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I c 1 ^ i 'V: : ! )...Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll...Ill.... Illllll..Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (('VU 1 Mercantile Bank I Americas of the I NCORPORATED An American Bank for Foreign Trade 44 PINE STREET NEW YORK HAMBURG OFFICE: Monckeberg-ecke Paul-Strasse AFFILIATED BANKS BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO de COLOMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF NICARAGUA, Managua, Bluebelds, Leon, Granada Bogota, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Medellin, Cali, Oirardot, lYlanizales t BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO del PERU. • a * i r* 11 »-r **n t\Lima, Arequipa, Lihiclayo, Callao, lrujillo, Piura BANCO MERCANTIL de COSTA RICA, San Jose BANCO MERCANTIL AMERICANO de CARA CAS, (Venezuela). Caracas, La Guayra, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Valencia BANCO ATLANTIDA, (Honduras) La Ceiba, Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Puerto Cortez, Tela. | DIRECTORS JAMES BROWN Brown Brothers ru,TrurD ,, THATCHER M. Brown Brothers & Co. „Dn,™ BROWN & Co. ALBERT STRAUSS J. 8c W. Seligman 8c Co. WILLIAM P. PHILIPS J. & W. Seligman 6c Co. CHARLES H. SABIN R. F. LOREE President Guaranty Trust Vice-President Company ot New York HERBERTFLEISHHACKER RRFTON President, Anglo and LondonALBERT BRETON Paris National Bank of San Vice-President, Guaranty pTrust Company of New York R. S. HECHT WILLIAM P. CONWAY President, Hibernia Bank Vice-President, Guaranty and Trust Company, New Trust Company of New York Orleans 1 SIEGFRIFD STFRN Vice-President. Columbia Trust Company, New York ADOLFO STAHL, New York LIONEL STAHL New York ALFRED MEYER Vice-President, and General Manager s ....Illllll!...... THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK (ESTABLISHED 1838) 128 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY is equipped to care for your deposit accounts banking and trust business Foreign Exchange Commercial Credits Travellers Letters of Credit Individual Trusts Corporate Trusts Transfer Agent Certificates of Deposit Safekeeping of Securities Total Resources over Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Acceptance Credits - Registrar $150,000,000 New York. INDEX TO COUNTIES. Albany........ N 23 Allegany........ P 7 Bronx.............F 5 Broome........P 16 Cattaraugus. .0 5 Cayuga........L 13 Chautauqua. .0 2 Chemung.... P 12 Chenango... N 16 Clinton....... B 23 Columbia ... O 24 Cortland... .M 15 Delaware... .P 19 Dutchess... ,Q 24 Erie.............. M 5 Essex........... F 23 Franklin... .D 21 Fulton......... K 21 Genesee.i... .K 7 Greene......... 0 22 Hamilton ... H 21 Herkimer ... H 19 Jefferson.. . .F 15 Kings.............G 5 Lewis.... . .G 17 Livingston ... N 9 Madison.......L 17 Monroe..........K ! Montgomery L 21 Nassau...........F 7 New York... .E 6 Niagara.......... J 5 Oneida..........J 17 Onondaga. . .L 14 Ontario........ L 10 Orange...........B 4 Oilcans.......... J 7 Oswego.......... I 15 Otsego.........M 19 Putnam......... B 6 Queens...........G 6 Rensselaer.. M 25 Richmond. ...Go Rockland .... D 5 Saratoga.... K 23 Schenectady. L 22 Schoharie.. ,M 21 Schuyler.......0 12 Seneca.........M 12 Steuben....... 0 10 St. Lawrence CIS Suffolk.........E 10 Sullivan.......R 20 Tioga........... P 14 Tompkins.. .0 13 Ulster...........Q 22 Warren......... I 23 Washington.. J 25 Wayne.........K 11 Westchester. .D 6 Wyoming. ...M7 Yates.......... M 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 1262 NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ALBANY, N. Y. Original Charter 1803 OFFICERS: PARKER CORNING LEDYARD COGSWELL, Chairman of Board LEDYARD COGSWELL, Jr., President Vice-President EDWARD M. BOICE...............Asst. Cashier J. MILTON RUSSUM........................ Cashier C. GREGORY GALLON . .. Asst. Cashier Transacts commercial banking business of every nature Make us your Albany Correspondent Deposits (January 1st, 1922) $25,000,000 Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits over $2,000,000 Total resources (January i«t, 1922) over $30,000,000 R. A. DOWNEY. President d P DOYLE. Vice-Pres. J. D. COGSWELL. JR.. Cashier F. B. SHEPHERD, Vlce-Pres. F, B. TREADWELL. Ass't Cash. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OSWEGO, N. Y. Capital, $100,000 ft. A. S: P. F. B. NIEL Deposits, $2,71 8,000 SURPLUS PR™°S $165,000 Organized 1864 Charter No. 296 DIRECTORS DOWNEY N. L. BATES EMERICK JAMES P. DOYLE SHEPHERD M. PROUSE NEAL PROMPT ATTENTION TO GRAY GEO. H. CAMPBELL BANKING MATTERS. JAMES M. LONG We Solicit Your Collections UNITED STATES, STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITARY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALL MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Town and county. *County Seats. in No. 2 F. It. D. B is Buffalo Br. Adams..............1557 Jefferson G15 Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. itMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ; CITfZENS TRUST COMPANY ♦ 50-586 <§'89 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK President. Vice-President. H. H. Waite______ H. E. Machold........... J. L. Sage { Germano P. Bacelli.........t'98 Do a general Banki 29-52 Prompt attention t Central Bank_________ <§’21 29-53 City Savings Bank......... <$'50 J. B.Haut'____ 29-4 {Formerly Albany City Savin gs W.Bank) S. flack ett First National Bank..T<’64 J. A, Becker______ 29-8 Gallo Brothers--------------- 1’20 (Michael and Louis 29-54 Home Savings Bank____ t$’71 Thomas Austin ___ 29-10 •Mechanics ft Farmers Bank Robt. Olcott______ 29-2 <§1811 Mechanics & Farmers Sav. Robert Oicott____ Bank...........29-6______<$’55 •National Commercial Bk. & K. C. Pruyn______ Tr. Company 29-7....T<’24 W.L. Gillespie, A. to Pres, and V. P. (1 Branch) Ass t R. W. Ripley, See. and Tr. 65,000 1.100,000 H. W. Hannahs. W. A, Cronk___ W. IL. South worth | 137,600 ! 25,000 A. P. Anderson___ A. H. Burg____ Ethel M. Paxon N. E. Brown______ A. Tr. W. V. R. Erving, J .H. Wallace. A. Sec. C. H. Bissikummer 1,165,000 850,360 1st N. and N. Y. StateN., Alb.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown. Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 100,170 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Market St. N.. Phil. 80,000 716.640 46,300 10.000 332,600 | 346,700 35,400 Chem. N., N. Y. 39,650 726,800 ------------j 679,160 112,290 N. Park, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 1,368,740 10153 990 110,9701 11 498 730 347,340 3,203,930 33,380 3,494,030 400,000 Jr., A. ng and Tryst busine ss. Accounts of Ba nks and others soli cited. o all Banking matter s entrusted to us. Incorporated 1900 J. E. Glavin______ C. J. Beckett. Wm. J. Dawson J. W. Cox ................ F. H. Williams. L. F. Hartmann. See. and Tr. A. Tr. G. H. Thacher 482,120 11563 870 Sec. 32,430 42,210 25,000 971.900 925,340 1,306,590 17 220 270 17 585520 J. F. Cooper______ H. A. Arnold_____ Addison Keim......... H. A. Arnold Gallo)____________ 785.850 10157 750 S. L. Mnnson_____ A. H. Geer, Tr____ H. N. Puller, Sec. H. N. Fuller F.W.White. A. Tr. Donald McCredie.. Clarence W .Stevens I. F. Jagger______ 1,571,700 16 026 770 6,640 850 134,970 Bk. of America, N. Y.;N. Y, State N., Alb 90,62ii Empire Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Alb. Tr Co., Alb. 38 825 670 1,131,990 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 8,866,470 3,223,620 N. Park, N. City. Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and Trying N. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 3.162,790 37103,580 Sec. A.P. Adams, Jr., Sec. Principal Correspondents, Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Trust Co., Buffalo. C. E. Byron. Tr.... H.H.Kohn, Sec. .. G. C. McCullough, A. Tr. L. B. WUmarth, Tr. Carl M. Cronk, H. D. Rodgers, Tr E. J. Toole, A. Tr Philip Filz Simons, Jr„ Tr. S.C.Harcourt.^4,Tr. Resources. ISurplus Depos Miscel 1 Loans k Dir- I Cash k Sxc’tb. Bonds, ! chanom,Ddx AND laneous Securities | from Banks its , Profits $ 137,880 SI 226380 $ 50,000 $1 403 210 $ 161,040 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y.;Uirard N„ Phil.: Cashier. — — 7.410 71.730 Bk. of Naples, Italy. 159,430 Atlantic N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 661,610 Mech. ft Metals N., N. Y.; N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 9.649.610 2,494,860 Am. Ex. N. and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l. N.. Chi. 15,900 1,310 1,710 17 299 620 300,550 Irving N.,N. Y.;N. Com’IBk. &Tr.Co.and 1st N.. Alb. 6,740 1,304,850 2,139,920 Cent. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. C. G. Davenport, James McCredie__ 0. W, Stevens, 21,480 2.528.610 392,170 2.230,640 115,670 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mech. ft Far., A. Tr. See. and Tr. Aib. G. Y. Lansing_____ H. J. Kneip_______ R. C. B. Adams.... 1,250,000 2,988.030 28 607 370 1,331,570 7,096,860 Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., T. I. Van Antwerp Mac N. Miller, L. K. Fox N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Bk. W. W. Batchelder Asst. V.P. L. N. Murray Com., St. L. J. H. Herzog National Savings Bank.<$’68 J. H. Manning____ Charles Gibson___ F. B. Stevens, Tr... 1,598,650 18 628 980 34,180 1,536.540 Title Guarantee ft Tr. Oo., N. Y.;N. Com’l 29-8 Jonas Muhlfelder Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 1,000,000 1,669,500 34 633 240 LEDYARD COGSWELL, PARKER CORNING—- J. M. RUSSUM. . . . . . . . . . . E. M. B0ICE — 208,310 7,158,650 Chase N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. JR. C. G. GALLON Y.;Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Girard N..Phil.: LEDYARD COGSWELL. N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. ‘NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK Ch. of Bd. 29-1 T <1803 V. Schirripa........................ t’14 (V. Schirripa)......... {Investment Securiti (100 S ate Street) B. LEACH & CO.. Inc......... {I?ivestment Securiti (66 State Street) 5.500 15,050 13,250 C. W. Beardsley, Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. L. C. Smith, Mgr. . A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Chi. and principal cities. See Adv. Page VI. N. City Co., N. Y.and correspondent offices. See Adv. Page III. Mgr. (Investment Bond (Ten Eyck Bldg.) •''lO Albany Clearing Home_____ A. P. Adams, Jr... T. I. Van Antwerp. J. M. Russum, MacNanghton See. and Tr. Miller. Mgr. W. W. Batchelder (Members indicated by a *) & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1073 A. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY 1,080,900 2,107,130 ______________ N E W YORK BANK S — Adam s to Albany Farmers National BankT<’89 G. W. Hannahs-__ C. J. Severance.... 50-587 Addison______1699 First National Bank___ <’90 R. S. Brown______ E. M. Welles______ Steuben P10 50-641 Afton................782 Church & Hill, Bankers {Closed May 5, ’22) Chenango P17 First National Bank__ l.t'20 M. J. Mudge_____ Wm. Phelps. 50-642 Akron................I960 Bank of Akron..... ..<§1900 F. E. Bard________ J. E. Paxon. B Erie K6 50-577 Tabor ft Wiltse______ Jt'87 S. J. Wiltse.......... 50-676 .Albany ....113,344 Albany City Savings Bank. .. See City Savings Ba nk. Res.City AlbaiiyM24 Albany Oonnty Savings Bank W. L. Visscher___ W. P. Rudd_______ 29-12 »§’74 H. R. Wright Albany Exchange Sav. Bk. M. T. Nachtmaun . Aiden Ohester____ 29-6 »§’56 J. H. Mead Albany 8avings Bank.<11820 Fred’k Townsend-. Ledyard Cogswell 29-S T. I. Van Antwerp C.H.Bissiknmmer G; C. Van Tuyl, Jr. J. S. Friedman ‘ALBANY TRUST COMPANY (One Branch> A. P. Adams, Jr. 29-13 <11900 Cashier. July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers' J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 fl7Q Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Uu dexed Acces.j, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.i NEW YORK—Continued 1074 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number (itvi 1 074. to eaoh bailk in u- s- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ LU/n' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. | Liabilities. Resources. 1 Principal Correspondents. & Dis- Cam * Ez> Depos Miscel cL’oans Paid-up | Surplus ts. Bonds, o»a*q»*,Doe AND laneous Securities non Baku its Capital Profits j 1 J $2,290,000 $ 300,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mnfrs.&Tra. N., Buffalo. Citizens National Bank .+$'95 J. C. Curtis.______ R. Titus Coan------ C. Royce Sawyer.. G. L. Houghton... J $ 50,000 S 185,000 (2,500,000 Name of Bane. Town and county. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. In No. 2 F. R. D. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. B Orleans J7 1 President. 1 Vice-President. 1 Cashier. 50-441 Ass’t Cashier. H. jl. Colburn J. R. McGregor 85,070 807.450: 117,820 Han. N.,N.Y.;N.Y. State N., Alb.; Buffalo 3,750 565,310 90,740 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Mnfrs. &Tra. N„ 924,020 845,820 200,830 Seab. N„ N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. &Tr. Co.. AID 11,210 223,890 222,680 38,110 Imp. & Tra. N.-, N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo. 25,000 45,000 475,000 450,000 45,000 Irving N„ hi. Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co.. Buffalo, 25,000 24,640 478,880 48,630; 525,080 52,070 li ving N..N. Y.: N. Gom'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. A men in ............ 1200 First National Bank___ <'64 Geo. G. Stephenson J, S. Chaffee.......... F. P. Hoose______ A. C. Morrison.... Dutchess Q24 50-647 100,000 63,640 327,300 98,910 509,470 80,360 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. Amityville___3265 Bank of Amityville___ <§’81 Solomon Keteham. Suffolk F7 50-540 *. •_____ ** First National Bank___ <’87 C. A. Luce...... ......... 50-541 S. P. Hildreth -___ E. J. Heartt______ R. E. Baylis-----—. C-. O. Ireland 100,000 40,000 840.000 3,600 905,100 78,500 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y. John F. Louden___ Percy L. Hall____ G. H. Ashdown___ W. G. Albertson Henry Ploch Amsterdam .33,524 Amsterdam City Nat l Bank L. E. Harrower.... Willis Wendell___ T. J. Weyl...... ......... L. H. Follett_____ 50-137 ’89 John Sanford, Montg. L22 40,000 55,440 1,558,160 32,010 1,141,140 200,000 464,300 1,046,450 205,830 1,586,460 655,890 8,558,360 8,197,790 741,550 Bkrs. Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Cos., N. Y. 200,000 318,030 2,635,180 2,810,870 472,180 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y State N., Alb. 200,000 317,860 2,992,120 197,800 S 3,363,680 “ 44 75,420 664,770 $ 50,000 31,090 571.210 50.000 66,910 25.000 J. Ray McAuliffe.. H. M. Krampf____ Utamont_____ 797 First National Bank—<’10 Newton Ketchain.. E. G. Crannell........ John P. Ogsbury.. Albany M22 50-646 B Aiden State Bank 50-961 Erie L6 ____{§'16 Chas. H. Dold B. L. Benslev_____ \PxandriaBayl649 First National Bank of the Chas. U. Putnam .. A. Bickelhanpt—.. Thousand Islands....*{1900 Jefferson D16 E. F. Cornwall 50-643 ut'rrf nos University Bank___ .<§’88 D. S. Burdick_____ C. C. Champlin .— R. S. Cottrell.......... W. F. Burdick-----50-644 B Allegany 08 B Cattaraug. P6 “ “ Clare Willard 50-645 Ch. of Bd. Amsterdam Savings Bk.t§’86 Chas. E. French... Seely Conover___ M. E. Jones, Tr.... Thomas Morphy, Sec. 50-136 R. A. Hallenbeck, Thos. Mansfield A. Tr. Pasquale Di Mezza . f’I5 50-139 Farmers National BankK'39 James Voorhees... A. R. Conover___ F. S. Van Derveer. J. E. Williams. 50-134 .. “ .. First National Bank...T<’60 “ 50-135 ........ A. V. Morris GeorgeB.Wilkinson JamesA.McGibbon 5,000 B. H. Lichtman, Banker_t’04 (Benjamin H. Licht 50-140 Montgomery County Tr. Co. John Barnes--------- T. W. Swan______ T. W. Swan. Tr.... E. M. Crowe, Sec... ♦ 50-138 <|12 De Baun Van Aken, T, J. Yund C. F. Rothmeyer, V. P. W. J. Kline A. Tr. Audes________ 394 National Bank of Andes<’18 D. L. Bruce.............. J. A. Stott............... Delaware P20 50-648 Andover_____1132 Andover State Bank.. .{('84 J. M. Brundage.__ F. S. Clark . B Allegany P8 50-619 A. C. Frisbey, Ch. of Bd. 44 “ K. E. Temple.. J. s. Phillips E. J. Atwood_____ 50-930 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,643,980 544,460 N. Bk. Com. and Bk. of America, N. Y. 330,120 1st N., N. City, and Ohem. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 344,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Gom’l Bk. &Tr. Co.. Alb. 600 Far. N., Amsterdam. 287,750 N. City. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.: N. Y. State N.. Alb. 25,000 11,910 25,000 37,960 331,740 25,000 42,310 25,000 30,609 ; 50,000 57,360 506,696 50.000 22,610 320,000 J. W. Dickson____ K. M. Kimberley.. 25,000 46,000 448.000 440,000 54,000 ChaseN.,N.Y.; Jefferson Co. N.,Watertown* J. H. Smith............ 60,000 69,290 1,219,280 ! 1,144,200 196,370 1st N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. and Mnfrs. & J. H. Rook................ W. F. Lilly -........ D. H. Hicks' C. W. Andrews.... W. F. Lewis--------- THE MARINE TRUST 163,820 213,890 1 25.00C COMPANY 1 5,000 1 5,480 8,190 Chase N., N. Y. 351,610 48,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 398,140 414,510 65,900 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Corn! Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb. 242,560 255,320 42,840 N. Park, N. Y.; Liberty. Buffalo. 568,980 45,070 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 344,360 47,460 Han. N.. N.Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 1 2,990 280,006 i----------- OF 1 323,83C Tra. N., Buffalo. 42.59C Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. BUFFALO July, 1922 Angelica______972 Bank of Angelica______<§’88 D. D. Dickson........ T. S. Gilljes 50-649 9 Allegany 07 Angola „__ 1367 Bank of Angola______ {§’06 J. M. Sehwert........ A. J. Bundy______ 50-650 B Erie M3 Evans National Bank.. <’20 W. G. Schack.......... A. P. Shultz-------50-1012 R. U. Blackney___ Antwerp_____ 1012 Bank of Antwerp_____<§’10 W. S. Augsbury— F. J. Baumert____ Jefferson E17 50-651 Arcade _____1609 Citizens Bank------ ------ •{§’82 J. D. Case ................ J. H. Francis.......... 50-652 B Wyoming N6 First National Bank___ <13 F, J. Humphrey ... W. J. Humphrey ~ 284,200 2,942,600 200,000 12,000 Buffalo. _____ 50-620 11 9,470 Tr. Co., Buffalo; Cent, and Union Tr. Co., Rochester. N EW YORK BANKS —Albion to A r c a d e 100,000 Orleans County Tr. Co. H. D. Bartlett........ L. E. Sands.............. C. H. Dean, Tr........ H. E. Hiler, Sec.... ♦ 50-440 T<§’65; C. H. Hiler, A. Sec. J. W. Cramer Town and County. [ Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. *County Seats. Fo. 2Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. 6 is Buffalo Br. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. .. “ _ “ “ .. V urora _. 416 Cayuga JVU3 A usable Forkx2500 Essex D24 Avoca_______ 1019 Steuben N10 Avon................ 2585 B Livingston L8 Babylon .........2523 44 Suffolk F8 «* Kainbridge. 1259 Chen'go 017 Nassau F7 $ 41.610 |S 400,470 $ I 7,500 $ 455.850 $ 23,730 Han. N., N.; 1st N.. Alb. 25,000 12,460 208,430 1,120 44,120 Irvine N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 50,000 23,790 420,090 10,000 66,280 79,990 . 520,980 25,000 40,000 40,350 839,490 3,820 882,900 30.000 29,670 648,790 6,830 637,000 8,059,750 200,000 319,900 2,248.700 G. E. SNYDER........ F. E. WORDENC. A. KEUMEISTE R, Tr. O ff. nlty given special attention. Rean all Banking ma tters entrusted to uga County. 338,100 5,621,400 G.V.Loughborough, A. L. Hemingway, Tr. Sec. 2,383.140 385,060 1st N., N. Y., 4th St. N„ Phil. 5,664,270 179,440 1st N., N. Y. 120,460 2,335,590 200,000 FREDERICK ALLEN-. W. C. DENMAN......... GEO. W. SCOTT____ E. F. METCALF eful attention glv en all items entr usted to us. rgantzed collectio n department. W e want your Aub urn bus iness. ................... . ....... ........... ................. N. Park. N. Y.; N.Ooiu'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo. Imp.&Tra. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 100,000 50,000 77,050 175,670 50,000 58,510 941,090 25,000 54,200 510,000 289,300 524.000 J. B. Sturdevant... M. E. Sturdevant— J. B. Sturdevant__ K. B. Sturdevant.. Aaron Barber....... . W. J. Weed______ J.F. Kellogg........... W. F. Norton....... O. H. Rogers____ W. W. Wood____ J. Clinton Robbins. A. D. Half .. G. C. Abbott_____ ! C. H. Bedell J. H. Arink R. W. Kirby........... D. H. Copley......... S. B. Hollenbeck .. 869,260 7,490 ! 50,000 73,440 1,212,480 39,810 1,255.590 56,950 Mech. & Metals N„N.Y. 187,840 N. City, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 69,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. Chase N., N. Y.j Mnfrs. ATra. N. Buffalo; N. Bk. Com., Rochester. 120,140 Seab. N„ N. Y. 216,540 Han. N. and Chase N.. N. Y. 50,000 67,130 729,930 630,520 100,000 44,520 433,550 533,850 49,250 Chase N. and Irving N.. N, Y. 50,000 74.550 607,950 107,260 741.010 98,540 Chase N„ N. Y. 50,000 29,120 797,580 50,000 874,160 53,610 N. Park. N. Y. (Special attentio n to B-L drafts a ml Collections. 2. oc J. E. Connell.___ E. H. Marvin.. . . J. L. Foster.... 1 F. 11. Robinson.... K. S. Mercer____ R. B. Orvis............ 1 PAT1C DC 1 RHLJ L Rw 80,000 100,000 69,250 1,015,820 30,690 1,061,430, 38,050 73,710 818,750 k| A iru A D A K| ]/__ p| IF F A 1 r* DLIT rj LIJ n huinJW H L D M nR 818,190, 114,330 Han.N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr.Co.. Alb. 162,420 1st N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 1 LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK 1075 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 358-290 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y. “ N. L. Zabriskie__ E. W. Mosher___ Edmund Doughty.. Marcus Webb____ S. G. Lyon E. W. Featherston. S. G. Prime ... ._ V. K. Moore_____ H. R. Torrance-__ L. F. Robert C. 11. Arnold W.H.Lee................ U. T. Baird______ F. L. Arnold. Baldwinsville 3685 Baldwinsville State Bk.*t$75 O. M. Bigelow... 50-517 Onondago K14 First National Bank___*$64 Windsor Morris 50-516 PTIJR 226.980 2,524,740 679,160 Met. Tr. Co. and Irving N..N.Y.: Liberty, Buffalo; 1st N„ Phil. 100,000 Investment Securit BALDWIN NAT’L BANK T19 (W. J. STEELE...... OSCAR JACOBS_ _ _ _ C. W. KORELL_ _ _ _ _ 0. D. LYON_ _ _ _ _ _ A Nl IFA ID C DC '''-jM IVIH mJrH 011 L R O 40,760 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 78,280 N. City, N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co. and Mufrs. &Tra. N., Buffalo. 46,200 1st N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 33,430 4,568,160 Cf. E. SWIFTNATIONAL BK. OF AUBURN 50-115 T»t7817 ) Prompt and car LA thoroughly o 50-1006 52,000 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 27,540 261,920 4.801.960 G. E. SNYDER C. A. NEUMEISTER Auburn and Vlcl Prompt Service o gest bank in Cay Chas. A. McCarthy C. F. Baldwin 50-658 64,020 698,000 7.406.000 150.000 (W. K. PAYNE-— CAYUGA COUNTY NAT. BK. Collections for 50-116 T»t’33 1 sonable rates. (us. The Stron Cayuga County Sav. Bk.*t§'65 Chas. W. Brister .. 51M19 HENRY T. KEELER________ 304 Auburn Sav. Bank Bldg. First National Bank___ $'64 50-654 Bank of Au Sable Forks 50-655 *$§10 Bank of Avoca.............•jj'Ol 50-625 J. B. Sturdevant, Banker 50-626 »t’06 State Bank of Avon____$§’02 50-656 Babylon National Bank.•{’13 50-657 Bank of Babylon..........*$§’13 50-929 First National Bank __•$ *1 i 202,910 R. Lenahan______ S. Applebaum....... Adolph Keil.A. Tr. N. B. Eldred____ W. S, Downer, Sec. and, Tr. G. W. BENHAM____ G. W. BENHAM. Tr... E. C. DONOVAN. Sec. G. W. BOWEN D.E. FRENCH will receive caref ul attention and at reasonable ra tes. Try us. Principal Correspondents. 30,000 $ R. W. Lander___ Clyde riatt............ E. M. Simmons.... Henry Wolfanger C. J. Danley____ R. E. Slack............ J. B. Dimer.......... F. J. Schreiber H. T. Brarner____ B. T. Sands............ E. F. Ostertag___ Edwin R. Fay & Sons..•Jt’92 (Edwin R.. Fred H .,and Chas. R.Fay) 50-120 Wm. H. Seward &Co._ •tt’60 (Bankers)_______ 50-118 .. Liabilities Resources. Uxri k Dia- Cam k ExPaid-up Surplus Dkpos- Miscel C’M. Bonds, cmanom.Du* AND laneous Capital Profits Hmoutiu prom Baku _________ NEW YORK BANKS —Argyle to Baldwinsville Argyle.............. 198 First National Bank___ $06 C. K. Owen_____ Wm, F. Cowen .... Howard Snyder... 50-653 Washington J24 Arkport......... 463 Arkport State Bank__ t§'16 John D. Taylor__ E. E. Ferry_____ M. D. Gates. Inze Gates Steuben 09 50-956 W.M.Hurlbut C. E. Hnnt Astoria Queens F6 (Sec New Fork City, Borou ah of Queens) Athens____ 1844 Athens National Bank„*t’16 Green 023 ; 50-959 Atlanta___ .525 Atlanta National Bank '22 H. O. Hatch........... Steuben.OlO 50-1045 Utica_______2915 BANK OF ATTICA......... -JS’56 C. B. Benedict___ 6 Wyoming L6 5(K>72 ** “ Citizens Bank.. ..•tS’ll ‘Auburn__ 36,192 50-573 Cayuga L13 Auburn Savings Bank »t|’49 David M. Dunning. 50-117 ("RALPH R. KEELER.. AUBURN TRUST CO. —•$* 06 < I l our collections &0-121 (.prompt returns Non-Bank Towus with Nearest Banking Point (Iiidexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 07 K to ea('h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1U/ J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank t« the New Transit Number siren to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers'' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 2 F. It. D. B is Buffalo Br. Name of President. (THOMAS KERLEY Ballston Spa 4103 BALLSTON SPA RAT. BANK Saratoga L23 ------ Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Propits Bank. •Mem. A. It. A. §State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. 50-467 First National Bank Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking P^lnt (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. Resources. NEW YORK—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. I-ASWaiikbtSL-mE J. B. HUMPHREY- $ Miscel laneous 4>AW k DU* .'t* Bont, Baowna Cam k %x oiMBjhn rui Bams 200.000 $ 232,930 $1800 020 $ 133.700 J2 245 370 $ 121,310j J Special attentio and Time items. ) Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts. ‘Send us your B allston Spa Items . .t’65 D. W. Mabee......... |W. A.Mehan...........jS. C. Medbery. Alb. 53,030 466,570 100,040 594.330 125,310 25,000 42,540 316,310 104,140 455,380 32,610 150,000 225,000 3,225,000 — 8,063,300 487,310 100,000 141,760 1,308,950 157,220 1,575,530 First National Bank.—*t'64 Samuel Parker....... 1. A. Wasburn ___ George W. Peck... J. S. Nugent__ 50-307 100,000 204,650 1,696.020 1.902,240 •Bath.............. 4795 Bath National Bank.. T»t'12 K. C. Turnbull........ H.D. Jones........... D. B. Bryan_____ A. J. Hamilton. G. T. Hopkins Steuben O10 50-922 100,000 56,510 1.462.730 65.000 1,459.840 224,400 7. City. N. Y : N. Com’l Bfe. & Tr. Co. and N.Y. State N.. Alb, Farmers ft Mech. Bauk.*l’80 Frank Campbell... W. K.Campbell — F. R. Webster....... O. J. Heinaman H. S. Holcomb 50-488 50,000 157,830 1.546,920 1,347,270 407,860 I. Park. N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb.; Phil. N., Phil. 649,860 120,850 904.360 100.070 Barker............431 Somerset National Bank.t’12 John O’Malley----- Wallace Coates B Niagara J5 50-912 Jay L. Dickinson. Ruth E. Kenyon. C. Frances Hood • Batavia__ 13.541 Bank of Batavia........... »t$’76 H. T. Miller_____ G. E. Perrin_____ E. R. Tomlinson... G. W. Wynn.. B Genesee K7 Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb.; Liberty, Buffalo. | Bank of Genesee______tl’29 W. G. Pollard------- E. A. Friedley------ H. T. Perfleld____ J. H. Kane___ ------ ♦ ......... J. B. Seaver 50-308 “ F. J. Perfield 50-306 Bay Shore__ 3000 First National Bank___ •'ll;Wm. H. Robbias .. G. S. King______ 50-903 Suffolk F8 O. S. Brewster----- 50,000 | 25.000 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo: Ceai., Rochester; Bank of Montreal, Montreal, Que. 186,430 1. Park and Irving N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Y. State N., Alb. 132,400 54.180 641,540 114,950 883.420 100,000 109,080 700,430 75,000 873,160 111,350 100.000 36,000 700,000 — 950.000 107.000 1,215.400 71,680 19,040 3,212,420 114,740 25.000 South 8ide Bank.......... •tl’SS'J. J. Gibson........... W. A. Hulse_____ L. K. Redington _ F. B. Welcher.......I 50-660 Bay Side QueensF6 (See New York City. Boroug h of Queent) Beacon.......... 10,1 Dutchess B5 BANK FISH KILL •t’63 S. S. Mares. T. H. De Laire Ferdinand Loughran Matteawan National Bank ;S. K. Phillips____ R. S. Tompkins.... Geo. M. Callahan— 50-374 »t’93 Matteawan Savings Bank S. K. Phillips____ F. H. Brett. 50-373 171 B. F. Greene Henry S. Corney. 77,070 1,227,320 Sec. and Tr. Gty. Fd. Mechanics Savings Bank t$'66 Benj. Hammond... R. F. C. Kieb......... B. L. Smith. Tr__ Chester H. Bond. Sec. 50-486 Ferd. Loughran — 451,660 2,856,450 . Belfast............1000 Bank of’82 N. 0. Saunders ___A. B. Perry_______ W. B. Manley____ 50-031 B Allegany 07 First National Bank....... J’10 W. W. Dort_____ O. J. Miner.... 50-632 R. C. Howden___ Bellmore___ 1800 First National Bank ....•t’17 John J. Bedell.__ M. H. Skou______ C. M. Vanderoef .. M. R. Umhauer ... Nassau F7 50-982 •Belmont___ 1021 State Bank of Belmont »$|'88 j Elmore A. Willets. Wm. K. Paul......... H. R. Sortore____ ♦ 50-661 B Allegany 07 Bergen_______576 W. S. & O. E. Housel, Bankers W. S. Housel____ _______________ O. R. Housel_____ B Genesee K8 50-662 Rensselaer M25 50-663 409,110 95,230 Seab N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. 25.000 162,720 21,800 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. 46,840 419,030 25,000 10.430 124,090 25,000 19,000 420,000 225,000 130,000 50,000 62,230 388,800 429,650 71,380 Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. & Tr. Co.. Alb. UniODiN„ Pitt. ( Chase N., N. Y.; Alliance, Rochester. 25,000 30.920 713,820 14.510 757,970 26,280 E. S. Frary THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Tra. N. and — 30,000 tt’96 Berlin..............1677 Taconic Valley Bank „ •tl'07 Wm. C. Feathers.. A. C. Maxon_____ IF. B. Wells . Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. & Mnfrs. N., Poughkeepsie. July, 1922 P. F. Avogadro S. M. Cox. ----- & Tr. Co.. Alb. Colonial Tr. Co., N. Y.: Matteawan N.. Beacon. N EW YORK BANKS — Ballston Spa to Berlin 100,000 50-46* 1076 1076 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers. Town and County. •County Seats. In No. 2 E. R. D. B is Buffalo Br. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NEW YORK—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its MISCEL LANEOUS Binghamton $ 1028060 $9170090 Binghamton Savings Bk. t§’67 C. W. Gennet____ A. C. Deyo, Tr.___ S. J. Hirschmann, Broome P16 66,800 50 101 Sec. *' __ '* 121,160 2,879,370 ChenangoValley Savings Bk. W. F. Sherwood... W. R. Ely, 50-99............ §’95 Sec. and Tr. L. M. Wilson .. 63,960 2,157,020 $ 100.000 ‘CITIZENS BANK-........<114 Walter A. Lester.. 60-105 J. C. O’Byrne “ 200,000 450,000 3,291,890 ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK Hartwell Morse... W. H. Morse____- G H Hale 50-98 T<’52 C. R. Davis R. D. Dewey 50-100 “ T<’63 Alonzo Roberson M. H. Sawtelle. Tr. T. J. Keenan. Sec.. L. R. Davis, A. Tr. M. H. Georgia, A. Sec. C. F. Hemenway, A. Tr. Nicola Gallo___________ t'15 50-106 Andrew J. Horvatt. Banker (Andrew J. Horvat t).............. .............. C. D. Towner____ 50-107 *t’20 50-102 “ (Members indicated by a *) $70,540 2,171,480 3,700,000 220,040 N. City and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 680,170 Chem. N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 1 400.000 378,380 6,521.470 5,163.960 500.000 302,800 5,470,010 38,570 5,548,570 975,030 Am. Ex. N.t N. I.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 757,810 N. City and Irving N., N. Y ' 10,000 76,140 812,560 6,600 858,940 Hartwell Morse, Mgr. H. R. Stratemeir . J. F. Jewart........... W. E. Taylor.. „ 30.000 10,660 135,590 450 155,670 G. F. Metcalf------- L. F. Uttley........... C. M. McGurren__ 25,000 12,940 399,790 W. J. Hogan____— Geo. H. Bradley__ Frank Dougherty.. 60,000 100,000 900,000 B. 0. Tharratt____ James P. Pitcher.. James P. Pitcher— C. N. Jeoks— — 75.000 27,360 1,364,870 29,220 1,209,870 286,580 N. Park and Irving N„ N. Y. J. P. Babcock_____ J. H. Hayes_____ 25,000 81,810 1,340,520 39,910 1,286,800 B. McNulty___ 25.000 13,970 250,240 261.710 200,430 Chase N„ N. Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 11.520 N. Bk. of Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg. J. D. Mead______ E. D. Stannard__ 100,000 67,360 583,740 653,230 147,370 Chase N., N. Y. C. C. Lantry------- M. H. Ross______ H. H. Wells .. ~ J. E. H. Reynolds, A. G. Strang. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. Thomson ___ Merton Tyndall___ A. W. Hapeman__ A. F. Lobdell____ S. P. Field.............. David P. Vail E. J. Hildreth____ G.CIarenreTopping Eugene Sayre Henry C. Finch—. J. P. Rosa.............. G. Thos. C. Gordon__ G. E. Benedict___ R H Shull Gifford Morgan Dean G. Crippen__ N. Clark . H. R. Sullivan B. E. Smythe____ Jackson Chambers Geo. C. Richards— Geo. .T. Schelz. Jr.Leonard Kebler h of Brooklyn) Irvine Peck _ _ _ O. E. Brush . | A. C. Barnhart__ E. V. Gillespie___ 800.000 49,500 165,920 2,124,280 2,058,920 38,520 385,930 314,600 19,000 261,760 229,320 50,000 107,110 1,281,060 14,690 1,215,390 50,000 52,700 1,115,900 45,000 70,820 40,000 W. J. R. Droney____ 50,000 • 364,460 100,000 25,000 459,510 75.470 2,045,840 32,000 & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO 425,000 1,144,150 20,000 545,980 46,360 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz., Bing hamton. Mech. & Metals N., N. V. 21,020 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo„ Buffalo. 96,040 Irving N., N. Y.; Gainesville N, Gaines ville. 200,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo, 231,290 N. Y. Life Ins. A Tr. and Columbia Tr. Cos., N. Y. 41,890 N. Park, N. Y. 89,530 N. City, N.Y.: Fulton Co. N„ Gloversville. 237,470 Chase N., N. Y. 74,440 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 49,360 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 52,830 2,046,650 227,580 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: 1st N„ Phil. 450,000 48,700 Irving N. and N. City, N. Y.; N, Shawmut. Bos. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS ______ 1077 Blasdell ... 1401 B Erie L4 ♦ 50-1018 Bliss inn Bliss National Bank_____ '03 3 Wyoming M6 50-664 Bolivar........ 1146 State Bank of Bolivar. <|’82 50-665 B Allegany P7 Boonville ....1914 First National Bank ___<’76 Oneida 118 50-574 National Exchange Bank.t'06 50-575 Brasher Falls .570 Brasher Falls National Bank St. Lawrence B19 50-971 <17 Brewster X59 First National Bank ___<’74 Putnam B7 50-596 Putnam County 8av.Bk.<|'71 50-595 Bridgehampton Bridgehampton Nat. Bank Suffolk El2 1S00 50-666 •TO llroadalbin .1200 Fulton E12 50-1001 Brockport__ 2980 First National Bank ___»t’64 B•* Monroe K22»< 50-496 State Bank of Commerce 50-497 <§’09 Broctou... 1383 State Bank of Brocton„<|’92 50-667 B Chautauqua N2 Bronxville .. 3055 Gramatan National Bk..»f'06 Westchester E6 50-668 •Brooklyn______ (See New York City, Boroug Kings F6 Brushton.___ 750 First National Bank ___<10 50-671 Franklin B21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $9 767360 $ 312,290 Bk. of America, Guaranty Tr. Co., and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 2,790,620 209,900 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y, 1st N., Binghamton. Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. ♦ 50-103 “ FROM Due W. G. PHELPS-— A. J. PARSONS — - R. M. GAFFNEY.. J. D. BRUNNER, JR. ‘PEOPLES TRUST CO. <510 F. B. Newell- ___ “ Principal Correspondents. Cash A Ex change*, Banks NEW YORK BANKS— Binghamton to Brushton 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. 1>is- Loans A c’ts. Bonds, Biooritibs July, 1922 1077 \ Name of BUFFALO—Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Total Paid-up Surplus AND Deposits Capital Profits $ T«tri6 W. P. Luedeke, Sec. S H. G. HOFFMAN, Tr.. M.E.FREEMAN,ASec. B. M. NORGROSS, A. J. KUHN, a. Sec. See. C. W. GOVELL,A.Sec. G. B. CLEVERSLEY, «. A. WALTER,A.Sec. A. Sec A. J. RAU, A. Sec. O.A.WEPPNER,A.Sec G. F. BATES, A. Sec. V. E. DOYLE, A. Sec. A. W. ANDERSON, A. a Branches; Slack Rock Branch, West Side Branch, Clinton Bank________________ (Now Clinton Bran + COMMUNITY NATIONAL BK. Edward A. Duerr.. 10-68 *r20 P. .T. Ferkel, Ch. of Bd. (1308 Jefferson Ave.) Erie County Savings Bank *§'54 10-63 (16 Niagara St.) ♦Federal Reserve Bank of New (Buffalo branch of York Dist. •2—10-26 FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY ♦ T»t*’9S (4 B ranches) H. Q. ZELLER_ _ _ _ JOHN M. KINNEY — F. C. SUESS .......... t|.W.E?HDINST E- 0. REED,A. Cash. A. L. SCHNITTER JOHN J. COPSEY, JR, F. A. HERON, C. C. THEOBALD G. J. KLOEPFER CORREf5PONDENCE INVITED. 10-63 (174 Terrace) S. Lnnghinoand Sons_____t88 (Anthony S. Seba stian and Donatus L. Lunghino) .... (10-64 (121 Dante Place) For balance of BuffaloBanhs seefollowing page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21.090 5 3,494,880 S 46,160 t Principal Correspondents. N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 246,160 5.616,800 50,574,790 72,350 52.636.930 1.203,820 2.277.4801 1.250.000 21,350.000 1 1.200,000 13.800.000 8,000,000 650.000 2,600.000 Guar. Tr. Co. andN. Y.Tr.Co.. N.Y. 1,629,670 20,777,470 13,212.920 7,479.310 682,580 2,666,790 N. City, Irving N., and Bkrs. Tr. 334,460 WE SOLI CIT Y OUR BUFF ALO Corn Ex. N.. Phil. BUSI NESS. Co.,N. V.; N.Bk. Rep. andCont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Shawnint, Bos. Send you r Buffalo stock tr ansfers t o our Tr ust Dep artment Sec. Genesee Street br anch and South Pa rk Branc h. 1,247,720 18,744,030 all 206,410 7,710,380 9,615,690 90,880 224,620 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.: Peo., Buffalo; Canadian Bk. of Com., Toronto, Ont. 2,359,960 Irving N..N. Y. 1,412,440 2,459,650 N. Bk. Com., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Thoro ughly Equip ped to Handl e Bank ing M atters Entru sted t o us. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; North ern Tr. Co., Chi.; Columbia N., Pitt.; Home Bk. of Canada, Toronto. pira HBIKP 10,000 5,000 750,000 344,690 6,804,110 6,590,100 2.000,000 2,061,360 32,556.900 855,340 24,916,890 7,439,920 343,920 964,790 1,041,700 4,075,100 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil.; Home Bk. of Can., Toronto, Ont. Seab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Market Street N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev. 5,000 26,310 121,950 7,320 280 135,690 2,650 21,960 Banca Commerciale Italiana, N.Y. 20,000 88.990 409.130 193,230 117.400 499.640 5,400 88,910 Chase N., N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Marine Tr. Co,, Buffalo. Buffalo. _______ July, 1922 T«t»’82 Du* (2 Branches—Main and Utica; Delaware and Chippewa.') Ch. of Bd. 10-12 1,250,000 CLIFFORD HUBBELL. H. T. RAMSDELL...... L. P. WILLIAMS, Tr.. M. H. DENISON,Sec,. 1.000,000 FRANKLIN 0. LOCKE T. B. LOCKWOOD F.J.FEDERLEIRA.TY. WALTER L. CURTISS, A. Sec. Ch. of Bd L. G. HARRIMAN S. G. EASTERBROOK, G. B MACPHAIL a.’ Sec. Tr Officer R.S. GRAHAM, A.Sec. H. F. 0R0LLINGER, Mgr. New Bus. Dept CANTWELL A. E. J. KRAUSS, Au ditor A. E. RANKIN, A. Sec. tnuiKAb wuuntLL, A Tr 0#cer> LIBERTY BANK mwk. (426 Main) $ 195.070 S 3,613,220 ch of the Buffalo T rust Co.) 200,000 121,760 909,900 1,284.490 85,190 2,102,940 R. W.H. Campbell. Otto P. Bremer.__ E. C. Johnston — Gustav Kayser W. G. Bishop 7,975,990 61,259,970 385,280 166,490,720 R. D. Young, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. G. R. Howard (For com plete info rmation s ee Page 2 9.) Federal Reserve Ba nkofNew York City, N. Y.) 10-69 ( 60 Niagara St.) (Formerly Viola Boross) Harry G. Struif ... W. L. Koester........ 4 Lafayette National Bk..*}19 F. D. Corey, H. G. Phillips. A.c. Wm, K. Lyon Frank M. Beck 10-67 Ch. of Bd. Joseph Coplon E. G. Kellner, A.C. F. R, Me Robert (Lafayette Square) R. C. Gaupp ♦ k Gash Ex changes, from Banks __ ______ 10-21 (284 Main) Miscel laneous and me branch of Buffal o Trust Co., Februar y 11.1922) rust Company. AIII YE TRUST COMPANY. N.P. CLEMENT----- W. H. ANDREWS....... W. H. CROSBY, R. H. GRIFFIN Ch. of Bd. JESSE C. DANN W. H. HURLEY L. B. SEITZ W. F. CHASE William Street Branch, Bonds LOAN8 AND Discounts Securities Resources Pop- 506,775 Buffalo Clearing House Assn. Mem bers shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ N E W YORK B A N K S -B u ffa lo 10-15 (291 Main) Acopts,Letters of Cr. & other Liabilities 50,000 o„ February 11,1922 ) F.X.Wanenmacher, Geo. D. Sears, Sec. Tr. C. G. Betts, A. Sec. A. Sec. A.D. Wander, A.TV. O. J. Rodenbach, II. CFlierl, A. Tr. ♦Buffalo Trust Co______ »t§'81 G. F. Rand, Jr___ Frank R. Collins .. F.R.Collins, Sec... T. R. Wolfe. Tr.... 1,250,000 ♦ 10-11 Myron S. Hall, Ch. W. A. Strong O. C. Miller,A. Sec. G.P.Doherty,A. Tr. (455 Main) of Bd. A. L. Dutton W.T.Haynes.A .Sec. C.G.Cutting, A. Sec. A. G. Goehring E.D.Leiser, A. Tr. A. Sec. O. Seelbach, Aud. ♦ Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. President. Vice President. JMera. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Adam,Meldrum& Anderson Co. 10-59 t'15 American Savings Bank.. *$’07 J. M. Satterfield.— C. J. Fix________ 10-67 CharlesW.Toynbee Amherst National Bank_______ (Changed to Amherst State Bank - Beca (Consolidated w ith the Marine T BANK OF BUFFALO -..........’73 (SEE ADVERTI SEMENT OF M Viola Boross_________________ (See Homer Gray) Broadway National Bank .. (Became a branch of the Buffalo Trust C Buffalo Savings Bank.__ »t§’46 10-51 S. P. White (Main and Genesee) 'CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY (Erie County, L4) County Seat. (Branch Federal Reserve City No. 2B) 1 Bank. 1078 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 H7R t0 eac^ bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ i-'J/O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. The Industrial Department of the Manu facturers and Traders National Bank is prepared to furnish data and information relative to the unequalled opportunities Buffalo has to offer industries. Banking Institutions having in mind industries which are seeking locations for branch plants or new establishments in the vicinity of Buffalo or the Niagara Frontier, are invited to avail themselves of the services of this department. ADDRESS INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT SManufacturers and Traders Tfational Bank of Buffalo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •WT SUPER-SAFETY W Insured BANK-CHECKS VERY bank purchasing Super-Safety Insured checks and each of their depositors using same is protected by $1000.00 insurance, against loss through fraudulent or felonious alterations, issued by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. E THE BANKERS SUPPLY COMPANY NEW YORK The Largest Manufacturers of Bank Checks in the World CHICAGO DENVER ATLANTA DES MOINES SAN FRANCISCO G K H J[___ iL___n—i ——-AAsT; TP 1 1jri L— Elmwood Ave.Sta. —Great-Arrow —A-ve-i---- fU-niversitj.^ -.Atnherat Rodney- u 1i____ pjewett-j L_ inf Agassiz iPI. r{ or-! Kensin Sta. i 0! A*vei **---- ’ i—-A-vei j Poolty St.-] AppprilitJiimt ^ aoA --------------------^31- JAHIC*^^.Gate r r-iiorWa—Sinp--i-Nor-t-h-land-1 L ” ^3! |L7j^P1| j—Hanvood-Pl~ „ velaud” hi ttQUtl ODQT atnJMQHiiDaoDpg BtitmsSV mmr 7/r^]JTh'ase jl |1 1 LJ -Rudolph- rfe-^rir £j hJjiJjjJ LJ c 1.0 £J 1—1L 3D! r Laurel-] □ LJ r Riley e— Laudoa- M. -GHeawee^—11 • 1g 3[—Bon: ] £-frenck- 3 r^iHpaa^ S5 /Intake Pier [J □□ Lit □□Dfl 6 RESERVOIR rfioSJ I Ceyuf*-—Bt.-j •St Porte: S Qf raU! 05 Si New I’utn plug Sta 10 10 d pi. ic»T blh. 11 11 12 i2 T A W A^N D A j4 A_________ -vi V A ’d--^ ' A^L»0Uho" ^ . r »i o /fi____________ -A > \_Li___ ' Main St. 13 13 Buffalo*^ Cff Light House S**v 14 14 15 15 BUFFALO 16 16 (Main Portion) OUTLINE BUFFALO. Art'ion Shown onM.iu Mop in Solid Colo.. SCALE OF STATUTE MILES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SCALE y2 Rand McNally’s 11*1-1 Map of Buffalo (Main Portion). Copyright by Rand McNally & Co. G H K 507 c THE PEOPLES BANK OF BUFFALO w m IN BUFFALO THE LARGEST AND OLDEST COMMERCIAL BANK U BUFFALO’S FINANCIAL CENTER Cbe JMarme Cruet Company of Buffalo CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SEVENTEEN MILLIONS ■ OFFICERS WALTER P. COOKE ELLIOTT C. McDOUGAL, President JOHN H. LASCELLES Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Advisory Board EDWARD H. LETCHWORTH General Counsel JOSEPH G. FISCHER EMIL DIFFINE PERCY W. DARBY Vice-Presidents at Head Office FRANK M. HICKOK RALPH CROY Vice-President in charge of Trust Department SAMUEL M. JOHNSON Vice-President in charge of Bank of Buffalo EUGENE L. REED Secretary One Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of GEORGE E. BECKER Treasurer the Really Big Auditor Banks of America Liabilities. I Resources. Buffalo Clearing House Assn MemMiscel Cash & Ex- bers Loans Bonds shown by* Affiliated Bnks by + j Total Accpts,Letters Paid-up Surplus laneous of Ct. & ether and and and Capital Profits Deposits Liabilities j Discounts Securities Resources CHANGMjDUE trom Banes Principal Correspondents. Name of Bake. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Feri. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. 1 Cashier. Vice-President. ■“Wfc'WESfc—i4s,sarr^mK,e“ ‘MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS $ 2.000.000 $ 2.302.660 137835770 $ 1.600.000 $27 500 760 $ 7.673.500 $ Mgr. SafeDep. Dept. NATIONAL BANK in (270 Main) Ass t Cashier. A. L. EATON, C. G. BEARING, Auditor Mgr. Foreign Dept. W56 ■ SEND US YOUR BUFFALO ITEMS 10-2 (237 Main) • ♦Merchants National Bank»t’20 10-70 (624 Main) Ortolani Brothers —.........FIS 10-60 (120 Erie) R. E. m 10,000,000 10,369,000 90,597.110 22,947.290 60,780,570 48,112,650 8,133.820 16,886,360 The old est Bank of Disc ount In Buffalo and tbe largest In the s tate, out side of New Yor k City. SEE Winfield ___ C. C. Miller............ L. E. Chandler ___ E. F. Lawler......... L. F. Stievater 400,000 133,620 N. Park, Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., Irving N., and Harriman N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: IstN., St. I..; Girard N., Phil. ADVE RTISE MENT OPPO SITE 1,870,980 627.530 1,501,710 1,167,900 52,950 309,570 N. City, Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y. 2.141,240 418,990 2,676,290 Seab. M., H. Y.( Corn Ex. N., CM.; Franklin N„ PbU.t N. Shawmut, Baa. _ (Mario & Joseph O rtolani) nWUrttM^.tWBmr*rktimr ‘PEOPLES BANK Ch. of Bd. E. J. REWELL W.C. WILCOX, GEORGE ULRICH 1.000.000 949,350 Auditor c. H. FITCH Keep this in mind: We endeavor to give Perfect Service on Buffalo Collections. Try Us. Our Quick Returns, Intelligent Attention and Low Rates will please yo ►10-13 (Seneca & Main) T*t§’89 Anthony Pepe___ A. Pepe M Sons...................t '10 Frank Pepe______ 10-61 + South Side Bank--------•t§’19 Edward A. Duerr.. Herman J. Manzel Howard Sullivan.. Lyman G. Horton. John Winegar 16-65 (2221 Senecat Western Savings Bank_..*i§’51 Albert J. Wheeler. H. E. Boiler_____ F. W. H. Becker. F. C. Sprickman, Chas. Diebold, Jr. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 16-62 (438 Main) Buffalo Clearing House--------- Howard Bissell__ N. P. Clement___ Ralph Cray, (Member*indicated by a* Affiliated Banks by +)____________ 16.500,930 213,120 13,426.880 56,374 94,130 15,500 42,340 15.000 717.270 1.694,860 109,660 141,220 Guaranty Buffalo. 720 13,643,790 303.180 578,900 1st N., N. Y. U. 15,000 19,190 174 180 150.000 125,530 2,372,480 1.486,400 13.040,190 Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peo., Geo. F. Rand, Jr., r ___ Tr. ________ I________ Sec. .. Selected List INVESTMENT DEALERS IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. THE CLEVELAND DISC. CO. fM. L. SULLIVAN, Mgr. ■) First Mortgage Beal Estate Bond s GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW (Investment Securit 1 1 ) (223 Ellicott Square) The Cleveland Disc. Co., Cleve land, Chicago, New York, and principal cities. (.Capital and Su rplus: $10,000,000 .00 »'«#)_____________ Philip H. Gerner, Guaranty Co. of N. Y„ N. Y. Mgr. (Ellicott Square Bldg.) GEBBIE & COMPANY----- (Invest me (606-610 White Bldg.) 1 Banker Branch of Elmira, \N, Y.) Gebbie & Co.. Elmira. W. A. HARRIMAN & CO. Inc. (Investment Sec urities)........ ..... W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc., N. Y and Syracuse. , 1 (Investment Bonds i I- - - - - - - ’I. MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK— DIICTAI fl DUlTHLU ... ji*~ i ent offices. (See Adv. Page iff3) LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK I 1079 (974 Ellicott Square) T19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N., N. Bk. Com., Chase N.,N. Y. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Int’l Tr.Co., Bos.; Franklta N. and 1st N., Phli. NEW YORK BANKS—Buffalo —Continued E. C. McDOUGAL......... EMIL DIFFINE--........... S. M. JOHNSON, See. E. L. REED, Tr........... ‘ °°K: of Bd. W. DARBYR E. J. V0LTZ A. H. SEELY J. H. LASCE.LLES, RALPH1 CROY h! J. BEITZ H. P. CLAWSON m iranchee) F h‘ LETPHW0RTH «■ »• WORK C. H. DIEFENDORF, (18 Branches) E. H. LETCHWORTH, J T GUNNING Treasurers §'60 HUGH McRAE . r WM.G. RICHARD A.G.STROMAN, H. E. McDOUGAL, r -4ss’< Secretaries G.E.BECKER, Auditor ‘MARINE TRUST COMPANYt ♦ 750,000 % 7,814,170 July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given RTT'C'TT' A T A—___ C'rkt-iHt-ihaH 1 fUQ t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ X3U" T ALjU TVCSCTVC v^ny V^OIllinilcO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Branch Federal Reserve District No. 2) Number under Name of Bank s the New Transit Number given 10 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* 1UOU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 1 nan TOWN AND COUNTY. *County Seats. In No 2 F. R. D. 6 is Buffalo Br. Caledonia___1170 B Livingston L8 •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Cambridge Valley Nat, Bank A. G. Taylor_____ 50-67* *t'55 50-675 Steuben Oil -Canandaigua Ontario L10 <+'80 E. M. McCabe .... R. C. Turnbull .... 50,000 $ 25,000 SsouBinsB 24,010 S 540,000 $ 105.000 1,100,000 77,010 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester; 33,000 1,167,000 96,000 Seab. N.and Irvine N., N. Y.; Corn Ex.N., Liberty, Buffalo. 50,000 687,000 720.000 90.000 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., 50,000 47,000 800,000 860.000 97.000 98.000 1,210,000 109,000 1,400,000 Canandaigua Nat. BankT<'87 F. H. Hamlin.__ W. A. Higinbotham H. A. Beeman......... A. W. Sutherland™ G. W. Hamlin H. S. McGlashan 100,000 210,100 2,896,830 85,900 3.092.190 Co. Edward G. Hayes.. Heber E. Wheeler. Heber E. Wheeler, J. Edward Dayton, 100,000 163,730 2.631.880 173,230 2,860,460 Trust 50-366 <§'17 Canaseraga___651 Canaseraga State Bank Tr. J. Edward Dayton §'91 J. Tuchler____ — 50-676 30,000 15.060 245,930- 50,000 51,160 396,080 201,260 W. H. Ludlow____ F. W. Dew _______ 50-508 Madison K16 State Bk. of Canastota <1'87 Miltcn De Lano... 8. K. Bemiss._ oO-6U7 699 First National Bank —<’64 W. B. Smith............ G. H. Hart. 50-677 Tioga 014 -Canton_____ 2631 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..... W. 50-638 T-187 St. Lawrence C18 J. B. De Lano........... _. R. F. Wells______ M. W. Manus_____ T<66 L. J. Simpson____ H. W. Cloas______ N. BEARD___ -. St. Lawrence County Nat. Bk. C. S. Cook_____ W-638 Alb. R, B. PIKE-. R. B. PIKE LYNDE___ R. H. MICHAELS E. M. BUTTERFIELD —........ G. P. . F. A. Augsbury.... W. J. Hamilton-__ Cape Vincent 813 Citizens Bank................. . §19 C. C. Cooke______ ♦ 50-999 Jefferson F14 O X * 200,640 Chase N., N. Y. 210,380 1st N. and Chase N.. N.Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. z 89,740 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Marine Tr. Co. and Mnfrs. & Tra. N., w Buffalo. 59,360 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb.; 1st N., Utica; Tradesmen's N., Phil. o 15,960 453,850 I 60,000 49,230 622,360 25.000 673,860 50,000 22,500 150,000 18.000 216,000 j» 82,730 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. a Cl 24,000 Chase N., N. Y. 50.000 31.790 375,640 365,430 64,330 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. O 100,000 210.S00 1,465.860 100,000 74,420 830,580 W. J. Flynn............ D. V. Seeher 50,000 21.500 266,610 S. Ryder________ 50,000 25.000 99.990 1,661,200 119.340 1,007,900 __ » 221,460 Chase N„ N. Y.: N Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., O Alb. n 116,450 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alh. O 33,780 Chase N.i N.Y,; Northern N.Y. Tr. Co., 329,000 417,000 59.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 100,000 224,930 2,638,150 126,000 2,832,170 256,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk.&Tr.Co..' J........ 100,000 78,780 1,307,330 153,500 1,524,780 114,840 Irving N.,N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. J. H.Van Arsdale.. R. P. Kellogg..... Arsdale Robert Holmes Castleton___1565 National Exchange Bank <’01 H. H. G. Ingalls ... Arthur C. Cheney. G. S. Schermerhorn . 50-682 Rensellaer N24 Cato.................. 404 First National Bank------ <T0 J. W. Hapeman... G. A. Cooper______ H. B. Hopkins____ M. J. Sanderson... 50-683 Cayuga K13 35,000 19,700 606,530 25.000 40,940 400,110 25.000 30,080 640.090 -Carmel...... 600 Putnam County Nat. Bk.<’65 Clayton Ryder___ J. ft. Kiihorn T. C. Killeen 50-680 Carthage........ 4320 Carthage National Bank------ F.W. Coburn____ M. S. Wilder....... L. G. Johnson____ 50-498 T»t'87 Jefferson F17 National Exchange Bank A. Bion Carter____ S. B. Richardson .. C. J. Reeder_____ 50-499 T*t'02 Castile...____ 1013 Bank of Castile............. <§’69 C. A.Van Arsdale.. Clara A. R. Van B Wyoming M7 03 > 316,180 Putnam R6 S 125,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. 3 Canistco_____ 2201 First State Bank............<|’07 D. O. Hunter___ ♦ 50-678 Steuben 09 .. 2: 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., M cn (Form’ly Canaseraga Bley.Co.) .. Am. Secur. & Tr. Co., Co., Attn See. George Me G. Hayes, -4.5«c. H. A. Chisholm___ Marie J. Manley .. Alb. ImD. & Tra. N.. N. Y. ............ Irving N„ N.Y.; Wash., D. C. 40,000 100,000 50-365 Phil. 63,000 National Spraker Bank..*‘53 B. F. Spraker_____ J. A. Spraker_____ E. A. Shineman.... 50-556 ..... from Banks 25,000 S 562,000 S 1,230,000 Stafford Mosher... J.H. Cook.. o Principal Correspondents. & Dia- Gash & ExMiscel cLoans *ts. Bonds, CHANOBB'DuK laneous 80,000 1,180,000 Ontario County B Allegany N8 Surplus Depos AND its Profits Resources. 50,000 7356 “ Candor.......... Edna L. Metzger.. A. B, McNish.......... M. M. Parrish CanaJoharie__2415 Oanajoharie National Bk.<'55 J.S. EUithorp____ 50-557 Montgomery L20 .. Paid-up Capital First National Bank__.<’l9Q0 W. V. Hamilton... John MacNaughton Geo. T. Ball______ A. M. McPherson.. $ 50-598 S. R. Armstrong First National Bank___<'80 D. J. Dorrance.__ Harold T. Conant.. C. F. Hoffmeister. 50-674 N. H. Dorrance Oneida J16 00 Liabilities. Callicoon_____ 800 Callicoon National Bank<09 C. A. Thorwelle__ Fred Hessinger ... 50-672 Sullivan RIO Cambridge.__ 1556 Washington K25 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. o NEW YORK—Continued Watertown. Alb. 612,880 28,360 Atlantic N.. N.Y.; Marine Tr. Co..Buffalo:, 26,640 469,970 27,720 1st N., Alb. 35.320 659.450 71.040 Irving N„ N. Y.: Auburn Tr. Co., Auburn:' £5 50-681 N. Bk. Com., Rochester. Syracuse Tr. Co.. Syracuse. 0 ^ n; THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1081 ■LUOX Nu™ber undw cf name Bank is tne the new New Transit Number given ..Muiuci uuucr Name nune c.i ir*nsii rummer ‘ in u 8- exclusively 'by The " Rand-McNally J " ” tike & eaoxh bank Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. In No. 2 F. R. D. B is Buffalo Br. urTrv x r vnDir NEW YORK .■ * GofltinilCu Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. fState tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Catskill Savings Bank.. .§’68 W. I. Jennings ___ Jeremiah Day____ Orin Day, Tr.......... 50-428 W. Palma tier “ 90,600 $ 625,000: 0 1,252,820 319,530 Imp. & Tra. N„ Irving N„ and N. City.N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb.; 1st N., Phil. 116,480 Irving N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 100,000 154,460 H. M. Munger____ R. J. Goff 25,000 48,230 John L. Havens... A. J. Hallock_____ C. E. Lise am____ E. O. Howell H. D. Coville_____ W. H. Conterman. O. J. Cook_______ W. H. Woodworth H. D. Ford_______ M. S. Elmer______ George Cornell__ J. W.Taft............... U.W. Johnson J. R. Eaton—____ 25,000 41,410 25,000 20.500 Ida Cornell______ - 25,000 27,020 255.160 Frank Whiteside _ W. H. Dunn______ John H. Crook__ A. R. Atwood G. A. Dustin E. W. Powers. 50,000 139,000 910,000 75,000 100,970 426,110 B. O. White_______ H. O. Pierson_____ W. F. Salmon ___ H. E. Crissey _____ C. L. Edwards____ NoraB. Lake____ S. N. Smith— Cora M. Dye H. L. Dakin.. .. $ 777,29C $ 129.46C 1st N. and Atlantic N„ N. Y.: N. Y. State N„ Alb. 270,330 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tanners N„ Catskill. J. J. McCarthy .... M. Tuller. J. H. Daffy_______ J. S. Van Vechten. F. P. Kennedy___ 1.081,030! 790,300: 0 1,243,910 0 792,910 114,790 N. City and Irving N.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 610,580 5,3700 589,930 770,000 . 779,210 92,430 Chatham ft Phenix N. and Harriman N„ N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 46,500 N. City, N.Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 40,5000 317,140 30,530 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil. I 50,000 94,000 1.707,910 1,058,000 34,6700 63,920 Irving N., N. Y. 1,751,240 87,960 Irving N., N. Y. 25,000 23,750 326,830 51.500 747,230 B. C. Durland_____ T. F. Lawrence... A. R. Conklin____ 100,400 131,140 277,020 George A. Johnson M. J. Bruton_____ Geo. S. Murray__ 25,000 15,210 300,000 287,020 25,000 57,840 553,060 627,920 50,000 32,640 354,310 419,060 50,000 12,760 447,340 585,420 50,000 112,500 877,000 1,001,500 A. S. Pearson.... B. R. Corning____ George A. Haskins. B. L. Knapp_____ Cecile A. Price.__ H. J. Auer________ Edwin Weinauge.. L. C. Leib_______ J. R. Ebersole W. H. Consanl____ Geo. M. Hawn____ W. C. Boulton____ F. M. Vandewalker J. L. Graves W. D. Clark______ A. L. Williams____ J. W. Fitzgerald .. Robt. D. Grant 25,010 368,270 782,880 90,000 540,970 E. M. Willis______ J. A. Jordan______ F. J. Lyng................ J. D. Willis.......... 25,000 5.000 300,000 275,000 D. M. Warner____ C. B. Wright_____ G. A. Lindner_____ T. V. Fox______ 50,000 31,190 478,790 507,liO N. L. Hayes______ R. U. Hayes--------- R. I, Williams.__ 25,000 62.350 278,140 330,140 W. A. Hunt_______ K. B. Palmer______ J. W. Hinman........ H. C. Hinman___ 50,000 40.350 1,140,720 1,096,080 F. L. Waldorf____ A. D. Collier______ H. C. Herley_____ I. L. Foist— D. P. Maloy H. L. Smith Clyrner................ 454 Olymer State Bank____ *t|10 Albert Neckerst Jr. E. L. Caflisch_____ H. F. Young______ Ruth M. Neckers. B Chautauqua PI 50-699 Cobleskili.... 2410 Farmers &Merch.Bank»tl’93 W. D. Becker_____ C. A. Wieting........ J. R. Becker_____ Schoharie M21 59-567 50,000 17,300 258,580 ------ FIRST NATIONAL BANK.«f64 50-566 ESTER k. HODGE— WATSON LAM0NT_ _ A. C. KILMER_ _ _ _ _ H.C. MILLER---Prompt remitta nee at lowest rat cs for all Coblesk 111 items. (B Bill of Lading D rafts a specialty. Cohocton------- 843 Cohocton State Bank... t§’15 Chas. Larrowe____j W. J. Faulkner.... G. A. Wentworth.. Chas. Rocker____ Steuben N9 50-700 25,000 20,000 388,000 360,000 69,820 1,386,530 21,840 1,401,850 100,000 99,440 2,857,030 94,200 2,804,840 31,000 A T. NATIONAL— BUFFAI Q Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 288,450 50,000 25,000 380,000 85,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 572,840 50,000 Leonard Dakin___ Principal Correspondents. Du changes, from Banks 10 5,250,000 150,000 F. E. Johnson Resources. k Cash & Ex Loams Dib c’ts. Bonds Ubcoeities 518,030 5,002,100|i (See New York City, Borough of Queens) Clayville.............999 National Bank ofClayville«’19 Oneida L18 [ 50-990 Clifton Springs Ontario National Bank..»f07 Ontario Lll 1628 50-696 Clinton............. 1270 Hayes National Bank__ »t’78 Oneida K17 ! 5<Hi97 Clyde............... 2528 Briggs National Bank..«t’80 Wayne K17 50-698 “ -------- “ [Citizens Bank_____ ____ i§ 20 50-1016 s 185,450 1,199,400! Cazenovla.__ 1683 Cazenovia National Bank*$’01 Henry’Burden____ H. G. Phelps_____ H. G. Phelps____ Madison L16 50-685 C. A. Buckingham Center Moriches Bank_«|’02 50-686 First National Bank___ •fll 50-910 Central Valley National Bank 50-687 •fll Champlain..1140 First National Bank ___ *t’64 Clinton A24 -...........— 50-688 Chateaugay .1291 First National Bank ___ •f07 Franklin A 22 j 50-689 Chatham........2710; State Bank—.................. «t§’75 Columbia 024 I ♦ 50-690 Cherry Creek..527 Cherry Creek Nat’l Bk.«t’90 B Chautauqua 03 50-691 Cherry Valley. 728 National Central Bank_»fl8 Ot’goL19 50-692 Chester.......... .1049 Chester National Bank ..<46 Orange C4 60-693 Churehville.. .513 StateBank of Churchville B Monroe K8 50-984 •}|’17 Cinclnnatus ..600 Bank of Cincinnatns__ •JS’99 Cortland N15 ! 50-695 Clarence.......700 BANK OF CLARENCE~*t§’20 Erie K 5 Clayton..____ 1849 First National Bank____«t’87 Jefferson E15 50-570 National Exchange Bank 60-571 T«t’76 " Wm. Palmatier.... WendellS.Sherman Cattaraugus. 1347 Bank of Oatlarangus_.»J|’S2 H. 0. Rich.............. B Cattaraugus 04 50-684 Cedarhurst...2838 Nassau F6 Center Moriches Suffolk F10 1000 Central Square448 Oswego .115 Central Valley 1000 Orange C5 Jeremiah Day, Sec. Addison P. Jones, A. Sec. Tanners National Bank. •J’Sl Orrin Day________ 50-427 1 Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its ‘(’atskill_____ 4728 Catskill National BankT*tl813 James P. Philip ... Samuel C. Hopkins. P. Gardner Coffin. John H. Story____ $ 150,000 $ Greene P23 50-426 .......... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume *JL ' rt 400,000 32,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; Far. & Mech., Jamestown. 65,310 N. Park, N. Y. 57,580 1st N.. Mech. & Metals N.. and Irving N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. 44,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N„ Rochester. 40,050 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cortland, Cort land: Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 11,420 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 46,340 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Jefferson Co. N., Watertown. 91,500 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb.; Watertown N..Watertown; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 23,000 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co. and Utica City N., Utica. 59,860 1st N., Alb. 41,600 Han. N„ N. Y. 159,980 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 37,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co.. Syracuse. 73,000 3eab. N., N.Y.; Bk. of Jamestown. James town: Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. 126,340 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Y. 8tate N. and N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 345,830 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 40,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. &Tra. N.. Buffalo:!i N. Y.State N.. Alb. 1 FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 2 F. R. 1). I is Buffalo Br. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. President. Vic* President. (Savings Bunks do not handle collections) Cashier. Ass t Cashier. ("GEORGE H. WHITE- G. A. SCOTT- - - - - - - - - FRANK HALE- - - - - - - FIRST NATIONAL SANKWH < Send us your O tsego County Ite ms. I Special attentlo d given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Pleate tend 10c w ith each tight draft / or presentation and 25e for Credit Repor Copenhagen ..554 Lewis G16 t orfu_________ 458 B Genesee K6 Corinth______ 2576 Saratoga J23 Corning.........15,820 Steuben Pll Second National Bank .T<’52 50-548 Copenhagen National Bank 50-000 11 Bank of Oorfn------------<S’08 50-702 Corinth National Bank—<02 50-703 Corning Trust Co...........<§'61 50-272 C. T. Brewer_____ F. L. Quaif_______ F. W. Spraker____ L. T. Pier________ H. H. Willsey F. A. Green -_____ A. L. Clark.............. D. A. Timmerman- Cornwall____1755 Orange B5 t ornwall on-theHudson.__ 2658 Orange B5 Corona..________ Queens F6 ♦Cortland...13,294 Cortland N15 laneous 250,000 112,000 1,240,000 1,200,000 240,190 2,114,170 ij 2,202,910 3,520,740 j 266,230 80,880 1st N„ N. Y.: N, Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 153,650 23,650 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Chautauqua Co., James town. 352,430 2,952,640 50,000 25.300 259.620 25.000 12,000 176,550 - 281,120 1st N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 37,630 N. City ami Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 380,810 501,010 150,000 123.930! 2,137,640! 2,385,030 128,720 Chase N..N.Y.: N.Y. State N„ Alb.; Market St. N., Phil. 150,000 178,400 2,498,280 2,744,860 181,630 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb, 50,000 14,540j 251.090 256,070 0. W. Carrier_____ D. J. Scott........... A. F. Baugert_____ C. H. Bordwell 25,000 59,000 700.000 725,000 W. J. Burnham___ Isaac Densmore... F. E. Pruyu.......... ... 35,000 56.200 981,000 988,800 50-273 Cornwall National Bank <'11 C. E. Mailler_____ 50-008 Cornwall Savings’72 Townsend D. Wood 50-704 187,000 Han. N. and Met, Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 151,450 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. Cohoes. | 32,700 Wm. J. Heermans. W. S. Heyniger.... j C. E. Pier, Tr.......... G. A. Heermans, P. J. Haughey, Sec. A. Tr. D. H. Rose, A. Sec. A. F. Williams — Marvin Olcott. Harvey T. Cole.... R. B. Granger........ Chas. M. Hyde L. 1a Conable Principal Correspondents. $4 606860 $ 185,000 1st N., N. T.; N. Bk. of Cohoes, Cohoes. $ 505.460 $4 286400 $ 100,000 Resources. 1 Loams k Dis- Oasm k Bxc’ts. Bonds, omam«m,Doi Bsoommss vsom Babb 25,000 77,760 Carthage N., Carthage. 90,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Peo., Buffalo. i 100.000 167,130 2,111,020 2,076,730! 100.000 152,180 2,280,570 2,375,340 98400 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Alb. 340,890 N. Park aud Han. N..N.Y.; N.Y. StateN.’ Alb. 257,640 1st N., N Y. 28,000 600,000 622,000 57,000 N. City. N. Y. 50,000 332,750 544,000 31,450 Corn Ex.. N. Y. 633, ,810 j 5,263,420 2,920 | 5,663,150 200,000 60, 070: 1,439,530 1,596,110 127,940 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St, N„ Phil.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co.. Syracuse. 125,000 170,170! 3,069,260 | 3,222,570 175,000 316,8501 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alh.: Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. B. J. Bostwick ___ A. R. Learn.. 100,000 138 2,764,000 ; 2,455,270 317,600; 1st N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. H. A. Jordan_____ 100,000 42, 380,640 544,690 75,140. Chase N.. N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. W. B. Bishop_____ 25,000 31, 324,130 584,250 36,400 j Irving N., N. Y. F. L. Fox------------- 25,000 42, 444,600 494,000 42,9001 Chatham ft Phenix N„ N. Y. 20,000 15,000; 190.000 T. M. Cocks______ J. S. Holloran_____ Thos. Cocks. Sec... M. F. Davis L. G. Goodnough - - Gilbert T. Cocks... Sec. and Treat. Patrick Bevans 60,000 (See New York City, Borough of Queens) Cortland Savings Bank <§'66 B. L. Webb____ 50-312 Cortland Trust Co......... <§’68 Edward Keator. 50-311 . Hubert T. Bushnell W m. R. Cole, Tr_ W. A. Stockwell, Lester P. Bennett E. W. Bentley,A.T r. Sec. F. R. Wickwire.__ Geo. V. Clark. Sec. and A. Tr. Rowland L. Davis fF. J. PECK.......... NATIONAL OF CORTLAND SECOND NATIONAL BANK R. ELLIOTT OWENS.. ions a specialty. < Bills of Lading ) Completely equ lpped to handle a 11 business, (.Send us your “ CORTLAND” bu slness. E. Alley______.... ;T. H.Wickwire.__ I 58-814 •'82 National Bank of Goxsackie M. C. Richtmyer _ P. A. Goodwin____ 50-705 <’65 Croghan National Bank.<’17 Fredlin Nortz____ Jacob Weirich____ 50-972 H. S. Lewis First National Bank. <08 W. Morton, Jr........ John Sharp............. 58-706 J. W. Wyman, Banker- -t’81 Mary R. Wyman— E. Louise Wyman. j A. E, Phelps--------- 1W. B. Wyman.......... 66-707 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 236,990 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OE 39,660;! Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. BUFFALO July, 1922 Coxsackie___ 2121 Greene 023 (roghan______ 646 Lewis G17 troton-onHudson.,2286 Westchester C6 Crown Point.. 1500 Essex F24 II Miscel NEW YORK BANKS —Cohoes to Crown Point cooPEitsTowjyon Liabilities. „.aid „-up Surplus P Depos its Capital PaoF„B _______ Cohoes_____ 22,987 Cohoes Sav. Bank......<$’51 G. H. McDowell__ J. W. Ablett.... C. H. Coonrod. Jr., Albany L23 50-201 Tr. G. R. Wilsdon Manufacturers Bank—.<S’72 Harvey S. Greene.. J. W. Ford........ J. S. Clute_______ J. E. Mussey_____ 50-203 J. S. Clute Mechanics Savings Bk.—tS’73 J. S, Clute—______ Edward Foley.. G. W. Humphreys, 50-204 Sec. and Tr. Frank Tessier NATIONAL BANK OF COHOES G. H. McDowell__ Wm. P. Adams. Ernest C. Game__ 50-202 T»t’59 t old Spring.. 1433 National Bk. of Cold Spring- Coryell Clark____ G. V. Grace............IF. R. Amerman___ Putnam B5 on-Hudson 50-701______ <’M < Allege Point 6127 (See N. T. City, Borough of Queens) Queens F6 < nnewango Conewango Valley National E. A, Bagg_______ IL.H. Myers______jC. M, Waite______ !Clyde Ericson____ j Valley. .250 Bank____50-970.................17 R ChautauquaO 3 Coney Island____ (See N. T. City, Borough of Brooklyn) Kings G5 . t ooperstown 2725 bank W. Scott Root____ F. M. Smith............ E. D. Lindsay_____ A. W. Henness.... Otsego M19 50-547 Non-Bunk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK- Continued *082 NamfeM under Name of Bunk l» the Mew Truult Number &y*> to tub bunk in U. S. exelulrelf by The Rand-MeNally Bunkers’ Directory, under the uuthorlty of The American Bunkers Ass'n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. In No. 2 F. R. D. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cuba________ 1611 Cuba National Bank-.-T»t'55 J. 0. Leggett_____ C. A. Wheeler....... 0. A. Ackerly______ C. 0. Brown_____ B Allegany 06 60-582 First National Bank_..T*t'80 H. C. Morgan____ 50-583 K JI. Bartlett .FJ0. Dalton Banking Honse-tlOOO G. J£. Moses_____ 59-768 Citizens Bank________ <f'87 Frank Fielder___ 69-475 Merchants & Farmers Nat'l William Kramer. — Bank___ 59-476.......... *t'9« Bank of Delevan______<|'13 R. C. Pingrey____ Dalton.______ 600 B Livingston N8 B Livingston NO Dansville___ 4631 Delevan____...547 50-631 E. W. Moses.. .. H. E. Keller, V. P. and Cash. G. W. Folwell....... BANK OF DEPEW B Erie L5 ♦ 50-993 B Chautauqua N2 58,860 1,293,490 C. S. Persons....... .. C. A. Metcalf____ 25,000 100,000 24,230 850,000 $ 880.930 800,000 293,000 20,620 ___ 550,000 ___ 12,500 1,248,140 397,250 379,000 143,850 1,326,090 $ 73,490 Market St. N„ Phil. 133,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 180,000 Imp. A & Tra. N., Buffalo. Tra. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 166,710 N. Park, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo: 1st N., Phil. 30,980 Chase N., N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo, 210,610 Han. N.. N. Y. — 1,326,090 4.460 624,550 52,280 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., 29,630 Irving N„ N. Y. 50,000 E. D. Camming.__ R. Brown................M. B. Smith______ P. K. Monson___ _ 50.000 58,690 652,580 136,530 868,170 B. S. Bryant_____ A. R. Bryant____ F. L. Mitchell____ R. L. Baldwin....... 25,000 19,910 311,250 _____________ 339,520 18,990 Han. N., N.Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. A. A. Phelps........... G. W. Campbell.__O. E. Schultz.____ L. A. Wiley........... 30,000 33,200 319,290 93,120 430,280 45,340 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Northern N. Y. 100,000 80,910 631,780 1,950 675,630 139,010 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Sylvester Buckhont J alius Breckwoldt. E. H. White.. and Tr, John J. Griffith.__ Carl G. Ward. 601,750 Buffalo. . 50,000 101,790 1,086,160 1,069,890 175,170 1,148,600 61,090 1,344,270 Tr. Co., Watertown. 118,060 Alb. 90,580 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N, and 1st N„ Alb. 100,000 70,000 300,000 485,000 35,000 Chase N.. N. Y. C. E. Huibert____ G. W. Holmes____ A. H. Griffith......... G. J. Merritt____ 25.000 34,000 385,000 380,000 60,000 Chase N., N. Y. S. G. Lupton_____ E. H. Fulkerson... Webb Corbin____ D. S. Fellows____ 25,000 39,630 469,600 60,730 559,570 35,420 Han. N., N. Y. G. S. Shattack___ T. D. Beekman___ R. S. Wall............ C.M. Clark........... 50,000 18,750 229,610 12,500 266,600 44,240 Han. N., N.Y.: N.Com'l Bk. & Tr.Oo., Alb. 50,000 20,900 397,710 _____________ 433,350 35,270 Imp. E. G. Reynolds___ C. W. Vincent____ T. J. Boyce............ W. C. Sworts____ H. 0. Harpending— R. B. Sworts_____ W. M. Boyce.......... C. J. Sackett E. D. Warner....... T. J. Cummings...iRob. R. Dew, Sec.. Chester Cooley. A. Sec, W. T. McCaffrey A. J. Lunt......... ..... Clark Bloss______Edward Madigan .. T. D. Lunt______ M. P. Nelson, A sst. to Pres. D. Scannell |GE0. E. MERRILL WM. TACKBARY W A. Draves, C. H. NORTON, Sec VINCENT_ _ _ _ A. Sec. 250.000 145,000 1,094,030 — 1,346,000 77,580 105.000 193,820 2,331,900 — 2,390,640 315,480 250.000 306,390 2,631,400 313,900 3,179,720 321,980 50,000 61,600 1.017,570 — 1.168,530 66.760 100,000 73,880 1,416,510 — 1,429,420 & Tra. N., N. Y. Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Buffalo Tr. Co., Buffalo. Chase N., N.Y.; Marine Tr.Oo. and Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo: Union Tr. Co., Clev. Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; Union Tr. Co., Clev. Chase N., N.ICity, and Irving N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 140,440 Seab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. ^Equipped to effi clently handle all financial matters , large or small <§’16 'Collections ma de promptly and charges reasona ble. R. S. Persons___ T<S'82 H. H. Persons, i Ch. of Bd. J. J. Sly________ N. A. L. Mitchell K. Barn urn___ E. B. Marks ... ! 100.000 60,960 1,714,160 MANUFACTURERS & T RA[)ERS NATIONAL BANK— BUFFAK\J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 124,480 Banks 43.450 1,773.710 144,850 Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. i LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK 1083 ♦ 50-533 $ tbom I ERNEsfSHFEYLER' E.B. ROWLEY......... P. C. JANSEN .......... E.C. KUPCZYNSKII Ch. 0f Bd. W. F. O’CONNOR BANK OF EAST AURORA 1 666,650 550,000 00,000 W. W. Tompkins .. Thomas Losee___ W. H. Losee, See. TRUST COMPANY ♦ 50-535 $ 50,000 ! ERIE COUNTY 90.000 50.000 LAKE SHORE NAT’L BANK 50-229 T<’65 Shirley T. Colman MERCHANTS NAT’L BK.T< 82 R. J. Gross______j J. L. Hurlbert.......J. M. Madigan____ J. G. Flahaven 3703 63,290 W. A. Spinning... ;j. M. Edwards..__ G. M. Young.......... E. H. Johantgen C. E. Frantzen .4. Cash, H.E. Straight Karlvllle_____ 792 First National Bank___ t’89 N. L. Douglass__ H.H. White_____ |S. L. Baker............ M. L. Rogers........ Madison M17 50-717 B Erie L5 $ J. W. Wadsworth... F. H. Johantgen... F. P. Magee------- F. Q. Brown_____ W. W. Tompkins — |H. DeWitt Wilde— 50-228 Last Aurora 100,000 100,000 laneous Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Doe Han. N., N.Y.; Mnfrs. I SEND US YOU R DEPEW ITEM S. <§’19 I Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. . Charges Reasona ble. Deposit_____ 1943 Farmers National Bank.< 09 Broome P17 59-710 lie Buyter........519 De Barter State Bank..<S’89 Madison M16 59-711 Dexter______ U64 First National Bank......... +'06 Jefferson F15 50-712 Dobbs Ferry..4401 Dobbs Ferry Bank___ <S’90 Westches’r D6 59-503 Greenburgh Savings Bank 50-502 tJ’99 Dolgeville........ 3448 First National Bank.__<’02 Herkimer K20 50-718 Dover Plains ..797 Dover Plains Nat. Bank.<’56 Dutchess R24 50-714 Downsville___650 First National Bank—.<’05 Delaware P19 50-715 Dryden______ 707 First National Bank.__< 02 Tompkins N14 50-716 Dundee.......... 1143 Dundee National Bank.__’80 Yates Nil 50-607 Dundee State Bank____ S'82 50-608 Dunkirk ___19,336 DUNKIRK TRUST CO.—TtS’20 $ Resources. Loans Sc Digc’ts. Bonds, Securities Miscel — Guy W. Hill.......... ♦ Delhi............. 1669 Delaware National Bank<’39 J. R. Honeywell__ C. L. Andrus____ .! H. S. Marvin......... W. W. Honeywell. B Delaware 019 59-769 Depew...____5850 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its N E W YORK BANKS — Cuba to East Aurora B Cattaraugus N6 F. L. Sibley.. H. J. Demcey Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 HR ^ 10 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ lUOO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 HQ A to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers 1 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name op Bank. Town and County. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. In No. 2 F. R. D. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br, ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. V ice-President. President. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos AND its Profits Ass’t Cashier. $ East Hampton ... East Hampton Nat. Bk...*’05 Hiram Sherrill____ C. W. Rackett, Jr.. G. A. Miller............ K. E. Davis—-------N. C. Osborne........ N. N. Tiffany-------- Walter Dippel-----S. A. Gregory ..•’09 C. L. WolpertEast Islip........ 1200 First National Bank Suffolk F8 , „ 50-720 East Randolph 544 Peoples State Bank........ *191 W. E. Searle-. B Cattr’s 04 50-721 Maitland Hemford. Harry L. Wolpert. Hannon Milne____ R. T. Searle--------- Florence Hovey— First National Bank------ <’12 A. H. Brown.......... B. R. Erwin______ V. D. Archer------- C. R. Erwin.. 50-915 Tinker National Bank__ »’20 Edward L. Tinker. G. E. Hand.............. W. M. Wisham—50-1008 Bank of East Syracuse _I§’20 C. A. Chase______ E. T. Eshelman... C. W. Walser_____ 50-1005 Ebenezer State Bank....§’21 Wm. J. Daetsch... Edward Wendling. Edward Wendling T. E. Flemming 50-1043 First National Bank.—<’87 U. G. Welch--------- E. I. Johnson........ John L. Shaw___ C. W. Horton. 50-724 D. M. Taylor------- E. C, Gregory------ E. C. Gregory .— Edwards National Bank 50-939 K'14 Wm. H. Cole_____ W. E. Smith_____ Bank of Elba_________ •*§'16 Samuel Parker 50-957 C. D. Munsil--------- G. W. Gilbert-------- D. M. Spencer-----State Bank of Ellenburg 50-1031 <§’20 Ellenville Savings’69 Dwight Divine------ W. H. Deyo---------- H. F. Hoornbeek. John A. Tice. SecTr. C. D. Divine 50-514 First National Bank—<’63 M. E. Clark_______ H.W. Coons-------- F. B. Hoornbeek.. Anna B. Hoornbeek 50-513 Home National Bank — <'73 George F. Andrews J. B. Smith---------- Floyd B. Garrison. 50-515 Elicottville ....950 Bank of EHicottville ...<§'78 J. O. Clark______ G. F. Smith-----... J. M. Junker------50-725 B Cattaraugus F6 Elmhurst—........ (See N. T. City, Borough of Queens) Queens Oa G. Kingston,Tr. J. Ernest W ebb, Sec. , Elmira____45,393 Chemung Canal Trust Go. E. J. Dunn______ F. W. Swan--------- P. A. Tr. C. A. Bowman, A. D. Falck ♦ 50-111 <§’33 Chemung P12 Michael Del Papa-----------t’19 50-113 Elmira Savings Bank.—$§'69 W. H. Ferguson — J. W. Huston-------- M. A. Leahy, Tr... N. T. Simpson, Sec Henry Simpson 50-109 Merchants Nat’l Bank.T<’92 C. G. Swan........ — Arthur Clinton____ Geo. W. Brooks— Wm. H. O'Neil... A. W. Booth 50-110 East Rochester. __ B Monroe K9 3901 East Setauket 2200 Suffolk E9 East Syracuse 4106 Onondaga K15 Ebenezer_____ 750 B Erie L5 Edmeston------800 Otsego M18 Edwards---------577 Lawrence E18 Elba...................-386 B Genesee K7 Ellenburg Depot. Clinton B23 450 Ellcnville____3116 Ulster R21 SECOND 50-108 GEBBIE & COMPANY o: nb:EIWolds Chautauqua P3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k 80,880 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y. 53,000 690.500 783,440 68,000 Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peconic. Sag Harbor; 25,000 18,500 363,000 384.500 34,000 Irving N., N. Y. 25.000 39,090 262,630 15,400 295,840 46,290 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25,000 22,220 562,910 450 530,550 25,000 16,480 212,190 25,000 257,890 80,030 Han. N„ N. Y. Merch. and Tra. N.. Ro Chester. 20,780 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 50,000 46,140 676,420 25.000 8,010 242,030 5,090 210.500 50,000 84,730 606,380 11,960 663,940 25,000 18, 250.000 25,000 14,160 255,840 600 18,740 191,980 15,000 50,000 673,280 244.770 50,000 50,000 248,520 F. A. Balden ... GEO, W. JOHNSON— E. L. BROWN—. (D. C. WARNER-— J Bills ol Lading and Collections a Specialty, ) Prompt Service . Rates Reason able. (A New, Progres sive Bank. G. L. Decker. C. B. .lenney E. F. MILLER— S I. Houehwout 87,130 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Y. State N„ Alb.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 37,260 Chase N„ N. Y.; Watertown N., Watertown. 58,240 N. Park, N. Y. 24,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 50,000 275,000 280,000 115,000 560,000 452,490 168,810 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y. 54,800 717,320 15,000 797.770 624,240 7,238,710 233,420 7,748,140 180,450 1,560,340 1,590,100 250,000 135,650 1,499,780 1,753,310 400,000 723,710 7,355,450 251,680 7,747,340 600.000 52.630 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co.. Syracuse. 69.630 Irving N., N. Y. 167,060 N. Park, Guaranty Tr., and Equitable Tr. Cos-, N. Y. „ 11V 75,000 N. Park.N.Y..; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 2,814,640 164,030 2,817,680 50,000 237,360 Market St. N., Phil 39,350 Seab. No N. Y., Marine Tr. Co. and Li berty, Buffalo. 948,230 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 150,690 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chemung Canal Tr. Co., Elmira. „ , 228.820 Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 983,490 Ohem. N., 1st N. and Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Market St. N„ Phil. Gebbie & Co.. Buffalo. Irving N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 9,190 1,813,120 264,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 3d N., Scranton. 50,000 59,470 1,958,980 50.000 23,790 209,350 50.000 21,120 476.290 50,150 498,580 20,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co. Watertown. 98,980 Han. N„ N. Y.; Tra. N., Rochester. 25,000 27,170 526,280 20,020 494,940 103,520 Seab. N„ N.Y.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo 256,810 F. G. Sprague THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO July, 1922 t§’l s) Evans Mills....584 Peoples Bank---------------tS’19 O. S. Pickard.......... E. G. Rogers--------- C. W. Crysler. Sec. and Tr. 50-1000 Jefferson F16 J. I. George______ E. G. McGinnis.— D. K. Walling-----Fairport_____4626 Fairport National Bank—$’14 F. E. Shepard........ A. C. Passage 50-960 B Monroe K10 F. E. Sample_____ ^Falconer........2742 First National Bank —<1900 B. L. Hough--------- A. D. Bush_______ E. H. Sample_____ B 15,620 $ 642,380 $ Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 1 mlra Items. T<’61 ( Send us your E .’13 GEORGE GEBBIE-— H. D. SEGAL. . . . . . . . . . H. M. SWARTZ- - - - - - N. H. KELLER, Sec... STATE■ BANK OF ENDICOTT 50-727 44,890 I 637,750 $ 7 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (Investment Banker (Realty Bldg.) Kndicott_____ 9500 Endicott Co., Bankers..»tT7 E. B. Jenney.......... 50-969 Broome P15 50-1003 M. Y. SMITH- - - - - - - S. G. H. TURNER. NATIONAL BANK ♦ laneous k Ex Loans Dis- Cash c*ts. Bonds, changes,Due a Bank8 Securities N E W YORK BANKS — East H am pton to F alcon er____________ -<§’17 C. W. Osborne. Osborne Trust Co. 50-974 Principal Correspondents. Resources. Miscel H. G. Stephens 50-718 Suffolk E12 4500 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back or this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued 1UO.J Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory. under the anthnrlhr nf The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats No.2 Fed.Res.Dist. B is Buffalo Br. Farmingdale. 2091 (i Nassau F7( Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. President. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Bank of Farmingdale ..<§'07 A. P. Whitson___ 50-581 H. H.Frost, J r., V.P. First National Bank „„»t'07 50-580 Queens) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. O. E. Haines......... H. A. Gelser........... n, H Ward John Rapelje L. S. Gleason......... H. S.Vermilya ___ L. H. Houseweller Herbert Lasher__ John F. Kelly. Geo. A. Speenburgh R. T,. Ernst J. F. Klein............ C. H. Van Nostrand G. B. Remsen G. A. Wiggins J. K. Roe____ .. George F. Jayne .. J. Ledlie Hees____ B. F. Spraker........... “ 44 Free port Rank 50-452 219.000 454,000 432,000 70,760 671,370 $ 22,500 250,000 50,000 25,000 51,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Matteawan N„ Beacon; 1st N.. Poughkeepsie. 289,780 15,990 Hudson Tr. Co.. N. Y. 330450 43,240 Chase N.. N. Y. 76,540 1,199,190 1,203,350 700.000 700.000 53,690 1,139.950 1,091.000 600,000 50,000 92,380 Nassau N., N. Y. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 251,110 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. W. H. Marvin____ W. R. Miller C. A. Reynolds Wm. N. MacArtney James MacArtney - T. A. Chisholm.—_ James MacArtney. 25,000 8,000 628,000 10,000 9,950 213,380 167,040 66,290 N. Park, N. Y.,Peo.N., Malone, 1st N., Alb. 685,000 685,000 55,000 N. Park N. Y.; 1st N.. Alb. A. P. Hill... A. R. Wing.............. F. W. Bander_____ Charles G. Zielley. A. L. Gros _______ F. S. Haslett H. L. CUMMING......... H. A. FRANCIS jE. L. COLVIN-- F W CASE R. P. ROSS E. N. BUTTON ) Collections will receive prompt a ttentton. 75,000 100,000 200,000 50,000 62,110 1,198,770 27,090 1,294,100 161,050 1,815,810 52,390 1,990,440 93,870 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alt). 238,810 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 60,640 Irving N„ N. Y. 600,000 630,000 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 45,000 350,000 475,000 97,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. 120,890 704,330 33,600 599,430 50,000 61,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 90,000 N. City, N. Y.: Buffalo Tr. Co., Buffalo. 716,840 50.000 94,460 48,700 839,560 1,609,270 131,250 1,562,840 Alb 109,360 N. City, N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 164,000 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y. Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 100,000 58,890 874,760 50,000 987,220 96,430 Chase N.. N. Y. 100.000 47,860 750,110 26,270 886,730 87,520 N. Park. N. Y. ^Prompt Service . Reasonable ch arges. Send us your Freeport itc ms. 50,000 <’05 Roswell Davis___ J. K. Eldridge___ Wm. F. Kraft, Jr.. G. E. Homing ....... C. M. Foreman <t’Q2 .T. J. Randal! R. W. Pine __ W.C. Rhodes____ H. B. Smith_____ 100.000 85,110 1,831,390 12,500 1,652,920 79,840 1,793,040 10,260 1,890,020 Queens) MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 703,290 Queens) SIMON BAUMANN — W. 1. SHERMAN —EDW.S. KEOGH BANK bank. < A new progress! T»t’19 ) Thoroughly eq ve uipped to handle all banking matt ers entrusted to (See N. K. City, Borough of 306,040 12,920 326,070 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Rockville Center, Rockville Center. 93.120 Chase N. and Irving N.. N. Y.; Kings Co. Tr. Co., Brooklyn. Mi— IN WESTERN NEW YORK 1085 Fresh Ponds (Brooklyn P. O.) Queens F6 First National Bank 50-453 25,500 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. 60,570 Chase N.. N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 270,000 100,000 P PETTIT •« 95,870 Irving N.. N. Y.; Market St. N.. Phil. Edgar Leonhardt— 'Prompt attenti on to all matters entrusted to us. G. S. Nichols____ Nat. Bank of Fredonia-T< 08 A. P. Chessman__ A. F. French 50-432 Freeport____ 8599 CITIZENS NATIONAL Nassau F7 50-1010 989,070 5,000 17,650 Banks 45,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 12,000 25,000 from Queens) W. C. Rich FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’86 D. F. Strobel_____ 50-736 Franklin _ 476 First National Hank ___ <’65 L. F. Raymond ___ Delaware 018 50-737 Franklinvllle.2015 Union National Bank__ <'82 R. C. Fay G. W. G. Ferris___ A. R. Haeberle___ M. J. Raub............ .. B Cattaraugus 06 60-738 41 Securities Principal Correspondents. $ 565,500 $ 25,000 25,000 .. " laneous 25.000 James W. Terry, J. S. Warren, Sec. Tr. J. L. Moon_______ Albert Sitterly____ Clare Richards.__ George Duffy T. J. Zoller Frankfort__ 4198 Citizens National Bank..fl3 S. S. Richards____ F. J. Tine________ H. L, Bostwick___ ....... ...... Herkimer K19 Sherwood Bridenb ecker 50-927 Fredonia___ 6051 CITIZENS TRUST CO...<106 B ChautauquaN2 ♦ 50-431 | Resources. | & Dis- Cash b Ex Miscel LCAN8 C*T8. BOND8, changes,Dub P. V. Ke'cham___ J. S. Baylis---------- L. G. Fehieisen... S 25,000 $ 33,000 $ 570,600 C. E. Smith R. E. Burnett___ 60,000 970.000 50,000 C. L. Watkins____ Chas. Keller W. H. Trou W. M. Jones......... W. M. Peckham... E. D. Zinsmeister. J. 8. Lnyster____ Id ABILITIES. Depos Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits NEW YORK BANKS — Farmingdale to Fresh Ponds Far Rockaway (See N. T. City, Borough of Queens G6 Fayetteville.. 1584 Fayetteville Commercial Bk. Onondaga L15 50-995 t*’19 State Bank of Fillmore.<§’8B B Allegany N7 50-728 Fishkill 470 Fishkill Sav. Institute.__§'57 Dutchess B6 50-729 Fishkill on the (See Beacon) Hudson........ 3902 Dutchess A6 Citizens Bk. of Griffin Corners Delaware P21 50-634 <§'10 «t «• First National Bk. of Griffin Corners _ 50-633 <'07 Floral Park .2097 Floral Park Bank____ <§'08 Nassau F6 ♦ 50-730 Florida National Bank_•t’ll Orange C4 50-731 Flushing ..... (See N. P. City, Borough of Queens F6 Nat. Mohawk River Bank<’56 Montgomery L21 50-732 Forest Hills........ . (See A. Y. City, Borough of Queens F6 Forestville___ 620 First National Bank....<13 50-733 B ChautauquaN3 FortCovingfon830 Fort Covington Bkg. Co..t’06 Franklin A21 50-734 Fort Edward. 3871 Fort Edward Nat’l Bank.t’85 Washington J24 50-735 Fort Plain 2747 Farmers & Mechanics Bk. Montgomery L20 50-637 tl’87 Fort Plain National Bank<’38 50-536 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (la dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 ____ inoc ‘* ______ ** Fultonville. _ 869 Montgomery L21 Gainesville.... 341 B Wyoming M7 Gasport______800 B Niagara K6 .Geneseo____215/ B Livingston M8 Geneva____ 14.648 Ontario Lll Name op Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. President. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. Union National Bank .—<’17 F. R. Utter 50-699 Citizens National BankT<’85 C. K. Lee_____ ... 50-335 E. R. Redhead,.__ Ch. of Bd. Fulton Savings Bank ...*171 Wm. J. Lovejoy... 50-336 Oswego County Trust Co. Edward Quirk........ 50-334 «t§’17 F. C. Ash.P.P, Fultonville National Bk.<’83 H. A, DeGraff .... 50-730 Gainesville National Bk.<’01 F. M. Bristol____ 50-740 First National Bank.__<14 C. J. Mack............ 50-043 Genesee Valley Nat. Bk.<’51 Theo. F. Olmsted— _____ 44 M. W, Potter._ C. J. Rice. F. B. Dilts........ .. M. F. W. Hanson Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Paid-up Surplus Dspos- Miscel- )4aii A Db- Oia A KxAND Capital Profits ITS bonm' rmoM Saw ____ W. C. Kingsbury .. $ 100,000 $ 49,310 S 565,440 $ 90,000 $ 580,750 $ 223.990 N. Park and Seab. N„ N. Y.; Marine Tr. H. L. Blossom Co., Buffalo. 125,000 163,450 1,994,8-50 200,030 2,319,930 163,400 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y. H. O. Ferguson ASS’T oashisk. G. G. Chauncey— Ramon F. Lewis, Watson A. Butts Sec. and Tr. L. W. Emerick ___ Clayton E. Bixby, J. T. Sullivan, N. L. Whitaker Sec. and Tr. .4. Sec. and A. Tr. R. A. Brace______ O. F. Oonable_____ GENEVA NATIONAL BANK T»tl817 4,380 3,559,800 78,150 1,840,880 19,710 1,971,290 186,960 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Com 1 Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. 67,460 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep., Syracuse. 14,560 Irving N.. N. Y.; Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 22,000 364,000 18,200 424,000 25,000 31,360 353,590 30,670 410,200 F. A. Rinn_____ _ A. F. Keough.......... 25,000 23,710 195,350 272,350 24,810 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. 150,000 77.760 952,560 144,510 1,149,210 100,000 74,280 1,095,170 246,870 1,437,580 175,620 Imp. & Tra. N„ Irving N., andCliem. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 78,750 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 300.000 320,220 3,181.320 586,550 4,014,690 373,400 100,270 1,611,510 1,646,680 250,000 268,630 2,984,720 482,310 3,689,800 65,100 Geneva N., Geneva. 295,860 N. Bk. Com. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y. 260,640 10,390 Irving N„ N. Y.; Franklin N. Phil. Ch. of Bd. (WILLIAMO’HANLON O.J.C. ROSE.........- M. R. SANDF0RD —- F. L. HARES_______ JM.S. sandford.c h. ofBd. H. F. NESTER lOLDhST BANK IN GENEVA. (ESTABLISHED 1817. Geneva Savings Bank—.•|’10 John Parmenter... A. P. Rose... _ . _____ Germantown_1700 Columbia 023 Gilbertsvilie .419 Otsego N17 Glen Cove___8664 <• Nassau E7 11 321,790 3,420,600 50,000 50-204 H. A. Wheat Sec. and Tr. GENEVA TRUST CO........ <§’63 Thomas H. Chew.. F. W. Whitwell___ E. S. Siglar, Tr____ H. D. Marshall, Sec. ♦ 50-291 ■ T. J. Smith A. G. Rogers, A. 8. Genoa______..437 First National Bank._„.<’ll J. D. Atwater___ _ Eugene A. Bradley Cayuga M13 50-742 “ 100.000 I. G. Botsford........ G. S. Skiff.______ J. W. Wadsworth, Wm. M. Shirley... H. E. Ritchie.......... 50-741 Jr. Livingston County Trust Co. P. C. Euchner____ E. E. Doty______ Viola M. Stanley, H. C. Milks, See. 50-947 T<§’15 J. W. Wadsworth, B. E. Brophel A. Sec. 50-263 “ Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, Germantown National Bank R. R. Livingston — C. H. DeWitt_____ .T. R. DuBois 50-1054 ’22 Harry Williams E. C. Brewer Co...............•t’68 Chas. R. Brewer... Wm. Hankey-------- 25,000 25,000 50.000 12,500 202,750 ____ 30,430 Irving N., N. Y. N., Bos.; N. Y. State N.’, Alb. Irving N., 1ST. Y. Chase N., N.Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co. Syracuse. 50-743 Glen Cove Bank_______<§’92 D. N. Gay_______ D. J. liegeman ... T. J. Watkins_____ F. E. Montfort___ 100,000 170,790 3,057,240 46,260 3,089,650 Nassau Union Bank.. <103 H. Gordon Hayward 100,000 108,130 1,257,720 5,580 1,238,020 Glens Falls. 16,638 First National Bank_______ Byron Lapham___ A. W. Sherman.... Warren J24 50-251 <’54 ( A. B. Colvin. _ Wm. B. Lavarmony A. L. Sitterley, Tr. C. K. Owen, A.Tr.. W. A. Huppuch, James McPhillips “ -------- “ < V. Pres. GLENS FALLS TRUST CO. 136,400 991,800 7,243,730 134,000 7,890,040 100,000 167,500 1,016.600 1,198,110 L. M. Brown_____ D. H. Cowles_____ J. E. Parry............ G. F. Wetmore___ 100,000 36-5,940 2,434,450 101,780 2.634.760 Charles N. Harris. E. S. Parkhurst___ F. 11. Harris, Asst. to Pres. A. D. L. Baker____ S. W. Hallenbeck. John A. May E. C. Naylor____ W. D. Hyde______ A. H. Rogers Joseph Merritt___ A. V. D. Wallace .. W. B. McLaren — F. B. Holmes_____ 500.000 374,450 4,363,920 551.280 5.310.760 J. R. Robertson... H. S. Thompson... J. A. Robertson F.P.Rightmyer.Tr. O. L. Everest, Sec. Il.L.Bowers, A. Tr. W. A. Wells............ 300,000 423,410 4,079,620 785,970 5,297,920 367,410 Chase IS ., N. Y.; N. Com 1 Bk.& Tr. Co. and N. Y. State N.. Alb. 478,880 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and 1st N.. Alb.; Phil. N., Phil. 291,010 Irving N., N. Y. 250,000 176,070 107,170 1,288,490 156,480 N. City, N. Y.; Mufrs. N., Troy. 55,000 30,810 50-360 F. E. Wiilits, Ch. of Bd. 50-370 50-258 drafts a specialt y. (Send us your G lens Falls Items. NATIONAL BANK OF GLENS (.Absorbed by Natio rial Bank of Glens F alls May 27, ’22.) Goshen Savings Bank... »§’71 A. V. D. Wallace... WTm. Kniffln. . _ H. B. Smith, Tr.. T»tl812 50-470 50-744 F. E. Bard Grand Gorge 350 First National Bank___ <’05 E. B. Deyoe_____ Charles Harley___ J. V. Bouton 50-745 Delaware 021 270,930 — Arthur P. Mason 294,530 97,210 Mech. & Metals N. and Harriman N„ N. Y. 37.030 1,992,710 107,230 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Orange Co. and Goshen N.. Goshen. 159,170 Irving N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 110,000 360,000 1,214,000 — 1,869,000 100,000 158.400 1,581,400 108,580 1,807,620 140,760 Han. N. N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 200,000 96,670 1.498,250 378,930 2,000.300 173,550 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y. 100,000 61,330 854,260 - 861,520 25,000 56,5 00 507,330 25,000' 562.010 132,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. and Liberty, Buffalo. 51,820 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, 1922 Gouverneur 4143 Bank of Gouverneur.." •tl’60 H. G. Aldrich_____ J. O. Sheldon____ J. O. Sheldon____ 50-469 St. Lawrence D17 G. Scholton “ „__ 44 First National Bank....... <’81 Nelson H. Caswell. D. Arthur T. Johnson B. W. Aldrich____ Gowanda___ 2673 Bank of Gowanda .<§’81 Wm. H. Bard____ Richard Wilhelm . S. A, Neilson------- 911,740 126,080 1,936,820 50-522 Thos. Mould Nat. Bank of Orange Oonnty F. W. Murray, Jr... C. S. Edsall—........ C. S. Young......... B Cattaraugus N4 615,890 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Com Ex. N.. Phil. 94,950 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. <§’98 | Bills of Lading FALLS -50-255______»t’51 Gloversville.22,075 CITY NATIONAL BANK T< 87 50-214 Fulton K21 — Fulton County Nat. Bk. 56-213 T*t 52 ------- “ Trust Company of Fulton Co. ♦ 50-215 T<§’17 * Goshen 2843 Goshen National Bauk...*’65 50-521 Orange B4 50-520 284,640 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Irving N., and Chase N., N. Y. 233,400 _____________ N EW YORK BANKS-—Friendship to Grand Gorge Town and County. ^County Seats. No.2 Fed.Res.Dist. B is Buffalo Br. Friendship .. 1020 B Allegany 07 Fulton_____13,043 Oswego J14 NEW YORK—Continued 1086 Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number siren inoc to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* xuou Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i UO / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-MeNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County.; Name of No i-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (.In dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NEW YORK—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bank. *Couuty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Ill No. 2 F. ft. D. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. _ B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Am't Carrier. SURPLUS Paid-up Depos AMD Oatrai. Profits its Principal Correspondents. I/OA Ml A Dlfl- [ Cam A Bx* c’t*. Bonn, 1 OIAMH,Dn laneous Bmdutim rum Bahi Miscel 1$ 103.390 Cha«e N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 71.000 $1500 000 50,000 33.000 640,000 h............. 810,820 33,530 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 50,000 29.210 616,480 $ 49,510 681.320 63,880 Seab. N. and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y. Wm. G. Genner.. 50,000 87,530 1,205,530 5,770 1,283,460 65,360 Corn Ex., N. Y. Great Neck Bank of Nassau Co____ t§16 J. L. Schaefer___ Roswell Eldridge.. | Arthur 11. Jacks . James K. Ryan .. Station___5000 50-955 50,000 47,690 1,660 574,340 64,510 Corn Ex., N. Y, 50.000 10,000 Granville National Bank »*'75 D. D. Woodard__ R. O. Owens-------- D. J. Evans........ . 50-482 O. P. Munson Washington County Nat. fik. M. F. Roberts____ 50-484 T*'04 fe»reat Neck ....330 Bank of Great Neck......J06 Nassau F6 I 50-746 Roswell Eldridge.. J. Louis Schaefer. Austin Hicks. ... Nassau F6 50-1052 Juliand Bank_______ Greenport__ 3122 First National Bank........ <’63 Suffolk Dll 50-518 “ ____ “ Peoples National Bank..«J’84 50-519 Greenwich....2384! First National Bank.......<’81 Washington K24 50-748 Greenwood .1082; First National Bank....... • 06 Steuben P9 | 50-749 GrifflnC’orners 525 (See Flewhmanns) Delaware P19 j L. B. Williams ... D. D. Nelson____ I A. Williams____ Greene...........1297 First National Bank____'22 C. S. Bryant_____ W. E. White............ jE. W. Camp_____ Chenango 016 J. R. Stevens__ Chas. J. Gray____ P. H. Adams.......... 50,000 65,000 500,000 E. B. Waterhouse. Thomas Price 50,000 34,900 437,130 903,620 25,000 952,320 22,280 228,640 32,000 279,990 27,930 N. Park, N. Y. 100,000 70,000 720,000 816,000 76,000 1st N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 9.900 23,900 N. Park, N. Y.: Mnfrs. A Tra. N„ Buffalo. 137,580 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N.J Buffalo. 200,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Peo., Buffalo.; N. Y. State; N„ Alb. C. 0. RH0BES F. A. BEGENT...... W.B. BALE { Banking In all I ts branches recel ves prompt and c Send us your co Uectlons. ffift M. S. Crawford.... M.D.McNalight... H,L. Eckert........... Ohas. J. Griswold . John Harmon___ J. J. Feeley----------- T. M. Wedge........ . T. A. Lewis........... Robert Smith____ L. R. Smith 128,000 129,000 100,000 115,050 1,966,280 16,500 2,060,240 60,000 120,000 1,500,000 1,350,000 15.000 ........ j__________________ j L. J. Masson_____ J. W. Davis______ W. E. Hunter_____-Orson Brundage. Sec. W. J. Merwin......... C. E. Hulbert____ C. A. Rogers ..........W. F. Stimpson____ 25,000 161,110 9,250 173,390 77.000 1,000,000 — 1.000.000 297,460 — 290.330 6,790 110,000 25,000 9,510 28,760 Hech. & Metals N., N. Y. 160,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 68,770 Ogdensburg. Ogdensburg. 80,610 N. City, N. Y. 50,000 88,900 1,002,670 20.000 1,080,950 50,000 59,080 768,290 50,000 868.65(1 38,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 25,000 27.000 260,000 26,670 297,660 41.000 Carthage N., Carthage.; Syracuse T;-. Co.. Syracuse. 22,470 N. City, N. Y. 84.720 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st. N., Yonkers. (Closed) 50-951 Hartwick____ 600 Ilartwick National Bank ... O. S. Burch______ E. L. Sergent_____ O. W. Murdock............................................ 50-753 <’20 Otsego M18 Hastings-upon- , First National Bank .—"*'07 L. R. Palmer____ C. A. Valentine ... iM . H. Edwards.—!........ -......................... 50-754 F. E. Curry Hudson___ 5526; 25,000 9.220 363,100 25,000 399,850 25.000 15,330 974,670 21.250 951,530 50,000 51,480 1 150 790 50.000 1 073 560 50,000 257,090 887.780 — 1.005,660 1 & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO 228,720 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 163.510 Irving N. and Am. Ex. N.. N.Y.; N. Com’l Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1087 Haverstraw.. .5226 ( National Bank of Haverstraw H. N. Wood ______ W. G. Hamilton___ H. A. Dixon-----------John R. Schreeder 50-414 "t’71 Rockland C5 Peoples Bank......... ...."tl'87 Everett Fowler.... E. O. Rose................i O. E. Reynolds .— j D. F. Lake ............... C. F. Freyfogle 50-415 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 116,810 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 90,510 25,000 Broome j 80,000 1st N.. N. Y. 62,190 N. Park, N. Y. 50,000 Harrlsville___ 900 First National Bank —"t'15 J. L. Humes_____ Wm. H. Miller___ F. E. Whipple____ W. K. O'Hara____ Westch’r 1)6 600,000 482,960 W. O. Slocum___ J. K. Miller______ R. P. Holly............ 6. A. DRUMMER— J. W. SALISBURY__ H. R. STRATEMEIER- Lewis E18 23,120 Judson Edie........... T. J. Eldredge........ E. J. Pratt.......... . B Livingston L8 350! 50-983 Hamburg__ 3185 Bank of Hambnreh.__ <|'83 D. O. Pierce........... _________________ G. A. Bensley_____ W. U. 8eeger......... J. J. Sullivan B Erie M4 50-562 Hamden............350 First National Bank__ 21 50-1044 Delaware 019 Hamilton........1505 National Hamilton Bank*t'65 50-750 Madison M17 Hammond___ 409 Citizens National Bank—D12 50-920 St. Lawrence D16 Hammondsport.. Bank of Hammondsport<i'76 ♦ 50-751 Steuben Nil 1060 Hancock......... 1326 First National Bank___ »'07 50-752 Delaware Q17 Harpursville____ Farmets Commercial Bank ... Irving N., N. V. 8. P. Hedges_____ Wm. W. Griffin.... Irving L. Price... GrovelandStation Groveland Banking Co. .tt '17 M. L. Gamble____ Gamble Wilsou —.. jChas. A. Brown___ 50-665 $1,258,580 (Closed June 30, ’22) 1 F. C. ATW00D- ♦ 539,500 G.C. Adams.......... E. B. Harris--------- F. B. Corey.......... Collections glv en special attent ion. Groton______ 2235 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-"* 65 1I Prompt remltt ances. Keasonab le charges. TompkinsN14 ! 60-599 l SEND US YOU R GROTON ITE MS. PEOPLES BANK-....... <*'91 * N EW YORK BANKS —Granville to Haverstraw 50,000 $ Granville___ 3024 (Farmers National Bank .If 84 F. T. Pember____ H. J. Stevens------ J. H. Pember___ Washington 125 | 50-483 July, 1922 , /\q7 iaqq lUoo Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank ii the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n._______ XN NEW YORK--Continued__ VV x uivlv Name of Bank. Town and County. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. In No. 2F.R.D. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estalj. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits SECOm"W""5»i9 50-423 T<’01 Horuell____15,025 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 100,000 52,290 1,012.980 100,000 100,000 249,380 1.962.580 125,340 163,610 1,949,630 348,700 30,000 Steuben 09 50-277 T<’81 Prompt service. First National Bank.... <’49 Charles Adsit.......... 50-276 STEUBEN TRUST CO.—tl 02 C. W. Etz------------50-278 Horseheads.. .2078 First National Bank .—<’06 John Bennett-------- drafts a specialt Reasonable char H. A. Bull............. J. S. Phillips L. W. Rockwell ... J.E.Schwarzenbach J. H. Stevens F. 8. Ben tier . ges. Send us your Horuell Items. F. E. Bronson_____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ch nf Rrt 642.000 352,440 377,140 22,670 ChaseN..N. Y.rN.Oom’lBk.&Tr.Co.,Alb. 38,500 1,500,000 1,479,000 938,870 891,660 315,000 — 506,840 51,510 Chase N., N. Y. 43,000 700,000 700,000 70,000 Chase N., N. Y. 25,000 530.000 537,000 62,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. 33.300 506,510 524.920 0 65.110 1,297,360 — 1 146 560 ’ 0 63,910 1,163,520 — 1,190.410 0 11,740 144,910 -.........— 143,510 156,430 N. City. N. Y. 73,320 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. 263,010 Chase N. and Irving N„ N. Y.; Mnfrs. Tra.N.. Buffalo: N.Y. State N.. Alb.; Lin. N.. Rochester 137,150 1st N., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb 22,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent.. Rochester. 108,410 N. Park, N. Y.; N.Y. State N„ Alb. 0 198,130 1,336,430 0 96.660 1,294,100 116.300 1,491,130 115,940 Han N., N. Y.; N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; N. State, Troy. 0 98,990 1,778,630 99,990 1.801.250 276.360 Han. N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N.. Buffalo. 872.740 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. Peo., Buffalo. 268,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 100.740 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr Co., Alb. 449,520 N. Park, Han. N., and ImD. & Tra. N., N Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 256,910 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. r tment. 218,480 2,868,070 100,000 2,413.810 135,280 1,648,420 11,390 1,626.390 Clair Scott................ 0 R. W. Evans_____ S. M. Rainey, Tr, L. S. Benedict, ’ A. Tr. N. H. Browning F. S. Clapper, L. A. Bristol______ C. W. Clapper, Tr. and A. Sec. V. P. and Sec E. W.Scovill 170.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 65,700 1,551,760 0 50-323 First National Bank ...T<’64 Jordan Philip------- J H. Wardle......... E. L. Tanner__ Thomas Wilson 50-325 Hudson City Sav. lnst’n..S’50 C. A. Van Deusen.. 50-324 W. Evans------HUDSON RIVER TRUST CO. R. 50-322 T<S 30 Delbert Diuehart, 640,000 85,000 0 50-765 Columbia 023 70,000 113.340 512,270 30,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Canton. 125,000 1,600,000 434,750 67,000 LeRoy Smith. Tr... O. M. Whiting. Sec. Cemung P12 •Hudson.— 11,745 Farmers National BanhT<’39 E. Ten Broeck ___ A.V. S. Cocbrane.. F. S. Hallenbeck... W. H. Coon. 151,700 Chem. N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 148,260 1st N.. Alb. 512,270 400,000 206,510 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Am. Tr.Co., Jamaica. 190.990 N. Park, N. Y. 59,990 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Ogdensburg Ogdensburg; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 150,000 Cent. Tr. Co. and TJ. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Long Isl., Jamaica. 65,000 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y. 61,760 I. B. SURDAM. JR.- M. F. WOODBURY- H. T. ERLICH_ _ _ _ F. E. STORMS_ _ _ _ R. A. PLAISTED- - - S.H.N0RI0N, A.Cash, J. X. HART , F. E. STORMS y. Tuoroughly or eanized collectio $ 410.170 N. Park and Chase N.. N. Y. l [,625,000 45,510 ms. We want your Special attentlo □ given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each siaht draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Repo rts. Bills of Lading changes,Dub m Banks LANEOU8 219,730 1.829.520 _______ 30,000 Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dm- ! Ca«h & Ex !? 100.000 $ 175,000 S2412390 _______ $ Homer.............. 2356 Homer National Bank.— ’86 R. H. Miller--------- E.G. Ranney........... J. E. Ogden-------- H. S. Allen_______ C. A. Chipman G. A. Brockway 50-763 Cortland M14 Honeoye Falls 1107 State Bank of Honeoye Falls C. R. Pierce-------- G. H. Vallance____ R. E. Fiske______ 60-1042 t§’21 B Monroe L9 Ira J. Wood.......... A. J. Hoffman........ Hoosick Falls.4896 First National Bank.... <’80 E. P. Markham.... Joseph Buckley G. W. Clark 50-422 Re^ssel’r L24 DELMER RUNKLE- MISCEL- 82,800 466,25( 50,500 548,010 0 333,050 2.621,540 63,140 2,768,200 0 241,600 2,479,730 2,803,670 . 1,003,780 6,723,530 7,553,170 125,0000 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY 116,10( 2,181,040 12,860 2,221,280 174,150 Guaranty Tr. andBkrs.Tr.Cos.. N.Y.;Syra cuseTr.Co..SyracusC;MarineTr.Co.,Butf 213,720 Mech. & Metals N. and Irving N„ N. Y. 1st N. and Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. OF [BUFFALO N EW YORK BANKS — Hempstead to Hudson_______________ July, 1922 Gai-roll F. Norton.. J. E. Davidson. Jr. Hempstead. .6382 First National Bank —T<’93 Fred Ingraham.— Wm. Plyer — 50-447 Nassau F7 Chas. E. Patterson. F H. Mollineaux .. Hempstead Bank--------- •tl’87 M. V. W. Hall........ William Post. 50-446 Geo. H. Baukney— E. J. Pray............- C. W. Ludlum........ G.C.Page_______ L. J. Smith, V. P. A. M. Redmond •Herkimer ..10,453 First National Bank .—•*’*4 H. G. Monger.......... C. S. Brewer------- C. A. McCreery.__ G.J Sluyter-------50-358 Herkimer K19 Herkimer National Bk. T< 69 Robert Earl______ Charles Bell_____ Geo. C. Steele.......... A. E. Brayton .— G. F. Wallace 50-357 Hermon ............ 622 First National Bank —*t’01 E. A. Conant.......... H. L. Wallace.......... G. N. Risley............ 50-755 St. Lawrence D18 Heuvelton____ 459 First National Bank .—<13 W. H. McCadam— E. H. Fletcher____ F. B. Wood_______ Wm. II. McFadden 50-933 St. Lawrence C17 Hicksville........ 3000 Bank of Hicksville........<5 03 H. W. Underhill... Henry C. Stolz — Joseph J. Ulmer .. C. E. Colthurst.__ Henry Sengstacken Nassau F7 ♦ 50-756 Long Island National Bank.. Beverly Du Bose.. H. A. Turnure........ Albert Walker .... M. E. Helgaus... W. E. Kutensky 50-985 <18 A. D. Lent. Charles L. Dn Bois Highland.........2000 First National Bank— 41900 G. W. Pratt____ 50-757 Ulster R23 First National Bank—*+07 F. R. Fitchett....... W. J. Duffy........ .... T. J. Hicks_______ Highland Falls C. H. Dickey 50-550 Orange C5 2588 Hilton________827 State Bank of Hilton—<S’14 A. B. Fraser------- - F. W. Zoller______ M. G. Newcomb ... M. A. Daily... 50-758 B Monroe J8 Hobart________587 National Bank of Hobart t’91 J. R. Stevenson ... J. Lawrence--------- F. M. Lyon_______ H. E. Cowan.. 50-759 Delaware 020 Holcomb_____ 488 Hamlin National Bank..<11 H. M. Parmele........ H. S. McGlashan... F. H. Hamlin_____ 50-906 Ontario L10 R. S. Wood---------Holland_______854 Bank of Holland______<I’9S R. J. Watson.......... P. J. Wurst______ F. W. Thornton 50-760 B Erie M5 C. F. Hoffmeister.. E. Willard Jones _ H. W. Dunlap____ Holland Patent.. First National Bank........»’05 L. G. Wauful_____ 50-761 Oneida J18 328 J. A. Peio----------W. A. Downs.......... C. W. Clough____ Holley.............. 1625 State Exchange Bank..<5’99 Michael Kennedy. . B Orleans J 7 50-762 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. President. Name of Bank. Town and County. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. lnNo.2F.R. Hist. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘HudsonFalls 5761 Hudson Falls Nat'l Bank <’06 Washington J24 50-437 Peoples National Bank. T<’84 50-435 Sandy Hill Nat’l Bank.T»t'63 50-436 Huntington 7500 Bank of Huntington —»tf’88 Suffolk E7 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Geo. S. Witham.Sr. W. M. Bronk......... David Dempsey... H. A. White. Paid-up Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits 100.000 110,270 1,450,740 100.000 146,730 2,018,770 100,000 202,970 2,853,900 (Special attentio n given Bill of Lad 'Please send 15c w ith each sight draft Banking House of O. G. A J. K. Wheeler____ O. G. Wheeler___ D. 0. Wheeler_____ »tf73 50-767 Irvington National Bank < 02 R. G. Abercrombie R. V. Lewis............ 50-768 First National Bank ___ <'07 E. R. Smith........... J. F. Richardson__ 50-769 John Vos FIRST NATIONAL BANKT< 63 R. B. Williams___ E. T. Turner____ 50-262 W. A. Boyd ITHACA SAVINGS BANK . Roger B. Williams. R. H. Treman_____ 50-263 .<*’68 P. S. Livermore Ithaca Trust Co______T<|'91 O. E. Treman____ F, C. Cornell......... ♦ 50-264 M. Van Cleef, W. H. Storms Ch. of Bd. Tompkins County Nat. Bank R. H. Treman____ C. D. Bostwick....... 50-261 <" A. G. Stone (See N. T. City, Borough of Queens) Interlaken.,.. 633 Seneca M12 Irvington........2701 Westchester 116 Islip________ 2200 Suffolk F8 Ithaca....... . 17,004 Tompkins N13 ‘Jamaica.............. Queens F6 Jamestown. 38.917 ★American Nat’l Bank.K’10 O. A. Okerlind___ L. D. Bowman___ 50-130 Chautauqua P3 ★BANK OF JAMESTOWN 50-129 for presentation and M. W. Bassette... SlCUEITIIB ► Banks 64,990 $ 489.810 $ 8,560 1,444,340 2,254,460 — 2,851,380 50,000 40,000 1,035,000 54,000 1,083,000 25,000 14,700 387,190 361 000 Principal Correspondents. 52,710 Seab. N., N. Y. 225,220 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 283,530 Am. Ex. N. and Imp. & Tra.N., N. Y.; N.Y. State N. and N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 295,800 Fidelity Tr. Co., N. City, and Corn Ex.. N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 93,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 56i500 Irving N„ N. Y. 200.000 1st N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 117.000 1,500,000 1,650,000 50.000 94,170 1,237,090 58,280 1.286,530 5,000 507,506 494,000 68,500 Chase N.. N. Y., Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 93,140 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. is. 50.000 153,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 25,000 44,410 556,260 541,970 Roscoe C. Clock... 25,000 31.370 497,910 488,040 250,000 179,410 2.147,700 152,860 2,145,900 5,304,600 584,060 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N. Alb. 368.000 Bkrs, Tr. Co.. N. Y. A. B. Wellar.... Lorenzo Clinton... Sherman Peer, Tr. W. H. Storms, Sec. 200,000 179,610 4,105,100 — 3,803,020 420,050 Met. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. A. G. 8tone___ D. N. Tan Hoesen. R. S. Polk 100,000 253,340 1,170,370 — 1,102,450 H. F. Johnson.. J. A. Erickson . M. A. Okerlind 200,000 157,490 2,636,440 250,000 405,680 3,955,580 La Vere Robinson. F. H. Springer ___ G. L. Cook, Tr.___ E. H, Boswick, Sec. A. G. JOHNSON... 698,600 4,974,000 139,140 2,827,570 68,830 Chase N, and N. Park, N. Y. 44,870 305,510 rvingN., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt., N. A„ Pitt. Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 65,740 3,555,200 1,121,800 <§’03 <I Send us v.p. your Jamestown Items direct. Collectio ns, Bill of (.Lading drafts, Cash and Timelte ms remitted for on day of payme lit. •LIBERTY NAT. BK. <’19 Jamestown Clearing House (Members indicated, by a *) 600,000 312,730 4,659,120 305,000 5.368,900 153.300 563,350 2,042,400 54,450 2,282,730 530,770 871,030 212,410 1,217,200 125,030 500,000 408,830 5,121,000 495,000 6,102,480 422,350 Seab. N., N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo. 300,000 320,530 2,088,060 37,300 2,504,720 241,170 lent. Union Tr. Co.,N. V.; Marine1 Buffalo. 200.000 58,790 507,960 L Y. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. Buffalo; Corn Ex. N., Phil. / Investment l Securities. A. W. Swan........... C. L. Rowley------- H. E. Williams.... W. H. Edson H. H. Beebe F. P. Hall________ Harry L. Brices__ G. R. Butts, Tr.... A. K. Briggs H. S. Havens, Repr esentative____ .... __Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. 1089 6"»WJ rS0“paE.0?» (Wellman Bldg.) H. E. Orissey__ A. B. Appleyard__ E. B. Spring_____ M. G. Samnelson H. P. Sheldon___ F. E. Felt______ G. E. Britton____ A. N. Broadhead P. W. Lazell W. R. Reynolds ... F. W. Hyde-......... C. A. Erickson.... A. B. Ottaway J. M. Dunbar A new progress ive Bankcomplet ely equipped to h andle all banking matters entrust ed to us. Send us your Jamesto wn business. ★Nat. Chautauqua Co. Bank Fletcher Goodwill. 50-125 T<’31 Howard Dow, V.P. ★Union Trust Co_____ •tl’94 Frank Merz_____ 50-128 Frank Merz_____ B. D. Phillips___ Union Tr.Co., Mgr., Sec., and Tr. MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis change,Du« John Hunter____ E. J. Lewis______ fB. D. PHILLIPS — WM. R. BOTSFORD - F. V. ANOERSON C. W. HERRICK. L. j. WARREN ★FARMERS & MECH. BANK O. N. Rush worth.. 50-127 •Jl’91 ★First National Bank...<’51 F. E. Gifford____ 50-126 E. E. Wellman,.. 50-131 ing drafts, Cash a nd Time Items. laneous Resources. k Cash k Ex Loams Dib c’t*. Bonds 100,000 jG. W. HEACOCK ... J.A. GIBLIN- - - - - - - - A. M. ROBERTS...... J. R. TERPENING.. MANUF’RS NATIONAL BANK a. w. mcgowan <’08 Miscel 50,000 $ 12,240 $ 415.290 $ $ 0. W. Kellogg....... W. A. Hnppnch___ W. H. Neilson____ L. C. Wright Preston Paris J. H. Derby_____ Geo. Tait________ H. L. Broughton__ A. J. Minton C. W. Higley Douglass Conklin— Henry F. Sam mis _ Ross W. Downs__ A. W. Sammis___ Clifton F. Gard G. F. Klaffky First National Bank ___ <’03 John F. Wood___ E. B. Hawkins___ Wm. S. Funnell... E. M. Wicks „ 50-398 G. O. Hendrickson Huntington Sta Huntington Station Bank F. H. Koster____ S. E. Pettit............ S. T. Cheshire____ P. E. Schaefer. tion........... 5000 50-1026 <§’20 F. E. Baylis Suffolk E9 llion............10,169 ILI0N NATIONAL BAIIKT<’67 Charles Harter__ A. D. Richardson.. Ralph D. LeRoy .. F. M. Bellinger___ 50-881 Herkimer L19 50-382 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922____________ N EW YORK BANKS — Hudson Falls to Jamestown Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 HRQ t0 eacb bank in s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LUO^7 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In' dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued aimer-<- Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 2F. R. Dist. B is Buffalo Br. Jeffersonville. .400 Sulliva,, R20 JohnsonCity 8587 Broome P15 ‘Johnstown 10,908 Fulton K21 Kerhonkson . 600 Ulster R22 Klnderhook._.722 Columbia 024 Ulster Q23 FIRST NAT’L BANK OF RONDOUT T.,,3 As8’t Cashier. 100,000 Frank Windus, A.Sec. and A, Tr, A. _M^ Coddington, A.Tr. 100,000 L. E. Bradley B. D. Smith, Sec.,. 200,000 A. G. Doubleday 50,000 H.S. Bell .............. ■T. A. Raher M. J. Quigley------- BEEIES___ Capital and Surplus $600,610. Collections at Rondout and Kingston made on favorable terms. Correspondence solicited and promptly attended to. 50-492 <»'38 231,680 2,152,730 2,049,470 317,340 3,245,250 120,000 3,553,680 251,660 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 355,800 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Alb. 328,910 1st N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 63,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 525,000 100,000 104,730 318,070 153.000 590,730 37,262 9,310 142,060 4,010 147,000 44,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 75,000 52,000 883,570 39,830 925,400 124,990 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. aud Merch. N., Buffalo. 560,000 85,070 Irvine N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 25,000 17,000 276,700 281,030 36,380 Irving N., N. Y. 200,000 123,000 367,350 810.000 41,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 204,000 400.610 1,485,730 197.610 1,908.480 375.470 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 5,543,940 5,629,490 370,020 Kings Co. Tr. Co.. Brooklya. 250,000 171,160 2,389,790 2,507,030 150.000 111,580 2,089,570 179,760 2,327,750 243,650 Irvine N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st Tr. Co., Tonawanda. 202,960 Atlantic N.and N. City, N. Y. 455,570 150.000 150,000 717,000 1,023,870 153,940 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 544,250 5,277,500 5,296.510 950,000 1,026,140 265,890 Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. of Rondout. Kingston. 518,560 1st N„ N. Y. 550.000 7.300,000 7.400,000 450,000 Far. Ln. k Tr. Co., N. Y. 127,000 180,000 100,000 34,540 542,940 588,540 200.000 69,940 2,820,790 200,000 2,941,370 50,000 23,140 507,980 25,000 25,240 556,990 25,000 59,100 863,250 71,890 605,340 340,850 11,820 819,580 100,000 87.970 1,757,930 1,782,950 100,000 38,030 1,062,320 1,180 1,066,850 50,000 50,720 1,567,440 1,445,380 150.000 75,000 1,801,880 1.786,460 100,000 44,200 742,980 789,960 100,000 55,550 1,328,830 99,400 1,457,070 68,560 Irvine N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buf falo. 349,350 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo; 3d N., Scranton. Pa. 47,670 Irvine N., N. Y.; Jefferson Co. N., Watertown. 209.010 N.Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 139,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mnfrs. N.. Troy; Adi rondack N., Saranac Lake; Bank of Montreal Que. 123.990 Chase N. and Irvine N., N. Y.;Peo., Buffalo. 134,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 337,260 1st N. and Harriman N., N. Y,; N. Y. State N. Alb. 188,660 Corn Ex. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk of the Manhattan Co.. Jamaica. 86,350 N. Park. N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. (We remit on da y of payment. 8 end ni your busin ew Le Roy National Bank..<’02 H. B. Ward......... — O. N. Keeney------- J. H. Walker_____ R. H. Comfort____ 50-493 8,200 3,343,400 48,000 <1 BANK OF LE ROY 210,830 3,276,030 E. C0YKEN1ALL— F. COYKENDALL... LOUIS 50-194 Klneston Savings Bank<l'74 Myron Teller------- Geo. Burgevin____ CharlesTappen.1V C. H. De La Vergne, Y. B. Van Wagonen 50-197 A. Tr. 4( «( G. A. Craig,A. Tr.. KINGSTON T|UST CO. -<§’36 W. J. Turck______ Phillip EltiDg ... A. A. Davis, ------* Sec. and Tr E. LeFevre, A. Tr. «* <4 F. J. R. Clarke___ James A. Betts___ Charles Snyder.__ National Ulster Co. Bank 50-190 <'31 14 44 Rondout National BankT<'48 David Terry______ A. S. Staples ____ Munroe Burger__ 50-191 44 <( Rondout Savines Bank.<l'68 J. G. Rose------------ J. D. Schoonm&ker Dayton Murray, 50-194 J. S. Thompson See. .. .. STATE OF N. Y. NAT’L BANK D. N. Matthews... C. H. Schoonmaker R. P. Clayton_____ 50-193 <’53 It It Ulster County Savines Inst. Wm. C. Shafer___ H. R. Brigham____ J. B Alliger, Tr... C. S. Wood 50-192 <|'51 ... <§'20 Adolph Rosinski.. J. J. Sullivan........ J. E. Balbierz_____ Lackawannal7,918 American Rank T. Michalek ♦ 50-1011 B Erie L4 Lackawanna Nat. BankT<’03 C. G. Boland_____ Chas. Trow...___ H. J. Moll_______ F. J. Twist............. I. P. Trevett, V.P. E. E. Ooatsworth 50-772 H. J. Kelley. V. P. J. E. Donnelly G. R. Blount--------C. M. Salisbury___ A. L. Wise.......... First National Bank___<T2 50-918 Oswego 1115 J. N. Hubbell_____ E. R. Ziebach........ R. E. Archibald__ ‘Lake George 630 First National Bank ___ <’07 G. F. Selleck 50-773 Lake Placid 2099 Bank of Lake Placid...<§'09 F.B. Guild................ J. B. Hurley.......... C.H. Watson_____ S. R. O’Haire.......... F. C. Day 50-774 Essex E22 J. O. Garretsee___ J. Q. Miller Louise M. Huber__ Lancaster___ 6059 50-775 M. J. Snyder B Erie L5 Citizens National Bank.<’21 J. F. Schaefer........ T. A. Smith........... H. J. Woodward... S. F. Fron _____ 50-1035 Larch mont.. 2468 Larchmont Nat. Bank ..<'01 S. R. Bell...... ........... F. A. Moore--......... J. S. Dowling_____ 50-776 A. C. Robinson. Jr. Bank of Lawrence........ <|'03 J. Carl Schmuck__ Divine Hewlett.... G. D. Horton_____ John A. Ruth iO—777 fD. C. H. PRENTICE F. E. CHADDOCK — W. H. BISHOP .......... H. G. BISHOP______ Le Rov 42ns < Collection! hav e the personal at tentlon of an offi cer of thla bank, B Genesee K8 M Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Miscel- Loams k Dia- Gash k ExAND LANEOUS Bkcuritisb from Banks Capital Profits ITS $ 25,000 S 29,640 % 509,290 $ 25,020 $ 540,260 $ 48,690 Irvine N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 126,710 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N.‘, Alb. 126.710 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK BANKS — Jeffersonville to Le Roy____________ July, 1922 Katonah... 1500 Westchester C7 KeesevHle___1524 Essex D24 Kenmore___ 3160 (Buffalo P.0.) Erie K4 Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. President, Vice-President, Cashier, $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [listab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. First National Bank.__ <14 V. Scheidell______ W. B. Voorhees... Fred Schmidt 50-934 Charles Schmidt Workers Trust Co____ <§’16 C. F. Johnson____ W. H. Windus, ♦ 50-778 Sec. and Tr. M. J. Winfield, A. Tr Johnstown Bank... —<|’79 J. G. Ferres. .... W. C. Hackney___ William McKie.__ 50-340 Peoples Bank......... <§’89 Edward Wells... Edward C. Decker Donald Fraser___ 50-339 Northern Westchester Bank Edwin Tatbam___ H. Z. Mayne____ E. M. Fielder_____ ♦ 50-986 <§'18 Keesevilie National Bk. <’70 E. K. Romeyn____ M, J. Callan&n.. . F. B. McKenzie ... 50-770 First National Bank ___«’22 M. D. Young_____ C. D. Warren_____ C. C. Heselton........ 50-1053 E. T. Danahy State Bank of Kenmoretl’14 Freelon Hunter___ Charles A.Scheeier H. A. Inskip______ 50-944 R. E. Winfield, F. X. Reuter Ch. of Bd. Kerhonkson National Bank E. A. Smiley______ H. M. Anderson__ 50-958 <16 National Union Bank__ <'53 Gerrit 8. Collier... Jason O. Decker Chas. Frisbee J. A. Reynolds 50-771 1090 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given ea®k bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 090 to Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv No. 2 Fed. Res. Dist JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers B is Buffalo Br. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thii Volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NEW YORK—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liberty_____ 2459 National Bk. of Liberty.•til F. E. Bridges.......... Sherman Ernhout. Albert Van Dyke.. Sullivan R20 50-904 Sullivan County National Bk. R. A. Monroe_____ 50-779 •t’95 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its $ 50,0 DO J H. C. Baldwin____ Lima ________ 843 Bank of Lima________ »t§’05 C. R. Pierce______ B Livingston L9 50-780 50,000 52,290 t2 085 000 146,460 1,738,130 % Principal Correspondents. $1874 000 $ 337,900 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 37,000 1,789,890 181,710 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb.; 4th St. N.. Phil, 25,000 19,940 321,240 318,520 42,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. and N.Bk.Com., Rochester. Lindenhurst 2200 First National Bank___»t’07 W. C. Abbott_____ Frederick Sheide. George Pebler____ Suffolk F7 50-781 Chas. Weierter 25,000 25,000 466,030 398,150 52,830 Irvine N., N. Y. Lisbon............... 159 First National Bank........72 C. B. Wright.......... F. G. Long................ D. S. Day ............... E. E. Jones_______ St. Lawrence B18 50-1046 25,000 12,500 Lisle.......... .........294 Broome 015 Harry D. French.. Mrs. Fanny French 25.000 13,040 Little Falls .13,029 Herkimer County Trust Co. J. J. Gilbert______ M. G. Bronner____ C. D. Jarvis. J. W. Sherman, Herkimer K19 H. C. Miller Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. ♦ 50-297 *t§’33 350,000 487,360 3,806,450 60,420 4,399,200 100,000 384,070 2,580,370 113,800 2,983,610 a «< Elizabeth McSweeney Resources. Iajanb k Dib- Caih k IxMiscel c’T8. Bonds laneous Securities CHAI»OEE,Dtm rmoM Bars Edward L. Teed... T. R. Hitt 50-954 Little Falls National Bk.Tt’79 50-298 H. P. Snyder_____ F. G. Teall______ ^Little Valley 1253 Cattaraugus County Bk.»tl’02 E. E. Kelley______ E. S. Park_______ F. J. Davis B Cat'gus04 50-782 F T, Tpall Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 221,790 E. McCarthy_____ 25,000 64,420 589,670 Livingston Manor Livingston Manor Nat l Bank Charles B. Ward... Louis Du Bois........ William Smith........ Geo. M. LeRoy.__ Sullivan Q20 1600 50-905 •t’ll 25,000 13.990 255,210 Livonia______ 743 Bank of Livonia B Livingston L9 50-637 . f’71 A. N. Stewart.. .. .. Arthur J. Straub.. Locke___ ___864 Citizens Bank____ ____ tl’95 C. J. Hewitt______ A. C. McIntosh.__ Cayuga M13 50-783 NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 50-223 jW. E. McCOMB- W. A. WILLIAMS.. A. C. T0VELL....... -< Collections a s pectalty. We re mlt on day of pa yment. ‘send us you 12,500 270,940 21,380 Seab. N., N. Y. 305,030 Am. Ex. N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 194,630 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Girard N„ Phil. 650,710 40,890 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo. 267,150 44,310 Irvine N., N. Y. A. N. Stewart ___ G. A. Lawrence.... Livonia State Bank___»t§T9 J. W. Wadsworth.. E. A. Bronson. 50-988 P. C. Euchner *Lockport. _ .21,308 B Niagara K5 32,500 Chase N., N. Y. 25,000 12,080 415,880 4.100 429,360 27,710 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Livineston Co Tr. Co., Geneseo. 25,000 22,490 192,670 1,510 208,570 33.090 Chase N., N. Y. 300,000 470,870 5,559,310 5,436,130 771,710 1st N. and Irvine N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 300,000 543,190 6,142,330 6,561,800 861,430 N. Park. N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 917,770 8,306,170 8,618,630 605,310 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co. Buffalo. R LOCKPORT I TEMS. T»t’44 rJ. T. SYMES_____ jc.M.VAN VALKEN- C. < BURGH. Ch.ofBd. G. SUTLIFF............ H. E. MORRILL........ K. W. STRAUSS........ 1 All collections presented promp tly and remitted Immediately wh en paid. (.Reasonable cha rge. Newly organ lzed department. Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank. Wm. A. Williams.. Charles A. Hoag... 50-225 •|’70 J. E. Emerson J. E. Emerson, Tr. 0. H. Wendell, Sec. C. B. Emerson. A. Sec. Long Beach ....282 National Bank of Long Beach H. G. Heyson_____ H. M. Susswein... C. B. Monro.... .. Nassau G7 50-1024 »J’20 Long Island City (See New York City, Borou gh of Queens) Queens F6 *LowviIle........3127 Black River National Bank Frederick S. Easton E. S. K. Merrell__ George Sherwood.. Lewis G17 50-528 T’79 J. S. Bowen Lewis County Trust Co. D. F. Boshart____ 3.1. LeFevre_____ W. J. Milligan, B. B. Johnson, ♦ 50-527 T*+§’64 A. Sec. and A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. j. s. Miller a. P. Mould Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 64,690 519,510 100,000 155,000 1,000,000 184.500 138,000 & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO 930,740 96,450 616,340 103,000 1,200,000 52,330 972,450 114,310 151,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 333,130 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS July, 1922________________ N E W YORK BANKS — Liberty to L ow ville 1 OQ1 Town and county. Lynbrook____4371 Lynbrook National Bank.»’07 50-784 Nassau F7 Peoples National Bank -*t’20 50-1015 Lyndonville__738 Citizens State Bank —»tS’05 50-785 B Orleans J6 iLyons.......... ...4253 Gavitt National Bank—.*:’66 50-462 Wayne Kll President. Cashier. Depos its Miscel laneous 20.910 40,000 802,750 139,380 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y, 650,000 600,000 100,000 Irving N., N.Y.;Mnfrs. &Tra. N.. Buffalo; 85,000 1,267,470 791,080 $ 80,140 F. B. Housel--------- John Ward---------- J. B. Oakes_______ H. N. Welch-------S. B. Gavitt______ G. J. Gavitt---------- G. H. Milem______ V. Knittel-----------I. G. Mirick 50,000 60,000 78,110 1,240,700 F. W. Chamberlain John David.............. W. H. Akenhead— E. A. Hahn L. E. Yury A. D. Whitney....... W. E. Griffith-------- 60,000 18.500 579,000________ 530,000 25,000 44.910 288,760 317.830 100,000 10,000 125,000 225,000 873,720 219,530 1,295,660 J. M. Cantwell.— M. F. McGarrahan M. M. Miller_____ 2,990 M. C. Ransom........ G. H. Hale________ F.F. Fisk_______ F. J. Taylor-------- 150,000 260,820 N. M. Marshall.— L. F. Lehr.......... — H. H.Seaver, Tr... M. J. Reynolds. B. R. Clark A. Tr, R. G. Brewer------- W. R. Bull............ . R. P. Brewer-------J. H. McArdle R. G. Brewer------- Wm. A. Boyd------ G. L. Lyon. Tr,... C. U. Baxter, Sec. B. C. Meighan F. D. Jackson .... O. P. Kennedy — S. M. Powell_____ _ C. B. Reade L. A. VanKleeek, V. P. U. H. Boyden......... F. E. Whitmore— C. G. Davis------- T. J. McKee. Sec.. C.W.Russell,A.Sec 300.000 269,540 2,331,760 405,580 3,085,590 G.H. Coffin............. 100,000 101,350 1,474,810 44,580 1,456,810 144,800 1,547,090 400 1,600,460 E.H.Gedney, A.Tr Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Due from Banks $1750000 $ 242,500 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 50,000 $ 100,000 $1800000 50,000 Die- Loams & c’ts. Bonds, Securities 20,000 419,500 N. Y. State N„ Alb.; Cent., Rochester. 196,330 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y. 165,800 N. City and Irving N„ N.Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 43,840 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 24,000 Irving N.. N. Y. 208,410 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 221,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 263,920 Chase N., Equitable Tr. Co., and Irving N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 91.820 IrvingN. and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.,lst N., Mamaroneck. 59,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica; 1st N. Phil. 50,000 15.500 393,000 H. C. Emens.. First National Bank----- *t'84 50-787 V. S. Kenyon. W. S. Spaulding — F. W. Knapp-------First National Bank----- •t’10 J. C. Parsons_____ 50-788 Frank Kittle — Peoples National Bank—*t’01 C. R. Sanford_____ Frank Kittle-------50-789 (See New York City, Borouy h of Richmond) First National Bank------ *’14 R. S. Bush_______ C. R. Pratt.............. V. M. Luce_______ B. E. Luce 50-942 First National Bank------ »t'07 J. F. Wygant_____ A. H. Palmer------- E. W. Carpenter— E. H. Faust. 50-790 (See New York City, Borough of Queens.) 50,000 30.380 388,8301 562.020 780,000 790,000 75,000 Irving N., N. Y. 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Alb. J. 0. Crapser____ G. P. Matthews— C. H. Elliott.. First National Bank—»t'03 W. F. Willson___ 50-626 Massena Bkg. Co--------- «t’84 M. H. Flaherty.... 50-525 Mattea wan... 6727 (See Beacon) Dutchess B6 Mattituck _»._1200 Mattituck Bank------------ «’06 N.S. Tuthill_____ 60-791 Suffolk Ell Maybrook___1200 Maybrook National Bank»’21 J. F. Shields_____ 50-1034 Orange B4 *Mayville____ 1207 State Bank of Mayville.«i5’94 F. W. Crandall.— 50-792 B Chautauqua 02 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*: 34 50-377 MANUFACTURERS NAT. BK. 50-378 Jr. 50,000 30,000 25,000 90,000 700.000 720,000 25,000 16,600 564,000!----------- 515.830 25,000 82,850 972,910 ------------ 1,021,960 50,000 80.840 964,960 ----------- , 1 000,000 40.820 Irving N., N. Y. 114,270 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.: Lin.N., Rochester; 1st N., Newark. 66,830 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. '88,280 Goal & Iron N. and N .City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb Chase N„ N. Y.: N. Y. State N„ Alb. J. K. Phillips------- 25.000 6,950 202,630 09,540 50,000 35,000 637,210 654,120 71,370 Han. N., N. Y.;Marine Tr. Co. aud Liberty, Buffalo; N. Bk.of Westfield, Westfield. 50,000 51,730 1,010,380 50,000 1,022,290 139,820 Han. N.,N.Y.;N.Com’l Bk. &Tr.Co., Alb. 100,000 105,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 310,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mfrs. N., Troy. F. W. Murray. Jr. C. A. Crist________ C. S. Young E. D. Reagan.......... H. J. Lockwood... F. C. Whitney .... M D. Fox J. W. BURKE — 54,660 Irving N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N.Y. 21,590 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y. 465,740 25,000 F.W.KAVANAUGH H.B. DUGAN- - - - - - - R. G. MOORE - 489,600 53,490 C. Gildersleeve --- E. D. Corwin____ T. W. Tuthill— Collection! hav e the personal att entlon of an ofllc er of this bank, We remit on d ay of payment. Send us your bu sines*. Wm. L. Howland.. John C. Duncan... Newton T. Bryan. *m 41.680 5,000 15,000 80,440 _______ 58,770 Raymond Feller—. 50,000 42,000 801,000 ............. 708.800 135,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo., Buffalo; Liu. Alliance, C. E. Walters.......... I J. M. Collins 100.000 12,000 1,229,840 258,140 N. Park, N.'y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Marine Tr, Co., Buffalo; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 98,850 1,277.130 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Rnrhpstpr 1922 Joseph Vet-----------t’19 50-379 Medina___ ..6011 Central Bank—........ .......tS’09 Watson F. Barry ~ Erwin Rands-------- E. R. Clark.......... 50-411 B Orleans J 6 Union Bank___________*:i’61 George A. Newell— Homer J. Lather.. Harry F. Welton.. 50-410 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. Van Nostrand, N E W YORK BANKS — Lynbrook to M edina _______________ July, Mamaroneck. 6571 First National Bank—*:’89 50-407 Westchester E6 Union 8av.Bk.of Westchester County —50-408_____ »tl’87 Manbasset___500 First National Bank—*:’21 50-1033 Nassau F6 SURPLUS Paid-up AND Capital Profits S. J. Bradbury........ T. F. O’Connor-— Wm. F. Ploch------ 50-461 Madrid............900 Madrid Bank---------------- ti’96 50-786 St .Lawrence B13 AMaloue_____7556 Citizens National Bank .. '21 50-1032 Franklin B21 Farmers National Bank..J’64 50-390 Peoples Trust Co............»t§’85 ♦ 50-391 Mechanicville 8166 Saratoga L23 Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. J. F. Felton---------- A. D. Kelsey------- J. L. Stanley-------- W. C. A. Brower ,. LYONS NATIONAL BANK*: 65 Marathon........565 Cortland N15 Marcellus.........989 Onondaga L14 Margaretville _ 650 Delaware P20 Mariners Harbor Rich. G4 Marion............ 1000 Wayne Kll Marlboro ____ 807 Ulster R23 Maspeth Queens F6 Massena___ _5993 St. Lawrence A19 NEW YORK—Continued Name of Bank. ^County S.eats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. No. 2 Fed. Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1092 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given nnO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers 1094 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NEW YORK—Continued Resources. * St Dl8- Cash & Ex* Paid-up Surplus Depos Miscel cLoan ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Dob and laneous Sicdbitibs from Bank* Capital Profits its Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ^County Seats. In No. 2 F. H. D. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. AM. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. B is Buffalo Br. President. Mexico______1336 First National Bank „•J1900 C. A. Peck_______ Oswego 114 50-793 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $ F. E. Sweetland... 50,000 $ 26,810 $ 585,410 $ Middleburg__986 First National Bank.—»t’80 Duryea Beekman . D. O. Dow. Jr____ 59-794 Schoharie N21 W. G. Beekman__ 50,000 46,900 374,100 Middleport __ 1416 B Niagara J6 John J. Mack .... 25,000 28,740 386,760 50,000 * 643,970 $ 26,490 G. T. Townsend__ John W. Slanson.. E. T. Hanford........ MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK 50-246 85 C. A. Lyman H. F. Green Middletown Sav. Bank.*il'69 G. A. Swayze.......... Edmund Millen — H. B. Woodward, G. R. Wengenroth, A. See. Sec. and Tr. Jas. A. Clark 50-245 ! O. B. Buckley, A. Tr. ORANGE COUNTY TRUST COMPANY 50-247 •t*’Q2 | FRANK HARDING.— J. H. SMITH-.............. G. SPENCER COWLEY, W. W. WOODWARD, Sec. and Cash. A. Sec. J Proper fee should accom pany each sig ht draft for and also ea ch request f or special ere dit report. [ PROMPT “SERVICE” 68,240 N. Bk. Com., N.T.; N.Y. State N„ Alb. 407,600 63,400 Chase N„ N.Y.; N.Y, State N„ Alb. 397,350 69,640 Chase N„ N. Y.;Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 214,700 Irving N„ N. City, and N.Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 50-795 Middletown 18,420 First National Bank........ »t’64 W. L. Benedict.— Orange B3 50-244 ---- ------------- -----------------------------------------Principal correspondents. 100.000 103,190 1,982,170 59,460 2,030,120 200,000 118,810 3,117,430 200,000 3,355,160 _____ 708,940 7,507,520 1,670 7,855,510 100,000 255,820 4,670,940 4,436,770 281,080 N. Park and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 2 M 3 pres entati on 362,610 Empire Tr. Co. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 580,780 N.Y. Tr. Co., Empire Tr., and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. . • jv OUR MOTTO. W tfl > z w W i Middleville 790 Middleville National Bank J. T. Molineux .... G. J. Casler______ E. W. Parmelee... 60-1014 *t'20 Herkimer K19 Milford-.............505 Otsego N19 Millbrook . „ 1096 Dutchess R24 Millerton R!>a Dutchess Q25 Milton ?nnn Ulster A5 Nassau F7 « Mohawk _. _ _ 2919 Herkimer L19 Monroe............1527 ^ Orange C5 Montgomery. .906 Orange B4 iMonticello 2330 Sullivan R20 MontourFails 1560 Schuyler 012 Moravia 1331 Cayuga M13 Morris 4?fl Otsego N18 Morristown,489 St. Lawrence C16 Morrisville 497 Madison L16 Milford National Bank—»t'99 50-796 Bank of Millbrook____ *tS’91 ♦ 50-797 Millerton National Bank «+'82 50-798 First National Bank____t’20 50-1017 First National Bank.—T»t'08 50-568 50,000 8.000 226,000 269,000 27,400 Chase N.. N. Y. Chas. J. Armstrong Frank Green_____ F. L. Platt................ 25,000 23.000 183,640 209,280 28,560 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. J. F. Pingry_____ Eugene Ham______ A. O. Wheeler 50,000 60,850 1,170,680 2,870 1,081,070 G. R. Andrews___ W. I. Scutt___ M. L. Jenks R. M. Rownd_____ J. J. Kaiey.............. A. B. Merritt.......... 50,000 66,390 572,080 602,650 115,420 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 25,000 13,830 221,460 232,710 50,000 51,930 1,078,800 75,000 1,095,610 25,580 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 160,130 Bk. of Manhattan Co., N. Park, and Irving N„ N. Y. 100,000 171,570 2,249,060 F. A. Hotchkiss.__ H. W. Andrews.— P. J. Christ............. G. D. Smith, V. P. Elbert Hegeman .. and Cash. Edw. Schmidt F. L. Oakley Nassau County Trust Co. John O. Bergen, George S. Emory — R. Ti. Frost Charles L. Conklin, ♦ 59-569 •t§’10 Sec. J. A. Albertson A. Sec. National Mohawk Valley Bk. W. C. Schaufler__ F. W. Cristman... C. P. Wood.............. 50-799 «:t’39 CITIZENS BANK______<§15 Clarence S. Knight W. A. McClellan__ C. Arthur Brooks— 50-945 Monroe National Bank..<’05 J. H. Carpenter... F. E. Horton........ . 50-800 National Bk. of Montgomery John A. Crabtree.. William Eager____ 59-801 <’05 National Union Bank__ <’50 E. H. Strong_____ Geo. H. Smith____ 50-802 Montour National Bank-<’14 J. T. McKeg______ C. M. Weed W. Irving Jones... D. Belle Parks___ 59-614 W. J. H. Parker... First National Bank —<’65 S. E. Day________ 50-598 W. Fitts C. J. Smith______ A. E. Potter______ 50-803 Frontier National BankT<’06 J. L. Smithers____ F. W. Ames______ 50-804 H. C. Wood............ F. H. 8outhworth. B. Tompkins 50-805 DC A Ml IFA PIrn M III A in CL no TilJrA Uli uip Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 & 1 PAIic pc i nmJt no 29,600 64,280 2,320,690 100,000 26,430 25,000 47.260 716,500 4,010 724,550 50,000 39,970 341,620 48,700 421,530 18,770 141,830 181,110 135,770 1,812,150 39,500 1,875,900 25,000 50.000 25,000 130,000 24,210 656,980 317,630 40,000 25,010 144,810 1,000,000 787,010 328,550 1,231,100 203,330 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 264,220 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb36,400 Chase N., N. Y. 68,220 Harriman N., N. Y. 58,760 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Y. State ,N., Alb.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 29,550 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ear. & Mech. N.. Phil. 161,510 N.Park and N. City, N. Y.;4th St. N„ Phil. 63,300 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 155,890 1st N., N, Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 50,000 21,600 312,000 50,000 405,000 28,200 25,000 16,500 181,090 35,880 233,680 50,000 45,000 370,000 24,790 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Watertown N., Watertown. 80,000 1st N. and Irving N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb.: Oneida Valley N.. Oneida. y Airu1M Al1 p A M K — Dl PI ip c A | f>J Jr ijH LI N MlIIIJN MlL DiH n r\ 1 380,000 LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK s n ><_ o’ o Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. •County Seats. In. N0.-2 F. R. D. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Baffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. i J. W. Wadsworth J. F. Connor_____ H. R. Porter-------- Mt. Vernon. 42,726 American National Bank *’20 C. R. Gibson.......... C. M. Biddle______ W. C. Thompson.. C. H. Barnet. Westchester E6 C. T. Taylor Eastchester Savings Bk. .§’71 Geo. H. Brown ___ S. W. Bertine-------50-141 Franklin T. Davis First National Bank ...T<’89 C. S. McClellan.__ William Archer.__ V. F. McClellan 50-142 MT. VERNON TRUST CO. <5 03 A. M. Campbell.__ M. D. Stiles.............. E. H. Peck 50-143 M. H. Hall. Naples.______1148 George R.Granby & Son.Bkrs. 50-624 t'07 Ontario M10 Hiram Maxfleld Bank... tt’82 50,000 50,730 742,940 3 50-173 <1811 Newburgh Savings Bk. .<’52 T. F. Balfe............. F. W. Senff___ W. F. Cassedy 50-175 QUASSAICK NATIONAL BANK F. C. Balfe. Tr..__ John T. Howell, Harry F. Smith. Sec. A. Tr. C. D. Robinson — C. C. Bourne............ W. E. Todd______ 77,780 1,586,230 1,647,020 122,500 N. City, N. Y.; 6,529,900 668,910 Lin. Tr. and Empire Tr, Cos., N. Y.: Mt. Vernon Tr. Co.. Mt. Vernon. 730,740 N. Park, Irving N., N. Bk. Com., and Mech. & Metals N..N. Y. 552,000 Han. N. and Harriman N., N. Y.: Franklin N.,Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y. State N„ Alb. I 200,000 293,900 6,505,720 200,000 431,840 8,345,820----------- 200,000 6,468,870 8,193,800 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 150,000 140,380 2,739,220 159,000 2,861,380 312,560 Irving N„ N.Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr.Co., Alb. 150,000 68,000 1,729,000 248,000 1,975,000 25,000 17,310 403,300 22.500 404,390 220.000 1st N., N. Y.:N.Y, State N„ Alb; N. Bk. Com., Rochester. 63,710 Han.N., N. Y. 50,000 65,000 825,000 18.500 893,000 65,500 N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Irving N., N.Y. 140,180 4,288,350 62,820 4,271,840 200,000 445,200 4,760,000 5.459.600 400,000 214,190 2,153,230 2.895.600 319,510 Chase N., Empire Tr„ Equitable Tr. Cos.. N.Y.; Alb. Tr. Co. and N.Y. State N„ Alb. 512,800 Mech. &Metals N„ N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil.; N. Com ! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 246,940 Chem. N..N. Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 2,573,070 13 270 230 15487220 139,960 1,033,980 294,800 1,573,690 100,000 300,000 12,960 347,530 31.100 382,750 S. F. Sherman____ H. R. Jones_______ C. K. Clark.............. George W. Healy. J. P. Mulhall Frank J. Le Fevre. A. P. Le Fevre----- E. Van Wagenen .. 60,000 11,430 405,750 54,510 449,410 100,000 150,000 400,000 403,110 191,140 2,226,430 2,292,320 Mhm GEO. F. MUELLER— W. A. REYNOLDSM.R. BURNS 82,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent., Rochester. 102,310 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester. 623,530 6,575,290 50,000 fG.F.FLANDREAUX R. R. RENNIE_ _ _ _ 50-156 816,360 F. H. Ferguson.__ Bert S. Pettit.......... Lee I. Wells______ G. E. Goodridge... C. L. Van Orden.. Jesse El tinge-------- H. H. Grimm, Sec. and Tr. 50-606 C. I. Le Fever Newport........... 703 National Bk. of Newport.<’66 J.T. Wooster------- F. M. Howe............ C. S. Wooster____ M. B. Smith_____ Herkimer K19 50-808 NewBochelle36,213 Huguenot Trust Go—_T<!’10 R. J. Walters------ M. J. Martin______ G. W. Sutton, Tr.. E. A. Culp, Sec.... Westchester E6 50-160 NATIONAL CITYBANK-T< 99 75,000 D. H. Maxfleld .. 50-623 50-176 T<’52 Newfane____1000 State Bank of Newfane<§'17 B Niagara J5 50-966 New Hartford 1621 First National Bank....<’21 Oneida K18 50-1029 New Paltz___1056 Huguenot National Bk. .<’65 Ulster R22 50-605 New Paltz Savings Bk._»tV71 non Bank* 510,000 525,000 150,000 Prinjipal Correspondents. .A)AN* & Dl»- Can k ExBonds, oxamia,Dot c’t*. $1453000 $ 873,000 Atlantic N. and N. City, N. Y. 21,000 O. A.Westfall, Sec. W. H. House]— Hiram Maxfleld Newark............ 6964 Arcadia National Bank—’87 P. R. Sleight______ G. C. Perkins_____ W. T. Peirson____ H. F. Clark........ . Geo. A. Sleight 50-395 Gordon G. Harris Wayne Kll First National Bank........»t'68 E. V. Peirson_____ S, R. Peirson.......... R. W. Marble-........ G. T. Garlock... 50-394 T. D. Prescott Newark Valley .821 First National Bank........ <’12 M. L. Beuham.___ H. B. Rawley_____ Chas. L. Raymond. 50-911 Tioga P14 New Berlin . 1070 National Bk. of New Berlin F. E. Holmes_____ F. A. Ballard.......... H. L. White_____ B. R. Perkins .. 50-921 <12 Chenango M17 •New Brighton... (.See New York City .Borough, of Richmond) Richmond F5 Newburgh .30,366 Columbus Trust Co._____ |’93 Henry M. Leonard. K. W. Barnes_____ Jas. J. Flanagan. Barclay Van Cleft, Tr. Sec. Orange B5 50-177 Wm. D. Bagshaw HighlandNationalBankT<’34 D. E. McKinstry .. O. M. Cleveland .. H. N. Jamison........ C. H. Wells............ J. S. White 50-174 J. Calvin Brown... National Bank of Newburgh F. W.Mapes--------- W. C. Scott. laneous 50,000 50-1025 G. G. Winship____ J. J. Hagmann-----Francis S. Wandall J. M. Bromley, C. H. Ticknor, A. Sec. See. and Tr. D. B. Donovan, S. Van Tassel, A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Tr. J. W. Granby......... Miscel 50,000 $ 176,000 12 100 000 (Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. <’65 )Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repot t8. (Prompt Service. We get Results. GENESEE RIVER NAT. BANK Resources. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Mt. Klsco........8944 Mt. Eisco National Bk.__<’95 W. H. Moore_____ F. C. Pelton............ Charles Brown .— E. A. Green___ __ l 50-806 Westchester C7 Mt. Morris....3312 Bingham State Bank__ <§’69 C. W. Bingham___ B. E. Brophel_____ F. E. Van Dorn— W. E. Morrow........ 50-532 B Livingston M8 50-581 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NEW YORK—Continued 50,000 52,070 187,430 106,640 371,350 150,000 150,000 3,025,000 3,077,000 400,000 308,000 7,700,000 7,546,800 200,000 273,260 5,572,310 30,820 5,440,770 100,000 56,410 1,153,540 3,970 1,198,410 581,150 Title Guaranty & Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Han. N., N. Y. 147,980 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 58,840 Irving N„ N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 72,270 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co.. Utica. 168,770 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 88.460 Chase N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. 24,790 1st N., N.Y. 249,000 Am. Ex, N. and Bkrs. Tr. Cos.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 912,900 Seab. N. and Irving N., N. Y. l Special attentio n assured to Cas h and Time Item I Please send 15c wi th each sight draft f or presentation and 50c for Credit Repor ts. (.Send us your Ne New Rochelle Trust Oo.<!’88 W. W. Bissell____ 50-157 North Avenue Bank ...<|'10 H. E. Colwell_____ 50-159 Peoples Bk. for Savings.«l'06 George Watson — 50-153 w Rochelle Items on this basis. H. J. van Zelm.__ J. A. Huntington. Irving R. Todd, Sec. A. Sec. J. M. Perley Theo. Wulp______ J. W. Spalding — J. P. Brown______ J. W. Spalding S. F. Swinburne... A. L. Hammett,Sec. Anna Werbelosky, A. Sec. John F. Lambden 86,620 1,282,810 _______ 1,253,270 635,610 Irving N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N.Y. Slate N., Alb. 115,510 Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y. 105,670 N. City and New Rochelle Tr. Co., New Rochelle. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1094________________ NEW YORK BANKS—Mt. Kisco to New Rochelle___________ July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank ts the New Transit Number given 1 nod eactl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lUyT Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. RAND MCNALLY BANKERS ROSTER CONTAINING Complete Alphabetical List of Chairmen of Boards of Directors, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Cashiers, Assistant Cashiers, Secretaries, As sistant Secretaries, Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers, and other Signing Officers of all United States and Canadian Banks. This handy,, accurate, up-to-date, correct, comprehensive volume is needed daily in every bank. Published annually. Size 9x1 1 inches. About 600 pages. Price $10.00, Postage Paid Rand McNally & Company 536 S. Clark St., CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Publishers 40 East 22nd St., NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1 851 THE HANOVER NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AT NASSAU AND PINE STREETS Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $5,000,000 $20,000,000 OFFICERS WILLIAM WOODWARD, President E. HAYWARD FERRY. Vice-President. WILLIAM DONALD, Asst. Cashier. SAMUEL WOOLVERTON, Vice-President. GEORGE E. LEWIS, Asst. Cashier. JOSEPH BYRNE, Vice-President. AMES P. GARDNER, Asst. Cashier. CHAS. H. HAMPTON, Vice-President. REDERICK A. THOMAS, Asst. Cashier. HENRY P. TURNBULL, Vice-President. WALTER G. NELSON, Asst. Cashier. JOSEPH S. LOVERING, Vice-President CHARLES B. CAMPBELL, Asst. Cashier. WILLIAM E. CABLE, JR„ Cashier. WILLIAM B. SMITH, Asst. Cashier. J. NIEMANN, Asst. Cashier. { FOREIGN DEPARTMENT WILLIAM H. SUYDAM, Vice-President and Manager. ROBERT NEILLEY, Asst. Manager. FREDERIC A. BUCK, Asst. Manager. DIRECTORS WILLIAM WOODWARD, President. W. WARREN BARBOUR, President The Linen Thread Company, 96 Franklin Street. HENRY R. CARSE, President Submarine Boat Cor poration. J. WILLIAM CLARK, Vice-President The Spool Cotton Company JAMES F. FARGO, Treasurer American Ex. Co. E. HAYWARD FERRY, Vice-President. WILLIAM HALLS, Jr., Summit, New Jersey. HENRY W. HOWE, of Lawrence & Co., Dry Goods Commission, 24 Thomas Street. FRANCIS T. MAXWELL, President The Hockanum Mills Company, Woolens, Rockville, Conn. EDWIN G. MERRILL, President, New York Life Insurance & Trust Co. JOHN S. PHIPPS, 787 Fifth Avenue. JOHN J. RIKER, 19 Liberty St. ELIJAH P. SMITH, of Woodward, Baldwin & Co., Dry Goods Commission (Cottons) (Retired). JOHN P. STEVENS—J. P. STEVENS & CO., Commis sion Merchants, 23 Thomas Street. SAMUEL WOOLVERTON, Vice-President. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD Can arrange with Banks desiring to draw their own Drafts on Foreign Points Travelers’ Checks and Letters of Credit issued available in all parts of the world [■ 1---------------- 1 1— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 3 1---------------- 1 The National City Bank of New York Charles E. Mitchell, ESTABLISHED President 1812 Head Office—55 Wall Street NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES 42ND Street Branch—Madison Avenue and 42 nd Street Fifth Avenue Branch—Fifth Avenue and 28ih Street Bowery Branch—Bowery and Bond Street FOREIGN BRANCHES ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Rosario BELGIUM ANTWERP Brussels Established 1902 CUBA BRAZIL Pernambuco Rio de Janeiro Santos (Agency) Sao Paulo CHILE Branches at Havana and all Principal Cities on the Island ENGLAND Santiago Valparaiso London City Branch West End Branch FRANCE Paris PORTO RICO IaTjuan URUGUAY Montevideo ITALY Genoa PERU Lima RUSSIA ♦Moscow ♦Petrograd VENEZUELA Caracas ‘ *Temporarilv Closed International Banking Corporation Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $15,400,000 Head Office; 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK LONDON SAN FRANCISCO LYONS Branches in Commercial Centers of Owned by The National City Bank of New York Established 1812 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis China India Japan Java Spain Philippines Republic of Panama Dominican Republic Straits Settlements Our long experience in international banking enables us to offer every facility for the transaction of foreign business.Your Foreign Depart ment is invited to consult with us regarding your requirements. HE Hart;ford Accident and Indemnity Company, by agreement with The Bankers Supply Company, protects banks and each of their depositors by $1,000.00 insurance against loss through fraudulent or felonious alterations of checks drawn on Super-Safety paper. T BANK-CHECKS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BANKERS SUPPLY COMPANY "he Largest Manufacti NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER rs of Bank Checks in the World ATLANTA DES MOINES SAN FRANCISCO Southern Portion OF NEW YORK CITY % SCALE Ye H % Rand-McNnlly’a 11x14 Mupof the Southern Portk Copyright by Raud-McNally & Co. EXPLANATION Steam R. R. ................ .................. Elevated R. R. ...............__==^. Rapid Transit Tunnel-Trolley R. R......................................... UUEtNOl QUEENRBOaO •tffowx— jfpHI >72 RtCRCATfON PlE* .Subway 755 See the following page for Advertisement of SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK, New York City A Complete Banking and Trust Service OFFICERS Chairman of the Board . . President S. G. Bayne Chellis A. Austin Vice-President Vice-President H. D. Campbell . Vice-President William K. Cleverley . Vice-President C. Howard Marfield Vice-Pres. & Cashier Louis N. DeVausney Charles D. Makepeace Peter S. Duryee . Vice-President Vice-President John C. Traphagen . Vice President John A. Burns . Trust Officer Egbert V. Nelson Assistant Trust Officer Charles C. Fisher . Assistant Cashier Cornelius J. Murray Assistant Cashier Percy J. Ebbott . Joseph D. Smith . James M. Wade . Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Trust Officer William A. B. Ditto Assistant Cashier Bertram I. Dadson F. Rogers Parkin John J. Teal . Hermann G. Place. 0. M. Jefferds . . Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier . Assistant Cashier Alexander A. McKenna Assistant Cashier Charles L. Clune, Assistant Trust Officer ^^ITH enlarged facilities and resources amounting to over one hundred million dollars, The Seaboard National Bank, now maintaining three offices at con venient and advantageous locations, two downtown and one uptown, is in a position to give its customers and friends a banking and trust service that will meet their every business and personal requirement. Visit or write one of the Seaboard Banks and our officers will be glad of the opportunity to explain the special features of this complete financial service. You will find sound banking along with a pleasant way of being personally interested in accounts, small as well as large. The Seaboard National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Main Office, Broad and Beaver Streets Mercantile Branch, 115 Broadway Uptown Branch, 20 East 45th Street Capital, Surplus and Profits over 10 Million Dollars Name of NEW YORK CITY—Central Reserve City Li abilities. Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. L. L. CLARKE. . . . . . . . . WALTER H- BENNETT THEU. H. BANKS A. P. LEE GEO. C. HAIGH H. N. ARMSTRONG L. S. TIEMANN C. E. MEEK M. " P‘.MOSELEY HOWARD MARSHALL W. P. . MALBURN ... . Asst.‘ ” V. Presidents T. " " " --L.- - ROBI - - - - NSON 1-*1 (128 Broadway) T *$'18 'AMERICAN EXCH. NATIONAL BANK (Borough of Manhattan, F 5) Pop. Greater New York 5,620,040 (Federal Reserve City No. 2) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. B. TALLMAN .... A. D. BRIGHTF. M.LANGDON A. K. de GUISCARD H.P. SIEBERT HUGH S. McCLURE W. _ _ _G._ _GLINKUN__ _ A. G. ARMSTRONG BLOOMER Asst. Cashiers J. P. G. MORAN LUKE D. DOYLE G. W. GIDDINGS —— A. Tr. Officer C. V. A. WALSH, Paid-up Capital Surplus AND Profits J J 5,000,000 Sec. 203 Montague S^;U C VAR|CK * f 7.495,110 127 068 700 18 679 530 We pay Corresp ondence Is Invite who ma y conte account t J 97084360 10673720 Interest on bank d from Banks, mplate opening s In New York C N. Y. Clearing House Assn. Mem bers shown by * Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. $ $ 52.880 50 452 390 pal Cities of the World. balance s. Bankers , and Me rchants new or addition al tty. SEE AD VERTISE MENT ON INDEX N EW YORK STATE. Auditor HARRY A. KAHLER-. C. H. BURDETT. . . . . . . . ORIE R. KELLY. J. L. OBERMAYER, , H. S. ACKEN AMERICAN TRUST MMnZnnt A. B. WESTERVELT H. F. BREITWIESER HARRY V. HOYT, ^ E. J. HABIGHORST COMPANY „1# ’ GERHARD KUEHNE F. L. STILES G.F. BAHNTGE, W. E. STECHER Resources. Miscel Bonds Loans Cash A Ex Total Acopts.Letters laneous of Or. <fr other changes,Due and AND Deposits Llabilitiei Discounts Securities Resources from Banks 1,500,000 716.950 17.084,570 216.940 11,678,610 4,594,880 101.110 3.143.860 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. A. Tr. Does a general banking and trust business. Long Island City* A. Tr. Acts as Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian, H. E.KUHLMAN EDWARD MULL0WCommittee, Depositary, Transfer Agent, STUART D. PRESTON, NEY, A. Tr. 1-307 (Cedarand Broadway) and Jamaica.) and Registrar. Asst. Secretaries American Union Bank..»+§T7 John Nemeth....... Karl Schenk_____ Nathaniel Faeder. Henry Schenk___ 1-289 (10 E. 22d) J. B. Lederer Rudolph Stein. Albert Greenbaum John Nemeth, Jr. A. Cash. 200,000 101,490 Atlas Bank____________ »§’22 Henry C. Zaro___ H. J. Connolly___ H. J. Connolly.... 1-328 (39 Cooper Square) G. K^tzenberg 200,000 100,000 Baltic States Bank_____ *§’21 J. S. Lopatto____ M. W. Bush______ A. I. Cole................ 1-820 (294 Eighth) A. I. Cole 200,000 71,270 1.839,750 <5,830 1,539,380 178,500 155,850 473,360 Chem. N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Passaic. •ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK. (Merged with Bank of America as Atla ntic Office at 257 Bro adway July 15, 192 2) SEWARD PROSSER— H. F. WILSON, JR.W. P. BELKNAP F. I. KENT, B. W. JONES *• -jtiilBTv-' S. M. GREER n« IILliCfy q U p11 ro H.J. Vice COCHRAN, i FonuMin Prpjtirfen/» ■ • wunlnlll “ * B. A. TOMPKINS BENJAMIN JOY F. W. SHIBLEY (Fifth A tie. Office at H. H. McGEE 42d St.; Madison L. S. BRADY El«’ 'BANKERS TRUST COMPANY 1-103 (16 Wall) Atie. Office Kith St.; •t§,03 Paris Office, 3 & 5 Place Vendome. BARKLEY WYCKOFF- H. N. DUNHAM, R. G. PAGE, Sec. BEACH POLK, W. A. HENDERSON, CLIFFORD WILMURT, _____ 2V.G.F.TREFCER, L. C. 0UTCAULT, H. H. MARTIN, H. C. BOCK, H. B. WATT, H. E. WHITNEY, L. S. STILLMAN, F. A. KLINGSMITH, J. H. LEWIS, R. H. MACDONALD, C. W. CAMPBELL, JR., L. H. PLUMB, 0. W. ROOSEVELT, E. E. BEACH, Asst. Secretaries W. W. VIALLS, N. Park and Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y. 690,010 265.840 518,030 15,970 161,440 Irving N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Deutsche, Berlin, Germany. 20000 000 22413330 274268580 11,483.790 188793030 68.228.540 .13,387,480 57,756.660 Asst. Treasurers E. S. Tr. Officer: I. Michaels. CHAPPELEAR. -tAn. A. Tr. Officers: P. E. Godridge, W. D. Auditor Lithgow, and C. C. Price. This Company welcomes deposits of National, State, and Savings Banks, and Trust Companies. Maintains a special service of Acceptances for banking institutions. Is the accredited agent for the issuance and protection of the AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION TRAVELERS CHEQUES. ESTABLISHED 1810 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the Git* of Now York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OUR BOND DEPARTMENT OFFERS ITS FACILITIES FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION July, 1922___________________ N E W YORK- BANKS — N ew York City ________________________ 1095 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given IftQC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of NEW YORK CITY—Central Reserve City—Cont’d Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Xrust Powers. President. Vice-President. w*LTER^:|:fg'L •BANK OF AMERICA MSI™ J. MONTGOMERY E.W.RUSSEL, Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. C. E. CURTIS.......... E. S. BLAGDEH....... F. G. CURRY, A. W. WEST Tr. Officer H. J. SCHULER A. C. T. BEERS GEORGE WHITLOCK A.V.P. 1-4 Miscel Cash & Ex laneous changes,Dub Discounts Securities Resources trom Banks Loans AND Letters Paid-up Surplus Total Accpts, of Cr. <fc ether AND Deposits Liabilities Capital Profits BONDS AND $ 5,500,000 $ 5.755.120 $77 577 300 $10 071 110 $42557230 $ 6,031,740 $2,883,710 $38349670 (S EVEN We invite the business of Banks, Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers desiring prompt and efficient service. (44 Wall) Federal Reserve City No. 2 (Borough of Manhattan) Resources. BRAN CHES IN NE W YO RK AN D BROO KLYN. ) N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n. Mem bers shown by * Affiliated banks by+ Principal Correspondents. Shawmut, Bos. Phil. Corn Ex. N., LEADING BANKS IN THE IM PORTANT COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF THE WORLD. 1 Bank of Europe________ •§10 Thomas Capek ___ Michael Pilnacek.jA. B. Achec______ E. J. Appel. 1-245 (1429 First Ave.) COMPANY 1-2 (40 Wall) •$11789 NAT’L BANKING ASSOCIATION (48 Wall) Si"™ F.L.KILTOO Borough of Queens) b. o. LArrtT <13W J.feMSF S. BAKER H. M. BUCKLIN-— W. A. RUSH W.F. MOORE, G. S. DOWNING A. Cash. E. S. MACDONALD I.S. GREGORY, 0. G. ALEXANDER A. Cash. C. W. GAPES D. W. KETCHAM W. S. MILAN ELLIS WESTON V. P. and. Cash. HERBERT L ORIGGS-L.F. KIESEWETTER-F. C. METZ, JR.. ARTHUR F. ALBRO 0. W. GARRETSON JOSEPH AHtREWS WM. J. KENMORE R. E. MILLER F. WM. ZIEGLER Oldest Bank In State. Established 1784. G.S. BUTLER 'BANK OF NEW YORK 1-1 (16 a.— *. 0. E. PAYNTER, *11784 J. s. MARCUS......... B. K. MARCUS—-— RALPH HENUERSON, A. H. PLANTEROTH HENRY MECKAUER Acting p. F. W. AHRENS G. S.SPINNER, W. A. BLISS (32nd and 5th Ave.) DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN LETTERS OF CREDIT-Foreign Exc’ge Acceptances. «j|’i3 Credit Mgr. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS INVITED. _____W. H.C. Pletz .... + Bank ef Washington Heights John Whalen____ J.J. O’Shaughnessy L. S. Rough............ 1-214 <*’01 J. D. Beals. V. P. C. H. Woodwart — (1915 Amsterdam Are.) BATTERY PARK E. A. DeLIMA F. E. HASLER, V. P" NATIONAL BANK 1-282 ( 2 Broadway) «’®4 6,973,880 1,927,290 56,860 593,790 4,262,000 993,730 1 Bohemia, Czechoslovak Foreign Bkg. Corp., Prague. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phil. N.f and Cent. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Bait.; State N., St. L.; Imper 5,000,000 17,277.460 198289890 9,779,230 100798050 33.427,580 3,836,480 92,284,470 ial Bk. of Can., Toronto,Can.; Lon. Joint City & Midland Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Comptoir, N. d. Corporat ions, Fir ms and Individ u als ’Escompte de Paris, Paris. Inqulrie s from Banks, Cordially Invited. 2,000,000 7,083,200 57,862,460 7,950,490 36,749,570 5,898,800 850,000 31,997,780 2,000.000 626,130 37,787,150 877.140 28.274,880 5,978.440 326,930 Long established connections in all parts of the World snable us to offer SPECIAL FACILITIES to EXPORTERS and IMPORTERS BANK OF UNITED STATES 1-277* 298,060 RHART- - J. H- MER - - - - - - - A. S. RAIZ- - - - - S.'c.’coiRNER A. Of LIMA, WM. r ...... . Ass’t V. P. C. G.PROE J. C. DE SOLA foil?6-JRE. R. GAFFORD, GEO. TALBOT _ _ _ _S..TALI" Ass-t v. P. A. ‘ E. " ZELLER LERS 6,710,180 Branche s:—Delan cey Branc h, 77 Dela nc.ey St., Benjamin Cohen, Mgr.; Bronx Bra nch, Free man St. a nd Southe rn Blvd., Joseph Gr eenburg, Harlem Br anch, 1767 Madison Ave., A. W. Ahren s, Mgr. 200,000 306,580 4,344,790 ..................... i 1,223,370 1,221,300 10,292,180 1,049,990 105,640 3,572,450 Mgr. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. • — 1,500,000 2.585,870 ..................... N. Shawmut, Bos. 8,719,480 838,470 1,455,380 Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. A BA NK THA T GIVES EFFICIE NT SER VICE IN EVERT DE PARTM ENT. 1 . 1 ________ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds—Burglary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BA N K S — N ew York City — C ontinued ___________ July, 1922 'BANK OF THE MANHATTAN STEPHEN BAKER-— JAMES McNEIL — R.E. JONES.IstV.P- B. D. FORSTER — 450,000 1096__________________ N E W YORK Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 HQfi -lUyU A FINANCIAL LINK BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD STATE BANK OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES Banco Nacional Ultramarino ESTABLISHED 1864 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL PAID UP CAPITAL Escudos 48,000,000 $ 51,788,160.00 Escudos 24,000,000.00 $ 25,894,080.00 (AT PAR OF EXCHANGE) RESERVE FUNDS Escudos 27,200,000 $28,080,000.00 HEAD OFFICE: LISBON LONDON OFFICE 27 B Throgmorton St. E. C. PARIS OFFICE 8 Rue du Helder IXE OFFICES IN: CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION PORTUGAL ENGLAND, FRANCF CHINA, INDIA EAST AFRICA WEST AFRICA TIMOR AZORES MADEIRA BELGIAN CONGO BRAZIL Governor JOAO HENRIQUE ULRICH Vice-Governors CONDE DE CARIA HENRIQUE JOSE MONTEIRO DE MENDONCA CONDE DE MONTE REAL JOSE DA CUNHA ROLA PEREIRA Our Foreign Service is unsurpassed. Foreign Ex change bought and sold for immediate or future delivery. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK AGENCY: 93 Liberty Street JULIO SCHMIDT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EQUIPMENT—PERSONNEL—TECHNIQUE We have developed these three factors to a state of excellency because they are of vital importance to the success of our business. F. st LISIECKI Foreign Language Printing 915 M“r0aJ, JEtrk City ESTABLISHED 1890 FRANK ®()e Cijase Jf^attonal Panfe OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 57 BROADWAY OFFICERS ALBERT H. WIGGIN. President Vice-Presidents SAMUEL H. MILLER HENRY OLLESHEIMER CARL J. SCHMIDLAPP ALFRED C. ANDREWS GERHARD M. DAHL ROBERT I. BARR REEVE SCHLEY SHERRILL SMITH Assistant Vice-Presidents EDWIN A. LEE M. HADDEN HOWELL. WILLIAM E. PURDY ALFRED W. HUDSON GEORGE H. SAYLOR GEORGE HADDEN JAMES L. MILLER Comptroller THOMAS RITCHIE Cashier WILLIAM P. HOLLY Assistant Cashiers CHARLES C. SLADE WILLIAM H. MOORHEAD CHARLES D. SMITH ERNEST T. LOVE S. FREDERICK TELLEEN CARL P. BIGGERMAN LEON H. JOHNSTON JOSEPH C. ROVENSKY OTIS EVERETT RICHARD C. SMITH GEORGE E. SCHOEPPS HAROLD L. VAN KLEECK ANDREW G. CAMPBELL HERMAN KNOKE GEORGE A. KINNEY. Trust Officer MARTIN L. L. HENRY. Auditor MANFRED BARBER, Manager Foreign Department DIRECTORS HENRY W. CANNON FREDERICK H. ECKER ALBERT H. WIGGIN EUGENE V. R. THAYER JOHN J. MITCHELL CARL J. SCHMIDLAPP GUY E. TRIPP GERHARD M. DAHL JAMES N. HILL ANDREW FLETCHER DANIEL C. JACKLING WM. BOYCE THOMPSON CHARLES M. SCHWAB REEVE SCHLEY SAMUEL H. MILLER KENNETH F. WOOD EDWARD R. TINKER H. WENDELL ENDICOTT EDWARD T. NICHOLS WILLIAM M. WOOD NEWCOMB CARLTON JEREMIAH MILBANK HENRY OLL ESHEIMER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital Surplus and Profits Deposits (May 5, 1922) $ 20,000,000 21,840,000 401,026,000 E RECEIVE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, Bankers, Corporations, Firms or Individuals on favorable terms, and shall be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. W Through its Trust Department, the Bank offers facilities as: Trustee under Corporate Mortgages and Indentures of Trust; Depositary under re organization and other agreements; Custodian of securities and Fiscal Agent for Corporations and In dividuals; Executor under Wills and Trustee under Testamentary Trusts;Trustee under Life Trusts. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT NEW YORK CITY Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ (Federal Reserve City No. 2) (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrft. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. Cashier. Vice-President. President. Bigelow State Bank........ *t§'21 R. L. Bigelow____ C. W. Bigelow 1-710 (23 Broad St.) Ass’t Cashier. Subplus AND Profits Paid-up Capital G. W. Walsh_____ Wm. P. Carter------ $ 100,000 $ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOtmCES Miscel Letters Cash & Ex Loans Bonds Total Accpta, laneous of Ci. & other changes,Dub AND AND Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources from Banks 25,000 $ 684,000 5 1,500 $ 117,000 $ 569,000 i N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n, Mem bers shown by* Affiliated banks by+ Principal Correspondents. 105,000 N.Y. Tr., Equitable Tr., and Em pire Tr, Cos., N. Y. 19,500 $ Wm. F. Beattie •Bowery Bank of New York J. Stanley Foster.. Martin S. Paine.__ Charles Essie------- Wm. F. Kammerer 1-70 (124-26 Bowery) •t*« 250,000 844,800 5,325,770 219,530 1,218,750 3,963,090 369,780 1,088,470 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Shawmnt, Bos.: H. Rebholz.............. G. H. Cook 200,000 110,170 3,817,740 16,620 2,169,060 930,600 28,030 1,016,840 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. BROADWAY CENTRAL BANK 1-279 Frank Williams.__ (2574 Broadway) »t«T4 Anthony Ziesat (Broadway and Wall) E. F.Gieee................ Geo. A. DeMonde. 200,000 184,970 Wm. L. Clow_____ H. S. Radt............... 2,000,000 500,000 Wm. F. Fitzsim mons George W. Craft.. F. L. Fisher______ Michael G. Kletz.. H. M. Wolfe 200,000 131,150 W. W. Warner .... 1-240 ( 220 West 42d) 1-326 1st N.. N. Y.; Nassau N„ Brooklyn. (See Bor ough of Brooklyn .N.T.Ci ty).......... •Brooklyn Trust Oo____ ‘tS’Se 1-102 4th St. N., Phil. (Seventh Ave at 37th) Central Mercantile Bank •tS'17 D. H. Knott 1-292 (5th Ave. and 14th) 2,268,740 17,670 1,783,760 438,620 30,590 418,400 Am. Kx. N.. N. Y. 2,801,670 32,450 2,243,350 63,960 88,800 736,710 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y. 12,500.000 18.985,670 234431930 11,018,460 162149 700 62,101.820 4.725,210 47,939,270 H. M.MYRICK, G. W. DAVISON....... THE0._,G. SMITH^M. FERGUSON, Treasurer Secretary (2 Branches) ‘THAYER ILLER R. E. ALLEN BANKING DEPARTMENT :ary o. t: con N R. C. FAUST 'PHAM Does a General Banking Business, allowing interest on balances. Central Union Trust Company HORNE M:»°" E. P. ROGERS t.j HAZARD ||if IfMnLESEY, f" OF A. Mgr. NEW YORK “MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM.” 1-181 ♦ (80 Broadway) »F75 Acts — — — — As8t. Treasurers Asst. Secretaries F.W. FIRTH. — a Commercial Banking Business—discount, acceptance, collection. — a Foreign Exchange Business—commercial and travelers’ letters of credit and cable transfers. TRUST DEPARTMENT as Executor, Trustee, Administrator, Committee or Guardian. as Trustee of Voluntary Trusts. as Transfer Agent or Registrar of Stocks. as Trustee of Mortgages. under Escrow Agreements. BRANCHES 42d St. Branch Cor. Madison Ave. and 42d St. Safe Deposit Annex. Plaza Branch Fifth Ave. and Sixtieth St. Safe Deposit Annex. Receives Securities under Safe-Keeping Agreement. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $30,000,000. . Chase National Bank 1-74 (57 Broadway) T»t’77 A. H. WIGGIN....... S. N. MILLER- - - - - - - - W. P. HOLLY......... . C. C. SLADE.........- 20 000.000 21,840,740 400889890 17,829,180 272 038 040 58,869.200 9,406,580 120 245 990 e. D. SMITH C. J. SCHMIOLAPP , . ,«---5. F. TELLEEN 6. M. DAHL WF PURDY REEVE SCHLEY "/h.'SAYLOR, L. H. JOHNSTON OTIS EVERETT HENRY OLLESH- j. L. MILLER, We receive accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms or In 6. E. SCHOEPPS a c ANnBFw^ER A- w- HUDSON. dividuals on favorable terms, and shall be pleased to meet or corre A. C. ANDREWS GEORGE HADDEN, A. G. CAMPBELL R. I. BARR spond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new M. H. HOWELL, W. H. MOORHEAD SHERRILL SMITH accounts. Through Its Trust Department, the Bank offers facilities A. Vice-Presidents c r I AWF as: Trustee under Corporate Mortgages and Indentures of Trust; G. A. KINNEY, (*.' p! BIGGERMAN Depositary under re-organization and other agreements; Custodian u i i ufbby J-C. R0VENSKY IVIa La La IILIVIIIf Q A OBI ITU of Securities and Fiscal Agent for Corporations and Individuals; Amriitnr THOMAS RITCHIE wlflllll H- L VAN KLEECK Mgr. For. Dept Executor under Wills and Trustee under Testamentary Trusts; Trustee under Life Trusts. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE AND OUTSIDE FRONT COVER. ESTABLISHED 1810 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WE ARE READY TO EXTEND THE MOST CAPABLE SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS IN EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY July, 1922_____________ N EW YORK BANKS — New York City—Continued ________________ 1097 1097 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n Name of Bank. NEW YORK CITY ( Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 2) i •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. OFFICERS: Paid-up Capital Resources. Liabilities. Miscel Surplus Loans Bonds Cash & Ex Total Accpts,Letters laneous changes,Dun of Cr. * ether and and AND Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources frcm Uanks Profits Deposits $ $ LOUIS 6. KAUFMAN, President Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.)i Lawye rs, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interes t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. Leading banking institutions $10500000 $ 9,057.980 168801810 $ 8.804.710 130107210 $26285280 $ 1,890.550 $39781450 in the principal cities of the United States. 1st Vice-President BERT L. HASKINS, NORBORNE P. GATLING, C. STANLEY MITCHELL, Vice-President Vice-Pres. and Cashier Vice-President H. A. CLINKUNBROOMER, Vice-President WALLACE T. PERKINS, JOSEPH BROWN, Vice-President WALTER B. BOICE, WILLIAM M. HAINES, ARTHUR T. STRONG, Qualified to act as:— GEORGE P. KENNEDY, JAMES C. BROWER, LAWRENCE J. GRINNON, H. F. MEEHAN, Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian or Committee of Estates. ROLFEE. BOLLING, HENRY R. JOHNSTON, Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Main Office: 149 BROADWAY 1-30 T-1812 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vice-President SYDNEY H. HERMAN, Vice-President Vice-President ARTHUR 0. WOLF, Trustee of Voluntary Trusts. Agent for the care of Real and Personal Property. FRANK C. CAMPBELL, HENRY L. CADMUS, Registrar or transfer Agent of issues of Stocks or Bonds. HENRY C. HOOLEY, HARVEY H. ROBERTSON, Trustee of issues of Corporate Bonds. WELLING SEELEY, ROBERT ROY, Custodian of Securities. WILLIAM S. WALLACE, GEORGE B. CONNLEY, EDWARD J. DONOHUE, WILLIAM MINTEN, FOREIGN DEPARTMENT HENRY E. AHERN, GEORGE M. HARD, Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Vice-President r Vice-President Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Trust Officer Vice-President Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Branches Battery to Bronx Broadway and Howard Street Bowery and Grand Street Eighth Ave. and 14th Street Broadway and 18th Street Fifth Ave. and 30th Street Seventh Ave. and 39th Street 57th Street at Third Ave. 86th Street at Lexington Ave. Broadway and 105th Street Lenox Ave. and 116th Street 125th Street at Lenox Ave. Broadway and 144th Street Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Chairman Directors: SAMUEL S. CHILDS, JOHM M. COWARD, HARDEN L. CRAWFORD, PIERRES. DU PONT, ELLIS P. EARLE, NORBORNE P. GATLING, JOHN M. HANSEN, GEORGE M. HARD, BERT L. HASKINS, FRANK J. HEANEY, RICHARD H. HIGGINS, H. STUART HOTCHKISS, Main Office: 149 Broadway, Cor. Liberty St. Transacts a general commercial banking business. VINTON M. NORRIS, Vice-President Phenix National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Has complete facilities for handling the business of correspondent banks. Vice-President Vice-President AND THE CHATHAM AND PHENIX NATIONAL BANK Vice-President GEORGE R. BAKER, Vice-President Chatham MAX MARKEL, JOHN B. FORSYTH, Vice-President THE V ice-President LOUIS G. KAUFMAN, WALDO H. MARSHALL, A. MILTON NAPIER. JOHN J. RASKOB, JOHN RINGLING, OSCAR SCHERER, EDWARD SHEARSON, WILLIAM K. STRAWN, J. FREDERICK TALCOTT, S. B. THORNE, FRED’K D. UNDERWOOD, HICKS A. WEATHERBEE, SAMUEL WEIL Money transferred by cable to all principal cities of the World. Designated Depositary of THE UNITED STATES THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE CITY OF NEW YORK Domestic and Foreign Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks issued. Collections in dollars and Foreign currency collected and credited at best rates. Charter Member New York Clearing House ____ NEW YORK BANKS — New York City—Continued____________ July, 1922 RICHARD H. HIGGINS, WILLIAM H. STRAWN, 1098 1098 Name of Bank. Liabilities. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CA8HIER. Ohelsea Exchange Bank_»il’08 W. C. Hanton_____ 1-227 ( 266 West Mth) H. A. Golding C. G. Rapp Branch at 135tha nd 7th Ave. • P. H. JOHNSTON $ 1.000.000 $ H. S. Groh S. SCHENCK_ _ _ _ samuel jyyyv, jr. .. J. G. SCHMELZEL— lilk fI*T WC. P. HUNT stkfcfe 1 M SMITH 1 R. B. RAYMOND. Mgr. Foreign Dept, Tr. Officer. CHARLES CASON. Resources. Miscel- Cash k Ex- N. Y. Clearing House Assn, mem Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Total Aoojpts,Letters CHAXQM.DUS bers shown by * Affiliated and and Capital PROFIT8 Deposits Liabilities Discounts SbCUBITIB. RBSO0BCBS from Banks Principal Correspondents. 214,640 $ 6.899,190 8 1.302,740 S 5,780,860 S 2.047,540 $ .... E. ‘CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK 1-12 (270 Broadway) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d mm W24 270,950 $ 1.288.130 Mech. & Metals N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: N. Shawmut. Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 3.* wfur* 4.500,000 15967180 145272900 W. H. Jaquith____ W. A. Gray A. A. G. Luders, 1,500.000 Steers---------- J. D. Hackett_____ 3. C. Thompson William Boyce, Jr. Theodore Neilson Ralph P. Blake j. J. Wallace C. H. Gardner J. V. Price 800,000 1,849,690 19,808,260 2,000,000 1,919,980 27,176,030 7,527,710 100540 590 27.720.060 2.025.040 42981200 Union Tr. Co., Cbl.;N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phll.i Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. Dir. of Public Relations •Coal & Iron National Bank John T. Spronll ... David Taylor l-#9 (143 Liberty) T*t’04 Allison Dodd 1,444,020 13,737,290 L/Orn (441 Colamba8 Ave.) ♦COLUMBIA BANK.............•t§’8S ♦ 1-198 (507 Fifth Ave.) Alexander Walker. Edwin W. Orvis... G. (8 Branches) A. C. Walker G. S. Carr ) A. E. H. Bernheim... M. J. Fox................. G. R. Jewett Jas. Macdonough Otto Markuske, (2 Branches E. H. Lee Cash. L. S. Quimby W. V. KING............... HOWARD RAYNF C. H.KEEP.CTi. o/Bd. B. L ALLEN ♦ . H. W. Becker M. Ettlinger G. W. Bigg iPfFK£J[ VIet-Wv VIRGINIA p! H. FUR* W . J. PFIZENMAYER, MAN, A. Sec. IRTHURDALY! A. Sec. R. f. CURRAN mwi (60 Broadway)T»tS'05 n.T,. Doty \. E.RIDER, A. Tr. A. W. HUTCHINS, Sec. and Tr. 1 H. E. DOBBIN, A.Tr, G.S. MILLS.A.Sec. J . If. RICHMOND, A. UHL. ‘COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 1-111 F. S.' C. E. WOLFF, Controller « Trust' Officer kWBtoAZtse? S. M. SPEDQN, Tr. Mgr. For. Com’l De pt. For.Ex. D ept. Auditor, 5,000,000 7,877.720 64.604.580 R. R. Moore---------- ESTABLISHED 1810 J 4,597,420 Han. N. and Greenwich, N. T. 20,858,530 3,620,620 6,916,860 O ULltJ DK< 431 Vy U1,, Ullln SLll'A lldu ,1C N., Bos.; Quaker City N., Phil.; 1st N., San F. 8,435,910 65.240.000 25,193.780 5.659,110 19.825.320 Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; Am. Tr. EXEC UTES ALL LEGA L TR USTS. A. Tr. Officer G. J. Baumann__ J.G.Hemerich, 1-234 (1451 Broadway)T*II’06 A. H. Giannini, J. F. Cavagnaro Ch. of Bd. 2,349,040 J. B. Rieger, A.Sec. Sec. ,J. P. Normanly, A. Sec. 1.000,000 360,360 8.790,410 4,528,900 3,014,450 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of Hie Cilv of Now York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 214,550 Co. and Mereh. N„ Boa.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Alb. Tr. Co., Alb. Uptown office. Fifth Ave. and 34th Street.• Branchc*\-at 125th St. & 7th Ave,*, 3d Ave. A 148th St.,» and Park Ave. & 48th St. 2,392,860 East River N., N. Y.; N. City. Chi.; Pitt.Tr.Co., Pitt.; GirardN., Phil.: Bk. of Italy, and Branches, San, F. GUfc BOND DEPARTMENT OFFERS ITS FACILITIES FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION 1099 Commercial Trust Company 300,000 15,506,070 Accou nts of Banks, and Tr ust Co mpanie s Invit ed. A. Tr. Officer W. M! mHSgAII ?A?Tr°OffiZer M. W. TERRY, Mi and ulralu An a mi., Merch. N., San F.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.„St. L. Tr. Officer + COLONIAL BANK.............•»,»2 July, 1922_____________ NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1\Ttt't x r vr\D!7 ni^rv 1 OQQ t0 eac^ bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ iMEjYV Y UKi\ wl 1 Y Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Federal Reserve City No. 3 NEW YORK CITY (Federal Beaeree City Me. ») Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. _ ,„ „ Resources. Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Paid-up Capital Subplus and Profits Miscel 4ccpt*,Letti Loans Bonds Total laneous of Cr. & other AND AND Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources $ 4,373,560 $ 3.849,220 $ ♦Commonwealth Bank.. <§’69 Charles A. King ... Louis P. Bach......... G.F. A. Olt.......... ... J.R.Von Sternberg $ 400,000 $ 882,970 $ 9,958,490 Bernhard Beinecke Edw. Benneche ♦ 1-78 (ISO Bowery) Ch. of Bd. (Branches at First Ave. and 11th St., • and Third Ave. and 155th St. •) ♦Continental Bank______<1*70 J. F. Frederichs... D. Schnakenbere Albert Tag, ♦ 1-72 Edward Schafer Ch. of Bd. (25 Broad) 1,000,000 F. H. Hornby........... K. K. MCLAREN..........RAYMOND NEWMAN- H. S. GOULD, Sec.... B.S. MANTZ.Tr. H.$. GOULD J. J. JANSEN, JR.. N. H. MCLAREN, A CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY 1-296 (37 Wall) <§’17 A. 1.. Her 882,840 10,210,810 $ 620,000 31,500 143.380 1,539,210 69468 000 96 972 000 8,250,000 10 415000 199887000 500,000 5,574.900 44,440 1,000,000 821,130 15,397,990 1,598,580 2,290,200 47,787,860 1,857,680 8,741,120 577,610 10,710 2,436.260 1,809,410 A. Mgr. For. Dept. GEORGE PIPERN0, A. Mgr. For. Dept. EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY Le Roy W. Baldwin W. H. English-------M. J. Brown. Sec.. W. B. Baldwin, Tr. 1-22# (120 Broadway) <102 Coleman Du Pont, H. P. Talmadge .E. Miller, A. Sec. E. C.Wilson, A.Tr. Ch. of Bd Francis Henderson'P.H.Hudson, A.Sec. H. F. Whitney, E. A. Lyon, A. Sec. Tr. Officer W. H. Parker, . 2 000,000 27,282,650 13,646,410 H.A.CONNER (37 Wall) 5,505,090 1st N., Chi,; 4th St. N., Phil.; 2d N„ Bos. 86,560 Mech. & Metals N., Guaranty Tr.Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., N. City, and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Westfield Tr. Co., Westfield, N. J.; Bk. of Toron to. Toronto. Branches at 580 Fifth Ave.,* N. F. and 41 Threadneedle St., London, E. C„ England. W. J. ECK. Sec........ ft. A. MILLER. Tr... Senior V. P &.mrv ffe ?. \tm 1-flpna. IIS ‘"™“«,eViaN ,»• Personnel Officer 15.507.040 210678690 86.188,040 145369790 52243420 41380 630 85 469 940 Branches at Madison Ave. and 45th St.*, 222 Broadway; 3 King Wil liam St., E. C„ 4 LONDON, and 23 Rud De La Pats, PARIS, cits ac counts of Ban ks, Fla n kers, Financ ia I In- Correspondent offices: Chicago, tutions and Co rporati ons up on fav orabls terms. Philadelphia, Baltimore, San T rustee ship of every deI lectio ns ma de. Francisco. script! on. ks. «‘°= and tr ans fer R egistr y In terest upon d e posit s. of Cre dit. Le tters of FOREI GN EX CHAN GE Dir. Adv. and Pub. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds—Burglary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1922 R. P. JACKSON Auditor HENRY E. COOPER D.P. SQUIRE LYMAN RH0AIES A. Tr. 12,000,000 HERMAN J. COOK G. V. DREW P. BURNS JR. HEMAN DOWD J. A. WILL, A. Tr. Comptroller G.L.LeBLANC W. FISKE. A. Tr. F. W. BLACK, J. N. BABCOCK ARMSTRONG, A. Tr. Soli Mgr. Foreign Dept. R. R. HUNTER L J.GRAEBER, JR. h. A. RICH, A. Tr. 8ti C.W.HIGLEY, M.K.PARKER MYLES M. BOURKE f. H. SHIPMAN, a. Sec. Co <§’71 Mgr. Foreign Dept. H. M. WALKER H.E. KEELER H. P. HASH, JR., < P. NASH, JR., a. sAecH. 0. NAGEL, Exec. S. ARMSTRONG Mgr. Foreign Dept. CARLET0N BUNCE WM. J. McNICOL, A. Sec. A. Mgr. Beal Estate J. I. BUSH R. E. HANSON, u A. HIBBERD. i Sec. Dept. L. A. EDDY, JR. Asst. Secretaries S' R. LEE A. ’Sec J. E. SMITH, Mgr. A. SET0N POST J. EGGER, I New Business Dept. EDMUND L.JUDSON EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY 1-217 A. W. L0ASBY, correspondents. 5,821,900 Bk. of Italy. San F. and branches in Calif.; Banca D’America e d'ltalia, Naples, Genoa, and other parts of Italy. Barclays Bk„ London, and other Leading Banks and Bankers in Commercial centers of the World. 2,017,070 10,989,600 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City. Chi.; Girard N., Phil.: Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los. A. London Sec. A. W.KRECH Principal 4,076,000 48 035000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Ill, Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San. F. The Stock Transfer Guide and Service of this com pany is the official reporting organ of the N. Y. Stock Transfer Ass’n. Its War and Income Tax Service and Federal Reserve Act Services are used by bankers everywhere. i:MW!.. New York Clearing House Assn. Mem. shown by* Affiliated Banks+ 416,280 $ 2,602,400 Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; 2d N., Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil. H.S.PERRIGO,A.Sec. W.P.POWELL, A.Sec. " ' J. L. SCHLICHT1NG, A. Sec. ♦EAST RIVER NATIONAL BANK A. H. GIANNINI <’52 1-59 (680 Broadway) roadway) k Cash Ex changes,Dub from Banks N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City — Continued ____________ July, ♦CORN EXCHANGE BK.-T<§’53 Walter E. Frew.__ Fred’k T. Martin.. E. S. Malmar-------- Wm. E. Williams. J. S. Wheelan ♦ 1-46 W. A. Nash, D. B. Sherer F. K. Lister (13 William) Ch. of Bd. H. A. Patten J. W. Ross (50 Branches) R. D. Brown R. F. Crowell Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. , „ ^ (Borough ot Manhattan)—Con d. 1100 1100 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. 2) Liabilities. Resources. Letters Total Acopts, Paid-up Surplus Cr. & other and Deposits ofLiabilities Capital Profits Miscel Cash k Exlaneous ciiangbs,Dus Discounts Securities Resources trom Banks Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. A. V. ‘FARMERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY 1-171 ♦ (18-18-20-22 William) Cashier. Vice-President. U W. A. IIF Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City —- A. V. HEELY, S«c------- J. B. LITTLE, A. Sec. H. 0.$AM MIS, A. Sec. W. A. WILS_0ll,A. Sec. fALLEY.’-A.’Sec. S. S. T. A. Sec. RS, A. Sec., E. i. r GODWIN, A.Sec. D. J. PALMER, Mgr. Foreign Dept.% 5,000,800 T. A. FINN, Mgr. Credit Dept. — !Sh’an,assw. f:f al Reserves of State Banks. Receives deposits subject to check and allows interest on daily balances. Acts as Trustee under Mortgages made by Railroad and other Corporations, and as Transfer Agent and Registrar of Stock and Bonds, Foreign Exchange, Cable Transfers. Letters of Credit payable throughout the world. S Loans I and 1 Bonds AND $ $ 14.624,650 137095490 2,900,150 70,448,010 60,987.000 $ $ 4,175 510 24,003.760 ACT A S EXE OUTO R, AD MINIS TR AT OR, N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n. Mem bers shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal correspondents. Branches at 475 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City; 15 Cockspur St.,S. W. and 26 Old Broad St., E. C., London; 41 Blvd. Haussmann and 12 Rue des Mathurins, Paris. TRUS TEE, G UARD IAN A ND RE CEIVE R. ♦Federal Reserve Bk., Dist. 2« (See page 22 for co mplete informatio n) 1-120 (Equitable Bldg.) tJBkz-jmi ♦ rS. S. Conover.— E. E. Moberly......... A. W. Mellen, Sec. E. A. Dannenberg, A. H. Mars 8. L. Vide, A.Sec, A. Sec. A. W. Mellen A. L. McKenna, E.T. Mattox A. Sec, C. E. Blackford, Jr. F. M. Totton, A. Sec H. A. Miskimin J. J. Kearns, Jr., 1-108 (Chambers and \V. Broadway) A.Sec, ♦Fifth Avenue Bank„..»t§’75 Theo. Hetzler........ B. H. Fancher___ 1,500,000 1,807,990 20,449,810 C. R. Butler. 2,174,090 14,622,690 6.527,330 183,900 4,597,970 Branches: 17 Battery Place and 110 Willi am Street. A. Sec. Ernest Miller, A. S c. J. J. Daly, A. Sec. K. D. Hull, A.Sec. Ernest Foley ______ F. P. DeWitt........... George Acheson, Chas. H. Dahmer Mgr. Foreign Dept, G. A. Way R. A. Meixell 500,000 2,273,370 23,984,930 653,140 14,870,680 5,412,660 640,690 6,487,390 1st N., Chi.; Phil. N.. Phil.; N. Shawmat, Bos.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. ♦FIFTH NATIONAL BANK~*r«4 E. E. Watts_______ Max Englander... L. P. Hosmer........... G. J. 8. Taylor ___ W. S. Beckley C. D. Ritch 1-82 (Lexington and 23d St.) Chas. Kaye, Ch. of Bd, F. L. Rossmann Wm. L. Helm 1,200,000 945,430 15,361,760 1,810,350 14,655,540 941,910 114,710 3,595,390 1st N.. Phil. W. G. Gaston A. S. Frissell, Ch. of Bd. George Acheson ♦ 1-71 (U0 Fifth Are.) Wm. C. Murphy S. E. A. Stern First Joint Stock Land Bank M. J. Murphy......... C. B. Law----------(61 Broadway) ♦First National Bank —T*J'63 J. E, Reynolds......... F. D. Bartow......... E. B. Sweezy G. F. Baker, 1-66 Ch. of Bd. G. F. Baker, Jr., V. Ch. of Bd. Francis L. Hine, Ch. of Exec. Com. (2 Wall) Frank Sakser State Bunk.«§’20 Frank Sakser__ _ 1-692 (82 Courtland) Alois Ausenik John Bunkee H. J. Lowndes, Tr.. G. H. Howard, Tr.. 150.000 (Territory New York and Penn sylvan ia) , S. A. Welldon_____ F. G. Walton_____ 10 000,000 43,928,800 320 870800 26,328,890 60,488,030 192 493 910 D. T. Waters S. L. Searles W. F. Kearns S. Hagerman Alois Skulj_______ Frank Lupsha, Sec. 100,000 64,500 218,400 22,440 Falton Trust Co. of N. Y.«t§‘00 H. C. Swords.......... H. H. Cammann... A. J.Morris, Sec... P. W. Shepard, 1-205 ♦ (149 Broadway) C. M. Van Kleeck A. Sec. 500,000 700,860 9,582,920 115,660 ♦BARFIELD NATIONAL BANK R. W. Poor............. H. F. Poor________ A. W. Snow_______ R. T. Thorn______ A. W.Snow 1-81 T» 81 W. C. Husk 1,000,000 1,579,760 16,322,410 (Columbus and Broadway) 5,190 6,469,740 2,718,220 90,560 833,570 12,980,780 2,323,010 250,980 . 4,180,970 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shaw- 2,684,640 10,950,340 5,498,650 411,290 2,033,840 20,227,910 18,875,000 ................... F. D.Ives T. C. Meeks (Offices at 280 West Broadway•. 874 B roadway, 1531 Bro adway •, 402 Huds on, 97 Wa rren, 596 Sixth, and 220 'tth Av e.) 3,010 George G.Milne.Jr. H. H. RIZALLI0N .... C. H. BANNING, Asst. V. P. ♦Greenwich Bank______ .•tl’80 H. Ward Ford ... 1-17 (135 William) ESTABLISHED 1810 clareance'sfrweHer EDWARD WELLS, mut. Bos.; Girard N., Phil, G. W. MacDonald ....... _ FRY...... F. A. HUBEL........... IE0. D. HAUSER, E. M. KOELBEL 1,500,000 1,375,600 15,221,110 Ass’t V. P. 3,921,070 Cont, & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: 1st N.. Phil. Ass’t V.P. Frank Hammond _ A. E. Peterson.__ Herbert Renville., j 1,000,000 C. E. Whyard THE MECHANICS & METALS N1TI0NAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 146,380 N.Y.Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Cos.,N.Y.; Banca Adriatica, Trieste, Italy; Jadranska Banka, Ljubljana, Jugo Slavia; Adriatische, Vienna, Aus tria. 1,620,910 Bk. of N. Y., N. B. A. and N. Bk. Com., N. T. 253,860 (Fifth Ave. and 23d St.) GOTHAM NATIONAL BANK 1-244 T»flO 2,208,000 145 938 550 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; 1st N., Cin., St. L., and St. P.; 1st & Old Dfit. N., Det.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 5,028,730 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. BANKS AND BANKERS REQUIRING EFFICIENT SERVICE ARE INVITED TO USE THE FACILITIES OF THIS BANK July, 1922____________ NEW YORK BANKS — New York City—Continued _________________ 1101 1 1m 11U1 Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits •If Cashier. Ijv Vice-President o> President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) Lawyers^ Laws _(indexed) in back of this volume. (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d frfft Name of Bank. »Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. NEW YORK CITY Loans and Resources. Miscel Bonds and Discounts Securities laneous Resources Cash & EX CHANGES,DUE from Banks $ $ $ S $25 000 000 $17400 090 546 443 390 $41507870 339041130 108644760 $32707 580 149 597 880 Chairman of Board: .President: CHARLES H. SABIN WILLIAM C. POTTER Vice- Presidents: Guaranty Trust Company of New York ♦ 1-107 CHARLES M. BILLINGS WILLIS H. BOOTH ALBERT BRETON GEORGEL.BURR MERRELP. CALLAWAY W. PALEN CONWAY OSCAR COOPER RALPH DAWSON WILLIAM C. LANE JOHN J. LEWIS JAMES L. O’NEILL CHALLEN R. PARKER ALEXANDER PHILLIPS EDWIN A. POTTER, JR. JAMES M.PRATT N. DEVEREUX PUTNAM F. R. ACHESON SHORTIS FRANCIS H. SISSON HAROLD STANLEY EUGENE W. STETSON F. J. H. SUTTON JOSEPH R. SWAN Comptroller: STUART H. PATTERSON Treasurer: Secretary: N.DEVEREUXPUTNAM MATTHEW T. MURRAY, JR #t§'64 (140 Broadway) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directors: CHARLES H. ALLEN A. C. BEDFORD EDWARD J. BERWIND T. DEWITT CUYLER CALEB C. DULA MARSHALL FIELD ROBERT W. GOELET EUGENE G. GRACE DANIEL GUGGENHEIM W.AVERELLHARRIMAN ALBERT H. HARRIS FREDERICA. JUILLIARD CORNELIUS F. KELLEY THOMASW. LAMONT WILLIAM C. LANE EDGAR L. MARSTON GRAYSON M.-P. MURPHY CHARLES A. PEABODY WILLIAM C. POTTER JOHN S. RUNNELLS THOMAS F. RYAN CHARLES H. SABIN JOHN A. SPOOR EDWARD R. STETTINIUS MYRON C. TAYLOR GEORGE WHITNEY HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY THOMAS E. WILSON N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n. Mem bers shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ Principal Correspondents. Leading banking institutions in the principal cities of the United States and in important centers throughout the world. THE GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK: Transacts a general commercial banking business. Collects notes, clean and documentary drafts, coupons, called and matured bonds, and simi lar instruments. Specializes in bill-of-lading drafts. Effects transfers of funds for customers by private wire, and executes telegraphic orders from out-of-town depositors to make pay ments in New York. Has complete facilities for handling the busi ness of correspondent banks. Undertakes ail kinds of foreign banking transac tions. Accepts drafts for financing shipments to and from the United States. Deals in ac ceptances. Buys and sells foreign bank notes, coin, and bullion. Issues letters of credit and travelers checks. Maintains offices in Europe and has correspondents throughout the world, thus affording com plete banking facilities for international trade. Acts as transfer, fiscal, and disbursing agent, trustee, depositary, registrar, and in all fiduciary capacities for corporations and governments. Acts in all fiduciary capacities for individuals. Affords, as a member of the Federal Reserve System, the benefit of its credit facilities and rediscount and collection privileges. OFFICES: New York City: Main Office, 140 Broadway. Fifth Avenue Office, Fifth Avenue and 44th St. Madison Avenue Office, Madison Avenue and 60th St. London: 32 Lombard Street, E. C. 50 Pall Mall, S. W. Alexandra House, Kingsway. Liverpool: 27 Cotton Exchange Buildings. Paris : 1 and 3 Sue des Italiens. Havre: 122 Boulevard de Strasbourg. Brussels: 156 Bue Boyale. Antwerp: 36 Rue des Tanneurs. Constantinople: 21 Rue Kurekdjiier, Galata. 1102_________________________ N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City__________________ July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 110? t0 eactl tmnk in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. no Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of 'HANOVER NATIONAL BANK President. WM. WOODWARD- (Nassau and Pine) Vice-President. J. S. LOVERING WM. H. SUYOAM *"■ "■ SU,-"A“' Mgr. For. Dept Ass’t Cashier. NIEMANN — . . . . . . . ONALD ER AS LL if ROBERT NEILLEY. A. Mar. FREDERICA. BUCK, A. Mgr. T»t'51 'IMPORTERS & TRADERS NAT. BK. H. H. POWELL- - - - - - - E. P. TOWNSEND EDWARD TOWNSEND, H. B. Fonda_____ Morton Waddell. W. B. Sheppard Tr. Officer. F. S. Bowen C. F. Koth. Mgr. For. Dept. , 1-A7 (Woolworth Bldg.) (233 Broadway) SEE ADVERT ISE ME NT 1.000,000 1,996,810 33,005,180 146,620 74,640 R. A. Pardy, Sec__ R. M. Baldwin. W. G. Schaerer, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 500,000 741,630 6,728,830 Ch. of Bd. wauniUE L-----------, N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n. mem bers shown by*affiliatedbanks by + Principal Correspondents, $ $ 5,100,000 $20169630 161 277 860 $ 2.517,211 $80064830 $33134370 $ 4.898,840 $70886670 Cont. * Coni'l N„ Corn Ex. N., 100,000 C. F. REGAN Resources. Miscel Surplus Letters Loans BONDS Cash & Ex Total Acopta, laneous of Cr. A other AND and AND changes,Do* Deposits Liabilities Profits Discounts Secubitixs Resources from Banks Alexander Silun .. F. A. Pater. OP POSITE N. Y. Cl TY INI) EX. 4,166,210 28,520,750 4,427,190 50,000 178,720 57,450 640 4,466,120 2,303,850 39,640 2.637.970 32.314,820 2,476,100 1.138,670 301,600 and Northern Tr. Co., Chl.t If* Shawmnt, Merch. N., and 1st N., Bos.| Cent. N., Corn Ex. N., Franklin If., and PhU. N., Phil.; Mercb.-Lac. N.. St. L. 8,160,260 Chase N., and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Ill. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Market St. N., Phil.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; 1st N., Bos.; Whitney Cent. N., N. O.; Walker Bros. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 93,690 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y. 1,552,440 Important connections in the com mercial centers of the world. S.’f.'Mr/cHEir' I- j ly DOWN IN This Bank does distinctively a domestic C. commercial business. 1.500.000 8.500,000 30,095,420 6.803,790 1st N.. Bos.; Penn. N., Phil.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. F^PUCKHAl «t’55 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies In vited. Industrial Bank......... .......•t§‘19 Staughton B. Lynd R. A. Stephenson . Junius B. Close.... D. V. Austin_____ ♦ 1-311 R. H. Gatling (323 Fourth Ave.) INTERNATIONAL BKG. CORP (See American Fina ncial Corporations) 1-263............ •t§’02 ‘IRVING NATIONAL BANK Paid-up Capital *"'■ ““ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ble all parts of the world. DESIRING TO DRAW THEIR 0 WH DRAF TS OR FO REIGN PO INTS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Harriman National Bank W. Harriman... 0. H. Harriman.. 1-235 T*fll B. L. Kennelly. V.P W. A. Burke (527 Fifth Are.) John A. Noble,V.P T. B. Clarke. Jr. Fred’k Phillips, C. F. Koth V. P. G. T. Wilson M. S. Billmire Henry J. Schnitzer State Bank Jules Charmatz___ 1-295 •t§’95 (141 Washington) HUDSON TRUST GO....... •H’M F. V. Baldwin..... R. A. Pardy 1-236 (39th and Broadway) A. S. Hurst (247 Broadway) Cashier. E. H. FERRY_ _ _ _ _ W.E. CABLE. JR.- PUMra _H._ _P,_ TURNBULf _ _ (BULL of the CITY OF NEW YORK 1-33 (Borough of Manhattan)—Corn’d Liabilities, Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. 1-53 NEW YORK CITY HARRY E. WARD.— G.W. BERRY_ _ _ ' " BOUKER LEWIS E. PIERSON, . . . . . . . . LARKSON Ch. of Bd, WM. N. JONRAD ^NSTROM R- J. FAUST. JR. KELLEY GRAHAM GILBERT IOLLINP. )LLIN P. GRANT GF ER Vice Chairmen of Bd, D. T. JOHNSON C. V. ALLNUTT G. N. JACOBS, Foreign Manager, ms... n.vnr ./ILLI... . . . . . . . . . WM. R. WILSON T-t’61 P. K. YOST BW" H. A. MATHEWS WILLIS G. NASH , E. VAtfljOREN Asst. V. Presidents. ENJ. F. WERNER 1.00U.000 609,850 6,428.450 740,050 5,182.000 1.831,050 1.765,300 Chem. N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. rHHfcr MlLi/»AFEICKU tpHP 12,500,000 11.224,340 232 723 200 20.167,150 166890440 27.470,860 14.051,840 68,201,550 Important connections In Asst. For. Mgrs. July, 1922____________ NEW YORK BANKS — New York City—Continued 1 1 NEW YORK OFFICES: Market & Fulton Office, 81-83 Fulton St., A. Gilbert, WM.H.PANGBURN V. Ch., W. M. Rosendale, V. P., A. D. Berry, Asst. Cash., W. H. Mllllken, ROBERT L. SMITH Asst. Cash.; Shermai, Office, 5th Ave. & 32nd St., G. F. Gentes, V. P., JOHN H. NEEDHAM, JOHN STEWART C. W. Hodson, Asst. Cash.; Eighth St. Office, Broadway & 8th St., John London, L. J. WEHBRING WHllams, V. P., L. L. Hopkins, Asst. V. P., John Egolf, A. Cash.; Aetna JEAN VELAY, Paris, Office, 92 W. Broadway, Wm. Gamble, V. P., A. P. Smith, Asst. V. P., A. E. LINDHJEM, N. F. Falrweather, A. Cash.; Lincoln Office, E. 42d. St., C. E. Warren, V.P., Copenhagen, G. A. BRYSON, D. C. Grant, A. V. P., J. S. Sammls, A. V. P., H. E. Stubing, Asst. Cash., Auditor, E. L. Bishop, Asst. Cash. JOS. W. ROWE, Mexico City, M. H. CAHILL, Tr. Officer, BROOKLYN OFFICES: 350 Fulton St., H. M. Wells, V. P., R. R. Wardell, W. FOWLER, Asst. Cash., S. Redfern, Asst. Cash.; New Utrecht Office, New Utrecht San Juan, H. W. WILLIS Ave. & 53rd St., E. E. McMahon, Jr., Mgr.; Flatbush Office, Linden and Foreign Reps. F. L. BABCOCK, A. Tr. Officers. Flatbush Aves., A. C. Snyder, Y. P., F. Schenck, Asst. Cash. Commercial world. centers of the the 1103 ESTABLISHED 1810 l~HE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WE ARE READY TO EXTEND THE MOST CAPABLE SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS IN EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY x 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given r»4 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trnst Powers. Vice-President. ITALIAN DISCOUNT EMANUEL GERLI & TRUST CO. Large (Harlem Office: 2242 First Ave.) 4-303 T»t§’18 (399 Broadway) (IN Broadway) (Federal Reserve City No. 3) Cashier. ^ WnMTlTgl.RARD0N H’ J’ J. n. r□ 11 EH CONNOLLY, Sec. PIETRO R0CCA, Ass’t Cashier. F. M. R0HN, Tr. s. C. LEON 1, A. Sec. JOSEPH 0RSI, A. Sec. Ass’f V.-Pres. Lincoln Trust Co.. 4,000,000 144,440 6,163,930 17,344,040 734,300 Brookly n Brane h: 44 Cou J.P.Stai r, A.V.P. G.F.Par rmelee.A V.P. Wilbur 250,000 (Changed name to L incoln National Ba nk and later merged with Mechanics & $ Ex- Hcnds AND Discounts Securities Resources Cash k CHANGES, DUX FROM BaNKB S 1,713,410 $ 1,005,420 % 4,033,670 Corre spond ents a II over the W orld. Bank ers privileg e of dr awing direct on 178 cities in Ital y- z Lebanon National Bank....’22 J. A. Mandour____ E. J. Dowling........ H. F. Deyerberg__ 1-330 (69 Washington) 563,360 $ 5,312,6 Miscel laneous Loans AND * AffiliatedBanks by + Principal Correspondents. (uaiam/ jl ■• vu« ui iv • ■ m uvu- don, and Paris; Banca DTtalla, Borne, Italy. Afford s Ban ks and Dealers in Foreign Exchange. T. Stallkuecht____ Walter N. Vail, H. C. Mercereau, L. H. Losee Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. Archibald Forbes W. H. Grief. J. A. Stoehr, A.Sec. R. I. Smyth Auditor M. E. Munroe, W. F. Baeck A. Tr. W. K. Swartz Resources. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits $ 1,000.000 § Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Borough of Manhattan;—Coat’d Central F 0 . 8,757,530 $ 3.543.910 12,642,580 3,298,250 table Tr. Co., Cent. Union Tr. Co., and Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Mech.. Corn Ex„ Empire Tr. Co., and Brooklyn Tr. Co., Brooklyn; Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica; Co. Tr. C., White Plains, N. Y. rtSt. W. Withe rstine Mgr. Jam aica Office N. Park, N. Y. 62,500 Metals N ational B ank) ' ' | ------------------------------ MANUFACTURERS TRUST COMPANY NATHAN S. JONAS— S. B. KRAUS.......... T. R. HAMILTON, F. H. VAN WAGNER CHARLES FR0EB Sec- H. A. KULTZ0W, JULIUS LIEBMAN y n tvi CD A. T. MINER, 0. J. LEARY 2' 5J,YcLER> J’ J- HAYES' J. H. CONROY I'u^ ururBiini i «. A. B0HLEN, SIM l:Wtk 26.686 770 17.373.760 2 009 390 8,653 960 o Hr r«a22OLZ’JR- A’ H’ WALKLEY, JR. r. J. KEENAN, Ass’t Secretaries IAUSER J. c. JEFFERIES, MARTIN MOSES, , HE A ea’f Secretaries fserretnrava \J ✓»*. Vor.'Dept. Ass’t Mgr. E. G- RAEDER W. McMEEKAN, W.L. SCHNEI0ER 1-367 (139 Broadway T»§’05j Tr. Officer HENRY BILLMAN and A. S. KLEEMAN 481 Eighth Ave., Cor. 34th St.) Accounts of Individuals, Firms, Corporations and Estates Invited. Interest Paid on Daily Balances. Foreign Department Equipped to Handle every Kind of Commercial Transaction. Queens Office: 150,000 712,070 774 Broadway, 84 Broadway, !27 Havemeyer St., 710 Grand St., .33 Grand St. 1696 Myrtle Ave., Cor. Cypress Ave., Ridgewood. 300,990 15,260 36,960 ' l 905,970 3,030 232,370 M. Berardini, Bkr., Phil., Pitt., Bos. and Naples, Italy. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK-^Fidelitv & Surety Bonds—Burglary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1922 M. Berardini State Bank ..S'86 Michael Berardini. Philip Berardini... Philip Berardini... M. Berardini, Jr... 1-283 V. E. Tozzi Michael Berardini, L. Mastrolonardo (34 Mulberry) Jr., Sec. Brooklyn Offices: NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ju ly , ( Louis V. Bright 1 E. W. Coggeshall, Ch. of Bd. HMVYEtS TITLE ft TRUST E. Jackson, COMPART—1-11*_W»I7 H.V.P. and G. Mgr. NEW YORK CITY 1104 1 NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. 2) j Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. N. Y. Clearing House Ass’n. Mem Miscel Bonds Cash & Ex bers shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City Liabilities. Surplus AND Profits changes,Due from Banks $ $ $ £10000 000 $17326500 227470300 $ 5.456.410 132920150 $25873 300 $ 3.645,270 97,814,510 OFFICERS: Principal Correspondents. Leading banking institutions in every part of the world. GATES W. McGARRAH, Chairman of the Board THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK JOHN MCHUGH, President FRANK 0. ROE, ERNEST W. DAVENPORT, Vice President HARRY H. POND, The Mechanics & OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK** SAMUEL S. CAMPBELL, HEAD OFFICE: Established 1810 20 Nassau Street New York City Asst. Cashier ARTHUR W. McKAY, Vice President WILLIAM E. LAKE, Asst. Cashier CLIFTON STANTON, Vice President OSCAR E. DOOLY, ROBERT J. RIESLING, Vice President Asst. Cashier FREDERICK P. DAVIS, Vice-President JOSEPH S. HOUSE, Asst. Cashier ALEXANDER F. BRYAN, Cashier Auditor Trust Department Foreign Department RAYMOND H. SEE, CARL SCHULZ Manager M. G. B. WHELPLEY, Manager 1-4 DIRECTORS: GATES W. McGARRAH JOHN MCHUGH T. FRANK MANVILLE P. F. MURPHY THEODORE i RATT ROBERT C. PRUYN SAMUEL F. PRYOR FERDINAND W. ROEBLING, Jr. HENRY H- ROGERS JOHN D. RYAN AMBROSE G. TODD A. P. VILLA BRANCHES throughout Manhattan: 25 Broadway 204 Fifth Ave. BOND DEPARTMENT: This department is at the disposal of those requiring assistance in the pur chase and sale of government, municipal, railroad, public utility or industrial securities, at current market prices. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT: Foreign banking trans actions are handled expeditiously. Letters of credit are issued payable everywhere. TRUST DEPARTMENT: Through this department we can act in all fiduciary capacities. In addition, we are prepared to act as Custodian of Securities, a service which includes not only safe keeping but the collection of principal and interest at maturity, preparation of ownership certificates and other details incident to a careful and systematic hand ling of securities. Columbus Ave. and 93d St. Broadway and 72nd St. Madison Ave. and 60th St. Seventh Ave. and 58th St. Broadway and Leonard St. Third Ave. and 116th St. First Ave. and 103d St. Broadway and 86th St. Amsterdam Ave. and 125th St, Second Ave. and 14th St. _______ 1105 JULIUS H. BARNES JOHN E. BERWIND WILLIAM H. CHILDS WILLIAM E. COREY FRANK J. EGAN WILLIAM E. S. GRISWOLD HENRY 0. HAVEMEYER WALTER C. HUBBARD WILLIAM A. JAMISON L. F. LOREE V. EVERIT MACY Our facilities for handing the business of correspon dent banks include: Manager Bond Department (20 Nassau) We offer a complete financial service to meet the needs of our clients. Asst. Cashier Established 1810 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ARTHUR M. AIKEN, Vice President ALEXANDER S. WEBB, Metals National Bank Asst. Cashier ________________ N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City ____________ Loans Letters Total AccptB, laneous Or. & other and and Deposits of Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 t0 eactl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*■ aw J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. I 1 Name op Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tl'rlv. President. Vice-President. Cashier. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Lstab, ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Mercantile. Trust Co. (Converted into Mer cantile National Ba nk and merged with Seaboard National Bank and operated as a bran ch) 1106______________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given VHPlf r'T'T'V (-a \ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In 1 1 Ofi to each bank m u- s- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ IN W I UJKIV LII I (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Directory, under tjhe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. *’-■—1 ——n»„ o—*•—' n----------Federal " Reserve City No. »2 Name or Bank. Liabilities. Resources. N. Y. Clearing House Assn. Mem •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Miscel President. Letters Loans Vice-President. Bonds Cashier. Cash St Ex Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus bers shown by* Affiliated banks by+ {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Total Aofccpts, Cr. <fr ether laneous and and and changes,Due Capital D eposits ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Liabilities R esources S ecurities D iscounts from B anks Profits Principal correspondents. (Merged with Chase National Bank. Nov ember 22, ’21) Tr. Officer Harry Roberts, Auditor % G. N. Hartmann, ---------------- Sec. F. E. Fried, W. E. McHarg, E. W, Berry, Bertram Cruger, Tr. J 2,000,000 % 3,711,470 33,401,080 * $ 519,060 21,384,480 $ 9,227,540 J 154,330 R.W.K. Anderson, Clarence Klinck, Henry F. Corwin, Ass't Secretaries E. C. De Varennes, Arthur L. Barnes, Ass’t Treasurers -(-Mutual Bank------------- <§’90 Charles A. Sackett. Hugh N. Kirkland Hugh N. Kirkland. Eugene Galvin___ 1-206 ♦ (49-51 W. 33d) Richard Delafield, 200,000 880,510 13,408,310 69,460 10,139.170 1,024,360 482,000 516,410 65,630 2,403,890 823.900 241.440 * 8,865,270 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Girard N, and Com’l Tr. Co.. Phil.; Alb. Tr, Co.. Alb. 2,912,750 N. Park, N. Y. Ch.ofBd. National American Bank T<’20 J. M. Gerard____ H. 1. Stevens____ H. 1-314 (S \V. 40th St.) I. Stevens____ F. W. Gollum____ 1,000,000 2,867,840 980,570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Market St. N„ Phil. J. S. ALEXANDER- J. A. BRoSIrICK 'NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE T« IN NEW YORK 1-23 (31 Nassau) H. C.STEVENS It. E. Ware______ bWhersj,. 1-la (683 Broadway) M. M. Valentine.— L. L. Rothstein... W. J. Duane Ml MMMI■■ I Robert Sherwood 500,000 242,000 4,600,000 4.625,000 315,000 400,000 da, Montreal. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds—Burslary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, 1922 ME HRUHM ,Jp„ Mr R. H. PASSMORE.. 1. W. ALD0M....... P. B. HOLMES, E. C. GERSTEN Auditor G. L. GHEGAN H. S. R0NALDS0N, W. S. GRAVES Mgr. Bond Dept. J. J. KEENAN J. E. R0VENSKY F. R. RUSSELL W.T. SHEEHAN, W.E. L0VBLAD S. E. WARD Mgr. Foreign Dept. DON L. MOORE R. H. WILLIAMS R. R. McELVARE, LEADING BANKS AND BANKERS IN Second Vice-Pres’ts Mgr. Service Dept. JULIUS PAUL 25,000.000 36.405,470 449585 900 54,710,080 304 012 520 63.599.870 6.141,750 161947310 ALL IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL CENTERS THROUGHOUT THE H. W. SCHRADER WORLD. EDWARD VANDERPOEL J. T. WALKER, JR. N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City—Continued ‘Metropolitan Trust Company Samuel McRoberts Chas. W. Weston.. 1-117 ♦ (120 Broadway) «tS'81 (1 Branch) Wm. H. Max (716 Fifth Ave.») well, Jr. J. F. McNamara J. T. Monahan J. C. Klinck, (Federal Reserve City No. 2) President. Vice-President. Cashier. Surplus Ass’t Cashier. Capital Profits C. LENFFSTEY — G. C. MAY-----J. A. MITCHELL C. T. AYLES E. F. REGAN E. F. BARRETT H. C. SHEFERD H. G. BECHTEL R. E. SHOTWELL J. B. BIRMINGHAM W. J.SIEMON E. C. BOGERT W. G. SPEER C. D. BOWSER C. P. STORMS C. H. CLARK W. F. SWITZLER $ HARRY ENGEL F. A. TURCOTTE $40000000 $49796470 667038500 P. J. FLEMING WILBERT WARD 0. A. FORWARD E. H. WEBB The Fore lgn Depa rtment o H. 0. HALL PERCY WEST sells D rafts an d Cable A. L. HOFFMAN JAMES ADDISON, issues Commer cial Cred E. P. HOFFMAN Comptroller availa ble In all parts of J. H. HOVERMAN T. R. GEOGHEGAN, Makes Collectlo ns and d E. F. HOWE A. S. FRASER, GEORGE KERN A. Comptrollers SEE ABV ERTISEM F. S. K00NS OSCAR P. AUSTIN, >*1812 martiSe W. W. HOFFMAN. 6. K0UWENH0VEN, Statistician Tr. Officer Ass’t Cashiers JAMES MATTHEWS FRANK C. MORTIMER S. P. ALLEN J. T. CREIGHTON IVILLfAMEpRASBST JAMES McLEAN K. A. PATTERSON, CHAS. E. MITCHELL - WM. 6. BRADY. JR.~ ARTHURL. BURNS J.H. CARTER JOHN H. FULTON J. T. COSBY W. A. SIMONSON, Senior Vice Pres’s B.A. OUIS , J.H.DURRELL LOUISA. FAHS L. J. ADRIAN ‘ ‘ -RAMP S. E. ALBECK E. A. BAKER PAUL GRQSJEAN H. 0. R. BURGESS ARTHUR KAVANAGH L. J. BURNES W. S. McLUCAS FARRIS CAMPBELL E. H. PEASLEE CHARLES W. CASE T. A. REYNOLDS JOHN L CROSS ROBERT FtfilGAN F. C.' SCHWEOTMAN b JAMES A. JACKSON sgeho.Wheeeekss JACOBWOHNSIEDLER WM. W. WOODS 1-8 N. Y. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Resources. Accpts, Letters Total Deposits Liabilities National City Bank of New York tar (55 Wall) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates,. Holidays, etc., see Laws (Borough of Manhattan)—Corn’ Central Reserve City Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JAlem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. *THE NEW YORK CITY Loans AND BONDS AND Discounts Securities MiscelLANEOUS Cash & Ex changes, Dub from Banks Principal Correspondents. $ $ $ $ 92,516.320 524316 920 109161870 $14071520 201800980 Branches or correspondent in all parts of the world. f THE N Transfer its and T the worl oes a ge ATIONA L CITY BANK b uys and Branches in New York City: s. 42d St. Branch, Madison at 42d ravelers’ Letters of Credit , St. d. Sth Ave. Branch, Sth Ave. at neral Fo reign Ba nklng B uslness. 28 th St. EHT ON NEW Y0 RK Bowery Bond St. CITY INDEX. Branch, Bowery at j. c. Ja?epMdke Asst. Tr. Officers. L. E. OLWELL, w. L. SCHNARING Ass’Y to Pres. W. F.VOORHIES. Ass’t Vice Pres's JOHN H. FULTON G. G. THORNE- - - - - - - F. 0. F0XCR0FT RICHARD DELAFIELD W. 0. JONES Ch. of Bd. H- EWER G. H. KRETZ E. V. CONNOLLY R. L. CERER0 H. L. SCHEUERMANN T«**56 J. D. RISING 'NATIONAL PARK BANK 1-64 (214 Broadway) Ass’t Vice Pres’s W. A. MAIN C. H. BEATY — W. E. DOUGLAS H. L. SPARKS B. P. ROBBINS J. B. HEINRICHS L. H. 0HLR0GGE W. C. MACAV0Y W. S. JELLIFFE J. E. SILLIMAN S. F. KETCHAM KENLYSAVILLE New Netherland Bank..*t§'02 W. P. H.Koelsch-. J. P. Munn______ Curtis J. Beard___ Leon A. Norcross. U, M. Pleischmann Henry H. Martin G. W. Gale, ♦ 1-224 Asst, to Pres. (41 W. 34th) 10.000.000 23,154.160 146272590 9,863,330 115423640 36.141.570 4.315.170 33,409.700 s We in with Expo 600.000 EE ARVE RTISEME NT OR IR vite c orres ponde Manuf actur ers, M rters and 1 mport 8,211,650 746,240 2,889,700 24,745,430 2,278,490 523,800 SIRE FRO NT COVE R. nee an d con f eren ce ercha nts, ers. 1,207,100 743,710 9,623,280 16,293,390 2,136,040 6,264,000 1,866,880 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y. New York County National Bk, (Volppitary Liquidat ion November 21, '21 . Business acquire d by Chatham & Phe nix Natio nal Bank) \ A. J. Purdy, A. Sec, 1,000.000 N. Y. Life Ins. & Trust Co.*5’30 E. G. Merrill______ Z. W. van Zelm ... John C. Vedder, Sec. W. B. Austin, A. S 1-173 (52 Wall) Henry Parish, V.P. J. L. van Zelm Ernest H. Cook Charles Eldredge, A. Sec. ESTABLISHED 1810 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,860,910 THE SERVICE OF OUR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IS OFFERED TO BANKS AND BANKERS July, 1922___________ NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued______________ 1107 1107 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. 2) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City Nou-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. N. Y. Clearing House Assn. Members Miscel Bonds Surplus Loans Gash & Ex- Shown by * Affiliated Bks- by + Total Accpts,Letters laneous of Cr. & other CHAKQX8,DUB and AND and Deposits Principal Correspondents. Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources trom Banks Profits 1108 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 1 HR t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively- by The Rand-McNally Bankers* .I-Luo Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ______ OTTO T. BANNARD, Ass’t Secretaries The New York Trust Company 1-114 ♦ (100 Broadway) (Branch at 67th Sr.&6th Ave, Asst. Treasurers. Legal Depository for Reserve of State Banks. Interest allowed. Designated Depository of Funds in Bankruptcy and! of Court and Trust Funds. Acts as Registrar and Transfer Agent for the Bonds and Stocks of Corporations. Member Federal Reserve System and New York ^ Clearing House. I $ 10.000.000 16.980.180 162094040 11.928,720 117 286 490 25.123.540 $ $ 2.287.340 55,305 580 Correspondents—In all principal Cities. 1922 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ERNEST STAUFFEN, JR. HARVEY D. GIBSON, HARRAL S. TENNEY WILLI AM J.BIRDSALL, President DANFORTH CARD0Z0, RAYMONDG.FORBES, HARRY KNOX, EDWARD B. LEWIS, ALBERT L. EARLE, Auditor FRED’CK P.McGLYNN, G. C. TRUMBULL, EDWARD J. WHALEN, N E W YORK BANKS— New York City— Continued ____________ July, JAMESG. BLAINE, JR. FREDERICKJ. WALZ, IRVING L. BENNETT, Treasurer LINDSAY BRADFORD, BOYD G. CURTS, JAMES DODD Secretary Mrs. KEY CAMMACK, AUG. C. DOWNING,JR„ CHAS. E. HAYDOCK W. MacNAUGHTEN, FRED’K J. HORNE MORTIMER N. BUCK- J0SEpH $< MAXWELL H. WALTER SHAW, NER, THEODORE C.HOVEY, SIDNEY B. SILLECK, HERBERT W. MORSE Ch, Bd. Trxutees Ass’t V.-President WILLIAM H. TAFT, 2d GEORGE MURNANE BERT CLARK, Ass’t to Pres. RUSSELLV.WORSTELL. _ _ _ _ _ SIDNEY W. NOYES Ch. Adv'y Com. JOSEPH A. BOWER Number under Name of liauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Hand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. S)_____ President. Vice-President. Max Straus. North American Bank___ •§ 20 Arnold Kohn. 1-321 (54 Canal St. and 7 Orchard St.) O. H. Cheney.__ William Skinner .. J. S. Hamilton Offices at 28th St. & Madison Ave., • ‘PACIFIC BANK................ -J§ 50 49th St. & Sevent h Ave., *57tli St. ♦ 1-28 ■ Hudson St. & No. Moore St. • (470 Broadway) Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers, In S. A. Glushanok... Morris Meyer........ L. J. Murphy F. E. Goldmann ... E. R. Lawrence .. H. Van Brunt J. C. Lawrence, A. C. C. M. Becannon &Madison Ave.* M. F. Bauer A. G. Irvine J. W. Konvalinka divlduals. L. K. Hyde poratlons invited. F. K. Teipel B. D. Swain Leon Sanders........... H. F. Donnelly ... D. R. Slonim.......... I. L. Broadwin Leo Bickel Louis Margolis___ G. R. Baxter, Acting Peoples Commercial Bank____ S. W. Barasch......... 1-647 *t§'20 Morris Barasch, (Suffolk and Delancey) V.P. Progress National Bank—‘t'lO A. H. Walsh............ 1-310 (7th Ave. and 28th St.) rAlfred S. Rossiu. J. J. Bach________ C. H. Baldwin____ W. J. Brown, A. U. 1 E. S. Rothchild, Ch. of Bd. Public National Bank....*+'08 1 L. B. Pullman, A.C. 1—238 I (6 Branches) Sam’l Bergson, A. C. (89-01 Delancey) W. G. Ferens, A.C. Ira S Atkins, A. C. 'SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK T*t'83 Ass’t Cashier. E. Southall......... A. S. Bernstein G. J. Klein H. I. Arrow Emanuel Seigel J. S. Gilmartin Paid-up Capital Surplus and Profits 200,000 $ , 1 000,000 Total Deposits Accpts.Letteri of Cr- & ©the Liabilities 1 Loans AND Discounts Bonds Miscel- Principal Correspondents. 100,000 1,745,850 $27 373 830 * 2,453,000 $22107 340 $ 573,160 $2,318,170 $ 7,574,020 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut. Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. 100,000 53,490 1,615,180 6,670 855,250 567,080 29,530 400,000 23,980 1,835,170 327,250 1,679,090 141,610 268,950 3,304,070 21,503,460 54,702,470 921,540 3,000,000 N. Y. Clearing House Assn, mem Cash & Ex- bers shown by * Affiliated banks by + CHANGXBjDUE Securities Resources fror Banks 5,000,490 75,382,530 0. M.JEFFERDSC. A. AUSTIN........ C. D. MAKEPEACE- G. H. MARFIELD S. B. BAYNE, L. N. DEVAUSNEY J. A. BURNS, Tr. C. C. FISHER Officer J. D. SMITH Ch. of Bd. C. H. MARFIELD W. K. CLEVERLEY F.R. PARKIN, a. Tr. B. I. DADSON 4,000,000 6,763,450 93,727,640 Officer w. A. B. DITTO P. J. EBBOTT H. D. CAMPBELL E. V. NELSON, A. Tr. A. A. McKENNA Officer c. J. MURRAY P. S. DURYEE Wwlnvi t* you to trail J.C. TRAPHAGE C. L. CLUNE, A. Tr. j. M. WADE Officer J. J. TEAL H.G.PLACE SEE ADVERT 54,791,460 21.291,250 ur bus! neaa w 323.490 Han. N., N. Y. 496,750 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 9,559,620 Chase. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil. 2,674.190 29.791,960 N. City, Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; 1st N., San F.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. ith thia bank. OPPOSIT E PAGE 1095. Branches at 115 Broadway and 20 E. 45th St. (Voluntary liquidati on December 31, ’21. Absorbed by Nation al City Bank and ru n as Fifth Avenue B ranch) Second National Bank. 1-312 (436 W. 23d) 1-642 (55 Ave. B) 'STATE BANK 1-96 (374-78 Grand) M. I. Pupin_______ B. Rankovich......... D. B. Tripcevich... C. E. Fox______ H, H. Jenkins 100,000 44,270 105,890 2,970 83,430 98,440 8,200 R. M. Lederer......... Arthur Lederer.... Max Lederer_____ A. A. Seldner------Henry I. Marmor Max Lederer 100,000 150,000 2,500,000 50,000 800,000 1,450,000 50,000 63,060 Columbia Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Srpska Banca Zagreb. Jugo-Slavia Serbo-America, Bel grade, Jugo-Slavia. 500,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Bohemian Union, Prague; Equitable Tr. Co., Paris; Dresdner. Berlin; Lon. Joint City& Midland Bk. Ltd., Lon. 1.844,830 54,064,720 23,390,440 3,053.250 9,514,980 Cont. &, Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of H.C. RICHARD- - - - - - W. B. ROTH- - - - - - A. I. VOORHISi V.-P. C. A. SMITH J. KNEISEL, V.-P. H. W. VOGEL J. A. ALLIS •tS’90 J. KNEISEL- - - - - - - C. E. JAMES. . . . . . . . . . E.W. RASP F. A. PAPPI P. L. TUCHMAN C. C. SCHNECKO A. J. VAN PELT P. MULLER, J. V. D. GARRETSON Ass’t Cashiers W. J.GILPIN M. M. TEICHER 2.500.000 4,586,450 81,092,120 mut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L. i the City Paymas ter. United States Depository for Postal Savings Fund. Depository of the State an d City of New Yo Unexcelled facilities for handling your New York City and Brooklyn Items an d Collect ions. T BY US (Branches at 5th Ave. and 115thSt.,» 5th Ave. and 30th St., 100 Essex St., New Tor k City: Graham Ave. and Varet,* a nd Pitkin and Ston e Aues..* Brooklyn: Union and Westchester Aves., • Bronx) 200,000 130,050 1,415,590 8,990 1,085,130 30,630 115,480 523,390 Mech. & Metals N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. (Seventh Ave. and 30th St.) ESTABLISHED 1810 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of Hie City of Now York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORRESPONDENCE WITH RELATION TO YOUR BANKING NEEDS IS CORDIALLY INVITED 1109 TERMINAL EXCHANGE BANK H.H. REVMAN- - - - - - - HARRY HENEMIER, - HARRY HENEMIER-. C. H. GALLAGHER_ _ HENRY BRODER 1-325 §’21 NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued________________ Firms and Cor Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Resources. Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §Stat,e fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-TnjstPowers. 1-85 (59 Broad) (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City July, 1922 ________ 1 1 HQ Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Title Guarantee & Tr. Co. 1-106 (176 Broadway) President. NEW YORK CITY (Federal Reserve City No. 2) Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d Central Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. MiscelLoans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Total AcoptB, Letters and AND and Capital Profits Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Rksources Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks N.Y. Clearing House Assn, members shown by * Affiliated banks by + Principal Correspondents. C. H. KELSEY.............. FRANK BAILEY............ C. C. HARMSTAD—- N. B. SIMON................ $ 7,500.000 $12764230 $40739430 $ 1.140,810 $26905980 $22 906340 $ 3.821.710 $ 8,510.450 Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com. & Treas. Tr. Co., A!b.; Merch. N., Bos.; y. D. DUnUlbK DAVID BLANK „ J. WRAY CLEVELAND Mgr, Banking Dept. Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. F. P. C0NDIT 1122 HORACE ANDERSON. F. l. sniffen Ass’t Secys. Secy. R. P. W00DIN m&av SEE ADVE RTISE MENT OPPO SITE PAGE Brookly n Branc hms: 175 Remsen St., conne cling with 196 Mont ague St. Jamaica Branch: 350 Fulto n Street; Lons 1*1 and City Branch: Bridge PI aza North RANDALL SALISBURY J. W. SHEPARD Mgr. Man. Mtg. L. H. ROCKWELL S. T. KELSEY, Dept. Ass't. Treas. ^ Union Exchange National Bank (Absorbed by Chath am & Phenix Natio nal Bank) Union Liberty State Bank____ (Voluntary Liquida tion. Closed July 1, 1922) • ‘UNITED STATES MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY 1-104 ♦ (55 Cedar) A. JOHN W. FLATTEN— C. H. MURPHEY.......... J. HOPPER, Sec... G. C. HOFFMAN, Tr.. CALVERT BREWER T. W. MIDDLETON, H. W. HADLEY, A. Tr. 3.000,000 4,110.890 64.575.870 3.247.150 29,354.770 A. Sec, F. J. PARSONS juocrn huh mo Aninun n. itCLviL, inuo. r* Btnnuii HENRY L. SERV0SS A. Sec. A. Tr. R. F. BROWN, A. Sec. JOHN C. FOLEY,A.Tr. Depository for Government, State, City, Court Funds; and for funds of individuals, firms and corporati ons. Rec eives dep osits subj interest monthly on daily balances. Acts as trustee under Corporate Mort gages and as transf er agents and regis trar of sto -*§’71 certifies Municipal bond issues. Buys and sells foreign exchange; trans fers funds by cable; issues le tters of cr edit and t B. United States Trust Co..T*t8’53 E. W. Sheldon.......... W. M. Kingsley... W. J. Worcester, 1-184 ♦ (45 Wall) Sec. Williamson Pell F. W. Robhert.A.S. C. A. Edwards. A. Sec. + W. R. GRACE & CO’S. BANK ♦ 1-280 "jus (7 Hanover Square) + Yorkville Bank___ ♦ 1-210 (1511 Third Ave.) R.S.Osborne, A .Sec. W. C. Lee, A. Sec.. T. H. Wilson, A.Sec. W.G. Green, A.Sec. A. S. Keeler,A. Sec, rJ. L. Schaefer__ D. S.Iglehart............ R.F. C. Benkiser. E. L. Holtermann . L. E. Ziegener, M. Bouvier Tr. Officer. F. G. Fischer 2,000,000 15,521,210 52,048,560 500,000 1,195,670 1,148,670 28.518.120 Harris Tr. &. Sav., Chi.; Phil. N. and Franklin N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 1.041,640 16,019.360 73d St. Branch; Broadway at 73d St., G. S. Little, Mgr. Chas. S. Andrews, Jr., A. Tr. ect to ch eck and credits cks and b onds. Pre pares and ravelers checks. 38,076,280 20,227,610 1,543,400 410.871,150 4,668,010 6,495,100 8,895,910 1,888.410 22,640 988,200 20,614,850 304,690 13,437,740 5,557,570 183,600 j This Bank has fac ilities for handling Foreign business, es pecially, (-THROUGHOUT CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERIC A. tfOR August Zinsser.__ H. C. Hart_________ Frederick Rath___ Ernest Wolkwitz F. J. Goldmann C. S. Guggenheimer Nicholas Pfaff 200,000 New York Clearing House Walter E. Frew... Lewis L. Clarke, W. J. Gilpin, Mgr. C. E. Bacon, (77 Cedar) Sec. Chas. A. Hanna, A. Mgr. (.Members indicated by a * Affix iated banks by a +) O. U. Examiner AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Madison Branch: Madison Ave. at 74th St. W. A. Menzel, Mgr. Eugene W. Dutton, A. Tr. Chas. Diehl, Mgr. Geo. A. Jones, A. Tr. 2,051,720 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Lon. Joint City & Midland, Lon.; Credit Lyon nais, Paris. 2,937,950 N. Park. N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil. 1110 __________ N EW YORK BANKS— New York City—Continued___________________ July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 10 eac^ bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -i-i-LU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan) Cont’d dexeT^ces), Lawyers, lAWM^dexe^Mn^ack11!)* tlSs volume. Name of Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Location. President. Vice-President. Secretary. Treasurer. Surplus and Profits Total Deposits Resources. Bonds Cash & ExLoans and Discounts Securities from Banks American Savings Bank *+§'82 115 West 42d_____ Wm. M. Campbell.. 1-167 Bk. for Sav. in City of N.Y. 280 Fourth Ave........ Walter Trimble.... 1-170 <§19 J. F. Fargo............... J. V. Irwin............. $ 641,950 $ 7.576.86C $ 56,840 I 7,743,020 1 337,660 L. D. Bulkley L. E. Pratt. A. Tr. L. B. Gawtry_____ Geo. E. Roosevelt.. 512,160 129 792 850 3,656,630 18,992,910 116442550 C. S Brown Bowery Savings Bank___ <§’3( 128-130 Bowery___ W.E. Knox_____ (1 Branch) 1-175 Wm. Nash_______ W. M. Spackman Principal Correspondents. Adrian Iselin P. G. Delamater... G. W. Wright, 23,209,100 169 732020 103 869 240 73,015,850 10,959,910 E. S. Innet, A. Sec A. Sec. J. G. Liaaie BroadwaySav. Institution^'51 5-7 Park Place..... R. B. Kelly.............. L. F. Ferris............ 1,044,920 12,705,010 1-182 Remsen Johnson Centra] Savings Bank__ •t§’59 Fourth Av. and 14th Hubert Cillis.......... A. Koppel, Arthur Greningen, Adolph Reppert, 9,822,160 121380 790 1-186 V. P.and Tr. Carl Goepel, F. P. A. Sec. Cash. Theo. 8chorske, C. H, Regnault Sec. and A. Tr. A. Cash. Citizens Savings Bank __ <§’60 Bowery and Canal. Henry Sayler......... O. H. Smith______ E. A. Lahm______ Carl A. Richter, 2,731,980 28,184,170 1-189 James Rowland A. Sec. Commonwealth Savings Bk. 2007 AmsterdamAv. J. A. Murray.......... L. K. Ungrich........ Charles S. Ganbert Gustav Scholer.__ 182,450 4,886,670 1-246 <§10 D. G. C. Sinclair Fred Burkhardt, B. J. Wilke A. Sec. DryDockSav. Inst it ut ion. <§’48 341-343 Bowery.__ Andrew Mills.......... Andrew Mills, Jr._ Samuel Webster__ Frederick Sher7,871,380 87,544,440 1-176 B. De F. Curtiss F. J. Newkirk, wood F. Sherwood A. Sec. East River Savings Institution 291-295 Broadway . D. R. James, Jr.... D. W. Whitmore .. Lester Van Brunt.. W. G. Terlinde. 6,700,000 36,000,000 1-177 48 F. G. Fischer A. Sec. Emigrant Industrial Sav. Bank 51 Chambers______ J. J. Pulleyn_____ Jas. Clarke___ L, V. O’Donohne.. J. S. Daly, 25,102,850 218 889 220 1-179 <§'50 Henry Heide Comptroller. Empire Cit.vSavingsBank <§’89 231 West 125th........ A. S. Van Winkle. J. H. Loos.......... ..... H. C. Murphy____ George E. Brown, 1,461,100 18,954,790 1-207 Joseph Walker, Jr. A. Sec. Excelsior Savings Bank..<§’69 221-3 W. 57th St... William J. Roome. Wm. H.Barron___ Arthur Plage_____ Everett Smith, 2,140,780 24,204,900 1-194 H. D. Brewster A. Sec. Franklin Savings Bank..<§’59 656-58 Eighth Ave.. E. K. Satterlee___ J. I. Downey_____ H. P. Aichele-___ T. Frank Manville6,690,430 50,251,060 1-188 Bernard Karsch E. J. Reynolds, A. Sec. J. R. Throwbridge Greenwich Savings Bank.t§’33 246-248 Sixth Ave.. C. M. Dutcher____ D. M. Morrison.... L. De G. Quacken- H. E. Brower, 11,643,730 84,433,730 1-174 F, M. Bacon bush, Tr. A. Tr. H.M. Einhaus, A, Tr Harlem Savings Bank—.<§’63 125th Street and W. E. Trotter_____ G. F. Dailey . Thomas R. Ebert.. R. C. Hart, A. Sec.. 4,827,880 48,020,640 1-190 Lexington Ave. J. J. Bell Wm. R. Hawkins, A. Sec. Irving Savings Bank........ <§’51 115 Chambers_____ H. E. Tener______ Henry Kroger........ G. B. Dunning____ J. B. Anderson, 1~180 J. O. Williams A. Sec. Italian Savings Bank___ <§'96 64-66 Spring______ P. I. Simonelli........ Antonio Stella ___ F. P. Bosco............. Bernard J. McCann 1-211 Maiden Lane Savings Bank 170 Broadway_____ F. A. Ringler_____ 1-228 <§’03 Manhattan Sav. Institution 614 Broadway_____ W. C. Stokes 1-181 <§’51 Metropolitan Sav. Bank..<§’52 1-3 Third Ave.......... R. D. Andrews___ 1-183 462,330 12.613,490 548,180 2,146,720 120187520 7,273,110 794,170 28,004,580 1,839,270 4,798,230 256,500 197,350 90,104,160 3,607,880 1,240,530 37,948,420 326,760 1,888,150 232 002 620 4,259,770 1,193,130 16,733,460 908,120 39,940 24,334,820 972,960 15,770 53,579,090 3,346,630 675,510 90,857,510 3,343,700 600,800 48,729,320 2,961,480 2,425,980 18,915,810 414,050 20,256,550 468,550 1,277,300 14.812,560 14,707,520 1,265,430 J. E. Wayland Gaetano Zampariello, A. Sec. Chas. R. Jung____ J. Heynen, H. H. Ritterbusch Sec. and Tr. Wm. Hiepe, A. Sec. 254,200 3,872,000 Arthur Stiles David Sands H. S. Stiles, A. Sec. 1,801,600 14,500,560 A. K. Sloan_______ F. H. Moffet______ G. E. Thomson, A. Sec. E. H. Swan 1,831,990 17,748,140 637,000 3,223,120 223,080 530,320 15,182,990 461,610 85,770 18,596,840 758.250 New York Savings Bank..t§’54 Eighth Av. and 14th William Felsinger.. A. M. Welch______ W. R. Brinckerhoff C. L. Blakelock... 7,057,520 50,805,850 18,200 53,737,220 1-185 Wm. W. Hall North River Savings Bank.§’66 31 West 34th____ Chas. Rohe_______ G. T. Connett, H. F. Dietman, 1,084.140 17,717,900 32,260 17,526,040 1-192 Albert B. Ashforth Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. W.W. Miller, A. Sec. Seamens Bank for Savings.§’29 76 Wall... G. M. Halsey_____ Geo. F. Crane......... F. A. Cummings... 11,806,400 74,097,830 40,488,100 41,029,200 1-172 R. H. Stever, Cask. E. R. Jacobs, A. Tr Union Dime Sav. Bank..<§’59 6th Ave. and 40th.. A. P. W. Rinnan... F. H. Ecker_______ F. F. Hazard_____ E. P. Livingston... 8,016,650 71,473,560 1,271,180 72,289,150 1-187 0. H. Wilcox Edward Miller, 3,386,190 ESTABLISHED 1810 A. Sec. H. R. Brinckerhoff H.B.Gardner, Cash. E. C. Leaycraft... W.H. Porter, A. Sec. J. E. Haines, A. Tr. iVm. V. Hudson, R, W. Main, A. Sec. Sec, and Tr, 1 2,419,600 22,399,840 1,189,970 13,301,450 641,490 8,159,280 129,330 22,881,540 3,623,210 5,205,760 1,131,790 6.600,700 7,011,340 770,140 6,400 7,737,740 823,290 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,035,440 BANKS AND BANKERS REQUIRING EFFICIENT SERVICE ARE INVITED TO USE THE FACILITIES OF THIS BANK 1111 Union Square Savings Bk. »§’48 20 Union Square__ F. 0. Mills W. E. Roosevelt... 1-178 I. M. Townsend United States Savings Bank 106 Madison Ave... W. C. Adams.......... iV. W. Reese. 1-204 *§’89 A. F. Le Gost West Side Savings Bauk_<§’68 5th Ave. and 9th.. 3. O. Bigelow ___ N. S. Westcott------1-193 a. E. Marks J u ly , 1922____________ N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City— Continued 1111 SAVINGS BANKS—Do not handle collections. AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS NEW YORK CITY—Continued 1112 1112 Specializing in Foreign Banking, Financing Foreign Trade, Acceptances, Discounts, Textile Factors Name of Bank. •Member Americas Bankers Association, t Member State Bankers Association. {State Capital Officers. tPriv. and Principal Correspondents. Surplus. [Estab. J. H. ALLEN, Pres..................E. P. SINE, A. H. WIGGIN, Ch. of Bd. AMERICAN FOREIGN BANKING CORPORATION 1-267 (56 Wall St.) Sec.and Tr. C. B. HOLT, A. Tr................ W. E. SULLIVAN, A. Tr. Capital, $5,000,000_____________________ _________ BRANCHES: Buenos Aires, Argentine Re public; Cbristobai, Canal Zone; Havana, Cuba; Panama City, Republic of Pan ama; Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; Mexico City, Republic of Mexico. •§’17 Paid-up Capital, $4,000,000.................................... Bkrs. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr., and Mtle. Bk. of the Americas, Inc., N. Y.; Cont. Pres........... T. F. ASPDEN. V. Pres--------- F. R. SANDF0RD, JR., Tr.. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $2,109,670. STOCKHOLDING BANKS: Anglo & Lon & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., 1. V. SCOTT, v. P. A. N. GENTES, a. Tr. don Paris National Bank of San Francisco; San. F.; 1st N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Se E. B. MACKENZIE, Sec. ROBERT A. SHAW, A. Sec. Bankers Trust Company, New York City; attle; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Guardian Sav. Continental & Commercial National Bank & Tr. Co., Clev. Correspondent in the F. SCHMID, A. Sec. G. F. PART0N, A.Sec. of Chicago; Guaranty Trust Company of Far East for Alliance Bank of Simla, Ltd., C. F. EVANS. A. Sec. with offices in Bombay, Calcutta, and New York; Guardian Savings & Trust Com pany, Cleveland; Mercantile Bank of the Branches throughout India. Tata In An American Bank for Trade with the Orient. dustrial Bank of India with offices in BRANCHES; Hongkong, Hankow, Singapore, Shanghai, Manila, Americas, New York City; National Shaw Bombay, Calcutta, Lucknow,Cawnpore, mut Bank, Boston. »t§'18 Tientsin, Peking, Canton, San Francisco. Madras, Hyderabad (Deccan), and Ran goon. Direct Correspondents through EDWARD S. MADD0CK. Pres. FRED A. FRANKLIN. Tr........WM. J. BOLD, A. Tr out the World. Da,KEOluss“’ Capital, $3,000,000. __________________________ Irving N., Equitable Tr. Co., and Met.Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Bos., and St. L.; LMIK4 LiHffA Surplus and Profits, $277,810. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. SEE ADVERTISEMENT JOHN G. CLARKE, V. P. OPPOSITE PAGE 1123. EDWARD M. NEWALD, V. P. C. A. HOLDER. HEAD OFFICE: 35 Broadway 1-317 CONTINENTAL GUARANTY CORPORATION w. (248 Madison Avenue) Member of American Bankers Association. DISCOUNT CORPORATION OF NEW YORK.............. 19 1-304 (52 Wall) ALVIN W. KRECH. Ch. of Bd......... _____ GEORGE L. LEBLANC, Pres. NEMAN D0W0. v. P. ERNEST 0. KRACHT. V. P. EQUITABLE EASTERN BANKING CORPORATION 1-323 (37 Wall) E. C. Wagner, Pres---------- D. H. Mills. Sec............. G. F. Beal, A. Sec.................. Capital. S5.0fifl.0fl0 John McHugli, Ch. of Bd. Jerome Thralls, TV. M. G. Briggs, A. Sec. Surplus, $2,173,570, Jerome Thralls, V. Pres. RICHARD R, HIINTFR Sec. and Tr.. ALFRED E. SCHUMACHER. Mgr. HENRY C. TITUS, Mgr. J. H. RAFFENSPERGER, Auditor , , . Capital, $2,000,000........... .............. .................. ........... Equitable Tr. Co. of N. Y., N. Y., Lon., Surplus and Profits, $845,070. and Paris; Equitable Eastern Bkg.Corp., Shanghai, China; MtleTr. Co., San F.; Northw.N., Port., Ore.; Citiz. N., Los A. Shanghai Branch: J. J. Rogers, Mgr.; E. C. Funck, Asst. Mgr. P, B. KENNEDY. V.P.......... M. B. STARRING. JR.,A.Sec. Capital, $2.100,000................................... . A. J. MOUTRIE. v. P. H. C. BISHOP. A. Sec. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $266,090. FREDERICK TODD. Sec. PAUL D. MEYERS. A. Sec. Total Resources, $9,358,350. E.G..BLACKFORD, Cash. J. J. LYNCH, A. Cash. FIRST FEDERAL FOREIGN BANKING ASSOCIATION „n (40 Wall) •f'20 Bank of the Manhattan Co., New York FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION New York Trust Co., New York The Citizens National Bank, Baltimore, Md. The American Trust Co., Boston, Mass. The First National Bank of Bridgeport, Conn. Stockholding Banks: The Bank of North America, Philadelphia, Pa. The Citizens Trust Co., Buffalo The Commercial Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The Bank of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. The First National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. The First National Bank, Galveston, Texas The Union National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. The First National Bank, Greenfield, Mass. The First National Bank, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. The Interstate Trust & Bkg. Co., New Orleans, La. E. T. GREGORY, Pres. . . . . . . R. H. WILLIAMS, A. Mgr... w. C. BOOTHBY, Tr. . . . . . . . . . D. G. WiNG, Ch. of Bd. a. C. TURNER, A. Mgr. E. H. LELAND, A. Tr. A. M. POPE, v. P. c. T. W. TIGH, A. Mgr. A. B. KENNEY, Sec. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Canadian Bk. of Com., Toronto, Ont.; Lon. Joint City & Midland Bk. Ltd.. Lon.; Comptoir N. d'Escompte de Paris, Paris; Direct ion Der Disconto-Gesellschaft, Berlin. The Chicopee National Bank, Springfield, Mass. The Merchants National Bank, Worcester, Mass. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto Capital Stock, $1,000,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... N.Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Surplus, $700,000. Chi.: 1st N., Bos. DEALERS IN BANKERS’ ACCEPTANCES AND U. S. GOVERNMEN T OBLIGATIONS. SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE CONTINENTAL & COMMERCIAL BANK BLDG., CHICAGO CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. 1922 (14 Wall) Cont. & Com'l N.; Chi. •+§’20 A. H. TITUS. Pres.______ ft. S. KIES. Ch.ofBd. < 1-319 _____ NEW YORK BANKS —N ew York City—Continued ___________July, ASIA BANKING CORPORATION AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS NEW YORK CITY—Continued Specializing In Foreign Banking, Financing Foreign Trade, Acceptances, Discounts, Textile Factors. Name of Bank. •Member American Bankers Association. tMember State Bankers Association. §State .•no Paul Duran Pres.......... J. S. Alexander, Ch. of Bd...T. E. Green, Sec. French American Banking Corporation. 1-308 (67 William) Jean De Sieyes P. P. Nugent Fallon, Tr. R. P. Kavanagh. V. P. Nugent Fallon, Mgr. For. Trade. INTERNATIONAL ACCEPTANCE BANK, INC. 1-322 (31 Pine) <§’21 (Under Supervision of the Federal Reserve Board) INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION 1-263 Capital Officers. tPriv. and Principal Correspondents. Surplus. [Estab. . A. GOODHUE, Pres. ....... P. J. VOGEL, v. P... P. M. WARBURG, Ch. o/Bd. L. HACHMAHN, V. P. 0. G. WING, Vice-Ch.of Bd. E. C. Pignatel, A. Sec. Comptoir N. d'Escompte de Paris, Paris; N. Provincial & Union Bk. of Eng. Ltd., Lon.; Joint City & Midland Bk. Ltd., and Bar clay’s Bk. Ltd., London. Capital $2,000,000----------------Surplus and Profits $882,470 Banque de Bruxelles, Brussels; Banque Centrale Anversoise, Antwerp; Bank of Montreal, Montreal,; R. Henriques, Jr., Copenhagen; Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, Paris; N. M. Rothschild & Sons and National Provincial & Union Bank of England, Ltd., London; Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij and Hope & Co., Amsterdam: Den Norske Creditbank, Christiania; Skandinaviska Kredit Aktiebolaget and A. R. Svenska Handelsbanken, Stockholm; Swiss Bank Corporation, Basie and Credit Suisse, Zurich. -FLETCHER L. GILL, Tr,... Capital $10.250,600... Surplus $5,000,000 J. P. WARBURG Sec. J. E. SHEA, Auditor, J. P. COLLINS, A. Tr. L D. PICKERING, a. Sec. R.T. P.STORER, -4. Sec. Acceptance Credits in Dollars and Foreign Currencies. International Financial Transactions. Foreign Exchange. Foreign Securities. Money Transfers. Collections. Bullion. H. T. S. GREEN. Pres, and Qen. Mar. L. M. JACOBS, V.-Pres. and Tr. C. E. MITCHELL, Ch. of Bd. W. M. ANDERSON, V.-Pres. and Inspector. L. I. SHARP, V.-Pres. Capital $5,000,000 -------------------M. D. CURRIE, Cash. P. W. JONES, A. Cash, arid Sec. Surplus and Profits $10,424,760 N. G. EVANS, A. C SHOREY, R. F. CRARY, J. L. H0GEB00M, A. Cashiers. National City Bank, N. Y. Branches In San Francisco, London, Lyons, and the principal commer cial centers of China. Japan, Philippines, Java, Straits Settlements, India, Republic of Panama, Dominican Republic and Spain. •i’02 GENERAL FOREIGN BUSINESS TRANSACTED. (60 Wall) 1 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NEW YORK CITY INDEX Commercial Letters of Credit Issued. SPECIAL FACILITIES PERTAINING TO EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. MERCANTILE BANK OF THE AMERICAS, INC. 1-282 (44 Pine) Cont.& Com’IN., Chi. ;N. Shawmut, Bos.; JAMES BROWN, Pres.; ALBERT STRAUSS, ALBERT BRETON, W. P. CONWAY, R. F. Paid-up Capital and Surplus $10,000,000---------Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Hiber LOREE, L. S. WYLER, W. M. VAN DEUSEN, F. J. OEHMICHEN, P. J. EDER, Vice nia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: Brown Shipley Presidents: ALFRED MEYER, V. P. and Gcn'l Mgr.: PHILIP TILLINGHAST, EDWARD C. & Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Sellgman Bros., London,; Guaranty Tr. Co., Paris. CUILTY, A. F. LINDBERG, Asst. Mgrs.: JACOB BLOOM, Tr.; W. G. MEAOER, C. S. •t’15 MacDONALD, Asst. Treasurers; W. R. GALBRAITH, W. H. SCHUBART, WILLIAM TODD, All Branches of Banking Business with the Countries where we are represented promptly attended to. A. J. MacLEAN, Asst. Secretaries. Branches In Hamburg, Germany. Affiliated Banks—Colombia, Costa Blca, Honduras, SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NEW YORK STATE INDEX. TEXTILE BANKING COMPANY Inc.. (60 Union Square; ESTABLISHED 1810 (Liquidating) .19 Alfred L. Aiken. Pres___R. S. Potter, V. Pres... John Bollinger, V. P______ (Branch of Boston, Mass.). H. C. Sykes, V. P. F. Houghton,Tr. H. O. Metzger, A. Tr. J. Canfield, A. Tr. G, F. Freeman, A. Tr. T. Chandler, A. Sec. _____•t’19 H. D. Gibson, PresF. H. Wandelt, V. Pres. _S. Chesney, V. Pres.__________ Capital. $2,000.000... J. P, Haquire, V. Pres. J. D. Hopkins. V.Pres. J. H. Jephson, Sec. Surplus, $850,000. H. J. Stieb, Tr. W. A. Cunningham, A. Sec. M. C. Rheinboldt, A.2V. C. S. Hasbrouck, A. Tr. THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Barclay’s Bk., Ltd. London; Banque Nationale de Credit, Paris. ____ Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. THE SERVICE OF OUR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IS OFFERED TO BANKS AND BANKERS ______ 1113 Shawmut Corporation of Boston.. (65 Broadway) Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela. Agencies—Ecuador, Salvador, and Guatemala. - Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation. July, 1922_______ N EW YORK BAN KS— N ew York City— Continued 1113 FOREIGN BANKING AGENCIES Name of Foreign Countries) NEW YORK CITY—Continued Bank. •Member American Bankers Association. {Member State Bankers Association. §State tPriv. [Estab. Location. Manager or Agent. Branches Banca Chrissoveloni S. A. R. .. 1-327 Banca Commerciale Italiana. 1-298 Banca Marmorosch, Blank&Co......... ........................... ’ 1-331 Banca Nazionale del Reduce (Italian Veterans Bank) BANCO Dl ROMA (Agency of London. England)---Capital and Reserve Exceed £13,000.000 Branches and Correspondents in All the principal Commercial Centers of the World. (HEAD OFFICE: London, England) SEE ADV. ON SOUTH AMERICA INDEX Argentina Chile Uruguay Bahia Blanca Antofagasta Monte Video Buenos Aires Chilian Peru Comodoro Riva- Concepcion Lima davia Copiapo Mexico Mendoza Coquimbo MexicoCity Puerto Deseado Iquique Rio Gallegos Punta Arenas Rosario de Santa Santiago San Julian FeTalcahuano San Rafael Valparaiso Santa Cruz Trelew 115 Broadway______ Major Radu Irimescu, Otto Paul, Agts. The New York Agency offers every facility for International Trade. 62-64 William St,... J. S. Durland, S. Fusi, F. Saroli, (Head Office, Milan, Italy)_______ 31-33 Broadway........ E.Roffi, Agents.......................................... (Branch of Bucharest, Roumania) 231 East 14th St. M. Curiel andG. E. Caloro, Agents.... (Branch of Rome, Italy).... ........ ...... 1 WALL ST............. OFFICE OF REPRESENTATION____ (HEAD OFFICE: Rome, Italy) ’88 (Agency of Bucharest, Roumania). Capital paid up and Surplus, {35,000,000.00 . Resources over $1,000,000,000.00 ($1.00 =5 Lire) Banco di Napoli______________________________ *1539 Broadway, Spring & Crosby IC. L. Lerro. Agent.__________ R. Cossa. Cash.... (Head Office, Naples, Italy). 1-272 (Agency also at 353 E. 149tAlS<.) E. Maglione, Sec.____V. Giuliani, Auditor BANCO NACIONAL ULTRAMARINO 1-315 *’64 93 LIBERTY ST----- ------- - - - - - - - - - - J. McCURRACH, Agent............ ......... CAPITAL AND RESERVES EXCEED $50,000,000 Escudos See Advertisement opposite Page 1096. Bank of Athens___________________________________ 136 Liberty St. . Bank of British West Africa, Limited____________ '94 100 Beaver St— 1-274 Bank of Canton, Ltd_________ 12 1 Wall St........... Bank of Chosen__________________________________'09 165 Broadway— Bank of Jugoslavia, Limited _ + BANK OF MONTREAL....... —_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I."__ _!• 1-251 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES................... .............. 1-252 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA —.......... -............. _.......... 32 BANQUE BELGE POUR L’ETRANGER Allilia ted Ranks: ’02 BANCO I>E CARTAGENA IN SPAIN & MORO VIENNA; And in all Towns of any importa Bank of Taiwan. Limited_______________________ «’99 1-299 Banque Nationale De La Republique D'Haiti________ 1-306 British Bank of South America, Ltd................ .............. 1-254 + CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 67 1-255 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chrissoveloni & Cie, Paris. Over 80 branches in Italy, London, Constantinople.Marseilles, Nice, and Menton. SEE ADV. OPPOSITE PAGE 1807 Branches and Correspondents all over Italy and in all the principal commercial centers of the World. Banco Nacional Ultramarlno, London, England, Paris, France, and offices In Portuguese East and West Africa, Brazil, China, India, Timor Belgian Congo, etc. etc. (Athens, Greece)______________________________ (Branch of London. England)_________________ Branches and Correspondents throughout Eng., Egypt.Moroeco, West Africa, Canary Is.,etc. Look Poong Shan, Chief Mgr._________________ (Agency of Hong Kong, China) __________ _____ N. City and Irving N., N. Y. T. Fujimaki and T. Takahashi, Agents_________ (Agency of Bank of Chosen, Seoul, Chosen, Japan) Correspondents in all the principal com {Discontinued) mercial centers of the world. Agents; R. Y. Hebden, W. T. Oliver, and E. P. Paid-up Capital and Surplus $55,912,000 (Branch Branches in Canada. Newfoundland, Lon., 64 Wall............ of Montreal, Quebec) Faris, and Mex. Hungerford. i Wall____ W. H. Macintyre__________ _______ ____________ (Branch of Sydney, Australia)_________________ Bk. of New So. Wales, Sydney, and branches throughout Australia and Lon., Eng. I See Advertisement op poslte Page 4 Paid-up Capital $9,700,000. (Branch of Halifax, London Joint City & Midland, Royal Bk. 52 Wall_________________ H . V. Cann, F. W. Murray, Agents.. Reserve Fund $19,000,000. Nova Scotia) of Scotland, and Bank of Eng., London. (HEAD OFFICE - BRUS SELS, BELGIUM.) J. Plastropoulos, Representative_ Rowland Smith. Agent________ (Filiale DeLa Societe Gener ale De Belgique) 67 Wall St----------------------- W. A. HOEHN, Agt........ ...................... CCO; KOUYOUMDJISK I&CO., SOFIA; WISNER BANK VEREIN, nee in Belgium. 165 Broadway................... — K. J. Imanishi and S. Mutoh, Agents........ ............ (Agency of Brussels, Belgium) Capital 100.000.000 Francs Reserves 19.962.300 Francs Branches In London, Paris, Cologne, Bucharest, Egypt, and China. (Branch of Taipeh, Taiwan). Irving N. audN. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Anglo& Lon. Paris N. A., San F.; Bk. of Cal.N.A.,Seattle, Banque Nat. de La Republique D'Haiti, Paris, and branches throughout Haiti, West Indies. 60 Wall.............................. M. Bergeret, Agent_________________________ (Home Office, Paris, France).. 48 Wall_______________ Agent, Bank of New York, N. B. A., N. Y............. (Head Office, London, Eng.)___ 16 Exchange Place.......... F.B. Francis. C. L. Foster, and C. J. Stephenson Paid-up Capital $15,000,000. (Branch of Toronto) Am. Ex. N., Irving N„ N.Y. Tr. Co.,and Chase Agents. Surplus and Profits $16,946,750 N.. N. Y. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds—Burglary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ________ July, 1922 1-253 (Agency of Lisbon, Portugal)_____ Capital $24,000,000 Escudos Reserve Funds $27,200,000 Escudos i N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City—Continued England Bradford, Manchester France Paris Spain Barcelona •f8 Bilbao Madrid Seville Valencia Vigo 1-248 New York Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by * Affiliated banks by 4 Principal Correspondents. 49 Broadway---------------- N. C. STENNING, Agent..CECIL PIATT, Sub-Agent, ANGLO-SOUTH AMERICAN BK., Ltd. Home Office. 1114 1114 FOREIGN BANKING AGENCIES—Continued Name of Bank •Member American Bankers Association. tMember State Bankers Association. §State tPriv. [Estab. CHARTERED RANK OF INDIA, >-» AUSTRALIA & CHINA Location. NEW YORK CITY—Continued (Head Offices Located In Foreign Countries.) Manager or Agent. 44 BEAVER______________WILLIAM BAXTER............................ Branches throughout the Orient. Home Office. (Branch of London, England) Paid-up Capital $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $18,500,000 Principal Correspondents. Branches throughout the Orient. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OH FOREIGN INDEX. (.Branch of Hong Kong, China). Authorized Capital $5,000,000. (Home Office, London, England) 3 South William............ G. R. MACINTYRE------------------------------------------------Letters of Credit. Drafts. Cable Transfers. Bills of Exchange. SEE ADVEHTIEMENTS OPPOSITE '36 Offers special facilities for financing Imports and Exports through our WEST INDIES IN FOREIGN LIST. Chinese Merchants Bank, Ltd................................ ..’21 233 Broadway . COLONIAL DANK (of London). 1-257 branches in West Indies, British Guiana, and West Africa. COMMERCIAL BANK OF SPANISH AMERICA, Ltd. 1-285 Credit Commercial de France....................................’22 Credit Lyonnais._____________________________ 1-259 CREDITO ITALIANO-------------------------------------------------- (Representative Office in New York) DOMINION BANK--------------------------------------------------------19 1-324 HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING C0RP0RATI0N-1-262 LONDON & BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED___________ 62 1-265 London & Liverpool Bank of Commerce, Ltd......... '22 1-261 London & River Plate Bank, Limited________ '52 1-266 Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd____________________ Mitsubishi Bank, Limited_____________ '19 Mitsui Bank, Ltd_________ ’22 National Bank of South Africa, Limited________$’15 1-284 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK 1-300 •t'17 -•$'69 ROYAL BANK OF CAHAD^ -269 STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA, LIMITED 1-270 #§’62 Sumitomo Bank. Limited______ ____ __________§’12 1 UNION BANK OF CANADA ...............................<§ 65 °"- 1-294 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. 1-271 •'80 49 Broadway__________ Frederick Goodchild. Agent---------------------------- Paid-up Capital $2,500,000. (Borne Office, London, Com’l Bk. of Spanish Am., Ltd., San F., Lon., England) and Manchester, Eng., and Branches: Colom bia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru. Nicaragua, Salvador, Guatemala. Affiliated to: The Anglo -South American Bank, Ltd. {Head Office: Paris, France) Maurice Trembley, Representative , 52 Broadway......................... 52 William______________ Representative, M. Felsenberg___ Branches and Correpondents through Capital Fully Paid Lire 300,000,000 . 63 Wall................................ FELICE BAVA, Agent......... out Italy. Surplus “ 90,000,000 Head Office: Milan, Italy. Dominion Bank, Toronto and Branches {Home Office, Toronto, Canada)______ 51 Broadway____________ C. S. Howard. Agent--------throughout Canada; N. City, N. Park, Han. Robt. Rae, Ass’t Agent N., and Cent. Union Tr. Co.. N. Y. {Head Office: Hong Kong, China). 36 Wall------------------------- James A. Jeffrey, Agent ___________________ C. de C. Hughes, Acting Sub, Agent, Lon. & Brazilian Bk., Ltd., London, Paris, and {Agency of London, England)... 56 Wall-------- ------- -------- Daniel P. Kingsford, Agent_______________________________ branches in South America and Portugal. Albert L. Mason, Sub. Agent. {Agency of London, Eng.) ....... .................. 48 Wall.............. .................. H. E. Lawford, Mgr............................................... Bank of New York, N. B. A., Atty. Lon. & River Plate Bk., Ltd., Antwerp, Paris, {Agency of London, England)... 51 Wall —_____ ________ W. R. Robbins, Agent.. Wm. Cuff, Sub. Agent. Lisbon, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bra zil, Chile, and Colombia. {Agency of London, Eng.).. 64 Wall............ Bank of Montreal, Agents. N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Office, Tokio, Japan). {Head 120 Broadway K. Yamaguchi, Agent......... Mitsubishi Bk., Ltd., Tokio, London, Shang E. Onishi, Sub. Agent hai: Hong Kong & Shanghai Bkg. Corp., Hong Kong; Correspondents in all princi pal cities of the world. Barkleys Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Cox & Co., Bombay; {Head Office, Tokio, Japan). 61 Broadway . M. Koike, K. Sunouchi, Agents. Comp'oir N. d’Eseompte, Paris; Branch office: Shanghai,and principal cities of J apan N. Bk. of So. Africa, London, England. 44 Beaver. H. Judson, Agent. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. William .............-........ P. T. Walker, J.A.Beatson, Agts.. Paid-up Capital $20,400,000 Total assets $472,563,390 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co,, Chi. (Head Office, Montreal, Quebec) W. H. Macintyre. (Home Office, London, England)--------------------- Standard of So. Africa, Ltd., Lon. and So. (68 Wall. Africa.; Bk. of New So. Wales, Australia THE NEW YORK AGE NCY and New Zealand. offers to Bankers and Merchants throughout the United States Subscribed Capital $44,583,300 I and Canada its unsu rpassed service for facilitating trade Paid-up Capital 11,145,825 | with the markets of Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Reserve Capital 14,466,670 ( SEE ADVERTISEMEN T OPPOSITE BEGINNING OF FOREIGN LIS T. S. Imamura, Agent......... ................................. N. City, N. Y.; Lloyds, Ltd., Lon.; Lloyds & 149 Broadway .. (Home Office, Osaka, Japan) .. G. Higashi and C. Shirai, Sub. Agents N. Provincial Foreign, Ltd., Paris. N. Park, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; ParkW. J. Dawson, and F. L. Appleby, Agents. (Head Office. Winnipeg. Manitoba) 49 Wall —......... Union Foreign Bkg. Corp., Paris. Paid-up Capital $8,000,000 Surplus and Profits $6,541,690 Yokohama Specie Bk., Ltd., San F., Seattle, 120 Broadway-------------- Director, R. Ichinomiya; Agent, H.Kashiwagi....... (Home Office, Yokohama, Japan)___ and Los A. Sub. Agents, T. Sakurauchi and Y. Takemura r37 Broadway__ A. K0PP, Mgr............................... J.H. FOLEY, A. Mgr. SEE ADVERTISEMENT 0 N PHILIPPINE ISLANDS INDEX. {Home Office, Manila, P. I.). Complete Facilit ies for all kinds of banking transa ctions in the Far East. SEE ADVERTIS EM ENT ON “FOREIGN" INDEX. THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANE of tie City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Branches in London, Liverpool, Manches ter, Hull, Hamburg, British West Indies, British Guiana and West Africa. ESTABLISHED IN 1810, THIS INSTITUTION OFFERS TC YOU THE BENEFITS OF ITS ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE July, 1922_____________N EW YORK BANKS — N ew York City—Continued ________________ 1115 1115 a Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers5 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name op Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. NEW YORK CITY—BROOKLYN- -Reserve City Liabilities, Location. President. American Trust Co......... <§'19 203 Montague1-307 166 Montague. 1-6 Bank of Coney Island ...<§’09 Surf Ave. and W. J. Ward. W. 12th. 1-387 (1 Branch) BANK OF AMERICA..........§12 Vice-President. Cashier. Henry S. Acken... H. P. Breitwieser, A. Sec. U. C. Varick E. Mullowney, A.T Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <§1799 ‘Brooklyn Trust Co...... <§’66 177 Montague......... E. P. Maynard....... D. H. Lanman....... (4 Offices) ♦ 1-102 F. J. W. Diller W. McDonald, Jr. F. T. Aldridge W. P. Schenck,Sec. H. W. Farrell, Letters Total Accpta, Paid-up Surplus of Or. & ether AND Deposits Liabilities Capital Profits MANUFACTURERS TRUST CO., ♦ 1-857 T<*’05 (Merger of the Manufacturers Trust Co. and the North Side Bank, April 28, ’22.) 774 Broadway ~ (8 Offices•) and Bonds and Miscel laneous Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks (See New York City ) Am. Ex.N., N.Y.; Mech., Brooklyn. Branch of N. Y. City , Borough of Manh tUHs* 1,500,000 Sec. ec. Sec. erated as the Home stead Branch) ves», 350 Fulton St. and New 2,971,520 35,855,900 1,203,540 15,841,380 18,811,620 1,777,310 675,360 Chase N..N.Y. 5,130,660 1st N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Franklin N., Phil. Sec. (See N. Y. Otty, Borough of Manh attan) Cash. 500,000 Tr. Officer AUSTIN T0BEY.JR., A. Cash. Organized, Equipped and Conducted A. Cash. for Service. The kind that gets results. Globe Exchange Bank...<§’20 36 Graham Ave,... Isaac Levin ........... Morris Walzer ___;A. M. Mangam .... 200,000 1-395 M. Wegman 6REENP0INT NATIONAL BA 140Greenpoint Ave. D. E. FREUDENBERG- E. E. HUBER----200,000 WALTER WILMURT1-389 <’12 E. J. ASHER, A.Cash. ER MORRIS SALZMAN Homestead Bank________ (Merged with Peopl es Trust Co. and op •Irving National Bank ...<’51 (Branch«s Linde n and Flatbush A 1-67 Kings County Trust Oo.-<§’89 342-346 Fulton___ J. D. Fairchild— 1-371 ‘LAWYERS TITLE ATR.CQ. 44 Court__________________________ 1-110 <§’87 Loans Discounts Securities Resources Principal Correspondents. G. H. Mailey . i 200,000 % 150,800 % 3,844,900 % 1,044,620 $ 1,392,750 $ 2,024,950 $ 1,147,250 J F. A. Preston, sh. A. Cash. .4. Cash. Nostrand Ave., and 1119 Liber ty Ave.) (See N. Y . City, Bo rough of Manhatta n.) H.U.Silleck.A.Sec. G. H. Thirkield, A. F. B. Lindsay, A. S E. N. Schmidt, A. C. B. Royce, A. Sec. B. B. Westcott.A. ^ iSco C. A. Cole, A, Sec. Corn Exchange Bank —*§’53 (Branches at Court and Joralemon Sts., 19-21 Flatbush Ave., Greenpoint and Manhattan A ties., Myrtle Ave. and Br oadway, Hamilton A ve. and Summit St.) 1-45 BER 260 Broadway------- JOSEPH HUBER — 1 IN, Resources. 944,730 11,247.860 589,080 8.915180 1.998,720 138,420 2.229,350 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 57,420 2,098,660 17,340 1,419,960 358,510 41,720 553,230 IrviDg N„ N. Y. 380,480 3,157,580 54,060 2,451,950 700,230 20,000 619,880 Chase N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; • JL • O tit I’C AwTjTSTO • chi Ave.* and 53d St.)........ .. (See N. F. City, Borough of Man hattan) J.P. Fairchild____ Thomas Blake, Sec. 500,000 3,145,240 27,091,930 446,210 6,177,400 1st N. and Harriman N., N. Y. 120,790 13,572,860 10,661,470 W. J. Wason, Jr. H. D. Joost, A. Sec, W.K.8wartz, J. P. Stair, A. Tr... 4,000,000 6,012,140 17,702,290 1,083,700 9,528,040 11,827,190 3,379,990 ' 4,062,820 Corn Ex.. N.Bk. Coin., Bk. of Amer Assf. V. P. (Branch of N. Y. City, Bor ough of Manhatt an) ica. Am. Ex. N., Chase N., and N. City. N. Y. NATHAN S. JONAS— LIEBMAN-- T. R. HAMILTON, Sec. S.B. KRAUS. V. P. RUCHHAUSER J.H.MEYERHOLZ, JR., A. Sec. 2,500,000 2,634,090 49,158.020 431,780 26.686,770 17,373,760 2.009,390 8.653,960 N. Park, N. Y. CHAS. FR0EB. V.P. E. G. RAEDER T.C.JFFFERIES.A.8.1 W, L. SCHNEIDER J. H. CONROY. V.P. H.C.VQN ELM, V. P. HENRY BILLMAN F.H.VAN WAGNERS s. See A dverti semen t unde r Boro ugh R. W. SHELTER, V.p. H. A. KULTZ0W. A.S. MARTIN MOSES, D. J. LEARY, ir. P. A.T. MINER, A. Sec. of Ma nhatta n Ban ks. Iff. A.C.FALCONER.v.P. J.J. HAYES. A. Sec. A.S.KLEEMAN, V.p. B. TYLER. A. Sec. m 1,600,000 W. C. Donn___ A. S. Ingram A. E. Q. Baker. A. C. F.I.Ketcham, A.C. J. Schaefer. Jr., A. C. Jos. Stewart, A. C, H. V. Kelly, A. C. (Merged with Chase National Bank, No vember, 1921) 500,000 Flatbush Ave. and George Ramsey... H. J. Davenport— E. E. Terry A. W. Wardle, Tr. Dorchester Road J. Webb Nash___ John P. McClunn. Edwin G. Forster. Fifth Ave. and 100,000 ash. T. C. Hughes Union House) 1,750,000 37,000,000 107,000 23.190,300 7,383,700 1,697,000 8,186,000 N. Park, N. City, and Met. Tr.Co., N. Y.; Int’l Tr. Co., Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. • 286,000 1,700,000 8,500 1,165,500 785,450 182,550 101,200 2,897,180 31,740 2,403,020 182,530 91,700 361,000 Nassau N., Brooklyn. 452,870 Irving N., Atlantic N., and Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Market St. N., Phil. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds—Burglary Insurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, 1 922 Metropolitan Bank (Branch)... Midwood Trust Co..____ t§’20 1-394 Montauk Bank________•S O? 1-382 (* Member New York Clearing a;h.walkley, jr., A.S. H. M. De Mott....... A. T. Sullivan......... J. A. Stewart H. F. Burns Francis Weekes ______ H. A. BOHLEN, A. S. MECHANICS BANK....... -<§’52 215 Montague ... ♦ 1-866 (8 Branches) NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued Chas. L. Feltman — G. H. Mailey A. C. Linker. A. Ca Thurlow Burgmyer, (Branches at Fulton St. and Hale Ave., S t, Johns Place and FIRST NATIONAL BANK >-“•»« Kings County D 4 (Federal Reserve District No. 2) 1116 ] i i >7 Ill/ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Location. President. Municipal Bank.....................*§'191 1783 Pitkin................ Branch at 13th Ave, and 46th St. 1-393 'NASSAU NATIONAL BANK NEW YORK CITY—BROOKLYN—Cont’d (Federal Reserve District No. t)_______ _______________ ____ Principal Correspondents. Resources.__ Liabilities. Miscei Bonds Loans Surplus Aocpti, Letters T otal P aid up and Cashier. of Cr. * ether and Vice-President. and R Capital Profits Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities esources | from Banks $ 84,660|J 867,500 N. Park and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; $ 1,168,570 $ 2,321,440 Julius Josephson.. M. M. Diamond — $ 200.000 S 169,830 $4,072,340 Mech., Brooklyn; N. Newark & J. W. Waller, Samuel Barnett Essex Bkg. Co., Newark, N. .1. A. Cash. Cash. , 1 000,000 North Side Bank____________ (Merged with Manu facturers Trust Co. and operated as a branch.) Peoples National Bank—»t’08 880 Quincy............... G. W, 8pence.......... Charles Wissman-- A. W. Spolander— Charles OldenbutJohn W. Roeder 1-385 tel, A. Cash. Wm. H. Schmidt, 200,000 •iS’89 181-183 Montague _ C AJBoody.............. J. G. Dettmer .... W. A. Fischer. Sec. H.M. Heath. A.Sec. H. J. Morse (8 Branches) 1,600.000 1,550.210 16,177.940 $ 1,166,760 13,351,170 2,511,770 5,629,880 59,090 2,159,980 2,783,600 2,576,690 56,768,440 282,510 346,020 A. Cash. ♦PEOPLES TRUST CO. ♦ 1-113 C. L.Schenck W. F. Ayling, A. Sec. A. Sec N. F. City, Borough A Pitkin Aves.• a ndGrah&m Ave. A Varet St.*)_______ (See N. Y.Oity. Borough 1,019,060 Irving N., Mech. & Metals N., and Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 272,340 1,382,120 11,450,420 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. of Man hattan) of Man hattan) 1-96 The Thrift...........................*§’89 255 Ryerson.— 1-392 CONIPANYl-106................ *§’83 West End Bank.—, 1-396 Chas. M. Pratt____ Francis L. Noble — John C. Maddock.. Harold I. Pratt, Tr. Philip S. Clarke. Sec. 500,000 (See Montague------------- F. L. Sniffen, Mgr. J. B. Keeler, A. Mgr. H. L. Noyes,A.Myr. ♦TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST Han. N. and 1st N., N. Y. J. F. Birdsell. A..S ee. A. V. Bennett. Public National Bank-------- •’07 (Branches at Pitkin Ave. and Watkins S t. and Graham Ate. and Seioel St.)___ (See STATE BANK------------------ **'03 28,170,160 20,224,940 4.031,970 -•*§’20 Cor. 20th Ave.&86th Solomon Fromm .. S. I. Rainforth — Wm. S. Germain...! James P. Kelly J. H. Wasserman 499,620 5,384,050 206,950 5,300,370 990,130 105,560 190,560 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Peo. Tr, Co., Brooklyn. 927,750 145,830 463,190 Greenwich, N. Y. N. Y. Oity, Borough of Manh attan) 200.000 2,250,930 114,450 1,089,260 60,650 (MemberN. Y. ClearingHouselA SAVINGS BANKS (BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, D 4) (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Location. President. Vice-President. Secretary. Treasurer. Liabilities. Surplus Depos and its Profits S Bay Ridge Savings Bank »*§’09 Fifth Ave. and 54th Maurice T. Lewis.. St. 1-388 BErevoort Savines Bank —•5’92 Nostrand Ave. and Howard M. Smith— Macon. 1-374 Brooklyn Savings Bank—»t$'27 Pierrepont and Clin Crowell Hadden — ton. (1 Branch) 1-150 Michael Murphy.— Pierce Keefe........... R. S. Darbee. Cash. Wm. A. Fischer Bushwick Savings Bank _»tS’73 Grand and Graham J. E. Brown______ Ave. 1-366 Remsen Rnshmore City Savings Bank_____ *t§’86 Flatbush and Lafayette Aves. 1-368 G. W. Schaedle___ Louis G. Burger ... G. J. Merked, Cash. L. C. Rub, A. Cash. Henry Schade F. H. Webster —. H. V. Raymond__ Stephen Valentine Wm. A. Rushmore, J. M. Rider W. C. Humstone — Resources. Loans and Discounts Securities Edward Lyons____ Raymond Lounsbury R.W. Appleyard.A. Sec. G. W. Harman 13,022.910 70,086,210 D. J. Creem______ C. C. Putnam, Cash Principal Correspondents. Cash A Excbangxb.Dus from Banks 21,330 $ 7,967,310 ; 441,030 $ 8,107,880 $ 771.170 11,894,380 BONDS AND 504,470; 1,000,000 10,785,670 754,770! 502,200 78,647,900 2,959,010 R. L. Edwards I 762,450' 847.850 11,435,050 272,220 11,289.200 574,460 10,253,560 30,500 10,078,070 623,180 9,483,760 84,281,720 4,834.830 84,881,050 3,055.210 1,194,480 16,455,000 480,380 16,143,640 920,680' Herbert R. Seaman 1,696,970 15,205,880 East Brooklyn Sav. Baukt§’60 DeKalb and Bed David Morehouse . W. A. Graham......... A. G. Freeman, A. Tr. James S. Davis ford Aves. 1-360 C. P. Case 905,360 12,202,920 J. K. Alexander— East New York Sav. Bank«tl’68 2644 Atlantic Ave,_ E. A. Richards -— C. F. Colyer______ A. J. Brislin______ A. Osterland,Jr.,A. Tr. F. M. Linz, A. Tr. C. J. Benisch 1-364 7,710 15,905,320 864,840 385,300 12,306,550 255,490 De Kalb Ave. and ti’59 Fulton. Dime Sav. Bank of Brooklyn 1-358 A.Sec. Edwin A. Ames— Geo. W. Oh&uncey. Philip A. Benson.. F. W. Jackson „„ O.P. Streightoff, G. T. Moon A. Sec. C. M. Lowes—____ Dime Sav. Bank of WUliams- Havemeyer and So. Wm. P. Sturgis.— Q. V. Mollenhauer. Charles R. Craig. A. Tr. H. R. Ferguson Fifth. burgh____ 1-361----------- »+§'64 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ESTABLISHED IN 1810, THIS INSTITUTION OFFERS TO YOU THE BENEFITS OF ITS ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE N EW YORK BANKS — N ew York City— Continued LHADDENSMITHB. P.VAHBEMTHUY&N,' REMSER J. T. SfrPKEHS> v. P. Only Brooklyn Bank a member of Hew York Clearing House. YOUR BUSINESS IHVITEP. 46 Court................. G. FOSTER 1-118 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws* July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank Is tlie New Transit Number given 1 1 i NEW YORK CITY—Reserve City- BROOKLYN (Savings Banks do not handle collections Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Location. President. Vice-President. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Fiatbush Savings Bank t§’16 910 Fiatbush Ave. H. B. Hawkins ___ F. A. Koch_______ 1-391 S. W. Salt E. E. Terry Fulton Sav. Bk., Kings Co........ 375 Fulton ................ Adolph Goepel......... P. H. Reppenhagen 1-363 {§’67 Otto Wissner Greater New York Sav. Bk. 449-453 Fifth Ave.. C. J. Obermayer... A. G. Calder______ 1-376 «tS’97 W. K. Cleverley Green Point Savings Bk..<§’69 Manhattan Ave. George W. Felter— 0. H. Reynolds___ 1-365 and Cayler St. David Martin Hamburg Savings Bank..<§’05 Knickerbocker and David Engel______ R. E. Moffett_____ 1-381 Myrtle Aves. C. W. Wohlers Home Savings Bank........... «|'07 Manhattan and M. W. Gleason......... Louis Stern............ 1-384 Norman Aves. J. W. Burr V. P. 0. A. Boch Kings County Sav. Bank {§'60 Broadway and Hubert G. Taylor.. J. C. Loudon______ 1-369 Bedford Wm. C. Carrick Lincoln Savings Bank —.<§’66 Broadway and Ghas. Froeb_______ Joseph Huber____ 1-362 Boerum John Martin Otto Navy Savings Bank_____ •t§’20 83 Sands St________ Ray C. Shepherd.. J. F. Birdsell_____ 1-397 C. S. Williams Prudential Savings Bank.<§’08 Broadway and D. W. Kaatze........... John Auer, 8r.___ 1-386 Vernon Ave. J. H. Scannell V. P. and Sec. Liabilities. Secretary. Treasurer. John S. Roberts... Wm. M. Golden. A. Sec. Surplus Depos and Profits S its A. Sec. F. S. Harlow______ W. J. Flemming, G. E. Kirby, A.Sec. A. Sec. G.C. Dnbescheiden H. C. Seifering, A. Sec. V. M. Powell........... Martin Muller, Godfrey Bauer, Cosh. A. Cash. Henry Stumpf, G. H. Doscher, Sec. and Cash. A. Cash. L. P. Buck, Cash.. Wm. J. Elliott......... H. J. Hollings, Loans * Dis counts 237,750 I 6,582,590 J. W. Hass.............. J. C. M. Lorenz ... 1.603.170 16,147,430 Gerard Baetz.Cas/i. and A. T Thos. L. Grace____ A. J. Lundstrom, 694,250 i6,895,700 1,069,950 642,420 15,630,050 1,102,200 20,949,440 1,304,090 270,100 6,898,320 9,860 6,579,550 526,250 75,240 1,852,970 3,000 1,722,110 184,310 1,919,700 15,244,360 31,550 15,911,460 1,032,910 4,049,220 45,348,440 383,050 46,131,150 2.163,250 320,000 225,000 8,136,600 23,430 95,000 Peo. Tr. Co., Brooklyn. 7,828,910 A. Cash. Roosevelt Savings Bank<§95 Gates Ave. and John W. Fraser.-- Parker Sloane____ C. L. Sicard______ A.M. Shevill. Cash. 1-375 Broadway H. L. Bartlett H. L. Genninger, A. Schneidei, Jr. A. Cash. Principal Correspondents. Bonds, Oiu k *x(THAMES,Dui Securi from Banc* l ties. etc. $ 6,164,030 $ 531,690 Peo. Tr. Co., Brooklyn Tr. Co., and Nassau N., Brooklyn. 176,240 16,338,210 2,166,810 20,337,100 401,690 1,306,710 23,008,730 SAVINGS BANKS—Continued. Resources. 618,400 Corn Ex., N. Y.; N.City and Brooklyn Tr. Co., Brooklyn. 1,133,060 21,722,440 1,259,480 53,950 34,143,310 1,268,550 A. Cash. South Brooklyn Sav. Institution Cor. Atlantic Ave. D. I. Mead................ J. 0. Low................. B. A. Burger______ 0. S, Dunning____ 4,115,420 31,773,460 1-351 <§’50 and Clinton St. J. J. Pierrepont B. A. Burger Sumner Savings Bank___ {§’06 12 Graham Ave.__ A. 8. Somers_____ Nathan S. Jonas... W. L. Conner_____ 239,930 2,886,240 1-358 L. C. Wills Williamsburgh Sav. Bank <$'51 Broadway and A. D. Baird.............. S. M. Meeker_____ E. T. Horwill_____ 0. J. Pasfleld, Cash. 17,439,840 108 949 520 1-854 Driggs Ave. J. V. Jewell 79,600 2,829.610 105,990 120 948 310 187,820 Mech. and North Side, N. Y.: Mnfrs. Tr., Title Guaranty & Tr.,and Peo.TrustCos.,Brooklyn. 4,332,930 N. City, Bk. of Am. and 1st N., N. Y. NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Bronx) Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. [Estab. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Liabilities. Location. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Bronx Borough Bank—<§'93 440 E. Tremont Ave. C. A. Becker______ C. P. Hallock.......... T. B. Hanson_____ J. H. Withered... 1-412 Bronx National Bank____ •+’07 369 E. 149th St.......... F. A. Wuybach, Carl Wurm_______ H. j. B. Willis......... W, N. Maeder____ 1-416 Acting Geo. W. Fennell Bronx Savings Bank____ <§’06 Tremont and T. T. Fischer........... O. H. Schumann__ 1-414 Park Aves. J. F. Holmes Livingston Wetmor Columbia Trust Company 3d Ave. & 148th.... 1-111 <§’08 Commonwealth Bank___ <§’07 155th St. & 3d Ave.. 1-78 Corn Exchange Bank____ «§’05 375 E. 149th 8t......... 1-45 Cosmopolitan Bank_____ <§’06 803 Prospect Ave.— F. A. Gallagher... P. Cedar__________ 1-415 Dollar Savings Bank____ <§’90 147th St. and Third B. G. Hughes_____ W. M. Kern_______ 1-411 Ave. J. M. Lacoste North Side Savings Bank<§’05 3230 Third Ave........ J.G. Borgstede ___ F. H. Wefer______ 1-413 John Riegelman 3817 Third Ave.— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis its Loans Bonds and and 150,000 $ 168,750 $ 4,456,140 t 2.498.830 $ 1,225,620 i 200.000 261,930 3,895,340 i Principal Correspondents Casii & Ex changes, Doe Discounts Securities from Banks 2,820,220 481,420 F. B. Allin, Sec.... W. J. Cunningham, Tr. 357,560 7,831,420 342,270 7,212,000 Frank Vogler, A. T e Fred Berry, Mgr.. Harry Weiss, (See New York Cit V, Borou gh of Ma nhattcm) A. B. Atkinson, A. Mgr. A. Mgr. G. F. Keckeissen, (See New York Cit V, Borou gh of Ma nhattcm) 480,960 Chase N„ Irving N„ and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 1,062,900 N. City. N. Y. 547,580 Mgr. G. F. Frost, Mgr... L. Auperin, D. J. Sullivan____ A. Mgr. (See New York Cit V, Borou ghof Ma nhattan) 200.000 J. B. Hare, Tr,.... H. F. Regal, Sec... A. J. Dippel.M.Sec. A. A. Ekirch, Sec.. John M. Haffen, 68,460 M. Meltsner, Mgr. nr Lirui vnm/ 3,045,700 3,266,860 42,769,190 242,970 Tr. Union and Westchester Aves. 3rd Ave. and 137th. Charles P. Bogart.. John M. Haffpn... H. J. Van Cook. Branches at 960 B oston Road• and 2808 Third Ave. • AMUDIPAM CIIDCTV PHMDAMV Resources. Depos 8,581,780 1.766,280 1,100,920 782,000 42,704,850 52,770 8,129,100 (See New York Cit y. Borvu gh of Ma nhattcm) 426,170 Empire Tr. Co. and U. S. Mortgage & Tr. Co., N. Y. 2,040,640 537,180 Equitable Tr. Co., Columbia Tr. Co., Bronx Borough, and 23d Ward, N. Y. (See New York Cit V, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) Chas. II. Meyer.__ C. E. Merrifleld f■ J 250,000 O 215,350 6,478,210 OmuaIii 4,500,880 Hjkia 1,027,840 1,246,200 Irving N., N. Y.; North Ave., New Roo.liftllft 1922 Public National Bank_______T3 1-238 STATE BANK---------------------<15 1-96 Twenty-Third Ward Bank<§'88 1-410 Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits H I 8 ________________ N E W YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued____________ July, Number under Name of Bank ig the New Transit Number given 1 1 1 Q to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 1110 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Flashing_________ Forest Hills......... . (Flushing P. O.) Fresh Pond--------(Brooklyn P. O.) ‘Jamaica_______ 1-431 Long Island City _ American Trust Co............»§’09 1-307 Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 •11799 Corn Exchange^Bank___ *|’53 Long Island City Sav. Bk..**’76 1-426 TITLE GUARANTEE &TR. CO. ESTABLISHED 1810 S 1.419,760 $ (See New 520,910 1 1,107,040 100,000 405,870 FrederickFitter.Sr. G. P. Haynes, Sec.. Benj. Lechtman A. Bjornson, Mgr. 50,000 119,370 2,669,520 1.197.270 3,130 104,640 84,400 284,190 Citiz. N. and Union Tr. Co., N. Y. _____ 363,150 Seab. N. and Am. Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,359,170 37,850 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk, of (See New York Oil V, Borou Oh of Ma nhattan) M. M. Bogue, Mgr. Wm. Peterson____ Lei and E. LaBar... 100,000 133,750 668,490 249,360 Irving N. and Harriman N„ N. Y. 7,842,970 23,900 8,008,520 445,850 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Corn Ex., N. Y. of Manha ttan)___ of Manha ttan)___ of Manha ttan) ___ 2,757,680 5,739,670 2,504,720 n department. Reasonable rates, items. ■ J. T. Watts. Tr.__ C. R. Doughty, Sec. G.W. Smith. A.Sec, W. H. Goodenough, A. Mgr. A. Mgr. D. McKee, A. Mgr. (Branch)_____ Geo. F. Bahntge, Mgr. (Branch)_____ W. S. Milan, Mgr. and A. Cash, (Branches at Plaza and Academy Sts., J ackson Ave. and 4th St. and Steinway Ave. and Broadw ay) Benjamin Moore D. G. Morrison... Jarvis S.Hicks,Sec. A. Woodbury, H. F. Jones A. Sec. C. L. Paetzold, A. Sec. (Branch). J. H. Penchoen, W. H. Guardenier, (See New York Ci ty, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) (Branch) . Edw. Althaus, Mgr. (See N. Y . City, Bo (Branch).. W.L.Hopkins, Mgr. P. C. Robertson, A. Mgr. - 495,640 (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) .... G. S. Downing, Mgr. and A. Cash. Lawrence, Lawrence. 1,262,050 (See New York City E. E. Buhler........... F. O'Sullivan____ E. C. Kern_______ Adam Voegel, V. P. H. I. Pels — (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) .... — 100,000 Chas. H. Roberts— C. E. Meyer_____ Wm. J. Talbot.__ 58,480 E. P. Butler F. A. Oolllns_____ A. C. Hageman.... H. L. Bogert, Tr.. 690,770 John Hepburn (See New York City E.LaytondeForest, Mgr. (See New York City Geo. A. Goetz, Mgr. Mgr. 115,580 Chase N„ N. Y. 812,070 (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan)___ J. W. Fulcher, Mgr. W. S. Pettit........... S. R. Weston____ S. B. Saunderson. 119,500 Irving N„ N. Y. 888,210 I , Borough of Manha ttan)____ 746,950 10,786,600 Am. Ex. N., N. Y. N. Park, Harriman N., and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Nassau N„ Brooklyn. 732,840 Nassau N..Brooklyn; N. Park.Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and Harriman N..N.Y. 10,659,340 770,140 (See New York Cit y, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) — (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) .... ... ___ Am. Ex. N„ N. Y. h of Man hattan)_ (See New York Cit (See New York Cit V, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) 49,500 2,190,230 20,332,490 (See New York City 100,000 26,630 9,160,780 1,171,530 Corn Ex. N., N. Y. — of Manh 381,730 THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cash k Ex changes,Due Securities from Banks John Bettjemann, Mgr. 50,000 Principal Correspondents. BONDS AND 310,860 122,150 58,770 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y. UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS FOR INTERIOR BANKS ARE OFFERED BY OUR FOREIGN DEPARTMENT 1119 1-106 §’83 Maspe*h_________ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <§1799 Ozone Park______ Bank of Manhattan Co. <§1799 (Woodhaven P. O.) 1-2 (Formerly First National Bank) Queens__________ Queens Bellaire Bank...<§’21 1-445 and Discounts (See New , Borough of Manha ttan) .... P. J. Karkheck, Mgr. 3,278,840 A. H. Schlesinger.. G. W. Gillette, Sec. E. A. Plitt. A. Sec. 3,267,460 E. P. Roe of Manha ttan) .... (See New W. T. Hanrahan, Mgr, (See New York City W. E. Fee. Mgr.... ("Starr BrinckerhofT W. B. Ashmead.... J. M. Kissam < A thoroughly or ganized collectio ) Prompt service and remittance, (.Let us handle y our “JAMAICA” Jamaica Savings Bank___ *'66 M. S. Rapelye------ W. C. Durland__ 1-424 A. J. VanSiclen TITLE GUARANTEE &TR. CO. (Branch)________ H. L. Ketcham, 1-106 *§’83 Mgr..Bank' g Dept. FIRST NATIONAL BANK—<’06 Loans NEW YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued Elmhurst_______ Total Deposits V, Borou oh of Ma nhattan) C. G. Galston____ A. I. Davidson___ W. F. Rhinehart. Far Rockaway___ and Profits S Cedarhurst—__ Corona ................ Surplus (See New J. A. Millang . Peninsula National Bank _Tt'20 C. C. Adams_____ 1-441 (Branch)_______ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <11799 College Point SavingsBank«5’72 W. W. Weitling.__ 1-425 (Branch)_____ Bank of the Manhattan Co 1-2 *§1799 (Branch)_____ Bank of the Manhattan Co. i-2 <1799 (Branch)_____ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 *41799 Nat.Bk.of Far Rockaway T<’08 H. G. Heyson... 1-436 Rockaway Savings Bank. t§’21 Edward Roche___ 1-444 T.S. Cheshire. V.P. (Branch)_____ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <*1799 Corn Exchange Bank....... *|’58 (Branch)_____ 1-45 Flashing National Bank...<’10 C. M. Lowes.__ 1-438 Q ueens County Savings Bk<*’59 W. T. James_____ 1-423 Corn Exchange Bank....... t§’53 (Branch)__________ 1-45 (Branch)...__ ____ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <1799 American Trust Co......... <§’04 (Branch)__________ 1-307 (Branch)_______ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 <§1799 Paid-up Capital J. F. Ellsworth, Mgr. M. Vaughan.... Corn Exchange Bank----- «S’53 (Branch)... 1-45 Bayside National Bank___»t'05 E. G. Story. 1-430 (Branch)__ Brooklyn Manor. Bank of the Manhattan Co. (Jamaica P. 0.) 1-2 §’21 Astoria. Bay side. College Point „ Resources. Liabilities. President. (Borough of Queens D 4) (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Bank. 1922___________ Towns. of NEW YORK CITY- -Central Reserve City Ju ly, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1110 t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -t i. 1Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Towns. oMem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trast Powers. President. M"E'\A7 VO’PTC PTT*V-__ Ppntral INUr W Vice-President. I Liabilities. Paid-dp Surplus Depos AND its Capital Profits Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Richmond Hill National Bank George Solms___ E. G. llaeder......... C. B. Mahler____ C. B. Mahler 1-440 +’20 .. Frederick Boschen John B. Reimer... R. J. Taylor, Sec. . Savings Bank of Richmond Hill_____ 1-442.............. t§’21 Wm. H. Wade. V. P. John W. Dolan $ 200.000 $ 791,310 $ 57,130 $ 1,448,850! % 42,900 1,025,580 30,350 649,440' % 986,670 238,320 Irving N., N. Y.; Mfrs. Tr. Co., Brooklyn. 44,530 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y. (See New York Cit y, Boron gh of Ma nha ttan) Ellis Weston, Mgr. and .4. C. Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 *81799 Principal Correspondents. .. (See Broo klyn, New York Cit y).......... 1-357 (Formerly Ridgewood National Bank) RudolphStutzmann Herman Ringe....... William WRte, Tr. D. J. Pirone, Sec... Savings Bank of Ridgewood Wm. A. Fluhr 1-443 §’21 35,000 1,350,000 Rockaway Beach.. Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 *51799 W. H. Reynolds, Mgr. (See New York Cit y, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) Rockaway Park ... Bank of Manhattan Co..*§1799 1-2 (Far Rockaway P. 0.) W. J. Dolan, Mgr.. (See New York Cit y, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) W. J. Dolan, Mgr. . (See New York Cit y, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) (Far Rockaway P. 0.) 1-2 *§1799 Sheepshead Bay .. Bank of Sheepshead Bay..§’22 1-446 (Brooklyn P.O.) Whitestone______ First National Bank____ *t’07 1-435 1-2 *§1799 Lee A. Kepple.... W. J. Kinsella S. G. Beals______ J. W. Stanley. ... H. Hollweg 1 H. 0. Buncke J. A. Heinemann, Mgr Mariners Harbor.. Mariner Harbor Nat. Bank.*’06 R. H. Laverie 1-455 P f!. Rrfimpv J. W. Place Port Richmond.__ Port Richmond Nat. Bk.„*t’02 W. J. Davidson.__ 1-452 (2062 Richmond Terrace) „ .. State Bk. of Richmond Co.*§’20 A. Hagaman 1-458 (Richmond Ave. and Ben nett St.) . .T. W_ Smith E. R. Moody Stapleton________ Richmond Borough Nat. Bank T W Plar* 1-454 T»t’04 .. ___ Stapleton National Bank—*t'03 O. A. Bruns 1-453 (Bay & Canal) .. Staten Island Ravings Bk.*t8’58 E. C. Bridgman.— 1-450 (81 Water) N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 675,000 90,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 350,000 (Borough of Richmond, D 3) $ David L. Decker, Acting 50,000 S 10.760*1 229.770! $ 92,310 S 160,800 % 36,680 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y., Richmond Borough N., Stapleton. F,. K.. Mnndv . .. 200,000 115,730 1,763,110 941,280 1,180,450 Frank Foggin....... Paul T. Wood____ Daniel Schmeidler J. H. Leadley 160,000 55,680 543,640 524,550 155,610 V A V #riinn G. S. Holbert 100,000 69,570 1,109,330 631,780 429,610 236,340 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. A.B. Pouch R. D. Kent M. H. Scott______ H. H. Seguine____ 100,000 178,450 1,293,860 614,100 737,880 228,450 N. Park. N. T. 897,000 10.950,000 Wm. J. Welsh___ H. C. Hagedorn.__ G. C. Hall________ Tottenville______ Tottenville National Bank*t'06 A. B. Potterton.__ J. W. Place______ 1. J. Horton-------- Thos. J. O’Connor. 1-456 (179 Main) 25,000 jA. F. Merrell____ F. W. Tompkins. G.H. Tredwell. Sec. Tr. Benedict Parker / \ 1 j 100,000 3,810 11,235,000 86,690 1,136,800 296,770 805,770 92,880 1,531,410 9,820 1,460.540 40,000 525,000 257,000 346,750 SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE 1 210,520 Irving N„ N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 69,370* Mech. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Com., N.Y. 385,140 Cent. Union Tr. and Equitable Tr. Cos.. N. Y. 127,620 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Rich. Borough N., Stapleton. 170,080 60,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. 1 Bk. of Staten Isl.,New Brightou. CONTINENTAL & COMMERCIAL BANK BLDG., CHICAGO THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. 1922 Geo. McWilliams.. H. H. Robinson ... Wm. O. Jube____ Jos. Johnson Francis F. Leman AMERIICAN SURETY COMPA NY OF NEW YORI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65,000 (See New Fork Cit V, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) IT. H. Spratt, Mgr. - Philip Licht, A. Mgr. *New Brighton___ Corn Ex. Bank of Staten Island ( Branch) 1-452 (24 Bay) *S’53 West New Brighton Richmond County Savings Bk. J. F. Smith ____ 1-451 -ts’se .. West New Brighton Bank *§’20 F. A. Verrtnn 1-457 (Broadway &Gastleton) 50,000 50,000 (See New \York Cit y, Borou gh of Ma nhattan) 1 NEW YORK CITY 100,000 N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City — Continued ____________ July, .. (Borough of Queens)—Continued Resources. Cash ft Ex Loans a Bonds, changes ,Dub Securi Discor nts ties. ETC' from Banks (See New York City , Borough of Manha ttan) .... 1 D. W. Ketcham, Mgr. and A, C. Richmond Hill___ Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1-2 »S1799 Pitv 1 I ^Cllliai IVCbCrVC V^liy (Savings Banks do not handle collections) 1120 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Namber given H9H to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 114U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. NEW YORK CITY PRIVATE BANKERS ^ Alvino, Pietro, 387 Broom St. and 2242 First Ave. (1-645) Ruttkay, Eugene, 106 Avenue B. (1-712) Liccione, Joseph. 125 Mulberry. (1-675) Garfunkel & Tauster, 67 Clinton. Angelinoff, Alexander, 237 W. 14th St. Under Supervision ol the State o£ New York Banking Department. Gimbel Bros., Bkrs.. Cor. 1275 Broadway Lordi, Giovanni, 62 Mulberry. (1-660) (1-676) Lundbeck, G. Hilmer, 24 State St. Goldberg, Shepard J., • 171 E. Broadway. (1-718) Lunham & Moore, • Produce Exchange Bldg. (1-677) Goldberger & Goodman, 136 E. 42d St. Bajardi, Vincenzo, 5 Monroe. (1-646) Bloomingdale Bros., 137 E. 59th. (1-649) Greenhut, J. B. & Co., 251 Fourth Ave. Guarini& Candela, 23-25 New Bowery. (1-661) Macy, R. H. & Co., Broadway and 34th. i Markel Brothers. • 92 Canal. (1-678) Scliwabach, Sigmund Geza. 1347 First Ave. (1-709) (1-679) Scotto, L. M. P. and Bro., 212 Columbia, Brooklyn. Molea. Giuseppe, 175 Hester. (1-681) Scotto, Raphael. 238 Columbia, Brooklyn.(1-694) Hedman, Hornborg & Co., 5 State St. Calvosa, Carlo, 89 Park St. Helander & Nekton, 233 Broadway. Cesario; Girardi & Co., 106 Bayard. (1-651) Sessa, Joseph. 131 Union St., 467 Carroll St., and 6323 Fourteenth Ave.. Brooklyn. (1-695) Herz. Isidor, 224 W. 34th. (1-662) Nemeth, John, 1597 Second Ave. (1-683) Hurwitz, A. & J., 36 Graham Ave., Brooklyn. (1-663) Neubauer, Andrew J., 972 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (1-684) Deffaa, Otto A., 3013 3rd Ave. Sillitti, I. and Son, 217 Ave. A. Stabile. Jerome G. and Americus C.,189 Grand.(1-696) Del Papa. Michael. 147 Mott. (1-652) Straus. Max, 55 Broadway. (1-705) Oppenheiin, Harry, 392 Grand. De Luca. G. & Co.. 75 Thompson. (1-653) (1-686) Straus & Co.. 65 Broadway Orbach, Faybik & Molitoris, 166 Avenue A. Josephsohn, Michael, 105 Stanton. (1-667) De Luca, V. & Co., 186 Grand. (1-654) Josephson, Julius, 1783 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn. De Vita, Salvatore. 2105 First Ave. (1-655) Dinnella, Pietro, 2270 Pacific (Brooklyn). (1-656) Tarabella, C. & Co., 85 Park St. and 171 Worth. (1-697) Packard & Co., 1 Wall, (1-687) Di Sesa & Di Sesa, 114 Mulberry St. Karaghuesian, Mirau. 354 Fourth Ave. Kiss. Emil, 133 Second Ave (1-669) Palumbo and Granozzi, 185 Montrose Ave.(Brooklyn) Engel, Morris, 129 Greenwich. (1-657) t Krimmert,Albert. • 9 Greenwich. (1-551) j Tausig & Sou. Paul. 104 E. 14th. (1-706) Termini, Giuseppe,28 Mulberry. Pasca. Michele G., 2072 First Ave. (1-688) (1-670) NEW YORK BANKS —New York City Brecher & Heilpern. 1587 Madison Ave. Schoppa, G. H., 931 Broadway (Brooklyn). Schreiber, Chas. W„ 2429 Myrtle Ave., Ridgewood. (1-714) (1-708) ; Boffa, D. & Di Sesa, 114-116 Mulberry. (1-650) July, 1922 1121 (1-698) Perera, Lionello & Co., • 63 Wall and 2261 First Ave. (1-581) Prisco, Raffaele, 73 Mulberry. (1-690) Verrilli Bros., 129 Mulberry. (1-700) Faour, D. J. & Bros., 85 Washington. (1-658) Ferrari, Francesco Maria, 2112-l4lSecond Ave Frazier, Chas. * Co., 93 Nassau. (1-509) ESTABLISHED 1810 Laudisi, Laurence, 101 Vernon Ave.. Long Island City Richard, C. B. & Co.. Legniti, Angelo, 64 Mulberry. (1-678) Royal Co. of New York, The, 95 Nassau. (1-691) 29 Broadway. (1-591) THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK ol the City af New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (1-701) Zaro, Henry C., »39 Cooper Square. (1-702) UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS FOR INTERIOR BANKS ARE OFFERED BY OUR FOREIGN DEPARTMENT 1121 Fugazy, Louis V., 153Bleecker. (1-659) Viggiani, Enrico, 2167 First Ave. Lago, James V., 154 W. 14th. 1122 NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)—Continued—Central Reserve City SELECTED LIST—INVESTMENT DEALERS 1122 Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year JMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. ^!Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Correspondents. Officers. Year Estab- 40 Wall BLODGET & CO. AMERICAN BOND & MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC,, American Bond & Mortgage Bldg. Wm. J. MOORE, President C. C. MOORE, Vice-President CHICAGO, NEW YORK, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, COLUMBUS, DAVENPORT, ROCKFORD, GRAND RAPIDS. CORPORATION AND REAL ESTATE BONDS— NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS: 61 Broadway BOND & CO., S. N............................ 117 (Commercial Paper and Bonds) Chase N. and N. Park. N. Y. 111 Broadway ( “Commercial Paper.” Bond & Goodwin, Chi., Phil., Minpls., BOND & GOODWIN.......... -........... New York Trust Company American Exchange National Bank Guaranty Trust Company ge. ociation of America, on of Canada. AMES, EMERICH & COMPANY CHICAGO “ 7 Wall T95 BACHE, J. t.&CO......... .. .......... «t’92 42 Broadway BECKER, A. G. & GO. lllBroadway Babcock, Rushton & Co Chi.; Hayden, Stone & Co., Bos.; Morris, Brown & Co., Pitt. ter. Syracuse.Alb.,Troy, Schenectady, and Atlantic C. COMMERCIAL PAPER Bayne, Hine & Co., Phil., and Rich.; Richards, Roloson '& Co.. Chi.; J. M. Young & Co., Pitt.; McCluney & Co., St. L., Den., and SanP.: Lane, Piper & Jaffray, Minpls.; Pearson Bro., Bos. A. G. Becker & Co., Chi., St. L., Se attle, and San F. de Rothschild Freres, Paris, France. CORRESPONDENTS: •*1 ■ BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia and Boston ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS, Baltimore BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY, London Investment Securities — Deposit Accounts — Commercial Credits _______________ Travelers5 Credits — Foreign Exchange___________ ____ Commercial Paper. Investment Securities. BURR, GEORGE H. & GO. 120 Broadway Geo. H. Burr & Co., Chi., Bos., Phil., Seattle, Hart., St. L., Port., Los A., Scranton, and San F. »T05 H. M. BYLLESBY & GO. Ill Broadway H Founded 1902. Members Illinois Bnkis. Ass'n Wisconsin Bnkrs. Ass’n 208 S. LaSalle Street. Chicago. Turks Head Bldg., Providence. 11 State Street, Boston. Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. McKnight Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Second National Bank Bldg., New Haven, Conn. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES. (SEE CARD ON BACKBONE OF COVER) ; CASSATT & CO................................ 172 5 Nassau St. [ (Investment Bankers) . ... Cassatt & Co., Phil., Balt, Scranton, and Wilkes Barre. Pitt. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Borids—Burglary 1nsurance Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1922 Belmont & Go., August. 45 Cedar St. IT94 59 WALL ST NEW YORK Established 1818 (Investment Securities)____________ _____ J. S. Bache & Co., Chi., Buffalo, Roches Bayne, Hine & Co-----------------------«t (Commercial Paper)....... ......... 59 Broad St. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1122. _________ I Bos. BROWN BROTHERS & GO [ Members New York Stock Exchange. Members N. Y. and Chicago Stock Exchanges and Chicago Board of Trade. Unlisted Stocks, Bonds and Bank Stocks. REGINALD L. CARTER_ _ _ _ Secretary FRANK E. MORGAN....... Comptroller HERBERT C. BOTHWELL- _Ass't Treas. RANDALL SALISBURY-Ass'/ Secretory EDGAR I. HILLARY —Ass’t Secretary 115 Broad wav ASIEL & CO.----—-—....... „’75 *!*'—’— (Investment Securities. --------”— BABCOCK, RUSHTQN & CO. BOND AND MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY MMM&3£Sx2si BROOKS, P. W. & CO. INC._ _ _ _ •i’06l (InvestmentBonds)___ —............. P. W. Brooks & Co., Inc., Chi., and Safety of Principal is our First Consideration 52 Broadway Guarantees the payment of principal and interest CLINTON 0. BURDICK _Vice-President of first mortgages on located in mi an itiTrr nniinmu JOHN L. SHERWOOD - . Vice-President properties Greater New York and on HAROLD W. HOYT. . . . . . . . ___ Treasurer Long Island. 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn V ice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 176 Broadway, New York Capital & Surplus $12,000,000 INVESTMENT SECURITIES MILWAUKEE Pitt.,and Bos.; Bond, Goodwin&Tucker, Inc,, San F., Los A., Seattle, and Port. CLARENCE H. KELSEY_ _ ...President FRANK BAILEY. . . . . . . . „_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Canadian Government, Muni A. E. Ames & Co., Chi., Toronto. Mont real, and Victoria, B. C, Members Toronto Stock Exchange. Members Montreal Stock Exchan Members Investment Bankers Ass Members Bond Dealers Associati \Investment Securities. 65 Broadway {cipal and Corporation Bonds and Stocks. 74 Broadway CDealers in Conservative Blyth, Witter & Co., SanF., Los A., Port., J Investment Securities. and Seattle. Lloyd S. Gilmour, L Resident Partner BLYTH, WITTER & CO................. --T19 ] BUY AND SELL ENTIRE ISSUES_____________________________ AMES, A. E. &C0--------- Bertron, Griscom & Co. Inc., Phil. /"INVESTMENT BONDS_____ Biodget & Co., Chi., Bos., Hart., and Phil. J 34 Pine Street, NEW YORK \ Telephone, John 6310 J BOSTON PHILADELPHIA l CHICAGO HARTFORD N EW YORK BANKS — N ew York City—Continued __________ July, -f 13 (Corporation Financing).......... Chase & Co., Bos.: J. W. Gross, Phil. BERTRON, GRISCOM & CO., Inc-----*1 Aldred &Co., Ltd., Montreal, London 40 Wall and Paris. A. C. Allyn & Co., Chi, Minpls, Bos. and ' Local Representatives, Mil. Geo. T. Ordway *i Theodore Luce A. C. ALLYN and COMPANY-—*T12 34 Pine Municipal and Corporation 1 Wall . Bonds. ALDRED & CO. Correspondents. Officers. lished TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY BOND AND MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY HE TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY in New York City is the largest title T insurance company in the world. The Company insures titles and makes loans on real estate in Greater New York and on Long Island. The Company also does a general banking and trust business and is prepared to receive accounts from out of town customers including banks and will render the usual services that go with this business. Its Capital and surplus is $18,500,000. Organized in 1883. HE BOND AND MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY is associated with the Title T Guarantee and Trust Company and the businesses are closely related and cooperative. The two companies occupy the same offices. The Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Company guarantees the payment of principal and interest on real estate bonds and mortgages approved by its Mortgage Committee and most of the mortgages sold by the Title Guarantee and Trust Company are sold under this guarantee. The Title Guarantee and Trust Company guarantees the validity of the titles to the properties covered by the mortgages, and protected by this insurance, the Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Company issues to the investor its absolute guarantee of payment of principal and interest. Its Capital and surplus is $12,000,000. Organized in 1892. During the past thirty years, it has guaranteed more than 100,000 separate mortgages aggregating in amount more than $825,000,000. Of this more than $555,000,000 have fallen due and have been repaid without the loss of a dollar to any investor, and $270,000,000 are still in force. This record is unequalled by any line of securities ever offered by any other investment house in this country. If mortgage investments are sought there are none so good as these. 176 Broadway, NEW YORK 175 Remsen Street, BROOKLYN 350 Fulton Street, JAMAICA TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY BOND AND MORTGAGE GUARANTEE" COMPANY Statement as of commencement fiscal year ASSETS' Securities ------- $ 8,844,615.59 Bonds and Mortgages - - 13,987,042.11 Loans and Discounts - - 20,521,281.19 Real Estate and Miscellaneous 3,767,717.10 Cash on hand and in Bank 7,649,844.55 Total - - $54,770,500.54 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital....................................$ 7,500,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - 11,584,427.23 Due Depositors ----34,654,136.41 Reserve for Taxes Dividends, etc. - 1,031,936.90 Total - - $54,770,500.54 Statement as of commencement fiscal year ASSETS Bonds and Mortgages - - $5,454,019.27 Stocks, Bonds and Loans - 5,178,119.28 Accrued Interest and Misc. 391,427.03 Cash on hand ----1,130,222.91 Real Estate.............................. 805,659.97 Total - - $12,959,448.46 '':'i LIABILITIES Capital.......................................... $6,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - - 6,599,378.08 Principal and Interest collected in advance for clients - 124,543.03 Accrued Expenses and Misc. 235,527.35 Total .$12,959,448.46 CONTINENTAL GUARANTY CORPORATION 248 Madison Avenue, New York Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits December 31, 1921 O V7 Q 1 AZ. / / jOIL. The Self-Liquidating Collateral Trust Notes issued by this Corporation have been bought to the extent of over $122,000,000 by about 1150 banks and trust companies in the United States and Canada. Every dollar matured to date has been paid from the proceeds of the collateral which is pledged with Trustee. The Trustee’s certificate on each Note is evidence of the fact that it holds good collateral in the ratio of 110 to 100 of Notes outstanding. Sold at discount rates according to market San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto NEW YORK London, England Name of Banker. Name Officers. lished. Chamberlain & Co.. Lawrence, Inc. Lawrence Chamberlain, Pres. 115 Broadway T1S L. R. Ayers. TV. fUlll no n r 0 nn The oldest house in America DNILUo, b. r. & UU,.,,; sp“te£S“CJrn of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Correspondents. Year Established DILLON, READ & CO— 28 Nassau Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; c. F. ELDREDGE and COMPANY. 7 Wall Officers. Correspondents. -•T05 (Investment Bonds)_____ ___ Dillon. Read & Co., Chi., Bos., and Phil T19 (Investment Securities)_________ Am. Ex. N. and Chase N., N. Y. Eldredge & Co., Bos. See Ado. opposite page 1123 Mech. & Metals N. and Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y. Dealers In Investment Bon ds. Railroad, Municipal and other approved Bonds on hand f or immediate delivery suitable for . Savings Banks, Trust Funds , and other Conservative Investors. FARLEE & CO., J. S_____ ______ • 82 66 Broadway CLARK, DODGE & CO- Clark, Dodge & Co., Newark. Clarke Brothers........................... »J'40 154 Nassau N. Park, Chase. N., and Irving N„ N. Y. Farson, Son & Co.......... 115 Broadway 51 Wall THE CLEVELAND DISCOUNT CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000,000.00 GAGE E. TARBELL, Mgr. FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION.. 18 14 Wall (SEE ADVERTISEMENT N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; First N., Bos. IN FINANCIAL CORPORATI ONS LIST.) Dealers In Bankers’ Acceptances and U. S. Govern ment Obligations. FISK & SONS, HARVEY 'Pliny Fisk, Ch. of Bd_________ Harvey Fisk & Sons, Inc., 17 E. 45th St. J. H. Blodgett, President. N.Y., Chi., Bos,, Buffalo, and Phil. 469 5th Ave. FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS The Cleveland Disc. Co., Cleveland, New York, Chicago, and principal cities. (Incorporated) 32 Nassau Coffin & Burr. Inc. 61 Broadway ........UT6| (Investment Bonds) Coffin A Co.. - _ 34Pine Coffin & Burr, Inc., Bos. V02 (Investment Securities)___ (Investment Bonds) . United States Bonds .Investment Securitie »T62 FREEMAN & COMPANY equipment F BONDS Am. Ex. N., N. Bk. Com., Bk. of N Y., and Irving N., N. Y. 34 Pine COGGESHALL & HICKS— ------- »t’06 (Investment Securities.............. ... 128 Broadway l Members of N. Y. Stock Ex. Qfl COLES & CO., W. C. 61 Broadway ...........*’99 Colgate, Parker & Co....... 49 Wall [Since 1899, Speciali sts in Standard Oil and \ Independent Oil Se curities. 100 Broadway REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICERS: HENRY D. TUDOR, President LETCHER MELTON, V.-Pres. 1810 —'93 (Commercial Paper)____ _____ W. O. Gay & Co., Chi., San F„ Phil.,and Bos. on_______ 2 Wall 113 (See Parker Jc Company) COMMONWEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION ESTABLISHED 27 William THEODORE L. WEED, V.-Pres. N. A. MERRITT, Sec’y-Treas. 17 New York Trust Co., and 5th N. Bank, New York. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co., New York. Continental & Commercial Nat’i Bank, Chicago. Union Nat’i Bank, Philadelphia. Commercial Nat’i Bank, Wash ington. GRAHAM30PARSONS & GO. Flue Street Year K,i. ‘9” MEMBERS OF Investment Bankers Association of America. GRANT,(Incorporated) R. M. & GO. »V04 1 CORRESPONDENTS: Graham Parsons & Co. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Camden, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Reading, Scranton, Trenton. ’iuurcTurur Bnllnc Am. Ex. N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; R. M. Grant & Co., Inc., Chi., St. L., and Bos. (INVESTMENT BONDS) THE MECHANICS’& METALS NATIONAL BANK of the Citv of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INVESTMENT SECURITIES CORRESPONDENCE WITH RELATION TO YOUR BANKING NEEDS IS C0R0IALLY INVITED N EW YORK BANKS — New York City-Continued 120 Broadway Member* of the American Bankers Ass’n. 1922 Year Estab- •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. July, NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)—Continued—Central Reserve City _____________ __________ SELECTED LIST—INVESTMENT DEALERS 1123 NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)—Continued—Central Reserve City SELECTED LIST—INVESTMENT DEALERS 1124 N a me of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. "llMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab- Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. 1!Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Correspondents. Officers. lis hep. Year Estab* lished. Correspondents. Officers. Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co., Chi., Bos., Phil.. St.L., Seattle, Pitt., Rich..; Minpls., Clev„ Den., Port., Hart., Scranton, Atl„ Dallas, and San F. HATHAWAY SMITH FOLDS & CO.—• i(Commercial Paper) GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORKNew York City, 140 Broadway.Fifth Ave. and 44th St., Madison Ave. and 60;h St. Harold Stanley, President Charles H. Sabin, Ch. of Bd. VICE-PRESIDENTS Burnett Walker Gilbert E. Jones Clayton F. Banks John R. Kimball Arthur G. Cable Frank Kennedy Harold F. Greene TWENTY-NINE OFFICES IN CITIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITEO STATES 45 Wall HAYDEN, STORE t CO... 25 Broad W. R. Nelson, Secretary E. M. Bentley, Treasurer John F. Patterson, Sales Manager W. P. Wilson, Ass’t Secretary Wm. H. Coulson, Ass’t Treasurer Ralph T. Willis, Ass't Treasurer Charles T. Mulford, Ass’t Treasurer Hayden, Stone & Co., Bos. .•V#2 (Brokers) HEIDELRAGH, ICKELHEIMER & GO. Every form of 49 Wall St., New York INTERNATIONAL BANKING SERVICE Foreign Exchange Import and Export Letters of Credit Travelers Cheques and Credits Orders executed on New York Stock Exchange and in Foreign Markets Dealers in Hallgarten & Co., Chi. and London. Hallgarten & Co.--------------------»V5Q 44 Pine HOAGLAND ALLUM & CO.......... tT’09 INVESTMENT SFCCRITIES... Hoagland, Allum & Co., Chi. HALSEY, STUART & GO., INVESTMENT BONDS ' (Incorporated,) B0S' (Phone Rector 4880) 115 Broadway (Chicago Office 14 So. La Salle) See Adv. on page V. INC. V01 14 Wall Hambleton & Co., Balt.. Phil., and Wash. HAMBLETON & CO. ------.......... 11 ’6f»| (Investment Bonds) 43 Exchange Place 100 Broadv I . JN. Bk. Com. and 1st N., N. Y. 1 (Investment Bonds). HANNAHS, BALLIN & LEE Hoey Tliden & Co., ‘AOS So. La Salle MATTHEW J. HOEY and St., Chicago, III. EDWARD TILDEN, Partners MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange, New York Coffee and Sugar Eichange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HOEY, TILDEN & CO. 115 Broadway llinnilllkl O nn (if ■ W A. HARRIMAN, Ch. of Bd. HARRIMAN & GO., W.T19A.W. T. SMiTH>. P. C.’w*-®"; %?■ A.REYNOLUS, (Incorporated) C. C. PAPE. Tr. 25 Broad W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc., Chi., HORNILOWER & WEEKS _____»i'88 42 Broadway (Investment Securities) Hornblower & Weeks, Chi., Bos., Det., Providence. N. Y., aflfl Port. -Sec. (INVESTMENT SECURITIES) (C. I., H. K., C. A., andH. Hud G. 1. Hudson & Co.. Atlantic City, New ark, Wil., Binghamton, Syracuse, Glen 741 i son, G. R. Dyer, J. F. Johnson, Cove, N. Y., Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, (.(Brokers) Partner, Pa., and Cin. Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Harris, Forbes & HUDSON & CO., C. I----Co., Inc., Bos.; Harris, Forbes & Co., 66 Broadway London. HARRIS, FORBES & CO. -............. (56 William^ NEW YORK BANKS— New York City—Continued Hamilton Candee Henry C. Ward J. R. Swan Alden S. Blodget ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENTS R. E. Whittlesey James Rattray Boudinot Atterbury John Grimm, Jr. Alfred Shriver Fred’k P. Fiske ' 11 Wall Hatch, Frederic H. & Co... 74 Broadway HATHAWAY & C0„ R. B. 20 Nassau Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Members N.Y. Stack Exchange. K '88' (Investment Securities). .Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y. Tr. Co., and Empire Tr. Co., N.Y.; Walter s. Place, Bos.; Jas. Carothers & Co., Pitt. __'loi(Investment Securities)------------ Henderson & Co., N. ¥. ! Specialists in Motor Stocks AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK '05! (Brokers) HUHN & SONS, GEO. A.— ............_iGeo. A. Huhn & Sons, Phil. ill Broadway HUTH & 30GO. Pine .•’17 SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE Fred’k Huth & Co., London Foreign Investment Securities Foreign Exchange Letters of Credit CONTINENTAL & COMMERCIAL BANK BLDG., CHICAGO CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. _______ July, 1922 _ HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO.............*1 (Investment Securities)------------Harris, Winthrop & Co., Chi. SELECTED LIST—INVESTMENT DEALERS 1 Name of Banker. A ISELIN & CO 36 Wall 1 Year. Estab- •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Correspondents. Officers. lished .............’54 Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year | Estab-1 lished.; KUHN, LOEB & GO. 1 •1 LADEHBURG THALMANN & CO. -<1!- LAIDLAW ft COMPANY.............. <'42 25 Broad 26 Broadway NEW YORK LAZARD FRERES—...... 19 Nassau ............. , Investment Securities_______ N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. JOLESCH, ALBERTSEN & CO. _ ’20i (Investment Securities) JONES & CO., CHAS. H_ _ _ _ _ .11'04 Ill Broadway Municipal, Railroad, and Corporation Bonds. 20 Broad KIDDER, PEABODY & GO. 18 Broad *T '65; (Branch Office 45 East 42d St.) KIELY ft HORTON...... Investment Securities Foreign Exchange Letters of Credit ^Investment Securities). 40 Wall Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co________ 1 04 (Investment Securities). 14 Wall Spab. N., Equitable Tr. C.. Guaranty Tr, Co., Am. Ex. N., U. S. Mortgage Tr. Co., and Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foster & Braithwaite, London, Eng. A. B. Leach, Pres. F. B. Lasher, F. W. Leach, V,P. Sec. and Tr. G. G. Olmsted. V.P. D. H. Lake, V.P. »t1 H.W. Forbes, V.P. C. R. Miller, V. P. H. A,Wadleigh, V. P. H. C. Zwe tsch, G. T. Leach, V. P. V. P. W. E, Fulcher,V.P. B. L. Johnson, B. F. Troxell, iC. B. Campbell,F.P. C.T. Smith,A. LEACH, A. B. & GO., INC. 62 Cedar Correspondents of BARING BROTHERS & CO., Ltd. London npire Tr. Co.. Guaranty Tr. Co., and Coal & Iron N..N. Y. Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Lon. Joint City and Midland Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Aus tralian Bk. of Com.. Ltd., Sydney: Bk. of Bishop & Co. Ltd., Honolulu. Geo. Blumenthal. Paul Baerwald Lazard Bros. & Co.. Lon. Ei g., Antwerp, Frank Altschul, F. H. Greene- and Madrid: Lazard Freres et Cie., Paris baum, Partners. and Mayence. LEE, HIG6INS0N& C0„ '48 43 Exchange PI. New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,Portland (Me.), Worcester, St.Louis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Hartford (Conn.), Providence (B. I.), Grand Rapids, Kansas City, St. Paul, and Hlgglnson & Company, London, England. Kissell, Kinnicutt & Co. Chi. /INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1-548 120 Broadway 347 Madison Avenue Equitable Trust Co., N. Y. ^Municipal, State and Corpora' atlon Bonds and Notes Member New York Stock Exchange (Investment Securities) Through our mediation Banks, and Bankers In the United States may draw their own drafts on Europe. Issue Travelers Checks and Circular Letters of Credit. 71 Broadway 141 BROADWAY ___ '95 Claude Meeker, Columbus, O. ..+T13 Merrill, Lynch & Co,, Chi., Milw., Den., Los A., and Det. MORGAN, J. P.&GO. ,-<1 jDealers in Municipal a nd Corporation Bonds. 23 Wall ESTABLISHED ____ 18U> THE MECHANICS &, METALS NATIONAL BANK of the Oily of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REMITTANCES MADE TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AT LOWEST RATES 1125 INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Foreign Exchange and Lettere of Credit. 120 Broadway N. Prov. & Union Bk. of Eng., Ltd., Lon.; Mallet Freres & Co., Paris. France; Banco National de Mexico, Mexico. •11796 62 William (SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON PACE IV) KOUNTZE BROTHERS •tl V. P. V. P. Tr. Deelere In Municipal and Corporation Bonds, MACFADDEN ft COMPARY, INC........'19 jDividend-Paylng Stocks KNAUTH, NAGHOD & KUHNE•tl A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., Chicago and Principal Cities. See adv. Page VI. N EW YORK BANKS— New York City—Continued BONDS FOR INVESTMENT MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 40 WALL STREET 41 Pine Correspondents. 52-54 William IELKE, HOOD & CO." JESTER & CO- Officers. July, 1922 NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)—Continued—Central Reserve City 1125 1126 NEW YORK CITY (Borough of Manhattan)—Continued—Central Reserve City SELECTED LIST—INVESTMENT DEALERS 1126 ! Year Established. Correspondents. Officers. Moseley, F. S. & Co.................... 111900 (Commercial Paver)........ 26 Exchange PI. Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn TMem. Inv. Ek&. Assn. Year Estab- dished. PEABODY, H0U6HTELING ) Bos. & CO., INC. Established 1865 (366 Madison Ave.) PFORZHEIMER, CARL H. & CO., COBB ESPONDENTS: Munroe & Co., Paris and Pau, France; London Joint City & Midland Bank, Lt’d, London; Travelers Letters of Credit. Com’ Credits. Second National Bank, Boston. Foreign Exchange and Cable Transfers, Collections. Deposit Acc’ts in N. Y. and Paris (100 Broadway) (Alexander Smith. Pres........ ...... Peabody, Houghteling & Co., Chi., St. L., 1 C. B. Hibbard, V.-Pres. Det., Mil., and Ced. R. A. S. Peabody, V.-Pres. and Tr. « 65 ) F. P. Butler, V.-Pres. Thomas McLaren, A. Tr. RHfclfK CAPITAL: L DUN UO. $1,800,000 . «'54 25 Broad ’03 investment securities. Specialize in STANDARD OIL Securities. Place, J. W. & Co.________________ • (44 Beaver St.) THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY' National City Bank Building, New York Uptown Office, Forty-Second St., at Madison Ave. . - . Eric P. Swenson, Chairman of the Board. Charles E. Mitchell, President. SEE ADY. ON PAGE in. POTTER & COMPANY_________ *119 (Investment Securities) 5 Nassau COBBESPONDENT OFFICES Albany, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio Louisville, Ky. Philadelphia, Pa. Seattle, Wash. Atlanta, Ga. Davenport, la. Memphis, Tenn. Pittsburgh, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. Atlantic City,N.J. Denver, Colo. Milwaukee, Mis. Portland, Me. St. Paul, Minn. Baltimore, Md. Detroit, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn Portland, Ore. Washington, D.C. Boston, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Newark, N. J. Providence, B.I. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. Indianapolis, Ind. New Orleans, La. Bochester, N. Y. Montreal, Can. Chicago, Ill. Kansas City, Mo. Omaha, Neb. San Diego, Cal. Toronto, Can. Cincinnati, Ohio Los Angeles, Cal. Pasadena, Cal. San Francisco,Cal. London, E. C., 2, England. Geneva, Switzerland. Tokio, Japan. BONDS. SHORT TERM NOTES. I PRESSPRICH & CO., R. W________ 09 (Investment Ttnn/ls) ..... 40 Wall ("MUNICIPAL BONDS. PRUDDEN & COMPANY------------- TOi. ) Branches: Toledo, Cincinnati, ) St. Louis and Chicago. CE. R. Harris, M<jr. (115 Broadway) . PYNE, KENDALL & HOLLISTER ...... ■ W. H. Newbolds, Son & Co. and Chas. 20 Exchange Place H. Bean Co., Phil. ESTABLISHED 1886 Naumburg, E. & Co____ 14 Wall ____ »’94 (Commercial Paper)... Nickerson, Jr., John___ 61 Broadway -T05 (Investment Securities)... 49 Broad PARKER & COMPANY49 Wall (Horace U. Gade.Mgr.. Branch of Cleveland [ (Investment Securities) • UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS AND OTHER INVESTMENT SECURITIES. John Nickerson, Jr., St. L. Direct Private Wire to Boston. Otis & Co., N. Y., Bos., Det., Cin., Col. Clev., Tol.. Akron, Youngstown, Den and Colo. Springs. -T13 Henry S. Parker, F. Hamilton Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and 1st N..N.Y. Davis. Darragh A.Park. Partners (Investment Sidney W. Fish, Special Partner. t Securities. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis QUINCEY (14&WallGO.,St.) GHAS. E REDMOND & CO ............ .. (33 Pine) SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE Investment Securities Redmond & Co., Phil., Pitt., Wash, and Bait. Correspondents In all domestic and foreign banking points. CONTINENTAL & COMMERCIAL BANK BLDG., CHICAGO CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. July, 1922 OTIS & COMPANY...................... .111900 E. Naumburg & Co.. Chi., Bos.,Hart.,Phil. Pitt., San F., St. L.. and Los A. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE YORK BANKS—New York City—Continued JOHN MUNROE & GO, Correspondents. Officers. ____ ______ NEW Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. fMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. 1127 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab- Officers. lished. CENTRAL RESERVE CITY Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Correspondents. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab Correspondents. Officers. lished. SPEYER & 00 (Calvert Bldg.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). I*awyers^ Laws (indexed) in back of this1 volume. NEW YORK CITY---- (Borough of Manhattan)—Cont’d «’37 24-26 Pine f (Municipal and .... SPITZER, R0RICK & CO...............* 71 T Corporation Bonds) ;H. D. Robbins, Pres, and Tr. .. Coal & Iron N. and Met. Trust Co., N. Y. 120 Broadway Stacy Xr. Rrann H ROBBINS, H. D. & CO., INC.......—TIB JE. H. Tatum, V. Pres. YD. V. Hill, Sec. 14 Wall 61 Broadway 'W. R. Schwalb, Cashier. (Investment Bonds and Stocks) 120 Broadway S. W. Straus, Pres. S. J. T. Straus, v.-Pres. Dfimiltny 9 Pfl United States Government Bonds nUDmoUll 06 uUi and other Investment Securities. STRAUS, S. W. & GO. Nicholas Roberts, v.-Pres. < Walter S. Klee, Tr. 26 Exchange Place Members N. F. Stock Exchange. Straus Bldg. 565 Fifth Ave. »T82 Nicholas Jones, Sec. First Mortgage Seri Founded 1882 30 Broad safe guarded under Rollins, E. H. & Sons-------------- 11876 (Investment Bonds)_______________________ E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y., Chi., Bos., STRONG, STURGIS & CO...............1 59 (Brokers)___________________ Phil., Den., San F., and Los A. 43 Exchange PI. 80 Broad ROOSEVELT & SON............ 1797 (Seasoned Investments) (30 Pine) SUTR0 BROTHERS & CO....... —-T96 ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION '20 Dealers In Canadian Govern Royal Secur. Corp., Ltd., Montreal, To 120 Broadway ment, Municipal, Public ronto, Halifax, St. John, Winnipeg, 165 Broadway Utility, and Industrial Vancouver, and London. (See Montreal) Securities. Rutter & Co., Hart. RUTTER & CO______ ’ll (Investment Securities) _ . _ ... Swartwout & Appenzellar_________+ 14 Wal) 141 Broadway DISCOUNT HOUSE OF Dealers in Bank and Bankers’ Acceptances, Short & Sons_____ _____ nil mini! nnnn n IIIITTirn Term Securities and Equipment Mortgages, Libert} Swen^pn, S. M. 61 Broadway \A| flMflN HHIIn Kl H 17 FR Bends, Victory Notes and C. S. Treasury Certificates. Henry.............. •J’72 OnLUIVIUIl UIIUUi l* IIUIi.LI.ll OFFICES: Boston. Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, Chicago [| Talmadge &Co. S2 William 60 Wall *1 New York. (Investment. Bonds) 27 William Swiss Bk. Corp. Lon.: Deutsche Bk. Berlin; de Neuflize & Co.. Paris; Am. 45 William Colonial. San Juan, f Commercial Credits............... Goschens & Cunliffe. London; Marcuard. SCHULZ & RUCKGABER------------------------ * 82 1 Investment Securities. Meyer-Borel & Co., Paris. 27 Pine Railroad, Corporation BONDS SEAS0NG00D & MAYERItI 87 Government, Municipal, Correspondent: Seasongood & Mayer, Cincinnati. 149 Broadway (Members New York and Phil. Edward B. Smith & Co., Philadelphia, Allentown, Pottsville, Williamsport, EDWARD B. SMITH & CO..................•1t’92 < Stock Exchanges (.Investment Securities Easton, and New London Wells,Deane (5 Nassau Street) & Singer, Pitt.; J. H. Brooks & Co., Scranton; Minot, Kendall & Co., Inc. and Charles Head & Co., Boston,: Brokaw & Co., Chicago. SMITHERS, F. S. & GO. 19 Nassau tl'57 SOUDERS31 &NassauGO., W. 6.’14 ESTABLISHED 1810 CHARLES SMITHERS, SELWYN BYWATER, MAURICE L. FARRELLCULVER B. McWiLLIAM, ARTHUR B. LAWRENCE Partners. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Bank Acceptances. Foreign Exchange. Bkrs. Tr. Co. and U. S. Mtge. & Tr. HIGH GRADE * Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’IN., Chi.; INVESTMENT Peo. State, Det.; 1st Wls. N., Mil. . SECURITIES G. Rap. Sav., G. Rap.; W.G. Souli ers & Co., Chi. TAYLOR. iniLUII) & EWART G0i*m Llinill Ul UUi*l 11 CHICAGO st KANSAS & city Stacy & Braun, Chi., Cin., Det., and Tol. N. Park, Guaranty Tr., and Bkrs. Tr. Cos., N. Y.; S. W. Straus & Co., and Cont. & Com’l T., Chi. al Bonds the Straus Plan. o Drexel&Co., Robt. Glendinning k Co., w and Geo. S. Fox k Sons. Phil. cu Lon. Co. Westminsters & Parr’s Ltd., Union Bk. of Scotland, Ltd., N. Pro > vincial & Union Bk. of Eng., Ltd., and R. Raphael & Sons, Lon.; Sutro Bros. & Co., Montreal. « Wm. Prince Smith and Leo H. Graham, w Pittsfield, Mass.; Wm. J. McLaughlin, 1 Poughkeepsie. 2 n 1 ». F. Taylor, Pm^^S^A. Munger, U. Pres. C. B. Ewart, V. Pres. T. K. Carpenter, Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES $ ►< o •1 ** O Lon. Joint City and Midland Bk., Ltd., n o Lon.: Heine & Co., Paris. ((Commercial Paper')_________ Weil, Farrell & Co., Chi.. Phil., and Bos. 3 WEIL, FARRELL & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Sumner Weil, Charles Weil, John Ill Broadway ( McKey, Partners. 5' c Weil, Roth * Co. 1 (Municipal Bondsi) Weil, Roth & Co., Cin. n 115 Broadway CL WHITE, J.G. & Co. Inc___ ____1 03 (Investment. Securities) 37 Wall Mech. & Metals N., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., WHITNEY & COMPANY, RICHARD--’15 14 Wall N. Y. •+1f'49 Winslow, Lanier & Co. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co., Lon., 59 Cedar Hottinguer & Co., Paris. (Investment, Securities) WINTHR0P & CO. ROBERT 40 Wall Wolff & Stanley ... ____ ’(U Turnure, Law’rence Co_____ 64 Wall T32 r+ 27 William lA/nnn PllllflV 9 PH .Dealers in WUUU, bUNUT & UU.^ (Incorporated) 14 Wall Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Bondi,. Wood, Gundy & THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of Hie Citv of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Spitzer, Rorick k Co., Chi.; Spitzer Rorick Co. and Spitzer, Rorick Tr. A; Sav., Tol. Co., Toronto, Montreal, London, England. Winnipeg, and REMITTANCES MADE TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AT LOWEST RATES SEE LIST OF SELECTED INVESTMENT DEALERS PRECEDING THIS PAGE FOR FIRMS SHOWN IN BOLD TYPE. : Byrne, J. M. & Co., 60 Broadway. BABCOCK, RCSHTON & CO., 7 Wall. BACHE, J. S. & CO., 42 Broadway. BACHMAN, H. F. & CO. 61 Broad way. Bamberger Bros., 66 Broadway. Barbour & Co., 25 Broad. Barnes Bros., 66 Broadway. Barney, Chas. D. & Co., *15 Broad. Barstow & Co., 18 Exchange PI. Batcheller & Adee, 62 Broadway. Baylis & Co., 52 Broadway. Cahill, J. P. & Co., 52 Broadway. Cahn, F. B. & Co.. Ill Broadway. Callaway, Fish & Co., • 37 Wall. Cammann & Co., 29 Broadway. Campbell, H. G. & Co., 149 Br’dway. Carey, H. T. & Co., 66 Broadway. Carleton & Mott, 100 Broadway. Carlisle. Mellick &Co., *43 Exchange Beekman, Wm. B. & Co., 20 Broad. PI. Bell & Beckwith, 111 Broadway. BELMONT & CO., AUGUST, 45 Carreau & Snedeker, 59 Wall. ! Carstairs & Co., 52 Broadway. Cedar St. Carter & Co., 61 Broadway. Benedict, Drysdale & Co., 7 Wall. Benedict, E. C. & Co., 80 Broadway. Benjamin & Ferguson, 61 Broadway. CASSATT & CO., 5 Nassau. Cassel, Nunes & Co., 61 Broadway. Benkard, J. P. & Co., 61 Broadway. Berg, Eyre & Kerr. 23-25 Beaver. Bernhard, Scholle & Co., 14 Wall. Billings, Olcott & Co., 52 Broadway. Bissell, R. H. & Co., 52 Broadway. Blaikie, Cameron & Co., 44 Broad. BLAKE BROS. & CO., 44 Wall. Block, Maloney & Co., 74 Broadway. Blyth & Bonner, 43 Exchange PI. Boissevain & Co., 52 Broadway. Chapin, S. B. & Co,, 111 Broadway. ; Chapman, Carman & Co., 100 B’dway. Chauncey & Co., 61 Broadway. Chisholm & Chapman, 52 Broadway. W VV YORK CITY------ Continued 1 WIN.IV Ui X V^UllLlllUCU * LOCAL NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS Danzig, Jerome J. & Co.. 100 Broad way. Davies, Thomas & Co., 5 Nassau. Davis, Fellowes & Co., 52 Broadway. Davis, J. W. & Co., Ill Broadway. Davis, Morgan & Co., 66 Broadway, Day & Heaton, 42 Broadway. Forrest, Davis & MacDonald, 60 Broadway. Foster & Adams, 71 Broadway. Foster & Gibson, 24 Broad. Fox, Carlebach & Co., 40 Exch. PI. i Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FOR ADDITIONAL DATA ON FIRMS SHOWN IN BOLE TTPE SEE PRECEDING LIST OF INVESTMENT DEALERS Jewett, Newman & Co., 35 Wall. Hart & Haupt, 61 Broadway. Hartshorne & Battelle, 25 Broad. Hartshorne, Fales & Co.. 71 Broad Johnson, A. J. & Co., 60 Broadway. Johnson & Wood, 111 Broadway. way. Jones & Lanman, 111 Broadway HAYDEN, STONE & CO., *25 Jones, Montgomery & Co., 74 Broad way. Broad. Frank, Arthur E. & Co., 100 Broad HEIDELBACH, ICKELHEIMER way. & CO., *49 Wall Frank, Charles A. & Co. 66 B’dway. Hellwig & Reutter, 25 Broad. Frankel, J. D. & Co., 50 Broad. Hemphill, Noyes & Co., 37 Wall. Henderson &Co., 24 Nassau. Hendrickson & Co., 61 Broadway. FREEMAN & CO., 34 Pine. Hentz, H. & Co., 22 William. Frost, B. Y. & Co., 80 Broadway. Herrick, Berg & Co., 14 Wall. Fuller, A. L. & Co.. 120 Broadway. Herzfeld & Stern, 40 Exchange PI. DILLON, READ & CO., Nassau Herzog & Glazier, 24 Broad. and Cedar. Hetherington & Co., 42 Broadway. Dominick&Dominick,*115 Broadway. Doremus, Daniel & Co., 20 Broad. Hill, Charles W. & Co.. 2 Wall. Drake Bros., 66 Broadway. Hirsch, Lilienthal & Co., 165 B’dway. Drayton, Penington & Colket, 115 Gengler & Fransioli, 15 Broad. Broadway. Gilchrist, Bliss & Co., 120 Broadway. Gillespie. Meeds, & Co., 120 B’dway. I Hoey, Tilden & Co. 100 Broadway. Hoge, Underhill & Co., Ill B’dway. Gilmor & Miller, 7 Pine. Du Val, H. C. & Co., 74 Broadway. Holmes, J. H. & Co., 61 Broadway. | Holzderber C. P. & Co., 20 Broad. : Homans & Co., 2 Wall. Goadb.v, W. A. & Co., 74 Broadway. Goldschmidt. H. P. & Co., 43 Exch.Pl. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS, 42 Goodbody & Co., 115 Broadway. Broadway. Goodhart. P. J. & Co., 74 Broadway. 1 Horton, H. L. & Co., 43 Broad. Eastman, Dillon & Co., 71 Broadway. Goulfl Bros., 5 Nassau. Hotchkiss, H. L. Jr. & Co., 35 Nassau. Edey, Fred & Co., 61 Broadway. Housman, A. A. & Co., 20 Broad. Ehrich & Co., 67 Exchange PI. ! Hoyt (Colgate) & Co., 14 Wall. Graham & Miller, 66 Broadway. Einstein, Ward & Co., 25 Broad. Gray & Wilmerding, 5 Nassau. Elias, Albert J. & Co., 20 Broad. Green, Ellis & Anderson, 100 Broad Eliott, Gilbert, & Co., 26 Exch. PI. HUDSON, C. I. & CO., 66 Broad way. Emanuel, Parker & Co., 120 Broad way. Greer, Crane & Webb, 74 Broadway. way. Groesbeck & Co., 80 Broadway. HUHN, GEO. A. & SONS, 111 Gruntal, Lilienthal & Co., 50 Broad. Broadway. Eric & Dreyfus, 115 Broadway. Hume, H. M. & Co., 60 Broadway. Ervin & Co., 15 Broad. Hutton, E. F. & Co., 61 Broadway. Gude, Wiumill & Co., 20 Broad. Estabrook & Co., 24 Bread. Hutton, W. E. & Co., 60 Broadway. Evans, Stillmau & Co., 60 Broadway. Guthrie, H. B. & Co., 20 Broad. Dean, Onativia & Co., 52 Broadway. De Coppet & Doremus, 42 Broadway, de Cordova, Cyril, & Bro.. 25 Broad. Degener & Burke, 20 Broad. De Haven & Townsend, 52 Broadway. Clark, Henry I & Co., 65 Broadway. Clark, John F & Co., 144 Pearl. Clark, Childs & Co., 165 Broadway. CLARK, DODGE & CO., 51 Wall. ■ Fahnestock & Co., 2 Wall. BOND & GOODWIN, 65 Broadway. ! Clement & Whitney. 120 Broadway. ! Farnum, Winter & Co., 5 Nassau. Farr & Co.. 133 Front, Boody, McLellan & Co., Ill B’dway. i Clews & Co., Henry, • Mills Bldg. i Farson, Son & Co.,* 115 Broadway. Borg & Co., Simon,* 46 Cedar. Bouvier, M. C. & Co., 20 Broad. Kerr & Company, 71 Broadway. Kidder. A. M. & Co.,* 5 Nassau. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. 18 Broad. Kimball, R. J. & Co., 7 Nassau. KISSELL, KINNICUTT & CO., 14 Wall. KNAUTH, NACHOD & KUHNE,* 120 Broadway. Knowlton & Williams, 42 Broadway. Koch, Spencer B. & Co., 52 Broad way. KOUNTZE BROTHERS, 141 Broad way. Kraus Bros. & Co., 149 Broadway. KUHN, LOEB & CO., 52-54 Wil liam. Gwathmey & Co., 20 Exchange PI. Gwynne Bros., 25 Broad. ISELIN, A. & CO., 36 Wall. Halle & Stieglitz,* 30 Broad. HALLGARTEN & CO., 44 Pine. Halsey. C. D. & Co., 27 William. Halsted & Harrison, 71 Broadway. HARRIMAN & CO., Ill Broadway. Harris & Fuller, 120 Broadway. HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO.,* 52 Broadway. JACKSON & CURTIS, 43 Exchange PI. Jacquelin & De Coppet, 43-47 Broad. JFLKE, HOOD & CO.,* 40 Wall. Jenks,Gwynne & Co., 15 Broad. Jesup & Lamont, 26 Broadway. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK—Fidelity & Surety Bonds— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kean, Taylor & Co.,* 5 Nassau. Keech, F. B. & Co., 52 Broadway. Kelley, Drayton & Co., 40 Exchange Place. Ladd & Wood. 7 Wall. LADENBURG, THALMANN CO., 25 Broad. Lage & Co., 160 Broadway. & LAIDLAW & CO., 26 Broadway. Lamborn & Co.. 7 Wall. LANGLEY, W. C. & CO., 115 Broadway. Lansburgh Bros., 30 Broad. Lauer, Wm. E. & Co., 74 Broadway. Lawrence, Cyrus J. & Sons, 111 Broadway, July, 1922 COGGESHALL & HICKS, 128 ! Feuchtwanger, & Co., 51 Exchange PI. Broadway. Colgate, Jas. B & Co., 36 Wall. Bramley & Smith, 52 Broadway. Content, H. & Co., Ill Broadway. Bronson, Theodore L. & Co., 120 Filor, Bullard & Smyth, 61 B’dway. Broadway. Finch & Tarbell, 120 Broadway. Floyd-Jones, Vivian & Go., 14 Wall CURTIS & SANGER, 49 Wall. BROWN BROS. & CO., 59 Wall. Joost, Patrick & Co., 61 Broadway. Joseph Morris & Co., 25 Beaver. Josephthal & Co., 120 Broadway, N E W YORK BANKS — N ew York City—Continue d Abbott, Hoppin & Co., 120 Broadway, i Brown, Vernon C. & Co., 74 B’dway. Brown & Coombe, 100 Broadway. Abraham & Co., 27 William. Brumley, Chamberlain & Co., 15 Adler. Cowen & Co., 30 Broad. Broad. Allen & Carstens, 42 Broadway. Armory, J. M. & Son, 52 Broadway. Anderson, Specht & Co., 61 Broad Bulkley & Maltby. Ill Broadway way. Bull & Eldridge. 67 Exchange Pi. ASIEL & CO., 52 Broadway. Auerbach, Poliak & Richardson, 60 Burdett, Gregory & Laidlaw, 52 Broadway. Broadway. Burr, M. Jr. & Co., 20 Broad. Burras, H. K. & Co., 66 Broadway. Butler, Herrick & Marshall, 7 Wall. IN 1128 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I -I OQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ II Zo Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Lawrence, Effingham & Co., 49 Wall. LAZARD, FRERES, 19 Nassau. stock EXCHANGE FIRMS McDonnell & Co., 120 Broadway. McGlinn & Co., 61 Broadway. McKee, Thomas M. & Co., 36 Wall. NEW YORK CITY Noyes & Jackson, 4? Broadway. Noyes, J. M. & Co., t>6 Broadway. McKINLEY & MORRIS, 60 Broad LEE, HIGGINSON & CO., 43 Ex way. McLellan, Righter & Co., 82 Beaver. change Pi. Lehman Bros., 16 William. Leopold, James M. & Co., 3 Wall. Levinson, E. D. & Co.. 32 Broadway. Levy, L. & Co., 100 Broadway. Meehan, M. J. & Co., 2 Rector. Lewis & Sumner, 61 Broadway. Lewisohn, Adolph & Sons, 61 Broad way. Lewisohn Bros., 11 Broadway. Libaire & Cook, 100 Broadway. Liberman & Stone, 25 Broad. Lindley & Co., 52 Broadway. Lipper & Co., Arthur, 20 New. Lisman, F. J. & Co., 6l Broadway. Livingston & Co., Ill Broadway. Pearl & Co., 71 Broadway. Peck & Co., 45 Wall. Pell & White, 43 Exchange PI. Pelzer, B. H. & F. W„ 61 Broadway. i Moore, D. T. & Co., 52 William, j Moore, F. P. & Co., 71 Broadway, i Moore, W. D. & Co., 71 Broadway. Moore & Schley, 100 Broadway. Lloyd & Co., 125 Broadway. I Moore, Leonard & Lynch, 111 Broad Phelps & Co., 30 Broad. way. Lockwood, F. M. & Co., 52 B'dwray. Morgan, A. C. & Co., 25 Broad. Post & Flagg, 49 Broad. Loew & Co., 2 Wall. Logan & Bryan, 42 Broadway. MORGAN, J. P. & CO., 23 Wall. Louchheim, Minton & Co.,Ill Broad Morgan, Livermore & Co., 71 Broad POTTER & CO.,* 5 Nassau. way. way. Pouch & Co.. 14 Wall. Low, Dixon & Co., 37 Wall. Morris & Smith, 115 Broadway. Morrison & Townsend, 53 Exchange Place. Prentice & Slepaek, 42 Broadway. Luke, Banks & Weeks, 14 Wall. ! MOSELEY, F. S. & CO., 26 Exch. Prentiss, George H. & Co., 52 Wall. Prichitt & Co., 60 Broadway. 1 PI. Prince, L. M. & Co., 20 Broad. | Moyse & Holmes, 67 Exchange PI. Prince & Whitely, 52 Broadway. Mabon & Co., 45 Wall. Provost Bros. & Co., 20 Broad. MacArthur & Co., 66 Broad way. ! Muir, John & Co., 61 Broadway. PYNCHON & CO., Ill Broadway. | Munds & Winslow. 25 Broad. MACKAY & CO.,* 14 Wall. PYNE, KENDALL & HOLLISTER, 20 Exchange PI, MacQuoid & Coady, 25 Broad. MAITLAND, COPPELL & CO.,* 62 William. Manice, 1. A. & Co., 15 Broad. Mann, Pell & Peake, 7 Wall. Naphen & Co., 14 Wall. Manson, Thomas L. & Co., 100 Broad Nash & Co., Ill Broadway. way. Markoe, Morgan & Co., 120 Broad way. Marks & Graham, 32 Broadway. Marshall, Robert P. & Co., 71 Broad way. Martin & Co., Ill Broadway. Maxwell & Co., 15 Broad. Mayer, Jos. G. & Co., 120 Broad. ESTABLISHED 1810 QUINCEY, CHAS. E. & CO„ 14 Wall. Newborg & Co., 60 Broadway. Newborg, J. L. & Bro., 25 Broad. Newburger. Henderson & Loeb, 100 Broadway. Newhall, Gross & Diffenderffer, 52 Broadway. Newman Bros. & Worms, 25 Broad. Raymond & Co., Ill Broadway. Rich, Everett & Co., 15 William. Richards, Pell & Hume, 17 Broad. Ristine, F. F. & Co., 61 Broadway. : ROBINSON & CO., 26 Exchange ; Place. : Rogerson & Donnell, 15 Broad. Rollins & Co., 52 Broadway. Rollins, Kalbfleisch & Co., 52 Broad way. Roselle & Co., 71 Broadway. Rothschild, L. F. & Co.. 120 B'dway. Rothschild, V.Sydney & Co.,25 Broad. ; Roumage, C, C. & Co., 66 B’dway. Russell, Miller & Carey, 62 Broad way. Rutter & Gross, 52 Broadway. Smith & Gallatin, 100 Broadway. SMITH, EDWARDS B. & CO., 5 Nausau. Smith, Lyman D. & Co., 34 Pine. Smith, W. E. R. & Co., Ill B dway. SMITHERS, F. S. & CO., 19 Nas sau. Snecker & Heath. 20 Broad. Sparks, J. W. & Co., 66 Broadway SPEYER & CO.,* 24-26 Pine. Springs & Co., 67 Wall. Stafford & Co., 74 Broadway. Stanton, L. D. & Co., 61 Broadway. Stern, E. H. & Co., £6 Pine. Stewart & Co., 61 Broadway. Stokes, Hodges & Co., 66 B'dway. Stout & Co., 25 Broad. STRONG, STURGIS & CO„ 30 Broad. Struthers & Hiscoe, 74 Broadway. Sulzbacher, J. H. & Co., Ill Broad way. SUTRO BROS. & CO., 120 Broad way' Sutro & Kimbley, 66 Broadway. SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER,* 60 Wall. Salomon, F. L. & Co., 61 Broadway. Sartorius, Smith & Loewi, 20 Broad. Savin, F. W. & Co., 66 Broadway. Schafer Bros..,* 120 Broad. Schatzkin, Bernstein & Co., 115 Broadway. Schmelizer. J. R. & Co., 14 Wall. Schott, Chas. M. Jr. & Co., 50 Broad. Schuyler, Chadwick & Burnham, 100 Broadway. Seasougood, Haas & MacDonald,* 60 Broadway. Secor, Reynolds & Co., 74 Broadway. Seligman, A. J. & Co., 61 Broadway. SWARTWOUT & APPENZELLAR, 141 Broadway. Wade, Templeton & Co., 42 Broad way. Wadsworth & Wright, 2 Wall. Walker Bros., 71 Broadway. Walker, Joseph & Sons,61 Broadway. Waller & Co., 24 Broad. Ward .Gruver & Co., 20 Broad. Wardwell & Adams, 71 Br jauway. Ware & Tranter, 61 Broadway. Warner & Co., 52 Broadway. Wassermann Bros,, 42 Broadway. Watson. Armstrong & Co., 7 Wall. Watson & Whre, 149 Bread way. Watson, Geo. H. & Co., 115 B’way. Watson, T. L. & Co., 55 Broadway. Webb & Prall, 100 Broadway. Weisl, Elwin & Co., 25 Broad. Welles, C. E. & Co., 71 Broadway. West & Co., 36 Wall. White & Blackwell, 60 Broadway. White, Weld & Co., 14 Wall. Whitehouse & Co., Ill Broadway. Whitney, H. N. & Sons, MillsBldg. WHITNEY, (RICHARD) & CO., 14 Wall. Tailer & Co., 522 5th Ave. Tailer & Robinson, 60 Broadway. Tate & Hays, 71 Broadway. Taylor, Bates & Co., 100 Broadway. Taylor, Smith & Hard, 49 Wall. Tefft & Co., 5 Nassau. Thomas, R. H. & Son, 100 Broadway. Thomson & McKinnon,42 Broadway. Tobey & Kirk, 25 Broad. SELIGMAN, J. & W. & CO.,* 54 TRASK & CO., SPENCER, 25 Broad. , Wall. Travers & Begg, 111 Broadway. I Seligsberg & Co., 71 Broadway. ! Sharp & McVickar, 25 Broad, i Shearson, Hammill & Co., 71 Broad Tucker, Anthony & Co.,* 60 Broad way. way. Turner, C. J. & Son, 66 Broadway. j Shippee & Rawson, 111 Broadway. Turner, Chas. W. & Co.,42 Broadway : Shonnard & Co., 120 Broadway. Shuman & Seligmann, 30 Broad. Wightman, Breining & Co., 17 Bat tery Place. Wilcox & Co., 52 Broadway. Williams, Nicholas & Moran, 25 Broad. Williston, J. R. & Co., 7 Nassau. Wilson, Cranmer & Co., 61 Broadway. WINSLOW, LANIER & CO.,* 59 Cedar. WINTHROP ROBERT, & CO., 40 Wall. Wollman, W. J. & Co., 120 B’dway. Wood, Struthers & Co., 5 Nassau. Wrenn Bros. & Co., 39 Broadway. Wright, Slade & Co., 71 Broadway. Nichols & Stone, 60 Broadway. Noel, Berman & Langley. 60 Broad way. REDMOND & CO., 33 Pine. Reinhart & Bennet, 52 Broadway. Simmons & Slade, 7 Nassau. Simpson, R. H. & Co., 61 Broadway. Slayback, H. B. & Co., 61 Broadway. Van Emburgh & Atterbury. 5 Nassau. THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Van Wyck & Sterling, 71 Broadway. Vernon & Kinney, 2 Rector. Vilas & Hickey, 49 Wall. ZIMMER MANN & FORSHAY,* 170 Broadway. REMITTANCES MADE TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AT LOWEST RATES 1129 McClave & Co., 67 Exchange PI. McClure, Jones & Eeed, 115 B'dway. McConnell, H. F. & Co., 65 B’dway. 14 RHOADES & CO., 27 William. O’Dell, Daniel & Co., 71 Broadway. Oliphant, Jas. H. & Co., 61 B’dway. Or vis Bros. & Co., 60 Broadway. Paine, Webber & Co.. 25 Broad. Palmer & Co., 40 Wall. Parrish & Co., 25 Broadway. xMiller & Co., 120 Broadway. Millett, Roe & Hagen, 52 William. REMTCK, HODGES & CO., Wall. Reynolds, Fish & Co., 15 Broad. NEW YORK BANKS — New York City— Continued MERRILL, LYNCH & CO., 120 Broadway. Nou-Bauk Towns with Nearest Bauklnt Point (.In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued July, 1922 1129 Local NEW YORK Town and County. Liabilities. Name op Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. In No. 2F.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. * Niagara Falls „ 50,760 B Niagara K14 “ *• _ “ “ Nichols 554 Tioga Q14 Norfolk.............1500 „St. Lawrence B19 North Collins 1158 , B Erie M4 Worth Creek.600 Warren H2~2 North Java 400 _.B Wyoming M6 Northport___1977 Suffolk E8 North Rose , son Wayne K12 N. Tonawanda n XT15,482 B Niagara K4 NorthviUe nqn „ Eulton J22 ^Norwich. 8268 Chenango N17 •< „ Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. GEO. J. HOWARD— de LANCEY RANKINE- JAMES C. MOAKLER- JOHN W. BROPHY— Oldest bank at Niagara Falls. M. H. ANTHONY $ 500.000 $ 316.420 $5151380 $ •tf‘82 Thoroughly equipped to handle all banking matters entrusted to us. Prompt service. EAST SIDE BANK *i§ 19 deLancey Rankine 50-153 FALLS NATIONAL BANK •*''19 Alexander Zaleski 50-154 Niagara County 8av. Bk. $f'01 50-150 FGEO.G.SHEPARD - Geo. F. Diemer.__ D. L. Setter............. S, R. Ciuzenski... J. E. Montague.... A. J. Porter F. M. W00LW0RTH A. W. GRAY NIAGARA FALLS TRUST CO. C. J. ELDERFIELD 50-152 T»*l'04 ) Do a general Ba nking and Trust USend your Colle ctlons direct. Th PEOPLES BANK______ *$’86 G. W. Whitehead.. L. S. Silberberg___ 5CH49 fP. A. SCH0ELLK0PF- FRED J. COE POWER CITY BANK -'*$93 FRANCIS H. SALT (Send us your N iagara Falls bus! ♦ 50-151 Nichols National Bank—«*’09 W. H. Clark 50-809 First National Bank. T6 F. J. Flanagan____ C. O. King.............. 50-963 Bank of North Collins.— $’95 W. S. Lawton 50-810 NorthOreek National Bk.'t’lO J. L. Fuller____ . H. V. Kenyon____ 50-811 North JavaComnany Bankers F. J. Humphrey ... W. J. Humphrey... 50-812 t'07 First National Bank___»*'01 Rowland Miles____ Edward Pidgeon... 50-565 Northport Trust Co. __T»tS’91 Henry S. Mott........ 50-564 R. W. Hawkins First National Bank........•fll H. A. Tellier Addison Weed____ 50-902 G. W. Marshall State National Bank_-.T»*'83 L.S.De Graff_____ G. A. Mitchell— Charles Weston, N. D. Fish 50-301 Ch. of Bd. Frederick Robertson & Co., Bankers .50-302_____ •*t’97 Northville Bank '*§’95 George N. Brown.. Geo. E. VanArnam 50-813 Chenango National Bk..T'*’83 Albert F. Gladding Homer H. Higley.. 50-362 NAT. BK. OF NORWICH-T'* 56 John O. H. Reed 50-361 Norwood isos State Bank of Norwood»*S’87 F. L. Smith............ W. J. Fletcher ___ St. Lawrence Bl9 50-814 Nunda_______1152 Peter DePuy’s Bkg. House I. J. De Puy........ .. B Livingston N8 50-628 •t’95 •• F. G. Olp___ 50-627 58,370 $4983 080 $1043100 100.000 31,080 463,090 522,620 100.000 36,240 740,330 821,610 314,130 3,579,750 3,743,800 291,990 3,051,730 2,961,640 J. T. Low. Tr.____ 100,000 business. ey will receive pro nipt personal att ention. 194,330 3,401,670 250,000 H. J. Hiller C. R. Cooley 598,970 8,491,400 500,000 F. A. SCHUMACHER— A. J. GOW _______ E.P.PFOHL.A.Ca^. F. J. HALL ness. We get the money, or give the reas on. 290,350 20,470 25,000 J. R. Edsall______ I. G. Wheeler........ Principal Correspondents. Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y._ Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; N. Com’I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Imperial Bk. of Can., Toronto, Ont. 62,700 Irvine N., N. Y.; Buffalo Tr. Co.. Buffalo; Bk. of Niagara, Niagara Falls. 70,030 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Buffalo Tr. Co., Buffalo. 153,190 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Power City, Niagara Falls 482,080 Chase N.. N. Y.: Mnfrs. A Tra. N. and Liberty, Buffalo.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Ont. 3,106,640 739,360 N. City, N. Y.; Peo. and Liberty, Buffalo: Can. Bk. of Com., Niagara Falls, Ont. 8,624,300 1,243,420 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 323,950 35,190 Irvine N., N. Y. 381,250 58,360 Chase N„ N. Y.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown. 91,610 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25.000 31,550 383,060 48,000 138,800 802,980 270 898,440 40,000 64,000 868,500 98,000 906,890 163,610 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Alb. A. F. Laughlin........ J. A. Gardiner___ 50,000 40,250 902,000 • 20,340 890,430 Charles S.Mott, Tr. C. S. C. Smith, Sec.. 100,000 98,000 861,850 25,000 24,000 433,000 425,000 122.160 Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. of The Manhattan Co., Jamaica; Market St. N., Phil. 81.300 Corn Ex. and N. Park, N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 90,000 Irving N., N. Y. 662,580 4,268,020 585,000 5,365,840 f,. R. Ward R. J. Martin............ H. W. Liddie_____ C. W. Andrews.... Martha A. Peck. 300,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 975,260 C. C. Fritz 50,000 449,750 Bk. of America and Chase N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Buffalo Tr. Co., Buffalo; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. Bk. of America and Irving N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N. and Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. W. I. Robertson__ E. W. Messing____ B. Eglin_________ 50,000 William Mason___ Cyrus M. Higley... 100,000 280,850 2,037,170 201,350 2,334,230 285,140 Han. N., N.Y.; Market St. N., Phil. O. A. Thompson... F. M. Skillman___ R. I. Smith buO.OOO 144,590 2,006,970 297,450 2,500,050 248,960 Chase N., N. City, and Irving N., N. Y. J. B. Pringle_____ P. J. De Puy.......... J. H. Ralrer E. E. De Puy R. E. .Tones 30,000 93,160 812,970 17,500 801,770 50,000 146,180 417,920 1.800 13,990 222,860 156,400 25,000 35,920 928,710 915,580 246,140 3,645,140 Robert Walmsley— D. W. Cranston___ 100,000 202,770 3,570,940 Howard Van Buren Wm. H. Radcliff, H. W. Beasley, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. W. P. Foss G. S. Haxton______ F. H. Daniels_____ C. F. Safford. 100,000 91,430 2,263,050 20,790 552,870 J. D. Dunlop Harvey J. Couch, Mgr. 30,000 14,800 511,170 2,206,240 8,600 463,240 82,020 Seab. N., N. Y.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown. 82,250 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo: N. Com’I Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Y. State N„ Alb.: Tra. N., Rochester. 74,040 Am. Ex. N.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester: N. Y. State N., Alb.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo. 474,700 N.Cily, N. Y.; N. Com’I Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 196,670 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 101,340 Chase N., N. Y. Irving N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syra-j cuse. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, 1922 Nyack ____ 4444 NYACK NATIONAL BK..T't’78 Rockland D6 50-457 G. E. Gregory, Ch. of Bd. “ ROCKLAND COUNTY TR. CO. ♦ 50-458 •*§’06 Oakfield...........1422 Exchange Rank «§’83 F. E. Wright.......... B Genesee K6 50-815 Odessa________366 Chas. H. Couch & Son, Bkrs. Schuyler 012 50-816 *tl900 Resources. P aid-op Surplus Depos- Miscel- Loans k Dis- Cash k ExAND LANLUUS Sboueitiis fbom Banks Profits NEW YORK BANKS—Niagara Falls to Odessa________ 44 President. BANK OF NIAGARA 50-148 «« Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued 1130_________________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac2* bank in u- 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. In No. 2 F. R. Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Ogdensburg 14.609 Nathan Frank’s Sons___t’07 (Julius Frank and 50-242 St. Lawrence C17 Leo Frank) “ r “ Nat. Bk. of OgdensburgT»+’80 R. J. Donahue........ Geo. L. Ryon.......... W. H. Green........... 50-240 J. C. Howard A. S. O'Neil (THOMAS SPRATT- E. L. STRONG-........ S. W. LEONARD____ OGDENSBURG BANK—*«’79 S. W.LEONARD 50-239 ) Collections a sp eciaity and remit ted on day of pay ment. 'Prompt attenti on to all Banking matters entrust ed to us. .. (7. L. BARTLETT— Sec. and Tr. Thos. Spratt Levi Hasbrouck... R. C. Kirkpatrick, T. H. Lawrance, Tr. W. T). Marks Carl O. Pfaff MargaretL.Helmer .. “ Bank of Onondaga..........ti’12 50-913 State Bank of Ontario.»J§’13 50-936 Bank of Orchard Park.»t§’17 ♦ 50-964 First National Bank........ «t'03 50-817 Bank for Savings_____*+§'54 50—317 First National Bank____»t’64 50-318 OSSINING J. S. Albright........ A. S. Pratt........ . F. P. Hebcrle____ T. C. Boyd 0. F. WHITFORD. Tr. C. L. PAGE, A.Sec... J. M. BURMINGHAM. A. Tr. 200,080 1,519,080 212,020 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb, 17,940 1.725,080 81,730 1,341,860 1,366,500 57,090 Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 100,000 23,520 825,450 30,490 888.290 91,270 Chase N„ N. Y. 50.000 58,560 440,510 176,070 686,280 38,850 N. City and Chase N., N. Y,: 1st N., Utica, 539,060 5,081,460 516,160 6,634,330 502,350 i Mech. & Metals N. and Seab. N., N. Y. 250,000 396,290 3,936,010 554,160 4,526,930 424,520; Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Buffalo Tr. Co.,Buffalo. f*-t rv 39,040 200,000 208,620 2,734,000 1,232,690 2.846,520 166,860 Buffalo. 301,670 Irving N., N.Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co.. Syra cuse; 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Utica. 245,980 214,040 100,000 73,950 1,598,510 100,000 1.548,700 323,760 100,000 491,860 3,246,740 100,000 3.377,990 560,620 Com., N.Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.: 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Y. State N. and 1st N., Alb. ------ 25,000 17,800 301 30fl 322,470 15,700 30,000 33,860 823,540 730.280 141,120 30,000 33,820 604,410 645,000 38,470 25,000 114,010 939,260 27,490 1.027,140 78,630 708,290 4,544,550 4,550,000 338,990 952,170 1,104,290 169,670 1 F. E. Brown-.......... George Hyatt N. Y. and 1st N„ Alb. J. W. Hickey.......... Carl B. Mepham... C. T. Young______ W. F. Foshay_____ S.G. Ellegood, Sec. D. T. Young. __ _. franklin Brandreth D. D. Tompkins... J. H. Purdy______ & T. 6,460 N. Bk. of Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg. 200,000 nge business. Co licet ions sent us will rec elve pro mpt att entlou. matters entrust ed to us. H. L. Baldwin, 612,900 4,495,770 4,740,750 Sec. and Tr. H. D. Fearon_____ 109,610 2,044,550 125,000 160,000 2,225,110 3. H. Hatheway... A. A. Miller........... M. W. Davison .... T*t’02 63.980 $ 100,000 N., Alb. GEORGE F. HOAG— P. H. D0W0EN------ Collections a specialty on all near-by points. Prompt attention to all banking business sent us. 100,000 108,240 1,760,540 101,100 1,848,210 221.6701 ' NATIONAL —BUFFALO FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1131 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50-318 $ 282.560 Am. Ex. N., N. Y. C. E. Dittrich, Tr.. C. L. Bockmier, Sec. L. E. Willet______ F. F. Holmwood... G. L. Colby______ 1 W. BARNUM_ _ _ _ WM. A. RANNEY__ 3,790 $ 51,140 288,890 2,054,890 $ 105,710 2,266,950 ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. J. B. Hine.......... ..... W. H. Scammell... H. S. Hurlbut........ NATIONAL BANK 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 100,000 P:Wo58ISCHOT- M. M.HOLMES_____ E. G. SISSON--------- 1,000,000 M. C. Hemstreet... . H. W. Stanton W. A. Holley |GE0. 1. WILBER- A. B. TOBEY............ SAM. H. POTTER- if“ j Largest and Old est Bank. Establ ished 1874. WILBER NATIONAL BANK 50-347 T»t’74 ] Every modern facility for mak ing collections, personal atte ntlon of an offic er of the bank. ( When payment Is refused reaso ns are given. Onondaga Valley Onordaga L14 3000 Ontario 742 Wayne J10 Orchard Park 1200 B Erie M5 Oriskany Falls Oneida L17 1014 Ossining___10,739 Westchester 1)6 “ $ G. C. Madiil............ Olean.......... 20,506 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK n'givenElbill of La B Cattaraugus P6 50-268 T»t’78 ] Special attentio LSend us your O lean Items. •• _____ <• First National Bank___»t’71 W. A. Dusenbnry.. C. L. Davis_______ 50-267 A. E.Yahn M M Olean Trust Co.______T»t§’14 T. H. Quinn W. J. Braunschwei♦ 50-269 ger / J. H. BROWN-........ M.CAVANA----------A. V. NEEDHAM Oneida.......... 10,541 MADISON COUNTY TR. & C. F. MUNROE Madison K16 DEPOSIT COMPANY-T»+S’13 JAMES A. JONES f Do a general Ba nking and Excha ♦ 50-353 \ Prompt attenti on to all banking “ ** Oneida Savings Bank..»J$'66 E. E. Coon_______ 1. L. Snell_______ 50-352 H. W. Coley ** ti Oneida Valley Nat. Bk.lVt’51 A. B. Munroe_____ Iikody Toher_____ 50-351 Oneonta___ 11,582 Citizens National Bank.T»t’07 Chas. Smiths........ Geo. B. Baird_____ 50-348 Otsego N18 .. RESOURCES. Liabilities. & DlB- Cash k Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos- Miscel- cLOANS . Bonds, change,Dui LANEOUS ’Btsicdritixb Capital Profits ITS from Banks N EW YORK BANKS —Ogdensburg to Ossining 8t. Lawrence CountySav.Bk. J. E. Kelly .............. 50-241 ±S’09 St. Lawrence Trust Company R. H. McEwen.... — ♦ 50-243 •tt’15 Old Forge____565 First National Bank........ •i’17 Maurice Callahan. 50-975 Herkimer H19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 ] 1 OI Town and County. Name of Nou'bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK- Continued Nuabec under Nam* of BnnJk i* the Ntw Trault Number kit ers* to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banket Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Asa’n. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bank. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. § State 1Triv. In No. 2F. R. Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust. Powers. OASHIEK. Vice-President. President. Asst Oashikr. SUHPLUA Depos j Paid-up AND its Capital Pbofitb c. j. (JOHN T. MOTT— L. W. MOTT............ L. W, MOTT T. P. KINGSF0RD E. B. MOTT x ‘Oswego ....23,626 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oswego 113 50-209 •t’64 mcoowell—-! $ 150.000 $ 332,000 Am. Ex. N. and Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y. Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi. Phil. N., Phil. 4,629,710 256,100 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y. 5,990 4,422,560 316,280 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 100,000 $2,067,600 — $2,100,000 ». ». DOWNEY 425,050 4,307,800 100.000 Collections are not a side line with ns. We make a specialty of them. Prompt presentation. Quick returns. 50-208 T»t’M Send us your Items for Oswego and vicinity. R. .T. Pnrdv ____ ‘Ovid............. 438 First National Bank.__T»t’05 Seneca M12 50-818 ‘Owego_____4147 First National Bank.__»t'85 W. S. Truman_____ W. C. Truman____ 50-454 Tioga P14 Owego NationalBank...«t’83 G. W. Clark............ E. B. Cornell 50-456 NATIONAL BANK 100,000 2.732,980 310.210 N. Park, Chase N. and Irving N., N.Y.; Girard N., Phil.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. SEE A DV. OPR OSITE BEGINNI NG R. Y. BANKS. Han. N., N. Y.; Geneva N.. Geneva. 423,000 87,000 100,000 58,630 1,383,830 50,000 1,384,560 208,090 150,000 45,000 1,000,000 1,111,000 76,000 100,000 72,810 1,001,250 155,730 1,230.250 99,630 25,000 61,360 1,256,220 1.172,780 184,820 Chase N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y. 50,000 80,000 1,350,000 5,500 1,295,500 190,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 380.000 90,000 1st N„ N. Y. Irving N„ N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syra cuse. N. Park. Mech.&Me’alsN.. N. Ci*y, Guaran*y Tr. Co., and Irving N., N. Y. Irving N., Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Hk. of The Manhattan Co..Jamaica;Corn Ex.N..Phil Far. Ln. A Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of The Manhattan Co., Jamaica; Patchogue, Patchogue. Chase N., N. Y., Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 25,000 25,000 422,000 38,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Y. State N., Alb. Am. Ex. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo. (Merged with Owego National Bank, Ja nuaiy, 1922) Tioga National Bank .. F. Oxford............1590 50-819 Chenango N17 Oyster Bay ...4500 North Shore Bank___ »tS'08 50-501 Nassau E7 Oyster Bay Bank........ *tP90 50-500 Ozone Park____ 152.530 2.690.660 $ A. McNeil.......... W. F, Johnson Herbert G. Vail E. F. Cheshire .... 1st N. and N. City, N. Y. (Sec New York City, Borough of Queens) (Woodhaven P. O.) Queens F6 Painted Post. 3000 W. S. Barnum Steuben Pll 50-1037 »’21 Palmyra.........2480 First National Bank___ 50-820 Wayne n.11 J. H. Walton____ R. S. Bush . . State Bank of Palmyra . J 50-1049 Parish______ 476 State Bank of Parish. .*tf 50-997 Oswego J15 S. N. Gerard,------- E. E. Hawkins, Jr.. Patchogue__ 4031 Citizens Trust Co.......... W. 8. Bennett 50-491 Suffolk F0 Patchoeue Bank.........T*tl Jesse C. Mills 50-489 E. G. Terrell____ Onion Savings Bank.__»tl W. S. Rose 50-490 M. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D. Green.......... James W. J 5,780 150,000 100.000 37,500 240,000 50,000 10,000 25,000 J. 8. Nohowec.TV. H. L. Rieth, Sec. __ 100.000 F. A. L. Wicks___ _ 100,000 A. Potter____ Walters. Rose,Sec. E.Johd,nknecht,,Jr., A. Sec. .... W. H. Osborn......... H. D. Warner A. G. A. Daniels, E. Dodge ____ Tr.. H. N. Frederick H. Hall. J. E. Lovatt ____ Oscar Griffin____ E. G. Halsey G.A.Ferguson ...i. E. E. Yeung king audtrustBu etions direct, The Walter R. Quick.. R. 8. Allen ........ Sanford R. Knapp, F. 1. Pugsley_____ C. D. Pugsley, V.P. siness. y will receive pro G. M. Hendricks .. Edward E. Young. Sec. Tr. H. Alban Anderson Bartow B. Seymour 414,110 15,480 1,412,260 263,730 12,920 85,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 125,000 551,360 4,617,570 4.060 4,786,810 386,190 732,830 71.450 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 109,470 1.039,140 57,050 25,000 37,840 1,027,890 1.027,450 100,150 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y,; N. Bk. of Pawling, Pawling. Irving N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil. 100,000 130.180 1.737.740 100,000 1,782,700 285,170 603,720 5,182.360 5,636,670 349,420 333,040 5,484,060 148,400 5,572,680 492,810 N. City and Irving N., N- Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 566,990 110,550 Atlantic N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Mt. Vernon. 50,000 i 392,330 101,010 1.491,080 1,071.070 100,000 mpt attention. A. K. Bowes_____ N. City, N. Y.; Mnf rs, & Tra. N., Buffalo, 415,030 100,000 Allen, Sec... R. R. Feltcr Husted. Stanton Curry....... John Tow art. Jr... Frank Southard... CO. A. Pugsley— ) F. M. Dam V. P. ) Do general ban (.Send your colle L. O. Thompson... WESTCHESTER COUNTY Pelham.......... 5600lPelham National Bank. Westchester E6 ' 50-1038 Taber 8. T. Green F. C. 25,000 G. R. Stetson.......... W. R. Smith 111,580 12,500 | 595,740 1 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF 19.300 N. Y Tr. Co. and N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. j BUFFALO July, 1922 Pavilion ....... 500 Pavilion Banking Co—21 I Genesee L7 50-968 Pawling____ 1032 National Bank of Pawling! 50-635 Dutchess R24 Pawling Savings Bank..t! 50-636 Pearl River ...3000 First National Bank ___•! Rockland Do 50-940 Peekskill__ 15,868 Peekskill National BankT*! Westchester C6 50-252 Peekskill Savings Bank.*# 50-251 Ray H. Stevens.__ E. A. Scudder........ N E W YORK BANKS —Oswego to Pelham SECOND $ Q. A. MEYER A. G. TUCKER 4 O. S. Osterhout .„ James Dunlap, Hubert J. Peebles Sec. and Tr. J. f. J.D.CMSWELI, jr. F. B. TREADWELL- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. a.wb ft Dt»- Cam ft lx. j MISCEL L* LANEOUS c’m Bon*. oiANM.Dn wmtm Bara (United States, State, Country a nd City Deposlto ry. Special atten tlon glv en colle etions. 422,650 4,463,160 T. F. Gleason------- J. J. Handley, Tr. p S Wright Sec... Oswego City Sav. Bk...«tl’59 p R O. H. Bond 50-207 : Oswego County Sav.'70 50-210 j 1132 1132 Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPiiv.; ‘County Seats. }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 2 S'. R. D. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers, i Vice-President. <84 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Subplus Depos AND Capital Peopits its Baooxmaa rtoH Bina 16,500 SI 864 830 S 150,120 N. Park.N.Y.: 4th St. N..Phil.:N.Coin’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N.. Buffalo. 1,469,250 111,630 Chase N., Equitable Tr.Co.. N. Y.; Franklin N., Phi!.; Marino Tr. Co., Buffalo. * 1,055,410 140,350 N. City, N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Baffalo. 50,000 $ 250,260 J1698 190 * 50,000 142,970 1,387,920 50.000 58,620 1,088,900 G. K. Page_______ H. N. Page_______ 50,000 45,870 1,110,600 J. F. Helmer_____ MaeVan B. Hibbard 50,000 37,310 480,130 50,000 C. D. Reed______ V. L St or in.............. 25,000 21,000 228,000 — 286 000 H. L. De Wald .... 50,000 38,420 487,710 21,500 575,970 E.G. Hutchinson.. C. E. Hutchinson, 35,000 30,430 536,520 — 524,630 James N. Mapes__ 25,000 18,160 466,820 25,000 505,920 15,500 Irving N., N.Y.; Northern N.Y. Tr. Co.. Watertown. 41,660 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 77,320 1st N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Cc., Syracuse. 29,060 Han. N., N. Y. 45,000 37,210 194,830 45,050 258,120 63,980 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.;5N. Y. State N.f Alb. Acting 2d Wm. B. Jordan, Jr. N. F. Johnson ___ "R. H. GUIBORO-.-i.................. ......... J. W. GUIBORD_ _ _ F- S. WARREN_ _ _ _ P. A. GUiBQRD 70,000 1,158,620 564,280 117,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. 53,160 N. City. N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 120,000 N. Y. State N., Alb. 100,000 100.000 1,300,000 1.400.000 150,000 167,030 4.102,500 455,810 4,511,800 363,550 N.Com’lBk. & Tr.Co., Alb, 244,840 3,988.090 347,690 N. Park. 1st N„ and Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. Prompt and car ; eful attention glv en to all items e ntrusted to us .A thoroughly or ganized col lectio n department. Se nd us your Platt sburg b usiness. E. L. SAXE....... 250,000 269,500 3,521,440 i Unexcelled facil titles for handling j your items and c ollections on Pitt sburgb and vlci nity. I Send us your bu slness for prompt and efficient ser vice. .Collections pres tented promptly a nd remitted for on day of paymen t. Pleasantville .3590 Mount Pleasant Bank. .t§’04 Alfred Romer.__ 50-828 B. H. Carmer_____ O. E. Dixon______ Q. E. Lane — t Robert Haviland G. H. Cornell Poland............ 349 Citizens National Bank .•t’10 S. R. Brayton........IW. W. Moon50-829 Herkimer J19 Port Chester 16,573 First National Bank__ T<’64 ! Ellwood Burdsall. 50-281 D. M. Williams, Westchester E6 Asst, to Pres. Mutual Trust Co. of West E. W. Simons____ chester County____ T<§’01 ♦ 50—283 Port Chester Sav. Bk.__<§’65 Wm. Ryan................ 50-282 Port Henry--.2183 Citizens National Bank—<’93 W. C. Witherbee.. 50-559 Esses F24 First National Bank________ (Merged with Citize Port Jefferson 2800 Bank of Port Jefferson <§’89 H. M. Randall........ 50-554 Suffolk E9 First National Bank ..—<’97 O. T. Fanning........ 50-555 Orange C2 Principal correspondents. L. P. Nielsen____ |C. E. Willis............. J M. H. M0FFITT.... I. H. CHAHOON........ F. H.JUSTIN- - - - - - - Port Jervis.. 10,171 laneous Resources. Loam k Dxa- Cam k ExBonm, CIAXOM'DCI c’t*. J. A. Underwood.. F. H. Lynn............. H. M. Putnam C. M. Smith______ L. P. Benedict____ H. W. KNAPP PLATTSBURG NAT. BANK & II J. F. O’BRIEN, Ch. o} Bd.\Z, E. INMAN TRUST CO.~50-330_- T< 01 Westchester D6 Miscel J. W. Brayton------ R. W, Read J. W. McCarty .... F. A. Reeney.......... J. V. Schupp, Jr... J. N. Wilcox J. W. Ingman, Tr. Off. J. A. Peck. C. A. Horton, Tr.. Dean Smith, Sec... Dean Smith Andrew Burns Ellwood Burdsall.. John W. Diehl, Tr. George A.Studwell, A. Tr. John W. McCarty R. B. M. Conk, Sec. G. C. Foote--------- Lee F. Phelps........ D. A. Rich................ 100,000 50,000 t 99,780 1,716,480 66,930 253,120 1,755,570 68,450 109,570 Irving N. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 386,470 52,040 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; N.Com’l. Bk. & Tr.Co., Alb. 100,000 155.880 2,163,760 1,674,780 271,960 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 309,000 130,840 2,912,620 3,041,910 801,560 Chase N., N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y. 610,040 6,767,240 7,187,980 189,210 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 100,COO 108,000 925,000 875,000 150X00 Chase N. and Irving N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 953,230 62,610 Chase N., and Irving N., N. Y.;Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 60,000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. ns National Bank S ptember 1. ’21. J. E, Bayles............ R. B. Dayton-------- H F. Dayis 25,000 97,900 896,290 F. A. Kline........... 50,000 110,000 800,000 887,000 F. A. Kline........ .. V. L. Robinson..— 8,400 C. F. VAN INWEGEN CHARLES BROX ..... j FREDERICK IB. POST- W.F. SPIEGEL----- Special attentio u given llili of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items Send us your P ort Jervis items, I 100,000 216,820 1,640,730 109,500 1,707,930 359,120 IstN.. Irving N., N. City, and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.& Com’l N.. Chi,; Phil. N., Phil. 50-344 NATIONAL BANK OF PORT JERVIS-50-343_____ <’53 W. L. CUDDEBACK. W. N. TUSCANO____ j E. F. MAPES........... J. J, duley .......... Thoroughly equ! ipped to handle a i 11 banking matter s entrusted to us. Prompt Service.! 130,000 1,500,000 132,500 1,632,400 267,600 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CANADA COLLECTIONS 1133 FIRST NATIONAL BANKM’70 N EW YORK BANKS —Penn. Yan to Port Jervis_______ 50-329 | .1TIES. PRESIDENT. ‘Penn Yan ...4517 Baldwin’s Bank--------- <§’69. A. F. Robson_____W. N. Wise............... 50-459 Yates Mil CITIZENS BANK.......... I John H. Johnson.. H. M. Parmeie_________ 50-460 Perry...............4717 Citizens Bank------- ------tl’88 Q. M. Traber_____ W. T. Olin_______ 50-464 B Wyoming M6 First National Bank....... »’55 Wm. D. Page____ G. K. Page_______ 50-463 Phelps..............1200 Phelps National Bank...<10 C. H.Garlock_____ A. T. Yan Nostrand 50-821 Ontario LU Philadelphia ..794 Bank of Philadelphia.—<§’88 A. C. Comstock.__ F. L. Cross............. 50-822 Jefferson F16 Philmont____ 1919 First National Bank..... <’04 Josiah W. Place__ James Hayes...........— Geo. W. Vedder 50-823 Columbia 024 Phoenix______ 1747 Phoenix Bank________•tl’67 J. A. Hawks--------- C. E. Hutchinson.. 5(1-824 Oswego J15 Pine Bush____ 600 Pine Bush National Bank<’ll S. Vernooy........... A. R. Armstrong— 50-826 Orange A4 Pine Plains... 1500 Stissing National Bank ..•’65 J. H. Bostwick___ Edward Bryan___ 50-827 Dutchess Q24 ‘Plattsburg .10,909 First National Bank___<’63 C. S. Johnson-------- H. N. Johnson .— 50-328 Clinton C24 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in Lack of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 ________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given iiqq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ IlJJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name op Bank. Town and County, ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 2 F. R. D. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Portleyden___735 Port Leyden National Bank S. .T. Neff 50-1027 Lewis 117 Vick President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK-Continued Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND its Capital Profits 1 A. .T. Schroeder... G. W. Nieee______ C. B. Coughlin...... $ Resources. k 1)18- Cash k ExMiscel cLOAN8 ’ tb . Bonds, chang«s,Doi laneous Biouritirb from Banks 7,910 $ 223,350 $ 217,400 ? 38,860 25,000 80,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 37,000 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 1134 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers liJi Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. *r20 Pt. Richmond.__ (See New York City, Boro ugh of Richmond) Richmond G5 H. R. Smith _ C. L. Thompson... B. H. Monfort____ 50-830 •tS’02 A. C. Bayles 6000 <1 D. M. Croucher.... .T. A. Daly H. R. Tibbits— — Port Washington Nat. Bk. J. J. Gallagher 50-992 *t’19 Port Washington Bank of North Hempstead Nassau F6 ^Poughkeepsie FALLKILL 900,000 75,000 100,000 113,890 1,405,640 1,400,000 215,000 Phil.; Northern N.Y.Tr. Co., Watertown. 395,270 395.270 N. Park, 1st N„ and Chase N., N. Y. Farmers&Mnfrs.N.Bk.T »i’34 E. S. Atwater_____ J. O. Otis................. G. H. Sherman ___ Otis W. Sherman.. J. E. Adriance 50-165 200,000 214.660 2,179,340 2,397,080 631,920 II First National Bank------ »’64 Edward E. Perkins Mitchell Downing. F. N. Morgan____ Robert R. Becker. H. W. Barratt 50-167 250,000 209,160 5,509.070 556,060 lech. & Metals N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. “ MERCHANTS NJgi0NAL#BK. H. R. Gurney_____ Pel ton Cannon .... Pelton Cannon___ Wm. B. Carle-------- 175,000 145,980 2,346.470 $ 124,990 2,555,320 237,130 I. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bos.; lsl N., Alb ; 4th St. N., Phil. «• ' 110,000 1,200,000 2,366,840 GUILFORD DUDLEY... JAMES D KEITH . . WILLIAM SCHICKLE.. G W SWFFT W. E. HOYSRADT NATIONAL BANK 50-166 _____ 100,000 488,650 2,073,460 """""" “ 73,300; 200,000 35.000 Dutchess R23 «( 671,400 T»t’64 Poughkeepsie Sav. Bk._.»§’31 50-164 POUGHKEEPSIE .. TRUST COMPANY 50-169 •t$’01 H. V. Pelton............ J. F. Lovejoy, Tr.. H. E. Meeks, A. Tr. Robert Knox S. 6. GUERNSEY— C. W. PILGRIM — T.W.BARRETT, Tr.. E. L. BROWN, See.. A. F. HEATON W.J. WESLEY,^. Tr. E. P. CORLISS A.Tr. C. W. H. ARNOLD 18 307 370 882,330 lhase N„ N. Y. 250.610 5,166.420 5,376,990 240,030 tkrs. Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. L; N. Com’! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 25,000 62,900 485,340 3,500 515,540 61,200 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 50-640 Smith & Wood, Bankers .t’60 Cl P. Smith 50-639 Steuben Nil ^Pulaski_____ 1895 .. 2,169,670 17 020 030 Sand youp Poughkeepsie collections to us; our rats of one-twentieth of one per cent is the lowest. Prattsburg___654 Prattsburgh State Bank.tS’04 F. E. Blood_______ Wm. B. Pratt. __ W. C. McConnell — M. G. McConnell .. Oswego 115 200,000 Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: N. Y. State N.. Alb. Suitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & N., Buffalo. ' (H. A. MOODY........... F.J. WALTON-.—, PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK r ) Special attentio n given to collect 50-952 F 1 RliRfllRK ions. CLARA D.MAHAFFY- 50,000 28,000 600,000 615,000 63,000 75,000 46,020 1,153,780 22,340 1,158,650 138,490 collection department. »ri5 ) Thoroughly org anized LPrompt Service , reasonable rate s. Send us your Pulaski items. Pulaski National Bank._»i’65 50-831 E. M. filark_____ F. A. Clark. L City, N. Y.; 1st Tr. &Dep. Co., i cuse. Queens................... (See New York City, Borough of Queens) Queens G6 222,190 526,000 43,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: City Bk.Tr. Co., Syracuse. 705,120 52,380 Irving N., N. Y. 515,000 35,000 Ha*. N., N. Y.; Jefferson Co. N„ Watertown. 75,000 825,000 860,000 25,000 16,000 415,000 386,000 C. D. Hawn______ W. Winne Wolfe ~ J. H. Suderley 25,000 23,860 218,0UC F. R. Maloney____ Chas. Hawley, Jr.. Mildred H. Bullock 50,000 20,000 453,000 A. F. Kerley______ 75,000 104,760 503,520 W. W. Holmes___ L. M. Stotler------- 25,000 28,000 525,000 R. H. Taylor H.S. Ransom_____ 2,970 72,210 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1922 50-832 B Cattaraugus 04 Victor Berlin........ Ransomville... 600 State Bk. of Ransomville 50-907 •tS’ll B Niagara J4 Ravena______2093 First National Bank ___ *t’09 C. F. Suderley- —. 50-833 Albany N23 Red Creek___499 Red Creek National Bk. »t’15 Wayne J12 50-948 Jos. Griffing--------Dutchess Q23 50-835 Redwood National Bank*t'13 A. Bickelhaupt___ 50-928 Jefferson E16 140,000 Seab. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 15,900 Irving N.. N. Y.; Peo., Niagara Falls; Buffalo Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 47,640 1st N., Alb. 100,000 Frank L. Seager... Randolph........ 1310 State Bank of Randolph»tl’74 N E W YORK BANKS —Portleyden to Redwood ______________ July, Potsdam..........4039 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Fred L. Dewey .— F. L. Cubley______ R. H. Byrns______ C. M. Collins_____ 50-472 »J'89 St. Lawrence C19 <« «, Royal Newton........ F. R. Woodruff — J. E. Lenney_____ Peoples Bank................. «tl’89 50-471 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 657,700 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Where to Buy High Grade Farm Mortgages Paying Attractive Rates of Interest Many Banks and Investment Houses whose advertisements appear in this Directory are offering for sale the very best of such secur ities. Look through the list of banks in any state in which you are interested and you will find both banks and farm loan companies (in a card in connection with their name in this list) offering farm mortgages, bearing attractive rates of interest, on farms with the value of which they are personally familiar. If they advertise for your business they are in a position to serve you Drop Them a Line LINCOLN-ALLIANCE BANK ROCHESTER, N. Y. RESOURCES CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $47,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 OFFICERS THOMAS E. LANNIN . FRANK S. THOMAS . . PETER A. VAY . . . WILLIAM B. FARNHAM EDWARD F. PILLOW . JAMES G. CUTLER, President Vice-President JOHN W. JARDINE . . . . BERNARD J. SHAW . . . RAY J. WHITE........................ . . Vice-President RAYMOND F. LEINEN . . Vice-President WILLIAM G. WATSON . . .............................. Cashier THOMAS R. BAKER . . . . . Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier cial Bank in the City MAIN OFFICE—183 Main St., East .LINCOLN BRANCH—33 Exchange St. LAKE AVE. BRANCH—1495 Lake Ave. WEST END BRANCH—886 Main St., West Special Attention Given Accounts of out-of-town Concerns Maintaining Branch Offices in Rochester YOU WILL LIKE THE SERVICE AT THIS BANK LINCOLN -ALLIANCE BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ROCHESTER, N. Y. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 qC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued Liabilities. Bank. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. No. 2 Fed.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers, Remsen______448 50-836 Oneida J18 Rensselaer..10,823 Rensselaer County Bk. 50-837 Rensselaer M24 Rbinebeck ...1397 First National Bank... 50-584 Dutchess Q23 Rhinebeck Savings Bk. 50-585 Richfield Springs First National Bank__ Otsego L19 1388 50-838 Richmond Hill... Queens F6 Richmond vilie _.. 8choharieM20 581 50-830 Ridgewood___ 599 Queens F6 Ripley..............1000 First National Bank___ •t’Ol B Chautauqua Ol 50-840 ‘Riverhead . 2500 Riverhead Savings Bank.§’72 Suffolk E10 50-544 SuffolkCounty Nat.Bk. 50-546 Suffolk County Trust Co..|’78 50-545 ‘Rochester 295.750 C. & S. Cappellino. Bankers B Monroe E9 50-23 t’15 CENTRAL BANKt 50-1 « §’88 President. Vice-President. M. V. B. Schryver. Jacob H. Strong... A. L. Stickle, C. Ferris Sec. and Tr. G. T. Brockway ... W. A. Smith______ •t§’06 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. k Cash Exchanges,Due from Banks 21,820 i 434,460 $ 25,030 % 449,150 t 81,040 1,685,140 10,040 1,677,830 60,770 56,110 57.170 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Utica. 476,500 198,390 Chase N. and Irving N„ N. Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb. 76,600 N. Park, N.Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.,Alb. 97,340 1,329,730 1,359,040 40,640 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Rhinebeck. 56,000 84,390 1,510,740 40,000 1,605,010 25,000 88,270 125,000 311,220 80,120 Irving N., N. Y. h of Queens) A. D. Frasier_____ O, R. Mann ____ _ 978,800 1,016,840 55,520 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. h of Queens) 25.000 F. W. Crandall ___ E. D. Reagan.......... J. W. Burrows____ M. E. Miller Fred Riesdorph, A. Sec. E. S. Duvall______ J. C. Stark B. B. Howell ___ G. M. Vail ............ O. G. Pike. Sec___ Erastus F. Post Timothy M. Grilling W. R. Duvall_____ B. F, Howell______ G. H. Perkins George M. Vail___ F. P. Howell____ _ O. E. Griswold Charles Cappellino S. Cappellino.......... CharlesCappellino, Tr. JOHN H.GREGORY — H. H. CLAPP L. F. STUPP F. J. Cappellino, Sec. P. B.AEX_ _ _ _ _ _ H. Y. CONSLER —R.G.MEiSENZAHL.A.C J. H. RAUSCH A Thoroughly Organized Collection Denartment. PROMPT SERVICE. QUICK RETURNS. wm mtwM A. C. Jackson, Sec. and Tr. A. T. Simpson, A. Sec. 43,550 1,069,170 ...... 846,690 1,656,490 7.907,670 8,837,770 100,000 171,740 1,289,510 100,010 1,425,220 100,000 256,750 2,610,860 6,000 400,000 400,000 21,260 60,740 510,000 11150180 2,645,150 880 78,030 304,980 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buf falo: Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 768,270 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Tit le Guar antee & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 236,030 N. City and Irvi* N., N. Y. 392,740 Chase N. and Corn Ex., N. Y. 10,850 Bancodi Napoli, N.Y.iCredito Italiano and Banco di Napoli, Naples; Banca d’ltalia, Rome. 62.500 10602170 1520 510 Seab.N.,N.V.;Cont.&Com’l N.,Chl.;N. U-'OIH 1 i*lt• ut JL i • v/O** AIt W • yiiii Wmu ty Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Liberty, Buffalo. 1,554,710 20 809 740 84,840 21698 960 450,650 7,207,290 6,932,620 750,340 Han. N., Cent. Union Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 923,930 Chase N„ Guaranty Tr.. and Bkrs. Tr. Cos., N. Y. J. G. CUTLER......... T. E.LANNIN___ (3 Branches) PETER A. VAY S-rfm. R. J. WHITE Tr. Officer , r. R. BAKER 2.000.000 2.627.640 37 001500 “MEM BER 582.730 37426660 4.785.300 FEDE RAL RESE RVE” N. Park, N. Bk. Com., N. City, Irving N., Mecb. & Metals N., and ^krs. Tr. Co., N. V., Cont. dt Com 1 N., Chi.; Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. Send your Sight Drafts and Drafts with Bills of Lading attaohsd on Roohastar, Naw York, and vlolnlty to tha Linooln-Alllanos Bank. whsrs thsy will Hava prompt raturns. S. Lunghino & Sons........ t’88 (Sebastian, Antho ny S„ andDonatus L. Lunghino, Par 50-26 ♦Mechanics 8av. Bank .•tl'67 Wm. B. Hale_____ W. R. Seward____ W. J. Curtis, 50-14 J. H. Boucher Sec. and Tr. ♦Merchants Bank_____ •tl’84 P. R. McPhail........ 60-5 J. C. Rodenbeck, V. P. ♦Monroe County Sav. Bank R. K, Dryer______ 50-13 •tl’SO 20.000 F. A. Ward............. A. S. Newell, C. P. Schlegel V. P. and Cash. F. B. Punch Edward Bansch___ P. V. Crittenden 500,000 G. D. Whedon, Sec. and Tr. ♦National Bank of Commerce T. J. Swanton____ William Deininger G. C. Lennox___ _ 50-22 .f08 W. H. Dunn, V. P. B. L. Search Freder’k Mutschler Geo. E. Wetzel L. H. Morgan .......... H.8. Hanford, Tr.. C. F. Turton, Sec. ♦Rochester Savings Bk.*tt'31 H. P. Brewster___ J.S. 50-12 G. A. Hollister, II. f. Hanford Wm. O. Terry, V. P. A. Tr. 86,390 453,420 499,240 453,170 6.514,910 5,668,720 618,300 10 507 300 3,670,170 26 735450 750,000 101,590 12 623170 2,811,020 40 597170 & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources. k DuPaid-up Subplus Dbpos- Miscel- cLoans ts. Bonds, LANEOUS '8* ITS Capital Pbofits g trams* 100,000 ___ Philip F. Radcliffe M. V. B. Schryver. Wm. H. Judson ... C. B. Lansing_____ ♦East Side Savings Bk. •tl'6B W. H. Mathews.... 50-15 Wm. H. Dunn D. D. Sully______ 50-20 •tl'01 50-17 Ass’t Cashier. G. E. Pritchard-__ O. R. Griffith_____ H. W. Dunlap........ R. W. Park.............. $ John F. Hunger... J. K. Spencer_____ E. J. Guilfoil ♦GENESEE VALLEY TR. CO. LINCOLNALLIANGE BANK Cashier. 50,800 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 103,600 10555400 1,547,700 Chem. N.. N„ Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo: Royal Bk. of-Canada, Toronto, Ont. 1st N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Met. Tr. Co., and 29 376170 1,124,450 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 963,640 13 060 400 2,289,000 Am.Ex. N..N. Y.^Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co.,Clev.; N. Shawmnt, Bos. 36,260 41574320 1,870,140 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and 1st N., N.Y. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS ---- -------------- ... -------------------------------- Toww and County. ^Rochester____ Monroe K9 (Continued) 1,1 \ HILITIEn Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. »County beats. No. 2 Fed.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. | is Buffalo Br. 'ROCHESTER TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 50-7 Vice-President. President. Cashier. j Ass’t Cashier. 1 ____ T. 0. BIOWELL. Sec. .. A. J. LEGGETT. !u{|UsV.SR°03fNS0¥, i :R P.AN PflWFRS ifA. WARD L. H. PIERSON, „' , See. Tr. Officer w. . LUESCHER. Ch. of Bd. EDWARD BAUSCH I D BIDWELL ED. L. WILLIAMS. u , See. L. L. BENHAM Tr. H. L. EDGERTON, A. Sec. *tl’88 Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits SI 000100 ♦Security Trust Co.~-1»JI,02 James S. Watson .. G. A. Hollister .... C. S. Potter, Sec... M. E. Wile. Tr........ G. F. stone, A. Sec. | J. M. Wile, V.-P. \ Edward Harris 50-16 •UNION TRUST GO. GUARANTY CO. OF N. Y.T20 (349 Powers Bldg.) A. B. LEACH &C0., Inc. (211 Wilder Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY CO_ _ _ _ 16 (Wilder Bldg.) THE RESERVE COMPANY (235 E, Main Street) 86.280 18 980 510 2.483,070 N.Y. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., OUR Buffalo; N. Y. State N.. Alb.; Int’l Tr. Co.. Bos. FACI LITIE s. Guaranty Co. of N. Y„ N. Y. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y„ Chi., and principal cities. F. J. Mulgannon C. H. SIMON- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. W. WILLIAMSON, (EDWARD COM- . J^Personal STOCK 6. G. CLARA8UT presen tatlon aud promp t remittances on .... , 125,000 2,100.000 — 2,225,000 80.000 Irving N., N. Y.ijst N„ Phil. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mb, •tl’l 125,000 1,750,000 1.300,000 175,000 N. Park. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. 64,290 1,152,000 1,193,510 122.780 Chase N„ N. Y. 5,950 4,630 7,600 250,000 146.060 3,489.180 109.960 3,555.100 4,650 Rome Tr. Co., Rome. 420 100 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Oomi Bk. & Tr. Co.. dlUi| 41(11 Dl« 11 •• IT 1111. all collections. 'Satisfactory Ser vice Guaranteed. * \ 5,000 . A. E. Wetherbee, G. L. Prescott. Sec. Tr. A. VV. Hooke,A.Tr. F. M. Orton S.H. Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Barnard. Sr. James T. Stone.Tr. F. M. Mertz. A. Tr. J. A. Bailey rA. D. WHITE- - - - - - - - - - FRANK FLOYD.. W. E. SASENBERY, J. Tr. J. D. McMAHON , C. G. LINK, Sec,_. 3,840 10,890 11,090 132,710 Equitable Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Alb. Tr. Co.. Alb. 358,690 2,739,480 300.000 7,370 426,970 3,845,390 4.078,160 194,200 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 179,140 4.007.110 3.889.340 454.200 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. ) Special attentt on given to colie ctlons. A thoro ugbly organized collectl on dep artmeii |t. T‘tf'15 (.Prompt service , reasonable rate s. SEND US TO UK ROME ITEM S. Co., Alb. THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO July, 1922 ROME TRUST COMPANY N. Com') _______ Michael Duly____ Mrs.R. G. Scot, Sec. correspondent offices. ROCHESTER, N.Y., BOSTON, MASS., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. * C. W. Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-221 794,170 19 313140 (Financiers, Operators, Managers. tlNVESTME NT BANKER S. (Rocco Gualtieri) 50-1013 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hau. N. aud Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., T»t’79 Rocco Gualtieri--------50-219 nes Ban 50-217 905.750 10 782 100 1,400.580 N. City Co.. N. Y, and W. L. KINGSLEY 50-220 545,400 9,981.540 (Investment Securiti T*’17 NATIONAL BANK 105,470 17 369 870 2.776,370 Chem. N„ Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. r, Representative__ (Investment Securiti Rome______26,341 Michael Duly’s Bank—1’19 50-222 Oneida E17 FARMERS 20,000 O. A. Simpson,Mgr. (Intestment Securit W. 0. Watzon,Mm. Rochester Clearing House — H. F. Marks_______ T. J. Swanton ___ W.J. Simpson, Sec. and Tr. A. F. O. Kineman, A. Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) Rockaway Beach (Sec N. T. City, Borough of Uneens G6 100,000 Rockville Center BK. OF ROCKVILLE CENTER F. T. De Lano------- T. D. Carpenter... J. F. Simonson-__ Andrew Edwards. 50-494 •M’91 Wr. H. Kniffin.Jr. Jr. Nassau F7 6262 Earl J. Bennett A. P. Steiner 25,000 First National Bank.........»t'07 J. H. Carl.................. W. J. Large............. 50-495 100,000 Nassau County National Bank Lewis J. Smith ___ B. T. Raynor_____ 50-978 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Am.1 Ex. N., N. Y.j 1st N., Chi.; N ! Sbawmut, Bos. NEW YORK BANK S—Rochester to Rome HENRY F. MARKS— C. J. BROWN_ _ _ _ _ CHESTER J. SMITH- CHAS. F. MARKS— P. F. NASH H. C. BREWSTER. J WM. J. TRIMBLE 750.000 Ch. of Bd. Prompl attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. *152 FREDERICK W. Z0LLER. J. C. FRANKLAND__ D. M. BOSE. Sec...........M. G.PALMATEER,7V... 1.250,000 A. B. FRASER C. H. ESHtLMAN. E. J. MEYER, A. Sec. J. L. HOTCHKISS A. Sec. and Aud. W.J. HAUSER, A. Sec. (2 Branches) C. R. SNIDER,A. Sec. TRY •tl*Q7 EVERY BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE. ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- , Principal Correspondents. $ $ $1414860 31781730 $ 105,000 31 012 430 $3289 160 300.000 1.103,410 18 637 360 •TRADERS NATIONAL BANK 50-1* RESOURCE*-. A Dm* Gash ft Ex* Miscel cLoam ’t*. Bonds, CBAsau.Dui laneous Securiti m prom Barks OUT OF TO WN CO LLECTI ONS AT TENDE D TO P ROMPT LY. 10.UU0 Cesare Sconfletti---------- 1’16 (Cesare Sconfletti) 50-25 56-8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued 1136 1136 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number oven Saratoga Springs Saratoga K23 13.181 Saugerties___4013 Ulster P23 $ 25,000 f Miscel laneous 6,670 $ 116,680 Loans k Dis- Cash & Ex c’Tt Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Banks $ 121,000 I Principal Correspondents. 25,350 N. City, N. Y.; Geneva N., Geneva. (See Kingston) First National Bank........ i’21 50-1041 First National Bank___<’06 50-841 Bank of Hempstead Harbor 50-002 <806 Roslyn Savings Bank—<§'75 50-601 First National Bank........ «’21 50-1039 National Bk. of Roxbury<’05 50-842 State Bank of Rushford §’21 50-1047 Rushville StateBank—<§’12 50-924 Rye National Bank..........<’01 50-845 Peconic Bank_________<|'90 50-506 Sag Harbor Savings Bk. t|'60 50-504 Banking House of George Kiernan..50-505_______f’80 First National Bank—. <’80 50-402 Salamanca Trust Co___<|’02 50-403 Peoples National Bank ...J’84 50-603 Salem National Bank_____'52 50-604 Adirondack National Bk.<’97 50-444 M. Matheron_____ Jacob Williams.... Stuart Tuthill........ C. W. Korell, V. P. G. I. Treyz_______ J. W. Albee______ W. H. Peters_____ W. R. Chrisler .. 25,000 6,250 189.170 210,060 50,000 64,110 922,160 1.111,070 J. H. Bogart— Ralph Tubby.......... E.P. Haskell____ H. A. Wood____ J. C. Baker Thomas Mott-........ II. M. W. Eastman. F. E. WillitS, Tr... F. C. Davis, Sec. J. C. Baker 30,000 74,250 718,400 712,470 463.000 3,550,000 3,824,000 Frank Whiteside „ J. R. Myers______ J. H. Crook ______ G. A. Dustin... A. R. Atwood Fra..k E..derlin___ W. L. Gerowe____ 50,000 20,560 247,080 $ 49,000 311,710 A. F. Bouton___ 25,000 45,100 410,760 44.5C0 472.890 F. G. Gordon_____ L. J. Thomas_____ E. G. Kingsley 25.000 5,040 77,950 84,540 D. L. Paddock____ R. G. Perry______ C. A. Lazarus_____ T. T. Becker______ 25,000 37,810 473,530 483,560 M. C. Parsons____ E. H. Peck............... H. P. Parker______ Thos. A. Bray____ W. F. He„(lrix W. E. Denison____ H. F. Cook______ F. W. Corwin......... Thos. F. Bisgood.. 50,000 133,000 1.637.000 1,884,000 Wm. D. Halsey___ W. R. Reimann___ E. L. Ti.,dall, J. Y. Corwin, A. Tr. Clifford J. Foster See. and Tr. George Kieruan... G. Augusti..e Kiema.. E. F. Hoy_________ Hudson Ansley -__ W. J. Hoy................ F. R. Adams______ E. B. Vreelanri.... C. R. Gibson.......... W. H. Hazard H. A. Spallholz.__ G. A. Armstrong.. L. A. Kenney M. L. Sheldon____ O. A. Beattie.... W. A. Hevenor.__ C. E. White—. H. W. Davis, Sec. J. H. Rhodes R. L. Palmer.......... R. E. Barkley— C. B. McKee______ William Minshull . Wm. C. Leonard— John R. Freer____ G, H. La Pan .... W. B. Davidson E, B. Betters Saranac Lake Nat. Bk. .<’07 F. E. Kendall.......... F. H. McKee_____ S. J. Appleyard ... 50-445 EDGAR T. §:MaW BRACKETT C. C. VAII DEUSEN SARATOGA NATIONAL BANK W. P. BUTLER........... E. D. STARBUCK...... W. W. BLACKMER 50-286 T*t'38 C. B. KILMER rJ0HN A. SNYDER-- JAMES T. MAXWELL ADIRONDACK TR. C0.~<* 02 50-288 FIRST NATIORAL BANK-<48| 50-479 26,000 30.780 J. C. Suderley____ H. T. Keeney.......... Sayville______ 3000 OystermensNationalBk.<’99 I. H. Green.............. S. P. Greene_____ Dow Clock............... 50-846 Suffolk F9 Scarsdale......... 8506 ScarsdaleNafionaIBank<’20i Rush Wilson.......... O. H, Cheney_____ G. W, Both______ 50-1019 Westchester D6 52,460 Seab. N.. N.Y. 23,440 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 52,790 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co. Syracuse. 184.440 N. Bk. Com., N.Y. 274,370 220 2,687,980 50.000 162,000 1,160,000 1,180.000 190,000 N, City, N, Y. 100,000 339,220 2,247,900 2,336,000 318,700 Seab. N., N.Y.; Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 40,000 12,420 580,020 40,000 55,000 860,440 863,060 158,000 1,150.000 1,000.000 510,200 498.190 5,092.540 5.871,340 2,927.350 68,180 2,828,820 50,000 50,000 46,000 125,000 42,020 59,080 aratoga Springs tatlon. 534.000 264,900 8,010 50.000 107,040 100,000 Items. 500,000 27,000 289,550 2,988,470 25,000 654.020 t perso nal att entlon. ursarat oga bus iness. 421,250 3,116,820 151,490 ________ 171,490 500,160 542,620 47,830 1,102,550 121,800 1,247,240 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS NATIONAL BANK—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110,000 Cent. Union Tr. Co. and Title Guarantee & Tr. Oo.. N. Y.: Bk. of Hempstead Harbor, Roslyn. 54.930 N. Y. State N.. Alb 363,950 2,488,300 F. 0..HOWLAND. Tr. WM. W. BOYD. Sec.. 250.000 415.000 W.B.WHITE, A. Tr. Collections a sp eclalty. Promp Reasonable char ges. We wantyo W. H. WATERBURY__ W. J.BRENNAN...... 100,000 123,280 Bills of lading d rafts a specialty, Send us your s 15c must be sent with each sight d raft for presen JOHN HALLENBECK85,000 200,000 C. H. Lamb............. J. A. Freligh, Sec.. T. B. Cornwell J. H. Niles............. Edwin N. Bowers . 127.420 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irvine N.. N. Y. 257,110 Bills of Lading drafts a specialty Largest and Ol dest Bank in Sa ugertles. LSend us your b usiness for prom pt attention and service. Saugerties Bank.............<159 E. Clark Reed........ 50-480 Saugerties Savings Bk. .<§'71 J. T. Maxwell........ 50-481 Savona................ 554 Savona National Bank___'19 J. R. Hedges.......... 50-994 Steube^ O10 9,490 N. Park. N. Y. 101,230 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 38,310 Atlantic N. and Harriman N., N.Y. - Saranac Lake 5174 Fra..kliu D22 Margaret Bow. KlCsuURUth. Surplus Paid-up Depos and Capital Profits its 164,480 U.S. Tr., Bkrs. Tr., and Equitable Tr. Cos., N. Y. Com Ex., N. Y. 37,510 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Com ’1 Bk, & Tr. Co., Alb. 80,500 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 275,000 ChaseN. and Irving N.. N. Y.: N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Y. State N., Alb, 104,080 Han. N„ N, Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 273,610 N. Bk. Com., Chase N.. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Alb.; Mnfrs. N„ Troy. 389,990 1st N. ai.d Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 151,300 N. Park, N. Y. 37,660 N.Park.N.Y.; N.Com’I Bk.&Tr.Co.,Alb. 161,190 Met. Tr. and Cent. Union Tr. Cos., N.Y. ! 24,920 Irving N.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr.Co., Alb. i 137,120 Chase N„ N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil. 124,450 Pacific, N, Y. LARGEST NATIONAL 'BANK IN WESTERN NEW YORK NEW YORK BANKS —Romulus to Scarsdale Salem................1083 Washington K25 W. J. Potter. Ass’t Cashier. rrzr ------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salamanca... 9276 B Cattaraugus P5 Romulus National Bank<’20 Wm. O. Hanlon.__ D. W. Brown ... 50-1028 D. C. O’Connor Cashier. ... ...... Rouses Point 1700 CliUo^ A25 Roxbury_____ 1000 Delaware 020 Rushford_____ 600 B Allegany P8 Rushville_____ 541 Yates M10 Rye.................. 5308 Westclies er E6 Sag Harbor...2993 Suff olk E12 Vice-President. i Romulus_____ 500 Seneca M12 Rondout_____ Ulster Q28 Roosevelt.........3000 Nassau Fi Roscoe________ 800 Sullivan Q20 Roslyn_______ 3500 Nassau F7 Liabilities. President. July, 1922 Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. gstate tPriv. No. 2 Fed.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyer*, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NEW YORK—Continued .co • H 1 1 ^7 J?, •a®J1 b*nk U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* ±x%jf Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, Name of Bank. .County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. No. 2 Fed.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Schenevus....... 526 Otsego N20 .Schoharie.... 851 Schoharie M21 Schuyler Lake.300 Otsego M18 Schuylerville.1625 Saratoga K24 Sea Cliff.........2500 Nassau F6 Seaside. Q uee^s F5 (Far Rockaway P.O. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and Capital Profits its $ 5,000 $ 200,000 Sec. and Tr. V. S. Teater, A, Sec. and A. Tr. 1,860 $ 3,640 5.000 39,250 49.860 5.000 2,430 1,990 $ 59,910 5,664,620 41,000 1,150 7,200 9,430 14 500 620 660,000 9,103,000 150,000 260,240 6,319,220 • 50,000 21,170 330,610 R. A. Dewey___ 25.000 50,000 950,000 Lee J. Chase. Cash. and Mgr. J. B. Deyoe____ 10,000 8,000 135,000 50,000 43,000 700,000 50,000 25,000 127,000 Principal Correspondents. & Cabh Exchangm,Lui from Banks 8,630 $ 1,056,010 14134070 300.000 J. K. Roach. — B*CURITI*8 237,000 2,200,000 A. W. Johnston, Tr. Mills Ten Eyck, A. Tr. J. J. Barringer,Tr. W. D, Wemple, A. Tr. V. P. laneous IvGanb A Lib* c’ts. Bonds, 243,750 2,000,000 100.000 en to all collectio n items. George Lovell— J. R. Macduff. Resources. Miscel 261,980 5.605,600 $ George Gifford.... T. C Wolcott------- T. HANSON JR. E. V. KETCHUM— UNION NATIONAL BANK<92 j WILLIS T. HANSON. WILLIS CLARK WITBECK , W. MCCLELLAN, 50-90 (Prompt and car eful attention giv Schenevus National Bk..<’94 O. F. Lane........ H. Bernard--------50-847 Schoharie County Bk..<5'88 Charles M. Throop. Issac Van Vechten 50-848 Taylor, Kinne & Co.,Bankers M. J. Clarke_____ Lee Kinne------ — 50-849 •t’10 National Bk. of Schuylerville C. E. Brisbin____ Wm. S. Ostrander. 50-850 <’65 State Bank of Sea Cliff.*§’22 J. F. Thibaut......... F. H. Maidment... 50-1048 (See New York City, Borou gh of Queens) Ass’t Cashier. 1,830 Passadore & Co.. Genoa, Italy. 462,920 Guaranty Tr. Co., Mech. & Metals N.. N. City, Irving N„ and Chase N.. N, Y.; N.Y. State N„ Alb, 53,120 Passadore & Co., Genoa, Italy. 3,320 380.750 N. Park. N.Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 698,890 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Schenectady Tr. Co..Schenectady. 934,000 Am. Ex. N., Chase N., audlrvKg N..N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 129,460 5,240,700 1,618,230 Imp. & Tra. N., N. City. Mech & Metals N„ and Chase N.. N.Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb.: Bk. of Montreal, Montreal, Que. 380,190 52,940 Han. N„ N. Y. 9,024,000 925,000 7,000 152,000 750,000 26,000 204,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 8,000 N. City, N.Y.; Cooperstown N., Cooperstown. 78,000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Alb. 24,000 Irving N„ N. Y. ) Seneca Falls. .6389 Exchange National Bk...t'65 Seneca L12 50-386 Seneca Falls Savings Bk.t5’70 50-385 State Bank of Seneca Falls 50-387 <»’02 Sharon Springs First National Bank......... •'05 Schoharie M20 400 50-853 Sheepsbead Bay (See New York City, Borough Queens F5 C. H. Williams___ A. R. Palmer......... M. W. Jacoby____ E. W. Freeland.... H. D. Knight N. W. Becker T. J. Yawger____ H. D. Knight------- S. R. Somers, Hamilton Garnsey Sec. and Tr. W. P. Eiwell------- W. G. Morse_____ T. W. Pollard____ Sherburne.__1104 Chenango M17 Sherman____847 B Chautauqua 01 Shorts ville... 1300 Ontario L10 Sidney______2670 Delaware 017 W. S. Sanford------ O. A. Gorton------- F. M. Bullis______ Asa Foote.............. H. Bryan I. O. Ottaway____ L. D. tiale.......... Wm. H. Phear, Jr. Jennie D. Ottaway. Geo. U. Clausen— J. L. Empie___ H. E. Wilber. 100.000 55,580 539,050 25,000 19,000 506,000 W. H. Preston-__ G. W. Hamlin.. T. F. Gilligau____ L. M. Day____ 'H.P.BURGARD-— J. L. HEIDER—. . . . . . H.S. PRATT. . . . . . . . . . . . Thoroughly equ ipped to handle any business con nected with Silver Creek in dustry. Prompt, personal attenti on to all .banking matte rs entrusted to us. T.D.DENNY_ _ _ _ C. C. HORTON- - - - - - - A. J. DIEFENDORF.. C. F. GRIEVISH — A. W. GUEST I Collections a sp ecialty, and remi I Will make every effort to collect I Personal attent ion of Cashier of ^When payment is refused, reaso 50-923 <12 Silver Springs 1155 Silver Springs Nat. Bk..<’02 J. G. Kershaw___ J. E. Nash ___ B Wyoming M7 50-857 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 504,820 — 505,000 100,000 25,000 30.000 50,000 100.000 50,000 100,000 147,930 1,112,920 131,710 1,359,500 25,000 51,000 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; N. Com’l Bk. &Tr. Co., Alb. 133,060 Chase N„ N. Y.; N.Y. State N„ Alb. 617,330 58,120 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 400,000 382,470 49,800 Irving N.t N. Y. 50,000 500,000 500,000 92,270 975,270 222,350 1,226,200 56,360 531,660 47,620 531,330 18,630 75,170 1.174.580 71,500 69,000 649,350 135.850 1.397,530 tted on day of payment. drafts promptly, the Bank, ns are given. L. M. Clark______ 274,740 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse; Auburn Tr.Co., Auburn; Liberty. Buffalo. 131,660 N. Y.: Ex. N., Seneca Falls. 47,460 1st N. N. Y.- N Onm'l Rif, ft Tr f!n Alh 31,650 419,770 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF 31,950 462,330 60.000 N. P., N.Y. 163,690 Chase N., N. Y. 57,670 Irving N., N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 88.070 N._Bk._Com., N. Y.; Peo. and Buffalo Tr. Co.» Buffalo. 46,040 Atlantic N„ N.Y. BUFFALO 1922 SILVER GREEK NATIONAL BANK 1,207,410 of Queens) H. C. Rockwell.__ B. C.Broadfoot.__ G. O. Doty____ C. H. Broadfoot i J. H. CURTIS. . . . . . . . F. L. WHITE- - - - - - - - - H. J. GODFREY- - - - SIDNEY NATIONAL BANK<87 Oldest and larg est bank. We soi icit collections., [ Prompt service. Prompt remitta nee. 50-642 Silver Creek ..3260 FIRST NATIONAL BAHK<’12 B Chautauqua N3 50-856 107,980 1,447.650 129,280 1,269,330 50,000 (Brooklyn P. O.) Sherburne National Bk..<’65 50-854 State Bank of Sherman<5’90 50-855 StateBankofShnrtsville»t§’20 50-621 Peoples National Bank..<’Q7 50-543 127,500 1,386.910 N E W YORK BA N K S — Schenectady to Silver Springs ___________ July, .Schenectady Orazio Ciaccia ________ t’19 88,723 50-94 Schenectady L23 Citizens Trust Co.____ <S’06 N.I.Schermerhorn G. W. Featherstonhaugh 50-92 J. W. Yelverton, J. C. Van Voast Ch. of Bd. A. P. McKain Pasquale DeMarco, Banker Pasquale DeMarco 50-93 t’96 Wm. V. Gapczynski------1'19 50-95 Mohawk National Bank<1807 C. S. Washburn— E. L. Milmine____ 50-88 E. F. Cohen SchenectadySavingsBk.<S'34 Everett Smith....... W. L. Pearson....... 50-89 L. A. Skinner SCHENECTADY TRUST CO. H. B. Boardman__ J. W. Smitley_____ ♦ 56-91 »tS'02 E. T. Rice Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NEW YORK—Continued 1138 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J.J.OO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. In No. 2 F. R. D. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. NEW YORK—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Sinclairville ...514 Sinclairville State Bank»J§’97 F. B. Putnam____ J. H. Cummings.. 50-858 B Chautauqua 03 E. F. Irvin------- Skaueateles ..1635 National Bk. of 8kaneateles B. F. Petheram .. Onondaga L14 50-570 •J'69 W. L. Cavell_____ Jerome J. Murphy Smith town Br’ch Suffolk E8 850 Sodus............ .1329 Way Jll Solvay______ 7352 OuO^daga K14 Southampton 2891 Suffolk Ell South Dayton .665 B Cattaraugus N4 Philip Allen_____ Skaneateles Savings Bk.„S’66 J. H. Earll_______ J. C. Stephenson.. 50-578 W. F. Cuddeback National Bank of Smithtown J. S. Hnntting___ F. G. Booth_____ Branch ..50-859...........•J'lO Bank of Sodus________ tt’53 C. K. Knapp.......... 50-590 First National Bank....... »t’09 H. L. Kelly______ S. S. Granger____ 50-592 H. H. Williams C. D. Gaylord,'81 50-591 Solvay Bank_________ *i§’17 E. D. Winkworth. W. P.Kanar ...... 50-973 E. T. Eshelman First National Bank....... T«’12 John Nugent____ John D. Corrigan. 50-919 Southampton Bank....»tl’88 E. A. Hildreth.__ E. H. Foster____ 50-860 Bank of South Dayton —tS’14 F. S. Peek______ E. A. Hale______ 50-937 E. B. Orissey & Co., Bankers H. E. Crissey____ 50-861 ttlOOO South Fallsburg National Bk. J. M. Beck_____ O. E. LeRoy____ 50-1023 •±’20 First National Bank____•±’02 8. J. Varney___ S. McLaughlin.__ 50-862 & T. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. G. Tuthill____ S. L. Albertson H. H. Huntting_ C. C. Miles R. R. Brown...__ H. B. Mathewson C. B. Smith_____ $ 25,000 $ 60,000 its laneous 7,960 $ 173,180 136,100 783,350 $ 58,000 869,000 1,665,300 159,330 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 239,760 Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. 41,150 645,270 28,000 674,840 64,570 N. City, Harriman N., and Trving N., N.Y. 30,000 44,440 701,340 22,900 709,870 Merch.,Roch’r;N.Com’lBk.&Tr.Co.,Alb. 88,820 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Tra. N., Rochester. D. J. Knapp___ W. A. Norlhup___ C. W. Gaylord____ Jennie Whaling__ I. C. Beal J. C. Maurer____ O. J. Hurst......... . 75,000 70,300 1,309,040 1,372,460 W. K. Dunwell___ 100,000 130,000 1,750,000 1,900,000 L. E. Terry______ 100,000 97,200 884,480 — 973,510 30,000 32,580 440,520 494,190 C. B. Whipple____ R. E. Hale______ A. G. Drummer.__ J. 8. Perry______ 17,500 101,790 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st Tr. &Dep. Co., Syracuse. 80,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 108,250 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 32,940 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. A. B. Rosenstraus. W. H. Bury_____ 75,000 31,700 377,360 54,570 505,480 33,150 Irving N-. N. Y. P. A. Comstock.__ H. P. Blanchard.. 25,000 37,240 278,540 14,970 328,190 27,550 Irving N., N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. A. T. Dickerson... R. T. Merwin..— 25,000 19,000 347.840 342,440 1,232,610 6,249,700 6,893,100 H. H. Hnntting, P. K. Terry, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. R. G. Terry. A. Tr. Frank E. Cox_____ N. C. Baldwin___ 40,000 27,300 368,970 39,250 409,870 910 444,610 2,500 613,340 H.E.F. Tanner.__ 40,000 27,100 415,490 25,000 25,000 250,000 F. N. Webster ___ H. A. Freeman___ Joseph Chadwick J. A. Talbott Elbert Talman____ Charles H. Mapes_ 25,000 25,080 648,670 240,000 100,000 62,120 1,785,360 A. H. Goodhardt... G. W. Shears, G. B. Arnot Sec. and, Tr. George Engel____ A. L. Neubach____ P. J. Cady A. D. Jones______ W. A. Davis_____ C. W. Ellis____ 100,000 35,000 50,000 57,000 J. W. Wadsworth.. E. Robinson_____ A. W. Howe___ P. C. Euchner E. W. Gallup_____ S. C. Robinson .... A. S. Chambers . N. W. Baird 25,000 9,070 156,840 153,950 100,000 173,970 993,310 1.184,300 103,510 1,351,870 64,500 1,401,040 60,000 John Kattler_____ Ogden Butler__ 50,000 E. L. Denison .... C. E. Olson______ M. J. Olson ___ 10,000 C. L. Rossiter ___ Geo. Hellen______ H. L. Brown___ W. A. Wardner... B. L. Dupree____ H. von L. Meyer.. J. F. Duryee Bank* 25,000 B.B. McDowell... M. B. Ferris_____ F. B. Cooper......... T. J. Zoller_____ from $ 171,550 $ 34,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 192,410 1,712,650 Clara W. Overton . F. W. Sturm Bmhutiu F. A. Casey______ J. J. Sheehan 853,180 151,870 1,379,200 10,000 1,376,510 114,000 50,000 40,000 469,210 25,000 28,760 296,180 138,580 1,686,980 NATIONAL —BUFFALO Empire Tr.. and Bkrs. Tr. Cos.. N. Y. 65,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Svracuse. 38,890 Irving N„ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 40,000 Chase N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. 87,920 N. Park and Irving N.. N. Y.; Cent., Rochester; Liberty, Buffalo. 171,340 Chase N., N. Y. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 750,170 7,200 200,000 6,530 1,782,670 48,810 Irving N.. Imp. & Tra. N.. and Empire Tr Co., N.Y.; Market St. N„ Phil. 581,170 112,000 491,710 25,060 340,310 47,500 1,780,080 1 64,900 Seab. N., N. Y. 224,560 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. 35,130 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Livingston Co. Tr. Co., Geneseo. 181,410 Chase N., N. Y. 168,840 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 17,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Jamestown, Jamest own. 51,080 Mech. & Metals N. and Chem. N., N. Y. 34,690 Mnfrs. N., Troy.; Syracuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 292,990 Mecb. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Oom’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb, FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1139 South Fallsburg Sulliva,. R20 550 South Glens Falls (Glens Falls P.O.) Saratoga J24 2158 Southold....... 1526 Bank of Southold_____«J’08 A. A. Folk............. Suffolk Dll 50-616 Southold Savings Bk,...*S'58 H. W. Prince____ 50-615 South Otselic .300 Otselic Valley Nat. Bank«t'05 M. K. Perkins___ Che^a^go M16 50-863 Sparkill............500 First National Bank....... «±’14 A. M. Austin____ Rockland D5 50-938 Spencer____ 661 Farmers & Merch. Bank*t§’82 M. L. Fisher____ Tioga 013 50-864 Spencerport... 926 Bank of Speacerport_.«t§’07 G. M. Cole............. B Monroe J8 50-865 Spring Valley.3818 First National Bank.T*tl900 G. M. Dunlop____ Rockland D5 50-866 Ramapo Trust Co___ T»t§’22 C. E. De Baun___ 50-1050 Springville ...2331 Citizens National Bank .»t’02 Ira H. Vail______ B Erie N5 50-561 Farmers Bank ........... »t8'83 F. O. Smith______ 50-560 Springwater... 500 Springwater State Bank .§’17 E. E. Doty______ B Livingston M9 50-980 Stamford____ 947 National Bk.of Stamford»t'82 C. L. Andrus_____ Delaware 020 50-867 Stapleton Rich.G5 (See New York City, Borou gh of Richmond) St. Johnsville 2469 First National Bank___•t’64 J. H. Reaney____ Montgomery L20 50-868 Stockton____ 600 Lavern W. Lazell k Co..»t’97 B Chautauqua 02 50-869 Stony Brook...750 Bank ef 8nffolk County»t§’07 Wm. P. Youngs__ Suffolk E8 ♦50-870 St. Regis Falls 1500 8t. Regis Falls National Bk. F. S. Young.......... Franklin C20 50-871 «±'05 Suffern_____ 3154 Suffern National Bank.TVfOl D. H. McConnell. Rockland D5 50-872 Paid-up Capital Profits H. W. Thnrlow, Sec. and Tr. J. A. Overton... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws< Liabilities. Resources. Surplus M iscel loam ft Du- Gain ft BxD epos and Ct*. Bonds, cxan«m,Dvb July, 1922______________N E W YORK BANKS — Sinclairville to Suffern 1 1 QQ Town and county. »Couuty Seats. In No. 2 F. R. D. B is Bnffalo Br. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ^Syracuse.. 171.717 Oi.Oi.daga K14 'CITY BANK TRUST COMPANY S. F. Hancock.........D. C. Webster_____ John Moran, Tr..., W. B. Unbehend, W. G. Brayton, C. H.Sandford A. W. Smith, A.TV. Sec Ch. of Bd. N. C. Hyde John Link A. L. Breckheimer J. E. Masters C. E. Chappell H. B. Crouch R. F.Harrison, Pasquale Bucci P. O. Box No. 1. ♦ 5Q-4S T»$l’00 A.V.P. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Resources Miscel laneous k Loans Dipc’ts. Bonds, Cash k Exchangot. Dub 8BOUBrTIM FROM BANKS DEPOSIT ART for State an d City F unds. RESERV E AGENT for New York Sta te Bank (Official Attention. 1 Quick Returns. COLLECTION DEPT* ^ Bank i_20 of one per cent. i Special Rates on Regular Business. ME MBE R FED ERAL RES ERVE •*§’69 and Tr. Officer fj. W. GATES— —! I. H. MUNRO......... lC. A. HITCHCOCK. Syracnse Savings'40 50-32 'SYRACUSE TRUST COMPANY R. L. Stilwell. 200,000 C. A. Bridgman.... R. E. Ashpole-------- 300,000 D. E. Petit, Tr.... C. A. Hudson, Sec, H. J. Engelhardt, W. J. BOURKE- - - - - - - i We are equipped ;to rs handle all matte entrusted to us. We solicit your Syracuse business. Fred’k W. Barker..! He Forest Settle.. A. G. Hageman, J. Reidel, ! Kdwarn Joy Sec. and Tr. A Sec. w. M. L. BASH0RE, ANTON TEPE (One Branch: 509 JV. Salma St.,) 19,400 974,600 94,570 Irving N., N. Y. 180,460 3,926,820 4.097,550 32 203 230 35656530 673,610 Imp. & Tra N. and Seab. N.. N. Y.: Market St. N., Phil.; 1st N., Alb.; 4th-Atlantic N.. Bos. 644,250 Bkrs. Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Cos., N. Y. 380.000 5.048,000 5,940,000 603,000 1st N.and Irving N., N, Y.; Cont. A Com’l 3,407.200 17322 690 20382 080 265,360 Met. Tr. Co., Empire Tr. Co., and Equit able Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,500 000 1.036.480 23 635900 300,w,u 10.000 !?i?i N.. Chi. 287.800 23347260 3.112.920 327,OtU 2,728,l6n 5.060 390,370 3,344,uoo 14,100 Capital & Surpl us: $10,0 00,000. Mgr. ortgage Real tstate Bond s. J. G. Wynkoop, Mgr. 1st N., Guaranty Tr. Co.. Chase N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Equitable Tr. Co., N. Park., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Franklin N., and Phil. N., Phil.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 371,620 3,748,360 A.Tr. SEND US YOUR SYRACUSE BUSINESS. REASONABLE RATES. PROMPT SERVICE. L. G. Lacv Alton Simmons ... Jos. E. Klotz W. R. Stone W. A.HARRIMAN & C0.» Inc. (Investment Securiti (430-2 Onondaga Bk. Bldg.) 119 799,760 SM?.... Micks,Twaih. Michele Vescera-------------1'19 (1 Keith Bldg.) roy'Stokes' 800,000 50,000 Largest Na tional Bank in Syracuse, ♦ 50-42 •t*03 •Third National Bank—»t’84 50-37 50-47 THE CLEVELAND DISC. CO.- 115.700 37419210 3.902.140 Accounts Invited. Ail Collections and Banking Matters entrusted to us will receive Prompt and Careful Attention. R. E. Haven.. ♦Liberty National Bank»t'22 J. W. Clark. 50-48 Nicholas Marnell------------1’15 50-45 Wm. H. Kelley___ C. H. Lewis......... .. ____ NATIONAL C. A. Bridgman __ 50-33_______ »’50 Fred Frazer H. M. Rowling E. A. Powell____ Onondaga County Sav. Bk. Salem Hyde 50-35 *§'55 ♦SALT SPRINGS NAT'L BANK 2,500,000 1.701,360 37004350 7,530 Chase N., Am. Ex. N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Citlz. N., Chem. N„ and Irving N., N. I.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Girard N., PhU.; 1st N., Bos. 401,510 N. Park, N. V.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut,Bos.; Corn Ex.,Phil.;Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 21.880 Banca Commerciale Italiana, N. Y\ The Cleveland Disc. Co., Cleveland, Chicago, N. Y. and principal cities. W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., Phil., and Buffalo. Syracnse Clearing House .— G.L. Tickner-------- C. A. Chase_______ F. L. Barnes, Sec. ami Tr. (Member* indicated by a *) THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N E W YORK BANKS — Syracuse ___________________ July, 1922 C. A. CHASE—........ E.T. ESHELMAN...... F. E. MAURER, Sec.. G. A. CHOLET, Tr... f' m Wk T.J.WALDORF,A.Sec. R. R. GARLACH, M V WHITF H.W.PARRETT.A.Sec. A. Tr. Officer A.'B MERRILL E.A.THOLENS,4.Sec. R. W. BELL, A. Sec. Principal Correspondents. 19500000 SI500000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. ft 000 000 $1167510 17500000 Karl Rollins Aas’t Secretaries. 'FIRST TRUST & DEPOSIT COMPANY 50-38 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued 1140 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* IJLtU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 1 AH Number under Itunc *1 Bunk u eh* New Tmnalt Numeer utw to eeeb benk in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. B Erie K4 FIRST TRUST COMPANY 50-875 »t§ 93 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Resources. ■’tb. Bom, OBAaaaa.Dtn Bmvutim from Baez* S 25,000 3 30,000 $ 400,000 Edward W. Lackey Jacob Fromer___ S. Golding S. D. Scudder....... R. A. Patteson......... John H. Fisher.__ H. C. Timberman.. 100,000 Isaac Requa______ R. B. Couta..t ..... E. T. Willsea, Tr... C. A. Wood, Sec... 176,960 2,343,020 3 19,310 138.900 J. B. Vock________ F. L. Santway____ G. P. Schwarz.—. Gertrude M. Rowe. 50,000 17,900 382,120 C. E. Bennett------- M. Y. Ferris______ W. W. Richards__ C. E. Beers......... F. F. McDonald 50,000 500,000 E. E. Esler_____ He..ry P. Smith__ T. J. Wilson______ W. R. Martin, Tr.. E. H. Smith. »Sec._ Geo. F. Rand, Jr. M. L. Snyder, I 400.000 $ 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Kingston Tr, Co.. Kingston. 5,170,350 160,820 953,480 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 557,420 Mech. & Metals N.. Empire Tr., and Co lumbia Tr. Cos., N. Y. 18,110 Irving N.. N. Y.; Northern N. Y. Tr. Co., Watertown: N. Cnm’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 560,290 41,940 N. City, N. Y.; Watertow.. N.. Watertown, 93,(100 1,200,000 1,119,080 600,000 4,700,000 5,500,000 162,920 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.;J.W. Wyma.. Bkrs„ Crown Poi..t; N Y State Y Alt) 400,000 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 152,200 Marine Tr. Co.. Buffalo: Bk. of Pitt. b. A.. Pitt. A. Sec.and A. Tr. Tottenville_____ (See New York City, Boroug h of Richmond) Principal Correspondents. Du- Cm k lx- 25,000 1,691,500 909,930 4,935,090 25,000 J. H. Bogart______ W. S. Sargent___ k Richmond G4 Trenton........... 269 First National Bank.__*t’18 John J. Lewis........ W. C. J. Doolittle. Glenn P. Dodge (Barnevela P. O.) 50-987 0_eida J18 *Troy.. ......... 72,013 MANUFACTURERS RAT’L F. F. Howe............... J. W. Fleming ___ Wm. F. Seber......... F. E. Sheary__ Re.,sselaer M24 BANK—50-64 ........ W’65 A. M. Ide. V. P. W. C. Feathers T. H. Jackson Edw. Murphy, V.P. F. E. Norton 25,000 7,390 222,970 227,360 36,690 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co., Utica. 600.000 709,110 18 998 780 1,123,130 19134180 2,296,850 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Wells Fargo-Nev., N., San. F.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., 300,000 367,230 5,143,070 904,050 5,632,750 781,610 N. Park,' N. City, and Han. N.. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Mereh. N., Bos. National State Bank ....•f52 Julius S. Hawley _ T. S. Wotkyns___ Henry Colvin____ 50-63 Henry Colvin 250,000 447,780 4,027,290 250,940 4,105,880 Peoples Bank.... —»«'89 F. B. Twining------- A. P. McKean....... A. B. Gobden____ W. V. Mors............ 50-66 Troy Savings Bank___ •tl’23 Wm. H. Shields-__ Thomas Vail_____ J. Erwin Anthony, 50-61 Sec. and Tr. James H. Caldwell 100,000 870,130 1st N. and Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A..N.Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 204,330 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. TROY TRUST COMPANY Harold K. Downing A. T. Smith............ Fred. Bonce, Tr... L. T. Lane, Sec.... Henry S. Darby E. Q. Lasell 200,000 'Union National Bank..T»t'51 Henry Wheeler... Paul Cook_______ Edward Strecker.. Joseph E. Kober.. 50-62 C. G. Eddy NATIONAL CITY BANK~«t'05 50-69 50-67 T'•tt'Ol Thomas Vail_____ Howard S.Kennedy W. F. Polk_______ J. F. Beebe............ B. K. Woodward 159,860 1,148,840 1,213,600 1,717,170 13 479 850 130.420 14 663 780 120.050 2,959,200 2,967,370 300,000 202,700 4,600,160 300,870 4,927,830 H. S. Darby........... D. B. Thompson__ 240,000 431.880 869,620 266.420 1,657,330 475,910 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N.Y.State N., Alb.; 4th St. N.; Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Cent. N., Clev. 150,590 Mech. & Metals N..N.Y.; N.Y. State N.. E. R. Stilwell____ P. F. Sears_______ F. C. Updike J. K. Wheeler___ G. M. Newell____ 25,000 18,240 432,960 490,870 50,040 Irving N. and Coal & Iron N.t N. Y.; N. 25,000 28,000 400,000 433,000 15,000 Chase N.. N.Y.: N.Y. State N., Alb.; 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. N. Park, N. ¥.; N. Bk. of Coitland, Cort 36,000 1.120,000 land. 69,230 1,436,240 C. J. Kenyon_____ H. H. Hurlbut... L. E. Hurlbut 50,000 50.000 748,000 11,800 821,670 A. S, Hosley......... C. E. Knox_____ C.S.Potvin— 50,000 74,680 716,460 112,280 866,780 25,000 42,000 500,000 50,000 60,470 533,760 25,000 70,522 1,183.440 W. H. Sisson____ Carl Pomeroy___ W. S. Pierce F. D. Meeker........... 547,000 114,990 708,000 36,170 1,198,130 A. H. Backus____ G. V. Schooley-__ Roy T. Elston___ Alb. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 25,000 433,650 N. Park, N. Y. 56,920 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Syra cuse Tr. Co., Syracuse. 88,650 Han. N. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Mnfrs. N.; Troy. 51.460 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y. 51,230 N. City, N. Y.. 1st N.t Alb. 116,990 Han. N.. N. Y. Irving N„ N. Y. 30.000 9.590 M. & T. NATIONAL—BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64,700 G. Peyton____ T. A. MacClary___ J. M. Payne_____ 273,380 1st N., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Equitable f r. Co.. N. Y.; Mnfrs.&Tra. N., Buffalo: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr Co., Alb. H. F. Fulling------- J. F. Boland____ F. W Murray, Jr.. John Luft______ C. S. Young 663,660 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. 188,400 15,000 223,110 19,880 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1141 United National Bank..«t'65 S. S. Bullions_____ 50-65 Truman sburglOll First National Bank....... »’04 L. J. Wheeler........ 50-617 Tompki-s N12 State Bank of Trnmansburg C. W. Bower_____ 50-618 *t§’05 Truxton______300 Mailer & Son.............. _.*jt’88 (A. R. Muller) .... 50-876 Cortland M15 Turkahoe___ 3509 First National Bank__ »t’14 W. H. Dempsey.... Westchester E6 50-941 Tully_________ 477 First National Bank ___•J’Ol H. C. Fancher.— 50-877 0_o„tiaga M15 Tupper Lake .2508 Tapper Lake Nat. Bank "flNi J. L. Jacobs........... 50-878 Fra-kli.. E21 Tuxedo_____ 2500 Tuxedo National Bank..*t’19 C. S. Patterson.— (Tuxedo Park P.O.) 50-998 Orange C4 Unadilla_____1157 Unadilla National Bank.»t'09 F, H. Meeker____ 50-630 Otsego 017 Union_______ 3303 Farmers National Bank.»t'08 E. M. Andrews.__ KA j>70 Broome PI 5 Union Springs 642 G. B. Backus_________ tt’87 j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50-880 | Cayuga M13 Unionville........402 First National Bank__•t’W G. H. Elston-------50-1002 I C3 le N E W YORK BA N K S — Tannersville to U nionville Tannersville ..597 Mountains National Bk.«fl7 50-979 Greece P22 Tarrytown .5807 Tarrytown Nat. Bank -T»t’8i 50-419 Westchester D6 Westchester Co. Sav. Bk. §’53 50-418 Theresa______ 857 Bank of Theresa...........•J8’20 Jefferso.. D16 50-926 Farmers National Bank *t’06 50-873 Ticonderoga.,2102 Tieonderoga Navi Bk—1’10 Essex G25 50-874 Tonawanda.10,068 Liabilities. Depos Miscel Paid-up Subplus AND laneous its Capital Pmoprra Name of Bank. *Cou-ty seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. LNo 2 F. R. D. tMem. State B. Ass'n. TEstab B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued July, 1922 1141 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given A9 t0 eack bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Cou^ty Seats. In No. 2 F. R. D. B is Buffalo Br. * Utica______94,156 Oneida K18 Name op Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY ♦ 50-82 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued »«'03 FIRST PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. _ _ _ _ _ _ W.T.DUNMORE. - F. G. THURWOOD. ^ U. TABERE. B. ODELL . T. WIENKE, Aast. to Prea. F. H. U00LIT EDWARD FUESS, D. G. JONES S. B.FRENCH C.W.BUSHIN6ER,A.V.P. JAMES H. ROLLING, J 500.000 $ 772,430 14128 930 $1423 340 15694 900 $1129810 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., Buffalo; Mnfrs. N., Troy. Auditor. • M. GROUSE;------ WM. C- WRIGHT........ F. A. NTgLS JR. J. B. CENTRAL NEW YORK HANDLE YOUR UTICA ITEMS. 1,250,000 1.914.870 11553670 1.492,780 14179630 2.031,700 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., ' and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. ’ STATE AND DEPO S1 TA a FEDE NDS. 100,000 25,000 0. A. MEYER-........ JAMES W. LAMB, Tr. F.G.REUSSWIG, Sec. 250,000 470.450 2,519,400 F.G. REUSSWIG W. S. WILLIAMS, AssJ. Tr. rGEO. L. BRADFORD E. J. MILLSPAUGH - I. C. FLINT--------- F. J. ^LARK.;--........ \ 600,000 1,016,960 3.588,550 iOSLING J. E. McLOUGHLIN ONEIDA NAJjqjjAL BK.W'36 G. A. NILES CH1S- '• Collec a nd Cash Items di rect J Send us your U tlca Collections (.for prompt per sonal attention. Correspondence 1 nvlted. Peoples Bank..................*T§'20 V. Marrone_______ R. H. Auld ............. C. F. Brophy_____ 50-87 •t’16 SAVINGS BANK OF UTICA 50-78 <S’39 Rocco Perretta__ Giovanni Perretta. Rocco Perretta.... Giovanni Perretta. Chas. A. Miller .__ N. E. Devereux R.C. Van Denbergh Tomaino Brothers______ t’16 Joseph Tomaino... Antonio Tomaino. 50-85 C. W. Cushman.. F. P. McGinty___ R. D. Fraser W. J. Green, R. B. Billings UTICA CITY NATIONAL BANK 50-80 T«:'48 nklng. Collection ess forour Trust 50-81 Sec. and Tr. Joseph Tomaino, Tr. 13,220 2.797,130 455,941 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 600,880 5,306,140 500,250 Imp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. . 100,000 25,080 320,000 358,000 34,380 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. Tr.Co., 1st N.. Oneida 5,000 20.450 146,560 104,230 67,770 East River N., N. Y.; Utica Tr. & Dep. Co. Tr. Co., Rome, Italy. Utica; Banca Di Roma, Co., Utica. 2,996,730 18 528180 S. G. Eldred.-A.Sec. Antonio Tomaino, 32,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Utica. 20 515160 1,009,750 Bkrs.Tr. Co., N.Y. 20,000 Sec. H. W. Clarke_____ G. C. Berg, Jr____ 1,000,000 405,710 4,360,560 1,423,400 6,649,020 507,390 N.City and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. s given prompt at tentiou. Department. V.P. Ba . Et DUNHAM C. J. LAMB, Tr...... GRAHAM JL Commercial FRANCIS DAY— busin S. F.SHEF C. We W. solicit HITCHCOCK, ‘ “RMAN G .W. WILLIAMS, COVENTRY, Sec. Ass<. to Pres. GRAHAM COVENTRY I A. Tr. G. C. CLARK, 1.000.000 H.F. HUNTINGTON, „ A. Sec. A. Tr. F.E.ECKER.A.See, 853,840 11286410 660,830 12 714 320 1,086.760 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y., Cont. and Com’l., Chi.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. All collections have our prompt attention. Charges reasonable. T«tS’99 A carefully organized collection department. Send us your Utica items. MOHAWK VALLEY INVESTMENT CORPORATION (225 Genesee Street) ’18 LESLIE W. BROWN—. T. HARVEY FERRIS- M. C. CARROLL....... A. JAMES ECKERT, (INVESTMENTS) Sec. and Tr. ORGANIZED UNDER THE NEW YORK STATE BANKING LAWS. INVESTMENT WALTER JEROME J. FRANCIS DAY----- GRAHAM COVENTRY, JENNER LOWERY, GREEK W. C. J. DOOLITTLE Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. F.B. SMITH, J. S. FRAZER, AssL Sec. Asst. Sec- COMPANY Organized under the New York State Banking Law. UTICA 150,000 122,580 1st N. and Kidder, Peabody & Co., K. Y.; IstN., Citiz. Tr. Co., Oneida Co. Tr. Co., and Oneida N.» Utica; Kidder Peabody & Co., Bos. 300.000 THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY OF BUFFALO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ ___________ July, 1922 UTICA TRUST & DEPOSIT CO. { H. A. Hilsinger, 603,000 524,090 N E W YORK BANKS — U tica Merchants Bank..........•t§,20 w. D. Jones............. C. B. Williams___ Wm. C. Bovee, Jr. 50-1022 J. B. Witte K. J. Szypulski 50-84 laneous Principal Correspondents. Loams & Die- Cash & tuxc’ts. Bonds, changes,Don Bsottbitigs from Banks R. E. ROBERTS, NATIONAL BANK LET THE OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN ... ROCCO PERRETTA & CO. Resources. Miscel Send us your business in this vicinity. It will be handled to your complete satisfaction. CHA&. B. ROGERS- °F 50^76*CA .J1812 Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits 1142________ ____________________ 1 1 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number'given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Nassau F6 1100 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Valley Stream National Bk. F.W. Muller.......... J. M. Foster______ S. R. Craft............. 50-1030 «’20 50-882 (Formerly W. A. Iliginbotham & Co..) Wall kill..............700 Ulster R22 Walton..........._3598 Delaware P18 Wappingers Falls Dutchess A6 3235 Warrensburg. 2025 Warren 123 ‘Warsaw____ 3622 B Wyoming M7 Warwick......... 2420 Orange C4 Washingtonville Orange B4 631 Waterford___ 2637 Saratoga L24 ▼Waterloo____3809 Seneca L12 ‘Watertown 31,285 • Jefferson F16 50-967 Walden Savings Bank—}§’72 50-473 Wallkili National Bank—<’12 50-914 First National Bank___T< 90 50-883 Nat. Bk. of Wappingers Falls 50-512 *’09 Wappinger Savings Bk...§’69 50-511 Emerson National Bank.t’08 50-884 Tr. Co. of Wyoming County ♦ 50-935 T<S’13 Wyoming County Nat. Bank 50-509 T <’51 First National Bank.........<’64 50-552 Warwick Savings Bank <§’75 50-553 First National Bank —<’07 50-885 Bank of Waterford—..<§’19 50-1007 First National Bank „ ..<’33 50-477 George E. Zartman & Co. 50-478 <’88 City National Bank____<’90 50-184 JEFFERSON CO. NAT’L BK. 50-181 T<1816 25,000 $ 43,150 30,000 7,670 415,060 25,000 11,920 231,140 40,360 617,770 100,000 150,000 25,000 B. F. Vail............... F. F. Holmes. Henry Pelton E. R. Emerson___ J. Y. Gerow .. 25,000 50,000 409,810 45,340 Chase N., N. Y.; Lin.-AIliance, Rochester. 235,380 26,720 Chase N.» N. Y.; Syracuse Tr, Co., Syr,acuse. 77,880 Chase N., N. Y. 101,910 26,180 424,100 43,580 150,820 1,600,600 11,310 340,100 57,840 942,880 142,460 1,313,250 44,000 762,250 1,530,500 466,740 165,940 1,865,560 6,730 _ 201,800 Chase N„ N. Y. 322,260 60,880 N.Park and Irving N.,N. Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 947,790 52,930 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. 1,117,150 _ 64,070 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 3d N„ Walden. 52,120 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y. 388,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mnfrs. N„ Troy. 47,000 Irving N. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y. 100,000 156,770 2,603,340 149,500 2,818,900 190,710 Chase N„ N. Y. 100,000 113,160 142,400 146.360 N. Park and Irving N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil 739,040 948,250 105,070 1,374,220 1,414,8?0 452,100 64,470 25,000 38,700 478,420 C. H. Kavanaugh.. Wm. A. Tierney... W. D. Lowther___ 50,000 70,870 550,350 Chas. D. Becker... C. C. Bachman___ John E. Becker... 50.000 51,390 1,058,420 L. S. Zartman____ G. E. Zartman___ V. N. Boisvert ___ 25,000 350,000 C. M. Rexford........ Robert Lansing ... J.O. Hathway____ W.W. Waddingham 100,000 139,310 1,602,730 47,780 1,726,470 CR. J. BUCK. . . . . . — S. D. LANSING. . . . . . . . 0. B. SCHUYLER. . . . . . C. A. DUNHAM_ _ _ _ G. S. KNOWLTON R. W. OAKES R. M. MCKENZIE j Collections or 250,000 389,480 3,849,150 617,220 4,736,070 1,122,110 9,983,230 10 738 250 719.690 6,922,440 500.000 7,897,620 644.510 IstN., N. Y.: Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo; 200.000 300,000 3,289,300 211,700 3,327,700 — 346,530 3,738,250 2,580 3,804,960 673,300 N. Park, Harriman N„ and 1st N., N. Y.: Girard N.. Phil.; 1st N„ Bos. 282,390 Chase N„ N. Y. kprompt and other business cn trusted to tills 4,500 608,020 57,740 1,100,040 90,080 N. City and Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 67,710 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N„ Troy. 117,510 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N. and 1st N„ Alb. N.Y. State N., Alb. 163,350 N. Bk. Com. and Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 378,770 Am. Ex.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. and Phil.; N. Shawmut. Bos. bauk will receive c areful attention. Send us your Wa tertown Items. 292,330 N.Y. NORTHERN N. Y. TRUST COMPANY Reports. j Special attention given ltill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit T<S'10 l Prompt service. We get results. G. W. Kuowlton—. A. F. Ward well___ R. G. Hannahs I. L. Hunt_______ J. F. Amos_______ S. L. George Curtis Miller_____ Geo. I. Hovey........ W. L. Race John G. Clute____ John H.Jones____ Wm. F. Seber R. G. Hannahs____ R. A. VanDeusen. J. R. Pawling, E. L. Mitchell, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr W. L. Race_______ F. R. .Tones L. S. Bibbins_____ 75,000 100,000 780,370 37,600 870,890 75,900 1,767,660 _ 1,750,740 77,080 & Ta NATIONAL—BUFFALO 124,160 Imp. & Tra. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 202,820 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; Mnfrs. N.. Troy. FOR NEW YORK STATE AND CANADA COLLECTIONS 1143 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73,700 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Utica. 2,430 764,000 400.000 j H.E. MACHOLD, D. C. MIDDLET0N-7h. A. HICKOK, B. A. GRAY. F. L. CARLISLE R. A. HICKOK Sec. and Tr. Sec. & Tr. a , ,Ch-Jf B£- G- A- STEBBINS . WJ.G.P0TTEIM.Tr. f. x. LINEHAN, A. Sec. WATERTOWN NAT. BK.T< 82 50-183 Watertown Savings Bank 50-185 §’93 Waterville___1255 Nat. Bank of Waterville <’64 Oneida L17 50-588 Watervliet .,16,073 Nat. Bk. of Watervliet—<’65 Albany M24 50-887 766,480 670,700 Jefferson County Sav. Bank Henry Purcell------ F. W. Coburn........... A. T. E. Lansing, George W. Hulse, 50-182 «§’59 j S. A. Upham Sec. and Tr. \ A. Tr. 50-186 48,000 Irving N., N. Y. 74.710 143,640 1,450,890 100,000 John W. Sanford. Jessie Benedict, Sec. and Tr. .4. Sec. and A. Tr. Adam G. Douglas.. J 528,940 $ 622,330 $ Principal Correspondents. &. 1)18- Cash & Ex Bonds, changes,Dub Biocritibs prom Banks OAN8 . W. E. Garlick........ J. H. Wixson_____ J. R. DuBois_____ J. H. Gilmer______ J. C. Buxton_____ E. T. Montgomery. G. L. Hickey, See.. C. A. Van Arsdaie W. J. Humphrey „ H. A. Humphrey .. E. R. Gott_______ F. J. Humphrey F. C. Cary_______ Morris Rutherfurd E. J. Morehous. laneous 6,250 $ 585,000 100.000 H. B. Wooster____ T. L. Millspaugh... L. H. Clum, H. L. Cornell. Sec. and. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Edward Whitehead Wm. E. Bruyn ___ Frank J. Wilkin .. F. N. Boyd............. Chas. E.Terwilliger Nelson U. Evans C. E. Hulbert_____ John Olmstead___ E.B. Guild_______ Wm. G. Moore I. T. N. Harcourt— Charles T. Jones .. W. A. Brewster,Tr. J. W. Cornell, Sec. and A. Tr. Wm. J. Workman L. W. Emerson___ J. A. Emerson____ J. A. Emerson____ Miscel N EW YORK BANKS — Valley Stream to W atervliet Waddlngton... 702 Waddington Bank____ «t§’19 F. A. Sweet______ Wm. A. Daniels... F. Hugh Burns.... W. A. Daniels. St. Lawrence B18 50-1004 Walden______ 5493 Third National Bank.-..<’16 Elmer C. Dell........ C. F. Fowler.......... C. W. Kay................ Orange R22 Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its. $ Vernon_______ 541 National Bk. of Vernon -Tt’39 D. B. Case_______ J. J. Bartholomew. J. C. Ward_______ A. O. Pepper. Oneida K17 50-881 Victor_________946 State Bank of Victor ...•§’83 W. A. Higinbotham L. G. Loomis, Jr... G. W. Higinbotham Ontario L10 Resources. Liabilities. Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. In No. 2F.Res. Dist. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Valley Stream Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws July, 1922 1143 1144 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number giveu to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-MeNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPri?. ‘County Seats. InNo.2F. Res. Dist. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. B is Buffalo Br. ' M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. »Watkins..„ 2785 Schuyler 012 GLEN NATIONAL BANK -•i’ll 50-529 President. ! Vice-President. —------------—Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Resources. Loan k Dia- Carh k Ex* Miscel c*T8. Bonds, chanqm,Dui laneous 50-530 C. E. Haynes — I. M. Comstock W. E. Wind S. W. Richards.— . L. J. Fortner------T . Walter u. j rv auer_______ F. O. Branday------. U Li Li* Fuller xj r, Uln««a 100,000 50,000 950.000 $ 60.000 1,080,000 875,000 850.000 100,100 51,000 1,000,000 25,000 32,180 100,000 300,000 110,460 110,000 : 80,000 1 _______ 1 535 510 752,720 180,000 ] Equitable N.. N. Y. 7,500 1,010,000 1.288..000 40,000 118,990 42.000 1,315.000 561,340 44,300 : 067,520 114.660 ! 1,600,000 115,000 ! 50,000 45,740 647,910 30,680 704.040 70,290 50,000 16,000 350,000 28,000 400,000 44,000 50,000 83,400 1,542,700 25,000 31,410 349,740 a J Alb.: 1st Tr. & Dep. Co., Syracuse. 181,940 1st N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. „ 57,910 Atlantic N. and Irving N„ N. Y.: Bk. of the Manhattan Co., Jamaica. 100,000 1,594,160 830 1 V liiK A! •» A.1 • A •. At. 349,070 , 37,420 484,530 25,000 21,500 384,980 398.580 50,000 59,150 1,147.290 50,000 1,132,870 50,000 24,870 1,287,000 1,222,430 79,960 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Alb. 50,340 N. City and Irving N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State IrvVng N.', N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., 173,570 Alb. 69,860 N. City and Irving N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Alb. 100,000 62,000 1,014,140 5.940 1,021,290 149,220 N. City, Irving N„ and N. Park, N. Y. 25,000 13,390 480,380 2,046,710 1JLDU.UUU cn nnn 150,000 220,600 5,300,000 33,020 5,196,700 — 602,710 6,696,920 6,250 6,958,030 694,880 Phil. 506,910 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Alb. 347,860 Far. Ln. & Tr. and Empire Tr. Cos.. N. Y.; Alb. Tr. Co.. Alb. 25,000 7,920 263,290 226,100 67,670 Utica Tr. & Dep. Co., Utica. 25.000 25,200 214,000 141.810 375,000 415,000 104,730 1.190,770 71.240 1,367,510 39,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N„ Buffalo. 50,000 N. City, N.Y.; Phil. N.,Phil. 99,230 Am. Ex. N..N.Y.;Lin.-Alliance. Rochester. Wilcox-......- 25,000 R. D. Fuller.......... 100,000 M. L. 115,000 _ 35,000 b»ih 1=1=/ l i r July, 1922 Whitesboro.. .3038 Whitestown National Bank H. B. Kenyon----50-991 •HO Oneida K18 Whltestone.. .5500 (See New York City, Boroug h of Queens) Queens F6 Whitesville.. .500 First National Bank....... •*’05 A. D. Howe......... 50-895 Allegany P8 Wnltney Point 665 First National Bank------«t’05 William Denning.. 50-866 Broome 015 Williamson...1000 State Bk. of Williamson *tS’05 H. V. Pearsall___ 50-897 Wayne .Til 50,000 Alb.; 2d N..! N EW YORK BANKS — W atkins to W illiamson F. A. Sawyer------- J. H. Owen............. L. J. Buley ___ ___ H. C. Watrous F. E. Lyford------- P. L. Lang_______ H A F. L. Howard H E W. W. Clark........... A. L. Morley H. V. Pratt (Wm. C. Jayne an d Geo. G. Mason) TT Tlnmftrv l/UiliAlj' -»■> N. E. Durston....... F. M. Harrington.. dT i U• C. F. Sloan A. B. Robertson... F, \t Wall . . . Wm. J. Richardson C. A. Famum-----Harry Bradley E. C. Brown-------- S. F. Booth............. G. B. Rooth. Jr.... Jas. P. Coyle F. W. Higgins H. E. Hawxhurst.. Samuel Velsor....... R W McCord John R. Hill S. A. W. Baltazzi- A. Z. Gray----------- J. J. Kuethen....... M. P. Eisenhauer.. . Charles Krupp 50-1020 »t'20 J. A. McKenna (See New York City) Westchester Westchester E6 F. P. Wolfe_____ Westfield....... 3413 Nat. Bank of Westfield T»t’48 F. W. Crandall .— A. E. Skinner_____ E. D. Reagan____ G. P. Crandall 50-523 B Chautauqua 01 J. T. Stevens____ Seaside Bank------------- »tS’04 Erast us F. Post.— Alanson P. Rogers. Hermon D. Bishop. West Hampton Beach 50-892 Suffolk E10 1500 West New Brighton (See Borough of Richmond) Richmond F5 Westport___ 669 Lake Champlain Nat. Bk.*t'09 B. J. Worman___ F. E. Smith............. R. J. Vaughan....... 50-863 Essex Ei4 L. B. Wheeler....... West Winfield.725 West Winfield Nat. Bk._»t‘04 V C. Haekley......... V. A. Aldrich____ H. H. Wheeler....... 50-894 Herkimer L18 Fred Brett Whitehall.... 5258 Merchants National Bk..*t’73 F. C. Doren_____ J. E. Shinners.— N. T. Drake_____ 50—448 Washington 125 n n U..o it. w. nays ——— J E fl’Viay National Bk. ofWhitehall*t’06 D. D. Woodard .— 50-449 Central Trust Co......... «t§’68 J. C. Stevens......... T. F.Flandreau, Jr. John A. Snedeker. ‘White Plains 50-232 21,031 Westchester D6 {Formerly Central Bk. of TFest Chester Co.) Philip Osborn------ Chas. W. Haliock.. Citizens Bank------------ »tl’07 George T. Burling . Frank L. Park. John Burling 50-236 H. B. Vincent, Sec. C. A. Haviland, R. Agnew.— COUNTY TRUST CO. -T*ii’03 David Cromwell ... C. .4, Sec. E. M. Ames, A. Sec. H. B. Vincent ♦ 50-235 A.T. Shaw, A. Sec. J. F. Krepps. Sec.. H.S. Hamilton.. Home Savings Bank .-.•il'93 David Cromwell — J. T. Lockwood 50-233 Alb. 80.000 : J.CityN. Elmira. 620,000 R.CVCRLHOUN Waverly......... 5270 Citizens Bank................•tl’74 50-451 Tioga P13 First National Bank —T»i’63 50-450 Wayland____1790 First National Bank .—«t’99 50-888 Steuben N9 Webster......... 1247 Jayne 4 Mason, Bkrs.«ttl900 50-889 B Monroe J10 Weedsport.... 1379 First National Bank -—«t’17 50-977 Cayuga K13 Wellsville...... 4996 Citizens National Bank T*t’95 50-466 B Allegany P8 First Trust Co-----------«t§’82 50-465 Westbury....... 4000 Bank of Westbury------•il’10 ♦ 50-891 Nassau F7 Wheatley Hills National Bk. Principal Correspondents. Sscvutiks FROM BaKXR $ 958,300 $ 178,000 1 ? 50.000 J 903,000 W. W. CLUTE. . . . . . . . . C. R. W ATKINS----- E. H. BISSELL............ J.F. STINSON........... $ 56,000 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time items. Reports. nd 25c for Credit for presentation a ith each sight draft Please send 15cw Send us your W atkins Items. 55.000’ 725,000 50,000 W.S. GEORGE..... VI M INIXfiN WATKINS STATE BANK»il 11 C. M.DURLAND-— W. N. WISE.......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Aeees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this -Continued 1144 , i AA •)JlXS4!WWLVS^m»J American Trust Company MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits - $1,800,000.00 Deposits Resources over $7,277,290.73 $10,000,000.00 We invite the ac counts of Banks, Bankers, Corpora tions and Firms on favorable terms. “COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY” All items receive personal and prompt attention. OFFICERS W. H. WOOD. President T. E. HEMBY • GEORGE STEPHENS W. S. LEE . JOHN Q. NICHOLS . Vice Vice Vice Vice President President President President J. E. DAVIS H. L. DAVENPORT P. C. WHITLOCK JOHN FOX . . . Sec'y St Treasurer Asst. Sec'y St Treas. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer We Offer Unequaled Facilities for Handling Your North and South Carolina Items. Raleigh Banking 4 Trust Company RALE.IGH, NORTH CAROLINA Third Generation of Sueeeeoful Banking. Corroepondenee Invited. Raleigh Banking & Trust Co., 1905. Special Attention Given to Collections in National Bank of Raleigh, 1885-1905. North Carolina. Promptness Assured. Raleigh National Bank, 1865-1885. W. B. DRAKE, Jr., President. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. N. JONES, Vice-President. J- B. TIMBERLAKE, Ass’t Cashier. North Carolina INDEX TO COUNTIES. Alamance. .E 11 Alexander.. . E 4 Alleghany.. . C 5 Anson.............. 18 Ashe.............. C 3 Avery........... D 2 Beaulort... G 20 Bertie......... E 20 Bladen. . . .K 14 Brunswick. N 15 Buncombe ..08 Burke............ F 3 Cabarrus .. . H 7 Caldwell.... E 3 Camden ... C 22 Carteret.... J 21 Caswell. ... C 11 Catawba. ... F 4 Chatham.. .F 11 Cherokee .. . Q 2 Chowan...D 21 Clay..............Q 3 Cleveland... H 3 Columbus M 14 Craven. .. .H 19 Cumberland 113 Cunituck. .C 23 Dare............F 24 Davidson ... F 8 Davie........... E 7 Duplin......... I 16 Durham .. .E 13 Edgecombe E 18 Forsyth........D 8 Franklin.. .E 15 Gaston.........H 4 Gates.......... C 21 Giaham....... P 3 Granville.. .C 14 Greene ... .G 17 Guilford ... .E 9 Halifax... .D 17 Harnett .. .H 13 Haywood ...06 Henderson .. P 8 Heitford. . .C 20 Hoke............ I 12 Hyde...........G 22 Iredell.......... E 6 Jackson....... Q 6 Johnston.. .G 15 Jones............ I 18 Lee...............G 12 Lenoir........ H 17 Lincoln........ G 4 McDowell. ..FI Macon.......... Q 5 Madison... . N 7 Martin........F 19 Mecklenburg I 6 Mitchell.... M 9 MontgomeryH 9 Moore.........H 11 Nash........... E 16 New Hanover L 17 Northampton C 18 Onslow.........J 18 Orange........E 12 Pamlico. .. .1 21 Pasquotank C 22 Pender. . . .K 17 PerquimansD 22 Person........ C 12 Pitt.............. G 18 Polk................P 9 Randolph. . .F 9 Richmond. . 1 10 Robeson. . .K 12 Rockingham C 10 Rowan.......... F 6 Rutherford. .F 1 Sampson .. .1 15 Scotland .. . J 11 Stanly..........H 8 Stokes..........C 8 Surry........... C 6 Swain...........0 4 TransylvaniaQ 7 Tyrrell........ F 22 Union............. 16 Vance......... C 15 Wake...........F 14 W'airen. . . .C 16 Washington F 21 Watauga ...D3 Wayne........ I 16 Wilkes......... D 4 Wilson........ F 16 Yadkin........D 6 Yancey....... N 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 289f INDEPENDENCE TRUST COMPANY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. A PROGRESSIVE INSTITUTION THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED Officers J. H. LITTLE E. O. ANDERSON W. A. WATSON W. M. LONG - - J. H. WEARN, Chairman of the Board - President E. E. JONES....................... Cashier Vice-President R. S. SMITH - Asst Cashier Vice-President THOS. P. MOORE - Asst. Cashier Vice-President A. R. SARRATT - Asst. Cashier Capital, Surplus and Profits over $1,600,000.00 Total Resources over $5,000,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TRY OUR COLLECTION SERVICE Name or Bank. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. L. No 2 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. I is Buffalo Br Bank of Williamsville.<#T7 50-953 B Erie K4 Willsboro......... 51 Essex County National Bank 50-1040 ’21 Essex D24 Wilson_______ 6; 50-932 B Niagara J4 Windham........3f First National Bank____ '22 50-1051 Greene 023 Windsor ...........51 Windsor National Bank-t’OS 50-898 Broome P17 WInthrop_____5( First National Bank....... }’15 50-946 St. Lawrence BL Wolcott........... 1186 First National Bank____ i’01 50-612 Way-e J12 Woodhaven.... (See New York City. Boroug Queers F5 Woodridge__ 944 First National Bank___ <’17 50-981 Sullivan R21 Worcester........1200 Bank of Worcester___ <{'84 50-899 Otsego M20 Wyoming_____368 Wyoming Banking Co...Jt'02 50-900 B Wyoming L7 Yonkers__ 100,176 First National Bank _.T<’54 50-51 WestchesteT E6 Peoples Savings Bank..<('66 50-52 Westchester Trust Co..<('73 50-53 President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Paid-dp Surplus Dbpo»- Miscel and laneous ITS Capital Profits $ 50,000 $ 94,680 $1 622 390 $ 12,140 4in A Din Cam A *z:”nL Bond* oiiMM^Dn Bvnm* 275,000 250,000 50,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Alb. 25,000 18,610 448,810 434,830 55,180 Irving N.,N. Y.;Mnfrs.&Tra. N., Buffalo. 25,000 5,000 65,000 19,300 25,000 16.000 300,000 290,000 25,000 30,100 387,880 E. T. Brown........— L. M. Mead............ 25,000 95,040 1,047,290 J. S. Kile....... ........ P. H. Troginsky... J. R. O'Neill......... H. B. Eaton........... 50,000 29,680 434,760 George B. Crippen. Ella W. Wieting .. John D. Bulson.__ 30,000 124,680 479,340 178,270 6,091,280 296,940 6,577,320 25,000 71,000 Chase N., N. Y. 45.000 Irving N, and Harriman N., N. Y. 431,370 36,600 Chase N„ N. Y.; Syracuse Tr. Co.,Syracuse. 1,052,670 114,660 N. Park, N. Y.: N.Y. State N„ Alb.; N. Bk. Com., Rochester. 747,810 50,830 Irving N„ N, Y.; Home N., Ellenville. 593,550 40,470 Chase N„ N.Y.; N.Y, State N„ Alb. h of Queen*) 284,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. F. J. Humphrey__ W. J. Humphrey .. C. A. Graham-----J. H. Keeler!____ Harry A. Merritt A. B. Losel. A. Tr. 300,000 Horace P. Allen, Sec. 300,000 John Howard. Jr.. Walter Grieve, Jr. 200.000 L. R. Palmer......... W. W. Scrugham— C. A. Valentine ... R. H. Neville A. B. Barr, V. P.._ R. H. Neville____ F. E. Wheeler, Sec. and Tr. Arthur Land C. R. Dusenberry.. Richard Edie, Jr.— J. W. Shaughnessy, Tr. G. S. Edie — Entire S*ate No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. Aberdeen .........858 Merchants A Farmers Bank (Mergedwith Page Trust Co.,) 66-645 <§’19 Moore 111 (J. R. PAGE.......... FRANK PAGE.......... 1 H. A. PAGE, V. P. l:fcW ril A. B. Cunningham. R. Eickemeyer, Sec. JamesE.Howes.Tr. John Bellows, Sec.. John J. Walsh. Tr. A. H. Snodgrass. Sec. A. G. Mills, Jr„ A. Sec. J. S. Kelly, A. Sec. Ohas. N. Stewart.. M. Patten________ 1,364,310 14544420 14974 590 447,500 7,296,280 47,940 7,335,500 85,220 2,544,920 — 130.020 2,664,420 934,140 Han. N.. Bkrs. Tr. Co., Lin. Tr. Co., and Irving N„ N. Y. 756,220 Mech. ft Metals N., Equitable Tr. Co.. Han. N., N. Bk. Com., and Irving N., N.Y.: N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 280,120 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb, 2,658,180 14 742 910 1,031,380 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 1,660,740 14113560 350,000 289,160 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y. 235,840 N. Bk. Com., and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. 21,010 2,861,930 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent., Rochester. NORTH CAROLINA S. J. HINSDALE...... E. S. ADAMS--........ $ 250,000 $ 112,000 $3 218 000 H. A. PAGE, JR., Tr. • 1 Send us your “ Aberdeen” Collec tlons for Prompt Service. ( Send 35c with each request for Credit Report. Ahoskie........... 1429 Bank of Ahoskie........... <|'05 C. C. Hoggard------ W. L. Curtis.......... J. I. Crawford .... P. E. Dukes . J. B. Ruffin S. B. Carter 66-301 Hertford C20 41,850 41,850 300,000 68,600 12,500 350,000 Farmers-Atlantic Bank<§'14 C. G. Powell......... M. D. Gatling......... V. D. Strickland ~ O. W. Hale. D. P. Boyette 66-555 W. D. White M. J. Harris......... - (Branch of Con cord. N. C.)....... * Albemarle ...2691 CABARRUS SAVINGS 66-207 Sta,.ly H8 50.000 8,480 261,910 $ 43,33( First National Bank—<T7 D. B. McCurdy .... W. C. Fitzgerald... H. P. Morrow....... D.D. Parker 66-616 50,000 66,890 434,080 Stanly Bank & Tr.Co. .<{’04 A. C. Heath............ E. E. Snuggs_____ A. P. Harris........... W. H. Whitley 66-208 17,970 303,380 20,000 Andrews.........1634 Merchants & Manfrs. Bank .1. W. Walker......... G. B. Walker......... J. H. Abernathy... 66-264 <S'05 Cherokee Q3 1,000 103,000 25,000 AngLr............375 Angier Bk. & Trust Co. <{’17 P. S. Cooper........— W. H. Stephenson. W. H. Stephenson S. C. Stanley Harnett G13 66-558 10,000 — 25,000 Farmers Bank..............J§’10 J. L. Johnson____ N. A. Matthews.-- O. S. Young........... 66-697 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Winston Salem. N. C.— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1655 270 * 123,930 Irving N„ N. Y.: Peo., Buffalo, 26,500 Albert Manwarren L. H. English____ Harvey Sims------W. C. Armstrong Neil Murphy____ R. H. McEwen___ W. S. Clifford___ C. D. Tryon........... G. W. Roe Principal Correspondents. 25,000 Sidney L. Ford__ S. C. Robinson .... Otis Vail________ T. F. Larkin........... W. L. Chase John O. Campbell. Benj. W. Stilwell W. W. Scrugham Yonkers Trust Co____ <§'16 John J. Walsh....... Robert Boettger ~ 50-56 PAGE TRUST CO_ _ _ _ <114 CASHIER. L. L. Grove______ Jas. Chalmers, Jr.. H. G. Britting___ J.H. Baker A. G. Paine, Jr.... Eustis Paine------- W. H. Munson, Jr. W. H. Howell. Jr. S. D. Brown_____ L. C. Coe________ Yonkers National Bank. <10 Leslie Sutherland. 50-55 M. J. Walsh. V. P. Yonkers Savings Bank. <(’54 A. L. Skinner____ 50-50 York..................500 Charles N. Stewart, Banker 50-901 t+’Ofi B Livingston L8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NEW YORK—Continued $3517 000 $ 352.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 300.000: 400,0001 , j 313,590 j 541,820 282,620 208,000 40,000 65,000 Han. N..N. Y.; Norfolk N„ Norfolk: N. Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk: Am. Tr„ Charlotte; Union Tr. Co., Balt. 70.000 N. Park, N.Y.; Seab. N.. Norfolk: Balt. Com’l, Balt.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.: Wa chovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 50,120 Han. N.. N. Y.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem: N. State and City, Rich. 64,150 Han. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Kk. ft Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 53,560 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.: Am. N, and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co. Asheville. 20,800 Merch. N„ Raleigh: Wachovia Bk. & Tr, Co..Winston-Salem; Corn! N .Wilmington, 4,500 Com’l N„ Raleigh. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT July, 1922 NEW YORK AND NORTH CAROLINA B ANKS—Williamsville to Angier______ 1145 1145 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number btm S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bank<:er»* to each bank Ass’n. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. Ansonville.......800 Anson 18 Apex___ _____926 Wake F13 Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Bank of Anson......... .......±5’10 66-302 Merchants & Farmers Bank 66-282 tS’05 Peoples Bank...................$510 66-283 Arapahoe...........75 Bank of Pamlico--------- 1§’18 66-638 Pamlico 121 iVshboro____ 2559 ASHEB0R0 BANK& TRUST COMPANY 66-728 TO’21 Randolph F9 Bank of Randolph____ il’97 66-218 President. Adam Lockhart. A. C. Vice-President. J. F. Ross.. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. M. P. Hill_______ B. P. Pearson____ J. M. Herndon ... L. S. Olive. J. R. Cunningham B. Wilkerson. W. F. Ctley_____ J. L. Crowder___ C. R. Mills......... B. Hunter__ Depos Paid-dp Surplus AND its Capital Phofits $ 10.600 % 4130 $ 45.760 25.000 9,230 10.000 12,000 Resources. Miscel laneous 241,930 $ 12,000 to, Cam k ExCBA nobs, Din non Banks 273,080 15,080 175,000 250,000 (Branch of Baybo \jOamb k DuBonds, Bsoumnua $ 43,460 c’t*. N. C. 1 $ Principal Correspondents. 17,070 1st N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Wins ton-Salem: Bk. of Wadesboro, Wadesboro. State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Com') N., Raleigh. 80,000 Merch. N., Raleigh; Merch. N.. Balt.; Plan. N.. Rich. N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Peo., New Bern. 60,190 69,810 14,080 N. State&City, Rich.;Com’lN..HighPoint. B. McCrary__ J. D. Ross----------- W. J. Arinfield, Jr. 21,400 80,000 625,000 530.000 First National Bank....... »t’07 J. S. Lewis______ W. F. Redding ___ J. M. Neely______ 66-219 50,000 53,880 552,990 200.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 121,940 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Rich. ‘AMERICAN *Asheville... 28,504 Buncombe 08 T»t’07 ‘BATTERY PARK ♦ 66-34 BANK .JS91 &TRUST COMPANY T »tS'12 ™ REDWOOD A.E. RANKIR------ J. B. J! B: WHITFIELD ANKIN P. P. BR0 BROW! 50.000 150,000 66.020 2.081.470 550,930 _____ 2.214,870 9 i For prompt an d efficient handl ing send your item s to the only Na tional bank In As hevflle. T. C. COXE......... C. RANKIN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. C. WADDELL, JR. ) A Bank Tha t Gives Effici (.in Every D epartment. f W. B. DAVIS_ _ _ _ J. R. OATES —...... | C. W. BROWN, Ch. of Bd. and Tr. Officer S. A. HUBBARD GRAHAM BROWN — 170,100 2,669,540 135,000 2.363.350 WES OLIC IT YO UR B USIN ESS. ent Service R. C. DAVIS- - - - - - - - G.G. CONNELLY C. A. TAYLOR „ WM. McCANTS, , Auditor. j. C. BRADFORD Checks Dra wn on This B ank are Coll ectable at Par Throug h The Federa I Reserve Bank of Ric hmond, Va. ♦Citizens Bank......... —•$|’06 66-36 National Bank of Commerce J. G. Adams._ 66-765 ’22 ♦Southern State Bank -•t5’13 R. E. Currence 66-39 100,000 499,190 N. Park, Han. N., IrvingN., and Mech.& Metals N.,N. Y. ;Cont.&Com’lN.,Chl.; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N.« Phil. ;lstN. and State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Cont. Tr. Co.and RiggsN., Wash., D. C.; 4thN.,Atl.;Citiz.&UnionN.,Lou.: 711.290 N.Ex.,Balt.N.Park and N.Bk.ofCom., N. Y.: IstN., Phil.; Merch. N.,Rich.; 5th-3d N., Cin. 10G.000 102.110 4 556,660 244,500 4,248.160 755.120 Han. N., N.Y.;Com’l N., High Point; XPlan tail* Oil Vila 9 V^l Cl At a SkAllfflPPIl. OUUtUCIlI) Atl.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. J. C. Martin---------- J ohn A. Campbell . Wm. F. Duncan... 100,000 19,130 B. S. Colburn----- Wm. M. Redwood. W. B. Carpenter.. Wm. F. Duncan S. Sternberg_____ J. E. Reister____ E. F. Wilson 100,000 25,000 25,000 5,850 918,190 42.510 876,780 176,780 10,000 193,680 203,050 Han. N.. N. Y.; State Co., Rich. & City Bk. & Tr. 23.950 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Asheville, V. R. PATTERSON— S. S. WILLIAMS H. FRIES -- - - - - - - R. M. HANES— H.F.SHAFFNFR.F-P. £• L LWE ,NMCH ‘WACHOVIA F.JAS. A. GRAY. M. H. WILLIS A. H. ELLER BANK & TRUST T.S.MORRISON, Transacts a general banking business. We solicit You will be pleased with “WACHOVIA” service. „ COMPANY .JVM your collections. V.-P. V.-P. Asheville Clearing House. ~ E. L. Ray________ V. R. Patterson-— (Members indicated by a*) Atkinson_____296 Bank of Atkinson___ •t!'12 E. A. Hawes........... J. T. Hoggard____ W. H. Lewis 66-498 Pender K15 Auburn........ Wake Auburn Banking Co________ (Closed July, 1921) Aulander_____803 Bank of Aulander_____ +J 06 C. W. Mitchell. Jr.E. C. Harrell_____ 66-303 Bertie D20 Farmers Bank____________ (Taken over by Bank of Aulander) Aurora_______ 524 Bank of Aurora----------»J8'03 R. L. M. Bonner... M. B. Wilkinson.. 66-304 Beaufort 1121 J. E. Porter_____ W. H. Hooker__ Richland Farmers Bank 66-619 •tl’17 Chas. H. Haynes.. G. C. Haynes-----Haynes Bank —______ •t§’07 Avondale____500 66-371 Rutherford H2 Ayden.............1673 Bank of Ayden............ •tf'03 C. V. Cannon____ J. H. S. Hodges... .1. R. Smith 66-305 Pitt G18 First National Bank... »'15 J. R. Turnage....... W. M. McKinney. .1 .1 Edwards 66-573 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,333,100 ' (Branc h of Wi nston-S alem,N. C.) W. F. Duncan, Sec. and Tr. J. E. Whichard__ L. M. Pope... 9,350 1,750 40.000 J. E. Cooke’............ A. A. Burden. 79,825 JO,580 164.520 65,130 ................... 85,000 23,980 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk; Murchison N., Wil. 96,000 18,000 Norfolk N.. Norfolk; Merch. N.. Rich.; Bk. of Wash., Wash. 4,180 Irving N„ N. Y.; Seab. N.,Norfolk; IstN.. Wash. 63,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Charlotte N.. Charlotte. 10,800 9,800 93,000 Miss Fannie Price 25,000 1,990 62,540 J. B. Watkins.. W. W. Nanny____ J. C. Hames H. S. Gurganus__ 50,000 7,520 391,080 384,610 100,000 45,000 300,000 560,000 75,000 20,000 215,000 440,800 J. D. McGlohon G. W. Prescott. J. K. Quinerly. R. C. BaeeeD Winston-Salem, 97,920 1 N. C. 4,260 Murchison N., Wil. 296,080 W. T. Stillman.. O. M. Hooker— N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., WinstonSalem. LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLI NAS 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Com’l N., Raleigh. 30,000 N.Bk. of Greenville.Greenville: Norfolk N., N nrfniu ;waohoviaBk .& Tr. Co. Wi^.-Sal. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS BANKS— A nsonville to A yden ___________ July, 1922 ‘CENTRAL BANK 66-38 D. J. E. RANKIN— NATIONAL BANK 66-37 H. T. Caviness___ S. B. Stedman....... E. H. Morris____ G. L. Murdock__ 1146_________________ NORTH CAROLINA 1146 Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5Fed.Res.Hist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. 4.; Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Dkpos- Miscel- Loam k Du- Cash k KxOHAjraM,Dvi ITS Bkjuritim non Baku Profits _ .. _ j Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. L. Smith______ J. E. S. Thorpe ... Paid-up Capital $ 25,000 $ 8,500 S 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 33,000 Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. (Branch of Wilso n, N. C.) Thos. R. Byrd___ W. C. Berry_____ D. A. Greene____ 15,000 1,200 244,000 215,000 W. C. Tate 25,000 1,200 95,000 95,000 J. A. Daughtridge. 25,000 22,410 227,919 236,190 W. J. Swan______ D. C. McCotter___ J. S. Weskett____ M. A. Matthews... .T. S. Weskett C. G. Carawan L. Harris ‘Beaufort __ 2968 Bank of Beaufort___ *t§’01 W. A. Mace______ John Forlaw____ J. A. Hornaday, Jr. Carteret J21 66-183 30,000 26,410 676,980 $ 101,980 758,920 20.000 10,000 275,570 15,530 260,890 BEAUFORT BKG. & TR. CO. N. W. Taylor____ C. L. Duncan____ U. E. Swann_____ Julian Hamilton... 66-184 •JS’07 50,000 13,410 740,200 1,040 522,230 282,420 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; 1st N., Rich. (C. P, AYCOCK....... C. C. JACKSON......... W. E. STUBBS______ H.M.STEARN-____ i Send us your co llections which w 111 receive prompt attention. (.All collections r emitted for on da y of payment. 100,000 28,000 250,000 375,000 45,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk. 135,560 35,750 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Citz. N., Elizabeth City; Bk. of Wash., Wash. 363,610 N. Park, N. Y.:, 1st N., City N., Gastonia; Merch. & Far. N., Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. “ — “ Belhaveu___ 1?16 BANK OF BELHAVEN-*iS 03 Beaufort G21 66-308 .. Farmers Bank_____ .•t§’17 ♦ 66-608 Belmont 2941 Bank of Belmont.......... •t#’08 Gaston H15 66-309 “ “ Bennett 190 Bank of Bennett______T§’19 Chatham G10 66-661 Benson______1123 Citizens Bk. & Trust Co. Johnson H14 66-546 T»t§’14 ......... F. H. Stinson____ H. F. Ingle______ J. C. Braswell....... M. C. Braswell ___ M, F, .Tones N. B. Mariner____ W. J. Justus_____ W. J. Justus_____ C. W. Mengel R. L. Stowe______ J. L. RobinsOD---- W. B. Puett............ 25.000 50,000 7,500 142,820 " ■""" " 92,190 1,527,190 1,314,570 (Purchased by the Bank of Bel mont.) 44,000 Merch. N., Balt.; Citiz. Bk. of Yancey, Burnsville. 21,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tenn. N., Johnson City. Tenn. 32,210 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.: Seab. N., Norfolk; Plan. N., Rocky Mt. 76,3 0 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Tr. Co. of Norfolk. Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 60,220 Han. N.. N. Y.; Peo., New Bern; Com’l N., Raleigh; N. Bk. Com; Norfolk. (Branch of Bonlee Bk. & T r. Co., B onlee, N. C.)....... Plan. N..Rich.; Com'IN.,Raleigh. H. A. Parker____ J. W. Neighbors.. W. R. Strickland .. 50,000 27.000 ?sn 000 300.000 26,000 Murchison N.. Wil.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Merch. N.. Raleigh. 100,000 30,000 400,000 500,000 Bessemer City2176 Bessemer City Bank__ i§’06 R. C. Kennedy .... J. J. Ormand____ O. M. Vernon____ 10,000 5,150 110,720 Gaston H4 66-311 [M. 0. BLOUNT-— J. A. STATON______ S. G. IVES________ R. L. WHITLEY____ 23,640 178,130 24,000 Bethel_______ 817 BETHEL BKG. & TRUST CO. S. G. WHITEHOUSE Pitt F18 66-312 *t#'04 T SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS WHICH WILL R ECEIVE PROMP T ATT ENTIO N. 133,330 98,000 Chatham&PhenixN.,N.Y.;N.Bk.Com.,Nor folk; Murchison N., Wil.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; 1st N., Rich. 22,260 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Gastonia. 135,460 90,320 Farmers Commercial Bank M. T. Britt............. W. D. Boon______ W. H. Slocumb___ 66-310 »t§'08 Bradley Johnson Sibyl Goodrich FARMERS & MERCHANTS BK. .. 66-656 $§’19 Bank of Beulaville___•$§’16 O. W. Quinn____ 66-587 Biltmore-Oteen Bank... .§’21 J. G. Stikeleather. 66-755 J. T. Roberts, V.P. Bank of Biseoe--------- -$§’20 E. R. Burt______ 66725 Bank of Black Creek__ $§’18 J. H. Thompson ... 66-623 Commonwealth Bank ._»tj’07 F. A. Perley-------66-313 Bank of Bladenboro....... $§’08 H. C. Bridger_____ 66-314 Bank of Blowing Rock..t5’05 J. A. Lentz______ 66-315 Boiling Springs Bank__ §’16 66-585 BonleeBank & Trust Co.»J§’17 I. H. Dunlap_____ 66-610 15,300 1,100 100,000 I. J. Sandlin_____ A. L. Cavenaugh.. 17,000 C. J. Barrett____ W. A. McGeachy.. C. N. Wrenshall W. P. Wingate__ 4. W. Burt.. 35,000 650 188,660 10,000 110 58,330 49,390 J. S. Tomlinson ... J. A. Barnes_____ 10,000 4,540 165,270 131,110 C. E. Cotton.. ... 25,000 18,000 225,000 195,000 R. L. Bridger____ H. C. Bridger, Jr... 10,000 42,500 175,000 190,000 B. B. Dougherty... G. M. Sudderth___ B. B. Blair_______ 16,000 3,820 86.130 91,000 100,000 92,000 6,750 202,780 20,000 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Com’l N.. Raleigh; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. Rich.; N. Bk. Greenville, Greenville. 15,000 Murchison N., Wil.; Merch. N.. Rich. 28,180 Han.N..N.Y.; Cent.Bk.&Tr. Co., Asheville. 15,570 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 34,550 State & City, Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., High Point; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 22,000 Merch. N., Balt.; Murchison N., Wil. 27,630 Han. N.. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem: Bk. of Lenoir, Lenoir. (Branch of Bank of Moore sboro, M ooresbor o, N. C.) Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. W.J. Tally.............. C. M. Andrews__ W. S. Gardner 25,000 2,500 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO.. Winston-Salem, N. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105.000 275,000 215,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROL INAS 74,500 Bk. of Sanford, Sanford: Plan. N., Rich.; Com’l N., Raleigh. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1147 Beauiaville__ 354 Duplin J17 Bi It more____ 172 Buncombe 09 Biseoe_______ 755 Montgomery H9 Black Creek__ 274 Wilson G16 Black Mount’n531 Buncombe 09 Bladenboro.. 459 Bladen K13 Blowing Bock.338 Watauga D3 BoilingSprings410 Cleveland H3 Bonlee_______178 Chatham Fll JH. V. STATON....... E. L. MAYO ............ W. M. PRUETT......... A L. GRIMES........... L We want outsid e business—Prom pt service—Reaso nable charges. folk; Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Co., Green ville. NORTH CAROLINA BANKS-Badin to Bonlee Bank of Badin.............. «+§17 66-620 Branch Banking & Trust Co. 66-751 »§’21 Merchants & Farmers Bank 66-306 •tS'13 Banners Elk Bank...........§’20 66-669 Planters Bank......... ........ Tf 13 66-522 Bank of Pamlico____ T»t§’07 66-307 A DfVT TXT A ______ Radi ii_______ 5000 Stanley H8 Bailey________ 518 Nash F15 ‘Bakersville. ..332 Mitchell 01 Banners Elk...264 Avery D2 Battleboro__ 309 Nash E17 ‘Bayboro ... 349 Pamlico 121 President. MADTIJ IN IJrv 1 il L>AKUL1JNA-----L^OntinilCQ July^l922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 47 £?, eac.k bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. *County Seats. Entire State in No.5Fed.Res.DD+. Boone________ o'/'i Watauga D2 Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrlv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers, Bridgeton___.548 Craven 110 Broadway........ 250 Lee G12 * Bryson City ..882 Swain P4 Buies Creek.. .291 Harnett H18 Bunn________ 150 Franklin E15 »Burgaw____ 1040 Pender K16 Burlington.. .5652 Alamance Dll Watauga County Bank.»tl’03 N. L. Mast................ L. A. Greene_____ G. P. Hagaman ___ W. D. Farthing— 66-316 W. Shore,______ Nellie Speer........ . F. W. Day------------ M. M. Crumel-----Commercial & Savings Bk. 66-317 tS’ll S. C. Gettys______ Miss Maude Howell E. N. Washburn Bostic Bank-------------------§'17 66-622 R. B. Lyon_______ J. S. Silversteen... Brevard Banking Co....«tl’99 T. H. Shipman........ 66-318 L. P. Hamlin_____ Billy Davis---------Pisgah Bank. ------------- §’22 J. H. Pickelsimer. 66-758 Bank of Bridgeton_____ t§’20 A. F. Bunting .— C. A. Ryman-------- J. A. Nunn---------66-700 Bank of Broadway_____ tl'09 J. L. Thomas_____ J. F. Jones--------- D. E. Shaw_______ 66-319 S. W. Black_____ J. R. Long________ Bryson City Bank_____ •tl'04 D. K. Collins__ 66-320 R. G. Coffey-------- O. P. Williams____ lea Grant Citizens Bank________ •tl'13 A. M.Frye------66-526 Bank of Buies Creek.__t§’19 J. A. Campbell .— B. P. Marshbanks B. F. McLeod........ 66-670 Bunn Banking Co------- *t§’14 R. L. Hufflnes____ W. I. Reed............. M. E. Shamburger. Jr. 66-545 Maude Paddison... Bank of Pender..............<§’06 O. O. Branch--------- J. R. Bannerman 66-321 Miss Fannie SidJ. E. Crutchfield.. W. A. Brown_____ W. D. Crooin___ Planters Bank & Trust Co. bui C. C. Bryan 66-695 §’20 50,000 25,000 10.000 9,230 ALAMANCE BANK & TRUST CO. rW. K. HOLT......... W. R. SELLARS........ J. M. FIX, Tr......... J. C. STALEY, rw. W. LASLEY...... C. V. SELLERS— R. W. MALONE— mm ISON ' Collections and cash letters have the personal atte j No items retur ned without reas on of non-payme nt being given, Service is our mo tto. TRY US. (Patronize a pr ogressive bank. f c. V. SELLERS— W. J. GRAHAM........ FIRST SAVIN6S BANK-Ti§’i9 < General Bankin ) Special collecti 66-637 Lsend your item Citizens Bk. of Yancey •Jl'05 J. W. Higgins------66-290 (Merger of Citizen a Bank and Bank of Yancey, A Peoples Bank------- --------§'22 A. G. Wilson-------66-762 Citizens Bank of MountOlive 66-530 •tl’l 3 Page Trust Co...................§'18 66-627 (Formerly Bank of Cameron) Bank of Candor........... *tf 12 D. G. Ewing--------66-501 Bank of’08 T. J. Cathey______ 66-235 Champion Bank & 'l'r.'06 W. J. Hampton.— 66-234 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 66-323 «t§'10 Bank of Carrboro_______§’19 g business. Up t on facilities. P s direct to us for T. R. Byrd----------J. A. Hannum ug. 25. 1921) S. J. Huskies .... M. W. MCPHERSON.. R. A. MAYNARD— o date methods, ersonal presentat ion. quick returns. J.M. Lyon---------- R. W. Ramsey. J. P. Lyon Wm. 1. Paruell.__ J. H. Greenlee A. G. Small---------J. D. McLean........ C. C. Bennett.......... A. A. Maness—. T. A. Clark____ W. R. Palmer-------- C. S. Bryant............ J. H. Kirkpatrick WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,000 100,000 laneous 32,800 $ 123.890 $ 385,000 471.000 189,990 69,560 19,700 111,540 114,490 15,940 500,000 625,000 80,000 31,870 15,570 68,520 $ 6,670 33,850 18.200 Principal i correspondents. oa«b k Dib- Gash & Ex’tb. Bonds, chamoir.Dcb Hicusmia from Banks 31,56'J ] UL ljeiiuir, UCUUU, YJAia-iwa, Johnson City. Tenn.: Union Tr., Bristol, Tenn.: Merch. N., Raleigh, 1 st N.. Lenoir and Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-^alem; Unaka&City N„ Johnson City, Tenn. 1 lerch. N.. Rich.: Far. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 1 Jech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com’l, Rutherfordton. I lhase N., N. Y.; Merch.N.. Rich.; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co.and Battery Park. Asheville. : ST. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Asheville. 3,000 ; 10,000 800 11,000 8,000 5,000 7,500 115,000 83,000 30,000 25,320 . 347,000 288,000 104,000 ' Jhase N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. 199.400 330,680 ' Jhatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Cen 38,690 Tr. Co., Asheville. 10,210 Jerch. N., Raleigh: Am. N., Riel 24.700 850 2,790 501,740 10,000 1,000 44.860 10,000 1,500 50,000 — 63,500 25,000 30,500 281,340 19,770 316,430 20.400 50,000 70,000 299,300 28,000 041,620 1,062,040 an non 30,000 958,490 710,830 45,000 & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. Battery Park, Asheville. 6,500 Itate & City, Bk. & Tr. Co. Rich, of Rocky Mount. Rocky Mount. 40,190 10,000 Merch. N., Raleigh: Murchison N. and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil. 332,560 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.; Am N.. Rich.; 1st N., Durham. < “Send Us Your Burlington Items Direct.” j Collections, BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It (. on day of P ayment. *§’92 •t’09 Sec... 7,650 9,900 Resources, Miscel 7,070 40,000 297,460 Winston-Salem, 120 308,290 ; 1 50,000 55,000 68,200 21,417 ( WHI/li 1i \U/ 625,000 Rich.; Phil. N.,Phil. 36,360 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N„ Balt.; 1st N„ Burlington; Plan. N., Richmond. I 650,000 58,000 Chase N. and Hau.N..N.Y.; 1st N..Marion: 33,940 53,560 Central Bk. & Tr. Co.. Asheville; Plan.N. Rich.;Unaka&OityN..JohnsonCity,Tenn Murchison N-. Wil.; Merch. N., Raleigh. of Mou nt Olive, N. C.) . (Branch of Aberd een, N, C ) Cent.Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. Han. N., N. Y.: Com'l N„ Raleigh. 10,000 5,000 110,000 118,000 18,600 3,200 134,270 98,500 30.000 7,100 650,000 517,000 (Branch of Fores t City, W. G. Harrison ... 291,840 i r. Kate 1-10 of 1%. N. C.) _ 20,420 Com’l N„ High Point, N. C. 36.520 N. Park,N.Y.; Wachovia Bk.&Tr. Co., Ashe ville; Ci’-iz. Bk. &Tr. Co., Waynesville. Wachovia Bk & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 165,000 Battery Park, Asheville; (Branch of Bank of Chape: IHill.Ch apel Hil l.N. C.) 1st N., Durham; Merch. N., Balt. N. C LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLI NAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS July, 1922 Caroleen.........1892 Rutherford H2 Carrboro........ 1129 Oran Ass't Cashier. ~2,050 J 66-136 Candor______ ..267 Montgomery H10 Canton______ 2584 Haywood G7 i 20,010 $ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Calypso____ ...405 Duplin 115 Cameron_____ 241 Moore Hll Cashier. T. H. Coffey--------- Ira Critcher--------- A. Y. Howell-------- R. D. Hodges-------- $ Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 66-683 Th 19 66-135 ..Burnsville__ 1000 Yancey N9 Vice-President. Liabilities. SURPLUS Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits NORTH CAROLINA BANKS —Boone to Carrboro_________ BoonvlJle_____162 Yadkin D6 Bostic________ 206 Rutherford H2 *Brevard...... 1658 Transylvania Q7 PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NORTH CAROLINA—Continued ; 148 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ii/io to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers liHo Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. of this dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) ini back b volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Name Town and County. of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. -County bea s. E^tireStatei^No.5 |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •11. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Fed. Res. Dist. President. Cashier. Vice President. cashier. Liabilities. Depos Miscel Paid-up Surplus AND laneous its Capital Profits (Branch of Aber dee n, N. C.)........ $ J.M.Templeton,Jr. T. O. Coppedge___ w R Walter F. E. Booth Annie Smyre R. B. Stephen*.__ C. L. TATE ............. A. C. BLAKE.-. . . . . . . . . 5,050 % 1,600 $ Farmers Savings Bank...§’20 J. F. Blake ._ __ D. R. Canuor.......... 66-671 Chapel Hill .1483 Bank of Chapel Hill—•2I’99 M. 0. 8. Noble____ Ora,.ge El2 66-246 People* Bank............. ...•2107 R. H. Ward........ .. C. B, Griffin ............ R. P. Andrews .— 66-247 Lueco Lloyd i ♦ 66-19 W. H. WOOD______T. E. HEMBY GEORGE STEPHENS W. S. LEE JOHN G. NICHOLS 43,000 $ 6,550 2,500 40,000 330,000 20.000 7,060 238,700 280,370 10,000 10,310 122,340 142,530 20,000 7,930 223,100 272,850 Principal Correspondents. N.Park, N.Y.; Citiz. N., Raleigh;Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Cn . Winston-Salem. 3,120 Merch. N„ Raleigh. 16,000 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.: 1st N. Rocky Mt. 20,380 Am.Tr. Co., Charlotte; Merch. N., Raleigh; 1st N., Rich. 13,810 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Girard N., Phil. 78,080 Chem. N..N.Y.; Murchison N.,Wil.;Bk. of Charleston. Charleston. • 12,000 1,000 50,000 25,000 57,350 595,330 $ 15,000 9,000 H. L. DAVENPORT, J.E. DAVIS, AtSec. and A. Tr. See. atid Tr. P. C. WHITLOCK, Tr. Officer 1,200,000 225,000 641,090 7,277,280 JOHN FOX, A. TV. Officer 38,000 78,170 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 572,120 183,720 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Durham. 190,000 45,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Durham. 714,370 7.982.050 1.850,710 N. Bk. Com., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. City, N. ¥.; Phil. N., Phil.; Am. N, and 1st N., Rich. Does a general banking bueineee. • Collectlone a epecialty. •$*’01 Correepondence solicited. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NORTH CAROLINA INDEX. Charlotte Bank & Trust Co. M. A. Turner.......... W. R. Foreman.... J. H. Leech............. 66-748 §’21 .. * 60,000 Chadbourn___1121 BANK OF CHADBOURJKI 04 ) Save time and g et service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding Columbus L13 66-325 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc: Credit Reports, SOc. TR Y US. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY | Loans A Dig- Cash A Lxc*ts. Bonds, chanoxb.Dui Bxcuarnxs prom Banks Page Trust Co.) TJ. H. WILLIAMSON. J. R. BLAKE_ _ _ _ _ D. C. CLARK .Charlotte ..46,338 Meekle.iburgH5 Resources. | ‘CHARLOTTE jm- "• . . umn NATIONAL BANK A. T. SUMMEY STEWART •COMMERCIAL R. DUNN C.H.W.ANDERSON JOHNSTON T. S. McPHEETERS NATIONAL BANK __ ___ ____ _ •FIRST NATIONAL JrH. M. ADEN- BRYAN— R. C. JOHNSON BANK 1 25,000 106,950 103,740 46,780 Guaranty Tr. Co., N, Y.; Pco. N., WinstonSalem. 370,000 453,350 3,849,520 422,750 4.186.290 914.320 Han. N..N.T.; Cont.*Com'lN..Chl.{ 1st N„ Rich.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 500,000 593,090 2,616,900 672,110 3,854,920 527.180 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., 1st N., and State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1th St.N., Phil. 300.000 624,160 1.196,910 494.920 2,388,130 227,860 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; N. Ex., Balt.; N. Met., Wash. smtt 66-18 W. H.TWITTY W.H.HEAL Designated Depository of United States, State of North Carolina and City of Charlotte. Unsurpassed Facilities for handling Collections. Remittances sent direct to your correspondent In any reserve city •t'91 if desired. A. 66-17 T•J’74 ............. 0. ........... ......... 1. W. ........ SEND US YOUR CHARLOTTE ITEMS DIRECT. Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Given Prompt Attention and Remitted for on Day of Payment. 1/10 of 1%. Me — G. W. ....... ------- „ _ and Grain ! 1149 ORGAN IZE D 1865. ) Special Se rvice given on Cotton ■** (.Bill of Lad ing Drafts. 66-15 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Winston Salem, N. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORT H CAROLINA BANKS — Carthage to Charlotte .Carthage ___962 Bank of Moore. (Consolidated with Moore 111] Page Trust Co................. *tl’98 66-270 Cary..............645 Bank of Cary................... »tr09 Wake E13 66-324 Cast alia........ ...26c Bank of Castalia_______tj’13 S. J. Bartholomew. Nash 1)16 66-531 Catawua.......... _25C Peoples Bank_________ tl’12 Catawba F5 66-486 Cerr© Gordo.. 262 Bank of Cerro Gordo’12 Columbus L13 66-521 Ass’t July, 1922 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrlv. Entire State in No.5 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘Charlotte ......... Mecklenburg H5 (Continued) Cashier. 66-23 ’MERCHANTS & FARMERS W. C. WILKINSON - mm*--- W. L. Jenkins___ R. I. Dalton_____ .. H. M. Victor_____ F. D. Alexander. ~ D. P. Tillett ♦Security Savings Bank»t§’19 66-22 ♦Union National Bank..T*’08 66-21 .. Charlotte Clearing House.. (.Members indicated by a Cherryvllle__1884 Farmers Bank & Tr. Co. Gaston H4 66-541 tS’13 *) H. M. Victor____ Cleveland 366 Rowan F6 ClifTside......... 2400 Rutherford H2 * Clinton____ 2110 Sampson 115 Clyde____ 363 Haywood 06 Coats......... ...... 526 Harnett G14 Colerain___ 215 Bertie D20 200,000 M.C. MAUNEY........... A. J. MAUNEY........... 100,000 15,000 430,000 371,930 2,512,230 382,570 and Planters N., tttcn.: Cltis. N., Balt. 110,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. O/O,/UU Irving N . N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 175,000 148,000 119,810 1,019,640 1,000 469,470 1,426,610 C. S. Clark______ E. C. Clark. C. W. Horne____ D. H. McCullers... J. T. Tilton . . W. F. Weathers... C. W. Pender C. A. Brown_____ W. W. Roseman... 100,000 29,840 529,720 697,260 25,000 7,930 200,840 235,610 10.000 3,000 40,000 (Branch of Avo ndale, IV L. A. Bethune___ G. K. Rn 1.1 Hr 40,000 Merch N., Raleigh and Rich. 282,310 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 25,000 8,600 296,000 252,800 60,700 D. C. (Branch of Cataw 6a, N. C. )--------- — — Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., Raleigh: 1st N.. Rich. 15,000 50,770 286,300 347,850 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. H. McKinnon____ J. L. Hubbard W. F. Peterson__ G. A. Clute______ A. G. Robinson___ A. A. James John D. Wood___ E. A. Wood______ T. H. Haynes.. .. Edwin Fincher L. A. Nowell_____ D. R. Britton____ D. R. Britton____ H. S. Basnight 45,000 778,350 47,570 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 38,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem; Murchison N., Wil. 32,190 Han. N., N.Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., As] ville. Bk.of Harnett, Duke: Merch. N., Raleigh. n> Chase N., N. Y.; Charlotte N.. Charlotte. 40,760 616,520 30.000 3,700 233,000 323,320 10,900 8,440 127,440 116,890 118,630 (Branch of Duke, M C. ) 38,550 12,010 217,990 94,810 Raleigh. 16,130 Han. N., N.Y.; Plan. N.. Rich.; Merch. N, Raleigh. 6,000 Peo. N., Salisbury; Com’l N., Wash., D. C 50,000 252,480 16,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Seab. N., Norfolk: Merch. N., Rich., Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Citiz. N., Windsor. Norfolk N., Norfolk. 16,500 N. State & City, Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 40,310 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com,, Norfolk; Merch. N., Raleigh. 13,880 Va. N.. Norfolk; 1st & Citiz.N., Elizabeth C. L. D. Perry______ G. M. Holley____ W. M. Sitterson... E. T. Forehand C. A. Hayworth... A. S. Hinshaw___ Cleon T. Spoon.... 35,000 2,190 9y.700 10,000 1,400 61,500 52,000 D. O. Newberry... J. G. Brickhouse.. H. A. Hearne____ H. E. Holloway__ 25,000 5,000 129,210 165,040 W. W. Sawyer___ B. S. Davis............ S. S. Woodley........ 10,000 2,000 99,440 E. W. S. Cobb___ F. W. Blanton .... F. W. Blanton....... M. L. Arledge___ Frank Jackson 13,000 800 60,580 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO., Winston-Salem, N. C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 435.000 237,540 2,076,450 the personal atte ntlon of an officer. Bate 1- 10 of 1 %. of non-payment being given. rvicels our motto . TRY US. E. J. Cox. W. F. Thompson 3,000 566.220 2,832,420 E. E. Jones, Sec.... A. M. Hanna_____ J. D. Norwood....... C. C. Graham____ J. A. Yinson_____ 423.970 2,024,800 300 103,890 -- 56,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLiNAS 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ashe ville. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS July, 1922 “ Peoples Bank & Tr. Co.T*t§’20 66-706 Coleridge.... 300 Bank of Coleridge....... •t§’19 Randolph F10 66-652 ‘Columbia__ 738 Merchants & Far. Bank»t§ 06 _ Tyrrell E22 66-332 Tyrrell County Bank.. *t§'19 60-633 ‘Columbus___168 Polk County Bank & Tr. Co. Polk Q9 66-603 *+§'19 100,000 A. G. Trotter____ David P. Dellinger W. J. T. Styers.... J. H. Dellinger__ rM. L. MAUNEY....... S. S. MAUNEY......... .. D. E. RHYNE FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*f04 < Collections and cash letters have 66-326 J No Items return ed without reason (.Patronize a pro gresslve bank. Se Bank of China Grove__ii’03 66-327 Peoples Bank-------------- §’19 66-687 Bank of Bladen______ •tl’07 66-328 Clayton Banking Co.__•$§'99 66-329 Farmers Bank.. §18 66-626 Citizens Bank. ___ .t§’15 66-572 Haynes Bank________ t§16 66-589 Bank of Clinton........__*t§'01 66-252 Bank of Sampson____•t§’06 66-253 Bank of Clyde............... $812 66-514 Bank of Harnett.......... »§'21 66-745 Bank of Coleraine__ T»tl’09 66-331 200.000 Merch. N., Rich. CAROLINA BANKS — Charlotte to Columbus J. A. STOKES____ -J. M. LONG -......... J. C. BOOKER J. J. McADEN We will remit for Charlotte Items direct to your New York correspondent at 1-IOth of 1 per oent. Careful attention Is given to all collections sent us. J. H. McADEN .. China Grove. _1027 Rowan G7 Claremont.... 435 Catawba F4 Clarkton__ .368 Bladen L14 Clayton_____1423 Johnston F14 Paid-up Capital J. H. LITTLE............ E.O.ANDERSON $i ooo ooo $ 687.260 $4113 370 $ 333,130 $5 044960 $1088800 E. E. JONES R.S. SMITH J. H. WEARN, W. A.WATSON T. P. MOORE Ch. of Bd. W, M. LONG A. R. SARRATT Commercial Banking. Special attention given collection of Chari otte it ems a nd remittance made direct to your Northern correspondent . less 1-IOth of 1 pe r cent. T*tri2 SEE ADV. OPPOSITE BEGINNING NO. CAB. BANKS. NATIONAL BANK ^ 66-16 T»t’71 .. Ass’t Cashier. __ N ORTH M Vice-President. INDEPENDENCE TRUST COMPANY ♦ «• President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos- Miscel- I/OAJM k DlU- Cam k ExAND BmmrriMM non Sou Profits NORTH CAROLINA—Continued 1JJ50___________ Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given 11 t0 *a°h bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNaliy Bankers* -*■ J-OU Directory, under the authority of The American Bafnke kers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.5 Fed. Res. Dist. * Concord____ 9903 Cabarrus G6 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK 66-74 M .1 PRESIDENT. | H. 1. W00DH0USE —- C. W. SWINK--------- W. G. CASWELL— Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits Resources. I/Oavb k Du- Cash k KiC’TB. BOWM, OIAHSH,Dn laneous Sbotutim r&ou Bini $ $ % 400,000 $ 55.500 1,829,400 $ 115.050 2.049,190 $ 450.760 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Raleigh; Am. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Special attentlo n given to collec tlons. Prompt, person al service. Quick returns. (Prompt attentl on to all bankin g matters entrus ted to us. < A. F. Goodman .— C. L. Propst.............. Chas. B. Wagoner- 100,000 53,000 543,000 605,000 110,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 100.000 85,000 825,000 950.000 101,000 Chase N., N.Y.: Plan. N. and 1st N..Rich.; Phil. N., Phil, 15,000 7,780 73,000 89,050 20,370 N. Bk. Com., N Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; 1st N., Tarboro; Plan. N., Rich. 10,000 380 41,300 31,310 24,870 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 10,000 10,000 150,000 140,000 25,000 1st N., Rich, and Hickory. 102,200 41,780 Norfolk N., Norfolk. •t§’05 Concord National Bank..t’88 66-73 D. B. Ooltrane___ Henry O. Bridgers. L. D. C. Warren____ R. J. Coltrane____ J.M. Cook............... B. Warren......... 66-333 Edgecombe F1& W. T. McGalliard.. D. W. Alexander.. J. G. Aiken. Connellys Springs Principal Correspondents. Miscel <$’97 Citizens Bank & Tr. Co. 66-75 Burke F3 CANNON Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. M. L. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROITNA--- wmumcu Continued -IN A in ____ 66-654 450 Conover............ 681 Catawba F4 66-489 Northampton CIS 66-334 J. A. Isenhower.— J. Hunsucker______ F. L. Herman W. T. Bridgers ____ W. J. Beale________ A. L. Shnford____ R.M.Hunsucker— ■ L. W. Fly the_____ R. H. Johnson____ 5,000 25,000 158,920 _____ Cooleemee___ 2000 Bank of Cooleemee..........JS’05 66-335 Davie F7 J. W. Zachary____ L. P. Zachary 10,000 7,240 212,000 206,710 23,580 1st N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Durham. Bank of Cornelius______ I’OS 66-336 J. A. Dove_________ M. L. Beard . 20,000 16,390 194,780 197,140 34,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. Mecklenburg G5 N. First National Bank------ <’07 Granville D14 66-296 Wash. F22 66-337 J. Boddie_______ O. L. Mangum.......... 50,000 7,300 410,000i _________ 430.00a 90,000 90,000 _________ 85,000 12,500 G. T. Sikes J. M. Ambrose___ 66—603""" S. N. Boyce________ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Durham. N. Park, N. Y.; Va. N., Norfolk; Merch. N., Raleigh. N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Washington County. Plymouth. W. H. Hardison___ D. T. D. Woodley___ 5,000 6,500 J. W. Starr J. C. Gatlin________ A. L. Gatlin.............. Jack Spruill 10.000 5,150 311,500 330,570 26,080 20.000 27,000 166,000 215,000 18,000 H.H. Leake______ R. A. Smith 34,300 40,000 981,920 875,110 138,640 Chase N.. N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. N., Rich. ... C- Louise Jones... 8,600 620 107,050 460 89,920 26,800 Atlantic Bk.& Tr.Co., Greensboro; Wach ovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 16,700 170,000 4,300 160,000 41,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. . E. Woodley___ S. A. Wilkins______ L. M. Hoffman, Jr. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Gastonia. 66-338 “ Gaston H4 500 Stokes C8 4| 1st N., Lumberton. 66-710 Creedmoor___ 392 ^Danbury _________ _________ 10,000 H. M. McAllister.. y& vuuucu Bladen L14 Bank of Stokes County ..t$’05 66-339 4, J. W. Neal_________ D. S. Priddy_______ J. S. Taylor_______ J. H. Ellington.... M. O. Jones... • 66-067 Bank of Davidson--------- t§’16 Jno. L. Douglas__ 66-340 Mecklenburg G5 Denton..Davidson Bank of Denton______________ (Closed August 24, 1921) Davidson____ 1156 Lincoln G5 66-551 Surry County Loan Surry C6 66-342 Craven H18 66-343 Rockingham CIO 66-696 & W. H. Thompson .. Lewellyn, (Discontinued) N. Duke________ W. A. Erwin, V. P. Bank of Harnett_______ <$’04 B. Harnett H15 66-344 S. J. Clark, C. Jr. ... Graham______ 28,390 3,620 128,320 47,620 387,750 144,820 25,000 2,490 148,010 35,000 33,510 464,060 __ State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., Mt. Airy. N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. Com’I N., High Point; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 4th St. N., Phil.; Fidelity, Durham. S. Hicks WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. G. 22,230 Winston Salih, N. C.— THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT 1151 Imperial Trust & Savings B. E. Ivie__________ Hundley_____ Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. N. ,C.).......... of Mt. Airy, N. C.).......... 5.000t G. W. Hardwicke.. J. K. Biddle R. of Stan lev. Tr. Fannie Folger.......... (Branch $’02 T. 10,000 Mary McCorhee— R.C. Tr. Co. H. B. Elliott.............. July, 1922_____________ NORTH CAROLINA BANKS — Concord to Duke Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaBy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 1 Ci 11DJL Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this MflPTH P A ROT TM A___ Pnntirmprl volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. IN vJXN. 1 J1 A V/UmillUCU Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents, 1 oans & Dib Cash St ExDepos Miscel Lits Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Cashier. Vice-President, President. . B onds, CHANGE8,DCE AND laneous Securities from Banks its Capital Profits 1 i 175,000 t 44,500 30,000 $ 4,500 S 185,000 D 0AVIS ___ (E. P. DAVIS........... n S HIRKS Winston-Salem; C’om’l N., Raleigh. < Send us your eo j lections for prom p’t personal atten tion. (Let 15c acceomp j any all collection s except B-L Draft s. We remit dally, i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 CO to web bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 1ID4 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §Statc fPriv. *Oounty beats. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No.5Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. Dunn.............. 2805 COMMERCIAL BANK -•+§19 66-672 Harnett D22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .J.Q4 STATE BANK &TRUST COMPANY Ihhmb*1 fp.S. COOPER....... 96-221 11 _____ “ E T DRAPER ____ TT. V. SMITH......... r f ur.xsnN M. C. BUTLER . < Send Us Your Coll ections, Bill ot Ladi ng Drafts and Cash Items. Sfjvieynd Quick Returns. 66-557 -Durham ...21,719 Durham E13 CITIZENS NATIONAL bank R. HRIGSBEE ......... “ .......... “ 75.000 744.810 234,590 Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. Home Savings Bank .—2I'03 ,T. S. Hill............. 66-42 F Hil z o PC -i o > 124.000 1.500,000 1,400,000 400.000 N. Bk. Com., N. L; 1st N., Phil. State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Btch. o r z > 100,000 L. D. Kirkland.— L. D. Kirkland___ H. O. Clark............ J. W. Muse 100,000 600,000 600,000 75,000 727,140 5,884,610 650.000 4,569.470 580,000 4,509,390 86,834 1,069,070 3,300 1,157,750 T. D. Parham....... 118,000 12,000 371,980 499,550 D. C. Barbee.......... C. B. Mason........... 100,000 J. T. Benbow____ A. E. Harrell------- J. T. Smitherman . J. M. Whittington 5,000 25.000 100,000 1,325,000 — 1,525,000 7,170 58,560 3,240 53,450 9,000 215,000 205,000 101.440 N. City, N. Y.; Fidelity, Durham. 33,700 Citiz. N.. 1st N. and Fidelity, Durham. 130,000 Han. N., N. City and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Durham. 20,520 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 25,000 1st N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Durham. (Branch of Hende rsonrille, N. Car.) Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Hen-; dersonville. 25,000 4,000 N. State & City, Rich.; Peo. N„ Salisbury.! 100,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Wach ovia Bk. &Tr.Co..Winston-Salem;lst N„ Rich. 84,590 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Merch. N.. Rich.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 12,000 1st N., Durham. 15,000 250 35.000 66,900 86,740 498,820 86,240 638,200 97,500 29,070 455,B0( 92,020 589,90( 10,0001 1 1.000 66-177 Citizens Bank................•31’05 H. C. Privott____ Thos. W. Elliott__ Charles H. Wood.. W. H. Ward_____ ; L. W. Norman 66-178 Roberts Riley....... Bank of Eflanrt 8’2fl J. L. Efland........... C.B. Hall 66-735 992,200 1st N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C.; Am. N.. Rich. CO > z * c/1 I i3 0 c 100,000 W. O. Elliott------- D. M. Warren------ 125.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 124,230 5,395,260 1,440,710 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4tli St. N.. Phil. E. T. Rollins____ T. C. Worth........... H.L Wilson......... MERCHANTS BANK—-» 05 W. P. Clements ... A. J. Pollard 66-44 65.00C 64,00( 1 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Winston Salem, N. C — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 Merch. N„ Raleigh; Am. N.. Rich.; Wach ovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem; Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. a N. W. Boring, Tr.. T Mechanics and Farmers Bank C. C. Spaulding-— E. R. Merrick___ R. L. McDougald 66-45 *§’08 ♦ 129,000 *+ H, C. Barbee____ H. I. Parrish____ East Durham 5000 Peoples Bank —........... tl’06 Y E, Smith 66-346 Durham E13 R. M. Oates-------East Flat Bockl200 First Bank & Trust Co.T»t§'22 66-770 C. P. Rogers, Henderson P8 Ch. of Bd. East Spencer. 2239 D. P. Kiever_____ S. E. McNeely....... Rowan F7 66-739 “ 2.500 358.590 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and others solicited. East Bend 508 Yadkin Valley Bank —+|’09 W. H. Speas......... 66-345 Yadkin D7 -Eden ton........2777 Chowa n F.21 25.000 i R. P. READE------- J. B. MASON------- T. E. CHEEK-------- B. N. Duke, Ch. of Bd. W. J. Holloway— Southgate Jones — B. G. Proctor......... First National Bank. .W87 j. s. Carr C. M. Carr 66-40 C. C. Thomas Fraternal Bank & Trust Co, (Absorbed by Much anics and Farmers Bank) “ 533.240 a 66-41 ... 37.570 100.000 4* .4 50,000 •tl,14 J 8 Hill Durham Loan & Trust Co. 66-46 TtS’15 .4 J. W. DRAUGH0N—- H.B. TAYLOR........... C. L. F0Y....... .......... ) Send us your D unn items direct, j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 CO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the aut . rity of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed. ltes.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. ^Elizabeth City Albemarle Bank______<§’20 E. L. Hoffler.......... Pasquo k C22 8925 66-82 ------ - CAROLINA BANK’G & TR. COMPANY ♦ ------- 66-83 Liabilities. Resources, T-OAN8 k I>18- Cash & Ex Paid-up Surplus D epos M iscel and C’T8. BONDtS, changes,Dob Capital Profits its laneous Securities from Banks Ass’t Cashier. W. H. Holland.... J. R. Fleming____ $ 24,138 $ 42,000 ? TRUST COMPANY T<§'03 ^Elizabethtown Bank of Elizabethtown—+|’07 66-347 Bladen K14 335 Elkin............. 1195 Bank of Elkin ------------- §’21 66-754 Surry D6 “ “ Elkin National Bank—<1900 66-268 Farmer & Merchants Bk.§’08 66-269 Elk Paik............452 Citizens Bank_________ £§’08 66-348 Avery D1 Ellenboro.......... 383 Bank of Ellenboro____<§'06 66-349 Ellerbe______ 473 Bank of Ellerbe________i§’12 Richmond 19 66-510 Bennett Bank & Trust Co. 66-712 T§’2C Elm City 725 Elm City Bank________ j§’98 66-284 Wilson F17(i Toisnot Banking Co.........t§'01 66-285 Elon College.. 425 Elon Banking & Tr. Co.<§’09 66-350 Alamance Dll Enfield______1618 Bank of Enfield_______<§’98 66-242 Halifax D17 Commercial & Farmers Bank 66-243 <§ 0b 10,160 Irving N., N. Y.; Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Elizabeth City. 1 R. C. ABBOTT............ G. P. HOOD............... G. R. LITTLE 250.000 G. P. HOOD sent to us w ill receive p rompt atten tion. 1 banks, ban kers and oth ers solicited (C. H. ROBINSON- war- M. H. JONES_____ M. R. GRIFFIN — C. F. GARRETT 324.000 50.000 Han. N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. 404,000 Co., Rich.; N. Bk. of Com., Norfolk. N. City, N. Y-; 1st N., Chi.; Me-ch. N., Balt.; Com Ex. N.. Phil.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 200,000 $ 175.000 2,425.000 ( Collections rent Ittcd for dally at 1-1* of 1 per cent. j P. H. WILLIAMS___ E. F. AYDLETT_____ H. G. KRAMER_______ W. H. JENNINGS____ J. 1 ■ Dll' uAdl W. W. WOODLEY, JR. H.G.KRAMER 1 We do a general commercial bus! ness. ( Collections rem Ittcd for dally at 1-10 of 1 per cen t. 100,000 159.220 1,224,740 $ 121,550 1.444.580 10,000 W. J. Byerly .......... 37,390 A. Chatham,........... J. W. Ring_____ G. T. Roth Sadie Franklin J R. Simmons........ J. W. Mathis ____ H. B. Messick____ 50.000 20.000 A. P. Brinkley___ M. G. Teaster........ W. E. Thompson .. H. W. Weaver____ D. B. Harrill______ J. A. Martin--------- E. E. Harrill______ Miss Bettie Green. J. R. Wall_______ 12,230 135,950 134,040 20,170 45,810 14,200 734,000 725,000 10,000 3,400 75,000 79,000 10,000 8.270 123,780 113,300 10,000 16.000 100,000 J. R. Bennett_____ J. J. Bennett_____ J. R. Bennett........ Miss GeorgiaGaddy J. E. Nicholson Floyd Carriker John L. Bailey___ R. M. Bailey_____ K. B. Bailey_____ A. C. Hedgpeth___ 50,000 540 60,900 20.000 27,000 W.M. Wells______ J. N. Barnes___ 20,000 35,000 J. W. Hays........... W. P. Lawrence... T. C. Ainich______ Marie Riddick___ I vey Watson_____ S. Peirson_______ W. R. Garnett .... TT -TN V P. O. Petway_____ J. W. Whitaker... F. C. Patterson..-. Faiv Bluff......... 397 Bank of Fair Bluff_____ i§’05 J. F. Rogers_____ D. J. Oliver............ J. E. Dick ______ Columbus L12 66-351 “ “ Farmers & Merchants Bank 1. B. Tucker............ C. Z. Enzor____ _ R. C. Tncker_____ 66-547 t§’14| 160.930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Phil. N.,Phil. l ■ J. B. Clark............. J. H. Clark.............. Ralph Boring_____ Engelhard____600 Engelhard Banking & Trust J. H. Jarvis______ S. J. Gibbs_______ W.M. Hooker, Jr. Company.66-679___T<§’20 Hyde G23 Eure.......... .......200 Farmers Bank.... ..........<§'12 R. B. Hill________ W. J. Askew_____ Gates C20 66-567 B. L. Banks, Jr. Everetts............230 Planters & Merchants Bank Y. R. Taylor______ R. N. Grimes____ Martin F19 66-576 <§’16 J. H. D. Peel 191,000 50,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk: 1st 475,000 365,000 101,000 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Merch. N., Rich.; 68,580 669,270 10.000 52,000 74,630 7,320 Point. Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co. N., Rich. Murchison N., Wil. 10.480 Merch. N., Raleigh and Rich. 740,690 58,670 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Norfolk; Plan. 380X00 365,000 72,500 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 53,540 39,890 21,920 Norfolk N., Norfolk; Bk. of Hyde, Swan- 77,000 8,500 Seab. N., Norfolk; Far.-Atlantic, Ahoskie; 10.000 7,700 65.000 14,200 6,920 175,000 1,000 Johnson City, Tenn. 30,750 Mech. & Metals N.; N. Y. 200X00 830 5,000 . 8,980 Com’l N., High Point; Unaka & City N.. 22,000 Mecb. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Com'l N., High 112,770 24,600 Co., Winston-Salem. 15,720 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Far., Rockingham. 8,350 10,000 11.760 Han.'N.. N.Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Far. Bk & Tr. 145,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com’! N„ High Point. 126X90 10.000 11,000 24,840 Murchinson N., Wil. 160,000 31,270 96,000 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Winston Salem, N. C.— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60,445 $ Principal Correspondents. T<’91 SAVINGS BANK & 66-80 F. W. M. Butler P. W. Moore C. F. Graves W. H. Case Cashier. <§’21 FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 66-78 LA. L. PENDLETON . J ] Collections (.Accounts o Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this t—i volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws C NORTH CAROLINA—Continued N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem; Merch. N., Rich. quarter. nr 150,000 N. Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk. Han. N., N. Y., Seab. N.. Norfolk: Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro; Peo., Wil liam ston. 5,000 Murchison N., Wil. 95,000 12,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Murchison N.. Wil. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT ►—* co Number under Name of Bank is tne New Transit Number given I 1 CA to eac'h bank in U, B. exclusively by The Rand-McNaiiy Bankers’ II Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No.6 Fed Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Duplin li6 Farmville___ 17X0 Pitt G17 C. D. BakerFirst National Bank——•{’21 A. J. Floyd............ E. V. McDaniel — J. F. Johnson....... Mrs. Miss HelenH.West J. W. Burns 66-750 Bank of Faison-----------15’03 C. S. Hines______ C. T. Southerland . M. McD. Williams. 66-353 BANK OF FARMVILLE 66-272 R. L. DAVIS......... j. R. DfrVIS- - - - - - - - - D. E. OGLESBY........ J. M. STANSILL........ 66-273 Cum'l'd 113 •{*’04 J. T. THORNE..... T. G. TURNAGE...... W. R. WILLIS.......... L. W. GODWIN. J.W. HOLMES „ „ Send us your co Uections, Bill of L ading 40,000 870 $ 157,150 $ 117,580 140,000 20.000 4.500 90,000 125,000 17,800 385,390 $ 529,150 84,720 75.660 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich., Murchi son N., Wil. 8,900 Murchison N., Wil. 83,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Norfolk X,, Norfolk; 2 Merch. N., Rich. O *1 100,000 13.500 217,460 520,050 221,000 31 910 N. Bk. Com. andTr. Co. of Norfolk, Nor- folk; 1st N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr.: Co., Wi nston-Sal era. f) > o 100,000 57.040 877,710 1,340 £ 2 > 49,480 44,910 50.000 18,230 492,830 398,580 160,490 Chem. N., N. Y„ Murchison N., Wil.; 100,000 Largest volume of business of any Bank In North Carolina with Capital only $100,000. Resources over two million dollars. Send us your codec tions. 77,070 2,105.920 10,000 1,890 26,400 M. D. Kemp-------- J. R. Crawford-LaFayette Bank & Trust Co. J. R. Tolar, Jr....... J. Stein................... Paul Stewart------D. U. Sandlin 66-99 T*tU9 a. b. mcmillan - t. m-h( J. H.CULBRETH,JR *{1900 Merch. N., Rich. 22,060 Am. Ex. N., N.Y.; Com’l N„ Raleigh. §'20 OF FAYETTEVILLE 191.250 Irving N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; t"H SEND US YOUR FAYETTEVILLE ITEMS DIRECT. •{$’06 NATIONAL BANK 844,840 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Farmers & Merchants Bank T. E. Owen............ 66-93 laneous Drafts and all B usiness direct an d receive prompt attention. F. H. STEDMAN....... ALBERT STEWART-— ALBERT STEWART-- T. EARL STEWART W. F. BLOUNT SEAVY HIGHSMITH, H. L. LYON J. S. SCHENCK V.P. ____ CUMBERLAND 66-100 Principal Correspondents. •{§'09 SAVS.& TRUST CO. 66-97 Resources. Loa*> ft Dis- Cash ft Exc’n. Bond*. COAirGM.DtJX raoM Babtxb 8*oT7*rriM Miscel This bank main tains a special c ollection Dept, Prompt service. —Low Rates.—W e get results. CITIZENS BANK *Fayetteville_ 8877 Ass’T Cashier. cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits (Closed. March 1,'22) Fairmont____ 1000 Bank of Fairmont_ Robeson L12 Faison...............477 Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued iMMB11 , _ . . Bank of Fletcher —. — .{§'14 P. R. Moale--------- W. A. Sumner------ R. W. Fletcher.— 66-556 -Henderson P8 B. B. Doggett......... J. H. Thomas_____ B. H. Long............. Forest City .. 2312 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. K. S. Tanner ♦ 66-568 »{§’15 J. F. Alexander, Rutherford H2 Ch. of Bd. L.V. Lee G. P. Reid Fountain........ .243 Bank of Fountain---------TITO H. C. Bridgers------- W. R. Graham — W. R. Graham....... G. W. Jefferson 66-355 Pitt F17 Four Oaks........ 583 Bank of Four Oaks------1§'12 J. H. Austin------- B. I. Tart_________ D. W. Lambe------66-505 Johnston G15 »Franklin.......... 773 Bank of Franklin------- »{§’03 J. S. Sloan----------- T. B. Higdon------- Lee Crawford....... 66-294 Macon H4 Citizens Bank...............•$S’14 D. W. Blaine------- R, D. Sish_______ J. C. Wright------66-544 F etcher.............SCO R. E. Biggerstaff- 50,000 1.884 590 448,400 N. Park and Bk. of America, N. Y. O 51.380 50,130 8.190 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr., 3 Co., Asheville. ig 133,460 Chem. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co. and Inde-j 100.000 108,240 696,530 350,640 1,121,950 50,000 30.000 300,000 300.000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Yr. and Norfolk. 25,000 10.500 135.850 57,270 205,890 22,740 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Merch. 50,000 36.500 294,480 5,000 331,250 54,730 Han. N„ N. Y.; Wachovia Bk, & Tr. Co., 59 870 20.530 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. pendence Tr. Co., Charlotte. < J. M. Horton. Henry Cabe -------- N„ Raleigh. * Winston-Salem; Am.N., Asheville. Hugh Leach....... — 14,000 3,080 60,320 L. COOKE------ A. E. HENDERSON — C. S. WILLIAMS .... GEO. ding drafts, Cash and lime Items. 29,000 16,910 161,820 62,500 249,660 Co. and Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashe ville. Han. N.and N. Bk.Com.,N.Y.; Plan. N.and 20,570 Merch. N„ Rich.; Com’l N„ Raleigh.; Wa chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. A. H. Vann....... — George Gilliam.— George Carmichael J.R. Mitchiner, Jr. 66-694 *{§’20 50,000 14,610 114,090 46,000 203.380 21,320 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich, Cleon T. Spoon.— J. T. Buie_______ 15,000 1,050 71,630 Franklinton . 1058 CITIZENS BANK-....... •tt’01 66-356 Franklin D14 (E.J. CHEATHAM J Special attentio n given Bill of La L Please send 15c w tih each sight draft for presentation and 25c for CreditReports Franklinvllle.. 631 Bank of Frankiinville.»+§’20 Hugh Parks-------- T. I. Fox_____ Randolph F10 66-704 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis £3 3 Winston Salem, N. C — 70,030 14,7901 Mech. & Me’als N„ N. Y.; Va. Tr. Co., 1 Rich.; Am. Ex. N„ Greensboro. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROlINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT 1 I CC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab No. 5 Fed. Res.Dist ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers President. Vice-President, Fremont..........1294 Bank of Fremont____•JSIDOO J. T. Hooks.......... G. D. Best_______ Wayne G16 66-357 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this t_< volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. t Die Cash & Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Miscel cL’oans and . Bonds changes,Dof Capital Profits laneous Stu its kcckttim from Banks NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Cashier, Ass’t Cashier. Cullar Lee. _____ Planters Bank & Trust Co. G. R. Benton.......... J. A. Hooks______ E. G. Beans 66-631 **§’18 P. M. Best ___ 25.000 5,000 150,000 135,000 22,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.: Plan. N„ Rich. Fuquay Springs Bank of Fuquay........ ..•t|’09 K. B. Johnson____ J. B. Johnson........ G. B. Whitted .... WakeG13 555 66-358 20,000 5,000 j 150,000 313.760 20,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Com'l N.. Raleigh; Merck. N., Rich. •• $ Garland ............ 801 Bank of Garland_______ S’17 Sampson J15 66-615 50,000 1 25,960 $ 605.68C _ • $ 584,700 1 96,960 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil (Branch of Banh of CliiU on, Clin ton)... Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil., 2 O Garner_______ 376 Garner Banking & Trust Co. H. D. Rand............ J. S. Buff aloe.......... W. B. Johnson .... Wake FI4 66-509 tS'10 J. J. Bagwell 8,000 5,500 Garysburg____268 Merchants & Farmers Bank J. B. Collier_____ Northampton CIS 66-350 tS’06 7.500 13,360 J. E. Suiter_______ R. E. Brown______ 95,000 S 44,500 121,210 57,500 85,000 ft 25,610 Com'l N.. Raleigh. 34,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Greensville, Emporia. X Va.: Weldon Bk.&Tr. Co.. Weldon; 1st N„ Portsmouth. n > ft Gastonia.... 12,871 Gaston H4 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 66-129 G-C. ARMSTRONG- J. M. MILLER, 3d— j A. G. MYERS.......... hi™111* j SEND US Y OUR’GASTO Prompt personal a ttention given to dra section and remit ted for promptly dir »t'05 (pondent on date of payment, at lowest 300,000 J. A. HUNTER, Jr.— G. G. WILLIS 406.360 2.627.910 3,328.200 443.670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Phil, and Rich. o r 2 > NIA” BUSIN ESS DIRECT its drawn on the Co tton Mills of this * ect to your northern or eastern corresrates. - 1 . W > 2 ft in “ “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 66-127 “ -------- it “ “ fL. L. JENKINS___ S. N. BOYCE--------........ J- L. ROBINSON. < V. P. S. N. BOYCE ) Send usyou r Collections ,Bill of Ladin (.all Busines s direct and receive prom M. T. WILSON T. B. CARPENTER 250,000 403.320 3.358.080 691,250 4,128,150 574,510 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N. and Merch. N., Rich. \ ftI ■i n> g Drafts and pt attention. »t'90 Gaston Loan & Trust Co. T. L. Craig______ E. G. McLurd_____ M. A. Carpenter, 66-128 •J*'03 Tr. Peoples Bank.....................§’20 S. N. Bovce. . Lee Johnson_____ T. J. Brawley........ 66-131 25.000 14,110 25,000 328.110 328,150 85,300 89,110 34,110 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Gas- ° Ionia. o 18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Gastonia. r-S <T> CO < “ .......... “ THIRD NATIONAL BANK 66-130 rJ. WHITE WARE... W. T. LOVE. . . . . . . . . . . . V. E. LONG W.S. BUICE F. C. ABERNETHY... W. H. PATRICK_ _ _ 250.000 59.540 780.630 485,490 1,429,690 45.200 57,640 SEND US Y OUR ITEMS DIRECT. / Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. LPlease send 15c with each sight draf for presentation an d 50c for Credit Rep orts. •J§T9 Gates.......... ....150 Citizens Bank ............•t§’14 G. D. Gatling_____ C. B. Milteer_____ E. L. Rawles_____ Gates C20 66-592 10.000 2,500 ‘Gatesville ....350 Bank of Gates________t|’04 Gates C21 66-360 50.000 14.690 W. T. Cross. Lycurgus Hofler... Lycurgus Hofler Planters Savings Bank.J§’21 R. M. Riddick ,Jr.. B. L. Banks. Jr.... D. M, Earley______ 66-737 A. S. Hudgins WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18,290 Winston-Salem. 287,190 64.000 37,000 145.960 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Am. n N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 11,300 Par. Bk. of Nausemoud, Suffolk. 22,330 28,000 *Vr ' auu rdf.DK. of Nansemond,Suffolk;Seab.N..Norfolk. Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. *** • wn., xx UllJt/UlUIJU, C3 U11 UIK. ■ OC N., Norfolk; Par.-Atlantic, Ahoskie. N. C — C-n Cn THE LARGEST BANK IN THE GAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. •County Seats. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦ M Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Town and county. Germantown. .132 President. __ Vice-President. Cashier. Bank of Stokes County..§ T9 66-668 Stokes D7 _ _ . — Non-Bank Towns with Nearest 11 i'C i* 1 >' \ ‘ 1 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! - NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Liabil ITIES. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits C. C. McGee______ (Branch of Danb mm™--- 1 15,000 $ Resou | Miscel laneous 8»oumnB* ury, N. c.)......... Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. N.. Rich. $ 310,490 20,740 1 501,850 Principal Correspondents. Loahi k Di8c’tb. Bonds, $ 220.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Am, Tr. Co., Charlotte. Gibson..............264 BANK OF GIBSON..........*»’04 ) Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Casb and Time Items. rts. 66-361 Scotland J10 LPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft }o r presentation and 25c for Credit Repo 10,000 10,000 5,700 120,000 100,000 5,370 433,320 $ Goldsboro Sav. & Tr.’04 G. A. Norwood.... T. H. Norwood .— T. H. Norwood.— 66-124 40,000 12,000 205,000 200,000 T. H. Norwood .— 100,000 135,000 600,000 830,000 John R. Crawford. G. W. Crone............ W. H. Creech.......... 150.000 52,830 685,050 Gibsonville___1385 Bank of Gibsonville---4I’07 J. L. Eernodle____ 150.000 C. H. Gurley______ R. H. Edwards.... D. N. Newsome... •Goldsboro .11,296 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. R. J. Smith 66-126 §19 Wayne H16 NATIONAL BANK OF GOLDS G. A. Norwood— BORO-- 66-123---------96 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 66-125 T«t*'13 WAYNE NATIONAL BANK 66-122 Goidston____ 2 Chatham Gil 66-527 Almanac Ell 66-181 135,000 “SEND US YOUR “GOLDSBORO” ITEMS DIRECT.” Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Bemitted for on Day of Payment. 15,500 N. Bk. of Goldsboro, Goldsboro. 140,000 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Branch Bkg. & Tr, Co., Wilson. 961,680 167.670 93,870 Chase N., N. Y.: Murchison N., Wil.; Plan, N.. Rich. 325.000 241.410 2.062.580 258.450 2,309.100 578,340 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Bicb. W. L. Goidston.— T. W. Goidston.... M. E. Hester.......... 15,000 5,000 150,000 87,200 73,800 Page Tr. Co., Sanford; Plan. N., Rich. J. S. Cook. Sec.... 10,000 4,200 85,000 74,000 24,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch. N„ Raleigh; At 125,000 36,000 600,000 600,000 160,000 N. Park, N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co- • Charles A. Scott.. W. F,. Bason. _. lantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. Rich.; IstN., Durham. tl'Ofi D. H. Warlick____ O. J. Corpening — R. M. Yount______ Otto L. Bowles.__ 8,000 J. E. Fisher______ Rose Wiley______ 6,200 J. H. A. Lyerly.__ R O Jones Farmers & Merchants Bk. 66-364 •t§’09 4,000 90,250 10,070 146,680 CH0VIA BANK & TRlJST C0„ Winston-Salem, N. c. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 107,620 Chem. N„ N.Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co,. Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 97,000 24,120 Am. N., Rich.; 1st N., Hickory; Bk. of Lenoir, Lenoir. 66-363 5 Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro; Merch. N., Balt. T*t’91 National Bank of Alamance J. L. Scott. Jr.......... T IT White 66-182 T«t’07 1 Ronlr nf Oraniti> 414,730 320 20,000 Greensboro F. K. BORDEN............ W. E. STROUD.............. W. E. STROUD............K"sTEVENS^”' W. J. Nicks--------- Caldwell E3 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Murchison N., Wil. 66-362 Guilford DIO Granite Quarry 130,000 10.000 D, £ji iliUVUC - Carolina State Bank... »t§’16 66-597 1 139,100 21,550 Peo. H„ Salisbury; Com’l N„ Wash., D. C. LARGEST BANK IN WE COLLECT DIRECT AND THE CAROLINAS SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Germantown to Granite Quarry______ July, 1922 fN.T. FLETCHER--- JAS. G. rATE----------- N. T. FLETCHER.......... Ass’t Cashier. 1156 Number under name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i/vf^Pho imariran Hankprs Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State No. 5 iMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Fed. Kes. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. ‘Greensboro 19,861 Guilford E10 'AMERICAN EXCH. NATIONAL BANK 66-55 •t'07 ATLANTIC BANK & TRUST CO. 66-60 <§’20 Far. <fc Mech. Bk. & Tr. Co. ‘GREENSBORO BANK & TR. 66-54 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. I Paid-up Surplus AND | DeposCapital Profits Resources. Principal Correspondents. ! OAN8 ft DlS- Cash ft Ex Bond*, changes,Due from Banks Securities Miscel- c’ts. R. G. VAUGHN....... F. C. BOYLES—^7. C. BOYLES......... F. H.pNiCH0LS0NSouth Greensboro Office: W. H. SPRADLIN, S W. P. Hutton, Cash.; D. F. Siler, A. Cash. JR. S 750,000 if 489,000 8 000,000 s $ 8,000,000 1,250,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Phil.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. Greensboro National Branch: Waldo Porter, V.P.\ A. H. Alderman, Cash. Special rates and Special attention given to Bill of Lading drafts. JULIUS W. CONE —- WM. SIMPSON JOHN W. SIMPSON, C. E, FLEMING......... h. j. F. P. and.. Cash. J. m M........ WALLACE C. W. CLONINGER, A. Cash, and Tr. Officer 1 000.000 SEND US YOUR “GREENSBORO” HEMS DIRECT. Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Given Prompt Attention. (Now the South Gre ensboro Office of the American Exchange . 427,300 2,449,520 % 944,200 4,252,700 568,250 N. Park, and N. City, N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 154,060 2.611.470 509,080 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N.Y.; Am. N. and Merch. N., Rich.;4thSt. N.,Phil. National Bank) J. W. FRY -.......... W. E. ALLEN........ W. E. ALLEN, Tr... W. M. RIDENHOUR, J. S. COX, V.P. R. D. DOUGLAS. R. I. MOORE. A. Tr. Sec. and A. Tr. V.P. and Tr. Off. 400.000 3,221,050 Special attention given to drafts with bills of lading attached. North Carolina Items handled direct and CO. remittances mads on day they are collected. T<*’99 Greensboro National Bank.... (Now the Greensboro National Branch of the American Excha nge National Bank) ♦Textile Bank________t§’12 J. W. Cone............. J. W. Simpson___ J. H. Cole____ 66-59 Greensboro Clearing House. R. G. Vaughn....... (Members indicated by a*) ‘Greenville__5772 FARMERS BANK.............tS’18 R. R. Fleming -— B. T. Cox____ 66-536 Pitt G18 25,000 102,630 410,760 25,000 10,330 631,290 405,290 231,420 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. and Tr. Co., Winston-Salem 50,000 1,100,000 900,000 400.000 N. Bk. Com. and Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. 'Co., Winston-Salem; Com’l N., Raleigh; Merch. N., Rich. R. B. Starr____ 886,700 128,460 N. City, N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk. 100,000 V. P. and Cashier Items •t§’01 Nat. Bank of Greenville <’06 66-153 Bank of Grifton......... —$l’07 66-365 Bank of Grimesland.__t§’20 66-570 Bank of Grover_______ }§’07 66-366 Ci izens Bank & Tr. Co.--§’21 66-732 Bank of Halifax________ §’06 66-367 Fit izens Blok ____ _____ J. L. Little______ F. G. James ______ F. J. Forbes_____ 100,000 62,310 827,820 L. J. Chapman___ W. W. Dawson....... G. T. Gardner____ R. Coward____ 43,900 4,770 244,460 272,920 J. C. Galloway .— W. E. Proctor....... J. H. Brooks......... F. W. Jones___ 25,000 6,560 159,160 150,000 10,000 11.000 70,000 90,000 D. J. Keeter........... C. A. Mullinax___ J. B. Ellis_______ D. E. Murchison... (Branch of Siler Quentin Gregory.. S. M. Gary...,.__ _ F. H. Gregory......... W. F. Coppedge. of Tillery. Tillery, N. C.. December 29 F. L. Haisiip. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, . 50,000 18,000 10,0001 8,800 25,040 City N. C.) 187,000 145,000|---- 21) Winston Salem, 71,6801 7.P10 N. C — 60.320 35,210 Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Co.. Greenville; 1st N.. Rich.: N. Bk. of Kinston, Kinston. 22,560 1st N., Wash.: Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Co., Greenville. 14,500 Han. N„ N. Y.: Citiz. N.. Gastonia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. nan. N., N. Y.; Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. 30-.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Raleigh: Citiz., Norfolk. 38,070 Am. N.. Rich.: Far. & Merch., Williamston; 1 st N., Durham. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT 1157 (Merged with Bank Hamilton.........47IBank of Hamilton____ ti’07|R. W.Salsbury ___ B. L. Long______ Martin Eld 66-368 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 93,710 Cliem. N.. N.Y.; Merch. N„ Rich. Sec. P. L. Clodfelter E. G. FLANAGAN .. E. B. HIGGS........... W. H. WOOLARO. Grifton .............375 Pitt H18 Grimes land . .463 Pitt G18 Grover.............. 296 Cleveland H3 Gulf..................300 Chatham Gil ‘Hali ax........... 209 Halifax 01/ 448,630 A. H. Alderman, jA:»l: Waldrop W. E. PROCTOR GREENVILLE BKG. {SEND US Y OUR GREEN VILLE ITEM S DIRECT, & TRUST CO. Special att ention given Bill of Ladin g drafts, Cas h and Time 66-152 3,970 July, 1922___________ NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Greensboro to Hamilton 1157 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 5 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed.Kes. T-Trust Powers. ------------- -- Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up ! Capital i profits 35,000 $ X U1UI DeposIT8 Miscel- ! LANEOU8 Principal Correspondents. Loam ft Dig- Cash ft Exc*Tg. Bostdb, oh a mom, Din Sacuunis raos Baku 19,070 $ 463,220 $ 50,040 $ 409,960 $ 97,370 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Merch. N„ Balt. Am. N., Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 25.000 8,000 200,000____ 240,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 636,040; 206,420 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Rich,; Com'l N., Raleigh. SEND US Y OUR HAMLE T ITEMS Dl RECT. ^Special att ention given Bill off Ladin g drafts, Ca sh an d Tim e Ite ms. 66-584 J. R. PAGE_ _ _ _ _ PAGE TRUST CO.......... *«’16 66-580 CAROLINA BANK &TRUST COMPANY 06-653 T«t§’19 CITIZENS BANK &TRUSTCOMPANY 10,000!______ J. A. Powell_____ W. A. Perry_____ E. D. Callis............ 10.450 S. A. Vest_______ J. A. Long_______ Mrs. J. A. Long.... 10,000 J. A. Chambers.— S. E. Hogsed____ G. H. Haigler......... P. C. Scroggs......... 5,000 S.G. Gamer_____ _________ (Branch J. H. BR0DIE...... SEND US Y 66-142 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY ourathende of Bank 8,600,______ 8,640 10,450 71,060t______ 91,640 5,090 75,020[______ 77,380 4,000 110,500;______ 72,840 of Pineh nrat, Pin [ ehurst, N .C.) .... 3,490 Merch. & Far., Statesville. 6,320 N.Bk.Com.,Norfolk; WachoviaBk.&Tr.Co., Winston-Salem.; Am. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Suffolk. 17,490 Merch. N., Balt.; 1st N., Durham. 41,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Asheville; 1st N.. Rich. -----: Old Dominion Tr. Co.. Rich.; Am, Tr, Co., Charlotte. R.C. GARY--------- M. W. WESTER....... RSON ITEM S DIRECT. J. B. OWEN........ — W. A. HUNT_ _ _ _ _ _ W. A. HUNT........... - ROY 0.R0DWELL— D. Y. COOPER, JR. A. H. CHEEK,A.Cash. JN0. L. WESTER J. P. Z0LLIC0FFEB W. H. FLEMING We remit direct for Henderson item* at reasonable rates. THE LEADING BANK OF THIS SECTION. 8,000 250.000 325.(00 125,000 1,200,000 1.500,000 100,000 500,000 400,000! 45,320 Chatham & Plieuli N., N. Y.; Merch. ------ - N., Rich. 325,000 --------- n. park aud Han. N.. N. Y.s 1st N.. Phil.; Citiz. N., Balt.; Plan. N.,Rich. 125,000 112,500 200,000 110,000 1.000,000 1,000.000 (E. W. EWBANK -— C. E. BROOKS........... W. A. YOUNG............. [JAMES W. DUFF B. JACKSON F. A. BLY 60,000 42.000 1.175.000 842.000 290.000 pf. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State & City Bk. --------& Tr. Co., Rich. ( R. C. CLARKE — R.H.STAT0NR. M. PATTON OATES P. F. .F.PATTO 76,000 42,050 35.000 1.070,240 204 690 N. Park, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Am. N„ Rich.; Merch. N.» Balt. Henry Perry.........F. B. Robards.......... F. B. Powell 750,000 70,00° N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. and Norfolk; 1st N. and Am. N., Rich. Cityi Ni Y.: Merch. N„ Bait.; 1st N.. Rich.; Com’l N„ Wash. 9nnnnn 200,0001 | Collections give n special attenti on ( and remitted for on day of pa yment. •t§’08 J.M. RHODES..... J. A. RHODES"•"•STEPP 1.122.870 We do a general banking business Cash Items and collections recelv e Immediate atte ntlon. We remit prom ptly and at low r ates. TRY US. ! Henderson County Bank.§’21 S. H. Hudgins___ __________________T. J. Hyder 66-175 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,770 *t’15 FIRST BANK 6-173 705,310 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. First National Bank___ *t’05 S. T. Peace 66-174 70,370 F. B. Gaither____ P. C. Jurney........... L. R. Harkey____ 66-141 T»t§’89 FARMERS & MERCHANTS J. D. Cooper. Jr... W. B. Daniel____ R. B. Crowder_____ BANK—-66-508....... T‘il’12 ‘Hendersonville. Henderson P8 3720 65,000 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. Our aim Is to s erve. Send us yo ur Hamlet Items. Harmony......... 500 j Harmony Banking & Tr. Co. Iredell E6 66-721 §’20 Harrell sville _ 131 Bank of Harrellsville...t5T2 Hertford D21 I 66-525 Haw River__ 2000 Bank of Haw River....... tf’ll Alamance Ell 1 66-494 iHayesville ....257 Clay County'10 Clay Q3 j 66-370 Hemp_______ 250 Bank of Hemp_______ •+§’19 Moore'G10 86-680 Henderson__ 5222 Vance D15 ♦ H. A. PAGE.............. C. H. MORROW_ _ _ _ H. A. PAGE, JR„ Tr.j FRANK PAGE RALPH PAGE R. N.PAGE Winston-Salem. 15,000 . i N. C. LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLI NAS Han. N.. N. Y. Asheville. Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS N O R T H CARO LINA B A N K S — H am let to H en d erso n v ille _________ Ju ly, 1922 X N.RHODES...................................... NOAH H. JENERETTE MISSS. L. K00NS— ivvM.vov dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! volume. For interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources.__ President. Hamlet_____ 3808 Bank of Hamlet _____ »$S’02 T. M. Rose______ David Easterling.. David Easterling.. W. K. McNeill— $ Richmond J10 P. S. Bethea. 66-369 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t’16 ----- --------------------: NORTH CAROLINA—Continued 1158 i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tnist Powers. President. — ■ Vice-President. Cashier. ========== Asst. Cashier. •Hertford___ 1704 Formers Bank & Trust Co. .. (Closed. Taken ovc r by Hertford Banki ng Co.) Perquimans D22 .. Hertford Banking Co...»tl’01 T. S. White............ L. W. Norman__ R, M. Riddick, Jr._ 66-372 Geo. E. Major 11 ** First Security Trust Co.t§’19 J. D. Elliott......... 66-641 Hiddenlte___ S00 Bank of Hiddenite....... •tl’13 E. L. Alexander 66-533 Alexander E5 % L. F. ABERNETHY— W. B. WEAVER......... . 66-66 247,190 $ K. O. Menzies___ E. N. Carr. Tr____ J. L. Cilley, Sec. _ C. H. Geitner 50,000 11,210 101,430 5,500 2,160 77,080 T. F. Murdock .... Miss W. D. Leach 80,000 $ 343,910 $ 43,900 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., 1st & Citiz. N„ Elizabeth City. 376,400 30,620 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich..! Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co..Winston-Salem;! Am. Tr., Charlotte. 120,420 1,400,650 269,400 1,735,480 2,260 124,190 63,430 254,990 (J. ELW00D COX C. M. HAUSER — V. A. J. IDOL____ C.H.MARRINERI E. B. STEED j Send us you r collections ( Direct Rout ing of Items 500.600 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N„ Rich.; Merch. N.J Balt. 40,720 1st N., Rich, and Hickory. 20,250 Harrimau N., N. Y.: Cent. N„ Rich.; Merch. & Far.. Statesville; Wachovia Bk. & Tr.Co., Winston-Salem. (Branch of Green sboro, A7. C.)....... N. Park and Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich.; Merch. N„ Raleigh. 623,110 4.138,160 1,081,500 5,302.810 1,039 950 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; 1st N.. Rich.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. on North Ca rolina. a Specialty. < 25,000 33,880 489,390 406,660 (See Atlantic Bank tfc Trust Co.) J UK....... W. C. IDOL........... _ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS. COMPANY 66-67......... •« 04 ) YOUR COL LECTIONS. YO U WILL BE PLEA SED WITH “WACHOVIA” SERVICE. • Hillsboro__ 1180 Bank of Orange...........»t§’04 J. S. Spurgeon....... J. C. Webb............ P. C. Collins....... Orange D12 66-373 . Farmers & Merchants Bank J. R. Keuion. ... W. R. Roberts___ S. A. Johnson___ Luna Compton ___ 66-554 §'15 W. H. Walker Hobbsville___ 200 Bank of Hobbsville.__ail'll C. B. Hathaway... E. A. Rountree.__ W. M. Hollowell.. E. A. Rountree__ Gates 1)21 66-374 Hobgood......... 836 Halifax U21 Bank of Hobgood...........Jl'10 66-375 Hollister____ 400 Halifax D16 Bank of Hollister____ ^§’16 A. B. Schlichter... W. T. Davis 66-594 L. J. Baker....... . . A. G. Bowden___ ........ O. M. Schlichter.. M. D. Vaughn___ Holly Springs 833 Bank of Holly Springs.aiS’10 H. W. Norris......... B. W. Burt............ W. A. Segraves.... Wake F13 66-376 Ions R. A. McCauley__ Mrs. R. A. McCauley Chase N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston Salem, (Branch of Wins ton Sale m.N.C.) 25,000 15,000 325,000 280,000 15,000 15,000 300,000 260,000 21,400 6,330 94,110 5,000 5,150 48,960 45,620 12,500 Far. & Merch..Williamston; N.Bk. Com., Norfolk. 10,000 2,200 60,000 63,000 72,000 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N.. Portsmouth; Merch. N., Raleigh. 5,000 2,500 140,000 110.000 15,000 15,000 90,000 94,100 (Branch of Mars hall, N, a \ K&TRl1ST CO., Winstoiy-Salem, N. C. 27,250 133,410 ---- LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS 86.000 Fidelity, Durham. N. Ex., Balt.; 1st N„ Durham. 15,680 N. Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk; 1st N„ Rich. 40,000 Merch. N., Raleigh; Plan. N., Rich. 8,500 Han.N., N, Y.: Norfolk N„ Norfolk; N. Bk. of Kinston, Kinston. - & Wachovia Bk. Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co., Asheville. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS JJ5 9 Hookerton ....294 Bank of Hookerton___ tl’lO H. C. Bridgers___ W. F. Taylor____ 66-377 A. H.Johnson Hot Springs...493 Citizens Bank......... ........JT05 Madison N7 66-378 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19,830 200.000 High Point Sav. & Tr. Co. |’05 J. Elwood Oox----- Bred Peacock....... 66-68 WAI 60,000 K. C. Menzies___ T»t'91 Home Bankino Co. 39,000 $ 360,000 ctlons and Credit Reports by sendi drafts, /5c; Cred it Reports, SOc. TRY U S. High Point .11,302 Atlantic Bank& Trust Co. 66-69 +§’08 Guilford E9 (Formerly Home Banking Co.) COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 25,009 $ • Principal Correspondents, N O R T H CAROLINA BANKS — H ertford to H ot^Springs _______ ( W. B. COUNCILL__ J. F. ABERNETHY__ Hickory........ 5076 CONSOLIDATE! TRUST CO. C. L. M0STELLER Catawba F4 66-163 •t|’17 A Save time and ge t service on Colie (fee in advan CE: Plain sight .. First National Bank___•t’Dl J. D. Elliott......... . K. C. Menzies___ 66-162 I Resources. Liabilities. k Dis- Cash k ExM iscel cL’oans Paid-up Surplus D epos tb. Bonds, and laneous Siooritim OHANQK8,DOI Capital Profits its prom Banks July, 1922 - - Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this ---------------------- - Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number even t0 e*°h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Uouuly beats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. lies. T-Trust Powers. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Profits Bank of Huntersville _tl’08 J. R. McCurdy___ M. C. Hunter____ $ 20,000 $ 66-379 Bank of Northampton _»tl’07 E. S. Bowers_____ 5,000 VV. C. Lassiter___ 66-380 Bank of Jackson Springs §’20 J. E. Jordan_____ Ira A. Stuart......... J.T. Ellis________ 15,000 66-705 Bank of Onslow...........*$S’05 F. W. Hargett, Sr._ G. H. Bender____ R. C. Warlick___ 10,000 66-286 W. D, Sabiston Bank of Jamesville__ •tl’ll J. E. Smithwick... R. O. Martin____ M. C. Jackson....... Marie Riddick 10,000 66-481 L. W. Mizeile Jackson •Jefferson . _ 196 Bank of Ashe......... ...... »t|’03 W. H. Worth.. Ashe C3 66-298 Jonesboro ___ 886 Bankine Loan&TrustCo.»§’12 Lee G12 66-507 Kannapolis 5000 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK 66-382 |97 Cabarrus G7 Kelford____ 223 Bank of Kelford______ •J,12 Bertie D19 66-513 •Kenansvilie 302 Bank of Kenansvilie__ §’19 Duplin J16 66-643 Kenly______ 827 Bank of Kenly ............ •tS'Oft Johnston G15 66-383 _ T. K. Miller_____ W. E.Johnson__ 25,000 Resources. & Dis- Cash & Ex Miscel cLoans ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Due laneous Securities from Banks 11,500 $ 103,000 $ 140,000 $ 16,000 Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 21,030 175,000 170.000 750 13,650 22,540 44.000 Seab. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk,;Va. N., Petersburg, Va. 5,320 Com’l N., High Point; Plan. N., Rich. 50,000 400,000 500,000 110,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: Murchison N. and Am. 4,000 105,000 174,000 35,000 250,000 285,000 5,000 Mereh.N.and Citiz.N.,Raleigh;BranchBkg. & Tr.Co.,Wilson;Wachovia Bk.&Tr.Co., Winston-Salem; Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro; Seab. N., Norfolk. 30.000 1st N„ Rich.; Bk.of No.Wilkesboro,North- (Branch of Sanfo rd.N.C.) N. Park, N.Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh. H. A. Scott....... .... (Branch of Conco rd.N.C.) W.P. Harrell. J. E. Tyler............ W. D. Browne W. B. Murray___ H. I)ail, Sr. ......... E. J. Dail......... ...... J. K. Powell. V. P. C. M.Ingram G. VV. Watsuu___ E. V. Neighbors... J. T. Edgerton H. F. Edgerton.— J.M. Woolard, Jr. 66-617 Kernersvilie 1219 Bank of Kernersvilie__ t§’03 W. H. Mendenhall Geo. V. Fulp____ George V. Fulp . Forsyth D8 66-248 King________ 300 Bank of King «t§’14 V. T. Grabs .. ........ S. W. Pulliam____ Stokes D7 66-549 Sallie Livermon ... 7,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait. 5,250 90,000 70.000 135,000 180,500 10,000 Gladys Kinby....... 15,000 7.800 W. L. Ethridge.... 15,000 1,750 20,000 26,880 316,160 9.400 5,000 143,000 116,500 50,000 39,000 11,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 325,000 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch.& Far.N.,Charlotte; Citiz. N„ Gastonia. 33,610 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Citiz. N. and 1st N.. Gastonia; Merch. N., Rich. 93,490 $ 2,500 128,560 6,000 329,720 10,000 Kings Mountain FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. A. Mauney____ R. L. Mauney____ W. H. McGinnis.. Bonnie Mauney... Cleveland H3 2800 66-201 •tl900 “ “ Peoples Loan Trust Co. »t§’08 J. O. Plonk O. G. Falls___ 66-202 100,000 35,000 250.000 50,000 22,480 230,890 80,000 347,760 30,870 50,GOO 0. LA ROQUE - E. V. WEBB ______ T W HEATH < Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Draft s, and all busines s receive careful attentio n. 1 “Send them direct for prompt service.” 446,130 110,000 540.970 CASWELL BANK’G FW. & TRUST CO. . lt “ 66-110 •JS’17 Dime Bank______ ____ f’97 H. E. Dunn_____ G. G. Parker....... 66-109 10,000 5,000 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. F. Harvey____ Geo. West 66-108 »t§'09 44.900 44,300 522,760 250,000 35.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL BANK 30.000 Seab. N., Norfolk,; Wachovia Bk.& Tr.Co., Winston-Salem. Chatham & Phenix N., N.Y.; Am.Bk &Tr. Co., Wil. 12.100 Merch.N.,Raleigh; Plan. N., Rich.; Wacho via Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 18,300 Com’l N., Raleigh; WachoviaBk.&Tr.Co., W inston-Salem. 39 300 N. cuy, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. .35,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. N., Rich. .... W. C. Powell Farmers & Merchants Bank I. E. Shore............ J. R. Bowen.......... John A. Leake .... Geo. B. Gunter___ 66-729 »t§’20 •Kinston 977] Lenoir H18 Principal Correspondents. f D. F. WOOTEN .... HENRY TULL........ - W. B. HARVEY....... J. J. BIZZELL........ 95,000 50,000 96,020 Mecb & Metals N., N.Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Plan. N.. Rich.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. Caswell Bkg. & Tr. Co., Kinston. 594,850 67,110 N. Park. N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 085.160 1.250.000 131,260 Han. N., N.Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Merch. N., Rich.. Com’l N., Raleigh.; . N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 175.0G0 1.300.000 1,350.000 225.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Rich.; Norfolk No Norfolk. 63,000 2,900 Fan & Merch.. 1st N., N. Bk. of Kinston, and Caswell Bkg. & Tr. Co., Kinston <! SEND US YOU B “KINSTON” I TEMS DIRECT. ) Collections, Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time I terns remitted .1X000 v_for on day of p ayment. NORTH CA R OLINA BANKS — H unt ersville to Kinston Huntersville 833 Meckl’nb’rg GO •Jackson S7p Northampton C18 Jackson Springs Moore H10 200 •Jacksonville 656 Onslow K19 Jamesville__ 389 Martin F20 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued 1160________________ 1 1 FiD x x uu 66-107 OF KINSTON 66-105 » « Peoples Bank__ 66-106 <’99 fH.H. TAYLOR-— D. V. DIXON.......... J. A. BIZZELL........ ...§’07 T. B. Holloway___ J. H. Jones______ J. O. Ban ton_____ C. H. Bynum l\ <X 1 111 uu.f UfmcTmLi 13,500 C 1 ru a ttINoIUIS-oALEM, 900 N N. n u. 65,000 j LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS . ict m WAI: hdvia RANK Z TRI 101 ft Ml-mu vIH DMIi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 < The Oldest and Largest National Bank in this sect ion. Send all your 1 business direct. (.Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts and all matters g iven prompt atte ntlon. July, 1922 “ 1161 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. V ice-President. Knightdale___ 33 Bank of Wendell.............§’21 66-757 Wake F14 La Grange___1399 Lenior H17 D. W. WOOD We (Branch of W. S. C0URSEY J. E. MAY MRS. SOPHIA $ MEWB00N handie y our collection s promptly an d at T. R. Rouse_____ J. P. Joyner. Farmers Bank & Trust Co. C. B. Wilson_____ 66-575 *§T5 Bank of Laurel Hill__ t§’20 J. D. McDonald... A. McNeill, Jr.... R. M. Calhoun___ 66-742 A. Blue Laurinburg ..2643 First National Bank ___»P93 A. L. James_____ W. II. Neal_____ Scotland Jll 66-190 Scotland County Sav.Bk.t5'04 A. L. James_____ T. J. Gill_______ 66-191 "JOHN F. McNAIR STATE BANK Leicester ......... 158 Bank of Leicester____ *t§’17 J. T. Davis.......... . 66-614 Buncombe 07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 66-167 1st N. Rich.; Fidelity, Durham. 200 $ 45.000 25.000 $ 25,000 I 40.000 * 11,460 572,000 300,000 10,000 8,000 215.000 118.000 10,000 2,000 73,000 58,000 (Branch of Fore si City, N. C.)_ 30,000 3,000 T. J. GUI________ 25,000 Hinton James....... W. R. Middleton.. 10,000 J. L. McNAIR......... W. H. COOPER_ _ _ _ J T. MYERS_ _ _ _ _ W. H. COOPER W. H. C00FER, JR. B. E. Ivie........... Principal Correspondents. 35,0 Han. N., N. Y.: Wayne N., Goldsboro; Citlz., Norfolk; Com’l N., Raleigh. 100.000 O. Eggleston, Cash. Blvd. Br. 315,000 Han. N., N.Y.; WayneN., Goldsboro;N.Bk. Com.. Norfolk; State & City, Bk.& Tr. Co. Rich. 110,000 Concord N., Concord; Girard N„ Phil. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 260.000 200,000 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. Murchison N., Wil. Merch. N., Rich. 40,000 272,000 160,000 18,000 342,000 345,000 152,000 Chase N.,N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. Rich. 25,000 1st N„ Laurinburg. 200.000 1,500.000 1,550,000 180,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich; Wachovia Bk.& Tr. Co., Winston-Salem Murchison N., Wilmington. 93,200 27,770 A. E. Millner____ 15.000 5.650 Mabel Straughan.. 15,000 491,530 $ 14,720 535,220 92,000 Han.N., N.Y.;Wachovia Bk. &Tr.Co., Win ston-Salem,; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Com’l N., High Point. 1,600 117,640 29,150 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Danville, Va.; Plan N., Rich. 2,320 1st N., Tarboro. o.) 124,550 24,370 10,130 November 28, 1921) B. A. Patton_____ L. E. Allman......... J. H. BEALE........ 0. F. HARPER.—. A. G. FOARD—. J. C. SEAGLE 20.000 220 139,040 75.000 102.000 750.000 50,000 24,480 464.230 Han N.,N.Y.;Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co., Asheville 5,280 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co. Charlotte; Girard N., Phil. LONG EXPERI ENCE—MODERN METHODS, Immediate ret urns and lowest r ates on collection W. J. LENOIR----------C. H. HOPKINS........ E. F. ALLEN......... On collections we give personal service. Prompt returns at low rates. 12,500 377 510 173.700 Han. N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Com’l N., High Point ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE COUNTY. •t’06 Lewiston____ 244 Bank of Lewiston______ §’ Bertie D19 66-384 W. Mitchell______ Jesse Parker.—.. II. R. Paschal... WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. C.) “Send Us Your Laurinourg Item s direct.” J. L. PAYL0R 1 Collections, Bil I of Lading draft s, Cash and Tim e Items remitted ..for on day of p ayment. 66-192 •t8’07 Leaksville__ 1606 Leaksville Bank & Trust Co. P. H. Gwynn____ H. C. Pace____ Rockingham C9 66-561 tt’85 T. H. Barker, V. P. B. F. Ivie M. L. Heiner (Consolidation of Bank of Le aksville and Bouleva rd Bank & Trust C Peoples Bank_________$f 08 S. L. Martin_____ R. L. Moir----------66-251 Leggett „........500 Bank of Leggett....... -.*£§’20 Theo. Fountain ... C. L. Fountain___ (Tarboro P. O..) 66-720 Edgecombe E17 Farmers Banking & Tr. Co.__ (Discontinued. Rep orted by Head Office Lenoir______ 3718 BANK OF LENOIR —T*tl 93 66-166 Caldwell F.3 Wen dell, Resources & Dis- Cash & Ex- liOANg Miscel c*Tg. Bonds, changes,Due laneous SSCDBITIE6 FROM BaNKS reasons ble ra tes. Merch. & Farmers BanktS’ll O. L. Linn_______ O. R. Black______ D. C. Linn_______ P. M. Shulenberger 66-484 J. F. Miller............ B. C. Segraves....... C. S. Bumgarner.. Bank of Lansing______ J§'16 R. II. Joines___ 66-582 (Closed) Bank of Lasker________ THE Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its J.T. Allen. 68-746 i§’20 Roase Banking Co....... t§1900 N. J. Rouse--------- C, P. Barrow. 66-260 Landis_______ 972 Rowan G7 Lansing-------- 175 Ashe B3 Lasker...............199 Northampton C19 Lattimore____262 Cleveland H3 Laurel Hill___300 Scotland J10 Ass’t Cashier. N. B. Modlin 30,000 15,000 Winston Salem, 160,000 N. C — 188,000 35,270 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Windsor, Windsor. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT N O R T H CAROLINA BANKS — Knightdale to L ew iston LAGRANGE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Cashier. 1922 Name of Bank. Town and County. •County beats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv Entire State No. o {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NORTH CAROLINA—Continued I «County Seats. 1 •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 5 }Mem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. Fed. Res. Dist. ! ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘Lexington ...52541 Davidson F8 -......... ■ Town and County. 66-143 President. CASHIER. Y ice-Prssident. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Profits rG.W.MOUNTCASTLE W. H. MENDENHALL- C. D, HUNT............ — C. A. MOUNTCASTLE- Lllesrtlle . nn Bank of Lilesville Anson 19 66-386 $ $ 100.000 f 90,13o 1 549 150 * 175.140 1.640,560 $ 273.860 N. City, N. Y,; Merch. N„ Rich. 37,700 636,740 611,800 1 185,510; Chase N., N. Y.; Com ! N., High Point, 1st 1 N., Durham. 1 1 6,000 255,000 230,000 55,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem, 10.000 20,170 119,900 152,090 22,980 N. City, N. Y,; Murchison N.. Wil. 15,000 8,390 265,420 125,350 87,560 Chase N.. N.Y.; Com'l N., Raleigh; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 140,000 145,000 45,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Merch. N„ Raleigh, 750.030 800.000 108.830 1,100,480 52,000 1.219,780 90,600 37.500 . 03 G. A. Foster____ J.H. Johnson___ •JS'07 J. F. Alexander__ IT. .T. Wall T. C. Cox COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 66-185 <96 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4< B. R. Wall............ B. B. Massagee__ “ *• 1t 100.000 Seab. N., N. Y. Business is sens Itive. J It goes usually where It Is Invite d, \ and stays wher e It Is well treate d. TRY US. . iD. M. H. KUHN__________ E. CHILDS —.......... M. H. CLINE............ E. 0. ANDERSON ^Send us your co Uectlons, both d rafts and checks. (Remittances m ade promptly on New York less 1- 10 of 1% Charges. E. RHYNE_______ C. Farmers National Bank <12 J.M. Allen 66-511 141.530 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 278,280 307,070 20,370 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. C. Smith_____ 20,000 9,000 250,000 300,000 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merch. N., Raleigh and Rich. J. P. Timberlake.. M. S. Clifton____ James B. King__ W. D. Jackson 50,000 21,000 300,000 400,000 35,000 N.Park, N. Y.; Com’l N„ Raleigh; Merch. N., Rich. 50,000 14,360 105,530 184,020 53,120 In. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 50,000 17,170 481,990 143,280 593,540 2,700 98,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Plan, N., Rich. i 30,680 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N- and Citiz. N., Gas tonia. 42,830 Plan., Wilson; Murchison N., Wil. F. Bonney____ M. J. Grant............ H. ......... T. H. Dickens....... H. M. Stovall------- First National Bank___«’05 F. B. McKinne .... W. H. Ruffin 66-223 F. J. Beasley......... W. B. Barrow____ 10,000 18,220 231,720 Mrs. S. E. High—. 10,000 18,600 152,8301 137,610 J. S. Hodges_____ . L. E. Covington ... G. W. Covington .. N. S. Tolar 10,0001 2,000 192,000l 102.0001 C. M. Robinson__ T. PT Rankin Frank Robinson <4. TC. High W. T. Rasss_ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Winston Salem. N. C.— 231,960 July, 1922 34,160 W. E. Bowers....... Lowell....... ...1151 Bank of Lowell............ <*'18 S. M. Robinson___ Gaston H4 66-628 Lucama 3161 Tnrama Bank+S'1fi J. H. Newsom..__ . Wilson G16 66-593 Lumber Bridge 202: Bank of Lumber Bridge.t§’19 L. E. Covington .. Robeson J12 66-639 100.000 j 15.000 H. & MERCHANTS BANK <P95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65.000 25,000 > Planters Bank_______ «tS'07 T. .T. Miles 66-245 ‘Louisburg 1 osi FARMERS Franklin DT5 66-222 21,700 100,000 /W. E.GRIGG.......... R. S. REINHARDT.. HAROLD E. GRIGG- 66-186 <03 Littleton ....1010 Bank of Littleton....... <§’99 Halifax C16 66-244 “ Principal Correspondents. «JS’98 ‘Lillington ....593 Bank of Lillington....... •J|'03 J. W. Halford___ H. T. Spears____ Miss E . A. Davis.. Harnett H13 66-292 •■ „ Harnett County Trust Co. B. P. Gentry ...... 0. L. Johnson___ W.L. Sutton. Sec. and Tr. 66 642 i§T9 ‘Lincoln ton 3390 Lincoln 04 laneous Lexington Bank & Trust Co. (Absorbed by Bank of Lexington) Liberty--------- 636 Bank of Liberty.. Randolph C6 66-386 i ) Collections, Bi 11 of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Ti me Items given (.prompt attenti on and remitted for on day of pay ment. TRY US. Commercial & Sav. Bk..J5'07 J.W. McCrary___ E. J. Buchanan.__ James Adderton... 66-145 «« Resources, Loanb Sc Dui- Cash k Exc’t«. Bordb, CTfAR«M,DtTI Sicrnmn rxOM Bahxs % ■ “ i Miscel NO RTH CAROLINA BANKS — Lexington to Lumber Bridge BANK OF LEXINGTON _ ----- :-- J~------- ;-- ” Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued 1162 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 97,260(Chase N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; N. Bk. of Fayetteville. Fay-, etteville; Murchison N„ Wil. LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrir. *Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. (A. W. McLEAN - L'm'cKe.......... M. F. COBB----------- W. A. ROACH........... OF LUMBERTON (All 988,570 75.000 37,860 358,340 442.160 36,060 N. Park, N. Y,; 1st N., Rich.: Murchison N., Wil. 10,000 12,340 117,420 108,350 19,870 Han. N.. N. Y.: Norfolk N„ Norfolk. Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. 10,COO 6,290 140,810 102,450 20,000 90,000 500,000 475,000 25,000 12,860 173,050 ) (14.580 52,290 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Com ! N.. Raleigh. 135,000 N.City.N.Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem.; Com’l N., High Point. 21,520 Merch. N., Balt.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. Ex. N„ Greensboro. Alton Gaylor_____ 10,000 15,250 177,000 137,000 B. M. Spratt, Jr... W. B. Murray.......... G. E. Mauney........... E. G. Mauney____ 10,000 3,500 100,000 95,000 71,920 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Am. Tr., Charlotte. 10,000 2,000 80,000 60,000 30,000 1st N., Durham. * 66-387 Rockingham C9 .. Plan. N., 222,909 Han. N., N. Y.; M. UrCIAiSOU IN • ^ Vf 11* Rich.; .*’14 J. M. Coleman . ~ W. G. Egerton____ J. S. Nowell............. BANK OF MADISON —**§ 99 J. H. Moore___ ___ J. O. Ragsdale 66-388 . J. O. Ragsdale____ V, H. Idol_________ W. S. Chambers T, D. Mpadnr Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 66-612 **§’17 J. F. Croom ............ T. J. Kelly_______ L. D. Dail . . 61,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 66-495 Duplin J16 Maiden 1266 Catawba (14 66-389 Dare E24 66-390 L. N. Midgitt-------- R. B. Etheridge.— D. F,. Evans .1 ♦ McDowell FI 100.000 62,180 1,061,220 J 49,990 1,039,930 233,460 Chase N., N.Y.: Com'! N.. High Point, N.C.; Battery Park. Asheville. 309.490 108.650 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 343,090 46.700 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville; Tenn. N., Johnson City. 60,000 Am. N. and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 17,970 301,960 W. B. Ramsey____ H. C. Rector .-___ 25,000 42.060 312,730 A. W. Whitehurst. W. T. Davis______ 25,000 35,000 315,000 300,000 L.F. Eller________ 10.000 9,240 109,600 91,980 G. J. Whitener___ 40,000 16,640 231,150 10,030 279.640 R. C. Newsom......... Wm. Gordon_____ E. H. Moore_____ T. L. Austin______ 10,000 4,780 43,940 11,000 44,470 N. S. Cochran----- T. N. Reid B. D. Funderburk 10,000 6.000 100,000 106,000 10,000 Merch. & Far. Charlotte. Lacy Williams........ T. W. Williams___ 75,000 50,000 700,000 890,000 53,000 Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Girard N.. Phil.; Am. N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. J. L. McLean------- Katie B. McQueen 50,000 9,000 250,000 280,000 90,160 Seab. N., N.Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. _ WE COLLECT DIRECT AND Citizens Bank---------------- 15'10 E. R. Tweed 66-277 ......... O .T F.hbs N. W. Anderson___ 394 B. E. Martin---------J. E. Lyon 46,000 J. D. BLANTON— W. W. GUY----------- N. D. AYERS-------- R. W. GILES............ GEO. C. CONLEY i Special attentlo u given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash aud Time Items. ( Please send 15c w itli each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R sports. * Marshall_____ 748 Bank of French Broad-**§'03 J. J. Redmon____ 66-276 Madison N7 Mars mu F Neal . 66-228 wuhAi 10.000 22,130 Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 66-599 Madiso.i N8 UniOn 117 100,000 52,000 1,066.070 — Macclesfield., 294 Merchants & Farmers Bank J. S. Howard-......... W. W. Eagles.......... 66-578 *§T6 Edgecombe F17 M arshvllle 34,010 11044 800 — $1 086 350 $ 184,100 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Rich. collectio ns handled pp omptly and ef ficiently. Planters Bank & Trust Co. N. A. Thompson... K. C. Lawrence ... K. M. Barnes, 77.. G. E. Bancke, A. Weinstein 66-579 *§'16 Sec and Assl. Tr. Warre^C16 • N O R T H CARO LINA B A N K S — L um berton to M axton 66-197 •« 50,000 $ Principal Correspondents. __ NATIONAL BANK Resources. * k J)i8- CiiH k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Miscel cL’oan and tb. Bonds, <'Hinau,Dui Capital Profits its laneous BaCUBTTIM FROM BARM ____ R. McA. Nixon .— iC. A. McArthur— $ ^Lumberton.. 2691 First National Bank___ «t’04 H. M. McAllister „ C. T. Pate . T. L. Johnson 66-198 Robeson K12 «< Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Accos.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued J uly , 1922 iicq 828 Bank of Marshville.........•+§’05 J, H. Lee_____ 1— F. L. Harrell —___ B. C. Parker 66-391 41 Matthews........ 310 Mecklenburg 16 Mutual Bank & Trust Co. 66-709 T §’20 66-392 -------.J^ OO 1 Bank of Robeson 66-239 WAI;hovia baniK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lacy Williams & TRL1ST CO., WlNSTOI4-SALEM. N. 1c. J LARGEST BANK IN 1 THE CAROLINAS 14,250 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Murchison N., Wil. SOLICIT YOUR N. and Am. Tr. Co.. BUSINESS 1163 Maxton______ 1397 Bank of Maxton------- •*-§1900 66-238 Robeson K12 18,170 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. *Cou_ty Meats. E..tire State i., JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed.Re-s.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. V ICE-PRESIDENT. J. O. Ragsdale....... CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. M. P. Black Liabilities. i Resources. Surplus Depos Miscel Loans & Dis- Cash & Ex Paid-up c ’ ts . Bonds, ,Due and laneous Securities changes its Capital Profits from Banks $ B, E Weeks . ... R. L. Jenkins____ S 121,000 * 10,000 $ 12,230 $ 120,120 10,000 16,000 280,000 205,000 Principal Correspondents. 31,000 Merch. N„ Rich.; Bk. of Madison, Madison. 20,000 1st Nm Rich. H. M. McAllister.. E. L. Bowman....... 10,000 910 26,930 $ 36,620 5,830 IstN., Lumberton. W. J. McLendon.. B. J. McGoogan-.- J. V. Wehh 15,000 900 26,900 25,900 14,800 1st N., Wadesboro. W. A. Murray___ S. G. Morgan____ W. S. Harris____ B. F. Warren____ H. E. Wilkinson... G. G. Johnson....... G. E. Holt, Jr......... Micro_____ 183 H. M. Fitzgerald.. C. A. Fitzgerald__ Joli..stO_. G15 66-577 Middlesex.... 697 Middlesex Banking Co..t§’09 A. F. Manning___ W. K. Ballentine— Nash F15 66-397 Rant nf Midland «S’91 P. J. Hartsell ... A. P. Windenhouse Cabarrus H7 66-744 *Mocksville 1146 J. F. Moore.— Davie E7 66-399 25,000 20,500 275,000 312,000 30,000 1st N., Rich.; 1st N„ Durham. 50,000 15,000 200.000 290,000 35.000 1st N., Durham. 5,000 2,860 50,650 51,210 25.000 8,000 130.000 202,000 35,480 10,000 Merchants & Farmers Bank 66-553 •tS14 Moncnre ISfi Banking Loan & Trust Co. Chatham G12 66-632 §T9 *Monroe 4084 RANK OF UNION W. B. Cole............ •tf1nv* W. S. Blakeley.... Hargrove Bowles 66-154 .. __ R. A. Morrow, Jr... Farmers & Merchants Bank W. B. Love 66-482 <§’11 «« o J. E. Ashcraft....... J. W. Laney_____ J. H. Price______ 66-156 3.900 50.000 52,000 458,000 400,000 10,600 2,000 37,190 61.170 (Branc h of San ford. N. C.)___ 6,420 Plan.. Wilson; Merch. N., Rich.; Com’l N., Raleigh. 16,000 Merch. N., Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. Com’l N., Charlotte. 30,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Merch. & Far. N.. Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 20,700 N. State & City, Rich.: Bk.of Thomasville, Thomasville. 230,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte: Plan. N.. Rich. 63,000 N. Bk. Com.,N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 909,800 35.000 240,000 260,000 100,000 53,250 630,630 13j,610 851,430 68,070 Han. N„ N.Y.: State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 50,000 30,570 200,150 48,530 292,930 20,000 6.410 352,720 36,310 Chatham&Phenix N..N.Y.; MurchisonN., Wil.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 73,040 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 50.000 56,200 431,420 Mort McKnight.— C. B. Gilbert H. O. Phillips 30,000 10,770 312.610 50.000 2,700 295,120 99,580 L. A. Hanser......... 15,000 1.500 110,000 3,500 R. C. Hoffman___ 25,000 7,270 196,460 156,510 J. A. Claywell .... 55,000 105,570 1,414,660 20,000 1,190,110 H. G. Hamtley .... 40,000 190,880 283,170 Mount Airy.. 4752 Bank of Mount Airy—<§’05 W. J. Byerly_____ E. M. Linville___ F. P. Sparger___ W. W. Christian... Surry B6 G. C. Welch 66-161 100,000 85,000 1,050,000 975,000 E. G. Smith_____ M. L. F. Armfield— 75,000 82,740 890,040 763,960 125,000 135,000 300,000 .. MONROE BANK & TRUST CO. R. B. Redwine....... FT B Clark 66-155 •t8’03 Mooresboro... 228 Bank of Mooresboro...<§’10 C. O. Champion___ E. B. Hamrick___ Y. L. M. Cardwell. Cleveland H12 B. C. McCraw, 66-400 A. Cash. Moores ville 4315 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G. C. Goodman ___ W. C. Johnston.__ Iredell G6 66-164 <1800 •• MERCH. & FARMERS BANK E. W. Brawley___ W. C. Johnston.__ 66-165 <§’07 Morehead City Bank of Morehead Citr J. B. Morton........... E. H. Gorham____ R. G. Guthrie___ Carteret K21 2958 ♦ 66-401 T«i*’09 E. A. Council_____ Marine Bank.................. <§T3 66-516 W. E. Walton____ *Morganton..2867 Bank of Morganton.__<§’04 C. A. Spencer___ E P. Tate Burke F2 66-180 .. A. M. Tngnld First National Bank ..-»t’97 66-179 Morven fisi M. L. Ham_______ T. V. Hardison ___ J9 W. L. Marshall 66-402 First National Bank........<’92 66-159 Surry County Ln. & Tr. Co. 66-160 tS’01 Mount Gilead.975 Bank of Ml. Gilead___»t5’04 Montgomery H9 66-403 Mount Holly.1160 Central Bank & Tr. Co.<§’20 _ Gasto.. H5 66-708 Mount Holly Bank____ <§’03 66-404 *« (l T. G. Fawcett____ a Tj Hants Mettie Parker-----Willie Greene A. K. Sydnor, W. G. Sydnor, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. W. B. Cochran___ J. A. McAulay___ Ij. P, Byrd N. B. Kendrick— C.E. Hutchison, Jr. S. Q. McCraw....... .T. M. Harris J. M. Springs FT. A. Rhyne J. M. Springs____ J. A. Costner------- W. M. Cavin......... W. F. Carter_____ T. G. Fawcett ■■■■■■ 60,00b 24,050 25,000 6,000 100,000 7,000 335.000 50,000 1,000 125,000 35,000 4,050 274,590 336,220 96,770 102,810 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 340,480 47,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Com’l N., High Point and Charlotte. 117,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Newbern Bkg. & Tr. Co., New Berne. 62,000 4thSt. N.. Pnil.; N. Bk. of New Berne, New Berne. 72,650 Chase N.. N.Y.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 329,860 60,000 125,000 5,040 256,580 ■■■■1■■■1*1 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Winston Salem, N. G — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 531,590 405,120 Seat). N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 42.730 Han. N.. N.Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: Bk. of Char., Char.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; 1st N. Wadesboro. 350,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.: Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem Merch. N.. Balt. 283.810 N. B. Com., N.Y. 30,000 1st N.. Mt. Airy; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 135,000 Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte: Com’l N., Wash., D.C.; Murchison N., Wil. 25,000 Merch. N., Rich.; Independence Tr. Co., Chariot e; 3rd N., Gastonia. 62,100 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Merch. N., Rich. LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT ___ July , 1922 105,000 1.000.000 100.000 N O R T H C A R O L IN A B A N K S — M ay o d an to M o u n t H o lly Mayotian__ 1886 Rocki-gham C9 66-583 Maysvilie......... 536 Maysvilie Bkg. & Tr. Co. Jo^es J19 66-393 •X§08 McDonalds....120 Bank of McDonald......+§'12 Robeso- K12 66-525 Mclarian......... 219^ J9 66-718 Mebane____ 1351 Commercial & Farmers Bank Alamance Ell 66-395 tS’05 First National Bank....... t’14 66-564 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of (his volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued 1164 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 1 fid. t0 eacl1 4>ank in llvJ~r Name of Bank. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass’n. IRstab. No.SFed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. President. Mt. Olive___ 2297 Citizens Bank_______ «tS’08 II. M. Cox............ 66-259 Way^e 116 .. Farmers & Merchants Bank S. L. Warren....... 66-686 t§’20 Vice-President. .Murphy___ 1314 Bank of Murphy_____ «tr99 A. B. Dickey . __ 66-262 Cherokee Q2 Cherokee Bank........... •t§,20 E. A. Davidson.... 66-719 .Nashville........939 Bank of Nashville___ •tl’02 B. J. Downey.......... Nash E16 66-407 Ass’t Cashier. J. E. Kelly.......... . J. M. McGee E. C. Casey __ 60,000 $ 400,000 50,000 50.000 $ 600,000 $ R. O. Bagley____ D. W. Bagley 20,000 Chas. R. Storey... Geo. H. Campbell. 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 53,280 50,000 N.Bk.Com.. N. Y.;Plan. N.. Rich.; Peo.Bk &Tr. Co.. Goldsboro; MurchisonN.,Wil 375,000 430,000 (Branch of Cone ord, N. a.).. 180 100,000 2,460 25,000 19,100 263,420 A. McD. Harshaw. I,. K. Bayless 30,000 19,600 285,310 R. S. Parker____ J. B. Storey.......... Lakes Martin....... R. R. Rogers L. L. Davenport... N. B. Dozier_____ 17,500 63,750 $ 40,000 Merch. N., Rich.; Wayne N., Goldsboro. ' 65,190 U. Vaughan______ W. A. McGlohon__ P. E. Jenkins R. J. Britton 45,160 97,160 242,710 2,790 274,440 274,200 80,000 65,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 29,310 N. Park, N. Y.; Seab. N., Norfolk; 1st & Citiz. N., Elizabeth City. 20,650 N. Bk.Com., Norfolk. 35,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Nor folk N., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 60,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Trusl Co., Asheville.; City N., Knoxville. 25,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville; 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. &Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz., Norfolk; 1st N. and N. Bk. of Rocky Mt., Reeky Mt.; Wayne, N., Goldsboro. 145,000 N. Park., N. Y.; Peo., New Bern; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk, Ya. 90,000 15,000 225,000 430,000 25,000 . 18,000 480,000 310,000 100,000 90,000 1,500,000 1.750,000 200,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil.; Plan. N., Rich.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk Va. W. R. Ross______ 100,000 39,530 832,710 641,400 1,433,590 180,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil,; Nor. folk N., Norfolk. E. C. REA------------ W. C. CHADWICK- 100,000 80.000 1.500,000 1.40(1.000 300,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 225,000 50,000 Merch. N„ Balt.; Unaka & City N., John son City. 34,000 1st N.t Rich.; Beaufort Bkg. & Tr. Co., Beaufort. 59,580 Merch. N., Balt.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 193,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. .New Bern . .12,198 Citizens Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. T. A. Uzzell_____ Clyde Eby_______ W. H. Henderson.. R. N. Snntt. . Cra..en 19 66-04 T»S’l3 _____ * Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- ; MiscelCapital Profits ITS $ 100.000 f W. H. Kornegay.. J. J. Whitehurst— Miss Annie Dail.. J. L. Outlaw “ First National Bank.__»t’01 M. T. Breazeale... 66-258 Mt. Pleasant..770 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK 66-405 S'07 Cabarrus G7 Moyock......... 240 Bank of Currituck......... t§’20 W. W. Jarvis____ 66-730 Currituck C23 Murfreesboro. 621 First National Bank.......t’ll J. A. Campbell__ 66-496 Hertford CIS Peoples Bank_________tS'04 66-406 Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. 4)1NI k Die- Cash k ExSsouBmxi fkom Banks NATIONAL BANK ("JAMES A. BRYAN- JOHN DUNN.............. W. W. GRIFFIN____ 0. S. WILLIS______ W. J. CAR00N s SEND US Y OUR NEW B ERN ITEMS DIRECT. (.Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. T«*'65 OF NEW BERNE 66-61 .. .4 Newbern Bkg. & Tr.Go.»tf’06 O. W. Lane______ T. A. Green— ♦ 66-62 C. E. Foy W. B. Blades jT. A. UZZELL — C. D. BRADHAM... 1 Collections a sp eclai feature of ♦ 66-63 »tS'07 ' This departmen t under personal s PEOPLES BANK C. B. Von Canon... E. C. any S. H. Odom C. R. Wheatly____ L. C. Carroll........... G. W. Rhodes___ L. A. Garner____ J. H. Yount ......... J. W. Yount........... G. C. LittleA. H. Crowell____ G. A. Warlick____ T. C. Clifton . 15,000 5,000 1.000 250,000 — 93,000 100,000 50,000 28,510 337,630 100,000 53,790 572,340 4,610 361,170 598,140 D. L. Gallagher... K. M. Williamson. (Branch of Warr enton. J. O. Simmons .... E. E. Jones. ... J. L. Spencer J. W. Hawthorne . J. E. Finley_____ A. A. Finley_____ R.W. Gwyn._ 15,000 R. G. Finley __ 100,000 — Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 52,870 63,320 11,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 71,000 650,000 745,000 100,000 N. City, N. Y.: State & City Bk. & Tv. Co., Rich.; Com’l N., High Point. 58,150 Mech.&Me"alsN., N.Y.; S*ate&CityBk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 50,000 Mech. & Me als N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 5,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. R. L. Doughton.__ F. D. Forester____ W. A. Fender T. A. Hathcock—. H. S. Freeman___ C. P. Crawley....... 50,000 9,180 466,110 488,480 12,500 6.000 180,000 130,000 A. C. Heath_____ C. P. Harlsell____ 10.000 5,600 85,000 — 102.380 H. S. Everett____ W. J.Johnson___ B. M. Worsley___ Jos. Early • 10,000 5.500 90,000 112,000 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 10,000 Winston Salem. N. C. 15,000 Far. & Merch.,Williamston;Merch.N., Ral eigh; Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Co., Greenvillp; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIREQT 1155 .Newland......... 289 Avery County Bank__ »§’13 Avery D2 66-538 Newport_____ 404 Bank of Newport...........t§’19 Carteret J20 66-636 .Newton ... 3021 Farmers & Merch.Bank •t§'07 Catawba E4 66-194 Shuford National Bank «t’96 66-193 Norlina......... .673 Bank of Warren_____ •tS’lS Warren CIS 66-504 North Charlotte Bank of North Charlotte*§’20 2000 66-714 Mecklenburg H6 Northwilkesboro Bank of No. Wilkesboro»tl’92 Wilkes D4 2363 66-215 44 Deposit & Savings Bank___ 66-216 •t|’02 Norwood 1221 Bank of Norwood..........i§’05 Sta,.ey H8 66-408 Oakhoro. 2S2 Bank of Oakboro_____ t§’14 Stanly H7 66-548 Oak City......... 397 Bank of Oak City......... ^tSTO Marlin E18 66-409 our business. upervlsionofan o ffleer of the bank. Jul y, 1922____________ N O R T H CARO LINA B A N K S— M t. O live to Oak City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 t0 eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ r* A DAT JIVT a XlOO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. JNUK 1 rl LAKUL/1JN A-----OOntinUCU Town and County. Name of Bank. • President. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State iu JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab No.5Fe.l. Kes. Dist. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. I Vice-President. Oasrier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos Capital Profits its Ass't Cashier. Old Fort_____ 931 Bank of Old Fort------ »tS'04 J. S. Bradley____ P. H. Mash burn— F. M. Bradley 66-410 McDowell 09 Oriental_____ 607 Bank of Pamlico_____»t§’16 66-595 Pamlico 121 Thos. C. Harrell .. tmore—Oteen Bank Oteen _________ 66-756 Buncombe 09 1 24,400 $ Resources. & 8»CT7BITI*B Loanb Dibc’ts. Bonds, (Branch Biltmore , N. C.) C.) —- & Cash ExCHAHGX8,D0I FROM BaNKR 3,450 $ 163,920 $--5,000 $ 174,880 $ (Branch of Bagh nro, N. 100,000 1 Miscel laneous Principal Correspondents. : 21.880 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Marion. — N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk; Peo., New Bern. Han. N., N. Y. Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashe ville. ----- 90,000 1.310,330 1.284,840 237,400 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 60.000 140.500 1.286,320 W. T. YANCEY—~ E. B. HOWARD....... C.S. EASTON ‘•Send us your Oxford Items dir ect.” R. K. TAYLOR ( Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Draft s, Casb and Time Items remitted for on d ay of pa yment. «’8f 1,344,950 258,260 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; lsl N. Phil. 320.000 33.000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.: 1st N., Phil.; Murchison N.. Wil. 50,000 Merch.N..Raleigh; Am. N..Rieh.;Wachovia: Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 127,580 Am. N., Rich.; Murchison N.. Wil. iW. H. HURT--— A. H. POWELL —T. G.CURRIN )Send us your Oxford Items; B(CoilectlonDep’t a special feature, | E. T. WHITE — H. G. COOPER-....... FIRST NATIONAL BANKT«i 01 NATIONAL BANK W. H. HUNTJ.B. POWELL____ E. G. CREWS L drafts given sp eclal attention. personally looked after by cashier. . . . - - OF GRANVILLE 66-170 Oxford Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. H. G. Cooper____ B. S. Royster------- W. T. Yancey, Sec. #6-171 t*’8! and Tr. Parkton______ 382 Robesoa J12 Parmele______ 355 Martin E18 Peachlaud___ 106 Anson 18 Pembroke____ 329 Robeson K12 Pikeville............333 Wayi.e 016 PIlotMountainTOV Surry E15 Plnehurst....... 500 Moore Ill! Pine Level....... 373 JohaStOa G15 Pine tops_____ 465 Edgecombe E17 Pinetown_____332 Beaufort 020 Pink Hill_____ 166 Lenoir 117 Pinnacle______400 Stokes 07 *Pittsboro____ 584 Chatham F12 Union Bank&Trust Co..t§'05 66-519 Bank of Parkton—....... 107 66-412 Parmele Bank’g & Tr Co 66-707 §’20 Bank of Peachland---- T§’20 66-733 Bank of Pembroke------ •$’12 66-520 Bank of Pikeville....... •t§’19 66-563 Bank of Pilot Mountain..§T4 66-552 Farmers Bank--------------§’20 66-717 Bank of Pinehurst___T»t§’14 66-566 Bank of Pine Level____t§'07 66-415 Pinetops Banking Co..«tS 05 66-416 Planters Bank----------66-681 Bank of Pinetown..........i§'21 66-740 Pink Hill Bank & Tr. Co..§'21 66-749 Bank of Pinnacle__ — -+§'19 66-646 Bank of Pittsboro— __ tl 01 66-418 Farmers Bank — —TS’19 66-635 ^Plymouth... 1847 United Commercial Bank Washington F20 66-483 •§ 1 16.300 28,000 J. S. King .............. .1. F. Meadows__ J. P. Harris. 20,000 13,000 250,000 200,000 J. G. Hughes------- J. B. McCormick.. E. B. Daniel_____ J. D. McCormick.. 10,000 7.170 246.270 157.780 N. O. VanNortwick J. T. Stokes_____ F. S. Powell_____ 5,000 15,410 14,130 James Crowder... W. B. Phifer......... 11,000 36,920 25,880 R. H. Livermore.. A. M. Breece____ E. M. Paul_______ Stella McNeill__ 10,000 4.000 100.000 100,000 ____ 20,000 4,860 75,440 76,450 W. II. Reid______ I. M. Gordon____ 15,000 35.000 350,000 380,000 Millford Ay cock... A. Hosea.. W. J. Byerly....... . C. S. Walters____ W. M. Matthews.. J. R. McQueen__ M. C. McDonald... F. W. Von Canon 1 B. U. Richardson— . .. C. I. Godwin____ E.S.Jones_____ 20,000 2,000 93,000 68.000 100,000 15,000 502,830 525,650 W. V. Jones_____ 5,000 9.820 248.840 H. C. Bridgers___ W. E. Oobb............ W. X,. T.ann.__ _ Wm. E. Crisp___ W. L. Reason W. L. Dunn........... J. D. Lancaster ... Harry Fagan____ C. Roy Griffin___ 50,000 28,770 176,230 D. B. Oliver 209,440 26,630 264,840 25,000 150,000 A. M. Dumay....... . D. T. Windley___ B. L. Rives____ . 13,300 31 000 30,630 L. P. Tyndall. __ C. F. Harvey____ Cecil L. Everett e 15,000 44,960 33,120 J. L. Christian... Lula Tyndall_____ W. M. Reynolds... R. R. Houck........... TT. TT. Rrnwn Jas. L. Griffin 147.000 70,000 45,000 N i xPark" N . Yi i,• oiatc Qtatp(X Si Ullj HLr A- T p v U.,'i 30,290 ii aih» it DK. <X 11. Rich.; Far. & Merch., Kinston. 23.000 Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. 37,180 Han.N., N.Y.; Citiz. N„ Raleigh. 12,510 199.570 204,900 1,650 50,000 60,000 W. R. Hampton ... A. B. Litchfield— W. B. Cox_______ R. B. Fagan_____ J. C. Spruill month and Washing ton Co. Bank) 70.000 20,000 400,000 644,000 ; {t. R. Troutman__ R. F. Covington... 10,000 3,500 53,000 42,000 9,850 420 18,740 31,280 G. E. Parker____ i K&TRU ST COMPANY, Winston S 10,000 Merch. N., Raleigh, Wachovia Bk. Co., Winston-Salem. & Tr. 12,000 Chern. N. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 1st and Citiz. N., Elizabeth City. 53,690 Am. N., Rich.; Far., Rockingham. 2,640 Hanover N. Y.; Yiercli. Va. N„ Petersburg. N«» Pa 1 THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT ei - July, 1922 20,000 ... 20,520 Wayne N„ Goldsboro. 89.600 N. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 47,000 Plan. N.. Rich,; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wins-! ton-Salem. 110,630 N. Park, N. Y.: State & City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 54,230 Com ! N., Raleigh; 1st N„ Phil.; Am. N.. Rich. 16,790 Han. N., N.Y.: Norfolk N. and N. Bk. Com., Norfolk: Plan. N., Rich.; 1st. N.,Tarboro. 15,000 State&City, Bk. & Tr. Co. Rich.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 1st. N., Rocky Mount, 7,280 1st N., Washington. 500 10,000 W. L. Farrell 3,920 Martin Co. Sav. & Tr. Co., Williamston.; Seaboard N., Norfolk. 20,460 1st N., Rich.; Bk. of Wadesboro, Wadesboro. 15,000 Murchison N., Wil.; 1st N., Lumberton. 7,500 T. M. Bland............. A. C. Ray___ ____ C. A. Poole............ A. H. London____ B. Nooe Polkton........... 575 ) L. S. Covington.__ R. G. Austin___ Anson 18 66-420 (Closed Jane l,’21) Pollok.sville__ 339 (Polloksville Bk. <fc Tr. Co. 119 Potecasi_____ 300 ) James E. Draper.. Tl. Gale Northampton C19 66-677 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 325,000 NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Old F o r t to P o te c a s i ^Oxford......... 3606 Gra^yille D14 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' 1166 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Ififi to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ MfiRTH P A ROT IVTA__ PnntirmAH 1100 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ' v_/xv A XI vn.r\.UijliN V^UIILIIIUCU 11fi7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 110/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. Name of _ . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws , NORTH CAROLINA---Continued ----------■ --------- an wax a aa Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits Bank. 'CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 'COMMERCIAL 66-25 NATIONAL BANK 66-81 •t'Oft BANKING&TR.C0. 66-29 <§’05 A. P. BAUMAN_ _ _ _ B. H. LITTLE— J. M.SHERWOOD B. S. JERMAN_ _ _ C.J. HUNTER . E. B. CROW DRAFTS sent us DIRECT are presented in person, where possible, AND WE GET THE MONEY or a better reason than “No attention paid to notice. y North BANK & TRUST COMPANY 72,250 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr Co., Winston-Salem; Murchi son N., Wil. Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 158.606 2.861.140 887.600 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of No. mi America (N. Bk.), Phil.; State & i City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. W. B. DRAKE, JR.-T rj.™? 215,330 5,454,920 300,000 207,930 4.694 390 Hau. N. aud N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Phil, and Rich. | 15,000 26,000 470,000■----------- 300.000 24,180 Irving N., N. Y. -T. F. MAGUIRE We make a specialty of handling collections. Largest Bank In this section. 300.000 150.000 5,000,000 ----------- 4,500,000 N., Wash. Special atte ntion given to Collections in North Carolin a. solicited. Promptness assured. Cor respondence ADV. ON NORTH CAROLINA INDEX. SEE 100,000 37,720 1,218,940----------- 1,157,630 15,000 120,830 1,391,230_______ 1,233,120 G.T. STEPHENSON. V. P. and Tr. Officer TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK YOUR COL LECTIONS. YO “WACHOVIA” Thos. H. Briggs.— W. B. Grimes____ THOS. H. HASKINS- C. C. CHINNIS_ _ _ _ (Bran ch of Winfit on-Salem I)_ J. B. POWELL, 293,940 Cent. UnionTr.and Irving N.. N.Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Federal Tr. Co.. Rich. . A. Mgr. Bond Dept. ING BUSINESS. WE SOLICIT U WILL BE PLEA SED WITH SERVICE. W. W. Vass-------- W. P. Little_____ 11,500 638,430 55,500 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Alex Brown & Sons Balt.; Va. Tr. and State & City Bk. & Tr Cos., Rich. 1,120 I 250,000_______ 334,410 8,000 ! 32.290 Han.N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Greensboro Merch. N. Rich. 35.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Greensboro. 16,170 i 4,460 ! 1 234,000'_______ j 124,000 ..........— | 15,000 15,620 651,810 J. H. Hightower. Sec. and Tr. I. F. Craven_____ Hugh Parks______ E. B. Leonard___ H. P. Smith 25.000 20,620 ' 319,960 T. F. Wrenn.......... O. C. Marsh............. A. B. Beasley------- 10,000 A. B. Pearsall_____ A. T. McCallum__ J. S. Jones............ 30.000 J. A. McPhaul___ J. D. McLean......... J. H. McKay------- Miss Ruth Coving1 H. M. Dixon 30,000 E. B. Crow______ G. H. Andrews WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST C()., 232,000 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich., Ya. Winston-Saleali, fi \j, 200,000 206,000 117,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLI N AS 55.000 Mech.& Metals N..N. Y.;Murchison N.,Wil. Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem 22,500 N.City,N.Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: Wachovii Bk.&Tr.Co.,Winston-Salem;Am.N.,Rich WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1167 66-763 J| 22 ♦Wake Co. Savings Bank 66-80 <|'05 Raleigh Clearing House....... (Members indicated by a ♦) Kamseur------1014 Bank of Ramseur____ •tl'07 Randolph Flo 66-423 Raudleman ..1967 Peoples Bank.................. tl'07 1 Randolph F9 66-424 Ked Springs. .1018 Bank of Red Springs .<11900 Robeson J12 66-254 Carolina Bank & Trust Co 66-255 <i'10 13,800 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. Carolina and Sou th Carolina) .66-26___ <§’87 WACHOVIA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C.) Bk. of Ahoskie, Ahoskie: Norfolk N.. Nor folk; Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co.. Wilson. 9,520 Corn! N. and Merch. N., Raleigh. (Branch j of Durha m.N.C.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - AV.BK.& TRUST J G. Brown.......... G. H. Andrews------ W. R. Martin-------i F. B. Brown--------- **.? 311.490 410 correspondents. The Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust Co. is owned by our stockholders W. B. DRAKE, JR— W. N. JONES--...... .. ............... . . . . . . . . . . J. B. TIMBERLAKE— •RALEIGH 58,850 $ 70.520 $ R, H. LEWIS 66-27 T»t’91 Chas. H. Frazier.. Mechanics & Farmers Bank 66-764 §’2 Walters Durham... 0. B. Edwards----W. B. Drake, Jr... echanics Sav. Bank.*tl'9 66-28 •MERCHANTS i Principal k Ex- Cash cbangis,Ddb prom Banks ie. Alios All business entrusted to us is handled with utmost care. •t'71 NATIONAL BANK laneous k Dis- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Bkcuritim N O R T H CARO LINA B A N K S — P o w ellsv ille to R ed Springs Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. (Branch of Bk. o f A hosk |S. B. Carter_____ L. F. Evans. Powellsville Bank-------- §18 66-625 $ 10,000 i 4.370 i 54,010 Merch. & Farmers Bk. .•ti’U A. F. Holt.............. J. W. Baker_____ G. F. Woodard. A. L. Mossey 66-485 in non 75.340 2.820 I. P. Graham.. Bank of Proctorville..»t§’13 W. R. Surles____ J. P. Price----------66-534 33,180 325.150 25,000 R. B. Lewis, Jr....j----------T. B. Upchurch.— Bank of Raeford......... <1 03 J. W. McLauchlin. D. M. Parker 66-422 (Branch of Aberd een, N. I W. P. Covington —........... ..................... (Branch Page Trust Co-------------tl’ll 66-480 (Formerly Bank of Hoke) 50,000 (Territor 500.000 A. W. McLean___ H. C. McQueen— jS. W. Marr, ^Raleigh ....24,418 Atlantic Joint Stock Land J. Elwood Cox I Sec. and Tr. Bank ’22 Wake Fit Central Bank & Trust Co. __ (Closed January 19 , 1922; was formerl \y the City Bank) _ i_ JOSEPH G. BROWN— H. J. YOUNG — I7.g7h. ANDREWS......... R. A. BROWN ^County Seats. Entire State in No.5 Fed. Res. Dist. Powellsvilie__„157 Bertie D20 Princeton___ 403 Johnston G15 Proctorville___350 Robeson L12 *Raeford____ 1235 Hoke 111 Resources. Miscel July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Name of ------9—---------------- Bank, — ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Ass’t Cashier. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Entire State in fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.5 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Hes. T-Trust Powers. Reidsville....... 5338 Rockingham CIO VI h TROTTFR J. F. WATLINGT0N — 1 W McRFHFF ORGANIZED Every item sent us receives personal attention. We shall be pleased to serve you. BANK OF REIDSVILLE 66-132 <§'82 CITIZENS BANK 66-133 •tS’85 rR. L. WATT_____ W. J. IRVIN.............. EUGENE IRVIN____ B M BALSLEY- Liabilities. II Resources, i & DlS- Cash ft Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Miscel c1x5’tbA NS AND ond®, changer,Due Capital Profits its laneous Bkcx. -'B Ritibp $ 50,000 J 62,240 $ 668.590 * 24.240 $ 643.020 75,000 S5.550 780,300 12,740 t Principal Correspondents. 162,060 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y. 856.270 107,320 N. Park, N. Y. 835,990 134,710 N. City, N. Y.; Citlz. N„ Raleigh. < The largest and St rongest Bank in Cou nty. J Save time and ev ade liability by send ing your collections to us direct, vWe make persona 1 presentation, give reasons for non-pay ment and remit pro mptly. S end us y our colie ctions. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 66-134 fR. S. MONTS. C. PENN________ SCOTT FILLMAN — J.-F. WOMACK......... G0MERY A. P. SANDS BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE R. A. BAILEY 66-609 66-203 814,550 28,440 W. H. White .... Ottis Ritchie____ 25,000 530 46,540 65,380 R. D. Thompson .. 10,000 40,000 250,000 240,000 55,000 Merch. N., Rich. R.K. Grant. . .. 10,000 36,430 191,180 194,770 42,890 N. City, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Wa chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. T. W. M. Long___ 100,000 29,550 491,340 753,590 92,300 Ilan. N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co. Merch. N„ and Bk. of Com. & Trusts Rich.; Com'l N., Raleigh. 42.800 21,400 313,760 295,050 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Coin., Norfolk: D. R. EVERETT____ 1. M. LITTLE_____ SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS. REMI TTANCE MADE ON DAY OF PAY1M1ENT. liuuLlluUll V ILLL 66-427 -tS-oe ‘Rockingham 2509 Richmond J9 27,700 < ONLY NATI ONAL BANK IN THE CO UNTY. 1 Send us your R eidsville Items D irect. (.Special Attenti on Given Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. Richfield.........177 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Mrs. Belle Ritchie J. A. Allen___ _ Stanly H8 66-676 §'20 Richlands....... 548 Citizens Bank________i§’12 W. B. Venters.. Onslow JI8 66-288 Rich Square__475 Bank of Rich Square ..•+§’02 J. T. Bolton_____ J. W. Weaver___ Northampton f)19 66-425 R. B. Boyce Roanoke Rapids First National Bank ... <’05 W. T. Councill....... S. F. Patterson__ Halifax C17 3369 66-212 T. W. M. Long ‘Robbiusville. _122 Graham County Bank (Closed) Graham P3 Robersonville 1199 Martin E19 J. H. ROBERSON, JR- A. S. ROBERSON___ FARMERS BNKG. & TRUST CO. BANK OF PEE DEE 100,000 225,000 Plan. N., Rich.; Atlantic Bk. & Tr, Co., Greensboro; Com’l N., Raleigh. S. 1. tVtntl 1-------- H. L. tVEHETl------- J. N. COBURN-......... H. J. RAWLS_______ HARVEY ROBERSON Remittance made at low rates on day of payment. Special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts and all Collection Items. Send us your business. 37.200 ■ ' ' IJ 15,620 155.500 244.290 24,420 580.690 726 660 124.240 ' '-'u., muaivu-oaicuij INUl- folkN., Norfolk; Am. N., Rich.; At lantic Bk. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. <§’I7 p.L. PARSONS- WM.ENTWISTLE— H. C. PARSONS-— E. H. AYCOCK........ 190.000 117.610 ) Send us your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time <§'91 L Items Direct. Remitted for on Day of Payment. 50,000 15,760 416,330 Farmers Bang .. ____<§'01 R. L. Steele........... . M. II. Fowlkes.... L. S. Covington.... R. L. Phillips 66-204 L. S. Covington 30.000 52,730 415,760 Richmond Connty Savings Bk. W. L. Parsons___ William Entwistle. W. L. Scales 66-205 <§’01 15,000 24,110 243,070 252,160 7,000 5,500 86,350 91,890 Octavia S. Scales.. Rockwell____ 453 Bank of Rockwell...........£§’17 J. W. Peeler........... B. A. Earnhardt... B. A. Fisher........... Rowan G7 WACHOVIA BAN* £ twist rn lAflklCTfUI Qai CU 369,610 392,130 99,560 i 688,920 181,180 : N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil. N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil.; Am. Tr! Co., Charlotte. Winston-Salem. Kl 0 29,300 Bk. of Pee Dee, Rockingham. 11,130 : Co LARGEST BANK IN Wins*on-Sal»m WE COLLECT DIRECT AND# July, 1922 Bank of Rockingham ..<§'10 M. W. McRae____ A. C. Everett____ B. F. Reynolds ___ W. C. Nichols....... 66-206 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,300 Plan. N.. Rich.; Peo. N., Salisbury. -68_______________ N O R T H CAROLINA BANKS — Reidsville to R ockw ell Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1168 !?. ea‘.h bank exclusively byTim The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ -L Illrt^fArv nnnnr fho anlhApltr ___n____%_____ * . . » Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in Cn No. 5 b ed. Res.Dist. Rocky Mount 12,742 Edgecombe E17 . Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPi'iv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Farmers & Merchants Bank T. T. Thone______ M. O. Blount_____ W. W. Avera. 66-88 •§’J 6 T. A. Avera 66-87 fJ. B. RAMSEY--— G. L. WIMBERLY, JR. FRANK F. FAGAN— W.F.PARKERSON — FRANK F. FAGAN JAMES R.W0RSLEY | SEND US Y OUR ROCKY $ 100,000 S 26,000 S 733,000 125,000 146,040 1,247.030 Resources. Miscel laneous Dis- Loans & c’ts. Bondb. Securities Principal Correspondents. Ex- Cash & changes,Due from Banks i 450,000 $ 290,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch. N., $ 336,440 1.589.110 Rich.; Seab. N., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 265.400 N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Am. N., Rich. MOUNT IT EMS DIREC T. (.Special attenti on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. <’04 NATIONAL BANK THOMAS H. BATTLE— A. P. THORPE_ _ _ _ _ OF ROCKY MOUNT J. L. SUITER_ _ _ _ _ “^"'KNOX RAE........ Special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts and all collection items. Remittances made at low rates on day of payment. 66-84 Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos AND Capital Profits its 300.000 218,920 1,294,860 41,730 1,634,980 220.520 Han. N., N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Norfolk N., Norfolk. <’S Planters National Bank<1900 J. C. Braswell----66-85 M. C. Braswell___ Millard F. Jones__ R. D. Gorham____ A. H. Woodlief Rocky Moant Sav. & Tr. Oo. Thomas H. Battle - J. C. Braswell.. J. W. Hines 66-86 <§’03 300.000 318,000 1,650,000 1,800,000 260,000 Chase N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. F. P. Spruill______ J. A. Reagan______ 100.000 59,000 749,000 824,000 84,000 N. Bk. of Rocky Mt. and Planters N.. Rocky Mount: Va. Tr. Co. and State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Roper .............1043 Bank of Roper__________t| 06 L. L. Lewis_______ T. R. Hassell........... B. S. Clark_______ J. E. Whichard___ 20,000 25,200 285,000 440,000 18,990 Va. N„ Norfolk; 1st & Citiz. N., Eliza beth City. Roseboro____ 749 Bank of Roseboro______•J’OB J. W. Yates_______ C. D. Du Bose____ C. D. Du Bose____ 20,000 7.500 330,000 300,000 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 20,000 12,500 150,000 175,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. Rosehill .............516 Bank of Rose Hill____ <§’06 J. C. Williams____ Maury Ward______ W. B. Southerland. T. G. Jerome. 10,000 4.700 139,100 113,030 40,820 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. Rosemary___ 3500 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J. L. Patterson.__ J. A. Moore_______ F. L. Nash................ 25,000 3,000 135,000 150,000 25,000 8.500 250,000 238,000 23,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N„ Raleigh; Merch. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 80,000 Hanover N., N. Y.; Bk of Com. & Trusts, Rich.; Com’l N., Raleigh. 98,000 6,000 202,880 51,330 318,930 39,270 Merch.-Mech. 1st N., Balt.; Murchison N., Wil.; Merch. N., Rich. 22,500 6,030 147,980 90,220 236,860 29,890 Murchison N., Wil.: Am. N., Rich. 25,000 30.000 275.000 375.000 50,000 Han. 70,000 25,000 600,000 650,000 65,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Plan. N„ Rich. 100,000 125,800 565,610 918,680 147,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. ______ Ronda ....__ 250 Deposit & Savings Bank____ (Closed June 3, 192 Wilkes D5 Washi„gto.„ E21 Sampson 114 66-428 66-429 J. A. Turlington Coharie Bank.....................J§’16 T. I. Herring_____ J. A. Barker______ C. B. Tyson______ 66-596 Duplin H10 Halifax C17 66-430 66-644 <§’19 Rosemary Banking & Tr. Co. Geo. L. Hayes, Jr.. F, G. Jarman_____ II, H. King............... C.S. Hart 66-524 <§’13 Rowland...........767 Bank of Rowland_____ <§’04 B. A. EdeuS............. A. L. Bullock_____ E. B. Ward.............. C. D. Smith Robeso^ Lll 66-278 MERCHANTS* FARMERS BK. 66-279 <§’11 W. L. Buck_______ J. A. McCormic... J. E. McCallun.... ____ NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Rocky Mount to Roxboro FIRST NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ■kt/"\t->nptr p a D/'NT TXT A 4.; —,, _ j -IN UK 1 fl LAKULdlN A-----V^OntlllllCCl July, 1922 1 1 AQ liuy T. E. AUSTIN- - - - - - - S. G. WINSTEAD-— W. F. LONG- - - - - - - - - - B. W. GARDNER *Roxboro.........1651 Person C12 BANK O' R0XB0R0 66-233 <§’04 Send us your Roxboro Items Direct. Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Remitted for on Day of Payment. First National Bank....<18 W. It. Wilkerson.. R. A. Burch______ 66-629 B. G. Clayton......... T. B. Woody. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Winston-Salem, N. C. 275,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLI NAS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS llf9 Peoples Bank.............. —<§’91 J. A. Long________ Wm. D. Merritt... D. 8.Brooks______ J. C. Yoncey 66-232 E. G. Long N., N. Y.: Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston. Town and County. Name of Bank. iCounty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed. Res. l)ist. M. Fed. Res. T-T’rust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Ass’t Cashike. Cashier. Vice-President. Liabilities. il Resources, i 1.0 anu t Dis 1 Cash & ExDepos Miscel C*T8. Paid-up 1Surplus B0WD8, iDHAROB8,Dt?K AND laneous Bktcutiis from Basks its Capital Profits 90,220 $ 89,560 10,000 8,800 103,400 Rural Hall....... 700 Commercial & Farmers Bank S. S. Flynt_______ A. L. Payne ........... E. E. Shore______ ,J. F. Miller______ 66-432 t§'06 Forsyth 1)7 Rural Hall Bank & Tr. Co. E. L. Kiser______ W. E. Stauber....... O. M. Kiser_____ _J. G. Morefield — 66-722 tl’20 15,000 800 108,000 10,000 960 M. H. JONES---------- R R HARRILL f.’f.'cobb SEND US YOU R III THERFOR DTON ITEMS D IRECT. Collections, Bll 1 of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Remitted .for on Day of P ayment. 60 000 21.000 415.000 414.000 50.000 28,000 343,000 335,000 35,450 37,860 * Rutherford ton Rutherford H2 1693 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. 66-257 COMMERCIJLBANK l C. L. MILLER...... C. F. CLINE- C. W. KEETER 'WIS «t*01 S. B. Tanner ......... M. O. Dickerson... T F Oates W L. Onre C. 8. Royal—.... Salemburg__ 215 Bank of Salemburg........t§’19 Sampson 114 O. D. Davis______ ♦Davis & Wiley Bank.»t51815 ^Salisbury _ 13,884 66-91 Rowan F7 ♦First National Bank —•t’83 H. N. Woodson — 9,900 J. M. McCorkle___ H.P. Brandis____ G. A. Fisher____ E. 11. Woodson 66-00 J. A. Kelly............ ♦Peoples National Bank.»t’05 J. K. Donghtou__ A. L. Smoot......... A L Smoot W. T. Busby 66-93 d . oLuur---------<v! nnp . W. C. SIFFERD------- j.i d W. E. McWHIRTER- SALISBURY BANK & TRUST CO. 66-94 SEND US Y OUR Special attentio T«ti’12 BANK & TRUST Y .66-92 ____ »8'03 TRANSACTS A We solicit your Collections, You will be pie ased with “ \ 95,000 74,530 540 20,650 l Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem, 32,130 S eab. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., Raleign; Nor folk N., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 19,000 Jlerch. N.. Rich.; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 12,380 \ 65.000 h Merch. N., Rich. 109,000 C ................... ... Ji 355,700 235,270 J 987,240 130,010 I 100,000 1,248,000 1,470,COO 442,000 1 850.000 935.000 sn wvU non Uv, 77,000 463,270 63,740 853,520 100.000 83,510 74,950 $ 100,000 inn non * 22.000 100,000i 100.000 ) J L FISHER -......... (Branch of Wins Urn-Sale m.N.G.) W F SNIDER I’ KING BUSINESS Rich.: Merch.N. and Am.Tr.Co., Raleigh. ( lotte; Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co.; Greens, boro; Merch. N., Rich.; Com’l N., High Point. i BURY ITEM S DIRECT. i ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ] _____ Plan. N., Rich. j HOVIA” Service. _ Salisbury Clearing House.— (Members indicated by a*) _ J. B. Cannon------D. M. Fraser____ Bank of Saluda —........»t§’17 Saluda..............549 66-598 Polk Q9 _ Carolina State Bank.-T»tS'06 D. O. Barrow___ W. C. Robertson 66-433 . »Sanford____ 2977 Banking Ln. & Tr. Co...t$’05 R. E. Carrington— 66-196 Lee G12 , Bank of Sanford---------------- {Purchased by Paye Page Trust Co.----------- *§’19 66-759 (Formerly Peoples Bank) Scotland Neck2061 Planters & Com'l Bank..t5’07 Claude Kitchin.. Halifax 1)18 66-225 Scotland Neck Bank—-•tS’92 G. Hoffman______ T. B. Wheeler.. .. 66-224 Seaboard_____500 Farmers Bank_______ *tl’06 H. R. Harris____ R. W. Edwords. .. B. S. Staucell Northampton C18 66-434 O. D. Davis, J\Iyr. p r , it n, Bcuitj--- ---IT P T ,«i i lp 11. D. Iju Hr .—------ Louise L&no 10.000 760 74,600 58,030 5.000 6.870 66,460 53,440 700,000 30.000 25,000 J. W. Cunningham i. i . jjaMiti—— — J. K. Barnes 1921) E. R. Buchan____ J. R. Jones______ Branch o f Aberdee n, N. C. . 600.000 20,360 tan burg; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Ashe ville; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 6,760 lerch. N., Balt.: Murchison N., Wil.: Wa chovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem.; Am. N.. Asheville; Com’l N., High Point. 150,000 1. Park, N. Y.; Plan. N.. Rich.; Merch. N„ Raleigh; Murchison N., Wil. Han. N. and N. Park. N. Y.: Com’l N., Raleigh; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Win ston-Salem. 150,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Norfolk N.. Norfolk; W chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 15,000 10,000 430,000 _ 306,000 J. H. Alexander,Jr. Ennis Bryan____ Hugh Johnson Elmo Crocker------ W.H. Pruden----- 25.000 27,000 550.000 .. 387,600 6.000i 36,060 344,4101 __ _ ... 309,520 10.00C1 1,980' 48.00C 1_____ _ 16,810 169,000 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. Nor folk; Merch. N., Rich. 76,950 Norfolk N.. Norfolk; Va. N.. Petersburg, Va.; Wachovia Bk & Tr. Co., WinstonSalem; 1st N., Rich. 19,830 Com’l N., High Point. 30.00Ci 15.00(1i 400,0001___ ..... 320.000 110,000 Chatham & Phenix N„ N. Y.: Com’l N., 25.00C) 10.00Cl 125.000) .. 170,COOi 10.00() ____ 3.100l WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Winston Saleh, 180.000)____ .. N. C — 148,COO Raleigh; Va. N., Petersburg, Va. 25,000 j Han. N., N.Y.: Va. Tr. Co., Rich.; Merch N., Raleigh. Norfolk N.. Norfolk; Far. Bk. of Nause mood, Suffolk.____________________ LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT J u l y , 1922 O J Moore A • VJ» f! TItirriy IT dills — -— —--- L. W. Harris Seagrove______189 Bank of Seagrove........... §’20 Frank Auman___ E. B.Leach....... . - ri 66-702 Randolph G9 , Ruby Griffin_____ j peedin Selma_______ 1601 First National Bank____t'02 G. W. Evans.......... P. C. Worley 66-435 Johnston G15 .. M. R. Wall............ 11. A. Brown......... Peoples Bank and Trust Co. L. D. 66-502 TtS’12 jj Martin Severn......... . .284 Bank of Severn______ •j§T7 J. B. Stephenson.. 1 Northampton Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 :$ NORTH CAROLINA BANKS — R o x o b e l to S e v e r n 11,300 ;f A. Capeliart-------- T. S. Norfleet____ W. J. Capehart.— . Koxobel______ 330 Bank of Roxobel-------66-431 Bertie D19 Roanoke Chowan Bank.tS'13 J. E. Peele_______ Carl R. Livermon . fi .T, TT'nrp 66-535 Principal Correspondents. H70 Number under Name of Bank U the New Transit Number given , 1 nr\ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 11 / U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. & Dis- Cash & ExDepos- Miscel- cL’oans Paid-up Surplus ts. Bonds, and Bkcobitibs from Banks Profits Principal Correspondents. (Closed July 22, 19 21) G. T. Dawes.. ... M. A. Batchelor ... $ 4.0001$ Wm. Lineberger.. R. E. Campbell.... J. J. Lattimore, Sec. and Tr, Chas. C. Blanton __ George Blanton__ Forrest Eskridge.. R. R. Sisk..........— Jno. F. Schenck C. D. Moore 125,000 UNION TRUST CO_________ C. C. Blanton____ J. F.Schenck, Sr... Forrest Eskridge.66-169 *t'22 J. T. Bowman, V.P. T. A. Stamey Geo. Blanton, V.P. E. B. Hamrick {Formerly Shelby National Bank) • Siler City___ 1253 Chatham Bank_______ <§’02 J. C. Gregson....... W. A. Teague . ... Chatham D23 66-266 •• Citizens Bank & Trust Co. H. H. Elder______ J. Q. Seawell____ Mary M. Dorsett.. 66-267 •*#’07 J. D. Edwards 100,000 .. 250.000 3.970 $ 16,000 67,210 $ 297,000 76,430 $ 403.000 298.100 1,947,290 1 559,620 2,733,090 150,000 200,000 206,000 34,300 1,780 210,000 75,000 20,750 366,320 15,000 500 175,000 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Shelby. 7,000 boro Ln. & Tr. Co., Greensboro. 437,380 49,690 N. Park. N. Y.; Atlantic Bk. & Tr. Co. and Am. Ex. N., Greensboro. 40,000 35,000 20,500 State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st & Citiz. N., Smithfield. 53.250 875,000 1,100,010 50.000 25,180 783,940 42,990 765,160 J. R. Stokes , Jr— 49,000 5,610 222,830 40,450 302,870 Southern Pines743 Citizens Bank & Tr. Oo.TtS’05 R. N. Page______ S. B. Richardson.. H. O. Riggan____ Ethel S. Jones__ Moore 111 66-439 ‘Southport _ .1664 Bank of Southport........•*#’05 T. E. Cooper_____ ,T. W. Brooks. G. H. Ruark . Miss A. M. WoodBrunswick N16 66-440 J. Berg side 25,000 3,000 400,000 321.000 78,000 N. Park, N. Y. 15,000 13,680 282,070 257,870 31.500 Han. N„ N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wii. 189,420 17,250 N. City, N. Y.; Elkin N„ Elkin; N. ExRoanoke. Far. Bkg. & Tr. Co.. Tar boro. ‘Smit hfield... 1895 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. Johnston G15 T+§’22 66-760 .. First & Citizens National Bk. 66-437 .t’98 {Merger of First National and .. R. C. Gillett......... A. M. Johnson....... R. L. Fitzgerald .. T. R. Hood ____ R. P. Holding......... J. II. B. Tomlinson F. C. Sweeney Citizens National Bank) W. R. Woodall (Liquidated by Firs ‘Snow Hill___ 700 First National Bank___ *’16 J. C. Exum....... — Greene G71 66-590 44 44 25,000 19,170 Merch. N., Rich.; Murchison N., Wil.; Plan. N.. Rocky Mt. 32,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Merch. N., Rich. 321,920 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Phil, and Rich.; Com’l N., High Point. al Bank) Moyer Mendenhall Moyer Mendenhall Snow Hill Bkg.&Tr. Co.<§’03 G. A. Norwood----- J. H. Harper____ 66-438 ‘Sparta ......... 159 Bank of Sparta_______ <103 R. A. Doughton —.. Eugene Transon... D. L. Taylor_____ 25,000 15,560 102 tan Alleghany B5 66-441 Speed________ 100 Farmers Banking & Trust Co. ) Robert P. Cherry.. (Branch of Tarb ora, N.C ’-------Edgecombe E18 66-690 *§’20 Spencer...........2510 Bank of Spencer______ *#‘03 J. K. Dorsett......... J. W. Carlton____ 25.000 17,000 365,000 Rowan F7 4 4 66-213 44 First National Bank____ *’03 R. C. Jones _ J. G. Busby______ T. E. Johnston__ R. K. Johnston ... 25,000 11,450 394,340 66-214 Sptndale_____ 500 Citizens Bk. & Tr. Co...tS’17 CBranch of Ruth erfordto n, N. C.) Rutherford H2 66-621 Spray_______8000 Leaksville Bank & Trust Co. Rockingham CO 66-101 tf'04 (Formerly Bank of Spray) .. Imperial Tr. & Sav. Co.<§’07 R. E. Wall............ 66-102 207,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. R. H. Stocks Jas. T. Smith, Tr (Branch of Leak sville, N. C.) Rich.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., WinstonSalem; Bk. of Char. N. B. A.. Char.; Murchison N., Wil. 15,020 Wachovia Bk.&Tr. Co., Winslon-Salem; Plan. N„ Rich. 287,000 120,000 Merch. N., Balt.; Merch. N., Raleigh. 307,270 120,430 Com’l N., Wash., D. C.: Peo. N., Salisbury. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com’l N., High Point. — Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Greensboro; N. State & City, Rich. 153,820 43,820 Imp. &Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.: Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 20,000 11,820 165,380 Spring Hope. .1221 Citizens Bank -•*#’00 N. B. Finch--------- J. J. Pitts . . . R. C. Coppedge___ Nash E16 66-241 .. First National Bank___<’19 P. A. Morgan.___ H. L. Griffin.. ... G. F. Walker......... 66-648 Spruce Pine_../17 Bank of Spruce Pine~ <§’16 C. A. Peterson___ B. B. Royall_____ ! J. L. Hollifleld__ Bess. Berryr_____ 66-586 Mitchell El J. V. Cox 1 40,000 19.000 205,000 302,000 23.000 Han.N., N.Y.;Plan. N., Rich. and Rocky M t.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 50.000 5,500 196,080 328,390 10,000 14,000 j 150,510 148,470 28,020 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich, and Rocky Mount.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 20,320 Merch. N.. Balt.; Tenn. N., Johnson City, Tenn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLIN AS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1171 S. H. Marshall, Sec. uUlilOTfll i C a i rn M Li. WAf'Lint/IA £ TRII DHNIr\ oc VYHliilUYIM RANIK 1KUict o 1 rn uU., VjINSTuri-pALEM, 440 146,960 NORTH CAROLINA BANKS —Shallotte to Spruce Pine Shallotte.... 174 Citizens Bank . . Brunswick N15 Sharpsburg__ 384 SharpsburgBanking Co.»tl’07 Wilson F16 66-436 ‘Shelby.......... 3609 Cleveland Bank & Trust Co. Cleveland H3 66-698 »§’20 First National Bank___ •*’03 66-168 President. July, 1922 Town and County. Name op Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 5 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Fed. Res Dist. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 5 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH CAROLINA- Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Stanfield________ Bank of Stanfield_____ t’20 A. P. Harris_____ T. M. Hartsell____ M. E. Herrin____ Stanley H5 66-724 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits $ Resources Principal Correspondents. LOANS A Dl8- Cash & Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus HaouRmER from Banks Miscel laneous $ 16,000 10.880 Stanly Bk. & Tr. Co., Albermarle. Stanley. ........584 Farmers & Merch. Bank-11’06 M. A. Carpenter .„ H. N. Abernety.__ Fred Rhyne_____ Mary McCorkle.__ Gaston H5 66-442 10 000 $ 13.000 $ 183,000 5 ' 62,760 Stantonsburg. 424 Planters Bank..._____ •tl'10 L. C. Darden____ B. J. Thompson... B. H. Davis______ 66-443 Wilson G17 10,000 15,500 171,980 156,700 36,200 Mech & Metals N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. Branch Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wilson. Star..________467 Bank of Star..................‘Jill J. B. 8hamburger„ J. A. Maness____ W. Farlow_______ J. L. Cochran____ 66-444 Montgomery G9 10.000 6,000 173,000 149,000 40,000 Plan. N.. Rich.: Merch. N., Raleigh. W. D. TURNER-— E. MORRISON- - - - - - - 0. M. AUSLEY- - - - - - G. E. HUGHEY—— 100,000 36.990 1,115,200 1,212,460 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 6-140 •t’08 Merchants & Farmers Bank C. S. Tomlin........... L. K. Lazenby....... J. A. Knox. 66-139 *tl'08 LOAN & SAVINGS 66-550 BANK •t*’14 W. R. Holland — GEORGE H. BROWN -W. L. MATHES0N—0. L. TURNER. . . . . . . . . . R. M. LAZENBY. J. A. LACKEY 100.000 40,000 1,000,000 800,000 25,000 38,400 455,420 448,130 50.000 24.380 300,080 Send us your collections direct. They will receive prompt attention. Stem_________ 245 Bank of Stem_________ tl’08 J. H. Gooch______ W. H. Hunt______ Guy F. Woodlief. Granville D14 66-445 Stokes____ .--.138 Planters Bank ................ t8’12 J. B. Congleton — L. S. Barnhill___ Gilbert Peel____ Pitt F19 66-518 Stokesdale____179 Stokesdale Oom’l Bank.•tS'08 Guilford D9 66-446 Stoneville........ 472 Rank of Stoneville..........tS’03 Rockingham C9 66-447 Farmers-Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co_______60-640------ -tS’ie Stony Point... 48 Bank of Stony Point____f’08 Alexander E5 66-448 Stovall. _______ 414 Bank of Stovall.............•t§’06 Granville C14 66-449 St. Pauls.........1180 Bank of St. Pauls ........ •tS’lO Robeson J12 66-450 214,730 Han. N„ N. Y.; Girard N.,Phll. Special Att entionto Bill of Lading Dr afts, Cash an d Tim e Ite ms. REM ITT AN CES MADE ON DAY OF PAYMENT. First National Bank....... »t’03 R. A. Cooper____ T. D. Miller______ 66-137 PEOPLES 6,950 Independence. Tr. Co., Charlotte. P. H. Simpson___ D. P. Lemmons.—. A. B. Bray----------- Robert Simpson._. % 4.510 258.290 250,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Plan. N.. Rich. 70,720 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y: Plan. N., Rich. 120,680 Am. Ei. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.,Wlnston-Salem.;Merch.N., Rich 15,000 17,000 80,000 90,000 15,400 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oxford. 10,000 4,000 48.000 89,950 4,130 Greenville Bkg. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. of Greenville, Greenville: N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk. 17,090 N. City, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 43,390 Han. N.,N. Y.: Plan. N., Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 17,070 Am. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 79.710 1,500 3,310 141,680 R. T. Stone______ J. A. Glenn______ 0. K. Nolen_____ 12,500 22,000 158,000 J. R. Martin........... D. K. Helsabeck... A. S. Baughn A. L. Watts______ W. D , McLelland— A. W. White____ 18,000 3,800 136,810 6,350 2,160 157.840 85.670 W. T. Yancey____ R. C. Puckett____ A. G. Lewis______ J.G. Morton L. Me Inn is_______ A. R. McEachern.. J. O. Lentz______ L. A. King. J. M. Butler 12,000 2,770 46,910 55,680 6,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Granville, Oxford 50,000 36,000 250,000 300,000 690 143,590 148,310 11,080 152,620 Summerfield _. 150 Bank of Summerfield—•t§’20 P. H. Simpson....... W. O. Donnell. Howard Simpson.. Guilford D9 66-688 Sunbury.......... 200 Farmers Bank............. —JS'12 S. I. Harrell_____ E. E. Corbell____ W. O. Crump, Acting Gates C21 F. L. Pierce 66-506 10,000 39,100 34,530 50.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil.; P'an. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 7,820 N. City. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Greensboro 10.000 20,000 155,000 150,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., ASwanquar ter. 185 Bank of Hyde...............„.t§’ll S. S. Mann_______ A. B. Litchfield—. J. C. Williams-----Hyde G22 66-451 ASylva.... ............863 Jackson County Bank..»S'05 O. J. Harris______ E. L. McKee_____ M. D. Cowan____ J. D. Cowan.. Jackson P5 66-452 25,000 5.850 166,280 313,320 36,100 11,000 331,000 279,000 33,820 Han. N„ N. Y.: Seab. N., Norfolk: 1st & Citiz. N., Elizabeth City. 76,000 Harriman N.,"N. Y.; Am. N. and Cent. Bk & Tr. Co., Asheville: Merch. N., Rich. 10,000 6,000 190,000 158,000 Tuckaseigee Bank........•t§’09 D. G. Bryson------- J. N. Wilson 66-467 B. Davis___ WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Branch of Whit eville, N 25,000 Winston Salem, 2,740 73,880 c.) 31,000 N. C.— 118.850 51,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Battery Park. Asheville: 1st N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. Plan. N., Rich.: Murchison N„ Wil,; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 13,760 N. Park, N. Y.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Murchison N„ Wil. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT 192 2 Tabor........... ...782 Bank of Whiteville___ »t§’13 H. J. Jones. 66-574 Columbus M13 Farmers & Merchants Bank R. M. Garrell------ D. F. McGougan__ D. H. Bell-. 66-678 *t§’20 Blaine Nicholson.. Winston-Salem. 150,000 N O R T H CAROLINA BA N K S — Stanfield to T ab o r _____________ July, ^Statesville. _.7895 Iredell E-5 1172 1172 Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given 40 each baaic »n u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op ‘Tarboro____ 4568 Edgecombe E18 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Suhplus Depos Bank. ►Mem. A. B. A. ijState tPriv. ‘County Seats. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No.aFed. Res.lDist. ►M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 'MrMP'T'TJ r A TXT A___ Prini-irmo^ 1NUK 1 rl LAKUL1JNA V-'OIlLlIlUcCl Ass’t Cashier. Capital profits Principal Correspondents. & Dl8- Cash k ExMiscel c1.0AN8 cbanqbb.Ddk laneous ’ts. Bonds, its Sic oritur prom Banks July, 1922 1 1 11/0 FARMERS BNK6.& fC. A. JOHNSON.... R. B. PETERS......... TRUST COMPANY RAWLS HOWARD...... GEORGE EARNHARDT $ 100,000 $ 42,000 $ 758,000 $ 100,000 $ 850,000 $ 150,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Norfolk N.and N. Bk. J isend us your Tarboro Items di R03ERTP.CHERRY Ci*m„ Norfolk.; Branch Bkg. ,tTr. Co., ) Collections, Dill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time It euis given special attenti on. Wilson. (.Requests for Cr edit reports must be accompanied by 25c fee. ♦ 66-150 T»+§’10 >t’06 66-149 H. C. BRIDGERS----- THE0. FOUNTAIN-— M. G. MANNM.G. MANN, V.P. B. M. HART H. H. PALMER— E. F. ANDREWS We give personal service and quick returns on Bill of Lading Drafts and all Items at lowest rate. TRY OUR FACILITIES. Pamlico Savings & Trust Co H. C. Bridgers____ 66-147 £§’75 ‘Taylorsville. .1122 Bank of Alexander____ •t§’02 J. C. Connolly____ Alexander E5 66-454 Merchants & Farmers Bank J. P. Echerd_____ 66-655 £§’20 C. A. Johnson, Active T. H. Sanders. W. J. Byerly_____ H. T. Kelly___ R. A. Adams A. G. Payne-------- T. C. Barnes — 100.000 65.390 924.500 361.390 1,332,010 119,260 Han. N., N. V.: Norfolk N„ Norfolk; Com’l N., Raleigh; Merch. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., WinstonSalem. 25,000 6.140 90.000 114,680 30,610 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Plan. N„ Rich.; Norfolk N„ Norfolk. 71,220 Imp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 14,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. & Far.. States ville; Com’l N„ High Point; Am.Tr. Co., Charlotte. 23,820 286,600 W. D. Deal. 20,000 24,330 289,670 S. E. Little. 33,750 270 59,070 72,470 W. W. Rapp. 100,000 80,000 Thoinasville__5676 Bank of Thomasiille_____ __ (Closed August 22, 1 921) Davidso., E8 First National Bank... *t’07 66-158 Tillery________800 Bank of Tillery_______ t§’21 Halifax E17 66-715 Todd__________ 92 Bank of Todd___________§19 Ashe 03 R6-634 ‘Townsville .206 Bank of Townsville.__t§'12 Va..ce C14 66-497 900,000 10.750 24,360 C. M. Blackham... I. E. Duncan______ W. L. Davis... 10,000 14,000 16,000 5,000 1st N„ Rich., Va.; Bk. of Ashe, Jefferson. J. J. White______ C. W. Hargrove.__ F. C. Munn___. A. R. Tarry 10,000 2,370 42,020 29,240 20,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 10,000 13,590 87.750 106,580 12,500 750 27,000 32,000 4,500 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Merch. Sc Far., Statesville. 30,000 Han.N.,N.Y.; Merch. N„ Rich, and Raleigh; independence Tr. Co., Charlotte. 110,330 Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte.; 1st N„ Rich. ‘Trenton_____ 488 Bank of Jones_________ £§’05 J. R. Lowery_____ F. Brock_________ F. W. Foscue____ 118 66-455 W. H. Haywood.. Troutmans___ 342 Troutman Banking & Trust J. C. Brookshire... J. T. Smith_______ H. Brown-----------Iredell E5 Co______ 66-662.............§’19 *Troy________ 1102 Bank of Montgomery.. •£i'01 A. W. E. Capel.... D. D. Bruton_____ J. G. Tomlinson Montgomery H9 66—456 Troy Bank & Trust Co...§’20 J. C. Hurley.......... R. T. Poole______ Edgar Haywood.. D. S. Hurley 66-711 B. T. Wade ... 40,000 3,000 225,000 261,000 Wistar Moore 62,090 520 187,600 128,100 Tryon...............1067 Bank of Tryon...............«£|’04 W. T. Lindsey___ T. T. Ballenger.__ J. B Hester____ Polk Q9 D. E. Conner 66-457 H. H. Conrad.. 10,000 12,440 105,880 107,720 3,010 182,650 PeoplesBank&TrustCo.«£§’17 66-607 Turkey........... .146 Bank of Turkey.......... .....§’20 Sampso.. 115 66-684 Valle Cruces . 650 Valle Cruces Bank______ §’14 Watauga D2 66-542 Vanceboro-___.540 Bank of Craven____________ (Crave.. H19 Bank of Vanceboro____ £§’06 66-459 V. A. Bland.._ 10,000 E. B. Stone.__ 10,000 L. D. Lowe_______ W. F. Winkler — L. M. Farthing__ Anne Morety.. 21,000 3,150 62,000 60,400 1,350 153.900 25,000 10,540 311,840 279,110 20,000 3.000 160,000 155.000 5,000 2,820 95.900 (Consolidated with 22,500 180,130 30,100 31.480 16,230 96,320 Bank of Vanceboro, April 10, ’22) T. M. Howard____ J. B. Harvey-------- W. 0. Winslow.... R. B. Turner. N. M. Lancaster WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO.. S, R. Smith. Winston-Salem N CT 324,990 i 90,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS 9,130 Merch. N., Raleigh. 4,960 Newbern Bkg. & Tr. Co., New Bern, 20,600 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. S. C.; Am. N. and Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 38,040 N. Park. N. Y.: Cent. Bk, & Tr. Co., Ashe ville; Merch. N., Rich. 7,380 Bk. of Warsaw, Warsaw; Murchison N., Wil. 6,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Unaka and City N„ John son City; Union Tr. Bk., Bristol. 21,780 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk.: Peo.. New Bern.; Planters N., Rich.; Tr. Co. of Norfolk, Norfolk. 58,270 Mercn. N., Raleigh: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem 22,000 Merch. N., Rich, and Raleigh: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. - 6,800 Plan. N.. Rich.; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Fore st City. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 1173 G. H. Holmes_____ J. T. Waldrop........ W. F. Little.......... Walter Jones H. F. Peirce_____ W. II. Carroll____ J. R. Stone_____ Varina________400 Bank of Varina-----------«£§'14 J.M. Judd_______ R. T. Johnson____ F. W. Kurfees ... Wake G13 66-565 Vass__________ 467 Ba..k of Vass.......... ....... «£§’ll J. A. Keith______ H. C. Cameron___ D. A. McLauchlin Moore Hll 66-460 Vineland_____ 210 (See Whiteville) Columbus L13 Waco_________ 189 Peoples Bank...... ........... »£§'ll A. W. Black______ P. J. Kendrick___ A. C. Beam______ 66-487 i (.Cleveland H3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Com'l N„ High Point. 900.000 12,850 T. J. Finch______ J .Walter Lambeth, R. L. Pope___ Jr. J. O. Applewhite.. E. T. Clark.............. W. J. Ausbon . NORTH CAROLINA BANKS —Tarboro to Waco FIRST NATIONAL BANK Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed Res.Dist. * Wadesboro 2648 AnSOll I 8 Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Bank of Wadesboro.__•tl’02 66-188 FIRST NATIONAL 66 BANK #rs4 -187 Citizens Bank............... »t§’10 66-231 Wallace...........643 Bank of Duplin----------- $l’03 Duplin Klfi 66-462 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 66-699 Tl§’20 Walnut Cove. 651 Bank of Stokes County -tS'Oo Stokes D8 66-463 Farmers Union Bk. & Tr. Co. 66-517 -I’H Walstonburg 158 Farmers & Merchants Bank Greene G17 66-718 •$§'20 iWarrenton .927 Bank of Warren-------- •$|'05 C. N. Williams. Jr. J. G. Ellis----------- G. B. Gregory....... J. C. Gardner......... Warren Clo 66-274 W. H. Dameron II. C. Fleming Citizens Bank________ •t§'06 W. B. Boyd........... Tasker Polk-------- R. T. Watson____ R. J. Jones______ 66-275 f\\. Warsaw___ 1108 Dupliu 1 16 »Washington 6314 Beaufort G10 j 25 CENTS for ea ch credit report i nsures prompt,pe rsonal attention. (.Oldest and stro ngest bank in Wa rsaw. First National Bank....»$’13 J. E. Williams... R. W. Biackmore.. H. L. Glasgow....... M. P. Bridgers — 66-540 rJONATHAN HAVENS J. K. HOYTJ. B. ROSS BANK OF 66-117 66-118 J. B. ROSS-............ WM. B. HARDING— 25.9501 361.530 20,000 53.000 390.000 365,000 : 10,000 31.300, 606.610 421,330: & Oily Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz., Nor folk. 286,630 ’Ian. N.. Rich.: Murchison N.,Wil.; WacliNovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 136.000 546.110' 27,370 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.: Merch. N.. Raleigh. |A. M. DUMAY-.*, )SEND US Y OUR WASHI NGTON 27.500 216,460 319,420 86,770 790,050 926,000 ■ 112.940 1,018,290 1,057.150 217,400 N. City, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merch. N., Bait. 487,070 69,360 N. Park. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 123,270 10,800 1st N., Wash. 51,940 Han.N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. inn 840 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. iVUtOTU re. g. moss--------- cash items and c ness direct to tbl ion by an officer G. T. Leach______ S. C. Bragaw B. F. Price........— H. E. BEAM — S. C.PEGRAM L. Y. SHAW- - - A. W. DOUGHTY ollectlons presen ted same day s bank for quick returns, given all busines s. H. M. Burrows, Sec. and Tr. J. A. Williams....... 66-211 Weldon Bk. & Tr. Co...*$§’12 R. S. Travis-------- W. A. Pierce____ W. B. LawsoD....... 66-512 Winston-Salem. S‘ 100.000 11,630 381,320 eived. 125.000 12,000 25,000 37.000 170,000 220,000 50.000 10.000 395,230 400,710 50,000 64,000 550,000 488,000 15,000 13,500 310,000 247.000 25.000 47.170 336.080 367,680 25,000 45,000 465,000 512,500 N. C. LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS i 25,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Murchison N.. Wil.; Char lotte N., Charlotte; Merch. N., Rich. 56,470 N. Park. N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Asheville. 98,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Bat tery Park. Asheville. 100,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 40,570 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; 1st N., Rich. 72,000 Ilan. N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Norfolk: Merch.N., Rich. WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS July, 1922 J. H. Howell------- G. N. Henson------J. H. Woody D. R. Noland____ J. H. Way, Jr......... T. L. Gwyn T. W. Blackstock.. D. J. Weaver------- J. F. Reeves.. N. W. Anderson L. C. Draper-------- E. H. Smith......... WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO.. 100,000 ITE MS DIRECT. n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cas •$'95 'Special attentlo J. F. BUCKMAN-........ JOHN B. SPARROW... < Bills of lading, SAVINGS & TRUST CO. 66-119 T»$S'03 j Send your bust (.Personal attcnt A. M. Dumay ___ Trust Co. of Washington 66-727 T§ 20 Waxhaw Bkg. & Tr. Co. $§'06 C. S. Massey-------66-465 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Thos. Stringfield 66-731 $§’89 First National Bank___•$’02 J. R. Boyd----------J.H.Way.CTi.o/Bii. 66-210 Farmers & Traders Bk.$§10 1. A. Harris______ 66-466 Bank of Weldon____ »$§'92 W. E. Daniel------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50.000 150,000 <WASHINGT ON’S OLDES T BANK I Prompt Person ai Attention Give n Collections ing Drafts. TRY US. •tl’93 (.and Bill of Lad j. B.FOWLE---------- J. 0. WEBB—........ FIRST NAT’L BANK Weaverville__ 606 Buncombe 08 Weldon_____ 1872 Halifax C17 B. LOFTIN.......... L. MiDDLETON........ J. K. POWELL......... E. M.R.CHAMBERS 50.00C BANK OF WARSAW—-•$§ 03 < 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation and 66-464 WASHINGTON Waxbaw_____ 750 Union J6 »Waynesville_ 1942 Haywood P6 F. PEIRCE...... v^OniinU.CU NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Wadesboro to Weldon Wagram......... 174 Bank of Wagram-------•tS’10 Scotland -ill 66-461 W ake Forest . 1425 Bank of Wake -.............. $§’04 Wake E14 66-230 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources, i Principal Correspondents. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Cashier. Miscel I-OAN8 & Dl»- Cacti & ExAND j Depos laneous c*T8. Bonds, CHANGEBjDui ; its Capital Profits : HecO RITIES from Bank* L. D. Robinson__ F. C. Allen______ Adam Lockhart__ T. P. Caraway___ $ 200.000 $ 122,700 $ 735,790 $ 85,540 $1006170 $ 13L850 i lhase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 100,000 75.000 750,000 — r\. D. LEAK.......... W. P. PARSONS...... W. L. MARSHALL— GEO. K. CRAIG....... 825.000 125,000 : R. E. LITTLE “Send Us Tour Wadesboro Items Direct.” | Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Draft, Cash and Time I terns ..Remitted For o n Day of Paymcn t. 10,000 J. A. McKay_____ W. G. Shaw_____ J. N. Steele........... 10.000 110,000 117,000 40,000 Vachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston Salem Murchison N.,. Wil. Merch. N., Raleigh. 20,000 163.220 R. E. Royall_____ R. M. Squires------- T. E. Holding____ W. R. Pearce. 16,280 169,1401 38,500 : J. Park. N. Y.: Citiz. N., Raleigh: Merch. N..Rich.; Wachovia Bk.&Tr.Co., Win ston-Salem. 87,770 9,280 224,230 25.000 I. O. Jones--------- J. M. Brewer------- T. E. Bobbitt......... L. W. Smith......... 330.990 15,280 : Ian. N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Com'l N., Raleigh. 57.000 733,000 25.000 H. C. McQueen.... W. F. Murphy_____ W. T. Wallace ___ T. G. Jerome------590,000 224.000 : T. City. N. V.: Murchison N., Wil.; Merch. N., Rich. J. A. Cavanaugh 217,470 46,600 226,010! G. B. D. Parker... W. B. Drake. Jr... O. P. Banks_____ 87,850 . im. Ex. N., N. Y.: Merch. N.. Raleigh. Murchison N„ Wilm.; Plan. N., Rich. W, T. Crump L Park. N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich.; Wachovia C. E. Davis______ M. Cates —......... (Branch of Dan bury, N. C.)___ Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 12.680 329,900 J. S. Taylor-------- B. J. Savage......... M. T. Chilton....... H. R. McPherson.. 350.700' 25.000 12,100 Yachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem; Merch. N.,Rich.; Atlantic Bk. & Tr.Co., Greensboro. 78,000 58,000 25,000 '■----------| Ray West------------ W. E. Lang---------- C. T. Hicks______ 18,000 ; f. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Merch, N., Ricn. TvTf'lTP'T'U AtpfNT TNT A lNUK 1 H LAKULdlNA 1174 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 74 t0 each bank ln u- s- exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ ■L-L/ ■ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-dp Surplus Capital Profits Wendell........... 1339 Wake Flo _ “ Bank of Wendell_____ »t5'07 R. B. Whitley____ P 7, Tnr|d M. C. Todd............... J. T, Alleu_______ $ 100.000 $ 66-468 Farmers & Merchants Bank M. A. Griffin . O. C. Spaulding___ W. A. Scarboro.... 25.000 66-600 J§'16 J. A. Wall W. Asheville,.2800 (See IF. Asheville Station) DeposITS Resources. MISC’EL- liOAWg 4 Dis- Cash 4 ExLANEOUS Securitim fkom Bakki 27,010 $ 288,170 $ 5.790 239.000 10,000 10.450 177,590 25.000 2,530 137.760 43,350 $ 379,850 S1 Principal Correspondents. July, 1922 Town and County'. Name op Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed.Kes.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NORTH CAROLINA—Continued —--------------------- --------- 78.680, 78.680 Fidelity, Durham; 1st N., Rich. 179,000 67,000 lercli. N., Raleigh; Plan. N., Rich.; Wacho via Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 1,000 170.760 28,270 5,000 158,510 11.770)Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Durham. 11.770 —— ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Fidelity Durham. (Asheville P.O.) G. D. Carter______ J. G. Anderson.... H. B. Posey_______ Mrs. P. C. Ray........ J„0. Cobb------------- F. S. Thomas.j.... J. R. Holloway___ T. M. Davis (Branch of Durh am, X. C .)_____ (Closed) J. J. Thomas_____ J. C. Gambill___ _ J. A. Roland---------- J. L. Segraves.— 91.93011st N., Abingdon, Va. 91.930 266.990 263,490 D. B. Gaskill......... . J. T. Laften....... F. W. Babcock, Jr. 295.000 53,700 1,250 W.H. Bond J E. F. POWELL— J.C. WILLIAMSON M. T. MOYERS-— F. M. HESTER........ 700,780 20,000 30,000 ‘Whiteville... 1664 BANK OF Cj?LUMBUS~*tt05 J. L. POWELL Columbus L.8 (.Collections car cfully made and promptly remitte d for at reasonabl e rates. We ans wer all 260,000 30,000 617,600 194,230 Bank of Whiteville______ »tr03 66-236 ‘Wtlkesboro ...814 Bank of Wilkes_______ »tl’0S 66-470 Wilkes 1)4 ‘Williamston.lSOO FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Martin E1.9 66-227 •«'05 ______ " Martin County Savings & Trust Co.-.66-606_____»;t§’17 •• Peoples Bank________ «t§77 66-604 ‘Wllmlngton33372 (American Bank & Trust Co.) New Hanover M16 ‘ _ “ ♦Bank of Commerce.__ T§72 66-11 .. ’•comp"**'!"?8™.!!!, “ it 'COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 66-4 J. D. Maultsby .... Oscar High............. 25,000 13.000 Inquiri es. J. A. Maultsby, Jr. 25,000 19,800 646,510 Clem WrCnn................ C. F. Morrison___ C. B. Shulenberger 17,500 6,390 297,690 21,250 298,820 100,000 54.910 491,450 89,860 649,940 3,500 101.540 108,970 50.000 1,379,870 1.075,420 J. D. Biggs ...................... R. W. Salsbury—. J. D. Woolard.............. C. D. Carstarphen. R. G. Harrison. V.P. O. I). Cars aiphe.i Jr. F. K. Hodges________ J. E. Pope_____________ 10,000 691,740 • J. G. Staton__________ J. A. Mizell______ John L. Rodgerson 100.000 R. L Henley_____ J. R. Hanby............ Robert Strange ... E. E. Banck______ 100,000 J. H. James______ T. E. Sprunt........... C. J. LeGrand____ Herman Rorrison. 50,000 fT. E. COOPER... C. E. BETHEA_____ H. C. COOPER......... S D PITMAN_____ W. B. COOPER CUTHBERTMARTIN B. E. ADAMS 200.000 V. It. Taylor (See Commercial N alional Bank) !. Bk. Com.,Norfolk;Plan.N.,Rich.; Wa chovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem, lurchison N.. Wil.; Wachovia Bk, & Tr Co., Winston-Salem. 58,600 N., Raleigh; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 44,020 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 86,280 Han. N.. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; Seab. N. and N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 19,160 N. Park. N. Y.: Seab. N., Norfolk: WacL_ via Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem; Caro lina Bkg. & Tr. Co., Elizabeth C. 392.830 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Seab. N. and N. T Com.. Norfolk; State & City Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 225,000 Han. N.. N. Y„ Plan. N., Rich. 485,930 594,080 60.000 3.090.000 1.900.000 57,700 Ihatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Asheville. 48,480 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil.; Merch. N„ Raleigh. 650,000 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. ) Ch. of Bd. \ State, County, City Depository. I Remits dally fo r all Southern It tms. Collections solicited. »t$72 ' Collect* direct upon all banking point* In North and South Carol! na. (Formerly American Bank & Trust Co.) “ ........... “ ♦Home Savings Bank ..•tS’ll J. W. Yates______ 66-8 ♦Liberty Savings Bank. t§’19 Thos. E. Cooper... 66-10 ♦MURCHISON NAT’L BANK J. V. Grainger____ 68-2 «t'99 H. C. McOneen. J. W. Little ............. J. F. Roache_____ Chas. E. Hooper... J. C. Rourk_______ U. A. Underwood J. W. Yates_______ C. S. Grainger____ M. F. Allen . I. B. Grainger. W. S.Johnson Ch. of Bd. .4. Cash. A. M. McKoy ♦Peoples Savings Bank«i J1900 F. W. Dick ........... VI. .]. Tnrhp.t f J. Holmes Davis... 66-3 H. C. McQueen, ‘* “ “ “ 50,000 14.000 700,000 684,100 70.000 25,000 4,920 194,240 163,460 75,610 1,000,000 1,130.290 8,796,700 2,135,600 9,551.780 3,510,810 Phil.- Merch. N., Rich, and Balt. 65,000 161.890 1,972,250 22,640 2.045.710 176,060 Ian. N., Am. Ex.N.. and Bk. of the Mai hattan Co., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 100.000 315.790 3,924,560 184.670 4,144.770 380,250 tuaranty Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., * Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.; 1st N.. Rich. Ch. of Bd. ♦Wilmington Sav. & Tr. Co. C- E. Taylor............. 11. Walters_______ 66-1 »t$'88 J. W. Norwood Wilmington Clearing House 11. .UeQueeu___ C. E. Taylor_____ W. S. Johnson, Sec. (Members indicated by a ♦) WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROL! N AS WE COLLECT DIRECT AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS NORTH CAROLINA BANKS—Wendell to Wilmington________________ 1175 Buncombe 08 W. Asheville Sta. Bank of West Ashevil!e»t§’14 2800 66-569 (Asheville P.O.) Buncombe 08 West Durham 6000 Bank of West Durham ..§70 Durham E13 66-736 _ 11 Fidelity Bank__________ }§’20 66-752 West Jefferson 462 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. Ashe C3 First National Bank____ »’05 66-299 Whitakers 723 Bank of Whitakers___ •+§'03 Edgecombe 1)17 66-469 Number under Name of Bank in the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *Goantv beats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMern. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Pist. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. a Wilson.........10,612 Wilson F16 BRANCH BANKING President. Vice-President. C. G. MEWB0RN_____H. D. BATEMAN............. 66-48 COO WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY 66-49 T»«'93 E. W. STAPLES............................... — W. M. Farmer......... M. B. Farmer_____ 50.000 J. H. Bailey______ H. S. Stanbach ___ 18,592 E. II. Anderson.__ J. D. Bobbitt____ 100.000 W. E. Warren......... Edward Warren... 100,000 Geo. E. Walston... W. C. Grant............ 50,000 Principal Correspondents. ' .04 NR & D18 r’TR. Bonds. ouan<i*8,Dd* Sbcurttiis prom Banks $3731770 $2 077 200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. N. Balt. Norfolk N., Norfolk. 1,400 363,000 443,000 35,280 37,720 156.000 212,720 1,073,220 $ 100.000 30,180 779,270 E. T. Barnes ........... 50.000 168,680 753 770 183,000 25,000 1,070.870 700,220 3,530 851,830 51,190 Han. N..N.Y.. N. Bk. Com. Norfolk; Com’l N.,Ra!eigh;State&City Bk.&Tr.Co.,Rich 7,930 Plan. Wilson; Tidewater Bk. & Tr. Co., Norfolk. 52,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Merch. N., Rich. Norfolk N..Norfolk; Corn ! N„ Raleigh 340,070 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N.. Phil.: Plan. N. and 1st N., Rich.: Norfolk N., Norfolk. 201,620 Chatham & Phenix hi.. N. Y State &City, Bk.&Tr.Co. Rich.; Com’l N.. Raleigh. 74,150 A. C. Mitchell____ 20,000 30,000 300.000 355,000 55,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. M. B. Gillam_____ J. B. Cluny_______ 20,000 11,550 97.030 117,170 21,420 N, Park, N. Y.; Citiz., Norfolk. W.A. Chaney____ Miss Blanche Chaney J. S. Hughson------- B. F. Hamlin........... 10,000 8,000 60,000 63.000 68,000 18.000 4,000 76,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 1st N., Monroe. 14,000 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Peo. N., Winston-Salem. 237,980 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N„ Rich. T. J. Byerly______ 276,000 22,410 909,770 132,840 1,103,040 H. M. Edmondson. 20.199 7,350 191,340 172,240 17,440 Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 200,000 11,190 1.039 290 1,143,960 119.770 N. City and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Ricn.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 150.000 48,100 2.328.000 2,120,000 623.990 J. H. DYER, Tr............ J. A. MADDREY,S«c.. Send us your W inston-Salem Col lections and Cas h Items direct for pro I nipt attention. C orrespondence in vi ted. J. W. FRIES....... ........ W. A. BLAIR . ..............J. M. DEAN_ _ _ _ _ _ TAYLOR SIMPSON — Only U. S. Depository. State and City Depository. Special Collection Department. Prompt, aceurate, quick and up-to-date. TRY US. F. H. n „ R. M. M. H. FRIES- - - - - - - H.F.SHAFFNER— „ „ T.I.’.WrISON HANES, v. P. c, j. LEINBAGH WILLIS, V. P. g: T. STEPHENSON, G. B. WHITAKER. Tr. T. p. PATTERSON.^ C.S.STARBUCK. R. G. STOCKTON. JAS.P. ASHBY, Sec. and A. Tr. Off. W P. RAINEY. n W- B. WILLIAMSON, and Mgr. Bond Dept. V. P. and Tr. Officer C. C.ARMFIELD, mm onrrV,^' A H ELLER, v. P. H. A. V0GLER. FRED SHEETZ, tv Off Asst. Treasureis A. Tr.Off. and Tr. Off. J. F. BROWER. JR., . . 1.333.100 1.730,700 20 257 640 33,500 I). R. McGlohon... W. B. Pollard_____ W. A. Sykes----- 15,000 9,600 7.030 96,130 33.500 211,530 8,700 10,000 14.810 170.000 5,COO 126,330 N. City and Chein. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.: Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; Am. N., Rich. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Park, and Mecb. & Metals N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., Balt.; Merch. N. and Plan. N., Rich.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 30.000 N.City.N.Y.; 1stN..Rich.; N.Bk.of Greenv. and Greenville Bk. & Tr. Co., Greenville. 10,540 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Suffolk, Va., Scab. N„ Norfolk; Merch. N.. Rich. 52,530 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 35.000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk; N, Bk. nf Suffolk. Suffolk. 36,590 N.City. N. Y.: Far. Bk. & Tr.Co., WinstonSalem. THE LARGEST BANK IN THE CAROLINAS LET US COLLECT YOUR ITEMS DIRECT 1922 67.100 W. J. Byerly........... S. C. Williams........ i W. A. Hail________ A. E. Holton, Jr. S. N. Parker........... E. G. Griffin.........- I. T. Blanchard. 90.000 25.000 P S. .Toi-dan......... Mary Brady R. M. Griffin .... W. P. Shaw, Jr.... W- L. Daniel........... J.P. Mitchell— 808,460 20 293 303 3,836 610 SEE A D VERT I SEME NT ON SOUTH CARO LINA INDEX. Auditor Transacts a General Banking Business, j. |. SINGLETARY, ... — •• XA. Auditor We solicit your Collections. You will be pleased with “ WACHOVIA" Service. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. WINSTON Salem. N. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kesojr Es. Miscf.lLANEOUS $ 100.000 $ 120.000 $5 588 060 Winterville ....650 Bank of Winterville___ +§'06 J. E. Greene........... A. W. Ange----------- J. L. Rollins-__ 66-472 Pi+tG18 iWiuton........._. 489 Bank of Winton______ •+S13 66-532 Her ford C20 Merchants & Farmers Bank 66-473 «§'03 Woodland____ 400 Farmers Bank_________ +§’06 66-474 Northampton C19 +Yadkinvil.e ...44 Bank of Yadkin________ tS'CS 66-475 Yadkin D6 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-dp and its Capital Profits C A R O L IN A B A N K S — W ilso n to Y adkinville ____________ Ju ly , R. LEAK............ S. F. VANCE THOMAS MASLIN— W. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Ass’t Cashier. Send us your items. Citizens Bank...........’06 R. G. Briggs______ 66-114 Commercial Rank............ §’21 S. H. Vick________ J. D. Reid________ F. Hargraves 66-747 Farmers Banking & Trust Co. R. H. Boswell____ K. H. Watson_____ 66-116 J§’20 First National Bank___ »t’74 John F. Bruton.__ Jonas Oettinger... W. E. Warren 66-111 Planters Bank.................»t§T7 W. E. Smith______ ♦ 66-115 Wilson Tr. & Sav. Bank.ti’02 John F. Bruton.__ Jonas Oettinger... 66-113 ^Windsor. ... 1210 Bank of Windsor_____ •t5’89 T. Gillam________ W. L. Lyon_______ Bert ic E20 66-280 Citizens Bank---------------•t§’04 E. S. Askea............... E. S. Wail —........... 66-281 Wingate----------470 State Bank of Wingate..tS'09 R. A. Morrow----- W. M. Perry_____ U-ion 17 66-471 ^Winston-Salem Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J.W. Jones______ J. A. Blame______ G. W. Hawkins Forsyth 1)8 48,395 66-743 *§’20 Ed. W. Smith, V. P. R. W. Scales Farmers Bank & Trust Co. W. J. Byerly_____ T. J. Byeriy........... R. E. Hall ♦ 66-52 •tSTQ Forsyth Savings & Trust Co. J. S. Hill................... W. H. Goler............. J. H. Turner §'22 66-51 66-50 Cashier. We handle collections as you would if on the ground. S6-112&T RUSTC0..tl89 MERCHANTS BANK & TRUST COMPANY...................... T»t§'ll Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NORTH CAROLINA—Continued 1176_________________ N O R T H 1 -i 11/U ------------------ ------------------------------------- 2 5 =h- 70-------------------------------------------------------- First National Bank Established 1879 --------------------------------GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA--------------------------------- Capital and Surplus - - - $250,000.00 This bank wishes to draw special attention to the fact that on account of its central location and facilities for handling large and small business it is in a position to render a satisfactory service to banks and bankers in the Northwest. OFFICERS A. I. HUNTER J. R. CARLEY W. H. SHULZE - - - - President - Vice-President - Vice-President OTTO BREMER - Vice-President W. M. EDMUNDS - - Cashier I. A. BERG - - - - Asst. Cashier Send us your Collections—They will receive Prompt and Businesslike Attention Prompt Careful Service Grand F orKs NORTH DAKOTA OUR collections in this section will be given prompt and careful attention Y if sent to us. THE NORTHERN STATE BANK Grand ForKs, N. D. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :: :: :: Correspondence Solicited Northern State Bank Grand Forks, - North Dakota Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $ 20,000.00 E. J. LANDER, President W. E. FULLER, Vice-President S. C. HENDRICKSON. Cashier PETER L. KLYVER, Vice-Pres. H. O. MELBY, Asst. Cashier INDEX TO COUNTIES. Adams.............Q 8 Barnes........M 20 Benson.........H 16 Billings...........M3 Bottineau. ..Ell Bowman......... Q 2 Burke.............. E 6 Burleigh... .M 12 Cass............ M 23 Cavalier ... .E 19 Dickey..........Q 19 Divide.............D 3 Dunn...............K6 Eddy..............J 17 Emmons.... P 13 Foster.......... K 18 Golden ValleyM 1 Grand Forks.II22 Grant..........P 9 Griggs.......... K 20 Hettinger .... P 6 Kidder.........M 15 La Moure.. .0 19 Logan........... 0 16 McHenry .. .G 12 McIntosh.. .Q 16 McKenzie....... 13 McLean........ J 10 Mercer.......... L 8 Morton.........0 11 Mountrail... .G 6 Nelson..........H 20 Oliver............ L 9 Pembina.... E 22 Pierce..........G 14 Ramsey........G 18 Ransom........O 22 Renville........ El Richland.... P 24 Rolette..........E 14 Sargent......... P 22 Sheridan....... J 13 Sioux.................. R9 Slope...................02 Stark.............N 5 Steele............ J 21 Stutsman.. .M 17 Towner.........E 16 Traill.............J 23 Walsh.-.........F 21 iVard.............H 9 Wells.-...........J 15 Williams......... G 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Your Business Will Be Appreciated North Dakota. ■THE Union National Bank ----------------OF MINOT----------------Minot, N. D. Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000 $30,000 Resources Over $1,100,000 conduct of this institution has been marked by the principles of Sound Banking. Welcomes the THE Accounts of Banks, Corporations and Individuals. We can save you two or more days in clearing North Dakota and Western items. FARM MORTGAGES FURNISHED INVESTORS OFFICERS E. S. Person C. H. Zehringer . - President Vice-President O. R. Powell ------Cashier B. A. Balerud - - - - Assistant Cashier THE First National Bank Bismarck, North Dakota ESTABLISHED 1879 SECOND OLDEST BANK IN NORTH DAKOTA Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 Unexcelled Facilities for Serving Banks, Corporations and Individuals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of MnDTU r* A DAT tat a JNUK 1 H UAKvJJLINA Bank. • President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier, R. J. Whitley------ J. D. Finch______ 75.000 20,000 35.000 3,500 J.D. Murray_____ W. B. Drake, Jr... M. B. Chamblee— L. M. Gould______ J. T. Broughton___ M. M. Borman... A. J. Felt.......... . (J. H. SHAW. 145 Slope 03 Anamoose___ 563 McHenry 113 662 Nelson 121 Ransom 022 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 400,000 250.000 $ 22,000 $ 220,000 C. T. Paulson.......... J ohn Wicklein ___ 15,000 11,000 Clarence Jeglurn... G. E. Williams 10,000 4,200 201,040 $ 20.000 5,850 15,000 225,000 1,630 247,080 S 22,000 210,000 25,000 193,500 23,460 328,790 297,880 56,760 9,000 160,000 183,000 20,000 8,300 162,600 268,300 25,000 6,000 185,000 250,000 28,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Willis ton; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 5,000 175,000 200,000 20,000 Am. N., St. P.; Liberty State, Minpls. Lading drafts, Ca sb and Time Ite ms. aft for presentatio1 n and 50c for Cred it Repor ts. E. G. Bloedow____j_________ ________ 10,000 6,000 38,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. R0BT. N0RHEIM - W. J. ROBINSON— j fGUNDER OLSON. D. E. FULLER........ J. J. LERAAS, JR- G. C. GUNDERSON. S. G. More_______ lerch. & Mnfrs. State, and Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Wahpeton; 1st N. Fargo. st N. and Northw. N.. Minnls.: 1st N., St P ; N. Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton. N., Grand Forks. 17,000 Far. & Merch. N., Fargo and Minpls. 8,960 Midland N., Minpls. 1st N., armors State Bank) send 15c First Stale Bank...........•{§’09 77-499 State Bank of Alice___ *^§’03 77-500 First State Bank.......... •{§’14 77-790 Farmers State Bank—<§’07 77-438 Farmers State Bank____{§’09 77-501 Citizens State Bank.__*{§’06 77-330 Farmer’s State Bank... {§’19 77-1039 First National Bank___ »{’09 77-332 Amenia State Bank____{§’20 77-1050 First State Bank_______{§’12 77-794 Anamoose National Bank«{’09 77-155 Farmers State Bank—.*{§’99 77-154 Farmers & Merch. Bank.{§’02 77-162 First National Bank___»{’96 77-161 Peoples State Bank_____§T8 77-1010 Farmers State Bank ___ {§15 77-914 vOTA Map on Index. j 45,600 Plan. N., Rich.; Am. N„ Danville. 25,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Raleigh Bkg. & Tr. (’0.. Raleigh; Plan. N., Rich. 35,000 Com’l N.. Raleigh; Merch. N. and Plan. N.. Rich. 2o,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch, N„ Raleigh. Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem; David Dufloth A. L. Bay ley_____ ___________________ R. A. Johnson____ 25,000 135,000 115,000 15,000 4,180 97,830 97,900 10,000 2.000 86,200 83,700 E. W. Olson______ G. II. Anderson___ 10,000 12.000 120,000 M. J. Wipf______ J. J. Graber______ 10,000 18,100 120,000 A. J. Johnson____ P. G. Anderson___ C. P. Grytness____ C. H. Largis. 15,000 6,000 121,000 H. Eriksmoen........ F. II. Dahl............... R. Anderson............ 15.000 J. L. Mathews........ D. C. Hair________ W.L. Hanson......... R. S. Hair. 25,000 5,000 101,350 15,000 2,250 31,830 H. L. Chaffee_____ E. T. Carley............ ____________ ____________ 60,000 _____ 147,000 N„ Minpls. 13,280 lerch. N., St. F.; 2i F., Granite F. 21,000 st N., Mandan ai Merch. N., St. P. 15,000 135,000 25,090 112,000 70,000 5,000 194,300 33,190 49,520 G. W. Conn, Jr. . Otto E. Back_____ G. D. Eaton______ 10,000 2,000 197,770 172,730 J.J. Schmidt_____ M. E. Thu row........ W. E. Schmidt____ 25,000 10,240 312,750 274,860 G. W. C. Ross........ P. F. Bibow______ H. A. Waydeman.. 10,000 5,500. 95,000 C. A. Lowen_____ O. T. Lowen______ E. H. Lowen_____ 15,000 5,000 93,000 136,000 J. G. Gunderson .. Bertha M. Gunder M. A. Gunderson.. O. B. Kittleson___ son A. T. Retzlatf.......... C. C. Simonson___ E. G. Larson_____ M.J.Lee.................. 25,000 10,000 266,350 266,520 25,000 6,250 117,230 O. P. Olson______ 15,000 7,100 120,000 Jakob Wolters ___ J. R. Wigeby_____ — 34,010 19,110 85,000 Granite Minn.; and Grand Forks. 5,400 Midland N„Minpls.: CassCo.N.,Ca»selton Com.l State, St. P. 28,400 N. Ex., St.P.; Drov. State of So. St. P., St. P. 40,860 1st N., Minpls.; James River N„ James town; 1st N., St. P. 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Carrington. 164,270 7,200 N. Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northern N., Fargo: Midland N„ Minpls. 48,770 Han. N., N. Y. Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Fargo. Minnls., and St. P. 18,230 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., P. 110,000 15,000 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1171 .40 25,000 * F. L. Goodman ___ O. H. Lundquist... Paul Skarstad____ Lars Erickson J. N.Jordan.......... C. C. Arduser_____ Jno. Puit S. G. Hedahl......... N. N. Landro........ Erling Manger. 77-474 300 1 — 250.000 ----------- 204,220 Save time and get service on Col ding .{’05 FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sigh t drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 50c. (High Grade Nor th Dakota Farm Mortgages for Sa le. WRITE US. FIRST STATE BANK—•{§’10 Cass M23 250.000 15,000 NORTH DAKOTA -------- “ State Bank of Abercrombie William Roberts... .. , 77-371 {§’92 Adams ........... 404 Scandia American Bk. _«tS’07 C. A. Jeglurn............ Walsh F20 77-317 Security State Bank ...{§’05 P. S. Peterson____ 77-316 Adrian_______ 125 First State Bank............{§’07iJ. C. Arduser.......... LaMoure 019 77-498 Alamo .......... 200 Farmers State Bank___ {§’10 O. T. Foss________ Williams E3 77-943 State Bank of Alamo_______' (Consolidated with F 100 LaMoure 017 Alice_________ .200 Cass N22 Alkabo.......... . .75 Divide D22 Aim out............. 150 Morton No Alsen________ .250 Cavalier 8 .389 Divide C3 174.910 $ Principal Correspondents. & Ex Cash changes,Dui from Banks 1$ 104,910 $ 17,200 $ 133,410 14,660 F. D. Tonne............ Alma Tweto_______________________ P. S. Larson 77-473 5.000 $ 25.000 Abercrombie ..266, First National Bank—.*$’06 I. E. Hoel Richland 025 77-372 FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOAN8 A DjspAlD-tjP Surplus! ^_ Miscel 1 c’T8. and 1 D™- laneous Bonds, , Capital Propits Bsou&itiib its R. L. Mitchelle.— E. A. Allison.......... S. M. Bason............ ---------------------------$ F. E. Bunn______ Resources. Liabilities. ( Cashier. J. B. Perry.............. G. T. Sikes.............. J. A. Williams____ ---------------------------! Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dist. Alexander — 400 McKenzie 12 ,• j Continued NORTH CAROLINA and NORTH DAKOTA BANKS —Yanceyviile to Anselm ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 5 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘\anceyville___338 Ba..k of Yanceyviile___ +§’06 Caswell D6 66-476 Youngsville. .414 Bank of YounesviUe.__ {§’01 Fr;n.kli.. E14 Rfi-477 Zcbu‘on—--- 953 BANK OF ZEBULON.........« 07 (<WakeF15 66-478 -------- “ Citizens Bank................•{§’16 . ____________ 66-588 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in hack of this 0 July, 1922 1177 xx‘ ' Town and County. Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers, j President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. F. A. Rinkel_____ E. G. Olson. Resources. Miscel laneous $ 45,000 10.000 Antler_______ 265 Citizens State Bank....t§’15 L. M. Depue-------- E. M. Olson_____ H. J. Newhouse... 77-879 : E. L. Hubbard Bottineau DIO State Bank of Antler...»t5’05 D. N. Tallman___ W. F. Hanks______ 77-311 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits 25.000 i 5.000 150,630!$ 62.000 Principal Correspondents. A Dig- Cash A Ex- Loam c’tb. Bonds, changes,Dm $ 47,000 8,000 1st N.. Hinpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 232,110 10.510 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St, P. and| Grand Forks.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 8,650 Union State, Minpls. 15.000 5,000 71,900;------- 91.700 15,000 3,000! 160,000 ------- 140,000 10,000 1,000 21.000 -------- 32.000 10,000 7,700 120,000:------------- 123,000 15,000 Merch. N., Fargo; 1st N., Minpls. E. M. Stenehjem... O. N. Stenehjem .. Arthur Hagen....... L. M. Stenehjem 15,000 3.000 146.000 ----------- 172.000 12,000 1st N„ Minpls. and Williston; Capital N., St.P. Arthur_______ 200 Farmers State Bank—..»t§'20 Ingval Johnson..._ O. N. Hatlie...........F. J. Sinner______ A. C. Burgum____ J 77-1049 Cass L23 Ella Boettcher — First State Bank_____ »tl'05 Fred Williams___ J. E. Sommerfeld . B. A. Helland 20,000 j 35,000 106,000 B. L. Christopherson State Bank of Ardoch__J5’86 C. J. Lofgren------- N. J. Nelson_____ E. A. Buckley___ C. H. Peischel. Appam State Bank------ 1§’17 P. M. Johnson___ M. D. Johnson___ 77-968 77-502 Arena State Bank_____}§’14 Andrew Holver.__ A. M. Isamineer__ A. C. Isaminger — 77-812 Argusville State Bank.»t§’13 A. F. Erickson ___ H. W. Gearey......... G. H. Johnston.__ 77-806 Aruegard..........300 Citizens State Bank_______ ' (Consolidated with 77-798 McKenzie 13 Farmers State Bank___iS'lO G. A. Stenehjem _ 77-503 First State Bank, TF atj'ord City, N. D.) 2,600; 55,000 20.000 5,000 117,000 148,000 7.50C Merch. & Mnfrs. State, Minpls.; Cent. Met., St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 14,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Fargo and St. P. 20,000, 7,390! 193,030 204,890 14.000 Merch. N. and 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Grand Forks. 25,000 5.000| 414,630 309,840 59.780; City N.. BismarcK: 1st N., St. P.; 1st N.| 1 and Lin. N..Minpls. 25,000 7,200 171,000 161.060 77-504 tl'07 J. O. Fadden____ A. I. Hunter............. O. J. Knutson------ Earl Bradshaw----- Arvllla _____ 200 ’Grand Forks H22 Arvilla State Bank. a Ashley.......... 1000 Ashley State Bank......... tt'02 J. H. Wishek......... Theo. Heinrich 77-505 W. L. Johnson----- Henry Joerke----J. W. Meidinger 77-152 McIntosh Q16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ♦77-153 ♦ §'12 11. S. JOHNSTONE A. WEBER.......... E. E. 6L0EGE - C. A. JOHNSTONE -. '“SEND US YOU RASHLEY ITEM S DIRECT.” jCollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I terns Remitted fo r on da y of pa yment. (North Dakota F arm Mortgage Lo ans netting 6% n egotlated. First State Bank____ *ti’01 John Bischof.— 77-151 Aurelia______150 State Bank of Aurelia..•JS’IO H. J. Bergeth—_ Ward F8 77-506 Ayr__________ 200 Ayr State Bank______»tl'06 James Beattie-Cass L22 77-507 Backoo............100 First State Bank______ tl'06; E. T. McCanna. Pembina D21 77-508 Baker................150 Farmers State Bank.__ 4S’12 A. W. Engel — Benson G15 . 77-785 Baldwin.......... 125 Baldwin State Bank____48’10 Karl Klein____ Burleigh M12 77-509 20,000'Chase N.. N. Y.: Capital N„ St. P.; 1st' N„ Minpls.: 1st State, E. Grand Forks. 5,480 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck. 20.000 Liu. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N. —~ Bismarck. 16,000!Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. P., Fargo, I Bismarck, and Minpls. 20,000 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P.; 2d N. and Union N., Minot; Northern State, Grand Forks. 18,000 Merch. N., Fargo; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. I. E. Giedt............ M. J. Ruemmele... F. J. Ruemmele .. J. H. Jenner Adolf Moench S. J. Hillis............ A. C. Simons------- Martha Sanden.— 10,000 10,000: 220,000. 204,000 10,000 5,000; 140,000 125,000 N. K. Nelson____ H. A. Malchose — j J. C. Fladseth Arthur Mitchell 10,000 100,000 142.400 Chas. D. McCanna. W. R. Weaver....... 10,000 2,130 80.290 75,570 E. O. Craig............ A. J. Scobba ____ Lillian Scobba.... j E. Beissbarth A. E. Johnson------ II. G. Higgins....... C. C. Nelson_____ j 15,000 3,200 87.000 78,000 10,000 8.000 118,070 144,040 15,000 2,500 79,860 101.140 10.400 1st Guaranty, Bismarck; 1st N„ Minpls. 10,000 8,000; 150,000 195,000 18,500,1st N.. Fargo and Minpls.; 1st State, Roch ester, Minn. 10,000 15,000 3.500 2,500! 90,000 _______ 56,000 _______ 100,000 65,000 20,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Carrington. 10,000 2,000 52,900 _______ I FARMERS STATE BANKt§ 15 F. A. Lahr_______ Hans Christiansen. J. S. Fevold_____ j E. T. Myhre_____ 10,000 16,850 1st. N.. St. P.; Northw. N„ Grand Forks; Midland N., Minpls. 17,000 Midland N., Minpls. NO RTH DAKOTA BANK S — Antler to Banks Appam.... ........ 100 Williams E3 Ardocli.............153 Walsh G22 Arena________ 200 Burleigh M13 Argusvilfe____ 100 Cass L24 1178 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I 1 19. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' II / O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 6,250 1st N., Bismarck, Washburn, and Minpls.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 77-859 -—N.S. LOMBARD — j FEE W!a NCBtf?°JiUt draft W. F. LEHMAN minimum; 'ibc minimum char £fe if pai d. •ti'02 t Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR s, 15c US. AMERICAN STATE BANK 77-282 “ ......... “ | First State Bank............411900 G. W. C. Ross....... | F. E. Tucker_____ A. H. Scofield .. | 77-281 Balta ........... .... 200 Pierce Co. State Bank.»t§'12 J. LeRoy Elwell... H. G. Woutat____ J. G. Augustin .... F. L. Beesener .... Pierce G14 77-756 Banks..............—50 Security State Bank —♦§’13 1 J. A. LaBrant-------:G. M. La Brant.... A. M. La Brant..... .................................. McKenzie D3 1 77-814 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45,000 5,270 Capital N„ St. P.: 1st N„ Grand Forks; Midland N., Minpls. 17,800 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Williston, July, 1922 Balfour.......... 322 McHenry 1 12 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence “ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i?, ea°h bank in u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, i Name of McHenry F12 JNUK 1 fl UAJvU 1 A—OontinUCQ Bank. *Coji.ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State L.No.OitMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. j Fed. Res. Dist. j ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. President. Union Bank................... t§’15 77-871 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. J. E. Wagar........... M. L. Wagar. J. McFarland Bank of Barney.......... —1§ 07 D.G. Hoxie___ 77-511 Ramsey H19 Bartlett State Bank„„.<S’09 M. T. Scarff__ 77-512 Barton ............158 Farmers Pierce F13 & . N. H. Berg.............. J. E. Little______ A. A. Friskap Merchants Bank J. A. Tyvand... 77-436 tS’04 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its $ 10.000 $ 3.500 $ 71,000 10.000 2.750 77,550 10,000 10,230 98,000 10,000 2.000 67,600 10,000 15,000 90,000 10,000 2,500 104,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 Miscel laneous — — Resources. Loanr k Dig- Cash & Ex Principal Correspondents. c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dui SicuRiTiia from Banks $ 98,000 $ 12,000 Northw.N.,Minpls.; Brotherhood of Loco motive Eng. Co-Operative N., Clev. 118,500 15,680 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. St. Paul and Fargo: Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. 114.000 12,000 Fergus Falls N„ Fergus Falls, Minn.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Bk. of Wahpeton, Wahpeton. 71,900 9.350 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.: Capital N.. St. P.: Northern State. Grand Forks.! 110,000 10,000 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 136.000 11,600 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Grand Forks.; Am. N.. St. P. 250,000 180,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N., Duluth, Grand Forks and Minpls. 2,000 70.000 74,000 25.000 5,000 220,000 270,000 12,000 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. Dickinson. E. J. Curtin........... o. A. Heller............. ................................... 50.000 10.000 364,000 $ 128,000 527,000 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Dickinson. ! Holden Valley State Bk.*tS 05 Eli Cole. Jr............. Aylmer Cole______ IR. C. Fuller............ j R. R. Halstead .... 77-116 50,000 417,500 417 940 44 000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Dickinson: Merch. N., St. P. First State Bank............ J5’09 J. R. Carley 77-437 Ba Pmnbfxn D’2'352 BATHGATE 7H7AJ240,,AL remoini UU 77-324 E. B. Spillum. CH. L. Holmes.... F. P. Holmes____ K. O. Paulson.. Wm. A. See_____ Jas. Thompson minimum; 25c. mini mum charge if paid, Nl7 I R.iUhle Reliable Creillt Credit RpnnrK Reports, 50c. VI TR YUS. Farm Mor tgage Loans i (.Negotiated. \ FEE IN ADVAN! CE: Sight draft 15c. — Citizens State Bank________ (Closed) BattBurk*E:"10°'FarmersSta,t? 77-874 ....... «'15 Andrew Johnson.. Robert Blomquist.. K. B. Torgerson ... _. *BofdCeB Valley Vlf Farmers & Merchants Bank 77-117 JS'07 Firs^Nationa 1 Bank.. <’09 t. E. Hudson-------- A. R. Thompson... |C. O. Halvorson ...1 o. C. Attletweed.. Bel field .....526 Citizens State Bank....... t5'09 A. A. Lefor............ Otto Bremer....... . J. P. Schafer____ C. Indergard S ark M4 77-298 8.000 1st N.. St. P.; Union N.. Minot. 15.000 15,000 130,760 159,430 11,090 Am. N.« St. P.; Far. State, Dickinson. 25,000 42,120 316,070 288,290 80,350 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan. 10,600 5,000 75,950 132,830 16.610 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 10.000 2.200 57,650 75.490 15.000 2,500 90.600 125,500 First State Bank______ tS’05 Martin Apland....... H. J. Sorlien_____ Peter G. Tangen... 77-514 10,000 3.000 60,000 60,000 Berlin 130 Farmers & Merchants State A, E. Shockman... N. Sehockman___ J. M. Leppert....... J. A. Kuobel......... La Moure P19 Bank 77-773.......... t§T2 20,000 13.600 110,000 180,000 ------- <’06 R. C. Davis--------- Anton Anderson... J. O. Milsten____ J. F. Tester........... T. L. Eslick Benedict--------195; First State Bank____ <8’08 J. W. G. Anderson. F. O. Miller______ S. N. Miller_____ O. C. Burton____ McLeau 110 1 77-513 ------- “ “ First National Bank 77-297 58.500 Security Stale Bank________ (Closed) Bentley.............250 Farmers State Bank. Hettinger P7 77-476 -t§'10 J. S. Tucker........... F. G. Orr------------ H. A. Galloway.___ II. O. Hagen. Bergen..............200 Farmers Bank________ t§’16 T. G.Glesne. McHenry H12 77-950 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. J. Sawby-------- N. J. Larson_____ j Olaves Bjore . 9,680 1st N., Minpls.; Northern N.. Fargo. 12,660 1st N., Minpls. 4,500 Merch. & Mnfrs. State. Minpls.; Am, N.. St. P.; Union N.. Minot. 15,180 1st N., Minpls.; Secur. N.( Fargo. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ___________ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Bantry to Berlin __________________ ' 1179 Barlow............ I5u Farmers State Bank....... t§’10 T. E. Riley___ Foster .117 77-510 Richld..d P24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Accea.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume._For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. j vr/^TD'T'U Tt A V/~\rTK A July, 1922 1179 Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. *Cou..ty Sea s. Entires atei..No.9 fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Berthold_____ 498 Bank of Berthold_____•tS'05 Ward G8 77-244 State Ba..k of Berthold.t§’02 77—24b Berwick_______250 Berwick Sta'e Bank—*§'02 McHenry F13 77-516 Beulah________552 First State Bank............t§13 Mercer L8 77-824 iNUK. 1 fl Vice-President. nA Cashier. A A Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 bOniulUcU Ass’t Cashier. A. C. Torgerson... Otto Bremer_____ Arnold Torgerson . Liabilities. Depos Paid-op Surplus and its Capital Profits Resources. Miscel laneous 15,000 200,000 15,000 7,000 N. P. McGregor... E. A .Kees_______ C. N. McGregor... G. J. Krein------ 20,000 5,000 Gurtnan State Bank—,t§'15 John Young_____ W. F. Halliday.__ P. S. Chaffee____ F. O. Gentz-----77-883 10,000 Binford............ 393 First National Bank —<'06 Joseph Buehheit.. Otto Pritz.............. Oscar Greenland-. Emil Olson....... 25,000 10.000 144,490 * FIRST STATE BANK- -•48 02 L. P. Larson_____ C. F. Ringlee......... Olof Burseth____ 15,000 10 790 125,000 Bisbee.............. 500 Citizeus State Bank____*§’07 C. Doffing_______ A. N.GeTgen------- A. J. Wallerius— A. J. Edelbrock ... 25,000 4,000 250,000 77-384 Griggs J19 77~383 77-250 25,000 First National Bank—<’03 A. Egeland____ ... C. H. Olson............ C. J. Ness----------- C. W. Gerrard....... 77-249 2,000,000 (C. R. Green,J/ffr. P. E. Halldorson. A. Johannsen, W. B. De Nault, Cred. Dept. Dir. Aud. Dept. Dir. Far. Ln. Dept. Dir. and Dir. Gen'l ^Bismarck .....7122 Bank of North Dakota-<§T9 ■< l Owned, operate d, managed and controlled by the State of North D akota. 77-28 Burleigh Nil Towner E16 T. C. POWER —. BISMARCK BANK ) SEND US YOU A Collections, Bill <8’91 I Items Remitted 77-30 CSsght Drafts 15c | Capital Security Bank.<§’17 Krist Kjelstrup.__ 77-32 B BISMARCK IT of Lading Drafts for on Day of Pa , Credit Reports C. W. McGray___ E. M. THOMPSON- A. C. WILKINSON F. L. PAGE EMS DIRECT. .. Cash and Time, yment. 50c. S. G. Severtson.__ D. A. Baertsch — 100.000 50,000 jP. C. REMINGTON - J. A. GRAHAM- - - - - - J.B. RHUD- - - - - - - - - - C. D.OWEN............ C. R. JONES B. C. MARKS _ , CITY NATIONAL BANK.< 05 "415 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and 77-31 50,000 H. E. BAKER....... 50,000 20,680 Am. N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot. 270,000 22,000 1st N., Grand Forks andMiupls.; Union N., 85,000 83,000 15,000 Am. N„ St. P., 2d N.t Minot: Northw. N„ 190,000 255,000 125,000 100,000 35,000 Northw. N„ Minpis.: 1st N., Bismarck. 205,930 10,220 1st N., St. P., Minpis., and Fargo. — 36,660 ____________ 390,000 169,970 7,121,740 30.790 426,000 1,000 216,610 ____________ Minot. Minpis; Meroh., Drake. 21,000 Nor.hw. N.. Minpis.; Capital Secur.. Bis marck; 1st N., New Germany; Kandiyohi Co., Willmar, Minn. 127,000 19,330 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N., 225,000 30,000 1st N., Minpis. and Grand Forks; Merch, 360,000 29,450 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. P. Minpis.; Northern N., Fargo. N., St. P. 5,320,060 3,971,640 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr, Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpis.; 1st N.. St. P. 122.000 34,290 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & 644.510 Coin’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpis.; 1st N., St. P.; Am. N., Helena. — 59.370 1st N„ Minpis, and St. P. 220,100 75,000 1,500,000 1,200.000 305,000 273,000 68,440 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Capital N., St. P. 1 727,190 434,690 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN., Chi.; Merch. N. 425.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N. Minpis. and St. P. (25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention F. A. LAHR- - - - - - E. V. LAHR —...... J. P. WAGNER— 'FIRST I DEPOSITS GUAR ANTEED BY THE B ANKERS GUARANT EE FUND. 77-29 , 5% interest pal d on time deposl ts. t§’17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. B. LITTLE___ J. L. BELL—......... F. E. SHEPARD------- A. S. BOLSTER. Second oldest Bank ln North Dakota, t). S. Depository..6. P. LITTLE Prompt attention given collections. H. E. HANSON FEE IN ADVANCE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. <’79 Credit Reports, 50c. 100,000 225.000 1.827,280 | 10,000 150,000 Blaisdell...----100 Blaisdell State Bank___i§’08 J. II. Sherry....... E. O. Lukkasson— J. E. Laingen— 10,000 12,590 98,660 Blanchard..........80 First State Bank............ t§’07 E. Y. Sarles_____ E. R. Sarles______ W. T. Cummins. 10,000 5,390 28,380 L. C. Reep.............. M. J. Nelson____ 10,000 5,500 80,000 Steele K21 Mountrail G7 Traill K23 77-517 >t§’06 J- D. Brown . ... M. B. Cassell..........L. E. Sell-------------- Anna E. Swanson. 20,000 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Midland N. 120,470 6,390 Union N.,Minot; Bkrs. N.,Minpis.; 1st N. 38,350 Minpis.; 1st N., Hope. St. P. 7,220 1st N., Fargo; Merch. N., St. P. 77-519 77-620 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5.560 150,000 77-518 Bonetraill_____50 Security State Bank—.t§’15 H. O. Rask-------Williams F2 St. P.; Northw. N., Minpis. SEE AD V. ON B ACK NO RTH DA KOTA M AP 20,000 Blabon_______ 150 Blabon State Bank — 1st N., Minpis. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum : 25c minimum charge if paid. GUARANTY BANK 77-33 5,000 29,550 120,500 4,550 1st N., Minpis. and Grand Forks; Citiz Tr. Co., Buffalo. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Berthold to Bonetraill___________ July, 1922 15,130 J 134,340 10,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash St £xcbangib,Dtji from Banks J 136,630 $ 10.000 J C. L. Steve..s.oj ... L. II. stevenso.1... W. J. Hughes......... Arthur Olson___ G. W. Gronberg O. A. Refling____ H. Ingvaldson........ A. B. Rieder......... L. Cardwell........ J 1.0 A NR St Dl8c’tb. Bonds, Sbcoritibb 1180 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given 1 1 80 t0 eacil bank in U. s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ AAOU Directory, undej, the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. 1 Lstab. No.QFed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. Liabilities. Resources & Dia- Ca8b ft Ex Depos Miscel c1,0AN8 Paid-up Surplus ’ tb. Bonds, changes,Du« and laneous Bicuritim from Banks its Capital Profits Bordulac 150 Bordulac State Bank.„»tl’06 N. E. Landeene.— P. E. Morris____ A. H. Wentland... C. O. Johnson....... J Foster K17 77-520 ■ 37,810 1st N. and Bkrs. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo, 25.000 10.000 275,000 300,700 30,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; Mercli. N., St. P. 50,000 1,780 284,510 420,010 30,480 1st N., St. P., Duluth, and Fargo: Dep., Winona; 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls. 10,000 2,000 105,020 121,390 13,130 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.. Grand Forks, and St. P. 25,000 11,800 146,000 144,300 55,800 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N.. Minot. 25,000 5,000 200.000 210,000 14,000 Am. N., St. P.: Union N., Minot. 10.000 12,000 250,000 210,000 25,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Duluth; Am. N., St. P. 25.000 5,200 220,000 285,000 10,000 10,000 75.000 137,000 26,000 1st N.. Fargo; Mtle. State, Minpls,; Bk. of Glencoe, Glencoe, Minn.; Cent. Met., St P. 6,000 Capital N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Crookston, Minn.; 1st State, E. Grand Forks, 15,000 5.000 130,000 150,000 15,000 Capital N., St. P. 25,000 j J. E. PHELAN— 0. STEWART____ E. J. BUELL........... J. M. THIELGES— i FEE IN ADVAN C. J. PHELAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25 c minimum charge if paid. ] Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. j Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiate d. »t'07 25,260 305,420 401,940 56,470 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. J. P. Tembreull... Herman Mever.... R. M. Arthur 40,000 15,000 270,000 410,900 12,500 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. andMinpls. Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. H W. Allen........... J. A. Allensworth. 10,000 5,000 77,820 92,250 20,810 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Bismarck; Northw. N.. Minpls. 20.000 900 60.000 75,000 10,000 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 2,500 90,000 123,000 8,000 1st N„ Minpls., St. P.. Fargo and New Rockford. 10,000 6,000 165,000 152,000 20,000 Northern N.. Fargo; Am. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N„ Minpls. time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding <§’91 \1 Save FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 50c. TRY C S. ^Oldest and Lar gest Bank In Rot tlneau County. 0). K. Vikan 77-92 J. A. Johnson........ P. B. Ferguson ... M. M. Campbell... O. Bakkom First National Bank__»t’93 W. H. McIntosh... W. R. McIntosh... 77-91 F. W. Cathro tBowbells......... 643 Burke County State Bk. «t§T2 Burke D7 77-746 .. First National Bank ___»t’03 77-166 .. 77-165 Bowden_____ 306 Bowdon State Bank.. Wells K15 77-339 .. W. A. Volkmann .. Bowesmont .175 Pembina D23 Lee R. McFarlin.. Theo. Albrecht.__ J. G. Johnson___ t8’99 H. F. Konichek.__ G. W. C. Ross___ Farmers & Merchants State Bank.... 77-340____ G. O. Gunderson.. E. C. Brundige -__ G. S. Webster....... Beatrice Walker.. 77-521 ‘Bowman.........767 Farmers & Mechanics State W. H. Westergaard Bowman P3 Bank.... 77-949_____ t§’16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 77-229 .. .. State Bank of Bowman.. § 08 H. W. Clarkson.... 77-230 T. B. Torkelson Braddock____ 216 Emmons County State Bank L. M. Doerschiag.. Wm Raxter 77-522 »:tS’98 Emmons 014 Sargent Q21 Farmers State Bank...»t§'19 77-1021 Brantford .100 Farmers State Bank....t5'12 Eddy J18 77-753 Bremen______ 250 Wells 116 77-523 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. G. Stephens.... F. S. Battey........... R. Indergaard___ W. J. Morris G. L. Hope______ John Ballingberg. 114,210 E. D. Bower C. F. Warner R. O. Knudsen___ 103,730 20,240 NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Bordulac to Bremen _____________ 1181 668,010 50,000 BOTTINEAU COUNTY BANK 77-00 9,270 1st N., Fargo and Min pis. 530,400 .. .. 10.000 t 15,180 J 137,530 $ 38,930 $ 192.700 $ Principal Correspondents. 50,000 rH. W. RILEY-— M. L. HELGERS0N. A. D. ERTRESVAAG MflURIr A. A. ATWOOD ‘Bottineau ...1172 BottL.eau D12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued July, 1922 1181 For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Town and County. Name op Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. •County Seats. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.9 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Brinsmade ............ President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 191 CITI7FNS STATF RANK Thomas Ose______ W. F. Harney_____ H. S. Herman____ t§’07 77-433 Benson G16 .. First National Bank__ ..•t’05 E. Beissbarth_____ F. W. Bowman___ 77-432 Brisbane_____100 —tS’13 F. J. McCullough.. M. M. Hayden-----Grant P9 77-830 G. Cervenka______ E. C. Evenson___ J. L. Trueblood ... State Bank of Brocket .•tS’02 A. J. Gronna_____ J. D. Gronna____ 77-524 St ut smaii M18 Bucyrus H. P. Hayden D. W. McKenzie — G. W. Toppila.............. A. B. DeNanlt______ Andrew McKay__ 1.. R. Hatton Buchanan State Bank.. •t§’05 77-525 100 First State Rank Williams HI 77-529 •tS’06 A. F. Nohle___________ Burlington. ..300 AMERICAN STATE BANK Ward G9 77-401 »’0B (< «. First State Rank $ 342,000 1 10,000 $ Fargo. 25.000 5,000 165,000 210,000 10,006 3,000 100.000 100.000 9,500 Merch. N., St. P. 25,000 3,480 66,430 103,660 9,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P. and Grand Forks. 35.000 28,000 255.000 250,000 75,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand 10,000 10.000 140.000 120,000 10.000 Northw. N., Minpls.: James 11,700 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. Forks. E. 0. LUKKASSQN(J. W. SHERRY /Save time and get service on Col (FEE IN AD VAN t'K: Plain tight (Farm Loans an d other short tl 160,000 21,000 168,000 440,980 42,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Coni. & Com'l N.. Chi.: 31,730 85,390 19,710 Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.: 1st N.. 100.000 80,000 40.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P. 270.110 310,170 6,000 136.000 25,000 88,320 202,450 10,000 8,450 64.910 10,000 11,000 15,000 ... 41,070 HAZEL SPIRES — leetlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding drarts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 50c. TRY U S me paper negoti ated. O. J. Morken________ River N.. l 1st N.. St. P.; Sprague State, Caledonia; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., Fargo and St. P. Bowman. J. H. WERNER 41.080 Cont. and Com'l. N., Chi.; Bkrs. N.J Minpls.: Union N., Minot. 10,000 104.210 30,420 146,130 t§’09 E. E. Peck_______ J. H. Wishp.k ___ Charles Hernett .. A. V. Nordquist... G. A. Nordquist 10,000 21,000 150,000 5,000 160,000 . 85 Burt State Bank........... --JI12 W. B. Tscharner .. J. C. Schleicher... E. G. Heinrich........ E. F. Roth............ 77-779 10,000 4,000 50.000 55.000 12,000 1st N., Bismarck; Mtle. State. Minpls.: 10,000 9,000 100.000 95.000 24,000 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 5,100 143,000 145.000 21.000 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N. and) First State Bank . 77-580 Hettingter P7 Farmers State Bank. -il’io Jacob Wolters____ J. M. Thorson........ David Keyes_____ 77-581 Ransom 022 Buxton. __ 600 Farmers State Bank.. —tri3 77-833 Traill J23 .. C. J.Lofgren.......... P. L. Solberg_____ FIRST NATIONAL RANK •1X4 25.000 10,000 350.000 300,000 65,000 Chase No N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. 15,000 207.300 230,000 21.470 Northw. No Minpls. •iS'05 D. J. Porter______ C. B. McMillan------ Archie Sillers_____ Peter Thoreson ... 15,000 12,000 145.000 240,000 10,000 Cont. & Com’l N., •t|’19 Neil Nicolson.. .. J. W. David............ P. E. Vinie. 25,000 6,570 202,730 295,000 25,000 38,670 621,890 42,340 676.610 51.010 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw. 25,000 37,290 495,600 100,420 569,970 10,000 5,000 100.000 •Cando______1111 Cando National Bank...•J’04 D. F. McLaughlin. E. E. Priest____ _ Tow-er !16 77-89 C.J. Loigren * First National Rank •t'88 C. J. Lord 77-88 Carbury. . 100 Bank of Carbury____ -•iS’05 Bottineau D12 77-892 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N., Minpls. July, 1922 77-1014 Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P.; Bk. of Ipswich.: Ipswich, S. D. 10,000 77-534 .. 15,000 1st N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. __ Calvin 300 Cavalier D17 8,500 1st N., Minpls.: 2d N., Minot. _ A. L. HansOxi_____ Leonard Hanson-.. M. H. Hanson........ ' 77-532 132 Farmers & Merch. State Rk. J. A. Peterson........ A. H. Pung........... M. J. Pung............. L. G. Michaelis___ A. D. Peterson " Cavalier E17 77-533 tS’10 Calio ' 25,000 1st N., Miupls.; 1st N. a..d Northern N. 10.000 I.ogau P15 14 42,000 $ 278,000 Principal Correspondents. tS’09 James Johnson___ C. A, Bugge______ H. A. Kluver......... W. E. Gross 77-402 Burt $ 15,000 Buffalo.......... . 268 First National Bank... ..•i'85 E. E. More_______ W. H. O’Neil________ S. G. More____________ J. W. Chapman.— Cass M22 A. L. Peterson ♦ 77-527 Pauline Pavlik Scow. BuffaloSprings268 Farmers State Bank tl'10 O. J Phelan Bertha Hestekin .. Bowmau Q3 77-528 Buford Resources. Loans k Dis- Cash k Ex c*t». Bonds, change*,Dtj* Snodritieb from Bank* Jamestown. 113 Bucyrus State Bank__ —15'09 Alfred O. Brown.. August Beisigl_____ 77-526 Adams Q5 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos Miscel and laneous Capital Profits its NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Brinsmade to Carbury Brocket _____ 240 Farmers & Merchants Bank p, H Kelly Ramsey G19 77-937 t§’16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this NORTH DAKOTA—Continued . 1182 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1109 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Baud-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ___ Edward Vinje........ R. D. Gillies______ W. I. Troutman, H. M. Schaefer A. Cash. Helen Cleary __ . Harry Lord___ .. Frank Shanley.... C. L. Harris Martin Campion.._ H. M. O’Hotto........ E.M. Olson 80,COO N. and Northw. Tr. Co., Grand Forks. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.:Northern State, Grand Forks: 1st No St. P. 9,000 Atlantic No N. Y.; Capital N.. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. N.. Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P ; 1st N., Grand Forks; Am. Ex. N„ Duluth. 88,330 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P., Duluth, and Minpls. 1st N.. and North Com’l State, Minpls.; Northw. No Grand Forks. 10,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence _______ Number____________________________ under Name of Bonk it the New _Tnmalt Numbenrjp Ten to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. ft Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws V^OIlllllUCU -—------------- ——Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. * k Dm- Cash k ExDepos Miscel cL*oam Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Subplus t«. Bonds, chaxgbs,Dtt> and laneous 8bccam«s from Banks Capital Profits its 1 A Carpio...............244 First National Bank........ »t’04 S. J. Rasmussen__ W. C. Cobb —........ Oscar Herum_____ E. F. McGovern__ $ 77-395 Ward F8 ‘Carrington.. 1420 Commercial State Bank •tl’02 W. E. Landeene — N. E. Landeene___ Dwight Jones____ Sidney Landeene.. Foster K17 77-99 TG. W. C. ROSS........ W. H. SWINT0N........ G.S. NEWBERRY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred 77-98 *41900 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cre “ « rj.C. HOFFERTFOSTER COUNTY STATE BK. 77-07 4'*’96 ") 15 CENTS sent (.50 CENTS for ‘Carson. 277 ^ Grant P9 ^ L. A. Tavis ____ 77-964 First State Bank______ tl’10 R. H. Leavitt.__ 77-535 Cartwright ....200 First State Bank______ t§’15 C. G. Kapolivitz—. 77-898 McKenzie HI Cass County Nat. Bank.»t'98 Cass M23 77-68 .« <« First National Bank___•t'82 Math. Runck_____ 77-67 “ a Ernest A. Stolzman PEOPLES STATE BANK 77-1016 t§T9 Cathay State Bank........ 4§’20 P. L. Higgins........ 77-1059 #i Wells .716 Farmers State Bank........§’15 EL Ingvaldson____ 77-901 25.000 $ 20,000 6,270 8 224,290 $ 25,810 * 219,720 $ 10,000 185,000 50,000 41,500 R. W. HARGRAVE— G. A. MURPHY it Reports by sen ding TRY US. dit Reports, SOc. 470,000 30,000 GUY COOK GUY REED............. OTTO BREMER raLph HALL Ight draft for pre sentation, and to us with each s each credit repor t insures promp t, personal atten tlon. 32,020 230.250 90,000 27,358 61,660 Northw. N„ Minpls.: 2d N.. Minot. 280,000 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls., Fargo. and St. P. 501,000 72,400 N. City, Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; N., Fargo. 293,020 26,610 N.City, N. Y.; Cout. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Mereh. N. and Am. N., St.P.; City N„ Duluth. 1st Fred Pathmann... W. A. Hart............. P. E. Dillenburg— 15.000 3,000 170,000 190,000 40,000 Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Mandan. A. FI. Bntt.en Peter Botten_____ Oliver Tollefson... 10,000 2,000 91,540 116,610 10,010 1st N., Fargo, St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. G. L. Kleve .......... 10,000 45,000 35,000 501,030 590,300 A. N. Beiseker— 8,000 1st N. and Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st N.. Mandan. 54,690 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 48.000 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Fargo; Mereh. N., St. P. 15,000 State Bank of Chi.. Chi.; Cent. Met.. St. P.: Dakota NT„ Fargo. 4,000 1st N„ St.P. Joseph Langer ___ J. L. Gunkel______ J. A. McKinnon . S. F. Pinkham J. W. Ballard 25,000 O. F. Gray.............. M. J. Ford............. W. F. Strehlow ... E. S. BoysenA. W. Schulze------ Adolph Lebns........ P. A. Jennings..— R. C. Kittle John J. Held_____ 50,000 6,000 385,000 50.000 5,000 100,000 15,000 3,000 12,000 20,000 H. C. Duntley........ A. O. Kanikkeberg 15.000 7,000 175,000 236,000 15,080 Am. N.. St. P.; 1st N„ Minpls. ‘Cavalier_____819 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *411 WILLARD HODGSON . WM. K. WALPER........ J. E. PULVER............ S. J. SVEINSON........ 77-163 Pembina I) 21 . 25,000 18,000 375,000 400,000 50,000 1st N.. St. F.; Northw. N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks. 25,000 15,000 546,000 480,0C0 87,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks; Capital N„ St. P. 10.000 10.000 120,000 150,000 10.000 1st. N., Minpls. and Lidgerwood. 10,000 5.000 227,000 225,000 39,000 1st. N., Mandan and Minpls. 20.000 20.000 201.560 230,800 10,000 2,600 105,000 90,000 10,000 6,900 87,520 82,700 14,670 Northw. NT„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Fargo; Cass Co. N.. Casselton. 6,000 1st N. and State Dep., Minpls.; 1st N,,Williston. 10,930 1st N., Minpls. and Williston. 10.000 3,250 48,930 10,000 7,000 96,000 95,000 MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK C. R. Green______ 77-164 «4’05 (Formerly Merchants & Far mers Bank) Cayuga. _ 182 Sargent Q23 ‘Center......... 150 Oliver L10 Chaffee_____ 100 Cass N23 Charbonneau. 100 McKenzie H2 Charlson_____ 100 McKenzie H5 *1 a a. m. Hnpp 77-537 Bank of Oliver County„4I'07 77-538 Farmers Security Bank. 4107 77-539 Farmers State Bank.__4§'13 77-822 Far. Bk. of McKenzie County 77-540 4§'09 NORTH DAKOTA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. S. Simons______ D. K. Green H. O. Fir.................. A. N. Beiseker........ C. G. Kapelovitz... D. II. Perkins____ Ernest Wick .. E. C. Hageratt John Mart in_____ G. J. Pagel _____ S. R. Barron Adam Hannah J. L. McRae .. Oswald J. Olsen... Lee R. McFarlin.. Adam Hannah____ E. B. Olson_______ M. J. Olson______ .T. E. Jarev _ T. L. Beiseker___ F. Jansonius........ — A. E. Anderson.— 36,500 395,000 90,000 * 17,500 70,250 25,000 11,500 255,000 230.000 10,000 10.000 150,000 150.000 H. C. Hansen_____ 25.000 20,000 16,000 7,000 225,000 • 90,000 200,000 Myron Ackerman, G. B. Arveson------ Josephine B. Arve son Sr. A. B. Be Nault____ Daniel Sachow------ K, A, Michel . . 10,000 5,130 171.050 164,390 J. J. Nierling........ C. R. Hodge--------- 15,000 1,360 48,640 74,360 N. M. Berseth........ I. J. Skjonsby____ G. F. Johnson____ J. L. Mathews Frpd e!arr James Cusator.__ 93,000 9,420 1st N., Minpls.; Williams Co. State, Willis ton; 1st N., Grand Forks. 6,000 Am. N., St. P. 25,000 Mereh. & Mnfrs. State. Minpls.: Cent. Met., St. P.: Northern N.. Fargo. 25,000 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 14,000 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. 21,790 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; James River N., Jamestown. 4,450 Capital N., St. P.; Citiz. N., Jamestown. 1183 77-799 Chaseley 100 Chaseley State Bank ___ 4109 Wells K15 77-541 Christine 2ftn Farmers State Bank___t§’19 Richland N24 77-1015 Churehs Ferry 353 Farmers State Bank....4l’04 Ramsey G17 77-236 First National Bank...*4’02 77-235 Ciementsvilie. 100 Stutsman L19 77-829 •4§’1S Cleveland___ 341 Cleveland State Bank—«4§ 05 Stutsman M17 77-543 “ 44 77-915 K. G. Adams______ C. W.Clow E. H. Restemayer 41.260 NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Carpio to Cleveland .* Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MHRTH T^AKHTA__ CnntinilPfl INUKlIl July , 1922 1100 1 loo Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Asg’ft. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 'Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Clifford____ .175 Traill K22 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Mr'tD'T'IJ TA A IV A C' 1 ,-1 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this IN V-Jrv I n UAlvU 1 ii '-'OIilinu.cQ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws --------------------- ------ — Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. ft Dis- Cash ft Ex Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. PAID-UP Surplus Depos- Miscel cLoans ’tb. Bonds, changes, Dtt* AND laneous ITB Capital Profits Securities from Banks Clifford State Bank—„•tS’OS George O. Stomner A. T. Kraabel_____ H. N. Kiev.............. 77-544 $ 20,000 $ 13,880 $ 108,130 $ 48,480 $ 171,920 t 18,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls. 25.000 5.000 39,790 169,930 14.360 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minds.: Northern State. Grand Forks. Fred Riebhoff----- F. A. Vogel_____ J. W. Vogel-------Coal Harbor... 125 Farmers State Bank---- +§’16 C. W. Carlson 77-889 McLean J21 .. N. E. Rulien_____ K. Kjelstrup......... C. A. Fuglie_____ H. W. Lundin....... Northwestern State Bank 77-546 +§'06 ( Closed ) “Sargent Q21 F. L. Schulte......... J. D. Randol_____ A. B. Carlson____ F. E. Prentice....... 77-263 *5'22 20,000 3.600 180,000 200.000 18.000 1st N„ Minpls. 10,000 10,000 150.000 167.000 28.000 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls. 40,000 10.000 260,000 Colfax......... 100 First State Bank_____ »t§'05 Chas. A. Tuttle.... H. E. Crandall, Jr. C. G. Myhre . J. E. Loe 77-547 Richland 024 10,000 13,500 181,000 216,000 Walter Jorgensen. 10,000 2,500 50.000 70.000 5,000 Mtle. State, Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. .... Milton Swanston.. 10.000 5,000 50.000 55.000 5,000 Midland N. and IstN., Minpls.; 1st N.. Hope. Columbus....... 332 Farmers State Bank...«t§'06 J. A. Walter_ _ _ _ G.G.Keup............ C. B. Vogen . _ _ _ Leroy Melling....... 77-418 Burke D5 F. A. Keup First State Bank_ _ _ _ »t§ 09 O. T. Foss_ _ _ _ _ _ A. M. Olstad____ Ludvig Tweten _ _ _ 77-635 A. M. Eckman, (Formerly located at Larson) Ch. of Bd. 20,000 8,000 35,000 IstN.. St. P„ Fargo, and Minpls.; Union 3,430 310,000 ' 100,000 260,000 15,000 118,000 10,000 Midland N., Minpls. Concrete _ _ _ .75 First State Bank......... +§’08 E. J. Lander. 77-549 Pembina D20 20,000 8,600 43,240 31,000 99,110 3,730 Northw. N., Minpls.; Northern State. Grand Forks. Bank of Conway_ _ _ _ _ tS'98 C.E. VanArsdale_ T. B. Holmes_ _ _ _ 77-550 15,000 4,500 106,000 17,500 127,500 9,000 N.Park. N.Y.; 1st N., St P., Grand Forks, and Minpls. Farmers Security Bank*t§’20 John Foerster_ _ _ J. L. Bina_ _ _ _ _ _ James Zelenka—. 77-1062 20,000 1,000 36,000 iCooperstown 1112 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. H. Detwiller- — Martin Garlid......... T. A. Marquardt — 77-1002 t§'18 Griggs K20 .4 • First National Bank...*41900 H. P. Hammer___ G. H. Condy........... Seval Frisvold....... A. G. Hoel___ — 77-109 R. A. Hanmer 40,000 9,820 149,390 50,000 65,000 400,000 STATE BANK OF COOPERS- John Syverson.... John H. Berg......... E. W. Blackwell- Melvin Hanson.__ TOWN—77-108 ____ 4§19O0 30,000 40,000 245,000 First State Bank...........•i§’16 M. E. Wilson......... Andrew Urseth.— P. H. Peterson ___ H. Fingarson____ 77-958 Anna Sorlie Coteau_______150 First State Bank......... .tj'02 C.E.Hovland_ _ _ _ Otto Bremer... 77-551 Burke E7 15,000 2,000 10,000 15.000 A. J. Johnson____ E. S. Lee. Colgan____ 100 77-851 Divide 1)3 Colgate______ 100 Colgate State Bank——•+§’05 J. D. Brown______ M. B. Cassell 77-548 Steele K22 Walsh G21 i. Oliver A. Gauslow John S. Flaa __ C. S. Dow_ _ _ _ _ _ J. F. Creiman_ _ _ _ * 45,000 24.000 15,430 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 510,000 185.400 N. City, N. Y., Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls. 298.000 60,000 N.Park.,N.Y.; Cent. Met., St. P.; IstN., Fargo. 60,000 80,000 10.000 Century Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st N. and State Bk. Com., Minpls. 115,000 128.000 12,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P.: 1st N., Bow bells. 16,000 10,000 5,650 2,000 72,980 Coulee......... ...200 Coulee State Bank......... t§'09 E. J. Thompson__ J. A. Morrow_ _ _ _ J. H. Haubrick .... L. A. Haubrick__ 77-552 Mountrail F7 G. W. C. Ross....... F. E. Tucker......... H. W. Woodard... 1). C. MeCully_ _ _ 25,000 6,000 75,000 Courtenay___ 4G0 77-198 Stutsman L19 25,000 LL. 0. LARSON...... S. M. POSEY—........ H. S. POSEY -.......... n 1 HFANFY 15,000 20C.140 57,200 0. T. F0SH0LDT <4 41 STUTSMAN COUNTY BANK < 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentation and 77-197 <§'U2 ) 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt a ttention. 1.6% on Time De posits, Send us y our Collections, B ills of Lading, Dr afts, Ca sh Time Items D irect. NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index 2,600 Northw. N., Grand Forks. 207,780 Williams El Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 Merch. N. and Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings,Brookings, S. D. 15.000 1st N., Minpls.; N. Bk. of Wahpeton. Wahpeton. 85,370 5,260 2nd N., Minot; Mtle. State, Minpls. 100,000 12,000 Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Carrington. 278,950 18,380 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N., Fargo and Minpls. NORTH DAKOTA BANKS —Clifford to Courtenay____________ July, 1922 Clyde________ 200 Clyde State Bank......... «t§’05 C. B. McMillan__ Archie Sillers____ Chas. Sillers____ J. A. Orchard....... 77-545 Cavalier D17 55,000 1184 1 1 OA 11qt~ Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence town and County Name of Bank. ‘County Seat •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 8 tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. Fed Res. Dist. ♦M.Fed.Res. T-Trust Powers President. Liabilities. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 28,000 $ 12.000 $ 105,970 25,000 13,000 110,000 25,000 21,400 199,600 10,300 fC.J CLARK........ L. S. CLARK........... A. L. LARSON 10,000 8,800 A. ERIKSM0EN FIRST STAT^ BARR...<§’’06 ( Save time and get service on Col lections and Cre H. (lit Reports by se nding (.FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain eight draft*, J Sc; Cred it Report*, SOc. TRY U S. Crete................125 Sargent P21 (Closed December, 1 921) CITIZENS 10. T. FOSS____ A. M. ECKMANN I The Oldest Han , We were here b / FIFTEEN CEN <’05 \ FIFTY CENTS NATIONAL BANK 77-429 " ____ *• BSffl E,A"S- SIGURD BUE____ k In Divide Coun ty. C. L. ECKMANN... E. M. ANDERSON 19,010 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N. Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Porks. 150,000 10,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls; 1st N., Grand Forks. 222,150 28,450 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 151,5G0 193,580 17,810 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; 2d N., Minot. 160.000 130,000 25,000 Capital N., St. P.;lst N., Fargo;2dN„ Minot Winneshiek Co. State, Decorah, la. 220,500 24,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N. andBkrs. N. Minpls., 1st N., Grand Forks. 10,110 Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls. ' 25,000 J. C. Rousseau ___ R. W. Rou sseau... R. L. Rousseau... L. R. Murray......... C. G. Schulz_____ W. S. Johnson ___ Hilda Kelly. - 30,000 Thos. Ryan......... 25,000 1,000 285,000 20,000 11.520 133,610 10,000 2,500 97 000 113,000 16,000 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; Am. N. St. P. 10,000 3.000 139,000 130,400 21,600 Merch. N.. St. P.: Citv N.. Bismarck; Union State and M'tle State, Minpls. 218,740 17,190 N. City N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Fargo. 16,160 Northw. N., Minpls.; Northern N.. Fargo; Capital-Secur., Bismarck. 18,300 Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls., Fargo, and St. P. 14,000 N. Park, N.Y.; Midland N.,Minpls.; 1st N,, Fargo; 20,430 1st N. Minpls., Valley City and St. P. G. M. Jamieson.__ Clara O’Sullivan J. R. Carley_____ Dethleff Larson ... Enoch Kirkeberg.. Frank Crane Davenport___ 214 State Bk. of Davenport»t5’98 C. O. Tuskind___ Cass N24 77-557 Dawson .........283 Farmers State Bank___}§’16 W. E. Barringer... Kidder N15 77-911 First State Bank..........._t§'06 T. S. Pryso............ 17,440 182,220 71,560 $ 15,000 J. G. Gunderson... I. S. Walhood....... O. G. Walhood .... 15,000 3,500 192,120 G. M. Magee____ E. W. Patton H. F. Rohr______ J. A. Kooker____ 15,000 1,500 84,850 Leonard Larson... 25,070 101,550 220 151,910 312,000 25,290 89,210 25.000 2,500 185,310 192,450 15,000 20,000 174.000 238,000 10,000 24,070 160,000 238,550 A.I. Engebretson.. H. J. Helgeson.... 25,000 8,600 235,000 215,990 T. P. McCarthy___ 15,000 3.760 139,260 187.360 5,000 210,000 250,000 E. H. Wahl............ 10,000 Ivar Ruud___ 15,000 J. C. Biaisdell, Jr.. 7,500 80,000 24,370 10,000 500 40,000 10,000 13,140 125,750 100,000 9,500 40,700 40,000 18,500 Northw. N., Minpls.: Northern States, Grand Forks. 13,440 1st N., St. P.; Midland N.. Minpls. 30,140 Am. N. and Capital N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot, Northw. N., Minds. 1st N.. Minpls. ;Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng. Co-op. N., Clev.; Union N., Minot. Northw. N.,Minpls.; 1st N.,St. P.;Citiz. N., Wahpeton; Fergus Falls N.,Fergus Falls. 10,000 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. 8,160 Slate Dep. and 1st N., Minpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st Int’l, Minot; Northw. N., Minpls. Am. N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1185 Dazey................288 Dazey State Bank___ <§’99 J. E. Jacobson___ Barnes L20 77-391 “ _ “ Security Bank________»tl’05 Nels Larson........... A. O. Tnl start 77-392 Geo. N. Rasmusson Deering 142 Deering State Bank____tl'05 H. Ingvaldson....... McHenry Fll 77-477 ------- “ Security State Bank__<§’13 W. A. Hageman ... 77-832 DeLamere 200 De Lamere State Bank.<§'99 A. A. Friskop___ E. H. Intlehouse .. Sargent P23 77-559 Denbigh...........300 (See Towner) McHenry G12 Denhotf___300 First State Bank_____ <§'09 J. E. Davis......... . F. M. Davis______ Sheridan K13 77-345 Derrick ......... 50 Farmers Bank_______ <§’19 Adam Hannah....... P. J. Antony Ramsey F18 77-1020 A. B. Brandt De Sart ____ 50 (See New England) Slope 04 Deslacs ......... 188 Farmers State Bank___$§'09 J. C. Biaisdell......... A. J. Schmidt____ Ward G8 77-441 State Bank of Deslacs ..$§'06 A. C. Torgerson__ Otto Bremer_____ 77-440 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J 173,840 J efore the railroad s. TS sent to us wit heacb sight dra ft for presentatlo n, and for each credit r eport Insures pro mpt, personal att entlon. Dahlen ____ 100 First State Bank______ iJ’12 J. R. Carley_____ Caleb Arnestad.__ Nelson G20 77-758 Otto Bremer Danzig_______100 Farmers State Bank... •till Geo. Gackle_____ J. H. Wishek____ W. B. Maercklein.. R. G. Mensing....... McIntosh Q16 77-727 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Principal Correspondents. | First National Bank ___<’14 H. H. Martin......... J. W. Martin......... O. Woolfrev_____ B. L. Johnston___ 77-766 “ Security State Bank___t§’07 77—431 Crystal......... 348 Crystal State Bank___ t§’l9 Pembina E21 77-1046 First National Bank........<’93 77-555 Cummings___150 Cummings State Bank.__t§’92 Traill J 23 77-556 Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Miscel- Loans k Dig- Cash k Exand ,Doe Capital Profits ITS LANEOUS 8*coritib0 changes from Banks Crary............ ..807 Farmers Bank...............t§’83 Edgar Anderson... F. T. Luros............ E. E. Anderson.__ H. B. Brandvold... % Ramsey H18 77-378 “ First National Bank....<’02 J. H. Smith......... . 77-380 ‘Crosby...........1147 Divide D4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued July, 1922______________ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS —Crary to Deslacs Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1QC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1AOJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. lloO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n Resources. Liabilities. Name of Bank. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (indexed Acces.)» Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tins volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws NORTH DAKOTA—-Continued Miscel Principal Correspondents. Loans & Din- Cash & Exl Bonds, changib.Dui Skccritibb I ROM Banks Ass't Cashier. Paid-up Capital H. L. Schutte_ _ _ _ J. A. Cowan-------E. M. Emery 50,000 7,000 N. J. Haley—....... R. C. Collinson .— 75,000 91,150 Ramsey County Nat. Bfc.«t’92 Blanding Fisher— E. J. Chamberlin.. F. H. Routier......... C. L. Hodgson....... 77-35 E. A. Scea.............. Conrad Mellem. .. Dickey_______ 190 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 77-458 t§’09 LaMoure 019 50,000 53,190 716,640 25,000 5,000 115,000 144,000 12,500 1st N.. Minpls., St. P„ and Fargo: Far. & Merch. N„ Jamestown. /I R RilRn H. E. SKAUGE_____ N. J. STECKLER....... w a McClure JPrompt service given on Collectl ons. •Dickinson ...4122 ♦DAKOTA NATL. BANK- •* 05 NFEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight Drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. 77-49 Stark M5 1 Credit Reports, 60c. 50,000 25,000 210,000 350,000 25,000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Fargo; Northw. N„ Minpls. Valentine Koch... P. F. Splichal----- 40,000 14.090 159,000 160,000 38,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Am. N., St. P. rA. HILLIARD------- R. H. JOHNSON------- T. A. T0LLEFS0N —- L.R. BAIRD......... — 0. F. HENNINGS V. H. STICKNEY 100,000 61,020 1,324,010 99,200 1,206,280 •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 9 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Fed. Res. Dist. •Devils Lake..5140 Devils Lake State 77-36 Ramsey H18 Bank.«'06 President. Vice-President. J. M. Thompson — FIRST NATIONAL BANK*i 85 ♦ CASHIER. laneous $ 300,000 S 50,000 969,760 50,000 793,100 77-34 150.260 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.: 1st N„ St. P.; Am. Ex. N„ Duluth. 76.720 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. L. A. Simpson ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK*i 85 < Oldest and Lar gest Bank, 287,950 Irving N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N. Bismarck. ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding L FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sigh ( draft*, ISc; Cr edit Report*, 50c. TRY U 77-48 ♦Liberty Bank________•tS'ie Frank Lish--------- J. P. Berringer.— Anthony Kostele- W. A. Brown.......... cky 77-902 r i f niVK WILSON EYER............ ANDREW ERDAHL___ ELLIOT FREEMAN M 1 1YFRS g: a: sehour St. P 50.000 6,520 185,380 205,900 22.920 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and 50.000 52,400 625,000 710.000 94,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.: Merch. N., St. P. 10,000 14,000 80,000 149,000 10,000 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Bismarck. 12,800 130,000 190,000 10,000 1st N.. Mandan; Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st 143,720 8,020 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N„ Fargo; < Collections soil cited and apprec lated. «t'0( J FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight Drafts, 15c minimum ; 25c minimum if paid. (.Credit Reports, 50c. ♦MERCHANTS NATL. BANK 77-50 Dickinson Clearing House.. L. R. Baird______ H. E. Skauge.......... O. F. Hennirgs, Sec. & Mgr. (Members indicated by a ♦) H. M. Weydahl___ George W. Dodge.. O, N- Left Dodge...............172 77-866 Dunn K7 David Juzeler........ C. S. Barrows. __ rmers State Bank.. 77-897 G. .T. Sherry_____ eden State Bank — Dogden............ 252 77-334 McLean 112 G. D. Thayer........ First State Bank-------77-333 Donnybrook.. 300 77-963 Ward F8 ate Banl N. E. Rulien--------- Krist Kielstrup— S. E. Dahl................ Douglas______ 284 77-470 Ward 19 A. G. Sorlie ______ L. H. Odegard........ ate Ban! 77-469 L. I. Nicholson ... I. M. Rasmussen.. )yon___ Doyon_______ 200 77-561 Ramsey H19 ,T W, Afillpr J. W. G. Anderson Drake________ 517 tate Ban 77-305 McHenry 113 H. Ingvaldson___ J. E. Johnson —— i Bank. 77-304 nk) Thos. Kjorsvik.... B. E. Herselh____ Ole Lovik............ Drayton............637 77-191 Pembina E23 H. A. Thom_____ FIRST HATIOBn Dresden______250 Cavalier D19 J. A. Terhaar------- C. H. Terhaar___ 77-562 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. E. Wentworth. A. Kostelecky, Tr.. F. J. Ruff A. O. Smith---------A. Kissinger Mary Gorman------ O. Nelson............... 10,000 55,000 10.000 2,500 96,890 25,000 5,000 100,300 15,000 1,000 90,000 99,060 136,000 E. M. Anderson ... 10,000 6,000 155,000 O. L. Odegard........ 10,000 15.000 214,000 50,040 123.000 49,000 237,000 N.. Montevideo, Minn. 1st N„ Bismarck. 16.300 1st N.. St. P. and Fargo. 15,000 1st N„ Minpls. 22,000 1st N. and Midland N„ Minpls.; Capital Secur., Bismarck. 27,000 Northw. N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks; 2d N.. Minot. 7,600 1st N„ Minpls.; Northern State, Grand 20,000 8,000 81,500 90,000 15,000 10,000 148.000 142,000 25,000 IstN., Minpls., St.P., and Bismarck. H. B. Lysne_____ 20.00C 16,940 229,560 245,360 21,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls., Am N.. St. P. F. B. Sullivan----- 15.00C 15,000 265.410 336,150 A. H. Wendeldo - 50,00( 17.600 330,000 ... 335,000 25,530 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northern State and IstN..Grand Forks; 1st N„Minpls. 36,500 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks 15,00( 1,000 125,000 120,000 18,000 1st N„ Minpls., and Grand Forks. 68,280 Forks NORTH DAKOTA BANKS—Devils Lake to Dresden___________ July, 1922 Farmers State Bank....t§’19 77-1037 65,000 1st N.. MinDls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1187 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. »Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. No.9 Fed. Res.Dist. ►M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits Ass't Cashier. Driscoll______ 225 Driscoll State Bank___ t$’08 W. H. Barnes____ Augusta Billington O. R. Billington... Burleigh N14 77-468 . S 15.000 1 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. C. Hallum_____ M. B. Finseth____ H. A. Knudson__ G. N. Knudson-__ 77-467 •$5'06 Dunn Center,_247 Farmers Bank of Dunn Co. Adam Hannah___ T. G. Ahern_____ F. W. Brendemuh! Bunn K6 77-783 »t§T2 First State Bank_____ «t§’13 W. A. McClure -__ J. W. Bailey____ F. E. Davis.... ........ E. T. Myhre. 77-844 Dunseith____ 374 SECURITY STATE BANK*$’05 D. A. McLarly....... C. S. Orwoll_____ A. C. Chapman___ E. I. Gunsuch Rolette D14 77-234 K. B. Van Meter Dwight_______ 139 First State Bank_______ 8’05 O. H. Friswold .__ T. Rustad_______ O. H. Fischer____ James Novak Richland P25 77-663 4,060 S 120,000 2,000 20,000 47,500 106,000 125,000 8,000 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck. 4.000 131,000 223,000 7,160 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Dickinson and Mandan. 10,000 7,000 148,000 187,000 10,000 3,530 57,750 53,970 12,500 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P.; Northw. N., GrandForks. 13,120 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Oitiz. N., Wahpeton. 10,000 4,000 140,000 120,000 30.000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 2.000 162,000 232,900 8,830 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N. and State Dep., Minpls.; 1st N., Williston. er, 1921.) E. C. Thompson... A. O. Siverson___ Hannah Siverson. 10,000 F. L. Goodman__ P. A. PaulsoD____ 10,000 A. J. Brodtkorb... A. J. Rosier_____ C. W. Burgess ... George Bulmer. Gladys G. Cofell A. Cash. 85,000 25,000 25,000 2.500 64,000 10,000 2,000 202,430 7,000 1 — 75,000 80,000 50,000 40,000 500,000 475,000 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P. 35,000 42,000 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Fargo. 15,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. No Grand Forks; Capital N., Pt. P. 18,970 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks. 33,370 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St.P.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Grand Forks. 8,000 1st N., Minpls.; James River N., James town. 10,500 Northw. No Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls. and Devils Lake. 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 6,000 James River N., Jamestown; Midland N., Minpls. 20,000 idland N., Minpls.: 1st N., Mand; Capital N., St. P. 10,970 197,880 25,000 10,000 240,170 H. J. Nyhus_____ A. J. Carlson......... J. L. Rosholt____ S.Weirmuller___ H.T. Graves_____ A. B, DeNault___ Charles Bennett 25,000 11,270 204.450 10,000 6,000 60,000 F. F. Walz............. C. D. Pancratz........ Oscar Uggen .... 10,000 15,000 125,000 D. F. McLaughlin.. C. J. Lofgren____ G. F. Elsberry___ G. J. McCarthy__ 25,000 10,000 120.000 H. T. Graves____ A. B. DeNault___ L. L. Wahl............. L. A. Tavis______ M. Tschida______ A. B. Hageman__ W. Rivinius_____ 10,000 2,700 74,100 92,240 10,000 10,000 160,000 173,000 First State Bank_____ *§’09 A. Frasch____ 77-480 ‘EHendale___1334 Ellendale National Bank..*'04 A. J. Graham. Dickey Q19 77-86 Alex. Eberhardt... M. C. Rausch____ R. M. Lipitt.......... M. E. Randall____ H. C. Peek.._____ W. S. Boom........... jP. MCGREGOR-— E. H. HEINE........... A. C. STRAND- - - - - - "5 Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Cred (fee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred S. J. FLEMING_ _ _ _ 0. R. BAUER—....... 292,880 73,000 280.350 — 171,000 82,000 130,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls., Sanborn, and St. P. 15 non Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 10,000 3,000 85,000 90,000 10,270 1st N., Bismarck; Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 35,000 200,000 220,000 20,000 lerch. No St. P.; 1st N., Minpls.; Aberde N„ Aberdeen. -25,000 22.000 180,000 240,000 30,000 st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Aberdeen : Aberdeen. 25,000 72,990 352,080 363,000 54,970 25,000 6,000 110,000 It Reports by sen ding it Reports, 50c. TRY U S. First National Bank...T»*’02 F. B. Gannon____ B. F. Crabtree ___ B. R. Crabtree....... 77-85 L. Briley Elliott......... ... 110 State Bank of Elliott...•*§'09 H. P. Holen_____ W. V. C. Jensen_____ F. H. Kluckman... F. HaDneman.___ Ransom P21 77-570 Principal Correspondents. Cawh k ExomAK««,I>tra now Bawxs J 125,000 S 18.000 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. 10,000 ity S late, Fairview, Mont, as First Nati James Grady_____ H.C. Aamoth____ G. F. Peterson .... L. A. Rulien__ M. O. Florence___ O. Fauskee______ N. Ordahl________ O. A. Florence. H. H. Troftgruben George E. Towle .. Hellek Hellekson. J. R. Anderson__ Bwcumrnii 5,920 Merch. & Mnfrs. State and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 10,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis laneous Loam A Du C*t«. Bokdb 171,180 H. B. Quackenbush Van Quackenbush. NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index its 110.720 * E. Fairview___175 Farmers State Bank „.»t$’13 Adam Hannah____ (Fairview, Mont., 77-823 McKenzie II P.O.) First National Bank. {Merged with Secur Eckelson______100 Eckelson State Bank ...•*$'07 Louis Malm_____ Barnes M19 77-566 Eckman_______ 64 First State Bank______*J’05 P. S. Peterson___ Bottineau Ell 77-567 Edgeley_______803 First National Bank....... t’92 C. H. Sheils______ LaMoure P18 77-140 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK^ Miscel 8,860 John B. Mooney A. J. Backes___ Resources. Depos 10.000 Easby................... 75 First State Bank_____ •il’OS W. F. Winter... Cavalier E19 77-564 Security National Bank«t'21 77-1063 Edinburg____ 278 State Bank of Edinburg_*t$’99 Walsh F21 77-568 Edmore______ 501 First National Bank____*J’02 Ramsey F19 77-307 Security 8tate Bank____tS'01 77-306 Edmunds____100 First State Bank............ J5’07 Stutsman L17 77-569 Egeland_____ 306 Bank of Egeland............ *§’06 Towner E17 77-390 First National Bank........ '05 77-389 Eldridge...........75 Eldridge State Bank ____*§’15 Stutsman M18 77-891 Elgin____ ____429 Elgin State Bank.............§’10 Grant P8 77-479 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume.For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued 25,000 175,000 Northw. No Minpls. 10,000 lorn Ex. No Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Fergus Falls N.. Fergus Falls. Minn.; Northern N„ Fargo For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) I Name op Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ^County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Embden_______85 Cass N22 Grand Forks H22 It c< .......... President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Embden State Bank___ t§'07 A. F. Luther.......... N. M. Buck______ C. J. Back...... ......... 77-571 Liabilities. Depos Paid-up SUHPLU8 AND its Capital Profits $ 10,000 $ 10,000 215,000 200,000 75.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grandi H. L. Hanson_____ H. L. Hanson.......... 15,000 1.500 35,000 53,000 8,000 1st N„ Chi ; Norihw. N., Minpls.; 1st Sav.. 27,000 16,600 380,000 357,000 40.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N.. St. P.; 1st N„ 50,000 16,460 381,820 368,060 71,730 Midland N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 37,130 38,250 11.C00 100,000 115,000 15,000 3,200 102.000 99,600 20.000 10.000 140,000 155.000 Guaranty State Bank._tS'18 77-997 J. E. Gunderson 77-574 A. O. Wang-............ ?nn Farmers State Bank___»tl'07 H. L. Schroeder... James Jenkins.— H. L. Hill________ 77-577 15,000 7,600 77,060 # 20,210 10.100 1st N., Minpls.; Fergus Fails N., Fergus! Falls, Minn. 15,000 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. 12.000 Cont. & Com! N., Chi.; 1st N., Williston; Nortliw. N., Minpls. 96,650 23,220 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. 25,000 1st N., Fargo; Northw. N., Minpls. 10,000 3,000 110.000 80,000 First International Bank $§'01 E. O. Craig_ _ _ _ _ 77-291 M. H. E..gel............ A. W. Engel.......... 10,000 4,500 160,000 145,000 35,000 Coat. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls. B. Lander a„d St. P. _ _ _ _ _ J. H. Lyford- - - - - - - A. C. Thompson... 10,000 6,760 160,140 163,410 13,490 1st N., Grand Forks; Northw. N., Minpls. E. C. Solberg_____ Peter Seterdahl... 10,000 4.000 180.000 170,000 15.000 Nortliw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls, 25,000 5,000 235,000 240,000 34,100 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., 13,410 197,090 228,420 30,620 N. City. N. Y.: Merch. N.. St. P.; Midland 99,000 10.000 Midland N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Capital 77-579 First National Bank.__*$02 77-286 E. R. Collins_____ G. M. Buscher........ A. N. Lynne______ J. A. Lynne_ _ _ _ V. O. Lindquist 30,000 E. BALLARD-_ _ B. W. SCHOUWEILER— W. H. COX _ _ _ _ _ _ A. W. BLAKE_ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL BANK OF FAIR- -{(G. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge if paid. MOUNT-77-285 ______.$95 l Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. Falkirk...............17 Falkirk State Bank_ _ _ $§'17 McLean K10 77-954 McHenry H12 Northern N., Fargo; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 27,240 St. P. Tr. & Sav., St. P. H. H. Ekeland........ H. O. Ekeland........ Security State Bank.—$§'15 77-896 Fairmount___706 Richland Q25 Minpls. Esmond State Bank... .•$§’01 77-292 Then. Albechf, . Walsh F19 A. A. Mosher_____ Grand Forks. * 10,000 H. H. Koch.............. First State Bank______ t§’06 N. T. Rosenquist — H. A. Gemberling. A. J. Rosenquist.. L. Ellingson............ 77-575 Benson H15 25,000 Forks. Farmers State Bank—1§’16 John W. Colby.... 77-922 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 15,000 1,000 87,000 H. F. Kremer____ 15,000 5.500 75,000 Krist Kjelstrup.__ Geo. E. Swanson 11,000 117,000 St. P.: Citiz. N„ Wahpeton. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. Secur., Bismarck. 10.500 1st N., Grand Forks and Minpls. NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Em bden to F a lsen _____________ July, 1922 R. Heuer ________ F. G. Oehlke........... Roy Janz_............... S. A. Nesse Fred Utke Epping............ .116 Citizens State Bank__ «$§’15 77-877 Williams G3 Cass L22 25,000 1st N., Fargo; Merch. N., St. P. 20,000 77-1064 Erie $ 130,000 * Principal Correspondents. Jonh Birkholz........ T. B. Holmes.......... E. Frauklyn.......... - G. S. Stephenson.. li Englevale..........200 Ransom P21 6,000 $ 136,000 77-572 Enderlin____ 1919 Citizens State Bank........$§’07 H. Ingvaldson........ W. W. Shaw............ J. M. Thorson........ Roy Rasmusson... Rob’t Liudemann 77-71 Ra..som 022 II H Enderlin State Bank_..«t§'93 Ed. Pierce------------ E. T. Danielson.... Thomas Pierce___ C. Danielson_____ A. B. Anderson J. K. Banks ♦ 77-70 i; Resources. & Dis- Cash 8l Ex Miscel cL’oans ts . Bonds, changes, Be E laneous Securities from Banks 1188 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number eiran 1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Town and County. j Name of Bank. . ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 9,1'Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. <>.M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘Fargo_____ 21,961 Cass M24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued DAKOTA RATIONAL BANK 77-12 »fl6 (Formerly Dakota Savings Bank) Dakota Trust Co_____ »+5’09 77-7 *Fargo National Bank_’97 77-3 Principal Correspondents. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Alex. Stern______ Maurice Kaufman. J. L. Cline. Otto Bremer. V.-P. A. W. Fowler Alex. Stern_____ A. W. Fowler......... M. E. Kennedy, Otto Bremer, V.-P. A. A. Lorsbough... Sec. <& Tr. M. Hector_______ F. M. Hector ......... G. E. Nichols......... A. B. Taylor. T. D. Hughes Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits J 150,00C S Miscel laneous 49,210 50,000 11,610 SECURITIES Cahii & Ex changes, Dub from Banks j $ 78,770 1.013.79C 100,000 k Loans Disc’ts. Bonds, 1,035,310 $ 207,250 N. City, N. Y.; Greencbaum Sons Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N., St. P. 2,250 Tr. F’ds 472,440 $ 131,710 49,400 478,470 33,450 Dakota N., Fargo; 1st N„ Minpls. 104,980 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Duluth; Merch. N.. St. P.: Lin. N.. Minpls. V.-P. Thoroughly equipped to handle your business over the entire Northwest. T ’78 We maintain a Farm Mortgage Loan Department. H.W. GEAREY------------- ------------- FRANK R. SCOTT- A. T. COMSTOCKE. E. SIMONSON N. A. LEWIS, 'MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 77-2 T»t'90 'NORTHERN Ch.o/Bd. g. |_ 3HAW We have built up and maintain our business on a policy of SERVICE and SAFETY. Equipped to give personal attention to any business In the northwest. H. P. BECKWITH- - g- I- HEARNG- - - - - - A. 0. CHRISTENSEN- W. H. CLEMENS. . . . . . . . H. J. nUoGn A LIVE COMMERCIAL INSTITUTION. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS. NATIONAL BANK 77-10 •til Northern Trust Co.......»t8’02 G. H. Hollister___ P. W. Clemens___ 77-4 B. G. Tennpson Security National Bank.T*T6 James Grady------- H. C. Aamoth_____ 77-11 Fargo Clearing House_____ H. W. Gearey .. (Members indicated by a *) ‘Fessenden__ 731 Farmers Bank.... ........ Weils J15 77-144 F. L. Whitney. Tr.. G. A. Clemens, Sec. L, E. Van Horn, A. Sec F. P. Aamoth____ P. A. Vik................ Paul Bremer_____ C. W. Ailanson—. F. R. Oftedahl.... Wells County State Bk._tS’93 T. L. Beiseker ___ Arthur L. Netcher. O. M. Thompson... 77-142 Fillmore ____ 100 First State Bank_____ •t§,12 E. R. Reitsch......... J. G. McClintock— R. A. Warren......... H. R. Rendahl___ Benson G15 77-755 CN. P. LANGEM0- - - - JOHN GRUMAN. . . . . . . FINN 0YEN- - - - - - - - - G. L.HOLLANITSCH- Fingal .............. 400 Barnes N21 345.000 5,007,780 100,000 140,120 1,909,460 49,500 4.408.910 1,293,380 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P. 191,760 2.048,140 293.200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Am. N. and Merch. N., St. P. • 88.070 1.492,380 210,570 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 1st N.and Capital N-, St. P.; 1st N.J Duluth and Minpls. 934,850 42,160 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Midland N., Minpls.;' Northern N., Fargo. 100.000 39,790 1,475,090 100,000 82,750 595,500 100,000 20,000 400,000 300,000 10,000 9,240 235,020 197,830 25,000 45,000 535,000 15,000 — 100,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Minpls. H. P. Beckwith, Sec. and Mgr. E. F. Volkmann... W. A, Volkmann.. M. W. Bauer_____ First National Bank___»t’19 H. Iugvaldson . ♦77-143 300,000 N O R T H DAKOTA BANKS — F argo to F lasher J. WEISER- - - - - - - G. H. NESBIT —. . . . . . . . G. W. JENSON- - - - - - - - B. P. SCHMALLENFIRST NATIONAL E.F. Oldest A. IRISH, H. D. CROSBY and Largest Bank in North Dakota. 77-1 July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 QQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. — 500,000 56,430 Merch. Ln.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.;! Merch. N., St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. : 56,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., St. P.; 1st N.J Minpls. 10,000 279,240 200,410 10.000 2,500 90,000 70.000 54,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Fargo; Northw. N., Minpls. 20.000 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo. 25;000 5.000 106,000 ___ _ 120,000 16.000 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Fargo and St. P. _____ 247,220 30,350 N. City, N. Y.; Co..t. & Com l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 32,300 Northw. N„ Rep. State, and 1st N.,Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t’9 < FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimun; 25e minimum charge if paid. 77-211 I Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. T RY US. (.Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiate d. Merchants State Bank.»}§'06 I. N. Paulson____ K. S. Ramsett____ D. O. Bye ......... D. W. Price.......... 77-212 ‘Finley.............. 599 First National Bank___ «i'98 E. H. Gilbertson _ Samuel Oxton___ E. O. Ellison . J. F. Vadnie... Steele J21 77-205 STATE BANK OF FINLEY»« 06 B. J. Long_______ P. O. Sathre_____ A. P. Boe.............. L. E. Long____ 77-206 Morton O10 77-442 Harry Center Security State Bank.__»tS’12 A. P. Lenhart___ H. J. Duemeland — N. I. Roop____ ... M. A. Zeltinger___ 77-770 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7.960 249,500 17,500 252,000 335,000 25,000 21,930 241,330 242,940 15,000 10,000 110,000 _____ 158,000 12,000 3,000 77,590 22,000 102,330 31,150 Cent. Met. and N. Ex.. St. P.; Northern N.. Fargo. 13,000 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan. 12,250 1st N., Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1189 Flasher............287 Flasher State Bank___ tS’09 L. A. Tavis______ J. J. Tavis_______ R. A. Mahrer____ 15,000 50,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. *Cou_ty Seats. [Estab. E-tire State No. 9 JMem. State B. Ass’n. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. Fed. Res. Dist. Citizens State Bank.— __«’04 W. E. Bergen ___ Bertie Nelson____ 77-342 Flaxton _ _ Burke D7 •• on H16 Forbes Dickey R18 Cashier. Levi Fossum. WOIltl.rm.cCl Liabiuties. Depos Ass'T Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits E. M. Bronson. First Bank of Flaxton -<l'02 R. H. Farmer........... M. B. Farmer.......... B. H. Linn........ 77-341 .<§’05 J. I. Hegge G. W, C. Ross......... I. J. Grandsen. 77-580 Farmers State Bank—.—*§’16 A. S. Marshall— 77-934 <§'05 F. M. Weher 77-581 $ 25.000 $ its Resources. from 5.000 $ 280,000 10.000 9,00° 10,000 5,500 Principal correspondents. & Dia- Cash & ExMiscel cLoans ’ts. Bonds, laneous Securities chances, Dus i 275,000 $ 35,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Merch. N., St. P. Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 150,000 40,000 110,000 20.000 2d N„ Minot; Midland N. and Lin. N. MLpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 15,000 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N„ Fargo. 35,220 143,240 18,630 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 195,000 17,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Ellendale. 183,150 11,190 Cout. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. Northw. N., Grand Forks. 165.000 75.000 S Banks . Charles Mack_____ G. J. Bohle_______ M. H. Michel. 15,000 5.0C0 106,950 Henry Wachter— Martin Erbele......... C. H. Erbele . 10,000 13,580 194,000 10.000 10,000 174,340 Otto Bremer............. G. A. Olsou_______ Eleanore E. Olson 10.000 3,800 140,000 174.000 15,000 1st N., ML.pls. and Grand Forks; Am. N. St. P. F’orest River _ 226 Forest River State Bk. -<§'92 W. R. Johnston... H. P. Beckwith___ J. Heger.................... A. E. Halverson... 77-583 Walsh G15 15,000 3.000 200,000 180,000 33,000 Northern N., Fargo; 1st N„ St. P.; Scan. Am., Minot. 15,000 3.000 150.000 140.000 34,000 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 25.000 17.000 275.760 270,000 45,760 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. in non 1,500 112.000 107,000 12.000 1st N., Mandan and Minpls. 10,000 6.000 230.000 Fordviiie .........320 Farmers & Merchants State David Rea___ Bank.........77-720 .... -<§’11 Walsh G21 .. iForman Sargent « First State Bank____ .•}§’05 77-582 402 Q22 __ C. C. Jacobson___ P. B. Peterson___ —t§’15 W. E. Dada_______ A. 0. Dewey_____ Anton Nelson......... C. R. Argersinger— — .1 --------------- 77-895 R. L. HIMEBAUGH — J. P_ _ _ _ „_ _ _ _ _ FIRST NATIONAL RANK 77-584 T<’02 (.50 CENTS for to us with each sight draft for pr esentation and each credit report Insures prompt, personal attenti on. Ftort Clark _____ 86 First State Bank-------- —♦§’13 A. N. Beiseker____ C. G. Kapelovitz... A. B. Larson______ Wm. Board man ... 77-801 Oliver L10 Ftort Ransom 150 Fort Ransom State Bank Israel Henriksen.. Gustav Peterson... Henry Johnson.__ Carrie J. Lovelace. <§'07 Ransom 021 77-585 A. C. Carlblom — 264.000 9,000 1st N., Bismarck and Minpls. Fort Rice .____ 100 Citizens State Bank__ --*§’11 Robert Gwyther... M. G. Redman___ I. F. Hoppenstedt. J. J. Pitzer_______ Morton 012 77-734 --198 For tuna .. A. J. Johnson. P. G. Anderson___ S. B. Brevig______ H. G. Meuwissen .. 77-331 •*§’06 Divide C2 10,000 6,300 90,000 10,000 5,000 132.500 — *Fort Yates___ 300 First State Bank-------- .<§’15 A. O. Schimansky . Louis Endres_____ P. J. Jacobson____ 77-717 Sioux Q12 Foxholm. 200 Foxholm State Bank— .<§’08 J. J. Eann________ F. J. Uriel!_______ J. P. O’Leary_____ R. W. Kann______ Ward F9 77-586 10,000 4.000 83,670 20,000 82.640 15.000 12,780 123,780 20,610 157,710 _29R First State Rank Fredonla__ Logan P17 77-587 10.000 9,000 80.000 60.000 32,000 1st N., Chi.. Bismarck, and Minpls. 10,000 9,200 127,500 88.000 53,400 Northw. N., Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. Fryburg — .100 First State Bank_____ —113 A. L. Martin______ 0. N. Dunham____ M. P, Olson.............. Billings M3 77-813 10,000 5,220 45.120 48.550 Fullerton . ____ 202 Farmers State Bank. *§19 C. E. Persinger___ G. G. Ulmer______ H. E. Buttweiler.. Theo. Ulmer_____ Dickey Q19 ♦ 77-1029 W. E. Dickinson... M. R. McCartney.. First National Bank... ..<’06 H. C. McCartney — F. D. McCartney 77-588 Gackle ____ 424 -4§’05 J. M. Hummel____ 0. W. Fode_______ S. G. Nagel.............. Logan 017 77-487 25.000 2,500 77,500 105,340 25,000 5,400 112,000 145.000 15.000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Oakes. 25.000 30,000 335,000 — 325,300 37.800 Irving N„ N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.;lstN., Fargo. State Bank of Gackle..-tl’09 H. H. Hohenstein.. A. Zimmerman___ John Neuman......... J. A. Zimmerman. 77-488 Galchutt . ____ 100 Galchutt State Rank.’OS Otto Bremer_____ 0,1. Moeu________ C. M. Johnson------- II. E. Syvertsen... 77-589 Richland 024 25,000 10,000 130,000 — 150.000 12,000 1st N., Minpls. 10.000 15,500 165,000 •• •• t|’07 Wm. Pruetz______ B. B. Pruetz............. M. C. Buechler.__ Sharpe Pruetz........ German State Bauk.. .. +§’14 C. FTieb 77-839 P. Billigmeier____ Win. Jans________ Sam Miller.............. NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111.500 225.000 17.500 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; Bk. of Montreal, Winnipeg; 2d N„ Minot. 35,030 1st N.. Bismarck and Minpls. 14.460 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. 5.890 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck and Dickinson; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 16.500 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.' 5.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Merch. & Mnfrs. State, Minpls.; Far. & Merch. State, Breckenridge. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1922 — 115,000 8.500 Merch. & Mnfrs. State. Minpls.: State Bk. of Lisbon, Lisbon. NO RTH DAKOTA BANKS — Flaxton to Galchutt Flora Beeson Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this I volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MfiPTH F> A KTlT A__ PrvntirmpH AN Wan. A XI UAAU A 1190 1190 1 1 Qi ^ -*■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in Xo.9 Fed.Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. xT/"\T3Hnxj i-NUK 1 Liabilities. " President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Galesburg......... 314 Galesburg State’01 O. P. Satrom_____ Andrew Knudson. E. O. Moe_______ O. H. Johnson....... t 20,000 15.000 Gardar.................65 Gardar State’08 C. D. Lord_______ A. E. Lord______ Pembina E21 77-591 A. Johnson______ 10.000 Gardena______ 99 Gardena State Bank....»tS’05 L. M. De Pue_____ Martin Campion .. J. W. Schmidt....... Arnold A. Stoll___ Bottineau E12 77-592 H. M. O’Hotto Gardner______125 State Bank of Gardner »tS’09 A. E. Cook______ A. J. Hodge_____ B. D. Mitchell___ J. H. Mitchell....... Cass L24 77-593 Traill K22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!'—i volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! C Resources. Principal Correspondents. j a vr\'r^ a JJAJtvU 1 A--- v^OntinUCQ 77-590 Loans k I)isMiscel c’Tg. Bonds, laneous Securities Gash k Ex chances,Dub from Banks vo to H NS 26.000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Midland N. and Bkrs. N., Minpls. ) 70.000 $ 200.000 5.100 70,000 72,000 14,300 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 10,000 6.000 97,510 $ 156,850 10,160 1st N. and North Com’l State. Minpls.; 1st N., St.P.; Northern State, Grant! Forks. 10,000 13.500 134,000 128,000 23,000 1st N., Fargo. 10,000 10,000 159,400 237,400 t 53,500 z o X Garrison_____ 714 Farmers Bank_______ •tl’05 Adam Hannah____ M. R. Behles____ J. J. Behles_____ H. T. Holtz.. McLean J9 77-274 B. E. Dubay First National Bank _..«t’03 A. Tymeson, Jr.... R. D. Ward........... D. P. Robinson.__ C. J. Ehlers........... 77-272 J. W. Robinson First State Bank.......... *15 05 W. A. Priess____ J. A. Reuter ......... E. L. Vorachek.__ F. J. Gavin______ 77-273 W. A. Bartz Garske________ 50 Bank of Garske............. t§'16 E. T. McCanna.__ P. P. Engh______ C. N. Nilson_____ Agnes Anderson... Ramsey F18 77-938 Gascoyne........... 60 First State Bank_____ •il’09 L. E. Olson______ N. E. Buckman.__ L. V. Slcoglund ___ R. A. Kramer....... ■4 Bowman Q14 77-594 Geneseo............ 300 Geneseo State Bank....... tl’07 J. L. Mathews___ W. D. Truax_____ A. C. Bonzer____ F. J. Pahl.............. Sargent Q23 77-595 Frank Riba rW. L. FORBES — E. M. FORBES......... F. L. MCLEAN------ H. A. MECKLENBURG NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. Ramsland_____ Geo. C. Gury H X 25,000 5.000 160.000 210,000 25,000 5,260 131,270 179,430 15,000 5,270 194,810 146,870 10,000 12,000 92,000 87,000 10,000 5,300 233,300 184,200 20,000 16,000 300,000 301,300 Giiby................ 300 BANK OF GILBY........... •« 87 HESKETH \ FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wl th each sight dra JOHN Grand Forks G22 ft for presentatio 77-596 and Ltwenty-five CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso n nal atte ntion. Gladstone ___ .350 Farmers State Bank........§T9 Adam A. Lefor.__ A. F. Reilly........... F. H. Schroeder... 15,000 4.500 77-1043 Stark M6 Gladstone State Bank., .tl’05 John Dolwig____ Wilson Eyer_____ Regina Duckhorn. 10,000 10.000 77-597 Giasston____ 100 Security State Bank____tl’09 Jas. McCabe_____ Geo. H. McCabe__ H. G. Lindeman__ Anna McPhail___ 10,000 18,000 77-599 Pembina E22 Gienburn____ 228 Gienburn State Bank__ §’04 L. M. Depue_____ E. L. Hubbard....... I. A. Johnson____ 15,000 77-386 Martin Champion Renville F10 Lincoln State Bank........t$03 O. W. Healy........... E. C. Healy______ E. S. Healy______ A. C. Tompkins ... 10,000 8,000 77-385 Glenfield____ 100 First State Bank ........... tS’12 H. P. Hammer....... J. H. Berg.......... Frank J. Heaney .. W. H. Fallen____ 10,000 12,000 77-767 H. S. Halvorson Foster K19 Glen Ullin___ 875 Farmers State Bank._.*iS05 Ed. Schulenberg .. Jos. Geiss.... ....... J. C. Fischer____ B. M. Schulenberg. 10,000 6,000 77-126 Morton N8 Merchants State Bank ..J|’09 L. A. Tavis______ Michael Tschida... G. A. Wentland___ J. A. Tavis______ 15,000 10,000 77-127 Glover___ ____ 125 Glover State Bank........*t§’17 L. J. Hanson____ W. L. Hanson___ C. J. Heen_______ A. O. Thompson... 1,380 15,000 77-986 Dickey P20 H. K. Haldeman Goldenvalley __369 Farmers Bank_______ •t§'12 Adam Hannah___ L. G. Rostomily__ H. G. Rostomily... C. J. Schwalier.__ 10,000 2.000 77-784 Mercer K7 First American State Bank Charles Scharf----- G. Isaak............. .... E. C. Isaak......... . Anne Berglund.... 25,000 2,500 ♦ 77-778 *t*’12 G. Lang {Merger of American State and First State Banks) Golva.........._.....300 First National Bank------1’14 Hugh Egan______ M. A. Finneman. M. L. Callahan ___ J. L. Egan_______ 25,000 2,000 77-853 John Keohane Golden Valley N1 First State Bank---------- 1§’14 F. W. Stevens___ L. H. Kremers... T. A. Davis______ L. M. Kremers-.-. 15,000 3.000 77-848 Goodrich____ 476 Citizens State Bank____tS’06 J. E. Davis______ F. M. Davis______ Edw. Maueh....... .. R. S. Troyer........... 10,000 11,000 77-267 Sheridan K13 First National Bank.—»t’06 H. G. Perske....... . G. Buechler........... P. J. Reimer____ K. E. Martin____ 25,000 18,190 77-266 Grace City ....300 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. S. Halvorson... O. P. Peterson___ O. J. Melgard___ 10,000 1,200 77-600 *t5'10 Foster J18 First State Bank______ t§12 B. G. Wallace......... John Topp. 77-745 8,400 1st N.. Minpls. 10,000 6,220 25,000 1st N„ Minpls.; City N„ Bismarck. 7,660 Northw. N.. Minpls. and Grand Forks. 64,400 1st N. and Midland N.. Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N.. St. P. 22,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 32,000 N. Produce, Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Far. N„ Lidgerwood. 29,350 1st N.. Grand Forks; Northw. N. and Bkrs. N., Minpls. o > * o > CD > Z w C/5 35,370 47,030 120,000 140,000 50.000 100,000 110,000 135.000 113,000 151,000 40,000 6,160 Am. N., St. P.; Far. State, Dickinson. Merch. N., Dickinson. s* Grand Forks;' City N., Duluth. cr 8,000 1st N. and Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N., 12,000 1st N., Minpls.; Union N., Minot. 9,500 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. 190.000 180,000 26,000 1st N., St. P.; Northern N.. Fargo. 1 15.000 1st N., Mandan; Midland N., Minpls. 84,320 100,130 19,100 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo. 210,000 240.000 83,020 117.070 225,000 100,000 115,000 10.000 Midland N., Minpls. 100,000 110,000 15,000 1st N.,Minpls.; Golden Valley State, Beach: Merch. N„ St. P. 19,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo; Merch, N., St. P.: Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 25,020 1st N., St. P.; Midland N.,Minpls. 185,000 8,000 195,000 71,060 239,080 75,000 85,000 178,370 157,640 c•-« (TO rf o O *i in o rc O 200,000 180,000 I o 11,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; 19,640 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. *< 5,640 Midland N., Minpls.; IstN., Mandan; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 8.000 1st N., Fargo and St. P. 36.940 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Stock Yrds. N., So. St. P. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 11^4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. Name of MHPTT4 Fl A VTlTA IN Wxv 1 fl Un.IVU 1 r\ Bank. *Connty Scats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. it Fecl.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ^Grafton......... 2512 FIRST NATIONAL BANK "i 82 F. II. Sprague___ I. L. Newgard....... M.H.*Sprague___ A. F.. Cnhh Walsh E22 L. T. Sprague 77-59 GRAFTON NATIONAL BANK 77-60 *Grand Forks 14,010 G. Forks 1123 Resources. Miscel laneous $ 50,000 J 75,000 $ 850,000 D. C. Moore........... John Donelly......... T). M. Upham____ (A. McConville... W. W. Reyleck—. A. G. Tverberg.__ H. C. Strander.... Principal Correspondents. Loans A Dib- Cash A Ex ’Ts. Bonds, changes,Du* Sicdritiis from Banks J 800,000 $ 100.000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.,N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 100,000 44,760 840,900 922,350 150,320 Am. Ex. N„ N. ¥.; 1st N„ St. P.; Northw, N„ Minpls. 50,000 20,000 450,000 435,000 75,600 Chase N„ N. Y.; Midland N„ Minpls.; Northw. N„ Grand ForKs: Capital N„ St. P. 74.000 2.250000 1.900.000 500 000 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and lit N.,Chi.; 1st N.,Am. N., and Mercb. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Midland N., and Northw. N., Minpls. ;City N.,Duluth. <913 YSend your colie ctlons to us. ' Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 5 0c for Credit Report t. 200,000 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( A. 1. HUNTER _ J.R. CARLEY.......... W.M. EDMUNDS— 1. A. BERG W.H.SMULZE 1 SEE ADVERTISE OTTO BREMER MENTON INDEX TO NORTH DAKOTA. 77-15 T*t’70 First Savings Bank.... 77-20 •+§’12 C. H. Nelson......... Geo. Veitch........... W. V. O’Connor Tr. F. H. Metcalf. Sec. E. E. Peterson, H. E. Payne Asst. Sec. 50,000 8,000 460,000 404,000 60,000 Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Grand • Forks; Capital N., St. P. E. J. LANDER..........p. E. FILLER—-S.C. HENDRICKSON-H. 0. MELBY------- 100.000 26,210 070.400 951.710 144.900 National City, New York; Continental & Commercial National, Chicago; First National, Minneapolis: First National. St. Paul. ‘NORTHERN STATE BANK NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK 77-17 u _____ r:........ Send your collections to us. You will receive complete service In every respect. 77-18 «t’04 77-10 0. S. HANSON-.—F.L. GOODMAN-— S.TORGERSON........A. M. LOMMEN.......... P. S. PETERSON FRED HANSEN H. P. RICE CARL BAETZER State Depository. Accounts of Banks solicited. Superior service on North Dakota items. Affiliated with Northwestern Trust Co. ADV. ON NORTH DAKOTA 200,000 90,000 1.800.000 F. L. Goodman___ P. S. Peterson....... L. K. Lohn, Tr....... M.C.Bacheller, Sec. O, S. Hanson J. Grassick 100,000 72,000 (E. J. Lander....... C. S. Dow_______ H. C. Lander, Tr... P. J.Holmberg.Sec. 250,000! 400,000 INDEX. Mortgage Loans and Beal Estate Bonds. (OFFICES: Gra nd Forks, N. D. and Minneapolis, Minn. THE F.S. SARGENT COMPANY, Grand Forks Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Minnesota. upon request. W. V. O’Connor... I. A. Berg, Sec. and Mgr. OOC, ItiU* iwj. y I i 600 000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N.,Midland N., and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Duluth and St. P. 286,000 27,000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; MerchN., St, P.; Northw.N„ Grand Forks. Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N. Minpls.;Northern State, Grand Forks. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Grand Forks. W. ROSS. Tr.... Loans M& ; C.tgage | W. H. SHULZEh J This company 1 In North Dako ta and Northern (Applications se nt for inspection 174,000 1,400 000 H. P. Rice. Tr....... Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ________ July, 1922 J (Established 188 3) E. J. LANDER & CO____ V83 Y Dealen ln First Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SEE •tl’01 NORTH DAKOTA BANKS —Grafton to Grand Forks 77-831 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its *t’83 SCANDINAVIAN AM. BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. rnnH'nno/1 V^OIlLlIlUcCl 1192 1 ino Town and County. Name of \mpTU Tl A IfflT A iNUf\ 1 n Lf/iAU 1 A L/OIllinUcQ Bank. *Cou„ty Sea s. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. E-tire State io No. 9 Fed Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos Miscel Loans & Dis- Cash k Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub AND laneous Securities from Banks its Profits P^ntirmo/l Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Grandin______250 Guaranty State Bank __ <§’90 A. L. Hanson......... O. S. Hanson.......... C. O. Simensen.__ S. N. Lommen___ I 25,000 $ 12,000 Cass K24 77-601 t 170,000 1 200,000 S 15.000 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Northw. N.. Grand Forks. Grand Rapids.100 State Bank of Grand Rapids Thos. Waldie____ L. E. Johnson____ G. E. Pooley_____ M. E. Pence........... 77-602 $8’09 La Moure 020 10,000 6,000 78,000 78,000 Grano................112 Citizens Slate Bank.......$§’05 P. S. Peterson___ Fred L. Goodman. E. O. Nestoss___ O. F. Peterson.... 77-603 Renville E9 10,000 9,020 81,500 150,000 7,500 1st N.. Minpls.; Northw. N., GrandForks. fR. C. WEDGE---- C.J. KR0GF0SS— M. J. G0RDER —- LLOYD F0RSETH-. 15,000 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE BANK---- 77-242........... $8'04 I Save time and get service on Co Uectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng 5,000 240,000 231,000 24,000 Midland N„ Minpls.; 2d N., Minot; 1st State, Rochester. Granville State Bank___ iS’01 G. E. Stubbins____ 77-241 Granville_____ 394 McHe..ry Gil Lfee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 50c. 12,000 Co., Buffalo. TRY U S. C. A. Stubbins....... G. R. Gunstrom.... 25,000 2,500 128,000 180,000 12,840 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St.P. Grassy Butte,..36 First State Bank----------JS’16 J. F. Davis............ A. E. Lawhead ___ M. L. Ayers______ L. C. Hulett_____ 77-929 S. Glerup McKe-zie K3 15,000 5,490 75,000 91,000 9,500 Merch. N., St. P. and Dickinson; 1st N., Kiildeer. Great Bend__ 142 Farmers State Bank........$§’05 J. H. Movius____ A. C. Lubenow.__ R. W. Weiss.-........ George Womer.__ 77-604 Richla-d Q25 12,000 3,000 110,000 $ 50,000 145,000 12,000 1st N., Minpls. and Lidgerwood. Grenora______358 Citizens State Bank........$§16 M. E. Wilson____ H. O. Rask______ J. E. Haskett------- Vera Vohs----------77-936 Williams E2 15,000 3.000 73,210 59,790 135,020 15,990 1st N. and State Bk. of Com., Minpls. Farmers State Bank-_»t§’ 16 Arthur Ovrom___ G. D. Lundgren... C. D. Funk______ L. R. Hauge_____ 77-941 15,000 3,500 150,000 160,000 13,500 Capital N., St. P. 20,000 5,000 164,000 150,000 10,000 9,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 1st N., St. P. and Grand Forks: 1st N.. Minpls; Citiz. Com'l Tr. Co., Buffalo. 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.t Oakes. State Bank of Grenora -t§’16 77-930 Guelph............... 200 Guelph State Bank____$§’15 77-885 Dickey Q20 Gutnrie_______ 125 State Bank of Guthrie_tS’10 77-606 McHenry H13 Gwinnei______ 300 Farmers State Bank.__ $§’15 77-903 Sargent P22 Gwinner State Bank__ •♦S’04 77-607 Hague................315 First State Bank______ t'16 77-876 Emmo-s U14 W. F. Hanks........... J. C. Hansen____ C. O. Highum____ A. O. Aune ___ J. M. Stoskoff H. C. McCartney .. F. D. McCartney — W. L. Scott______ Haliiday______289 Farmers State Bank___$§’13 77-826 Du..u K6 Security State Bank....$§’11 77-737 Hainar,.............50 First 8tate Bank--------- $§’08 77-609 Eddy 119 Hamberg_____ 300 Farmers State Bank.—$§’15 77-861 Wells 115 Security Bank________ t§’20 77-1056 Hamilton_____ 200 Bank of Hamilton____ <§'86 77-610 Pembi..a 1)22 Hamlet_______ 59 First State Bank______ $§’13 77-821 Williams E4 Hampden_____199 Farmers Bank_______ •ti’01 77-346 Ramsey F18 First National Bank____ $’04 77-347 Hankinson... 1477 Citizens National Bank 77-74 <’06 Richland Q24 Farmers & Merch. Bank 77-73 »t§1900 First National Bank .—<'92 Adam Hannah___ H. J. Huelskamp.. J. D. Rempel____ O. T. Evenson. 10,000 2,000 70,000 Ort Lingenfelter — John Nordahl___ Hans Ulsness____ 10,000 5,010 142,130 Hague State Bank__________ 77-72 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. A.Refling____ Otto Bremer____ E. N. Kittelson... 53,000 10,500 Am. N„ St. P.: 2d N.. Minot. 10,000 4,000 56,000 Curtin Cooper....... J. E. Miller______ E. T. Swanson.... H. I. Cooper............ Magnus Anderson J. A. Carlblom....... F. B. Carlblom .... S. E. Lee................ P. M. Gunderson.. 15,000 2,000 128,000 8,000 217,000 7,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; Dakota No Fargo, 20,000 8,000 187,000 15,000 210,000 S. A. Fischer____ H. B. Zenk............ J. J. Jaeger_____ 25.000 11,000 315,000 20,006 1st No Minpls. and Fargo; Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. 50,000 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen, S. D. (Taken over by First State Bank Nov. 7, ____________ 340,000 ’21) — 94,500 148,060 Ole Arnegard......... E. A. Arnegard__ E. A. Liudstrom... C. E. Bostrom....... 10,000 5,000 40,000 69,000 G. L. Hope______ H. C.Scheer-------- S. G. Stenerodden. Arthur L. Myhro— 15,000 3,500 116,000 190,OOu J. E. Johnson___ Thomas Tveten.__ K. H. Buechler.... Eliza Buechler .... is non 54 noo 70,000 189,000 12,720 1st No St. P„ and Duluth, 18,030 1st N„ Minpls. and Mandan; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 7,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. 15,000 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N. and 1st N.. St. P.; Northern N., Fargo. 8,400 Midland N., Minpls.; Merch. N., Fargo. 58,300 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Grand Forks, and Albert Lea, Minn. 8,420 1st N., Minpls., Grand Forks, and St.P.; Waterloo Bk. & Tr. Co., Waterloo. 16,250 Northw. N. and State Dep., Minpls.; Northern State.Grand Forks. 18,000 1st N., Minpls., St. P„ and Grand Forks. C. R. Green_____ R. Menzies______ Daniel Kippen....... A. M. See................. 20,000 10,000 240 0% A. L. Catting____ N. P. Nelson____ F. E. McCoy_____ A. N. Amble_____ 10,000 9,920 96,940 Adam Hannah....... M. A. Brandt____ A. B. Brandt_____ L. P. Ulrich........ 10,000 5,000 195,500 25,000 5,000 138,000 J. L. Mathews___ J. M. Hynes______ H. Krautkremer... R. Englehart. 30,000 15.000 250,000 354,850 20,330 1st N„ St.P. and Minpls. J. R. Jones______ Chas. Hein_______ Albert Peterson... Elmer Melby. 10,000 15,000 15n nnn 170,000 Joseph Patterson .. H. A.Merrifleld... L. O. Kretchman.. E. M. Foss__ 30,000 13,000 275,000 380,000 10,000 1st N„ St. P. and Minpls.; Citiz. N., Wahpeton. 65,000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; N. Bk. ol Wahpeton, Wahpeton. Martin Rimestad.. IverIverson_____ Y. A. Nelson____ Anna Glock D. S. Riley 35,510 143,940 284,570 — 168,000 July, 1922_____________NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Grandin to Hankinson _______________ 1193 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gives 1 1 O'? to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. For SAFETY and SERVICE, S^nd Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire S ate in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Dn Gill 4 ExDepos Miscel c’n. B4onm Paid-up Surplus , CHANO*B,DtJl and laneous its Capital Profits 8»cnmn from Baku Principal Correspondents. 1194 1194 Farmers State Bank________ {Purchased by State Bank of Hanks) Williams E2 280,000 25,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. 1st N., St. P.. Fargo, and Minpls. 10,540 176,890 $ 92,760 289,650 15,380 Merch. N„ St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Fargo. 40,000 17,000 304,000 380,000 10,000 10.000 100.000 31,280 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Northern State. Grand Forks. 14,000 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 25,000 4,000 115,000 175,000 10.000 1,000 80,000 83,000 10,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo. 10,000 2,000 73,380 14,000 79,380 20,070 1st N., Minpls.; Scan.-Am., Minot. 25,000 7.500 195,000 _______ ! 156,000 31.000 Cont. * Com'l N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. First National Bank—<1900 August Peterson... M. H. Gores_____ 77-78 State Guaranty Bank—t$’97 T. L. Beiseker___ J. W. Shelby____ N. M. Runyan___ W. J. Benfleld....... 77-77 25,000 71,530 592,350 41,580 631,980 5.000 16,000 120.000 110,000 98,480 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Midland N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; U. S. N., Superior, Wis.; 1st N., Fargo. Harwood State Bank—<§’19 Theo. S. Nelson... C. Brandvik........... 77-1036 18,000 2,480 85,000 80,000 15,000 8,000 161,000 218,000 23,000 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N., Fargo and St. P. 25,000 rn crpicnii G. H. B0LKEN------- C. S. ANDERSON__ II II N AQU Hatton______ 828 FARMERS & MERCH. N. BK. -< Save time and g et on Coll ections and Credi t Reports by send ing 77-158 <’05 Ifee in ad van CE;service Traill J22 Plain sight dr afts, /5c; Credit Reports, SOc. T RY US. 17,500 214,860 236,310 36,180 Chase N.. N. Y.: Nortliw. N. and Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 25.000 30,000 450,000 450,000 55,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. 25.000 1,500 80.000 115,000 15,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 25,000 5,000 165,000 196,000 22.500 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. Chas. E. Bigham... C. A. Wilhelm----- 10,000 4,000 100,000 99.000 Olive McManus.... 25.000 10,000 262.740 291,630 28,310 1st N., Chi. and Bismarck; Northw. N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 10,000 13,000 210,000 275,000 15,000 1st N., Minpls.; CityN., Bismarck. 15.000 22,000 25,000 State Bank of Hannah~<$’97 C. B. McMillan .... T. H. Prior______ 77-213 Alex Reid Rank of Hansbnro U'Ofi D. F. MclAughlin.. B. L. Thomas____ 77-349 HansboroState Bank—1$'05 C. E. Blackorby... A. B. Converse ___ 77-348 Hannaford___431 Farmers State Bank__•t5’09 W. A. Benzie____ M. M. ADgus......... William Angus___ C. M. Westly 77-315 Griggs K20 .. First National Bank—.•{’05 Claus J ackson ___ R. T.. Jones 77-314 Cavalier D17 Towner B16 << «« Benson G15 .. Harlow State Bank ___ <$’12 77-761 W C Ross Ward F8 Hartland State Bank—<$’08 George Heger___ 77-611 Wells 114 Farmers State Bank-.<§’08 L. W. Miller 77-80 -........ _ Cass M24 Bai nes F14 First State Bank_____ t$’07 77-612 A. Eggen________ H. Stoneherg 77-1022 W. J. Mulroony... W. E. Kriesel----- J. E. Johnson....... •i «• H. O. Batzer ......... John McCrory Farmers State Bank ..<$’09 A P. Lenhart____ A. E. Klabunde.__ 77-404 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 118,000 G. M. Olson Havana State Bank___+$1900 C. E. Castle 77-613 BANK OF HATTON—<5 02 _„___ 2,400 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N., Grand Forks andCresco, la.; Drov. State, So. St. P. 20,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Merch. N., Fargo. ’21) Haynes 113 First State Bank......... ..i$'09 J. B. Slosson____ 77-614 Adams R6 Hazelton......... 382 Emmons 013 O. T. Olson______ A. L. Froemke .... Abraham Hanson.. Peoples State Bank __ _____ {Closed October 22, Sarge..t R22 .. C. B. Arneson....... Hugh Montgomery FIRST NATIONAL BANK <'87 77-157 .. ___ Midland N., 12,000 Capital N.. St. P.; 1st N., Lemmon. S. D. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1922 200,000 3,000 1 150,000 N O R T H DAKOTA BANKS — H anks to H azelton ______________ July, 11,000 IstN.. Minpls. and Grand Forks; Merch. N.. St. P.; Midland N., Minpls. 15.000 $ ’ { 293,850 S C. A. Anderson ___ $ E. R. Hultquist State Bank of Hanks.__t§’16 W. F. Hanks......... A. J. Robinson___ 77-931 I qc Number under Name of Bank La the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tbe Band McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ^County Seats. Entire State No. 9 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Hazen............... 620 Farmers Bank of Mercer Co Adam Hannah........ J. J. Behles____ H. J. Huelskamp.. L. H. Everett........ J Mercer K9 i 77—489 *§’06 “ ........... “ ! First State Bank..............*§’12 David Juzeler „ Iver O. Lee______ R. N. Harmsen___ Amos Freed 77-728 Heaton ..............150 Farmers State Bank.__ *iS'07 G. R. Turner_____ L. C. Turner______ C. I. Turner........ ... H. T. Turner............ Wells K15 77-459 Hebron______ 1374 Morton M7 ♦ ‘Hettinger------817 Adams Q5 Honeyford........68 Grand Forks H22 Hoople........ .......250 Walsh E21 Hope________ Steele K21 10,000 $ 2,000 $ 100,000 $ 5,000 175,000 220,000 15,000 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck: Capital N.. 10,000 3,000 150,000 125,000 30 000 1st N., Fargo; Am. N., St. P. 20,000 1.000 82,000 140.000 30,000 t 125.000 * 5,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck and Fargo. St. P. 5,000 Far. Equity State, Mandan; 1st N., Minpls. Capital N., St. P. J. H. WATTS............. A. E. FUNK............... 25.000 10,000 310,000 4,110 315,110 34,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mandan; Midland N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. A COLLECTIONS , BILL OF LADI NG DRAFTS, CA SH AND TIME »t’01 (ITEMS “SENT US” RECEIVE P ROMPT, PERSO NAL ATTENTIO N. 77-184 Merchants State Bank.»*§’06 77-185 Farmers State Bank.__ *§T4 77-864 State Bank of Heimdal.tS'10 77-615 State Bank of Hensel—»t§’04 77-616 Farmers State Bank —*§’19 77-1035 L. Rehm_________ E. Krauth.... ........... Paul Mann________ C. H. Oellerman... 20,000 5,000 200,000 40,000 195,000 F. A. Lahr................ J. P. Wagner_____ G. A. Ruana______ 10,000 2,500 61,840 28,970 06,080 7 170,000 18 55,650 175,050 12,650 Chase N„ N. Y.:Northw. N.and Midland N., T. D. Thorson____ H. Ingvaldson........ S. A. Bye________ F. J. Mohr_______ 10,000 10,000 160,000 Thos. Ryan______ G. M. Jamieson— N. O. Husband___ Mary H. Ryan........ 21,000 2,300 108,76’) L. J. Hanson_____ W. L. Hanson.......... I. O. Graff_____ __ 15,000 1,500 16,000 si non 20,000 20,000 250,000 225,000 CJOHN G. JOHNS— PETER CARLIN....... J. 0. WIGEN______ H. W.ANDERSON___ 16,000 1st N., Chi. and Bismarck; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Guaranty, Bismarck. qoo 77—137 Minpls.: Northern State, Grand Forks. 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St.P.; 1st N., Minpls. and Aberdeen, S. D. < Strongest bank in Adams County . Farm Mortga ge Loans negotla ted. «*§’08 FEE IN ADVAN CE. Sight drafts, 15c minimum. 25c minimum charge i f paid. (.Reliable Credit Reports 50c. TR V US. A. G. NEWMAN- H. E. BGNZER...... J. A. DODDS............ KNUTE NELSON— 425.000 40,000 25,000 Largest bank in Adams County, ] Prompt attenti on to Collections I Personal presen tatlon and quick returns. WE N EGOTIATE FAR M MO RTGAG E LOA NS. 325,000 Paul M. Brown .... Ira T. Hall.............. G. N. Burnson____ 25,000 40.P00 3P0.000 225 000 46 660 N. City, Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N.. T. T. Kinneberg... Ingval Johnson.... Martin Hatlie. 10,000 17.250 160,720 200,400 24,546 Merch. & Mfrs. State, Minpls.; Northern E. R. Sarles______ E. Y. Sarles_______ O. E. Rudrud____ p. E. Rudrud L. R. Sarles Ole Arnegard.......... Theo. Kaldor.......... G.L. Thompson.__ E. A. Iverson.......... 50,000 10,000 446 460 50 non 484 070 92J180 N. City,N.Y.;Merch.N.,St. P.; IstN.,Fargo. 50,000 15,000 370,000 103.000 498,000 30,000 1st N., N. Y.; Northw.N.and IstN., Minpls,: O. O. Hovde, Jr... Dan Engel_______ Oscar O. Olson___ A. W. Anderson... 50,000 7,760 289,680 294,230 53,210 Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. Wm. W. Erb_____ J. O. Fadden—... Oscar O. Olson ... T. S. Lund............... 15,000 3.490 100,000 95,000 Rob’t Baird.............. Henry Kittelson... O.B.Treumann ... E. R. Newgard ___ 25,000 2.000 150,000 150,000 15,000 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N„ St. P., Minpls., and N. C. Olson_______ O. A. Fedje______ G. T. Sonsterud... R. H. Rinde______ 25,000 5,600 350,000 334,000 37,000 J. D. Brown______ M. B. Cassell_____ K. W. Haviland___ 50.000 12 000 230,000 283,000 Grafton, base N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N., Grand Forks. 19,190 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls. ( Ole Arnegard___ C. S. Moores______ C. W. Moores........ J. M. Curtis______ 50,000 06 < Save time and got service on Co Ilections and Cre dit Reports by se nding (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc; Credit Reports, SOc. T RY US. 17,800 133,000 216,000 27,670 Northw.N.,Minpls.;lst N.,Fargo and St. P. 15 00 255,000 243,000 26,000 Northern N.. Fargo: Merch. & Mfrs. State, 77-136 «t ’07 Live Stock National Bank 77-139 •t’09 Hickson State Bank___ «t§’05 77-617 First National Bank.__ »t’81 77-94 Hillsboro National Bk...**’81 ♦ 77-93 Peoples State Bank_____ §'18 77-992 Honeyford State Bank—§17 77-979 Farmers State Bank —*§’20 77-1048 State Bank of Hoople„*t§’02 77-618 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 86 77-128 HOPE RATIONAL BANK-** Horace................150 Horace State Bank_____ *§’06 O. N. Hatlie______ Oscar Tweto. Cass N24 77-619 N ORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jos.Dubord. .. L. H. Overby_____ 10,000 _____ — 100,000 Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Northw. N. and Midland N., Minpls ; 1st N. and Merch. N.. St. P.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen.S.D.;lst N., Fargo St. P.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. N.. Fargo; Cent. Met., St. P. 1st N„ Fargo; Merch. N., St. P. 19,000 1st N., Grand Forks and St. P. Minpls.: Cent. Met., St. P. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1195 77-129 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 3 non 1st N., Fargo and Minpls. ADAMS COUNTY STATE BK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Hickson............150 Cass N24 ‘Hillsboro —.1183 Traill K23 iL. A. TAVIS-...... EUGENE WEIGEL. Principal Correspondents. 25,000 irect. s, Cash and Time Items Remitted nt. •*§’18 FIRST NAT! BANK Hell.................... -90 Grant P8 Heimdal............100 Wells 115 Hensel-________100 Pembina E21 Hesper_________35 Benson H15 FRANK KUEHN_____ A. J. HEINLE______ < “Send Us Your ) Collections, Bil (. for Promptly Resources. ft Dib- Cash ft £xMiscel c■O’twars . Bonds, laneous Sbcvritim UHARan,Dni from Baku NORTH DAKOTA B A N K S —Hazen to Horace FARMERS STATEfT P BANK 77-993 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued J u ly , 1922 1 1170 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number siren J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State No. 9 JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Hunter............ 424 Farmers & Merch. Bk. »JS'03 I. Moen_________ Cass L23 77-288 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos AND Capital Profits its 12.000 4,500 $ 122,000 First National Bank___ «t’03 J. H. Gale______ _ H. H. Carr______ O. W. Parkhurst „ W. H. Rogers 77-287 W. N. Parkhurst Hurds field----- 300 Farmers & Merch.Bank»J§’ll 10. E. Hasle. Fred Dietrich___ J. C. Reinertson... | A. T. Giltner Wells K14 77-730 30,000 3,180 10,000 14,000 Hurdsfleld State Bank.._t§'05 H. F. Miller............ T. L. Beiseker___ M.E. Walsh .. 77-622 10.000 Inkster.............368 Bank of Inkster......... ..•t§’86 V. E. Bemis........... R. E. Walker____ C. H. Cruttenden.. H. G. Bemis . Grand Forks G21 77-203 Farmers & Merch. State Bank J. H. McLain____ W. A. Scouton___ W. J. Glass______ E. E. Jenson 77-294 *§’10 'CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 77-44 J. J. NIERLING .... 0. ZIMMERMAN.- C.R. HODGE- - - - - - - J. J. NIERUNG, Jr. Principal Correspondents. $ 133,000 22,000 Drexel State. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpl- 1st N„ Fargo. 162,320 38,260 1st N.. Fargo and St. P.: 1st N„ Minpls. 100,000 120,000 15.000 Northw. N„ Minpls. 2,000 75.000 61.000 30.000 10,000 180,000 210,000 23,000 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St P. and Minpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 10.000 12,000 106,000 133.000 15,300 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi ; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 50.000 34,000 435.000 453.000 66.000 1st N., Chi.; Mereh. N., St. P.-, Northw. N., Minpls. 50,000 17,920 605,400 549.930 173,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N.and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 157,500 $ 10.000 7,000 1st N. Minpls. and Fargo. Send us Your “JAMESTOWN” Stems Direct. Remitted for Promptly on Day of Payment. •t’Oo ♦FARMERS & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 77-43 •t’99 'JAMES RIVER 77-42 A. KLAUS...... L. B. NIEMEYER... R. R. WOLFER..... E. W. MUELLER- ollections, Bill ol Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Prompt Attentio n. Try Us. Jessie.................100 Griggs J20 Joliette______ 300 Pembina D23 Juanita..........__15Q Foster J18 Jud--------- ....178 La Moure P17 Judson ............. 200 Morton NIC Karlsruhe....... 300 McHenry H12 Karnak_______ 35 Griggs K20 Kathryn...___289 Barnes N21 •t'81 100,000 114.970 1.020.150! Ol dost a St FEE IN ADVA Bell able Cre nd La utsma NCE: dlt Rep 50,000 382.010 1.517,140 pgest n Cou Sight dr 25c mint orts, 50 Bank nty. afts 15 c mu m ch c. TRY 132.230 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Northw. N. and 1st in N., Minpls.; 1st N., Duluth; Capital N., St. P. mimmu m; argeif p aid. LS. R. G. McFarland .. R. M. Stangler........ John Bennett___ O. H. Bennett E. J. Stangler R. R. Wolfer____ R. M. Stangler, A. B. De Nault, 50,000 11,500 135,000 130,000 40.000 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. O. E. Thorn_____ A. Burseth______ J. Egerman............. E. A. Retzlaff____ 12,000 9,000 100,000 113,000 14,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. J. F. McKay_____ Edward Florance.. A. A. Krause_____ 15,000 430 10,250 55,330 P. H. Kirwan____ F. J. Heaney____ J. H. Kirwan____ Julia Kirwan____ 10,000 9,000 80,600 107,000 M. F. Blanco......... A. A. Lorshbough.. I. M. Stutlien____ J. A. Gallagher__ 15,000 3,750 95,480 93,260 14,510 1st N., St. P.; Dakota N., Fargo. F. A. Lahr______ J. P. Wagner____ H. C. Dettmann---- 10,000 1,500 85,000 80.000 10.500 1st Guaranty, Bismarck; 1st N., Minpls. A. J. Fisher_____ Jacob Fischer___ J. P. Smith............. 10,000 8,000 80,000 110,000 O. H. Carlson____ J. A, Carlson____ Hilmer Carlson___ 15,000 1,000 24,000 44,000 6,250 University State. Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 2,500 N. Kx.. St. P.: Secur. N.. Fargo. J. O. Jensen_____ Rasmus Olsberg... H. W.Jensen____ M. J. Larson____ 25,000 8,000 210,000 5,000 235,000 22,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P., Fargo, A. Mickelsen_____ A. A. Mickelsen___ E. A. Mickelsen... V. E. Mikkelson... 25,000 10,670 265,220 39,000 288.840 W. N. Parkhurst.. O. W. Parkhurst-- E. W. Denneson... H. C. Lee................ 10,000 4,000 95.000 David Clark, Jr.__ 25,000 16,580 25,000 25,000 Tr. Sec. and Mgr. G. A. Trzcinski _— P. W. Dahl______ Kenmare National Bank«t’02 J. N. Fox________ P. M. Cole_______ E. W. Swanson. 77-82 100.000 225,910 5,500 204,690 177,930 15,650 176,300 3,300 1st N., Crookston. 11.450 1st N., Fargo and St. P. and Valley City. 51,030 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Fargo N. and Northern N., Fargo. 12.500 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; N. Far., Kasson, Minn. 69,300 N.Park.N. Y.; Nor’hw. N.,Minpls: IstN., Fargo; 2nd N., Minot; Winneshiek Co. State. Decorah. Ia. 67,280 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 2d N., Minot. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1922 State Bank of Jessie....+5'06 77-623 First State Bank______ t§’19 77-1025 First State Bank______ J5'12 77-760 Farm. & Merch. Eauity Bk. 77-1040 t§'22 First State Bank...............§’09 77-625 Security State Bank___}§’12 77-855 Karnak State Bank........t§’17 77-983 Farmers State Bank...*t§’16 77-908 Sheyenne Valley Bank .•tS’01 77-627 Kempt on....... .150 First State Bank........... «t§’06 Grand Forks 122 77-628 Keuma e ___1446 First National Bank____•t'99 Ward E7 77-81 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Items Given H. T. GRAVES-— S. F. CORWIN...... A. B. DE NAULT— J. E. MATTIS0NR. M.DEPUY A.J.RUL0N J. L. BE NAULT ♦Security Savings Bank»t§’19 C. E. Shrawder.... ♦ 77-1031 Jamestown Clearing House (Members indicated by a *) J. J. Nierling......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis laneous Loans t Dis. Cash & Exc’Tg. Bonus, changer.Doe Securities from Banks N O R T H DAKOTA-BANKS — H u n ter to Kenm are ______________ July, * Jamestown. .6627 Stutsman M18 C. S. Collins_____ L. C. Collins_____ W. C. Fisk Resources. Miscel 1196 1 1 Qfi L?. eac.h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. E-tire State in i.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 P. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Kensal.... ...........415 Farmers & Merchants Bank Stutsman K18 77-239 •t8’04 Security State Bank___$*’12 77-240 Kief;..................... 307 First State Bank______ $*’08 McHenry 112 77-630 Killdeer ............ 512 First National Bank ___ »$’09 Dunn K5 ♦ 77-650 Kindrt d______ 334 Farmers & Merchants Bank Cass N24 77-1009 *$§T8 Kindred State Bank___•$*’98 77-631 Kin tyre______ 200 Kintyre State Bank____$*’10 EmmOuS 014 77-632 Security State Bank___ $§’16 77-972 Kloten................150 First State Bank______*$§’07 Nelscxi 120 77-633 Knox_________ 173 Farmers State Bank.. «+§’18 Be-so„ G15 77-1011 Peoples State Bank___•i§’18 77-1004 Kongsberg_____ 50 Kongsberg State Bank..t§’17 McHenry Ill 77-969 Kramer______ 172 First National Bank_____$’05 Bottineau E12 77-463 State Bank of Kramer—•i|’06 77-464 Krem.................150 Security State Bank___ t§’07 Mercer K9 77-578 Kulm________ 725 First National Bank___•$’17 La Moure P17 77-170 First State Bank______t§’92 77-169 Lake Williams._50 Farmers State Bank___$§’19 Kidder L15 77-1032 •Lakota_______959 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Nelson H19 77-107 •$*’10 President. Vice-President. CASHIER. •La Moure___1014 La Moure P20 «$1900 NATIONAL BANK 77-124 .$’05 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 76-123 •t’C3 77-125 »$:§’08 8.210 $ 225,260 5,000 Rekourcf<5. Miscel laneous Principal Correspondents. !X>ANg & D18- Cash A Ex Bonds, changes,Dux SECURITIES from Banks c’ts. $ 203,330 $ 48,140 Cont.S Com'l N., Chi.: Northw. N.. Minpls. Merch. N.. St. P. 70,000 $ 10,000 3,500 100,000 10,500 210,000 20.000 5,500 402,000 20,000 9,890 389,810 16,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Carrington. 24,000 93,000 93.000 8,000 1st N. Minpls. and Bismarck; Capital N., 130,000 285,000 65,500 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.: Northw. N.,Minpls.: 355,000 65,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 322,780 97,420 Cont & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls., 130,000 St. P Merch. N., St. P. Northern N. and Dakota N., Fargo. 500 10,000 7,000 100,000 Gustav Kleppe........ G. G. Scheeler .... P. P. Dahl................ 20,000 500 75,000 93,000 Fargo, Duluth, and St. P. 12,000 Midland N.. Minpls,: Merch. N„ Ced. R.: City N., Bismarck. 8,000 Mtle. State, Minpls.; IstN., Fargo. H. O. Rask.............. L. J. Hanson______ G. A. Colson______ C. P. Kjeseth.. 10,000 10,000 207,000 228,000 28,000 1st N. and Northw N., Minpls.; 1st N„ C. H. Wirtz_______ B. Lander_______ 15.000 10,000 145,000 205,000 9,000 1st N., Grand Forks; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Frank Simon.......... S. R. Day_____ ___ S. R. Day_______ A. Martinson. J. M. Nash ............. A. F. Ohs.......... Fargo. 60.000 1st N. and Am. N., St. P. 10,000 1st N., M'npls. and St. P.; Northw. N.. Grand Forks. 16,130 1st N„ Minpls.; Capital Secur., Bismarck. J. F. Randall_____ R. A. Berg________ C. E. Eodness........ 25,000 2,250 71,000 116,000 N. E. Rulien______ C. W. McGray____ N. J. Krebsbach... 15.000 200 58,180 56,650 H. Ingvaldson____ P. O. Holland____ W. H. Gjerdingen. 25.000 5,000 115,000 110,000 C. M. Sprague____ C. J. Lofgren_____ H. N, Hanson____ A. E. Giese. 10.000 10,000 85,000 115,000 N. P. McGregor... E. A. Kees_______ G. C. Weyer______ 10,000 3,500 175,000 150,000 25,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mandan. Christopher Hieb. John Bischof____ W. M. Wilken____ T. H. Giedt. J. H.Jenner Edwin Hieb F. G. Hildebrand.. A. R. Riese_______ Otto Isaak.............. H. E. Gansz N. G. Isaak Jos. M. Williams.. Louis Falk_______ E. N. Nelson_____ 40,000 20,000 410,000 400,000 60,000 Merch. N,. St. P,; Northw. N and IstN., 30.000 20,000 300,000 300,000 30,000 1st N.. Chi., St. P.. Minp1*., and Bismarck; 15,000 1,560 A. J. Gronna_____ J. D. Gronna_____ 25,000 16,000 270,990 340,000 23,000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Mmpls.; 25,000 18 010 154,840 169,020 28,300 1st N.. N. Y„ Grand Forks, and St. P.: R. C. Chisholm___ C. F Ferris____ J. J. H0LICKY- 1 Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred 34,780 23,380 (DAVID LLOYD — J. A. T. BJCRNS0N PAUL ADAMS___ R. A. LOWE- - - - - - Northw. N.. Grand Forks. • 356,630 28.850 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 330,000 355,000 28,000 N. Bk. Com.jN.Y.; Northw. N.,Minpls.; 133,000 165,000 27,000 Chase N., N.Y.: IstN., Fargo and St. P.; 161,720 10,670 1st N., Minpls.; Northern State, Grand 10,000 224.480 50,000 31,660 30,000 12,500 50,000 99.000 Y our LA MOU RE Items Di rect.” ] Collections Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and (-Time Items Remitted fo r on Day of Payment. H.G. ROBERTSON- P. IBENNETT —. A. H. LERE— ed. cited and apprec FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight draft s, 15c minimum; (Credit Reports, 50c. Stock Yds. N., So. Sc. P. 1,810 Northw. N., Minpls. Northw. N., Minpls. Prompt attenti on given to all collections. FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight draft s, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. Accurate Credit Reports, 50c. First Mortgage Farm Loans on hand for sale to investors. Write for rat es J “Send us 6,600 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. Minpls.; 1st N.. Fargo, City N.. Bismarck. ding RY US. rVyeichmann 10,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., St. P. 25c minimum if paid. 15.000 5,000 109,440 and Fargo. 1st N., Fargo. City N., Duluth. Forks; Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; Am. N., St. P. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS 1197 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 $ 10,000 50,000 Landa .150 First International Bk..*$§’05 P. L. Klyver.____ J. R. Carley______ O. J. Elefson. Bottineau 1)11 77-634 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index $ C. B. Stringer____ E. Simbalenko____ A. C. Stringer____ EoiLcPionPsoU LA MOURE STATE BANK 1,1 ABILITIES. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Rasmus Jensen... H. M. Weydahl___ A. E. Lubke______ Wm. Connolly Lars Olsgard______ R.Evingson____ Adolph Dokken.__ O. M. Husebye M. H. Strehlow___ W. N. Parkhurst.. John Oltis_______ H.H0DEM......... W. H. HUTCHINSON T. S. HUNT......... FARMERS Asst Cashier. R. Clendenning ... O. B.Christopherson F. L. Nichols_____ Gustav Guenther G. W. C. Ross____ E. E. Tucker_____ H. E. Swenson____ (J. W. MURPHY- JACOB THAL........ H. H. M0RK—N. FRICK NATIONAL BANK OF LAKOTA Flrst and Oldes 1C.Established Ban k.. 77-106 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NORTH DAKOTA—Continued July, 1922 ___________ N O R T H DAKOTA BA N K S — Kensal to L an d a 1 I Q7 (See Index to Lawyers) - - — Town and county. *Cou„ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. lEstab. E-tireState i^No.9 piem. State is. Ass n. Fed. Res. I)ist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. rW. NAT! iLangdon____1228 —- i Liabilities. Capital Profits JOHN SHEEHAN......... M J BACKES n MnnNFV Surplus AND Ass't Cashier. { 25,000 $ ITS Resources. 15,000 $450,000 $ 620,000 $ 24,000 Atlantic N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi., 1st N.. St. P.. Grand Forks, Minpls., and Fargo. 77-101 STEVENSON — ern m R.B. POLLOCK-------- F L HESSE pripf 30,000 8,000 400,000 400,000 30,000 Cont.&Com’l N.,Chi.; Northw.N.,Minpls.; Am, Ex. N„ Duluth; Northern State, Grand Forks. 397,860 449,820 50,630 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 230,000 200,000 25,000 N. City, Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; 1st N., St. P. )Negotiate Farm and Mortgage Loans. (Collections sent us will receive pr ompt attention a nd remitted on d ay of p ayment 25,000 50,000 <c. b. McMillan J. H. BAIN________ L. L. GARDNER.... J. L. SCHWARTZJ Oldest bank in Cavalier County. Largest Capital a nd Surplus. ED. OTIAT GE LOANS NEG FARM MORTGA ) Superior Service on Collections. FIRST NATIftMftl RANK .i'82 ' 25c must be sent us with each reques t for rating. .................. 77-100 10,000 12,000 CF. L. GOODMAN ... S.T0RGERS0N........ J. H. V0RACHEK — 0. A. BYGLAND —- CITIZENS STATE BANK •+§’05 ] General bankin g. Vigorous attent ion given collect! ons. 77-313 Walsh G20 LFarm lands an d first mortgage Prompt ret urns. loans a specialty. 10,000 10,320 191,660 182,970 29,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. N„ Grand Forks. 25,000 9.000 195,000 185.000 24,000 Union N.. Minot; 1st N., Minpls. 25,000 8.000 140.000 170,000 22,000 Am. N., St. P.; Merch. & Mnfrs. State, Minpls.; Union N., Minot. 20,000 6,760 223,190 $ 320,910 20,230 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. P., Fargo. Grand Forks, and Minpls. 25,000 12,270 149,110 154,820 22,860 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Produce, Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 15,000 5,870 106,300 161,110 25,430 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Grand Forks. L. O. Vobayda------- F. E. Henderson.. 15,000 5,000 56 000 60,000 E. R. Reitscli____ H. W. Martin......... T. O. Chantland... E. D. Marriott .... 25,000 12,500 250,000 280,000 .<§■05 P. S. Peterson____ C. G. Gaarder........... K. -P. Nappen......... 77-312 Lansford_____ 337 First National Bank... <'05 F. E. Tucker_____ G. W. C. Ross_____ 77-238 Botti..eau E10 A. G. Adams iS’02 A. M. Hovland____ 77-237 iP L ARMS ELK VALLEY BANK-.. -<8'82 J <•02 {Moved to Columbus . N. D.) ........ 114 First State Bank .. §’03 George E. Towle.. T. O. Kraabel......... 77-636 Ramsey G19 Security State Bank. .<§’20 J. A. Aird____ ___ 77-1058 Leal__________ Bank of Leal 77-150 Benson G16 77-149 77-894 .100 77-869 Stark N6 Lehr_________ 3 Grant P9 <§’06 t 02 G. W. C. Ross____ J. I. Hegge_______ L. I. Walden______ J. H. Dooley George Wallace... A. J. Engel_______ 25,000 8,000 234,000 277,500 21,000 IstN., Minpls. and Fargo. *§•15 20,000 1,500 125,000 120,000 35.000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Grand Forks. £§'15 Adam A. Lefor.__ Jacob Lefor............. N. A. Lefor_______ 10,000 10.000 65,000 80,000 Cass N23 77-640 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .<§’03 J. A. Power............... Fred Ferchn 4.000 Am. N., St. P.; Far. State, Dickinson. 10,000 5.000 158,240 163,930 10,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo. R. G. Nagel 15,000 2,000 85,000 105,000 12,000 Union State, Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. E. F. Borchert ___ 10,000 2,000 100,000 96.000 20.000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen, S. D. John W. Goodman W. J. Anderson... 40,000 14,000 247,000 355,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.; Fargo.: 1st N., and Merch. N. St. P. Farmers & Merch. Bk .<§'02 John Bischof-------I. E. Giedt________ 77-638 M. J. Ruemmele State Bank of Lehr__ .<§17 F. Ziegenhagel___ J. P. Eichhorn .... 77-980 - tl’10 Geo. W. Herron... James Glavkee.... Clair Cornell-------77-639 Leonard ____ .322 Farmers Bank 20,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Northw. N.. Grand Forks, and Minpls. 710 H. W. Nagel July, 1922 McIntosh P16 10,000 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. (Closed March 25,'2 2) Barnes L19 Lefor. 70,960 Business. (The Oldest Ba nk in Grand For ks County. 77-96 Larson. A. ST0NEH0USE_ _ _ PAUL E GLASS........... GRACE TERRY_____ )We Invite Your 77-95 NORTH DAKOTA BANKS—Langdon to Leonard CITIZENS STATE BANK <§'93 Lari more........1089 Gra..d Forks H21 Principal Correspondents. Miscel- Loans k Dig- Cabb k ExLANEOUS SlCURITIIS CIlANO>B,I>nX prom Banks (.Farm Lands an d first mortgage loans a specialty. jW. ........ . 334 F. WINTER Cashier. tlon given collect ions. Prompt ret urns. ..<•08 ) General Bankin g. Vigorous atten Cavalier D19 Lankin Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NORTH DAKOTA—Continued — 1198 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ) each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Town and Oountt. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPiiv. Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. s Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Lidgerwood 1065 Farmers National Bank.»t’06 77-110 Richland Q23 First National Bank____<’01 77-111 Lignite______ 214 First State Bank______ *§’07 Burke D6 77-641 Lincoln Valley.60 Lincoln Valley State Bk.tS'12 77-775 Sheridan J13 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. M. Lynch_______ 10,000 $ 361.090 M. O. Movius... 34,200 630,000 739.000 44,000 5,000 200,000 215,000 18,000 Anton Wohlwend- F. W. Mashek....... W. H. Mashek....... $ 50.000 1 J. L. Mathews J. H. Movius_____ R. H. Rue_______ 50.000 M. E. Voyek P. N. Johnson____ C. P. Olson______ Sophie Jessen___ 25.000 t 414.580 $ 37,370 Minpls. and St. P. Merch. N., St. P. 10,000 6,300 110,560 105,000 19,180 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; James River N., Jamestown. fFRANK CHESROWN FRED HEINRICH_____ OTTO T. BECKER-— A. F. HEINRICH —. 25,000 11,000 ' 225.000 283,500 15,500 N„ St. P. CITY NATIONAL BANK *4 08 < Send Us You. L inton Items Dire ct. 77-173 ) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I terns Remitted fo r on Da y of Pay ment. L Absolutely Safe Farm Mortgage L oans negotiated, netting 7%. 77-1055 Ransom 022 Principal Correspondents. C. I. Kindschi....... A. J. Goetz______ B. G. Kindschi___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 07 M. T. Barger......... Thos. McCrory__ J. D. Meier............ 77-172 L. D. Seeman E. M. Graf PEOPLES STATE BANK4§ 20 R. M. Volk............ L. Du Heaume....... J. It. Volk.............. L. J. Seifert_____ ‘Lisbon______1855 Liabilities. Resources. 1; DiSiPOt*^ Iaumi 1 Dl*- Cam A Ex Paid-op Surplus | Miscel C’T*. BO!U>», a mom, Due and Capital Profits laneous Bmuritiu on IT8 rmoM Bavki FIRST NATIONAL BANK 25,000 20.000 25,000 370,500 404,200 85,000 85,000 13,300 Northw. N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 51.600 K. 8. Adaihs___ H. K. Adams..___ W. S. Adams____ H. E. Schaaf____ 50,000 Save time and get service on Co llections and Cre dit Reports by se nding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. 32,480 680.000 — 791.820 192.160 Han. N„ N. Y.; Merch. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. |R. W. CRAIG. . . . . . . . M. C. SUHUMSKIE.. E. T. SWANSON___ 50,000 COUNTY FARMERS ---- 77-63.............t*’17 ")FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 1 5c Minimum; 25cm inimum charge if paid, ’Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. 15,000 225,000 240.000 35,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Dakota Sav., Fargo. 77-62 •*'83 State Bank of Lisbon._.»*S'82 77-61 Litchville......... 528 First National Bank___ «t’06 Barnes N20 77-227 First State Bank..........»t51900 77-226 Lorna................ 100 First State Bank........... »tr05 Cavalier E18 77-642 Lone tree______ 43 First State Bank______ £§'12 Ward 09 77-777 Loraine_______ 74 Loraine State Bank.........’08 Renville D9 77-643 Lost wood..........100 Mountrail Co. State Banktl'lO Mountrail F6 77-644 Lucca.................200 First State Bank............. £§’05 Barnes N21 77-645 Ludden.............132 First State Bank.............£§’07 Dickey Q20 77-646 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. R. Sandager... Harley S. Grover.. W. F. Grange 50,000 11,620 425,050 445,800 A. P. Hanson__ J. R. Gamin______ 40,870 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. Fargo. G. P. Bergeson.... 25.000 25,000 316,500 286,300 57,800 John M. Olson... 25,000 22,000 238,000 321,000 Fargo and St. P. 29,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo. C. B. McMillan... L. M. Olson______ E. H. Headland__ Theresa Grant__ T. J. Kinneberg A. Sillers________ H. F. Baker____ 10,000 10,000 80,000 103,000 10.000 F. S. Tofflemire.. H. O. Sethre_____ W. C. Edwards___ 10,000 2,200 60,770 90,390 670 M.C. Dale......... T. A. Daie .............. M. H. Dale............. 10,900 5,000 59,000 $ 82,000 5,000 B. W. Taylor___ O. S. Haugen Bertha Boman .... 10,000 3,500 50,000 70,000 4,000 H. Ingvaldson... 10,000 7,000 80,000 76,000 W. M. Scott......... J. M. Thorson___ E. D. Knadle____ B. H. Knadle......... Fred Utke L. A. Samson____ Karl Stearns____ 10,000 7,460 91,670 83,980 Edwards. Lee .. J. K. Borg_______ Harold Borg.. 15 one 1 000 36 nno J. D. Brown____ M. B. Cassell......... 25,000 8 870 191.480 Ole Arnegard.__ B. I, Keating......... J. J. Webber____ E. T. Johnson___ 10,000 7.000 T. D. Thorson.-- Albert Hesla......... S. B. Bagne............ H. E. Skogmo.. .. 25,000 J. I. Hegge____ G. W. C. Ross____ Arthur Idsvoog.... H. B. Baeverstad.. 20,000; W. F. Winter___ 15,000j August Peterson. S. G. Erickson .... M. O. Strom_____ L. B. Lindquist-__ John Witzel E. V. Nelson____ E. V. Nelson____ 25,000 J. S. Johnson___ O. C. Dosseth____ 10,000 W. B. Cheshire ___ R. W. Smithberger Et. A. Johnson....... Richard A. John son 21,000 66,000 Northern State, Grand Forks. Grand Forks;Minn.Transfer State. St.P. N., Minot. Northw. N., Minpls. 12,000 Am. N., St. P.; Merch., Drake. 21,770 N. Park. N. Y.; Capital N„ St. P.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings, S. D.: 1st N., Aberdeen. 6,000 Mtle. State, Minpls.; 2d N„ Minot. 284,900 16 280 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls. 80,000 103,000 5,000 125,000 165,000 8,000 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul; Northern N., Fargo. 10,000 Am. N., St. P.: 1st N., Minpls. 7,500 325,000 300,000 46,750 82,630 7,020 125,000 155,600 12,570 170,650 148,860 75,830 80,420 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 3,430 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Grand Forks. 25,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Harvey; City N., Bismarck. 24,150 1st N. and Midland N.. Minpls.: Union N.. Minot, 1st N„ Bismarck. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1199 Lundsvalley___60 Farmers State Bank__ £§'17 Mountrail F6 77-978 Lu verne........... 225 Luverne State Bank___‘tS'll 77-724 Steele K21 Pioneer State Bank____£§'12 77-743 Maddock......... 557 Citizens State Bank____£§'11 Benson H15 77-731 Farmers State Bank...»£|'03 77-647 Maida______ 24 Bank of Maida................ £§T9 77-1008 Cavalier C19 Makoti............300 First National Bauk___*£§’12 Ward H8 ♦ 77-768 Reservation State Bank»£§'08 77-721 E. C. Lucas____ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS —Lidgerwood to Makoti ‘Linton.......... 1011 Emmons P13 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 QQ t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. X13 3 Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estalj. No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. PZSSIDKNT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits * Man da n 4336 Farmers Equity State Bank A. O. Henderson .. A. H. Peterson — J. A, Timmerman. S 50,000 S Morton Nil 77-968 <§'17 <« •« 100,000 J. B. Racck______ First National Bank....... <’81 Joseph P. Hess___ P. C. Lyon____ W. J. Watson J. H. Newton 77-45 *• ii Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Bscdrittm Principal Correspondents. from Banns 5,000 $ 373,470 $ 167,480 t 562,740 i 33,200 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Capital N„ St. P. 193,670 1,575,270 326,900 lslN.. N. Y. and Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.: 61,550 1,546,950 Merch. N„ St. P. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. R.S. JOHNSTONE- T. S. JOHNSTONE-- GEO. F. WILSON - E. C. J0HNST0NE77-4/ <14 R. A. JOHNSTONE W. H. STUTSMAN 50,000 12.5UU MANDAN LOAN & INVESTMENT GO. 20,000 25,000 / W. A. Lanterman E. A. Ripley_____ E. A. Ripley, See.. A. Iverson, 2V.___ A. Lanterman Resources. k DlS- Cash & Ex Miscel cI.OANR ’tb. Bonds, changes,Doi laneous 335,000 99,300 434,900 61,900 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 60,000 10,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Far. Equity State, Mandan. , We Negotiate F Irst Farm Mortga ge Loans on Improved We stern North Dak ota and Eastern Montana Land, netting Inves tors 6%. WRITE US. '06 ( \ A. T,_ Netcher 127,620 2,000 22,000 35,600 Walter Bohrer — 10,000 5,000 50,000 77,940 8,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. A. N. Beiseker__ 10,000 40,000 50,000 132,000 4,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ Dickin son. 7,000 N. Produce, Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.: Far. N., Lidgerwood. 5,600 1st. N„ Minpls.; Citiz. N„ Wahpeton. 10,000 3,500 133,000 A. C. Kapsner.___ E. J.Kapsner....... M. M. Weber 15,000 1,500 75,000 73,000 J. W. Wheeler....... D. A. Nelson____ N. S, Phillips......... 10,000 15,490 132,000 115,000 30,000 38,000 101,000 77-788 Farmers State Bank.<§'19 Jacob Franzen ___ 77-1027 Nelson H20 Mapletou State Bank—<§'13 C. H. Thompson.— W. F. McIntyre.__ S. S. Lyon 77-807 Cass M24 Marion__ ___ 294 First National Bank---- <'02 W. C. McDowell .. Christian Baertsch John J. Webber... H. A. Crossman ... 77-350 La Moure 020 Frank Kramer___ Lewis Baertsch .— J. J. Earley______ P. G Sit* 77-351 «i «< Martin ?nn Sheridan 114 McLean 110 Bottineau EiO 107,870 4,000 10.000 Grand Forks G23 Marmath__ 1338 Slope PI 3,730 6,000 O. S. Haugen......... E. W. Comford---- 15,000 33,480 Northw. N. a*.d 1st N„ Minpls. 1,600 Norhw. N„ Minpls. 12,400 Capital N., St. P.; 1st N„ Minpls. 6,000 1st N., St. P. 10,000 7,000 110,000 25,000 22.500 325,000 300,000 60-.000 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 30,000 7,000 200,000 200,000 38,500 Merch. N., St. P.; Bk. of Valley City, Valley City; 1st N.. Minpls. 25,000 j C. P. ALLISON____ F. 0. BARBER........— A.J. BEHRMANN — W. N. THOMPSON D. SMITH FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 08 ) FEE IN ADVAN C. CK: Sight Drafts, 15c minimum-, 25c minimum chargeif paid. 77-651 26,580 217,930 262,180 45,660 N. City. N. Y.; Capital N„ St. P.; 1st N., Lemmon. S. D. 15.000 130,000 114,000 167.000 25,000 Drov. State, So. St. P.; 1st N. and Liberty Stale, Minpls. 16,500 1st N. and Citiz. State, Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. * 12,000 Midland N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Fargo and Bismark. 72,000 1st N .Minpls.; Am. N. and Com’l Slate, St. P.; City N., Bismarck. 5,000 1st N., Minpls.: 2d N., Minot. 38,330 12,000 Merch. N., Fargo.; 1st N., Minpls. l Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. Stockgrowers Bank....... J§’19 W. J. Johnson__ 77-1044 77-354 First National Bank..„<’06 77-378 First State R»ntr 77-377 Maxbass Security Bank.}|'05 77-412 State Bank of’05 77-411 Mayville 1218 77-105 Traill J23 <« Onose River Rank 77-104 Maza 12R 77-994 Towner F16 44 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis <§’81 J.J. Schmidt------- R. B. Daly—------ W. E. Daly ...... 15,000 3,150 150,600 August Peterson.. O. A. Olson............ P. L. Ofsdahl____ E. K. Berge______ 25,000 7,600 153,000 265,000 Theodor Stohr.__ C. W. Morton ___ ,T. O. Nelson__ _ 12,000 8,000 231,000 189,000 C. L. Newhouse—— M. C. Tillotson__ K. Tillotson______ 15,000 5,000 50,000 85,000 F. A. Rinkel_____ P. J. Nordherg ___ D. B. McDonald__ A. A. Krzmarzick. 15,000 5,000 120.000 120,000 K. G. Springen___ 50,000 15,000 290,000 321,770 50,000 10.000 654,400 518,400 15,000 1,200 30.000 36,000 Otto Bremer George O. Stomner M. L. Elken_____ K. S. Groth-......... C. N. Brunsdale J. A. Johnson....... O. N. Grefsheim .. A. M. Soliah____ 25.000 1st N.. Minpls.: Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 33,230 Cont. & Com’l N . Chi.; 1st N., St. P., Minpls., and Fareo. 130,800 Ct aseN.,N.Y.; Midland N. and Northw.N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. 7,000 1st N., Minpls.; Northw. N.. Grand Forks. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence BANKS —Mandan to M aza _______________ July, 1922 Manfred -ISO First Stain Rank i!’02 T. L. Beiseker___ Wells J15 77-648 Farmers & Merchants Bank B. W. Taylor......... 77-394 t§'06 Mountrail F6 Mannhaven__ 25 Mercer County Slate'04 Mercer K8 77-649 C. G. Kapelovitz .. 77-762 Dunn L5 Mantador........100 Farmers State Bank —ti’13 J. L. Mathews___ 77-810 Richland P24 Guaranty State Bank..<§'20 77-1054 1200__________________ NORTH DAKOTA Humber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given 1 ?nn *° ®*e^ bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J.4VJU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 14U1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name or Bank. O Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. FEstab. Entire Sta e in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. McCanna____ 100 Gra^d Forks H21 UAUB Ui JliLVOUUll. —•••fj x* 77-732 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. t 69,000 $ 13.CC0 S 79,300 I 16,700 N. Park. N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; 5,090 129,000 140,000 16,000 Merch.N., St. P. 10,000 9,000 113,000 125,000 27,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P.; James River N.. Jamestown. 15.000 2,060 103,860 15,000 4,000 104,000 126,000 12,000 1st N., St. P. and Fargo; Midland N., Minpls. 25,000 11,000 190,000 211.000 19,520 1st N., Fargo and Minpls. F. H. Pillsbury.__ 10,000 6,000 70,050 93,340 Wm. H. Dickson.. 10,000 2,000 89,000 92,000 22,000 Northw. N.. Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls. 25,000 10,000 200,000 250.000 15.000 1st N., St. P., and Fargo; Midland N., Minpls. 25,000 10,000 180,000 199,000 16,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Northern N.. Fargo. V. A. Heiberg....... Emil Heiberg____ Clara M. Horson McHenry.........299 Farmers & Merchants Bank E. J. Horn______ N. O. Haugen ..... F. H. Stafford___ R. G. Nicoll 77-939 t§’16 Foster J19 First National Bank ...•t’06 H. S. Halvorson... H. P. Hammer....... E M Metz 77-284 McLeod.............. 75 Ransom 023 correspondents. 25,000 Sheridan County State Bank 77-204 tl’09 H. P. Goddard----- Principal 2,000 iMcClusky___646 First National Bank.__»}’08 E. B. Robertson... J. A. Beck.............. 77-203 Sheridan K12 McGregor___ 200 McGreeor State Bank..»t§’10 W. C. McCliutock. 77-497 Williams E5 Resources. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Miscel Loans A Dis- Cash & Ex Paid-up c ’ ts . Bonds, changes,Dub AND laneous Securities from Banks its Capital Profits S 10.000 $ E. T. McCanna .... C. D. McCanna.... L. II. Engh............. P. P. Engh McKenzie....... 150 McKenzie State Bank___$S’06 77-852 Burleigh N13 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued anwxvxxx l/mvwi Vyumiuucu Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., St. P. 42,650 155,670 9,900 1st N.. Mi..nls., Grand Forks, and St. P. 7,000 Northw. N., Minpis.; 1st N.. Bismarck. 77-888 McVille............ 546 First National Bank--------*$'06 C. H. Simpson_______ O. G. Olsen_________ 77-805 Nelson 120 CoraL. Berg rA. 0. ARENS0N- E. C. 0LSGARD.... E. H. N0RBY-----------E. C. BALDWIN STATE BANK OF McVILLE 77-335 'tl’Oe ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by send lng TRY U S Ifee in advan CE: Plain tight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 50c. Medina............ 415 Guaranty State Bank...§’22 77-1066 Stutsman M16 T? B WehPr Security State Bank...«t§’16 Joseph Kaisler_____ R. M. Stangler E. M. Reardon 77-924 iMedora_____ 100 Stockmen's State Bank.•tS’09 Harve Robinson... 77—653 Billings M2 _ _ _ _ _ 16,500 1st N., Minpls.: Far. & Merch. N., James town. G. H. Weber 15,000 1,500 Chas. E. Shrawder 15,000 3,000 100,000 130,000 20,000 Northern N.. Fargo; 1st N., St. P.; Secur. Sav., Jamestown. 15,000 15,000 100,000 101,100 15,550 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N.. So. St.P.; 1st N.,Dickinson; Merch. N.,St.P. 5,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Grand Forks; Midland N., Minpls. 18,480 Northw. N., Minpls.; James River N. Jamestown. 5,000 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Guaranty, Bismarck. G. E. Burgess________ M. Follis...............- Theo. Montplaisir. 10,000 7,500 72.000 95,410 10,000 13,000 78,650 94,680 30.000 37,000 10,000 3,500 75,000 112,670 10.000 4,000 75,000 65,000 15,000 B. C. Hjelle______ K. E. Northrop__ 10.000 5,300 115,000 100,000 Stephen Hofer.... 25,000 12,000 197,000 174,200 Oliver Knudson... N. M. Orvik_____ G. Maltrud______ 77-247 Millarton____ 50 Millarton State Bank__ *§T2 H. T. Graves------- A. B. DeNault___ 77-786 Stutsma.. N18 Milnor ........ 680 First National Bank___ »t’06 E. B. Johnson____ Otto Miller 77-175 ^argent P22 Milnor National Bank...«t’06 A. E. Austin_____ Anton Berger....... Reginald Thorne.. J. M. Kane............ 10,000 5,000 150,000 200,000 2,000 50,000 47,000 25,000 11,410 251,000 248,590 30,000 15,520 254,570 340,960 (Formerly Nelson County State Bank) NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.000 For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to 6,400 Northw. N., Mi.,pls. 18,000 1st N., Minpls. 25,190 1st N., Mi,,pis. and St. P.; Aberdeen N., A hprrlppn 57,200 Han. N., n!y.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Grand Forks and Duluth. 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 7,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; James River N., Jamestown. 26,830 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mi„pls.; N. Bk of Wahpeton. Wahpeton. 36,660 1st N.. St. P.; Northern N., Fargo: Citiz. N.. Wahpeton; Nor:hw. N., Minpls. _____________ 1201 Mekinock....... 200 Mekinock State Bank .. _tS’07 Samuel Torgerson. 77-654 Gra^d Forks H22 Thilip Wiseman.. Melville........... _150 77-655 Foster K17 H. W. Dotv______ Menoken______50 Menoken Farmers State Bk. F. V. La hr 77-1033 *§’19 Burleigh N12 O. S. Hjelle............ Wm. Llerboe____ Mercer_______ 200 77-444 McLean K12 M. C. Freeberg__ Geo. McFadden ... F. O. Freeberg___ 77-445 Lee Northrop___ Merricourt__ First State Bank ...........»tS’06 77-656 Dickey Pig J. S. Lamb______ Michigan...—.491 Lamb’s National Bank.»tl900 77-248 Nelson H20 V. July, 1922_____________ NORTH DAKOTA B A NKS —McCanna to Milnor 19m Number under Name of Bank u the New Transit Number given Name of -------------- --------------- ---------------------—_---------------------------- —-------------,------------ Bank. •Cou.. y Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. gState fPriv. E-tire State i.i tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.9Fed.Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. (JOHN WILD_____ MU ton................393 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 02 Jl5c sent us with Cavalier E20 77-269 1 and 25c for ea ' insures prom Be H1G 564 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $ 25,000 $ H. G. HALVERSON. C.S. ROBERTSON.. each Sight Draft for presentation cb Credit Report pt personal atten tlon. First National Bank__ •tlBOO J. I. Hegge_______ Paid-dp Capital Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Depos Miscel i.oamb k lira C*an k Exand Bonds. cHAMoaa.Dos laneous "’Ta. its SacoRiTiaa from Bank* Profits 6,500 $ 180,110 * 6,250 * 194,110 J -- ----------------- 1—^—5------------------------------------ Principal Correspondents. 23,750 N. City, N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; Merch. N.,Ced. R.: IstN., Fargo. 8,200 230,000 300,000 17,000 1st N., Fargo; Northw N., Minpls. 25.000 8,500 150.000 115,000 84.000 Merch. N.. St. P.; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 50,000 5,510 249,900 345,350 28,890 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.. Midland N\, Minpls.; Am. N.. St. P. — 35.000 15,000 275,000 300,000 50,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. *Scandinavian-A«erican Bk. E. B. Ramstad____ M. R. Porter______ George Heger____ Hilda Balerud....... 77-24 <|'05 A. E. Elefson 25,000 3,030 364,990 382,490 52,530 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ ML.pls. Minnewaukan State Bk.»tl’01 77-210 .Minot......... 10,476 ♦Citizens Bank.......... Ward G10 77-26 B. Christianso.u__ C. J. Wigdahl.......... George Wigdahl... •tl’10 Peter Ehr_______ E. P. Ehr................. Hugh Vallely----- |*FIRST INTERNATIONAL BK. rJ. R. CARLEY......... D. C. HAIR............... W J GERDING - — Gr: Jj: FUGLAAR young 77-25 <§'15 < Send Us Your U ollections, Bill of Lading 68,830 1 Drafts, Cash an d Time Items Dir ect. ^Remitted for o n Day of Paymcn t. 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK 77-22 T.J’96 'UNION NATIONAL 77-23 BANK GUARANTY INV. T*t05 COMPANY R. E. BARRON — JAMES JOHNSON. H. E. BY0RUM....... W. E.T00LEY......... H. C. DAHL _U. S. De [>o8ltory. uiaesi ana i^argesi vans in Northwestern North Dakota, Send your Items direct fo r prompt, efficient service. 6% FIRST FARM MORTGiIGF LOANS NEGOTIATED. High Grade Bonds, Farm and City Mortgages. Securities suitable for bank Investments, consisting of short time paper given by responsible firms, banks and farmers. List of banks handUng our securities furnished on request. 77-928 NORTH DAKOTA Mtp on Index Union N., Minot. Sec. and Mgr. First State Bank_____ <§’16 C. J. Lofgren_____ N. J. Nelson____ H. Gavere_______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 H. E. Byorum, 77-658 77-854 544,620 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON NORTH DAKOTA MAP. Min to________602 Bank or Minto_______ J|’85 M. S. Titus______ L. W. Wisniewski. A. E. McKay........ . Burleigh 013 i 75,000 1,651.110 U. S. Depository. Accounts of Banks and Bankers solicit 100,000 33.670 943.270 184.070 N. Park, N. L; 1st N., St. P., Duluth, 951.370 ed. Unexcelled facilities for the prompt collection of and Minpls. North Dakota Items. Send US your business. g£E /tp VERTIS EMENT ON BAC KOF NO RTH DA KOTA M AP. Minot Clearing House-------- M. R. Porter____ Mofflt.................100 Mofflt State Bank 108,430 1,912,300 E. 8. PERSON--------C. H. ZEHRINGER- 0. R. POWELL______ B. A. BALERUD .... (Members indicated by a *) Walsh F22 100,000 22,000 $§'11 C. B. Little_______ V. Benz_________ H. P. Goddard____ L. L. Rock wood ... 25,000 5,000 246,260 15,000 2.500 230.000 3,500 70,000 10,000 710 226.150 50,830 Chase N.,N. Y.; IstN., St. P., Grand Forks, and Minpls. 200,000 50,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Northw. N., 67.000 Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 11,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence NORTH DAKOTA BANK S- Milton to Moffit______________ July, 1922 25.000 M. L. Haley______ C. T. Krstad______ 77-209 1202 Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this. Name op Bank. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers, President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. & Pl8- Cash & Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Miscel c1.0AN8 ’ tb. Ronds, changes,Dut AND laneous Securities from Banks Capital Profits its »MohalI _____ 651 American State Bank... §’21 J. P. Asheim_____ f C. G. Strommeii--. Renville 1)9 77-1065 (Closed November 3 0, ’21) «< << Mohall Security Bank...§’22 G. E. Fulkerson... Chas. Doffing_____ C. D. Pancratz........ J. E. Cunningham. 77-222 J. C. Cooke______ W. E. LaPlante... Montpelier ..,.186 First National Bank....<’19 F. E. Stott_______ D. C. Debra_______ H. T. Marken........ 77-1045 C. A. Arduser Stutsman N19 300 1 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. 59,000 25.000 5,000 190,000 J 210,000 $ 10,000 16,000 200,000 150.000 23,000 Chi. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. 20,000 20,000j 20,000 1st N., St. P.; Union N„ Minot. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 119,060 $ 92,200 212,780 18,490 lstN.,St. P. and Ellendale; Stock Yds. N., 21,060 80,100 7,640 1st N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. N.. James 26,900 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; So.St.P.;lst N. and Liberty State,Minpls. 25.000 5.050 36,640 Montpelier State Bank .<§'05 H. T. Graves .......... A. B. De Nault.... 77-659 10,000 14,000 108,000 112,000 Mooreton___123 Farmers State Bank___*§'10 Thos. Manikowske. M. Chernich______ 77-301 Richla.-d P24 .. First National Bank____t’05 W. D. Henry_____ M. Braun________ J. J. Lawrence___ 77-300 R. T. Barber 15,000 4.000 95,000 85.000 25,000 5,100 67,630 106,300 10,200 Imp. & Tra, N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 20,000 440,000 400,000 80,000 Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.;Northw.N., Minpls.; State Guaranty Bank___{§’10 J. L. Opfer_______ F. G. Orr________ Geo. J. Helming... Grant Helming.... 77-182 40,000 1,000 264,100 262,370 26,690 IstN., Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo:Merch. Mountain____20(1 Mountain State Bank ..<§’08 E. Thorwaldson.... G. E. Towle___ ... E. A. Brandson___ R. P. Skjald........... 10,000 2,000 110,000 120,000 10,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks. H. E. Strand ......... Munich. .. 248 Farmers Bank............. <§'04 Adam Hanna____ M. G. Antony____ 77-277 Cavalier E17 .. First National Bank....... <05 A. 1. Hunter_____ J. A. Dinnie_____ C. M. Tjosvold ___ H. A. .Tanzeh 77-276 10,000 19,490 265,000 349,000 18,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 25,000 5.000 140.000 130,000 30,000 Northw. N.,Minpls.; 1st N„ Grand Forks. Mylo ......... 140 First State Bank...........<§’05 A. Egeland______ R. J. Honeyford .. 77-662 Rolette Elo 10,000 2,000 150,000 140,000 18,000 IstN., Grand Forks, St. P., and Minpls. 10,000 2,000 70,000 70,000 25,000 8.000 254,000 237.000 Frank Simon____ Adam Kroeber__ J. L. Greitl___ N. C. Krebsbach 10,000 4.000 61,000 89,430 J. N. Horgan . ... Daniel Kippen___ N. L. DeMars____ R. J. Welch 15,000 1,500 111,590 110,970 F. P. Holmes____ C. N. Murphy F. L. Briden 25,000 42,510 423,120 Nekoma...........189 State Bank of Nekoma..{§'05 P. S. Peterson___ Fred L. Goodman.. Cavalier E19 77-665 15,000 5,240 State Bank of Newburg <§’05 F. A. Rinkel____ W. F. Hanks____ P. J. Nordberg—_ Bertha Qualheim . Bottineau Ell 77-666 10,000 5,000 .. *Mott._..............723 First National Bank____<’07 R. E. Trousdale___ H. P. Jacobsen___ E. H. Trousdale... F. R. Lauterbach.. 77-181 HettL.ger P6 .. Pembina E21 77-660 Mowbray____ 100 Bank of Mowbray Cavalier C19 Isabelle Ness____ ‘Napoleon .554 First National Bank___ t’19 C. L. Merrick,____ N. C. Young_____ F. B. Heath 77-302 Logan 015 it 77-303 Pembina C21 .. 77-1023 77-664 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Citiz. N., Wahpeton. 1st N.. Mandan. N.. St. P. M. E. Gipfer Fred L. Lewis___ J. L. Symington... 51,000 Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Grand Forks and Minpls. 51,800 Northw. N., Midland N., and Minpls.: 1st N„ Fargo. 1st N., 9,230 1st N., Minpls.; City N„ Bismarck. 4,060 Minn. Transfer State, St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 337,010 178,630 1st N., Clii., St. P., Duluth, and Minpls. 80,530 96,370 19,190 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 100.000 150,000 25,000 10,000 1st N.. Minpls., Grand Forks, and St.P. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sm Index to Lawyers) 1203 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index James River N., Jamestown. 30.890 IstN., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Wahpeton. (Closed Nov. 3(1, ’21) Nanson____ 100 State Bank of Nanson...t§'07 S. B. Qvale............ S- A. Retrum____ 77-663 Rolette Ell <• town. NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Moha 11 to Newburg Mouaugo_____ 231 BANK OF M0NANG0—<§ 92 I. M. Caldwell........ W. L. Caldwell .... 77-413 Dickey Q19 .. Farmers & Merch. State Bk. John Thorn Chris, Bollinger... H. R. Fmr 77-414 tS’07 E. Magoffin 15.000 $ Principal Correspondents. July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i oriq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' -L4UO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Cou..ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.9 Fed. Res. Dist ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. New England 613 Farmers & Merchants State W. L. Whitmire... R. J. Lau ter bach.. H. F. Littig_____ Bank___77-977______ t§'17 Hettinger 05 H. A. Borcherding 1. M First National Bank........ t’10 August Peterson... Henry Melaas... 77-495 Ass’t Cashier. E. W. Winter. H. E. Schroeder__ H. Huggett______ 44 44 Eddy J17 2111 15.000 $ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Resources. oans & Dis- Cash ft Ex Miscel Lc’T8. Bonds, laneous Securities changes,Due Principal Correspondents. $ 275.000 t 40,000 Capital N., St. P. 1.500 j 300,000 25 000 25.000 180,000 250.000 40,000 1st N., Minpls. 15.000 200 50,000 65.000 8,000 1st. N., Minpls. 15.000 8,000 134,000 210,000 9,800 Northw. N„ Minpls.; City N.. Bismarck Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswicli. S. D. First State Bank..........»4§’10 G. E. Towle............ J. S. Birdsall.......... O. D. Sprecher___ 77-355 10,000 7,500 145,000 125,000 25,000 1st N., ML.pls.; Northern N.. Fargo. New Leipzig State Bank»J§’10 J. P. Zweber_____ M. B. Zweber____ 77-356 10,000 8,300 140,000 125.000 20,000 StockYds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N.. Bismarck FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK.............................................. »tS’06 77-122 rC. MACLACHLAN J.'FB.'60SSMETEB H. F. Zweber........ . and Minpls.: Brown Bros. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Aberdeen, S. D, L. W.SCHWOEBEL- W. H. GOODRICH - 20,000 15,000 421,310 509.220 “SEND US YOUB NEW ROC KFORD ITEMS DIRECT.” J Collections, Bi 11 of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Remitted For on Day of Pa yment. Try Us. <( „ First National Bank... **'02 Lewis Mortensen.. Martin Aas_______ W. A. Zellmer___ 77-121 25,000 .. State Bank of Eddy County W. Desmond ____ O. J. Helland_____ 77-1067 §’22 30.000 New Salem___711 Farmers&MerchantsStateBk. C. W. Wiegmann.. Philip Blank_____ F. H. Ellwein_____ J. H. Wecker_____ 77-180 «t§'09 Morton N9 25,550 500,270 $ 39,200 44.560 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Fargo, St. P.. Minpls., and Duluth. 67,920 N. Y. Tr.Co., N.Y.;lst N.,Fargo, Minpls., and St. P. 20,000 4,000 225,000 240,000 17.000 1st N„ Chi. and Minpls,; City N., Bismarck. 25.000 5,000 350.000 325,000 25,000 1st N., Mandan; Merch. N., St. P. 22,000 5.000 225 COO 200,000 30.000 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st. N., Minpls. Newvilie____ ..50 Newvilie State Bank_____ §’09 O. L. Bye............. ............... H. A. Bye......................... A. O. Bye____________ 10.000 8,500 25,000 62,900 Niagara______199 Bank of Niagara___________ t§’05 George B. Kirk, Jr. Ernest Kirk-................ David Kirk...................... 25,000 5,000 159,350 15,000 6,690 15,000 3,000 4< ,4 STATE BANK OF NEW SALEM 77-178 “ (CHAS. F. PETERSON. J.CHRISTIANSEN — W. G.SCHUCHT---- J“SEND US YO UR NEW SALEM ITEMS DIRECT. 99 “) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given ' prompt atten tion. “FARM MO RTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED.” *§’99 Union Farmers State Bank O. C. Gaebe________ Christ. Kaelberer. R. G. Meyers________ A. S. Meier___________ 77-1024 t§’19 A. E. Pool J. V. McCormick Towner F17 77-667 Grand Forks H21 77-668 Security State Bank 77-1006 *§’18 Chas.M. English.. M. T. Scarff__________ Chas. M. English.. Chas. H. Bobb______ Bank____77-973______t§’17 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 240,710 30,020 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Northw, 36,010 99,960 24.190 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.: 75.000 85,000 22,000 Mtie. State, Minpls.; 2d N„ Minot. N. and 1st N., Grand Forks. _____ Northern State, Grand Forks. Niobe________ 150 Farmers & Merchants State K. L. Smith............ C. M. Hanson_____ V. A. Fleckten.__ Ward E7 81,370 3.000 1st N., St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1922 .. N O R T H DAKOTA B A N K S— N ew E ngland to Niobe New Leipzig...378 Farmers State Bank.__t§’16 Adolph Frasch___ Bernhard Frasch.. Alex Eberhardt... G. A. Ruana_____ 77-955 Grant P8 44 Liabilities Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its .. $ New England State Bank C. H. Jones---------- Geo.A.Sarchet___ 77-719 *§’11 44 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In NORTH DAKOTA—Continued 1204 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 904 to eac*) bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i or»r to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* 1Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. *County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State IPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. .. Renville E8 “ Resources. Miscel laneous .OANS 4 I>!8:’T8. on dp, 8«oubiti«b B Principal Correspondents. Carh & txibakuks.Dub from Banks 18,110 1st N. and Northw. N. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. O. L. Vegheim— 12,000 5.800 145.000 135.000 17,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’) N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls. ... E. A. Lien_______ 10,000 2,130 70,440 J. Leuthold, Jr.... Ward W. Lee____ A. H. Makee_____ S. E. Coughlin....... First International Bank A. F. Makee 77-471 <§'07 10,000 33,000 333.700 315,000 35,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot; 1st N., St. P. 2 Security State Bank.—<§’10 M. H. Strehlow___ F. A. Keup______ A. H. Anderson.__ O. T. Gottenberg.. C. L. Larson ♦ 77-472 David Clark. Jr.... R. F,. Johnson Norma Stale Bank___ <§’08 H H Dahl 77-481 25,000 7,000 325,000 325,000 56,000 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P.; Union N.. Minot. 12,500 5,000 145,000 155,000 15,000 Northw. N.and 1st N.,Minpls.; IstN; Kenmare. 10,000 13,000 90,000 90,000 20,000 1st N., Minpls. and Bowbells: Bk. of Mont 25,000 F. W. AMES--------- A. S. ELLINGSON- - J. L. G0ES0N-------ng et service on Col lections and Cred it Reports hy sen CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc; Credi t Reports, SOc. Ti V US. 45,000 501,000 490,000 50.000 11,000 490,000 467,000 V. W. Steele____ George Steele___ H. L. Buck______ 10,000 6.900 103,230 112,440 G. E. Stubbins___ C. A. Stubbins____ E. W. Stubbins .... S. W. Omlid____ 10.000 2,100 77,000 90,000 Gleun V. Dill____ A. H. Denning 50.000 27,330 450,160 510,050 W- G. Worner....... Fred Roney _____ 25,000 15,060 297,690 335,470 G. W. C. Ross........ S. O. Bidne______ E. I. Tobler_____ 10,000 4,070 160,220 John Weninger__ C. H. Goranson__ E. S. Swanson....... Alvin Luidahl....... 15,000 3,000 100,000 130,000 10,000 3,000 120,000 156,000 ___ 10,000 6.500 55,000 J. T. Harty—........ R.H. Jurgensen — N. F. Maakestad — 10,000 7,200 103,000 D. McKinnon____ H. A. Batie______ A. R. Batie.... ........ W. P. Campbell.— 25,000 10,090 119,260 15.000 3.500 60.000 70,000 , r n until ft K. L. VAN STEENBERGH JESSE < TAYl OR JWe offer promp t, effective service on all business. <§’03 )FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum if paid. (Credit Reports, 50c. SEND US YOUR ITEMS. 20,000 7.000 170,000 215,000 A. H. Hammond ... Carther Jackson.. 20,000 5,000 186,000 236,000 15,000 4.000 33,990 48,730 25,000 6,020 271,960 241,520 25,000 5,000 120,860 241,390 C. T. Dokken____ C. P. Miller............ M. T. Rye G. N. Haugen Farmers State Bank___ t§’06 J. L. Mathews___ J. M. Hynes_____ A. C. Hess__ 77-629 Divide D4 Liabilities Surplus Depos and its Profits Ass’t Cashier. 3,000 $ 322,130 $ 123,110 $ 450,140 77-425 ......... Cashier. 20,000 $ .. “ Vice-President. Farmers Slate Bank„.<§’08 Thill Hendrickson. 77-426 Barnes N il Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA-Continued First State Bank____ <§'14 A. C. Wiper______ 77-850 fK. G. SPRINGEN— North wood__ >135 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK < Save time and g (.FEE IN ADVAN Grand Forks 1 22 77-135 J1900 .. First National Bank___ <’01 77-134 Nortonville__ 100 Nortonville State Bank._t§’13 J. R. Hollingsworth La Moure 018 77-818 Burke C7 Norwich_____ 150 First State Bank ............ t§’02 McHenry Gil 77-670 Oakes 1R37 First National Bank___<’86 Dickey Q20 77-75 << * .4 Oakes National Bank ...<’03 77-76 Oberon _........300 Benson 116 77-671 .. 77-988 Olga_________ 200 Cavalier D20 77-672 Olinstead....... ..75 State Bank of Olmstead.t§’06 Towner E17 77-673 Citizens Bank......... ........ t§'08 Bottineau E13 77-321 .. First National Bank t’02 77-320 Farmers State Bank...<§’19 Barnes M21 77-1034 .......................... B. M. Wohlwend... H. M. Westrum ... E. Y Sarles H. E. Johnson----- II. N. Halverson .. fl. C. McCartney.. F. D. McCartney... 18,000 25,940 84,430 172,630 16,140 N. Produce. Chi.; 1stN., Minpls. real, Winnipeg. 46,000 Han.N., N. V.; ist N.,St. P..Grand Forks, and Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. C. B. McMillan .... Phil Gendreau .... Thomas Cregan H. M. Disher E. B. Crosby____ L. G. Nayes........... O. A. Refling____ A. M. Wigen____ Tierce H13 77-916 Ellen Ellenson ___ H. J. Dahl —....... Osnabrock___ 310 First National Bank...<’04 77-398 Cavalier E20 _ Frank Beesl y .... H. A. Helgeson___ Great Western Bank.—<§’98 77-397 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a > o I Z 58,640 1st N„ Minpls.; Fergus Falls N., Fergus o Falls; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 27,610 Chase N.. N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st 3 n> N„ Fargo. ft Orr..................... 150 Bank of Orr_________<§’07 L. M. Hammond—. 77-675 Grand Forks G21 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index ?0 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Merch. N.and 1st > N., St. P.; 1st N„ Fargo. 18,400 1st N., Minpls.; Far. N„ La Moure; Stock DO Yds. N.,So. St.P. > 9,500 1st N. and N. Ex., St. P.; Bkrs. N., Minpls Z * Gn 72,000 1st N., Fargo; Northw. N., Minpls.; Dakota N„ Aberdeen. 46,000 100,000 127,500 9,000 Merch. N., Fargo; Midland N., Minpls. o 19,000 1st N., Minpls. O cn 3 7,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Devils Lake QJ cr and St. P. >t 7,400 Cont.& Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. o o ?r 33,320 175,540 12,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Fargo.St. P., and Minpls. 10,000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls,; 1st N. and Secur. N., Fargo. 11,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Fargo and Minpls. STATE BANK OF ORISKA 77-674 o 15,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 4,300 Am. N., St.P. 61,470 Chase N„ N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. Northern State. Grand Forks. 9,720 1st N. and Pay Day N., Mpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks.. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab No. 9 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Overly...............193 Farmers & Merch. Bank.tS’ll P. B. Haber . Bottineau E13 77-461 MHPTU Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FiAimTA IN UK 1 il UAivU 1 A----LOntinUCQ Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. A. R. Thompson... Otis C. Thompson. Ole Syvertson — Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Drpos- Miscel- I-oah* k Dib Cash k Exand Capital Profits LANEOUS Bacummu ntos Baku ITS 8,000 L. J. Grandpre.... 15,000 1.500 A. M. Bankers....... 10,000 21 740 128,550 $ 25,000 13,330 276,00(1 10,000 2,000 68.000 Park River__ 1114 Bank of Park River__•J§’86 C. D. Lord_______ W. S. Smith.......... R. J. Holmes J. R. Young_____ Walsh F21 77-114 . .. Farmers Security Bank .t5’09 Thomas Johnson .. Henry Dencker ... C. P. O'Brien____ G. J. Mauritson... 77-115 Mrs. J. Coulter 30,000 18,000 370 000 450,000 30,000 Chase N., N Y ; Cent. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and MidlandN., Minpls., 1st N., St. P. 20,000 3,820 215,550 214,090 25,280 N. Park. N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks: Merch. N„ St. P. First National Bank___ »t’86 Karl J. Farup. .. George E. Towle... K. D. Bennett. __ 77-113 25,000 33,000 350,000 350,000 40,000 1st N., N. Y.; Northw. N.and 1st N., Minpls. Parshall—_.......37f> Farmers Exchange Bank N. E. Rnlien_____ C. P. Kjelstrup.... E. B. Kjelstrup__ Mountrail H7 77-910 t§’16 First National Bank___t’15 August Peterson .. L. E. Linder........... R. A. Nordbye__ M. G. Evensen___ 77-867 Peoples State Bank___ t8'13 J. S. Johnson___ O. C. Dosseth . .. A. O. Fuglie_____ 77-837 15,000 3,000 112,840 133,210 15,850 1st N„ St. P. and Minpls. 25,000 8,680 113 860 153,820 10,000 10.000 125,000 100,000 14,100 Midland N., Minpls.; 2d N„ Minot; 1st N. Harvey. 20,000 1st in. and Northw. N., Minpls. Pekin__ ___197 Btnk of Pekin...........—<5*06 J. O. Johnson___ John W. Bliss____ Nelson I 19 77-677 15,000 5,000 128 310 132,010 25,280 Midland N„ Minpls.; Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., Fargo. 31,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Northern State, Grand Forks; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 19,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. Security Stale Bank..•+519 J. V. Williams___ J. T. Hanson____ C. E. Johnson.. 77-1013 Page_________ 452 Farmers Slate Bank.„«t§’05 M. Murphy______ Cass L22 77-232 “ _____ “ First National Bank ♦ 77-231 - •t’86 L. B. -Hanna_____ W. J. Morrish___ M. N. Mallory___ Palermo ......... 179 Scandia American’10 A. H. Nelson . Mountrail F7 77-465 N. T. Rosenauist.. E. I. Nelson —___ Pembina......... 802 Merchants Bank ..._•IS’98 C. B. Harris_____ Walter Welfoid__ Pembina C22 77-678 Penn _____ .200 Penn State Bank_____ t§'03 A. J. Mitchell......... F. C. Kaeding___ C. M. Peterson___ L. H. Gessner____ Ramsey G17 77-679 J. H. Gessner Perth.... ... .218 Bank of Perth............ _tS’01 Adam Hannah___ M. N. Gurgen____ A. Landmark.... Towner Elo 77-423 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110,000 S 130,000 $ 55,000 54,280 9,000 17,230 14,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 6,000 Midland N. Minpls.. 184,270 20,760 Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., Fareo. 233,000 56,000 Seah. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo; Merch. N„ St. P. 70,000 19,000 1st N., St P.; 2cl N.. Minot. 25,000 20,000 267,710 339,200 10,000 8,000 83,000 82,000 10,000 30.000 175 000 172,000 30,000 1st N., Minpls,; Merch. N., St. P. F. C. Rother_____ A. Egeland............ C. H. Alcock........... J. G. Lookingbill Robert Waag____ E. O. Engesather „ H. E. Engesather— 15,000 20,000 215,400 212,900 10,000 10,000 120,570 109,630 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 25,600 1st N., St. P., Grand Forks, and Minpls. A. R. Swendseid... P. E. Johnson___ ClarenceSwendseid J. W. M. Nash D. D. McKee____ John DeKrey____ H. J. Bernard....... Wm. E. Hurley___ 25,000 19,400 190,830 230,610 24,080 Bkrs. N..Minpls.; Northw. N..Grand Forks. 10,000 15,000 81,350 126,550 W. J. Smith_____ .T. O. Jacobson .... A. C. Brown____ 20,000 18,000 138,000 8,540 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck and Fargo. 21,000 Northw. N.and Midland N., Minpls.; 1st; Hope.; Minn. Transfer Slate, St. P. 142,480 2ti,000 70,900 204,000 (Closed) H. T. Graves____ A. B. De Nanlt ___ K. McCarthy____ 10,000 7,500 George E. Towle... L. B. McKean____ C. J. McKean____ M. E. McSharry... A. Peterson.... ........ L. E. Linder_____ O. F. Olson__ 15,000 3,200 25,000 45,000 24H 00Q 265,000 J. S. Johnson____ A. N. Dosseth___ O. C. Dosseth 10,000 12,000 195,000 190,000 (Merged, with Farm era State Bank, Kn ox, N. D.) Esther Nelson 123,440 148.000 32.460 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: James River N.. Jamestown. 22,000 1st N„ Minpls. and Grand Forks. 20.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Har vey; City N.. Bismarck. 20,000 Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.:Northw. N. and Mid land N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. l Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1922 .4 — Towner County Bank ..•t5’02 77-424 Petersburg ....367 Farmers Slate Bank....... ijS'06 i4 Nelson H20 ^ 77-296 First National Bank.«tS'1900 77-295 Pettibone......... 150 Pettibone State Rank.._tST0 Kidder L16 77-729 Pillsbury____ 142 Pillsbury State Bank...»J5’ll Barnes L21 77-725 Pingree______286 Stutsman L18 44 Pingree State Bank....... J§’05 77-405 Plsek_________300 Pisek State Bank_____ »t§'02 Walsh F21 77-680 Plaza________ 345 First National Bank___ •t’10 (<Mountrail H8 77-421 Pioneer State Bank....... »t§’07 77-422 Pleasant Lake..60 Bank of Pleasant Lake Benson G14 l BANKS—Overly to Ple asant Lake 15,000 1 “ { Principal Correspondents. 1206______________ NORTH DAKOTA 1 90fi 14w Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *Couuty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §St,ate fPriv. Entire State in IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Feci. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. x>anb 4 Du- Cam* 4 IxPaid-up Surplus M iscel D epos ;’ ts . Bonds, CBANMI,Dl7B and JLiA-NHiOUs Bbcotutim Capital Profits ITS mo* Bank* Portal............. ..454 First International Bk..«t5’02 A. N. Beiseker....... Wm. E. Metzger... R. C. Klinkenberg. A. E. Schneider__ f 77-224 Burke C6 J. W. Eede “ PORTAL STATE BANK-’iS 02 77-995 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued 10,000 $ 10,000 <T. A. NELSON-— A. P. NELSON------- LEO BALDWIN __ JSend us your 1 terns for prompt, efficient attentl on. ) First Farm Mo rtgages netting «%. 'We handle cho Ice farm lands In the richest sectlo n of North Dakot a. Principal Correspondents. 3,000 1 130,000 $ 25,000 1 148,100 1 15,920 Northw. N., Minpls.: 2d N.. Minot; Bk. of Montreal, Winnipeg, Man, 2,000 180,000 180,000 25,000 Cont.& Com’lN..Chi.: IstN.,Minpls.; Bk. of Montreal, Estevan, Saskatchewan. 217,050 41,160 1st N. and Rep. State, Minpls. 314,910 35,870 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont, & Com’l Chi; Northw. N., Minpls. Portland...........623 Farmers National Bank.»t'16 O. N. Hesken____ Martin Solberg Joseph Lucken—. E. R. Foss_______ 77-942 Traill J22 .. First National Bank... --•t’86 S. J. Smith______ K. H. Brunsdale... J. G. Kjos_______ 77-682 25,000 10,000 224,740 25,000 20,000 273,560 Powers Lake 251 First State Bank____ .•tS’09 A. H. Lundquist... Otto Bremer_____ L. J. Bergsten ___ 77-358 Burke E6 .. State Bk. of Powers Lake D. N. Tall man —. F. A. Rinkel_____ W. F. Hanks-------- At. W. Arndt 77-359 •tS’09 20,000 7,500 250,000 225,000 30,000 Am. N. and Com’l State. St. P.; 2d N., Minot. 25,000 5,000 285,000 310,000 10,000 5,000 63,020 89,130 tS’17 Aug. Peterson....... C. H. Christiansen. Geo. J. Ranum.— E. F. Raddatz....... 15,000 17,390 48,000 80,000 20,000 1st N„ Minpls., Fargo, and Grand Forks: Kandiyohi Co., Willmar, Minn.; 1st N. and" Merch. N.. St. P. 10,240 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N.. Mandan; Brown Bros. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Aber deen. 8,500 Midland N„ Minpls.: 2d N., Minot. -tS’13 Adam Hannah....... C. S. Mickelson... Iver.Mickelson.__ Theo. J. Vaaler... 10,000 2,600 88,500 104,000 10,000 V. L. Megow O. M. Opdahl......... Jennie Hoffland... 4,000 200,000 265,000 10,000 5,000 175,000 170,000 F. W. Pile. ____ 10,000 7,500 135.000 100,000 O. H. Erickson___ 10,000 7,000 60,000 75,610 Geo. A, Deering.— 25,000 45.000 150,000 200.000 Raleigh ......... 150 First Security Bank... —tl’12 F. A. Brown, Jr. .. P. J. Rausch_____ 77-754 Grant P10 McLean 17 77-970 77-825 McKenzie 13 Ray ______ 563 Farmers Bank -•tS’05 Adam Hannah----- L. E. Peterson ___ 77-256 Williams F4 “ 11 First State Bank........ -•tl'06 77-257 41 «« Linwell’s State Bank. .•t§'03 M. V. Linwell----77-255 A. P. Linwell Reeder ______ 258 Farmers & Merch. Slate Bk. Jacob SchwarzAdams Q4 77-453 •tS'08 waiter First National Bank .. •J’10 C. J. Phelan.. __ G. L. Messenger... 77-454 First State Bank J. H. Wishek.......... 77-452 Regan............ .,202 Farmers State Bank__ —tS’18 C. F. Lindsey------Burleigh L12 77-996 First State Bank _ t§’12 O. L. Engen-------77-750 .. Regan State Rank . . tS’12 P. C. Remington— 77-752 M. Krebsbach___ W. T. Krebsbach.. C. .T. Applp.n _ _ 30,720 N„ 6,500 1st N. and State Dep.. Minpls.; 1st N., Williston. 14,000 1st N., Minpls; Capital N„ St. P. 25,000 Midland N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. and Williston. 40,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Williston. 12,530 Midland N.. Minpls.; Capital N., St- P.; Merch. N., Dickinson. 15,000 Live Stock Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 25,000 10,000 310,000 260,000 O. R. Void.... ........ John Langdahl .. J. F. Drawver J. S. Johnson___ A. L. Games_____ W. B. Richardson- 15,000 3,500 109,000 163,000 10,000 7,500 61,000 79,000 O. M. Remington.. Arnold Gerberding A. H. Helgeson.... 10,000 6,100 73,500 68,000 Regent..............262 First State Bank____ -•**'10 S. W. Hill.............. J. P. Jungers____ A. C. Goldtrap .... L. A. Lane. ____ Hettinger P6 77-362 <• (Suspended Busines a July 12, ’21) 25,000 3,000 133,450 139,800 Revere ____ 30 Griggs K19 L. O. Skjelset___. 10,000 4,500 46,000 77-76* 55,603 Reynolds SSfl Grand Forks 123 77-265 t’09 S. N. Thompson... John K. Roshol__ W. F. Huck_____ 25,000 5,000 200,000 200,000 35,000 Han. N..N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls.: Northern State, Grand Forks. 25,000 5,000 400,000 401,000 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Grand Forks: Northw. N., Minpls. STEPHEN COLLINS JOHN MURPHY— bank. jURSfe est •tt'Dl ) FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, STATE BANK OF REYNOLDS 77-264 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8,400 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. Bismarck; Merch. N.. Fargo. 11,200 Midland, Minpls.: City N., Bismarck. 14,500 1st N., Minpls.- 6,000 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Fargo. * «< --**12 C. Reite_________ 50,000 Northw.N. and Midland N.. Minpls.: Merch. N.and 1st N.,St.P.; AberdeenN.. Aberdeen. 8,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Fargo. July, 1922_________ NOR TH DAK OTA B A NK S — Portal to R eynolds _______________ _______ 1207 Number under Name of Bank U the New Transit Number riven 1 707 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 141// Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and (TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report insur es prompt, person al atten tion. 6,000 For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Town and County. Name of President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. (F.W. STEVENS-_ _ L. M. ANDERSON_ _ L. M. ANDERSON.... FIRST STATE BANK—•*§ 08 J15c to be sent with each collect ion of less than $ Richard ton__ 628 Farmers State Bank___t§’17 Albert Koesel. Stark M7 77-967 MERCHANTS STATE BANK 77-168 »f§ 06 Rock lake____ 238 First National Bank____ }'05 Towner D16 77-683 Rock Lake State Bank .t§'16 77-927 Rogers.............173 First State Bank____ »t§’05 Barnes L20 77-684 Rolette............ 409 First National Bank... .<05 Rolette E14 77-270 Lee Hoff________ J. F. Schafer......... F. J. Keller_____ 6,380 KESOURt Es. MiscelLANEOUS Principal Correspondents. I-OANB & I>1S- Cash k Ex c’ts. Bonds, chan«m,Dui Securities rao* Banks $ 230.000 $ 14,000 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen, S. D.; 1st N.. St. P. 156,230 232,750 12.890 1st N.. Minpls., and Dickinson. 302.010 * 108,990 387,070 63,930 Chase N., N. Y.: Nortbw. N., Minpls. 1st N., St. P., Dickinson and Mandan. 12,180 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Fargo. N. W. Hawkinson. Andrew Foley....... E. J. Langley____ 25,000 15,690 88,810 80,030 197.330 T. J. Dougherty... Chas. A. Jahnke... H. B. Gray_______ James Dougherty.. Nels Larson....... .. M. O. Grangaard.. A. M. Kiland____ G. C. Hegland....... Nels Larson 20.000 3,500 75,000 _____________ 136,000 25,000 17,080 226,710 277,' 33,130 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls., St. P., and Valley City. A. Egeland.............. W. F. Robertson.. R. D. Whitney .. 25,000 5,240 200,000 246,000 17,000 1st N., Devils Lake. ROLETTE STATE BANK tS’05 L. I. Langness___ Martin Mortenson. M. E. Mortenson. 77-271 15,000 3,000 175,000 135,000 40,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 25,000 20,000 100,000 110,000 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. Grand Forks. 25,000 30.900 263,930 252,700 60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 5,630 125,000 121,000 17,690 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Capital N., St. P.; State Dep., Minpls. 15,000 10,160 49,600 98,160 10,000 3,000 110,000 10,880 2nd N., Minot: Am. N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. State, New Ulm, Minn. 20.000 1st N., Minpls; Union N.. Minot. Oscar Hjclt. Itoseglen State Bank .. •t§’16 W. G. Connors___ 77-959 State Bank of Ross _. -t§05 L. A. Crowell____ 77-364 State Bank of Roth__ TiS'07 S. B. Qvale............ 77-685 Citizens State Bank.... -U'06 II. O. Lyngstad.... 77-65 Merchants Bank •t§'97 W. C. McClintock. 77-64 Security Bank............ •tS’09 O. T. Tofsrud___ 77-66 First State Bank.......... -i§’06 L. A. Crowell____ 77-687 First State Bank -tS’05 C. J. Lofgren......... 77-688 Farmers State Bank__ -tS’19 C. T. Nelson____ 77-1019 First Slate Bank •tS’05 J. R. Jones______ 77-689 First National Bank__ .<08 Aug. Peterson....... 77-319 First State Bank_____ _t§06 H. C. Miller........... 77-318 Bank of Sanborn_____ •4ST3 .Albert Gulman.... 77-802 Otto Bremer_____ W. V. Deleen____ F. H. Connors___ A. J. Grace L. L. Evje............ H. J. Lokstad____ NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index 80,000 G. S. Ogren______ H. H. Gravseth__ I. E. Gravseth....... 10,000 2,000 57,000 Otto Bremer____ L. N. Sessing____ 25,000 5,000 180,000 E. R. Reitsch........ J. G. McClintock.. A. A. Opatz_____ 25,000 7,400 192,600 O. B. Bergeson__ Nettie E. Ellingson O. C. Christenson. 20,000 5,000 257,240 P. G. Heintz_____ O. A. Moe.............. M. L. Crowell........ 10,000 5,000 120,000 C. E. Peterson....... C. E. Cliristerson. F. J. Fisher_____ 25,000 5,000 80,000 — 129,000 C. Gulleson______ H. N. Dyste........— 20.000 2,180 85,600 — 102,000 75.000 140,000 8.030 1st N.. Minpls.; Northern State. Grand Forks. 30,000 Am. N.,St. P. 22,000 216.330 30,660 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 40,410 281,960 40,730 1st N., St. 1’., Grand Forks and Minpls. — 130,000 10,000 1st N., Miupls.: Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; 1st N„ Bismarck. 10,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Grand Forks; Merch. Chas. Hein______ L. S. Sanderson... C. B. Moe .... 10,000 10,000 125,000 130,000 N., St. P. 12,220 Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; 1st N., Fargo: Caoital N., St. P. 13,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. J. J. Reimer____ C. H.Christiansen. E. M. Lomen. 25,000 35,000 244,000 — 264.000 34,600 Midland N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N.. A. Miller________ O. J. Franze.......... 20,000 9,450 103,890 45,310 163,110 15,540 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; 2d N., Minot. James Brimer....... R. W. Bassett........ B. A. Dierdorff.. 15,000 5,000 142,500 54,500 214,100 2,200 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Valley City. 25,000 15,370 172,000 188,940 10,000 5,000 62,000 79,000 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Fargo. 7.800 1st N.. Fargo., Mandan, Minpls., and Bis marck. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Louis Malm_____ C. O. Langer_____ H. J. Malm........... 77-690 <06 Sanger.............. 100 Farmers Exchange State Bk. O. L. Engen_____ A. L. Games____ Jno. J. Huff____ Emil Herr__ Oliver Lll 77-890 t§'15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34,290 9.800 Northw. N., Minpls,; IstN., Fargo. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1922 Barnes M20 30,000 A. F. MISCHEL........ JOHN MU6GLI........... 6. M. MUGGLI....... 25.000 15,000 )Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing (FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain tight drafts. 15c; Cred it Reports. 50c. TRY IJ S. State Bank of Rolla.... -M’02 Adam Hannah___ R. II. Butterwick.. W. R. Drewry._ 77-193 Ryder_______ .483 Ward 19 5,000 J 170,000 jJOS. KILZER........ Firs! Nalional Bank.. .<88 W. N. Steele____ F. A. Foley............ Robert Fraser ■ 77-192 Ruso_________ 120 McLean 111 Russell ........... 119 Bottineau Ell Rutland_____ 291 Sargent Q22 Liabilities. Surplus DeposITS Profits 25.000 $ every L. Anderson •Kolia. ............ 675 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. O. Graham____ C. 1. F. Wagner.__ Jas. A. Brown.... Rolette D15 77-194 tS’08 Koseglen______ 50 McLean 18 Ross___ _____ 175 Mountrail G6 Roth....................75 Bottineau Dll •Rugoy---------1424 Pierce E14 iPaid-up Capital J |collection over $25.00 and 25c for each credit repor (Farm Mortgage s Negotiated and Sold. 77-446 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi: volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. j ^OntinUCQ Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. I Entire State in tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Lstab. | No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist ♦M. Fed. lies. T-Trust Powers. Khaine ............ 302 Bowman P2 'NT/'MP'TT-I "Pi A T/TV'T' A IN UK I H UAivU 1 A 1208_________________ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — R hame to Sanger Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1908 & each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ -L4iUO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. iMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Ites. T-Trust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this NORTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loa ns k Di8- Cash k Ex Paid-up Surplus D epos Miscel c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due AND laneous its Capital Profits Securities from Banks $ Sanlsh............. .337 Farmers State Bank—{§’15 J. W. Sherry.......... J. H. Werner 77-881 Mountrail 116 10.000 S 16,500 $ 217.000 $ 235,000 $ 11,000 Bkrs. N.. Minpls.; Union N., Minot: 1st N., Bismarck. 206.070 22,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: Northw. N., Grand Forks. 7.500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 7,500 Mtle. State. Minpls.; 2nd N., Minot. 110,970 $ 27,830 149.160 15,380 Cont.&Com'l N.,Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 217,000 47,000 271,000 36,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen, S. D.; 1st N., St. P. 6,000 1st N„ Mobridge, S. D.; 1st N., Minpls. L. R. Johnson____ 10.000 20.000 110,000 125,000 O. P. Gaymon-----EvaBassiugthwaite 25.000 5,000 88.000 135.000 P. S. Hilleboe........ Sawyer ..........241 77-329 Ward H10 Scranton_____353 Bank of Scranton______J§’09 H. C. Hjerleid____ C. A. Christopher. E. W. Christopher. Karl Christopher.. Bowman Q4 First National Bank___<’06 W. A.Shaw............ T. Finsness______ R. J. List.............. . N. J. Swanson-----77—427 25.000 5,030 145,790 10,000 720 25,000 20.000 Sarles ...............318 Cavalier D17 1). F. McLaughlin . Farmers & Merchants State LA. Marie tte Bank ....77-740 _____<§'12 Sta'e Bank of Sarles...<§’05 C. B. McMillan .... G. K. Towle ............ 77-691 Selfridge............153 Citizens State Bank____*§’16 Robt. Gwyther___ 77-962 Sioux Qll Jos. P. Hess............ 77-906 Selz__________ 250 Farmers Stafe Ba,.k___t§’12 77-771 Pierce 114 Sentinel Butte 292 First National Bank---- <15 W. C. Stuhr............ 77-484 Golde.x Valley M2 Interstate Bank of Billings A. L. Marlin______ County.. 77-483 _____ 4§’08 (Merged, with First Sbaron_______362 Steele J21 Alexander Curry.. 77-337 Sheldon ........... 321 Ransom 022 15,000 2,500 86,120 121,570 15.000 1,000 41,000 58,000 Aug. Peterson------ 10,000 7,000 85,000 97,000 W. A. Hart............ 25,000 16,000 200,000 200,000 10,000 25.000 85,000 100.000 45.000 42,500 295.800 380,000 36,500 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Fargo. 14,000 26,000 175,000 225,000 25,000 8,500 150,000 140,000 281,000 200,000 25,000 I'J'r list Inve slments.) 481,000 25,000 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo and St. P. 25,000 1st N., Minpls.: Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co.. Buffalo. 25,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Enderlin State, Enderlin. H. G. Ross_______ L. A. Tavis______ W. H. Ordway........ 4,500 1st N„ Mandan; Midland N., Minpls. 17,000 Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. 20,000 Cont. & Com l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Dickinson. 16,500 N. City, Chi.- Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., Dickinson: Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P. National Bank Sept ember 15, '211 T. FC. Ra.kken P. H. Gilbertson .. E. S. Duea Win, Simpson J. E. Benson___ E. P. Rhinehart 77-290 R. E. Kratt............. First National Bank ....<’91 G. 0. Kratt_______ 77-289 Thomas Pierce.... P. W. Froemke, Tr. F. E. Shaw, Sec.... RANSOM COUNTY TRUST G. H. Leick A. L. Opsal, .4. Ti. COMPANY.............................t l MORTGAGES -INVESTMENTS 120,000 1st N., Minpls., St. P., and Fargo. 10,000 10,000 130,000 195,000 C. C. Gilliland........ John C. Campbell. 10,000 10,000 255,000 272,000 25.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Union N. Minot. B. GARNAAS___ N. N.FAAR-............ H. S. GRINDE............ E. B. N0RIN-............. L. M. WAlHUS 0. A. CARLSON 25.000 55.000 378.970 586.040 31,610 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. F.; Northern N., Fargo. f H. P. HALVERSON- B. OSTBY................- J. 0. SEVERTSON — V. H. THORSTENSON\ IVER OLSON, v.-P. H C. HALL ED.NYSTROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK<1900 j Send us your S heyenne Items D irect. Collection s, Bill of Lading 77-245 (.Drafts, Cash an d Time Items Re mitted for on da y of payment. 25.000 8.000 134,800 201,710 18,340 Chase N„ N. Y.: IstN.. Minpls. and Fargo Merch. N., St. P. F. B. McAneney— Perry Brown.......... Sherwood........ .423 Farmers & Merchants State Bank— 77-326........._t§’04 Renville D9 First International BinkJ§’04 F. E. Kenaston___ 77-327 Sheyenne_____ 500 Eddy 117 Principal Correspondents. / L. FARMERS & ( MERCHANTS BANK P. A. PETERSON \ Patronize a gro wing hank, I Prompt, effleien t service on Colle ctions and Bill of Lading Drafts, \ High-grade Nor th Dakota 6% Fa rm Mortgages Ne gotiated. 77-246 <§'06 66,350 13,410 Midland N.. Minpls.: Merch. N., Fargo. Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draft for presentation, an d 25c for Credit Rep orts. NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1209 209,680 269,750 12,000 12.000 ARTHUR JOHNSON— HAZEL B. JOHNSON.rj. E. JOHNSON—. 0 V W11 SON SECURITY BANK- - - - - - - tl’13 j Prompt, Person al attention give n Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I terns an d all m atters s ent us. 77-786 July, 1922____________ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — Sanish to Sheyenne __________________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 onn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14Uy Dire Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Ked.Res.Dist. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Kesources. Principal Correspondents. VADTU T'k A Vr\'T' A A___ .• „ , JNvJJtx. 1 H iJAJ\U 1 A-----l^OntinUCQ Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Shields Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Miscel laneous lX>AJN« ft 1>18c’t«. Bonds , Hboouttm <'AHU ft kj chamois,Dui prom Baku j I 10,000 9,250 Silva....... ...........125 First State Bank______ ti'13 T. D. Thorson....... H. L. Thorson___ A. O. Barstad____ Clara Barstad.. Pierce G14 77-816 10.000 10,200 Simcoe_______ 58 First State Bank_____ t§’15 J. E. Setterstrom.. L. J. Rodman____ A. R. Kumm_____ A. S. Kumm__ 77-880 McHenry Hll Solen________ 200 Solen State Bank_____ t§’13 A. O. Schimansky. B.G.J. Schimansky R. B. McDonald__ Sioux Pll 77-820 10,000 2.500 80,000 90,000 10,000 13,500 120,000 161,000 14,000 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. M. E. WILSON— 15,000 ANTON LALLUM— 5.000 . E. WILSON Save time and g et service on Colie ctlons and Credit Reports by send! ng FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain tight draftt, 15c: Cred it Reports, 50c. TRY U S. 155,000 130,000 30,000 Northern State, Grand Forks; State Bk. Com., Midland N., and 1st N.. Minpls. Souris________269 Bottineau 1)12 MOUSE RIVER VALLEY BK. 77-388 <§'03 Mk! 65.000!.............. $ 78,000 $ 7,000 N. City, Chi.; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P. Northw. N.. Minpls. 55,000 $ 74,000 8,900 Am. N.. St. P.; 2d N.. Minot. 5,000 Northw. N., Minpls. State Bank of Souris..t§'01 S. B. Qvale............ R. D. Ogren........... Benj. Iverson___ N. C. Underdalil... 77-387 15.000 20.000 162.000! 182,000 14.000 1st N.. Minpls. and Grand Forks; Bk. of Willmar, Willmar, Minn. Southam_____ 75 Southam State Bank ....t§’12 B. E. Burt_______ Isabel Burt______ O. F. Anderson.__ Vivian Burt........... Ramsey G18 77-765 10,000 7.000 92,000! 85,000 13.300 1st N.. Minpls.; Northern State, Grand Forks. 10,000 5,000 120,000 76,000 17,000 Merch. N., Dickinson; 1st N„ Minpls. 10.000 5,000 127.750 10,000 3.500 55,000 72.000 10,000 18,900 81,000 107,000 12,000 Midland N., Minpls. 20,000 5,000 300,000 265.000 35,000 1st N., Minpls. and St.P.; Union N., Minot. 25.000 8,000 250.000 250.000 30,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 2d N.. Minot. L. W. Miller_____ A. M. Pulles_____ John Pulles-------- E.M. Suess............. 10,000 2,000 175.000 160,000 20,000 John Young_____ C. G. Fuerst_____ Roy Seibert............. R. J. Sailer............ 12,000 85,000 103,450 South Heart,. 100 First State Bank______t§"13 J. F. McEntee.__ Frank Krueger___ B. O. Thorkelson.. Stark M4 77-803 Splritwood.... 250 Spiritwood State Bank.<§'05 H. T. Groves____ A. B. De Nault__ C. E. Dresser____ C. B. Marvin. Stutsma., M19 77-696 Spring Brook...93 Spring Brook State Bk..t§’09 J. H. Cooper_____ W. S. Davidson__ Margaret Horne... Williams G3 77-697 Stady________ .40 First State Bank.......... t§’09 O. T. Foss_______ N. N. Lax.dro......... H. C. Tappon. Divide 1)2 77-698 f A. J. ROSS- - - - - - - N. H. OLSON- - - - - - ^Stanley_____ 591 Mountrail G6 CITIZENS STATE BANK <5 07 77-200 P. W. Tappon....... B’cFEmER 13,130 Am. Ex. N.. N.Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.: James River N,, Jamestown. 5,500 1st N., St. P. A. O. Sather_____ P. P. Bottolfson... A. W. Omdahl....... O. L. Svidal_____ 15,000 T. J. Dougherty... L. D. Maurer____ Chas. A. Potter___ Irene Dougherty.. 25,000 16,330 81.670 5,000 90,130 165,300 64,110 233.610 Theo. Albrecht.__ Peter Traynor____ O. M. Lofgren___ Ruth E. Lofgren.. 15,000 1,200 73,500 O. T. Ness_______ H. Crawford_____ H. T. Johnson___ 10,000 5,470 95,310 17,620 107,070 J. F. Robinson.__ J. C. Taylor_____ F. D. Jones............. 25,000 15,000 200,000 65,000 268,000 C. B. Little______ H. P. Goddard....... H. E. Wildfang__ Edith Roth............ 12,500 8,000 140.000 120,000 W. H. Cole______ August Bopp_____ J. P. McDermott.. A. E. Russell____ 20,000 2,000 180,000 152.030 77.680 N. W. Hawkinson.. Andrew Foley....... J. H. Engh--------- H. P. Johnson___ 25,000 1,200 82,000 S. A. Fischer____ M. Van Soest____ J. S. Fischer____ M. Amundson......... Jos. Dillman M. A. Klein.... ........ M. J. Fisher_____ W. C. Rowerdink.. J. M. Lipp_______ 15,000 15.000 273,870 10,000 3,000 70,000 100,000 J. J. Baumgartner.. M. Baumgartner__ J. P. Henn..........— M. J. Baumgartner 25,000 10,930 288.940 324.350 98,000 15,780 300,420 1st N„ Minpls. and Fargo; Capital Secur. Bismarck. 7,500 1st N., Mandan; Northw. N.. Minpls. 11,540 N. City, N.Y.: Midland N., Minpls.; Ram sey Co. N., Devil’s Lake. 37,100 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. 8,820 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 21,330 First State, Moorhead, Minn.; Midland N., Minpls. 37,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 40,000 Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; Northw.N..Minpls.; 1st N.,Bismarck;StockYds. N„ So. St. P. 44,410 Northw. N.. MinDls.: Fergus Falls N.. Fergus Falls. Minn. 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 19,230 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. and Aberdeen, S. D ; Bk. or Ipswich, S. D. 10,000 IstN., Bismarck; Merch. N.. St.P.; Midland N., Minpls.; Dakota N.. Aberdeen, S. D. 28,670 Cont.&Com’l N.,Chi.;lst N..Minpls.; Aber deen N., Aberdeen; City N., Bismarck. July, 192 2 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 147,410 All Items sent us have our prom pt attention. First Mortgage Farm Loans for s We handle choi ce Farm Lands in Mountrail Conn ty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 09 B. W. Taylor____ O. S. Haugen____ Z. H. Taylor____ ♦ 77-199 •Stanton......... 325 First State Bank_____ <§’09 Mercer K9 77-279 Union State Bank....... <§’08 77-278 Starkweather. 302 Farmers Bank_______ <§’19 Ramsey F18 77-1026 First National Bank.__<’02 77-409 State Bank of Starkweather 77-410 t§’02 •Steele.............550 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Kidder N4 77-215 §07 First National Bank.__.<’98 77-216 Sterling. ......200 Sterling State Bank____t§’07 Burleigh N13 77-699 Stir uni_______200 Stirum State Bank____<§’08 Sargent P21 77-700 St. John_____ 460 St. John State Bank._<§’18 RoJet e D15 77-1001 Strasburg..........653 First State Bank........... <§T4 Emmons Q13 77-856 German State Bank____«§’14 77-843 Security State Bank__ <§’99 77-702 17,790 _______ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS—Shields to Strasburg .......... 125 Shields State Bank____<§'10 C. E. Merritt_____ E. F. Berkner........ P. E. Rasmussen .. C, O. Levorsen. Grauv Q10 77-694 15.000 1210 Number under Name of Bank is the New Tranalt Number given 1 O 1 n 40 eMh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNelly Bankers* 1U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number uuder Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given inii to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ 1411 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *Cou^ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. Entire State in fc.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.9Fed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Streeter______ 640 Citizens National Bank—<’10 77-449 Stutsma^ N16 St. Thomas... 500 Farmers State Bank___tS’84 Pembina E22 77-207 First National Bank—»t’88 77-208 Surrev_______ 200 First State Bank.......... •iS’07 Ward G7 77-703 Sutton...........200 Citizens State Bank—<§’12 Griggs K19 77-757 Farmers Bank_______<§'18 77-995 Sykeston____ 367 Citizens State Bank---- «1:S’06 Wells K16 77-382 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and Capital Profits its N. C. Young-------- C. W. Spaulding, Jr. M. G. Helm______ Christy Matheis— $ 25,000 125,780 151,000 223,0C0 20,000 107,700 141,460 5.000 250.000 190.000 3.500 167,000 138,000 16.000 107,000 130,000 Joseph Garnett___ C. S. Ganssie____ S. E. Peterson____ Thos. E. Whelan — 25,000 E. T. Thompson... F. W. Thompson.. H. L. Barnes_____ 25,000 8.500 10,000 10,000 A. J. Melgard____ F. A. Olson-------- 30,000 7,380 15,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 Sykeston State Bank—<§’02 J. C. Heron............. J. L. Lindland....... Thos. Lindland__ F. G. Anderegg— 77-381 10,000 0LAVA GANDRUD(J. W. SHERRY - J. H. WERNER--- E. 0. LUKKASS0N- it Reports by sen ding time and get service on Col iections and Cred Tagus................ 133 CITIZENS STATE BANIUS 08 JSave )FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 50c. TRY US. Mountrail G8 77-486 (Farm Loans and other short time paper negotiated. 30,000 Tappen_______182 Tappen State Bank____<§’10 O. N. Grefsheim__ R. J. J. Montgom D. I). McKee____ James McKee____ ery K.dder N15 77-704 25,000 C. H. Christen---G. D. Lindgren — J. F. Christen___ Taylor________285 First National Bank___»t’16 A. J. Peterson____ 77-367 .Stark M6 20,000 J. C. Stordahl........ Taylor State Bank........<§’03 Ferdinand Leutz — Herman Leutz___ 77-366 10,000 A. H. Nelson. C. A. Helling____ A. Simpson....... J. Temple........... 75 Security Bank................ t§’15 Oscar E. Peterson.. Williams F4 77-886 10,000 Temvik.......... .200 Tempelton State Bank—1§'09 F. J. Pietz_______ J. A. Bosch______ A. W. Quast_____ 77-705 Emmons P3 25.000 W. J. McMenamy.. S. Lemmich_____ Thompson___ 350 First National Bank.—<’91 O. S. Hanson------- Leonard Hanson — Grand Forks 123 77-706 10,000 J. B. Boucher____ Thorne________78 Farmers & Merch. State Bank D. A. McLarty___ C. S. Orwoll_____ Rolette E14 77-707 tl’05 FARMERS & MERCH. 77-435 L. P. Larson-------- H. P. Beckwith.__ W. F. Rassmann.. O. B. Hoff.............. M. E. Malley____ O. M. Eaton_____ M. B. Malley____ <N. W. SIMON-— W. W. WIRTZ- - - - - - WM. I. LARSON — 77-434 Tower City__ 447 Cass M22 202,430 300,000 230.000 203,400 186,500 90,410 $ 27.240 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Fargo. 16,280 N.Y Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. 73,000 1st N., Fargo; 1st N.and Midland N Minpls.; Am. N. and 1st N., St. P.; City N.. Bismarck. 24,000 1st N., Minpls. and Fargo: James River N., Jamestown: U. S. N., Superior, Wis 10,000 Bkrs. N., Minpls.; Union N., Minot. 5.500 111,000 124,000 23,900 Cont.&Com’IN.. Chi.; lstN.,Fargo;Northw N., Minpls. 21,000 Dakota N.. Dickinson; Capital N., St. P. 18,650 216,920 205,420 16,010 1st N., Minpls., Dickinson, and Mandan. 2,000 50,000 60,000 10,000 85,000 155,000 5,460 222,370 176,900 4,070 128,630 60,760 199,550 10,000 1st N., Fargo and Minpls. 6,000 90,000 93,000 127,200 126,540 21,880 Merch. Ln.& Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ Minpls and St. P. 5,000 130,000 115,000 20,000 20,000 3.500 58,000 92,000 11,210 1st N., Minpls. and Devils Lake. 11,200 Bkrs. N., Minpls. 10,000 (. Please send 15c w ith each tight draft for presentation a ncl 50c for Credit R eports. C. L. Reeves......... W. A. Adams— Nels Halvorson Chas. Dockter.. J. M. Lund___ 15,000 3,750 17,000 19.550 J. B. Gallagher.— M. E. W. Service.. R. R. Farquharson Leo Harttiel.. 25,000 7,740 117,000 144,000 J. H. Sinclair .— J. L. Mathews------ J. M. Hynes.... u o > DO > 323,200 19.480 N. Produce. Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; Kenmare N., Kenmare. 27,000 Bkrs. N., Minpls.; Bk. of N. D., Bismarck. 10,000 8,000 315,000 10,000 107,000 129,000 13,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 81 A. M. Voorhees— G. W. Kelley____ H. H. Vowles____ C. S. Melion-------- 50,000 30,000 210,000 285,000 A. F. Colwell____ J. T. Colwell......... W. A. Smith____ 15,000 3,750 30,000 45.000 15,000 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N., St. P. and Fargo. 3,000 Midland N.. Minpls. Aylmer Cole........... R. C. Fuller_____ E. W. Beardsley— 25,000 75,000 90,000 15,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. H. H. Thompson... D. L. Thompson... M. T. Thompson „ M. Thompson___ Jennie B. Case.— Andrew Gilbertson. J. J. Egge------------ 10,000 2,000 125,000 100,000 25,000 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. 10,000 2,330 72,700 49,580 John Kolve........... M. E. Lewis........... E. L. Cross______ O. A. Eidsness .... 15,000 2.500 50.000 45,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H E Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Northw N Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks and Fargo 2d N., Minot. 20,000 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index yo 8,500 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N. and City N.. Bis * marck. 31,390 Chase N., N. Y.; Midland N.. Minpls Northw. N., Grand Forks; 1st N., St. P I 8,000 1st N.and Met. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. St. P in Paul Messner, Jr. . Henry Deehr____ A. J. Johnson____ R. E. Engen.......... 77-709 First State Bank...........t§’19 77-1041 Tower City State Bank.t§’19 77-1047 .Towner_____ 610 Pioneer State Bank ....t§'15 McHenry G13 77-900 Towner Merchants Bank.§’93 77-145 Towner State Bank... <§’04 77-560 o > 5,000 10,000 z ) FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and (fifty cents for each credit re port insures prom pt, personal atten tlon. ERNEST BYLIN- - - - - - - M. J. SKREDE- - - - - - - - C. McCLINTOCK. E. R. RE1TSCH— TIOGA STATE BANK—<§05 <fW. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Tokio________ 100 Tokio State Bank____ <§T5 77-878 Benson H18 Tolley_______ 325 Farmers State Bank___ §’21 77-1062 Renville E8 First National Bank.__<’05 77-407 Tolley State Bank_____ §’05 77-408 Tolna_______ 199 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Nelson 119 77-984 •t§’17 laneous Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dis- Cash & Ex ’th. Bonds, changes,Dus Securities from Banks 22,080 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo; Merch. N., St. P. 70.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N., Grand Forks. 66,750 N. City, N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 11,460 1st N., Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. 5,000 J. M. Young_____ W. S. Young------A. A. Robinson H. P. Hammer___ Joseph Ebentier— Rksources. Miscel 10,500 $ 141,680 H. B. Servin------- Tioga...... .......... 320 Williams F5 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. NORTH DAKOTA—Continued O. A. T. Carlson... Geo. Peterson.. 23,000 32,900 Merch. N. and 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls and Devils Lake. 14,000 Mtle. State and Northw. N.. Minpls.; 2d N., Minot. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Town and County. Name of 'T'HT T'v A "Wr\rT' A iNvJJK 1 XX JL9Ax\.v9 1 j L^OntHlUCCl Bank. xCoiuxty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in tMern. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab No.9Fe 1. Res. Dist. ♦ Mem. Fed. lies. Trenton_____ 150 Trenton State Bank — Williams H2 77-860 President. §14 James H. Cooper Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. S. Davidson.... Fay Bradley....... . Turtle Lake .. 395 First National Bank____»t’05 Wm. Lierboe____ McLean J11 77-133 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. _For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., soo Laws. f'____.• Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Capital Profits ITS $ 10.000 $ 1,000 i Resources. I.OAN8 LANEOU8 31.000 J 25.000 10,000 200.000 First State Bank______ t§’02 J. S. Johnson____ M. I. Harris_____ W. N. Harris____ B. F. Huber.. 77-132 10.000 15,000 300,000 First National Bank____t’ll J. F. Robinson .... L. Dornacker____ A. F. Fir________ 77-741 Tuttle State Bank_____<§’15 P. C. Remington.— O. M. Remington .. W. F. Hartmann .. J. E. Severson__ 77-875 25,000 7,500 10.000 7.000 Underwood. 453 First National Bank_____ 05 Theo. Albrecht___ J. E. Reuter........... J. E. Reuter_____ C. O. Thompson ... McLea,u K10 77-261 25,000 10,000 175.000 $ Tuttle......... „ 321 Kidder L14 Security State Bank___t§’04 77-260 Underwood State Bank_t§’17 77-952 Upham______ 196 Farmers Equity State Bank McHenry F12 77-960 t§’16 Security State Bank........t§’05 77-375 * Valley City. 4681 Barnes M21 Principal Correspondents. Cash At ExCHANGES,DUE from Banks 33,000 $ 9,000 1st N.. Williston anu St. P. 200,000 40,000 Northw. N„ Minpis.; 1st N.. Fargo. _____ 250.000 75,000 Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch N. ami 1st N.. St. P. 90,590 _____ 161,630 15,480 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Steele. 62,000 — 72,000 3,500 193,000 20.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Fargo. Minpls. .and Washburn. 275,600 43,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P.: Capital Secur., Bismarck. 5,400 Midland N., Minpis.; Northern N., Far go; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 5,000 1st N., St. P. N. E. Rulien____ Krist Kjelstrup... W. A. Gogstetter . C. A. Berg—........... 20.000 20,000 273,000 Chas. Tauer....... . John Klein_____ Calix F. Bauer___ R. II. Gergen------- 15.000 5,000 180,000 L. Bertsch....... ...... J. D. Mettler___ H. M. Holte........... L. A. Holte______ 16,000 52,000 68,000 Samuel Torgersou. George Freeman.. F. C. Grimes......... O. S. Freeman___ 25,000 5,000 136,000 219,000 _____ 7,000 Midland N., Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. 223,000 6,000 Northw. N., Grand Minpls. Forks; Midland ] AMERICAN EXCHANGE BK. Henry E. Nelson.. L. Noltimier____ A. C. Thorkelson.. T. M. Condon. 100.000 30,000 410,000 420.000 Walter Coop____ J. J. Grest__ 50,000 33.010 490,680 489.360 119,610 1,249.250 1,183,900 192,670 N. Park and Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; & Com’) N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Merch. N.. St, P.; Am. Ex. N.. Duluth. 514,630 49,420 lont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., St. P.; Northern N. and 1st N., Fargo. 77-40 t§-a9 W. F. Kernkamp Bank of Valley City___•t|,05 James J. Earley___ Frank Heimes... 77-41 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 77-39 <’81 MIDDLEWEST TRUST COMPANY 77-835 T. MELVIN LEE-. S. MASON......... J.H.S. THOMSON A GROWING J. A. KRICK, Sec... |------ 100,000 20,500 373,550 70,000 COMPANY, , Collections soil cited, appreciate d and given very prompt attentlo n. (nigh Grade No rth Dakota Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiated, . James Grady____ S. P. Ellis.............. H. C, Aamoth____ E. L.Fouks______ \Vm. Burchill O. C. Dosseth........ P. M. Shefveland— W. E. Malloy......... 50,000 J. S. Johnson___ 10,000 10,000 150,000 145,000 August Peterson.. E. G. Ranum____ Arthur T. Olson .. A. F. Setzler......... 25,000 21.820 323.190 330,510 70,000, 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Secur. N., Fargo, 25,000, st N„ St. P.; City N., Bismarck; Midland 57,670 j N., Minpls. st N., Minpls. and Bismarck. 36,000 Union N.. Minot; Bkrs. N.. Minpls. 7,500 260,000 250,000 W. M. Stenshoel. J. H. Werner____ J. W. Sherry____ P. T. Brosz_______ 10,000 30,000 210,000 — 240.000 G. W. C. Ross___ F. E. Tucker____ P. L. Larsen_____ F. V. Johnson_____ 15,000 3,000 130.000 — 156.000 A. M. Hovland__ A. O. Anderson__ A. E. Sevareid___ C. F. Reitan______ 15.000 5,000 200,000 — P. T. Kretschmar. A. Stienecker____ W. E. Kretschmar ________________ 10,000 7,400 167,000 9,600 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Carrington. 250,000 26,000 151,000 30,000 Am. N„ St. P.; Union N„ Minot, ont. & Corn’! N-. Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. anc Bismarck, Merch. N., St. P. Ban ks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence j July , 1922 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index 100.000 <§’14 Security National Bank.»T9 77-1028 Van Hook____ 331 Farmers State Bank .—<§’14 Mountrail 116 77-845 First National Bank___<’14 77-852 Scand.-Amer. State Bank 77-576 T§’10 Velva................836 First State Bank........... <§U2 McHenry Hll 77-131 Merchants State Bank.t§1900 77-130 Venturia_____207 First State Bank...........*t§’05 McIntosh R15 77-710 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (JOHN TRACY......... DARBY O’MALLEY_ _ C. F. MUDGETT........ R. J. MCDONALD —ROBERT ANDERSON B. R. PFUSCH < Oldest and Lar gest Bank in Bar □es County, j Prompt and eff icient service gu aranteed ( in all transac tions entrusted to us. 50,000 laud N., Mi..pls.: 1st N., Fargo. 83,910 L City, N. \.; Cont. A Com’l N.. Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Duluth.Fargo, and Minpls. D A K O T A B A N K S — T re n to n to V e n tu ria R. T. Lierboe____ R. F. Boehm. & Dls- c’ts. Bonds, Securities 1212______________ N O R T H Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1919 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' XAXA Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Entire State in |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Fed. Res.Cist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. 93,000 $ 125.000 S 4,930 88,000 120,000 John Martinson ... I. A. Neiss............ 10.000 2,000 60,000 60,000 10,000 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls. Wm. Coffey______ J. C. Sobolik......... F. J. T. Karnik ... 15,000 1,000 40,000 40.000 N. E. Rulien......... C. W. McGray___ 15,000 1,500 49,460 $ 9,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 17,250 1st N„ Minpls.: Capital Secur., Bismarck. 100.000 59,810 793,700 20.000 4,320 175,150 50,000 ISEL STAPLES rJOSEPH PATTERSON W. F. EGKES............. P A PFSCHFI L. PATTERSON NAT. BANK OF WAHPETON ) FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight*drafts. 15c minimum; 25c E.minimum if paid. charge 77-51 »t’89 (.Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. 12,580 464,300 $ . S. H. MURRAY....... G.H. REEDER - — 21,760 70,410 739,950 215,560 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., St. P. and Duluth; Merch. N., Fargo. 182,670 31,800 1st N.. St. P.: Midland N., Minpls.; Dept. Bk. of Winona, Winona. 793,880 36.390 Chase N., N. Y ; 1st N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 35,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Met., St. P.; Lin. N., Minpls. 17.020 N. Bk. ot Wahpeton, Wahpeton; 1st N.. Minpls. 17,910 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks; 1st N.. St.P. 10,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Northern State. Grand Forks.; Midland N., Minpls. 21,660 1st N., N. Y., Minpls., and St.P. tbank turns. ed. H. H. Rustad 15,000 W. J. Klosterman. August Bergman .. G. P. Zentgraf___ 35,000 5,000 159,480 181,630 John Kauffman... G. A. Fossum____ C. C. Casperson G. H. Haverland W. F. Winter. Geo. H. Johnston.. E. J. Fischer..__ J. B. Mooney J. W. David........... W. J. Laidlaw....... 15,000 5,000 262,000 268,970 40,000 8,500 1st N., Fargo, Oakes and Minpls. 12.500 3.000 131,090 25,000 6.250 190,000 25,000 10,000 368,840 fW F WINTFR 25,000 GEO. W. OELISLE__ L. F. LePAGE--------- ARTHUR BACHAND... FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t 09 -(FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c minimum: 25c minimum charge i f paid. (Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. 77-187 7.500 175,000 200,000 10,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Grand Forks. 25,000 L. A. SAYER......... E P RAMSETH 1. C. HAUGLAND et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send ing CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. T RY US. 5,000 175,000 250,000 20,000 Capital N., St. P.: 1st N„ Minpls.; Northern N., Fargo. |H. P.BECKWITH. Warwick....... 290 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Beeson 118 77-733 tS’06 )Save time and g (FEE IN ADVAN .. i. Security State Bank.. ..t§'19 J. fa. Mikkelson... 77-1030 ‘Washburn__ 558 Farmers Security Bank t§’19 McLean Kll 77-1042 44 “ First National Bank__ «t’02 G. L. Robinson__ 77-159 ------- 12,500 1st N„ St. P. 5,000 $ 15,000 1 EUGENE HORNUNG— J. E. LEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W'alhalia_____634 CITIZENS BANK______ *t§ 97 ) FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 1 einlmia D 20 77-186 (Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR 41 Paid-up Capital 15.000 $ Wahpeton State Bank...§’20 H. F. Holthusen... 77-1051 Walcott____ 337 H TT. Rikkn Richland 021 77-711 Wales______ 350 Citizens State Bank__ »t§’05 C. E. Johnston___ 77-420 ««Cavalier 1)18U State Bank of Wales...•t§'01 77-419 ____ _ Ass’t Cashier. G. C. Bjone............ H. M. C. Bjone— TO. A. LEACH....... J. P. REEDER......... AARON STERN ‘ Wahpe ton.. .3069 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK < Send your collec tiohs to the larges Rickland P25 77-58 •fOl ) for efficient se rvice and quick re (.Farm Mortgag e Loans negotiat ■■ Far.& Merch. State Bank+S’14 Donald Wright.... Elmer Myhra___ 77-846 “ Cashier. H. C. McCartney.. F. D. McCartney.. R. M. Crichto.i___ Wm. Huntington .. Verona_____ 258 Farmers & Merchants State La Moure P20 Bank___ 77-926 ____«t§’16 State Bank of Verona...t§’04 77-415 Voltaire...........250 Farmers State Bank ....t§'ll McHenry HU 77-723 Voss................... 100 Walsh G22 77-1057 Wabek__ ___40 Farmers State Bank__ t§'16 Mountrail H8 77-957 ......... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos Miscel Loanh 4r Dis- Cash & Exc*t«. Bonds, CIlANGESfDTJE AND laneous Bbcuritieb from Banks its Profits NORTH DAKOTA—Continued WASHBURN STATE BK.-tS 06 77-160 (T. H. JEFFERY — (Special attentlo 1 FEE IN ADVAN (Credit Reports, A. MCDONALD_ _ _ _ _ IVER HANSON-. . . . . . . A. H ALLAN, A. Cash, ANNIE HOENING 15c minimum-, 25c minimum charge Y US. 15,000 35,000 20,000 118,000 T. J. Haugeberg... A. E Johnson__ J. A. O’Brien....... Karl Klein 25,000 35,620 406,020 W. J. BICKERT ~~ G H WEBER __ s. 15c minimum: 25c minimum if paid. R SERVICE. 15,000 14,000 147,000 Watford City. 260 American Exchange Bank Anthony Walton.. D. E. Asplund___ H. B. Thoreson.... W. S. Shirk McKenzie I 4 77-998 »i§’18 “ “ Farmers State Bank -..•t§'12 Adam Hannah___ J. L. McRae_____ H. M. Thomas___ 77-782 H. E. Strand “ “ W. H. Putman__ H. L. Moe.............. W. E. Robb 77-981 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18,110 400,280 if paid. Oscar S. Oberg___ H. A. Fischer....... H. Herfindahel—. JOSEPH MANN ... n given collection CE: Sight dra fts. 50c. TRY US FO 168,680 240.000 55.000 ■ 119,000 29,830 443,820 27,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; City N., Bismarck. 28,000 1st N., Williston; Capital N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 13,000 1st N., St. P. and Williston; State Dep. and Lst N., Minpls.: Stock Yds.N .So.St.P. 42,000 1st N,. St. P. and Williston; lst Secur. State, Red Wing, Minn. 100 000 80,000 2,000 150,000 145,000 15.000 5,000 225,000 i 5,000 Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Devils Lake. 15,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Northw. N., and 1st N. Minpls. 50,660 Han. N„ N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls. 160.000 10,000 20,000 1st N., St. P. and 210,000 For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) July, 1922________ NO RTH DAKOTA BAN KS— Verona to Watford City__________________ 1213 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 01 O to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14i-LO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 5?, el<r bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *Coui.ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. gstate fPriv. Entire State iu tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 9 Fed. Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-lrust Powers. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. »r /~vt—»mt t * rr/-vm » « , • « NORTH DAKOTA---- Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Webster_____ 100 Bank of Webster_____ •JS’02 Jos. M. Kelly____ M. P. Kelly_____ D. W. Kelly_____ A. I. Maurer. Ramsey G18 77-714 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its A Dib- Cash & Ex Miscel cLoams 'ts. Bonds, changes,Bo* laneous Brottbities from Banks S $ Resources. Principal Correspondents. 35,940 10,000 4,000 93,000 86,000 15.000 1st N„ Fargo and Harvey; Midland N„ Minpls. Werner_______ 198 First State Bank_____ «t§T5 Arthur Ovrom___ T. M. Antony____ E. S. Swenson___ E. T. Lewis.... ........ Du.m K6 77-857 10,000 4,530 112,300 123,190 8.80C Capital N„ St. P.; 1st N„ Bismarck; Mid land N.. Minpls. Merchants State Bank..t§T4 H. W. Brademeyer. H. E.Skauge_____ L. A. Winter_____ L. O. Westrum — 77-858 10,000 6 000 85,000 135,000 4,500 1st N., Minpls. and Mandan; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. Westhope.........439 Bank of Westhope........*$§’02 J. L. Page_______ M. A. Page.............. J. L. Page_______ H. J. Patterson.... Bottineau Dll 77-188 25,000 8,500 104,000 140,000 18,000 1st N„ St. P. and Grand Forks; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls. PEOPLES STATE BAN IKS 06 W. T. Mann_____ R. M. Trimble....... G. H. Kalbfleisch.. A. A. McMaster... 77-189 30,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 Drexel State. Chi.; Cent. Met., St. P.; 1st N., Fargo; Northern State. Grand Forks. Wheatland__ 450 Farmers State Bank...«t§’10 H. P. Beckwith... A. L. Parsons....... W. J. Medland___ S. McQuoid______ 77-218 Cass M 22 10,000 2,000 67,470 98,870 5,750 1st N., Minpls. and Casselton; Northern N., Fargo. StateBank of Wheatland«tS’92 R. A. Mares_____ A. E. Mares______ R. M. Mares____ 77-217 10,000 3,000 39,640 38,380 86,390 4,630 Chase N.. N. Y.: Merch. N.. St, P.; 1st N., Fargo. ’ Wheelock____ 225 Citizens State Bank____tj’10 U. N. Somsen____ N.Henningsen___ H. N. Petersen__ A. C. Helling____ 77-369 Williams G4 10,000 11,270 72,840 290 82,940 11,450 1st N.. Minpls. and~St. P.; Citiz. State. New Ulm. First State Bank.............i§'06 William Raymond.. H. K. Thue______ B. T. Raymond___ F. O. Hougcn____ 77-368 15,000 1st N„ Willislon; Northw. N., Minpls. $ 146,240 40,000 $ .191,680 $ 40,500 1st N„ St. P.and Devils Lake. 10,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 White Earth ..247 First State Bank______ t§'02 A. M. Ilovland .... O. M. Muus______ S. H. Hesla............ 77-393 Mouutrail F5 10,000 2,000 110.000 105,000 14,000 Merch. & Mnfrs, State, Minpls. Whitman____ 100 Lamb's Bank_____ ____ t|’12 G. F. Lamb............ J. M. Lamb--------- C. F. McErlane..— 77-772 Nelson G20 10,000 16,500 153,500 150,000 30.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st. N., Duluth. Wiidrose_____ 449 Farmers State Bank__ *iS’05 J. L. Mathews___ J. M. Hvnes______ W. B. Mathews___ L. B. Highum___ Williams E4 77-676 10,000 2,000 105,000 153,000 First State Bank______ t5'09 M. E. Wilson____ Andrew Urseth ... C. A. Christianson O. R. Tone.... 77-450 C. O. Trytten E. E. Evenson 10,000 4,000 170,000 195,000 Security State Bank__ tS’15 L.C. Helle.............. O. B. Lia------------- B. A. Mohler........ A. N. Holier. 77-887 15,000 *Williston ,...4178 Williams G2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 77-51 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Umm-0WBELL- Cl 0. HARDING C. H. ERICKSON 21,000 1st N. and State Bk. of Com., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 75,000 2,000 121,000 125,000 35,000 1,100,000 1.200,000 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 1,000,000 80,000 Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; Union N., Minot. 21,900 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N.. St. P. ) Oldest and Lar gest Bank In WU Hams County. (.SEND YOUR I TEMS DIRECT TO US FOB QU ICK RETURNS. •+1900 WILLIAMS COUNTY STATE BANK 77-53 r J. H. SHAW...... 5,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. •tS’06 L. J. RODMAN I. J. WILKINSON B. J. SCHOREGGE A. N.EIDSNESS- C. J. BARRY........ H. C. TRUEBL00D 50,000 700,000____ (Largest and Str ongest State Ban k In Western Nor th Dakota, Special attentto n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence BANKS —W ebster to W illiston ____________ July, 1922 10,000 Weilsburg___ 100 Farmers State Bank___J5’13 Aug. Peterson___ John Jorgenson __ J. B. Williams___ Wells 115 77-817 1214________________ NORTH DAKOTA 1714 Name of Bank. Town and County. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. & Dis- Caru & Ex Depos Miscel cL’oans Paid-op Surplus tb. Bonds, changes,Due AND laneous BbCDRITISB FROM BaNKP its Capital Profits 14,970 $ 180,970 M. C. Rich............. A. W. Graham....... Grace J. Rothgarn $ 25,000 Daniel Nelson___ T. S. Harkison .... L. A. E. Nelson — L. O. Peterson 25,000 19,360 Wilton _ .1026 First National Bank___ *t’20 P. J. Cahill............ J. J. Schmid____ A. M. Dahl.............. E. J. Horn______ C. W. Howe McLean L12 77-1053 11 R. R. Bushard___ McLean County State Bank A. E. Johnson___ 77-253 •t§,98 .. P. K. Eastman___ M. B. Eastman___ J. A. Pitzer______ T. H. Steffen____ 77-254 25,000 2,500 15,000 Willow City . 559 First National Bank .—«t’03 Botti,.eau E13 77-176 4. Merchants National Bank»t’fc2 77-177 $ $ 293,100 % Principal Correspondents. 16,880 Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Grand Forks. 298,360 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 114,000 96,000 37,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 11,000 90,000 125,000 18,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Bismarck. 10,000 7,830 178,690 180,660 15,860 Han. N.. N. Y.: Northw. N. and Midland N.. Minpls.; City N., Bismarck. R. R. Brneske___ 25,000 20,410 250,000 225,000 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Fargo. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. 77-195 «r07 C. E. Burgess------- J. E. Rand ______ 25,000 6,000 125.000 130,000 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N.t Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls., Fargo, and Valley City. Farmers State Bank---- t§’lfl 77-1018 A. M. Halstead.... C.A.Beitel............. L. A. Schultz......... 15.000 1,250 75,000 78,560 Stutsman M17 8,900 1st N.. St. P.: Far. & Merch. N., Jamestown. Burleigh County State Bank 77-742 t§’ll R. A. Mason_____ 10,000 5,000 75,000 80,000 Burleigh L13 11,000 Stock Yards N., So. St. P.: 1st N., Minpls.; City N. and Capital Secur., Bismarck. 10,000 2,750 50,000 75,000 15.000 10.000 200,000 15.000 12,000 150,000 18,500 25,000 6,000 221,860 239,630 40,110 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. 16,400 Midland N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; James River N.. Jamestown. 13,000 Far. & Merch. N., Jamestow-n; Am. N., St. P. 70,870 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Wimbledon__ 521 First National Bank___«t’03 77-196 Barnes L19 „ «< H. P. Goddard___ R. E. Lawyer. Farmers State Bank.—tS’ll R. D. Hoskins....... 77-739 Wishek_____ 1003 FIRST STATE BANK—•tS,98 J. H. Wishek.__ McL.tosh P15 <1 «« F. N. Gillis........... H. E. Timm______ W. H. Leiser____ Security State Bank___t§’08 .T. .T. Doyle 77-259 Wolford. 350 Farmers State Bank ___8’20 77-1061 _ Pierce F15 State Bank of Wolford.<§'05 77-716 Woodworth. 297 Farmers State Bank__•i§’16 77-953 Stutsman L16 First National Bank ___ •fll 77-735 Wyndmere__ 570 Bank of Wyndmere___ }§'99 Richland P23 77-251 “ ** First National Bank..._»t'04 77-252 York .. _____ 500 R^nlr of York tS'Ofi Be ..son G15 77-220 McIntosh R15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: City N. and 1st N., Bismarck. 150,000 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Bismarck. 20,000 J. H. Van Deusen Roy Anderson H. T. Graves____ A. B. DeNault___ O. J. Nygaard----- G. W. Nygaard__ 15.000 15,000 4.500 120,300 138,710 R. D. Aberle..____ 25,000 10,000 225,000 200,000 10,000 13.790 300,000 25,000 5.500 175,000 10.000 4,000 H. O. Paulson....... N. L. Johnson___ 10,000 Amos Jacobson.__ Jno. Luchsinger .. 10,000 J. A. Laval lee___ W. G. Hanks____ O. J. Rued_______ Jos. Patterson___ J. R. Jones.__ T. E. Riley______ .. H. J. Freick_____ D. H. Jones __ J. O. Foley--------- W. B. Runcorn___ P. W. Clausen____ A. R. Lizotte A. B. Lizotte E. P. Quarne____ T. E. Erikson___ 9,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Bismarck. 220,000 S. B. Qvale______ R. H.Sugden____ H. T,. T.nt.7 R. N. Stroup_____ D. E. Fast. 77-945 V. J. Wolf....... . German State Bank.__t5'13 J. H. Wishek.__ J. D. Laemmle___ 77-827 Zeeland State Bank.__*tl'06 John Bischof____ Geo. Aberle . Wm. J. P. Giedt 77-456 NORTH DAKOTA Map on Index 20,000 T. O. Chant land... W. C. McMurtry_ D. A. McLarty___ 77-219 Ypsiianti_____ 70 Farmers State Bank___ t5'09 R. R. Wolfer____ 77-718 RU.tsman N19 ZenaLizntte _ _ Zahl................... 100 Williams E2 77-686 State Bank of Zahl____ tS'16 77-932 Zap.....................257 Mercer K8 ✓ H. E. Kusler 179,000 J 105,000 300,000 4,400 Northw. N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 175,000 71.000 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Wahpeton. 160,000 120,000 5.000 123,000 114.000 4,740 56,470 53,050 10.000 5,000 60,000 53,000 40,000 Cont. and Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Grand Forks. 12,000 1st N., St. P.; Northern State. Grand Forks. 18,170 Far. & Merch. N., Jamestown; 1st N., Minpls. 8,500 1st N., Minpls. and Williston. 20,000 5,000 90,000. 100,000 10,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 36,000 84,000 108,000 150,000 135,000 500,000 380,000 5,000 1st N., Minpls.. St. P., and Grand Forks; Northern N.. Fargo; Citiz. Tr. Co., Buffalo. 7,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; IstN., Bismarck. 15,000 Northw. N.. Minpls.: City N.. Bismarck: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. S. D. 65,000 Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Aberdeen; 1st N. and City N., Bismarck. July, 1922_______ NORTH DAKOTA BANKS — W illow City to Zeeland ___________________ 1215 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number uuder Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. j Iu No. 4 F. R. D. t'Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. C is,^ati Br. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. OHIO Liabilities. President. Vice President. Jl BREWER ... B. R. CONNER.......... Ada..................2321 FIRST NATIONAL BANK »t 92 JUSTIN Special attenti on given Bill of L Hardin G8 56-592 Ip Please send 15c w itli each sight draft Liberty Bank................. t|’02 Geo. Rothrock Walter Sousley___ 56-593 [ Adelphi............329 Adelphi Banking Co----- tl’07 G. B. Armstrong E. Hemmeger......... C Ross M13 56-861 Adena............... 724 Adena Commercial & Savings R. W. Moore W. H. Bernhard ... Jefferso.. 120 Bank .♦.56-1301........ •§’20[ L. S. Moscrip Ass’T Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Miscel laneous Dis- Loans k c’tb. Bonds, Securities C. B. MOORE......... $ 50.000 $ ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item for presentation a nd 50c for Credit Reports. 51,430 $ 749,780 $ Lloyd McElroy.__ N.P. Hill.............. 60,000 25,000 550,000 550,000 O. B. Armstrong— Herbert Lesher... 25.000 23,000 325.000 300,000 U. S. Burtscher ... D. E. Moore_____ 60.000 12,160 321,460 339,620 55,000 48,600 $ 730,070 $ 169,730 25,000 814,000 785,370 500,000 806,410 11626 750 11269 760 200,000 208,650 4,176,480 _ G. C. Dietz______ A. H. Mallison....... W.Herberich, Tr.. W. J.Staiger, Sec.. 6(im (1 Branch) Charles Herberich P, M. Young. A. Tr. J. D. Crawfis, A. Sec. G. W. Merz R.V.Courson ,A.Tr. ♦DIME SAVINGS BANK < HO W. Ailing. Jacob Naher_____ Wm. H. Evans, Wm. H. Evans, Jr., 56-58 Sec. and Tr A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. E. Heyse, A, Sec. H. J. Wade, A. Tr. 300,000 405,590 5,386,310 200,000 200.980 2,036.250 — 3,943,510 100,810 5,533,880 ♦ 56-61 ‘FIRESTONE PARKIPrompt S FIBISt,,E -UE SIStEB-. . E. A. OBERLIN, JR., ............................ and Efficient Collection Service. Special Attention given Drafts with Bills of Lading a ttach ed. TRUST ...& SAV._ RK. .Accounts of Banks, Business Houses and Individuals invit ed. 200.000 170,220 2.644,370 MEM BER FE DERAL 50-00 — 2,099,270 14.993 2,645.950 RES EH VE. ‘FIRST-SECOND am 85,000 N. Park, N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; FifthThird N., Cin.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 60,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Chillicothe; Ohio N. and 1st N„ Col. 35,130 Wheeling Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheeling; Guard ian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; Union Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Steubenville. Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; N Bk. of W. Va., Wheeling. 1,663,400 Han. N., Irving N., Empire Tr. Co., and Chase N.. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: Union Tr. Co.. Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. 542,470 Bkrs.Tr. Co. and Bk.of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt.;Cent. Sav. and Tr. Co., Akron. 658,830 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co. and Union Tr. Co., Cley. 348,090 Irving N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 383.630 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,CbL; Union Tr. Co., Clev. Tr. Co., and Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng. Co-op. N.,Clev.; Cent. Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron. N. C. STONE---------- HARRY WILLIAMS. HARRY WILLIAMS E. R. FINDLEY — N.G.NELS0N tA.Cash. G.R. EDGAR „ UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. S.H.STEVENSON Send us your items and collections D. L. EDWARDS ' “ ....................... TEST OUR FACILITIES. W. O’Neil IW. F. Bierlv ♦Ohio State Bank & Trust Co. A. F. Ayers, C. C. Botzum Exec.V.P. W. P. Welker 56-64 T«t§’14 Wm. J. Heepe,Tr. I F. A. Giegel, A.Tr. C. J. Arnold, A.Tr.\ A. A. Love. A. Tr. R. M. Waltz, A. Tr.\ 400.COO 753,000 7.860.420 500.000 618,120 5,016,000 98,500 7,460,520 1,650,410 N. City and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N., Phil.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 235,000 5,720,130 648,990 Seab.N..N.City,and N.Y.Tr.Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Clev. Tr. Co. and Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Corn. Ex. N., Phil. — 5,078,740 RESER T.R.Co J. H. Hi L. S. Br VE. ok,Mgr. 11, Mgr. own, Mgr. 562.850 Chase N. and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. {Merger of Ohio Sax. & Tr, C o. and State Sav. & Tr. Co.) T*t§’90 I. E. MYERS, Tr....... GEO. H. BURGY. Sec. T. R. COOK. -4. Tr. C. G WILSON, F. L. MITTLER.A.J’r. L. S. DUDLEY,' W. A. COPE, Tr. Officer H. B. DODGE. A, Tr. Officer 200,000 MEM North A Title Officer South A East Ak 215.230 5,156.300 BER FE kron Br kron Br ron Bra DF.RAL anch — aneh — nch—J. Commercial Banking, Foreign, Trust, Savings and Bo nd De partm ents. Quick Returns on Collections. (Address Main Office—Where “Exchange Crosses Main.") ♦Standard Savings Bank.§’20T. E. Smith............ I James Shaw............|R. P.Hassler, Tr. . I J. C. Clark. 56-1311 II. F. Allen I I (Akron continued on next page) I The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI 100.000 26,240 272,330 331,970 49.860 Seab. N., N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Sta’e Sav. & Tr. Co., Peo. Sav. &Tr. Co., Akron. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. - - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. July, 1922 ‘PEOPLES SAV. & TRUST COMPANY C. I. BRUNER......... G. D. BATES-............ (3 Branches) L. 0. BROWN S. F. ZILIOX E. MYE A k ro n _ ____ __________ T*t’03 56-57 villi, Cent. V. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co. and Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N., Pitt, and Cin. Largest bank in the city. We respectfully invite your busin ess. T»t’63 Special attention given collections. “United States De pos i t ory.” ‘NATIONAL CITY BANK 56-56 it,, I •+§ 16 --------------------------------------------- ——--------------------------------------------------------------------------C.I. BRUNER............G. D. BATES............ C. S. MARVEL— T.S.EICHELBERGER Am. Ex. N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and N. Bk. H. B. MANTON H. A. VALENTINE, H.MERRYWEATHER 1,500,000 1,596,970 16 738 600 1.123,560 16678950 4.274,830 Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. s th E1M w <c'“'‘'3.eb:§stcher NATIONAL BANK 56-55 i.« ist City, Lima; Huntington N„ Col. H. H. Gibbs—........P. M. Held. Sec— W. J. Ruof, Tr. ... G. H. Dunn R. N. Foltz. A. Sec. C. E. Elwell. A. Tr. J. P. Loomis C. R. Musser____ A. R. Ritzman, Tr. W. E. Pardee, Sec. C. H. Myers Sec. and Tr. 'ixa-oo ii.i it. • W. P. Moore........... Jesse L. Beck....... Jos. M. Lukens..— ♦DEPOSITORS _ TRUS Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks OHIO BA N K S — Ada to Peoples National Bank „«t’01 J. G. Ickis_______ 56-862 *Akron___ 208,435 ♦CENTRAL SAV. & TR. CO. E. R. Held.............. Summit E17 ♦ 56-59 T*tS’04 (.Branch at Barberton, Ohio) * COMMERCIAL SAVINGS & John Kerch............ TRUST C0.-56-62-__T»t§’07 (Three Branches) Cashier. 1216 19 1 -LA| CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO Capital $2,000,000 Surplus Profits 2,000,000 OFFICERS G. P. GRIFFITH, Chairman of the Board EDWARD GOEPPER, Chairman Executive Committee EDW. J. HOFF CHAS. W. DUPUIS - .......................President Assistant to the President H. SACHTELEBEN W. A. JULIAN..........................Vice-President - - - Assistant Cashier EDW. A. SISSON, Vice-President and Trust Officer BENJ. R. EM LEY - - - Assistant Cashier WM. D. KNOX ----- Vice-President MAX C. RIEKER - - - Assistant Cashier R. CLIFF SMITH - -- -- -- - Cashier LOUIS GULDEN - Assistant Trust Officer DIRECTORS CHARLES P. TAFT ------ Capitalist JAMES N. GAMBLE, Vice-Pres. The Procter & Gamble Co. W. KESLEY SCHOEPF, Pres. The Cincinnati Traction Co. BAYARD L. KILGOUR, Pres. The Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Co. M. L. KIRKPATRICK, Pres. The Farmers & Shippers Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Co. ROBERT W. POGUE, Pres. The H. & S. Pogue Company W. A. JULIAN. Pres. The Julian & Kokenge Company G. P. GRIFFITH - - Chairman of the Board EDWARD GOEPPER. Chairman Executive Committee A. J. BECHT, Sec’y The Cincinnati Street Railway Co. THOS. W. ALLEN, Director The J. H. Hibben Dry Goods Co. DAVID C. JONES, Vice-Pres. The Lunkenheimer Company J. M. RICHARDSON, Pres. The Richardson Company CHAS. W. DUPUIS......................... President WE SPECIALIZE IN CINCINNATI COLLECTIONS AND OTHER LOCAL BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Automobile Insurance bility—Property Damage—Collision Bank Burglary Insurance U. S. Liberty Bond Burglary Insurance Ohio INDEX TO COUNTIES Adams..........Q 10 Allen............. F 8 Ashland........ F 15 Ashtabula.. B 20 Athens......... N 16 Auglaize.......H 7 Belmont....... J 20 Brown........... P 9 Butler........... M 6 Carroll......... H 19 Champaign ... J 9 Clark..............K 9 Clermont.... 0 7 Clinton......... M 9 Columbiana .F 20 Coshocton .. .1 16 Crawford... .F 12 Cuyahoga.. .D 17 Darke............ 16 Defiance.........D 6 Delaware... .1 12 Erie............. D 13 Fairfield....... L 13 Fayette.......M 10 Franklin... .K 12 Fulton............ B 7 Gallia........... P 15 Geauga....... C 19 Greene............L 8 Guernsey... .J 18 Hamilton....... N 6 Hancock......... F 9 Hardin........... G 9 Harrison........ 119 Henry............ D 8 Highland... .0 10 Hocking... .M 14 Holmes........II 16 Huron..........E 13 Jackson........O 13 Jefferson... .H 21 Knox........... H 14 Lake............. B 18 Lawrence .. .R 14 Licking.........J 14 Logan...........H 9 Lorain......... D 15 Lucas..............B 9 Madison.... K 10 Mahoning.. .E 20 Marion........H 11 Medina........E 16 Meigs...........O 16 Mercer........... H 5 Miami............. J 7 Monroe........L 19 Montgomery .L 7 Morgan........L 16 Morrow....... II 13 Muskingum. K 16 NoWe.......... K 18 Ottawa........ C 11 Paulding.........E 5 Perry........... L 15 Pickaway .. .L 12 Pike..............O 11 Portage........E 19 Preble............. L 5 Putnam.......... E 7 Richland... .G 14 Ross............. N 12 Sandusky. . .D 11 Scftito...........P 12 Seneca..........E 11 Shelby...........17 Stark............F 18 Summit........E 17 Trumbull ... D 20 Tuscarawas .H 18 Union........... I 10 Van Wert... .F 6 Vinton....... N 14 Warren..........M 7 Washington.M 18 Wayne......... F 16 Williams.........C 6 Wood................ D9 Wyandot.... F 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — FORESIGHT The time to get a Fidelity Bond protecting your institution against loss by embezzlement is before the loss occurs. Attention to this matter now may save you thousands of dollars later. Our Fidelity Bond gives complete protection. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Home Office: 100 Broadway, New York Company’s Home Office Building Founded 1884 Capital $5,000,000 OFFICERS F. W. LAFRENTZ, President R. R. BROWN. First Vice-President OHIO ORGANIZATION: Northeastern Ohio CLEVELAND Northwestern Ohio TOLEDO National City Bank Building Euclid Ave. and East 6th St. Southern Ohio CINCINNATI Middle Ohio COLUMBUS 1110-11-12 Second National Bank Bldg. Summit Street and Madison Ave. FRED J. KINSEY, Manager Union Trust Building Fourth and Walnut Streets 706-7-8-9 Huntington Bank Building 21 South High Street M. STANLEY-BROWN, Manager HOWARD ECKER, Manager J. S. MOSSGROVE, Manager FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS BURGLARY INSURANCE CHECK FORGERY AND ALTERATION INSURANCE Forty Branch Offices at Larger Cities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over 15,000 Local Agents and Attorneys Elsewhere Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. OHIO—Continued Town and County. 00 Name of Bank. *Cou„tyJ>eats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State J-Prir. I.. No. 4 P. K. D. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. C is Ci-ci^ati Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Akron............... Summit B17 {Continued) President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. THE CLEVELAND DISC. CO. I GLEN BROWN, (.516 Ohio Bldg.) Resources. Liabilities. Vice-President. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its (Capita 1 and S urplus v Mgr. I First Mortgage Real Estate Bond OTIS & COMPANY-— *11900 {Investment Securiti es)_______________ i i.Cem. Sav. & Tr. Co. Bldg.) Miscel laneous $10 000 0 00.00) The Cleveland Disc. Co., Cleveland, Chicago, N. Y., and principal eities. — {Branch of Clevel and)___ Otis & Co., N.Y., Bos., Ciu., Det.. Toi., Col..Akron, Youngstown, Den., and Colorado Springs. Worthington, Bellows & Co., Clev. ! Worthington, Bellows & Co. (Investment Securiti es)_______________ I '19 ! (Cent. Sav. & Tr. Co. Bldg.) Akron Clearing blouse______G. H. Dunn—— A. F. Ayers ............ E. R. Findley, (Members indicated by a *) Sec., Tr. and Mgr. Albany............... 465 Citizens Bank____ ____ »tS'12 j. p. Coe C Athens N15 56-1230 .................... f 0. A. BROOKS — Alexandria___415 ALEXANDRIA BANK CO. For prompt att Licking J13 56-864 *iS’05 r tation and 25 Alger —............ 787j Alger Savings Bank___ »t$'06 Hard in G9 j 56-865 Alliance ___ 21,603 S.arkh'19 ALLIANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. B. McGonagle— F. E. Bolton______ W. C. Bean, Sec... 25,000 16,000 $ 165,000 175,170 $ D. D. CLARK.......... T. M. BISHOP......... J. A. PRICE.......... ention send 15c 25,000 26 850 140.87,) 175,170 26,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Huntington N„ Col. 37,07) N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Huntineton N.. Col.: Newark Tr. Co. and Licking Co. Bk. & Tr. Co., Newark. AIIpd Edwards. 25,000 18,800 112.000 127.000 25.000 Han. N., N.Y.; Old N..Lima; Bk. of Pitt. ! N. A., Pitt.; 1st N„ Cin. 300.000 334.160 5 345.770 135.180 5.370.240 744,870 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 152,350 2,989,570 55,990 2,977,650 470,260 chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.: — lst N-and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 127,510 Bk. of the Manhattan Co.. Irving N.,Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and 1st N.. Chi.- 1st N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co. and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. ----------1st N„ Col. with eacn Sight c for Credit Repo rts. Draft for presen- Frpd Ankerman A. L-.ATK.HS0N...... M. S. MUBOURNE ... G. B. HALL.............. G. E. GRAF......... . FRANK TRANSUE, W. E. DAVIS R. E. HENRY Ch. of Bd. First established, oldest and largest bank. Modern banking facilities Popular, conservative but progressive. 56-184 •*’ 72 SEND US YOUR ALLIANCE ITEMS. (Merger of Alliance Bank Co. and First National Bank) City Saving! Bk. & Trust Co. w. H. Ramsey........ I. G. Tolerton.__ S. L. Sturgeon------ C. M. Biker______ F. W. Shaffer 250.000 PEOPLES BANK COMPANY Wm. A. Thompson A. D. Thompson ...| 100,000 56-187 •ti’071 Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dis- Cash & Kxc’ts. Bonds, changks.Dde bSODRITTRA FROM Ba.VKS D. W. Crist.............. H. D. Tolerton... 74.7701 783,190 830,460 Alvordton........ 277 Alvordton Banking Co...«t’08 W. Webber______ Williams B6 56-866 M. Smith_______ R. E. Teamey........ 10,000 Amanda ............531 Clear Creek Valley Banking W. E. Armstrong. Fairfield L13 Company.56-1273 .... <§’17 Theodore Lape~ I. E. Alspaugh........ J. R. Christy____ 25,000 2,400 75,000 71,800 Geo. W. Blue.__ C. A. Barr_______ 25,000 48,000 275,000 317,000 41,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y. and Col. Amelia________658 Amelia State Bank_____ t§’10 Elmer Ely_______ C Clermont 07 56-868 Harvey Perin ... W. A. Williams.__ Olin Fagin_____ 25,000 14,100 175,000 175,000 12,000 1st N„ Cin. Amesville..........273 First National Bank.........<’04 L. B. Glazier------C Athens M16 56-869 W. E. Thompson. F. L. Thomas_____ 25,000 47,180 223,230 286.680 43,720 Han. N.. N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Hunt ington N., Col. Amherst........ 2485 Amherst Park Bank Co.<§’15 N. F. Foster------Lorain C15 56-1250 Elias Baumhardt. F. I. Hubbard........ F. H. Steele______ 25.000 10.000 462,000 444,800 67,400 Chase N„ N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Elyria Sav. & Tr. Co., Elyria. George Hollstein... A. G. Menz...____ F. H. Hogrefe........ W. H. Schibley 50,000 31,170 1,026,250 1,025,450 89,380 N. Park, N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; FifthThird N-, Cin. Amsterdam __1271 Peoples Banking Co. ...•t|’03 L. W. Steinmetz. W. M. Sweeney.... E. D. Myers______ F. H. Miser______ Jefferson H20 56-870 25,000 19,990 384,560 366,450 59,040 Han. N„ N.Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., ! Clev.; 1st N„ Pitt. 100,000 35,380 815,360 811,240 25,000 9,000 114,540 134.650 Farmers & Merchants Bk. Co. S. H. Simon_____ 56-867 <§’04 Amherst Savings & Bkg. Co. E. H. Nichoil........ 56-606 <§’07 F. J. Bishop ___ F. A. Woodard.. R. D. Mede_ _ _ A. W. Fridley .. Charter No. 20—The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ford B. Russell -. NATIONAL BANK 35.000 17,000 Ohio N„ Col. 139,510 Chase N„ N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 26.700 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Wapakone'a; Hunt ington N.. Col. of CINCINNATI—Over Fifty Years of Service to Banks 1217 Andover............921 Andover Bank________<§’84 F. W. Sargent___ Ashtabula B21 56-871 Anna..................463 Farmers & Merchants Bk. Co. Daniel Rankle___ Shelby H7 56-872 JS'08 John E. Leist_____ | July , 1922_______________________OHIO BANKS — Akron to Anna Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank 'n U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 91 7 t0 eacl1 Name of OHIO—Continued Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. .Co -ty 'red s. L. No 4 F. R. D. +Mem. Siat3 B. A s’n. [Estab. C is Ci„ci__ati Br. » I. Fed Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Ansonla............. 807 Citizens Bank Co-------- <§’04 T. J. Hostetter .— C. W. Wolf---------56-837 Q Darke 15 First National Bank---- <’08 E. E. Vance______ Geo. W. Fisher ... 56-838 B. HARRIS----JOHN L. P0C0CK- S. State Bank. Member Federal EXCHANGE BK. A Modern Antwerp.......... 1096 equip ment, unexcelled !♦ 56-873 •t*'93 Paulding D5 Quick returns on collections. { FIRST NATIONAL 56 1304 BARK <’20 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits OF ASHTABULA 56-170 laneous Principal Correspondents. 25,000 6,000 $ 175,000 $ 16,000 $ 189,000 $ 25,000 9,000 185,730 25,000 283,950 33,000 1 Co., Clev. 26,480 l Dion Tr. Co., Clev. 25.000 H.K. HARRIS- - - - - - - U Lar|est7"stron gest.” Keserve. “Oldes facilities, efficie nt personal servi ce. Send us your bus iness. 11,670 292,690 14,470 303,060 N., Ft. Wayne, Ind. I 34,910 Lin. N„ Ft.Wayne, Ind.; Northern N„ Tol 27,000 Old ( W. G.HENDERSON- MAE V0LKERT. ung. Modern, Pro gressive. A Live, Growing Satisfactory S ervlce—our strong est plea for your business. _ Personal, Pers istent, Presentati on of Collections. Try Us. J. R. Jameson------ S. R. Garver--------- W. C. Klein........... Pauline Heller------ 35.000 3.500 81,000 77,000 25.000 28,000 150,000 200,000 25,000 Irving I N„ N. Y.; Cent. N„ Clev. G. W. DICK . . . . . . . . . JOHN BAKER . . . . . . . . . F. P. CONAWAY. . . . . . C. WHELAN0. . . . . . . . . . ISAIAH MYERS. 25.000 12.500 190,000 220,000 18,000 1 LBk. Com., N. Y.; Buckeye Com’l Sav. Findlay. 45,620 392,830 497,720 51,950 ( N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Cin.; Union Tr. Co. Clev. 68,280 334,500 496,090 36,160 1 lan.N.,N.Y.; IstN.and 4th N.,Cin.;Unioi Tr. Co., Clev. 4,000 396,000 _______ . 390,000 10,000 330,000 _______ 260,000 60,000 : s. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav. and O, Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tol.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 67,000 16,330 222,410;_______ . 230,500 30,000: aff) T. J. Cole---------- F. J. Biley________H. T. Westbrook . _ A. T. Ullman-------- J. H. Goddard____W. H. Flower-------„ v. M. C. Robinson — E. R. Pierce______ F. 1. Ellenberger.. | (E. H. BURRILL. . . . . . 0.C.T0PKY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRED R. MOSELEY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61,210i ) 1,252,860 140,480 , 30.000 1 100,000 ___ 850,000 132,910 889,630 50,000) 850,150 15,000 28,000 182.000 . 163,000 25,000 40,000 . 285,000 . 488,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 219,800 1,031,440 15,000 0 1,205,480 0 800,000 J Collections a sp ccialty. S Seasonable cha rges. Prompt re mlttance. 'Send us your A' shtabula busines s. B. B. SEYMOUR - F. E. CROSBY H. R. FAULKNER - fctBBi- 200,000 170,970 1,919,780 148,0000 2,209,480 Findlay. 278,720 : L City. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., and Union Tr. Co., Clev,; Mellon N.. Pitt. . . 150,0001 4. City. N.Y.; Corn Ex. N..Chi.: Union Tr. Co., Clev. 322,390] Clev. 59,000 them. N„ N. Y.; Union T 65,000 lan.N., N. Y.; Cent.N. B Clev.: 1st N„ Col. 76,000 rving N., N. Y.; Guardia Clev. 245,900 mp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; Clev. 100,000 Ian. N„ N.Y ; Corn Ex. N Co. and Midland, Clev. 229,270, i Special attentlo u given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Largest Bank In Ashtabula. T<’97 The-5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — Resources Qvej Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | A. L. Comstock___ Myrtle Heeter.— E. MOATS—----'N. HARRMANN-— G.Institution. Yo Ashley................786 Bank of Ashley..............<t’84 (Sperry & Wornst 56-825 ! Delaware H12 Farmers Savings Bank Co. W. Slack------------56-826 t§'05 Ashtabula.. 22,082 Commercial Savings&Tr. Co. I J. P. Ducro---------Astabula A20 56-171 <§’19 Farmers National Bank ..t'47 H. M. Kunkle------ NATIONAL BANK Resources. Loans & Dis- Cabh & Ex c’T8. Bonds, changes,Due from Banks Securities G. A. Lephart____ Thelma C. Lanich. $ Sec. and Tr aocomArcadia............ .376 ARCADIA BANK & SAV.CO. ) Collections and Bequests for Cre dit Reports MU ST be 56 875 ’07 L panled by FE E IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. Hancock E10 50,000 J.E. GARRISON— L. L. MILLER------ and .....DULL ——- G W. HANES-—-- ding fW.J. Time Items. Drafts, Cash Arcanum........ 1311 FARMERS SATJOSAL attentlo n given Bill of La < Special Spec ts. 25c for Credit Repor { Pit Please send 15c with each sight draft for 'presentation and C Darke J6 50,000 c. C. TAYLOR—- — C. L. AULT ----SMITH—— H. J. NISW0NGER and Lar gest Bank. Spec ial attention give n Bill of Lading FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t'03 Cash and Time Items. 66-iu8 ts. send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor 50,000 M. M. Claire------J. Stamm--------A. J. A. Rupp........ Archbold........ 1125 Farmers & Merchants State Jacob Ehrat___ C. F. Murbach Bank.... 56-734_____ <§'98 Ful .on C7 25,000 May Miller---------Peoples State Bank Co—tl’07 J. H. Miller............F. A. Geesey---------- S. C. T. W. Dimke 56-735 25,000 Arlington........ 666 Farmers & Merchants Bk. Co. R. J. Dorney.......... Anson Swank....... W. G. Ramsey........ JS1900 56-876 Hancock F9 50,000 T. O. Stearns------- M. V. Semple.......... J. A. Lutz----------- E. P. Helbert— .Ashland.........9249 ASHLAND BK.& SAV. CO. 56-391 tS 05 Ashland F14 50,000 R. FREER H. L. HESS—— ipecla^ attentlo C. R. FREER---— n given to collec .ions. Personal presentation. FARMERS BANK —<+ 74 Prompt service and remittance o n day of paymen t. 56-390 SEND US YOU B ASHLAND IT EMS. 100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’04iF. E. Myers..............Joseph Patterson.. A. C. Boguiard........ J. E. Murphy — MARINE NATIONAL BANK 56-169 <’90 II Miscel icdu. J^.» AT. * Co., Clev.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 1 OHIO BANKS —Ansonia to Ashtabula ______________ __ July, 1922 Apple Creek...382 Apple Creek Banking Co. ♦ 56-874 <§’03 Wayne G16 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. : Town and county. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, LawsTT(indexed) in back of this _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ T7I i. n .. nltdnlTC rtto COO I <1 lire 1218 1218 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. to each bank in U. S. Name *Cou..ty seta*. I.. No. 4 F. R. D. Pickaway Lli! of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed Res. T-Trust Powers. ASHVILLE BANKING CO.tS 06 56-761 C Athens N15 ATHENS NATIONAL BANK 56-454 Seneca E12 Portage E19 Bainbridge____8 C Ross Nil Baltic...................... 401 Tuscarawas H17 Fairfield K13 Summit E17 Paid-up Liabilities. Surplus Deposand Profits 50,000 $ 36,350 $ 365,921 50,000 26,770 MB,100,000 \ 1 Proper fee shou Id accompany ea presentation and I also each reque st for special cred it report. ( Prompt service has built up our b uslness. SEND US YOUR ATHENS I TEMS. rj. D. BROWN______ jW. H. PLUM................ C. E. WEAVER.................. E. W. SEEDS.................... N. E. REICHELDERFER J. H. LONG Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 'Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit L. G. WORSTELL- W. N. ALDERMAN - W. B. GOLDEN_______ T. J. DAVIS n, FORSYTH 55,550 Han. N., N. Y.; Ohio N. and City N., Col. 537,640 594,030 79,490 Han. N.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Huntington N. and Ohio N„ Col.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 100,000 1,254,280 1,365.740 250,480 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; Huntington N. and Com’I N., Col. 100,000 204,660 1,280,440 $ 147.470 1,438,910 261,010 Security Savings Bank._t§'85 56-455 D. H. Moore________ F. L, Alderman.___ 25,000 36,880 581,310 SUnON STATE BANK-<§ 78 fL. L. SUTTON _____ JOHN SCH0TTLER____ C. C. SUTTON____ 40.000 S Collections and Requests for Cre [ dit Reports MIJS T be accompanie d by ■ (FEE IN ADVAN 21,080 T<’65 56-877 Col.; 1st N., Cin. j Authorized to t ransact a general trust business. (.OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK I N ATHENS COU NTT. Plain Sight D rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, Atwater Savings Bank Co. P. Whittlesey______ C. B. Green G. L. Howlett_____ ♦ 56-878 <§'07 Rockhold, Brown & Co. it’67 E. C. Rockhold____ E. E. Rockhold____ J. P. Clagett............... 56-787 Spargur, Head & Co______ t’77 John C. Spargur... C. P. Head............... R. F. McCoppin... 56-788 Baltic State Bank . _ .i8’02 Seth Gerber______ Wm. Shult .... 56-880 First National Bank...........t’05 J. R. Johnson_____ E. B. Wagner--------56-881 CENTRAL SAVINGS & TRUST CO. 56-289 ! Peoples Sav. ♦ & Bkg. Co. <§’11 <§’06 ( E. R. HELD___ J.P. LOOMIS___ A. H. KIRKLAND. geo'iS.'du^n ; ! ( Mgr. Charles Herberich. E. J. M. South F. Crites, Sec. and Tr. .4865 j Dollar Savings Bank'05 W. F. Smith............; J. W. Watt_______ A. W. Langhlin___ Belmont J19 56-509 i First National Bank.___<’69 C. J. Bradfield .... G. Bradfield............ Frfld Hunt _ Stark G17 43,220 Guaranty Tr. Ce., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 474,230 414,990 120,320 Blair & Co., N. Y.; Com'l N., Tiffin. Jennie B.Meacham 25,000 20,000 319.930 250,170 A. H. Free 24.000 26,000 325,000 320,000 160,000 170,800 27,000 400,000 380,000 30,000 ____ J.W.Fenstermaker K. F. S0NNHALTER, A, Mgr. 22,500 22,500 25,000 43,180 25,000 40,000 500,000 762,000 47,000 1 51,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: Guardian Sav. & T: Clev.; 1st N., Alliance. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth N„ Cin. Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Coshocton N..C ton. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Hayden-C N.. Col. Irving N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Mellon N.t Pitt. Union Tr. Co., Clev. (Branch of Centra l Sailings Trust Co., Akr on) (Bra nch depo sits J3,00 0,000) S. W. Baughman, I. D. McKeever__ 1 John Beazell----------- W. C. Hobson. R. B. Fawcett____ G. W. Bright_____ R. Reamer______ C. C. Leitnaker P. F. G. S. Van Horn___ W. H. Stahl ...... E. P. Kapitzky D. W. Stahl_______ J. ■■■ C. F Yeager ............ H. Baum........... E. K. Parrott. F.H.Park l .... 41,740 1,487,190 25,000 3,000 232,900 100,000 188.560 2,118.620 100,000 68,000 860.000 980.000 25,000 11,280 136,700 153,380 17,400 Peo. Bkg. & Tr. Co., Marietta. 25,000 80,000! 11,000 200,000 214,000 33,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; City Tr. & Sav., Col. 1 23,470 297,660 127,600 53,100 6,000 345,010 300,340 68,760| Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., 4th N., and Fifth-Third N., Cin. Ian. N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev.;Com’l Sav.&Tr.Co.,Akron;lstTr.& Sav.,Canton. 100,000 A. Tr. J. L. Mestyanek, A. Sec. ___________ ■■■■■■I■■H 25,000, 20,000 100,000 1,456,690 192,250 232,370 28,540 2,275,900 231.280 Bk. Sav. &Tr. Co., Clev.; Depositors Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 90,000i Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt, 'hase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI—Resources $55,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A a i L. I T Y WILLINGNESS COU RTESY 1219 P J. J. Kirk Jamieson.__ 608,450 . Alex. Crisman_____ Barnesville C ; 25c. Largest Bank in Barberton. Direct afflllatlo □ with Central Sa v. & Trust Co., A kron. Careful attenti on given to all ma tters entrusted to us. 56-288 56-507 National Bank of Barnesville 56-508 <’83 Bartlett........... 200 Bartlett Farmers’19 Washi..gto~M16 56-1292 Basil..................606 Bank of Basil Co________ § ’95 Fairfield K13 56-882 » Batavia_____ 1088 First National Bank.__ <’66 Clermont 07 56-748 Beach City____658 Beach City Banking Co.<|’98 Principal Correspondents. Reports. R. L. WOODWORTH F ||___ Resources.___ | & Dis- Cash & Ex Miscel- cLoans ’ts. Bonds, changes, Due SECURITIES from Banks $ 407,930 $ < Collections a sp eefaity. CE: Atwater............... 3 Ass’t Cashier. BANK OF ATHENS, NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION 56-453 Attica.................... <’05 Cashier. Samuel Hall............... W. A. Parks---------- E. A. Snyder............. O. W. Wills 1 Miss Stella Swoyer 56-760 641 Vice-President. President. CITIZENS BANK---------- <§ 94 a Athens______ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.),_Lawyers,^ Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. " OHIO—Continued July, 1922_________________OHIO BANKS—Ashville to Beach City 1219 Name of Bank. Town and County. *Cou..ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 4 F. R. D. C is Ci..ciii^.ati Br. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers., Beallsviile___ 555 Monroe K20 Beavei dam—394 Alle.. F8 Bedford_____ 2677 Cuyahoga D18 Bellaire........15.061 Belmont J21 President. Vice-President. First National Bank.—<’03 J. L. Decker......... J. A. Brown. 56“88B 56-885 Lpay and get 10,000 & Dig* Miscel Lc*oans ts. Bonds, laneous Bsctram m 25.000 $ 225,000 8,160 & - Cash Ex cb Allots, ue prom Banks D 1 235,000 $ 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y„ 1st. N.. Pitt. 106,460 98,570 16,930 Chase N.. N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Hunt* ington N„ Col. Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. _____ (Branch of Cleve land)... Mgr. National Bank, Ma V 1. ’22) W. G. Simpson .... 100,000' 90.000 1.355,500 ............... 1,438,200 J. E. Glffin.............. A. Y. Noice 300,000 331,340; 4,666,860 $ 294,12 5,057,900! 190,200; Bk. of the Manhattan Co.,N. Y.; Columbia N„ Pitt. 534,410 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Pitt,: Union Tr. Co„ Olev. 39,390 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; South Side Bkg. & Tr. Co., Wheeling, W. Va. 155,000 Bk. oi the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bellaire. 132,170 N. Park, N. Y. 12,340 231,690 265,830 C. H. Koch............ 100,000 25,000 140,000 110,000 M. F. Campbell___ M. H. Ramsey 30,000 32.640 398.960 329,640 100,000 60,000! 520,000_______ 550,000 130,000 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 4th N. and Fifth-Third N„ Cin.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Lagonda N„ Springfield. 12.170! 400,000 , 425,000i 70,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont.&Com’l N„ Chi.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin.; 1st N„ Col. 31.0001 512,120 194,0001 866,000! 65,000! 1st N„ N. Y. and Cin.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Huntington N., Col. 59,830 497,000 502,000 ! 114,800 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Superior Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 65.000, J. M. Witt............ L S. H0CKETT ..;FRED C. SPITTLE— GJRA WEARING n given'mil of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each Sight Draft ' for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. BEAL SERVICE. 50,000: Commercial & Savings Bk. Co. E. W.Patterson... W.T. Haviland.__B. F. Skidmore'.... H. E. Travis — 56-334 <§’01 Alfred Butler, Ch. of Bd. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 56-332 W. RIDDLE- B. D. HIATT......... fR. B. KELLER — WM. Oldest Dank. Established in 1S64. H. C. Stahl------Bellevue..........5776 Bellevue Savings Bank Co. 56-474 <§’01 Huro,.D13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 56-472 ...LBER PR— w IWUH-' Every modern facility for mak ing collections, which nave the <’54 personal atte ntion of an offlcler of the bank, LWhen paym ent is refus ed, reasons are given. <75 50,000 E. T. Korner____ IG. W. Friedley .— | C. J. Friedley. William Aigier r J. W. CLOSE----- J. B. WOOD............ L. P. 0EHM........... R, E WILLS........... W. C. RASH „ I. T. f ANGB0UER „ I SEND YOUB C O ELECTIONS T O THE “FIRST NATIONAL.” 100,000 101,000 1,200,000_________ . 1,400,000 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. L Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. 50,000| 74,310 1,095,750!-----------. 1,122.880 i 56-473 Bellville...........9 Richland G13 The FIFTH-THIRD S. M. Garber------- L. M. Garber.........G. W. Maglott------- 25,000 27,690 300,000 . 312,400 G. J. Ewers____ H. L. Bighee........... ................................. 25,000 12,500 240.000 - 240,000 - 415,150 J. F. Neff.... ........... D. R. Perkins____ 25,000 26,970 381.140; R. J. George. E. Mathias ............ W. M. George___ ! 12,500 2,503 102,500 J. O. Wilson. J. B. Pomeroy. Sec. G.L. Dewey, A. Tr, and Tr. Wm.H. Ames------- F. R. Chamberlain I 60,000 42,870 1,306,350 50,000 25.000 D. T. Gould . NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI 800,000 94.000 . 1,324,920 .j 750,000 33,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Far. Sav. & Tr; Co., Mansfield. 37,500 1st N„ Col. 48,230 N. City. N. Y.: Huntington N„ Col.: Union Tr. Co., Clev. 20,000 [ Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Home Sav.. Tol. 156,810 ChaseN.. N.Y.:Cont &Com’IN..Chi.; Union i Tr. Co. and State Bkg. & Tr. Co..Clev. 125,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. i IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS July, 1922 Bellville Savings Bank. <§'08 W. B. Cockley....... 56-744 Farmers Bank................. t§’08 August Kochheiser 56-745 Belmont_____ 680 Belmont National Bank. <’02 J. W. Wright------56-887 Belmont J19 Belmore_____ 269 Belmore Banking Co.__t§’07iD. E..sminger......... 56-888 Putnam E8 Berea_______ 2959 Ba..k of Berea Oompany<8’97 Percy Neubrand... Cuyahoga C16 56-578 Commercial & Sav. Bk.<§'09 E. J. Kennedy___ 56-579 192,570 ! Chase N„ N. Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co. and Union Tr. Co., Clev. _______ WRIGHT BANKING C0.-<§ 89 j. A. WRIGHT-— HUBERT WRIGHT- G. A. WRIGHT — J. E. WISE- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 97,000 N. City. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. OHIO BANKS—Beallsviile to Berea GHAS. MCLAUGHLIN BELLEFGNTAINE NATIONAL Special attentio BANK—-56-333..........<’71 I Please send 15c wi '% 25,000 $ Harry Briggs....... Farmers & Merch. N. Bk.J’Ol J. M. McDonald ... John Schick........... R. L. Bowman....... 56-243 , First National Bank-.-T< 71 J- h. Mellott-------- C. W. Dickens.... i J. E. Green............. 56-241 Geo. W. Yost, Ch. of Bd. L. Witt State Bank Co.<§’15 R. D. Reeder------- Frank Gostanzo... L. Witt...**,-------56-244 . Union Savings Bank.......§'22 G. W. Dickens........ Clifford L. Belt... W. H. Bietz.......... 56-245 BelleCenter_._909 Belle Center BankCo.—1§’861 William B. Ramsey D. R. McArthur.„ E. W. Ramsey-----56-783 Logan H9 *Bellefontaine ... Logan 19 9336 Paid-up Su?££us Dbp03_ Capital Profits its G. C. Flickinger, Cleveland Trust Co.—•S’04------------------------Dollar Savings Bank & Tt. (Merged with First Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. J. C. Yant............ Farmers & 'Merch. Bankit’02 (J. C. Yant)-------- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources, i II Principal correspondents. OHIO—Continued 2120 Kinnhpr dikIpt Naiiic oi" fifttik is the New Transit Number given nnr\ to each hank in U S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 1220 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers AssMu Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Name of Bank. -County beats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.4Fed.Res. Dist. C is Cincinnati Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Town and County. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Bergholz____ 1215 Bergholz State Bank ..-<§'03 J. E. George______ J. Y. Walker_____ A. G. McBane.......... Jefferso.. H20 56-849 <§’83 F. E. Conner W. H. Moats. Tr... F. E. Conner, Sec.. R. F. Hnman . Abbie Towne Bethel............ 1340 First National Bank... <1900 S. Bluestein______ C. F. Davis.............. C Clermont P8 56-891 Bethesda____1182 Commercial & Savings Bank Belmont J19 56-721 <§’09 n. C. 1 C. W. Powell_____ G. A. fteyer 56-892 E. Yoorhies Beverly..............566 Citizens Bank Co._____<§’75 C.W. Reynolds.__ H. C. McNeal........... C. R. Applegate— R. F. FTill CWashn.gto..M17 Blgpralrie__ . 200 56-893 56-1214 Blanchester _ 1671 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 07 Clinton N8 Bloo indale....... 509 Wood DIO 56-642 56-894 Se..eca E12 56-896 Bluffton....... 1950 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 800,000 3,690 $ 435,760 S 790,000 25.000 50,000 400,000 270,000 25,000 19,000 234,000 252,500 455,000 25,000 30,000 460,000 13,750 6,490 143.510 142,790 35,000 43,480 386,870 394,200 7,650 140,000 107,000 12,500 D. W. Hogan.......... J. M. Garrison — C. P. Starkey 50,000 427,020 36,170 460.210 Commercial Bk. & Savings Co. 56-622 §’87 Bolivar State Bank Co..<§’04 56-897 Shelby County Bank ...<§’11 Shelby H7 56-898 Bowerston....... 50 First National Bank........ »t’04 Harrison H19 Bowersville.... 31 Bowersville56-899 Bank..........<t’95 C Greene M9 56-900 80,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 160.000 1st N. and Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. 25,500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Far. & Merch. N., Bellaire; Mellon N., Pitt. 68,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N., Col. 20,970 Han. N.. N. Y.; Com'l N., Tiffin. 76,560 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont, & Com’l N.. Chi.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N„ Marietta; Mellon N„ Pitt. 43,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Mel lon N„ Pitt. 106,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. W. U. Carnahan... B. L. Williams .— 50,000 13,000 170,000 237,850 32,540 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N.. Cin. 10,000 4,000 200,000 187,000 25,000 20,000 115,000 165,000 24,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; OhioSav. Bk. &Tr. Co., Tol. 15,000 Han. No N. Y.; 1st N., Col. 25,000 23,470 306,140 294,260 61,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Com'l N„ Tiffin. 50,000 5,000 267.660 227,360 46,780 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clev.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Hunt ington NoCol. C. W. Yeasting.— O. J. Seitz_______ C. RCMEY---------- E. M. HOSTETTLER— 1,310 1 < Bluff ton’s New, Progressive Bank Cordially Invites Your Business. t’20 ) Modern Equip ment. Unexcelle d Facilities. Effl cient Personal Se rvice. L. Prompt Attent ion given ail Coll ections. Give us a trial. Bolivar. 55,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; City N., Canton. T. J. Campbell.__ O. F. Campbell — C. R. Campbell.— CC. HENRY SMITH.. HIRAM LOCHER........ E. .Bowling Green 22,000 R. R. Sterling____ Merchants & Farmers Bank 56-641 <§’15 56-1298 50,000 John C. Lake.......... B. A. Lake------------ Bloomingburg 552 Peoples Bank_________ tt’94 J AT Willis T V Stitt 56-895 C Fayette L10 Bloomville.__ Exchange State Bank .<§'13 N. R. France_____ Allen F8 41,440 $ 431,170 $ C. R. Applegate Holmes G15 C 15.000 $ Principal Correspondents. 60,000 28,270 1,025,000 950,000 S. A. Lebold______ C. J. Lebold______ Grace Summers... 25,000 15,000 225,000 205,000 Lawrence Behrns . C. A. Engelbrecht Florence McKean.. 25,000 43,620 444,810 423,360 25,000 14,520 343,350 40,000 150,000 200,000 100.000 75,000 2,152,000 1,891,800 Fred Uhlmaii.____ H. J. Rudolph........ Alva O. Arnold.... Philo Hankey 100,000 22,970 H. LINCOLN. . . . . . . A. M. PATTERSON — A. H. LODGE 50,000 N. W. Cunningham Julius Wise---------- I. B. Beeshy--------C. F. Maurer Philip Sheets-------J. C. Lyons______ S. B. Boor................ G. N. Perrill............ W.A. Bowermeister A. L. Fisher............ j F. P. RIEGLE — W. S. RAYDURE--- FRED KIMM0NS— L. 0. MERCER. — COMMERCIAL BANK & SAV. 1 Collections hav e the personal att entlon of an ofHc er. ! COMPANY-56-468 ........<§’70 ( SEND US BOW LING GKEEN IT EMS. 20.000 25,000 370,430 160,000 Han. No N. Y.; Northern N.. Tol. 55,000 Han. No N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev. 89,570 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Peo. N., Wapakoneta. 36,540 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N„ Col.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 30,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Ohio N.. Col. OHIO BAN KS— Be rgholz to Bow ling Green First National Bank___ »tl900 J. W. Wilkinson... 56-720 Se~eea Dll .. D. M. Murphy........ Nathan Shepherd. Fred Bailey.............. Bettsville..........451 Bettsville Banking Co. .•+§’05 N B- Flack | Resources. | Liabilities OAN8 ife DlP- Gash & ExM iscel Paid-dp Surplus D epos *T8. B ondh , and ,Dui laneous Sbcbritiir chanoib its Capital Profits from Banks $ 56-890 Berlin Heights 514 Berlin Heights Banking Co. J. T. Burnham____ S. L. Hill________ Erie C14 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. OHIO—Continued July, 1922 1221 154,740 Han. No and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Northern N , 2d N., and Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav., Tol. ■ The State Bauk..............t§’17 ♦ 56-470 rE. M. FRIES. . . . . . . . . c n. R uHOt* P.ARF ———————— J. ot 442,650 514,520 114,950 1,465,300 1,429,560 56-469 1 15c mnst be se nt with each Slg bt Draft for pres entatlon, and v.25c with each request for Bepo rt or Bating. The-FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — 200,680 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.: Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav. and 1st N., Tol.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. ■M ■M ■1 WKm. FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 1221 < Special attentlo n given BUI of L ading Drafts, 61,140 N. City, N. Y.; 2d N., Tol. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. No. 4 Fed.Res.Dist. t.Mem. State B. Ass’ll. [Estab. H is Cincinnati Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Ti'ust Powers. V ice-President. President. Cashier. Bradford___ 2356 First Natio,.alBa..k___ .:t'08 ■T. E. Deeter_____ J. R. Allen______ C Miami .16 56-635 (Bank in Darke Co.) Bradner__ Wood DIO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this OHIO—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits H. C. Royer_____ $ 7X6 Mechanics Banking Co.. tS’08 M. A. Thomas.\__ 56-901 Resources. k Dis- Cash k Ex Miscel cLoans ’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub laneous Securities from Banks Principal Correspondents. $ 500,000 $ 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Huntington N., Col. 50,000 $ 50.000 $ 480,000 25,000 4,600 149 700 144,000 23.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Union N., Fostoria. 25.000 5.000 235,000 227,000 34,000 Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. W. W. Kemper__ 25.000 39,320 292,570 288,370 68,490 N. City, N. Y.; IstN.. Col.: Union Tr. Co.. Clev.:Fairfield N., Lancaster. First National Bank___ »J’10 H. M. Scholl_____ J. 11. Leonard____ A. D. Hufford....... F. M. McCandlish. 56-771 25,000 27,000 211,000 * 256,000 32,000 Chase N„ X. Y.; Fifth Third N.. Cin.: Lum’l N., Col. 75,000 67,240 701,430 750,390 93,280 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. 1st N.. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 68,540 779,370 828,240 83,770 Seab. N„ N. Y.;lst N.. Pitt.: N. Ex„ Wheel ing. 100,000 3,711,980 462,510 1st N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: Mellon N„ 1st N., and Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 165,620 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; City N., Dayton. ' Brecksville___. 500 Brecksville Bank Co__ t§'19 W. U. Nohle 56-1294 Cuyahoga D17 ,/ _ .. Lindsay Wharton.. .1222 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1999 t0 each bank iD U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the aiithnritv nf The American Rankers Ass’n. • Bremen...........1)34 Bremen Bank Co_____ •$|'97 H. M. Shelhamer_ G. E. Turner....__ Fairfield 1.14 56-770 G. W.- Baldwin ........... " CO. A. ROBINSON - J. C. HEINLEIN Bridgeport.._ 3977 Belmo..t J20 *« “ BRIDBEPORT BANK ♦ 56-521 56-519 Brooklyn Cuyahoga G. H.Schpetz 50,000 H. R. JUNGLING— C. A. BRANUM........ 200,000 ont County, •t’46 “(Special attentlo n given B1U of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 'Please send 15cw ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. BRIDBEPORT NATIONAL BK. “ Sec. and Tr. C0.*tS 08 < Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. (.Send us your B rldgeport items. John T. Scott. Bridgeport Dollar Savings Banking Co...56-520 ..tS’91 -------- W. E. THOMAS, 25,000 JftdJKRfflSi bVSH&s 347,420 3,527,070 25,220 60S (See Cleveland) ' Brookville.... 1336 Citizens State & Savings Bk. Elgar Weaver____ D. C. Albert_____ Merle W. Miller .. J. P. Daffer.......... C MontgomeryKfi 56-724 •*§’ 95 O. E. Baker V. S. Marshall ‘Bryan............ 4252 Williams C6 First National Bank___ »t’09 W. H. Becher 56-725 G. F. Roger_____ 17,680 631.410 5.920 524,380 25,000 30,810 330,800 34,500 389,500 31,620 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N.. Dayton. C i t y __________ July, .. 35.000 200,000 110.780 1.743,940 2,218,500 277,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt.; Cent. a. Bk., Sav. & Tr. Co.and Union Tr. Co., Clev. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*: 57 W. W. Morrison... F. L. Niederaur... F. L. Niederaur.__ E. E.Culbert30n .. 150,000 69,000 1,600,000 1,380,000 430,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev. Union Savings Bank.__t§'99 A. R. Dewees____ Chas. Wagner....... F. W. Radahaugh . C. R. Bowersox ... 56-531 {Formerly Union Trust & Sav ings Bank Co.) 25,000 27,370 363,640 320,730 95,280 Chase N., N. Y.; Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tol.; 1st N. and Far. N., Bryan. Buckeye City 310 Commercial & Sav. Bk. Co. D. S. Workman___ N. H. Hunter____ E. J. Wander____ E. J. Wander. Sec. Knox 1115 ♦ 56-902 *:S’05 25,000 15.000 195,460 199,600 24.020 Ohio N.. Col. • t’80 '’ * 56-529 .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. S. Eaton 1922 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK I. E. Gardner......... C. D. Gardner .... Chas. M. Wertz... Chas. F. Hester.-56-530 OHIO BANKS —Bradford to Buckeye “ Crawford F12 1 fGEO. DONNENWIRTH BUCYRUS CITY BflHK-*tS’81 < Bucyrus Bih oi ] 15 CENTS sent 56-339 L35 CENTS for ea .. Savings Company___»tS’08 56-340 First National Bank___T<’59 E. G. Beal________ 56-337 SECOND NATIONAL BANK A. G. Stoltz—........ 56-338 T<’77 56-903 no tier 622 Richland G14 Guernsey J17 .« Canal Fulton 1057 Stark F17 Canal Winchester Franklin K12 791 " Mahoning E20 ___________________________ H. E. Kiess........ . 1,011,760 100,000 R. V. Sears.. ....... J. J. Quaintance .. Wesley Real W. H. Miller 100.000 H. V. Cnnlr M. E. Schieber___ E. B. R,uhl, A. Cash. E. J. Adams 100,000 57.660 947,650 361,780 * 176,180 619,320 1,450,000 150,000 1,330,000 Margaret Ryan — 25,000 14,470 208,210 213,220 15,000 7,500 245,000 250,000 Geo. H. Hyde_____ F. H. Crittenden... II. D. Hollenbeck- 50,000 53,740 650,000 750,000 210,000 196,000 H. C. Eisenbach — W. W. Eisenbach.. 25,000 2,900 254,110 15,690 263,220 51,580 425,400 E. N. Haverfleld... J. H. Mattern ___ O. C. Gray_______ T. A. Scot 1 Rupert Beetham _ J. S. Black_______ W. C. Clifford........ Mary K. Wagner.. S. B. McGavran 75,000 40,000 500,000 600,000 125,000 61,000 924,190 1,191,450 92,500 Chase N., N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 97,300 1,213,590 934,350 236,780 Am. Ex. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 70,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 109,070 Mellon N., Pitt.: Ohio N., Col. H. S. Barricklow .. A. P. Sheriff______ Fred Sharon_____ J. 8. Jones. . 100,000 140,990 1,112,080 8,000 374,370 A. L. Schafer_____ 60,000 88,450 797,000 T. R. Hazard_____ F. H. Morgarudge. Bernice Mills E. L. Hutcheson... A. C. Saltsgavcr... A C. Okey_______ J. W. Truex W. .T. Weir . T. J. Pittman N. C. Hill................. 30,000 54.900 785,450 760,470 60,000 75,000 778,260 1,099,130 32,000 42,000 270,000 280,000 50,000 32,090 448,400 G. S. Ullman B. F. Sheppard .... R. Kirkpatrick .... M. B. Hoopman ... M. W. Stiles______ Giffee Sheppard M. L. Hartley------- J. R. Hall________ W. S. McCartney — E. B. Milligan........ A. J. Bennett A. C. Duffey R. N. Atkins......... H. P. Woodworth— W. D. Deselm____ F. C. Watson........ . F. L. Schick Burt Guthrie H. W. Luccock — W. J. Gillespie.__ J. W. Scott . — C. H. Willis______ 100,000 90,010 1,243,310 58,900 15,450 444,250 98,390 1,213,090 600,000 37,500 700,000 40,000 452,000 100,000 128,000 873,000 675,000 50.000 (R C PRUGH.......... E. C. EIKENBERRY-. J. E. RANDALL------- C,E.STERZENBACHFIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 06 ; i Collections and Uequests lor Cre dit Beports MUS T be accompanie d by 56-906 ' ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Dr afts, lac: Credit Rep orts, 25c. (See Dover) 37,000 41/,000 464,000 A. R. Murray------- C. S. McMahon.... C. S. McMahon___ W. N. Patterson... G. W. Smith Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48,900 400,000 E. E. Shilling____ E. J. Nichter____ F. J. Mitchell,.See. 30,000 30,000 400,000 Anna M. Moore___ E. B. Woods. W. J. Moore, Sec.. 50,000 31,170 531,490 ___ W. D. Boyer______ 25,000 25,000 395,000 356,000 Ethel L. Fowler .. 50,000 10.000 580,000 466,000 56-813 Peoples Rank Go <$’04 L. W. Beerv. . . Herman Shade___ L. D. Kramer 56-814 Farmers National Bank-#t’87 M. H. Liddle--------- D. Campbell______ T. C. Rose. H.J. Beardsley 56-908 ; - 41,000 Han. N.. N.Y.; Northern N.. Tol.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; Far. Sav. & Tr. Co., Mansfield. 49,800 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N., Col.; Cambridge Sav., Cambridge. 135,610 Chase N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Clev.; Huntington N., Col. 100,000 1st N„ N. Y.; Mellon N. and 3d N„ Pitt. 25.000 50,000 CICTU inn i ii iii 70,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City. Clev. 25,000 50,000 56-907 117,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Ohio N„ Col.; Home Sav. and Com’l Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tol. Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Union Tr. 76,300 Co., Clev. Chatham & Phoenix N., N. Y.; Cont. & 160,000 Com’l N„ Chi.; Clev.Tr.Co.and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 21,750 Han. N„ N. Y.: City N., Col.; Cambridge Sav., Cambridge. 37,000 Fifth-Third N..Cin.; Marion N., Marion. W. A. Thompson .. J. W. Thompson... W. A. Thompson.. E. P. Finler . Cambridge Sav. Bk. Co._t§’04 56-263 Central National Bank —<’83 56-261 Citizens Sav. Bank Company 56-262 tS’99 Guernsey National Bank 56-260 <’72 National Bank of Cambridge 56-259 <’63 142,0C0 Aug. Kathman____ H. J. Reichert........ Wm. A. Kaup_____ O.C. Cosgrove------ P. McConnell_____ J. A. Hoopman___ HARRISON NATIONAL BANK J. M. Sharon------56-617 <63 Citizens National Bank.__ '02 V. E. Harkins-----56-694 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. D. Merry--------56-1218 t§12 Noble County Nat. Bank.t’731 John McWilliams. 56-693 Caledonia Banking Co..<§’06 L. C. Donnenwirth 56-847 Tor kh Amns Keller E. G. Reid 1st N., Cin.; Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav.. Tol. TUIDn NATIONAL iumu BANK nf Ul PIMP1NNATI unitfIHHH 11 i T. jc IF 542,710 61,800 Chase N., N.Y.; Union N., Pitt.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 50,800 Han. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Huntington N.. Col.; N. City Bk. & Tr. Co., Marion. 70,950 N. City. N. Y.; City N., Col.; Mellon N., Pitt. 318.630 Han. N..N.Y.: Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk.of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 Han. N.. N.Y.: 1st N.. Zanesville and Pitt.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: City N.. Col. 150,000 N. Park. N.Y.: Union Tr. Co.and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clev.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt 376,000 1st N. and N. Citv, N.Y.; Bk.of Pitt. N. A. and Cent. N. Bk. Sav. &Tr. Co., Clev.; Com’l N., Col.; 4th N., Cin. 74,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. Co., Clev.: Cent. Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron. 55,430 N. Park. N. Y.; Huntington N., Col.: Union Tr. Co., Clev. 88,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Ohio N., Col 40.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 1 RD Aklk roc ’ RDflINK lKo wrv Qiiipp 1QCQ oINLt luDo 1223 ' $1147 010 $ 294,210 T. M. Kennedy ___ T. C. Kiess Principal Correspondents, ________ Camden_____ 904 C Preble L15 Canal Dover F. E. DONNENWIRTH. $ 100,000 $ 180,480 $1160 740 C. E. GtBHARQT rs Unsurpassed S ervlce. ight draft for pre sentation, and nsures prompt, p ersonal attention • 56-1222 Byesville Slate Bank___tS’10 56-5*0 First National Bank__ <’1900 56-549 2084 First National Bank____<’63 Harrison 119 56-616 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK 56-619 T<’93 Caledonia____492 Marion G12 W. A. BLICKE_____ Oscar Wise______ Guernsey K17 Noble L17 t J. H. ROBINSON____ F.P.DONNENWIRTH Lading Bank olfe to us with each s ch credit report i +§’13 G. C. Cosgrove____ G. W. Frye_______ 56-1209 (Bank in Mercer Co.) Resources. & & Loams Dis- Cash Ex c’tb. Bonds/ changes,Due from Banks Securities OHIO BANKS —Bucyrus to Canfield Bank of Buffalo Co, 56-1223 Burkcttsvllle .218 G Darke 15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i oo o to eachsbank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ atjta__ i* ,, _ j yct&o Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. villu V-<UUUI1UCU ..................... — Liabilities. Name of Bank. Town and County. *C’ounty Seats. •Alem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. Priuttiknt Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Miscelt'Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab.l and No. 4 Fed.Res.Dist. LaNluUs Capital Profits ITS C is Cincinnati Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. „ __ _ * NuiTlb®r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given *5 u-the 8- exclusively TheAmerican Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under authority ofbyThe Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op Bank. *Coun y Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrir. No.4Fed.Res.Dist. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. C is Cincinnati Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. *Canton„„ 87.091 AMERICAN EXCHANGE BK. Stark F18 56-78 President. 'C. C. UPHAM- Vice-President. WM- - - - - - - - - - - - Cashier. JOHN JACOB. JR.. Ass’t Cashier. OLIVIA DAUM, Tr. Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital PROFIT8 $ 50,000 $ City National Bank_ (Absorbed by Geo. Resources. * k Du Cash k ExMiscel cL’oan ti. Bondb. chanom.Dtj* laneous NaCUEJTTW r&OM Baku 28,100 $ 565,250 S Cash, and Sec. G. ROMMEL *tfl9 l A NEW PROGR J. ESSIVE BANK, Prompt Se rvice a nd ^Reasonable rate s. We want your Canton Items on that basis. Central Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. Paul D. Rider____ Lewis R. Zollars-. *t§’87 56-72 Fred G. Barr... (Formerly Central Savings Ba nk Co.) CRYSTAL PARK.BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws OHIO—Continued n. eac*h bank Principal Correspondents, 3,560 $ 509,330 * 137,570 Guaranty Tr. Co., Straus & Co., and Knau h, Nachod & Kuhne, N. Y.; Guard ian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 200,000 53,600 3,323,370 3,239,560 352,180 5th Ave. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co. and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 100.000 102,580 1,600,000 1,300,000 335,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 500,000 201,300 4,110,330 3,895,500 491,880 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: Far. Dep. N„ Pitt, D. Harter Bank Ap ril 10.1922) rCHAS. W. KRIEG-- FRANK COLLINS...... W. N. FREDERICK — WENDELL HER- o BRUCK, Sec. N.FREDER CK *i§T6 < When you entr W. ust your business to this bank, you I are certain of p rompt, eiflcient p ersonal Service. (.Try us with you r collections. DIME SAVINGS BANK CO. F. E. Case______ _ Henry A. Wise__ Jacob L Piper, G. W. Howenstine, ♦ 56-73 •tS'95 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. L. P. Feicht. A. Sec. and A. Tr. I East End State Bank ... — (Now East End Br anch of the First Tr\ust tfc Savings Ban k) AUSTIN LYNCH------- HARRY R. JONES- W. G. SAXTON-— W. E. KRUMLAUF •FIRST NATIONAL BANK 56-69 United We want your Ban States king Depository. ' 500.000 1.014,590 9,130.710 491,200 8.575,220 2,561,270 N. City, N. Y.; lat N. and Cont. A 142,050 6.318,830 71,800 5.579.230 1.203,50o N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Clev. Tr. Co., Clev. Business for this locality. T«t’63 Prompt, Liberal, Progressive, and Conservative. Try us. FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 56-76 **$’17 H. H. TIMKEN-........ W.G. SAXTON——. N. E. DUNWIDD’E— B. V. MARCONI........ H. R. JONES, V. P. FRANK COLLINS FRANK COLLINS, T. M. KOBER C. W. KEPLlNGER Sec. and Tr. F. W. RITZMAN URBAN A. WERNET, P. D. SLYNE, A. Sec. W. J. WHITE Counsel C.A.WENDELL,-4.Sec. G. C. MAST C. A. BOOTH, A. See. The Most Splendidly Equipped Bank in Canton for the Handling of Collections. 250,000 1224_________ ____________________ OHIO BANKS — Canton 1224 J.4.6T MAIN BANK: PUBLIC SQL ABE. South West Branch. East End Branch. West Park Branch. Crystal Park Branch. (Steel Mill District) CANTON’S CITY-WIDE bank. THE FIRST TRUST & SAYINGS BANK 0FJCANTON CANTON OHIO. BANK 56-70 •tf’66 F. HERBRUCK_ _ _ _ A. M. DUEBER—— W. R. MYERS-...... F. E. CLAPPER........... E. E. MACK E. E. MACK Tr. J. L. GOODIN W. R. MYERS H. S. KAUFMAN, Sec. C. A. HANNER A thoroughly organized collection department. Prompt remittance. Reasonable charges. Established in 1866. SEND US YOUR CANTON ITEMS. Louis De Santis Bank_ •t’13 Louis DeSantis__ 56-77 THE KUKNS-BATCHELOR CO. (Central Sav. Bk. Bldg.) ’17 L. J. Contie ____ G. Carlini.. Wm. T. Kuhns... Geo. F. Putnam... H. F. Batchelor, Tr. Private Wires to Principal Market s. 55,000 10.200 85,520 31.610 12 496280 1,291,210 Han. N., N.Y.; Merch. Ln. A Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 17,720 Irving N. and Knauth, Nachod & Knhne, N.Y. 107,610 50,000 Investment Sec urities. Canton Clearing House......... W. G. Saxton. (Members indicated by a *) The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,000,000 1,251,630 11504250 H. S. Kaufman__ E. E. Mack. Sec. and Tr. • NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI ■ 1 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. ________ July, 1922 'GEO. 0. HARTER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Conducted on the principle of aggression combined with conservatism, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK with a Dy year record ot progressive service, today as the strongest bank in Canton, Ohio Organized in 1863 National Bank No. 76 We invite your correspondence and assure you unsurpassed service. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK New Building Now Under Construction of CANTON, OHIO The most splendidly equipped bank in Canton for the handling of collections MAIN BANK Public Square South West Branch East End Branch West Park Branch Crystal Park Branch (Steel Mill District) Canton s City-Wide Bank safety * .Strength ^ TRY ICE ^ The First Trust & Savings Bank of Canton, Ohio Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given -° ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. *Cou„ty Seats. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. No. 4 F. R D. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. G isCmci....aii Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Cardington.. .1109 Citizens Bank.................... £§’94 Morrow H12 56-711 First National Bank_____ £63 56-710 Carey...... ... 2488 First National Bank_____ £02 Wyandot F10 56-599 Peoples Bank Co...............£§'02 56-598 Carroll........ ....348 Farmers&Merch.Bk.Co.t§06 Fairiield L13 56-909 ^Carrollton ...2192 Cummings Trust Co,..T<§’70 Carroll G19 56-910 First National Bank___ *£20 56-1302 Carthage ............. (See Cincinnati) C Hamilton N6 Castalla..............600 Castalia Banking Co........ £§’05 Erie C12 56-912 Cedarvllle........ 1028 Exchange Bank.......... ..<§'90 C Greene L9 56-913 iCelina_______4226 Citizens Banking Co........ £§’73 Mercer H6 56-543 Commercial Bank Co...<§’70 56-542 President. Vice-President. W. B. Denman___ . V. W. Peck ___ Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital Profits ITS Ass’t Cashier. F. AT Williis Robt. Nichols_____ $ F. P. Hills______ . D. J. Donovan____ W. P. Vaughan ___ M. A. Wells___ Byron Ogg........... . E. B. Kurtz.............. I. L. Culler _ H. H. Heck H. F. Graves.......... . L. G. Ranger______ A. H. Kemerley.__ C. W. McGill H. E. Alspach........ . J. M. Brunner........ C. E. Kistler______ J. A. Kistler Jerome Bixby___ . T. C. Adams______ . H. S. Smith.............. O. L. Smith. 25.000 250,000 225,000 410.500 335.000 15,000 240.000 — lOO.uOO 170.000 1,370,000 _______ 32,000 400,000 #120,000 249,140 1,524,000 592,000 James Nolan 12,500 7,250 117,710 113,340 L. F. Tindall 50,000 30,000 400,000 480,000 35,000 800,000 700,000 100,000 165,000 1,175,400 — 1,222,000 125,000 1,500,000 250.000 1,800,000 325,000 — 325.000 25.000 29,410 129,880 35,000 185,260 S. P. Harris______ A. C. Brewster____ .T. A. Church Ruth H. Ober........ F. P. Shumaker A. H. Van Valken- R. A. Bishop_____ A. R. Mountjoy___ Martha Ridge burs C. L. Smith______ W. B. Rruoe .. Burt Kile _____ P. E. Denton . . 100,000 L. M. Dally.............. V. E. Brokaw__ T. D, Updike S. S. Smith______ C. P. Yocom. 70,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav., Tol. 193,000 Chem. N., N.Y.: Tiffin N., Tiffin. 30,000 Ohio N., Col. 167,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N„ Pitt. 60.000 1st N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 24.100 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bkg. & Tr. Co., Sandusky; Home Sav., Tol. 75.000 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.,Fifth-Third N.,and 4th N., Cin. 95,000 Han. N„ N.Y.; 1st N.. Cin.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Huntington N., Col. 140,100 Chase N.,N. V.; Lin. N.,Cin.; Union Tr, Co., Clev. 175.000 78,250 1,398,290 — 1,448,040 70,000 Chem. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. and Col. 34,030 lhase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; N.and Hayden-Clinton N., Col. 128,500 50,000 10,340 394,610 — 413,730 4L960 50,000 48.870 657,410 697,110 97,320 L. D. Osborn_____ C. R. Truman____ C. N. Quirk____ 50,000 55,930 1,030,060 — 1,010,260 148,430 II. C. Baker______ T. W. Baker______ Lueta L. Baker___ 25,000 Emmor Bowman .. Carl Patterson____ C. I. Schofield____ 25,000 5,650 41,440 146,880 20.000 183,380 181,870 20,000 Alex. Renick_____ E. R. McKee______ S.M.Veail . C. W. Story______ J. A. Poland............ C. C. .Tack C. F. Hageman ___ 10,000 2,000 170,000 160,000 100,000 193,660 772,760 878,830 247,510 ( lhase N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N. Bk & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cin. 80,000 1 1. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lin. N., Cin.; Merch N., Balt. 211,050 1 !. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third and 1st N., Cin. 252,270 Clhase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 100,000 105.000 750.000 750,000 150,000 232,360 1,701,540 2,029,500 1,097,450 ... 150,000 153,640 J. M. Vanmeter__ J.D. McKell______ R. B. Mutchler.__ 100,000 306,000 1.763,000 1,946,300 George H. Smith... Alex. Renick John H. Blacker... 100,000 136,160 1.438,680 240 1,510,190 J. T. R. Wilson.... R. L. Powers a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 25,000 0% ■ ■ mm 18,000 900,290 125,000 150,000 j •base N„ N. Y.; Com'l Bk. Co., Celina Union Tr. Co., Ciev. 222,700 Clent. N., Chillicothe; Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr Co. and Fifth-Third N., Cin. 164,880 1Par. Ln. & Tr. Co.. N. Y,; Union Sav. Bk. Ik Tr. Co.. Cin.; Huntington N., Col. 15,000 4 The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — Resources Over MB HiUWIilUlIlM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m 1225 G. A. Vaughters... J. P. Phillips_____ Fred Hessentahler ■ r -pi Third N., Cin. 37,870 leab. N., N. Y.; Union Trust Co.. Clev. Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Huntington N., Col Ian. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N.. St. L.; 4th St. N.. Phil. T«> C. H.Schwieterman F. H.Schwieterman A. J. Birkmeyer__ 15,660 204,990 i of Cincin nati, Ohi o)------(Branch i 40,000 Hau. N., N. Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr, Co., Ciev. 41,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Clev Fifth-Third N., Cin. 32,000 Citizens National Bank..*£01 56-207 First National Bank___<’63 56-203 Ross County Nat. Bank. <’65 56-205 The Savings Bank Co._£§’87 56-206 Valley Savings Bank & Tr.Co. 56-208 «§'07 Christiansburg473 Farmers & Merch. Bank<§'07 Sfi-017 Champ'-ie. J8 <’83 275,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash A ExCHANGES,Du* prom Banks $ 300,000 $ _____ 40,000 F. A. Stacey______ J. D. McKell............ E. L. Spetnagel.__ 56-204 Securities R. B. Ramey______ CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK *Chlliicothe. 15,831 C Koss N12 A Dir 72,900 50,000 . ... Homer C. Smith .. loan* 25,000 50,000 G. C. Bishon. Jesse Spira 300,000 Resources. MiscelLANEOUS 40,000 . J. B. Pulskamp___ E. J. Hierholzer... A. M. Hierholzer.. <§’06 First National Bank..........£06 56-822 Chagrin Falls 2287 Chagrin Falls Bkg. Co. .<§’90 Cuyahoga C18 ♦ 56-624 First National Bank ___ *£18 56-1283 *C harden........ 1566 Chardon Savings Bank *£§’91 Geauga B19 56-685 First National Bank___ »£'92 56-686 Chattanooga ..200 Farmers & Merchants State Bank.... 56-1265.........<§’17 (Rockford P. O.) Mercer G5 Chesterhill ....427 FirstNational Bank.__ <1900 Morgan M16 56-914 Cheviot........... 4108 Brighton Bank & Trust Co. (Cincinnati P.u.t 56-915 <§’98 C Hamilton P21 Chickasaw..... 214 Farmers Bank_______ tf’07 Mercer H6 56-916 24,000 . I. E. Crampton .... R. H. Chapman.__ H. C. Bowman .... CENTERBURG SAV’GS BK.CO 56-821 14,000 S 275,000 150,000 First National Bank____ <’01 J. E. Hattery.......... . W. E. Touvelle___ John Spriggs_____ G. C. TTowick 56-544 J. P. LeBlond Centerburg____775 Ki.ox 113 50,000 % 60,000 25,000 T. J. Saltsman.... . J. C. Ferrall_____ O. J. Roudebush, VV. T. Saltsman, Frank Johnston Sec. A. Tr. W. M. Shepherd.... D. S. German_____ H. F. McLaughlin . G. W. Rife .... Non-Bank Towhs ,/ith Nearest, Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. OHIO—Continued July, 1922 ______________ OHIO BA N K S —Cardington to Christiansburg 1 99 ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CINCINNATI—Reserve City Resources. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Wm. Guckenberger C. J. Ziegler______J. F. Parti............... Robert J. Ott ... $ 400,000 S 1,016.93ft 1 5,293,670 $ 13-36 T»*’87 Albert Lackman, Ch. of Bd. (518 Walnut) S. W, Panriorf, ... 500,0001 9,235,000 215,000 + Brighton Bank & Trust Co. G. M. Mosler____ J. J. Heidacher__ W. J. Sclirimpf (1 Branch) ♦ 13-56 •ti'99 Andrew Jergens J. G. Schwab (Harrison and Colerain) * ATLAS NATIONAL BANK A 264.060 $ 2.395,100 t Pop. 401,247. shown by * Affiliated banks by + Cash & Ex changes,Due prom Banks Principal Correspondents. 3,518,470 $ 170,910 $ 890,170 3,723,000 40,000 4.660.000 2,880,000 960.000 4,803,000 County Sea^ h Liabilities. Miscel Bonds Loans Letters Surplus Total j Adepts* laneous AND of Or. Sc ethex and and Deposits . Liabilities S ecurities Resources D iscounts Profits i Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed.Kes. T-Trust Powers (Hamilton, O 6) (Branch, Federal Reserve Bank No.4) 1226 1226 Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N„ Chi. N. Shawmut, Bos. 1,382,000| Ian. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 4th St. N.. Phil.; 1st N., St. L. Merch. N., Balt. i ’CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY 13-39 (4th and Vine) A. C. SHINKLE — _ _ W. H. SIMPSON_ _ _ H.P. COLVILLE F. H. MC CLELLAN T. J. GEISLER, Sec. W. H. SIMPSON. TV.. 1.000.000 1.465.000 5,538,000 1.237.000 F. B. BALDWIN, G. E. MCCUBBIN, A. Sec.and Auditor A. Sec. PHILIP HINKLE, ft, M. HOPKINS, SPECIA L ATTE NTION Tr. Officer. •t«’83 A S. BOWLING, A. W. SCHWARTZ, A. H. COGHNOWER, A. Tr. Officer. A. Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer, Supt. Safe Depo Dept. H. Suydara _ E. V. Overman Geo. A. Schulze ... Walter J. Schatz.. y H. L. Manss | L. E. Gnntrnm. Sec. Samuel E. Reilly CITIZENS BANK & SAVINGS CO. IT. J. Ilotlde_____ W. C. Hattersley _IF. W. Hohmann, j----------------------13-82 •t§'09 Sec. and Tr. (Montgomery and Ridge) ’CITIZENS NATIONAL RANK & TRUST CO. 13-29 T»t’80 (4th & Main) Formerly Citizens National Bank h. CHAS.W. DUPUIS-- W. A. JULIAN— G. P. GRIFFITH, EOW. A. SISSON Ch. of Bd. W. D. KNOX EDWARD GOEPPER. Ch. Executive Com. E. J. HOFF, Ass’t to pres- EDW. A^'siSSONi Tr. Officer 590,000 1.198,040 1,020,120 368,520 99,810 2.062.210 2.000.000 9.247.460 395,690 Irving N.. N.Y.; Fifth-Third N , Cin. 68,550 73,430 Han. N., N. Y.; 4thN., Cin.; 1st N., Norwood. 382,000 9,364.360 2.650.340 2,277,500 N. Park, Chem. N., and N. City, N* Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 2d N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; State N. and 1st N., St. L. 3.190.460 I I 1 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON INDEX OHIO. | _________ : — Henry Noell_____ 100.000 374,480 2.411.470 100 1,640,090 961.140 52.000 307,810 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Lin. N. G. C. Fahnestock „ Lewis G. Stamm .. Louis Schwab 100,000 270,120 1,791,540 10,020 1.261.570 515,510 6,200 388,410 Han. N. and Mutual. N. Y.; Corn Ex. John Flanagan, Tr. J. H. Meiners, Sec. E. J. Johannigman, Leo. Meiners, A. Tr. A. Sec. 140,170 714,740 Irving N., N. City, and Chase N., 2,500 3,932,810 1,539,620 177,000 5,897,840 250,000 N. Y.; 1st N„ Cin. Collectio ns a Spe ciklty an d remitt ed on da y of Pay ment. COBBES PONDE NCE IN VITEI). 38,380 50,000 510.480 276,190 6,000 1 600.000 1 8.212.900 Am. Ex. N., Irving N., and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi. 8,971.100 11 Collections and correspondence solicited. All inquiries will receive personal attention and r SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Charter No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD 61.790 4th N„ Cin. 1 i NATIONAL BANK 1 _____ 1 1 1 1 of CINCINNATI— Over Fifty Years of Service _________ July, 192 2 “ N., Chi.; 1st N., Cin. l 3,000.000 2.162,300 32,279.600 £.221.300 24,879,200 j Cin. 41,500 ! 225,380 (For complete datai. gee page 1 31) _______ (14 W. 4th) (415 Vine) (Cincinnati continued on foil I owina page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14,000 38,800 S:M. R’(j..’EMRIEKER LET LOUIS GULDEN A.Tr. Officer 13-72 (4015 Eastern Ave.) ♦Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland .13-43__________ • (Cincinnati Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland) 13-31 69,600 2,346,0001 _ East End Bank_________•J8 07 Louis C. Raber.— Chas. G. Waters... T. L. Dressell T»t’82 146,690 accepted on the most liberal terms consistent careful banking. Collections a specialty. •City Hall Bank------------»JI’93 George Schmidt A. E. Muth______ 13-37 R. H. Doepke Columbia Bk. &Sav. Co..»tS’02 W. P. Stamm____ j Frank L, Pfaff____ 13-60 ! Richard B. Witt (Vine and Court) +gOSMOPOLIT/M BK.&TRUST J H. W. HartsoughjF. J. Dorger........... (4 Branches) Chas. H. Hess (Fifth and Walnut) ’FIFTH-THIRD NATIONAL BANK 150,000 OHIO BANKS—Cincinnati + Cincinnati Bank & Trust Co. 13-66 (8th and State) T«i§'06 Co". Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. GIVEN TO COL LECTIO NS. Make O hlo’s old est lncor porated Trust Co mpany your C Incinnat i repres entative. A. Tr. Officer. C. H. CHEESEMAN, 740.000 \ THE FIFTH-THIRD NATIONAL BANK .OF CINCINNATI OFFICERS CHARLES A. HINSCH EDWARD A. SEITER MONTE J. GOBLE J. R. EDWARDS LOUIS G. POCHAT CHARLES T. PERIN WILLIAM A. HINSCH LEWIS E. VAN AUSDOL CHARLES H. SHIELDS FREDERICK J. MAYER samuel McFarland EDWARD A. VOSMER G. WILLIAM GALE WILLIAM B. HUESING HARRY NAGET. LOUIS C. GEORGE GUSTAV US G. HAMPSON CLAUDE E. FORD - President Vice-President Vice-President - Vice-President Vice-President Vice President Vice-President - Vice-President Cashier Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier -■ Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier DIRECTORS BOLTON S. ARMSTRONG - Pres. Mabley & Carew Co. CHAS. H. M. ATKINS President Warner Elevator Co. CHAS. F. BARRETT - Am. Ry. Express Co. JOSEPH J. CASTELLINI - Pres. United Fruit Auc. Co. CHARLES C. CHASE - Treasurer Alms & Doepke Co. CHARLES H. DEPPE, V.-Pres., The Union Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. D. HOWARD GAYLE - Formerly Pres. Gilmer Fuel Co. JOHN H. GOYERT Goyert & Vogel, Produce ROBERT B. HENLEY Formerly Wholesale Grocer SAMUEL E. HILLES - Chairman The Sam'l C. Tatum Co. CHARLES A. HINSCH President CHAS. F. HOFER V.-Pres. New River Lbr. Co. CHARLES KUHN Formerly S. Kuhn & Sons WILLIAM S. McKENZIE, Formerly Helming McKenzie Co. G. McG. MORRIS Pres. Jno. B. Morris Fdy. Co. JAMES P. ORR Pres. The Potter Shoe Co. GEORGE PUCHTA, President The Queen City Supply Co. CASPER H. ROWE - Formerly Pres. Market Nat’l Bank EDWARD A. SEITER Vice-President STEWART SH1LLITO Pres. The John Shillito Co. EDWARD W. STRONG Attorney at Law JOHN E. SULLIVAN J. J. Sullivan & Co. HARRY H. SUYDAM Pres. Cincinnati Mfg. Co. GEORGE M. VERITY - Pres. American Rolling Mill Co. JOSEPH B. VERKAMP G. H. Verkamp & Sons A. L. WHITAKER Pres. The Whitaker Paper Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY - Capital Stoek$ 3,000,000.00 Surplus ?!Jms $ 2,162,000.00 Assets Over $40,000,000.00 C IN CI N N AT I' S BANK OF SERVICE Collections &;eL“ttAX, This bank places at the com mand of its customers and friends all the facilities of a modern commercial bank for transacting domestic and foreign business. Promptly at Lowest Rates. We have Special Facilities for Collections throughout Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Calls and correspondence are invited relative to the applica tion of Fifth-Third service to your particular needs. A rreuintc Banks> Corporations, /VCL'UUIl la of Firms, and Individual* Correspondence 525Tc2!i templating a Change or Division of their Accounts. Solicited and Received Upon the Most Favor able Terms. Bonds ^ •m* SUPER.-SAFETY W Insured BANK-CHECKS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VERY bank purchasing Super-Safety Insured checks and each of their depositors using same is protected by $1000.00 insurance, against loss through fraudulent or felonious alterations', issued by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. E THE BANKERS SUPPLY COMPANY The Largest Manufacturers of Bank Checks in the World NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER ATLANTA DES MOINES SAN FRANCISCO a> g m EJ SLQ-o — o'03 ° 3. * n B *< 3 o u (—t* O B:- c ' Erl. 05 ~ $ O cr 5^ PJ 05 O O 0) 05 TJ 0) 05 o-cO 03 3 C/5 C/> 0 Ni tfQ rs» D pa > z * (I0i C 53 9Ct CD *0 2S'!r .* 3 3 9ft Z CO M M 3 01 oc ?o ?o ?! ?0 > Z * X 1 «77« CA m n ?! I Interesting Figures on Banking HE growth of the banking business in the United States in the past forty-two years is almost beyond belief. If one takes a copy of the Rand McNally Bankers Directory, Blue Book, of the year 1880 and lays alongside of it a copy of the 1922 book, he will find the following interesting comparisons: Banks in Book: 1880 1922 United States................................... 8,130 31,549 Canada ......................................... 402 4,768 Total ......................................... 6,532 36,317 The figures for 1921 do not include corporations, firms, and individuals whose business is limited to the buying and selling of investments. Those for 1880 do include Private Bankers, of which there was a great number. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Carrying this comparison still further, one gets the following information: 1880 1922 Number of Banks in United States . . 6,131 31,549 Number of Banks in Canada............. 402 4.768 Number of Pages in Directory........... 420 2,364 Number of Maps................................ o 100 Weight of Book..................................2 lbs. 9 lbs. In 1880 the Directory gave only the names of the President, the Cashier, Capital, Surplus, and two correspondents. In 1922, one finds the names of al 1 officers and correspondents and the Capital, Surplus and Profits, Deposits, Loans, and I nvestments, and Cash and Exchange. • To make a copy of the Directory in 1922 required five times as much paper, and owing to increased cost of paper, about eleven times as much money to buy the paper as it did in 1880 (and about the same proportion holds good on type, binding materials, ink, etc.) If one based his figures entirely upon the above comparisons, there would be from five to six times more hours of labor required to set the type, print and bind a copy of the directory in 1922 than in 1880, and the increase in the cost of this labor per copy would be over twelve times what it was in 1880. However, labor-saving devices and increased circulation have offset some of this increase so that instead of the labor costing twelve times as much per copy in 1922 as it did in 1880, it is in reality only about six times as much per copy. An increase in the number of banks from 6,000 in 1880 to 36,000 in 1922 should require over five times as large a force of clerks to collect the information, compile, and edit the statistics. In fact, it does actually require five times as large a force, but at over twelve times the total cost, owing to increased wages. Here again, however, increased circulation has cut down the clerical cost per copy from twelve times to about four times what it was in 1880. It costs over six times as much in postage to collect information from 36,000 banks as it does from 6000. In 1880 the book weighed two pounds. It now weighs nine pounds. During all these forty years and in spite of the conditions which we have enumerated, there have been only two increases in the price of the Bankers Directory. t Name of (Branch, Federal Reserve Bank No. 4.) :V fi*'. Bank. President. •Mem. A. is. A. Estate tiris'. +Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. „ j Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. W. S. ROWE............... JOSEPH RAWSON— P. E. KLINE................ A R LUTHY T. J. DAVIS EMILBAUR. J. H. WHITE ROBERT McEVILLEY Mgr. Foreign Dept. L. H. SEBASTIAN! ABRAM WISE, J. J. ROWE C. A. STEVENS Mgr, Sav. Dept. C. A. O’NEILL W. LINN OEBECK General Banking. (4th and walnut) t<’63 Foreign Exchange. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. MiscelLoans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Total Acoptf,Letters of Cr. b ether AND and and Capital Profits Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Resourcbs $ $ $ 6.000,000 $ 4,743,450 33,616.020 $4,131,180 36.245,120 $ Cash & Ex- from Banks Cin. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. $ 910,030 11.335,500 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. -- Bond, Savings and Trust Departments. YOUR ACCOUNT IS INVITED. 1 l ■ • Sam’l B. Hammel— Edw, F. Smith___ R. H. Riddle_____ 25,000 35,000 525,500 — W. H. Settle............ J. H. Stiles______ 50,000 47,310 388,970 24,400 G. W. Williams.... J. F. Klein_______ Charles Bartlett 500,000 1,238,720 8,890,120 667,600 Tyler Field......... . Lewis L. Townley. C. W. Hick .1.1. Stephenson Boyden Kinsey, J. B. Laummann, F. E. Wesselmann, Sec. A. Sec. 150,000 45,000 E. H. Matthews... C. R. Dunton......... M. C. Greife______ J. E. Bott_______ (1 Branch) C. R. Pfau, Tr. H.J.Enneking, Sec. 150,000 50,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Samuel L. White.. CARTHAGE-66-911......... <’07 (7001 Carthage Pike) First National Bank of C. T. Perin---------Madisonville.56-477........<’07 (4906 Whetsel) ♦Fourth National Bank.. <’63 C. E. Wilson......... 13-4 (18 E. Fourth) Guarantee Trust Co.___ <11900 Melville Ritchie . 13-80 (16 E. 7th) Formerly Guarantee Deposit Co. Hamilton County Bank—<115 13—83 2800 Woodburn Ave. HOME SAVINGS BANK CO. 13-68 <8’03 602-604 Vine Hyde Park Savings Bank<§'08 13-71 -(■Liberty Banking & Sav. Co. 13-70 <§’07 (Liberty and Freeman) 93,000 $ 415,000 19,000 265,100 189.170 1,640 5,984,840 1,344,570 468,000 3,499,030 1st N.. N. Y. and Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1,150,000 870,000 295,000 13,000 163,000 Irving N.. N. Y.: Cont.&Com’l N., Chi.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 62,700 1,418,090 819,220 540,000 50,840 968,120 87,500 HanN.,N. Y.;4th N.and 2d N., Cin. 54,780 Fifth-Third N.. Cin. Tr. Robert P. Hargitt- C. B.Braunstein... Harvey E.Krapp... 271,570 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Seab. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N. andLin.N., Cin. IN• UK. Cin. M. Y. Cooper.......... . A. J. Becht______ C. F. Arand, J. H. Liggett. Sec. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. F. H. Ballman........ . J. G. Moorman........ George Winter .... VV. F. Ahlert. __ Walton Craig f. ‘LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK (Fourth and Vine) JR...... 724,940 630,520 42,270 94,200 1,179.140 6,340 521,250 615,010 20,380 500,000 1.015.200 0.341,930 449,300 4,239.790 1.722,210 330.190 of Banke, Bankers, and Corporatione Mi, 115,780 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. 173,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N„ Cin. .V. Bk. Com.. Irving N.. and 1st received on favorable terms Collection, given prompt attention. 2,014,240 N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. St. L.; 1st N., Bos. 21,980 255,530 75,000 146.860 1,460,220 14,400 233,800 53,500 1,910 36,290 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Provident Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. 989 • o 10 503,570 14,000 189,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N. and 2d N., Cin. ■ 'I ' 1 i IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1227 50,000 The FIFTH-THIRD "abt^nkal of CINCINNA1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis jl»» JdiIIII-1 mra CHAS. SINDLINGER Madisonville Deposit Bank J. F. Maltby............ E. B. Krieger.......... D. E. Sauer______ D. E. Sauer, Sec__ C. W. F. Cramer 56-478 *§’07 4827 Whetsel Ave. NORTH SIDE BANK_____ <4'88 C. J. Keller_______ Wm. A. Schmid-__ 13-56 J. H. Shreve 4126 Hamilton Ave. (Cincinnati continued on next page) 51,090 50,000 IN* c. WM. C. WACHS-— J. E. S0HN, F.W.L.HAGEMAN — 50,000 vuIUm OHIO BANKS—Cincinnati—Continued First National Bank I3~i CINCINNATI—Continued—Reserve City July, 1922 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 1227 Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Oakley Bank..................... <§’07 John Rempe........... A. H. Tuechter.... R. Ruzicka............ 13-81 Madison Road and Markbreit (Oakley) + Pearl-Market Bank..... t§’07 Samuel Lehman... C. J. Stern............. .T. A. Helmers 13-69 (2 Branches) W. A. Ryan (Reading Rd. and Rockdale) Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Wm. Borcherding. $ G. J. Nortmann Geo. P. Hardig — R. W. Streicher L. S. Helmers LawreuceMitter,.T r Humbert Baer PEOPLES BK. & SAV. CO. Alfred M. Cohen... L. V. Marks.............James B. Whittle.. Wm. H. Beckwith. John P. Sullivan Wm. Frieder H. H. Friedman, 13-65 <§’06 (3 Branches) Sec. (4th and Elm) Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Surplus Acepts, Letter Loans * Miscel Total of Cr. A ether AND AND D is laneous Deposits Liabilities counts Securities Profits 50,000 ♦ 13-42 M§1900 10 j (7th and Vine) 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK A. Sec. A. Tr. 85,650 J 1,732.350 372,840 S 304,590 5,417.640 $ 228,810 3,800.150 1.266,830 301,110 200.000 247,850 3,706,510 15,1401 2,654,340 689,870 62,910 1,500,000 3,895.190 10,167.010 1.265.480 20.370 220 Cin. Clearing House Ass'n, Mem bers shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ Principal correspondents. 267,630 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Norwood; Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 982,960 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Cin. 68,240 * 400,000 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. $ 1,215,000 $ Cxxh A ExCHANGES,Due from Banks 762,390 Harriman N,, N. Y.; 4th N.. Cin. OHIO BANKS—Cincinnati—Continued 'PROVIDENT SAV. .Th^T L. J. VAN LAHR—-J.E. HODGE, H.WEHMER, J. A. REIF, L. H. BILL, and BANK & TR. GO. K" <6Bra“to> you appreciate prompt and efficient service at a reasonable charge fPP Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1228 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given r'Tvrr'T'NT'TsJ AT'T -—C^Ontiniied----Reserve CitV 1990 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The It and-McNally Bankers' UiNUNiNAll V^JllUliUCU XN.C&CI VC C/liy I440 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n._______ (Branch, Federal Reserve Bank District No. 4.) _____ __ 7.063,300 Am. Ex. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. V.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 5,889,040 3.911.530 Send US your Cincinnati items and collections. C. A. BOSWORTH- j. jL GUTJTJG- - - - - - A. L. SHREVE................................ 1,000,000 677.790 6.969.220 875,990 4.604.700 3.174,610 555.600 1,188,090 N. City, N. Y.; 1st X. and Cont & Com’l N., Chi.; Com Ex. N., Phil. + SOUTHERN OHIO SAV. BANK Arthur Espy_____ D. G. Edwards.... G. F. Barrett, Tr... G. E. Roberts, Sec. Malcolm McAvoy & TRUST CO. 13-62....T»tS’03 200,000 193,570 4,469,060 5,000 2,634,840 1,641,340 8,000 583,460 N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 2d N.,Cin. C. H. Dater............C. R. Hubbard......... Alfred Brown......... C.R. Hubbard. Sec. A. L. Sadler, Tr. 100,000 177.660 907,310 5.000 8,500 409.530 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th N., Cin. 7,877,940 12.848.880 2.458.580 2,069,440 Guaranty Tr., Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi. BRANCHES AT: 1127 Vine St.. ing Cor. 4th and Plum Sts., 2457 Gilbert Ave., Cor. 8th and Cent ral Ave.. Cor. Court and Main nd Sts., 1933 Central Ave. Collections solicited and correspondence invited. All Inquiries receive personal and prompt attention. 13-2 T<’63 (9th and Main) (515-517 Main) + Stock-Yards Bank...... t§'06 13-68 (Spring Grove and Hopple) SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 543,410 1,000.000 3,241,700 20.469,730 CHAS. A.HINSCH—- L. E. MILLER.......... W. E. GRAY. Tr....... W.LTHE0E, Sec EDW SENIOR H. J. MERGLER. m F.J.LOtWE A. Sec. (6 Brandies) C. H DEPPE A. Tr. J C.L0HREY.A. Sec. This bank engag es in a EDGAR STARK W. B. THESING. JOHN BRADLEY. E. F. R0MER A. Tr. A. Tr. Officer and Trust EDGAR STARK, F.W.GRAU. Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer It is big en ough f or the WM. A. STARK, E. J. LAHGH0RST. not too bi g for A. Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer WASHINGTON BK.&SAV.C0. Joel C. Clore____ W. R. Galloway.— J. C. Peck.... ..........IG. D. Lovett 13-84 <§'17 (6th and Main St.) 200,000 1,030,000 130,000 1,001,520 12,337,860 762,740 80,000 144,760 II pha ses of Bank busin ess. large st acc ount a the s malles t. 251,200 49,300 7,743,240 5,498,470 449,020 955,000 Geo. C. Kolb F. J. Zumstein WINTON SAVINGS BANK <§ 10 C. F. Korn.............. J. S. Walker .......... J. S. Horst........J ■ Philip Bock_____ Feidie Katz E. C. Wehmer William Beiser .................................! 1,000,000 Phil. 60,000 77,960 , ........ 1 220,220 446,700 782,550! Allison Bishropic 13-78 (4673 Spring Grove) 1.411,380 Imn. & Tra. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1stN„ 172,440 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Fifth Third N., Cin. Cincinnati Clearing House........_L. J. Van Lahr___ Robert McEvilley. Dennison Duble, Sec. and Mar. (Members indicated by * Af filiated Banks by+ ) No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIR[) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis arter nabt^nkal of CINCINNA1 1—Over __ July, 1922 ♦Western Bank & Trust Co. Fred’k Hertenstein Henry Hoppe......... Albert Widmann (One Branch) Adolph Dryer ♦ 13-26 T*t§’75 (12th and Vine) 154,750 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Fifth-Third N. and 2d N., Cin. Fifty Years of Service _________ ♦ 13-40 T»t§'90 (4th and Walnut) 627,180 Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. IIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Name Year Established. Officers. of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. CORRESPONDENTS Year Establi'shed. (Union Tr. Bldg.) ..... ............... (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) BALLINGER, L. R. COMPANY ....It (1406 Union Tr. Bldg.) (L. R. Ballinger. Pres. G. K. Barnes, V. P. C.I.Hudson & Co., N.Y.; Citiz. ] Will J. Thompson, Jr.. V.-P. 0. L. Ballinger. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. 21 ' Municipal BONDS Tr. Tr. Co., Cin. 1 Railroad and M. Slattery, Sec. (.Corporation .JV02 (Investment Securities)____________ Wilson, Myr. GUARANTY CO. OF NEW YORK—T20 (1 Hamilton (Investment Securities) (Ingalls Bldg.) NOTES N. S. HILL & COMPANY- - - - - - - - - - - - 18 (5ih and Walnut) ( Investment Securities. .TW < Member Cincinnati Stock Exchange. (. Member Chicago Board of Trade. BREED, ELLIOTT & HARRISON, Inc. (Investment. Securities). . Hornblower& Weeks, N. Y.: Hulburd, Warren & Chan dler. Chi.; Fifth-Third N.. 4th N.. Cifiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. HUNTER, BUDDE & DUBLE .............. ’2C (915 Union Cent. Bldg.) (1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) *tT86 (Members Cincinnati Stock Exchange) 1 • < Fiist Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. [Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000.00. IRWIN, BALLMANN & GO. Cleveland, Chicago, N. Y., and principal cities. (Thos. P. White, Mgr............... .......... ......... ,Wm. R. Compton Co., N. Y., Chi., N. O.. and St. L. ( 330 Walnut St.) COMPTON, WM. R. CO.......... —--T89 < Dealers In Government and Municipal | 4th N. and Fifth-Third N. Cin. William E. Hutton James M. Hutton William D. Hutton Members of W. E. Hutton & Co., N. Y.: Jackson Bros, and Thomson & McKinnon, Partners. Chi.; Otis & Co., Clev. Wallace Scott Philip C. Swing Scuyler J. Bergen, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CINCINNATI STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE NEW YORK CURB MARKET BROKERS AND DEALERS IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (See New York City Office) Branches at Dayton, O., Charleston and Hunt ington, W. Va. Frank H. Ballmanu A. M. Kidder & Co., N. Y.; Investment Securities. Collateral Loans. Kidder, Peabody & Co., Nou-taxabie Ohio Securities a specialty. Bos. •II’90 (. Bonds. i (MUNICIPAL BONDS ______ DAVIES-BERTRAM COMPANY— tl 08 < We buy and sell entire issues. (Merc. Library Bldg.) (.Correspondence invited. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Municipal Bonds. Investment Securities. V (H. P. BROWN. Mgr............................ ................ The Cleveland Disc Co., (Union Tr. Bldg.) ' (Investment Securities) N.S.and D. W. Hill, 2d N., Cent. Tr. Co., and 4th Partners N.. Cin. (Municipal Bonds) . (Preferred, Stocks) Capital $100,000 (Member Cincinnati Stock Exchange) HUTTON, W. E. & GO. Investment Securities. N.hBk.‘&STr!co°cfm,z’ Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Listed and Unlisted Stocks. JT14 Guaranty Co. of N.Y., N. Y. Chi.,Indpls., andDet. S. Hugenberg, Cashier___ ________________Clark, Childs & Co., N.Y.: ] (Union Tr. Bldg.) Newborg & Co., N. Y. .... . _ . TOl GHANNER & SAWYER Post & Flagg, N. Y. 1st N.and Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. EDGAR FRIEDLANDER_ _ _ _ _ (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) Correspondents. -THIRD ..... nabt^nkal Lin. N., Cin. Of CINCINM LEACH & CO.. INC.......... (4th Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) i \ -■oe ( E. L. McBride. Res. Myr. ( (Investment Securities) A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y„Chi.,and principal Cities; SeeAdv. Page VI. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS ________OHIO BANKS — Cincinnati— Continued _______________ ____________ 1229 A. E. Aub&Co________________ I’ll (Investment Bonds) .. . (101 Union Tr. Bldg.) (Union Cent. Bldg.) Officers. f (Member Cincinnati Stock Exchange)____ . Guaranty Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Prov [ESTABLISHED 1862............... ................. t (Investment Securities) ident Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., GEORGE EUSTIS & CO__________1862 Members New York Stock Exchange. and Fifth-Third N., Cin. (103 Union Trust Building) [Members Cincinnati Stock Exchange. ASHBROOK & CO. CLAUDE- BEAZELL & CKATFIELD.... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. July, 1922 CINCINNATI—Continued—Reserve City 1229 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS CINCINNATI—Continued—Reserve City Selected List -INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Name Banker. Year Estab- •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IMem. State Bks. Asfyi. •iMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. correspondents. officers. lished. J. G. MAYER & GO. (318 Walnut St.) Liu. N., 1st N., Atlas N., and Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., t in. Jesse. C. Mayer 1 Starr Walter - Partners. Herman M. Magnus ) Investment Securities. T12 of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. +Mem. State Bks. Assn. * Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point tin dexed Acres.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in hack of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see, Laws. Year 1230 1230 Correspondents. Estab- lished. Government, Municipal Railroad, Corporation SEAS0NG00D & MAYER (Ingalls Bldg.) tl'87 BONDS. Seasongood & Mayer,N. Y. Mech. & Metals N. Bk., N. Y. N. City Bk.. N. Y. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., N. Y. First N. Bk.. Chicago. Specialize In Municipal Bonds (Mtle. Library Bldg.) (A. Wolfer. Cashier. M. E. MOCH & COMPANY...... (307 Union Tr.Bldg.) '(.Investment Secut'ities) .’15 \Memhers Cincinnati Stock Exchange. 'Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, NATIONAL CITY COMPANY---------- 16 George C. Riley, Representative----------- (Investment Bonds) (202 Fourth Nat'l Bk. Bldg.) OTIS & COMPANY................—-•t« WOO (1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) POOH & COMPANY........ .’20 (320 Walnut) N. City Co., N. Y. and corre spondent offices. See Adv, Page III. THE TILL0TS0N & WOLCOTT CO. (Union Tr. Bldg.) tT09 (Branch of’ Cleveland Clevel ) HENRY E. POOR Springs. L. F. ENNEKING, Cashier Citz N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cln. Healers in Municipal and Investment Bonds Cree, V. P. and Mgr, ( H. Ellwood E -< G. O Huron, A. Mgr. Tillotsou & Wolcott Co., Clev.; 1st N. and FifthThird N., Cin. l (Investm ent Bonds) (Inv Members of Firm: Harry E. Weil, 11. P. Weil, Weil Both & Co.. N. Y., Chi.’ John E. Roth, H. S. Irving. and Det. WEIL, ROTH & GO. • *T02 Investment Securities. (139 E. 4th St.) < 1320-21 Union Trust Bldg.) W. G. Allen & Son, 209 Fourth N. Bk. Bldg. MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY BONDS. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. ___ _ , LOCAL CINCINNATI STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS W. A. Daniel ,*t Co.. Ingalls Bldg. Dominick & Dominick, 27 Wiggins Block. R. E. Dunlap & Sou, 509 Mtle. Library Bldg. GEO. EUSTIS & CO., Union Trust Bldg. Wm. Fairley. 2819 Park Ave., W. 11. City. FIFTH - THIRD NATIONAL BANK EDWARD FRIEDLANDER, 1st N. Bk. Bldg. Alfred Hill & Co., 209 Traction Bldg. Hunter. Evans & Duble, 915 Union Central Bldg. W’. E. HUTTON & CO., 301 First National Bk. Bldg. FOR ADDITIONAL DATA ON FIRMS SHOWN IN BOLD type see preceding list of investment dealers E. V. Irwin & Co., 4tli N. Bk. Bldg. Roberts & Hall, 204 Mtle. Library Bldg. IRWIN, BALLMAN & CO.,330 Walnut St. Max Thurnauer, 305 1st N. Bk. Bldg. A. Lepper & Co., 306 1st N. Bk. Bldg. THE TILLOTSON & WOLCOTT CO., 1026-1032 Union Trust Bldg. M. E. MOCH & CO., 307 Union Trust Bldg. Aug. Yoss & Co., 21 Allas N. Bk. Bldg. C. C. Murray & Co., 316 Union Trust Bldg. Westheimer & Co., 326 Walnut St. of CINCINNATI—The BANKERS’ BANK Since 1863 July, 1922 CLAUDE ASHBROOK & CO., 720 Union Tr. Bid. BKAZELL & CHATFIELD, 411 Union Central Bldg. CHANNER & SAWYER, 505 Union Trust Bldg. Buy and Sell Entire Issues St. L. SEE LIST OF SELECTED INVESTMENT DEALERS PRECEDING THIS PAGE FOR FIRMS SHOWN IN BOLD TYPE. The Stacy & Braun. N.Y.. Chi., Det., and Tol. 'Edward Partner______________ Otis & Co.. N. Y.,Ciu., Akron, Edward Bower, Resident j Youngstown, Den., Bos., John B. Works,j Mgr. (Investment Securities) Secu Col., Det., Tol., and Colo. { PRUDDEN & COMPANY___________ 05 (Municipal Bonds)_________________________ IPrudden&Co.. Chi.,Tol.,and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. P. Bosworth. Mgr * (Investment Bonds) STACY & BRAUN-—..................... mc| j (Union Cent. Bldg.) Citz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Pearl Market, Cin. OHIO BANKS —Cincinnati—Continued 18 | W. 11. Silverman, Pres-----------------l (Municipal Bonds) W. H. SILVERMAN CO.......... 1C. H. Pforzheimer & Co„ N I Y,; Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Peo. Bk. & Sav. Co., and Fifth-Third N., Cin. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raml-Mi-Nally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tl’riv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass n. Ikiiau.j \o.4 Fed. Kes. Dist. C is Cincinnati Br. ♦M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. Liabilities, Town and County. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ---------------------i--------------------- | H. C. ALLEN..... JOHN C. GOELLER - J. R. NOECKER .. E SAV. & BKG. *t’ircleville _ 7049 Pickaway >112 ....................-JIT2 SC-197 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-7 63 66-395 S 25,000 S Miscel laneous 14,000 $ 300.000 WM. TfULM_______ , Cash and Time Items. 130.0001 120,000 45,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Citiz. Tr. & Sav„ Col.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin. 910,0001 130,000 1st N„ N. Y.; Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cin.: 4th 8t. N„ Phil.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 800,000 125,000. 135,0001 1.145.440 100.000j 70,000: 650,000 1.199.480 710.000| 425,000 * 112,000 161,000 25,000 Fifth-Third N„ Cin.; Valley Sav. Bk. & Tr.! 25,000 6.200 65,000 119,030 11,590 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Oin. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ; I paid-up capital A. F. Meyer ...........L. II. Nienhuser. E. E. Herr. .5 Max Levi Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Surplus ’Trt'r a t and P—TS Deposits 100,000 $ County Seat. Resources . ____________ _______ I Clev; Cleaning House Ass’n. Mein- Acopts,letters Accptfl,Letters Cr. A- ether Liabilitit* 178.070 $ 2,866,200:$ 36,000 369,100 M. P. Kniola...........Stanley Klonowski J. A. Dombrowski,j Sec. 100,000 Wm. B. Prenter... Wm. B. Preuter... S. R. Stone .. ___ W. F. MeCaleb H. R. Ried C. L. Morse J. C. Cardwell, Jr. 1.000,000 187,210 12.646,380 1.800.000 2.924,170 30.887.830 Co.. Ghillicothe; Huntington N„ Col. Miscel- o.sbaex- hers shown by * Affiliated banks byLOANS BONDS laneous chasqss.Ddk ----------------------------------------------------------* AND AND Discounts Securities Resources from Basks | PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.__ 5,250 $ 2,225,490 $ ............... II 425,730 $ 120,000 $ 340,480 63,400 12.300 5.862,340 7,260,650 182,440 378,300 Irving N„ N. Y,; Union Tr. Co.,j i Clev. 54.870! Public N. and Bk. of ¥. S., N. Y.;! Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clev. 1,478,850 2,007,010IN. Y. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. ! N. Y.; Cont. & Corn 1 N.. Chi.; N.l Bk. Com., St. L. E. W. OGLEBAY, _L. jj._ _CAMERplj..—___ F. C. SCHLUNDT. . . . . . G. R, WYMAN R. A. BISHOP, R. W. HORTON E. S. HANSON n . B. H0LMDEN Pres. A. M. CORCORAN R. A. CONKEYj Mgr. JOS. D’ERRIGO C. L. CORCORAN „ income Tax Dept. R. A. P0C0CK, R, J, IZANT. Mgr. Mgr. Bond Dept, F. M. HORTON Publicity Dept- J. B. H0LMDEN, Oh. of Trust Com. J. c. McHANNAN 'CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY C. E. SULLIVAN, OF CLEVELAND Comptroller 6,236.660 30,372.470 5.772 670 — OHIO BANKS —Circleville to Cleveland 56,000 14.000 Liabilities. Vice-President. 490,0001 40.000; CLEVELAND 34.500 245.460: Imp. & Tra. N„ N, Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin.; New 1st N„ Col.; Cent. N.. Phil. 100.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ohio N., Ool.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 66,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 25,000 Pop. 796,841 — Reserve City—(Cuyahoga Co., C 17) Bank. American Sav. Bk.Go. -•tS’87 Wm. M. Kaynolds _ 6-57 (828 Huron Road) Bank of Cleveland______*§’13 S. Klonowski............ 6-83 I (Broadway and E. 71st) Brotherhood of Locomotive w. S. Stone............. Eng. Co-op.National Bank 6-87 T»’20 (Ontario and St. Clair) Principal Correspondents, * 290,000 $ Please send 15 15ec tc ith each sight draft f or presentation. (Federal Reserve City No. 4-) President. Cash & Ex changes, Due from Banks Please send 15c w ith each sight drat t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports.1 56-994 •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMeffi. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities Send us your Cl rclerille items. Second National Bank.,..’62 S. T. Boggles_____ G. A. Schleyer_____ C. F. Abemethy. of Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. Third National Bank...»t’82 C. G. Shulze______ Geo. Bennett............. M. E. Xoggle............. Clark Will 56-396 flaring ton___ 607 First National Bank____ t’01 John J. Rea______ Julius Steiger........... F. R. Nelson_____ _____________________ Monroe K20 56-918 ! Clarksburg___ 420 Clarksburg Commercial Bk. O. M. ITowser____ J. B. Willis_________ H. B. Graham......... Dell Dowser........... 56-1226 .mi C Ross Mil Clarksville___ 410 Farmers National Bank .<’04, D. A. Humphreys. N.A. Gilbert____ Clinton Madden G Clinton M8 56-919 Name Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point tin dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws, (indexed) in hack bt this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Law's. Resources. OHIO—Continued July, 1922 1231 5,703,520 N. City, N. Bk. Com., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Cora’I N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Franklin N., Phil. SOLICITS YOCK ACCOUNT AND COLLECTIONS FOK THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. 6-4 (Kirby Bldg.) T*f90 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. 1231 (Cleveland continued on next page) The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK Of CINCINNATI I IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS ,„ . President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Paid-up Capital " Clark Are. Savings Bank Co.... (Merged with Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co., December 31,'21 ) Cleveland Italian Savings Bank (Closed September, 1921) $ David Feinberg, Samuel Stern______ Wm. Kirtz______ J. B. Sackett— Cleveland Liberty Bank—§’19 TV. M. Kirtz Ben. Schwartz, Sec 6-82 (7625 Broadway) F. H. GOFF, Pres. Executive Com.: TkT«. 4\ and V. P. HARRIS CREECH, I. F. FREIBERGER, E. B. GREENE, J. M. GUKDRY, F. H. HOBSON, Vice-Presidents Cleveland Trust Company RALPH HAYES, LILLIAN E. OAKLEY, Ass’fs to Pres. GEORGE C. BECK, J. R. CO'ABISH, A. A. DENISON, J. C. HcMSTREET, W. 0. KURTZ, M. J. LUDW G, E. B. MERRELL, S.C. PAYNE, A. L. ASSMUS,- - - - - - H. D. KING, Sec LEONARD P. AYRES, J. W. W00DBURN,2V. EDWIN BAXTER, H. H. ALLYN, WALTERS. BOWLER, Tr. Officer JOHN T. FEI6HAN, W. F. FINLEY, CHAS. B. G EASON, F. H. HOUGHTON, -------HENRY KIEFER, LOUIS C. KOLLIE, R. A. MALM, {• f’ u«ftANSL,H’ H. W. HAMMINK, wuLBtPP°B?PH H. E. HUSTED, WM. nArrnlUn, i Surplus AND Profits Resources. Miscel Cash A EX Bonds Loans Accpta,Letters CHANGE,I'D* laneous Total and of Cr. A other AND Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources FBOi E/ NK8 100.000 $ 4.500,000 i T. E. HERRICK, W. F. KYLE, Commonwealth Banking &Tr. Company...6-91______ T*t§’22 (Hanna Bldg.) Antonio Doyno Italian Ex. Bk. 6-93 •tl9u0 (1435 Orange Ave.) Farmers Bank------------------ §'22 6-94 (10034 Lorain Ave.) ♦Federal Reserve Bank, Dist.4 268.000 $ $ 1,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 41,000 N. City, N. Y.; Midland, Clev. 5,407,440 18 869460 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Seab, N., and Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Toronto.; Lloyds Bk., Ltd. and Lon. Co.; Westminster & Parr’s Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Guaranty Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Paris.;Credito Itaiiano, Naples. Asst. Secretaries GROWTH OF RESOURCES 1920 - $103,000,000 1921 - 105,000,000 1922 160,000,000 i pcppi cp Vice-Presidents *• H.D.COZADr ' 24,000 % 1.268,080 113252750 25,925,320 9,198,650 148 489230 C. A. BROWN. E. W. BURDICK, E. S. CURTISS, M. K. FORD, C. H. HILL, i WFLSH P. J. HUEGLE, yENNE J. H. L. JANSON, Officers M. W MOUNTCASTLE, JOHN R. TODD, GEO. F. SCHULZE, hfNRYPIRTLF C. W. STANSBURY, «LQAN A PRITCHARD f-F-vandeusen, ITroberts ’ dMt wmrc0, HOWARD M.SHEELER, P. T. Wnllt, 172,000 $ 1 366,000 Depositors 48 Community Banks EVERY BANKING SERVICE COMMERCIAL—TRUST—SAVINGS Asst. Treasurers Asst. Vice-Presidents MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM •*§’ (Euclid Ave. and E. 9th) 14,000 $ ClevelandClearing House Ass’n mem bers shown by * affiliated banks by + R. T. SAWYER, Counsel G. M. CUMMINGS, Assistant Counsel DELO MOOK. Assistant Counsel W. A. STRONG, Assistant Counsel R. S.D01G AS, Assistant Counsel M. R. D.CKEY, Mar. Tax Dept. F L. CHAMBERLA N, Auditor E. M. COAN, Assistant Auditor M. F. KEARNS, Assistant Auditor W. 0. McCLURE, Mgr. Safe Deposit Dept. W. H. ROGERS, Ass’t Mgr. Safe Dep’t Dept. F. A.ONSTINE, Ass’t Mgr. Safe Dep’t Dept. J R WYLLIE, Mgr. Women’s Dept. R! T. WHITE, Mgr. Foreign Dept. O. G. CL0GG, Ass’t Mgr. Foreign Dept. R.J.HODDiNOTT, Ass’t Mgr. Foreign Dept J. W. BOWES, Mgr. Rental Dept. j. c. PEARSON, Mgr. Statistical Dept. I I SPERL NS, Mgr. Publicity Dept. P. S. K NGSBURY, Mgr. Personnel Dept. J. L. BRYAN, Mgr. Public Acc’t Dept. L P. G0UDY, Chief Clerk A. M. KLINE, Ass’t Chief Clerk P. J. Darling.......... John Anisfield.... W. J. Skehan, Tr,. E. H. Dailey, Sec... D. J. Champion Antonio Doyno .— TRUSTEE CLEVELAND FOUNDATION 250.000 100,000 50,000 1,080 50,000 12.500 900,00C 300,000 150,00C 38,100 10,530 27,310 31,8701 200,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 19,460 Clev. Tr. Co. and Lake Shore, Clev. 1st State, New Castle, Pa. i J. C. Thompson... E. O. Hartshorne.. E. John Harding .. H. W. Lower. Sec.. J. R. Olderman, Tr. (See page 23 for c omplete informati on) 6-1 (Williamson Bids:.'' John H. Krafft----- Orville Smith First Joint Stock Land Bank ’22 James T. Begg Sec., and Tr. (1514 Guardian Bldg.) eland Trust Co., Fe bruary 13, 1922) (Merged with Clev Garfield Savings Bank___ _ (Cleveland 125,000 (Territor an) Midland & Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; Ohio Sav. Bk.&Tr.Co., Tol, The 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI—Resourcess $55,000,0 $55.000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A a I L I T Y WILLINGNESS CO U RTESY OHIO BANKS—Cleveland — Continued __________________ July, 1922 F. H. GOFF, Ch. A. G. TAME, V Ch 6-68 Main Office: _________ ' Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. fState tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust. Powers. ♦ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi'; volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws j CLEVELAND—Continued— Reserve City 1232 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 14<J6 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 I'll Union Trust company Cleveland c& One of the country's mightiest banking institutions and the center of commercial banking activity in the great, wealthy industrial sec tion midway between Chicago and NewYork Capital and Surplus Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mniuumniuimum KmMiifiJinfUMuuw s&ssse Stability and Solidity T HE consistent and healthy growth of this company has not been due to mere chance or circumstance. Rather it is the result of properly directed plans and effort by men endowed with fore sight and unshaken confidence in themselves, in their business and in their fellow men. The stability and growth of any business or cor poration depends first upon the fundamental policies adopted, and second upon the methods employed in the carrying out of these policies. These are the reasons why this company today occupies its own home in the heart of Cleveland’s business district; why this company is represented in most of the larger cities of the country; why thousands of investors are buying first mortgage bonds guaran teed by this company, and why the company’s resour ces are now in excess of $22,000,000.00. This company is offering an unusual oppor tunity to banks to market real estate mortgage bonds. Details furnished on request 5^iumnflnjinnnjwflnnnnnnnj^^ THE CLEVELAND DISCOUNT COMPANY NEW YORK CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE DES MOINES AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES Name op Bank. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ‘GUARDIANSAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY ♦ 6-90 T*t§’21 (510 Superior) $61699170 $11850250 $6,449,310 $10348020 terest on s atisfactor y daily bal ances,and certificat es of dep osit. stment bo nds of all classes. CHANGE DEPART MENTS. 200.000 271.630 6,338,340 13,030 4,514,420 1,164,490 360,460 738,630 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cout. & Corn'l N., Charles Wenger, M. Wohl, A. Sec. and A. Tr. See. and Tr. 61,200 14.530 468,760 19,210 472,230 18,530 10,140 62,810 Irving N„ N. Y.; Cent. N. Bk. Sav. & WM. P. SHARER-— C. R. LEE........... J. B. ROOT .... ......... E.W. SAMPLE ----H. C. AVERY C.S.SPRUNG. Auditor CLEVELAND'S NEW COMMERCIAL BANK. We solicit correspondence from those desiring new Cleveland Connections. Extreme care given to Bill of Lading Collections. 2,000.000 516.630 10.767.050 8.550 6,797,470 3,916,120 123,320 Auditor H. V Shutters... C. B. Gates_______ C. B. Gates..............jW. J. Dunn — C. B. Reynolds C. A. Paine, Ch. of Fin. Com E. H. Gehlbach Chi.; Guardian Sav. & Tr. Union Tr. Co., Clev. Collections a sp (Euclid and 6th) North American Banking & J. M. Seliskar........ Savings Company._&-85»+§’20 (6131 St. Clair) Nottingham Savings & Bkg C. M. Mix — Company—56-1084____ »t§’01 (18627 St. Clair Ave.) 2.456,310 2,000,000 968,110 13,094,600 4,005,620 957690 ^611,440 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 12,401,520 ”47959,680 H. W.STECHER- SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY ♦ 6-60 (3094 W. 25th) •W90 125,000 74,060 1,430.370 14,310 793,930 75,000 6,000 442,210 21,540 383,420 W. J. BAUKNET, Tr.. F. J. GRE’NER, Sec.. 1,500.000 467,760 19369750 1.309.610 W. P. FREY, H. F. BRANDT.A.Sec. f OME BB ANCH. PAUL BENH0FF,A.7Y E. C. GEHRiNG, The Pear i Street S H.J. WEBSTER ,A.Tr. A. See and Aud, Pea rl Street BBANC HES < r Cor. E. J. FRANKE, A. Tr. W. E. SHEPHERD, LARK A VE. BRA The Pear 1 Street S E. W. SENGHAS, A. Sec. Cor. W. 50th St. Tr. Officer HAROLD BUSCH, A. Sec. J. F. P0JMAN, A.Sec. 16342200 J. R. Emerch_____ G. O. Trulson, Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;4th St. N„ Phil.; 1st N., St. L, 1 0. C. ECKERT, Tr.... CRAlGIE, Sec. E. J. MacNAB, A. Sec. J. I. ERB, A. Tr. 300,000 (1630 Euclid Ave.) ( Cleveland continued on next pa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 220,870 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Guardian . 76,250 21,430 63,650 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Brotherhood 4 412.160 385,330 1,504.440 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt. 110.180 256.380 Chase N., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Brotherhood of Lo comotive Eng. Co-Operative N. and Union Tr. Co., Clev. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. of Locomotive Eng. Co-op. N., Clev. NATIONAL BANK Of CINCINNATI 50.570 1,130,750 33,960 aviiigs & and Bro NCH. avings & & ( lark 739,040 Trust C o., adview R ds. Trust C o., Ave. 409.690 i IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1233 RELIANCE C. J. PHYPERS- - - - - - J. H. REDHEAD- - - - - - H. S. TRUST♦ 6-92 COMPANY T*t§’21 The FIFTH-THIRD 628,950 ----------------- Sec. & Tr.\ ■ JOHN BECK....... . FRANK SEITHER LEO MAYER M. L. RUETENIK A. F. HUMEL J. V.CHAPEK F. A. SHEPHERD J. L. FLEHARTY Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. MEM BER F EDER AL RE SERV E SYS TEM. eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment Frank Paulin.......... F. M. Jaksic, Sec... J. J. Grdina, Tr. John Breskvar and Tr. Co.. Clev. NATIONAL CITY BANK-W 45 Accounts of Ban ks, Bankers and o thers solicited. PEARL STREET Guaranty Tr. Co., Am. Ex. N., Chem. N., Chase N., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. F. J. Melcher, Tr.. A. L. Weyand, Sec. J. R. Cleary. A.Tr. R.W. Hones, A.Ser. L. F. Acklin, + Lorain Street Sav. & Tr. Co. G. A. Tinnerman.. E. Rice................... fi-62 •t*’91 J. A. Melcher (Lorain and Fulton Rd.) Henry Hertel W. L. Nutt Merchants Savings & Banking M. Gusman..__ ... N. Feipenbaum.__ Company., 6-80_____ »t§T6 S. Ravinson A. Weinberger (4410-12 Woodland) Ch. of Bd W. S Schweitzer MIDLAND BANK Cleveland Clearing House Assn. Resources. Affilliated Miscel Cash & Ex members shown by *. Bonds Ac Letters loans Surplus Total of Cr. &■ ether Paid-up laneous changes,Dub banks by +. and AND and Capital Profits Deposits liabilities Principal Correspondents. Discounts Securities Resources from Banks R. P. SEARS, Sec.... C. F. BRUGGEMEIER, L.E. H0LMDEN, Tr.. C. H. FORCE, -------W. N. HOPPE, H.W.PNN GER, !$ 4.000.000 $ 5.541.530 $71657600 $ 9.147,630 H. A. CARLTON, J. A. PURCELL, GEO. A. CHURCH, BANKING DEPART MENT-P ays 2% in 0. W. FULLERTON, K. H. SOMMER, 4% intere st on time ELMER GUENTZLER, E. A. STOCKWELL, BOND BE PARTME NT—Inve H. C. HUTCH NSON, J. A. WARD, Asst. Secretaries | L J. KAUFMAN, TRUST AND FOR EIGN EX C. J. PROVO, J.J. LUTHI, A. Tr. Officer F. G. STUBER, Asst. Treasurers H. J. COATES, Home Savings & Trust Co..... (Merged with Pearl St. Sav. & Tr. Co . December 31, 1921 Lake Shore Bkg. & Trust Co. (Absorbed by Clevel and Trust Co. Febr uary 13. 1922) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.; OHIO BANKS —Cleveland — Continued J. A. HOUSE.......... GEO. B. JOHNSON H. P. MCINTOSH, H. P. Mc NTOSH, JR, Cli of Bd. J. A. MATHEWS H.C. ROBINSON. C. R. MEGERTH 1st V. P. TH0S. E. MONKS PHILIP C. BERG L. A. MURFEY JOHN FISH C. L. MURFEY L. B. FOOTE W. D.PUFDON R. FRASER E. T. SHANNON ♦ 4-6(5 T«H§’#4 A. W. R.GREEN H. I. SHEPHERD (623 Euclid Ave.) W. E. GUERIN, A. G. STUCKY Vice-Presidents F. W. WARDWELL (7 Offices) A. F. Y0i,NG Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. (Federal Reserve City No. 4) Liabilities. July, 1922 CLEVELAND—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 G'X'X t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass»n. Name op CLEVELAND—Continued—Reserve City . JMSft o„„----- JCity No. 4) .ACSS?-2'."?”?e*ss. V“ws (Federal Reserve volume. Bank. Liabilities. •Mem. A. B. A. §State fPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Asst Cashier. S J Paid-up Su™9 PnoF,TS Capital + Society for Savings__ »tS'49 John H. Dexter.__ C. 0. Patch. H. M. Yost, Tr....... R. T. Edison, -------------- $ 5,522,150 6-51 M. T. Herrick, Executive 1'. P. Sec. and A. Tr. (127 Public Square) 1 Ch. of Bd. J. D. Williamson VV. B. Sanders State Banking & Tr. Company C. K. Dodge........... F. H. Rose.—......... J. L. Wadsworth, I). Y. LaFever,Sec. J 750,000 305,250 6-72 T*il’99 D. R. James, L. H. Elliott Tr. Offices: D etroii Ave. (734 EuclidAve.) Ch. of Bd. E. S. Barkwill V.P., C. J.Houdou Office, C . C. Morg Resources. Miscel Accpts,LetterB Loans Bonds Cash & Ex Total of Cr. & ether laneous AND AND changes,Due Deposits Liabilities Discounts Securities Resources prom 1>ank& $60540 440 $ 127,940 10,334,680 381,680 $23 248 18o|$34 239 550 8.421,300 Union Trust Company ♦ 6-10 (814 Euclid Ave.) t§'-n (Successor to: Citizens Savings it- Trust Co., First National Haul:, First Trust it' Savings Co., Union Commerce National Bank, Broad wag Savings it' Trust Co.,and Woodland Avenue Savings it' Trust Co.) Asst. Treasurers: Asst. Secretaries: 669.740 1.350.640 tan Co.. N. Y.; N. City. Chi. * ! C.W CARLSON F. W COOK W. H. KINSEY B. A. BRUCE W. A. GIBSON J-J!:WA,°J’ „ W.C. SAUNDERS J. R GEARY JOHN H. PATRICK C/i. of Trust Com. GEO Q. HALL GEORGE A. C0ULT0N, f W. A. PORTER D. 0. GRIG0R C. J. FAIRBANKS Senior V.-Pres. *• WlhEMAN Auditor: L. R. MILLER E. C. GENEE Vi r.e- Presidents: 22.250.000 12,056.880 202540 930 9,089,820 F. L. FREY W. F. LYNCH J. C. ARMSTRONG J. R. KRAUS H. J. MsGINNESS J. H. CLARK Trust Officer: W. M. BALDWIN W. H. FOWLER H. 0. VAN HART C. L. BRADLEY W. J. O’NEILL PAUL K0WALLEK G. S. RUSSELL JOHN P. KRAUS A. B. MARSHALL C. J. J1N0RA W. 0. STR0MBERG Asst, V.-Presidents G. A. SPEAR H. E. HILLS R. B. SMALL R. C. HYATT G. M.K0VACHY J. H. CASWELL J. E. MAZACH GEORGE WtUKERLING JOHN V. H0LECEK J. G. ARMSTRONG We in vite th e acco unts o H. B. CHAPPELL C. 0. HAJEK T. J. CHAMPION VAN R. PURDY H. PIW0NKA offer the b est te R. H. SHARPE CARL 0RLIK0WSKI ARNOLD CHIM0 R. B. PETTIT with Conse F. D. WILLIAMS J. R. YOUNG J. L. TEKESKY M. B. KOELLIKER Bank B. J. LACKAMP JOSEPH KAKES S:§:»N A. H. SCOVILLE L. H. ST0FER, Real Estate Officer. O. C. NELSON WILLIAM TONKS JOHN E. WASHER, Chief,SafetyDepartment W. G.STUBER GEO. N.SHERWIN UBANC UES: C. H. HANDERS0N, Publicity Manager. H. L. BROWN H. D. MESSICK Fir st Trust Office, GROVER H. HULL, Ass/. Trust Officer. J C.ANDERSON 6. P. KOELLIKER We st-25th Denison A. B. GREEN C G. STARK, ALLARD SMITH Bu ckeye Bo ad Office W. F. COPELAND GEORGE BRAUER, Tax Consultants. J. G. GEDDES Hr oad way Bank O JAMES DUNN , JR. L. 0. CARR, JR. WM. TONKS, Credit Manager. Wo odiand B ankOffic CHAS. PI WONKA O. M. STAFFORD PERCY GINTHER. Eu ciid-lOls t Office. JOS. RANFT P. J. SLACH 105 E. R. VAN HORN, th-Pasad ena Offlc P. T. HARR0L0 J. C. SANDERS 1.0 rain-9.2r d Office. A. L. M0LER, Asst. Credit Managers. M.S. HALLIDAY L. H. FISHER A. C. CONEY J.C. ANDERSON, G. D.McDWINN C. B. LINCOLN Mgr. Bus. Extension Dept. L. J. HAJECK W. A. PFEIFFER. Asst M gr. Bus. Extensi on Dept. 170012920 26.152,820 17,716 610 32,055.290 f Bank s and Banke rs and; 1 rms c onsist ent rvativ e ing. mwr Etnas SEE 247 EucI Office. , E. 89th ffice, liro e, Woodl N., 1st N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Han. N., Irving N., Mech. & Metals N.,N. Bk. Com., N. City Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., N. Bk. Bep., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; 4th St. N., Girard N., and Phii. N., Phil.; Com. Tr. Co. Kan.C., Mo. id Ave. Street. ad way a nd E. 55 til st. and and E. 55th st. e. ADVERT ISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1230. ! i 4 rhe 5th-3rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — Resmirnes Over S55, .illllkWIimiM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, 1922 (Cleveland continued on next page) 1 Principal Cor respondents. OHIO BAN KS—Cleveland—Continued Secretary: Ch.o/Bd. R.S. CRAWFORD J. R. NUTT, Pres. Treasurer: ' ClevelandClearins: House Ass n rnembers shown i>y*