAND L im it e d Head Office:8 Moorgate LONDON, E. C. 2 ^tfhangara Pa&aroa A rthur Willis, M anager Pukekoke Paepoa. • *Waiiu vie Ardita, 1 Hanulloa* A uthorized Capital Subscribed Capital Paid U p Capital Reserve Funds Uncalled Capital Gisborsfl E V E R Y D E S C R IP T IO N OF B A N K I N G B U S IN E SS CONDUCTED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .Hawera. PabersW «N Blenlieimi*1 3T0W Reettorv Gpegmou.lL Chief Office nokiüka [CHRISTCHURCH T unam Cromwell Alexaitdra 'Oamaru, New Zealand Wellington A lfred Jolly, (General Manager) Otauku Branches and Agencies throughout N e w Z ea land the principal of w hich are indicated above Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T H E BUYER’S GUIDE ENVELOPES W R IT E ENVELOPES FO R BANKS HECO ENVELOPE CO. FR A N K H O G A N , P r e sid e n t MANUFACTURERS 351-363 E ast O h io S tr e e t - - CHICAGO ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS F.W.LAFRENTZ&CO. Formerly BANK OUTFITTERS (See also Bank Stationers, Lithographers, Office Supplies) ■ R A N C H ES W A L D O R F -A S T O R IA , N . Y. The American Audit Company PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS IN L A N D P R IN T IN G & B IN D IN G C O ., SP R IN G F IE L D , M O . C hecks, D ra fts , B lank _B ooks, Loose L eaf D evices, S ta tio n e ry , Office Supplies a n d F u rn itu re , P rin tin g a nd L ithographing. P rom pt Service. B an k a n d F ire Proof Safes. W rite for C atalogue or sam ples. BANK STATIONERS E x e c u t iv e O f f ic e s : 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ENVELOPES FO R EVERY PURPOSE LON D O N , E N G . (See also Bank Outfitters, Lithographers, Office Supplies) Fort Wayne Printing Co. BANK NOTE— LITHOGRAPHERS FORT WAYNE, INDIANA BANK STATIONERS G eo. D . Barnard Stationery Co. L a cled e & V a n d ev en ter A ve. P r in te r s :: L ith o g ra p h e rs PASS BOOKS BLANK BOOKS S T . L O U IS, M O. A m e r ic a ’s P io n e e r a n d L e a d in g H o u s e o f Q u a lity BANK SU PPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STROMBERG, ALLEN & CO. KANSAS BANK NOTE CO. STATIONERS - PRINTERS - LITHOGRAPHERS OFFICE SUPPLIES, FILING CABINETS, LOOSE LEAF BINDERS F R E D O N IA . K A N S A S PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS B j j i j i l 430-432 SOUTH CLARK ST., CHICAGO in t h e p r in t in g a n d lith o g r a p h in g o f a n y a n d a ll b a n k fo r m s . S a m p le s a n d p r ic e s o n a p p lic a tio n . PERFORATORS KENNEDY PRINTING COMPANY Fredonia, Kansas 1 COUPON A S IZ E FO R E V E R Y BANK S in c e 1891 EX C LU S IV E BAN K PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING Write for S p e c im e n s-2 ^ rr ; i ^eknlesnt.*vepy- CHECK CANCELLERS PASS BOOK A B E T T E R M A C H IN E A T A L O W E R P R IC E AM ERICAN PERFORATOR COM PANY NEW YORK I 487 Broadway I n c . 1910 CHICAGO 625 J ackson Burn PERSONALIZED PRINTING 1 N O U T H IR N B A N K NOTE COM PANY 2340 N O R T H R A C IN E A V E . Q u a lity lith o g r a p h in g a t a B u y a b le P r ic e O u r P ro c e ss L e tte rs c o m p a re favorably w ith le tte rs th a t a re actu ally ty p e w ritte n K ier L etter Company New Process Letters "Personalized Printing” -------------------------- In d iv id u a l's nam e changed on each piece 538 South dark Street Chicago, Illinois Do You Use the A.B. A. Key Book? J H E Eighth Edition issued May 1st, 1924. Price $2.50, postage paid. Every bank should have a copy. Order Yours Today! Published by Rand M?Nally & Company for The A. B. A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RATES OF PO STAG E DOMESTIC P o sta g e . Gl a s s e s . L im it W e ig h t . 2 cts. each oz. or fraction thereof Four lbs. 1 ct. each__________________ 1 ct. per pound____________ _ No limit. f 1 ct. each 4 oz. or fraction, stamps limit. Same when mailed by others than above--- ---- --------- — ------------------ -— - l affixed______:____________ , No 4 lbs. For packages Third Class—Circulars, pamphlets, and other matter wholly in print, proofsheets, cor-1 1 ct. each 2 oz. or fraction thereof ) over four pounds and j all books, see Parcel rected proofsheets and manuscript copy accompanying same--------- —----- ) ' Post Rates. Parcel Post Rates (see below) _. fourth Class—Merchandise and matter not included in any of the above classes.------g — | 10 c ts .___ __ ___ __________ Registry Fee in addition to regular postage-------------- -------------------------;-------- 10 cts. ________________ _____ Second Class—Newspapers, periodicals entered as second-class matter and sent by the pub- FOREIGN POSTAGE TABLE The rate of postage upon letters to foreign countries is five cents for the first ounce or fraction of an ounce, and three cents for each addi tional ounce or fraction of an ounce, excepting the following named countries. To these countries and places letters may be sent at the rate of two cents an ounce or fraction thereof. Newfoundland Trinidad Guatemala Canary Islands Argentina (including Tobago) New Zealand Haiti Bahamas Colombia Uruguay Nicaragua Honduras Costa Rica Balearic Islands Wales Paraguay Bolivia Ireland Cuba Windward Islands (includ Peru Jamaica Curacao Barbados ing Grenada, St. Vinc Labrador Republic of Panama Brazil Dominican Republic ent, Grenadines, and St. Leeward Islands Salvador British Guiana Dutch West Indies Lucia) Scotland British Honduras Ecuador MoroccoSpain Canada England Mexico The rates on other than letters to all foreign countries are: Single postal cards, each, 2 cents; double postal cards, each, 4 cents; newspaper and other printed matter, for each two ounces or fraction thereof, 1 cent. Commercial Papers.—Packets not in excess of 10 oz., 5 cents; packets in excess of 10 oz., for each 2 oz. or fraction thereof additional, ! cent. Samples of Merchandise.—Packets not in excess of 4 oz., 2 cents: packets in excess of 4 oz., for each 2 oz. or fraction thereof additional, 1 cent. Merchandise sent on order or as a gift must be sent by Parcel Post (note below) or is subject to letter postage, which must be fully prepaid. Registration fee on letters or other articles. TO cents. Ordinary letters for any foreign country (except Canada and Mexico) will be forwarded, whether any postage is prepaid on them or not. Foreign mail should be fully prepaid, as double the amount of deficient postage is collected before delivery in countries of destination. All other mailable matter must be prepaid at least partially. Limit of weight for printed matter. 4 lbs., 6 oz. To the following countries the limit is 8 lbs., 12 oz.; Argentina, Balearic Islands, Bolivia, Brazil, Canary Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Spain, Uruguay. Limit of weight on single-volume books is 6 lbs., 9 oz., except to Cuba, Mexico, Panama and Salvador, where there is no limit. To Argentina, Balearic Islands, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Morocco, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, the limit of weight is 11 lbs. TABLE SHOWING RATES OF PARCEL POSTAGE Parcels weighing four ounces or less are, mailable at the rate of one cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce, regardless of distance. Parcels weighing more than four ounces are mailable at the pound rate, as shown by the following table, and when mailed at this rate any fraction o f a pound is considered a full pound. Parcels are limited in weight to seventy pounds within the third zone and to fifty pounds beyond the third zone, and in size to eighty-four inches in “ length and girth combined.” Rate on books weighing eight ounces or less is one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof for any distance: over eight ounces, the zone parcel post rates apply. 1st zone Weight . 1st pound Each ad ditional lb. Local rate $0.05 Zone rate $0.05 2d zone rate 3d zone rate 4th zone rate 5th zone rate 6thzone rate 7th zone rate 8th zone rate $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.11 $0.12 0.0£ 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 FOREIGN PARCEL POST RATES Twelve cents per pound or fractions thereof. To many countries there is an additional transit rate. Eleven pounds is the limit to foreign points including Canada, named in United States Postal Guide except: the limit of weight on Foreign Parcel Post is twenty-two pounds to the following countries and their, possessions: Algeria, Alsace Lorraine, Argentine, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia,Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Green land, Haiti, Honduras, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Memel, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Roumania, Russia, Salvadore, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Yugoslavia. 1Fifty pounds to Panama, and Shanghai. China: 4 lbs., 6 Cuba. All parcel post shipments to Cuba, Peru. Guatemala, and Chili (when value is over $25.00) must be accompanied by an invoice vised at the nearest consulate of the respective countries. Limited to three and one-half feet in length and to six feet in length and girth combined. Please note, however, that there are certain countries to which packages cannot be sent by parcej post. Your local post office should De consulted. Special delivery to Canada 20 cents additional. All countries, require declaration showing contents and talue. A Postal Export Declaration must accompany all parcels valued at $25.00 or over, to all foreign countries including the U. S. possessions. DOMESTIC MONEY ORDER BUSINESS The printed application form must be used when applying for a money order . The applicant must write his or her own given name and surname In full, and given name of thejiayee must be stated in full if known, otherwise initials may be used. The given name of married women must be used and not that of their husbands. Names of places, streets, and numbers should be written in plainest manner possible. A money order can not be tnade payable to more than one person or firm. Domestic Money Order Fees for orders of 12.50 or less-------------:-------------------------------------- 3c Over $30.00 and not exceeding $ 40.00_____________L^__d._ Over $ 2.50 and not exceeding $ 5.00------------------- -------------— 5c “ 40.00 “ “ 50.00_____ _________ _I___ 18c §P 5.00' “ “ 10.00._______ ______________ _ 8c 50.00 “ “ 60.0Q_______ _____________ •• 10.00 “ “ 20.00_____________________ _ 10c 60.00 I “ . “ 75.00 _______ __ ________ *• 20.00 ?* “ 30.00___,___________ _____ 12c “ 75.00 “ “ 100.00_______________ _________ _< Orders payable at a money-order office can not be issued for an amount exceeding $100. 15c »Oe 25c 30c INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDERS Money orders can be issued between the United States and fifty-eight countries, rates differing and subject to change. latest rates. See your Postmaster for RATES FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS Not over______ $2.50--------- 3 cts. Over 12.50 to 5.00______3 cts. Over 5.00 to M.00____ _8 cts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over $10.00 to $20.00______ 10 cts. Over 20.00 to 30.00________12 cts. Over 30.00 to 40.00_________15 cts. Over $40.00 to $50.00._____.18 cts. Over 50.00 to 60.00______20 cts. Over 60.00 to 75.00____ !__25 cts. 7 Over $75.00 to $100.00___ ___30 cts, Over $100,00 at above rates. BANKERS* ASSOCIATIONS, 1924 A M E R IC A N B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, W a lte r W . H ead , p re sid e n t O m ah a N a tio n a l B an k , O m aha, N eb . F ir s t V ice-P resid en t, W m . E . K nox, p re sid en t B ow ery S avings B an k , N ew Y o rk , N . Y . Second V ice-P resid en t, O scar W ells, p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , B ir m in g h am . E x e c u tiv e M an a g e r, F . N . Shepherd, 110 E a s t 42d S t., N ew Y o rk C ity . T rea su re r, J . E lw o o d C ox, p re sid e n t C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k , H ig h P o in t, N . C. G eneral C ounsel, T h o m a s B . P a to n , 110 E a s t 42d S t., N ew Y o rk C ity . Secretary? a n d A sst. T rea su re r, W illiam G . Fitzw ilson, 110 E a s t 42d St N ew Y o rk C ity . D e p u ty M an a g e rs: T r u s t C o m p an y D ivision, L. A . M e rs h o n ; Savings B a n k D ivision, W . E sp e y A lbig; N a tio n a l B a n k D ivision, E . E . M o u n tjo y ; S ta te rB a n k D ivision, F . W . Sim m onds. M a n a g e r P ro te c tiv e D e p t., Ja m e s E . B au m , 110 E a s t 42d S t., N ew Y o rk C ity . E d ito r o f th e J o u rn a l, J a s . E . C lark , 110 E a s t 42d St., N ew Y o rk C ity . B ra n c h Office, 708 C olorado B ldg., W a sh in g to n , D . C. A L A B A M A B A N K E R S ' A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, M . A . V incentelli, v ice-p resid en t A la b am a B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p an y , M o n tg o m ery . V ice-P resid en t, D . P . B èsto r, J r ., p re sid en t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , M obile. S e c re ta ry a n d T rea su re r, H e n ry T . B a rtle tt, v ice-p resid en t A m erican T r u s t & S av in g s B an k , B irm in g h am . A R IZ O N A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, A . T . E sg a te , v ice-p resid en t a n d c ash ier T h e V alley B ank, Phoenix. V ice-P resid en t, C. J . W alters, m a n a g er A rizo n a C e n tra l B an k , K ingm an. S ecretary , M o rris G o ld w ater, p re s id e n t C o m m ercial T r u s t & Savings B an k , P re sc o tt. T rea su re r, J . R . T o d d , a s s is ta n t m a n a g er V alley B an k , G lobe. A R K A N SA S B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, L o id R ain w a te r, p re sid en t B a n k o f M o rrillto n , M o rrillto n . V ice-P resid en t, S am E . B ab b , v ice-p resid en t N a tio n a l B a n k of C om m erce, E l D o rad o . S ecretary , R o b t. E . W ait, L ittle R ock. T rea su re r, E . D a lto n , p re sid en t R an d o lp h C o u n ty B an k , P o c a h o n ta s. K A N S A S B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, B en. S. P a u le n , p re sid e n t W ilson C o u n ty B an k , F red o n ia. V ice-P resident, G eorge A . R ogers, p re sid e n t A bilene N a tio n a l B an k A bilene. S ecretary , W . W . B ow m an, T o p e k a . A ss is ta n t S ecretary, F . M . B ow m an, T o p ek a. Office S ecretary, E le a n o r W oodburn, T o p ek a. T rea su re r, B . L. P e rry , p re sid e n t C o ndon N a tio n a l B an k , C offeyville. K E N T U C K Y B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, E a rl S. G w in, p re sid en t L incoln B a n k a n d T r u s t C o., L ouisville. S ecretary, H a rry G . S m ith, 300 Louisville N a tio n a l B a n k B ldg., L ouisville T rea su re r, M iss K a th e rin e Y andell, a s s is ta n t c ash ier M ario n B an k , M ario n . • L O U IS IA N A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t. W . D . H a a s, p re sid e n t C om m ercial B a n k & T r u s t C o m p a n y A lexandria. V*ce"£ re s ld e n t’ T ra v is O liver, p re sid e n t C e n tra l Savings B a n k & T r u s t Co M onroe. 7 S ecretary, J . C. B a rry , cashier B a n k of L a fa y e tte & T r u s t C o., L a fa y e tte , tre a s u r e r , W - J . M itch ell, v ice-p resid en t C anal-C om m ercial T r u s t & Savings B an k , N ew O rleans. M A IN E B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, F . C . L y n a m , s e c re ta ry -tre a su re r B a r H a rb o r B kg. a n d T r. C o.. B a r H a rb o r. F ir s t V ice-P resident, C . P . M erill, tre a su re r S kow hegan Savings B an k , Skow hegan. Second V ice-P resident, C. A. W eber, c ash ie r F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , P o rtla n d . S ecretary, E . S. K e n n ard , v ic e -p re sid en t R u m fo rd N a tio n a l B ank, R um ford. T rea su re r, G . A. Safford, se c re ta ry -tre a su re r H allow ell T r u s t & B an k in g Co., H allow ell. M A R Y L A N D B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, J . E n o s R ay , J r., p re s id e n t P rin ce G eorges B an k , H y a ttsv ille . S ecretary, C harles H a n n , M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , B altim ore. T rea su re r, W m . M a r rio tt, cashier W e ste rn N a tio n a l B ank, B altim ore. C A L IF O R N IA B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, Leo. S. C h an d ler, v ice-p resid en t C alifo rn ia B an k , Los Angeles. V ice-President, J . E . H u n to o n , p re sid e n t P eo p les B an k , S acram ento. S ecretary , F red e ric k H . C o lb u rn , 628 M ills B ldg., San Francisco. T rea su re r, C. L , S m ith , a s s is ta n t v ice-p resid en t A nglo C alifornia T r u s t . Co,, San F ran cisco . M A S S A C H U S E T T S B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, Irv in g W . C ook, p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank, N ew B edford. V ice-P resident, A rth u r B . C hap in , v ice-p resid en t A m erican T r u s t Co., B oston. S ecretary, G eorge W . H yde, v ic e -p re sid en t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , B oston. ' T rea su re r, J . H . G ifford, vice-p resid en t M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , Salem . C A N A D IA N B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, Sir J o h n A ird, G en eral M a n a g e r T h e C a n a d ia n B a n k of C om m erce, T o ro n to , O n t. S ecre ta ry -T rea su re r, H e n ry T . R oss, T h e C a n a d ia n B a n k of C om m erce B uilding, T o ro n to , O n t. C O LO R A DO B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, R o y Cox, p re sid en t T rin id a d N a tio n a l B an k , T rin id a d . V ice-P resid en t, R . W . Jo sly n , cash ier M e rca n tile B a n k & T r u s t Co., B oulder. S ecretary , P a u l H a rd e y , v ice-p resid en t a n d c ash ie r D ro v ers N a tio n a l B an k , D en v er. T rea su re r, L y n n K en n ed y , cash ier U n io n S ta te B an k , Rifle. M IC H IG A N B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, P a u l J . U lrich, p re sid e n t U lrich Savings B ank, M t. C lem ens. F ir s t V ice-President, F re d S. C ase,vice-president a n d cashier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , S au lt Ste. M arie. Second V ice-President, G us H ill, p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , P o r t H u ro n S ecretary, M rs. H . M . B row n, A ss’n Office, 723 F o rd B ldg., D e tro it. T rea su re r, E . W . D elano, p re sid e n t A llegan S ta te Savings B an k , A llegan. G eneral C ounsel, H a l H . S m ith, of B ea u m o n t, S m ith -& H a rris , D e tro it. C O N N E C T IC U T B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, H e n ry H . P ease, v ice p re sid e n t H a rtfo rd -C o n n e c tic u t T r u s t C om p a n y , H a rtfo rd , V ice-P resid en t, R . E . C h am b ers, cash ier A n so n ia N a tio n a l B an k , A nsonia. S ecretary , C h as. E . H o y t, tre a su re r So. N o rw alk T r. Co., So. N orw alk. T rea su re r, T hom as, S. B row n, p re sid en t E a s t H a m p to n B an k & T r u s t Co;, E a s t H a m p to n . M IN N E S O T A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, R . W . L indeke, cash ier M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , St. P au l. V ice-President, J . J . M alo n ey , c ash ier F a rm e rs S ta te B ank, H e ro n L ake. S ecretary, G . H . R ic h ard s, M inneapolis. T rea su re r, J . K . M a rtin , cashier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , L ittle F alls. De l a w a r e b a n k e r s ’ a s s o c ia t io n P re s id e n t, R o b e rt P . R o b in so n , p re sid e n t C e n tra l N a tio n a l B an k , W il m in g to n . V ice-P resid en t, W a lte r W . H y n so n , c ash ier F r u it G row ers N a tio n a l B an k , Sm y rn a. S e c re ta ry a n d T rea su re r, H a ld em an C . S to u t, v ice-p resid en t In d u s tria l T r u s t C o., W ilm in g to n . M IS S IS S I P P I B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, R . B . C lark , p re sid e n t B a n k o f T upelo, T upelo. V ice-President, J . B . Stirling, p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , Jack so n . S ecretary, G eorge B . P ow er, Ja c k so n . T rea su re r, J . W . S laughter, cash ier C olum bus N a tio n a l B an k , C olum bus. M IS S O U R I B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, M . ; R . S tu rte v a n t, vice-p resid en t L ib e rty C e n tra l T r u s t Co., St. L ouis. V ice-P resident, E . E . A m ick, v ice-p resid en t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , K a n sa s C ity. S ecretary, W . F . K eyser, S edalia. A ssista n t S ecretary, E . P . N eef, Sedalia. T reasu rer, W., W . P ollock, p re sid e n t N o rth M isso u ri T r u s t C o., M exico C ity., , D IS T R IC T O F C O L U M B IA B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, V icto r B . D ey b er, p re sid e n t Second N a tio n a l B an k , W ash in g to n . F i r s t V ice-P resid en t, F . G. A d dison, J r., v ic e -p re sid en t S ecu rity Savings & C o m m erical B an k , W ash in g to n . Second V ice-P resid en t, H o w ard M o ra n , v ic e -p re sid en tt A m erican S ecu rity & T r u s t C o., W ash in g to n . S ecretary ,. W . W . Spaid, W . B . H ib b s & C o., W ash in g to n . T rea su re r, A..; S; G atley , v ic e -p re sid en t L incoln N a tio n a l B an k , W ash in g to n . M O N T A N A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N .P re sid e n t, F , E . S tra n a h a n , F o r t B en to n ,, V ice-President, T . O, H am m o n d , vice-p resid en t M o n ta n a T r u s t a n d Savings B an k , H elena. S e c re ta ry -T rea su re r, A . T . H ib b a rd , H elena. F L O R ID A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, J . R.- A n th o n y , . v ice-p resid en t B an k e rs F in a n c in g C o., J a c k sonville, ; , . V ice-P resid en t, T . A . C h an cello r, p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , St. Petersburg-. S e c re ta ry a n d T rea su re r, W . O. B oozer, a s s is ta n t v ice-p resid en t A tla n tic N a tio n a l B an k ; Jacksonville; G E O R G IA B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, J . -S'. K en n ed y , v ice-p resid en t A tla n ta N a tio n a l B an k , A tla n ta . F ir s t V ice-P resid en t, C. E . M a rtin , v ice-p resid en t C itizen s B an k , F o r t V alley. Second V ice-P resid en t, A b ial W in n , aSs’t cash ier A sh ley T r. C o., V aldosta. S ecretary , H a y n es M c F ad d e n , S u ite 707-101 M a r ie tta St., A tla n ta . T rea su re r, E . L. H en d erso n , cash ier C o m m ercial B an k , C ed arto w n . G eneral C ounsel, Or.yille A . P a rk , M aco n . N E B R A S K A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, C, A. M inick, vice-president F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank, C raw ford. „Chairm an, E x e c u tiv e C ounsel, C . A. S m ith, v ice-p resid en t T ild en N a tio n a l B ank, T ilden. S ecretary. W illiam B. H ughes, m a n a g e r O m aha C learing H ouse, O m aha. T rea su re r, H i O. N icholson, vice-p resid en t P a c k ers N a tio n a l B an k , O m aha. N E V A D A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, L. W . K now les, R eno. V ice-:President, J e r ry Sheehan, viC e-president F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank, W innem ucca. S ecretary, L. S. R eese, a s s is ta n t cash ier F a rm e rs a n d M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , R eno. T rea su re r, G eorge F . W illis, cashier L y o n C o u n ty B an k , Y erington. C O U N T R Y B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N O F G E O R G IA P resid e n t, L u th e r B o n d , p re sid e n t R o y sto n B an k , R o y sto n . F ir s t V ice-P resid en t, R . B . D ixon, p re sid en t C itizen s B an k , W e st P o in t. V ice-P resid en t, C. E . M a rtin , v ice-p resid en t C itizen s B an k , F o r t V alley. S ecretary a n d T rea su re r, L . R . A d am s, 512 H a a s H ow ell B ldg., A tla n ta . G en eral C ounsel, A lex W . Sm ith, Sr. A tla n ta . N E W H A M P S H IR E R A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, Geo. P . M u n sey , cash ier Peoples N a tio n a l B an k , Laconia. S ecretary, H a rry L. A d d ito n , vice-p resid en t a n d c ash ier M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , M an c h e ste r. T rea su re r, H . B . K n ig h t, cash ier W bodsville N a tio n a l B an k , W oodsville. ID A H O B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, A ., D . S ta n to n , p re s id e n t M erid ia n S ta te B an k , M erid an . V ic e -P re sid e n t J , S. B ussell, p re sid en t.C itiz en s B a n k & T r u s t C o., P ocatello. S ecretary , J . S. St. C lair, v ice-p resid en t B oise C ity N a tio n a l B an k , B oise. T rea su re r, A. D o rm a n Jo h n so n , a s s is ta n t cash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l, T w in F alls. N E W J E R S E Y B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, Spencer S. M a rsh , vice-p resid en t N a tio n a l N e w a rk a n d E ssex B an k in g C o., N ew ark. V ice-P resident, F ra n k C. F erguson, p re sid e n t U n ion T ru st-H u d so n C o u n ty N a tio n a l B an k , J e rse y C ity . i S ecretary, W m .' J . F ield, p re sid e n t C om m ercial T r u s t C o m p an y of N ew Jerse y , J e rse y C i ty .. < , T rea su re r, W a lte r E . R obb, p re sid e n t B u rlin g to n C ity L o a n a n d T r u s t Co., B u rlin g to n . IL L IN O IS B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid en t,, W ay n e H u m m er, p re sid e n t L a Salle N a tio n a l B an k , L a Salle. V ice-P resid en t, C. W . B oyden, v ice-p resid en t F a rm e rs S ta te B an k , Sheffield. S ecretary , M . A. G ra e ttin g e r, 208 S. L a Salle S t.;'C h icag o . T rea su re r, W illiam W . G ates, a ss is ta n t c ash ier C e n tra l T r u s t Co. of Illin o is, C hicago. ' A ss is ta n t S ecretary , O live S. Jen n in g s, 208 S. L a Salle S t., C hicago. IN D IA N A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, C la u d e S. K itte rm a n , p re sid e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , C am bridge C ity . V ice-P resid en t, J V; ; C arp e n te r, a s s is ta n t. sec re ta ry B razil T ru st; ?Go., B razil. . - .... S e c re ta ry -E m eritu s, A n d rew Sm ith,, y ice-p resid en t In d ia n a N a tio n a l B an k , In d ia n a p o lis. T reasu rer, R . A. M cK in ley , cash ier C la rk C o u n ty S ta te B an k , Jeffersonville. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IO W A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, C. J . W ohlenberg, p re sid e n t H o lstein Savings B ank, H olstein. V ice-P resident, M . C. Sw eeney, p re sid e n t M itc h ell C o u n ty Savings B an k , u sag e. S ecretary, F r a n k W arn er, 430 L ib e rty B ldg., D es M oines. T rea su re r, N . C . H offm an, cash ier M u rra y S ta te B an k , M u rra y . N E W M E X IC O B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, T . H . R ix ey , p re sid en t S ta te B a n k o f C om m erce, C lay to n . V ice-P resident, Ja c k so n A gée, v ic e -p re sid en t A m erican N a tio n a l B ank, « Silver C ity . S ecretary, M rs. M a rg a re t F ; B arn es, 724 F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k B ldg., A lbu querque. T rea su re r, W ; A. L osey, cashier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , H a g erm an . 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WESTMINSTER WESTMINSTER § BANK LIMITED FOREIGN BANK LTD I LIST OF BRANCHES Chairman: WALTER LEAF Deputy'Chairmen: SIR MONTAGU TURNER R. HUGH TEN N A N T Chief General Manager: JOHN RAE A u th o rzsd C a p ita l $165,000,000 Paid'up Capital | $45,018,590 Fes :rve $45,018,590 [$5 = £1] T H E B A N I f is represented by Branches or A g e n ts in ail the ‘P rincipal Cities and Towns o f the United Kingdom and has Correspondents throughout the W o rld Head Office JS . FRANCE PARIS : 22 Place Vend?me BORDEAUX : 22/24 Cours de Hntendance LYONS: 37 Rue de la Republique MARSEILLES : 29 Rue Cannebifcre N A N T E S : 6 Rue Lafayette BELGIUM BRUSSELS: 2/4 Rue Treure; berg ANTW ERP : 28/30 Place de Meir E very description o f Foreign “B anking ‘Business transacted Head Office 41 LOTHBURY, LONDON, E.C.2 41 LÖTHBURY, LONDON, F.C. 2 L Jp-to-date B a n k s Can cover th e A m erican B anking held m ost th o r oughly and econom ically by u sin g sp ace in th e B ankers D irectory . ask for rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROTECTED BY SURETY BOND The attorneys listed in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory are bonded by the American Surety Company. What Some Attorneys Say: — “Am pleased with m y connection. It is proving profitable.” (P enna.) —-“We are much pleased with the re sults obtained from our contract with you and consider it a good invest ment.” (W isconsin.) -—“ I value m y representation very highly and I am sending all m y out-oftown business to your lawyers.”(7o jva.) — “Our confidence in your list is being justified and w e desire to continue as your representative in this commu n ity .” (South Dakota.) — “ I have gotten so much good busi ness through your list in the last three months th at I am much pleased. A t first I thought I was stuck again.” (T exa s.) — “ In our judgment it is superior to any List of Attorneys our long experi ence has brought us in contact with; and in addition to this is proving a very fruitful source of business to us.’ (K entucky.) — “The business I receive is of a firstclass nature and I usually get results for clients and make good fees out of claims forwarded me through your list.” (South Carolina.) — “ In the last few months, we have received several good fees from your List. Last week we received a mort gage to foreclose which provides for a fee of seven hundred dollars. You can see w h y I want to stay with you.” (O klahom a.) Send Your Legal Business to Bonded Attorneys BA N K ER S’ , ASSOC IAT IONS„ 1924— Con tinued S O U T H D A K O T A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, F . B. Stiles, p re s id e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , W aterto w n . V ice-P resident, D . H . L ig h tn er, c ash ie r C itiz en ’s T ru g t & S avings B an k , A berdeen, S ec re ta ry , L. J . W elch, M itchellT rea su re r, F r a n k B oerger, cash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , M ilb a h k . N E W Y O R K STATE B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N Ç P re sid e n t C . E . T rem an , president Ith a c a T r u s t C o., Ith a c a . V ice-P resid en t. W . S. Irish , vice-president F ir s t .N a tio n a l B an k , B rooklyn. S ecretary , E d w a rd J . Gallien, 128 B roadw ay, N ew Y o rk C ity . T rea su re r, W m . F . Polk, cashier N a tio n al C ity B an k , T ro y . SA V IN G S B A N K A SSO CIATION O F T H E ST A T E O F NEW Y O R K P resid e n t, V icto r A . Lersner, first vice-p resid en t B ow ery S avings B an k , N ew Y o rk C ity . F ir s t V ice-P resid en t, Frederic C. M ills, p re sid e n t U n io n S q u are S avings B an k , N ew Y o rk C ity. G eneral S ecretary , Jo sep h A. Seaborg, 110 E . 42d St., N ew Y o rk C ity . T rea su re r, A dolphe F . Le G ost, vice-president U n ite d S ta te s S avings B an k , N ew Y o rk C ity . T E N N E SSE E B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, T h o m as D . B rab so n , p re s id e n t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , G reeneville. V ice-P resident, W . F . S m ith , cash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , B r is to l.' V ice-P resident, J . E . H u ffm an , p re s id e n t C itizen s B an k , S helbyville. V ice-P resident, R . B . G ra y , cash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , K e n to n . S ecretary , H . G . H u d d le sto n , 1015 In d e p e n d e n t L ife B ldg., N a shville. T re a su re r, S am C . B aird , c ash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k , Jellico. N O R T H CAROLINA B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, S. A, H u b b ard , cashier H ayw ood St. B ra n ch , C e n tra l B a n k a n d T r. C o., A sheville. V ice-P resid en t, T . H . Shipm an, p resid en t B re v ard B an k in g C om pany, B re v ard . V ice-P resident, F ra n k F . Fagan, vice-president a n d cashier, F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , R o ck y M o u n t. V ice-P resident, E . E . Jones, cashier In d ep en ce T r u s t C o., C h a rlo tte . S ecretary , P a u l P . B row n, Raleigh. T rea su re r, H . G. K ram er, cashier Savings B an k a n d T r u s t Co., E liz a b e th C ity . G en eral C ounsel, W illis Sm ith, Raleigh. T E X A S B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, R . L . T h o rn to n , p re s id e n t M erc a n tile B a n k & T r u s t C o., D allas. S ecretary, W . A . P h ilp o tt, J r ., D allas. T re a s u re r, F . C . P o n d ro m , A m erican E x ch an g e N a tio n a l B a n k ,1 D allas. U T A H B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N V ice-P resident, M . S. E ccles, p re s id e n t F ir s t U ta h N a tio n a l B an k , O gden. F ir s t V ice-P resident, D a v id A . M cM illa n , c ash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , M u rra y . Second V ice-P resident, T . F . T o lh u rst, p re s id e n t S ta te B a n k o f P ay so n , P a y so n . S e c re ta ry a n d T re a su re r, C a rl R . M arcu se n , c ash ie r P ric e C om m ercial & S avings B an k , P rice. N O R T H DAKOTA B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N V ice-P resid en t, B lan d in g Fisher, p resid en t F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , D evils L ake. S ecretary , W . C. M acfad d en , Fargo. T rea su re r. R . H . F a rm e r, president F irs t B a n k of F la x to n , F la x to n . C h airm a n E x e c u tiv e Council, M anville H . S prague, cash ier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , G rafto n . V E R M O N T B A N K E R S ’ A SS O C IA T IO N P resid e n t, O. M . W illey, tre a s u re r Q u a rry Savings B a n k a n d T r u s t C o., B arre. V ice-P resident, J . E . M c C a rte n , p re sid e n t N a tio n a l B a n k o f N e w p o rt, N ew p o rt. S ecretary, C . S. W eb ste r, tre a s u r e r B a rto n Savings B a n k & T r u s t C o., B a rto n . T rea su re r, H . P . P e rk in s, c ash ie r N a tio n a l W h ite R iv e r B a n k , B ethel. OHIO B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, W . L. A llendorf, p resid en t T h e C om m ercial B an k in g & T r u s t C o., S an d u sk y . V ice-P resident, B . G. H u n tin g to n , vice-p resid en t T h e H u n tin g to n N a tio n a l B an k , C olum bus. S ecretary , S. A , R o ach , H u n tin g to n B a n k B ldg., C o lum bus. 1 . A sst. Secretary, G . E . H ow ard, H u n tin g to n B an k B ldg., C olum bus. T rea su re r, W . R . M y ers, vice-president a n d c ash ier T h e Geo. D . H a rte r B a n k , C an to n . V IR G IN IA B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, J . J . S co tt, p re s id e n t L y n c h b u rg T r u s t a n d S avings B an k , B edford. V ice-P resident, W alk er S c o tt, v ic e -p re sid en t V irginia T r u s t C o., R ich m o n d . S ecretary, W . F . A u gustine, vice-p resid en t M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l B an k , R ichm ond. T rea su re r, S c o tt Ir b y , v ic e -p re sid en t a n d c ash ie r B a n k o f L u n e n b u rg , K enbridge. O K LA H O M A B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, H . N . W ilson, cashier F irs t S ta te B an k , B okchito. V ice-P resident, S. L. M orley, p resid en t A m erican N a tio n a l B an k , M cA lester. S ec re ta ry , E u g e n e P . G um , O klahom a C ity . A ss is ta n t S ecretary , G ertru d e C o rb itt, O klahom a C ity . T rea su re r, G . S. W eitzenhoffer, vice-p resid en t S ecu rity N a tio n a l B an k , O k lah o m a C ity . W A S H IN G T O N B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, J . K . M cC o rn a c k , p re s id e n t S e c u rity N a tio n a l B an k , P alouse. V ice-P resident, H . W . M a c P h a il, p re s id e n t W illa p a H a rb o r S ta te B an k , R ay m o n d . S ecretary, W m . H a tc h D a v is, 1016 O ld N a tio n a l B an k , S pokane, T rea su re r, H . L a s a te r, p re s id e n t F a rm e rs & M e rc h a n ts , W alla W alla. O R E G O N B A N K E R S’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, C. D . R orer, p resid en t B an k o f C om m erce, E u gene. V ice-President, J . W , M cC oy, cashier F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , A shland. S ecretary, J . L . H a rtm a n , H a rtm a n & T h o m p so n , B an k ers, P o rtla n d . T rea su re r, T . G . M o n tg o m ery , p re sid en t C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k , B aker. F ield S ecretary , A n d rew M iller, P o rte r B ldg., P o rtla n d . W E ST V IR G IN IA B A N K E R S ’ A S S O C IA T IO N P resid e n t, J . H . M cD o n a ld ,; v ic e -p re sid en t W heeling B a n k & T r u s t C o., W heeling. V ice-P resident, W . C . G iven, c ash ie r C om m ercial B an k , Bluefield. S ecretary, Jo se p h S, H ill, v ic e -p re sid en t C a p ita l C ity B an k , C h arle sto n . T rea su re r, H , P . B rightw ell, v ic e -p re sid en t U n ion T r u s t C o., C h arle sto n . PE N N SY L V A N IA B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, E . B. H arshaW , cash ier G rove C ity N a tio n a l B an k , G rove C ity . V ice-P resident, G eorge W . R eily, p re sid en t H a rris b u rg T r u s t Co.y, H a rris b u rg . S ecretary , C. F . Z im m erm an, tre a su re r L eb an o n C o u n ty T r u s t Co., L ebanon. T rea su re r, P . T . D av is, tre a su re r C learfield T r u s t Co., C learfield. W IS C O N S IN B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, W . H . D oyle, c ash ie r S ta te B a n k of P la tte v ille , P la tte v ille . V ice-P resident, L . A lb e rt K arel, p re s id e n t S ta te B a n k of K ew aunee, K ew aunee. S ecretary, W all G.. C o ap m an , 7 1 / C asw ell B lock, M illw aukee. T re a su re r, W . C. T u fts, p re s id e n t S ta te H a n k of E a u C laire, E a u C laire. R H O D E ISL A N D B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, G. B u rto n H ib b e rt, P a w tu c k e t B ran ch , R . I. H o sp ital T r. C o., P a w tu c k et. V ice-President, C has. M . C ook, tre a su re r W oonsocket I n s t, fo r Savings, W oonsocket. S ecretary, E d w a rd A. H av en s, cash ier M ech an ics N a tio n a l B an k , P ro v i dence. T rea su re r, W . H o w ard P e rry , cashier. N a tio n a l B a n k o f C om m erce, P ro v i dence. SO U T H C A R O LIN A B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P resid e n t, D . A. Spivey, p re sid en t P eoples N a tio n a l B an k , C onw ay. V ice-President, H . D . C alhoun, p re sid en t H o m e B an k , B arnw ell. S ecretary a n d T rea su re r, W . L a tta Law , J r., F ir s t C aro lin as J o in t Stock L a n d B an k , C olum bia. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W Y O M IN G B A N K E R S ’ A SSO C IA T IO N P re sid e n t, J o h n T . M cD o n a ld , v ic e -p re sid en t C h ey e n n e S ta te B an k , C heyenne. V ice-P resident, M . R . C ollins, p re s id e n t D o u g las N a tio n a l B an k , D ouglas. S ecretary , H a rry B. H en d erso n , F e d e ra l a p p ra ise r F ir s t J o in t S tock L a n d H a n k , C heyenne. T rea su re r, O tto F red erick , c ash ie r F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , H a n n a . I A D D ITIO N A L B A N K E R S’ ASSOCIATIONS IN V E S T M E N T B A N K E R S A SSO CIA TIO N O F A M ER IC A Office of the Secretary, 105 South La Salle Street, Chicago O F FIC E R S A N D BOARD O F G O V ERN O RS PRESIDENT J o h n W . P re n tiss , H orn b lo w er & W eeks, N ew Y o rk . VICE-PRESIDENTS A rth u r S inclair, Jr.< E s ta b ro o k & C o., N ew Y ork. E u g e n e E . T ho m p so n , C rane, P a rris & C o m p an y , W ash in g to n . W a lte r S. B rew ster, R u ssell, B re w ste r & C o., C hicago. P h ilip S. D a lto n , Coffin & B u rr, In c ., B o sto n . J . A . F ra s e r, D o m in io n S ecu rities C o rp o ra tio n , L td ., T o ro n to . SECRETARY F red e ric k R . F e n to n , F e n to n , D a v is & B oyle, C hicago. ASSISTANT SECRETARY C la y to n G . S c h ra y , In v e s tm e n t B an k e rs A ssociation o f A m erica, C hicago. TREASURER J o h n G . B rogden, S tro th e r, B rogden & C o., B altim ore. GOVERNORS T o m K . S m ith, K auffm an, S m ith & C o., In c ., S t. Louis. T h o m as B. G a n n e tt, P a rk in s o n & B u rr, B oston. F r a n k W . R em ick, K id d e r, P e a b o d y & C o., B o sto n . G eorge A . C olston, C olston, H e ald & T rail, B altim o re. J o h n W . M acG regor, G lover & M acG regor, P itts b u rg h . R o b e rt H . M o u lto n , R . H . M o u lto n & C o., L os A ngeles. M o rris F . Fox, M o rris F . F o x & C o., M ilw aukee. J . R . E d w a rd s, F ifth -T h ird N a tio n a l B an k , C in c in n ati. E li T . W a tso n , W atso n , W illiam s & C o., N ew O rleans. J o h n A . P re s c o tt, P re s c o tt, W rig h t, S nider C o., K a n sa s C ity . W . O. C h a n u te , B osw orth, C h a n u te & C o., D e n v er. C. O. K a lm a n , K alm an , G a tes, W h ite & C o., S t. P a u l. Jo el E . F e rris, F e rris & H a rd g ro v e , Spokane. w. j. H o rn o r, J r ., D illo n , R e a d & C o., N ew Y ork. R a y M o rris, B ro w n B ro th e rs & Co., N ew Y o rk . G eorge B . C aldw ell, C aldw ell, M o sser & W illiam , N ew Y o rk . H e n ry R . H a y es, S to n e & W eb ste r, In c ., N ew Y o rk . B . A . T o m p k in s, B a n k e rs T r u s t C o m p an y , N ew Y o rk . Jo se p h A . R u sh to n , B ab co ck , R u sh to n & C o., C hicago. B a r r e tt W en d ell, J r ., Lee, H ig g in so n & C o., C hicago. R o b e rt S tev en so n , J r ., Stev en so n , P e rry , S ta c y & C o., In c ., Chicago. J . C la rk M o o re, J r ., B arclay , M o o re & C o., P h ilad e lp h ia . R ic h a rd E . N o rto n , W . H . N e w b o ld ’s Son & C o., P h ilad e lp h ia . C . H . M o o re, U n io n T r u s t C o m p an y , D e tro it. F r e d S. B o rto n , B o rto n & B o rto n , C lev elan d. T h o m a s N . D y s a rt, W illiam R . C o m p to n C o m p an y , S t. L ouis, EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR S a m u e l O. R ice, 105 S outh L a Salle S tree t, C hicago. DIRECTOR OF PUBLICITY H a rry R asc o v ar, 14 Stone S tree t, N ew Y ork. OFFICIAL REPORTER F re d e ric k H . G ü rtle r, 69 W e st W ash in g to n S tree t, C hicago. OFFICE COUNSEL T heodore^S. C h ap m an , 111 W est M o n ro e S tree t, C hicago. COMMITTEE COUNSEL P a u l V. K e y se r, W oodw ard B uilding, W ash in g to n . F A R M M O R T G A G E B A N K E R S A SSO C IA T IO N O F A M E R IC A Offices of Secretary-Treasurer, 112 W . Adams St„ Chicago E. D. Chassell, Secretary-Treasurer OFFICERS P re s id e n t, R o b e rt O. D om ing, D em in g In v e s tm e n t C o., Oswego, K a n sa s. V ice-P resid en t, F r a n k H a y d en , G u a ra n ty B a n k & T r u s t C o., M em p h is, T e n n . V ice-P resid en t, G eorge M . T itu s , T itu s L o a n & In v e s tm e n t C o., M u sc a tin e , Iow a. V ice-P resid en t, E . L . C ralle, A tk in so n , W a rre n & H e n ley C o., O klah o m a C ity , O kla. BOARD OF GOVERNORS 1924 R . R . R ogers, V e rm o n t L o an & T r u s t C o., S pokane, W ash. G eo F . H eindel, P h o e n ix T r u s t C o., O ttu m w a , Iow a. B . H . Davis, D avis-W ellcom e M o rtg a g e C o., T o p ek a, K a n sa s. D A . C am pbell, A ssociated M o rtg a g e In v e sto rs, R ochester, JN. Y. L . W . H all, F id e lity N a tio n a l B a n k & T r u s t C o., K a n sa s C ity, Mo. C . C . B e n n e tt, W e s te rn Securities In v e s tm e n t C o., D en v er, Colo. tel tel ^ tel H J . C u rry , P e a rs o n s-T a ft C o., C hicago, 111. D . S ch u m ach er, S o u th e rn B o n d & M o rtg a g e C o., R ich m o n d , V a. . M . L e o n a rd , 922 T e rm in a l B uilding, Lincoln, N e b . R . T e n n a n t, D a lla s T r u s t a n d S avings B an k , D allas, T exas. E . M u rre y , A m erican T r u s t C o.,^N ashville, T en n . Jo se p h T . M c N a ry , T h e S ta te Savings a n d T r u s t C o., In d ia n a p o lis, In d . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 THE FARM MORTGAGE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA E. D. CHASSELL, Secretary, 112 W est Adam s S t., Chicago “ W h ile t h e fa r m m o r tg a g e h a s b e e n r ec o g n ize d for m o r e th a n 2000 y e a rs a s t h e m o s t r e lia b le s e c u r ity for lo c a l in v e sto r s, th e o r g a n iz a tio n o f t h e F a rm M o rtg a g e B a n k ers A sso c ia tio n o f A m e r ica in 1914 w a s t h e b e g in n in g o f t h e first n a tio n -w id e s y s te m a t ic effo rt to s ta n d a r d iz e t h e m o r tg a g e so as t o m a k e i t a c o n v e n ie n t fo r m o f in v e s tm e n t for t h e n o n -r e s id e n t in v e sto r . M em b ers o f t h is a s so c ia tio n p u t th e ir o w n m o n e y in t o m o r tg a g e s o n p r o d u ctiv e fa r m la n d s b efore o ffer in g t h e m fo r s a le . C o n serv a tiv e fa r m m o r tg a g e b a n k e rs m a k e lo a n s o n t h e b a sis o f average p ro d u ctiv e v a lu e o f la n d s fo r a te r m o f y e a rs a n d n o t o n te m p o ra r y s e llin g p r ic e s in t im e s o f b o o m s. F or t h is rea so n th e in fla tio n o f la n d p r ic e s h a s n o t d e p r e cia te d t h e v a lu e o f fa r m m o r tg a g e s a s d e p e n d a b le in v e s tm e n t s .” LIST O F M EM BERS A ND ASSOCIATE M EM BER S O fficers O n O p p o site P age ALABAMA Ballard Brothers, Troy Fuller-Smith & Co., Cullman Jemison A Company, Birmingham Pinckard Investment Company, Montgomery ARIZONA Dwight B. Heard Investment Co., Phoenix ARKANSAS Security Mortgage Co., Texarkana CALIFORNIA California Bond & Mortgage Co., Fresno COLORADO Colorado Investment A Realty Co., Colorado Springs Farmers Loan Company, The, Denver United States National Co., Denver Van Kleeck Mortgage Co., The, Denver Western Mortgage Co., The, Denver Western Securities Investment Co., Denver SEORGIA Atlanta Trust Co., Atlanta Empire Loan A Trust Co., Amerious Georgia Loan A Trust Co., Macon Investment Loan & Realty Co., Lawrenceville (Associate) Sessions Loan A Trust Co., Marietta Smith & Co., Howard M., Macon Southern Mortgage Co., Atlanta IDAHO Edgerton-Fabrick Co., Pocatello ILLINOIS Bernard Investment Co., Springfield Beyer-Dempsey Co., Pekin Brinkerhofi & Co., Springfield Burr A Co., Hudson, Bloomington Capen Investment Co., Bloomington Causey Co., Walter G., Peoria Dime Savings A Trust Co.,Peoria Farm Loan & Trust Co., The, Clinton First Trust and Savings Bank of Bloomington, Bloomington First Trust & Savings Bank of Peoria Peoria Forman A Co., Geo. M., Chicago Goodell A Sons Co., A., Loda Home Savings A State Bank, Peoria Illinois Merchants Trust Co. .Chicago Matheny, Dixon, A Co., Springfield Pearsons-Taft Co., Chicago Peoria Life Insurance Co., Peoria (Associate) Rockford Trust Co., Rockford Roe Company, H. A., Dixon Savings Bank of Kewanee, Kewanee Security Trust Co. of Freeport, Freeport Straus Brothers Company, The, Chicago Thompson Farm Loans, Lacon Toombs A Daily Co., Chicago Trevitt-Mattis Banking Co.. Champaign INDIANA American Central Life Insurance Co., Indianapolis (Associate) Day A Co., Thomas C., Indianapolis Dickinson A Reed, Indianapolis Evans, Devore A Co., Crawfordsville Farmers Trust Co., IndianaDolis State Savings A Trust Co., Indianapolis Wayne Mortage Loan Co., Fort Wayne IOWA Adams A Co., H. C., Des Moines Allfree,Inc., H. B.,Newton_ American Commercial A Savings Bank, Davenport Annie A Rohling Co., Council Bluffs Butler A Rhodes, Fort Dodge Central Trust Co., Des Moines Clarion Savings Bank, Clarion Crosley Investment Co., Webster City Donahue A Hanson, Grinnell Farmers A Citizens Savings Bank, De Witt Farmers Bond A Mortgage Co., Des Moines First National Bank, Rock Rapids Fisher, Fred C., Cedar Rapids (Associate) Gilmore Exchange Bank, Gilmore' City Hardin, J. F., Eldora Iowa Loan A Trust Co., Des Moines Iowa Securities Company, Waterloo Johnson, Griff, Des Moines (Associate) Leavitt A Johnson Trust Co., Waterloo Lougee, Inc., E. H., Council Bluffs Mason City Loan A Trust Co., Mason City Midland Mortgage Co., Cedar Rapids Phoenix Trust Co., Ottumwa Rich, George A., Fort Dodge Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., Des ^Moines (Associate) . Security Loan A Investment Co., Des Moines Shepard, Hugh H., Mason City | Stanley-Henderson Company, Cedar Rapids Titus Loan A Investment Co., Muscatine Union Bond A Mortgage Co., Davenport Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Union Trust Company, Clarinda Van Evera A Co., Geo. M., Des Moines , Wadsworth A Co., J. G., Council Bluffs Western LifeInsuranceCo.,DesMoines(Associate) KANSAS Benton A Hopkins Investment Co., Oberlin Central Trust Company, Topeka Davis-Wellcome Mortgage Co., Topeka Deming Investment Co., Oswego Farm Mortgage Trust Co., Topeka First Trust Co. of Wichita, The, Wichita Fontron Loan A Trust Co., Hutchinson Graves Farm Loan Investment Co., The, Pitts burg Guarantee Title A Trust Co., Wichita Humphrey Investment Co., Independence Interstate Mortgage Trust Co., Parsons McNaghten Loan Co., Hutchinson Mansfield Land-Mortgage Co., The, Topeka Metcalf, Wilder S., Lawrence Perkins Investment Co., The Fred, Oswego Pioneer Mortgage Co.,Topeka Putnam Investment Co. Salina Thomas Mortgage Co., Emporia Warren Mortgage Co., Emporia Wheeler, Kelly A Hagny Co., The, Wichita KENTUCKY Southern Trust Company, Louisville LOUISIANA Investors Mortgage Co., New Orleans Mortgage A Securities Co., New Orleans Southwest Louisiana Farm Mortgage Co., Lake Charles MASSACHUSETTS Interstate Mortgage Trust Co., Greenfield MINNESOTA Ballard and Company, Minneapolis Clifford A Co., Geo. B.,. Minneapolis Crookston State Bank, Crookston Merchants Trust A Savings Bank, St. Paul Minneapolis Trust Co.. Minneapolis Minnesota Loan A Trust Co.. Minneapolis Northland Securities Co., Mi jneapolis Northwestern Trust Co., St. Paul Swift County Bank, Benson Ulland Mortgage Co., Fergus Falls Union Investment Co., Minneapolis Waters A Sons, M. R., Minneapolis Wells-Dickey Co., Minneapolis MISSOURI Bankers Mortgage Co., Kansas City Commerce Trust Co. .Kansas City Commonwealth Farm Loan Co., St. Louis Crawford Loan A Abstract Co., Sedalia Duvall-Percival Trust Co., Butler Farmers Trust Co., Maryville Fidelity National Bank A Trust Co., Kansas City GiUam-Jackson Loan A Trust Co., Maryville Hannibal Loan A Investment Co., Hannibal Jameson, W. Ed., Fulton Liberty Trust Co., Kansas City Missouri Savings Association Bank, Kansas City New England Securities Co., Kansas City Nixon Farm Mortgage Co., Boonville Peoples Trust Co., Kansas City Pioneer Trust Co., Kansas City Rolston A Campbell., Kirksville St. Louis Farm Mortgage Co., St. Louis Sisson Loan A Title Co., Maryville Southwest Trust Co., Kansas City State Savings Trust Co., Springfield Walton Trust Company, Kansas City MONTANA American Loan A Investment Co., Lewistown North American Mortgage Co., Bozeman NEBRASKA Binder, Frank H., Omaha Drake A Co., E. G., Beatrice Durland Trust Co., Norfolk Equitable Trust Co., Omaha Föderal Trust Company, Lincoln First Trust Co., Lincoln First Trust Co., Omaha Forgan Investment Co., Omaha Heyn Co., Frederic L., Omaha Kloke Investment Co., Omaha Leonard, W. M., Lincoln Lincoln Trust Company, Lincoln Mason, W. F., Loup City Maylard A Co., Norfolk Omaha Bond A Mortgage Co., Omaha Omaha Trust Company, Omaha Peters Trust Co., Omaha United States Trust Co., Omaha Western Securities Co., Omaha Woodward Brothers, Lincoln NEW HAMPSHIRE Putnam Investment Co., Concord NEW YORK Associated Mortgage Investors, Rochester NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh Banking A Trust Co., Raleigh NORTH DAKOTA Lander A Co., E. J., Grand. Forks OHIO Rural Mortgage A Finance Co., The, Columbus OKLAHOMA Albright Title A Investment Co., Newkirk American Investment Co., Oklahoma City Atkinson, Warren A Henley Co., Oklahoma City Clement Mortgage Co., The, Norman Culbertson A Tomm, Muskogee Equitable Farm Mortgage Co., Oklahoma City Everest-Porter Mortgage Co., Oklahoma City Exchange Trust Co.. Tulsa Fish A Co., Geo. R., Ardmore (Associate) Godfrey Investment Co., The, Oklahoma City Gum Brothers Co., Oklahoma City Oklahoma Farm Mortgage Co., Oklahoma City Thorne Investment Co., E. C., Oklahoma City Walton Mortgage_Co„ Hobart OREGON Commerce Mortgage Securities Co., Portland First Mortgage Security Co., Corvallis Hawkins A Roberts, Salem MacMaster, Ireland A Co., Portland SOUTH DAKOTA Citizens Investment Co., Sioux Falls Hollister Bros., Sioux Falls McKinney A Allen, Inc., Sioux Falls Security Investment A Mortgage Co., Brookings Security Mortgage A Investment Co., Sioux iaUs TENNESSEE American Trust Co., Nashville Bankers Trust Co., Knoxville Fidelity Trust Co., Knoxville Guaranty Bank A Trust Co., Memphis Smith A Perkins, Memphis Southern Trust Co., Clarksville , Volunteer State Life Insurance Co., The, Chattanooga (Associate) Williamson A Co., S. M. Memphis TEXAS Biggs Investment Co., Amarillo Brown Bros., Austin Chandler A Co., E. B., San Antonio Creager Co., A. Y., Sherman Dallas Trust A Savings Bank, Dallas Empire Mortgage Company, Wichita Falls Federal Mortgage Co., Dallas Hamon-Whittington Mortgage Co., Amarillo Murray Investment Co., The, Dallas Realty Trust Co., Dallas Republic Trust A Savings Bank, Dallas Reynolds Mortgage Co., Ft. Worth Security Trust Co., Galveston Standard Trust Co., San Antonio Temple Trust Co., Temple Texas Farm Mortgage A Investment Co., San Antonio Wimer, Richardson A Co., San Antonio UTAH Home Trust A Savings Co., The, Salt Lake City Miller A Viele, Salt Lake City Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation, Logan VIRGINIA Southern Bond A Mortgage Co., Richmond WASHINGTON Farm Mortgage Security Co., The, Spokane International Mortgage Bank, Spokane Land Credit Mortgage Co., Spokane Murphey, Favre A Co., Spokane North Pacific Mortgage Co., Seattle Northwestern A Pacific Hypotheekbank, Spokane Oregon Mortgage Co., Ltd., The, Spokane Union Trust Co., Spokane Vermont Loan A Trust Co. Spokane WISCONSIN Hardy-Ryan Abstract Co., Waukesha Ziegler A Co., B. C., West Bend Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NUMERICAL SYSTEM BANK TRANSIT M AP. IMDEX P r e fix N u m b ers C ITIES 1 N ew Y ork, N .Y . 2 3 4 5 C hicago, 111. P h ilad e lp h ia .P a. S t. L o uis,.M o. B o sto n , M ass. 6 C leveland, O hio 7 B altim ore, M d. 8 P itts b u rg h ,P a . 9 D e tro it, M ich . 10 Buffalo. N . Y. 11 S an F ran cisco , C al. 12 M ilw aukee, W is. 13 C in cin n ati, O hio 14 N ew O rleans,L a. 15 W ash in g to n , D. C. 16 Los Angeles, C al. 17 M inneapolis, M in n . 18 K a n sa s C ity , M o. * 19 Seattle, W ash . 20 In d ian ap o lis, ¡i In d . 21 Louisville, K y . 22 S t. P a u l, M in n . 23 D en v er, Colo. 24 P o rtla n d , O re .. 25 C olum bus, O hio 26 M em phis, Term . 27 O m aha, N eb. 28 Spokane, W ash. 29 A lbany, N . Y. 30 S an A ntonio, Tex. 31 S a lt L a k e C ity , U ta h 32 D allas, T ex. 33 D es M oines, la . 34 T aco m a, W ash. 35 H o u sto n , Tex. 36 S t. Jo sep h , M o. 37 F t. W o rth . T ex. 38 S a v a n n ah , G a. 39 O k lah o m a C ity , Okla. 40 W ich ita, K a n . 41 Sioux C ity , la . 42 P u eb lo , Colo. 43 Lincoln, N eb. 44 T o p ek a, K a n . 4'5 D u b u q u e, la . 46 G alveston, T ex . 47 C ed a r R ap id s, la . 48 W aco, T ex . 49 M uskogee, O kla. STATES 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 N ew Y o rk C o n n ec tic u t M ain e M assa c h u se tts N ew H a m p sh ire N ew Jerse y Ohio R h o d e Is la n d V erm o n t ........................ P e n n sy lv an ia A lab am a D elaw are F lo rid a G eorgia M a ry la n d 66 N o rth C aro lin a 67 S o u th C aro lin a 68 V irginia 69 W est V irginia 70 Illinois 71 In d ia n a 72 Io w a 73 K e n tu c k y 74 M ichigan 75 M in n eso ta 76 N e b ra sk a 77 N o rth D a k o ta 78 S o u th D a k o ta 79 W isconsin 80 M isso u ri 81 A rk an sas 82 C olorado 83, K an sas 84 L o u isian a 85 M ississippi 86 O klahom a 87 Tennessee 88 T ex as 8 9 ...................... .. 90 C alifo rn ia , 91 A rizo n a 92 Id a h o 93 M o n ta n a 94 N evada 95 N ew M exico 9 6 O regon 97 U ta h 98 W ash in g to n 9 9 W yom ing A. S. Pratt & S o n s , inc.-National Bank Agents and Attorneys W A S H IN G T O N , D. G. S e e B a c k o f / W a s h in g t o n , D . C . M ai I C O M P T R O L L E R ’S C A L L S TO THE NATIONAL BANKS FROM SEPTEMBER 9, 1886, TO DATE YEAR 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914* 1915* 1916* 1917* 1918* 1919* 1920* 1921 1922 1923 1924 JAN. FE B . MAR. APR. F 4 F 66 T 14 69 T 26 76 M F S M M M W T 5 76 F 28 77 T 9 82 18 65 F F W 65 73 6 73 F 22 66 w 28 66 T 14 62 11 62 M 6 26 75 31 76 58 T 20 77 T 4 70 T 13 84 M 18 73 4 Th 4 T 7 M 5 63 68 M S 28 59 4 63 T 4 63 M W F 23 56 Th 30 93 1 70 Th 1 62 W F Th 18 58 F F W 92 4 61 T 30 118 S 1 M 1 T 1 F 10 M 12 T 4 W 58 23 53 F 55 30 60 W 57 20 50 S 67 29 50 M 69 30 49 W 71 69 65 76 T 3 103 27 65 T 16 76 Th 10 70 W T 5 95 1 86 T 26 83 W 14 57 59 2 86 Th 13 99 T 10 71 12 69 23 70 W 28 82 50 67 W 15 62 Th 22 94 T 4 78 W 4 W 9 92 T 6 89 F 7 T 25 T 17 Th 10 Th 9 W 25 88 20 59 Th 14 90 S 15 61 29 76 T 29 57 T 7 59 M M M 22 55 F 14 73 F 5 70 30 77 M 67 F 15 71 Th 1 72 M 15 82 W T 9 61 Th 9 73 F 29 81 S W T 20 68 Th 7 69 W 5 68 16 77 M 19 78 13 76 Th 17 72 T 6 84 T 5 74 M 30 74 Th 9 62 W F 28 79 29 64 24 78 9 70 T 19 77 S F 4 82 T 21 73 S 9 66 68 F T 3 83 T 2 76 30 86 W 77 F 23 70 Th 14 70 W 54 19 78 2 30 80 F 5 60 Th 26 72 F 7 18 75 Th 11 65 T 14 68 F W 25 78 W 14 66 Th 5 76 F Th 2 76 12 69 4 65 T 7 63 Th 7 69 12 69 11 72 F W F 28 71 4 T 13 T 5 T 25 F 63 W 30 80 18 62 Th 9 66 T 12 56 4 67 T 17 77 Th 4 59 7 W M 12 60 17 78 6 87 S F 13 76 W 5 65 Th 4 96 30 61 M T 1 90 W 1 80 S 30 76 26 69 S E P . O C T . NOV. DEC. Th T 7 28 82 M 13 70 28 79 S MAY J U N E JULY AUG. Th 12 74 31 49 31 61 Th W F 2 71 10 69 31 51 W T F 12 74 17 66 27 40 M T T 11 83 20 70 31 41 S T F 31 63 1 62 31 60 F M W 12 74 17 66 31 44 W W M 8 70 15 68 29 44 T S 6 68 31 116 S S Dates and number of Call* D A TES CALLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 5 3 16 11 6 9 1 9 6 4 9 6 9 6 2 6 5 3 5 2 3 4 1 4 5 2 9 7 16 11 195 29 45 34 31 38 18 on Monday “ Tuesday “ Wednesday “ Thursday « Friday “ Saturday Total, 195 66 30 57 M Th Th 28 66 21 54 30 63 F F F F S 10 69 5 56 30 56 15 77 29 105 T S F M 3 95 30 88 14 76 31 108 M M 31 91 30 91 * Six calls made. First Figures in Square denote day o f m onth call was made. Other Figures In Square show number o f days intervening between calls. LETTERS In Square signify day of week call was made. Courtesy of Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, Calif. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ¡ STATE BANK OFFICIALS A ND EXAMINERS, 1924 S tate ‘ N am e \ A ddress I o w a ........... L . G . F u ller, B a n k E x a m in e r............................C e d a r R ap id s. “ F . R . Jo n es, E x a m in e r in c h arg e of R e c e iv e rsh ip s.............................................. .. D es M oines. K a n s a s ___C . J . P e te rso n , B a n k C o m m is sio n e r........... .T o p e k a . Lew is W ilson, A sst. B a n k C o m ....................... T o p e k a . M rs. P e a rl M u n d is, Special A ss t................ .... T o p e k a . H azel O. C hick, C h ie f C l e r k . ............. ............. T o p ek a. F. C . R eissing, Spec. A sst., B lue S k y D e p t.T o p e k a . J . W . Jo h n so n , S u p erv iso r B ldg. & L o a n \ D e p a r tm e n t............................................. ........... T o p e k a . C . B . C arso n , A sst. S u p t. B ldg. & L o a n D e p t . T o p e k a . A n n a E . Speck, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ___. . . . .T o p e k a. W . J . C oyle, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ................ .... H u tc h in so n . L . M . H utchison,. C h ie f E x a m in e r. . . . . . . .T o p e k a. P . V . M iller, D e p u ty B a n k C o m .....................H ig hlands. W . S. K e n n ed y , D e p u ty B a n k C o m ------- .S alin a. J . A. K ell, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ............H a y s . H a rry O ’B rien, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ............... T o p e k a . H . H . O lden, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ... . ......... P a rso n s. J . W . S cott, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ...................... N o rto n . E . D . W ells, D e p u ty B a n k C o m .............. .P a rso n s. D ic k W ilson, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ....................H u tc h in so n . J . P . M u rra y , D e p u ty B a n k C o m . . . . . . . . . Sum m erfleld. F . G . B ergen, D e p u ty B a n k C o m ............. .. .M a n h a tta n . K y ............... J . P . Lew is, B an k in g C o m ........... ............. .. .G eorgetow n. W . W . P ea v y h o u se , D e p u ty B a n k C o m .. . . F ra n k fo rt. J . M . C ru m e, B a n k E x a m in e r ......................... H a rd in sb u rg . G . R . C arso n , B a n k E x a m in e r........................ M an c h e ste r. J . L. B e n n e tt, B a n k E x a m in e r.......... ............. W illiam stow n. N . M . Sm ock, B a n k E x a m in e r. ................. . . C arrsville. W . L. W in te rs, B a n k E x a m in e r...................... M ackville. L a . ......... J . S. B rock, S ta te B a n k C o m ..................... .... .N e w O rleans. O. H . P ittm a n , C h ie f B a n k E x a m in e r..........N ew O rleans. W . L e R o y W ard , J r:, C hief C le rk ........... . . .N e w O rleans. W . C. E v a n s , B a n k E x a m in e r . ........................N ew O rleans. M . F in n eg an , B an k E x a m in e r.........................N ew O rleans. L ouis B u ck n er, J r ., B an k E x a m in e r............. S h rev ep o rt. A . R . Jo h n so n , J r., B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . .N e w O rleans. I . H . S nyder, B a n k E x a m in e r..........................N ew O rleans. W . E . W ood, B a n k E x a m in e r. . ................... .N e w O rleans. L . M . Lafleur, B a n k E x a m in e r. . ................... N ew O rleans. : L . A. P lau ch e, B a n k E x a m in e r....................... N ew O rleans. V e rn a Foil, S e c re ta ry ...........................................N ew O rleans. M a in e . . . .F r e d F . Law rence, B a n k C o m .................... .. .S kow hegan. G eo. C . F e m a ld , D e p u ty B a n k C o m .............A u g u sta. T . F . P a rk e r, B a n k E x a m in e r..........................B elfast. L . P . N oble, B a n k E x a m in e r............................P o rtla n d . V icto r B. P e n d e x te r, B a n k E x a m in e r........ .P o rtla n d , C larid el B ra d stre e t, C hief C le r k ............ .A u g u sta . E r n e s t C . S tinson, A sst: B a n k E x a m in e r .. .B angor. S. ;N . A nnis, Securities E x a m in e r................... A u g u sta. W o o d b u ry W allace, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. .P o rtla n d . H a ro ld T . D a n a , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r . . . .A u b u rn . M d ..............G eo. W . P ag e, B a n k C om ., U n io n T r u s t B u ild in g ........................................ B altim o re. J o h n D . H osp elh o rn , D e p u ty B a n k C om . U nion T r u s t B ld g ............................................ .B a ltim o re . W m . J . G erbig, Senior E x a m in e r, U n ion B altim o re . T r u s t B l d g .. ............................................ C has. L. H o b b s, Senior E x a m in e r, U n io n T r u s t B ld g ......................................... B altim o re. W . J . B a rre tt, J r ., Senior E x a m in e r, U n ion T r u s t B ld g .............................. .B a ltim o re. T . H . Sherm an, Senior E x a m in e r, U n ion .B a ltim o re . T r u s t B ld g ..................,................. .. A. C . M erria n , J r ., Senior E x a m in e r, U n ion T r u s t B ld g ............................. . .B a ltim o re. •J. M . H a rv e y , J u n io r E x a m in e r, U nio n B altim o re . T r u s t B l d g .. .............................................. S. W . M itz el, J u n io r E x a m in e r, U n io n T r u s t B ld g .........................................: ............... B altim o re. W . E . L u tm a n , J u n io r E x a m in e r , 1 U n io n T r u s t B ldg. ..................................................B altim o re . M a s s . . . . .Jo s . C. A llen, C om . o f B a n k s . ......................... N e w to n H ig h lan d s. R o y A . H ovey, D e p u ty C om . o f B a n k s . . . . W akefield. N elso n B. D a v is, C h ie f C le r k ........................ .N e w to n H ig h lan d s. A rth u r G uy, D ire c to r of D iv . o f S avings B k s.F ra m in g h a m . J o h n J . G orm an, A sst. D ire c to r o f D iv . o f Savings B a n k s . '. . . . - ................................ .W o b u rn . W . H . O tis, D ire c to r of D iv . o f T r u s t C o m p a n ie s ........ ............................. ............... .. . M elro se H ig h la n d s. W . J . Fow ler, A sst. D ire c to r o f D iv . of T r u s t C o m p a n ie s . ........................ ....................B everly. O. M . T u ck er, D ire c to r o f D iv. of C o o p e ra tiv e B an k s a n d C re d it U n io n s ............W est Som erville. R. J . T u b b s, A sst. D ire c to r of D iv. of C o o p e ra tiv e B an k s a n d C re d it U n io n s . . . . . . G reenw ood. H e rb e rt R ogers, D ire c to r of D iv. o f C re d its . B elm ont. C h as. H . A nsw orth, B an k E x a m in e r............ E v e re tt. E d w a rd H . A rnold, B a n k E x a m in e r............. B elm ont. C has. J. B a te m a n , J r., B a n k D ire c to r. . . . .W a te rto w n . W a lte r S. B osw orth, B a n k E x a m in e r........... M ald e n . E u g e n e B rim m e r, B a n k E x a m in e r................. M ald e n . H o w ard A. C la rk , B an k E x a m in e r................ W akefield. H e n ry J . C roughw ell, B an k E x a m in e r.. . . .W e s t P e a b o d y . C h as. A. Crow ell, B a n k E x a m in e r.............. .S a lem . G eorge F . D avee, B a n k E x a m in e r.................P ly m o u th . W illiam E . D ay , B a n k E x a m in e r............ .C helsea. R a lp h E . E llis, B a n k E x a m in e r ...................... M ed fo rd ; C h e ste r A. G ray, B a n k E x a m in e r.................. Som erville. H a ro ld P . Jen k s, B an k E x a m in e r...................D o rc h e ste r C en ter. . W m . B . Jen se n , B a n k E x a m in e r........... .F ra m in g h a m . H a rry P . Jon es, B a n k E x a m in e r ....................B elm ont. J o h n L. K eyes, B a n k E x a m in e r. ................... Low ell. L e R o y W . L eland, B a n k E x a m in e r............... N ew tonville. G eorge H . M ag u rn , B a n k E x a m in e r ............R oslindale. G eorge C. M ansfield, B an k E x a m in e r..........R ockland. B e rt O. M cK in ley , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . .B o sto n , A rth u r M orey, B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . . . . . .W a te rto w n . J o h n W . Slye, B an k E x a m in e r................. .. M alden.F . E a rl W allace, B a n k E x a m in e r. ................. W akefield. N a th a n L. W h itte n , B an k E x a m in e r . . . . . . , C am pello. K e n n e th I . W ilson, B a n k E x a m in e r . ... . . . . B roctonv H a ro ld E . A lm y, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r........D o rc h e ste r. A rth u r L. B ra c k e tt, A sst. B a n k E x a m ........ W o llasto n . Jo se p h L . B rig h to n , A sst. B k E x a m .. . . . . .B o sto n . W a lte r E . B u rb a n k , A sst. B k. E x a m .. . . . .N o r th S tro u g h to n F o re s t F . B ursley, A sst. B k. E x a m ............... Som erville. Jo se p h A . C h am b ers, A sst. B k. E x a m . . . . .B rig h to n . Jo se p h F . C onnellan, A sst. B k. E x a m .......... B rookline. E v e re tt L. Crow ell, A sst. B k. E x a m ............. B ro c k to n . P h illip A . D am o n , A sst. B k. E x a m ................S toneham . L aw rence E . D o n o v an , A sst. B k . E x a m ... .B rig h to n . A rth u r W . F lin t, A sst. B k. E x a m ...................W akefield. W in th ro p L. G rah am , A sst. B k. E x a m .. . . . R evere. J o h n S. G w inn, A sst. B a n k E x a m .................. B everly. R a y m o n d P . H aro ld , A sst. B a n k E x a m . . . .W o rc e ster. F re d e ric k A. H a rris , A sst. B a n k E x . . . . . . . B everly. C h arles W . H erzig, A sst. B a n k E x a m ____ .W o llasto n . F ra n c is J . H illberg, A sst. B a n k E x a m .. . . . .N e w to n L ow er F a lls. P a u l C . H ow ley, A sst. B a n k E x a m . . . . . . , .L y n n . F r a n k L . H u b b a rd , A sst. B a n k E x . . ......... W averley. H e rb e rt L. K eeble, A sst. B a n k E x a m .......... M elro se H ig h la n d s. S tate 1 N ame A ddress A la .............. A . E . Ja c k so n , S u p t. o f B a n k s ......................... M o n tg o m ery ; W . W . C raw fo rd ,m em b er of B an k in g B o ard .B irm in g h am . F r a n k P . F o lm ar.m em b er of B an k in g B o ard .T ro y . W . H . M o n tg o m ery , B an k E x a m in e r............. D e ca tu r. M. A . O ’D om , B a n k E x a m in e r......... .. .S elm a. C. R . K eener, B an k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . . . .M o n tg o m e ry . J . E . F reem an , J r., B an k E x a m in e r.............. M o n tg o m ery . G . H . F o o te, B an k E x a m in e r ......... ...B irm in g h a m . A. B M cW illiam s, B an k E x a m in e r . ....... M o n tg o m ery . A riz ............A . T . H am m o n s, S u p t. o f B a n k s . ................... P h oenix. J . S. D o d so n , C h ief B an k E x a m in e r .. . . . . .P h o en ix . A. R . D av is, D e p u ty B a n k E x a m in e r......Phoenix. s M in n ie Seam an, A c c t.-S ten o g rap h e r.............Phoenix. A rk ........... .C h a s . M cK ee, B an k C o m m issio n e r........ . . .L ittle R ock. F. Lee M ajo r, A sst. B a n k C o m m is sio n e r.. .L ittle R ock. R. G. D ickinson, A sst. C om m issioner in ch arg e of B uilding & L o an A sso c ia tio n s.. .L ittle R ock. F. G . R edw ine, B an k E x a m in e r................. L ittle R ock. O liver P hillips, B an k E x a m in e r...................... L ittle R ock. H . H . C ooper, B an k E x a m in e r....................... L ittle R ock. “ Jn o . L ipscom b, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r............L ittle R ock. C a lif...........J o h n F ran k lin Jo h n so n , S u p t. o f B a n k s . . . ,7 th F lo o r,U n ite d B k. & T r. C(g. B ld g .,S a n . F ran cisco . C o lo ............G ra n t M cF erso n , B an k C o m m issio n er. . . . . D en v er. Alex. B . Olson, C hief D e p u ty B an k C o m .. .D en v er. S idney W . C lark , D e p u ty B an k C o m ........... D en v er. M. M . E w ing, D e p u ty B an k C o m ............ D en v er. J o h n Jep so n , D e p u ty B an k C o m ................... D en v er. “ W alter J . N elson, D e p u ty B a n k C om . Office, 125 S ta te Office B ld g ........................ D en v er. C o n n .......... J o h n B. B yrne, C o m m issio n e r........................ P u tn a m . L e ste r E . Shippee, D e p u ty C o m .....................E a s t K illingly. W m . P . L an d o n , M gr. B o n d D e p t.. . . . . . . .H a rtfo rd . E a rle W m s. Stam m , C hief E x a m in e r............N orw ich. M a ry E . Elw ood. B an k E x a m in e r................. H a rtfo rd . B enj. H . M illard , B an k E x a m in e r................. H a rtfo rd . V icto r I. N eilson, B an k E x a m in e r................H a rtfo rd . K a rl B . R eynolds, B an k E x a m in e r............... B ran fo rd . Jo h n H . B rooks, B an k E x a m in e r ............... .T o rrin g to n . ■ R . G ordon B aldw in, B an k E x a m in e r............B risto l. T hos. E . P resc o tt, B an k E x a m in e r............... N a u g a tu c k . H a ro ld P . Splain, B an k E x a m in e r................. N ew H a v en . F re d H . B illings, B an k E x a m in e r................ .H a rtfo rd . ' Jo h n F . D iN onno, B an k E x a m in e r............... N ew B rita in . D e la ............H a ro ld W . H orsey, S ta te B a n k C o m ............. D over. I r a Lewis, D e p u ty B an k C o m .........................B ridgeville. P a u l D . L o v e tt, C le r k .......................................N ew ark . F l a . . . . . . . E rn e s t Amos, C o m p tro lle r................................ T allah assee. “ R , A. G ray , C hief C lerk, B kg. D e p t...............T allah assee. “ R . C. B lalock, B anking C le rk ........................... T allah assee. “ J . E . P erk in s, B an k E x a m in e r.......................... T allah assee. “ E . M . P o rte r, C hief B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . .T allah assee. “ E . P . Jack so n , B an k E x a m in e r............! . . . .T allah assee. “ T . C. H aw k in s, B an k E x a m in e r.................................... S ecu rity H otel, M iam i. “ C. R . Tidew ell, B an k E x a m in e r....................................A m h e rst A pts., O rlando. “ G . C . W h ite, B a n k E x a m in e r...........................S tark e. G a ................T . R . B en n e tt, S u p t. o f B a n k s ......................... A tla n ta . “ E . A . T h om pson, A sst. S u p t. ..................... .A tla n ta . “ J . E . C agle, B an k E x a m in e r.............................. A tla n ta . “ R . B. G u n b y , B an k E x a m in e r........................ C o lum bus. “ E . B. D ouglass, B an k E x a m in e r..................... T a lb o tto n . “ W . D . L loyd, B an k E x a m in e r...........................T allap o o sa. “ J . B . Sasser, B an k E x a m in e r.............................C am illa. “ A . B. K R chens, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . ............. A tla n ta . • “ / J . H . E d g e, B an k E x a m in e r...................... .... .C a iro . “ R . S. M ell, B a n k E x a m in e r............................ .S a v an n a h . “ M . E . Sisk, B a n k E x a m in e r.............................-.G reensboro. I d a h o .........E . W . P o rte r, C om m issioner o f F in a n c e .. . .B oise. “ H . G . A . W in ter, E x a m in e r...............................Boise. “ C. I. C anfield, E x a m in e r.................................... Boise. “ W . H . H o rn e, E x a m in e r......................................B oise. “ E . S co tt, G e n ’1 L iq u id atin g A g e n t.................Boise. “ E . L. K ing, A sst. L iq u id atin g A g e n t. . . . . .B oise. “ T h e lm a M cG irr, S e c re ta ry ............................... Boise. Illin o is . . . .A ndrew R ussel, A u d ito r, M a in O ffice. . . . . . . Springfield. “ C hicago Office: 1434 F ir s t N a t’l B k. B ldg. “ S tu a rt R ussel, C hief B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . Springfield. “ W . B. W h itlo ck , A sst. C h ief B an k E x . Springfield. “ C arl H . W eber, A sst. C h ief B an k E x ............ Springfield. “ E . E . N icholson, A sst. C h ief B an k E x . . . . . Springfield. “ A. J . A dam s, B an k E x a m in e r.......................... C hicago. “ G u y L. B u sh , B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . C hicago. “ Q. J . C am pbell, B an k E x a m in e r . .................... C hicago. “ C h as. C u rren , Jr., B an k E x a m in e r................. C hicago. “ F . E . E d g erto n , B an k E x a m in e r.. ................ C hicago. “ R alp h F a irb a irn , B a n k E x a m in e r.......... ....C h ic a g o . “ B„ G. G raff, B an k E x a m in e r..........: ............. .C hicago. “ H a rriso n M ath ew so n , B an k E x a m in e r..........Chicago. “ • C. H . R uedi, B an k E x a m in e r.................... .C hicago. “ F ra n k Chew , B a n k E x a m in e r............................ Springfield. “ O. A. Jam es, B a n k E x a m in e r........................... .Springfield. “ J . B . L ennon, B an k E x a m in e r...........................Springfield. “ J . W . M cC lellan, T r u s t E x a m in e r........... .... .Springfield. .Springfield. “ J . L. N o rth ru p , B an k E x a m in e r............... E. R . P etrie, B an k E x a m in e r.... ...................Springfield. “ j . B . Shearer, B an k E x a m in e r....................... .Springfield. “ W . C. Shy, B an k E x a m in e r................................Springfield. .“ W . E . T u rn er, B an k E x am in er. .................. .S p rin g field . “ W . B. W ignall, B an k E x a m in e r.................. . .Springfield. Springfield. “ G . S. W iley, T r u s t E x a m in e r................ “ C. O. W olfe, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield. “ p . C. Y ocom , B an k E x a m in e r......................... .Springfield. I n d .. . . . . E . H . W olcott, B an k C o m m is s io n e r... . . . .In d ia n ap o lis. Thbs. D . B arr, D e p u ty C o m m issio n er......... In d ian ap o lis. “ C arl L. W hite, C hief E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . C a m b y . “ O lin G. Sym ons, B an k E x am in er”. . . . . . . . .Lew isville. J . C. Sanders, B an k E x a m in e r.........D elphi. “ D on. P . C arp en ter, B an k E x a m in e r..............B razil. “ J . C lark M ills. B an k E x a m in e r.......... ............. Zionsville. “ C. W . Law rence, B an k E x a m in e r.. .............. P rin ce to n . “ . J . P a u l M cM illan, B an k E x a m in e r............... E d in b u rg . “ D eering D . M elin, B a n k .E x a m in e r................ H o b a rt. “ W . E . R ider, B an k E x a m in e r. SI ...................W ay n eto w n. “ T . M . Bosson,•••Chief C le r k .. . . . . . ............ ¡.. .In d ia n ap o lis. Io w a . R o b ert L. L each, S u p t. o f B an k in g . . . . . . .D e s M oines. “ | C arl S. F o ste r, D e p u ty S u p t........ '. ............ .D e s M oines. “ J . A. H eng, B an k E x a m in e r......................... .D a v e n p o rt. <• H . L. B row n, B an k E x a m in e r .. . ; ....................................D es M oines. “ G . B. H adlock, B an k E x a m in e r .. . .............. .D e s M oines. “ n . B. Shaffer, B an k E x a m in e r........................ A ltoona. “ e . R . M au ss, B an k E x a m in e r . ................... . D es M oines. . “ j . A. P ard en , B an k E x a m in e r........................ .. M aso n C ity . “ A E . R ügg, B an k E x a m in e r.............................D es M oines. “ R . R . Blaif, B an k E x a m in e r ..............................W eb ste r C ity . “ ’ V. J . W ilson, B an k E x a m in e r. . ...................... W aterlo o . “ L H . Jurgém eyer, B an k E x a m in e r................ L a k o ta . «• J F . W anberg, B a n k E x a m in e r___________ D es M o in es. “ W M . K n u tso n , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . Sioux C ity . “ V L. B artling, B,ank E x a m in e r.................... .W a te rlo o . “ i n A. B uck, B an k E x a m in e r......................... C re stó n . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS—Continued State N ame . S tate . , N ame A ddress N eb. , M . R . Sullivan, B a n k E x a m in e r. ...................O ’N eill. “ C has. S, Stone, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . H a stin g s. “ R a y T iern ey , Baxik E x a m in e r. ............ . . . . .S idney. “ P . L. Zuelow , B a n k E x a m in e r ........................ L incoln. “ O tto J . Steffen, B a n k E x a m in e r......................O m aha. N e v ............. Geo. M . S o u th a rd , B an k E x a m in e r. M . . . . C arSon C ity . N . H .......... Jam e s O: L y fo rd , C h a irm a n B k. C o m .. . . .C oncord. “ F red e ric S. N u ttin g , B a n k C o m . . . .............. M a n c h e ste r. “ L eon O. G erry , B a n k C o m m is sio n e r.. . : . . .M a d iso n . N . J ........ .. .T h o m a s K . Jo h n sto n , D e p u ty C o m ............ .T re n to n . , “ C h risto p h e r A. G oughm A sst. D e p u ty C om . .T re n to n . “ H orace B iddle ,A sst. B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . N ew ark. “ C has. H . D u n h a m , A sst. B k. E x a im in e r. . .P lainfield. ' “ A. S. A m erm an, B a n k E x a m in e r.................... Som erville. “ R o b t. F . M in ch , B a n k E x a m in e r................ . N ew ark. . Cha s . B. V eghte, B an k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . M etu c h e n . “ Geo. C o m p to n , B a n k E x a m in e r...................... T ren to n . “ H o w ard B . C onover, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.V en tn o r C ity . “ G. H a y d s M ark ley , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . W estfield. “ M a r tin K . Fow ler, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.. .N e w a rk . “ V. D . Peer, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r............... '...Sum m it. “ Jac o b K ra u s, J r., B a n k E x a m in e r..................W eehaw ken H e ig h ts “ H u g h H . W ilson, B a n k E x a m in e r ... ............ T re n to n . “ F r a n k M . Pow er, A sst. B k. E x a m i n e r . . . . .R idgefield P a rk . “ A rth u r G ardner, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . .J e rs e y C ity . “ E d w a rd M . F ield, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r. . E liza b e th . “ W . B. F irm a n . A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r........... T re n to n . “ Geo. A. M cL au g h lin , A sst. B a n k E x a m .. . .T re n to n . N . M . . . . . L B. G regg, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . ............ .. .. S a n ta F e. J . D . H erro n , J r., D e p u ty B k. E x a m ............S a n ta F e. W . P . Saunders, D e p u ty B a n k E x a m in e r. .S a n ta F e. D on R . C asados, C hief C lerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . S a n ta F e, J e a n e tte K eenan, S e c re ta ry ............................ .S a n ta F e. W . B. W agoner, D e p u ty In s u ra n c e D e p t.. .S a n ta F e . J . B . G ra n t, Special D e p u ty B lue S k y D e p t..S a n ta F e. . . . . .G eorge V. M cL au g h lin , S u p t............: .............A lbany. G eorge O verocker, 1st D e p u ty . . . . . . . . . . . Poughkeepsi e. G eorge A. C olem an, 2 n d D e p u ty ............ . .P oughkeepsie. F H . W ard er, 3 rd D e p u t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N e w Y o rk C ity . H . J . Y oung, B a n k E x a m in e r......................... S yracuse. R . W . H u m p h re y , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . .5 1 C h a m b e rsS t.,N G . S. A dam s, B a n k E x a m in e r......................... 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N J . S. L ove, B a n k E x a m in e r............ , 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N H . S. A ndrew s, B a n k E x a m in e r......................5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N G , A . P la n t, B an k E x a m in e r . ......... ............... A lbany. N . T . K illip, B an k E x a m in e r . .................. Oswego. J . J . K ennedy, B a n k E x a m in e r . ............5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N F le tc h e r G . C rane, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N G eo. W . E g b e rt, C hief C re d it B u r e a u . . . . . M a rin e rs H a rb o r. B. B. B ullock, B a n k E x a m in e r. . ...................N ew Y o rk C ity . A. H . M orey, B an k E x a m in e r.........................B uffalo. F ra n c is X . W erneken, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . 51C h am b ersS t.,N H . B. K ennedy, B an k E x a m in e r.................... A u b u rn . J o se p h H . Zw eeres, B an k E x a m in e r............. 51 C h am b ersS t.,N Jo h n I. M esick , B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . . . . . 51 C h am b ersS t.,N F . W . P id e rit, B a n k E x a m in e r........................51 C h am b ersS t.,N P e te r N . Shippee, B a n k E x a m in e r.............. .A lb an y . N a th a n ie l O rens, B an k E x a m in e r.................. 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N M ilto n L. M aso n , B a n k E x a m in e r ............. ,5 1 C h a m b e rs,S t.N L. F lo y d S m ith, B a n k E x a m in e r. : ........... S yracuse. A.~ B. C lark , B a n k E x a m in e r......... ..................B uffalo. S. I. C h itte n d e n , B a n k E x a m in e r .. .............. 5 1 C ham bersS t.,N , Y . G . F . B erger, J r., B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . .B uffalo. A rth u r B ..V ogel, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . .5 1 C h a m b e rsS t.,N Y . E m m e t W . Irv in g , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . .5 1 G h a m b e rsS t.,N Y . C. E . N athaw ay-, B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . ; . . 5,lC h a m b e rsS t.,N Y . R h o L. B u sh , R a n k E x a m in e r.........................51C h am b ersS t.,N Y » L ouis N . R oe, B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . . . .5 1 C h a m b e rsS t.,N Y . R a lp h T . Sim m ons, R a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . 5 lC h a m b e rsS t.,N Y . A rth u r K och, B an k E x a m in e r ................. .. S a ra to g a Springs. G. M . A ldrich, B a n k E x a m in e r........ ........... /5 1 C h a m b ersS t.,N Y . F . L. -H. H o lzer, R a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . B uffalo. W m . C uffney, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . .S yracuse. G eo. E , V arcoe, B a n k E x a m i n e r : . 5 lC h a m b e rsS t,,N L aw rence H . G eser, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . , 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N Geo. A. S trac k , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . ,5 1 C h a m b e rsS t.,N L. W . P a lm e r, B an k E x a m in e r. . ................ R ochester. H e rb e rt C. R ogers. B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . , 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N F ra n k lin W. B rig h t, B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . , 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N G eorge W . S m ith, J r., R a n k E x a m in e r. . . ,5 1 C h a m b e rsS t.,N J o h n A. M u rra y , B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . .Buffalo. E a r l J . B an g e rt, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . .H o llan d , i F re d T . B olan, B an k E x a m i n e r . : . . . . . . . . .51C ham bersS t.,N . C h arles C larke, B a n k E x a m in e r; . ............ .. . A lbany.. M o rtim e r S. Cole, B an k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . .5X C ham bersS t.,N R eginald W . Paw ling, B a n k E x a m in e r.........5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N Sam uel R au ch , B a n k E x a m in e r. ................... 5 1C ham bersS t.,N . A lfred L . T a y lo r, B an k E x a m in e r..................5 1 C ham nersS t.,N , W m . D . N a v in , B a n k E x a m in e r. : .................S chenectady. T h eo d o re J . Schulz, R a n k E x a m in e r.......... .51C ham bersS t.,N . C h arle s D . Z im m er, R an k E x a m in e r. . . . . ,51G ham bersS t.,N , Jo h n M . E g a n , B a n k E x a m in e r. . .................S yracuse: R o y E . M iller, B a n k E x a m in e r............. .. : A lbany. A m brose J . D elaney, B a n k E x a m in e r: : , . .R o c h e ste r. T heo. R. F u rm a n , R an k E x a m in e r . . . . : . . .N e w Y o rk C ity . Schyler L . R au m , B a n k E x a m in e r.............. .S y racu se. J o h n E . M a ste rs,, B an k E x a m in e r ................ B uffalo. G u y F . B ak e r, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . ............ S yracuse. C lem en t H . D a rb y , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . B uffalo, t f ; F r a n k C. M a h e r, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . 5 1 C ham bersS t.,N . S ta n le y W . F a rrell, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . 5 X C ham bersSt.,N . A rth u r P . M cQ uade, B an k E x a m in e r . ........ 5 X C ham bersSt.,N . A rth u r W . M isch an k o , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . , 5 X C ham bersSt.,N . C. J-. N e ib an k , R a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . 5X C ham bersSt.,N , T h o m as M . L ittle , B a n k E x a m in e r............ . 5 X C ham bersSt.,N Ja m e s A. S haum berg, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N ' W m . P . M itc h ell, B a n k E x a m in e r . j£ . . . . . 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N A ndrew E ise n , B a n k E x a m in e r.. . . : . . . . . , 5 1 C h am b ersS t.,N G eorge R . D isc, B a n k E x a m in e r................... 5 1 C ham bersSt.,M . . . C larence L a th a m , C hief B a n k E x a m in e r. . . R aleigh. W . L. B u rn s, R a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . v .R a le ig h . D. M . D a rd e n , A sst. B an k E x a m in e r...........R aleigh. W . I.. W illiam s, B a n k E x a m in e r . .................. R aleigh. J o h n M itc h ell, R a n k E x a m in e r, . 7 , . . . , ■• • R aleigh. G . N . H enson, A sst. R a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . , R aleigh. L. H . H a rriso n , A sst. B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . R aleigh. R . E . K e rr, R a n k E x a m in e r...... .. . , . . . . . . .R aleig h . C. C. M ero n ey , C le r k ................ .. R aleigh. .........G ilb e rt Sem ingson, S ta te B a n k E x a m in e r. . R ism arck. L. B . W am bhoim , C hief D e p u ty E x a m in e r .•Rismarck; R . J . M u rp h y . Office D e p u ty ............. .... . B ism arck. J . K . N esvik, D e p u ty E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . .M in o t; . F . J . Seeba, D e p u t y . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . ■, - H a rv e y . R . S. See. D e p u ty ............ . .; . ; . . . . . , ■• .M b j Ii.: C has. C a rp en ter, D e p u ty (C ity a n d O o u n ty )G ra fto n . H e rm a n Scheffer, D e p u ty (C ity and: C o u n ty B ism a rc k . O. T . N elson, D e p u ty (C ity a n d C o u n ty ) . .Stanley. Ja m e s A . R row n, D e p u ty (C ity a n d C o u n ty ) R olla. _ J . L. M cR a e, D e p u t y ., . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . j -D evils Lake. J . M . Shirek, D e p u ty . . . -B ism arck. M a r tin Jon es, D e p u ty .. . $ . . . . . .;. . . , . .F a rg o . , C ro sb y R ich ard s, Special D e p u ty .................. D m km son. A ddress M a s s ... . .R o b e rt G . L e a v itt, A sst. B a n k E x am . . . . . . A llsten. - (cont.) F re d e ric k M . L ib b y , A sst. B a n k E x ............. ’W akefield. W ilb u r W . M cE w en , A sst. B a n k E x . .. ... . .W in c h e ste r. H a rla n E . M iller, A sst. B a n k E x a m .. . . . . . .Low ell. R o g er W . N u tt, A sst. B a n k E x a m ................D o rch e ster. R , S tu a rt P a rk e r, A sst. B a n k E X a m .., . . . .B o sto n . G eorge F . Pow ers, A sst. B a n k E x a m .. ... . .A rlin g to n . J o h n A . R eid , A s s t. B a n k E x a m in e r.............W akeflèld. J o h n PI R ich , AsSt. B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . .D o rch e ster, W . S. S av ery , A sst. B a n k E x am in er ' . . . . . . P lo m o u th . H a rry L . Saw yer, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . .W a te rto w n . H a ro ld R . Spurling, A sst. B a n k E x a m ......... E a s t L y n n . C a rle to n E . S tap les, A sst. B a n k E x a m .-----B ro ck to n . E u eg en e F . S to rrs, A sst. B a n k E x a m .. . . . . N eedham . B . F . S tra n d , J r ., A sst. B a n k E x a m . . . . . . . D o rc h e ste r C en ter. S te p h e n M . T o rre y , A sst. B a n k E x a m .. . . .M a rb le h e a d . Jo h n E . T u rn e r, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.. . . . R eading. G eorge Y . W allace, J r. A sst. B k. E x a m .. . .W akefield. L ow ell A. W arre n , Asst., B a n k E x a m in e r.. .W a lth a m . A rth u r W elw ood, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.. . .W o lla sto n . H o race W . W h y n o t, A sst. B a n k E x a m ------R o x b u ry . E lw o o d A . W y m an , A sst. B a n k E x ...............W h itm a n . M ic h .. . . .H . A. M cP h erso n , C om . o f B a n k in g ............. L ansing. H . O. M o h rm a n n , D e p u ty C o m ...... .............. L ansing. H . W . G ross. C h ie f E x a m in e r..................... : .L a n sin g . R . H . L arab ee, C h ief C le rk .......................... . .L an sin g . H . W . A v ery , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . .M ilfo rd . P a u l R . B aldw in, B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . .M a n is tiq u e . B . F . B ern stein e, B a n k E x a m in e r.............. . M an celo n a. L. D . B issell, B a n k E x a m in e r..........................L ansing. R a lp h C lench, Special Sm all L o a n E x ..........B a ttle C reek. C . W. C ollins, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r............ C h arlo tte . E.- B . F in d ley , J r ., A sst. B k. E x a m ............... H a rtfo rd . G. A. F o rs, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r ................. Sunfield. B ru ce P . G reene, B a n k E x a m in e r................. Jac k so n . A rth u r W . H a rty , B a n k E x a m in e r................ A llegan. R o ss I H u d so n , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r......... D e c a tu r. C. E . K ay e, B a n k E x a m in e r............................M an istiq u e . S. L . K idder, B a n k E x a m in e r..........................H o p k in s. L loyd C. K irb y , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . .L ansing; H . C , K nickerbocker, B a n k E x a m in e r.........E . L ansing. D . E . L aw ernce, B a n k E x a m in e r ............. . . .E a to n R ap id s. C h as. W . Lee, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . .L ain g sb u rg . W a lte r R . L obdell, B a n k E x a m in e r........... .K a la m a zo o . J a m e s F . M a rtin , B a n k E x a m in e r ............. .F lin t. E . C . R eid, B a n k E x a m in e r ........................ .. .D a v iso n . L. D . R ose, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r. ............. M esick. R . W . R ow e, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r...............C am den. A rchie S m ith , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r ............A nn A rbor. G . A . Stone, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r......... . . . S o u th B o ard m a n . W a lte r C. S tu rm , B a n k E x a m in e r ............. ..Y p silan ti. F . H . S w a rth o u t, B a n k E x a m in e r ..................H ow ell. M . C. T ay lo r, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r.......... .. Saginaw . L. C. V an A uk eu, B a n k E x a m in e r......... .. . .L a n sin g . C. L . V an F ra n k , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . G ra n d R ap id s. R a lp h T . W illard , B a n k E x a m in e r.............. G ra n d R ap id s. M a x E . W illiam s, B a n k E x a m in e r . .............. A nn A rbor. A. L. W ilson, B a n k E x a m in e r.................. .. L u d in g to n . O. C. Zook, B a n k E x a m in e r............................ L u d in g to n . M in n . . . . .A . J . Veigel, S u p t of B a n k s . ................... :. . .S t. P a u l. G eo. H . S iv w rig h t, D e p u ty S u p t. o f B a n k s . St. P a u l. J o h n L. H a as, B a n k E x a m in e r. ................. . St. P a u l. C ities o f F ir s t C lass. W m , A. S m ith, B an k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . . . St. P a u l. ' In ch arg e o f liq u id a tio n . i O. I. B ran d v o ld , B an k E x a m in e r.............. . F e rg u s F alls. A. P . R o te rt, B a n k E x a m in e r..................... .. . S t. P a u l. E . W . Sw anson, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . .M in n e a p o lis. F- V. A rtig , B a n k E x a m in e r................. S a u k R ap id s. , Geo. P . D aily , B an k E x a m in e r . . . . . . ; . , E . G ra n d R ap id s. A. F . Schw ieger, B a n k E x a m in e r . . ........ . . M o n tev id eo . N . D . D ixon, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . ’, . . ; . . . .M in n eap o lis. H . T . A ske, B an k E x a m in e r........................ •. . Lane'sboro. M . E . W alsh , B a n k E x a m in e r.. . . .............. .S t. P a u l. W . R . N o lan , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . G ra n d M eadow . H . R . K n eelan d , A sst. E x a m in e r. . . . . .". . .S t. P e te r. H . V . M o n tg o m e ry , A sst. B a n k .E x a m . . ... .M in n eap o lis. H e n ry L en d e, A sst. E x a m in e r .. %. . . . . , . . .A p p leto n . G . V . M ä rk e y , A ss is ta n t E x a m in e r ,. . . . . : .W o rth in g to n . Ja c o b R igg, A ss is ta n t E x a m in e r. . . . . v. . . .A da. W . J . S tu tz m a n , A sst. B an k E x a m ......... : . :S t. P a u l. R . S. P ic h a , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . .F e rg u s F alls. J . G . Schulz, J r ., A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r . . . .M in n eap o lis. E . A. H ig h u m . A s s t. B an k E x a m ............ . . .P re sto n . H . G . M cC o n n ell, A ss t. B an k E x a m ... . . . . M ankato,. W . E . D ow ney, A sst. B a n k E x a m . . . . . . . . . D u lu th . O. D . L u h d in , C h ief C le rk ......... .. .S t. P a u l. M is s ... . . .J. S. Love, S u p t o f B a n k s . . : ..................... .. .Ja ck so n . .F . C. M illsp au g h , C om . o f F i n a n c e . ..........Jefferson C ity . M o. W . E . T o d d , D e p u ty C om . o f F in a n c e . . . . Jefferson C ity . B. T . H u rw itz , D e p u ty C o m . B lue Sky D e p t . : ................ • • • ................................... • • Jefferson C ity . C. F . M ay es, A ss is ta n t C om . (B uilding & . . L o a n D e p t.) ........................................................Jefferson C ity . D . R . H a rriso n , B a n k E x a m in e r ..................E ld o n . , _ L eo n C lip p a rd , B an k E x a m in e r............... . .Springfield. C lau d e L . S to u t, B a n k E x a m in e r.................. S a v a n n ah . C. E . B u sh n ell, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . , . B olivar. G . W . B erri, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis. F- W . H ey d e, J r ., A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r... .S t. Jo sep h . J ..D . F re u n d , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . W arre n sb u rg . Sam S h arp , J r ., B a n k E x a m in e r , . . . . J . . .M o n tg o m e ry C ity . Jo e M cE lv a in , B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . .7 . .G a lla tin . J . B . N o rris, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . .N o v e lty . E . T . M e sse n b a u g h , B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . , . . B ra y m e r. B. H . Sw an, B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . . . . . . . .Silex. H . O. M u eller, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . S t. L ouis. J . E . Sullivan, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . ■• • • N e v ad a . J . E . M cC lellan , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . K a n sa s C ity . C . M . D u n c an , B a n k E x a m in e r. . 7 ■. ■. .P o p la r B luff, ■ J . A . G . R ey n o ld s, B a n k E x a m in e r.............. A y a . H . G . H a rriso n , B a n k E x a m in e r......... . P ie d m o n t. S. L. C an tley , B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . : . . . . . .O w ensville. A . L . A nchors, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . .'. .C a rth a g e . R . E . Shelby, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . A lbany. L . C. W . H e ch t, A sst. B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . .O v e rla n d . F . A. G uiles, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . K irksville. Jo s. Zick, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. , . . . . . . . .In d ep e n d e n c e. O liver J . A x t, A sst. B a n k , E x a m i n e r ... .C la y to n . C. L. B ollinger, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . .D e lta . M o n t . . . . .. .L . Q. S k elto n , S u p t .of B a n k s .. , ;■. . . . . .H e le n a . M rs .'G ; F itz p a tric k , C l e r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H e le n a . C . M . M cC o y , D e p u ty , . . . .r: .. . . . . . . . 9 .H e le n a . S. L . K leve, A sst. S u p t.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- H elena. F . W . B leck, D e p u ty .................... . . . I . . • . H elena. G . W , G raff, D e p u ty ......... .... B illings. A. L . R itt, D e p u t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . H elena. . K . C . K n u d so n , S e c re ta ry , D e p t, o f T ra d e _ ^ N eb. & C o m m e rc e ......................... ............................. Lincoln. J .J . T o o ley , B a n k E x a m in e r. , ................... . .B ro k en Bow. E d w . J . Stech, R a n k E x a m in e r . , , . . . . . . . . . Exet er , A. J . B arak,. B a n k E x a m in e r . ..........................P e te rsb u rg . F r a n k A. B oedeker, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . .N e h a w k a. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1? STATE BANK OFFICIALS AND EXAMINERS—Continued S tate N ame S tate A dd ress Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . N ame ■ A ddress S. C. C o n t.J . I . T ow nsend, A ssociate B a n k E x a m in e r. G reenw ood. “ W . R o y d en W a tk in s, Asste B a n k E x a m . . . .G reenville. F r a n k H . D aniel, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r-----D illon. L . M . M illing, A sst. B a n k E x a m i n e r .......... G reenw ood. S. D . . . . . . . J o h n H irh in g , S u p t. o f B a n k s ................ .. P ie rre. A. E . F o ssu m , D e p u ty S u p t. of B a n k s ' . . . . . Pierre. U . G . Stevenson, B a r k E x a m in e r.................. Sioux F alls. E , J . M o rris, B a n k E x a m in e r. . ......................A berdeen. “ . W. M . G a rd n e r, B a r k E x a m in e r....................C enterville. • “ C h ris H irning; B a n k E x a m in e r..................... . M itchell. F . S. L y tle, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . .P ie rre . F . S. B arb er, B a n k E x a m in e r. ........................ O nida. G . W . S chum acher, B a n k E x a m in e r............P ie rre. “ E . W . A isen b rey , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . M enno. T e n n . . . . . . S, S. M cC onnell, S u p t. of B a n k s ........ .. . . . . N a sh v ille .. H a llu m W . G oodloe, A sst. S u p t. of B a n k s .N a s h v ille . “ H . B . O liver, B a n k E x a m in e r. , . . . . . * . . .M ila n . H - O . C ru m b liss, B a n k E x a m in e r ... . . . . . .K in g sto n . H . L . G rigsby, B a n k E x a m in e r .. , . . . . . . . .D ickson. T . B . D ozier, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . ljeb an o n . I. H . W ilson, B a n k E x a m in e r.............. ........ . Jack so n . “ ' J . M . D a v is, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r .. . . . . . . L aw renceburg. T e x a s .........J . L . C h ap m an , C om m issioner o f B a n k in g . A ustin. “ W . A- S andlin, D e p u ty C om m issioner of B a n k i n g ........................................... A u stin . J . E . R o b erts, G eneral L iq u id a tin g A g e n t. A u stin . T. E . Jon es, D e p a rtm e n ta l B a n k E x a m in e r .A ustin. “ C . B. S u lliv an , A sst. G e n eral L iq u id a tin g A g e n t ........... .. ..................... ............................ A u stin . H . D . W allace, B a n k E x a m in e r......................A ustin . A. S, Ferell, B a n k E x a m in e r............................ A ustin. “ . W . N . G reer, B a n k E x a m in e r ......... .. A ustin . J . O ra n G a rte r, B a n k E x a m in e r................. A ustin. J . J . J o rd a n , B a n k E x a m in e r....................... . .A u stin . E . E . H a m ilto n , B a n k E x a m in e r...................A u s tin .: C . C. C am p b ell, B a n k E x a m in e r.....................A ustin. V. S. M a r e tt, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . .A u stin . L . A . D ow len, B a n k E x a m in e r..................... . A ustin. H . W . B a rto n , B a n k E x a m in e r. .....................A u stin . Jn o . B. H u d so n , B a n k E x a m in e r............ .... .A u stin . . A. E . H a rro u n , B a n k E x a m in e r..................... A u stin . G . A- Sw aim , B a n k E x a m in e r ........................ A ustin. Z .,G o s se tt, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . ..................... A u stin . K a rl H . W ord, B a n k E x a m in e r........... .A ustiD . H . O. M cC allo n , B a n k E x a m in e r ............... .A u stin . W . A . W illiam s, B a n k E x a m in e r..................... A ustin. J . H . Q uota, B a n k E x a m in e r........................... A u stin . . “ J o h n S. W ig h tm a n , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . A ustin. B . C . C ain , B a n k E x a m in e r .............................A ustin. O. B. C h a p o to m , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . .A u s tin . C h as. K ra m e r. B a n k E x a m in e r.................... A u stin . R o y M arco m , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . .A u stin . U t a h . . . . . . S e th P ix to n , B a n k C o m m issio n e r................ .. S a lt L a k e C ity . C . J . T h a tc h e r, B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . .S a lt L a k e C ity . F . W . P ip e r, B a n k E x a m in e r........................... S a lt L a k e C ity . “: A . E . P rice, D e p u ty E x a m in e r. . . S a lt L a k e C ity . V t . . ............R . C . C la rk , B a n k C o m m issio n er. ................ M o n tp elier. In e z M . B ese tt, C h ief C le r k ............................ M o n tp elier. R . L . K elleher, B a n k E x a m in e r.....................M o n tp e lie r. • L . C . D e sa n te ls, B a n k E x a m in e r....................M o n tp elier. V a ............... M . E . B risto w , C hief E x a m in e r__ . . . . . . . . R ichm ond. ,L. R . R itc h ie, A sst. E x a m in e r.................... .. .R ic h m o n d . C. T . A llen, A sst. E x a m in e r............................. K e nbridge. B . J . W oodw ard, A sst. E x a m in e r...................R ichm ond. R . M . C h a rlto n , A sst. E x a m in e r ............. . C hris.tiansburg. P . W . T u rn e r, A sst. E x a m in e r............. ........... R ichm ond. E . A . L eake, A sst. E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . .R ic h m o n d . E . J . S m ith, A sst. E x a m in e r. .......................... Saluda. ' W . S. B u rn le y , C l e r k . ..................... ............. . .R ic h m o n d . D . T- Z e n tm e y e r, C l e r k . .................................R o anoke; W a sh .......... L. D . M cA rdle, D ire c to r, T a x a tio n a n d E x a m in a tio n . . ; ....................... .fee...................O lym pia. J . C. M in sh u ll, S up erv iso r o f B a n k i n g . . . . . O lym pia. J n o . A. V anderpoel, D e p u ty S up erv iso r of B a n k in g .............................. ..................................O lym pia. , C. S. M oody, A sst. S up erv iso r of B an k in g . O lym pia. G. C . D e Pledge, B a n k E x a m in e r........... .C olfax. L. A. S tilson, B a n k E x a m in e r. . ..................... S pokane. F re d S tevens, D e p u ty S up erv iso r o f B k g ., . S pokane. R . L. G entry,. B a n k E x a m in e r ........................Spokane. J . F r a n k L ib y , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . O lym pia. F . R . A m ende, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . W en atch ee. H . H . H a n se n , B a n k E x a m in e r .. ...................E v e r e t t . , R . E . A nderson, B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . D a v e n p o rt. W . V a ........N a a m a n Jac k so n , C om . o f B a n k in g ............... L ogan. F . 0 . L a m b , A ss is ta n t C o m m is sio n e r.. . . . .C h a rle sto n . W . B . H olden, A ss is ta n t C o m m is sio n e r.. . .P a rk e rsb u rg . E- L . M o rriso n , A ss is ta n t C o m . . . . . . . . . . . C h arle sto n . H a y es P icklesim er, A sst. C o m .. . . . . . . . . . . . C h arle sto n . G eorge M , W eekley, A sst. C o m . . . . . . . . . . . S pencer. C. S. M errik e n , S e c re ta ry . ;. . - . . . . . . . . . . . Char l es t on. H elen S. B arrin g e r, A sst. S e c re ta ry ...............C h arle sto n . W is............. D w ig h t T , P a rk e r, C o m m issio n e r....................F ennim ore. W . H . R ic h ard s, D e p u ty C o m .......... .. . . .B la c k R iv e r F alls. T h o s. H erreid , C h ie f E x a m in e r. ..................... M ad iso n . C . E . B u tte rs , C h ie f C le r k .............. . . : ......... M ad iso n . R . B. E llis, B a n k E x a m in e r.............................M a d iso n . * C ; P . D iggles, A,sst. E x a m in e r ........................ M ad iso n . C h a s T . Shape, B a n k E x a m in e r.................... M ilw aukee. W . C- E d w a rd s , B a n k E x a m in e r............. .. M ad iso n . E r n e s t J . K u eh l, E x a m in e r .............................E a u C laire. G- W . Jam iso n , B a n k E x a m in e r....................M a d iso n . N. E . H a n sh u s, E x a m in e r... ..................... .E a u C laire. Geo. O. F . P o u n d sto n e , A sst. B a n k E x a m . .M ellon. O m er H oukom , B a n k E x a m in e r.................. B lair. M . O. T u h u s , E x a m in e r. ................................... V iroqua. Jn o . E . M a h o n e y , C l e r k . . . . . ............ .. . M ad iso n . “ O. M . M o rriso n , C le rk . ..........* ............ .. [M a S so n ! “ ^ u s ta v e A . S hape, C le r k ....................M ilw a u k e e. S i - W R sig E x a m in e r....... ....................... . . .B la c k R iv e r F alls: .< L- R ich ard so n , A sst. E x a m in e r. ............... F o n d d u L ac. L . G . H e rre id , A s s is ta n t E x a m in e r. . . . . . B la ir C . C . K irch er, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . . .W e st B end. W y o .. . . . .B y ro n S. H u ie, S ta te E x a m in e r. ' ......... C heyenne. ,, B row n, A sst. S ta te E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . .C h e y e n n e. .. , „ D ickinson, A sst. S ta te E x a m . . . . . . . .C h e y e n n e. ,, L e lto y Joyce, A sst, S ta te E x a m i n e r . . . . . . .C h e y e n n e. W . R . Pow ers, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r......... .C h e y e n n e. O h io ........... H . E . S co tt, S u p e rin te n d e n t............ , . ...... ; .C o lu m b u s. F r a n k R . A m brose, A sst. S u p t.........................C olum bus. F ; A . H u n te r, A tto rn e y E x a m in e r.............. , C o lu m bus, E d g a r E rv in , A tto rn e y T r u s t E x a m in e r. . . C o lum bus. G eorge T . B lake, F o reig n E x . a n d T r. O ilicerC oIum bus. C ly d e S harp, B a n k E x a m in e r. ........................A da. W . J . S kehan, B an k E x a m in e r.......... ... Toledo. H e n ry J . S chulte, B an k E x a m in e r................ ¿C incinnati. R. C . P a rrish , B a n k E x a m in e r... 1 ......... .... .'L ib erty C en ter. T h o m as M cE ld o w n y , B a n k E x a m i n e r . . . . . U p p e r S andusky. L. C. B ucher, B an k E x a m in e r.................... .. .C in c in n a ti. C . W . M iller, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . .N e w a rk . E . H . B lair, B an k E x a m in e r. '............ ........... C leveland. J . E . M aso n , B an k E x a m in e r . ............ .. . . . .M e d in a . H. L . L ockw ood, B an k E x a m in e r.... .. .F ra n k fo rt, D . J . S ch u rr, B an k E x a m in e r. . . . . . . ...............C o lum bus. J o h n L. W olfe, B an k E x a m in e r............. .M t.; V ernon. E u g e n e E. K ing, B a n k E x a m in e r...................D eshler. . G o rd o n W . B u rr, B an k E x a m in e r............... .R o c k y R iver. P a r k G . Ogden, A sst. T r u s t E x a m in e r.........C olum bus. ' C. A. L a d ra c h , A sst, Bank: E x a m i n e r . . . . . . N ew P h ilad e lp h ia . F . M . H o o p en g araer, A sst. B an k E x a m ... . C olum bus. E . R. S churr, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r ,......... L ondon. N. E . R eich eld erfer, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.K in g sto n . O k la......... * 0 . B. M o th erse a d , A cting B a n k C o m ............O k lahom a C ity . W . C. E rn e s t, B an k E x a m in e r........................ O k lahom a C ity . J . D . P e n n in g to n , B a n k E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . O k lahom a C ity , R . A. P a tto n , B an k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl aremore. E . E . W ilson, B an k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . M cA lester. « A. B. W ig h t, B a n k E x a m in e r....................... .O k lah o m a C ity . W ald o W atk in s, B an k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . .O k lah o m a C ity . J . W . Shofner, B an k E x a m in e r....................... O k lah om a C ity . J . W . Jo h n so n , B ldg. & L o an A u d i t o r . . . . . O k lahom a C ity . W . R . Sam uel, Spècial E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . O k lahom a C ity . O re............. F . C. B ram w ell, S u p t. o f B a n k s ......................Salem . W . M . A dair, A sst. S u p t. a n d E x a m in e r ., .S alem . G u y N . H ick o k , B a n k E x a m in e r . ............. .. .Salem . S. L. S te w a rt, B a n k E x a m i n e r ..............Salem . E . M . W atson, B an k E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . Salem . E. A, S im onton, S e c re ta ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salem . T in k h a m G ilb ert, E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . . . . . Salem . H . O. V oget, E x a m in e r............................. .. .♦. .Salem . D o ris A llen, S te n o g ra p h e r. . . , ......... ............. Salem . G eorge E . C usick, C le rk ............................... Salem . P a ............... P e te r G . C am eron, Sec. o f B a n k in g ..............H a rrisb u rg . Jo h n W . M o rriso n ; 1st D e p u ty Sec............... W ayne. .K itta n n in g . C h arles H , G raff, 2d D e p u ty Sec........ .. A lvin M . W h itn e y , 3d D e p u ty Se c . . . . . . . .H a rrisb u rg . H . H . E sh b a ch , C hief o f B u re au o f B. & L. A sso c ia tio n s................................... H a rrisb u rg . W . R . C alh o u n , C h ief C le r k ........................ H a rrisb u rg . G eorge H . O rth , C h ief B u re au o f P riv a te . B a n k s ............................... H a rrisb u rg . W a lte r J . Fallow s, C h ief D ep . B u re au o f H a rrisb u rg . S e c u ritie s........................................... E ih a r B arfod, D e p u ty a n d C hief In v e s ti g a to r ...................................................................... H a rrisb u rg . G eorge H . Slaine, P riv a te B an k In s p e c to r ..G reensburg. O tto B. L ip p m an , In s p e c to r o f P r iv a te B an k s i ............................... .. ............................H a rrisb u rg . M a rk I. W alker, A sst. In v e s tig a to r B u re au o f S e c u ritie s, ............................... ......................G rafto n . Jam es T . H en ry , A sst. In v e s tig a to r B u reau o f S e c u ritie s......................................................P h ila d elp h ia. C am p b ell R obison, A sst. In v e s tig a to r B u re au o f S e c u ritie s............................ ...........................H a rrisb u rg . Irla n d M . B eckm an, E x a m in e r......... ... E rie. W ,. M . Boggs, E x a m in e r..................................V alencia. A. R ise B ow m an, E x a m in e r ........................... L eb an on. G eorge W . B row n, J r., E x a m in e r. . . . , . . , . Ge r ma n t o wn , P h ilad e lp h ia . W alter E . B u m s, E x a m in e r . .............. ............. H a rrisb u rg . L . W . D ennison, E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W arren . T h o m as D ixon, E x a m in e r ............................ . .P h ila d elp h ia. J o h n B. D u n lap , E x a m in e r. .............................M u n cy . ......... .Y o rk . R. P . F erguson, E x a m in e r. F r a n k G latfelter, E x a m in e r. . . . . ■ . . . . . . . Col umbi a. A rth u r G; G rah am , J r., E x a m in e r................ P h ilad elp h ia. ......... .. .B eth leh em . H . A. G rom an, E x a m in e r. J . G u y Hallowell,- E x a m in e r.............................St. D a v id s. R o b e rt B. H erb ertso n , E x a m in e r . . . . . . . . . M cK eesport. Jo h n C. H ild e b ra n d t, E x a m in e r.................... P h ilad e lp h ia . F ra n k W . Jack so n , E x a m in e r . . . ...................A pollo. E lw ood H . K e ith a n , E x a m in e r ................ Sun b ury. R a lp h W . K now les, E x a m in e r ......... . P h ilad e lp h ia . R a lp h S. L an d is, E x a m in e r . .:......................... L a m p e te r. R o b e rt R. M oore, E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellevue, P ittsb u rg h H a ro ld L. O berheim , E x a m in e r . ....................Lock H a v en . H a rry J . P hillips, E x a m in e r .............................E tn a . R a lp h S. R u th , E x a m in e r ............................ .. .S c ran to n . W . H . Soule, E x a m in e r ......... .................... .. . N e w p o rt. H o w ard L. S co tt, E x a m in e r ... - .................. B en A von. W illiam R . Sm ith; E x a m in e r. Cl . . . . . . . . . . P h ilad elp h ia. C h arles A. Steele, E x a m in e r . .................... F ran k lin . J o h n T . S tew art, E x a m in e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . .P itts b u rg h . G eorge M . S tro u d , J r ., E x a m i n e r . . . . . . . . . Chest er . ; G eorge S. Sum m ers, E x a m in e r. . . .......... „. H a rrisb u rg . W illiam H . Spangler, E x a m in e r . ................. . H a rrisb u rg . Jam e s A. T ay lo r, E x a m in e r...............................H a rrisb u rg . P ittsb u rg h . W . R . W irth , E x a m in e r................ C h as. W . A nderson, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r.H o n esd a le . T h o s. M . C h ris tle y , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. P ittsb u rg h . ■ J . A llan G e b h ard , A sst. B an k E x a m in e r. . L eb an on. P ^ u L D . W illia m s, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r , , P u n x su ta w n e y . îs M . H . C allen d e r, A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r S c ra n to n . F re d K . D en n iso n , A sst. B a n k E x a m in e r. B yw odd. J . D . S w ig art, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r......... K itta n n in g . t R o b t. A. W ilson, A sst. B an k E x a m in e r. . . L ittle sto w n . R-1(I .............Geo. H . N ew hall, B a n k C o m m issio n e r.. . . .P ro v id en ce. E . J . L ittlefield, D e p u ty C o m m is sio n e r.. . .P ro v idence. W . L. Offer, B a n k E x a m in e r.......... ................P rovidence. . J o h n T . P o llard , B an k E x a m in e r. . . ............E a s t Providence. R . L. Sayles, B a n k E x a m in e r .................... . .P ro v id ence. A lb e rt B. Jeffers, B a n k E x a m in e r..................C e n tra l F alls Ir m a H . G oodrum , C le rk ................................ .L akew ood. “ M ad elin e T . M ulgrew , C l e r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . P rovidence. S. C . ..........W . W . B rad ley , S ta te B an k E x a m in e r......... C olum bia. O. P . R o u rk e, S ta te A u d ito r........................C o lu m bia. A. S. F a n t, A ssociate B a n k E x a m in e r. . . . .B elto n . 13 LIST OF N ATIO NA L B A N K E X A M IN E R S A N D D IST R IC T S July t, 1924 N ame and F ed era l R e s e r v e D is t r ic t . * . N am e and F ed er a l R e s e r v e D is t r ic t ad d ress CHIEF NATIONAL BANK E X A M IN ER G riffey, O. A . (1 0 )..................8 0 0 F e d e ra l R eserv e B an k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. G risw old, W m . C . ( 4 ) ..............P . O. B ox 1058, P ittsb u rg h . P a . H ack n ey , W m . N . (1 0 )...........R oom 2, K ing B ldg., N orfolk, N eb. H a n e, H e n ry B . ( 4) . . , ........... .733-4 F e d e ra l R eserve B an k , B ldg. C leveland, Ohio. H an ek e, E d w a rd C. ( 4 ) ..........P . O. B ox, 151, L im a, O hio. H a rrin g to n , T . J . ( 2 ) ............... 720 U . 8 . C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y o rk , N . Y . H a rtm a n , C has. H . ( 3 ) ...........1414 Jefferson B ldg., P h ilad elp h ia, P a. H au g en , N . E . ( 7 ) ............. . . .P . O. B ox 251 O ttu m w a . H edrick, G ilb ár C. ( 1 1 ) . . . . .332 P . O. B ldg., A m arillo, T exas. H e rn d o n , Jas. B. J r., (11) ( J . G . ) . . . . .................................312 M ag n o lia B ldg., D allas, T exas. H illiard , W . B . ( 2 ) .................... 720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y . H odgson, R . M ...........................C are o f W ar-F in a n c e C o rp ’n, S o u th e rn B ldg., W ash in g to n , D . C. H ooper, M a rsh a ll (1 2 )............ P . O. B ox 360, P ocatello, Id a h o . H o rn e r, H . N . (1 0 )................... P . O. B ox 606, N o rm a n , O kla. (T el. 202 W . Sym es St.) H o u tso n , R o b e rt C . ( 7 )..........609 Spencer A ve., M ario n , In d . H u g h es, Jo h n P . ( 9 ) .................1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . H urley, M ich ael J . ( 1 ) ............F e d e ra l R ese rv e B a n k B ldg., B oston, M ass. H u tt, W m . E . ( 1 1 ) , .................S herm an, T exas. Id le m a n , P e rr y L , ( 12 ) ........... 310 C e n tra l B ldg., Seattle, W ash . Jam e s, A . L. (1 2 )...................... 2610 F S tree t, Sacram ento, Calif. Jo h n so n , A . W . (9) (J.G .).. . .1 7 M ag ill B lock, F arg o , N . D ak . Jo h n so n , C. E . H . ( 9 ) ............. 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . Jo hnson, R obin M . ( R .) .........F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , H e arn e, T exas. Jorres, G. W . (12) ( J . G . ) . . . . 436-437 H e ilm a n B ldg., L os A ngeles, C alif. Jo se p h , E d w . M . ( 7 ) .......... ..K e e g a n A pts.,, 11 W . M a d iso n S t., D a n ville, 111. K elly, B u rd e tte ( 9 ).............. .. .F e d e ra l B ldg., A berdeen, S. D a k . K ennedy, L. G . ( 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . 3 5 9 P e a rl S t., D en v er, Colo. (T el. c are of M rs. L. K ennedy.) K e tn er, J o h n H . (3 ). v . . . . . .P . O. B ox 244, W illia m sp o rt, P a . K ing, F r a n k L. (7). . .*............605-79 W . M o n ro e S t., C hicago, 111. K lein, B en to n (2). ................... 407 W e st 146th S t., N ew Y ork, N . Y . K n ig h t, M . J . (11) ( J . G . ) . . . . W a r F in a n c e C o rp o ra tio n , A tla n ta , G a. L a h m a n , H . S. (1 0 )..................800 F e d e ra l R eserv e B an k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. L am b , E r n e s t (1 1 )....................3618 S tu a rt S t., G reenville, T exas. L am m , R . F o s te r (1 2 ).............323 Y a te s B ldg., Boise, Id a h o . L am m ond, W . M . (6 ) . . . . . . .120 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew O rleans, L a. L a n u m , H a rry L . ( 4 ) ...............733-4 F e d e ra l R eserve B an k , B ldg. C leve la n d , O hio. L a R oque, O. K . . . ...................W ar F in a n c e C orp., M ario n , S. C, L ey b u rn , A. P . ( 7 ) .................... 605, 79 W est M o n ro e ,S t., C hicago, 111. Lifsey, W . P . (9) . . . . ___ _ . .205 M in n e h a h a B ldg., Sioux F alls, S. D . L ogan, J . M . (1 2 )......................436-437 H . W . H eilm an B ldg., L os A ngeles, Calif. Longm oor, S. A. ( 1 1 ) .............. 312 M ag n o lia B ldg., D allas, T exas. L orang, P e te r J . (1 0 ).............. 800 F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. L uiken, J o h n B. (1 )...................F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., B oston, M ass. M cB ry d e, W . W . (6 ) . . . . . . . .823 T h e A ge H e ra ld B ldg., B irm ingham , A la. M cC andless, G . T . (1 0 )............ F e d e ra l B ldg., H a stin g s, N eb. M cC an s, A lexander B. (11) ..3 1 2 M ag n o lia B ldg., D allas, Tex. M cC reig h t, H a rry A. ¡(7 ). . . .716 W . W illiam s S t., D e ca tu r, 111. M cG a rv e y , F r a n k S. (9) ( J .G .) ......................................... C are o f C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k , G re a t F alls, M o n t. M c G ra th , J o h n C. ( 7 ) _____ .P . O. B ox 592, In d ia n a p o lis, In d ., (Tel. 1701 C ollege A ve.) M cK ee, H . J . ( 4 ) .......................P . O. B ox 1058 P ittsb u rg h , P a . (T el. 512 F e d e ra l B ldg.) M cK ee, J . S. ( 4 ) ........................733-4 F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k B ldg., C leveland, Ohio. M cL ean, C h as. H . (12) (J.G .) .310 C e n tra l B ldg., S e a ttle , W ash. M ac D o n a ld , F . G. ( 2 ) . . . . . .B o x 926, B uffalo, N ew Y ork. M ad la n d , L e la n d L . ( 9 ) ......... 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . M ag u ire E dw . J . ( 2 ) ...............720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y . M aloney, I I I , W . W . ( 2) . . . .610 W . O n an d o g a S t., S yracuse, N . Y . M an n , S tu a rt H . (8) ............... 1310 F e d e ra l R esérv e B a n k B ldg., S t. L ouis, M o. M ansfield, F re d S. (1 1 ).......... T el. T ex as H o tel, P . O. B ox 1067, F o r t W o rth , Pole, J. W., Office, Comptroller of Currency, Washington, D. C. A SSIST A N T C H IEF NATIONAL BAN K E X A M IN ER S G ough, E . H . (11 & 1 2 )..........c are o f C o m p tro lle r o f C u rre n c y , W ash in g to n , D . C. L uce, F r a n k H . (7 & 9 ) . . . . . c a re o f C o m p tro lle r o f C u rren cy , W ash in g to n , xj . v/. P ro c to r, J o h n L . (8 & 10) c are o f C o m p tro lle r o f C u rren cy , W ash in g to n , D . C. S te a m s, E . W . (1, 2, 3 & 4) care o f C o m p tro lle r o f C u rren cy , W ash in g to n , d . c: D IST R IC T CHIEF NATIONAL BAN K E X A M IN ER S B ean , N o rw in S. ( 1 ) ................ F e d e ra l R eserv e B an k B ldg., B oston, 9, M ass. B eeves, O w en T . J r . (2) 720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y o rk , N . Y . N ew n h am , S tep h en L. (3 ). . .1413 Jefferso n B ldg., P h ilad e lp h ia , P a . T h o m as, T h o m as C. ( 4 ) .........715 F e d e ra l R eserv e,B ld g.. C leveland, O hio. . R o reb ack , E . F . ( 5 ) . . . . . . . . .710 N a t ’l M e tro p o lita n B a n k B ldg., W ash in g to n , D . C. R o b b , E llis D . ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . .504 P o s t Office B ldg., A tlanta* G a. Sim s, H o w ard M . ( 7 ) . . . . . , .R o o m 505, 79 W . M o n ro e S t., C hicago, 111. W ood, J o h n S. (8) . . . . ; ......... 1310 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., S t. Louis, , M o. H a rris , T h o m as E . ( 9 ) , ..........1334 F ir s t N atio n al-S o o L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . R o b erts, L. K . (1 0 ).................. 800 F ed eral R eserv e B k. B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. C ollier, R ic h a rd H . (1 1 ).........312 M ag n o lia B ldg., D allas, T exas. M ac h e n , H a rry L . (1 2 )...........1103 A lex an d er B ldg., S an F rancisco, C laif. NATIONAL BAN K EX A M IN ER S A llanson, E d w a rd A. (3 ). . . . P . O. B ox 61, L a n c a ste r. P a . A llen, E d g a r F . (10) (J. G .)..3 1 6 S. 7 th A ve., C lin to n , O kla. A llsup, A rchie S. (1 0 )..............800 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. A lvey, J o h n O. (2 ).................... 388 E lm w o o d A ve., B uffalo, N . Y . A m rhein, J o se p h A. ( 5 ) . . . . .510 Y a. R y . a n d P o w er B ldg., R ich m o n d , V a. A nheier, C . H . (1 2 ).............. .. .436-437 H . W . H e ilm a n B ldg., L os A ngeles. A n d erso n , E . F . (6 ) ...................720 B ell B ld g ., M o n tg o m e ry , A la. A rm stro n g , G eorge E . (1 0 ).. .1226 D ow ning S t., D en v er, Colo. A shw ood, C ecil (2 ) (J. G . ) . ..7 2 0 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y . B ak e r, W m . B . ( 3 ) ................... 1414 Jefferso n B ldg., P h ila d e lp h ia , P a . B ald rid g e, W m . H . ( 9 ) . . . . . . 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l-S o o L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . B a r re tt, J o h n W . ( 3 ) ............... 1414 Jefferso n B ldg., P h ilad e lp h ia , P a . B arte e, Jam e s S. ( 1 1 ) ...............P . O. B ox 222 , B row nw ood, T exas. B ash a m , A. A. ( 6 ) .................... P . O. B ox 940, K noxville, T en n . B est, J o h n A. (R).. ...................Springfield N a tio n a l B an k , Springfield, Ohio. B in a, Ja m e s C. ( 9 ) . ................F ir s t N atio n al-S o o L in e B ldg., M inneapolis, M in n . B lack , H a ro ld W . ( 1 ) .............. F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., B o sto n , M ass. B ly, J . G a rv e r (7) ( J .G .) . . . .326 S o u th 1 5 th S t., R ichm ond, In d . B oldin, B e rn a rd É . ( 9 ) . . . . . .P . O. B ox 237, D e tro it (T el. C are o f G reysto n e H o tel.) .P o s t Office B ldg., W ilk es-B arre, P a . B oysen, A lfred ( 3 ) ........... B re n n an , F . P . (10) J .G .) . . . .8 0 0 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o . C aro lan , W m . B. ( 1 ) ............. .F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., B o sto n , M ass. C arso n , T h o s. D . (5 ).. . . . . . P . O. B ox 1162, C o lu m b ia, S. CC a rte r, A u b re y B (T J.)...........R o o m 214, T re a s u ry D e p t., W ash in g to n , D .C . C h am b ers, A rth u r R . (10). . .296. P . O., S alin a K as. (T el. B u rk le y A pts.) C h ap m an , C h arles H . (3 ).. . . 1414 Jefferso n B ldg., P h ilad e lp h ia , P a . C h ap m an , E d w . L. (1 0 )......... 800 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. C h ase, H . G u y ...........................S ecretary to C o m ptroller, Office of C o m p tro ller of C u rren cy , W ash in g to n , D . C. O horpening, I r a L. ( 1 2 ) . . . . . 436-7 H . W . H eilm an B ldg., L os A ngeles, C alif. C loe W m , B . ( 5 ) ........................P . O. B ox 1185, H u n tin g to n W . V a. (Tel. 1222— 10th Ave.) Coffin, G eorge M . ( 1 ) ..............71 College St., N ew H a v en , C onn. Coffin,' G ilb e rt S. (1 2 )..............403 E m p ire State, B ld g ., Spokane, W ash . C olley, L eon H . (4) ( J .G .) .. .733-4 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., C leveland, : Ohio. C o nnor, J o se p h H . (8) .............E v an sv ille, In d . C ooney, D a n H . ( 7 ) .................208 O ak St., W isco n sin R ap id s, W is. C ooper, T . A. ( 1 ) ...................... 40 C hapel St.,. A u g u sta, M e. C raig, C la u d e O. (7) 216 F e d e ra l B ldg., D es M oines, Iow a. C raw ley , W m . G. (1 2 )............. 1103 A lex an d er B ldg., S an F rancisco, C alif. C rossen, G ail W , ( 4 ) . . ......... P . O. B ox 463, C o lu m b u s, Q. C u lv er, W illiam A . ( 2 ) . . . . . .720 U . S. C ustom . H ouse, N ew Y o rk , N . Y . C u tts , A rth u r D . ......................Office C o m p tro lle r o f C u rre n c y , W ash in g to n , D.C. C u tts , Leo M . ( 5 ) ................... .W a rd 15, W a lte r R eed H o sp ital. W ash in g to n , D . O. D a lto n , J o h n W . (5) . . -------- P . O .B o x 958, C h arlo tte , N* Q . (T el. M ecklenb erg H otel.) D a v e n p o rt, H . B . ( 3 ) ..............1414 Jefferso n B ldg., P h ilad e lp h ia , P a . D e rr, R a lp h H . ( 3 ) .................. 1414 Jefferson B ldg., P h ilad e lp h ia , P a . D illistin , W illiam H . (2 ) ........ 132 E . 21 st St., P a te rso n , N . J . D ooley, T h o m a s E .( l) ( J .G ) ..F e d e r a l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., B o sto n , M ass. D u n a w a y , W . W . (1 0 )............ 201 G ap ito l B ldg., C h eyenne, W yo. D w y er, T . R . ( 9 ) ....................... 1334 F ir s t N atio n al-S o o L ine B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . ' D y e, S am uel W . (8 ) (J .G .) ... 1310 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B uilding, S t. L ouis, M o. E b n o th e r, C . W . ( 4 ) ................P . O. B ox 1546, M u skogee, O kla. E m b ry , Ja c o b (1 1 ). . . ............ C are o f B ra n c h F e d e ra l R eserve B an k , H o u sto n , T exas. E v a n s , C ly d e J . (6 ) ..................504 P . O. B ldg.,\ A tla n ta . E v a n s , W . O; ( 12 ) . . . . --------- 1107 A. M a tte i B ldg., F resn o , C alif. F a ris , A. B. (4) . . . . . . ................ I l l E. A u b u rn A ve., C in cin n ati, Ohio. F ilso n , C h as. H . (1 0 )...............321 N . F ir s t St., G u th rie , O kla. F im an , C. F . ( 9 ) ........................ 205 M in n e h a h a B ldg.; Sioux F alls, S. D . F le tc h e r, T h o m a s E, ( 6 ) .. . . .C o rd ele, G a. F olger, W m . P . (5 ). . .............. 711 N a tio n a l M e tro p o lita n B a n k B ldg., W ash in g to n , D . C. 1 ‘ F red lu n d , J . O. (10) ( J .G .) .. .800 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. F u n ste n , J r ., Ja m e s B. (2 ) . . .720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y o rk , N . Y . F u n ste n , W m . P . ( 7 ) ............... B ox 425, E v a n s to n , 111., (Tel. T h e O rrington H o tel.) F u rb ee , E r n e s t M . ( 4 ) .............P , O. B ox 1058, P itts b u rg h , P a . (T el. 900 H ill A ve., W ilk in sb u rg , P a .) G a rre t, R o b e rt D . ( R ) ............C are o f D iv . on In so lv e n t N a tio n a l B an k s, Office of C o m p tro lle r of C u rren cy , W ash in g to n , D . C. G ilb e rt, H . B . (6 ) ( J .G )............504 P . O. B ldg., A tla n ta , G a. G lazier, C h as. A. (1 2 )............... 205 M cC o rn ic k B ldg., S a lt L a k e C ity , U ta h . G n o d h a rt, R : W . (9) , . ............416 N . Y . Life B ldg., M inneapolis, M in n . G ra h a m , C h as. S. ( 2 ) .................104 P ro sp e c t A ve., H a ck en sack , N , J. G ra h a m , H e rb e rt A . ( 4 ) ........... 509 N a tio n a l B a n k B ldg., W heeling, W . V a. G ray , W . M . ( 12 ) ....................... 406 C u sto m H o u se, P o rtla n d , Ore. G reene, T h o s. M . (1) ( J .G ) . .F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., B oston, M ass. G reenfield, J a s . B. ( 7 ) ---- - . .R o o m 605, 79 W . M o n ro e S t., C hicago, 111. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . A dd ress M arcu se, B efij. (2 ) . . . . ; ___ 560 W . 144th S t., N ew Y ork, N . Y . M a rtin , Leo. H . (1 2 )..............1103 A lexander B ldg., S an F rancisco, Calif. M axey, C has. T . ( 12 ) ..............436-437 H . W . H eilm an B ldg., L os A ngeles, C alif. M erten s, C has. R*. ( 2 ) ...........1 5 3 W e st F low er A ve., W aterto w n , N . Y. MUes, A lb e rt F . (5) ( J .G . ) . .. P . O. B ox 927, W ilm in g to n , N . C ., C are o f W a r F inance. M illard , S am uel T . (6 ) ......... .C a re o f T u lan e H otel, N ashville, T enn. M oon, E a rl W . ( 7 ) ................... 335 F e d e ra l B ldg., R o ck Isla n d , 111. M oore, G eorge M . (5 )........... .. P . O. B ox 752, C um b erlan d , M d . (Tel. A pt. 14, D e a l-F o rd B ldg.) M oore, S. A. ( 5 ) _________ , . -711 N a tio n a l M e tro p o lita n B a n k B ldg., W a sh in g to n , D G. • M o rg an , W m . M . ( 8 ) . . . . . . . 2 0 5 F e d e ra l B ldg., L ou isv ille ,K y . (Tel.) 2009 K e n ilw o rth A ve.) M ueller, A. M . (10) (J .G .) . . . .800 F e d e ra l R eserve B a u k B ldg., K ansas C ity , M o. M u rp h y , D a n iel F . (1) (J.G .)B ro c k H ouse, R u tla n d , V t. N elson, N eis (9) ( J . G . ) . . . . . . . 104 T o rre y B ldg., D u lu th , M in n . N oone, D . L„ (1 0 )..................... 224 F e d e ra l B ldg., Salina, K an . N o rris, F r a n k L . (2 ) ................. 1925 S ev en th A ve., N ew Y ork, N . Y , N o rth c u tt, V. H . (6 ) ................P . O. B ox 1175, L ak elan d , F la . (Tel. 222 H a rtz e ll B ldg.) O tto , C has. C. (12) is .. . . . . . . 4 0 6 C u sto m H ouse, P o rtla n d , Ore. P a rk e r, E dw . F . ( 1 ) . . . . . . . . .F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k B ldg., B oston, M ass. P a tte rs o n , B. K . ( 9 ) ................. 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L ine B ldg., M inne apolis, M in n . P earson, H e rb e rt (8) ( R ) .... .F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , P rin ce to n , W is. P e ightel, J . C. (8) ..................... 724 E . G ra n d A ve., Springfield, M o. P enix, J . L. ( 1 1 ) ......................... C raw ford A p ts., W aco, Tex. P eterso n , F . R . ( 1 0 ) ................ L ock B ox 462 C offeyville, K an. P o tte r , F u lto n F . ( 7 )................110 N o. A d am s A ve., M a so n C ity , Iow a. Pow er, R . E .( 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . .355 P . O. B ldg., B ism arck, N . D . _ . R am sdell, P a u l C. ( 5 ) . . . . . .*. 711 N a t’l M e tro p o lita n B an k B ldg., W ash-, in g to n , D . C. R asm ussen, F r a n k E . ( 2 ) . . . .720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y. R ein h o ld t, C arl A . (8) ............. 1310 F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k B ldg., S t. L ouis, M o. R iley, J . M . (1 0 )........... . . . . . 8 0 0 F e d e ra l R eserve B an k B ldg., K a n sa s C ity , M o. R obinson, E . R o b t. ( 7 ) . . . , . .349 A u b u rn A ve., G ra n d R ap id s, M ich. R ockey, K e n n e th H . (2 ).. . .720 tJ . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y . R o o ts, J . O scar (11). . . . . . . .519 B edell B ldg., S an A ntonio, T exas. R y a n , F r a n k J . ( 1 ) . . . . . . . . . Fe der a l R eserve B a n k B ldg., B oston, M ass. Sailor, V ance L. (8) . . . ......... 1310 F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k B ldg., S t. L ouis, M o. Saw yer, J r., L. M . (12)........... 436-437 H eilm an B ldg., L os A ngeles, C alif. S chechter, W m . J . (7) ., . . . .1812 B u rn s A ve., D e tro it, M ich. 14 LIST OF NATIO NAL B A N K E X A M IN E R S A N D D IST R IC T S—Continued N am e and F ed era l R e s e r v e D is t r i c t . N am e and F e d e r a l R e s e r v e D is t r ic t . a d d ress A dd ress Sw ensen. L o ren T . (4) (J.G .) .715 F e d e ra l R ese rv e B a n k B ldg., C leveland. O hio. T ho m p so n , K . W . (2 ) ___ __ .2134. A q u e d u c t A ve., N ew Y o rk N . Y . T h o rn , L eslie D . (1 1 )............ .P . O. Box 1223, S h rev e p o rt, L a. (T el. 1736 Irv in g PL) T rip p , H o m e r S. (4 ). . ............ 509 P . O. B ldg., P itts b u rg h , P a . T u c k e r, G . H . ( 5 ) .....................,.P . O. B ox 562, R aleig h , N . C. (T el. 105 V ance A p ts.) V ann, J o h n R . ( 6 )(J.G )(R e c .)C a re o f F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , C o lq u itt, G a. W ald ro n , W a lte r J.' ( 12 ) .........1103 A lexander B ldg., S an F rancisco, C al. W alk er, H a rry W . ( 7 ) ------ - .R o o m 605. 79 W . M o n ro e S t., C hicago, 111. W a tso n , E r n e s t H . ( 2 ) ............720 IT. S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y ork, N . Y . W ilde, M . C. (1 2 )......................238-9 C e n tra l B ldg., S eattle, W ash. (Tel. A p t. 1, 1508-10 A ve. N o rth .) W ilde, O tto F . (12) (J. G .) . .1103 A lex an d er B ldg., S an F rancisco, C al. W illiam s, C. L . ( R ) .................. C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k , W ilm in g to n N . C. W illiam s, F . D . (1 2 ).................436-7 H . W . H e ilm a n B ldg., L os A ngeles, C al. W illiam s, R o b t. C . . . . . . . . . .W a r F in a n c e C o rp o ra tio n , A tla n ta , G a. W illiam s, T . M . (1 2 ).,............. 1103 A lexander B ldg., S an F rancisco, C al. W ilson, C h as. F . . ...................... Office of C o m p tro ller, T re a s u ry D e p t., W ash in g to n , D . C. W ilson, R o b t. F . ( 7 ) . . . . . . . .P . O. B ox 592, W aterlo o , Iow a. W ilson, W m . P . ( 1 1 ) ( J .G .) . .312 M ag n o lia B ld g .,.D a lla s, T exas. W ood, D . R . ( 5 ) ........................ P u la s k i N a tio n a l B a n k B ldg., P u la sk i, V a. (Tel. 109 8t h St.) W oodside, H a l. (8) . ................. 119 F a u lk n e r S t., C onw ay, A rk. W rig h t, Irw in D . ( 9 ) ............... 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L ine B ldg., M in n eap o lis,‘M in n . W ylie, R o b t. W . (3 ). . . . . j . .P . O. B ox 32, A itoona, P a . Y oung, W m . R . (8 ) ............. .. .407 C e n tra l S ta te N a t ’l B a n k B ldg., M em p h is, Term . Y ounger, C ole J . ( 2 ) . . . . . . . .720 U . S. C u sto m H ouse, N ew Y o rk , N . Y . S chlotzhauer, H . A . ( 9 ) .......... 1334 F ir s t N a tio n a l Soo L in e B ldg., M in n e apolis, M in n . Schofield, Jo h n W . ( U ) ........... 1539 H a y w o rth A ve., H ollyw ood, G alif.' ■ Sellers, W . B. (1 1 )...................... P . O. B ox 1306, W ic h ita F a lls, T exas. Sevison, H e n ry (9) ( J .G .) ___1334 F ir s t N a t ’l Soo L in e B ldg., M inneapolis, M in n . Sheehan, W . F . ( 9 ) . .............. .17 M ag ill B lock, F a rg o , N . D a k . Shively, E d w a l F . ( 4 ) ..............985 M a n h a tta n A ve., D a y to n , Ohio. Sisk, C arl M . ( 3 )..................... 539 E lm St., R ead in g , P a . (Tel. 315 N . 4 th St.) S m ith , A. B . ( 9 ) .......................3000 Ja m e s A ve. S o u th , M in n eap o lis, M in n . S m ith , C laren ce F . ...............W a r F in a n c e C o rp o ra tio n S o u th e rn B ldg., W ash in g to n , D . C. S m ith , G eo. F . (3) .*..................P . O. B ox 981, H a rrisb u rg , P a . S m ith , Geo. H . ( 4 ) ...................P . O. B ox 336, W e st N ew to n , P a . S m ith , J o h n H . ( 9 ) . . . . ......... 416 N ew Y o rk L ife B ldg., M in neapolis, M in n . S m ith , R o y E . (1 0 )..................F e d e ra l B ldg., H a stin g s, N eb . S m ith , W m . A . (J. G.) (R e c .)F irst N a tio n a l B an k , O neida, S. D a k . S napp, J o h n W . ( 5 ) ................. 711 N a t’l M e tro p o lita n B a n k B ldg., W ash in g to n , D . C. Snyder, V ernon G . ( 3 ) ............P . O. B ox 231, S u n b u ry , P a . (T el. 1236 R ace St.) Stanfield, A rtie J . ( 4 ) .............. 733-4 F e d e ra l R eserv e B an k B ldg., C leveland, Ohio. S tew art, A delia M .....................Office C o m p tro ller, T re a s u ry D e p t., W ash in g to n , D . C. S te w a rt. C h as. A . (5) . . . . . . .P . O. B ox 63, E a s t F alls, C h u rch , Va. Stobie, C. A ................................. P . O. B ox 313, H onolulu, T . H . S toring, C h as. C-. (9) ( R ) .. . .P . O. B ox 450, M a n d a n , N . D ak . S tu a rt, R o b t. K . ( 7 ) ................ P . O. B ox 96, Spencer, Iow a. Sullenberger, Sam F . (1 0 )... .800 F e d e ra l R eserv e B a n k B ldg., K an sas C ity , M o. (J.G .) N a tio n a l B an k E x a m in e r J u n io r G rade. (R ) A c tin g a s R eceiver o f N a tio n a l B an k . (W .F .C .) D etailed fo r te m p o ra ry d u ty to W a r F in a n c e C o rp o ra tio n . (U) U nassigned. N O T E :— U nless otherw ise in d ic a ted th e te le g ra p h ad d ress is th e sam e a s th e m ail address. N u m e ric a l S y s te m of t h e A. B. A. In 1911 the American Bankers Association adopted w hat is known as the “ Numerical Transit System ,M which has proved of great benefit to the banking world. The Clearing House Section of the Association, realizing the necessity for a uniform system of bank numbers, called a meeting in Chicago, December 12 and 13, 1910, to evolve a plan and work out the details of numbering all the banks in the country. The Executive Council of the American Bankers Association a t its meeting in N ashville, M ay 2, 1911, unanimously adopted the system devised by the comm ittee and authorized the publication of the A. B. A. K EY BOOK containing the names of the banks and the numbers assigned. E X PL A N A T IO N O F SY STEM . The reserve cities were each designated by a prefix number, with the exception of Brooklyn, which was included with New York City, Kansas C ity, Kan., which was included with Kansas C ity, M o., and South Omaha, wmch was included with Omaha. Buffalo, N . Y ., and Memphis, Tenn., on account of their size and importance as banking centers were included with the reserve cities. T he cities were numbered from 1 to 49, inclusive, in the order of their population according to the Government Census of 1910. T he lower numbers were thus assigned t.o the larger cities. .1"he Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers of the United States and the Post Offices were also numbered in these cities. ’ The. state Prefix numbers, together with clearing house numbers, were used in numbering the banks in the largest city in each state other than the reserve cities, all other cities being designated by the use of the state prefix and the numbers given to the banks, which are continued in the relative order of the population of the cities in each state. h.ach bank is numbered in consecutive order according to seniority in each city or town, excepting in towns having only one bank, in which case the banks are numbered in alphabetical order according to towns, Rand M cN ally & Co. of Chicago, publishers of the K ey to Numerical System of T h e American Bankers T ° u jtl0n’ aStSlgn nu . er,s new t>anks as they are organized and supply, upon request, the number of any bank which does not appear in the K ey and m March and September each year publish and supply upon request, free of supplement ^ements containing all changes which have taken place since any previous issue of the K ey or of any The Eighth Edition was published in M ay, 1924. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 C L EA R IN G H O U SE S IN T H E U N IT E D ST A T E S AN D CANADA Babson’s Statistical Organization of Wellesley Hills, Mass, says: “ One of the best measurements of a locality’s purchas ing power is in the amount of the deposits in its banks. Moreover, one of the best measurements of a locality’s prosperity is the relative rate at which the amount on deposit in its banks is increasing.” This compilation of deposits in the cities having Clearing Houses gives total deposits of all banks and will be a valuable reference for comparisons. J u ly , 1923. C IT Y D E P O S IT S J a n ., 1924 D E P O S IT S J u ly , 1924. D E P O S IT S . C IT Y J u ly , 1923. J a n ., 1924. D E P O S IT S D E P O S IT S Aberdeen, S. D ............ .$ 7,030,997 $ 7,795,200 7,988,010 •El Paso, Te x . . . . . ___ $25,876,541 Adrian, Mich. . . . . . . . . 6,249,616 6,683,240 6,529,860 Emporia, K an................ 4,671,589 74,636,440 Akron, Ohio......... .......... 73,867,210 80.970.680 Enid, Okla................. 8,172,736 Albany, Ga. . . . . . ........ 3,248,000 3,428,790 3,208,400 Ennis, Tex...................... 1,806,618 •Albany, N. Y . . . . . . . .213,676,090 206,716,760 223,610,820 Erie, P a ......................... 41,816,499 Allentown, P a................ 31,389,396 32,206,770 32,527,820 Estherville, Iow a.......... 5,326,840 Altoona, Pa.................... 14,519,030 14,838,250 14.813.540 Eugene, Ore. . . . . . . . . . 6,403,355 Amarillo, Tex. . . . . . . . , 8,307,450 7,799,970 7,892,910 Evansville, Ind.............. 41,621,920 Ann Arbor, Mi ch. .. *.. 13,350,893 13,668,940 13.979.540 Fall River, M ass. _____ 25,026,621 Ashevillej'N. C . . . . . . . . 9,603,570 11,626,110 11,376,970 Fargo, N. D . . . . . . . . . . . 13,531,652 Atchison, Kan . . . . . . . . 6,219,000 6,236,670 5,913,640 Faribault, Minn.......... . 4,951,761 •Atlanta, G a .............. 83,337,310 94,699,110 90,866,710 Flint, M ich......... 33,870,512 Augusta, Ga. . . . . . . . . . 13,379,380 12,248,460 12,803,600 Fort Wayne, In d .......... 54,065,217 Aurora, 111. . . . . . ; . . . .. 14,939,302 15.474.130 15,475,740 Fort William, O nt. .............. ........... 14,378,858 Austin, Tex............ . 22,894,730 23,879,800 •Fort Worth, T ex......... 56,211,440 Bakersfield, Calif . . . . . . 10,272,760 10,450,600 10,967,750 Franklin, P a .................. 9,805,530 •Baltimore, M d.............509,395,250 451,734,430 458,509,370 Frederick, M d............... 22,229,240 Bangor, M e ................ 36,211,087 35,479,480 37.052.980 Fremont,. N eb ............... 1,882,049 Bartlesville, Okla.......... 7,922,740 6,689,060 6,868,240 Fresno, Calif.................. 13,029,030 Battle Creek, Mich. . . . 24,165,380 24,408,860 24,400,780 Gainesville, Fl a. . . . . . . 3,912,489 Bay City, Mi ch. . . . . . . 22,666,461 25,237,390 27,328,250 Galveston, Tex............ 21,895,540 Beaumont, Tex.............. 21,039,760 19.221.330 18.060.680 Gary, In d ....................... 17,239,575 Bellingham, Wash......... 8,982,680 9,685,010 9,549,810 Gastonia, N. C .............. 8,260,300 Berkeley, Calif............... 16,030,162 5.185.840 5,952,000 Billings, M ont............... 5,949,986 6,665,920 ; 4,'859,110 Glasgow, K y . . . . . . . . . . 2,388,000 Grand Forks, N. D . . . , 7,239,670 Binghamton, N. Y . . . . . 33,310,630 34,803,310 36,531,290 Grand Island, Neb....... 8,297,630 •Birmingham, Al a. . . . . 65,832,930 69)244,860 64.353.980 Grand Rapids, M ich .. 53,104,382 Bismarck, N. D . . . . . . . 11,345,590 11.114.330 11,198,950 Bloomington, 111........... 13,344,801 13.640.130 13,439,770 Great Falls, M ont___ _ 10,062,730 Boise, Idaho, , . . . . . . . . 11,392,510 12,910,660 12,128,900 Green Bay, Wis. . . . . . . 11,394,644 ‘ •Boston, Mass. . . . . 1,606,648,930 1,386,386,796 1,395,211,170 Greensboro, N. C ......... 17,680,756 Bowling Green, K y . . . . 4,455,040 3.607.840 3,970,720 Greensburg, P a.............. 18,589,360 Greenville, M iss............ 3,569,403 Brandon, Ma n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenville, S. C . ........... 15,745,490 Brantford, Ont.......... .................... Brookfield, M o . . . . . . . . 1,922,930 1,910,510 . 1,785,910 Guthrie, Okla................. 4,180,730 Brunswick, Ga. ............. 3,286,649 3,175,160 2,911,310 Hagerstown, M d........... 3,709,232 •Buffalo, N. Y ............ .429,937,725 440,959,990 442,592,890 Halifax, N. S ...................................... Butler, P a .................. 16,597,575 17,796,250 16,672,470 Hamilton, Ohio. . . . . . . 11,641,000 Hamilton, O nt................... . Calgary, A lta....................... .. Camden, N, J . . ............ 50,645,890 52,730,260 53.314.970 Hammond, Ind............. 9,953,000 Canton, O h i o . ___ __ 41,598,138 49,153,830 46,802,930 Hannibal, M o ................... 5,730,600 Cape Girardeau, M o . . . 5,022,204 5,108,910 4,957,350 Harrisburg, P a .............. 39,938,378 Casper, W yo.................. 13,064,205 13,708,210 13,388,170 Hartford, Conn.............162,820,000 •Cedar Rapids, Iow a... 41,271,630 38,460,530 38,056,900 Hastings, N eb................ 5,225,382 509,684 Champaign, 111.............. 10,006,830 9,602,540 9,231,070 Hawkinsville, Ga . . . . . . Charles City, Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,825,400 Hazleton, P a.................. 22,293,410 Charleston, S. C .......... . 33,154,580 34,429,390 31,756,010 Helena, A rk................... 5,101,100 Charleston, W. Va . . . . . 38,939,107 37,424,700 38,428,870 •Helena, Mo n t . . . . . . . . 11,816,104 Charlotte, N. C ___ . . . 29,060,720 30,269,340 28,180,440 Henderson, K y .............. 4,521,390 •Chattanooga, Tenn. .. 38,136,000 40,084,420 40,318,110 Holyoke, Mass. . . ------ 45,273,941 Cheraw, S. C ................. 1,136,096 1,767,750 1,401,880 Homestead, P a ............. 9,931,290 Chester, P a____ ______ 22,592,804 25,834,950 25,113,020 Hot Sp. N. Park, A rk.. 5,607,228 Chester, S. C ___ 2,747,930 2,920,170 2,737,940 Houston, T ex............... 94,340,231 Cheyenne, W yo............. 15,347,601 16,775,400 7,689,010 Huntington, W . V a . . . . 21,196,063 ‘ •Chicago, IU........ 1. 2,141,346,460 2,208,569,750 2,334,932,040 Huntington Park, Calif.. . . . . . . . . . Chillicothe, M o............. 3,777,189 4,276,230 3,897,480 ‘Hutchinson, Kan. . . . . 7,234,000 •Cincinnati, Ohio____ .236,538,795 253,956,060 244,159,970 ‘ •Indianapolis, I n d . .. .147,282,039 ‘ •Cleveland, Ohio.........728,984,890 738,521,540 772,230,380 Jackson, Mich................ 17,746,760 Colorado Springs, Colo! 16,319,160 17,950,170 16,555,700 Jacksonville, F la__ _ 58,932,390 Columbia, S. C .............. 18,934,243 24,212,490 22,063,840 Jacksonville, 111............. 8,648,323 Columbus, Ga................ 9,888,710 10.194.080 9,553,430 Jamestown, N. Y ........... 25,477,073 ‘ •Columbus, Ohio......... 95,510,620 95,794,650 103,862,190 Jamestown, N. D ---- -- 2,705,180 Connellsville, Pa.‘......... 10,321,730 10,798,070 10,761,390 Johnstown, P a ............. .. 36,377,190 Cordele,) Ga.................... 1,022,780 901,750 873,260 Joplin, M o...................... 8,537,706 Corsicana, T ex............... 7,078,234 9,908,140 10.221.970 Kalamazoo, Mich.......... 18,546,053 •Dallas, T ex................... 108,790,380 119,403,900 118,033,020 'Kansas City, K a n . .. 27,022,473 Danville, 111............. 10,828,160 Kansas City, M o---- 289,136,208 9,335,690 9,352,810 Davenport, Iow a........... 43,933,039 48.840.080 52,442,480 Kingston, Ont.................................... Dayton, Ohio-----. . . . . 49,206,320 45,543,210 47,781,780 Kitchener, Ont.. . . . . . . . ............. Decatur, 111.. . . . . _____ 14,854,981 15,094,660 14,793,720 Knoxville, Te nn. . . . . . . 28,603,230 ‘ •Denver, C olo..______ 165,585,009 160,650,320 161,696,330 ‘LaCrosse, Wis.............. 12,734,689 •Des Moines, Iowa. . . . 85,000,000 88,939,320 Lancaster, Pa................ 37,222,610 88,600,240 ‘ •Detroit, Mich............ 589,509,410 579,536,390 627,011,280 Lansing, Mich................ 24,935,223 Dickinson, N. D ............ 2,656,017 2,640,540 2,723,120 LaSalle, 111........... 5,560,000 Dothan, A ia.................. 2,789,811 3,051,120 3,132,020 Lawrence, K a n .............. 5,011,520 Dublin, G a.................... 3,699,000 1,958,020 2,252,720 Leavenworth, K an........ 9,065,000 •Dubuque, Iowa........... 18,879,580 19,513,790 19,588,370 Lebanon, P a .................. 9,446,050 Duluth, Minn........ ....... 49,691,723 52,099,620 Lethbridge, A lta...................... .. 52,768,990 Edmonton, Alta............ ................. Lexington, K y ............... 20,961,430 Elberton, Ga.............. 1,185,220 1,443,840 1,448,840]Lima, Ohio. ................... 11,626,610 16 D E P O S IT S $ 27,962,3fiO 4.709,940 8,708,080 2,596,040 45,668,300 4,733,730 6,667,070 41,899,190 74,200,540 14,351,510 5,090,400 34,665,360 54,655,340 25,069,270 4,316,200 8,120,440 2,227,220 45,925,610 4,750,880 7,021,090 41,454,530 . 74,811,760 13,767,970 5,319,770 38,560,930 52,862,870 66,927,770 11,445,890 22,247,470 3,134,960 12,830,380 2,615,800 23,367,990 14,364,310 7,589,920 2^35,490 6,529,850 6,856,650 68,347,560 10,258,400 12,761,170 18.340.710 18,583,360 3,673,150 16,675,240 3,704,120 17.263.710 55,531,660 11,510,710 23,047,830 4,068,830 1,695,850 2.839.200 21,376,310 15,052,510 6,858,330 2,683,490 6,339,050 8.034.200 90,341,230 9,747,510 13,033,630 18,980,970 18,683,250 3,800,280 16,856,980 3,011,540 17,246,080 12,420,710 12,785,230 11,886,790 5,309,110 36,536,440 180,742,450 5,059,470 531,000 23,579,030 4,830,720 11,113,000 4,562,440 46,482,840 10,969,990 5,644,270 121,484,470 20,465,080 12,208,970 ' 5,362,150 38,997,220 177,091,450 5,003,700 287,340 24,978,900 4,793,610 10,933,040 4,242,180 44,245,010 11,387,580 6,305,960 108,087,080 20,4§2,260 2,645,210 6,457,750 6,914,140 140,447,890 136,504,740 17,177,280 17,521,660 63,354,110 57,279,280 9,916,630 8,923,400 26,927,510 26,249,830 2,311,800 2,574,230 38,621,060 38,915,550 9,567,990 8,780,640 19,542,650 18,986,520 25,638,150 26,304,500 259,050,090 255,095,210 32,020,930 12,384,590 36,585,360 22,763,190 5,999,900 5,105,650 9,073,060 9,882,460 31,207,380 13,3.71,150 40,261,750 24,794,990 5,995,060 4,756,760 9,360,390 9,705,400 18,747,840 12,343,640 18,621,700 12,398,860 • Reserve City. * before name of city in above list denotes Clearing House,examination. Officers, members * and affiliated members + may be found by referring to above cities in the Bank List, following the banks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J u ly , 1924. CLEARING HOUSES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA—Continued J u ly 1923 J a n . 1924 J u ly , 1924 D E P O S IT S D E P O S IT S D E P O S IT S Jiuly 1923 C IT T D E P O S IT S De p o s it s . . Lincoln, 111. . . .............. $ 4,411,639 $ 4,304,690 $ 4,327,230 Reading, P a . . .............. ,$49,849,330 $ 52,217,650 •Lincoln, Neb................ 34,998,000 33,316,440 4,925,791 35,310,430 Red Wing, M inn.......... 5,077,730 •Little Rock, Ark......... 39,225,378 41,734,100 41,297,950 Regina, Sask. . . . , ................ London, Ont....................................... Reno, N ev...................... 14,340,620 14,479,090 Long Beach, Calif......... 51,889,310 35,632,740 28,457,780 Richmond, Va...............111,899,281 124,092,110 Lorain, Ohio...... ............ 12,048,057 / 9,652,380 1,269,630 Ritzville, Wash............ 10,547,960 1,297,310 ‘•Los Angeles, Calif. . .805,459,500 771,787,040 882,885,280 Roanoke, Va....... 22,076,818 23,087,340 ‘•Louisville, K y .............126,632,850 124,799,230 Rochester, Minn............ 7,068,690 119,898,680 7*001,620 Lowell, Mass.................. 77,893,810 80,263,020 74,759,680 Rochester, N. Y ............ 280,000,000 285,895,580 Lynn, Mass.................... 59,066,670 58,933,030 Rockford, 111.............. .. 24,419,471 60,839,390 25,279,320 Macon, Ga..................... 16,083,510 16,152,470 15,090,190 Rock Island, 111............. 16,861,340 16,643,930 Madison, Wis................ 20,086,252 23,986,860 25,682,270 Rocky Mount, N. C . . . 5,300,000 5,791,750 Manchester, N. H ......... 60,697,840 63,735.750 63,929,100 Rome, Ga . . . . ............... 4,080,360 4,560,200 Manitowoc, W is................................. 8,382,170 Sacramento, Calif......... 54,724,700 59,682,670 Mansfield, Ohio............. 11,438,289 11,668,740 11,283,720 Saginaw, M ich.... 36,223,910 37,869,680 Manhattan, Kan........... 2,419,892 2,693,540 2,471,080 St. John, N. B ..................... Mason City, Iowa........ 9,485,196 10,341,460 9,017,020 St. Joseph, M o............. 45,706,86i 42,997,930 McAlester, Okla............ 5,532,610 5,398,000 4*677,820 •St. Louis, M o ............. 524,308,460 . 530,552,270 Medicine Hat, A lta........................... •St. Paul, M inn........... 134,208,000 148,849,090 •Memphis, Tenn........... 93,584,650 101,622,060 95,474,260 Salisbury, N. C ................................... 2,418,160 2,722,070 Meridian, Miss.............. 9,905,024 . 9,698,900 9,534,020 ‘ •Salt LaJ^e City, Utah. 65,093,460 65,763,550 ‘ •Milwaukee, W is........ 226,009,310 225*702,830 234,657,160 •San Antonio, T ex........ 49,459*284 52,207,900 ‘ •Minneapolis, Minn.. .261,063,000 265,256,860 269,836,550 San Bernardino, C alif.. 7,720,504 10,950,360 Minot, N. D .............. .. 4,891,960 4,510,400 4,010,990 San Diego, Calif............ 54,336,389 51,150,830 Mobile, Ala.................... 27,186,006 27,202,450 26,662,640 •San Francisco, Calif. 1,051,426,600 1,015,136,190 Moline, 111...................... 16,949,774 17,856,470 18,443,490 San Jose, Calif. ............. 17,940,870 18,489,710 Moncton, N. B................................... Santa Barbara, Calif.. . 7,798,880 8,703,350 Montclair, N. J . ........... 21,622,230 21,956,110 23,058,400 Santa Monica, Cal i f . . . 2,101,760 2,702,260 ‘Montgomery, Ala....... 14,098,727 17,341,690 16,264,120 Saskatoon, Sask. . . . . . . . . . .......... Montréal, Que........................... Savannah, Ga.............. 73,033,220 72,223,390 Moose Jaw, Sask....................... Scranton, P a.................. 98,089,489 97,763.430 Muncie, Ind........ .......... 14,700,000 10,227,550 9,929,950 ‘ •Seattle, Wash............. 156,594,485 152,161,520 Muscatine, Iowa........... 11,678,944 12,190,130 11,924*160 Sedalia, M o.................... 5,441,841 6,161,130 •Muskogee, Okla.......... 14,221,364 14,444,760 12,645,130 Sherbrooke, Que................................. ‘Nashville, Tenn........... 61,886,561 66,051,100 66,289,400 Sherman, Tex................ 4,958,370 5,818,790 Nebraska City, Ne b . , . 2,660,000 2,650,380 2,614,070 •Sioux City, Iowa......... 40,355,940 37,789,750 New Albany, Ind.......... 7,783,590 8,258,740 8,542,990 Sioux Falls, S. D ........... 19,800,920 8,512,860 ‘Newark, N. J ...............274,626,180 277,296,110 285,449,140 South Bend, Ind........... 29,931,865 35,BIO,290 New Bedford, Mass.. . . 68,801,480 72,749,060 69,859,010 South St. Paul, M inn. . 5,626,681 6,365,970 New Brighton, P a ......... 2,918,320 3,371,770 3,300,160 Spartanburg. S. C ......... 8,698,457 9,845,280 New Castle, P a ............. 15,079,448 18,096,490 19,193,790 •Spokane, Wash___. . . 47,364,299 49,309,820 ‘New Haven, Conn___ 111^725,171 117,967,430 121,633,200 Springfield, 111................ 28,186,730 27,841,590 Newnan, Ga................... 1,508,341 1,620,640 1,641,820 Springfield, M ass........... 121,994,020 124,471,290 ‘ •New Orleans, La. . . .208,020,770 235,465,360 206,652,250 Springfield, M o .............. 19,055,620 13,236,080 Newport News, Va. . .. 11,614,577 11,831,340 10,885,270 Springfield, Ohio....... .. 18,004,721 17,808,060 New Westminster, B.C.................. . Stamford, Conn............. 30,291,730 30,424,730 ‘ •New York, N. Y .. .6,367,266,000 (9,342,047,957 10,063,643,910 Steubenville, Ohio......... 18,525,350 19,401,810 Norfolk, Va................. . 52,917,350 56.108.530 53,231,350 Stockton, Calif............... 20,613,100 21*087,080 Norristown, Pa.............. 16,951,580 17,477,670 Superior, W is................. 10,139,454 18,057,560 10,079,720 •Oakland, Calif..............145,010,053 127,990,460 126,425,610 Syracuse, N. Y ........ ... .100,180,414 156,192,710 Ocala, F la...................... 3,500,000 3,073,480 3,211,210 Tacoma, Wash ............. 19,685,690 19,490,790 Oelwein, Iowa................ 2,813,700 2,823,110 3,006,610 Tampa, Fla..................... 30,788,956 33,433,220 ‘ •Ogden, Utah.............. 16,699,400 19,682,400 18,651,480 Terre Haute, Ind........... 27,595,620 26,956,540 Oil City, Pa....... ........... 16,196 370 16,167,200 16,328,800 Texarkana, Ark.-Tex.. . 12,365,000 15,900,710 ‘ •Oklahoma, Okla........ 56,225,670 56,962,820 52,672,360 •Toledo, Ohio................. 128,230,460 137,597,230 Okmulgee, Okla............ 9,576,817 8,627,570 8,003,500 •Topeka, K an................ 27,959,350 29,406,070 •Omaha, N eb.................115,290,250 103,960,200 109,798,870 Toronto, Ont....................... Orange, N. J .................. 20,351,020 21,447,700 19,968,730 Trenton, N. J ............ V 69,186,58i 72,397,980 Orangeburg, S. C ............................... 5,590,020 5,829,920 5,592,700 Tucson, A nz................... 7,383,890 7,433,020 Osage, Iowa................... 2,442,010 2.514.530 2,751,580 ‘ •Tulsa, Okla................. 68,841,034 61,024,100 Oshkosh, W is............... 3,207,644 13,639,300 14,254,570 Twin Falls, Idaho......... 2,167,059 3,053,830 Ottawa, Ont.............................“: . . . . Valdosta, Ga..... 5,833,680 5,896,870 Owensboro, K y . . . . . . . 9,510,492 9,641,260 9,720,910 Vancouver, B. C ........ .. Palestine,, Tex.............. 2,414,650 3,048,400 2,792,750 Vicksburg, M i s s 11,311,700 11,807,620 Paris, K y ........................ 3,113,968 2,479,980 ..... 2,886,700 Victoria, B. C ___. . . . . Parsons, K an................. 3,295,000 3,649,310 2,889,940 •Waco, Tex.............. . ¿4,986,000 22,056,230 ‘Pasadena, Calif. . . . . . 21,475,570 24,987,340 25,602,810 •Washington, D. C ----- 190,853,879 198,797,770 Passaic, N. J ............... 33,725,980 36,218,420 37,562,980 Washington, Ga.................................. 1,000,000 1,113,550 Pensacola, Fla............... 6,951,450 7,042,740 7,051,900 Waterbury Conn. . . . . . 50,833,250 54,092,800 •Peoria, 111. ................... 34,762,041 34,426,140 37,168,720 Waterloo, Iowa. 13,217,729 13,526,000 Peterboro, Ont........ . ................ Watertown, S. D . . . . ‘ •Philadelphia, Pa. .. .963,821,729 1,497,650,800 1,484,309,370 Webster City, Iowa. . . . 3,564,460 3,607,530 Phillipsburg, N. J . . . . . . 5,303,650 5,940,970 5,885,470 Wfeehng, W. V a. 45,491,260 31,721,550 Phoenix, Ariz................. 18,991,617 20,893,400 21,329,439 ‘ •Wiehita, K an. 42,464,755 37,279,570 Pine Bluff, Ark.. . ........ 11,580,760 11.530.170 11,646,030 Wilkes-Barre, P a 55,997,683 59,989,340 Pittsburg, Kan.............. 6,782,344 6,629,530 6,525,460 Williamsport, P a 21,305,540 22,301,580 •Pittsburgh, P a ............ 781,539,570 793,405,330 809,293,990 Wilmington, D el:. 67,357,600 73,873,500 Pocatello, Idaho............ 3,626,961 4,191,090 4,001,670 Wilmmgton, N. C 17,563,387 21,971,230 Pontiac, Mich.......... 15,677,560 16.862.170 18,008,110 Winchester, V a............. 5,068,130 5,278,130 Portland, M e................. 84,655,720 85,420,880 84,037,290 Windsor* O nt......................... 137,368,520 ‘ •Portland, Ore............ 139,730,871 134,807,860 Winnipeg, Man.............. '. ’ ’ ’ ] [ ’ Prince Albert, Sask.......................... Winona, M inn...................15,005,000 14,666,360 Providence, R. I ........... 308,960,100 316,863,050 324,713,360 Worcester, Mass. . . . . . .168,177,150 171,997,840 19,246*690 •Pueblo, Col o. . . . f . . . . 20,210,599 21,853,330 Yakima, W7ash... 8,221,126 8,920,280 Quebec, Que. Ü. : .............................. i ork, P a ......................... 22 998 34^ 25,087,180 22,519,210 Quincy, 111............. 22,173,348 22,851,760 Youngstown, Ohio. 55,753,823 52,285,070 18,887,S80¡ Raleigh, N. C .......... . 17,324,260 18,539,680 Zanesville, Ohio............. 16,5271609 17,857,850 . I J a n . 1924 •Reserve City. A before name of city in above list denotes Clearing House examination. Officers, members * and affiliated members + may be found by referring to above cities in the Bank List, following the banks 17 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J u ly , 1924 D E P O S IT S $ 52,790,680 5,336,170 14,401*420 124,054,880 1,297,450 ' 22,488,930 6,782,830 293,988,290 26,861,290 16,429,230 5,676,540 - 4,261,300 57,268,700 38,907,060 43,151,870 1 479,515,370 145,139,710 1,560,900 66,979,050 54,862,980 8,801,130 52,149,690 1,158,497,390 16,911,920 8,823,210 2,929,560 69,520,390 108,570,830 163,053,960 6,103,680 5,858,800 37,195,780 7,080,510 32,346,340 5,781,770 9,531,850 60,304,470 28,628,010 127,619,080 14.929.980 1 17,114,640 32,040,260 20,111,840 20,731,100 10,298,960 159,684,690 22.542.980 35,087,580 27,433,730 14,322,010 139,400,570 29,103,870 79,380,620 7,889,670 62,791,800 2,603,300 5,514,440 11*027,100 18,663,870 201,472,720 968,350 55,873,020 10,957,170 4,290,450 3,307,780 34,755,730 32,870,930 60,904,600 20,796,140 77,064,410 19,641,430 5,448,650 14,557,940 177,314,880 8,563,910 28,964,850 57,879,410 19,466,150 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V A L U E S O F F O R E IG N CO IN S TKEA T!;R ; f .. • W a sM n ^ o n , D . G ., J u ly 1 , 19$4. In pursuance o f the provisions o f section 25 o f the act o f August 27, 1894, as amended by Section 403, Title IV, of the Act of May 27, 1921, and reenacted by section 522, Title IV, Act of September 21, 1922, 1 hereby proclaim the following estimate by the Director of the Mint of the values of pure metal contents of foreign coins to be the values of such coins in terms of the money of account of the United States, to be followed in estimating the value of all foreign merchandise exported to the United States during the quarter beginning January 1,1924, expressed in any such metallic currencies: Provided, however, that if no such value has been proclaimed, or if the value so proclaimed varies by five per centum or more from a value, measured by the buying rate in the New York market at noon 911 the day of exportation, conversion shall be made at a value measured by such buying rate, as determined by the Federal Reserve^Bank of New York and published by me as certified by said bank pursuant to the provisions of said Section 25 as amended. A. W. Mellon, S ecreta ry o f the T reasu ry. V a lu e s o f F o r e ig n C o in s Valué in of R em ark s. Legal Standard . Monetary U n it . Terms U. S. Money. Peso. $0.9648 Currency: Paper, normally convertible at 44 per cent Argentine R epublic----------- Go'd of face value; now inconvertible. .2026 Gold___ — . — - Krone Member Latin Union. .1930 Gold and silver___ Franc. .3893 1214 bolivianos equal 1 pound sterling* Boliviano________ Gold_________ .5462 Currency: Government paper a part of winch is legally Gold-______—____ Milreis convertible at 16 pence (=$0.3244; per milreis.; now inconvertilbe. 4.8665 Pound sterling____ British Colonies in Austral- Gold asia and Africa. 1.0000 G o ld ............■ _____ Dollar T.òy .1930 Gold 1.0000 Gold____________ Dollar .3650 Currency: Inconvertible paper. Peso. _ Gold _ _ Chilfi — - —__ I A m o y ____ .8814 v .8786 Cantón — .8430 Cheefoo . . . .8610 Chin Kiang .8153 Fuchau___ .8968 Haikwan. . (custom s). The tael is a unit of weight; not a coin. The .8247 Hankow — customs unit is the Haikwan tael. The values of .8541 T ael. Kiaochow. other taels are based on their relation to the value .8722 Nankin..__ of the Haikwan tael. Silver..-_______ { .8266 Ninchwang The Yuan silver dollar of 100 cents is the monetary .8474 Ningpo — unit of the Chinese Republic: it is equivalent to .8593 Peking-----.644+ of the Haikwan tael. .8051 Shanghai — .8142 Swatow—— .8870 Takau____ .8541 -Tientsin — .5712 [ Vnan 1 D o l.-< Hongkong. } .5797 British „ — .5840 Mexican silver pesos issued under Mexican decree of : Mexican. . . Nov. 13, 1918, are of silver content approximately 41% less than the dollar here quoted; and those issued under decree of October 27, 1919 contain about 61% less silver. Peso Gold-.____——__ .9733 Currency: Government paper and gold. Gnld _ _ Colon_____ — — .4653 Gold____________ Peso__/___ — 1.0000 Gold____________ K rone--_____ o— .2680 Gold - __ Dollar 1.0000 UnitedlStates is principal circulating’medium. Gold Sucre. .4867 Gold___________ - Pound (100 piasters) 4.9431 The actual standard is the British pound sterling, which is legal tender for 97J piasters. Gold—— — — —— Markka——— — — .1930 Gold and silver___ Franc. .1930 Member Latin Union; gold is actual standard. COUNTRY. India ( B r i t i s h ) . _- Gold : Gold— __ ___ Gold and silver___ Silver :■ field Mark '__ —j _- » _ Pound sterling-----Drachma — --- ----Peso ___ _____ - __ Gourde Silver_______ - — .2382 4.8665 .1930 .5376 .2000 P eso-----------— — .5376 f field _____ VSi Tyfiir Silver — __ — Gold......................... Gold.j——_____ Gold—...... ............... Mohur & Sovereign Rupee Pìastèi Lira-.Yen__________ — Dollar___________ 4.8665 .2555 .5807 .1930 .4985 1.0000 Gold— - . . _____— Gold___—_______ Gold_________ ___ Gold— — — Gold______ - ____ Gold— _______ Gold____________ Geld L ita s_________—_ Peso__ ___ _____— Guilder (florin) —. Dollar Cordoba—— — Krone Balboa___________ Peso (Argentine).. .1000 .4985 .4020 1.0000 1.0000 .2680 1.0000 .9648 Silver Kran _ .... .0990 Geld _ Gold___ ____ —__ Gold ___ Gold ......... _ Gold m ........ p Gold____ — — Libra — — ______ Peso ____________ Escudo — - ___ Leu__ _______ — Ruble.-___ -i_____ Colon_______ ____ G o ld ..... .............. Dinar__ —_______ G old ........ _ Tical _____ _____ Gold and silver— Peseta 4.8665 .5000 1.0805 .1930 .5146 .5000 .1930 .3709 .1930 .5678 Dollar .2680 Krona .1930 Franc-___________ .0440 Piaster_________ _ I 1.0342 Peso i ,1930 Bolivar ____ Gold........................ Venezuela________________ G old ........... . _ . G old . :. ' G o ld ____ Gold G old . ....... 18 Member Latin Union. Currency: Inconvertible paper. Currency: National bank notes redeemable on demand in American dollars. Currency, bank notes. 1 The British sovereign and half sovereign are legal 1 tender in India at 10 rupees per sovereign. Member Latin Union. Currency: Depreciated silver token coins. Customs duties are collected in gold. Currency; Notes of the bank of Lithuania, not now convertible. Currency: Depreciated Paraguayan paper currency. ( Currency: Silver circulating above its metallic value. < Gold coin is a commodity only, normally worth 1 double the silver. Currency: Inconvertible paper. Valuation is for gold peseta; currency is notes of the bank of Spain. Member Latin. . (100 piasters equal to the Turkish £.1 Currency: Inconvertible paper. t a b l e ENGLISH. 1 One_____ 2 Two . . . . . . 3 Three.............. 4 Four.......... 5 F iv e .............. 6 Six................ 7 Seven ................ 8 Eight _____. . . . 9 Ni n e . . . . . . . . . . 10 T e n . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eleven . . . . . . . . 12 Twel ve. . . . . . . . . 13 Thirteen.. . . . . . . 14 Fourteen............ 15 Fifteen................ 16 Sixteen.. . . . . . . . 17 Seventeen............ 18 Eighteen.............. 19 Nineteen............. 20 Twenty................ 21 Twenty-one........ SO T h irty ........ ........ 40 Forty .................. 50 F i f t y . ............. o f c a r d in a l n u m b e r s te r m s in GERMAN. SPANISH. ITALIAN. PORTUGUESE. DUTCH. U n . . . ................ D eux.................. Trois’. .................. Quatre................ Cinq..................... Six........................ Sept.. . . . . . . . . . . H u it..................... N euf.............. .. D i x ....................... Onze..................... Douze................... Treize.................. Quatorze . . . . . . . Quinze................ Seize..................... Dix-sept.............. Dix-huit.............. Dix-neuf.............. Vingt.................... Vingt-et-un. . . . . T rente................ Quarante . . ........ Cinquante.......... Ein . . . . Zwei..................... Drei...................... Vier...................... F ünf..................... Sechs.................... Sieben.'................ Acht..................... Neun................ ... Zehn.................... Elf.............. .......... Zwölf.................... Dreizehn.............. Vierzehn.. . . . . . . Fünfzehn............ Sechzehn............ Siebzehn.............. Achtzehn............ Neunzehn............ Zwanzig.............. Ein und zwanzig. Dreiszig.............. Vierzig................. Fünfzig................ TTno.............. D os.......... T res................ Cuatro................ C inco.......... Seis.............. Siete............ Ocho................ Nueve. _ ........ D ie z .................. Once................ Doce................... T rece................ Catorce............ Quince.............. Diez y seis. . . Diez y siete . . . Diez y ocho.. . Diez y nueve. . . Veinte.................. Viente y uno. . Treinta.............. Cuarenta.......... Cincuenta . . . . Uno...................... Due....................... T re....................... Quattro.............. Cinque................ S ei........................ Sette.................... Otto ..................... Nove.................... Dieci..................... Undici.................. Dodici.................. Tredici............... Quattordici........ Quindici.............. Sedici................... Diciassette.. . . . . Diciotto . ............ Diciannove........ Venti.................... V entilino:.......... Trenta ................ Quaranta............ Cinquanta........ U m .................... .. D o is .................... Tres...................... Quatro . . . . . . . . Cinco.................... S eis...................... Sete...................... Oito.................... N ove.................. D ez.................... Onze.................. D oze.................... T reze................ Quatorze.............. Quinze.............. Dezeseis. . . . . . . . Dezessete.. . . . . . Dezoito................ Dezeneve............. Vinte.................... Vinte u m ........ Trinta.......... Quarenta............ Cincuenta .......... Een...................... Twee..................... Drie...................... Vier.............. .. V yf....................... Zes........................ Zeven.................. A cht..................... Negen................... T ien ..................... Elf........................ Twaalf................ Dertien................ Veertien.............. Vyftien................ Zestien................ Zeventien............ Achtien................ Negentien . . . . . . T w in tig.............. Enen Twintig. . Dertig................ Veertig ................ Vvftig................ Quatre-vingt. . . . Quatre-vingt-dix. Ce n t . . . . .T........ Mille.. . . . ___ __ Jour...................... Semaine............ Mois............... Annee.............. A présentation.. At sight.............. A v u e .................. After sight_____ A jours de vue .. After date___ __ A jours de d ate.. Pay to the order. Payez a l’ordre.. I promise to pay. Je payerai........... With interest.. . . Avec interets.. . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis c o m m e r c ia l FRENCH. 60 Sixty. . . . . . . . . . . Soixante.......... .... Sechzig................ Sesenta............ 70 Seventy .............. Soixante-dix . . . . Siebenzig............ Setenta............. 80 E igh ty............ ... 90 N in ety ................ 100 Hundred.............. 1000 Thousand............ Day............ .......... Week............... . ; M onth................. Y ear.......... .......... On demand. . . . . a n d Achtzig................ Neunzig............... Hundert.............. Tausend.......... .. Tag................ .. Woche ................. Monat................ .. Jahr........... .. Nach Sicht, or bei Vorzeigung. Auf Si cht. . . . . . . Nach Sicht.......... Nach Dato, or nach Heute. Für mich, or uns an anweisung. Werde ich, or werden wir bezahlen Mit Zinsen. Ochenta............ Noventa............... C ien .................. M ü ...................... D ia ...................... Semana............... Mes.................... A n o................. A presentación.. t e n la n g u a g es DANISH. RUSSIAN. Odun.. . . . . . Dba.............. T za............ Tschetire........ Piat........ Schest,........ Sem.......... Votern........ D ev ia t. . Desat,........, Devenzat. . Trenazat . . . . Cheterin aza.t, Paznatza.t.. Schesnadzat. Semnat.zat. . Vosem nat za.t. Davetnazat). Dvatzat,.......... To.. Tre . . . Fire................. Fern, Sex Ni Ti Tolv . Tretten. Tyve. Trndza,t. t Sorok . . Piat.desa.t tyve.............. ... | SWEDISH. En .................. Tvfi ..................... T r e ....................... Fyra ..................... Fern....................... Sex.................. Sju......................... o" A tta.................... . Nio.................... ... T io .................. .. E lfva..................... T o lf. . ................... Tretton................. Fjorton................. Fem ton................ Sexton.................. Sjutton................. Aderton........ .. N itton................... Tjugu.. . . . . . . . . . Tjuguen................ Trettio............ .. F yrtio.......... ...... Femtio.................. Zestig............ Sessanta.. . . . . . Sessent.a.......... Settanta............... Setenta................ Zeventig.......... Semdesn.t Ottanta ............... Novanta.............. Cento................... Mille.................... Giorno................. Settim ana.......... Mese.................... Anno............ . A presentazione. tyye. Vosemdesat,........ Devianosto . . . Sto.. . . . . . . . Tizatz. . . . . Den............ Dnor Nedel a. . . . . . Mesatz f . O God.......... Po bziskam. . . . . Paa anfordring.. P& anfordring___ Oitenta................ Noventa............... C em ........ ............ M ü .................. . D ia ....................... Semana................ Mez.......... .. Anno.. . . . . . . . . A presentacao. . . Tachtig............ Negenti g. . . . . . Honderd............ Duizend............... D a g ................... Week.................. Maanden.......... •Taar.. .............. Op vertoon___ _ Sextio............ . Sjuttio................... A vista................. Op sight a vista Po predia.vieni. A la vista............ A vista........ .. Efter Sigt. A .. dias vista.. . . Dopo vista. . . . . A. .dias vista . . . Dagen na zi gt. . _ Po prediavieni. A. .dias fecha. .. Dopo dato.......... A .. dias data. . . . Dagen na dato.. G a to .................... Efter dato. . . . . A la orden.......... Pagate al l’ordine Pagase a ordem.. Voor my aan de Nlat it order. . . . Behag at betale Behagar att betaOrder. tü odre. la till ordre. Pagare................. Pagherò .............. Pagarei................ Tk neem fl.n.n tp la obetschai........ .leg forpligter mig betalan. at betaie. att betala. Con interes . . . . Con interesse, . .. Com intereses. . . Met interest. . . . Is prozentamu... Med rente........ Med ranta.. . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN T E R E S T RA TES, GRA CE ON S IG H T D R A FTS, AN D S T A T U T E S OF L IM IT A T IO N F o r further information see also “ L aw s M of each State, indexed in back of this Volume INTEREST RATES—NOTES AND ACCEPTANOES-GRACE STATES Rate Legal Rate of by nterest Contract, AND TERRITORIES, Notesand . Acceptances Due on Holi days. | Half Days. Are payable Per ct. Per centt and protestable the day— Alaska r - . -- 10 10 Any rate Any rate Any rate Any rate Any rate Any rate After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After A fter! After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After A fter! After After After After After After After After After After After After After Any rate After 8 8 8 6 6 12 10 10 See® Any r a t e t 21* 12 7 8 6 6 6 8 7 8 7 5 6 6 8 10 8 12 10 7 8 8 6 10 6 5 6 8 6 Any rate 6 Any rate! 7 8 8 8 10 10 12 Any rate 6 6 5 6 6 6 8 7 7 6 6 0 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 U ta h _______ ______\___________ __________________ 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 6t 6 10 8 10 10 6 ♦ 12 Any rate 8 10 6 10 12 6 6 12 6 After After After .* After After After After After After After After After After After After After A fter! After After A fter! After A fter After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After ____ After Holidays falling on Sunday are observed the day— After Before After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After Aftèr After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After After ____ After After After STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS Notes. Sight Bills. Drafts. No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No graee Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace No grace Nograce No grace No grace No grace No grace Nograce No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace No grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Notes and Open Written Ac Concounts. tracts. Judg ments. Sealed Instru ments wit nessed. Years. Years, Years. 20 10 5 3-10! 5 6-20! 10 10 6 5 3 6 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 5 3 2-5 3 6 3 6 6 Years. 6 6 6 5 2-4 6 6 6 3 5 6 5 10 10 10 5 5-15 5-10 6-20 3-12 6 6 6 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 10 6 6 6 4 6 3 6 if 3 6 6 8 5 6 6 6 6 3 6 15 5 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 6 20! 20 12 20 7 ____ 3-20! 17 20 12 20 20 6 5 20 20 20 5 15 10 20 12 20! 6-10 10 7 10 10 5-101 10 20 10 5 15 10 20 12 20 6 6 6 10 8 5 6 6 20 20 7 20 10 10 21 1-5 10 20 10! 20 16 6 20 10 6 15 5 10 20 10 20 6-30 20! 2 4 4 20 20 10-20 10 10 8 8 6 6 6-14 5 6 10 6 10 6 6 8 8 6 3 3 5 6 8 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 10 6 10 10-20 5-10 12 20 10 20 20 20 30 12 6 4 10 10 10-20 10 20 20 10 20 20 20 ! ..... 2Ù .'-Zt * In Denver, Due Saturday during June, July, and August protest Saturday or Monday at option of holder, t Any rate agreed upon in writing is legal on collateral demand loans of $5000 and over. If See laws, indexed in hack of this volume. © Parties may agree in w riting to a higher rate of in terest than 7%, hut not exceeding 12% for one year, and not exceeding that rate fo r a longer or shorter lime. t Any rate agreed upon is legal, on loans over $300.00. * On loans of $300.60 or less, interest at rate of 42% per annum may be charged by firms registered with Bank Examiner. ♦ 12% when there is security; 14% when there is no security. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reserves Required to be held by members in Federal Reserve Bank Banks N o t in Reserve or Central Reserve C ity Reserve C ity Banks Central Reserve C ity Banks 7% of Demand D eposits 3% of T im e Deposits 10% of Dem and D eposits 3% of T im e D eposits 13% of D em and D eposits 3% of T im e D eposits Central Reserve Cities 2. *NEW YORK CITY . . . . 7. CHICAGO Reserve Ciliés 6. Br.5. Br.6. 1. Br.2. Br.4. 4. 11. Br.10. Br.7. B r.ll. Br.9. B r.ll. Br.6. 10. Br.8. Br.12. Br.8. Br.8. Albany, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, O. Columbus, O. Dallas, Texas Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich. ' Dubuque, Iowa El Paso, Texas Fort Worth, Texas Galveston, Texas Grand Rapids, Mich. Helena, Mont. Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. Lincoln» Neb. Little Rock, Ark. Los Angeles, Cal. Louisville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. Milwaukee, Wis. 9. M inneapolis, M inn. Muskogee, Okla. v Br.6. Nashville, Tenn. Br.6. New Orleans, La. Oakland, Cal. Ogden, Utah Br.10. Oklahoma City,Okla Br.10. Omaha, Neb. Peoria, 111. 3. Philadelphia, Pa. Br.4. Pittsburgh, Pa. Br.12. Portland, Ore. Pueblo, Colo. 5. Richmond, Va. St. Joseph, Mo. 8. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, M inn. Br.12. Salt Lake City,Utah San Antonio, Texas 12. San Francisco, Cali1 Ag’y 6 .Savannah, Ga. v Br.12. Seattle, Wash. Sioux City, Iowa Br.12. Spokane, Wash. Toledo, Ohio Topeka, Kan. Tulsa, Okla. Waco, Texas W ashington, D. C. Wichita, Kan. T h o se c itie s w h ic h are p reced ed b y a n u m b e r are F ed era l R eserve B a n k c it ie s and^ the^ n u m b e r in e a c h in s ta n c e is th e D istr ic t n u m b er in w h ic h th e c it y is lo c a te d . B r. sig n ifie s t h a t a b r a n c h b a n k is lo c a te d in th a t c ity . A g’y sig n ifie s t h a t a n a g e n c y is lo c a te d in th a t c ity . FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORMATION FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. : • ji Ex-officio Members A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman. HENRY M. DAWES, Comptroller of the Currency, D. R. CRISSINGER, Governor EDMUND PLATT, Vice-Governor ADOLPH C. MILLER CHARLES S. HAMLIN GEORGE R. JAMES EDWARD H. CUNNINGHAM WALTER L. EDDY, Secretary. WALTER WYATT, General Counsel. J. C. NOELL, Assistant Secretary. WALTER W. STEWART, Director, Division of Research and Statistics. M. JACOBSON, Statistician. W. M. IMLAY, Fiscal Agent. E. A. GOLDENWEISER, Associate Statis tician. J. F. HERSON, Chief Federal Reserve Examiner. E. L. SMEAD, Chief, Division of Bank Operations. FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL—(1924) OSCAR WELLS, Atlanta, District No. 6 JOHN J. MITCHELL, Chicago, District No. 7 FESTUS J. WADE, St. Louis, District No. 8 GEORGE H. PRINCE, Minneapolis, District No. 9 E. F. SWINNEY, Kansas City, District No. 10 CHARLES A. MORSS, Boston, District No. 1 PAUL M.WARBURG,NewYork,District No. 2 President, LEVI L. RUE, Philadelphia, District No. 3 C. E. SULLIVAN, Cleveland, District No. 4 V ice-Pres ident. W. M. McGREGOR, Dallas, District No. 11 D. W. TWOHY, San Francisco, District No. 12 JOHN M. MILLER, JR., Richmond, District No. 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 if FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IN FORM ATIO N D IST R IC T No. 1—B an k L o cated a t B o sto n (T ra n s it N u m b e r 5 - 1 ) (30 Pearl St.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Maine, New Hamphsire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, except Fairfield County, Membership: National Banks 385; State Banks 36. DIRECTORS , V .; CLASS A:—ALFRED L. RIPLEY (1926), Boston; F. S. CHAMBERLAIN (1925), New Britain, Conn.; EDW ARD S. KENNARD (1924), Rumford, Maine. CLASS B:—E. R. MORSE (1925), Proctor, Vermont; PHILIP R. ALLEN (1926), East Walpole, Mass.; C. G. WASHBURN (1924), Worcester, Mass. CLASS C:—FREDERIC H. CURTISS (1926), Boston, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; CHARLES H. MANCHESTER (1925), Providence, R. I.; ALLEN HOLLIS (1924), Concord, N . H., Deputy Chairman. CHARLES A. MORSS Boston, Mass., Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS FREDERIC H. CURTISS, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; W. P. G. HARDING, Governor; CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; WILLIAM W. PADDOCK, Deputy Governor; WILLIAM WILLETT, Cashier; KRICKEL K. CARRICK, Secretary. ASSISTANT CASHIERS:—ERNEST M. LEAVITT, L. WALLACE SWEETSER, WILLIAM N. KENYON» and ELLIS G. HULT. HARRY F. CURRIER, Auditor; ARTHUR H. WEED, Counsel. L IA B IL ITIE S RESO U R C ES Capital paid i n ........................................ ....................................... $ 7,972,000 S u rp lus.............. .................................. 16,390,000 Government d ep o sits........ ........................................................... Gold and gold certificates..................................$ 19,650,000 Gold settlem ent fund, F . R . B oard ................ 55,487,000 Gold with Federal R eserve A g en ts. . . . . . . . 211,683,000 Gold redemption fu n d ......................... 5,680,000 Reserves Other than Gold......... ...................... 10,478,000 1,248,000 T otal reserve................................................. Due to members— reserve account........................................... 139,808,000 Other d e p o s its ............................ Total d e p o sits.......................................... $141,192,000............ Nonreserve c a s h .. . . . . . . & ............................ Bills discounted—secured by Government ob ligation s................. B ills discounted— all oth ers.............................. Bills bought in open m a r k e t.. ... ..................... U . S. B o n d s ........................................................... U . S. T rea su ry N otes . ............... U . S. certificates of indebtedness.................. Bank prem ises........................................................ Uncollected item s ..................................... All other resources................................. 136,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 197,858,000 Deferred availability ite m s .................................... All other liab ilities.......................... TOTAL L IA B IL ITIE S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56,127,000 196,000 ... .$419,735,000 TOTAL RESOU R C ES 21 $3.02,978,000 4,053,000 5,850,000 4,654,000 3,584,000 541,000 25,823,000 8,233,000 , 4,312,000 >59,624,000 83,000 $419,735,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATION D IS T R IC T No. 2—B a n k L ocated a t New Y ork C ity. (T ra n s it N u m b e r 1-120) (15 Nassau Street) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—The State of New York and the following counties in New Jersey: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset. Sussex, Union, and Warren and the Oounty of Fairfield, Connecticut. Membership: National Banks 705; State Barnes 56; Trust Companies 90. Total 851. § o sa. *3 © ci O A 1 G ates W. M cG arrah , New York City 0» A A B Chairman, The Mechanics and Metals National Bank 2 R obert H. T reman , Ithaca, N. Y. President, Thè Tompkins' County National Bank •3 Charles .Smith , Oneonta, N. Y. President, Thé Citizens National Bank 1 Ow en D. Y oung, New York City Chairman General Electric Company DIRECTORS Term 60 Expires Ö Dec. SI O 1925 B 1926 B 1924 C C 1925 C Term Expires Dec. SI T heodore F. W hitmarsh, New York City 1926 President, Francis H. Leggett & Co., F rank L. Stevens , North Hoosick N. Y. 1924 President Stevens and Thompson, Inc. P ierre J ay , New York City, Chairman. ' 1925 W illiam L. Saunders , Plainfield, N. J., 1926 Deputy Chairman. Chairman Ingersoll-Rand Company C larence M. W oolley, New York City 1924 President American Radiator Co. MEMBER FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL P aul M. W arburg , New York City OFFICERS GENERAL OFFICERS B en j . S trong, Governor George L. H arrison , Deputy Governor J ay E. C rane , Assistant Secretary J. H erbert Case , Deputy Governor E dwin R. K enzel , Deputy Governor L. R andolph M ason , General Counsel Louis F. S ailer , Deputy Governor D udley H. B arrows, Secretary J esse ”H. P hilbin , Ass’t. Gen. Counsel S enior Officers G ilbert E . C hapin , Arthur W. Gilb art, L aurence Controller of Loans J. W ilson J ones , Controller of Cash and Controller of m - t» xr Collections Ed™ r - K enzel , H. H endricks ; Controller of Fiscal Agency Functions Controller of Administration Controller of Investments. Protem. J unior Officers C harles H . C oe, J ay E . C rane , E dw in C. F rench , B ethunb M . G rant , Manager, Collection Department Adolph J: L in s , Manager, Check Department Manager, Foreign Department W alter B. M atteson , Manager, Certificates oj Indebted Manager, Cash Department ness Department and Manager, Manager, Government Bond Depart Securities Department ment Manager, Credit Department J oseph L. M orris, W illiam A. H amilton, Manager, Building Maintenance De H enäy R . M urray , Manager, Securities Custody Depart partment ment H oward M . J efferson , Manager, Personnel Development Manager, Bill Department R obert M. O’H ara , Department Manager Accounting Department J ames M . R ice , A lan It. L auckner , Manager, Methods and Supplies S tephen S. V ansant , Manager, Discount Department Department is W ard W aters, Manager, Office Service Department and Manager, Personnel Service Department A uditor L eslie R . R ounds , General Auditor E dward L. D odge, Manager, Auditing Department FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT P ierre J ay , Federal Reserve Agent W illiam H . D illistin , Assistant Federal Reserve Agent Shepard M organ, Assistant Federal ReserveAgent W .R andolph B urgess , Assistant Federal Reserve Agent George B. R oberts, Manager Reports Department and Manager, Bank Examinations Department. C arl S nyder , General Statistician BUFFALO BRANCH. (Transit Number 10-26) D irectors Carlton M. S mith, Buffalo, N. Y. J ohn A. K loepfer , Buffalo, N. Y. E lliott C. M cD ougal, Buffalo N. Y. F red J. C oe , Niagara Falls, N. Y . W olcott J. H umphrey , Warsaw, N. Y. H arry T. R amsdbll, Buffalo, It. Y . W alter W S chneckenburger , Manager ' Officers W alter W. S chneckenburger , Manager H alsey W. S now , J r ., Cashier C lifford L. B lakbsleb , Asst. Cashier E lmer L. T heobald, Assistant Cashier L IA B IL IT IE S Capital paid i n ......................... ..................................... .. R ESO U R C ES Gold and gold certificates..................................$208,264,000 Gold settlem ent fund F . R . Board............... 149,790,000 Gold with Federal Reserve A g en ts............... 620,153,000 Gold redemption fu n d ......................... ............... 5,209,000 Reserves other than G old.................................. 29,431,000 $ 29,983,000 S u rp lu s..................... ................................................ 59,929,000 Government deposits.......................................... 5,233,000 T otal reserves............ ............................. Non-reserve c a s h ............................................ . . Bills discounted— secured by Government o b l i g a t i o n s . . . . . . . .................................. Bills discounted— all oth ers.............................. Bills bought in open m arket...................... .. U . S. B o n d s............................ ........... ................. .. U . S. Treasury N otes ......................................... U . S. certificates of indebtedness.................... B ank prem ises.................................................."... U ncollected i t e m s . . . ......................................... All other resources................... D ue to members—reserve a cco u n t............................................ 849,652,000 Other deposits ................................................................................. 13,501,000 T otal deposits............................................... $868,386,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 334,962,000 Deferred availability ite m s........................ 124,598,000 All other liab ilities.................. ...................................................... * 1,479,000 TOTAL L IA B IL I T I E S .. ............................. ............... $1,419,337,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOTAL R E SO U R C ES. 22 $ 1,012,849,000 16,415,000 25,417,000 15,274,000 11,990,000 1,202,000 115,425,000 33,363,000 15,552,000 162,952,000 8,898,000 $1,419,337,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATION DISTRICT No. 3—Bank L ocated a t P h ila d e lp h ia . (925 C h e s t n u t S t r e e t) (T ra n s it N u m b e r 3-4) ; tit'R'RTTO'RY IN DISTRICT—Delaware, the following counties of New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, ^ d % e m and following ¿»unties: McKean, Elk, aearfield, Cambria, and Bedford. Membership. National Banks 658, State Banks bb. DIRECTORS CLASS A:__JOS. WAYNE, JR (1926), Philadelphia; FRANCIS DOUGLAS- (1924), Wilkes Barre, Pa. ; JOHN ^ C IA SS^^—AI?B^ B^ J^HNSOlF 0925), Philadelphia; EDW IN S. STUART (1926), Philadelphia; CHARLES K. C ^ E i C ^ M l !' AUSTIN (1926), Philadelphia, C M m m * . BoardI» BY L. CANNON (1926), Bridgeville, Del.; CHAS. C. HARRISON (1924), Philadelphia., Deputy Chairman of Board. 1 1 - OFFICERS. ... .......... GEO. W. NORRIS, Governor; WILLIAM H. HUTT, Deputy Governor; EDW IN S. STUART, Deputy Governor; WILC ^ M c I L H E N N Y , W. J. DAYIS, JAMES M. TOY, H M. MILLER, Jr., F. W: ^ R IC H A R d \ R AUSTIN, Federal Reserve Agent; ARTHUR E. POST, A s ^ c m t Federal Reserve A g e n ts LEVI L. RUE, Philadelphia, Member Federal Advisory Council; WM. G. McCREEDY, Comptroller. \ i; ,f ,:S, L IA B IL ITIE S C apitalpaid i n ..................................................... .. ............— 9 10,229,000 Surplus fu n d ...............................................— ------------------- - 19,927,000 Government depositsi .'...■ ......... .. — •.• • • • • • • • E• • • • • • • • 3,342,000 D a« to members—reserve aceou n t........................................... 123,072,000 Other deposits . . . . . . . . . . . ......... I .......... * • • • ♦ ------- »• • • • 401,000 Total deposits............................................$126,815,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 179,853,000 Deferred availability item s.......................................................... 51,289,000 AM other liab ilities.......................................................................... 418.000 R ESOURCES Gold coin and certificates................................ $ 30,356,000 34,455,000. Gold settlem ent fund, F . R, Board. Gold with Federal Reserve A g en ts.............. 192,492,000 7.479.000 Gold rédem ption fu n d ........................... ........... 3.248.000 Reserves Other than Gold “ . ........................... T otal cash r e s e r v e , . . . . . Non-reserve cash ¡ í > p>.i. • Bills discounted— secured b y Government ob ligation s.......................................................... B ills discounted— all others. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B ills bought in open m arket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. • • • • • • • U . S. b o n d s . . UV S. Treasury notesv . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • U . S. certificates of indebtedness (P ittm an Act) ......................................... ...................... All Other earning assets............................. . • . B ank premi s es . . . . . . . . . U ncollected item s. Ji . . r l t J . . . . . a .; All other resources. . . . . . . . , • •... TOTAL R ESO U R C ES $388,531,000 TOTAL LIA B IL ITIE S D ISTR IC T No. 4 - B a n k L ocated a t C leveland. $286,030,000 1.423.000 17,475,000 8.616.000 : : 1,750,000 . ,549,000 ‘ 24,578,000 4.547.000 1.250.000 1. 110.000 • 58,955,000 248,000 $388,531,000 (T ra n s it N u m b e r 6-1) (F ed eral R eserve B a n k B ld g .— E a st S ix th a n d S u p erio r S t s .) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—State of Ohio, all that part of Pennsylvania west of the eastern boimdanes of the following counties: Warren, Forest, Jefferson, Indiana, and Somerset, the counties of Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, Tyl®*» Wetzel, and Hancock in the State of West Virginia, and all that part of the State of Kentucky located east of the western boundary of the following counties: Boone, Grant, Scott, Woodford, Jessamine, Garrard, Lincoln, Pulaski, and McCreary. Membership: National Banks 754; State Banks 120. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—ROBERT WARDROP (1926), Pittsburgh; CHESS LAMBERTON (1925), Franklin, Pa.; O. N. SAMS, ( 19 GLASS1B:—R. P. WRIGHT (1925), Erie, Pa.; JOHN STAMBAUGH, (1924), Youngstown, Ohio; G. D. CRABBS (1926), Lockwood, Ohio. • .• w v Lf A . CLASè C:—DAVID C. WILLS (1926), Cleveland, Chairman of Board; L. B. WILLIAMS, (1925), CSeveland, Ohio, Deputy Chairman of Board; W. W. KNIGHT, (1924), Toledo, Ohio. CORLISS E. SULLIVAN, Cleveland, Ohio, Member Federal Advisory Council. . OFFICERS E. R. F a n c h e r , Governor D. C. W i l l s , Federal Reserve Agent M. J. F l e m i n g , Deputy Governor Wm. H. F l e t c h e r , Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and F. J. Z t j r l in d e n , Deputy Governor Manager, Department of Examination J. C. N e v i n , Cashier and Secretary J. B. A n d e r s o n , Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and W. F. T a y l o r , Asst. Cashier Manager Statistical Department. H. F, S t r a t e r , Asst. Cashier G. A. S t e p h e n s o n , Assistant Secretary and Manager, C. W. A r n o l d , Asst. Cashier Bank Relations Department G. H. W a g n e r , Asst. Cashier F. V. G r a y s o n , Auditor D. B . C l o b b e r , Asst. Cashier C. L. B i c k f o r d , Asst. Cashier CINCINNATI BRANCH. (Transit Number 13-43) (F o u r th a n d W a ln u t) P. J. FAULKNER, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; L. W. MANNING, Manager; B. J. LAZAR, Cashier; JOHN P. H. BREWSTER, Assistant Cashier; H. N. OTT, Assistant Cashier. E. DIRECTORS S. LEE, JUDSON HARMON, CHAS. W. DUPUIS, JOHN OMWAKE, L. W. MANNING, Cincinnati. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATION (District No. 4. Continued from page 23.) PITTSBURGH BRANCH. (Transit Number 8-30) (L ib e r ty A v e n u e a n d A n d e r so n S tre e t) Ä ä /ä ä 1c a i f f i S S “ CAMp' Manater; th o s- griggs- p a DIRECTORS CAM pf 'P it t S ^ h f Pa.HAS‘ W- BR0WN» JAMES D. CALLERY, CHARLES D. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE DE L IA B IL IT IE S Capital paid in ........................... .............................. .......... . . . . . 12,655,000 Surplus f u n d ............................................. .............................. . ' RESOU R C ES Gold com and certificates................................. $ 18,688,000 Gold settlem ent f u n d . . . ................................... 79,288,000 Gold with Federal Reserve A g en ts................ 216,651,000 Gold redemption fu n d ........................................ 2,908,000 Reserves other than G old................................. 6,062^000 23,691,000 G o v e r n m e n t d e p o s its . . ........... .......................................................................................... i 496 000 D ue to members—reserve accou nt............................. ............ 166,088,000 j 472 000 All other deposits............................................................................ T otal D ep o sits................ ............ . . ____ $169,056,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 209,490,000 Deferred availability item s. ............................................... 54,747 000 All other liab ilities. 881,000 T otal reserve.. J........................................... Non-reserve c a s h . . . . . . ....................... Bills discounted— secured by Government obligations.......................................................... Bills discounted— all oth er................................ Bills bought in open m arket............................. U. S. B o n d s............................................................ U. S. T rea su ry N otes ....................................... U . S. certificates of indebtedness .................. Bank prem ises.. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uncollected ite m s........................................ All other resources............................. TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S ......................................................$470,520,000 D IST R IC T No. 5 «323,497,000 4.784.000 11.763.000 8.856.000 2.780.000 2.915.000 33.201.000 10.825.000 9,129,000 62.493.000 277,000 TOTAL RESO U R C ES. B an k L ocated a t R ich m o n d . (9th & Franklin Sts.) «470,520,000 (T ra ilsit N u m b er 68-3) w J F tr F 1— *° RY I^ ,,DISTRi.CT_r P istrict of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and all West Virginia except the counties of Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, Tyler, Wetzel, and Hancock. * Membership: National Banks 561; State Banks 65. DIRECTORS R l E l ^ U ^ 0 M tim o ® RMdON W® 5)’ * * * > N ‘ L' * ,0 H N S 0 N <1926)’ Aldere°"' W- ^ CHAS. E. DAVID^R. C o io s T t Y S S , H'a?terfk,I S.KC.(1924)’ Riohmond: BDW IN G GRAHAM (1925), Washington, D . C .; N .o ^ k | HA .5 s » t ^ aaaLASSITER (1925)’ char,o‘ te e JOHN M. MILLER, Jr. Member Federal Advisory Council, Richmond, Va. OFFICERS GEORGE J -SEAY, Governor; CHAS. A. PEPLE, Deputy Governor; R. H BROADDUS Devutv Governor • T SWAT m m GEORGE H KEESEE, Cashier; HOXTON, Assistf nt FederalReserve Agent; R. H. LEE, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; ALBERT S. JOHNSTONE n e\ f ° ^ e\ r ^ v n iT > ^ Department; J. T. GARRETT, Manager Bank Relations Department, HUGH LEACH Auditor; C. V. BLACKBURN, Assistant Cashier; THOMAS MARSHALL Jr Assistant Cashier• W W ^ m m p n GS WALLACF’^ S eT ARD W A t L B R ' * * * * * Cashier, A ^ ffi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII|||||||||||||||||||||||||||lil||||||||||||IIIIIIIIIHI!lll BALTIMORE BRANCH. (Transit Number 7-27) (South and Redwood Sts.) , H. DUDLEY, Manager; E. G. GRADY, Cashier; ’ HENRY SCHUTZ Audit* r- C lteem : Agent; F. MeO. LEEKE, Assistant Cashier; THOMAS I H A ? r>m NT ! w v , a , f REES E, Ä DIRECTORS A. H. DUDLEY, H. B. WILCOX. CARTER G. OSBURN, and W. H. MATTHAI Balt • EDM UND P. COHILL, Hancock. ’ LIABILITIES Capital paid i n . : ........................................................................... $ .S u r p lu s................................................... . ................... .................... Government deposits........................................ RESOU R C ES Gold and gold certificates..................................« 9 685 000 Gold settlem ent fund, F . R . B oard............... 33,556^000 Gold with Federal Reserve A gen ts................ 41,390.000 Gold redemption fu n d ____ _____ . . . . . . . . . 2,777 000 Reserves other than G o ld ................................ 4,125,000 5,844,000 11,672,000 1,324,000 D ue to members— reserve a ccou n t.................................. ......... 61,394,000 AD other deposits............................................................................ 169,000 T otal deposits .x.........................................«62,887,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 70,759,000 Deferred availability ite m s.......................... 49,819,000 All other lia b ilities.............................................................. .......... TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S ...................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 901 000 «201,882.000 24 T otal reserve................................................. Non-reserve C a s h ............................................... Bills discounted— secured by Government obligations..................................................... Bills discounted— all oth er................................ Bills bought m open m arket............................. U. S. B onds............................................................ U : S: Treasury N otes ....................................... U. S¿ Certificates, of in d eb ted n ess................ Bank prem ises....................................................... Uncollected item s ............................................. All other resources........................... >................ .. j1 91,533,000 2.774.000 TOTAL R E S O U R C E S .......................... «201,882,000 12.415.000 33.258.000 259.000 1.191.000 3.030.000 904.000 2.528.000 53.762.000 228.000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATIO N D IST R IC T No. 6;—B a n k L ocated a t A tla n ta . (T ra n s it N u m b e r 64»14) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Alabama, Georgia, Florida, all Tennessee east of the western boundary of the follow ing counties: Stewart, Houston, Humphreys, Perry, and Wayne; all Mississippi south of the northern boundary of the following counties: Issaquena, Sharkey, Yazoo, Madison, Leake, Neshoba, and Kemper; all Louisiana, south of the northern boundaries of the parishes of Vernon, Rapides, and Avoyelles. Membership: National Banks 390; State Banks 143. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—JOHN K. OTTLEY (1924) Atlanta, Ga.; OSCAR NEWTON (1925), Jackson, Miss.; PETER R. KITTLES (1926), Sylvania, Ga. CLASS B:—LEON C. SIMON (1926), New Orleans; J. A. McCRARY (1924), Decatur, Ga.; W. H. HARTFORD (1925), Nashville, Tenn. CLASS C:—JOS. A. McCORD (1926), Atlanta, Chairman of Board; W. H. KETTIG (1925), Birmingham, Ala., Deputy Chairman of the Board; LINDSEY HOPKINS (1924), Atlanta. OSCAR WELLS, Jacksonville, Fla., Member Federal Advisory Council. , OFFICERS M. B. WELLBORN, Governor; J. L. CAMPBELL, Deputy Governor; CREED TAYLOR, Deputy Governor; M. W. BELL, Cashier; W. B. ROPER, Assistant Cashier; W. R. PATTERSON, Assistant Cashier; R. A. SIMS, ¡Assision! Cashier; H. F. CONNIFF, Assistant Cashier; J. B. TUTWILER, Assistant Cashier; W. H, TOOLE, Manager Fiscal Agent Department; JOS. A. McCORD, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; WARD ALBERTSON, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Secretary of Board of Directors; W. S. JOHNS, General Auditor; J. W. HONOUR, Assistant Auditor; J. M. SLATTERY, Manager Bank and Public Relations Department; RANDOLPH & PARKER, General Counsel. NEW ORLEANS BRANCH. (Transit Number 14-21) DIRECTORS P. H. SAUNDERS, New Orleans, Chairman; A. P. BUSH, Mobile, Ala.; J. E. BOUDEN, Jr., New Orleans La.; JAS. P. BUTLER, JR., New Orleans, La.; LEON C. SIMON, New Orleans, La ; R. S. HECHT, New Orleans, La.; F. W. FOOTE, Hattiesburg, Miss. OFFICERS MARCUS WALKER, Manager; W. H. BLACK,AssistantManager;'J. A. WALKER, Cashier; F. C. VASTERLING. Assistant Cashier; LAWSON BROWN, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. BIRMINGHAM BRANCH. (Transit Number 61-19) DIRECTORS W. H. KETTIG, Chairman; OSCAR WELLS, T. O. SMITH, W. W. CRAWFORD, and JOHN H. FRYE Birmingham, Ala. OFFICERS ALEX. E. WALKER, Manager; W. C. STERRETT, Cashier; H. J. URQUHART, Assistant Cashier; J. B. COBBS, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., BRANCH. (Transit Number 63-19) DIRECTORS JOHN C. COOPER, Chairman; EDWARD W. LANE, FULTON SAUSSY, GILES L. WILSON, and C. P. KENDALL, Jacksonville. > OFFICERS G. R. DE SAUSSURE, Manager; W. S. McLARIN, Jr., Cashier; GEO. N. MARTIN, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. NASHVILLE BRANCH. (Transit Number 87-10) DIRECTORS T. r ' E M B ^ TW k ,S t e i: * T W n; '* 0ALDWELL- E - A- LINDSEY And P. M. DAVIS, Nashville; OFFICERS , Cashier; W. T. TYLER. A m M m t Federal Beeerve Agent. ALA. SAVANNAH AGENCY/ (Transit Number 38-49) R. N. GROOVER, Manager; D. E. AVERY, Assistant Manager. HAVANA AGENCY. L. C. ADELSON, Manager; L. L. MAGRUDER, Assistant Manager. L IA B IL ITIE S Capital paid in , RESOURCES ............................... ......................$ 4,578,000 Surplus...................... Government deposits.......................................... '......................... 8,950,000 i ,§16,000 Due to members— reserve a c c o u n t........................... ............. 55,040,000 All other deposits............................................................................ 143 000 Gold and gold certificates................ * s qoq nnn F. R . B o a r d 12,*151,000 Cold with Federal Reserve A g en ts................ 126,722,000 vjroid redemption fu n d ......................... i onfi nnn Reserve other than G old ............... 11,989*000 T otal reserve........................................ ’ $161,151,000 N on-reserve c a s h ................................. 3.921.000 Bills discounted— secured by Government ob lig atio n s............................................. 2.778.000 Bills discounted— all ot her . . , ! ! ! ! ! ’ ! ! ! 26.854.000 Bills bought in open m arket......... 1.293.000 U . S. b on d s............................. " ............V " ” 34.000 U . S. T rea su ry notes ............ . . . . . . ! 331,000 U. S. certificates of indebtedness . .! 63.000 Bank prem ises................................................. 2.728.000 Uncollected item s.................... 26.813.000 Other resources........................... 1.913.000 TOTAL R E SO U R C E S............. $227,879,000 T otal d eposits............................................................ $56,999,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 136,211,000 Deferred availability item s.............................................. All other liabilities.............................................................. .......... TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S.................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19,708,000 i 433 ooo $227,879,000 25 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATION D IS T R IC T Nò# 7- B a n k L ocated a t C hicago. (T ra n s it No. 2-30) (230 L a S a lle S t.) TERRITORY IN DISTRIGT—State of Iowa, all that part .of Wisconsin in the counties, of Vernon, Monroe, Jackson, Clark, Marathon, Langlade, Oconto, and Marinette1, together with all the counties lying east and south of these countees; all of the southern peninsula of Michigan, viz.: that part east of Lake Michigan; all that part of Illinois located north of a line forming the southern boundary of the following counties! Hancock, fochuyler, Cass, Sangamon^ Ciiristian, bnelby, Cumberland, and Clark; and all that part of Indiana north of a line forming the southern boundaries of the following counties: Vigo, Clay, Owen, Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew* Jennings, Ripley, and Ohio. Membership: National Banks 1064; State Banks 371. D IR E C T O R S A N D O FFIC E R S Class A—Directors GEORGE M . R E Y N O L D S, Chicago, HI. (1924) CHA R LES H . M cN ID E R , M ason C ity, Iowa (1925) E L B E R T L. JO H N SO N, W aterloo, Iowa (1926) Banking Officials JA M ES B. M cDOUGAL, Governor JO H N H . B LA IR , D eputy Governor CHA R LES R . M cK AY , D eputy Governor Class B—D irectors A U G U ST H . VOGEL, Milwaukee, Wis. (1924) ST A N F O R D T. CRAPO, D etroit, M ic V (1925) , R O B ER T M U E L L E R , Decatur 111, (1926) Loans and Credits K E N T C. C H IL D S, Controller of Loans and Credits ALLEN R . LeROY, M anager, Loans (Iowa) .. R A LPH H . BU SS, M anager, Loans (M ichigan and W is consin) D iscount Departm ent FR A N K R . H A N R A H A N , Manager, Loans (Illinois and Indiana) E U G E N E A. D E L A N E Y , Manager, Credit Departm ent JOSEPH C. CALLAHAN, M anager, Member B ank Ac counts D epartm ent. Class C— Directors W IL L IA M A. ¿ B A T H , Evanston; ili. ( i 9 k ) F R A N K C. BALL, M uncie, Ind. (1925) JA M ES SIM PSO N , Chicago, 111. (1926) Officers ; W ILLIAM A. H E A T H , Chairman and Federal Reserve A gent , JA M ES SIM PSO N . D eputy Chairman W A L TE R F. M cLA LLEN , Secretary Investm ents CLAR KE W A SH B U R N E , Controller of Investm ents ALBA W . D A ZE Y , M anager, Investm ent D epartm ent Cash and Custodies OTTO J. N E T T E R ST R O M , Controller of C ash and Custodies . JESSE G. R O B ER T S, M anager, Cash Departm ent R O BER T E. COU LTER , M anager, Cash C ustody D ept. F R E D B A T E M A N , Manager, Securities Departm ent D ivision of Issu e W A LTER F. M cLA LLEN , A s s t. Federal Reserve; A gent D ivision of Examinations W ILLIAM H . W H IT E , A ssistant Federal Reserve Agent,. Manager . . _ •, , CHA R LES G. RU TLED G E* A cting A ssistant Federal Reserve A gent Collections W ILLIAM C. B A C H M A N , Controller of Collections IR V IN G FISC H ER , Manager, Check D ept. LOUIS G. PA V E Y , M anager, Collection Departm ent . D ivision of Bank R elations E V E R E T T L. H A R R IS, Manager Administration JA M ES H . D IL L A R D , Controller of A dministration R O B ER T J. HARG R EAV ES, Manager, Personnel D e partm ent _ LOUIS G. M E Y E R , M anager, Service Departm ent FR A N K A. L IN D S T E N , M anager, Disbursing D ept. W A L T E R A. H A N SO N , M anager, Accounting D ept. R IC H A R D C. H U E L SM A N , Manager, Planning D ept D ivision of R esearch and Statistics F R A N K M . H U ST O N , Manager D ivision of Audit F R A N C IS R . BU R G ESS, Auditor W A L TE R A. H O P K IN S, A ssistant Auditor Counsel C H ARLES L. POW ELL Fiscal Agency D O N A. JO N E S, Controller of Fiscal Agency Functions JOHN. H . R U M B A U G H , M anager, Government Bond D epartm ent M em ber Federal Advisory Council JOHN. J. M IT C H E LL , Chicago, 111. DETROIT BRANCH. (Transit No. 9-29) (128 W . C o n g r e ss S t.) GEORGE T. JA R V IS, Assistant Auditor W ILLIAM R . C A TIO N , Manager JO H N B . D E W , Cashier HA R LAN J. C H A LFO N T, A ssistant Cashier H E R B E R T H. G A R D N E R , A ssistant Cashier H E N R Y M . BU TZEL, A ssistant Counsel Directors JA M ES IN G L IS JU L IU S HAASS EM O RY W . CLARK CHAR LES H . H O D G ES JOHN W . STALEY Officers JOHN G B A SK IN , Asst. Federal Reserve Agent W ILLIAM C. SC H R A D E R , Acting A ssistant Federal Reserve Agent R ESOURCES LIABILITIES Gold and gold certificates............................. .... $ 75,585,000 . Gold settlem ent fund, F . R . B oard................ 112,776,000 Gold w ith Federal Reserve A gen ts............... 264,659,000 Gold redemption fu n d .................. ............. .. 4,037,000 Reserves other than g o ld ............................. 14,279,000 Capital paid i n , * . . ; . . ................................................................. * 15,155,000 Surpl us . . P R » ............. 30,426,000 Government d e p o sits.. . . . . . ....................... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . 9,890,000 D ue to members—reserve accou n t.................................... All other deposits..................................................... T otal deposits.......................... .. T otal reserve............................. 302,408,000 1,908,000 $314,206,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation........................... 245,373,000 Deferred availability item s..................................... All other liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S ................................... $ 471,336,000 Non-reserve cash .................................................. B ills discounted— secured by Government obligations......................................... B ills discounted— all oth er.............................. Bills bought in open m arket............................. U. S. bon d s............................................................. Ü . S. Tréasury notes . ........... U . S. certificates of in d eb te d n e ss.................. 72,630,000 Uncollected ite m s................................................ All other resources............................................... 1,282,000 TOTAL R E S O U R C E S ......................... $679,072,000 26 8»792,OQO „ „ „ „„„ W’04* ’^ 30,897,000 2.642,000 ...... á'426,000 47,296,000 13,648,000 ■ 81,391,000 337,000 $679,072,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BAN K INFORM ATIO N____________ D IS T R IC T No. 8—B a n k L o cated a t S t. L o u is. (T ra n s it N u m b e r 4-4) DIRECTORS CLASS A r-JO H N G. LONSDALE 0926 ), St. Louis; J. C. UTTERBACK 0924), Paducah, g h j j JOÎîN C. • _ T?f)TiT.A WELLS (1924), St. Louis; WILLIAM B. PLUNKETT (1925), Little Rock, Ark.; LE ROY MARTIN (1924), St. Loins, Chairr^n of Board and ^ ^ h^ e^ LITTLE ROCK BRANCH. n Agmt; J0H N W* (Transit Number 81-13) A. F. BAILEY, Manager; M. H. LONG, Cashier; F. A. COE, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS A. F. BAILEY, JOHN M. DAVIS, J. E. ENGLAND, Jr., C. S. McCAIN and MOORHEAD WRIGHT. LOUISVILLE BRANCH (Transit Number 21-59) W. P. KINCHELOE, Manager; JOHN T. MOORE, Cashier; EARL R. MUIR, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS W. P. KINCHELOE, W. C. MONTGOMERY, F. M. SACKETT, GEORGE W. NORTON, and E. L. SWEARINGEN. -■ic MEMPHIS BRANCH. (Transit Number 26-3) JNO. J. HEFLIN, Manager; V. S. FUQUA, Cashier; S. K. BELCHER, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS JNO. J. HEFLIN, J. D. McDOWELL, S. E. RAGLAND, T. K. RIDDICK, and R. B. SNOW DEN. R ESO U R C ES L IA B IL ITIE S Capital p u d i n ............ ............. $ Surplus f und. . . . J . 10,072,000 . 70,741,000 .................... •' 2,170,000 Government deposits.................... D ue to members—reserve account $73,333,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation 60.430.000 Deferred availability ite m s ............................ 32.209.000 All other liabilities............................................. 493,000 TOTAL L IA B IL ITIE S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 8,261,000 , 30,424,000 61.589.000 1,440,000 10.684.000 T otal reserve Non-reserve cash . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B ills discounted— Secured b y Government obligations........................... ........... B ills discounted— all other. . . . . . . Bills bought in open m arket......... U. S. Treasury N otes.......... U. S. certificates of indebtedness Bank .prem ises.................................... ises. . . . U ncollected ite m s . All other resources 422,000 All other deposits............................... Total d e p o s its ........................... ...... • Gold and gold certificates................ Gold settlem ent fund, F . R . Board. Gold w ith Federal Reserve-Agents Gold redemption fund Reserves other than go ld ................ 5,064,000 $181,601,000 TOTAL R ESO U R C ES 27 $112,398,000 4,332,000 3,887,000 15,277,000 224,000 8.527.000 1.792.000 2.116.000 32,908,000 140,000 $181,601,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATION D IS T R IC T No. 9—B a n k L ocated a t M in n e ap o lis. (T ra n s it N u m b e r 17-8) (Location—New York Life Bldg.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, all Wisconsin in the counties La Crosse, Trempealeau, Eau Claire, Chippewa, Taylor, Lincoln, Oneida, Forest, and Florence, and all the counties lying north and west of these and the northern peninsula of Michigan. Membership: National Banks 875; State Banks 131. GEORGE H. PRINCE, Member Federal Advisory Council, St. Paul, Minn. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—THEODORE WOLD (1925), Minneapolis; J. C. BASSETT (1926), Aberdeen, S. D.; W. C. McDOWELL, (1924), Marion, N. Dak. CLASS B > -F . R. BIGELOW (1925), St. Paul; N. B. HOLTER (1926), Helena, Mont.; F. P. HIXON (1924), La Crosse, Wis. ■ CLASS C:—HOMER P. CLARK (1924), Deputy Chairman, St. Paul; GEO. W. McCORMICK (1925), Menominee, Midi. OFFICERS R. A. YOUNG, Governor; W. B. GEERY, Deputy Governor; B. V. MOORE, Deputy Governor; HARRY YAEGER, Assistant Deputy Governor; FRANK C. DUNLOP, Controller; GRAY WARREN, Cashier; L. E. HAST, Assistant Cashier; H. C. CORE, Assistant Cashier; H. I. ZIEMER, Assistant Cashier; W. C. LANGDON, Assistant Cashier; A. R. LARSON, Assistant Cashier; ANDREAS UELAND, Legal Counsel. HOMER P. CLARK, Deputy Chairman; CURTIS L MOSHER, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; J. F. EBERSOLE Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; FRED M. BAILEY, Manager Bank Examination Department. MEMBER OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL GEORGE H. PRINCE, St. Paul, Minn. HELENA BRANCH. (Transit Number 93-26) DIRECTORS THOMAS A. MARLOW, Helena; L. M. FORD, Great Falls; R. O. KAUFMAN, Helena; C. J. KELLY, Butte; H. W. ROWLEY, Billings. OFFICERS R. E. TOWLE, Manager; H. F. BROWN, Cashier; R. E. SCHUMACHER, Assistant Cashier; H. L. ZIMMERMAN, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Auditor. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital paid i n . .. ..................................... .............................. $ 3,378,000 S u rp lu s.......... ........................................... ................................... 7.484.000 Government deposits................................................................ 1.481.000 Due to members— reserve accou nt........ .................. .......... 44.552.000 AH other d e p o s its ...................................................................... 363,000 T otal d e p o s its .................... ................. .... Gold and sold certificates................................. $ 9,689,000 Gold settlem ent board, Federal Reserve B o a r d ................................... 5,765,000 Gold with Federal Reserve A gents................ 57,372,000 Gold redemption fu nd........................................ 1,238,000 Reserves other than G o ld ............................... 1,890,000 T otal reserve................................................ Nonreserve cash ................................... Bills discounted— secured by Government ob ligation s........................................................ B ills discounted— all oth er................................ B ills bought in open m a r k e t........................... U. S. b o n d s ........................................................... U . S. Treasury N otes ........................................ Bank prem ises..................................................... U. S. certificates of indebtedness..................... Uncollected ite m s ............. ................ All other resources................. $46,396,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation.............. 67.487.000 Deferred availability ite m s ..................... ............................... 13.488.000 All other liabilities......................... ......................................... .. 1.298.000 TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S......... ....................................... .. .$139,531,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOTAL RESOURCES 28 $ 75,954,000 1,416,000 692,000 13,776,000 846,000 7,427,000 13,849,000 2,806,000 3,875,000 13,374,000 5,516,000 $139,531,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATIO N D IST R IC T No. 10—B a n k L o cated a t K a n sa s C ity, M o. (T ra n s it N u m b e r 18-4) (10th & Grand Ave.) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, all Missouri west of the eastern boundaries of the following counties: Worth, Gentry, DeKalb, Clinton, Clay, Jackson, Cass, Bates, Vernon, Barton, Jasper, Newton, and McDonald; all Oklahoma with exception of the following counties: Atoka, Byron, Choctaw, Coal, Johnston, Marshall, McCurtain, and Pushmataha; all New Mexico north of a line forming the southern boundary of the following counties: McKinley, Sandoval, Santa Fe, San Miguel, and Union. Membership: National Banks 1070; State Banks 35. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—E. E. MULLANEY (1926), Hill City, Kan.; J. C. MITCHELL (1924), Denver, Colo.; FRANK W. SPONABLE (1925), Paola, Kan. CLASS B:—HARRY W. GIBSON, (1926), Muskogee, Okla.; THOS. C. BYRNE (1924), Omaha, Neb.; J. M. BERNARDIN (1925), Kansas City, Mo. CLASS C:—M. L. McCLURE (1926), Kansas City, Chairman of Board; HEBER HORD, (1924) Central City, Neb.» Deputy Chairman of Board; FRED O. ROOF (1925), Denver, Colo. E. F. SWINNEY, Kansas City, Mo., Member Federal Advisory Council. OFFICERS M. L. McCLURE, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; W. J. BAILEY, Governor; C. A. WORTHINGTON, Deputy Governor; J. W. HELM, Cashier; C. K. BOARD MAN, Secretary and Asst. Federal Reserve Agent. ASSISTANT CASHIERS:—JOHN PHILLIPS, Jr., E. P. TYNER, G. E. BARLEY, M. W. E. PARK, A. G. FROST, A. M. McADAMS, G. H. PIPK IN . S. A. WARDELL, Auditor; WALTER ROBINSON, Manager, Department of Examination. DENVER BRANCH (Transit Number 23-19) (16th & Lawrence) J. E. OLSON, Manager; A. J. CONWAY, Cashier; JOHN A- CRONAN, Assistant Cashier; R. W. SMITH. Assistant Auditor. DIRECTORS C. C. PARKS, Denver; A. C. FOSTER, Denver; J. E. OLSON, Denver; JOHN EVANS, Denver; MURDO MACKENZIE, Denver. OMAHA BRANCH (Transit Number 27-12) (1219 Famam St.) L. H. EARHART, Manager; G. A. GREGORY, Cashier; WM. PHILLIPS, and W. D. LOWER, Assistant Cashiers; T. GORDON SANDERS, Assistant Auditor. DIRECTORS W. J GOAD, Omaha; GEO. E. ABBOTT, Cheyenne, Wyo.; L. H. EARHART, Omaha; J. E. MILLER, Lincoln; R. O. MARNELL, Nebraska City. ____________ OKLAHOMA CITY BRANCH (Transit Number 39-24) (226 West Third St.) C. E. DANIEL, Manager; R. O. WUNDERLICH, Cashier; R. L. MATHES, Assistant Cashier; OLIVER A. LEAMON, Assistant Auditor. DIRECTORS P. A. JANEWAY, Oklahoma City; WALTER FERGUSON, JR., Oklahoma City; WM MEE, Oklahoma C ity E. K THURMOND, Oklahoma City; C. E. DANIEL, Oklahoma City. LIA B IL ITIE S R E SO U R C ES Capital paid in .............. ........ ...................................................... $ 4,392,000 Surplus fu n d .......... ............ : ........................................................... 9,496,000 Government deposita............................................... .................. 1,971,000 Due to members—reserve account........................................... 74,096,000 All other deposits...................... .............................. ........ .. . ; . . ■' Gold and gold certificates ......... Gold settlem ent fund. F . R . B ’H. Gold w ith Federal Reserve A g e n ts . .. Gold redemption fu n d .............. Reserves other than G old .............. T otal reserve...................... Ndnreserve c a s h ........... .Bills discounted—secured by Government ob ligation s.. ..................... Bills discounted— all o th er . .. Bills bought in open m arket___ U. 8. B on d s . . . . U. S. T re a s u ry N otes . . . U. S. certificates of in d eb ted n ess. . . . Bank prem ises............... U ncoliected ite m s......... All other resources........... 383,000 T otal deposits.............................................$76,450,000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circu lation................. 64,202,000 Deferred availability item s......................................................... 32,799,000 All other liab ilities................................. .......... ............................ 617,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES.. . . . . . . _____ _. . . . . . . . . . . . .$187,956,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3.941.000 29.190.000 56.500.000 2.145.000 3.718.000 TOTAL R E SO U R C E S . . . . 29 15,219,000 1,558,000 21,815,000 5,919,000 SS187,956,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INFORM ATIO N D IS T R IC T No. 11—B a n k .L ocated a t D allas. (T ra n sit N u m b e r 32-3) TERRITORY IN DISTRICT-—Texas, all New Mexico south of the northern boundaries of the following counties: Valencia, Bernoliilo, Torrance, Guadalupe, and Quay, all Louisiana north of the southern boundaries, of the following counties: Sabine, Natchitoches,, Grant. LaSalle, Catahoula, and Concordia; the following counties in Oklahoma: Atoka, Marshall, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Pushmataha, McCurtain, and Johnston, and the following counties in Arizona: Pima, Graham, Greenlee, (Cochise, and Santa Cruz. Membership: National Banks 660; State Banks 186. DIRECTORS • CLASS A:—J. T. SCOTT (1924), Houston, Tex.; HOWELLE. SMITH, (1926), McKinney, Tex.; W. H. PATRICK (1925), Clarendon, Tex. . CLASS B:—MARION SANSOM (1925), Ft* Worth, Texas; FRANK KELL. (1924), Wichita Falls, Texas; J. J CULBERTSON (1926), Paris, Texas. CLASS G:—LYNN P. TALLEY (1925), Ghairman oj Board and Federal Reserve ’A gent; W. B. NEWSOME (1924), Deputy Chairman of Board; CLARENCE E. LINZ- (1926); Dallas. ' OFFICERS LYNN P. TALLEY, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; CHAS. C. HALL, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent and Secretary; W. J. EVANS, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent; B. A. McKINNEY, Governor; V. J. GRUND, Deputy Governor; R. R. GILBERT, Deputy Governor; R. B. COLEMAN, Cashier; W. O. FORD, Assistant Cashier; J, L. LUMPKIN, Assistant Cashier; REECE T. FREEMAN, •Assistant Cashier; W. D, GENTRY, Assistant Gashier; J. L. HERMANN, Assist&ni:, Cashier; -R. L. FOULKS, General Auditor; W* P. CLARK, Assistant Auditor; CHAS. C. HUFF, Counsel; E. B. STROUD, Jr., Counsel. W. M. McGREGOR, Member Federal Advisory Council, Wichita Falls, Tex. EL PÀSO BRANCH. (Transit Number 88-1) DWIGHT P. REORDAN, Manager; M. CRUMP, Cashier; ALLEN SAYLES, Assistant Cashier; MAC. C. SMYTH Branch Auditor DIRECTORS W. Ò. WEISS, E. M. HURD, A. P. COLES, W. W. TURNEY, and DWIGHT P. REORDAN, El Paso. HOUSTON BRANCH. (Transit Num ber 35-4) FRED HARRIS, Manager; L. G. PONDROM, Cashier; C. L. W HITNEY, Rranch Auditor. DHtECTORS R. B. COLEMAN, E. F. GOSSETT, GUY M. BRYAN, FRANK ANDREWS, and R. M. FARRAR of Houston L IA B IL ITIE S R ESOURCES Capital paid i n ............................................. .. , . . . . .......................$ 4.134.000 Surplus fu n d .......... ............................................................... 7,577,000 Government deposits..................................................................... 1.592.000 D u e to members— reserve accou nt................... ........................ 48.034.000 212.000 All other d e p o s its .................. ...................; ................. .. T otal deposits ................ ......................... $49.839.000 Federal. Reserve notes in actual circulation. . . . . . . . .... 40.239.000 Deferred availability item s......... ...... ....................................... .. 24.400.000 A ll other lia b ilities .................. ............................. TOTAL LIABILITIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . v*: . v 1.712.000 $127,901.000 Gold and gold certificates................................$ Gold settlem ent fund, F. R . B ’d .............. .. Gold with Fédéral Reserve A gen ts........ .. Gold redemption fu n d ...................... . . . . . . . . Reserves other than g o l d . - . . T o ta l re se rv e ............. . .\,C .. . . . . . . . . . . N onreserve c a s h ................................................. B ills discounted—secured by G overnm ent o b ligations........... .............................................. Bills discounted—all o th e rs ............... .. B ills bou g h t in open m a r k e t............................ U .S . B o n d s . . . . . . . ................. U , S. T re a su ry N o t e s . ..................................... U . S. certificates of in d e b te d n ess. . . . . . . . . . ■' B an k p rem ises.................................................. Unccdlected i t e m s ........................... ; ________ All other re so u rc es................................. TOTAL R ESOURCES 10,651,000 3,618,000 25,858,000 1,495,000 6,418,000 $ 48,040,000 ■ :2,;420,000 - . . . 2,726,000 ” 17,033,000 7,344,000 2,770,000 16,328,000 4,730,000 1,912.000 .• 22,764,000 3,824,000 . $127,901,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IN FO RM A TIO N D IST R IC T No. 12—B a n k L o cated a t S a n F ran cisco . (S a n s o m e a n d S a c r a m e n to S ts .) (T ra n s it N u m b e r 11-37) ^ jlw ,s-» TERRITORY IN DISTRICT—California, Washington, Oregon, Ic^iq, ¿Nevada, Utah, and |h e following counties in Arizona: Apache, Coconino, Gila, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Yavapai, and Yuma. Membership: National Banks 596; State Banks 192. DIRECTORS CLASS A:—C. K. McINTOSH (1925), . San Francisco, {Calif.; M. A, BUCHAN (1924), Palo Alto, Calif.;; J.; S. MacDONNELL, (1926), Pasadena, Calif. CLASS B:—A. B. C. DOHRMAN (1926), San Francisco; Wm. T. SESNON (1924), Soquel, Cal.; E. H. COX (1925), Madera. CLASS C:—JOHN PERRIN (1926), San Francisco, Calif., Chairman ..of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; WALTON N. MOORE (1924), San Francisco, Calif., Deputy Chairman of Board. WILLIAM SPROULE (1925), San Francisco, Calif. OFFICERS JOHN PERRIN, Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent; S. G. SARGENT and H..C' BRECK, Assisto»* Federal Reserve Agents. JNO U. CALKINS, Governor.;^ WM. A. DAY, Deputy Governor; IRA, CLERK Assistant Deputy Governor; L. C. PONTIUS, Assistant Deputy Governor; W. N. AMBROSE, Cashier; W. M. HALE, C. D. PHILLIPS, C. E. EARHART, H. N. MANGELS, M. McRITCHIE, H. M. CRAFT, E. C. MAILLIARD, and S. A. MacEACHRON, Assistant Cashiers F. H. HOLMAN, General Auditor; A. C. AGNEW, Counsel. '■ *5223? D. W. TWOHY, Member Federal Advisory Council, Spokone, Wash. LOS ANGELES BRANCH, (Transit Number 1$-16) (Washington Bldg., 3rd and Spring Sts.) S , G. J. SHEPHERD, Manager; G. H. SCHMIDT, Assistant Manager; H. C. VOGELSANG) Assistant Manager, A. J. DUMM, Assistant Cashier. I DIRECTORS C. J. SHEPHERD, Los Angeles; j . F. SARTORI, Los Angeles; H. M. ROBINSON, Los Angeles; I. B. NEWTON, Los Angeles; HENRY S. McKEE, Los Angeles._______ bi,° • PORTLAND BRANCH, (Transit Number 24-1) (Porter Bldg., 6th and Oak Sts.) FREDERICK GREENWOOD) Manager; R. B. WEST, Assistant Manager) 3, P. BLANCHARD, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS FREDERICK GREENWOOD, Portland; J. C. AINSWORTH, Portland; NATHAN STRAUSS, Portland; ED WARD COOKINGHAM, Portland; J. N. TEAL, Portland. SALT LAKE CITY BRANCH, (Transit Number 31-31) (Deseret National Bank Bldg., Main and 1st South Sts.) R. B. MOTHERWELL, Manager; A. B. NORDLING, Assistant Manager; PAUL M. LEE, Assistant Cashier; J. M . LEISNER, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS R. B. MOTHERWELL, Salt Lake City; L. H. FARNSWORTH, Salt Lake C ity;<3. A. DAY, Ogden; G. G. WRIGHT, Idaho Falls; LAFAYETTE HANCHETT, Salt Lake City. SEATTLE BRANCH, (Transit Number 19-1) (2nd Avenue and Spring St.) C. R. SHAW, Manager; B. A. RUSSELL, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS C. R. SHAW, Seattle; M. F. BACKUS, Seattle; M. A. ARNOLD, Seattle; CHAS. H. CLARKE, Seattle} CHASl ’E PEABODY, Seattle. . ' j / ~ v, ' < J ^ O T 3 la ta SPOKANE BRANCH, (Transit Number 28-1) (Post St, and Main. Aye.), , T ’J l f i T i l ö S lO T lJ ll W. L. PARTNER, Manager; D. L. DAVIS, Assistant Manager; EVAN BERG, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS R. L. RUTTER, Spokane; W. L. PARTNER, Spokane; PETER McGREGOR, Spokane; G. L TOE VS. Spokane; C. E. McBROOM, Spokane. .**T , 0 0 * * 1* » « J * LIABILITIES Capital paid i n . . . . . . . . . RESO U R C ES . A ........... ............................. . - . . . $ ' 8.021,000 Surplus fu n d .................... ... . . . ...... i .... 15,301,000 G overnm ent d e p o s its ............ ................... ....................... i . . . . Due to members— reserve accou nt....................... . ............. .2,951,000 150,318,000 All other deposits............................... ..................... ..................... 5,177,000 Gold and gold certificates................ . .............. $ 34,328,000 Gold settlem ent fund, J)Y R . B ’d ; 27*837, 000 Gold with Federal R eserve A g e n ts............... ’ 236*104,000 Gold redemption fu n d ........................................ 1,343,000 R eserves other than g o ld .................................. 3,542,000 T otal reserve................. r . . , . . . . . fg. Non-reserve c a s h ...................................... Bills discounted-1—Secured by Government obligations................................................ B ills discounted— all o th er ....................... . B ills bought in open m arket.................... .. U . S. bon ds___-. .. . ............ ....................... U. S. Treasury n o te s ............. ............ .. U . S. certificates of indebtedness................ .* Bank prem ises....................................................... Uncollected ite m s............................... All other resources................ Total d e p o sits.................. ..................... $158,446;000 Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation._____________205,848,000 Deferred availability ite m s ................... .. All other liabilities............................................ ................... 41,523,000 1,191,000 TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S .. . . J...................... ................... $430,330.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TO TAL RESOU R C ES 31 $303,154,000 4.339.000 4.114.000 18.294.000 3.158.000 12,000 34.654.000 13.066.000 2.880.000 42.479.000 4,180,000 $430,330,000 FEDERAL LAND BANK INFORMATION FEDERAL FARM LOAN BOARD W A SH IN G T O N , D . C. E. S . LANDES M . L. COREY ANDREW W . MELLON, Chairman R . A. COOPER, Farm Loan Commissioner E. E. JO NES L. J . PETTIJO H N JO H N H . GUILL, JR . C. R. H EFLIN, Secretary D IST R IC T N o. 1—-B a n k L ocated a t S p rin g field , M ass. T ER R IT O R Y IN D IST R IC T — M aine, N ew Hampshire, Vermont, M assachusetts, Rhode Island. C onnecticut, N ew York, and New Jersey. C A PITA L , $2,196,570. D IR EC TO R S— E D W A R D H . T H O M SO N . President; B. G. M cIN T Y R E . Vice-President; E D W IN FO RB U SH . Secretary: J. J. M E R R IM A N . Treasurer; H E R B E R T M Y R IC K . Director; G . F . W A R R E N , and C. R . T R E A T ; W M . H. B R O W N IN G . J i.. Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 2— B a n k L o ca ted a t B a ltim o r e , M d. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IST R IC T —Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland. Virginia, W est Virginia, and the D istrict of Colum bia. C A PIT A L , $2,681,500. D IR E C T O R S — VULOSKO V A ID E N . President: D . C. H A R R Y . Vice-President: CALVIN R . TITLOW Secretary; HOR A C E S. W Y N N . Treasurer; JOHN H . M U R R A Y . Director; A. D . IR E L A N D , and I. P. W H IT E H E A D ; R A LPH K . F L E T C H E R , Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 3—B a n k L o ca ted a t C o lu m b ia , S . C. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — N orth Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, and Florida. C A PIT A L . $2,999,090. DIR EC TO R S__L I G U IO N V ie -President: HOW ARD C. A R N O LD , Secretary; ALLAN G R EELEY.Treasurer ¡W ALTER TOM S W R AY. Director; ALAN JO H N ST O N E and C. E. V A N C E; R . H . W ELC H . Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 4— B a n k L o ca ted a t L o u isv ille , K y . T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — Ohio, Indiana. K entucky, and Tennessee. C A PITA L , $4,220,880. D IR EC TO R S— JAM ES B D A V IS. President: H. A. SO M E R S, V ice-President; B. CLORE, Secretary; H E R M A N F. M O N R O E, Treasurer ; E R N E ST R IC E . Director; GEO R G E W ILB E R , and A. P. SA N D L E S: M. R . T O D D , Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 5— B a n k L o ca ted a t N ew O rlea n s, La. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — Alabama, M ississippi, and Louisiana. C A PITA L , $4,114,980. D IR E C T O R S—T . F . , D A V IS, President; R . T . G O O bW Y N , Vice-President; C. C. G A SPA R D . Secretary; J. V. D e G R U Y . J. M . KOONCE. Director; F. S. SW ALM . andTJ. S. A L LE N ; W. S. R E E SE . Registrar. Treasurer; D IST R IC T N o. 6— B a n k L o ca ted a t S t . L o u is, M o. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — Illinois, M issouri and Arkansas. C A PITA L , $3,400,970. D IR E C T O R S— H . P. B ESTO R, President: W. D . G IBB S, Vice-President; O. j. L LO YD , Secretary; M . F. D IC K IN SO N . Treasurer. C. E H O P K IN S. Director; W . W . M A R T IN , and L. M . B U R G E; C. S. W ILLIAM S. Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 7— B a n k L ocated a t S t. P a u l, M in n . T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — M ichigan, Wisconsin, M innesota, and N orth Dakota. C A PITA L , $5,482,390. D IR E C T O R S— E. G OUAM M E, President; B EN J. F. FA AST, Vice-President: H. K. JE N N IN G S. Secretary: PAUL A. PR E U S, Treasurer; SA M U EL TO R G E R SO N . Director; A , C. E R IC K SO N , and E G . V A N L E U V E N ; D . J. M cK E N Z IE , Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 8— B a n k L o ca ted a t O m a h a , N eb, T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — Iowa, Nebraska, South D akota, and W yoming. C A PITA L , $5,312,695. D IR E C T O R S—D . P . HOGAN. President: JO H N C A R M O D Y . Vice-President; W A R D K. NEW CO M B. Secretary; E. D . M ORCOM. Treasurer; A. K O P P E R U D , Director; P. E. L U C H SIN G E R and J. C. U N D ER W O O D ; SA M U EL H. BLA CKW ELL. Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 9— B a n k L o ca ted a t W ic h ita , K as. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — Oklahoma. Kansas, Colorado, and N ew Mexico. C A PITA L , $3,798,235. D IR E C T O R S—M ILA S L A SA TER . President; FLO Y D M . W ILSON. Vice President: L. B. M Y ER S. Vice President; W. E. FISH E R , Secretary; A . N . R O C H E ST E R . Treasurer; D . C. R O Y ER. Director, and FA Y SP E R R Y ; C. A. R Y K E R . Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 10— B a n k L o ca ted a t H o u s to n , T ex. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — T he State of Texas. C A PITA L, $4,941,135. D IR EC TO R S— M . H . GOSSETT, President; S. A. L IN D SA Y , Vice-President; JOHN Van de M A R K , Secretary; R . D . JO H N SO N, Treasurer; F. E . C H U R C H IL L , Director;. ROW AN M ILLS and J. M . N E EL Y ; JAS. H. B R A N A R D . Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 11— B a n k L o ca ted a t B erk eley , C al. T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — California. N evada. U tah, and Arizona. C A PITA L , $2,412,865. D IR E C T O R S— W . D . ELLIS, President: JOHN T . W ILSON, Vice President; A. M . M O R TO N, Secretary; SIM S ELY. Treasurer; GEORGE SA W Y E R . Director; S. S. SM IT H and R T EVANS; E. Q. N O R M A N . Registrar. D IST R IC T N o. 12— B a n k L o ca ted a t S p o k a n e, W ash . T E R R IT O R Y IN D IS T R IC T — W ashington. Oregon. M ontana, and Idaho. C A P I T A L , $4,637,132. D IR EC TO R S— D . G. O’SHEA. President: M. E. LEW IS. Vice-President; A. B. TH O M PSO N , Secretary; GEO R G E C. JE W E T T . Treasurer; W . S. M cCORM ACK. B. D . THO M PSO N and A. W. CATH O R N; L. J. B IR D S E Y E . Registrar. v \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 MILITARY POSTS IN THE UNITED STATES T h e M ap o n t h e tw o fo llo w in g p a g e s sh o w s t h e lo c a tio n o f a ll M ilita r y P o sts in th e U n ite d S ta te s to g e th e r w ith t h e n a m e o f t h e fo r ts. B e lo w is g iv en t h e p o sto ffice ad d ress a n d th e b a n k in g p o in t fo r e a c h fo r t. T h e n e a r e st b a n k in g p o in t is in d ic a te d in ita lic ty p e m a rk ed w ith *, w h ere i t d iffers fr o m th e P o st O ffice a d d ress o f th e fo r t. N am e P o s t O ffice A d d re ss A D A M S, F T ..................N ew port, R . I. A L L E N , F T . E T H A N F t. E th a n Allen, V t. *Essex Junction, Vt. A N D R E W S , F T ...........F t. Andrew s, M ass. *Boston. A R M IS T E A D , F T ___B altim ore, M d. B A K E R , F T ..................Sausalito, Calif. B A L D W IN , F T . _____ P o p h am B each, M e. *Bath, Me. B A N K S , F T ......... .. .W in th ro p S tatio n , B oston, M ass. B A R R A N C A S, F T ___F t. B arrancas, F la. ¿Pensacola. B A R R Y F T ........... .. F t. B arry , C alif. *San Francisco. B L IS S, F T ............ .. F t. Bliss, Tex. *El Paso. B O L L IN G F IE L D . . . A nacostia, W ashington, D . Cs B O Y D , C A M P _______F t; Bliss, Tex. *El Paso. B R A D Y , F T ..................S a u lt Ste. M arie, M ich. B R A G G , F T ..................C am p B ragg, N . C. ¿Fayetteville. B R O W N , F T ................ Brownsville, Tex. C A M P O .......................... C am po, C alif. *National City. C A N B Y , F T ..................Ilw aco, W ash. C A R L S T R O M F IE L D A rcadia, F la. C A R R O L L , F T ............B altim ore, M d. ......... F t. Casey, W ash. *Port Townsend. C A SE Y F T C A SW ELL , F T ............S o u th p o rt, N .C . C H IG A S C A M P ......... S a n ta F e St. B ridge, E l Paso, T e x C L A R K , F T ..................B raekettville, Tex. ^ , C O L U M B IA , F T . . . . . F o rt C olum bia, W ash. *Ilwaco, Wash. C O N S T IT U T IO N , F T .N ew castle, N . H . *Portsmouth. C R IS S Y F I E L D . ___ Presidio, S an Francisco, Calif. C R O C K E T T , F T . . . . .G alv esto n ,T ex . C R O O K , F T ................. F t. C rook, N ebr. ¿Omaha. C U S T E R , C A M P . . . . C am p C u ster, M ich. ¿Battle Creek. D A D E , F T .................... F t. D ade, F la. * Tam pa. D E L A W A R E , F T ___ D elaw are C ity , Del. D E S M O IN E S , F T .. .F t . D es M oines, la . ¿Des M oines D E V E N S , C A M P ___ C am p D evens, M ass. *Ayer D IX , C A M P .............. .C a m p D ix, N . J . ¿Wrightstown D O U G LA S, C A M P . . D ouglas, Ariz. D O U G LA S, F T ............F t. D ouglas, U ta h , ¿Salt Lake City. D U P O N T , F T ............ .D elaw are C ity , Del. D U V A LL, F T ...............B oston H arb o r, B oston, M ass. E A G L E PA SS, C A M P Eagle Pass, Tex. E U S T IS , F T ................. C am p E u stis, V a., *Newport News F IS H E R M A N ’S IS L A N D . . K iptopeka, V a., *Cape Charles F L A G L E R , F T ............ F t. Flagler, W ash., ¿Port Townsend F O S T E R , F T ................K itte ry , M e. F R E M O N T , F T .......... F t. Frem ont, S. C., *Beaufort F U N S T O N , F T ........... San Francisco, Calif. FU R L O N G , C A M P . .C olum bus, N . M ., *Deming G A IN E S , F T ................ D au p h in Islan d , A la., *Mobile G E T T Y , F T ..................F t. Greble, R . I., *Newport G O V E R N O R S IS L A N D . .N ew Y o rk H a rb o r, N . Y . C ity G R A N T , C A M P . . . . . C am p G ra n t, 111., *Rockford G R A Y ’S H A R B O R . . . C o ast D efense of C olum bia R iver, W ash. G R E B L E , F T ...............F t. G reble, R . I., *Newport H A M IL T O N , F T ........ F t. H am ilto n , N . Y ., ¿New York City H A N C O C K , F T ...........F t. H ancock, N . J ., *Sea Bright H A R R IS O N , F T . . . TT . T j .fcr j •' B E N J A M IN ..............F t. B enjam in H arrison, ln d ., *Indianapolis H A Y ES, F T ..................F t. H ayes, Ohio, ¿Columbus HEARN, CAMP Laurence J ..................Im p erial B each, Calif., *San Diego H E A T H , F T .................W inthrop, B oston, M ass. H O U STO N , F T . S A M .............................F t. Sam H ouston, Tex., ¿San Antonio H O W A R D , F T ............F t. H ow ard, M d., *Baltimore H O Y L E , F T . ............... Edgew ood, M d „ *Oakland H U A C H U C A , F T . .'.F t. H uachuca, A riz., ¿TombstoneH U N T , F T ......... ........ .F t. H u n t, V a., * Washington, D . C. JA C K S O N , F T ...........New Orleans, La. JA Y , F T ..........................N ew Y o rk C ity, N . Y . JE FF E R SO N B A R R A C K S .. . . . . .Jefferson B arrack , M o., ¿St. Louis JE S U P , C A M P ............C am p Jesup, G a., *Atlanta KEARNY, FT. P H I L I P .......................F t. Greble, V a., *Newport K E A R N Y , C A M P .. ..Camp K earny, C alif., ¿San Diego K EY W EST BARRACKS .K e y W est, Fla. K N O X C A M P .......... .S tith to n , K y. LA W TO N , F T ___ ...S e a ttle , W ash. L E E H A LL , V A . . L e e h a l l , V a., *Newport L E V E T T , F T . ..............P o rtlan d , M e. L E W IS , C A M P ........... C am p Lewis, W ash. LO G A N , F T .................. F t. Logan, Colo.', *Littleton LY O N , F T . . ................. P o rtla n d , M e. M acA R T H U R , F T . . .S an Pedro, Calif. M cC L A R Y , F T ............P o rtsm o u th , N , H . M cC L E L L A N , C A M P C am p M cC lellan, N . H ., *Anniston, Ala. M cD O W E L L , F T ........Angel Island, Calif., *San Francisco M cIN T O S H , F T ..........Laredo, Tex. M cK IN L E Y , F T .........P o rtla n d , M e. M cP H E R S O N , F T . . . . F t . M cPherson, G a., * Atlanta M c R E E , F T . . ..............F t- B arrancas, Fla., ¿Pensacola Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N am e P o s t O ffice A ddress M A D IS O N Lj B A R R A C K S .............Sackets H a rb o r, N . Y ., * Watertown M A N S F IE L D , F T ....W a t c h H ill, R . I., * Westerly M A R C H F IE L D ,.........R iverside, Calif. M A R FA , C A M P . . . . . M arfa, Tex. M A R S H A L L F I E L D .J u n c tio n C ity , K an sas M A T H E R F I E L D .. . M ills, C alif., *Sacramento M A X W E L L F I E L D . .M ontgom ery, Ala. M E A D E , C A M P ........C am p M eade, M d., ¿Baltimore M E A D E , F O R T . . . . .F o r t M eade, S. D ., *Sturgis M IC H IE , C A M P R O B E R T E . L .........D el R io, Tex. M IC H IE , F T ................ N ew London, C onn. M IL E Y , F T ................... San Francisco, Calif. M IL L E R F I E L D . . . .R osebank, S ta te n Island, ¿New York, N . Y . M ISSO U LA , F T ...........M issoula, M ont. M IT C H E L F I E L D . .G a rd e n C ity , N . Y ., *New York City M O N R O E , F T . .......... F t. M onroe, V a., ¿Phoebus M O R G A N , F T .......... . F t . M organ, A la., *Mobile M O T T , F T .................. Salem , N . J. M O U L T R IE , F T . . . . . M oultrieville, S. C ., C harleston M Y E R , F T . .................. F t. M yer, V a., * Washington, D. C. N IA G A R A , F T . . . . . . .Y oungstow n, N . Y ., ¿Niagara Falls N O G A L E S ......................N ogales, Ariz. O G L E T H O R P E , F T .. F o r t O glethorpe, G a., C hattanooga, Tenn. O M A H A , F T ............... .O m aha, N ebr. O N T A R IO , F T .............Oswego, N . Y . P A R K F I E L D ..............M illington, T enn. P IC K E N S , F T . . . . . . . F t. B arran cas, F la ., ¿Pensacola P I K E C A M P . . . . . . . . L ittle R ock, A rk. P IO P IC O , F T ............S a n D iego, C alif. PL A T T S B U R G B A R R A C K S ............. P la tts b u rg , N . Y . ’ P O P H A M , F T ........ .. .B a th , M e. P O R T E R , F T ............... B uffalo, N . Y . P R E B L E , F T ................P o rtla n d , M e. P R E S ID IO O F M O N T E R E Y ............P resid io of M onterey, C alif., ¿Monterey P R E S ID IO O F . _ ‘.k ’t t b j . SA N F R A N C IS C O .P resid io S ta tio n , S an Francisco, C alif., ¿San R E V E R E , F T .......... -. .H u ll, M ass., *H ingham . R IN G G O L D , F T .. . . R iogrande, Tex. R O D M A N , F T ............. N ew B edford, M ass. R O SE C R A N S , F T . .. .P o in t L om a, C alif., *San Diego RO SS F I E L D ............... A rcadia, C alif. R U C K M A N , F T ......... B oston H a rb o r, B oston, M ass., *Boston R U SSE L L , F T . D . A .F t. R ussell, W yo., C h ey e n n e ST . P H IL IP , F T . . ; . .F t. S t. P h ilip , L a ., ¿New Orleans S Ä M F Ö R D Y C E C A M P Sam fordyce, T ex., ¿Riogrande , SA N JA C IN T O , F T . .G alveston, Tex. SA U LSB U R Y , F T . . . .M ilfo rd , D el. S C H U Y L E R , F T . . . . .W estchester, N . Y ., ¿New York C ity SC O T T , W IN F IE L D , F T . F t. W infield Scott, C alif., ¿San Francisco S C R E V E N , F T ............ F t. Screven, G a., *Savannah S E L F R ID G E , F I E L D M o u n t C lem ens, M ich. SH A N N O N C A M P . .H a c h ita , N . M ., ¿Deming S H E R ID A N , F T . . . . .F t. Sheridan, 111., * H ighland P ark : SL O C U M , F T . ............ F t. Slocum , N . Y ., *New York City SM A LL W O O D , F T . .. B altim ore, M d. S N E L L IN G , F T .......... F t. Snelling, M in n ., *St. P aul S T A N D IS H , F T .......... B oston, M ass. ST A N L E Y , C A M P ...C a m p S tan ley , T ex., ¿San Antonio S T A R K , F T ...................P o rtsm o u th , N . H . ST E V E N S , F T ............. F t. S tephens, O re., * Astoria ST O R Y , F T ...................C ape H enry, V a., ¿Norfolk S T R O N G , F T ............... B oston, M ass. S U M T E R , F T ........ ...... M oultrieviile, S. C ., C harleston TA Y L O R , F T ............... K ey W est, F la. T E R R Y , F T ..................F t. T e rry , N . Y ., ¿New London, Conn. TH O M A S, F T . . . .........F t. T hom as, N ew port, K y ,, ¿Newport T IL D E N , F T ................F t. T ilden, R ockaw ay P a rk , L. I., N . Y ., N ew T O T T E N , F T ...............F ^ T o tte n ^ N . Y ., *New York C ity T O W N S E N D , F T ...........P o r t T ow nsend, W ash. T R A V IS, F T ............... .G alveston, Tex. V A N C O U V E R B A R R A C K S . . V ancouver, W ash. W A D S W O R T H . F T . R osebank, S ta te n Islan d , N . Y , ¿New York City W A R D , F T ....................F t. W ard , W ash ., ¿Seattle W A R R E N , F T . . . . . . .B o sto n , M ass. W A S H IN G T O N , F T . .F t. W ashington, M d ., ¿W ashington, S . C. W A Y N E , F T ................ D e tro it, M ich. W E T H E R IL L , F T . . ..Jam e sto w n , R . I., *Newport W H IT M A N , F T ......... L a C onner, W ash. W IL L IA M S , F T .......... C ape C o tta g e, M e , *Portland W IL L A P A B A Y'. . . . . R aym ond, W ash. W O O D , F T ................... N ew Y o rk C ity W OOL, F T .................... F t. M onroe, V a., *Phoebus W O R D E N , F T ............ P o r t Tow nsend, W ash. W R IG H T , F T . G E O R G E . .S pokane, W ash. W R IG H T , F T . H . G . . .F is h e r’s Island, N . Y ., *New London, Copin. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ISSO 190 0 i9 io Comparison of Cost of Blue Book ! E growth of the banking business in the United States in the past forty-four years is almost beyond belief. If one takes a copy of the Rand M 9 Nally Bankers Directory, Blue Book, of the year 1880 and lays alongside of it a copy of the 1924 book, he will find the following interesting comparisons: 1880 Banks in Book : United States................. 402 C anada........................... ............ .. T o ta l........................... ...................6,532 1924 30,465 4,338 34,803 The figures for 1924 do not include corporations, firms, and individuals whose business is limited to the buying and selling of investments. Those for 1880 do include Private Bankers, of which there was a great number. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Carrying this comparison still further, one gets the following information : 1880 1924 Number of Banks in United States. . 6,130 30,465 Number of Banks in Canada............ 402 4,338 Number of Pages in Directory.......... 420 2,658 Number of M aps........................ o 100 Weight of Book..................................... 2 lbs. 10 lbs. In 1880 the Directory gave only the names of the President, the Cashier, Capital, Surplus, and two correspondents. In 1924, one finds the names o f all officers and correspond ents and the Capital, Surplus and Profits, Deposits, Loans, and Investments, Bonds and Securities and Cash and Exchange. To make a copy of the Directory in 1924 required five tim es as much paper, and owing to increased cost of paper, about eleven tim es as much money to buy the paper as it did in 1880 (and about the same proportion holds good on type, binding materials, ink, etc.) If one based his figures entirely upon these comparisons, there would be from five to six times more hours of labor required to set the type, print and bind a copy of the directory in 1924 than in 1880, and the increase in the cost of this labor per copy would be over tw elve tim e s what it was in 1880. However, labor-saving devices and increased circulation have offset some of this increase so that instead of the labor costing tw elve tim e s as much per copy in 1924 as it did in 1880, it is in reality only about six tim es as much per copy. An increase in the number of banks from 6,000 in 1880 to 34,000 in 1924 should require over five tim e s as -large a force of clerks to collect the information, compile, and edit the statistics. In fact, it does actualy require five tim e s as large a force, but at over tw elve tim e s th e totaL cost, owing to increased wages. Here again, however, increased circulation has cut down the clerical cost per copy from tw elve tim e s to about four tim e s what it was in 1880. It costs over six tim es as m u ch in postage to collect in form ation from 34,000 banks as it does from 6,000. In 1880 th e book w eighed tw o pounds. It now w eighs ten pounds. D uring all th ese forty-four years and in sp ite of th e con d itions show n, there have been on ly tw o increases in th e price of th e Bankers Directory. Joint Stock Land Banks. Title Location States in which operating No. Chartered Ala. & Ga. 58. 8-19-22. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Montgomery. . . . . . . . . -----Montgomery, Ala. Cal. & Ariz. 50. 5-29-22. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Los Angeles............ Los Angeles, Cal. 26. 9-19-19. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco..............San Francisco, Cal. Ore. & Cal. 49. 5-29-22. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco........ San Francisco, Cal. Cal. & Nev. Ga. & Ala. 60. 9-23-22. The Atlanta Joint Stock Land Bank of Atlanta. ............................Atlanta, Ga. *29. 11-11-19. The First Illinois & Missouri Joint Stock Land Bank of Mo. & 111. Champaign........................ .......................... ...................................... Champaign, 111. Iowa & 111. 4. 7-25-17. The Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago............................ Chicago, 111. Iowa & 111. 33. 2-24-22. The First-Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago.....................; Chicago, 111. 111. & Mo. 55. 7-24-22. The Illinois Midwest Joint Stock Land Bank of Edwardsville... Edwardsville, 111. Ind. & 111. 44. 5- 4-22, The Central Illinois Joint Stock Land Bank of Greenville........... Greenville, 111. Iowa & 111. 12 . 1-24-19, The Illinois Joint Stock Land Bank of Monticello......................... Monticello, 111. Mo. & 111. 31. 12- 4-19. The State Savings Joint Stock Land Bank of Quincy....................Quincy, 111. Ind. & 111. 80. 9-11-23. The Bowen Joint Stock Land Bank of Pittsburgh....................... Delphi, Ind.. Ohio & Ind. 10. 12-20-18. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Ft. W ayne............................ Ft. Wayne, Ind. 111. & Ind. 3. : 6-28-17. The Fletcher Joint Stock Land Bank of Indianapolis....................Indianapolis, Ind. 111. & Ind. 27. TO- 1-19. The Lafayette Joint Stock Land Bank of Lafayette...................... Lafayette, Ind. Ia. & IU. 72. 1-11-23. The Burlington Joint Stock Land Bank of Burlington..................Burlington, la. Minn. & Ia. *19. 5-15-19. The Central Iowa Joint Stock Land Bank of Des Moines............ Des Moines, la. Minn. & Iowa 15. 4-22-19. The Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank of Des Moines.............. Des Moines, la. S. D. & Ia. 1. 4-24-17. The Iowa Joint Stock Land Bank of Sioux C ity ........................... Sioux City, la. *54. 7-13-22. The First Kansas-Oklahoma Joint Stock Land Bank of Kansas C ity................................... .............................. ..................... Kansas City, Kans. Kans. & Okla. Mo. & Kans. *28. 11-10-19. The Kansas-Missouri Joint Stock Land Bank of T opeka.............Topeka, Kans. (Not Operating) Okla. & Kans. *24. 8-19-19. The Guarantee Joint Stock Land Bank of Wichita........................ Wichita, Kans. 9-29-22. The Wichita Joint Stock Land Bank of Wichita.............................Wichita, Kans. Kans. & Okla. 61. 4- 1-22. The Kentucky Joi»t Stock Land Bank of Lexington................... Lexington, Ky. Ohio & Ky. 35. Ind. & Ky. 5- 3-22. The Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank of Louisville...........Louisville, Ky. 43. Ky. & Tenn. 62. 10- 3-22. The Union Joint Stock Land Bank of Louisville............................Louisville, Ky. Tex. & La. *30. 11-24-19. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Louisiana........................... .. .Lake Charles, La. 4-10-22. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of New Orleans....................... New Orleans, La. Miss. & La. 36. 4-7-23. The Maryland-Virginia Joint Stock Land Bank of Baltimore. . .Baltimore, Md. Md. & Va. 76. Mich. & Ohio 5- 9-23. The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of D etro it..................... .... .Detroit, Mich. 79. 1-14-19. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Minneapolis...........................Minneapolis, Minn. Iowa & Minn. *11 . 5- 2-22. The Minneapolis-Tnist Joint Stock Land Bank of Minneapolis . Minneapolis, Minn. N. D. & Minn. 41. 6-25-19. The Southern Minnesota Joint Stock Land Bank of Redwood . . . . RedwoodFalls,Minn S. D. & Minn. ' 21 . Mo. & Ark. 71. 12-30-22. The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Boon ville.......... ..............Boonville, Mo. 67. 11-13-22. The Southeast Missouri Joint Stock Land Bank of Cape Girardeau........ .......................... ................. ............................Cape Girardeau, Mo. Mo. & Ark. 1- 9-18. The Kansas City Joint Stock Land Bank of Kansas Ci t y. . . . . . .Kansas City, Mo. Mo. & Kans. 5. 65. 10-23-22. The Missouri Joint Stock Land Bank of Kansas C ity.................. Kansas City, Mo. Mo. & Okla. 4- 9-23. The Equitable Joint Stock Land Bank of M acon......................... Macon, Mo. 77. Mo. & Iowa 4-14-22. The Liberty-Central Joint Stock Land Bank of St. Louis.............St. Louis, Mo. 37. IU. & Mo. 3-27-22. The St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank of St. Louis............ ............St. Louis, Mo. 34. Ark. & v^Mo. 4-17-19. The Fremont Joint Stock Land Bank of Fremont..................... .Fremont, Nebr. 14. Iowa & Nebr. 7-12-18. The Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank of Lincoln.............................. Lincoln, Nebr. 8. Iowa & Nebr. 5- 8-19. The Peters Joint Stock Land Bank of Om aha................................. Omaha, Nebr. Iowa & Nebr. *17. 5- 2-22. The New York & New Jersey Joint Stock Land Bank of Newark . Newark, N. J. 42. N. Y. & N. J. 5- 2-22. The N. Y. & Pa. Joint Stock Land Bank of New York........ . .New York City 40. N. Y. & Pa. 6-11-19. The Virginia-Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Elizabeth 20. City, N. C ......................................................... .................... Elizabeth City, N. C N. C. & Va. 7- 5-22. The North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham........ ... .Durham, N. C. 52. N. C. & Va. 8-16-22. The Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank of Greensboro................ Greensboro, N. C. 57. N. C. & Tenn. 6- 6-22. The Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh........ ............. .Raleigh, N. C. 51. N. C. & S. C. 5-19-22. The North State Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh.....................Raleigh, N. C. *46. N. C. & Va. The Ohio Joint Stock Land Bank of Cincinnati............................Cincinnati, Ohio 1-12-23. 73. Ohio & Ind. ........... Columbus, Ohio The Columbus Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbus........ 2-23-22. 32. Mich. & Ohio 70. 12-14-22. The Ohio-Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Cleveland . .Cleveland, Ohio Ohio & Pa. The First Joint Stock Land Bank of Dayton............................... .Dayton, Ohio 96-22. *59. Ohio & Ind. The Northwest Joint Stock Land Bank of P ortland.....................Portland, Ore. 10-13-22. 63. Ore. & Wash. The Oregon-Washington Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland .. .Portland, Ore. 5- 12-22. 45. Wash. & Ore. 5-29-22. Thè Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland.................Portland, Ore. 47. Wash. & Ore. The Pennsylvania-Maryland Joint Stock Land Bank of 1-17-23. 74. Harrisburg. . . . . . . . . . . .......... .................................................. Harrisburg, Pa. Pa. & Md. 68. 11-14-22. The Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Philadelphia.. . . . .Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. & Md. 4-24-22. The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia............ Columbia, S. C. 39. N. C. & S. C. The Tennessee Joint Stock Land Bank of Memphis___________Memphis Tenn 6-22-18. 7. Ark. & Tenn. 6-22-18. The Mississippi Joint Stock Land Bank of Memphis.....................Memphis’ Tenni 6. Miss. & Tenn. 64. 10-20-22. The Fourth & First Joint Stock Land Bank of Nashville . ...........Nashville’, Tenn. Tenn. & Ky. 7-3-19. The Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank of Dallas............................... .Dallas Texas 22. Okla. & Texas 7- 5-22. The First-Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Dallas............... .1.1 [Dallas’ Texas Tex. & Okla. 53. 4-23-19. The First Texas Joint Stock Land Bank of H ou ston................ P[Houston, Texas 16. Okla. & Texas 9-15-19. The San Antonio Joint Stock Land Bank of San Antonio............ San Antonio, Texas Okla. & Texas 25. 3-26-23. The Texas-Oklahoma Joint Stock Land Bank of San Antonio . .San Antonio, Texas Tex. & Okla. 75. 5-29-22. The Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Salt Lake C ity.......... Salt Lake City 48. Idaho & Utah 5- 2-23. The Potomac Joint Stock Land Bank of Alexandria, Va............ .Washington D. C. Va. & Md. 78. 5-12-19. The Colonial Joint Stock Land Bank of Norfolk......................... .Norfolk Va’ *18. N. C. &Va. 7-19-19. The Union Joint Stock Land Bank of Richmond............. ."[.[[ 1[Richmond Va N. C. & Va. *23. 8-15-22. The Shenandoah Valley Joint Stock Land Bank of Staunton. 1 [ [Staunton Va Va. & W. Va. 56. 66. 10-30-22. The Dayton Agricultural Joint Stock Land Bank of Charleston.. Charleston W Va W. Va. & Ohi > 5- 7-17. The Virginian Joint Stock Land Bank of Charleston.....................Charleston’w .’Va.' W. Va. & Ohio 2. 69. 12- 6-22. The Greenbrier Joint Stock Land Bank of Lewisburg . . . . . . . . Lewisburg IV Va W. Va. & Va. Minn. & Wis. 9- 6-18. The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Milwaukee...... .............. Milwaukee Wis 9. 4-18-22. The Denver Joint Stock Land Bank of D en v er.......... .................. Denver Colo. Colo. & Wyo. 38. ♦liquidated Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C O M P A R A T IV E C O N S O L ID A T E D F IG U R E S F O R J A N U A R Y A N D JU L Y 1 9 2 4 IM P O R T A N T ï T h is ta b u la tio n covers o n ly in s t it u t io n s p e r fo r m in g t h e fu n c tio n s o f a b a n k . S o m e p u b lis h e r s fo r re a so n s o f th e ir ow n, in c lu d e in th e ir ta b u la tio n a ll t h o s e c o n c e r n s w h o se n a m e s th e v p u b lis h h u t w h o se b u sin e s s is c o n fin ed t o t h e s e llin g o f in v e s tm e n ts . S u c h in fo r m a tio n is n a tu r a lly m is le a d in g . W e carry th e n a m e s o f th o u s a n d s o f s u c h in s t it u t io n s b u t t h e y are n o t in c lu d e d in th is ta b u la tio n . ' JANUARY 1924 STATE ß f i 1 Total Total State Total Total Nat’l Banks Private All Banks and Trust dankst Banks Cos. ? 105 A labam a3 A la sk a.* . 19 A rizon a.. 90 Arkansas. 270 California 140 Colorado. 62 Connecticut— 18 D e la w a r e ... 14 Dist. of Col._ 55 Florida____ 98 Georgia.;___ 2 H a w a ii.. — . 7Û Idah o .____ 506 Illinois_____ 246 Indiana____ 350 Iow a______ 266 K ansas____ 138 K en tu cky___ 51 Louisiana 60 M a in e ... 84 M aryland......... M assachusetts. 160 122 Michigan. M in n e s o t a .... 33 Mississippi----133 Missouri . 104 M ontana. 179 Nebraska 12 N e v a d a .. 55 New Hampshire 247j New Jersey 36 New M e x ico ... New York . . . . 525 85 N orth Carolina 174 N orth D akota356 Ohio___ _ Oklahoma.*__ 429 96 Oregon______ Pennsylvania.. 861 17 Rhode Island .. 83 South Carolina 121 South D ak ota. 109 Tennessee.----573 Texas_____ _ 20 U tah.............— 46 V erm ont.___ 184 Virginia........ .. 118 Washington— W est V irg in ia - 125 155 Wisconsin. . . . . 40 W yoming------- 274 14 74 40Ò 649 212 *8 4 3 5 160 39 . 35 2 240 *1 605 39 33 *1 107 2 1,412 727 *135 1,302 186 *2 1,044 475 258 1 133 209 15 *4 304 589 179 1,092 328 Í 1,487 *3 186 *6 957 22 69 i 219 *15 51 5 8 6 118 532 1 528 1 673 *93 437 174 *1 701 *54 41 357 *1 507 *5 487 1 9 6 9 105 96 59 363 10 271 226 3 845 — 85 1 LIABILITIES Capitai - Surplus and .Profits Deposits Loans, Discounts, ! Bonds and Other Securities Cash and Due from Banks 387$ 2 5 ,8 2 4 ,9 0 0 $ 21,63-8,350 $ 2 6 0 ,8 3 8 ,2 5 0 $ 238,040,250 $ 69,880,034 17 .805,000 5 1 1 ,40C 9,440,160 7,733,760 2 ,974,550 93 6 ,0 7 8 ,1 6 6 4 ,1 6 1 ,7 2 0 72,166,540 63,657,030 18,946,970 494 2 4 ,5 6 0 ,7 2 5 14,8 1 0 ,580 2 32,672,600 202,154,500 68,226,750 925 1 7 5 ,904,195 1 2 6 ,8 3 4 ,600 2,714,543,615 2,448,304,751 548,97 2 ,7 4 4 355 2 0 ,522,006 313,602,937 17,218,525 272,530,37C 7 8 ,644,759 227 36,115,100 78,458,936 882,743,385 911,833,45C 8 6 ,555,670 57 9,3 1 6 ,3 7 5 118,676,68C 14,029,506 128 ,8 5 0 ,1 0C 13,262,400 5i 2 4 ,5 8 9 ,6 9 0 18,388,206 215,347,260 198,912,35C 58,889,420 296 21,378,006 278,989,194 11,812,996 2 36,846,080 73,6 6 0 ,8 7 0 742 4 8 ,3 3 6 ,7 0 6 42,3 6 0 ,208 395,725,610 378,302,042 110,515,880 36 6,071,340 4,522,526 60,254,710 57,685,31C 13,188,220 182 8,302,006 3,989,216 86,415,530 77,748,370 2 0 ,309,180 1,918 260,770,056 2 3 7 ,679,043 3,407,466,653 3 ,059,015,360 843 ,4 6 9 ,3 0 5 1,108 7 9 ,9 0 9 ,4 1 2 5 2 ,6 1 9 ,110 889,915,119 906,864,488 114,197,018 1,838 • 87,502,906 57,6 3 0 ,110 1,057,571,590 1,056,869,796 146,358,939 1,312 51,952,100 3 1 ,7 2 1 ,100 4 5 0 ,532,909 420,81 3 ,3 0 0 107,923,833 613 4 7 ,6 6 2 ,3 9 5 38,5 2 6 ,760 491,855,811 4 83,945,617 88,237,461 310 3 1 ,4 8 9 ,9 3 0 24,9 8 5 ,099 430 ,8 9 5 ,2 4 0 3 60,439,700 1 25,718,550 193 12,7 3 5 ,4 0 0 2 7 ,7 8 3 ,670 3 4 5 ,697,660 3 58,750,980 2 7 ,383,110 308 38,9 7 4 ,0 7 3 6 3 ,4 5 0 ,020 6 60,380,350 6 38,942,410 123,504,265 468 10 5 ,0 9 2 ,5 0 0 257,810,501 3,262,736,069 3 ,180,520,590 4 3 3 ,8 6 3 ,0 5 4 890 9 5 ,6 0 7 ,1 2 5 91,2 8 7 ,073 1,409,784,370 1,354,270,335 260,71 9 .6 8 9 82,0 8 7 ,5 0 0 - 5 1 ,4 7 2 ,640 1,429 1,040,091,513 1,018,492,770 14,659,942 362 17,319,697 12.9 6 1 ,570 207,237,682 188,778,414 47,5 6 8 ,6 1 0 1,623 1 2 7 ,602,890 91,686.931 1,308,365,490 1,190,568,097 3 29,247,557 296 1 5 ,110,000 7 ,9 8 9 ,030 145,175,630 131,163,650 37,7 2 0 ,2 5 0 1,136 5 0 ,1 0 9 ,7 0 0 2 5 ,1 4 5 ,140 491 ,9 2 8 ,2 6 4 448,585,861 1 18,444,992 34 3,3 2 1 ,4 0 0 1,35 6 ,490 3 2 ,040,790 31,098,240 7 ,210,120 125 7,6 2 7 ,5 0 0 2 1 ,0 1 8 ,470 2 2 6,662,380 240,81 0 ,1 2 0 14,902,590 481 84,2 7 1 ,0 0 0 11 9 ,3 6 6 ,646 1,623,108,310 1,636,117,470 1 80,718,635 87 4 ,4 6 0 ,0 0 0 . 2,0 3 6 ,528 37,896,840 36 221,830 7,7 4 3 ,0 9 0 1,229 4 7 5 ,7 2 6 ,3 5 0 1,0 3 9 ,6 0 9 ,799 12,351,733,725 11,113,788,056 2 ,742,097,333 618 3 9 ,0 3 1 ,6 8 6 2 7 ,0 4 9 ,110 41 8 ,4 0 2 ,3 9 0 3 8 5,240,155 95,027,501 703 1 7 ,984,500 8 ,6 04,452 179,606,850 174,197,634 32,909.710 1,122 16 9 ,2 8 1 ,8 4 5 162 ,0 9 8 ,8 80 2,263,2 3 1 ,4 7 0 2,170,651,841 42 6 ,1 2 9 ,4 0 3 866 39,7 0 2 ,5 8 0 14,911,931 411 ,7 7 4 ,8 6 5 3 34,369,567 129,967,891 271 2 2 ,8 6 4 ,4 0 0 1 3 ,9 0 7 ,420 282 ,4 5 4 ,9 9 0 250,75 6 ,4 1 0 6 7 ,618,784 1,616 2 9 8 ,1 5 3 ,8 4 0 5 6 7 ,8 6 8 ,5 9 5 4 ,5 0 1,392,300 4,4 7 0 ,7 9 9 ,3 5 6 90 4 ,9 4 3 ,3 5 6 58 1 5 ,601,300 3 6 ,0 7 6 ,5 30 4 0 9 ,796,980 400,31 3 ,3 5 0 63 ,0 0 0 ,7 2 5 441 3 2 ,9 0 1 ,8 3 4 18,2 6 4 ,6 30 243,86 9 ,4 0 0 238,04 7 ,3 0 6 60,8 3 5 ,5 8 0 633 16,6 2 5 ,0 0 0 10,1 9 8 ,9 60 2 2 2 ,552,020 2 03,998,298 4 4 ,7 2 6 ,9 9 0 597 4 3 ,7 8 5 ,7 6 4 2 7 ,3 9 1 ,112 450,76 1 ,3 3 7 405 ,9 6 3 ,5 8 5 112,85 3 ,1 2 6 1,647 1 2 2 ,828,968 7 3 ,7 7 4 ,9 93 1,130,105,221 9 2 1 ,739,834 395 ,2 7 8 ,3 7 3 116 11,5 5 1 ,8 0 0 7 ,3 1 9 ,8 60 137,597,725 116,965,337 39,1 7 0 ,5 2 0 105 7 ,7 0 1 ,0 0 0 17,2 6 9 ,630 192,511,040 2 03,767,220 1 3 ,780,610 557 59,3 9 1 ,7 4 7 5 1 ,3 3 5 ,834 523,71 9 ,2 6 4 5 36,696,880 9 6 ,855,553 389 3 1 ,4 3 7 ,3 0 0 1 5 ,897,670 42 6 ,9 2 8 ,6 1 0 374,09 6 ,4 0 5 966 ,6 4 5 ,8 6 0 354 3 2 ,3 0 8 ,6 0 0 3 3 ,4 7 0 ,3 20 3 79,453,980 382,53 8 ,5 3 0 62 ,1 0 7 ,8 3 0 1,000 61,191,0001 4 3 ,5 1 0 ,012 8 1 4 ,575,760 1 61,110,028 765,84 7 ,3 7 7 126, 6,013,600! 4 ,8 5 5 ,3 0 0 8 0 ,542,600 70 ,5 7 5 ,8 0 0 2 0 ,084,520 8.191121,643 1,007t 30,841 $ 3 ,1 1 5 ,4 9 2 .8 8 3 $ 3 ,7 4 8 ,6 7 7 ,702 $ 4 8 ,5 8 1 ,769.666i$45,485.220,332¡$ 9 .8 9 0 .7 0 1 ,5 2 *Under State Supervision. Alberta............................................................ British Columbia........................................ M anitoba................................. .................... Miquelon.. . ............................................... New Brunswick........................................... Newfoundland.......... .............................. . Nova Scotia ................................ Ontario . . . . ........... ......... •......................... Prince Edward Island................................. Quebec........ ................................. ................ Saskatchewan................................. '............. Yukon ....................................................... Total. Canadian Banks and Bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oo J J J U L Y 1924 RESOURCES Number under Name of Bank Is the New 'Transit Number given to each b a n k in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e B a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r ity o f T h e A m e r ica n B an k ers A ss’n . STATE I Alabam a.. I Alaska. _ I Arizona_____ Arkansas___ _ California___ Colorado____ Connecticut__ Delaware___ * Dist. of Col__ Florida____ _ Georgia. . . . Hawaii_____ Idaho_______ Illinois______ Indiana_____ Iowa__ _____ Kansas_____ K entucky___ Louisiana____ M a in e .______ M a r y la n d - .- .. Massachusetts. M ic h ig a n ___ Minnesota___ M ississippi___ Missouri____ M ontana___ * N eb rask a.___ N evada___ _ New Hampshir New Jersey__ New M ex ico ... New York . . . North Carolina North D akota. Ohio_______ Oklahoma___ Oregon______ Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island .. South Carolina South D akota. Tennessee___ Texas_______ U tah........... .. Vermont_____ Virginia_____ W ashington__ West Virginia. Wisconsin _. W yoming____ LIABILITIES ' '-O f Total Total State . Total Total Nat’l Banks Private . All Banks and Trust Banksî Banks Cos. 104 3 19 89 271 13S 62 18 14 56 95 2 69 504 244 349 261 138 50 58 83 161 123 328 36 132 90 175 12 55 252 36 532 84 162 352 411 97 866 17 81 114 108 576 21 46 185 112 125 156 37 274 14 70 397 652 201 160 41 34 248 590 34 106 1,406 733 1,266 1,026 475 251 132 208 306 597 1,057 325 1,468 154 946 22 69 227 45 591 535 471 673 404 175 712 42 358 439 488 958 97 60 360 269 224 840 73 * 8 4 3 6 2 *s 40 1 *2 *134 175 *9 l 15 *4 178 1 *2 *2 i *15 104 1 1 *90 *1 *54 *1 *5 1 103 10 3 1 386!$ 17 89 49 C 923 343 228 59 50 305 . 725 37 177 1,910 1,111 1,790 1.289 613 302 190 306 471 898 1,385 362 1,602 246 1,121 34 125 494 81 1,227 620 634 1 ,1 1 5 815 273 1,632 59 440 558 597 1,637 118 106 555 381 352 996 111 Capital Surplus. and Profits RESOURCES Deposits Loans, Discounts, Bonds and Other Securities ’ Gash and Due from Banks 27,089,100$ 22,428,889$ 253,986,250 $ í 242,884,409 $ 59,968,300 805,000 9,249,360 577,820 8,441,475 2,598,030 5,938.3 66 64,179,700 3,986,610 71.176.480 16,768^210 24,842.800 218,809,780 201,700,700 14,526,020 56,063,950 188,829,895 137,207,680 2,958,883,870 2,797.807,782 480,130,350 312,019,867 19,814,500 268,618,654 16,929,620 79,703,080 36,095,100 907,631,270 948,869,150 81,249,26.0 76,152,240 9,586,355 124,686,170 135,298,008 13,778,290 12,702,120 24,523,570 215,485,110 220,447.210 18,815,590 38,011,340 23,164,000 326,619,027 13,057,310 272,096,448 89,141,381 50,906,376 39,746,320 372,543,278 379,901,469 84,800,140 6,891,840 5,191,390 69,185,580 64,376.570 16,259,020 7,950.000 3,697,750 80,732,880 73,739,929 18,997.310 259,577,000 237,354,481 3,515,384,467 3,198,599,241 , 812,039,692 79,429,960 878,086,496 53,935,480 896,744,091 152,157,700 84,897,300 55,397*035 1,038,270.039 1,007,252,000 169,088,069 49,355,000 30,102,950 425,639,473 404,780.543 97,449,411 40,663,005 426,451,841 425,516,122 37,069,710 78,009,944 35,177,670 418,227,660 386,436,477 23,499,359 91,714,941 12,660,400 28,517,820 347,958,430 362,039.010 26,396,960 38,610,423 663,430,590 669,766,832 66.053,060 97,552,270 103,292,500 265,877,910 3,281,835,820 3,309,612,691 337,277,405 95,905,680 1,451,820,022 91,707,635 1,513,112,380 248,639,525 70,640.000 48,558,520 999,827,884 933,005,295 184,065,708 17,156,530 11,768,850 203,155,180 189,654,920 42,377,480 121,300,000 86,386,321 1,272,986,980 1,199,374,208 280,518,507 13,479,393 7,117,720 112,618,754 125,949,040 33,683,532 49,286,900 466,737,481 23,539,490 508,939,812 112,275,670 3,161,400 34,344,500 30,613,320 1,580,220 7,340,230 7.662,500 21,598,430 231,524,190 246.165,570 14,359,760 87,503,330 124,354,710 1,680.505,630 1,709,396,616 177,848,165 4,190,000 3 5,2 11,3 14 33,250.390 1,714,940 7,957,010 509,034,146 1,119,5 11,68 9 13,430,196,709 12,354,171,395 2,697,149,215 37,941,996 27,959,880 413,913,050 398,650,211 80,431,391 16,929,500 7,655,930 165,363,370 160,333,075 31,240,020 170,961,425 164,888,380 2,334,854,505 2,289,575,415 376,067,020 37,023,650 13,397,643 385,485,765 327,457,735 106,800,341 23,306,030 13,867,890 275,490,490 254,847,971 56,672,330 304,865,738 594.874,455 4,558,020,140 4,719,846,916 732,116,590 15,637,275 34,791,630 421,595,900 432,415,439 39,243,040 32,649,164 246,840,037 18,469,491 242,042,279 47,976,560 14.923,500 ■ 8,175,630 200,282,651 178 ,132 ,515 44,946,206 44,963,725 26,865,370 420,647,140 403,216,911 88,755,240 120,685,605 72,713,876 1,047,614,804 936,094,391 295,410,880 11,530,750 7,584,630 137,109,660 126,263,620 29,015,390 7,726,000 17,321,120 196,115,270 207,704,660 13,380,540 57,761,148 521,680,505 549,302,565 51,618.084 81,161,090 30,898,500 14,723,435 398,891,690 359,411,504 84,804,580 33,547,263 34,512,280 374,837,482 388,493,433 54,989,470 61,454,000 43,544,935 958,456,663 806,163,578 146,150,582 5,148,600 3,787,760 64,815.450 57,465,080 16,469.980 972ÌI30 385| $3.137,373.714 $3.863,591.298 $49,977,927.760 $47,887,473,943 $9,024.825,915 Total Resources in V. S. —$56,912,299,858 Grand Total U.S. 8.110 21,303 CANADA A lb erta....................... British Columbia. . . . Manitoba.................... Miquelon.................... 2 New Brunswick........ 130 36 Newfoundland.......... Nova S co tia .............. 158 O ntario................... 1,453 Prince Edward Island 30 Quebec.......... .............. 1,195 Saskatchewan............ 498 Y u k on ......................... 3 4,338 Total, Canadian Banks and Bankers 328 215 290 320 209 287 2 129 34 149 1,479 31 1,168 478 3 4,289 Non-Bank Towns ALABAM A w ltn Nearest Banking Point (.In- dexed Accos.), L aw yers, L aw s (indexed) in back o f this volume. For I n te r e s t R a te s , H o lid a y s, etc., see L a w s.