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LIST OF TOWNS WITHOUT BANKS, IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, GIVING NEAREST ACCESSIBLE BANK AND ATTORNEY POINT. , ALABAM A Abanda*t to Roanoke. Abel to Oxford. Aberfoil to Union Springs. Abernant*! to Bessemer. Aokervllle* to Pineapple. Acme to Lafayette. Acton* to Birmingham. AdaJ to Montgomery. A d a m s ville *!! to Birming ham. Addison* to Double Springs A d g e r * !! to Bessemer A dler to Marlon. A d ville to Oneonto. A im w ell* to Sweetwater. Akron* t t to Eutaw. Alabama C it y * !! to ¡Gads den. A la g a tt to Gordon. A lam eda*! to Thomasvllle. Alanthus to Russellville. A lb erta *!to Selma. A ld rich *tt to Montevallo. Alexandria*! to Anniston. Alexis to Cedarbluff, A lfa lfa * to Demopolis. Alice to Boaz. Allen* to Jackson. A llen to n 't to pineapple. A llen vlile*! to Faunsdale. Allgood to Oneonta. Alm a* to Jackson. Alm eria to Union Springs. Almond* to Wadley. A lp in e *! to Talladega. A lto n *t! to Birmingham. Alverson to AshvlUe. * America* to Jasper. Anderson to Rogersvtlle. Annemanie* toThomasvUle. A n sle y*tt to Troy. Aquilla* to Waynesboro. Miss. Ararat* to Butler. Archer* to Carrollton. Arcus to Elba. Ardell to Jasper. A rd ila t! to Gordon. A rgo* to Birmingham. Arkadelphla* to Warrior. Arkdell to Florence. A rkw right * ! ! to Ohildersburg. A riey* to Jasper. A rlin gton *! to Thomasvllle. Armstrong* to Union Springs. Asahel to Camden. Anbury to Eclectic. Ashby* t to Montevallo. Ashrldge to Haleyville. Aspel* to Scottsboro. Atkelson to Thomasvllle. A tw ood *! to Haleyville. Augustin* to Selma. Aurora to Attalla. Austinvllle to New Decatur. Autauga ville* to Prattville. Avoca to Leigh ton ., A von d alet! to Birmingham A vrey «u. Attalla. Axis* to Mobile. A xle* to Monroeville. Babbie to Opp. Baccus to Winfield. Balleyton* to Cullman. Bakerhill* to Clayton. Baltzell to Demopolis.' B a n go r*t! to Warrior. Banks*t! to T roy. . B an kston *!! to Fayette. Barker to Athens. Barlowbend* to Jackson. Barnes to Scottsboro. Barnwell* to Mobile. Barrytown* to Butler. Barton* t t to Tuscumbta. Basham to Hartsells. Bashl* to ThomasvlUe. Bass Statlbn*tto Stevenson. B atesvllle*! to Eufaula. Battelle*. to Valley Head. Battles W harf* to Fairhope. Baxter to Columbus, Miss Bayou L a b a tre*t!to Mobile. Bean Rock to Guntersville. Bearcreek*!! to Haleyville. Beasons Mill to Heflin. Beaver Meadow to Mobile. B eaverton*! to Sulligent. Bedford* to Sulligent. Beecham to Tallsboosa, Ga. Belcher to Eufaula. Belew to Florence. Belforest to Mobile. Belgreen* to Russelville. B elk*t to Fayette. Bellamy* to Livingston. Belle E lien *! to • West Blooton. Belle Sumter* to Bessemer. Belleville* to Repton. Bell F actory! to New Market. Bell Mills* to Heflin. Bells Landing* to Camden. Bell view* to Camden. B ellw ood*! to Hartford. Belm ont* to Demopolis. Calcis * ! to Childersburg. Ooxheath to Sweetwater. C ald w ell*!! to Springville. Coy* to Pine Hill. Caledonia* to Pine Apple. Cranal! to Double Springs. Calhoun* ! ! to Fort Deposit. Oranehill* to Cullman. Calumet to Jasper. Crawford* to Columbus, Ga. Calvert* t ! to Mobile. Campbell* to Thomasvllle. Oreekstand* to Hurtsboro. C a n oe*!! to Atmore. C reola*! tt» Mobile. Canton Bend to Camden. Crews Depot* to Sulligent. Capps*! to Abbeville. Crichton*! to Mobile. Cardiff* to Birmingham. Cromwell to Butler. Carlton* to Jackson. Crop w ell*! to Pell City. Carmichael to New Market. Crosby* to Górdon. Carney*! to Bay Mlnette. Crowton* to Decatur. Cam s to Scottsboro. Crump to Tuscaloosa. Carpenter. Baldwin Co., to Cubahatchle to Montgom B ay M lnette. ery. Carson*! to Jackson. Cullomburg*! to Waynes B eloit*! to Selma C artwright* to Athens. boro, Miss. Beltona to Warrior. C atherin e*t!to Selma. Cunningham* to Thomas Benevola to Alicevllle. Cecil* to Montgomery. vilie, Benson* to Alexander City. Oedarlake* to Albany. Curls Station! to Y ork. Benton* t ! to Selma. Cedarville* to Greensboro. C usseta*!! to Westpoint. B erlin *!! to Selma. • Centergrove* to Hartsells. Ga. Bermuda* to Repton. Cypress to Eutaw. Center Star to Florence. Bertha to Abbeville. Central* to Wetumpka. Bethany* to AlloevUle. Central M ills * !! to Thom aston. Beulah to Opelika. Chambers to Montgom ery. Dallas M ills ! to Huntsville. Bevill* to Butler. D ancy* to Eutaw. Chance* to Thomasvilie. Bexar* to Guin. Danville* to Hartsells. Chancellor* to SamsonBlgbee* to Chatom. B illin g sley *!! to Prattville. Chandler Springs* to Talla Daphne* to Fairhope. Darlington* to Camden. dega. Bishop to Cherokee. Blssell* to Cedartown, Ga. Chapm an*!! to Georglana. Dauphin Island* to Mobile Charity to Fort Deposit. B lack*! to Geneva. Davis Creek to Fayette. Blacksher* to Bay Mlnette. Chase*! to Huntsville. Daviston* to W adley. Bladon Springs* to Waynes Chavies* to Fort Payne. Chelsea*!! to Columbiana.. Dawes to Mobile. boro, Miss. Ohepultepec*! to Oneonta. Dawson* to Collinsville. Dayton* to Faunsdale. Blalock* to Unlontown.. Chesson*! to Union Springs. Dean to Lineville. Blanche*! to Fort Payne. D eArm anvllle*! to Oxford. Blanton* to W est Point,Ga. Chester to Dozier. D ea tsville*!! to Marbury. B lo cto n *!!to West Blocton. Chestnut* to Camden. to Vinegar Chickasaw* to Carbon Hill. D eerpark*!! Bloomfield to Huntsville. Bend. Blossburg*tt to Birming China* to Evergreen. Delcham ps*!! to Mobile. Chinagrove. to Troy. ham. Blount Springs*!! to War- Choocolocco*!! to Oxford. Delhi to Guln. D elm a r*!! to Haleyville. Choctaw to Butler. Trlor. Choctaw Bluff* to Jaokson. Blountsville* to Cullman. Delta* to Lineville. Chunchula*! to Mobile. Blowhorn* to Sulligent. Denton to Cherokee. Bluepondtf to Collinsville. Church H ill to Opelika. Deposit*! to Newmarket. Blue Springs* to Clio. ' Detroit* jto Sulligent. Bluff to n *! to Cedartown, Claiborne* to Monroeville. D evenport to F ort Deposit. Clalrmont Springs* to Ga. Dewdrop to Tuscaloosa. Talladega. Bodka to Livingston. B ogu ech itto! to M arion Clarksville* to Grovehill. Diamond to Guntersville. Junction. Dickinson*! to Thomasvllle. Clayhill* to Thomasvilie. B o llg e e *!! to Eutaw. Dickson! to Cherokee. Cleaver to Leighton. Bolling*! to Greenville. Dillburg to Alicevllle. Cleveland* to Oneonta. Bon Air"' to Childersburg. Dixie to Brewton. Clinton* to Eutaw. Bond to Livingston. CUntonville* to N ew Dixon M ills* to Sweet Bon Secour* to Foley. water. Brockton. B oom ! to Tuscaloosa. Dobbs to Fayette. Clopton* to Clio. Booth’ t l to Prattville. Dolomite* to Bessemer. Cloverdale*! to Florence. Birming Douglas* to Pinckard. B ooth ton *! to M ontevallo. Coalburgt! to Dover to Guln.. ham. ' Borden S p rin gs*!! to Pied Downing* to Montgomer . Coal C it y * !! to Pell City. mont. Downs* to Union Sprln Coaldale to W arrior. Bowden to Ashland. D rew ry*! to Repton. Coalflre to Reform. $ Boyds to York. D rifton*! to Jasper. Coaling* 1 1 to Tusoaloosa. Duckspring to Attalla. B o y les !! to Birmingham. Coalmont* to Bessemer. Dudleyville to Dadevllle. Bradford to Good water. Coal Valley* to Jasper. D u ke*! to Anniston. Bradley* to Browton. Coatopa*! to Livingston. Duncanville* t ! to Tusca B radleyton*! to Lapine. Cobb to Gadsden. loosa. Braggs* to Fort Deposit. Cochrane to Alicevllle. Dunnavant* to Leeds. Branch* to Waynesboro. C od en *!! to Mobile. Coffeeville* to Thomasvllle. Dutton* to Scottsboro. Miss. D y a s *!! to Bay Minette. Branchville* to Odenville. Cohasset* to Evergreen. Bremen* to Cullman. O oker*!! to Tusoaloosa. Brice to Gadsden. C oleanor*!! to West Bloo Brickyard to Girard. ton.' Bridgeton to Birmingham. C ollbran*!! to Fort Payne., Easonville* to Pell C ity. East Birmingham! to Bir Oollirene* to .Selma. mingham. B rlern eld *!! to Montevallo. Columbus City* to GuntersE. Florence to Florence. B righton! to Bessemer. viUe. Bast Gadsden to Gadsden B rillian t*! to Winfield. Colvins Gap to Jackson Eastlake! to Birmingham. Brom pton to Leeds. E. Tallassee* to Tallassee. Brooklyn* to Castleberry. ville. E. Thom as! to Birming B rookslde*! to Birming Comer to Eufaula. ham. Consul*! to Thomaston. ham. Brooksvllle* (Blount Co.) Cooks Springs*! to P e ll Echo to Ozark. Echola* to Gordo. C ity. to Oneonto. Eddy to Guntersville. B rook w ood *!! to Tusca C ooper*t! to Clanton. Coosada Station * ! ! to Eden*! to Pell City. loosa. Edmond to Leighton. Montgomery. Browns*! to Unlontown. Edna* to Butler. Copeland to Chatom. B row n sboro*!! to Gurley: EdwardsvlU e*!! to Heflin Corbin to Wedowee. Bucks to Mobile. Elam v ille *! to Clio. C orona*!! to Oakman. Buenavista* to Beatrice. Elberta to Foley Cortelyou* to Chatom. B uffalo*! to Fivepoints. Cottondale * ! ! to Tusoa Buhl* to Tuscaloosa. E ld rld ge*!! to Carbon .Hill. loosa. Bullock to Brantley. Ellas to Good water. Cottonhlll* to Eufaula. Buncombe to Greensboro. Burbank* to Vinegar Bend: O ottonton*! to Hurtsboro. Eliska* to Jackson. Cottonvllle to Gunters Elkriver M ills to Athens. Elkwood* to Huntsville. ville. B urkyllle*! to Montgomery. Cottonwood* to Dothan. Burnsville*tt to Selma. . Elmira to Guin. Burntcorn* to Monroeville. C o v in *!! to Fayette. Covington* to Birmingham. Elmore* t ! to Wetumpka. BurnweU to Dora. Elon to Huntsville. Butlersprings* to Pine; Cowart8*tt to Dothan. , Apple. 1 ' ■• ' ' • ' Cox, to M aplesville.________ | E lrod *tt to Tuscaloosa. R EFE R EN CE KEY- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. * Money Order Office. * 1839 ! Telegraph Station. E lyton tt to Birmingham. Emelle* to Livingston. Emory to Waynesboro, Miss. Empire* to Dora E o lin e*!! to Brent. E q u ality t! Wetumka. Ernest to Lineville. Escatawpa’ t t to Vinegar Bend. Estaville to Elkmont. Estillfork to Scottsboro. Ethelsville*!! to Columbus, Miss. Eudora to Heflin. Eureka to Calera. Eva* to FalkvlUe. Evans* to Greensboro. Ewells to Ozark. Excdl* to Repton. Exmoor to Sweetwater. Fablus* to Stevenson. F a c k le r*!! to Stevenson. Fail* to Waynesboro, Miss. Fairfax to W est Point, Ga. Falco. to Laurel H ill. Fall City* to Jasper. Falls to Tuscaloosa. Farielle* to Tuscaloosa. F arill*! to Cedar Bluff. Farley* t to Huntsville. Farmersvllle* to Selma. F ayetteville*! to Sylacauga. Felix* to Selma. Fernbank*!! to M illport. Festus to Fayette, Finklea* to Evergreen. Fisk to Fayetteville, Term. F itzp a trick *!! to Union Springs. Flvemile to Greensboro. Flat Creek to Dora. Flat Rock* to Stevenson. Flatw ood*! to Thomasvilie. Fleta to Montgomery. Flint* t ! to Decatur. Fore to Leighton. Forest Home* to Green ville. Forkland* to Demopolis. Forney* to Rome, Ga. F o r t’ D a vis*t! to Union Springs. Fort M itchell*! to Colum bus. Ga. Foshee*!! to Brewton. Fosbeeton to Alexander City. Fosters* to Tuscaloosa. Fostorla* to Selma. Fountainrun to Pell City. Fowl River* to Mobile. Fox to Gordo. I Francisco* to Winchester. Frankfort to Russellville. Franklin* to Beatrice. Frankvllle* to Chatom. Fredonia* to Fivepoints. Freemanville* to Atmore. Frem ont*! to Selma. . F ru ltda le*!! to Vinegar Bend. Frulthurst*! to Talla poosa. Ga. Fulton • t ! to Thomas villa. Funstpn to Selma.' Furman* to Pineapple. F yffe’ to Fort Payne, Gabbetts* to Tuskegee. Gainestown* to Jackson. Gainesville to Epes. Gallant* to Altoona. G alllon*! to Demopolis. G alloway* to Carbon H ill. Gandys C ove to Faulkville. Ganer* to Samson. Gantts Q uarry*! to Syia! cauga. Garden C it y * !! to Cullman G a rla n d *!! to Georglana. G arn sey*!! to W . Blocton. Gasque to F airbope.. G astonburg*!! to Selma. ? Gate C lt y * t ! to Birming ham. Gateswood* to Bay Mlnette. Geesbend to Camden. Geiger to Epes. Geraldine to CrossviUe. Gertrude to Lineville. Getup to Huntsville. 1 Gilbertown to Waynesboro. t-Express Office- TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1840 ALABAMA Giles to Newmarket. Gipsy to Athens. Glasgow to Greenville. Glass to W est Point, Ga. Glen alien*! to Payette. Glen Carbon* to Blocton. Glencoe to GadBden. Glendon to Jackson. Glen M a ry to Haleyville. Glover* to ThomasvUle. Goddard to Haleyville. Goetblte* to Bessemer. Goldhill* to Opelika. Goldvllle* to Alexander City. Gonce to Stevenson. Goodway to Repton. Gordonsville* to Selma. Goshen*! to Troy. Gosport* to Jackson. G rad y *! to Montgomery. Graham* to Wedowee. G randview ! to Prattville. Granger to Gordon. Granite to Mobile. Grant* to Guntersville. Grassellit! to Bessemer. G ravelly Springs to Flor ence. , Graysville to Birmingham. Greenbrier*! to Belle Mina. Greenfield to Newmarket. GreenbUl* to Florence. Green P o n d *! - to W est Blocton. Gregville* to Evergreen. G rim es*!! to M idland C ity. Groveoak* to Collinsville. Guerryton*Ttto Hurtsboro. G u lfcrest*!! to M obile. Gumpond* to Haleyville. Gurnee* to Montevallo. , flackneyville to Goodwater. H acod a*! to Samson. Haddock to luka. Miss. Haden to Huntsville. Hagler* to Tuscaloosa. H airston !! to Eutaw. Haleburg* to Columbia. Halford to Boaz. Halsell* to Cuba. H am burg*! to Marion. Hammac* to Brewton. Hamper* to Gainesville. Hannon* t ! to Hurtsboro. H ard aw ay*! to Union Spgs. H a rg ro v e *!! to W . Blocton Harpers ville* to Vincent. Harris to Decatur. Harrisburg to Centerville. H a rvest*! to Huntsville. Hatchechubbe*! to Sleale. H atton to Town Creek. H avana* to Greensboro. Hawthorn* to Jackson. H a yd en ! to Warrior. Haynes* to Prattville. AHayrievUle* to F ort D e posit. Haywood to Wedowee. Hazelgreen to Newmarket. H azen*! to Orrville. Healing Springs*to Chatom, Heath to Andalusia. Hector to Union Springs. Heiberger* to Marlon. H e le n a *!! to Birmingham. Henagar* to Valley Head. H en ry E llen ! to Leeds. Herbert* to Evergreen. Herndon to Gordon. Hestle t.o Pine Hill. Hickory to Allcevllle. High Bluff to Hartford. Highland Hom e *to Lapine. Hightower* to Bowdon, Ga. HUlians Store to Gunters ville. H illm a n t! to Bessemer. Hines* to Florence. HlS8op* to Alexander City H lxon* to Monroeville. Hobson C ity ! to Oxford. H o d g e s*!! to Haleyville. Hodgesville to Dothan. Hokesbluff* to Gadsden. Hollins* t t to Goodwater. H olly Pond* to Cullman. H ollytree* to Gurley. H o lly w o o d *t! to Scottaboro. Holm an* to Gordo. H o lt*t to Tuscaloosa. Honoraville* to Lapine. Hopeful to Talladega. Hope Hull* to Montgomery. Hopewell* to Tallapoosa, H orton* to Albertville. Houston* to Haleyville. Howels Crossroads to Cedar Bluff. Huckabee to Prattville. Huffm an! to Birmingham. Hughes to F ort Payne. Hugo to Thomaston._______ Lewiston to Eutaw. Liberty* to Cullman. L llita * ! to Livingston. LUlian* to Pensacola, Fla. Lim é to Roanoke. L lm ro c k *!! to Scottsboro. L ln w ood *! to Troy. Lisman* to York. L ittle R iver* to Jackson. L ittle ton *! to Birmingham. L ittle ville! to Russellville. Idaho to Ashland. Liverpool to Tuskegee. Ider to Valley Head. Loach apoka*!! to NotaInland* to Oneonta. sulga. Inman to Butler. Loango to Redlevel. Intercourse to York. Local* to Atm ore. Inverness* !1 to Union Lockhart* T! to Florala. Springs. Lock Three to Ragland. Iro n a to n *!! to Talladega. Loflin to Seale.. Ir o n c ity * !! to Oxford. Logan* to Cullman. Iro n d a le *!! to Birming Lola to Athens. ham. Lom ax to Clanton. Irvin gton *!, to Mobile. ,Long Island * to Bridgeport. Is b e ll!! to Russellville. Longview* !1 to Colum Isney* to Waynesboro, biana. Miss. Looling to Russellville. I v y to Livingston. L oop * to Gaylesville. Loree to Evergreen. Losscreek* to Jasper. L ottie *to B ay Mlnette. Lovick* to Birmingham. Jachin* to York. Low er Peachtree* to Pine Jacksonburg! to Florence. H ill. Jacksons G a p * t! to Dade- L ow ery to Kinston. vllle. Lowndesboro* to Mont Jamestown*! to Menlo. gomery. Jeddo to Repton. L ox le y *! t6 Robertsdalte: Jeff* to Huntsville. L oyd to Cullman. Jefferson* to Demopolls. L u cy to Gordon. Jelks to Selma. T.umberton Station to Jemison to Clanton. Vinegar Bend. Jen ifer*! to Oxford. Luinbulli to Haleyville. Jett to Macon, Miss. Luthers Store to Linden. Jink to Collinsville. L y n n * !! to H aleyville. J oh n s*!! to Bessemer. Jones* to Selma. Jones Chapel to Cullman. Jones M ills to Roy. Joppa* to Cullman. Joquin to Luverne. Macedonia to F ort Deposit. Josephine* to Pensacola, Mackey* to.Gadsden. Fla. M agazine*! to MobUe. Joy t o Oneonta. M agnolia* to Sweetwater. Jude* to V a lley Head. M agnolia Springs* to Foley Malcolm* to Chatom. M a lon e*!! to W adley. M alvern*! to Slocomb. Kansas* to Carbon Hill. Manchester*! to Jasper. Kaolin to Valley Head. Manila* to Jackson. K e e n e r *!! to Attalla. Manistee to Repton. Kellerm an*! to Tuscaloosa. Mantl to Evergreen. K e lly to n * !! to Alexander Mantua to Eutaw. City. M aplesville to Clanton. K e y * to Rome, Ga. Marble V alley*to Sylacauga Keys Mill to Newmarket. M argaret* to OdenviUe. Keystone* to Birmingham. Margerum *! to Cherokee. Killen* to Florence. M arlow to Foley. K im b e r ly *!! to Warrior. Marquis to Carrollton. Kim brel* to Bessemer. M artins Station* to Orr Kings Landing* to Selma. ville. i K in gston*! (Autauga Co.) M a rve l*!! to W est Blocton. to Prattville. M a rvy n to Opelika. Kingston (Jefferson Go.) Mason* to Brewton. to Brimingham. M assillon*! to M arion King ville to Fayette Junction. Kinterbish to Meridian, M a th ew s*!! to Union Miss. Springs. K irb y creek to Scottsboro. Maud to Cherokee. Kirkland*! ! to Brewton. to Stevenson. Kirks Grove to Rome. Ga. Maxwell M a y to Tuscaloosa, Knoxville* to Eutaw. M a y len e *!! to Montevallo. Knoxwood to Demopolls. MaysvUle* to Gurley. Koenton* to Chatom. M cC alla*!! to Bessemer. Kushla* to Mobile. Kuykendall to Tuscaloosa. McConnells* to Gordo. , McCullum to Jasper. Kyles to Scottsboro. McDonalds Station to K y m u lga *! to Talladega. Athens. M cD ow ell*! to Demopolls. M eE lderry*! to Talladega. c F a ll*!tto Anniston. Laoeys Spring* to Hunts M M cG hee to Center. ville. Molntosh* to Chatom. L a con *! to FalkvUle. M oKinley* to Thomaston. La ga rd e*! to Gadsden. M c L a rty to Oneonta. Lam ar* to Wedowee. M c S h a n *!! to Columbus. Lam bert* to Citronelle. Miss. L a m ls o n *!! to Thomasvllle M eVay to Jackson. Land to Butler. Landersvllle* to Town M oW lulam s*t!to Pineapple Mebama* to Leighton. Creek. L a n ett*! to W est Point, Ga. M elborne*! to Millport. Melrose to Evergreen. Lanevllle* to Faunsdale. Langdale* to W . Point, Ga. MeltonsvUle* to Guntersvllle. Langston* to Scottsboro. Melvin* to Shubuta. Miss. Lanier to Talladega. M entone* to Valley Head. Larkinsville to Scottsboro. MartdianvUle* to HunteLa Place to Tuskegee. vtUe. Lasca to Thomasvllle. Merrellton* to Jacksonville. Latham to B ay Mlnett?. Mexta* to Repton. Lathrop to Reform. M idway*Tt to James. Lavaca* to Butler. M iflin * to Foley. L a w le y * !! to Centerville. L a w ron o e*!! to Rome. Ga. Milan* to Scottsboro. M illbrook to Prattville. La x to Athena. Miller to Linden. Lebanon to F ort Payne. Millers F erry* to Camden. Lecta to Tallapoosa, Ga. M lllervllle* to Ashland. Leesburg*! to Center. M lU ry*! to Chatom. Leesdale to FalkvUle M illsite to M ontevallo. L egg to Elkmont. Milltown* to L a Fayette. Leh igh *! to Warrior. Milner to W adley. Lonora to Montgomery. M ltetead*tt to TaUasaeeLeatarvllla to Athens. M in ter*+t to Pine Apple. Leola to Oourtland. M itchells Station* to Leroy* to Jackson. Union Springs. Lotoh a teh ee*!! to F ort Molder to Huntsville. Deposit. Lewlsburg*! to North Bir Molloy to MUlport. mingham.________________ M o n ro e*!! to Monroeville. Huiaco to Cullman. H u ll*! to Tusoaloosa. Humphrey to Tuscaloosa. Huht to Cullman. H u rricane!! to B ay Mlnette. • Hym er to Stevenson. REFERENCE KEV Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis «County Seat * Money Order Office. Monrovia to Huntsville. M ontcalm to Fayette. M onterey* to Pine Apple. Moores Bridge* to Gordo. Mooresville* to Belle Mina. M organ Springs* to M arion M organville* to M ontgom ery. Moro* to Selma. M o rris *!! to Warrior. Mortimer* to Atmore. Morvin* to ThomasvUle. Mount to Russellville. M ountaincreek*!! to M arbur y. Mountainhome to Hillsborro. M t. Andrew * to Clayton. Mount Hebron* to Eutaw. M t. H ope* to Russellville. M t . M eigs* to Montgom ery M t. Pleasant* to Jackson M t. Rozell* to Athens. M t. Sterling*! to Butler. M t. Union to Evergreen. M t. Vernon*! to Mobile. M t. W illing* to F ort D e posit. Mulberry* to Selma. M ulga*! to Ensley. Munford’ t l to Oxford. ’ Murrycross* to Gadsden Muscadine*! to Tallapoosa Ga. «Myrtle to Montgomery. Myrtlewood * ! ! to Linden N ad aw a h *!! to Pine Apple. N a fte l* ! to Lapine. Naheola* to Jackson. N anafalia* to Sweetwater. Nances Creek to Jackson ville. Napoleon to Wedowee. Narcissus to Fairhope. Natchez* to Monroeville. Nathan to Double Springs Natural B rid g e*! to H aley vllle. N a u v o o *t! to Jasper. Needham to Butler. Neel to Hartsells. N eenah*! to Camden. N ellie* to Gamden. Netezen to Selma. Nettleboro* to ThomasvUle. Newala* to Calera. / N ew ca stle*!! to Birming ham. N ew D ec a tu r*!! $o Albany. N ew ell* to Wedowee. N e w Lexington* to Berry. N ewsite to Alexander C ity N ew tonvllle* to Fayette. Nichburg to Repton NlcholsvUle* to Thomas vUle. v ., Nightingale to VaUey Head Nixburg* to Alexander City. Nokomis* to Atm ore. N o rm al*! to HuntsvUle. N orth* to GuntersvUle. Northington to Guln. N o rth M obile to M obile. N ottingham ! to Talladega N ylan d to Camden. Oak* to Foley. Oakchia! to Butler. Oak Grove*Tt to Mobile. OakhiU* to Pine Apple. Oakland to Florence. Oakwood to Lapine. Gaky Streak* to Georgiana. Ocre to Roanoke. Octagon* to Linden. Ofelia to Wedowee. O hatchee*tt to Anniston. Olalee to Stevenson. Old Spring HU1* to Demop olls. O ’L ea* to Camden. O liver to RogersvlUe. Olney to AllcevUle. Omega to Union Springs. O ’ Neal to Athens. Opine* to ThomasvUle. Oplee* to HaleyvUle. Orange Beach* toPensacola. Fla. Orion to Troy. O wassa*!! to Evergreen. Owens Crossroads* to Gur ley. O xm oor*! to Birming ham. Painter* to CoUlnsvlUe. Palestine*! to Piedmont. Palm to Columbus. Miss. Palos* to Jasper. P a n ola *'to Allcevllle. P a n s e y *!! to Ashford. Panstone to Opelika. P a rrish *!! to Jasper. Patsburg* ! to Luverne. P a tto n *! to Oakman. Paul to Evergreen. Peachburg*! to Union Springs.________________ ! Telegraph Station. ALABAMA Peacock* to ThomasvUle Pearces Mills* to Guln ■fearsons-‘ 4. to Center v UJe. Heavy to Roanoke. Pelh a m *!! to Calera. Pennington* to Butler. Perat to Samson. Perdido Beach* to Foley. Perdido Station*Tt to Bay Mlnette.' Perduehlll* to Monroeville. Perote* to Union Springs. PerryvUle* to Marlon. 1 Peterson to Tuscaloosa: P etrey*! to Lapine. Pettey to Athens. Pettusville to Elkmont. Phifer to Tuscaloosa. Phoenix to Girard. PlckensvUle* to Carrollton. Piercetown to LarkinsvUle. Pigeoncreek* to Greenville. Pik eroad*!! to M ontgom ery. Pinebelt to Orrville. Pinelevel* to T roy. PlnevUle* to Beatrice. Pinson* to Birmingham. P ip e r * !! to W est Blocton. Plsgah* to Scottsboro. P itt to Hillsboro. Plano to Gadsden PlantersvU le*!! to Selma. Plateau* to MobUe. Pleasant G ap*! to Pied mont.' Pleasantgrove to Gordo. PleasanthUl* to Selma. Pleasantridge * to Eutaw. Pleas&nt Site to RussellvUle P letch er*!! to PrattvUle. P le vn a *! to Newmarket. Poarch* to Atm ore. Pocahontas*! to CarbonhUl. Pointclear* to M obile. P o le y * !! to Opp. Pool to FalkvUle. Pope to Piedmont. Porter* to Birmingham. PortersvU le*!! to Collins ville. Portland* to Selma. Postoak to Union Springs. Potash to Roanoke. Powderly t t to Birming ham. Prairie* to Camden. PrairievUle* to Faunsdale. P ra tt C i t y * ! ! to Ensley. Prentice* to Thomaston. Press to Scottsboro. Preston to Scottsboro. Prestw ick*! to. Jackson. PrlcevUle to Hartsells. Prichard*! to MobUe. Prid e! to Tuseumbia. Princeton* to Scottsboro. Pronto* to Brundidge. Prospect* to Jasper. Pru itton*! to Florence. Pushmataha*! to Butler. Putnam* to ThomasvUle. P y r it o n * !! to LlnevlHe. Quenelda to Ashland. Quinton*! to Dora. Rabb to Evergreen. Radford to Marlon. Ragans to TaUadega. Ralph* to Tuscaloosa. R a m er*!! to Lapine. Ranburne to Carrollton. Ga. R and olph*!! t o MontevaUo Range* to Repton. Rash* to Stevenson. Reads* to JacksonvUls. Redbud to Jasper. Redstar* to Jasper. Rehoboth* to Selma, Rem bert* to Linden. Rem lap* to Oneonto. Rendaflat to Talladega. R en froe*! to TaUadega. Republic* t ! to Birming ham. Reuben to Tuscaloosa. ' Rhine to Berry. Rbodesvllle to Florence. Richmond to Pine Apple. Rickey* to W est Blocton. Ricks to Piedmont. RldervU leM t to Selma. Riderwood to Butler. R iley to Beatrice. R ip ley *to Athens. R iver Falls*Tt to Anda lusia. Riverside*Tt to Pell City. R iv e r to n * !! to luka, Miss. R lverview * to W est Point, Ga. Roba* to Hurtsboro. Roberts* to Brewton. R ob ertsd ale*!! to Fairhope Robinson Springs to M ont gomery. Roblohn* to Butler. Rock Castle* to Bessemer. Rockeyhead to Arlton. Rockland to W arrior. Rook MUls* to Roanoke. Rockrun* to Piedmont. t Express Office. ALABAMA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Rockrun S tation *!! to Pied mont. Rocksprings*!! to Gadsden. Rockville to Jackson. Rockwood to Russellville. Rosa* to Oneonto. Rosemary to Greensboro. Rosser* to Cuba. Round Mountain*! t to Center. Roxana to Camp Hill. Rural*! to Thomas ville. Russell! to Citronelle. Rutherford* t ! to Hurtsboro. Rutledge* to Luverne. Ryland* to Huntsville. Stansel to Carrollton. S ta n to n *!! to Selma. Stapleton to B ay Minette. S tee le*!! to Attalla. Sterling to Fayette. S terrett*!! to Vincent. S tew art*!! to Moundville. Stockton* to Bay Minette. Stonewall to Selma. Stough! to Fayette. Strange to Athens. Strata! to Montgomery. Straven to Montevallo. Stringe! to Hartsells. Stroud*! to Fivepoints. Strudwick* to Eutaw. Sturkie to La Fayette. Su ggsvtlle*!! to Jackson. Sulphur Springs* (D e Kalb Co.) to Valley Head. Saco* to Troy. ■Summerdale*!! to Foley. Salford*!! to M arion Junc Summerfleld* to Selma. tion. Summit* (Blount Co.) to Saginaw to Calerà. Guntersvllle.Saint C lair! to M o n tg om Sumterville* to Livingston. ery. St. Clair Springs* to Attalla. Sunflower* to Chatom. Saint E lm o * !! to Mobile. Sunny South*! to Pine Saint Florian to Florence. Hill Saint Stephens* to Chatom. Surginer to Pine Hill. Balco to Mobile. Susanna to Dadeville. S a lem *!! to Opelika. Suspension*! to Union Salitpa* to Jackson. Springs. Saisoda to Luverne. Swain to Paint Rock. Salter to Alexander C ity. Swancott to Madison. Samantha* to Tuscaloosa. Swearengm to Scottsboro. Samoset* to Dora. Sycam ore*!! to Talladega. Sandlin* to Bessemer. Sykes Mills to Wetumpka. Sandrock* to Collinsville. Sylvan* to Tuscaloosa. Sandusky to Pratt City. Sylvania* to Fort Payne. Sandy to Centerville. S an ford *!! to Andalusia. Sapps to Carrollton. Saragossa! to Jasper. Saraland* to Mobile. Sardis* (Dallas s Co.) to T a ff* l to Fort Payne Talucah to Madison. Selma. Tanner! to Athens. Satsumat! to M obile Tarentum to Brundldge. Seville to Lapine. Sawyersrill e* ! to Greens Tasso to Orrville Tates Gap to Gadsden. boro. Tattilaba to Jackson. Sayre*! to Birmingham. S a yreto n *!! to North Bir T a y lo r*! to Dothan. Taylorsville* to Huntsville. mingham. Sohley* to Rockford. Taylorville* to Tuscaloosa. Sootla* to Montgomery. Sootts S tation *! to Marlon. Tecumseh* to Cedartown, Ga. Seyrene* to Grove Hill. Tedd y* to Brewton. Seaboard* to Chatom. Tennille*! to Brundldge. Searcy to F ort Deposit. Tensaw* to Bay Minette. Searight*! to Dozier. Texas* to Winfield. Searles*!! to Tuscaloosa. Thaddeus to Tallassee. Section* to Scottsboro. Tharin*! to Montgomery. Seddon*! to Pell City. Theba! to Brantley. Selfville* to Oneonto. Theo to Marion. Sellers*!! to Lapine. T h eod ore*!! to Mobile. Seman to Wetumpka. Seminole* to Pensacola, Fla. T h om as*!! to Birmingham. Thom pson*! to Union Spgs Semmes*! to Mobile. Thornton to Opelika. Sewell to Carrollton, Ga. Thorsbv to Clanton. Shadygrove*! to Troy. Sharp to Columbus. Miss. Threenotch* to James. Shawmutt*! to W est Point, Threet to Florence. Tibbee to Chatom. Ga. S h e lb y *!! to Columbiana. Tilden to Camden. Shelby Springs! to Calerà. Tlnela* to Beatrice. Tishabee* to Eutaw. Shellhom* to T roy. Titus* to Wetumpka. T o in ette *!! to Chatom. Shiloh* to Sweetwater. Toney* to Huntsville. Shingle to Russellville. Toulm inville! to Mobile. Shoalford to Athens. Shopton to Union Springs. T o w n ly * !! to Jasper. T o x e y *! to Butler. Shortcreek*! to Ensley. S h o rter*!! to Montgomery. ShorterviUe* to Ft. Gaines, Trade to Cullman. Trafford to Warrior. Ga. > Travellers Rest to Alexan Short L ea f* to Demopolis. der City. ShottsvUle to Haley ville. Trenton* to Scottsboro. Shreve*! to Georgiana. Silas*! to Waynesboro,Miss. Trlana to Madison. T r in ity *! to Decatur. , S ilu ria*!! to Calerà. Silverhill*T to Robertsdale. Trio to Centerville. T ru ssville*!! to Birming Sipsey* to Dora. ham. Sistrunk* to Tuskegee. Tullis to Butler. Sixmile to Centerville. Tunnel Springs*! to Bea Sklnnerton* to Pineapple. trice. Sklpperville* to Ozark. Tupelo to Scottsboro. Skirum to Collinsville. Turkestan* to Beatrice. Slate to Attalla. Turkeytow n! to Gadsden. Sligo* to A ttalla. Turnbull to Beatrice. Sloss! to Bessemer. Tuskegee Institu te*! to Smlthsonia* to Cherokee. Tuskegee. Smiths Station *! to Colum Tyler* to Selma. bus, Ga. Snead to Boaz. Snoddy to Eutaw. Snowdoun*!to Montgomery S n o w h ill*!! to Pineapple. Underwood to M ontevallo. Snyder to Tuscaloosa. Union* to Eutaw. Societyhill* to Tuskegee. Union Grove* to GuntersSomerville* to Hartsells. ville. Sonora to Foley. U nity to Cullman. South to Redlevel. U niversity*! to Tuscaloosa. Souwiipa*! to Waynesboro. Upton to Guntersvllle. Miss. Uriah* to Roy. Spears to Samson. S p elgn er*!! to, Wetumpka. S p ragu e*!! to Montgomery. Springs to Spring G a rd en !! to Pied Valhermoso Huntsville. mont. V a n c e *!! to Tuscaloosa. Springhil)*! to Mobile. Sprlngvalley! to Tuscum- V andiver*! to Leeds Vangale to Pine Hill. bia. V erb en a *!! to Clanton. Sprott* to Marlon. Spruce P in e * t! to Russell V eto*! to Elkmont. Victoria* to Elba. ville. •Vida* to Prattville. Stafford to Columbus, Vtdette to Luverne.________ Miss. REFERENCE KEY. 117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. ALASKA, ARIZONA Vienna* to Allceville. Village Sprin gs*!! to Bir mingham. V in a *!! to Haleyvllle. Vincent to Childersburg Vlnehlll! to Selma. Vineland*! to Tbomasville. Vinem ont*! to Cullman. Viola to Roanoke. Vredenburgh to Beatrice. Candle to Nom e. Cape Blossom to Nom e. Cape Edwards to Juneau. Chatanika* to Fairbanks. Chatham! to Juneau. C b e n a *!! to Fairbanks. Chichagof! to Juneau. Chicken to Dawson, Y . T . Chlgnik! to Seward. C hilkoot! to Juneau. Chisana to Cordova. Chitlna*! to Cordova. Chorniy! to Ketchikan. Wacoochee to Columbus. C ircle*!! to Fairbanks. Wadsworth* to Montgom Cleary* to Fairbanks. ery. Coldfoot to Fairbanks. W a g a r * !! to Jackson. Cooks Inlet to Seward. Walnright* to Monrofeville. Copper C enter*! to Cor W ait* to Monroeville. dova. Walker Springs*! to Jaok- Council* to Nome. son. Craig to Ketchikan. W a lla c e*!! to Brewton. . Cripple to Iditarod. Walling to Huntsville. Walnutgrove* to Altoona. Walthalls to Uniontown. Dahl to Nome. Wannvllle* to Stevenson. Deering to Nom e Ward* to York. D ew eyville to Wrangell. Ware to Wetumpka. Dikeman to Iditarod. Warrenton to Guntersville. D olom i! to Ketchikan. Warriorstand* to Hurts- DutchHarbor to Valdez. boro. Wateroak* to Greensboro. Water Valley* to Waynes E agle*! to Dawson, Y . T . boro. Miss. Ellam ar! to Valdez. Ester C ity to Fairbanks. Watson* to Birmingham. Watsonla to Eutaw. Eureka! to Fairbanks. Excursion Inlet to Juneau. Waugh* to Montgomery. W averly to Camp Hill. Wawbeek* to Atmore. Fish Egg Island to K e t W eaver*! to Anniston. chikan. W e b b * !! to Dothan. Flat C ity to Iditarod. Webster to Florence. Wedgeworth* to Greens Forks to Iditarod. Fort Egbert! to Dawson, boro. Y . T. Wehadkee* to Roanoke. F ort Gibbon! to Fairbanks. Weldon to Wilsonville. W ellington *!! to Anniston. F ort M oller to Seward. Fortuna Ledge to Nom e. W ells! to Newville. Fort Yukon+i to Fairbanks. Welona to Wetumpka. Fox to Fairbanks. Welsh to Roanoke. Franklin! to DawBon, Y . T WeogUfka* to Sylacauga. Funter! to Juneau. Weoka to Wetumpka. Westbrook* to Selma. West Butler to Butler. Gambia B ay to Juneau. W estend! to Birmingham. Georgetown to Iditarod. West Greene* to Eutaw. Westmoreland to Elkmont. Girwood! to Seward. West Over to Columbiana. Glacier! to Juneau. G olovin! to Nome. W h a tley *! to Grove Hill. Gulkana! to Valdez. W heeler*! to Courtland. Gypsum! to Juneau. W h is tle r*!! to Mobile. W h iteh all*!! to Selma. W hiteoak Springs* to C lay H adley! to Ketchikan. ton. Whiteplains! to Jackson H aines*!! to- Juneau. H awk In let to Juneau. ville. H ealy to Nom e. W hitfield* to York. H oly C ross*!! to Iditarod. W h it n e y * ! „o A sh vifie. H om er! to Seward. Widows to Scottsboro. H oonah*! to Juneau. Wiggins to Andalusia. H ope! to Seward. W iley to Berry. H ot Springs*!! to Fair W ilm er*t! to M obile. banks. Wilm ington to Berry. H ow kan! to Ketchikan. W ilto n * !! to Montevallo. Hughes to Fairbanks. Wlngard to Troy. Hunters B ay to Ketchikan. Winn* to Jackson. Hydaburg to Ketchikan. Winslow* to Selma. H yder to Ketchikan. W olff to Huntsville. Wom ackhill* to Butler. Woodbluff to Thomasvllle Woodland Mills to Hart- Ikatan to Seward. Ilia m n a *!! to Anchorage. sells. W oodlawn ! ! to Birming Innoko! to Iditarod. ham. W oo d stock *!! to West K a k e! to Juneau. Biocton. W o o d v ille *!! to Scotts K a lta g t! to N om e. Kanatak to Seward. boro. W oodw ard*! to Birming Karheen to Ketfchikan. K arluk! to Seward. ham. Kasaan! to Ketchikan. Wren to Moulton. Katalla to Cordova. W right to Waterloo. Keewalik to Nom e. W y a tt* to Dora. Kenai to Seward. W y n e tte! to Sylaoauga. Kiana to Nome. Y an tley* to Cuba. Klllisnoo! to Juneau. Y arb o to Chatom. Y ellow Bluff'* to Camden. K in g C ove to Seward. Y ello w p in e*!! to Vinegar Klaw ook! to Ketchikan. Kluckwan! to Juneau. Bend. K n ik *! to Anchorage. Y ola n d e *!! to Bessemer. K o d ia k *!! to Seward. Yueca to Stevenson. Kokrinest to Fairbanks. Kolmbkofisky to Iditarod. K o tlik ! to Nom e. Zoe to Gordon. K otzebue! to Nome: K oyu ku k ! to Nom e. Kuskdkwin to Iditarod. Kvichak to Nom e. ALASKA A fognak*! to Seward. Akiak to Nom e. Akutan to Seward. Am algat to Juneau. Andreafsky to Nom e. A n v lk * !! to Nome. A tk a Island to Seward. •Baranof to Petersburg. Barrow to Nome. Bell Island H o t Springs to Ketchikan. Beluga to Seward. B e th e l!! to Iditarod. B ettie s!! to Fairbanks. Bird Creek to Seward. Burnette In let to W rangell. * Money Order Office. M oira Sound to Ketchikan. Moose Creek to Dawson Y .T . M oquaw kie! to Seward. Mountain Village to Nom e. N aknek! to Seward. Nelson to Cordova. Nenana! to Fairbanks. N izin a! to Cordova. Nolan to Fairbanks. N orth Arm to Ketchikan. N u la to *!! to Iditarod. Nushagak! to Seward. Okogemute to Nom é. Old Hamilton ta Nom e. Olness to Fairbanks. O pnir! to Iditarod. Orca to Cordova. Owzinkie to Seward. Poor M an to Iditarod. P o rt Armstrong to Peters burg. Po rt Graham to Seward. Po rt Heiden to Seward. Portland C ity to Ketchikan Port M oller to Seward. Port W alter to Petersburg. Po rt Wells to Valdez. Pybus B ay to Juneau. Rarflpart*!! to Fairbanks. Richardson! to Fairbanks. Roe Point to Ketchikan. Roosevelt to Seward. R u b y *! to Iditarod. Russian Mission to N om e. Salchaket! to Fairbanks. Sandpoint*!! to Seward. Scow B ay to Petersburg. Seldovia*!! to Seward. Shakan*! to Ketchikan. Shelton* to Nome. Shungnak to Nom e. S itk a *t! to Juneau, Skowl Arm to Ketchikan. Solomon* to Nome. St. M ic h a el*!! toNom e. Steel Creek! to Dawson Y . T. Stevens Village to £>b> banks. Strelna to Cordova. Sulzer to Ketchikan. Sunrise*! to Seward. Susltna*f! to Seward. Tacotna to Iditarod. , Talkeetna to Anchorage. Tanana* t ! to Fairbanks. T ee Harbor- to Juneau. Teller* to Nome. Tenakee*! to Juneau. Thin Point to Seward. Tin C ity to Nom e. T o ft y f to Fairbanks. Tokeen to Ketchikan. To lova n a !! to Fairbanks. Tonsina to Valdez. T read w ell*! to Douglas. .T yee! to Petersburg. T yon ok ! to Seward. U nalakleet*! to Nome. U nalaska*!! to Seward. Unangashik to Seward. U n g a *!! to Seward. U y a k ! to Seward. Washburn! to Fairbanks. Wassilla to Anchorage. W illow C reek! to Valdez. Wiseman to Fairbanks. Woodchopper to Fairbanks. W ood R iver to Fairbanks. Lake B ay to Ketchikan. L a Tou ch e*! to Valdez. Livengood to Fairbanks. Long to Iditarod. Loringt to Ketchikan. Loudon to Fairbanks. Machusin B ay to Valdez. Matanuska to Anchorage. M c C a r th y !! to Cordova. M cD ou gal to Anchorage. Meehan to Fairbanks. M etlakatla*! to Ketchikan. Midknight to Valdez. Miller House to Fairbanks. M in to Road House to Fair- ■ I banks. t Telegraph Staton. 1841 Yaktttatt to Juneau. Yess B ay to Ketchikan. A R IZ O N A A da m a n a *!! to Holbrook. Agua Callente* to Buckeye. Aguila* to Wickenburg. Alham bra to Phoenix. A licia to Phoenix. A lpine* to Holbrook. Am adovillet to Nogales. Apache* to Douglas. Aravapia *to Pim a. A rlvaca* to Tucson. Arlington* to Buckeye. A sh fo rk *t! to William s. Avondale* to Phoenix. Bellemont* to Flagstaff. Bellevue* to M iam i. Black water* to Florence. Blue Bell to M ayer.______ ! Express Office. 1842 ARIZONA Blue Canyon to Gallup, N. M. Bonita* to Wlllcox. B ou se*!! to Parker. Brownell to Tucson. Bumble Bee* to Prescott. Cameron to Flagstaff. Canille* to Nogales. Canon* to Phoenix Canon D ia b lo * it to Wins low. Carriso to Farmington, N. M. Cashlon* to Phoenix. C astle B utte to Holbrook. Cave Creek* to Phoenix Cedar G ladef to Prescott. Cedar Springs to Gallup. N. M .* Central* to Thatcher. Chin L e e *! to Gallup, N .M . Chlracuhua* to Douglas. Cibecue to Globe. C och ise*!! to W illcox. Coldwater to Phoenix. Colter to Holbrook. Concho* to Holbrook. Congress* to Wickenburg. Congress Junction*tt to Wickenburg. Constellation* to Wicken burg. Copper H ill* to Globe. Cordes* to Prescott. C ornville* to Jerome. Cottonwood* to Clarkdale. C ou rtla n d*!! to Douglas. Covered W ells to Casa Grande. Crown K in g * ! I to Prescott. D ew ey*tt to Prescott. Dom e*Tt to Yuma. Don L u is*ft to Lowell. Dos Cabezos* tq Willcox, D ra g oo n *!! to Willcox. Duquesne* to Nogales. Bagar* to St. Johns. Eden* to Pima. Elfridá to Douglas. Elgin* to Benson. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Leupp* to Winslow. Lib erty* to Buckeye. Light* to Willcox. L ittle Meadows to Kingman. Lukachukai to Gallup, N . M. Lupton to Gallup, N . M . M addox to Holbrook. M am m oth* to Winkelman. M a rico p a *!! to Phoenix. M arinette to Peoria. M c N ea l* to Douglas. M ineral Park to Kingman. Mohawk* to Yuma. M orristow n*!! to Phoenix. N a c o * !! to Bisbee. N avajo* to Holbrook. N avajo Agency to Gallup, N . M. " N elson *!! to Kingman. Octave* to Prescott. Old Trails to Oatman. Oracle* to TucBon. O raibi*! to Gallup N . M . O sborn!! to Low el Palomas* to Yuma. Palo Verde* to Buckeye. P a n ta n o *!! to Tucson. Paradise* to Douglas. Parker Canyon to Nogales. Parks to Williams. Peach S prin gs!! to Kingman. P e a rc e *!! to Willcox.^ Picacho! to Tucson. Pine* to Jerome. Pinedale* to Snowflake. Pine T o p *t to Holbrook. Pin to*t to Holbrook. P irtleville*! to Douglas. Polacca! to Gallup, N . M . Puntenney* to Prescott. Quartzsite* to Parker. Queen Creek to Mesa. Quijotoa* to Tucson. F a lrb a n k *!! to Tombstone Fairview * (Graham ,Co.) to Pima. Fairview (Y avap ai C o.) to R e d ro c k *!! to Tucson. Rice* to Globe. 'Prescott. R llllto*t to Tucson. Feldm an* to Winkelman. Roosevelt* to Globe. Forrest to Douglas. F ort Apache* t to Holbrook Ruby to Nogales. F ort Defiance* to Gallup, N . M. F ort Huachuca’ t to Tomb Sacaton* to Mesa. Sahuarito! to Tucson. stone. F ort T h om a s *!! to Pima. Saint David* to Benson. Four Mile Post to Florence. Saint Joseph* to Holbrook. Saint Michaels* to Gallup, Franklin* to Duncan. N. M. Fredonla* to Richfield, Salinas Springs to Gallup, Utah. N .M . S a lom e*!! to Wickenburg. Ganado*t to Gallup. N . M r San C arlos*t! to Globe. Garces* to Bisbee. Sanders to Gallup. N . M . Geronimo* to Pima. San Fernando to Tucson. Gila Bend to A jo San Rafaei to Nogales. G leeson *!! to Tombstone. Sasabe to Nogales. Glenbar to Pima. Sasco to Tucson. Goldroad* to Kingman. Sayer to Wickenburg. Grand C an yo n *!! to W il Scottsdale* to Phcenlx. liams. Seligman’ t it o Williams. Grasshopper to Holbrook. Sentin el*!! to Yuma. Greatervllle* to Tucson. Servoss* to W illcox. Guthrie* t t to Clifton. Sheldon* to Duncan. Show L o w *t to Holbrook. Shultz to Tucson. H a ck b erry *!! to Kingman. Shumway* to Holbrook. Signal* to Kingman. Harshaw to Nogales. Hayden Junction to H a y Silverbell! to Tucson. Skull V alljey*tt to Prescott. den. Solom on viiie*!to Safford. Heber to Holbrook. Sonoita* to Benson. H elvetia* to Tucson. SOnora*! to Ray. H e re fo rd *!! to Bisbee. Stoddard* to M ayer. H igley* to Mesa. Sunrise Springs to Gallup, H ills id e *!! to Prescott. N. M. H o t Springs* to Phcenlx. H o t Springs Ju nction!! to Swansea* to Parker, , Wickenburg. H o u c k *ti to Gallup, N .M . Taylor* to Holbrook. Hunt to Holbrook. Tolchaco* to Winsiow. Huronf to Prescott. Tolleson to Phoenix. T o ltec* to Casa Grande. T o p o c k t! to Needles, Cal. Indian Oasis to Tuscon. Indian W ells* to Holbrook. Tuba C ity * ft o Flagstaff. Tubac* to Nogales. Turkey* to Prescott. Jerome Junction!! to Pres Tu rner*t to. Tombstone. Tw in Buttes* to Tucson. cott. Johnson* to Benson. Joseph C it y ! to Holbrook. V a il* t ! to Tucson Valentine* to Kingman. Kayenta to Gallup, N . M . Verde to Clarkdale. Kearns C anon*! to Gallup, N. M. K e lv in *! to Ray. Wagoner* to Prescott. K irb y to G lob e., W alker to Prescott. K irk la n d *!! to Prescott. W arren*! to Lowell. Klondyke* to Pima. Washington! to Nogales. W ebb* to Douglas. Lakeside* to H olbrook.>. W e llto n *!! to Yuma. Ljiveen* to Phoenix. W enden*tt to Wickenburg REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat » ARKANSAS Batson to Ozark. B u ffa lo !! to Cotter. Battles to Evening Shade. Buford* to Cotter. B axter*! to Dermott.. Bunn* to Carthage. Bayou Meto to Dewitt. Burdette*! to Luxora. Bay Village to Cherry Burg* to Dierks. Valley. Burlington* to Harrison. Y a v a to Prescott. I Bearcreek* to Marshall. Burtsell to Okolona. Y o rk to Duncan. I Beasley to Tyronza. Busch to Eureka Springs. Y ou n g* to Globe. Beaton* to Arkadelphla. Bussey* to Stamps Y u c o a *t! to Kingman. B ea ty*! to Bentonville. Butler* to Osceola. Beauchamp* to Waldron. Butlervllle* to Beebe. Beaudry*to H ot Springs. Butterfield*! to Malvern. Beaver* to Eureka Springs. Buttry to Rogers. Bedford to F o r t , Smith. Byronij to Salem. Beebranch* to Clinton. Cab final to Berryville. Beechgrove* to Paragould. Cabin C reek !! to Lamar. Beedeville* to McCrory. Caddo G a p * !! to Womble. Belrne* to Gurdon. Caglesville* to Russellville. ARKANSAS Belcher* to Grlfflthville. Calamine* to Evening Belfast* to Sheridan. Shade. A b b o tt* ! to Mansfield. Bellair to Ozan. C aldwell*! to Forrest City. Acorn* to Mena. Bellefleld* to Bay. Cale* to Prescott. A da to Morrlllton B ellefonte*! I to Harrison. Caledonia* to Junction. A d o n a * !! to Perry. Bellm ore to Batesville. Calhoun to Magnolia. Advance* to Mountain> B elton*! to Nashville. O a lion *!! to El Dorado. Home. Ben* to Motm tain View. Callie to Grubbs. \ Agnos* to Hardy. Ben Lom ond* to W ilton. Calmer to Rison. A in * to Sheridan. Benvllle to Cotter. Camp* to Salem. Alabam * to Huntsville. Berger to L ittie Rock. Campbell to Leslie. Albion to Searcy. B erg m a n *!! to Harrison. Camp Pike to L ittle Rock. A lco* to Mountain view. B erry*! to Calico Rock. Canfield*! to Bradley. A lder to Mena. Bessie to Conway. Alexander * ! ! to L ittle? Bethel* to Paragould. : Rock. A lf to Womble. Bethena to Hoxie. anton to Hardy, Algoa to New port. Bethesda* to Batesville. apps*! to Harrison. A l l x * ! ! to Altus. Beulah to Des Arc. Carden Bottom * to Atkins. Allbrook toMlneral Springs.• B everly* to Charleston. Cardiff* to Waldron. A lle e n e *! to W ilton. Bexar* to Calico Rock. Cargile* to E l Dorado. A llport to England. B igflat* to Marshall. Carolan* to Booneville. Alm ond* to Batesville. Big Fork* to Mena. Carrlola to Eudora. A lonzo* to Batesville. Carroll* to M alvern. Big H ickory to Magnolia. Alpha to Dardanelle. Biglake* to ManilaCarrollton* to Alpena Pass. Alpine* to A m ity. Bills* to Delight. C arryville* to Piggott. Alston* to Mulberry. B ingen*! to Nashville. Carson* to Osceola. A lto * to M arked Tree. Bird to Memphis, Tenn. Carter to West Fork. A lton to Hope. Blrdell* to Tmboden. Carver to Everton. Alum to Benton. Birdeye to Cherry Valley. Cash* to Jonesboro. A lvis to Batesville. Birdsong* to Tyronza. Cass to Fayetteville. A ly to Danville. B irta *! to Ola. Casscoe* to Stuttgart. Am agon to New port. Blscoe*! to Devall Bluff. Catalpa*, to Clarksville. Amos* to Cotter. Catcher to Van Buren. Bismarck* to Arkadelphla. A m y to Ouachita. Blackburn* to Winslow. Cato* to L ittle Rock. Anderson* to Melbourne. Blackfork* to Waldron. Caulksville* to Paris. Anice* to Mulberry. Black Springs* to Womble. Cauthron*! to Waldron. Annlevlile* to Imboden. B lackton*! to Brinkley. Cavecreek* to St. Joe. Annover to Warren. Blackwell* to Atkins. Cavenar to Pocahontas. Antioch* to Beebe. Blaine* to Scranton. Cecil* to Ozark. Antoine* T ! to Delight. Blakem oreto England. Cedarcreek to Waldron. A n vil to Mountain view. Blanchard Springs* to Junc Cedarglades* to H ot A plin* to Casa. tion. Springs. A pple to H o t Springs. Blanco to Marshall. Cedarvllle to Van Buren. Appleton* to Atkins. Bland* to Benton. Center* to Evening Shade Arcney* to Clinton. Blansett* to Waldron. Center H ill* to Searcy. Bledsoe to Marianna. Centerpoint* to Nashville. Archlllion* to Blythqville. Bleeker to Kingsland. Centerridge* to Morrlllton. A rd e n *!! to Ashdown. B llssvllle*!! to Portland. Centerville* to Dardanelle: Argenta to N orth L ittle Blocher to H ot Springs. Central* to Ft. Smith. Rock. Bloomer* to Charleston. Cerrogordo* to Horatio.' Arkansas Post* to Glllett. Bluebail* to Danville. Chadwick to Conway. A rk ln d a * !! to Foreman. Blue M ountain*! to Chambersville to Fordyce. A rlb e rg *!! to Leslie. Booneville. Ghampagnolle* to E l D ora Arm ada* to Winslow. do. B lue Springs to Tinsman. Arm orel* to Biytheville. Bluff C ity* to Chidester. Champion to Star C ity. Arm strong* to Hardy. Bluffton* to Danville. Chant to Waldron. Armstrong Springs* to1 B ly to Melbourne. Chapel H ill to DeQueen. Searcy. Board Camp* to Mena. Charlotte* to Newark. Artesian* to Harrell. Bodcaw* to Hope. Chase to Malvern. A rtex to Texarkana. Bog Springs* to Vander- Chatfleld to Marianna. Asher to Drakes Creek. voort. Cherokee City* to Gentry Ashton* to Lake Village. Bolding* to Strong. Chester* to Winslow. Askew* to Marianna. Boles* to Waldron. Chlckalah* to Danville. Athelstan to Osceola. Bonnerville to Jonesboro. Chickasaw ba*!! to BlytheAthens* to Dierks. B o n o *!! to Jonesboro. ville. Atkinson to Jasper. Booker* to L ittle Rock. C h ico t*!! to Lake Village. Atlanta* to Emerson. Chlsmvllie* to Booneville. A tlas to Leslie. Bookman to Sheridan. Choctaw* to Clinton. A tlee to Am ity. Boothe* to Waldron. Chula to Danville. A ttaw a y to Junction City. Boston* to Pettigrew. Cincinnati! to Westvllle, A ttica * to Pocahontas. Bouell to Eudora. Okla. A u b re y *!! to Helena. Bough to n * ! to Prescott. Cisco* to Green Forest. AUrelle* to Strong. Bowen to Delight. Clantonville to Seligman. Aurora* to Huntsville. B oxley* to» Pettigrew. C larkedale*!! to Memphis, A u s tin *!! to Cabot. B oyd to Fouke. Tenn. A u vergn e*! to Newport. Boydell* to Portland. Claunch* to Lake City. ' A vant to H o t Springs. B oydsvllle* to Rector. Clay* to Searcy. A v o c a *! to Rogers. B oyn ton *! to Kennett, Mo. Clearspring to Okolona. Bradford to Bald Knob. Cleveland* to Morrlllton. Bradshaw to Arkadelphla. Clifton* to Marianna. Brasfleld* to Devall Bluff. C lifty* to Huntsville. Bailey to N ew port. Brawley* to Waldron. Climax to Hardy. Baker* to Marshall. Brazils* to Benton. C lio * !! to Rison. Baker Springs* to Vander- B rentw ood*! to Winslow. Gloar* to Earle. voort. Brewer to Heber. Cloverbend* to Portia. Balboa* to Evening Shade. Brickeys to Marianna. Clow* to Ozan. Balch* to Newport. Brlggsville* to Danville. Clyde* to Cane Hill. Baldwin* to Fayetteville. B righ ton *!! to Paragould. Coaldale* to Heavener, Ballard to Hardy. Brightstar to Bloomburg, Okla. Balle to Hazen. Tex. Cobbs to England. Banks to Warren. Brlghtwater to Rogers. Coffee to M arvell. Banner to Batesville. Brink to Coal Hill. Coin to Green Forest. B arber*! to Booneville. Brister* to Emerson. Coleman to Montlcello. Bard to Paragould. Brockett* to Pocahontas. Collegehill to McNeil. Bards town* to Osceola. Brodie to Y ellville. O ollegeville to L ittle Rock. Barfield* to Biytheville. Brookings* to Peach Or Collins * ! ! to Montlcello. Barham* to Chidester. chard. C o lt*! to Wynne, Barlngcrosst to N o. L ittle Broom * to Alicia. Comal to Y ellvllie. . Rock. Brownstown* to Ashdown. Com bs*! to St. Paul. Barkada* to Wllm ar. Brownsville* to Heber. ■ Comlnto* to Montlcello. . Barling*! to Ft. Smith. Bruins to Tunica, Miss. Compton* to Jasper. Barrenfork* to M ount Brum m itt*! to Stuttgart. Congo* to Benton. ' Pleasant. Bruno* to Yellville. Connor to Green Forest. B arton*! to Helena. B ryan t*! to Benton. Cook* to Calico Rock. Bass* to Jasper. Buckrange* ; to M in eral Copeland* to Clinton. B assett*!! to Osceola. Springs. ■Cord* to Batesville. B ata via *! to Harrison: Bubkvllle* to H ot Springs. Corinth to Nashville. Bates*! to Heavener.Oklaj Buena- V is ta *ti1to Stephens Corley* to Paris. W h irtriver*! to Holbrook. ). W ide Ruins to Gallup. N. M. ? W oodruff* to Holbrook. i »Money Order Office. “ f Telegraph Statioff. 4Express Office. ARKANSAS Cornerstone* to Pine Bluff. Cornervllle* to Star City. Gornhill to M ineral Springs Cornish to Greenwood. Council* to Marianna. Countlss*! to Helena. Cowell to Jasper. Oowlake to N ew port. C oy to England. Crescent to F ort Smith. Creswell* to Calico Rock. Crittenden* to Earle. Critton Ridge* to Foreman. Croak to Kingsland. Crockett t o Piggott. Crocketts Bluff* to Almyra. Crosses*! to St. Paul. Cross Roads to Calico Rock. Cruse to Carthage. Crystal Springs * to H ot Springs. Cullor to Carlisle. N Culp* to Calico Rock. • Culpeper to Clinton. Curia to Batesville.Curtis*! to.Gurdon. Cushman* t l to Batesville. Custer* to Bakersfield, Mo. Cypert* to Marvell. ¡Dabney* to Atkins. Dahoma to Ozark-. D aisy* to A m ity. ¡Dallas to Pocahontas. Dalton* to Pocahontas. Damascus* to Conway. Dansby* to Haynes. Darysaw to Pine Bluff. / D ay* to Salem. D ayton to Huntington. Deane* to Montlcello. DeAnn to Emmet. Dean Spring to Alma. D eanyville to Blevins. Debow* to Pocahontas. Deckerville* t i to Harris burg. D ee* to Jonesboro. Deep Bayou to Grady. D egray to Arkadelphla.D ela n ey*! to St. Paul. D elaplain e*!! to Peach Orchard. Delaware* to Dardanelle. Delhi to Hampton. D ell* to Manila. Delmar to Alphena Pass. Delta to W aldo. D elta Spur to Memphis, Tenn. Deluce* to Dewitt. Democrat to Forrest City. Denmark* to Bald Knob. D en ning*!! to Altus. Denton* to Black Rock. Denver* to Green Forest. Deroche to Malvern. Desha* to Batesville. Detonti to Benton: De V iew * to McCrory. Dial to Vandervoort. Dlazt to Newport. DiUen* to Lamar. Dllworth to Horatio. Dlnsmore to Berryvllle. Divide to Perry. D ixie to Houston. D obyville* to Okolona. Dodd C ity* to Y ellville. Doebrancb to L ittle Rock. Dogwood to Sheridan. D olp h *! to Calico Rock. Donaldson*T! to Arkadel phla. Dora* to Ft. Smith. Dota to Newark. Double W ells to Pine Bluff. Douglas* to Gillett. Doylestown to Pine Bluff. D oyleville* to Judsonla. Drab to Blevins. Draper to Warren. Drasco to Heber Springs. D rau ghon*!! to Kingsland. Driftwood* to Black Rock. Drlggs* to Paris. D river! to Wilson. D ry den to Jonesboro. D ryfork to Green Forest. Dublin* to Scranton. Duckett to Vandervoort. Duffle* to Arkadelphla. DughiU to Heber Springs. Duncan to H olly Grove. Dunnlngton* to Newark. Durham * i to Fayetteville Dutch Mills* to Westvllle, Okla. D u tton *! to Pettigrew. E agle M ills * !! to Bearden E a gleton *! to Mena. Eaglette to Bearden. Eago* to St. Joe. Ease to E l Dorado. East Sylamore* to M oun tain View. Eaton* to Black Rock. Ebling* to Forrest C ity. Ebony* to CrawfordBVllle. ¡Echo! to Mansfield. fee Edgar* to Hope. M____ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Edgem ont*!! to Shirley. Edm ondson*!! to Earle. Edna to Clarksville. Effa to Branch. Egger* to Mena. E gypt* to Walnut Ridge. Eight Mile* to Newport. Ekron to Blytheville. Elb a*! to Marshall. E l Central to Watson. Elerson* to Sherrill. Elevenpoint to Pocahontas. Elgin to Newport. Elizabeth* to Calico Rock. Elk to Rogers. Elk Ranch to Eureka Springs. Ella to Marshall. E lliott* to Camden. Ellis* to Gurdost. EU isville*! to Fordyce. Ellsworth to Paris. Elm to Am ity. Elmo* to Newport, Elinore* to Malvern. Elm Store to Mammoth Spring. Elmwood to Harrison. E lnora*! to W alnut Ridge. Emery to Evening Shade. Enders* to Quitman. English* to Pine Bluff. Enola* to Conway. Enon to Omaha. Enn* to Sheridan. Eros* to Yellville. Estes to Leola. Ethel* to Dewitt. Etowah* to Manila. Euclid* to Dlerks. Eula to Marshall. Eunice to Pine Bluff. Evadale* to Wilson. Evansville* to Stillwell, Okla. Excelsior!! to Greenwood. Experiment to Taylor. Faber* to Arkadelphla! Fairbanks* to Quitman. Fairfield* to Pine Bluff. Falrmount to Stuttgart. Fair O a k s*!! to Wynne. Faith* to Pine Bluff. Fakes to Augusta. Falcon to Buckner. Fall Creek to Fayetteville. Fallsville* to Jasper. Famous to Russellville, Fancyhlll* to Womble. Fargo! to Brinkley. Farm ington*! to Fayette ville. Feeneyvilie* to Star City. Felker! to Gentry. Felsenthal*!! to Huttig. F elton! to Marianna. Fendley to Am ity. F en ter*t! to Benton.: Ferda* to England. Ferguson* to Helena. Fern to Mountainburg. Femdale to L ittle Rock. Ferrell to Hermitage. F ifty Six to Mountain View. Figure F ive to Van Buren Finch to Paragould. Fir* to. Mount Ida. Fisher to Marked Tree. Fltzhugh* to Augusta. F ive M ile to Higden. Flag to Leslie. Fleming to Malvern. Floral* to Batesville. Florence* to Montlcello. Floyd* to Beebe. Fogleman* to Marion. Fontain to Walnut R id ge Forgy to Nashville. Formosa* to Clinton. F t. Douglas* to Clarksville Fort-R oots to L ittle Roek Fourchet! to Bigelow. Fourche Dam to Little Rock. Fox* to Mountain View, h rancis to Harrison. Freck* to Yellville. French to Mammoth Spring Frenchmans B a y o u *!! to Joiner. Friehl to Shirley. Friendship* to Arkadelphia Frlsbee to Ravenden. Frisco to Winslow. Fritz to Marion. F ryatt to M am m oth Spring Frys M ill to Lepanto. Furlow to Lonoke. Furth* ! to Star City. Gabriel to Dover. Gaines' Landing* to Arkan sas City. , : Gainesville*! to Paragould Gaither to Harrison. Galena* to Gillham Galloway to L ittle Rock. Gamaliel* to Bakersfield Mo. Garber to Clarksville. G a rfield*!! to Rogers. G arland*!! to Lewisville. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k County Séat ARKANSAS 1843 Gariandvllle to Prescott. Lane v i e w * ! ! to Marvell. H ighland*! to Nashville. G am er*! to Beebe. Lam bethville* to Turrell. ' Hlllematt* to Hunter. Garnett* to Star City. Lamont to Plnè Bluff. Hillsboro* to Strong. Gassvllle* to Cotter. H ilo to Hermitage. Lanark* to Banks. Gate to Mena. Lancaster! to Van Buren. Hiram* to Heber Springs. Gavin* to Memphis, Tenn. Landis to Marshall. Hobart* to Danville. Geneva to Locksburg. Laneburg to Prescott. Hobbs to Van Buren. Genoa*!! to Texarkana. Lane Hill to Alma. Holland* to Conway. George to Green Forest. Langford to Pine Bluff. Hollis* to Casa. Georgetown*!! to Searcy. Langley* to Glenwood. Geren to Lamar. H olly Springs* to Bearden. Lanieve to Hoxie, • Germania*t to L ittle Rock. Hollywood* to Arkadelphia Lansing* to Crawfordville. Gethsemane* to Pine. Bluff. Holmes* to Walnut Ridge. L a n ty * to MorrUlton Gibbs to Mount Ida. H olt to Jasper. Lapeer to Huttig. Gld to Melbourne. L a p lle * !! to Strong. Homan* to Fulton. Gifford* to Malvern. H o n *! to Waldron. Larkin to Melbourne. G ilb e rt*!! to Marshall. Larue to Rogers. Hopefleld ^ to Memphis, GUkeson to Jonesboro. Tenn. Latour* to Helena. G1U* to Palestine. Hopewell* to Calico Rock. Laughlln to Stephens. Gilm ore*! to Turrell. Horsehead to Emerson. Lauratown* to Portia Glade to Eureka Springs. Horton to Forrest City. L a w son *!! to El Dorado. Gladys to Clinton. H o w e ll* !! to Cotton Plant. L a yton ville to Cotter. Hubard to Prairie Grove. Lebanon* to Dlerks. Glencoe to Hardy. Huddleston to Mena. Ledwldge* to Bigelow. Glendale* to Star City. Hudspeth* f o Portland. Lee* to Marianna. Glen vllle* to M cN eil. Huff to Batesville. Leecreek* to Winlsow. Gobell to Marvell. Lehigh to Rison. Huffman* to Steele. Mo. Golden City to BoonevlUe. H u lb ert*!! to Memphis, Lena to Benton. Golden Lake* to Wilson. Tenn. Lenox to Am ity. Goldman* to Stuttgart. Humnoke to England. Leonard* to Rector. G oodw in*!! to Forrest C ity H unt* to Coal H ill. \ L e s te r *!! to Camden. Goshen,* to Fayetteville.. Hurricane to Benton. Leta to Russellville. Gosnell* to Blytheville. Hutchinson* to Batesville. L eto n a *!! to Searcy. Gould*!! to Tillar. Hutson toi Newark. Levesque* to Wynne. Gourd to Dumas. H ydrick* to Cherry Valley. L ev y * to Argenta. Grace to Pine Bluff. L e x a * tt to Helena. Grandfleld to Dlerks. Lexington* to Clinton. Grand Glaise*! to Newport. Liberty to Mount Ida. Grand Lake* to Eudora. Light to Walnut Ridge. Grand V iew *! ! to Berry vllle. Ico* to Sheridan. Limestone* to Jasper. Grange* to Batesville. Linder* to Conway. Ida to Heber Springs. Grannis*!! to Gillham. Lindsay to Van Bùren. Independence to Cotter. Grape* to Benton. Line* to Portland. Indian Bay* to Marvell. Grapevine* to Pine Bluff. Lisbon* to El Dorado. Ingalls*! to Warren. Graphic to Mountainburg. Ingram * to M aynard \ Littéral to Springdale. Gravelly* to Danville. Ink* to Mena, L ittle MaumeUe* to L ittle Gravelridge* to Warren. lone* to Boohevllle. Rock. G rays*t! to Augusta. Irma to Waldo. Locke* to Mountainburg. Graysonia*!! to Okolona Isabel to Atkins, Locust Bayou to Camden. Greenbrier* to Conway. luka* to Calico Rock. Locust Cottage to Pine Greenfield* to Harrisburg. Iv a n * !! to Fordyce. Bluff. Greenland*! to Fayetteville. Ivesvllle to L ittle Rock. Locust Grove to Batesville. Greenridge to Waldron. I v y to Carthage. Lollie to Conway. Gregory* ! ! to Augusta. Lonelm * to Mulberry. Grldley to Morrill ton. Loneplne to Clarksville. Guernsey to Hooe. Lonerock* to M o u n t a i n Jacinto to Carthage. Gumlog* to Russellville. Home. Jacksonport* to Newport Gum Springs*! to Arkadel Jacksonville*!! to L ittle Lon g! to Ashdown. phia. Lono* to Malvern. Rock. Guy* to Quitman. f L on sd a le*!!.to Benton. Jakajones to Washington. Lookout to Clarendon. Jamestown* to Batesville. Lorado to Jonesboro. Japton to Huntsville. Lorine to Pocahontas. Jefferson* to Pine Bluff. Lost Prairie to Texarkana. Habberton* to Springdale. Jelks! to M cCrory. Louann* to Camden. Hagarville* to Lamar. Jennle*-to Lake Village. Hagler* to Dewitt. Jenny L i n d * ! ! to Fort L ow ry* to Harrison. Loy to Huntsville. H a lle y * !! to Arkansas City. Smith. Halliday* to Paragould. Jericho*! to M e m p h i s , Lucas to Mansfield. Lucky to H ot Springs. Halstead* to L ittle Rock. Tenn. Ludwig to Clarksville. Hamil to Pocahontas. Jersey* to Warren. Lulu to Forrest City. Hamlet to Conway. Jerusalem to Atkins. Hamlin* to Wynne. Jessievllle* to H ot Springs. Luna Landing*! to Lake VUlage. Hammonsville to Beebe. Jesup* to Smlthville. Lundell to Helena. Hand to Calico Rock. Jethro* to Ozark. Lunenburg* to Melbourne. Hannaberry* to Dewitt. Jewell to Winthrop. Lunet to Chidester. Hanover to Mountain View. Joan to Arkadelphia. Lunsford* to Bay. H appy* to Memphis, Tenn. Joella* to Lewisville. Lurton to St. Joe. Harlow* to Bearden. Johnson*! to Fayettville. Lutherville* to Lamar. Harman to Springdale. Johnstown to Newport. Lydalisk to Shirley. Harmony* to Clarksville. Johnsville* to Warren. Lynn* to Black Rock. Haroldton to Van Buren. Jordan to Pettigrew. Harriet* to Marshall. Joy to Searcy. Julious to Memphis, Tenn, H arris*! to Elkins. Hartley to Vandervoort. Jumbo* to Melbourne. Mabel vale* to L ittle Rock. Hartwell to Hindsville. Junet to Pine Bluff. Maberry to Cottonplant. H arvey to Waldron. ■ Kalamazoo to Paris. Macedonia to Magnolia. Harwood* to Greenville, K ate* to Earl. M acey to Paragould. Miss. Kedron* to Rison. Macon Lake* to Lake V ill H askell*!! to Benton. Keener* to Harrison. age. Hasty to Jasper. K eevll* to Clarendon. Madding to Pine Bluff. Hatchie Coon to Trumann1 Keiser to Wilson. Maddox to Hpt Springs. Hattleville* to MorrUlton. Kellar to Biggers. M adison*! to Forrest City. Kelso* to McGehee. Hatton* to Vandervoort. Magness*! to Newark. Kendall to Conway. Hawes* to H ot Springs. Magnet* to Malvern. H ayn ey*! to Mountain Kenyon* to Tuckerman . Mandevllle* to Texarkana. Home. K e o * !t to England. Mangrum* to Lake City. Hazel V alley* U Winslow. Kerlln to Magnolia. Manna to Pocahontas. Heafer* to Crawfordville. K e r rs * !! to Lonoke. Manning to Dalark. Healing Springs*! to Cave Kiblah to Ida, La. • Manson to Pocahontas. Springs. Kibler to Alma. Mante* to Huntsville. Kim es to Van Buren. Many-Islands to Hardy. Health to Winslow. ' K in g * ! to Gillham. Kingdon Springs* to Yell- Maple* to BerryvlUe. Heart to Salem. Marble* to Huntsville. Hebron to Gurdon. vflle/ Marcella* to Batesville. Hector* to Atkins. King Mills* to Hardy. Hedges to Mountain View. Kings Spur to Bentonville Marche* to L ittle Rock. Marie* to Wilson: Heine to Ouachita. Kin ton to Forrest City. Mars H ill to Lewisville. ' Helen to Womble. K irb y* to Glenwood. Martinville* to Conway. Hem p-W allace*! to- H o t Kirkland to Camden. Mason to. Kingsland. Springs. Knob to Rector. Henderson* to Mountain Knob Creek to Melbourne. Mansard to Fort Smith. Home. Knowlton* to Rosedale Maumee* to Marshall. ’ Max vllle to Cave City, Henrico to Rosedale, Miss. Miss. M a y to H o t Springs, . Henry to Dlerks. K n o x v ille * !! to Lamar. Mayfield* to Springdale. Hensley*! to L ittle Rock. M ayflow er* to C o n w a y .; Herblne* to Rison. M aysville* to Gravette, Herman! to Bay. Mazarn to Mount Ida. Lacey* to Montlcello. Herpel to Mountalnvlew. H eth *!t to Forrest. City. Laconia* to Rosedale, Miss. M cAlm ont to L ittle Rock. M cArthur'to McGehee. Hickman* to CaruthersvUle, LaCrosse* to Melbourne. M cC askill* tp Blevins.. Ladd to Plnfe Bluff. Mo. McClelland to Cottonplant. Hickoria to Corning. Ladelle to Monticello ■ M cD an iel*! to Forrest C ity LaGrahge tb* i Marianna. Hickory Plains* to Beebe: M cD ou gal to Piggott. Higden to Heber Springs. Lake Dick* to Pine Bluff. McHue* to Batesville. H igglnson *! to Searcy. Lake Farm * to Pine Bluff. M cKam ie*! to Stamps. :, Lakehall to Lake Village. High to Berry vllle. McKinney to Rison. Hiffhflll*! to C ave Springs Lakeport to Lake Village. 1 ♦Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station.' -’! Express Office. 1844 ARKANSAS TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS M c N a b * !! to Fulton. M edford to Watson. R a va n a *! to Bloomburg. Tex. Rawllson* to Forrest City. Rawls* to Hamburg. Raym ond to Clarendon. Oldtown* to M arvell. Olena* to D e W itt. Olio to Waldron. , Meg* to Ozark. Oliver* to Waldron. M ellw ood*!! to Helena. Olmstead to L ittle Rock. Melrose* to Batesvllle. Olyphant*! to Newport. M em dag to Glenwood. O lvey to Harrison. Menifee* to Plumervllle. Oma* to H ot Springs. Meroney to Star City. Onda to W est Fork M etalton to Berryville. Oneal*tt to Batesvllle. M e to to Lonoke O n eida*!! to Helena. Mlddlebrook* to Maynard. Onla to Mountain View. Millard to Havana. Opal to Mena. Millcreek to Russellville. Oppelo to Morrlllton. M ille r*tt to Heber Springs. Optlmus to Calico Rock. MUltown to Greenwood. Orlando*-to Warren. M illville* t t to Bearden. Osage* to Green Forest. Milner* to McNeil. Osage Mills* to Bentonville. M ilo* to Hamburg. Osborne to Seligman, M o. Milton to H ot Springs. O tto to Conway. Mimosa to Womble. Otwell to Jonesboro. M ineola to Dierks. Owensvllle* to Benton. Mineral* to Glllham. O xford* to Melbourne. Minorca to Maynard. < Ozone* to Clarksville. Mlnturn’ t to Hoxle. M ist*! to Hamburg. Mitchell to Salem. •Padora to Lincoln, M oark*! to Corning. Palatka* to Success. Mobley to Cave City. Pa lestin e*!! to Forrest City Mock to Maynard. Palm er* to Clarendon. Modoc* to Helena. Palm yra* to Star City. M o fflt to Prairie Grove. Paradise to Montlcello. Moko* -to Salem. Paralom a*! to Ashdown. Monroe* t to Brinkley. Parkers Store to L ittle Rock. M ontana* to Hartman. Parkplace* to Marianna. M on te N e * t to Rogers. Parks* to Waldron. Parma to Mountain View. M oody* to Wllmar. Paron to Benton. M oore to Dover. Paroquet to Newark. ' M oorefield*! to Batesvllle. Parthenon* to Jasper. Mooresville to Desaro. Pastoria to Pine Bluff. Moreland* to Russellville. Pates to Dierks. Morganton* to Clinton. Patm os*! to Hope. Morobay* to Hermitage. Patrick! to St. Paul. M orris F erry to W inthrop. Patterson to Kennett, M o Morrison Bluff* to Scranton Peaberry to Hamburg. Morriston* to Salem. Pearcy* to H o t Springs. M orrow * to Lincoln. Pearson* to Heber Springs Morton to McCrory. Pecan Point* to Osceola. M o sco w *!! to Pine Bluff. Pedee to Marianna. Mosley to Dardanelle. Peel* to Yellvtlle. Mossville to Jasper. Pekin* to Lake City. Mounds*^ to Memphis, Pendleton* to Dumas. Tenn. Pennington* to' Grubbs. M ountain Fork to Mena. Perla* to Malvern. Mountain Top to Ozark. Perryville* to Perry. Mountain V alley* to H ot Peru to Biggers. Springs. . Peterpender* to Ozark. Mount Horsey to Jasper. Peters* to Marianna. Mt. H olly * to Stephens. P e tty to Dalark. M ount Hom er to Ola. Pfeiffer* to Batesvllle. Mount Judea* to Jasper. Phenix to Pine Bluff. Mount L e v i* to Clarksville. Philips to Helena. Mount Moriah* to Prescott. Picron to ’ L ittle Rock. Mt. Olive * 1 1 t o Calico P ik e * !! to Delight. Rock. P ilo t* to Mammoth Spring. Mount Plsgah* to Searcy. Pinckney* to Memphis, Mount Vernon* to Quitman. Tenn. M ulligan to Harrisburg. P ln d a ll*!! to St. JoeMundell to Eureka Springs. Pine G rove* to Dalark. Murillo to Leslie. Murray to Jasper. Pinetree to Forrest C ity. M yrick ville to Tuckerman. Pineville* to Calico Rock. Myron to Franklin. Pin ey* to London. M yrtle to Harrison. Plnnaole*! to L ittle Rook. Pitkin * to W est Fork. Pitm an* to Maynard. » M y * to Gillett. Pitts* to Harrisburg. N athan* to Nashville. Plainfield to Emerson. Natural D am * to Van Bu- Plant to Leslie. ren. Plantersvllle to W llmar. Natural Steps* to L ittle Pleasant Plains* to New* Rock. port. N aylor to Conway. Pleasant Ridge to Harri son. Noedmore to Carlisle. N eeley to Dardanelle. Plum Bayou* to Pine Bluff. Nelsonvllle to Smlthvllle. Plym outh to Mulberry. Neuhardt to Marion. Point Cedar* to A m ity. Newburg* to Melbourne. Point Peter to Marshall. N ew Castle to Forrest City. Pollard* to Piggott. N ew Gasoony* t o P i n e Ponca to Jasper. Bluff. i Poole to Rison. Newhope* to Dierks. Poplar G r o v e * !! to Helena. N ew London* to Strong. Poplar Ridge to Lake C ity. Newman* to Waldron. Porter Station to Winslow. Newnata t o M o u n t a i n P o s te lle *!! to Marvell. View. P o tter*! to Mena. N ick Springs to E l Dorado. Poughkeepsie* to Evening Nim rod* to Casa. Shade. N ix * to Dalark. Powell to St. Paul. Noble L a k e * !! to Pine Bluff. APowhatan* to Black Rock. P o yen *! to Benton. N ogo* to Russellville. N ola to Waldron. Prague to Sheridan. Noland* to Pocahontas. Prairie Creek to Hartford. N o r p h le t* !! to E l Dorado. Prairie V iew to Scranton. N orth Creek* to Helena. Prattsville* to Sheridan. N orthpolnt to L ittle Rook. Prim * to Heber Springs. Nunley* to Mena. Princedaie* to Wynne. aPrinceton? to Carthage. P ro c to r*!! to Forrest C ity. Prosperity to Alpena Pass. Oakdale* t England. Provo* to Lockesburg. Oakforrest to Marianna. Oakgrove* to Green Forest. Pu gh! to Hamburg. Purdy to Huntsville. Oakhlll to Eureka Springs. Oakland* to Flippin. Oaklawn to Dumas. Oark* to Clarksville. Quigley to Forrest C ity. Obear* to Jonesboro. Quinn* to E l Dorado. Oconee* to Pocahontas. Odell* to Cane Hill. Oden* to Mena. Rago to Bentonville. Ogamaw* to Stephens. Ralph to YellvUle. O gden*! to Ashdown. Ramsey* to Fordyce. Off Trough* to Newark. Randall* to Pine Bluff. Okay* to Atkins. Ranger to Danville. O kean*tt to W alnut Ridge. R atio to Helena. Old H ickory to Atkins. | Raum* to Omaha. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Reader to Chidester. R ead lan d *!! to Eudora. Redbluff*! to Ashdown. Redding* to Ozark. R e d fle ld *!! to Pine Bluff. Red Fork* to Dumas. Redleaf* to Lake Village. Red Rook* to Jasper. Red Star* to Pettigrew. Red Store to Marvell. Red Stripe to Mountain View. Reeds Creek to C ave C ity. Reedvllle* to DumaB. Reese to Marianna. Refuge to Watson. Register to Hope. Relfs Bluff* to Monticello. Remmel* to Newport. Republican* to Conway. Rest to Star City. R etta* to Russellville. Rex to Clinton. Reyburn* to Malvern. Reydel to Pine Bluff. Rhea* to Lincoln. R iceville! to Memphis, Tenn. Richmond to Ashdown. Rich M ou n ta in *!! to Mena. Rich woods to W alnutRidge Riddle to Lockesburg. Ridge to W est Fork. Ridge Station to Jones boro. R iley to Havana. Risher to Jonesboro. ' Riverside*! to Augusta. R ixey to L ittle Rock. Roberts to Fouke. Robinson* to Slloam Spgs. R o b r o y * !! to Pine Bluff. Rookhouse to Eureka Spgs. Rook Spring* to Marshall. Rocky to Mena. Rockyhill to Leslie. R o e * t! to Clarendon. Robwer* to Arkansas City. R o la n d * !! to L ittle Rook. Rolfe to Crosset. Romance* to Beebe. Rondo*Tt to Marianna. Roosevelt* to Searcy. Rosa* to Luxora. R o sb o ro *!! to A m ity. Rose Bud* to Quitman. Rosedale to Van Buren. Roseland to Manila. Roseville* to Ozark. Rosie* to Newark. Ross (Mississippi C o.) to Osceola. Ross (Pope C o.) to' Lamar. Rosston* to Prescott. Round P o n d !! to Forrest City. Round T o p to Gilham. R over* to Danville. Row ell* to Rison. Roxton to Huntsville. R o y to Murfreesboro. R o y a l! to H o t Springs. Rozelle to Osceola. Rubicon* to Benton. Rudd to Green Forest. Ru ddels*! to Mountain View. Rule to Green Forest. Rum ley* to Leslie. Rush* to YellvUle. Rushing* to Shirley. Russell*! to Bald Knob. Rust to Mena. Ruth to CaUco Rock. R y a n ! to England. R y e to WUmar. R yker* to Pettigrew. Selma* to TUlar. Sensation to Waldron. Sess to E l Dorado. Settlement* to Shirley. Seyppel* to Memphis, Tenn. Shady* to Mena. Shannon* to Pocahontas. Shark* to DanvUle. Sharp* to Batesville. Sharum* to Pocahontas. Shaver to Alpena Pass. Shawmut* to A m ity. ShelbyvUle t o E v e n i n g Shade. Sheppard to Fulton. Shlbley to Van Buren. ShUoh* to H eber Springs. Shoal Creek* to Paris. Shoffner* to Newport. Shuler* to E l Dorado. Sldon* to Searcy. Silex* to Lamar. SUioa* tp Benton. SUver* ?o Mount Ida. Sim s*! to Mount Ida. Simsboro to Earl. Sitka to W illiford. SlxmUe to Branch. Skaggs to Pocahontas. Skylight to W est Fork. Slatlngton to Womble. Slatonville to Greenwood. Slocomb* to Benton. Slovaktown to Hazen. Sm ackover*!! to E l Dorado. Smead to Bearden. Smeadley to CoalhiU Smithdale* to Earl. S m lth to n *!! to Gurdon. Sneed to Klngsland. Snell* to Heber Springs. Snowball* to Marshall. Snow L a k e * !! to Helena. Sn yd er*! to Hamburg. Social H ill* to M alvern. Sodom to A m ity. Solgbhachla* "to Morrlllton. Sonora* to Soringdale. Soudan to Marianna. South Bend* to Dumas. Southern H om e to M aga zine. South Fork* to Mammoth Spring. So. F t. S m ith *!! to Ft. Smith. S padra*!! to Hartman. SplelervUle* to Paris. Spirit Lake to Lewisville. Spotvllle to Magnolia. Spring Creek to Helena. Springfield* to M orrlllton. Spring H ill to Hope. Sprlngtown*! to Gentry. Spring V alley* to Springdale. Stafford* to BellevUle. Stanford to Paragould. Staple to Pine Bluff. Stark to Heber Springs. Staves to Rison. Steele to Elm Springs. Stegall to Grubbs. Stella* to Melbourne. Steprock to Judsonia. Steve* to Plalnview. Stevens Creek to Bald Knob. StUlwater to Mount Ida. Stonewall* to Knobel. Strawberry* to Black Rook. Strickler* to Prairie Grove. Stringer to Waldron. Stuart to Hardy. Sturkle to Salem. Subiaco*! to Scranton. Sugar G rove* to Magazine. Sulpnur C ity * to Fayette ville. Sulphur R o ck *! to Newark. Summers*! to Westvllle, Okla. Summerville to Harrell. Summit to Yellvtlle. Sumpter* to Warren. Sunnyslde* to Lake Village. SaffeU to Black Rock. Sunset* to Winslow. Sage to Melbourne. Supply to Maynard. Saginaw* to M alvern. Sutton to Em m ett. Saint James* to Batesville. Swain* to Jasper Saint Thomas* to Jolnei*. Saint Vincent* tbMorrUlton. Swan Lake* to Pine Bluff. Swarts to Pocahontas. Salado* to BatesvUle. Swaty to Bearden. Saline to Carthage. Sweden* to Pine Bluff. SaltlUo* to Conway. Sweet H o m e *! to L ittle Saltsprings to Glllham. Rock. Sanders* to Malvern. Sydenham to Fayetteville. Sandlff to Edgemont. S ylam ore*!! to Mountain Sandtown* to Batesvllle. View. Sandybend* to Strong. Sans Souci to Osceola. Saratoga* to Fulton. Sardis to Hope. T a m o * !! to Pine Bluff. Satuma* to Perry. Taral to Russellville. T arry* to Pine Bluff. Savoy to Fayetteville. S a y re *!! to Chidester. T a te to Booneville. Theo to Chidester. Scaife* to Lake Village. Scanlan* to Memphis, Tenn Th iel to Benton. Sebaal* to Mineral Springs. Thom asville to M oro. Schaberg* to Winslow. Thom pson*! to St. Paul. Thornburgh to Perry. Schooley to Ozan. S c o tt*! to L ittle Rook. Thohney* to Elkins. Scottsvllle* to RusseUvUle. Three Brothers to M oun Sedalia to Rogers. tain Home. Sedgwick* t t to Walnut Three Cheeks* to Junction. Tichnor* to G illett. Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ARKANSAS T ie P la n t*! to Argenta. T ilto n *! to W ynne. Tim bo* to Mountain View. Tin a to Batesville. Tinsman to Hampton. Tipton to Klngsland. Todd to Star City. T o g o to Earl. T o k io *! to Nashville. Toledo to Rison. Toilette* to Mineral Springs. Tollville to Devall Bluff. Toltec* to England. Tomahawk* to Marshall. Tom ato* to Blythevllle. Tomberllns* to England. Tomlinson to Osceola. Toney to Ozark. Tontitow n* to Springdale. Townsley to Pettigrew. Trafalgar* to Portland. T ra sk w oo d *!! to Benton. Treat to Lamar. Trenton* to Marvell. Trident to Siloam Springs. Trigg to Klngsland. T roy to Stephens. Tru ll* to E l Dorado. Truth to Huntsville. Tubal* to Junction. T u ck er*! to England. Tulip* to Carthage. T(ill to Benton. T u p e lo *!! to Newport. Turkey to Yellville. Turner* to M arvelL Turrell to Marion. Tu ttle to Elkins. TuttletOn to Forrest C ity. T w iligh t to Conway. Tw in Creek to Calico Rook. T y le r* to Heber Springs. Tyner to Helena. Ty ro* to Monticello. U !m *l to Stuttgart U ltim a Thule to D e Queen. Umpire* to Dierks. Una to Leslie. Union* to Salem. UnlonhlU* to Newport. Unlontown* to Van Buren. Upland* to Junction C ity. Urbana* to Strong. U rban ette*! to Berryville. Ursula*! to Charleston. Ussery* to H ot Springs. Vale* to Fayetteville. Valley Springs* to Harri son. Van* to D e W itt. Van Duzer* to Camden. A V am er*tt to Pine Bluff. Vaughn to Bentonville. V elie to A m ity. Vendor to JasperVenus* to Huntsville. Vero to Calico Rook. Verona to Y ellville. Vesta* to Charleston. V ic k * !! to Hermitage. Victor to Batesvllle. Village* to Magnolia. Vilonla* to Conway. / V incent*! to Crawfordvllle. Vineyard* to Marianna. . Vlneygrove t o P r a l r l s Grove. V iolet H ill* to Melbourne. Wabash* to Helena. I W aco to Monette. 1Waldenburg* to Weiner. Waldstein* to D e W itt. W alker*! to Searcy. W alnut to Pettigrew . W alnut G rove to Batesville. W alnut H ill to Bradley. Walnut L a k e*! to Dumas. Walnut Springs to Horatio. Walnut Tree* to Danville. Wamnoo to England. W a rd *! to Beebe. W ardeli* to Joiner. W ar Eagle to Rogers, i Warm Springs* to Pooahontas. Warner to Humphrey. Warrenton to Monticello. Washburn* to Greenwood. Washita to H ot Springs. W atalula* to Ozark. Waters* to Mena. W atervalley *to Imboden. Wattensaw* to Lonoke. W atts to Leslie. W aveland *! to Danville. W a verly* to Memphis.Tenn. W ayton to Jasper. Weathers to Kingston. W ebb C ity* to Ozark. W eber to Gillett. W edm gton t o S i l o a m Springs. Weeks* to Heaverier, Okie. W eldon* t ! to Newport. W eona to Trumann. W esley* to Elkins. Wesson* to E l Dorado. W est to Morrlllton. W estern Grove* to Harrt! Express Office. ARKANSAS West H artford* to H art ford. /West Helenat to Helena. West Mem phis to Memphis Tenn. Westover to Helena. West P o in t* !! to Kensett. Wharton* to Huntsville. Wheeler to Springdale. Wheeling to Salem. Whelen Springs* to Curdon. W hite* t t to Felsenthal. Whitecliffs* to Ashdown. W hitehall*! to Harrisburg. Whitener* to Hindsville. W hite R iver to Rosedale, Miss. W hite Rook to Mulberry. W hitlow * to Croseett. W hitm ore! to Forrest City. Whittington to H o t Spgs. W hitton* to Joiner. W idem ant! to Calico Rock. W ld en ers*!! to Forest City. Wiggs* to H ot Springs. Wilburn* to Heber Springs. W ild Cherry* to Calico Rock. Wilkins* to Paris. Willcockson* to Harrison. WUllsville to W aldo. W illow * to M alvern. Wilmington to Strong. Winfield to Waldron. W infrey* to Winslow. W ing* to Danville. Winstead to Hardy. W lrth* to Mammoth Spg. Wiseman* to Melbourne. Witcherville* to Huntington. Witherspoon* to- Arkadelphia. W itter* to St. Paul. W itts Springs* to Marshall. W iv ille * !! to Cotton Plant. W olf Bayou* to Batesville. Woifpen to Berryville. Womack to Forrest City. W oodberry* to Hampton. W oodrow to Heber Springs. W oodson*! to L ittle Rock. W oolsey! to W est Fork. Woolum to Leslie. W ooster* to Conway. Worden* to Bald Knob. W rightsville*! to L i t t l e Rock. Wyanoka to Memphis, Tenn. W y a tt to Calico Rook. W ye* to Bigelow. W ym an to Fayetteville. W yola to Winslow. Yadkin to Ravenden. Y ale* to Ozark. Yancopin* to McGehee. Yancy* to Ozan. Yarbro to Blytheville. Yardelle* to Harrison. Yocana to Mena. Yocum to Green Forest. Yoder to Stuttgart. Yorktow n* to Pine Bluff. Young to Chldester. Youngtown* to Pine Bluff. Zack to Marshall. Zent* to Brinkley. Zino*! to Harrison. Zion* to Melbourne. C A L IF O R N IA Abila to Los Angeles. A ca dem y*! to Clovis. Acam po*. to Lodi. A c to n * t! to Lancaster. Adams to Oalistoga. Adam Springs to LakeportAdelaida* to Paso Robles. Adelanto to San Bernardi no. A din *t to Bieber. Aetna Springs to St. Helena A g e r*! to Yreka. A g n e w *ti to Santa Clara. Agua Caliente* to Sonoma. Aguanga* to San Jacinto. Ahwahnee to Madera. Alamitos B ay* to Long A la m o * !! to Danville. Alam orio* to Brawley. A lbany to Berkeley.' AlSerhill to Elsinore. A lbion *! to Mendocino. A ldent to Oakland. Alderpoint to Scotia. A lder Springs to Willows. Alleghany* to Nevada City. Allendale* to Oakland. A llen sw orth *!! to Delano. Alliance* to Areata. A lm a * t! to Los Gatos. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Alpaugh* to Corcoran. Alpine* to El Cajon. A lta * to Colfax. A lta d e n a *t! to Pasadena. . A1 Tahoe*! to Truckee. A lta Borna* to Cucamonga. A lta m on t*!! to Livermore. A ltaville* to Angels Camp. A lto to M ill Valley. A lto n *! to Fortuna. A lv is o *!! to Milpitas. Amador C ity *! to Jackson. A m b o y *!! to Needles. A m e d e e*!! to Susanville. Amsterdam to Merced. Anderson Springs to Oalis toga A n d ra d e!! to Yuma, Ariz. A n g iola*!! to Corcoran. Angwin to St. Helena. A ntelope*! to Sacramento. A pplegate*! to Auburn. Aptos’ t ! to ISanta Cruz. A rboga! to Marysville. A rm o n a *!! to Hanford. Arno* to Sacramento. A rom as*!! to Watsonville. Arrowhead Springs* to San Bernardino. A rv in * f to Bakersfield. Atascadero to Paso Robles. AtchiBon! to Richmond. Athens to Los Angeles. Athlone* to Merced. A tlanta! to Ripon, A tolia* to Los Angeles. • Auberry* to Clovis. Aukum* to Sutter Creek. Avalon* t to San Pedro. A very* to Angels Camp. A vila* to San Luis Obispo. CALIFORNIA Bouldin Island to Antioch. Boulevard to San Diego. B ow les*!! to Fresno. B ow m an*!! to Auburn. Boyes Springs* to Sonoma. B ra d ley *!! to San Miguel. Brandy City* to Nevada City. T Branscomb* to Wllllts. B r a y * !! to Dorris. Briceburg* to Merced. Briceland* to Scotia. Bridge to Fresno. Bridge House* to lone: »B ridgeport* to Minden. N ev. Bridgevilie* to Fortuna. Brighton t t to Sacramento. B roderick*! to Sacramento B rookdale*! to Santa Cruz. Brooks* to Esparto. B row n *!! to Bakersfield. 1845 East Auburn*! to Auburn. Clay* to Galt. Bast Bakersfield to Bakers Claybum to Riohmond. Clayton* to Concord. field. East H ighlands*!! to High Clearwater* to Hynes. land. C leinents*!! to Lockeford. E a ston *!! to Burlingame. C lio * !! to Quincy: E. San P e d ro *!! to San C lippergap*tt to Auburn. Pedro. Clipper M ills* to Oroville. Edendale! to Los Angeles. Clotho to Fresno. Eden V ale*! to' San Jose. Coarsegold* to Madera. E d gew ood*!! to Weed. Cobb* to Calistoga. E d iso n *!! to Bakersfield. Cobasset* to Chico. E d n a *t! to San Luis Obispo Colegrove to Hollywood. Goleville* to Gardnerville, N ev. Campo to Sausalito. College C ity * to Arbuckle. El El Cerrito*' to Berkeley. College P a r k !! to San Jose. E l Dorado (Calaveras C o), Collegeville to Stockton. to Lodi. Collins to Ontario. Eldorado*! (Eldorado Co.) Collinsville* t to Martinez to Placerville. C olm a*! to San Francisco. Elftman to Compton. Colum bia*tt to Sonora. E l Granada*! to San Fran Columbia H ill to N evada cisco. Browns Valley* to M arys City. Elizabeth Lake* to Los An ville. Oomptche* to Mendocino. geles. Brownsville* to Oroville. Concepcion*!! to Santa E lk *! .(Eldorado Co.) to Brush Creek* to Oroville. Barbara., Auburn. B ryn m a w r*!! to Redlands O onejo*!! to Laton. Elk* (Mendocino Co.) to B ryte to Stockton. Confidence* to Tuolumne. Mendocino. Buck to Quincy. C ooperstown*t! to Oakdale Elk Creek* to Willows Buckeye* to Redding. Copper C ity to Redding. Ellisworth* to Bscalon. Buck Meadows to Sonora. E lm ir a *!! to Vacaville. Buena Vista to Sonoma. Oopperopolis* to Angels El Modeno* to Orange. Bullards Bar* to M arys Camp. El Rto* to Oxnard. ville. Coppervale*! to Susanville. T o r o * !! to Santa Ana. Bulwinkle* to Areata. C ord elia*!! to Suisun City. El V era n o*t! to Sonoma. Buntingville to Susanville. Cornell to T,os Angeles. E lvertat! to Sacramento. Burnett*! to Long Beach. Corralitos* to Watsonville. Emigrant G a p * !! to Colfax. Burney* to Redding. . Corte M adera*!! to San Emmaton* to Antioch. Burrell to Riverdale. Anselmo. Em m ett to Hollister. Burrough to Clovis. C o ta tl*!! to Petaluma. E m p ire*!! to Modesto. Burson* to Lodi. Coultervllle*! to Merced. Encanto*! to L a Mesa. Butcher Ranch* to Auburn. Coutolenc* to Chico. Endnal to Sunnyvale. Button W illow *! to Bakers Covel to Fresno. Encinitas*! ! to Oceanside. field. Badger* to Orosi. Oovelo* to Willits. Enterprise* to OrovUle. Byersville to Crows Land Cowell to Concord. B a gd ad *!! to Needles. Escalle to San Anselmo. ing. Baird* to Redding. C o y o te *!! to MorganHill. Ethanac*! to Perris. Byron H ot Springs« to Bairdstown*! to LosAngeles Cozzens* to Geyserville. Etiw and a*!! to Cucamonga Byron. Baker Ranch to Colfax. CraftonvlUe* to Redland. Eubanks* to Dunsmuir. Balboa*! to NewportBeach. Eugene* to Oakdale. Ballarat* to Los Angeles. Evergreen*! to San Jose. Bangor* to Oroville. B anta*! to Tracy. C abazon*!! to Banning. Crescent M ills *! to Green Bard* to Yuma. Ariz. to Woodland. ville. F airfax*! to San Anselmo. Barstow to San Bernardino. Cadanassa* to Hemet. Cressey* to Livingston. Fairmead to Madera. B artlett Springs!* to W il Cahuilla Cajon* it t o San Bernardino Creston* to Paso Robles. Fairm ont* to Lancaster. liams. Calabasas* to Los Angeles. Crutts to San Bernardino. Fair Play* to Placerville. Bass Lake*t to Fresno. aliente*!! to Bakersfield. F airp ort*!! to F ort B dBaxter to San Bernardino. C Callahan* to Etna M ills. ' Crystal Springs to Colfax. well. B ayles*! to Kennett. Calpella* to Ukiah. Cudahy Ranch tto Los A n Falk* to Eureka. B a y p oin t*!! to Concord. Calwa C ity to Fresno. geles. Fallen L eaf* to Placerville.. Bayside* to Eureka. Camanche* to Lodi. Cummings* to W illits. Fallon*! to Tomales. B eatrice*! to Loleta. Camden to Laton. Cunningham to Sebastopol. F am osa*!! to Delano. Beckwith*! to Loyal ton. Camlno* to Placerville. Farallone*!! to H a lf M oon B eld en *!! to Quincy. Camp Baldy to Upland. Cupertino*! to Sunnyvale. Bay. Bell* to Los Angeles. Camp M e e k e r*!! to Valley Cypress to Artesia. F arm ersville*!! to Exeter. Bella Vista to Redding. Ford. Farmington* ! ! to Stocktoh Bellevue! to Santa Rosa. Campo* to San-Diego. Felix* to Angels Camp. B ellflower*! to Hynes. Campo Seco* to Jackson. F ellow s*!! to Taft. B ellota*! to Stockton. Camp Pistolesi to Tomales. Daggett* t ! to San Bernar- F e lto n * !! to Santa Cruz. Bells Station to Gilroy. Oamptonville* to Nevada. Fenner!! to Needles. B elm ont*! to Red W ood City. Daly C ity *! to San Fran- Fertilla to Blythe. C ity. Oanby*! to Alturas. Fetters Springs*to Sonoma. Belvedere*! to Sausalito. Cantara* to Dunsmuir. Dana* to McCloud. F leldbrook*! to Arcuta. Ben Hur to L e Grand. Capay* to Esparto. D a n b y *!! to Needles. Fields Landing* to E «reka. Ben Lom ond* t ! to Santa Capetown* to Femdale. Darrah to Merced. Finley* to Lakeport. Cruz. C ap ito la*!! to Santa Cruz Fish Rook to Point Arena. Darwin* to Independence. Benton* to Bishop. -Five M ile House to StockDatura to Standish. B erenda*!! to Madera. Cardiff B y Th e Sea*! to Davenport * ! ! to Santa ton. Beresford to San M ateo. Oceanside. F loren c e*!! to Los Angeles. Cruz. Bernardo* to Escondido. arlotta! to Fortuna Davis C reek *!! to Alturas. F lo r in * !! to Sacramento. Berros* to A rroyo Grande. C Carlsbad* to Oceanside. Death V a lle y * !! to Gold Floriston* 11 to Reno, N ev. Berry C reek !! to Oroville. Carm el*!! to Monterey. Flournoy* to Coming. field . N e v . Berryessa to San Jose. Carnelian B ay* to Reno. Fontana to Rialto. D e c o to *!! to Haywards. Beswick* to Yreka. Forbestown* to Oroville. Carrville* to WeaverviUe. Deer P a rk *! to Reno. Nev, B eth an y*!! to Tracy. H ill* to Angels Del M a r * !! to San DiegoForest* to Nevada City. B etteravla*t! to Guadaloupe Carson Camp. D el M o h te *f! tp M onterey. ForesthiU* to Colfax. Beulah Heights to Oak Casa B lan ca !! to Riverside. Forest Hom e* to Sutter Del R o sa *!! to Highland. land. Casa Verdugo to Glendale. Del Sur* to Los Angeles. Cr86k. B everly Glen to Sherman. Forest Knolls to San Ansel Casmalla*tl to Santa Marik. Denny* to WeaverviUe. B everly H ills*!-to Sherman. Caspar* to F ort Bragg. mo. Denverton to Suisun City. Blcknell* to Santa Maria. Cassel* to Redding. Forest Lake to Lodi. Descanso* to E l Cajon. Big Bar* to WeaverviUe. C astella*!! to Dunsmuir. Forks o f Salmon* to Etna D evore*!! to San Bernar Big Creek to Clovis. Castle Rock to Dunsmuir. Mills. dino. Big Oak Flat* to Sonora. C astroville*!! to Salinas. Diamond Spring* ! t to F ort Barry* to Sausalito Bigtrees* to Stockton. F ort Seward to Scotia Catalina Island! to San PlacervUle. Bijou* to Minden, N ev. F ort Yuma to Yum--. A riz. Pedro. Dim ond! to Oakland. Biola to Kerman. Cathay* to Merced. F o s te r*!! to Ramona. Dixieland*! to Seeley. Birds Landing* to Suisun Oayucos* to San Luis Fosteria* to Jackson. Dobbins* to Nevada City. City. Fouts Springs to M axw ell. Obispo. Dorleska* to WeaverviUe. Black Diam ond! to Pitts Cazadero*tt Franklin*!!, to Elk Grove. to Guerneville. Dorrington* to Stockton. burg. Fredericksburg to Minden, CecUvHle* to Fort Jones. Dos R io s*! to Wiilits. Black Point to N ovato. N ev. Cem ent*!! to Suisun City, Dougherty to Pleasanton. Douglas City* to Weaver Freeport* to Sacramento. Freestone*! to V alley Ford. viUe. Centerville (Fresno Qo.) to Blairsdeni! to Quincy. D ove* to San Luis Obispo. French Camp* to Stockton. Sanger. Blanchard to Merced. French Corral* to Grass iD ow n ieville* to N evada Challenge* to Oroville. Blanco* to Salinas. Valley. C ity. Charter O ak*! to Covina. Blocksburg*! to Fortuna. French Gulch* 1 to Redding Bloom field* to V alley Ford. Chatsworth* ! ! to Los Ange D o y le *! 1 to SusanvUle. Freshwater* to Eureka. D rytd w n*! to Jackson. les. B loom ington*!! to Rialto. F y ia n t*!! to Clovis. D u a rte *!! to M onrovia. Blue C an yo n *!! to Colfax. Cherokee! to Oroville. F ru itv a le *!! to Oakland. Dublin to Pleasanton. Chester*! to Greenville. Blue L a k e *! to Areata. F ru to *! to W illow . D udley* to Coalinga. Blythe Junction, to Park Chicago Park* to Colfax. F u lto n * !! to Santa Rosa. Dulzura* to San Diego. C h ilco ot*!! to Loyalton. er, Ariz. Chinese C am p*! to James Duncans M ills * !! to Guer GarberviUe* to Scotia. B o c a * !! to Reno, Nev. Garden V alley* to Placerneville. town^ B odega*! to Valley Ford. ville. Chittenden*! to Watson Dundee to Burbank. Bodfish* to Bakersfield. Garey to Santa M aria. Dunlap*;! t o Sanger. ville. B odie*! to Minden, N ev. D u nnigan *!! to Woodland. Gas Point* to Anderson. Bolinas* to San Rafael, i Cholame* to Paso Robles. G a v lo ta * !! to Santa Dirtcn F la t * !! to Colfax. Christine to Gloverdale. Bolsa to Garden Grove. Barbara. D yerville* to Scotia. B onita*! to National City.- C hualar*t! to Gonzales. G a zelle*!! to Weed. Bonny Doon* to Santa C im a*!! to Las Vegas, Nev. General Grant National C isco*!! to Colfax. Cruz. Park* to W oodlake. Clarksburg*! to Sacra Eaglenest to Guerneville. Boonville* to Ukiah. Eagle Rock to Los Angeles. Genesee* to Greenville. mento. Bostonia* to El Cajon. Georgetown* to Placerville. EaglevUle*! to Cedarvllle. Clarksville* to Folsom City. Boulder C reek*tt to Santa I Gerber to R ed Bluff. E arlim art*! to Delano. Claus to Riverbank. Cruz. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Money Order Office. f Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1846 CALIFORNIA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Germantown* t j to Willows. Ig o * to Redding. Giant*! to Pinoie. • Imperial Beach* to NaGiant Forest to Woodlake. tional C ity. Junction! ! to Gilroy H o t Springs* to Gil Im perial Brawley. roy. Independence Lake to G lam istI to Yum a, Ariz. Reno, N ev. Glazier to M cCloud. Indian Dlgglns to PlacerGlenblalr* to F ort Bragg. Glenburn* to Bieber. ville. Indian Wells to Coachella. Glencoe* to Jackson. In d io * !! to Coachella. Glen Ellen* to Sonoma. Inglenook* to F ort Bragg. Glenn* to W illow s. Glennville* to Delano. Glenwood * 1! to Santa Cruz. Ingom ar*! to Gustine. G loryetta* to Santa Ana. In got* to Redding. Inskip* to Oroville. G o ffs *!! to Needles. Iverness*! to P o rt Reyes Golden Gate, to Oakland. Station. Gold R u n * !! to Colfax. G o le ta *t! to Santa Barbara Inyokern* to Los Angeles. Gorman to Lancaster. Iow a H ill* to Colfax. Goshen*! to Visalia. Irm u lco*! to Willits. G ottville* to Yreka. Iron Mountain to Redding. Grabners to Clovis. I r v in e !! to Tustin. Grafton*f| to Knights Irw in to Turlock. Landing. Isabella* to Bakersfield. Graham Station* to W atts. Island M ountain*! to W il Grand Island* to Grimes. lits. Grand V iew * to San Rafael. lvanpah to Las Vegas, N ev. Grandvllle* to Guemeville. Iv y * to Alturas. Grangeville* to Hanford. Graniteville* to Nevada City. Jacinto to Willows. Graton* to Sebastopol. Jackson Gate to Jackson. G ray to Banning. Jacksonville* to Sonora. Greenfield* toK ings C ity. Jacumba to San Diego. Greenview* to Ft. Jones. Jamesburg* to Salinas. Greenville to Santa A na. . I Jamul* to L a Mesa. Greenwood* to Auburn. Jasper to Heber. Grenada to Montague. Jelly to Red Bluff. G rizzly Bluff* to Femdale. Jenny Lind* to Stookton Grossmont*! to La Mesa. Jerom e*! to Dorris. Groveland* to Sonora. Jersey* to Antioch. Grub Gulch*t to M adera Jesus M arie to Lodi. Gualala*! to Point Arena. • Johannesburg*!! to RandsGuasti t ! to Ontario. burg. Guernewood Park to Guer- ' John Adams* to Chico. neville. Johnstonville*f to SusanGuernsey* t ! to Hanford. vllle. G u inda*t! to Esparto. Johnsville*! to Quincy. Guthrie’s Station to Sacra Jolon* to K in g C ity. mento. Josephine* to Auburn. Judson* to San Bernardino. Julian* to Ramona. Halcyon* to A rroyo Grande Junction City* to Weaveryille. Halleck* to San Bernardino Hamburg* to F ort Jones. Hamilton C it y * !! to Chico. Hammonton* to Marysville. H appy Camp* to Ft. Jones. Kanawyer to Sanger. Harbin Springs to Calistoga Kearney Park* to Fresno. Harbor C ity to San Pedro. K e d d ie *!! to Quincy. Harlem H q t Springs! to K e e le r*!! to Bishop. K een e*! to Tehachapi. San BerUardino. Harper to N ew port Beach. K ellogg* to Calistoga. K elseyville*! to Lakeport. Harris* to Scotia. Harrison* to H alf Moon Bay K e ls o * !! to Las Vegas, N ev. K enny to F ort Braggi. H a rt*! to Needles. K en tfleld *tt to San Rafael. Havtlah* to Bakersfield. H awthorne*! to Inglewood. K en t Station to W atts. K en w ood *tt to Santa Rosa. Hayden H ill! to Bieber. Kern to Bakersfield. H ayfork* to W eaverville. Hazel Creek* to Duns- Kern ville* to Bakersfield. K e sw ick *!I to Redding. mulr. Kinerlvcr* to Sanger. Hearst to W illits. K irk w ood*! to Corning. Heber to Calixivo. Klam ath to Areata. Helena* to W eaverville. KlinK to Visalia. H elix to L a Mesa. , K n igh tsen *!! to Antioch. Helm to Fresno. Knights F erry* to Oakdale. Henderson* to Redding. K nob* to Redding. Henleyville* to Corning. Knowles* to Madera. H erald! to Galt. K o rb el*! to Areata. Hercules to Pinole. Kram er ! ! to San Bernar Hermon* to Los Angeles. dino. Herndon* to Fresno. Kytiurz* to Placerville. Ile ro u lt*! to Redding. H es p e ria *!! to San Bernar dino. La Canada* to Pasadena. Hessel to Sebastopol. La Crescenta* to Glendale. H ick m an *!! to Hughson. L afayette* to Concord. La Grange* to Modesto. Highgrove to Riverside. Laguna Beach* to Santa Highline to H oltville. Ana. H ill to L a Jolla. Lagunitas* tò San Anseimo. H ilton * to Guemeville. La Honda* to Redwood H ilt s * !! to Ashland, Ore. City. Hinkley * ! ! to San Bernar Lake C ity * to Oedarville. dino. H obart M ills *! to Reno. Lake House to Sacramento. N ev. L a k esid e*!! to El Cajon. H obgood* to Brawley. Lake Valley to Carson C ity, Hodson to Angels Camp. N ev. Holmes to Scotia. Lakeview * to Perris. H o lt * !! to Stockton. Lakeville to Petaluma H on cu t*! to Oroville. Lam bert to Healdsburg. H ood ! to Sacramento. La M ir a d a * !! to Norwalk. H oopa* to Areata. La M o in e * !! to Dunsmuir. Hopeton to Merced. H o m b ro o k *!! to Montague Lanarei to Riyerdale. Lanfair* to Needles. . Horhitos* to Merced. H o t Springs* (Tulare Co.) Lansdale to San Anseima L a Panza to SUn Luis Obis to Ducor. po. , . Hough Springs to Williams. H oward Spring to Lakep ort L a Porte* to Qumcy. H owland F lat to Oroville. Larabee to Scotia. Larkin to Redding. Hub to Hardwick. Larkmead to St. Helena. H um e* to Sanger. Hunters V alley* to Merced. Lark sp u r*!! to San Ansei mo. Huntingdon Lake to Fresno Las Cruces to Santa Bar Hurleton* to Oroville. bara. H u ro n *!! to Coalinga. Hyam pom * to W eaverville. Lassen* to Susanville. Last Chance* to Colfax. H ydepark* to Inglewood. Lathrop*T! to Stockton. H ydesville* to Fortuna. Latin Sta. to Watts. L a tro b e*tt to Placerville. Idrla* to Hollister. Laurel*! to Los Gatos. IgernaHo Weed. L a w n d ale*! to Inglewood. Ig n a c io *ft to San Rafael. REFERENCE K E Y , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 County Seat. Law ren ce*! to Santa Clara M ills College* to Oakland. ' M illv ille* to Anderson. L a w s * !! to Bishop. M ilto n * !! to Stockton. Laytonville* to W illits. M ineral Park to Bishop. Lebec* to Bakersfield. Minersville* to W eaverville. Leliter to Bakersfield. M in kler! to Sanger. Lem oncove* to Exeter. Lemon G r o v e * !! to L a M inturn* to Chowchilla M iram ar* (San D iego Co.) Mesa. to San Diego. Lennox to Inglewood. Lew iston*! to W eaverville. M iram ar (San M a teo Co.) to H a lf M oon Bay. L i k e ly * !! to Alturas. L ittle Lake* to Tehachapi. M iranda* to Fortune. Lim e K iln to Exeter. Mission San Jose*! to Irvington. L in d en *! to Stookton. L itch field !! to Susanville, M ist to Madera. L ittle Lake* to Tehachapi. M itchell M ill* to Angels L ittle R iv er* to Mendocino Camp. v M ohaw k* to Quincy. Littlerock* to Lancaster. L ittle Shasta* to Montague. M ojave* ! ! to Tehachapi. L iv e Oak, (Sacramento Co.) Mokelumne H i l l * ! ! to Jackto Sacramento. son. Llanada to Hollister. Molino to Sebastopol. Lobitis Station to H a lf Monmouth* to Fowler. M ono Lake* to Hawthorne, M oon Bay. Locke to W alnut Grove. N ev. Lockport to W alnut Grove. M on olith *!! to Tehachapi. Lockw ood* to K in g C ity. Monson* to Dlnuba. M o n ta lv o *!! to Oxnard. Lodoga to Maxwell. Lom a L in d a*! to Redlands. M ontara*! to H a lf Moon Lom ita* to San Pedro'. ' Bay. Lone Pine* to Independ M o n ta V ista to Sunnyvale. ence. Lone Star -to Fowler. Montée!to* to Santa Bar Lon gvale*! to W illits. bara. Long V a lle y *! to Susan Monte R io to Guemeville. M onte Vista to San Fer ville. nando. Lonoak* to K in g C ity. Montezum a to Sonora. Look ou t*! to Redding. M ontgom ery Creek* to Loraine* to Kern. Redding. Lordsburg to L a Verne. Los A lam itos*tt to Artesia. M onticello*! to Napa. Los A lto s *! to Mountain M o n tp elie r*!! to Denair. M ontrlo*! to Guemeville. View. LosBerros to ArroyoGrande. Montrose to Glendale. Los M olinos*!! to Red Moores F lat* to Nevada /City. Bluff. Mooretown* to Oroville. Los N ie to s !! to W hittier. Los O liv o s *!! to Santa Moorland*! to Stockton. Moreno* to Redlands. Maria. M orm on Bar to L e Grande. Lost H ills to Bakersfield. Morro* to San Luis Obispo. Lotus* to Placerville. Low er L a k e *! to Lakeport. Moss* to Watsonville. Lucerne Vailey to San Moss B ea ch *!! to H all Bernardino. Moon Bay. Moss Landing to Watson L u d lo w !! to Needles. ville. Luigo to Compton. Mountain Ranch* to Lodi. Lynw ood to Compton. L y t t o n * !! to Healdsburg. Mount B ullion*! $p Merced. Mount E d e n * !! to Oakland. Mount Hebron* t t t o Dorris. M u ir !! to M artinez. M a cd oel*t! to Dorris. M u roo*!! to Tehachapi. M a d e lin e*!! to Alturas. Murphy* (Calaveras Co.) to M adison*! to Esparto, j Angels Camp. M adron e*! to Gilroy. M urrietta*! to Elsinore. M agalla*! to Chico. Malaga*Tt to Fresno. M y ford to Tustin. M am m oth * to Bishop. Manchester*, to PointArena. Manhattan* to Redondo. Napa Junction* ! ! to Napa. Napa Soda Sp’gs* to Napa. Manton* to Red Bluff. Manzanar* to Independ N aples*! ! to Santa Barbara N aranjo* to Woodlake. ence. Manzanita to Gridley. N arod to Ontario. Maple Creek to Areata. N avarro to Mendocino. Navelencia to Reedley. M arian to O'wensmouth. Neenach* to Lancaster. M arigold* to M arysville. M arina to M onterey. N ellie* to Escondido. M arine to H a lf M oon Bay. N elson*! to Durham. iM a rip o s a *! to L e Grande. Nelson Point to Quincy. M a rk leeville' to Minden, N es tor*! to National City N ew Almaden* to San Jose. N ev . Marsh to W alnut Creek. N e w a r k *!! to Centerville. M a rsh a ll*!! to Tomales. N ew berg to Orescent C ity. MarteU*! to Jackson. Masonic* to Gardnerville, N ew berry! to San Bernar N ev . dino. Newbury Park* to Oxnard Massack Spur to Quincy. N e w h a ll*!! to San Fer M a tilija * to Oxnard. M a y * to lone. nando. M ayhew s* to Sacramento. N ewm ark. to Montebello M a yten * to Yreka. N ew M onterey! to Mon M c A rth u r*! to Redding. terey. M cK in levvllle* to Areata. N ew ville* to Orland. M c K in n ey*! to Reno. Nev. N lcaslo*! to San Rafael. M c K ittr ic k * !! to Bakers Nicolaus*! to M arysville. field. N iland to Brawley. M CNear Poin t to San N lm shew *! to Chico. [lei Nipinnawasee to Madera. M eadow V a lley *! to Quincy N ip o m o * !! to Santa Maria. M e c c a * !! to Coachella. N ip to n * !! to Las Vegas. M elburne* to Mendocino. N ev. M elitta to Santa Rosa. N o rd *! to Chico. M eloland to H oltville. N o rd h o fl*!! to Ojai. Melones* to Angels Camp. North Bloomfield* to N eva M elrose to Oakland. da City, M e n d o ta *!! to Firebaugh. Northbranch* to Angels Mentone*.! t to Redlands Camp. Merced F a lls*! to Merced. North Columbia* to N eva M eridian *! to Colusa. da City. Meridian Corners to North Cucamonga* to Cucamonga. Santa Clara. Merrillville to Susanville. N orth Fork to Madera. M esa Grande* to Ramona. North Ontario to Upland. M etropolitan* to Scotia. N orth P o m o n a!! to P o mona. M eyers to Placerville. N orth Sacramento* to Sac M iam i to Maderaramento. Michigan Bar* to Sacra North San D ieg o*! to San mento. M ichigan Bluff* to Colfax. Diego. M id d le Creek to Redding. N orth San J u a n * to M id dletow n *! to Calistoga. Nevada City. Mid Lake* to Ukiah. Northwestern* to W illits. ' M id w a y* to Oakland. N oyo* to F ort Bragg. M ilford*! to Susanville. N u evo (Riverside C o.)* to M illbrae*! to San M ateo. f Perris, N u evo (San D iego C o.) to M ills*! to Sacramento. Millsaps* td W illo w s.______ - Ramona. Money Order Office. f Telegraph Station. CALIFORNIA Oak Bar to Yreka. ~ Oak Bottoms to Redding. Oakhurst* to Madera. O a k le y *!! to Antioch. Oak P a rk *! to Sacramento. O a k v ille *!! to St. Helena. Oasis* to Tonopah, N ev. O cciden tal*!! to Sebasto pol. Ocean Beach*i to SanDiego Oceano* ! ttoArroyoGrande. Ocean V ie w ! to San Fran cisco. Ockenden* to Clovis. O g llb y * !! to Yum a, A riz. Oilcenter* to Bakersfield. Oildale to Bakersfield. Oilfields* to Coalinga. Olancha* to Lone Pine. Old Town to San Diego, O leander*! to Fresno. O lem a*! to San Rafael. Oieta* to Sutter Creek. Oleum* to Pinole. Ollnda! (Orange C o.), to Fullerton. Olinda*' (Shasta Co.) to Anderson. Olympia to Santa Cruz. Omiral to Susanville. Omo Ranch to Placerville. O ’ Neals* to Madera. Ono* to Redding. ( Onyx* to Bakersfield. Ophir* to Newcastle. Orange C ove to Dinuba. Orangehurst* to Exeter. Orangevale to Folsom C ity. O rc u tt*tl to Santa Marla. Oregon House* to Marys ville. Orlck* to Areata. Oriental* to Willows. Orleans* to Areata. Ornbaun* to Cloverdale. Oro G ran de!! to San Ber nardino. Oro Lom a to Dos Palos. Orwoodtt to Stockton. Oswald to Yuba C ity: O tay *f to Chula Vista. Pacheco* to Concord. Pacific* to Placerville. Paclflo Beach* ! to San Diego. Pacoima to San Fernando. Paicines* to Hollister. Paige* ¡to Tulare. Paintersville to Walnut Grove. P a ja ro ! to Watsonville. Pala* to Fallbrook. Palermo* ! ! to Oroville. Palliser to San Bernardino. Palm C ity to Chula Vista. Palm Springs* to Banning. Palocedro* to Anderson. Palomar Station to W atts. Paloma Station (Calaeras Co.) to Lodi. Palo Verde to Blythe. Panama to Bakersfield. Panoche to Hollister. Paradise*! to Chico. Param ount1to Woodland. Parkfleld* to San Miguel. Paskenta* to Coming. Patchin* to Los Gatos. P a tto n *!! to Highlands. Paynes Creek* to Red Bluff. Pedro Valley to San FranPenngrove’ l to Petaluma. Penoyar to F ort Jones. P e n ry n *!! to" Newcastle. Pepperwood* to Scotia. Peralta to Anaheim. Perkin s*! to Sacramento. Perry* to Redondo.1 Pescad ero*!! to H a lf Moon Bay. P e te r s * !! to Stockton. Petrolia* to Ferndale. ' Philo* to Ukiah. Picacho* to Yuma. .Ariz. P ic o !! to Rivera. Piedm ont! to Oakland: Pik e* to Nevada City. Pilot H ill* to Auburn. Pine Grove* to Jackson. Pine K n ot to Redlands. Pineridge* to Clovis. P ir u * !! to Fillmore. Pismo* to A rroyo Grande. P it tv llle * ! to Redding. Planada to Merced. Plano* to Portersville. Plantation* to Guemeville. Playa D èi R ey* to Venice. Pleasant G ro v e *!! to Wheatland. Pleasant V alley* to Placer ville. P le y to * to Paso Robles. Plumas Jet-! to Reno, N ev . Point Firmin to San Pedro. Point Lom a* to San Diego. Point R e y e s *. to Point Reyes Sta. Point Richm ond! to Rich mond. Poison Switch to Madera. ! Express Office. CALIFORNIA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS COLORADO Polaris to Reno. N ev. Pond to Delano. Pope Valley* to St. Helena Poplar to Portersville. port Costa* t i to Martinez. Portola *!! to Loyalton. Potrero*! to National City. 1847 San Juan Capistrano* to Stanford U niversity*! to Venando* to Williams. Santa Ana. Palo Alto. Venice H ill to Visalia. San L o re n zo *!! to Saa Stanton! to Anaheim. Vemalls* to Stockton. Leandro. Stateline* to Minden. N ev. Verona to Woodland. San L u ca s*!! to K in g City. S tege*! to Richmond. C O LO RADO Vichy to Ukiah. Stella to Redding. Victor to Lodi. San Luis R ey* toOceanslde. Stent* to Jamestown. V id a l!! to Parker, A riz. San M arcos*!! toEscondido Stevinson* to Newman. Villa P a rk ! to Orange. Potter V alley* to Ukiah. San M a rtin *!! to Morgan Stewarts Point* to Point Adams C ity to Brighton. Hill. Poway* to Escondido. Arena. Adena to FQrt Morgan. Vlna*t t to Red Bluff. Pozo* to San Luis Obispo. San Pabio*t ! to Richmond. Stinson Beach to Sausalito. Vlneburg*! to Sonoma. Alcreek to Coloflats. San Quentin* t ! to San Stirling C ity to Chico. Prado*tt to Corona. Alder* to Salida. Vinton* to L oyal ton. Rafael. Prather to Clovis. Alice* to Idaho Springs. Stockyards!! to Oakland. Viola* to Anderson. Pre6idiot to San Francisco. San Ramon* to Danville. Allens Park* to Lyons. Stonyford* to Maxwell. Virginia Mills to Oroville. San Simeon* to Cambria. Preston* t to Cloverdale. Allens Spur to Oak Creek. Strawberry P a rk ! to Gar Virner to Placerville. Priest V alley* to Ooallnga. San Vincinte to Santa Cruz. Allison to Ingaclo. dena. Princeton (San'M ateo C o.)* San Y sld ro *! to National Strawberry V alley* to Oro Visitación to So. San Fran- Alm ont* to Gunnison. City. to San M ateo, A lvin to Laird. ville. Santa A n ita * !! to M on Success to Porterville. Amen to Sterling. prise* to Colusa. V ls ta *!! to Oceanside. rovia. Proberta* to Red Bluff. A m e s*! to Tellurlde. Sugar Pine* to Ma.dera. Volcano* to Jackson. Santa Fe Springs* to Sultana*!! to Dinuba. Pulga* to Oroville. V olta *!! to Los Banos. A m ity * !! to Holly. • Norwalk. Pullman to Richmond. Summerdale to Merced. Vorden* to Walnut Grove. Am o to Peyton. Purlsslma to H all Moon Santa M argaritafM arin Co) Summerland*!! to CarplnA nacond a*!! to Cripple to San Rafael. teria. Creek; Bay. Santa Margarita* t ! (San Summersville to Sonora. Animas C ity to Durango. Luis Obispo Co.) to San Summit*! to San Bernar Waddington* to Femdale. Antlers* to Rifle. Luis Obispo. (uartz* to Jamestown, Wakefield* to Crescent City. ,Anton to Akron. dino. Santa R ita to Salinas. Apex to Central C ity. Sunland* to Burbank. W allace*!! to Lodi. julnby* to Areata. Santa R ita Junction to Sunnyside* to Arapahoe* to Cheyenne National W a ln u t*!! to Pomona. Pleasanton. Wells. Walsh Station* to Sacra C ity. Santa Susana*!! to Oxnard. Sunoltl to Livermore. Arastra* to Silverton. mento. Rackerby* to Qroville. W armsprlngs*t! to Oak Arboles* to Durango. Sunolglen* to Livermore. Railroad F lat* to Stockton. Santa Ynez* to Lompoc. Santa Ysabel* to Ramona. Sunset B each! to Hunt Arena* to K it Carson. land. Rainbow* to Fallbrook. S antee*!! to El Cajon. Warner Springs* to Ra- Arickaree* to Flagler. ington Beach. Raisin*! to Fresno. Sargent* t ! to Gilroy. A rlin gto n *!! to Eads. ' mona. S u rf*t! to Lornpoo. Ramona (Los Angeles Co.) Saittley* to Loyalton. Surrey to San, Fernando. Washington* to N evada Armel* to Haigler, Neb. to Alhambra. A ro y a * !! to K it Carson. C ity. Ramona Park to Alhambra. | Saugus! ! to San Fernando. Sutter* to Yuba City. Sawyers Bar* to Etna Mills. Sutterville to Sacramento Arriola* to Dolores. Randall to Placerville. W aterford*tt to Oakdale. Artesia to T w o Buttes. Schmidtville to Oakland. Swayne to Oroville. Randsburg * 11 to Teha-| Scott A tw ell to Folsom, N . M . Barr* to Fort Jones. Sycamore* to Colusa. W aterloo! to Stockton. ohapl. Scotts* to Loyalton. Watsonville Junction to A tw ood *! to Sterling. Rannells* to Blythe. Watsonville. Augusta*! to Aguilar. Ravendale*! to Susanvllle. Seabrighttî to Santa Cruz. A von a a le*! to Pueblo. W aukena*!! to Corcoran. Seal Beach to Long Beach. Table B lu ff! to Loleta. Ravennatt to Los Angeles. A xial* to Meeker. Searles* to Bakersfield. Table Rock to Oroville. Rayl* to Susanville. Wawona* to Merced. A yer to L a Junta. ,Seaside*! to Monterey. Ta h oe*! to Truckee. Raym ond*tt to Madera. Weimar* to Colfax. Sea View * to GuernevUle. T a lb e rt!to H u n t i n g t o n Weitchpec* to Areata. Redlands ju nctiont to Redlands. Beach. Weldon* to Bakersfield. Redwood Park* to Santa Seigler Springs to Calistoga. T a lla c*! to Placerville. Badito to Walsenburg. Wendel to Standish. S e lb y *!! to Crockett. Talmage* to Ukiah. Cruz. W est Alham bra*! to A l Bailey* t to Falrplay. Tancred*! to Esparto. Redwood Valley (Calpella Seneca* to Greenville. Bald Mountain* to Central hambra. Seven Oaks to Redlands. Tarn to Parlier. P. O.) to Ukiah. CitySeville! to Orosl. Tarpey to Fresno. Relief* to Nevada City. West BerkeleyfitoBerkeley Baldwin* to Gunnison. Shafter to Wasco, Taylor* to Redding. Represa* to Folsom C ity. Westbranch to Chico. Baldy to Blanca. Shale*! to Ta ft. Taylorsville* to Green West Butte* to Colusa. Requa* to Crescent City. Baltimore to Central City. Shandon* to Paso Robles. Rescue* to Placerville. ville. Barela*! to Trinidad. West G ate*! to Sawtelle. Sharon*!! to Chowchilla. Tecate to N ational C ity. Retreat* to Dunsmulr. Barnesvllle* to Kersey. West Glendale to Los Shasta*! to Redding. Tecnor* to Dorris. Reward* to Bakersfield. Barr L a k e * !! to B righ ton. Angeles. Shasta Springs*!! to Duns- T e c o p a *!! to Tonopah. Ricardo to Tehachapt. B asalt*!I to Carbondale. W estley*!! to Patterson. muir. T e h a m a *!! to Corning. Rich to Quincy. Westminster*! to Hunting- Bassick to Canon C ity. Tem escalf to Oakland. Richfield (Orange C o.) t i Shaver* to Clovis. Battle Creek* to Dixon. W yo ton Beach Shawmut* to Sonora. Tem pleton * ! ! t o P a s o to Anaheim. Bear River to Hayden. Sheepranch* to San Andreas Robles. Richfield (Teham a Co.) to Beaverton* to Stratton. Westpotnt* to Lodi. Sheldon to Elk Grove. Teralta to San Diego. Red Bluff. W estport*tl to Fort Bragg Bedrock* to Norwood. Shellvllle to Sonoma. Terminal* to San Pedro. Richgrove* to Ducor. Bellvue to F ort Collins. West San Jose to San Jose; Shelter Cove* to Femdale. Terminous to Lodi. Ricbvale*! to Biggs. Berw lnd*! to Trinidad. Sheridan*! to Wheatland. Terra Buena to Yuba City WestvUle* to Colfax. Riegot to Sacramento. Bessemer! to Pueblo. Westwood to Susanville. Sherwood*! to Willits. Thalhelm *! to Oakdale. Rio B onitol to Biggs. Beulah* to Pueblo.' Whiskey Slide to Lodi. Shingle Springs to Placer Th erm al*!! to Coachella. Rio B ravo* to Bakersfield". ville. Thomasson to Suisun. Rio D ell* to Scotia. Blackhawk*! to/ Central Whitehouse to Redding. , Shingletown* to Anderson. Thorn to Scotia. . Rio Linda to Sacramento. White Sulphur Springs to City. Shiveley*! to Scotia. Thornton to Galt. Rionido*t to GuernevUle. Bloom* to L a Junta. Vallejo. Sierra C ity * to Loyalton. Threerivers* to Woodlake. Ritchey* to lone. Bonanza* to Saguache. Whitmore* to Redding. Sierraville*! to Loyalton. T la Juana to Ohula Vista. Roberts* to Burbank. Bonny to Burlington. Wiest to Brawley. Silsbee* to Seeley. Tiburon *! to Sausalito. Roblar to Petaluma. Wilbur Springs to Williams. Bowen*! t to Trinidad. Silver L a k e * !! to San Bern Tilden* to Oroville. Rochester to Cucamonga. Bowie* to Paonia. W U dom ar*!! to Elsinore. ardino. T ip to n * !! to Tulare. Rockaway Beach* to San B oyero!! to Hugo. Siml* to Oxnard. Francisco. Brodhead to Aguilar. Wfllowbrook*! to Cpmpton. Sims to Dunsmuir. R ocklin *!! to Loomis. Brookside to Canon C ty , W illow Creek to Areata. Sisquoc* to Santa Maria. Rockville to Sulsun City. Tollnouse*! (Fresno Co.) to W illow Springs* to Teha B room fleld*tt to Denver. Sisson*!! to Weed. RohnervUle*! to Fortune. Clovis. Buffalo Creek* to Denver. chapi. Sites*! to Colusa. Rolinda to Kerman T o ll House (N apa Co.) to W ilm ar to San Gabriel. Buick* to Deertrail. Skaggs* to Geyserville. Rolph to Eureka. Calistoga. Burdett* to Otis Skaggs Springs to Geyser- Topanga* to Santa Monica. W ilton to Elk Grove. Rosamond*! to Lancaster. Burns* to Glenwood Springs. Winchester*! to Hemet. vflle Roscoe to Burbank. Windsor* t ! to Healdsburg. Burnt M ill* ! to Pueblo. ^ Skidoo* to Tehachapi. Rosedale to Bakersfield. T opaz* to Gardnerville Skyland to Los Gatos. R o seville*!! (San Diego N ev.’ Winehaven to Richmond. Co.) to San Diego. T o rm e y! to Vallejo. C ad d oa *!! to Las Animas. W ln e vllle *!! to Ontario. Skyland Heights to San T o w le * !! to Colfax. Rosewood to Red Bluff. Calotte*! to Salida. Winslow* to Willows. Bernardino. Ross*ti to San Anselmo. T ra n q u ility *!! to Kerman. Winterbaven to Yum a.Ariz Cameo* to Palisades. Rough and Ready* to Slatington to Placerville. T ra v e r*! to Kingsburg. C am eron!! to Victor. S lo a t*!! to Quincy. Grass Valley. Trenton*to Forestville. Camfleld to Ault. Round Mountain* to Red- Slough House to Sacramen Tres Pinos* t ! to Hollister. Wintersburg to Huntington Cam pbird* to Ouray. Beach. -i to. _ ding. Trevarno to Livermore. Camp Shumway* to W al Winthrop* to Kennel t. Smartvllle* to-Marysville. Round V alley* to Bishop. Triangle to Alturas. senburg. W in ton *! to Merced Smitbfiat* to Placerville. Routiers to Saeramento. T r ig o * ! to Madera. Witch Creek* to San Dfogo Canfield to Longmont. Smith River* to Crescent Trim R ow la n d!! to Puente. m er* to Sanger. Woodacre to San Anselmo. Capulin* to L a Jara. City. Rum sey*i to Esparto. Trinidad*! to Areata. C a rd iff*!! to Glenwood W oodbridge* to Lodi. Russell Station to H a y Smiths Point to Quincy. Trinity Center* to Redding Springs. Smiths Ranch to Valley Triunfo to Oxnard. ward. Caribou* to Boulder. Woodfords* to Minden, Ford. Rust* to Berkeley. Trona to Tehachapi. Carlton* to Granada. N ev. Snelling*! to Merced. Ruth* to Fortuna. Tropico to Glendale. C arr*t! to Nurnfi W oodleaf* to Oroville. Rutherford*! ! to St. Hel Soda Springs* to Colfax. Trowbridge to Marysville. Carr Crossing* to, Sugar W oodslde*ltoRedw oodC lty Somesbar* tb Yreka. ena. T ru ck ee*!! to Reno. N ev. C ity. W oodville to Porterville. Som is*!! to Hueneme. Ryde* to W alnut Grove. Tudor* t to Marysville. Cascade*! to Manitou. W oody* to Delano. Soquel*! to Santa Cruz. Tujunga* to Glendale. Cassells to Falrplay, W oolsey to Santa Rosa. Sorrento! to La Jolla. Tuttletown* to Sonora Wrights* I I to Los Gatos. Cebolla to Gunnison. Soulsbyvllle* to Sonöra. Tw ain* to Quincy. Chama* to Alamosa. Salada Beach * t to San South B a y ! to Eureka. T w o Rivers to Willits. Chandler*! to Florence. Francisco. T w o Rock to Petaluma. Cherrelyn* to Denver. Ydalpom to Kennett. South B erkeley! to Berke- Tyler* to N evada City. S a lid a *!! to Modesto. Cherry* to Colorado Yerm o* to San Bernardino. ley. . & Sam oa*! to Eureka. Springs. Y e tte m *! to Orosi. iSan Andreas*! ! to Angels South Dos P a los*! to Dos Chlvlngton* to Eads. Yolanda to Sitn Anselmo. Palos Camp. Universal C ity ! to H olly Y o lo ’ t l to Woodland. Chromo* to Pagosa Springs. San A r d o * !t to Paso Spadra’ T to Pomona. woodCimarron*! I to Montrose. Y orbat to Placentia., Spenceville* to Wheatland. Upper Robles. L a k e*! to Lakeport. Yosem ite’ t t to Merced. Glaremontt to Stratton. Spoonville*! to Standish. Srfn Benito* to Hollister. er Soda Springs to Youngstown to Lodi. San Bruno*! to South. San Spreckels*! to Salinas. Y o u n tv llle * !! to Napa. unsmuir. Spring G arden*!! to Quincy Francisco. Clark* to Steamboat Yucaipa* to Redlands. Spring Valley to La Mesa. San Felipe to Gilroy. Springs. San G eron im o*!! to San Springville to Portersville. Clim ax to Leadville. Vacation* to Guemeville. Spyrock to Willits. Anselmo. C lyde* to T w o Buttes. Zabriskie to Green Water. San G regorio*! to H alf Squaw valley*! to Dlnuba. Valensin to Sacramento. Coalcreek * tt o Florence. Valley Center* toEscondido. Z am orat! to Woodland. St. John* to Chico. Moon Bay. Coaldale* to Salida. Zeferia Station to Long Valley Springs * ! ! to Lodi. Sanitarium* to St. Helena. St. Louis to Oroville. C oalm ont! to Walden. Beach. Vallicita* to Angels Camp. Standard* to Honora. San Joaquin to Kerman. Zelzah*! to San Fernando. Cbkedale*! to Trinidad. Valyermo* to Lancaster. San Juan B autista*! to Standiford to Modesto. Cole to Burlington. __ I, Zenia* to Scotia.___________ Velona to Crockett._______ Stanfield to M arysville, / Bautista. D,S; REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a county Seat. * Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. t Express Office. 1848 COLORADO Coleman to Briggsdale. Coloflats to Branson. Colona* to Montrose. Colorado C it y !! to Colora do Springs. Colorow to Olathe. Columbine to Steamboat Springs. C om o*it to Fairplay. Concrete*!! to Florence. iC onejos* to Antonito. Cornish to Briggsdale. Cotopaxi* t t to Sallda. Cousin Springs to Pueblo. Cowan to Denver. Cowdrey to Walden. Crestone* to Saguache. 'Crism an* to Boulder. Crowe to Pueblo. Cuoharas* to Walsenburg. Dacono*tt to F ort Lupton D elagua*! to Trinidad. Delcarbon* to Walsenburg. D e N o va to Otis. Derby * ! ! to Denver. D e v in e ! to Pueblo. Dillingham to Otis. D illo n *it to Breckenrldge. D iv id e * !! to Manitou. D o v e Creek to Dolores. Dover* to Nunn. D oyleville* to Gunnison, f. Drake* to Loveland. Dumont* t to Idaho Springs Duncan to Trinidadr Dunkley* to Hayden. Dunton* to Dolores. D y k e to Pagosa Springs. E a rl*tt to Trinidad. E astonville*tt to Peyton. Eckert* to Cedaredge. Edgewater* to Denver. Edith* to Durango. Edler to Lamar. Edwards* to Eagle. Elba* to Akron. Eldora to Boulder. Eldorado Springs to Boul der. E lk to n *tt to Victor. E llicott* to Peyton. E l M o ro *tt to Trinidad. Elphis to Vona. Elyriat to Denver. Em m a* to Carbondale. Empire* t l to Georgetown. Engleville to Trinidad. Eskdale to F ort Morgan. Espinoza* to Alamosa. Eureka* to Sllverton. Evergreen* to M t. Morison. Eversman to Louisville. Fairfield to Holyoke. F alcon *tt to Peyton. Farmers Spur to Greeley. Farr* to Walsenburg. Ferberite to Boulder. Firestone to Erie. First view * to Cheyenne Wells. F la t T o p to Genoa. Florestaf to Crested Butte. F lorissant*!t to Colorado Springs Flues to Springfield. Fondls* to Elbert. Forbes* to Trinidad. Ford to Yuma. Forder to Ordway. F orkscreek*tt to Idaho Springs. F ort Garland* to Alamosa. F ort L o g a n * It to Littleton. F ort Lyon to Las Animas. Fosston* to Greeley. Foxton* to Denver. Franktown* to Castle Rock. Fraser*tt to H o t Sulphur Springs. Freeland to Idaho Springs. Frisco* to Breckenrldge. Galatea*! to Eads. Gale ton ! to Eaton. Garcia to Mesita. Gardner* to Walsenburg. Garfield* to Sallda. Garo* to Fairplay. Garrison to Hooper. Gary* to Brush. Gateway* to Grand Junct’n G illett! to Cripple Creek. Gilman* to Leadvllle. Gilpin* to Central City. Glade Park* to Grand Junc tion. Glen* to Arriba. Glen Eden to Steamboat Springs. GlobeviUe to Denver. G old field *!t to Victor. Goldhill* to Boulder. Good H ill Station to Boul der. Good Pasture* to Pueblo. Gordon to Walsenburg. Gorham* to Boulder. Go wand a ft to Platteville. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS G ra n b y *!! to H o t Sulphur Springs. ,Grand Lake* to H o t Sul phur Springs. G ra n ite *!! to Buena Vista. G ran t*! to Fair Play. , Gray C reek*! to Trinidad. Graylln to Sterling. Great D ivid e to Craig. .Greenland*! !t o Castle Rock Green Mountain F a lls *! to Colorado Springs. Greenwood* to Florence. Griffith to Durango. Guffey* to Cripple Creek. Gulnare* to Aguilar. H adley to Dolores. Hahns Peak* to Steam boat Springs. Hale* to St. Francis. Ran. Hanover* tp Fountain. H appyvllle to Yuma.Harbourdale to L a Junta. H a rd in *!! to Kersey. H arm on y! to F ort Collins. Harrisburg* to Akron. H a rtse l*!! to Fair Play. H astings*! to Trinidad. H aw ley to Rocky Ford. Hawthorne* to Boulder. H a zeltin et! to Denver. H eb ron *! to Walden. Heiberger* to Oollbran. Henderson* to Brighton. H enry to Akron. Henson to Lake City. H ereford* to Grover. Hesperus*! to Durango. Hicks* to Trinidad. Higbee* to La Junta. Highlands! to Denver. Hillside to Westcliffe. H ill T o p * ! to Elizabeth. H o e h n e *!! to Trinidad. Holland to Grand Junction H oltw ood to Ramah. Home4 to F ort Collins. H o w a r d *!! to Sallda. Howardsville* to Sllverton. H o w b e rt*t!to Cripple Creek H o y t* to F ort Morgan. Huerfano*! ! to Walsenburg Hughes* to Yuma. H u s te d *!! to C o l o r a d o Springs. H y d e *! to Yum a. H y g ien e*! to Longmont. Idaho Creek to Longmont. Id e a l*! to Walsenburg. Independence* to Victor. Ihgleside to F ort Collins, lola * to Gunnison, lo n e !! to F ort Lupton. Ironton* to Ouray. Irvington to Lafayette. Jamestown* to Boulder. Jansen*!! to Trinidad.. Jefferson*!! to Fair Play. Joes* to Stratton. Joycoy to Springfield. Junction C ity to Oak Creek. Juniper to Craig. Kanza* to Calhan. Karval to Hugo. Kearns to Pagosa Springs. K elim to Loveland. K e lly * to Sterling. Kendrick* to Calhan. Keysor* to Calhan. K im to Coloflats. Kline* to Durango. K oen ig! to Johnstown. K o k o m o * !! to Leadvllle. Konantz* to Syracuse,Kan. Kornman to Lamar-. * Kuner* to Kersey. Kutch* to Calhan. La Boca to Ignacio. La Garlta* to Del Norte. Lake C it y * !! to Montrose. Lake George* to Colorado Springs. Lakevista to Cortez. Lakewood* to Boulder. Lamport to Holly. L a Pla ta* to Durango. Laporte* to F ort Collins. Larim er! to Walsenburg. L a rk sp u r*!! to Castle Rock Lasauses to L a Jara. Lascar to Walsenburg. Lavalley* to Alamosa. Lawson* to Georgetown. La y* to Craig. Lazear*! to Hotchkiss. Leader* to Denver!. Lebanon* to Dolores. Leonard* to Telluride. Lester*! to Walsenburg. Levesey Station to Pueblo. Lewis* to Dolores. Leyden to Golden. Lim e* to Pueblo. L ittell to Canon C ity. Liverm ore* to Fart Collins. Lobatos to Antonito. Logcabin* to F ort Collins. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. L o m a * !! to Fruita. Longveiw * to Littleton. Los Cerritas to Manassa. Los Varos to Trinidad. L o u viere*!! to Littleton. L u cern e *!! to Greeley. L u d lo w * !! to Trinidad. Lycan* to H olly. L y n n !! to Aguilar. L y tle * to Fountain. M cC lave*!! to W iley. M o C o y *!! to Yam pa. McEnno to Cortez. M cG regor to Steamboat Springs. M a ck *!! to Fruita. Madrid to Trinidad. M a itlan d *! to Walsenburg. M ajestic to Trinidad. M alachite* to Walsenburg. M arble* ! to Boulder. Masonville* to Loveland. Masters* to Kersey. M a ttis o n * !! to Mathespn. Maxey to Lamar. M a y d a y to Durango. M edford Springs to Lamar ^Meekton to Akron. Meredith to Aspen. M esa* to Debeque. Messex’i to F ort Morgan. . M id w ay to Denver. Mildred to W ray. M ilner to , Steamboat Springs. Mineral H ot Springs* tc Saguache. M in tu rn *!! to Leadville, Mirage* to Saguache. M odel to Trinidad. M ogote* to Alamosa. M olina* to Oollbran. Monarch tp H ot Sulphur Springs. M ontclair! to Denver. Montezuma* to Breckenridge. M oraine Park* to Loveland M o rle y *!! to Trinidad. M osca*! to Aiamosa. M ountair to Denver. M ount Harris to Hayden. M ount Morrison* to D en ver. M ount Pearl* to K it Carson Mustang* to Walsenburg. Naat to Leadville. Nathrop* to Buena Vista Naturita* to Telluride. N avah o Springs to Cortez. N e p e s ta *!! to Manzanola. New dale to Rocky Ford. Newmire to Telluride. Newton* to Burlington. Noel* to Ridgway. Norrie* to Leadville. North C reede*! to Creed«. N orth gatet to Walden. N orth w a y* to T w o Buttes. N orton ville to L a Jara. N y b u rg »! to Pueblo. Oak V iew * to L a Veta. Officer to Trinidad. Ohio *to Pitkin. Oklarado to Springfield. Ophlr’ t t to Telluride. O rtiz* to Alamosa. Osgood* to Kersey O sier*! to Alamosa. Overland* to Denver. O vid* to Julesburg. Oxford* to Durango. Pagoda* to Craig. Pagosa Ju nction*!! to Pa gosa Springs. Paisaje* to La Jara. Pallas to Oak Creek. Palm er L a k e*! to Castle Rock. P a n d o * !! to Leadville. Parachute to Grand Val ley. Pa'radox* to Norwood. Pariin* to Gunnison. Parshal* to H o t Sulphur Springs. Patron to Brighton. Pawnee* to F ort Morgan, Peckham to Greeley. Pem berton! to Monument. Penrose*! to Florence. Perins* to Durango. Petersburg to Littleton. Phippsbu rg*!! to Yam pa. P ic to u *! to Walsenburg. Pfedra to Pagosa Springs. PIkeview * ! ! to Colorado Springs. Pine* to Denver. , Pinecliffe; to Nederland. ' Pine G r o v e !! to Denver. Pinewood to Loveland. Pin neot! to Brush. P in o n * !! to Pueblo. Pitkin to Gunnison. P la ce rville*!! to Norwood. Plainview * to Golden. Plateau C ity* to Collbran. Platner* to Akron. Money Order Office. CONNECTICUT Pleasant V iew to Golden. Toltec* to Waisenuurg. Plum V alley to Coloflats. Toponas* to Yampa. Towaoc to Cortez. Poncho Sp’gs to Sallda. Pool to Steamboat Springs. Trim ble Springs to Durango P o rtla n d *!! to Florence. T rin c h era *!! to Trinidad Prairie* to Akron. T ro y * to Trinidad. P r im e ro *!! to Trinidad. Truckton to Calhan. Prowers* ! ! to Lamar. Tungsten to Boulder. Turón to Calhan. Pryor* to Walsenburg. Purcell to Ault. Turret* to Sallda. T u ttle * to Stratton. Pyrolite* to Florence. Tw in Lakes* to Leadville. Radiant*! to Florence. Radium* to Kremmling. R ago* to Akron. Rand* to Walden. Rangely* to Meeker. Rapson to Aguilar. Ravenwood* to Walsenburg R aym er to N ew Raymer. Read* to Delta. Red Lion to Sedgwick. Redmesa* to Durango. R ed Mountain to Ouray. Red vale* to Norwood. 1 Red W ing* to Walsenburg. Renaraye* to Cortez. Rene to Rocky Ford. Richards to Stonington. R ic o * !! to Dolores. RInn to Longmont. Rioblanco* to Rifle. Rock Creek to Peublo. Rock V a le * !! to Florence. Rodley to Lamar. R o llin sv ille*!! to Central City. R o m e o *!! to L a Jara. R om ley* to Buena Vista. Rosw ell! to Colorado Sp’gs. Roubideau to D elta. ' Rouse*! to Aguilar. R u gby*T! to Walsenburg. Rulison to Grand Valley. Rush* to Calhan. , Russell Gulch* to Central City. R ye* to Pueblo. Uncompaghre to Montrose. Undercllffë* to Pueblo. University P a rk *!to Denver Valdez* to Trinidad.. Vallery* to Ft. Morgan. V alley C ity to Sugar City. Valmont to Boulder. V a lverd e! to Denver. Vanadium* to Telluride. Veta Pass* to L a Veta. Vilas* to Lamar. V illa g r o v e * !! to Saguache. Villegreen t o Trinidad. Vineland to Pueblo. Wages to Yum a. W agon Wheel G a p *! to W all Street* to Boulder. Walsen* to Walsenburg. W a r d * !! to Boulder. W a tk in s * !! to Denver. W attenberg to Brighton. W averly to Wellington. W ebb to H olly. W eitzer* to Manzanola. W elby to Denver. W entworth to Syracuse, Kan. W estm inster*!! to Arvada. W e s to n * !! to Trinidad. W etm ore* to Florenoe. Wheat Ridge* to Denver. Whitepine* to Gunnison. W hitewater* t ! to Grand St. E lm o*! to Buena Vista. Junction. St. V rainst! to Erie. W ig w a m !! to Pueblo. Salem to Denver. W ild H orse*!! to K it OarS a lin a *!! to Boulder. son. Sanford* to L a Jara. W illard* to Sterling. iSan Luis* to San Acaclo. San Pablo* to San Acacio. Williamsburg* to Florence. W o lc o tt*! to Eagle. S a p ln ero*!! to Gunnison. W o lf Oreek to Byers. Sargents* !!• to Gunnison. Woodland P a r k * !! to Colo Saw P it* to Telluride. rado Springs. S e d a lia *!! to Castle Rock. W oodrow to Brush. Segu ndo*!! to Trinidad. Seven Castles to Carbon- W o o tto n !! to Raton, N ew Mexico. dale. Shaw* to Arriba. Shawnee*! to Fair Play. Y ellow Jacket to Dolores. Sheridan to Littleton. Sheridan L a k e * !!'t o Bran Y e tta to Trinidad. Y oder* to Calhan. don. Sidney* to Steamboat Spgs. Siloam* to Florence, iS ilver Cuff* to Westcliffe. Silver P lu m e !! to, George town. Simpson to Deertrail. C O N N E C T IC U T Slater to Dixon, W yo. Sligo*!; o Grover. SIoss to Glenwood Springs. Smuggler* to Telluride. A bin gton *! to Putnam. . Sneffels* to Ouray. A ddison*! to Hartford. Snowmass to Aspen. Allingtow nt to W est Haven AUyns* to Norwich. S om erset*!! to Paonla. Allyns Point- t o ' Norwich. Sopris*! to Trinidad. South Fork* to D el N orte. A m ston*! to Willim antic. South P la t te !! to Denver. Andover to W illim antic. Sparks to Rock Springs, Aspetuck to W estport. A tw oodville to Wluimantlo. W yo. Augerville to New Haven. Spence to Genoa. A v o n * !! to Collinsville. Stamford to Trinidad. S ta rk v ille *!! to Trinidad. Stevens Camp to N eder Bakersvilie to Torrington. land. Ballouville* to Danielson. Stone C ity to Puebio. B a lt ic * !! to Norwich. Strong* to Walsenburg. B an tam *! to Litchfield. Strontia Springs to L ittle Barkhamsted* to Wlnsted. ton. Beach Park* to Clinton. Sugar L o a f* ! to Boulder. Beacon F a lls * !! to Nauga Sullivan to Denver. tuck. Sunbeam* to Craig. Bean H ill to Norwich. Sunlight to Glenwood Beckley to N ew Britain. Springs. B e r lin * !! to N ew Britain. S u n set*!! to Boulder. Bethany to New Haven. Su perior*!! to Boulder. Surber* to Colorado Sp’gs. Bethlehem* to Watertown. Black H a ll* !! to Essex. S w a llo w s*!! to Pueblo. Black Rock to Bridgeport. Sweetwater to Eads. B loom field *!! to Hartford. Sw ift to Haswell. Tabasco*! to Trinidad. Tabernash*! to H o t Sul phur Springs. Tabor to Erie. Tacony to Pueblo. Talpa to Walsenburg. T e r c io * !! to Trinidad. T h atch e r*!! to Trinidad. Thomasville* ! ! to AsDen. Thurman* to Arriba. Tiffan y* to Durango. T im p a s *!! to L a Junta. Tioga* to Walsenburg. T o b e * to Trinidad.’ T o lla n d *!! to Cmitral City. Tollerburg* to Trinidad. ! Telegraph Starrion. Boardman* to N ew Milford. B olton *! to Rockville. Bolton Notch* to Rockville B o ts fo rd *!! to Bridgeport. Bozrah to Norwich. Bozrahville* to Norwich. B ran ch ville*!! to Ridge field. Bridgewater* to New Mil ford. Broad B r o o k * !! toThom psonville. B rook field *!! to Danbury. Brookfield Center* to Dan bury. Brookfield J e t.!! to Dan bury. t Express Office. CONNECTICUT TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS, Brooklyn* to Danielson. Hall ville to Norwich. Brooksvale to Waterbury. Hamburg* to Essex. Buckland* 14 to South Man H am den*! to New Haven. chester. H am pton*tt to Willimantic Burlington to Collinsville. Hanover* to Norwich. Burnside* 4 to Hartford. Harwinton to Torrington. BurrviUe* to Winsted. H awleyville’ t t to Danbury Hazard ville* t to Thompsonville. Campville* to Torrington. Hebron* to Willimantic. Oannondale to Norwalk. Highland Park* to Hart Cannon S ta tio n *ft to Nor ford. walk. High Ridge to N ew Canaan. Canterbury* to Plainfield. Highwood*t to N ew Haven. Canton*ft to Collinsville. Hockanum*! to Hartford. Canton Center* to Collins Hop R iv e r * !! to W illi ville. mantic. Oenterbrook’ t to Essex. HOtchklssville* to W ater Center Groton to Mystic. bury. Centerville* to N ew Haven. Huntington to Shelton. Central V illa ge*tt to Plain- Hurlbutt to Norwalk. field. Chapinville’ t to Lakeville. Chaplin* to Willimantio. Ivoryton* to Essex. Chatham to Portland. Cheshire*! to Waterbury. Chesterfield to N ew London Kent’ t t to N ew Milford. Chestnut H ill to Willimantio Kent Furnace to N ew M il Clarks C om er* to W illi ford. mantio. K illln gly* to Danielson. Clarks Palls* to Ashaway, Killingworth to Clinton. R . I. Clintonville’ T to N ew Ha ven. Colchester*ft to Norwich. Colebrook* to Winsted. Colebrook R iv e r * ! to W in sted. Columbia to Willimantic. Comstocks Bridge to East Hampton. Cornwall* to Falls Village. Cornwall B rid ge*t4 to Falls Village. Ooscob*!4 to Greenwich. Cranburyt to Norwalk. Orescent Beacfa*J to New London. Lakeside* to Litchfield. Laurel Glen to Asha way, R. I. Lebanon* to Willimantic. Ledyard to Norwich. Leete Isla n d *tt to Gullford Lim e R ock*t to Falls V il lage. Long Hill* 14 to Bridgeport. Long Ridge to Stamford. L y m e * tt to Essex. M adison*tt to Clinton. Manchester* t t to South Manchester. Manchester Green* to South Manchester. Mansfield* to Tolland. Mansfield Center*! to W illi mantic. Mansfield Depot* to W illi Eagleville* J to W illimantic. mantic. ETBerlin* 14 to Middletown. Marble Dale* to New Mil East Canaan* t t to Canaan. ford. Eastford* to Putnam. Marion*! to Southing. East Glastonbury* to H art M arlboro* to East Hamp ford. ton. East G ran b y*tt to Suffleld Mec&aniosvllle* to Putnam. East Hartland* to Hartford. M elrose*tt to Thompson E. Haven* T tto N ew Haven. ville. E. K illln gly* to Danielson. M errow Station to Tolland. E. L itch field *tt to Torring M erwinsvillett to N ew M il ton. ford.. East Lym e* to N ew London Mianust to Greenwich Bast Morris* to Litchfield. Middlebury*! to Waterbury E. N orw a lk ! to South N o r M iddlefleid*tt to Middlewalk. town. Eastonf to Bridgeport. M iddle Haddam* to East E. Po rt Chester to Port Hampton. Chester. N . Y . M idw ay! to Mystic. Bast R iv e r * tt to Guilford. M llld ale*!! to Southington. B. Th om p so n *!! to W eb Millington to East Haddam. ster, Mass. Mill P la in *tt to Danbury. East W allingford! to W al Millstone* t to N ew London lingford. Milton to Litchfield. East W illington to Stafford Mlnortown to Watertown. Springs. Mohegan to Norwich'. East W indsor H lll* tt to Monroe to Shelton./ Hartford. M ontowese*tt to N ew HaE. Woodstock* to Putnam. vem Ekonk to Plainfield. Montvllle* to N ew London. E llin gton*! to Rockville. Morris*! to Litchfield. E llio tt* tt to Putnam. Mount Oarm el*tt to N ew E lm w ood *tt to Hartford. Haven. Enfield*! to Thompsonville Mount Hope to W illi mantic. Dayvilleft to Danielson. Durham* to Middletown. Durham Center* to Middletown. Fabyan to Webster, Mass. F airfield*tt to Southport. Fltohvllle* to Norwich. Forestville* 11 to Bristol. Gales F e r r y *tt to Norwich Gardner Lake to Norwich. Gaylordsville*! to N ew Mil ford, G eorgetow n*tt to Ridge field. Gildersleeve* to Portland. Gilead* to Willimantic. Glasgo* to Norwich. Glastonbnry* to Hartford. G len brook *!! to Stamford. G lenvllle*! to Greenwlah. Goshen* to Torrington.. G ran by*tt to Hartford. Greenfield HU1 to Southport Greens F arm s*!! to Southport. Greenville! to Norwich. Griswold* to Norwich. Grosvenor D a le*! to Put nam. G roton*tt to N ew London. G rove B each*tt to Clinton. Gurieyvllle to Willimantic. H addam *tt to East R addam. H a d lym e*! to E. Haddam. Oakdale* to Norwich. O a k ville*!! to Watertown. Occum to Norwich. Old L y m e ! to Essex. Old M ystic*! to Mystic. Old Saybrook! to Essex. Oneco*ft to Plainfield. Orange*! to W est Haven. Ore H ill* to Lakeville. Oronoque*! to Bridgeport. O xford! to Seymour. Packer* to Plainfield. Pawcatruck to W esterly.R.I. Pequabuck* to Bristol. Pine M eadow *! to Winsted. Pineorchard* to Branford. Plants v llle * ! to Southing ton. Plattsvillel to Bridgeport. Pleasant Valley* to W in sted. Plymouth* t to Thomaston. P om fret*! to Putnam. Pomfret Center* to Putnam. Poquetanuck to Norwich. Poquonock* to Hartford. Poqubnock Bridge* to Mystic. Preston to Norwich. Preston City to Norwich. Prospect to Waterbury. Quaker H ill* to New Lou don. Qulnebaug*! to Webster, Mass. Redding*! to Bethel. Redding R idge* to Bethel. Reynolds Bridget to Thom aston. Rlverbank to Stamford. Riverside * ttto Greenwich. Riverton* to Winsted. R o c k fa ll* !! to Middletown. Rockyhill’ t ! to Hartford. Round H ill to Greenwich. R ow ayton *t to South Nor walk. R oxbu ry*! to New Milford. Roxbury S tation *! to New Milford. Sachem Head* to Guilford. Salem to Norwich. Salisbury*tt to Lakeville. Sandy H o o k *! to Danbury. Sanford to Bethel. Saugatuck*T to Westport. Saybrook*tt to Essex. S a y b r o o k Junction! to Saybrook P o in t* tt toEssex S d tlc o *! to Thompsonville. Scotland* to Willimantic. Shailerville to E. Haddam. Sharon*tt to Amenta, N .Y . Sharon v a lle y •+ to Amenla, N. Y . Sherman* to New Milford. Short Beach*! to Branford. Silver La n e*! to Hartford. Silver M ine! to Norwalk. Somers*! to Rockville. Somerville* t to Rockville. Sound B ea ch *!! to Stam ford. Soundview*tt to N ew Lon don. S. B ritain*! to Waterbury. Southbury*ti to W ater bury. S. Cheshire to Waterbury. South C oventry*t to W il limantic. Southfordt to Waterbury. South G l a s t o n b u r y * to Hartford. New Fairfield to Danbury. N ew ington*! to Hartford. Newington Junction* to Hartford. New Preston*! to New Mil ford. N ian tic*! to New London. Niohols! to Bridgeport. Noank*Tt to MysticN oroton *! to Darien. Noroton Heights* to D a rien. No. Ashford to Southbridge, Mass. N o. Branford to Branford. Northfield* to Thomaston. S. K ent* to N ew M ilford. Northford* to N ew Haven. S. K illln gly to Danielson. to New N o. Franklin* to Williman South Lym e’ t London. tic. North Granby* to Suffleld. SouthJderiden* to Meriden. North Grosvenor D a le*tt South W ethersfield*!4 to Hartford. to Putnam. North Guilford to Guilford. South W illington * ! ! to Nor N. Haven* 11 to New Haven. wich. North Kent* to New Milford S. W ilto n !! to Norwalk. North Plain* to East Had South W ind ham *tt to W il limantic. • dam. N o. Ridgefield to Ridge S. W indsor*! to Hartford. S. Woodstock* to Putnam. field. N . Stam ford! to Stamford. Springdale* 11 to Stamford. Stafford North Sterling to Danielson. Stafford* t o Springs. North Stonington*!toW esteriy, R . I. ■ . Staffordville* to Stafford Springs. ______________ N orthville* to N ew Milford. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North Westchester* to East Haddam. North W ilton to Norwalk. North W indham *tt to W illimantic. North W o o d b u r y * to Waterbury. North Woodstock* to Put nam. Norwichtown* to Norwich. k County Seat. Money Order Office. DELAWARE 1849 Stanwicn to Greenwich. Stepney to Bridgeport. Stepney Depot* to Bridge port. Sterling*!! to Plainfield. Stevenson*! to Shelton. Still R iv e r * !! to N ew M il ford. Stony C reek *!! to Branford Storrs to W illimantic. Bacons to Laurel. Bayard to Frankford. B e a r *!! to Delaware City. B elle vu e*!! to Wilmington. Bethel* to Laurel. B lackb ird *!! to Middletown. Blackiston to Clayton. Blades* to Seaford. Blanchard to Greenwood. Bowers* to Frederica. Brandywine to Wilm ington Brandywine Springs* to Taconic to Lakeville. Wilmington. T aftvD le*! to Norwich. Talcot tv llle * ! to Rockville. B ren ford*!! to Smyrna. Brownsville to Harrington. T a r iffv ille * !! to Hartford. Bunting to Selby vllle. Terryville to Bristol. Thompson f t to Putnam. Topstonet! to Bethel. Cannon!! to Seaford. Totoket to N ew Haven. Canterbury to Felton. Tracy* to Meriden. Tru m b u ll*!! to Bridgeport. Casson to Dover. Centerville to Wilmington. Tw in Lakes*! to Canaan. Tyler C ity * ! to West N ew Chesw old*!! to Dover. Choate to Newark. Haven. Tylèrvüle* to East Haddam Christiana* to Newpprt. Clarksville* to Frankford. Claymont’ t t to W ilm ing D ncasville*! to New Lon ton. Columbia to Laurel. don. Union C it y !! to Nauga Concord to Seaford. Coochs Bridge to Newark. tuck. . U n ion viU e*!! to Collins Coolspring*! to Lewes. ville. Downs Chapel to Sm yrna.. Vernon*Tt to Rockville. Versailles*tt to Norwich. Yintons M ills ! to Hartford. E d gém oor*!! to W ilm ing Volunto wn* to Jewett C ity. ton. Edwardsville to Greensboro, Md. E llen d a le*!! to Milford, Wapplng* to Hartford. E lsm ere*!! to Wilmington. Warehouse P o in t*! to Windsor Locks. Warren to Litchfield. W arrenville* to Williman Fairmount to Georgetown. F arm ington*tt to Harring tic. ton. Washington* t j to New Mil F am h u ret*!! to W ilm ing ford. ton. Washington Depot* to New Faulkland*! to Newport. Milford. W a terford*! to New Lon Forest* to Middletown. don. W a te rville*!! to Waterbury W auregan*! to Danielson. Glasgow to Newark. Granoguet to Wilmington. Weatogue* to Collinsville. G reenville*! to W ilm ington Westbrook* !4 to Clinton. W est Cheshire*! to W ater Grubbs*! to Wilmington. bury. W est C ornw all*tt to Falls Harbeson* to Georgetown. Village. Westford* to StaffordSpr’gs Harmony to Newark. W est Goshen* to Litch H azlettyllle to Dover. Henry Clay Factory* to field. Wilmington. West Granby* to Hartford. W est H a rtfo rd *! to H art H ick m a n *!! to Denton,Md. H ockessin*tt to Avondale, ford. Pft. West Hartland* to Winsted. H o lly o a k *!! to Wilm ington. Westminster to Plainfield. West Morris* to Litchfield. H ollyville* to Georgetown. Houston Station* t ! to Mil West Mystic* to Mystic. ford. West N orfolk* to Canaan. West N orw alkf to South Norwalk. K en ton *tt to Smyrna. Weston to Westport. W est Redding*! to Bethel. Kirkwood* t ! to Delawara City. W . Simsbury* to Collins ville. W est Stafford to Stafford Lebanon to Dover. Springs. W est Suffield*tt to Suffleld. Lelpsic to Dover. W . Thom pson!! to Putnam Lin coln *tt to Milford. W -Torrington to Torrington L ittle Creek* to Dover. Lowes Crossroads to MillaW estville! to New Haven. boro. W est W i l l i n g t o n * ! ! to Rockville. W . Woodstock* to Putnam. Wethersfield* Tt to H art Magnolia* to Frederioka. Marshallton* to Newport. ford. W h itn eyville*! to N ew H a Masten to Felton McDonough* to Odessa. ven. Midway* to Lewes. W ilson *! to Hartford. W ilsonvllle* to Webster, M illville* to Frankford. Mission to Mlllsboro. W ilt o n * !! to Norwalk. Montchanln* 11;to W ilm ing Winchester Center* to W in ton. sted. Mount Cuba* to W ilm ing Windham* to Willimantic. ton. Windsorville* to Rockville. Mount Moriah to Felton. Winnipauktt to N orw alk, Mount Pleasant * t 4 to W alcott to Waterbury. Middletown. Woodbrldge to N ew Haven. W oo d m on t*!! to M ilford. Woodstock* to. Putnam. Nassau*t4 to Lewes. Woodstock V alley* to Pu t nam. W oodville to Litchfield. Oakgrove*t4 to Seaford. O a k ley !! to Greenwood. Oceanvlew* to Frankford. Y a le s v llle * !!1to Meriden. Omar* to Frankford. Y a n tlc * t ! to Norwich. O w ens!! to Greenwood. Pleasanthill to Newark. Porters* Tt to Delaware C ity Po rt Penn* to Delaware City. DELAW ARE Andrew ville to Greenwood. A n gola! to Lewes. Argo to Milford. Ashland* to W ilm ington. ! Telegraph Station. R e d d en *!! to Georgetown. Redllon to Delaware C ity. 'Rehoboth B e a c h * ! 4 to Richardson P a r k * ! to W il mington. Rlsingsun to Camden. 4 Express Office. 1850 DELAW ARE RoDDins*t! to Georgetown Rockland* to 'Wilmington' Roxanna* to Selbyville. Saint Georges* to Delaware C ity. Shortly to Georgetown. Stanton* f t to Newport. Btateroad*! to Wilmington. Staytonville to Harrington. S to o k le y *!! to Georgetown. Summit Bridge* to Middle, town. Sycamore to Laurel. Talleyville to Wilmington. Taylors Bridge to Odessa. ThompsonvUle to Milford. Townsend* t t to Middletown. Unlonf to Newark. Vernon to Etarrington. Viola* 11 to Felton. W a rd ! to Delmar. , W arwick to Millsboro. W hitesvillef to Eittsville, Md. Wllllarnsvllle to Selbyville. W illow grove to W yom ing. W ooddale*t to Wilmington. W oodland to Seaford.. W oodland Beach to Smyrna W oodsld e*tt to Oamden. Y o rk ly n ’ f ! t o K e n n e t t Square. Pa. ■ t D IS T R IC T OF C O L U M B IA Anacostiat to Washington. Benningsf to Washington. Brightwood to Washington Brookland to Washington. B urrville to Seat Pleasant, M d. C apitol Heights to Seat ' Pleasant, M d. Congress Heights to Wash ington. Deanwood to Washington. Garfield to Washington. Good H ope to Washington. Hillbrook to Washington. Kenilw orth! to Washington L a n gd on f! to Washington. Randle Highlands to W ash ington. Takom a P a r k !! to Wash ington. Tennallytown to Washing ton. Terra C otta to Washington. Tw ining to Washington. Uniontbwn to Washington. Woodburn to Washington. F L O R ID A A clinet to Punta Gorda. A lafia* to Plant City. A lfo r d * !! to Cottondale. A lger* to St. Cloud. Allanton* to Panama City. Allenhurst* to Titusville. Alliance* to Marianna. Altam onte Springs*!! to Orlando. Altha* to Marianna. A lto n *tt to Mayo. Altoona* f l to Eustis. Alturas to Bartow. A lva * tp F ort Myers._______ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Anna M a ria* to Braidentown. Anoria* to St. Petersburg. A n th o n y *tt to Ocala. Antioch* to Plant City. Arch Creek*! to Miami. A rg y le*! to De Funiak Springs. Ariel to N ew Smyrna. Arlington to Jacksonville. A rra n *tt to Tallahassee. A rredonda*! to Gainesville Ashm ore*! td Tallahassee Ashton to' Kissimmee. Ashvllle* to Quitman, Ga, A statula*! to Leesburg. A stor*! to Umatilla. Astor P a rk *! to Eustls. A thena*! to Perry. Atlantic B each*tt to Jack sonville. A u c illa *t! to Greenville. Audubon to Cocoa. Aurantiat to Titusville. A ven tina to M iam i. A y c o ck *tt to Cottondale. Bagdad * t to Milton. Bailey to Greenville. Bakers M ill* !! tq Jasper. B a ld w in *!! to Jacksonville B alm *! to Plant City. B arbervllle*! to De Land. Barco to Crystal River. Barth to M olino. 1 Bascom* to Marianna. Bassenger* to Kissimmee. B a y a rd *t! to Jacksonville. B ay Harbor* to Panama C ity. B ay L a k e*t to-Ocala. Bayridge to Apopka. Bee R id get to Sarasota. Belgium to Arcadia. B ell*ft to Alachua. B elle a ir*!! to Clearwater. B e lle v le w *!! to Ocala. Belllsle to Panama C ity. Benhaden to Tallahassee. Benotis to Perry. Benson! to M iam i. Benton* to W hite Springs. B eresford*! to De Land. Berlin* to Ocala. Berm ont* to Punta Gorda. Berrydale* to Milton. Betts to Cottondale.“* Blsoayne*! to Miami. Bishopville* to D e Land. Blackman* to Pensacola. Bland to Alachua. B lanton*! to Dade City. Blltchton* to Ocala. B luflsprings*!! to Pensa cola. B oardm an*! to M cIntosh. B ocaratone*!! to Delray. Bokeelia*t to Bocagrande. Bolton* to Pensacola. Bonaventure to Cocoa. * Bonita Springs* to Fort Meyers. B ostw iok*tt to Palatka. Botts* to Milton. Boulogne*! to Jacksonville. B o y d *! to Perry. B o y e tt* !! to Tampa. Bradley Junction to Bartow B randon*tl to Tampa. Brew ster! to M ulberry. Brick to Laurelhill. Bridgeport to Palatka. Bridges* to Zolfo. B rooker*tl to Lake Butler. Conipass L a k e * !! to Mari anna. Concord* to Havanna. Conner* to Ocala. Conway to Orlando. Coqk to Panama City. Cora to Pollard. Ala. C oronado*! to Daytona. C ortez* to Braidentown. C ottagehill*! to Pensacola. Courtenay* to Cocoa. Crandall* to Femandina. Crawford * f J to Jacksonville. iC raw fordvllle* to Talla hassee. Crew sville* to Zolfo. Crooked Lake to Lake Wales. C room *t! to Brooksville. Cross C ity *! to Mayo. Englewood* to Punta Gorda E n terp rise*!! to Sanford. Enville* to Brooksville. Española*!! to Bunnell Estene* to F ort Myers. Estifranulga* to Quincy. E s to *l to Geneva, Ala. Eugene*! to Trenton. Eulalia* to Jacksonville. Eureka* to Ocala. Everglade to F ort M yers. Evergreen* t e Femandina. E v ln s to n *!! to Gainesville. Hilden to St. Augustine, ' H ildreth* to Branford. H illiard * it to Jacksonville H in s o n *!! to Havana. " ‘ H öbe Sound*!! to Stuart.' Hogan to South Jacksonville. H old er*! to Inverness. H olley* to Milton. H ollister*! to Palatka. H olly H ill* ! to Daytona. H o lt* ! to Milton. H om ela n d *!! to Bartow. Homosassa* ! ! to Crystal River. Fairbanks*! to Gainesville. H op k in s*!! to Melbourne. F a irfield *ft to-Ocala. H o sford *!! to Bristol. F alm ou th *!! to L ive Oak. H ou ston *!! to Wellborn. Fargo to W inter Haven. Howard to Arcadia. Farm dale* to Panama C ity. H ow ell* to Pensacola. Favoretta to Bunnell. H ow ey to Leesburg. Federal Point* to Hastings. Hudson* to Brooksville. F enhollow ay*! to Perry. H u ntington!! to Palatka. Festus to Monticello Hurds* to St. Augustine. Fiftone to Jacksonville. H ypolu xo*! to Boynton. F iv a y to Brooksville. Flemington to Ocala. Fletcher* to Mayo. lamonia to Tallahassee. Florahom e*! to Palatka. Ford to M ilton. Floral BlufI* to Jacksonville Indian Indianola*! to Cocoa. Floral C ity to Inverness. Indian R iver C ity * to Titus ville. Florence V illa * !! to W inter Indian Rocks* to Largo. Haven. Inglis* to Dunnellon. Florida C ity to Homestead. In terlach en *!! to Palatka. Floridatown* to M ilton. In wood* to Marianna. Formosa* to Orlando. ' Io n a *! to Fort Myers. F ort Barrancas* to Pensa- Ir v in e * !! to Ocala. ' cola. Islamorada* to Homestead. F ort Dram * to F ort Pierce. Island G ro ve *! to Haw F ort G reen *!! to Bowling thorne". Green. Istachatta*! ! to Brooks Fort Green Springs*! to ville. Wauchula. F ort M cC oy*! to Ocala. F ort W hite* 11 to Lake City Jacob* to Cottondale. F ou ntain*!! to Cottondale. Jamieson to Havana. Francis*! to Palatka. Janney* to Gainesville. Franklin to Laurel Hill. Jay* to Pollard. Ala. Freeport* to De Funiak Jena* to Mayo. Springs. J en sen *!! to Fort Pierce. Frink* to Marianna. Johnson*! to Hawthorne. Fraitcove* to Jacksonville. Johnstown* to Lake Butler. Fraltland P a r k * ! to Lees Jonesboro* to Mayo. burg. Judson to Trenton. F ra ltvllle *! to Sarasota. J u liette *!! to Dunnellon. F u lford *! to Danla. Juniper* to Greensboro. Fulton to Jacksonville. J u p ite r * !! to West Palm Beach. Crown P o in t! to W inter Garden. Crystal Beach to Tarpon Springs. Crystal Springs* to Zephyr- G u lliver*!! to M ilton. G alloway*! to Lakeland hills. Garden City* to Laurel H ill C ypress*!! to Marianna. Gardner*! ! to Arcadia. Garniers* to Pensacola. Garrett* to Plant C ity. G a ry * !! to Tampa. D alkeith* to Apalachicola. Gaskin to De Funiak Sp’gs. D arlington* fo D e Funiak Gasparlllal to Bocagrande Springs G en eva *f! to Sanford. D a ven p o rt*!! to Haines G en o a *!! to W hite Springs C ity. ' Georgetown* to Palatka. D a vie to F ort Lauderdale. Gecrgiana* to Cocoa. D a y * ! to Mayo. G ifford*! to Vero. D ee rfield *!! to Delray. G illette to Terra Ceia. Deerland* to De Funiak Glendale*! to D e Funiak Springs. Springs. D eer Park to Melbourne. Glen Saint Mary * ! ! to MacDeleon S p r i n g s * ! ! t o clenny. De Land. G len w oo d *!! to De Land. Denaud* to F ort Myers. Godwin to Dade City. D en ver*! to Crescent City, /Gomez*! to Stuart. DeBtln* to Pensacola. Gonzalez*! to Pensacola. D etroit* to Homestead. Goodall to D aytona Beach Dinner Island to Palatka. Gotha to Orlando. D insm ore*! to Jacksonville. Goulding to Pensacola. B rooklyn*! to Starke. Dorcas* to De Funiak Sp’gs G oulds*! to Homestead. Brown to W h ite Springs. Double Sink to Trenton. Graham *! to Starte. B row n ville*! to Arcadia. Grand Crossing to Jackson Bruce* to De Funiak Douglas to Apalachicola. D o v e r * !! to PI am C ity. ville. Springs. Brycevifie* to Jacksonville. Dowling P a r k * !! to L ive G ran din*t! to Palatka. Oak. Grand Island*! fo Eustls. Buchanan*! to Zolfo. Grand R id g e * !! to M a ri Buckingham* to Fort Myers. Downing to M ayo. Drayton Island* to Palatka anna. Buena V ista*! to Miami. D r ifto n * !! to Monticello. G r a n t* !! to Melbourne Burbank*! to Ocala. Dukes*! to Lake Butler. Greenland* to Jacksonville. D u p o n t*!! to Palatka. Greer*/ to Dade City. D urant*! to Plant City. G retn a *!! to •Quincy. C allow ay* to Panama City, D urbin*! to St. Augustine Griffin to Lakeland. C am pbell! to Kissimmee. D yal* to\Jacksonville. Gross to Femandina. •Cam pville*!! to Gainesville G rovepark*! to Hawthorne. Camp W alton* to Milton. . G uilford*! to Lake Butler. 'C an dler*!! to Ocala. C antonm ent*!! to Pensa Eagle L a k e * !! to W inter Gulf Hammock* to Gaines cola. Haven., ville. C ap itoia*!! to Tallahassee. Earleton* to Gainesville. G ulfport*! to St. Petersburg Early to Panama City. Capps* to Monticello. Gull Point* to Pensacola. Earnestville to Molino. C arbur! to Perry. Gunntown to Bronson. Carlos* to F ort M yers. East L a k e*! to Leesburg. Carr* to Marianna. East Palatka* ! ! to Palatka O arrabelle*!! to Tallahas Eastpoint* to Apalachicola. H a gu e*! to Gainesville. see. Eastport* to Jacksonville. H a llan d ale*!! to Dania. Carraway to Palatka. E a ton ville*! to Orlando. H am ptonSprlngs*! to Perry C arters*tt to Lakeland. Ebb* to Greenville. Hanson*! to Madison. C a r y v ille * !! to Chipley.. Ebro* to Chipley. Hardee to Bronson. Cassia* to D e Land. Econflna* to Cottondale. H a rold*! to M ilton. Catawba to Brewton, Ala. E d g a r * !! to Hawthorne. H askell*! to Lakeland. Cates C ity to Sarasota. Edge* to F ort Myers. Haynsworth to Alachua. Cazambus*! to F ort Myers. E h re n *!! to Dade City. H eath* to Titusville. Centralia* to Brooksville. Electra* to Ocala. H e le n * !! to Tallahassee. C entu ry*tt to Pensacola. Elfers* to Tarpon Springs. H ernando*tt to Inverness. Chaires*! to Tallahassee. E lk to n *!! to Hastings. H em d ojl* to Zephyr Hills. Champaign to Madison. E lla v llle * !! to Lee. Hibernia to Green C ove Chapman to Tampa. E llz e y * ! to Bronson. Springs. C harlotte*!! to Punta Gorda Em athla to Ocala . Hickson to Plant City. Charlotte H a rb o r*!! to Emeralda* to Leesburg. H ig h la n d *!! to Starke. Punta Gorda. Em poria* to Deland. H igley* to Umatilla. REFERENCE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chaseville* to Jacksonville. Chason* to Marianna. Chattahoochee*!! to R iver Junction. Oherrylake to Madison. Chester* to Femandina. Chicora*! to Bartow. / Chiefland to Trenton. Chokoloskee* to F ort M yers. Christina*! to Mulberry. Christmas* to Oviedo. Chuluota* to Oviedo. Chumuckla* to Pensacola. C itr a * !! to Ocala. Citronelle*! to Crystal River. Citrus C enter* to Fort M yers. O ltyp olnt*! to Cocoa. Clara*! to Perry. C larcona*! t o Apopka. Clarksville* to Marianna. , C leveland*! to Punta Gorda Coachman to Clearwater. Cobb to Baker. Cocoanut G ro v e *!! to Miami C o d y ! to Tallahassee. Ookesberry to Hastings. Ooldwater* to Milton. Colohatchee Ito F ort Lau derdale. Columbia*! to Lake City. DIST. OF COL., FLORIDA ACounty Seat. ‘Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. K a lo n f to D ade C ity. K a th lee n *!! to Lakeland K en d rick *tt to Ocala. **s Kent to Jacksonville. K enw ood*! to Palatka. K eysville* to Plant C ity. Klnara* to Marianna. Kings F erry* to Femandina K ingston*! to Daytona. Kirkland to L iv e Oak. K irk w ood! to M icanopy. Kn igh ts*! to Plant C ity. K n ox H ill to De Funiak Springs. Kyne8ville to Cottondale. Lacoochee*! to Dade City Lacota to Ocala. L a Cro8se*t! to Gainesville. L ady L a k e * !! to Leesburg. L a ke A lfr e d * !! to Winter Haven. Lake Bird* to Greenville. Lake C om o*! to Palatka. Lake G eneva! to Hampton. Lake H am ilton to Haines C ity. Lake Jackson! to Talla hassee. Lake K err* 'to Palatka. Lake M a ry *! to Sanford. Lake M onroe to Sanford. Lake Pickett to Oviedo. Lakeport* to Okeechobee. Lake W eir* to Ocala. Lakew ood*! to Florala, Ala. Lam ont* to Monticello. Lancaster to L iv e Oak. Lansing to Arcadia. Lantana*! to Lake Worth. Larkins*! to Miami. Lau rel! to Sarasota. Lebanon* to Dunnellon. Lecanto* to Crystal River. Lee to Madison. Lem on C it y * !! to Miami. Leno* to Green Cove Sp’gs. L e r o y * ! to Ocala. L e v o n * ! to Ocala. L ib e rty * to Greensboro. Lillibridge* to Plant C ity. L ily * to Arcadia. Limestone to Arcadia. L lm on a *! to Tampa. L in d en *!! to Leesburg. L is b o n *t! to Leesburg. L ith la *! to Plant City. L ittle R iv er* 1! to Miami. L lo y d * ft to Monticello. Lochloosa*! to Hawthorn. L ockh art*! to Orlando. Lokbsee* to St. Cloud. Long Boat to Sarasota. Long K e y * ! ! to K e y West. L on gw ood *tt to Orlando. ! Express Office. f l o r id a TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS GEORGIA Loretto* to Jacksonville. Lottieville to Trenton. Lotus* to Cocoa. M Loughm an*!! to Haines Oity. Louise to Gainesville. L o v e tt* ! to Quitman. Ga. L o w ell*ft to Ocala. Loyce to Brooksville. Lukens* to Gainesville. Lulu’ t t to Lake City. Luravillet to L iv e Oak. Lutz* to Tampa. Lynne* to Ocala. Lynn H aven* to St. Andrew 1851 Old T o w n *! to Newberry. Armuchee*! to Rome. Rochelle*! t to Gainesville. V ikin g*! to F ort Pieroe. Olga* to Fort Myers. A m oldsville*! to Crawford. Rook Bluff* to Quincy. V ila s *!! to Apalachicola. Olustee’ t ! to. Lake City. Arp* to Fitzgerald. Rockledge* !| to Cocoa. Oneco*! to Bradentown. Asbury to Hogansville. Rock Springs* to Ocala. Orange* to Apalaohloola. Asoalon* to Chattanooga, Rockw ell* to Dunnellon. Wabasso*! to Vero. Orange Center to Kissim Rodman* to Palatka. Tenn. Wacissa* to Monticello. mee. Ashland* to Carnesville. Romeo* to Ocala. W a d e*! to New berry. Orange C it y * !! to De Land. Rose to Tallahassee. Wadesboro! to Tallahassee. Aska to Blue Ridge. Orange Heights*! to Waldo. Roseland*! to Vero Astor to East Point. Wagner to Oveido. Orange H ill to Chipley. Atoo to Oarteravllle. Rosewood*! to Cedar Keys. W aku lla*! to Tallahassee. Orange L a k e * !! to Ocala. Atkinson*! to, Brunswick. Rossburg to L ive Oax. W allace* to Milton. Orange M ills to Palatka. A tt to Albany. Round L a k e*! to Cotton- W aller to Starke. Orangepark * ü to Green dale. W all Springs * to Tarpon Auraria* to Dahlonegfa. Cove Springs. Austin to Rutledge. R o y to Quincy. Springs. Orangesprings*! t>o Haw Ruskin* to Tampa. Autney to Dearing. W a lto n *!! to F ort Pierce. thorn. Autreyv ille *! to Moultrie. W ard* to Apalachicola. Orchid'to Fort Pierce. W arrington*! to Pensaoola. A va lo n *! to Martin M abel*t to Leesburg. Orient to Tampa. to Willacooche. Safety Harbor to Dunedin. Waukeenah* to Monticello. Axson Ayeravllle*! to Cornelia, Maitland* t t to Orlando. O rm on d*!! to Daytona. Wausau* to Chipley. Sagano to Brooksville. Malabar* t to Melbourne. Ormond Beach* to Daytona. Saint W averly to W inter Haven. Catherine*! ! to Mandarin* to Jacksonville. Ortega to Jacksonville. W eiradale*!! to Leesburg. Webster. Mango! to Tampa. O slo*! to Fort Pierce. St. James C ity * ! to Fort Wekiwa Springs to Orlando. B abcock*ft to Colquitt. Mannville*! to Palatka. Osprey*! to Sarasota. Welaka* to Palatka. Bachlott* to Folkston. M y ere. Marathon*Tt to K e y West. Osteen*! to Sanford. Baden to Quitman. St. J ohns Park* to Crescent Welcome to Plant C ity. Otahite* to Brewton, Ala. M arco*! to F ort Myers. West B ay* to St- Andrews. Balrdstown*! to Maxeys. City. Marietta* to Jacksonville. Ottercreek*! to Bronson. W est F arm ! to Madison. Bancroft*! to Blakely. Saint Joseph* to Dade Oity. Marion*t to Jasper. Overstreet to Panama City. Saint L e o * ! ! to Dade City. West Jupiter to West Banning*! to Whltesburg. Owanita* to Fort Myers. M artel*tt to Ocala. Palm Beach. Saint L u cie*! to Fort O x fo rd *tt to Ocala. M artin*! to Ocala. West Laka*t to Jennings. Bannockburn*! to W illaMary Esther* to Pensacola Ozona* ! to St. Petersburg. coochee. Saint M arks*! to Talla West To col*! to Green M a scotte*!! to Groveland C ove Springs. Barefoot to Clayton. hassee. Maxvllle * t to Starke. W estville*! to Chipley. Barge* to Bowdon. \ Saint Nicholas to Jack M a y p o rt*t! to South Jack Pablo B ea ch *!t to Jack Wetumpka* to Quincy. B a rn e tt*!! to Sharon. sonville. sonville. Wewahltchka* to Apalach Barretts*! to Valdosta. sonville. Salem*! to Perry. M aytow n*t! to Titusville. icola. Barrington*! to Darien. Pace* to Milton. Salerno*!! to Stuart. M oA lp in *!! to L ive Oak. W h ite C ity * to F ort Pierce. Bascomi to Sylvanla. Paisley* to Eustls. Sam pson!! to Starke. McCall*! t® Arcadia. Palma Sola* to Bradentown San A n to n io *!! to Dade W hite House* to Jackson Bastonville to Gibson. M c D a v id *t! to Molino. ville. Beach*! to Nicholls. Palm B ea ch *!! to West City. M cIntyre*! to Carrabelle. Beaohton* to Thomasvllle. Palm Beach. San Bias to Panama City. W hitney * ! to Leesburg. M cLellan* to Brewton, Ala. Palm C ity to Stuart. W hittier* to Kissimmee. Beall to Hazlehurst. Sanderson*!! to Macclenny 'M cM eek in *! to Hawthorn. Palmdale* to L a Belle. W ilcox! to Trenton. Beall Springs to Gibson. Sandy to Arcadia. M edulla! to M ulberry. W llleford*! to Alachua. Beards Creek* to Ludowici. Palmore to Pollard, Ala. Sanibel*! to Fort Myers. Melbourne Beach* to Mel Palm Valley, to Jackson San W ilm a *!! to Apalachicola. Beaverdale to Cohutta. Mateo* 1! to Palatka. bourne. Wilson to Titusville. Bede to Abbevilleville. Santa F e * !t to Gainesville. Melrose* to Gainesville. W lm a u m a *!! to Palmetto Bel A ir * ! toiAugusta. Panacea* to Tallahassee. M eredith*!! to Bronson. Belknap to Pembroke. Panama P a rk *! to Jackson Santa Rosa* to De Funiak W indem ere* to Orlando. M erial to Panama C ity. Windsor* to Gainesville. Bellton*! to Lula. ville. Springs. Merritt* to Cocoa. W infield*! to Lake City. B eliville*! to Hagan. Panasoftkee*! to Leesburg. Santos*! to Ocala. M etts to M ilton. Wiscon to Brooksville. Bemiss*! to Valdosta. P a o la *! to Sanford. Sapp* to Macclenny. Miakka* to Bradentown. W oodrow to F ort Myers. Ben H ill* to Atlanta. P a rish *!! to Manatee. Satsuma Heights* to P a M iam i Beach to M iam i. Woods to Bristol. Berkeley! to Carlton. Pasco*! to Dade City. latka. Mlcco*! to Melbourne. PassagrUle*! to St. Peters Scott Ferry* to Marianna. W oo d ville*! to Tallahassee, Berner* to Flovilla. Worthington* to Lake But Berryton*! to Summerville. Miccosukee*! to M onticello burg. Seabreeze*! to Daytona. Middleburg* to Green C ove Paxton* ! t to Florals. Ala. ler. Bert to Demorest. Sebastian*!! to Vero. W right to M ilton. Springs. Berzelia*!- to Harlem. Pedro to Ocala. S efln e r*!! to Tampa. W u lfert*! to F ort Myers. Bessie to Washington. M idway*Tt to Quincy. Pelot to Plant City. Selman* to Marianna. M illcreek* to St. Augustine. Pem broke*! to F ort Meade. Semipole* to Largo. ' Blckley to Waycross. Millers Ferry to Chipley. Big Creek to Duluth. Peoria* to Green Cove Seville*! ! to De Land. Yalaha* to Leesburg. M illiga n *tt to Milton. Big Spring to L a Grange. Springs. Shady* to Ocala. Y b or C ity to Tampa. Billarp to Douglasvllle. Millvlew* to Pensacola. P e rrin e*!! to Homestead. Shady G rove*! to Green Y o r k ! to Ooala. Bingen* to Quincy. Fla. Millville to Panama City. Peters*! to Miam i. . ville. Y ou n gstow n *!! to Panama Blrdford to Glennviile. M im s*! to Titusville. Philips to Jacksonville. Sharpes*! to Cocoa. City. Birdie to Griffin. Minneola*! to W in ter Gar Phosphorla! to Bartow. Silverapring*! to Ocala Y u le e * !! to Femandlna. Birmingham* to Roswell. den. Picnic* to Bartow. Sisco*! to Palatka. Blackwells* to Marietta. M odello* to Homestead. Piedm ont*! to Apopka. Smith Creek* to TallahasBladen*! to Brunswick. M o n tb ro o k *!! to W illiston. Pierce to Mulberry. Z eilw o o d *!! to Eustls. Blaine* to Jasper. M ontverde*! to W inter Gar P ie rso n *!! to De Land. Sneads*!! to Marianna. Zona* to F ort Lauderdale. Blanton to Valdosta. den. Pine Castle*! to Orlando. Socostee*!! to Hawthorne. Zuber* to Ocala. Blitch* to Statesboro. Morriston’ t t to W illiston. Pinelevel* to Arcadia. Soorum* to Lakeland. BUtchton*! to Savannah. Moseley H all to Madison. Pinellas P a r k * !! to St. Sopchoppy to Tallahassee. Bloom lngdale*!! to Savan Mossdale to Sanford. Petersburg. Sorrento*! to Eustls. nah. Mossv H ea d *! to D e Funiak Pinelog to Chipley. Southport* to Panama C ity Blount to Forsyth. Springs. Pinem ount*! to L ive Oak. Sparkman to Arcadia. Bluffton to F ort Gaines. M oultrie*! to St. Augustine. Pinetta to Madison. S p a rr*l! to Ocala. Blun* to Swainsboro. Mount Pleasant*! to Quincy PInewood* to Milton. G E O R G IA Spray* to Greenville. Blundale*! to Swainsboro. M u lat*! to Milton. Pin ey Point to Palm etto. Springdale! to Perry. Boggs to Danielsvllle. Munson to M ilton. Pittsburg to Panama City. Spring Garden* to DC Land. \ Bolen* to Waycross. Murdock* to Punta Gorda. Placida*! to Atcadla. Springlake to Brooksville. Bolingbroke*! to Forsyth. Murfee to Panama City. Aaron! to Statesboro. P ly m o u th *!! to Orlando. Standard to Ocala. B o lto n *t! to Atlanta. Musoogee*! to Pensacola. A b b a *! to Fitzgerald. Point Washington* to De Star* to Marianna. Bonaire*! ! to Elko M yakka C ity to Manatee. Funiak Springs. Sum atra*!! to Apalachicola Abbottsford* to Lagrange. Bonevllle* to Thomson. Aberdeen! to Senoia. Pom ona*! ! to Palatka. Summerfleld-*!! to Ocala. Bowdon Junction! to Bre Pom pan o*!! to Fort Lau Summer H aven* to St. A com to Clarkesville. men. Acree’ i to Sylvester. derdale. Augustine. Bowens M ill* to Fitzgerald Acton to Hamilton. Ponce De L e o n * !! to Sumner*! to Bronson. Bowling to Lexington. Naples* to F ort Myers. Ada to Cordele. Chipley. Sumtervllle* J to Leesburg. Boxspring* t ! to Talbotton. N a ra n ja *! to Homestead. Adair to Dalton. Ponce Park* to Daytona. Narooossee*! to Kissimmee Port Inglis* to Dunnellon. Sunbeam to Jacksonville. B o y a to Sylvania. Adam s*! to Leesburg. Nassauvllle to Femandlna. Portland* to De Funiak Sutherland*!! to St. Peters Adams Park*! to Jefferson Bpydville to Whigham. burg. Neals* to Alachua. Boykin* to Colquitt. viile. Springs. Suwannee! to L ive Oak. New Augustine*! to St. Port A gd ateville! to flillsboro. Orange*! ! to Day Svea! to Laurel Hill. Augustine. Boynton to Chattanooga, Aerial to. Clarkesville. Switzerland* to Green C ove New Berlin* to Jackson P otona. A lton to Ball Ground. Tenn. rt Richey* to Tarpon Springs. ville. Agnes to Lincolnton. B rad ley*! to Gray.. Springs. Sycamore to R iver Junc Newburn* to L iv e Oak. A gtico la*! to Mitchell. Braganza! to Waycross. Port St. J o e *!! to Apalachi tion. ,\ Newport to Tallahassee. A id to Carnesville. Brentwood*! to Baxley. cola. . Sydn ey*! to Tampa. A ikenton*! to Monticello. Bridgeboro*! to Doerun. P o rt Sewall* to Stuart. N ew P o rt Richey to Tarpon Port Tampa* TI to Tampa. Bright* to Gainesville j Aimar to Ludowici. Springs. B ristol*! to Blackshear. Airline to H artwell Port Tampa C it y * !! to T a ft * !! to Orlando. New R iv e r * ! to Lake Butler Broadhurst* to Jesup. Akridge to Cairo. Tampa. Tangerine* to Tavares^ Newtown to Bronson. Alexander*! to W aynes Brooker to Hazlehurst. Powell to Brooksville. Ta ylor to Macclenny. N lceville* to De Funiak Princeton* to Homestead. Brookfleld’ T! to Tifton. boro. T e lo g ia * !! to Bristol. Springs. B rooklyn*! to Richland. Alford to Sylvester. Prosperity to Geneva, Ala T e r re ll* !! to Bushnell. Nichols* to Mulberry. Brookman* to Brunswick. A lin e*! to Stillmore. Providence to Lake Butler, Thelm a* to Perry. N o c a te e * !! to Arcadia, Brookton! to Clermont. A llatoona*! to Acworth. Putnam H a ll*! to Palatka Theressa*! to Hampton. Nokom is* to Sarasota. Thonotosassa*! to Tampa. Allenhurst*! to Ludowici. Broughton! to Newborn. N o m a * !! to. Geneva, Ala. Browndale to Hawkinsville. A llentow n*! to Danville. Tigerb ay*! to F ort Meade. Norum* to Bonlfay. Browns Crossing* to M illAlrnon* to Covington. Q uay*! to V ero Tillman to Melbourne. edgeville. Altamaha* to ReidsvHle. Quintette*! to Pensacola. Tisonia* to Jacksonville. Browntown to Brunswick. A l t o * ! ! to Cornelia. Toad Tow n to F ort M yers. O ak*! to Ocala. B u lla rds*!! to Jefferson T o rre y ! to Bowling Green. A lva ton *! to Senoia. Oak Grove* to Milton. ville. T orrey Island to Ft. Laud A m b o y *! to Ashbum. R aleigh*! to Williston. Oak H ill* t ! to Titusville Burnett to Blue Ridge. A m ity* to Lincolnton. erdale. Oak Hurst* to Tarpon Red Bay* to De Funiak Traxler A m sterdam *!! to Bain Burnt F ort to Folkston. to H igh Springs. Springs. • Springs. Burroughs*! to Savannah. bridge. Tucker* to Dade City. Oak K n oll to Bradentown. Reddick*! ! to Ocala. Turkeycreek to Plant C ity. Anderaonville*! ! to Am er Burtsboro* to Dahlonega. Redland* to Homestead. O’ B rien *!!, to Branford. Burwell to Bowdon. icas. Turnbull*! to Titusville. Red Rock* to Milton. Ocheesee to Quincy. Bushnell*!! to Douglas. Andes to MUiedgeville. Turners! to F ort Myers. Ocklocknee*! to Tallahas Rerdell to Bushnell. Bush viile to Commerce. Aonia* to Washington. Richland*! ! to Dade City. T y le r* ! to New berry. see. Bussey* to Lincolnton. Apalachee*! to Madison. Rideout* to Green Cove O coee*! to W in ter Garden. B u tts*! to Garfield. Apple V alley to Commerce, Springs. v s Odessa*! to Tampa. Byrd to Rome. i.Appling* to Harlem. Valkaria*! to Melbourne. R iley to Bradentown. O jus*! to Dania. A r a b i* !! to Cordele, Valrico*! to Tampa. Bio* to Fort Pierce. O kahum pka*!! to ■Lees A ra g o n * !! to Rockmart. Vandolah to Wauchula. Riverdale to Palatka. burg. ^ Cabahlss to Flovilla. Arcadia* to Savannah. Verna to Bradentown. Okeelanta to F ort Lauder R Iverlan d*! to Dade City. Cadley to Norwood. Areola to Statesboro. iVernon* to Chipley. R iverview * to Tampa. dale. Caleb to Conyers. A rg y ie *! to Homerville. Robinson Point* to M ilton. V i c t o r i a ! to Eustis. Oklawaha* to Ocala. R E F E R E N C E K EY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. ».Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. I 1852 GEORGIA C a m a k *]} to Warren ton. Campania to Harlem. Camp Creek to Murphy N . C. Camp ton* t to Monroe. Candler to Gainesville. Canoe Station]: to Metter. Oanoocheet to Garfield. Carbondale] to Dalton. C a rl*] to Auburn. Carnegie to Cuthbert. Carrs .¿station*] to Milledgeville. Oarsonville to Butler. Cartecay* to Ellijay. Carters to Chatsworth Cary to Cochran. Cash to Calhoun. Cass to Cartersville. Cassandra* ttoChattanooga Tenn. Cass S tation *] to Carters ville. Cataula*] to Hamilton. Cave to Kingston. Oaylor to Dalton. Cedar Grove* to La Fayette Cedar Springs* to Colum bla. Ala. Celeste to Washington. Cenchatf] to Rossville Center*] to Athens. Center Post to L a Fayette Center Village to Folkston Centralhatchee to Franklin C eylon to Kingsland. C h a lk er*}] to Sandersville Chambers to Rome. Chance to F ort Valley. Chappell to Griffin. Charlotte to Vldalia. C hattahoochee*]] to Atlan ta. Ghatterton*] to Douglas. Cheap to Commerce. Chelsea*] to Menlo. Chennault to Lincolnton. Cherokee to Canton. Cherrylog* to Blue Ridge. Chestnut Gap*to Blue Ridge Chestnut M o u n t a i n to Flow ery Branch. Oheyne to Calhoun. China H ill to McRae. Ohoestoe to Blue Ridge. C hu la*]] to Tilton. Cisco* to Cleveland, Tenn Clarksboro to Athens. O larkston*]] to Stone Mountain. C lay H ill to Thomson. 01em*t to Carrollton. Oleola* to Talbotton. Clifton (D e K alb Co.) to Atlanta. Clinton* to Grays. Clipper to Ellijay. CUto*] to Statesboro. Olopton to Eaton ton. C lyattvllle] to Valdosta. C lyde to Pembroke. Coal Mountain to Cumming Cobb] to Americus. Cobbham* to Thomson. Cobbvllle* to McRae. C o ffe e *]] to Blackshear. Coffinton* to Lumpkin. Oogdell to Hom erville. C old W ater to Elberton. Oolesburg*} to Kingsland C ollier] to Forsyth. Colon to Valdosta. Conasauga to Spring Place Condor*] to Dublin. C oney*] to Cordele. Conkling to Sparta. Conley* to Atlanta. Constantine to Maysville. Constitution] to Atlanta. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Daisy* ] ] to Claxton. Ferrobutte* to Cartersville. Damascus * ] } to Kestler. Flcklen to Washington. Dames F e rry *] to Forsyth. Fldo to Pemproke. Danburg* to Washington. Fields ' Cross Roads to Dasher*] to Valdosta. Alpharetta. Dayton* to Jasper. Fla. F ife to Union City. Deaton to Rockmart. Fillm ore to Dalton. Deoora to Calhoun. Findlay ] to Pinehurst. Deepstep* to Sandersville. F ish *] to Cedartown. Deercourt*} to Toccoa. Fitzpatrick* to Jefferson ville. Dell wood* to Swainsboro. F ive Forks to Colbert. Delray to Thomaston. F le m in g *}] to Savannah. Delta to Reynolds. ' Flem ington* to Savannah. D en to n *]] to Hazlehurst. Fletcher] to Ashburn. D e Soto to Leslie. F lin t*} to Camilla. Devereux*. to Sparta. Flintstone*] to Chatta Devore to Alpharetta. nooga, Tenn. D ew itt*] to Baconton. Flippen*} to McDonough. D ew yrose*} to Elberton! Florence* to Lumpkin. Dial* to Blue Ridee. F loyd to Austell. Dickey* to Edison. Folsom* to Adairsvjlle. D iffee* to Bainbridge. Forest Glen to Fitzgerald. D illard*] J to Clayton. Forest Park* to East Point. Dinsmore to Alpharetta. F ort Lam ar to Danielsvllle. D ip to Clermont. D irt Town to Lyerly. F ort McPherson to East D ix ie * ]] to Quitman. Point. D od ge*] to Chattanooga. F ort Oglethorpe to Chat Tenn. tanooga, Tenn. Dodson to Newnan. F ortson*} to Columbus. Doles* to Sylvester. Fountain ville to Oglethorpe D on a ld *]] to Ludowici. F ow lstow n*] to Bainbridge Donovan* to Wrightsville. Free Homes to Canton. Doogan to Spring Place. Friendship to Americus. Dooling to Byrom viiie. Dora to Mineral Bluff. Frolona* to L a Grange. Dora v ille * ] to Norcross. F rultland*} to Valdosta. Dorchester* to Savannah. F ry* to Copper H ill, Tenn. Dormineys M ill to F itz Funston* to Moultrie. gerald. ■ Dorsey to Madison. D ot* to Bowden. G a b b e ttville *}} to W.Point.. Double Branches* to Lin Gaddistown* to Dahlonega. colnton. G aillard*} to Roberta. D oublerun*]] to Pitts. Galloway* to Blue Ridge. Dougherty* to Gainesville Garden V alley to Reynolds Doverel to Dawson. G ardi*] to Jesup. Dow to Alpharetta. Garrant*t] to Douglas. D o y le * } to Buena Vista Gates to Dahlonega. Draketown* to Temple. G eneva*] to TalDotton. Drexel to Madison. Gentian*] to Columbus. D ry B ran ch *]} to Macon. Georgetown to Eufaula D ry Pond to Jefferson. Ala. D ubois} to Eastman. Gilbert to Fort Gaines. Ducktown to Cumming. Gill to Lincolnton. Dugdown* to Buchanan, Gilmore to Atlanta.. Duke to Waycross. Gintewn to Sylvester. Dunbar to Macon. Gladesville* -to Monticello. Duncan to Savannah. Glen A lta to Buena Vista. Dundee to Fairburn. Glenlock to Carrollton. Dunn to Eton. G len m ore*]} to W a y Cross. Dunwoody*] to Roswell. Glenn* to Roanoke, Ala. Du P o n t* ]] to Homerville. G lory to Willacoochee.' Durham Junction to Ross G loster}} to Lawrenceville ville. Glovers* to Forsyth. D y a s *} to Culloden. Goggansvllle* to BamesDyke to Ellijay. vllle. E a rly *] to Rome. Eastanollee* to Martin. East E llijay* to Ellijay. , E d en *] to Guyton. E d ith ] to Hom erville. Edwards Store to Glennville. Eelbeck to Cusseta. Egan* to East Point. E g y p t * ]} to Oliver. Elder to Maxeys. Eldora* to Savannah. Eldorehdo* ] ] to Bainbridge. Elgin to Jackson. E lla b e ll* ]] to Savannah. Ella Gap to Ellijay. E lle rslie*]] to W averly. Elmodel* to Albany. Elza* to Reldsvllle. Em bry to Draketown. Emerlch to Unadilla. E m erson*]] to Cartersville Cooksville* to Hogansville. Em ily to Whitesburg. Cooper to .Hartwell. Bmmalane to Millen. Cooper H eights*] to Chatta Em pire to Cochran. nooga, Tenn. Enecks to Sylvanla. Coosa*] to Rome. Ennis* to W adley. Copeco to Milledgeville. Enterprise to Buckhead. Corea to Colquitt.' Epworth to Blue Ridge. Corinth* to Hogansville. E rick*] to McRae. Cork* to Flovilla. Esom H ill* ] to Cedartown. Cotton* to Pelham. Estelle to Chattanooga, C ou n cil*]} to Valdosta. Tenn. O ovena*] to Swainsboro. Eugene* to Colquitt. Ooverdale to Ashburn. Euharlee* to Cartersville. Cowart to Macon. Eulonia*} to Darien. Crabapple to Alpharetta. E ven s*} to Augusta. Craig to Lawrenceville. Everett C it y * }] to Bruns C ran d all*]] to Eton. wick. Craytonla to Blue Ridge. E verett Springs to Rome Creighton* to Ball Ground Evergreen to Fitzgerald. Crescent*] to Darien. E xperim ent*] to Griffin. C rest*] to Thomaston. Critic to Elberton. Crosland*} to Gmega. F a c e v ille * }] to Bainbridge. Cross Roads to Lula. Fain to Blairsville Orosstie to Baconton. F aird otb * to Camilla. Crumps Park* to Macon. F a irfa x *]} to W a y Cross. Crystal Springs} to Rome. F air P la y to. Rutledge. Cuba to Cumming. F airy* to Eton. C u lv erton *]] to Sparta. Fargo * t ] to Homerville. Farm ington*} to Bishop. Cumberland Island to St. Farrar* to Shady Dale. M arys. F e lto n * }] to Bremen. Ourryvllle* to Calhoun. Fence to Auburn. Cut Cane to Mineral Bluff. Fender* to Tilton. C u ttin g *]} to Valdosta. Fendig* to Jesup. Oyrene*] to Brinson. Fenton to Douglasvllle. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Goloid to Sylvanla. Goodes to Palm etto. Good Hope to Monroe. Gordy to Sylvester. G ore*} to Summerville. Goshen to Lincolnton. G racew ood*]] to Augusta. G radyville* to Cairo. G rah am *}] to Baxley. Grange to Louisville. Granite H ill* to Sparta. . Gratis to Monroe. Gravel Springs to Buford. Graves S tation *] to Daw son. Grays Landing toReidsville G ra y s v llle *}] to Chatta nooga, Tenn. Greenbush* to L a Fayette. Greens C u t*] to W aynes boro. G reenwood*} to M cD on ough. Greggs* to Adel. Gresham ville* to Buckhead Gresston*] to Eastman. Grlswoldville* to Gordon. G ro va n ia *}} to Elko. Grove to Clayton. G ro ve la n d *}] to Pembroke G rd v etow n *}} to Harlem. Guin to Hampton. Gum Branch* to Savannah Gumlog to Murphy, N . Car Guysie to Alma. Habersham to Demorest. H a lcy on d a le *}} to States boro. H alfw ay to Dahlonega. H alloca] to Cusseta. Hamm ett to Roberta. Hannah to Whitesburg. H aralson*]} to Senoia. H ardwick to Milledgeville. H a rris*] to Greenville. H arrisbu rg*}] to Menlo. Hartsfleld* to Moultrie. H arvest* to Clarkesville. Hassler M ill to Chatsworth. Hatcher Station * ] to Georgetown. H a tle y * } to Cordele. H a y* to V n Rica. H a y lo w * }} to Valdosta. Hayner to Brunswick. Money Order Office. H ayston* to Mansfield. H ayw ood to Nichols. H ead R iver to Chattanoo ga. H ea rd m o n t*}] to Elberton. H ebardville to Waycross. Hemlock to Chlckamauga. H em p* to Mineral Bluff. H enry to Martin. H ep h zibah *]} to Augusta Herm itage to Rome. H erndon*} to Waynesboro. Herod to Dawson. Hershman* to Sylvanla. H ickory F lat to Canton. H ickory Grove to Roberta. H lck o x *} to Waycross. Higdons Store* to Blue Ridge. H iggston *] to Vldalia. High P oint * to Chatta nooga, Tenn. High Shoals* to Bishop. High Tow er to Ball Ground H ill C it y * }} to Calhoun. H illm an *] to Sharon, H ilto n *} to Columbia, Ala. H ilton ia *} to Sylvanla. H insonton*} to Pelham. Hobby to Ashburn. H o b o k e n *}} to Blackshear. Holcomb to Canton. H olland*] ] to L yerly. Hollands Mills to Whites burg. Hollonville to Williamson. Hollysprlngs* t } to Canton. H o lly w o o d *}] to Clarkes ville. H o lto n * }} to Macon. Homeland to Folkston. Honora* to Lincolnton« Hope to Milner. Hornsby to Doerun. H o rten se*}] to Jesup. Houston to L a Grange. H o w a rd *}] to Butler. H ow ell*} to Valdosta. H u b b a r d s v i l l e to Ball Ground. H u bert*} to Statesboro. Huching* to Crawford. H u ff to Lawrenceville. H u ll*] to Athens. Hunters to Sylvania. Huntington* f tto Americus. Huntsville to Dallas. Hurst *to Blue Ridge. Hustle to Bronwood. GEORGIA Landrum to Gainesville. L anier*} to Pembroke. Lauhcelot to OciUa. Law tonville to M illen. Lax to Willacoochee. L eaf* to Cornelia. Leah to Harlem. Leathers ville to Lincolnton. Deb to Cairo. Lebanon* to Canton. Lee PoDe* } } to F ort Valley. Leguln to Covington. L o la * }] to Donalsonville. Leland to Camilla. Leo* to Lula. Letford* to Pembroke. L everett* to Lincolnton. L ew * to Glenville. Lewis to Oglethorpe. Lewner to Culberson, N . C. Lexsy* to Wesley. Liberty City to Ludowici. Liclog* to Ellijay. Lillypond to Calhoun. Lim erick] to Savannah. Lina to Washington. Llncnburg* to Eatonton. L ln d a le *}} to Rome. Linton* to Sparta. L in w ood *} to Adairs ville. Lisbon*] to Lincolnton. Lltch to Buckhead. Llthia Springs* } } to Austell L ittle R ow to Calhoun. Liveoak to Camilla. Liverpool to Cumming. L izella *} to Macon. Locknart to Lincolnton. Loco to Lincolnton. L ollie* to Rockledge. Lone Oak to Hogansville. L ora n e*} to Macon. Lothalr to Soperton. Loudberg to Washington. Loudsville* to Gainesville. Loughridge to Chatsworth. Louise to L a Grange. L o u v a le * }} to Lumpkin. Lovelace to Lincolnton. Lovin g to Mineral Bluff. Low ell to Carrollton. L ow ry to Woolsey. Luclle to Blakely. Lu dville to Jasper. L u e lla * }} to McDonough. L u la to n * }} to Waycross. Luther to Thomson. Luxom ni* to Lawrenceville. Lyken* to Hom erville. L y tle t to Rossville. Ice to Blackshear. Inaha*} to Ashburn. Indianola to Valdosta. Indian Springs* to Flovilla. Ingleside* to Decatur. Inman* to Woolsey. Inverness* to Darien. In wood to Darien. Irene to Sparta. Irma to Butler. Iron C ity to Donaldsonville. IsJe of H op e] to Savannah. Ittle y to Cumming. Ivanhoe to Guyton. I v e y * } to Gordon. M abel to Brunswick. M ableton*} to Austell. M a ch en *}] to Monticello. Madison Springs to Danielaville. Madola to Blue Ridge. M adras*} to Newnan. Mallorysville to Washing ton. M alone* to Cordele. Manassas}} to Hagan. Manor* } V to W ay cross. M arble H ill* to Jasper. Marion to Ellijay. M a rlow *} to Guyton. Martinez* to Augusta. Massee*} to Sparks. Jacksonville* to Lumber Mat to Cumming. C ity. M athis*] to Clayton. Jake to Bremen. Max to Talbotton. James * t t to Macon. M axim to Lincolnton. Jamestown* to Cusseta. Maxwell to Shady Dale. Jewell* to Sparta. M a y fie ld * }} to Warrenton. Jlm ps*] to Statesboro. M cB ean* to Waynesboro. Johnson Station to Ludo McCarty to Tennille. wici. McCollum* to Palm etto. Johnston ville to Bamesville. M c D o n a ld *}} to WillacooJones*} to Darien. ' chee. Julia to Lumpkin. McGregor* to A lley. J u lie tte *}} to Forsyth. McHenry to Calhoun. Julyss to Harrison. M e ln to s h *}] to Savannah. Juniper * ] to Talbotton. M cIntyre* } t to Gordon. Juno to Dahlonega. M c K e e to Gainesville. M cLeod] to Swainsboro. K a th lee n *}} to Perry. McPherson to Dallas. Keasley* to Jasper. McWnorter* to Whitesburg. Kedron to Newnan. Meadow to Lawrenceville. Keith to Ringgold. Mears* to Sylvania. Keller] to Savannah. M ecca to Fairburn. K elly * to Shady Dale. Meda* to Eatonton. K ensin gton*}} to Chatta Medders to Baxley. nooga, Tenn. M eeks*} to W rigntsvllle. Kenw ood*} to Fayetteville. Kenzie to Thomaston. MeG ahee to Harlem. K e y s v llle * }} to Wrens. M einhard} to Savannah. K lb b ee*} to Soperton. M e ld rim *}} to Savannah. K ild a r e }} to Oliver. M e n d e s]} to Glennville. Kim brough] to Richland. Meridian* to Darien. Kincaid to Lyerly. Merlweather] to Milledge K ln d erlo u *}} to Valdosta. ville. K in gw ood] to Moultrie. M errillville*t] to ThomasKinlaw to Kin'gsland. ville K ir k la n d * }} to W illacoo Mershon* to Blackshear. chee. M esena*} to Thomson. Kirkwood» to Atlanta. Metasvffle* to Washington. K itson ] to Sylvania. M id d le to n *}} to Elberton. Klondike to Gainesville. M idland*} to W a verly Hall. Knob to Stockbridge. M id river* to Kingsland. AKnoxvllle* to Roberta. M ilford * to Albany. Millers to Calhoun. Lacey to Durden M lllhaven*] to Sylvanla. L a Cross*} to Ellavllle. M illw o o d *}] to Waycross. Lakecreek to Cedartown. M ilstead* to Conyers. Lakemont to Clayton. Mlmsville to Camilla. Lam bert* to Jesuo. M ineola*] to Valdosta. ] Telegraph Station. } Express Office. GEORGIA Mineral Bluff to Blue Ridge. Minton to Doerun. Minus to Sylvania. MIsh to Cumming. Mize* to Martin. Modoc*.! to Swainsboro. Monlao*! to St. George. Montevideo to Hartwell. Montreal to Decatur. Mora* to Willacoochee. M oran*! to Culloden. Morganton* to Mineral Blufi Morganvlllet to , Chatta nooga, Tenn. Morrison to Pembroke; Morris S ta tio n *it to Cuthbert. Morrow* t to Jonesboro. Mossy Creek to Lula. Mountain City * f l to Clayton. Mountain H ill to Hamilton. Mountain Tow n to EUIjay. Mount Pleasan t*! to Jesup. MountvUle*! to L a Grange. Mount Zion* to Bremen. Moye* to Edison. Mudge to Waycross. Mulberry! to Hoschton Mulberry Grove to Hamil ton. Muqnerlyn*! to Waynes boro. Murray to Ellavllle. Murrayville* to Gainesville. Musella*! to Roberta. Myrtle* to Perry. Mystic* Tl to Oeilla. Nacoochee! to ClarkesviUe. N ah u nta*ti to Waycross. Natal to Gainesville. N ea l*! to Concord. N elson *!! to Jasper. Nesbitt to Jesup. N ettle to Cumming. N ew ell* to Waycross. New H olland*! to Gaines ville. N ew L a cy* to Baxley. New Market to Forsyth. Newport to Ellljay. New Providence to Dan ville. N ew ry to Lagrange. Newton Factory to Coving ton. Nicholson*! to Commerce. N lckvllle to Elberton. Nielly to Lumber C ity. Nona* to Batonton. N arm antow n*!! to Vldalia. Nerton to Dalton. Norwich* to Mauk. Nate to Batonton. N a h er« to Elberton. Nye to Sharon. Oakhlll* to Ellljay. Oakland* to Gay. O akm an*! to Fair M ount. Oak P a r k * !! to Stillmore. Oakrldge to Greenville. O akw ood*!! to Gainesville. Oasis to Blue Ridge. Ooee to Duluth, chlllee* to Columbus, chwalkee to Glenwood. O co n ee*t! to Tennillo. Oconee M ills to Gainesville. Odessadale*! to Greenville. O fferm an *t! to Blackshear. Ogeechee*! to Sylvania. Oglesby* t ! to Elberton. Onoopee*! to Lyons. Ola to MoDonough. Ollle* to Ellljay. O lym pia! to Valdosta. Omar (W ayn e Co.) to Jesup. Oostanaula*!! to Calhoun. Ophelia to Washington. Ophlr to Ball Ground. Orange* to Canton. Orchard H ill* ! to Milner. Oriana to W rightsville. Orland* to Soperton. Osborne to Hiawassee. OscarviUe t o F l o w e r y Branch. Osierfleld to Fitzgerald. O u sley *!! to Valdosta. Owensboro to Oeilla. OwensbyvUle to HogansyBle Owens F erry* to Kingsland. Oxford* to Covington. Ozell to Boston. Pace to Covington. Panola to Ltthonia. Pansy to Llncolnton. Panthers vine to Decatur. Parish*! to Statesboro. Parkwood* to Brunswick. Paschal*! to TalbOtton. Patillo to Griffin. Patten to Thomasvllle. Paulina to W est Point. Pea vine to Chattanooga, Tenn. Pecan C ity to Albany. Penfleld* to W oodville. Pennick to Brunswick. Pennington to Madison. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Perkins*! to Mlllen. Phidelta to Commerce. P h ilem a*!! to Oakfleld. Philom ath* to W oodville. Pickard* to Thomaston. P ld cock *!! to Boston. Piedm ont! to Zebnlon. Pierceville to Copper Hill, Tenn. Pike to Ellljay. P ilo t to Blairsvjlle. Pine G rove*! to Baxley. Pinelevel to Ft. Valley. Pine Log* to Cartersville. Pine Mountain* to Clayton. P in ep a rk *!! to Cairo. Pisgah to Ellljay. P ittsbu rg*! to Cblokamauga. Pleasant to Cumming. Pleasant Hill to Talbotton. Pleasant Retreat to Lula. Pocataligo to Danlelsvllle. Point Peter* to Carlton. Pom ona*! to Griffin. Saint Charles! to Moreland. Saint C lair! to Gough. Saint George to Folkston. St. Simons Is and* to Brunswick. Salacoa to Fa r. Mount. Sandy Cross to Lexington. Sanford to Lumpkin. Sapelo to Darien. Sarah to Mineral Bluff. Sarepta to Ball Ground. Sargent*!! to Newnan. Sautee* to ClarkesviUe. Searboro*! to Mlllen. Scottdale*!! to Decatur. Thunderbolt*! to Savannah. Thyre to Sylvania. Tickanetley to Ellijay. T ig e r * !! to Clayton T U to n *!! to Dalton. Tioga* to Ellljay. TippettvUle to Vienna. Tison to Glennville. Titus to Murphy, N . Car. Toledo to St. George. Tom to Kite. Tomlinson to Homervllle. Toonlgh! to Canton. Tow ns*! to M cRae. Tow nsend*!! to Darien. Traders H ill to Waycross. Scottsboro to Mllledgevllle. Travlsvllle* to Homervllle. Seabrook to Savannah. Traylor to L a Grange. Selina! to Jonesboro. Trenton to Ringgold. S en ey ff to Rockmart. Trimble* to Hogansvllle. Sevier to Flowery Branch. Trinity to Savannah. Shack* to Columbus. Trion F a c to ry *!! to Trion. Sharpe* to L a Fayette. Trip to Grayson. Sharpsboro!! to Sharpsburg Trudle to flortense. Sharps Spur! to Vldalia Tuckahoe* to Sylvania. Shawnee!! to Springfield. T u c k e r*!! to.Stone Moun Ponder to Dahlonega. Shell Bluff to Waynesboro. tain. Pooler* ! ! to Savannah. , Sheltonvllle to Duluth. Tugalo to Tocooa. Pope C ity to Plneview. * Sheppard! to Sylvania. Tulip to Summerville. Popes F erry *! to Macon. Shlngler*! to Sylvester. Tu nnelhill*!! to Dalton. P orterd ale*!! to Covington. Shoals to Mitchell. Tu m erville*! to ClarkesPortland*! to Rockmart. Shore to Quitman; ville. Posco to Rockmart. Shoulder to Sparta. Tusculum*! to Guyton. Potterville to Reynolds. Sigurd to Chauncey. Twiggs ville to Jefferaonville Powellvllle to Newnan. 8iico to Brunswick. Tybee* to Savannah. Powelton to Sparta. Silver City to Cumming. T y ro n e *!! to Fairburn. Power to Roswell. Silver Creek*! to Rome. Tyus to Carrollton. Pow ersvllle*!! to Ft.Valley. Silver Shoal to Cornelia. Prattsburg* to Talbotton. Sirmans* to Homervllle. Presley to Murphy, N. C. Slate to Hartwell. U p a to le *!! to Columbus. Pretoria* to Albany. Small to Louisville. U ptonvflle*! to Folkston. Pride to Sparta. Smarrs*! to Forsyth. Pridgen to Broxton. Smiley to Ludowlcl. Primrose* to Greenville. Snellvllle to Lawrencevllle. Vada to Camilla. Priors*! to Cedartown. Snow to Unadilla. Protection to Ellljay. Sofkee (Bibb Oo.) to Macon Valambrosa* to Dublin. Valona* to Darien. Puckett to Buford. Sonoraville to Calhoun. Vanna*! to Bowman. Putnam *! to Buena Vista. Soaue* to ClarkesviUe. Putney* to Albany. Southland*!! to Oglethorpe. Vanoy to Fort Valley. Vamells Sta.*ü to Dalton. Spann* to Wrightsville. Vaudelt to Hopeville. Spivey to Eatonton. Vaughn*! to Griffin. Spread to Stapleton. Quartz* to Clayton. Vayles to Murphy, N. C. Spring Place to Chatsworth. Quill to Ellljay. Veazey* to Greensboro. Sprlngvale*! to Cuthbert. Quince to Gobbtown. Vega to Zebulon. Stars to Jackson. Starrsv ille *! to Covington. Velma to Baxley. Vesta to Elberton. Statenville* to IValdosta. Rabun G a p *!! to Clayton. Victory to Carrollton. Staunton* to Lenox. Racepond*! to Wayoross. View to Cornelia. Stay to Dahlonega. Raines! to Cordele. VUlanow* to Lafayette. Stellaville* to Matthews. R aleigh*! to Woodbury. V lnings*t! to Marietta. Sterling*! to Brunswlok. R am hu rst*!! to Chats- Stevens P o ttery *!!" to MU1- Vinson to Rockmart. worth. Virgil to Pendergrass. edgevUle. R a n ger*!! to Falrmount. Stewart to Jackson. Rayle* to Washington. StUesboro*!! to Carters- W ade*! to Graymont. Raymond to Newnan. W alden*! to Macon. vUle. Rays M ills * !! to R a y City. S tillw ell*! to Springfield. Waleska* to Canton. R ecovery*! to Balnbridge. Stllson*! to Statesboro. Walker to Valdosta. Redan* to Llthonia. Walker Sta.Tt to Albany. [.Stockton*ft to Valdosta. Redbud* to Calhoun. Stokes ville to Jacksonville, Walkersville to Blackshear. Reddick to Sylvania. Walnut H ill to Camesvllle. »Fla. Redland* to Jesup. W a lth ou rville*!! to Jesup. Stonewall* to Fairburn. Red O ak*! to Fairburn. Walthrall to Cedartown. Stop to Fairburn. Reed Creek to Hartwell. W aresboro*!! to Wayoross. Strlcklan to Balnbridge. R eeves*! to Calhoun.' Waring* (Morgan Co.) to ' Stuckey* to Glenwood. Madison. Renfroes*! to Cusseta. Subligna to SummervUle. Reno* to Cairo. Waring (W hitfield Co.) to Success to Sylvania. Dalton. R esa ca *!! to Calhoun. 1 Suohes* to Dahlonega. Resource to Sylvania. Sugar V alley* f i to Cal Warm Springs t ! to Bullockville. Rest to Fayetteville. houn. ReynoldsviUe to Brinson. Sulphur Springs *T1 to Warsaw to Duluth. W a ve rly *! to Kingsland. R iceb oro*!! to Savannah. Chattanooga. Tenn. Wayland to Savannah. Sumner*.! ! to Sylvester. W a y n esvllle*!! to Bruns Richardson to Stookbrldge. Sumter*! to Smlthville. wlok. Rich w ood*! to Vienna. Sun H ill! to Tennffie. Waynmanville to Thomas Riddles Landing to Mount Sunny Side*! to Griffin. ton. Vernon. Sunset! to MoUltrle. W ayside*! to Macon. RiddlevUle to Davlsboro. SutaUee to Canton. Ways S t a .* !! to Savannah. Ridgeville* to Darien. Swan* to Blue Ridge. Ridley to Franklin. , Sweetgum*! to Blue Ridge. Webbs to Ellijay: Weddlngton to Douglasvilla R ift to Leslie. Weisman to Sylvania. Rtggton to ReidsvUle. W e llsto n *!! to Macon. R in co n *!! to Springfield. W enona*! to Cordele. T a ft to DaUas. Ripley to Jeffersonville. W e sley *!! to Stillmore. Rising F a w n * !! to Chatta Tails Creek to Ellljay. Talking R o c k * !! to Ellljay. W est Green to Douglas. nooga. Tenn. Tallulah F a lls *t! to Clay W estlak e*!! to Cochran. Rtvertown to Palmetto. W hite to Cartersville. ton. Robertstown to Helen. Tallulah L o d ge *! to Clay W hite Bluff to Savannah. Robertsville to Macon. Whltehouse to MoDonough. ton. Robinson* to CrawfordvlUe Tallulah P a rk ! to Cornelia. W hite O a k *!! to Kingsland Rockalo to Franklin. W hltepath* to Ellljay. Rockingham*! ! to Baxley. Talm o* to Pendergrass. Whitestonet to Ellljay. Rockspring*! to LaFayette Tapley to IrwlnvlUe. W hite Sulphur Springs* to Tarboro* to Kingsland. Rockville to Eatonton. Ohipley. Tarrytow n to Soperton. Rockyface* to Dalton. Whltcsville to Hamilton. Rocky M ount to Luthers- T a r v e r* !! to Jasper, Fla. W hitney to Social Circle. T a te * ! to Jasper-. .ville. Rocky Plains to Covington. Taylor’s Creek* to Savan W ler to Ellljay. W ild w o o d *!! to Chattanoo nah. R ogers*! to Mlllen. ga, Tenn. Tazewell* to Buena Vista. Roosevelt to Ellljay. Teloga Sp’gs to Summer W iley* to Clayton. Roscoe to Newnan. Wilkins to Rome. ville. Rosebud to Lioganville. W illa rd *! to Eatonton. Temperance to M cRae. Rosier*! to Mldvllle. Tem ple G rove to Chats W illett to Columbus. Round O ak*! to Gray. W illie* to Pembroke. worth. Rousanville to Etowah. WUscott* to Blue Ridge. Tennga* to Conasauga. Rover* to Griffin. Winchester! to MarshallTexas* to Franklin. R o y* to Ellljay. vllle. Thalm ann*!! to Brunswlok. Ruark to Albany. Winfield* to Thomson. Thebes to Savannah. RuckersvUle to Elberton. W inokur*! to Waycross. Th e Glades to Lula. Rudden to Eatonton. Th e R o ck *! to Thomaston. Winslow* to Jesup. Ru pert*! to Butler. Thom asboro! to Rocky W inston*! to DouglasvUle. Rush to Richland. Withers to H om erville. Ford. Ru skln*!! to Waycross. Russell to Chattanooga. Thompsons M ills to Flow W oo d b in e*!! to Kingsland. W oodlaw nt to Eton. ery Branch.. Tenn. W ood Station to Ringgold. Thrasher to Madison. Ruth to Greensboro. W o o d sto c k *!! (Oglethorpe Rutherford to WatkinsvUle. T h rift*! to Garfield. C o.) to W oodvflle.______ Thunder*! to Thomaston. R y d a l* !! to Cartersville. R E F E R E N C E K EY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HAWAIIAN ISLANDS * County Seat. »Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. 1853 W o r t h * !! to Ashbuim. Worth ville to Jackson. W r a y * ! to Douglas. Wrayswood to Madison. Wrlghtsboro to Thomson. Yahoola to Dahlonega. Yeomans to Dawson. Y orkvllle to Rockmart. Youngoane* to Blue Ridge. Young Harris* to H ia wassee. Youngs! to Cedartown. Younker* to Eastman. Youth to Logan ville. Ypsllanti* to Talbotton. Yukon to Ellljay. Zebina to Wrens. Zelgler*! to Sylvania. Zeke to Canton. Z enith*! to Fort Valley. Z etella *! to Griffin. Zlngara to Conyers. Zirkle*! to Blackshear. Zone to Calhoun. H A W A IIA N IS L A N D S Alea* to Honolulu. Eleele* to Lihue. Ewa* to Honolulu. Haiku* to Kahului. Hakalau* to Hilo. Halawa to Kohala. H alelwa* to Honolulu. Hamakua to Honokaa. Kana* to Walluku. Hanapepe* to Lihue. H aw i* to Kohala. Heela* to Honolulu. Hoiualoa* to Honolulu. Homestead* to Lihue. Honomu* to Hilo. Honouluili to Honolulu. Honuapo to Hilo. Hoopuloa* to Hilo. Humuula to Honolulu. Kaanapall to Lahaina. Kahuku* to Honolulu. Kailua* to Kealakekua. Kalaheo to Lihue. Kalapa to Hilo. Kalapana to Hilo. Kamuela* to Honolulu. Kapaau to Kohala. Kapono* to H ilo. Kaunakakal* to Honolulu. Kaupo to Walluku. Kealia* to Lihue. Keanae to Walluku. Keei to Kealakekua. Kekaha* to Honolulu. Keokea to Kealakekua. Kilauea* to Honolulu. Kipahulu* to Kahului. K oloa* to Lihue. Kukaiau* to Hilo. Kukuihaele* to Hilo. Kukuiopai to Hilo. Kurtistown* to Hilo. Laupahoehoe* to Hilo. M aalea to Lahaina. Mahukona* to Hilo. M akaw ao* to Paia. MakaweU* to Honolulu. M ana to Waimea. Maunawai* to Honolulu. Mountain V iew * to Hilo. ; Naalehu* to Hilo. Nahiku* po Paia. Napoopoo* to Kealakekua. Olaa* to Hilo. Olawala to Lahaina. Paauhau* to H ilo. Paaullo* to HUo. Pa hala* to HUo. Pahoa* to HUo. Papaaloa* to HUo. Papaikou* to HUo. Pauwelia to Paia Peahi to Kahului. Pearl C ity* to Honolulu. Pelekunu to Lahaina. Pepeekeo* to HUo. Puunene* to Kahului. Volcano House* to HUo. W ahlàwa* to Honolulu. Waiakea to HUo. W alakoa to Kahului. 1Express Office. 1854 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Daniels to M alad C ity. K im aina*! to Shoshone. Darlington* to Mackay. K in g H il l * ! ! to Glenns Ferry. D a y to n * !! to Preston. D e Craene to Roberts. Kingston* to K ellogg. D e Lam ar* to Nam pa. Klockm ann to Bonners D em p sey*! to L a va H ot Ferry. Springs. Knull to Tw in Falls. Dent to Kendrick K o o te n a i*!! to Sandpoint. Denver* to Cottonwood. Desmet* to Tekoa. Wash. D ietrich *!! to Shoshone. L a c le d e * !! to Sandpoint. Dingle* to Montpelier. /Lago* to Grace. D ixie* to Grangeville. Lake to St. Anthony. Dover* to Sandpoint. Lake Creek to Rockford, v. ash. Dudley* to Kellogg. L a k iv ie w * to Sandpoint. L a - nt to Ashton. Lan ii g * to Rockland. E a stp o rt*!! to Bonners Lane* to Harrison. Ferry,. L a rd o *! to N ew Meadows. Ratons to Weiser. Edgem ere to Spirit Lake. Leesburg* to Salmon. Egin to St. Anthony. Leland* to Kendrick. Elba*' to Albion. Lem hi to Salmon. E lk C ity * to Stites. Elkhôrh to M alad City. Lenla* to Bonners Ferry. Elk Prairie to St. Joe. Lenore’ t t to Gifford. Elm ira* to Sandpoint. Lenox* to Mountain Home. Elva to Idaho Falls. Leslie* to Mackay. Emida* to St. Maries. Letha to Emmett. E n a v llle*!! to Kellogg. Lew isville* to Idaho Falls. Liberty* to Paris. Lincoln to Idaho Falls. Fairvlew to Lewiston. Linden* to Kendrick. F alc on !! to Wallace. Linfor to Kellogg. Falk* to N ew Plymouth. Lookout* to Gifford. F argo*! to Parma. Lorenzo* to Rigby. Farnum* to Ashton. Luolle* to W hite Bird. Featherville* to Fairfield. Lund* to Brancroft. Felt to Driggs. Lym an* to Rexburg. F en n i to Cottonwood. F ern w ood *!! to St. MariesFerrell* to St. Joe. Mace* ! to Wallaoe. Fish Haven* to Paris. M a lta* to Albion. Ford* to Rockford. M arble Creek to St. Joe. Forest* to Winchester. Market L a k e !! to Roberts. F ort H a ll* !! to Pocatello. M a ry sville *!! to Ashton. Franklin* t t to Preston. McArthur* to Bonners Fraser* to Orofino. Ferry. Freedom to Freedom, W y o M cC all* to N e w Meadows. French to Payette. M cD erm ott to Meridian. Frultvale* to Council. M eadow Creek to Bonners Ferry. M ead ow s*! to N e w M ead Gannett to Bellevue. ows. Gardena to Em m ett Garden V alley* to Boise. M edim ont* to Harrison. M elba to Kuna. Garwood* to Rathdrum. Melrose* to Reubens. G em *! to Wallace. Mesa to Council. Geneva to M ontpelier. M idas* to Sandpoint. Gentile Valley ro Grace. Georgetown* to Mofitpeller M in id o k a *!! to Rupert. M inkcreek* to Preston. Glbbonsville* to Salmon. Mohler* to Vollmer.' G ibbs*! to Coeur d’Alene. Gilm ore to Leadore. Givens Springs to Caldwell. M ontevieW to Roberts. M o n to u r*!! to Emmett. Glengary* to Sandpoint. M o o re*!! to Arco. , Glenwooa* to Kamlah. Mora to Kuna. Goldburg* to Arco. Moravia* to Bonners Ferry.Golden to Stites. Moreland to Blackfoot. Goodrich* to Cambridge. M orrow to Ferdinand. * G ra n ite *!! to Sandpoint. M orton * to Sandpoint. Grant to Idaho Falls. Green Creek* to Cotton M urphy*! to Nampa. M u rra y *! to K ellogg. wood. M yrtle*! to Juliaetta. Greenleat* to Caldwell. Greer* t ! to Orofino. Gwenford to M alad City. Raym ond* to Montpelier. Regina to Boise. R esort*! to N e w Meadows. Reverse to M ountain Hom e Riddle* to Mountain Home. R iggin s*! to W hite Bird. R iv er Road to Buhl. Robin* to McCam m on. Rock Creek* to Hansen. Rockford to Blackfoot. Rockford B ay to Coeur d’ IDAHO, ILLINOIS Adeline* t ! to L eaf River. Walanae* to Honolulu. Aden to Springerton. W aihee to Wailuku. A d r ia n * !! to Ferris. Walkane to Honolulu. Advance* to Casey. Waikapu to Wailuku. Waim analo* to Honolulu.. A folk ey to Orangeville. A gn ew tt to Sterling. Walohlnu* to HÜO. A ld e n *!! to Hebron. Aldridge to Jonesboro. Alexis Junction to Alexis. Allenboro to Moweaqua. Allen Station to San Jose. A llentow n*! to Mackinaw Rocky Bar* to Mountain A llright to Martinsville. ID A H O Alm a to O ’Fallon. Home. Roseberry to Donnelly. A ls e y * !! to Winchester. Roselake* to Harrison. A lt a * ! to DunlaD. A lto rf to Kankakee. R ossforkt! to Pocatello. Acequla* to Rupert. A lw o rth t! to Winnebago. Roswell* to Parma. Adams to Grangeville. R oy to Rockland. Am erica* to Mound City. A ddle to Bonners Ferry. Ames to Redbud. Russell* to Orofino. Adelaide to Rupert. A m ity to Sumner. A ga th a! to Gifford. A n c o n a *!! to Streator. Ahsanka*! to Oroflno. Andalusia* to Rock Island. Sagle*! to Sandpoint. A lexan der*!! to Soda Andover* to Cambridge. Saint Charles* to Paris. Springs. ; 1 A lgom a f to Sandpoint, Saint John to M alad C ity. Andres! to Peotone. Andrews Station to SpringSalem* to Sugar. A lm o* to Oakley. field. Samaria* to Malad City. A p p le to n * !! to Knoxville. "Samuels to Sandpoint. A lpine to A fton , W yo. A ptakislo! to LlbertyvlBe. Sanders* to Tekoa, Wash. Amm on to Idaho Falls. Arcadia to Jacksonville. Santa* to St. Maries. Amsterdam to Rogerson. Archer to Springfield. Sawyer* to Sandpoint. Annls to Rigby.. Setters to Rockford, Wash. A rd m ore*! to Elmhurst. Antelope to Rine. A rgo to M ou n t Carrolk ASilver C ity* to Nampa. A pple Valley to Parm a. A r g y le * t ! to Rockford. Sinclair to Bonners Ferry. Arbon* to Pocatello. Smiths F erry* to Cascade. A rk to Metropolis City. Archer* to Rexburg. A r n o ld * !! to Jacksonville. Soldier to Fairfield. 'A r im o * t t to McCam m on. Arom a P a r k !! to Kanka Sorrento! to Plummer. Arling to Donnelly. kee. Southwlck* to Kendrick. A rrow Junction! to Lew is Athen8ville* to Greenfield. Spald ing*! to Lapwai. ton. Atlas to Louisiana, M o. Spencer*!! to Dubois. A thol* U to Rathdrum. A tterberry*! to Oakford. Springfield* to Blackfoot. .Atlanta* to Mountain Home A ttlla to Marlon. Springston* to Harrison. Atlas to Coeur d ’Alene. A tw a te r * !! to Girard. Squirrel* to Ashton. A very* !1 to St. Joe. Augsburg to Vandalla. Standrod to Oakley. A von * to Deary. A ven a *! to St. Elmo. Stanley* to Challis. Ayers to Greenville. Steele* to Peck. Azotus to Golconda. S terlin g*!! to Aberdeen. Badger to Drlggs. Stone* to M a la d C ity. Baker* to Salmon. Strevell* to Albion. Banida to Preston. Stuart to Kooskla. Babylon to Prairie City. Banks to Sweet. Sublett* to Albion. Baden Baden* to Poca Basalt* to Shelley. Summit* to Gifford. hontas. Basin to Oakley. Sunnydell* to Rexburg. B a d er*!! to Browning. B a y v iew *ti to Rathdrum. Sunnyside* to Mountain B a ile y v lile *!! to Freeport. Bear* to Council. Home. Baker to Leland. Beeler to Kellogg. Sunset* to Wallace. B a lc o m *!! to Anna. Beeman to Gifford. Swanlake* to McCam m on. Baldwlnsville*! to Paris. Belm ont to Rathdrum. Swan V alley to Idaho Falls. B all to Enfield. Bench* to Grace. Sw eetwater*! to Lapwai. Ballou t%, W ilm ington. Benewah* to Tekoa, Wash Bankllck* to Galatia. Bennett to Mountain Home. Banner* to Canton. Bennington* to Montpelier. Taber to Blackfoot. B a rc la y *!! to Springfield. Berenice* to Arco. Tam arack*! to N ew Barlow to Beecher C ity. Berger to Hollister. Meadows. Barnes to Towanda. Black Bear’ t to Wallace. Taylor to Shelley. B arnett*! to Litchfield. Black L a k e! to Harrison. Teakean* to Peck. Barnhill*! to Fairfield. Black Pine to Malad City. Tendoÿ* to Salmon. Barr to Palmyra. Blaine to H ailey. _ Barrow *! ! to Roodhouse. Tensed* to Tekoa, Wash. B lan chard*!! to Spirit Lake Teton* to Sugar. B a rstow *!! to East Moline. Barth to Savanna. Tharp* to Cottonwood. Bloomington* to Paris. Thatcher* to Grace. Bartonville* to Peoria. Bonanza* to Challis. B a tes !! to New Berlin. Thomas to Blackfoot. Bone to Idaho Falls. T h orn to n *!! to Rexburg. Batestown to Danville. B owm ont* to Kuna. B ay C ity* to Golconda. Three Creek* to Buhl. Burgdorf to N ew Meadows. Bayle C ity *! to Ramsey. Tikura to Richfield. B u rk e*t! to Wallace. Treasureton to Preston. Beamington to Chatham. Burton to Rexburg. Tra de to Ashton. Bearsdale! to Decatur. Beaucoup*! to Nashville. Turner* to Pocatello. N a f* to Bingham C ity, T u ttle to Hagerman. Beavercreek* to Greenville. C a b in et*!! to Sandpoint. Utah. T w ln L a k e s*!! to Rathdrum Bedford* to Milton. Haden to Tetonia. Calder to St. Joe. N a p le s *!! to Bonners B eechrldge*!f to Beecher Hamer to Roberts. Camas* to Roberts. City. Ferry. Cameron* to Kendrick. H a m m e tt*!! to Glenns N eeley* to American Falls. Ucon* to Idaho Falls. Ferry. Canyon Creek to St. An Beechville* to Brussels. N iter* to Grace. Ulysses* to Salmon. Harpster* to Stites. thony. a , . . Bedcreek* to Pearl. Nordm an to Priest River. Ustick* to Meridian. C areyw ood*! to Sandpoint. Harrisburg* to Kamlah. N orw ood to Donnelly. I Belgium to Westvllle. Carlin B ay* to Harrison. H a rvard *! to Potlatch. Belknap * '!! to Vienna. N o tu s * !! to Caldwell. H au ser!! to Post Falls. Carmen* to Salmon. B elleview * to Clarksville. V alley* to Sandpoint. Hawkins to McCammon. Castle Creek to Moun B elltown to Carrollton. Van W y ck * to Cascade. Hayden L a k e * !! to Coeui tain Home. Bernes to Crete. V iola* to Moscow. Ola* to Emmett. , d ’Alene. Oastleford to Buhl. Benbow C ity to W ood Onaway to Potlatch. Virginia to D ow ney. Helse* to Rigby. Cataldo* to Kellogg. River. Oneida* (Local name ArlCavendish* to Peck. Helmer* to Deary. mo) to McCammon. B en tley*! to Carthage. Centerville* to Idaho City. H en ry* to Soda Springs. Benville to M ount Sterling. Oreana* to Nampa. W aha* to Lewiston. H ill C it y * !! to Fairfield. Central to Bancroft. B erd a n *!! to Carrollton. W apello to Blackfoot. Orogrande* to Stites. Cerro Grande* to Arco. Holbrook* to Malad City. Osburn to Wallace. W arren *! to N ew Meadows. B erlin *! to New Berlin. Homedale* to Caldwell. Chatcolet* to Harrison. Bernadotte to Ipava. Ovid* to Montpelier. W a y to Bancroft. H o p e * !! to Sandpoint. Chester* to St. Anthony. B ern ice!! to Lansing. W ayan* to Soda Springs. Chesterfield* to Bancroft. Horse Shoe Bend* to Owinza to Shoshone. BerryviUe 1?6 W est Salem. O x fo rd *!! to Downey. W ebb* to Lapwai. Obilco to Rathdrum. Em m ett. Bessie to Benton. Ozone* to Idaho Falls. W eippe* to Oroflno. H o t Spring* to Bruneau. C hilly* to M ackay. Bethalto to Alton. Westlake* to Ferdinand. H ow e* to Arco. Biddleborn to Marissa. Westmond* to Sandpoint. Clagstone*+ to SplrltLake. H ow ell! to Troy. B ig B ay Station! to Metro Park* to B ovlll. W e sto n *!! t o Preston. Clark F o r k * !! to Sandpoint Huston to Caldwell. polis. Parker* to St. Anthony. W h ite K nob* to M ackay. Clarkla* to B ovlll. Patterson* to Salmon. B ig F oot Prairie* to W a l W hitnev* to Preston. C layton* to Challis. worth, Wis Wilburus to M id vale Pauline to Pocatello. Idahom e to Burley. Claytonia to Caldwell.' Biggs to Easton. Pearl* to Em m ett. . Wilson to Nampa. Independence to Rexburg. Clearwater* to Stites. Bigneck to Loraine. Clem entsville to St. A n Indian V alley* to Cam Pegram* ! ! to Montpelier. W inona* to Kooskia. Big R o c k * !! to Hinckley. Winsper to Dubois. Pierce* to Oroflno. bridge. thony. B lU e tt* !! to Lawrenceville W oodland* to Kamlah. In k o fn * !! to Pocatello. C leveland* to Preston. Bingham *! ! to Fillmore. Wrencoe* to Sandpoint. Iola * to Sandpoint. Clifton* to Preston. B in n e yt! to Livingston. Pin e* to Fairfield Iona* to Idaho Falls. P ln gre e*!! to BlaokfoOt. B irkbeck t! to Clinton. Irw in* to Idaho Falls. Cloven to Filer. Blrkner to Belleville. Ploneerville* to Idaho City. Yellow jaoket to Salmon. Island* to Oakley. C o co lalla *!! to Sandpoint. Birmingham ' to Plymouth. PlacervlUe* to Idaho City. Colburn* to Sandpoint. Plano to Rexburg. Bishop* t to Forest City. Collins* to B ovlll. Pleasant View to P o st Falls. Black to Albion. Jacques Spur to Ouldesàc. Conant* to Albion. Blackland to lecatu r. P o llock *! to W hite Bird. Josenh* to Whitebird. Concord* to Grangeville. Ponderay* to Sandpoint. Conkllng Park to Harrison. Junction* to Gilmore. Blackstone* Tt to Streator. Poplar to R igby. Coolln* to Priest River. Bjalne to Poplar Grove. IL L IN O IS P o r t h lll* !! to Bonners Copeland* to Bonners Ferry Blair to Sparta. Ferry. K eever to Blackfoot. Corbin* to Rathdrum. Blairsville* (H am ilton Gb.> Prichard to Kellogg. Kenyon to Burley. Corral* to Fairfield. to McLeansboro. Princeton* to Potlatch. K e to h u m *!! to Halley. Ooulam to Downey. Blairsville* (Williamson. Absher to Carrier Mills. Keutervllle* to Cotton Craw ford to Cascade. Co.) to C arterville. Adams* to Quincy. wood. Crystal to Pocatello. Blanchard* to Golconda. Quartzburg* to Idaho City. A d d ie ville *! to Nashville. Kilgore* to St. Anthony. Curry to Filer. REFERENCE KEY* * County Seat. * Money Order Office. f Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ILLINOIS TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Blandingt to Bellevue, I6wa. Block!! to Sidney. Blodgett to Wilmington. Blood to W est Salem. Bloom to Winchester. Bloomfield (Adams Co.) to Quincy. Bloomfield * (Johnson Co.) to Vienna. Channahon* to Mlnooka. Channel Lake to Antioch. Chapm an!! to Fllmore. C harlotte*! to Chatswortb. Charter G rove*! to Genoa. Chase to Maple Park. Ohatton! to Golden. Chauncey* to Sumner. Checkrow to Bushnell. Chemung*! ! to Harvard. Bloomingdaie* to Roselle. Oheneyville to Danville. Cherry Point* to Chrisman. Blue Point* to A ltam ont. C hesterville*!! to Areola. Blue R id ge! to Mansfield. Chestline to Clayton. Bluff C ity to Astoria. Chicago R id g e * !! to Chi Bluff Springs*! to Beardscago. town. Chili to Bowen. Blyton to Cuba. Choat to Joppa. B oa z*!! to Grand Chain. Clank* to Theibes. Boden to Viola. C la re *!! to Sycamore. Bogota* to Newton. Clarendon*! Hills to Hins Boles* to Vienna. dale. Bolivia*! to Mount Auburn. Clark Center to Marshall. Bolton t i to Freeport. Clarksburg*! ! to ShelbyBonfield*!! to Kankakee. ville. Bongardt! to Falrland. Clarksdale*! to Taylorvfile. Boody’ t t to Decatur. Clarkville to Vandalia. Boon to Newton. Clays Prairie to Paris. Boos Station! to Newton. Booth Station to Gardner, Clements to Woodson. f B orton*t! to Kansas. Cleone to Martinsville. Boskydell*! to Carbondale. Cleveland to Genesee. Boulder*! to Centralia. Cliffdale* to Kampsville. Bourbon*!! to Arthur. Clifford* to Carterville. Bourbonnais* to Kankakee. C loverdale*!! to Wheaton. Bowes Station to Elgin. Coalton to Nokomis. Boyd to M ount Vernon. Coal Valley * t t to East Boyleston* to Fairfield. Moline. Bradbury! to Toledo. C odv to Springfield. Braden to McLeansboro. Coil to W ayne City. Bradfordton* to Springfield Coles*! to Allenville. Breckenridge*! (Sangamon Coleta* to Milledgeville. Co.) to Edinburg. C olm ar!! to Plymouth. Breeds*!! to Canton. O olon a*!! to East Moline. Bremen to Chester. Oolp to Carterville. Brereton* to Canton. Columbus* to Coatsburg. Bridgewater to Whitehall. Bristol* t t to Yorkvllle. C olu sa*!! to Dallas City. Conant*! to Pihckneyville. Broadm oor!! to Bradford. Confidence to Vandalia. B roadview !! to M aywood. C on gerville*!! to Carlock. B roadwell*!! to Lincoln. Congress Park* to La . Brooklyn* to Augusta. Grange. Brookvllle* to Polo. Conlogue to Paris. Brownsville* to Carmi. Cooks Mills* to Humbolt. Brubaker!! to Salem. Cooper to Washington. Bruce* to Sullivan. Cooperstown* to Versailles. Brushyfork to Murdock. C o ra *t! to Chester. Bryant*! to Lewiston. Coral to Marengo. Bryce! 1 to Milford. Cordes to Nashville. Buckhart!! to Mechanics- Corinth to Marion. burg. Cornerville to Galatia. Buckhorn to Mt. Sterling. Cornland*! to Mt. Pulaski. Buckner*!! to Christopher. C o rtla n d *!! to De Kalb. Bucks to Heyworth. Cottage Grove to Equality. B u d d*!! to Dwight. Cotton Hill to Springfield. Buena V is ta *! to Orange Council H ill* !! to Galena. ville. C o v e ll* !! to Stanford. Buffalo Grove to Arlington Covington to Okawville. Heights. Cowling*! to Grayville. Buffalo H a r t * !! to Spring- Crab Orchard* to Marion. field. Craig (D eW itt Co.) to Bungay to Springerton. Clinton. B ureau*!! to Hennepin. Craig (Perry Co.) to PinckB urksville*!! to Waterloo. neyville. Crainville* to Carterville. Burksvllle S t a t i o n ! te C ram er*!! to Farmington. Crampton Station! toOrion Waterloo. B urlington*!! to Hamp C ravat! to Centralia. shire. Crenshaw to Marion Burnham !! to Hegewisch. Crisp to W ayne City/ Burr Oak to Rock Island. C rugerl! to Eureka. Burrowsville to Hammohd. Cub to Mt. Vernon. Burt to Arm ington. Culton to Mendota. Burton to\ Quincy. Curran* !1 to Springfield. Burton V ie w * !! to Llnooln. Cushman to Sullivan.' Bush*!! to Hurst. Custer* to Rochester. B ushton*!! to Charleston. Custer P a rk *! to W ilm ing ton. B u tler*!! to Hillsboro. Byars to Bluford. Cutler to Pinckneyville. C a b le*!! to Sherrard. C ache*!! to Beecher City. Cadiz to Elizabethtown. Cadwell*,!! to Arthur Cahokia to East St. Louis. Calvin*! to Gray ville. Canaan to Birds. Cantrail * t ! to Athens. Carbon C liff* !! to East Moline. Carbon H ill* to Coal C ity. C arlton !! to D e Kalb. C arm an*!! to Burlington, Iowa. Carpenter* ! ! to Edwardsvllle. Carpentersville to Dundee. C a rtter*!! to Salem. Cascade to Edinburg. C aseyville*!! to Collinsville Cash to Ullln. Casner* to La Place. Cass to Virginia. Oaton Farm ! to Plainfield. C ay u g a*!! to Pontiac. C azen ovla*!! to Metamora. Cedar P o in t*! to L a Salle Cedarville* to Freeport. Centerville to Carmi. Centerville Station* to East St. Louis. Central to Morris. Central C ity ! to Centralia. Ceres to Roodhouse. Chaffin Bridge to Waterloo. Ohamnes to Marlon. D a g g e tt!! to Mount Carroll. D atu nda*!! to Williamsfleld. D ailey to Penfleld. Daisy to Mount Sterling. D ale*! to McLeansboro. Dalzell* to Spring1Valley. Damascus to Freeport. Damiansvllle to German town. Damon to Mount Sterling. Danway to Sheridan. Dareville to Bonnie. Darmstadt to Marissa. Darrow to Sheldon. Darwin* to Marshall. Daum to Carrollton. Davis Ju n ction *!! to Hol comb. D aw son *!! to Buffalo. Dawson Park to Stookland. Day to Marion. D a y to n * !! to Ottawa. De Camp to Staunton. Decorra*! to Stronghurst. D eerfield *!! to Highland Park. Deer G ro v e * !! to Tampico. Deer Pa rk *! to Oglesby. Deerplaln* to Grafton. Deers to Urbana Delafleld* to McLeansboro. D e lh i*!! to Jerseyville. D e L o n g * !! to Abingdon. Delrey to Onarga. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Delta* to Thebes. Delwood* to Stonefort. Dennison*! to Marshall. Denny to PinckneyviUe. Derby (Ford Co.) to Gibson City. Derby* / fSaline Co.) to Equality. Derinda Center to Eliza beth. Deselm to Mantfeno. Detroit* to Pittsfield. Dewmalne* to Carteryille. D exter*! to Altamont. Diamond Lake to Area. Dllloii to Tremont. Dillsburg* to Rantoul. Dlmmick! to L a SaUe. Dlngley to Mineral. Dlona to Charleston. D is c o *!! to La Harpe. Diswood* to Thebes. Dixon Springs to Golconda. Doddsville to Industry. D o llv ille t! to Tower Hill. Dolson to Marshall. DonkvUle to Collinsville. D ora n *!! to Mattoon. D orchester*!! to Bunker Hill. Dorrisville* to Harrisburg. D orsey*t! to Bunker HIU. D ou glas*!! to Yates City. D over* to Princeton. Dover M ills to Kirkwood. D o w * !! to JerseyvUle. Dowell to Elkville. D rak e!! to Whitehall. • Dreesor*! to Ramsey. D rexel! to Cicero. Drivers to M t.V em on . Dudley* i f to Kansas. DudleyvUle to GreenvUle. Duncans M ills to Lewistown. Duncanville*! to Robinson. D u ndas*!! to Olney. Dunfermline! to Canton. Dunham to Harvard. Dunkel to Pana. Dunn to Sullivan. Durham to Dallas City. DUvall to Findlay. Dwina to Marion. Eagle* to Equality. Eagle Lake to Beecher. East Cape Girardeau to Cape Girardeau, M o. East Carondelet*! to East St. Louis. East Galesburg ! to Gales burg. East G rove! to Downers Grove. East Newbem to JerseyvUle East Plato to Elgin. East Wenona to Wenona. Eaton* to Robinson. Eberle to Effingham. Echoville to Mt. Vernon. E d elstein *!! to Princeville. E d e n * !! to Hanna City. Edgar* to Chrisman. Edgemont Station to East St. Louis. Edgington* to Reynolds. E d w a rd s*!! to Peoria. E g a n * !! to Leaf River. > Elchoro to Golconda. Ela to Palatine. Elba to Ridgway. Elbridge to Paris. E lo o * !! to UUln. E ld en a*ti to Dixon. Elderville to Warsaw. E le a n o r*!! to L ittle York. E le ro y *ti to Lena. Elida to Winnebago. Eliza to New Boston. Elk Grove to Bensenvllle. Elkhorn to Oakdale. Elkhora Grove to MUledgeville. Elkton to Oakdale. E lle ry*! to Albion. Elliottstown to Dleterioh. E llis !! to Armstrong. Elmbranch to W ayne City. Elmira to Toulon. Elmore* to Laura. Elm oville to Stockton. E ls a h *!! to Grafton. Elva Station*!, to' DeKalb. E lw ln * !! to Decatur. Emerson* to Sterling. E m ery*! to Maroa. Emma* to Carmi. Energy to Herrin. Bnion to Havana. Enright Station to El Paso. Enterprise to Clsne. E o la * !t to Aurora.' Epworth* to Carmi. Ernst* to Marshall. Erwin to RushvUle. Etherton to Murphysboro. E tn a * !! to Neoga. Evans to Wenona. E varts! to Freeport. E v e r e tt!! to Lake Forest. Evergreen P a r k * !! to Blue Island. » Ewbanks! to Quincy. Exeter* to Bluffs. »Money Order Office. ILLINOIS 1855 G o d frey *!! to Alton. Exline! to Kankakee. Golden Eagle* to Brussels. E y la r*! to Saunemin. G olf*! to Evanston. G oodenow *!! to Crete. Goodings Grove to Lemont. F a lrd a le *!! to Kirkland. Gossett* to Norris City. F airg ra n ge *!! to Charles Gower to Hinsdale. ton. Gowins to Golconda. Fair Haven to Chadwick. Grand Detour to Dixon. F airla n d *!! to Longview. Grandview to Kansas. Fairman to Sandoval. Grantfork* to Highland. Fairmont C ity to East St. G rantsburg*!! to Vienna. Louis. Grape C reek *!! to Danville Fairview t to Desplianes. Grass Lake to Antioch. Fair Weather to Barry. ■ Grassland! to Mascoutah. FaUcreek!! to Hannibal. Grayson to Eldorado. M o. Green B riar*! to Oblong. Falm outh*! to Newton. Greenbush* to Roseville. Fancher* to Cowden. Fandon* to Colchester. Greendale to Iuka. Fargo to TimeweUGreenoak! to Princeton. Farm lngdale*! to Spring- Greenridge* to Girard. field. Green R iv e r * !! to Geneseo. F ay to Thomson. Greenwood to Woodstook. F a y e tte * !! to Greenfield. Greer to Wellington. Fayetteville* to Mascoutah Griffin to N ew Windsor. > FayvlUe* to Thebes. Grigg to Redbud. F ed era l*!! to Alton. Grimsby to Gorham. F e n to n *!! to Erie. Grinnell to Metropolis C ity G risw old!! to Saunemin. Ferrel to VermUion. Gross to Elizabethtown. Ferrin to Carlyle. Grosstf P o in t*! to Wilmette. F ia t t * t ! to Cuba. Groveland’ t t t o East Peoria Ficklin* to Tuscola. Guilford to G alena.s Fllson*! to Areola. Gum to Fairfield. Fishhook to Griggsville. G u rn ee*!! to Waukegan. Fitchmoor to Mendota. FitzgerreU to Tamaroa. 1 F lagg! to Rochelle. H adley* to Barry. Flagg C enter!! to Rochelle. H a ga m an *!! t o ' Chester Flatwoods to Simpson. field. Flemlngton to Paris. Hagarstown*! to Vandalia. Fletcher to Cooksville. Hahnaman! to Walnut. Flint to McLeansboro. Hainesville* to Grayslake. FloravUle to Waterloo/ H a ld a n e*!! to Polo. Florence to Pittsfield. H alf D ay to Libertyville. Florence Station*! to Free Halfw ay to Marion. port. Hallidayboro * ! !, to Elkville Florid to Hennepin. Halls ville ! to Clinton. Flossm oor*!! to Homewood H am el! to Worden. F orm an!! to Vienna. Hamel to Worden. F o rsy th *!! to Decatur. Hamlet to Reynolds. Fort G age*! to Chester Hamletsburg* to Golconda. Fort Sheridan*!! to High-; H am pton*! to East Moline. land Park. H a n aford *!! to Logan. Foster to Muscatine, Iowa. Hanson* to Pana. Fosterburg to Alton. Harco to Galatia. Foster Pond to Waterloo. Hardlnville* to Robinson. Fountain Bluff to Gorham. H arlem *! (Winnebago Co ) Fountain C reek !! toHoopeto Rockford. ston. Harmony (M cH enry C o.)to Fountain Green* to La Hampshire. ■ Harpe. Harness to San Jose. Fountain Station to W ater H a rp e r*!! to Forreston. loo. H a rp ster*!! to Gibson City. F o w le r*!! to Paloma Harris* to Farmers City. F o x L a k e*! to Round Lake. Harrison (Winnebago Co.) Fox R iver G rove to Cary to Durand. Station. Harrlsonville to Valmeyer. Francis Mills to Eldorado. H Arristown*t! to Nlantio. Franklin ville to Woodstock. Hfarrisville to M onroe Cen Frasers to Enfield. ter. Frederick * ! ! toB eardsto wn H a rtford ! to Alton. . Freedom to Earlville. H a rtla n d *!! to Woodstook. Freeman Spur to Herrin. H artsville to Golconda. Fremont Center to Area. Haselwood to Clayton. Hatton to W est Union. French Village to East St. H a y e s *!! to Tuscola. Louis. Haypress to Eldred. Frtendsville* to Mt. Carmel. Hazel C rest*! to Homewood. Frisco to M ount Vernon. Frogtown to Breese. H a zelh ijrst*!! to MilledgeF ru it*! to Ed wards ville. Fullersburgl to Hinsdale. H eadyville to Dieterich. FuUertonl to Farmer City. Healey to Chatsworth. Fults*! to Prairie Du Heathsville to Robinson. Rocher. Funkhouser to Effingham. H eld to Varna. Funks G ro v e !! to M cLean. Helena to Sumner. Helm to Iuka. Helmar to Mllltngton. Gale to Thebes. H enderson*!! to Galesburg Galesville*! to Mansfield. Hendrix to Bloomington. Gallagher to Noble. Henke] to Mendota. G a lt* !! to Sterling. H en to n *!! to Shelby ville. G a llo n *!! to Areola. Herald* to Carmi. Ganntown to "Vienna. H erbert*! ! to Belvidere. Garber*! to Gibson City. H erbom to Stewardson. G ardenplain*!! to Fulton H erm on*! to London Mills. Garden P ra irie *ti to Belvi- Herod* to Harrisburg. dere. Hersman*! to M ount Sterling. Gardspolnt toMountCarmel G a rfield!! to Wenona. Hickman to Wellington. Garland to Brocton. Hickoryhill t o Kell. Garrison to McLeansboro H ickory Ridge to Equality. Gaskin C ity to Harrisburg. Hicks* to Elizabethtown. Gatch to Vandalia. H lg h w o o d *!! to Highland Gerald to Penfleld. * • Park. G erla w *!! to Alexis. Hildreth to Sidell. Gibsonia to Shawneetown H ill to Effingham. Gila to Newton. Hlllerman to Grand Chain. G ilb erts*!! to Elgin. H illery to Danville. Gilchrist! to Viola. H illside*! ! tb Melrose Park. Gilead to Batchtown. Hodgkins to L a Grange. • G illum ! to Downs. H olland* to Beecher C ity. Gilmer to Area. Holliday* to Cowden. Gilmore to Altam ont. H ollisf t o Pekin. G ilso n *!! to Knoxville. H ollow ayvllle* to SeatonGlasgow* to Winchester. ville. G len arm *!! to Chatham. Hollyw ood to Brookfield. Glenavon’ t to Belleflower. Homb'erg! to Golconda. Glenburn to Oakwood. H om e Acres to Lombard. Glen C arb on *!!to Edwards- Honey B e n d * !! to Litch villé. field. Glendale* to Golconda. H oodville to MoLeansboro. Glenridge to Centralia. H ookdale*! to Greenville. G len view *!! to Wilm ette. Hoosler to Louisville. G lenwood*! to Chicago Hopkins P a r k !! - to MoHeights. mence. ! Telegraph Station. i Express Office. 1856 ILLINOIS TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Horace* to Paris. Levings* to Grand Chain Hord to Louisville. Lickcreek* to Anna. L illy *T t to Mackinaw. H orn s b y *ft to Litchfield. L ily L a k e * tt to Elburn. Horseshoe* to Equality. Horseshoe L a k e ! to East Lim erick to Ohio. St. Louis. Lln d en w ood *ttto Holcomb H ouston*! to Sparta. Linn to M ount Cannel. L in tn er*tt to Lovington. H ow ard ton l! to Grand Tower. Lis to Newton. Hubbard Woods* f t t o Win- Lisbon* to Millington. netka. L is le * !! to Naperville. Hudgens to Goreville. L tte rb erry *t! to Jackson H u egely! to Hoyleton. ville. H u e y *! to Carlyle. L ittle In d ia n !! to Virginia. L ittle Bock to Plano. H ugo to Camargo. Humphrey to Pawnee. L ive ly G rove to Oakdale. Hunter to Poplar Grove. Liverpool* to Canton. Huntsville* to Augusta L o d g e !! to Montloello. Hurricane to Fillmore. Lodlng to East Moline. Logan to Chrisman. Hutton to Charleston. Lom bardviU e!! to Bradford Longbranch to Galatia. Longcreek*! to Decatur. Ideal to M ount Carroll. , Longgrove to Libertyville. Idlewood to M ount Verripn. Long Lake to Bound Lake. Illin oitt to Momence. Loon Lake to Antioch. Illinois C ity* to Muscatine, Loran to Pen rl C ity. Iowa. Lorenzo! to Wilmington. Illisville to Vandalia. Lotus* t l to Foosland. Im bs to Belleville. Loudon to St. Elmo. In g a lto n t! to W est Chicago L ovejoy * to National Stock Ingleside*t to Bound Lake. Yards. Inm an to Bidgway. L o w d e r* !! to Virden. Irene* t ! to Cherry Valley. Low ell to Tonlca. Iron to N orris C ity. L o z a * !! to Charleston. Ivanhoe to Area. Lusk to Golconda. Lynn Center* to Orion. Lynnville to Jacksonville. Jacob*! to Murphysboro. Lyons* to Biverside. Jam esburg*!! to Henning Lyons Station to Danville. Jamestown to Highland. Jeffersonville to Geff. Jenkins to Clinton. Mabel to Bushville. Jetseyville to Taylorville. Macoupin* to Plainview. Joetta to Carthage. Johannisburg to Okawville Madonnavllle to Waterloo. Maeystown* to Waterloo. Johns burg to McHenry. Magnet to Mattoon. Johnstown to Lerna. Malvern to Morrison. Jones Bidge to* Gorham. Manford to Fillmore. a to Metropolis. M anheim *! to Franklin tt*tt to Hillsdale. Park. Joy Prairie to Jacksonville. Manley to Prairie City. Jubilee to Dunlap. Junction C ity to Sandoval. Mannon to N ew Boston. M a n ville*! to Streator. Justice Park to Summit. M aplegrove to W est Salem. Maples M ill* to Canton. M a p leto n *!! to Pekin. K a n evilie*! to Elburn. M arbiehead*!! to Quincy. Kangley* to Streator. M arble T o p to Enfield. K app a*T ! to E l Paso. Karbers Bidge* to Eliza Marceline* to Ursa. M a rcoe! to M t. Vernon. bethtown. K a m a k * t! to Grand Chain M a rie tta *!! to Smlthfleld. Marigold to Evansville. K asb eer*tt to/Princeton. M ark to Granville. Kaskaskia to Chester. K a u fm a n *!! to Alhambra. Markham * to Jacksonville. Kedron (Gallatin C o.) to M arley (Edgar Co.) to Equality. Kedron (H enry Co.) to M a rle y *!! (W ill Co.) to Mokena. Annawan. K een sb u rg*!! to M t. Car M arlow *! to Mt. Vernon. mel. Marston to Beypolds. Keerfville to Keenes. Martinsburg to Pittsfield. K ellerville* to Clayton. M aryland*tt to Forreston. K e m p * !! to Hlndsboro. M a ry ville* to Collinsville. , Kem per* t ! to Medora. K en ilw orth *!! to Wilm ette. Massbach* to Elizabeth. M atthews*! to PinckneyK e n t * !! to Pearl City. ville. K e rn a n *!! to Streator. M aud to M ount Carmel. K e m c k * t to Normal., M azwell* to Loami. K eys to Springfield. Mayberry to W ayne City. K ib ble to Oblong. M a y s !! to Redmon. Kickapoo to Brimflefd. Kidd to Prairie du Bocher. M a y sv ille*! to Griggsville. M a y vie w *! to St. Joseph. K id ley to Dana. Ind. M c C a ll*!! to Ferris. Kingm an* to Stewardson. Kingston Mines* to Glas- McClusky to Jerseyville. M c C o o k !! to L a Grange. ford. McCormick* to Stonefort. K ir k s v ille * !! to Sullivan. M cD ow ell*! to'Pontiac. K londyke to Sumner. K o lz e * !! to Franklin Park. McKeen* to Marshall. M c N o el* to Metropolis. Kram m to Elmwood. Kuhns Station to Edwards- M cVey* to Girard. Meacham! to Roselle. ville. Kum ler to Farmer C ity. Melrose (Clark Co.) to Mar shall. Melrose (Cook Co.) to Mel Lace to Hinsdale. rose Park. LaCrosse*tt to La Harpe. M elville to Alton. L a fo x 'T ! to Elburn. L a Grange Landing to M e n a rd *!! to Chester. Menom inee to East Du Versailles. buque. Lake B lu ff* !! to Lake For Meppen* to Grafton. est. Lake F o r k * !! to Mount M erid en *!! to Mendota. M erm et to M etropolis. Pulaski. M e ra a ti to Bloomington. Lam b* to Cave-In-Bock. Merrlamt to Fairfield. L a m b e rt!! to Lemont. Lancaster * (Wabash Co.) Merrimac to W aterloo. M e r r itt* !! to Winchester. to Mount Carmel. M eyer* to Canton, Mo. Landes* to Sumner. Meyers Station to Pekin. L a n es vllle*!! to Buffalo. Langenhelm to Barrington. Michael* to Kam psville. Langham to Seneca. M id dlesw orth *!!to Shelbyville. La Prairie Center to Speer. Larchland*tt to Monmouth M iddleton to Keenes. Midland C it y * !! to Kenney Lawndale* t ! to Atlanta. Lawn Bidge to Speer. Milan* t ! to Bock Island. M iles Station to Brighton. Leam ington to Junction. M ile y to Mascoutah. Leanderville to Chester. Millbum to Antioch. L e d fo r d * !! to Harrisburg. M illc re e k *!! to Anna. Lee Center* to Am boy. M iller C ity * ! to Cairo. L e e d s !! to Wenona. Millersburg* to Aledo. Lehigh to Kankakee. M H lersville*t! to Pana. Leonard to Crescent City. M ilo to Bradford. L ’ Erable to Clifton. Lester to Kinmundy. Missal* to Streator. L e v e r e t t * !! to Champaign. M itc h e ll!! to Granite City. a REFERENCE KEY! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Mitcheilsvllle* to Harris- Oskaloosa to Kinmundy. burg. Osm an*tl to Belleflower. M occasin*!! to Altam ont. Otego to Vandalia. M o d e * !! to Stewardson. O tterville* to Jerseyville. M o d o c *! to Prairie Du O zville to Bluffs. Rocher. O z a r k * !! to Vienna. Mont to Edwardsville. Monterey to Canton. Montezuma* to Milton. Paderbom to Waterloo. M o n tgom ery*!! to Aurora. Padu a*! to Ellsworth. M oriah to Casey. Palos P a rk *! to Blue Is M o ro *! to Alton. land. M orrellville to Versailles. Palzo to Creal Springs. M orse! to Bradford. P a n o la * !! to E l Paso. M oscow to Cypress. P a p in ea u *!! to St. Anne. M ossvllle*! to Chllllcothe. Parker* ! ! to Creal Springs. Mountain G len ti to Cob- Parkland to Manito. den. Parkville to Sadorus. Mount Forest to Lem ont. P a rn ell*!! to Farm er City. Parrish*! to Thom psonville M ount G reenw ood!! to Parsons vo Carbondale. M organ Park. Passport to Olney. Mount Palatine to Tonlca. Patterson* to Whitehall. Mount Pleasant to Anna. P a tto n !! to M t. Carmel. Mozier* to Hamburg. Pennington Point to Adair. Muddy* to Harrisburg. Penrose to Sterling. M u lk e y tow n *!! to Benton. Peoria H eigh ts*! to Peoria. P erd u eville *!! to Paxton. M U n cie*!! to Fithian. M u nsterf to Streator. Perks*Tt to Ullin. Perry Springs! to Versailles. Myers to Elizabeth. M y r t le !! to Byron P e te rs *t! to Edwardsville. Peters Creek to Elizabeth town. N ach u sa *!! to D lzon. Petrolia to Lawrenceville. N a m e o k i*!! to Granite Pbelpst to Berwick. C ity. Philadelphia*! to Virginia. PhUlipstown to Crossville. N a p le s *!! to Bluffs. N a tro n a *!! to San Jose. Pierceburg to Oblong. Neadm ore to M artinsville P ie r ro n * !! to Highland. Neal to Neoga. Pike to Louisiana, M o. N eelyville to Bluffs. P ilo t to Oakwood. Neilson to Marion. Pine Creek to Polo. N ek o m a *!! to Galva. Pingree G rove*Tt to Elgin. N els o n *!! to Dlzon. P In k sta ff*!! to Lawrence N ettlecreek to Newark. ville. Pinoak to W ayne C ity. Neunert to A va. N e v a d a * !! to D wight. Piopolls to MoLeansboro. N èvins to Paris. N ew bern to Jerseyville. P is g a h *!! to Jacksonville. N ew City to Springfield. Plstakee to McHenry. N ew Columbia* to Vienna. Pittsburg (F ayette C o.) to N ew Dennison* to Manon. M ulberry Grove. N ew Grand Chain! to Pittsburg (W illiam son Co.) Grand Chain. * to Marion. N ew H anover* to Waterloo. P lt t w o o d * !! to Martlnton. N ew H artford to Pittsfield Plato C en ter*!! to Elgin. N ew Hebron to Robinson. Plattville to Yorkvllle. N ew Hope to Galatia. Pleak to Moweaqua. N e w L eb an on *!! to Ham p Pleasantgrove to Vienna. shire. Pleasant Mound* to Green N ew L e n o z * !! to Joliet. ville. N ew Liberty* to Smithland, Pleasant Valley to Stockton K y. Pleasant V iew * to Bush Newmans ville to Ashland. ville. N ew Memphis * ! ! to New Plumfleld to W est Frank Baden. fort. N ew Memphis Station to Plumhill to Nashville. Masco dtah. Plum R iv er to Stockton. N ew Milford t ! to Book- P o a g * !! to Edwardsville. ford. Poco to Brookport. N ew Minden* to Nashville. Point Pleasant to Hidalgo. N ew Palestine to Chester. P o m o n a *!! to Murphys N ew Philadelphia* ! ! to boro. Bushnell. Pond to Vienna. N ew Sa lem *!! to Baylis. P o n em a h *!! to Kirkwood. N ew tow n to-Oakwood. Po n to osu c*!! to Dallas Niles to Niles Center. City. N lota * ! to F ort Madison, Poplar City to Easton. Iowa. Porterville to Annapolis. Nippen's Store to M cLeans- Posen (Washington C o .)! boro. to Nashville. Noi tin g! to Centralla. Posen ! (C ook C o.) to Blue N o r a * !! to Warren. Island. N orm an d y*!! to Walnut. P o sey*! to Hoffman. N o r r is * !! to Canton. Pottstown to Peoria. North Chllllcothe* to Cirilli Powellton* to Nauvoo. co the. Prairie to Bed Bud. N orth C ity to Benton. Prairiehall to D alton City. N orth Crystal Lake* to Prairie H om e to Moweaqua Crystal Lake. Prairietown to Bunker H ill. N ortonville to Franklin. Prairie V ie w * !! to L iberty Norway to Sheridan. ville. Nutwood to Jerseyville. P re n tic e *!! to Ashland. Preston* to Evansville. Priscilla to Lostant. Oak* to Harrisburg. P rocto r*! to Gibson City. Oak F o re s t!! to Blue Island Progress* to Cobden. O akglen *!! to Lansing. Prospect to Rantoul. Oak H i l l * ! ! to Elmwood. Prou ty to Loami. Oaklawn*! to Chicago. Pulleys Mill to Marion. O akley*! to Cerro Gordo. P u tn a m *!! to Henry. Oakville to Cobden. P y a tt ! to Pinckneyville. Obed to Moweaqua. O coyatt t o Chenoa. O gle*! to Keithsburg Quigley to Windsor. Oilfield* to Westfield. Oldenburg to Alton. Raddle* to Grand Tower. Old R ip ley to Greenville. R a d ford *! to Moweaqua. O live r*! to Marshall. R a d o m *! to Ashley. O livet* to Georgetown. Randall* t to Galesburg. O lm sted *!! to Mound City. R a n d o lp h *!! to Heyworth. Omega to luka. Range to M ount Vernon. Oneco to Orangeville. R a p a te e *!! to Fairview. O n ta riov ille*!! to Roselle. Rapids C ity *! to PortByron. O ravllle*! to A va. Raum* to Golconda. Orchard M ines to Pekin. Raven* to Dana, Ind. Orchard Place * ! to Des R avin ia*to Highland Park. Plaines. R a y * ! to Vermont. , , Oreana*! to Argenta. Reader* to Carllnville. Orient* to W est Frankfort. Reading* to Streator. O rla n d *f! to Blue island. Red O a k * !! to Freeport. Reed to Kirkwood. , Orleans*! to Jacksonville. R e e v e s v ille *!! to Vienna. Osborn* to Hillsdale. R enault*! to Prairie du O sbom ville! to Mount A u Rocher. burn. Rendville to Herrin. Osceola to Neponset._______ R e n o *! to Sorento. Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ILLINOIS Renshaw to Golcohda. Rentchler*! to Mascoutah R eyn oldsvllle*t! to done* boro. B ice to Oakdale. Rlchardst to Streator. Richardson*!! to Virgil. Richfield to Plainville. Richland to Pleasant Plains. Richm ond! to Minier. R ich ton *! to Matteson. Rlchwoods to Palestine. Rlckel to Atkinson. Riddle H ill! to Springfield. R id gefield *!! to » Crystal Lake. Ridge Prairie to O ’Fallon. R ld g e v llle * !! to Onarga. R ld o tt*! to FreeDort. Riffle to Louisville. R ig g ston *t! to Winchester. R ileyville to Galatia. Rlola to Indlanola. Ripley* to Mount Sterling. Rising to Champaign. Rising Sun to Golconda. R isk ! to Strawn. R itc h e y * !! to Wilmington. R iv er G rove* to Franklin Park. R iv e r v ie w l! to Des Plaines. R obin ett! to Odin. R o b y * !! to Mt. Auburn. Rook* to Goloonda. Rockcreek to C ave In Rock Rock G rove* to Rock C ity. R o ck ton *!! to Beloit, Wis. Rockw ood *! to Chester. R odden*! to Elizabeth. Rohrer to W averly. R ollins! to Grays Lake. R o llo *! to Paw Paw. R o m e*! to Chllllcothe. Rom eovlile to Lockport. R o n d ou t*!! to Libertyville. Roots to Chester. R o sco e*!t to-Beloit, Wis. Rosebud* to Brownfield/ Roslyn to Slgel. Round G r o v e * !! to M orri son. Round K n b b * !! to M etrop olis. Round Prairie to Cisne. R o w e! to Pontiac. Rowell to Kenney. Rozetta to Kirkwood. Ruark to St. Francisville. Rudement* to Harrisburg. R u g b y ! to Pontiac. Ruma to Redbud. Russell (Clay Co.) to Louis ville. R u ss ell*!! (L a ke Co.) to Kenosha. Wis. Russellville* to Vincennes. Ind. Ru yle to Kane. Sabina!! to L e Roy. Sacramento to Enfield. Sagetown to Gladstone. Saidora* toChandlerville. St. D a v id * !! to Canton. Saint George to Manteno. Saint J a m es*!! to St. Elmo. Saint John* to Du Quoin. «Saint Llbory* to Mascoutah Saint Mary to PlymouthSaint Paul to Vandalia. Saint Rose to Breese. Saline Mines* to Shawneotown. Salisbury* to Springfield. Samoth* to Vienna. Sanbum* to Vienna. Sandridge* ! to Murphysboro Sandusky* 1! to Cairo. Sangamon to Decatur. S a v o y * !! to Champaign. Sawyers v ille *! to Benld. Scarboro to Steward. Schapsville to Apple River. Schick to Bartlett. Sohnell to Olney. School to Oarmi. Schram C ity to Hillsboro. Schroadts to M ount Car mel. S chulin e*!! to Sparta. Sclota M ills*! ! to Freeport. Scottland* to Chrisman. Scottmill to M ount Ster ling. Seatonville to Princeton. Sears* to Rock Island. Seehorn to Hannibal. Mo. Sellars to Urbana. Sepo to Lewistown. Seville* to Smlthfleld. S e w a rd *!! to Pecatonlca. Sezson to Windsor. Shabbona G r o v e * !! to Shabbona. Shatter to Vandalia. Shamrock to Newton. Sharpsburg*! to Edinburg. Shattu o*t! to Carlyle. S h a w l! to Am fiov.. Sheldons G rove to Astoria. Shell er* to W altonville. Shepherd to Hannibal, Mo. Sherm an*!! to Springfield. Shetierville to Goloonda. Shiloh to Belleville. Shiloh H ill to Campbell H ill Shinn to Barry. ! Express Office. ILLINOIS S h irla n d *!! to Durand. S h irley*ft to Bloomington. S h obonler*!! to Vandalla. Shokokon to Burlington* Iow a. Slcilyt to Pawnee. Signal H ill to East St. Louis. Siloam Springs to Clayton. Silvis r it to East Moline. Sinclair*!! to Jacksonville. Skates to Pana. Skinnerville to Carterville. Slackwater to Duncan. Sm ithboro*!! to Greenville. Smithton* to Belleville. Snlcarte to Chandlerville. S o llitt* !! to Grant Park. Solomon to Wapella. Solon M ills * f! to Richmond Somerset to Harrisburg. Sopervllle to Galesburg. Souders* to Cambridge. South Down to L e R oy. South E lg in * f! to Elgin. South Heights to Rock Is land. South Henderson to Biggsville. South Mt.Forest to Lemont. South Pekin ! to Pekin. Spankey to Jerseyville.' Sparks H ill to Shawneetown. Spaulding to Riverton. Spencer to Frankfort. SpiUertown* to Marion. Spires to Mlhonk. Spring B ay to Peoria. Spring Garden to Mount Vernon. Spring H ill to Erie. Spurgeon to Salem. Staleys to Champaign. Stallings to Edwardsvllle. Standard*!! to Granville. S tark *! to Prlncevllle. Starks to Hampshire. Stateline to|Dennison. Stavanger to Seneca. Steelton to WestviUe. Stolletown to Carlyle. Stone Church to Nashville. S to y *t! to Robinson. S tratford *t! to Polo. Stringtown to Olney. Stubblefleld*!to Greenville. Sugar G rove*+! to Aurora. Su m m erfleld*!! to Trenton Summerhill*! to Pittsfield. Summum* to Astoria. Sunfleld* to Duquoin. / Sunny HlU* to Orion. Sutter* to Warsaw. Swansea to Belleville. Swan w ick *! to Coultervllle. Swedona* to N ew Windsor. Sweet W ater* to Green view. Sw ift to Addison. Swisher to Clinton. Sw ygert*! to Pontiac. Symerton to W ilm ington. Tabor to Waynesville. Tam alco* to Keysport. T a m m s*!! to Ullin. Tansill to Golconda. Tazewell to Minier. Teheran* t i to Easton. Tempest to Perry. Tem ple H ill* to Golconda. Terra C o t ta * !! to Crystal Lake. Terre Haute* to La Harpe. Texas C it y * !! tb Eldorado. Th ackery*! to McLeansboro. Thayer to Vlrden. The Grove to Des Plaines. Thomas to Tampico. T h om asvllle*!! to Farmersvllle. Thurber to McLeansboro. Tice* to Petersburg. TledtvUle to Lemont. T ilto n * ! to Danville. Tim e to Pittsfield. T io ga * to Lim a. T ip to n tt to St. Joseph. Todds Point to Findlay. Tom to Marshall. Tom lin son!! to Rantoul. T o n tI* !! to Salem. T o p e k a *!! to Forest C ity. Torino* to Bracevllle. T o v e y to Taylorville. Trim ble*! to Robinson. Trow bridge*! to Neoga. Troxel to Maple Park. Trumbull to Carffil. T u ck er!! to Kankakee. Tu rm elh ill*!! to Vienna. Turner to W est Chicago. Tw in Grove to Bloomington Ulaht to Cambridge. Union Center to Casey Union G r o v e * !! to Morrison Union H ill* !! to Reddick. Unionvfile* to Brookport. U n ity * ! to Cairo. Upper A lto n *! to Alton. Ustlck to Morrison. Utah to Galesburg._________ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS , Valier Heights to Christ opher.' V alley* t ! to Grlggaville. Vandercook to Danville.1 Vandervllle to Taylorville. Van O rin *!l to L a M oille. Van P e tte n *!! to Harmon. Van wood to Springfield. Velma to Owaneco. Ven edy*! to Okawvllle. Venedy Station! to Okawville. Venice* to Madison. V e r a * !! to Vandalla. Vermilion Grove * ! to Ridge Farm. V evay Park* to Casey. V illa rid g e *!! to Mounds. Volo to Round Lake. Voorheis to Bement. • W oodvale to L ittle York. Woodworth to Milford. W oody to Carrollton. Woosung’ t ! to Polo. W orth *! to Blue Island. W rig h ts *!! to Greenfield." Wyckles to Decatur. Wynoose to Olney. 1857 Beall to Vincennes. Burrows to Delphi. Bean Blossom to Morgan Bynum to Waldron. town. Byrneville to Corydon. Bear Branch* to Dlllsboro. Byron to Waveland. Bear Creek to Nashville. Beard to Frankfort. Beatrice Station to Hebron. Caboras tb Mt. Vernon. Beaver C ity to Brook. Cadiz* to N ew Castle. Beaver Dam to Akron. Cairo to Battle Ground. Becks M ills to Salem.. Cale to Shoals. Yantisville to Assumption. Beechwood* to Leaven Caledonia to Sullivan. Y ork to West Y ork worth. Calloway to Dupont. Y ork Center to Lombard. Bee H u n ter!! to Lyons. Calvertville to Worthing Yorktown to Tampico. ton. Beesons Station to. M ilton. Youngstown*! ! to Swan Belle Union to Coatesville. Cambria* to Rossville. Creek. Belleview to N orth Madison C a m b y * !! to Mooresville. Yuton to Bloomington. Belleville to Clayton. Cammaok to Yorktown. Canaan to Madison. 'Bellmore* to Rockville. Cannelburg*!! to Loogoo Belmont* to Nashville. Zanesville to Waggoner. tee., Belshaw! to Lowell. Z ea rin g *!! tp Malden. Ben D avis! to Indianapolis. Canton to Salem. Zenith to Xenia. Cape Sandy* to English. Bengal to Franklin. W acker to Mt. Carroll. Zenobla to Pawnee. Cardonla to Brazil. Benham* to Cross Plains. Waddams G ro v e * !!to Lena. Z if to Olay City. Bennetts Sw itch*! to Bun Carl to Liberty. W a dsw orth *ft to Wauke Carlos C ity to Carlos. ker Hill. gan. Bennettsvllle to Sellersburg. Carp to Gosport. W a dy Petra to Princeville. Bennington* to Cross Plains Carpenterevllle to RoaohW akefield* to Noble. dale. B enton*!! to Mlllersburg. W alker* T! to Macon. Carroll to Flora. W alkervllle to Whitehall. Berlien to Angola. Carrollton to NewPalestlnb. W alla W alla to Greenup. IN D I A N A Carte rsburg* ! to PlainBethel to Muncle. Walnut G rove* ! ! to Bushfield. Bethel* (W ayne Co.) to nell. Carwood to Borden. Hollansburg, Ohio. W alnut Pra irie*! to West Bethlehem* to N ew Wash Cason to Lebanon. Union. /Aaron to Vevay. C ass*!! to Dugger. ington. W a ls h * !! to Evansville. Big Creek to Dupont. Ablngton to Centerville. Cassvllle to Kokomo. W a lsh v ille*!! to Sorento. Aboite* to Roanoke. Castle to Union City. Bigspring to Sheridan. Waltersbur -* to Golconda. Abydel to Paoli. Blfilngsville to College Cor O astleton*!! to Broad R ap ids. W alton ! t< Amboy. A dam s*! to Greensburg. ner, Ohio. W am ac to Centralia. Adamsboro to Logansport. Bingen* to Decatur Cataract*! to Cloverdale. Adamsville to Lebanon. W anda* Eawardsville. Blackburn!! to Petersburg. C atlln*! to Rockville. W ann to liast Alton. A d e !t to Brook. Cato to Winslow. Blackhaw k*!! to Terre Cedar* to Garrett. Adel to Spencer, * W are to onesboro. Haute. W arner r f to Orion. AdyeVIUe* to Ferdinand. Cedar G ro ve *!! to BrookBlaine* to Portland. A e tn a *!! to Gary. Warren to Oquawka. vllle. Blanche to Bloomington. Cedar L a k e * !! to Lowell. Warrenton Grove to W au Ainsworth*! t to Hobart. Blanford to Clinton. A lx to Rensselaer. kegan. Blankenship! to Loogootee. .Cedarvllle to GrabiU. Celestine* to Jasper. W arrenvllle* to Naperville. Alam o* to Waynetown. B loch er*!! to Lexington. Alaska to Gosport. W artburg to Waterloo. Bloomfield (Spencer Co.) to Cementville to Sellersburg. Center* ! ! to Kokomo. A ld ln et! to, North Judson. Chrlsney. / W a s c o * !! to St. Charles. Washington Park to East Aifordsville* to Washington Blooming Gtove to Brook- Center Square to Vevay. Centerton to Brooklyn. St. Louis. Algiers* to Petersburg. vllle. Center V alley to M onrovia. Allens Creek to Blooming Bloomingport to Carlos. Wasson* to Eldorado. Central* to Corydon. ton. W a te rto w n *!! to East Mo Blue Creek to Brookvllle. Ceylon to Geneva. Allensville to East Enter Blue Grass to Kewanna. line. Chamberlain to Grabtll. prise. W aup onsee*!! to Mazon. Blue Lick to Henryville. Alliance to N ew Augusta. W a y n e * it to Elgin. Blue Ridge to Shelbyvllle. Chambersburg to Paoii. Chandler*!! to Boonville. Blue River to Pekin. A lp in e*! to Laurel. W ayside* to Cobden. ChapelhUl to Bedford. Webbshill to/Ewing. Bluffcreek to Greenwood. Alquina to Oonnersville. C hasef! to Boswell. Bluff Point to Portland. Alton* to English. / Webster to Carthage. Ohatterton to Pine Village. Altona to Garrett. Bobo*! to Decatur. W e d ro n *!! to Serena. Chelsea to Lexington. Boggstown! to Fairland. W eedm anttto Farmer City. Alvarado to Edon, Ohio. Chester to Richmond. Amerlcu8 to Delphi. Bonds to Orleans. W eir to Martinsville. Bonnell! to Lawrenceburg. 1Chesterfled* to Daleville. A m ity to Franklin. W elga* to Steelevllle. Chesterville to Moores H ill. Bono to Mitchell. Andersonville to Laurel. Welland to Compton. Annapolis to Bloomlngdale. Boone G r o v e * !i to Hebron. Chestnut Ridge to Seymour ■ W ei ton* to Altamont. Boston Store to Wingate. C hill*! to Denver. Anoka to Logansport. Wendelin to Noble. China to N orth Madison. Boundary to Portland. Anth ony! to Muncle. W est C ity to Benton. Ohristiansburg to Freetown Bovine to Princeton. W estern Saratoga to Anna. Antioch to Linton. Cincinnati* to Bloomfield. Antioch (Jennings Qo.) to Bowers*! to Colfax. W est Jersey to Toulon. N orth Vernon. Bowling Green* to Center- Clare to NoblesviUe. Clarksville to NoblesviUe. Apalona to T e ll City. point. W est Newell to Danville. Claybank to Oakland City. B oxley to Sheridan. Westport to Lawrenceville. Arba to Lynn. B oyleston *!! to Frankfort. Clear Creek*! ! to Bloom W est R id g e * !! to Tuscola. Archerville to Lafayette. ington. Bracken to Bippus. Art* to Churubusco. W est V ien n a!! to Vienna. Clear Lake to Ray. Bradford* to Palmyra. Arm strong* to Evansville. W . Village to Albion. Clear Springs to BrownsBramble to Loogootee. A rney to Spencer. W eta u g*! to Dongola. town. Branchville* to Leaven Arom a to Frankton. Wethersfield to Kewanee. Clermont* to Brownsburg. worth. A rt (C ory P. O.) to Cory. W e tzel! to Paris. Cleveland to Greenfield. Breckenridge to Corydon. W heeling*! ! to Arlington Arthur to Winslow. C lifford*! to Columbus. B rem s*!! to Knox. Artie to Butler. Heights. Bretzvllle to Huntlngburg. Cllftoh to Liberty. Ashboro* to Brazil. W hitaker! to Peotone. Brewersville* to North Ver y C lifty to*Burney. Whiteash* to Johnston City. Asherville to Centerpoint. Clinton Falls to Greenoastle. non. Ash G rove to Brookston. W hltefield to Henry. C lover to Shoals. Brice to Portland. W hitehill to Cypress. Brick Chapel to Greenoastle. Clovenand* to Brazil, a Ashland to New Castle. W hite Pigeon to Morrison. Clunette to Leesburg. Bridgeport* (Marion Co.) Ashton to Sunman. W hitew lllow * to Mlnooka. C lym ers*!! to Logansport. to Plainfield. A th en s*!! to Rochester.W hitton to Hanover. Coal B lu ff!!! to Brazil. B ridgeton*!! to Carbon. A th e rton *!! to Clinton. W lc h e r t*!! to St. Anne. Coal C ity *! i to Clay City. Bright to Harrison. Ohio. A tk inson *!! to Oxford. W ilburn! t to Washburn. Coal Creek to Cates. Brighton to Howe, Atkinsonville to Spencer. W ilcox to C lay C ity. W illeford to Creal Springs. A tw o o d *!! to Etna Green. ''B righ tw oodf! to Indian C oalm ont*!! to JasonviUe. Coburg! to WestviUe. apolis. Auburn J u n ction !!! to Au W ille y ! to Taylorville. Cochran*! to Aurora. B rim field*!! to Albion. burn. Williamsburg to LovingCoe to Oakland City. Brlnckley to Farmland. Augusta! (M arlon Co.) to ton. Coesse*!! to Columbia City. Brlnghurst*! to Flora. N ew Augusta. Williamson to Staunton. Colburn*! to Delphi. Augusta* (Pike Co.) to W in Bristow*! to Troy. W illow to Stockton. Cold S p rin g*!! to Moores Broadpark to Coatesville. slow. W illow Springs*! ! to LeH1U. Bromer to Orleans. * A very to Frankfort. . mont. Coleboro to Swayzee. Brooksburg* to MadisonW ilson (Livingston Co.) to Avoca* to Bedford. Collamer* to South W hitley. A v o n *! to Danville. Reddick. Wilson (Macoupin Co.) to Avonburg to Cross Plains. Bruce L a k e *! to Kewanna. C ollett*!! to Portland. Aylesworth to Veedersburg. Brans wick to Crown Point. Oollingwood to HunterDochester. town. Brushy Prairie to LaGrange W ilton Center to Manhat Ayrshire*! to Winslow. Azalia* f t to Elizabethtown. Bryant Creek to Blooming Collins! to Churubusco. tan. Coloma to Rockville. ton. Windmere to Grays Lake. Concord to Saint Joe. Bryantsburg to Madison. W indom to Okawvllle. Conroe to StockweU. Bryantsvllle to Mitchell. Bacon to Paoli. W in field *! to Wheaton. Buckcreek’ f t t o L a Fayette C ook !! to Crown Point. Badger to Brookston. W in k le !! to Pinckneyville. Cooper to Nashville. Buckeye* to Warren. Baintertown to Goshen. Winneshiek to Freeport. Cope to Martinsville. W interrowd* to Effingham. Baker’s Comer to Sheridan. Buckskin*! to Elberfeld. Cornelius to Morgantown. Bud to Trafalgar. W lnthrop H a rb o r * !! to Bakerstown to Albion. Buddha to Bedford. Baibeo*! to Pennville. Zion City. Cometrt8vUle to Washington Buell to Dugger. B ald w in *!! to Monroeville. W lreton Park to Blue Is Buena Vista (Monroe Co.) Coming to Montgomery. Bandon to Tell City. land. Correct to Versailles. to Bloomington. Banquo to L a Fontaine. Woburn* to Greenville. C ortla n d *!! to Seymour. Buffalo* to Monticello. Banta to Franklin. Woffcreek* to Carterville. Corwin to Romney. Barber’s Mills to Liberty B uffalovlUe*! to Dale. W o lfla k e*!! to Anna. Corydon Junction!! to OorBufkln to Mount Vernon. Center. W olrab M ills to Eliza ydon. Bullock to Boonvllle. B arceft to Fowler. bethtown. CospervUle to Llgonler. B u rd ick*ft to Chesterton. Barnard to N orth Salem. Womao to Carllnville. Cottage G r o v e * !! to CoUege B urnett*! to Terre Haute. BartlettsvUle to Bedford. W o o d b in e *!! to Stockton. Comer, Ohio; Burnetts Creek* to BumW oodbum to Bunker Hill. Bartonla to Spartanburg. C ow an*tt to Muncle. ettsville. Bascom to Rising Sun. W oodbury to Greenup. Coxs Mills to Richmond. . Bums C it y * !! to Odon. Bass* to Knox, i W ooddale to Bensenville. I Burnsville to Elizabeth Ooxton to Bedford. Bass Lake to Knox. W oodford ! to Mlnonk. CoxvlUe to Rosedale. town. B a th !! to College Comer W oodruff to DanvSrs. Craig to V evay._______ _ Ohio. _________ Burr O a k * !! to Culver. Woodslde to Chatham. REFERENCE KEY. 118 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDIANA ACounty Seat. * Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. f Express Office. 1858 INDIANA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS INDIANA Ellsworth* (Dubois Co.) to Glenns V alley to Green Huntsville (M adison C o.)to Leopold to Cannelton.. Leota to Scottsburg.. Pendleton. wood. Dubois. Le R o y * }} to Crown PointHuntsville to M odoc. Glezen* to Oakland City. Elm dale to Wingate. Lester to Bloomfield. Glidas to Brandenburg, H u rlb u rt*}} to Hebron. Elm ira to South M ilford. Lewis* t ! to Terre Haute. H u ro n * }} to Mitchell. . Ky. Eton* to W est Baden. Lewisburg to Logansport. Hursh to Grabill. Gbblesville to Huntington. Elrod to Milan. . Lewis C reek*} to Shelby Hutton to Terre Haute. Goegleln to F t. Wayne. Elston to Lafayette. ville. H y a tt to Washington. G old sm ith *}} to Tipton. Elw rentt to Bloomington. Lewisville (Morgan Co.) to H yde to Vernon. G oodview to Farmland. Crooked Creek to Fremont. E m is o n *}} to Oaktown. Paragon. Gowdy to Manilla. Emma to Topeka. Crooked Lake to Angola. Liberty (Johnson Co.) to Graf ton to Mount Vernon. Cross Roads to Middletown. Emporia to Pendleton. Franklin. Orowleyville to Owensville. English L a k e * }! to North G ram m er*}} to Ellzabéth- Idlew ild to Corydon. Ijam svlUe* to North Man Liberty M ills*} to North town. Judson. Crumstown*} } to South Manchester. chester G ran ger*}} to Mishawaka. Enochsburg to Newpolnt. Bend. L ibertyville} to Vermillion Independence* to A ttica. Grant to Rochester. Crystal* to Jasper. ill Indian S p rin gs *}} to Shoals Grantsburg* to English. Epsom to Plain ville. Cumback to Washington. L illy Dale to Tell City. In g a lls * }! to Fortville. Grass tb Chrisney. Erie to Bedford. Cunot to Cloverdale. Llm edale} to Greencastle. Inglefleld* to Evansville. Grass C reek *} to Kewanna Ethel* to Paoli. Curby to English. L in c o ln *}} to Galveston. In w o o d * }! to Plymouth. Etnat to Columbia City.. Gurryvllle to Bluffton. Lincoln C it y * }! to Dale. Grasselli}} to East Chicago. Ireland* to Jasper. Eugene* to Cayuga. C u rtisvllle*}} to Elwood. Irv in g to n }} to Indiana Lincolnville (Wabash Co.) Gravelton to Nappanee. Eureka* to Rockport. Custer to W olcottville. to Wabash. polis. Evans Lan din g*. to Cory G rayfqrd} to Vernon. Cutler* t i to Flora. Linkvllle to Plym outh. Iv a to Otwell. G raysville* to Merom . don. Cuzco* to JasDer. Llnwood* to Anderson. Greenbrier to Paoli. Evanston* to Troy. Cyclone* to Franklort. Lippitt to Monrovia. Greencastle Jet. to GreenC yn th ian a*}} (Shelby Co.) Everton* to Copnersvllle. Lisbon* to Kendallville, Jackson (Tipton Co.) to castle. to Shelby vllle Littlepoint to Amo. Tipton. Green Center to Albion. Cypress* to Evansville. L it tle s * }! to Oakland City. Jacksonburg to Pershing. Greene to Portland. Fairfax to Bloomington. L ittle Y ork to Scottsburg. Fairfield (Frankllnr Cp.) to Greenfield Mills to Orland. Jackson H ill to Hymera. Livonia* to CampbellsJacksonville to Clinton. Green H ill to Otterbein. Brook ville. Dabney*t to Holton. burg. Jalapa to L a Fountalne. Fairfield Center to Co Green Oak to Rochester. Dallas to Borden. Lochiel ! t to Fowler. Jefferson to Frankfort. Greensboro* to Spiceland. runna. Dalton to Losantvllle. Lockman to Freetown. Fair O a k s *}} to Rensselaer Greenville (F loyd C o .)* } Jerome to Greentown. Dark Hollow to Bedford. Lockport to Idaville. Jessu p*}} to Rosedale. to Georgetown. Fairview (Switzerland Co.) Darmstadt to Evansville. Lockspring to Holton. Greenville (Sullivan Co.) Jimtown to Elkhart. to Ease Enterprise. Darwin to Burlington. to N ew Johnsburg*} to Hunting Locust Point* to Sullivan. (F ayette Co.) Davidson* to Brandenburg, Fairview Albany. burg. G riffin *}} to Graysville, 111. to Falmouth. Ky. Logan* to Harrison, Ohio. Johnson}} to Owensville. Griffith to Highland. Fairview to Red K ey. Dawkins to N ew Haven. L ond on*} to Fairland. Fansler to Antwerp, Ohio. Groveland to Coatesville. J olletvllle*} to Westfield. Daylight to Evansville. Lonetree to Linton. Grover T o w n * }'to Hamlet. Joppa to Mooresville. Faraoee! to Pekin. D a yville to Newburg. Jordan to Union C ity. Guerrfsiey to Montlcello. Fargo* to English. Deacon to Walton. Lookout to Osgood. Jordan Village to Patricks G uilford*} to LawrenceFarlen to Odon. D eedsville*} to Denver. Lorane to Colurdbla City. burg. burg. Farmer* to Worthington. Deepriver to Hobart. L o ree *} to Bunker Hill. Ju dson*}! to Rockville. G ulon*} to Marshall. Deer Creek to Logansport. L o v e t t* t t to North Vernon J u d y v ille *}} to Pence. Gulonsville to Dillsboro. Farmers Institute to La Deerfield* to Ridgeville. J u lle tta *!!to N ew Palestine Luck to Pennville. Guthrie* to Bedford. Fayette. Degonia Springs* to BoonLuther to South W hitley. Farmers Retreat* to DIllsvllle. Lydick to South' Bend. boro. D eK alb to Auburn. L yford to Clinton. Kasson to Evansville. Farmersville to Mount VCr- Hackleman to Fairmount. D ela w are*}! to Osgood. Lyles* to Princeton. Keller to Terre Haute. Hackmann’s Cross Road non. D e L o n g *}} to Leiters Ford. Lyons Station*! (F ayette K ellers} to Wabash. to Batesville. Farrvllle to Van Buren. Doming to Cicero. Co.) to Connersville. Kellerville to Jasper. H a d le y * !} to Danville. Denham *tt to North Jud- F ayette to Brownsburg. Kelso* (Dearborn Co.) to H all* to Monrovia. Fayetteville to Bedford. son. Harrison, Ohio. H a ll’s Corners to Harlan. Fenns to Shelbyville. D epauw *tt to Corydon. Kelso (Huntington Co.) to M a c e * }} to Crawfordsville. H alo to Pekin. Fenton to Indianapolis. Derby* to Cannelton. M ackey*} to Oakland City. Warren. Hamburg* to Oldenburg. F iat to Pennvllle. Desolation to Kewanna. Kennedy* (Dearborn Co.) M adrid* to Lawrenceburg. Hancock to Palm yra. Fickle* to Clarks Hill. D esoto*tt to Muncle. M a g le y * !} to Preble. . to Lawrenceburg. Hanfield to Marlon. Fincastle to Roachdale. Devore to Gosport. H anover Center to Crown K e n n e th *!! to Logansport. Magnet* to Leavenworth. Finley to N ew Palestine. Dewey to Westville. Magnolia* to Leavenworth. Kent* to Hanover. Point. Fishersburg to Lapel. Dexter* to Cannelton. Mahalasvillet to Martins Harlansburg to Huntington Kercheval to Grandview. FlaokViUe to Indianapolis. Diamond *t to Car Don. ville. K e rs e y *}} to Wheatfleld. H arm on y*} } to Brazil. DickeyviUe to Boonville. Main tb Birdseye. KUlion to Loogootee. Harper to Westport. Fleener to Bloomington. Dlllman to Warren. Maienica to Warren. Killm ore to Frankfort. Harrell to Hanover. Fleming to Seymour. D isk o*tt to Akron. M alden!} to Kouts. Harrisburg to ConnersvIUe. K in g to Princeton. Fletcher to Kewanna. D ixie to Corydon. M a lott P a rk } to Broad K in g s b u ry *}} to Laporte. Harrisonvllle to Shoals. Flint to Angola. Doans* to Blooinfleld. Ripple. Kings C ave to Corydon. Harristown to Salem. Florida to Andefson. Dodd to Cannelton. Manchester to Moores H ill. Floyds Knobs* to New H arrisville* to Union C ity. K in gs la n d *}} to Ossian. Dogwood* to Corydon. Manhattan to Greencastle. H a rrod sb u rg*}} to Bloom Kingston to Greensburg. Albany. - ■ Dolan to Bloomington. Mansfield to Carbon. K in zie to Sidney. ington. Folsom ville* to Boonville. Domestic to Petroleum. Manson*} to Frankfort. K irb y to Bloomington. H artford to Aurora. Donaldson* t to Plymouth. F oltz* to Dupont. Manville to Madison. Kirksville (Monroe Co.) to Hasel to Muncie. Doolittle Mills* to Leaven F o n ta n e t*}} to Terre Haute Maples* } i to Monroeville. Bloomington. H a tfield *} to Rockport. Foraker to Wakarusa. worth. Mapleton to Indianapolis. Kirksville (Gibson Co.) to H aughvillet to Indianapo F oresm an *}! to Brook. Dora to Wabash. Maplewood to Pittsboro. Princeton. *. lis. Forest H ill to Letts. D over to Harrison, Ohio. Marble Corner to Dupont. K ltch el*} ! to Liberty. F ort R it n e r * }} to Mitchell. Haym ond to Oldenburg. Doverhill to Shoals. Klaasvllle to Crown Point. Marble H ill* to Lexington. H aysville* to Jasper. Foster! to Covington. DownevvlUe to St. Paul. Mardenls to Huntington. Kneehts to Brookville. F oxb Station to L a Fontaine H a ze lrlg g *}} to Lebanon. Dresden* to Bloomfield. Mariah H ill* to Dale. K n lgh tsville*} } to Brazil. Headlee to R oyal Center. Drewersburg to Okeana, K n im a n * }} to Wheatfleld. Marietta (Shelby Co.) to Heath to Lafayette. Fredericksburg* (M on tI Ohio. Shelbyville.' K o leen *} to Bloomfield. gom ery' Co.) to Craw- Heckton to Nappanee. Dry Run to Leavenworth. K oontz Lake to Walkerton M ark to Edinburg. H ecla} to Columbia City. fordsville. Duckrell to Russiafville. Markland* to Florence. Koro tb Burlington. Hector to Portland. Dudleytown to Crothers- Freedom *Tt to Spencer. Marsh to Odon. H ed rick*} to W est Leba Kossuth to Salem. Freeman to Spencer. ville. Marshfield*} (Warren Co.) Kram er* to Attica. non. . Freeport to Morristown. D u ff*} to Huntingburg. to W est Lebanon. K ra tzville to Evansville. Dundee (Madison C o.), to Friendswood to Mooresville H ege to Scipio. « Martinsburg* to Pekin. '1 Krenzburg to Dyer. Heilman to Dale. F ritchtontt to Vincennes. Elwood. Martz to Clay City. K u r t z * !! to Brownstown. Dundee (Blackford Co.), Fruitdale to Morgantown. H e lm e r*}! to W olcottville K Marysville*} ! to Lexington. y a n a *} to Huntingburg. H elm sburg*}} to Nashville. Fulda* to T roy. to Hartford City. Mauckport* to Corydon. K y le to Aurora. H eltonville’ Tf to Bedford. Fumessvillet i to Michigan D u n fe e*}! to Areola, Maumee* to Brownstown. H em lo c k *}} to Kokomo. City. Dunkirk (Cass Co.) ‘‘t t to Max to Advance. Logansport. Maxinkuckee to Culver. Laconia* to Brandenburg. Henderson to Arlington. Dunlaps to Goshen. M a x w e ll*}} to Greenfield. K y. 1 HendrioKSVille* to Bloom Gadsden to Lebanon. Dunlapsville to Liberty. M aynard to Dyer. Lake to Richland. ington. D u nnft to Freeland Park. Gall to Versailles, M aysville to Harlan. Lake Bruce} to Kewanna. H erb st*} to Swayzee. Dunnlngton to Freelandi Gale to Danville. Lake C lcott*! to Logans M aywood*} to Indianapolis. Hessville* to Hammond. Galena* to N ew Albany. Park. port. Heusler to Evansville. D u n reith *}} to Knights-- Gar Creek to Woodburn. M cC ool*}} to Chesterton. L a k e’ James to Angola. H ib b a rd *}} to Culver. Garfield to Darlington. , town. M cCordsvllle*}} to Fortville H ig h la n d *}} (Vanderburg Lakeside to Wlnamac. Gasburg to Mooresville. Durbin to Lapel. Lake V illa ge*} to Momence, McCoysburg*} to Renns/ Co.) to Evansville. Gatchel* to Cannelton. selaer. 111 . Gaylor to Mtchigantown. ' H ill Grove to Corydon. McGrawsville*! to Peru. L a m a r*} to Tell City. Hillham * to Shoals. Geetingsville to Rossville. Eagle to Hymera. McGregor to Madison. Lam b to Vevay. H illsd a le *!} to Montezuma. Eagle town* t to Westfield. Gem to Cumberland. / M cKinley* to Salem. Geneva (Shelby Co.) to St. Hobbieville* to Bloomfield. Lamong to Sheridan. Earle to Evansville. McNatts to Warren. Lancaster (Jefferson Co.) to Hollandsburg to Rockville. ► Paul. East Dunnlngton to Free McVllle* to Spencer. Dupont. G en tryville*tt to Dale. land Park. Lancaster (W ells C6.) to Mechanlcsburg (H enry Co.) G e o r g e to w n (C a s s Co.) H om e Place to Carmel. East G ary*tt to Hobart. to Middletown. Bluffton. H om er*} to Manilla. * } } to Logansport. East M ount Carmel too Homestead to Lawrence- Lancaster (Huntington Co.) Mechanlcsburg (Boone Co.) G eo rgia *!} to Mitchell. M ount Carmel, I1L to Lebanon. to Warren. burg. Gerald* to Cannelton. E b y to Boonville. Mechanlcsvllle to Evans Landess*! to Van Buren. Germantown Station to Honduras to Monroe. Echo to Ossian. ville. Honey C reek *}} to Middle- L a Paz J u nction}} to P ly Pershing. Eck to N ew Augusta. M edford to Muncie. mouth. town. Germ any} t to Rochester. Eckerty**}} to English. > Meltzer to Shelbyville. Lapland to Ladoga. Hoosiervllle to Brazil. Gessie*tt to Perrysville. Eddy to W olcottville. M em phis*} to H enryville. H o o v e r * }} to Logansport. Laud to Columbia City. G ibson }} to Hammond. Eden to Fortville. Merriam to Albion. Laughrey to Aurora. Horace* to Greensburg. Gifford* to Wbeatfleld. Edgerton * } } to Payne, M errillville*} to Crown Point Lawrenceport to M itchell. Horn to Farmland. G ilead*} to Akron. Ohio. Messena to Danville. Horton ville* to Westfield, Lawrenceville to Sunman. Gumantt to Alexandria. Edna Mills to Rossvllle. Messick to Newcastle Hosmer to Oakland C it y ., Lawton to Wlnamac. h Gilmour* to Jasonville. Edwardsville to George M etea to Logansport. Leach to FoWlerton. Houston to Brownstown. Ging to Rushvllle. town. M e tz * to Angola. L e e * } to Monon. H ow ell to Evansville. Giro to Hazleton. Effner} } to Sheldon, 111. Michael to Marlon. H ow esville} to Jasonville. Leesville to Bedford, Glendale to Washington. Ege to A vllla. M ickleyville to Indianapolis ^eipsic*! to Orleans. Glendenning Corners to Howlands to Indianapolis. Ehrmandale to Brazil. Middle Fork (Clinton Co.) Hudson Lake to N ew Car Leisure to Elwood. Geneva. Ekln to Atlanta. to Russlavllie. Lemons to Gosport. lisle. Glendora to Sullivan. Elizavllle to Lebanon. M id dlefork} (Jefferson Co.) L e n a * }} to Carbon. H uff* to Troy. Elkinsville to Nashville. <g Glenhall} to La Fayette. to Dupont. _______ Leo to Grabill Huffman to Troy.__________ Ellis to Angola._____________ Glenn to Terre Haute. C ran d all*}} to Corydon. Orane to Stockwell, Cresco to Columbia City. Creston*t to Lowell. C rete*ft to Spartanburg. Crlsm an*}} to Hobart. C rocker}} to Chesterton. REFERENCE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Money Order Office. } Telegraph Station. } Express Office. INDIANA M iddletow n (Shelby Co.) to W aldron. ' Midland* f t to Jason ville. Midway to «Rockport. Mler*J to Converse. Mifflin* to English. M ilan C enter*! to W oodburn. , M ild red to Shelburn M ilfo rd (Decatur Co.) to Burney. ... M ilford Junction!! to M il,ford. Mill Creek*! I to Xiaparte. M illedgeville to Lebanon M iller*tt to Gary. Millersburg! ! (W arrick Co.) to Boonville. Mlllersville (Marion Co.). to Indianapolis. M illgrove*! to Dunkirk. Milihousen* to Napoleon. Milligan*11 to Russellville. Millville* t i to Newcastle. Milner’ s Corner to Fortville. Milo* to Warren. Mineral! to Bloomfield. Mixers ville to Oxford. Ohio. Molile to Montpelier. Monitor to La Fayette. Montclair! to North Salem. Monument City to Andrews M o od y* to Rensselaer. Mooney* to Brownstown. Moore! to Auburn. M oorefleld*! to Vevay. M oral to Acton. Moran*t ! to Frankfort. M o rris *!! to Batesville. Morton to Balnbridge. Mosby to Tell City. Moscow to Milroy. Mountain Spring to Bedford Mount Auburn to Edinburg Mount Carmel to Brook ville Mount C om fort*! to,Green field. Mount Etna* to Huntington. Mount Jackson! to Indian apolis. Mount Liberty* to Nash ville. Mount Meridian to GreenMount O live* t ! to Bedford M ount Pisgah to Stroh. Mount Pleasant* to Cannelton. Mount. Sterling to Vevay. M ount Tabor to Gosport. Mount Zion* (W ells Co.) to Warren. Mull to Farmland. Munster to Hammond. Muren to Winslow. M urray to BlufTton. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING PÓINTS N in e M ile House to Roagland. Nineveh* to-Edinburg. Noah to Shelby Ville. N ora* to Broad Ripple. Normanda to Kempton. Norm an S tation *!! to Free town. Norristown to F lat Rock. North to Rising Sun. North Galveston to Lees burg. { North Indianapolis! to Indianapolis. N orth Terre H aute*! to Terre Haute. N orton to French Lick. Nortonburg to Hope. N orw ay to Monticello. Norwood to Indianapolis. N otre Dame*t to South Bend. Nottingham to Montpelier. Null tow n ! to ConnersviUe. N utw ood to South Bend. N yesviile to Rockville. Oak* to Star City. Oakdale to T e ll C ity. Oakford* to Sharpsville. Oakforest to BrookviUe. Oakley to Brownsburg. OatsvLLle to Oakland City. O b e r*!! to Knox. Occident to Rushville. O c k le y * !! to Delphi. Octagon to La Fayette. Odell to Attica. Ogden to Knightstown. Ogll ville* to Columbus. Ohio Falls to Jeffersonville. Olean to Versailles. Oliver to Wadesville. Omega to Arcadia. Ontario* to Howe. O olitic*! to Bedford. Or a* f t t o Monterey. Orange to Glenwood. Orangeville to Orleans. Oregon to Charlestown. Orestes*! to Alexandria. Oriole* to English. Ormas to Columbia City. O rrville to Mount Carmel. 111. Orth to N ew Ross. Osceola*ti to Mishawaka. Oswego* to Leesburg. O tis *!! to Westville. O tisco *t! to Charlestown. O tto* to N ew Washington. Ovid to Anderson. ( Owasco* to Roseville. Owen to Charlestown. Owensburg*T! to Bloom field. Oxonla* to Salem. Pa ck erton *!! to Sidney. Page to Fremont. Palestine to Mentone. P a lm e r*!! to Crown Point Paradise to Newburg. Paris! to Paris Crossing. Park to Bloomfield. Parker C Ityt to Parker. Parkersburg to Ladoga, o Parkers Settlement t Evansville. P a rr*! to Rensselaer. Patronvllle to Rockport. Patton to Yoeman P a x to n * !! to Sullivan. Payne to Bloomington. Paynes ville to Lexington. P e a b o d y * !! to Columbia City. Pecksburg* to Amo. Pedigo to RockDort. Peerless* to Bedford. Pelzer to Boonville. Pennviile (W ayne Co.) to Pershing. Peoga to Trafalgar. P e o ria !! (Franklin Co.) to Oxford, Ohio. Peoria (Miami Co.) to Peru. Peppertown to Metamora. Perkinsville to Lapel. Perrysburg to Denver. Perth* f ! to Carbon. Peterson*to Decatur. Petersville to Columbus. P ettit to La Fayette. Philadelphia to Greenfield. Philomath to Liberty. Phlox to Windfall. Phoenix to Petroleum. Pickard to Frankfort. Pierceville* ! to Milan. Pike to Leoanon. Pikes Peak to Nashville. Pikeville* to Huntlngburg. P ilo t K nob* to Leaven worth. P im e n to *!! to Terre Haute Pine L a k e*! to La Porte. N ew Trenton* ! ttoHarrison. Plnhook to Bedford. P in ola! to L a .Porte Ohio. Pip e Creek to Logansport. N ew ville to St. Joe. N ew W a verly * ! ! to Logans- Pittsburg to Delphi. Pla to to Lagrange. port. N ew Winchester to Dan Pleasant to Cross Plains. Pleasant Mills’ ! to WUville. shlre. Ohio. Nicholasville to Sunman. Pleasant Plain to Warren. N ine M ile to Sheldon. N a b b *! to Lexington. National M ilitary Hom e* to Marlon. Nead to Peru. N eb ra sk a*!! to Holton. Needmore* (Brown Oo.) to Nashville. Needmore (Verm illion Co.) to Clinton. Needmore* (Lawrence Co.) to Bedford. N evada to Windfall. Nevada Mills to Orland. N ew Alsace to Sunman. N ew Amsterdam* to Corydon. Newark to Worthington. N ew Bejleville to Nashville. N ew bem to Columbus. N ew B ethel! to Action. N ew Brunswick to Leb anon. N ew Burlington to Muncie. New Chicago! to Hobart. N ew Corydon* to Geneva. N ew Goshen to Terre Haute N ew Holland to Wabash. N ew Lancaster to Elwood. Newland* to Rensselaer. New L eb an on *!! to Sullivan N ew London* to Russlavllle. New Marion* to Holton. N ew Maysville* ¡to Roachw dale. wew Middletown* to Cory don. N ew Mount Pleasant to Red K ey. N ew Philadelphia* to Salem N ew Pittsburg to Saratoga. N ew Saint Bermce to Clinton. New Salisbury* to Corydon. N ew ton Stewart* to French Lick. N ew to n ville*!to Grandview REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * County Seat. Pleasant R id g e! to Rensse laer. Pleasantvllle* (Sullivan Co.) to Linton. Pleasantvllle, (Pike Co.), to Lynnville. Plevna to Greentown. Plummer* to Bloomfield. Plum Tree to Warren. Poe* to Sheldon. Point Isabel to Swayzee. Poling to Bryant. Porter* t ! to Chesterton. PortersVille to Jasper. Portland (Fountain Co.), to Covington. Portland Mills to Russell ville. Powers to Red Key. Prairie Creek* to Terre Haute. Prairleton* to Terre Haute. Prather* to Charlestown. Prescott to Shelbyvtlle. Priam to Hartford Gity. Proctor to Shoals. Progress to Muncie. , Puoket to Marion. Pulaski* to Star City. Putnam ville * ! to Greencastle. Pyrmont* to Delphi. Rutland*! to Argos. R y e to Knox. Saint Ann to North Vernon. Saint A n th o n y *!! to Hunt lngburg. Saint Croix* to Leaven worth. Saint Henry* to Ferdinand Saint J o h n *!! to Dyer. Saint Joseph H ill to Sallersburg. Saint Leon* to Sunman. Saint Louis Crossing*! to Hope. Saint Magdalene to Holton. Saint M a ry o f tihe W oods*!! to West Terre Haute. Saint Maurice to Newpoint. Saint Melnrad*! to Dale. Saint Omer to Saint Paul. Saint Peter’s to Sunman. Saint Philip to Evansville. Saint Thomas to Vincennes Saint Wendells to Poseyville. Sabine to Plainfield. Salerb (Jay Co.) to Sara toga. Salem Center to Angola. Saline C it y * !! to Cory. Saltillo*! to Carapbellsburs; Samaria to Trafalgar. Quaker*! "to Dana. Sanders to Bloomington. Quakertown to Liberty. Sanderson to N ew Albany. QueensviUe*! to North Ver Sandford*!! to Vermillion. non. 111. Quercus Grove to East Sandusky to Greensburg. Enterprise. Quincy* t ! to Cloverdale. San Jacinto to Butlerville. Santaclaus* to Dale. Santa Fe (Miami Co.) to R a b ert! to Columbia City Amboy. R aoooon*f! to Roachdale Santa Fe (Spencer Co.-) to Radley t t to Swayzee. Dale. Radnor* to Delphi. Sardinia*!! to Westport. Raglesville* to Odon. Sargent to Odon. Ragsdale to Vincennes. Savah to Mount Vernon. Rainsville to Pine Village. ScalesvUle to Boonville. Raleigh to Lewisville. Scherervile*! to Dyer. Ram sey*! to Corydon. Schneider*!! to Lowell. Ranger to Tell City. Schnellville* to Jasper. Raymond to Oxford, Ohio. Schooner to Nashville. Schooner Point to Leaven worth. R ay’s Crossing*! toShelbyville. Scotland* to Bloomfield. Raysville to Knightstown. Scott to Shipshewanna. Redbridge to Amboy. Seafleld*! to Wolcott. Reddlngton to Seymour. Sedan* to Corunna. Reed to Yorktown. Sedleyt! to Valparaiso. Reedsvillet- to N ew Pales S e ely vllle*!! to Terre tine. Haute. R eelsville*!! to Greencastle Selvin* to Dale. Reese Mill to Lebanon. Servlaf t ! to North Man Rego* to Paoli. chester. Rehoboth to West Point Sevastopol! to Mentone. K y. Sexton! to Rushville Relffsburg to Bluffton. Seybert* to 'Shipshewanna R e n o !! to Danville. Shadeland* to La Fayette. Reserve to Peru. Shakespeare to Milford. Retreat to Crothersville. Shannondale to Darlington. Rexville to Versailles. Sharps to Muncie. Sharps M ills to Corydon. Rlceville* to Birdseye. Richland (Rush Co.) to Sharptown to Harrison. O. Sh elby*!! to Lowell. M ilroy. Richland Center to Argos. Shepherd to Lebanon. S h ldeler*!! to Eaton. R lc h va lley *!! to Wabash. Shields to Brownstown. Riddle* to Leavenworth. Sbirkieville to Vermillion, Ridertown to Dunkirk. 111. Ridgeway to Russiaville. Ridpath to Dupont. Showley to Rochester. Shrock to Millersburg. RIgdon to Fairmount. Siberia to Huntingsburg. R ile y * !! to Terre Haute. RileysDurg*! t o . Danville Silverville to Bedford. Silverw ood*!! to Cayuga. 111. Simpson! to Huntington. Ripley to Wlnamac. S im s*!! to Swayzee R ipple! to Broad Ripple. Sitka to Monticello. R iv a re fi to Decatur. Skelton! to M ount Carmel, River to Warren. 111. R iver Side*! to Attica. Slocum to Hartford City. Riverton to Merom. Smartsburg to CrawfordsR iver V a le * !! to Mitchell. ■ ville. Robertsdale to Whiting. Sm edley*! to CampbellsRobison*,to Bloomfield. burg. Rob R o y to Attica. Smithland to Shelbyvllle. R o b y * ! to Whiting. Rock, Creek to Huntington Smithson* to Reynolds. Rockdale to Harrison, Ohio. Smith Valley to Green wood. Smlthvllle* to Bloomington Rockford to Seymour. Snow H ill to Lynn. Rocklane to Greenwood. Snyder to Knightstown. Rogers! to Petersburg. Solitude to Mount Vernon. Roland to W est Baden. Solon* to N ew Washington Roll* to Hartford City. Rome* toStephensport.Ky. Solsberry*!! to Bloomfield. Somerset* to LaFontaine. Rome City* 11 to WoicottS om erville*!! to Oakland ville. City. Romona* to Gosport. Sophia to Carbon. Rosebud to Salem. South Bethany to Colum Roseburg (Grant Co.) bus. to Marion. South Bostons to Salem. Rose L a w n * !! to Lowell. South Gate* to B rookville.. Rosetta to Greenfield. Rosewood to LouisvUle.Ky. South R au b*! to Romney. South Waveland ‘ to Rus R o ss*!! to Gary. sellville. Rosston* to Lebanon. Round G rove to Brookston. Spades*! to Sunman. Sparksvllle*! to Medora. Royalton to Zionsville. Sparta to Moore’s Hill. Royerton* to Munoie. Spearsvllle to Morgantown. R u g b y *! to Hope. Spiker to Wabash. Rumble to Petersburg. Spraytown to Freetown. Rural to Lynn. Rush Creek V alley to Salem Springfield (Posey Co.) to N ew Harmony. Rusk to Shoals. Springport’ t t to Newcastle! Ruth to. Poneto. . Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. INDIANA 1859 S p rin gville*!! to Bedford. Spurgeon* to Lynnville. Stamper’s Creek to Paoli. Stanford* to Bloomington. Stanley to Boonville. Starlight to Borden. Staser to Evansville. State' L in e * !! to Illiana. Staunton*!! to Brazil. Steam Corner to Veedersburg. Stearleyville to Centerpoint. Steele to Monroe. Stendal* to Huntlngburg. Stephenston to Evansville. Sterling (Marion Co.) to Indianapolis. Steubenville* to Ashley. Stew artsville*!! to Poseyville. Stillwell*! ! to Laporte. Stinesville*!! to Gosport. Stips H ill to Clarksburg. Stockport* to Muncie. Stone! to Winchester. Stoneblu ff*!! to Veedersburg. S-Stones Crossing to Green wood. Stonypoint to N orth M adi' son. Story* to Nashville. Stout to Muncie. Stoutsberg to Wheatfteld. Stringtown to Evansville. Strouse to Albion. Sulphur* to Leavenworth. Sulphur H ill to St. Paul. Suman!! to Valparaiso. Su m m it!! (D eK alb Co.) to Hudson. Summit Grove to Clinton. Surprise to Freetown. Surrey*! to Rensselaer. Swalls to Terre Haute. S w a n *!! to A villa. Swanlngton’ t t to Fowler. Sweeneys to Lakeville. Swltz C i t y * ! ! to Bloomfield Sycamore! to Greentown.. Sylvania to Kingman.. Syria to Orleans. T a lb o t*tt to Boswell. Talma to Mentone. Tampico to Crothersville'. T a n g ier*!! to Kingman. Tanner to Bloomfield. T a sw ell*!! to English. Taylorsville* to Columbus. Tecumseh to Terre Haute. Teegarden’ T! to Walkerton T e fft * !! to Wheatfleld.. Tem ple*! to English. T em p leton *!! to Oxford. Terh u n e*!! to Sheridan. Terre Coupee! to N ew Car lisle. Terre Hall to Kokomo. Terry to T ell City. Tetersburg to Tipton. Th ayer*! to Lowell. Thurman to N ew Haven. Tild entt to Brownsburg. Tillman to Monroeville. T lo s a *t! to Rochester Titusville to Versailles. Toblnsport* to Cloverport, K y. Todd to Bloomington), Toronto to Dana. Tower* to Leavenworth. Townley to Monroeville. Tracewell to Fort Branch. Tracy to Laporte. Traders’ Point to N ew Augusta. Treaty* to Wabash. Trenton (Blackford Co.) to Hartford City. Trenton (Randolph Co.) to Modoc. Trevlao*! to Morgantown. Trinity Springs* to Shoals. Tu lip! to Bloomfield. Tunker to South W hitley Tunnelton*! to Mitchell. Turner* to Brazil. Twiniake to Plymouth. T y n e r * !! to Plymouth. Ubee* to Huntington. U n d erw ood *!! to Henryvffle. Union* to Hazleton. Union Center* t ! to La porte. Unionport to Modoo. Uniontown* (Jackson Co.) to Crothersville. Uniontown* (P erry Co.) to Birdseye. Union Village to Bargersville. U n ion ville*t! (Monroe Co.) to Bloomington. Universal* to Clinton. Upton to M ount Vernon. U rb an a!! (Allen Oo.) to Grabill. Utan to Corydon. Utica* to Jeffersonville. t Express Office. 1860 INDIANA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS IOWA Haven to Tama. Duncan*! to Gamer. Wrights Comers to Aurora. B rowns*tt to Preston. Valeene* to.Paoli. H avre to Crawfordsville. Dunreath to Monroe. Valentine* t t to La Grange. W yandotte to Leavenworth Brownvllle* to Osage. H aw leyville* to Clarinda. D u ra n go*!! to Duhuque. W ynn to Brookville. Bruce to Belmond. Valley C ity to Corydon. Hawthorn to Red Oak. Durham* to KnoxvlBe. Brush Creek to Arlington. Valley Mills* to Indian Brushy to Duncombe. apolis. H azle Green to Ryan. B ryan t*Ti to Miles. Van B uren*tt (L a Grange Yankeetown to Newburg. Eagle Center to W aterloo Hebron* to Orient. Buchanan*! to Tipton. Co.) to Shipshewanna. Yeddo’ Tt to Kingman H errin g *!! to W all Lake. Eden to W aucom a.' Yellowstone* to Bedford. Buck Creek to Readlyn Vandalia* to Spencer. H errold! to Granger. Buck’s Grove (Grundy Co.) E d n a*! to Rock Rapids. Yenfie to Shoals. Vaw ter park to Syracuse. Hesper* to Mabel, Minn. Eleanor! to Parkersburg. to Parkersburg. Y o d e rti to Sheldon. Velpen’ t t to Winslow. H iattsville to M o ra via . Buena Vista (Clinton Co.) E lk R iver to Clinton. York to Fremont. Vera Cruz* to Bluffton. Elm ira Junction! to Iowa H ickory to Albia. YorkviUe* to Lawrenceto Dixon. Verm ont to Kokomo. H igh* to Marengo. City. burg. B un ch*ti to UnlonviHe. Verne to Vincennes. Highland to Elgin. Vernon*! (Wabash Co.) to Young to Brookville. B u rch ln a l*!! to Mason City Elon to Waukon. Highland Center* to Hed Elrick*,.to Oakville, Lafontaine. Burdette*Tt to Popejoy. rick. i E lvira to L ow M oor. Butler to Hedrick. Vesta to Charlestown. H igh Point to Garden G rove Emeline to Maquoketa. Youngs Creek* to Paoli. Vicksburg*t to Linton. H lgb7iew t to Webster City. Enterprise*! to Ankeny. Youngstown to Terre V ictor to Bloomington. H obartont! to Algona. Erickson to Boone. Haute. Vienna* to Soottsburg. Cairo* to Wapello. H ocking* to Albia. E v a n s *!! to Oskaloosa. Youno to Nashville. Vigo to Terre Haute. ' Holbrook* to Williamsburg. Bveland* to Buxton. Yountsville to Crawfords- Caldwell to Exline. Vilas to Spencer. Caledonia to M ount A yr. H olly Springs to Horaick. Everist* to Bussey. vllle. Vine to Attica. California* to Modale. Hom er to Lehigh. E w a rt*! to Montezuma. Virgie to Rensselaer. Oam anche*!! to Clinton. H om estead *!! to Marengo. V istu la*tt to Middlebury Cam pbell*! to Des Moines H oovers*! to Buxton. Zelmat to Bedford. V lvalia to Greencastle. Canby-to Casey. H opeville* to Murray. Zenas to Butler vllle. Volga to Madison. Fairm ount*! to Monroe. Canoe to Decorah. H orton to Plainfield. Zipp to Evansville. V olz* to Winamac. Canton* to Baldwin. F a lrp o rt*!! to Muscatine. H ou ghton*! to Salem. Zoar to Huntlngbdrg. Fairview to Anamosa. Carbon* to Corning. H ow e to Stuart. Zulu to Monroeville. Fairvllle to Whittem ore. Carl to Corning. Hughes to Eldora. W aco to Washington. Canned to Sioux Center. Fallow to Graettinger. H u rley! to Rockwell. W a d en a*tt to Goodland. C arnarvon *!! to W all Lake Fanslers to Yale. Huron to Oakville. Wagoner* to M acy. Farm er! to W aterloo. Cam es*Ti to A lton. H urstvllle* to Maquoketa. W ailesborot to Columbus Farrar to M in go. Carney* to Des Moines. Hustadf to Lyle, Minn. W alker to Flora. Faulkner*! to Ackley. H u tch in s*!! to Britt. W a llen ft to Huntertown Carnfortb+i to Victor. Fern to Parkersburg. IO W A W a ln u t! to Argos. Carrollton! to Dedham. Fielding to Quimby. W alnut G rove to Ambia. Flfleld to Pella. Carrville* to Charles City. Wanamaker* to Acton. Castle Grove to M onticello Fillm ore to Cascade. leonium to Moravia. W arrenton to F ort Branch. Cedar to Fremont. Finch Ford to Janesville. Illyria to Elgin. W arrington* to Wilkinson. Abbott* Tt to'A ck ley . Cedar Bluff* to Tipton. Flscus to Audubon. Indianapolis to W hat Cheer. Abingdon* to Packwood. W aterford Mills to Goshen. Indu stry! to Ft. Dodge. Ackw orth’ Tt to Indianola. Cedar Heights ‘ to Cedar Fisk to Orient. Waterman to Cayuga F ive Points to Dubuque. Iow a uenter to Maxwell. A cm e! to Elma. W atson* t to Jeffersonville. Cedar V alley to W est Flagler* Tt to Knoxville. In n a ti to W a verly . Adavilte to Merrill. W augh to SheridanFlorenceville to Cresco. Branch. Iron H ills* to Maquoketa. A d a za *tt to Churdan. Flugstad to W ebater City. Center to Dubuque. _ Irv in g *! to Elberon/ Adelphl* to De8 Moines. W aw aseett to Syraouse. Center D a le * !! to W est F olletts*! to McCausland. Ir v in g to n * !! to Algona. A fton Junction to Afton. Wawpecong to Kokomo. F olso m *!! to Glenwood. Liberty. Iv e y vllle to Brooks. W aym ansville* to Seymour A lbany to Blakesburg. Foote to North English. Centralia to Dubuque. I v y to Altoona. Waynesburg to Westport, i Albaton to Sloan. Charleston*! to Donnellson F o r d * !! to Swan. A lice to Oenterpoint. W aynesville to Columbus. Forest H om e to M onte Cheques! to Selma. Alm ont’ I to Lyons. W ea to L a Fayette. Jackson to Anamosa. zuma. Chester Center to N e w Alpha* to Waucoma. W eaver to Jonesboro. ForeBt Mills to Waukon. JacksonvUle to Harlan. burg. Am ana*Tt to Marengo. W ebb to Indianapolis. Forestville to Dundee. Chickasaw to Ionia. Jacobs to GrinneU. Ambrose to Keswick. W ebster*t (W ayne Co.) to F ort Des M oines*! to Des Jam es*!! to Leeds Station. Church* to Lansing. Amish to Kalona. Williamsburg. Moines. Sioux C ity. Churchville*! to Indianola A m ity to Davenport. W eisbu rg*! to Sunman. F o s te r * !! to Moravia.' Jamison*! to Osceola. Clarkdale* to Mystic. Andover* t to Miles. W e llsb o ro *!! to Laporte. Four Corners to Lockrldge. Jay to Woodbum . Clarkson!! to Carlisle. Angus*Tt to Perry. Westchester to Portland. Fraker* to Buxton. Jerico to N ew Hampton. Clay Works* to F ort Dodge, Arborhill to Stuart. W est Fork* to English Franklin* to Donnellson. J ord a n *!! to Boone. Climax to Emerson. W est Franklin to Mount Ardon*Tt to Conesville. Franklin Station to Don Jubilee to Jesup. C live*! ! to Des Moines. A rgo to L e Claire. Vernon. Judd! to Duncombe. Cloverdale*! to Sibley. nellson.. W est Harrison to Harrison, Arm an to N orth English. Juniata! to Storm Lake. Fraser*! to Boone. Coal C it y !! to Moulton. Arnold to Humboldt. Ohio. Fredonla* to Columbus Coal Creek to Thornburg. A rqu itt to Farley. Westland to Greenfield. Junction. Coalville to F ort Dodge. Artesian to Denver. W est Liberty (How ard Co.) F reorio*! to Albia. Colon to Oskaloosa.. Asbury to Dubuque. to Greentown. K a lo* to F ort Dodge. Columbus C ity* to Colum Fredsville to Dike. W est Middleton* to Russla- A%hgrove* to Drakesvll)e. Freeman to Mason C ity. Keen to Des. Moines. bus Junction. A sp ln w a ll*!! to Manning. vtlle. Kem ling to Elliott. C om m erce*!! to Des Moines Freeport to Decorah. W est N ew ton * to Indian A stor*t to Manilla. KendallviUe* to Cresco. Frendale to Oxford. Communia to Elkader. A ttica* to'K n oxville. apolis. K en n ebec*!! to Onawa. Froelich*! to M cG regor. Confidence to Promise City Augusta* to W ever. Weston to North Vernon. F ru ltla n d *!! to Muscatine, K ennedy! to Adel. C on over!! to Calmar. Westphalia* t t to Sanborn Avenerius to Dubuque. Fulton* (Jackson Co.) to K e n w o o d *!! to Arion. Consol to L ovilia. A v e r y * tt to Albia. K e y W est to Dubuque. Maquoketa. Cool to Indianola. W est P o in t*! (Tippecanoe Avon* to Carlisle. Fulton (Muscatine Co.) to K ien ei to M onti. C opp ock *!! to W ayland. Co.) to La Fayette. Kilbou rne*! to Keosauqua. Stockton. Coralvlllet to Iow a City. ./ W est U nion*Tt to M onte | K im ball to Pleasantville. C ordova*! to Knoxville. B aile y *! to Mclntire. zuma. „ Klinger to Readlyn. Cornelia to Clarion. B alfou r*!! to Glenwood. W harton to South Bend. Klondike (L yon Co.) to Galbraith to Luverne. Cornell* to Sioux Rapids. Balltown to Sherrill. Wheaton to Roaohdale. Larchwood. Galesburg to Monroe. Cosgrove to Iow a City. W heeler*Tt (Porter Co.) to Bangor* to Liscomb. K nittel to Readlyn. Galland to Montrose. Coster to Shellrock. Bankston to Epworth. Hobart. K n ow lton *! to Diagonal. D eW itt. Cottonwood*! to Hillsboro Barney* T! to Lorimor. Wheeling* to Muncie. K n ox to Sidney. Cou Falls to North Liberty Garfield to Mystic. Bauer to Lacona. W hitaker to Paragon. Koszta* to Ladora. Garland to M orning Sun. County L in e *! to Batavia Baum to Cherokee. Whitcomb to Brookville. Garry Owen to Bernard. Bayertown to Hills. W h ite Cloud* to Corydon. Covington * Tt to Cedar Gates to Atlantic. Bayfield to Muscatine. W hite Oak to Geneva. L a Celle to Osceola. Genoa to Seymour. Rapids. Whites Crossing to Linton. B ea con *!! to Oskaloosa. L a c e y *! to N ew Sharon. Genoa Bluff to Ladora. Bear Creek*tt to Ottumwa. Crain Creek to Denver. W hitesville* to Ladoga. , L a C rew ! to Donnellson. Georgetown to Albia. C ranston*!! to Letts. Beargrove to Guthrie CenW hitew ater* to Fountain Ladoga* to Gravity. Gerled to Ledya/rd. Crescent * ! ! to Council City.' Lafayette to Album ett. Germantown to Paullina. Bluffs. B eckw ithti to Fairfield. W hitfield to Loogootee. German V alley to Titonka, Lakewood* to Doon. Cricket* to Buxton. Beebeetown to Logan. W ickliffe* to English. Germanvllle to East Pleas L a k o n ta *!! to Eddyville. C rock er!! to Polk. Belfast* to Farmington W ilbur to Martinsville. L a m o ille * !! to State Center ant Plain. Crooks to Harcourt. W ild e r * !! to North Judson. Belinda to Chariton. Lancaster to Sigourney. Giard to McGregor. B elk n a p *!! to Bloomfield. Croton* ! to Farmington. W ilfred to Shelburn. L a n g w orth y !! to Monti G ifford*!! to Union. Crozier to Newell. Williams (Adams Co.) to B e lo it* ! to Canton, S. D. cello. G iv ln *t! to Oskaloosa. Curtis to N orth Liberty. Benson to Cedar Falls. Decatur. , Larland to Audubon. G ladstone! to Tama. W illiam s* Ti (Lawrence Co.) Bentonsport*! to Bona Lattners to Epworth. G ladw in*!! to Haskins. Dahlonega to Ottumwa. parte. ' to Bedford. L a tty * t o ' Burlington. Glasgow to Lockridge. iDakotah* to Humboldt. Williamsburg (Johnson Co.) Berea to Anita. Laudevllle to Dubuque. G len dale*!! to Fairfield. Dale* to Stuart. B erlin *!! to Lincoln. to Edinburg. G lendon*! to Menlo. D alton! to Le Mars. B em eti to Ute. William sport (Allen Co.) to Lawn H i l l ! ! to N ew Provi G r a f* !! to Epworth. Darbyvllle to Mystic. Bernhart to Batavia. Sheldon. dence. B ertra m *!! to Cedar R a Davis Comers to Lime Graham* to Colesburg. W llliam stownt to Milroy. Leando to Douda-Leando. G ran ite*!! to Larchwood. Spring. pids. W illis to Vlnoennes. Lear to Stout. Grant City to Auburm. D aytonvllle to Wellman. B erw ick*! to Des Moines. Wilm ington to Aurora. Granville (Mahaska Co.) to Lebanon (Van Buren Co.) Deercreek to Northwood. Bethesda to Hepburn. W llm ot to Cromwell. ; to Cantril. Taintor. \ D ek alb ! to Van W ert. Bethlehem to Corydon. Wilson to Shelbyville. D elp h os*!! to Mount Ayr, Green Is la n d * !! to Bellevue Lebanon (Sioux C o.) to B ldw ell! to Ottumwa. W lndom to Shoals. Sioux Center. Green V alley to N orth Denhard to Corwith^ B ig R o c k * !! to Dixon. Windsor to Parker. Leeds’ S tation !! to Sioux English. Denova to Salem. W in fleld ft to Crown. Point Bingham to Shenandoah. City. Grlffinsville to Mystic. Depew to Cylinder. Bladensburg to Batavia. Winona to Knox. Lena* to Paton. D evon *! to N ew Hampton Grovehill to Fairbank. W inona L a k e * !! to W ar Blanden* to Manson. L es lie *!! to Osceola. Gunder* to Elgin. D e w a r*!! to Waterloo. Bluff Creek* to Lovllla. saw. , L ev ey to Des Moines. Guss to Villisca. . Dewey to Massena. Bluffton to Decorah. Winterroud to F lat Rock. Liberty to N ew Virginia. G ypsu m !! to F ort Dodge. Diamond* to Mystic. B oles to Janesville. Lim a* to Fayette D ifli to M oulton. B o lá n *!! to Northwood. Littleton to Jesup. D illon *! to Marshalltown. B on a ir*!,to Cresco. W in th ro p *!! to A ttica. L ittle Turkey to Lawler. H a l e * ! ! to Olin. D odgeville to Mediapolis W ir t * ! to N orth Madison. Boomer to H oney Creek. Livingston to Seymour. . H aifa* to Rlngsted. Donnan* to Hawkeye. B o tn a * !! to Manning. W ise to Dupont. Lockman* to Albia. H a m ilton *!! to Bussey. Donnelley to Knoxville. B o y d ! to N ew Hampton. W itts to Boston. Locust* to Decorah. H a n fo rd !! to, Mason City. Doris to Independence. Bracewell to Lineville. Woodland to Mishawaka. Long P o in t * !! to Tama. Hanna to Luverne. Douds-Leando* to Douds. Bralnard* to W est Union. W oodlawn to Muncie. Lorah *! to Brayton. H anover to A lta. Douglass to W est Union. B r a z il* it to Centerville. W oodruff to W olcottville. Lore to Dubuque. Harrison to Winteraet. B ro m ley !! to Marshalltown D over to Donnellson. W oods! to Lynn. L o ring to Cambridge. H a rv a r d *!! to Sewall. Dublin to Washington. Brom pton to M oravia. W oodville (Porter C o.) * ! Lotts Creek to Lone Rock. Hastie to Dee Moines. D u d ley *!! to Ottumwa. B rookville to Packwood to Chesterton. Louisa! to Marion. / Dumfries* to Council Bluffs H au ntow ivto Lyons. Brough to Perry._______ W orth to Leavenworth. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. •Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. IOWA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Lourdes to Elma. Osterdock*! to Guttenberg Sharon to Audubon. Loveland * t ! to Missouri Otranto Station*! to Car-* Sharon Center to Riverside. Valley. penter. Sheridan to Tama. Lowell* to N ew London. Otter Creek to Lamotte. Sherman! to Radcliffe. Low ther! to Elma. Otterville to Independence. Sherwood * ! to Rockwell Ludlow to Waukon. Owego to Salix. City. Lundgren to Lehigh. Oxford Mills* to Oxford Shipley*! to Nevada. Lunsford to Bloomfield. Junotlon. Shueyville* to OedarRapids L u ra y ti to Marshalltown. Slam to Hopkins, Mo. Luton to Salix. Silver Lake to Emmons, Lyourgus to Waukon. Packard! to Greene. Minn. Lyman to Griswold. Page* to Clarlnda. Sinclair! to Parkersburg. Page Center to Clarinda. Solomon to lmogene. Palestine to Lone Tree. Solsberg to C larion.. Maokey to Story City. Palsvilte to Belmond. South Am ana*! to Marengo. M a cla ytt to Webb. Panther to Dallas Center. M a c y ti to Ackley. P a r a lta *!! to Sprlngville. South Gary Owen to Ber Maine to Moravia. Paris* (Linn Co.) to Central nard.Malone*! t to Be W itt. City. Spechts F erry *! 1 to Du Manhattan to Spirit Lake. Paris (Washington Co.) to buque. M aple to Eddyville. ■ Rubio. Spring Brook* to Bellevue. Maple H ill* ! to Armstrong. Paris Station to Unionville. Springdale* to West Liberty Maple L eaf to Elma. P a y n e * !! to Hamburg. Stennett* to Red Oak. Peoria to Pella. Maple R iv e r*! to Carroll Sterling to Sabula. M arietta to Marshalltown. Perkins * f t to Hull. Stiles* to Pulasiri. Mark to West Grove. P e r le e * !! to Fairfield. Stilson*! to Corwith. MarQuisville to Des Moines. Petersburg to Dyersville. Stilwell to N ew Sharon. Marsh! 1 to Morning Sun. Petersvllle*! to Charlotte. Stone C ity * * ! to Anamosa. Martins to D e W itt. Phildia to Woodward. Streepy to Centerville. Marysville* to Bussey. Pickering! to Gilman. Massillon*!! to Lowden. Pine Mills to Muscatine. Sulphur S p r i n g s * ! ! to Maud to Waukon. Pittsburg to Keosauqua. Storm Lake. May C ity to Ocheyedan. Pitzer to Earlham. Summerset*! to Indianola.' M aysville to Davenport. Plainview to Dixon. Summltville* to Keokuk. M cN ally! to Hawarden. P la to*! to Tipton. * Sutleff to Lisbon. M oPa u l*!! to Thurman. Pleasant Grove to New Lon Swanton to N ew Hartford. M cPherson!! to Red Oak. don. Sweetland to Muscatine. M ederville*! to Elkport. Pleasant Plain * to East Pleasant Plain. Medora to N ew Virginia. Pleasant V a lle y * ! to Le Meroa to Osage. Merrimac to Brighton. Talleyrand* to Keota. M e tz !! to Newton. Plessls*! to Hartley. Talm age*! to Afton. Meyer* to Stacyville. Plum Creek to Algona. if T a ra ! to F ort Dodge. M iam i to Lovilia. Poplar to Audubon. Tenoid to Northwood. M iddle Amana to Marengo. Portland*! to Mason City. T erry to Walford. Mladleburg to Boyden. Port Louisa to Wapello. T h o rp e!! to Manchester. Middle R iver to Winterset. Powersville to Nashua. T ic o n ic *!! to Rodney. M id w ay to B attle Creek. Prairie Grove to Middle- T ilt o n * !i to Deep River. town. M illv ille to Guttenburg. T io g a !! to Rose Hill. Prairie Rose to Walnut. Mineral Ridge to Boone. Tipperary to Gunwald. M in erva!! to Marshalltown. Primrose* to Donnellson. T itu s !! to Washington. P ro le *it. to Indianola. Molngona* to Boone. T iv o li to Dyersville. Purdy^to Chariton. M ona to Lyle, Minn. T o d d ville*! to Centerpoint. Monterey to Moulton. Toolsboro to Oakville. M o n tp elie r*!! to Buffalo. Trentham to Album ett. M oore to N ew Sharon. Trenton* to Wayland. Moran! to Woodward. ’Quandahl to Spring Grove, T ro y * to Milton. ^Ilnn. Mormontown to Blockton. Turkey R iv e r * !! to Gutten berg. Morning Side! to Sioux City Q u arry!! to Marshalltown. Quincy to Corning. Tu rn er!! to Kellogg. Morse to Solon. M o sco w *!! to W ilton Jet. Tuskeega* to Kellerton. T yron e *!! to Melrose. Mount Carmel' to Breda. Mount Etna* to Corning. Racine to Buckeye. M ount Joy to Davenport. Union Mills to N ew Sharon. Mount Z io n * !! to Keosau- Rainbow to W ilton Jet. Raleigh* to Estherville. University Park* to Oskaqua. loosa. Muntervllle to Blakesburg. Rands to Lohrville. Rath b u n * !! to Mystic. Utica to Stookport. R a y m o n d *!! to Waterloo. N ashville*! to Maquoketa. Read to Elkader. Valley to Rubio. Red Line to Kirkman. N assau*!! to Gibson. Reeders M ills to Logan. I Vandalia to Prairie City. Nasset to Decorah. I Veo* to Brighton. Reels to Honey Creek. N eil to Forest City. Reeve to Bradford. Vernon to Bonaparte. Neptune to Le Mars. Village Creek to Lansing. Rex to Bussey, Newbern to Lacona. Vilm ar to Greene. New B o s to n *!! to Donnell- Richfield to Sumner. Vincennes* to Argyle. Richmond* to Kalona. son. Vinje to Scarvllle. Rickardsvllle to Dubuque. New Dixon to Dixon. V io la * !! to Sprlngville. Rider to Grimes. yN ew Era to Muscatine. Viola Center to Audubon. Ringgold to M ount Ayr. Newhaven to Osage. Volney to Monona. Risingsun to Altoona. N ew kirk to Hospers. R itter to Sheldon. N e w p o r t* !! to W apello. River Junction*! to Lone NOesvllle to Charles City. Wales to Henderson. Tree. N lra ! to Kinross. R o bertson *!! to Iow a Falls W allin to Stanton. N ix o n !! to Donnellson. R o b in s *!! to Cedar Rapids. Walnut C ity to Mystlo. ' Noble* t ! to W ayland. Wapsle to Readlyn. N ora Junction! to N ora Robinson to Ryan. W ard* to Albla. Rochester to Tipton. Springs. W ashburn*!! to W aterloo. Rock Dale to Dubuque. Nordness to Deoorah. Washington P r a i r i e t o Norman* to Emmons, Minn. Roelyn to Moorland. Waukon. Northbranch to Guthrie. Rorbeck to Marne. Watson to Monona. Roselle to Halbur. Watterson to Mount Ayr. North Buena V is ta *!! to •Rosendale to Story City. Waubeek* to Central City. R o s s * !! to Audubon. Guttenberg. Waukon J u n ction *!! to North W ashington* to N ew Ruble to Brunsville. McGregor. Hampton. Waupeton* to Dubuque. N orw ich*! to Yorktown. Weed to W all Lake. Sageville to Dubuque. Norwood to Lucas. Saint Donatus* to Bellevue. West* to Marengo. N o rw o o d v ille*!! to Craig. Nugent (Keokuk Co.) to Saint Joseph to Livermore. Westerville to Grand River. Saint Paul to Pilot Grove. West M itchellito Mitchell, Ollie. Nugent (Linn Co.) to Cog- St. Paul Station to Pilot Westphalia* to Earling. Wheeler to Macedonia. Grove. gon. Wheelerwood to Mason City Salina to Fairfield. N ym an to Red Oak. W hite Breast to Melcher. Sand Prairie! to Keokuk. Sandspring*!! to M onti- Whiteburg to Buxton. W hite Cloud to Malvern. cello. Oakdale*! to Iow a City. W hite Elm to Selma. Oakland Mills to Mount Sandusky to Keokuk. White Pigeon to Webster. Santiago! to Bondurant. Pleasant. Saratoga* to Ricevine. Oakley*! to Chariton. White Sulphur to »Daven Oakwood to Charles City. Sattre to Decorah. port. Saude* to Lawler. Oasis*! to W est Branch. W hittier* to Sprlngville. Savannah to Bloomfield. O koboji*! to Spirit Lake. Wichita* to Guthrie Center. Sawyer to West Point. Olaf to Kanawha. W ic k *! to St. Charles. Saylor! to Ankeny. O ’Leary to Oyens. Wightmant to Lohrville. Scandia to Madrid. O livet*! to H arvey. W ilk e * !! to Williams. Schley to Cresco. Olm'itz to Chariton. W illey to Dedham. Sciola to Villlsca. O’N eill to Dubuque. Scotch G rove*!! to Monti- Williamson (Adams Co.) Ontario* t l to Ames, to N evinville. cello. ©ralabor! to Ankeny. Williamson (Lucas Co.) to Scott to Aurora. O rd to Winterset. Gunwald. Sedan!! to Moulton. O rillia !! to Cummings. WflliamstcAvn (Chickasaw Seevers* to Colfax. Orleans*!! to Spirit Lake. Co.) to H e w Hampton. Seigel to Tripoli. Ormanville to Ottumwa. Williamstown to Kalopa. Seneca to Fenton. O rson*l to Mondamln. Windham to Oxford. S en ey*!! to L e Mars. O rtonville to Waukee. W o lf to P ilo t Mound. Shady Grove to Jesup. Osborne* to Volga. W ood to Edgewood._______ Shafftonti to Low Moor. O sgood*! to Graettinger. ( Money Order Office. A County Seat. REFERENCE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KANSAS 1861 Woodland* to Garden Carden to M arysville. Grove. Carl to Soldier. W oolsonft to Richland C arlyle*!! to Iola. C a m eiro *!! to Kanqpolls. C arona*!! to West Mineral Yorkshire*!! to Persia. Catalpa to Gove. Catharine to Hays. Catlin to Miltqnvale. Zaneta! to Hudson. Cato to Arcadia.' Zion to Orient. Cedar Junction*! to De Soto. Chalk to Eskridge. Ohardon* to Atwood. Charleston to Cimarron. Cheyenne to Luray. Chicopee* to Pittsburg. Chiles*! to Bucyrus. Cicero* to Wellington. KANSAS Clara to Haddam. C lare! to Gardner. Clearfield to Eudora. Cleveland*! to Kingman. AdhUles* to Herndon. Clinton* to Lawrence. Ackerland*! to Jarbalo. Clonmel to Viola. Acres* to Ashland. Cloverdale to Grenola. Adamsville to Oxford. Coalvale to Arcadia. Aetna* to Lake City. Coleman to Sedgwick. Agricola to W avorly. O om iskey*!! to Council Akron! to Winflekk Grove. Alameda to Kingman. Como to Clyde. Alam ota* to Dighton. Connor to Leavenworth. A lid a *!! to Junction City. O oolid ge*!! to H olly, Colo. Allison* to Jennings. Cora to Bellalre. A lta to Moundridge. Costello to La Fontaine. Alvin to Carlton. Crawford* t ! to Geneseo America City to Havens- Crescent to Greensburg. ville. Crisfleld*! to Attica. A m io t*! to Harris. Crltzer to Mound City. A m y* to Dighton. Croft* to Coats. Angelus to Grinnell. Crofts'! to Le Roy. Annelly* to Newton. Croweburg*! to Mulberry. Ann ess*! to Norwich. Curlew to Potter. A n telop e*!! to Marion. Ourranville* to Mulberry. Antioch to Gardner. Antonino to Hays. Argentine*!! do Kansas Dalton*! to Wellington. City. Dana to Gretna. Arkalon*! to Liberal. D ariow*! to Hutchinson. Ashley'to Pittsburg. Dartmouth to Great Bend. Auburn* to Wakarusa. Day* to Palmer. Deerhead* to Medicine Lodge. De G ra ff*!! to Eldorado. Badger to Galena. D ellv a le *!! to Oronoque. Baker*! ! to W illis. Dentonla to Esbon. Banner* to Collyer. D e tro it*!! to Enterprise. Bannock to Belpre. D evizes* to Wilsonville. B arc la y *!! to Osage City. Diamond Springs*! to Bur Barnesville to Prescott. dick. Barrett* to Frankfort. Dillon* to Hope. B asil*! to Kingman. D illw y n *!! to Maoksville. Batesvillef to Toronto. Dispatch to Cawker City. B avaria *!! to Brookvllle. Division to Dighton, Bayard*! to Moran. B ay neville * f ! to Clear Dolespark to Canton. Donegal to Hope. water. B aza ar*!! to Cottonwood D oniphan*!! to Atchison. Doniphan Station to A tchi Falls. son. Downing to Council Grove. Bedford to Stafford. Drury* to South Haven. Bellefont* to Spearvtlle. B elvld ere*!! to Coldwater Drywood* to Arcadia. Dubuque to Dorranoe. Belvolr to Richland. Duluth to Onaga. Ben A llen to Scott City. Dundee to Great Bend Bernal to Hutchinson. Dunkirk to Frontenac. B erwick*! to Sabetha. Durand! to Yates Center. B e th e l*!! to Kansas City. Beulah*! to Girard. Big B en d !! to Speed. Eaton! to Dexter. Birkville to Almena. Birmingham *!! to Denison. Edison to Girard. Edson*! to Goodland,. Blaokstone to Caldwell. Black W o lf * !! to Ellsworth Elk* to Llncoinville. ■ Elkhorn to Ellsworth. B iair*! to Wathena. Elm ont*! to H oyt. Blakeman* to Atwood. E Ïw ood *!! to St. Joseph, Bland to Burrton. Mo. Block to Paola. Ematon* to Liberal. Blue H ill* to Glen Elder. Eminence* to Garden City. Bodaro to Augusta. Emmons* to Washington. Bodavillfe to Barnes. E n glevale*!! to Arma. Boicourt*! to La Cygne. Enosdale to Morrowville. Boling* to Leavenworth. B olton*! to Independence. Essex* to Garden City. Bonacoord to Solomon. Bonita*! to Olathe. Fact to Palmer. Bow Creek to Stockton. Fairmount*! to Leaven Boyd* to Hoislngton. worth. Boyle* to Winchester. Falrport* to Natorpa. Bradford* to Eskridge. B rainerdfl to Whitewater. Fall to Eudora. Fanning* to Troy. Brantford to Agenda. Farlinville* to Mound City. Breezy H ill to Mulberry. Farmdale to Fredonia. Brenner to Troy.Brenner Heights to Kansas Farmington*! ! to Effing ham. C ity, Kan. Fau lkn er*!! to Chetopa. B rid gep ort*!! to Assaria. Ferguson* to Anthony. Brooks to Neodosha. F ia t! to Howard. Browndale to Idana. Findlay tb Centerville. Brownspur to Kingman. F lem in g !! to Cherokee. Buckeye to Abilene. Flintridge to Eureka. Buffalo P a r k !! toPark. F lo r a l* !! to Winfield. B u ffville*!! to Altoona. Flush* to St. George. Burt to Yates Center, Forest to M edicine Lodge. Busby to Longton. Bush C ity ! to Haskell. Forest Lake to BdwardsButler to P re tty Prairie. ville. B u xton *! to Fredonla. F ort Dodge* to Dodge City. F ort R iley* 11 to Junction City. Cadmus to Parker. F ox Tow n to ¿Mulberry, C airo*! to Cunningham. Franklin* to Girard. Oalderhead to Clyde. Frantz to Geneseo. Oalista*! to Kingman. F ravel to Hopewell. C alvert*! to Almena. Fremont* to Marquette. Campus* to Oakley. Friend! to Scott, C an ad a*!! to Hillsboro. Frizell* to Larned. Capaldo to Frontenac. I F u lle r*!! to Mulberry. Caploma to Sabetha. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1862 TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS KANSAS Gabriel to Troy. Garrison* to Randolph. G a s *ti to Iola. Gas Center to Thayer. Geary to Atchison. G eneva*! to Neosha Falls. Gerardy to Lanbam, Neb. Glen L och tt to Garnett. Globe to Overbrook. G oodrich*! to Parker. G ordon*! to Douglass. Gradan* to Morland. Granada to Wetm ore. Grand Summit* t ! to Grenola. G ra n tv llle*!! to Topeka. Grayling to Burdett. Greenbush to Girard. Greenwich* t ! to Kechl. Grigsby* to Scott. Grill ville to Wilson. Gross*! to Arcadia. G r o v e !! to Rossville. G rovelan df! to McPherson.; Guilford* to Benedict. Guy to Hoxle. Hackberry* (Gove Co.) to Quinter. H a c k n e y *!! to Winfield. Haggard* to Ensign. Hale to E lk City. Halfmound to Valley Falls. H alford* to Gem. H a lifa x *! to Alma. H allville to Assaria. H am m on d!t to Fulton. Hannum to Concordia. Harding* to Mapleton. iH argrave to LaCrosse. H a m a n d 't ! to Lakin. Haverhill* to Augusta. Haworth to Haddam. Hayne to Liberal. H a y s v llle *!! to Wichita. Hazen to Mulberry. Helmick to Council Grove. Hertha to Erie. Highland Station to Sparks. H illto p * ! to Madison. Hodgem an* to Hanston. Holliday* t ! to Bpnner Springs. H oos er*f! to Dexter. Horace* T! to Tribune. How ell to Dodge City. H u ll! to Marysville. Hummer to Smith Center. Huntsville* to Plevna. Huscher to Concordia. H y m e r * t! to Elmdale. Imes* to Ottawa. Iow a Point* Tt to W hite Cloud. Irene* to Syracuse. Low e* to Sedan. Low ell to Galena. Low em on t*! to Leaven worth. Lucerne* to Jennings. Luotor to Prairie View. Lydia* to Leotl. L y le to Norcatur. Lyons dale to Junction City. M acyville to Glasco. Manning* to Healy. Mantey to Prescott. Maple City* to Dexter. Marlenthal* to Leotl. M arm aton*! to Redfleld. Mathewson to McCune. May Day* to Randolph. M cA llaster*!! to Winona. McLain to Newton. M e d o r a * !! to Hutchinson. Melrose to Chetopa. Mennd* to Syracuse. M enoken! to Topeka. Mentor* to Assaria. Messer to Galena. Middletown to Buffalo. M idian to Eldorado. M idland to Lawrence. M id w a y (Cpawford Co.) to Pittsburg. 'M id w a y (Ellsworth Co.) to Genesep. M ilb erger to Russell. M ille rton tl to Conway Springs. M ilo *! to Barnard. Mina* to Summerfleld. M ineral*! to W est Mineral. Mingo* to Colby. M in or* to M cD onald. M issler to Plains. Monett to Sedan. Monmouth *1 to McCune. Monrovia* to Effingham. M ontana* to Labette> Montlcello to Olathe. M oonlight to Enterprise. M o ra y * !! to Troy. Morris t i to Argentine. M u n cie*!! to Kansas City. Munjor* to Hays. Myers Valley to W est moreland. National M ilitary H om e*! to Leavenworth. N atrona! to Pratt. N eely to Tonganoxle. Nelson to Frontenao. Neola* to Stafford. 1 N ettleton to Kinsley. Neutral to Columbus. N ew Alm elo to Lenora. N ew Lancaster to Drexel, Mo. Newman* to Perry. N oble to Lyons. North Altoona * to Bene dict. Northbranch* to Burr Oak. Kalvesta to Cimarron. North Cedar*to Valley Falls Kam pler to Seneca. , * Northcott to Colony. Kanwaka to Lecompton. Keelvlile tor'll ax ter Springs N orw ood to Ottawa. Keene to Maplehlll. ¿Keighley* to Leon. Kellogg to Winfield. Oak Mills* t to Atchison. Kelso* to Council Grove. Oak V a lle y *! to Longton. Kendall* t ! to Syracuse. Oakwood! to Centerville Kenneth* T1 to Stanley. O a tv U le *!! to Wichita. Keystone to Scott C ity. Ocheltree*! to Spring Hill. Klckapoo* to Leavenworth. Odense to Erie. K ill Creek to Alton. Odin to Claflin. Oil H ill to Eldorado. Klm eo to Greenleaf. K in gery* to Winona. O lc o tttt to Turon. Kirkw ood to Pittsburg. Olym pia* to Pratt. K ir o f to Silver Lake. O n ta rio*!! to Bancroft. K lin g* to Lake City Oscar to Clay Center. KniVeton to Pittsbur g. Ost to Andale. O tto* to Dexter. K y d to Long Island. Ottosville to Bogue. • Ottumwa to Burlington. Laclede to Wamego. Ladysmith to Clay Center. Laird to Ness City. Lake Forest to Edwards- Pa donla*! to Reserve. ville. Paiaoky to, Wilson. L a k e v le w * !! to Lawrence. Parallel to Barnes. Lamar* to Delphos. Parnell* to Atchison. Laneville to Parsons Patterson*! to Burrton. Pauline*! ! to Topeka. L a n g t! to Emporia. Pawnee Station* to HiattLangley* ! ! to Marauette. ville. Lanham to Lanham, Neb. Larklnburg* t ! to Arring Peace Creek to Sylvia. Pearl*! ! to Enterprise. ton. Laslta* to Green. Pendennls*! to Utica. Lasswell * to Medicine Peoria* to Ottawa. Lodge. Petersburg to Union town. Laton to Codell. Peterson to Holcomb. Laurel to Jetmore. P e trolia *! to Chanute. Lawndale to Cunningham. Pfeifer* to Victoria. Lawton to Carl Junction, Pierce Junction!! to Ever Mo. est. Pleasant Green to Agra. Leanna* to Chanute. Leeds to Grenola. Plym outh* !1 to Saffordville. L e Hunt to Independence. Poe* to Leoti. Len ap et! to D e Soto. Lerado to Eangdon. Pollard! to Lyons. P o n tia c *!! to Eldorado. L in d sey *! to Minneapolis. L in ton ! ! to Prescott. Porterville to Stark. L o m a x !! to Quenemo. Portland*! ! to South Haven. Loretta to Bison. Lorin g’ t ! to Bonner Spr’gs Prairie Center to Eudora. Louisville* to Wamego. Price to Sabetha. Jaqua* to St. Francis. J erome* to H ea ly . Julia to Kingman. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Vlning to Clifton. R a d le y ! to Frontenao. R a g o * !! to Kingman. Vinton* to Dexter. Rapip to Osage City. Voda to Collyer. Ravanna* to Garden City V o lla n d *t! to Alma. R a y * ! ! to Lam ed. Reager to Oronoque. Ream svllle* to Smith Wabaunsee* t ! to Wamego. Center. Waco to Peok. Waconda Springs* to CawRedwing to Beaver. ker City. R e n o *! to Tonganoxle. W a g s ta ff*!! to Paola. Rest* to Benedict. Wallula* to Lansing. R ic e * ! to Concordia. Walsburg* to Leonardvllle. Riceville to Galena. Waterloo to Kingman. Rlcnardson to Lansing. Watson to Topeka. W a u n eta *!! to Cedarvale. Richfield* to Elkhart. Richter ,to Ottawa. Welborn to Kansas City. Wheeler to St. Francis. Ridge to Humboldt. W herry* to Nickerson. R in go to Girard. W hite Church, to Kansas Riverside to Ness City. City. Roanoke to Syracuse. Whitman to Oxford. R o m e*! to Wellington. W ild e r * ti to Bonner Spr’gs. W illiam s to Kinsley. R o p e r * !! to Buffalo. R o s e * !! to Yates Center. W illowdale* to Zenda. Roseland* to Scammon. Wilmington to H arvey ville. Rosemont to Williamsburg. Wllroads to Dodge City. Rosette to Sylvan Grove. Wllsonton to Mound Valley Rubens to Webber. Windhorst to Spearvllle. Winkler* to Randolph. R u le to n *!! to Goodland. W ittru p to Jetmore. Ruweda to Hamilton. R y d a l* !! to Scandla. W olcott* to Leavenworth. Wom er to Riverton, Neb. Wonsevu to Cedar Point. Saint Benedict to Seneca. Woodlawn to Sabetha. Saint Joseph to Clyde. Worden to Baldwin. Saint Leo to Cunningham. W reford to Junction City. Saint Marks to Colwlch. Saint Peter* to Moreland. Salem to Esbon. Salemsburg to Smolan. Xenia* to Mapleton. Sand Springs to Abilene. Sanford* (Pawnee Co.) to Rozel. Y a le *t to Pittsburg Sanford! (Phillips Co.) to Y ooem ento*!! to Hays. Yorktow n to Vesper. Prairie View. Santa to Sublette. Sarcoxie to Lawrence. Schoenchen* to Hays. Z a ra h *!! to Bonner Spr’gs. S ch roy er*!! to Marysville Z ea n d a le*!! to Manhattan. Solplo to' Richmond. Seabrook to Topeka. Seguln* to Hoxle. Selkirk* to Leotl. S e lm a *!! to Kincaid. Seth to Almena. KENTUCKY Shady Bend* to B everly Shaffer*! to Albert. Shallow W ater* to Scott C ity. Aaron to Albany. Shannon*tt to Lancaster. A bbott to Sulphur. Sharpe*! to Burlington. Abel to London. S h a w *!! to Erie. Sherdahl to Scandia. Aberdeen* to Morgantown. Sherman*! to W est Mineral. A bigail to Germantown. Sherwin Junct.* to Colum Abner to Ewing. bus. Absber* to Columbia. Shook* to Anthony. Acorn to Somerset. Shorey to Topeka. Acton to Campbellsvllle. Sibley! to Lawrence. Adaburg to Whltesville. Adams* to Louisa. i A ddison *! to Cloverport. Silica* to Ellinwood. S k ld d y *!! to W hite City. Adela to Manchester. Adeline* to Louisa. Skidmore* to Scammon. A d e n !! to O live Hill. Smart ville to Lyndon. Solomon Rapids* to Beloit Adkins* to Grayson. Somerset* to Louisburg. A dolphus*! to Scottsvllle. Advance* to Ironton. Ohio. South Park to Shawnee. A flex to Williamson, W . Va. Springvale tp Coats. Stanton to Rantoul. A lto n * to Grayson. A ges! to Harlan. Steelville to Kensington. Agnes to Lewisburg. SjtlppviUe* to Columbus. Stockholm * to Sbaron Airdale to B eatty ville. Springs. Akers ville* to Fountain Run Akron to B ig C lifty. Stone City* to Mineral. A lbany Landing to BurkesStranger to Tonganoxle. vllle. Strauss to McCune. Strawberry to Clifton. Albert to Sandy Hook. Strickler to Iuka. Alberta to Sadleville. Stull to Lecompton. Albia to Waynesburg. Sumnerville to Minneapolis A lbu m to Manchester, Ohio Sunnydale to V alley Center. Alcaide to Somerset. Sutphen to Chapman. Alcorn to McKee. S yca m ore*!! to Independ ence. Alexander Station to Mos cow. Sycamore Sprtngs!to CassoA lford to Salvisa. day. A lger to Manchester. Alhambra to Ewing. Tablemound to Indepen A lice to W est Liberty. Allceton* to Perryvflle. dence. Tasco to Hoxle. A lka to PIkeville. Allegre* to Elkton. Tecum seh*! to Topeka. Allen* to Prestonsburg. Thomas td W atervllle. Allendale to Grenburg. Thom psonville to Perry. Thornburg to Smith Centre. Allen Springs* to Scottsville. i Thurman to Matfleld Green. A lm o’ t to Murray. Tisdale’ to Winfield. Townsend to Arkansas City. Alone to Edmonton. Trading Post to Pleasanton Alonzo to Scottsvllle. Alphoretta* to Prestonsburg T rilb y ! to Kincaid T u r c k f! to Columbus. Alpine* to Burnside. Altam ont* to East Bem Turkvlllo* to Plalnville. stadt. A lto n ! to Lawrenceburg. A lton Station * ! ! to Law Urieda* to Meade. renceburg. Upland to Chapman. A ltro to Jackson. Upola to Longton. A lvaton * to Bowling Green. U rb an a*!! to Chanute. A lvin to Prestonsburg; Utopia* to Eureka. A lzey* to Mount Vernon, Ind. V a len cia*t! to Topeka. Am andavllle* to Burkesvllle Vance to Kansas City. A m ba to PIkeville. Varck to Galena. Ambrose to Nicholasvllle. . V erd i*! to Niles. Amm le* to Manchester. V ictor to Beloit. Ammons* to Cloverport. Vilas* ! to Chanute. Vine* to Manchester. Amos to Scottsvllle. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. KENTUCKY Am ster* to Richmond. Anchor to Barboursville. Anchorage*! ! to Middletown. Anderson to Lewisburg. Andersonvllle to Owens boro. Andes to East Bernstadt. A ndyvllle* to Brandenburg Angel to Jellico, Tenn. Anna to Bowling Green. Annalee to Manchester. Anneta* to Leitchfield. Annville* to Bond. Ano to Somerset. Ansel* to Science H ill. Antepast to Manchester. Anthoston to Henderson. Antioch* to Springfield. Antioch Mills to Berry. Anton to Madisonvllle. A pex to Greensville. Arabia* to McKinney. A ra t to Burkesvllle. Arch to Vine Grove. Archcllff to Glasgow. Argentum * to Greenup. A rg illite*! to Greenup. A rgo to Williamson, W .Va. A rgyle to Eubank. A rja y * to Pineville. A rk to Pineville. Arlen to Winchester. Armstrong* to O live H ill. A rn old *! to Coneyville. Arnoldton to Sturgis. Artem us’ l ! to Barbourville. Arthur* to Brownsville. A rv el to B eattyville. A r y to Hazard. Asa to Paintsvllle. Asbury to Berea. Ashbrook to Lawrenceburg. Ashbyburg* to Calhoun. Ashcamp to Pikeville. Asher to Hyden. Askin* to Fordsvllle. Asphalt* to Bowling Green. Atchison* to Campbells vllle. Athens to Lexington. Athertonvllle* to New Haven. A th o l!! to Jackson. Atlanta* to East Bernstadt. A toka to Danville. Atterson to Liberty. A ttllla* to N ew Hope. A tw ood to Walton. Audubon (Henderson Co.) to Henderson. A u lt to O live Hill. Aurora to Hardin. Austerlltz* ! I to Clinton ville Austin to Glasgow. Auxler*! to Prestonsburg. Avawam to Hazard. A vena to Cynthiana. A ven stok ef! to W addy. A voca* to St. Mathews. A von to Lexington. A w e to Vanceburg. A x te l* to Hardinsburg. Azalea to Kuttawa. Backnsburg to Mayfield. Baden* to Corbin. Badger to Hodgenvllle. Baileys Switch* to Barbourville. Bainbrldge to Cerulean. Baizetown* to Beaver Dam. Baker* to M cRoberts. Bakerton* to Burkesvllle. Bald Eagle to Sbarpsburg. Bald H ill to Flemingsburg. Bald R ock to L o n d o n .! Baldwin* to V alley View. Bale to Greensburg. Balkan to Pineville. Ballanceto Padu cah. Ballard (Anderson C o.) to Lawrenceburg. Ballard (F loyd Co.) to W a y land. Ballardsvllle to L a Grange. Ballot to Paintsvllle. Balls Landing to Gratz. Balltown to Bardstown. Balm to Flemingsburg. Bancroft* to Greenville. Bandy* to Somerset. Banford* to Beattyville. Bangor to Morehead. Banks to Whitesburg. Banner to Prestonsburg. Banock to Morgantown. Baptist to Campton.^ Bar to Owetaton. Baroreek to Manchester. Bardstown J u n ction *!! to Shepherdsvllle. Barefoot to Cynthlana. Barger to Hyden. Barnes to Hopkinsville. Barnetts Creek* to Paints vllle. Bam rock to Blaine. Barnsley* to Madisonvllle. Barrallton to Shepherdavllle. Barrenfork to Pine Knot. Barretts F erry to Fordsville. ! Express Office. KENTUCKY Barrier to Jdonticello. Bart to Monticello. Barterville* to Carlisle. Barthell* to Burnside, Bartles to Brandenburg. Bascom to Sandy Hook. Basil to Gradyville. Basin Springs to Irvington. B askett*! to Henderson. B u s to Campbellsvllle. Bath to Hindman. B attle to Mackvtlle. Battle Run to Ewing. Battletown* to Branden burg. Bauer* to Burnside. B a x te r* !! to Harlan. Bayfork to Bow ling Green. Bayou* to Birdsville. Bays* to Jackson. Beam ville to Glasgow. Bean to M ount Sterling. Bear W allow to Horse Cave Beaumont* to Edmonton. Beaver to Pikeville. Beaver Creek S tation !! to Prestonsburg. Beaverlick* to Walton. B eoknervjlleto Winchester. Becks Store* to Burkesville. Beckton to Glasgow. Beda to Hartford. Bee to M unfordville. Beechburg to Flemingsburg Beech Creek* to Greenville. Beechwood* to Sadieville. Beechy to Greenup. Beelerton to Fulton. / Bee Lick to Crab Orchard. Bee Spring* to Brownsville. Belcher to Pikeville. Beloourt to Slaughtervllle. Belknap to Cannel C ity. Bell to Hopkinsville.; Bellelellico* to Pineville. Belle Point* to B eattyville. Bell wood to Bardstown. B elm ont*! to Lebanon Junction. Belton! to Greenville. Bengal* to Campbellsvllle. Benge* to Manchester. B enh am *!! to Harlan. Benleo to Bowling Green. Bennett to Greenup. Bennettstown* to L a Fay ette. Benson* to Frankfort. Bent to Somerset. Berkshire to Verona. Berlin to BrookvlUe. Bem stadt* to London. Berry F erry* to Gol conda, .111/ Berrys Lick* to Morgantown Bet* to O live Hill. Bethany to Monterey. Bethelridge* to Eubanks. Bethesda* to Monticello. Bethlehem* to Pleasureville Betsey to M onticello. Betsy Layne* to Pikeville. B everly (Christian Co.) to Hopkinsville. B everly (Bell Co.) .to Pipeville. B e v ie r * !! to Central City. Bewleyville to Irvington. Biddle to Georgetown. Blgbone to W alton. B ig Creek* to Manchester. Bighill* to Berea. Bigreedy to Caneyville. B ¡g Spring* to Vine Grove. Bigstone to Sandy Hook. Billows to London. B ilvia* to M cRoberts. Bim ble to Barbourville. BIrks City to Owensboro. Blackey to Whitesburg. Blackjack to Franklin. Blackjoe to Harlan. Blackrock* to Leitchfleld. Blacks Ferry to Tompkinsville. Black W ater* tó London. Blackwell to Pleasureville. Blairs Mills to West Liberty Blake to Beattyville. Blanche* to Pineville. Blandville* to Wlckliffe. Blaze* to West Liberty. Bledsoe* to Harlan. Bleidt to Golden Pond. Blevins* to Willard. Blincoe* to Springfield. Bliss to Columbia. Blood* to Murray. Blopmlngdale to Winches ter. Bloom ington* to Cannel C ity. Bloss to London. Bloyd* to Campbellsvllle. Blue Diamond to Hazard. Blue Lick Springs’ to Car lisle. Blue River to Prestonsburg Bluff Boom to Greensburg. Bluff City to Henderson. Bluff Spring to White Plains. Bluster to Dunnville. B lythe to Tompkinsville. B oat* to Hazard. Boatw right to Murray. B oaz’ t ! to Mayfield.______ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Bob to Prestonsburg. Bobtown* to Sclenoe Hill. Boggs to M aysviile. Bohon* to Harrodsburg. Boldman to Pikeville. Bolyn to Hindman. Bonanza* to Prestonsburg. Bonayr to Glasgow. Bondurant to Hickman. Bondvllle* to Lawreneeburg. Bon Jellico to Williams burg. Bonnieville*tt to Munford ville. Bonny to W est Liberty. Booker to Springfield. Boone to Berea. Boones Creek to Lexington. Boonsboro to Winchester. Boons Camp* to Paintsvllle. Booth to Campton. Bordley to Sturgis. Borelng* to London. Bosco to Prestonsburg. Boston Station* to Butler. Bosworth* to Mlddlesboro. Botland to Bardstown. Botner to M cK ee. . Bourbont! to Bardstown. Bourne to Bryantsvxlle. B ow to Burkesville. B ow en*! to Stanton. Bowlingtown to Hazard, Bowman to Flemingsburg. Box ville* to Morganfield. Boyce* to Woodbum. B o y d *! to Berry. BoydsVllle* to Hazel. B rachttt to Walton. Bradel to Barbourville. B radford*! to Augusta. Bradley to Salyersville. Bradshaw to McKee. Bradshawmill to Klrksvllle Brady* to Jamestown. Bralnard to Prestonsburg. Bramblett to Carlisle. Brandon* to Murray. Brandy K eg to Prestonburg. Brannon! to Lexington. Brashear to Patriot. Ind. Brassfleld*! to Waco. Bratton to Mount Olivet. Braxton to Harrodsburg. Bray vine to Butler. Brazil to McKee. Breck to Owenton. Breckinridge to Cynthiana. Breeding* to Columbia. Bremen* to South Carroll ton. B renttt to Cold Springs. Brewers to Benton. Bridgeport to Frankfort. B ridgeville to M t. Olivet. Briensburg to Benton. B righton*! to Lexington. Bright Shade* to Manohestei Brinkley to Hindman. Bristletown to Glasgow. Bristow* t ! to Oakland. Britmart to Pembroke. Broadwell to Cynthiana. Brocade to Burnside. Brock* to London. Bromley (Kenton Co.) to Ludlow. Bromley (Owen Co.) to Jonesville. Bromo to Mount Vernon. Bronston* to Burnside. Brooklyn* to Morgantown. Brooks* T1 to Shepherdsville. Broughtentown to Crab Orchard. B row der*!! to Greenville. Browning to Bowling Green Brownsboro to Crestwood. Browns Cross Roads*to A l bany. Brawns Grove* to Murray. Browns Valley to Utica. Brownwood to Burkesville. Bruce to Glasgow. Brucken to Island. Bruin to Sandy Hook. B rum field*!! to Perryville Brushart* to Greenup. Brush C reek!tto Mount Ver non. Brushy to Hodgenville. Brutus to Manchester. Bryants Store to Barbour ville. Buchanan*! to Louisa. Buckcreek* to Booneville. Buckeye* to Lancaster, Buckhorn* to Hazard. B u ckner*!! to La Grange. ■Bucks Branch to Prestons burg, Bud to Monticello. Buel to Calhoun. Buena Vista* (Garrard Co.) to Bryantsvllle. Buford to .Hartford. Bulah to Milbum. Bullittsville* to Burlington Bunch to London. Burchfield to Harlan. Burdick* to Campbellsvllle REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. KENTUCKY Burfleld to Monticello. Burlka to Mount Olivet. Burke to Sandy Hook. Burkhart to Cannel City Burkley* to Columbus. Buraa to Birdsville. Burning Springs* to M an chester. Burr to Mount Vernon. Burtonville* to Tolesboro. Bush* to London. Busnbrancn to Jackson. Bushong to Glasgow. Busseyville to Louisa. Bybee to Waco. Byron to Manchester. 1863 Chenaultt* to Cloverport. Cordova to Corinth. Chenoa* to Pineville. Cork to Edmonton. Cherokee* to Blaine. C om Creek to Bedford. Cherry to Murray. Com ettsville* to Hazard. Cherrygrove to Williams- Cornwell to M ount Sterling. town. Cornell to Burnside. Chester to London Cortland to Booneville. Chestnutburg to Manches Costelow* to Lewisburg. ter. Cottageville to Tollesboro. Chestnut Grove to Shelby- Cottonburg to Richmond. ville. Couder to Williamson, W . Chicago?! to R ay wick. Va. Chllesburg*! to Lexington. Counts Crossroads* to Olive H ill. Chilton* to Hustonville. Chlnnville to Russelll Covedale* to Manchester, Chinquapin Rough to Bond Ohio. Christiansburg*!! to Bag Cow an*! to Ewing. dad. Cowcreek* to Booneville. Cabell* to Monticello. Christopher to Hazard. Cabot to Fordsville, Coxs Creek* to Bardstown. Christy to Morehead. Caddo to Falmouth. Chuck to Dunnville. Ooxton to Harlan. Cade to Rocky H ill Station Church* to Leitchfleld. Coy* to Lancaster. Cadmus to Louisa Church Hill to Hopkinsville. Coyle to Richmond. Cains Store* to Somerset. Craftsville* to M cRoberts. Cicero to Versailles. Cairo to Corydon. Crall Hope* to Horse Cave. Oirgie to Greenup. Caleast to Richmond. Clahill to Greenup. Cranenest* to Barbourville. Caledonia to Cadiz. Gland to Chaplin. Craney to Morehead. California*! to N ew Rich Cranston to Morehead. mond, Ohjo. Clare to Franklin. Cravens to Bardstown. Gaila* to Jackson. Crawfish to Manchester. Clarence* to Eubank. CallabooSe to Campton. Crawford* to London. C lark*! to Jeflersontown. C alvary*! to Lebanon. Clarksburg to Vanceburg. Craycraft to Columbia. Calvin to Pineville. Crayne*! to Marion. Claryville* to Alexandria. Camargo to Mount Sterling. Claxton* to Princeton. Craynor to Pikeville. Crayton to Carlisle. Camelia to Paducah. Clayhole* to Jackson. Camp Knox* to Greensburg. Claymour* to Elkton. Crecelius* to Leavenworth, Ind. Camp Nelson*to Nlcholas- Claypool* to Bowling Green. Creech* to Harlan. , Claysville* to Cynthiana. ville. Creekmore to Pipe K n ot 1 Campsprings to Cold Olay Switch to Mayfield. Springs. Creelsboro* to Jamestown. Clayton to Morehead. Campton Junctionf! to Clay Village to Shelby ville. Crenshaw to Taylorsville. Crescent Springs*! to ErStanton. Clearfield* to Morehead. langer. Canada* to Williamson, W Clear Spring to Mayfield. Va. Cleaton*!! to Central City. Cressmont to Beattyville. Clements ville* to Casey Crestón to Liberty. Canby to corinth. Creswell to Princeton. Creek. Canecreek to London. Crider*! to Princeton. Cane Ridge to North Crlgger to Williamson, W . Clemmons to Jackson. Middletown. Va. Cleopatra to Calhoun. Cane Valley* to Columbia. Clermont*! to Shepherds- Crix to Morehead. C a n ey *!! to Cannel C ity. Crockett to West Liberty. Cannon to Barbourville. ville. Crockettsville* to JackSon. Cannonsburg* to Catletts- Cleveland to Richmond. Crocus* to Columbia. Clida to Stanton.' burg, Croley to Clinton. Cliff* to Prestonburg. Canoe* to Jackson. Cromwell* to Beavei Dam. Clifford to Louisa. Canton* to Cadiz. Clifton Mills* to Irvington. Crossland* to H azeL Cantrill to Irvine: Crown to Whitesburg. Clifty to Elkton. Crum to Vanceburg. Canyon Falls to Beattyville Climax to Berea. Crutchfield*!! to Moscow. Clio* to Williamsburg. Carbondale to Dawson Crystal to Irvine. Clipper to Hodgenville. Springs. Cuba to Mayfield. Clock to Glasgpw. Cardiff to Hazard. Cubage to Pineville. Cloud to Oakland. Cardwell to Cornlshvllle. Cub Run* to Munfordville. Clover Bottom * to Berea. Carico to Livingston. Cloyds Landing* to Burkes Culbertson to Catlettsburg. Carl to Hopkinsville. Cull to New Liberty. ville. Carllnburg to Owensboro. Culver to Sandy Hook. Clyde to Monticello. Carmack to Kuttawa. Cumberland C ity to A l Coakley to Greensburg. Carmel to Milton. bany. Coal to Paintsville. Carmen to Pikeville. Carntown* to Moscow, Ohio jOoalmont to Williamsburg. Cumberland F a lls !! (M c Creary Co.) to Burnside. Carpenter* to Williamsburg. Coal Run* to Pikeville. Cumberland Falls* (W hitley Coalton to Ashland. Carrie to Hindman. Co.) to Williamsburg. C obb*! to Cerulean Springs Carrington to Salt Lick. Cumminsville to BrooksCobhill* to Irvine. Carroll to Locjtport. ville. Coburg* to Campbellsvllle. Carrs*! to Vanceburg. Cunningham* to Bard well. Cody* to Hindman. Carson to Sanders. Cupio to W est Point. Cofer to Edmonton. Carter* to Grayson. Curdsville* to Owensboro. CartersviUe* to Paint Lick. Coffey* to Liberty. Curry to Princeton. Carthage to N ew Richmond Cogswell to Salt Lick. Curtis* to Edmonton. Cohron to Bowling Green. Ohio. Curve to Grayson. Coiltown to Nebo. Cartwright* to Albany. Custer* to Hardinsburg. Coin to Somerset. Carver to Salyersville. Cutshin* to Hyden. Colburn to Morgantown. Cary5* to Pineville. Ouzick to Richmond. Coldwater to Murray. Casad Landing*! to Tolu. Coleman* to Williamson, W . Cyclone to Summer Shade Caseyville* to Sturgis. Cyrus to Salyersville. Va. Cash to Upton. COlesburg*!! to Elizabeth Casky’ t to Hopkinsville. town. Cassady to Bowling Green. Dabney* to Science H ill. Coletown to Lexington. Catawba*! to Falmoutn. Dahl to Sumerset, Colfax to Salt Lick. Catherine to Somerset. Daisy* to Hazard. College H ill* to Waco. Causey to Hyden. Dale to Cannel City. , Collier to M cKees. Caution to Manchester. Dalesburg* to Flemings Cave H ill to Bowling Green. Colly* to Whitesburg. burg. C ave Ridge to Edmonton. Colmar to Pineville. Daley to Hyden. Colo to Somerset. Cave Run to Salt Lick. Dallams Creek to Lewis Cave Spring* to Russell Colson* to Whitesburg. burg Colville to Cynthiana. ville. Dalton* to Providence. Comer* to Sebree. Cawood* to Harlan. Concord*! to Manchester, Dan to W est Liberty. Cayce’ t t to Moscow. Dana to Pikeville. Ohio. Cecil to Paducah. Cedar B lu ff!! to Princeton. Concordia* to Brandenburg. Dango to Livingston. Daniel Boone*! to EariingCedarvllle to Mount Vernon Conestoga to Jackson. ton. Confederate to Eddy ville Cedral to Manchester. Danish to W orth ville. Confluence* to Hyden. Celeste to Liberty. D ant*t to N ew Haven. Center* to Glasgow. D arby to Bowling Green. Congo to East Bernstadt. Datha to East Bemstadt. Conkling to Booneville. Centerview to Leitchfleld. D avella to Inez. Conley to Salyersville. Centerville! to Paris: Connersvllle to Cynthiana. Davenport* to Morgantown. Ceralvo* to Rockport. Conrard to Mt. Vernon. Ceredo to K evil. D avid to Whitesburg. Chalybeate * to Smiths Constance* to Ludlow. Constantine* to VIneGrove. Davidson to Carlisle. Grove, Davis to Sadieville. Chambers* (Hancock Co.) Conway* to Brodhead. Davisburg* to pineville: Cooksburg to Mt. Vernon. to Hawesville. D avisport to Inez. Chambers (Menifee Co.) to Cookville to Farmington. Coon H o llo w *! to N ew Da vis ville to Blaine. Mjount Sterling. D aysboro* to H azel Green. Haven. Chandlervllle to Paintsvllle. DaysvIUe to Elkton. Chapel H ill to Scottsvllle. Cooper* to Monticello. Chapeze’ ! toShepherasvlue Cooperstown to Russelvllle. Deane to Whitesburg. Goopersville* to M onticello D eanefleld*!! to WhitesChappell to Hyden. ville. Charleston to Dawson Sp’gs Copebranch to Jackson. Copeland (B reathitt Co.) to Deanwood* to Marion. Charley* to Blaine. Deaton to Jackson. Jackson. Charlotte Furnace* to Gray Copeland (Callaway Co.) to D eatsville*! to Bardstown. Decatur* to Jamestown. Hardin. son. Decker to Woodbury. Coral H ill to Glasgow. Charters to Vanceburg. D e Coursey to Covington. C oraville to Henderson. Chatham to Brookville. D ecoy* to Jackson. Cordell to Blaine. Chaumont to Cave City. Deering to Corbin. _____ Cordia* to Hazard. Chavies to; Hazard. ♦Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1864 KENTUCKY Deer Lick to Lewlsburg. Deevert to Grayson. D efeated Creek to M cRoberts. Defoe* to Pleasurevllle. Defrles to Canmer. Dehart to W est Liberty. Dekoven’ t f to Sturgis. D elaplain*! to Georgetown. Delaware* to W est Louis ville. Della to D ry Ridge. Dell to Montlcello. Dell vllle to N ew Castle. DeLmer to Somerset. Delphia to Hazard. Delta to Montlcello. Dem a* to Hindman. Dem ocrat* to M cRoberts. D e M ossville*! to Butler. Demund to Cannel City. Denison to Cave City. Denmark* to Jamestown. Denney to Montloello. 1 Dennis to Louisa. Denniston to H azel Green. D en t to Jamestown. D en to n *!! to Grayson. Denver* to Paljatsvllle D ep oy *! to Greenville. D erm ot*! to Owensboro. Desda to Albany. Deskin* to Pikeville. Detroit “to Munfordvllle. D evon to Florence. Dewdrop to Sandy Hook. D ew itt* to Barbourvllle. Dexter* ! ! to Hardin. Dextervllle* to Morgantown Dezam * to Hodgensvllle. Diablock to Hazard. Diamond Spgs.* to Lewisburg. Dickeys M ill* tp Leitchfleld Diggs to N ew Hope. Dillon to Harlan. Dim ple to Morgantown. Dingus* to W est Liberty. Dione to Harlan. D irigo to Columbia. Dirk* to Hindman. Dishman to Williamsburg. Dlsputanta to Berea. D ixie to Corydon. D izney* to Harlan. Dobbins to Grayson. Dock to Prestonsburg. Dodge* to Winchester. Dogoreek to Munfordvllle. Domino to Hazard. Donaldson (T rig g C o.) to Cadiz. Donansburg* to Greensburg D onerail*! to Georgetown. Dongola to Whitesburg. Dorcey to La Fayette. Dorena to Somerset. Dorretts Bun to Stithton. Dorthea to Corbin. D orton to Jenkins Dot to Allensville. Dotson to Prestonsburg. Doudton to Wiliiamstown. Douglas! (Casey Co.) to Liberty. Dove to Liberty. Dowaglac to Hodgenvllle. D ow lais to Hazard. DowningsviUe to D ry Ridge Doylesville to Richmond. Drake* to Bowling Green. Drennon Springs to Port Royal. Dreyfus* to Richmond. D rift to Prestonsburg. Drip Rock* to Irvine. Drum to Somerset. D ry Fork to Glasgow. D ry H ill to Hyden. Dublin* to Fancy Farm. Duck to Williamsburg. Duckers*! to Midway. Dudley to Mount Vernon. D uff* to Leitchfleld. Duganville to Cornishville Dukehurst to Hartford. Dukes to Cloverport. Dulaney! to Princeton. Duluth to Richmond. Dulworth to Columbia. Dunbar to Morgantown. Duncan to Cornishville. Dundee! (Powell Co.) to Stanton. Dundee, (Ohio Co.) to Hartford. D u n m or*!! to Drakesboro Durbin to Catlettsburg. Durblntbwn to Berry. Duvall*to Stamping Ground D w ale*t to Prestonsburg. Dwarf* to Hazard. Dycusburg* to Kuttawa. D yer to Hardinsburg. Dykes* to Somerset. Eadston* to Morehead. Eadsville* to Montloello. Eaglehill to Glencoe. Eagle M ills to Hodgen■^lle. Eagle Station*itoW heatley. Earles* to Greenville. E arly Tim es* to Bardstown Eam estvllle* to Booneville. East Eagle to Owenton. Easterday to Carrollton. East Fork* to Edmonton. East Hickman to Lexing ton. Easton to Fordsville. East Point* to Paintsville. E a s tv ie w *!! to Cecilia. Eastwood* to M iddletown Easy Gap to Stithton. Ebenezer to Salvisa; Ebon to W est Liberty. E b y to Grayson. Echo to Edmonton. Echols* to Rookport. Ed to Liberty. Eden (Butler Co.) to M o r gantown. Factory to Morgantown. Fagan* to Mount Sterling. Fainville to Irvine. Fairbanks* tb Owenton. Fair Dealing to Benton. Fairplay to Columbia. Fairthorn to Cannier. Fairview * to Pembroke. Faith to Calhoun. Falcon* to Salyersville. Fallsburg* to Louisa. Falls o f R o u g h *!! to Caneyville. Fannin to Sandy Hook. Fargo to Greenup. Farlston*! to London. Farler to Hazard. Farmdale* to Frankfort. Farmers* t ! to Salt Lick. Farmersville to Princeton. Faubush* to Somerset. Faulconer to Burgin. Faxon to M urray. Faywood to Midway. Fearis* to Manchester, Ohio Fed to Plkevllle. Eglon to McKee. Felt to Caneyville. Fenton to Golden Pond. E gypt to McKee. Eighty-Eight* to Glasgow. Fenwick to M ackville. Ekron*! to Brandenburg. Ferguson!! to Russellville. Elam to W est Liberty. Elamton to W est Liberty. Femdale* to PIneville. Fern L eaf to Mays vllle. Elbowspring to Glasgow. Flelden to Sandy Hook. Elder to W est Liberty. Elite to Caneyvlllo. Fillmore to Beattyvillo. FUsonl! to Stanton. Elgin* to Eubank. Flncastle*! to B eattyville. 1E li* to Jamestown. Finchtown to New port. & Elias* to Bond. Finley* to Lebanon. Elihu* to Somerset. Flnnell to Georgetown. Elizabeth*! to Paris. Finney to Smiths Grove. Elizaville* to Ewing. Firebrick* to Portsmouth, E lk ataw at! to Jackson. Ohio. Elk Chester*! to Lexington. Fisher* to Leitchfleld. Elkcreek* to Taylorsville. FlshervU le*t! to JeffersonElkfork to W est Liberty. town. Elk Horn* to CampbellsFishtrap to Pikeville. ville. Fiskburg to Walton. Elkin* to Winchester. F isty to Hazard. Ella to Columbia. Fitchburg to Irvine. Ellen to Blaine. Flag Fork to Bagdad. Eller to Jamestown. Flagsprings to Alexandria. Flaherty to Vine Grove. EUlottvllle* to ¿forehead. Elllsburg* to Hustonvllle. Flanagant to Winchester. Flanery to Paintsville. ' Elusion* t t to Glencoe. Elllsvllle to Carlisle. Flat to Campton. F lat Creek to M ount Elm to Salyersville. Elmerrove to Augusta. Sterling. Flatgao* to Blaine. Elmrock to Hindman. Elm vllle to Stamping F lat L ic k * !! to Pineville. Ground. F la tr o c k * !! to Somerset. Flatwood* to Paint Lick. Elna to Paintsville. Flener to Morgantown. Elrod to Somerset. Fletoher to London. Elsie to salyersville. \ Elsmere to Erlanger. Fllng3Vllle to Crittenden. Flint to Whitesburg. E lva t ! to Benton. E lvira to London. Fllppln* to Fountain Run. E ly s *tl to Barbourville. Em anuel*!! to Barbourvllle Flora* to Carlisle. Emberton to Tompklns- Floral to Hawesvllle. vllle. Florence Station* to Padu cah. Emerson* to O live Hill. Florress to W est Liberty. Flournoy! to W averly. Emery to Butler. Floyd (Jilercer Co.) to Em lyn* to Williamsburg. Sal visa. Emma* to Prestonburg. Floyd (Pulaski Co.) to Endee to Booneville. Eubank. Endloott to Prestonsburg. Floydsburg to Crestwood. Energy to Golden Pond. Fogertown* to Manchester. Engle to Hazard. Folsom* to Glencoe. English*! to W orth vllle. Folsomdale to Lowes. Enido to Perryvllle. Fonde*! to Mlddlesboro. Ennis* to Rochester. Fontana* to Grayson. Enoch to Campbellsville. Fonthill* to Russell Springs Enon to Fredonia. Foraker to Salyersville. Ensor to Owensboro. Enterp rise*!! to O live Hill. F o r d * !! to Winchester. Fords Branch to Pikeville. Eolia* to Whitesburg. Fords Ferry* to Marlon. Ep to Owenton. Epley Station to Lewlsburg Forest to W est Liberty. Forest Cottage to Albany. Forestvllle* to Munfordvllle Epson to Cannel C ity. Forgehill to Owingsville. Epworth* to Tollesboro. Forkland to Perryvllle. Equality to Hartford. Era to Orofton. Forks of Elkhom * to Frank fort. Ermine to Whitesburg. Forkton* to Tompklnsvllle. Erose to Barbourville. Fort Branch to Hazard. Esco to Pikeville. F ort Garrett* to Versailles. Escondlda*! to Paris. F ort Spring to Lexington. Estep to Catlettsburg. F ort Th om as*! to N ew Estesburg to Eubank. port. Esto* to Jamestown, Ethel to McKee. Fount* to Barbourville. Ethridge to Warsaw. Four M ile *tt to Pineville. Etna to Science Hill. Four Oaks to Falmouth. Etoile* to Glasgow. F ox to Irvine. E tty* to Plkevllle. F ox Creek to LawrenceEuclid to Greenup. burg. Eunice to Columbia.^ Foxport* to Flemingsburg. Eureka* to Kuttawa. Foxtown to M cK ee. Euterpe to Henderson. F o y to Caneyville. Evarts* to Harlan. Fragrant* to Clarkson. Eve* to Greensburg. Fraley to Morehead. Evelelgh to Leitchfleld. Frances to Fredonia. E v e ly n *t! to Irvine. Franklin Cross Roads to Everett to Lewlsburg. Cecilia. Everman to Grayson. Frazer* to Burnside. Eversole to Booneville. Frederlcktown to Bards Evona to Liberty. town. Ewlngford to Bedford. Ewlngton to Mount Sterling Free to Cloverport. Freedom to Glasgow. Bxle* to Greensburg. Eden, M artin C o., to Inez. Edenton* to Kirksville. Edgar to Prestonburg. Edglngton* to Greenup. E dgoten*! to Clarksville, Tenn. B dlth to Columbia. Edna to Cannel City. •Edw ards*! to Lewisburg. Effie to Jamestown. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Exodus to Pine Knot. Ezel* to H azel Green. Ezra to Morgan. k County Seat. Money Order Office. KENTUCKY Grab td'Greensburg. G racey*!! to Hopkinsville. GraefenJmrg to W addy. Graham*! to Greenville. Grahamton to Branden burg. Graham vllle to Paducah. Grahn* to Olivfe Hill. Fristoe* to Benton. Grancer to Morgantown. Fj:itz to Salyersville. Grand R iv ers*! to GilbertsFrogpond to London. * ville. Fruit to Vanceburg. Grange C ity * to Flemings Fruit H ill to Crofton. burg. F ry to Greensburg. Grant* to Belleview. Frym lre* to Hardinsburg. Grants Lick * to Butler: Fuget to Paintsville. Grassland* to Brownsville. Fulgham to Clinton. Fullerton to Portsmouth, Grassy to Mount Sterling. Grassy Creek* to W est L ib Ohio. erty Fultz to Grayson. G ravity* to Mlddlesboro. Funston to Burnside. G ra y *! to Corbin. Furnace* to Stanton. Gray H awk* to M cKee. Futrell to Golden Pond. Grays K n o b ! to Harlan. F yffe to W est Liberty. Grayson Springs! to Clark son. Great Crossings to George Gabbard to Booneville. town. Gabe to Greensburg. Greeley to B eattyville. Gad to Hyden. Green* to Sandy Hook. Gadberry to Columbia. Greenbrier* to Bardstown. Gage to K evil. Gainesville to Scottsvllle. Greencastle to Bowling Green. Galdia to Prestonsburg. Green Chapel to Bloom Gallup*! t,o Louisa. field. Galveston* to Plkevllle. G reendale*!! to Lexington. Game* to Glasgow. Green Grove to Burkes vllle. Gander to Whitesburg. Green Hall* to McKee., Gapcreek to Monticello. Greenhill to Bowling Green. Gapville to Salyersville. Greenmount to East BernGar to Montlcello. stadt. Gardnersvllle to Crittenden Garfield*! to Hardinsburg. Greenslait to Greenup. Garlin to Columbia. Greenwood*! ! to Burnside. Garner to Catlettsburg. Garnettsville to Branden Gregory to Montlcello. burg. Gresham to Greensburg. G rider to Burkesville. Garrard to Manchester. Garrett (F loyd Co.) to Griffin to Montlcello. W a y land. Griffith to Owensboro. Garrett (Meade Co.) to Grigsby to Hazard. Brandenburg. Grit to London. Garrett (W oodford Co.) to Gross to Pineville. Grove to Middleburg. Versailles. G arrison*!! to Vanceburg. Grove Center*! to Morganfleld. Gartrell to Grayson. Gascon to Edmonton. Grundy* to Somerset. Gasper* to Auburn. Guage to Jackson. Gates to Morehead. Gubser to N ew Richmond, Gatewood to Hawesvllle.' Ohio. G a tliff*! to Williamsburg. Gauley to Livingston. Gudgel to Lawrenceburg. Guerrant* to Jackson. Gays Creek to Hazard. Guffle to Calhoun. Gullett to Cannel City. Gee* to Lawrenceburg. Gulnare* to Pikevllle. » Genet to Stanton. Gum Sulphur to Brodhead. Geneva* to Henderson. Gentrys M ill to Columbia. Gun Powder to Florence. Gus* to Drakesboro. Georges Creek to Louisa. Gustave to Paintsville. • German to Prestonsburg. Guston*! to Irvington. Gertie to Science H ill. Guy to W oodbury. Gertrude to Brooksville. Gypsy to Salyersville. Gest* to Monterey. Gethsemane*! to New Haven. Gex to Warsaw. H abit to Owensboro. Gibbs* to Corbin. H ackley to Lancaster. Gibson to Hodgensvllle. H addixtt to Jackson. Gifford to Salyersville. H adensville! to Guthrie. Gilberts Creek* to Lancaster H adley* to Bowling Green. Giles to Nicholasville. H ager* to Salyersville. G illey to Whitesburg. H agerhill* to Paintsville. Gillmore to H azel Green. H a ll* to Somerset. H ailewell to Columbus. Gilpin* to Liberty. Hal com* to Willard. Gllstrap to Caneyville. Haldem an*! to Morehead. Gimlet* to O live Hill. Haleys M ill* to Crofton. Ginseng to Hodgensvllle. H alfw ay* to Scottsvllle. Girdler* to Barbourville. H all to Hindman. Girkin to B owling Green. H aiiie to Whitesburg. Givens to Mofganfleld. Halo to Russellville. Gladstone* t<J Marion. H am by Station* to Dawson Gleanings* to N ew Hope. Springs. Glee to Jackson. H am dintt to Hazard. Gienarm *i to Crestwood. H am ilton to Walton. Glencairn* to Campton. Hamlin* to Murray. Glen D ean*tt to Hardins Hammack to Paint Lick. burg. Hammond to Barbourvllle. Glenmary* to Campbells- Hamm onville* to Upton. burg. Hampshire to Greenup. Glenmore to Bowling Green Hampton (Breathitt Co.) Glenn to Hazard. to Jackson. Glenns to Frankfort. Ham pton* (Livingston Co.) Glens Fork* to Columbia. to Birdsville. Glen Springs* to Vanceburg Glenville to Calhoun. Handshoe to Hindman. Hanks to D ry Ridge. Glenwood* tb Grayson. Globe* to Olive H ill. H anly* to Nicholasville. Glomawr to Hazard. Hansford*-to Somerset. Gobelgap to Jackson. H appy to Hazard. Goddard* to Flemingsburg. H arbor* to Salyersville» Godfrey to Fountain Run. Harcourt to Elizabethtown. Hardcastle* to Bowling Goering to Hawesvllle. Green. Goins* to Williamsburg. H ardesty to Elizabethtown, 11 1 . Goldbug to Williamsburg. Gold C ity to Franklin. Hardin Springs* to Leitch fleld. Gold V alley to Jones vllle. Golo to Mayfield. Hardshell to Jackson. Goochland* to M cK ee. H ardy to Williamson, W . Va. Goodloe to Prestonburg. Good Luck to Edmonton. H argett to Irvine. Hargis to Burnside. Goodnight to Glasgow. Goodsey to W est Liberty. H a rn e d *!! to Hardinsburg. H a ro ld *!! to Pikeville. Gooserock to Manchester. Gordon* to Whitesburg. Harp to Frankfort. Gordonsville* to Allensville. Harper to Cannel C ity. Harfeldsvllle* to Lewlsburg Goshen* to Prospect. H arris to Vanceburg. Gosneyville to Campton. Gourd to Whitesburg. Harris Grove to Murray. Freeland to Hazel. Freestone* to Morehead. Free Union to Dixon. iFrenchburg* to Mt.Sterling Frew to Hazard. Friedaland to Beaver Dam t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office; KENTUCKY Harrison to Pineville. Harrisonville to W addy. Harrods Creek* to Louis* ville. Hart to London. Hartley* to PikevlUe. H arveyton to Hustonville. H arvey ton to Hazard. Harvieland to Frankfort. H arvy to Benton. Hatcher* to Campbellsville. Hathaway to Union. Hatton* to Bagdad. H avana to M ount Sterling. Havilandsvllle to Falmouth Hawkins to Hopkinsville. Hawthorne* to Alexandria. Haynes to Somerset. HaynesvUle to Fordsvllle. Hays to Smiths Grove. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS KENTUCKY 1865 Hopson to Princeton. Lunda to Blaine. Johnsville to Brookville. L a y to Barnourvllle. Horn to M cRoberts. Luretha* to Somerset. Joppa to Columbia. Layman to Harlan. Hom town to Ularkson. Lusby to Owenton. Jo rd a n *!! to Union City. LaynesviUe* to Pikeville. Horse B ran ch *!! to Beaver Tenn. Laytonsville to Hopkins Luzerne*! to Greenville. Dam. Luzon to Dixon. Josephine to Sadieville. . ville. Horsemill to Morgantown. Joy* to Golconda, 111. Lykins* to Cannel City. Leach to Canneyville. Horse Shoe Bottom to' Joyce* to Eubank. Leadlngham* toSandyHook L yn d o n *! to St. Mathews. Jamestown. Lynn Camp to Corbin. Juan to Jackson. Leander to Paintsville,. Lynn C ity ! to Sacramento. Horton* to Beaver Dam. Leatherwood to Jackson. Judd to Middleburg. Lynn Grove to Murray. Hoskinston to Hyden. Judio to Burkesvllle.. Lebura to Hindman. Hosman to PineVille. Lynnville* to M ayfield. Judson to Lancaster. Lecta to Glasgow. Lyonia to Fordsvllle. Houchins to Brownsville. Judy to Mount Sterling. Ledbetter* to Paducah. Houston to Jackson. L y o n s *! to New Haven. Julian! to Hopkinsville. Ledoola to Louisa. Hovious to Casey Creek. L y tle to Stanford. Julip to Williamsburg. Lee to Morgantown. Howard to Stithton. Jumbo to M cKinney. Lee C ity * !! to Cannel City. Lytten to Sandy Hook. Howard Mills to Mt. Ster Justice to Russellville. ling. Leeport to Milton. M cAfee* to Harrodsburg. Howards Creek* to Jackson. Leesburg* to Cynthiana. M cB rayer*! to LawrenceHowardstown* to New Kaler to Mayfield. Leesllok to Cynthiana. Haven. Leetown to Morgantown. Kansas to Lowes. McCalf*to Portsmouth,Ohio Legrand to Horse Cave. H ow ell*! to L a Fayette. Karlus to Jamestown. M cCarr to M atewan,W .Va. Haywood to Glasgow. Leighton* to Irvine. Howevalley to Cecilia. Kaut* to Greenup. Lemons Mills to George McCausey to Mount Ster K a vito to Jamestown. Hazle P a tch *! t to East Hubble* to Lancaster. ling. Hudgins to Greensburg. town. Bemstadt. Keaton to Paintsville. M cClure to Inez. Head of Grassy to Vanoe- Hudson* to Leitohflela.. K eavy* to Corbin. Lennut to Hazard. McCombs to Pikeville. Lenore to Bardstown. Hueysville to Prestonburg. Keck to Jackson. burg. McCormick* to Stanton. Head Quarters to Millers- Huff* to Brownsville. Lenox to West Liberty. Keefer to Corinth. M cC oy to Hardinsburg. Lenoxburg to Falmouth. Hugh to Berea. Keel to Lewisburg. burg. McCreary* to Lancaster. K e e n e * !! to Nicholasville. L eo n *! to Grayson. Hughey to Fredonia. Heath to K evil. McDaniels* to Leitchfleld. Lerose* to Booneville. Hebbardsville* to Hender Hulen to Pineville. Kehoe* to Greenup. McDonalds Landing to Lesbas* to London. Kelat to Berry. son. Henderson. Leslie* to Burkesvllle. Hulette to Louisa. K e lly * ! to Crofton. Hebron* to Burlington. MoDowell* to Pikeville. Lester* to Whitesburg. Humble to Russell Springs. Keltner to Columbia. Hector* to Manchester. Letttia*to Portsmouth, Ohio McGana to Columbia. Kem p to Greensburg. Hume to Verona. \ Hedges! to Winchester. McGlone*; to Olive Hill. Levee* to Mount Sterling. Humphrey* to Eubank. Kennard to Maysville. H edgeville* to Danville. Kennedy! to Clarksville, Level Green* to Mt.Vemon. HunneweU*! to Greenup. Heekin to Williamstown. M cH enry to Beaver Dam. L evi* to Booneville. Tenn. Hunt to Winchester. Heflin to Hartford. Mclnttre to Springfield. Levlas to Marion. Hunters Depot to Bards- Keno to Burnside. Hegira to Burkesvllle. Lew isburg*!! to M ays M cKees Cross Roads to Kensee* to Williamsburg. town. Heidelberg*! ! to Beatty Versailles. ville. Kentenia to Harlan. Huntersville* to Albany. ville. McKenzie to Manchester, K en ton *! to Independence. Lewlstown to Princeton. Huntsville* to Rochester. Heights* to Hardin. Ohio. Kentontown* to Mt. Olivet. Lexle to Hazel Green. Hurley to McKee. MoKinneysburg to Fal Hutch to Lawrenceburg. Kenwood to Paintsville. Helena to M ays Lick. mouth. Kepler to Smiths Grove. * Llckburg to Salyersville. Helena Station*! to M ays Hutchison*! to Paris. McLeods Station* to Au L ick Creek to Pikeville. H yattsville*! to Lancaster. Kerbyknob to Berea. Lick. burn. Lick Falls to Grayson. Hydro to Smiths Grove. H elller*! to Pikeville. Licking R iver * | to West McNary* to Greenville. Kerns to Columbia. Hymon to Murray. Helm to Jamestown. McQuady*! to Hardinsburg Liberty. Kerz to Paintsville. Helton* to Hyden. Licking Union to Salt Lick. M c R o b erts*!! to Fleming. Kessinger*to Munford ville. Hem atite* to Cadiz. M cVeigh to Williamson. Lida* to London. K e ttie Island to Pineville. H em pridgett to Shelbyville. Iberia to Clarkson. McWhorter* to East Bem Lilao* to Leitchfleld. K e y to Jackson. Hendricks* to Salyersville Ibex* to Sandy Hook. stadt. Llletown* to Greensburg. Keysburg to Allensville. Ice to Whitesburg. Henrietta* to Paintsville. M abel to Hickman. Lillian* to Hazard. Keyser to Pikeville. Ida* to Albany. Henry to W est Liberty. M ac to Campbellsville. L i l y * ! ! to Corbin. Kidder* to Burnside. Jdamay* to Beattyville. Henryville to Carlisle. Macedonia to > Dawson Kidds Crossing to Monti- Limaburg to Burlington. H enshaw*!! to Morganfleld Idlewild to Petersburg. Springs. Limestone to Olive H ill. ceilo. Ilsley * lto Madison. Hensley to Manchester. M aceo*!! to Lewisport. Lim p to Leltchflela. Kidds Store to Hustonville. Incline to Harlan. HCnsonvIlle to Edmonton Mackoy* to Greenun. Lincoln to Somerset. Klddville to Mt. Sterling. Index* to West Liberty. Heraline to Columbia. • Macon to Munfordville. Lindsay to Barbourville. Indian Bottom * to Whites K ild av to Harlan. . Madge to Louisa. Llnefork to Whitesburg. K ilg o re *! to Grayson. burg. Herbert to Whltesvllle. Madrid* to Leitchfleld. Link to Scottsville. Indian Creek to Barbours- Klm brell to Clay City. Herman to W avesjy. Magan to Fordsvllle. Linnie to Liberty. King to Barbouryllle. ville. Herman to Elkton. Maggie to Cadiz. Linton* to Cadiz. M ou n tain *!! to H erndon*! to La Fayette. Indian Fields*! to Clay City Kings Magness to Hardin. Linwood to Pikeville. Waynesburg. Indian Head* to Burnside. • Herschel* to Rochester. Lipps* to Manchester. Kingston* to Berea. Indian Run to Ashland. Heselton to Vanceburg. Kingswood*to Hardlnsburg Lism an*! to Clay. Ingle to Somerset. Hester to Owenton. Mains to Falmouth. Liss to Matewan, W . Va. Kinkead to Falmouth. Hestand to Tompklnsville Ingleside to Bandana. M ajestic* to Matewan. Kinniconick to Vanceburg. Litsey to Springfield. Ingram to Pineville. H iatt to Brodhead. L ittle Bend to Morgantown. Major to Booneville. Kino to Glasgow. Inroad to Columbia, Hibernia to Buffalo. L ittle Cypress* to Calvert Malaga to Campton. Klrbyton to Bardwell. tnsco to Lewisburg. H ick o ry !! to M ayfield. Malcom to Manchester. City. K irk *! to Hardlhsburg. H ickory Flat* to Franklin Insko* to Cannel City. L ittle Hickman* to Nicho Mallie to Hindman. Kirkland to Harrodsburg. Trad* to Louisa. Hico to Murray. M alone*! to W est Liberty. lasville. Kirklevington to Lexington Irene to Campbellsville. Hidalgo to Monticello. L ittle Mount to Taylorsville Malott to Jeffersontown. Kirkwood to Salvlsa. Irma to Tolu. Higdon to Clarkson. Kirkwood Springs to Daw L ittle Muddy to Woodbury. M a lt to Hodgenville. High B r id g e * !! to Wilmore Iron Bridge to Oakland. Mammotn Cave* to Cave son Springs. Ironhill* to Marlon. Highknob to M cK ee. City. Littlerock to N o. MiddleK ite to Hindman. | Iron Mound to Clay City. Highland to Waynesburg. Manda to Beaver Dam. town. K itts tò Harlan. Ironton to Kuttawa. Mangum to Science H ill. Littlesandy to Sandy Hook. Klondike to Pennington Irvins Store'* to Jamestown. Hightower to Falmouth. Manila to Paintsville. Llttreil to Burkesvllle. Gap. Isaacs to Bond. Highw ay* to Albany. Manitou* to Madisonville. L iv ia * ! to Calhpun. Kn ifley* to Casey Creek. Island City* to Booneville. Hikes to Louisville. Mannington*! to Crofton. Lizzie to West Liberty. Knight to Murray. Isom* to Whitesburg. Hilda to Morehead. Mannsville* to Campbells Knlghtsburg to Rochester. Load to Greenup. Isonville* to Sandy Hook. H ill to Williamsburg. ville. Loam to McKee. Knob Lick* to Edmonton. Iuka* to Kuttawa. Hillsboro to Flemingsburg Manse to Paint Lick. Lobb to Greensburg. Ivel to Pikeville. Hillside* to Greenville. Manuel to Hazard. Lockland to Louisville. K n ottville* to Owensboro. Ivis to Hindman. H illsville to Tiline. Lockwood to Catlettsburg. M aple to Campbellsville. Knowlton* to Stanton. Ivyton * to Salyersville. H illtop to Nepton. MaplesvlUe* to London. Locust to Carrollton. Knoxfork* to Corbin. Hilsdale to Woodburn. MarcellUs* to BryantsviUe. Locust Branch to Irvine. Knoxville to D ry Ridge. HIm yar* to Barbourville. M aretburg*! to M ount V er Locust Fork to Brooksville. Kohler to Alexandria. Jabez* to Jamestown. H inkle to Barbourville. non. Locust H ill to Hardlnsburg. Jackson Landing to Glenco. Koon to Kuttawa. H inkleville to L a Center. M ariba* to Hazgl Green. Lodibu rg*! to Irvington. Korea to West Liberty. J acksonville to Paris. H in ton *! to Corinth. Mark to Somerset. Logana* to Nicholasville. Kosm osdale*!! to Shively. Jackstown to Carlisle. Hippo to Prestonsburg. Logansport* toMorgantown Marksbury* to Lancaster. Kragon to Jackson. Jacobs* to Olive Hill. ; Hisle to Bedford. Marr to Gamaliel. Loglick* to Clay City. Kriger to Crab Orchard. Jamboree to Williamson, H itch in s*!! to Grayson. Logm ont* to MIddlesboro. Marsh t a Pine Knot. K r y p to n !! to Hazard. W . Va. H ltesville to W averly. Marshall Station to Mays Logviile to Cannel City. Jarvis Store* to Barbour- K y le to Cadiz. H itt to Mt. Olivet. Lick. Lola* to Salem. vllle. H obart to Albany. Martha to Blaine. Lom bard*!! to Stanton. JasQn to Lewisburg. Hobbs to Shepherdsville.j M artha M ills to Flemings Loneoak to Paducah. Lacie to Turners Station. Jasper* to Winchester. burg. Long* to Bowling Green. Lackey* to Wayland. Hobson to Campbellsville Jattle* to Louisa.’ Martin* to Vanceburg. Long Grove* to Cecilia. Lacon to Clarkson. Jean* to Blaine. Hockaday to Richmond. M artindale to Woodbury. Long Lick to Sadieville. L a ir * ! to Cynthiana. Jeff* to Hazard. Hogue to Science Hill. Martinsburg* to TompkinsLong Ridge* to Owenton. Jeffersonville* to Mt. Ster Lake to London. Holbrook to Owenton. ville. Lakeland*! to Middletown. Long R u n*! to Simpsonville ling. Holden to Barbourville. M artw ick to Rockport. Longstreet to Jamestown. L a k eton *!! to Bardwell. Jeffrey to Fountain Run. Holifleld to Wingo. Longw ay to Moorehead. Holland* to Fountain Run. Jelllco Creek to Williams Lakeville to Salyersville. Maryderi* to London. . Lookout* to Pikeville. Lamar to Caney. burg. Hollonville to Campton. Mason*! to Williamstown. Loradale tto Lexington. Lamasco* to Princeton. Jenmngs* to Sulphur. H olly to Leitchfleld. Masonvllle to Owensboro. Lorain to 'Campbellsville. Lam b* to Fountain Run. Jensonton to Perryville. Hollybush to Hindman. Massack to Paducah. L o r e t t o * !! to Lebanon. Lambrlc* to Jackson. Jeptha to W est Liberty. H olly H ill to Pine Knot. Masu !to Hazard, Lost Creek* to Jackson. Lamont to Paducah. Jeremiah to Whitesburg. Holmes to Columbia. Matanzas to Hartford. L o t t ! to Jelllco. Tenn. Landing to Verona. Jericho*! to La Grange. Holston to Beaver Dam. M a ter to Whitesburg. Lothair to Hazard. Landsaw* to Campton. Jessamine to Wilmore. • H o lt * ! to Cloverport. M atlock to Bowling Green. L ov e to Caneyvllle. Lane to Campton. H oly Cross* to N ew Haven J e t t * !! to Frankfort. Langford to M ount Vernon. Loveland* to W est L iberty. M attie* to Blaine. Jetts Creek* to Jackson. Hom bre* to Hazard. M attingly to Cloverport. Lowder to Greenup. Langley* to Prestonsburg. Jewell* to Jenkins. Hom er* to Auburn. Mattoon to Marion. L o w ell*! to Paint Liok. Langnau* to London. Jinks to Irvine. Honaker to Prestonburg. Low er Buffalo to B eatty Maud* to Bloomfield. Larkin to Hopkinsville. Job to Inez. Honeybee to Burnside. Maulden to Bond. ville. Lassiter to Murray1 . H oneygrove to Hopkins John to Pikeville. Low er Greasy* to Paints M aurice Station to Coving Laura to Inez. Johnetta* to Mt. Vernon. ville. ton. ville. Laurel Creek to Manchester Johns H ill to Newport. Honeysuckle to Frankfort Lowm ansvllle to Paintsville M a vity to Catlettsburg. JohnsonJunction*!to Flem Laurel Ridge to Cecilia. Hoods to Greenup. L ov d to Lancaster. Laurel Station to Greenup. ingsburg. . ü • Hooker to Manchester. Maxonmill* to Paducah. Johnsons* (Christian Co.) Lawrencevllle to WUllams- Lucas* to Glasgow. Hooktown to Millersburg. Maxwell to Owensboro. Lucile to Sandy Hook. town. to White Plains. H ope* to Mount Sterling. Mayklng* to Whitesburg. Lula to Jamestown. Lawton* to O live H ill. Johnsons(MontgomeryCo.) H o p e w e ll*!! to Grayson. Maynard to Scottsville. Lunah to Jackson._________ Lax to Murray.____________ to M ount Sterling.______ H opper* to Barbourville. ! Express Office. t Telegraph Station. Money Order Office. i County Seat. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1866 KENTUCKY M a y o * to Harrodsburg. Maytown* to Hazel Green. Maywood to Stanford. M azie* to Blaine. Meador* to Scottsvllle. ■Meadorsvllle to W illiam » burg. Meadow Creek to William s burg. Means* sm Mount Sterling M eeting Greek* to Gecilia Melber* to Paducah. M elbou rne*} to Cold Springs. M eldrum to Middlesboro. Mell* to Greensburg. Melrose to Sonora. M elvin to Plkevllle. M entor*} to Mosoow, Ohio. Mercer* to Central City. Meredith to Leitchheld. Merrlmao* to Lebanon. M e rry Oaks to Smiths Grove. Mershons to. East Bernstadt. Meshack* to Tompkinsvllle ■ Meta* to Plkevllle. M exico*! to Marlon. M iam i* to Greensburg. M id to Prestonburg. M iddlecreek* to Prestonsburg. M iddlefork* to'Bond. Midland* to Central City. Mildred* to McKee. Millard* to Plkevllle. M llledgevllle* to Moreland M illers C reek fi to Irvine. Millerstown* to Upton. M illio n *} to Richmond. Mills* to Barbourville. M illsp ort*} to Island. M ill Springs* to Monticello. M illstone to Eleming. Mllltown* to Columbia. M illville} to Frankport. M illw ood *It to Leitchheld Milner* to Versailles. Milo* to Inez. Mima to W est Liberty. Minerva* to Dover. Mingo* to Paintsville. Mining C ity to Morgantown M in k to Barbourville. Minnie* to Plkevllle. Minorsville to Stamping Ground. M ln ta to Paducah. -Mlntonvllle* to Science H1U. M iracle to Pineville. Miranda to Carlisle. Mistletoe to Manchester. Mitchell to Bagdad. Mltchellsburg*! to Perry ville. M ize* to Hazel Green. M oberly*} to Waco. Modoc to Burkeevllle. Molus to Harlan. M onford to Morgantown. Monica* to Jackson. M onitor to Carrollton. Monroe* to Hardyville. Mont* to Eddyville. Montgomery* to Cadiz. Montpelier* to Columbia. M ontrose to Lexington. Mook* to Hardinsburg. M o oleyville* to Hardins burg. M oon to Sandy Hook. Moores Creek* to M cK ee. Moores Ferry to Salt Lick. Mooresville to Springheld, Moorman*} to South Car rollton. Mor&nburg to Maysville. M orningglory to Cynthiana, Morning V ie w * !} to Butler. Morrow to Monticello. Mortimer to AdairviUe. Moseleyvllle to Calhoun. Moss to Bowling Green. Mossy Bottom * to Plkevllle. M ote* to Berea. Motley to Bowling Green. Mound to Burnside. Mount A erial* to Franklin. Mountain A sh *} to W il liamsburg. Mount Auburn to Butler. M t. Carmel* to Flemingsburg. M t. Gilead to Flemingsburg. M t. Herm on* to Tom p kinsvllle. Mount Lebanon to Nicho las ville. M t. Pisgah* to M onticello. M ount Salem to M cK in n ey Mount Shardn to Elkton. Mount Sherman* to Buffalo. Mount V ictory* to Somerset M outhcard* to Praise. Mouth of Laurel to Vanceburg. M oxley* to W heatley. M u ddy F o rk *} to George town. Mud Lick to Tompkinsvllle. Muir* i t to Lexington. M uldfaugh*} to Branden burg. Mulllkln* to Salem. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS M u llins! to Livingston. Mullis to Williamsburg. M u n cy*! to M cK ee. Mundys to Wllmore. Munk to Verona. Murl to Monticello Murphysvllle to Maysville. Muses M ills* to Flemings, burg. Music to Grayson. M yers*} to Carlisle. Myra* to Plkevllle. M yrtle to Prestonsburg. M ystlcf to Stephensport. Ola to xrvine. Olaton* to Fordsville. Oldham to Sulphur. Old Landing* to Irvine. Old Town* to Grayson. Oleoak to Glasgow. Olga to Jamestown. O live to Hardin. Ollle* to Brownsville. O lm stead*! to Allensville. Olney to Princeton. O ly m p ia *!! to Salt Lick. Omer* to W est Liberty. Oneida* to Manchester. Oneonta* to N ew Rich mond, Ohio Nancy* to Somerset. Ono* to Jamestown. Nannie to W est Liberty. Onton* to Sebree. Naomi* to Somerset. Oolite to Brandenburg. Napier to Hyden. Ophlr to W est Liberty. Naples to Ashland. O ppy* to Eden. Napoleon to Glencoe. Orangeburg to Maysville. Narrows*! to Fordsville. Orchard to Prestonsburg. Nash to Caneyvllle. Ordway to Prestonburg. N atlee to Corinth. Oreknob* to Plkevllle. Neafus to Caneyvllle. Orell to Louisville. Nealton to Nicholasville. Orient* to Salyersville. Neave to Milford. Orinoco to Williamson, W. Ned* to Jackson. Ya. N ell to Gradyville. Orlando* to Mt. Vernon. N ellavale to Greenup. Orr to Louisa. Nelson*} to Rockport. Ortiz to Sebree. Nelson v ille *! to Boston. O rville to Monterey. Neola* to Cannel City. Oscar* to La Center. Neosheo to Franklin. Osco to Albany. N ep ton *} to Ewing. Osgood to Millersburg. Osle* to Louisa. Nero to Paintsville Ote to Greensburg. N etty to Cannel City. Ottawa* to Brodhead. Nevada to Perryvllle. Ottenheim to Crab Orchard N evelsville to Burnside. Otter Pond* to Princeton. Nevins to Lawrenceburg. Ottusville to Frahkfort. Nevisdale to Williamsburg. Outland to Murray. New to Monterey Ovenfork to Whitesburg. N ew by* tp Richmond. Overda* to Louisa. N ew Columbus to Corinth. Oi(il to Hopkinsville. Newoombe to Sandy Hook. Owensby to Jamestown. N ew Concord* to Murray. Owsley to Pikeville. N ew Cypress to Clinton. Oxford to Georgetown. Newell to Eubank. Ozark to Columbia. Newfoundland* to Sandy Hook. Newman* to Owensboro. Packard* to Williamsburg. N ew Market to Lebanon. Pactolus*t to Grayson. New Providence to Murray. Pageville to Glasgow., N ew Roe to Franklin. Paint cliff to Pine K not. N ewsteadi to Hopkinsville. Paisley to Monticello. New t to Greensburg. Palace* to Monticello. N e w to w n *t! to George Palestine to Campbellsville. town. Palm a to Benton. N ew Zion to Georgetown. Palm er to Waco. Niagara to Henderson. Palmore to Wingo. Nicholson to Independence. Palm yra to Greenup. Nick to Brownsville. Panola’ t i to Irvine. Pansy* to Harlan. NickelL* to Cannel C ity. Panther to Owensboro. N ig h tó Praise. Paradise* to Rockport. N ina to Lancaster. Paragon* to Morehead. Nlnevah to Lawrenceburg. Parlna to Brookville. Nippa* to Paintsville. Park* to Hiseville. N isi to Moreheàd. Parkers to Williamsburg. Noah to Vanceburg. Parkers G rove to Buffalo. Noble to Jackson. Parkers Lake* to Burnside N obleton to Grayson. P a rksville*! to Perryvllle. N obob* to Glasgow. Farm leysvllle* to Monti N octor to Jackson. cello. N o e to Pleasureville. Parnell to Monticello. N o ia to Salyersville. Parrot* to Bond. Noland to Irvine. Parson to Casey Creek. Nolansburg* to Harlan. Partlow to Willard. N o lln *} to Sonora. Partridge* to Whitesburg. Nonesuch* to Wllmore. Pascal to H ardyville. Nora* to Albany. Patesvllle* to Cloverport. Norheet to Somerset. Pathfork to Harlan. Norls to Louisa. Patrick* to Louisa. N orm al*t to Ashland. Patsey* to Irvine. N orm andy*} to Taylorsville Paul to Birmingham. Northheld to Somerset. Pauline to Lewisburg. N orth Fork* to M ays Lick. Paw Paw * to Plkevllle. Northtow n* to Horse Cave. Paxton to Jackson. N o r to n v ille *!! to Madison- P a y to Pres'tonsburg. ville. Paynes D ep o t*! to Midway. Norwood to Science Hill. Payne ville* to Branden Nuckols* to Livermore. burg. Peachgrove to Butler. Peach Orchard*} to Louisa. Peaks M ills to Frankfort. Oakdale to Jackson. Pearl (Bell Co.) to Pine ville. Oak G rove*! to Pembroke. Pearl (Bracken Co.) to Oakland Mills to Carlisle. Brooksville. Oak Level to Benton. Oakley to East Bemstadt. Pearman to Leitchheld. Oaks (Bell Co.) to Pineville. Pebble to Bethel. Oaks (McCracken Co.) to Pebw orth* to Boonevllle. Paducah. Peck to Liberty. O a k to n * }} to Clinton. Pecksridge to Flemingsburg. Oakville* to Russellville. Oakwood* to Ewing. Peedee to L a Fayette. O’ Bannon*! to Crestwood. Peevee to Harlan. Obed to Hyden. Pekin to Mount Sterling. Ocala (Pulaski Co.) to Pell ville* to W hitesville. Somerset. Pellyton * to Casey Creek. Pence to Jackson. Odds* to Paintsville. O ddville to Cynthiana. Pendleton*! to Sulphur. Odell to Lawrenceburg. Penick* to Lebanon. ‘ Penney* to Pikeville Odessa to Owlngsville. Offutt to Paintsville. Penny to Murray. Ogden to L a Center. Penrod*} to Lewisburg. Ogle to Manchester. Pen8hur8t to Falmouth. Oil Center to Somerset. Peonia to Leitchheld. Oil City to Glasgow. Peoples to McKee. Oil Springs* to Paintsville. Perkins to Williamsburg. Oilton to Monticello. Permon to Barbourville. O. K . to Waynesburg. P erry to Nicholasville. O. K . Junction to Sniiths Perslmon* to Tompkinsvllle Grove. Petercreek* to Glasgow. Oklahoma to Campton. Petersvllle to Vanceburg. Okolona to Louisville. Peth to Caneyvllle. ______ REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Money Order Office. Petra to Milford. Petri Station to Hawesvllle. Petroleum *! to Scottsvllle. P e ttit t o Owensboro. Peytona to W addy. Peytonsburg* to Burkesvllle Peytontow n to Richmond. Phelps* to Matewan, W . Va. Ph il* to Liberty. Phllllpsburg! to Lebanon. Phllpot* to Owensboro. Pickett to Greensburg. Picnlo to Columbia. Pierce* to Greensburg. P ig to Brownsville. KENTUCKY Pulaski*} to Science H ill. Pulliam to Springheld. Puncheon to Hindman. Purdy to Columbia Pyram id to Prestonsburg. Pyrus (A dair Co.) to G radyville. Pyrus (Henderson Co.) to Henderson. Quail to Brodhead. Quality* to Rochester. Quicksand*}} to Jackson.1 Q u in c y *!! (Lew is Co.) to Portsmouth, Ohio. Quipn to Providence. Plgeonroost* to Manchester Quinton to Burnside. Quire to Frankfort. Pilcher to W est Point. Pilgrim *to Inez. P ilo t to Stanton. Pilotoak toDukedom.Tenn. Rabbit Hash to Rising Suq, Ind. Pilot V iew to Winchester. Raccoon to Plkevllle. Plnckard*! to Versailles. Radical* to Irvine. Pinckneyville* to Tiline. Ragland* to Bandana. Pindell to Butler. Pine Grove* t ! to Winches Ragland Station to Salt ter. Lick. v Pine H Ill* tt to Mt; Vernon. Rail to Pikeville./ Pine K n o b *} to Caneyville. Rail ton to Smiths Grove. Rain to Barbouryille. Pin e M ountain to Harlan. Raleigh to Shawneetown, Piner to Walton. 111. Pine R idge to Campton. Ralph to Whitesville. Pine Top* to Hindman. Ralston* to Middlesboro. Pln ey to Providence. Ram ey to Salt Lick. Pink to Nicholasville. Randolph* to Edmonton. Pinsonfork to Williamson. W : Va. Randvllle* to Vanceburg. PIqua* to Mt. Olivet. Rankin* to Monticello. Ransom to Matewan, W . Pisgah*} to Versailles. Va. Plso to Williamson, W . Va. Rapids to Franklin. R atcliff* to Grayson. Pitm an to Campbellsville. P itts to Irvine. Raven* to W a y land. Pittsburg* t ! to London. Ravenna to Irvine. P itts Point to Lebanon Jet. R ay to Russellville. Raymond* to Irvington. Place* to Corbin. Plank to Manchester. R eady* to Caneyvllle. Plano* to Bowling Green. Records to Vanceburg. R ectorville* to Tollesboro^ Plato* to Mount Vernon. Pleasanthill to Burgin. Red Ash* to Jelllco, Tenn. Redblrd to Williamsburg.' Pleasant Home to Gratz. Pleasant, R idge to Utica. Redbush* to Paintsville. Pleasant V a lley *! to Ewing. Redden to Murray. Pleasant V ie w * } to W il Redfox to Hindman. liamsburg. Redhill to W hite Plains. Pleasure R i d g e P a r k ! Redhouse*!! to Richmond. to Louisville. Red’ L ick to Edmonton. Plum to North Middletown. Red W ing to Burgin, Plummers Landing* to Reed* to Henderson. Reedville*to Grayson. Flemingsburg. Reedyville to Morgantown.. Plutarch to Salyersville. Pod to Crofton. Reeves to Irvine. Poindexter*} to Cynthiana. Regina to Pikeville. Poin t L eavell to Lancaster. Region to Caneyville. Polkville to Oakland. Relief to W est Liberty. Pollard (B oyd Co.) to Ash Renaker to Berry. land. Render* to Beaver Dam. Pollard (Jessamine Co.) to Renfrew to Beaver Dam. Nicholasville. Repton* to Marion. Polleyton* co Williamsburg Resort to Olive Hill. R ex* to H ardyville. P o lly to Whitesburg. Rexton* to Vanceburg. Poisgrove* to Frankfort. Pomeroyton* to Hazel Green Reynolds S ta .*! to Fords ville. Pom p to W est Liberty. Pond Branch to M onteray. Reynoldsville to Owings ville. Pongo to London. Pools Creek to Cold Springs Rhoda to Brownsville. Poorfork *} to Harlan. Rhodelia* to Brandenburg. Poplar F lat* to Tollesboro. Ribbon to London. Poplar Grove to Glencoe. R ib olt* to Tollesboro. Poplarhill to Middleburg. Rice S ta tio n * !} to Irvine. Poplar Plains* t to Flem Ricetown* to Boonevllle. ingsburg. R lceville* to Paintsville. Richardson *!} to Louisa. Poplarville to Somerset. Porter to Sadlevllle. Richardsons Landing to Brandenburg. Portersburg to London. Portland (A dair Co.) to Rlchardsville to Bowling Green. Gradyville. Portland (Pendleton Co.) to Richelieu* to Auburn. Butler. Richland (Hopkins Co.) to Earlington. Portsmouth to Jackson Post to Caneyville. Richland (Jefferson Co.) Potter* to Louisa. to Louisville. Potters Fork to Fleming. Rich P o n d *! to Woodburn. Rlchwood*!-} to Walton. Riddle to Sandy Hook. Pottertown to Murray. Pottsville (Graves Co.) to Riders to Upton. Lowes. Ripdland to Paducah. R ife* to Liberty. Poverty to Calhoun. Pow derly* to Greenville. Rightangle* to Winchester. Powder Mills* to Canmer.' R ile y * ! to Lebanon. R im * to Pineville. Powell to Irvine. Powers to Hustonville. Rinaldo to Princeton. Rineyvllle* to Vine Grove. Powersburg to Monticello. Powersville to Brooksville. Ringgold to Somerset. Ringos M ills* to Flemings Praise* to Elkhorn C ity. burg. Prater to O live H ill. R io to Canmer. P ra tt to Sebree. Preachersvifle to Crab Or R ip yvllle to Lawrenceburg. Ritchie to Hindman. chard. Preece to Inez. Ritner to Monticello. Prentiss* to Beaver Dam. Rivals to Taylorsville. P re sto n *!} to Owingsville. R iver* to Paintsville. Prestonvllle* to Carrollton. Riverside (Breathitt Co.) to Jackson. Prices M ill to Franklin. Pricevllle* to Munford ville. Riverside* (Warren Co.) to Woodbury. Primrose* to B eatty ville. Roanoke^to Hodgensvllle. Princess* to Ashland. Roaring Springs to La Printer to Prestonsburg. Pritchard to M ayheld. Fayette. Roark* to Hyden. P riv ett to McKee. R obard s*!} to Sebree. Proctor to Beattyville. Roberta* to Brandenburg. Provo to Rochester. Pryorsburg* to Mayheld. Robinson*! to Berry. Robinson Creek to Pike Pryse* to Irvine. ville. Public* to Somerset. Rock to Murray. Pueblo to Monticello. '■Telegraph Station. Express Office. KENTUCKY Rockbridge to Tompklnsville. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS KENTUCKY Scranton* to Salt Lick , Scuffletown to Newburg, 1867 Soutb Pa rk*t to Louisville. Swallowfleld* to Monterey. Tygarts Valley* to Greenup South Portsmouth*! to Swampton to Salyersville. Tyler to Paducah Sweeden* to Leitchfleld. Portsmouth, Ohio. Tyner* to McKee. South U nion*! to Auburn.* Sweeneyville to Campbells T y p o to Hazard. Seco to Fleming. don. Southvllle to Shelbyvllle. ville. Tyrone* t t to Lawrence Rockdale* to Sadlevllle. Sedalia* to Mayfield. Spa to Lewisburg. burg. Sweet Owen to Owenton. Roekfleld*t to Bowling Segal to Brownsville. Spainey to Crab Orchard. Tyson to Crofton. Swifton to Monticello. Green. Seitz* to Salyersville. Spanglin 'to Sandy Hook. Switzer* t t to Stamping Rookford to Berea. Select* to Beaverdam. Spann* to Monticello. Ground. ■ Rockgap to Manchester. Sell to Cave City. Sparks Quarry to Mount Swope to Owenton. Ucum to Jamestown. Vernon. Rockhaven*t to Branden Sellars* to Cannel City. U lva h *! to Whitesburg, Sylvandell to Cynthiana. Sparksville to Gradyville. Semiway to Sacramento. Ulysses* to Louisa. burg. Symsonia to Benton. Sparrow* to Chaplin. Rockhold* t t to William»- Seney* to Grayson. Union City* to Richmond. Spears* to Nicholasville. Sergent* to Whitesburg. burg. Unionhall to Irvine. Rockland* to Bowling Green Seth to Manchester. Union Mills to Nicholasville Speck to Casey Creek. Tablow to Cornishvllle. Rook Lick to Greensburg. Settle to Scottsville. Speedwell* to Waco. Tabor* to Mount Sterling. Union Star* to Cloverport. Rockvale* to Hardinsburg. Seventy Six* to Albany. v Speight to PIkevllle. Tacketts M ill to Monterey. U nity* to Ashland. Rockybranch to Monticello Sewellton* to Jamestown'. Uno to Horse Cave. Spencer to Mount Sterling. Taffy to Hartford. Rodboum to Morebead. Sextons Creek* to M an Spider to Hindman. Upchuroh to Albany. T a ft to Booneville. chester. 1 Rodemer to Scottsville. Upperbruce to Vanceburg. Talbert to Jackson. Rodney to Sturgis. Seymour to Horse Cave. Upper Tygart* to Olive H ill Spike to Upton. Ta llega *tt to Jackson. Shade to Irvine. U r Dan* to Manchester. Roll to Hardinsburg. Spiro to Mount Vernon. Talm age*t to Salvisa. Shady Grove* to Provl Spottsville*Ttto Henderson Tangletown to Germantown U tility to Hawesvllle. Rogers to Campton. dence. U z* to Whitesburg. Spoutspring to Clay City. Rogersgap*tt to Sadieville. Tanksley to Manchester. Shadynook to Cynthiana. Spray to Mayfield. Tanner to Hodgdnville. Rolan to Albany. Rolllngburg to Greensburg, Shatter to Somerset. SpringCreek*toManchester. Tannery* to Vanceburg. * Vale to Morehead. Rolling Fork to Hustonville Shakespeare to No. Middle- Springdale*tt to Maysville. Tarapin to Salvisa. Valeria to Campton. town. Spring Grove to Henshaw. Tarfork* to Cloverport. Rollings to Gravel Switch. Shamrock* to Mlddlesboro. Springhill to Clinton Valley* to Vanceburg. Tar H ill to Clarkson. Valley H ill to Springfield. Shannon to M ays Lick. Tarter to Columbia. Springlake* to Latonia. Rome* to Owensboro Valleyoak to Somerset. Romine to Campbellsville. Sharer* to Morgantown. Spring L ic k * tt' to Caney Ta teville*t to Burnside. Valley Station* to Louis ville. Sharon to Ripley, Ohio. Rooney* to Olive Hill. ville. Sharkey to Morehead. Spring Station*Tt to Mid Tatham Springs* to Bloom Roosevelt to Jackson. Valley V iew *tt to Nicholas field. way. Roscoe (E lliott Co.) to Sharon to Ripley, Ohio. ville. Sharondale to Williamson, Springville * t to Lawrence Taulbee to Jackson. Sandy Hook. W . Va. burg. Taylorsport to Burlington. Vanardsdell*! to Salvisa. Roscoe (Graves Co.) to Vanoe to P ort Royal. Taylors Store to Hazel. Sprout to Moorefleld. Sharongrove* to Elkton. Lowes.' Vanderburg to Dixon. Teague* to Barbourville. Sharp to Paducah. Spruceburg* to Corbin. Rosedale to Willard. Vandetta to Madlsonville. Sprule to Barbourville. Tearcoat to Jamestown, Rosefork to Cannel C itj . Sharps ville t6 Springfield. Vanlear* to Palntsvllle. Spurlington*t to Campbells Teatersville to Lancaster. Rose H ill* to Harrodsburg. Shawhan*tt to Paris. Vanzant* to Fordsvllle Tedders to Barbourville. ville. Rosetta to Irvington. Shelbiana* to PIkevllle. Varillat to Pineville. Teddy to Liberty. Sheloy C ity*t to Junction Spurrier to Sonora. Roseville* to Glasgow. Varney to Williamson, W . Teges* to Manchester. Squiresville to Owenton. City. Rosewood to Greenville. Va. Telia to Salyersville. Stacy to Hazard. Shelby Gap to Jenkins. Vaughns M ill to Clay C ity. Stacy Fork to Cannel C ity . Temperance* to Franklin. Shelton to Dixon. Rosine*! to Beaver Dam. Vealsburg to Lynn ville. Staffordsville*to Paintsville Temple H ill* to Glasgow. Sherburne* to Moorefleld. Ross* to C old Springs. Templer to East Bemstadt. Veazey to Hanson. Stahl to Bowling Green. Sheridan* to Marlon. Rossington to Kevil. Veechdale’ t t to SimpsonTenmile to Cold Springs. Rosslyn* to Stanton. Sherm an*tt to Crittenden Stambaugh to Paintsville. ville. Teresita to Monterey. Stamp to Caneyville. Shiloh to Murray. Rosspoint* to Harlan. Velber to Science Hill. Terrill to Richmond. Standard to Caneyville. Rothw ell’ t to Mount Ster Shineo to [London. Terryville to Sandy Hook Venus to Cynthiana. Stanhope to Providence. Shipley to Albany. ling. Verda to Harlan. Teutonia to Vanceburg. S tan ley*!! to Owensboro. Round H ill* (Butler Co.) Shirley to Berea. Vernon to Celina, Tenn. Texas* to Springfield. Stark to Sandy Hook. Shoal to Hyden. to Caneyville. Vertrees* to Cecilia. Round H ill*' (Madison Co.) Shock to Williamson, W. Star Lime Works* to Eddy- Thealka* to Paintsville. Vessie to Grayson. Thelma* to Paintsville. ville. Va. to Klrksvllle. The Ridgp to Sandy Hook. Vest* to Hindman. Star M ills*t to Glendale. Shoemaker to M onticello. Rousseau to Jackson. Thomas* to Prestonsburg.- Vicksburg* to Smithland. Starr to Marion. Shopville* to Somerset. Rowena* to Jamestown. Victory to East Bemstadt. Short Creek* to Caneyville State Lin e*t to Hickman. Rowland t t to Stanford. Thomson * t to Mount Ster View to Marion. Row letts*tî to Munfordvllle Shreve to Fordsvllle. . Vincent* to Booneville. ling. Shrewsbury* to Beitchfleld. Staub to Hazard. Roxana* to! Whitesburg. Vine to B ond . Thor to Vanceburg. Steatns*! t to Pine Knot. Sidell* to Manchester. R oy to Columbia Vineyard to Morgantown. Thornton to Whitesburg. Sldevlew to Mount Sterling. Steele to PIkevllle. Ruby to Columbia. Vinnie* to Somerset. Threeforkst to Oakland. Stella to Salyersville. Ruckervlllet to Winchester. Sideway to Sandy Hook. Vinson to Independence. Threelinks o Berea. Sidney to Williamson, W . Stephens* to Willard. ■ Rudd to Stnithland. Viola to Mayfield. Three Springs* to Horse Stephensburg*t to Cecilia. Va. Ruddels Mills to Mlilersburg Viper* to .Hazard. Cave.j Stephensport’ t t to CloverSilentrun to Nebo. Rufus to Princeton. Threlkel tc Bowling Green Vlrden to Clay City. port. Siler to Williamsburg. Rugby to Columbia. Virgte*. to PIkevllle. Stepstone’ t to Mt. Ster Thruston to Owensboro. Silervillet to Pine Knot. Rugless* to Vanceburg. V isalia*tt to Independence. Thurlow* to Greensburg. ling. Siioam* to Portsmouth. Rumsey* to Calhoun. V iva * to East Bem stadt. Steubenville* to Monticello. Rural to Williamson, W .Va Silva to Hodgenville. Vivian to Summer Shade. Tllden to Dixon. Sliver C reek*tt to Kirks- Stevenson* to Jackson. Rush* to Ashland. Volga to Palntsvllle. Stewart (Mercer Co.) to Tilford* to Caneyville. ville. Rush Branch to Lebanon. Vortex to Campton. Tillie* to Whitesburg. Perry ville. Silver Grove to Cold Russell Cave to Lexington. Vulton Creek to Mayfield. Stewart (Pike Co.) to PIke Tilton to Flemlngsburg. Springs. Ruth (Caldwell Co.) to Tin g to Taylorsville. vllle. Silver H ill to W est Liberty. Fredonia. Ruth (Pulaski Co.) to Simers to Williamson,W.Va. Stewartsville to Willlams- Tinker to Manchester. Wabd to Mount Vernon. Tinsley* to Pineville. town Simmons* to Rockport. Somerset. Wades M ill to Winchester. T ip -T o p *tt to Stithton. Stlbbins to W est Point. Simms to Springfield. Ruthton to RIchmon i. Wagersville* to Indne. Tobacco!1 to Hazel. Stiles to N ew Haven. Simpson* to Jackson. Ryan* to Flemlngsburg. Wagner to Morebead. T o d d * to Eubanks. Stillwater* to Campton. Sinai* to Lawrenceburg. Ryle* to Verona. Todds Point to Simpson- Waitman* to Lewlsport. Stinnett to Bloomfield. Sinking Fork to Cerulean. W akefield*! to Bloomfield ville. Stinson to Grayson. Sip* to Palntsvllle. W alcott to Brooksville. Stockholm* to Brownsville. I Toliver to Hazel Green. Sirocco* to Brandenburg. Sacredwind* to Blaine. Walden to Williamsburg. Tomahawk to Inez. Stone to Williamson.Sitka* to Palntsvllle. Sadler* to Leitchfleld. Waldo to Salyersville. Tongs to Greenup, Stonewall to Brooksville. Skate to London. Sage to Stanton. Tonievllle’ t to Hodgens- Wales to PIkevllle. Stoops to Mount Sterling. Saint Charles*Tt to Madl- .Skillman* to Hawesvllle Walker* to Barbourville. ville. Stop to Monticello. sonville. Wallace* to Midway Torchlight* t to Louisa. Sklnnersburg to Stamping Stowers to Franklin. Saint Elm o to Pembroke. Wallaceton to PalDt Lick. Straight Creek* to Pineville Toria to Gradyville. Ground. * St.Helens*f tto B eattyville. Wallingford* to Flemlngs Torren t*tt to Campton. Straw to Brownsville. , Skullbuster to Sadieville. Saint John*i to Cecilia. burg. Tousejfc* to Caneyville. Strawberry to Somerset. St. Joseph* to W est Louis- Skylight* to LaGrange. Wallins Creek* to Harlan. Towers to Independence. Strlcklett* to Vanceburg. Slade* to Stanton. ' ville. Wallonla* to Cerulean. Townsville to Morgantown Strode to Tompklnsville. Slat to Monticello. Saint M ary*t to Lebanon. Trace* to New Richmond, Wallsend* to Pineville. Strunk* to Pine Knot. St. Paul* to Portsmouth, Slater to La Center. Walnutflat to Crab Or Ohio. Stubblefield to Wingo. Slaughtersville to Slaugh Ohio. chard. Tracefork to Hyden. Stubbs to Moscow. ters. Salmons* to Franklip. W alnutgrove* to Eubank Tracy* to Glasgow» Sturgeon* to Booneville. Slavans to Monticello. Saloma* to Campbellsville. Walnut H ill to Lexington. Tram to Prestonsburg. Sublett* to Salyersville. Slemp to Hazard. Salt W ell to Carlisle. Walsh to Portsmouth, Ohio Trammel* to Scottsville. Subtle to Edmonton. Slickford to Monticello. Samaria* to Grayson. Waltersvllle to Clay City. Trap to Winchester. Sudith to Salt Lick. Slick Rock* to Glasgow. Sample*! to Hardinsburg. Travellers Rest* to Boone W altz to Morehead. Sloans Valley* to Burnside. Sugar to Glencoe. Samuels*! to Bardstown. Wampum to Falmouth. ville. Sugar Grove* to Woodbury. Slusher to Pineville. Sandgap* to M cK ee. Trench* to Sandy Hook. Sullivan*! to Sturgis. SandHill toB ow lin g Green. Smalley to Prestonsburg. Wanamaker to Poole. Sulphur Lick* to TompklnsSanfordtown to Covington. Smile to Morehead. Warbranch to Hyden. Tribune* to Marlon. vllle. Smith to Harlan. War Creek to Jackson. Trigg Furnace* to Cadiz. Sulphur Springs to FordsSmithsboro to Hindman. Sano to RusselljSprings. W are to Eubanks. Trim ble* to Somerset. ville. Smiths Creek to Grayson. Santafe to M ilford. Trinity* to Manchester Warflold* to Inez. Sulphur W ell* to Edmon Smlthtown to N ew Haven Sarah to Sandy Ho6k. Warner to Elizabethtown. Ohio. ton. S m lthville*! to ShepherdsSardis* to M aysville. Waraock to Greenup, Summersvllle* to Greens Triplet* to Morehead. ville. Sassafras to Hazard. W arren*! to Barbourville, Trlsler to Fordsvllle. burg. Smoky Valley* to Olive Sasser to London Warwick to Salvisa. Trosper* to Barbourville. Sum mit*! to Elizabethtown Hill. Saulsberry* to Olive Hill. Washington* to Maysville. Trotter to, Vanceburg. Sumner* to Williamsburg. Snap to Clarkson. Savage* to Albany. W asloto*! to Pineville. Trou t to Bedford. Sunflsh* to Brownsville. Snell to Somerset Savoy*t to Williamsburg. Watauga* to Albany. T ro y to W ilm ore. Snider to Taylorsville. Savoyard* to Horse Cave. W atch to Corbin. Truesville to Monterey. Sunnybrook to Monticello. Snow to Albany. Sawyer* to Som erset. W aterford* to T aylorsville. Tru itt to Greenup. Sunnydale to Beaver Dam. Saxton*tt to Jelllco, Tenn. Soldier*tt to Olive Hill. W atergap* to Prestonsburg Sunny Lane to Bowling Tuck to Owensboro. Solitude* to Bardstown. Seal! to Barbourville. Tunnel H ill* t t to Elizabeth Waterloo* to Somerset Green. Solway* to Leitchfleld. Schley to Adalrville. W aterview * to Marrowbone town. Sunny Side*t to Oakland. Sorgho*! to Owensboro. Schochoh to Adalrville. Watson to Casey Creek. Turin to Booneville. Sunset to Hiilsboro. Schollsville*t to Winchester South* to Leitchfleld. Wauseon to Marrowbone. Turkey to Jackson. Sunshine to Jamestown. South Corbin to Corbin. Schoolfleld to Newport. Turkey Foot to Sadieville W ax to Clarkson. South Elkhorn to Lexington Susie* to Monticello. Schuler to Butler. Wayside to Mount Eden. Tum ersvllle to McKinney. Sutherland to Owensboro. South Forkt (Lincoln Co.) Sohweizer to Franklin. Weatherford to KirkmansSutton (Fleming Co.) to Tuscola* to Louisa. to M cK inn ey. Scott* to Independence. ville. T u ttle* to Barbourville. , Flemlngsburg. Southfork (Owsley Co.) to Scotisburg* to Princeton. W eaver to East Bem stadt. Tw elvem ile to Hyden. Sutton (Pike Co.) to PIke Booneville. Scoville to Booneville. Webbs* to Greensburg. Tw in Springs to Princeton vllle. Scrabble to Bagdad._______ South H ill to Rochester. Rockcastle* to Cadiz. Ind. Rockcastle Springs to Lon Seavllle to Harrodsburg. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. Money Order Office. tTèlegraph Station. tExpress Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1868 KENTUCKY Webbs Cross 'R oa d s* to Russel Springs. W ebbville*tt to Grayson. Webster* 1 to Hardlnsburg. Wedonia* to M ays Lack. W eed to Gradyville. W eir* to Greenville. W elborn to Science Hill. Welchburg* to Bond. , Welchs Creek to Caneyville. Welcome to Caneyville. W e ld o n *!! to Brandenberg. W ellington* to H azel Green W ellsbu rgfi to Augusta. W esieyvllle* to Grayson. Wess to Liberty. Westbend* to Clay City. W est C llfty* to Clarkson. W est C ovingtont to C ov ington. Westerfleld to Whitesville. W est Irvine* to Irvine. W eston* to Marlon. W estport* to La Grange. W est Van Lear to Paintsville. W estvlew * to Hardlnsburg. Weym outh to Fulton. Whalen to Whltesvllle. Wharton to Hazard. W h e a to ro ft*!! to Clay. Wheel to Lowes. Wheeler to Barboursville. Wheelersburg to Salyers-: ville. W rlgley* to W est Liberty. W urtland* to Ironton, Ohio W yandotte to Winchester. W ynns to Crofton. W yom ing to O wingsville. W ysox* to Rochester. Xena to Stanton. Vaho to London. Vale* to Salt Lick. Yam acraw* to Pine Knot. Y arbro to Providence. Yates ville* to Louisa. Yeager*, to Plkeville. Yeam an* to Caneyville. Y ellow Mountain to Hind man. Yellow rock to B eattyville. Y elvington * to Owensboro. Yerkes* to Hazard. Yocum* to W est Liberty; Y ork to Greenup. Yosem lte* to Middleburg. Y ost* to Greenville. Young to Salt Lick, Youngs Creek to Corbin. Yum a to Campbellsville. Zachariah to Clay City. Zebuion to Plkeville. Zelda* to Loulsa. Zero to Hogdenville. Wheelers M ills* to M un Zion to Henderson. Zion Station*! to M ount ford vilje. Zion. W heelwright to W ayland. Whetstone* to Burkesville. Zoe to Beattyville. Zold to Beattyville. W h lo k *!! to Jackson. Zoneton to Shepherdsville. Whisman to Campton. « Zula to Monticello. W hitco to Whitesburg. W hitehall* to Richmond Whitehouse*tt to Paintsvllle. W hite Mills* to Sonora. W hiteoak* to Cannel C ity. Whitepost to Williamson, L O U IS IA N A W . Va. W hite Rose to Campbellsville. W hite Run* to Caneyville. Whites Station*! to Berea. Abington to Shreveport. W hite Star to Harlan. A blta S p rin gs*t! to Cov W hite Sulphur to Midway. ington. W hite wood to Greensburg. Aome to Vidalia. W hitfield to Taylorsville. A cy * to Baton Rouge. Adams to R ayville. W h itleyt to Pine Knot. W hitley C ity * ! to Pine A d d is * !! to P o rt Allen. A d elin e*! ! to Baldwin. K not. W hitlock to Richmond. Adner* to Shreveport. W h itt* to Olive Hill. A lton * to Tallulah. Aim well* to Jena. W hynot to Irvine. W iborg to Somerset. A ja x * to Pleasant H ill. W ide A wake to Carrollton. A kers! to Ponchatoula. W ilbur* to Blaine. Albany* to Hammond. Albem arle* to Labadlevllle W lld le * t! to Mt. Vernon. A lb e r ta * !! to Castor. W ildwood to Scottsville. Alcus to Slidell. W iley to Benton. Alden B r id g e * !! to Plain Wilhelmlna to Elkton. .W ilh oit* to Harlan. Dealing. A lexton to Dubach. 'W U h u rst*!! to Jackson. W illailla to Brodhead. A lfa lfa to Boyce. A lice to Baton Rouge. W illa r d * !! to Grayson. A llem an d s*!! to Raceland. Williams to Cannel City. W illiam sport* to Palntsvillo Allendale to Shreveport. > W illow * to B eatty ville. Alm a to Dubach. Aloha* 1! to Colfax. W illow grove to Butler. W illow .Shade* to Marrow Alpha to Coushatta. A ls a tia * !! to Lake P rovi bone. dence. W illow Shoals! to BeattyAlsen to Banton Rouge. vUle, A lton * to Slidell. W illow Tow n to Campbells- A m a* to Gretna. ville. A m e lia * !! to Morgan City. Ames v ille ’ to Gretna. . W lllow tree to Irvine. Wll8onville* to Taylorsville. A nacoco*! to Leesville. Anchor* to N ew Roads. W ilton* to Corbin. Wimsatt to Bardstown. ' Andrepont to Opelousas. Andrew* to Rayne. -a W in to Salyers ville. A n g o la * !! to Baton Rouge. W ind Cave to McKee. A n sley*! to Ruston. Windsor to Somerset. Antioch to Homer. W inifred* to Blaine. Arbroth* to Part Allen. W inkler to 'Sandy Hook. A rc h ib a ld *!! to Mangham. Winona to Milton. A rcola*!< to Roseland. Winston* to Irvine. W lreman* to Prestonsburg. A rgo to Jonesville. A riel* to Raceland. Wisdom * to Edmonton. Arizona* to Homer. Wlsemantown* to Irvine. Arkana* to Plain Dealing. Wishbone to Tollesboro. Arm lde to Opelousas. W iswell to Murray. A rm isteadti to Coushatta. Withers* to Livingston. W itt to Irvine. Ashland *H to Mlnden. Ashly* to Tallulah. W itt Springs* to Irvine. Ashridge to Vidalia. W o ffo rd *! to Williamsburg.' Ashton* to Baldwin. Ashwood to N ew ell ton. W o lf to Grayson. A tchafalayaf to Breaux W olf Coal to Jackson. Bridge. W o lf Creek* to Branden-t Atherton* to Lake Provi burg. dence. W onder to Prestonsburg. i Atkins* ! ! to Shreveport. W oodbine* T! to Corbin. A tla n ta * ft to N ew Verda. W oodlake to Frankfort. W oodlaw n*! to Bardstown. Aubrey to Fullerton. W oodm an* to Williamson, Audubon to Slidell. A very Isla n d *! to New W . Va. Iberia. W oodrow to Irvington. A vo c a *! to Labadlevllle. W oods* to Prestonsburg. Woodsonville to Munford-' Aycock to Arcadia. ville. Woodstock* to Eubank. Bailey* to A m ite C ity. W oodvllle to K evll. Bains to Baton Rouge. Woollum to Manchester. B a k e r*!! to Zachary. W ooton* to Hyden. Ball* to Alexandria. W orley* to Pine Knot. Ballina* to Vidalia. W orth to Crestwood. W orthington to Crestwood. Bancker* to Abbeville. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Beat. Bancroft* to Merry ville. Banks to Chatham. Bannister* to De Rldder. Barataria* to Gretna. Barbreck* to Bunkie. B arh am *!! to Leesville. Barnes! to Tallulah. Barron to Alexandria. Barton* to Donaldsonvllle. B a sk in *!! to Mangham. B atchelor*! ! to N ew Roads Bayou Barbary* to Pon chatoula. Bayou Chene* to Plaquemine. Bayou Chicot* to V ille Platte. Bayou Current* to Melville. Bayou G o u la *!! to W hite Castle. Bayou La Chute * to Shreveport. Bayou S a le*!! to Center ville. Bayou S a ra *!! to Baton Rouge. Bear* to Lake Charles. Beekman* to Bastrop. Begg* to Washington. Bell Chase to N e w Orleans. Bell City* to Welsh. Belle A lliance*! ! to Donaldsonville. Belle Am ie to Lockport. Belledeau to Mansur a. Belle Helene* to Donaldsonville. Belle Rose*, to Paincourtville. Bellevue* to Shreveport. Bellwood* to Natchitoches. Belmont* to Zwolle. Bennettville to Cheneyville B en son *!! to Mansfield. Bentley* to Pollock. Bermuda* to Montgomery. Bertie* to Napoleonvllle. Bertrand v ille * ! to N ew Or leans. Bethany* to Shreveport. Big Bend* to Mansura. . B ig Cane* to Bunkie. Biggs Point to Columbia. Blackburn* to Homer. Black Creek* to Colfax. B lan ch a rd*!! to Shreve port. Blanks to Lottie. Blankston* to Columbia. B lew ett* to Lake Charles. Blond to Covington. Bluff Creek* to Clinton. Boatfaer* to Jonesboro. B odcau *! to Shreveport. Bodoc to Cottonport. Boeuf R iv er (Caldwell Co.) to Columbia. B olinger*! to Plain Dealing Bolivar* to Tangipahoa. Bonaml’ f ! to De Rldder. Bonfouca* to Slidell. Bonham Landing to M oorin gsport. B o n ita * !! to Mer Rouge. B oothville to N ew Orleans. Bosco*f t to Monroe. B ossier*! to Shreveport. Boudreaux* to Houma. Bourg* to-Houma. Bourland Station to M on roe. B o u tte *!! to Paradis. Braithwaite* to N ew Or leans, B ranch * ! ! to Rayne. Brandon* to Baton Rouge. Breckwoldt to Hammond. Brewerton to Donalsonville. Brlgnac to Donaldsonvllle. Bristol to Sunset. B rittany to Donaldsonvllle. Brooks* to N ew Roads. Brown to Saline. Brunett* to Lake Provi dence. Brusly Landing to P o rt A l len. Buckeye* to Alexandria. Buckner* to Mangham. Bundick to De Rldder. B uras*! to New Orleans. Burch to Franklinton. B u rn side*!! to Donaldsonville. B u rto n *!! toDonaldsonvllle B urtvllle* to Baton Rouge Burwood to New Orleans. B ush*!! to Bogalusa. Butler* to Pleasant H ill. Caddo to Oil C ity. C a d es*!! to N ew Iberia. Cadeville to Eros. C alh ou n *!! to Monroe. C allaw ay to Farm erville. Calum et*! to Patterson. C alvin*! to Winnfleld. Cal v it ! to Oak Grove. aCameron* to Lake Charles Camp! to Homer. Carlyss* to Lake Charles. Carroll* to Coushatta. C arson*!! to De Rldder. Cartervllle to Plain Dealing •Money Order Office. Carvllle* to W h ite Castle. C asplana*!! to Shreveport Castllle to Rayne. Oataro* to Washington. Cecil* to Marion. Cecilia to Breaux Bridge. Cedarton to Ruston. Center Point* to Marksvllle Central* to Donaldsonvllle Chacahoula*t! to Thlbodaux. Chaler to Natchitoches. Chalmette’ t ! to N ew OrChamberlin*! ! to Port Allen Charenton*! to Baldwin. Charlleville*! to Mangham Chase* to Wlnnsboro. Chauvin* to Houma. Chenal* to N ew Roads. Cheniere*! to Monroe. Chesbrough to Roseland. Chester to Columbia. C hestn ut*!! to Winnfleld. Chlpola* to Clinton. C h op in *!! to Colfax. Clnclare’ t t to Po rt Allen, C ity Price* to N ew Orleans Clare* to Many. C larence*!! to Campti. C la rk s*!! to Columbia. Clay* to Ruston. Clayton*! ! to Vidalia. Clear Lake to Campti. C lifton *!! to Franklinton. Olio* to Hammond. Gloutierville* to Colfax. Cockfleld to M ontgom ery. Coe* to Church Point. Coleman* to Tallulah. Colomb* to Lutcher. Colquitt* to Homer. Colsons to Farmerville. C olyell* to Denham Springs Comite* to Baton Rouge. Consuelo* to Vidalia. AC onvent*!! to Lutcher. Conway* to Farmerville. Cook to Mansfield. Copeland to .Vidalia. C orbin*! to Denham Springs. Corey Station to Columbia Corley ville* to Many. Cornerview*to Baton Rougt Cornor to W oodville. Cossinade* to Kaplan. Couchwood to Cotton V al ley. Couiey to Winnfleld. Ooverdale to Kinder. Cow. Island to Abbeville. Crane to Boyce. C ravens*!! to De Rldder. Creole* to Lake Charles. Crescent to Plaquemlne. Creston*! to Campti. Crew L a k e *! to Rayville. C rich ton !! to Coushatta. Cross K eys to Shreveport. Crowvllle* to Wlnnsboro. Curry to Winnfleld. Curtis* to Shreveport. Cypress* ! ! to Natchltoohes D&loour to N ew Orleans. Dailey to Chatham. Danville* to Bienville. D ’Arbonne to Choudrant. Darlington* to Clinton. Darrow* to Donaldsonvllle Daspit to Houma. Davant to N ew Orleans. Davis* to Olla. D avis Station to Gretna. Dean to Marion. Deerford* to Zachary. D eerparkt! to Vidalia. De Loutre to Farmerville. D elta *!to Vicksburg, Miss. Deltabridge* to St. Joseph. Dennis Mills* to Denham Springs. Derouen* to N ew Iberia. Derry* ! ! to Colfax. Deshotels* to Ville Platte. D e Soto Island to Vicks burg, Miss. Destrehan! to Kenner. Devall to Port Allen. Diam ond*! to Gretna. Dlckard to Waterproof. D ido* to Fullerton. Dime to New Orleans. Dixie* 1! (Caddo Co.) to Belcher. D ollette to Mansfield. Donner’ i t to Morgan City. Dorcheat to Cotton Valley. DorcyvlUe* to W hite Castle. Doss* to Colllnston. Dossman to Bunkie. Douglas to Ruston. Downsville* to Choudrant. Dreyfus* to Donaldsonvllle Dry Creek* to Kinder. Dry P ro n g *!! to Pollock. D u b b e rly*!! to Minden. Duboin* to N ew Iberia. Dubulsson to Washington. Duck P o rt* to Vicksburg. Miss. ! Telegraph Station. LOUISIANA Duiac to Houma. D u nbar*!! to Pearllngton Miss. D unn*! to Rayville. Duplessis* to Donaldsonville. Dupont* to N ew Roads. Dur aid to Eunice. Dutch Town* to Donaldsonville. Dykesvllle to Haynesvllle. Easton to Mamou. Bast Pendleton to Many. East P o in t * !!t o Coushatta. Ebenezer* to Crowley Echo* to Mansura. Eden* to Jena. Edenbornf! to Baton Rouge. A Edgard*!! to Reserve. Edgard Station to Reserve. E d g e rly *!! to Vinton. Edith* to Franklinton. Edna* to Kinder. Effle* to Marksvllle. E g a n * !! to Crowley. Egg Bend to Mansura. Elam to Winnsboro. Elba* to Melville. Eldorado! to Tallulah. Elitow n to Franklinton. E liza b eth *!! to Oakdale. Ellendale* to Houma. Ellis to Crowley. Elmer* to Alexandria. Elm grove* to Shreveport. Elm ore! to Ruston. Elm P ark to Baton Rouge. Emad to Kinder. Empire* to New Orleans. English Lookout to Pearl lngton, Miss. English Turn to N ew OrEnoka* to Tallulah. Enon* to Franklinton. Enterprise to Columbia. E o la * !! to BunkieY Epney* to Am ite City. E ro s *!! to M onroe. E rw ln ville*!! to Port Albert Esther* to Abbeville. Estherwood’ t t to Crowley. Esto to M any% Estopinal* to N ew Orleans. E thel*T ! to Clinton. Eva* to Jonesville. Evangeline* to Jennings. Evans to M erryville. Evelyn* to Mansfield. E v erg reen *!i‘ to Bunkie. Extension* to Wlnnsboro. Fairbanks to Monroe. Fairmount* to Colfax. F al to D e Ridder. Farwell to Leesville. Feltel* to Vacherie. Felixville* to Clinton. Fenris to Eunice. Fenton * ! ! to Kinder. Ferry Lake to Oil C ity. Fields* to Lake Charles. Fisher*! ! to Many. Flat Creek to Olla. Flatwoods* to Boyce. Flora* to Natchltoohes. F loren ville*!! to Slidell. Flournoy *to Shreveport. AFloyd* to Oak Grove. Fluker* ‘ to Rosedale. Flynn to Opelousas. Folsom * ! ! to Covington. Forbing* to Shreveport. F ordoch e*!! to Maringouln Foreman to Baton Rouge. Forest H ill *1 ! to A lex andria. F ort Jesup* to Many. Fort Necessity* to Wlnns boro. F oster*! to Centerville. Foules* to Ferriday. French Settlement* to Baton Rouge. F rey* to Eunice. Friendship* to Saline. Frierson* ! ! to Shreveport. Frogmore to Vidalia. Fulford to Chatham. F u lto n * !! to L a k e Charles. Funston to Logansport. Furrh to Shreveport. . Gaars M ills* to Dodson. G ahagan*!! to Coushatta. Galbraith* to Colfax. G a llio n *!! to Merrouge. G alloway to Bogalusa. Galvez to Baton Rouge. Gandy to M any, i Gansvllle to Dodson. Garden C ity *! to Franklin. Garfield to Vivian. Garland* to Washington. Gassie to P o rt Allen. Gassowary to Lake P ro v i dence. G ayle! ! to Shreveport. Ged to Vinton. G elsm ar*!! to Donaldsonvllle. ! Express Office. LOUISIANA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS LOUISIANA 1869 R a n d o lp h *!! to Junction Nero* to N ew Orleans. City, Ark. Nesom to Clinton Ravenwood to M elville. Nestor* to N ew Orleans. Red Cross* to Melville. Newlin* to De Rldder. Reddell* to V ille Platte. Lookout* (St.Helena Co.) to Newport* to Columbia. Red Fish* to Cottonport. Newton to Camptl. Clinton. Redllch* to Eunice. Loranger* to Independence. N ew Verda* to Winnfield. Reeves* to Kinder. Nezpique* to Jennings. Lotus* to Natchitoches. R d d s * to D e Rldder Ninock* to Shreveport. Lou to Ringgold. R e isor*!i to Shreveport. G ly n n *!! to Mansfield. Jack* to Greensburg. Nolia to Montgomery. Louisa* to Baldwin. Relief* to Haynesville. G olddust*!! to Bunkle. Nona to Leesville. Jacoby* to New Roads. Loyd to Cheneyville. Rem y* to Lutcher. ■Goldman*! to Waterproot Jamestown*! to Ringgold. Norah to Lockport. Lu cas*!! to Shreveport. Rexmere to Bordelonville. Norm a to Hessmer. Goldonna’ t t to Winnfield Jarreau* to N ew Roads. Lucknow* to Mangham. N orth Point to Marksville. Reynolds to Alexandria. G onzales*!! to Baton Jenkins! to Franklinton. Lucky* to Saline. Rhinehart* to Jena. Notnac* to Newellton. Jeffris*! to Vidalia Rouge. Lucy* to Reserve. Rhoda* to MorganrCity. Jesuit B end*! to New L u d ln gton *!! to De Rldder Nugent to Pollock. Good P ln e*tî to Jena. R ic e to Welsh. Orleans. Nunez* to Abbievllle. Luella* to Natchitoches. Riceville* to Gueydan. Gordon* to HaynesvUle. Jewella to Shreveport. Lula* to Mansfield. Richard to Bunkie. Johnson to Hammond. Gorum* to Colfax. L u lin g *!! to Gretna. Richland* to Alexandria. Goss to Mansfield. Johnson (St. John Baptist L y d ia *! to Jeanerette. Ridge* to Rayne. Oakland* to Strong, Ark. Goudeau to Bunkle. Co.) to Reserve. R io * !! to Bogalusa. Oaklawn* to Slidell. Jones*!! to M er Rouge. Grabow to D e Bidder. R iv e rto n *!! to Columbia. Oaknolia to Slaughter. Grace* to Winnfield. Magda* to Alexandria. Juanita* t ! to De Rldder. R o a n o k e*!! to Welsh. G ram ercy*t! to Lutcher. to Denham Odell to Greensburg. Junction. C ity to Junction Magnolia * Robert to Hammond. Odenburg* to Melville. C ity, A ik . Grand B a y o u !! to CouSprings. Robson* to Shreveport. Okaloosa to Eros. Junior* to New Orleans. Mahon to Homer. shatta. Oldfield* to Independence. Rochelle* ! ! to OUa. Grand Chenier* to Lake Junks* to Vidalia, Maillard to Jeanerette. Manchac to Baton Rouge. Olga* to New Orleans. Arthur. Olive Branch* to Slaughter Rocky Mount* to Plain Grand Coteau* to Sunset. Manifest* to Jena. Dealing. Grand Ecore to N atchi Kahns* to Port Allen. Manilla Village to Gretna. O liv ie r *!! to N ew Iberia. RodCssa*!! to Vivian. Omega* to Tallulah. Manstord* to Tallulah. Kateland to Colfax. * toches. Rogers to Pollock. Onville* to Covington. K e a tch ie*!! ro Shreveport. Marcsl* to New Iberia. Grand Is le * !! to Gretna. Rollins to Shreveport. Ora to Farmerville. Grand Lake* to Lake Keith to De Rldder. Marco* to Colfax. R o o sevelt*!! to Tallulah Oretta to De Ridder. / K e lth v llle *!! to Shreveport Mark* to Port Allen. Charles. R o sa *tt to MelvUle. Oscar* to N ew Roads. . Marrero to Gretna. G rangeville*î to Clinton. K e lly * !! to Columbia. Rosedale* i ! to Marlngouin. Osceola to Independence. Marston to Bogalusa. Grant* to De Rldder. Kenilworth to Coushatta., Rosefleld* to OUa. Ossun to Scott. Martin to Cotton Valley. Grappes Bluff.* to Camptl. Kents Store* to Clinton. Roseplne*! to De Rldder. Ostrica* to New Orleans. Mason to Wlnnsboro. Gray* to Thlbodaux. Kilboum e* to Oak Grove. Royal* to Winnfield. Otis tq Boyce. Mathews*! to Raceland. Greenwood* t i to Shreve K ile tó Leesville. Ruby* to Alexandria. Ouachita* to Monroe. Maud'to Slidell. Killian* to Ponchatoula. port. Ruple* to Haynesville. Maurepas* to Ponchatoula. Oubre* to Vacherie. Grosse T e t e * t ! to M aring- Klllona’ lt t o Reserve. Rustville to Leesville. O x fo rd *!! to Mansfield. Maurice* to Abbeville. King* to Tallulah. ouin. Maxle to Crowley. Kingston* to Mansfield. Grove* to Minden. Gullets Station! to Am ite Klelnwood to Bordelonville. Mayna to Jonesvllle. Saint Am ant* to Baton Packton*! to Winnfield. K lotzville* to Palncourtvllle Mayo to Leesyille. City. Rouge. Palm etto*! ! to Melville. Knowles to Dubach. Gurley* to Jackson. Saint Am elia* to' DonaldM c C all*!! to Donaldson Paradis*! to Kenner. Koran* to Minden. Guy* to Oakdale. sonviUe. Parcperdue* to Delcambre. vllle. Kraemer to Thlbodaux. iSt. Bernard*! to Arabi. Parhams* to Jonesvllle. MoDade to Shreveport. St. Charles Station .to McDonoghvllle*! to Gretna. Parks! to St. Martinsville. Gretna. Parkville to Leesville. Labarre to Paincourtville . M c E lroy *!! to Lutcher. Hackberry* to Vinton. St. Elmo to Donaldsonville. Pasman* to Franklinton. La Branch*! to Kenner. M cM anu s! to Jackson. H ackley*! to Franklinton. St. G abriel*!! to PlaquePatout ville to Jeanerette. Lacassine Station to Welsh. M cN ary to Alexandria Hadley to Shreveport. / mine. Paty to Shreveport. Lachute to Shreveport. Meade to Alexandria. A H ah n vllle*!! to Gretna. Saint James*! to Vacherie. Paulina* to Lutcher. Lacombe to Slidell. Meeker* to Lecompte. H alle*! to Marlon. Saint L a n d ry *!! to Bunkle. Pawnee* to Oakdale. Lacour* to New Roads. Melder* to Alexandria. Hall to Denham Springs. Saint Maurice* t ! to, Mont Pearl R iv e r*! ! to Slidell. Melonie* to New Orleans. Halls Summit to Coushatta La Fay to Oakgrove. gomery. Peason to Hornbeck. Melrose* to Natchitoches. Hamburg* t t t o Moreauvllle. Lafltte* to N ew Orleans. Pecan Island* to Gueydan. St. Patricks* to Vacherie. Lafourche Crossing*!! to Meraux* to N ew Orleans. Hamlin* to Zwolle. St. R o se*!! to N ew Orleans. P eck *! to Wlnnsboro. Thibodaux. M eridian to Alexandria. Hampo to Oberlin. Saint Tam m any*! to Cov Perry* to Abbeville. Lagan* to Donaldsonville. Mermenton* to Jennings. H a n n a *!! to Coushatta. ington. Perryville to Bastrop. Lake E n d * !! to Natchi Messick to Coushatta. Harahan to Kenner. Salt Mine Station! to N ew Phillips to Am ite City. toches. M etcalf to Shreveport. Hardie* to Columbia. Iberia. Phillips Bluff* to Kinder. Harelson to Baton Rouge. Lakeland* to New Roads. Midland*T! to Crowley; Samstown to Whiteeastle. Lamar to Wlnnsboro. Midway (Bossier Co.) to Phoenix* to N ew Orleans. Hargis to M ontgom ery. Santiago to Colfax. P ick erin g*!! to Leesville. LaMarque* to Vidalia. Benton. Harman to Coushatta. Sarepta* t ! to Cotton Valley' Plllette to Broussard. La m ourie*!! to Lecompte. Milford to Boyce. Harris to Pleasant Hill. Pilot Town* to New Or Satsuma to Doyle. Harvells Mills to Greens- Lamourle Station to Le M illdale to Zachary. Schley to LeesviUe. M illik en *!! to Lake Provi compte. burgh. pine G rove*! to Greensburg Schriever* 11 to Thlbodaux. Landerneau* to Columbia. dence. H arvey* t to Gretna. Scotland to Baton Rouge. Pine P ra irie*!! to Eunice. M iltonberg1 to Alexandria. Lan e*! to Belcher. Haughton’ t i t o Shreveport. P ln e v flle *!! to Alexandria. Seale to D e Quincy. M ilton* to Broussard. Langston to Minden. Hawthorne* to Leesville. Security to Jonesvllle. Pinewood* to D e Ridder. Mineral to Pleasant Hill. Hayes* t ! to Lake Arthur. Lapine* to Monroe. Segura* to N ew Iberia. Pion eer*!! to Oak Grove. L a p la c e *!! to Reserve. Minerva* to Houma. Sellers* to Kenner. Pirmons to Coushatta. Mink to Boyce. Head o f Island* to Denham Laran* to Strong, Ark. S e lm a *!! to Pollock. P itk in *!! to De Ridder. L ’Argent* to W aterproof. M ir a * !! to Ida. Springs. Serena to Jonesvllle. Pitrevilie to Opelousas. Missionary* to Ida. Larose to Lockport. Hebert to Columbia. Shamrock* to Robeline. Plain view to Denham Mitchell* to Pleasant Hill. Latex to Marshall. Texas. Heflin* to Minden. Sharpsburg to Baton Rouge Springs. Lauderdale* to Donaldson Hem phill* to Alexandria. S h aw *!! to Ferriday. Plaisance* to Opelousas. Mitchener* to Delhi. vllle. Henry* to Abbeville. Shelbu m *!! to Lake Provi Planchette to N ew Roads. Mix* to New1Roads. Hermitage* to New Roads Laura to Napoleonville. dence. P la tte n ville *!! to Paln Moberly* to Gretna. x Laurel H ill* ! to Baton Hester* to Lutcher. Sheridan to Franklinton. courtvllle. Modeste to Donaldsonville Rouge. Hickory to Cottonport. Sherwood to Harrisburg. Plettenberg to Baton Moncla* to Marksvllle? Laurents to Lake Arthur. Hico* to Dubach. Shiloh to Independence. Rouge. Montegut* to Houma. Highland* (Tensas Co.) to Lavacca* to Jonesvllle. Point Blue to V ille Platte. Shiloh (Union Co.) to BerMonterey* to Jonesvllle. Lawhon* to Ringgold. Waterproof. ' nice. Montrose*! to Natchitoches L a w te ll* !! to Opelousas. H ill to Dodson. APointe a la H ache*! toNew Shongaloo* to Haynesville. M ontz* to Reserve. Leander to Leesville. Hlneston* to Alexandria. Orleans. M oore to Winnfield. H obart* to Donaldsonvtlle. Le.Beau to M elville. Point Pleasant* to New ell Shrewsbury to N ew Orleans Moorland* to Alexandria. LeB lan c*! to Kinder. Hobson to Farmerville. Shuteston* to Sunset. ton. Mora* to Boyce. Lee Bayou*, to Ferriday. H o d g e * !! to Jonesboro. Poley* to Denham Springs Sibley (Lincoln Co.) to Morblhan to N ew Iberia. Hohen Solms* to W hite Legonler* to Marksvllle. Choudrant. Poole to Shreveport M o n ey*! to Plaquemine. Leland* to Harrisonburg. C&stlc Port Barrow to Donaldson S ib ley*!! (Webster Co.) to Morris to Boyce. H olden*! to (Livingston Leleux to Kaplan. Minden. ville. Morrow* t ! to Bunkle. Lena Station* to Boyce Co.) to Hammond. Port Chalmettef to New Sikes* to Dodson. M o rse*!! to Crowley. Lenoir* to Mansfield. Hollow ay* to Alexandria. Sim m esport*!! to CottonOrleans. M orvllle*! to Vidalia. Lenzburg to Coushatta. • H olly* to Mansfield. port. Mosleys Bluff to Farmers- Port H udson*! to St. FranH olly Grove* to Wlnnsboro. Leonville to Opelousas. Simpson to Leesville. dsville. ville. L eR o y to Abbeville. H olly R id g e t! to Rayville. Moss Bluff to Lake Charles. Port Vincent* to Denham Singer* 11 to DeRidder. L e Sassler to Reserve. Holum* to Columbia. SUgo* to Shreveport. Springs. MossvUle* to Lake Charles. Leton* to Cotton Valley. H ood to Arcadia. Potash*! to N ew Orleans. Slone to Mansfield. Mound* ! ! to Tallulah. L ettsw o rth *!! to New H op e*! to Minden. Smoke Bend* to DonaldsonPowhatan*! ! to Camptl. M ount A lrey* to Lutcher. Roads. Hope V illa *! to Baton vlUe. Levert* to St. Martinsville M t. Herm on*! to K en t Poydras to N ew Orleans. Rouge PralrievlUe* to Donaldson Sodusf! to Pleasant Hill. wood. Hortman* to Cotton Valley L ew is*!! to Vivian. vllle. Mount Lebanon* to GlbsLewlsburg* to Church Point H o s sto n *!! t Vivian. Sondheimer! to Tallulah. Prichard to Harrisonburg. land. Lewiston* to Osyka. Miss. H o t W ell to Boyce. Sorren to*!! to Baton Rouge Mount Pleasant* to Colum Pride* to Zachary. Houltonville to Madlson- Liberty H ill* to Bienville. South Highlands to Shreve Princeton to Shreveport. bia. Libuse to Alexandria. vflle. port. Proven cal*!! to Robeline. Mowata* to Eunice. Llddievllle to Wlnnsboro. H o w a rd !! to Shreveport. South M ansfleld*!!toM ansPuckett to Baton Rouge. Musson to Marlngouin. Lillie* 1! to Bernice. H ow cot to Pollock. fleld. Pugh to Labadieville Lin d sa y*!! toSt.Franclsvllle M yatt to Monroe. Howell to Baton Rouge. Southport! to N ew Orleans. Pujo to D e Ridder. M y r tis !! to Vivian. Linton* to Benton. H ubertville to Jeanerette. Sparta* to Bienville. Myrtle G rove*! to N ew Or Linvllle* to Marlon. Hughes Spur* to' Benton. SpearsvUle to Bernice. leans. Lions* to Garyvllle. Humphreys* to Houma. Spencer*! to Monroe. Quadrate* to Boyce. H unter*! to Mansfield. Quarry to Boyce. Spider* to Mansfield. Lisbon* to Homer. Husser* to Independence. Springcreek* to Tangipahoa Q u ebec*!! to Tallulah. N aborton* to Mansfield. Litroe* to Marion. Hutchinson to Elton. Springfield* to Ponchatoula Q u im byt! to Newellton. N a im * ! to N ew Orleans. L ittle Creek to Jena. Hydropolls to Marksvllle. Springridge to Shreveport. Quinton to N ew Roads. L ittle W oods! to N ew Naom i* t o N ew Orleans. Sprlngvllle* to Ponchatoula Q u itm a n *!! to Jonesboro. N a p les !! to Marksvllle. Orleans. Standard * ! ! to OUaNatalbany* to Hammond. Liverpool* to Greensburg. Stanton Landing to N ew N a tch ez*!! to Natchitoches Livonia* to N ew Roads. la tt* to W ield. Orleans. Racoourd* to N ew Roads. N e a m e *!! to De Rldder. Iberville* to Baton Rouge. L o b d e ll* !! to Port Allen. Starhill* to Baton Rouge. R a gley! to D e Ridder. Nebo* to Jena. Loch Lomond* to Monroe. Ikevfile to Welsh. Starks*tttoLake Charles. Ram bin to Pelican. Negreet* to Many. Locust Ridge* to St.Joseph Indian Bayou* to Rayne. Ramos* to Morgan City. S tay to Pollock. N eita* to Melville. Indian Mound* to Baton Logtown* to Monroe. Sterlington to Monroe. 1 Ramsey to Covington. Nelson to Gibsland. Lonepine to Cheneyville. Rouge.______________ _ ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. Money Order Office. ACounty Seat. REFERENCE KEY. Genessee*!! to Hammond. Innls* to N ew Roads, G eorgetow n*tt to Pollock. I lo w a ’ t t to Lake Charles. Gheens* to Raceland. Irene* (East Baton Rouge Gibson* t ! to Thlbodaux Co.) to Zachary. l Irish B end*! to Franklin. Gilllfl* to Lake Charles. Girard * t t to RayvUle. Is a b e ll*!! to Bogalusa. Glencoe* to Baldwin. Ivan to Benton. Gloster*Tt to Grand Cane. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lonewa to Monroe. Longbridgett to Mansura. Longleat* to Alexandria. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1870 LOUISIANA Bowerbank to Dover. Bowery Beach f to Po rt land Boyd Lake to Milo. B ra d fo rd *!! to Bangor. Bradford Center* to Milo. B rad ley*! to Oldtown. W ilda to Boyce. Branch Mills to Augusta. W ildsvllle* to Jonesville. W ilh e lm *!! to St. Francis Bremen to Waldoboro. Bridgewater Center* to ville. Presque Isle. W illhlte to Monroe. Brighton* to Skowhegan. William s* to Coushatta. W illiam sport to N ew Roads Bristol* to N ew Castle. Broad Cove* to Waldoboro W ills Point to Arabi. Wilson Landing to Jones- B rooklin*! to Ellsworth. B ro o k s *!! to Belfast. -,ville. Brooksville* to Bucksport. W llm er* to A m itè City. B rookton*! to Calais. W ils o n *!! to Norwood. B rownfield*! to Bridgton. W Is n e r*!! to Wlnnsboro. Brownvllle*T ! to Milo. Wom ack to Chatham. Woodland* to Clinton. T a lt* to Gretna. Brdwnville Junction*!! to W oodlawn* to Kinder. T a lish eek *!! to Slidell. M ilo. Tallieu* to Labadieville. W oo d sid e*!! to Melville. W oo d w orth *!! to A lexan Bryant P o n d * !! to Bethel. Tan gipah oa*!! to K ent Bucks Harbor* to Machias. dria. wood. Bucksport Centertto Bucks W right* to Gueydan. Taylor* t to Glbsland. port. T a y lo rto w n *!! to Shreve W y a t t * !! t0 Jonesboro. Bunganuc to Brunswick. port. Bunker H ill to Damarls Teche to Franklin. cotta. Y elg a r* to Oakdale. Teddy* to Norwood. Burdin to Guilford. Y ellow P in e *! to Minden. Tem ple to Boyce. Burkettville* to Waldoboro T e rry to Oak/Grove. Burlington* to Oldtown. Theriot\to Houma. Burnham*T! to Pittsfield. Thom astow n*} to Tallulah. Zimmerman* ! ! to Boyoe. Bustins Island to Freeport Thornwell* to Lake Arthur. Z o n a * !! to Franklinton. B u xton *! to Saco. Thurman to Bernice. Buxton Center* to Saco. T ic k fa w * !! to Hammond. B yron*Tí to Rumford Falls T id e to Winnfleld. T illm a n *! to Fullerton. TUlou to Bastrop. Cambridge* to Dexter. T im b erto n *!! to Lutcher. Canaan* to Skowhegan. M A IN E Tim on* to Campti. C an ton *!! to Livermore Tinus* to Greensburg. Falls. Tioga* t t to Alexandria. Canton Point* to Liver Togo to Newell ton. more Falls, i A bbott Village* t ! to Guil Torbert to Lottie. Cape Cottage* to Portland. ford. Toro* to Many. Cape Elizabeth to Portland. Aoadia* to Caribou. T o rr a s * fl to N ew Roads. Cape Jellison to Searsport. Addison* to Machias. Toups to Lockport. • Cape Neddick* to Y ork V il Transylvania* t ! to Lake Albany to Bethel. lage. A lb io n *! to Fairfield Providence. Capens to Guilford. Alexander* to Calais. Trees* to Vivian. Cape Porpoise* to KenneT re m o n t*!! to Choudrant. aA lfred * f t to Sanford. bunk. Allegash to F ort Kent. Trenton* to Mansfield. Allens Mills to Farmington. Cape Rozier* to Belfast. Tnchell* to Natchitoches. C ap itol*! to Bath. Aina* to Damarlscotta. Triumph to N ew Orleans. Caratunk* to Madison. A lto n ! to Oldtown. Trou t*T t to Jena. Cardville* to Oldtown. Amherst* to Bangor. Truxho to Strong, Ark. Carmel*! ! to Bangor. Andover* to Rumford. Tu llos*! to Olla. Carroll* to Bangor. Anson *! to Madison. Tunica to St. Francisville. Carry Pond* to Madison. Turkey Creek? to Le- Appleton* to Camden. Carthage to Rum ford Falls. A rgyle to Oldtown. Compte. C ary* to Houlton. A rrow sic*! to Bath. Turps to Lake Charles. Casco* to Mechanic Falls. Ashdale* to Bath. Tyne to Many. Cashs Corner to Portland. Ashpoint* to Rockland. C astln e*!f to Belfast. . \ Ashvllle* to Bkr Harbor. Caswell Plantation to Fort Asticou* to Bar Harbor. Uneedas to Covington. Fairfield. Athens* to Skowhegan. U n it! to Belcher. V Cathance’ f to Brunswick. Union* to Donaldsonville. Atkinson to Dover. Cedar Grove* to Richmond. Atlantic* to F.llsworth. Unionville to Dulbach. Center to Bar Harbor. Aurora* to Bangor. U raniat! to Olla. Center Belmont* to Belfast. Avon to Phillips. U tility* to Jonesville. Center Lovell* to Bridgton. Ayers* to Calais. Center M ontvllle to Belfast. Chamberlain* to Damarls Valverda* to Marlngouln. cotta. Bailey Island* to Bruns Vanceville to Shreveport. Chandler to M ilo. wick. V arn ad o*!! to Bogalusa. Charleston* to Bangor. Bald Mountain to Phillips. Vatican to Scott. Charlotte to Calais. B an cro ft!! to Bangor. Velie to Shreveport. Velm a (Tangipahoa Co.) to Baring* to Calais. Chebeague I s l a n d * ! to Barker* to Rangeley. Indep.ndence. ■ Portland. Bar M ills * !! to Saco. Velm a to Leesville. Bauneg Beg to North Ber Chelsea to Augusta. Venice* to N ew Orleans. Chenryfleld * f tto Machias. wick. Ventress* to New Roads. Chester to Oldtown. B ay Pbjnt* to Bath. V erd a*tt to Winnfleld. Bayside (Hancock Co.) to Chestervllle* to FarmingVerdunvilie to Franklin. ton. Ellsworth. Verger! to Covington. Bayside* (W aldo Co.) to Chesuncook* to Greenville. aVernon* to Ruston. China*! to W aterville. Belfast. Vick* to Marksville. Chisholm* to Liverm ore Bay View*! to Saco. Victoria* t ! to Robeline. Falls. B ayville* to Boothbay H ar Vidrine to V ille Platte. Christmas Cove* to Dama bor. Vienna* to Ruston. rlscotta. Beachwood*! to Biddeford Vincent* to Sulphur. City P o in t*! to Belfast, Beals* to JoneSport. / V iolet to N ew Orleans. Beaver Pond to Rangeley. Clark Island* to Rockland. V iolin* to Covington. Clarks M ill* to Saco., I B elg ra d e*!! to Oakland. Vixen* to Chatham. Belgrade La kes*! to Oak Cleveland to F ort K en t. Vowells Mills to Robeline. Cliff Island*Ti to Portland. land. Clifton* to Bangor. Belmont to Belfast. W addill to Lake Providence B em is*!! to Rum ford Falls. C lin ton *!! to W aterville. Columbia*! to Machias. Benedicta* to Houlton. W aggam an*tt to Gretna. Columbia F a lls * !! to <Ma W akefield* to Baton Rouge Benton*! to Fairfield. chias. W alker* to Denham Springs' Benton Falls* to Fairfield. Benton Station* to Fair- Convene* to Bridgton. W allace* to Reserve. . Cooks to Bridgton. field. W alls* to Port Allen. Cooper* to Machias. Bernard* to Bar Harbor. Walnut H ill to Leesville. Walnutlane* to Farmerville. Berry M ills* to Dixfleld. Coopers M ills*! to Augusta. Berwick* to Somers worth, Corea* to Bar Harbor. W alters to Jonesville. C orlnha*!! to Newport. N . H. W a rd *! to Oakdale. Biddeford Pool* to Bidde- Cornish! to Limerick. W a rd ville*! to Bastrop. C om ville to Skowhegan. ford. W a rn erton *!! to Franklin C ostigan *!! to Oldtown B in gh am *!! to Madison. ton. Cousins Island*! to Po rt Watson* toDenham Springs Birches* to Rangeley. land. Birch Harbor* to Bar Har W a v e r ly * !! to Tallulah. Cranberry Isles*to Bar Har bor. W a xia * to Washington. bor. Birch Island*! to Bruns Weeks* to Baldwin. Criehaven* to Rockland. wick. W ell to Alexandria. Crouseville* to Presquelsle B laine*! to Mars Hill. Weiss to Denham Springs. C rystalt! to Houlton. B lan chard*!! to Guilford. W elchton to Alexandria. Crystal Station to 'Houlton: W elcom e* to Donaldson B lu eliill*! to Ellsworth. Bluehill Falls* to Ellsworth. Cumberland Center* ! ! - to ville. Portland. Bolsters M ills* to N orw ay W eldon to Bernice. W e std a le*!! to Coushatta. Boothbay* to Booth Bay Cumberland Forside! to Portland. i Harbor. Westlake* T! to LakeCharles Cumberland M ills ! to Boundary to Houlton. Weston to Jonesboro. Westbrook. Bowdoin to Richmond. Westport to Alexandria. W estw ego*! to N e w Or Bowdoinham * ! ! to Bruns Cundys Harbor,* to Bruns wick. wick. leans. Stevensdale to Baton Rouge. Stevenson* to Bastrop. Stille to Boyce. Stonew all*! to Shreveport. Stonypolnt* to Slaughter. Stovall* to Jonesboro. Sugar Creek to Arcadia. Sugartown* to De'Ridder. Summerfield* to Junction City, Ark. Summerville* to Jena. Sun*tt to Bogalusa. Sunbeam to Clinton. Sunny H ill* to Franklinton. Sunshine* to Plaquemlne. Swords to Opelousas. Sycamore to Alexandria. Weyanoke* to Baton Rogue. W hitehall* to Doyle. W h itev ille*! to Bunkle. W ilb ert! to Port Allen W ilcox* to Baton Rouge. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis à County Seat. Money Order Office. MAINE East Winn* to Oldtown. East W intnrop* to Winthrop. E a ton *! to Bangor. Eddington to Bangor. Eden* to Bar Harbor. Daigle* to F ort Kent. Edes Falls to Bridgton. Damarlscotta M ills * !! .to Edgecomb* to Wlscasset. Damarlscotta. Edmunds to Eastport. Damascus to Bangor. Eggemoggln* to Rockland D a n forth *!! to Bangor. E l io t * !! to Portsmouth, D anville Junction!! to N . H. Auburn. Elltngwood Corner to Ban Dark H arb or*! to Belfast. gor. Davidson* ! f to Houlton. Ellsworth F a lls *! to Ells Dayton to Biddeford. worth. Dead R iver to FarmingElmore* to Thomaston. ton. D ea dw a ter*!! to Madison. Elms to Kennebunk. Em bden*! to Madison. Dedham to Bangor. Emery Mills* to Springvale. E n field *!! to Oldtown. Deeringf to Portland. Deering Center! to Portland E t n a * !! to Newport. Eustis* to Rangeley. Deer Is le * ! to Rockland.« Exeter* to Bangor. Denmark* to Bridgton Dennysville* ! t to‘ Eastport Exeter M ills to Bangor. D erby to M ilo. D etroit*Tt to Pittsfield. Dixfleld Center to Rumford Fairbanks to Farmington. Falls. Fairfield Center* to Fairfield. Dixm ont* to Newport. , Fairmount to F ort Fairfield Dprman to Machias. Douglas H ill* to Portland. Falmouth to Portland. Foreside to Dover South Mills to Dover. Falmouth Portland. Dresden* to Richmond. Dresden Mills* to Rich Farm ingdale! to Gardiner. Farmington Falls*to Farm mond. ington. Drew* to Bangor. Fayette* to Winthrop. D ryden *! to W ilton. Fayette Com er to W in D ry Mills* to Portland. Durham to Auburn. throp. D yer B rook *! to Houlton. F ive Islands* to Bath. Flagstafl* to Skowhegan. Fly/ Point* to Ellsworth. Forest City* to Bangor. Eagle* to Camden. Eagle L a k e * !!to F o r t Kent. Fortunes Rock to Bidde East Andover to Rumford. ford. F ox c ro ft*! to Dover. East Auburn to Auburn. East B aldwin*! ! to Po rt Frankfort* t ! to Searsport. F ra n k lin *ft to Ellsworth. land. Freedom* to Belfast. East Bangor to Bangor. East Bethel to Bethel. Freeman to Farmington. East Bluehill* to Ellsworth. Frenchboro* to Bar Harbor East Boothbay* to Booth- Frenchville • f { to Edbay Harbor. mundstou, N . B. Friendship* to Waldoboro. Eastbrook to Ellsworth. East Brownfield*! to Frye- F r y e * ! to Rumford Falls. Fryeburg Center to F rye burg. burg. East C orinth*! to Bangor. East Denmark to Bridgton. East Dixfleld* to W ilton. Garland* to Dexter. East Dixm ont to Bangor. Georgetown* to Bath. East D o v e r * !! to Dover. East Eddington*!to Bangor G ilb e rtv ille *!! to LiverEast Edgecomb* to Dama- i. more Falls. G ile a d * !! to Bethel. East Franklln*toEUsworth. Glenbura to Bangor. East Frlendshlp*toThomas- Glencove* to Rockland. G lendon*! to Waldoboro. ton. Goodrich! to F ort Fairfield. East G ray*t to Portland. East H am pden! to Bangor. Goodwin's M ills! to Bidde ford. East Harpswell to Bruns Gore to Sanford. wick. Gotts Island*to BarHarbor. East H eb ron ! to Auburn. GouldsDoro* to Ellsworth. East Hiram * to Fryeburg. Grafton* to Bethel. East H old en *! to Bangor. Grand Isle* to Van Buren. East Jackson to Belfast. Grand Lake Stream* to Calais. East K n ox to Belfast. East Lamolne to Ellsworth. Grants to Rangeley. East Lebanon* ! to Sanford. Gray*, to Portland. East Lim ington*toLlm enck Great Pond to Bangor. East L iverm o re*! to Liver* Great W o r k s * !! to Old more Falls. town. G reen e*!! to Lewiston. East Liverm ore M ills* Greenfield* to Oldtown. to Liverm ore Falls. Green L a k e * t ! to Bangor. East cow ell* to Oldtown. East Machias*! ! to Machias Greenville J u n ction *!! to Greenville. East Madison to Skowhegan . East M iilin ock et*!!to Milli- Greenwood to Bethel. Grimes to Caribou. ' nocket. East Monmouth to W in- Grove* to Calais. G roveville to Saco. throp. \ East Mt. Vernon to Augusta Guerette to Caribou. East N e w p o r t* !! to New port. East N ew Portland*toMadi- Haines Landing*to Rangeley. son. E a sto n *!! to F ort Fairfield H ale to Rumford. East Orland to Bucksport. Halldale to Belfast. East Orrington to Bangor. H all Quarry* to Bar Har bor. East Otisfleld* to Norway. East Palermo to Augusta. Halls M ills to Machias. East Parsonfield* to Lim Hamlin to Caribou. H fem pden*!! to Bangor. erick. Hampden Center to Bangor East Peru* to Dixfleld. to East Plttston* to Gardiner. Hampden Highlands* Bangor. East Poland* to Auburn. East Raym ond to Portland. H a n c o c k *!! to Ellsworth. Hancock Point* to Ells East Sebago* to Bridgton E. Stoneham* to N orw ay. worth. E, Sullivan* to Bar Harbor. H anover* to Rumford Falls East Su m ner*!! to Buck- Harbor to Fryeburg. Harborside* to Belfast. field. H a rm o n y*!! to Pittsfield.' East Surry* to Ellsworth., East T roy to Pittsfield. Harpswell Center to BrunsEast Union* to Warren. wickl East Vassaiboro* to W a t erville. H a rrin g to n *!! to Machias. East Waldoboro to W aldo H a m s o n *! to Bridgton. H artford f ! to Rumford boro. Falls. East Warren to Thomaston. East W a te rb orot! to San- H a rtla n d *!! to Pittsfield. H a rv ey Siding to Houlton. fòrd. East W aterford* to N orw ay Haven* to Ellsworth. East W ilton *T t to Farm Haynes vllle* to Houlton. Head T id e * ! to Wlscasset. ington. East Windham to West Hebron* to Mechanic Falls. brook. Curtis Comer* tttoLew iston Cushing* to Thomaston. Cutler* to Machias. ! Telegraph Station. t Express Office. MAINE TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Hebron Station* to Me chanic Falla. Hermon* to Bangor. Heron Island to Boothbay Harbor Herricks to Ellsworth, Hersey to Houlton. Higgins B each*! to Port land. Highland to Warren. Highland Lake* to West brook. Hillside-“ to Brldgton. H in c k le y 't! to Skowhegan H ira m *it to Portland. Hodgdon* to Houlton. Holden f t to Bangor. H o le b 't ! to Greenville. Hollis Center* to Saco. H op e*! to Camden. Houghton! it o Kumlord. Howe B ro o k *!! to Boulton. Howes Corner to Auburn. Howland* to Bangor H udson!! to Bangor. Hulls Cove*to Bar Harbor Livermore Center to Liver more Falls. Locke M ills * !! to Bethel. Longcove* to Thomaston. Long Island*! to Portland. Long P o n d *!! to Greenville. Loon Lake to Rangeley. Loudvllle* to Damariscotta. Lovell* to Brldgton. Lowell* to Oldtown. Low elltow n! to Greenville. L u d lo w *!! to Houlton. Lyman to Biddeford. MAINE 1871 North Baldwln*toBrldgton. Parsonsfield* to Limerick. Sebago L a k e * !! to P o rt N . B elgrade*!! to Oakland. Passadumkeag*! ! to Old land. North Bethel* to Bethel. town. Sebasco* to Bath. N . Bluehill to Bucksport. Pattagumpus to Mllilnocket Sebeo* to Dover. North Bradford* to Milo. Peak Island*! to Portland. Sebec Lake* to Dover. North Brewer to Bangor. Pearly Brook to F ort Kent. Sebec Station*! to Dover. N . B ridgton*! tto Brldgton Pejepscot*! to Brunswick. Seboels* to Milo. N . Brooklin* to Ellsworth. Pem aquld*to Damariscotta Sebomook* to Greenville. N . Brooksville* to Bucks Pemaquld Beach* to Dam Sedgwick*Tl to Ellsworth. port. Selden to Houlton. ariscotta. N , Buckfleld to Buckfleld. Pemaquld Harbor* to Dam Shapleigh* to Sanford. N . Buckspbrt to Bucksport. ariscotta. Shapleigh Corner to San North Carmel to Bangor. ford. Pemaquid Point* to Dama North Castlne* to Belfast. riscotta. Shawmut’ Tlto Fairfield. N . Chesterville* to Farm P em b rok e *!! to Eastport. Sheepscot*! to Wiscasset. Machlasport* to Machias. ington. Sheridan* to Presque Isle. Penobscot* to Bucksport. Macwahoc* to Houlton. N . Cornville to Skowhegan. Perham *t! to Caribou. Sherman*! to Mllilnocket. Madawaska * ! 1 to Ed- N . Cushing to Thomaston. P e rry *! ! to Eastport. Sherman M ills*! to Houl monston, N . B. North Cutler* to Machias. ton. Peru *! to Rumford. Madison Center* to Madi North Deeringf to Portland Phair*t to Presque Isje. Sherman Station*! to son. , N . Deer Isle*! to Rockland. Phlppsburg* to Bath. Houlton. Madrid to Phillips. North Dexter* to Dexter. Pine P o in t* It to Saco. Shirley M ills *!tto Guilford. Magalloway Plantation to N . Dixm ont* to Newport. Pittston! to Gardiner. Sidney to Augusta. South Paris. N . East C arry* to Green Plalsted* to Fort Kent. Silvers M ills*! to Dexter. Mainstream * ! to Pittsfield ville. Pleasantdalef to Portland. Sinclair to Fort Kent. Manchester* to Augusta. Northeast H a rb or*ttto Bar PleasantIsland*to Rangeley Skinner* to Guilford. Manset* to Bar Harbor. Harbor. Pleasant Point*to Thomas Maple Grove * f t to Fort North Edgecomb* to WlsSmall Point* to Bath. ton. Indian R iver* to Jonesport Fairfield. Small Point Beacb*toBath. Pleasant ville to Warren. casset. M apleton*!! to Presque Isle N . Ellsworth to Ellsworth. Plym outh* to Newport. Intervale* to Auburn. Smtthfield* to Oakland. Island F a lls *!! to Houlton. Maplewood to Limerick. Northern Maine Junction! P o la n d * !! to Mechanic Smithville* to Ellsworth. Isle Au Haut* to Rockland M aranacook*!! to W ln to Bangor. Smyrna Mills* f ttoHoulton. Falls. throp. Pond Covet to Portland. Islesboro* to Bellast. Snow Comer to Bangor. Northfield* to Machias. Islesiord* to Bar Harbor. M ariaville* to Ellsworth. N . Fryeburg* to Fryeburg. Popham Beach* to Bath. Soldier Pond * ! I to Fort M artin* to Waldoboro. Kent. N . Gorham* to Westbrook. P o rta g e * !! to F ort Kent. Port Clyde* to Thomaston. S o lo n *!! to Madison. Martinsville* to Thomaston North Gray to Portland. Jackman Station*! to M asardls*!! to Houlton. North Guilford to Guilford. Porter* to Kezar Falls. Somerset* to Madison. Matlnlcus* to Rockland. - Greenville. to N . Hancock*! to Ellsworth. Powersvllle to MlUnocket. Somerset Junction!! M attaw am keag*!! to Old N . Harpswell to Brunswick, Pownal to Freeport. Jackson to Belfast. Greenville. town. Jacksonville* to Machias. Somerville to Augusta. N . Haven* to Rockland. Prentiss* to Oldtown. J a y * !! to Liverm ore Falla M a ysvillef to Caribou. P retty Marsh to Bar H ar Songo Lock to Brldgton. Sorrento*! to Bar Harbor. bor. North Islesboro* to Belfast. Meddybemps* to Calais. Jefferson* to Waldoboro. N orth J a y * !! to Wilton. Medfordf to Milo. Jemtland*! to Caribou. Prides Comers to Portland. South Addison to Machlaa. . Andover to Rumford. N. Lebanon* to Sanford. P rin c eton *!! to Calais. Medford Center* to M ilo. Jolce to Gardiner . Beddington to Ellsworth. Jonesboro* to Machias. Medomak* to Waldoboro. North Leeds* t t to L ive r Prospect ! ! to Stockton . Bluehill* to Ellsworth. Meduncook* to Waldoboro. Springs. more Falls. Jonesport* to Machias. N . Lim ington* to Limerick. Prospect Ferry to Bucks South B re w e r*!! to Bangor Medway* to Mllilnocket. Bridgton* to \Bridgton. N . Lincoln*! to Oldtown. Mercer* to Skowhegan. port. Prospect Harbor* to Bar South Bristol* to Boothbay North Lubec* to Lubec. Katahdln Iron W ork s*! Harbor. Harbor. M erepoint* to Brunswick. N. Monmouth* to Winto Milo. Prouts N ec k *! to Portland Brooksville* to Ells Mexico* to Rumtord. throp. K eega n *!! to Van Buren. worth. North Newburg to Bangor. Pulpit Harbor* to Rock Michaud to F ort Kent. Kenduskeag* to Bangor. Kennebago* to Rangeley. M iddle Dam * to Rumford. N . Newcastle* to Wiscasset. land. South Casco* to Portland. North New Portland*! to Kennebago Lake*to Range- Milford* to Oldtown. South China* to Augusta. Mlllbrldge to Machias. Madison. ley. South Corinth to Banger. North New ry* to Bethel. Randolph! to Gardiner. Kennebunk B each*! ! tc M llltow n *! to Calais. S. Deer Isle to Rockland, N . Nobleboro to Waldoboro Raym ond* to Portland., M illvale* to Bucksport.. Kennebunk. Razorville* to Waldoboro. South Dover to Dover. N . N orw ay to Norway. Kennebunkport*!! to Ken Milo Ju n ction *!! to Milo. S. Dresden to Richmond. Milton Plantation to Bethel North Orrington to Bangor. R eadfleld*! to Wlnthrop. nebunk. North Palermo to Augusta. Readfleld Depot* t ! to W ln S. Eliot* to Portsmouth, Minot* to Auburn. Kents H ill* ! to Wlnthrop. N . H. North Paris to South Paris, throp. MintUra* to Rockland. K in e o * !! to Greenville. South Exeter to Dexter. Monarda* (Silver Ridge N . Parsonfleld toLim erick. Red Beach* to Calais. Kingm an*! ! to Bangor. South Freeport* to Freeport N . Penobscot* to Bucks Redding* to Buckfleld. Plantation) to Houlton. Kingsbury* to Gulfford. Richmond Com er* to Rich S. G ardiner*!! to Gardiner. port. K lt t e r y * !! to Portsmouth. Monhegan*! to Boothbay Gouldsboro* to Ells mond. North Perry to Eastport. Harbor. N. H. worth. Klttery D ep o t*! to' Ports M onm outh*!! to Wlnthrop. North Pittston to Gardiner, RldlonviUe* to Rumford. S. Hancock* to Ellsworth. Rlggsville* to Bath. Northport* to Belfast. Monroe* to Belfast. mouth, N . H. Northport Camp Ground R iley* ! to Liverm ore Falls S. Harpswell* to Portland. K lttery P o i n t * ! ! to Ports M on son *!! to Guilford. S. Hiram * to Kezar Falls. Ripley* to Dexter. to Belfast. Montioello*! i to Houlton. mouth, h . H. South Hollis to Saco. N . Raym ond* to Auburn. R iverside! to Augusta. Montvlllo* to Belfast. Knlghtsville -to Portland. South Hope* to Camden. N . Scarboro to .Westbrook Robblnston* to Calais. Moody* to Kennebunk. Knox to Belfast. South Jefferson* to Damar Moosebead*! to Greenville, North Searsmont*to Belfast Robinhood to Bath. Knox Station! to Belfast. iscotta. N . Searsport to Searsport. Robinsons*tl to Mars H ill Moose R iver* to Guilford. Kokadjo* to Greenville. S. L a G ran ge*!! to Oldtown North Sebago* to Bridgton. Rockville to Rockland. M oro to Houlton. N . Sedgwick* to Ellsworth, Rockw ood*! to Greenville. South Lebanon to Roches Morrill* to Belfast. ter, N . H. N . Shapleigh* to Limerick, Rome to Farmington. Mountain to Auburn. La G ran ge*ft to Milo. Lake M o x le * !! to Madison Mountalnvlew* to Range- N- Sullivan* to Ellsworth. Roque Bluffs* to Machias South Leeds to Lewiston. Ross Comers* to Limerick South Levant to Bangor. North Troy to Pittsfield. ley. Lake Parlin to Greenville Round Mountain* to South Liberty to Belfast. North Turner* to Auburn. Mount Chase to Houlton. Lake Shore to Augusta. S. Lim ington* to Limerick. Rangeley. Mount Desert* to Bar Har N orth Turner Bridge to Lakeside* to Oakland. Round Pond* to Damarls South Lincoln* to Oldtown. Livermore Falls. bor. Lake V iew * f ! to Milo. ' S. Litchfield to Gardiner. cotta. Lakewood* (Hancock Co.) Mount Desert Ferry* f ! to N . Vassalboro* to WaterSouth Liverm ore to L ive r Rowe Pond* to Madison. ville. Bar Harbor. 1 to Ellsworth. more Falls. Lakewood (Somerset Co.) Mount Vernon* to Augusta North Waldoboro* to W al R o x b u ry *!! to Rumford South Lubec* to Lubec. doboro. Muscongus Bay to Damaris to Skowhegan. North Warren to Warren. Rumford Center* to Rum. South Monmouth to W incotta. Lambert L a k e *! to Calais. throp. N . Waterboro* to Limerick. ford. Lamolne to Ellsworth. N . W aterford* to Norway. Rumford Comer to Run* South Mont ville to Belfast. Larone to Skowhegan, South Newburg to Bangor. ford. North W ayne*!toW lnthrop Naples* 1 to Brldgton. Larrabee* to Machias. N . W hitefield*! to Gardiner Rumford F a lls !! to Rum. S. N ew Castle*! to Wiscas Naskeag* to Ellsworth. Law ry* to Waldoboro. set. ford. N ational Soldier’s Hom e*! N . Windham* to Portland. Lebanon! to Sanford, North Windsor to Augusta. Rumford Point* to Rum. S. O rrington*!! to Bangor. to Gardiner. Lee* to Oldtown. S, Penobscot*! to Bucks ford. N . W interport to Bangor. Nelson to Caribou. Leeds* to Liverm ore Falls port. Leeds Junction * ! 1 to Newagen * to Boothbay North Woodstock to Bethel South Poland* t to Auburn. North Y arm ou th *tltoPortHarbor. Lewiston. Southport*! to Boothbay S a ba ttu s*!! to Auburn. land. Newburg to Bangor. Harbor. Newburg Center to Bangor. N orway Lake* to Norway, sabbathday Lake* to Au Levant* to Bangor. , S. Portland* to Portland. burn. Newburg Village to Bangor. Lexington to Madison. South Robblnston to Calais. Saint Agatha* to F ort Kent N ew castle*! to Damaris Liberty* to Belfast. Saint Albans*t to Pittsfield. South Sanford to Sanford. O a kfleld*!! to Houlton. cotta. Llbertyvllle to Belfast. Saint D a v id * !! to Van S. Somerville to Waldoboro. Oaks to Norway. Newfleld* to Limerick. Ligoniaf to Portland. S. Springfield to Oldtown. Buren. New Gloucester* T1 to Au Ocean Park* to Saco. L ille * !! to Van Buren. Ocean Point* to Boothbay Saint Francis* ! ! to Fort S. Standish* to Portland. burn. Lim ington* to Limerick. S. Thomaston* to Rockland Kent. Harbor. N ew Harbor* to Damaris Lincoln Center * ! ! to OldSaint George* to Thomas South U n ion *! to Rockland Oceanville* to Rockland cotta. town. S. Waldoboro to Waldoboro ton. New L im e ric k *!! to Houl Ogunquit*! to Kennebunk. Llncoinvllle* to Camden. St. John Plantation to F ort S. Warren* to Thomaston. Olamon’ t l t o Oldtown. ton. Lincolnville Center* to S. W aterford* to Bridgton. Kent. New Portland* to Farming- Old O rchard*!t to Saco. Camden. Salem *! to Phillips. Onawa*TI to Greenville. ton. Linekin* to Boothbay HarSouthwest H a rb o r * !! to Salisbury Cove* to Bar Har O quossoc*!! to Rumford. ‘ bor. Bar Harbor. bor. Orient* to Houlton. N ew ry to Bethel. S. W in d h a m *!! to W est Sandy Creek* to Brldgton Orland* to Bucksport. N ew Sharon* to FarmingLlnneus* to Houlton. brook. S an dyp oln t*!! to Stockton Orrington* to Bangor. ton. L isb on *ft to Lisbon Falls South Windsor to Augusta. Springs. Lisbon Center* to Lisbon New S w ed en *!Ito Caribou Orrs Island* to Portland. Sangervllle* 11 to Guilford South W oodstock to South Npw Sweden Station*! to Otis to Ellsworth. Falls. Paris. Sargent ville* to Ellsworth, Otlsfleld to Norway. 'Caribou. Litchfield* to Gardiner. Spencer* to Rangeley. Scarboro*! to Portland. Litchfield Comers* to Rich N ew Vineyard* to Farm Spragues M ill to F ort FairScarboro B ea ch !! to P o rt Otter Creek to Bar Harbor. ington. mond. land. Owls H ead* to Rockland. Litchfield Plains to Gardl N lc o lln *!! to Ellsworth. Springfleld* to Oldtownt. S ch ood le*!! to MUo. Oxbow* to Presque Isle. N obleboro*! to Damaris her. O xford! to Mechanic Falls. Sealcove* to Southwest H ar Spruce H ead* to Rockland. cotta. L ittle Deer Isle* to RookSqua P a n !! to Presque Isle. bor, N orcross*!! to Mllilnocket, land. Seal H arbor* ! ! t o Bar H ar Squirrel Isla n d *!! to BoothN orridgew ock *!! to Skow bay Harbor. bor. Palerm o * ! to Augusta. hegan. •_ L ittle Joihn Isla n d*! to Searsmont* to Belfast. s Staoyville*! t to M llilnocket. Palm yra* to Newport. North A m ity * to Houlton. .Portland., Standish* to W estbrook. Paris* to South Paris. North A n son *tlto Madison. L ittle to n !! to Houlton. Starboard to. Machias. Seawall* to Bar Harbor. Parker Head* to Bath. Livermore*" to Liverm ore N . A p p le to n *to Camden. Starks* to.M adison. Sebago* to Brldgton. Parkman* to Guilford. North Aubnro to Auburn. Falls. t Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. »Money Order Office. i County Seat. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1872 MAINE Steep Falls* ! ! to Portland. Stetson* to Newport. Steuben* to Ellsworth. Stevensvilie to F ort Fairfield. Stickney Corner* to W aldoboro. Stillwater* to Oldtown. Stockholm *!! to Caribou. Stonlngton* 1! to Rockland. Stow to Brldgton. Stratton* to Phillips. Strickland*! to Liverm ore Falls. S tro n g *tt to Phillips. Stroudwater* to Portland. Sugar Island* to Guilford. Sullivan* t to Bar Harbor. Summit to Milo. Sumner* to Buckfleld. Sunset* to Ellsworth. Sunshine* to Rockland. Surry* to Ellsworth. Swans Island* to Bar Har bor. Swanvllle* to Searsport. Sweden to Brldgton. Tem ple* to Farmington. Tenants Harbor* t to Thomaston. The Forks* to Madison. Th orndike*! t to Belfast. Thornton Heights to P o rt land. Tim to Rangeley. Togus to Gardiner. Topsfleld* to, Calais. Topsham* to Brunswick. Township 6 , Range 7 to M illinocket. Trefethen to Portland. Tremont* to Bar Harbor. Trescott to Lubec. Trevett* to Boothbay Har bor, T roy* to Pittsfield. T roy Centre to Pittsfield. Turner* to Auburn. Turner Center* to Auburn. U n ion *! to Waldoboro. U nionvllle*! to Machias. U nity Plantation to Fairfield. Upper Dam* to Rangeley. Upper Frenchvllle* to Edmundston, N. B. Upper Gloucester* to Au burn. Upton* to Bethel. V a n ceb oro*!! to Calais. V assalboro*!! to W aterville. Veaziett to Bangor. Verona to Bucksport. Vienna* to Farmington. W aite* to Calais. W a ld o ! to Belfast. W aldo S tation *! to Belfast. Wales to Ldwiston. Wallagra'ss Plantation t ! to F ort Kent. Walnut H ill* ! to Portland. W alpole to Damarlscotta. W altham * to Ellsworth. Washington* to W aldoboro W aterboro* to Sanford. W aterboro Center* to Lim erick. W&terford* to Norway. W ayne* to Wlnthrop. Webbs Mills* to Brldgton. Webhannet* to Kenne bunk. W ebster to Orono. W eeks M ills*! to Augusta. W elchvllle* to Mechanic Falls. W eld* to Phillips. Wellington* to Guilford. W e lls*! to Kennebunk. Wells B e a c h !! to Kenne bunk. Wellsbranch to Kennebunk. Wells D ep ot*! to North Berwick. W esley* to Machias. W est Appleton* to Belfast. W est Athens to Skowhegan. W est Auburn to Auburn. W . B a ld w in *!! to Portland. W est B ath ! to Bath. W est B e th e l* !! to Bethel. W est Boothbay Harbor* to Boothbay Harbor. W . Bowdoin* to Lisbon Falls. W , Brooklin* to Ellsworth. W . Bropksville*! to Belfast. W est Charleston to Dexter. W., Cumberland to P o rt land. W . Dresden* to Richmond. W. Durham to Lisbon Falls W. Eden to Bar Harbor. • West Enfield* to Oldtown. W Falm outh*! to Portland West F arm ington*! to Farmington. W estfield *!! to Mars Hill. Alien* to Fruitland. Allibone to Bel Air. Alpha* to Sykesville. \ ' A ltam ont! to Oakland. American Comers to Federalsburg. Andersontown to Denton. Andrews to Cambridge. Annapolis J u n ction *!! to Laurel. Antietam t to Sharpsburg. W . Harpswell to Brunswick Appeal to Solomons. W. Hollis to W est Buxton. Applegarth* to Cambridge. W . Jonesport* to Jonesport. Aquasco* to Upper M a rl boro. W . Kennebunk*! to K en Arbutus to Baltimore. nebunk. W . Lebanon* to Rochester Arm iger to Annapolis. N . H. A rn old *! to Annapolis. W est Leeds to Lewiston. Asbestos*! to Reisterstown. W est Lubec* to Lubec. W est Mills* to Farmington. Ash to Williamsport. W est M in o t* !! to Auburn. A shland*! (Baltim ore Co.) to Cockeysville. W . M ount Vernon to WinAshland! ! ( Queen Anne Co.) throp. to Centerville. West Newfleld* to Limerick W . N ew Portland to Far Ashton* to Sandy Spring. Aspen to Rockville. mington. W est Oldtown to Oldtown. Athel to Salisbury Weston* to Houlton. Atholton* to Elllcott City. Avalon* to Tilghman. W . Outlet* to Greenville. W est Palm yra to Pittsfield. Avenel to Kensington. A vllton* to Lonaconlng. W . P a r is * !! to South Paris. W . Pem broke* to Eastport. W . Penobscot to Bucksport Bachmans M ills to W est minster. W Peru* to Rumford. Baden*! to Brandywine. West Point to B atly W. Poland* to Mechanic Bagley* to Bel A ir. Balle to N ew Windsor. Falls. Bakersville to Keedysville. W estport to Wlscasset. W est Pownal* to Portland. B ald w in *it to Bel Air. Barber to Easton. West R ipley* to Dexter. W . Rockport* to Rpckport« B a rc la y *!! to Sudlers ville. W est Scarboro* to Portland Bark H ill to Union Bridge. Bar N eck to Tilghman. W . Searsmont to Belfast. W . Sedgwick to Ellsworth. B arn esvllle*!! to Poolesville to M ount W . Southport* to Boothbay B arrellville*! Savage. Harbor. W . Sullivan*! to Ellsworth. Barstow* to Prince Fred erick. W est Sumner* to Buckfleld. to Mount W . Trem ont* to Bar H ar B artholows*! A iry. bor. W est Trenton* to Ellsworth Bayard to Upper Marlboro. Bay view to North East. W est T ro y to Pittsfield. W . Waldoboro to W aldo Beachville* to Leonardtown Bealls ville* to Poolesvllle. boro. W . W arren! to Waldoboro. Beane to Rockville. West Washington* to W a l Beauvue to Lebnardstbwn. Beaver Creek*! to Hagers doboro. town. W. W interport to Bucks Beaverdam ! to Pocom oke port. C ity. W est W oolwich to Bath. Wheelock* to Edmunston, Beckleysville to Hampstead Bedsworth! to Crisfleld. N . B. W h ltefleld *!! to Gardiner. Bel A lto n *! to Là Plata. W hite R o c k * !! to Portland. B elcam p *!! to Bel A ir. Belfast to Cockeysville. W hiting* to Lubec. W h ltn eyvtlle*! to Machias. Belle Grove* to Hancock. B ellevu é*! to Oxford. W illa rd ! to Portland. B eltsville*! to Laurel. Willim antic* to Dover. Windham Center! to W est Benedict*! to L a Plata. Benevola to Boonsboro. brook. Benfield to Annapolis. Bengles* to Baltimore W indsor! to Augusta. Benson* to Bel Air. WindsorvIUe* to Augusta. Bentley Springs*! to ParkW in n *!! to Oldtown. ton. WInnecook! to Pittsfield. Berean to Cockeysville. Wlnnegance* to Bath. B erk le y *! to Port Deposit. Winslow* to W aterville. Winslows M ills*! to W aldo Berrett to Sykesville. Berry* to L a Plata. boro. W inter H a rb o r*! to Bar Berwyn* ! to H yattsvllle. Bestpitch to Cambridge. Harbor. W in te rp o rt*!! toBucksport Bethesda* to Rockville. W ln te rv ille *!! to Fort Kent B eth leh em *it to Preston. W oodlords! to Portland. B ig P o o l* !! to Clear Spring. W oo d la n d *!! to Calais. Woodland Center to Cari B ig Spring* to Clear Spring. B lrdsvllle*to Annapolis. bou. B ish op*!! to Bishopville. W oo lw ic h *!! to Bath. Bishops H ead* to Cam W ym an to Machias. bridge. W ytopltlock* ! ! to Bangor. Bittinger* to Grantsville. B ivalve* to Nanticoke. Y arm ou th *t! to Portland. B la c k *!! to Chestertown. Y armouthville* to Portland. Blackrock to Cockeysville York B e a c h *!! to Y ork Bladensburg* to H yatts vllle. Village. Y ork Cliffs to Y o rk Village. Blake to Elkton. York Comer • to Y ork Vil Blakistone* to Leonard town. lage. Y ork H a rb o r * !! to York Bloom to Westminster. Bloomington* to Piedmont, Village. W . Va. Blue Ball to Elkton. Bluestone to Mechanicsville. W est Forks to Madison. W. Franklin* to Ellsworth. W est Gardiner to Gardiner. W est Garland to Dexter. W . Gorham to Westbrook. W . Gouldsboro* to Ells worth. W est Gray to Portland. W est Hampden to Bangor. West Hancock to Ellsworth Blythedale to P o rt Deposit. B Oliver to Middletown. Bolton to L a Plata. B oone! to Annapolis. B o rin g *! to Reisterstown. Bowen* to Prince Frederick Abell to Leonardtown. B o w ie * !! to Laurel. Abingdon* to Bel A ir. B oxiron! to Girdle, Tree. Accident* to Friends ville. B o y d s * !! to Gaithersburg. Accokeek* to L a Plata. Adelina* to Prince Fred Bozman* to St. Michaels. Braddock Heights to Fred erick. erick. A d y to Delta, Pa. A ik in *! to H avre de Grace. Bradenbaugh to Bel Air. Airedele* to Leonardtown. B rad sh aw *!! to Bel A ir. Branchville! to H yatts A lreys*! to Cambridge. vllle. A lb erton *! to Elllcott City. Breathedsvllle* to Keedys Aldino to H avre de Grace. ville. A lesla *! to Manchester. Brentland* to L a Plata. Allegany!- to Frostburg. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ARYLAND ACounty Seat. Money Order Office. MARYLAND B rentw ood*! to H yattsvllle Colgate* to Baltimore. Bridgeport to Emmlttsburg College Park* to Hyatts vllle. Bridgetown to Greensboro. to Upper Brighton* to Sandy Spring. C ollln gton *! Marlboro. Brinklow to Sandy Spring. C o lo r a * !! to Rising Sun. Bristol* to Upper Marlboro. Columbia to Elllcott City. Britton* to Leonardtown, Com pton* to Leonardtown. Broadfording to Hagers Comus* to Poolesvllle. Concord to Denton. town. Conococheague to Hagers Brookeville* to Sandy Spring. town. Brooklandville*! to Tow - C on ow in go*!! to P o rt De posit. son. Cooksey to L a Plata. Brookvlew* to Hurlock. Broomes Island to Prince Cooksvllle* to Sykesville. C o rb ett*! to Cockeysville. Frederick. Brown to Upper Marlboro. Browningsvllle to Monrovia Cornersvllle* to Cambridge. B row n sville*! to Keedys- Cornfield Harbor* to Leon .ville. ardtown. Bruceville to Union Bridge. Corrigan v ille *! to Cumber land. C osten t! to Pocomoke City Bryantown* to L a Plata. Buckeystown*! to Fred C ove Point to Prince Fred erick. erick. B ucklodge*! to Gaithers Cover to N ew Windsor. Cowentown to Newark, burg. Del. Bucktown! to Cambridge. Budds Creek to Mechan C ox’s Station to L a Plata. Cranberry Station to West ics ville. minster. Burdette* to Gaithersburg. Burkittsville* to Brunswick Crapo* to Cambridge. Burnt M ills to Silver Creagerstown to Thurmont. Crellin* to Oakland. Spring. Cresaptown to Cumberland. Burrlsville to Centerville. Creswell to Bel Air. Burrs vllle to Denton. Crocheron* to Cambridge. Burtonsville* to Laurel. Bushwood to Leonardtown Cronhardt to Towson. Croom * to Upper M arlboro Butler* to Cockeysville. Croom Station*! to Upper B yn u m *! to Bel Air. M arlboro. Cropley to Georgetown, D. C. Cabin Creek! to East New Cross Roads* to La Plata. Market. Crownsvllle to Annapolis. Cabin John* to Rockville. California* to Leonardtown Crumpton* to Millington. Curtis B a y !! to Brooklyn. Calvary to Bel A ir C alvert! to Rising Sun. Calverton Mills to Balti Daisy to Woodbine. more. Damascus to Mt. A iry. Campbell to Bishopville. Camp Springs to Upper Dameron to Leonardtown. Dames Quarter* to Princess Marlboro. Anne. Capitol Heights to Wash Dares W harf to Prince ington, D. C. Frederick. Cardiff* to Delta, Pa. Carea to Stewartstown, Pa. Dargan to Harpers Ferry, W . Va. Carlos* to Frostburg. Carmichael* to Queenstown Darnestown to Gaithers burg. Carny to Towson. Davidsonville* to Annapo Carroll to Baltimore. lis. ' Carrollton* 1 to Westmin D avis* to Grantsville. , ster. Dawson* to Keyser, W . Va. Carsins to Aberdeen. Dawsonville* to PoolesCascade* to Emmltsburg. vilie. Castleton* to Bel A ir. Day to Woodbine. Catlin to Chestertown. Catoctin Furnace to Thur- Daysville to Walkersville. Dayton* to Elllcott City. mont. Gavetown* ! to Smithsburg . Deale* to Annapolis. Cayots to Chesapeake City. Deep Run to Westminster. Deer Creek to Aberdeen. Cearfoss to Hagerstown. Cedar Grove to Gaithers Deerfield! to Thurmont. Deer P a r k * !! to Oakland. burg. C edar H ill to Prince Delight to Reisterstown. Dentsville! to L a Plata. Frederick. Derwood * ! to Rockville. Cedartown to Snow H ill. C edarville*! to Brandy Dickerson*! ! to Frederick. wine. Champ* to Princess Anne. Dodson* to Kitzm lller. Doncaster* to L a Plata. Chance* to Princess Anne. Chaney*! to Upper Mari- Dorsey*! to Laurel. Doubs*! to Frederick. boro. Doughoregan to E lllcott Chaneyville* to Owings. City. Chaptico* to Mechanlcsville Charlestown*! to North D ow nes*!! to Ridgely. Downsville to Williamsport. East. Drawbridge! to Cambridge. Charlesvllle to Frederick. Charlotte H a ll*!to Mechan Drayden* to Leonardtown. Drury to Upper Marlboro. lcsville. Charlton*! tb Williamsport D ry Run to Hagerstown. Dublin to Bel Air. C h a se*!! to Baltimore. Cheltenham !! to Upper DuBols to La Plata. Dulaneys Valley to Towson. Marlboro, Duley! to Unper Marlboro. Cherry H ill* to Elkton. Chesapeake B each * ! 1 to Dunkirk* to Prince Fred erick. Upper Marlboro. Chesapeake Junction to Dynard to Leonardtown.' Washington D. C. Chester*! ! to Stevensville. Eakles M ills*! to Keedys Chesterfield* to Annapolis. ville. Chestervllle to Millington. Earleigh Heights* to A n Chestnut H ill to Bel Air. napolis. C hevy Chase to Kensington. Chews v ille * ! to Hagers B arlevllle*to Middletown, Del. town. Earlton to H avre de Graoe. Chicamuxen to L a Plata. E. Brooklyn* to Baltimore. C h ild s*t! to Elkton. Chillum t o Washington, Eastport*! to Annapolis. East view to Westminster. D. C. Eckhart Mines* to Frost Choptank*! to Preston. burg. Church Creek* to Cam E d e n *!! to Fruitland. bridge. Edesville to Chestertown. Churchton* to Annapolis# E d g em o n t*!! to Smiths Churchvtlle* to Bel Air. burg. Claiborne*! ! to St. M i Edgewater* to Annapolis. chael’s. E d g ew o o d *!! to Aberdeen. Clara* to Nanticoke. Clarksburg* to Gaithers Ednor*vto Rockville. Elder to Frrendsville. burg. 01ark8ville*to Elllcott City. Eldersburg to Sykesville. Eldorado to Hurlock. Clayton* to Bel A ir. Clements* to Leonardtown. Elioak* to Elllcott City. Clifton to Frederick. Elk M ills*! to Elkton. Elk Neckr to N orth East. Clinton* to Brandywine. E lk Rid ge* toC atonsville. Coleman to Betterton. C olesviile* to Sliver Spring. Ellerslie* to Cumberland. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. MARYLAND Ellerton to Myersville. Elliott* to Vienna. E llw o o d *!! to Preston. Elvaton* to Annapolis. Em m orton*t to Bel Air. Engles M ills to Friends ville. Enterprise to N ew Windsor Etchison to Gaithersburg. Evna to Cockeysville. Ewell* to Crisfleld. Fairbank* to Tilghman. Fairfield* to Baltimore. Fair H ill to Elkton. Fairland to Laurel. Fairlee to Chestertown. Fairmount* to Princess Anne. Fairmount Heights to Washington, D . O. Fairplay* to Hagerstown. Fairview to Hagerstown. F a lls to n *!! to Bel A ir. Farmington to Rising Sun. Faulkner* to La Plata. Feagavllld to Frederick. Fearer* to Fnendsville. Federal H ill to Bel Air. Fike to Friendsville. Finchvlllet to Federalsburg Finksburg*! to Westmin ster. Finzel to Frostburg. Fishing C reek*t to Cam bridge. Flint Stone*t to Cumber land. Flintville* to Delta, Pa. Florence to Woodbine. Fords Store* t to Queens town. Forest Glen* ! ! to Kensing ton. Foreston to Hampstead. Forestville* to Upper Marl boro. Fork* to Bel Air. Fort H oward* to Baltimore. Fort W ashington*! to A ie iandrla, Va. Fountain Green to Bel Air. Fountain Mills to Monrovia. Four Locks to Clear Spring. Fowblesburg*! to Hamp stead. Fowling Creek to Preston. Foxvllle to Thurmont. Franklin Mines to Westernport. Franklintown to Baltimore. Franklinville to Bel Air. Frederick Junction to Fred erick. Freeland*! to Shrewsbury, Pa# Friendly to Alexandria,Va. Friendship!! to Upper M arlboro. Frizellburg to Westminster. Fulford to Bel A ir. Fullerton* to Baltimore. Fulton* t to Laurel. Funkstown* to Hagerstown Galestown to Seatord, Del. Galloways*, to Galesville. Gamber to Westminster. Gambrills* to Annapolis. G a pla n d*!! to Keedysvllle. Gardenville*t to Baltimore. Garfield to Smithsburg. Garrett P a r k * ! to Kensing ton. Garrison* to Pikesvllle. Gary to Ellicott City. Georgetown* to Galena, , Germ antown*! to Gaithers burg. Gibson to Bel A ir. Gilmore* to Midland. Gilpen* to Cumberland. Gist to Westminster. Gittings* to Towson. Glen to Rockville. Glenarm *! to Towson. Glencoe* 11 to Cockeysville. Glen Echo* to Washington. D. C. Glenelg* to Ellicott City. Glen M o rr is *!! to Reisterstown. ' x Glenn D a le*! to Upper Marlboro. Glenville to H avre de Grace ¿Glenwood* to Sykesville. » 'G luckheim t to East N ew M arket. Glyndon* t ! to Relsterstown. Golden H ill* to Cambridge. Golden R in g to Baltimore. G olts*! to M illington. Goodwill to Pocomoke City. Gorsuchs M ills to Stewartstown, Pa. Gortner to Oakland. Goshen to Gaithersburg. Governor Run* to Prince Frederick. . Graceham*! to Thurmont. Grange to Baltimore. Granite* to Sykesville. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Grave Run Mills to Man chester. Grayton* to La Plata. Great Mills* to Leonardtown. Greenmount*! to Hamp stead. Greenock* to Upper Marl boro. Green R id g e * !! to Cumber land. Greensburg to Smithsburg. Griftofi to Sandy Spring. Grimes*! to Hagerstown. Guard* tb Friendsville. Guilford to Ellicott City. Guys to-Queenstown. Gwynnbrootk*! to Relsterstown. Habnab* to Princess Anne. H alethorp*! to Catonsville. H a lfw a y * !!to Williamsport H alls*! to Upper Marlboro. Hampden! to Baltimore. H anover*! to Ellicott City. Hansonville to Frederick. Hardesty to Upper Marl boro. Harford Furnace to Aber deen. Harmans to Baltimore. Harmony to Myersville.’ Harmony G rove*! to Frederick. Harney* to Taneytown. Harold to Marion Station. Harrison! to Hurlock. Harrlsonville to Relsterstown. Harwood* to Annapolis. Hawkeye to East New Mar ket. Hayden* to Centerville. Hebbville to Baltimore. Helen to Mechanicsvllle. Henderson*t! to Goldsboro Hereford to Cockeysville. Hermanville* to Leonardtown. Hernwood to Baltimore. Hess to Bel Air. Hickory to Bel Air. Hicksville to Clear Spring. H ig h fle ld *!! to Emmltsburg. High Knob to Frederick. Hlghlandtow nt! to Balti more. Hillsdale*! to Baltimore. Hills Point to Cambridge. Hill T o p * ! to La Plata. Hinkle td Mt. Airy. Hobbs*! ! to Denton. / Holbrook to Pikesvllle. Hollands Island* to Prin cess Anne. H ollywood* to Leonardtown. Hom estead! to Baltimore. Honga to Cambridge. Hoods Mills* ! to Sykesville. Hoopersvllle * I to Cam bridge. Hope to Centerville. H opew ell! to Crisfleld. Houcksville to Hampstead. H ow ardsvllle*! to Plkesvllle. Hoyes* to Friendsville. Hudson* to Cambridge. Hunting H ill to Gaithers burg. Huntingtown * to Prince Frederick. Hurry* to Mechanicsvllle. H u tto n !! to Oakland. Huyett to Hagerstown. Hyattstown* to Monrovia. H ydes*! to Towson. Iiam svllle*! to Frederick. Ilohester*! to Ellloott City. Indian Springs to Hagers town. Ingleside* to Sudlersville. Inverness* to Princess Anne Iron h ill*!! to Elkton. Ironshire*! to Berlin. Ironsides to La Plata. Irvington to Baltimore. Island Creek to Prince Frederick. Issue to La Plata. Ivo ry to Sykesville. Jacksonville .to Cockeys ville. James* to Cambridge. Jarboesville* to Leonardtown. Jason to Princess Anne. Jennings* to Grantsvllle. Jerusalem* to Bel Air. Jessups*! to Laurel. Jesterville* to Nantlcoke. Jewell to Upper Marlboro. Jlmtown to Thurmont. Johnsville to Unión Bridge. Jones to Berlin. Joppa*! to Bel Air.________ REFERENCE KEY, 119 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Kalmla to Bel Air. Keep T r y s t* ! to Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Kemptown to Mount Airy. K ennedyvllle*ttto Chester town. K ey m a r*!! to'Unlon Bridge Keyser to Grantsvllle. Keysville to Union Bridge. K lfer to Cumberland. Kings C reek !! to Princess Anne. Kingston* ! i to Marion Sta tion. Kings Valley to Gaithers burg. Kingsville* to Bel Air. Klej Grange to Girdletree. K n oxville*! to Brunswick. Kum pt to Taneytown. Ladlesburg*! to Woodsboro. Lakeland to Hyattsville. Lake Shore to Annapolis. Lakesville* to CambridgeLam otte* to Relsterstown. Lander* to Brunswick. Landonville* to Princess Anne. L a n d o v er*!! to H yatts ville. Lanham *!! to Washing ton, D. C. Lansdowne*! to Baltimore. Lantz* to Thurmont. Lapldum to Port Deposit. Largo,to Washington. D.C. Lauraville* to Baltimore. Laurel Grove * to Me chanicsvllle. Lawsonia*! to Crisfleld. Layhill to Kensington. Lay tons ville* to Gaithers burg. Leeds to Elkton. Leeland*! to Upper Marl boro. L e Gore to Woodsboro. Leitchst to Owings Station. Leitersburg to Hagerstown Leon to Upper Marlboro. Leslie*! to North East. Level to H avre De Grace. Lewlsdale to Monrovia. Lewigtown* to Frederick. Liberty Grove * f to Port Deposit. Llcksvllle to Frederick. Lim e K iln * ! to Frederick. Lind en*! to Kensington. LindDersville to Cumber land. Llneboro*! to Manchester. Linganore to M t. Airy. Llnkw ood*! to Cambridge. Llnw ood *! tb Union Bridge Lisbon* to Mount A iry. Little Orleans to Hancock. Lloyds to Cambridge. Loch Lynn Heights to Oakland. Loch Raven* ! ! to Towson. Locust Grove* to Chester town. Lombard to Rising Sun. Long* to Cumberland. Long Corner to M ount A iry Long Green* to Towson Longwoods* to Easton. Lora * to Midland. L o r e le y *!'to Baltimore. Loretto! to Princess Anne. Lothian* to Upper Marl boro. Love P o in t* !! to Stevensville. Loveville to Leonard town. Lower M arlboro* to Prince Frederick. ' Lu ke*! to Piedmont, W .V a Lusbys* to Solomons. Lu therville*! to Towson. Lydia* to Hagerstown. Lynch *!1 to Chestertown. Lyons Creek to Upper Marl boro. Macton to Bel Air. Maddox* to Mechanicsvllle Madison* to Cambridge. Madonna to Bel Air. M a gn olia *!! to Bel Air. Malcolm* to L a Plata. Manokln* to Princess Anne Maple Grove ! to Man chester. M apleville*! to Boonesboro. M arbury* to L a Plata. M arlboro!! to Upper Marl boro. M arley* to Baltimore. MarrlottsvUle*! to Sykes ville. _, Marshall H all* to Alexan dria, Va. Marston to N ew Windsor. Martlnsburg to Leesburg, Va. Marumsco to Marlon Sta tion. M a ry d e ll*!! to Goldsboro. Maryland Line* to New Freedom, Pa. Mason Springs* to L a Plata »Money Order Office. Matthews to Cordova. Maugansville*! to Hagers town. M ayberry to Taneytown. Mayfield to Ellicott City. Mayo* to Annapolis. McConchie*! to La Plata McOoole to Keyser. W . Va. M cD aniel*! ! to St. Mi chaels. McGhiesport to La Plata. McGlnnes to Chestertown. McHenry* to Oakland. M cKalg to Frederick. McKendree* to Upper Marl boro. M cK instry to Union Bridge Meadows* to Upper Marl boro. Mechanic Vailley! to North East. M edford*! to New Windsor Melltota to Chestertown. Melrose to Manchester. Melsonf to Delmar. Del. Merrill to Lonacenlng, Mlddlebrook to Gaithers burg. Mlddleburg*! to Union Bridge. M iddle Point to Myersville. Mlddlerlver* to Baltimore. Midlothian* to Frostburg. Mllestown to Leonardtown. Millers* to Manchester. Mlllersvtlle* to Annapolis. Mills to Hagerstown. Millstone*! to Hancock. Mitch ell ville* to Upper Marl boro. MARYLAND 1873 Owings M ills * !! to Pikes, ville. Oxen H ill to Anacostla, D. C. » Palmers to Leonardtown. Paramount to Hagerstown. Paris to Upper Marlboro. Parkhall* to Leonardtown. Park Mills to Frederick. Parkville* to Baltimore. Parole* to Annapolis Parran* to Prince Frederick Parsonsburg*!! to Pittsville. Parsonvllle to Crisfleld. asadena*! to Annapolis, atapsco! to Westminster. Patuxent* to Laurel. Pearl to Frederick. * Pearre*!! to Hancock. Pearson* to Leanardtown. Pecktonville to Hancock. Pekin to Lonaconing. Peninsula Junction* to Prin cess Anne. Pen M ar to Smithsburg. Perry H all to Towson. • Perrym an *it to Aberdeen. Petersville to Brunswick. Phoenix (Allegany Co.), to Westernport. . Ph oen ix*!! (Baltimore Co.) to Cockeysville. P in dell*! to Upper Marl boro. Pinespurg to Williamsport. PIney Grove* to Hancock. Piney N eck to Rock Hall. Piney Point* to Leonard town. Pinto* to Cumberland. Piscataway* to Brandywine Pisgah*! to L a Plata. Plane Number Four to Mount Airy. Pleasant H ill to Elkton. Pleasant Valley to W est minster. Pieasantvllle* to Bel A ir. Pleasant W alk to Myers ville. Plum Point to Prince Frederick, Plyer to Kensington. Point of R ocks*! to Freder ick. Pomfret* to L a Plata. Pomona to Chestertown. j Pomonkey* to L a Plata. Pondsvlile to Smithsburg. Popes C reek *!! to L a Plata. Poplar H ill to Brandywine. Poplar Springs to Wood bine. Portobello*! to Leonard town. Port Republic* to Prince Frederick. Port Tobacco*! to L a Plata. Potomac (Allegany Co.) to Cumberland. Potomac * (Montgomery Co.) to Rockville. Nanjemoy to L a Plata. Powellville to Pittsvllle. National* to Midland. Powhatan to Baltimore. N aylor to Upper Marlboro. P ratt to Cumberland. N eavltt* to St. Michaels. Prices*! to Church H ill. N eri to Cumberland. Principio to Rising Sun. Principio Furnace* to Newburg* to .La Plata. North East. Newcomb* to Easton. Prospect to Bel Air. New Germany* to Grants Providence* to Elkton. vllle. Pumphrey to Baltimore. N ew G latz* to Washington, Purdum to Monrovia. D. O. P y le s v ille * !! to Delta, Pa. New London to Monrovia. N ew M arket* (Frederick Co.) to Monrovia. Quantico*! to Hebron, New M id w a y*! to Woods Queen A n n e *!! to Hillsboro boro. Quince Orchard to Gaithers Newport* to L a Plata. burg. New ton to Preston. Norbeck to Rockville. Normans to Stevensvilie. Rsndallstown to Pikesvllle. N orrisville* to Stewarts- Raspeburg* to Baltimore. town, Pa. Rawlings * ! t to Keyser, North Beach to Upper W . Va. Marlboro. R ayvllle to Parkton. N orth B ranch!! to Pikes- Reckord* to Bel Air. } ville. Redgate to Leonardtown. Northkeys* to Brandywine. Redhouse to Oakland. Norwood to Sandy Springs. Redland to Gaithersburg. N ottingham *! to Upper Reels M ills to Frederick. Marlboro. Reese to Westminster. Nutwell* to Annapolis. Rehobeth* to Pocom oke City. R e id ! to Hagerstown. Oakdale tb Sandy Springs. R e id sgrove*!! to Hurlock. Oakland M ills to Ellicott R e la y *! to Baltimore. City. Revell* to Annapolis. Oakley* to Leonardtown. R h odesda le*!! to Hurlock. O akvllle*to Mechanicsvllle. Rhodes Point to Crisfleld. Oakwood to Rising Sun. Rlchardsmere to Rising Sun Ocean* to Midland. Riderw oodt to Towson. Odenton to Baltimore. Ridge* to Leonardtown. Delia* to Ellicott City. R idgevllle to Mount A iry. O ld to w n *!! to Cumberland Ringgold to, Smithsburg. O livet* to Prince Frederick. R ipley to L a Plata. Olney* to Sandy Springs. Rlson* to L a Plata. Orangeville to Baltimore. R itch ie! to Upper Marlboro Oraville* to Mechanicsvllle. R iverd a le*! to H yattsville. Oregon to Cockeysville. Riverside* t 6 L a Plata. Oriole* to Princess Anne. R iv er Springs* to Leonard Q rm e*! to Brandywine. town. Monie* to Princess Anne. M on kton *!! to W hite Hall. Montrose to Rockville. Morgantown to L a Plata.’ Morganza* to - Mechanics vllle. Morgnec to Chestertown. Moscow Mills* to Barton. Motters* to Emmitsburg. Mountaindale to Frederick. Mountain Lake P a r k * !! to Oakland. M t. Carmel* to Hampstead M t. Harm ony* to Upper Marlboro. Mount H olly to Cambridge. M ount Pleasant to Freder ick. M t. Rainier* to H yattsville M t. St. M arys to Emmittsburg. M ountsville to Frederick. , M t. Vernon to Princess Anne. M ount Victoria to L a Plata M ountview to Sykesville. M t. W ashington*!! to Baltimore. M t. Winans*! to Baltimore. M u irkirk*!! to Laurel. Mulllnlx to Mt. Airy. Mutual* to Prince Fred erick. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1 TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS ^MARYLAND Riverton* to Sharptown. Riverview * to Annapolis. Robbinst to Cambridge. Robeijts*! to Cbnrch Hill. Robinson! to Annapolis. Rockawalklng to Salisbury. Rockdale to Pikesville. Rock Point* to La Plata. Rocks* to Bel A ir. Rocky R id g e * tt to Thurmont. Rodgers Forge* to Towson. Rohrersville * 1t to K eedysvllle. j 9 Roland Pa rk*t to B alti more. iw . Rosaryville* to Upper Marl boro. ;, _ „ Rosecroftto Anacostla. D.C. Rosedale to Baltimore. R o sly n *! to Pikesville. Rossville* to Baltimore. R ow landsvllle*! to Port Deposit. R o xb u ry*! to Hagerstown. Roxbury Mills to Sykesvllle. _ R oyal O ak*t t to St. Michael. Rum bley to Princess Anne. Rush to Cumberland. Ruthsburg to Centerville. Rutledge to Bel Air. R u x to n *!! to.T ow son .. R yceville* to La Plata. State Sanatorium* to Thurmont. Stemmer’s R u n ft to Balti more. Stepney to Aberdeen.. Stevenson* t t to Towson. Steyer* to Oakland. Stillpond*tt to Betterton. Stoakley to Prince Fred erick. Street* to Delta, Pa. . Sudley* to Annapolis. Suitland to Washington, D .C . Sunderland* to Owing?. Sunny B rook! to Cockeys ville. .Sunnyslde to Oakland. Sutton to Frostburg. Sw anton*! to Oakland Sweet A ir* to Cockeysville. Sylm ar’ t to Rising Sun. Ta n n ery*tt to Westminster Tanyard to Preston. Taylor to Cockeysville Taylors Island* to Cam bridge. Taylorsville to New W ind sor. T . B .* to Brandywine. Tem pleville* to Goldsboro. Texas * t to Cockeysville. Theodore to Rising Sun. Thiel to Cambridge. Thomas* to Cambridge. Tim onlum *tt to Cockeys ville. T ip p itt to Brandywine. T o ddvllle*t to Cambridge Tolchester Beach* to Chestertown. Tom pklnsville to L a Plata. Toulson to Goldsboro. ‘ Town Point to Chesapeake City. Townshend*t to Brandy wine. ■ ; ■ TracysLdg.* to U pperMarlboro. Travllah to Rockville. Trego* ,to Keedysville. Troutville to Woodsboro. Trump to Parkton. Tulls Corner* to M arion Station. Tunis Mills to Easton. Tuscarora*! to Frederick. Tuxedo*t to Washington, D. C. , Tw iggtow n* to Cumberland T w o Johns to Denton. Tyaskin* to Nanticoke. Tylerton* to Crisfleld. Tyrone to. Westminster. Sabillasville* to Thuimont. Saint Augustine to Chesa peake City. Saint Denis to Baltimore. St. George* to Reistertown. St. Georges Island to Leonardtown. St. Helena* to Baltimore. St; Inigoes* to Leonard town. . Saint Leonard* to Prince Frederick. St. M argarets! to Annap olis. Saint Martinet to erlin. Saint M ary’s C ity* to Leon ardtown. Salemt to Vienna. Sams Creek to N ew W ind sor. Sandgates to Mechanlcsville Sandy H o o k tt to Harper’s Ferry, W . Va; Sandy ville to Westminster. Sang Run* to Oakland. Sassafras to Middletown. Del. Savage* to Laurel. Scaggsville to Laurel. Scarboro to Bel A ir. Scarfl*! to Bql Air. Scotland* to Leonard Unicorn M ills to M illington town. „ , Unionyille* to Union Bridge Seabrook*tt to Upper Marl U nity to Gaithersburg. boro. Upperco* to Hampstead. Secretary* to East New Upper Crossroads to Bel Market: Air. Upper Falrmount* to Prin Security * t ! to Hagerstown cess Anne. Selbÿsport* to FriendsvUle. Upper Falls* to Bel Air. Sellman* to Gaithersburg. Urbana to Frederick. Seneca* to Poolesville Utica Mills to Walkersville. Severn * t to B altimore Sew ell*! to Bel A ir. Shady Bower to Hagers Vale* to Bel A ir. town. Vale Summit* to Frost Shady Side* to Annapolis. burg. Shaft*t to Frostburg. Valley Lee* to Leonard Shane to W hite Hall. town. Sharon*! to Bel A ir. Van Bibber* t to Bel Air. Shawan to Cockeysville. Venton to Princess Anne. Shawsville to Cockeysville. Vindex to K itzm iller. Shelltown* to Marlon Sta tion. Shepperd to Cockeysville. W akefield* to NewWindsoi. Sherwood* to Tilghman. W a ld o r f*ft to L a Plata. Sherwood Station to Tow W alker’s Switch* to Parjtson. , •j ton. Show ell*tî to Bishopville. W allville* to Prince Fred Siebert* to Cumberland. erick. Silesia* to Alexandria, Va. Walters to Baltimore. Silver H ill to Washington, Warfleldburg to Westmin D. C. ster. Silver Run to Llttlestown. W arren* to Cockeysville. Pa. W arwick* to Middletown, Slmpsonville* to EUicott Del. City. Washington Grovo * t to Sines* to Oakland. Gaithersburg. Singer to Bel Air. W aterbury* to Annapolis. Singerlyft to filkton. W a tèrsvllle*! to MountA iry Skipton to Cordova. W atkins to Gaithersburg. Sligo to Silver Spring. W a vërly to Baltimore. Sm ithvflle to Federalsburg. W ayside* to La Plata. W ebster to H avre de Grace. Smoketown to Boonsboro. Snydersburg to Hampstead W elboum e* to Stockton. Sollers to Prince Frederick. W elcom e*! to La Plata. Wellhams to Baltimore. Solley* to Baltimore. Wenona* to Deal Island. Sotterly to Leonardtown. S. Baltim ore* to Brooklyn. W . Friendship* to Sykesville. a South Cumberland! t to W e s to v e rttt to Princes* Cumberland. Anne. South R iver* to Annapolis. W estport to Baltimore. Spence to Snow Hill. W est R iver* to Annapolis. Spencerville* to Laurel. W e stw oo d *!! to Brandy Spickler to Clear Spring. wine. Splelmant to Hagerstown., W etlpquin* to Nanticoke. Springfield*! to Laurel. SprlngGap*! toCumberland W e v e rto n *tt to Brunswick W h a ley s ville*tt to Berlin. Spring Hul to La Plata. W hayland t to Salisbury. Starr to Centèrvllle- REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 County Seat. ■ W heaton to Kensington. W hlteburg to Snow Hill. W h lM o r d * t to Delta. Pa. W h ite H a v e n 't to Princess . Anne. Whiteleysburg to Greens boro. W hite M arsh*! to Balti more. W h ite Plains * t to La Plata W hiton to Plttsvllle. W icom ico* to L a Plata. W idgeon to Princess Anne. W illa rd s*tt to Plttsvllle. W illiam sburg*! to Hurlock. W llllston to Denton.. W illoughfyytt to Hillsboro. W illow s* to Prince FredW lln a *’ to Bel A ir. Wilson to Prince Frederick. Wimbledon to Bel Air. Winchester! t to Queens town. W indy H ill! to Easton. Winfield to Mount A iry. Winthrop* to Washington. D. C. W Ittm an* to St. Michaels. W olfsvillet to Myersvllle. W oodberryt to Baltimore. Woodbrook’ l t to Towson W oodensburg*tto Relsterstown. Woodfleld to Gaithersburg. Woodland tp. Easton. Woodlawn* '(Baltimore Co.) to Baltimore. Woodlawn (C ec il C o.) to Po rt Deposit. Woodmore to Upper Marl boro. W oodstock*! t to Ellicott City. W oodvillet to Mount A iry. W oodwardvllle* to Annap olis. W oolford*t to Cambridge. W orton’ t l to Chestertown. W rights to Cambridge. W ye Mills* to Centerville. Wynne * t to Leonardtown. Yarrowsburg to Bruns wick, Yellow Springs to Frederick, Yeoho to Cockeysville. Z ion! to N orth East. M ASSACHUSETTS Accord* to Hingham. Acoaxet* to Fall R iver. Aoton* to Concord. Acushnet* to N ew Bedford. Adamsdalet to Pawtucket R . I. Adamsvllle* to Shelburne Falls. Agawam * to Springfield. Alandar* to Mulerton, N .Y . Alford to Great Barrington. A llerton*! to Hingham. A llston tt to Boston. Annlsquam to Gloucester. Arlington H eig h ts*It to A r lington. Asbury Grove* to Salem. Ashhum ham *!! to Gardner A sh b y *! to Fitchburg. Ashfleld* to Conway. Ashlamd*tt to Framingham Ashley F a lls *!! to Great Barrington. Asslnnlppl* to Rockland. As8 o n e t*tt to Fall River. Asylum Station to Danvers. Atlantic* to Quincy. Attleboro F a lls !! to North Attleboro. Auburn* ! t to Worcester. A von *t to Brockton. Ayers Village to Haverhill. B alla rdvale*!t to Andover Bancroft* to Pittsfield. Bardwells F e rry *i to Shel burne Falls» k Barnstable* Tt to Yarmouthport, Barre P la in s * !! to Barre. B atrow svllle*! to A ttleboro B ay State to Northampton, Bay view to Gloucester Beach B lu ff*! to Lynn. B e c k e t*!! to Pittsfield. B e d fo rd *!! %o Concord. Bedford Springs! to Con cord. Beechwood* to Hingham. Belchertown*tt to Ware. * Bellingham *! to Milford. ' Bemls to Watertown. Berkshire* to Pittsfield. Berlin* t t to Clinton. »Money Order Offiçe. MASSACHUSETTS B em a rd ston *!! to Green Douglas9! ! to Uxbridge. D o v e r * !! to Needham. field. Dracut* to Lowell. B llerica *!! to Lowell. D udley*! to Webster. Blsbees* to Northampton. B lacklnton*t to N o r t h D u n stab le*!! to Nashua, N . H. ), /: ’ Adams. Blackstone * ! ! to Woon D u x b u ry *!! to Plymouth. D w igh t*! to Amherst. socket. R. 1. B lan dford*! to Westfield. Bolton* to Clinton. East Acton to Concord. B on d svllle*!! to Palmer. East B illerica*! to Lowell. Bourne*! to Wareham. Bournedale*! to Wareham. East Blackstone to W oon socket R. I. Boxford to Georgetown. Boylston Center* to Clinton E , Boxford* to Georgetown. Esist Braintree to Quincy. B radford! to Haverhill. Br adstr eet*toN orthampton E. B rew ster*!! to Harwich. E. Brimfleld* to SouthB raggville*! to Milford. bridge. B raley’stt to New Bedford. E. B rookfield *!! to Spencer East Carver* to Plymouth. Brant Rock* to Plymouth. East Dedham to Dedham. Brewster * ! to Harwich. E. D eerfield*! , to South Brier* *o Adams. Deerfield. Briggsville to N orth Adams East Dennis* to Harwich B righ to n !! to Boston. Brigbtwood 1 to Spring- E. D ou glas*!! to Whitinsville. field. E. Falmouth* to Falmouth. B rim fleld*! to Palmer. East F oxb oro*! to Foxboro. Brookfield* t l tc Spencer. East F re e to w n *!! to New Brookvllle* to Brockton. Bedford. •Bryantvllle*! to Whitman. Buckland* t to Shelburne Eastham *! to Harwich. E. H arw ich *! to Harwich. Falls. E. H olliston*! to Framing Burlington to Woburn. ham. Burrage* to Whitman. Buzzards B a y * ft to Ware- East Lee* to Lee. E. L everett to Amherst. ham. B y fle ld * !! to Georgetown, E. Lexington! to. Arlington. East Long M eadow *!! to Springfield. E. Mansfield* to Mansfield. C am bridgeportt! -to Cam East Mattapoisett* to Fairbridge. East Milton* to Milton, C am pellott to Brockton. Canton Junction t t to Can East North field *+to Brattleboro, V t. ton. East N orton* to Taunton. Carlisle* to Concord. E aston*! to North Easton. C arver*! to Plymouth. Eastondale* to North Eas C a ryville*! to Milford. ton. C a ta u m et*!! to Falmouth. East Orleans*! to Harwich. Center Marshfield* to East Otis* to Lee. Plym outh. Centerville* to Hyannis. E. Pem broke* to Rockland. Central Village * to N ew E. Princeton* to Leomin Bedford. ster. C harlem ont*!! to Shel burne Falls. East Sandwich*! to YarCharlestown*!!, to Boston. mouthport. C ha riton *!! to Southbrldge East Saugus*! to Lynn, Charlton C ity * ! to South- East Sharon to Canton. brldge. ■ East. Tau nton*! to Taunton C harltonDepot* ftoSpencer E. Tem pleton* to Gardner. ¿ h a rtle y * !! to Attleboro. East W a ln o le t! to Dedham C hatham *!! to Harwich. E . W areh am *!! to W are G hatham Port*lto Harwich. ham. Chelmsford*Tt to Lowell. E. W bately* to Northam p Cherry V alley* to Leicester. ton. East Windsor* to Pittsfield C heshire*!! to Adams. E d dyville to M iddleboro. C h ester*!! to Westfield. Chesterfield *tto Northamp Edgeworth! to Malden. E g y p t * !! to Hingham. ton. Chllmark! t o Vineyard E llis*! to Dedham. Elm Grove* to Shelburne Haven. Falls. Chlltonvllle to Plymouth. Elm wood* to East BridgeCity M ills*! to Franklin. water. Clarendon H ills! to Boston. Clarksburgfto N orth Adams E n dieott! to Dedham. E n fie ld * !! to Ware. Clayton to Canaan, Conn, E r v ln g * !! to Orange. Clifford* to N ew Bedford. E s s e x *!! to Ipswich. Clifton* to Marblehead. CliftondaXe'y- to Lynn. Cliquot to flolliston. Coohesett • ! to Bridge- F airview t to Holyoke. Falmouth Heights* to Fal water. mouth. Cochltuate* to Natick. Coldbrook Springs*! to Farley* t ! to Orange. Farnams* to Pittsfield. Barre. Famumsv ille * ! to Grafton. Coldspring* to Lowell. Coleraln* to Shelburne Faulkner! to Malden. F ay ville* f t to Framing Falls. ham. Collinsville* to Lowell. Conoord Junction*! ttoCon- Feeding H ills* Ü to Springfield. cord. Congam ondf! to Westfield. FlshervlUe* to Grafton. Conomo Station to Glouces Fiskdale* to Southbrldge. Forestdale* to Yarmouthter. port. Cooleyvllle’ to Athol. Forge V illa g e * !! to Low ell O ordaville*! to Westboro. Franklin Park’ t to Lynn. C otu it*! to Hyannis. Freetown to Fall River. Craigville* to Hyannis. F u rn ace*ft to Ware. Crow iPoint to Hingham. Crystal Spring! to Fall River. Cummaquld* to Yarm outb- G ay Head to Vineyard Haven. port. Cummingsvllle to Woburn. G ilbçrtville * t t to Ware. Cum m ington*! to North G ill to Turners Falls. Gleasondale* t to Hudson. ampton. G lendale*tt to Stockbrldge Cushing to Newburyport. Glenwood to Medford. Cushman! to Amherst. Goshen* to Northampton. Granby* to Holyoke. G ra n ite ville*!! to Lowell. Dana* to Barre. Granvlile * to Westfield. Danversport to Danvers. Granville Center*t to WestD arby to Plym outh. field. Dartmouth* to N ew Bed G reenbush*!! to Hingham. ford. Davis* to Shelburne Falls, Green, Harbor * to P ly mouth. D eerfield *ft to South Deer Greenwich* ! to Ware. field. Greenwich V illa g e *! * to D ell* to Shelburne FallsWare. Dennis*+! to Y armouthport Greenwood to Wakefield Dennisport* to Harwich. Grlswoldville* , to Shel D Ig h to n *!! to Taunton. burne Falls. ' Dodge* to Worcester. G roton *tt to A yer. 1 D od geville*! to A ttleboro. G roveland*! to Haverhill. D orchester!! to Boston. ! Telegraph,Station. ! Express Office. MASSACHUSETTS H adley* t to Northampton. H alifax* to Plymouth. Hamilton* t to Beverly. H am pden*! to Springfield. Hancock* to Pittsfield. Hanover* f î to Rockland. Hanover Center* to Rock* land. Hanson* to Whitman. Harding* to South Fram ingham. Hardwick* to Barre. Hartsville* to Great Bar rington. H a rvard *tt to A yer. Harwich P o rt ' 1 to Har wich. Hatfield * t to Northampton Hatherly to Rockland. H athorn e*!t to Danvers. H awley* to Shelburne Falls HaydenRow * to Hopkinton Heath* to Shelburne Falls. Hebronville* ! to Attleboro. Hlngham Center* ! to Hlngham. Hinsdale*tt to Pittsfield. H olb ro ok *!! to Brockton. H old en *tt to Worcester. Holland to Southbridge. Hoosac T u n n el*tt to North Adams. Hopedale*t to Milford. Horse N eck Beach to New Bedford. H ortonville to Fall River. Hough’s N eck to Quincy. H ousatonic*tttoGreat Bar rington. Hubbardston* 11to Gardner. H ull*t to Hlngham. Humarock to Plymouth. H untington*tt to Westfield Hyannisport* to Hyannis. H yde P a rk tt to Boston. IndianOrchard*! ttoSpringfleld. Interlaken* to Stockbrdge. Island Creek * to P ly mouth. Island Park* to Haverhill. Islington*! to Dedham. Jamaica P la in !! to Boston. Jefferson*tt to Worcester. Kenberma to Hlngham. Kendal Green* t t to W al tham. K in gston*tt to Plymouth. Lake Boon to Maynard. Lake Pleasant’ t t t o Turners Falls. Lakeville* t to Mlddleboro. Lancaster*tt to Clinton. Lanesboro* to Pittsfield. Lanesville to Gloucester. Leeds* t to Northampton: L en oxdale*tt to Lenox. L e v e re tt*tt to Amherst. Leyden* to Greenfield. Lincoln* t to Concord. Linden to Malden. Linwood* to Whitinsvllle. Lithla* to Northampton. L ittle to n *tt to A yer. Littleton C om m on*ttoAyer Locks Village* to Orange. Longm eadowf to Springfield. Long Plain to N ew Bed ford. Ludlow Center* to Springfield. Lunenburg* to Fitchburg. L yn n fleld *tt to Wakefield. Lynnfleld Centre* t t to Wakefield. Lyonsville • to Shelburne Falls. Magnolia! t to Gloucester. Manchaug* to Whitinsvllle. M ahom et*! to Plymouth. Maplewood! to Malden. M a rion *ît to Wareham. • Marshfield Hills* ttw oRockland. Marstons M ills* to Hyannis. Mashpee* to Hyannis. M atfieldt to Brockton. M attapantt to Dorchester. M attapoisett*ttto'Falr H a ven. M edfleld*tt to Dedham. ;M egansett*t to Falmouth. Melrose H igh la n ds*!! to Melrose. Mendon* to Milford. Menemsha* to Vineyard Haven. M errick*! to Springfield. Merrimacport* to Merrimac M etcalf*t to Framingham. M iddlefleld*! to Pittsfield. Middleton* ! t to Danvers. M illbrook* to Plym outh. Millers F alls*! t to Turners Falls. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Millington* to Athol. M lllis*! t to Holliston. Mill R iver*to Canaan,Conn M illv ille*tt to Woonsocket. R. I. Millwood to Georgetown. Minot* to Hinzham. MIttineague*! t to Springfield. Monponsettt to Whitm an.! Monroe B ridge*! to N . Adams. M ontague*! to Turners Falls. Montague C ity’ +ttoTumers Falls. M ontellott to Brockton. Monterey* to Great Bar rington. Montrose to Wakefield. Montvale to Woburn. Montville*to Great Barring ton. Montwaitt to Framingham. Monument B each*! to Wareham. Moores Corner* toAmherst. Mount Auburn* to W atertown. Mount Blue to Hlngham. Mount H erm on *!! to Green field. Mount Tom * t to North ampton. M y ric k s *!! to Taunton. N ah ant*! to Lynn. Nantasket Beach*! to Hingham. Needham H eigh ts*!! to Needham. N eponset! to Milton. New Boston* to Winsted, Conn. New Braintree* to Ware. New bury to Newburyport. N ew Len ox*t to Lenox. New Marlboro* to Great Barrington. N ew Salem *tt (to Athol. New state to Adams. Newton Highlands *t to Newton Center. N ew ton Low er Falls! to West Newton. Newtpn Upper F alls*tt to Newton Center. N obscot*ttto Framingham. Nonantum to Newton. Nonquit* to N ew Bedford. N o rfo lk *tt to Franklin. Norfolk Downst to Quincy. North A b in gton *tt tq Abington. North Acton* t to Concord. N . Amherst* to Amherst. N . A n d o v er*!! to Lawrence N . Bellingham *! to M ilford North B everly! to Beverly. N . B illerica*!t to Lowell. N . Blandford to Westfield. N . Brewster*! to Harwich. N orthbrldge*tt to Whitinsville. Northbridge Centre * to Whitinsvllle. N . C am bridge!! to Cam bridge. N . C arver*t to Middleboro. N . Chatham* to Harwich. N . Chelm sford*!! to Lowell N . Cohasset* to Hingham. North D a n a *!! to Athol. N . Dartmouth* to ' N ew Bedford. N . D igh ton *!t to Taunton. N . Duxbury* to Plymouth. N . Eastham *! to Harwich. North Egremont* to Great Barrington. N . Falm ou thltt to F al mouth. N orthfield*tt to Greenfield. Northfleld Farms*t to Tur ner Falls. North Grafton* t t to Grafton North H adley* to Northainpton. ' N . Hanover* to Rocidand. N . Harw ich*! to Harwich. North H a tfield *!tto North ampton. North Leom inster! t to Leominster. N . Leverett* to Greenfield. N . Lexington to Arlington. N . M arshfield! to Rockland North Middleboro * to Bridgewater. North Natick to Natick. North NewSalem* toOrange North Orange* to Athol. North O x fo rd *!! to Oxford. N . Pembroke* to Rockland. N . Plym outh*! tq P ly mouth. North Prescott to Orange. N . R ead in g!! to Reading. N . Rehoboth to Attleboro. N . Rochester! to M iddle boro. North Rutland to Barre. N . Scituate*!! to Hingham. N . Stoughton!! to Canton. N . Sudbury*! to Maynard. N . Swansea* to Fall River. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. MASSACHUSETTS N orth Tisbury* to Vine yard Haven. North T ru ro *tt to Provlncetown. N . Uxbridge* to Uxbridge. North W estport*! to Fall River. ' N . Weym outh* to Quincy. North Wilbraham’ t t to Springfield. North Wilm ington • ! t to Andover. N . W ob ornt! to Woburn. N orton*! to Attleboro. Norwich to Westfield. 1875 Sheldonville • to Wren- U nionville*t to Franklin. tham. Uphams C orn er!! to Bos ton. Sherbom *t to Natick. S h irley*!t to Ayer. U p to n *!! tò Milford. Shirley Center* to Ayer. Shrewsbury* to Worcester Shutesbury* to Amherst. Van Deusen to Great Bar Siasconset*! to Nantucket. rington. Silver L a k e*! to Plymouth. Vineyard H a v e n *!! to T is bury. ; Sixteen Acres to Springfield Smiths*! to Ware. Somerset* t to Fall River. South A cton *! ! to Concord. W aban* to Newton Center. South Amherst* to Amherst Wales* to Palmer, Southam pton*it to East- Walnut HlUT to Dedham. hampton. W aquoit* to Falmouth. South Ashbum ham *tt to Ward H ill* !t to Haverhill. Oak Bluffs! t to Vineyard Ashburnham. Warwick* to Orange. Haven. South Ashfteld* to Conway. W ashington*! to Pittsfield. O akdale*ft to Worcester. South Athol* to Athol. W atervilie*! to WinchenOak G rove! to Malden. 8 . Attleboro*! to Attleboro. don. Oakham* to Barre. South Barre* to Barre. Oakland to Taunton. South Berlin* to Northboro. W a ve rle y *!! to Waltham. Ocean Bluff to Rockland. South B illerica!!to Concord W a y la n d *!! to Waltham. Ocean G rove ! to Fall River. Sou thboro*!! to Marlboro. W eir Village to Taunton. Ocean Spray to Winthrop. S. Brewster*! to Harwich. W ellington! to Medford. Old town to North A ttle S. Carver* to Wareham. Wendell* t to Orange. boro. S. Chatham*! to Harwich. Wendell Depot to Orange. Onset*t to Wareham. S. Ohèlmsford*! to Lowell. Wenham’ t f to Beverly. Onset Junction! t to W are S. Dartmouth* to N ew West A cton*! i to Concord. ham. Bedford. West Auburn* toWorcester. Orleans*!t to Harwich. S. D ennis*!! to Harwich. West B arnstable*!! to H y Osterville* to Hyannis. S. Duxbury* to Plymouth. annis. Otis* to Lee. S. Easton* to N orth Easton West B erlin *!! to Clinton. Otter R iv e r * ft to Gardner. South Egremont* to Great W e s t Boxford* to George O xford*tt to Worcester. Barrington. town. South Essex* to Gloucester. West Boylston * T t to Southfield* to Great Bar Worcester. Paxton* to Worcester. rington. W. Brewster* to Harwich. Pelham to Amherst. S. Framingham! to Fram W est Bridgew ater*! , to ingham. Pembroke* to Whitman. Bridgewater. P ep p erell*!! to East Pep- S. Groveland to Haverhill. West Brookfield*! t to W are perell. South H adley* to Holyoke. West Chatham* to Harwioh Peru*! to Pittsfield. S. H adley F a lls *!! to H oly W est Chelmsford * t to Petersham *! to Athol. oke. Lowell. Philllpston* to Athol. West Chesterfield* toNorthPigeon C ove to Roekport. South Hamilton* to Beverly ampton. Plainfield* to Adams8 . H anover*! to Rockland. W est Chop* to Vineyard Plainville*tt to North A ttle 8 . H anson*!! to Whitman. Haven. boro. 8 . H a rw ich *!! to Harwich. West Cummlngton * to Pleasant L a k e *tt to Har S. Hingham* to Hingham. Northampton wich. S. Hyannis* to Hyannis. Westdale* to East BridgePlym pton* to Plymouth. 8 . Lancaster*! to Clinton. water. Pocasset*! to Wareham. South L e e * tt to Lee. West Dennis * to YarPonkapog* to Canton. S. Lincoln*! to Concord. mouthport. Pottersville* to Fall River. South M iddleboro*! to W est Dudley* to SouthPresoott* to Amherst. Middleboro. bridge. Prides Grossing*tto B everly South Middleton • t to West Duxbury * to P ly Princeton* f t to Gardner. Danvers. mouth. Princeton D ep ot*tt to South Natick to Natick. West E v erett! to Everett. Worcester. 8 . Orleans* to Harwich. West F alm outh*!t to Fal South Rehoboth to Provi mouth. dence, R . I. W estford*! to Lowell. Qulnapoxet*! to Worcester S. R oya iston *!! to Athol. 1 W est Gloucester! to Glou Qulssett* to Falmouth. 8 . Sandwich* to Hyannis. cester. South Su dbury*!! to Fram W est Granville to Westfield ingham. West Groton* t to Ayer. Raynham’ t to Taunton. South Vernon to Brattle- Westhampton* to North Raynham Center* to boro, Vt. ampton. Taunton. Sou th ville*!t to Westboro. W . H anover*! to Rockland. R eadvillett to Boston. 8 . W a lp ole *!! to Wrentham W . H arw ich*! to Harwich. Rehoboth* t to Taunton. 8 . W areham *! to Wareham. W . H awley * to Shelburne R ich m on d *!! to Pittsfield. S. W e llfleet*!! to ProvinceFalls. town. Richmond Furnace * t to West Leyden*tp Greenfield. Pittsfield. South W estport * to New West L y n n *! to Lynn. Ridgehill to Rockland. Bedford. W . M ansfield *!! to Mans RIngville* to Westfield. S ou thw ick*!! to Westfield. field. Rivermoor* to Hlngham. South Wllllamstown* to West M edford*t to Medford, Riverside to Turner Falls. Wllliamstown. W. M edway*!! to M edw ay. Roberts!! to Waltham. South Worthington * to West Millbury* to MiUbury. Northampton. R o ch d a le *!! to Leicester. Rochester* to Wareham. Springdale Station to Can W estm inster*! to Gardner ton. R o c k * !! to Middleboro. Westminster Depot • t to Rockville* to Holliston. , > Spruce Corner to Shelburne Gardner. Roslindaleti' to Boston. Falls. W . N ew bu ry*! to H aver Rowe* to Shelburne Falls. Standisb* to Plymouth. hill. State Farm* to Bridgewater W est N orth fleld*! R ow ley*t to Ipswich. to Roxbu rytt to Boston. Brattleboro. V t. Royaiston* to Athol. State Line’ ! ! to Great Bar W eston *!!' tc Waltham. rington. Russell*tt to Westfield. S terling*tt to Clinton. Rutland*tt to Barre. W . Orange to Orange. Still R iver*Tt to Ayer. WestOtls* to Great Barring Stony Brook*t to Waltham ton. Sagam ore*tt to Wareham. Stow* to Maynard; W . P e a b o d y *!! to Peabody. Salisbury f t to Newbury Straights Pond to Hingham W e stp ort*! to Fall River. port. Sturbridge* to Southbridge. W estport Point* to Fall Salisbury Beach to N ew Su dbury*ft to Hudson. Hiver. , . Sunderland * to South W est Quincy to Quincy. buryport. Deerfield. Salisbury Point to AmesW est R oxbu ry! to Boston. Sutton! to Millbury. bury. W est Ru tland*! to Barre. Swampscott to Lynn. Sandhills* to Hlngham. W est Som erville*!! to Sandwich*! t to Wareham. , Swansea* to Fall River. Somerville, Swansea Center to Warren, Santult* to Hyannis. R. I. W . Springfield*! tó SpringSaugus C enter! to Lynn. Swift R iver* to Northamp field. ton. W est Sterling* to Clinton. Saundersville*!t to Grafton S a vo y *! to Adams. W est Stockbrldge t t to Savoy Center* to Adams. StockbridgeW - Stoughton* to Canton. Saxonvillefi . to Framing T apleyvlllef to Danvers. ham. W est Sutton to Millbury. Teatlcket* to Falmouth. T e m p leton *!! to Gardner. S c itu a te *!! to Hlngham. W est Tisbury* to Vineyard Scituate Center* to Hing Tewkesbury* t to Lowell. Haven. Th orndike*ft to Palmer. ham. W . Townsend*! to Tow n Three R iv ers*tt to Palmer. Scotland to Bridgewater. send. Sea Side to Plymouth. TIticu tt to Bridgewater. W est-U pton ft to Milford. Seaside Park to Hyannis. Tolland* to Winsted, conn. T o p sfield *!! to Danvers. Sea V ie w *! to Rockland. W estvaie to Concord. Seekonk * to Providence, T o u is sett*!! to Warren, W . W areham *! to W are ham. R. I. R. I. Segreganset * t to Taunton. Townsend Harbor* ! t to W est W a rre n *!t to W are. Townsend. Sharon*! t to Canton. W est W hately to So. D eer Shattuckville • to Shel Tremont Station to W are field. ham. burne. Falls. W estwood* to Dedham. Shawmiit* to New Bedford. Truro * t to Provincetown. W . Yarm outh* tq Hyannis. H eights! to Sheffield*ft to Great Bar Tufts College! to Medford. W eym outh rington. South Weym outh. Tu lly* to Athol. Shelburne to Shelburne T y n g s b o ro *!! to Lowell. W h a te ly *! to So. Deerfield. Tyringham * to Lee. Falls. W h eelw righ t*! to Ware. Money Order Office.' ! Telegraph Station. t Express Office. 1876 MASSACHUSETTS W hite Horse Beach to P ly mouth. W hite Valley* to Barre. W hittentont to Taunton. W ilbraham *} to Springfield Wilkinsonvllle* 1! to Millbury. Williamsburg* t i to North ampton. Wllllamstown Station* ! ! to Williamstown. W lllla m svllle *!! to Barre. Willim ansett* to Holyoke. W ilm in gton *tt to Reading Wlnchendon Springs* to Wlnchendon. Windsor* to Dalton. Woods H o le * !! to Fal mouth. W oodville* to Hopkinton W oron oco*! to Westfield. W orth in gton *! to Pittsfield W yom ing! to Melrose. Yarm outh* t to Yarmoutbport. Zoar’ t ! to North Adams. M IC H IG A N A bboteford’ to Po rt Huron. Acm e* to Traverse City. Adair* to Richmond. Adamsvllle to Edwardsburg Advance to Boyne City. Aetna to W hite Cloud. A lton * to Cheboygan. Agnew to Grand Haven. Ahm eek*tt to Calumet. Alnger* to Olivet. Altken to Croswell. A lab aster*tt to Tawas City A la m o *tt to Kalamazoo. Alaska to Caledonia. Alcona to Harrisvllle. Alderson*t to Baldwin. Alem bic to Mount Pleasant Algansee to Quincy. A lg e r *tt to Standish. Alicia* to St. Charles. Allendale* to coopersville. Allenton*t to A lm o n t.. Allenvllle* to St. Ignaoe. AUouez* to Calumet. Almena to Paw Paw. A lo h a *tt to Cheboygan. A ip m e*t to Grand Rapids A lston *tt to Houghton. Altona* to Lakevtew. A lvem o to Cheboygan. Am adore’ t t to Croswell. A m a s a *!! to Crystal Falls. Amber to Scottville. Am ellth to B ay City. A m y * to Pontiac. A nchorville*! to N ew Bal timore. Anderson! to Pinckney. > A ngellt to E lk Rapids. - A n trim ! to Mancelona. Arbela to Clio. Arden to Berrien Springs. Arenac to Omer. Argentine* to Linden. Arlene to Lake City. Am helm t to Bafaga. Arnold* to Escanaba. Arthur to Reese. Ashland Center to Grant. Ashmore to Gagetown. Asnton’ T i to Redd City. Assyria* to Bellevue. A tk in s*tt to Po rt Huron. Atlantic Mine* to South Range. Atlas* t to Flint. A ttic a *tt to Im lay City. A tw ood to Ellsworth. Aurelius to Mason. Austerlitz to Rockford. A u train *tt to Munising. A verill* t t to Midland. Avondale to Evart. A xln* to Cadllla«. A z a lia *tt to Dundee. Bachelor to Fountain. B a g le y *! to Stephenson. Bagnall* to Mesick. Bambridge Center to Coloma. Ballards to Sparta. Baltic* to south Range. Baltimore to Hastings. Banat* to Stephenson. Banfleld to Battle Creek. B an kers!! to Hillsdale., Barbeau to Sault Ste. M arie Barkercreek*tt to K al kaska. B arkville to Bark River. Barron Lake to Niles. Barton C ity * to Lincoln. Bass»RIver to Coopersville. B atavia* t t to Cola water. Bates*t to Traverse City. Bauer to Hudsonville._____ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS MICHIGAN F erry sb u rg *!! to Grand D elray to Detroit. Haven. D eltaT! to Grand Ledge. F ib re*! to Sault Ste. Marie. D elw in! to Coleman. F iler C ity * ! to Manistee. Demmon* to Hancock. F llio n *! to Kinde. Dennison to Coopersville. Fillm ore Center to H am il D en ton *! to Ypsilanti. ton. D erb y *! to Saint Joseph. D e T o u r * ! to Sault Ste. F in d le y !! to Burr Oak. Flshvllle to Stanton. M arie. Devereaux* t ! to Spring- Fitchburg to Stockbrldge. F ive Lakes to Lapeer. port. Devils Lake* t to Addison. F ive Points-to Redford. Flowercreek to Montague. D ew a rd *t! to Grayling. F lo w erfle ld *!! to School Dewings to Leroy. craft. Dlamondloch to Newaygo. Diamond Springs to H am il F loyd to Midland. Ford C ity to W yandotte. ton, Ford R iver* to Bark River. Dice to Freeland. Forester to Carsonville. Dildlne to Ionia. Forest Grove to HudsonDinca to Falmouth. vUle. DIorite* to Ishpemlng. Forest H ill* ! to Alm a. Disco $o Utica. Forest Lake to Munising. Dlxboro to Ann Arbor. Forward to McBain. Dodge to Gladwin. Foster C lty’ t t t o Escanaba. Dodgeville* to Houghton. Dollar B a y * !! to Houghton Fosters* to Saginaw. Foucht to Traverse C ity. D ollarvillet to Newberry. F ran cisco*!!to Grass Lake. Donald to Newberry. Donaldson to Sault Ste. Frankenlust to Bay City. Frankentrost to Saginaw. M arie. Franklin* to Birmingham. Dorrance to Coldwater. Franklin Mine* to Hough D orr Station to M idland. ton. D o s te r*!! to Plainwell. Frenchlandlng to Belleville. D over to Clare. Frontier* to Hillsdale. Dowling* to Hastings. Chapel to Grand Rapids. Downington* to - Deoker- Frost to Hemlock. Chapin* to Elsie. Frultport* to Grand Haven ville. Charleston to Mlnden City. Fruit Ridge* to Adrian. Drake to Lapeer. Chase* t ! to Reed City. Drayton P la in s!! to Pon Furness to Mancelona. tiac. C hatham *t! to Munising. Drenthe to Zeeland. Chauncey to Rockford. Drummond * to Sault Ste. Gaastra* to Stambaugh. Cherry H ill to Ypsilanti. Marie. Cheshire to Allegan. Galloway to Merrill. Dryburg * ! to Sault Ste. Ganges* to Fennville. Chester! to Charlotte. Marie. Gardendale to Akron. Chesterfield!! to Mount D ublin*! ! to Manistee. Garfield to Pinconning. Clemens. Chestonia to East Jordan. Ducklake to Springport. G arnet*! to Sault Ste. Duel to Midland. Marie. Chlcora to Allegan. D u ffleld *!! to Durand. Gaston to Cadillac. Chief* to Bear Lake. G atesvllle*! to Sault Ste. C h ief L a k e !! to Bear Lake. Duke to Bessemer. Dunningville* to Hamilton. Chlldsdale to Rockford. Marie. D u tto n * !! to Caledonia. G a y * !! to Lake Linden. Chilson*! to Brighton. Geary to Laingsburg. Chippewa Lake • to Big Geddes to Ann Arbor. Rapids. Chippewa Station* t ! to E a g le * !! to Grand Ledge. Genessee* to Flint. > Eagle Harbor* to Calumet. G eneva! to Hudson. Evart. Gera* l i to Frankenmuth. Church to Hudson. Eagleriver* to Mohawk. Germania to Marlette. Clarence* te Marlon. Eames* to Pontiac. Clarencevillei to Farming- East D ayton to Kingston. Germfask* to Seney. Gert to Petersburg. ton. East Gilead to Bronson. Gibson to Saugatuck. Clarendon! to Homer. E a stla k e*t! to Manistee. Clarion* t ! to Petoskey. East L e r o y * !! to Battle Gibsonville to Grand Blanc. B o y n e * !! to B oyne C ity. Giddlngs to Baraga Clark to Manistee. Bradford to Midland. C lark lak e*!! to Brooklyn. Eastman ville to Coopers Gilbert* to Manton. B ra d ley *!! to Wayland. G ilch rist*!! to Engadine) Clawson* to Birmingham. ville. Brady to Chesaninsr. Easton (Shiawassee Co.) to Gilmore to Farwell. B ram pton *!! to Gladstone. Claybanks to Montague. Girard to Tekonsha. Clay H ill to Luther. Chesaning. Branch* t ! to Scottville. C loverdale*! to Delton. East Paris to Grand Rapids Gltchel to Zeeland. Brant* to St. Charles Clyde* ! ! to H olly. Bastport* to Central Lake. Glen Arbor* to Cedar. Bravo’ t t to Fennville. Clyde Centre to Fennville. East Saugatuck* ! ! to Sau- Glendale to P aw Paw. BreedsvUle’ t ! to Bangor. Glendora*! ! to Gallon. gatuck. B ren tcreek*!! to Flushing. Coates Grove* to Hastings. Glenhaven* to Empire. Cobmoosa to W alkervllle. East T h etford *! to F lint. Brest to Monroe. Glenlord to St. Joseph. Coburntown to Hancock. Eastwood to St. Charles. Coe to St. Louis. Eben Junction to Munising. Glenmere* to Empire. B rethren*! to Copefnish. G lenwood*! to Decatur Cohoctah Center to Howell. Eckerman ü to Newberry. B revort* to St. Ignace. Glover to Standish. Coldwater Lake to ColdE c k fo r d * !! to Homer. Brice to Middleton. G oetzville to Sault Ste. Eden* to Mason. water. Bridgeport* t ! to Saginaw. Marie. Colebeck to Beaverton. Eden ville* to'M idland. Bridgeton to Grant. G og eb ic*!! to Bessemer. C olling*! to'C a ro. Edgerton*! to Rockford. Bridgewater * t ! to Saline. Good Harbor to Cedar. Collinst! to Lyons. E d g e tts * !! to Luther. Brier to Midland. Good Heart to' Harbor Edgewood to Ithaca. Colonville to Clare. Brinton to Farwell. Snrings.. Columbus*! to St. Clair. Edward to W est Branch. Bristol to Tustin. , G ood in g*!! to Sparta. C om fort to Bellaire. Egleston to Levering. Brockton to M arlette. Goodison* to Rochester. ‘ Commerce to Milford. E lb a * !! to Lapeer. Brockway to Yale, GoodlancFto Im lay C ity. Comstock * ! to Kalamazoo. Elbridge to Hart. Brookfield to Charlotte. C o n e *!! to Milan. Eldorado* to Roscommon. Gorman to Adrian. Brouard to Plainwell. Gotts to Casevllle. Connors Creek, to D etroit. E lk to Montrose. Browns Comers to Clare. G ou ld C ity*!lto Manlstiq C on w a y *!! to H arbor Spgs. Ellake* to Harrison. Brownstown to Bellalre. G ow en *t! to Greenville.ue. Cooks* to Manistique. Ellington to Caro. BrownsVille to Cassopolls. Graafsckap to Holland. Ellis to Marshall. Bruces Crossing*!! to Rock Cooper to Kalamazoo. Grand B each! to M ichigan Copper C ity to Mohawk. Ellisville to Cheboygan. land. C ity, Ind. C o r e y * !! to T h re e Rivers E lm ! to Plym outh. B runsw ick*!! to Fremont. Grand J u n ction *!! to Ban Corinne! to Engadine. E lm d a le *!! to A lto. B ru tu s*ti to Pellston. gor. Gorneli* to Escanaba. Elm er to Sandusky. B ryan* to Manistique. Grand Malre to St. Joseph. Com ing to Wayland. Elm H a ll*! to Riverdale. Buckley’ ! to Mesick. Grand M arais* to M a r Corwin to Lawrence. Elmwood to Cass City. Buena Vista! to Saginaw. quette. Cottage Crove to Detroit. E lo* to Hancock. Bunker H ill to Leslie.^ / Granite Bluff to Iron Moun Council Corners to R oyal E loise*! to Wayne. Burdickville* to Empire. tain. Oak. Elton to Cadillac. Burnips* to Dorr. Grape to Maybee. Emerald to Evart. Burnips Corners* to Dorr. C o vin gto n *!! to Baraga. Grassmere! to Elkton. » Em ery to Ann Arbor. Crane to Midland. Burns to P o rt Huron. Em ery Junction* f t to Gratiot Beach to Port Orapo to Reed C ity. Burnside to Brown City. Huron. Turner. Cressey* to Richland. Burt to Montrose Grattan to Belding. Englishville*! to Sparta. Burt Lake* to Indian River. Crisp to Holland. Gr?iy to Midland. Ensign* to Rapid River. Crosby* to urand Rapids. Burton* to Ovid. Green to Ontonagon. Cross Village* to Levering. Entrican* to Stanton. Bushnell to Sheridan. G reenbush*!!to Harrisvllle. Epsilon* to Petoskey. Croton to Newaygo. Butler to Quincy. Greendaie to Shepherd. Estey* to Pinconning. Crown to Kinde. Butman* to Gladwin. Greenfield* to D etroit. Eureka* to St. Johns. Culver* to Kalkaska. Butterfield* to Lake City. Greengarden to Marquette. E van s*! to Cedar Springs. Cumber* to Cass City. Greenlake to Wayland. Curran to Lincoln. Greenleaf to Cass City. Curtis* to NewDerry. Cadm us*tt to Adrian. Green R iver to Mancelona. Factoryvllle to Athens. Cutcheon* to Lake City. C ady to Fraser. Gresham to Charlotte. Calderwood* to Marquette. Cutlerville to Grand Rapids Fairfax* to Colon. Grindstone City* ! ! to Port Fairfield* to Jasper. Caldwell to Mount Pleasant. Austin. Fair Haven • t to New California to R ay, Ind. Groos* to Escanaba. Haven. Dafoe* to Alpena. Calklnsville to Rosebush. Groscap* to St. lenace. D a fter*! to Sault Ste.Marle. Fairport to Garden. Cambria to Reading. Grosse is le * ! to Trentoii. Falthom * to Menominee. D a ile y * !! to Cassopolls. Cambridge Junction to Grosse Pointe Farms to Faraham ! to Houghton. Dale to Beaverton. Brooklyn. Detroit. Farowe to Zeeland. D alton ! to Muskegon. Campbells Comers to W est Grosse Pointe Shores o F a y e tte * ! to Garden. Dansviile to Mason. Branch. Grosse Pointe. Fetch*! to Iron Mountain. Canada Comers to Cas- Darragh* to Kalkaska. Grove to Sand Lake. Fenmore to Elsie. Davis to Romeo. novia. G roverville to Homer. Fergus* to Chesaning. Davisburg’ t t to H olly. Canandaigua to Morenci. Gulliver* to Manistique. F em to Scottville. Dayton* to Buchanan. Canboro to Owendale. Gupmarsh to Martin. Ferris to Vestaburg. Defiance* to Gladstone. Canfield to Hale. Cannonsburg* to Rookford. Delhi Mills to Ann Arbor. 1 F erry* to Shelby.__________ Gustin to Harrisville. Baxter to Buckley. B ay M ills to Brlmley. B ay s b ore*!! to Petoskey. Bay Side to Bay City. B eacon*! to Ishpemlng. Beacon H ill* ! I to Hough ton. Beadle to Battle Creek. Beal City to Mount Pleas ant. Bearcreek to Manistee. Beaverdam to Zeeland. Bedell to Bay C ity. Bedford* to Battle Creek. Beebe to Ithaca. Beech! to Detroit. Beech wood* to Iron R iver. Bell Branch to Redford. Belle Oak to W ebberville. B elm ont*! to Rockford. B endon*tt to Thompsonville Bennett to Baldwin. Bennington*tt to Owosso. Benson to Cadillac. Bentheim to Hamilton. B erg la n d 'tt to Rockland. B erlam ont*! to Bloomingdale. Berrien C enter*tt to Eau Claire. Bertrand to Niles. Berville* to Armada. Bethel to Coldwater. Betzer to Waldron. B everly to Grand Rapids. Big B a y * ! to Marquette. Big Beaver*to Birmingham. Big Rock* to Lewiston. Billings* to Beaverton. Bingham to Traverse City, Blrdsell to Adrian. Bishop to Fremont. Blackmar to Birch Run. B lackriver*!! (Alcona Co.) to Harrisville. Black R iver (Allegan Co.) to Fennville. B laine*! to Po rt Huron. Blaney* to Manlstlque. Bolton* to Alpena. Bonifas* to Iron River. Boon to Cadillac. Borcuin* to Zeelana. Borland to Morley. Bowen to Grand Rapids. Bowens M ills to Middleville. Bowmanville to Standish. Boyden to Mount Pleasant. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Canton* to W ayne. C arland*! to Owosso. Cafllsle to Charlotte. Carlshend.* to Marauette. Carlton Center to Hastings. Carnet * t ! to Powers. Carpenter to Lapeer. C arp lak e*!! to Levering. C a rrollton *!! to Saginaw. C ary to Baldwin. Cascade to Ada. Casco to Richmond. Cash to Sandusky. Caspian to Stambaugh. Cass Lake to Pontiac. Cathro* to Alpena. C ecil*! to Mackinaw. Cedar Bank to Hanover. Cedaroreek to Hastings. Cedardale to Deckerville. Cedarlake*! to Edmore. C ed arru n *!! to Travrese Cedarriver* to Stephenson. C edarrun *!! to Traverse C ity. Cedarville* to Saint Ignace. Cement C ity * t !t o Addison. Center Line to Warren. Ceresco*! to Marshall. Chadwick to Belding. C ham pion*!i to Ishpemlng. C hannlng*t! to Iron Moun tain. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station, ! Express Office, MICHIGAN Hagensville to Rogers. Halre to Manton. Hallock* to Gaylord. Hamburg* 1 Ito SouthLyon. Hammond (K e n t Co.) to Caledonia. Hammond* (Presque Isle Co.) to Millersburg. Hand Station * i to Dear born. Hanley to Grand Rapids. Hannah to Kingsley. Harbert’ i to Three Oaks Hardwood* to Escanaba. Harlan* to Copemlsh. Harriette to Cadillac. Harris* to Bark River. Harrisburg to Conklin. Hartland* t o ‘H owell. H a rv a rd *ft to Greenville. Harvey to Marquette. Hatmaker to Bronson. Hawkhead to South Haven. Hawkins to Reed City. Hawks*t to Rogers. Haymarsh* to Lake City. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Kellogg to Allegan. K elly to Sunfleld. K en d a ll*tt to Goblevllle. Kenneth! to St. Ignace. K e n to n *ft to Ewen. KentvlUe to Thompsonville. Kewadln* to Elk Rapids. Keweenaw B ay’ t t to Baraga. Kib bie*t to South Haven. Klllmaster* to Lincoln. Kim ball to Port Huron. Klnderhook* to Coldwater. Kings M ill* !! to North Branch. Kinross* ttoSault Ste. Marie K ip lin g *! to Gladstone. K irk to walkerville. Kirkland * tp West Branch Klingers*; to Sturgis. Klink to Eaton Rapids. Klondike, to Walkerville. Kneeland to M io. Koch ville to Saginaw. Korelock* to Ewen. * K ossft to Stephenson. Kurtz to Mikado. MICHIGAN 1877 Manitou B ea ch *!! to Addi New H aven Center to Pelkie*! to Baraga. son. Penfleld* to Battle Creek. Middleton. Manning to Cheboygan. P e n n *!! to Cassopolls. New Holland to HollandMansfield to Crystal Falls. New H udson*tt to South Pentecost*! to Tecumseh. Mapelton to Iron River. P en to g a *!! to Iron ‘River. Lyon. Maple C Ity*t to Cedar. New R ich m on d *!! to Fenn Pequamlng* to L ’Anse. M aplegrove to Nashville. Perfection to Harrisville. ville. M aple Ridge* (Arenac Co.) N ew Salem to Jamestown. Perkins* to Gladstone. to Prescott. Perrinsville* to Wayne. — N ew Swanzy to Gwinn. M aple Ridge (D elta Co.) N ew Troy* to Three Oaks. PerronvUle* to Escanaba. to Escanaba. Perrys Pier to Onekama. N ew W exford to Buckley. Peters to Marine City. Mapleton to Traverse City. Nicholson to Morrlce. Marblehead to Manistique. Nicholsville to Marcellus. Peterville to Honor. Petreville to Eaton Rapids. Marengp*! to Albion. Nickel Plate to Ionia. Pettysvllle to Pinckney. Marenisco* to Bessemer. N irva n a*! to Reed City. Phelps*! to Charlevoix. M arilla* to Kaleva. Nlsula* to Baraga. Ph oenix*! to Mohawk. Marlon Springs to * St. Noordeloos to Holland. Charles. N orrisville to Traverse City Pier Cove to Fennville. Markell to Fostoria. Nor;h B ra d le y *!! to Cole Pierport* to Onekama. P ie rson *!! to Howard City. Markey* to Roscommon. man. Martinsville to Belleville. North D etro it*! to Detroit. Pinecreek to Athens. Pine Grove M ills*! to Goble M arysville*tto Port Huron. North Dorr to Dorr. vllle. Masonville * t to Rapid North Farmington! to Farm Pine R iv e r! 1 to Omer. ington. River. Plngree to Howell. Northgrove to M ayville. M ass*tt to Rockland. North Holland to Holland Plnnebog* to Klnde. Matchwood* to Rockland Matherton*to Hubbardston N orth Lake to Otter Lake, Pioneer* to Lake City. Helena (Antrim C o .)* to Pipestone to Eau Claire. M a tta w a n *t!‘ to Paw Paw. N orthland*! to Escanaba. Alden. N orth Lansing! to Lansing. Pittsfield! to Saline. Mattlson to Sherwood. Helena (Huron Co.) to Maxton* to Sault Ste. Marie North Manitou Islana* to Plainfield (K en t Co.) to Harbor Beach. Rookford. Labarge to Caledonia. Traverse City. May to Holland. La Branche* to Escanaba. M ayfield*! to Kingsley^ Helmer* to Newberry. N orth Morenci* t ! toMorenol Plainfield (Livingston Co.) to Stockbridge. Hendricks Quarry to En- Lacey to Nashville. McCarron* to Sault Ste. North Muskegon to Muske Plato* to Mass. gandine. Marie. L a c o ta *t! to South Haven. gon. Henrietta to Jackson. Lagrange to Cassopolls. McCords to Caledonia. North Street* to Part Pleasant City to Suttons Bay. Laing to Argyle. H erm an!! to L ’Anse. Huron. M cD onald*tt to Bangor. Pleasant Valley to Saint H erm ansvilie*!! to Powers L a k e*tt to Farwell. 1 McDonough to St. Charles. North U nity to Cedar. Louis. North Wheeler to Wheeler Lake A n n * tt to Traverse McFarland to Negaunee. Herpst to Dorr. City. Herrick to Clare. N orth W illiam sto Midland Point Aux Barques*! to M c lv o r * ! to Tawas City. Port- Austin. Lakefleld to Merrill. Herring Lake to Honor. N o r v e ll* !! to Manchester. M cLean to Fremont. Point Mills* to Hancock. Hessel* to St. Ignace. Lake George* t to Farwell. M cM illan*tt to Newberry. N orw a lk *!! to Onekama. Pokagon*! to Dowaglao. Hetherton* to Johannes LA kela n d *!! to Pinckney. Norwich to Lake City. Meade to N ew Haven. Pomona* to Copemlsh. Norwood to Charlevoix. burg. Lake Mine * t t to Green Meauwatka* to Cadillac. N o tta w a *t! to Centerville Popple to Bad Axe. Medina* to Hudson. Hiawatha* to Manistique. • land. Portage*! (Kalamazoo Co.) Novesta to Deford. Lakeport to Port Huron. to Kalamazoo. Hickory Corners* to Delton. Lake Shore to M ount Cle Meridian to Wllliamston. N o v i * ! ! to Northville. Portage (Manistee Co.) to mons. Higgins Lake to Roscom Merlebeach* to St. Johns. . Onekama. Lakeside*! (Berrien Co.) to Merritt to Lake City. mon. Porter to Breckenrldge. Three Oaks. Oak to Plymouth. Merson to Allegan. H ighbridge*! to Baldwin. Lakeside (Macomb Co.) Metropolitan * t t to .Iron Oakfleld Center to Green Posyville to Midland. H ighland*tt to Milford. P o ttv e rille *!! to Charlotte. ville. Mountain. to M ount Clemens. Hlghwood* to Gladwin. Poulsen to Ludington. • % Oak G r o v e * !! to Howell." Lakeside (Muskegon Co.) to M ichelson*!! to Harrison. H illiard s*tt to Hopkins. Prairie Ronde to Marcellus. ' Muskegon. Michigam m e*tt to L ’Anse. Oak H ill! to Manistee. Hills Corners to Gallen. Prairieville* to Delton. Hlnchman! to Berrien Laketon (Luce Co.) to Michigan Center to Jackson. Oakland to Hamilton. Oak Ridge Park to Sault P r a ttv ille * !! to Hudson. Mlchlllinda* to Whitehall. Newberry. Springs. PresqUe Isle to Alpena. Ste. Marie. Laketon (Muskegon Co.) to Middle Village to Harbor Hobart* to Cadillac. Preston to Wayne. Oakville to Milan. Springs. Muskegon. Hockaaay to Gladwin. Oakwood (Oakland Co.) Price to St. Johns. M illb rook *!! to Remus. Lakeville* to Oxford. Hodunk to Coldwater. Prin ceton *!! to Gwinn. to Oxford. Lambertvihe* to West T o Mlllburg* to Benton Harbor H ollow a y*tt to Adrian. Pritohardvllle to Hastings. Oberlin* to Gladwin. Miller* to Greenville. ledo, Ohio. Hollywood to St. Joseph. Prosper to McBaln. Ocqueoc* to Mllietsburg. MUlerton*! to Manistee. Lamont* to Coopersvfile. H o lt* tt to Mason. Pu laski*!! to Concord. O d e n *!! to Petoszey. M illettt to Lansing. Lam otte to Marietta. > Pu llm an *!! to Fennville. Mills to Deckervllle. O'Donnell to Hastings. Homestead (Benzie Co.) to Puritan* to Ironwood. O gd en !! to Jasper. Milnes to Jonesville. Langston to Gieen ville. Benzonla. Putnam* to Tecumseh. / Ogden Centre to Blissfleld. Milo* to Delton. Laporte'to Freeland. Hope* to Midland. O jibw ay! to Mohawk. Milton Junction to Reed Laredo to Auburn. Hopkins Sta. to Hopkins. O kem os*!! to Lansing. City. L a Rocquett to Rogers. H o rto n *tt to Jackson. Quanlcassee City to ^airOla to Ashley. Mlnard to Jackson. Horton B ay to Boyne City. La S a lle*tt to Monroe. , grove. O ld ’ Mission* to Traverst Minerlake* to Allegan. L a th ro p *ff to Escanaba. Quick* to Gaylord. City. Missaukee* to Lake City. Houghton Lake* to Ros Lattin to Hart. Quimby* to Hastings. Olds to Coldwater. Moddersville* to McBaln. common. Qulnnesec*i!to Iron Moun Olive to St. Johns. M oltke to Rogers. Howardsvllle to Marcellus. Laurel to Sandusky. tain. Olive Center to Holland. Layton Comers toMontrose Monitor to Auburn. H oxeyville* to Luther. Lea ton* to Mount Pleas Monroe Center to Traverse H oxle to North Adams. O livers!! to Reed City. C ity, i ant. H oytvilie to Mulliken. O livet Station!! to Olivet Raber* to Sault Ste. Marie. M onterey to Hopkins. Hubbard Lake* to Alpena. Lee*t to Fennville. Raco to Brimley. Olney to Elsie. Montreal*! to Ironwood. Humboldt* t t to Ishpemlng Leer* to Posen. Racy to Chesanlng. Moore Park’ t t to Three Olson* to Midland. Hunters C reek*tt to Lapeer Leesburg to Marcellus. Raisinville* to Dundee. Om ena*! to Suttons Bay. Rivers. Leetsville* to Kalkaska. Hunt Spur*t to Manistique Ralph*! to Iron Mountain. Onota to Munising. Moores to Standish. Legrand* to Tower. H yde to Bark River. Ram ona*! to W hite Cloud. Moore's Junction to Stand Orange to Ionia. Leisure to South Haven. Ramsey to Bessemer. Orangeville* to Martin. ish. iLeland* to Traverse City. Lemon Lake! t to Copemlsh Moorestown* to Lake City. Orchard L a k e * !! to Pon Randall Beach to Orion. Ina to Dlghton. R a n d ville*!! to Iron tiac. Indian R iver * t t to Che Lenawee Junction*tt .to Moorland* to Muskegon. Mountain. O rono*! to Reed City. M oran*tt to St. Ignace. Adrian. boygan Rankin to Flint. Orr to Hemlock. M orey to Lake City. Lengsville to Bay City. Ingalls*tt to Stephenson. Ransom* to Hillsdale. M organ*! (Barry Co.) to Osceola*!! to Calumet. Leonit to Grass Lake. Ingleslde* to Levering. Rapid R iv e r * it to Glad Oshtemo* to Kalamazoo. Nashville. Leota* to Harrison. Inkster* to Wayne. stone. St. Morgan (Newaygo Co.) to Osier* to Gladstone. Interlochen*tt to Traverse Les Cheneaux * to Rapson to Bad Axe. Oskar* to Houghton. W hite Cloud. Ignace. City. Rathbone to Breckenrldge. O sseo*!! to Hillsdale. Lester to Fremont, Ind. Iosco to Fowlervllle. Rattlerun .to St. Clair. O sslneke*!! to Alpena. M oscow*tt to Jonesville. Irons*! to Baldwin. Ray/Center to New Haven. O tla*tto W hite Cloud. Moseley! t to Lowell. Liberty to Brooklyn. Ironton* to Charlevoix. R e a !! to Dundee. Lickleys Corner to Hudson. Moshervlile*t to Jonesville Otisco to Belding. Irvin g *tt to M iddleville. Ready to Saginaw. Otsego Lake* to Gaylord. Mossback to Kalkaska. Lim e Creek to Hudson. Isabella* t t to Manistique. Redfield to Cassopolls. Otterbum t to Flint. M ottville to W hite Pigeon. Limestone* to Munising. Isadore to Cedar. Red Jacket! to Calumet. Overisel* to Hamilton. Mountvernon to Romeo. Llnkvllle to Owendale. Isle R o ya lt to Hancock. Redman to Port Hope. O viatt to Empire. Mulberry* to Blissfleld. Lisbon to Sparta. Iv a to Hemlock. Redrldge* to Houghton. Ozark* to Saint Ignace. Mullet Lake to Cheboygan. Liske to Rogers. Ivanhoe to Bad Axe. Red Star to Marlette. Munith to Jackson. L ittle La kett to Gwinn. Redstone to Breckenridge. Munson*tt to Morenci. Livonia to Plymouth. Reedg to Cedar Springs. Paavola* to Hancock. Mystic to Manton. Lockwood to Coldwater. Jacobsville* to Hdughton. Reedsboro to M ousing. Packard to Covert. Loehne to Auburn. Jam to Merrill. R eem a n *!! to Fremont. Paines! to Saginaw. Jefferson Township to Cass London to Dundee. Painesdale*!! to <Goutt Reno to Berlin. Long Lake (Clare Co.) to N adeau*tt to Powers. opolls. Rescue to Owendale. Range. Nahma* to Escanaba. Harrison. Jeffery to Portland. Rew to Lalngsburg. Palatka* to Stambaugh. Long Lake (Iosco Co.) to N a p oleo n *!! to Jackson. Jenlson*! to Grandville. R e x to n * !! to St. Ignace. Narrow Lake to Springport. Palm er! to Negaunee. Tawas City. Jennings*tt to Lake City. Richfield to Davison. P alm yra*! ! to Blissfleld Nathan* ! t to Menominee. Long Rapids* to Lachine. Jerom et! to Hillsdale. Rlchmondville to DeokerParadise to Kingsley. National Mlne*toIshpeming Loom is*tt to Coleman. Jessie to Ovid. ville. Paris* t 1 to Big Rapids. Naubinway* to Engadine. Johannesburg*t to Lewis- Lorenzo to Greenville. Parlsvilie to MInden City. i R id g ew a y *!! to Tecumseh. N avarre*! to Detroit. L o re tto *tt to Norway. \ton. Rlggsville* to Cheboygan. F ark lak e*lto M a rion . Nazareth* to Kalamazoo. Johns W ood to Sault Ste. Loud Spur to Munsing. Riley* to Fowler. Parkville* to Mendon. Neeleys to Plainwell. L ovells*! to Grayling., M arie. Riley Center* to Em m ett Parnell to Lowell. Nelson to Hemlock. Loxley to Harrison. Joppa to East Leroy. Rlverbank to Tustin. ' Nessen C it y * !! to Thomp- Parshallville to Howell. Judds Comers to Flushing. Lucas*! to Cadillac. R iv e rs id e *!! to Coloma. ParteUo to Olivet. sonvllle. Luce* to Chesanlng. Juhl to Marlette. P a v ilio n *!! to Vicksburg. Rives J u n ction *!! to Leslie N es to ria *!t to L ’ Anse Lulu* to Ida. Juniata t t to Vassar. Robinson*to Grand Haven. N ew ark (G ratiot Co.) to Pawlowski to Ruth. Luzerne* to Roscommon. Paw Paw L a ke! to Coloma Rock* to Escanaba. N ew ark *! (O aklandtio.) to Paym ent to Sault Sta, Rockharbor to Hancock. Kalamo to Verm ontville. R o d n e y * !! to Big Rapids Marie. H olly. Mackinac Island*tt to St. Karlin* to Copemlsh. Rogersvllle* to Flint. N ew Buffalo* t t t o Michigan Paynes ville * ! ! to Ewen. Ignace. Karr to Gagetown. R ollin’ ! ! to Hudson, i Peachbelt to Fennville. City, Ind. Macomb to Mount Clemens. Kearsarge*tt to Calumet. Rome to Adrian. P e a c o ck *!! to Luther. Newburg to Plymouth. Macon* to Teoumseh. Keego Harbor to Pontiac. Roosevelt to St. Charles. Pea rl*! to Fenn ville. N ew Casco to Allegan. Madison to Howell. Keeler to Hartford.. Rose* to H olly. N ew Dalton* to M arquette. Pearlbeach * 1to Algonac. Kelden to Sault Ste. Marie. Maltby* to Rose City. Rose C en ter*!! to H olly. Pearline to OoopersVille. N ew Gronlgen to Zeeland. Malts to Saginaw. K eller to Grand Rapids. tExpress Office. ! Telegraph Station. * Money Order Office. A County Seat. REFERENCE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1878 MICHIGAN Rosedale* to Sault Ste. Marie. Roselawn to Rockland. Roseville* to Mount Clem ens. R o th b u ry*! to Montague. Rowland to Blanchard. R o w leytt to South Boardman. Roxana to Charlotte. Royalton to St. Joseph. Royston* to Hillman. Rubicon* to Rockland. Rum ely* to Munising. Rush ton* 1 to South Lyon Rusk to Zeeland. Rustford to Morley. Ryan to Merrill. Saganln g*tl to Plnoonnlng. Sage to Rose City. iSaginaw W est S id e*! to Saginaw. S a gola*ttto Iron Mountain. St. Clair Flats to Detroit. St. H e le n * !! to Roscom mon. Saint Jacques*! to Glad stone. Saint James* to Charlevoix. S a lem *tt to South Lyon. Samaria* t ! to Temperance. Sand B ay to Cheboygan. Sandcreek*!! to Adrian. Sand H ill to Bedford. Sands* to Negaunee. Sanilac Center to Sandusky. Sans Soucl* to Algonac. Santiago* to Turner, Bauble to Luther. Saunders*Tt to Iron River. Sawyer* t t to Three Oaks. Schaffer tcf Bark River. Schomberg* to Cedar. Scofield* 1 1 to Maybee. Soottdale to Benton Harbor Sears*tt to Evart. Sebewa* to Portland. See W h y *t to Newberry. Selkirk* to W est Branch. Seneca* t to Morenci. Seney to Newberry Senter* to Hancock. Sethton to Middleton. Shadyslde to Hillsdale. Shaftsburg* 11 to Perry. Sharon* to Kalkaska. St. Clair Heights to D etroit Steamburg to Hillsdale. Steiner* f t to Monroe. Stetson to Walkerville. Steuben* to Manlstique. Stevens vlile* Tt to Saint Joseph. Stirlingville to Pickford. Stlttsvllle* to Lake City. Stonlngton*t to Escanaba. Stony Creek to New port. Strasburg*! to Monroe.. Strathmoor* to Detroit. Stronach* to Manistee. S tron gs*!! to Newberry. Suoker Creek to Ontonagon. Sugargrove to Scottville. Sugar Island to Sault Ste. M arie. Sugar Rapids to Gladwin. Su llivan*! to Muskegon. Summerton to Alm a. Summit C ity * ! to Kingsley. Sumner* to Rlverdale. Sumnervllle to Niles. Swan C reek*! to Saginaw. Swanson* to Marinette. Sylvan Beach to Whitehall. Sylvester to Mecosta. T a ft to Hale. Talbot to Stephenson. Talcott to Petoskey. Tallm adge to Berlin. Tallm an *! to Fountain. Taplola* to Houghton. Taylor Center* to W yan dotte. Taymouth to Birch Run. Tem ple*Tt to Marlon. Texas Comers to Kalama zoo. Thom as*Tt to Oxford. Thom aston *t! to Bessemer. Thom asville to Hastings. Thompson* to Manlstique. Thornton to Po rt Huron. Th om ville to Metamora. Tittabawasee Junction to Saginaw. Titus to Remus. Tobins Harbor * to HanTolvola*Tt to South Range. Tompkins to Leslie. Topaz* to Ewen. T opin a bee*!! to Cheboygan Toquln to Covert. Sharon to *Manchester. Town House to Hudson. Sheffield to Oedar Springs. Townley* to Hudson. T ren ary*! to Munising. Sh elb yvllle*tt to Martin. Trent to Casnovia. Sheldon to Wayne. Shelldrake to Sault Ste. Trimountain* Tt to South Range. Marie. Trlst to Grass Lake. Shepardsville*Tt to Ovid. Trou t C re e k *!! to Ontona Sherman*t to Meslc. gon. Sherman City to Barry ton. T r o y * ! to Birmingham. Shields to Sagmaw. Turin* to Negaunee. S h ilo h *ft to Belding. Shingleton* 1 1 to Munising. Turtle to Turner. Tuscola* to Vassar. Shultz* to Hastings. Tw in L a k e * !! to Holton. Sibley*Tt to Trenton. Sickels to Ithaca. T y r e 'T t to ubly. ■Tyrone to Kent City. S ldnaw *tt to Rockland. Sigel to H arbor Beach. Slgm att to Kalkaska. Unadllla to Gregory. Slloam* to Hale. Union* to Bristol, fnd. Silvercreek to Plaiuwell. Union P le r * !t to ThreeOaks Sister Lakes* to Dowagiac. Uno* to Manlstique. Sitka to Holton. Upper Big Rapids to Big Skandla* to Marquette. Rapids. Skanee* to L ’Anse. Upton W ork s*! to Po rt Skeels to Gladwin. Huron. Slights to Traverse City. Smiths Crossing! to M id land. Valley Center*Tt to Brown S m yrna*tt to Belding. City. Sodus*tt to Benton Harbor. Van* to Levering. S olo n t! to Cedar. Van Buren to R apid City. Somerset* T ! to Brooklyn. Somerset Center * t t to Vandercook Lake to Jackson. /Brooklyn. Van„ H arbor* to Escanaba. Sonoma to Battle Creek. Soo Junction*Tt to New V elzy to Cedar Springs. Vergennes to Lowell. berry. Verne to Burt. Soule to Elkton. South Blendon to Hudson- V ern o n *!! to Durand. V eron a*! to Bessemer. ville. Verona Mills to Bad Axe. Southbranch*! to Hale. Vickery vlile* Tt to Carson South Butler to Quincy. City. South Fairfield to Jasper. Southfield to Birmingham. V icksburg*!! to Pprt Hu ron. Southlake Linden to HubVictoria* to Rockland. bell. Vineland to, St. Joseph. Southland to Riga. Vogel Center* to MoBaln. South Manltou* to Cedar. South Monterey to Allegan. Volney to W alkerville. Vrlesland*! to Zeeland. Spalding*Tt to Powers. V u lc a n *!! to Norway. Speaker to Yale. Spencer* to Kalkaska. Spinks Corners to Benton W acou sta*! to Grand Ledge Wadhams to Port Huron. Harbor. Wadsworth to Bad A xe. Spratt* to Alpena. W agarvtlle to Gladwin. Spring Arbor* to Jackson. W ahjamega to Caro Springgrove to Holland. Springvale*T to Boyne Falls Wainola to Greenland. W akelee’ Tt to Marcellus. Sprlngville to Onsted. Walburg to Alpena. Springwells to D etroit. Waldenburg to Utica. Spruce* to Alpena. W ales* to P o rt Huron. Stacks to Escanaba. W a lh a lla*! to Scottviile. Stalwart* to Pickford. Walker to Grand Rapids. Stanley to Battle Creek. W a llace*,!! to Stephenson. Star City* to Laxe City. W alled. L a k e * !I to South Star Island to Detroit. Lyon. StarkTt to Plymouth. W allin*Tt to Thompsonville State Road to B ay C ity. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. W alloon L a k e * !! to Petos- A lvin a to Cook. A ivw ooa * to Blackduck. America* to Warroad. W a lto n *i to F ife Lake. Amherst to Canton. W a ltz* t to Carleton. Am or to Battle Lake. W asepi’ f t to Centerville. W aterford* Tt to Clarkston. Anderson to Kelliher. A n d over! Anoka. W aterloo* to, Chelsea. . Andree to, Braham. W aters*Tt to'G aylord. Watersmeet*!! to W ake Angora* to Cook. Anthony to Halstad. field. W atertow a to Sandusky. A pple to A rgyle. Arago* to Park Rapids. W atrousvllle* to Vassar. Arbutus to Internationa Watson to Martin. Falls. W atson Comers to Martin. Arendahl to Rushford. W a tton * to Covington. Arnesen to Warroad. W a u ced ah *!! to Norway. Arnold to Duluth. Weadock* to Cheboygan. Arthur to Dent. W eare to Hart. A rth yd e*! to Moose Lake W ebster to Dexter. Artichoke L a k eto Correll. W e lls*! to Escanaba. Aspelin* to Gatzke. W e llsto n *!! to Baldwin. Aspelund to Kenyon. W ellsville to Deerfield. Assumption to Norwood. W esley to Ludlngton. W est Bay City T to Bay A tk inson *! to Carlton. Aure* to Leonard. City. W est Carlisle to Grand A u tom b a t! to M oose Lake. A v e rtllIt to Glyndon. Rapid* A xel to Battle Lake. Westhaven to Owosso. W est Highland to Milford. W est Millbrook to Mecosta. Westminster to Kingsley. W est O live*Tt to Grand Badoura* to Nevis B aileys! to B ig Lake. Haven. B a in *!! to Palisade. W est Sebewa to Lake Ballclub*! to Deer River Odessa. W est Sumpter to Belleville. Balmoral to Battle Lake. W est W indsor to Charlotte. Balsam to Aitkin. Bancroft to Albert Lea. Banks to Wells. W e tm o r e * !! to Munising. Barr to Zumbrota. W e tz e il*! to Mancelona. Barsness to Glenwood. W exford to Buckley Bassett! to Biwablk. Wheatland to Addison. Basswood to Richville. W heatley* to Gladwin, Bath to Hartland. W h ite ! to Camden. W hitedalett to Manjstique. Battle R iver* to Kelliher. W hiteflsh P oin t* to Sault Baylake to Deerwood. Beard to Clear brook. Ste. Marie. W hlteford Center to Bliss- Bear Lake to Hutchinson. Bear R iver* to Hlbbing. field. Beauford to Mapleton. W hite Lake to H olly. W hite Gak to Stockbrldge Beaulieu* to Mahnomen. W hite Pine to Ontonagon. Behver to Minneiska. Beaver B ay* to Tw o Har W h ite Rock to Ruth. bors. W hitm ore L a k e * !! to Ann Bechyn to N orth Redwood Arbor. Beciaa* to Bemldjl. W hitney* to Escanaba. Bee to Spring Grove. W h itta k e r*ft to Milan. B eldent! to Cloverton. W ilber* to East Tawas. W ildwood * to Indian Beile to Kelliher. Belle Creek to Goodhue. River. Belle Prairie! to L ittle Falls W iley to Scottville. Belleriver to Carlos. W illard to Auburn. W illia m s*! to Kalamazoo. Belvldere Mills to Goodhue B ena*tt to Cass Lake. W llllam svllle to Vandalia. Benedict! (Hubbard Co.) to W illow * to Carleton. L a Porte. W illw alk to Sault Ste. Bengal*! t to Hlbbing. M arie. Bennettville* to Aitkin. W llm o t * !! to Kingston. Benton to Cologne. W ilson*Tt to Powers. Benwood* to Strathcona. Winona?Tt to Rockland. Berg to Northfleld. W lnsor to Owendale. Bergen to Windom. W inters* to Munising. Berkey to Underwood. W ise to Coleman. Berlin to N ew Richland. Wlsner to Akron. Beraadotte to Lafayette. Wixom*Tt to Milford. Berne to West Concord. W o lf Creek to Adrian. Berner* to Gonvick. W oodbu ry*Tt to Lake Bescemar to Littlefork. Odessa. Betcher to Gary. W oodlawn* to Escanaba. B ethany*! to Lewiston. WoodmereT to Detroit. W o o d v llle * !! (B ay Co.) to Beverdam to Elysian. Big Woods to Oslo. Pinconning. W ood vlile* t (N ew aygo Co.) Blrchdale* to Baudette. to Big Rapids. Birkholz to Oslo. W oolm lth to Maybee. B lackberry*ttoG rand Rap W ooster*! to Fremont. ids. W orden to South Lyon. Black Hammer to Spring W orth to Standlsh. Grove. W right to Conklin. Blomford to Cambridge. W ym an to Edmore. Bloomington to M inne Yalm ar* to Marquette. apolis. Yankee Springs to M id Bodum to Isanti. leville. B om bay! to Kenyon. Y argervllle to Monroe. Yates Station to Rochester. Boonlake to Buffalo Lake. Border to Baudette. Y ork to Milan. Bowstring* to Deer R iver. Y o rk v llle *tt to Richland B oy R iv e r !! to Federal Y u m a *t to Meslck. Dam. Bradford to Cambridge. Brager* to Ponsford. Zeba to L ’Anse. Bratsberg to Rushford. ZllwaukeeT to Saginaw. Brevik* to Walker. Zutphen to Zeeland. Brickton*t to Princeton. Bridgeman to M otley. Bridge W ater to Faribault. Brighton to N ew Ulm. B rlm son *!! to Tw o Harbors Brockway to Rice. Brookfield* to Buffalo Lake M IN N E S O T A Brooklyn Center to Minne apolis. Brownsburg to Jackson. B race! to Hills. Aastad to Wendell. Brunswick to Grasston. Acom a to Hutchinson. Brush Creek to Brlcelyn. A cton to Litchfield. Brashvale*! to Kent. Adolph* to Duiuth. Burchard to Balaton. Affleck to Grand Rapids. Burnett! to Proctor. Ahlbrecht to Cokato. B u rr*!! to Canby. A lrlle*Tt to Pipestone Albion Center to M aple Bursch vlile to Loretto. Butler* to New Y ork Mills. Lake. Butternut to Lake Crystal. A lb o m * !! to Duluth. A lice to East Grand F ork« Buyck to Tower. Bygland to Fisher. A llda* to Shevlln. Allen to Biwablk. Alm a C ity * to Pemberton Altona to Vergas.___________ Cahill to Minneapolis Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. MINNESOTA Qannonville to W atervllle. Oanosia* to Duluth. Canyon to Duluth. Caribou* to Lancaster. Carimona to Preston. C arlson*!! to Murdock. Carmody to Princeton. Carp no Baudette. Carson Lake* to Hibbing. Cascade to Randolph. Casey to Darwin. Cazenovla’ t to Pipestone. Cedar L a k e*! to Aitkin. Oelina to Cook. Censtohowa to Delano. C enterville to Hugo. Central (Koochiching Co.) to Baudette. Central (Wadena Co.) to Vemdale. Central Lake to Virginia. Chamberlin* to Akely. Cheney*! to Dodge Center. Cherry G rove to Spring Valley. Chester*! t to Rochester. ChlldB * f 1 to Fairmount, N . D. Choice to M abel. Christiana to Farmington. Claybank to Goodhue. Clear R iver to Warroad. Clementson* to Baudette. Clinton Falls* to M edford. Clotho to Long Prairie. C o a te s*!! to Rosemount. C offey to D eer R iver. Coin to Braham. Collls* to Gracevffle. Cologne to Young America. Columbia H eigh ts*! to Min neapolis. Conception to Kellogg. Concord to W est Concord. Conrad to Warroad. Constance* to Anoka. Coon C reek! to Anoka. C opas*!! to Scandia. Corcoran to Osseo. Cordova to Lesueur Center. Cormorant* to Audubon. Corning to Lansing. Corona! to uarlton. Corvuso to Buffalo Lake. Cottagegrove* to Hastings. Cotton* to Eveleth. C ove* to Onamia. Craigville to B ig Fork. Cramer* to T w o Harbors. Credit R iver to Prior Lake. Cross Lake* to Pequot. Crown to Bethel. Crow R iver to Grove City. Crow W in g *! to Barrows. Crystal B a y * !! to W ayzata. OUlver* to Cloquet. Current Lake to Balaton. Cusson*!! to Cook. Cutler to Aitkin. C yphers! to Walker. D ale*! to H aw ley. D arling! to L ittle Falls. D ay to Ogilvle. Debs to Leonard. D eeph aven *!! to Excelsior. Deerfield to M edford. Dell to Frost. D erby to Guckeen. Dickinson to Buffalo. Domaas to Kelliher. Dopelius*t to Bluffton. D ora Lake to D eer River. D oroth y! to Red Lake Falls D orset*! to P ark Rapids. D oyle to Kilkenny. Dresbach*! to Dakota. Dresselville to L e Sueur. Drummond* to Tw o Har bors. Duane* to Fosston. D u dley! to Marshall. Duelm to F oley . D u gd a le *!! to Mentor. Dumfries to Wabasha. Dunbar* ,to Blackduck. D u qu ette*! to Kerrick. Dutchie to Willianis. Duxbury to M arkville. D uxby* to Badger. Dykeman to Bralnerd. East L a k e *! to Aitkin. E. Prairieville to Faribault. East Saint C lo u d !! to Saint Cloud. East Union to Carver. Eastwood* to Aitkin. E b ro*! to Bagley. Echols*! to St. lam es. Eddsville to Bird Island. EdenT! to Dodge Center. Eden Prairie*Tt to Hop kins. Edwards to Erhard. Effle to Deer River. Eggleston*Tt to Red W ing. Elds wold to Lakeville. Elba* to Aitura. Ellerth to Newfolden. Ellis* to M otley. Ellsburg* to Virginia. Ellson* tq Denham. ! Express Office. MINNESOTA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Blmdale to Bowlus. Elmer* to Proctor. Elmpark to Grandy. . Embarrass* Tt to Tower. Emily* to Pequot. Empire C it y * !! to Ham p ton. Enfield*! to Silver Creek. Englund to Strandquist. Enok to Kennedy. Ericsburg* to B ay. Erie* to Goodridge. , Esplee* to Grygla. Estesbrook to Poreston. Eureka*! to Excelsior. E verdell*! to Foxhoine. Evergreen to Deer River, Highland! (Lake Co.) to Tw o Harbors. H igh Landing* to Good ridge. Highw ood! to St. Paul. H illm an! to Genola. H ill R iver to Fosston. Hill View * to Sebeka. Hines*! to Tenstrike. Hobson to Claremont. H ollyw ood to M ayer. H olm an*! to Bovey. Holyoke * ! to Superior, Wis. H om er*! ! to Winona. Hopper to Virginia. Hortons to Menahga. H ou pt*! to Northome. H ovey 1 Junction to BlackF airb an k s*« to Blwablk. duck. Fairfield to Appleton. Hovland* to Grand Marais. Fair Hills to Detroit. H o y t to Lamberton. Fairland to International Hubbard* to Park Rapids. Falls. H u bert*! to Pequot. Faith to Tw in Valley. Hughes to Cook, Farming to Richmond. Huntersville* to Menahga. Farris*.! to Cass Lake. Huot to Red Lake Falls. Faunce to Williams. Hutton* to Preston. Fernando to Stewart. Fillmore to W ykoll. Flam ing*! to Fertile. Im o g en !! to Granada. Fletcher to Rogers. Independence* to Duluth. Florenton to Virginia. Indus* tolntem ationalFalls Florian to Strandquist. Inez* to Blackduck. Fond du L a c * !1 (corporate Inger to Bena. name Duluth) to Duluth. Inguadona to Remer. Forbes* to Eveleth. Invergrove * 1 to South Forest C ity to Litchfield. Saint Paul. Fork* to Oslo. Ir o n * ! to Virginia. Fossum to Tw in Valley. Irving to Atwater. F ox*! to Roseau. Isabel to Freeport. Foy to Kelliher. Itaska to Dayton. Freedhem* to L ittle Falls. Iverson! to Carlton. Freeland to Madison. Freer to Foreston. Fremont to Lewiston. Jacobson* to Grand Rapids. French to Fergus Falls. Jarretts* to Hammond. French R iver to Duluth. Jessie Lake* to Deer River. F rid ley*! to Minneapolis. Johnsburg to Adams. Friesland! to Hinckley. Joy to Parkers Prairie. Frontier* to Baudette. Frontinac to R ed W ing. Fruthville to Sauk Rapids. Kalavala to Moose Lake. Fu n kley*t! to Blackduck. K elley L a k e *!! to Hlbblng. K elsey*! ! to Virginia. Kerns to Mankato. Garrison* to Brainerd. K e ttle Falls to Ranier. G a ry *!!, St. Louis Co. to K e y w e s t! to East Grand Duluth. Forks. G em m ell*!! to M izpah. K im b erly *!! to McGregor. Genoa to Byron. K in gsdale!! to Cloverton. Germantown* to M avie. K irk Siding to Eveleth. Gheen* to Cook. K itzville to Hlbbing. Gilchrist to Sedan. Kletctzen to Badger. G ladstone*!! to Saint Paul Knapp to Cokato. Glasgow to Wabasha. K natvold to Glenville. Glen* to Aitkin. K n ife R iver * f ! to Two Glendale to Savage. Harbors. Glendorado to Princeton. Komensky to Hutchison. Glory to Atkin. Kost to North Branch. Goaahl to Saint James. K ratka* to Goodridge. Goldenvalley (Hennepin Krosohel to Hinckley. Co.) to Minneapolis. Golden Valley (Marshall Co.) to Holt. La c Qui Parle to Watson. Goodland*! to Hlbblng. Lake Elizabeth to Atwater. Gotha to Cologne. Lake Grove to Waubun. Gowan* to Floodwood. Lake Itasca* to Park Rap Gracelock to Montevideo. ids. Grand L a k e! to Cloquet. Grand Portage to Grand Lakeland * ! 1 to Hudson, Wis. Marais. Lake Lena to Danbury,Wis. Grasslake to Braham. Lake Lillian* to Bird Island. Grayling*! to Aitkin. Greaney to Cook. Lake Lizzie to Pelican Greeley to Braham. Rapids. Green Lake to Spicer. Lakenetta to' Anoka. Greenland* to Elyslan. Lakeside to Buffalo Lake. Greenleaf to Litchfield. Lambert to Oklee. Greenleafton to Preston L a m o ille*!! to Winona. Green vale to Northfield. Lamson to Dassel. Griebrok* to Oklee. Lan gdon *!! to Hastings. G rogan *t! to St. James. Lange to St. Peter. Grove Lake to Brooten. Lang nel to Starbuck. Grover to Utica. Lansford to M cG regor.. Laurel* to International Hackett to Baudette. Falls. Hader to Wanamingo. Laviniat to Bemidji. Hadler Ito Ada. Lax Lake to T w o Harbors. Hagan to Milan. Hamilton Station to Sav Leader* to Motley. Leaf Valley to Garfield. age. Leech Lake to Walker. Hamlinet to St. Paul. Leigh to Genola. Harney to Cloquet. Harold Station to Crook- Leipold to H ill City. Lemond to Otisco. J ston. Lenora to Canton. Harrison to Atw ater. Leo* to Greenbush. Hart to Rushford. Leota* to Edgerton. Hassan to Rogers. Lerdal to Hayward. H a s ty * !! to Clearwater. Lexington to Le Sueur Cen Haug* to Greenbush. ter. H a va n a!! to Owatonna. Libb y* to Palisade. H ay Creek to Red W ing. Lida to Vergas. Haydenville to Madison. Lillo* to Oklee. H azelton! to N ew Ger Llm ecreek*!! to Fulda. many. Hazelwood to Northfield. Linden to Hanska. Heatwole to Hutchinson. LlntonvU le*!! to PaynesH eiberg! to Tw in Valley. vllle. Heidelberg to Ndw Prague. Helnola to N ew Y ork Mills. L ittle MaraIs*to Tw o H ar bors. Helena to Jordan. L ittle Rock toJRoyalton. Henrytown to Harmony. L ittle Swan to Hlbbing. H ereford*! to Wendell. Loman* to International Heulin to Kelliher. Falls. High Forest to Stewartville. Highland (Fillm ore Co.) to Long Siding to Pnnceton. Longvllle*to Pine River. Whalan. R E F E R E N C E KE Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k County Seat. L om e’* ! to Hanley Falls. N orway Lake* to N ew Lon Louriston to Murdock. don. L u ce*!! to PCrham. Nowthen to Elk River. Lundgren to Big Falls. N ym ore*! to Bemidji. Lutsen* to Grand Marais Luxemburg to Saint Cloud. Lydia to Jordan. Oakcenter to Lake City. Lym an to Deer Creek. Oakdale to Lake Elmo. Oak H ill to Osakis. Oak Point to Lancaster. M ack to Deer River. Olga* to Gully. Mahtomedl*! to White Omro to Bixby. Bear Lake. Onieum* to W a lk e r.' M aine to Underwood. Opole to Royalton. M alcolm * to Grygla. Opstead* to Wahkon. Mallard* to Shevlln. Orchard Lake to Savage. Malm o* to Aitkin. Orelandi to D eerw ood. Malung* to Roseau. O rgt! to Worthington. Manannah to Litchfield. Orrock to Big Lake. O rth*! to Blackduck. Manitou to -International Osage* to Park Rapids. Falls. Oshawa! to Saint Peter. Mansfield to Alden. Oslo * ! (D odge Co.) to Hayfleld. Mansion* to Rothsay. Oster to W averly. Manyaska to Welcome. M aplebay* to Fertile. Otisville* to Scandla. Maplfe Grove! to Osseo. Ottawa’ ! ! to L e Sueur. M aple Island! to M arine bn Otto* to Kelliher. St. Croix. Outing to Jenkins. Mapleridge to Braham. Oxboro Heath to M inne apolis. Marcell* to Deer River. M arch to Warren. Oxlip to Isanti. Oylen to Staples. Marcy* to Tw o Harbors. M a rg ie*!! to B ig' Falls. Marion to Rochester. Padua to Brooten. Markham* to Blwablk. Palm Dale to Taylors Falls. M artin ville to Canby. Palmer (St. Louis Co.) to Marty to Kim ball. Tw o Harbors. Marysburg to Madison Lake Palmer (Waseca Co.) to Waseca. Marystown to Shakopee. Palo* to Blwablk. Mattson to Hallock. Max* to Northome. Parent*! to Foley. Mayhew to Sauk Rapids. Paulbert to N ew Germany. Payne to Eveleth. M a yville to Austin*McCom ber to Ely. Pelan to Karlstad. Pelland to International M cK in le y *!! to Blwablk. Falls. Meadow Brook to Cook. P e n gilly*! to Marble. Medo to Pemberton. I Pennington* to Cass Lake. M elvin*! to Fertle. Penturen to Roosevelt. Merrlfleld*! to Brainerd. { Petersburg to Jackson. Merton to Owatonna. I Petrell to Aurora. M esaba*!! to Tower. I Pettis to Kasota. Midway* to Proctor. | Phelps to Underwood. Miesville to Hastings. Phena to Northome. Mlidred*! to Pine River. Ph llbrook*!! to Staples. Miles to Danube. Pickwick to Winona. Millersburg to Dundas. Pillsbury to Swanvllle. M llom a*!! to Heton Lake. Pilotgrove to Elmore. Pilot Mound to Obatfleld Minnesota C it y * !! to Roll- Pine Center to Bagley. ingstone. Pine Creek* (Roseau Co.); Minnesota Falls to Granite to Roseau. Falls. Pinetop to Northome. Minnesota Transfer Sta Plnevllle* to Blwablk. tion to St. Paul. Pinew ood*! to Solway. Minnetonka Beach * ! ! to P it t * ! to Baudette. W ayzatal Platte to Pierz. Minnetonka Mills to Hopklhs. Pleasant Grove to Stewart Mississippi to Grand ville. Rapids. Pleasant Valley to Carlton. Moland to Kenyon. Plymouth to Minneapolis. Money Creek to Houston. Ponemah to Bemidji. M oran to Browerville. Pontorla* to P i n i R iver. M orrill to Foley. Popple to Northome. Moscow to Oakland. Potsdam to Elgin. Mound Prairie* to Houston. P ra tt*! to Owatonna. Mulfords to Kilkenny. Predm ore! to Eyota. Munger* to Proctor. Priam ! to Willmar. M uskodat!' to Hawley. Proctorknott to Proctor. Myers to Wegdahl. Prosit t,o Meadowlands. Providence to Dawson. Puposky to Bemidji. Namsos to Alpha. Nansen to Kenyon. N a ry *! to Bemidji. Qual to Twin Valley. Nass* to Cook. N avarre to Mound. Naytahwaush to Mah Rabey to H ill City. Raboin to Cass Lake. nomen. Nebish* to B em idji. Ram ey* to Foley. Ramsey Junction to Austin. Negord to Kerkhoven. N em a d jit! to Moose Lake Randen* to Middle R iver. Ranum to Fertile. Neptune to Gully. N esbitt to Minneapolis. Rassetv to Buffalo. Rauch to Cook. N ett L a k e*! to Cook. Reads to Wabasha. Neutral to Brainerd. N eving* to Leonard. Redby to Bemidji. Newburg to Mabel. Red Lake* to Bemidji. N ew D u lu th *!! (Corporate Red Rock to St. Paul. name Duluth) to Duluth. Red T o p *! to Wahkon. Regal to Paynesville. N ew Hartford to Dakota. R e n o *!! to Caledonia. Newhouse*! to Mabel. R e n o v a *!! to Dexter N ew Pierz to Genola. N ew p ort*!! to Saint Paul. Rhoda* to Oklee. Rlceford to Mabel. N ew ry to Blooming Prairie. Rice Lake to Duluth. Richfield to Minneapolis. New Sweden to Nicollet. Richland to Kenyon. New Trier* to Hampton. Rich V a lle y * « to RoseN iawa* to Laporte. mount. N ickerson *!! to Kerriqk. Rlchwood* to Callaway. Nicols (Dakota Co.) to St. Ridgeway to Winona. Rlnaal to Fertile. Paul. Ringe to Rochester. Nimrod* to Sebeka. Rippie to B ig Falls. N issw a*! to Pequot. R iver to Roseau. Nodine to Dakota, R iver Point to Owatonna. Nokay to Deerwood. Riverside to Bena. Norden to Kelliher. Normänia to Cottonwood. Robbln’ to Drayton. N . D. Roberts to Fergus Falls. Norseland to Saint Peter. Rochert to Detroit. Northern to Bemidji. Northland (Polk Co.) to Rock Dell to Byron. Rogers-Spur to Remer. East Grand Forks. Northland* (St. Louis Co.) Roland* to Oklee. to Hlbblng.______________ Rollag* to H awley,_______ ♦Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. MINNESOTA 1879 Rollis* to Gafzke. R o sb ytt to Bemidji. Roscoe (Goodhue Col) to Zumbrota. Rose C ity to M iltona. * Roseland to Svea. Rosen to Bellingham. Rosendale t o Grove C ity. Rosewood* to Viking. Ross* to Roseau. Rossburg*!!' to Aitkin. Rowena to Wabasso. Rowland to Hopkins. Rudell to Trail. Runeberg to Menahga. Rush Point to Rush City. Rush R iver to Le Sueur. Ruskin to Faribault. Russia! to Beltrami. Ru stad*!! to Moorhead. Saginaw *!! to Cloquet. Saint Anna to Avon. Saint Anthony to Albany. St. Anthony P a rk ! to Saint Paul. Saint Augusta! to Saint Cloud. St. Francis* to Freeport. Saint George to N ew Ulm. Saint Killian to W ilm ont. St. Lotus Park to Hopkins. Saint Nicholas* to Watkins. Saint Patrick to N ew Prague. St. Paul P a r k * !! to St. Paul. Saint Thomas to L e Sueur. Saint Wendall to Avon. Salo* to Moose Lake. Sandrldge to Holt. Sandy*! to Virginia. y Santiago* to Clear Lake. S a rtell*!! to Sauk Rapids. Saum* to Kelliher. S a w y e r*!! to Carlton. Saxe! to Buhl. Scanlon*t! to Cloquet. Sch ley!! to Cass Lake. Schroeder* to Grand Marais. Scriven to Carlos. Section T h irty* to Ely. Seton! to Mound. Shaw to Eveleth. Sheldon to Caledonia. Sherman! to Silver Lake. , Shieldsville to Faribault. Shilling to Grygla. Shooks! to Kelliher. Shoreham to D etroit. Shotly to Kelliher. Slgsbee to Hayward. Sioux Valley to Lake Park, la. Sklme to Roseau. S k yb erg'to Wanamingo. Smith M ill* !! to Janesville. Smith v ille * ! to Duluth. Sneilman to Ponsford. Sobieski to L ittle Falls. Sogn to Dennison. Solana*!! to Denham. Souies ‘ Siding to Pease. South Branch to St. James. So. Park* to So. St. Paul. Spafford to Round Lake. S p arta*!! to Gilbert. Spectacle Lake to Princeton Spencer Brook to Princeton Spring Lake* (Itasca Co.) to Deer River. Spring P a r k * !! to Mound. Spring Vale* to Cambridge. Spur to Tenstrike. Squler to Wendell. Stanley (Isanti ( Co.) to Cambridge. Stanley (Itasca Co.) to Deer River. Stark to Harris. Star Lake to Dent. Steele Center to Owatonna. Steiner! to Thief R iver Falls. Sterling Center to Am boy. Stevenson*!! to Hlbblng. Stockholm to Cokato. Stockwood*! to Glyndon. Stonehouse to Cloquet. Strout to Litchfield. Stubbs B ay to Long Lake. Sum ter*! to Glencoe. Sundahl to Fertile. Sveadahl to Darfur. Swan R iv e r * !! to Grand Rapids. Sw atara*! to Remer. S w ift*! to Warroad. Sylvan*! to Pillager. S y r e * !! to Tw in Valley. T a c o n lte *!! to Bovey. Taw pey to Mabel. Terrace* to Sedan. Terrebonne* to Red Lake Falls. Thom son*! to Carlton. Thorhult* to, Goodridge. T iovola to Meadowlands. Tobioue to Remer. Tofte* to Tw o Harbors. Togo to Hlbblng. Toim l* to Aurora. Tolln to Princeton. ! Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1880 MINNESOTA Tonka* to Excelsior. Topekat to L ittle Falls. T ra ve rs e*!! to Saint Peter. Trondjem to Lonsdale. T roy to St. Charles. Turtle Lake to Deer River. Tu rtle R iv e r * ! to Tenstrike T w ig * to Duluth. T w o Inlets to Park Rapids. Union to Bloom ing Prairie. Union H ill to N ew Prague. Alcorn* to Port Gibson. Algom a* t to Pontotoc. Alham bra* to Greenville. ■Alice to Philadelphia. Allandale to Columbus. Allen* to Wesson. A lliga tor*! to Shelby. Almadale to Terry. Alphaba to Coldwater. Alplka to Memphis, Tenn. Alpine to N ew Albany. Altus to Oxford. A lva * to Duck H ill. Amazon to Waynesboro. A m ity to Tupelo. Anderson to Flora. A n d in g * !! to Yazoo City. Andrew to Mize. Anna to Natchez. Antlers to Clarksdale. A rb o’ t ! to Mount Olive. Arcadia* to Vicksburg/: A re o la *tt to Hollandale. A riel* t a Centerville. A rk * to Isola. Arkabutla* to Coldwater A rm *tt to M onticello. Arnold to Rosedale. Askew *t to Crenshaw. A tlanta to Woodland. Auburn* to Summit. Aurls to Valden. Austin* to Tunica. Auter* to Anguilia. A valon* to Greenwood. A v o n t t to Greenville. Blue Lake* to Tutwiler. Blue Springs * t to New Albany. Bluff to Blue Mountain. B ob o *! to Clarksdale. Bodone to Durant. Boggan to Mendenhall. Bolatusha* to Kosciusko. B olivar to Benoit. B o n d *!! to Wiggins. Bonhomie to Hattiesburg. Bonita* to Meridian. Bonus to M eadville. Boon to Louisville. Bounds to Calhoun City. Bourbon* to Leiand. Bovina* T i to Vicksburg. Bowerton to Wesson. Bowles to Houlka. Bowling Green (Holmes Co.) to Durant. Bowman to Coldwater. B oyce* to Waynesboro. Boyer* to Indlanola. Chewalla to H olly ¡springs. C bicora*! to W aynesboro. Chita to Kosciusko. Chiwapa to Pontotoc. C hoctaw *! to Shaw. Chotard* to V cksburg. Chulahoma* to H olly Sp'gs. Cbunxy’ t t to Hickory. Chunn to WaynestOro. Church H ill* to Fayette. Clacks* to Tunica. Clara to Waynesboro. Claremont* to Clarksdale. Clarence to Lucedale. Clarion to Tunica. Clark to Port Gibson. Clarksburg* tto Pelahatchee Clarks M ill to Greenwood MISSISSIPPI Dubard*! to Grenada. Dubbs* to Tunica. D ublin*! ! to Clarksdale. Duffee to Union. Duke to Utica. Dumas* to Ripley. D u nlelth*! to Leiand. Durham* to Clarksdale. D w iggins* to Drew. Dwyer* to Moorhead. Eagle to Corinth. Eagle Bend* to Vicksburg. Eagle Nest to Jonestown. Early Grove to , Moscow, Valley Creek to Stillwater. i Tenn. Vasa’ to Red Wing. Earlyvllle to Kosciusko. VawterJ to Royalton. Eastman* to Fulton. Clarkson* to Maben. Verdon to Grand Rapids. Eastslde* to Moss Point. ClarysvOle to R ipley. Verna 1 to Grand Rapids. Ebenezer* to Lexington. Claude* to Columbia. Veseli* to Lonsdale. Ed diceton*!! to M eadville. C lay* to Fulton. Vineland* to Onamia. E d en *! to Y azoo City. Clayton* !1 to Tunica. Viola* Tt to Elgin. Edinburg* to Philadelphia. Cleary to Florence. Voss to Ulen. Edna*! to Columbia Clem to Mount Olive. Edsvllle to West. Cliff to Baldwyn. Bradley* to Sturgis. Cllftonville* to Brookville. Eggville to Tupelo. Branch* to Morton. ^Wagner to Finlayson. B grem ont*! to Rolling Brandywine to P o rt Gibson C loverhlllf ! to Clarksdale. W aite Park* to St. Cloud. Fork C ly d e*! to Hattiesburg. Brewer to Quitman. W albo to Cambridge. Coahoma* ! ! to Friai E gypt* t l to Okolona. Bridges! to M agnolia. W aldeck* to Aitkin. Eldorado* to Vicksburg. Point. B ridgevllle to Hazlehurst. W allace (D akota C o .! to Electric M ills *!! to Scooba. Cobbs to Brookhaven. Briers* to Natchez. Northfleld. Elena to Greenville. Cockerham to M cCom b. B right* to Hernando. Wallace (St. Louis Co.) to Elfin to Baldwyn. Cockrum* to Hernando. Bristow to Am ory. Virginia. Bliphaz to Senatobia. Cofer to Pontotoc. Britton to Waynesboro. Wangs to Dennison. E liza beth *!! to Leiand. Cohay to Taylorsville. Brock to W est. Wanke* to Trail E lk ville to Am ory. Colla* to Carrollton. Brody to Walnut. Ward Springs * i to Grey Elliott* ! to Grenada. Brooklyn* T! to H atties Coke to Iuka. Eagle. Ellistown to N ew Albany. Colbert to H olly Springs. burg. Warman* to Mora. Bailey* to Meridian. Coles* to Gloster. B row nfield*! to Middleton, Warsaw* to Morristown. Em bry* to Eupora. Balrd’ t t to Indlanola. College H ill to Oxford. Tenn. Baker to N ew Albany. Emerald to Magnolia. Collinsville to Meridian. Washington to Spring Val Baleshed* to Lake Provi Browning to Greenwood. Em ory to West. Commerce* to Tunica. Brownsville to Bolton. ley. Endvllie to Sherman. dence. Commodore to Ethel W asioja to Dodge Center. Ballardsville to Tupeio. Enola* to Yazoo City. Complete* to Meridian. Browns W ells to H azle Waskish to Kelllher. Ballentlne to Sardis. \ Enon* to Summit. Conehatta* to Lake hurst. Wastedo to Cannon Falls. Enondale* to Scooba. Ballground* to Vicksburg. Conn* to Utica. B rozville to Lexington. W aterford to Northfleld. E n terp rise*!! to Quitman. Baloil to Collierville. Tenn Brunswick* to Vicksburg. Conway* to Carthage. Waukon to Gary. Baltzer to Clarksdale. Enzor to Meridian. , Cooksey to Decatur. Bryant* to Coffeeville. W awinat to Flood wood. B an ks!! to Tunica. E p le y * t! to Hattiesburg. Cooksville* to Shuqualak. B ryantville to Vaiden. W ealthw ood* to Aitkin. Bankston to Eupora. B ucatu nna*!! to Waynes Coopers Wells to Raymond. E rra ta ! to Sandersville. W eber to North Branch. Banner* to W a ter Valley. E r w in * !! to Greenville. Corlnne to Aberdeen. boro. Weggeland to Fergus Falls. Barlana* to Port Gibson.. B u d ef! to Meadv»lle. Escatawpa* to Moss Point. Cork to Noxapater. W em e to Clearbrook. Barlow* to Hazlehurst. Eskridge* to Duckbill. Coraersville to Myrtle. Buena Vista* to Okolona. W est D u lu th !! to Duluth. B arn ett*! to Pachuta. Essex*” to Marks. Cornish* to Oxford. Bullock to Ripley. W est Lyn to Hutchinson. Barr to Senatobia. Estabutchle*! to Hatties Cottondale to Ruleville. B urdette*! to Leiand. West M inneapolis to H op B artlett to Newton. burg. County Line to Leakesvilie. Burgess* to Oxford. kins. Basic C ity to Quitman. Estes to Louisville Coxburg to Lexington. Bums* to Raleigh. W est Poin t to Cambridge. Estesmlll* to Carthage. Basin to Lucedale. Burnside*! to Philadelphia. Craig* to Yazoo City. W h eatvillel to Ada. Bassfleld * t i to Prentiss. Crane Creek to Poplarville E s till*! to Hollandale. B u rn sville*!! to Corinth. W hite Earth* to, Ogema. B attle* to Waynesboro. E tta* to Myrtle. Cranfleld to Natchez. Burtons to Booneville. W hite Pine* to W illow Battlefield* to Union. Creek (A ttala Co.) to Ethel Euputta to Shubuta. Busby! to Myrtle. River. B axter* to B ay Spring. Eudora* to Hernando. Crevi to Batesvllle. Busyton* to vardaman. W h itew illow l to Goodhue. Eunice to Liberty. Crews to Helena, Ark. Buttercup to Meridian. W ilbert to Fairmont. Eureka Springs to CourtB a x tirv ille ’ t i to Lumber- B y ra m * !! to Terry Crockett to Senatobia. W ildwood* to Northome. ton. land. Crowder to Lambert. W illernie to N orth St. Paul Bayland to Y azoo C ity. E van sville*! to Tunica. Crump* to Indianola. W illow Creek to Am boy, s Beach* to Morton. Evergreen to Nettleton. Cuba to Corinth, Bear Creek (Hinds C o.) to Cub Lake* to Hernando. Oadaretta to D uck Hill. W ilm ington to Spring Utica. Cude*t to Itta Bena. Grove. Bear Creek ((Washington Caddo to Carrollton. Cuevas* to Pass Christian Caesar* to Picayune. Wilson* to Winona. Co.) to Belzoni. Cullum* to Lauderdale. Fairground to Philadelphia. Cagle to Sturgis. W ilt o n * !! to Bemldji. Beasley to W est Point. Cumberland*! to Maben. Fairport to Brookville. Calle to Isola. Winnebago Valley to Cale Cupid to Senatobia. Fair R iver to Brookhaven. donia. Beatrice %(Clarke Co.) to Cairo to West Point. Currie to M ize. Faisonia t o Indianola. Caledonia* to Columbus. Winner to Roseau. Pachuta. Cybur to Picayune. Falcon to Sledge. W lrock to Fulda. Beatrice* (Harrison Co.) to Calvert to Meridian. Cynthia* to Jackson. Falin to Braxton. Calyx* to Shuqulak. W irt* to Deer River. Gulfport. Falkner’ t l to Ripley. Camden* to Pickens. W itoka* to Winona. B eaum ont*tt to N ew Au Fallback to Benoit. Dabney to Duck H ill. Cameron* to Pickens. W o lf Lake to Frazee. gusta. Fannin* to Brandon. Dahom y* to Benoit. Cameta* to Anguilla. W olford to Crosby. B eauregard*! to Wesson. Farmer to Corinth. Dale to Columbia. Camp Oaks to West Point. W oodbury to Lake Elmo. Becker to Am ory. F arrell*! to Friar Point. Canaan to Grand Junction, D aleville* to Meridian. Woodland to Frazee. Greenwood. Feams Springs* to Louis Dallas* to Pontotoc. Tenn. W oodrow to Brainerd. Beeks to Aberdeen. ville:. Damascus to Forest. Cannonsburg! to Fayette. Woodslde to Mentor. B ee la k e*!! to Tchula. Fenton* to B ay St. Louis. D ancy*! to Maben. Cariey to Columbia. Wrightstown to Hew itt. Belden’ t to Tupelo. Fentress*! to Ackerman. Dantzler* to McHenry. C arlis le*!! to Utica. .W yanette to Princeton. Belen* to Marks. Fern w o o d *!! to Magnolia. Darbun* to Columbia. Carmichael* to Quitman. W y a ttville to Lewiston. Bellefontaine* to Eupora. Field to Tunica. D arling*! 1 to Crenshaw. Carnegie to Winona. Bellewood* to Isola. Finger to Ripley. D arracott to Aberdeen. Games* to Lumberton. Belllsle* to Rosedale. F ltler* to Rolling Fork. D avo to Tylertown. Carpenter* !t o Utica. Bells to Tupelo. Y ola to La Porte. F itzhugh*! to Ruleville. Days to Hemanao. C a rriere *!! to Picayune. Benmoret to Richton. Y ork to Lim e Spring, la. Flat* to Canton. Deasonvllle to Pickens. C a rs on *!! to Prentiss. B entoak*! to Artesla. Yucatan to Houston. Florala to Ocean Springs. Deborah to Clarksdale. i C arter*! to Y azoo C ity. Benton* to Yazoo City. to Ocean D eem er*!! to Philadelphia. Floweree to Vicksburg. B en ton ia *tl to Y azoo C ity Carterville * Flowers to Hackley. Deen to Prentiss. Springs. Zim* to Eveleth. Fonde to Waynesboro. Deerbrook* to Brookville. Cartledge to Friar Point. B erclair*! to Itta Bena. Zions* to Zumbrota. Fdndren to Jackson. D eeson *!! to Gunnison: C a r y * !! to Rolling Fork. Berryvllle to Canton. ■Zippel* to Williams. Fontainebleau to * Ocean D eLay* to Oxford. Cascilla* to Holcomb. Bertice to Canton. Springs. Dellsle* to Pass Christian» Caseyville to Brookhaven. Berwick to Centerville. F o o te * ! to Greenville. Delta* to Crenshaw, Caswell to Oxford. Bethany* to Baldwyn. Catahoula* to Bay St.Louis. Denham to Waynesboro. Betheden to Louisville. Ford (Jackson "6 o.) to Moss Denman to Grenada. Bethlehem to H olly Springs Catchings* to Anguilla. Point'. Denmark* to Oxford. Cato to Braxton. B ett to Coldwater. Ford (Smith Co.) to T a y Dennis*! to Corinth. Cayce to Collierville, Tenn. B everly to Clarksdale. M IS S IS S IP P I lorsville. Dentvllle to Hazlehurst. Cayuga to Utica. B evil to Louisville. Fordyke to Pickens. Cedar B lu ff* !! to West Deovolente* to Belzona. Bewelcome* to Lib e rty v Forkviile* to Morton D erb y*! to Poplarville. Point. B e x le y *!! to M errill. F ort Adams* to Woodville. De S o t o * !! to Quitman. Cedar Hill to Winona. Bigbee to Am ory. A b b e v ille *tt to Oxford. Dickerson* to Friar Point. F ortL o rin g*! to Greenwood. Cedars* to Vicksburg. Bigbee Valley to Macon. A bbott* to W est Point. F ort Stephens to Meridian., Dido to Ackerman. Cedar V iew * to Hernando. Aberdeen Junction to Aber Big Creek* to Calhoun City. D lllville* to B ay St. Louis. Foster to Natchez. Center* to Kosciusko. Big Point* to Moss Point. deen. F ox to Winona. Dinan to Tylertow n. Central Academ y* to BatesA bney to Tupelo. Foxtrap to Macon. Dlnsmore to Macon. ville. Big Springs to W est Point. Absalom to Louisville. F oxw orth *!! to Columbia. Distall to Philipp. Chambers to Shelby. B inford to Aberdeen. Acona to Lexington. Franklin to Lexington. D ivide to Monticello.: Chancy* to Marks. Binnsville* to Scooba. Adair to SIdon. Franks to Philadelphia. Dixon* to Union. Chaparral to Waynesboro. Birdie* to Lula. Adams Station* to Utica. Frazier to Shaw Dockery* to Ruleville. ; Chapeltown to Batesvllle. BIssell to Tupelo. Adaton to Starkville. Freeman* to Sunflower. D od d sv ille*!! to Ruleville. Charlton* to Canton. Black H aw k* to Lexington. Freeny to Carthage. D oloroso* to W ood ville. Chataw a*! ! to Magnolia. Blackland to Boonevillt A ddie to Rolling Fork. French Camp* to A ck er D ont to Collins. Chatham* to Greenville. Blackmonton* to Vaiden A frica* to Duncan. man. Dorsey* to Tupelo. Cheraw* to Columbia. Blackwater* to Oxford. Agricola* to Lucedale. Friendship to Okolona, Dossville* to Kosciusko. Cherokee to Columbus. Agricultural College* 1 t to Blaine*! to Ruleville. F rlley to Hollandale. Double Springs to Maben. Cherry Creek! to Ecru. Blair to Guntown. Starkville. Frostbrldge to Waynesboro D ry Creek to Collins. Cherry H ill to Houston. Blanton* to R olling Fork. Alrm ount* to Coffeeville. Fruitland P a rk ! to W iggins. Dry Grove to Terry. Chester* to Ackerman. Blodgett to Richton. Alamucha to Meridian. Furrs to Tupelo.__________ D ry Run to Booneville. Chestervllle to Tupelo. A lb in * ! to W ebb.___________ Blountville to Prentiss. ! Express Office. J Telegraph Station. 'Money. Order Office. ACounty Seat. FRASER Digitized for REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI to B ay St. Louis. Galena to H olly Springs. Galilee to Mendenhall. Gallatin to Hazlehurst. Gallm an*!! to Crystal Springs. Gallway to Myrtle. Gama to Braxton. Gandolio to Winona. Garcia to Rolling Fork. Garden C ity * to Gloster. Gardner to McComb. Garlandville* to Newton. Garner to W ater Valley. Gatesidlle 11 to Crystal Springs. Gatewood to Coffeeville. Gattman*! to Aberdeen. Gault to Oxford. ! Gautier*!! to Pascagoula. Geevllle* to Baldwyn. Gerald* to Friar Point. Geren* to Philipp. Germania to Y azoo City. Gbolson* to Shuqualak. Gibson* t to Aberdeen. Gift to Corinth. Gainesville* Giles to Scooba. Gillsburg* to Osyka. Gilmer to Taylorsville. Glp to Carthage. GItano* to Laurel. Gladhurst to Osyna. Glading*! to Liberty. Gladys* to Itta Bena. Glanoy* to Hazlehurst. Glass * to Vicksburg. Glen* to Corinth. Glen Allen* to Greenville. G lendora*!! to Philipp. Glenfleld* to N ew Albany. Glenville to Como. Glover* to Memphis, Tenn. Gluckstadt* to Madison Sta. Golden*! to Red Bay, Ala. Gomez to Oxford. Goode to Senatobia. Good Hope (Holm es Co.) to Tchula. Good H op e (Leake Co.) to Morton. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS High H ill to Union. Highland to Corinth. Highlandale* to Schlater. High P o in t*! to Louisville. H ight to Noxapater. Hlghtown to Corinth. H illhou se*!! to Friar Point.'' Hillm an to Leakesville. Hillsboro* to Forest. H illsdale*! to Lumberton. H lnchcllfl*! to Marks. H intonville! to Richton. Hinze* to Noxapater. Hiwannee*! to Shubuta. Hodge to Inverness. Hoffman Switch to West. Hohenllnden* to Maben. Holcut to Corinth. H olladay to Houston. Hollis* to Vardaman. H o lly B lu ff*! to Y azoo C ity Hollyknowe to Leland. H olly Ridge* to Indianola. Hollywood* ! ! to Tunica. Holmesville* to McCom b. Homewood* to Forest. • Hom ochitto to Lake Provi dence. Hoods to Leland. Hookston to Meridian. Hdpe to Philadelphia. H op ew ell*!! to Crystal Springs. Hopoca to Kosciusko. Horatio* to Sardis. Horn L a k e * !! to Memphis, Tenn. House to Union. H ovey to M cHenry. Hovis to Corinth. H ow ard*! to Lexington. H ow ison *!! to Gulfport. H u b * !! to Columbia. Hudsonvllle * ! to Holly Springs. Huff to Carrollton. Hughes to Kosciusko. Humber* to Friar Point. Huntsville to Kllmichaei. Hurley* to Moss Point. Hurst to Liberty. Goshen Springs* to Brandon Hushpuckena*! to Shelby. Goss*! to Columbia. Gossett to Ripley. Gowdey to Jackson. G race*!! to Rolling Fork. Ida to Baldwyn. Grafton to Richton. Im prove* to Columbia. Graham to Baldwyn. Ina to Mendenhall. Grand Gulf* to Port Gibson. Increase* to Meridian. Grapeland* to Benoit. Independence* to ColdGraves to Ripley. water. Gray to Kosciusko. Ingleslde* to Port Gibson. Graysport* to Grenada. Ingom ar! New Albany. Greene to Brandon. Ingrams Mill to Byhalia. Greenfield* to Brandon. Iowana to Pascagoula. Green Grove ! to Clarks- Ireland* to Gloster. dale. Irene* to McComb. Issaquena! to Rolling Fork. Greens to Flora. Ituma to Tchula. Greenwood Springs*! to Amory. Greer to Carthage. , Jacinto to Rienzl. Gregory* to Ethel. Jack to Crystal Springs. Gridley to B ay Springs. Jago to Hernando. Griffith to West Point. Jaketown to Belzoni. Groveton to M orton. James to Greenville. Grubb Springs to Aberdeen Java to Union. Gulfview to Bav St. Louis. Jayess to Monticello Gum Ridge* to N at cues. Jaynesville to Mount Olive. Gunn to Ralelgn. Jeanette* to Natchez. Gwinville to N ew Hebron. Jeffries* to Lula. Jessie to Carthage. Joe to Mendenhall. Hale to Shubuta. Johns* to Brandon Halstead* to Cleveland. Johnstons Station * ! to H am burg*!! to Natchez. Summit. Hamilton* to Aberdeen. Hampton* t ! to Rolling Joiner to Macon. Jonathan* to Leakesville. Fork. Josephine to Rosedaie. Handle to Noxapater. Judah to Pontotoc. Handsboro* to Gulfport. Hankinson* to P o rt Gibson. Hardy Station* t ! to Gre Keen to Ackerman. nada. Keirn to Cruger. Harleston* to Lucedale. Kellis Store* to Scooba. Harlow* to Boyle. Kellum to Rlenzi. Harmontown* to Oxford. K elly to Memphis. Tenn. Harpersville* to Forest. Kem p to Kilmichael. Harriston* t ! to Fayette. Kenago to Ackerman. Harrisville* to Braxton. Kendrick* to Corinth. Hartness to Starkville. Keno to Columbia. Hassle to Starkville. Hathorn*! (M arion Co.) to Keownsville to N ew Albany. Kerr to M cCool. Columbia. .Hathorn (Winston Co.) to Kewanee*! to Meridian. Keys to Tupelo. Louisville. Kiens tra to Woodville. Hatley to Am ory. Havre to Courtland Haynes Bluff to Vicksburg Kiln* to B ay St. Louis. Kincaid* to Grenada. Hays* to Forest. King to Florence. Hazel Dell to Boonville. Heathman* 11 to Indianola. Kingston to Natchez. K ioto* to Tylertown. Heckla to Hattiesburg. Kipling to Scooba. H eidelberg*!! to L a u rel' K irby* to Meadville. H e lm * !! to Leland. K ir kiln to Tylertown. Hemingway to Carrollton. Klrksy to Como. Hemphill* to Richton. Kirkville to Baldwyn. Herbert to Meridian. K n oxo*! to Tylertown. H erm anville*!! to Utica. K n oxville*!! to Gloster. Heron to W a ter Valley. K okom o*! to Tylertown. H ervey to Port Gibson. K ola* to Mount Olive. Hesterville* to Kosciusko. Kossuth* to Corinth. Hicks to Fayette. Kreole*! to Pascagoula. Higdon to H olly Springs. Kuhns to Cleveland. High to Sturgis. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis è County Seat. Laokle to Aberdeen. Ladner to Poplarville. Lafayette Springs* to Ox ford. La Grange to Eupora. L a in e*! to Pascagoula. Laird to Saulsbu y, Tenn. Lake Carrier to Sardis. Lake C ity * ' to Y azoo City. Lake Como* to Bay Springs. Lake Cormorant f ! t to Memphis, Tenn. Lakeshore *1 to B ay St. Louis Lake View * ! ! to Memphis, Tenn. L a m a r * !! to H olly Springs. Lam b* to Gunnison. La m k in f*! to Y azoo C ity. L a m o n t* !! to Greenville. Landing to Anguilla. Landon* to Gulfport. Langford* to Brandon. Langsdale* to Shubuta. Langston to Como. Larue* to Ocean Springs. Latimer* to Biloxi. Lauderdale*!! to Meridian. Law ren ce*!! to Newton. Laws H ill* to H olly Springs L e a f* !! to Merrill. Learned*! ! to Utica. Leedo to Fayette. Leedy* to CoriDth. Leeke to Mount Olive. Leesburg to Morton. Leesdale to Natchez. Leflore*! to Greenwood. Leggo to W ater Valley. Lemon* to Raleigh. Lena* to Morton. Leota Landing* to Green ville. Lespldeza to Sardis. Lessley to Woodville. Lettle to Noxapater. Leverett to Charleston. Lewlsburg* to Hernando. L ex ie*!! to Tylertown. Lilae to Duckhlll. Lilian to Forest. L illy to Kosciusko. Limerick* to Yazoo City. Lines to Noxapater. Lingle* to Morton. Linn to Indianola. Linton* to Quitman. Little Rock to Decatur. Little Springs* to M eadville Livingston to Flora. Llzana* to McHenry. Lizelia to Gulfport. Loakfoma* to Louisville. Lobdell*! to Benoit, i Lockhart*! to M eridian. Locum to Baldwyn. Lodi* to Winona. Lodockery to Hernando. Logtown* to Pearlington. Lois to Taylorsville. Lom bardy*! to Clarksdale. Long Beach* I I to Gulf port. Longstreet to Tutwiler. Longtown to Crenshaw. Longview * i to Starkville. Longw ood*! to Greenville. Looxahoma* to Senatobia Lorena* to Forest. Lorlng to Pickens. Lorm a n *!! to Fayette. Lorraine* to Gulfport. Lottvllle* to {Canton. Lotus* to Belzona. L ou in *!! to Bay Springs. Louise*! to Belzom. Love S tation *! to Coldwater. Loyd to Vardaman. Lucien*! to M eadville. Luclle to Meridian. Luck to Collierville, Tenn. Lucknow to Brandon. Lucre to Rolling Fork. Ludlow to Morton. Lunch to Baldwyn. Lurltne to Coldwater. Luther to Carthage. L u x * ! to Hattiesburg. L y m a n *!! to GUlfport. Lynchburg to Memphis, TOnn. Lynn Creek to Brookville. Lynwood to Pelahatchee. L y o n * ! to Clarksdale. Mabus to Ackerman. Macedonia to Shuqualak. M acel*! to Philipp. Mack to H olly Springs. Madden* to Carthage. Magna Vista to Vicksburg Mahned’ t tt o N ew Augusta Mahon! to H olly Springs. Maico to Forest. M alone to H olly Springs. M alvin a*! to. Rosedaie. M alvins to Gunnison. Mamie to Canton. Mannassa to Quitman. Mantachle to Guntown. Marathoh to Greenville. Marianna to H olly Springs. Marie to Indianola. Marietta* to Baldwyn. M arion*! to Meridian. Markette to Oxford. ______ Money Order Office. MISSISSIPPI 1881 I M arksville to Cruger. M artlnsville*!to Hazlehurst Marydell* to Kosciusko. Maryland Station to Schla ter. Masengale to Enterprise. Mashulavllle* to Macon. M atagorda to Clarksdale. Mathervllle* to Shubuta. Matthews to Pittsboro. M a ttox to Meridian. M attson*! to Clarksdale. Maud* to Tunica. M a x ie *!! to Wiggins. iM a yersvllle*! to Rolling Fork. M a y h ew *!! to W est Point. M ayton to Mendenhall. McAdams! to Koscitiskd. M cAnery to Carrollton. M cB ride* to Port Gibson. McCalls Creek*! to M ead ville. M cC allum ! to Hattiesburg. M cCarley*! to Carrollton. McCondy* to Okolona. McOown to Columbus M c C ra ry !! to Columbus. M cD on a ld*! to Philadel phia. M c L au rin *!! to H atties burg. McLeod* to Macon. M c N a ir*!! to Fayette. M c N e ill*!! to Poplarville. N itta y u m a *!! to Angullla. Nixon to Pontotoc. Noah to Oxford. Nod to Yazoo City. N o la *! to Brookbaven. N om ac* to Richton. Nom e* tö Tylertow n. Norfleid* t l to Bogue Chltto N orfolk to Memphis, Tenn. Norris* to Forest. N ortac to Poplarville. Nugent* to Gulfport.. Oakforestto H olly Springs. Oak Grove ‘ (Kem per Co.) to Scooba. O akley*! to Raymond. Oak Ridge* to Vicksburg; Oaks to Pickens. Ocobla to Philadelphia. Ofahoma* to Carthage. • O. K . to Tunica.* Okohola (Lam ar Co.) to Purvis. Oktibbeha to Meridian. Oktoc to Starkville. Olaenburg* to Natchez. Olio* to Centerville. O liver* to Clarksdale. Olney to Philadelphia. Oloh* to Sumrall. Orna*!! to Monticello. O ’N eil* to Liberty. Opal to Ackerman. Ophelia to Canton. O ra *!! to M ount Olive. M cR aven* to Jackson. / Orange G r o v e * !! to Pasca McVille to Kosciusko. goula. Mefchanicsburg* to Flora. Orangeville to Bolton. Meehan Junction*! to O 'R e illy * !'to Shaw. Meridian. Orion to H olly Springs. Mehlinger to Rosedaie. O rvisbu rg*!! to Poplarville M errill to Lucedale; Orwood to Oxford. Mesa to Tylertown. Osborn*! to Starkville. M etcalfe*! to Greenville. Michigan C it y * !! to Grand Oswalt to Flora. Otho to Forest. Junction, Tenn. Otis to Holcomb. M id n igh t*! to Belzoni. O v e tt* !! to Laurel. M id w ay to Raymond. Owens Wells * ! to Lex M ikom a to Webb. ington Oxberry to Holcomb. M ileston*! to Tchula. O zonai to Picayune. Millard* to Poplarville. M ill Creek to Louisville. Miller* 11 to Collierville, Paden*! to Corinth. Tenn. Palm etto to Tupelo. M illville* to Canton. Mineral W ells*tto Memphis Palm yra* to Vicksburg. Palona to Carthage. Minerva to Winona. Panther B u m *! to Anguilla Mingo* to luka. Paradise* to Fnar Point. Minneola .to Scooba. Parchm an*!! to Tutwiler. M in o t! to Tutwiler. Minter City*t!toGreenwood Pardue to Booneville. Paris* to W ater Valley. Missionary to Pachuta. Mississippi C it y * !! to Gulf Parkersburg! to Okolona. Parksplace to Como. port. P a ttis on *!! to Po rt Gibson Mlsterton* to Grenada. iPaulding* to B ay Spring. Miston to Amory. Paulette to Shuqualak. M itchell to Ripley. Paynes* to Grenada. Mlzpah to Hazelhurst. Pea Ridge to Scooba. Mollno* to New Albany. Pearl* to Crystal Springs. Monarch to Ellisville. Pearson! ! to Jackson M o n e y * !! to Philipp. Monroe*! (Franklin Co.) to Pecan*! to Pascagoula. Pecon to schlater. M eadville. Monroe (Perry Co.) to H at Peden to Scooba. Peelers* to Vicksburg. tiesburg. Peete to Holcomb. Monterey to Florence. \ Penn*! to Columbus. Pen ton *! to Tunica. M ontpelier* to Mantee. M on trose*!! to B ay Spring. Peoria to Liberty. P e rcy *! ! to Hollandale. M oon*! to Helena. Ark. Mooretown* to Hernando. Perklnston*! t to McHenry. Perkinsville to Louisville. MoorevUle * to Tupelo. Morgan C ity * !!to ltta Bena Perth* to Fayette. M organtown! to Columbia. Perth sh ire*!! to Gunnison. Morriston to Hattiesburg. Petal* to HattiesDurg. P ettit* to Greenville. Moscos to Collins. Peyton * to P o rt Gibson. Moscow* to Scooba. Phalla to Rosedaie. Moselle*! ! to Ellisville. Phoenix* to Y azoo C ity. Moss* to Laurel. Pickwick* to Angie. La. Mound City* to Rosedaie. P ig ott to Tylertow n. PIkevllle to Okolona. Mount Carmel to Prentiss. Pinckneyville* to W oodville M ount;N ebo to Scooba. Mount Pleasant* to Col- Pine Bluff to Maben. Pine B u r * !! to Columbia. / liervllle, Tenn. Pine R idge* to Natchez. M ount Zion to M agee. Pines to Corinth. M u ld o n *!! to Aberdeen. Pine V alley* to W ater Muldrow to West Point. Valley. Mullett to Lucedale. Pineville* to Montrose. Murphy* to Hollandale. P in o la *!! to Mendenhall. Murry to Coldwater. PIsgah* to Pelahatchee. M y le s !! te Utica. Pittsboro* to Calhoun C ity. Myrick to Laurel. Plain to Jackson. Myrleville to Yazoo City. Plantersvllle • ! to Tupelo. Plattsburg* to N oxapater. Pleasant to Kosciusko. Nancy* to Pächuta. Pleasant G rove* to Cren Nannye to Wesson. shaw. Nason to Grenada. Pleasant H ill* to Hernando. N avina to Scooba. Plum point to Memphis. N earby to Philadelphia. Tenn. Needm ore to Philipp. Plu to* to Y azoo City. N eely to McLain. Plym outh to Pontotoc. Nesbitt * ! ! to Hernando. Pocah on tas*!! to Flora. N esh oba *!! to Union. Polkville* to Morton. N ew H ope to Columbus. Pond* to W oodville. Poolville to Myrtle. N ew it to Monticello. ' Poplar Creek* to K ilm iNewman to Edwards. N ew Prospect to Ackerman Porterville* ! to Scooba. N ew Site* to Booneville. Possumneck to West. N ew ton ville to Ethel. P o tter to Ruleville. Powell to Lula. N ich olson *!! to Picayune. Powers to Wiggins._______ Nlcnolsonvllle to Shaw. t Telegraph Station. tExpress Office. 1882 MISSISSIPPI Prairie * ! to Aberdeen. Prairie Point* to Macon. Preston* to ScOoba. Pretoria to Brookville. Prichard*! ! to Tunica. Priscilla to Greenville. Prism atic to M eridian, j Puckett* to Braxton. Pulaski* to Morton. Pyland* to Houston. Quincy* t t to Am ory. Quinn to Summit. Q u ito*! to Itta Bena. Raburhvllle to Tupelo. Randalls Bluff to Louisville Randolph* to Pontotoc. Rands to Nettleton. R ank in! to Brandon. «Rara A vis* to Red Bay.Ala. Ras to B ay Springs. R atliff* to Guntown. Ravin e to Brookville. Rea to Sardis. Recluse to Wiggins. Red Banks* t l to Holly Springs. Redding to Grenada. Reddoch to Taylorsville. R ed Lick* t ! to Payette. Redstar to Brookhaven. Redw ood! 1 to Vicksburg. R eform *! to Ackerman. Refuge to Greenville. Reganton to Utica. R eid* to Vardanian. Remus to Philadelphia. R enalara*! to Clarksdale. Renova* to Cleveland. Retreat to Coffeeville. Reuben* to Indianola. R e vive to Canton. R ex* to Greenville. Rhodes to Richton R iceville to Gulfport. R ic h *! to Lula. Richburg*! to Hattiesburg. Richey to Anguilla. Ridgeland • 1 to Madison Station. Riggins to Am ory. R io* to Union. Rlsingsun to Greenwood. Roadside to Yazoo City. Robbs to Pontotoc. R oberts*! to Newton. Robinson*! to Liberty. Robinsohvllle* ! 1 to Tunica. R obinw ood *tltoM on ticeilo R o ck p ort*ti to Georgetown Rocky Point to Kosciusko. R ocky Springs* to Utica. Rodney* to Payette. R o m e *! to Tutwller. Rose to Clarksdale. Roseacres*! to Lula. Rosebloom to Grenada. Rose H ill* to Pachuta. R o s e tta *ft to Gloster. Roundaw ay*! to Clarksdale Roundlake*! to Gunnis on Rcunsaville*to Ibeakesville. Rowsey to W ater Valley. Roxie * t !t o Natchez, i Ruble to M errill. Rudyard to Clarksdale. R u ff to Ackerman. Runnelstown* to Hatties burg. Rural H ill*to McCool. Rushton to Scooba. Russell* to Meridian. Russellville to Vicksburg. Russum *! to P o rt Gibson. Ruth* to Summit. R ye to Aberdeen. Sablno* to Clarksdale. Sable to Quitman. Sabougla* to Calhoun City. Saint Anns to Kosciusko. Saints Rest to Indianola Sallis to Kosciusko. Samneville to Union. Sand H ill to Brandon. Sandy to Sardis. Sandy H o o k * !! to Angie, La Sanford *!! to Hattiesburg. Sapa’ l to Eupora. S a ra h *!! to Crenshaw, S a ra to g a *!! to Mount Olive Sarepta* to Pontotoc. Sartm to B ay Springs. Satartia* to Yazoo City. Saucier*!! to M cH enry. ( Saukum to Gloster. S a va g e*!! to Tunica. Scfiamberville to Meridian. S cob e y*!! to W ater Valley. S c o tt* !! to Benoit. Scranton! to Pascagoula. Sebastopol to Forest. Selden to Corinth. Sellers to Picayune. Senath to Aberdeen. Service to Laurel. Sessums*! to Artesial Seven Pines to Sidon. Seymour to Biloxi. Sharkey* to Sumner. Sharon* (Jones Co.) to Laurel. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Sharon* (Madison Co.) to Canton. Sharpsburg* to Canton. Shawnee to H olly Springs. Shealey to Decatur. Shellmound* to Greenwood S h erard *!! to Clarksdale. Shiloh* to Rolling Fork. Shinault* to Oxford. S h ip m an *!! to Lucedale. Shivers*! to N ew Hebron. Shoccoe to Canton. Shongelo to Raleigh. Short* to Iuka. Shrock* to Goodman. Shuford* to Courtland. Sibley* to Natchez. Sibleyton* to Kllmlchael. Sidney -to Grenada. S id on *!! to Greenwood. Signal* to Vicksburg. SUoam to W est P o in t Silver C it y * !! to Belzoni. Sliver Springs to Ripley. Slmllo to Brookhaven. Slmmonsvllle to Magnolia/ Singer to Tunica. Skene* to Cleveland. Slate Spring* to Calhoun City. Slayden to Moscow, Tenn. Slaydens Crossing to M os cow. Tenn. Smedes* to Rolling Fork. Smlthburg to Osyka. Smlthdale* to Summit. Smithvffle* to Am ory. Smyrna to Kosciusko. Snave* to Rolling Fork. Snowden to Meridian. Soegaard to Brookhaven. Sonora to Houst/on. Sontag*! to Montlcello. Sorln to Pass Christian. Soso*! to Laurel. South Pascagoula* to Pasca goula. Sparta to Houston. Spinks to Meridian. Splinter to W ater Valley. Splunge* to Am ory. Spring Cottage* to Angie, La. SpringvIUe* to Pontotoc. Stafford* to Gunnison. . S t a llo *!! to Philadelphia. Stamper to Decatur. S ta m b ley *!! to Fayette. Standard* to Pass Christian. Standing Pine to Carthage. S ta n to n *!! to Natchez. Star* to Braxton. Steel to Forest. Steens*! to Columbus. Steiner to Shaw. Stephenson to Gloster. S tew art*! to Kilmichhel. Stillmore to W iggins.' Stinson to Meridian. Stokes to Canton. Stone to Philadelphia. S to n e v llle *!! to Leland. Ston ew a ll*!! to Quitman. Una to Aberdeen. Union Church* to Fayette. Unlondale to Tylertown. University* to Oxford. Upshaw to Belzoni. Ure to Oxford. Ustane to Liberty. U tica Institute* to Utica. Valewood to Rolling. Fork. V alley H ill* to Carrollton. V alley P a r k * !! toVioksburg Van Buren to Lambert. V a n c e * !! to Tutwller. Vancleave* to Ocean Sp'ngs Van V lee t*! ! to Okolona. Van W inkle to Jackson. V a u g h a n *!! toPlckens. Velm a to Coffeeville. Verba to Newton. Verna* to Monticello. S to v a ll*! to Friar point. Vernal* to Lucedale. Stover to Sumner. V estry* to Merrill. S tratton *! to Decatur. V ictoria*! to H o lly Springs. Strayhom * to Senatobla. Vidalia* to B ay Sf. Louis. Street* to Liberty. V lm ville* to Meridian. Strickland to Corinth. iVlolet* to Port Gibson. Stringer*! ! to Laurel. V irgil to Pelahatchee. Stringtown* to Benoit. V ossbu rg*!! to Laurel. Strongs*! to W est Point. Vow ell to Noxapater. Sucarnochee*!! to Scooba. V o y to BaldWyn. Success to Montrose. Suffolk* to Natchez. Sum merland*!! to Laurel. W ade* to Moss Point. Sun to Lake. W a h a la k *!! to Shuqualak. Sunnyslde* to Greenwood. W aits* to H olly Springs. Sunshine to Macon. Wakefield to Byhalla. Swan L a k e * !! to Sumner. W aldo to Philadelphia. Sweatman* to Duck Hill. W allervllle * ! to N ew A l Sw iftow n*! to Itta Bena. bany. , Sw lftw ater*! to Greenville. W allfield to Houlka. Sylvarena* to Louln. W all H ill to Byhalla. Symonds to Rosedale. W a lls *! to Memphis, Tenn. W alnut Grove* (Leake Co.) to Carthage. Tallula* to Lake Providence iW alth all* to Eupora. La. W alton to Myrtle. T a m ola *! to Meridian. Wamba to Kosciusko. Tandy* to Charleston. W a n llla *!! to Monticello. Tapo to Cormth. Warsaw to Byhalla. Taska* to H olly Springs. Washington* to Natchez. Tate to Magnolia. W a terford *!! to H olly Tatum to Grenada. Springs. T a y lo r*! ! to Oxford. W atson* to Byhalla. Teasdale to Oakland. . W a vela n d *! to B ay St. Teckvllle to Sardis Louis, La. Ted* to Raleigh. W a ve riy t to Columbus. Tenm ile*! to Gulfport. W a y * ! ! to Canton. Teoc to Carrollton. W a yside*! to Greenville. Terza to Sardis. W eath ers b y *!! to Magee. W eeks to Sallis. Tewanta to Ellisville. Weilenm an* to Leland. Thaxton* to Pontotoc. Theadville* to Quitman. W e ir * !! to Ackerman. The Gums to Sardis. Wenasoga* f to Corinth. Thomastown to Kosciusko. Westside* to Port Gibson. Thomasvllle to Florence. W h a ley *! to Greenwood. Thompson to Liberty. W h e e le r*!! to Booneville. Th om to Houston. W histler* to Waynesboro. Thornton*! to Tchula. W hitaker* to Centerville. Thrasher* to Booneville. W hite B lu ff* !! to Oakvale. Three Rivers* to Moss Point Whites to Terry. Thyatlra* to Senatobla. W h itesan d*! to Prentiss. Tlbbee S tation *! to West W hitney* to Ruleville. Point. W hynot* to ¿Meridian. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tibbs to Sledge. T ie P lant* to Grenada. Tilden to Fulton. T ileville to Rosedale.. T llla to b a * !! to Oakland. Tillm an* to Port Gibson. T ilt o n !! to Monticello. Tim b erville to Vardaman. Tinsley to Y azoo .City. T ip le rs v ille *!! to Ripley. Tippah to H ickory Flat. Tip p o to Philipp. Tishom ingo*! to Corinth. Tocow a* to Courtland. Togo to Brookville. ToTarville* to Lexington. T o m n o len *!! to Eupora. Tonnar to Rolling Fork. T o om su b a *!! to Meridian. Toplsaw to Summit. T o p to n ! to Meridian. T o rra n ce*!! to Coffeeville. Touchstone to Braxton. T o u g a lo o * !! to Jackson. Townsend to Scooba. Trail L a k e ! to Leland. Trapp to Philadelphia. Travis to Liberty. T r a ile r to Raleigh. Traynham to Clarksdale. Trebloc to Okolona. Tremont to Am ory. Trenton* to Morton. T rib b lt*! to Leland. Tribble to Charleston. , Trlmcane to Starkville. T rin ity to Columbus. T roy* to Shannon. Tru itt to Pickens. Trussell to Union. Trusty to W a ter Valley. Tula* to Oxford. Tu rkey to Ethel. Turnbull* to W oodvllle. Turner* to Natchez. Turnervllle to Laurel. Tu m etta to Canton. Tuscanola Station to Elllsville. Tuscola to Carthage. T yro* to Senatobla. l County Seat. Money Order Office. W icker to Forest. Wilczinski* to Greenville. Wilkinson* to W ood ville. W ille tt* to Hollandais. Williamsburg to Collins. W illlston to Carthage. -W illow s* to Port Gibson. W ilm ot* to Leland. W iltshire to Valden. W lnborn* to H olly Springs. Winchester* ! to Waynes boro. Windham to. Laurel. W lnterville* ! to Greenville. Wisdom* to McHenry. W lsner* to Taylorsville. W ood to Columbus. W oodbum to Indianola. Woodson to Aberdeen. W ool M arket to Gulfport. Wortham * to Gulfport. W ren to Am ory. W right * to Gunnison. W y a tte* to Senatobla. MISSOURI Ash H ill to F 1Sk' A sh ton *! to Kahoka. Astoria* to H artville. Athens* to Farmington la A tw ell to Hancock. Auburn to Silex. A ud* to Chamois. Aurora Springs*! to Eldon, Austin* to Archie. Avenue C ity* to Cosby. A vert* to Bloomfield. A very * to Warsaw. A von* to Coffman. A vond ale! to N orth Kansas C ity. A xtell* to' Macon. Ayers to Slater. Azen to Granger. Bachelor* to Auxvasse. Bacon to Sandy Hook. Bado* to Cabool. Bahner to Smithton. Baileys to Poplarbluff. BallWln* to Manchester. Y azoo Pass to Lula. Balm* to Eldorado Springs. Yeargaln to Cruger. Y ellow R abbitt to H olly Bale to Troy Bandyville to Alton. Springs. Bangert* to Salem. Y o k e n a * !! to Vicksburg. Banister to Macks Creek, r Y oungs* to Coffeeville. Bardley* to Doniphan. Youngton to Edwards. Barks to Perry vllle. B arnésville to Atlanta. Bamumton* to C l i m a x Zada to Lauderdale. 1 Springs. Zelglerville* to Lexln Barren to Van Burén. Zem uly to Sallis. B arry! to Kansas City. Zilpha to Vaiden. Zion to Union. B artlett* 1 to Birch Tree. Baryties* to De Soto. Zion H ill* to Liberty. Basher* to AVa. Bassville to, Strafford. Batesville to Poplarbluff. Baxter* to Berryville, Ark. Bayfield! to Clarksdale. Bayouviile tjo East Prairie. Beach to Marshfield. M IS S O U R I, B eam an*tt to Sedalla. Bean Lake to Rushville. Bearcreek* (Cedar Co.) to Fair Play. Aaron to Creighton. Bebra to Versailles. A bbott to Springfield. Beck to Kimmswick. Aberdeen to Eolia. Bedison*! to Maryville. Abesvllle to Galena. Beemont* to N ew Haven. A bo to Lebanon. Belgique* to Chester. Acasto to Farmington, la. Bellamy to Sheldon. Acorn* to Success, Ark. Belle Center to Joplin. Acom ridge to Puxico. Bellefontaine to Manches Adair to Brashear. ter. Adams to Potosi. B elleville to Joplin. Adolph to Morrison. Bell Spring to Marshfield. Aaonls to Flemington. Bells Store to Stoutland. Affton* to Luxemberg. B elm on t*!! to Columbus, Agnes* to Lebanon. K y. A holt* to Glasgow. Bern* to Owensvllle. A id * to Bloomfield. Benbow to Ewing. Akers* to Salem. Bend to Vienna. Akinsvllle* to Fortune. Benjamin* to Canton. Bennett* (R ip ley Co.) to Akron to Blythedale. Doniphan. Alanthus G rove to StanBentonville* to Fairfield. berry. Berlin to K in g City. . Alberta to Clinton. Bemheimer* to Treloar. A lglre to Sullivan. Berryman* to Potosí. Alice* to Mountain Grove. Bertha to A va . Allbright to Marquand. A lley * to Eminence. Alliance* to Frederioktown Berwick to Ritchey. Almartha* to Rockbridge. Bessville* to Lutesville. Bethpage to Stella. Alm on* to Hermitage. Beverly Station*! t to Platte Alpha to Laredo. City. Alsup to Pleasant Hope. Altheim to Clayton. Blblegrove to Memphis. B lehle*! to PerryviUe. Altona* to Adrian. Amos* to S.toteSbury. Bigpiney* to Bloodland. A m y * to Bakersfield. Blgsprlng to M cKlttrlck. A n a b e l* !! to Clarence. Bllllngsville* to Boonville. Billmore to Thaver. A n aconda!! to St. Clair. Birdsong to Collins. A n cellt! to Fornfelt. Andover* !1 to Lamoni, Birdspomt to Cairo, 111. Iowa. B irm in gh am *!! to Liberty. Angellne* to Eminence. Bishop to Walnut Grove. Anglum * to Florissant. B lxby* to Salem. Ann* to Mountain Grove. Black* to Centerville. A n napolis*!! to fronton. Blackjack to St- Louis. A n ove to Albany. Black W alnut* to St. Anson to Farmington. Charles. Anthonies M ill* to Sullivan Blake to Jamesport. Antioch to Kahoka. Blanche* to Rockbridge. Antonia to Kimmswick. Bleda to Oran. A p e x * ! to Elsberry. Bliss* to Potosí. Applecreek to Longtown. Bloodland to Crocker. Appleton* to Old Appleton. Blooming Rose to Rolla. Aptus* to Potosí. Bloomington to Bevier. A qu illa! to Bloomfield. Blosser to M alta Bend. Arab* to Zalma. Blue E ye* to Eureka Sp'ngs. A rb or! to Advance. Blue Lick * to Marshall. Arden* to A va. Blue M ound to Dawn. A rd e o la *!! to Advance. Blue Ridge to Gilman City. A rd itta to Westplains. Bluff to Forsyth. Ardm ore* to Macon. Bluff Po rt to Glasgow. A rgentville to W infield. Bluffton* to Portland. A rgo to Bourbon. B ly * to Bakersfield. A rk to Salem. Boaz* (Christian Co.) to A rley to Kearney. Clever. A rlin gton *! to Newburg. Boekerton* to Portageville. A rlo e! to St. Louis. Boeschenville to Cole Camp A rm ou r! to Rushville. Boeufcreek to N ew Haven. Arnica to HumansvlUe. B oles*! ! to Washington. A m o * to A va. Bona, to Dadeville. Arasberg* to Jackson. Bond to Clayton: Aroma to Granby. Bonfils to St. Charles. A rroll* to Summersville. Bonham to Marionville'. Arthur* to Rich H ill. Boomer* to Laclede. Ash to Madison. \ Boone to Sullivan. A s h b u m * !! to Louisiana. Boonesboro* to Glasgow. Asherville* ito PuxiCo. Boschertown to St. Charles. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. MISSOURI TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Boss* to Cook Station. Carrington* 1 to Fulton. B oston*! to Lamar. Carson to West Plains. Bounds* to Piedmont. Carsonvllle to Wellstofi. Bowdry to Carrollton. Cartmell to Neosho, B ow en*it to Windsor. Caruth* to.Senath. Bowman (Harrison Co.) to Carver to Versailles. Bethany. Carytown to Carthage. Bowmansville*! to War Cascade to Coldwater. rensburg. Casco to Beaufort. Boydsville to Fulton. Case*! to McKittriok. Boyer to H artville. Casebolt to Cook Station. Boylers M ill* to Stover. Cash to Callao. Bracken to Marshfield. Cassidy to Ozark. Bragg C ity * to Kennett. Castlef I to Green Castle. Branch* to M acks Creek. Castor! to Lutesville. Brandon (Benton Co.) to Cato* to Cassvtlle. Catron to Parma. Windsor. Branum to Hom ersville. Caverna to Plneville. Brawley* to Winona. C ave Spring to Willard. Brays* to Iberia. Cawood! to Rea. Brazeau* to Frohna. Cazzell to Dalton. Cecil to Paris. Brazil* to Potosi. Brazito* to Jefferson City. Cedar C it y * !! to Jefferson City Breezy Heights to KimmsCedarcreek* to Protem. wick. Brenner to N o rth Kansas Cedarfork to Newhaven. Cedar G a p *!! to Seymour. City. Brewer* to Perryville. Cedargrove* to Salem. Cedarhill* to Pacific. Brian* to Campbell. Briarcreek* to Doniphan. Cedar Springs* to Eldorado Springs. Brice* to Lebanon. Bricefleld to Peirce C ity. Cedar Valley* to Hollister. Brickeys*! to Ste. Gene Cedarville to Jerico Springs. Cedron to Jamestown. vieve. Bridgeport to Pattonsburg. Celt* to Buffalo. Bridgeton* ! ! to Wellston. Celynda to Doniphan. Brighton* to Morrlsville. Cement C ity to Inde Brinktown* to Dixon. pendence. Briscoe*! to Silex. Bristow to Nevada. Centaur Station* t ! to Pa cific. Broadwater to Malden. Broadway* to St. James. Central City to Joplin. Chain o f Rocks! to Old Brock to Memphis. Monroe. Brooklyn to Ridgeway. Chalk Level* to Low ry C ity Brown to Green City. Chambersburg to Kahoka. Brownbranch* to A va. Chaminade! to Clayton. Brownfield* to Richland. Champion City to Gerald. Brown Spring* to Billings. Chandler!! to Liberty. Browns Station * I to Chantilly to Winfield. Chapel H ill to Odessa. Columbia. B row n w ood*t! to Advance Chapin! to Westplalns. Chariton to Mendota. Brule* to Belleview. Bruner* to Sparta. Charity* to Buffalo. Charter Oak! to Canton. Brunot* to Des Arc. Chauncey* to Linn Creek. Brush Creek! to Lebanon. Brushy Knob* to Norwood. Cheney* to A va. Cherrybox* to Clarence. Brussels to Foley. Cherryville* to Steelville. Bryant*, to Mansfield. Bryson ( (Pettis Co.) to Cherryville* to Leadwood. Chesapeake* to Mt. Vernon. Greenridge. Bryson (Pik e Co.) to Chestnutrldge to Ozark. Chicopee!! to Van Buren. Louisiana. Childers to Cross Timbers. Buckeye* to Bertrand. Chilton*! to Van Buren. Buckhart* to Mountain C hitwood*! to Joplin Chloe*! to Low ry City. Grove. Buokhorn* to Marquand. Chloride* to Ironton. Cbranevllie to Keytesvllle. Bucoda! to Senath. Christian Center to Ozark. Bucyrus* to Houston. Budapest to Ellsinore. Civil Bend to Pattonsburg. Buffington to Morehouse. Clair to Cosby. Bullion to Kirksville. Clapper to Stoutsvllle. Bunker H ill to Downing. Clara to Houston. Burbank to Greenville. Clarks Fork, to Boonvllle. Burch to Lowndes. Clarkson to Pierce City. Burdett* to Adrian. Claryville* to Chester. Burford ville* to Jackson. Burgess to M ulberry, Kan. Claud to Humansville. Clay Center to Maitland. Burksville to Bethel. Clay R o o t! to Kennett. B urnham *!I to- W illow Claysville* to Hartsburg. Springs. Clayton (Vernon Co.) to Burns* to Bolivar. Fort Scott, Kan. Burr* to Doniphan. Clear Springs* to W illow Burr Oak to Winfield. Springs. B urton*! to Fayette. Burtonville (B arry Co.) Cleavesville to Bland. Clementine* to Rolla. to Purdy. Burtonville (Dallas Co.) Cleopatra to Linevllle. Clifford to Bolivar. to Buffalo. Clines Island to Bloomfield. Burtvllle to Leeton. Clio to Aurora. Busch* to Hannibal. C liqu ot*! to Bolivar. Bushnell to Lamar. Clover Bottom to Washing Bute to Green City. ton. Butterfield*! to Purdy Clubb to Piedmont. Butts* to Steelville. Coal to Clinton. Byberry to Syracuse. Cobb* to Collins. Byrds* to Senath. Cockrell to Lees Summit. Bym esvllle to Hillsboro. Cody to Rogersville. Byron* to Belle. Coelleda to Linn Creek. Goffeyton* to Leasburg. Cold Springs* to Norwood. Coldwater* to Des Arc. Caddo to Marshfield. C olem an*!! to Raymore. C ad et*! to Potosi. Coloma to Bogard. Cadmus to Rolla. Colony to Gorin. Cagle to Joplin. Columbus* to Warrensburg Calm to Doniphan. Comet to Walnutgrove. Calumet to Clarksville. Como* to Parma. Calwood* to Fulton. Campbellton to N ew H aven Compton to Rogersville. Conception*! ! to Clyde Campbranch to' Sedalia, Concord, (Callaway Co.) to Canaan*! to Owensvllle. AuxVasse. Canady*! to CaruthersvUle. Cane C reek*! to Poplar- Concord (Pemiscot Co.) to H ayti. bluff. Concord H ill to MarthasCane H ill* to Stockton. ville. Caney to Rockbridge. Condray to Salem. Caney Creek to Oran. Cannon Mines to D e Soto. Conklin to Marshfield. Conran*! to Marston. Cannonville to Palmyra. Continental to Luxemburg. Cantwell to Desloge. Converse*! to Lathrop. Cape Fair* to Galena. Caplinger M ills to Stock- Cookvllle to Richland. Cooper H ill* to Bland. ton. C ora*! to Browning. Cappeln to W entzvilie. Corbin to Usceola. Capps to Eugene. C arlow *! to Lock Spring. I Cordz to W illow Springs. REFE R EN CE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. Corkery to Lebanon. Cornelia to Warrensburg. Cornwall* to Fredericktown Corridon’ to Centerville. Corry to Dadevllle. Corsicana to Purdy. Corso* to Silex. Cortlcelll to Russellville. Cote Sans Dessein to Tebbetts. Cottage to Elmer. Cottleville* to Saint Peters. Cotton to Clarksburg. Cottonwood Point to Caruthersville. Couch* to Alton. Coulstone to Licking. C ou rtn ey*!! to Indepen- Drain to Gerald. D rake*! to Rosebud. Drakemore to Kansas City D resden *!! to Sedalia. D rew to Lebanon. Drum to Advance. Drury to Mountaingrave. Drynob* to Lebanon. Dudenvllle to Golden City. Duggan to Hartville. Dugginsville to Gainesville. Duke to Richland. D um as!! to Revere. Duncan* to Seymour. DuncansBridge* toClarence Dunksburg to Sweet Sp’gs. Dunn* to Mountain Grove. Durnell to Bloomfield. Duroc to Warsaw. Courtols* to Potosi. Dutchtown* to Jackson Cove to Cassvllle. Duval to Iantha. Covington to Steel. Dwyer to Kirkwood. Dye to Weston. Cowskin to South West City Dykes* to Houston. Cox to Macon. Coy to Anderson. Crab Orchard to Orrick. Craddock* to Rolla. C ra ig *!! to Poplar Bluff. Eads to Coffman. Crawford! to Memphis. Eagle Rock* to Cassvllle. Crescent*! to Eureka. Earl (Callaway Co.) to Crest to Colecamp. Fulton. Cretcher to Sweet Springs. E asley*! to Hartsburg. E. Atchison* to Atchison, Crider* to Westplains. Kan. Crisp to Stockton. Crittenden* to CllmaxSp'gs. East Bonne Terre* to Bonne' Crook* to Chamois. Terre. East End to Belleview. Crosno* to Columbus, K y . East Leavenworth * ! ! to Crosskeys to Florisant. Leavenworth, Kan. Cross Roads* to Ava. Eastview to Bradleyville. Crosstown* to Perryville. Crowder*! to Morley. Eaudevie to Chadwick. Ebenezer to Springfield. Crown to Marshfield. Eccles to Keytesville. Cruise to Potosi. Echo to tyiarceline. Crump to Whitewater. Economy to Atlanta. Cull* Westplains. , Culver to Butler. Edanville to Beulap. Edgar Springs* to Rolla. Cummings to Vap Buren. Edgehill* to Lesterville. Curdton to Puxico. E d gew ood*!! to Bowling Cureall* to Westplains. Green. Currentview to Success. Edinburg to Trenton. Ark Edith to Linn Creek. Curzon* to Oregon. Edmonson* to Lincoln. Custer to Salem. Edna to Fornfeldt. Cyclone to Plneville. Cyrene*! to Bowling Green. Edwards* to Warsaw. Egbert to Portland. ' Czar to Steelville. Egypt Mills * to Cape Gi rardeau. Eight Mlle*!toHarrlsonvIlle Eldridee* to Lebanon. Dagonia* to Ellington. Elgin (Shelby Co.) to Dallas to Kansas City. Bethel. Dameron to Elsberry. Elgin (Sullivan Co.) to Damsel* to Linn Creek. Green C ity. Danby* to De Soto. iD an ville* to Montgomery Elijah* to Bakersfield. Elk Fork to Greenridge. City. Elkhart to Adrian. Dardenne* to O'Fallon. Elkhead to Sparta. Darien* to Salem. Elkins to Jefferson City. Darksville tp Huntsville. Elklick Springs to FrankDavisville* to Steelville. ford. Dawson* (W right Co.) to Mountaingrqve. Dawson ville tb Burlington Elko to Unlonvllle. Elk Prairie to Rolla. Junction. Elk Sprihgs to Noel. Dawt to Gainesville. Day (Stoddard Co.) to Elkton* to Flemlngton. E llio tt*! to Moberly. Bloomfield. Day (Taney Co.) to Reeds Ellis Prairie* to Houston. Elllsvillel to Manchester. Spring. Dayton to Garden City. * Elm to Kingsville. Elm Grove, to Forbes. Dean L a k e !! to Triplett. Elm ont* to Sullivan. De Camp* to St. James. Elmwood (Laclede Co.) to Decatur to Russellville. Lebanon. Elm wood (Saline Co.) to Decatur* to Linn Creek. Blackburn. Deer to Chamois. Elsey* to Crane. Deerpark to Columbia. Elston*! to Jefferson City. Deerridge to L a Belle. E lw ood*! to Springfield. Deicke to Eureka. E l y * ! ! to Palmyra. Dell to Warsaw. Embree* to Plato. D elm ar! to Clinton. Delpha to Union ville. Emerson to Durham. D e lta !! to Jackson. Em m et! to Everton. Denlow* to Norwood. Empire Prairie to King City Dent to Licking. Denton*! (Johnson Co.) to Energy to Downing. Englewood to Ashland Chilhowee., Denton (Pemiscot Co.) to Enough to Belleview. Enterprise to'Clarence. Steele; Enyart to Stanberry. Depew to Seymour. Epworth* to Leonard. Deray* to Jackson. Erie to Neosho. Dermott to Marshfield. Ernest (Dade Co.) to LockDerrahs to Wllliamstown. wood. Deslet to Ellington. Ernest (Rip ley Co.) to D on Desperes! to Kirkwood. iphan. Dessa to Seneca. Ernestville to Concordia. Deventer to Charleston. Eskln to Osborn. Dewey Bald to Branson. Esrom to Lamar. Estes to Curryville. Dickens* to Forsyth. Esther*Ti to Flat River. DIggins*! to Seymour. Estlll’ t ! to N ew Franklin. Dillard* to Steeleville. E th ly n *!! to Moscow Mills. DUlon*! to St. James. E tla h *!! to N ew Haven. Dissen to New Haven. E ttervlU e*! to Eugene. Dittmer to Hillsboro. E u aora*!!to W alfiut Grove. Dixie to New Bloomfield. Eunice* to Houston. Dockery to Richmond. Europa to Seneth. Dodd to Callao. Doerun’ t t to Farmington. Evansville*! (M onroe Co.) to Madison. Dogwood to Seymour. E v e * !! to Fort Scbtt, Kan. Dora* to Gainesville. E v ely n *! to Bucklin. Dormis* to Gainesville. Evenlngshade to Rlohland. Doss to Salem. Everett to Archie. Dotham to Fairfax. Eversonville to Chula. Douglas to Steele. E x cello *! to Macon. D ove to Lebanon. Excelsior* to Versailles. D oyle to Cook Station. Money Order Office. 1 Telegraph Station- MISSOURI 1883 Exchange* to Ellington. Eye to Potosi. Fabius*! to Rutledge. Fairdealing* to Doniphan. Fair Haven* to Harwood. Fairmont to Wyaconda. Fairmont Park, to Flori«Falrvilie to Marshall. Faith ,to Iberia. Falcon* to Lebanon. Fanchon to Westplains. Fanning*! to Cuba. Farewell to Thayer. Farmer to Curryville. Farmersville Livingston to Chula. Farmersville (Ralls Co.) to Monroe C ity. Faro to Fredericktown. Farrar* to Perryville. Farrenberg* » 3 New Madrid. Fate to Lebanon. Faust* to Hayti. F ay to Gainesville. Fayetteville* to Warrensburg . 1 * ' Fegley to Connelsville. Femme Osage to Augusta. Fernridge to Crere Coeur. Fertile* to Potosi. Feuersville* to Belie. Fidelity to Carthage. Filley* to Eldorado Springs. Finey to Warsaw. Firm a! to Old Monroe. Firth to M ober'y. Flag Springs to Union Star. Flannery to Springfield. Flat* to Newburg. Flatcreek* to Crane. Flatwoods* to Doniphan. Fleming to Orrick. Fletcher* to D e Soto. F lip to Winona. Florilia to Mountain Grove Flory to Lamar. Floyd Station to Orrick. Flucom to Festus. Foil to Ava. Folk* to M eta. Foose to Buffalo. Fordham! to Camerpn. Forkert to Laclede. Forkners H ill to Conway. F ort Lyon to Windsor. Fountain Grove* to M eadville. Fourche a Renault to Potosi Fowler* to Mountaingrove. Fox to Hardin. Foxcreek to Pacific. | Frankclay* to Leadwood. Frankenstein* to Bonnots Mills. Franklin*! to New Franklin Franklin Junction to N ew Franklin. Franklinville to Shelbina. Frariks*i to Dixon. F razer*! to Gower. Fredericksburg*to Morrison Fredonia to Warsaw., Freedom* t c Chamois. Freistatt* to M onett. Frem sdorff to Illm o. French M ills* to Frederick town. I French Village* to Bonne Terre. Friedhelm *! to Oakrldge. Friendship to Sleeper. Frisco* to Essex. Fristoe* to Warsaw. Fruit C ity to Ellington. Fruitland*! to Jackson. Frumet to D e ’Soto. Fuget to Columbus, K y . Fuson to H artville. Gads H 111*1! to Des Aro. Gaines to Brownlngton. Galesburg to Oronogo. G allow ay*! to Springfield. Gamburg to N aylor. Game to CaruthersvUle. Gamma* to Bellflbwer. Gang to Eminence. Gano to Salem. Gant to Oentrafia. Ganter to Stoutland. Gara to Albany. Garber* to Branson. Garfield to Alton. Garland* to Clinton. Garner to Purdln. Garrettsburg to Agency. Garrison* to Chadwick. Garwood* to Piedmont. Gasconade* 11 to Morrison. Gascondy* to Freeburg. G ashland*!! to Kansas City. Gates! to Springfield. Gatewood* to Doniphan. Gaynor to Parnell. Gazette* to Vandalla. Gebler to Hermann. Geneva to Hornersville. Gentryvllle* to Darlington. t Express Office. 1884 MISSOURI TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Georgetown* to Sedalla. Georgeville to Cowgill. Germania to Queen City. Germantown to Montrose. Gertrude to Rogersville. G ibson*ft to Holcomb. Gideon* t t to Clarkton. G iffo r d * !! to,South Gifford. Gildehouse to Union. Gilmore* ! ! to W entzville. Ginlet to Columbia. Gipsy* to Zaima. Glrdner to A va. Gladden to Salem. Gladstone* to Eldon. G len coe*tt to Eureka. Glendale (Jackson Co.) to Independence. Glendale (St. Louis Co.). to Kirkwood. Glenn* to N aylor. Glennonville* to Campbell. Glensted* t to Versailles. Glesa to Rogersville. Hassard to M onroe City. Hastain* to Warsaw. Hatch to Monroe City. H atton* to Auxvasse. Haven to Ash G r o v e .' Hawcreek to Frankford. Hawkeye* to Crocker. Hawkins to Bioodland. Hayden* to Dixon. Hayw ard* to Portageville. Hazelrun* to Bonne Terre. HazelvUle to Baring. H azleton to Licking. Heather to Philadelphia. Hebron* to W illow Springs. Hecla to Llnneus. Hedge C ity to N ovelty. Hedrick to Salem. Helm to Hancock. H elvey to Piedmont. H elw lg to Oregon. H em a tite*!! to Festus. Hem enway* to N aylor. Henderson to Rogersville. Glidewell to Springfield. Glover* to Ironton. Gold to Springfield. Golden* to Eureka Springs, Arlc* Golden Rule to Novinger. Goldman to Hillsboro. Gooch Mill to Boonvllle. Goodhope* to A va. Goodland* to Ironton. Goodnight (Polk Oo.) to Pleasant Hope. Goodson* to Bolivar. Good W ater* to Ironton. Gore* to M cKlttrick. Gorham to Laredo. Goshen to Princeton. Goss* ! to Paris. Gould Farm to CoVrglll. Grabeel to Gainesville. Grace to Lebanon. Graff* to Mountain Grove. Granada* to a m . Grand Center to Prairie Hill. G ranlteville* to Ironton. Grassy* to Lutesviue. Gravelhill to Jackson. Gravelton* to Marquand. Gravols Mills* to Versailles. Graydon Springs! to W a l nut Grove. Grayridge* to Dexter. Hendrickson* 11s to W ilUamsville. Henrietta (Johnson Co.) to Windsor. Henson* to Anniston. Hercules* to Forsyth. Hereford to Fulton. Herndon to Marshall. H est* to A va. Hester to Maywood. Hibernia to N ew Bloom field. Hickm an M ills*! to Belton Hickoryhill to Russellville. Hicks City to Oak Grove. Higdon to Fredericktown. Higgerson to N ew M adrid. H igh Gate* to St. James. High Knob "to Dixon. Highland* to Perryvllle. High land ville* to Ozark. High Point* to California. High Prairie to Marshfield. High R idge* to St. Louis. H ilda* to Forsyth. Hllderbrand*t to P erryvllle Hillard to Pbplar Bluff. H llldale to Rocheport. HUo* to A va . Hines to Troy. Hinkle to St. James. Hinton to Columbia. Hiram * to Lowndes. G rayson*tt to Plattsburg. H itt to Memphis.j Grays Point to Illm o. Hobart to Eolia. Graysville to Unionvllle. Hobson to Salem. Hockman to Warsaw. Greeley to Centerville. Greenbrier*! to Zaima. Hodge* t to W averiy. Greendoor to Warrensburg Hoeberville to Wentzville. Greenlawn to Perry. H oeck er*! to Meta. Greensburg* to Baring. Hofllin to Cuba. Hoffman to Warrensburg. Greer* to Alton. Gregory Landing* to Alex H o g a n *tt to Ironton. Holberts to Steelville. andria. Hollow to Pacific. Gresham to Morrisvllle. Greys Point to M iller. H o lly w o o d *!! to Hornersville. Grldley to Osborn. Grlmmet to Westplains. Holmes P a r k * tt to Grand view. Grogan to Houston., Groom * to Hollister. Helschen Landing to Grover to Pacific. Wittenberg. Grubvllle to Union. Holstein* to Treloar. Guild* to Mountainview. Gum to Battlefield. H olts Summit* to N ew Bloomfield. H u ll to W alnut Grove. Honseville to Rolla. TJulick to M orrisville. Hooker* to Dixon. Gumbo* to Clayton. H oover to SmithvlUe. Gunn C ity* to East Lynne. Guthridge Mills to Keytes- Hope* to Linn. Hopewell* to Irondale. vllle. Hopew ell Acadeiny to T re loar. H orine*tt to Pevely. H adley (M aries C o.) to Hornet to Joplin. Hortense to Clinton. Bland. H adley (Reynolds Co.) to H o rto n *tt to Metz. Houck to Jackson. Piedmont. Hough to East Prairie. ' H adsell*! to Strasburg. Howards to St. Louis. Haeffner to Salem. Hagers Grove* to Clarence. Howards R idge to Gaines ville. Hahatonka* to Linn Creek. H ow ell* to Defiance. Hahn* to Zaima. Howes M ill* to Salem. H a lf Rock to Harris. Howes Station to Salem. H alifax* to Bonne Terre. Howland to Unionvllle. Hallard to Rayvllle. Hubbard to Prairie Hill. Halleck to Faucett. H a lls * tt to De Kalb. Hubbardville to Steele. Hamden* to Bynumvllle. Hubert to Willlamsville. Hampton to Platte City. Huckaby to Urbana. Hams Prairie to Fulton. H u ff*t to St. Clair. Handley to Conway. Hanna (Pulaski Co.) to Huggins* to Houston. Hugo to Linn Creek. Richland. Hulda to Cole Camp. H annon*! to Liberal. Hulston to Everton. H arg to Columbia. Harlem to N orth Kansas Hunt* to Qulin. Huntervllle* to Morehouse. C ity. Huntlngdale to Clinton. ' Harold to Walnubgrove. Huntlngton’ to Monroe City Harper* to Osceola. H art (M cD onald Co.) to Huntada)e*tt to Rocheport Hurlingf n to Clarksdale. Seneca. H a rtt (Macon Co.) to Buck- Huron* to Bolivar. Hurricane to Lutesville. lln. Hurst to Cabool. Hartford to Unionvllle. Huskey to Marble Hill. Hutchison to Laddonia. H artley to Pairplay. HartBhorn* to Summersville Hutton V alley* t to W illow Springs. H a rtw ell*tt to Uricn. Harvester to Saint Charles. Huxie to Lutesville. Huzzah* to Steelville. H a rveyt to Clinton. H ydsbu rg*! to Hannibal. Haseltlne to Springfield. H ym an* to Parma. Hasevllle to L a re d o .' REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. la ta n * !! to Weston. Ioonium* to Osceola. Id a to D e Soto. Id a lia * tt to Bloomfield. Ilasco*! to Hannibal. Indiancreek to M on roeC ity Indiangrove to Brunswick. Ink* to Eminence. Inm an to Steelville. Ip le y t to Kennett. ' Ira * to Lebanon. Irena to Grant City. Iron Mountain*! f to Bis marck. Irw in* t to Sheldon. Isadora* to Athelstan, la . Isbell Station*! to Bonnots Mill. Island City to Stanberry. LambertSville to Benton. Lam ln e*! to Boonvllle. L a n aga n *t! to Plnevllle. Landmark* to Fayette. Lane* to Linn. Lanes Prairie to St. James. L a n g d o n *!! to Rockport. Lanton* to Kqshkonong. Laquey* to Waynesvlile. Larissa to Ava.' L a tty to Potosi. La V alle to Parma. Lawndale to Gainesville. Lawrenceburg* to Ashgrove Lawrenceton*to Ste Gene vieve. Lead Mine* to Buffalo. Leann* to Aurora. Lebeck to Eldorado Springs Lebo* to Westplains. Jack* to Salem. Leboeuf* to Belle. Leemon to Jackson. Jacket to Pea Ridge, Ark. Jadwln to Salem. L e e p e r*!! to M ill Spring. Jakes Prairie* to Cuba. Leesvllle* to Clinton. Leila* to Eldorado Springs. Jamesvllle* to Clever. Jane* to Pine ville. Lem onville to Lemons. Japan to Sullivan. Leopold* to Lutesville. Leora* to Puxico. Jarvis to Hillsboro. Leta to Dewitt. Jaudon*! to Cleveland. Jeff* to Thayer. Levlck M ill to Jackson ville. Jefferson B arracks*!! to St. Louis. Lewis Station *!to Calhoun. Jeffrlesburg*! to Union. Lexington Junction t ! to Jennings! to, Saint Louis. Henrietta. L lbertyvllle* to Farmings J erom e*!! to Newburg. ton. Jewett to Des Arc. Job to Alton. Johnson C ity to Appleton Liebig to Doniphan. City. L ight to Rolla. Johnsonville to Weatherby. L illy to Plattsburg. Linda to Marston. Johnstown* to Montrose, Llndell to Vlennr Jordan to Cross Timbers. Lindiey tc Galt. Josepbville to W entzville. Lingo to Bucklin. Joy* to Salem. Link ville to Nashua. Judge* to Linn. Judson to Harris. Lisbon to Glasgow. June tb Neosho. Lithium *! to St. M arys. L ittle Beaver to Chadwick. L ittle Berger to/Hermann. Kader to Stockton. L ittle B lu e*! tto Lees Sum Kaiser to Brumley. mit. Karlin* to Bolivar. L ittle Compton to Hale. L ittle Rock to Gilliam. Keener* to William sville. L iv e ly to Warsaw. K eith to Bois D ’Arai. K eller Station to Shelby- Llxvllle to Perryvllle* ville. Locust to Gainesville. K ellog to Macon. LocusthM to N ove lty . K eltner to Chadwick. Lodge* to Glenallen. Lodi* to Des Arc. Kendall to Shelbina. Kendricktown to Carthage. Loeffler to Green C ity. K en m oort! to De K alo. Loehr to Kirkwood. L o g a n *! to Marlonville. Kennard to Columbia. L cis to Vichy. Kennedy* to H ayti. Lonedell* to Moselle. Kenton to Sparta! Kenwood to Hurdland. Lone Elm to Bunceton Kenwood Springs to W ell- Lone H ill to Poplarbluff. ston. Lone Star to Albany. K eota* to Bevler. Lonetree * t to Harrison, Kerens to Poplar Bluff. ville. K err to Kidder. Kerrigan* to Willlamsville. Longbranch to Paris. K err Station to P la tte City. Longrun to Hammond. Lorlng* to H artville. Ketterm an to Walker. Kewanee*! to New Madrid. Louisa to Cabool. to Bowling K eys Summit tb Valley Louisville* • Park. Green. K eyston e*! to Perrin. Lovelake to Atlanta. K e y sville *! to Steelville. Low W ossle*! to Winona. iel to N ew Haven. Loyd to Lutesville. llwlnnlng to Downing. Lucas to Urich. Luck to Walnut Grove. K im berly to M oberly. Kim ble to Licking. Luebbering* to St. Clair. Lulu to Alton. K im e* to Greenville. Kinder to Puxico. Luna to Gainesville. Lundy to Houston. Kinderpost to Licking. Lutman to Smithton. Luystown to Linn. Kings Point to Lockwood. Kings V alley to R ocky Com Lynchburg* to Lebanon. fort. Lyon to N ew Haven. Lyons* to Lebanon. Kinloch to Ferguson. Kinsey* to Festus. K irb y to Shelby ville. K ir by ville* to Forsyth. Kissee M ills* to Forsyth. Mabel to Winston. Kissinger!! to Annada. Macedonia to Rolla. K llever to California. Klondik e! (M cD onald Co.) M achens*!! to Alton, 111. Macomb*! to Norwood. to Seneca. Klondik e*! (St. Charles Co.) M addix to Urbana. Madtsonvllle to Center. to Augusta. Knights to Carthage. Madry to Aurora. Knoblick* ! 1 to Farmington. Magnet to Rockport. Knobtown to Lees Summit. Mahan to Houston. K n o b v iew *! to St. James. '• Main City to Drexel. M alone to W illow Springs K n oxville to R ayville. Mammoth to Gainesville. Kodiak to Savannah. Manda to Owensvllle. Koeltztow n* to Meta. Koenig* to Belle. M andeville to B ogard .. Koester to De Soto. Manila to Sedalla. Koping to Nelson. Manley* to Holcomb. Krakow * to Washington. Mann to Ironton. Mano* to Cassvllle. K yles* to Piedm ont. Many Springs to Alton. Maple Grove to Golden City Lacrosse*! to L a Plata. M a ple Park to Liberty. L a flin *! to Lutesville. M aples* to Licking. L a fo r g e * !! to N ew Madrid M apleton t o Worthington Lagonda* to N ew Cambria March* to Buffaio. Marco to Essex. Lake to Creve Coeur. Lake C ity * t ! to Independ Marcoot to Salem. Margaret to Bland. ence. Lake Creek to C ole Cam p. M a rion *! to Centertown. Martinstown to Worthingtonr Lake Spring* to Rolla. Lakeview to Hardin. M a rvin *! to Versailles. Lam b to G rove Spring. . M aryland H eights! to Creve Cceur. Lamberts to Benton. f Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. MISSOURI Marys Hom e* to Eugene. Mason Springs to Seneca. Masters to Fairplay. Matkins to N ew Hampton. M a tson *!! to Augusta. Maltese to Luxemburg. Maud to Clarence. Maupin to Catawissa. Maurlne! to Blalrstown. M a x to Salem. M ay to Seneca. Mayesburg to Creighton. Mayfield to Lutesville. M ayflow er to Seligman. M cB a ln e *!! to Columbia. :M cBride! t to Perryvllle. M cC abe to Westplains. McClurg to A va. McCracken*! to Ozark. McCunes Station* to Bowl-' lng Green. McDowell* to Verona. M cElhaney to Neosho. McGee* to Lowndes. MCGinty to Neosho. M cG irk*! to California. McGuire*! to Clarkton. M cKinley to Marlonville. M cM ullin*! to Slkeston. M cN att to Neosho. M ecca! to Plattsburg. M edford* 11 to Holden. Medoc* to Carl Junction. MehlviUc to St. Louis. Melnert to Lockwood. Melrose to Pacific. M elva * to Hollister. M e lville to Qulin. Melzo to De Soto. Mentor (Greene Co.) to •Ozark. Mentor (St. Louis Co.) to W ebster Groves. Meramec H igh la n d s!! to Kirkwood. Messier to Bell C ity. Miami S ta tio n * !! to Miami. M icola*! to CaruthersvQle. M ld dlebrook *!! to Ironton. Mlddlegrove to Madison. Midland Adair Co. to Novinger. Midland St. Louis Co. to St. Louis. M id w ay (Boone C o.) to Columbia. M id w ay (Saline C o.) to Marshal. Mike to Marcellne. Mildred to Forsyth. Milford* to Lamar. M illard*! to Kirksvllle. MUlbrook to Russellville. Millcreek*to Fredericktown Mlllersburg* to Stephens. Millersville* to Jackson. Millheim* to Perryvllle. Millville to Richmond. Millwood to Silex. Mlltondale to Missouri City. Milwaukee to Cassville. M in aville to Liberty. M incy to Hollister. Mine L a m o tte * !! to Fred ericktown. Mineral Point* ! ! to Potosí. Mingo* to Puxico. Mingsvllle to Plato. -Minimum toTronton. M lnnlth*! to St. Marys. Mollle to Humansvllle. Monarch! to Clayton. Monarch Springs to Neosho Monegaw Springs* to Os ceola. Montague* to Ozark. Montauk* to Salem. Monteer* to Birch Tree. Monterey* to Centerville. M ontevallo* to Nevada. Montreal* to Stoutland. M on tserrat*!! to Knobnoster. M ora*! to Cole Camp. Morgan to Conway. M o rrellton *! to St. Clair. M orrow to Callao. Morse M ill* to Hillsboro. Morton “to Hardin. M o sb y *t! to Liberty. Mosier to Linn Creek. Moss to Salem. Mountain to Plnevllle. Mount A iry to Clifton H ill. Mount Carmel* to Vandalia Mounthope to Moselle. M ount Hulda to Colecamp. Mountoline to Gainesville. Mount Pleasant to WellBton Mount. Sterling* to H er mann. Mount Zion to Brownlngton Mumford to Springfield. Munger to Ironton. Murphy to St. Louis. Murjy to Hallsville. Musselfork* to Keytesvllle. M yrick to Lexington. Myrtle* to Thayer, Ark. Mystic to Green City. Nagle to Cabool. N ance* to Protem . Naomi to Durham. Napier* ! ! to Forest City. t E xpress Office. MISSOURI Narrows Creek to Macon. Nashville* to Mindenmines, Nauvoo*to B erryvllle, Ark. Nebo* to Plato; Needmore (Caldwell Co.) to Kingston. Needmore (Greene Co.) to Springfield. Neelys Landing* to Jackson Neeper to Kahoka. Neler to Union. Nelsonville* to Lewlstown. Nemo to Hermitage. Neola to Greenfield, Netherland to H ayti. New Coin to Seneca. Newcomer to Brunswick. New Franktort to GUllam. New Grove* to Seymòur. Newball to Mendon. New Harmony to Curryville. New Hartford* to Bowling Green. New Hope to Elsberry. Newland to Sedalia. New Lebanon to Pleasant Green. New L iberty* to Winona. New Market * t to Dear born. New Oflenburg ! ! to Ste Genevieve. New Point* to Oregon. Newport (Barton Co.) tc Lamar. Newtonia* to Neosho. New Wells* to Jackson. Nichols* t ! to Springfield. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Osage Iron Works*to Linn Creek. Oscar* to Licking. Osiris to Jerlco Springs Oswego* to A va. Oto to Galena. O verton *! to Rocheport. Ovid to Cowglll. Owasco* to Milan. Owen* to Moscow Mills. Owsley to Greenridge. Oxford to'Parnell. O xiy ’ t t to Doniphan. Oyer* to Osceola. Ozora* to St. Marys. MISSOURI Prosperity* t to Cartervllle Providence to Columbia. Pulaski*! to Doniphan. Pure A ir to Noylnger. Purman to Success Ark. Purvis* to Linn Creek. Pyle to Dexter. 1885 St. Francisville* to K a Springdale to Rogersville. Spring Fork* to Sedalia. hoka. Samt F ran cois*!! to Flat Spring Garden *to Eugene. River. Spring H ill to Chllllcothe. Saint George to Hartville. S p ro tt* !! to Farmington, St. John to Powersville. Spurgeon to Neosho. St. Luke to Marshfield. Pyrmont to Stover. Spurville to Creve Coeur. Saint Patrick* to Canton. St. Paul* to Pacific. Squires* to A va. St. Williams to Coffman. Stahl*! 1 to Novlnger. Quaker* to Belgrade. Salcedo to Sikeston. Stanton*! to Sullivan. Quarles to Clinton. Star (M acon Co.), to Ethel. Samford to Steele. Starfleld to Plattsburg. Quick C ity *! to Blairstown. Samos to Charleston. Stark to Louisiana. Quincy* to Wheatland. Sample to Collins. Starkenburg* to Rhineland. Quinn to Pollock. Sampsel* to Lock Spring. Star Landing tp Perryville. Quote* to Ludlow. Sampson to Conway. Stelnm etzt! t v Glasgow. San Antonio to Easton. Stet* to Norbome. Sands to Rolla. Pack to Southwest City. Sand Spring to Marshfield. Stewart to Portageville. R a cin e*! to seneca. Pa dd y to Westplains. Stickler ville to Green Castle Sandstone to Nevada. Racket to Warsaw. Painton to Bell C ity. Stlckney* to Vienna. Sank to Zalma. Racola* to Potosí. Palm er* to Potosí. Stillings* to Leavenworth, Rader (Webster Co.) to Santiago to Lincoln. Pa lm etto! to Rogersville. Kan. Sapp to Columbia. Conway. Palopinto to Lincoln. Stinson to Miller. Sappington to Kirkwood. Radical* to Reeds Spring Panam a! to Rich Hill. Saratoga to So. W est City Stlnsonvlile to Sarcoxle. R a ftville to Licking. Pansy* to Ava. Stokley to Lamonte. Sargent*! to W illow Spgs. Rainey to Osceola Papinsvllle to Rockville. Stolpe to Hermann. Randles* to Cape Girardeau Paradise (C lay Co.) to Randolph* t ! Stone Hill to Salem. to Kansas Sarvis Point to Seymour. Smithville. Stony H ill* to New Haven. S a verton *!! to Hannibal. City. Paris Springs to Miller. Strain to Gerald. Savoy to Irondale. Ranger* to Salem. Parker to Bolckow. S a x to n *!! to Saint Joseph Stratmann to St. Louis. R at* to Centerville. Parkerton to Trenton. Strother* to Paris. SchlUersburg to Augusta. Raybom * to Hartville. Parshley to Carthage. Schofield to Buffalo. RCadsvllle* to Portland. Studt to C reve Coeur. Pa 8 C ola*t! to H ayti, Schölten* to Crane. Rector to Salem. Stultz* to Cabool. School* to Marlonvllle. Red Bird* to Bland. . Passo to Warsaw. Sturdivant*! to Puxico. Scopus* to Lutesvllle. Redd to Dudley. Passover to Linn Creek. Su blett*! to Klrksville. Scotia* to Leasburg. Reddings M ill to Joplin. Success* to Houston. Patsy* to Steelville. Scotland to Carthage. Redford* to Ironton. Patterson* to Piedmont. Sue C ity to L a Plata. Sorivner to Russellville. Redman* to Atlanta. Sugar Lake to Rushville. Pattonville* to St. Charles. Redmondville to Belleview, Scruggs to Jefferson City Nlckellton* to Atlanta. Sugartree to Norborne. Paulding* T! to Cardwell. Red Oak* to Bower Mills, Seaton to Salem. Sulphur Springs * ! i to Pauline to Sedalia. Nind to Glflord. Seckman to KimmBWlck. Redtop* to Buffalo. Kimmswlck. Nlshnabotna* 1t to Com- Pawnee* to Blythedale. Sedgewlckville* to MarReece* to Puxico. Summit to Potosí. Paynesville* to Clarksville. Reform to Portland auand. . Ing. Sunlight* to Belgrade. Peace Valley* to West- Regal to Braymer. . Selmore* to Ozark, Noah to Montrose. Sunnybrook to Graham. plains. Nobby to Warsaw. Selsa! to Independence. Re&e* to Rolla. Peakesville to Revere. Noble* to Gainesville. Senate Grove to New Haver Sunshine to Henrietta. ' Rembert* to H artville. Surprise to Alton. , Pea Ridge to Sullivan. Sentinel to Flemihgton. Nonsuch* to Linn Creek. Renfro to Wooldridge. Sutherland to Leeton. Pearl* ! to Ash Grove. Norman * to St. James. Sereno to Perryville. Normandy * ! ! to St. Louis. Pearson Spur to N ew Frank Reno to Ozark. Settles Station! to Platte Sutter to St. Louis. Swan* to Forsyth. lin. 1 C ity. Norris to Blairstown. Rensselaer*tt to Hannibal. Pease to Lebanon. Seventysix * t ! to W Itten Swanwick to Richmond. Northcutt to Sullivan. Rescue to Bower Mills Swart to Fort Scott. Kan. berg. North Fork to Hunnewell. Peers*! to Martbasvllle. Reynolds* to Centerville. Sweden* to Ava. Sexson to Humansvllle. , North Jefferson! to Jeffer Pembina to RogersvlUe. Ridge Prairie to Nelson. Sweetwater to Neosho. Pendleton* t tt o Warrenton. Ridgley to Exeter Seybert to Greenfield. son C ity. Shackelford*!! to Marshall Swifton to Portageville. Pennville to Green C ity. N o rto n *!! to Nelson. Riggs to Sturgeon. Swinton*! to Advance. ' Shatter to Purdln. Peoria* to Belgrade. Norwaflk to Galena. Rileysburg to Sturgeon. Swiss* to Hermann. Shamrock* to Wellsville. Pepsin to Granby. ' Norwine to Ozark. Rim by to Polk. Shannondale*! to Salisbury Swope to Kansas City. Noser M ill to Beaufort. . Perche to Sturgeon. Rinehart*! to Nevada. Sycamore to Gainesville. Sharon to Slater. Perkins* to Oran. Not* to Winona. Ripley ,to Independence. Syenite* to Farmington. Sharp* to Gainesville. Peruque*!! to St. Peters. Notch* to Reeds Spring. Rlppee* to Ava. Sylvanla* to Jerlco Springs. Sharpsburg to L a Belle. Nottlnghill to Gainesville Petersburg to Chilhowee. Risco*! to Parma. Phelps* to M iller. ( N ox to Walnutgrove. River aux Vases* to Ste. Shaw to Columbia. Shawnee* to Eminence. Phelps C it y * t ! to Rockport. Noxall to Mathews. Genevieve. Shawnee Mound ‘to Leeton Phenlx* 11 to Walnut Grove Riverdale to Ozark, Nursery* to Luxemburg. Taberville* to Rockville. R iverview to Brownington. Shawneetown to , Poca N y e* to Fisk. T a ft !! to Naylor. hontas. Pierpont to Columbia. N yhart to Foster. Rives to Hornersville. Taltsvllle to CowgUl. Pilgrim to Everton. Roach* to Linn Creek. Sheffield!! to Kansas City Tallent* to Marquand. Pilotknob* to lrohton. Roads to Nprbome. Talliposa to Parma. Shelby to Purdln. Pinckney to Treloar. Oak to Clarksdale. Roanoke* to Armstrong. Taneyville* to Forsyth. Shell Knob* to Cassville; Oakdale (R ip ley Co.) to Pine* to Doniphan. Robins to Warrensburg. Taos to Jefferson City. Shepard to Belleview. Pine Lawn* to St. Louis. Doniphan. Roby* to Houston. Tarsney to Grain Valley. Sherman*! 1 to Pacific. Oakdale (Shelby Co.) to Pinetop to Omaha, Ark. Rochester* to Helena. Taskee Station* ! to W il Sherrill to Licking. Pioneer* to Peirce City. Shelblna. liams ville. Rock to Hume. Shibleys Point to Oonnels Oakland* (Laclede Co.) to Piper to Montrose. Rock Creek to KUhmswick, Tauria* to Reeds Spring. ville. Plsgah to Bunceton. Lebanon. Rockdale to Bagnell. TaVern* to Meta. Shipley to Kennett. Pitcher to Fulton. Oakland (Ralls Co.) to Rockford* to Salisbury. Tea* to Owensville. Shirley* to Potosí. Pittsburg* to Hermitage. M onroe C ity. Rockhill to Kirkwood. Teagues to Seymour. Shook* to.Chaonla. Oakland Station t o W ebb Pittsvtlle* to Holden, Tedievllle to Honstonla. Rockingham to Norbome. Sbortbend to Salem. piad* to Buffalo. - City. Temple to Nevada. Rockspring to Sullivan. Shott to Tindall. Plano to Bols D ’Are. Oakside*to Summerville, Ten B ro o k !! to M axville. Rockview to Chaffee. Shrum* to Lutesvllle. Platte R iver to Dearborn. Oakton to Lamar. Tenm ile (M acon Go.) to Rocky Mount to Eldon. Sibley * ! ! to Buckner. P la t tln * !! to Festus. Oakville to Luxemburg. Macon. Sidney (Putnam Co.) tc Pleasant Gap*to Appleton Rodelia to Green Ridge. Oasis* to Hollister. Ten M ile (Bhtler Co.) to Green Castle. Roe to Lebanon. City, Oates* to Centerville. Poplar Bluff. Sigsbee to Steffenville. Pleasant Ridge (Buchanan R o lf to Bloomsdale. Oby to Steelevllle. Teresita to Mountain View. Romance* to Gainesville. S ilic a *!! to Festus. Co.) to St. Joseph. / O de to Protem." Pleasant View* to Eldorado Rom bauer*ltoPoplar Bluff. Siloam Springs* to W est O ctal to Senath. Thelm a to Galena. plains. Rom e* to A v * . Springs. Odin* to Hartville. Theodosia* to Gainesville. Silva* to'Greenvllle. Rondo* to Flemington. Plum Valley ^to Houston. Oermann t o Catawissa. Thomas H ill to Clifton Silver Lake* to Perryville. Rookins to Collins. Ogden to H ayti. H ill. Roosevelt to W illow Springs Silvermine to Frederick Plymouth to Ludlow. Ohio* to Low ry City. T h om p so n *!! to Mexico. town. ‘ Roseland* to Windsor. Pocahontas*! (Chariton ’ Ojibway to Chaoriia. Thoms 'Station to W ebb Silverton to A va. Roselle to Arcadia. Co.) to Marceline. City. Simcoe to Rocky Comfort. -Point Pleasant* to Marston Roubidoux* to Houston. Oketp to Silex. Thornberry to Climax R ovet* to Westplains. Polntrest to Perryville. Olathe to Mansfield. Springs. Sinkln* to Salem. Rowena to Oentralia. Ponca* to Farmington. O lden*t! to Westplains. Thornfleld* to Hammond. Skiatook to Vienna. Rowland to Stockton. Pond to Manchester. Oldfield* to Sparta. TUomleigh to Sedalia. Skinner to Centralia. Roy* to Ava. Ponder* to Doniphan. Oldham to Hartsburg. Thorpe to Marshfield. Slagle to Bolivar. Royal* to St. James. Pontiac* to Gainesville. Old Mines* to Potosí. Thrush to Calhoun. Sledd to Elsberry. Ruble* to Ellington. Old O rchard!! to Webster Poplar to Warsaw. T iff* to Potosí. S ligo*! to Cook Station. Rucker to Sturgeon. Portia to Eldorado Springs Groves. Tiffany Springs to Parkvllle Smallett* to Ava. Porto R icot to Carterville. Ruegg* to St. Louis. Olga to Seymour. Sm ileyville to Palmyra. Rueter to Forsyth. Postal to Nelson. Olingert to M iller. T igh t W ad to Clinton. Sm lthfield*! to Carl Junc Rufus to Licking. Post Oak* to Leeton. Olive to Falrgrove. Tigris* to A va. tion. Rush to Rosendale. Potsdam* to Morrison. Oliver to La Plata. Tllden* to Buffalo. Smittle to Hartville. Rush Creek to Campbell. Pottersville* to Westplains. Olivette* to Clayton. Tllm an to Advance. Snl Mills to Oak Grove. Rush T o w e r*! to Festus. Potts to Linn. Olney* to Marling. Tilsit to Jackson. Ru sh ville*!! to Phillipsburg Snyder*! to Triplett. Olympia to Eldorado Spg’s. Powe* to Campbell. Tim ber* to Eminence. Solo to Houston. Russ* to Lebanon. Powell * to Rocky Comfort. Omaha to Mendota. T ’ ngley to Jerlco. Russellville*!! (R a y Co.) ,Sorrell* to Green City. Omba * to W illow Springs, Powerslte to Forsyth. Tin ney G rove to Braymer. Souder to Rockbridge. to Hardin. Poynor* to Doniphan. Omer to Jerlco Springs. Tipton Ford* to Neosho. Southard to Lebanon Ryors* to Linn. Prairie City to Rockville. Gmo to N orw ood. South Fork* to Westplains Toccoa to Gainesville. Prairie Lick to Boonville. Ongo to Sparta. Toledo* (Ozark Co.) to A va. South St.Louis* to St.Louli Prairie View to Hawkpoint Only to M acks Creek. T o lo n a *! to Ewing. Orchard Dale to Lockwood Prathersville to Excelsior Sabula*! to Ironton. Topaz* to Mountain Grove. Spalding to Oakwood. Saco* to Fredericktown. Springs. Orchardfarm *!! to St. Topozark to Belgrade. Spanish L a k e !! to Saint Safe* to St. James. ' Pratt* to Doniphan. Charles. Topsy to Princeton. Louis. Saginaw* to Joplin. Prescott to Licking. Origanna to Lebanon. Toronto* to Richland. Sparrow to Clinton. Preston* (Hickory Co.) to Sagrada* to Stover. Oriole to Jackson. Tow nley* to Malden. Spencerburg to Curryvtlle. Saint A lbans! to Paolflc. Hermitage. Oria* to Lebanon. .Tracy* to Platte City. Sperry to Klrksville. Saint Annie to Richland. Price to Clayton. Orrsburg to Parnell. Trail to Gainesville. Splitlog to Anderson. Saint Antony to Iberia. Prices Branch to Bell' Orrvllle to Clayton. T ra sk *! to W illow Springs. St. A u b e rt*!! to Chamois Spokane to Ozark. flow er.. Osa to Crane. to Sullivan. Osage Bend to Jefferson P r io r * to Mountain Grove. Saint C a t h a r l n e * t ! to Springbluff* Tribune to Bloodland. Spring City (N ew ton Co.) to Brookfield, Proctor* to Versailles. City. Trickum to Houstonia. Joplin. Osage Bluff to Jefferson Prospect H ill to St. Louis. Saint Clement to Bowling Springcreek* Triumph to Belle. to Rolla. Prosperine to Lebanon. * Green._____ __________ City. R EFE REN CE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. ♦Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1886 MISSOURI TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS W ildw ood* to Waynesville. Wilhemina* to Campbell. W ilhite to Columbia. W ilhoit to Gainesville. W illm athsville*to Greentop W illow Brook to Faucett. W ills to Lowndes. Wilson Creek* to Battlefield W ilton* to Ashland. Winchester to W ayland. Windham to Stanford. W indom to Webster Groves W ingatef to Pleasant Hill. W inkler* to Salem. Winnipeg to Lebanon. W inn wood Lake to N orth Kansas C ity. Winslow to K in g City. W intersville to Harris. W inthrop to Atchison, Kan Wisdom* to W arsaw. W ise* to Sheldon. Wlshart* to Bolivar. Udall* to Bakersfield. W ithers M ills * ! to Hanni Umber to Stockton. bal. Undine* to Potosí.. Uniontown* to W lttenoerg. W itty to A va. U palika*! to William sviile. W olf Creek to Mansfield. W o lf Island* to Columbus, U pton* to Houston. Ky. Useful* to Linn. W om ack* toFredencktown. W ood to Mountain Grove. Valda to Sedalla. W oodland*! 1 (Marlon Co.) Valhalla* to Low ry City. to Palmyra. Valles Mines* ! ! to De Soto, Valley City to Knobnoster. W oodland! (St. Lbuls Co.) to St. Louis. Van* to Bolivar. W oodlandville* to Roche Vance to Conway. port. Vancleve* to Meta. Vanzant*to MountalnGrove W oodlawn to Madison. Woodruff • t to Camden Vastus to Neelysville. Point. Venice (C allaway Co.) to Woods to A m ity. Martinsburg. Venice (Shannon Co.) .to Woodside* to Alton. W oodville to Jacksonville. Eminence. W oodlam * to Owensville. Venus to Vienna. Worcester to Rush IJill. Vera* to Bowling Green. W orla n d*! to Foster. Veracruz to A va . W righ tville to Clarkton. Verdella to Liberal. W y e th ! to Hosendale. Verm ont* to Bunceton. Vessie to Newburg. V eto* to Holla. . Yancy Mills* to Holla. Vibb ard *tt to Lawson. Yeakley to Springfield. Viburnum* to Steelvllle. Vicksburg to Braggodocio. Youngers to Halls ville. Youngstown* to Klrksvllle V ictor* to Florida. Y ou n t* to Perryville. Victoria* t ! to De Soto. Yucatan to Portland. Vida* to Holla Yukon* to Houston. Vieman to Cuba. Yum a to Lemons. V igu s*tt to Overland. Vilander* to Bourbon. Vliean to St. James. Zadock* to B loom field.. , Vineland *T to De Soto. . Zanonl to Gainesville. Vinita Park t o St. Louis. Zebra* to Linn Creek. Vinson to rjexter. Zell* to Ste. Genevieve. Viola* to B erryville. Zenar to Fordland. V iolet* to Bolivar. V irgil City to Eldorado Z eta*! to Bloomfield. Zincite* to Joplin. Springs. .Zion H ill to St. James. Virginia to Amoret. Zodiac* to Sheldon. V ogt to Bunker. Zola to Coatsville. Voshall to Bonnots Mill. Zora* to Warsaw. Vulcan to Des Arc. Zwanzig to Versailles. , Trou tt to Potosí. T ru es d a ll*!! to Warrenton. Tuckahoe* to J o p lin .. Tucker to Doniphan. Tulip to Centralia. Tullvanla* to Ethel. Tunas to Buffalo. Tunnel to Desoto. Turkey Creek to Lowndes. Turley* to Plato. Turnback to Greenfield. Tu rners*! to Springfield. Turners Station to Colum bia. Turpin to Clarksville. Turtle to SalVm. Tuxedo to Webster Groves. Tw in Hickories to Licking. T y le r* to Steele. Tyrone* to Houston B earm ou th *!! to Drum mond. Beaver to Thompso Falls. B eaverton! to Saco. Becket to Grassrange. Beebe* to Miles City. Beehive* to Absarokee. Belair to H elm ville. Belknap*! to Thompson Falls.B e lto n * !! to Columbia Falls. Benton! to F ort Benton. Benzion to Sumatra. Bew to Ouster. Big A rm * to Dayton. B ig h orn *!! to Custer. B lm ey* to Sheridan, W yo. Bison to Chester. D over to Stanford. D ovetail to Roy. Dupuyer* to Valier. MONTANA Kellogg to W o lf Point. Kendall* to Hilger. Kenilworth to Big Sandy. K evin * to Shelby. Keystone to Superior. K ila * to Kalispell’ Kingsley to M iles C ity. K in s e y *!! to Miles City. K n jtla to Columbia Falls. Kippen to Shelby. K irb y* to Sberjdan, W yo. Klein* to Roundup. Knobs to Baker. Knowlton* to Ism ay. Kochia to Roy. Korn to, Chinook. East Scobey*! to Scobey. E d d y * !! to Thompson Falls. Eden to Stockett. Edwards to Jordan. E g g ertî to Livingston. Elk Park to Butte. E llis to n *!! to Helena. Elm o* to Dayton. Elton to Livingston. Em igrant! ! to Livingston. Em ory to Lavina. Epsi to M iles C ity. , / Essex* ! ! to Columbia Falls Lake Basin* to Broadview. Ethridge to Cut Bank. L a ke M cD onald to W hiteBlack Eagle* to GreatFalls Eudora to Dayton. fish. B lackfoot*! to Cut Bank. E v a r o * !! to Missoula. Lakeside to Bainville. Blakeslee to Grassrange. Lakevlew to Dillon. Bloomfield* to Glendive. Lamedeer* to Forsyth. B on ita*! to Missoula. Fairchild* to Glldford. Lanark* to Culbertson. B on n er*!! to Missoula. Farmington* to Chouteau. Landusky* to Harlem. Boulder H o t Springs Fergus to R oy. Larchwood to Thompson F ife to Belt. to Boulder. / Falls. Bowler* to Brldger. Finch! tp Hysham. L a u rin *! to Sheridan. Bowm anville* to Sumatra. Fishtail* to Columbus. Ledger to, Conrad. Fishtrap* to Anaconda. Boyer to Madoc. L en n ep *!! to Martinsdale. Boyes*to Bellefourche,S. D. Flat to Roundup. L im a * tt to Dillon. Flatw illow * to Musselshell. Limestone to Absarokee. Brenizer to WTibaux. F lo ren c e*!! to Stevensville. Lim ington to Bole. Brenner to Dillon. Floweree* to F ort Benton. Lincoln* to Helena. Brinkman to Rudyard. Forest Grove*to Lewistown. Lindsay* t.o Glendive. Brooks to Hilger. Fort Belknap to Harlem . Bruce to Sumatra.. Lippard to Loma. F o rtln e *!! to Eureka. Brunelda* to Ingomar. L ittle Chicago to Great Fort Peck to Homestead. Brusett* to Jordan. Falls. F ort Shaw* to Simm?. Buelows to Chester. L ivin g Springs* to Judith Foster* to Custer. Burns*! to Savage. Gap. Fowler* to Conrad. Busby* to Sheridan. W yo. L,loyd* to Chinook. Fox Lake to Lambert. Butte Creek to Jordan. Lpesch to M iles City. Franklin to Hedgesvllle. L o g a n * !! to Manhattan. Freewater to M alta. Logging Spur to Belt. French Gulch* to Anaconda L o L o * t t to Missoula. Frenchtown* ! ! to Missoula L om b a rd *!! to Toston. Caldwell to Dodson. Galkins to W hite Sulphur L ov ejo y * to Malta. Springs. L o w ry* to Simms. Gage* to Roundup. Calumet to Plevna. Luther* to Red Lodge. G a m e lll* !! to Judith Gap. Camas* to Plains. Garnet* to, Drummond. Camas Prairie* to Plains. Cameron* to Virginia City. G arrison*!! to D eer Lodge. M acK enzie to Ismay. Camp C re e k *!! to M a n G a te w a y *!! to Eureka. M aiden* to Hilger. G enevieve to Saco. hattan. Manson to Conrad. Gerhard to Winifred. Canton* to Townsend. Marlon to Kalispell. Gibson to Bigtimber. Canyon Creek* to Helena. Marsh*! to Glendive. Gibtown to Roundup. Canyon Ferry* to Helena. M a ry sville *!! to Helena. Capitol* to Camp/ Crook, G ilt Edge* to Lewistown. M a u d lo w *!! to Toston. Glacier* to Whlteflsh. S. D. M a x v ille! to Philipsburg. Glacier P a r k * !! to Cut M cAllister* to Ennis. C ardw ell*!! to Whitehall. Bank. Carpenter Creek to M e l M cC abe* to Froid. Glengarry* to Lewistown. stone. M cE lroy to W estby. Goldbutte* to Devon. C artersville*!! to Forsyth. M cL eod * to Bigtim ber! G oldcreek*!! to Drum M cR a e to Hysham. Casady to Havre. mond. Castle Butte to Pompeys M ead erville*! to Butte. Golden to Bridger. Pillar. M ecahaito Roy. Gold Stone* to Rudyard. C enterville! to Butte. M elro se *!! to Butte. Central P a rk ! to M a n Goose Bill to F ort Benton. M e lville* to Bigtimber. hattan. Gould* to Helena. Menard to Bozeman. Chadbourn to C lyde Park Grace*! to Butte. M erino to Geyser. Graceville to F ort Benton. M id vale*! ! to Cut Bank. Chappel to Loma. Graham* to M iles City. Chausse to Ismay. M id w a y to Glasgow. Grant* to Dillon. Cheadle to Lewistown. Millegan* to Cascade. Cherry Ridge* to Chinook G regson*!! to Anaconda. W addill to Stella. M illtow n to Missoula. G reve to Saco. C hestn ut!! to Bozeman. Wagoner* to Jerico Springs. M in k to Circle,/ G re y c liil*!! to Bigtimber. Chico to Livingston. W ainwrlght* to Jefferson M izaph* to M o lt. Chimneyrock*to Livingston Monarch*! ! to Neihart. City. Christina to H ilger. W albert to Sullivan. M o n ld a *!! tp Dillon. M ONTANA Hamblin 'to W o lf Point. , M oorhead* to Gillette, W y o C la n cey *!! to Helena. Walnutshade* to Branson. Clark to Sidney. H anover to Lewiston. Wanamaker* to Marshall. Morrison to Dillon. C larkston*!! to Manhattan H aro to, Dodson. Wanda to Neosho. M y e r s !! to Hysham. H a th a w a y *!! to Miles City. Clasoil to East Helena. W appapello’ t to Puxico. H a u ga n *!! to Superior. C leiv to Choteau. Absher to Melstone. W arden* to Portagevllle. Hays* to Harlem. Wardsville* to Jefierson A cton *! to Broadview. N arada to Dayton. H azel to Terry. Clemons* to Gilman. Adel* to Cascade. N a v a jo to «Redstone. City. Heath* to Lewistown. Agaw am * to Bynum. Cleveland* to Chinook. Nelson to Helena. W are to D e Soto. H ed ges*ttto Hedgesvllle. Ahles to Ingomar. Clim ax to Ekalaka. Niarada* to Dayton. Warren* to Monroe. Henderson*! to Wallace, Nickwall* to Poplar. C lin to n *!! to Missoula. Albert,on* to Missoula. Washington Centre to Idaho. Albion* to Belle Fourche, Coalcreek to Scobey. M artinsville. N ih ill to Hedgesville. 8 . D. H e r o n *!! to Thompson Ninem ile* to Missoula. Coalridge* to Antelope. Wasola* to Rockbridge. Falls. A ld e r * !! to Virginia City. Coalwood* to M iles C ity. N ohle to Mondak. W aterloo to Wellington. Hespfer to Laurel. Alger to Thompson Falls. Cohagen to Miles City. Norheim * to Chinook. Watkins to Iberia. Hibbard to Sumatra. C ollin s *!! to Brady. Alhambra* to Helena. N o r r is * !! to Harrison. Wayham to Eldon. Hillside to Jordan. A llen *! to M iles City. Colony B ay* to Loma. N o x o n * !! to Thompson W a y n e! to Exeter. Alm a* to Joplin. Comanche*! to Broadview H o d g e s *!! to W ibaux. Falls. W ayside to Chadwick. Hoffman (Park Co.) to N y e* to Columbus. Comertown to W estby. Weingarten* 11 to Ste. Aloè to Shelby. Livingston. Alzada* to Bellefourche, S. C om o*! to Darby. Genevieve. Holland to Belgrade. D. Conner* to Darby. Welch to Paris. H om esta k e*!! to Butte. Oka to Judith Gap. Cooke* to Gardiner. W eldon Spring* to Saint Amos to H avre . 1 Amsterdam to Manhattan. Coram t to Columbia Falls. Hbosac to Denton. Old Ashfield to Saco. Charles. Andes* to Culbertson. H orte to Ronan. Corbin*! ! to Boulder. O live* to Miles City. W esco*! to Steelvllle. H oyle to Grass Range. Osborn to Huntley. C ordova! to Power. W estalton’ t i to Alton, 111. A ngela! to M iles C ity. Oscar to H avre. Hughes ville to Neihart. Apex+1 to Dillon. Corwin Springs * 1 to West Dale tq Nashua. Hunters Hotsprings* to Ossette to West Fork. Apgar to Columbia Falls. Gardiner. W estely to Palmyra. Bigtimber. O xford* to Judith Gap. C r a ig * !! to Cascade. West Eminence* to Em i Archer to Redstone. H u son *!! to Missoula. Crane* to Savage. A r le e * !! to Missoula. nence. H ydro to Chinook. Creston* to Kalispell. Arm eys* to Hilger. W estfork* to Centerville. P a ola ! to Kalispell. Crow A gency* ! ! to Hardin. W est Liberty to Unionville A rm in g to n *!! to Belt. P a rad ise*!! to Plains. Crowley* to Terry. A rm stead *!! to Dillon. W estover* to Steelvllle. Iliad to B ig Sandy. Parkinson* to Melstone. Cushm an*!! to Belmont. W estportt to Kansas City. A rrow Creek to Denton. Inga to B ig Sandy. Paxton* to Poplar. Ashmoor to Brady. Iron M o u n ta in *!! to Su Pefley to Rooerts. W . Quincyt to Quincy, 111. Ashuelot to Simms. perior. Perma * ! ! to Plains. Austin! to Helena. W estvllle* to Marceline. Phillips to Dodson. D agm ar* to Antelope. A v o n * !! to Helena. W et Glaize* to Stoutland. Phipps to H avre. D aileys! to Livingston. A vondaie to Glentana. Wharton to Bloodland. Jackson* to Wisdom. P ie d m o n t*!! to W hitehall. D aleview to Outlook. A xtell to Richey. W heeler to Dixon. Japan to Melstone. Pine Grove to Lewistown. Danvers to M oore. W hite Church* to West Aznoe to Brady. Jeffers* to Ennis. Pin to to Gillette, W yo. D ’Aste to Dixon. Plains. , Jefferson C ity* to Boulder. Pioneer* to Deer Lodge. D eb o rg ia *!! to Superior. W hiteoak *! to Holcomb. Jefferson Island* it o W hite Plummerton to Power. Babb* to Browning. D e ll* !! to Dillon. W hite Hock to Carrollton. hall. Polaris* to Dillon. Baeth to Malta. W hiting to Charleston. D elphia*! to Musselshell. Jennings!! to L ibby. Po rta ge*! to Great Falls. Demers to Sweetgrass. W hitton* t o M cFall. Bannack* to Dillon. Jens to Drummond. Potom ac* to Missoula. D ew ey to Butte. Barker to Neihart. W ien* to New Cambria. Joslin to Roy. Pow derville* to Ekalaka. D ilo* to Sumatra. i W ilb y to Poplar Bluff. Barr to Glasgow. Prairie E lk to Oswego, Judith* to Winifred. D iv id e *tt to Butte. Bascom*! to Melstone. W ilc o x ! ! to Maryville. Julian*! to Scobey.________ P ra y * to Livingston. B asin *!! to Boulder. D ory to R oy. Wilderness* to Frem ont. ______ __ REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. Express Office. MONTANA, NEBRASKA tJriekley Pear Junctiont 1 to * East Helena. P rosp ect*! to Galata. Pryor* to Billings. Q u artz*! to Superior. Bn retrack*! to Deer Lodge Bodersburg* to Toston. R a v a lli* « to St. Ignatius. Redrock’ t l to Dillon. Redwater* to Circle. Regina to M alta. T?piolil6 to Dillon. Rema to Camp Crook. S. D. Renova*! to Whitehall. R e x fo rd * « to Eureka. Ridge* to Gillette. W yo. Rim ini*! to Helena. Rivulet*ti to Superior. Ro .nwood to Opheim. ■RnPKfirl* tO BllttG. Rock Springs to M iles Ro^kvale*t to Jollet. Roscoe* to Bed Lodge. Rose Valley to Richey. ■Rossforktt to Moore. Rothiemay to_H edgesvibe. Ruby* to Virginia City. Russell to Carter.Saint Joseph to Havre. Saint Pauls* to Harlem. Saint Phillip* to Yates. St. R e g is * « to Superior. Saint Xavier* to Hardin. Saltese*« to Superior. Sand Creek to Terrace. Sanders*« to Hysham. Sand Springs to Sumatra. Sappington*« to W illow Saugus*« to Terry. Selma*! to Conrad. Shonkin* to Highwood. Silesia* t ! to Joliet. Silver B o w * t! to Butte. Silver Star* to Twin Bridge« Simpson* to Gildford. Sioux Pass* to Mondak . 1 Sixteen*! to Ringling. Slayton! to Lavina. Sloan to Ronan. Smokey Butte to Jordan. Snow B elt* to Sumatra. Snowden« to Mondak. Sollid to Conrad. Soutji B u t t e « to Butte. Southern Cross to Ana conda. Spion K o p * « to Geyser. Springdale*« to Bigtim ber Springhlll to Belgrade. Springtime to Columbus. Stacey* to Miles City. Stark* to Missoula. Stmek! to Glendive. Stowman to Chinook. Straw *!! to Moore. Suffolk to W inifred. Sun Prairie to M alta. Sun River* to. Great Falls Sykes* to Ekalaka. T a ft*! to Superior. Tam pico*! to Glasgow. Tande to Scobey. Tango to Opheim. Teigen to Grassrange. Thoeny to Hinsdale. Tiber! to Chester. Tracy to Stockett. T r id e n t* « to Manhattan. Trout C reek *t! to Thomp son Falls. Tuscor !o Thompson Falls Tyler* to Lewistown. Ulm* to Great Falls. Union* to Glendive. Ural* to Eureka. Utica* to Hobson. Valentine to R oy. Valley town to Saco. Van to Sweetgrass. Vandalia to Hinsdale. Van Norm an to Jordan. V a u g h n *« to Great Falls. Verona to B ig Sandy. Vida to Terrace. Wagner* t l to Malta. W aldheim ttto Lavina. W alkerville*! to Butte•Wallis to T w o Dot. W allum *! to Hedgesville. Walsh to Saco. Waltham to Highwood. Ware to Lewistown. W a r la n d * « to L ibby. W arm sprfn gs*« to Ana conda. Warren*! to Bridger. Warrick* to F ort Benton. Washoe* to Red Lodge. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Wason Flats* to Ingonjar. W aterloo*! to Whitehall. Watkins* to Terry. Webster* to Baker. Weede* to Melstone. Weldon to Circle. West Butte* to Sweetgrass. Whitcomb to M alta. Cooleyton to Sargent. Middle Branch* to Page. Copenhagen! to Plainview. Midvale* to Ainsworth. Cornell* to Trenton. Midway to Plainview. Crounse to Raymond. Milburn* to Anselmo. Crowell* T ! to Scribner. Mllldale* to Callaway. Cuba* to Bassett. M iU e r to n * « to David City Cummings to W allace., M ills* to Carlock, S. D . Gumro* to Sumner. Mlnersville to Nebraska Curly* to Scotts Bluff. City. W hite P in e*t!to Thompson Mofflt to Alliance. Falls. ' Monterey to West Point. Whitewater to Saco. Montrose to Ardmore, S. D. Whitlash to ChesterDaily to Newcastle. M otala to Minden. W h itn ey*! to Terry. Dale to Arlington. Moulton to Taylor. Wlckes* to Boulder. ' Dannevlrke to Cotesfleld. Muriel to Glenvil. Wilborn to Helena. Darr*! to Cozad. M y n a r d * « to Plattsmouth. Willard to Baker. Dean*! to Mullen. W ilsey to Joliet. Delphi to Lawrence. Winston* T! to Townsend. Denman to Shelton. N esbit to Stapleton. W int to Grass Range. Denmark to Curtis. Newark* to Keara. W o lfc r e e k * « to Helena. Desoto* to F ort Calhoun. Nim berg to Abie. W o o d s id e *« to Corvallis. Dewing to Rushville. Nlms City to Dawson. Dismal to Thedford. Normal* to Linooln. Duff to Long Pine. NorthDort * ! ! to Bridgeport Dunlap* to Hemlngford. Northstar to Fullerton. Y antic to Lohman. Dustin* to Stuart. Norway* to Thedford. Y egen ! to Billings. Nysted* to Dannebrog. Y ellowstone * ! ! to Ashton, Ida. Y ork to Helena. East Omaha to Omaha. O con ee*!I to Monroe. Edholm *! tto Schuyler. Odessa*!! to Elm Creek. Elk City* to Washington. Olnes to Albion. Zenon to Malta. E llsw o rth *« to Lakeside. Opportunity* to O’Neill. Zortman* to Dodson. Elsmere* to Ainsworth. Oraflno* to Stockvtlle. Emerick*to Meadow Grove, O rella*t! to Crawford. Endemlake to Ainsworth. • Orum to Kennard. Etna* to Gothenburg. Everett to Hooper. P a u l * « to Nebraska City. Phoenix* to Atkinson. Fern to Mullen. Pibel to Spalding., .N E B R A S K A Finchville to Arnold. Plshelvllle* to Verdel. Flats* to Paxton. Pleasanthlll to Dorchester. Florence to Omaha. Pony Lake to Newport. Foley to David City. Powel* to Alexandria. A b b o tt! to Grand Island. Fontanelle* to Nickerson. Precept to Beaver City.,, Abdal to Superior. Fort Crook* i to South Prentice* to Mullen. Admah to Herman. Omaha. Preston *!! to Falls City. A ga te* to Harrison. Fort R o b in s o n *« to Craw Akron to Loretto. ford. Albany* to Gordon. Freedom * to Bartley. Quick to McCook. Albright to Gmaha. Almeria* to Sargent. Alays to W est Point. Am boy to Red Cloud. Redbird* to Lynch. Amelia* to Chambers. Gables to Ericson. Redington* to Bridgeport. Anan to Glenvil. Gates* to Anselmo. Redwillow to Indianola. Andrews* to Harrison. Gem to Dunning. Rescue to Prague. Annandale to Glenvil. Georgetown* to Oconto. R ic h fie ld * « to Papllllon. Arabia* to W ood Lake. Gifford* to Kimball. Ringgold* to Tryon. Arago to Falls City. Giles to Dunning. , Rlverview to Bassett, Arborville* to Polk. Glen* to Crawford. to Dickens. ' Arizona to Tekamah. Glenwood Para to Kearney Robert R o k e b y * « to Lincoln. Armour* ! ! to Liberty. (¿oodland to Lewellen. RpUw ltz*! to Parks. Ashbrook* to Marsland. G ood w in *!! to Jackson. Ro 8 coe*t to Ogallala. Aten to Yankton, S. D. Grade* to Burwell. Rosenburg to Lindsay. Atkins Siding to Bridgeport Grayson* to Rushville. Rose vale to Erickson. Austin to Loup City. Round V alley* to Broken A very to Omaha. Bow. Ruby to Milford. Haigville to Haig. Hammond* to Newport. Harmony* to Valentine. Bachelor to Merriman. ■ Saint Ann* to McCook. Harrop to Taylor. Bailey to Merriman. Saint Bernard to Lindsay. Heath* to Kimball. Basford to Lyons. Saint Helena* to W ynot. H e d a * t ! to Mullen. Belfast to Greeley. Saint Henry to Howells. Hiawatha to Imperial. B e lle v u e *!! to Omaha. Saint M ic h a el*!! to Boelus. Hinchiey to Gordon. Belmar to Lemoyne. Sacramento* to Funk. H o a g *!! to Beatrice. B elm ont*! 1 to Crawford. Sanborn* to Halgler. HoiMand to Alliance. Benson to Omaha. Sartoria* to Pleasanton. Holland* to Hickman Benton! 1 to Richland, ! to Exeter. Hollinger* to Beaver City Sawyer! Bertha to Craig. Schaupps to Ashton. H ou ston !! to York. Bignell to Maxwell. Scheding to Brewster. Howardsville to Giltner. Billings to Gordon. Sedan* to Edgar. Blanche to Elsie. Shea to Diller. Bliss* to Ewing. SheridaD* to Ericson. Inez* to Atkinson. Bluevale to Waco. Shlppee to WUsonville. Ingnam* to Famam. Boheet to Leigh. Simeon* to Valentine. B ook w a lter*!! to Summer- Irwin* to Gordon. S m a rtv ille « to St. M ary. field. Kan. Sm yrna!! to Superior. Bow Valley to Hartington Somerset* to Wellfleet. Jamison* to Naper. B racken !! to Nemaha. South Auburn*! to Auburn. Jennings to Lakeside. Braden* to Lewellen. So. B en d *!! to Louisville. Jo 8 selyn to Lexington. Brocksburg* to Herrick, South Om aha!! to Omaha. S. D. Spade* to Gordon. B u d a *t! to Kearney. Sparks* to Valentine. Kennedy to Brownlee; Buffalo* to Cozad- . Sparta to Niobrara. Kesterson to Fairbury. Burkett* to Grand Island. Spiker to Herman. Kinney to Liberty. Burnham to Lincoln. Stafford*« to Ewing. Kirk* to Harrisburg. Burress! to Fairmont. Straussville to Falls C ity. Knoxville* to Dorsey. Burroak to Eddyvllle. Sunrise, to Fullerton. Koller to Minden. Butler to Gibbon. Survey* to Ashby. Kowanda to Oshkosh. Swan* to Atkinson. Swedehome to Stromsburg Sybrant* to Newport. Lake* to Cody. La P la t t e * « to Omaha. Calhoun to Fort Calhoun. Leat to Merriman. i Table* to Arnold. Cameron to W ood River. Le Blanc to Niobrara. T a t e * « to Virginia. Canton* to Hemlngford. L e R oy to Pauline. Telbasta to Nickerson. Carlisle* « t o Davenport. LUllan* to Broken Bow. Thompson* 11 to Reynolds, Oarns* to Bassett. Linscott *to Anselmo. Carter* i to Orleans. , Logan to Arnold. Tonawanda* to Atkinson. Cedar Creek to Louisville Lpm a x*! to Eddyvllle. Trouble to Cody. Centerpolnt* to McCook. Luce to Shelton. Champion* to Imperial. Lym an to Sutton. Chandler to Mullen. Valleyview to Burwell. Charleston* t ! to York. Velm a to Lewellen. Chase to Imperial. Venus* to Orchard. M ariaville* to Newport. Cherry* to Mullen. Violet* to Pawnee City. Chimney Rock to Bayard. M a r tla n d *« to Shlckley. M atteson to Valentine. Vista to Jackson. Climax* to Anselmo. M attsville to Falls City. Closter to Albion. M ayberry*! to Steinauer. Clyde to North Bend. Walnut* to Verdigre. M ayflow er*! to Tryon. C obu rn!! to Dakota. Walters to Davenport. Meadvllle* to Springview. Colclesser to Rushville. W alworth* to Sargent. Collins* to H yan n is.______ Meek* to O’ Neill. R EF EREN CE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. * Mon* rder Office. '«V O +Telegraph Station. NEVADA 1887 Wareham to Beiden. W am ervllle* to Norfolk Warren to Oshkosh. W atertown* to Miller W a jrsld e *« to Chadron. Webster to Scribner. Welssert* to Berwyn. Wells to Brownlee. Westerville* to Ansley. West H ill* ! to Genoa. West Linooln to Lincoln. Weyerts* to Lodge Pole. Wheeler to Bartlett. W hite* to Maywood. W hiteclay* to Rushville. / W illett,to Arthur. Williams* to Hubbell. Willis to Jackson. W illow I s la n d * « to Cozad. W ood ville to St. Edward. Worms to St. Llbory. W y o m in g * « to Nebraska City. Yanka to Brainard. Yockey to Bridgeport. NEVADA Alam o* to Pioche. Amos* to Winnemucca. A rd e n * !! to Las Vegas. Arloment to Tonopab. Artesia* to Yerington. Aurora* to Yerington. Baker* to Ely. Bauvarai to Wells. B e a tty *!! to Goldfield. B ellville to Bishop, Cal. Belm ont! to Tonopah. B e o w a w e * « to Elko. Blair Junction! to Tonopah. Bonnie C la re *!! to Gold field. Bristol to Pioche. Buena Vista to Bishop, Cal. Bullion* to Elko. Bunkervllle* to St. George. Utah. C a lie n te * « to Pioche. Candelaria to Tonopah. Carlin*! I to Elko. Carrara to Goldfield. C enterville*! to M in den .; Chafey to Winnemucca. Cherry Creek* « td Ely. Cllffbrd to Tonopah. C o b r e * « to Wells. Columbia* to Goldfield. Contact* to Rogerson, Ida. Crescent* to Las Vegas. Currant* to Ely. C u r r ie * « to Ely. D a y to n * !! to Carson City. D e e t h * « to Wells. D em y* to Reno. Duckwater* to E ly Edge uont* to Elko. Eureka*! to Elko. Falrview* to Fallon, r e m le y * !! to Sparks. Flanigan to Susanville, Cal. Francis to Reno. Frank tow n *! to Carson City. Frenchman Station to F al lon. 1 AGenoa* to Minden. G e rla c h *« to Winnemucca. Goloonda* tîtoW lnnem ucca Gold Creek* to Elko. Gold H i l l * « to Carson C ity Goodsprings* to Las Vegas. H a lle c k * « to Elko. Hamilton* to Ely. Harriman to Sparks. AHawthorne*! Yerington. H a z e n * « to Fallon. H ill Top*to BattleMountain H olbrook to Gardnei*ville. Hornsilver* to Goldfield. Hualipe to Winnemucca. ' Hudson to Yerington. Hum boldt to Lovelock. H ylton * to Elko. X m la y *« to Winnemucca. Indian Springs! to Las Vegas. lon e to Austin. ! Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1888 NEVADA Whiteplains to Lovelock. Deerfield* to Manchester. Jarbidge* to Buhl, Idaho. W hiterack* to Elko. Deerfield Center* fto Man J e a n *!! to Las Vegas. W illo w , Point to Winne chester. Joseco to Pioche. mucca. Deering* to Hillsboro. Ju ngo!! to Winnemucca. W onder* to Fallon. Derry Village to Derry. D ixville Notch*/ to Colebrook. K im b erley*! to Ely. Dorchester* to Plymouth. Dover P o in t! to Dover. D rewsville to Bellows Falls, Lam oille* to Elko. V t. * Lida* to Goldfield, ¿'"fc , N E W H A M P S H IR E Dublin*t to Peterboro. Low er Rochester to L o v e Dunbarton* to Concord. lock. cJ £•' is D u rh am *!! to Dover. Lu dw ig*t to Yerm gton. L u n d *! to Ely. Aew orth* to Charlestown. L u n in g *!! to Tonopah. E. A ew orth* to Charles Alexandria* to Bristol. Lurline* to Wells. town. A lstead*! to Bellows Falls, Vt. East Alstead* to Bellows A lt o n * !! to Farmington. Falls, V t. M anhattan*! to Tonopah. Alton B a y * !! to Farming- E. A n d o v e r*!! to Franklin. Manse* to Las Vegas. ton. East B arrington*! to Roch M ason to Yerington. ester. Mesquite* to St. George. Amherst* ! to Milford. Amoskeag! to Manchester. East C andia*! to Man Utah. _ .. Anderson Station to Nachester. M etropolis* to W eils. E. Canterbury* to Concord. shua. Midas* to, Elko. A n d o v e r * !! to Franklin. East C oncordt! to Concord. MiU City* f t to Winne A n trim *! i to Hillsboro. E. Conway to Fryeburg, mucca. m . M e. Apthorp to Littleton. M illers*! ! to Tonopah. Ashu elot*! to Winchester. East Deering to Hillsboro M illett* to Austin. Atkinson! to Haverhill, East D erry* to Derry. M in a*! ! to Tonopah. Bast Grafton* to Lebanon. M o a p a *!! to Las Vegas. Atkinson D ep ot*tto Haver East Ham pstead*to H aver M onteH o*!! to W e U s . __ hill, Mass. hill, Mass. M orning Star-to Yerington. EastHaverhill’ t ! toW oodsM ound H ou se*tt to Carson Auburn* ! to Manchester. ville. East Hebron* to Bristol. Mountain City* to Elko. E. (.Kingston*!! to Exeter. Barnstead* ! to Pittsfield. Barrett to Lisbon. East Lem pster* to N ewport N ational* to Winnemucca. Barrington*! to Rochester. East Madison* to Conway. B a r tle tt* !I to North Con East M ilfo rd to M ilford. N ixon * to Reno. way. Easton* to Littleton. Nordvke*. to Yerm gton. B a th * t! to Woodsville. East Pembroke to Concord. North Fork* to Elko. East Rindge* to East N orths Ranch to Golconda. Bear Island* to Lakeport. B e d fo rd !! to Manchester. Jafirey. N y a la to Tonopah. Belnjont* t to Tilton. East R o ch e ster*!! to Bennetts Landing* to W hite Rochester. East Side to Concord. ) field. O’N eil to Wells. Bennington*! ! to Hillsboro East Sullivan* to Keene. Oreana to Lovelocks. B eth leh em *!! to Littleton. East SwaHzey* to Keene. Osceola*! to E ly Bethlehem Junction!! to Eastview to Peterboro. Overton* to Las v egas. E. W a k e field *!! to W o lfe Littleton. Owyhee* to Elko. B lackm ount!! to Woodsville boro. Packard to Lovelock. E. Washington* to H ills Blair to Plymouth. Pahrump to Las Vegas. Blodgett Landing* to N ew boro. v * P a lisa d e *it to Elko. port. East W eare* ! to Man Panaca* to Pioche. B oscaw en *!! to Franklin. chester. Paradise VaUey* to Winne Bow to Concord. E. W estm oreland*! to mucca. ■ ;-j- , , Bow Mills to Concord. Keene. Pioneer*! to Goldfield. Bradford* f t to Newport. Platina to Las Vegas. Brentwood* to.Exeter. E. W olfeb oro*! to W olfe Platora to McDermitt. Bretton W oods*! to. W hiteboro. P reston *! to Ely. field. Edgemont to Newport. Pyram id Lake to Reno. Brookline*! ! to Townsend. Effingham* to W olfeboro. Effingham Falls* to W olfe Mass. Burkehaven* to New port. boro. Queen to Bishop, Cal. B u rleyvllle! to W olfeboro. Elkins* to Franklin. Emerson to Hillsboro. Enfield*! ! to Lebanon. Rawhide* to Fallon. Enfield Center* to Lebanon. C am p ton *!! to Plymouth. Rebel Creek* to W inne C an aan *!! to Lebanon. E p p in g *!! to N ew Market. mucca. Canaan Centre* to Lebanon Epsom *! to Pittsfield. Reipetown to E ly. • Canaan Street to Lebanon. Errol* to Colebrook. R hyolite* ! !. to Goldfield. Etna* to Lebanon. Candia* t i to Manchester. R ip ley* to Las Vegas. Candla Village to Manches Rochester to Lovelocks. ter. .y.; Round M ou n tain *! to T o n Canoble L a k e * !! to Me Fabyan House* to Whiteopah. field. thuen, Mass. Rowland* to Elko. Fairvlew * to Plym outh. Canterbury* to Concord. R uby V alley* t o Wells. Fem ald to WoUehoro. Cardigan! to Lebanon. R u th *! to Ely. F itzw lllia m *! to WinchenCascade* to Berlin. don. Mass. Center B arn stead *!! to Fitzwllliam D epot* t ! to Pittsfield.* Saint Thom as* to Las Center C on w ay*! to Con Wlnchendon, Mass. Vegas. Flume House*to Plym outh way. Salt W ells to Fallon. Center Effingham *to W olfe Francestown* to Peterboro. Schurz*!! to Yerington. Franconia* to Littleton. boro. S earch ligh t*!! to Las Vegas Center Harbor* T ! to Mere Freedom* to W olfeboro. Seven Troughs* to LoveFremont* t t to Exeter. dith. Center Sandwich* t o Mere S h a fter*!! to Elko. dith. Sheridan* to Minden. Center Strafford*to Roches G ale! to Franklin. Silver C ity * to Carson C ity Garrison! to Concord. ter. Sliverpeak* to Goldfield. Center, Tuftonboro* to Gaza to Tilton. Simpson to Yerington. Georges Mills* to Newport. W olfeb oro.•' Skelton* to Elko. Cherry Mountain! to Lan G errlsh*!! to Franklin. Smith* to Yerington. caster. Gilboa to Keene. S tillw ater*! to Fallon. Gilford to Laconia. O hesham *!! to Keene. Sulphur*!! to Winnemucca. Chester* to Derry. * Gilmanton* to Laconia. Sunkist to Winnemucca. Chesterfield* to Brattleboro Gilmanton Iron W orks* to Sweetwater* to Bodie, Cal Farmington. V t. Gilsum* to Keene. Chichester* to Concord. G len *It to North Conway. Ghocorua* to Conway. T e c o m a *!! toElko. Claremont Ju n ction *!! to Glen C liff* !! to W oodsville Telluride to Goldfield. Glendale! to Lakeport. Claremont. Thom pson! to Yerington. Clinton GroVe to Manches Golfs Falls ! t to Man T h o r n * !! to Yerington. chester. ter. T ip p e tt* ! to E ly. Cold R iv er Station to Goftstown*! ttoManchester. T o b a r !! to Wells. G onic*! to Rochester. Bellows Falls, V t. Tiuoarora* to Elko. Gossville* to Pittsfield. Columbia to Colebrook. Connecticut Lake to Cole- Grafton*! ! to Lebanon. brook. Grafton Center * ! ! to Union to Elko. Lebanon. C on toocook*!! to Concord. Ursine to Pioche. Grange to Lancaster. Converse to Franklin. Cornish F lat* to Claremont Grantham* to Newport. Cotton Valley to Wolfeboro. Grasmere*! to Manchester. V a lm y *! to B attle M oun Crawford H ou se*! to L ittle G reenfield*!! to Peterboro. tain. ton. Greenland * !to Portsmouth. V erd i*! ! to Reno Croydon* to Newport. Greenland Depot* ttoPortsVernon* to Lovelocks. mouth. Crdydon F lat* to Newport. Virginia C ity to Carson Crystal* to Berlin. Groton* to Bristol. C ity. Guild *■ to Newport. W a b u sk a*!! to Yerington. W adsworth* t ! to Reno. Washoe* to Carson C ity. W ellington to Yerington. Dalton to Whitefield. Danbury* t ! to Franklin. Danville* to Haverhill. Mass. D avisville to Concord.- REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. Hampton F a lls *! to Newburyport, Mass. H a n co c k *!! to Peterboro. H a rris v ille *!! to Peterboro H a v e rh ill*!! to W oodsville H ayes! to Rochester. Hebron* to Bristol. Hedding* to N ew Market. H enniker! to Hillsboro. Highlands Station to Whitefield. H i l l * ! ! to Bristol. Hillsboro Low er Village * to Hillsboro. Hillsboro Upper V illage* to Hillsboro. H in sdale*!! to Winchester. Holdemess* to Plym outh. Hollis* to Nashua. H o o k s e t*!! to Manchester. Hopkinton* to Concord. Hubbards to Derry. H udson*! to Nashua. Hudson Center to Nashua. In terva le*! ! to North Con way. Jackson* to North Conway Jafirey* to East Jafirey. J efferson*!! to Whitefield. Jefferson H igh lan d*! to Whitefield 7 Kearsarge * to North Con way. Kelleyville to Newport. Kensington to Exeter. Kingston* ! to Exeter. Lakew ood! to Conway. Landaff to Lisbon. Langdon to Bellows Falls, Vt L ea vitt’s HUl* to Man chester. Lee* to N ew Market. Lee S ta tio n !! to N ew Mar ket. Lempster* to Newport. " L in c o ln * !! to Plymouth. L ittle Boarshead*! to Portsmouth. L iv e rm o re *!! to North Conway. L ock m ere*!! to Tilton. L on d on d erry*!! to Derry. Long Island* to Meredith. Loudon* to Concord. Lym an to Lisbon. Lym e* to Hanover. Lym e Centre* to Hanover Lyndeboro to M ilford. N E W HAMPSHIRE N orth Chatham* to North Conway. North Chichester* to Pitts field. North D anville* to Exeter Northfleldtt to Tilton. North H a m p to n *!! to Portsmouth. North H a verh ill*! ! to W oodsville. North Lisbon to Lisbon. N . M onroe to Woodsville. N . N ew port* to Newport! North Nottingham to New Market. North Richmond* to Win chester. North Rochester * ! to Ro chester. North Salem* to Derry. N . Sandwich* to Meredith. North Stratford to Lan caster. North Sutton* to Newport. Northumberland* f t to Groveton. N orth ville Station! to New port. N orth W a lp ole! to Bellows. Falls, V t. North W e a r e * !! to Man chester. Northwood* to Rochester/ Northwooa Center* f to Pittsfield. Northwood Narrows* to Pittsfield. Northwood Ridge* to Pittsfield. North W o o d s to c k *!! to Plymouth. Nottingham * to N ew Mar ket. Oliverian to W oodsville. Orford* to Bradford, Vt. O rfordville* to Bradford, V t. iO ss ip e e*!! to Wolfeboro. Osslpee V alley* to Conway. Parkhill* to Keene. P a tte ef to Lebanon. . Pattenville to Littleton. Pelham* to Lowell, Mass. Pembroke* to Concord. Penacook ! ! to Concord Pequaket* to Conway. Percy* t ! to Berlin. Pierce Bridge*! to Littleton Pierm ont* to Bradford, Vt. P ik e * ft to W oodsville. Pittsburg* to Colebrook. Plainfield* to Windsor, Vt. P la ls to w * !! to Haverhill, Mass. -M adbury*! to Dover. P o n em a h *!! to Milford. Potter P la c e * !! to Franklin M adison*! to Conway. M aplew ood*! to Littleton. P roflleH ou se*!lto Littleton Province Lake* to Roches M arlboro*! ! to Keene. ter. Marlboro D ep ot*tto Ketene. Marlow* to Keene. M ascom a*!! to Lebanon. Mason*! toTownsend.Mass. Quincy* to Plymouth. Mast Y a r d * !! to Concord. M a tth ew s'to W olfeboro. Randolph* to Gorham. M eadow s*! to Lancaster. Melvins Mills* to Newport. R a y m o n d *!! to Manchester M e lvin Village* to W olfe Redstone*! tto North Con way. boro. Meredith Center* to Mere- Reeds F e r r y * !! to Man chester. dith. Richmond to Winchester. Meriden* to Lebanon. R in dge*fto East Jafirey. Merrim ack*! ! to Nashua, Rlndgemere to Rochester. lddleton to Farmington, ilan* to Berlin. » R iv e rd a le *!! to Manchester Riverton* f to Lancaster. Mill Village* to Newport Robys C om er*! to Concord M ilto n *!! to Rochester. New Milton Mills* fto Rochester. Rockin gh am *!! to Market. M irror Lake* to W olfeboro Monadnock* to Keene. R olllnsfordf to Salmon Falls. Monroe* to W oodsville. Moultonboro* to Meredith. R u m n ey*! to Plymouth. M oultonville * t to W olfe Rumney Depot to P ly boro. mouth. M ountainview *!! to W olfe R ye* to Portsmouth. R y e Beach * t to Ports boro. mouth. Mount Sunapee*! to N ew R y e N orth Beach* to Ports port. mouth. Mount Vernon * to Milford. Mount W ashington*! to Salem* to Methuen, Mass. Whitefield. Mount W hittier Stationfto Salem D ep ot*! to Methuen, Mass. Conway. Salisbury* to Franklin. Munsonville’ to Keene. Salisbury Heights to Frank lin. N ew B oston*! ! to Man Sanbomton* to Tilton.^ chester. SanbornvUle*!! to W olfe boro. N e w b u ry *!! to Newport. N ew Castle * !to Portsmouth Sandown*! to Derry, i N ew D u rh a m *!! to Farm Sandwich* to Meredith. ington. Sawyer R iver Station! to North Conway. Newflelds’ t t t o N ew Market N ew Hampton* to Bristol. S eab ro ok *!! to Newburyport. Mass. N ew ington to Portsmouth. N ew Ipswich • to Town S h elbu rne*!! to Gorham. send, Mass. Sw rley H ill Station to M an chester. N ew London* to Franklin. N ew to n *! to Merrimac, Short F a lls *! to Pittsfield. Silver L a k e * ! to Conway. Mass. Newton J u n ction *!! to Smithtown* to Newburyport. Mass. Mefrimac, Mass. H a lcyon ! to Franklin. N orth Branch to Hillsboro Sm ithville* to Townsend, H am pstead!! to Derry. Mass. North C harlestow n*!! to H a m p to n *!! to Exeter. Snowville* to Conway. Charlestown. Hampton Beach to Exeter. * Money (? 11 Offlc^ce. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Offiee. NEW HAMPSHIRE S. Acworth* to Charlestown South Barrington to Dover. S. D anbury*! to Franklin. South Danville* to H aver hill. Mass. South Deerfield* to Man chester. S. Effingham* to W olfeboro South HamDton to Amesbury. Mass. South Keene t to Keene. S. Kingston to Merrimac, TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Wllm ot Flat* to Franklin W llton*t to Milford. Windham to Derry.' Windham Depot • 11 to Derry. Wlnnlsquam to Laconia. W inona*tt to Meredith W olfeboro Falls* to W olfe boro. Woodman* to Wolfeboro. Woodstock*! t toPlymouth, South L ee *tto N ew M arket S. Lyndeboro*! to M ilford. S. M errim ack*! to Nashua. S. New bury* to New port. South Seabrook to Newburyport, Mass. South Sutton* to Newport. S. Tam worth* to Conway. S. Weare* to Manchester. S. Wolfeboro* to W olfeboro Spoflord* to Keene. Springfield* to Newport. Stark*! to Groveton. Starrklng*to Lancaster. State Line* to Winchendon. Mass. Stewartstown to Oolebrook. Stinson Lake* to Plymouth. Stoddard* to Hillsboro. Strafford* to Rochester. Stratford* to Groveton. Stratham* to N ew Market. Sugar H ill* ! to Lisbon. Sunapee* to New port. Surry* to Keene. Sutton* to Newport. Swainboro to Plymouth. Swanzey* to Keene. Swlftwater to W oodsville N E W JERSEY Absecon Heights* to Absecon. Adamston* to Point Pleas ant. A delphla*! to Freehold. Albion Placet to Paterson. Aldenett to Roselle. Aldine to Elmer. A llairett to Manasquan. A llam u chy*tt to Hackettstown. A llendale*tt to Ramsey. Allenhurst*tt to Asbury Park. AUenwood*tt to Manas quan. Alliance* ;to Vineland. A llo w a y *tt to Salem. Almonesson to Wpodbury. A lp h a *tt to Philllpsburg. Alpine* to Closter. Am atol to Rammonton. Am perett to Newark. Tamworth* to Oonway. Temple* to Townsend. Mass. The W eirs*t to Lakeport. Thornton to Plym outh. Tnomtons Ferry * ! ! to Nashua. '*'roy*tt to Keene. Twin Mountain* t t to L it tleton. Anderson to Washington. Andovert t to Newton. Anglesea*T! to Wildwood. Annandale*tt to High Bridge. Anthony to Callfon. Applegarth to Hlghtstown. Applegates Corner to Bridgeton. Ardena to Freehold. Asbury* to Bloomsbury. Ashland*tt to Haddonfleld Union*Tt to Rochester. A tc o * tt to Berlin. Unity* to Claremont. A thenia*tt to Passaic. A ts !o n *ti to Hammonton. Auburn* to Swedesboro. Wadley’s Falls to N ew Audubon*tt to Haddon Market. Heights. Wakjefleld*t to W olfeboro. A ugusta*tt to Branchville. Warner*! t to Concord. A ura*t to Glassboro. W arren*tt to Plymouth. . A v a lo n *tt to Ocean City. Washington* to Hillsboro, Avenel* to Rahway. Water Village* to W olfe A vo n tt to Belmar. boro. Avon-by-the-Sea* to Bel W atervllle* to Plym outh. mar. Weare* to Manchester. WebbTt to Keene. Webster td Concord. Wendell* to Newport. Baleville* to Newton. Baptlstown* to FrenchW en tw orth *tt to Plym outh. town. Wentworth Location* to Barbertown to Frenchtown. Colebrook. Bamegat C lty *t to Baroegat. West A lton * t to Laconia. West Andover* 11 to Frank Barnegat P ie rtt to Toms River. lin. West Barrington to Roch- Bamesboro to Woodbury. cester. Barrington*! to Haddon Heights. West boro to W hite River Junction, Vt. B artley*! t to Hackettstown. West Brentwood to Exeter. W. Campton* to Plymouth. Basking R ldge*Tt to BerW. Canaan*tt to Lebanon. nardsvllle. West Chesterfield • to B assett*tt to Woodstown. Batsto to Egg Harbor City. Brattleboro, Vt. W. Claremont* to Clare B ayhead*tt to Point Pleas mont. t ant. W. C oncord!! to Concord. Bayville* to Toms River. West Epplng’ t to N ew B ay W a y to Elizabeth. Market. Beachhaven*tt to Tuckerton. West Hampstead* to Derry W. H enniker*! to Hillsboro Beach Haven Terrace! to W. Hopkinton* to Hillsboro Barnegat. West Lebanon*! to W hite Beatyestown* to Hackettstown. River Junction, Vt. Beaufort to Caldwell. West M ila n *tt to Berlin. Beaver L a k e !it o Hamburg Westmoreland* to Keene. Westmoreland Depot* T to Beaverrun to Hamburg. Bedminster* to BemardsKeene. vllle. West Nottingham to New Beemerville* to Sussex. Market. Beesleys Point*t to Ocean West Osslpee*tt Conway. City. W. Peterboro* to Peterboro W estport*!! to Winchester. Belford*Tt to Atlantio Highlands. West Rin dge*! to Winchendon. Mass. Bellem ead*!t to Somer ville. W . R u ffin ey*!! to P ly m B elleplaine*!t to M illville. outh. v West R ye* to Portsmouth. Bellmawr to Haddon Heights. West Salisbury* to Franklin W. Springfield* to N ew port Bergen Point 1 to Bayonne. West Stew artstow n*tt to Berkeley Heights* to Sum mit. Colebrook. West Swanzey*Tt to Keene Berkley Arms to Toms River. W. T h orn to n *!! to P lym Berkshire Valley to Dover. outh. W estvllle’ t t to Haverhill. Bethlehem to Bloomsbury. Bevans* to Brcnchville. Mass. Billingsportt to Paulsboro. West W ilton to Milford. W. W indham *tt to Nashua B irm ingham *tt to Mount Holly. Whiteface* to Meredith. Bissell to Callfon. Whittier* to Conway. B iva lve*t to Port Norris. W llm ot* to Franklin. REFERENCE KEY. 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s'County Seat. Blackwells M ills to N ew Brunswick. Blair to Newton. Blawenburg* to Hopewell. Bloom lngdale*! to Butler. Blue Anchor* to Willlamstown. B ogota!t to Hackensack. Bonhamtown to N ew Brunswick. Bougher* to Moorestown. Braddock to Williamstown. Bralnards* to Beividere. Branchpoint! ! to Longbranch. Brant Beachtt to Barnegat. B rldgeboro*! to Riverside. Bridgeport (Burlington Co.) to Tuckerton. B rldgeport • 11 ( Gloucester Co.) to Swedesboro. Brldgevllle’ t t to Beividere. B rlelle*! to Manasquan. B roadw ay*!! to Washing ton .' Brookdale! to Bloomfield. Brookslde* to Morristown. Brookville to Barnegat. Brown M ills *! to Pember ton. Buckshutem to Port Norris. Budd L a k e*! to Netcong. Buddtown to Vincentown. B uena*tt to Vineland. B urleigh*!! to Cape M a y Burrsvlile to Lakewood. Buttzville* 11 to Beividere. Byram t to Frenchtown. Oam pgaw*!t to Ridgewood Canton*! to Salem. Cape May Point* to Cape May. Carlton H lll*T t to Passalo. Carmel* to Bridgeton. Carneys Point* to Penns Grove. CarpentersvUle*tt to Phillipsburg. C arteret*!! to Roosevelt. CassvUle* to Lakewood. Cecil to Williamstown. Cedar Bridge to Lakewood. C edarbrook*!! to Williams town. Cedar Creek to Toms River. Cedar Crest * to Toms River. Cedargrove*! to Montclair. Cedar Lake to Williams town. Cedarrun*t to Tuckerton. Cedarville’ t to Bridgeton. Centertont (Burlington Co.) to Moorestown. Centerton*! (Salem Co.) to Elmer. Centervlllet! to Flemlngton Chadwick! to Point Pleasant Chambersburg to Trenton. Changewater* 11 to Wash ington. Chapel H ill to Atlantic Highlands. Charlotteburgtt to Butler. Chatham* t ! to Madison. Chatsworth*!! to Pember ton. Cheesequake to Matawan. Cherry H illtt to Hacken sack. Cherryvllle* to Flemlngton. Chesilhurst*!t to Berlin. Chester*! t to Dover. Chesterfield* to Bordentown. Chews* to Blackwood. Chrom e*! to Roosevelt. Clnnaminson*t to Riverton Clarksboro’ Tt to Paulsboro Clarksburg* to Hlghtstown. Claysville to Salem. Clerm ont*! to Ocean City. Cliffside Park to Edgewater Cllflwood*t to Matawan. Cloverhill* to Flemington. Cohansey to Bridgeton. Cokesbury* to High Bridge. Coldspring* t to Cape May. Colesville* to Sussex. Colliers M ills to N ew Egypt. Cologne*tt to E gg Harbor City. Colts N eck* to Freehold. Columbia*Tt to Blairstown. Columbus* t t to Bordentown. Columbus H eightstt to Paterson. Communipawtt to Jersey City. Como t t to Springlake. Cookstown*Tt to Mount Holly. Cooksville to Bloomsbury. Copperhlll to Flemington. Cornish to Beividere C oytesville*!! to Fort Lee. Cramer H ill! to Camden. Cranbury Station* it o Cranbury. Creamridge* t ! to Allen town. * Money Order Office. C ressklll*!! to Tenafly. Cross Keys* to Williams town. Crosswicks* to Bordentown Croton* to Flemington. Crystallake*! to Pompton Lakes. Culver to Bamegat. Culvers to Branchville. D a C osta! to Hammonton. Daretown*t to Elmer. D avis! to Allentown. D ayton*t t to Cranbury, . Deacons Station to Bur lington. Deal Beach*! to Asbury Park. D eans!! to N ew Brunswick. Deckertown! to Sussex. Deerfield Street* to Bridgeton. D ela ir*tt to MerchantvUle. Delanco’ t ! to Riverside. Deiawanna*! to Passaic. N E W JERSEY 1889 Gallia to Plainfield. G arw ood*tt to Cranford. Georgetown* to Borden town. German V a lle y * tt to Haokettstown. Gibbsboro * to Haddon fleld. Glbbstown’ t t to Paulsboro Gillette* t to Summit. Gladstone * T t to W hite House Station. Glendola to Belmar. Glen Gardner*tt to Hlgbbrldge. Glenmoore*tt to Hopewell. Glen R o c k !! to Ridgewood. Glenwood*t to Goshen, N. Y. Goshen*tt to Cape May. Grand View (Bergen Co.) to Hackensack. Grandview! (Somerset Co.) to Somerville. Grantwood*T to Edgewater Grasselll*t to Elizabeth. Great M ead ow *tt to Hackettstown. Great N otcht to L ittle Falls G reenbank* Egg H ar bor City. Greencreek*! to Cape M a y . Greenpond to Dover. Greenvillage*! to Madison. Green vlllett (Hudson Co.) to Jersey C ity. Greenwich*tt to Bridgeton. Grenloch*tt to Blackwood. Grlggstown* to Princeton. Grover to Flemington. Groveville* to Bordentown. D elaw are*tt to Beividere. Delmont* to Millville. /Demarest’ t t to Closter. ' Dennisville*tt to Ocean City. D enville*! t to Boonton. Dias C reek*tt to Cape May C. H . D ividing Creek* to Port Norris. Dobbins* to Burlington. Dorchester* t to Millville. D oroth y*!t to Millville. Downer* to Glassboro. Drake8 town to Hackettstown. H alnesbu rg*t! to Blairs D udley! to Camden. town. Dundee L a k e *! to Paterson Hainesport * t to Mount Dutchneck* to Princeton H olly. Hainesvllle* to Branchville. H aledon*! to Paterson. East Long Brancht to Long Haledon Borough to P a t Branch. erson. E. M illsto n e*!! to Somer Haleyville * to Port ville. Norris. * East Paterson* to Paterson Halsey * 11 to Newton. East Rahway to Roosevelt. Hamden to Clinton. East Rutherford! to Ru Hamilton Square* to Tren therford. ton. Eayrestown to Mount H olly H am pton*t! to High Bridge Echo Lake* to Butler. Hancocks Bridge * to Sa Edgewater^Park*! to Bev lem. erlyHanover* to Madison. Edinburg to Hlghtstown. Hanover Neck to Madison. Biberon* t ! to Long Branoh Harbourton* to Lambert* E ld o r a * !! to Cape May. vllle. Eluridges H ill! to Woods H ardingvllle! to Glassboro. town. Harlingen* to Hopewell. Ellzabethport t to Eliza HarmersvUle* to Salem. beth. Harm ony* to Philllpsburg. Elllsburgt to Haddonfleld. H arrington*! to Closter. Elllsdale to Allentown. Harrisonvllle* to W oods E lm * tt to Hammonton. town. E lw o o d *tt to Egg Harbor Harrisonville Station to City. Woodstown. Em erson*!! to Westwood H a rtfo rd * !! to Moorestown English Creek to M ays Hasbrouck H eights*Tt to Landing. Hackensack. Erlal to Berlin. Haskell*! to PomptonLakes Erm a*t to Cape May. H a w orth *tt to Closter. Essex Fells* t i to Caldwell. Hawthorne* ! to Paterson. Etra* to Hlghtstown. Hazent to Beividere. Everett* to Red Bank. Hazlet* T! to Matawan. Evetittstown to French Heislerville*Tt to Millville. town. H elm ettat! to Jamesburg. Evesborot to Moorestown. H e w it t* !! to Butler. Ewan* to Glassboro. Hibernia* to Dover, Ewingville to Trenton. Highland Park i to New Brunswick. Highlands* t ! to Sea Bright Fairfield to Caldwell. High Point* to Barnegat. Fair Haven* to Red Bank. Hlghwood’ t to Englewood. F air L a w n * !! to Paterson. Hillsboro to Somerville. Falrmount* (Bergen Co. Hillsdale* t ! to Westwood. to Hackensack. H ilton *! to Newark. Falrmount * (Hunterdon Hohoku 8 * t ! to Ridgewood. Co.) to Callfon. Holland to Milford. F airton*! to Bridgeton. H olly Beach to W ildwood. F a ir v le w *!! (Bergen Co.) Holmdel* to Keyport. to Hackensack. Holmeson to Allentown. Fairview (Burlington Co.) H om estead!! to W est H o-, to Riverside. boken F a n w o o d *!! to Plainfield. Hopatcongt to Netcong. Far H ills * !! to Bemards- Homerstown* 1 1 to Allen ville. town. F ieldsboro*t! to Borden Houses* to Newton. town. H ow ell! ! to Freehold. Flndeme*T to Somerville. Hudson H eights*! to GutFlnesvlde* to Bloomsbury. tenberg. Huntsville* to Newton. ' Fishing Creek*t to Cape H urffvillet to W oodbury. May. Hyson to Lakewood. F lagtow n *!! to Somerville. Flanders! * ! to Dover. Flatbrookvllle* to Newton. Idell to Frenchtown. Florham Park* to Madison. Idlewood* to MaysLandlng. F olsom *tt to Hammonton. Im laystown * ! to A llen Fords* to Woodbridge. town. Forked R iv e r * !! to Tom s Indian M ills*! to Medford. River. Io n a * !! to Clayton. Fortescue* to Bridgeton. Ironia* ! to Dover. Frankfort to Somerville. Iselin* t ! to Rahway. Franklin to Hamburg. Island H eig h ts*!! to Tom s Franklin Furnace * t t to River. Hamburg. Franklin Park* -to New Brunswick. Jacksonville ! - to Mount H olly. Franklinville*Ti to Clayton Fredon to Newton. Jacobstown* to N ew E gypt F ren eau *ti to Matawan. J anvier! to W illiam stown. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1890 N E W JERSEY JeHers to Pleasantvllle. Jefferson to Mulllca Hill. Jericho! to Bridgeton. Jerseyville to Freehold. J o b s t o w n * 1 t to M o u n t Holly. Johnsonburg * t to Blalratown Jullustow n'i to Pemberton Junction to High Bridge. Ju tla n d*ft to Clinton. Kaighns P o in t! to Camden Karrsvllle to Washington. Kearneytt to Harrison. Keasbey* to Perth Am boy. K enilw orth*! ! to Cranlord. K e n v ll* t t to Dover. Klngslandtt to Lyndhurst. K in gs to n *t! to Princeton. Klngwood to Frenchtown. K inkora t t to Bordentown. K irk w ood*! i to Haddonfleld. Knowlton to Blalrstown. Kresson! to Moorestown. Masonville*! 1 to Moores town. Maurer*! it o Perth Am boy. M aurice R iv e r * !! to, Po rt Norris. Mauricetown * ! to Po rt Norris. Mayetta (to Tuckerton. M a y w o o d *!! to HackenMcAfee Valley* burg. to Ham MoKee C ity * ! to Atlantic City. Mendham *! to Morristown. Menlo Park* 1 to Metuchen. Mercerville* to Trenton. Metedeconk to Lakewood. M lokleton*! to Woodbury. Mlddlebush* ! ! to N e w Brunswick. M iddletow n*! I to A tlantic Highlands. Middletown Station to Salem. Middle V alley* 1 ! to Califon. L a fa y e tte * !! to Branchville Lake Como* t to Sprlnglake. M iddlevilie* to Newton. M idland P a r k * !! to R idge Lake Denmark to M ilford. wood. Lake H opatcong! to Dover M id v a le * !t to Pom pton Lakeh u rst*!! to Tom s Lakes. River. ' M ilhurst to Freehold. L a k e v le w ll to Paterson. Laminaron to W hite House Mlllbrook to Blalrstown. Milldale to Dover. Station. Millham ! to Trenton. L a n din g*! to Netcong. Landlsville* ! t to Vineland. Millington* 11 to Bemardsville. Lanoka* to Tom s River. Laurel S p rin gs*it to Had- M illstone*! to Somerville. M llm a y *!! to Mays Land donfleld. ing. Laurelton to Lakewood. La va llette *! to Poin t Pleas Milton to Dover. Minebrook to Bernardsville ant. M inehill to Dover. Law nside*! to Haddon Minlsinkt to Dover. Heights. Lawrence Station t to Tren Mizpah* 1 to Mays Land ing. ton. Lawrenceville* to Trenton. M oe* to Butler. Monmouth Beach ! I to Layton* to Branchville. Long Branch. L eb a n o n *it to HighBrldge. Monmouth Junction * ! ! to L ed g e w o o d *!! to Dover. Jamesburg. Leeds Point* to PleasantMonroe* ! to Hamburg. ville. M on roeville*tt to Elm er. L ee sb u rg *!! to Millville. Montague to Milford. Pa. Leonardo*to Atlantic High M ontgom ery to Flemington lands. M o n tv a le *!t to P earl R iver L e o n ia * !t to Englewood. N. Y. Leonla Heights to F ort Lee. Lew lstow n it to Pemberton. ontville* to Boonton. L ib erty Corner* to Ber M Morgan v ille * !it o Matgwan. nardsville.M om s Plains*! ! to Morris L in coln *! to Boundbrook. town. Lincoln P a rk *tt to Boonton M orsem erett to Edgewater. Llncroft* to Red Bank. Mountain Lakes! to BoonL in d e n * !! to Elizabeth. ton. Lindenw old*t to Berlin. M ountainside* to W estfield Linvale to Hopewell. Linwood* ! to Pleasant- M ou n tain vlew *!! to L ittle FaUs. vllle. L ittle F erry* t i t o Ridgefield Mountain vllle* to Calif on. . M ountairytto Lam bertville Park. L ittle S ilver*! ttoR ed Bank Mount Arlington * to Dover. L ittle Y ork* to Bloomsbury M ount B eth el! to Plainfield. L ivin gsto n *! to Orange. Locktow n i to Flemington. Mount E p h ra im *!! to Haddonfield. Locust Point to Atlantic Mount Freedom ’ tto Dover Highlands. Longhil Ito Summit. L o n g p o rt*!t to Ventnor Mount Hermon to Blalrs town. C ity. M ount Hope to D over. Lorillard to K eyport. M o u n t- Laurel to Moores Lorrain e! to Roselle. town. Louden * !to Berlin. Low er B an k*! to Egg Har Mount Olive* to Netcong. M ount Pleasant to M ilford. bor City. Low er Jamesburg ! to M ount R elief to Pemberton Mount Rose to Hopewell. Jamesburg. Low er Squankum to Farm- Mount R oya l* ! to Paulsboro. ingdale. M ount T a b o r !! to M orris Ludlow t ! to Bloomsbury. town. ~ L u m b erton *!! to Mt. H olly Murray H ill * ! to Summit. L y o n s *! to Bernardsville. Lyons Farm s! to Elizabeth. I Magnolia * ! ! to HaddonHeights. M a h w a h *!tto Suffem .N.Y. Main A ven u e! to Vineland. M a la g a *!! to Vineland. M anahaw kln*!! to Tuckerton. Manalapan* to Engllshtown. M a n tolok ln g*!! to Point PleasSht. M antua*! to Woodbury. Manum uskini! to Millville. M a n v illett to Bound Brook Mapleshade*! to Moores town. M aplew ood*! to S. Orange. M arcella* to Dover. M argate C ity to Atlantic C ity. M arlon! to Jersey City. M arksboro*!! to Blairstown. M a rlb o ro *!! to Freehold. M a rlto n *!! to Moorestown. Marmora* ! to Ocean City. M arshallville to Salem. Martins CrCek S ta tio n !! to Belvid ere. M artinsville* to Somerville. National Park* to W ood bury. N aughright*' to Hackettstown. "Navesink*! to Atlantic Highlands. Nelsonville* to Allentown. Nesco to Hammonton. Neshanic*! to Somerville. Neshanlc S ta tio n * !! to Somerville. Netherw ood! to Plainfield. N ew Bedford to Belm ar, N ew Bridge to Hackensack. N ew D u rh am *!! to W est Hoboken. N ew fleld’ t i to Vineland. N ew fou n d lan d *!! to Butler N ew Germantown*! to W h ite House Station N ew Gretna* to Tuckerton N ew Ham pton*to Washing ton. N ew L isb o n *!! to Pem ber ton. N ew m a rk e t*!!to Dunellen. N ew M ilfo r d * !! to Hacken sack. N ew O ranget! to Cranford. N ew oort*T to P o rt Norris. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. N ew P rov id e n ce *! to Sum P o m o n a!! to Egg Harbor City. mit. N ew Sharon* to Allentown. P o m p to n *!! to Pom pton Lakes. N e w to w n !! to Allentown. Pompton P la in s * !! to N ew Vernon* to Madison. Butler. N ew V illa g e *! to PhlllipsPom pton Station to Pom p burg. ton Lakes. Nolans P o lq tt to Dover. Po rt Colden* to Washing N o rd h o ff!! to Englewood. ton. N o r m a * !i to Vineland. Port E liz a b e th * !! to Mill Normandle-by-the Sea to ville. Sea Bright. N . Arlington to Arlington. P o rt M ercer to Princeton. North Asbury P a rk ! to Port Monmouth*! ! to A t lantic Highland?. Asbury Park. N orth B ergen*! to W est Po rt M orris*! to Netcong. Port M u r r y * !! to Washing Hoboken. ton. N orth B ranch*!! to Somer Port Oram to Dover. ville. North Branch Depot* to Port R ead in g*! to Woodbridge. Somerville. North Cramers H ill! to P ork Republic* to Pleasantvilie. Camden. Northfield • ! to Pleasant- Potterstow n to W hite House Station. ville. North H ackensack *!! . to Pottersvllle • to W hite House Station. Hackensack. North Haledon to Paterson. Preakness to Pompton Lakes. North Ham m onton! to Princeton J u n ction *!! to Hammonton. Princeton. North Longbranch ! to Prospect Park B orough! to Long Branch. Paterson. Northm ont to Haddon Prospect P la in s*! it o James Heights. N . P a terson *!! to Paterson. burg. Hights N . Pla infield! to Plainfield Prospertown to town. North v a le * ! to Closter. N o r w o o d * !! to Closter. Quakertown* to Fleming ton. Quarry v llle * ! to Sussex. Oakdale to Lambertville. Q u in to n *!! to Salem. Oakgrove to Flemington. Oakhurst* to Long Branch O aklan d*!! to Pompton R a n coca s*!to Mount H olly Lakes. R a ve n ro ck *!! to Lam bert O a k lyn *!! to Haddon ville. Heights. Readington* to Somerville. Oak R id g e * !! to Butler. Reaville* to Flemington. Oak Tree* to Plainfield. Ocean Gate * ! 1 to Toms Redlion to Vlncentown. R ed V alley to Allentown. River. Repaupo to Swedesboro. Oceanic* to Sea Bright. Rhode H all to Jamesburg. Oceanport * to Long Richfield! to Passaic. Branch. R ic h la n d *!! to Mays Land O cean vlew *!!. to Ocean ing. City. R lc h w o o d *!! to Glassboro. Oceanville* to Absecon. Ogdensburg*! ! to Ham R id g efield *!! to Ridgefield Park. burg. Old B r id g e *!! to South Riegelsvfile* i to Phillipsburg. . River. R ileyville to Hopewell. O ra d ell*!! to Westwood. Orange V a lle y !! to Orange. R in goes*! to Flemington. Rlngwood Manor ! ! to Oriental to Vlncentown. Pom pton Lakes. Ormond* to M illville. Orston! to Haddon Heights R io Grande* ! ! to Cape May Osbomsvllle * to Point R is le y * !! to Mays Landing. Rlsleyville to Pleasantvllle. Pleasant. R lverd a le*! to Butler. Overbrook to Haddon R iver E d g e * !! to H acken Heights. sack. O x fo rd *! to Washington. Oxford Furnace to Wasn- Rivervale to Westwood. Roadstown* to Bridgeton. ington. Robbinsvllle * ! ! to A llen town. Robertsford to Garfield. Pa la tin e*! to Elmer. P a lerm o *ft to Ocean City. Rochelle P a r k * !! to Hack ensack. Palisade*! to Edgewater. Palisades P a r k * !! to Edge- Rockport to Hackettstown. Rocksburg* to Belvidere. water. Rocktown to Hopewell. Palm yra* to Riverton. R ocky H ill* ! to Princeton. Pam ranot to Bayonne. Roebllng* it o Burlington. Papakatlng* to Sussex. Rosedale* t to Hammonton. Parker to Califon. Parkertow n*! to Tuokerton. Roseland* to Caldwell. Park R id g e * !! to Pearl Roselle P a r k ! to Roselle. Rosemont* to Lam bertville R iver, N . Y . Rosenhayn* ! i to Bridgeton. Parlin • t to South River. R jim son*! to Sea Bright. Parry to Riverton. Runnymede to Blackwood. Parsippanny to Boonton. Pattenburg* ! ! to Clinton. Pavonia Station! to Cam den. Saddle R iver* to R id g e P e ap ack *!! to W h ite House wood. Station,. Sandbrook* to Flemington. Sayerville* ! to South Peerm ont* to Ocean City. River. Peetzb u rg*!to Hackensack. Pennsville* to Salem. Schooleys M ou n ta in *! to Hackettstown. Pensauken toM erchantville Pequannock*! to Paterson. S cobeyvllle*! to Red Bank. Perrineville* to Hightstown Scotch Plain s*! to Plainfield. Petersbu rg*!! to Tuckahoe. Scullville* to Pleasantvllle. Phalanx* to R ed Bank. S e a g ir t* !! to Manasquan. P ic to n * !! to Westfield. Pleroes*!toCape M ay C. H.. Sea Isle C it y * !! to Ocean City. Pine B each*!to Toms R iver. Seaside to Sea Bright. Pinebrook* to Caldwell. Piscataway to N ew Bruns Seaside Heights to Toms River. wick. Seaside P a r k * !! to Toms P ittsg rove*! to Elmer. R iver. P ittsto w n *! to Clinton. Plain 8 b o r o * t! to Princeton. Seeley! to Bridgeton. Sergeantsville* to Flem ing Plaudervllle to Garfield. ton. f Pleasantdale* to Orange. Pleasant Grove to Califon. S e w a ren *!! to Woodbridge. Pleasant Mills to E gg Har Sewell* t t to Woodbury. Shadyside! to Edgewater. bor City. Pleasantrun to W hiteHouse Sharon Station to Allen town. Station. Pleasure B a y ! ! to Long Sharptown • to Woods town. Branch. Pluckemin* to Somerville. Shiloh* to Bridgeton. Polntville* to Bordentown. Shimers! to Phillipsburg. Short H ills * !! to Summit. Pole Tavern to Elmer. Shrewsbury * !Ito R e d B ank. Polkville to Blalrstown. Pomerania * to E gg H ar Sicklervllle* to Willlamstown. bor City._________________ •Money Order Offiee. ! Telegraph Station. N E W JERSEY Sidney to Clinton. Silver Lake* to Bloomfield. Silverton* to Tom s River. ’ Singac*! to L ittle Falls. S k lllm a n *!! to Hopewell. Smlthburg to Freehold. Smith M ills* to Butler, t Smiths Landing to Pleasantville. Smith v ille * ! ! (Burlington Co.) to Mount HollyV Smithville (Monmouth Co.) to Freehold. Somers Point* ! to Ocean City. Southard to Lakewood. S. B ergen! to Jersey City. South Boundbrook* to Boundbrook. Southbranch* to Somer ville. S. D en n is*!i to Ocean City. S. Pla in field *!! to Plainfield S. S eav ille*!! to Cape May C. H . ✓ S. V in elan d *!! to Vineland. Sparta* ! ! to Newton. Sp otsw ood*!!to Jamesburg Springfield*! ! to Mlllburn, Springtown! to Blooms bury. Spring V alley to Hacken sack. Squankan Station to Farmingdale. Stafford ville* to Tuckerton. • Stanhope*! to Netcong. Stanley*! to Summit. S tan ton *!! to W h ite House Station. Stanwickt! to Moorestown. Steelmanville to Pleasantville. Stephensburg*to Hacketts town. Sterling Forest * ! ! to War wick. N. Y . Stew artsville*tfto Blooms bury. Stewartsvllle Station to Bloomsbury. Still V alley to Bloomsbury. Stillwater* ! ! to Newton. Stirling* ! ! to Bernardsville Stockholm* ! ! to Hamburg. Stockton*! to Lambertville Stoneharbor* ! ! to Ocean City. Stovers M ills to Flemington Stratford* ! ! to Haddon Heights. Strathmere to Ocean City. Succasunna*! to Dover. Summerfleld to Asbury Park Sunnyside* to Clinton. Surf* to Bam egat. S w aln ton *!! to Cape May, C. H. Swartswood* to Newton. Sykesvllle to Bordentown. Tabernacle! to Vlncentown Tabor* to Morristown. Tan sboroll to Berlin, Tean ecktt to Hackensack. Tennent*! to Engllshtown. Thorofare* to Woodbury. Three Bridges* !1 to F le m -. ington. Tlnton Falls to Red Bank. Titusville i to Lam bert ville. Totow a Borough to Pater son. To w a co*! to Boonton. Tow n ley to Westfield. Tow nsbury*! to Hacketts town. Townsends In let* to Ocean City. Tra n q u ility*! to Newton. Trem ley to Elizabeth. Trenton J u n ction *!! to Trenton. Tum ersville* to Woodbury. U n d e rc liff!! to Ridgewood. U n ion *! to Elizabeth. .Union H1UÜ to Tow n of * ; Union. upper Macopln* to Butler. Upper M o n tc la ir!! to M ont clair. V a il* !! to Blalrstown. Vallsburg! to Newark. V a lley! to Bloomsbury. Vanderburg* to Freehold. Vanhisevilie* to Lakewood. Vauxhall* to Mlllburn. V e rn o n *!! to Hamburg. Vienna* to Hackettstown. Villa Park* to Sprlnglake. V u lcanite!! to Phillipsburg W ading R iv e r * ! to Swedes boro. W aldw ick *! ! to Ridgewood W all to Belmar. W allingtont! to Passaic. WallpackCenter* to Branch ville. fExpress Office» NEW JERSEY Walnut Grove to Dover. Walnut Valley to Blalratown. Wanamassa to Asbury Park W anaque*}} to Pompton Lakes. W a retow n *}} to Bamegat. Warren Paper Mills* to Bloomsbury. Warrenpolnt* to Paterson. Warrenvllle* t to'Plainfield. Washingtons Orossingtt to Lambertville. Washingtonvlllett to New* ton. Watchung’ t to Plainfield. Waterford W orks* to Ham* monton. * Waterloo* to Netcong. W a y n e*}} to Pom pton , Lakes. Wayside to Long Branch. W eehawken*}} to Hoboken Weehawken P. O. to Town o f Union. Wenonah’ Tt to Woodbury. Wertsville to Flemington. West B e rlin *}} to Berlin. W. Cape M a y * } to Cape M ay. W. Collingswoodtt to Col- lingswood. W estcreek*tt to Tuckerton. West Elizabeth to* Eliza beth. West End to Long Branch. West Englewood t t to En glewood. West Fort L ee to F ort Lee. West Freehold to Freehold. West Grove to AsburyPark. West Long Branch* toLong Branch. West Milford* to Butler. Westmont* to Haddonfleld. West Moorestown to Moorestown. West N orw o od *tt toCloster W eston*tt to Somerville. W- Paterson*} to Paterson. Pointpleasant to Point Pleasant. W. P o r t a l* }} to Blooms bury. West S u m m it*! to Summit. W. View to Ridgefield Park. W eym outh} to Mays Land ing. W harton*tt to Dover. . W hlppany*} to Morristown. White H i l l } } to Bor dentown. White Horse to .Trenton. W hitehouse*} to W hite House Station. Whltesboro*} to Cape May C. H. . W hitesville*t to Lakewood. Whitins?*tt to Tom s River. Wilbur to Trenton. WUburtha’ t t to Trenton. Wildwood Crest! to W ild wood. W illow grove to Vineland. W indsor*! to Hightstown. Winslow* to Hammonton. W oodbine*! t to Millville. Woodbury Helghts*Tt to Woodbury. W oodcllflt to Guttenberg. Woodcllfi L a k e * tt to W estwood. Woodglenn to Califon. Woodlynnet to Camden. Woodmansietto Pemberton Woodport to Dover. Wood R id g e * }} to Carlstadt. W oodrufft to Bridgeton. Woodsville* to Hopewell. W o rten d y k e*}! to Ridge wood. W yok off*! t to Ridgewood. Wykertown to Branchville. Y srd ville*t tto Bordentown Y orktow n * t to Woodstown. Zlngsem to Hackensack. Zion* to Hopewell. \ N E W M E X IC O A bbotttt to Roy. Ablqulu* to Santa Fe. Abo to Belen. A om o*tt to Roswell. Acomita to Albuquerque. Adelino* Albuquerque. A d e n * }} to Demlng. Alameda* to Albuquerque. Albert* to R oy. Alcalde* to Santa Fe. Algodones* to Albuquerque Alma* to Silver City. Amistad* to Nara V isa .____ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Anpho*tt to Carrlzozo. Elkins* to Henna. Animas* to Lordsburg. E l R ito* to Santa Fe. Anton Chico* to Las Vegas. E l Vado to Pagosa Springs, Arabela to Roswell. Elvira to F ort Sumner. Aragon* to Magdalena. Em ery G ap! to Des Moines Arm ijo to Albuquerque. Em zy to Portales. A rrey* to Hillsboro. Endee*+t to Tucumcari. Arroyo Hondo* to Taos. E n g le *!} to San Marcial. Arroyo Seco* to Taos. Ensenada to Pagosa Springs, Atoka to Artesia. Colo. Aurora to W agon Mound. Eunice* to Carlsbad. A vis* to Alamogordo. Fairview *! to San Marcial. Fayw ood*.to Silver City. Field to Melrose. Baca to Albuquerque. F ie rro *!t to Silver City. Bacavllle* to Belen. Flora Vista* to Aztec. B ald y*} to Cimarron. ' F loyd* to Portales. Ballejos to Albuquerque. F olsom *!} to Des Moines. Bard C ity to Tucumcan. Forrest to Melrose. Barney* to Clayton. Fort Bayard* t to Silver City Barranca Station to Taos. Fort Selden to Las Cruces. B a y a rd }} to Silver City. Fort Stanton*! to Carrlzozo Beenham* to Clayton. ren ch *!! to Springer. Bell Ranch* to Tucumcari. F Frisco* to Magdalena. Bellview* to Clovis. Fruitland* to Farmington. B ent*t to Tularosa. Berlno* to Las CrucesBern4rdo*t to Belen. G age*! to Demlng. Bibo* to Albuquerque. Galisteo* to Santa Fe. Blackrock* to Gallup. Gallina* to Santa Fe. Blanoo* to Aztec. Gardiner* to Raton. B land*t to Albuquerque. Garfield* to Las Cruces. Bloomfield* to Aztec. Gibson*! to Gallup. Blossburg to Raton. Gila* to Silver City. Bluewater*ft to Albuquer Gladstone* to Maxwell. que. Glencoe* to Carrlzozo. Boaz* to Henna. Glenrio* to Tucumcari. Brilliant* to Raton. Glenwood to Silver C ity. Bryantine to Logan. Globe to Carlsbad. Buchanan*tt to Fort Sum G lo rietta *!! to Santa Fe. ner Golden! to Albuquerque. Buckhom* to Silver City. Governador to Durango, Bueyeros* to Clayton. Col. Burley to Magdalena. Grady* to Tucumcari. Grandview to Clayton. ' \ qi; ■ ' G ran t*tt to Albuquerque. Greenfield*! to Hagerman. Cabezon* to Albuquerque. Grenville* to Clayton. Cam bray*t to Demlng. Griegos to Albuquerque. Cameron* to Tucumcari. Guadalupe* (Sandoval Co.) CanjUon* to Alamosa. Colo. to Albuquerque. Canton* to Meirose. Guadalupita* to Las Vegas. Canyon to Albuquerque. Guam*t to Gallup. Caprock to Roswell. Guy* to Des Moines. Carthage* to San Antonio. L iberty* to FArmlngton. aLincoln* to Carrlzozo. Longs* to Portales. * Los Alamos* to Las Vegas. Los Cerrillos}} to Santa Fe. a L ob L im a s *ft to Albu querque. Los Pinos to Alamosa. Col. Los Taños*} to Santa Rosa L o v in g * }} to Carlsbad. Low er Peñasco to Hope. Lucero* ;to Las Vegas. Lucille* to M ontoya. L u c y * }} to Willard. Lu m b erton *}} to Pagosa Springs,'Colo. Luna to Magdalena. Casa Blanca* to Albuquer que. Causey* to Portales. Cebolla* to Española. Cedar H ill* to Aztec. Cedarvale* to Corona. Central* to Sliver City. Cerrillos*tt to Santa Fe. Cerro* to Taos. Chacon to Las Vegas. Chamberlno* to El Paso. Chamisal to Santa Fe. Chamlta* to Santa Fe. Chaperito* to Las Vegas. Chico* to Maxwell. Chllill to Estancla. Chlmayo* to Santa Fe. Ohiner Springs to Gallup. -Chloride*} to Hillsboro. Clapham* to Clayton. Claud* to Clovis. Cleveland* to Las Vegas. CUfi* to Silver City. Cloverdale to Lordsourg. Clyde! to San Mardal. Cody to Deming. Colfax to Raton. Colm or*tt tO/Wagon Mound Colonies* to'Santa Rosa. Cordova* to Santa Fe. Corrumpa* to Des Moines. Nadine* to Carlsbad. Nambe* to Santa Fe. N egra* to W illard. ' Newhope to Elida. N ew Jerusalem to Socorro. N ew kirk*} to Santa Rosa. Nogal* to Carrlzozo. Nolan* to Wagon Mound. Norton to Tucumcari. Hachlta’ t t to Lordsburg. Hanover* to Silver City. Hassell to F ort Sumner. Hatod to Springer. Havener* to Clovis. Hayden* to Nara Visa. Haynes to Albuquerque. Heaton* to Gallup. Highrolls} to Alamogordo. Hilario* to Las Vegas. H ill to Las Cruces. Hollene* to Clovis. Holman* to Las Vegas. Hondale* to Deming, Hondo* to Carrlzozo. H ot Springs (San Migue) Co.) to Las Vegas. House* to Melrose. Hudson*'to Tucumcari. Hurley to Silver C ity. H yer* to Estancla. Im a* to Tucumcari. Inez to Portales. Is le ta * !! to Albuquerque. Jal to Pecos, Tex. Jarales* to Belen. Jepies* to Albuquerque. Jemez Springs to Albuquer Costiilo* to SanAcaclo.Colo. que. Jenkins* to Elida. Cowles* to Las Vegas. Jicarllla* to Carrlzozo. Coyote* to Española. Jordan* to Tucumcari. Crownpoint to Gallup. Juan de dois to Santa Rosa Crozler*! to Gallup. June to Las Vegas. C rystal*! to Gallup. Cuba* to Albuquerque. Cubero* to Albuquerque. K elly* to Magdalena. C uchlllo*! to Hillsboro. K en n ed y*tt to Santa Fe. C u ervo*!t to Santa Rosa Kentucky to Farmington. Curry to Sumner K irk to Melrose. Cutter* to San Marcial. Klrtland* to Farmington. Knowles* to Carlsbad. K o eh le r*!! to Raton. Datll* to Magdalena. Dayton to Artesia. L a Cebolla to Las Vegas. Dedman* to Des Moines. L a Cueva* to Las Vegas. Delphos* to Portales. Laguna*! } to Albuquerque Dereno to Melrose. L a jo y a *} to Sooorro. Derry* to Las Cruces. Lake Arthur to Artesia D ilia* to Las Vegas. Lake V a lle y * !} to Hillsboro Dixon* to Santa Fe. Domingo* ttto Albuquerque La t a n d e * !} toFort Sumner Dona A n a *} to Las Cruces. L a Luz* to Alamogordo. L a M adera to Taos. Dora to Portales. Dulce* to Pagosa Springs, L a Mesa* to Las Cruces. L a m y’ t t to Santa Fe. Colo. La Plata* to Aztec. Dunken* to Artesia. Largo to Aztec. Dunlap* to Roswell. Las Palomas* to San M a r D uran*tt to Corona. cial. Dwyer* to Demlng. Las Tablas to Taos. L a Union to E l Paso, Tex. Ledoux to Las .Vegas. E. Vaughnt to Santa Rosa. Lem itar*! to Socorro. „ Elizabethtown* t to Raton. L e v y * to W agon Mound. Leyba to Las Vegas.________ Elk* to Alamogordo. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Money Order Office. McAlister* to Melrose. M cD onald to Roswell. M cIn to sh *}} to Estancla. M adrid*} to Santa Fe. M aes* to Las Vegas. M alaga*} to Carlsbad. M alpai to Des Moines. Mangas to Magdalena. Mann to Portales. M a n u elito*}} to Gallup. Manzano* to Estancia. Mariano Lake to Gallup. M ayh ill* to Alamogordo. Mentm ore tp Gallup. Mescalero* to Tularosa. Mesilla* to Las Cruces. M esillaPark*}} to LasCr uces M esquite*} to Las Cruces M iam i*} to Springer. M id w a y *! to Lovington. M iera to Clayton. Miesse to Deming. Mimbres* to Silver City. Mogollon* to Silver City. M o n ero*ttto Pagosa Sp’gs, 'Colo. Montioello*to San Marcial/ M o n to y a *!} to Tucumcari. Monument* to Carlsbad. M o ria rlty *!} to Estancia. Mosquero* to Roy. Mountain P a r k * } to A la - 1 mogordo. M ount D o r a *! to Clayton. Myndus* to Deming. O bar*} to Nara Visa. Ooate* to Wagon Mound. Ochoa to SanFa Fe. Odon to Deming. Ojo Callente* to Taos. Ojo Sarco to Santa Fe. Old Albuquerque • } to Albuqueraue. Optimo* to Wagon Mound. Orange* to Van Horn, Tex. Organ* to Las Cruces. Orogrande * } t to Alamo gordo. Oscura*! t to Carrlzozo. Otis to Carlsbad. Otto* to Estancla. Pajarito* to Albuquerque. Palm a* to Vaughn. Palmillo to Antonito. Colo. Palomas,- Springs to H ot Springs. P a raje} to San Marcial. Park Springs to Las Vegas. Parkview* to Pagosa Springs, Colo. Parsons* to Carrlzozo. Pasamonte* to Clayton. P a stu ra *}t to Santa Rosa. Patterson to Clayton. Peach Springs to Gallup. Pecos* to Santa Fe. Pedernal to Estancia. Pena Blanca * to Albu querque. Peñasco* to Taos. Pendleton* to Azteo. Peralta* to Albuquerque. Perea to Gallup. Petaca to Santa Fe. Picacho* to Roswell. Pina* to San Acacio. Colo. Pinedale to Gallup. Pinon* to Alamogordo. Pinos Altos* to Silver City. Pinoswells* to W illard. Plain* to Tucumcari. Plainview * to Lovington. Pojuaque* to Santa Fe. Polvaderat to Socorro. Ponil to Cimarron. Porvenir to Las Vegas. Progresso* to Willard. Puerteclto to Magdalena. APuerto De Luna* to Santa R o sa .. ! Telegraph Station. N E W MEXICO 1891 Punta* to Estancia. Putnam to Gallup. Quay* to Tucumcari. Queen* to Carlsbad. Quemado* to Magdalena. Questa*} to Taos. Ramah* to Gallup. Ranches of Taos* to Taos. Rayo to Belen. Redlake to Portales. Red River* to Taos. R ib era *} to Lias Vegas. R icard o*}} to Fort Sumner. Richland* to Ellda R in o o n *!! to Las Cruces. R io Pueblo to Taos. Roclada to Las Vegas. Rock Island * to Tucumcari. % R o d e o *}} to Douglas, Ariz. Rodey* to Las Crtices. Rogers* to Portales. Roosevelt* to Melrose. Rosa* to Durango, Colo. Rosebud* to Nara Visa. Rosedale* to San Marcial. Rosing* to Aztec. R o w e * }} to Santa Fe. Ruldoso* to Carrlzozo. Russie to Alamogordo. St. V rain *} to Melrose. Salem* to Las Cruces. Salt Lake to Magdalena. San A n to n io *}} (Bernalillo . Co.), to Albuquerque. Sanchez to Roy. Sandoval* to Albuquerque. San Isidro to Albuquerque. San Jose [San Miguel Co.) to Las Vegas. San Juan to Belen. San Lorenzo to silver City, San Luis to Albuquerque. San Mateo*to Albuquerque. San Patricio to Carrizozo. San Rafael* to Albu querque. Santa Barbara to Taos. Santa Cruz to Santa Fe. Santa R i t a * }} to Silver City Sapello to Las Y??as. Saynosta to Farmington. Scholle to Belen. Seama to Albuquerque. Seboyeta* to Albuquerque. -Sedan* to Clayton. Seneca* to Clayton. Separ*} to Lordsburg. Sherman to Silver C ity. Shlprock* to Farmington. Shoemaker*} to Las Vegas Smith’s Lake to Gallup. Soham to Las, Vegas. Solano*tl to Roy. Stan ley*} to Estancla. State College * to Las Cruces. Steeplerock * to Duncan, A riz. Steins*tt to Lordsburg. Sugarite* to Raton. Swarts to Silver City. T a ft to Fort Sumner. Tajlque* to Estancla. Taos Canon to Taps. Taos Ju nction}} to Taos. Taylor Springs* to Springer. Teoolote to Las Vegas. Teel to Silver City. Telles to Las Cruces. Thomas* to Clayton. T h o rea u *}} to Gallup. Three R iv ers*} to Alam o gordo. ATierra Amarilla* to Durango. Colo. Tijeras to Albuquerque. Tinnie* to Roswell. Toh atch i*} to Gallup. T o la r * }} to Melrose. T o m e *} to Albuquerque. Torreon to Estancia. Trampas* to Taos. Trem entina* to Las Vegas. Tres Piedras*} to Taos. Tres Ritos to Las Vegas. Truchas* to Santa Fe. Tusas to Taos. Upton to Ellda. U te P a rk !* to Cimarron. Valdez* to Taos. Valedon to Lordsburg. Valencia to Albuquerque. Vallecltos* to Taos. Valley Ranch* to Santa Fe. V alley View to Elida. ' Valm ont to Alamogordo. Vanandium to Silver C ity. Van Houton* to Raton. Veguita to Belen. Velarde* to Santa Fe. Venus to Estancla. Verm ejo Park* to Raton. Vigiles to Las Vegas. Vluanueva* to Las Vegas. } Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1892 N E W MEXICO W aldo to Albuquerque. W arren to Portales. W a t r o u s * « to lias Vegas. W eed* to Alamogordo. W hite Oaks* to Carrlzozo. W h ite Signal to Silver City. W h ite T a il to Tularosa. W h ite w a te r* « (Grant Oo.) to Silver C ity. W h ite w a te r * « (M c K in le y C o.) to Gallup. X B a y to Mountainair. Yankee* to Baton. Y e s p * « to F ort Summer. Youngsville to Santa Fe. Zunl* to Gallup. NEW YORK Abbotts to Cuba. Academ y to Canandaigua. A c c o r d * « to Kerhonkson. Acidalia* to Roscoe. A cra* to Catskill. A dam ’s Basin*« to Brockport. A dam ’s Center* « t o Adams A dam ’s Comers* to Peeksktll. A d ir o n d a c k * « to Warrensburg. A d r ia n * « to Canlsteo. Alabam a* t to Medina. Alabam a Center to Medina. Alabam a S t a t io n « to Oakfleld. ir i1 Alburg to St. Regis Falls. A lcove* to Ravena. A lden Center to Alden. A ld er Brook* to Saranac Lake. A ld er C r e e k * « to Boonvllle Aldrich to Harrisville. Alexander* T! to A ttica. \ A llred S t a t io n * « to Allred. Allaben*t to M argaretville. Allens Falls to Potsdam. A llans H ill to East Bloom field. Allentown* t to W ellsvllle. A lllgerville* to N ew Paltz. A lio w ay to Lyons. Alm a* to W ellsvllle. Almond * « to Hom ell. A lpine*T t to Odessa. Alplaus to Schenectady. A lps to Troy. A l s e n * « to Catskill. A lta y to Dundee. A l t m a r * « to Pulaski. A lton * 11 to Sodus. A l t o n a * « to Champlain. A m a g a n s e tt*« to East Hampton. A m a w a lk * « to Peeksklll. Am ber* to Marcellus. A m b oy Center to Camden. Amenta Union* to Amenta. Am es* \to Canajoharie. A m ity * to Warwick. A n cra m *tt to Pine Plains. Ancram Lead Mines*Tt to Pine Plains. AnnadaleT «R ich m o n d Co.) to Tottenville. Annandale-Oni-Hudson* (Dutchess Co.) to Red Hook. A p a la c h ln * « to Owego. A p e x * « to Hancock. A p p le to n * « to Barker. Apulia* T to Tully. Apulia S ta .* t! to Tully. A qu ebogue*! to Riverhead. Aqueduct! t (Queens Co.) to Woodhaven. Aquetuck* to Ravena. Arobdale to Greenwich. A rden*Tt to Monroe. Ardonia* to N ew Platz. Ardsley* Tt to Dobb's Ferry Ardsley on Hudson*Tt to Irvington. Arena*Tt to Margaretville. Argusvllle* to Canajonarie. A rk ville’ Tt to Margaret ville. Arkwright to Fredonia. Arlington* (Dutchess Co.) to Poughkeepsie. A rlin gton ! (Richmond Co.) to Mariners Harbor. Arm onk* to Pleasant ville. A rm o r f to Hamburg. A rrochar! to Stapleton. Arthu r to M exico. Arthursburg to M illbrook. A rv e m e ! t to Rockaway Beach. Ashford (Cattaraugus Co.) to Springville. Ashford (Westchester Co.) to Dobbs Ferry. Ashland *Tto Grange Gorge A s h o k a n *« to Kingston. Ashton* to Kingston,______ N E W YORK Berkshire Pass to Millerton. B ro a d a lb in *« to Glovers- Cayutaville to Odessa. Ash v i l l e « to Jamestown. C a y w o o d *!! to Ovid. vlUe. A s h w o o d * « toLyndonville. Berne to Altam ont. O edarcliff*! to Marlboro. Bernhards B ay* to Camden. Brockway* to Beacon. A thol* to Warrensburg. B rodhead*!! to Kingston. A thol Springs*Tt to Ham B e s e m e r * « to Ithaca. Cedar Grove to Poughkeep. B ronxdale! to N ew York Bethany to Batavia. burg. City, Manhattan. B ethel* to Jeffersonville. A t la n t a * « to W ayland. Cedar H ill to Albany. Bethel Comers to Auburn. Brookdale to Winthrop. A tw a te r * tt to Aurora. Cedarhurst*! ! to Lawrence Bethlehem Center to A l Brookfield to Earlville. A tw ood * to Kingtson. Brook H a v e n * !! to Pat- Cedarvale to Syracuse. bany. Augusta* to Oriskany Falls. Cedarvllle* to W est Win chogue. Bidwell to Rochester. Aurelius! to Auburn. field. Brooksburg* to Catskill. Aurelius Station to Auburn. Bigcreek to H om ell. Celoron* to Jamestown. B r o o k t o n * « to Ithaca. Aurlesville! t to Fultonvllle. Bigelow* to Gouverneur. Cementon* to Saugerties. B rook view *!! to Castleton. B ig Flats* « to Corning. A u Sable Chasm * t to Broome Center to Middle Center (H erkim er C o .) to Big H ollow * to Catskill. Keeseville. Frankfort. burg. B ig In d ia n * « to M argaret Austerlitz* to Chatham. Center Berlin* to Berlin. ville. A va * to Boonvllle. B ig M o o s e * « to Old Forge. B r o w n v ille * « to W ater- Center Brans wick to Troy. A verill'Park* to Troy. Center Cambridge to Cam town. B ig Tree to Hamburg. Awosting to Walden. bridge. Bruynswick to W allkill. Billings* to Poughkeepsie. Ayers* to Malone. Oentereach* to StonyBrook B ln n ew a ter*!! to Kingston Buchanan*! to Peeksklll. Center Lisle* to Lisle. Buckbrook* to Calliooon. Blrchton to Ballston Spa. Centerport* to Huntington. Bucksbridge to M adrid. Babcock H ill to W est W in Blrdsall*! t to Angelica. Center V alley to Cherry Buckton to Winthrop. Bl 8 hopvllle to Hom ell. field. • Valley. Buei to Canajoharie. Bacon H ill* to Schuyler- Blackbrook* to Au SabU Buena Vista to Canisteo. Center V i l l a g e * « to Afton. Forks. ville. Centerville * ! i (Allegany Bull Run to Ellenvllle. Black Creek* to Cuba. Baiting H ollow Station to Co.) to Pike. Biack R i v e r * « to Water- Bullshead* (Dutchess Co.) Riverhead. Centerville (Orange Co.) to to Rhinebeek. town. Bakers M ills* to N orth Middletown. Bullshead (Richmond Co.) Blaine to Canajoharie. Creek. Centerville (U lster Co.) to to Po rt Richmond. Balcom to South Dayton. B la s d e ll* « to Laokawanna B u Highland. llv ille * « to Middletown. B la u v e lt* « to Sparkill. B a ld w in *!! to Freeport. Centerville Station * t ! to Burden to Hudson. Baldwin P la ce*« to Car Bleecker* to Gloversville. Woodridge. B u r d e t t * « to Watkins. B lis s v ille « to Long Island mel. Center W hite Creek to B u r k e * « to Malone, City. Ballston Center to Ballston Cambridge. Burllngham*to Middletown Spa. Central B r id g e * !! to Scho Burlington* to Edmeston. Ballston L a k e * « to Sche Blockvllle to Jamestown. harie. Burlington Flats* to Ed Blodgett M i l l s * « to Cort nectady. Centralla to Stockton. meston. land. BalmvilleT to Newburgh. Central I s l i p * « to Islip. Bloomlngburg* ! ttoMlddle- Burnhams* to Fredonia. B e n g a li* « to Millbrook. Central P a r k * !! to FarmB u m s * « to Canaseraga. town. Bangor* to Malone. tngdale. B urnside*!! to WashingB lo o m in g d a le *« to Sara Banksville* to Greenwich. C e res *!! to Olean. tonville. nac Lake. Conn. Ceylon* to Homer. H ills* to Ballston Bannerhouse* to Chateau- Blooming G rove*! to Wash- Burnt C hadw icks*!! to Utica. Springs. ingtonville. gay. C h a fe e * « to Holland. Bum wood* to Hancock. Bloomington* to Kingston B ard onia*! to Spring Burrs M ills* to W atertown Chambers! to Coming. B lo o m v ille * « to Hobart. Valley Champion to Carthage. Burt* « to Lockpori. Barkersville to Ballston Spa Blossom to Lancaster. Burtonsville* toAmsterdam C h apin *!! to Canandaigua. B lo s s v a le * « to Camden. B arn a rd *!! to Rochester. Bushes Landing*! to L ow Blue Mountain L a k e * « to B am erville* to Cobleskill. Ohappaqua*! ! to Pleasantville. Old Forge. B a rn e s *!! to Dundee. vUle. Bushnellsvllle* to Kingston. Barnes Corners* to Copen Blue P o i n t * « to Patcho- Bushville* Charleston to Fultonvllle. to M onticello. gue. hagen. Charleston Four Comers to Buskirk*! to Hoosick Falls. B am eveld’ t t to Holland Blue Ridge* to Po rt Henry Busti to Jamestown. Fultonvllle. Blue Stores* to Hudson. Patent. C h a rlo tte!! to Rochester. Butler C en ter! to W alcott. Bluff P o i n t « to Penn Yan. Barre Center to Albion. Buttermilk Falls to High Charlotte Center to SinBarrytown* ! i to R ed Hook Bohemia* to Sayviile. dairville. land Falls. B oiceville* to Kingston. Barryvllle* to P o rt Jervis. G harlotteville* to East Byersville to Dansville. Bolton* to Lake George. B arton*« to W averly. Worcester. Bartow on the Sound to Bolton L a n d in g * « to Lake . B y ro n *!! to Batavia. C ham ont to Ballston Spa. George. N ew Y ork C ity (Bronx). Chase M ills*! to Madrid. B o m b a y * « to F ort Coving Chaseville* to Schenevus. Cadiz to Franklinvllle. ton. Basom* to Oakfield. Cbasm Falls to Malone. C a d o s ia * « to Hancock. Batchellerville* to NorthBonaparte* to Harrisville. C a d y v ille * « to Plattsburg Chateaugay Lake* toChatville. eaugay. C a i r o * « to Catskill. Bonney* to Norwich. Bates* to Middleburg. Boomertown t to James C a lc iu m *« to W atertown. Chatham Center* « t o Chat B athb each!! to Brooklyn. ham. C aldw ell! to Lake George. town. Bath-on-the-Hudson!! to Oallicoon Center* to Jeffer C h a u m o n t*« to WaterBoquet* to Po rt Henry. Rensselaer. town. sonville. Borden to Elkland, Pa. B attenville* to Greenwich. C a lv e r to n * « to Riverhead. Chautauqua*! t to M ay ville. Baychester to N e w Y o rk Border C ity * ! to Geneva. C a m e ro n * « to Addison. Boreas R iver to PortH enry C ity .(M anhattan) Cameron M i l l s * « to Addi C h a z y * « to Champlain. Borodino* to Skaneateles. C hazyLake*t to Plattsburg. son. B o s t o n * « to Hamburg. B a y p o r t * « to Sayviile. Oheektowaga to Buffalo. Camillus*! ! to Syracuse. Boston C o m e r * « to MUlerB a y v ille *! to Oyster Bay. Campbell H a l l * ! ! to Gosh C helsea*! (Dutchess Co.) ton. Beach R id g e ! ! to North to Beacon. en. B o u c k v ille * « to Hamilton Tona wanda. Chelsea (Richmond Co.) to O a m p v llle *« to Owego. Bovina* to Delhi. Bearsville* to Saugerties. Po rt Richmond. C an aa n *!! to Chatham. Beaver Brook* to Montl- Bovina Center* to Delhi. Canada Lake to Glovers C hem ung*!! to W averly. Bowen to Randolph. cello. Chemung Center to W a ver ville. Beaver D a m s *!! to Coming Bowens Com ers! to Fulton. ly. Beaver F a l l s « to Low ville. B o w m a n s v ille *« to Lan- Canadlce to Livonia Chenango B r id g e * !! to Canarsiet to Brooklyn. ' caster. Beaver K ill* to Roscoe. Binghamton. B eaver M eadow *to South B oyd to Low ville. Chenango F o r k s * !! to O a n ea d ea*« to Belfast. Boylston Center to Lacona. rOtselic. Greene. Cannonsvllle* to D eposit.' Beaver R i v e r * « to Remsen Cheningo to Truxton. Becker’s Corners to Albany. Boyntonvllle to Hoosick Canoga to Seneca Falls. Chepachet*! to W est W in Canterbury to Cornwall. Falls. Beckwith to Rochester. field. Oantonville to Ellenvllle. B edford*! to Mount Klsco. Bradford* to Bath. Cape V in c en t*!! to Water- Cheshire to Canandaigua. edford H ills * !! to M ount B radley* to Liberty. Chestertown*! to Warrens town. Brainard S t a t io n * « to B Klsco. burg. C apron* to Utica. Chatham. Beekman to Pawling. Chesterville to Ravena. Beekmantown to Platts- Brainerdsville* to Chateau- Cardiff* to Tully. Cheviot*' to Hudson. Carle Park to Mineola. gay. burg. Chichester* to FleischBranchport* to Penn Yan. Carle Place to Mineola. B eerston*! to Walton. manns. Brandreth! to Tupper Lake Carlisle* to Cobleskill. Belcher* to Salem. • Carlisle C entre* to Coble Childs to Albion. Brant* to Angola. Belfort to Low ville, Childwold to Tupper Lake. skill. Belgium* to Baldwinsville. Brantingham* to Lowville. Chili* to Rochester. Brasher Center to Brasher C arlton* to Albion. Carlton S ta tio n * « to A l Chili S ta tio n * !! to ChurchFalls. Belle Isle to Syracuse. ville. bion. Brasher Iron W orks to Belleville* to Adams. Chilson* to Tlconderoga. C arlyon ! to Lyndonville. Brasher Falls. Bellevue! to Lancaster. Chipman to Madrid. Brasla C om ers* to Ham Carman* to Schenectady. B e llo n a * « to Geneva. Caroga Lake* to Glovers Chipmonk* to Allegany mond. Bellona S tation !! to Chippewa B ay * to Ham ville. Breakabeen* to Middleburg. , Geneva. mond. B re e s p o rt*« to Horseheads Caroline to Ithaca. B e llp o r t* « to Patcbogue. Caroline Center to Ithaca. B ren tw o o d *« to Bay. Bellvale* to Warwick. Caroline D e p o t*! to Ithaca. Chittenango* to Syracuse. Shore. > Bellwood to Low ville. Falls to CazBelmont Center to Malone. B re w e r to n * « to Central C arrollton *!! to Salamanca Chittenango enovla. C aryl! to Yonkers. Square. B e lv ld e r e * « to Belmont. Chittenango S ta tio n * !! to Bemus Heights to Mechan- Briarcllff M a n o r « toOssi- Cassadaga* to Fredonia. Syracuse. Cassvlile*tto W est Winfield. ning. icsville. Churchtown to Hudson. Castle to Oneida. Bemus P o i n t * « to James B r ic e « to Albion. Churubusco* to ChateauCastle Creek* to W hitney Bridgeport* to Syracuse. town. gay. Point. Bridgeville* to Monticello. Benedict* to Northvllle. Bennettsburg* to Watkins. B r id g e w a te r * « to West Castleton Corners! to Po rt Cicero* to Syracuse. Cicero Center to Syracuse. Richmond. Winfield. Bennettsville to Balnbridge to MiddleBrier H i l l * « to Morristown C a s to rla n d *« to Low ville. C ird eville*! ! Bennington* to Attica. town. C atatonk*! to Owego. Benson M in es*! to' Harris B r ig h to n « to Rochester. C ity Is la n d !! to N ew Y ork Catawba* to HammondsB righ tw a ters *« to Bayville. C ity (Bronx). port. shore. B entley M a n o r to Totten Clare* to Canton. Catlin to Horseheads. B rin ck erh off*« to Beacon. ville. C laren ce*!! to Akron. Caton to Coming. Benton Center to Penn Y a n , B r is b e n * « to Greene. Catskill S tation *! to Cats Clarence C e n te r*!! to Ak Briscoe* to Jeffersonville. ron. kill. Bristol* to East Bloomfield. Bergholtz to North TonaBristol Center* to Canan C a u g h d e n o y *« to Phoenix. C larenceville! ! to Rich wanda. mond H ill. Cayuga*« to Auburn. daigua. B erk s h ire*« to Nefwark C ayu ta*! ! to Odessa._______ Clarendon* to Holley. Valley._________• ■ Bristol Springs to Naplqp. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ¿County Seat. Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. t Express Office. NEW YORK Clark to Jamestown, d a rk Mills* f t to Clinton. Clarksburg to Hamburg. Clarkson* to Brockport. Clarksville* to A lban y. Claryville* to Liberty. Claveraok*! ! to Hudson. Olaverhouse* to Rochester, d a y * T t to Syracuse. Clayburg*! to Plattsburg. d ea r Creek to CherryCreek, Clearwater* t to Remsen. Cleaver* to Walton. demons* TI to Whitehall. Clermont* to Hudson. Cleveland*! ! to Oneida. Oleverdale*! to LakeGeorge Clifford to Fulton. Clliton*t (Monroe Co.) to Caledonia. C lifton! (Richmond Oo.) ,to Stapleton. CllftonPark*! toMechanicsvllle. Climax* to Coxsackie. Clinton Comers* t t to Poughkeepsie. Cllntondale*! tto New Paltz. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Coventry* to Greene. Coventryville* to Balnb ridge. C o v e r t!! to Trumansburg. C oveville to Schuylerville. Covlngton*to Wyoming. Cowlesvllle* to Attloa. Cow-Neck to Port Washing ton. Coxsackie Station! (Colum bia Co.) to Coxackle. Coxsackie Station (Green Co.) to Coxsackie. Cragsmoor* to Ellenville. C raig*! to Schenectady. C ralgsvllle*!! to Chester. Cranberry C reek *!! to Northvllle. Cranberry Lake* to Canton. Cranesvllle • to Amster dam. Crary Mills* to Canton. C ra ry ville *!! tor Philmont. Creedmoor! to Jamaica. Crescent! to Cohoes. Orestwoodt! to Yonkers. Crittenden*! to Corfu. C ro ck ett*!! to Oswego. Clinton H ollow to Pough keepsie. Cronoiner Valley to N ew din ton ville* to Keesevfile. burg. Cropseyvllle* to Troy. Clockville* to Canastota. Crosby to Penn Yan. Clove to D over Plains. Cross River* to Mount Clove Valley to Pawling. Klsco. Clymerhil to Clymer. Croton F a lls * !! to Brewster Cochecton*!! to Callcoon. Croton L a k e * !! to Mount Cochecton Center* to CallKisco. ‘ coon. Croton Landing to Croton Cockbum to Saugertles. on Hudson. Ooeymans*t to Ravena. Crown Point Center* to Ooeymans Hollow * to Crown Point. Ravena. Crugers*! to Peekskill. Colla* to Cambridge. Crum Elbow to Pough Gokertownf! to Red Hook. keepsie. Crystal Dale* to Lowvllle. C rystalrun *!! to MiddleCold Brook* to Poland. town. C olden*!! to Hamburg. Cuddebackvllle* to Port Coldenham to Walden. Jervis. Cold Spring (Suffolk Co.) to Cullen to Richfield Springs. Huntington. Coldspring H a rb o r*! to Curriers Station! to Arcade Curry to Liberty. Huntington. Cold Springs (Steuben Co.) Curtis* to Campbell. Cutchogue*! ! to Mattituck. to Bath. Cold Springs (U lster Co.) C u y le r*!! to De Ruyter. C u ylervllle*!! to Mount to N ew Paltz. Morris. Cold Spring Station to Huntington. Coldwater* 1! to Rochester. Colemans to Utica. Coleman S ta tio n *!! to Mll- Dairyland* to Ellenville. ■ D ale*! 1 to W arsaw. lerton. Damascus to Windsor. Collamer to Syracuse. Danby to Ithaca. Colliers! ! to Oneonta. Dannemora* ! ! toPlattsbur g Colliersvllle* to Oneonta. Danube! to Little Falls. C ollin s*!! to Gowanda. Collins Center*to Gowanda. D a rie n *!! to A ttica Darien Center*! to Corfu. Colosse* to Pulaski. Davenport* to Schenevus. , Colton* to Potsdam. Davenport C en ter*!! to Columbia* to Mohawk. Oneonta. Columbiaville* to Hudson. Daws* to Batavia. Day* to Corinth. Columbus to N ew Berlin. Commack* to Northport. ■ D aysvillett to Pulaski. C om stock *!! to Fort Ed D a yton *!! to Gowanda. D eansboro*!! to Oriskany ward. FaUs. Concord (E rie Co.) to Debrace * ! to Livingston Sprlngvllle. Manor. Concord! (Richmond Co.) to Deck to Mohawk. Stapleton. Deerhead* to Keeseville. Conesus*!! to Livonia. ConesvUle* to Grand Gorge. Deerland* to Tupper Lake. Conewango * t to Randolph. Deer P a r k * !! to Farmingdale. C ongers*!! to Haverstraw. Conifer*! to Tupper Lake. C on k lin *!! to Hallstead.Pa. Deer R iv e r * !! to Carthage. Conklin Center to Bing Deferiet* to Carthage. Defreestvillq to Albany. hamton. Degrasse* to Hermon. Conklingvllle*! to Corinth. DeKalb to Canton. DeKalb Junctldn*t! toCanConnelly* to Kingston. ton. Conquest to Weedsport. D eLancey*! to Delhi. Constable* 11 to Malone.« ConstablevlUe* to Boonville. Delanson*t!to Schenectady C onstantia*!! to Central D ellw ood l! to Lancaster. D elm a r*!! to Albany. Square. Cooksburg* to Middleburg. Delphi Falls 11 to Cazenovla. Cooks Corners to Brushton. Demster * to Mexico. Cooks F a lls * !! to Roscoe. Denley to Boonville. Cooley* to Liberty. Denmark* to Carthage. Coomer to Lockport. Denton to Middletown. Coonrod to Rome. Coopers Plains* to Coming. Denver* to Margaretville. DepauvUle* to'Clayton. Cooperstown Junction* D e Peyster* to Heuvelton. to Oneonta. C oopersville*!! to Cham D e r b y * !! to Angola. Derrick! to Tupper Lake. plain. Despatch ! to East R o C opa ke*!! to Millerton. chester. Copake Falls* to Millerton. De W it t * ! to Syracuse. Coplague* 1 to A m ityvllle. D e w ittv ille *!! to M ayville. Ooram* to P o rt Jefferson. Dexterville to Fulton. C o rb e tt!! to Downsville. Corbettsville* to Hallstead, Diamond to Adams. Diamond Point* to Lake Pa. George. Dickinson C en ter*!! to St. Coreys* to Tupper Lake. Regis Falls. Cornwall Landing* to Corn Dlllin to Watertown. wall. C ornwallvllle*! to Castklll. Divine Corners* to Liberty. Dlx to Rome. Cossayuna* to Salem. Dodge to Jamestown. Cottage to South Dayton. Dongan H ills*! to StapleC ottek lU *!! to Kingston. ton. County Line to LyndonDoraville to Windsor. vllle. Dorloo* to Cobleskill. Couse to Albana. R EFE REN CE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. Dormansvllle* to Albany. D ou giaston*!! to Bayside. Dover F urnace!! to Dover Plains. Dresden* ! ! to Penn Yan. Dresden Station * t f to Whitehall. Dres8 erville to Moravia. D rybrook to M argaretvilla Duane* to Malone. Duanesburg*!! to Schenec tady. Dugway to Pulaski. Dunhams Basin to Hudson Falls. Dunhams H ollow * to Troy. Dunnsvllle to Altam ont. D unraven*!! to Margaret ville Dunton! to Jamaica. Durham *! to Catskill. Durhamvllle* ! I to Oneida Durlandville to Florida. Dutchess Junction*! ! to Beacon. Dutch Settlement to Kings ton. Dwaar K ill* to Pinebush. D ykem ans*!! to Carmel. E a g le * !! to Bliss. Eagle B a y * !! to Old Forge. Eagle B r id g e * !! to Hoosick Falls. Eagle H a rb o r * !! to Albion Eagle Mills* to Troy. E. Amherst to Tonawanda. East Arcade to Arcade. E. Ashford to Sprihgville, E. A von * to Avon. East Beekmantown* to Plattsburg. East Berne* to Altamont. E. B eth an y*!! to Batavia. E. B loom field*! to H ol comb. East B ran ch *!! to HanE. C hatham *!! to Chatham East Chester! (Orange« Co.) to Chester. East Chester! (Bronx Co., to N ew 'Y o rk C ity (M an hattan.) East Clarence to Akron. E. Cobleskill* to Cobleskill. E. C oncord*!! to Springville. E. Dickinson to Brushton. East Durham*! to Catskill. East Eden to Hamburg. East Elma to East Aurora. East Fishkill to Beacon, East Florence to Camden. East Floyd to Holland Patent. i E. Freetow n*! to Marathon E. Galway* to Ballston Spa. E. Greenbush*! to Albany. East Greenwich* to Salem. East Groveland to Geneseo. East G uilford*! to Sidney E. H am ilton* to Hamilton. East H a m lin !! to Hilton. East Hampton Springs to East Hampton. East Hannibal to Fulton. E. Hartford to F ort Ed ward. East Haverstraw to Peeksklll. East Homer* t l t o Cortland. East Irvington to Irvington East Java to North Java. East Jewett* to Catskill. East K ingston*! to Kings ton.' East K o y to Pike. East McDonough to Oxford East Marlon* to Greenport. E. Martinsburg* to Low ville. ,, East Masonville* to Unadllla. E. M e red ith *!! to Oneonto. East Mills to Poughkeepsie. East M oriches*!! to Center Moriches. East Nrssau* to Chatham. East Newark to N ew ark E. N orth p ort*! to N orthport. _ E. Norwich* to Oyster Bay. Easton to Greenwich. East Onondaga* to Onon daga Valley. East Otto* to Cattaraugus East Palerm o to Central Square., East P a lm yra *! to Palm yra East Park to Poughkeepsie. East Patchogue*! to Patchogue. E. Pem broke*!! to Batavia. East Poughkeepsie to Poughkeepsie. E. Quogue*! to Riverhead. East R iver to Homer. East R o ck a w a y *!! to Lynbrook. East Rodman* to W atertown. East Salamanca* to Sala manca. East Salem to Salem. East Schodack* t to Albany East Schuyler to Frankfort. E. Setauket* to Pt. Jeffer son. East Shelby to Medina. East Sidney to Franklin. East Springfield* to Cherry Valley. East Steamburg to Tru mansburg. E. Syracuse*!! to Syracuse. Eastview* ! t to Tarrytown. East W a ld en !! to Waiden. East W hite Plains* to’ W hite Plains. East WUliamsburgh! to •Brooklyn. East W illiam son*!! to W il liamson. E. W iliiston *!! to Mineola. East Wilson to Wilson. East W indham *! to Catskill E. W in d sor*!! to Windsor. E. W in field !! to W . W in field. Eastw ood*! to Syracuse. East Worcester to W or cester. E a to n * !! to Hamilton. Eatonvilie to L ittle Falls. E b en t! to Potsdam. E b en ezer*!! to Buffalo. E cho*! to P ort Jefferson. Eddy to Canton. E ddyville (Ulster Co.) tjo Rondout. Eddyvfile(Cattaraugus Co.) to Elllcottvllle. Eden* to North Collins. Eden C en tre!! to North Collins. Eden Valley to Hamburg. Edenville* to Warwick. E dgem eret! to Far Rookaway. E d gew ood*!! to Kingston. Edicks to Mohawk. Edinburg* to Northvllle. Edson to Windsor. Edwardsville to Morristown Eggertsville to Buffalo. Egypt to Falrport. Elghm yville to Rhinebeck. E ib ertat! to Ransomville. . N E W YORK 1893 Fablus* to TuUy. Fairdale to Fulton Fairfield* to L ittle Falls. Fair H a v e n * !! (CayugaCo.) to Cato. Falrm ou ntf! to Syracuse. Fairoaks* to M iddletown. Falrvlew to Rushford. Fairville to Newark. Fallsburg* to MontlceUo. Fallsburg S tation !! to Monticello. F an ch er*!! to Holley. Fargo! I to Corfu. Farmer to Interlaken. Farmers Mills* to Carmel. FarmersviUe to Frankllnville. FarmersviUe Station* f t to Franklin vUle. Farmington to Palmyra. F a m h a m *!! to Angola. F au st*! to Tupper Lake. Fawns to Saugertles. Fayette* to Seneca FaUs. Felts M U ls*!!to W atertown FentonviUe*to Jamestown. Fergusons Corners to Penn Yan. PergusonvUle* to Schene vus. F e m d a le *!! to Liberty. F e m w o o d *f! to Pulaski, Feura B u sh *!! to Albany. Findley Lake* to Sherman. Fine* to !Edwards. Fine View * to Clayton. Finks Basin to L ittle FaUs. Fire Place to East ,Hamp ton. FirthcUffe*!! to Cornwall. FlSh C reek *!! to Oneida. Fishers* ! ! to Victor. Fishers Island* to N ew L o n don, Conn. Fishers Landing* to Clay ton. Flsbldll on the Hudson to Beacon. FlshklU Plains to Wapplngers FaUs. F ishkill VUlage to FishkUl. Fishs E d d y * !! to Hancock. F ive Corners to Genoa. Flackvilie to Heuvelton. Flatbush!! to N . Y . C ity , | Brooklyn., F lat Creek to- Canajoharle. Fleming to Auburn. F lem lngsvlfiell to Owego. Flint* to Geneva. Florence* to Camden. Floyd to HoUand Patent. Fluvanna to Jamestown. Elbridge* to Syracuse. F ly Creek* ito Cooperstown Eldred* to Port Jervis. a Elizab'ethto wn * ! to W est- F ly Mountain to Rondout. F ly Summit* to Cambridge. port. E liza ville*! to Red Hook. ■ Folsomdale to A ttica. Ford to Camden. Elka P a rk *! to Catskill. F o r e s t* !! to Chateaugay. Eikbrook*to Roscoe. Forestburg* to MontlceUo. Elk Creek* to Schenevus. Elkdale to L ittle Valley. Forest Gien’ ttto N e w Pa ltz Elko*to Salamanca. Ellenburg’ lt o Chauteagay. Forest Hills to Jamaica. EUenburg Center * to Cnat- Forest H om e! to Ithaca. Forestlne* to MontlceUo. eaugay. EUenburg D ep o t*! to Chat- Forest L a w n * !! to W ebster Forest o f Deans Mines to eaugay. Central Valley. Ellicott to Hamburg. F o res tp o rt*!! to Remsen. Ellington* to Jamestown. Forks* to Buffalo. Ellisburg* to Lacona. Forsyth to Ripley. Ellsworth to Aurora. F t. A n n * !! to F ort Edward. E lm a * !! to Lancaster. Elma C en ter*!! to East F ort H a m ilton !! to Brooklyn. : " Aurora. Ft. H u n te r*!! to Amster Elmdale to Gouvemeur. dam. E lm on t! to Floral Park. Elm P a rk ! to Po rt Rich F ort Jackson* to Winthrop. Ft. Johnson*!! to Amster mond. dam. E lm sford*!!toW hite Plains. . Elnora*! ! to Mechanlcs- F ort MUler* to SchuylervUle. vUle. F ort Montgomery* to H igh Elpls to Cleveland. land Falls. Elsmere to A lbany. EltingviU e*!to TottenviUe. Fort Salonga* to Northport F ort T erry*to New London, Elton* to Arcade. ' Conn. Emerlck* to Cohoes. F ort Ticonderoga*! ! to T iEmerson to Weedsport. oonderoga. Em eryviUe*! to Gouvem Ft. W adsw orth! to Stapleeur. ton. Eminence • to RichmondFosterdale* to Jefferson vUle. ville. EmmonsvUle to Livingston Fosters M eadow to Jamaica Manor. Four Com ers! to Po rt Rich Empire* to Coxsackie. mond. Eippirevllle to Mount Klsco Four M Ue*! to Olean. Enfield Center* to Ithaca. Fowler to Gouverneur. E n sen ore*!! to Auburn. F ow lervU le*!! to York. Ephratah* to F ort Plain. Erastina! to Mariners H ar F ox to SpringvUle. Fox H ollow to M argaretbor. viUe. E rie v ille *!! to Cazenovia. E r in * !! to Horseheads. F ox Island to Po rt Chester E sop u s*!! to Kingston. F ox R idge to Weedsport. Esperance*! to Schoharie. Frankfort H1H to Utica. E ssex*! to Westport. Franklin D e p o t*!! to E t n a * !! to Dryden. East Penfleld to Falrport. Franklin. East Pharsalla* to Norwich Euclid* to BaldwinsvUle. Franklin Iron W orks to East Pitcairn to Edwards. Eureka* to EUenvUle. CUnton. East Pleasantville* to Plea- Evans to Angola. Franklin Springs* ! tto Clin E van ’s C enter to Angola. santville. ton. Evans MUls*! to W aterEast Poestenkill* to Troy. Franklin Square to Hem p town. E a stp o rt*!! to Center Mor stead. E vergreen !! to Ridgewood.I iches. ♦Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. iExpress Office. 1894 N E W YORK Franklinton * to Middleburg. FranKllnvlUe * + t (Suffolk Co.) to Rlverhead. Fraser* to Delhi. F reed om *!! to Arcade. Freedom Plains to Pough keepsie. Freeh old*! to Catskill. Freem an! to Addison. F r e e v llle * !! to Dryden. Fremont "Center* to CaUicoon. French Creek to Sherman. French Mountain* to Olens Falls. Frewsburg* t to James town Freysbush to F ort Plain. Frontier to Chateaugay. Frultland* ! tto Williamson, Fruit V a lle y ! to Oswego. F u llers*!! to Schenectady. Fullervllle Iron Works* to Gouvemeur. Fulton C h a in *!! to Rem sen. Fultonham* to Mlddlqburg. Gabriels*! it o Saranac Lake Gage* to Penn Yan. Games to Albion . ' Gale* to Tupper Lake. Galilee to Ogdensburg. GaUatinvUe* to Pine Plains GaUupvUle* to Schoharie. Galway* to Ballston Spa. Ganahgote* to N ew Paitz. G a n sevoort*!! to F ort Ed ward. G a rb u t*!! to Rochester. Garden C ity *! ! to Mineola. Garden City P a r k ! to Mlneola. Gardenville*! to Buffalo. Gardiner*! ! to N ew Paitz. Gardners Corners to Low vllle. Garfield* to Plttsfleld.Mass. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS G ran dview ! to N yack. Grangerville to Schuylerville. Granite to Kerhonkson. Granite S prin gs*!! to Car mel. Graniteville to P o rt Rich mond. Grant* to Poland. Grant C ity ! to Stapleton. Granton*! to Walton. Grapevllle* to Coxsackle. Grasmere! to Stapleton. Grassy P o in t* ! to Haverstraw. G ratw lck!! to North Tonawanaa. Gravesend! to Brooklyn. Gravesvllie* to, Poland. Gray* to Poland. Great B e n d * !! to Carthage. G reatk ills*!! to Tottenville Great R iv e r * !! to East Islip. Great V a lle y * !! to Ellicott vUle. Greece! to Rochester. Greenboro to Lacona. Greendale*! to Catskill. H arrison*! ! to R ye. Harrower* to Amsterdam. H artfleld* to Mayville. H artford* to F ort Edward. Hartland to Gasport. H art L o t * ! to Skaneateles. Hartm an to Glens Falls. H artsdale*! ! to W hite Plains • H artwlck Seminary* to Cooperstown. H arvard * ! ! to Downsville. Hasbrouck* to Liberty. Haselton to Au Sable Forks. Haskell Flats to Cuba. H a 8 kinville to Horaell. H astin gs*!! (Oswego Co.) / to Syracuse. Hastings! (Westchester Co) to Hastings upon Hudson Hastings Center to Central Square. Hauppauge* to Smithtown Branch. H aven* to Middletown. Hawkeye * to Au. Sable Forks. Hawklnsvllle* to Boonvllle. H awleyton to Binghamton. H a w th o rn e *!! to Pleasantvllle. H aynerville to Troy. Haynes to Oxford. H a yt C orn ers*!! to Ovid. Hazel* to Roscoe. 1 Heath to Saugerties. Hebron to Salem. H ecla! to Vernon. Hecla W orks to Vem on. H e c to r*ft to Watkins. Heddens* to Ithaca. Hedgesville to Addison. H e le n a *!! to Brasher Falls. H e m lo c k *!! to Livonia. Henderson • ! to Adams. Henderson H a r b o r * to Adams. H e n rie tta *!! to Rochester. Hensonvllle*! to Catskill. Herm itage to Gainesville. Herring to Carthage. H e w le t t * !! to Lynbrook. Hibernia* to Mlllbrook. Hicks to Elmira. Higginsville to Oneida. H igh F a lls *!! to Kerhonk son. Highland Lake* to P o rt Jervis. Highland M ills * !! to Central Valley. H ighm ou nt*! to Fleisch manns. H igh v ie w * ! to Middletown. H igh W oods to Saugerties. H iU b u m *!! to Suffem. Hillsdale* t ! to Phllmont. Hunter * ! ! to Catskill. Hunters Land to M iddleburg. , Hunter’s P o in t !! to Long island City. Huntington Station* to Huntington. Hunts Corners to M ara thon. Hunts P o in t! to N ew Y ork C ity (M anhattan). H u r le y * !! to Kingston. H u rley vllle*fto Monticello. Hurricane* to Lake Placid. H urstville to Albany. Husteds to M illerton. H yde Park * t ! (Dutchess Co.) to Poughkeepsie. H yde Park (Nassau Co.) to Mineola. H yde Park (Otsego Co.) to Cooperstown. H y n d s v llle *!! to Cobleskill. Independence to Andover. In d e x * ! to Cooperstown. Indian Castle! 1 to L ittle Falls. Indian Falls* to Corfu, Indian Fields* to Ravena. Indian Lake* to North Greenfield* to Ellenville. Greenfield Center * to Sara toga Springs. Indian R iv er to Carthage. Green H aven* to Pawling. Ingham Mills to Dolgeville. Green Island! to Troy. Ingleslde to Naples. Greenlawn*! ttoHuntington Ingraham to Plattsburg. Greenport Center to Hud In let* to Remsen. son. Inm an* to Saranac Lake. Green R id g e *! to T otten In w ood! to Far Rockaway. ville. Iona Is la n d * !! to PeekskUl. Greenriver to Chatham. Io n ia * !! to Holcomb. G reenville*! (Greene Co.) Ir a * to Cato. to Coxsackle. Ira S ta tio n * !! to Cato. Greenville (Orange Co.) to Ir o n a *! to Champlain. Port Jervis. Iron dequ olt*! to Rochester Greenville ( Westchester Ironton to North ToDaC o.) to W h ite Plains. wanda. , ? Greenville Center* to Cox Ir v in g * !! to Silver C re e k ., sackle. Isc h u a *!! to FrankllnvUle: Greenway! to Rome. Ita ly to Naples. Greenwood Lake* to W ar Garland to Brockport. Ita ly H ill to Prattsburg. wick. Garnertown to Cornwall. Itaska* t o W hitney Point. Gregorytown to DownsvUle G a m erville*! to HaverGrelg* to Low vllle. straw. G reigsville*Tl to York. Garnet* to N orth Creek. Jackson Comers* to Pin e G ren e ll*!! to Clayton. Garoga* to Johnstown. Pl&lns Garrattsvllle* to Edmeston G rey co u rt*!! to Chester. Jacksonville* to Trumans, Garretsons Station to Stap- Griffins Mills to East Au burg. rora. ' leton. Jacks R e ef to Syracuse. • Garrison*! ! to Cold Spring, Grindstone*! to Clayton. J a m esp ort*!! to Riverhead G arw ood! to Canaseraga. J a m esvllle*!! to Syracuse Grooms to Schenectady. G ates*! to Rochester. Jamison R o a d * !! to East Groo ville* to Livingston Gayhead* to Coxsackle. Aurora. M anor. Jaquins* to Corry, Pa. Georgetow n*! to Earlvllle, Georgetown S tation *! to Groton c it y to Groton. Jasper* to Canisteo. Groveland to Geneseo. Earlvllle. Java* to Arcade. G erm antow n*!! (Columbia G rove Springs to Rome. Java C e n te r*!! to North G uilderland*! to Albany. . C o.) to Hudson. Java. Gullderland C en ter*ft tc H illside* to Pleasantville. Germantown (Orange Co.) Java Village* to N orth Java . Albany. H lm rod*! ! to Dundee. Jay* to Au Sable Forks. to Po rt Jervis. H in c k le y * !! to Remsen. Jeddo to Middleport. Germantown Station to G u ilfo rd *!! to Sidney. Guilford Center* to Sidney Hindsburg to Albion. Hudson. Jefferson* to Stamford.. Gulf S u m m it*!! to Deposit. HinmanvTlle to Phoenix. Jefferson V alley* to PeeksG e r r y * !! to Jamestown. Getzvllle* 1 1 to Tonawanda Gurn . Spring to Saratoga H in s d a le*!! to Olean. kffi. Springs. H oag Comers to Albany. Jenkentown to N ew Paitz. G u ym a rd *!! to P o rt Jervis Hoffmans * f l - to Amster Jenksvllle to Owego. G h e n t* !! to Chatham. dam. Gypsum to Olifton Springs Jericho*! to Hlcksvllle. Gibson to Coming. Hogansburg* to F ort Cov Jerry to Central Square. Gibsons Landing to Ham ington. Jerusalem South to Free mondsport. H a d le y * !t to Corinth. H olbrookt to Sayvllle. port. Gilbert M ills! to Fulton. Hagam an’ ft o Amsterdam. H ollands! ! to Rockaway Jew ell! to Oneida. Gilboa* to Stamford. Beach. Hagedom s M ills*to Ball Jewett* to Catskill. G ile* to St. Regis Falls. ston, Spa. H o llis !! to Jamaica. JewettvUle* f 1 to East Glasco* to Saugerties. H ollow ville* to Hudson. Hagerman to Patchogue. Aurora. Glen* to Fultonville. Holmes* to Pawling. Hague* to Tlconderoga. Johnsburg*! to N o rth Creek Glenacker to Livonia. Glen A ubrey* to W hitney Hallesboro* to Gouvemeur H olm esville*! to Norwich. J ohn son*!! to Middletown. Haines F a lls * !! to Catskill. H o lts v ille * !! to Patchogue. Johnsonburg*!! to North Point. Java. ' Glenlfumle * to Tlcon H alcott Center* to Griffin H on eoye*! to Livonia. Comers. Honk H ill to Ellenville. Johnson Creek to Middlederoga. port. Glen Castle*to Binghamton, H alcottsvU le*! I to Mar- H ooper to Johnson C ity. garetvUle. H o o s lc k *!! to Hooslck Jonnsontown to HaverGlenco Mills* to Hudson. Falls. Hale E d d y * !! to Deposit. straw. Glendale to Brooklyn. • Hope Falls* to North ville., Haleslte* to Huntington. Jbhnsonville’ t ! to Troy. Glendale Station, to Brook H a lf M oon to Cohoes. Hopewell to Canandaigua. Jones P o in t* !! to Peekskill. lyn. Hopewell J u n ctio n *!! to JonesvUle * to MeohanlcsGlen E yrie* to Tlconderoga. H alf W a y ! 1 to Syracuse. Wappingers Falls. H a ll* !! to Penn Yan. viUe. G len fleld *!! to Low vllle. Hopkinton* to Winthrop. Hallsville to F ort Plain. Jordan* to Weedsport. Glenford to Kingston. Halsey V alley* to Spencer Horioon* to Warrens burg. JordanvUle*! to Richfield G len ham *!! to Beacon. Horseshoe * f 1 to Tupper Springs. Glen H e a d * !! to Glen Cove. H am blettville* to Deposit Hamden* f ! to Delhi. Lake. Joy to Sodus. Junius to Lyons. Glen Lake * to Glens Falls. Ham let* to South Dayton H orton* ! to Roscoe. H ortonville* to Callicoon. H a m lin *!! to Brockport. G len m o n t*!! to Albany. H o u g h to n *!! to Fillmore. Glenmore* to Camden. Hamm els Station to Rock Houseville* to L ow ville. G lenora*! to Dundee. H oward* to H om ell. away Beach. KaatersklU *! to Kingston. Glenpark* to W atertown. Hampton (Orange Co.) to H ow ard Beach* to W ood- Kalurah to Carthage. Glen Spey* to Po rt Jervis. haven. Middletown. K a n o n a * !! to Bath. G len ville! to Schenectady. Hampton * (Washington H ow e C a v e * !! to Coble- Karner to W est Albany. Glen W ild * to MontlceUo. K a s o a g * !! to Camden. skill. Co.) to Poultney, V t. G len w oo d *!! to Springville KattelvUle to Binghamton. H ow ells *! to Middletown. Glenwood Lan din g*! to H a n k in s*!I to Callicoon. Howes* to Afton. KattskUl B ay* to Lake Hannawa Falls* to Pots Glen Cove. dam. H u b b a rd svllle*!! to Ham George. Godeffroy* to P o rt Jervis. Kauneonga to MontlceUo. ilton. , G old enb rid ge*!! to M ount H a n n ib a l*!! to Oswego. Hannibal Center to Oswego. Hughsonville* to W appin Kecks Center to Johnstown. Kisco. Keene* to Lake Placid. gers Falls. H a rb o r!! to Utica. Goldsmith* to Plattsburg. Huguenot* to P o rt Jervis'. Keenes !1 to Gouvemeur. • Good Ground*! ! to South H a rd y s !! to Gainesville. Huguenot P a r k * !! to T o t Keene V aU ey*! to Lake H a rford *! to Dryden. ampton. tenville. Placid. Harford M ills*!to Dryden. Goodyears to Aurora. KelloggsvUle to Moravia. H ulberton* to H olley. Goose CreeklitoWoodhaven Harkness* to KeesevUle. Huletts Landing * to KeUey Comers* to MargarG o rh a m *l! to Canandaigua HarlemviUe to Phllmont. etvUle. Whitehall. Harmon-On-Hudson to Grafton* to Troy. Kelsey* to Hancock. Hume* to Fillmore. Groton-On-Hudson. GrahamsvUle* to Liberty. Harpersfleld* to Stamford. Humphrey* to Ellicottville. K e n d a la *t! to Ovid. Granby Center to Fulton. Humphrey Center* to EU1- K e n d a ll* !! (Orleans Co.) Grand H otel S ta tio n !! to H a rp u rsville*!! to A fton. cottvllle. to HoUey. H arrlm an*! to Monroe. Fleischmanns. Humphreysville to Hudson. Kendall MUls to HoUey. Grand Island* to Tona Harris* to M onticello. H u n t*! to Dalton._________ K e n n e d y *! t to Jamestown. Harrisburg to Low vllle. wanda. 1Telegraph Station. * Money Order Office. A County Seat. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N E W YORK Kenoza Lake* to JeffersonvUIe. Kensico to W hite Plains. K e n t* ! to Albion. K en t Cliffs* to Carmel. K enw ood*! ! to Oneida. , Kenyonville to LyndonvlUe Ketchums Comers to Sara toga Springs. Ketchum viUe*! to Newark VaUey. K eu k a *!to Hammondsport Keuka Park* to Penn Yan. Klamesha* to MontlceUo. Kiantone to Jamestown. Kidders* to Interlaken. K U la w o g *!! to Marathon. K ill B u c k *t!to Salamanca. K in g F erry* to Genoa. Klngsbridgef to N ew York C ity (M anhattan). Kingsbury* to Hudson FaUs. Kings P a rk *! tto Northport Kirk to Norwich. K irk lan d *! to Clinton. K lr k v ille * !! to Syracuse. Kirkwood* 11 to Bingham ton. Kirschnervllle to Lowvllle.; Kiskatom. to Catskill. K ltch a w a n *!! to Mount Kisco. Knapp Creek* to Olean. Knowelhurst* to Warrensburg. KnowlesvUle* to Medina. K n ox* to Schoharie. Knoxboro to Orlskany Falls. Kortright* to Oneonta. KreischerviUe* to TottenvUle. Kripplebfish* to Kerkonkson. Krum vU le*! to Kerhonk son. KuckvUle to LyndonvlUe. K y s erik e *!! to Kerhonkson Lackawack* to EllenvUle. Ladentown to Spring Val ley. Ladleton* to EllenvUle. L a F argevU le*!! to Theresa. L a F a y e tte*! to TuUy. L afayette ville to Pine Plains. L a Grange to Perry. Lagran gevU le*!! to PoughLairdsvUle to Clinton. L a k e * !! to Warwick. Lake Bluff* to W olcott. Lake B onaparte! to Harrisville. Lake Clear* to Saranac Lake. Lake Clear Junction *11 to Saranac Lake. Lake Colbey to Saranao Lake. Lake G ro v e *! to Stony Brook. Lake H ill* to Kingston. L a ke H untington* to JeffersonvUle. Lake K a trin e*! to Kingston Lake K u sh aqU a*!! to Ma lone. Lakeland to Sayville. Lake Mahopac to Carmel. Lake Minnewaskal to K er honkson. Lake Mobeganl to PeekskUl Lake Mohonk to N ew Paitz. Lakem ont* to Dundee. ¿Lake Pleasant* to NorthvUle. Lakeport to Canastota. Lake Ronkonkoma * 1 to SayviUe. Lakeside* to WUllamson. Lake V ie w * !! to Angola. L a k e v ille * !! (Livingston Co.) to Livonia. LakevUle (Nassau Co.) to Great N eck Station. Lakew ood’ t tto Jamestown Lamberton to Fredonia. Lam ont to Castile. Lamson * f l to BaldwinsvlUe. L a n esville*!! to Kingston. Langford to North Coffins. Lansing to Oswego. Lansingburgt to Troy. Lansingville to Ithaca. L a o n a f! to Fredonia. Lapala to Kingston. Larchmont Manor f 1 to Larchmont. Larkfleld to Northport. L a S a lle*fi to Niagara FaUs LassellsvUie to St JohnsvlUe. Latham to W atervllet. Latintow n to Newburgh. Lattingtown to Glen Cove. L a u r e l* !! to Mattltuck. Laurel H i l l ! ! to Long Island C ity. L a u ren s*!! to Oneonta. L a va * to Callicoon. ! Express Office. new YORK (St. Lawpence Co.) to Brushton. Lawrenceville (Ulster Co.) to Kingston. Law tons*!!toN orthColllns. Lawyersvilie* to Coblesklll Lebanon* t t to Eariville. Lebanon S p r i n g s T t t t o Pittsfield. Mass. Ledyard* to Auburn. Lee to Borne. Lee Center* to Rome. Leeds* 1 to Catskill. heels* to Franklin ville. Lehigh to Corfu. Leibhardt* to Kerhonkson. Leicestertt to M t. Morris. Leila to Rome. Lawrence ville *t Lenox to Oneida. Lentsville to Cooperstown. Leon* to Cherry Creek. Leonards ville* ! to West Winfield. Leptondale* to W allkill. Lester to Windsor: Lestershiretî to Johnson City. Levanna’ t t to Aurora. Levant to Falcofier. Lewbeach* to Roscoe. Lewis* to Westport. Lewlsboro to Ridgefield, Conn. Lew iston*! ! to Niagara Falls. Lexington* to Catskill. Leyden to Boonville. ■ LeydenStation*to Boonville Liberty F alls! to Liberty. Libertyvllle to N ew Paltz. L ily D a le * !! to Stockton. Lime L a k e*! to Franklinville. L im e ric k *!! to Watertown. Lim e Rock to L e Roy. Lim estone*! ! to Bradford, Pa. Llmestreet to Catskill. Llncklaen* to De Ruyter. Llncklaen Center* to De Ruyter. Lincoln* to Falrport. L lncolndale*!! to Mount Kisco. Lincoln P a r k * !! to Roches ter. L in d e n * !! to Attica. L ln d ley *! to Coming. L ln llth e o *!! to Hudson. Linlithgo Station! to Hud son. Linoleum v ille * ! to Port Richmond. L ln w o o d *!! to York. L is b o n * !! to Ogdensburg. Lishas K ill to Schenectady Litchfield to Illon. Llthgow to Amenta. L ittle B r ita in * !! to Newburg. L ittle France to Central Square,. L ittle Genessee to noiivar, L ittle N e c k * !! to Bayside. -L ittle R iver to Canton. L ittle Utica to Baldwinsville. L ittle Y o r k * !! to Homer. L iv e r p o o l* !! to Syracuse. Livingston* (Columbia Co.) to Hudson. L ivin gston! (Richm ond Co. to West N ew Brighton. Livingston Station to Hud son. Livlngstonville* to Middleburg. Livonia Center* to Livonia Lloyds N eck to Huntington. Loch M u ller* to N orth Creek. Loch Sheldrake*to Liberty. Lock Berlin* to Lyons. L ockw ood*! to W averly. Locust V alley* 1 ! to Glen Cove. L odi* to Ovid. Logan to Watkins. Lom ontville* to Kingston. Long B each * ! ! t o Lynbrook L o n g e d d y * !! to Callicoon. Long L a k e *! to Tupper Lake. Long Lake W est ! 1 to Tupper Lake. Long Y ea r to M ount Pleasant. Loomis (Delaware Co.) to W alton. Looneyville to Lancaster. Loon L a k e * ! to Malone. Lordvllle’ t t to Hancock. Liorena to Rome. Lorraine* to Adams. L ou don vllle*! to Albany. Louisville* to Massena. Louisville fcLanding * to Massena. Lounsberry* ! 1 to Owego. Low ell to Rome. Low erret to Yonkers. L o w m a n * ti to Elmira. \/L o w Point to Beacon. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS L o y d * ! to Highland. Ludingtonvllle* to Carmel. LudlowviUe’ t ! to Ithaca. Luzerne* to Saratoga Springs. Lycom ing*! to Oswego, to Lykers to Canajoharie. Lyon Mountain * t ! Plattsburg. Lyonsdale* to Boonville. Lyons Falls*! tto Boonville Lysander* to Baldwlnsvllle Mabbettsville to Millbrook. M acD ougal*!! to Geneva. M acedon *!j to Palmyra. Macedon, Center* to Pal myra. M achias*!!to Franklin ville. Machias Junction* to Franklin vfile. Mackey to Middleburg. Macomb to Gouvemeur. Madalin*! to Saugerties. Madawaska* to St. Regis Falls. Madison*to Orlskany Falls. Madrid Springs* to Madrid. Magee to Waterloo. M ahopac*!! to Carmel. Mahopac Falls* to Carmel. Maine* to Union. Malden Bridge*to Chatham Malden on Hudson * ! ! to Saugerties. M a llo r y * !! to Central Square. Malta to BallstCn Spa. M altaville to Ballston Spa. Manchester Bridge<to Pough keepsie. Manhasset*! to Great Neck. Manltou*! to Peekskill. M anlius*!! to Syracuse. Manlius Center! to Syra cuse. M an nsville*!! to Lacona. Manor to Center Moriches. Manor K ill* to Stamford. Manorvllle* 11 to Center Moriches. M aple Beach to Livonia. Mapledale* to Margaretvllle Maple Grove to Morris. Maples to Elllcottvllle. Maple Springs* tto May ville Maplestreet to Wilson. M apleton *!! to Auburn. Mapleton Station! to Lockport. Maple View * 1 to Pulaski. Maplewood * t to Monticello. Marbletown* to Kingston'. Marcellus Falls * to Marcellus. M a rc y *!! to Utica.' Marengo to Clyde. Manavllle to Schenectady. Marietta* to Marcellus. Marilla* to East Aurora. Marilla Station! 1 to Lan caster. Markham s! to South Dayton. Marshall to Belfast. Marshvllle to Canajoharie. Martindale Depot* to Phllmont. Martlnshurg* to Low ville. Martinsville* to North Tonawanda. M a rtv llle*!! to Cato. M a rylan d *!! to Scbenevus. Masonvllle* to Sidney. M aspetht! to Elmhurst. Massapequa*!! to Am ityville. Massena Center*to Massena Massena Springs* ! ! to Mas sena. Matinecock to Glen Cove. Matteawan* to Beacon. M a yb rook *!! to Montgom ery. M a y fie ld *!! to Gloversvllle. McClure' Settlement* to Deposit. McCollom 8 * t ! to Malone. McConnellsvllle* ! 1 to Cam den. McDonough* to Oxford. M cGraw *! to Cortland. M c K e e v e r *!! to Old Forge. M cKlnlev to Canajoharie. M cK ow n ville to Albany. M c L ea n *!! to Cortland. Meacham L a k e*! to Malone Meaders to Plattsburg. M eadow dale*!! to Albany. Mechanicstownt tto Middletown. Mecklenburg* to Trumansburg. Meco to Gloversvllle. Medford S ta tio n *!! to Patchogue. Medusa* to Coxsackie. Medway* to Coxsackie. Mellenvllle* t ! to Phllmont. M elrose*!! to Lansineburg. M elville to Farmingdale. Middlefield to Cooperstown M iddlefleld Center to Cooperstown. Middle Granville*! ttoGranville. Middle Grove* to Saratoga Springs.: M iddle Hope* to Newburgh Middle Island* to Port Jefferson. M id dlesex*!! to Naples. M iddle V illa ge !! to Brook lyn. M ld d levllle*!! to Newport. Midland Beach*toStapleton Milan to Rhlnebeck. Mileses* to Callicoon. M ilford Center to M ilford. Milburn to Freeport. . Mlllerplace* j to Port Jef ferson. M illers*! to Lyndonville. Millers M ills*to West W in field.» Millersportf to Lockport. Mill Grove to Akron. Milliken to Mariners H ar bor. Mill Point to Amsterdam. M ill P o r t * !! to Montour Falls. M ills Corners to Gloversville. Millville to Medina. M illw ood *!! to Mt. Kisco. Milo Center to Penn Y an. M ilto n * !! to Marlboro. Minaville* to Amsterdam. Mlndefi to St. Johnsvllle. M in den ville!! to St. Johnsville. Mineral Springs* to Cobleskill. Minerva* to North Creek. M in etto*t! to Oswego. Minevllle *to Po rt Henry. Mlnlslnk* to Port Jervis. MinisinkFord*toHon'esdale, ■'Pa. M in k Hollow to Kingston. Minnewaska*! to Kerhonk son. Minnowbrook*to Boonville M lnoa*! to Syracuse. Minsteed to Newark. Mltchellvllle to Bath. 1 M o d e lc ity !! to Niagara Falls. Modeltown*to NlagaraFalls Modena*! ! to N ew Paltz. M offltsvllle*! to Plattsburg Mohawk H ill to Boonville. Mohegan Lake* to Peekskill Mohonk Lake * ! to New P ftlt'Z M o ira * !! to Brushton. Molyneux Comers to Lockport. Mombaccus* to Kerhonk son. Mongaup* to Port Jervis. Mongaup V alley*to Monti cello. M o n sey*!! to Spring Valley Montague to LowvQle. M o n ta u k *!! to East Hamp ton. Montela* to Ellenville. Monterey* to Watkins. Montezuma* tto Weedsport Montoma to Kingston. M ontrose*!! to Peekskill. M oodna*t to Cornwall. Moody* to Tupper Lake. Mooers* to Champlain. Mooers Forks*! ! to Cham plain. Mooers Junction! Ito Cham plain. M oons*! to Sinclalrville. Moores M ill* !! to Millbrook Morehouseville* to Poland. Moreland to Watkins. Moreland S tatlon *!to W a t kins. Moresville to Grand Gorge. Morgan ville* to L e Roy. Moriah* to Port Henry. Moriah Center* to Port Henry. M oriches*! to Center Mo riches. Moriey* to CantonMorris H eights! to N ew Y o rk C ity (M anhattan). M o rrison vllle*!! to Platts M em phis*!! to Syracuse. burg. Mendon*! ! to Victor. ) Mendon Center to Honeoye M orris Park*t!toR ichm on d H ill. Falls. _____________ I R EFE REN CE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Meredith* to Delhi. Meridale* to Delhi. Meridian* to Cato. M errick *!! to Freeport,. M errickville*i to Walton. Merrifleld* to Auburn.! Merrill* to Chateaugay. Merrillsville to Oneida. Mertensia*! to Victor Messengerville*tt to Mara thon. M etrop olitan flto Brooklyn Mettacahonts to Kerhonk son. Middle Falls* to Greenwich. A County Seat. Money Order Office. Morrisville Station* 11 to Morrisville. M ortim er*!! to Rochester. M orton *It to H olley. Morton Comers to Springville, Moseskill to F ort Edward. Moshervllle to Ballston Spa. M ottville* to Skaneateles. Mountain D a le *!! to Ellen ville.' N E W YORK 1895 Newtown (Queens Co.) to Elmhurst. New Vernon to Middletown New ville* to L ittle Falls. N ew W in d sor!! to N ew burgh. New Woodstock*! ! to Casenovla. New Y ork Mills* tttoU tlca. Nlcholville* to Potsdam. N ile* to Friendship. Niles to Auburn. N ineveh*t to Alton Nineveh, Junction* f to Alton. N iobe’ t t to Jamestown. N isk ayu n a*!! to Scheneotady. 6 Nissequoque to Stonybrook. N lv e rv llle * !! to Kinderhook. Normans ville to Albany. Northampton* to Northville. North A rgyle to Argyie. North B angor*! to Malone. North B a y * tl to Oneida. N . Beach to Long Island City. N . Bellport to Patchogue. , North Bergen! to Bergen.lNorth Blenheim* to Mid dleburg. North Bloomfield* to Hone oye Falls. North Boston* to Hamburg North Branch* to Callicoon Mountain House! to Catskill. Mountain View * 11 to Ma lone. M ountalnvllle*!! to Corn wall. Mounthope (Orange Co.) to Middletown. M t. H o p e * !! (Westchester Co.) tb Hastings upon Hudson. Mount Iv y * tto Haverstraw. M t. Lebanon* to Pittsfield, Mass. Mount Marlon* 1 ! to Sau gerties. Mount Pleasant (Oswego Co.) to Fulton. Mount Read to Rochester. M t. R o ss*!! to Pine Plains. M t. Sinai* to Port Jefferson M t. Tremper* to Kingston. Mount Upton* 1 ! to Sidney. M ount Vision*! to Oneonta Muitzeskill to Castleton. M u m ford *!! to Caledonia. Mundale to Walton. Munnsvllle*! to Oneida. North Brookfield* ! to Munson to Hempstead. Watervilie. Munsonville to Gloversvllle Northbush to Johnstown. Murray to Holley. North Chatham *! to KlnM yers*! to Ithaca. derhook. North Chemung to Elmira North Chili* to Rochester. Nanticoke* to Whitney N . Clymer* to Sherman. Point. N. Oohocton* to W ayland. N a n u e t*!! to Spring Valley North Colesville to Bing N ap an och *!! to Ellenville. hamton. Napoli* to East Randolph. N . Constantia to Central N arrow sburg*!! to CaillSquare. coon. North Easton to Greenwich Nashville to Forestvllle. North Evans* tto Hamburg Nassau!! to Albany. N . Fair H a v e n *!! to Cato. Natural Bridge* to Cap- North Fenton to Greene. thage. N orthfleldtt to W alton. Natural Dam* to Gouver- N . FraTnklin* to Oneonta. t neur. Naumburg to lo w v ille . N orth Gage to Poland. Navarino to Marcellus. North Germ antown*! to Nedrow to Onondaga Hudson. Valley. N . Granville* to Granville. Nelliston* to F ort Plain. N . Greece* to Spencerport. Nelson* to Cazenovla. N . Greenwich to Greenwich N elsonvllle*! to ColdSpring North Hamden to Walton. Neperan to Pleasantvule. North Hamlin to Brockport Neperai P a r k * t! to Yonkers North Hannibal to Oswego. Nesconset* to Smithtown North Harpersfleld* to Branch. Stamford. North Hebron to Granville. North H ector! to Watkins. Neverslnk* to Liberty. North Hillsdale to Chatham N evis to Red Hook. New- Albion* to Catta North H o o s ic k *!! to H oosick Falls. raugus. N ew B altim ore*! to Cox- N orth Hudson* to Po rt Henry. New Baltimore S ta tio n *!! North Huron to W olcott. N. Kortright* to Stamford. to Coxsackie. North L a n sln g*!!to Locke. New Boston to Lowville. N . L a w ren ce*!! to Brasher N ew Bremen* to Low ville. Falls. N ew Bridge* to Canton. N ew Centerville* to Adams North Manlius* to Syracuse iN ew C it y * !! to H aver North Nassau to Albany. North Norwich* to Sher straw. burne. Newcomb* to North Creek. N ew D o rp *!f to Stapleton. N orth O tselic*! to South Newelden* to Callicoon. Otselic. Newfleld* to Ithaca. N ew Hackensack* to W ap- N orth Pelham to M ount Vernon. pingers Falls. N ew Hamburg • ! to W ap- N orth Pembroke to Batavia. North Petersburg to H oo pingers Falls. sick Falls. N ew Hampton* ! ! to Mid North Pharsalla* to South dletown. Otselic. New H a rtford *! ! to Utica. North Pitcher* to South N ew H a v e n * !! to Mexico. Otselic. New H ope* to Moravia. I N ew H yde P a r k * !! to M in- North R id g e! to Lockport. N . R iver* to N orth Creek. eola. New Kingston* to Margar North R oslyn ! to Roslyn. v North Rush* to Scottsville. etvllle. New Lebanon* ! ! to P itts N . Russell to Canton. North Salem* to Brewster. field, Mass. N ew Lebanon, Center* to N orth Sanford* to A fton. North Sea to Southampton. Pittsfield, Mass. N . Spencer*!! to Spencer. N ew Lisbon* to Morris. North Stephentown • to N ew London to Rome. Berlin. N ew m an*! to Lake Placid. N ew M ilford *! to Warwick. N . Stockholm *!to N orw ood N ew Oregon to North Col N . Syracuse*! £o Syracuse. N orth T a rrytow n *! to lins. Tarrytow n. N ew Russia* to West P o rt Northumberland to Schuylerville. , N ew Salem* (A lbany Co.) North Victory to Cato. ? to Albany. N ew Salem (Ulster Co.) to North W estern* to Rome. N orth W h ite Lake* to Rondout. Monticello. N ew S c o tla n d *!tto Albany N ew Springvillet to P o rt N orth W ilna to Carthage. North W olcott to W olcott. Richmond. New Suffolk * !t o Mattltuck. N orthwood* to Poland. New tonfalls*t tto Carthage. N orth Yonkers to Yonkers. N ewton H o o k * !! to Cox- N orton H ill* to Coxsackie. N orw ay* to Newport. N ew to n ville*! to W ater- N orw o od '(N a ssau Co.) to Hempstead. vliet. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. TOWNS, ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1896 N E W YORK Number Four to Low ville. Nyando *11 to Massena. Oakbeach* to Babylon. Oak H ttl*f to Cat8 klU. Oakland* to Nunda. Oakland Valley* to M onticello. Oak Orchard to Medina. Oak Orchard-on-the-Lake to Albion. Oak Point to Hammond. Oak B idge to Fultonvllle. Oaks Corners* t t to Phelps. Oaksvllle* to Cooperstown O a k w o o d *!! (Cayuga Co.) to Union Springs. Oakwood* (Kichm ond Co.) to Stapleton. Obem burg* to Calliooon. Obi to Cuba. Ocean Side! to Bockville Center. Oceanus to Rockaway Beach. Ogden to Churchville. Ohio* to Poland. Ohlovllle* to New Paltz. Olcott* to Lockport. Old C hatham *tt to Chat ham. Old W estbu ry*!to Mlneola O live to Kingston.. G livebridge*! to Kingston. Ollverea* to Margaretville. Olm stedvllle’ t to North Creek. Omar* to Clayton. O na tivlatt to Syracuse. Onchiota* to Saranac Lake. Pasadena to Boonville. Pataukunk* to Kerhonkson Patchin to Hamburg. Pattens M ills to Glens Falls. P a tterson !! to Pawling. P a tterson vllle*!! to Am sterdam. Paul Sm iths*! to Saranac Lake. Pavement to Lancaster. Peabrook to Hancock. Peach Orchard to Watkins. P e a k vllle*! to Roscoe. Pearl C reek *tt to W yom ing Peasleeville* to Plattsburg. P e c o n ic *!! to Southold. Pekin to Lockport. P e lh a m *!! to M ount Ver non. Pelham Bridge to N ew Y ork C ity (M anhattan.) Pelham M a n o r * !! to N ew Rochelle. P em b rok e *!! to Corfu. Pendleton to Lockport. Pendleton Center! tto Lockport. Penfleld* to Fairport. P en n ellville*ft to Phoenix. Peoria to York. P e p a cto n *!lto Downsville. Perch R iver to W atertow n. Perkins v ille * ! to W ayland. Perry Center to Perry. Perry City to Trumansburg. Perrysburg*! ! to Gowanda. Perrys M ills* to Champlain Perryvllle* to Canastota. Perth to Amsterdam. P e r n * !! to Plattsburg. Peruville* to Groton. Peterboro* to Canastota. Petersburg*f ! to Berlin. Petries Corners*to Low ville Pharsalla to Clnclnnatus. Phlllipsburg to Middletown. Phillips Creek to Belmont. Ph illipsport*! to Ellenville. Ph oen icia*!! to M argaret ville. Phoenix M ills !! to Coopers town. P iercefleld *!! to Tupper Lake. Plerm ont*t to Sparkill. Pierrepont* to Canton. Pierrepont Manor* f t to Adams. P iffa r d * !! to Geneseo. P ik e Station to Gainesville. Plkeville* to Wellsvllle. Pillar Point to Dexter. Pinckney to Carthage. Pine C it y * !! to Elmira. Pine H ill* !! /to Fleischmanns. Oneida Castle*! to Oneida. Oneida Lake to Canastota. Oneida Valley to Oneida. Onondaga*f to Onondaga Valley. Onondaga Castle to Syra cuse. Onovllle* to RandolDh. Ontario Center* to Ontario. Oppenhelm to St. Johnsville. Oquaga Lake* to Deposit. Oramel* to Belfast. O ra n *ft to Cazenovta. O rangeburg*ft to Sparklll. Orange Lake*T to Walden. Orangeport to Lo'ckport. Oregon to Peekskin. Orient* to Greenport. G rlsk an y*tf to Utica. Orlando, to Elllcottvllle. Orleans*! to Clifton Spr’ngs Orleans Four Comers* t to Theresa. Orrs M ills ! to Cornwall. Orwell* to Lacona. Osborn to W averly. Osborn Bridge* to North- Pine Isla n d *!! to Florida. Pin elaw n *! to Farmingdale ville. O scaw ana*f! to Croton on Pines Bridge to M ount Klsco. Hudson. Pine V a lle y * !! to HorseOsceola* to Camden. Plneville to W alton. Osslan to Dansville. O swegatchle*! to Car Piseoo* to Northville. Pitcairn to Harrisville. thage. Oswego Center to Oswego. Pitcher* to Clnclnnatus. Oswego Falls f to Fulton. Pitcher Springs to Clncln natus. O te g o * t! to Oneonta. Pittsfield to N e w Berlin. Otlsco* to Syracuse. P itts fo rd * !! to Rochester, Otlsco Mills to Cambridge. Pitts town* to Troy. Otlsco V alley* to Tully. O tls v ille *!! to Middletown. Plains to Rome. Plainville* to Baldwinsvllle Otsdawa to Oneonta. Piasterville to Norwich. Otselic* to South Otsellc. Otselic Center to South Plato to ElllcottsvUle. P la tt Clove* to Saugertles. Otselic. Plattekill* to Newburgh, Otterlake to Boonville. Pleasantbrook* to Cherry O tto* to Cattaraugus. Valley. Ouaquaga* to Windsor. Pleasant Lake* to Tupper Ovid Center* f to Ovid. Lake. Owasco* to Auburn. Owasco L a k e ft to Auburn, Pleasant Plains* (Dutchess Co.) to Poughkeepsie. Owens M ills to W averly. Pleasant P la in s !! to T o t Owls H e a d * f! to Malone. ten ville. Oxbow* to Antwerp. Oxford D e p o t*!! to Chester Pleasant V a lle y * !I (Dutch ess Co.) to Poughkeepsie. Plessis*! to Theresa. Plu m brook*! to Norwood. Plutarch to New Paltz. Pagebrook to Greene. Pages Corners to Richfield Plym outh* to Norwich. Springs. H ills * f t to Painted Post*t ! to Coming Pocantlco Tarrytown. Palatine B rid ge*! to CanaPoestenkill* to Troy. joharle. Point A u Roche to Platts P a len ville*! to Catskill. burg. Palermo to Fulton. Point Breeze* to Albion. Palisades* to Sparklll. Point Chautauqua* f t to Palm er* to Corinth. Mayvllle. Pam elia Four Com ers to Paint Peninsula* to Cape Watertown. Vincent. Pan am a*! to Sherman. Panama Station! to Sher Point Rock* to Rome. Point V ivian* to Alexandria man. Bay. Paradox* to Ticonderoga. Pomona* t to Spring Valley. Paris* to W aterville. Pom pey* to Syracuse. Parish ville* to Potsdam Paris S tation*! to W ater Pom pey Center to Syracuse. Pond E d d y * ! t o P o r t ville. Jervis. Parkston* to Livingston Ponds to Rochester. Manor. P a rk s v llle *!! to Liberty. Ponquoque to Southampton Parma to Hilton. P o o lv ille * !! to Earlvllle. Parma Center to Hilton. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ¿County Seat. Pope M ills* to Gouverneur. Poplar Ridge* to Auburn. Portage* f t to Nunda. P o rta g e v llle *!! to Castile. P o rt Benjamin to Kerhonkson.’i P o rt B y ro n *t! to Auburn. Po rt C ra n e *!! to Bingham ton. P o rt Dickinson*! to Bing hamton. Porter to Salem. Porter Comers to Saratoga Springs. , Porterville* to East Aurora. Port E w en *f i to Kingston. P o rt G ibson*! to Newark. P o rt Hixon to Kerhonkson. Po rt Jefferson Station*! to P t. Jefferson. Port K e n t * ! ! to Keesevllle P o rtla n d *!! toB rocton . Portland Point * to Ithaca. Portland vUle* f t to Milford. P o rt L e y d e n * !! to Boon ville. Po rt Ontario to Pulaski. P o r t v llle * !! to Olean. P o rtw ayf ! to Wayland. Post Creek to Coming. Potter* to Rushville. Potter H ill to Hoosick Falls Potter Hollow * to Middleburg. Pottersville*! to Warrensburg. P o u gh q u a g*!! to Pawling. PoundridgeftoNew Canaan, Conn. Pratts H ollow * to Morrisville. Prattsville* f to Grand Gorge. Preble* f ! to Tully. Presho’ f ! to Coming. Preston* to Norwich. Preston H ollow * to Middleburg. Primrose to Hastings upon Hudson. Prince B a y * ! to Tottenville Princetown*to Schenectady Prospect* ! to Remsen. Prospect Station! to Westfield. P ro te c tio n *!! to Holland. P u lten ey*! to Prattsburg. Pultneyvilie* to William son. Pu lver’s Comers to M illerton. " Purchase* fto W hite Plains. Purdy Creek to Canlsteo. Purdys M ills to Plattsburg. Purdy S ta tio n *ft to Brew ster. Purling* to Catskill. Putnam to Whitehall. Putnam S t a t i o n * ! ! to Whitehall. Putnam V alley to Peekskill. Pyrites* to Canton. Quaker B rid g e !! to Ran dolph. Quaker H ill* to Paw ling Quaker Springs* to Schuylerville. Quaker S treet*! to Schen ectady. Quarryville to Saugertles. Quassick Bridge to New burgh. Q ueens*!! to Jamaica. Queensbury to Glens Falls. Q u og u e *!! to W est Hamp ton Beach. Racevllle* to Granville. Racket R iv er* to Massena. Rainbow L a k e * !!t o Malone R a m a p o * !! to Suffern. Ram biersville to W oodhaven. R a n d all*! to Fonda. Randall Road to Ransomvillp. Randalls ville f t to Hamil ton. Rapids to Lockport. Raquette L a k e * !! to Old Forge. Rathbone* f t to Addison. R avensw oodft to Long Is land City. Rawson .to Cuba. R a y to Attica. R aybrook *tto SaranacLake Raym ertown to Troy. Raym ond to Lockport. R a ym on dvllle*! tp Nor wood. Readbum * to Hancook. Reading to Watkins. Reading C e n te r*!! to W a t kins. Reber* to Keesevllle. Rector* to Low ville. Red Falls to 1 Grand Gprge. Redfleld* to Camden. R ed ford *! to Plattsburg. , Red H o u se*!! to Sala manca. Redrock to Chatham. Money Order Office. N E W YORK Reeds Com ers to Canan Round Island fto Highland Falls. daigua. Round L a k e * !! to Ballston Rem senburg*! to W est Spa. Ham pton Beach. Rensselaer F a lls * !! to Heu- Round T op* to Catskill. Rouses P o in t* !! to Cham velton. plain. Rensselaerville* ! to Middle- Royalton to Middleport. R u by* to Kingston. burg. Rural Grove to Canajoharie Reserve to Buffalo. Rural H ill to Adams. Resort to W olcott. R u s h *!! to H oneoye Falls. Result to Coxsackie. Russell* to Hermon. R e ts o f* !! to York. Russia to Poland. R ex to F ort Plains. Rexford * i to Schenectady. Rutland to Watertown. Rutsonvllle* to Walden. R e x v ille * ! to Greenwood. R e y n o ld s !! to Mechanics- R y e Neok to Mamaroneck. ville. Reynoldston* to Malone. Sahhatis*! to Tupper Lake. Reynoldsville* (Dutchess Sabbath D ay Poin t*to T i Co.) to Pawling. conderoga. Reynoldsville * (Schuyler Sacandaga*!! to N orth ville Co.) to Watkins. R h e lm s *!! to Hammond- Sacket H arb or*! it o Waterport. town. R hinecliff*! to Rhinebeck. Sagaponack*! to Sag H ar bor. Ricard to Pulaski. Sagetown to Elmira. R ices*! ! to Watertown. Sagevillef to Northville. Ricevine to SpringvUle. Sailors Snug H arbor! to New Rlchburg* to Bollivar. Brighton. Riches Corners to Albion. Richfield* to R i c h f i e l d Saint A lb a n sf! to Jamaica. Springs. Saint G eo rg ef! to N ew Brighton. Richfield Junction! ftoW est Winfield. Saint Jam es*!! to Stony Brook. R ic h fo rd *!! to New ark Saint Johns*to Haverstraw. Saint Johnsburg to N orth Valley. Tonawanda. R ich lan d*!! to Lacona. ¿Richm ond*! to Stapleton. Saint Lawrence*to Clayton. Richmond Mills to Livonia. Saint Rem y* to Kingston. Richmond V a lle y !! to T o t Salem Center* to Brewster. tenville. R lc h v ille * !! to Gouverneur Salisbury* to D olgeville. Salisbury C enter*!to DolgeRidge to M t. Morris. vllle. Ridgebury* to Middletown. Salisbury M ills * !! to WashRldgeland to Rochester. ingtonville. Ridge M ills to Rome. Salmon R iver to Pulaski. Ridge Road to Lockport. Salt P o in t*! 1 to PoughRidgew ay to Medina. kcepsie. R ifton * to Kingston. Salt SpringvUle* to Cherry R iga to Churchville. Valley. R io * to Port Jervis. Rlparius* to Warrens burg. SammonsvUle to Fonda. Sanborn*! ttoN lagara Falls. Rlsingvllle to Campbell. Rlverdalet to, N ew Y ork Sand Lake* to Troy. ' Sands Point f to P o rt C ity (Manhattan). Washington. R iver Forks! to W est Sandusky*! to Arcade. Winfield. Riverside Station to W ar- Sandy Creek* to Lacona. Sandy H ill! to Hudson rensburg. Falls. R iv ervie w * to S a r a n a c Sanford* to Deposit. Lake. Sangerfleld* to W aterville. Robinson to Plattsburg. S p rin gs *!! to Rochester J u nction*ft to Sanitaria Binghamton. Honeoye Falls. Rock C ity (Cattaraugus Santa C la ra *!!' to St. Regis Falls. Co.) to Olean. Rock City (Dutchess Co.) Saranac*! to Plattsburg. Saranac Junction to Sara to Red Hook. nac Lake. Rock City Falls*to Ballston S a rdin ia *!! to Arcade. Spa. S a u q u oit*tl to Utica. Rockdale* ! ! to Sidney. Rock Glen* f t to Silver Savan n ah *!! to Clyde. Sayilton* to Newburgh. Springs. Rock HUI* to Monticello. Sawens* to Corfu. R ockland*! to Roscoe. Sawyer to Albion. Rockland Lake* to Nyack. Sawyers Creek to N orth Tonawanda. Rocklet* to WashlngtonS carb o ro *!! to Ossining. vllle. Scarsd ale*!!to W hitePlains Rock Lock to Kingston. Schaghtlcoke*!! to Troy. Rock R i f t * ! ! to Walton. Schodack Center to CastleRockroyal* to Walton. ton. Rock S tre a m *!! to Dundee Rock T a ve rn *! to Wash- Schodack L a n d in g * !! to Castleton. ingtonville. \ Rock V alley* to Calllcoon. Schroon L a k e *! to Crown Point. Rockville* to Belfast. Rockwells M ills *! to Sid Schroon R iv e r * ! to Po rt Henry. ney. Schultzville to Rhinebeck. Rockwell Springs*! to Schuyler FaU s*f to Platts Onondaga Valley. burg. Rockwood* /to Johnstown. Rocky P o in t * !! to Po rt S c io*ff to WellsvUle. S ciota *! to Plattsburg. Jefferson. Rodbournvllle to Horse- Sclpio to Auburn. Scipioville* to Auburn. heads. Scotch Bush to Amsterdam. Rodman* to Adams. Rogersvillef ! to Dansville. Scotchtownf to Middletown Scotia* ! to Schenectady. R o la n d ! to Lackawanha. Scott to Homer. R om u lu s*ft to Ovid. Rondou ttt to Kingston. Ronkon kom a*!! to Say- Scottsburg* to Dansville. Scottsville*! ! to Rochester vllle. Scriba to Oswego. R o ose velt*! to Freeport. Sea Breeze* to Rochester. Rose* to Clyde. Sea C liff* !! to Glen C ove Rosebank*! to Stapleton. Roseboom *to C herryValley S ea ford *!! to A m ityville. Seager* to Margaretville. Rosed aleft to Jamaica. Searsburg to Trumansburg. Rose H ill* ! to Syracuse. SearsvUle to Middletown. Roseland to Webster. R o sen d a le*!! to Kingston Seaside Station to Rockaway Beach. Rqsendale Plains to N ew Seaverton to Winthrop. Paltz. Roses Point to P o rt Jervis. Seely C re e k * !! to Elmira. Selden*! to P o rt Jefferson. R o seton *!! to Newburgh. Selkirk* f i to Albany. Rose V alley to Clyde. Semproinus to Moravia. R o siere*!! to Watertown. Seneca* to Geneva. R ossb u rg *!! to Fillmore. Seneca C astle*ft to Geneva Rossie* to Hammond. Seneca H ill to Oswego. Rossm an*! to Hudson. RossvUle*! to Tottenville. Sen n ett*!! to Auburn. R otterdam ! to Schenectady. S e ta u k et*!! to Po rt Jeffer son. Rotterdam J u n ctio n *!! to Severance* to Crown P oint. Schenectady. ____________ Sevey to Potsdam._________ +Telegraph Station. ± Express Office. NEW YORK Seward* t t to Coblesklll. Shady* to Kingston. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS S. Colton* to Potsdam. S. C olu m bia*!! to Rich field Springs. S. Corinth*! ! to Corinth. S. Cortland to Cortland. S. D ansvllle'to Danville. S. D o v e r !! to Dover Plains. S. Durham* to Catskill. S. East Center to Brewster. S. Easton to Cambridge. S. Edmeston * ! to New Berlin. S. Edwards* to Edward. S. Fallsburg* to Monticello. Southftelds*!! to Monroe. S. G llb o a*!! to Stamford. S. G ran by*ti to Fulton. S. Greece to Rochester. S'. Hamilton* to Sherburne. S. H am m ond*!! to Ham mond. S. Hannibal to Fulton. S.Hartford’ to FortEdward S. Hartwick* to Hartwick S. Horicon* to Warrensburg S. Jamesport*!to Riverhead S. K o rtn g h t*!! to Hobart. S. Lansing*! to Ithaca. S. Lebanon to Earlville. S. L im a * !! to Livonia. S. L ivo n ia *! to Livonia. S. M ilibrook* to Millbrook. S. New B e r lin * !! to New Berlin. S. N y a c k ! to Nyack. S. Onondaga to Syracuse. S. Oyster Bay to A m ityville S. Plattsburgtto Plattsburg S. Plym outh* to Norwich. Southport to Elmira. N E W YORK 1897 Vermontville* to Saranac Lake. Vernon Center* to Vernon. Shandaken*!! to MargaretVerona* t to Oneida. Verona M ills to Rome. yille. ,. . Shandalee to Livingston Verona S ta tio n *!! to V er Manor. non. Sharon (Dutchess Co.) ,to Verplanck*! to Peeksklll. Amenia. . . Versailles* to Gowanda. Sharon* (Schoharie Co.) to Vesper* to Tully. Sharon Springs. Vestal* t i -to Union. Sharon Center to Sharon Vestal Center* to Union. Springs. Veteran to Saugertles. Sharon Station • t Î to Victory to Cato. Amenia. Victory M ills* to Schuyler Shavertown * t Î to Downville. V ien n a*!! to Camden. ville. Shawangunk to W allkill. Vine Valley to Rushville. Vineyard* to Brocton. Shawnee to Lockport. Vlntonton to Coblesklll. Sheds*t to D e Ruyter. Viola to Spring Valley. Sheepshead B ay t t to Virgil to Cortland. Brooklyn. Vtscher Ferry* to ScheneoShekom eko*!! to Pine tad y. Plains. Vista to New Canaan, Conn. Stl8 sin g*tt to Pine Plains. Stittvllle’ t t to Holland Trenton Falls* to Holland Volney to Fulton. Volusia to Westfield. Patent. Patent. Shelby to Medina. Triangle*to W hitney Point. Voorheesvllle*!! to Albany. Shelby Basin to Medina. Stockbrldge* to Oneida. Tribes H ill* !! to Amster Stockport* to Hudson. Sheldon to North Java. dam. Stockwell* to Waterville. Sheldons Comers to Sher Waccabuc to Mount Kisco. Tristates to Po rt Jervis. Stokes* to Rome. man. , Stone Arabia to Canajo Troupsburg* to Knoxville. W a dd in gton *!! to Madrid. Sheldrake Springs*! to In W adham s*!! to Westport. Pa. harie. terlaken. Wadhams M ills * !! to WestTrout B r o o k !! to Roscoe. Stone Church to Bergen. Shelter Island * t to Greenport. Stone«»* to Poughkeepsie. Trout Creek* to Unadilla. port. Wading R iv er*! ! to Port Trout R iver to Malone. Stone Dam to Wellsville. Shelter Island Heights* to Jefferson. Trudeau*!to Saranac Lake. Stonehouse* to Pawling. Greenport. Wadsworth* to Geneseo. Trumbull Comers to Ithaca Stone Mills to Clayton. Shenandoah to Beacon. Wainscott* to BridgehampStohe R id ge*! to Kerhonk- Truthville* to Granville. Sherburne Pour Corners* tpp. Tunesassa* to Randolph. son. to Sherburne. Stony Creek*! to Warrens Tunnel * ! ! to Binghamton. Waits* to Nlcnols. Sheridan*! to Forestville. Tupper Lake Junctiont! Wake to Windsor. burg. Sherman Park+i to Pleas- South Puljbeney to PrattsWakefield! to M t. Vernon. to Tupper Lake. Stony Hollow* to Kingston, burg. 1 antville. Wales to East Aurora. S. Ripley to N orth East.Pa. Stony Point* !1 to Haver- Turin* to Lowville. Sherrill* to Oneida. Wales Center* to E. Au T u rn er*!! to Monroe. straw. S. Rondout to Kingston. rora. Storm KIng*to Cold Spring, Turnpike !t o Potsdam. S. Russell to Edwards. ' Sherwood* to Auròra. Tum wood*to Margaretville Walker* t ! to Hilton. Shinhoppie * 1 1 to Downs- S. Rutland* to Watertown. S torm ville*!! to Beacon. W alker V alley* to Pinebush Tuscarora*!! to Mount S tottv ille*! to Hudson. S. Salem* ( to Ridgefield, ville. Wallace* ! ! to Avoca. Morris. ./ Stow *! to Jamestown. Conn. Shokan* to Kingston. W allington*tt to Sodus. Straits Comers* to Owego. Tuthill to New Paltz. S. Schenectady*!! to Shongo* to Wellsville. Walloom sac*! I to Hoosick Tuttles to Victor. Stratford* to L ittle Falls. Schenectady. Shoreham * T to Po rt Jet Falls. S. Schodack* to Castleton. Street Road to Ticonderoga Tuxedo Pa rk *! ! to Suffem terson. Walmore to Niagara Falls. Tyner to Oxford. Strykersville*to North Java S. Schroon*! to War Short T ra ct to Fillmore. Walshville to Coxsackie. Stu yvesant*!! to Kinder- Tyre to Seneca Falls.' rensburg. Shrub Oak* to Peeksklll. Walworth* to Palmyra. Tyrone* to Watkins. hook. Shushan*!! to Salem. S. Scrlba to Oswego. W am psville*! to Oneida. Stuyvesant Falls * ! ! to Sidney Center* to Unadilla S. Sodus to Lyons. W anakena*! to Harrisville. KinderhookS. Somerset to Barker. Slloam to Oneida. Ulster Heights to Ellen- W a n ta g h *!! to Freeport. Silver Lake Assembly * t !t o S. Stockton to Sinclairville Su garloaf*!! to Chester. Ward to Scio. ville. Sugartown to Ellicottville. S. Trenton* , to Holland Perry. U lster' Landing to Sauger- W arner*!! to Baldwinsville Sullivan to Canastota. P fj.tifiTlt, Sllvemails* 11 to Pine Plains Wamervilie* to CobleskiU. ties. Skaneateles Falls * T to S. Valley* to Cherry Valley. SulllvanviUe to Horseheads. Richfield Spring S. W a le s *tl to East Aurora, Summer D ale*! to M a yville Ulster P a r k * !! to Kinsgton. Warren*to Skaneateles. Warrens Corners! to LockU lstervllle*! to Pinebush. S. Westerio* to Coxsackie. Summer H ill to Locke. Skerry* to Malone. port. Unadilla Forks* to West Summit* to Richmondville. Slate H ill* t l to Middle- Southwest Oswego to Os Washington H ollow to MillWinfield. Su m m lttville*!! to Ellenwego. town. brook. Uncas* to Ticonderoga. ville. Slaterville Springs* to Ith S. Worcester* to Worcester, Washington M ills*! ! to Underhill to Mount Kisco. Sundown* to Ellenvllle. Spafford* to Homer. aca. Utica. Sparrow Bush* to Port Sunnyslde! to Long Island Union Center* to Union. Washington Square to Union Church to Albany. City. Jervis. Sllngerlands*!! to Albany, Hempstead. Union Corners to BronxSurprise* to Coxsackie. Sparta! to Ossining. Sitters to Rensselaer. Washingtonville to N ew ville. Suspension Bridge ! ! to Speculator* to Northville. Sloan*! to Buffalo. Y ork C ity (M anhattan). Union C ourset t to WoodNiagara Falls. Speedsvllle to Dryden. Sloansvllle* to Schoharie. W assaic*!! to Amenia. * haven] Spencertown* to Chatham, S w a in *!! to Canaseraga. S loatsbu rg*!! to Suffem. Union Grove* tttoMargaret- W aterford to Cohoes. S p eon k *!! to W est Hamp S w artw ood*!! to Spencer. sm artville to Lacona. Water M ill* !! to South ville. Sweden to Brockport. ton Beach. Sm lthboro*!! to Waverly, ampton. Union H lll* tt to Webster. Sworm v ille * ! to Lockport. Smiths Basin* t ! to Ft. Ed Spillway to Kingston. W a te rp o rt*!! to LyndonSylvan Beach* ! ! t o Oneida, Split Rock to Syracuse. ward. ville. Unlonport ! to N ew Y ork Sylvan Lake to PoughSmiths Landing to Sau- Spraguevlue*! to GouverW atervale to Syracuse. C ity (Manhattan). neur. 1 gerties. Water V alley* to Hamburg Union Square* ! ! to Pulaski S yosset*!! to Oyster Bay. Smiths Mills * + ! to Forest Sprakers*tlto Canajoharie, Union Valley* to De Ruyter W atervliet Center to W aterville. vliet. U nlonville*! t (Orange Co.) Smith tow n *tt to Smith- Spring B rook*!to East Au Watson* to Low ville. to Sussex, N . j . Taberg* to Rome. town Branch. W atts Flats*! ! to James rora. Unlonville ( Westchester Taborton* to Troy. Smlthville* to Adams. town. Springfield (Otsego Co.] Taghkanick to Hudson. Co.) to Pleasantville. Smlthvllle Flats* to Greene, to Cherry Valley. Upper Aquebogue to River- W averly (Suffolk Co.) to Tahawus* to Warrensburg Smlthville South to Free Springfield!! (Queeps Co.] Talcottvllle* to Boonville Patchoque. head. port. to Jamaica. Upper Jay* to Au Sable W averly (Westchester Co.) T a lcville*! to Edwards. Smyrna* t l to Norwich. v to Tuckahoe. Springfield Center* to Forks. Tallm an *! to Suffem. Snyder*! (Cayuga Co.) to W awarsing*! to Kerhonk Richfield Springs. Upper Lisle* to W hitney T a p p a n *!! to Sparkill. Auburn. son. Springfield Gardens* to Taughannock F a lls *tt to Point. Snyder*! (E rie Co.) to W ayne* to Dundee. Jamaica. Upper N yack to Nyack. Trumansburg. Buffalo. W ayne Center to Lyons. Spring Glen 1 to Ellenvllle Taylor* to Clnclnnatus. Upper Red Hook* to Red Sodom* to Warrensburg. W ayneport! to Fairport. Springlake* (Cayuga Co.' Taylor V alley to ClncinHook. Sodus Center* ! t to Sodus. to Weedsport Upper Saranac*! to Sara natus. Sodus Point* t ! to Sodus. W a yville* to MechanlcsSpringlake (Dutchess Co. Tennanah* to Roscoe. nac Lake. Solon*! to Cortland. ville. to Red Hook. U rbana*! to HammondsTexas to Mexico. Webatuck tp D over Plains. Spring M ills* to Whites- Texas Valley to Marathon. port. S o ls v llle *!! to Oriskaney W ebb M ills! to Elmira. U nton* to Coxsackie. ville. Th e Corner to Kingston. Falls Springs* to East Hampton. The G le n *!! to Warrens Ushers*! ! to Mechanics- Webster Crossing* to W aySom ers*! to Mount Kisco. land. Sprout Brook to Fort Plain. ville. burg. Somers Center to M t. Kisco Spuyten D uyvllT! to New Webster Station* to CazoTh e V ly * to Kerhonkson. Somerset! to Barker. novia. Y ork C ity (M anhattan). Th iells*t t to Haverstraw. Somerville to Gouvemeur. Wegatchie to Gouvemeur. Staatsbu rg*tlto Rhlnebeck Vail Gate* to Cornwall. Sonora to Bath. Stafford* 11 to Batavia. Thomastont to Great N eck Vail Mills* to Gloversvllle. Wells (Chemung Co.) to V alatie*! to Kinderhook. Stalbird to Hermon. Station. S. Alabama to Oakfleld. Elmira. Stanards* to Wellsville. Thompson Ridge* t t to V a lh a lla *!! to WhltePlains S. Amenia* to Amenia. Valley Cottage* t t t o Nyack W e lls*! (H am ilton Co.) to Stan dlsh *!! to Plattsburg. Pinebush. S. Apalachin to Owego. Northville. Thompsons Lake -to A lta Valley Falls* 11 to Troy. S. A rgyle to Argyle. Wellsbridge* ! ! to Unadilla. Valley M ills!! to Oneida. Stanfordville • f i to Millmont. S. Bangor to Malone. Valley Stream* 1 ! to Lyn- Wellsburg* ! ! to Elmira. brook. i . Thomson* to Schuylerville. S. B a y !! (Madison Co.) to S ta n le y *!! to Canandaigua. Thornwood*! to PleasantWeltonvlUe to Owego. brook. Canastota. W en delvilleto N orth TonaVallonla Springs to A lton. Stanwix to Rome. ville. S. B ay (Onondaga Co.) .to Stark* to Potsdam. wanda. V a lo is *!! to Watkins. Thousand Island Park • ! Syracuse, W esley to Cattaraugus. Vandalia*! to Alleghany. S ta rk e y *!! to Dundee. to Clayton. S. Beach! to Stapleton. W . A lb a n y *! to Albany. Van E tte n * !! to Spencer. Starkvllle* to F ort Plains. Three M ile B a y * !! to S. Berlin* to Berlin. W . Alden to Lancaster. VanhomesvlUe* to F ort Watertown. S. Berne* to Altamont. W . Almond tp Angelica. Plain. Three Rivers to Phoenix. S. B ethleh em *!! to Albany, Starlake* to Harrisville. W . A m boy* to Camden. Van N e s t! to N ew Y ork State Bridge to Oneida. S. Bom bay to Malone. W . Athens! t to CatskillC ity, (M anhattan.) Throopsville to Weedsport. State Lin e! (Cattaraugus S. Bradford to Campbell. W . Bainbrldge to BainThurman* to Warrensburg, Varna* to Ithaca. Co.) to Olean. S. Bristol to Naples. bridge. V arysbu rg*!! to N o. Java. to Campbell. S. Brookfield to Edmeston, State Line(ChautauquaCo.) Thurston Tiashoke* to Hoosick Falls Venice C enter*! to Moravia W . Bangor* to Brushton. to Ripley. S-. Butler* to W olcott. W . Barre to Albion. Verbank* ! ! to Millbrook. Tillson* to N ew Paltz. Staten Island* to N ew S. B y ro n * !! to Batavia. T illy F oster*! to Brew- Verbank V illage* to M ill W . B a ta v ia !! to Batavia. Brighton. S. C airo*! to Catskill! W . B ergen*! to Bergen. brook. S. Cambridge* to Cam State Road to Horseheads. Tioga C en ter*ft to Owego. Verdoy to W atervliet. W . Berne* to Schoharie. Steam bu rg*!! to Randolph bridge. W . Bethany to Batavia. Vermillion to Mexico. Tiorona to Beacon. Stedman to M a y ville ._____ S. Oamsteo* to Canisteo. ! Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. •Money Order Office. A County Seat. REFERENCE KEY. Shakers to A lban y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Steele to Geneva. Steinway t t to Long Island City. Stella to Binghamton. Stephens Mills to Hornell. Stepnentown* 1 1 to Pitts field. Mass. StephentoVu Center* to troy. Sterling* to Oswego. Sterllnghush to Carthage. Sterling S tation*tt to Os wego. Sterlington* t ! to Suffem. Sterling Valley* to Oswego. Sterlin gvfile*!! to Philadel phia. Sterlingwick* to Potsdam. Steuben to Holland Patent. Stevensville* to Liberty. Stewart to Stamford. Stillwater * to Mechanlosville. T iv o li* !! to Saugertles. Toddsville* to Cooperstown Tomhannock* to Troy. Tomkins C ove*! t to Haver straw. , Tompkins Comers (Che mung Co.) to Horseheads Tompkins Corners (Put nam Co.) to Peeksklll. T om p kin sville*!! to N ew Brighton. Tongore to Kingston Tower Hill to Port Rich mond. Towlesville to Bath. T o w n ers*!! to Brewster. Town Line* 11 to Lancaster Townsend to Montour Falls Townsendville* to Inter laken. Tracy Creek to Union. Travisville to Port Rich mond. Treadwell* to Franklin. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1898 N E W YORK W . Bloomfield * ! to Lima. W . Branch* to Borne. W . B rightonf to Rochester. W . Brook* to Walton. W . B robk vllle*! to Middletown. W . Burlington* to Edmeston. Westbury (Cayuga Co.) to Bed Creek. W . C am p*tt to Saugerties. W . Candor*! t to Candor. W . Caton to Coming. W . Cat skill to Catskill. W . Charlton to Schenec tady. W . C h a zy *t! to Plattsburg. W . Chenango to Blnghampton. Westchestertt to N . Y . C ity, Bronx. W . Clarksville* to Cuba. W . C olesville to Binghampton. W . Conesville* to Grand Gorge. W . Constable to F ort C ov ington. W . Copake* to Pine Plains. W . Coxsackle*! to Coxsackie. W e std a le*!! to Camden. W . D anby’ t t to Ithaca. W . D a ven p o rt*!! to Oneonta. W. D a y* to N orth ville. W . D ryden to Ithaca. W . Eaton* to M orrisville. W . Edmeston* to Edmeston. Westerleigh to W est N ew Brighton. W esterlo* to Ravena. W estem vfile* to Rome. [ W . Exeter* to W est W in field. W . F a lls * ft to East Au rora. W estford* to Schenevus. W . F ort Ann • to Fort Ann. W . Fulton* to CobleskUl. W . Galway* to Amster dam. W . Glenville to Amsterdam. W . Granville Comers* to Granville. W . Greece to Spencerport W . Groton to Locke. W . H am p ton *tt to W . Hampton Beach. W . Harpersfleld to Stam ford. * W . H a v e rs tra w *!! to H averstraw. W . Hebron* to Salem. W . H e n rie tta *!I to Roch^ester. W . H urley* to Kingston. W . Is lio f to Babylon. W . Junius to Phelps. W . Kendall* to Holley. W . K 1H* to Margaretvllle. W . K ortrigh t* to Schenevus W . Laurens* to Morris. W . Lebanon* t to Chatbam. W. Leyden* to Boonville. W . L ow ville to Low vllle. W . Martinsburg*. to L o w ville. W . M eredith to Delhi. W . Milton* to Ballston Spa Westminster Park*! to Alexandria Bay. W . M onroe*! to Fulton. Westmoreland* t t to Clln•ton. W . M t. Y em on t to M t. Vernon. W . N yack ’ T! to Nyack. Weston to Dundee. W . Oneonta*! to Oneonta Westons Mills* to Olean. W . P a r k * t l to Highland. W . Plerpont* to Canton. W . Plattsburg to Plattsburg. W . P o in t*! I to Highland Falls. W . Potsdam to Potsdam. W . Rtchmondville to Rich mond vllle. W . R u s h *!! to Honeoye FaUs. W. Salamanca* to Sala manca. W . Sand Lake* to Troy. W . Saugerties to Sauger ties. W . Sayville*! to Sayville. W . Schuyler to Utica. W . Seneca! to Lacka wanna. W . Shelby to Medina. W . Shokan*! to Kingston. W . Side to Lake George. W . Somers to Carmel. W . SteDhentown* to Pitts field, Mass. W . Stockholm* to Pots dam. Youngsville* to Jefferson B ay to Columbia. Beachspring to H ertford. ville. Bear Creek* t ! to Slier City. Yulan* to P o rt Jervis. Bear Poplar* to Mooresville. Beasley* to Smithfield. Zena* to Kingston. B eattyville to Shelby. Zurich to Newark. Beaumont* to Plttsboro. Beaver Creek* to Jefferson. Beckwith to Belhaven. Beech to Asheville. Beech Creek to Elk Park. Bee L og * to Burnsville. N O R T H C A R O L IN A Bel Arthur to Farm ville. Belcross * ! ! to Elizabeth City. Beldon to Jefferson. Abbottsburg* 1 to Clarkton. Belew Creek to . W alnut Cove. Abner to T roy. Abshers* to N orth wilkes Bellair to New bem . /Bellamy* to Lumberton. boro. | Belva* to Marshall. A c m e * !! to Wilmington. Belvldere* to Hertford. W hallonsbu rg*!! to West- A cton* to Asheville. Bel w ood* to Cherry vllle. A dako* to Lenoir. port. Benbow to Elkin. Adams to Boone. W h e e le r*!! to Bath. A d v a n c e * !! to Mocksvllle. Beng* to Jefferson. W hlppleville* to Malone. Benham* to Elkin. W hite Creek* to North Ben A l to Roxboro. B ennett! to Siler City. A irile* to Littleton. nington. V t. Bentonville* to "Smithfield. Alarka to Bryson City. Berea* to Oxford. W hite Lake * to Montl- Albertson* to Pin k H ill. Berlin* to Jefferson. A lert* to Loulsburg. cello. W hite Lake Corners* to Alexander*! ! to Asheville. Bertha to Elizabeth City. Bessie to Sylva. Alexis* to Stanley. Boonville. Allanstand* to H ot Springs. Beston to L a Grange. Whitelaw to Canastota. Beta* to Sylva. W h itep o rt!! to Kingston. A llen to n *! to Lumberton. Bethania* to Rural Hall. W hite Sulphur Springs* to Alliance* to Bayboro. Bethel H ill* to Roxboro. Allison to Danville, Va. Liberty. Big Laurel* to H ot Springs Allreds to Troy. W hitfield to Kerhonkson. Big Pine* to Marshall. Alm a* ! to Maxton. W hitney Crossing* ttoCana- A lm o n d *!! to Bryson C ity. Bilbao to Durham. B lltm o re *!! to Asheville. Alston* to Warrenton. seraga. Altam ahaw* to Elon Col Birdtown to Bryson City. W icopee to Beacon. W ilb u r! to Kingston. lege. B iscoe*!! to Troy. Altam ont* to Newland. Wilhelm to Lancaster. B lxby* to Mocksvllle. Altan to Monroe. W illa rd *! to Ovid. A lta pa ss*!! to Bakersville. Bizzell to Princeton. W illet* to Cincinnatus. Blackburn to Newton. W illets P o in t! to Bayside. A lto-to Asheville. Blackwells* to Danville, Va. William s B ridge! to N . Y . A lvin to Warsaw. Blackwood to Chapel H ill. Am elia to Sparta. C ity, Bronx. Blades* to Newbem . Wllliam stown* 1i to Cam Amherst to Williamston. Blaine to Troy. den. Blanch* to Milton. A m ity to Cleveland. W illink to East Aurora. B lan tyre*! to Brevard. Anatone to Burnsville. W illis ! to Mineola. Angeline to Hendersonville. Blounts Creek* to W ashingW illow * to Kingston. ton. W illow C re e k !! to Ithaca. Angola to Jacksonville. B luff* to H ot Springs. Anna* to Sparta. W lllowem oc* to Liberty. Boardm an*! tto Chadboum W illow Glen to Mechanics- Anneta to Woodland. Bogue* to Morehead City.' Apple Grove* to Jefferson. ville. Bolivia* i to W ilm ington. W illow Polnt*to Bingham Aquadale to Norwood. B o lto n * !! to W hiteville. Aquone to Andrews. ton. Bonnerton* to Ahrora. W illo w va le! to Utica. W ills b o ro *!! to Keeseville. A ra ra t*! to Pilot Mountain. Boomer* to Northwilkesboro. A rchdale*! to H igh Point. Boonford * ! ! to Burnsville. Archer to Clayton. W lllseyvllle* ! ! to Candor. Borum to Elizabeth C ity. W ilm ington* to Au Sable Areola* to Warrenton. Bosley* to Gatesville. A r d e n * !! to Asheville. Forks Bosts M ills* to Concord. Argura to Sylva. W ilm u rt* to Poland. B ow d en s*!! to Warsaw. W ilton * to SaratogaSp’ngs. A rgyle* to Fayetteville. Windham*Tto Grand Gorge. Arlington to Charlotte. B owditch to Burnsville. Windham Center to Grand Arm our* f to Wilm ington. Branch to M organton. 1 Ascend to Merry Oaks. Gorge. Brandon to Jefferson. W in field *! (Herkimer Co.) Ash to W hltevllle. Brankton* to Asheville. Ashford* to Marlon. to W est W infield. W in fie ld !! (Queens Co.) to Ashland* to Mountain C ity. Brasstown* to Murphy. Brlckton* to Hendersonville Tenn. Elmhurst. B ridgeton*! to Newbern. W infield Junctiontito E lm A shton*! to Burgaw. Bridgewater* ! ! to Morgan Ashwood to Oriental. hurst. ton. W lngdale’ tito D o v e r P'alns A s k e w v llle * !! *to Windsor. Brim* to Mount A iry. W in terton *! to Middletown Askin* to Newbem . Brinkleyvllle* to Halifax. Athlone to Burnsville. W iscoy* to Fillmore. Atlantic* to Morehead City. Bristow to Charlotte. W ls n e r*!! to W arwick. Brock to Andrews. W ithem ee* to Port Henry. A u b u rn *!! to Garner. W ittenberg* to Kingston. Aurelian Springs* to L ittle Brookford to Hickory. Brooks to Sparta. Wolcottsburg to Akron. ton. Brookside to Boone. W olcottsvllle to M iddleport Austin* to Elkin. A u t r y v llle * !! to Fayette Browns S u m m it*!! to W o lf Bun to Salamanca. Greensboro. ville. W oodboum e* to Liberty. Bruce* to Greenville. W oo d b u ry*! to Huntington Aventon to Battleboro. Brummett to Bakersville. A voca* to Edenton. Brush Creek to Siler City. Woodhaven Junction! ! to A von * to Manteo. BryantsvUle to Statesville. A xtell to Norlina. Woodhaven. A yd lett* to Elizabeth City. Buchanan to Vtrgllina, Va. Woodhull* to Addison. Buck to N orth wilkesboro W oodlaw n! to N ew York Ayersville to Stonevllle. Buckland to Gatesville. A y r to Rutherfordton. C ity (M anhattan). Buckner* to Marshall. W oodm ere*! tto Cedarhurst A za le a * !! to Asheville. Buck Shoal* to Elkin. W oodrow to Tottenvllle. Buffalo C ity* to Columbia. W oods to Antwerp. Buffalo Cove* to Lenoir. W oodsidett to Long Island Bachelor* to N ew bem . Bughill* to W hltevllle. Bagley* to Kenly. C ity. B u ie s *!! to Red Springs. W o o d stock *!! to Saugerties B aham a*! to Durham. Buies Creek* to Dunn. Bain* to Denton. W oodville* to Adams. Bald Creek* to Burnsville. B u llo ck *!! to Stovall. Bald Mountain to Burns B unlevel! to Lillington. W orth* to Adams. Bunyon to Washington. W rights Com ers! to Lockville. Barden to Aulander. Baldwin* to Jefferson. port. Burgess* to Hertford. W u rts b o ro *!! to Middle- Balm* to E lk Park. B a ls a m *!! to Waynesville. Burkmont to Morganton. town. Balsam Grove* to Brevard. Burton to Burnsville. W yandale to Springville. Bam bbo'to Boone. B ushnell*ftto Bryson City. Busick to Burnsville. W yn a n da n ch *!! to Farm- Bandana* to Bakersville. Banners E lk * to Elk Park. Buxton* to Manteo. • ingdale. B a rb er*!! to Cleveland. Bynum* to Plttsboro. W ynantsklll* to Troy. Barco* to Elizabeth City. Barium Springs* t to States Cabarrus to Concord. ville. Yap hank*! to Patchogue. Cagles M ills to T roy. Barkers C reek*! to Sylva. Yates to Lyndonville. Calabash* to Southport. Barnard* ! ! to Marshall. Yatesville to Penn Yan. Barnardsville* to Asheville. Calahaln* to Mocksvllle. Yorkshire*! to Arcade. Caldwell Institute to H ills Yorktow n Heights* to Barnesville* to Fairbluff. Barrett to Sparta. boro. Mount Kisco. Bartlett to Elizabeth City. Call to N orth wilkesboro. Y o rk v ille *! to Utica. B atcave* to Hendersonville C alvert*! to Brevard. Yosts to Fonda. iC am d en *! to Elizabeth Young Hickory to Green Bath* to Washington. City. Baton to Granite Falls. wood. Battle G round*!to Greens Campbell* to Stuart, Va. Y o u n g s*!! to Unadilla. Cana* to Mocksvllle. boro. Youngstown*! to Niagara Falls. I Baugus to Sparta.__________ Canaan to H ertford. W . Stony Creek* to W arrensburg. W . Taghkanick to Hudson. W esttow n*!!' to Middletown. W . Township to Altam ont. W . Troupsburg to Knox ville, Pa. / W . V a lle y *!! to Springville. W . Vienna* to Oneida. W estvllle to Milford. W estvllle Center* to M a lone. W . W alworth* to Falr, port. W . W ebster* to Webster. W . W in d sor' to Windsor. Wethersfield to Bliss. Wethersfield Springs to Gainesville. W evertow n* t to North REFE R EN CE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. »No r t h /c a r o l i n a Candler* to Asheville. Cane Creek to Siler City. Cane R iver* to Burnsville. Canetuck* to Wilmington. Canto to Marshall. Capella to P ilo t Mountain. Capelsie* to Troy. Caraway* to Ashboro. C arbonton*! to Sanford. Cardenas*! to Raleigh. Cannen to Marshall. Carpenter * ! ! (W ake Co.) to Apex. Oarrboro to Chapel H ill Carter to Gatesville. Casar* to Shelby. Cash Com er* to Bayboro. Cashiers* to Sylva. Casma to Varina. Castle H a y n e !! to W ilm ing ton. Castorla to Snow H ill. Catherine Lake* to Jackson ville. Oedarcreek* to F ayette ville. |/Cedar F a lls * !! to Ashboro. Cedar Grove* to Hillsboro. Cedar H ill to Ansonville. Cedar Mountaln*to Brevard Cedar V alley to Lenoir. Ceffo to Roxboro. Celo* to Burnsville. Centerville to Loulsburg. Central Falls to Ashboro. Chalybeate Springs* to L il lington. Champion to N orth wilkes boro. Chandler to Albermarle. Chapanoke*! to Hertford. Charles to Statesville. Cheeks to Ramseur. Cheoah* to Andrews. Cherokee* to Bryson City. Cherry* to Creswell. Cherryfleld*! to Brevard. Cherry Lane* to Sparta. Chesterfield to Morganton. Chestnut Ridge to Yadkinville. Chicod to Greenville. Chimney Rook*to Ruther fordton. Chinquapin* to Pin k H ill. Chocowinity’ ttt o Washing ton. Churchill to Warrenton. Cld* to Thomasville. Cisco to Edenton. C ity to Sparta. C larem o n t*!! to Newton. C larendon *!! to Tabor. Clarissa* to Bakersville. Clark* to New bem . Clear Run to Wallace. Clemmons* I I to WinstonSalem. Cllffdale to Rutherfordton. Clifton* to Jefferson. C lim a x * !! to Greensboro. C o fleld *!! to Winton. Coinjock* to ElizabethCity. Cold Springs to Morganton. Coleridge* to Ramseur. Coles Store* to Ramseur. Colfax* to Kernersville. C ollettsville*!! to Lenoir, C o lo n !! to Sanford. AColupabus* to Tyron. Com fort* to Trenton. Como* to Murfreesboro. C ongo to N o rth wilkesboro Cool Spring to Statesville. Cooper* to Fayetteville. Corapeake*! to Suffolk, Va. Corbett* to Mebane. Cordova* to Rockingham. Corepoint to Washington. Corinth to Merry Oaks. C om atzer! to Mocksvllle. Cornwall to Stovall. ..Corolla* to Elizabeth Clty.^ Cottonvllle to Norwood. ' C ouncils*!! to Clarkton. Courtney to YadkinviUe. Cove C ity *! ! to Newbern. C ove Creek* to W aynesville CVvingon to Mount Gilead. Cowarts* to Sylva. Cowles to Northwilkesboro. Crabtree* to Waynesville. C ranberry*! to E lk Park. Creek* to Warrenton. Oreeksville to Conway. C rem o*! to Ahoskle. Crestmont* to New port, Tenn. Creston* to Jefferson. Crisp to Macclesfield. Croatan*! to Newbem . C ro ft! to Charlotte. Cromartie to Red Springs. Orossnore* to Newland. Cross Rock to Marshall. Crouse*! to Llncolnton. Crowells to Enfield. Crumpler* to Jefferson. Crusty* to W aynesville. Crutchfield*! to Elkin. C ulberson*!! to Murphy. Culbretb to Stem._________ , lExpress Office. NORTH CAROLINA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS NORTH CAROLINA 1899 Grandview* to Murphy. Essex* to Littleton. Leasburg* to Roxboro. House* t to Greenville. Estatoe to Bakersville. Grandy* to Elizabeth City. Houstonvllle* to Mocks Leatherman* to Franklin. Ledger* to Bakersville. E ther*! to Troy. ville. Grantsboro*! to Bayboro. Grantville to Marshall. Etna* to Frankllfi. Lee* to H ot Springs. Howard to Windsor. Grapevine to Marshall. Howellsville to Lumberton. Leech ville* to Belhaven. B u fo la *!! to Statesville. Grassy Creek* to Jefferson. H oyle (Randolph Co.) to Leggett to Tarboro. Eulalie to Franklin. Gray* to Sparta, L elan d *! to Wilmington. Eureka* to Fremont. Randleman. Grayscreek to Fayetteville. Hubert* to Jacksonville. E va to Hertford. Lemon S p rin gs*!! to San ford. Grayson*to Mountain City, Rud 8 o n *tt to Granite Falls Evans to Plttsboro. Tenn. Evergreen*! to Chadbourn. Lena to Fayetteville. Greene to Goldston. Ewart to Bakersville. Letitla* to Murphy. Hughes* to Newland. Excelsior to W hiteville. Lewisville* to WinstonGreen B ill*to Rutherford Hugo to Grifton. Exter to Windsor. Salem. ton. H u ntd ale*t!to Bakersville. Dabney * t to Henderson. Exum * to Vineland. Hunters Bridge to Wash Light* to Thomasville. Green Lees to Marion. D ale to Bakersville. L illy * to Elizabeth City. ington. Greenmountain*!! to Bak D alton *! to Pllotmountain. Exway to Mount Gilead. Linden! to Fayetteville. Huntley* to Clinton. ersville. Dana* to Hendersonville. L in ville*! to Newland. Hurdle Mills* to Roxboro. Greens Creek* to Sylva. Dandy to Jefferson. Linville Falls* to Morgan Fairfield* to Swanquarter. Gregory*! to Elizabeth City Husk to Jefferson. Darby to Lenoir. ton. Fairview * to Asheville. G reystone*!! to Henderson Dardens* to Plym outh. L in w o o d *!! to Lexington. ' Faith to Salisbury. Griffith! to Charlotte, Darkridge to E lk Park. Littlefield to Ayden. Grissom* to Creedmoor. Icard to Hickory. Davidson R iver* t to Bre Falcon* to Dunn. Littlerock Creek to Bakers Falkland* to Greenville. Grove H ill* to Warrenton. Idalla to Aurora. vard. ville. IdleWfid* to Jefferson. Gudger to Columbia. Fallcliff to Sylva. Davis* to Beaufort. L ittle Switzerland to Index to Jefferson. Gullford*Tto Greensboro. Falling Creekt to Kinston. D ay Book* to Burnsville. Bakersville. Indian ToWn*to Elizabeth Falls to W ake Forest. Guilford College * ! to Dealvllle* to Taylorsville. Llverman to Conway. t fity Fallston* to Shelby. Greensboro. Dean to Franklin. Locust* to Oakboro. Indian T ra il*! to Monroe. Gulf* t ! to Sanford. Deep Creek to Wadesboro. Farmer* to Ashboro. Lodo to Charlotte. Inez* to Warrenton. Farm lngton*to Mocksville. Gulleys M ills to Garner. Deeprun* to Kinston. Lom ax to Elkin. Ingalls* to Bakersville. Gum berry*tt to Weldon. Faro to Fremont. Deerfield to Boone. Longcreek to Wilmington. Ingleside to Louisburg. Gumneck* to Columbia. Dehart* to Northwilkes Faust to Marshall. Longisland* to Statesville. Ingold* to Clinton. Gupton to Louisburg. Fearrington to Durham. boro. Longs M ills to Liberty. Ink* to Northwilkesboro. Dellwood* to Waynesvllle. Ferguson to Northwilkes- Guyton to Bladenboro. Long Shoals*to Lincolnton. Institute to LaGrange. boro. Gwyn to Yadkinville. Delway* to Wallace. Longs Store to Monroe. Intelligence to Madison, Ferry to Caroleen. Democrat* to Asheville. L o ra y *! to Statesville. lotta to Franklin. F ig* to Jefferson. Denny to N o . Wilkesboro Iron Station*! to Llncoln- Lovelace* to Northwilkes Hackett to Elk Park. Finley to Blowing Rock. D erita*t to Charlotte. boro. ton. Haddock to Whiteville. Flshcreek to Lillington. Devotion to Elkin. Iva n h o e *ft to W ilm ington Lowe to Lumberton. Hadley to PHtsboro. Fisher to Troy. Dewdrop to H o t Spring. Lowesville to Stanley. Iv y * to Marshall. Fitch* to Milton. H allison*! to Carthage. Dexter to Oxford. Low gap* to Galax, Va. F la tr o c k * !! to Henderson Hailsboro*! to Whitesville. Dickens to Louisburg. Lowland* to Bayboro. Halls M ills* to Northwilkes ville. Dillara* to Madison. Lucia to Mount H olly. boro. Flats* to Franklin. Dillingham to Asheville. Luck to H ot Springs. Jack to Littleton. Hallsville* to Wilmington. Flay to Cherryville. D illsb oro*!! to Sylva. Lukens* to Oriental. Hampstead * tto W Ilmlngton Jackson H ill* to Denton. Fleetwood to Jefferson. Dlm m ette* to Elkin. Hampton ville * to Yadkin Jacksons Creek to Ashboro. Lul to Raleigh. Florence* to Oriental. Dimsdale to Tryon. Lunday* to Bakersville. Jackson Springs* T ! to Aber ville. Folkstone’ t t to Wilming Dixie to Charlotte. Lunsford to Selma. deen Handy to Denton. ton. D Ixon *tt to Jacksonville.* Lupton* to Beauiort. Hannersville* to Thomas Jacocks to Hertford. Dockery to N orth wilkes Folsom to Clarkton. Lynn* to Tryon. James C lty*t to Newbern. ville. Fonta Flora to Morganton boro. L y o n s *! to Stem. Jam estow n*!! to High Hanrahan to Grifton. Fontana* to Bryson City. Point. Harbinger* to Elizabeth F ootville to Yadkinville. Dome* to Black Mountain Japan* to Bryson City. City. Forbes to Bakersville. D onn oha*t! to Rural H all Jarvis to Northwilkesboro. Hardin to Dallas. Fork to,M ocksville. Dort to Gatesville. Mabel* to \ oone. Hare to Sparta. 1 Forney* to Bryson City. Dortches to Rockymount. Jarvlsburg* to Elizabeth Mackey F e r r y * it to Roper. Hargrove to Stem. Forshee* to Reidsville. Dothan* to Tabor. M a ck eys*!! to Roper. City. Fort Barnw ell*ttto Kinston Harkers Island*to Bqaufort Double Shoal to Shelby. Madge to Charlotte. Fort Landing* to, Columbia Harley to Northwilkesboro Jason to LaGrange. Doughton to Elkin. Maggie* to Waynesville. Jasper to Newbern. Francisco* to Pilbt Moun Harmony* to Statesville. D ra p e r*!! to Spray. Magnetic City* to BakersJennings* to Statesville. Harnett to Lillington. tain. Dresden* to Jefferson. ville. Jerome to Fayetteville. Harpers Cross Roads to Frank* to E lk Park. Drew to Windsor. Makatoka* to W hiteville. Jerry* to Columbia. Siler City. Franklin ville* 1I to RamD rexel*! ! to Morganton. M akelyville to Bellhaven. Jessama* to Washington. Harrells Store to Wilm ing seur. Druid to Marshall. Mamers to Lillington. Joe*) to H ot Springs. ton. D ru m h ill*!! to W haley- Freeland* to W hiteville. Mamie* to Elizabeth City. Johns*!! to Laurinburg. Freem an*! to Wilm ington H arris!! to Henrietta. vllle, Ya. Friendshipt to Kem ersville Harrisburg * t to Concord Jonas Ridge*t-o Morganton. M anchester*!! to FayetteD ry Creek to Candor. vllle. * Jones to Jefferson. Harrisville to Candor. Frisco* to Manteo. Dublin to Bladenboro. Man gum* to Mount Gilead. Jonesville* to Elkin. Hartman to Danbury. Frosty to Plttsboro. Duck to Elizabeth City. M anly*! to Southern Pines. Jordan* to Siler City. Harts to Mdoresville. Duck Creek*to Jacksonville Fullers* to Thomasville. Manndale* to Pittsboro. Joy to Morganton. Hartshorn* to Liberty. Furches* to Jefferson. D u d ley *tt to Goldsboro. Manns Harbor* to Manteo. Joynes to Elkm. Harvard* to Burnsville. Dulah to Tabor. Mansfleld*to Morehead City Jubilee* to Salisbury. Hassell*! to Oak City. Dundarrach*t to Raeford. Manson*! to Norlina. Judson*! to Bryson City H a s ty *! to Laurlnburg. Durants N eck* to Hertford. Gale to Jefferson. Maple* to Elizabeth City. Julian*! to Liberty. H atteras*! to Manteo. Galveston to Durham. D uvall* to Franklin. Maple Cypress to Newbern., Juno to Asheville. H a velock*! to Newbern. Gamewell to Lenoir. Dwight to Hertford. Maple H ill* to Jacksonville. Haw Branch* to Sanford. Gap to Pilot Mountain. Dysartvllle* to Marlon. M aple Springs to N orth Hawk to Bakersville. Garden City* to Marlon. wilkesboro. Hayne* to Clinton. Kanoy to Ashboro. I Garren to Jefferson. Mapleton to Murfreesboro. Kapps M ill to Dobson. Hays* to Northwilkesboro, Gatewood to Danville, Va. Eagle R o ck *tt to Wendell. Mapieville* to Louisburg. Katesville to Louisburg. Eagle Sprlngs*t to Candor. Gay to Sylva. M arble*! to Andrews. Kearney to Louisburg. Haywood* to Merry Oaks. E a r l* !! to Blacksburg. S.C. Gaylord to Washington. M argarettsville*!! to Sea Keener* to Clinton. Hazelwood* to Waynesvllle Geneva (Rockingham Co Earleyst to Ahoskie. board. Keilum to Jacksonville. Heathsville* to Enfield. to Stokesdale. E. Arcadie*t to Clarkton. Maribel* to Bayboro. K elly * to Clarkton. Heaton to Elk Park. Genoa*t to Goldsboro. Eastfleld to Charlotte. M arietta*! ! to Lumberton. Kem ps M ill to Ashboro. Helena (Alleghany Co.) to E. Flat Rock* to Hender George to Woodland. SDarta. Georgeville* to Concord. sonville. Kendal to Northwilkesboro Marines* to Wilmington. Helton* to Jefferson. G erm anton*!! (Stokes Co E. Lake* to M anteo. Mariposa to Stanley. Kennebec! to Fuquay to Rural Hall. E. M onbo* to Statesville. Matter* to Elkin. Springs. Hemlock* to Mountain City Gerton to Asheville. E. Spencsrt to Spencer. M a rley Ford to N orth K e r r * ! to Wilmington. Tenn. Ghlot to Hamlet. Echo to Rowland. wilkesboro. K e y s e r * !! to Aberdeen. Hemp* to Carthage. Gibbs to Morganton. Edgar* to High Point. Marmaduke* to Warrenton. Kim bolton* to Siler City. Hendrix to Northwilkes G ilk e y *!! to Rutherfordton Edgem ont*tt to Lenoir. Marshallberg* to Beaufort. Klm esvllle* to Liberty. boro. Glllett* to Jacksonville. Edison to Jefferson. Marston to Hamlet. , Kings Creek* to Lenoir. Gilreath* to Northwllkes Hennessey to Morganton. Edmonds* to Galax. Va. Martha to AsHboro. K ip lin g *! to Lillington. Henrico* to Littleton. boro. Edneyville* to Henderson Mashoes* to Manteo. K itty H a w k *! to Manteo. Henry* to Llncomton. Glade Valley* to Sparta ville. n igh td a le *!! to Wendell. Mast* to Boone. Glen A lp in e *tt to Morgan Henry R iv e r! to Hickory. K Edward * ! ! to Aurora. K n ott ville to Northwilkes Matney* to Boone. H ester*! to Creedmoor. ton. . Edwards Crossroads* to Matrimony to Leaksville. boro. Hew itts to Bryson C ity. Glen A yre to Bakersville. Sparta. Maury to Snow Hill. Kona to Burnsville. Glendale Springs to Jeffer Hexlena to Aulander. Efland*t to Hillsboro. Mayfield to Reidsville. K y le to Franklin. H igdonville* to Franklin. son. ■' ; E la ft to Bryson City. M ayhew to Moores ville. Higgins* to Burnsville. Glendon*t to Sanford. Elams* to Littleton . M ayw orth to Gastonia. Glenn to Mountain City Highfalls* to Carthage. Elberon* to Warrenton. Lagoon to Elizabethtown. Highlands to Franklin. Tenn. _ , Eldorado* to Troy. Lake Com fort to Swan- MoAdenville* to Belmont. High R ock*t to Denton. Glenola*t to H igh Point. Elease* to Fayetteville. McCains to Waxhaw. quarter. Glen Raven to Burlington. High Shoals* t t to Lincoln Lake Eleazer to T roy ; Junaluska*!to W ayne- M cConnell to Carthage. ton. McCullers*! to Raleigh. ville. High Towers* to YanceyGlenville* to Sylva. E lk to n *! tc Clarkton. Lake Landing* to Swan M cFarlan to M orven. ville. Elkville* to N orth wilkes Glenwoodt (McDowell Co.), H ildebran*! McGrady*, to Northwilkes quarter. to Hickory. to Marlon. boro. boro. H illgirt* to Hendersonville Lake T o x a w a y * !! to Bre M clver* Gliden* to Hertford. to Reidsville. Eller to Lexington. vard. Hilliardston to Nashville. Globe* to Lenoir. , Ellijay to Franklin. Lake V ie w * ! to Southern McLeansville ! to Greens Hiwassee* to Murphy Gloucester* to Beaufort. E llio tt* ! to Clinton. boro. Pines. Hobucken* to Bayboro. E lm w ood *!! to Cleveland Gneiss to Franklin. Lake W a cc a m a w *!! to H offm an *tt to Hamlet. G odw in*tt to Dunn. Elrod* t f to Rowland. Meadows* to Danbury. Whiteville. Gold H ill* tt to Rockwell Hollis* to Ellenboro. Bmbro* to Macon. Meat Camp* to Boone. Lanvale to W ilm ington. Hollow Poplar to Bakers Goldpomt to Robersonville. Emerson* to Clarkton. Mechanic to Ashboro. ville. Engelhard* to Swanquarter Gold Rock to Whitakers. Medlin* to Bryson City. Latham to Washington. H olly R id ge’ t to Jackson Good to Merry Oakes. English to Marshall. Medora vo Rocky Mount. Laurelbranch* to Sparta. ville» Good Spring to Dobson. Ennice* to Sparta. Mege to Edenton. H om ln ytt to Asheville. Gordontown to Thomas Enno to Fuquay Springs L a u relh ill*!! to Laurinburg M elvin H ill* to Ruther Hooker to Sparta. ville. Enola to Morganton. fordton. Laurel Springs* to Sparta. Hoover H ill to Ashboro. Gorman* to Durham. Enterprise to Lexington. Menola to Woodland. Goshen to Northwilkesboro Hope Mills * t t to Fayette Lawndale* to Shelby. MerchantMills to Gatesvlile Epsom to Henderson. Laws to Hillsboro. ville. Gragg to Newland. . Erastus to Sylva. Leading to Mount Pleasant Merrimon to Oriental. Hopkins to Boone. Graingers to Kinston. M erritt* to Oriental. Erect* to Ashboro. Grandin to Northwilkes Horse S h oe*tt to Hender Leaman to Carthage. Ernul to Newbern. Merry H ill* to W in d sor. Leander to Elk Park. sonville. boro. ■ Eskota to Burnsville. Cullasaja* to Franklin. Cullowhee* to Sylva. Cum beriand*toFayetteville Cumnock* t t to Sanford. Cunninghamtt to Roxboro. C urrie*tt to Wilm ington. iCurrltuck * to Elizabeth City. Cyole* to Elkin. Cyrus to Jacksonville. R EF EREN CE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. ♦Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1900 NORTH CAROLINA M e rry M ount* to Norlina. M e rry O a k s*!! to Pittsboro Mesic* to Bayboro. M e ta l to Shelby. Method*]: to Raleigh. Mica* to Marlon. Mica ville* to Burnsville. M id d leb u rg *!! to Hender son. M id d le Cane to Blowing Rook. Middletown* to SwanquarM idland* to Concord. Miles to Sparta. M illb o ro *!! to Randeiman. Millbranch to W hiteville. Mill Bridge to China Grove. M ill B rook*! to Raleigh. Mill Creek* to Roxboro. M illers Creek* to N orthwilkesboro. MUlingport to Albemarle. M ill Spring* to Tryon. i Millwood (Chatham Co.) to Pittsboro. Milsaps to Andrews. M ilt o n * !! to Danville, Ya. M ilwaukee* to Conway. M ineola to Washington. Mineral Springs*toW axhaw Minneapolis* to Elk Park. Minor to Concord. M in t H ill to Matthews. M in ts *! to Roseboro. Misenheimer* to Rockwell. Mission to Mount Pleasant. Mlzpah* to Rural Hall. M o ffltt* to Ramseur. Mollle* to W hltevllle. M oltonvllle* to Clinton. M o n b o* to Statesville. Mcnroeton to Reldsvllle. Mon Swamp* to Columbia. M ontezum a* to Newland. Montreat* tto Black Moun tain. Moratook to Troy. M oravian Palls* to N orthwilkesboro. Moriah* to Roxboro. MorrisviUe* 11 to Raleigh. M o rtim er*!! to Lenoir. Mountain Island to Mount H olly. M ountainview to Warrenton. M t. Gould t o Oolerain. M t. M itch ell* to Marion. M t. M ou rne*! to Mooresville. M t. Sterling* to New port. M t. U lla * t! to Mooresville. M t. Vernon Springs to Siler City. M o y o c k * !! to Elizabeth City. M u lberry to Northwilkesboro. Mumford to Elizabeth City. Murchison to Burnsville. M yatt Mills to Raleigh. N aghead* to M anteo. N akina * to W hiteville. Nance to Reldsvllle. N a n ta h a la *!! to Bryson City. N aom a to Newland. Naples to Hendersonville. Nathans Creek* to Jeffer son. Nealsvllle* to Marlon. N eb o’ +i to Marlon. Needmore to Bryson City. N ellie* to W aynesville. N elson! to Durham. N e u s e *!! to W ake Forest. N ew Berlin* t it o W ilm ing ton. N e w Castle* to Elkin. Newdale to Burnsville. N e w e ll*! to Charlotte. N e w h lll* !! to Apex. N e w Holland to Swapquarter. N ew hope* to Statesville. N ew Hope A cadem y* to Denton. N ew House to Shelby. N ew life to N orth wilkesboro N ew L o n d o n * !!' to A lbe marle. N e w s o m !! to Abemarle. N e w Sterling to Statesville. N ew ton Grove* to Clinton. N lagara*!to Southern Pines. Nicanor to Hertford. N ile to Sparta. Nim rod to Charlotte. N lxonton to Elizabeth City. Noland* to.Bryson City. N o rm a n *!! to Blierbe. N . Brook to Chprryville. N . Charlotte* to Charlotte. N . C ove* to M arion. N . Harlowe* to Newbern. Northside* to Creedmore. Nulln to Sparta.___________ TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Oakdale to Northwilkesboro. Oak H ill to Stovall. Oakley to Bethel. Oak Pa rk to Ducktown, Tenn. Oakridge* to Kem ersville. Oaks to Mebane. Oakville to Macon. Oakwoods to Northwilkesboro. Oblds to Jefferson. Observer to Pineville. Ocean to Morehead City. Ocona L u fty * to Bryson C ity. Ocracoke* to Swanauarter. Odessa* to Asheville. Ogden to Murphy. Ogreeta to Murphy. Okewemee* to Troy. O klsko*! to Elizabeth City. Old Dock* to W hltevllle. Old H u ndred*! to.Gibson. Olds to Elizabeth C ity .. Old Sparta* to Tarboro. Oldtown* to Rural Hall. Old Trap* to Elizabeth City Olin* to Statesville. Olive Branch to Marshville O livia *! to Fayetteville. Ophlr to Troy. Oregon to Leaksville. Ore H ill* !! to Siler C ity. Ore K n ob* to Jeffersou, Orenburg to Henrietta. Orion to Jefferson. Ormondsvllle to Snowhill. Orruin* ! to Lumberton. O sb orn e*!! to Hamlet. Osbornville* to N crthwilkesboro. O sgood*! to Sanford. Ostwalt to Statesville. Othello to Jefferson. Otila* to Manteo. Ottanola*to Hendersonville O t t o * !! to Franklin. O tway to Beaufort. Outlaws Bridge to Mount Olive. Oval to Jefferson. P a c to lu s *!! to Greenville. Pain tfork to Marshall. Palntgap* to Burnsville. P a in tro c k *!! to H o t Spr’gs, Palestine to Abemarle. Palm erville* to Albemarle. Palm yra* t ! to Scotland Neck. Pam lico* to Oriental. P a n teg o *! to Belhaven. Parker to Mountain City, Tenn. Pa rkersbu rg*!! to Clinton. P a rm e le *!! to Bethel. Parsonville* toN orthw ilkes boro. . P a tes*! to Maxton. Patterson* to Lenoir. Patterson Springs* to Shel by. Paw C reek*! to Charlotte. Peachland*!! to Polkton. Peach Tree to Murphy. Pea R idge to Rutherfordton. Pearson to Morganton. Peden to Sparta. Pee D e e * !! to Lllesville. Pekin* to Mount Gileaa. Peletier to Jacksonville. Pelham* t ! to Danville,Va. Pendleton*! to Conway. Penelo* to Tarboro. P en la n d *!! to Bakersville. Penrose*! to Brevard. Pensacola* to Burnsville. Peoples* to Pittsboro. Peppers to Bakersville. Perkinsville*to Morganton. Persimmon Creek to Mur phy. Petra to Granite Falls. Pfafftow n* to WinstonSalem. Phenoy to Bakersville. Phoenix* ! to W ilm ington. Pilot to Zebulon. P ln e b lu ff*!! to Aberdeen. Pine H all* ! ! to Madison. Pineola* to Newland. PInetown* ! ! t o . Washing ton. Pin evlew * to Fayetteville. Piney Creek* to Sparta. Pinnacle* to P ilo t Moun tain. Plnnix to Lexington. Pinson to Denton. Pioneer Mills to Concord. Pirew ay* to W hiteville. Pisgah* to Ashboro. Plsgab Forest* ! ! t o Brevard Pitts t o Marion. Plateau to Newton. Pleasant Garden*! to Greensboro. Pleasant H i l l * ! ! to Garysburg. Pleasant R id g eito Gastonia Plum tree* to E lk Park. P ly ler to Albemarle. Pocomoke to Youngs ville. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Point Casweh*to Wilming ton. Point Harbor to Elizabeth City. Polkvllle to Shelby. Pomona* ! i t o Greensboro. Poors K n ob* to N orth wilkesboro. Poplar* to Bakersville. Poplar Branch* to Eliza beth City. Porter to Norwood. Portsm outh* to Beaufort. Postell to Murphy. Potecasi’ t ! to Woodland. Powells P oint* to Elizabeth City. P ren tiss!! to Franklin. P r ic e * !! to Stoneville. Prices Mill to Monroe. P rin t to Littleton. Proctor* to Bryson City. Progress to H igh Point. Propst to H ickory Prospect H ill* to Hillsboro. Prosperity* to Carthage. Pughs to Louisburg. Pum p to Marshall. Pungo* to Belhaven. Purlear* to Northwilkesboro. Pu rley* to Danville Va. Purvis* to Maxton. Putnam * (Moore Co.) to Carthage. P y a tte to Newland. Quebec* to Brevard. Queen to Troy. Quick to Reldsvllle. Quinine to Ashboro. Quitsna to Windsor. Rachel to Ashboro. Radical to N orth wilkesboro Ram say town to Huntdale. Ranger* to Murphy. Ransoms Bridge to Louis burg. Ransom vllle*to Washington Raven to Jefferson. R aw l to Jefferson. Raynham * ! to Lumberton Ready Branch to Northwilkesboro. Red Bug* to W hiteville. Reddies R iver* to Northwilkesboro. Red H ill to Bakersville. Red Top to Old Fort. R eelsboro*!! to Newbern. Reepsville* to Lincolnton. Reese to Boone. Regal* to Murphy. Rehoboth to Jackson. R elief to Bakersville. Rennert* t l to Red Springs Reno to Jefferson. Resaca* to Pin k H ill. R evere* to Marshall. R e x * ! to Fayetteville. Reynoldson to Gatesville. Rhine to Jefferson. Rhodhiss * ! ! to Granite Falls. R h odo! to Andrews. Richardson* to Bladenboro R ich field *! to Albemarle. R ich M ountain to Sylva. R iddle* to Elizabeth City. Ridgecrest*! to Black Mountain. Ridge Spring to Ayden. Ridgeville* to Roxboro. R id g ew a y *!! to Norlina. Rlggsbee* to Chapel H ill. Rileys Store to Ashboro. Ringwood* to Enfield. R lv erd a le*! to Newbern. Riverside* to Boone. Rives Chapel to Siler City. Roaring R iv e r * !! to North. wilkesboro. Roark to Mountain City. Tenn. i Robbins ville* to Andrews. Roberdell* to Rockingham. Rock Branch t to Fayette ville. Rock Creek* to Liberty. Rock Cut to Statesville. Rock F ish *!to Fayetteville Rockford* t ! to Elkin. Rockliff to Saluda. Rockvlew to Asheville. Rockyhock to Edeuton. R ocky Point* t t to W il mington. R ocky R iv er Springs to Norwood. Rocky Springs to Stokesdale. Rodanthe* to Manteo. Roduco* to Gatesville. Roe to Beaufort. Rogers Store to Raleigh. Rominge/r to MountainClty. Tenn. R o n d a * !! to Elkin. R ooks*! to Wilmington. Roscoe to Pittsboro. Rosedale to EllzabethCtty. Rosindale* ! to Clarkton. R o s m a n *!! to B revard._____ Money Order Office. R o u g em o n t*!! to Roxboro Rough to Andrews. Round Mountain to N orthwilkesboro. Round Peak* to Mount A iry Rowan to Mooresville. Royal to Aurora. R u ffin * !! to Reldsvllle. Rusk* to Elkin. Ruskin* to Elizabethtown. Ruth to Rutherfordton. Rutherford College*to Mor ganton. Rutherwood to Boone. R y la n d *! to Edenton. NORTH CAROLINA Springcreek* to H o t Spgs. Spring H ill* ! to Scotland Neck. Spurgeon to Northwilkesboro. Squires to Elizabethtown. Stackhouse*! to Marshall. Stacy to Beaufort. S taley *! to Liberty. Stallings to Louisburg. Stancell to Weldon. Stanfield to Oakboro. State Road* to Elkin. Stecoah* to Bryson City. Stedm an*! to F ayetteville. S teeds*!! to Star. Saddle to Sparta. Stella* to Jacksonville. Sadler to Reldsvllle. Stocksville* to Asheville. Stonewall* to Bayboro. . Saginaw* to Newland. St. John to Ahoskie. Straits* to Beaufort. Stratford* to Sparta. SalemT to Winston-Salem. Salemburg* to Clinton. Street to Bakersville. Salem Chapel to Walnut Strieby to Ashboro. Cove. Stubbs to Shelby. Salem Church to Denton. Stum pypoint* to M anteo. Sturgills* to Jefferson., Samarcand to Candor. Sand Bluff to Elizabeth Suburb* to Southport. town. / Sugar Grove* to Boone. Sands* to Boone. Sandy Mush* to Marshall. Suit* to Murphy. Sandy R idge* to Stoneville. Sulphur Springs! to Candor Sans Soud* to Plym outh. S u m m erfleld*!! to Greens boro. Sapphire* to Brevard. Saratoga to Wilson. Summit* to Northwilkesboro. Sarem* to Gatesville. Sunburst to Canton. Satterwhite to Oxford. Supply* to Southport. Saulston* to Goldsboro. Surl to Roxboro. Savage* to Gatesville. Sawmill* to Granite Falls. Surry* to Washington. Sutherlands to Mountain Saxapahaw* to Graham. City, Tenn. Scaly* to Franklin. Swain* to Bryson C ity. Scotts* to Stony Point. Scotts H il l * ! ! to W ilm ing Swancreek to Elkin. ton. Swannanoa*!! to Black Mountain. Scottville* to Sphrta. Swann S ta tion *! to Jones Scranton* to Swanquarter. boro. Swansboro* to Jacksonville. Scuppernong to Creswell. Seagate to Wilmington. Swayney to Bryson City. S e a g ro v e *!! to Ashboro. Sweet W ater* (WataugaCo.) Seagull to Norfolk, Va. to Boone. Sea L ev el to Beaufort. Sw epsonville*! to Graham Swindell to Swanquarter. ' Seaside to Wilm ington. Swiss* to Burnsville. Sedalia* to Gibsonville. Selica*! to Brevard. Selwin to Gatesville. Sem ora*! to Milton. Senla to Elk Park. Tablerock* to Morganton. Seven Sprin gs'to LaGrange Tamarack to MountainClty, Tenn. S e vier!! to Marion. Shaken to Burgaw. Tarheel* ito Elizabethtown. Shankle to Norwood. T a r R iver *1 to Creedtnore. Shannon*! to Red Springs. Taylors Bridge to Wallace. S h a w b oro*!! to Elizabeth T each eys*! to Wallace. City. Teer* to Mebane. Telephone to Roxboro. Sheffield to Mookville. Shell to M organton. Tellico to Franklin. Shelmerdlne to Greenville. Tennellna to Marshall Sherman to Jefferson. Terra Ceia to Belhaven. Sherrills Ford* to M oores Terrell* to Mooresville. ville. Thaxton* to Mountain Sherwood to Boone. City, Tenn. T h e lm a * !! to Littleton. Shiloh* to Elizabeth C ity. Thermal City * ! 1 to Ruther Shine to Snow H ill. fordton. Shipyard to Elizabeth C ity. Shoals* t to Rural Hall Theta to Jefferson* Shooting Creek* to Murphy. Thom w all t o : Fayetteville. Thurmond* to Elkin. Shore to Yadkinvllle. T ille ry* ! ! toScotland Neck Shulls M ills* to Boone. Tlmberlake* to Roxboro. Sidney to Belhaven. Tim b erlan d*! to Raeford. Silas Creek to Jefferson. Tob a cco ville*! to Rural S ilo a m *!! to Rural H all. Hall. Silverdale*to Jacksonville. Toecane * ! ! to Bakersville. Simpsons Store to Madison. Toledo to Burnsville. Sims* to Wilson. T o liver to J efferson. Sioux to Bum sville. Toluca to Cherryville. Skinnersville to Roper. Tom ahaw k *! to W ilm ing ton. Skyland*! to Asheville. Sladesville to Swanquarter. T o m o tla *! to Murphy. Sligo to Elizabeth C ity. Topia to Sparta. Sloan* to Wallace. Topnot to Yanceyville. Slocomb to Fayetteville. Topsy to Gatesville. Sloop Point to W ilm ington. T o p to n * !! to Andrews. Sly to Jefferson. T o w n c reex 'ito Wilmington Small to Aurora. Transon* to Jefferson. Smethport to West Jeffer TraphlU* to Elkin. son. Treetop* to Jefferson. Smith* to Stuart, Va. Triangle to Stanley. Sm okemont*to Bryson City Trilb y to Roxboro. Smyrna* to Beaufort. T rin ity * ! ! to H igh Point. Sneads F erry* to Jackson Triplett to Boone. ville. Snider to Denton. T r o tv ille * ! to Gatesville. Show Camp* to Liberty. Trout to Jefferson. Snowden*! ! to Elizabeth Troutm ans*! to Statesville. City. Tru st* to Asheville. Soda H ill* ! to Boone« Truth to Merry Oaks. Sol to Denton. Tryphosa to Franklin. Somerset to Edenton. Tuckahoe to Kinston. Sophia*! to Randleman. Tuckaseigee* to Sylva. Tuckerdale to Jefferson. Sound to Edenton. S. Creek* to Aurora. S. Low ell to Durham. Tulls* to Elizabeth City. Southmont * -! I to L ex Tulu to Edenton. ington. T u n is *ft to W inton. T u rk e y *! to Warsaw. South R iver to Salisbury. South Shore to Columbia. Tum ersburg*to Statesville Southside* to Lincolnton. Turnpike! to Canton. Spear* to Newland. T u scarora *!! to Newbern. S p eed *tt to Tarboro. Tuskeegee* to Bryson City. Speedwell to Webster. Tuxedo*tto Hendersonville Spero to Ashboro. Tyner* to Hertford. Spies*! to Carthage. Spokane to Ashboro. Spoutsprings*ti to Fayette Ulah to Ashboro. ville Unaka* to Murphy. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. NORTH CAROLINA Union to Ahoskle. Union Ridge* to Burlington. Unionvllle* to Monroe. U niversity* !1 to Hillsboro. Upton to Lenoir. Uree* to Rutherfordton. UwhArie to T roy. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS NORTH DAKOTA OHIO W oodford* to Jefferson. W oodlngton to Kinston. Woodlawn to Marion. W o o d lea f*!! to Cleveland. W oodlelgh* to Norfolk, Va. W oodrow to Canton. W oodsdale*! to Roxboro. W oodvllle to Lewiston. Woodworth* to Townsville. Valdese*! to Morganton. W orley* to Marshall. W orry* to Morganton. Valiev to Elk Park. Vandemere * t i to Bayboro. W orth* to Dallas. Vander to Fayetteville. W orthville* to Randleman. Vannoy* to Northwilkes- Wortm an to Morganton. W rightsville to Wilmington boro. Wysocking to Swanquarter. Vaugnan*tt to Littleton. Vein Mountain* to Marlon Venable* to Chapel Hill. ■Vernon to' Jefferson. Yadkin College* to Lexing ton. Verona* to Jacksonville. Yadkin Valley* to Lenoir. Vests to M urphy. Yancey to Roxboro. Vilas* to Boone. Vineland*! to W hiteville. Yeatesvllle to Belhaven. Y ellow Creek* to Bryson V irgil* to Boone. Vista to Wilmington. City. Vivian to Gatesville. Y orick to Elizabethtown! Vixen to Burnsville. Yum a* to Boone. V ox to Sparta. Vultare* to Garysburg. Zara* to Clarkton. Zebra to Northwilkesboro. W a d e * !! to Fayetteville. Zephyr to Elkin. , W a d evllle*! to Mount Gilead Zionville* to Boone. Wagoner* to Jefferson. Zirconia*! to Henderson Wakefield* to Zebulon. ville. Wakulla * ! to Red Springs. W a lkertow n *!! to Winston W allburg* to Thomasvllle. Walls to Sparta. Walnut* to Marshall. Walstonburg* to Wilson. W althall* to H o lly Springs. W am pler to Burnsville. W ananlsh*! to Vineland. Wancbese* to Manteo. Warlick to Morganton. W am e* to Murphy. Warren P la in s *tt to W arrenton. W arrensville* to Jefferson. Washburn to Forest City. W atauga Falls* to Boone. W aterlily*to Elizabeth C ity W a th a * !! to Wallace. W atson* to Burlington. W a verly to Marshall. Wayside to Bryson C ity. Weasel to Jefferson. W eaversford*to Jefferson. W ebb to Burnsville. iW ebster* to Sylva. W eeksville* to Elizabeth City. W ehutty to Murphy. W elcom e* to Lexington. W ells to Siler C ity. AWentworth* to Reidsville. Wesser* to Bryson City. W . D urham *! to Durham. W est E n d*t to Aberdeen. Westfield* to Mount A iry. W . R aleigh*t to Raleigh. W est Riverside to Jefferson Wests M ill* to Franklin. W haley to Elk Park. Whlchard* to Greenville. Whitehead* to Sparta. Whitehurst to Bethel. W hite Lake to Elizabeth town. W hite O a k *t (Bladen Oo). to Elizabethtown. W hltePlains*toM ou nt A iry W hite Rock* to Runian. W hite Store* to Marshvllle. W hitnel* to Lenoir. W hitney*T t to Albemarle. W hltsett* to Gibsonville. W h ittie r * tt to BrysonCity. W hortonsville to Oriental. Wiggins Crossroads to ' W haleyville. W ilbar* to Northwilkesboro W ild w o o d *! to Morehead City. W ilhite* to Burnsville. W illard * 11 to Wallace. W illets* to Sylva. * W illeyton to Gatesville. W illiam s* to Winston-Salem Williamsboro* to Towns ville. W illis Creek to Fayetteville. WilUston to Beaufort. W illow to Gatesville. W illow Spring* t to Raleigh W ilm ar to Vanceboro. W ilm ot*t to Sylva. Wilsons M ills * !! to Selma. Windom to Burnsville. W in d y Gap to Northwilkes boro. W infall* to Hertford. W ing* to Bakersville. W innabow* to Wilmington. Winsteadvllle to Belhaven W inthrop Mills* to Newbem. W is e * !! to Norlina. W it* to Beaufort. W ood to Loulsburg. W oodard* to Windsor._____ Duane to Ellendale. M oselle! to Wyndmere. Westerheim to Sentinel Dundas! to N ew Rockford. M ount Carmel* to M ow Butte. Dunning! to Maxbass. Westfield* to Hague. bray. D u rbin*tt to Casselton. Munster to N ew Rockford Whetstone to Killdeer. Eastedge*tt to Kathryn. W hite Spur to Kramer. M urray to M ayville. W hynot to Reynolds. E. W estby to Westby, M ont. W ild R ic e * ! to Fargo. Edson to Norma. W illa* to Burt. N ash*! to Grafton. Elbowoöds* to Parshall. Newhome* to Sykeston. ■ Winona* to F ort Yates. Elk Landing to Charlson. N ew Hradec* to Dickinson. W ob u rn *!! to Coteau. W o lf Butte* to Bucyrus. Elkwood* to Langdon. N ew port* to Bowbells'. Wolseth to Glenburn. N icholson*!! to Cogswell. E lm o! to Marlon. W oo d s*! to Davenport. Elsberry* to Rock Lake. N iles! to Leeds. N orfolk ! to Anamoose. Elsworth to Arnegard. Emerson to Dunn Center. Norton* to Adams. Youngtown* to N ew Salem Emmett* to Garrison. Numedahl* to Walhalla. Yucca*' to Center. Em rick*! to Fessenden. Enger to Portland. Oakdale* to Kildeer. Z en ith *!! to Belfield. Oakwood* to Grafton. Epworth* to Palermo. * Zion* to Cando. Odessa*! to N ew Leipzig. E verest! to Casselton. 0)ata* t to Emerado. Expansion to Krem. Ops! to Conway. O sgood*! to Horace. Otterberg to N ew L eip zig. Fallon* to Flasher. Otter Creek* to Center. Farrington* to Beulah. Fayette* to Killdeer. O H IO Fergus* to Kempton. Paradise* to Watauga, S. D. F ero! to Rugby. Parkin*! to Timmer. Fleak* to N ew Leipzig. Paulson to Crosby. Flushing! to Inkster. Peebler to Deerine. Abbeyvllle to Medina. F on d a !! to Overly. Abe to Covington. F ort Totten* to Devils Pelto to Rrocket. P e rry ! to Rutland. Aberdeen* to M aysville.Ky. Lake. Peters! to Napoleon. Academia to Mount Vernon Freda to Selfndge. Petrel* 1 0 Lemmon, S. D. Adams M ills*! to Dresden. Fried* to Jamestown. Pickardsville to McGlusky. Adamsyille* to Zanesville. Funstonl to Anamoose. P ick ert*! to BlaDon Addison* to Galllpolis. Pierce to D e Sart. A ddyston *!! to Cleves. Pilot* to McCanna. Adrian* to Carey. Gaylord* to Belfteld. Pleasant* to Tolley. Africa to Westerville. Genoa! to Norwich. Plumer* to Crosby. NO RTH D AKO TA A fton to Williamsburg. Golden Lake to Hatton. Portland Junction! to Port A g o s ta * !! to L a Rue. Gold win to Woodworth. land. A1 to SWanton. Gorhan* to Belfleld. to Grand Forks. A id* to Ironton. Grand H a rb or*!! to Devils Powell Power* to Leonard. Absaraka’ f t to Wheatland. Ainger to Montpelier. Lake, Praha to Fordville. Acton to Grafton. Aitch* to Woodsfield. Griffin* to Rhame. Rock* to Elgin. A ddison*!! to Davenport. Alcony*' to Christiansburg. Grinnell* to W hite Earth. Pretty Price to Sanger. A ga te*t to Bl8 bee. Alexandersvllle to Miam liGronna to Rolla. Akra* to Cavalier. burg. G w yth ertl to F ort Rice. .Alden* (Hettinger Co.) to A lexis! to W est Toledo. Rainy Butte* to M idway. Regent. Alfred* to Pomeroy. Ram sey! to Penn. A licia *! to Lidgerwood. Alice* ! to Vinton. H aley* to Gascoyne. R a n gely! to Balfour. Alpha* to Golva. A lled o n ia *!! to Beallsville. Hallson* to Concrete. R ansom *!! to Cayuga. A lta (Barnes Co.) to Valley Ham ple! to Oakes. Allensburg to Lynchburg. Ree to Expansion. C ity. Allensville* to McArthur. Hannover* to Center. Renville* to Dunn Center. A lta (Burleigh Co.) to Harmon to Mandan. Allentown to Elida. R h odes!! to Esmond. Regan. Alma to W averly. H arry to Hamlet. R ig a * ! to Granville. Alpha* to Xenia. A m enta*tt to Casselton. H arw ood*! to Fargo. Ring to Bowman. A m or* to Bowman. A ltitude* to Woodsfield. Hekton to F ort Rice. Rising to Norwich. A n te lo p e *! to Richardton Alton * ! ! toW est Jefferson. Rohrville to Crary. Altoona to Wellston. Armourdale to Hansboro. Hensler*! to Washburn. Rosebud* to N ew Salem. A rv id *,to Beach. Alum Creek! to Delaware. Herrick 19 Drayton. A lva d a *t to Fostoria. A u b u rn *tt to Grafton. H esper*! to Maddock. Austin* to Marmarth. Am boy* to Conneaut. Hirschvllle to Taylor. St. Anthony* to Mandan. A m ity (Montgom ery Oo.) A ylm e rtt to Anamoose. Holmes* to Reynolds. to Trotwood. Homer Siding to James St. Bonifacius to Kintyre. St. Joseph* to Glen UUln. A m ity (K n ox Co.) to town. , St. Vincent to Mandan. Howard. Bachelor* to St. John. H ong! to York. Saunders to Fargo. Amlin* ! to Hilllards. B aden*i to Coulee. Hoving to M ilnor. Schafer* to W atford A m sden *!! to Fostoria. Badland* to Rhame. Howard* to Grenora. Scheffield to Dickinson. Anderson * ! to Chillicothe. Bangley to Balfour. H u ff*! to F ort Rice. Schmidt to Mandan. Anderson ville to Chillicothe. Barrie to Kindred. Hull* to H ague! Seneschal* to Banks. Beaulieu* to Olga. H u rd *!! to Maxbass. Shawnee*! to Lanmore. Andis to Ironton. Beaver Creek to Napoleon. Shell to Plaza. Andre to Portsmouth. B edford! to Page. Shepard! to Cooperstown. Andrews to Mount Gilead. Belcourt* to RoUa. Independence! tp La Moure aSherbrooke* to Finley. Angel to Galllpolis. Beiden* to Stanley. Ankeny town* f t to FrederBelmont to Buxton. Johnstown*! to Gilby. Silverleaf*! to Ellendale. Icktown. Benson to L a Moure. Josephine* to Oberon. Sim s*!! to Almont. Annapolis (Crawford Co.) Bentru to Thompson. Skaar* to Wibaux, M ont. to Bucyrus. B erea !! to Valley City. Skogmo* to Drake. Annapolis* (Jefferson Co.) Keene* to Charlson. Slope Center to Bowman. to Steubenville. ' K ellys*! to Mekinock. Berg* to Charlson. Sonora! to Falrmount. Anthony to Athens. K elso*! to Hillsboro. Bessie* to Bowman. Stampede * ! ! to Columbus. A n tioch*'to Woodsfield. Kelvin* to Dunselth. Bierman to Rhame. Still! to Wilton. A n tiq u ity *! to Racine. Kenaston*!! to Kenmare. Birchwood to St. John. Stilwell to Langdon. Antonis* to W averly. Kerm it to Noonan. Birdsell to N ew Leipsig. Straubville*! to Cogswell. Antrim * to Freeport. K id ville to Englevale. Blackwater* to Garrison. Svold* to Backoo. Apple to Laurelvllle. Klose to Jamestown. Bloom to Jamestown. Swastika*! to M cIntosh, S. Applegrove* to Racine. K nox to Aneta. Bluegrass* to N ew Salem. D. A ppleton! to Croton. K u roki*! to Westhope. Bonnie View to Beach. Sw eetbriar*!! to Judson. Arabia to Ironton. Brazil* to Balta. Arbaugh* to McArthur. Lake Williams to Pettibone Sydney to M illarton. Breien to Timmer. Arbela to Rlchwood. Lailie! to Oberon. B rittin *! to Bismarck. Archers Fork* to M arietta. Langberg* to Bowman. B u rleigh !! to M cKenzie. T a ft ! to Hillsboro. Arion to O tw ayM L a rk *! to Flasher. Tansem to Ambrose. Arkoe to Piketon. Laureat to Dunseith. Tarsus*! to Bottineau. Arlington (Mongtomery Lawther to N ew Leipzig. Thelen to Beach. / Co.) to Brookville. Caledonia* to Shelly Minn. Leff to Reeder. . Trotters* to Beach. Arlington Heights to LockLem ert! to Carrington. * Campbell to Kintyre. Tru ro! to Lansford. laud. Cannon B all*tt to FortRice L ero y *! to Backoo. Tunbridge*! to Rugby Armstrongs M ills * ! to Levan t! to M anvel. Cashel*! to Grafton. T yle r* to Wahppton. Beallsville. Leverich to Rugby. „ Catlin* to W atford C ity. Am helm to Sardinia. Leyden*! to Backoo. Chama! to Sentinel Butte. A rn o ld !! to Plain C ity. Libby Butte* to Emerson. Chandler*! to Haynes. Arthur to Defiance. Lincoln* to Lincoln Valley. U n ion *tt to Milton. Clem ent*! to Oakes. U n iversity*! to Grand Fork Asbury to Cincinnati. Logan to Sawyer. Coalbank to Regent. Ash to Pataskala. Urbana*! to Eckelson. Lynchburg! to Casselton. Coburn! to Sheldon. Ash Ridge to Georgetown. Cole H a rb o r!! to Coal Ashton to Caldwell. M andt to Grafton. Harbor. Athalia* to Huntington. W . Vang* to Walhalla. M anitou *! to Ross. Concord* to Rhame. Va. Vashti to Pingree. Cottonwood Lake* toAlam o M a p es*!! to Michigan. A therton ! to Hebron. V en lo! to Sheldon. Marm on* to Zahl. Croff* to W atford City. Atlanta* ! ! to W illiam sport Veseleyvllle* to Pisek. Marshall* to Richardton. Cuba*! to Fingal. Atlas* to Barnesville. Marstonmoor*to Pettibone V ik in g !! to Hamberg. A tw ater Center to A tw ater. V os s*tt to Minto. M cArthur*! to Pembina. Atw ood* to Carrollton. M ed b erry*!! to Edgeley. Auburn to Mantua M elby* to Dunn Center. Daglum* to South Heart. Auglaize to Delphos. W aldont to Page. Menoken* to M cKenzie. .Dally to Kathryn. A u g u sta *!! to Minerva. W alle to Thompson. M errifleldl to Thompson. D ana! to Hazelton. AultmaD* to Canton. Warren* to Davenport. M illers Spur to Bordwac. D eep *! to Russell. Aurora* to Mantua. M ineral Springs* to Bow Warsaw* to Minto. Defiance* to Dodge. Aurora Station* ! t to Man Washegum to Bottineau. man. D eisem *!! to Edgeley. tua Station. Watrous to Burt. Mona* to OsnabroCk. D ore* to Fairview, M ont. Austin* to Frankfort. W e a v e r * !! to Alsen. M ortim er to Page. D over! to Sykeston. Drady to Minot.__________ M o se*! to Binford.________ W estby to W estby, Mont, A u s tln tu rg * !! to Jefferson. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1901 A County Seat. •Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1902 OHIO Auatlntown * to Youngs town. A v a * } to Caldwell. Avenue to Columbus. A v e ry * t t to Milan. A v is to Kalida. A vion to Bremen. A v o n * } } to Elyria. Avondale to Thornville. A vo n Lake* to Lorain. A x te l to Vermillion. A yersville to Defiance. Bacfiman to Brookville. Bacon to CosboctonL B ailey to W ater vllle. Baileys M ills *} to Barnesville. B a in b rid ge*}} to Chagrin Falls. Bairds Furnace to N ew Straitsville. B alrd stow n *}, to Bloomdale. Baker to Greenville. Bakersvllle* to N ew Comerstown. Baldwin t to Batavia. Bangorville to Bellville. Bangs* t t to MountVernon. Bangs to M ount Vernon. Bannock*} to St. Clairsville. Bantam* to Bethel. Bard well/to Mount Orab. Barlow* to Watertown. Barnesburg to Miami. Barnhill* to Uhrichsvllle. Barretts M ills to Bainbridge. Barrs M i l l * } } to Shanesville. Barry to Chagrin Falls. B arryville to Louisville. B artlett* to Marietta. B a rto n *} to St. Clairsville. B ascom *t} to Tiffin. Basban* to Pomeroy. Batemantown to Frederlcktown. B atesville* to Quaker City. Bath* to Akron. Batson to Payne. B a y a r d * }} to Minerva. B a y s *} to Rudolph. B ay Village* to Rocky River. Beacn Park to Lorain Beams vllle to Ansonia. Bear Creek to Portsmouth. B eatty to Springfield. B eau m on t}} to Athens. Beaverpond* to Peebles. Beavertown to Dayton. B ec k ett*} to Beverly. Bee to McArthur. Beebe to Athens. Beebetown to Berea. Beldler* to N ew Phila delphia. Belden to Elyria. B elfast*} to Hillsboro. Bellbrook* to SpringValley Belle V a lle y * tt to Caldwell. Belle Vernon to Sycamore. Bellpoint to Delaware. B elo it*} to Sebring. Belpre to Parkersburg, W ,Va. Bennetts Cbroers to Berea. Benton* (Holm es Co.) to Millersburg. Benton (Crawford Co.) to Sycamore. Benton R idge* to Rawson. Bentonville'* to Manchester B erk e y *} to Metam ora. Berkshire to Sunbury. Berlin* (Holmes Co.) to Millersburg. Berlin (Jackson Co.) to Wellston. Berlin (W illiam s Co.) to Edon. Berlin C e n te r*}} to Alliance Berlin Crossroads * to Wellston. Berllnville* to Berlin Heights. Berne* t to Summerfleld. Berrysville to Hillsboro. Bertha* to Portsmouth. Berwick*Tt to Tiffin. Bethany* to Monroe. Bevan* to Marietta. B evis to Mount Healthy Bidw ell’ t to Vinton. Biehn to Sardinia. mackrun* } to Frazeysburg Bladen* to Gallipolls. Bladensburg* to Utica. Blaine* to Bridgeport. Blairmont to Adena. Blalrsville to N ew Rich mond. Blake to Wadsworth. B la k es lee*}} to Edon. Blanchard to Dunkirk. Blanco to Warsaw. B llssfield *}} to Warsaw. Bloom Center to Lewistown B loom er*} to Versailles. Bloomfield (Muskingum Co.) to N e w Concord. Bloomfield (M orrow Co.) to Centerburg. Bloom ingdale* to Jewett. Blooming G rove to Galion. Bloom ington to Sabina. Bloom ingville to Sandusky. Bloom Switch* to Oak Hill. Blow ville to Williamsburg. Blue A s h * }} to Pleasant Ridge. Blueball to M iddletown. Blue Creek to Otway. Blue Rock* to Zanesville Bluestone to Euclid. Boardman to Poland. Bobo to Beaver. . Boden to Cambridge. Bodman to M ount Orab. Bogart to Sandusky. 1 Bokes Creek to Richwood. Bolins M ills to Albany. Boneta to Medina. Bono-* to Toledo. Bookwalter to Jeffersonville Booth (Lucas Co.) to Toledo. Boston (Belm ont Go.) to Barnesville. Bostwick to Chardon. B o tzu m }} to Peninsula. Boudes Ferry to Hlgginsport. Boughtonville* } to N orth Fairfield. Bourneville*} to Bainbridge B ow lu8vllle}}to Springfield. B ra c e v ille *}} to Newton Falls. Bradbury to Middleport. Bradley* to Dillon vale. Bradrick to Huntington, W . Va. Brady to Cambridge. B railey} to Swanton. Branch H ill* } to Loveland. Brandon to Mount Vernon. Brandt* to N ew Carlisle. Brandywine to Bucyrus. B reck sville*}} to Cleveland B recon} to Lockland. Brewster to N avarre. B r ic e * }} to Reynoldsburg. B rlceto n *}} to Paulding. Brickner t o Ottawa. Bridges to Leesburg. Bridgetown to Cheviot. Bridgeville to Zanesville. Bridgewater to Montpelier. Brier Hill t to Youngstown Briggs to M arietta. Briggsdale* to Columbus. B righ to n }} (Lorain Co.) to W ellington. Brighton (Clark Co.) to South Vienna. B r illia n t* }} to Wellsburg, W . Va. B rlm fleld*} to Kent. Brlnkhaven*}* to Danville. Bristol (M organ Co.) to Malta. Bristol* (P erry Cod to N ew Lexington B risto lville*}} to Warren. Brittain to Akron. Broadacre* to Steubenville. Broadway* } } t o Marysville. Broadwell* to Amesville. Brock to Versailles. B roka w *} to Beverly. 5 Brokensword to Bucyrus. Brookfield* to Sharon. Pa. B rooklyn} t6 Cleveland. Brook Park to Berea. Brookton to Caldwell. B ro u g h to n *}} to Paulding. B row n } to N ew Carlisle. B row n helm }} to Amherst. Brownhelm Station*} to Amherst. Brownsville* (Licking Co.) Biers to Ohillicothe. to Newark. B ig Plain to London. Bigsprings*} to Rushsyl- Brownsville (Brown C o.), to Hamersville. vania. Birds Run* } to Cam Brownsville (M onroe Co.) to N ew Matamoras. bridge. Birmingham* (Erie Co.) to Browntown to Sardinia. Brunersburg to Defiance. Vermilion. Blrm lngham (Guem seyCo.), Bruno to Thornville. Brunswick*-to V alley City. to Cambridge. B Ishop vllle * } to Chesterhill Buchanan to W averly. Buchtel*t to Nelsonville. Blachleyvllle* to Wooster. Buchwalter toJeffersonville Hlackfork (Jackson C o .)}} Buckeye Cottage to Rose ville. to Oak H ill. Buckeye Lake* to Hebron. B lackfork*} (Lawrence Buckingham} to Coming. Co.) to Oak Hill. B u ck la n d *}} to W apakoBlack Hand to Newark. B la c k llc k * }} to Columbus. neta. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Buena V ista* to Vanceburg, K y. Buford* to Mount Orab. Bulgoe to Bloomville. Bundysburg to W est Farm ington. B u rb a n k *}} to Lodi. , B u r g h ill* }} to Kinsman. B u rgoon *}} to Bettsville. Burkhart*} to Woodsfield Burlington* to Huntington, W . Va. Burroak to Glouster. Burton C ity * } to OrrvUle. Burton Station*} to Burton Burtonville to Wilmington. Bushburg to Marlon. Businessburg to Bellâtre. Butlerville to Blanchester: B y e r * } to Wellston. Byhalia* to Mount Victory. Byington* to Peebles. Byron to Y ellow Springs. C a b le * }} to Woodstock. Cadiz Ju nction}} to Cadiz. Cadmus to Gallipolls. Cadwallader* to Freeport. C airo} (Allen C o .), to Lima. Cairo (Stark Co.) to Canton. Calais* to Batesville. Calcutta to East Liverpool C alifornia*} to Cincinnati. C alla*} to Canfield. Cam ba*} to Jackson. Cameron to Clarington. Camp* to Plketon. C a m p b ell*}} to Ironton. C am pbellstow n*}} to Eaton Camp Chase*}to Columbus. Camp Dennison*}tb Milford Canaan to Creston. C an aa n ville*}} to Athens. Canal D o v e r * }} to Dover. Canal LewisVille*to Coshoc ton. C an nelville*} to Zanesville. Captina to Bell aire. Caraghar to Metamora. Carbondale * to Nelsonville Carbon H ill * } to Nelson ville. Carlisle (N ob le C o.), to Summerfield. C a rlis le*}} (Warren Co.) to Franklin. Carlton* to Middleport. Carmel* to Hillsboro. Carpenter* } } to Middleport Carrie to Clarksburg. Carrington to Shawnee. C arroth ers*}} to A ttica. Carthagena* to Chickasaw. C arthon*} to Somerset. Carysville to Saint Paris. Cassella to St. Henry. Cassels to Cambridge. Casstown*} to Troy. C a s tin e }}} to W est Man chester. Catawba * to South Vienna, Catawba Island * to Port Clinton. C a v e t t* }} to Scott. Caywood* to Marietta. C e c il* }} to Paulding. Cedar H ill to Amanda. Cedar Mills* to Peebles. Cedron to Felicity. Center B elpre* to Parkers burg, W . Va. Centerfield to Leesburg. Center P o in t to Higginsport. . Centerton* to Chicago. Center V illage to Galena. Centerville (Belm ont C o.), to Belmont. Centerville (Clinton C o.), to Sabina. Centerville (Gallia Co.) to Oak H ill. C e n te rv ille *}} (Montgom ery Co.) to Dayton. Central C ity } to Newark. Central College to Wester ville. Ceylon} } to Berlin Heights. Chadwick Corners to Cort land. Chaffee to Cleveland. Chalfants*} to Glenford. Champion to Warren. C handlersville*}} to Zanes ville. Charlestown* to Ravenna. Charm* to Millersburg. Chase to Athens. Chasetown to Mount Orab. Chaseville to Caldwell. C hatfleld*}} to N ew Wash ington. Chatham* to L odi Chauncey*T} to Athens. Chenoweth to M t. Sterling. Cherry Fork* to Winchester Cherry G rove* to Cincin nati (M t. Washington.) Cherry V alley to Andover. Chesapeake* to Huntington, W . Va. Cheshire * } (G allia Co.) to Middleport. Money Order Office. Cheshire (Delaw are Co.) to Delaware. Chester* to Pomeroy. Chesterfield to Chesterhill. Chesterland* to Chardon. Chesterville*. to Frederlcktown. Chicago Junction to W il lard. Chili} to Coshocton. Chilo* to Felicity. C h ip p ew a -L a k e *}} to Me dina. Chuckery to M ilford Center. Churchhlll to Girard. C ircle H ill to Covington. Claiborne* t } to Richwood. Claridon to Burton. Clarion* to Vinton. Clark* (Coshocton Co.) to Millersburg., Clark (D arke Co.) to N ew Madison. C larksfteld}} to Wakeman. Clarkson* to East Liverpool C lay to Oak H ill. Clay Center* to Genoa. Clay L ic k * } to Newark. Claysville* to N ew Concord C layton *} to' Brookville. j Clearport to Lancaster. C liffyville to Summerfleld. Clifton* to Yellow Springs. C lim ax} to Edison. C llntonville*ttto Columbus Cloud to Malta. Cloverdale*} } (Putnam Co.) to Continental. Cloverdale (W ood Co.) to Portage. Clufl to Cincinnati. C oa lb u rg}} to Hubbard. Ooaldale to Zanesville. Coal G rove*} to Ironton. Coal H ill to Cumberland. Coalrldge*} to Caldwell. Coal Run to Beverly. C o a lto n *}} to Jackson. Coats to Woodsfield. Cochranton* to Marlon Coddingville to Medina. * Coltsville to Struthers. C o lb y }} to Clyde. OHIO Culbertson* to Ironton. C u rtice *}} to Genoa. C utler*} to Marietta. Cynthlana* to Bainbridge. Dairy to N ew Martinsville, W . Va. Dallas to Hillsboro. Dalzell* to Marietta. Damascus*} to Salem. D a n b u ry *}}to Port Clinton D anford to Cambridge. D anville to Hillsboro. . D arb yville to M t. Sterling. D aflington (Muskingum Co.) to Zanesville. Darlington (Richland Co.) to Beilville. Darrowville* to Hudson. Darrtown to Oxford. Dart to Marietta. Darwin to Pomeroy. Dasle to Convoy. Davis to Portsmouth. Davtsi^ille to Jackson. Dawes to N ew Matamoras. D a w n *} to Ansonia. D awson*} to Sidney. Dean to Ironton. Dearlng to Ironton. Deavertown* to Crooksvllle Decatur* to Russellville. D e c liff* }} to L a Rue. D eer Creek to M ount Sterling. Deerfield* } } to Alliance. Deer Park to Norwood. Deers vllle* to Cadiz. D e lh i}} to Oleves. Dellsle to Arcanum. D ell* to Marietta. D e llr o y * }} to Carrollton. Democracy* to Howard. Demos* to Belmont. Denmark to M ount Gilead. D en son }} to Morencl. Mich Dent to Cheviot. D en ver*} to W averly. Derby* } } to Mount Sterling D e rw e n t*}} to Pleasant City. Desoto to Georgetown. Deucher* to N ew Mata moras. D eunquat*} to Sycamore. Colebrook* to Orwell. D ew eyville* to McCom b. Coleratn* to Bridgeport. D ex ter*} } to Pomeroy. Coletown to Greenville. D exter C i t y * }} to Caldwell. Colfax to Lancaster. College H ill to Cincinnati. D la lton } to Springfield. C o llin s *}} to BerllnB(eights D iam ond*} to N ewton Falls C ollinsville*} to Somerville. Dick to Jefferson. C ollin w ood *}} to Cleveland Dillles Bottom * to Moundsville, W . Va. C olton *} to Liberty Center. Columbia Center to Patas- D ix ie *} to Shawnee. D ix o n * }} to Monroeville, kala. ■ Ind. Columbia S ta tio n * }} to D oan ville*} to Nelsonville. Berea. Dobbston to Huntington, C om et' to Clinton. W . Va. C o m ly *} to Coming. Conant to Spencerville. D odds} to Lebanon. Concord to Palnesvllle. D odgeville* to Orwell. C o n d lt* }} to Sunbury. Conesville* } } to Coshocton. Dodsonvllle to Lynchburg. D oherty} to Suiymerfleld. C on go*} to Corning. D ola’ t t to Dunkirk. Congress to West Salem. Connorville* to M t. Pleas Dom ervllle to Defiance. Donnelsville* to Springfield ant. Dorcas*’ to Racine. Conotton* to Bowerston. D o r s e t* }} to Jefferson. Conover} to St. Paris. D ove* to Beaver. Constantia to Delaware. C onstitu tion*}} to Marietta D over (Belm ont Co.) to Bellaire. Converse to Spencerville. D o v e r }} (Union Co.) to C ook *} to Mount Sterling. Marysville. Cooney to Edon. D over C e n te r*}} to Rocky Cooper to Republic. River. Cooperdale*} } to Dresden. D ow lin g*} to Perrysburg. Coopersville* to Piketon. Downington to Pomeroy. Copley*" to Akron. D rakes} to Corning. Cora to Gallipolis. D rill to Bridgeport. C om er to Belpre. Comersburg to Youngstown D ry Run to Portsmouth. Dublin* to Columbus. .Corwin to Waynesville. Cosmos to Union City, Ind. Ducat to Rudolph. D u dley*} to Caldwell. Costonia* to Toronto. Duffy to N ew Martinsville, Cottage H ill to Zanesville. W . Va. C o v e *} to Beavertown. Duke to Peebles. Cow Run* to Marietta. Dull to Ohio City. Cox* to Adelphi. r Dumontville to Lancaster. C ozaddale*} to Loveland. Dunback to Portsmouth. Crabtree to Portsmouth. Dunbar} to Marietta. Craig to Cambridge. Dunbarton to Peebles. Craigton to Shreve. Cranberry Prairie to St. D u n h ridge*}} to Bowling Green. Henry. Crane Nest * to Woodsfield. Duncan F a lls *} to Zanes ville. Craver to Batavia. Dundas*} to McArthur. Crawford to- Carey. D u n d ee*}} to Beach C ity. Crayon to Urbana. Creedville to Cheviot. Dungannon (Columbiana C reola*} to McArthur. Co.) to Kensington. C rescen t*}} to St. Clairs Dungannon (N ob le Co.) to ville. Beverly. Crescentvllle't } to LockDunglen* to M t. Pleasant. land. Dunklnsvllle to Peebles. Creswell* to Steubenville. Dunlap to Mt. Healthy. Crisp to Chllllcothe. D u p o h t* }} to Continental. Crissy to Swanton. D urant*} to McConnelsville. Cromers* to Tiffin. D u rbin} (Clark Co.) to Crone to Portsmouth. Springfield. Crooked Tree to Caldwell. Durbin (Mercer Co.) to Crossenville to Bremen. Cdiuft Cross Roads to Oak H ill. Crosstown to Williamsburg. D u va ll*} to A’shville. D wight to Clarington. Crown C ity* to Gallipolis. Crystal Spring* to Massillon D ye to Marietta. C u b a *}} to Wilm ington. D yesville*} to Middleport. } Telegraph Station. } Express Office. OHIO TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS OHIO 1903 Eagle Cliff to Rocky River. Feesburg* to Georgetown. Gladstone to Cedarvllle. H arveysburg*! to Waynea- Jeiioway* to Danville. Eagle Mills* to Chllllcothe. F ernaldt! to Harrison. G la n d orf*!! to Ottawa. Jep* to Ironton. ville. E a g lep o rt*!! to Malta. Fernbank!! to Cleves. Glass* to N ew Matamoras. Harwood to Lynchburg. Jerome to Plain City. Eaglevllle* to Jefferson. F em w ood *!to Steubenville. Glass Rock to Glenford. Haselton! to Youngstown. Jerry C ity *! to Cygnet. Earley to Celina. Ferry to WaynesvUle. Glencoe*+! to Bellalre. Jersey to Pataskala. Hastings to Butler. Eastbum to Jackson. ' Flat* to Baltic. Glendale*! to Lockland. Jerusalem*tt to Somerton. E. C larid on *!! to Chardon. Fidelity to West M ilton. Glenkam* ! ! to Hollansburg. Hatch* to Piketon. Jesse*! to Kent. E. Columbus* to Columbus. Fields to Elyria. G lenm oore*!! to Ohio City. H a tto n *!! to Rising Sun. Jester to Conneaut. E. D anvillet to Hillsboro. Fifteen* to M arietta. Glenn*! to Vinton. J ew ell*! to Defiance. Havana ;1 to Monroeville. E. Fairfield to N ew W ater Fincastle* to Sardinia. Glenrose* to Batavia. Havens to Fremont. Jobs* to Nelsonville. Firebrick*! to Oak Hill. ford. > G len roy*! to Wellston. Haverhill* to Greenup, K y . Johnson (Fayette Co.) to E. Fultonbam* to Roseville. Fireside to Bellevue. G len villef! to Cleveland. N ew Holland. Hawk* to McArthur. E. Greenville* to Massillon. Fltchville* to N ew London. H a yd en !! to Hillards. Johnson (Summit Co.) to E. Lewistown to Colum Flvemile to Mt. Orab. Barberton. H aydenville*! to Logan. Glenwlllow* to Bedford. biana. Fivepoints to M ount Ster Glenwood* to PleasantCity H ayesville*! to Ashlana. Johnsonville to Cortland. E. L ib e r ty * !! (Summit Co.) ling. Johns ville (Montgomery Hayhollow to Beaver. Glynnwood to St. Marys. to Akron. Flag to Summerfield. O o.) to N ew Lebanon. Goes*! to Y ellow Springs. Haynes to Laurelville. E. M onroe*! to Leesburg. Flat R o c k * !! to Bellevue. Johnsville (M orrow Co.) to Hazael* to Racine. Golden Comers to Lodi. E astont! to Doylestown. Fleming* ! to. Marietta. Lexington. Hazlewood* to Mason. Gom er*! to Elida. Fletcher* ! 1 to Piqua. E. Orwell* f t to Orwell. Goodwin to N ew Martins Headleys Corners to Col Jolly* to New Matamoras. E. Richland to St. Olairs- Flint to Westerville. Jones Crossing to Chilliumbus. ville, W . Va. Flints M ill* to N ew M ata- Gordon* ! to Verona. viUe. cothe. Hedges to Paulding. E. Ringgold to Circleville. moras. Jonestown to Ohio C ity. Hegler to Milledgeville. Gore* to N ew Straitsville. E. Rochester*! to Minerva. Floodwood to Nelsonville. Joy* to Chester Hill. H elm lck*! to Coshocton. Goshen* to Loveland. E. S p arta*!! to Magnolia. Flora* to Pomeroy. Jumbo to Kenton. H em lock*tt to Coming. to Marietta. E. Springfield to Amster Florence (Erie Co.) to Ber Gracey* HemlockGrove*to Pomeroy Jump to Kenton. Graham to Woodsfleld. lin Heights. dam. Grand \R iver*! to Paines- Hendrysburg* to Barnes- Junction to Defiance. E. Trumbull to Jefferson. Florence! (Madison Co.) to ville. Ju stus*!! to Beach City. vllle. East Union to Orrville. London. Grandview* to New Mata H enley*! to Otway. E. View Village to C leve Florida* to Napoleon. Hennings M ill to Williams moras. Fly* to Slstersville. land. burg. Granger to Medina. K am m s*! to Cleveland. Eastwood* to W illiam s Folger* to Lorain. Henrietta to Amherst. Grant to Kenton. Kanauga*ttoPoint Pleasant Footville to Rock Creek. burg. H ep b u rn *!! to L a Rue. W . Va. Graltot* to Zanesville. Ebenezer to N ew Paris. F o ra k er*!! to Kenton. Gravel Bank to M arietta. Herrick*to MountPleasant. Karle to Montpelier. Eber to Washington C. H. Ford to Burton. Heslop* to Marietta. Kauke Station to Shreve. Grayson to Tippecanoe Ebush to Ohillicothe. Forestville* to Mt. Wash Hessvllle to Lindsey. Keene* to Coshocton. City. ington. E ckleyi to Wauseon. H lbb etts*! to Carrollton. Graysville* to Woodsfleld. Keith to Caldwell. Eckmansville toWinchester. Forgy* to New Carlisle. Hickman to Newark. Kelleys Isla n d *!! to San G ra y tow n *!! to Elmore. Edenton* to Blanchester. Fort Ancient*! to Morrow. Greatbend to Ravenswood, HIgby* ! to Chllllcothe. dusky. Edgefield to Jamestown. Fort H ill to Hillsboro. High H ill to Cumberland. Kelloggsville to Conneaut. W . Va. Edinburg to Ravenna. Fort Jefferson to Greenville. Greenbrier to Woodsfleld. Highlandtown*! to Saline- K elsey*! to Bellalre. E d ison *!! to M t. Gilead. Fort M cKinley to Dayton. ville. K e m p !! to Lima. Greenbush to Gratis. High W ater to Utica. Edith to Caldwell. Fort Seneca* to Tiffin. Kennard to Urbana. Green Castle to Carroll. Edwardsville to Morrow. H lllgrove* to Union City, Kennedy! to PleasantRidge Greendalet! to Logan. Ind. Edwina to Woodsfleld. Kennonsburg to Senecaville Foster* to Loveland. Greenford*! to Canfield. HUlsfork to Manchester. Egypt to Bamesville. Keno to Pomeroy. F o w le r!! to Cortland. Greenland to Frankfort. E ffo rt*! to Oak Hill. Fowlers Mills to Chardon. Greensburg (Summit Co.) Hills Station*! to Loveland Kenwood* to Adena. HUton to Gallipolis. E lb a *! to Caldwell. Kerr* to Gallipolis. F ox to Circleville. > to Akron. Elenor to Milford. Kessler to W est Milton. Frampton to Frazeysburg. Greensburg (Trumbull Co.) Hinckley to Valley C ity. Hinton to Rockford. Elery to Malinta. Kettlersville* to Botkins. Frances to Wren. to North Bloomfield. Elgin* t t to Spencerville. K e y * ! to Bellalre. F ran k *tt to Bellevue, Greentown* to New Berlin. Hiram* to Garrettsville. Hiram sburg*! to Cumber E li to Jeffersonville. Kidron to Apple Creek. i ranklin (Harrison Co.), Greers*! to Brinkhaven. land. E lizabeth tow n *!! (H am il KiefervlUe! to Continental. to Dennison. G relton *!! to Malinta. Hoadley to Oak H ill. ton C o.) to Cloves. Kilbourae* to Delaware. Franklin Furnace*! to Gresham* to Cleveland. Hoaglln to Van W ert. Elizabethtown (Guernsey K ile !! to Plain City. Greenup, K y. Griggs Comers to Jefferson. Co.) to Quaker C ity. K ilevllle* to Plain City. Franklin Square* to Lee- Groesbeck to Mt. Healthy. Hockingport* to Coolvllle. Holden to Belle Center. Elk to Caldwell. Kilgore* to Scio. tonia. Grogan! to Columbus. Elko to M cArthur. K im b a ll* !! to Monroeville*, Franklin Station to Coshoc* Guernsey* 1 to N ew Com- H o lla n d *!! to Maumee. Hollister* to Glouster. Elkton* to Lisbon. Kim berly * t to Nelsonville. ton. erstown. H o llo w a y *!! to Flushing. Ellenora* to Cincinnati. Klm bolton* ! ! to Cam Fredericksdale* to Caldwell Guildford to Seville. Ellerton to Mlamlsburg. bridge. F reeb u rgf! to Louisville. Gumeyville to W ilmington. Hollowtown to Hillsboro. Homer* to Utica. Elliott to Chester Hill. Klnderhook*! to Williams Gustavus* to Kinsman. H om ervllle*! to Lodi. port. Ellls*t to Dresden. Freedom Station*! to Ra Gutman! to Wapakoneta. H om ew orth*! to Alliance. Elllston* to Elmore. Kingman to Wilmington. venna. Guysviile*! to Athens. Ellsberry to M aysville, K y. F reela n d *!! to Zanesville Kings Creek * ! ! to Urbana. Gypsum*! tto P ort Clinton. Honesty to Lowell. Hooker* t to Lancaster. Kings M ills * !! to Mason. French to Portsmouth. Hooksburg*! to Stockport, Kingsville* ! (AshtabulaCo.) Frenchtown (Darke Co.) Ellsworth to Canfield. H opetownt to Chillicotha. to Ashtabula. Hackney to Beverly. to Versailles. Ellsworth Station* to CanHopewell* to M t. Sterling Kingsville (Montgomery Frenchtown (Ottawa Co.) Haga to Caldwell. field. Hopkinsville to Morrow. Co.) to Dayton. Hagler to Milledgeville. to Oakharbor. Elm Grove* to Piketon. H oratio*! to Gettysburg. K in gsw a ytl to Fremont. Hales Creek*! to Oak H ill. F resn o*!! to Coshocton. E lm ira*! to Archbold. Horton to W . Mansfield. Klnniklnnick! to Kingston. Friendship* to Portsmouth. Halley to Gallipolis. Elm ville to Peebles. Hosklnsvllle to Caldwell. Kinsey to Englewood. Hallsville* to Adelphl. F rost*! to Athens. Elm woodt to Kingston. H am bden*!! to Chardon. , Houcktown to M t. Blan- Kinsman S tation !! to Kins Frultdale*! to Greenfield. E lroy to Ansonia. man. Hamburg to Lancaster. Emerson* to M t. Pleasant Fruithill to Cincinnati. Houston* t f to Sidney. Kiousville to M t. Sterling. Hamer to West U nity. Fry burg to Botkins. Em m ett to Sherwood. K ipling* to Cambridge. Hametown to Doylestown. Howehstine! to Canton. Fulda to Caldwell. Empire* 11 to Toronto. Hughes! to Monroe. K ir b y * !! to Forest. Hamlet* to Batavia. Fullertown to Chardon. Enfield to Cadiz. Kirkersvllle Station to Hammansburg to North Hullngton to Batavia. F u lto n * !! to Cardlngton. Eno to Vinton. Hull Prairie to Haskins. Klrkersvllle. Baltimore. Fu ltonh am *!! to Roseville. Enoch to Caldwell. Humboldt to Bainbridge. Kirkpatrick to Caledonia. Hammonds Corners to F un k*! to Wooster. E n o n * t! to Springfield. H u m e *!! to Lima. K irk w o o d !! to Sidney. Akron. Enterprise*! (H ocking Co.) Ham m ondsville*! to Wells- Hunchbargeis Com er to Klrtland to Willoughby. to Logan. Union City, Ind. Kitchen* to Oak H fll. vfile. Epworth Heights to Love Gage to Gallipolis. Hunt to M ount Vernon. Kitchener to Waynesville. G alatea!! to N o. Baltimore. Haney to Custar. land. Huntington to Wellington. K itts H ill* to Ironton. Hanging R o c k * !! to IronG a llia *!! to Oak Hill. E ra ! to Mount Sterling. Huntsburg* to Burton. Klee* to Bellalre. ton. G allow ay*tt to Columbus. Erastus to Cold W ater. to Y ellow Springs Klondike* (OolumbianaCo.) Hannibal*! to N ew Mar Hustead* Gallup 1‘j to Hamler. E r h a r t* !! to Medina. H yattville to Delaware. to East Liverpool. tinsville, W . Va. Ganges to Shelby. Erls to Urbana. Klondyke (N oble Co.) to Hanover* i to Newark. Gano to Sharonville. Erlin to Fremont. Caldwell. Hanoverton*to Kensington Garfield*! to Sebrlng. Ethel* ! ! to Sunimerfleld. Iberia* to Edison. Knight to Cumberland. H a rb o r!! to Ashtabula. Gates Mills* to Cleveland. Etna* to Pataskala. Idaho* to Piketon. K n ox to Athens. f Hardin to Sidney. Gaysport* to Zanesville. E u clid *!! to Nottingham . lle r * ! to Fostoria. Knoxdale to Antwerp. Geauga L a k e * !! to Chagrin Harlem to Westerville. Eureka* to Gallipolis. Immanuel to N ew Holland, Kopp to Vanceburg. Harlem Springs* to Carroll Independence* Falls. Evansport* to Stryker. to Cleveland Kossuth to Spencerville. ton. Gem to Caldwell. E v e r e t t * !! to Akron. Indian Camp to Cambridge. K ru m ro y l! to Akron. Harmony to Springfield. George to Portsmouth. Evergreen* to Gallipolis. Indian H ill to MadisonviDe. Georges Rim to Mingo H a rp e r*!! to Rushsylva- ln gom a r*! to W est A lex- Kuhn* to Summerfield. Ewlngton* to Vinton. Kyger* to Mlddleport. nla. Junction. Excello* to Middletown. x andria. K y l e * ! ! to Monroe. G eorgesvllle*!! to West Harpers Station to Green Inland* to Akron. field. Jefferson. Inlet to Morencl. Mich. Georgetown (Harrison Co.), Harpersville to Smlthfield. Iron da le*!! to Wellsville. Fairfax to Hillsboro. Labella to Huntington. Harriet to Hillsboro. to Adena. F airfield*! to Osborn. Ironspot* to Roseville. W . Va. Harriettsville* to Caldwell. Irville Falrhaven* to College Cor Gepharts to Portsmouth. to Zanesville. L a c a m e * !! to P o rt Clinton, Harris (Gallia Co.) to Vin Gerald* ! to Napoleon. ner. Irw in *! ! to Milford Center. Ladd to Piketon. ton. Germano * ! ! to J ewett. Fairhope* to Louisville. Isleboro to Logan. L a fayette (Medina Co.) H arris! (Ross Co.) to BainGetaway to Huntington, Fairlawn* to Akron. Isle St. G eorge*! to Port to Medina. bridge. W . Va. Fairm ount! to Nottingham Clinton. Lafayette!(M adison Co.) to Harrisburg* (Stark Co.) to Is le F a irp o ln t*!! to St. Clalrs- Geyer to Botkins. ta *! to N ew ComersLondon. Louisville. Ghent* to Akron. vllle. Lafayette (Ashland Co.) to Harrisonvilie* to Pomeroy. Ithtown. Gibisonviile* to Logan. F a irp o rt!! to Painesville. c a *! to Arcanum. Ashland. Harris Station* to Bain- Iv oary Fairport H arbor* to Gibson*! to Quaker City. d a le *!! to Elmwood Lafayette (Richland Co.) bridge. Giddings to Jefferson. Painesville. Place. to Mansfield. (Darke Co.) to Harrisville* to Cadiz. Fairvlew * (Guernsey Co.) G ilbert! L a ffe rty *! to Flushing. Harshasville to Seaman. Burkettsville. to Bam esville. Laings* to Woodsfleld. Harshman* to Dayton. Fairvlew (Highland Co.) G ilbert*! (Muskingum Co.) Hartford* (Trumbull Co.) Jacksonboro to Middletown Lake* to Akron. to Zanesville. to Hillsboro. Jacksontown* to Th om ville Lakefork to Jeromeville. to Orangeville. Gillespieville* to Ohillicothe Fallsburg to Utica. to ' M arble Hartfora (Licking Co.) to Jacksonville*!! to Glouster. L a k es id e *!! Gillford to Lisbon. F arm dale*! to Kinsman. head. Jacobsburg*! to Bellalre. Croton. Gillivan to West Jefferson. Farmer* to Bryan. L a k ev ille*ttto Loudonvllle. Jaite to Hudson. Hartford (Guernsey Co.) Gilmore* to Po rt Washing Farmers Station! to New Lam artine* to Scio. Jasper* to Piketon. to Buffalo. ton. Vienna. Lam ira*f t to Belmont. Ginghamsburgt to Tippe Hartland Center to Nor Java to Swanton. Farmerstown to Baltic. Landeck to Delphos. Jaybird* to Peebles. walk. canoe City. Farnham to Conneaut. Landis to Gettysburg. Härtsburg to Continental. Jaysville* to Greenville. Girton to Rising Sun. Farrington to Piqua. J efferson *!! (W ayne Co.)to Langsvllle’ t t t o Mlddleport Hartsgrove to Orwell. Given* tto Beaver. Fawcett to Peebles. Lansing* to Bridgeport. Wooster. H a rtw ell*!! to Lockland. Glade*! to Beaver.______ Fay* to Marietta ! Express Office. ! Telegraph Station. ♦Money Order Office. i County Seat. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS 1904 OHIO Laporte to Elyria. Lapperell to Bainbridge. Latchie* to Genoa. Latham * to Bainbridge. Lathrop to Amesville. Latim er to Cortland. Lattas to Frankfort. Lattasburg to W est Salem L a t t y * !! to Paulding. L a u ra *!! to W est M ilton. Law ndale*! to Barberton. Lawrence! to Ironton. Lawrenceville to Springfield L a w s h e*!! to Seaman. L a y la n d *!! to Killbuck. Laym an to Marietta. Layton to Waynesfleld. Leaper* to Galllpolis. Leavlttsburg* t I to Warren. Lea vlttsvllle to Carrollton Lebanon (Monroe Co.) to Woodsfleld. Lecta* to Ironton. Lees Creek* to Sabina. Leesville’ to Bowerstown. Leesvllle Cross Roads to Crestline. Leith* to Marietta. Lem ertTi to Buoyrus. Lem oyne*t to Luokey. Lena* to St. Paris. Lenox to JeSerson. L eo to Jackson. L e o n *! to Andover. Leonardsbu rg*!! to Ashley Lerado* to Blanchester. Leroy (Lake Co.) to Painesvllle. Leroy* (Medina Co.) to Se ville. Lester* t t to Medina. Letart Falls* to Racine. Levanna* to Ripley. L e v e l1 to Blanchester. Levering to Fredericktown. Lewis C en ter*tt to W orth ington. Lib erty* to N e w Lebanon. Lightsvllle to Rossburg. L illy to Portsmouth. Lim avU le*! to Alliance. Lim e C it y * it to Perrysburg Lim erick to Jackson. L im eston e*tt to Oak Har bor. Lincoln to Galllpolis. Llndale to N ew Richmond Linden H eigh ts*!to Colum bus. Lindentree to Canton. Lindenville to Andover. Linn to Beaver. Linnville to Newark. Linton to Wellsville. Linton Mills to N ew Comerstown. Linw orth *t to Columbus. Llppincott to Urbana. Litchfield t t to M edina. Llthopolis*tto Canal Win chester. L ittle Hocking* t to Park! ersburg, W . Va. L ittle Sandusky to Harp* ster. L ittle Y ork (Montgomery C o.) to Englewood. L ittle Y ork (Jefferson Co.) to Adena. L lo y d * to N ewton Falls. Lock to Centerburg. Lockbourne*! to Columbus Lockington* to Plqua. Lock villet to Canal W in chester. Lockw ood’ t t t o N . Bloom field. Locust Corner to Am elia. % Locust G rove* to Peebles. Locust Poin t to Oakharbor. Locustridge to Williams* burg. L o d ift -(Seneca C o.), to Republic. Loganville to Degraff. Londonderry to Freeport. Long B o tto m *! to Ravenswood, W . Va. Longiey* to. Fostoria. Longtreths* to N elsonville Loram ie to F ort Loramie. Lordstown to Warren. Lore C it y * !! to Cambridge. Lottrldge to Coolville. Loudon to Peebles. L o v ett to Peebles. Loyal Oak to Barberton. Lucasburg to Byesville. Lu ca sville*tt to Ports mouth. Ludlow to W est Milton. Ludlow F a lls *tt to W est Milton. Ludwick to Hillsboro. Lumberton to Po rt W illiam Lundat to Raymond. Lu ttrell to M illedgeville. L y d a to Coolville. Lykens to *ttB loom vIlle. L y n d o n *! to Greenfield. L y n x to W est Union. L y ra * to Portsmouth. Lysander to Athens. L y tle * ! t to W aynesville. L y tton to Swanton. ' Macedon to F ort R ecovery. M a cedon ia*!! to Hudson. M ack to Cheviot. M acksburg*t! to Caldwell. M acon*! to Winchester. Maddox to Manchester. M a d e ira *!! to M ilford. Madisonburg to Wooster. Madison Mills* t l to Bloomingburg. M adisonville to Cincinnati. M agrew * to Urbana. Maholm to New Lexington. M ahoning!! to Garrettsville. Maineville* to Loveland. Malaby to Galllpolis. Malaga* to Somerton. M alletcreek* to Medina. M a lv e rn *!! to M inerva. Manchester*! (Summit Co.) to Clinton. M andate*! to Grover Hill. Manker to Ironton. Mantua Corners to Mantua M aple G r o v e * !! to Tiffin. Mapleton to Canton. M a p lew o od *!! to Jackson Center. Marathon* to Fayetteville. Marble Cliff * ! to Columbus Marchand * to N ew Berlin. Marcy to Canal Winchester. M aria S tein*! to Chickasaw M a rits! td M ount Gilead. Mark C en ter*tl to Sher wood. Marlboro to Alliance. Marquand to Coshocton. Marr* to Woodsfleld. Marseilles* to Upper San dusky. Marshall)* t to Hillsboro. M arsh allvllle*!! to Orrville. Martel* t ! to Caledonia. Martin* t ! to Genoa. Martinsburg* to Utica. Massieville to Chillicothe. Nashville (Darke Co.) to M lllb u ry*! to Genoa. Greenville. M ille r *! to Huntington, Nashville* (Holm es Co.) to W . Va. Loudonville. National M ilitary H om e*! Miller C ity * !! to Lelpsic. to Dayton. M ille rsp o rt*!! to HuntingNational Road Crossing to ton, W . Va. M illerstown to St. Paris. Thorn ville. N eapolis*! to W hite House M ille rsville *!! to Helena. M 'U fleld*! to Glouster. Nebraska to Ash ville. M d lport* to Kensington. Needmore to Delphos. Neel to Ripley. M illtow n to M arietta. M illv ille to Hamilton. Neelysville to Malta. M illw ood to Howard. N e g le y * !! to East Palestine Milnersville* to Cambridge. N ellie* to Warsaw. M ilton to N ew ton Falls. Nelson to Garrettsvllle. Milton Center* t ! to Custar. Neptune to Celina Miltonsburg* to Woodsfleld. N e ttle Lake to Columbia. Mineral*Tt to Athens. N eville* to Moscow. ' M ineral C ity to Dennison. N e w A lbany* to Gahanna. M ineral R id g e * !! to Niles. Mineral Springs * to Pee N ew Alexander to Minerva. bles. N ew Alexandria* to Mingo Mineral Springs Station! Junction. to Peebles. N ew Antioch to W ilm ingMinersville* to Pomeroy. - ton. Minerton*t to McArthur. N ew Athens* to Cadiz. M in ford to Portsmouth. N ew Baltimore (H am ilton M in go*T! to North LewisCo.) to Harrison. burg. N ew Baltimore (Stark Co.) Mlsco to N ew Lexington. to Alliance. New B a v a ria *!!to H o lg a te . Mlshler t ! to Kent. N ew Bedford* to Baltic. M odest to M ilford. N ew Berlin to N orth Can Moffltt to Gilboa. ton. \ . Mohawk Village* to Coshoc N ew Bloomington to L a ton. Rue. Mohican to Loudonville. N ew B oston! to Ports Moline to Toledo. mouth. * Momeneetown to Toledo. N ew Buffalo to Canfield. M onclova*! to Maumee.. N ew b u rgt! to Cleveland. Monday* to Nelsonville Newburgh Heightsville to Monfort to Cincinnati. Cleveland. M o n n e tte * !! to Bucyrus. N ew Burlington* l (Greene M onroe*!! (Jackson Co.) to Co.) to Spring valley. Oak Hill. N ew Burlington (H am ilton Monroe Center to Conneaut. Co.) to Mount H ealthy. M onterey to Owensville. New bury to Burton. M ontezu m a*! to Celina. N ew California to Plain M ontgom ery* (H am ilton City. Co.) to Pleasant R idge N ew Castle (Belm ont Co.), (Cincinnati.) to Barnes ville. Montgomery (Licking Co.) Newcastle* to (Coshocton to Newark. C o.) fit D anville. M onticello to Spencerville. New castlë (M onroe Co.) Montra to JacksonCenter. to Woodsfleld. Montrose to Akron. N ew Cumberland* t ! to M ontvllle* to Chardon. Sherodsvllle. Moons to Leesburg. N ew Dover* to Marysville. Moorefleld*T to Piedmont. N ew ell Run* to M arietta. Moorland to Wooster. New faln* to Bainbridge. M organ to Columbus. N ew Franklin* to Minerva. Morgan Center to Utlea. N ew Guilford* to Warsaw. N ew Hagerstown* to BowMorgansville to Malta. erston. Morgantown*to Bainbridge N ew H am pshire*! to Morning Sun* to Camden. Waynesfleld. Morning V iew to Mount N ew Harm ony to W illiam s Pleasant. burg. Morrlsvllle to Martinsville. N ew Harrisburg to Carroll M ortim erTf to Findlay. ton. Morton to N ew Martins N ew Haven (H am ilton Co.) ville. to Harrison. M oscow M ills to Beverly. N ew h a ven *! (H uron Co.) Moss Run* to M arietta. to Plym outh. M oulton! to Wapakoneta. N ewhope (Brown Co.) to Moultrie* ! to Minerva. M ount Orab. M o u n ta iry! to Cincinnati. M ount Carmel* to Batavia. N ew H ope (Preble Co.), to Eaton. M ount Eaton* to Apple N ew Jasper to Jamestown. Creek. N ew Jerusalem to Bellefontaine. Mount Ephraim * to Cald well. Mount H olly* (Clermont N ew Lym e* to Orwell. N ew L ym e S ta tio n *!! to C o.) to Am elia. Rock Creek. M ount H o lly (Warren C o.) N ew M arket to Hillsboro. to Spring Valley. Mounthope* to Fredericks N ew Martinsburg to Green field. burg. N ew Middletown* to LowM ount Joy* to Otway. ell ville. M ount L iberty to Center N ew M ilfo r d * ! to Ravenna. burg. N ew M ooreflela*! to SpringMount O live to Felicity. field. Mount Perry* T! to GlenN ew Moscow to Dresden. ford. Mount Pisgah to N ew Rich N ew Mount Pleasant to McArthur. mond. N ew Petersburg* to Green Mount Repose to Milford. field. M ount St. Joseph* to N ew Pittsburg to Wooster. Cincinnati. Mount S terlin g *!! (Muskin 'N e w Plym ou th * to Logan. gum C o.), to Zanesville. N ew port (M adison Co.) to London. M ountville to Glouster. Mount Zion to Pleasant N ew port (Shelby Co.) to F ort Loramie. City. M o xah ala *!! to N ew L ex Newport (Tuscarawas Co.) ington. to Uhrichsville. New port* (Washington Co.) Mudsock to Hilliards. to Marietta. Mulberry* to Milford. Mulberry Corners to Char N ew Portage to Barberton N ew Richland* to Belle don. Center. Munroe Falls* to Cuya N ew Riegel* t ! to Fostoria. hoga Falls. N ew Rum ley* to Scio. Munson to Chardon. M untanna! to Continental. N ew S a le m *!! to Basil. M urlin Heights to Dayton. N ev ! Salisbury to Salineville. M u rray* to Nelsonville. M u rray C ity ! 1 to Nelson , N ew Somerset to W ellsville. N ew Springfield* to Colum ville. biana. M useville to Zanesville. N ew Stark to Jenera. Mutual to Urbana. Masury to Sharon, Pa. MatviUe to Mount Sterling. M aud*! to Mason. Max to Bremen. M a x im o *tl to Alliance. M axville to Logan. May to Batavia. Mayfield to Cleveland. May H ill to Seaman. Maynard* t ! to St. Clairsville. Maysville to A pple Creek. McCartyvllle to Anna. M cC lainville to Bellaire. McCuheville * ! to Shawnee. M cD an iel to Oak Hill. M cDerm ott* 11 to Ports mouth. M cD onald (Muskingum Co.) to Zanesville. M cD onald (Trum bull Co.) to Girard. McDonaldsville* to New Berlin. McGaw* to Vanceburg, Ky. M cG ill to P a y n e .. M c G o n ig lel! to Oxford. M c G u ffe y*fi to Alger. M cK ay to Loudonville. M c K a y s to P o rt W illiam . McLean to Washington C. H. M c L u n e y *!! to Crookville. M cM orran to Lewistown. McZena to Loudonville. Meade to Kingston. Meander to Niles. Means* to Cadiz. Mecca to Cortland. M echanicstow n*!! to Salineville. M edw ay*! to Osborne. Meeker* to Marion. M eigs* to McOonnelsville. M eigsville* to McConnelsville. M elbem ’ t t to Bryan. Melmore* to Tiffin. M elrose*! to Oakwood. M elvin *! to Sabina. Memphis to Sabina. M e n to r * !! to Painesville. Mercer* to Mendon. Mercervllle* to Galllpolis. M erm ill*! to Portage. Merwln* to Amelia. Mesopotamia* to North Bloomfield. Metz to Cuyahoga Falls. Mexico to Sycamore. M ia m i!! to Cleves. M lam lvU le*! to Milford. M iddle B ass*!!to Sandusky M id dlebou m e*! to Quaker C ity. M lddlebran ch*!! to Canton Mlddleburg* (Logan Co.) to East Liberty. Mlddleburg (N o b le Co.) to Caldwell. M iddleton to N ew W a ter ford. M iddletow n (P erry Co.) to N ew Lexington. Midland* to Blanchester. M id v a le *t! to Uhrichsville. N a n k in * !! to Ashland. M id w a y to Sedalia. N a o m i!! to Wauseon. Mifflin to Ashland. Nash Dort* ! to Zanesville. Mlfflinville to Columbus. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Money Order Office. N ewton to Raymond. N ew tonsville* to Batavia. N e w to w n * !! ( H a m i l t o n Co.) to Milford. ! Telegraph Statimi. OHIO N ewtown (Tuscarawas Co.) to N ew Comerstown. N ew W a y ! to Johnstown. N e w W e sto n *!! to Burkettsville. N ew W estville to N ew N ew W inchester! to Bucy rus. Nicholsville to New Rich mond. Nim isila to Clinton. N ina to Oakharbor. Nipgen to Bainbridge. Noble* t ! to Nottingham. Nobleville to Pleasant City Norman to Newark. N . Am herst! to Amherst. N. Auburn to N ew Wash ington. N . Bass Island to P o rt Clinton. N . Bend*Tt to Cleves. N . B e n to n * !l'to Alliance. N .Berne*! to Lancaster. N . Bristol* to Warren. N . Clayton to Covington. N . C reek*! to Continental. N . D over* to Rocky River. N. E a to n * !! to Elyria. N . Feesburg to Georgetown Northfleld* to Bedford. N . Georgetown* to Alliance N. Greenfield to W est Mansfield. N . H am p ton *! to Springfield. N . In d u stry *!! to Canton. N . J a ck son *!! to Niles. N . K e n o v a *! to Catlettsburg, K y . N . Kingsville* to Ashtabula N . Law ren ce*! to Canal Fulton. N . L iberty (Adams Go.) to Winchester. N . Liberty (K n o x Co.) to Butler. N . Lim a* to Columbiana. N . Madison* to Madison. N . G lm sted*! to Olm sted Falls. N . R a n d a ll* !! to Cleve land. N . R id g eville*! to Elyria. N . Robinson*! to Bucyrus: N. Royalton to Berea. N . Salem to Cambridge. N . Sheffield to Ashtabula. N. Solon td Cleveland. N. Star* to Rossburg. N orth Uniontown ,to H ills boro. Northup* to Galllpolis. Northwest to C a m d e n , Mich. N o rto n ! to Delaware. Norwich* to Zanesville. N ottin g h a m !! to Cleveland N ovelty * to Chagrin Falls. Nutwood*, to Cortland. Oak to Clarington. » O akfleld*! to N orth Bloom field. Oak G rove to Piedmont. Oakland (Butler Co.) to Monroe. Oakland (Fairfield Co.) to Amanda. / O akley! to Cincinnati. . Oakshade to Wauseon. Oakthorpe to Somerset. ' Obetz Junction to Colum bus. Oceola* to Nevada. O cta’ t t to Milledgeville. Odell to Cambridge. Ogden! to Wilmington. Ohltown to Niles. Okey to Galllpolis. O k o lo n a *!! to Napoleon. Olbers to Glouster. Oldham to Cambridge. Old Portage to Akron. Oldtown to Xenia. Old W ashington*! to Cam bridge. Olena* to Norwalk. Olentangy to Columbus. Olivebranch* to Batavia. O live Green (Delaware Co.) to Sunbury. Olivegreen* (N ob le Co.) to Caldwell. Ollvesburg to Ashland. O m a r * !! to A ttica, O m ega*! to W averly. O n e id a *!! to Minerva. Ontario* ! ! ito Mansfield. : Opperman! to Pleasant C ity. Oran to Laramie. Orange (Coshoctoh Co.) to N ew Comerstown. Orange (Cuyahoga Co.) to Chagrin Falls. O rbiston*! to Nelsonville. Oregon to Celina. O reg on la *!! to Lebanon. Oreville to N ew Straitsville. O rien t*! to Columbus. Orland* to McArthur. Orpheus to Oak H ill.______ ÎExpress Office. OHIO TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Osman to W est Union. O snaburg*!! to Canton. Otho to Zanesville. Otsego* to N ew Concord. Ottokee to Wauseon. OutvlUe* 11 to Kirkersville. O verpeck*! to Hamilton. O verton *! to Wooster. Ovid to Columbus. Owens*t to Marion. Ok to McArthur. Ozark* ! to Beallsvllle. OHIO Point Isabel* to Felicity. Point Place to Toledo. Point Pleasant* to Mos cow. Poland* to Struthers. Polkadotte to Huntington, W . Va. Polo to Covington. Pondrun* to Portsmouth. Poplargrove* to Peebles. 1905 R ld geton tt to Bucyrus. S a vo n a *!! to N ew Madison Spiller* to Racine. < Ridgeville to Lebanon. Spokane* to Warren. Saxon to Racine. Rimer* to Vaughnsvllle. Spore! to Buoyrus. S aybrobkl! to Geneva. Rlnard Mills* to New Sayler Park* to Cleves. Spratt! to Cumberland. Matamoras. Springdale to Lockland. S a y re * !! to Coming. Ringgold* to Malta. Schley to New Matamoras. Springer to Jackson. Rio Grande* to Oak H ill. Springfield Center to Akron Schumm to Wiltshire. Spring H ill to W . Liberty. River Styx to Wadsworth. Science H ill to Cadiz. Rlx Mills to N ew Concord. Scioto Furnace*! to Ports Spring Lake to Montpelier. Roachester to Morrow. Spring Mountain* to War mouth. saw. Roachton to Perrysburg. Scioto Station to Columbus Portersville* to Coming. Robbins to Beaver. Sclotoville*tt to Ports Springville to Shreve. Port Homer* t to Wellsvllle. Robertsvllle’ t to Minerva. Squires to Kansas. mouth. Port Jefferson* to Sidney. Robins* to Byesville. Sclplo Siding*! to Republic Stafford* to Woodsfield. Padua to Fort Recovery. Portland* to Ravenswood, Robtown to Ashville. Scotchridge* to Pember- Stanley to Holgate. Paint to Bainbridge. W . Va. Stanleyville* to Marietta. Robyville* to Adena. ville. Painter Creek to Gettys Port Union to Hamilton. Rochester*!! to N ew Lon Scottown* to Huntington, Stantontown to Ashley. burg. Postboy* to New Comersdon. Stanwood to Massillon. W . Va. Paintersvllle* to James town. Starr*! to Logan. Rock to Uhrichsville. Scotts to Carrollton. town. Poston* to Athens. Rockbridge*! to Logan. Scotts Crossing to Delphos. Stateroad to Warren. Paint V alley to Millersburg Potsdam* to West Milton. Station Fifteen* to Denni Rock Camp* to Ironton. Scroggsfleld to Carrollton. Palermo to Bowerston. Pottersburg*!! to Marys Rockcreek son. Station* t to Sebastian to Chickasaw. ville. Palestine* (Darke Co.) to Staunton to Washington Rock Creek. Sedan to Peebles. Hollansburg. P o w ell*!! to Worthington. Rockdale to Hamilton. C. H. Sego to Somerset. Palestine (Pickaway Co.), Powellsville to Portsmouth. Rockland*! to Parkersburg, Sekitan* to Cleves. Stedcke to Celina. to M ount Sterling. Powers Station to Fayette. Selden*! to Washington Steece* to Ironton. W . Va. Palm yra to N ewton Falls. Prall to Williamsburg. Steel* to Bellalre. Rock M ills to Washington C. H. Pancoastburg* to N ew Hol Pratts Fork* to Athens. Steels Run to M arietta. Sellg to Vanceburg, K y . C. H. Pravo to Bergholz. land. Selm a*!! to So. Charleston. Stella to McArthur. Rockport to Beaverdam. Panhandle*! to Hopedale. Prentiss to Leipslc. Stelvldeo*! to Greenville. Sentinel to Jefferson. Rocky Fork to Newark. Pansy to Blanchester. Steuben! to Chicago Junc Pricetown (Highland Co.) R ockyhlll*! to Jackson. Seth to New Carlisle. to Lynchburg j Paradise H ill to Ashland. tion. R o ck y rld g e *!! to Oak Har Seventeen* to Uhrichsville. S te w a rt*!! to Athens. P ricetown (Mahoning Co.) Seward* to Lyons. bor. P a ris *ft to Minerva. Parkman* to Garrettsvllle. Sewellsville to Barnesville. Stew artsvllle*!! to Bellalre. to New ton Falls. Rodney* to Galllpolls. Stillw ater*! to Uhrichsville. Parlett* to Hopedale. Pride to Chillicothe. Shade* to Athens. Rogers* ! t to Lisbon. Primrose to Alvordton. Parma to Cleveland. Rolandus* to Ravenswood, Shadevllle*!! to Columbus. Still W ater Junction to Trotwood. Shalersvllle to Mantua. Proctorvllle* to HuntingParral* to Dover. W . Va. Stilwell to Killbuck. ton, W . Va. Parrott* to Jeffersonville. Shandon*!! to Hamilton. Rollersvllle to Helena. Stockdale* to Beaver. Prout to Sandusky. Rome (Adams Co.) to Pasco to Sidney. Shanesville to Sugar Creek. S tock to n *!! to Hamilton. Vanceburg, K y . Pulaski* to Bryan. Patmos to Salem. Storm s*! to Bainbridge. Pulasklville to Mount Patriot* to Galllpolls. R o m e * !! (Ashtabula Co.) Sharon* to Caldwell. Sharonville (Pike Co.) to Stoudertown to Basil. to Orwell. Gilead. Patterson* ! to Forest. Stout* to Vanceburg, K y . Rome (Franklin Co.) to 1 Waverly. Pattersohville* to Minerva. Pursell to Laurel ville. Stovertown to Zanesville. Columbus. Sharpeye to Greenville. Put In B a y * f t to Port Patty to W est Milton. Rome (Richland Co.) to Sharpsburg* to Amesville. Straltsvllle to N ew StraltsClinton. P a v o n ia * !! to Mansfield. vllle. Shauck* to Lexington. Shiloh. Pyrm ont to Brookvllle. Streetsboro to Kent. Shawtown* to McComb. Rootstown* to Ravenna. Pawnee to Lodi. Stringtown to Kingston. Shay to N ew Matamoras. Roscoe*t to Coshocton. Paxton*- to Akron. Strobel to Ironton. Rosedale to Mechanics- Sheeprun to Higginsport. Peacock Station to Pioneer. Qualey* to Marietta. Strongsville*!! to Berea. Shenandoah to Shiloh. burg. Quarry to Woodsfield. Pearl* to Coshocton. ' SuflBeld*! to Kent. Rose Farm* to Crooksvllle. Shepard* to Columbus. Pearson to Bowersvllle. Shepherdstown* toSt.Clalrs- Sugar G r o v e * !! to LanRosehill to Rossburg. Pedro* to Ironton. vfile. Roselms to Grover Hill. Raab to Swanton. Peerless! to Marengo. Sherodsville * ! ! to Bow Sugar R id g e * !! to Bowling Raccoon Island* to Galllp- R osem on t*!! to Canfield. Pem berton*! ! to Quincy. Green. erston. R osew ood*!! to St. Paris. olis. Penfleld* to Wellington. Sugar Tree Ridge * to Sherritts* to Ironton. R oss*! to Hamilton. R a d cllfi*! to McArthur. Peniel* to Oak HU1. Mowrytown. Shin rock*!! to Berlin Rosseau to Malta. R a d n o r*!! to Delaware. Pennsvllle* to Stockport. Sugar Valley to Eaton. Heights. Peoli* to N ew Comerstown. Ragersvlile* to Shanesville. Rossmoyne* to Locklaiid. Suiter* to Ironton. Roswell* to N ew Phila Short Creek* to Adena. Rainsboro*! to Hillsboro. Peoria* ! l to Raymond. Shyville* to Piketon. delphia. Ramsey* to M t. Pleasant. P e rin to w n *!! to M ilford. Sulphurgrove to Osborn. Round Bottom * to Claring- S la m *!! to Attica. R a n d a ll*!! to Cleveland. P e rry *! ! to Palnesville. Sulphur L ick ! to Frankfort. Signal* i to Lisbon. ton. Randles to Coshocton. Perrysville to Scio. Sulphur Springs* to Buoy Roundhead* to Belle Cen Silica to Sylvania. Randolph* to Atwater. Perryton* to Dresden. rus. Silo to Mantua. tre. Range to Mount Sterling. Peru to Ndrwalk. Summerford! to London. Silvercreek* to Kenton. Rousculp to Lima. Petersburg* to East Pales Rapids to Mantua. Summerslde* to Batavia. Rappsburg to Huntington, Rowland to McConnels- SUverton* to Cincinnati. tine. Simons*! to Andover. ville. W . Va. Petrea to Jackson. Summersvllle to Rlchwood. Sinai to Beaver. Rowsburg to Ashland. R a rd en *!! to Otway. Sinking Spring* to Peebles. Summit (H am ilton Co.) to R o x a b ell*!t to Frankfort. Rarigvllle to Columbus. Pfeiffer to Kenton. Cincinnati. Sitka* to Marietta. R o xb u ry*i to Stockport.. Ratchford to Wells ton. Phalanx to Warren. to Six Points to Prairie Depot. Su m m it!! (Ross Co.) Phalanx S ta tio n *!! to W ar Ratcliffburg to M cArthur. Royal to McArthur. W averly. Sixteen Mile Stand to L ov e Royalton to Lancaster. Rathbone to Delaware. ren. Summit (Summit C o.) to land. Ruggles to New London. R a y *! to Wellston. Pharisburg to Rlchwood. E. Liberty. Skeels Cross Roads to Rupert to London. R a y la n d *!! to Martins Pherson to Williamsport. Sum mithill*! to W averly. Celina. Rural to Felicity. Ferry. Philadelphia X Roads! to Summit S ta tio n * !! to PaSlabtown to Lima. Rural Dale to ZanesvilleRedfield to N ew .Lexington. Dennison. Slate Mills to Chillicothe. Rush to Greenville. Philanthropy to Okeana. Redlion to Franklin. Smiths Siding to Sylvania. Summltviile * ! ! ' to SaltndRush Creek to Rlchwood. P h ilo * It to Zanesville. vllle. Sniders to Plckerington. Rushmore* to Delphos. Red R iver to Gettysburg. Philothea to St. Henry. Sumner to Pom eroy. ' Rush R u n * !! to Steuben Snodest! to Sebring. Phoneton* to Tippecanoe Reedsburg to Wooster. Sundale*!! to N ew Con Snyder to M ount Healthy. ville. Reedsvfile* to Parkers City. cord. Rushtown* to Portsmouth. Soclalville* to Mason. burg, W . Va. Piccolo to Port Clinton. Superior*! to Ironton. Russell (Geauga Co.) to Sodom to Girard. Pickrelltown to W est Lib Reedtown to Attica. Surryvllle to Mount Orab. S o lo n *!! to Chagrin Falls. Chagrin Falls. Reeses! to Lockville. erty. Russell*! (Highland Co.) Som erdale*t! to Mineral Swan Creek* to Galllpolls. Reesvllle*t to Sabina. Plerpont* to Jefferson. Swanders* to Anna. City. to Lynchburg. Rehoboth to N ew Lexing Plgeonrun to Navarre. Sweden to Harbor. Russells P o in t*! to Lake ton. Pike* to Piketon. Sweetwine to Cincinnati. Sonora*!! to Zanesville. View. Pike Run to Uhrichsville. R eily* to Oxford. Sw ifts*! ! to Beverly, S. A k ron t! to Akron. Reiners ville* to McCon- Russia* to Versailles. PIkevU le*! to Greenville. Switzer to Powhatan Point. S. Amherst to Amherst. nelsville. Plnegrove* to Vinton. Sybene to Huntington, W . S. Bantam to Bethel. Plney F o r k * !t to Smith- R e lief*! to Beverly. Va. S. Bloomfield* to Ashville. St. Clair* to E. Liverpool. Rem ington! t to Milford. field. S. Blooiningville* to LauSt. Jam es*!! to Galion. Rempel* to Oak Hill. Pink to Portsmouth. Sycamore V alley* to W oods relville. Remsons Corners to M e St.Johns*!! to Wapakoneta Pipesville to Gambler. field. S. Brooklyn to Cleveland. St. Joseph (Hamilton Co.) dina. Pisgah to Sharonville. S. Euclid* to Nottingham, Symmes to Loveland. to Cincinnati. Pitchm to Springfield. St. Joseph (Portage Co.) to S. Fincastle to Winchester, Syjnmes Comers to Hamil Plainfield* to West L a R en dville*tt to Coming. ton. Southington to Warren. Ravenna. Reno* to Marietta. fayette. S. Leb an on*!! to Lebanon. Syracuse* to Pomeroy. St. Louisville * ! to Utica. .PlainvU le*ft to Madlson- Renollet to Paulding. S. Lorain to Lorain. St. M a rtin *! to Fayetteville Renrock* to Cumberland. vllle. Rensselaer to Carthage St. Patrick to F ort Lormaie. S. Newbury to Burton. Plankton* to Sycamore. Tabor to Carrollton. St. Peters to F ort Recovery S. N ew Lym e to Orwell. (Cincinnati). Piano to Washington C. H. Tacoma* ! to Bamesvllle. S. O live*! to Caldwell. . St. Rosa to Chickasaw. Resaca to Plain City. Plants to Racine. Ta dm or*! to Tippecanoe S. P a r k * !! to Bedford. St. Stephen*! to Bloom ville Plantsvllle* to Chester Hill. Reservoir to Barberton. City. S. Perry* to Laureville. St. Wendelin to St. Henry. Revenge to Amanda. Plattsburg’ f t to South T a llm a d g e*!! to Akron. S. Pylm outh to M illedgeSalem Center to Pomeroy. Rex to N ew Carlisle. Vienna. Tamah to Rockford. ville. Salesville * ! to Quaker Reynolds to Urbana. Plattsvllle to Sidney. Tappan* to Dennison. City. Pleasant B e n d *ft to Hol- Rhodesdale* to Smithfleld. S. P o in t*! to Catlettsburg, Taw aw a to Sidney. Saltalr to Bethel. Rialto to Lockland. gate. T a ylor to Columbus. Ky. S a ltillo*!! to Roseville. Pleasant Comers to Co Rice to Continental. Taylorsburg* to Dayton. S. Salem* to Greenfield. Saltpetre* to M arietta.' Richey to Van Wert. lumbus. Taylors Creek to Cleves. S. Thompson to Madison. Salt Run to Steubenville. Pleasant G rove '(B elm on t Richfield to Peninsula. Taylorsville* to M ow ry S. Warsaw to Lima. to Highland. Co.) to Diilonvale. \ Richfield Center to Syl- Samantha* town. S. W eb ster*!! to Oak H ill. Sample to Canfield. vania. Pleasant Hom e to W est S. Woodbury to Cardington. T ea to Bloomdale. Rich H ill* to Centerburg. Samsonville* to Oak H ill. Salem. Tedrow* to Wauseon. Southworth to Delphos. Sandfork to Gallipolis. Richland to Belle Center. Pleasant P la in * !! to Blan S. Zan esville*!! to Zanes Teegarden* to Lisbon. Richmond* (Jefferson Co.) Sandhill to Sandusky. chester. Tem perancevllle*to Bames ville. Sandrun to Nelsonville. to Steubenville. Pleasant R idge to Cincin vllle. Sandy Springs* to Vance nati. Tennyson to Piketon. Spanker to E nglew ood. burg, K y . (Lake Co.), Pleasant Run to Mount Richmond! Terrace P a r k * !! to Mil S a n d y v llle*!! to Mineral Spann to Amelia. to Palnesville. & Healthy. ford. Spargursvllle * to Bain City. Pleasant V a lley *tt toZanes- Richmond Center* to And Terre Haute to Urbana. bridge. Sant to McArthur. over. ville. Texas to L iberty Center. Sparta* to Centerburg. Santa F e * !l to Lakeview. Richmond D a le*!t to Chilli Plim pton ! to . Lou donT h a c k e ry *!! to St. Paris, Specht to Minerva. San T o y* to Coming. cothe. ville. Thatcher to CIrclevllle. S a rahsvllle*!! to Caldwell. Speldel*! to BarnesvUle. Rich Valley to Caldwell. Plumwood to Plain City. Spencers Station* to Quaker The B e n d * !! to Sherwood. Sargents*! to Piketon. Richville to Canton. Poast T o w n *! to MiddleThelm a to Fayette. 1 C ity. ________________ Saundersvllle to Galllpolls. town. ________ Ridge to Beverly REFERENCE KEY. 121 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * County Seat. »Money Order O «ice. t Telegraph Station. t Express Office. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING PÓINTS 1906 OHIO Th e Plains* to Athens. Thivener* to Galllpolls. Thompson* to Madison.. Thornport! to Thom vllle. Thornton to Greenfield. Thurman* to Oak HU1. Th u rston *ti to Baltim ore Tlxmey to Helena. T ip p eca n oe*!! to Freeport Tip to n * to Haviland. Tiverton ito Buckeye City. Tobasco*' to Amelia. Toboso’ t f t o Newark. Todds to Chesterhill. Tokio to Ohio City. \ Topes Mills to Carrollton. Torch* 1 to Coolville. Townsend to Clyde. Tow nw oodt to Lelpslc. Tra cy* to uhrlchsville. Tradersvllle to Mechanicsburg. Trail to W llm ot. Trailrunt (M onroe G o.) to WoOdsfleld. ' T ra il Run (Guernsey Co.) to Byesville. Tranquility* to Seaman. Transit to Mt. Healthy. Trebeins to Xenia. Trem ont C ity * ! to Springfield. Triadelphla to McConnelsville. Trilb y to W est Toledo. T rim b le *! to Glouster. T r in w a y * ti to Dresden. Trium ph to N o. Bloomfield. Trowbridge* !1 to Elmore. Trumbull to Geneva. Tucson to Chllllcothe. Tulip to W est Union. Tunnelhill to Warsaw. Tuppers Plains* to Coolville. Tuscarawas*1 to Uhrichsville. Tw enty-M ile S t a n d t o Mason. Tw ightw ee to Loveland. Tycoon to Vinton. Tym ochtee to Sycamore. Tyrrell * t t to Cortland. U lrlc* to Racine. Underwood to Coming. Union (Licking Co.) to Granville. Union* 1! (Montgom ery Co.) to Englewood. Union Furnace* t to Logan Union Plains to M t. Orab. U nlonport*! to Cadis. Union Station* i ! to Gran ville. Unlontown (B elm ont Oo.) to Flushing. Unlontown (Stark- Co.) to Akron. UnlonvaleJ to Cadiz. U n ion v ille*tt to M adison. Unlonville Center* to Plain City. {Jn lopolis*!! to W apakoneta. . U nity to E a s t Palestine. Upland to Bridgeport. U tle y to Amesville. U topia to Augusta, K y . Walkers to W ellsville. Wall «burg to Georgetown-, Walnut to Ashville. Walnutgrove to Rushsylvanla. Walnutrun to London. W alton to Washington C.H. W am sley* to Peebles. Wanamaker to N ew Matamoras. W a r n e r * !! to Marietta. W a m o ck *!to St.Clalrsville. W arpole to Harpster. Warrensburg to Delaware. Warrensvllle* to Cleveland W arrentont! to M artins Ferry. W a rw ic k *t! to Clinton. W a sh in gton vllle*!! to Leetonia. W aterloo* to Ironton. Watkins to Ostrander. Watson to Tiffin. W a tt to Wren. W a tts v ille !! to Bergholz. W a y to Woodsfleld. W a y la n d *! to Newton Falls. Weavers Corners to Belle vue. W eaver Station to - Green ville. Webbs Summit* to Logan. Webster to Versailles. Weems* to Smithfield. W eilersvUle*!to Smithvllle. Welcom e to Killbuck. Wells ville Shops to W ellsville. Welshfield* to Burton. Wengerlawn* to Brookvllle W . A ndover to Andover. W . Austintown* to Youngstown W . Bedford* to Dresden. W. Berlin to Delaware. Westboro*!to Blanchester W . Brookfield to Massillon. W. C a iro *! to Lima. W . Canaan to Plain City. ' W . Carlisle* to Frazeysburg W . Charleston tb Tippe canoe City. W . C h ester*!! to ^haronville. W . Clarksfleld* to Wakeman. W . Cleveland to Cleveland. W . D over* to Cleveland. W . Elktbn* to Camden. W estern Star to Wads worth. W esterville Station to Wes terville. W estfield to Ashley Station. W . Florence to Eaton. Westhope* to M cClure. W . Independence to Fostoria. W . Jefferson*!! (W illiam s Co.) to M ontpelier. W . Junction! to Cbillicothe W . Lebanon to Dalton. W . L elp sic*! to Lelpslo. W . L od i* to Republic. W . Mecca to Cortland. W . M en tor* to W illoughby. W . Middletown* to Mid dletown. Vales M ills *,to McArthur. W . MUlgrove* to Rising Valley to Salem. Sun. Valley Crossing* t to Co W estminster* t ! to Harrod. lumbus. Valley Junction to Gleves. W. New ton to Harrod. W estpoint (Columbiana Vallonla to Bellalre. Co.) to Lisbon. V a n atta*! to Newark. Vanburen*! to N o. Bal W . Point (M orrow Co.) timore. to Gallon. Vanceton to Vinton. W . Richfield*! to Peninsula Vega to Oak H ill. W . R u sh ville*! to Rushville V e n e d o d a *!! to Delphos. V en ice!! (Butler Co.) to W . Sonora*! to Lewisburg. Hamilton. Venice* t ! (B rie Co.) to San W e s tv ie w * t! to Berea. W e s tv ille !! to Urbana. dusky. W . Wheeling to Bridgeport. Vernon T! to Kinsman. Vernon Junotion to Shelby. W . W oodvlile to Blan chester. V eto to Marietta. W etsel to Middlepolnt. V ick ery *! 1 to Clyde. W eyers to Sandusky. V ictor to Piketon. Victoria* to F ort R ecovery. W eym outh to Medina. W harton (Scioto Co.) to Vienna* to Niles. Portsmouth. V igil* to Berea. W heat to Seaman. V ig o * ! to Chllllcothe. W heelersburg*! to Ports Villa to Springfield. mouth. V in cen t*! to Marietta. W h lg v ille *! to Summerfleld Vine to F ort Recovery. W h ip p le *!! to Marietta. Wabash* (Harrison Co.) to Cadiz. Wabash (Mercer Co.) to Cellna. W ade* to St. M arys, W . Va. Waggoner Ripple to W est Union. ■ Wagram to Pataskala. W am wright* to N ew Phila delphia. W alt to Portsmouth. Wakatomlka to Dresden. W a k e field *! to Piketon. Walbrldge*T to Toledo. Wales to Oak Hill. W aldhonding*tt to Warsaw W histler* to Kingston. W h ite Cottage* ! ! to Zanes ville. W h ite Oak* to Mount Orab. W hite S u lp h u r*!ito Dela ware. W h lteville to Metamora. W hitfield to Mlami8 burg. W hitm ore to Fremont. W ick to Andover. W lc k liffe * !! to W illoughby W ld ow ville to Ashland. W lggonsville to Bethel. W llbejforce* to Xenia. W ildare to Cortland. ■W ile y to N ew Madison. R EFE REN CE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. W ilgus* to Ironton. W llkesville* to McArthur. W ilkins to Newark. W illettsville to Hillsboro. W illiam s Center to B ryan. W illla m sfie ld *!! to Andor ver. W illiam sport! (Morrow Co.) to Mount Gilead. W U liam stow n*!! to Dun kirk. W illis to n *!! to Genoa. W illo w *! to Cleveland. WlUowbrook to Coshocton. W lllow dell to Versailles. W illow W ood* to Ironton. W ills Creek to Coshocton. W ilson Mills to Willoughby. Wlnam eg to Delta. Winchester * ! ! (Guernsey Oo.) to Cambridge. W indfall to Medina. W in d h a m *!! to Garrettsville. Windsor* (Ashtabula Co.)' to Orwell. W indsor! (W arren Co.) to Blanchester. Winesburg* to Beach City. W ingett R u n*to N ew Matamoras. Wings ton to Rudolph. W inkle* to Hillsboro. Winona* to Salem. Wintergreen* to Danville. Winterset* to Cambridge. W intersville to Steuben ville. Wisterman to Continental. W itham sville* to Batavia. W o lf* ! to New Comerstown. W o lf Creek to Beverly. W olf pen to Pomeroy. A tlee* to Cornish. A u tw ln e*! to Tonkawa. A yd elotte to Shawnee. Bache* to McAlester. B ailey* to Marlow. Baird* to Duncan. Baldhill to Morris. B anner*! (Canadian Co.) to Yukon. OKLAHOMA Chester* to Selling. Ohewey to W estville. Cheyarha to Seminole. Chlgley to Wynnewood. Childers* to Lenapah. Chism* to Byars. Chloeta to Strang. Chockie* to Stringtown. C hristie*! to Westville. Church to Stilwell. Cisco to idabel. Cltra* to Calvin. C ivet* to Pauls Valley. Clarion to Cleo. Clarksville* to Porter. C laypool* to Waurika. Clear Lake* to Beaver. Clearview* to Weleetka. Cleo to Cleo Springs . Cleora* to A fton. Cliff to Madill. Cloud Chief* to Cordell. C ly d e*! to Medford. Coalton* to Henryetta. Cobb (Caddo Co.) to F ort Cobb. Cobb (Okmulgee Co.) to Morris. Cody to Hugo. Cogar* to M lnco. Cold Springs*! to Roosevelt. Cole to Blanchard. Columbia to Dover. Como to Beaver. Connervllle* to Pontotoo. Conser to Howe. Coodys Bluff* to Nowata. Cookson* to Braggs. Corbett to Purcell. Corlnne* to F ort Towson. Cornish to Ringling. Corum to Comanche. Cottonwood to Coalgate. Council to Wheatland. Courtney* to Marietta. Cowden to Colony. Cowlington to Spiro. Coy* to Coldwater, Kan. C raig*! to H aileyville. Cravens to Wilburton. Crawford* to Strong C ity. Crekola* to Muskogee. . Creta to Olustee. Crlner to Lindsay. Cross to Ponca C ity. Crowson* to Bristow. C ruce*! to Duncan. Crum C reek to Tuskahoma. Crystal to Atoka. Cullen to Gracemont. Cumberland* to Madill. C u rtis*!! to Mooreland. ,Curty to Lindsay. Custer (B eaver Co.) to Laverne. Banner (G arvin Co.) to E l more C ity. B anty* to Bokchlto. .. Barber to Tahlequah. Barnes to Seiling. Barney* to Falrvlew. Baron to W estville. B artlett to Hoffman. Barton to Sentinel. Baum to Berwyn. Bear to Calvin. Bearden* to Okemah. Bebee* to Ada. Bee* to Tishomingo. Beland* to Muskogee. B elford* to Ralstonl Bellemont to Prague, Belleville to M arietta. B e lv a * !! to Quinlan. Belzonl to Antlers. B en g a l*!! to Tallhina. Bentley* to Caney. Berlin* to Sayre. Bethany to Oklahoma. Bethel* t o Garvin. B ettina to Sayre. Beulah to Foyil. Bickford* to Hitchcock. Bidding Springs to Stilwell. B ig Cedar to Heavener. B ilby to Holdenville. Bird to Longdale. Wolf Run* to Amsterdam. Bismark* to Valliant. Blackgum* to Vian. Wood* to Oxford. Woodgrove to Cumberland. Blackland! to Foraker. Woodington* t to Greenville Blackcock to Allen. Blaine* to Keota. Woodland to Rlchwood. Blake* to Mangum. Woodlawn* to Lockland. B lanco*! to Kiowa. Woodslde to Bradner. Woodworth to Youngs Bland to Mannford. B lo ck er*!! to Crowder. town. B lu e*! to Durant. Worden to Akron. Bluff to Hugo. Worstville to Payne. Wrightsville to Manchester Blunt to Sallisaw. Bly to Nowata. Wyandot to Nevada. Wynant to Fort Loramie. Boehler to Boswell. B oggy Depot* to Caney. Wyoming*! to Lockland. B okh om a*!! to Foreman, A rk . Y ateSville to Bloomlngburg Bom ar* to Marietta. Boss* to Idabel. Y ellow Bud to Kingston. Bowden* to Sapulpa. Yelrah to Basil. Y e lverton to Belle Center. . Bower* to Eufaula. * Bowles to M arietta. Y oder to Lima. B ox (Sequoyah GO.) to Y ondota to Toledo. Vian. Y ork to Richwood. B oyd* to Beaver. Y ork sh ire*!! to Osgood. Braden* to F ort Smith, A rk Daisy* to A toka. Y o s t ! to Glenford. Damon to W ilburton. B rady* to Wynnewood. You ng* to Otway. Dane to Fairview. Young H ickory to Cumber Bralthwaite to Foss. Darlington* to E l Reno. B ray* toM arlow . land. D arrow *! to Homestead. Brent* to Salllsaw. Darwin to Antlers. B riartow n *! to Porum. D a w son *!! to Tulsa. Brock* to Ardm ore. Z a le sk l*!! to McArthur. Deese* to Ardmore. Zan esfield *!! to Bellefon- Brocken to Quinton. Delhi* to Sayre. Brooken* to Quinton. talne. Dempsey to Sayre. B rooksville to Tecumseh. Zeno to Cumberland. Dennis to Braggs. Zenz C ity to F ort R ecovery Brown to Durant. Denton to M arlow . Bruno to Atoka. Zimmer to Groveport. D enver to Norm an. Brush H ill* to Ohecotah. Zimmerman to Xenia. Diamond to Comanche. B ryant* to Henryetta. Z o a r * !! to Bolivar. Dibble* to Blanchard. Zoar Station* ! ! to Mineral Buck to Krebs. Dickson to Spencer. B u n c h *!! to Stilwell. City. Zoar v ille * !! to M in eralC ity B um eyville* to M arietta. D ighton* to Hoffman. Dillon to Eagle City. Bushyhead*! to Foyil. Zone to Fayette. D ix to Cleveland. Butner to Wewoka. D ixie* to Ringling. Doby Springs* to Engle wood, Kan. Cabanlss* to Stuart. D odge* to So. W est C ity , Cade* to Bennington. M o. Calnville to Longdale. D olb erg* to Roff. Cairo* to Coalgate. OKLAH OM A Dom bey* to Tyrone. Calhoun to Poteau. Dougherty* t ! to Davis. Cambria to M cAlester. i D outhat* to Quapaw. A cm e*! to Rush Springs. D o w *! to H aileyville. Cambridge to Lone W olf. Adelaide to W alter. D o x e y *! to Sayre. Camp* to H ooker Ahloso* to Ada. D oyle* to Duncan. Campbell to Gore Akins* to Salllsaw. D ropright to Yale. Carbon* to Krebs. Alabam a to Weleetka. D ryden* to Gould. Cardin to F ar River. Alam o to Guymon. Dunbar (Pushmataha Co.) Carl* to Erick. Albany* to Bennington. to Antlers. C arlton*! to Canton. A lb ert*! to Binger. Dunbar (M cIntosh C o.) to C arpenter*! to Hammon. Alden* to Carnegie. Hitchita. Carroll to Dustin. A ld ers on *!! to McAlester. Dunlap to M a y . Carson* to Wetumka. A ledo* to Putnam. Durham* to Crawford. C artersvllle*! to Bokoshe. A lfa lfa * to Carnegie. D u rw ood *!! to Ardmore. Carwile to Ringwood. Allison* to Durant. C a s ey !! to Maramec. Alm a* to Duncan. C a ta le *!! to Chelsea. Alpha to ,Kingflsber. Eagle Chief to Avard. Alsuma* to Broken Arrow. Catesby* to Shattuck. Eagletown* to Idabel. Cathay to Eufaula. Altona to Okarche. Eason to W anette. Cayuga to So. W est City Am erica* to Idabel. Eaton* to Lenapah. Mo. Anderson to M cAlester. Bcontuchka to Prague. Cedar to Lenapah. Anthon* to Custer. n E d d y *! to Lamont. Cedardale* to M u tu al.! A ntioch* to Maysville. Edna* to Beggs. Celestine* to M cAlester. A ra* to Duncan. Ego to Coleman. Center* to Ada. Arbuckle* to Berwyn. Centerville to Mountain Eldon to Tahlequah. Arch to Hartshome. Eli to Hulbert. Park. Arkom a to F ort Smith, Ark. Elise to Ada. Ceres* to R ed Rock. Arlington to Prague. E lk to Ardmore. Cestos to Vici, Arm strong* to Durant. Blkton to Lambert. Chance* to Westville. Arpelar* to McAlester BUendale* to Mooreland. Chaney* to Gage. A rta to Tonkawa. Elliott* to C offeyvllle. Kan. Chant to McGurtain. Arthur* to Duncan. Ellis to Chandler. Chapel* to P ryor Creek. A rtie to H aworth. Elm wood* to Beaver. . Charleston* to Buffalo. Ashley to A lva. Cheek* to Ardmore._______ Emanuel to Watonga. Asphaltum to Addington. Money Order Office. + Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. OKLAHOMA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Emerson to W alter. Emet* to Durant. Enos to W oodville. Enterprise* to Quinton. Enville* to Marietta. Eola to Pauls Valley. Eram t to Morris. Erin Springs* to Lindsay. Ervin* to Hugo. Estella* to Vinita. Estelle to Quinlan. Ethel to Antlers. Etowah to McComb. Eubank*! to Antlers. Eucha* to Jay. Eureka to Tahlequah. % Eva* to Guymon. Evans to Broken Arrow. Exendine to Lookeba. H en drix*! to Kem p C ity. Hennepin* to Davis. Herbert to W ardville. Herringt to Hammon. Hess* to Elmer. H ester*! to Mangum. H ew itt* to N ew Wilson. H ex Switch to Elk City, Heyburn* to Kelleyville. Hlco to Norman. Higgins to Hartshorne. H ill* to Cameron. Hisaw to Tamaha. H ix to Mena, Ark. Hoardsville* to Dewar. Hochatown* to De Queen, Ark. Hodgen* to Heavener. Hogshooter *t to Bartles ville. H ollldayt to Faxon. Hollow * to Welch. Fair to Comanche. Hom er* to Davis. Fairbanks* to Falrview , H oover to Davis. Fair V alley* to Avard. H op eton *! to Avard. Fallon to Hugo. Howard to Mena, Ark. Fame* to Euiaula. Hoxbar to Ardmore. Fanshawe*!! to Howe. H oy t* to Stigler. Farris* to Antlers. Hughart* to Stigler. Farry* to A vard. Hughes* to Red Oak. Faulkner* to A lya. Hulen to Geronimo. Fawn* to Checotah. H um phreys*! to Altus. F ea th erston 'tt to Quinton. Hurley* to Elkhart. Kan. Ferguson* t t to Hltohcock. Fern to Woodward. Fewell to Antlers. Iconlum* to Meridian. Fillm ore* to Milbum. Ida to Valliant. Finley* to Antlers. Independence* to Custer. Fisher to Tulsa. Indianapolis*! to Arapaho. Fitzgerald to Supply. Ingalls to Ripley. Fleetwood* to Ryan. Ioland* to Grand. Flint* to Siloam Springs, Iona* to Wynnewood. Ark. Ireton* to Bradley. Florence* to W aklta. Isabella*! to Fairview. Floris* to Forgan. Isom Springs* to W oodville. Fogel to M ena, Ark. Ivanhoe to Follett, Texas. Folsom* to Caddo. Fonda* to Selling. Ford to Red Rock. Jackson* to Bennington. Foreman to Gans. Jackson Switch to Broken Forney to Hugo. Arrow. Forrester to Heavener. Jadie to Haworth. Fort S U l*tt to Lawton. Jenness to Henryetta. Foster* (G arvin Co.) to Jester* to Mangum. Pauls Valley. Jlmtown* to Gainesville, Tex Foster (Hughes Co.) to Joplin to Quapaw. H oldenville. Juanita to Crowder. F ox* to Ardm ore. Jumbo* to Antlers. Francis (Greer Co.) to M an- Junction* to Geronlmo. „ gum. ' Franklin to Norman. Franks* to Stonewall. K a n lm a *!! to Stigler. Frisco* to Stonewall. Kansas to Siloam Springs, Frogvllle* to Hugo. Ark. K atie* to Wynnewood. K e efeto n *!! to Warner. Gabriel to Tahlequah. Keirsey* to Durant. Gaither* to Morris. K eller to N ew Wilson. Galena* to Aline. K e lso*! to Vlnita. Garnet* to A lva. K e m p *! to Kem p C ity. Garlington* to Texhoma, Kennady* to Poteau. ■ Tex. K ent* to Hugo. Gatesville* to Muskogee. Keokuk Falls* to Prague. G erty* to Stuart. Kiam ichl*! to Albion. Gibson Station* t to W a g K ib by* to Woodward. oner. Kinlock to MadlU. Gideon* to Tahlequah. Kiser to Pauls Valley. Gilbert to Jefferson. Klondike to Pauls Valley. Gilmore* to Poteau. Kom alty* to Hobart. Glendale to Wister. K o s o m a *!! to Antlers. Glenn* to Ardmore. Kullltuklo* to Idabel. Glen Oak* to Nowata. G len pool*!! to Jenks. Globe to Centrahoma. Lacey to Hennessey. Lacrosse to Gracemont. G lover* to Valliant. Golconda to Eufaula. Ladelle to Aylesworth. Golden* to Garvin. Ladessa to Mangum. G oodnight*! to Coyle. Lane* to Atoka. Goodwater* to Haworth. Langston* to Coyle. G rady* to Ryan. Graham* to Ardmore. Lark to Kingston. Latham to Bokoshe. Grand* to Higgins. Tex. Grand V alley* to Liberal, Laura to Tuskahoma. Kan. Laverty* to Cement. Lawrence* to Fltzhugh. Granton* to Falrview. Layton to Pauls Valley. Gray Horse* to Fairfax. Leach* to Siloam Springs, Grayson* to Hoffman. Ark. Greenleaf to Graggs. Gresham to Clayton, N . M . Lebanon* to Marietta. Lee* to Boynton. Griggs* to Texhoma. Legal* to Kiowa. Grimes * to Sayre. Legate* to Marietta. Guild to Prague. Leger to Altus. L e la *! to Morrison. Lenna* to Eufaula. Hamburg* to Cheyenne. Lenox to Tallhina. Hamden* to Hugo. Leon* to Gainesville. Tex. Haney to Seminole. Leo n a rd *!! to Bixby. Hanson* f t to Salllsaw. L eq u lre *!! to McCurtain. Hardwood to Coalgate. Letitla* to Lawton. H ardy to Newkirk. Liberty to Muldorw. Harm on* to Fargo. Lim a* to Wewoka. Harringtont to Haworth. Limestone Gap* to Kiowa. Harris to Idabel. Lincolnville! to Baxter. Harrisburg* to Duncan. Springs, Kan. Harrison to Gotebo. Linn* to MadlU. H art* to Stratford. L ittle * to Seminole. Haskew* to M oor eland. H attonville to Commerce. L o a f to Adair. Loam to Ardmore, H aw ley to W aklta. Lodi* to Red Oak. H ayden* to Chelsea. Logan* to Ivanhpe, Haynes* to Muskogee. Lone Grove* to Ardmore. H ayw ood* to McAlester. Lone Star to Walter. H azel*t to Konowa. Long* to Muldrow. Heaston to El Reno. Lookout* to Avard. H elen! t to Kingston. Lorena* to Liberal, Kan. Helsel to Lexington. Louis* to El Dorado. Heman* to W aynoka. Loving to Heavener. • Henderson to Purcell. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. Low rey to Tahlequah. L u g e r t* !! to Blair. Lukfata* to Idabel. Lula to Tupelo. Lutte* to WUburton. Lynch to Strang. Lyons* to StUlwell. M abelle* to Viaii. M adison* to Laverne. Maguire to Noble. Manard to F ort Gibson. Maple* to Muldrow. M arble C it y * !! to SaUisaw. Mardock to McComb. Marena* to MulhaU. M arion to Oklahoma City. Markham to Yale. Marsden* to Ardmore. Masham to Pawnee. Mason* to Castle. Massey* to Quinton. M atoy* to Bokechlto. MaxweU* to Byars. Mayfield * to Erick. M cBride to Ft. Gibson. McCann to Hugo. McCarty to Elmore. M cCom b to Macomb. M c K e y * to Salllsawl M cK night to Hillos. M cLain * to Webber Falls. M cM ann to Wirt. McMillan* to Madlll. McQueen* to Looney. M cW U lie! to Helena. Medicine Park* to Lawton. Meers* to Cache. Mehan*! to Ripley. M ellette* to Eufaula. M e lv in * !! to Wagoner. Merrick • ! to Fallls.' Messer to Hugo. Mexhoma to Clayton, N. M. Mlcawber* to Paden. Middleburg* to Blanchard. M idlothian*!! to Chandler. M id w ay to Lehigh. MidweU to Guymon. MUes* to Vinlta. MUo* to Ardmore. MUton* to Bokoshe. Mlshak to Moore. Mocane to Forgan. M o ffe tt* to F ort Smith, ./Vrk» MoUer to Tupelo. M onroe*!! to Howe. Moodys* to Tahlequah. M oorewood to Hammon. Morse* to Wewoka. M o rvin * to M cCom b. Mosley to SUoam Springs, Ark. M oyers*!! to Antlers. Mulkey* to Ardmore. Munlce to Taloga. M urphy to Choteau. Muse* to Tallhina. Naples* to Chickasha. N arclssa*! to Miami. Nashoba* to Antlers. Natura to Okmulgee. N ebo* to Sulphur. Needmore (Cleveland Co.) to Noble. Needmore (Custer Co.) to Custer. N ela gon y*!! to Pawhuska. N ellda to Ardmore. N ellie to Marlow. Nelson* to Soper. Neodesha* to Wagoner. Nerotown to Eufaula. N ew by* to Bristow. Newcastle* to Norman. N ew Durwood to Ardmore. Newport* to Ardmore. Nlda* to MUbum. Niles* to Hinton. Nobscott to Eagle City. N olia to Antlers. N on * to Calvin. Norfolk to Yale. N o rg e *!! to Chickasha. Norris to R ed Oak. N orth Enid* to Enid. N orth M iam i* to Com merce. N orth , Muskogee to Fort Gibson. N um a*! to Deer Creek. Nuyaka* to Beggs. Oakdale to Eakly. Oak Grove to Stilwell . 1 Oak H ill to Idabell. Oakland* to MadUl. Oakman* to Ada. Oaks* to Kansas. Oberlln* to Bennington. Ocina to W illow. Ootavia to Hatfield, Ark. Odema to El Dorado. , Odetta* to Snyder. Oglesby* to Ochelata. Oil C ity * to N ew Wilson. Okesa* to Bartlesville. Okfuskee* to Okemah. Okoee to Vinita, Oleta to Fargo. Olive* to Mannford. •Money Order Office. OKLAHOMA O ln e y*!! to Coalgate. Ona to Guymon. Onapa* to Checotah. Onasco to Apache. Oneta* to Broken Arrow. O n y x t! to Douglas. Ora to Duncan. O rienta*!! to Fairview. Orion* to Fairview. Oswalt to Ardmore. Ottawa to Miami. Overbrook* to Ardmore. O w l! to Centrahoma. < Ozark to Braggs. 1907 Sardis to Tuskahoma. Saw yer*! to Hugo. Saylor* to Tamaha. Schlegel to Cushing. Schooltan* to Okemah. Schulter*!! to Henryetta.* Scott* to Binger. Scraper to Tahlequah. Scullln*tt to Hickory. Sedan* to Mountain View. Sew ard*tt to Navina. Sewell to Tecumseh. S h a dyp oln t*!! to Poteau. Shawneetown* to Idabel. Shay to Kingston. Sherman* to Quinlan. P a g e * !! to Mena, Ark. Palm er* to Sulphur. Sherwood to Idabel. Shiloh to Meridian. Panama to Poteau. Short to Van Buren. Ark. Panola to WUburton. Shrewder to Gould. Parker to Coalgate. Shults* to Idabel. Parkland* to Agra. Sickles* to Lookeba. Parks to Loco. SUo* to Durant. Parana to Sitka, Kansas. Patterson*!! to WUburton. Simon to Ardmore. Paw Paw * to Fort Smith. Simpson to MannsviUe. Sinnett to Mannford, Ark. Sledge to Duncan. Payne* to Lindsay. Sleeper* to Wagoner. P a y son • ! to Meeker. Pearsonia to Foraker. Slim to Valliant. Peggs* to Tahlequah. SmlthvUle* to Mena, Ark. Pemeta to Cushing. Sobol*! to F ort Towson. Peno to F ort Smith. Sophia* to Beaver. Peoria* to Seneca, Mo. Souten to Cleveland. / Perth to Lovell. Petersburg* to Nocona, Southard*!! to O ’ Keene. So. Canadian* to Eagle Tex. City. Pettit to Tahlequah. So. C offey ville *!! to CoffeyPhUlips*! to Coalgate. ville, Kan. Phroso* to SeUlng. So. Enid to Enid. Pierce* to Checotah. So. M cAlester to McAlester. Plerceton to Tonkawa. Spaulding* iitoH oldenvU le Pike* to Marietta. SDavinaw* to'A dair. Pine to Coalgate. Speer to Hugo. Piney to StilweU. Speermore* to Laverne. Pink to Tecumseh. Spencerville* to Hugo. Pirtle* to Durant. Spokogee to Dustin. P la tter*! to Durant. Springer* to Berwyn. Pleasant HU1 to Haworth. Pocahontas* to HaUeyvUle. Stafford* to Clinton. Pocola* to Fort Smith, Ark, Standing Rock to Lehigh. Star* to Keota. Pollard to Idabel. Stecker to Anadarko. Polo to Luclen. Steedm an*!! to Allen. Pooleville* to Ardmore. Stella to Newalla. Port* to Sentinel. Stidham* to Eufaula. Powell to MadUl. Stone Bluff to Haskell. Praper to Kiefer. Story* to Maysvllle. Prentiss* to Sayre. Sturm to Fort Cobb. Price* to Okemah. Summerfleld* to L e Flore. Proctor* to WestvUle. Summit* to Muskogee. Provence*-to Ardmore. Sumpter to Braman. P r u e * !! to Hominy. Sunset to Beaver.' Purdy* to Lindsay. • Surprise to Knowles. Sutter* to Poteau. Swan to Thomas. Qualls to Braggs. Sweetwater* to Texola. S w ln k*!! to F ort Townson. Sycamore to Southwest Rabit to Miami. City, Mo. Ragsdale to Gray. Sylvian* to Paden. Raiford to Hanna. Syria to Aline. Randolph*! to MadUl. Range* to Guymon. Rankin* to Cheyenne. Tabler* to Chickasha. Rattan* to Antlers. Tabor* to Bristow. Ravia to Tishomingo. T a ft * ! ! to Muskogee'. R ay* to Wagoner. Ta lley to Hulbert. Reagan* to MU1 Creek. Tamaha to Stigler. Reason* to Arnett. T a n g ier*!! to Fargo. Redblrd*! to Coweta. Tate to Wewoka. Redden to Strlngtown. R edland*! to F ort Smith. Tatums* to Ardmore. Taylor to Temple. Ark. Teacross to Hollis. Redmoon* to Cheyenne. Tegarden* to A lva. Reed* tq Mangum. Teller to Tishomingo. Remington to Fairfax. RentlesvUle*! to Checotah. Teresita to Tahlequah. Texanna* to Checotah. Retrop* to Sentinel. T h a c k ervllle*!! to Gaines Retta to Blackwell. ville, Tex. R e x !! to Muskogee. Thom asville*! to Heavener. Rhea* to Leedey. T i* to Hartshorne. 1 Rich* to Strlngtown. Tlawan* to Claremore. Richert to Heavener. Ttdmore to Seminole. Rlngola to F ort Towson. Tiffin to Beaver. R itter to Calvin. Robberson* to Pauls Valley T iger to Drumrightv Tlnney to Germino. Roberta* to Durant. Rock Island* to Hackett. T iv o li to Falrview. T o d d * !! to Vinita. Ark. Togo* to W aynoka. Rocky Ford to Cement. T o m to Idabel. Roland* to Muldrow. Trail to Camargo. R oll* to Cheyenne. Trenton to Okemah. Romulus*! to McComb. Trousdale-* to Wanette. Rose* to Pryor. T r o y * ! to Mill Creek. RossvUle to WeUston. Tucker* to Spiro. R ow * to Gentry, Ark. Tullahassee*! to Porter. R oyal* to.Lindsay. Turkey Ford* to Grove. Rubottom * to M arietta. Turley* to Tulsa. R uby* to Nowata. Tuskegee* to Beggs. R u fe * !l to Valliant. Tussy* to Duncan. «Russell* to Mangum. Tyler* to Ardmore. Russell to Welch. T y r o la * !! to Francis. RusselfvUle* to Canadian. Russett*! to MannsvUle. Ruthdale* to Lenapah. U n g er!! to Boswell. Ural to E lk City. Sac and F ox A gency* to Utica* to Durant. Stroud. Sacred H eart* to Asher. Saddle Mountain* to Coop- Valeria to Morrison. erton. V alley* to Marameo. Sadie to Salllsaw. Vamoosa* to Konawa. Sageeyah* to Claremore. Velm a* to Duncan. Salem to Henryetta. V e r d ig r is *!! to Claremore. SampseU* to Texhoma. Vernon to Hanna. V ictor to Poteau. Sana Creek* to W aklta. Sanders to Vinita. V ictory to Altus. Saratoga to Coldwater.Kan Vlnco* to Perkins. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1908 OKLAHOMA TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS B eaver H ill to Coquille. Beckley* to Crane. Beech Creek* to John Day. Belknap Springs to Springfield. Bellevue to Sheridan. Bellrose to Portland. Bell Station to Portland. Berlin* to Lebanon. Bertha to Portland. W aco to Dale. Bethany to Hillsboro. W ade* to Durant. W ain w righ t*t! to Boynton. Beulah* to Westfall. B ig g s *tt to Wasco. W alker to Pauls Valley. Bingham Springs to PendleW alls to McCurtaln. - ton. W allville* to M aysville. W ard Springs to M cAlester. Birkenfeld. to Clatskanie. Blachly* to Junction City. Warren* to Blair. Black R o ck *! to Falls City. W arwick* ! ! to Wellston. Blaine* to Tillam ook. W ashita to Andarko. Blalock* to Arlington. Washunga* to K a w City. Blind Slough*tt to Astoria. W a te rlo o *! to Edmond. Blitzen to Crane. Watkins to Kiefer. B lodgett*! to Philomath. W ato va * to Nowata. Blue R iv e r * ! to Springfield. W atson to Cove. ArkB ly* to Bonanza. Wauhillau* toS tilw e ll. Boardman to Hermiston. . Weathers to M cAlester. Bohemia* to Cottage Grove W ebb* to Lenora. Bonita to Vale. W eer to Broken Arrow. Booth to Glendale. W eklw a* to Tulsa. B orin g*! -to Gresham. W e llin g *tt to Tahlequah. B oyd* to Dufur. W e lty * to Castle. Bridal V e il* !! to Portland. W esley* to Stringtown. Bridge* to M yrtle Point. Westheimer to M arietta. Brighton to Wheeler. W . Poin t to Glencoe. Wheeless*to Clayton, N . M. Brightwood* to Sandy. W hiteagle’ t to Ponca. Whitehead to Pauls Valley. Broadacres! to Hubbard. Broadbent to M yrtlepoint. W hitefleld* to Stlgler. Broadmead to Sheridan. Whitehorse* to A vard. Brockway* to Roseburg. W h ite O a k * !! to Vinlta. Brogan * + to Vale. Whitesboro to' Tallhlna. B rooks*! to Gervals. Wilkerson to Porum. W ilkins* to Clayton, N . M . Brothers to Bend. W illard* to Sitka, Kansas. Brownlee to Richland. Brownsboro* to Central W illia m s*! to Poteau. Point. W illis* to Kingston. . Bruce to Corvallis. W illow bar* to Texhoma. W illow V iew *! to Purcell. Buena Vista* to Indepen dence. W llzetta to Prague. Bullards* to Bandon. W iiner* to Contralla. Bullrun* to Sandy. Winchester* to A lva. Burlington! to Portland. W itcher! to Edmond. B utte* to Paisley; W olf to Wewoka. B utteville to Donald. Wooddale to Fairview. B u x to n *t! to Banks. Woodford* to Ardmore. Vinson* to Mangum. V irgil to Hugo. Virginia to Tonkawa: Vista to Asher. V ivian to Eufaula. Voca to Caney. Vrona to Sallisaw. Woolsey to Comanche. W y b a rk *! to Muskogee. Cake to Baker. Camas V a lley’ to, Roseburg. CanyonvU le*! to Riddle. C o n a tio n to Forest Grove. Carson* to Halfw ay. Cascade L o c k s * !! to Hood River. Castle Rock to Arlington. C atlow to Crane. Cayuse to Pendleton. Cazadero*! to Estacada. Cecil* to lone. Cedar Mill to Beaverton. C elilo! to T h e Dalles. Champoeg to Donald. Zeda* to Gro-te. Chapman to Scappoose. Zenobia to Bromide. C hem aw a*!! to Salem. Zoe* to Heavener. Cherry G rove! to Gaston. Zoraya to Antlers. Cherryville* to Sandy. Zula to-Dacoma. Cheshire* to junction C ity. C hiloqu in *!! to Klamath Falls. Chitwood* to Toledo. Clackamas*! to Oregon City. Clarkes to Oregon City. OREGON Clem* to Condon. Cleveland! to Roseburg. C lifton *! to Astoria. Cölestin* to Ashland. A cm e* to Florence. Colton* to M olalla. A aa m s*T ! to Athena. Columbia C ity * ! to St. A d e l* ! to Lake View. Helen. V A ga te to Central Point. C on n ell! to N o rth Plains. A gate Beach to New port. C onnley*! to Lapine. Agness* to Goldbeaoh. Cooston* to N orth Bend. A irlie * ! to Monmouth. Copperfield * t ! to Halfw ay. A lbee* to P ilo t Rock. C o r b e tt* !! to Gresham. Alberson* to Crane. Corbin to Goldbeach. A lbritton to Crane. Cord to Burns. A lfa lfa to Bend. Cornucopia* to H alfw ay. A licel* to Im bler. C ove Orchard*! to Gaston A llegan y*1 -to Marshfield. C rabtree*! to A lb a n y .' Alm eda to Grants Pass. Crater Lake to Klamath Aloha* to Beaverton. Falls. A lpine! to Monroe. Crawfordsville* to Browns Alsea* to Philomath. ville. A lvadore to Junction C ity. Andrews* to Wlnnemucca, Crescent* to Bend. Crow* to Eugene. N ev. Crow ley to Juntura. Anlauf* to Drain. C u lv e r*!! to M etoluis. Antelope* to Shaniko. Currinsville to Estacada. A ntone* to John Day. Curtin* to Drain. A pairy to Rainier. Applegate* to Jacksonville. C ushm an*!! to Florence. Arago* to M yrtle Point. A rleta t to Portland. D a iry* to Bonanza. Ash to Gardiner. D ale* to P ilo t Rock. Ash wood* to Shaniko. Damascus! to Oregon City. A u stin *! to Prairie City. D ays Creek* to Riddle. Azalea* to Glendale. D ayville* to John Day. Bacona to Banks. Dee* to Hood R iver. Ballston* j to Sheridan. Deer Is la n d * !! to St. Helen. B arlow *! to Canby. Delm ar to Marshfield. B arton*! to Estacada. De Moss Springs* to Moro. B arview to B ay C ity. Denlo*toW innem ucca.Nev. B ayview * to Toledo» Denmark* to Bandon. Beagle to Goldhill. Denzer* to Philomath. B eatty* to Bonanza. D eschutes*!! to Bend. Beaver* to Tillam ook. Beaver Creek to Oregon D etro it*! to Albany. City.___________________ __ D e v e r! to Albany.________ Vahola* to Haskell. Yanush to Tuskahoma. Y arnaby* to Achille. Yates to Stillwater. Y eager to Holdenville. Y e w e d * t ! tp Lambert. Yonkerst to Wagoner. Y ork* to Hoff. You ng to Heavener. Yuba* to Durant, REFE R EN CE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ACounty Seat. D exter* to Springfield. Diam ond* to Crane. D illa r d * !! to Roseburg. D ille y *! to Forest Grove. Dlsston* to Cottage Grove. D ivide* to Cottage Grove. Dixie to Huntington. D ixonville* to Roseburg. D olph* to Cloverdale. Dorena* to Cottage Grove. D othan*! to Glendale. Drew* to R iddle. Drewsey* 'to Juntura. Dryden* to Grants Pass. Dundee* to Newberg. D u rk e e *!! to Huntington. OREGON Imnaha* to Enterprise. In g lis*! to Clatskanie. Ironside* to Vale. I r r lg o n * !! to Hermiston. Ir v in g * ! to Eugene. Island C ity* to L a Grande. M t. Vernon* to John D ay. M u lino* to M olalla. Mulloy* to Wilsonvllle. M u ltnom ah!! to Portland. Murphy* to Grants Pass. Jamieson to Vale. Jasper* to Springfield. Jennings Lodge*!!toO regon City. Jewell* to Astoria. Jordan to $cio. Narrows* to Burns. N ashville* to Philomath. N eedy to Aurora. Nehalem * to Wheeler. Nehalem Junction to Rainier. everstill to Clatskanie. ew Bridge* .to Richland. N ew E r a * ! to Canby. N ew Pine Creek* t to Lakeview. N iagara* to Stayton. N ice* to N ew port. Nolin* to Echo. Nortons* to Toledo. N orw ay* to M yrtle Point. N o ti to Eugene. K a m e la *!! to LaG rander Keating to Baker. Kelso to Sandy. Keno* to Klam ath Falls. Kent* to Grass Valley. K erby* to Grants Pass. Kernville* to N ew port. K e rry *!, to Clatskanie. Kingsley* to Dufur. Kingston* to Stayton. Kings V alley* to Ph ilo math. Klam ath Agency* to K la Oak G ro ve *! to Milwaukie. O a k rid g e*!! to Springfield. math Falls. Ocean V iew * to New port. Klondike* to Wasco. Odell* to Hood River. K n a p p a *!! to Astoria. Olalla* to Roseburg. Koler to Glendale. Olene* to Klam ath Falls. Kubli to Grants Pass. O lex* to Arlington. Lacomb* to Lebanon. O ln ey*! to Astoria. Laidlaw to Bend. Opal C i t y ! to Metolius. Lake* to Lapine. F a irv ie w !! (Multnom ah O rencot! to Hillsboro. Lake Creek* to Eagle Co.) to Gresham. Orton to Toledo. Point. Fall Creek* to Springfield. O sw ego*tt to Portland. Lakeside* to N orth Bend. Fangollano to Juntura. , Lam onta* to Metolius. F arg o! to Donald. Lampa* to Bandon. Farmington to Hillsboro. Langlols* to Bandon. F a y etteville! to Shedds. Pacific C ity *to Cloverdale. Fields to Wlnnemucca, N ev . Langrell to Halfw ay. Latourell Falls* to Gres Palm er* to Portland. F ife* to Bend. ham. Palm er Junction* to Elgin. Flanagan* to Maupin. Laurel* to Hillsboro. Paradise* to Flbra. F la v e l* ! to Astoria. Lawen* to Crane. Parkdale* to Hood R iver. Fleetwood to Lapine. Leaburg* to Springfield. Parker to Independence F ollyfarm to Crane. Parkersburg* to Bandon. . F ort Klam ath * to K la Lee to Coquille. L e la n d *!! to Glendale. Parkers Mills* to Heppner. math Falls. Lena to Heppner. Parkplace*! to Oregon C ity F ort Rock* to Lapine. Paulina* to Prineville. Leneve to Coquille. Foster* to Lebanon. L e n ts *!! to Portland. Pedee to Monmouth. Fox* to John D ay. Peel* to Roseburg. Leona* to Drain. Franklin to Junction City. Lewisburg to Corvallis. Peoria to Shedd. Frem ont* to Lapine. Lim e* to Huntington. Perdue* to Riddle. Friend to Dufur. Lincoln to Salem. P erry* to L a Grande. Linneman to Gresham. P e rry d ale*! to Dallas. L ivesley! to Salem. Phillips to Hillsboro. Gage to Troutdale. Logan to Oregon City. Phoenix*! to Medford. Galena to Prairie City. Galescreek* to Forest G rove London** to Cottage Grove Pine* to H alfw ay. Lonerock* to Condon. Pioneer* to Toledo. Galice* to Glendale. Garden H ornet! to Portland Long Creek* to Canyon P la ce r*! to Grants Pass. City. P la in view ! to Shedd. G aribaldi*! to Bay City. Lookmgglass* to Roseburg. Pleasant H ill* to S p r 1n gG ates*! to Stayton. fleid. Lorane* to Cottage Grove. G a te w a y *!! to Madras. Pleasant H om e!to Gresham Lorella* to Bonanza. G ea rh ea rt*!! to Seaside. Pleasant V a lley*t to Baker. Low ell * ! ! to Springfield. G ib b o n *!! to Pendleton. Plush*t to Lakevlew . Gladstone*t! to Oregon City Lutgens* to Newport. Plym outh to Ranier. L y o n s *! to Stayton. Glenada* to Florence. Portola to Eugene. Glencoe to N o rth Plains. P o rt Orford to Bandon. Glide* to Roseburg. Post* to Prineville. M abel* to Springfield. G o b le *!! to Rainier. Powell Butte * to Redmond Gold son* to Junction City Macksburg to Aurora. Macleay * ! to Salem. Powell Valley to Gresham. Gooch* to Stayton. Pratum * to Silverton. Malheur* to Baker. Goshen** to Springfield. Malin* to Merrill. Prescott* to Rainier. Government Camp to Preuss to Coquille. Manhattan B each*! to Sandy. Wheeler. Pringle Falls to Lapine. Grand Ronde*to Wlllamlna Manning to Banks. Prospect* to B utte Falls. Granite* to Baker. Prosper* to Bandon. Manzanita to Wheeler. G rave to Grants Pass. P rovolt* to Grants Pass. M apleton* to Florence. Green to Roseburg. Maplewood to Portland. Greenburg! to Beaverton. M arcóla*! to Springfield. Greenhorn* to Baker. M arion*! to Jefferson. Qulnaby! to Salem. Greenville to. Banks. Q u in cy*! to Clatskanie. M arm ot* to Sandy. G rizzly* ;to Madras. Marquam* to Mt. Angel. Gunter* to Drain. Marshland*! to Clatskanie. Gurdane to P ilo t Rock. Raleigh to Beaverton. M ayger*! to Clatskanie. Gwendolen* to Condon. Range to Canyon C ity. M ayville*to Condon. Gypsum to H untington. Redlands to Oregon C ity. M cC oy*! to A m ity. M cKay (U m atilla Co.) to Reed ville * ! to Beaverton. Reuben*!to Kalama, Wash. Ham ilton* to Canyon City. / Pendleton. R ex* to Newberg. McKee* to Mount Angel. H am m on d*! to Astoria. Richmond* td Fossil. M cKinley* to Coquille. H am pton* to Bend. McKinzie Bridge * t to R ic k rea ll*! to Dallas. H arbor* to Brookings. Rieth to Pendleton. Springfield. Hardman* to Heppner. M eacham *!! to L a Grande. R iley * to Burns. Harlan to Philomath. M ead ow view i to Junction R itter* to Canyon City. H a rn ey *! to Bums. Riverside* to Juntura. C ity. Harper to Vale. Riverton* to Coquille. M ecca ! } to Madras. H a y Creek* to Madras. Medical) Springs* to Baker. R iverview to Parma, Idaho. Hazeldale to Beaverton. Mehama* to Stayton. Roberts to Prineville. H ebo* to Cloverdale. R o b in e tte * !! to Richland. H elv etia ! to N orth Plains. Melrose* to Roseburg. Merlin*Tt to Grants Pass. Rocca to Falls City. Hemlock* to Tillamook. Rockaway to B ay City. M etzger! to Portland. Hereford* to Baker. Midland to * ! Klam ath Falls Rockcreak* (G illiam Co.) to Arlington. M tkkalo*! to Arlington. H lig a r d *!! to L a Grande Rockford to H ood River. M ill C i t y * ! ! to Stayton. Hillsdale* to Portland. R ockw oodf to Gresham. M illican to Bend. H off to Oregon C ity. Rogue R iver to 3 Grants Pass Millwood* to Oakland. H o lb ro o k *! to Portland. Rondowa* to Elgin. Mlnam* to W allowa. Holdman* to Helix. Rose L od ge* to W illam ina. Mission to Pendleton. Holland* to Grants Pass' Row e to Sandy. Mist* to Clatskanie. H olley* to Brownsville. M odoc Point to Klam ath Rowland to Harrisburg. Home to Huntington. R o y to Banks. Homestead to H alfw ay. Ruch* to Jacksonville. Mohawk* to Springfield. Hopewell to A m ity. Ruckles* to M yrtle Creek. M o h ler*! to Wheeler. . H öp m Gervais. R u fu s*! to Wasco. H orton* to Junction City. Monkland* to Moro. Rujada to C ottage Grove. Monta v illa ! 1 to Portland. Hoskins to Philomath. Russellville to Portland. H o t L a k e * !! to L a Grande. Monument* to Heppner. R y e V alley* to Huntington. H o u lto n *!! to St. Helens. M oody to T h e Dalles. Morgan* to lone. Huber to Beaverton. Hubert to Junction City. M ountaindale*! to Banks. M t. H ood* to H ood River. Sageview to Cçane. H u go *! to Grants Pass. M ^ T a b o r !! to Portland. 1 Saginaw* to C ottage G rove. H ullt* to Silverton. Eagle C reek *!to Estacada. Early to Wasco. Eastside to Marshfield. Ecola* to Seaside. > E d d y v ille *! to Toledo. Edenbower* to Roseburg. Eight Mile* to Heppner. Elk C ity* to Toledo. Elkton* to Drain. Elm ira* to Eugene. Elmonica! to Beaverton. Elsie* to Astoria. Ely to Oregon City. Empire* to North Bend. Endersby to Dufur. Evans'to Lostine. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. OREGON St. Johns to Portland. St. Joseph to Lafayette. St. Loulst to Gervals. Santa Clara to Eugene. Schefflin to Cornelius. Scholls to Sherwood. Scottsburg* to Gardiner. Scotts Mills* to Mt. Angel. Seghers to Gaston. Sellwood t to Portland. Selma* to Grants Pass. Shaw* to Aumsville. Shelbum’ i to Sclo. Siletz* to Toledo. Siltcoos* to Florence. ; Silver L a k e * ! to Paisley. Sisters*to Redmona. Sixes to Bandon. Sodaville* to Lebanon. South Beach to Newport. So. Forest Grove* to Forest Grove. Sparta to Richland. Speaker to Glendale. Spray* to Heppner. Springbrook*! to Newberg. Sprlngwater* to Estacada. Stafford* to Sherwood. Starkey to La Grande. Stone (Clackamas Co.) to Oregon City. Strassel to Banks. Sublimity * to Stayton. Summerville* to Imbler. Su m m it*It to P h ilom ath .' Sumner* to Marshfield. Sumpter to Baker. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS W est Lynn* to OregonCity. W estp ort*i to Clatskanie W . Stayton*! to Stayton. W. W oodbum tt to Woodburn. W hitesontt to M cM innville W hitney* to Baker. W ilbur*t to Sutherlin. WilderviUe* to Grants Pass. W ilhoit* to Molalla. WilkesboroJ to N o. Plains. W illam ette * to Oregon City. W illard to Silverton. William s* to Grants Pass. W illows* to Arlington. W im erf to Grants Pass. Winchester* t to Roseburg Winchester B ay to Gardi ner. , Winlock to Fossil. W olf creek ""ft to Glendale. W oodlawnt to Portland. Woods* to Cloverdale. Worden to Dorris, Cal. Wren* to Philomath. W yeth* 11 to Hood River. Yachats to Newport. Yainax to Bonanza. Yankton* to St. Helen. Y aqu ina*tt to Newport. Y oder to Molalla. Zigzag to Sandy. Sunnyside (Clackamas Co.) to Oregon City. Suntex to Burns. Suplee to Prineville. Susanville* to Prairie City. Suver’ J to Independence. P E N N S Y L V A N IA Svensen*t to Astoria. Swede Basin to Grants Pass. Sweet Hom e* to Lebanon. Swiss Hom e to Florence. ( Aaronsburg* to Millheim. Abbottstow n*t to East Sycamore to Gresham. Berlin. Sylvan to Portland. Abdera to Millhall. Ablngton* (Montgomery Co.) to Jenkintown. Tablerock to Central Point. Abrams* t t to Norristown. T a ft* to New port. Academia* to Port Royal. Takllm a* to Grants Pass. Academ y Comers* to Knox Ta lbott to Jefferson. ville. Tan gen ti to Albany. Accra to Carlisle. Telocaset* t to N or thPo wder Acker to Newport. Terrebonne*tt to Redmond. Ackermanville* to Bangor. Terry to Gresham. Acme* to Mt. Pleasant. Thomas* to Scio. Acosta*! to Boswell. Thurston* to Springfield. A d a h *! to Carmichaels. Tidewater* to Newport. Adamsburg * (Westmore land Co.) to Manor. Tiller* to Riddle. Adam soale*! to Schuylkill Tim ber*tt_to Banks. Haven. Trail* to Eagle Point. Adamstown* to Denver. Trenholm to St. Helen. A dam sville*ft to Green Trent to Springfield. ville. Trester to John Day. Addlngham* to Clifton Heights. Trou tdale*tt to Gresham. Adelaide* to Dawson. T ro y * to Flora. Admire to York. Tu a latin *tt to Sherwood. Tum alo to Bend. Adrian* to Kittanning. Turn Turn to Philomath. Adrian Mines to PunxsutT y g h V alley* to Maupin. awney. Dklah* to P ilo t Rock. tTmapine to Freewater. U m a tilla *ti to Hermiston. Umpqua* to Sutherlin. Union Creek to Eaglepoint. Union vale to Dayton. U nity* to Baker. U niversity Park to Po rt land. Van Horn to H ood River. Venator* to Crane. Veneta to Eugene. Verboort to Cornelius. V em onia* to Banks. Vesper* to Clatskanie. Victor Point to Silverton. Vida* to Springfield. V iola to Estacada* Voltage* to Crane. W acondatt to Gervais. W aldo* to Grants Pass. W aldport * 1to Newport. W alker* to Cottage Grove. W alterville* to Springfield. W alton* to Eugene. W aluja to Portland. Wam ic* to Maupin. W apinitia*,to Maupin. Warmspring* to Madras. Warren* i to St. Helen. W arrendale*i to Portland. W arren ton *tt to Astoria. Wastina to Lapine. W aterloo* to Lebanon. Waunat to Clatskanie. W a verly* to Crane. W eatherby* to Huntington W eddem um * to Goidbeach. Weiches* to Sandy. Wells* to Corvallis. Wenaka to W allowa. W endling*tî to Springfield. W estimber to Banks. W estlake to Florénce. Advance to Indiana. Aiken* to Bradford. Ailston to Delta. Airville* to Delta. Aitch* to Huntingdon. Akeley* to Warren. Akersville* to Everett. A lb a *! to Canton. Albany* to Hamburg. Albert to Wilkes-Barre. Albrightsville * to Mauch Chunk. Alburtis’ Tt to Emaus. A ldan *! to Clifton Heights. Alden Station*! to NahtiAldenville* to Honesdale. A ld erson *!! to Dallas. Aldham to Phoenixville. Aleppo* to Cameron, W .Va Alert to Gap. Alfarata to Lewlstown. A lfo r d * tt to New Milford Alice* to Mount Pleasant. Alicia to Brownsville. Alinda* to Landisburg. Aline to Middleburg. A lleghenytt to Pittsburgh. Alleghenyville to Reading. Allemans* to Houtzdale. Allen* to Carlisle. Allenport* 11 to Fayette City. Allens Mills* to Brockwayville. Allensville* to Huntingdon. Allenvalet to Somerset. Allenwood’ t t to Watsontown. A lls Hollow to Towanda. Allison to Brownsville. A lison Park*t to Sharpsburg. A lp o r t* to Wlnbume. A lp o r t Mines to Barnes boro. A m ed ia * to Bloomsburg. A m o n t* to Sellersvllle. REFE R EN CE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k County Seat. Alpine to Goldsboro. A ltenw ald*! to Chambersburg. A th o m to Tidloute. A lton tt to M ount Jewett. A u m Rock* to Foxbjirg., Aluta to. Nazareth. A v e r to n * tt to Scottdale. A lvira to Montgomery. AmaranthHo Hancock, Md. Ambersons* to Shippensburg. Ambrose to Mailon Center. A m ity* to Washington. A m ity ville to Boyertown. Am sbry’ t to Cresson. Analom ink*ft , East Stroudsburg. Andalusia*! to Holmesburg. / Andersonburg* J to New Bloomfield. Anderson Roads to Coraopolis., Andersontown to Mechanicsburg. Andover* to McConnellsburg. Andreastt to Lehighton. Andrews Bridge to Christi ana. Andrews Settlement* to Genesee. Angelica to Reading. Angels* to Scranton. Anise to scfiwenkvlUe.' A n ita *!! to Punxsutawney. Anselma*! to Phoenixville. Ansonia*Tt to Wellsboro. Ansonville* to CurwenSville Antesfort’ Tt to J e r s e y Shore. A n trim *tt to Wellsboro. Appenzell to Stroudsburg. Applebachsville to Quakertown. Aqua to Chambersburg. Aquashicola* to Palmerton Aquetong*to Lambertville. N . J. Aram to Gettysburg. A ra r a t* !! to Susquehanna. Arbor to Red Lion. Arbuckle to Union City. Arcadta*tt to Glen Camp bell. Archspring* to Tyrone. Areola* to Collegeville. Ardara* to Trafford. Ardent to Washington. Arensberg to Rices Landing Argentine * t to Parkers Landing. Argus* to Sellersvllle. A riel*! to Lake Ariel. Ariosa to Gettysburg. Aristes* to Centralia. A rjay to Brookville Arlington* (W ayne Co.) to Lake Ariel. Armagh* to Johnstown. Armbrust * to 1: oungwood. A m old’ t t to New Ken sington. Arnold City*T to Fayette City. A m o t’ Tt to Blossburg. Arona* to Herminie. Arrow to Windber. Arroyo* to Ridgway. Artemas to Cumberland, Md. Alters to Sunbury. Arthurs! to Clarion. Asa to Bath. Asaph* to Wellsboro. Asbury to Benton. Ashbourne*! to Jenkin town. Asherton to Sunbury. Ashfleld* to Lehighton. A sh ville*tt (Cambria Co.) to Cresson. Ash ville (Lancaster Co.).to Oxford. A s k a m 'tto Ashley. Aspers* to Gettysburg. Aspinwallt to Sharpsburg. Aston Mills* to Media. Atco to Honesdale. Athol* to Boyertown. Atkinsons Mills to McVeytown. Atlantic*Tt to Greenville. Atlas* to Mount Carmel. Atlasburg to Burgettstown. Atwood* to Rural Valley. Auburn Center to Meshoppen. Auburn Four Comers* to Meshoppen. A u d en ried *t! to Hazleton. Audubon*! to Norristown. Aughwick M ills* to M ount Union. Augustaville to Sunbury. Aula to Chambersburg. Austinburg* to Knoxville. Austinville to Troy. Autumn Leaves* to Han cock, N. Y . A veryt to Tunkhannock. A vo n *! to Lebanon. Money Order Office. PENNSYLVANIA 1909 Avondale! (Luzerne Co.) to Ben AvonTt to Avalon. Plymouth. Bendersville Station tto Get Axemann* to Bellefonte. tysburg. Bendertown to Benton. Benezett* to Saint M arys. Bachmanvtlle* to Palmyra. Benfer* to Beaver Springs. Backus* to Smethport. Benjamin* to Perkasle. Bacton to Malvern. Benningers to Slatington Benore* t o State College. B ad en *!! to Freedom. * Benroy to Red Lion. Bagdad to Leechburg. Baggaley*! to Latrobe. Bensalem to Bristol. Bentley Creek to Elmira, Bair*t to Spring Grove. Baird* to Monongahela. N . Y. Bentzel to York. Bairford* to Russelton. Bakers Station to Wash B envenu e!to Duncannon. ington. Bakers Summit* to Wood Bergey* to Schwenkvfile. Beringer! to Cherry Tree. bury. Bakerstown*! to Russellon Beringer City to Clintonville. , Bakersville* to Somerset. B ak erton !! to Carrolltown. Berkley (Berks Co.) to Reading. B a la *!! to Ardmore. Berlins ville to Slatington. Bald E a g le*! to Tyrone. Baldhill to Mount Morris. Bermudian* to Dillsburg. B ern*! to Hamburg. Baldmount* to Scranton. Bernharts* to Reading. Baldwin* to Bruin. B ernice*!! to M ildred. Balfour to Carlisle. Berrysburg* to ElizabethBalliett to Franklin. ville. Balltettsvilie*to Catasauqua Balls Mills to Williamsport. Berwinsdale* ! t to Coalport. Bessemer* (Lawrence Co.) Balm to Mercer. to New Castle. Balser to Freeport. B est! to Slatington: Banbury to Mercer. Bethany* (W ayne Co.) to Bandanna to Hanover. Honesdale. Banksville to Pittsburg. B eth ayres*!! to Jenkin Bannervillet to McCiure. town. Banning* to Smith ton. Bethel* (Berks Co.) to Millersburg. ■ ' Barbara * to Williamsburg. Betheit(Mercer Co.)to West Bard to Hyndman. Middlesex. Bareville* to New Holland. Bethesda to Quarry ville. Barker to Chester. Betula* to Austin. Barkeyville to Grove City. Bid well* to Confluence. Barnards to Dayton. Big Cove Tannery* to Barnes* to Sheffield. McConnellsburg. Barneston* to Honeybrook. Bamesvllle* to Mahanoy Blgdam to Dillsburg. B lg ler*!t to Phlllpsburg. City. Bigmount to East Berlin. Barnett to Saxton. Big Pond to Troy. Bam itz* to Carlisle. Big Soldier to Sykesville. Barnsley* to Oxford. Big Spring to Newville. Barree*t to Petersburg. Barren H ill! to Consho- Blllmeyer* to Bainbridge. hocken. • Bills to Someseet. Barronvale* td Rockwood. B in gen *!! to So. Bethlehem Barry to Ashland. Bingham to Bradford. Bart* to Christiana. Bingham Center to Ulysses. Barto’ t t to Boyertown. Binkley to Lancaster. B artonsvilie*ti to Strouds Blno to Greencastle. burg. Birchardville * to Montrose. Bartville* to Christiana. BIrchrun ville* to PhoenlxBastress to Williamsport. vllle. Birdell* to Honeybrook. Baumgardner to Lancaster. Bird in H a n d * !! to Inter Baumstown to Birdsboro. course. Bausman* to Lancaster. B ird vllle*tt to Natrona. Bavington to Burgettstown Birmingham * !! to Tyrone. Baxter* to Brookville. Bishop to Cecil. Bayne to Sewickley. Bismarck* to Lebanon. Beachdale to Berlin. BisseU (Washington Co.) to Beachhaven* 11 to Berwick. Washington. Beachlake* to Honesdale. Blttersville to R ed Lion. Beachly to Addison. Bittlnger to Hanover. Beadilng’ t to Carnegie. Bitumen* to Renovo. Beans C ove to Cumberland, Blxler to New Bloomfield. M d. Black Ash to Townville. Bear Creek * t to W hite Blackfleld* to Garrett. Haven. Blackgap* to Chambers Bear Gap* to Shamokln burg. ' „ , Bear L a k e * !! to Corry. Blackhawk to Beaver. Bears Creek to Muncy. Blackhorse! to Parkesbprg. Beartow n*!ttoH oneybrook Blacklog to M ount Union. B e a tty * !I to Latrobe. Blackxock to Hanover. Beaumont* to Dallas. Blackwalnuttto Meshoppen Beautiful to Chambersburg Blackwells to Wellsboro. Beaver Brook* to M cAdoo. Blackwood* to Trem ont. Beaver Center* to Springboro. (lain C ity to Coalport. Beaverlake to Hughesville. tlainesburg to Brownsville. Beaver M eadow s*tt to Haihsport* to Denver. Hazleton. Hair Four to Williamsburg, Beavertown to Huntingdon ¡lairs Corners* to Knox, B eavertow n *!! (Snyder Co.) llair Station* to Clairton. to Beaver Springs. Hairsville Intersection ! t to Blairsville. Hakeley to Peckville. Beavertown (York Co.) to Jlakeslee* to Stroudsburg, Dillsburg. BeaverValley*tto Catawlssa ilanchard * to Lock Haven. Banco to Rural Valley, Beccarla* to Madera. B ech telavllle*!! to Boyers- ¡landburg*! to Bellwood. llandon*T1 to Reading. town. Beckersvllle to Birdsboro. Boomfleld (Crawford Co.) to Union City. Becks M ills to Canonsburg. Bedford Springs*! to Bed Boomfleld (Perry Co.) to N ew Bloomfield. ford. Boomingdale to ShickBedminster* to Perkasle. shinny. , , Beechcliff to Orafton. Beachcreek*tt to Lock Booming Glen* to Perkasle BoomingGrove* toH aw ley. Haven. Beechtree to Brockway ville Booming V alley* to Meadville. Beechview to Pittsburgh. Beechwood (Cameron1 Co.) Boserville to N ew ville. Bue B a ll!! (Clearfield Co.) to Emporium. to PhiliDsbure. Bela to Rimersburg. Belden to Bedford. B elfast*! to Nazareth. B elfry* to North Wales. Belknap to Dayton. Bellaire t to Elizabethtown Bellegrove to Annville. Bellemonte to Strasburg. Belle V a lleyt to Erie. Bellrun to Po rt Allegheny. Bells Lan din g*! to Mahaffey. Belsano* to Ebensburg. ! Telegraph Station. BlueknoD * ! to Portage. Blueridge Sunynit* to Waynesboro. Bluff to Waynesburg. B lythedale*! to Sutersville. Boalsburg* to State College. Boardman* to Madera. B o d in es*!! to W illiam s port. Bolling S p rin g s *!! to Car lisle. ! Express Office. 1910 PENNSYLVANIA Bonnalr to Glen Rock. Bonneauvllle to Gettysburg Bonnybrook to Carlisle Bonus to Parkers Banding. Boone to Berlin. Boone Station to Darby. Booneville* to Loganton. Booth Corner to Chester. B ooth w yn *! to Chester. Boquet* to Manor. Bordell to Bradford. Borie to Couderdport. Bossardsville to Strouds burg. V Boston* f t to McKeesport. Bourne to T roy. ' B ovara* to Slippery Rock. Bower H ill (Allegheny Oo.) to Bridgeville. Bower H ill (Washington Oo.), to Washington. B ow ers*ft to Topton. Bowersville to Punxsutawney. Bowerton* to Washington. Bowie to Grove City. Bowlder to Gettysburg. Bowman Creek to Tunkhannock. Bowmansdale * f ! to Mechanlcsburg. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Brom pton*to Williamsport. Brookdale to Hallsteaa. Brookfield to Westfield. B rookland*!! to Coudersport. Brooklinet to Pittsburg. Brooklyn* to H op Bottom. Brooklyn Station to Downingtown. Brookslde to Jersey Shore. Brookston*! to Sheffield. Broomall* to M edia. Broughton* to Castle Shan non. Brownfield* to Unlontown. Brownhlll to Cambridge Springs. Brownsburg*t to Lambertville, N . J. Brownsdale to Butler. Browns Mills to Greencastle 'Brownsville (Berk Oo.) to Werners ville. Brubaker to Lititz. Bruce (Indiana Co.) to N ew Florence! B ruceton*! to Garrick. Brumbaugh to N ew Enter prise. Brumfleldville to N ew Enterprise. Brunnerville* to Lititz. Bowman on to Lehighton. Bowmanstown • f i to Lehlghton. Bowmansville • to Denver. Boyce >(Allegheny Co.), to Bridgeville. Boyds M ills*to Honesdale. B oy ers*tt to Clintonville. B oyle (Y o rk Co.) to Shrews bury. Boynton* to Elk Lick. Bracken to Ebensburg. Brackney* to Binghamton. N. Y . B radenvllle’ t to Latrobe. Bradleytown to Franklin. Bradys Bendt to East Brady. B raeb u m *tt to N ew Ken sington. Bragtown to Dillsburg. Braman* to Honesdale. Branch* to Blairsvllle. Branchdale*! to Minersvllle. Branch ton* t t to Slippery Rock. Brandam ore*tt to Honeybrook. B randonvllle*tt to Shenan doah. B ra n d t*tt to Susquehanna. Brandtsvillet to Dillsburg. Brandy CampftoBrockwayville. Brandywine M anor to Coatesvllle. Brandywine Su m m it*tt to W est Chester. Brave* to Blaoksvllle. W . Brush V alley* to Mechanicsburg. Bryan to Dayton. Bryans ville to Delta. Bryn A t h y n * !! to Jenklntown. Brysonla to Gettysburg. Buck to Quarryville. Buckglen to Ringtown. Buck HU1 Falls* to East Stroudsburg. Buckhorn* to Bloomsburg. Buckingham *tt to Doyles town. Buckingham Valley* , to Doylestown. Buckmanville* to Lambertvllle, N. J. Buck M ountain*! to Mahanoy City. >Bucknell to Lewisburg. B uckru n*!! to ParkersbUrg Buckstown to Stoyestown. Bucksvllie* to Riegelsvllle. N . J. Buck V alley* to Hancock. Md. Buena Vista* t (Allegheny Co.) to McKeesport. Buena Vista (B utler Oo.) to Ohicora. Buena Vista (F ayette Co.) to Vanderbilt. Buena Vista Spring*! to . Waynesboro. Buffalo* to Washington. Buffalo M ills *tt (Bedford Co.) to Hyndman. Buffalo Roads to Lewisburg Buffalorun to Bellefonte. Va. B u lger*tt to Midway. Braznell* to Brownsville. Bulllonf to Clintonville. Bunker H ill to Jonestown. BreadysvlUef to Hatboro. Breezewood* to Everett. Bunkertown*to Mifflintown BrelnlgsvlHe* to Allentown. B u n ola*tt to Elizabeth. Burlington* to Towanda. Brent to Mercer. Breslauf to Plym outh. Burmont’ t to Lansdowne Brassier to Steelton. Bri&rcreek* to Berwick. Burnside*tt to Glen Camp bell. Brickchurch to Ford C ity. Burnt Cabins* to McConB rickervllle* to Lititz. nellsburg. Brick Tavern to Quakertown. Bum wood to Forest City. Brldesburgtt to Philadel Burrows* to Kane. phia. Bur8 onvllle to Quakertown. Bridgeport (F ayette Co.) to B urtville* to Port A lle gheny. Brownsville Bushington to Doylestown. Bridgeport Station to Le- BushkiU* to Stroudsburg. moyne. Bushkill Center to Nazareth Bridgeton (Bucks C o.), to Buttonwood to Blossburg. M ilford, N . J. B u tztow n *! to Bethlehem. Bridgeton* f l (Y o rk Co.); to Byberry Road to Hatboro. York. Byers Station to DownIngtown. Bridgetown to ¡’Perkasie. Bridge Valley to Doyles- B y m e d a le*tt to St. Marys. town. Bridgewater (B eaver Co.) to Rochester. Cabel to Snamouin. Bridgewater* (Bucks Co.), C ab o t*!! to Butler. to Bristol. Cadis to Owego. N . Y , Brier H ill* f to Brownsville. Cadoganf to Ford C ity. Cains* to Gap. Briggsville to Berwick. B rlllh art*! to York. Calcium* to Reading. Caledonia* to Saint Marys. B rintonf to Braddock. California (Bucks Co.), Brlsbln*! to Houtzdale. to Quakertown. Bristoria* to Cameron, W . Calkins to Honesdale. Va. Callensburg* to Sligo. Broadaxe* to Ambler. Broad F o r d * !! to Connells- C allery*tt to Evans City. Cain to Coatesvllle. ville. Broad M ountain* to St. Calumet* to Youngwood. Calvert* (Lycom ing Co.) to Clair. Williamsport. C a lvin *! to Mt. Union. Broadtop C ity to Saxton. Broadway* to Shickshlnny. Camargo to Quarryville. Brock to Blackvllle, W . Va. Cambra* to Benton. B ro o k p o rt*!! to Brockway- C am bridge*! (Lancaster Co.) to Honeybrook. vllle. Camden* to Dravosburg. B rockton *f to Tamaqua. B rodb eck s*!! to Codorus. Cam eron*! to Emporium. Brodheadsville* to Strouds Cammal* to Jersey Shore. burg. , Campbelltown* to Palm yra Broguevllle* to York.______ Campbellvllle to Dushore. REFERENCE KEY."-— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A County Seat. Cam phill* (Cumberland Co.) to Lamoyne. Camp H ill (Allegheny Co.), to Carnegie. Camptown* to Wyalusing. Canadensis* to E. Strouds burg. Canal to Cochranton. Canby to Bloomsburg. Candor to Midway. C an nelton*!! to Beaver Falls. Canoe Camp* to Mansfield. Canoe Creek* to Hollidaysburg. Canoe Ridge to Punxsutawney. C aprivi to Carlisle. Carbon* (Carbon Co.) to Lehlghton. Carbon( Westmoreland Co.) to Greensburg. Carbon Center*? to Butler. Carbon Station to N ew Castle. Cardiff Mines to St. Marys. Cardington* to Philadel phia. Carley Brook* to Hones dale. Carlisle Springs* t to Carlisle Carlo* to Kane. Carlton* to Cochranton. Carnot to Coraopolis. Carpenter town to Mount Pleasant. Carroll*! to Loganton. Carson ville to Halifax.' Carter Camp* to Galeton. Cartwright* t to Brockwayvilie. Carversville* to Doyles town. Carverton to W yom ing. Cashtown* to Gettysburg. Cassandra* to Lilly. Casselman*! to Rockwood. Cassville* to Mt. Union. Castanea*! to Lock Haven. Castile to Waynesburg. Castle Fin to Delta. C ataract! to Renovo. . Catfish* to East Brady. Cato to Snowshoe. Ceases M ills t o Nanticoke. Cedar Creek to Allentown. Cedarlanet to N ew H ol land. C ed arru n *!! to Jersey Shore. Cedars* to N orth Wales. Cedar Springs to Lock H a ven. Cedarville to Pottstown. C em en ton *!! to Siegfried. Centennial* to Hanover. Center (Allegheny Co.) to Verona. C enter*! (Perry Co.) to N ew Bloomfield. C enterb rid ge*!! to Lambertville, N . J. Centerhill to Center Hall. Center Mills (Adams Co.) to Gettysburg. Center Mills (Center Co.) to Millheim. Center Moreland* to Tunkhannock. Center Point to North Wales. Centerport* to Hamburg. Center Road S tation *! to Conneautville. Center Square* to Norris town. Centertown to Grove City. Center V a lle y * t! (Lehigh Co.) to Coopersburg. C enterview to Millersburg. C en terv ille*!! (Craw ford Co.) to Titusville. Centerville (Cumberland Co.) to N ew ville. C enterville (E lk C o.) to St. M arys. Centerville (Snyder Co.) to Middleburg. Centerville! (Washington Co.) to Brownsville. Central* to Benton. , Central C ity to Cairnbrook. Cereal* to Irwin. Cessna * ! ! to Bedford. Cetronia to Allentown. Ceylon* to Carmichaels. Chadds F o r d * ft to Kennctt Square. Chadds Ford Junction* t l to Kennett Square. Chain tp Tamaqua. C h a lfo n t*!! to Doylestown. Chalkhill* to Unlontown. Challenge*! to Brockwayville. Cham bersville*!! to In d i ana. Champion*to Mt. Pleasant. Champion* to M illsboro.’ Chanceford* to Delta. Chandlers V alley* to Sugar Grove. U Chaneysvllle* to Everett. Chapel to East Greenville. Chapman to Herndon. / Money Order Office. PENNSYLVANIA Chapman Q uarries*!! to Cloe* to Punxsuta wney. Clovercraek* to Martins* Bath. Chapmans Run to Everett. burg. Chapmans Station to Allen C lover T o p to Somerfleld. town. Chapmansvllle to Titusville C ly * l to Goldsboro. Charleston ( M e r c e r Co.) Clyde to Johnstown. to Sharon. Coal Bluff* tolMonongahela. Coal Center* t to California. Charlesvtlle to Bedford. Coal Glen*, to BrockwayCharlton to Norristown. ville. Charm ian*! to Fairfield. Charteroak* to Petersburg. Coal H ill to Oil C ity. Coalmont* to Saxton. Chase (Luzerne Co.) to P ly C oalridgef to Wilkes-Barre. Coalrun to Elk Lick. mouth. Chatham *! to W est Grove. Coaltown to Harrisville. Chatham Run* to Lock Coal V alley* to Wilson. C obu rn*!! to Millheim. Haven. Cocalico* to Lincoln. Cheat H a ven *! to Point Cochran M ills* to Apollo. Cochranvme*! to Atglen. Marlon. Cocolamus to Mifflintown. Chelsea to Chester. Cheltenham * 1 1 to Fox Coffeetownf to Easton. Cogan House* to Williams Chase. port. Cherry Flats to Wellsboro. W il Cherry Ford Station to Cogan Station* to liamsport. Siegfried. Cherrygrove (Warren Co.) Cokeburg* to Scenery H ill. C okevllle*! to Blairsvllle. to Sheffield. Cherry H ill (Erie Co.) to Cold Spring Station to Codorus. Albion. Cherry H1U (Northampton C olebrook*t! to Elizabeth town. Co.), to Nazareth. Colebrookdale to BoyerCherry M ills! to Dushore. town. Cherry Ridge to Honesdale. Coleburg to Coudersnort. Cherry Run to Sligo. Cherry Springs to Couders C o leg ro v e*!! to Smethport. Colem an*! to Stoyestown. port. Cherrytree (Venango Co.) Colemanvule* to Millersvllle. to Oil City. Cherry V alley* to Burgetts- Coleraln* to Oxford. Colerain Forge to Tyrone. town. Cherryville* to Slatington. Coleville to Smethport. Chester H eigh ts*!! to Me Colfax to Huntingdon. Collamer* to Oxford. dia. Chester S p r i n g s * ! ! t o College H illfto Beaver Fails Colley* to Dushore. Phoenixville. Chesterville to W est Grove. Collier to Fairchance. Chestnut L evel* to Quarry Collingdalef to Darby. Collins to Quarryville. ville. Chestnut R idge to Browns Collomsville* to Jersey Shore. ville. C o lm a r*!! to Landsdale. Chest Springs* to Patton. C heswick*tt to Springdale. Colona* to Monaca. Columbia Cross Roads* t ! Chew tontt to Wampum. to Troy. C h eyn ey*ftto W est Chester Chickasaw! to N ew Bethle Columbus* t ! to Corry. C olver to Ebensburg. hem. C olw yn f to Darby. Chickiest to Marietta. Colyer to Center Hall. Childs* t to Carbondale. Comly to Turbotvllle. Chinchilla* to Scranton. Choconut* to Binghamton, Compass* to Parkersburg. Concord to Shippensburg. N. Y . (D ela Christian Springs to Naza Concord Station ware C o.), to M edia. reth. Christmans * to Maucb C on cordvllle*!! to Media. Chunk. Christopher to Wilkes- Conestoga* to Millersville. Coneville* to Shingle House. barre. Conewago Township (Dau Chrome to Oxford. phin C o.), to Elizabeth town. Church to Knox. Churchtown (Cumberland Conger to Washington. Congo* to Boyertown. Co.) to Carlisle. Churchtown • (Lancaster Congruity to N ew Alexan dria. Co.) to Honeybrook., C hu rchville*!! (Bucks !Co.) C onifer*! to Brookville. Conner to Boswell. " to Newtown. Connerton* to Girard ville. C irdeville to Irwin. Cisnarun*! to Landisburg, Conoquenessing* to Evans City. Cito* to McConnellsburg. Conrad* to Coudersport. Clair* to Saxton. Constitution to Delta. Clarence* to Snowshoe Conway* to Freedom. Conyngham *! to H azle C larldge*! to Jeanette. ton. / Clarington* to Marlenville. Cookport* to Cherry Tree. Clark* to Sharpsville. Cooksburg* to Clarion. Clarksburg* to Saltsburg. Clarks Ferry to Duncannon. Cooks M ills ! (Bedford Co.) to Hyndman. Clarks Green* to Scranton. Clarks Mills* t ! to Stone- Cooks R u n! to Renovo. Coalbaugh to East Strouds boro. , burg. Clarkstown to Muncy. Clarksville* (Greene Co.) to Cool Spring (F ayette C o.), to Uniontown. Millsboro. Clarksville (Mercer Co.), Coolspring* (Jefferson C o.) to Brookville. to Sharpsville. Coon Corners to SaegarsClaussville to Allentown. town. Clay* to Lincoln. ClayhiU to Greencastle. Coon Island* to Claysville. Claylick to Mercersburg. Clayton* to East Greenville Cooperstown (Butler Oo.) to Mars. C laytonia*! to Slippery Cooperetown (Venango Rock. C o .)* to Franklin. Clay ville to Punxsuta wney. Clear Ridge* to McConnells Cooper Trdct* to Sheffield. Oopella to Bath. burg. Clearspring* to Dillsburg. Cora* to M ount Union. C oral*! to Black Lick. Cordelia to M ountville. Clearville* to Everett. Coreze to B ryn M awr. Clemo to Lake Ariel. Corinne to W est Chester. Cleona*! to Ann ville. Clermont* t ! to Smethport. Corning t o East Greenville. Cleversburg to Shippens- C om Planter* to Warren. Oompropsts M ills to Hunt burg. ingdon. Cliff Mine* to Coraopolis. C o rn w all*!! to Lebanon. Clifford* to Carbondale. Clifton (Allegheny Co.) Cornwells Heights to Holmesburg. to BridgevUle. Station to C lifton *! (Lackawanna Co.) Cornwell Holmesburg. to Scranton. Climax* to N ew Bethlehem C orsica*! to Summerville. Clinton* (Allegheny Co.) to C ortez* to Lake Ariel. C ory d o n *!! to Warren. Coraopolis. Clinton (W ayne Co.) to O oryville* to Eldred. C ostello *!! to Austin. Forest City. Clintondale*to LockHaven. Cottage* to Petersburg. ? Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. PENNSYLVANIA Coudley* to Clearfield. Coulters* to McKeesport., Oountyline* to Dalmatia. Coupon* to Gallitzin; C ou rtn ey*!! to MonongaI hela. C ovalt to Hancock, M d ; C ove Forge* to Williams burg. I Coventryville to Pottstown. C ove Station to Saxton. C o vin gton *!! to Mansfield. Covode* to Punxsutawney. Cowan* to Mifflinburg. Oowanesque*!! to Westfield Cowanshannoc*! to K it tanning. Cowdnsville*! to K ittan ning. C o w le y !! to Canton. C oylevillet to Butler. Coyne* to Old Forge. O rabtree*tt to Latrobe. Craig to Scranton. Craigs Meadows to East Stroudsburg. C ralgsville*ti to K ittan ning. Craley* to-Red lio n . Cramer* (Indiana Co.) to , Johnstown. Cranberry* to Oil C ity. C ranesville*!! to Albion. Crates to Summerville. Crawfordtown to Punx sutawney. Cream to Oxford. ! Creamery* to Collegeville. Creamton to Honesdale. Creasy Station to Bloomsburg. Creekside*ti to Indiana. Creighton*! to Tarentum. Crenshaw*! to Brockwayville. C resco*!! to East Strouds burg. Cressman* to Quakertown. Cresswell to Columbia. Oribbs to Youngwood. CrisD to Ligonier. Crooked Creek* to Wellsboro. Crosby to. Smethport. Cross Creek* to Burgettstown. Cross F o rk *! to Galeton. Grossgrove to McClure. Crossingville to Edinboro. Crosskill M ills to M yerstown. Cross Roads (Dauphin Co.) to Elizabethville. Cross Roads (Northam pton Co.) to Bath. Crossroads (Y o rk Co.) to Shrewsbury. Crothers* to Claysville. Growl* to Shamokin. C row n *! to Marienville. Orozers to M edia. . Crucible to Rices Landing. Crumb to Windber. C ru m lynne*!! to Chester. Crystal Springs* to Everett. Cuddy* to Cecil. Culbertson to Chambersburg. Culm ervillei to Russellton Culp to Tyrone. Cumberland Valley* to Bedford. Oumbola* to Pottsville. Cummingsville to Peters burg. Cummins to Waynesburg. Cupola* to Honeybrook. Curfew to Perryopolis. Curley H ill to Doylestown. Curllsville* to Rimersburg. Curry R u n * !! to Mahaffey. Curryvllle* to Martinsburg. C u rtin *!! (Center Co.) to Bellefonte. Curtin (Dauphin Co.) to Mlllersburg. C urtisville*! to Russellton. Cush Creek to Cherry Tree. Custard to Meadville. Custer C it y * !! to Bradford. C yclone*! to Smethport. Cymbria Mines* to Barnesboro. C y n w y d *!! to Ardmore. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Davidsburg to East Berlin. Davidsville* (Somerset Co. to Hollsopple. Davis (McKean Co.) to Bradford. Davis Corners to Emlenton Davis Station to Westfield. Davistown*to Waynesburg. Davisvllle* to Hatboro. Day to Clarion. Deal t l to Meyersdale. Dean to Cresson. Deanville to N ew Bethle hem. Dearth to N ew Salem. Deckard to Cochranton. Deckers Point to Marion Center. Decorum* to Orblsonia. Deegan* to Cllntonville. Deemston to Eredericktown. Deep Valley* to Littleton, W . Va. D eer! to Palmyra. Deer L ic k *! to Waynesburg Defiance* to Hopewell. D egolia*! to Bradford. De Haven to Sharpsbfirg. Deibertsville to Slatlngton. Delabole* to Pen Argyl. D e Lan cey*! to Punxsu tawney. Delaney to Gallitzin. Delano* t ! to Mahanoy City Delaware W ater Gap*Tito East Stroudsburg. Delhll to North East. Delk to Mercersburg. Dellvllle to Duncannon. Delphene to Waynesburg. Delphi* to Schwenkville. Delroy to Wrightsville. Dempseytown to Oil City. Demunds Corners to Dal las. Denbo to Brownsville. Denison to Greensburg Dents R u n * !! to St. Marys. Deodate to Elizabethtown. Derbydown to Coatesvfile. Deronda to LeechbUrg. Derrick City* to Bradford. Derrs to Benton. Derry Church* to Hershey. D e Sale to Emlenton." Deslre* to Big Run. De Turksville to Pine Grove D evau lt*! to Malvern. Devon* t ! to Berwyn. D ew art*! to Watsontown D eY ou ng*! to Kane. Dial to Kittanning. Diamond* to Titusville. Dice to Mifflinburg. Dick to Irwin. Dickerson R u n * !I to Daw son. Dickeys Mountain to Han cock, M d. Dickinson*! to Newville. Dicksonburg * to Conneautville. Dietrich to Millersburg. Dllliner* to Point Marion. Dillingersville to Emaus. D illtow n*! to Johnstown. Dlllworthtown to West Chester. Dime to Leechburg. Dlmmsville to Newport. D im ock*! to Montrose. Dingmans Ferry* to Mil ford. Dinsmore* to Burgettstown Dlsston to Lititz. Divide to Bloomsburg. Dividing Ridge to Berlin. Dixon to Tunkhannock. Dixonville* to Marlon Cen ter. Doerun* to Coatesvfile. D o lf to Stewartstown. D ollngton*! to Newtown. Donaldson* to Tremont. Donegal * to Mount Pleas ant. Donnally M ills to Mlllerstown. Donohoet! to Greensburg. Dora* to Punxsutawney. Dormers to Pottsville. D o m s lfe *!! to Herndon. Dorrance to Nantlcoke. Dorranceton! to Kingston. D aggett to Elmira, N . Y . Daguscahonda* to St. Dorseyville to Sharpsburg. D ott* to Hancock, Md. M arys. Dagus Mines* to St. M arys D ou glassville*!! to Potts town. Dahoga* to W ilcox. A D ou tyvifie to Shamokin. Dairy to Bethelem. Dow to Pine Grove. Daisytown to Galifornia. Downey to Berlin. Dale to Boyertown. Downieville * ! to Mare. D alevfile* to Moscow. D ow ningtow n *!! to East Dallas C ity* to Bradford. Downingtown. D a lto n *!! to Scranton. Damascus* to Honesdale. Doylesburg* to Blairs Mills Danboro* to Doylestown. Doyles M ills to P ort Royal. Dane to McConnellsburg. Drab to Williamsburg. Darllng’ to Media. Darlington * ! ! to Beaver Draco to Stewartstown. Drake to G rove City. Falls. Darlington Corners to West Drakes Mills to Cambridge Springs. Chester. Draketown to Confluence. Darragh* to Herminie. Draper to Wellsboro. Dauberville* to Reading. D a u p h in *!! to Harrisburg. DreheraviUe*! ttoTam aqu a REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i County Seat. Dresher to Jenkintown. Drexel H ill to Lansdowne. D rlfto n *!! to Freeland. D riftw ood*! ! to Emporium Dromgold to New Bloom field. PENNSYLVANIA Eau Claire* to Parkers Landing. Eberlys M ill* to Harrisburg Ebervale* to Hazleton. E c h o * !! to Dayton. Eokert to Allentown. Eckley* to Freeland. Drummond to Brockway- E conom y!! to Ambridge. ville. Eddington* t ! to Bristol. Drumore* to Quarry ville. E d dyston e*!! to Chester. Drums* to Hazleton. Dryland to Easton. Eddyville to N ew Bethle D ry Valley Crossroads to hem. Lewlsburg. E della* to Scranton. D ryville* to Topton. Edelman* to Pen A rgyl. Dublin* to Doylestown. Eden to Lancaster. Dublin M ills to McCon Edenbom* to Uniontown. nellsburg. Edensburg to Knox. Dubolstown*! to Williams Edenvllle* to Chambers port. burg. D u dley*! to Saxton. Edgegrove* to Hanover. Duetterras Station to Get E d g eh ill*!! to Glenside. tysburg. Edeemont* to Media, i Duffleld to Chambersburg. Edgewood Park to WilkinsDuflryn Mawr* to Malvern. burg. Duke Center to Bradford. Edle to Somerset. Duluth to Woodlawn. Edinburg* to New Castle. Duncan to Wellsboro. Edison* to Doylestown. Duncansvllle*!! to Holli- Edm on*! to Apollo. daysburg. E d rl*l to Avonmore. Duncott* to Mlnersvllle. Edwardsdale to EdwardsDundaff* to Carbondale. ville. Dundore to Herndon. Efiort* to Stroudsburg. Dunkard* to Point Marlon. Dunlevy to Cnarleroi. E gypt Mills* T to Strouds Dunlo*! to South Fork. burg. Si Dunningsville to Washing Ehrenfeld*! to South Fork. ton. Eightyfour* to Washing Dunns Station* to Waynes ton. burg. Elam to West Chester. Dupont! to Avoca. Elblnsvllle to Cumberland, Durbin to Cameron, W .Va. Md. Durell to Towanda. E lbon*! to Brockwayville. Durham* to Easton. Elbrook to Waynesboro. Durlach* to Lincoln. Elco*. to Roscoe. D u ryeaü to Old Forge. * Elders Ridge* to Saltsburg. Dutch H ill* to Parkers Eldersville* to Burgetts Landing. town. Dyberry* to Honesdale. Elderton* to Rural Valley. Dysart*!. to Cresson. Eldorado* to Altoona. Eldredsville* to Dushore. E lg in * !! to Corry. Eaglepoint to Kutztown. Ellmsport* to Williamsport. Eagle R o c k * !! to Tionesta. Elixir to Mahanoy City. Eagles Mere*to Hughesville Elk Dale (Susquehanna Co. Eagles Mere Park* to Duto Forest City. shore. Elk Dale (Chester Co.) to Eaglevifie! (Centre Co.) Oxford. to Lock Haven. Eaglevifie* ( Montgomery Elkins P a r k * !! to Jenkin town. Co.) to Norristown. Eaklns Corners to Emlen Elk Lake* to Montrose. ton. E lk vie w *!tto W est Grove. E llenton*!! to Canton. Earlinsrton* to Telford. Earlston to Everett. Elliottsburg*! to New Bloomfield. Earlville* to Boyertown. East A ltoona* t to Juniata Elliottson to Carlisle., East B a n go r*!! to Bangor. ElllottsvlUe* to Uniontown EUisburg* to Genesee. East Benton to Scranton. Elm (Lancaster Co.) to E. Branch to Spartansburg. Lititz. E. Broadtofi to Orbisonia. Elmdale* to Scranton. East Brook*to New Castle. Elmer* to Westfield. East Butler* to Butler. Elm Grove to Dunbar. Elm hu rst*!! to Scranton. East Canton to Canton. E. Charleston to Mansfield. Elmora* to Carrolltown. E. Conemaugh to Cone- Elrama* to West Elizabeth maugh. Elroy* to Souderton. E. Coventry to Pottstown. Elstonville to Manheim. Elton* to Windber. East E a r l* t! to Blue Ball. E. Emporium* to Em E lw y n * !! to Media. porium. E ly to Doylestown. E m b reevffle*!! to CoatesEast Finley to Claysville. ville. E .'F re e d o m *!! to Roaring t Spring. E. Hanover to Jonestown. Emeigh* to Cherry Tree. East Hanover Township* Emerald* to Slatlngton. Emerickville to BrookvUle. to Palmyra. East H ickory* to Tidloute Emerson to Everett. Eastlemon to Tunkhan E m lgsvfile*! to York. Emille* to Bristol. nock. . East Lenox* to H opBottom Emmaville* to Everett. E. Lewisburg to Lewisburg. Em sw orth!! to Avalon. E. L ib e r ty !! to Pittsburgh. Endeavor* to Tionesta. East M cKeesport*!to W il- Enders* to Halifax. Energy to Ellwood City. merding. East Mahanoy Junction! ! Enfield* to Chestnut HU1. Englesville to Boyertown. to Mahanoy City. English Center* to Jersey Shore.. East Millsboro*! to FrederEnhaut*! to SteeltOn. icktown. Enid* to Hopewell. Enlow* to Oakdale. Eastmont to York. East Nantmeal to Down Ennlsvllle to Petersburg. Enola* to M arysville. ingtown. East N ew C astle!! to New Enon V alley * to East Palestine. O. Castle East P etersbu rg*!! to Lan- Enterline* to H alifax. Enterprise* (Warren Co.) to Titusville. East Point* to Blossburg. E. Riverside to Carmichaels Entlerville to Newville. E n trlken*! to Huntingdon. Eastrun to Cherry Tree. Epton* to Fihleyvifie. East Rush to Montrose. East Salem to Mifflintown. Equlnunk* to Hancock, East Sandy to Franklin. N. Y. East Sharpsburg to RoarEquitable to Apollo. v ing Soring. E.Sm fthport*to Smethport. Ercildoun* to Coatesvfile. East S pringfield*Ito Girard Erdenheim to Chestnut H ill Erdman to Millersburg. East Texas* to Allentown. East Titusville to Titusville Erdon to Coalport. Eriton to Dubois. East T roy to Troy. Eastvale to Beaver Falls. > Erneys to Harrisburg. E. Vandergrift! to Vander- Erwinna* to Frenchtown, N. J. grift. Eshbach to Boyertown. E. W aterford*! to Blaus Eshcol to N ew port. Mills. Eatonville*to Tunkhannock E s p y * !! to Bloomsburg. Money Order Office. ! Telegraph Station. 1911 E spyville*! to Linesvllle. Bspyvllle S ta tio n * !! to Linesvfile. Estella to Dushore. Esterly* to Reading. Etters* to Goldsboro. E u c lid *!! to Butler. Eureka to Lansdale. Evansburg (M ontgom ery ■ Co.) to Collegeville. Evans Falls to Tunkhan nock. Evansville (Berks Co.) to Reading. Evendale to Mifflintown. Evergreen (Bradford Co.) to N ew Albany. Evergreen H am let to M illvale. Everson* t to Soottdale. Ew ingville to Carnegie. E xcelslor* Tt to Shamokin. Exeter! to West Pittston. Exeter Borough to West Pittston. Expedlt* to Ebenslrarg. Exposition* (Crawford Co.) to Meadyllle. Exton* to Downingtown. Eyers Grove* to M illville. ■) Eynon* to Peokvllle.. , % Fagleysvllle* to Boyertown Fagundus* to Tidioute. Fairbank* to N ew Salem. Falrdale* to Montrose. Fairfield Genter to M ontoursville. Fairhaven*! to Castle Shanon. Fairhope (Fayette Co.) to Belle Vernon. Fairhope* (Somerset Co.) • to Hyndman. Fairmount* (Lancaster Co.) to Quarryville. Fairmount City* to New Bethlehem. Fairmount Springs* to Benton. Fairoaks*! to Ambridge. Falrplay to Emfflitsburg, Fairview* ! ! (Erie Co.) to Girard. Fairview (Beaver C o.), to East Liverpool, O. Fairview (Butler Co.) to Bruin. Fairview (Cambria Co.), to Conemaugh. Fairview (Cumberland Co.) to Harrisburg. Eairview V illage* to N o r ristown. Fairvifie* (Chester Co.) to Kennett Square. Fallentlm ber*! to Coalport. Falling Springs to N ew Bloomfield. F a lls * !I to Pittston. Fallsdale* to Honesdale. Fallslngton*! to Trenton, N. J. Fallstonti to N ew Brighton Falmouth* to Middletown. Fargo to Claysville. Farmers to York. Farmers M ills to Center Hall. Farmers Valley* to Smeth port. Farmersvllle* to Akron. Farmington (Butler Co.) to Parkers Landing. Farmington* (Fayette Co.) to Uniontown. Farno to Forest City. Farragut to Montoursville. Farran dsville*!! to Look Haven. Fassett* to Elmira, N . Y . F ay to N ew Wilm ington. F a y etteville*! (Franklin Co.) to Chambersburg. Feam ot to Tow er C ity. Fea 8 terville* to Langhorne. Fed eral*! to Carnegie. Felix to Windber. F e lto n * !! to Red Lion. . Feltsville to Scranton. F en e lto n *!! to Butler. Fenmore Station to Stew artstown. Fern to Knox. Fem dale* (Bucks Co.) to Riegelsville, N. J. Ferndale! (Cambria Co.) to Johnstown. Ferndale (Lehigh Co.) to Catasauqua. F em ey ! to Lock Haven. Fern G le n *!! (Luzerne Co.) to Hazleton. Fernridge to Stroudsburg. Fernwood Clearfield Co. to Houtzdale. F ern w ood *!! (D elaware Co.) to Lansdowne. Ferris* to Harrlsville. Fertigs* to Oil City. F etterville* to Blue Ball. Fiedler to Millheim . Fields Station* to Witliamsport._______ _______ ■ ¿Express Office. 1912 PENNSYLVANIA Filer to Stoneboro. Fillm ore! to Bellefonte. Finland* to Pennsburg. Flrstfork* to Emporium. Fisoal to Glen Rock. Fisher* to Clarion. , Fishers F erry* to Herndon. F lsh ertow n *!! to Bedford. Flshervllle* (Dauphin Co.) to Halifax. • Fishing Creek* to Berwick. Fitzw atertown to Glenside. Flveforks to Waynesboro. F ive Points (Mercer Co.) to West Middlesex. Flatwoods to Dawson. Fleegert to Butler. Fleetville* to Scranton. Fleming* to Bellefonte. Flem ington* to M illhall. Flicksvllle* to Bangor. Fllnton*t to Coalport. Flora to Punxsutawney. Floradale* to Gettysburg. F loreffe! to Elizabeth. Florence* to Burgettstown. Florenza* to Punxsutaw ney. F lo r in * !! to Moufat Joy. F lo u rto w n *!! to Ambler. F loyd to Franklin. Flynn to Montrose. Fogelsvllle* to Allentown. F o lc r o ft* ! to Darby. Folsom to Chester. F oltz* to Mercersburg. F om bell*! to Zellenople. Font* to East Downlngtown. Fontana to Annville. Footdale to N ew Salem. Forbes Road*, to Greensburg. F o r c e * !! to Dubois. Ford C liff! to Ford C ity. Fordyce* to Waynesburg. Foreman to Everett. Forestgrove* to Doylestown. Foresthill to Mifflinburg. Forest Houset to Austin. Forest Lake* to Montrose. Forest Park* to Strouds burg. Forestvllle (Butler Co.) to Harris vllle. F orestvlllef (Schuylkill Co.) to Minersville. F orks*! to Bloomsburg. Forkston* to Meshoppen. Forksville* to Laporte. F ort Hitt.* to Confluence. F ort Hunter* to Harrisburg F ort Littleton * to McConnellsburg. F ort Loudon* t t to Mer cersburg. F ortney* to Dillsburg. Fort W ashington*! ! to Ambler. F o rty fo rtt to Kingston. Fossllville’ t t to Hyndman. FostertT to Hop Bottom. Foster Brook to Bradford. Foundryvllle to Berwick. Fountain to Mlnersvllle. Fountain Dale to Gettys burg. Fountain Springs*! to Ash land. Fountalnvllle* to Doylestown. Fow lerville to Berwick. Frampton to Clarion. Francis to Girard. Franconia* to Souderton. Franconiavllle to Souderton. F ran k *! to Sutersville. Frankfort Springs to Burgettstown. Franklin! (Conemaugh Co.) to Conemaugh. Franklin Comers to Edlnboro. Franklindale to Towanda. Franklin Forks* to Mont rose. Franklin Mills to Hancock, Md. Frankllntown* to Dillsburg. Franklinville* to Tyrone. Frankstown* to Hollldayburg. •F razer*Tt to Malvern. Fredell* to East Brady. Frederick* to Schwenkvllle. Fredericks vllle to B oyertown. Freed* to Scottdale. Freedom (Venango Co.) to Emlenton. Freehold to Sugar Grove. Freeman to Reading. Freem ansburg*tt to Beth lehem. Freestone to Chambersburg Frem ont to Middleburg. French town to Mead vllle. Frehchvllle* to Clearfield. Fretz to Quakertown. Freys to Chambersburg. Freystown to Myerstown. Freysville to Red Lion. Fribley to Hughesvllle. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS G len b u m *!! to Scranton. Fricks* to Lansdale. Fricks -Lock to Spring C ity. G len coe*!! to Hyndman. Frledens*! to Somerset. Friedensburg (Berks Co.), Glendale to Carnegie. G len ey re*!! to Hawley. to Oley. Friedensburg* (Sohuylklll Glenfleld*i to Sewlckley. Co.) to Schuylkill Haven. G lenhazel*! to Johnsonburg. Friedensvillet to South ♦ Bethlehem. Glenbope* to Madera. G leniron*! to Mifflinburg. Friends to Elmira, N . Y . Friendsville* to Montrose. Glenloch*! to Malvern. to Frisco*! to Ellwood C ity. Glen Mawr Station Hughesvllle. F ritz Station to Watsontown. Glen M ills * !! to Media. G len m oore*!! to East F ritzto w n *! to Reading. Downingtown. Frogtow n* to N ew Bethle Glen O ld e n * !! to Darby. hem. Frostburg* to Punxsu Glenora to Parker’s Land ing. tawney. F ru g a lity *!! to Coalport. Glen Richey* to CurwensFruitville to Pennsburg. ville. Frym ire to Reading. Glen R id dle*! ! to Media. Fullerton * t to Catasauqua. Glenrose* to Coatesville. Fulton H ou se*! to Oxford. Glen R o y* to Oxford. Furlong* to Doylestown. Glen Savage to Berlin. Furnace Run to Kittaning. Glenshaw*!;to Sharpsburg. Furniss* to Quarryville. G le n v ille *!! to Glen Rock Glenwhite* to Galhtzin. Glenwlllard* to Ambridge. Gabelsvllle to Boyertown. Glen wood to Nidholson. Gaffney to (Jlysses. Globe M ills*to Middleburg. Gaibleton to Marlon Center Glyde to Washington. Gaines*! to Galeton. Glyndon to Spartansburg. Galilee* to Honesdale. Godard to Erie.Gallatin* (Allegheny Co.) G off to Olintonville. to Monongahela. Goheenvllle to N ew Beth lehem. v Gallatin (F ayette Co.) to Masontown. Gold* to Ulysses. Ganlster* to Williamsburg. Golden to York. G oldenville to Gettysburg. Gans* to Smlthfleld. Gapsville to Everett. Goodhope to MechanicsGardeau* to Emporium. burg. Garden vllle* to Doylestown Gardners to M ount H olly Good Intent to Claysvllle. G oodspring*!! to Valley Springs. View. Garfield (Berks Co.) to Goodvllle* to Blue Ball. Bern vllle. Gpodyear to Carlisle. Garfield (W arren Co.) to Goram to Delta. G o rd o n *!! to Ashland. Sheffield. Gordontown to Clarion. Garlsvllle to Souderton. G a rla n d *!! to Youngsvllle. G ord o n vllle*!! to Inter course. Garman* to Bamesboro. Garrettford* to C l i f t o n Gorsuch to Huntingdon. G orton! to Winburne. Heights. Garrett H ill* to Bryn MawT Goshen* to Quarryville. Garretts Run to Kittan- Goshenville to W . Chester. GottshaHs to Trevorton. ning. GouglersviUe to 1 Reading. Garrison* to Burton, W «Va G ou ldsboro*!! to Moscow. Gowen City* to Shamouin. Garwood to Bentleyvllle. Gastonvllle* to Flm eyvllle Gracedale* to W i l k e s Barre. Gastown to Rural Valley. G raceton*! to Hom er City. Gatcheltvllle to Delta. Gracey to McConnellsburg. Gates to Masontown. Grady vllle to Media. Gatesburg* to Tyrone. G rafton*! to Huntingdon. G ayly to Carnegie. Gaysport to Hollidaysburg. Graham vllle to W rlghtsvllle G azzam *! to Curwens vllle Grampian*! ! to Curwensvllle. Geiger to Somerset. Geigers M ills* to Birdsboro G ran d V a lley *!! to Titus ville. G eigertow n!! to Birdsboro Grange* to Punxsutawney. Gelstown to Johnstown. Granitebill to Gettysburg. Gelatt* to Susquehanna. Grantboro to N ew Castle. G ran tvllle*! to Palm yra. Gem to McConnellsburg. G ran ville*!! (M ifflin Co.) to G e n e v a *!! to Mead vllle. Lewistown. George to Hickory. Georgetown* (Beaver Co.) Granville (Washington. Co.) to California; to East Liverpool, Ohio. Georgetown (Lan c a st e r Granville Center* to Troy. Granville Sum m it*! to Co.) to Christiana. Canton. Georgetown! 1 (W ayne Co.) G rap ev llle*!! to Jeannette. to Lake Ariel. Georgevllle* to Marlon Cen Grassflat*! to Winburne. Grassland to Byrn M awr. ter. G r a t e r , F ord * T t to Germania* to Galeton. Schwenk vllle. Germans Corner to N ew Tripoli. Germ ansville*tt to N ew G ratztow nI to Sutersville. G r a v ity * !! to Lake Ariel. Tripoli. Graybill to York. G eryville* to E. Greenville. Graydon to York. Gibbon Glade* to Union- Grays Landing* to Mason town. town. G raysville* to Tyrone. G ibraltar*! to Reading. Greason*! to Carlisle. Gibson* to N ew Milford. G ibson ia*!! to Russellton. Great B elt*! to Butler. Great B e n d *!!to Hallstead. Gibsonton*! to Charleroi. Greble to Myerstown. Gideon to Somerset. Greeley* to Po rt Jervis. Gifford* to Bradford. N. Y. Gilbert* to Stroudsburg. G llb e rto n *!! to Mahanoy Greenawalt to Hamburg. Greenbank to N ew Holland City. Gilbertsville*. to Boyertown Greenbrier* to Shamokin. Greenburr* to Loganton. G ilfo yle*! to M arienville. Greene to Quarryville. Gillespie to Fayette City. G llle tt*! to Elmira, N . Y . Greenfield (Mercdt Co.) to Mercer. G illm or! to Bradford. Greengrove to Jermyn. Glnter* to Houtzdale. Green H ill* T! (Chester Co.j Gipsy* to Glen Campbell. to W est Chester. Girard M anor! to Mahanoy Green H ill (Y o rk Co.), City. to York. Glrty* to Apollo. Greenmount to Gettysburg. Gladdens to Hyndman. Greenock*! to M cK ees Glade* to RockWood. port. Glade Mills* to Mars. G reenpark*!to N ew Bloom Gladenm ! to Warren. field. G la d w yn e*!! to Ardmore. G la sg o w *!! (Cambria Co.) Green R idge (Adams Co.) to N ew Oxford. to Coalport. G lassm ere*!! to N ew Ken Green R id g e !! (Lackawan na Co.) to Scranton. sington. Green R idge (Y ork Co.) to Glatfelters! to York. Godorus. Gleason to Canton. Greensboro * to Mason Gleasonton* to Renovo. town. Glen to Jersey Shore. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 County Seat. * Money Order Office. Greenspring! to N ew ville. Greenstone to Fairfield. Greentown* to Moscow. Greentree* (Allegheny Co.) to Pittsburgh. Green Tree (Bucks Co.) to Lansdale. Green T re e! (Chester Co.) to Malvern. Green Village* to Cham bersburg. Greenville (Clarion Co.) to Clarion. Greenville (Indiana Co.) to Clymer. Greenwald * to Greensburg Greenwood to M illville. Greggs* to Oakdale. Grelder to Carlisle. Grierpoint to Duncannon. Griesemersville to Reading. Griffin to Masontown. Grill to Reading. Grimville* to Hamburg. Grindstone * to Browns ville. Groffs Store* to Lancaster. G rovanla*! to Danville. G ro v e r*!to Canton. G rove Summit to Falls Creek. G roveton *! to Coraopolls. Guava to Benton. Guernsey*! to Gettysburg. Guilford Springs to Cham bersburg. Guldens to Gettysburg. Gulf M ills! to Conshohooken. Gumbles* to Hawley. Gump to Waynesburg. Gum tre e*! to Parkesburg. Guthrlesville’ to EastDownington. Gutbs Station to Allentown Guthsville to Allentown. Guyaux* to Point Marlon. Guys Mills *to Meadville. G w endolen!! to Hickory. Gwynedd* to North Wales. Gwynedd V alley * ! 1 to North Wales. Haafsvllle to Allentown. Haas to Ashland. Hackett* to Finleyvllle. H ackneys*! to Washington Haddenville* to Uniontown Hade to Greencastle. H a d le y * !! to Greenville. Hagersvllle to Perkasie. H agevo to Windber. Hahns town to Ephrata. H all to Dillsburg. Hallowell to Hatboro. Halls Station to Muncy. H a llto n *! to Rldgway. Hametown to Shrewsbury. Hamilton to Punxsutawney Hamlin (Lebanon Co.) to Fredericksburg. Hamlin (W ayne Co.) to Lake Ariel. Hammersley Fork* to R e novo. H am m ett to Erie. Hamm ont to Pottsville. Hammond to Tioga. Hamortou* to Kennett Square. Hampden to Mechanicsburg. Hampton* to East Berlin. Hancock to. Reading. Hanlln S ta tio n * !! to Bur gettstown. Hannah to Tyrone. Hannah Furnace to Phlllpsburg. Hannastown*! to Greenburg. Hannasvllle to Cochranton'. Hanoverdale to Hummelstown. Hanover Junction* Ito Glen Rock. H anovervllle to Bethlehem. Harbor Bridge to New Castle. Harbour C re e k *!! to Erie. Harding to Plttston. Harford* to H op Bottom Harlansburg to N ew Castle Harleigh* to Hazleton. Harlem to Pennsburg. . H a rm arville*! to Oakmont. Harmonsburg* ! I to Lines- PENNSYLVANIA H a rts to w n *!! to James town. H a rtsville*! to Hatboro. Harveys* to Waynesburg. H arveyville* to S h 1c k * shinny. Harwick to Springdale. Harwood Mines* to Hazle ton. H atchery to Mauch Chunk. H a tfie ld * !! to Souderton. H a u to *! to Lansford. H a v e rfo rd *!! to Bryn M aw r. H aw k R u n *! to Philipsburg. Hawks Crossing to Uniontown. H aw th orn *ito N ew Bethle hem. Haycock Run* to Perkasie. Haydentown to Falrchance H a y den v ille ! to Greens burg. H a yes! to Howard. Haynie to Shlppensvllle. Hays G ro ve *! to Shippensburg. H a y s v ille *!! to Sewlckley. H azelhurst*! to Mount Jewett. H azelkirki to Monongahela Hazen* to Brookville. H azlebrook *! to Hazleton. Hazzard* to Monongahela. Heart L a k e *! to Montrose. H ea th ville*! to Summer ville. Hebe to Herndon. Heberlig to N ewville. Hebron to Coudersport. Heckendon to Snow Shoe. Heckschersville* to Minersville. Heckton M ills* to Harris burg. H ec k to w n li to Nazareth. Hecla (Schuylkill Co.) to Tamaqua. Hecla (W estmoreland Co.) to Mount Pleasant. Hector* to Westfield. H eideloerg to Carnegie. Heidlersburg* to Gettys burg. Heilmandale to Lebanon. H eilw o o d *!! to Clymer. Heistersburg to Brownsville H elen* to Uniontown. Helen Furnace* to Clarion. Helfensteln* to Ashland. H elixville to Schellsburg. H eller to Hanover. H e lle rto w n *!! to Bbtfilehem. H elvetia* to Dubois. H em lock to Warren. Hemlock Hollow to H awley Hench to N ew Bloomfield Henderson to Sandy Lake. Hendersonville to Canonsburg. Hendricks* to Schwenkville Henningsville to Macungie. Henrietta* T! to Mart Insburg. H e n ry v llle * !! to East Stroudsburg. Hensel to Quarryville. Hepburnville* to W illiam s port. Hepler* to Shamokin. Hereford* to Pennsburg. H erm an*! to Butler. H ero to Hundred, W . Va. Herrick Center* T! to Forest City. Herrick vllle* to Towanda. H ertzler to Honeybrook. Heshbon* to Black Lick. Hess to Gap. Hessdale to Strasburg. H etlerville to Berwick. H e v e rly ! to Coalport. H ew itt to Cumberland, Md. Hlckernell to Springboro. Hickman* to Carnegie. , H ickory Corners* to D al matia. H ickory G r o v e * !! to Sus quehanna. Hickoryhill to Oxford. Hicks R u n !! to St. M arys. Hlgbee to Cameron, W .V a. Highnouse to Uniontown. H igh Lake to Hancock N .Y . ville. H a rm o n y *!! to Zelienople. High R o c k *! to Delta. H araedsville* to Confluence H lg h sp ire*!! to MiddleHarold to Ligonier, town. Harper to Slatington. H igh vllle to Millers ville. Harrison C ity * ! to Manor. Harrison V a lle y * ! to W est- Hillchurch to Boyertown. Hlllegass to Pennsburg, field. Harrisonvllle* to McCon H illla rd s *!! to Butler. H ills! to Canonsburg. nellsburg. Hillsboro (Somerset Co.) H arrity to Lehlghton. to Hooversvllle. H arrow* to Perkasie. Hillsboro (Washington Co.) Harshaville to Midland. to Scenery H ill. Hartleton* to Mifflinburg. Hillsdale* to Glen Campbell H lllsgrove* to Hughesvllle. H a rtley t o Y ork. Hillside * ! (Westmoreland H artley H all to M uncy. Co.) to Derry.___________ H artranft to Norristown. t Telegraph Station ! Express Office. PENNSYLVANIA Hillside (Montgomery Co.) to Jenklntown. Hlllsvlew to Llgonler. Hills vllle*'! to N ew Castle. HUltown* to Doylestown. Hlnkletown to Ephrata. Hiram* to McConnellsburg. Hites* t to Tarentum. H oadleys*! to Honesdale. Hobart to Hanover. Hobble to Berwick. Hoboken* to Aspinwall. Hockersvllle* to Hummelstown. Hoemerstown to Hummelstown. Hoffer to Middleburg. Hodman to Slatlngton. Hogestown* to Mechanicsburg. Hokendauqua* 1! to Catasauqua. Hokes to Glen Rock. Holbtpok* to Waynesburg. Hollcong* to Doylestown. Holiday to Wellsboro. Holland* to Langhome. Hollenback to Wyalusing. Holllnger* to Lancaster. Holllstervllle* to Scranton. Holmes* ! ! to Darby. H oltw ood*! to Quarryvllle. H oltz* to Red Lion. Home* to Marlon Center. Homecamp to Dubois. Hornets Ferry* ! ! to W yaluslng. H om eville to Oxford. H om ew oodti to Beaver Honeoye* tto ShlngleHouse Honey Grove* to Port Royal. Honor to N e w Oastle. H ooker! to Butler. Hookstown* to Beaver. Hoopeston to Ambler. Hoovers Run to Waynesburg. Hooverton to Norristown. Hopeland* to Lincoln. Hopewell Center to York. Hoppenvllle* to Pennsburg. Hopwood* to Unlontown. H ora tio*tt to Punxsutawney. Hom brook to Towanda. Hornby to North East. Horning* to Castle Shan non. Horrell to Hollidaysburg. Horsham* to Hatboro. Hortons *to Glen Campbell Hosensack*tt to E Green ville. Host* to Womelsdorf. Hostetter* to Latrobe. Houservllle to Bellefonte. Housum to Chambersburg. H owe to Brookville. H ow ellville to Catawlssa. H oytdale to Wampum. H oytvillett to Wellsboro. Hubers to Quarryvllle. Hublersburg*to Bellefonte Hudsontt to Parsons. Hudsondalef to W eatherly. Huefner* to Fryburg. Huey* to Rlmersburg. H uff* to N ew Florence. Huffs Church to Boyertown. Huffs Station to Greensburg. Hughestownf to Pittston. Hulls to Coudersport. H u lm evllle*tto Langhom e H u lton tt to Oakmont. Humbert to Confluence. Humbertson to Somerfleld. Hummells W h a rf to Selins Grove. Hummels Store to Mohnton. Hunkers* to Youngwood. Hunlock Creek* t t to Shick shinny. Hunters R u n ft to M t. H olly Springs. Hunterstown* to Gettys burg. Huntersville to Hughesvllle Huntingdon Furnace to .Tyrone. Huntington V alley* f to Jenklntown. Huntington Mills* to Shlckshinny. Huntsdale*t to Carlisle. Huntsville to Dallas. Husband to Somerset. ‘ Hustontown* to McCon nellsburg. H utchins*ft to M t. Jewett. H y d e *tt to Clearfield. H yde P a r k * ! to Leechburg. H y d etow n *tt to Titusville. Hynemansville to Allen town. H y n e r*tt to Renovo. Idam ar*tto Marlon Center. Id a ville *t to Gettysburg. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Iddo to McConnellsburg. Idetown to Dallas. Idlepark* to Llgonler. Idlewoodt to Carnegie. Im ler*tt to Bedford. Imlertown to Bedford. Im peria l*tt to Coraopolis. Independence* to Avella. Indian C reek*tt (Fayette Co.) to ConnellsviUe. Indian Head* to Connellsvllle. Indlanland to Slatlngton. Indian Run to Mercer. In d u stry *!! to Midland, Inglehart to Honesdale. Ingleside* to Freeport. Inglesmlth to Everett. Ingomar to Pittsburgh. Ingram t to Crafton. Inkermant to Pittston. Instanter,*! to WUcox. Iola* to Millville. Iona to LeDanon. Irishlane to Schlckshlnny. Irish Ripple* to Wampum. Irish town* to Hanover. Ironbridge* to Collegeville. Ironore to Hanover. Iron Springs to Gettysburg. Ironton* to Coplay. Irvine* to Youngsvllle. Irvineton tt to Youngsvllle. Isabella*! to Honey Brook Iselin *tt to Saltsburg. Isett to Williamsburg. Island P a rk f to Easton. Islet to ProsDect. Ithan* to Wayne. Itle y to Edlnboro. Iv a to Strasburg. Ivanhoe* to Monongahela. Ivarea to Albion. I v y la n d * !! to Hatboro. Ivyw ood to Butler. Jackson (Erie Go.) to W a terford. Jackson* (Susquehanna Co.) to Susquenanna. Jackson C en ter*!! to Mer cer. Jackson Sum m lt*tt to El mira. N. Y . Jacksonville (Center Co.) to Howard. Jacksonville (Cumberland Co.) to Newvllle. Jacksonville (Dauphin Co.) to Halifax. Jacksonville (Indiana Co.) to Indiana. Jacksonville* (Lehigh Co.) to N ew Tripoli. Jacksonville (Westmore land Co.) to Irwin. Jacksonwald to Reading. Jacksvllle to Slippery Rock. Jacobs to Orblsonia. Jacobs Creek*t to Smithton. Jacobs M ills! to Hanover. Jacobus* to York. James City* to Kane. James Creek* to Hunting don. Jamestown $o Portage. Jamison* to Doylestown. Jamison C ity * !t to Benton. Jarrettown*! tò Ambler. Jeanesville*!! to Hazleton. Jed do*!t to Freeland. Jefferson*! (Greene Co.) to Rices Landing. Jefferson (Y ork Co.) to Codorus. Jefferson Center to Butler. Jefferson City to Knox. Jefferson Station to. Pottsville. Jeffersonville*! to Norris town. Jeffries to Houtzdale. Jenners*! to Boswell. Jennerstown* to Boswell. Jennersville to West Grove. Jenningsville to Meshoppen. Jerome* to Hollsopple. Jersey Mills to 0ersey Shore. Jersey Shore Station! to Jersey Shore. Jerseytow n*!! to Bloomsburg. Joanna*tt to Blrdsboro. Jobs Corners to Elmira. N. Y . Joffre* to Burgettstown. Joh n etta *!! to Leechburg. Johnlowen to Fryburg. Johnsburg to Meyersdale. Johnson C ity to Shamokln. Johnsonvllle* to Portland. Johnsville* to Hatboro. Jollett* to Tremont. Jollytown* to Hundred, W. Va. Jonas* to Palmerton. Jones’ Mills* to Mount Pleasant. Jordan* to N ew Tripoli. Jordan Valley to N ew T r i poli. Josephine*!! to Black Lick. Joyce to Newcastle. Ju lia n *!! to Bellefonte. REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ¿County Seat. Junction to Manhelm. Juneau*!! to Punxsutawney Junedale* to Hazleton. Juniatavllle* to Dawson. Juva to Waterford. Kammerer* to Mononga hela. Kanevllle to Oil City. Kantner* to Stoyestown. Kaolin to Avondale. Kam s C it y * !! to Chicora. K arth au s*!! to Clearfield. Ka 8 lesville to Mercersburg. Katellen to Pen Argyl. K ato to Snow Shoe. Kauffman* t t to Greencastle. Kaylor to East Brady. Kearney* to Hopewell. Kearsarge to Erie. K ea tin g !! to Renovo. Keating Sum m it*!! to Aus tin. K e c k s b u r g to Pleasant Unity. Keech to Genesee. Keefers to Chambersburg. Keelersville to Perkasie. Keeneyvillet to Wellsboro. Keewaydln* to Clearfield. Keffer* to Llgonler. Kegg to Schellburg. Kehler to Ashland. Kelser* to Mount Carmel. Keisters*! to Slippery Rock Keister Works to Uniontown. Kelayres*! to Hazleton. Kellersburg to New Beth lehem. Kellers Church* to Sellersvllle. Kellersville to Stroudsburg. Kellettville* to Tlonesta. K elly burg* to Williamsport K e lly Crossroads to Lewisburg. Kellypoint to Lewisburg. K elly S tation*! to Ford City. K e lto n * !! to W est Grove. Kemblesville* to Newark, Del. K e m p to n *!! to Reading. Kendall Creek to Bradford. Kenilworth to Pottstown. Kennard* to Greenville. K ennerdell*!! to Cllntonvllle. S e n t*! to Indiana. Kenwood to Clymer. Keown* to Pittsburg. Keown Station to Pitts burgh. Kepner to Tamaqua. Kernsville to Allentown. Kerr to Freeport. K e rrm oo r*!! to Curwensville. Kerrsvllle*! to Newvllle. Kerrtown! to Meadvllle. K ersey *!! to Saint Marys. K etner! to Johnsonburg. Keys to Red Lion. Keystone Junction to Mey ersdale. Keystone Mines to M eyers dale. Khedive* to Carmichaels. Klbbeville to Shingle House Kifertown to Scottdale. Kilgore to Sandy Lake. Killinger to Mlllersburg. Kilmer* to Port Royal. K lm b erton *!! to Phoenixville. K im b le *!I to Hawley. Kimmelton • to Stoyes town. Klnderhook to Columbia. King of Prussia*! to Norris town. Kingsdale* to Littlestown. K in g s ley *!! to H op B ot tom. Kingston to Latrobe. Kingsville* to Summerville Klngwood to RockwoodK in port! to Cherry Tree. Kintnersville* to Frenchtown. N . J. K ln zers*!! to Gap K ln zu a *!! to Warren. K irby* to Waynesburg. Klrbyvllle to Reading. Klrkman to Brookville. Kirks M ills to Rising Sun, M d. Kirkwood* to Quarryvllle. Kishacoquillas* to Reedsville. Kisselhill to L itltz. Kissimmee to Middleburg. Kissinger to Reading. Klstler to New Bloomfield. Klahr to Claysburg. Klecknersvllle to Bath. Klelnfeltersvllle* to Myerstown. Klines G rove! to Sunbury. Kllnesvllle* to Hamburg. Klondike to Grove C ity Knauers to Reading. Knights to Blairsville. Knob to Freedom. ♦Money Order Office. PENNSYLVANIA Knobsville* to MeConnellsburg. Knousetown to Millerstown Knowlton to Chester. Knox Dale* to Brookville. Knoxlyn to Gettysburg. K n oxville! (Alleghany Co.) to Pittsburgh. Koonsville to Shickshinny. Koontzvilie to Bedford. K o p p e l*!! to Ellwood City. Kossuth to Knox. Kralltown to Dlllsburg. Kratzervllle * to Selinsgrove. Kraussdale to E. Greenville K ream er*!! to Sellnsgrove. Kregar* to Llgonier. Kreidersville to Northam p ton. Kremls* ! ! to Fredonla. KresgevUle* to Lehlghton. Kress* to Wellsboro. Krlcks M ill to Womelsdorf. Krurnsvllle* to Kutztown. Kuhl to Erie. Kulp to Catawlssa. Kulpsville* to Lansdale. Kum ry to Quakertown. Kunckle to Dallas. Kuukletown* to Palmerton. Kushequa*! to Mount Jew ett. Kylqrtown* to Wtnbume. Kylevllle to Delta. 1913 LawsvUle Center* to Hallstead. Lawton* to Montrose. L a yton *! to Perryopolls. Leacock* to New Holland. Leaman P la c e * !! to Inter course. Leard to Clymer. Leasureville to Freeport. Leatherwood to New Beth» lehem. Lebo to Carlisle. Le Bœuf to Waterford. Leek K ill* to Shamokln. Leckrone*! to Masontown. Lecontes M ills* to Clear field. Lederach* to Harleysville. Ledgedale* to Lake Ariel. Ledger* to Gap. Lee to Shickshinny. r Leechs C om ers! to Green ville. L eeper*! to Clarion. Leesburg!! to Mercer. Leesburg Station! to Mer cer. Lees Crossroads*!! to Shippensburg. Leetonla* to Wellsboro. Leetsda le*!! to Ambridge. Lehigh Furnace to Slatlngton. Lehigh Gap to Palmerton. Lehigh Tannèry* to W hite Haven. Lehman* to Dallas. Lehnenburg! to Easton. Lelb to Ashland. L e id y *! to Renovo. Leinbachs to Reading. Leiperville to Chester. Leithsville to Bethlehem. Laanna* to Stroudsburg. La Belle* to i Frederlcktown Laboratory to Washington. Labott to York. Lackaw axen*!! to Hawley. Laddsburg to New Albany. Ladona to Coudersport. L a fa y e tte !! to M ount Lem on! to Tunkhannock. Jewett. Lafayette H ill* to Consho- Lem ont* f t to State College Lemont Furnace * ! to hocken. L a flln *tf to Pittston. Unlontown. L a Grange to Tunkhannock L e n a p e *!! to West Chester. L ah aska*!! to Doylestown. Lenhartsville * ! ! to Ham burg. j Laldig* to McConnellsburg. Lalrdsvllle* to Hughesvllle. Lenni Mills* to Media. L en over*! to Parkesburg. L a Jose*!! to Mahaffey. Lake C ary*! to Tunkhan Lenox* to H op Bottom. L en oxvllle*! to Nicholson. nock. Lake Como* to Hancock. L e o la * !! to New Holland. Leolyn* to Canton. Lakem ont*! to Altoona. Lake Pleasant to UnlonCity Leona to Troy. Leonard to Avondale. Lakeside to New Milford. Leopardi to Berwyn. Laketon* to Dallas. L e R o y* to Canton. Lakeville* to Hawley. Lake Winola* to Factory- L ester*! to Darby. L etort to M illersville. j vllle. L akew ood *!! to Hancock, Levin to Doylestown. Levistbn* to Hazleton. N. Y. Lewis to Pittsburg. L am ar*! to Lock Haven. Lamartine* ito Emlenton. .Lewisberry* to Goldsboro. Lamberton* to New Salem. Lewis R u n * !! to Bradford. Lambertsvllle* to Stoyes Lew isville* to Oxford. Lexington to Litltz. town. Lambs Creek* to Mansfield Liberty (M cK ean Co.) to Po rt Alleghany. Lamokin t t t o Chester. La m o tt*! to Jenklntown. Liberty Comers to Towanda Lampeter* to Strasburg. Liberty Square to Quarry Lanark* to Coopersburg. vllle. Landenburg*!! to A von Library* to Finleyville. dale. L lc k d a le *!! to Jonestown. Lander to Sugar Grove. L a n d in gville*!! to Schuyl Llcklngvfile* to Fryburg. Lightstreet*! to Bloomskill Haven'. burg. Landis Store* to Bally. Landis’ Valley to Lancaster L im a *! to Media. Limekiln* to Reading. L a n esb oro*!! to Susque Lim eport* to Emaus. Limerick* to Schwenksville. hanna. Lanes M ills * !! to Brock- L im erid g e *!! to Bloomsburg. w ayville. Langdondale* to Hopewell. Limerock to L ititz. Langeloth! to Burgetts Lim estone*! to Clarion. Llmestoneville to Milton. town. Lim e Valley to Strasburg. Langville* to Brookville. Lincoln P la ce *! to Hays. Lanse* to Winbume. Lincoln U n ive rs ity *!! to Lansing*! to Westfield. Oxford. Lantz to Mt. Jewett. Lincolnville* to Union City. Lapark* to Intercourse. Laplu m e*!! to Factoryville. Linda vllle to H op Bottom Linden* ! ! to Wlllamsport. Lapps* to Gap. Llndenhall*! to Center H all L a q u in *!! to Towanda. Lindsey! to Punxsutawney Larabee!! to Eldred. Line Lexington* to LanaLarge* to Clairton. dale. i Larim er* t l to Irwin. Line Mountain to Shamo Larke to Williamsburg. kln. L a rksville! to Edwardsville Larry vllle* to Jersey Shore. L ineville to Shippenville. L in fle ld * !! to Royersford. Laru e*! to Glen Rock. Llnglestown* to Harrisburg Lash* to W est Newton. Lashley* to Hancock, M d . Linhart* to Tu rtle Creek. Linwood Station*! to Lathrop to H op Bottom. Chester. Latlm ore to Dlllsburg. Lattagrove to M ount Union Lionville* to Downlngtown Lattim er Mines* to Hazle Lippincott to Waynesburg. Lisbon to Emlenton. ton. Laubachs to Northampton. Lisburn* to MechanlcsDurg. Laughlintown* to Llgonler. L ls tie *! to Somerset. Llstonburg* to Addison.: L a u rel*! to York. Laurel Lake* to Montrose. Laurel R u n !! to Wilkes- Litchfield to Athens, r L ittle Britain* to Oxford. L ittle Cooley to Townville. Laurelton* to Miflllnburg. Laurelvllle* to Mt. Pleasant L ittlega p* to Palmerton. Laurys Station* !1 to Sieg L ittle Marsh* to Wellsboro. L ittle M eadows* to Owego, fried. N. Y Lavansville to Somerset. L ittles Corners to SaegersLavelle* to Ashland. town. L a w n * !! to Elizabethtown. La w son h a m *!! to Rlmers Litzenberg* to Allentown. L iverm o re*! to Blairsville burg. t Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. 1914 PENNSYLVANIA L la n ercb *!! to Lansdowne. L le w e ily n * !! to Minersvllle. L loy d * to Wellsboro. L iloyd ell't to South Fork. Lloy d v illet td Bellwood. Loag to H oney Brook. Lobachs ville to Boyertown. Local to Castle Shannon. Lochlel to Lewlsburg. Lochvale to Glen Campbell. Lock No. 8 * t to Elizabeth. Lock No. 4*T to Charleroi. Lockportt (Clinton Co.) to Lock Haven. Lockportt (Northam pton C o.) to Slatington. Lockport Station* to Boli var. Lockvllle to Plttston. Locust t o Marlon Center. Locustdale* to Ashland. Locustgap* Ttto Mount Car mel. Locustgrove* to Hancock. M . D. Locust Valley to Coopersburg. L o f t y * !! to M cAdoo. Loganla* to Duncannon. Logan Mills to Loganton. Logansport to Ford City. Loganville* to Y o rk .... Logue* to CoudersDort. London to Grove City. Londonderry to W est Grove Londongrove* to West Grove. Lone Pine to Washington. Longlevel to Wrlghtsville. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Madison (Chester Co.) to Pottstown. M adison*! (Westmoreland Co.) to Herminie. Madlsonburg* to Millhelm. Madisonvllle* to Moscow. M adley to Hyndman. M ahanoy P la n e *!! to Girardville. Maharg to Butler. Mahoning* t ! to Kittanning M ahoningtownt! to N ew Castle. M aiden C reek *!! to Read ing. M aiden Creek Station to Reading. Malnesburg* to Mansfield. Mainland* to Soudertori. Mainville* t ! to Catawissa. Maitland* to Lewlstown. M alta to Dalmatia. M a ltb y ! to Wilkes-Barre. M am m oth *! to Pleasant Unity. M anadahill to Hummelstown. M anataw ny* to Boye. town. Mance* to Meyersdale. Manchester* to M ount W o lf M andata to Herndon. Manifold* to Washington. Manito to Latrobe. Manns C h o ic e*!! to Schellburg. Mannsvllle* to N ew Bloom field. M anoa* to Bryn M aw r. M anorhill* to Petersburg. M anorville*! to K ittan ning. Manown*t to Monongahela. Mantz to Tamaqua. M apleglen to Ambler. M aple G rove to East Stroudsburg. Maplehlll to Williamsport. M aplelake to Moscow. Mapleshade to Oil C ity. M a y p ortf! to N ew Bethle hem. M aysville to N e w Bethle hem. Maze to Miffilntown. Mazeppa to Lewlsburg. M cAlevys F ort* to Peters burg. M cCance* to Ligonier. McOandless to Butler. M c C a rtn ey *!! to Madera. McCaslin to N ew Castle. McCleary to Midland. McClelland town* to Mason town. McConnell’s Mills to Hous ton. M cConnellstown* to Hunt ingdon. McCoysvllle* to Po rt Royal. McCracken* to Cameron, W . Va. M cCrea*! to New ville. M cC ullochsM illsto M ifflintown. McElhattan’ t,! to Lock Haven. McEwensvllle* to Watsontown. McFord to Delta. McGees M ills*! to Mahafley M cG overn to Houston. McGrann* to Ford City. Mcllhaney to Stroudsburg. M cIn tyre to Indiana. McKean* to Erie. McKeansburg* toTamaqua, -M c K e e*!!to Roaring Spring M cK ees H a lf Falls* to Selinsgrove. M cKinley* to Jenklntown. McKnightstown * to Get tysburg. McLallen Corners to Cam bridge Springs. McLane* to Edinboro. M cLeans Station to Pennsburg. , McMichaels to Stroudsburg. McMurray to .Canonsburg. M c N ea l to Blairs Mills. Longpond* to Stroudsburg. Lon gru n *! to Avonm ore. Longsdorf*Tt to N ewville. Longswamp to Allentown. Lookout* to Honesdale. Loop* to Dayton. L o p e z * !! to M ildred. Lorah to Wernersville. L o ra n e*tt to Reading. Lords Valley* to Hawley. Mapleton Depot* to Mt. L o re tto *! to Ebensburg. McSparran* to Quarryvllle. Union. Lost C reek*t to Shenan Mapletown* to Masontown. M c V ill to Freeport. doah. Lottsville* to Sugar Grove M a p lew o od *!! to Lake * McWilliams to N ew Beth Ariel. lehem. Loudon to Mercersburg. Marble* to Fryburg. M eadow gap to Orbisonia. Loupurex* to Carnegie. Marburg* to Hanover. Meadow L a n d s *!! to Hous L o v e jo y * ! to Clymer. Marchand* to PunxsutawLovells Station to Corry. ton. Mechanic Grove* to Quarryney. Lovelton* to Meshoppen. Marchands to Sutersville. vllle. L o v e ly to Claysburg. Marcushook’ t ! to Chester. Mechanics V alley* to L o v er to Charleroi. Marguerite! to Greensburg. Doylestown. Low ber* to Sutersville. Mechanicsville* (Bucks Co.) Low er Heidelberg to M aria to Woodbury. to Doylestown. M arianna*! to Scenery H ill Brownsville. Mechanicsville (Clarion Co.) Low er Providence* to Col- Mariasvllle to Emlenton. M arion Heights to M ount - to Clarion. legeville. Mechanicsville (Lehigh Co.) Carmel. to Catasauqua. Low er Saucon to Bethlehem Markelsville* to Newport. Mechanicsville. ( V e n a n g o Markes* to Mercerburg. Low hill to N ew Tripoli. Markham*! to Media. Co.) to Grove City. L o w Ph os! to Unlontown. Meckville* to Myerstown. Markle* to Apollo. Low vllle to Union City. Loy a lh a n n a *!! to Latrobe. Marklesburg Borough to M e d ixru n *!! to St. M arys. Huntingdon. Mehoopany*t to Meshop Loyalsock* to MontoursMarklesburg Station to ville. pen. Melserville* to Selinsgrove. Huntingdon. Loyalton* to Lykens. Loyalville to Dallas. M arkleton*Tl to Rockwood Melrose Park to JenkinMarkleysburg* to Somertown. M endenhall*!! to Kennett field. Loysburg* to N ew Enter Markton to Punxsutawney. prise. Square. Loysville* to N ew Bloom M arple to M edia. Mendon to W est Newton. Menges M ills *! to H anover Marsh* to H o n e y Brook. field. Marshalls Creek to East Lucesco*! to Freeport. Menno to Belleville. Stroudsburg. Lucinda* t t to Fryburg. Lucinda Furnace to F ry Marshallton to W est Ches M eridian to Butler. burg. Merlon to Ardmore. ter. Merlon Square to Ardmore; Luciusboro to Hom er City. Marshbrook to Dalton. Merlon S ta tio n * !! to Phila Lu ckn ow *! to Harrisburg. Marshburg to Bradford. delphia. Marsh H ill* to William sport Luoky to York. M erionville to Ardmore. L u d lo w *tt to Kane. Merrittstown ¡to Browns Marshrun to Newport. Lu ll to Somerset. ville. Lumber C lty * ttto Curwens- Marshs Store to Waynes M e rtzto w n *!! to Allentown ville. boro. Merwln to Apollo. LumberVille* to Lambert- Marsh V iew to Towanda. Merwinsburg to Strouds Marshwood* to Jessup. ville, N . Jburg. Marsteller* to Spangler. Lundys Lane* to Albion. Lungerville to Hughesville Martha Furnace to Belle Messmore* to Unlontown. fonte. Lurgan to Shlppensburg. Marticvllle to Lancaster. Metal* to Chambersburg./ Lusk* to Delmont. Mexico* to Port Royal. Martin to Masontown. Luthersburg*t to Dubois. Luthers M ills vto Towanda M artindale* to N e w H o l Mlckleys to Catasauqua. Middaghs to Belvidere, land. Lu tzville to Everett. N . J. Lu xor* to Greensburg. to Martins Corner to Coates- Middlebury Center* t Lycippus* to Pleasant Wellsboro. ville. U nity. Lycom ing to Williamsport. Martins C reek*! to Easton. M id d le -Creek* to Lewistown. Marvlndale* to Mt-. Jewett. Lyles to Quarryvllle. Middle Lancaster to ZellenLym ans Run to -Galeton. M a rw o od *!! to Butler. ople. Lym ansvllle to Coudersport Maryd* to Tamaqua. M ld d le p o rt*!! to Pottsvllle Mascot* to N ew Holland. Lynch* to Sheffield. Lyndell* to Downlngtown Mason and D ix o n * !! to M iddlesex! to Carlisle. Middle Spring to Shlppens Greencastle. Lynn* to Tunkhannock. burg. Lynnp ort*tt to N ew Tripoli Mast to Honey Brook. M asten*!! to William sport. Mlddleswarth to MiffllnLyn n ville to N ew Tripoli. MastersonvlUe* to ManLyona to Meadvllle. burg. Middletown (Westmoreland helm. Lyon S tation *! to Topton. Co.) to Youngwood. Lyon Valley to Slatington M asthop e*!! to Hawley. M atam oras*!to Po rt Jervis, Middletown Center to Mont rose. N. Y. M idvale! to Waynesboro. Mateer to Apollo. Mabel to Ashland. Mattawana* to Lewlstown. M ifflin Cross Roads (Cum Macada to Bethlehem. berland 06 .) to New ville. Macdonaldton* ! to Berlin Mattie to Everett. M iffllnvllle*! to BloomsM ackeyville* to M ill Hall. Maud* to Holmesburg. burg. Mausdale*! to Danville. M a cu n gie*!! to Emaus. Maddensville* to Orblsonla Mawrglen* to Hughesville Milan* 11 to Athens. Maxatawny* to Allentown. M ilanvllle*! to Calllcoon, Madeira H ill to MahaiTey. N. Y . Madeline* to Glen Camp Mayburg to TIonesta Milerun to Sunbury._______ bell. Mayfield* t ! to Jermyn. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k County Seat. Money Order Office. M ilesb u rg*!! to Bellefonte. M ilesville to Monongahela. Milford (Perry Co.) to Juniata. Milford Square* to Quakertown.' Mülbach to Richland. Mlllbrook to Grove City. Mlllbum to Mercer. M ill C ity * to Tunkhannock M lllcreek *! to Huntingdon. Mfiledgevllle to Cochranton MUlec to Pen A rgyl. MUler Run to Hooversville. Millersburg (Berks C o.), to M yerstown. MUlers S tation !! (Craw ford Co.) to Cambridge Springs. M llle rto n *l!to Elm lra.N .Y. MlUgrove (Columbia Co.) to Catawissa. M ill G rove (Nbrthampton Co.) to Nazareth. Milligantown to Parnassus. M lllm o n t*!! to Mifflinburg. Millport (Carbon Co.) to Palmerton. M U lport*! (Potter Co.) to Shingle House. PENNSYLVANIA MorrlsvUle*! to Trenton, N . J. M o rto n * !! to Swarthmore. M ortonvilie’ f t to Coatesville. M orw ood * to Telford. Moselem to Fleetwood. Moselem Springs to Fleetwood. M o sg ro ve *!! to Kittanning Moshannon* to Snow Shoe. M osiertown to Saegertown. M osserville to N ew Tripoli. M osteller to Stoyestown. Mount ¿Etna*to Myerstown Mountain to Hamburg. Mountaindale*! to Coalport Mountain Eagle to Howard. \ Mountaingrove* to Hazle ton. Mountainhome* to Strouds burg. Mountain Sunset* to W er nersvUle. M ountaintop* to WilkesBarre. Mountain ville ! to Allen town. M t. A ir to N ew Castle. “ Mt. A lton * ! ! to Mount Jewett. M illrift* to P o rt Jervis, N . Mount Bethel* to,Bangor. Y. Mill Run* to Connell8 vtlle: Mt. B raddock*ttto Dunbar. M t. C arbon! to Pbttsville. M ills*! to Westfield. . Mount Chestnut to Butler. MUlstone to Brook ville. MUltown (Allegheny Co.) Mount Cobb to Scranton. to Verona. M t. G retn a *!! to Lebanon. MUltown! (Chester Co.) M t. H o p e * !! to Manheim. Mt. Jackson to N ew Castle. to West Chester. Mill V U la g e *!! to W ater Mount Lebanon*! to Castlp ford: Shannon. MUlvUle - (Clarion Co.) to M t. N eb o* to Quarry ville. New Bethlehem. M ount OUver* to Pittsburg. Mount Penn* to Reading. M illw a y * t! to L ltltz. Mount Pleasant (Clarion Mill wood* t ! to Derry. Co.) to Knox. MUnesvUle*! to Hazleton. Mount Pleasant Mills* to' M iln o r*! to Greencastle. Middleburg. Milton G rove*to Mount Joy. Mount P o c o n o *!! to East MUwaukee to Scranton. Stroudsburg. Mineral Point* to South Mount Rock (Adams Co.) Fork. to Hanover. Miners M ills *! to Parsons. Mines • to Williamsburg. Mountrock (Cumberland Minet to Mount Morris. Co.) to NewviUe. Mingo to Royersford. M ount R oyal to DiUsburg. M ingovllle* to Bellefonte. Mount Sterling * ! to MasonMinnequa to Canton. town. Minnich to Catasauqua. Mount T o p * to Dillsburg. Mount Zion* to Lebanon. M ln ook a *t! to Scranton. Mowersvllle*/ to Shippens Mlnsi to Stroudsburg. burg. Miola* to Clarion. M itchells M ills* tp d y m e r . M owry* to Ashland. M ocanaqu a*!! to Shlck- M oyer! to ConneUsville. M o y la n * !! to Media. shinny. Mozart to Doylestown. M o d en a *!! to CoatesvUle. Mohrs v ille * !! to Leesport. Muddycreek to Terre H ill. Mollenauer* to Castle Shan M uddycreek F o rk s *!! to York. non. , M u d Lake to Montrose. M oUtown* to Fleetwood. Monaghan to M t. Pleasant. Mufi to Dayton. Muhlenburg to Shlckshinny M ongul to Shippensburg. Moniteau to Slippery Rock. M u ir* to Tow er C ity. Mulberry to East Berlin. M onocacy*! to Birdsboro. Monocacy S tation *! to Mummasburg to Gettys burg. Birdsboro. Monroe* (Clarion Co.) to Muncy V a U ey*! to HughesvUle. Knox. M o n roeton *!! to Towanda. Munderf* to Brockwayville. Munhall to Homestead. M onroeville to Knox. M on ta n d on *!! to Lewis- M unson*! to Winburne. Murdocks ville* to Bürburg. gettstown. M on tclare*! to PhoenixMurray to Dushore. ville. Murrell* to Ephrata. Montdale to Olyphant. MurrlnsvlUe to CllntonviUe. Montello to WernersvUle. Murrysville* to Export. M onterey* to Topton. Monterey S p r i n g s to Mustard to SuterBvllle. M utual! to Pleasant Unity. Waynesboro. Montgomery F erry*to New Muzette* to Marlenville. Myersburg to Towanda. port. M ontgom eryville to Lans- Myra* to Portage. M yrtle to Shingle House. dale. Montrose (AUegheny C o.), Mystic to Cambridge Sp’gs. to Verona. Montsera* to Carlisle. M onum ent*!! to Lock Naces to Hanover. Haven. Nadine to Verona. M oon Run* to Crafton. Naginey* to Reedsvllle. M oore to Darby. M ooresburg*!! to DanvUle. N ansen! to Kane. Nantm eal Village to Potts Moores M ills to Carlisle. town. Moorestown to Bath. MooreheadvUle* to N. East. Naom lplnest! to Strouds burg. M o o s ic *!! to Old Forge. N arb erth *! to Ardmore. Mooween* to Saltsburg. Narclssa to Ambler. Morann* to Houtzdale. N arvon* to H oney Brook. Moravia* to N ew Castle. MordansvUle to Blooms- N asby to Renovo. N ash ville*! to Spring Grove burig. ' M orea C olliery* to M aha N atalie* to Mount Carmel. Nauvoo to Blossburg. noy C ity. Nayaug to Scranton. Moredale to Carlisle. N eale to Leechburg. Moreland to Muncy, Nebraska* to TIonesta. Morgan to Bridgeville. Morgans Station to Con Ned* to Littleton, W . Va. Needm ore* to Hancock. nells ville. M d. M organtown* to H oney N eelyton *! to Orbiscnia. Brook. N e ffs *! to Slatington. Morrell to Tyrone. M orrellville! to Johnstown. N effs M ills* to Petersburg Neffsville* to Lancaster. M o m s’ ! to Wellsboro. Morris Cross Roads to Point N elffer to Schwenkville. Neiman to Glen Rock. Marlon. M orrisdale! to Philipsburg. Nekoda* to Millerstown. Morris R u n * !! to Blossburg N e ls o n !! to Elkland.______ ! Telegraph Station. ! Express Office. PENNSYLVANIA Neola to Stroudsburg. N escop eck *!! to Berwick. Neshamlny* to Hatboro. Neshannockto W est M id dlesex. Neshannock Falls* to N ew W ilm ington. N ettle H ill to Cameron W. Va. N ettleton* to Ebensburg. N eville Island to Pittsburgh N evilton to Coraopolis. New Athens to Rimersburg. N ew Baltim ore* to Schellburg. N ew Bedford* to N e w Cas tle. New Berlin ville* to B oyertown. Newberrytown to Golds boro. New B osto i)*tt to Mahanoy C ity. _ New B ridgevilleto Wrightsville. \ New Britain* ! ! to Doylestown. New Buena Vista* to Schell burg. New Buffalo* to Duncannon. Newburg* t (Cumberland , Co.) to Shippensburg. Newburg (Huntingdon Co.), to Saxton. Newburg (Northampton Co.) to Nazareth. New Castle' (Schuylkill Co.) to St. Clair. New C enterville*! (Chester Co.) to Berwyn. Newchester to Gettysburg. N ew C olu m bia*tî to M ilton. New Columbus* to Shickshinny. Newcomer* t to Uniontown. New Danville* to Lancaster New Derry* to Derry. New E agle*t to Monongahela. N ew ell*ft to Califomia. N ew England*! to Wilson. New Era to Wyalusing. Newerf to Smethport, Newfleld* to Ulysses. Newfoundland* to Lake Ariel. New Franklint to Chambersburg. N ew Freeport* to Littleton, W . Va. New Galilee* t t to Wampum New Geneva* to Point Marion. New Germantown* t to New Bloomfield. New Grenada* to McConnellsburg. New Hamburg to Fredonla. New H a n over* to Boyertown. Newhaven tto Connellsville New Jerusalem to Topton. New Kingstown* t to Mechanicsburg. New Lebanon* to Sandy Lake. New Lexington* to Rockwood. Newlin to Catawissa. New London* (Chester Co.) to W est Grove. Newlonsburg* to Export. New Mahoning to Lehigh ton. Newmanstown* t to W om elsdorf. Newmansville* to Tlonesta. New M ayville* to New Bethlehem. * New M illport* to Curwensvtlle. N ew Paris* to Schellburg. N ew park*t to SteWartstown. Newport (Lawrence Co.) to Wampum. Newport (Luzerne Co.) to Nanticoke. New portville* to Bristol. N ew Provid en ce*tî to Quarryville. New Richmond to Townville. New R in g g o ld *ft to Tamaqua. N ew ry* to Hollldaysburg. N ew Salem (Arm strong Co.) to N ew Bethlehem. New Sheffield* to Woodlawn. Newside* to Slatlngton. New S ta n to n *!! to Youngwood. N ew Texas (Allegheny Co.) to Verona. N ew Texas (Lehigh Co.) to Allentown. Newton to Scranton. Newton Ham ilton* t t to Mount Union. TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Newtown (Schuylkill Co.), to Tremont. Newtown (Green Co.) to Waynesburg Newtown Mills to Tlonesta Newtown Square* t to Media. New Washington* to Mahaffey. Niagara to Forest City. Nlantlc* to Boyertown. Nickel Mines* to Gap. Nickleville* to Emlenton. Nlcktown* to Spangler. N icold to M ount Pleasant. Nilan to. Point Marion. Niles Valley to Wellsboro. Ntnepoints* to Christiana. N ineveh* to Waynesburg. N lsb et*! to Williamsport. N ittany* to Beliefonte. N iverton to Elk Lick. N oble to Gettysburg; Noblestown*t to Oakdale. Nolo* to Indiana. Noram ont’ t to Dusnore. Normal to Lehighton. N orm alville* to Connells ville. • Norrisville to Conneaut- ville. Norritonville to Norristown North Bangor to Bangor.N orth Belle Vernon , to Belle Vernon. N orthbend*tt to Renovo North B en d *!! to Renovo. North Bessemer*tto Verona North Bingham* to Ulysses N . Braddockt to Braddock. N orthbrook*tt to West Chester. North Buffalo to Ford City. North Clarendon to Warren N . Coventry to Pottstown. Northcraft to Hancock.Md. N orth Fork to Westfield. North Freedom to New Bethlehem. North G irard*tt to Girard. N . Glenside to Jenkintown. N. Heidelberg to Womelsdorf. N . Liberty to Grove City. N orth Mehoopany * to Meshoppen. North Mills to Fredonla. N . Mountain to Hughesville N orth Oakland to Chicora. North Orwell to Towanda. North Penn to Tamaqua. North Pine Grove* to Marienvllle. N o rth p oin t*!! to Dayton. N orth Rome to Rome. North Sewickley* to Ellwood City. North Springfield* to Girard N orth Star to M idway. North Towanda • to Towanda. N . Vandergrift to Vandergrift. Northvillet to Ripley, N .Y . North Warren* t to Warren North Washington* (Butler Co.) to Butler. North Washington (W est moreland Co.) to Apollo. North W ater Gap*t to Stroudsburg. N orw ich*! to Austin. Norwood Station* t t to Darby. Nossville to Blairs Mills. N ottin gh a m *!! to Oxford. Nowrytown* to Avonmore. N o x e n 't t to Tunkhannock. Nuangola* to Nanticoke. Numldia* to Catawissa. N u M ine* to Rural Valley. Nuremburg*t to Hazleton. Nyesvilie to Chambersburg. Oakbottom to Quarryville. Oakbrook to Reading. Oakford to Bristol. Oakforest to Waynesburg. Oak Grove to Ligonier. Oakhall Station* t to Center Hall. Oak H ill to Oxford. Oakland to N ew Bethlehem Oakland Cross Roads to Export. Oakland Mills* to Miffllntown. Oak Lane*lto Philadelphia. Oakleaf to Shickshinny. Oak Ridge* to N ew Beth lehem. Oaks* 11 to Phoenlxville. O a k . Station*! to Pitts burgh. Oakview* fo Clifton Heights Oakville* ! to Newville. Obelisk* to Schwenkville. Pen co yd *t! to Philadelphia Penfleid*!! Dubois. P e n lly n *!! to North Wales. Penmar* to Waynesboro. Pennhall to Center Hall. Penn Line to Linesville. Penn Run* to Clymer. Pexms Creek* to Middleburg. Pennsdale* to Muncy. Pennside* to Albion. Penns Park* to Newtown. Penn Square*! to Norris town. Penns Station* to Jeanette. Pennsville*! to Scottdale. Pennsylvania Furnace*! to Tyrone. Penowa to Avella. Penryn* to Manhelm. Pensyl to Catawlsa. Peoples* to Tremont. Pequea (Lancaster Co.) to Gap, Pequea to Millersville. Percy* t to Dunbar. Perkiom enville*! to Greenlane. Perrysville* (Allegheny Co.) to Pittsburg. Perrysville (Jefferson Co.) to Punxsutawney. Perryville to Genesee. Peru la ck 'l to Po rt Royal. Pern Mills to Port Royal. O rrtanna*!! to Gettysburg. Orson* 11 to Carbondale. Orviston*t! to Howard. Orwell* to Towanda. Orwig to Stewartstown. Orwin* to Tower City. Osgoodt to Greenville. Oshanter*! to Curwensville. Osterburg*t! to Claysburg. Osterhout to Tunkbannock. Osw ayo*! to Shingle House O ttaw a*! to Watsontown. Otto to Glassport. O ttsville*! to Doylestown. Outcrop* to Smithfield. Outwood*! to Pine Grove. Oval* to Jersey Shore. Overbrook* t ! to Philadel phia. Overton* to New Albany. Owensdale* to Connellsville Oxford Church! to Phila delphia. . Oxford Valley* to Lang1 home. Packerton*! to Mauch Chunk. Pa in tersville*!! to Lewistown. Paisley* to Carmichaels. Pallas to Selinsgrove. P a lm * tlto Pennsburg. Palmer to Conneautville. Palo A lto ! to Pottsville. Panic to Reynoldsville. Pansy* to Summerville. Panther* to Scranton. P a o li* t! to Malvern. Paradise to Strasburg. Paradise Valley to Strouds burg. Pardee to Mifflinburg. P a r d o e * !! to Mercer. Pardus* to Reynoldsville. Paris to Burgettstown. Parke* to Stewartstown. Parkerford* t to Spring City Parkersglen*!! to Port Jer vis. N . Y . Parkers Station to Parkers Landing. Parkersville*! to W . Chest er. Parkland to Langhome. Parkp lace*!! to Mahanoy City. Parkwood* to Indiana. Parrish to Sheffield. P a r r y v ille * !! to Lehighton. Parvin to M ill Hall. Passer* to Coopersburg. Passmore to Boyertown. Patohinsvllle to Glen Camp bell. Patterson! to Mifflin. Pattonville to Lansdowne. Paulton* to Apollo. Pavia* to Claysburg. Paw lin g! to Phcenixville. P a x ln o s*!! to Shamokin. Paxons Comers to Lambertvllle. Paxtang* to Harrisburg. Paxton *! to Millersburg. Paxtonville* t tolddieburg. Peach Bottom (Lancaster C o .)! to P o rt Deposit, M d. O berlln*! to Steelton. Obold to Bemville. Odenthal to Portage. Peach B ottom ! (Y ork Co.) Odessa* to Clearfield. to Delta. Odin to Coudersport. Peak to Indiana. Ogden! to Chester. Pedora to Export. Ogdensburg* to Canton. Ogle to Mars ______ P eeiy* to Ashley._______ fr. R EFE REN CE KEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ogontz*t to Jenkintown. Ogontz School* to Jenkin town. O hiopyle*! to Confluence. Ohiovllle to East Liverpool, Ohio. Ohl* to Brookvllle. Okeson to Miffiintown. Okiola to Chester. Olanta* to Curwensville. Old Concord to Olaysville. Oldframe to Smithfield. Old Line to Manheim. Old Zionsville* to Emaus. Oliphant Furnace* to Fairchance. Oliveburg to Punxsutawney. O liver*! to Uniontown. Olivers Mills* to WilkesBarre. Olivet to Saltsburg. O neida*tt to Hazleton. Onnalinda* to South Fork. Ono* to Jonestown. Onset* to Jonestown. Opp* to Muncy. Option* to Hays. Orange to PIttston. ■Orefield* to Allentown. Oregon! to Brownstown. Oregon H ill* to Wellsboro. Ore H ill* to Roaring Spring Oreland’ T! to Jenkintown. Ore Valley to York. Orient*! to N ew Salem. Oriental* to Millerstown. Oriole to Jersey Shore. Ormrod) to Coplay. Orm sby*! to Smethport. A County Seat. * Money Order Office. ■„PENNSYLVANIA Peters C reek*! to Port Deposit, M d. Petersville* to Northam p ton. Petroleum Center* to Oil City. P e tr o ila * !! to Bruin. Pettis to Cochranton. Pfouts Valley to Millers town. Ph lllpston *!! to East Brady. Philllpsville to Union City. Phoenix to Dayton. Pickering to Phoenlxville. Picture Rocks*! to Hughes ville. Plercevllle to Carmichaels. Pigeon* to Marianville. Pikescreek* to Nanticoke. Ptkesville to Boyertown. Plketown* to Harrisburg. Pine Bank* to Burton. W. Va. Pinedale to Pottsville. Pine F lats'to Clymer. Pine F o rg e !! to Pottstown. Pinegrove Furnace! to Carlisle. Pine G rove M ills *! to State College. 1915 Plym outh Meeting* to Conshohocken. Pocahontas to Meyersdale. Pocono* to E. Stroudsburg. Pocono L a k e*! ! to Strouds burg. Pocono P in es*!! to Strouds burg. Pocono Summit! to East Stroudsburg. Pocopson*!! to W . Chester. Point* to Schellburg. Point Pleasant* to Frenchtown, N. J. P o lk * !i to Franklin. Pollock* to Parkers Land ing. P o m e ro y *!! to Parkesburg. Pom fert to Slatington. Pond E d d y * !! to Port Jer vis, N. Y . Pond H ill* to Shickshinny. Pont tc Albion. Poplar run to Hollidaysburg. Portage Creek to Po rt Alle> gheny. Port Carbon* !1 to Potts ville. f Port Clinton* t ! to Hamburg Porter* to Dayton. Porters Sideling*! to HanoVer. Portersville* to Zelienople. Port G riffith! to Pittston. Port Kennedy* !1 to Nor ristown. Portland M ills*! to Rldgway. Port Matilda* t l to Phillipsburg. Port Perry* to Braddock. Port R oyal (Westmore land Co.), to Smithton. Port Trevorton* to Selinsgrove. Portvu e! to M cKeesport. Possum G lory to Clymer. Potosí to Glen Rock. Potterbrook*! to W estfield. Pottersdale* to Clearfleldl Potters Mills to Center Hall. Pottervllle* to L e Raysville. P o ttsg ro ve *!! to M ilton. Pottstown Landing to Pottstown. Powder Valley* to Emaus. P o w e ll* !! to Towanda. Powelton* to Osceola Mills. Powls Valley* to Halifax. P o y n te lle *!! to Carbondale. Prescott*! to Lebanon. Preacottville!' to Reynoldsvnle. Pinehill* to Berlin. Pine Station* to Jersey President* to Tlonesta. Presto* to Bridge ville. Shore. Pine Summit* to Millville. Preston P a r k * !! to Han cock, N. Y . Pinevllle* to Newtown. Priceburg* to Dickson City. Piney to Sligo. Pricedale to Belle Vernon. PIney creek to Everett. Pinkerton to Rockwood. . Prlcetown to Fleetwood. Prichard to Shickshinny. Pinolal to Shippensburg. to Clifton Pipeline to Elmira, N . Y . P rlm os*!! Heights. PIpersville* to Doylestown Prim rose! to McDonald. Pitco to Cecil. Princeton* to N ew Castle. Pitman* to Mt. Carmel. Pittock* to McKees Rocks. Pringle to Kingston. P itts fie ld *!! to Youngsville Procto r*! to Hughesville. Progress*! to Harrisburg. Pittsvllle* to Emlenton. Prom pton*! to Honesdale. Plainfield* to Carlisle. Plain G rove! to Slippery Prospect* to Butler. Prospectville* to Ambler. Rock. Prosperity* to Washington. P la in s!! to Parsons Plainsvllle * ! to Wilkes- I, Providence Square* to Collegeville. Barre. Pueblo* to Brookville. Plainview to Gettysburg. Pughtown to Pottstown. Planebrook to Malvern. Pu la ski*!! to W .Middlesex. P la te a * !! to Girard. Pleasant Comers (Carbon Pump to Slippery Rock. Purcell to Everett. Co.) to Leighton. Pleasant Comer (Lehigh Purchase Line to Cherry Tree. / Co.) to N ew Tripoli. Pleasant Gap* to Beliefonte Puritan* to Portage. Pleasantgrove* to Rising Pu tneyville! to N ew Beth lehem. Sun, M d. Pleasanthall* to Shippens Pyrra to Ford C ity. burg. Pleasant Mount *t to Car Q u ak ak e*!! to Mahanoy bondale. City. Pleasantridge* to McOonQ u een *!! to Claysburg. nellsfeurg. Pleasant view* (Juniata Co. Queen'Junctlon*t!to Butler Queenstown* to East Brady C o.) to Port Royal. Pleasant-run to Pennsburg. Quicks Bend to Wyalusing. Quincy* ! to Waynesboro. Pleasant V alley* (Buck’ s Co.) to Quakertown. Pleasant Valley (Westmore Raccoon! to Burgettstown. Radnor* ! ! to W ayne. land Co.) to Manor. Pleasantview* (Juniata Rahns Station to CollegoCo.) to P o rt Royal. ville. Pleasantville (Berks Co.) R a ilroa d *! to Shrewsbury. Rainsburg* to Bedford. to Boyertown. Pleasantville* (VenangoCo.) Ram ey* !1 to Houtzdale. Ram saytow n*! to Brook to Titusville. ville. Plow ville to Birdsboro. Randolph* to Townvllle. Plum to Titusville. R a n k in !! to Braddock. Plumer to. Oil City. Plumrun* to Hancock, M d. Ranshaw* to Shamokin. Plum steadvillet to Doyles R ansom *! to Pittston. Rathm el* to Reynoldsville. town. Plunketts Creek to M on Rattigan to Chicora. Raubenstine to Hanover. tours ville. ! Telegraph Station. Expresa Office. 1916 PENNSYLVANIA R au bsvllle*! to Easton. Rauchtown* to JerseySbore Rauschs to' Tamaqua. Ravenrun *! to Shenandoah R avin e* to Pine Grove. Raw llnsville* to Quarryvllle. R a y m llto n *t! to Sandy Lake. Raym ond* to Coudersport. R ays H ill to Everett. Rea* to Hickory. Rebuck* to Herndon. Rector* to Llgonier. R e d b an k *!! to East Brady. Redclyffe to M arienville. 1 R ed Cross* to Herndon. Redfern to Dubois. R ed H ill* tt to Pennsburg. R e d in g to n *t! to Easton. Redland to Littlestown. Redman M ills* to Hays. Redmond to Slippery Rock. Red R a ven ! to Oakmont. R ed Rock* to Bradford. Redrun to Denver. Redtop to Lewlsburg. Reed to Indiana. Reeder to Lambertvllle,N.J. Reeders* t t to Stroudsburg. Reedsgap* to Miffllntown. R ef ton* to Strasburg. Register* to Shickshinny. Rehrersburg* to Womels dorf. Reidenbachs Store to New r Holland. Reidsburg* to Clarion. R eilly * to Wilkinsburg. Reiner C ity to Tow er City. Reiner ton * to Willlamstown. Reinholds Station* t t to Denver. R eistville to Myerstown. R eitz* to Hooversville. Relay to York. Rem ington to Crafton. Rem lu* to Jenkintown. Rendham* to Old Forge. R e n fre w *tt to Butler. Rfennerdale* to Carnegie. R e n o * tl to Oil City. Renton to Parnassus. Renwick* to Darby. R etort to Osceola Mills. Revere* (Bucks Co.) to Frenchtown, N . J. R everet (F ayette Co.) to Uniontown. R e w *t to Bradford. Reward to Newport. Rexm ont* to Lebanon. R eybu m to Shickshinny. Reynolds!! to. Tamaqua. Reynoldsdalett to Claysburg. Rheem s*tt to Elizabeth town. Rhone*t to Nanticoke. R ib old tt to Evans C ity. R lbot to Petersburg. Riceville* to Union City. Rlohardsville* to Brookvllle. Rlchboro* to Newtown. Rich H ill* to Quakertown. Richland Center*to Quaker town. Rlchlandtow n*! to Quaker town. Rlohmond (Clarion Co.), to Foxburg. Richm ond*! (Northam pton Co.), to Belvldere, N . 3. Richmondale to ForestOity. Richmond Furnace*! to Mercersburg. Rlddlesbu rg*! to Hopewell Riddles Cross Roads to Tarentum. R idge to Perkasie. Ridgebury to Elmira, N . Y . Ridgewood to Parsons. R ife to Millersburg. R lleyville to Honesdale. R illton* to Irwin. Rim er* t to Kittanning. Rlnely to Glen Rock. Rlngdale to Dushore. Ringgold* to Summerville. , Rlslngsun to Slatington. \R ittersvillet! to Allentown. R iv ersid e*! to Danville. R iverton ! to Lemoyne. R iv er V ie w ! to Monongahela. R lxford* to Eldred. Roadside to Waynesboro. Roaring B ran ch *!! to R al ston. Roaring Creek* to Catawissa. Roaring Run to Apollo. Robbins Station*! to M c .Keesport. R o b ertsd ale*!! to Saxton. R o b eson ia *!! to Womels dorf. Robinson* to Bolivar. Roblnsonville to Everett. Rochester M ills *! to Marion R o c k * !! to P in e Grove. PENNSYLVANIA Saint Cloud to Washington Sevenstars! to Gettysburg. S lz e r v llle * !! to Emporium. Seventy Six to Woodlawn. Skinners E ddy* to LaceySaint Johns* to Hazleton. ville. Saint Joseph* to Montrose. Sew ard*!! to N ew Florence. Saint Lawrence* to Patton. Shadegap*! to Orbisonia. St. Michael* to South Fork. S h adelan d*!! to Spring- SkiDpack* to Collegevllle. Slab to Delta. boro. Saint N ich o la s *!! to M aShade V alley* to Blairs Slabtown to Catawissa. hanoy City. R o ck g le n *t! to Hazleton. Slatedale* to Slatington. Mills. RookhiU(Bucks Co.) to Sell St. P e te rs *!! to Pottstown. Shadygrove*! to Green- Slateford* to Portland. Saint Petersburg*! ! to ersvllle. Slatehill* to Delta. castle. Foxburg. Rockhill (Lancaster Co.) Slate Lick to Freeport. Salem (Clarion C o.), to S h aft*; to Shenandoah. to Mtllersvllle. Slaterun*ttto Jersey Shore. Emlenton. . Rockhill Furnace*! to Slocum to Nanticoke. Salem (Snyder Co.) to Shafton! to Irwin. Orbisonia. Shamokin Dam* to Sun Slovan* to Burgettstown. Sellnsgrove. Rockland* to Emlenton. Smicksburg*! to Dayton. bury. Rockledge to F ox Chase Salem Church to Carlisle. Shamrock Station*! 1 to Smithdale* to Sutersville. Salem C ity to Oil C ity. (Philadelphia). Smithmill* to Coalport. Allentown. Salemville* to N ew Enter Rockport* to W eatherly. Shanesvllle* to Boyertown. Smiths F e r r y * ! ! to East prise. Rocksville to Langhome. Liverpool, Ohio. Salford vllle* to Schwenk Shanksville* to Somerset. Rockton*! to Dubois. Shannondale to Summer Smiths Station*itoH anover ville. Smlthvllle* to Quarry vllle. ville. Salina (Venango Co.) to Oil R ockville to Danielsville. Sharon Center* to Olean, S m o c k *!! to Brownsville. C ity. R ockygrove! to Franklin. S m ok eru n *!! to Madera. N. Y . Rodfleld* to Finleyville. Smoketown to B ird in Salina* t ! (W estmoreland Sharonhill*!! to Darby. R odi* to Wilkinsburg. Hand. Sharpe to Hancock, Md. Co.) to Avonmore. R odney*to Mount Pleasant Shartlesville* to Hamburg. Smullton* to Millhelm. Salisbury* (Lancaster Co.) R o e lo fs *tl to Y ardley. Smyrna* to Christiana. Shavertown* to Luzerne. to Gap. Rogers M ills to ConnellsSmysers Station to Seven Salisbury (Somerset Co.) to Shawanese* to Dallas. ville. Valleys. Shaw m u t*!! to BrockwayElk Lick. Rogerstown to Oonnellsville Snedekerville* to Troy. ville. RogerSvllle* to Waynes- S a lix*! to South Fork. Salladasburg* to Jersey Shawnee-on-Delaware* to Snyders* to Tamaqua. burg. Snydersburg*! to Fryburg. Stroudsburg. Shore. R oh rerstow n *!! to Lan Snydersville (Lehigh Co.) Shawville* to Clearfield. Salona*! to M ill H all. caster. to Allentown. Shay to Ford C ity. Saltillo * ! ! to Orbisonia. Rohrsburg* to Benton. \ Snydersville* (Monroe Co.) Shazen to Cherry Tree. Salunga* to Landlsvllle. Roler to York. to Stroudsburg. Saluvla* to MoConnellsburg Sheakleyville* to Sandy R o lfe !! to Johnsonburg. S n yd erto w n *!! to Sunbury. Lake. Sanatoga*! to Pottstown. Romola to Howard. Shearers Cross Roads to Sober! to Millhelm. Sandbeach to Hershey. R on oo*! to Masontown. Soldier* to Sykesvllle. Leechburg. Sandiford to Philadelphia. R o n k s *!! to Intercourse. Solebury* to Lam bertvllle, Sand P a tc h * !! to M eyers- Sheeder* to Spring City. R ootville to Union City. N . J. Shehawken* to Hancock. dale. Rose B u d ! to Coalport. Shelly* 1! to Quakertown. Sandts E d dy t o Easton. Rosecrans* to Loganton. Som erton!! to Philadel Shelly tow n * to William s Sandy C reek! to Verona. Rosedale*! to Kennett phia. burg. Sandy R id g e * !! to Osceola Square. Sonestown*! to HughesShelopta*!! to Indiana. Mills. Rosegien to Duncannon. vllle. R osem on t*!! to B ryn M aw r Sandy R u n * t! to Freeland Shenango*!! to Greenville. Sonman* to Portage. Rose Point* to N ew Castle. Sandy V a lley *! to Rey- Sbenkel to Pottstown. Sonora to Butler. Shepherdstown*to Mechannoldsvllle. Roseto* to Bangor. Soudersburg* to Lancaster icsburg. Sankey to Meshoppen. Roseville to Mansfield. S ou tham pton *!! to HatSarah (Huntingdon Co.) Sh ep p ton *!! to Hazleton. R o s ly n * !! to Jenkintown. boro. Sh eridan *!! (Lebanon Co.) S. Auburn to Meshoppen. to Huntingdon. Rossey to M arienville. to Womelsdorf. R o ssiter*!! to Punxsu- Sardis to Export. South Bend* to Apollo. Sheridan (Schuylkill Co.) tawney. South Bethlehem to Bethle • to Williamstown. Sarver*! to Freeport. Rossland to Pen Argyl. hem. Rosslyn Farms to Carnegie. SassamansvUle* to Boyer- Sherman* to Deposit, N .Y . South Brownsv l i l e * to Shermans Dale* to N ew town. Rossmere! to Lancaster. Brownsville. Bloomfield. Rossm oyne! to Plum ville. Satterfield! to Dushore. South Burgettstown* to Shermansville * to LinesSaucona* to Coopersburg. Rosston*! to Ford City. Burgettstown. ville. Saulsburg* to Petersburg. Rossville* to DUlsburg. S. Canaan* to Lake Ariel. Savllle* to N ew B loom Sherrett to Kittanning. Rote* to M ill Hall. South Connellsv l i l e * ! to Sheshequin* to Athens. field. Rothsville* to Lititz. Connells ville. Shllllngton* to Reading. Rough and Ready* to Ash Sawyer City to Bradford. South E a ston !! to Easton. Shimervtlle* to Emaus. Saxman* to Cherry Tree land. Shlndle*! to Lewistown. Saxonburg* to Butler. Roundhill to East Berlin. S. Gibson* to H op Bottom . Shlppingport* to Midland. 'S. H atfield* to Souderton. Say brook* to Sheffield. Round Top to Wellsboro. .Shira to Parkers Landing, Saylorsburg*!! to Pen . R o u s evllle*!! to OH City. S. H eig h ts*!! to Woodlawn. shirem antow n*!! to M e- S. H erm itage* to H oney Argyl. Rouzervllle* to Waynes chanicsburg. , Scandia* to Warren. boro. Brook. Shire Oaks to M onongahela Scarlets M ills* to Birdsboro Rowenna* to Marietta. S. Langhom e*to Langhom e Shlrland to Oakdale. Schadts to Allentown R o w la n d * !! to Hawley. S. M ontrose*! to Montrose. Shlrleysburg * i to Orbiso So. Mountain to Waynes R oxbury* to Shippensburg. Scheib to Lykens. nia. Scheidy to Allentown. R o y to Spring Grove. boro. Shoaf W or