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N um ber under N am e o f Bank i the New Transit N um ber given 40 a*°1* bank “ u - s - exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County . N ame op Ban k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Slate In No. 4 Féd Res. Disi tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. G Is Cincinnati Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Ada— ______Harctfn G Pop. 2500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 93 56-592 P resident . V ice-President . , Accessi oie to w n s, la w y ers, L a w s , Directors, indezed in back of this volume. For interest ba tes, Grace, OHIO Cashier . As s 't Cashier . 1.1A HILJTIES. P aid- op Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Khxu it Die 'TS. Rouite. ■iicoiim» ' K< ES. « »SHA t A •haKeg*.Due fromBarra PKINUPAL CoKKKsroNDKNTS. JUSTIN BREWER . . . B. R. C O N N E R -______ J .S . McKEE .......... GHAS. V. HUSTON — $ 50.000 $ 25,000 $ 475,000 $ 456.270 $ 130.000 Cha?e N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Cin. and Pitt.; Cent. Special attenti on given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. N „ Clev. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft fo r presen tation a nd 50c fo r Credit R eports. a Liberty Bank — .............. §’02 Geo. Rothrock \___ Walter Sonsley___ Lloyd McElroy . 56-593 N. P. Hill_________ 60,000 10,000 475,000 415.000 Adelphi— __ —RossM 12 Adelphi Banking Co.— < § ’07 E. J. W jttw er...__ G. B. Armstrong__ O. B. Armstrong... H. F. Egan, S ec.__ C Pop. 500 56-861 O. S. Book waiter, Tr. Adena_____Jefferson 1 20 Peoples National Bank . . . t ’Ol J. G. Ickis._______ W. P. Moore______ Jesse L. Beck____ Eugene C, Host___ Pop. 570 56-862 25,000 15,030 325,000 300,000 60,000 Chase N .,N . Y. 25.000 41.560 453.840 441.320 98.290 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N „ Clev.: N. Bk. of W /V a„ Wheeling. »Akron..;__ Summit E 17 ♦CENTRAL SAV. & TR. CO. E. R. H e l d . . . . . . . . H. H. Gibbs______ Pop. 85,625 ♦ 56-59 < § ’05 G. U. Dunn 500,000 C. R. Musser, T r ... W. E. Pardee, Sec À.R.Ritzman, A .T r 125.000 ♦DEPOSITORS SAV. & TR. G. O. Dietz . . . . ___ A. H. Madison..; ; ; G. W. Merz, Chas.Herherieh, Tr. CO.— ♦ —56-61______ < § ’07 Charles Herberich Sec. and A Treas, W .J Staiger.A .T r. W. Hert.erich.^i. S. P. M. Young, A . Tr. ♦DIME SAVINGS BANK < § ’10 W. Ailing___ . . . __ Jacob Naher.— Wm. H. Evans* 56-58 300.000 343.733 6.337.95 100,000 112.860 1.556.690 1,371,370 394.950 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Clev. 200.000 103,890 3.285.650 2.682.820 559.650 N. City. N. Y*: Union Com. N „ Clev.; (M enil Fed. R es.) \ ’ Sec. a/ndTr. ♦Firestone Park Trust & Sav. H. S. Firestone___ J. G. Robertson__ _ L .B . Walters, T r .. E. A. Oberlin, Jr., Bank.. ♦..56-66_____ < § ’16 Sec. 729.060 11 391730 9.436.700 3.184,080 Ban. N., Irving N „ Empire Tr. Co., and Chase M.. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: ist N;, Clev.; Mellon N.. P tt.;(M em . Fed. R es.) 157,910 4.539.23« 4.106.380 715.780 Bkrs. Tr.Co. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. 6,164,970 1.016.700 Merch. N., N. Y.: Cent. N. and 1st N., Clev.; (M em . Fed. R es.) C. I. B RUNER---------G. D. BATES--------- C. S. M A R V E L -— H. A . V ALEN TIN E— H. B. MANT0N T.S.EICHELB ERG ER A m . E x . N. and N. Bk. C om ., N. Y.$ 700.000 735.000 18 0^0 COO 16000 000 3500.000 C o n i. & Corri’ l N., Chi.s Cent. V. and F. H. MASON Union C om . N., C lev .;P eo. N ., P itt.; 1st N A T IO N A L B A N K L a r g e s t b a n k LinD tBROWN N „ Cln. h e c it y . W e r e s p e c tfu lly In v lt^ s y o u r b u s in e s s . 56-55 < ’64 S p e c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n c o lle c tio n s . “ U n i t e d S t a t e s D e p o s i t o r y .” FIRST-SECOND F . A . S EIB ER LIH G -H A R R Y W ILLIA M S -N . G. NELSON____ H. S. FIRESTONE E .R . FIND LEY U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P O S IT O R Y . < ’03 S e n d u s y o u r i t e m s a n d c o l l e c t i o n s f o r A k r o n a n d v ic in ity . T E S T O U R F A C IL IT IE S . NATL CITY BANK 56-56 N. C. STONE— — ♦Ohio Savings & Trust Co. F. A. Seiberling — C. W. McLaughlin. A. F. Ayers, R. S. Powley_____ 56-67 < § ’17 Joseph Dangel Cash, and Sec. C. J. Arnold, A . Sec. W. E. Palmer, Tr. ♦Peoples Savings & Trust Co. C. I. Bruner______ G. D. Bates_______ Ira E. Myers. H. B. Dodge, A . Sec. ♦ 56-57 «§’90 — L. D. Brown Sec. amd Tr. S. F. Ziliox Geo. H .Bn rg.v,A - Tr. & TRU ST CO. 56-64 53.000 2.200.000 2.000,000 325,000 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st N.. Clev.; Corn. Ex. N „ Phil. 200.000 157.200 5.667.780 4.669.39- 1,093,510 Chase N. and Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: 1st N and Cent. N „ Clev,; (M em . Fed. R es.) 450,000 100,270 3.045,610 2,544,450 B. A . S H R IB E R -— OTIS & C O M P A N Y - — — 18 Akron Clearing House____ G. D. Bates. (Members indicated by a *) Albany.........Athens N 15 Citizens Bank..________»§12 John P. Coe - ____ n Pon Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 125,000 451.210 9.177,740 8.180.540 2.016,840 N. C ity and im p . & Tra. N., N. V .; 1st N., Clev. and P h il.; F ifth-T hird N., Cin. 591.450 Seab. N., M ech . & M etals N*. and Irving N.t N. Y .; Is t N. and U nion C om . N ., Clev. Otis & Co., Clev, E. R. Findley, Mpr. L. B. Walters, Tr.. R. B. McGonagle.. F. E. Bolton. 25.000 9.500 130.000 127.000 33.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Com’l N.. Col.: Fifth-Third N . Cin. O F F E R S U N S U R P A S S E D F A CILITIE S IN EVERY F O R M OF D O M E S T IC A N fi ^FQ R E IG N BA N K I N G. CORRESPONDENCE INVI TEO. W. C. Bean, Sec... The FIFTH - THIRD n/ baSKal of CINCINNATI — ~ _____ July, 1919 CHUS. C. B OTZUM — W. J . H E E P E ---------- ff. M. W A LT Z,A . Tr. ft. H. F R O S T , J . B. MERRIM AN. C. W. BARNES A .T r. W. F . B IER LY Sec. cmd Tr. D. A. D O Y LE, J r „ A . Tr. SPECIAL COLLECTION FACILITIES. PROM PT ATTENTION. 14 PROGRESSIVE BANKING METHODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. STATE SAVINGS 250,000 OHIO BANKS—Ada to Albany ♦Commercial Savings & Trust John Kerch__ ____ C. H. Myerss— Company .56— 62______ < § ’07 ( Three Branches) P. M. Held. Sec___ W. J. Rnof. T r___ R. N. IfOitz, A . Sec. C. E. Elwell.-d, Tr. 130.000 N-. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. Clev.; Fifth-Third N „ Gin. 1 0 1 0 _________________ 1 HI fl AUAU CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Capital - $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Surplus & Profits 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 CINCINNATI, OHIO OFFICERS EDWARD GOEPPER, President W M . D. KNOX, Cashier G. P. GRIFFITH, Chairman of Board CHAS. W. DUPUIS, Vice-President R. C. SMITH, Ass’t Cashier W. A. JULIAN, Vice-President H. SACHTELEBEN, Ass’t Cashier DIRECTORS BATARD L. KILGOUR W . A. JULIAN A. J. BECHT DAVID C. JONES CHAS. P. TAFT G. P. GRIFFITH HERBERT L. BRENEMAN JAMES N. GAMBLE M . L. KIRKPATRICK EDWARD GOEPPER W M. KESLEY SCHOEPF ROBERT W. POGUE CHAS. W. DUPUIS THOS. W. ALLEN A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s , B a n k e r s , C o r p o r a t i o n s , F i r m s , a n d In d iv id u a ls a c c e p te d o n t h e m o s t lib e ra l t e r m s c o n s is t e n t w ith m o d e r n a n d c a r e f u l b a n k in g . C o lle c t io n s a S p e c i a l t y . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE A MERICAN G UARANTY OOMPANY s s u r e s U reatest U o n fid e n c e J OH N L. H A M IL TO N , P r e s id e n t H o m e O f f i c e -. Ohio INDEX TO C O U N T IE S Adams........P 10 Allen.............F 7 Ashland___F 15 Ashtabula.. B 20 Athens . . . . N 15 Auglaize. , . . G 7 Belmont___ J 19 Brown...........P 9 Butler.......... M 6 Carroll. . . . G 19 Champaign. .J 9 C la rk ........ K 10 Clermont . . . 0 7 Clinton.. .. . N 9 ColumbiahaG 20 Coshocton. .1 16 Crawford .. F 12 Cuyahoga. .C 17 Darke........... J 5 D efiance... .C 6 Delaware.. .1 12 Erie............D 13 Fairfield .. .L 13 Fayette___ L 10 Franklin.. .K 12 Fulton..........B 7 Gallia......... P 14 Geauga. . . . C 19 Greene......... L 8 Guernsey... J 17 Hamilton. . . N 6 Hancock. . . . F 9 H ardin........G-9 Harrison .. .1 19 Henry.......... D 8 Highland . . . 0 9 H ocking.. .M 14 H olm es... ,H 16 H u ron .. . . '.E 13 Jackson.. . .P 13 Jefferson.. .H 20 K n ox..........H 14 Lake. . . . . .B 18 Lawrence. .R 14 Licking.......J 14 Logan.........H 9 Lorain....... D 15 Lucas............... B9 Madison . . . J 11 Mahoning. .E 20 M arion... .H 11 M edina... .E 16 M e ig s ........O 15 Mercer..........G 5 M ia m i.......... J 7 M on roe.., .L 19 Montgomery L 7 M organ... .L 16 Morrow . . . H 12 MuskingumK 16 N oble........ K 17 O ttaw a .. . .C 11 Paulding. , . , E 7 Perry..........L 15 Pickaway . .L 11 Pike............ O 11 Portage... .D 19 Preble........... L 5 Putnam........ E 8 Richland . . G 13 Ross . . . . . . N 11 Sandusky. ,D 11 S cio to ........ P 12 Seneca........E 11 Shelby...........1 7 Stark.......... F"18 Sum m it... .D 17 Trumbull. . D 20 Tuscarawas H 18 Union.......... I 10 Van W e r t .. .F 6 Vinton. . . . N 13 Warren....... M 7 Washington ■ I ........ ; . m i7 Wayne . . . . G 16 ...C 6 Williams. W o o d .......... C 9 W yandot.. .F 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D e p o s ito r y B o nd s F id e l it y B o n d s COLUMBUS. OHIO Required of Bank and Building and Loan! rs and Em ployees; C ounty, Lodge Officers positions. Public Officers, such ai e Township, and C ity and persons in Village i t. all reap L Bonds required of Banks and Building and Loan Associations securing Public or other Special Deposits. C o u r t B o nd s Administrators, Executors, Guardians, Receivers, etc.; Appeal, Injunction, Bail, etc. A u t o m o b il e I n s u r a n c e Liability— Property Dam age— Collision B a n k B u r g l a r y In s u r a n c e U . S . L ib e r t y B o nd B u r g l a r y In s u r a n c e EMPLOYEES ARE HONEST as a rule. R jliîc fei * îî There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Financial loss from dishonesty may be avoided b y securing a Fidelity Bond issued by the } ;$ ■ J iffitJ f a i l l i j r AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK f "V æ if ïlS iC H u m * * ' * ___nTTTTî ‘ 1 ’‘ Î Ü M S I m ït u -. i n i n i ttttuf ^ rrr- HOME OFFICE 'IHlflfllHII r t ^ i r r 100 BROADWAY NEW YORK CAPITAL $5,000,000 l FOUNDED 1884 A m erican Surety Building O H IO ORGANIZATION Northeastern Ohio Northwestern Ohio Southern Ohio Middle Ohio CLEVELAND Garfield Building M . STANLEY-BROW N, Manager TOLEDO 1110-11-12 Second National Bank Building FRED J. KINSEY, Manager CINCINNATI Union Trust Bldg. HOWARD ECKER, Manager COLUMBUS Huntington Bank Building J. S. MOSSGROVE, Manager TR USTEES J. S. Alexander Charles H. Allen John Anderson Edwin L. Blabon Charles A. Boody R. R . Brown N ew com b Carlton E. F. Carry Clarence E. Chapm an Otis H. Cutler Richard Delafield Philip T . Dodge W. N. Dykman Daniel Guggenheim HENRY D. LYM AN, C hairm an o f the Board J. Horace Harding Edward E. Loom is W . A. Nash Henry W . Hayden L. F. Loree Seward Prosser W. S. *IVIc Cor nick A . J. H em phill Joh n J. R askob A . T . Hert A. W . M ellon D. G . Reid F. L. Hine Andrew Mills S. W . R osendale F. M . Kirby W. H. M oore Lindsay Russell F. W. Lafrentz J. R. M orron Joh n D . Ryan J . G . S chm idlapp Sam uel S. Sharp John Sherwin W m . Skinner R obert S. Sloan R . A. C. Sm ith Valentine P. Snyder George C. Taylor G uy E. Tripp T heodore N. Vail L. A. Watres W m . F. W hiting A lbert H. W iggin George T . W ilson Bronson W inthrop O F FIC E R S F. W . LAFRENTZ, President R . R. BROWN, First Vice-President FID ELITY AND S U R E T Y BONDS m 3 1 N u m b e r u u d e r N a lu c u i u a u h anutub iNuiuuer given— Federal Reserve of Louis 1 1 )1 1Bank t ° each in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ i v i l Directory, finder the authority of Th e American Bankers Ass’n. B U R G L A R Y IN SU RANCE O H I O — Continued dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates Grace, '—• etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. J-*, ~iD>r 0 A n K l u a ic xm u iu n e r ~ g ive n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally ■McNally Bankers Bankers’ Directory, Under the authority of Th e American Bankers Ass’n. N ame of Ba n k . Town and County. 1‘ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ' H is Cincinnati Branch ♦Mein Fed. Res. IJ s É lz g "---fpj---PRESIDENT. Cashier . A ss’T Cashier . > R esources. L ia b il it ie s . oans &Du»- Cash&E x P aid- up Surplus Depos- r’T g. Bonds. changes,Dus AND Capital Profits Smuriti«a PROMBanks $ D. D. Clark_______ T. M. Bishop_____ ICity Savings Bk. & Trust Co. W. H. Ramsey____ I. G. Tolerton___ _ ♦ 56-186 *¿§’92 15,000 $ 28.000 $ 130.000 $ 150,000 $ 25.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Huntington N., Col.jNewark Tr. Co., Newark: 1st N „ Clev. 113.200 38,530 Hau. N., N. Y.: Old N „ Lima; Bk. of Pitt. 20,040 119,871 N. A.. Pitt.; 1st N.. Cin. 150,000 158,970 3.467.180 2,798,020 952,700 Han. N.. N.Y.: Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; 1st N., Clev.: 15,000 Allen Edwards____ Fred Ankerman . M .S . MILB0URNE. d, oldest and larg vatlve bu t progre K ALLIANCE IT H. F. B0HECKER - G B HALL est bank. M odern banking facilities ssive. EMS. (M em . Fed. Bes.) S. L. Sturgeon____ C. M. Baker______ F. W. Shaffer 100.000 150,000 2.772,700 2,267.650 First National Bank____ < ’87 A. L. Atkinson____ W. E. Davis__ . . . . G. E. Graf________• 56-185 ? A. D. Thompson__ PEOPLES BANK COMPANY D. W. Crist_______ H. D. Tolerton__ _ W. A. Thompson 56-187 < § ’07 100,000 126,670 2,142,560 1,976,630 W. Webber R. E. Tearney____ W . E. Armstrong.. Theodore Lape___ I. E. A lspaugh..... John R. Christy___ S. H. Simon______ Elmer Ely 50,000 E. A. Hitch " 25,000 25,000 G. W. B lue_______ 810,350 21,230 35,740 689.200 01.400 66.780 301,000 320.000 25,000 5,000 125,000 110,000 Emma Patterson__ 25,000 32,000 210,000 220,000 N. F. Foster--------- Elias Baumhardt__ F. I. Hubbard . ___ F. H. Steele______ 25,000 1,500 270,000 230,000 F .H . Nicheli 787,130 W. A. Williams___ W. E. Thpmpson . . !.. 733.130 Chase N., and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. N., Clev.; 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N, A., Pitt.; (M em Fed. Kes.) 491.260 N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Com. N.. Clev. 155.000 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N.. Chi.- 1st N - Phil.; 1st N. and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; Mel lon N., Pitt. New 1st N.,' Col. 18,890 Ohio N „ Col. 58.390 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; N.Bk. Com. and State Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Col. 17,000 1st N., Cin. 20,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N.. Clev., Huntington N., Col. 62.300 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union Com. N., Clev.; Elyria Sav. & Bkg. Co., Elyria. 96.450 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev. 50.000 24,430 816.440 L. W. Steinmetz.. W. M. Sweeney___ 25,000 3,750 210,000 212,000 F. W. Sargent____ F. J. Bishop__ ___ F. A. W oodard___ Ford B. Russell . . . ! Daniel Runkle____ R. D. Mede . . . ____ A .W . Eriilley 50,000 27,360 -655,800 619,100 24,200' 4,100 63,650 71,100 T. J. Hostetter___ C. W. W olf............ G. A. Lephart____ Thelma O. Lanich. 25,000 5,000 160.500 147.000 43,500 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Clev. E. E. Vance 25,000 7.800 160,000 '210,000 31,500 1st N., Clev. 25,000 6,440 283,720 266,480 52.620 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev. 25,000 ‘ 18,000 260,000 303.000 60,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev. George Hollstein__ W. H. Schibley___ . . . . G. H. Rehmert.__ J. L. Pneock-...... . J. R. Jameson____ S. B. Harris..._ .. T. A. Graves I. B. West Austin Ebersole__ John Baker___ ___ n. Whcland ." _ _ L. L. Miller _______ F. B. F.likfvr G. W. Hanes Nona B. Rosser M. M. Smith______ H. J. Niswonger__ 0. O. T aylor______ C. L. A ult_______ W. J. Dull________ C. M. McLaughlin . E. E. R upp_______ J. H. Miller______ F. A. G eesey...— . S. O. Schantz_____ 1 T. W Tlimlrfi .. 21,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Superior Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clev.; 1st N.. Pitt. 88,610 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Com. N. and 1st N „ Clev. , 13,690 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Wapakoneta. 13.750 8,000 194.000 190,000 27,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Buckeye N., Findlay. 50.000 42,000 300,000 403.300 61,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Clev. 50.000 55,000 405,000 123,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th N., Gin.; 1st N., dClev. ualR esp onsibilit V $500,00 0)______ N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; N. Bk. Com., Tol.; 1st (Individ N., Clev. 65,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Northern N., Tol. 25,000 8,500 350,000 220,000 455,000 250,760 232,930 53,700 Chase N., N. Y. 12,140 E. P. Helbert_____ 50,000 98,000 1,200,000 1,185,000 163,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.; 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev.; Mellon N.. Pitt. GEORGE R. FREER H. L. HESS.............. tions. Personal presentation. n day o f paym en t. EMS. 50,000 15,000 900.000 700,000 150,000 N. Oity.N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Clev. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’64 F. E. Myers_______ Joseph Patterson.. A. C. Bogniard____ J. E. Murphy_____ 56-389 100.000 131,570 1,009.240 778.590 578.250 H. C. Swetland___ T. O. Stearns_____ iJ . L. CLARK—. . . FARMERS BANK------- < t ’74 j Special a tten d o 1 P rom p t service 56-390 (SEN D US YOU mlh e - 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis th - 3 rd C. R. FREER n given to collec and rem ittance 0 K ASHLAND IT i «IATI ONAL iIAT 1 — BAIIK Of CINCm Resources Over Is* N . Clév 1011 25.000 R. J. D orney_____ B. G. Bibler_______ C. J. Orwick._____ W. G. Ramsey____ ____________ ' Alvordton —Williams B 6 Alvordton Banking C o..._t’08 56-866 Pop. 402 Amanda___ Fairfield L13 Clear Creek Valley Banking Co— ___ 56-1273:.___ < § ’17 4 Pop. 650 Farmers & Merchants Bk. Co. 56-867 < § ’04 Amelia___ Clermont O 7 Amelia State Bank {§ ’10 56-868 C Pop. 417 First National Bank { ’04 Amesville__ A then 56-869 C Pop 267 Amherst Park Bank Co.< § ’15 Amherst. . . . . Lorai 56-1250 Pop. 2500 Amherst Savings & Bkg. Co. 56-606 < § ’07 'Amsterdam___ Jefferson Peoples Banking Co. „ . < § ’03 56-870 Pop. 1041 H 20 Andover..Ashtabula B 21 Andover Bank_______ < § ’84 56-871 Pop. 902 1Farmers & Merchants Bk. Co. Anna________Shell 56-872 {§ ’07 Pop. 460 , Ausonia_______Darke I 5 Citizens Bank Co______ < § ’98 56-837 C Pop. 656 First National Bank____ < ’08 56-838 Antwerp.__ Paulding D 5 Antwerp Exchange Bank Co. 56-873 «{§’98 Pop. 1187 Apple Creek—Wayne G 16 Apple Creek Banking Co. 56-874 < § ’04 Pop. 400 Arcadia___ Hancock F 10 Arcadia Bank & Savings Co. 56-875 < § ’07 Pop. 400 Arcanum___ —Darke J 6 FARMERS NATIONAL BK.i’02 56-709 C Pop. 1361 iFirst National Bank____ < ’93 _ - - , 56-708 Archbold.____ Fulton C 7] Farmers & Merchants Bank 56-734 < t ’98 Pop. 1100 !Peoples State Bank Co...{§ ’07 56-735 IFarmers & Merchants Bk. Co. Pop. 798 56-876 {§1900 n d .... Ashl ASHLANB BK. & SAV. CO. Pop. 8000 56-391 {§ ’05 Principal Correspondents. ____ _______ OHIO BANKS—Alexandria to Ashland Alexandria—.Licking J13 Alexandria Bank Co {§ ’06 O. A. Brooks______ 56-864 Pop. 600 Alger_______ Hardin G 9 Alger Savings Bank__ _»i§’07 T. Reed Dunlap___ 56-865 Pop. 1000 ( FRANK TRANSUE Alliance_____Stark F 19 ALLIANCE BANK COMPANY J t ir s i establishe ♦ 56-184 < § ’72 1 P opular, conser Pop. 18,960 1 SEND US YOU | '' . V ice -P resident . dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates Grace,! etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OHIO—Continued July, 1919 1Q12 Number under Name of Bank is.the New Transit Number given i?. eac,h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. N ame of Ba n e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. G is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back: of this volume. For Interest Bates, Graee etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 Resources. Principal Correspondents . OHIO—Continued L ia b il it ie s . P resident . V ICE-PÉESIDENT. Ashley-----Delaware H 12 Bank o f A sh ley ........_$t'84 (Sperry & Wornst aff) Ci__ __ ______ Pop. 800 56-825 Farmers Savings Bank Co. W. S la c k ....___ _ T. J. Colé~Í....... 56-826 $$'05 Ashtabula. Ashtabula A 20 Farmers National Bank ..$'47 H. M. K u n k le..... S. R. Harris___ ... Pop. 21,498 56-168 Cashier . A s s ' t Cashier . bplus P a id - u p S uAND Ca p it a l P r o f it s 15.000 F. J. R iley ..— 25.000 E. R. Pierce___ i__ J. P. Hubbard____ 150,000 201,990 (E. H. BURRILL. . . . . 0. C. T0PKY............. FRED R. MOSELEY, 100,000 12,500 i B. B. SEYMOUR- A. H. C R 0 S B Y - H. R. FAULKNER ~ 325,000 275,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; New IstN., Col.; Cent. N „ Clev 931,400 1,029,400 346,710 Imp. A. Tra. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Ist N. Clev. 650,000 600,000 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N. and 1st N. Clev. 149,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 340,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev.; Union. N. Pitt. MARINE NATIONAL BANK 56-169 NATIONAL BANK OF ASHTABULA 56-170 »$’97 ; Largest Bank In Ashtabula. Ashville-.Pickaway L 12 ASHVILLE BANKING CO.îS’06 Samuel Hall_____ _ W. A. Parks_____ E. A. Snyder..!___ O. W. Wills Pop. 1000 . 56-761 CITIZENS BANK . . . ___ .$§'94 56-760 Baltic__ Tuscarawas H 17 Pop. 877 BaIthnore_.Fairfield K 13 Pop. 700 17 CENTRAL SAVIN6S 56-289 1 E. R. HELD. W. B. Golden____________!___ 54,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Ohio N. and City N., Col. 50.000 12,460 501,800 514,800 69,990 Han. N., N. Y.; New 1st N. and Ohio N., Col. IstN ., Clev.; 4thN., Cin. 35,000 1,038,000 860,000 225,000 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; IstN. and Fifth Third N., Cin. 127,530 1,144,900 1,131,550 271,290 N. Park, N. Y.: Huntington N., Col.; Fiftìi Third N. and lst N., Cin. 100,000 25.008 31,630 373,310 404,390 C .C . Sutton______ 40.000 24,190 605,620 510,830 25.000 13,370 234,400 198,360 67,690 Han. N., N. Y.: lst N., Clev. J. P. Clagett___ . . . A. H. Free_______ 24.000 10,000 300.000 250.000 70.000 N. Park, N. Y.; lst N., Cin. R. F. M cCoppin... P. W. McCoppin — 21.000 10,000 225.000 213.000 36.000 Chase N „ N. Y.; lst N., Cin. H. O. Gerber______ S. Gerber.;— __ . . . 25.000 3.000 C. M. Wagner____ J. W. Fenstermaker 25.000 24,000 350,000 300,000 Union Com. N., Clev.; Coshocton N i. Ooshoc ton. 60,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; New 1st N. and Hayden Clin ton N „ Col. A. H. KIRKLAND. 500,000 618,320 Mgr. (.Affiliated with Central Savings & Trust Largest Bank In Barberton, IDirect afllliatlo n with Centrai Sa V. & Trust Co., A kron. CO. ( Branch deposits $3.000,00 . Careful attenti on given to all ma tters entrusted to us. •$$'11 5tn-3rd 24,130 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; lst N., Cin. 158,490 Blair & Co., N. Y.; Com’l N., Tiffin. L. L. M i l l e r _____ Jennie B. Meacham 8 f p r 100,000 on) 29,350 1,430,000 1,357,000 Irving N. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y .; Corn. Ex. N „ Chi.; Melloh N ., Pitt.; Ist N., Clev. 141,000 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N.. Clev.; Depositors Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55.000.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iber grv im o 380,310 C. G. O'Bleness.__ F. B. Kiltau. Peoples Sav. &Bkg. Co. »$$’06 Alex. Crisman____ Charles Herberich. E. F. Grites. S. W. Baughman, ♦ 56-288 J. M. South Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. T T, MftstvBTiplr The 328,790 L. G. WORSTELL W. N. ALDERMAN - F .L . ALDERMAN - R. L. WOODWORTH 100,000 Proper fee shou Id accompany ea eh collection for presentation and also each reque st for special cred it report, ( Prompt service has built up our b uslness. SEND IJS YOUR ATHENS I TEMS. Bank o f Athens, National J. D. Brown--------- T. J. D av is_______ Banking A ssociation...*’68 56-453 . Security Savings Bank..$$'05 D. H. Moore___ F. L. Alderman. 56-455 Sutton State B ank..___ $$’78 L. L. Sutton.__: John Schottier., 56-877 Atwater Savings Bank Co. P. Whittlesey__ C. B, G reen ___ _ 56-878 *$$'07 Rockhold, Brown & Co. _$t’67 E. C. Rockhold. E. E. Rockhold., 56-787 Spargur, Head & Co.......*t’77 H. W. Spargur. .. 56-788 Baltic State Bank____ ;__$$’02 J. C. Orile_____ W. M. Shult____ 56-880 First National Bank____ $’05 J. R. Johnson. . E. B. W agner-.-. 56-881 & TRUST 10,000 t o each b a n k in U . S. exclusively b y The Band-McNally Banke: O L IT O _____ July, 1919 Barberton__ Summit Pop. 13,210 [T. E. GROMLEY.__ C. E. WEAVER___ ___E. W. SEEDS - _____ _ J. H. LONG......... — N. E . REICHELDERFER 50.000 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t f o r presentation and 50c fo r Credit Reports. »Athens------ Athens N 15 ATHENS NATIONAL BANK C Pop. 6500 56-454 *$'05 Attica-------- Seneca E 12 C Pop. 719 Atwater___ Portage E 19 Pop. 300 Bainbridge___ Ross N 11 C Pop. 1000 200,000 I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. OHIO BÀNKS— Ashley to Barberton 25.000 C. 0. GUDMUNDS0N. . Loans ft Dig C ash ft JSxe r í . B onds, OHANGBS'DUB Securities from B anks 25.000 $ 179,000 $ 157,000 $ 61,600 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Çlev. .. H. T. W estbrook.. /Collections a sp ecialty. cha rges. Prompt re mittauce. »$’90 (Reasonable (Send us your A shtabula busines D bpo sITS 1012________ ______________ 1fit2 ^ ^ A B I L I T Y W IL L IN G N E SS CO U R TES Y Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. For Interest B ates, G ra ce ,' 1013 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber p ven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bank«;ers* N ame of B an e . ToifN and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Eslab. Cis Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Barnesville.Belmont J 19 Dollar Savings Bank Co.$§’05 56— 509 Pop. 5000 First National Bank——«$’65 56-507 «• ** National Bank o f Barnesville 56-508 - »$’83 Bartlett .Washington F 9 Bartlett Farmers Bank-.§ ’19 56-1292 Pop. 300 Basil______Fairfield K 13 Bank o f Basil Co............. §'05 56-882 Pop. 504 ¿Batavia___ Clermont O 8 First National Bank.___ « ’66 56-748 C Pop. 1034 ........ .......... ......... ' President . W F Smith Pop. 286 Pop. 455 Bedford— Cuyahoga D 18 Pop. 1783 Bellaire—— Belmont J 21 Pop. 14,348 t4 t| 56-884 Farmers & Merch. Bank.f'02 56-885 Cleveland Trust Go.— §’04 56-886 DOLLAR SAVINGS BK. & TR. COMPANY 56-242 •t§’89 Farmers & Merch. N. B k.i’01 56-243 First National Bank— -»$'70 56-241 L. Witt Bank.................t§’98 56-244 Belle Center Bank Co— $§’86 56-783 Bellefontaine National Bank 56-333 *$'70 Commercial & Savings Bk. Co. 56-834 *$§’01 V ice-President . A s s ’t Cashier . CASHIER. G. E. Bradfield____ .T. J. Kirk , Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of -this volume. For Interest B ates, G ra ce ,' ' e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. -------- ----------------- ------- :--------- ---------------------— L ia b il i t ie s . \ R esources. P rincipal Correspondents . S urplus L oams4 Dis- Cashk ExDepos c’ts. Bombs, chanoes,Due P aid- tjf * and its Capitai. P rofits -----------------------------------------------------LJ----- ■ ---n II S 25,000 S J. W. W att_______ W. H. G. Bradfield Fred Hunt C. J. Bradfield 100,000 I. D. McKeever — 100,000 W. C. Hobson____ 25.000 1.300 1 186,430 $ 188,140 $ ^30,850 Chase N., N. Y.: Union N., Pitt. 231,580 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi., Gin., and Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 97,200 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Pitt. 159,110 2,018,190 2,145,720 63,000 903,000 762,000 R. Ream er............ GeorW. Bright___ W. H/Xeitnaker.— C. C. Leitnaker___ 25.000 8,770 190,000 182.450 40,760 Citiz. N., N. Y.; CapitàlCity, Col. P. F. Jamieson___ G. S. Van Horn___ .T. F. Dial .... 80,000 16,070 367,710 452,390 83,860 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ 4th N., and FifthThird N.. Cin. 25,000 30,000 425,000 400,000 86.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; IstN.. Clev. 25.000 10,000 165,000 130,000 12,000 6.500 150,000 150,000 49,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .;ist., N., Pitt.; Union Com. ( N.. Clev. > 25,000 4th N.. Cin. { 10,000 5,970 97,640 91,010 Beach C ity ..—Stark G 17 Beach City Banking Co.-$§’99 TV W Stahl 56-833 Pop. 671 Beallsville ..Monroe K 20 First National Bank___ »$’03 56-883 Pop. 700 C OHIO—Continued W. H. Baum H. B Ward Randal Russell___ J. P. Russell. .T. fl. Yant. *' W' W. W. Russell....... . . W, H. Ttietz.......... Alexander Neff___ M. L. Blackburn— John Du B ois____ John Schick______ R. L. Bowman____ W. C. Simpson___ n Mfillntt Oen, w , Vn$t J. F. Mellntt — 8,440 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Bluffton. Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. (.Branch of Cleve land). C. J. Wheeler, Mgr. 125,000 100,000 . 80,000 1,300,000 1,083,340 375,290 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N „ Clev. and Pitt. 55,250 1.091.950 1,091,180 274,490 Merch.N., N .Y .; Mellon N., Pitt. 259,000 Am. Ex. Nv, N. Y .; 1st N.. Clev.; Peo. N.. Pitt- 139,000 2,370,000 2,613,000 J. E. Green_______ 200,000 Miss J. Witt. L. Witt— . . ........... Sec. and A. Cash. M. F. Campbell.... E. W. Ramsey____ William B. Ramsey D. R. McArthur__ 20,000 2,760 113,470 87,390 30,000 38,400 576,800 539,200 S. W . Huffer.......... C. W. Zearing Alfred Bntler_____ H. E. Travis______ 100,000 50.000 600.000 550.000 30,000 26,730 317,240 262,360 R. B. KELLER -__ B. D. HIATT— ...... in 1 8 5 4 . E A i N n ing collections. which have the or of the bank.’ e d , r e a s o n s a re g i v e n . 100,000 50.000 702,210 744,110 7 205,610 IstN . and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; Cent. N. and Union Com. N., Clev. H. C. Stahl_______ William Aiglnr. . _ G. W. Friedley . — C. J. Friedley— — Rnllnyne . .. Huron T)IS Bellevue Savings Bank Co. 56-474 *i§’01 Pop. 6000 E. T. Korner L. P. Oehm______ R. E. W ills_______ First National Bank____«$’75 J.W . Close-— . W. C.Raish 56-472 I. T. Fangbouer 25,000 39,000 418,000 412,000 50,000 , 95,000 1.140,000 1,115,000 50,000 85,000 870,000 25,000 22,350 25,006 7,50t i;\' f^ f ^ Belle Center__ Logan H 9 Pop. 1000 . ¿Belief ontaine—Logan 19 Pop. 9237 L. Witt. Tr......... Ghas. McLaughlin . 0. S. Hockett_____ E. W. Patterson..;. / W. W. RIDDLE— V o id e s t bank. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK ) Every modern 56-332 *$’54 ( personal atte \W hen paym J, f , WEST E s t a b lis h e d facility for mak ntion o f an offlc o n t ts r e fu s J E WISE i f . A. WRIGHT — HUBERT WRIGHT WRIGHT BANKING CD.-*$§’89 J Special attentio n given Bill of La S liè S K K F c iïh 'and lim e Items. 56-473 Bellville— Richland G 13 Bellville Savings Bank. »$§’94 56-744 Pop. 1056 Farmers Bank _ .. , .$§’08 56-745 Belmont.— Belmont J 19 Belmont National Bank. «$’02 Pop. 800 56-887 Belmore____ Putnam E 8 Belmore Banking Co.__ $§’07 56-888 — Pop. 298 Berea . .. Onyahnga fl Ifi Bank o f Berea Company*$§’97 Pop. 2609 56-578 Commercial &Sav’gs Bk..§’09 56-579 ~)Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation (Send us your B ellevue Items. W. B. Cockley— H. Ti. Bighee 77,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. 92,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; 2d N., Tol. 897,000 150,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. N. and Union Com. N „ Clev. 388,000 362,000 175,00( 180,000 54,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Glev.: Far. Sav. & Tr. Co,. Mansfield. 27,500 New 1st N.. Col.; 1st N., Clev. 317,246 329,430 35,720 N. City, N. Y.; Huntington N., Col.: IstN., Clev. 25,000i 1st N.. Clev.: Home Sav.. Tol. D. R. Perkins.—__ 25,000 15,520 D. Ensminger_____ J. V. Knoke -......... T. J. V eitch______ W. M. George____ 12,500 2,750 Percy Neubrand__ ■T. O. Wilson 30,000 15,500i 916.2301 812,9801 25,0001 12,00(11 600.0001 w m tm 500.0001 J. W. Wright—___ J. I. L ew is____ __ J. F. Neff________ E. J. Kennedv____ D. The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150,000 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 4th N. and Fifth-Third N., 1 Cin.; 1st N.. Clev. 95,720 Han. N.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., ! Clev.; New 1st N., Col. and 25c fo r Credit Reports. S. M. Garber____ August Eochheiser 46.260 Irving N., N. Y .; Mellon N., Pitt.; Dollar Sav. | Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Bellaire. 103,300 N. Park. N. Y .; 1st N., Cin. and Clev. \ BANK Hnnld J. B. Pomeroy 7Sec. and Tr. W H. Ama s of CINCINNATI \ O FFER S 142,0061 129,000 UNSURPASSED 148,7561 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.: IstN. and Union Com. N., Clev. 100,0061 Seab. N., N. Y.;, 1st N., Clev. 3 9 1 S E R V IC E TO BANKS AND B AN K ER S T own and Co u n t y . Na u e ok Ba n k . Bergholz..Jefferson H 20 Pop. 1011 Berlin Heights..Erie C 14 Pop. 554 Bethel_____ Clermont P 8 C Pop. 1500 Bethesda. ..Belmont J 19 •• Pop. 1200 •« Bettsville___ Seneca D 11 Pop. 486 Beverly Washington M 17 C Pop- 800 Bigprairie . . Holmes G 15 Pop. 250 Blanrhester.. Clinton N 8 C Pop. 2000 Bloomdale___ Wood D 10 Pop. 602 Bloomingburg___ Fayette C Pop. 610 L 10 Bloom ville___ Seneca E 12 Pop. 754 Blnffton______ Allen F 8 Pop. 2500 " mm*mm • " Bolivar ..Tuscarawas G 18 Pop. 567 Botkins______Shelby H 7 Pop. 579 Bowerston. Harrison H 19 Pop. 514 Bowersville.. .Greene M 9 C Pop. 297 Bergholz State Bank__ *${’93 56-890 Berlin Heights Banking Co, 56-849 *${’83 First National Bank__ <1900 56-891 , Commercial A Savings Bank 56-721 <109 First National Bank___ <1900 56-720 Bettsville Banking Co. —i l ’05 56-892 Citizens Bank Co. ___ < { ’75 (UL.UQ9 Monitor Bank__ _______ i t ’l l 56-1214 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 07 56-642 Merchants A Farmers Bank 56-641 < § ’l" Exchange. Bank_______< f ’91 56-894 Peoples Bank_________ Jt’94 56-895 Exchange State Bank . < { ’13 56-896 Commercial Bk. &Savings Co. 56-622 { ’87 P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . J. E. George______ J. Y. W alker_____ ; >. ' ' ' J. T. Bnrnham____ S: L. H ill. F. E. Conner K. Rlneste in P. A. Pathe_______ G. G. Bambach . . . . Wm. M. Kilgore__ Fred Bailey__ ____ R. (1. Heskfitt T. M. Keldow___ J. W. Wilkinson__ E. F. Barnes__ _ N. B. Flack___ M. E. Wilson . . C. W. Reynolds G. I. Garn j . . . Oliver Tucker. J. C. Take . Bolivar State Bank C o ..< {’04 56-897 Shelby County Bank . . . < { ’11 56-898 First National Bank.__ . < ’04 56-899 Bowersville Bank.____< t ’95 56-900 THE STATE BANK— --¿§ ’17 56-470 56-460 50,000 12,630 762,070 691,800 25.000 34,000 410.000 250,000 129,250 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: lsi N.. Clev. 160,000 1st N. and Citiz. N., Cin. 25.000 14,000 135.000 s 143.000 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ist N., Pitt, and Clev. 25.000 26,000 350.000 380,000 48,000 Mellon N „ Pitt.: Union Com. N., Clev. 13,750 5.150 188,270 139.910 35.000 27,820 375,270 342,610 45,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., Tiffln. 105,230 1st N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Mellon N „ Pitt.: IstN ., Marietta and Clev. 36,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 120,000 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Gin. and Clev. R. R. Sterling____ 2,000 9,500 112,000 87,000 50.000 33.620 334,990 351.160 Charles Ei Penn. 2. B. L. W illiam s___ 50,000 9,000 260,000 274,700 55,600 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin. Chase N.. N. Y. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Ist N., Col. E. H. Kisor.. (T. J. Campbell & Son! -•n p ■ \ , -v 0 . F. Campbell...-. C. R. Campbell. . . . J. M. Willis___ C. P. West 25,000 10,500 190,000 205,000 N. R. France_____ H. W. Tomb______ C. W. Yeasting___ 25,000 12,000 235,000 200,000 70,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Com’l N., TifBn. N. W. Cunningham Julias W is e ....___ I. B. Beeshy E 60.000 16,560 978.300 800.990 247,940 Han. N., N. Y.; Northern N.. Toi. 50,000 11,000 500,000 430,000 14,500 225.000 205.000 28,490 354.910 309,180 55.000 Mellon N „ Pitt.; Union-Corn. N. and 1st N. Clev. 101,020 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Wapakoneta. .. 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; Ist N., Clev. 1Please send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 50 c for Credit Reports. C. F. Maurer . H. K. Sheets S. A. Lebold Jesse D. Elliott___ fi. -T. Toehold 25,000 Philip Sheets, S r... E. Lehr B ailey___ L. J. Behrns A . C. C. A. Engelbrecht Florence McKean.. 25.000 S iB . Bôor________ Li C. Justus______ G. N. Perrill W. A. Bowermeister A. L. Fisher . . . . . _ w. s. rjTy d u r e —- FRED KIMM0NS— L. D. MERCER - . J. D. MERCER 25.000 ‘ 10,150 232.510 229,450 62,910 N. City, N. Y.; New 1st N., Col.: 1st N., Clev. 20.000 200,000 250,000 35.000 Fifth^fhird N., Cin.; Ohio N.. Col. 100,000 29,650 1,765,200 1,037.480 515,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Northern N., Toi. f (b e personal att entlon o f an offle er. LING GREEN IT EMS. j E. D. BLOOM .... 50.000 H. J. RUDOLPH— A. 0. ARNOLD-----E I M ® - 1 Bowling G reen' s new progressive bank. Special a ttentlon to Colle étion s. ( R easonable cha rge. P rom pt ser vice. Send us yo ur business. J. E. Deete r ______ J. R. A lle n ______ F. R. Dwyer______ H. C. R oy er___ . . . 2,030 306,910 254,360 50,000 77,200 1.267,600 1.132,640 50.000 50.000 A. H. Lodge Special attentio n given Bill o f L adlng Drafts. 15c m ust be se nt with each Slg ht Draft for pres entatlon, and ( 25c w ith each request fo r R epo rt or R ating. M. A. Thomas . 35.000 450.000 500,000 C. W. F o x ..— ___ C. H. Stump______ 25.000 3.100 110,000 160.000 H. M. Shelhamer . . J .J . Welch_______ G. W. Baldwin Geo. J. Frasch..__ G. E. Turner H. M. Scholl____ F._ .T. Yonnp 7 A. D. Hufford____ J. H. Leonard____ 25.000 35.000 325,000 240.000 25.000 25,000 205,000 200.000 Federal Reserve BankNofum St. Louis ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given BANK C to each bank in U. S', exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers' lu ld Directory, under the an thurify of T he American Bankers Ass’ n. of CINCINNATI Ö H IO --Continued FO REIGN BANKIN G. 89,800 N. City, N. Y.; 2d N., Toi. 262,160 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st N., Clev.; N. Bk. Com., Toi. 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N „ Cin. 18.000 :N. Park, N. Y.: Union N.. Fostoria. 135,000 : Fairfield N., Lancaster. 45.000 IChase N.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N.. Cin.: Com’l Mas Cot. C O RR ESP ON D E N CE July, 1919 The FIFTH- THIRD $ 15,000 $ 21,000 $ 335,000 $ 310.000 $ 59,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 0. P. Starkey_____ ( E. M. Fries — . . S. R. Case______ ? J. H. L in coln ...__ A. M. Patterson__ Bradford_____ Miami J 6 First National Bank. »’08 C Pop. 2200 56-635 (Bank in Darke Co.) Bradner______ WoodD 10 Mecnanics Banking Co.. ¿ { ’08 Pop. 900 56-901 Bremen____ FairfieldL 14 Bremen Bank Co. . < { ’96 Pop. 1500 56-770 First National Bank____< ’10 56-771 P rincipal Correspondents . B. A; Lake (JOHN BIXEL........ HENRY GRATZ E. M. H0STETTLERFIRST NATIONAL BANKU900 -i Special attentio n given Bill o f La dlng draits. Cash and T im e Item s. 56-623 Li a b i l i t i e s 1 R e sou rce s , i Sur plu s Gami k IxD epos - UOANSk Dig- oiAieaa, P aid - up and Dm Ca p it a l P r o f it s ITS Securities frohBarri D. W. Hogan_____ J. M. Garrison___ G. H. Irvin 1 F. P. RIEGLE— »Bowling Green.Wood D 9 COMMERCIAL BARK ft SAV. J Pop. 8000 COMPANY 56-468--------- t f ’90 1 Collections ha? ( SEND US BOW . . . Ca s h ie r . _______________ _ ______ OHIO BAN&S— Bergholz to B rem en _________________ »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace. OHIO—Continued 1014 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S exclusively by_ The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authwrity p The American Bankers Ass’n. IN V ITE D . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume, f o r Interest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays,, see opposite page 13.1 p . me n rm -m m u bank ui u n u in r iM ii N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given C to each bank in U. S', exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers' 1 U 1 0 Directory, under the au th ority o f T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. N ame op Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist.. t Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. I Bridgeport-Dollar Sav. Bank 56-520 *$’91 (J. J. HOLLOWAY BRIDGEPORT NATIONAL BK. jO ld e st and Larg 56-519 *$’46 ‘ \Speclal atteu tio ' Please send, 15c w Brooklyn .Cuyahoga C 17 (See Cleveland) ^ Pop. 2342 Brookville.. Montgomery Citizens State & Savings Bk. Elgar Weaver— . . 56-724 j • ii‘95 C Pop. 1300 mK 6 First National Bank__.—•$’09 H. E. Gardiner— 56-725 tC. A. BOWERSOX J Special atteu tio »Bryan____ Williams C 6 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 1 FIFTEEN CEN 56-530 « $ ’#0 " Twenty-five cent» Pop. 4000 „ First National Bank—__ »$’57 W. W. Morrison__ 56-529 f( Union Trust & Savings Bk.Co. 56-531 $§’9» D. S. Workman___ Buckeye City.. KnoxH 15 Commercial & Sav. Bk. Co. ♦ 56-902 <§'05 Pop. 260 »Bucyrus—Crawford F 12 BUCYRUS CITY BARK-»$§ «1 Geo. Donnenwirth. 56-339 Pop. 9103 Farmers & Citizens Bank & rt. W Miller „ u 56-340 First National Bank_____ $'59 E. G. R eal....... 56-337 SECOND NATIONAL BANK*i’77 56-33* Buffalo..—Guernsey K 18 Bank o f Buffalo Co.____ $§'13 C. C. Cosgrove____ 56-1223 Pop. 2000 Burketlsville.. Darke 1 5 Farmers & Mercn Bank- t ’ll 56-1209 Pop. 400 (B ank in M ercer Co ) First National Bauk____ < ’02 n b Fox . 56-903 Pop. 6->0 1 p FVIrh Bushnell..Ashtabula A 21 56-904""” ( Conneaut P. O.) Pop. 100 Butler— .Richland G 14 Citizens Bank__________ +’12 N. W. Cunningham 56-1222 Pop. 800 Byesville—Guernsey K 17 Byesville Slate Bank— .$§’ 10 G. C. Cosgrove___ _ _ 56-550 Pop. 4000 First National Bank____ *$’01 J. W. Thompson__ 56-549 First National Bank____ *$'63 56-616 Pop. 2500 Fourth National Bank— *$'93 R. R. Beetham___ 56-619 M • •• HARRISON NATIONAL BANK J. M. Sharon_____ 56-61< »$'6U »Caldwell--.— Noble L 17 Citizens National Bank___ '02 56-694 Pop. 2000 FARMERS &MERCH.BK.*§12 M. B. Archer_____ 56-1218 u ' jfjjjj Noble County Nat. Bank-3'73 J. E. Smith—_____ 56-693 Caledonia— Marion G 12 Caledonia Banking Co..< § ’06 L. C. Donnenwirth 56-847 Hon 700 T he FIFT H - THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FO REIGN BANKIN G. C O RR ESP ON D E N CE V ice -P resident . Cashier . As s ’ t Cashier . IN V ITED . Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates» Grace» ‘OHIO—Continued KKKuUKi Ks . 1 i VARIdl Uh UHM41 Lx Dispos c*T t. Bond». CBAW«M,Ddi ti* Seoukitii* promBans» Lia b il it ie s . President . 1 C/AJ ROBINSON 1 Bridgeport..Belmont J 20 BRIDGEPORT BK. & TR. CO. 1 special at ten d o «33 56-521 •tt08 ) Please send 15c w Pop. 6000 ( Send us ÿour B •• AND P aid- op S u Ar Np lD u s Capital Profits Principal Cokkuspurlemtr. $ 75,000 $ 54.170 $ 756.270 1 690,410 $ 195,030 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of P it f N . A., Pitt.: Dol W. E. THOMAS J.C . HEINLEIN lar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling; (M em . Fed. n given Bill o f La d ing drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. R es.) ith each sight draft for. presentation a nd 25c/or Credit R ëports. ridgeport Items. T. T. Frasier_____ 50,000 H. R. JUNGLING— est BatiH in Belm n given Bill o f La ith each sight draft 100,000 H. R. JUNGLING— C. A. BRANUM.— on t C ounty, ding drafts. Cash and T im e Item s. fo r presentation a nd 25c f o r Credit R ëports. 35.000 J. P. Datier_______ 49.630 647,790 660.230 267,780 3,068.170 2,900,070 10.000 400,000 352,000 16.710 227,220 283.560 17,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N.. P itt: N. Ex., Wheeling. W. Va. 584,380 1st N., N.Y. and Clev.; Mellon N.and Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. V 82JÖ00 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Clev.; 1st N. and FifthThird N., Cin. 29,470 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fifth-Third N.,Cin. O E. Baker W H Htx*her Abraham Hay____ 1 F RARI1NFR.. h gh en Bill o f La TS m ust be sent with each Request / 50,000 0. HESTER_____ Q, M. WERTZ - . — ding drafts. Cash and T im e Item s with each sight dr a ft for presentati o n , and Try o u t service. or Report or Rating. 3C.060 1.541,210 1,607,150 255,070 Chase N.. N. Y .; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Cent N. and ist N., Clev. 60.000 23.370 1,257,480 1.049.700 351,140 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Clev. % 25,000 17,410 355,950 306.670 25.000 6,740 175.560 178.180 25.000 F. L. Niederaur___ Henry Eaton_____ Chas. Wagner____ F. W. Radahangh, Sec. a/nd Tr. N. H. Hunter_____ E. E. M C. 100.000 _ 113.850 1.478.370 1.369,510 Donnenwirth Gebhardt Kennedy___ Kiess 100,000 114.310 872,070 932,270 R. V. Sears— ........ J J. Quaintance — A. j ! W h ite______ 100.000 41.720 379,110 664.540 45,300 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ Clev. Wesley Real... H. E Cook ______ _ M. E. Schieber___ E. B. Ruhl, A. Cash. L. J. Adams W. H. Miller G. W. Frye_______ Forest W ycoff—— Margaret Ryan___ 100.000 130.000 1.400.000 1.400.000 250.000 Chatham & Phoenix N., N. Y.: Cont. & Conii N „ Chi.; 1st N..Glev.: Fifth-Third N . Cin. 9,560 Han. N.. N. Y.: City N., Col.; Cambridge Sav., Cambridge. 24,400 Fifth-Third N., Cin. 1 v J. H. Robinson___ W. A. Blicke______ F. P. Donnenwirth Amos Keller.. H. E. Kiess —_____ C. R. Rowe F. C. T T. 91,690 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tol. 27.63 Chase N ..N .Y .: Ohio N.. Col.: 1st N.. Clev.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 322,710 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Union Com. N.. Clev.; 1st a N., Cin.; N. Bk. Com., Tol. 153,400 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Clev.; Ohio N „ Col.; Home Sav., Tol. Wm. Kaup_______ A. D. Sharp______ F. H. Crittenden... 25.000 9.140 136,480 149,630 15.000 2,110 137,700 129,310 25.000 35,000 475,000 500,000 00,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City. Clev. Seab. N.. N. Y.; Conneaut Mutual Ln. k Tr. Co.. Conneaut. 5,980 210,560 174,450 25.000 8 .49O 192.770 174,670 W. A. Thompson . . 25.000 37.500 300.000 255,000 O, C. Gray._______ E. L. Ellison— __ 75.000 24.370 510.410 547,210 132,390 1st N., N. Y .; Mellon N.’ and 3d N., Pitt. 671,660 656,060 121,460 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union Com. N. Clev.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 109.940 1,055.990 1,061.140 303.880 Am. Ex, N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’ N „ Chi.: Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 112,500 Han. N..N.Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Bk. o f Pitt. N.A. Pitt. 70.380 Mellon N.. Pitt.: Ohio N., Col. J. A. Hoopman . . . . Ralph Rogers____ P. McConnell— W. A . Thompson.. F.. P. Finley . T. A. S co tt____ T. H. Mattern J . S Black S. B. McGavran 120,000 C. E. Stewart_____ M. K. W agner____ A. P. Sheri#. Fred Sharon_____ • 100.000 _ — A. L. Schafer_____ D. L. Hai kins____ •5 X! Root) nsrn T. R. Hazard —___ G. S. Ullman_____ W. D. Mer™y __ S. I. Merry Geo. E. Large. —— H. F. Hancher____ A C ' <key_______ J ; tW. Trnex W .r Weir C. E. Underwood.. T. J . Pittman J .S . Jones NATIONAL BANK 41,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Northern N.r Tol. 10,000 Oscar Wise—_____ H. C. Eisenbach . . W. W. Eisenbach— 1 39,830 60.000 74.000 509,400 646.000 30,000! 32.880 556,450 548.950 60.0001 85.750 799,020 884.7101 32.0001 22.000 381.500 344.470 37,740 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N-. Col.; Cambridge Sav. Cambridge. 100,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. \14.10n Chase N., N. Y.: Union N., Pitt.; Cent. N. Clev. 88,440I Han. N.. N. Y.: Union Com. N. and 1st N..O!ev. H •ir>tirrcFt''n V ftM of CINCINNATI— The BANKERS’ BANK Sihce 1863 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given & eao,h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory» under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. and County. Namb op Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates» Grace etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 L ia b il it ie s . R esources. Principal Correspondents. Loams à Dis Cash k E x Abs ’t Cashier. :P aid - u p S urplus DEPOS L1;cfT B . Bonds changes, Dux an d CAPITAI) ITS. 5:. OHIO—Continued Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 4 ,Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv G is Cincinnati Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab Pkbsidbnt. Cashier . P rofitb ‘ Oambridge-Guernsey J 17 Cambridge Sav. Bk. C o> tl’05 B. F. Sheppard. Pon. 13.483 56-263 Central National Bank ..*{'83 M. L. Hartley_____ 56-261 Citizens Sav. Bank Company S. M. Burgess_____ 56-262 *| W. J. Gillespie. J. W. Scott______ O. H. Willis_______ C. S. McMahon. C. S. McMahon W. N. Patterson. G. W. Smith . R. Held.............. E. E. Shilling ____ E. J. Nichter, Tr.. F. J. Mitchell— O. V. M oore______ E. B. Woods______ ♦ 56-73 - 56-69 < ’68 BANK • « ’f 430,000 390,000 105,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N.. Cm. 30.000 20,000 10,000 9,880 647,180 487,770 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev.; Cent. Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron. 180,290 N. Park. N.Y.; Huntington N., Col.jlst N., Clev 25,000 20,000 340,000 338,000 40,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Ohio N., Gol. 12,000 450,000 332,000 81,000 Citiz. N., N. à i 1st N., Clev. Paul D. Rider_____; Lewis R. Zollars. Fred G. Barr____ _ W. W. IRWIN— __ _ H. L. ROSE— — . 175,000 43,470 2.800.000 j 2,982,000 T. T. Dillon 240,000 250,540 3,160,930 3,109,730 C. A. HANNER-. 50,000 53.810 1,280,890 1,087,490 100.000 35,000 1,450,000 1,125,000 200.000 170,320 3,836,370 3,689,370 500,000 778,610 11419470 9,548,280 3,618,400 N. City» N .Y .; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. Li 328,000 5th Ave. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr, Co. o f 111.» Ghi.; Cent. Nv. Clev.; Peo. N., Pitt. 620,660 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Citiz. N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Centennial N., Phil.; 1st N. and Union Com; N.; Clev. 293,230 Merch. N.. N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Ex. N., Pitt.; Clev. N., Clev. Send us yo ur Canton Items. F. E. Case________ Henry A. Wise . . . . Jacob I. Piper. G. W. Howenstine, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 450,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. City; N. Y.; IstN., Clev. 517,310 N. Bk. Com., Ñ. Y .; Union Com. N. and 1st Ñ., Clev.: Ear. Dep. N., Pitt.;(M em . Fed. Bes.) AUSTIN LYNCH. HARRY R. JONES- W. G. SAXTON— ,. W. E. KRUMLAUF United States Depository. We w ant your Banking Business for this locality. Prompt, Liberal, Progressive, and Conservative. Try us, F . HERBRUCK— A. M. DUEBER B. Y. Marconi____ The FIFTH-THIRD NAJIS £ AL of CINCINNATI N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 57,010 4,104,400 3,025,260 1,386,150 Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st n7, ciev’.’ 600,000 525,000 7,800,000 6,800.000 1,800,000 iw u .. AW • JL • 9 iV L V I V U * JU1X« Où IT . Chi.; Phil. N ., PhU.; 1st N ., Clev. 3.000 650 43.570 19,800 25,190 E. E. Mack, T r .... H. S. Kaufman, Sec. and M gr. 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 250,000 E. E. MACK---------W. R. MYERS -— A t h o r o u g h ly o r g a n i z e d o o lle o t io n d e p a r t m e n t . P ro m p t re m itta n c e . R e a s o n a b le c h a r g e s . E S tiM IS W e rfln 1 8 6 6 . S E N D U S Y O U R C A N T O N I T E M S . Louis De Santis B ank__ t ’16 Louis DeSantis___ 56-77 Canton Clearing House ____ _ Paul D. R ider.. !___ (Members indicated by a * ) 1m 7 25,000 OT-TTO-—r.rm tinnrH OFFERS UNSURPASSED FA CIL ITIES IN EVERY FO RM OF D O M E S T IC AND F O R E IG N BANKING. - - CORRESPONDENCE: INy/iTED. Accessible T ow ns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,! July, 1919 56-70 50,000 50,000 First Trust & Savings Bank H. H. Tim ken. . . — H. R. J o n e s .....__ Wm. E. R om yi—i . P.D. Slyne, S ee.. . . 56-76 « t l’17 C. W . Keplinger, W. G. Saxton Frank Collins, Tr. R. W. Loichot. ■_______ V. P. iFrank Collins A . Sec. ’ GEO. D. HARTER 90,000 N. Park.N. Y.; Ist N. and Guardian Sav. & Tr Go.. Clev.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 260,000 Ist N. and N. City, N. Y .; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A. Pitt.; Cent. N. Clev. ______ ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK 633,700 L. D. K ra m er...... W. D. B oyer.. < § ’16 Chas. W- Krieg__ _ E. L. H ang..__.___ W. N. Frederick— Wendell Herbruck Sec. < § ’95 285,000 658,000 M. H. L idd lei.... . . T. C. R ose.__ (JAMES FRAUN- *DIME SAVINGS BANK CO. 26,000 . 300,000 123,500 Herman Shade . . . 'Reasonable cha rges. Crystal Park Bank— 56-75 50,000 100,000 D. Campbelli-__ _. H. J. Beardsley__ L „ « FEaLTsp EReclalty. Prompt presentation, \Collections 56-74 B anks R. Kirkpatrick . . . . M. B. Hoopman . . . M. W. Stiles..____ $ 50,000 $ 17,450 $ 307,450 $ 328,240 $ 32,300 N.City, N. Y.; City N „ Col.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. Pitt.,' j I v- n ■ r- ' 100,000 67,420 879,750 866,500 29Í.Í00 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. N., Clev.: Bk o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. • j ■ 50,000 26,770 490,220 485,400 73,080 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.4 Zanesville and Pitt. ♦City National Bank— < ’79 W. H. C lark..____ J. H. Kenny______ H. S. Kaufman . . . 56-71 COMMERCIAL & SAV. from J. R. Hall________ W. S. McCartney _. E. B. Milligan.. A. J. Bennett A. O. Dufley H. P. Woodworth. D. M. Hawthorne— W. D. Deselm . ’ R. 0. Prugh____ ;. E. C. Eikenberry . . J. E. Randall____ . Collections sent us will receive pr ompt attention. L. W. Beery___ • Securities ______ OHIO B A N K S-—Cambridge to Canton GUERNSEY NATIONAL BANK H. W. L uccock__ 56-260 « t ’72 National Bank o f Cambridge A. R. Murray..__ 56-259 < ’63 Camden____ ..Preble L 5 FIRST NATIONAL BAHK-*t’06 C Pop. 80S 56-906 Canal Dover ..Tascara was (See Dover) Pop. 7500 H 18 Canal Faltón__ Stark F 17 Exchange Bank Co.___ < § ’87 Pop. 978 56-907 Canal Winchester.Fr’klin Canal Winchester Bank « it ’87 Pop. 740 K 12 56-813 Peoples Bank Co____ ..< § ’04 56-814 Canfield ...Mahoning E 20 Farmers National B an k.< ’87 Pop. 685 56-908 ¿Canton------ ..Stark F 18 ♦Central Savings Bank Go. Pop. 60,852 56-72 < § ’87 Vicb-Pbbsidbnt. 1016___________. tn ifi me FIFTH - TH RD N A TIO N A L B A N K of CINCINNATI Ob Cn N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State ^County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. [Estàb. C is Cincinnati Branch. Mem. Fed. Res. V ice-President . Cask ier . A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . W. B. Denman. . . . . V. W. P e ck .......... E. M. Willits______ Robt. Nichols.. i n v i t e d i Lia b il it ie s . 11 R e s o u r c e s , S u r p l u s D e p o s Loams St D b - Cash k E x P a id - u p c ’ ts . Bonds, changes,D ue and it s Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s Security** from B anks $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 285,000 $ 295,000 $ 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev. 60,000 24,000 320,000 361,000 41,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. ~ 25,000 15,680 273,480 223,400 115,870 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Tol. H. F. Graves______ L. G. Ranger.____| A. H. Kemerley___ O. W. McGill — 40,000 57,000 194,070 220,810 63,730 Citiz. N., N. Y.: Tiffin N., Tiffin. H. E. Alspach..___ J. M. Brunner . . . . . C. E. Kistler_____ _ J. A. Kistler... 25,000 10.180 237,880 195,480 50,080 Ohio N., Col. T. D. Updike . . ___ Harry B e ll____ L. M. Dally S. P. H arris__ ___ A. C. Brewster— F . P. Shumaker A. H. Van Valken- R. A. Bishop.__ burg O. L. Smith_______ W. B. Bruce L. D. Osborn ____ First National B ank___ $1900 O. P. T o co m ...__ Emmor Bowman. 56-914 First National Bank____ «$’07 F. E. Wesselmann. George Bentel__ 56-915 . P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . I. L. Culler _______ H. H. Heck___ Byron Ogg_______ Chattanooga. Mercer G 5 Farmers & Merchants State W. R. S m ith ..™ .! H. C. Baker_____ B an k .... 56-1265— 4 (1 7 Pop. 300 (R ockfordP.O .) 160,000 1,350,00011,300,000 250,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Union Com. N. and 1st N. Clev.; 1st N., Pitt. 8,000 325,000 276,710 50,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th N. and 2d N^ Oin. 24,100 Han. N., N .Y .; Am. Bkg. & Tr. Co., Sandusky Home Sav., Tol. re 65,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th N., Cin. 7,250 117,710 113,340 15,000 200.000 200,000 25,000 625,000 575,000 125,000 1,150,000 1 ,100,000 90,580 1,793,750 1,752,360 112,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st Nr, Cin. and Clev. 193,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Lin.N., Cin.; Union Com. N„ Clev. 314,290 Chase N., N. Y.; IstN . and Union Com. N., Clev.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 115,000 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; New 1st N., Col, 40,000 20,000 275,000 *220,000 V. E. Brokaw—. 25,000 18,110 212,450 219,120 70,850 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. J. A. Church___ Ruth H. Ober, A . Tr. 100,000 40,470 680,220 811,450 25,000 2,500 132,150 134,030 94,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Com. N ., Clev. (M em . Fed. R es.) 16,970 Superior Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. P .E . Denton......... 50,000 32,500 750,000 715,000 95,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev. C. R. Truman.. 50.000 43,260 679,570 665,980 T. W. Baker._____ Leona L. Baker. 25,000 2,130 158,260 161,510 Carl Patterson__ _ C. I. Schofield. . 25,000 33,290 204,610 240,360 Avery Markland__ 25,000 38,760 699,350 600,660 500 180,000 136,000 Homer C. Smith . . R. B. Ramey___ A. A. Fow ler__ F. E. Ford:_____i 116,360 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Union Com. N „ and N City, Clev. 23,880 1st N „ Celina. 41,470 1st N.,Clev.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Huntingtor N „ Col.; Mellon N., Pitt. 150,440 Han. N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. (Sec Willard) Farmers Bank------------- t t ’08 56-016 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 56-204 «$’83 Citizens National Bank__ «'01 . 56-207 First National Bank___ •$’! 56-203 Ross County Nat. Bank. *$'65 56-205 The Savings Bank Co. ..$ (’87 56-206 Valley Savings Bank & Tr.Co 56-208 ’ »§’07 Christiansburg.Ch’mp’gn Farmers & Merch. Bank*$(’07 56-617 Pon 500 J8 5th-3 rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORRESPONDENCE F P. H ills..... . . . . D. J. Donovan____ W. P. Vaughan___ M. A. W e ll s - - First National Bank ....• $ ’92 S. S. Sm ith______ 58-686 The - I . President . S A V IN G S C. H. Bishop______ O. W. Coe . ______ Centerburg___ Knox 1 13 CENTENBURG BANK___ 56-821-------- «$(’06 Pop. 800 Ohesterhill—Morgan M 16 Pop. 410 Cheviot___ Hamilton O 6 C (Cincinnati P. O .) Pop. 3200 Chicago Junction.Huron Pop. 4000 E 13 Chickasaw___ Mercer H 6 Pop. 400 ‘ Chillicothe „ .R o s s N 12 C. Pop. 15,470 - Accessible T ow ns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in beck of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. OHIO—Continued 100.000 Harry McLaughlin, T. J. Saltsman.___ J. O, Ferrall—_____ Frank Johnston, A . Sec. A . Tr. O. Roudebush, A. Sec. 25,000 Carthage__ Hamilton N 6 First National Bank____ *$’07 0. E. McOammon.. L. C. Cordes.____ E. F. S m ith______ 56-911 C ( Cincinnati P. O .) Pop. 3013 12,500 James Nolan . Oastalia_______ Erie C 12 Castalia Banking Co.___ $('05 Jerome Bixby..___ T. C. Adams______ 56-912 Pop. 600 50,000 Oliver Garlough... O. L. S m ith...___ _ L. F. Tindall— Cedarville___ .Greene L 9 Exchange Bank . . . ____ *$(’90 G. W. R i f e __ i ___ 56-913 't Pop. 1059 50,000 R . H. Chapman.. W. T. Palmer_____ Henry Lennartz__ ‘ Celina______Mercer H 6 Citizens Banking Co.___ $(’83 S. A. Bowman ..!__ H. C. Bowman 56-543 Pop. 4000 v 50,000 Commercial: Bank Go...*$(’70 0. D. Hierholzer__ J. B. Pulskamp___ A. M. Riley_______ E. J. Hierholzer. 56-542 100,000 J. P. LeLond___ C. H, Howick_____ First National Bank____ *$'01 J. E. Hattery____ _ W. É. Touvelle___ T. A. Weis 56-544 First National B an k ..... *$’06 56-822 Chagrin Falls.. Cuyahoga Chagrin Falls Bkg. Go..*$(’90 ♦ 56-624 Pop. 2000 C 18 First National Bank_____ '18 56-1283 ‘ Chardon___ Geauga B 19 Chardon Savings Bank «$(’91 56-685 Pop, 2000 BANKING. J. A. Poland____ 4 C. 0. Jack________ 150,000 144,900 1,098,770 1,099,380 37.000 Chase N.. N. Y,: Com’l Bk. Co., Celina; Osgoot State, Osgood. 323,630 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N. and lsi N., Cin. 130,000 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; Lin, N., Cin.; M. M. Is N „ Balt. 451,760 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third and Is N., Cin. 407,830 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Cin. J. M. Vanmeter... J. D. McKell___ _ R. B. Mutchler___ 100,000 220,000 1,885,000 1,992.000 229,000 Cent. N., Chillicothe. George H. Smith__ Alex. Renick____ John H. Blacker... 160,000 112.900 1,804,230 1.853,310 J. T. R. Wilson___ J. R. Marshall___ R. L. Powers______ Earl R. Merritt —— 207,830 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Sav. Bk. S Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st N., Chillicothe. 30,000 4th N.. Gin. Charles H. Schwieterman F. A. Stacey______ J. D. McKell_____ A. J. Birkmeyer. E. L. Spetnagel___ 100,000 188,220 G. A. Vaughters... J. P. Phillips, Sr.. Fred Hessentahler 100,000 87,000 Alex. R en ick...... E. R. McKee_____ S.M. Veail......... . . . C. F. Hageman-— 150,000 214,200 1,901,990 1,929,440 C. W. Story______ 15,000 10,000 970,870 1,037,820 750,000 175.000 600,000 125,000 NATIONAL.BANK ef CINCINNATI— Resources Over __________ OHIO BAN K S— Cardington to Christiànsburg ______________ 1017' Oardington .Morrow H 12 Citizens B a n k ..... . . . —•$('94 56-711 Pop. 1349 First National Bank_____ $’63 56-710 Carey_____Wyandot F 10 First National Bank.'____ $’02 56-599 Pop. 222b Peoples Bank C o .______ $l’67 56-598 Carroll____ Fairfield L 13 Farmers &Merch. Bk.Co.$S’06 56-909 Pop. 500 ‘ Carrollton.. Carroll G 19 Cummings Trust C o ....«$ l’70 56-910 Pop. 1720 F O R E IG N iuly, 1919 N um ber an der N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber r i m to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FA CIL ITIES IN EVERY FO RM OF D O M E S T IC AND Number under Name of Bank in the New Transit Number eiven 10 bauk in L' 8 exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ lMre«-ior>. under-the authority of The American Hankers Ass’ n. ¡iiè'MMikk .. ~ P resident . Vice-P resident . Cashier . A ss ' t Cashier . . Lt ■K 'A.r 11«>. D uPOcHT' P aid- up SuRrLC* 1NDIVIDOP O 4L Pa-iriTi. D eposits B anks I H a m ilt o n , O 6 ) liK-ii IK H> L oans a B onds. Dut O AnU D is8 (SCURIPROM AND EXCOUNTS TIES, ETC. B anks CHANOES C o u n ty S e a l; P o p . 410,476, P K ì A U P A L CuKKKbPUNDKiNTb. ♦Atlas National Bank....... < ’87 Albert Lackman__ Wm. Guckenberger 0. J. Z ie g le r ....... C. Haehnle__ . . . . . $ 400,000 $ 916,140 I 3,790,920 $ 583,930 $ 1,751,350 $ 2,911,100 $ 588,660 $ 604,770 N. Park and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 18-35 Cont. & Com’ l N. and Corn Ex. N., J. F. Parti CM.; N. Shawm ut. Bos. Brighton Bank & Trust Go.<§’98 G. A. W illey..___ ♦ 13-5« ♦CENTRAL TRUST CO.— <§'83 A. C. Shinkle____ _ 13-3» Cincinnati Bank & Trust Co. 13-66 < § ’06 T. J : Geisler, S ec.. W. H. Simpson, Tr. W. H. Simpson F. B. Baldwin. G E. McCubbin. A . Sec. A . Sec. H. M. Levy H. P. Colville E. V. Overman__ Geo. A. Schulze... L. E. Guntrum, Sec. H. L. Manss Citizens Bank & Sav. Co.<§'09 C. B. Smith.______ W. C. Hattersley . . F. W. Hohmahn, 13-82 Sec. and Tr. VV. J. Uerschede (Pleasant Ridge) 'CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 13-29 < ’80 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms, and Individuala accepted on the most liberal ternis consistent with m odern and careful banking. Travelers’ Letters of Credit issued on Union of L o n d o n a n d Smiths Bank. Limited, London. Collections a specialty* 6,280.000 2,011.000 3,377.000 1,280,000 1.000.000 1.292.040 5.019 980 2.501.870 4,219,350 512,700 125.000 68.130 1.600.910 719.780 807,490 50.000 9,610 398,210 284 620 81,510 89,280 2.000.000 2.015,300 6,440,060 2,386,350 .8,471,960 4.487,010 2,530,260 153.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln.& Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. l i t 4th St. N.. Phil.: M -M.. 1st. N., Balt.; (Mem. Fed. Kes.) 165,420 Bkrs. Tr.-Co.. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Girard N., Phil. 270,700 Irving N.. N.Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 10.820 H an.N .,N .Y .:4thN .,C in. R. H. Doepke A. H. Nappi John Slaun F. J. D o rg e r_____ John Flanagan. Tr. E. J. Johannigman, J. H. Memt-rs. Sec A . Sec. and À . Tr. eclalty and remit ted o n day o f Pay m en t. ENCE INVITED. 100.000 265.790 2,425.640 1,111,840 1.245.650 331,760 248,000 1.650.000 752.000 647.590 170,050 250.000 159,220 4,176,050 ________ 2,535,780 1,327,180 422,880 182,290 Merch. N. and Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 471.220 306,600 124.570 34,640 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Market N., Cin. 32.280 804.350 50,000 9,520 318.990 171.300 123,020 57,730 50.000 27,640 303,630 139,170 119.470 27,280 25.000 25.710 FU)S,om 250,150 171,450 116,220 102,170 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.and Lin. N., Cin; 81.000 Columbia, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 1 if .200 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Citiz. N., Cin. 12.500 4th N., Cm. 15,130 Irving N. and Bk. of America, N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Oin. CHAS. A. H IN S C H ... EDWARD A- S E iT E R - CHAS. H. SH IELD S - L . E . VAN AUSDOL— MONTE J. GOBLE F . J . MAYER LOUIS G. POCHAT s a m u e l Mc F a r l a n d CASPER H. ROWE, STACY B. RANKIN V.-P. wliVuE! 1 W ffi 3,000,000 2,012,670 37,720,390 C o l l e c t i o n s a n d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s o li c i t e d . A l l in q u ip is s w i l l r e c e i v e p e r s o n a l a t t e n t io n a n d r e p li e s . 30,270,910 12,467,980 8,875,020 A m , E x. N. and 1st N ., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’ l N. and 1st N., Chi.) 1st N ., St. I» SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Cincinnati continued on folio wing v(Wv. h ar ter Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C No. 2() — The FIFTH - T HIR1) NATIO NAL Qf CINCINNAI 'I — Over Fifty Years of Service ________________ July, 1919 Evanston Bank___ _____ < § ’09 C. A. Culbertson... Edw. M e ie r......... W. E. Kreidler, 13-76 Sec. and Tr. ♦Federal Reserve Bank of (Branch o f Clevela nd) (F or complete data seepage 27) Cleveland. 13— 43__________ • i'-.V i N. Park, 1st N., and N. City, N. Y .: 1st N.and Con t.&Com’ l N.,Chl.; M N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.: State N. and 1st N., St. L. 100.000 100,000 H.W.Morgenihaler, W. Ë. Strautmann, A . Tr. Tr. Cumminsville Bank & Savings J . B. H eid__ _____ j . G. Fisk_______ _ J. H. Ruthemeyer. Company .13-7»______< § ’ 12 Charles Duwel East End Bank_________ <§'07 C as. S. F e rris.... Louis C. Raber___ 13-72 378,690 \ SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON INDEX OHIO. Court House Savings B k ..< § ‘09 W .F. Robertson... 13-74 18-31 352.000 EDWARD DOEPPER.CHAS. W_ DUPUIS^ W n KNOX_______ R. 0. SMITH fi. P. GRIFFITH. W. A. JULIAN H.SACHTELEBEN IMÌ o fB d . ■ ♦City Hall Bank________ <§'93 George Schmidt__ 13-37 Columbia Bk. & Sav. Co..<§'02 W. P. Stamm........ 13-60 i E. F. Romer____ (1 Branch) COSMOPOLITAN BK. & TRUST J) Collections a Sp COMPANY-13-61------- < §’«. 'C O B RESPOND 'FIFTH-THIRD NAT’L BANK.« 200,000 Andrew Jergeus __________ ________________ OHIO B A N K S—Cincinnati Name UK Ha ak . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tM^ro.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem Fed. lies. [Estab. CINCINNATI—Reserve City _______ ( Branch, Federal Reserve Bank No. 4 ) 1018 101 8 AL/AO C h ar ter N o. 2() — The FIFTH - 1 HIRE) N A J i ^ A L of CINCINNAI’I — Over Fifty Y ears of S ervice TH E FIFTH-THIRD N ATIO NAL BANK OF C I N C I N N A T I O F F IC E R S CHARLES A. HINSCH EDWARD A. SETTER MONTE J. GOBLE - - STACY B. RANKIN CHARLES T. PERIN WILLIAM A. HINSCH CHARLES H. SHIELDS LEWIS E. VAN AUSDOLFREDERICK J. MAYER SAMUEL McFARLAND EDWARD A. VOSMER - - - - - UNITED ST ATES D E PO SITAR Y - President - Vice-President Vice-President - Vice-President - Vice-President - Vice-President - - - Cashier - Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier - Ass’t Cashier Capital Stock $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Surplus profits $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Assets Over $ 4 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 / ^ + 5 r \ r i c Given Careful Attenv U l l C L l l U I l o tion an(j Remitted for Promptly at Lowest Rates. We have I Special Facilities for Collections throughout Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. D IR E C T O R S CHAS. H. M . ATKINS, President Warner Elevator Co. CHAS. F. BARRETT, Gen’l Agent Adams Express Co. CHARLES C. CHASE, J. D. Hearne Estate D. HOWARD GAYLE, Pres’t Gilmer Fuel Co. JOHN H. GOYERT, Goyert & Vogel, Produce ROBERT B. HENLEY, Wholesale Grocer SAMUEL E. HILLES, Chairman The Sam’l C. Tatum Co. .CHARLES A. HINSCH, President CHARLES F. HOFER, Capitalist SIMON KUHN, Capitalist HENRY H. MEYER, Pres’t H. H. Meyer Packing Co. ALEXANDER OFFNER, Mayer, Scheuer, Offner & Co. JAMES P. ORR, Pres’t Potter Shoe Co. STEWART SH1LLITO, Pres’t The John Schillito Co. A. CLIFFORD SHINKLE, Pres’t Central Trust Co. EDWARD W. STRONG, Attorney at Law HARRY H. SUYDAM, Pres’ t Cincinnati Mfg. Co. GEORGE M . VERITY, Pres’t The American Rolling Mill Co. MILES T. WATTS, Gaff Estate A. L. WHITAKER, Pres’t Whitaker Paper Co. ELI WINKLER, Isaac Winkler & Bro. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondence So^ctntemplating a Change or Division of their Accounts. A r r r u m f c of Banks> Corporations, r V C C U U i l I S Firms, and Individuals Solicited and Received Upon the Most Favor able Terms. R n n H c D U llU d H i■ H H H High-grade Investment Bonds Bought and Sold. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TH IS D O E S N 'T SHOW ON T H E COVER " S e n d us y o u r d ire c to ry a t once.fc. W t h a v e ju s t re ceived a n o th e r p u b lic a tio n a n d in th e course o f a fe w m in u te s e x a m in a tio n w e h a v e fo u n d th e fo llo w in g e r rors in cashiers in b a n k s in o u r o w n s ta te . W e k n o w these m e n p e rs o n a lly , a n d n o n e o f th e m h a v e been in these p o sitio n s fo r fr o m tw o t o fiv e y e a rs . W e c a n n o t c o rre ct e rrors re g a rd in g persons w e d o n o t k n o w b u t w e presum e th e re a re som e o f th o s e .” W e are u n d e r a fiv e -y e a r c o n tra c t fo r d ire ctories a n d d is p la y a d v e rtis in g w it h t h e ...............................o f N e w Y o r k ____ a b o u t tw o ye a rs o f . such c o n tra c t h a v in g e x p ire d . It has proven very unsatisfactory by reason o f innumerable inaccuracies, and roe are practically compelled to buy some other book, ns a ivork o f reference. A s soon as y o u r n e x t d ire c to ry is issued, w e w o u ld lik e to h a v e y o u fo r w a rd i t to us im m e d ia te ly .” ‘ I n th e la te s t issue o f a n o th e r b o o k w e h a v e been su b sc rib in g t o , th e in fo rm a tio n is g iv e n t h a t in th is s ta te the re a re ‘ n o special la w s re la tin g to b a n k s ,’ a lth o u g h a special b a n k in g la w has passed a n d has been in o p e ra tio n since 1 9 1 4 . W e w a n t y o u r d ir e c to r y .” iniQ A tliy Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- . P T IV T P T TVTTvT A 'T 'T C t i n n P f l *' R p v p r v p P i t v dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, V ^ U N ^ U N iN A A A v c e tc., see page 14 For Holidays, see opposite page 13.|p ________ (B ranch, Federal Reserve Bank No. «.)■ _______ _ Kfcsoum Es. ’ i P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s. M Attn ITI KS. C ash D ub Lo ANS.A BONDSl A ss ’ t Cashier . P aid - up SUHPLU» D epos D eposits Cashier . PROM and E x Sec u ri or D is AND its Ca p it a l N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to w h bank in Ü. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of T h e American Bankers Ass'it. N ame ok Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. state Kks. Assn. +Priv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estah. President . Vice-P resident . B anks P r o f it » Joseph Rawson.;__ T. J. Davis W. W. Brown, C. J. Stedman Robert McEviliey J. J. Rowe ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’63 13-1 counts t ie s . BTC. B anks 7 39,582,960 $ 2,168,130 $ $ 6.000,000 *3,362,430 42,606.130 $14561540 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N, and Cont. & Com’ I Nr, Ohi. C. A. Stevens F. W. L. Hageman Owen Owens 245.800 173.930 changes 100,720 $ 34,380 8,240 Fifth-Third N., Gin. 50,000 25,250 500.000 934,300 Guarantee Deposit Co.__ $§1900 Edwards Ritchie... J. R. Cheeseman .. J. B. Lanmann, Sec. J. W. Crothers, Tr. 13-80 35,500 10,770 547.650 369,680 155.890 48,890 19.440 Irving N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin Hamilton County Bank..< § ’16 E. H. Matthews... H. J. Enneking___ L. F. Steible______ H. E. Poor. S ec .... 13-83 C. R. Dunton 50.000 8,540 276,300 213.500 62,200 19,200 16.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. Home Savings Bank Co__< § ’03 Robert P. Hargitt.. C. B.Braunstein... Harvey E. Krapp, Sec. and Tr. 13-63 50.000 22,450 747.150 416,260 289.420 89,100 25,110 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. Hyde Park Savings Bank<§'08 M. Y. Cooper______ A. J. Becht___ 13-71 50.000 41.400 520,580 463.410 26.580 71.930 18.080 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Cin. 50.000 69,130 941.580 305,980 540,480 179.340 22,530 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N., Cin. First National Bank of C. T. P erin_______ W F sptt’p MaJisouviue.Sfi-4/7____ *+’07 ♦FOURTH NATIONAL BANK 13-4 »*’63 C. E. Wilson_____ G. W. Williams___ J. F. Klein.............. E. A. W illiams— F. S. Mygatt H. P. Cooke Charles Bartlett 13-24 <*81 . . G. F. Arand, Sec. and Tr. A.-Sec. and A. Tr. J, G. Moorman____ George Winter . . . . W. Walton Craig Liberty Banking& Sav.Co.<§'07 13-70 LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK J H Stiles Aliiert. 5,338,050 $ 4,464.710 5.323.580 1,584,950 3,431,270 931,380 1st N., N. Y.: Cont. & Oom’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. O GEO. H. BOHRER— L. J. HAUCK--------0. N. LITTELL -— J. E. SOHN, JR....... WM.C. WACHS CHAS. SINDLINGEN A c c o u n ts o f B a n k s, B a n k s rs , and C o rp o ra tio n s r e ce iv e d on fa v o r a b le te r m s . C o lle c t io n s given prom pt atten tion . 500,000 917,140 5,278.340 2,119,410 3,277,190 3,264,200 2,700,290 148.570 N. Bk. Com., Irving N „ and 1st N „ !t. Y .i Cont. & Com*! N. and 1st N.« Chi.; M U e.Tr.C o., St. L .; 1st N ., Bos. 27.200 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and Provident Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. 24.700 J. F. M altby..____ RamiiPl TTill Madisonville Deposit Bank 56-478 $§’07 VH IM dn fbfee 25,000 Mohawk State Bank____ <§*09 H. W. Maescher. . . E.-J. Dempsey.___ A, A. Landesco . . . . Lester Rothschild 13-75 50.000 23,220 709,340 177.650 _ _ 485,580 56,400 G. B. Weber______ G. 0. Coors_______ J. H. Shreve 75.000 77.220 930.670 428430 486.090 109.420 59.260 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N. and 2d N., Cin. OAKLEY BANK................. <§*07 John Rempe_____ _ A. H. Tuechter___ _ R. Ruzicka_______ WHb Borcherdins. 50,000 50,770 1.067,850 667.450 222,190 187.440 61,010 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; IstN., Norwood Ohio. 200,000 Pearl-Market Bank______ $§’07 Samuel Lehman . . . James Arata______ J. A. Helmers. . . . . Geo. P. Hardig. . . . R. W. Streicher W. A. Ryan (1 Branch) 13-69 1 * TIVwv L. S. Helmers Lawrence Mitter, Jr. 135.870 2,828,750 13.750 1.563.870 960.700 573,880 55,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Cin. PEOPLES BK.* SAV. C 0.< §’06 Alfred M. Cohen... L. V. Marks_______ James B. Whittle— Wm. H. Beckwith. ! 200.000 111,560 1.947,620 125.620 1,323,400 613,700 369,530 108.110 Harriman N., N. Y.; 4th N., Cin. D. S. Shrove 13-55 11,610 163.860 4 (Oakley) 13-81 ( Cincinnati nont»vU/ °d on (1 Branch) r / T>asip.i Max Silberberg The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL BANK 30,990 Equitable Tr. Go., N. Y.; Cin. I John P. Sullivan Ernst Troy. Sec. SpE I n c I H nL u l l ; u r i nc. r u u n i n r a u L n r iL .n ir o c .n r c . u i o m i u i /f O FFER S UNSURPASSED S E R V IC E TO BANKS AND B AN K ER S Lin. N., Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number g iv e n P T 'N J r'T 'M 'W A T 'T ___ f V i n t i r m p » H __ P i f - u 1 n O A t o e a ch bank in U . S. exclusively b y The Band-McNally Bankers* V ^ IIN l^ IJ N I N iV 1 1 C O IlIin u e a X vcSerV c U l y I U 4 U Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass*n.____________ (Branch, Federal Reserve Bank District No. 4.)________ PROVIDENT SAV. R esources . D ub L ia b il it ie s . N ame of Ba k e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . V ice-P resident . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . P aid - u p Ca p it a l B on d s, I n d iv id D e p o s it s L o a n s a Se c u r i ual D is of c o u n t s t i e s . BTC. P r o fits D e p o s it s B a n k s S u rplus and J. E. HODGE, H.WEHMER, Sec. and Tr, A . Sec. and A . Tr. J. A. REIF, L. H. BILL, $ 1,400.000 $ 1,151,610 $12813650 O Tn f)f| ■ A . Sec. ana A . Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr, Ob I H r u U . IT you appreciate prompt and efficient service at a reasonable charge •tilflOO send US your Cincinnati items and collections. 13-42 D R ||IX BANK Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Director, m dexed m b a c k o f thrs v olu m e. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see p a g e 14. For Holidays, see op p o s ite p a g e 1 3 . C. A. B 0S W 0R TH - J. G. G U T T IN G -— EDW. A. S IS S O N - jj. L. $ 6,659,860 $ 6,965,100 2,198,480 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. V .; 1,199,210 N. City, N .Y .; Ft. Dear. N. and 1,000,000 366,900 5,187,390 2,851,090 3,196,980 200,000 184,950 2,203,630 447,030 1,605,510 Southern Ohio Sav. Bk— « « ’03 Arthur Espy---------D. ».E dw ards------- G. F. Barrett, T r... G. E. Roberts, Sec. 13-62 100,000 160,590 2,028,010 - Alfred Brown____ C. R. Hubbard, Sec. A. L. Sadler, Tr. 100,000 135,000 975,000 W .E . Gray, Tr.__ W. L. Thede, Sec. H. J. Mergler, A. J.Schmitt, A.Sec. A. Tr. W.S.Magly, A . Sec. F. J. Loewe, A.Sec. 1,000,000 S. C. Pummill . . . . . C.F.Goettheim, Sec. N. Diehl, Tr. 75.000 100,780 2,310,930 W. G. AbÁ, A.Sec, Robert Hnmmel. Sec. and Tr, C. G. Macdonough, A . Tr, 50.000 44,000 3. C. Peck. W. R. Galloway, Cash, and Sec: A.Cash. and A.Sec, 100.000 24,0301 Albert Widmann__ Philip Bock.. Feldie Katz 500,000 613.400 10,569,070| 50,000 29,550 . 698,950 13-^2 R ANK « t ’63 C o l l e c t i o n s s o li c i t e d a n d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e in v it e d . Stock Yards Bank & Tr. Co. O.H. Dater — . . . . C. R. Hubbard. 13-68 « ’06 ♦Union Sav. Bk. & Tr. O o .« «’90 Chas. A. H insch... C. B. Wright, ........... ♦ 13-40 C h .o fB d . (2 Branches) Unity Banking & Sav. Co.«t§1900 13-59 3. L. E. Miller____ Edw. Senior O. H. Deppe Edgar Stark Geo. Jung______ H. W. Meier F. L. Emmert Walnut Hills Sav. & Bkg. Co. M. Durner.. 13-67 » « ’06 C. C. Rothier . . S. H. Freiberg WASHINGTON BA. & SAV. CO. Joel C. Clore— . . Geo. c . Kolb........ 13-84 , » « ’17 F. J. Zumstein ♦ 18-26 •«75 Fred’k Hertenstein Henry Hoppe. Adolph Dryer H. J. Plogstedt, Sec. and Tr. Winton Savings Bank___ » « ’10 O. F. K o r n ..______ J. 8. W alker..____ J .S . Horst___ .. A. Bishopric 13-78 Cincinnati Clearing House___ E. A. S eiter______ W. C. Wachs. (Members indicated by a * ) Pji'lilcAlfl'flQjti/ COTiti/TlUCCi 071 TICQCt/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N., Chi.; ¡VItie. Tr. Co., St. L.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) IstN ., Chi.; Cent. N ., St. L. ^11 i n q u i r i e s r e c e i v e p e r s o n a l a n d p r o m p t a t t e n t io n . Security Sav.Bk.& Safe Dep.Co. Chas. A. Hinsch--- Geo. Puchtar.'. J. R. Edwards 13-64 *{§‘04 ♦Western Bank & Trust Co. 536.050 Fifth-Third N., Cin. 323,450 N. City, N. Y.; IstN . and 2d N.,Cin, 1,487,080 285,000 $ 450,000 137.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th N „ Cin. 4,477,660 12,670,790 1.669,750 234,630 Chase N „ Guaranty Tr., and Bkrs Tr. Co.. N. Y.;Cont. T r.O o., Balt.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 409,070 1,567,670 433,170 76,800 Imp. & Tra. N ., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N.,Cin. 512,000 264,300 281,200 30,000 30,500 Columbia, N. Y.; Lincoln N., Cin. 407,720 339,230 87,250 90.630 15,040 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N and 2d N., Cin. 3,533,960 6,675,180 1,279,240 233,750 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’ N., Chi.; N.Bk. Com., St.L.; (M em Fed. B es.) 318,920 292,320 64,660 3,149,580 16,574,380 $ 415,000 64,670 47,160 30,780 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. W. D. Dublé, Sec. and Mgr. Charter No. 20 — The FIFTH -THIRD 1021 P rincipal Correspondents . C ash and Ex changes L. J . VAN LAHR— Ç4 l r a l ^ * f SECOND N A T If lN A I prom Banks Selected List— INVESTMENT DEALERS NAJ1WALof CINCINNAT A c c e s s i b le C I N C I N N A T I — C o n t in u e d — R e s e r v e C ity T ow ns, L aw yers, La w s , D ir e c to r s , .« ■ , dexed in b a ck of tb is v o lu m e . F ot I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e ,, _____________ l A nar y r cs , oBee o o oopposite w w /v e U o n Q .i£ etc?, Bee ‘page1 A14. F o r IHI ool lid p aaogs e Il3 Charter No. 20 — The FIFTH -THIRD NAJI2 K AL o f CINCINNATI— 1021 C I N C I N N A T I — C o n t in u e d — R e s e r v e C ity Selected List— INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. "IMern. Inv. Bks. Assn. Y ear Es t a b lished . Officers . CORRESPONDENTS [Investment Securities. Member Cincinnati Stock Exchange. IMember Chicago Board of Trade. BREED, ELL O TT & HARR SON, In c . (Investment Securities) . H'05 (322 Walnut) CHANNER & SAWYER .4 1 1 4 Y ear Es t a b lished . W. E. HUTTON & CO. Guaranty Tr.Co., N.Y.; Prov ident Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Fifth-Third N., and Citiz. N., Oin. IRWIN, BALLMANN & CO.— (328-332-Walnut St.) f Jos. Eppstein, C ash.___ ASHBROOK & CO., CLAUDE............ t ’95 \(.Investment Securities) BEAZELL & C H A TFIELD ------ . . . . . 1 1 8 (Union Cent. Bldg.) N ame of Banker . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. IIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. rS. Hugenberg, Cashier..________ _____ |Herbert Jones, Auditor Investment Securities. |Municipal and Corporation Bonds, ^listed and Unlisted Stocks. ..... = ■- - - ... - == ■ =..- Officers . •til’90 ¡Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y. Hulburd, Warren & Chan dler, Chi.; Fifth-Third N., i 4th N., and Cent. Tr. Co., RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE CO. i Cin. —— ..JT02¡(Investment Securities). Lin. N., 1st N., Atlas N., and Citiz. N., Oin. -T12 ( Investment Bonds ) - 15 [James L. Moch, Cash...A. Wolfer, A. Cash. Jos. Walker & sons, and C. H. Pforzheimer& Cp. N. Y.: (Investment Securities) [ Members Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Citiz. N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin. O -16! f W .E .F ox , Representative. I ( (Investment Bonds) NATIONAL C ITY COMPANY — (Fourth Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Lin. N., Cin. T he FIFTH - THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. City Co., N. Y. and corre spondent offices. See Adv, Page 3. __ Mech. & Metals N., N.City, and Kuhn, Loeb & C o., N. Y .; 1st N ., Chi. SEAS0NG00D & MAYER City,",v“ tn,* nt Sec‘,Htte8County, Town, School, and Railroad *^’87 STACY & BRAUN— -------------— Correspondence invited. Bonds. Citz. N. and Pearl Market Cin. f W . H. Silverman, Pres... 18 ■< A. S. Huyck, Sec. & Tr. (. (Municipal Bonds) SILVERMAN-HUYCK CO........ (Mtle. Library Bldg.) Stacy & Braun, N. Y. and Tol tY 10¡(Investment Bonds) !Field, Richards & Co., N. ¥., ! Chi., and Clev. Tillotson & Wolcott . Co. Clev.; 1st N. and Fifth Third N., Cin. Newborg & Co., N. Y. George W. Beiser, Cashier._____________— Weil, Both & Co., N. Y and Chi. -•tV02 .19 ¡(Municipal Bonds). j« — - to Josephthal & Co., N. Y.; 4th J. C. Mayer & C o .. N., 1st N „ and Citiz. N., Cin. WEIL ROTH & CO, N. S. HILL & COMPANY— (Traction Bldg.) • W .E. Hutton & Co., N. Y.; Thompson & McKinnon, Chi.; E.F.Huttdn & Co., San F.; E. W. Clark & Co., Phil. A. M. -Kidder & Co., N. Y.; Frank H. Ballman, Edwin U. Irwin, Partners Kidder, Peabody & Co.,-Bos. ( Investment Securities) Tillotson & Wolcott Co. (The) . . . tT09 i H. Ellwood Cree, Res. M gr.. [ (Investment Bonds) EDGAR FRIEDLANBER- - —-------- — — r< Lee, Higginson & Co., Ñ. Y. Chi., and Bos. Post & Flagg, N. Y. r i n n nm uann c a nn _+«,no ((M unicipal and Corporation Bonds, FIELD, RICHARDS & CD---------- •+• \ Preferred Stocks) ~ -v. Correspondents. 4th N. and Market N., Cin. ■ /RudolphKleybolte', Pres. ..R.E.Beneker, *,oi IJ A. A. Huseman, V. P. ■ Sec. and Tr. x YInvestment Securities. ! (Municipal and Corporation Bonds. (Ingalls Bldg.) George Eustis & C o.___ __________ ’62 (Brokers) _________ _____ - Breed. Elliott & Harrison, Lee, Higginson & Co.......,..... ......... ’48¡(Bonds). Ghi.,Indpls., Mil., Minpls., (Union Trust Bldg.) and Det. /H e n r y E. P o o r , M g r.------------— ------------- —IW m . E . C o m p to n C o ., N . Y . )(B onds) . - I C h i., N. O ., a n d S t. L . ^Dealers in Government and Municipal I Bonds. -Í 08 (M unicipal B o n d s )..... S e r v ic e ------ Nelson D. Gridley, Cashier---------- DAYIES-BERTRAM COMPANY of ÍT 8 6 ¡(Investment Securities)— M. E. MOCH & COMPANY COMPTON, WM. R., CO.— ------- — 'T89 Over F i f t y Y e a r s A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , La w s , X H reetors, in dexed in B ack of this v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t lt a t e s , t l r a r e , e tc., see p age 14. For H olidays, see op posite p age 13.1 fcL ICitiz.N. and 4th N., Cin.; Sid ! ney Spitzer & Co., N. Y ¡ and Tol. NATIONAL BANK WESTHEIMER & COMPANY324 Walnut St. Investment Securities. Buy and Sell Entire Issues MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY BONDS. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. .Î16 {(B rokers). ------------------------- J. S. Bache & Co., N. Y .; ¿3 __ -______ 1 Westheimer & Co. Balt. >-+ of CINCINNATI— T he BANKERS’ BANK Since 1863 (Federal Reserve City No.*) ! N a m e of Ba n k . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . P a id - u f Ca p i t a l $ 50,000 $ 160,220 $ 2,782.720 _________: CLEVELAND TRUST COMPANY Columbia Sav. & Loan Co.*t8’91 C. G. Barkwill____ G. R. Canfield_____ 3. L. Paton, Tr___ C. J. Hodous, See6-63 g. S. Barkwill (1 Branch) «Federal Reserve Bank, Dist. 4 • (See page 27 fo r e m p lete informati on) 4» 6-1 100.000 162.16 595,880 7.026,840 266.380 119,990 1,222.740 1,938.740 120.75$) 1,875,540 ,019,460 1.101.910 N. City. Citiz. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., C ont & Com’ l N. and Ft. Dear. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L ; Franklin N., Phil. 7,816.040 1st N.. Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Chi.; (Mem. Fed. Kes.) 325.000 148,000 HanM ï., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.: N. City, Clev. 37.367.630 25,481,660 61,423.160 2,375,000 28.880 G u a r a n t y Tr. Co., N. Y.*,' 1st N „ Clev. sin 452.310 Bk. o f the Manhattan Go. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Sav. and Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.: 1st N. and Union Com N „ Clev. 37,340 Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. 147,640 311.940 13,799.880 $ 4,543.300 16,198.030 CHANGES 765,100 $ 310,050 % 153.550 Lin, N „ N. Y, 1,607.920 472.990 822.230 9,708,290 ------------ P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Ca s h a n d Ex - 369,000 1,710.000 527,11» 32,032.700 23,926,460 4,768,080 2,185.520 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Seab. N ., and Chase N'., N .Y .: Con t. & Com’ l N.,Cbl.; (Mem. Fed. Mes.) N T S — Bankin g — F o r eign Ex change o r p o r a t e T r u s t s — B onds— Real E s t a t e . 59,398,000 d.0-7.900 --------- — 1.289.670 1,159,260 615,230 235.690 Lin. N and Irving N., N .Y .; Union Com. N. and lstN.,Clev. JOHN SHERWIN— 6-10 »ro s T. H. W ilson_____ R. S.Crawford, Sec. R .B .P ettit, Tr. F. J. Woodworth G. N. Sherwin Christian Schuele. W. F. Rapprich, J. T. Feighan. Forest City Sav. & Trust Co. H. C. Baehr. . Sec. and Tr. Theodor Kundtz A . Tr. 6-61 * « ’90 D. E. Cotton, A. Tr. Emil C. Heil. W. F. Rapprich S. W. Folsom A . Sec F. F. Van Deusen. C.W.Stansbury,Sec Tr. Garfield Savings Bank— « t î’92 Harris Creech_____ Jas. R. Stewart T. S. Knight H. D. Cozad, A.Sec. W. J. Chamberlin. 6-65 (5 Branches) S. C. Blake A . Tr. |W F FinlPT ( Cleveland continued fm next pa^eA First Trust & Savings Co.«t§’13 John Sherwin. 6-78 The 1,250,000 250,000 313,580 350,000 422,450 10,508,270 5,041,310 3,992,460 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co. N. Y.; lstN .,C lev. 9.867,410 10.381.640 856,120 21,635,450 25,000 1,198.420 699,300 191,260 Han. N., N. City, and Merch. N. N .Y . 6.572.210 2,914,050 1.044.620 749,840 N. Park, N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N., Clev. 3.524,060 5 th -3 rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 07*3 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to ea°b bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Kand-McNaJly Bankers’ C L E V E L A N D —-C o ritin u e d — R e s e r v e C ity Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed Ln back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace,!' _________________ July, 1919 TIRST NAT’L BANK T . H. WILSON------- -C . E. FARNSWORTH-JOHN R. GEARY J. H. CASW ELL A. B. MARSHALL 2,500,000 3,557.05C 43.792.090 33.973,690 52.997.850 14.938.350 21.449.090 3.868.780 Irving N ., Ist N ., and Chase N., H . R.SANBORN JOSEPH R. KRAUS ,\. V .; Cont. & Com’ l N. and B. A. BRUCE GEO. P. STEELE Ist N ., Chi. A c c o u n ts of B a r ks, B a n k e rs , J. G. ARMSTRONG M e rc h a t ts , a n d C o rp o ra tio n s T . J . CHAMPION s o lic it e d u p o n f a v o r a b le t e r m s . C o rre s p o n d e n c e in v ite d . "1 / / _________ OHIO B A N K S— Cleveland L. H. Nienhuser, American Sav. Bk. Co. — »W87 Wm. M. Raynolds. A. F. Meyer___ ___ Max Levi, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, Abraham Steam 6-57 100,000 25,000 Bank of Henry Spira — »tt’91 Henry Spira.r____ Philip Spira______ Sigmund Spira____ Harry Lorber------6-81 300,000 645,890 P. J. Slach, T r.___ Joseph Ranft, Sec.. (C. A. Grasselli... O. M. Stafford— Chas. Piwonka, A. J. Cook BROADWAY SAV. & TR. CO. oo A . Sec. 6-54 «t§’83 ) Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. (Prompt attendo n to all Banking matters entruste d to us. 35.400 16.960 Brooklyn Sav. & Ln. Co...«t8’88 W. J. Roberts___ Chas. W. Brown... Geo. Weckerling, W. O. Bayer, A.Sec. See. 6-58 H. M. Farnsworth 1,000,000 1,184,230 «CENTRAL NAT’L BANK— *$’90 J. J.'Sullivan____ C. E. Sullivan____ 0. L. Corcoran___ G. R. Wyman_____ H. W. Horton ., „ 6-4 E. W. Oglebay F. M. Horton L. J. Cameron W. R. Gerhan J. O. McHannan «Citizens Savings & Trust Co. J. R. N utt_______ E. V. Hale________ F. D. Williams, Tr. G. P. Koelliker.Sec. 4.000,000 5,242.170 ♦ 6-52 **§’68 J. H. Wade. W. M. Baldwin 0 . 0. Nelson W. H. Fowler Ch. o f Bd. J. P. Harris Wv H. Kinsey Van R Purdy Jas. Dunn, Jr.. C. L. Bradley H. L. Brown P. T. Harrold W.-P. D. Z. Norton J. H. Clark v E. C. Genee W. G. Mather Asst. Secretaries L. R. Miller H. B. Corner Asst. Treasurers 200,000 72,000 J.F-. Pojman.A.Sec. Clark Ave. Savings Bk.Co.»§'01 J. V. Cbapek_____ P. J. Haas_______ J. L. Fleharly, Sec. and Tr. PI Bennhoff, A . Tr. 8-74 110.000 Cleveland Liberty Bank—¿§’19 8. Stern_________ Wm. K ir tz _______ J. B. Sackett_____ B 6-82 Morris Kirtz F. H. GOFF--------------- A. G. TA M E ------------ F. H. HOBSON, Tr. H. 0. KING, Sec. EDWIN BAXTER, E. B.GREENE E. S. CURTISS, E. B. MERRELL, A . Sec. Asst, to Pres. I. F. FREIBERGER A. Tr. 2,500,000 2.725,820 P. T. WHITE M.W.MOUNTCASTLE, A. A. DENISON, A . Sec BRANCHES AT: A.L.ASSM US A .T r . 5613 Euclid A ve.; E. L. MASON F.H.H0UGHT0N,A .T r R.R .ALEXANDER, D E P A R T M E Trust Officer 10409 Euclid Ave., J. W.W00DBURN, A . Tr. E s t a t e s —C 13594 Euclid Aver, 4008 St. Clair A ve.; 742 E. 152nd S t.; 2202 Woodland A ve.; 8436 Broadw ay; 3760 W. 25th S t.; R. A. MALM. A . 2 r. Of. H. H. ALLYN A 2 r. Of. •tS'95 4744 Lorain A ve.; 11700Detroit Ave. 6-68 (Cuyahoga Co., C 17) County Seat _____________ • •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Pop. 674,073—Reserve City R esou rces. Li a b il it ie s . n Dux Bond s, S u r p l u s I n d iv id D e p o s it s L o a n s a from S e c u r i of D is AND ual Ba n k s c o u n ts t ie s . Et c . P r o f i t s D e p o s it s B a n k s 1022 CLEVELAND C ir c l e v i lle t o C l a r k s v i l l e i n c l . see f o l l o w i n g ' C o lu m b u s . 1022 The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI —- Resources (Federal Reserve C ity No. 4) L ia b il i t ie s . P residen t , Vice -President , Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p Ca p i t a l Guarantee Title & Tr. Co. .§ ’98 E. G. Tillotson----- F. H. Ginn_______ , J. O. Deviti, T r ...; W. E. Crittenden, $ 566,000 Sec. W. H. Belding, P. D. Jones 6-71 A . Tr. T. C. Terrett. A . S ee. GUARDIANSAVfNGS & TRUST COMPANY ♦ 6-66 J. A. HOU.SI- - - - - MjjC^ROßlJSjJN.— R. P. SEARS , - — GEO. A.CHURCH W. D. PÜRDÖN, Tr. J. A. WARD I fi'.p'. mwcThtôsh : _ W. R. GREEN Sec.. Gh. o f Bd. g J R . EHOLMOEM t "HEW S » « ’Oí F. A. Shepherd___ Henry Krather. Home Savings & Trust Go. F. D. Johnson 6-76 < § ’02 J. R. Teufel Hough Bank & Trnst Go. .< § ’98 V. H. Haserot____ Arthur O d ell.« W. Stewart 6-70 ual and P b o f i t s D e p o s it s Loans a D is counts 225,070 927,900 $ 622,120$ 1.075,330 013,500 85.800 21.180 835.990 848,090 467.800 29,020 10,000 7.500 10.000 98.500 146,960 12,341,660 E. J. Rice, Sec— . E. Rice________ ... F. J. Melcher, Cash, arid Tr, J. A. Melcher Henry Hertel 200.000 215,080 4.083.600 H. A Levy, Merchants Savings & Banking I.-Sheinbart--------- S. Garber______ _ Max Levy, Sec. and Tr, A . Sec. and A . Tr. . Company.. 6—80 _____ < § ’16 32.770 /H. V.Shutters— Ë. H. Gehlbach___ C. B. Gates....... . C. B. Reynolds . . . . J . B. Root W. J. Dunn ‘ NATIONAL CITY BANK-.<’65 ) Accounts of Ban ks, Bankers and o thers solicited, 6-12 'Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay m ent. 2,000.000 758.880 7.871.400 1.943,520 L. A. Murfey....... C. L. M urfey...___ E. T. Shannon____ H. C. Hutchinson.. W. G. Mather, 1,500,000 1,483,900 6,685,860 405,290 ! Department up on Cleveland and Ch. o f Bd, N orthern National Bank ...'1 9 Our Collection J. H. W hitelaw ... We solicit items 6-20 J. R, Emerich____ Nottingham Savings & Bkg. Company..56-1084...— i§ ’01 Wm. D. Young . . . . J. A. Purcell 9^9.660 507.990 148.130 36.320 38.580 9.634,520 1.359,920 2.475 Chatham & Phénix N„ N. Y.; lit N. Clev. 4.000 971,840 N. City, Chase N „ Irving N „ Am Ex. N „ N. B k .of Com.. Merch. N„ Equitable Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co„ N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.: lsi N.. Bo«. 133.480 Seab, N„ N.Y.: 1st N , Guardian Sav. & Tr., and Union Com. N.. Clev 66,900 Irving'N., N, Y.: West Side N . Chi.: 1st N „ Clev. 1.043.220 1.167,520 Chatham & Phenix N. and N. City, N. V.: Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 1.652,270 1.635,090 572,040 Am. Ex. N „ N. Y.- Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. 39,680 27,070 6,900.000 4.245,000 840,000 935,670 7,780 Chase N „ N .Y .: Cley.N.. Lake Shore Bkg. & T r„ ana Union Com. N Clev. 503,000 Seab. N. and Han. N „ N Y.: Cönt. & Com’l N. and Com Ex. N „ Chi. Melton N „ Pitt. 244.370 N. Park, N .Y . 7,899,400 500.000 125.000 20,934 2,600 W, P. Frey, A . Tr. W. J. Bauknet, A . Tr. P. J. Huegle, Sec. R. L. Shay, A . Sec. and A . Tr, H. M. Yost, A . Sec R. T. Edison, A . Sec. 600.000 620.000 11,130,000 500.000 637,070 7,825.710 -4,614,760 3,183,010 5,251.420 60,400,610 18,448,520 38,214.460 J. L. Wadsworth, J.Jaster, Sec.____ Tr. C. Wenger, A . Tr. 350.000 , 156,660 7,332,780 GINGm IAT l < 144.780 177.030 — 100,000 243,890 5.057.690 1,159.450 7.969,550 Am. Ex. N „ N. Y. 876.190 Resources Over 634,100 Irving N „ N. City, Seab. N. and Merch. N „ N. Y.: N. City. Chi. Bk. of Pitt. N. A „ Pitt. 1023 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 267,670 2,599,790 V. A. Conkey— Frank Mitchell W. A. Abbott, Sec. and Tr. Leo Mayer . . . . . . . . M. L, Ruetenik Chas. R. Dodge___ C. H. Beardslee.. STATE BANKING & TR. CO. F. H. Roser' 6-72 < § ’99 D. R. James, Ch. of Bd, F. W. Staffeid (3 branches) ( Cleveland continued on n ext page.) 240 10,000 5.100.410 2.348.06U 98.410 Seab.N., N. Y.: 1st N „ Clev. to-date. Ohio in bulk. Wr ite ns for terms. A. F. Hamel, Sec. and F.J.Greiner,A.SCc Henry M. Brooks. Henry Kiefer, T r. . P. J. Huegle, A . Tr, E. M. Foisom Henry Kiefer Society fo r Savings_____ < § ’49 M. T. H errick____ W. R. Warner___ John H. Dexter, Sec. and Tr. W. B. Sanders 6-51 J.C.Hoffman, A . Tr. J.D. Williamson, H. M. W, M Stecher____ ix _!____ Pearl St. Sav. & Tr. Co...< §'90 C. John Beck, V. P . . 6-60 Frank Seither, V.P. Peoples Savings Bank Go.<|’71 Beiden Seymour . . 6-53 Chase N., N. City, and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. ¥ .: Cont. & Com’ l. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Old Colony Tr. y daily bal anees, and Co., Bos.; (Mem Fed. &es.) osit. classes. TS. 2.130.000 50.000 •NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BK. 6-8 7 < ’04 $ 437.530 Scab. N „ N. Y. 80,000 332.130 19.504.580 Lorain Street Sav. & Trust Co. G. A. Tinnerman 6-62 < § ’9i W. L. Nutt, V.-P. and Ex changes 3.723,890 57,405,150 $ 1,955,670 42,485,270 17,135.020 $ 5 445,740 2,871,300 500.000 60.000 PROM Ba n k s 616,730 BANKING DEPART MENT-P ays 2% in terestons atisfactor 4% intere st on time certificat es of dep B0NB BE PARTME NT— Inve stment bo nds of all TRU ST AND R EAL EST ATE DEP ARTMEN H. J. Webster, Tr. W.E.Shepherd,Sec . .125,000 Harold Busch. A . Sec. 50.000 W. C. Knorr______ R. L. Holmes. Sec. and Tr. Klonowski Saving Bank— 1'13 (Stanley Klonowsk 6-83 L. C. Kollie. S ec... Lake Shore Bkg. & Trust Co. John M. Gundry__ H. B. Gibbs______ Geo. F. Schulze, Tr. H. W. King 6-50 < § ’90 (5 Branches) J.'H. Jones W. S. Bowler Se c u r i t ie s , e t c . OHIO B A N K S— Cleveland— Continued f f X P-R® 0II HjA,GA] * W .H . jíÓjÑTisH Q. H. FOI AUfMAN, A. t F. W. WARDWELL Assi. ' Treasurers C p . yzurlinden . T. W. HILL Asst. Secretarte* 3.000 000 or B a ses S u b p l u s I n d i v id D e p o sit s Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,] etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. Resources. Principal Correspondents . Ca sh Dus Bo n d s . 1919 N ame of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState tMem, State Bks. Assn. tPriv. IfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Est. C L E V E L A N D —-C o ritin u e d — R e s e r v e C ity ju ly , N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T lie R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . ' 1 n i7 'i 1 u Z iO Number under Name of Bank is the New transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 4) Lia b il it ie s . P resident . V ice -President . Cash ie r . ASS’T CASHIER. P a id - u p C a p it a l «Superior Sav. & Tr. Co..»tS'05 O, E. Sullivan_____ E. S. Hanson _____ R. A. Bishop, T r... F. C. Schlundt, $ ♦ 6-77 J. J. Sullivan, A. M. Corcoran D. A. Cary, A . Tr. Sec. Ch. o f Bd. Joseph D. Errico, J. B. Holmden, A . Tr. A . See. G. A. COULTON----- SE0.S.RUSSELL- W. 0. SAUNDERS - H. F. Hll 1S WARREN S. HAYDEN, W. E. WARD 6. Q. HALL, A . C. CARL R. LEE Ch. o f Bd. C. L. BRADLEY E.W.B0URNM.C F. A, WHITE E. E. CRESWELL F. W. COOK W e in v ite t h e a c c o u n t * o f B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s , a n d o f f e r t h e b e s t t e r m s c o n s i s t e n t w ith c o n s e r v a t iv e b a n k i n g . SEE ADVERTISEMEMT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. •$’84 ‘UNION COMMERCE NATIONAL BANK 6-15 «UNITED BANKING & SAV. CO. A. H. Seibig______ Henry Grombacher C. A. Wilkinson, 350,000 Sec. & Tr. E. M. Folsom Woodland Ave. Sav. & Tr. Go. G. A. Grasselli.__ O. M. Stafford.— T. S. Grasselli 6-56 *$:S’87 (1 Branch) D ub FROM B anks C a sh and E x changes 4,000,000 3,369,040 38,528,540 14,238,160 j44,026,170 11,112,870 11,110,450 2,755,950 L. H. Eisher, T r— J. C. Sanders, Sec.. H. Piwonka, A . Tr. G. M. Kovachy, A . Sec. Cleveland Clearing House.—— G. A. Paine— ——. G. A. Coulton— ; G. A. Kelsey, J. A. House, Tr. . . Sèc.and Mgr. (Members indicated by a * ) |Francis Coates. Jr. G. H. Exam iner E. A. Meckes *$|’86 W. H. Heil. Ch. o f Bd. William G reif L oa n s a B on d s, D is S e c u r i COUNTS t i e s , e t c . P rincipal Correspondents . Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l Tr, & Sav. and Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 1,000,000 6-55 R esources . S u r p l u s I n d iv id D e p o s it s AND ual of P r o f i t s D e p o s it s B a n k s 500,000 $ 1,331,570 $14 324010 $ 1,385,670 ¡$12 736150 $ 3,950,360 $ 1,544,440 $ 237,670 N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bkrs J. A. Zimmer, A . See. ♦ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13 455,000 13,938,000 — 528,760 - 10.000,000 4,218,000 1,246,000 7*713,160 9,570,520 —*----- — 720,870 1,501,930 A m . Ex. N ., Irving N ., Chase N and N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'l N ., Chi.; 1st N. and N.Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N. and Phil. N., PhU. 372,000 Irving N. and Liberty N., N. Y.: Union Tr.Co., Chi.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 385,940 N. City; and Equitable Tr. Co.; N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Sav. and Cont. & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Chi. 1 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker . | •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. $Mem. State Bks. Assn, ÍIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Y ear E s tab l is hed- Officers . Correspondents . Name of Banker . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Y ear Es ta b lished Officers . Correspondents . Bonbright-Herrick Company „ — ÍT15 (Investment Securities)________< ______ _______ W. P. Bonbright&Co„ N. Y „ M. H. Murch, Pres___ — A. W. Henn, T r ......Union Com. N ., 1st Tr. & (Cuyahoga Bldg.) Phil., Bos., and Det. John A. Kling, F. P. S. L. McCune. Sec. _ . _ «r i . _ Guárante Tr., N. Y.; 1st N. ( Capital, $300,000) Co., Clev. (Leader Bldg.) and N. City, Clev. George H. Burr & Co., Bankers____ ’18 (Commercial Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y., Securities fo r. Investment. X (Union N. Bk. Bldg.) t i l l Chi., and Bos. Counsel: Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. C. E.Denison & C o .___ _________ t t ’93 C. E. and G. B. Denison, Partners__|__ . . . . . . . C. E. Denison & Co.. Bos. Directors: F. B . Sauire, John A ^K lin g, A . W . Henh. F fF . Prentiss. (Investment Securities) (629 Euclid Ave.) A . S. Chisholm, Jr., M. H. M u rch ._______________________________ Field, Richards & Co., N. Y. FIELD, RICHARDS A CO.........— - H ’08 (Investment. Semrit/ies) Merrill, Cox & Ço„ Chi., and Cin. Merrill, Cox & C o.—___ ____ _'__L '04-■(Commercial Pa/per) Seattle, San F., and Oma. The F. L. Fuller Company_________ ’02 f F. L. Fuller, P r e s .____ J . S. Fuller, Union-Com. N. and Guar l (Investment Bonds) Sec. and Tr. dian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev. (Garfield BldgP -T16 Robert C. Hall, Dist. Sales M g r..____f — . . . . N, City Co., N. Y. and corre NATIONAL CITY COMPANY. spondent offices. See Adv. Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co._____ ’18 (Commercial Paper) __ Hathaway,- Smith, Folds & (Investment B onds) (Guardian Bldg.) Page 3. Co., N. Y „ Chi., Phil., Bos., St. L. and Pitt. F. F. Kennedy Pres.......C. F, Morgenstern, Hayden, Miller & Co.___ . __— . • i f 03 (Investment Bnn/ls) ... L. R. Pulliam, V. P. and Tr. A c Tr. — t ’l l A. N. Rodway, V. P ____F. H. Ginn. Sec. N. and Citiz. Sav. & Tr. Co.; National Discount Co. ( Commercial Paper) Clev. A. B. LEACH & CO., INC. ---------— ’18 (Investm ent Securities)__________ — ______ A, B. Leach & Co. Inc., N. Y „ OTIS & COMPANY— -------- -•*T99 (Investment B a n k ers)_____________________ 1st N. and Post & Flagg, N. Y.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Chi. Chi., Phil., Pitt., Bos., (Cuyahoga Bldg.) Buffalo, Balt., Mil., Minpls., E. G. Tillotson, Pres___ O. A. Locke, T r.__ _ Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., 1st N „ and Union-Corn. N „ Scranton. J. R. Milligan, V. P — Chas. J. Forbes. Sec. ’48 (Bonds) Clev.; 1st N., Cin. Lee, Higginson & Co., H. Y., The Tillotson & Wolcott C o .____ $T09 Paid-up Capital, $200,000. L£E, HI6GINS0N & CO......... (Williamson Bldg.) Chi. and Bos. (Bonds) Surplus and Profits, $200,000. BORTON & BORTON---------------- tro« (Stocks and Ponds) ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The MAYNARD H. MURCH GO, 5 th -3 rd NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55. IIIIIIIII _____________________ OHIO BAN KS— Cleveland— C o n t i n u e d ___________ July, 1919 Name of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Est. CLEVELAND—Continued—Reserve City 1024 1 HO A I« « “ The S t h - S r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55 H U N IO N R C O M M E R C E a t io OF n a l B a r ik ^ CLEVELAND Surplus and Undivided Profits - $ 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Capital $ 4 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 I TH the largest Capital, Surplus and Profits of any National Bank in Cleveland, complete equipment and organization, this bank is in the most advantageous position to furnish helpful service to financial institutions having collections and other business to be attended to in this territory. ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Officers W - - - - - Chairman H a r r y E . H ills - - - Assistant Cashier President G eo r g e A . C o u lto n Carl R . L ee - - - - Assistant Cashier - - Vice-President G eo r g e S. R u s s ell F r a n k A . W h it e - - - Assistant Cashier - - Vice-President W il l ia m E . W a r d F r ed W . C ook - - - Assistant Cashier - - Vice-President C h ar les L . B r a d ley G e o r Ge Q . H a l l - - - Assistant Cashier - - Vice-President E lm er E . C r es w ellE zra W . B o u r n e - - - Assistant Cashier W a l t e r C . S a u n d e r s ................................... Cashier - Auditor R a l p h H . Sh a r p e - - - ■ - - - - - - J a m e s D u n n , J r . - - - - Manager Income Tax Department arren S. H ayd en Under Joint Ownership with TH E CITIZE N S SAVINGS & TR U ST C O M P A N Y COMBINED CAPITAL,"SURPLUS A N D UNDIVIDED PROFITS $16,000,000 COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $145,000,000 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOR CENTRAL OHIO ITEMS USE THEÜ BANK OF COLUMBUS Capital Paid In - $400,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $626,000.00 Total Resources Over - $11,000,000.00 Occupying its Own New Building P O SIT IV E L Y THE BEST EQUIPM ENT AND F A C IL IT IE S POSITIVELY THE BEST SERVICE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS UR correspondents throughout Central Ohio are in every case the leading banks in their respective communities, and our services to them secure their best endeavors for us and our business. O E. KIESEWETTER, President FRANK L. STEIN, Vice-Pres. EDW IN BUCHANAN, Cashier GEO. H . MOCK, Ass’t Cashier Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1025 NOTE:— Cleves to Columbiana, inclusive, see page 1027 following Clarksville. ALBERT E. FRECH, Ass’t Cashier HENRY LORENZ, Asst. Cashier ALEX. W . KRUM M , Asst. Cashier CQ LX JM BXJS— R e s e r v e C ity (Fed. Reserve PIst. No. 4) •- ^ (F ra n k lin C o u n ty K 12) C o u n ty S eat, P o p u la t io n 214,8781 Ç. 1025 CO LX JM BXJS— R e s e r v e C ity NOTE: — Cleves to Columbiana, inclusive, ' ...... -... -................. N am e of Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. f Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Èst. P r e s id e n t . w, R RFFRË NATIONAL BANK 25-16 •t’08 A s s ’t C a s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . We specialize on Columbus and Central Ohio collections. Items handled with care and precision. Remittance on day of payment. , , Collection department is given personal supervision by an officer of the bank. J.L . VANCE, JR___ -0. A. MILLER_____ WALTER ENGLISH. J. B. DURY_______ C. J. HOSIER JOHN BLANPIED, 6. W. BRIGHT, A . See. Ch. o f Bd. J. F. STONE R. H. SCHRYVER, A. 88 i zo rres. BANK A G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s i n e s s T r a n s a c t e d . * » ’01 Send US your items and collections for Columbus and vicinity. Promptness and careful attention to every detail. Moderate charge. TRY US. ♦ 25-55 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . UASH and Ex changes 25,000 $ 550,000 $ 283,000 $ 517,700 $ 195,300 $ 229,600 $ 56,900 Citiz. N., and Chase N., N. Y. ... H. C. PARK....... ......... -H.C. PARK.............. CHAS. G. SCHENCK, JR. CITIZENS TRUST & SAVINGS P a id -u p .Ca p i t a l $ 100,000 $ George W. Bright.. ♦Capital City Bank......... -•tS’75 25-14 'C EN T R A L V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . (F ra n k lin C o u n ty K 12) C o u n ty S eat, P o p u la t io n 214,8781 C R eso u r ce s. L i a b i l i t i e s .» . i DUE BONDS, S u r p l u s I n d i v id D e p o sit s UOAN8& S e c u r iFROM D is u a l 07 and c o u n t s TIBS, BTC. Banks P b o p i t s D e p o s it s B a n k s 200,000 955,280 22,840 2,254,890 . 700,000 172,570 4,571,700 133,470 3,002,090 803.430 Harrim an N ., N. Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chl.$ 1st N ., Clev. 924,900 - ■- 1,565,310 650,640 181,480 Guaranty T r. C o., N .Y .; C oot. & C om ’ l N., C h i.; 1st N. Clev., (M em . Fed. Res.) ■ 'C ITY NATIONAL RANK .25-3 FOSTER COPELAND.. J. J. JENNINGS--- C W. TANNER C. W. TANNER Ë. 8‘. L oads 300,000 263,010 6,248,260 3,984,890 1,633,520 996,000 650,000 241,000 25-11 E. J. Hunsinger... W. C. Willard, Tr. J. H. Poste, See. 50,000 543.190 9,609,340 5,329,310 486,200 99,900 G.A. ARCHER-------- R. H. JEFFREY — MURRAY HOFFMAN W. H. STEPHENS - COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 1,547,850 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; C on t.& C om ’l N ., C h i.; 1st N ., Clev.; Far. Dep. N., P itt.; 1st N., PhU. D o a G e n e r a l B a n k in g a n d E x c h a n g e B u s i n e s s . C o lle c t io n s a s p e c ia lty . rte m m a n c e m a u e on uay ot r a y m e n i. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I n v it e d . ♦COLUMBUS SAV. BANK-»«81 B. S. Dickson_____ W. C. W illard____ 25-5 R. W. 1AVI tN 0. H. OWEN O l d e s t N a t i o n a l n a n a in u n y . P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n t o all B a n k in g m a t t e r s e n t r u s t e d t o u s . 300,000 171,000 mMmm 96,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N „ Cin.; Hayden-Clinton N.,Gol. 2,367,410 Irving N ., N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; 1st N ., Clev. and Cin. » t ’67 E. W. Yantes 25-58 J, W, Dnnlnn J. E. Pippin, Cash, and Sec. A. C. W olf, Tr. George L. Gugle— Guarantee Title & Trust Co. 25-54 §’0 56,000 62,000 886,000 754,000 97,000 106,000 72,550 461,180 367,020 34,600 700,000 784.380 7,166,160 3,909,130 500,000 212,000 5,047,300 . 1,858,800 4,112,260 2,209,000 63,000 128,340 Guarantee Title & Tr. Co., Clev. Mathews, Sec. and Tr. ♦HAYDEN-CLINTON NATIONAL W. 0. W illard____ C. H. Hayden_____ W. P. Little-........... T. H. Dickson____ H. L. Thomas S. G. Prentiss BANK.------ 25-7______ . •t’67 2,962,990 1,856,620 Daniel T. Jones J. L. Hamill 'H U N TIN G TO N NATIONAL BANK F. R. HUNTINGTON- T. S. HUNTINGTON- B. 6. HUNTINGTON- E R NEAI We respectfully solicit the accounts of Banks am1 Bankers upon the most favorable terms consistent with conservative banking. 25-2 * i’6i ( Columbus Banks* continued 'on next noige) The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 71,000 N. Bk. Com.. ^4. Y. and Col. Of CINCINNATI 458,000 1st N . and N . C ity, N. Y .; C orn Ex. N . and 1st N., C h i.; 1st N ., St. L .; Bk. o f Cal. N. A ., San F. r~ ~ ~ ~ 1 NATIONAL BANK 1,508.000 417,390 N. Park, N. City, and N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. N „ Phil.; Mellon N. and B k.'of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. l IN T H E C E N T R A L C IT Y O F T H E F O U R T H F E D E R A L R E S E R V E D IS T R IC T f O FFER S UNSURPASSED S E R V IC E TO BANKS AND B AN K ER S 1026 J. C. CAMPBELL— GEO.T.SPAHR -— RICHARD PATTON— E. E. FOX- T w W fífiS henry deeg OF COMMERCE If you 25-12 •t'1800 ♦NEW FIRST RATIORAL BANK C. M. Wing_______ O. R. Shields______ E. L. Abbott. 25-4 »reä NORTHERN SAVINGS BANK 25-5» 25’05 290,000 269,950 4,345,670 2,873,530 500,000 574,670 4,156,000 $ 3,000,000 3,148,980 3,964,710 Henry C. Werner E. W. Swisher O. L. Dickey______ J. H. Zinn. Henry Pausch__ L. Francis Wolls Frank E. Robinson R. F. Armstrong__ 25,000 EMIL KIESEWETTER- F. L. STEIN-— EDWIN BUCHANAN. A. E. FREÇH. OHIO NAT’L BANK We make a specialty of Central Ohio 25-1 .2 681,470 415,150 N. Bk. Com. and IrvingN., N. Y .; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. C ash Items and Collections. John L. Hamilton S. C. W h e e l e r __ E. J. Johnson, See. J. L. Hamilton, Jr. Tr. 515,990 5,140 361,910 67.580 94.640 894,060 400.000 202,780 3.412,340 1,769,630 1,094,780 158,950 215.000 184,000 25,000 38,190 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom.. Gol. N. City, Bk. of N. Y . N. B. A., and Mech. & Metals N.,tN. Y .: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev.; 1st N ., St. L .; Cal. N., Sacra SEE ADV ERTISEM ENT OPP 0SITE P RECEDI NG PAGE. mento; Girard N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. hi. A ., Pitt. w w i 101,840 138,520 7,850 Bk. o f Am., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi. 22,090 257,220 56,090 4,170,690 4,603,210 Kl ExV ^ rJISm ♦State Sav. Bank & Trust Go. E. R. Sharp_____... Wm. 7 . Burdell___ A. W. Mackenzie, 25-52 •Í8’92 R. S. Warner Sec. and Tr. 20,000 1,845,050 N.Bk.Com. and N. City, N. Y.; Gont.8 Gom’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi. 1st N., Phil, and Pitt. 607,510 7.768,320 1,631,420 400,000 Produce ExchangeBk.Oo.«2S'04 John Unverzagt. . H. R. Isaly.... ........ A. F. Durant, Herman Falter, Tr. 25-60 Cashier and Sec. AMERICAN GUARANTY CO.«12 1,363,070 a p p re c ia te p rom p t and c a r e fu l s e r v ic e at a m od era te c h a r g e , s e n d u s y ou r ite m s and c o lle c t io n s f o r C e n tra l O hio. 20,500 295,950 38,000 1,129,600 993,880 imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Gent. Tr. Co. o f 111., Chi.; Fifth-Third N., Gin. O. N. and New 1st N., Col. 34,950 SEE ADVERTISE MENT ON MARGIN OHIO MAP. 8 E a s t B r o a d S t. (Des hler Hotel) Henry L. Doherty & Co., N. Y .; John H. Burnham & Co., Chi. IN V E S T M E N T S E C U R IT IE S . C O R R ESP O N D EN C E IN V ITE D . *21T95 OTIS & CO.-.. ~ _____ . . . . T97 (Investment iBank Post & Flagg, Hornblower & Weeks, and E, A C. Randolph, N. Y. THE HUGH RIDENOUR CO. 4*16 Hugh Ridenour__ - Walter A. Jones. City N. and State Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Col. F. E. Shaffmaster, Sec, (Investment Securi ties) Stevenson & V ercoe_____ «2*03 (Investment Securi ties) _____________ Columbus Olearme House___ (Members indicated by a *) J. & W. Seligman & Go., N. Y.; E. W. Clark & Co., Phil. T. S. Huntington __ O. A . Schenck__ ... Walter A. F ox, F. L. Stein, Tr.___ Mgr. C harter No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD MA£ S S r - o f CINCINNATI— O ver F ift y Y ears Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directory, under the au th ority * !»• I V e w of T h e X r s n a lt N u m b e r Seb h c e A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a c k of th is volu m e . B o r I n t e r e s t B a te s * G r a c e , 1—* e t c » , see p age I t . B o r H o lid a y s * see op posite page 13.1 g iv A m erican Bankers Ass*h. of ______________ July, 1919 CLAUDE MEEKER ____________ _________ OHIO BAN K S— Colum bus— Continued 'NATIONAL BANK O H I O — C o n tin u e d I! R esou rce s . PPTNPTP AT. 'nAPOneOAMTWVrTQ 1 1 IM L U K lI lM l I If 4 i l > " T r a n s it N u m b e r I I t t f lll B A N K [ill u i n u i m i H i i ---------u v t n rirri itAHò ur o c n r iu r g iv 1027 O H I O — C o n tin u e d T own and County. Name of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. •Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. C is Cincinnati Branch •Oircleville____Pickaway Pop. 8000 M 12 President . V ice-P resident . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . AB ILITIES. Su r p l u s D bpo sP a id - u p ITS Ca p it a i« P r o f it s $ 25.000 $$ [JL.A. LEIST. H. C. ALLEN------JOHN C. GOELLER - J. R. NOECKER. Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. ( Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports, j [ Send us your Ct rcleville Items. 56-397 R e so u rces, Loams<C rDre- Cashà Exc*ts. Bonds, Sbcuritieb imm B in i i P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 7,500 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 32,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com'l N. and Citiz. Tr. &! Sav„ Col. .\ 2 WM. T. ULAN ---------(B. F . BENFORD— C. CURTAIN— : ------FIRST NATIONAL BANK-3'63 ■<Special attentio n given BUI o f La (ling'drafts, Cash and lim e Items. (Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation. • 56-395 180,000! 99.630 1,133,380 1.108,590 306,020 1stN.. N. Y.; Citiz. N .. Cm.: 4th8t. N.. Phil.; Cent. N., C le v . ' SECOND NATIONAL BANK '62 S. T. Ruggles_____ Wm. Foresman.... G. A. Schleyer____ C. F. Abernethy___ 56-394 125.000 123,360 1,145,440 1.199,480 245,460 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; New 1st N., Col.; Cent. N.. Phil. M. E. N0GGLE-----GEO. BENNETT, s n given Bill of La 15c must be sen t with each sight draft for present atlon and 25c with each r equest for report or rating. OUR SERVICE WILL 100,000 THIRD NATIONAL BANK-3’82 56-396 Olarington ..Monroe E 20 First National Bank_____ t ’01 Pop. 784 56-918 Clarksburg___ Ross M 11 Clarksburg Commercial Bk. 56-1226 J812 C Pop. 558 Clarksville...Clinton M 8 Farmers National Bank _*t’04 56-919 C Pop. 425 Oleves--------Hamilton O 5 Hamilton County Nat. Bk. 56-920 »t’04 C Pop. 1500 Clinton.:________ SummitF17 Clinton Savings Bank Co.1'03 Pop. 305 56-921 Clyde_____ Sandusky D 12 ClydeSavings Bank Oo..*3§'89 56-563 Pop. 3000 Peoples Banking Co.___*3I’84 56-562 Coldwater___ Mercer H 5 Peoples Bank Co.______ *§’03 56-922 Pop. 1600 College Corner-Butler M 5 College Corner Bkg. Co. 3t’06 56-858 C Pop. 1000 i-p& m nsjfli r is S i& K -- 40,000 565,000 410,000 144,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Ohio N., Col.: 1st N., Cin. ETOU. John J. R ea_____ _ W. J. McCoy____ _ Julius Steiger____ _ F. R. N elson__ . . . 40,000 350,000 390,000 60,000 Han. N.. N. T.; Mellon N., Pitt. O. M. Howser____ J. B. W illis.._____ F. J. P eck.. . . . . . . . Joseph Wilkins___ 8,700 147,000 148,000 D. A. Humphreys. N. A. Gilbert_____ Clinton Madden___ 7,000 97,000 128,200 34,720 Fifth-Third N., Cin,; Valley Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chtilicothe; Huntington N., Col. 26,770 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. Morgan Wamsley.. E. R. Stephens___ f C. W. Harlan_____ Frank Ingram____ 24,820 340,810 289,220 Fred Deutsch, Sec. 31,460 124,250 157,160 G. P. Huntley____ Fred Curtiss______ G. D. Tiffany_____ I. R. Clapp_____ _. 41,420 501,130 508,380 E. R. Held.____ . . . W. H. S m ith...___ P. M. Frase____ _ Taylor Fuller_____ Thomas P. Dewey H. C. Fox________ A. D. Coate______ J .S . Cramer._____ 103,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-ThirdN., Cin. 15,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev.; Cent. Sav. & O Tr. Co., Akron. 95,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N. and 1st N., Clev. 137.000 Chase N., N. Y .; Union Com. N., Clev. D. E. Fuller!______ A. A. Watt________ 10,800 .420,000 259,000 J. B. A lbers______ A. P .L in k _____ 20,000 556,870 506.420 70,980 Com’l Bk. Co., Celina; 1st N., Cin. and Lima. Charles Stout_____ L. B. Douglass. 7,400 319,000 275,000 60.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Fifth-Third N. and 4th N., Cin.; 1st N „ Hamilton. 68,000 600,000 642,000 144,310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and 4th N., Cin. 8,060 3,080 50.000 33,000 550,000 507,000 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. d e v .:4Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.: (M em . F ed. Res.) FARMERS STATE BK.-*3S’95 H. L. Bake________Aaron Gardner____ J. D. Pults.________W. R. P ults___ 56-857 S. A. Powers. Columbia— Williams B 5 Farmers Banking Co.___ t ’17 A. E. Kaufman___ Emery Bunce__ 56-1270 (E don P. O.) Columbiana.. Columbiana Union Banking Co._____ t8’09 J. V. Stewart_____ J. J. Quigley . . . __ E. P. Funkhouser.. J. W . Weaver, Sec. ♦ 56-924 Pop. 2000 F 21 50.000 3,640 7,620 Far. & Merch. State & Sav., Montpelier, O. / A. M.Heidlebaugh /Special attentio *35*73 \Please send 15c w ’Prompt serylce. B. F. Seitz, Sr.___ n given Bill of La ith each sight draft We get results on 30.000 W. M. Crawford__ B. F. Seitz, J r .___ ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. fo r presentation a nd 25c fo r Credit R eports. collections. 3.500 362,700 309,200 55,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev.; Northern N., Tol. (Wm. Basinger... /Special attentio PEOPLES BANK CO___*3S’92 \Please send 15cw 56-649 'Send us your F. X. Annesser___ n given Bill of La ith eachsight draft Columbus Grove 30.000 G. W. C ore_______ M. D. Long_______ ding drafts, Cash and Time Item s. fo r presentation a nd 25c fo r Credit R eports. Items. 19,030 617,690 505,700 161.020 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Tol.; Citiz. N., Cin. 25.000 3,060 150,000 145,000 Columbus Orove-Putnam EXCHANGE BANK — 56-648 Pop. 2000 F8 Commercial Poinl.Picka- Scioto Bank__________ «tS'OS John P e te rs..____ H. V. Johnson_____ W. E. Lam b_______ O. M. Beckett. 56-925 way__ Pop. 234___ L 12 35.000 Chase N.. N. T.; New 1st N., Col. 781,520 92,300 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev. 743,500 100,000 ' 25,050 F. L. Whitmore, O. H. Simonds___ H. A. Gleason, F. E. Gordon... A . Sec. Sec. and Tr. C. L. Whitney " » J. I. Erb, A . Tr. 56-329 100,000 83,Q© 1^449,770 1,296,800 324,120 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev.; (M em . C. E. Benjamin, Jr., G. M. Brown_____ Warren Miner, Conneaut Mutual Ln. & Tr.Oo. Chas. E. Cobb— Fed. Res.) A . Sec. A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. A. W. Pelton ♦ 56-328 «3§’71 ual Res ponsibil ity $1,00 0,000)... Chase N.,-N .Y, (Individ 0. P. Palmer______ I. N. Bushong----J. H. Edwards. Continental..Putnam E7 Continental Bank______» i f ’90 56-926 Pop. 1300 200.000 180,000 1 35,000 Merch. N., N. Y.; 1st N., C lev/C om ’l Sav. Bk. 2,000 25.000 Farmers State & Savings Bk. C. E. Wight__ ____ A. J. Mullet----------- O. R. Blauvelt----------------i1 & Tr. Co,. Tol. ! 56-1240 »38’14 Oodneaut. Ashtabula A 21 Pop. 9064 f W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIFTH -THIRD N^1S,TLof CINCINNATI— The BANKERS' BANK Since 1863 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, OHIO—Continued Pop. 800 Coolville___ Athei C Pop. 500 n Cashier . First National Bank_____ $’05 0. H. Dye________ 56-927 Wm Muntzinger \ As s ’ t Cashier . Theo. Hertz. . Cleo Glancy L ia b il i t ie s . [j R esources, i oamk Dw- Gash&Ea P aid- up Subplus D epos L c’tb. Bonds, cha nges,Due Capital P bofits its Skcubitieb~ fromBanki __ $ 50,000 $ 15,500 $ 466,290 $ 354,000 $ 169,280 IstN ., N .Y . and Olev.; Old N., Ft. Wayne. Coolville National Bank..$’06 J. E. Hartnell_____ J. S. Walden_____ r ‘J. E. Bailey______ 56-928 25,000 16,000 331,000 .296,800 Pop. 1564 Bank o f Oorning Co. 56-929 25,000 22.930 404.050 205,590 Pop. 700 Cortland Sav. & Bkg. Co. N. A. Oowdery____ L. Hutton________ D. D. Kellogg, Tr.. E. N. Dutcher____ .. . . 56-930 $§’11 35,000 21,950 305.860 315,120 47,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N., Glev.; Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 12,000 400.000 404,510 57,490 N. City, N. Y.; Ist N., Clev.; Cdm’l N., Col. t'92 Geb. W. Bright.— Ralph R eam er___ ‘ Coshocton___ Coshocton Central Bank _____»$§’15 J. W. Dinsmore — J. W. Thomson Pop. 11,570 56-281 COMMERCIAL NAT’ L BANK J. W. Cassingham.. G. W. Cassingham. 0. H. Magruder___ C. R. Speckman . . . 56-278 «$’72 Rudolph Ehrich 320,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Olev.: Bk. o f Pitt, N. A., Pitt.: Fifth-Third N.. Cin. Coshocton National Bk..»$’98 M. Q. Baker_______ T. L. Montgomery. R. Q. Raker 56-279 50,000 197.050 1,324.870 1,439,060 355,150 Han. N.. N. Y .: Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Olev.; Ohio N., Col. Peoples Banking Co____ $§’03 J. L. Rne________ G. M. Gray_______ R. H. M ills______ L. E. Baughman . . . 56-280 T. H. Wheeler J. Q. Almack 65,800 39,000 507,000 510,700 92,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Com. N „ Clev. 25.000 15,000 200,000 200,000j 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Olev. 50.000 16,080 311,010 271,650 105,450 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 169,300 128,920 •48,830 Chase N „ N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev. 625.000 660,000 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Olev. 220,000 149.000 41,000 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Olev. Crestline—Crawford G 13 Babst Banking House__ $t’71 (Jacob Babst)..;___ Pop. 4000 56-522 First National Bank 56-523 A. W. Landis Jacob Babst_______ -»±'97 William Monteith— W. D. Cover______ F. P. Hayes............ J. R. H ayes____ — Oreston___ ..W ayne 116 Stebbins Banking Co. ..•$t’81 (H. A. Stebbins)— Pop. 1100 56-931 Curtice------- Ottawa C 11 Pop. 300 . Custar_______ Wood D 9 Pop. 450 Cuyahoga Falls ..Summit Pop. 8000 E 18 246.390 Capital City, Col. 163,000 1,500,000 1,540,000 Stillwater Valley Bank Co. D. G. W enrick___ R. F. A lbery_____ J. Kendel 1_______ Galen O. N e e r ___ 56-632 *$§’71 J. L. Cramer Cridersville.Auglaize G 7 Pop. 650 Orooksville.. .Perry L 15 Pop. 3028 Croton______ Licking 1 13 Pop. 500 Cumberland ....Guernsey Pop. 609 K 17 61,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Com’l N.,Ool. 100.000 Covington____ Miami J 6 Citizens National Bank.$1900 J. W. R u h l______ .T. W. Dowler ... 56-633 ’ C Pop. 2000 Home Bank......... ........—$t’03 56-932Orooksville Bank Co.__ *$§’02 56-557 Croton Bank Co.________§’98 56-933 Cumberland Sav. Bank.«$§’08 56-935 First National Bank........ ’19 56-1288 Curtice State Bank......... §’19 56-1291 Custar State Bank_____ $§’14 56-1243 Citizens Bank _ . «$§’17 ♦ 56-1264 50,000 H. A. Stebbins___ 10,000 E. F. Reicheldefer. A. E. Brantlinger — E. E. Arthur........... 10.000 7,000 145,000 115.000 ' 37,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Lima Tr. Co., Lima. S. H. Brown______ J. L. Bennett 25,000 27,000 606,700 509,840 O. W. Wells .T. M. Curry . 25,000 5,030 78.590 81,320 I. C. Young............ T. M. Hathaway__ J. M. Bracken___ _ 50,000 20,410 362,720 330,820 128,690 Chase N. and Bk. of. N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y .: 1st N., Zanesville, Clev., and Cin.: Ohio N., Cpl. 24,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; HaydenClintonN., Col. 92,210 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Olev. W. L. Beaschler... 50,000 25,000 6,500 140,000 135,000 Han. N., N. ,Y.; 2d N. and Com’l Sav. Bk. and Tr. Co., Tol. 36,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Tol. 50,000 5,000 475,000 450,000 Stanton E. Hoover. ______________ C. E. Knowles A. M. Lorenzen . . . Albert Dier H. C. Sandrock—. . Chas. F. Dunn W. C. Burkhart W. W. Mannhardt J. F. Gaghan--------- W. R. Noyes______ Joseph Drummer, > Sec. F. D. Smith.. ___ 40,000 The FIFTH-THIRD B A N K of C IN C IN N A TI ^ N a m e o f B a n k Ia th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each b an k in U . S . exclusively b y T he B a n d -M c N a U jr Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. O H I O — C o n t in u e d 46,400 1,496,010 1,349,390 80,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cent. N.. Clev.: Depositors Sav. & Tr. Co., Akron; (M em . Fed. Bes.) ^ 240,970 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Clev.: Cent. Sav. & Tr Co., Akron; (M em . Fed. Bes.) 12,500 10,500 160,000 110,000 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; .Home Sav., Tol. 25,000 28,120 515,410 562,700 57,800 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev. 15,000 42,800 361,970 401,300 32,060 Chase N., N.Y.; New 1st N., Col.; 1st N., Clev. July, 1919 Cygnet............. Wood D 9 Cygnet Sav. Bank C o...«$§’99 R. A. Hughes_____ C. W. Solether____ .T. M. Hone Pop. 600 56-938 Dalton..___ Wayne F 17 First National Bank____ *$’02 W. H. H. Wertz . . . D. F. Schnltv T. C. Hnnsicker__ C. F. Buchwalter.. Pop. 599 56-939 & J. H. Tschantz _$t’84 (Albert I. W o lfe).. Danville____Knox H 15 Danville Bank J. E. Daugherty... W. S. Cooper Pop. 500 56-940 R. C. Baker Federal Reserve Bank St. N uof mb e r Louis under 33,000 W. N. Burley j C. M. WALSH— 100,000 E. G. GENSEMER ~ H. G. D I C E - - - - - CHAS.LM ecus KEY CUYAHOGA FALLS SAVIN6S < Special attentlo n given Bill of La dlng drafts, Cash and Time Items. BANK ♦ 56-937--------*$§’04 Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. ( Prompt service. We get results. WttMtU 1029 Principal Correspondents . 1028 _____ ___________________ OHIQ BAN K S— C onvoy to Danville Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rimd-McNally Bankers* Directory, under, the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. r T own and County . N ame op Bank . ^County Seats. 1 ' •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState P resident . V ice-P resident . In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. [. £ . J ; .... ' . 1 D 9Ä J.V/4Q OFFERS UNSURPASSED FA CIL ITIES IN EVER Y FORM OF D O M E S T IC F O R E IG N CORRESPON D EN CE Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, G race,;'—» e tc., see page 14. For- Holidays, see opposite page 13.1C The FIFTH-THIRD NAJ iS K AL of CINCINNATI ^ N ame of Ba n e . T own and County . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState *County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. e Pop. 127,224 ^American National Bk. » t ’89 .T- F,. Saner 56-32 *CITY NAT’L BANK »t’94 City Trust & Savings Bank 56-38 •*§’11 V ice-President . -------------------Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . 200,000 on given B .-L . dr afts. ion to all matter s entrusted to us. Dayton business. W. Li Scharrer, R. C. McConanghy W. W. Bishop, Sec. a/nd Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. /$. W. D A V IE S -- E. D. GRIMES— — R. S .W IL C O C K — - H C HULL W.E.EHYEART /Collections carefully hand led at lowest r a t e s . ) Rem itted f op on day of payment. »*’45 [ s e n d u s y O U R D A Y T O N I T E M S . ♦ 56-33 ADAM LESSNER — H. C. KIEFABER ) Ch. o f Bd. W. F . HOCKETT HI Branch) B. B. BRADY | /W. R. CRAVEN — (A . J . CONOVER. H. B. B A IC H LY .2 V .. B. B. BRADY.Sec. ... A. S. WEtJSTHOFF. 421,880 5,268,680 4,844,350 1,199,740 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; Ft. Dear. N ., Chi.: Flfth-ThirdsN., Cin.; Cent. N ., Clev. 195,640 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Dayton. 100,000 31.700 1.770,800 1,430,020 300,000 210,730 2,355,980 2,438,960 500,000 620,000 12 495630 11302 46Ö 2,187*710 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Fifth j t m a s i Third N.. Cin.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 710.840 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .; Corn. Ex. N, Chi.; 1st N ., Cin. ~ A . Tr. IA thoroughly organized couec tlon department. *»'04 (Reasonable ch arges* Prompt, personal service. R, M. GRIFFITHS. A. Tr. EL-:. 2i*dQ( 'a* J. L. Laymon_____ W. J. F ocke______ W. E. McGervey__ L. B. M cA doo____ 60,000 30,000 800,000 700,000 180,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin^City N. Dayton. • Farmers & Merchants Bank John W. Kreitzer— W. O. Horrell ____ O. S. Billman_____ Ida M. R u s e _____ 56-35 **§’13 50,000 31,090 783,530 463,110 j 219,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com, N., Clev.; Fifth Third N., Cin.; 3d N.. Dayton, i i H l i First Sav. & Bkg. Co.—< § ’03 O. W. Irvin______ 56-34 0. W. Bieser______ F. W. Gruen______ T. J. Brinkmeyer— F. D. Rice F. W. Gruen Market Savings Bank „•*§’09 T. H. Lienesch___ J. C. Dressier —__ W. H. J. Behm___ J, W. Nesmith — W. M. Adelberger 56-87 •M ER C H A N T S N A T IO N A L BANK 56-27 CHAS. W. S L A G L E - E . S. R E Y N O LD S — -OW EN BRITTON— A , C W O LF _____ 100,000 62,580 2,169,460 2,045,130 269,970 Seab. N., N. Y.^Lin. N., Cin.; Bk. o f Pitt. N A., Pitt, i 50:000 45,000 1,513,490 1,171,600 402,960 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; City N., Dayton 200,000 140,000 1,854,000 2,366,000 Send us your item s ana c o lle ctio n « top uayxon ana vicinity TR Y »*’71 400,000 25,000 /VALENTINE WINTERS LEE WARREN JAM ES - R. H. TOMPERT............. H. Ö. WÄCHTER........... 1,000,000 C. C. BOSLER •W INTERS ] Prompt, efficle N A TIO N A L BANK \ Reasonable cba 475,000 400,000 644,460 4,470,410 7,165,220 779,730 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Ist N., Chi, Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Ist N., Clev. 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; IstN ., Cin. 780,310 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Con1 & Com’l N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Citiz. N and 1st N., Cin. ■ Ü WÊÊ NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — Resources Over ^ 1029 Beazell & Chatfield, Cin. Logan & Bryan, N, Y. and Chi.: Roberts & Hal Cin. N. City Co., N. Y. City and Corresponde!] offices. See adv. Page 3. J. R. Allen, Mgr. NATIONAL u (Investment Bonds » nHiivnML CITY v ii i CO vUi------- a’16 (Mutual Home Bldg.) "navion TQ Taucp j "pj SiLiier Chas. J. Moore___ Owen Britton, JLtaj bUU fTIpaHncr viCal LU{t J UUoC Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a * ) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,000 nt collection serv ice. rge. Quick remi ttance. 56-30 » t ’1814 \ WE GET RESU L.TS. DLcIlvU OuvliclllltliU--— — — (Investment Securit ies) RBIEH fiRFFNF O £(6vVi 0 ---- w '02 (Investment Secur Dill Kali QIlkhIVE 5th-3rd 332,830 3,502,540 2,673,340 Fifth-Third N ., Cin.; 1st N ., Clev. S$p» ________________ & 399,000 j' US. ♦Third National Bank —«*’63 Ohas. J. Moore___ J. S. Mclntire____ J. F. Mueller-------- W. C. Gerber_____ J. A. Wessalosky 56-29 Colman Cetinski— F. J. Hoersting----- M. J. Beeghly......... (i. ff. Kern . West Dayton Commercial Sav. Bank.56-39______ •l’12 The P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . OHIO BAN KS— D ayton ‘ DAYTON SAVINGS & T R . CO. R esources , i L ia b il it ie s . i1 OAMSk Dl8- Cashk Ex D epos L P aid - up Surplus c’ts. Bonds, changes,Du* AND its Capital P rofits Smuriti» promBanks N.„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi. O. M. P o o ck _____ F .W . Hecht........... R. E. Davis---------- $ 200,000 $ 134,530 $1352360 $1465 100 $ 401,900 Merch. Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Fletcher-Am.N.,Indpls *D A Y T 0 N N A TIO N A L BANK 56-26 IN V IT E D . Accessible T o w n s, (Lawyers, Law s, b lr e c to ts , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st R a te s, G race,! e t c ., see page 14. For- H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 L H . H. DARST........... R. C- MçCONAUGHY- H E. WHALEN.............— W. 6. DAVIDSON V H. E . TALBOTT. J Ch. of Bd. ) Special attenti ( Prompt attent \ We want your H. H. Darst_______ CORRESPONDENCE ___________ 56-28 B A N K IN G . O H I O — C o n t in u e d V ' P resident . F O R E IG N fnlv. 1919 N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k la the N ew Transit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FA CIL ITIES IN EVER Y FORM O F D O M E S T IC AND T own and county . N ame op Bank . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assh. SState Entire State in No. 4 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦M§jn. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . VlCiJ-PRESIDENT. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, OHIO—Continued • Cashier . A s s ’ t Cashier . «Defiance__ Defiance D G FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’50 H. B. Tenzer_____ August Martin....... Virgil Sqnire Pop. 9000 56-357 L ia b il it ie s . 1 R esources. Ü Loansk Dis- Cashk Ex P aid - up. Surplus Depos c ’tb. Bonds, changes,Due Capital P bofits its Securities fromBanks P rincipal Correspondents . $ 109,909 $ 70,000 $ 700,000 $ 600,000 $ 100,000 1st N., N. Y.; Cent. N. and 1st N.,Clev.; 2dN. , Tol. Merchants NationalBank<’75 C; P. Harley..__— R. G. Holgate_____ F. S. Stever_____ _ R. F,. T)avis... 56-358 State Bank o f Defiance—*S’02 R. Brown. ______ J. C. Vandenbroek Elbert E. Carter__ 56-359 100,900 24,000 1,000,000 900,000 204,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Olev. 50,000 22,463 500,000 316,000 116,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Glev. S. B. Hamsher....... 30,000 30,400 413,620 354,440 108.180 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cler. «Delaware-Delaware 1 11 DELAWARE NATIONAL BANK E. I. Pollock........... T. M. Thomson___ W. B. Galleher___ W. S. Yake_______ Pop. 9790 56-303 »*‘45 V rt •«•■' ' 150,000 55,000 845,240 700,000 309,870 1st N., N. Y., Gin., and Gier.: City N., Col. 50,000 53,000 660,000 549,000 189.000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Cler. '50,000 96,000 817,000 680,650 100,000 , 40.000 500,000 507,000 249,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N. and 1st N.. Clev.; Ohio N. and Com’l N., Col.: FifthThird N., Cin. 135,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Ohio N., Col. Degraff_______Logan 18 CITIZENS BANK--------- •«*85 W. E. Harris ..__!.. J. A. Shawan. . . __ H. W. Koogler.— Pop. 1082 56-941 Delaware Sav. Bk. C o .__ §’91 0. B. Austin______ B. F. Freshwater— F. P. Hills.............. .T. H. Rock . 56-306 Deposit Banking C o .__ » « ’67 C. Riddle________ A. S. Conklin H. W. Jones 56-305 Pop. 5500 First National Banjc____ t ’57 J. D. Van Deman— H. W. Jewell— ___ R. B. Powers_____ 56-304 p Commercial Bank........ «tS’77 Joseph Jettinghoff. H. M. Davies 56-482 NAT’L BK. OF DELPH0S-«t’65 H. L. Leilich______ L. C. Allinger....... W. J. Steinle 56-481 F. S. Scherger....... Peoples Bank_________» t l’l l John Ricker______ F. H. King.............. E. L. Stallkamp___ 56-483 75,000 90,000 1,320,000 1,212,600 221,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Com’l N., Chi. 60,000 50,000 50,000 13,000 190,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn. Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Clev.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. ( 60,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; .1st N., Cin.: Union Com. N., Clev.; Huntington N., Col. 900,000 800,000 363,000 353,750 1 Pop. 2000 Pop. 4500 r ______Hei Pop. 1800 Pop. 2200 .. Tuscaraw! Pop. 7500 Pop. 877 n.Mnskingi Pop. 1549 Pop. 1234 Pon. 18.214 FARMERS STATE SAVINGS BANK— 56-664_____ *§1900 Peoples Savings Bk. Go.-t§'06 56-665 Dennison National Bank *$’97 56-942 Corn City State Bank_* « ’99 56-687 Deshier State Bank ___ <§T1 56-688 First National Bank........« ’01 56-943 Exchange National Bank 56-890 o i’67 in n i 1 U J 1 Maurice Moody___ Thomas Wright___ E. D. Moody. M. M. Keepers H. J. Smythe H. L. House „ ____ T. B. K ing.—____;. K. F,. King A. J. Miehls T. M. Gehrett......... J. H. L. Hoops____ C. A. Pratt — ___ 30,000 481,790 413430 25,000 30,800 498,400 379,190 100,000 W. S. Gehrett— 77,560 1,442,360 1,360,010 95,740 Han.N.,N. Y.; IstN. and Union Com. N., Clev.: Northern N., Tol. 113,060 Met. Tr. ,N.Y.; Northern N. and N. Bk. Com., ToT. 309,910 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Ÿ.; 1st N., Clev. and Pitt. 120,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., N. Bk. Com., and Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tol. 37,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Northern N., Tol. 10,000 450,000 380,000 25.000 6.000 200,000 205.000 H. W alk er....____ P. R; Nicholson__ C. J. Thompson . . . 25.000 25,000 800,000 600.000 130,120 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. o f W. Va., Wheeling. T- J. Haley— ....... D. C. Baker______ 0. F. Baker—,_____ A. F. Schick_____ 90.000 73,310 943,270 963,210 158,660 Han. N., N .Y .; Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. | H. W. STREB — R .R . ELSQN-— — ALVIN V. LIND 50,000 35,060 s ; C , holm 1 s FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’90 < Special attentl on to collections. 56-400 115c must be sent with >each sight draft for presentation and [25c with each request for repor t or rating. SEN D US Y O U » DO VER 1 TEMS. 693,900 760.710 112,630. Irving N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev.; 1st N. Pitt.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. 50,000 1,250,000 1,200,000 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. 125,270 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cent. N., and Union Com. N., Clev.: Bk. of Pitt., N. A. Pitt. 91,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. Reeves Banking & Trust Co. 56-401 o«*03 State Savings Bank Co. < § ’04 , 56-402 1 Doylestown Banking C o<§’05 56-944 5 Dresden State Bank—.<§'90 56-683 J. E. R eeves____ _ A. J. Krantz______ L. H. Oerter Andrew D eis_____ Oliver T oom ey___ j . C. Miller J. W. Zimmerman. J. V. Hortal —____ George Landis F. W. Gasche____ T. D. Adams 9 FIRST RATIONAL BANK-t’03 S. A. Hagerman___ B. L. Larimer 56-733 .T. O. Carnes E. F.Wihle 5 th -3 rd n n ila * 4h a a t ifk n a ffw rnkA 100,000 A. W. Wagner M. O. mine L. L. Cassady ____ D an baàe io o fn 45,000 652,550 605,160 19,500 3,700 275,000 241,000 100.000 60,150 j 57,180 Chase N., N. Y .; Cent. N., Olev. 25.060 22,180 320.000 305,720 77,130 1st N., Cin. 25,000 19,000 289,800 286,660 66,170 Han. N., N. Y.; New 1st N., Col.: Union Com, N., Clev.: Citiz. NJ. Cin. Bkrs. Tr. Co., Seab. N., and Chase N., N Y .: (Inni A Pftm'l W C h i a a I t. I T v ¡(Branch o f Çleve land, Oh io )_____ 1 N A T IO N A L B A N K o f C IN C IN N A T I— Am A .lo .n 50,000 25,000 Charles L. F olk s... Woodruff National Bank<’03 Frank 0. P ore....... R. A. Woodruff___ C. W. Fredrick__ _ 56-732 i Cleveland Trust Co.........« ’04 B. R. Buckley, 1 5fi-Q45 Mar. N um ber under 'Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber giv_ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers' n iv u n tA V V 25,000 30,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The 0. P. Grisier.......... Jno. W. Crisman . . W. O. Hnch ....... W. H. Fraker J. M. Longnecker.. F. Briggs________ A. TVMcOnmb $ 5 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 Accessible O H I O — C o n t in u e d T o w n s, L aw yers, dexed in back of this volume. A *. —- — — 11 W IL L IN G N E S S L a w s, Directors,, For Interest Kates, Grace, V n , U a IIH'. v U « n m it e . . . . 13 1030_______________________ OHIO BANKS— Defiance to E. Cleveland__________________ July, 1919 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 m i l to eaoh bank 1“ U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' i.y j'jv j Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. The 5 th -3 rd N A TIO N A L BANK of C IN C IN N ATI — Resources $55 .000JOPO T own an d Co u n ty . N am e of Bast Liberty__ Logan 1 9 Hamilton Hank Pop. 600 56-946 P r e s id e n t . Y ICE-PRESIDENT. $t’QQ F t0, Hamilton 56-537 E. Youngstown.Mahoning Peoples Trust & Sav. Bank TL R, Fithian Pop. 4072 E 21 56-1285 §19 Ca s h ie r . A s s ' t C a s h ie r . Lia b il it ie s . Sur plu s P aid - u p D npos AND Ca p it a l P bofits 8 20.000 $ Helen E. H erd ___ J, H. Brookes.'__ _ H. H. Blythe— J. F,. T). Moore J. W. Smith H. N. Harker _____ F. M. Gardner___ _ G. 0. Thompson N. A. Frederick . . . R. W. Patterson 695.700 700.000 235,000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. 60,006 51,000 945.000 868,500 185,270 Seab. N. and Merck. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Union Com. N „ Clev. 200.000 136,350 1,487,650 1,541,440 100,600 236.050 1.754.450 1.359.120 482,560 Citiz. N, and Merch. N., N. Y.: Mellon N. and 1st N „ Pitt.; 1st N., Clev. 829,140 Chase N ..N .Y . Wm. Johnston____ D. W. M cCloskey- O. S. McCloskey— 25,000 75,000 1,147,150 812,020 Eugene Crow.____ if. M. Reed, John Roberts, A . Tr, Sec. and Tr. G. V. Hamory 160,990 151,1110 167,400 897,340 851.650 Bdgerton — Williams 0 5 EDGERTON S TA TE BANK CO. Pop. 1050 56-739 » « ’03 it: it Farmers Commercial Bank 56-738 < § ’14 Edon — ___ Williams B 5 Edon State Bank Co.__ »i§’93 Pop. 678 56-948 Bldorado_____Preble E 5 Farmers State Bank —.< § ’19 C Pop. 500 56-949 Elida_________ Allen F 7 Farmers Hank .........$§’03 Pop. 500 56-950 Blmore_____ Ottawa C 11 Bank o f ElmoreCompany$|’67 Pop. 937 56-768 Jacob Zeeb_______ 25,000 5,020 Jessie H. Houlton. 30,000 25,000 Samuel M iller____ n T> Millp.r S. D. Orites_______ A. Brenneman____ J ohn N. Magee —f R. A. Willett— ___ E. J. H e s s ..._____ Arthur L. Pope___ H. W. INGFRS0LL— E M. RICE . 56-197 ALVIN J. PLQÇHER.See. W. S. MILLER _ R. R. LERSCH________ S. H. SQUIRE_____ W. H. STARK.................... We do n ot nhone on eollection So We present personally—Give us your business. Save tim e and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending »$’63 FEE IN ADVANCE: P la in s ig h t d r a fts , I S c ; C red it R e p o r ts . 2 5 c. TR Y US. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,610 197,880 174,960 7,000 331,500 271,400 35,000 2.500 370,000 312,030 59,900 1st N., Clev.; N. Bk. Com., Tol.: 1st & Hamilton N., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northern N.. Tol.; 1st N. Clev.: Far. N., Bryan. 44,610 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 25.000 1,340 98,150 85,300 25.000 45.000 625.000 600,000 25,000 20,350 511,160 500,030 573,060 580,450 47,210 186,720 3,118.840 3,008,460 NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI 200,000 208.860 8,670,130 3.208.940 Sec. Sec. m s. it Repo rts. 16.890 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Lima. 90,000 N. City.. N. Y.; 2d N., Tol.; 1st N.. Clev. 66,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev.; Northern N.. Tol. 142,320 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-ThirdN. and lst N., Cin. 490.090 Chase N., N. Y.; Union CÓm. N. and Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co.t Clev. 847.740 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Clev. 250.000 109,950 2,411,950 2,360,430 660,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st N. and Union Com. N ., Clev. 224,150 145,470 2,948,150 2.312,570 730,820 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev. r in the Central city of the fourth federal reserve district f offers unsurpassed service to banks and bankers 1031 SAVINGS DEP. BK. & TR. 00. C. M. Braman____ O. E. Blanchard___ F. R. E ck ler......... F. L. Shaw............ 56-198 «$§’72 J. C. Hill, J. B. Seward C. E. Blanchard, Ch. o f Bd Sec. The FIFTH-THIRD 03,290 Northern N „ Tol.; 1st N., Clev. t e n » , . lections, and invl to c o rr e sp o n d e d e. itte d o n day o f pa ym en t. J. W. SCHMAUCH. A . CHARLES C. DAY. A . sh and T im e Ite n and 25c fó r Cred 200,000 Chase N., N. Y .; 1st N., Cin.: Cent. N., Clev. 270.460 50,000 NATIONAL BANK OF ELYRIA 144,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 228,57Q N. Bk. Com., N. Y., Fifth-Third N. and 4th N., Gin.; 1st N., Clev. 308,730 200,000 A. J. ROBINSON....... 87,960 N. Bk. Com., N .Y .; 1st N.,01ev.: B k .of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 821,930 Han. N., »N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.; Union Com. N., Clev. 115.110 N. City. N. Y.; Peo. N.. Pitt.; 1st N. Clev.: Comrl N. and City Tr. & Sav« Youngstown. Elyria S. T, Dromgold—_. ( A. B. TAYLOR____ R. 0. PERRY — ~ — H. A. DANIELS. Tr— LB .FAU VER A. M. THOME. A . Tr. F . A. SMYTHE, Ch. of Bd. LORAIN COUNTY SAVINGS & J TRUST 00—56-199__ _ .•§’96 |Special attenti on given Bill o f Lading drafts, Ca 1Please send 15c with each sight dr aft fo r presm tatio ( Send .us y ou r E lyria item s. — 60,000 C. A. Bowersox__!. Zeph Lees_______ VMM B ahrs 135,000 J. C. Chamberlin.. F. Chamberlin —^ O. A. Bowersox___ H .L . Poole____ Principal Correspondents . Cash k BxcHAxass,Dxrm loo ,000 60,000 . mmmmrnmmm k 1.640 8 208,640 $ 248,610 S 72,220 Han. N., N. Y.; New 1st N., Ool. »Baton.— ____Preble K 5 EATON NATIONAL BANK*$ 92 Samuel Swisher. — J. H. Musselman.. J. M. Gale............. H. A. Sharkey.— C Pop. 4000 56-548 0 . J. Hunter •• 1 •• Preble County National Bank J. W. A cton______ L. D. Lesh_____ . A. J. Hiestand____ C. W. Eidson •56-547 »$’88 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 03 H. W. Nieman - „ — >- 56-769 Elmwood Place.Hamilton First National Bank_____»’02 C Pop. 8423 N6 56-951 j T . h ROBINSON— «Elyria______Lorain D 15 ELYRIA S A V .& B K G .C O . Pop. 18,618 56-206 $§’01 )W e n u k e a spec 'C ollections rem itesOURCES^ Ix>a k i Disc ’Ts. B ords , Sm u r it i ms OHIO BAN K S— East Liberty B. Liverpool .Columbiana CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK J. W. Vodrey_____ Pop. 22,586 G 21 56-158 *$’97 .. .. DOLLAR SAV. BK. C0.~*$«'02 George H. Owen__ 56-159 •• fa ■56-156 •• " Potters National Bank—*$’81 W. W. Barker.___ 56-157 B. Palestine—Columbiana Chamberlin Bros. & C o.-it'84 Pop. 5000 p 21 56-536 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume* For Interest B otes, Grace, | e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. OHIO—Continued Ban e. *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. Slate Bks. Assn. tPriv. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. T V July, 1919 N um ber under N am e o f Bank Is the New Transit N um ber giv to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, ander the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. in o i A S I L I W IL L IN G N E S S Mnmb«r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -° each '9 U .S . exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. ^ N ame op Ba n e . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦M em . Fed. Res. P resident . (P. W. EWING — j BIU of lading d FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$ 63 115c must be sen 56-190 ( and 25c for eac Ohio Bank & Sav. Company 56-193 •${’87 Flushing__ Belmont J 19 Dollar Savings Bk. Co— «${'99 Pop. 1000 56-955 Forest______ Hardin F 10 First National B an k ___ *$’05 Pop. 1285 56-715 Hardin County Bk. Co—*${’88 56-714 Fort Jennihgs Putnam F 7 Fort Jennings State B k -§ ’18 Pop. 350 56-1281 Fort Loramie.Shelby 16 Loramie Banking do—.*${’04 Pop. 489 56-1025 Fort Recovery___ Mercer Fort Recovery Bkg. Co. ${’81 Pop. 1300 H5 56-722 Peoples Bank C o .______${’07 56-723 Y i ce-Presi dent . A s s ’t Oashier . J. A. Mattern_____ C. D. Haase______ F. T. Sullivan_____ E. H. Rorick John 0 . Rorick___ G. H. Crane...____ M. B. Badger_____ M. Berger . 0. L. Casterline___ A. E. Eoff.._______ B, Burket H. F. Burket A. E. D orsey_____ R. W. M oore_____ C. W. Shireman___ F. J. Elsea J. T. Montgomery. C. J. O ile r..._____ J. O. R e e d _______ N. L. MacLachlan C. H. Bigelow, Sec. a/ndTr. 4,910 $ 202,720 $ 204,070 $ 14,230 1st N., Cin. 17,000 200,000 235,000 23.700 4th N., Cin.; Winters N., Dayton. 25,000 20,000 425,000 375,000 12,500 10,000 209,000 175,000 85,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ist N., Clev.; Northern N. and N. Bk. Com., Toi. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont.& Com’lN.,Chi.; SpitzerRorick Tr. & Sav., Toi. 15,000 1L000 170,000 180,000 150,000 55,000 1,300,000 1,179,010 100,000 192,000 2,400,000 2,168,750 125,000 150,000 DAVIB KIRK, SR— W. A. H0LLIN6T0N J. P. SWARTZ-— rafts a specialty, t with each sight draft for present atlon h report or ratin g. SEND US YO UR FINDLAY IT EMS. A. F. King W . F. Hosier_____ 100,000 D. T. Cowen___ ,__ R. O. Bethel 25,740 889,010 805,740 155,000 1,109,000 1,100,000 28,000 1st N.. Cin. 278,760 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 2d N., Toi. 233,460 Chase N.. N, Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Toi.; Ist N., Clev. 234,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Com. N „ Clev.; N. Bk, Com. and Northern N., Toi.; Mellon N., Pitt. 320,000 N. City, N. Y.: Union Com. N „ Clev. ||ÍM| 28,000 1,030,000 988,000 121,100 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; 2d N., Toi. 25,000 23,340 348,930 330,210 67,070 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev. W. T. Gemmill___ W. F. Kurtz____ _ 25,000 16,000 265,000 225,000 40,000 Han. N., N. y .; 1st N., Clev. John A. Briggs___ Ella N. Meyer_____ M. Justin Meyer _ W. P. Heffernan B. A. Miehls______ Chas. C. Raabe — L. J. Wildenhaus. . 60,000 13,000 400,000 350,000 25,000 2.500 75,000 62,000 B. J. Wuebker____ J. D. lnderrieden.. A. F. Ratermann__ Herman Bornhorst 25,000 7.500 269,950 214,170 G. A. Renter______ 25,000 25,000 500,000 500,000 15,000 1L500 835,000 235,000 50,000 30,000 1,145,000 ''974,000 245,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev.; N. Bk. Com. Toi.; Lin. N., Ft. Wayne. “ 5 ■" ; 50,000 25,000 ‘ 800,000 210,080 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; 2d N.. Toi. W. R. Taylor_____ E. T. Hastings W. H. Anthony___ F. J, Sonderman, Sec. C. W. Latshaw____ C. W. Yost First National B an k ___*$’82 A. Emerine, Sr____ Alonzo Emerine,Sr. A. E. Mergenthaler. Andrew Emerine, 56-283 Jr. D. St. John Union National Bank „..•$’99 E. W. Allen_______ M. A. Thomas.___ B. M. Solomon____ 0 . L. W onderly.__ 56-285 G. A. Snyder Geo. L. Fink Frankfort— Ross M 11 Commercial Bank______${'12 Albert Betts H. L. L ockw ood... C Pop. 900 56-1228 Merchants & Farmers Bank S. D. B lue____ D. L. Sutherland__ W. R. Beard 56-956 *$t’76 W, W. Trovillo jN. J. CATR0W-—— H. S. CONOVER_____ - R. B. PARKS............ - R. C. ADAMS RALPH B. PARKS 580,000 -s 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev.; Mellon N., Pitt. 33,210 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Toi. 76,640 Lin. N., Cin.; 1st N., Clev. 70,000 Chase N., N. Y .: Coht. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Lin, N., Cin.: 1st N., Clev. 103,850 Fifth-Third N., Cin. 25,000 7,200 j 182,000 197,550 50,000 7,000 470,000 465,000 386,670 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Com. N., Clev,; Northern N., Toi. 33,000 IstN., Chillicothe; Fifth-Third N-, Cin.; Hunt ington N., Col. 45,000 1st N. and 4th N., Cin. 50,000 105,340 567,630 738,900 109,120 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin, 100,000 66,690 1*710,840 1,556,350 jSpecial attent 1 on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It em s. V 1Please send 15c with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio n <md 25c fo r Cred tb¡ Repo rts. Warren National Bank..*$'05 G. B. Francis . __ A. D. Barkalow.. C. W. Mnnger.. . . 56-573 Frazeyshurg .Muskingum Peoples Bank Co. $(’02 J. W. B aker. T. L. Bennett_____ J. L. Browning___ B. C. Browning.... Pop. 700 J15 ♦ 56-843 Fredericksburg... Wayne Citizens Bank.................$t’03 H. W. Cary_______ E. Z. Aylesworth.. S. T. R edett_____ Pop. 507 G 10 56-957 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 5,770 135,100 143,690 47,380 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 25.000 42,000 500,000 465,000 16,000 4,000 160,000 105,000 68,000 Chase N., N. Y,: Ohio N., Col.: 1st N., Clev. (Mem. Fed. Bes,) 32,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Clev. Charter No. 2(J — T He FIFTH - 1 ‘HIRD NAJ i 2 " A L of C IN C IN N ATI — 1no O P rincipal Correspondents . 12,500 _ T. A. C onn olly..... W. W. McCullough Fostoria_____Seneca E 10 COMMERCIAL BANK & SAV. Charles A sh ______ Pop. 10,770 COMPANY-56-284...: *${’02 Earl Ash Franklin .....W arren M 7 FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK C Pop. 3000 ^ 56-572 *$'97 R esources. ! Lia b il i t ie s . P aid- up Surplus Depos- Loams&Dis» CashAcEa~ ITS Capital P rofits Biouunm fromBanks $ 25,000 $ C. E. H e c k . ....... Chas. O. Lightner. P. W. Ewing______ W. R. Oglevee____ Cashier . Hum ber under Nam e o f Banlc is the Hew Transit Hum ber Ri ven to each bank in D. S. exclusively b y T he B and-M cN ally Bankers' O H I O — C o n t in u e d O v er F if t y Y ea r s of OHIO BAN K S— E nglew ood to F r e d e r i c k s b u r g __________ July, 1919 Englewood . Montgomery Farmers State Bank ____ { ’14 W. L. Waymire___ C Pop. 500 K7 56-1220 Farmersville Montgomery D. 0. Mills . C Pop. 437 L6 56-952 Fayette__ ___ Fulton B 7 Farmers State Bank Co. ${’06 Chas. P. Grisier__ Pop. 015 56-775 Fayette State Sav. Bank Co. H. C. Rorick 56-770 ${'06 F ayetteville-B row n O 8 Fayetteville B an k___ __ t ’07 John McConn_____ C Pop. 370 "56-953 F elicity___ Clermont P 8 Citizens Bank' ${’03 0. H. Woodmansee. C Pop. 800 56-954 »Findlay___ Hancock E 9 American National Bank»$’87 J. E. Bicknell____ Pop. 14,858 56-192 Buckeye National Bank.*$’86 E. 0. Edwards____ 56-191 Commercial Bank. 8avings & J. B. Heimhofer___ Trust C o - 56-194___ »${1900 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OHIO—Continued 1032 1032 S e r v ic e A ccessible' T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, In dexed in back of this volume. T o r I n te r e s t B a t e s , G ra ce, i*—1 e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 C No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD NAJiS Ü AL of CINCINNATI— Oven N a m e of B a n e . TOWN AND OOUNTT. • U em . A m . B k s. A ssn . SState ^County Seats. In N o. 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. tM e m . State B k s . A ssn . t P r iv . >Mem. F e d . R e s . [E s ta b . C is C in cin n ati B ra n ch . Bk. XVV/JJ'O> P r e s id e n t . T. W . S c o tt-— — 56-273 Ç J T IO K U W . B . M c C o n n e ll— B . R. M iller..___ _ A. O. B a u m an n ___ D . L . C h risty J . C. B olin ger—____ H . G . E d g e r to n ____ C. W .C ox—_______ A. E. L e e d y ............... JOHN FANGB0NER I. T. FANGB0NER »t’6; - WM. A , G A B E L ____ F. W . SCHW AN — J . H . SHERM AN FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’64 56-869 »G a lllp olis__ - G a l l i a P 15 C P o p . 6000 J E . C A S E Y _____ R L. BOGAN d in g d r a fts , C a sh a n d T im e Ite m s. 56-436 259,509 150,000 29,380 863,150 653,050 178,260 Chase N „ N . Y .: 1st N . and U n ion C om . N . -50.000 61,240 1,233,110 1,170,680 173,730 N . B k . C om .. N . Y . an d T o l . ? M e r ch . L n . 8 81,000 C ity N ., C ol. N„ C ol. C lev .; H o m e Sav. B k . C o ., T o l. T r . C p., C h i.; 100,000 129,630 2,111,490 2,052,450 U n ion C om , N ., C lev. 388,680 M e c h . & M e t a l s N „ N . Y . ; C o n t . & C o m ’ l N ., C h i . ; 1 s t N ., C le v . 100,000 89,210 1,520,600 1,226,360 B . E. PLACE---------- H .l.B O D L E Y E . B. JOURDAN L. E . PLACE 483,460 N . P a rk , N . Y .; 1st N „ C h i . ; F ifth -T h ir d N . C in .: C en t. N . an d 1st N .. C lev. 3,200 100,000 100,500 15,900 N .B k . C om ., C ol. 25,000 9,000 200,000 197,000 100,000 109,000 787,000 721,000 129,000 N . C ity . N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 50,000 25,000 400,000 325,000 125,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N . and C ent. N .^ G lev. 100,000 52,000 650,000 730,200 138,000 Chase N ., N . Y .; 1st N . an d C en t. N ., C lev. 70,000 600.000 600,000 105,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .: H u n tin gton N ., C ol.; Is 45,000 773,000 705,000 225,000 Chase N „ N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 30,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; C itiz. T r . ft S a v .. C ol. 1S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g i v e n B i l l o f La d i n g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s . ‘ Please sen d 15c w ith each sight draJ t f o r p resen ta tion an d 50c.f o r Credit R ep orts. J. R. McCORMICK— J . C. INGELS— — C. L. ECKER - - — [ O ld e s t b a n k i n G a ll i a C o u n t y , [ C o l l e c t i o n s s e n t u s w il l r e c e iv e 35,000 . H. WOLFE A. P. KERR______ J N ., C lev . an d P h il.; 4th N ., Cin. C. C. IH GELS— — 100,000 W ir lk o m p t a t t e n t io n a n d b e r e m it t e d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t . S. H . E a g le ________ L . O. B e a n .___ . ___ 60,000 12,500 240 500,000 ’ 500,000 ¿ --Q u * g w 100,000 N .C i t y ; N . Y . ; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; C o m ’l N . C ol. A. S. S. V a n C l e v e __ 80,000 K .. U n its T*.. A lm o n W o l f e , Sec.. 96,700 71,220 K n o x N ., M t. V e r n o n . 50,000 Im p . & T ra . N ., N .Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. D iam ond N ., P itt. 41,120 1st N ., N . Y . ; 1st N -, C lev .; M ellon N ., P itt. B. H . F r e n c h . . . . . 80,000 55,000 525,000 L. E. M organ . . . . . . A . D . M o re la n d ___ 50,000 32,320 403,000 ' 550,420 100,000 75,000 965,000 840,440 117,610 C h ase N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C le v .; ( M e m . F e d 40,000 12,500 430,000 420,000 60,000 C h ase N . t N . Y .; N . B k . C om . an d N o r t h e n 387./70 N ., T o l. 82,980 N . C ity, N . Y ,; C itiz. N . and 1st N .t/ Cin. J . W . R o o t _____— A . J . F o r d ----------- --V . M . T a y l o r _______ _ W . S . H arris C. N . H a n s e n ......... C. A . P o w e r s R .F. S h e lle y ,A .T r . S. S . Searle, Sec. and Tr. E. G. B o w la n d ___— C. E. M o r r i s ______ 575,000 33,180 H an. N ., N . Y .; H u n tin g ton N ., C o l.; N ev B e s .) R o b e rt C o c h r a n __ B . B. W h i t e m a n .... Chas. L . T h o m p so n 50,000 63,960 319,120 T . W . W e a v e r . ___ B . M . M arsh all_____ T. P Pnhst 50,000 60,000 350,000 447,000 60.000 1st N . and F iftlr-T h ird N „ Cin. 25,000 28,850 392,390 377,080 68,160 1st N ., N . Y .; A tlas N . and F ifth -T h ir d N, E . O. O blin ger_____ D . L . O b lin g e r_____ 50,000 87,000 330,000 304,000 F . S . L e h m a n ______ 30,000 26,700 345,000 i ^ m o o o H .H . M a xson A dam G ilb e r t— John A. Cin. S h a n k ___ A . W . F a ir______ — A . F . M y e r s ..... T he FIFTH - THIRI) .............., 160,000 M ech . & M etals N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 95,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; L in . N ., Cin, F . P . L ehm an n a bT n nk a l of CINCINNAI I— TlHE E¡AhIKE: r s * e¡AhIK Since 11863 _________________ 1033 O h io 'V a lle y B a n k C o.........I ’72 56-437 G a m b le r ______K n o x H 14 C itizen s B a n k ----------------t t ’15 56-1248 P o p , 700 G a rretts v ille___ P ortage F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k ____» t ’71 56-961 P o p . 1001 D 19 G en eva ___A sh tabula A 20 F irst N ational B a n k ------ *3 56-590 P o p . 3000 G en eva Savings B k . O o .«t§ ’96 ♦ 56-591 G e n o a _______ O ttaw a 0 11 G en oa B a n k in g C o--------- •3§’02 a v — , vu out* 56-962 P ouy. p . iiu 1100 ‘ G e o rg e to w n —B row n P 8 F irst N ational B a n k --------- t ’82 56-673 C P o p . 2000 P e o p le s N ational B a n k — i ’01 56-674 G erm an t’n —M o n te ’ r y L 6 F a rm e rs & C itizen s S a v . B k Cor— — .56-651_____ £ » 0 4 C P o p . 1778 F irst N ational B a n k _____» t ’63 56-650 G e tty s b u rg — D a rk e J 6 C itizen s N ational B a n k __ *01 56-963 C P op . 500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R . W . J o h n sto n . . . E. B . B e a ll_______ — 0. W. T r a c h t ........... F . A . F r a lick t l ’09 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«m ^ S p e c ia l a t t e n t io COMMERCIAL & SAV. BK. J . A. LUPT0N— — 56-489 450,000 25,000 G e o . J . M ie sse — H. GOTTDIENER - iE . M. F R E E S E — 107,000 W in s lo w , L anier & C o., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N.< 538,000 360,000 intion and rem itted f o r p rom pt ly at lo w e s t r a t s s . In th e U nited S t a t e s . W . P . H a y n e s______ F . J . G ie b e l------------ G. W. H a y n e s ......... A. F. D riftm y e r — C om m ercial S av. B k .C o .« t l ’05 M . A . C u rtiss — — 56-871 Banks 8,000 $ 295,000 $ 265,000 S 43,000 Chase N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N . a n d C ity N ., C ol. < § ‘82 bK prom C lev .; O h io C a leñ a _____D elaw are 1 12 B ank o f G alena C o . _____$1*02 W . D . M i l l e r .. . ____ W . F . B e n n e tt_____ F. TV M iller 56-050 P o p . 300 G a llo n __ — C r a w fo rd G 13 C I T I Z E U P o p . 10,000 Dux 12,500 25,000 ’ W . A . Z e lla rs --------- R . J . C h risty . . . — G ahanna___F ra n k lin J 12 G ahanna B a n k C o .____ -tS ’15 F . M . M o r r is o n — P o p . 350 56-1251 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Cash k E x changes, 19,000 ( R . Y . S tru ble) FIRST NATI BK. FREMONT SAVINGS BK. CO. à DuP aid - up Subplus Dbpos- Lcoams ’t». Bonds, and ITS Capital P bovits Ssotrmmss $ 25.000 $ J . N . B r a d d o c k ___ R . G . M cC lelland . . CHAS. G. WILSON 56-272 A s s ' t Cashier . Cashier . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . __________ OHIO BANKS—-Fredericktown to Gettysburg F r e d e r ic k to w n --------K n o x F irst N ational B a n k _____t ’01 56-753 P o p 1400 H 13 Dan S tru b le & S o n , B a nkers 56-752 « t ’70 F r e e p o r t ___H arrison 1 18 F r e e p o r t State B a n k _____§ ’ 15 56-1253 P o p . 1000 * F re m o n t.S a n d n sk y D 11 C o lon ial S a v . B k . ft T r . Co. >56-275 » t t ’04 P o p . 10,882 O roghan ft Savings Go. 56-274 »tS'88 A c c e s s i b le ' T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , In dexed in back of this volum e. For Interest K ates, Grace,] e tc ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O H I O — C o n tin u e d t o e a ch b a n k in U . S . e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e H a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s Ass*n£ luly, 1919 Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1033 T own N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f S a n k ia th è N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o each ban k in U. S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s 'n . and County . N ame of Ba n e . * C ou n ty Seats. I n N o .,4 F e d . R e s . p i s t C is"Cificinnati-Brian ch . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . SState ÍM e m . S ta te B k s . A ssn . +Priv. ♦ M e m . F ed. R es. [Es'tab G ibson b u rg San duskyC l b P o p . 2000 (¡1BS0NBURG BKG. C0.<§ 95 ♦ 56-630 HOME BANKING CO.— < § '0 5 ♦ 56-631 G re e n fie ld .. H igh lan d N 10 C Pop. 5000 HIGHLAND COUNTY BANK 56-510 . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . 56-413 R. H. P ET ER S -__ - N .B . ER V IN , JR.......... $ 50.000 $ S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n B ill o f L a d i n g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s . LPlease sen d 15c w ith each sight d ra ft f o r p resen ta tion an d 25c f o r Credit R ep orts J . Á . N i e s e t . . . . ___ J . F . S h e r r a r d — G e o rg e G. D ean O. H . P a u l. 50,000 Seab. N ., N . Y .: 2d N . an d H om e S av ., T o l.; M ellon N il P itt.;' U n ion C om . N „ C lev .; ( M e m . F e d . R e s .) 15,000 650,000 575,000 80,000 N . P a rk , N . Y . : l s t N . , C lev .; N o r t h e r n N „ T o l . ; ( M e m . F e d . R e s .) 1,200 74.690 58,810 57,280 1,048,000 ■ 964,500 16,920 1 s t N ., C le v ,: O h iu B k . & Sav. C o., F in d la y: F ifth -T h ir d N „ C in. 212.000 A m . E x. N ., N . Y .; Central N . and 1st N ., C lev.: B k . o f P itt. N . A .. P itt. 35,120 G u aranty T r . C o., N . Y .; S u p erior S av. & T r . C o., C lev.; C o m ’ l N „ Y o u n g s to w n . 29,920 C ent. N „ C ol. D . T . M c C u llo u g h .. O. V . T o d d .________ F . W . S tillw agon .. 50,000 50,000 P . P . M e c h li n g ___ J . O. K re h l_________ J a s. J . M c F a r lin ... G . J . H e c k e r .. E. L . H au ser R . T . l7 a n t _____— W . H . Z e lle r, J . W . D arr Sec. and T r. F . C. S o lid a y ______ M. S. L e c k r o n e . . .. E stella M .L e c k r o n è H . E . Gray W . D . G ra y ________ H . B . G ra y _________ 10,000 2,500 126,000 • 110,500 28,000 1st N ., C lev .: M ellon N „ P itt. S. S. D a n f o r d ..— ¿ F . P . D u la n ey______ H ow ard V . S p e e r .. 25,000 12,500 210,000 200,000 39,000 Seab. N „ N i Y .; C ity N ., C ol. 106,000 1st N „ C in .; N e w 1st N „ C ol. S. K . H in e _______ _ R . L . L e w is ____ — O . D . E d d y ________ C. E. D u n c a n ..___ 5.000 It. J . H o ld r e n !___ {Ï S. B . H o p p e s . . H . D . Joh n son J . A . K n e c h t g e s ___ W . C. P a r k ___ D . W . H u ffm an __ _ J a c o b H uffm an . C. L . L a sk e y J . S. G ra h a m ___■___ E. A . S m o o t s .. . . A . E . J o h n s o n .___ 30.000 -— 7,970 166.060 182,370 176,600 17Ì.000 6,500 450,000 385,000 3,040 47,360 18,620 95,680 119,680 H am ilton R o d g e r s . I. O . F o u n t a in .. 25,000 4,400 J , W . K n e c h tg e s . . 25,000 6,250 125,670 119,260 C. L . L a sk e y _______ L . M . G a r d n e r . . 22,500 8,310 300,050 207,530 25.000 26,570 334,800 322,940 C. B. S la ck _______ H . L . P ie r c e ___ l N . C. K im m e l._____ B. K . H e r b s te r .. 25,000 E. D u n c a n ._____ S. W . W a l t e r ..____ O. G . G u te n s o h n ___ S. B eg la n d _________ A lm a K in s e y __ (B ranch o f W est 31,770 1st N „ C lev.; U n ion , U h rich s v ille ; B k . o f P itt. N . A „ P itt. 21,840 F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; W a sh . Sav. B k . & T r . C o., W a sh . C. H . 9,880 Chase N .. N . Y .; U n ion C om . N .,C l e v .; E lyria Sav. & B k g. C o., E lyria. 123,330 H an. N ., N . Y .; 2d N „ T o l. A le x a n dria, Oh io) 63,440 C hase N ., N .Y .; O h io N .,C ity N „ and C o m ’l N „ C ol.: L ick in g Co. B k . & T r . C o., N ew a rk . J . F . W o ttrin g _____ J . F . M o o r e _____ E va E. W o ttrin g 10,000 2,000 97,570 72,140 M ech . & M etals N „ N . Y . : l s t N ., C lev .; M arion N ., M arion ; P r o s p e c t, P r o s p e c t. D . O . M ille r____. . I . H . T . C ly b u r n . . 50,000 8,920 1.158,170 1,189,750 167,780 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N „ 4th N „ and F ifth T h ir d N ., C in ,; M . M . 1st N .. B alt. W . E . K n a p p ._____ Paul F . F a ir le y . 60.000 25,000 600,000 600,000 B. A . Y o u n g .______ 25.000 3,100 316,890 316,080 50,000 CHAS. MINNICH. H. E. McEOWEN— S.O. WESTERFIELD W. H. TILLMAN. . . S p e c i a Il a t tteennttai «o n g iv e n B ill o f L a d i n g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s . Please sen d 15c w tth each sight draft ; fo r presen tation a n d 50c f o r Credit B eports. S e n d u s y o u r G r e e n v i ll e I t e m s . 46,160 423,650 378,900 84,000 200,000 680,000 630,000 E. H . M ille r _____ J . N . D o u g la ss. C. B. Lair W m . D u d r o w -. J o h n H . K o e ste r ___ T . A . L e c k lie d e r ... 158.170 190,000 N . P a rk , N .Y .: 4th N . and F ifth -T h ir d N .,O in .: 1st N ., C lev. 60.610 H an. N ., N . Y .; N orth ern N „ T o l.; C en t. N „ C lev. 140,900 C hase N . an d N . C ity, N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N „ Cin. 265.000 M e c h . & M eta ls N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., C in . an d C lev. A. M artz___________ H . T . L e c k lie d e r . . 100,000 210,000 600,000 . 720.000 GEO. W. PORTER__ C. F0UREMAN_____ J . E. WILLIAMS_____ C. 0. MARTIN ---------A. W. RUSH, V . P . W. E. HART 100,000 27,910 307,200 397,460 37,700 M e ch . N ., N . Y .: 1st N ., C in.; N o rth e r n N o T o l. S econ d N ational B a n k . . %’83 Jam es A . R i e s _____ G . L . H e lm ______ _ W . B. M a r s h a ll. . . . W ..R . C u lb e r t s o n .. 56-412 W . A . K n a p p ______ H . W . B a rk e r______ F. E. H in e s __ _ H . B. K n a p p _______ 100,000 120,000 385,000 475,000 30,000 55,000 372,000 415,000 C .-A . M c C u l l o w __ C. C. B e b o u t .______ O . J . H u s t o n '______ 25,000 12,000 155,000 180,000 80,000 H an. N „ N . Y .; 4th N „ C in.; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. 10,900 C hase N ., N . Y .; U nion C om . N ., l s t N . , and N . C om ’ l, C lev. 30,000 1st N ., C lev. R . E . S h o v e r ______ A g n e s W i ll e r t _____ W . I . B riggs E . C. G r a n t ..______ S. M . L e e p e r ___ ... 25,600 8,500 287,500 273,000 48.000 N . C ity, N . Y .; N e w 1st N ., C ol. 25,000 11,500 280,000 290,500 46,000 O h io N ., C ol. < '7 6 56-414 130,000 H an. N-» N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev .; C itiz. N „ Cin. . PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK § 1 7 C o l l e c t i o n s a S p e e i a lt y . P r o m p t S e r v ic e . R e a s o n a b l e C h a r g e s . T h e N e w P r o g r e s s iv e B a n k o f G r e e n v ille . F ir s t N ational B a n k ..___< ’03 D . S . W a s h b u r n ___ 56-790 G ro v e C ity .F r a n k lin K 11 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____< ’03 O tto W i ll e r t ____. . . P o p . '1000 56-796 G ro v e C ity S av in gs B a n k Co. E. C. W agn er.*.____ 56-795 t § ’03 The FIFTH-THIRD NAJ1S K AL of CINCINNATI Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each (bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ nirertorv. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n . July, 1919 Greenwich_..Huron E 14 F a rm ers B a n k in g C o .___ § ’02 pop. 1000 56-789 1035 25,000 $ 630,000 $ 600,000 $ J . G . K n e p p e r ___ _ GREENVILLE NATIONAL BK. 56-411 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s. 25.000 C o n ra d K i p p . . . ___ H . E . H u f n a g l e .... G . W » S i g a f o o s .. . . H . S. K o l o - _______ Joseph M enke <05 R esources. IjOamb k Dis Cash & E x ci’ ts . Bonds, changer,D us S ecurities from B anks G e o . C. D e a n , M gr, FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 56-410 Lia b il it ie s . Su rplu s P a id - u p D epo s and Ca p it a l P r o m t s it s < t ’67 CITIZENS STATE BANK* § ’02 . ... « Cash ie r . [J. F. YEASTING— N .B . ERVIN P e o p le s N ation a l B a n k . . < ’l l J . A . H arps___ 56-511 ... G re e n sp rin g ..S e n e c a D 11 C om m ercia l B ank O o . _ < § ’ 97 C. J . O iler.___. . P o p . 833 56-973 » G re e n v ille ____D ark e J § C P o p . 10,000 V ice President . OHIO BANKS—Gibsonburg to Grove City G ilb o a ____ ...P u t n a m E 8 G ilb o a B a n k in g C o . ___•t+,07 ^ P o p . 845 56-064 G irard -------T ru m b u ll D 21 F irst N ational B a n k_____ < ’93 P o p . 6000 56-527 T ru m b u ll B a n k in g C o . . < § ’18 56-1280 G le n fo r d __ ,___P e rry K 14 G le n fo r d B a n k ______ . _ t § ’09 P o p . 350 56-966 G len m on t__ H olm es H 15 F a rm ers Bank _____. . . < P o p . 260 56-967 G lou ster_____A th en s M 15 F irst N ational B a n k______ t'0 6 C P o p . 3200 56-583 G lo u ste r State B a n k ___» $ § ’91 56-582 G n a d e n h u t t e n - .-. T u sca G n a d e n h u tte n B a n k ___< t ’16 r a w a s .-P o p . 650___ 1 18 56-1257 G ood H o p e .. F a yette N 10 F a rm e rs B a n k _________ < § ’10 C P o p . 450 56-668 G r a ft o n ______L orain D 15 G ra fto n Savings & B a n k in g P o p . 1200 C o _______56-1277 . . . ____ § ’18 G ra n d R a p id s .. W o o d D 9 G rand R a pid s B k g. C o .<§1900 P o p . 720 56-969 G ra n v ille ____L ick in g J 13 G ra n v ille B ank C o_____< § '0 3 P o p . 1600 56-970 G r a t i s . . . . ____P r e b le L 6 T w in V„alley B a n k ________ t ’06 C P o p . 410 *S< ■ M 56-971 G reen C a m p .. M arion H 11 P e o p le s B a n k ___________ i t ’04 P o p . 400 56-972 Pr esid en t . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a c k o f this v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , OHIO— Continued 1034 1Ö34 O FFERS UNSURPASSED F A C IL ITIE S IN EVERY FORM OF D O M E S TIC AND O H IO — C o n tin u e d F O R E IG N B A N K IN G . - - CORRESPONDENCE IN V IT E D . Accessible Tow ns, la w y ers, La w s , Directors, in dexed in back oi this volume. For Interest K ates, Grace,i*—• e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. C, The FIFTH-THIRD NAJ1S K AL of CINCINNATI j N u m b e r under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N u m b e r given to each' bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n . T ow n a n d Go o n t y . »C ou n ty Seats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n ati B ra n ch . N a m b of B a n e . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . {S ta te tM e m . State B k s . A ssn . t P r iv . M em . F e d . R e s . [E stab. C a s h ie r . A s s 't C a s h ie r . C .E . S n y d e r _______ E . A . S n y d e r . - - CORRESPONDENCE IN V IT E D . Accessible Tow ns, law yers, La w s , Directors, indexed in back of this volume. For Interest K ates, Grace,! e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. R esou rces. | Lia b il it ie s . Subplus D epose Loams k Dis ' Cash k E x - I P aid- up O H A N O B t'D lX I caro. Bonds, and its Capital P rofits Securities from B a k u $ 25,000 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s. 5,930 $ 260,440 $ 288,310 $ 37,130 C hase N „ N . Y .;( C ity N ., C ol. G r o v e p o r t -.F r a n k lin K 12 P o p . 643 Q r o r e r H ill.P a u ld in g £ 6 P o p . 676 H am den :__________ V in ton C P o p . 1200 014 H am ersville___B ro w n P 8 C P o p . 276 .D U l—....— E . A . P e te r s _______ G ro v e p o rt B a n k G o .— . » ’ 04 0. R 56-974 O. M c C lu r e _____________ E x ch a n g e B a n k G o . _____» ’02 G . 56-975 C itizen s B a n k __________ » » ’08 R . S. W i lc o x _______ J . T . O g i e r -----------56-976 C itizen s B a n k ___ ___ ____ t l ’07 H . H . D a y _________ F . S . P a r k _________ 56-977 » H a m ilto n — -B u tle r M 6 & P o p . 40,496 ♦CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK & Y ou n g, progress ive and u p -to-d a t e. D oing general Banking business TRUST CO. -56-95. — • i8'06 [ and giving spe clal atten tion to COLLECTIONS. Trust business a specialt y. ¡g C. L . C a s h e l_______ 12,500 9,890 187,360 139,240 68,360 H an. N „ N . Y .: 1st N . a n d H a m ilton N ., F t. 0 . 0 . R o b e r t s . . . __ 25,000 •: 12,430 184,910 155,360 30,920 H an. N .. N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., G in.; N e w 1st W . J . I r w i n ^ — . H . H . H a n n a h _____ 15,000 E . B. FERGUSON— - 100,000 [H , A. RENTSCHLER ALLEN ANDREWS---- C. I. ANDERSON — W a yn e, In d .: S p itz e r-R o r ic k T r . & S a v ., T o l. N ., C ol. 250.000 139,000 j 107,000 34,300 1,492,000 1,307,000 20.000 P eo. B k . & S a v . G o.. Cin. ^ 309,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; L in . N ., Cin. 443,510 5,206.370 4,020,620 1,518,290 N. C ity, N. Y .; I s t N ., Cin. — to Collections and all other business entrusted to us. 100,000 ♦ H am ilton D im e Sav. B k . Go. G e o rg e P . S o h n g e n . C larence M u rph y — W . J . B e c k e r ______ 56-94 * » ’97 10,150 75,000 950,000 800,000 450.000 M ech . & M etals N .. N . Y .i l s t N . . C h i.; F ifth T h ir d N . an d A tla s N .. Cin. 780,880 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st and 2d N ., C in.; 1st N ., Clev, 100,000 391,510 2,371,050 2,170,600 IC. E. H E ISE R -— GEORGE P. SOHNGEN JOHN E . HEISER— C. L. GERHART O .V . PARRISH 1 Officers give pers onal at tention to all co llection s . : ) D o e s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g a n d E x c h ange Business. ( N u m b e r O n e i n C i t y , C o u n t y a n d State on H onor B oll. ♦SECOND NATIONAL BANK 56-92 H am ler________H en ry D P o p . 596 H a r p s t e r ... W y a n d o t G 11 P op . 300 H a rris b u rg .F ra n k lin K 11 P o p . 400 H a rrison ___H am ilton N 5 C P o p . 2500 H &rrod_________ A lle n G P o p . 700 H a rtv ille______S tark F 18 P o p . 600 H askins____ — W o o d C 9 P o p . 500 H a rila n d — P a u ld in g E 6 P o p . 350 “ H e b r o n _____L ick in g K 14 P o p . 677 H e le n a .__ S an du sk y D 11 P o p . 305 H ic k s v ille ___D efiance D 5 P o p . 2395 * t ’65 C. E . H e is e r _______ fS. "P, p'fttnn C . l . A n d e rs o n ,S e c. G eo. P . Sohn gen, Tr. F . A . L u t z _________ K a th e rin e L u tz . . . H . P a n n in g ______— G e o . J o h n s o n _____ H am ilton C learing H o u se___ ( M em bers indicated b y a * ) H en ry C ou n ty B a n k_____t t ’97 56-978 H arpster B a n k __________ t t ’83 56-979 H arrisbu rg S a v in g s& B k g . Go. 56-980 » ’05 C itizen s B a n k __________ « i t ’ 56-706 F ir s t N ational B a n k — *$’ 06 56-707 H arrod S tate B a n k ______ » ’07 56-981 H artv ille B a nking G o___ » ’07 56-982 F a rm ers S avin gs B a n k Go. 56-983 * » ’01 F a rm e rs N a tio n a l Bank*'13 56-984 H e b ro n B ank C o .________ » '0 3 56-985 H elena B a nking G o .____* » '0 7 56-986 5th-3 rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 190,000 43,210 184,740 154.6JZ9 * 81,680 W in s lo w , L anier & G o., N . Y .: 1st N . and 4tl 52,110 531,620 480,050 148,630 H an. N ., N . Y .: F ifth -T h ir d N . and 2d N ., Cin 15,000 1,160 103,260 96,750 19,290 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev.; O ld N ., Lim a, O 12,500 14,000 201,510 209,450 25,510 1st N ., C lev.; C ity N ., C anton. 12,500 3,500 157,000 134,000 35,000 S ea b . N .. N . Y .; 1st N .. C lev.: N . B k . C om ., T o l J . O. B e v i s ________ F r e d H . B id d in g e r. S. J . B a r k .. . _______ C. O . H a d d o c k ____ 25,000 L . B . H a r r o d ______ J . A . G ru b b _______ B. R . F o r d _________ L . B . M ille r , Sec. . . M . L . J o h n s t o n , T r. G .O . S c h o n e r ______ B e n to n B i x l e r _____ 1). T . B is h o p ,— . . . G .C . E m m e r ich ___ C. A . D a u e r ----------- L . W . V e r m ily a .— H . A . V e rm ily a W . O . D o w d e n .. . . . A lic e E. F a s t. W P P a rk e r W . fi. Fast 6,650 66,170 89,430 22,600 245,000 258,000 40,000 Chase N .. N . Y .; O h io N „ C o l.; L ic k in g C o. B k . . F r a n k M y e rs . . . . . . 12,500 7,740 186,060 156,560 43.760 H an. N ., N . Y .; G om ’l,S a v ,B k . & T r . C o., T o l G. F. HENNING— — e , o . m c k in le y — . p r o g r e s s iv e b a n k , t s e r v ic e . R e a s o n able charges. i c k s v il l e b u s in e s s . 25,000 3,000 mooo 180,000 40,000 1st N ., D efia n ce; N o rth e r n N ., T o l. - ..... G. ( G .D . SIMMONS— D. R, MILLER 1 F i r s t a n d o l d e s t e s t a b l is h e d B a n k. W . E . B a r k le y . . . 35,380 1st N ., V a n W e r t. 25,000 30,000 J , C o m is fo r d ______ B. L . H a w k e .___ — iW. H. GETROST— J H ic k s v ille ’ s n e w ) P r o m p t e f fi c ie n (W e w a n t y o u r H N „ Cin. 50.000 23.000 380,000 282.000 ! m itted on day o f pay m en t. B. WILDERSON — C ollections a A.T.. Tlite ..... . C. B . W illia m s ____ B. E . W illia m s . • A . L . B e y e rs d o r fe r . H . G ro p p e n b a c h e r . J . W . G o o d in ______ E. G ro p p e n b a c h e r , J . N . S tep h en son 135,000 1st N ., N . Y.,*'G hi., and B os .; C en t. N . and Is N ., C lev. 41.030 353,440 289,560 153,860 C hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Ö lev. an d T o l. 15,000 18,000 165.000 177,000 35,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N .. Cin. 25,000 ' 20,000 28,640 37,420 25,000 J . S. H ull__ _______ & T r . C o., N e w a rk . 12,960 F ifth -T h ir d N ., A tla s N ., a n d 1st N-. C in. NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI — Resources Over $55. 1035 The 56-595 in k ____ 56-855 mal Ban 56-856 9,000 10.000 G la d ys M o n n i n g ... L eth a H e w itt W m . H . M ort: : H . M . H a r t z l e r ___ H lg g in sp ort— B r o w n Q 8 C P o p . 450 12,500 480.000 . 240,000 Han. N* and L iberty N ., N .Y .'; I s t N . an d U n ior C om . N., C le v .: H u n tin gton N ., C ol. 21,400 N . P a rk , N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., C ol. 185,270 J . H . M c K in le y __ R . s . W h ite J . F . Y e a s t in g _____ .Tnhn Pnsny FIRST NATIONAL BANK-1’87 160,000 510,900 00,000 H . D . B u r c h _____ 56-1271 170,000 0 . H . L e w is ___ ___ F ran k B o w Igs . 80,000 N . B k . C om ., T o l.; N a p oleon State, N ap oleon 24.500 150,000 J . L . L e w i s ________ K . G ill. FARMERS STATE BAHK-»'17 56-594 a n d P h il. OHIO BANKS—Groveport to Higginsport________________ S. D. FITTOH— ___P. BENNINGHOFEN E. G. RUDER--------- J. M. BEELER C.E. MASON 0.W.FITT0N U nited States Depository. E. B. HUGHES P rom p t and ju d iciou s atten tion given E. M. RUDER •t’63 FIRST NAT. BANK 56-91 B A N K IN G . O H IO — C o n tin u e d V ICE-PRESIDENT. P r e s id e n t . F O R E IG N July, 1919 - J. U j O FFERS UNSURPASSED F A C IL ITIE S IN EVERY FORM OF D O M E S TIC AND N u m b e r a n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o eacil b a n k in U . 8 . e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ n . T o w n AND COUNTY. «C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n a ti B ra n ch . N a m e of B a n k . • H em . A m . B k s. A ssn . (S ta te tM e m . S tate B k s . A ssn . tP riv. ♦ M em . F ed . B es. [E sta b «gl 56-230 » {'4 9 H . E. T e r r e l l ______ F . M . H o r s m a n ___ 56-229 *** « J a c k s o n — J a ck s o n 0 1 3 C P o p . 6000 « t ’63 & TRUST — * » ’05 56-449 COMMERCIAL BANK - « t t ’90 56-448 E . A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . M . J o h n sRo enn____________ a V . J oh n son . Paid - up S u r p l u s Capitai . P rAND o f it s $ J . M a tth e w s _______ J o h n C. S p a r g u r ... S ta n le y B o g e r s ____ C. T . P e r i n _____ . . 5,000 $ Reso ur ces. D bpo bIT» Lo a m k D u- Gaah k lz* C'ts. Bonds, ohan« u ,D os Brodettiaa from Babbi 15,000 $ 110,000 $ 95,000 $ 25.000 6,500 225,000 220,000 50.000 75,000 850.000 894.500 50.000 31,480 511,760 494,600 P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . 35,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 4th N „ Cin. 36,000 N .P a r k , N . Y .! O om ’ l N . , O o l . 154,200 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., 1st N ., an d 4th N., Cin. 120,080 C h a s e N ., N . Y .; 1st N . and 4 t h N ., C in.; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) 186,140 I s t N . and N . C ity , N . Y .; 1st N „ Gin. J . W . E v a n s ... _____ H . M . B r o w n . C. W . S co tt O . N . S a m s ___ . . . . J . H . F e ib e i..; C onard R o a d s .. ___ J . E . S h a n n o n ___ 100,000 J . L . K o n z e n ---------- Chas. W a h l ______ _ R . W , A u ste rm ille r L . C. Z a c h r ic h ._ 35.000 2,670 333,860 V o i g t ____. . . . R . S. M a n n _______ M a d e lin V o ig t N . T .I r e la n ......... ..... E lih u P o l l e y . ______ O. E. F u lk e rs o n ____ 20.000 9,220 326,510 15.000 10,360 134,100 116,200 42,460 N . B k . C om ., N . Y . E . A . S t e r l i n g _____ C. R . K ilg o r e ____ 12.500 10,000 208,820 143,750 58,560 Cent. N - C lev .; C itiz., C u yahoga F a lls . T . A . Y o u n g _______ C. A . M o o r e ______ R a lp h M . W o o d ___ J . S n y d e r ________ O. A . P a tton J . F . G ard n er______ F . L . W o l f e _______ G . W . H o o v le r _____ J . C . D u r b in .......... 50.000 5,000 199,710 12.500 6,250 102,690 J . H . H a n n a _______ G e o . F , D u n n .......... W n j. H e u e r________ G e o . F . D u n n , J r . 12.500 3,000 50,000 100,000 S . Q . M a r c h ......... .. L . C . V a n N e s s ......... A . J . M a y e r s ...___, 50.000 60,000 850,000 800,000 A . H . D it t r ic k _____ H . N . W o o cU rü — . . F . M. S p r a g u e _____ 25.000 37,000 248,060 ' 257,880 20,000 1st N ., T o l.; U n ion N ., F o s to r ia , 0 , ; G er.-A m ., B u ffa lo . 175,000 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev .; B k . o f P itt. N . A .. P itt. 52,170 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C ent. N „ Clev. S. L . H o rn _________ J . A . M c L e e s — . . . . H arry E . C la p p er— E . M . S te p h e n s o n . 6,000 9,590 127,170 78,440 D . S. B r o o k s F . E . C o n n e r, M g r. -X— ......................... (Branch o f B erli n Height 8, O hio) 61,830 F ifth -T h ir d N„ C in.; C om ’l & Sav. B k . C o., B e lie f on ta in e.; H u n tin g to n N ., C o l. C hase N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. D ic k R o c k h o ld G e o rg e B i c k e r . . ___ W . H . P e p e r _______ F . H . A . M a rlin g ___ H. H . B. L ic k y ____„ A le x . W u n d e r ly . T h om a s M . S p r o w l. Celesta S p ro w l_____ D . O. D a v ie s _______ C harles L in tn er___ W . P . L e w i s _______ 105,900 1,118,250 1,182,550 L e o n I s a a c s e n ____ C. B . E g e rto n ______ W . A . W a r d . 92,250 107,880 ' 103,370 I r v in g N „ N . Y .; N . B k , C om ., T o l.: 1st N ., C le v . 74,350 H an. N ., N . Y .; N orth ern N ., T o l. 105.980 F a r. D ep. N ., P itt. 18,120 N e w 1st N ., Col. 50.000 4,920 161.680 165,970 78,010 819,400 901,000 113,330 697,350 1.024,000 . 31,230 841,860 695,350 198.82Q 180,000 632,000 900,000 Ì65.000 i . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., G in.; U n ion C om . N ., C le v .; M e llo n N „ P it t . 25,000 905,000 857,000 118,000 Ian . N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N . and O h io N ., C ol.: F ifth -T h ir d N „ Cin. 340,000 267,000 153,000 Chase N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N . and 1st N ., Cin. 50.000 50.000 J ACKSO N E . L . S te p h e n s o n — S . E. S t e p h e n s o n — D . J . H e r b e r t ______ S. A . C a rp e n te r . . . S, A . S tern berger 317,000 100,000 J. C. SNYDER-.— A. T, TURNBULL... 125.000 p e c i a f a t t e n t i o n given B ill o f l a Sing drafts, Cash a n d T i m e I t e m s . Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t f o r presentation and 50c f o r C redit R eports. P r o m p t s e r v ic e . W e g e t r e s u lts . DAVID ARMSTRONG. E. SELL__________ j . p. Mc Do n a ld . B ill o f la d in g d r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y 1 5 c m u s t b e s e n t w i t h e a c h s ig h t d r a f t f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a n d 25 c w it h e a c h r e q u e s t f o r r e p o r t o r r a t in g . ' SE N D U S Y O U R 267,670 r (CHAS. HORNF. E. HAYWARD— JOSEPH FALTER— 300.000 J S p e c l a l a t t e n t l o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a ding Drafts, Cash a n d T i m e I t e m s . ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f o r presentation a nd 50c for Credit R eports. (S e n d u s y o u r I r o n t o n I t e m s . 65,630 H an. N ., N . Y .; C ent. N ., C lev. 141,200 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N . and 1st N ., C in.; 1st N „ C lev. 165,560 i i P a rk , N . Y .; C itiz. N . and F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. IT *E M S . 50.000 15,000 G e o . J . J o n e s ........... J . E. M cG h ee__ 50.000 '115,000 850,000 600,000' 200,000 O. O . B r o w n __ ____ O. O. E v an s__ . .. 25.000 50,000- 394,000 325,000 122,000 33.000 33,570 420,000 435,000 97,000 45.000 20,000 277,000 293,000 43,000 9,000 195,000 135,000 40,000 G . A , S w ic k a r d ___ W . C. M e r a n d a .. A lm a E llio t t . A . G . C a rp e n te r.—. R . J . M o o r m a n . F . W . O gar________ G e o . R . S pa hr___ F ra n k S h ig le y . The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— the New Transit. Num ber given N a m e o r JBanlc 1 n Q *7 each bank in U. S. exclu sively by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly .Bankers’ l u J / D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e rs A ss’ n . O H IO — C o n tin u e d 21,1001 N., P o rts m ou th . July, 1919 F irst N ational B a n k ______ $’65 J . H . N ew vah n er . . 56-446 Ir o n B a n k , .. ____________ } f 7 8 J . O. H u rd _________ 56-447 J a c k s o n C en ter__ S h elby F ir s t N ational B a n k ______ $’07 F r a n k B a u g h m a n . y P o p . 685 H8 56-998 J am es t o w n ___ G reen e L 9 F a rm ers & T ra d e rs Bk.«$f*67 J . O. B r o w n ________ C P o p . 1250 56-730 I! I P e o p le s B a n k o f J .G .C le m e n s W . W . J o h n s o n ___ & C O — ...5 6 -7 3 1 _____ $ t ’861 Federal Reserve BankNof u mSt. b e rLouis under Ca s h i e r . G . A . H o rs t—. . . . . . H erm an K u h n . . . . . L e r o y D o b y n s . . . — Iv a n C. W o h r l e y . Iro n C ity Savings B a n k .* § ’06 D . C. D a v ie s ....' 56-232 SECOND NATIONAL BANK Y ic e -P r k s id e n t . OHIO BANKS—Highland to Jamestown FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lia b il it ie s . Pr e s id e n t . ________ H igh la n d ___H igh lan d N 9 F a rm ers B a n k ______ ____ t t ’95 56-987 G P o p . 272 H illia rd s____F ran k lin J 11 M erch an ts & F a n n e r s Bk.O o, P o p . 370 56-988 • l i ’03 « H ills b o r o ..H ig h la n d O 9 F a rm ers & T ra d e rs N at. B k . C P o p . 4700 56-501 « t ’94 H illsb o ro B k . & Sav. C o .»tS ’09 ♦ 56-502 M e rch a n ts N ation a l B a n k 56-500 H o lg a le _______ H en ry D 7 F a rm ers State B a n k ___« i § ’ 17 P o p . 1095 56-1272 H olga te C om m ercial B ank 56-980 « t t ’00 H ollan sbu rg___D a rk e J 5 P e o p le s B anking C o ,____t l ’02 C P o p . 287 56-990 H olm esv ille .H o lm e s G 16 H o lm e s v ille B anking C o .ti'0 7 P o p . 230 56-991 H o p e d a le .. .H a r r is o n 1 20 F irst N ation a l B a n k ______ $’03 P o p . 625 56-092 H o w a r d — — K n o x H 14 H o w a rd Savings B k . C o..$|'07 P o p . 400 56-993 H o y tv ille _______ W o o d D 9 H o y tv ille B a n k in g C o .—$§’07 P o p . 404 56-994 H u b b a rd —T ru m b u ll D 21 H u b b a rd B a n k in g C o — *$$’73 P o p . 2000 56-995 H u d son ____ S um m it I ) 18 N ational B a n k o f H u d so n *$’08 P o p . 1021 56-996 H u n tsville_____Logan H 9 H u n tsv ille B anking C o— 1’07 P o p . 328 56-997 H u ron ______ —B rie C 13 B erlin H eigh ts B k g . C o — 1'83 P o p . 1756 56-652 F ir s t N ational B a n k _______ ’92 56-653 «Iro n to n ..L a w r e n c e B 13 C itizen s N ational B a n k —*$’90 C P o p . 13,949 56-231 A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in d e x e d in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G ra ce , e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p o s ite p a g e 13 OHIO— Continued 1036 1 T h ir d N „ Cin. a a .i .i .i .M .i w aexeu m UUUK Ui tuia vuium c. kwi x u w » u a « . e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P . ___ ! . M R The 5 t r i - 3 ï d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— 1 r » Q '7 1 U J / N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by T he Hand-M cNally .Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f T he American Bankers Ass’ n . N ame of Bank . »C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. 6 is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . {S ta te $M em . State B k s. A ssn . t P r iv . Mem-. F e d . R e s . [E stab. » J e ffe r s o n . A sh tabula B 20 F irst N ational B a n k --------- $’63 56-699 P o p . 1500 J effe rso n B anking C o . . .» $ l ’03 56-700 J e ffe r s o n v ille ____F a yette C itizens B a n k __________ » i t ’OC 56-824 C P o p . 716 L10 F a rm ers B a n k ........... — * $ t’93 56-823 J u n ction C i t y - P e r r y L14 P o p . 810 Kaiida______Putnam E7 P o p . 800 K an sas—- - —S en eca D 11 Pop-. 500 K e n m o r e — S u m m it E 17 (Akron, P .O .) P o p . 8000 K en sin g ton . I C olum biana P o p . 400 G 20 K en t______ .P o r t a g e E 18 P o p . 5000 F a rm ers B a n k C o .-------------§ ’09 56-999 C itizens B a n k ---------------- »tt'0 2 56-1000 J e w e tt State B a n k ......... «$§’09 56-1001 C itizens B a n k------------------$ t ’98 56-806 J o h n sto w n B a n k — . — *$t’83 56-805 J u n ctio n C ity B a n k in g C o. 56-1002 $§’08 P eo p le s B a n k C o .............»$§’02 56-811 F a rm ers B a n k in g C o ..._ $ t ’l l 56-1003 K e n m o re B a nking C o .-»$ § ’ 17 1 56-1266 K en sin gton S tate B k .C o*$§’06 56-1004 CITY BANKING CO......... *$§’81 56-496 President . Y ice-Pres ident . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’80 56-375 K ip to n _______ L orain D 14 P o p . 300 K ir k e r s v ille —L ickingK 13 P o p . 400 K u n k le _____ W illia m s B 6 P o p . 450 La F a y e t t e ____.A lle n G 8 P o p . 616 L a gra n ge------- L orain D 15 P o p . 467 *$’86 K e n to n Savings B a n k — $§’75 56-374 K illb u c k Savings B k — $§1900 56-1005 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____» $ ’09 56-1006 K in s m an B a nking C o .—«$§’91 56-782 K in sm an N ational B a n k .* $ ’83 56-781 K ip to n B ank C o...— —.»$ § ’05 56-1007 K irk e rs v ille Savings B a n k Co. 56-1008 $§’05 K n n k le State B a n k __ ____ § ’03 56-1009 L a F a y e tte R a n k in g C o. $ t ’07 56-1010 P e o p le s B a n k ____________$ t’98 56-1011_________ eF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rincipal Correspondents . k Cash Ex changes ,D us from B a k u 70.000 $ 111,620 541,990 A . E. B a rth olom ew , A . N . L o o m is, A . Tr. See. a nd Tr. E u g e n e B o o c o __ — N . C. W i l c o x ___ — Silas M . T a ggart— F r a n k S n o d gra ss— Jas. A . S m ith N athan C re a m e r . . E li M o c k ___________ J . H . G a rlo u g h _____ J . R . V a n n o v s d a le 50.000 75.000 658,300 570,920 $ 126,630 1st N „ N , Y .; U n ion C om . N „ O lev.: B k .o f ■ P itt. N , A ., P itt. . 116,580 Han. N ., N . Y .; 1st N .,C le v .; M e llo n N ., P itt 646,550 35.000 17.000 250.000 200.000 20.000 38.000 405.430 348,180 J o h n J . Y o n S te in - J . L . H ig b ie________ S. F . W i lc h ________ A n n a C. V o n S te in W . H . D o d g e ______ E. L . L a m p so n ___ 25.000 9,950 227,790 210,600 C a r l — - 10.000 20.000 225.000 190,000 W . L . E n g la n d ..— E . C. T h o m p s o n .. . G e o rg e H . C o llin s .. G ra ce M . H ollan d „ 25,000 24,989 281,870 253,870 W . A . A sh brook— C. L . M cC rack en . . 323.430 278,410 N . G . B u x to n ______ C. Y . A r m s t r o n g ,— R . B . B u xto n . i ------ D . T . M cC an n __ ___ J . M . E ld e r _______ J .C . H e n r y ------------- R . E . S ch o fie ld — O tto T r o u t m a n __ - W . H . Carl — ‘___ _ W a lter H . C a rl___— O. W. ■ -N . E . W . A lie n ___ ____ C. C. W e is s in g e r „ 1. 0 . M cD a n ie l- — F . E. S m ith _______ H . G . H a y n e s— — F . S. K e i f e r ------—- C. E . B e n e d ic t, Sec, 60,000 N .,C ity , N . Y .; 1st N . and 4th N ., C in .; 1st N and O h io N ., Col. 106,140 M ech , & M etals N „ N . Y .: 4th N .. F ifth -T h ir d - N ., and 1st N „ C in.; H u n tin gton N ., C ol.; 1st N „ C le v . ' r M „ ' J ' 42,640 N . B k . C om ., T o l .; O h io B k . & S av. C o., F in d lay. 62.500 H an . N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 25.000 10,630 183,620 154,950 64,130 Chase N ., N . Y . ; : 1st N ., C lev . an d P itt.; F ifth -T h ir d N „ C in ,: H a rrison N ., Cadiz. 40,060 N . B k . C om .. N . Y .; 1st N „ C le v .: H a y d en G linton N „ C ol. . Im p, & T ra . N „ N . Y.-, O h io N „ O ol.: N e w a rk T r . C o., N ew a rk , 61,050 N ew 1st N ., C bl.; M ellon N „ P itt. 25.000 4,300 270.000 235.000 82,430 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C ip. 5,110 59,410 49,560 2,000 370.000 280.000 - ....... ' J o s e p h K a h le --------- B. G e r d e m a n ______ 0 . C. B o r m a n ------- 25.000 , 6.460 Irv in g N ., N . Y . ; U n ion N ., F o s to r ia , 81,000 M ech . & M etals N ., N .Y .; U n ion COm. b C c i e v C en t. Sav. & T r , C o., A k ro n . t 40.500 F a r. D ep. N . an d M e llo n N ., P itt.: 1st N ., Clev. W . B. S to u t_______ a H . F . M e r ric k ______ 25.000 8,890 253,550 281,040 E. F . G arrison , See. and T r. 50.000 16,000 650.000 563.000 60.000 38,230 965,060 835,520 278,970 N . P a rk , N . YÌi 1st N „ C lev .: M ellon N „ P itt. 50,000 29,310 542,220 476,280 145,250 Coal & Iron N.^JN. YV; T s t N ., C lev. an d C in. 96,000 50,000 E .J .C A R E Y -— — (H . E. H 0 G E ,- - — - H. W. GRÄMLICH........... HENRY BORN, JR .. -Í S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a d i n g , d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s . tsi it B ev o r {.Pléase send 15c w ith each sight dr a ft f o r p resen ta n o n, and 50c f o r Creel 260.000 423.000 65.500 N . C ity, N . Y .; C itiz. N ., C in.; U n ion C om . N ., , C le v .; M ellon N ., P itt. 484,180 502,060 110,000 1,210,000 J . W . C o x _______ M . G . G a r r i s o n ------ D . L . R o c k w e ll — H . H . L in e, Ch. of Bd. (HUGH L. RUNKLE. . BURKE L. JOHNSON — JAMES H. ALLEN — KENTOlV NATIONAL BANK . K illb u c k ____ H olm esH 16 P o p . 400 K in g s t o n ______ R o s s M 12 C P o p . 818 K in sm an __ T rum bu ll C 21 P op . 900 R esources . Subplus D e p o s Loam« k Du* Paid - up ’tb. Bond«, An d it s Capital Profits Securities B . E . T h a y e r --------- J . F . W a d e ________ R . G . T o p p e r ______ F . H . W o o d b u r y — K e n t N ational B a n k ____*$’51 W . S. K e n t ________ J . G . G etz -------------- G . E. H in d s ________ G . J . S ta u ffe r . 56-495 W illia m J . O c h s . . . J . E. R u b in s— L . N . P f e i f f e r _____ W . H . L ic k — »K en ton ______ H ardin G 9 C om m ercia l B a n k _____ $§’04 56=377 P o p . 8000 56-376 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed. in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , O ra ce*\ '^ 4 e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite p a g e 13J ^ O H IO — C o n tin u e d L ia b il it ie s . T own and County. J e n e ra ___ . ..H a n c o c k F 9 P o p . 360 J erom e s v ille .A sh la n d F 15 P o p - 814 J e w e t t _____H arrison H 19 P o p . 1000 ' J o h n s to w n __ L ick in g J 13 P o p . 1000 ii’l i i l l l J t l l l l l t B f f l M W WILLIAM WEN0T-— 51,940 ' 136,400 Ch ase N .. N . Y ,; 1st N . and U n ion Com . N., C lev .; B k , o f P it t r N . A ., P itt. 130,560 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., C ley. ; C o l l e c t i o n d e p a r t m e n t u n d e r o f f i c ia i s u p e r v is io n (P r o m p t r e m it t a n c e . R e a s o n f o r n o n -p a y m e n t s ta te d . 'P r o p e r f e e s h o u Id a c c o m p a n y e a c h i t e m o r r e q u e s t f o r C r e d i t B e p W . A . N o rto n ______ A . G . M e rrim a n . . . C. L . M e rrim a n ___ F . C. H a u d en sch ild D . H . T h o m p so n , A . C. A . W . G ear Z . T . D u e r .________ H en ry K a sn er______ ÏÏ. D . B u k e r _______ R o se lla F it e s .--------- 150.000 25.000 8,000 265.000 1,160,000 250.000 C. E . M yers________ L yd ia C r o u s e --------- 100.000 295,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .: 1st N „ C h i., C in ., and C lev.: N . B k . C om ., T o l.; H u n tin g ton N ., C ol. 45.000 H an. N ..N . Y .; ts t N „ C le v .; N e w 1st N .: Col. 25.000 300.000 350.000 70.000 N . C ity, N . Y . : L . G . M o o r e ________ G . H . P la tt_________ R . H . W alla ce, • S e c . and Tr. T h om a s K insm an . . A lle n J e w e ll_______ C. A . H o b a r t___ — H . J . F o b e s . 25.000 20.000 395.000 312,810 50.000 39,860 545,410 628,560 92,090 B k . o f A m ., N . Y .: C ent. N .. C lev;; U n ion Sav, & T r . C o., W a r r e n . ; 67,780 l s t N . and U n ion C om . N „ C lev. E . N . G ib b s ________ F . H . B r o n s o n ------- H . B . C o o k - ______ J N . J . D unlap----------- A . L . E l l is ______ — 12.500 10,390 239,540 22.500 6,500 170.000 229,370 160.000 30,060 Irv in g N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C lev. L ou ise E m s w ile r ... G e o . W . W e id n e r.-. F o r d G re e k . ¿--------- 15.000 . 7,010 153,170 131,460 44,730 C hase N,., tL. Y .;. N . B k , Qon^., T o i. N . W . C unningham F . B . C o t n e r _____— 10.000 110.000 102,000 J . M . S tarr_____ E. M . H o lc o m b .------ 10.000 90,700 56,000 D . L . M an ger---------- C. D . G ill . . . ______ C. H . E m sw ile r___ P h ilip W e id n e r — J . P . A rn o ld . . . : N A TIO N A L BANK of CINCINNATI 3,900 30.000 N .,C ity , N . Y . ; N ew 1st N .. C ol.; 1st N ., Clev 18.000 N orth ern N „ T o l. "45,500j U n ion C om . N ..TC lé v .; E ly r ia Sav. & B k g. Co. A * t;' 1 E lyria. ) IN THE CENTRALCifY OF T H Ï FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE D IS tftlC T ( o f f e r s u n s u OPAS^€0 Vj c è t o b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s ■1U JO N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the. N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n t o each b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ’ D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y of T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e rs A ss’ n . . ‘ C ou n ty Seats* I n N o . 4 F ed . R es. D ist. C is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . •M em . A m . B ks. A ssn . SState tM e m . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . ♦ M em . F ed . R es. [Estate L a k e v ie w ..* — .L o g a n H 8 F a rm ers B a n k in g C o . . .» i i '0 4 P o p . 528 56-1012 L a k ew ood .C u y a h og a C 16 ( Cleveland P . 0 .) 56-1013 >epn P o p . 22,615 L a k ew ood State B a n k ..« tS ’l l 56-1217 »L a n ca ste r .. Fairfield L 13 FAIRFIELD NATIONAL BK. P o p . 15,670 j 56-236 »*'72 F a rm ers & C itizens B k —* * f ’92 56-237 ** H ock in g V a lle y N at. B k . t ’65 56-235 " 44 L ancaster N ational B a n k * i’09 56-238 M Paul Y o e s tin g ____ $ 50,000 É. G . R a e d e r, i S e c. and T r. H . B . P eters —_____ E. H . B ininger_____ G, F . E ir n E. M ith o ff__________ C. S. H u t c h in s o n .. F a rm ers 25,000 $ R esources . H. K . B e c k ________ F . R . R isin g A . S. T h o m a s ______ J . K . K ir n T . E. M it h o f f ______ L. C. M ith o ff W . C .S p y b e y ______ 100,000 18,450 $ 259,890 $ 243,960 $ M abel E . M ille r ___ 759,540 662,920 1,654,260 I. S. G u t h e r y ______ E . E . R i l e y ________ J . W . Cam pbell — D . D. C lifto n C. F . S tahl ______ G eo. D . M o w e r y , . . W . H , S hu pe — 30,000 134,000 1,240,000 962,000 103,550 611,070 650,820 100,000 31,910 508,500 607,280 119,730 N . P a rk . N . Y .: F ifth -T h ifd N ., C in.; O h io N ., C ol. 30,000 32,750 187,910 259,900 30,000 23,000 200,000 200,000 '45,620 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .: 1st N .. C lev .; N e w 1st N ., C ol.; M arion N ., M a rion . 35,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .; U nion C om . N .. C lev.; N ew 1st N .. C ol.; M a rion N „ M arion . 45,520 1st N . and L in . N ., C in.; O h io N ., C ol. 5,000 5,090 109,270 73,850 80,000 110,150 476,700 758,370 58,790 S eab. N ., N .Y .; 4th N ., Cin. 100,000 129,570 671,130 930,160 110,640 H an. N .. N . Y .: 1st N .. Cin. W . F . T e r w illig e r .. 10,200 4,000 175.000 118,000 W , A, Ps\*ton 20,000 15,500 . j . J. R e ic h e ld e r fe r J . A . R u n y a n ______ Chas. S. I r w in _____ R o a d s ____. . . - B k g. Co. 56-1015 §’06 Rank of. Leipsic C. C. R e d k e y ______ .• * t’ 76 & M e r ch . J. A . F lo d in g ______ C. L . B o lm e r W . R . L e w is 44,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 4 lh N ., C in.; 1st N ., C lev . 0> C. E. B k rs. T r . C o., N . Y .r 1st N . and 4th N .. Cin. 500,000 W e ik a r t. — C , Crider..... -- J. T . M cK in n o n __ C. II. B lack W . H . L is t le r ... . — W a ld o C. M o o r e __ J. W . Z e r g e r . . . — . W. H Histler . . 61,240 550,270 566,200 30,000 10,000 170,000 190,000 86,000 85,000 25.000 24,780 239,150 257,710 25,000 6,040 214,710 126,400 25,000 5,400 260,000 230,000 3,910 36,970 34,020 20,000 1,200,000 1,020,000 Paul H . Z e r g e r A . M . F i s h . . . __ M . W e a k le y - G e o . R . C a m p bell— T. A. Horn 25,000 1st N ., C in. 12,000 C h ase N ., N . Y .; P e o . N .. B e lie f on taine. 45,490 H an. N ., N . Y .; M e llo n N .. P itt.; U n ion Com . N ., C le v .; N e w 1st N ., C ol. 31,640 N . P a rk , N . Y .; F a r. Sav. & T r , C o., M ansfield; 1st N ., C leY .; B elle v ille S a v „ B e lle v ille . 30,000 H an. N ., N . Y . : 1st N ., T o l. 1,000 C ent. N .. C ol. ‘ AMERICAN BANK . ' ★ City Rank f HENRY DEISEL.SR. W. L. MACKENZIE— T. 6. HARRIS - - - - - - H J FAST < B ills o f L a d in g d r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y . C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s s o l i c i t e d . ( .P r o m p t S e r v ic e . R e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e s . W e w a n t y o u r L i m a b u s i n e s s . 100,000 » * § ’08 * f ’7A E. B . M itch e ll ___ E. T . M itch e ll ___ 50,000 A tlan tic N ., N . Y .; 4th N .. C in .; U n ion C om . N . C lev. 12,500 56-100 J 0 . B. SELFRIDGE D.W. MORRIS-— F.C. CUNNINGHAM E. G. CHRISTEN — 100,000 99,300 1,800,000 1,400,000 480,000 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev . and C in .; 2d N . T o l. 200,000 193,610 3,385,590 2,996,560 782,340 N . C ity, N . Y .; C on t. & C om ’l N .. C h i.; 1st N. and U n ion C o m .N ., C le v .; N o rth e r n N .,T o l.; L in . N ., C in. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK | O ld e s t B a n k . B e s t fa c i l i t i e s f o r in a k i n g c o l l e c t i o n s . **’72 ( S e n d u s y o u r b u s in e s s . 56-99 ★ Lima Trust f!o. . **§’03 R. O. B ig le y _____ C. M . T o la n , T r . . . . B. B, A pplas, S ec .. H . P . D ean . A .S e c .a n d A .T r . v 1“ C. M . T olan 56-103 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300,000 Seab. N .. N .Y .: 1st N ., C lev. mm The FIFTH - THIRD NABTi ^ t o each ban k m U . b. e x c lu s iv e ly o y __ k h S X J B 4 tc’ n n w T O — A L of CINCINNATI— r .n n t ir m e d Over Fifty 4 M .,«& lh le T o w n s , l a w y e r s . L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a ck o f th is volu m e. For Interest Kates, Grace,\ Armnaitp 'IS . - V a * UTa II iI v c . ______________ July, 1919 6,000 6,000 56-1022 j _ . Allen G 7 P o p . 35,384 a . ... i i 95,440 N . P a rk , N . Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A .. P itt.: 1st N ., 50,000 D . G. D ic k s o n _____ F . W . W re d m a ye r, C lev. Sec. I. F . M éllin ger, Tr. V $3,000, onsibilit 000) ___ C hase N .. N . Y .; N . B k . C om .. T o l. u a lB esp (Individ - aft-HS ,56-1016 P e o p le s B anking C o . . . . » * § ’97 H . P . S m ith ________ 56-1017 Farmers Rank__ ______ f ’10 W . H . P lu m _____ _ 56-1018 F irst N ational Bank » * ’08 C. E . K e tte re r . . . . . 56-1019 L ex in g to n Savings B ank * § ’09 G . M . G a lb ra ith __ 56-1020 L ib erty State S av in gs B ank D . E . H aag ______ 56-1244 **§’ 14 56-104 .. 123,550 Seab. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., N . O om ’l, an d State B k g. & T r . C o ., C lev. 472,750 N . P a rk , N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N .. C h i.; B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt.; 1st N ., C lev. 442,000 H an. N .. N . Y . ;ls t N ., G in. a n d C le v ., N e w F irst N ., C ol. M . M . 1st. N ., B a lt. 166,810 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., C in. 60,000 G uo. M., H ic k le L . G . C o p e la n d ___ 60,120 1st N ., W apak on eta; 2d N ., T o l. S eab . N . and B k rs. T r . C o., N . Y . 213,050 1,774,460 7,500 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loams à Bis- Cash £ Ex c’tb. Bombs, changes,Dux Bsouritibs from Bamxs (Branch o f Clevel an d , O.) W . S . P a rson s, Acting M gr. G eo. C. H a n se n — 0 . P . L y n ch Lia b il it ie s . D epos Paid - up Surplus and its Capital P rofits 56-802 56-801 « H. O . H nher . J . H.: M a n c h e s te r „ . H . S. C hapm an __ _ & M e r ch .B a n k » * t’01 D. W . LEESBURG BANK ‘ Lim a A s s t Ca sh ie r . ■Ca s h ie r . (P.iV. BONE_____ c. c. EULAS5* ~ C. C. EULASS — __ LS. SHAWHAN-— LEBANON NATIONAL BANK •i. F ir s t a n d o l d e s t e s t a b l is h e d B a n k 56-570 » * ’77 (.C o l l e c t i o n s a S p e c i a l t y a n d r e m i t t e d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t . L e e s b u r g -H ig h la n d N 10 F a rm ers C P o p . 873 L eeton ia . C olum biana F 20 P o p . 2665 L e ip s ic .______ Putnam E 8 P o p . 1773 L e w isb u rg — P r e b le K 6 C P o p . 1100 L e w isto w n ___ Logan H 8 P o p . 200 L ew isv ille— M o n r o e L 19 P op ; 291 L e x in g to n —R ich la n d G 13 P o p . 654 L ib e r ty C e n te r -H e n r y C 8 P op . 647 L illy C h ap el.M ad ison K 11 P o p . 250 V ice -Pr esid en t . OHIO BANKS—Lakeview to Lima L aru e________ M arion G 10 C am pbell N ational B a n k **’03 P o p . 772 56-810 " » “ T# R u e “Rank On, »* § ’02 i 56-809 L a u r e lv ille .H o c k in g M 13 Salt C reek V a lle y B a n k— 1’01 P o p . 457 56-1014 ‘ L eb a n on ___ W arren M 7 C itizen s N ational Bank . « * ’90 C P o p . 2698 56-571 Pr e sid e n t . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in d exed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p o s ite p a ge 13. OHIO—Continued 1038 10 ^ 8 NCINNATI— Over F ifty Y ears h non lu jy N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n O H IO — C on tin u ed to each bank in U» S. exclusively "b y Tlie .Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. N a m e op B a n k . T o w n a n d Co u n t y . • M em . A m . Bks. A ssn . §Sta'te »Ò ou n ty Seats. In N o. 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. Í M e m .S ta te B k s. A ssfL tP r iv . f pa. B e s . [E sta b . C is C in cin n ati B ran ch . P r e s id e n t . Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p AND it s Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s A s s ’ t Ca s h i e r . CASHIER. V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . G . E. M e h a ffe y _____ M . C. P u r t s c h e r __ $ W . H . D u ffie ld . L im a ______ ____A lle n G 7 ♦ M etropolitan B a n k ___»$$’90 56-102 , (Continued) ♦ O ld N ational B a n k - .i —* i ’87 56-101 Lim a C learing H o u s e --------- — ( M em bers indicated b y a ♦) L in d s e y ...S a n d u s k y C l l L in d s e y B anking C o — < $ ’06 56-1023 P o p . 501 »L isb on .C olu m bia n a F 20 F ire s to n e B a n k -------------- $$’79 56-553 P o p . 3500 C. H . C o r y ___ . . . . R . W . F ir e s t o n e . _ C. B P e o p le s State B a n k C o ,.* $ $ ’08 56-554 L o ck la n d — H am ilton N 6 F irst N ational B a n k_____»$ ’89 56-545 C P o p . 3439 L od i_________ M edina E 16 L od i State B ank _______ »$§’14 ♦ 56-1245 P o p . 1015 P e o p le s N ational Bank- .« $ ’15 56-1247 » L o g a n .....H o c k i n g M 14 F a rm e rs & M e r ch . B a n k .§ ’10 56-489 P o p . 7000 N ation a l B a n k o f L oga n *$’63 56-487 W . H . H e p b u rn — J . M . C o s t e l lo . . — 50,000 200,000 of Service A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s . La w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back oi this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,!'—< etc., see pare 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 ■ ...‘ ...... ■ ■ I ............... RESOURCES. P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . <OAN8 & DlS: ’T8. Bonds, Becubittes Cash & E x changes,D ue from B anks 14,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,0001$ 86,000 1,750,000 1,662,000 70,230 C h ase N ., N . Y .; C en t. N ., C lev. 374,000 I Lan. N .. N . Y .; 1st N .. C lev.; F ifth -T h ir d arid L in . N ., C in. N F . L . M a ire ________ F . W . H o lm e s . F . E. H arm an. F . C. C u nningham s H . O . J o n e s .----------- W . F . W a tts ____ F . M . D o t s o n ........... A m o s N o te stin e ,— E . B lo k e r __________ L u cile M . B l o k e r . .. 15,000 5,060 199,000 115,900 F ir e s to n e ___ W . H . A r m s t r o n g .. L . E . F is h e r _______ 50,000 92,470 865,770 822,120 25,000 22,500 503,580 474,220 40,000 I lo m e S av . and D im e Sav. Bk. C os., T o l . ; l s N .. C le v . „ 186,120 I Ian. N .. N . Y .: 1st N . and C en t. N .. C lev .; F a r D ep. N .. B k . o f P itt. N . A ., an d M ellon N . P itt. 75,060 1Ï. Bk. C om ., N . Y .; P e o . N ., P itt.; 1st N ., C lev 50,000 88,210 877,070 758,330 285,130 1st 1 N ., N . Y .; 4th N . and 1st N ., Oin. 530,000 430,000 75.000 C. M . Y o u n g — A . M . S tearns___. . . A . M . V o r h is _______ L . F . M o h r ________ C. M . F e t z e r _______ C. L . H in e — — Jas. E. W a ité G . F . F e n sterm a k er B. H . S t a r b ir d ____ H . C. H o w e r _______ E. P . C ollin s____. . . G. C. M o h r ________ 40,000 N in a B . N o r t o n — . 75,000 hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N . C le v .: F a r. D ep . N . P itt.; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) . C ity , N . Y .: 1st N ., C lev. L illian M . G rid le y . 50.000 19,890 602,980 693,840 90,030 E . H a r s h ______ M . S o lid aDy. —.___________ R o lla n d B r ig h t H . R . H a r rin g to n .. F . M eade B o w e n — O. G . B o w e n ______ 50,000 16,020 509,030 475,330 70,090 50,000 38,000 800,000 750,000 85,000 G . 0 . H e n g s t______ _ R . L . W h it e ___ — . 50,000 23,000 900,000 750,000 135,000 C o m ’l N ., C ol.; 1st N .. C lev . 100,000 48,500 601.600 620,610 160,250 S c o tt C h e n o w e th — O. E. J o n e s . . . . ____ E. R . S c h u r r ______ 60,006 53,250 885,280 737,480 [P. R. EM ER Y-— - MINNIE CUESELDINE W. T. BOOTH----------- B. VAN WAGENER — 60,000 80,000 427.820 467,990 in g to n N ., C ol. J■ „ , „ , 261,060 W in s lo w , L anier & C o .. N . Y .; 1st N . and F ifth -T h ir d N .. O in.; C o m ’l N .. C ol. 93,140 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. H . B . W e l s h _______ P eo p le s C o m ’ l & S av.B k.«$$’10 P . R . E m e r y ._____ H e r b e r t A d a m s— H . B . L en hart______ 56-541 B . A . F o s k e l t ..------ J . R . C u lb e r t s o n .. / L orain ^ .______ L orain C 15 ♦C entral B a n k C o ._____»tS ’95 W . B . T h o m p so n — D . H . A ik e n .____ C. M . Bram an 56-108 P o p . 36,964 . W . A . D avies______ ♦C ity B a n k C o__________ » « ’99 C harles F e l l .— — R . L . R a n k in — 56-109 A . E . C a m e ro n , ♦ C leveland T r u s t C o .— $$’05 M g r. 56-112 50,000 12,000 375,000 , 350,000 50,000 50,000 1,500,000 1,275,000 100,000 69,440 2,482,460 2,245,400 .G. ROTH, ~ m 125,000 25,000 1,250,000 1,170,000 204,000 C hase N .. N . Y .; 1st N ., C h i. and C lev . 100,000 42,310 417,970 C hase N., N. Y.; N ., Ç lev . 50.000 5.00C REMPEL NATIONAL BANK 56-488 »t’15 W . S . P o s to n ------ Chas. E. B o w e n — H. E. W h i t e . . . _____ S. C. B r ig h t— J n o . F . W h ite » L o n d o n .___M adison K 10 C en tral N ation a l B a n k .«$ ’13 H . G . J o n e s -------. 56-540 P o p . 4000 L o n d o n E x ch . B ank C o.»$$’70 R . W . B o y d — 56-539 MADISON NATIONAL BANK 56-538 *$’65 56-111 W . E . F a rra r — . . . X e r x e s F a r r a r .. C. M. IRISH, 56-114 an. N .. N . Y .: O h io N ., C o ld F a r. D ep . N. P itt. I P a rk , N . Y .; 1st N „ C in.; H aydcn-C lin toi N „ C ol. . A. R . M addock. L . M . M o o r e ------— J o s e p h G o u ld . E. A . B rau n - . — H. E. W ood G . E . D ic k , M gr.. H a rry N ic h o ls , S e c . an d T A . W . M o tz __ M . H . Spi e n g — — 2,666,180 2,465,760 535,980 499,83« 75.000 H an. N.. N . Y .: C ent. N .. C o l.; F ifth -T h ir d No C in .; P e o . N ., P itt. - „ 285,000 C hase N .. N . Y .; C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; 1st N . C lev . 474,370 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N . and U n ion C om . N . C le v .; M ellon N ., P itt. B k rs. T r . C o., N . Y . U n ion C om . N. an d 1st 91,640 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; U n io n C om . N „ C lev. § ’ 18 A . E .'C a m e r o n .i— L o ra in C learing H o u s e — a (M em bers indicated b y a * ) I 6 (S ee F o r t L o r a m ie) C. M . I r is h — L o r a m ie ._____S h elb y P o p . 489 _ A . P . U llm a n _____ L ou d on v ille A sh lan d G 15 F a rm ers B a n k -------------- • tt’ 82 J . J . S titze l — 56-643 P o p . 2000 E. C. K ip lin g e r . D . H . G ra ven ______ F irst & S av in gs B a n k —«$ § ’05 B. S tr a u s s .__ _ 56-644 T he FIFTH - THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m S e c . and T r. A .S e c . and A . Ti c h o ls B i l l o f L a d in g D r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y . P r o p e r f e e m u s t a c c o m p a n y e a c h S i g h t D r a f t f o r p r e s e n t a l o n a n d f o r c r e d i t r e p o r t o r r a t in g » [ P r o m p t s e r v ic e . S E N D U S Ï O U B L O R A I N I T E M S . 8: S W ♦N ational B a n k o f C om m erce G e o rg e L . G lit s c h .. H arry N ich o ll 56-110 *$1900 E . H . N ic h o ll, V .P . F . P . B in s G e o r g e O ro s z y B a n k — 1’ 18 56-113 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK D. B i l ls o f l a d i n g d r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y . [ P r o m p t s e r v ic e . R e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e s . S e n d u s . y o u r L o n d o n i t e m s . R. THEW — *L0RAIN BANKING C0.«$$05 J . A . W e llm a n .— N A TIO N A L BANK W . S . H is s e m . N e lle Y u n c k e r — Of CINCINNATI 50.00C 60,00( 39,20 10,00 840,39< 762,201 576,42< 575,00 167,390 N . C ity , N ^ Y .: M ellon N „ P itt.: 1st N .. an d ^ C en t N o C l e v . ^ , , . x, © 139,420 H an. N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N . an d 1st N ., t o nipv. T he BANKERS’ BANK Since 1863 1vo N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r grv t0 611011 b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e K a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s 'n . T ow n a n d Co u n t y . ¿C o u n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . N a m e o f Ba n e . •M em . A m i B k s. A s s n . {S ta te ¿M e m . S tate B k s. A s s n . tP r iv . ♦ M em . Fed. R es. [E stab. V ice -President . Pr esid en t . -v ■ \ L ou isville_____Stark F 18 F irs t N ational B a n k .. __ _$’10 L. C. Bnnnnl. . __ ' \ f. J o h n so n P o p . 1678 56-667 .. •• L o w e llv ille S av. & B k s . C o. •${'06 56-1027 L ow er Salem C om m ercia l B k . $§’ 12 56-1216 F a rm ers & M e r ch . B a n k C o. 56-1028 ${'02 E x ch a n g e Bank —« $ t ’06 56-1029 F a rm e rs E x ch a n g e Ban k i t 'Ö6 56-1030 L v o n s C om m ercia l B ank i ’l l 56-1031 E x ch a n g e B ank - -• $ { ’75 56-1032 Rnhert Gray . .. G e o rg e Tim er • T . A . P a rry M. A .R e e s • V 50,000 30.600 454,680 403,250 25,000 42,000 500,000 550,000 50,000 Seab. N ., N . Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A . . P itt. H . W . W illia m s ___ 50,000 55,420 817,210 813,830 86,390 Chase N ., N . Y .; i s t N ., Y o u n g s to w n . w. P e r k in s _____ 25,000 3,800 149,060 157,080 14,500 * 300,000 270,000 G. 0 . B . R ees O w en W e s t H . N . H en d erson . . W . L . S t a u t n e r ___ H . H ., T r e d w a y ___ J . R . C le n d e n in __ A. fi. Stratton . J . V . W in a n s ___ . 12,500 15,000 175,000 157,000 12.400 320,770 229,030 95,000 75,000 371,830 379,260 3,500 D . T)^ Sinead 25,000 L on is Miller J o h n S. M c L e a n ... H e n ry G e is t ______ _ R . 0 . H e n d e rso n __ lif.G . H a ro v e r O'. L . H e n d e r s o n N . G. H ook G . D . L o v e tt » ’92 J o h n K ra u se______ - W . E . L a n g h r id g e .. W . G . P a t t e r s o n . . . 0 . F . F ig h te r ______ S . A . J e n n in g s ------- •V The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N A TIO N A L BANK Num ber under Name, o r Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band-SfcNaUy Bankers rkirM>tnrv. under the au th ority o f T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . H . J . W . Sm ith, Sec. and T r. A . Sec. and A . T r. F . H . M arquis - R. 8 . G ih s o n . ... A tla n tic N ., N . Y.'; City N ., C anton; 1st N ., C lev . 2,000 40,230 25,000 500 75,000 80,000 25,000 20,500 318,000 221,000 4,000 5,700 119,000 25,000 290,000 10,000 15,000 300,000 180.000 40,000 30,000 405.000 425.000 140,000 103,000 1,000,000 847,000 100,000 82,760 1,327,860 1,028,850 . 100,000 101,330 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 3,100,000 2 ini) nnn 100,000 52,630 1,178,100 807,500 F . M . R em y, J . C. H offm an , Sec. and T r. A . Sec. and A . T r. F . M . R e m y , M g r .. 100.000 49,490 415,410 495,990 Tra E. H in e . E . Vi Miser G e rtru d e R itte r E. A . St. M a r ie ___ J . W . N elson of CINCINNATI O H I O — C o n tin u e d 14,750 Seab. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., M arietta. 52,000 C en t. N ., C le v .; N e w 1st N ., C ol.; S ecu r. Sav & T r . C o., M ansfield. 35,000 M erch . N ., N . Y .; C orn E x . N ., O hi.; N orth ern N ., T o l. 107,130 C hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. N o rth e r n N „ T o l. 57,800 C h a s e N ..1 Î .Y .; U n ion C om . N . and 1st N ., Clev 25,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; N . B k . C om ., C ol. 2d N ., 4th N ., and 1st N ., C in. 40.000 4th N ., 1st N ., and F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 143,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 395,420 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C ont. & C o m ’l N ., Chi. ' 0 . H . H u gh es______ R . E. P o x P . ffc G o e th e . 182,030 H an. N „ N . Y .; 1st N . and F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin 130,500 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev.; M ellon N., P itt. 132,000 18,000 N . B k . C om . and N orth ern N ., T o l.; 1st N ., N a p o le o n . 250,000 J 140,000 1st N ., N . Y .; N e w 1st N .,C o l.; M e llo n N ., Pitt, 50,000 56-150 «F a r m e r s Savings A T r u s t Cn. E. S. N ail ♦ 56-152 $ { ’06 an d C a nton. 525,000 . .......... «CITIZENS NATIONAL RANK 56-149 $’81 1st N , C lev. 20,000 ______ H . F . S m art _______ G . E . G la d d e n _____ M is s M ary M o s e r .. B . A . B a x te r A . B . M cL ean 41 : ~-■ *• «M an sfield S av in gs B a n k $ {’73 C. F . A c k e r m a n __ J . K. B r o w n . 56-148 « R ic h la n d S av in gs B ank M . B . B u s h n e ll.___ F . M . B n s h n e ll____! 56-151 •${’98 M . . . . “ «S e c u r ity Savings & T r u s t Co. E. R e m y ___________ G . H . W e i d n e r ..__ >56-153 $ { ’06 •* . ,H M •• M ansfield C learing H o u se ____ C. F . F i g h t e r __ H .N . S to n e — _____ (M em bers indicated b y a * ) ........ R . G . M a y h e w ___ M antua_____P orta g e D 19 First N ational B a n k .. . .*1900 B ina O oit P o p . 721 56-1036 M a r b le h e a d .. O ttaw a C 13 M arblehead B a n k Co. ___$ { ’07 L. St. M arie _ . . H . G . Gnlan_. P op . 1204 56-1037 ■' .T. D . V a il___ f _____ M a ren go____M o rro w H 12 M arengo B anking C o..„ . $ { ’04 B . B . L ew is . 56-1038 P op . 283 ■t n / I t 1 U t -1 8,700 $ 400,130 $ 312,010 $136,250 N . C ity , N . Ÿ .; 264,330 N . P a rk , N .Y .; C on t. & C o m ’l N „ C h i.; F a r. D ep . N. an d P e o . N ., P itt.; 1 s tN . a n d U h io n Com . N ., C lev .; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) 820,000 C h em . N ., N . Y .; C en t. N ., 1st N.-, and U n ion Corn. N ., C le v .; C itiz. N „ C in . . . 523,230 H an. N .,N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N ., C h i.: U n ion Corn. N . and 1st N .,C le v .; F ifth -T h ir d N .,C in . 68,910 N . C ity , N . Y .; C ent. N „ C lev. 40,000 41,200 504,000 578,000 47,000 N . B k . Corn., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. 12,500 9,350 189,040 133,800 15,000 17,600 168,000 182,000 75,590 Chase N ., N . Y .: A m ., P o r t C lin ton ; 1st N ., C lev. 44,000 1st N ., C le v .; N . B k . o f M o r ro w C o., M t. G ilead : H u n tin gton N .. Col. O FFER S UNSURPASSED F A C IL ITIE S IN EVERY FORM O F D O M E S TIC A N D FO R E IG N B A N K IN G . C O R R ES P O N D E N C E IN V ITE D . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s * la u «w w ss*. Directors, i»a*m>«w»ai **»dexed in back of this volume. Wer Interest B ates, Grace, _____ " ____ July, 1919 .. .. *BANK OF MANSFIELD« 25,000 $ Pr incipal Correspondents . 50,000 . . A . F . W e n d e l l .1 ___ J o h n F re e h W . J . L om ax M . Chilien. __ _ Li a b i l i t i e s . i , R esources, s à Dis- Oa i i A I xPaid - up Surplus D epos cL’oan t». Bonds, ohangm,Dub AND C a p i t a l Profits ité r ^SiCTTKrriM from Banks $ B . S. R a th g e b e r___ M adisonville.H am iltonO O (See C incinnati) C P o p . 8000 M a g n etic S p r in g s .U n io n P o p . 155 1 11 56-1262 { ’16 John TT. Rice M agnolia___ S tark G 18 P o p . 556 56-1033 •${’99 M alinta ... H en ry T> 8 F a rm ers & M e r ch . B ank l i ’08 E, W TS h u ler . P o p . 345 56-1034 . . . . $ ’72 . P o p . 1000 56-1035 M a n c h e s t e r .. A d am s Q 10 B ank o f M a n ch e s te r. . . . $ t ’99 F . M . H a ro v e r_____ C P op . 1966 56-621 £& •• F a rm e rs N ation a l B a n k —x’83 W . N . W a ts o n _____ J . E . M c N e il_______ 56-620 ... A s s ’t Ca sh ie r . fl. A. W ard H . L. K in g — L o w e l l.. W ash in gton M 17 F irs t N ational B a n k .. „•$1900 W illia m W e n d e ll___ A . F . W e n d e ll. C P o p . 700 56-1026 V ¿M a n sfield .R ich la n d F 14 P o p . 22,734 Ca sh ie r . L ou isv ille D en osit B a n k $t'81 (J o h n K eim & S o n s) 56-666 L ov ela n d __ C lerm on t N 7 L ovelan d N ational B k . *11900 G . G. R in g ... C P o p . 1421 56-695 L ow ellv ille-M a h on in g E21 P o p . 2500 L ow er S alem -W a sh in gton C P o p . 187 M 18 L u ca s--------- R ich la n d G 14 P o p . 272 L u ck ey . - W o o d CIO P o p . 500 L y n ch b u r g .H ig h la n d N 9 C P o p . 922 L yon s. F u lton R 8 P o p . 408 M adison . Lake R 10 P o p . 863 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d in b a c k o f th is v olu m e; F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see o p p os ite page 13. OHIO— Continued 1040_______________________ OHIO BANKS-^-Louisville to Marengo 1 0 4 -0 J .V /T U D M IN rv T own u N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e , o f B a n k Is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r d i to each b an k in U . _S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y _ T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * ' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t b e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s 'n . and County . ¿C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n ati B ran ch . ¿M arietta____W a sh in gton C P op . 14,785 M 18 N ame of m w i m i n 1 1 o u n n ta r u w u tlV U t NATIONAL 56-249 •t'l Ga s s i e r . F. L. ALEXANDER- 0.0. KINSEYB. A. p| 'LUMER B ill o f L a d in g d r a ft s S e n d 15c w it h e a c h S ig h t D r a ft 25c fo r re p o r t o r P R O M P T S E R V IC E A M D A s s ’ t Ca sh ie r . i t m FIRST NAT! BK. Ohas. W . O t t o . Surplus P a id - u p and Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s 100,000 D. A. BARTLETT- P. J. D0NNELLY- 137.860 1,253,500 1,177,690 51,880 1,119,450 1,203,570 See. and Tr, 8.Ç.JB|SJ--~— » J. S. GOEBEL- Pr incipal Correspondents . Lo a m k Dia Cash k Ex c’tb. Bonds. changes,D e i Securities prom B anks $ 250,000 $ 180,000 $1800000 $2332350 $ 252,460 I r v in g N ., N . Y . ; B k . o f P i t t . N . A . , P i t t . C i t y N ., C o l . P . M . W h ite . WM. W. MILLS- D bpo sITS t a s p e c ia lt y . fo r p r e s e n ta tio n a n d r a t in g . R E M IT T A N C E . B. F. STRECKER — D. B.T0RPY-------- T.M. SHEETS-— C. A. STEBMAN0 . E. 0ESTERLE G en era l Banking and ^Exchange Bu s in e s s S p e cial atten tion given C o lle cti on e. bank S e n d u s y ou r M arietta item s . -J •t'89 D im e S av in gs S o c ie t y ..• t S ’ 71 0 . H . N e w to n . . 56-247 56-246 V ice -President . 5 .1 5 W E 397,660 1 s t y . f N . Y .$ B k . o f P i t t . N . A ., P i t t . 109,860 300,000 402.430 3,297,020 4,067,170 572,360 N . 250,000 275,000 2,500,000 2^00,000 350,000 C h a s e N ., N . Y . ; M e l l o n N ., P i t t . P a r k a n d S e a b . N ., N . Y . ; M e l l o n N . P itt. *263 PEOPLES B’KNG J. H. McCOY, See. and, T r. FL0YB A.PFAFF, A . Sec. and A . Tr, & TRUST COMPANY 56-250 ¿ M a r io n ..___M a rion G 11 P o p . 23,430 « iS ’02 J . B. G u th ery___ D . H . L inc o ln ______ L . D . Zach m an 100,000 90.960 881,460 1,067,360 F . A . H u b e r ____ M . C. O 'B rie n ____— T . L . F a h e y . . . 300.000 66,000 740.000 G . D . C o p e la n d . 0 . 0 . F ish e r O . E . K e n n e d y .___ E . L . B u s h ____ L . G . S ifritt 250.000 141,550 1,530,180 1,441,270 J . E . W a d d e ll-___— 0 . E . S a w y e r — J . G . L effler 56-176 •2’02 M arion Savings B a n k _ t $ ’04 0 . E . M e r k e l.._____ J . W . J a c o b y ___ 56-177 C. N . P h illip s______ E . J . L e e -----------H . J . M erch an t B . F . W a p l e s ______ S . H . D e L o n g .. B . T . W ia n t 200,600 197,000 1,648,000 1,579,080 50.000 35,880 568,630 570,650 CITIZENS SAV. BANK-«25 H . H . R i e t h m ille r . W . H . W o o d ____ 75.000 39,460 786,710 708,110 J a s. G . M e d ili_____ 25.000 57,010 769,230 657,280 105,290 1,781,290 1,522,960 CITY NATIONAL BANK-«* 01 D . R . C rissin ger___ 56-175 F a h ey B a n k in g C o . . ____2S’72 A . 0 . E d m o n d s o n .. 56-174 M arion C o u n ty B a n k G o..2S’39 W .H . S ch a ffn e r____ 56-173 MARION NATIONAL BARK M artins F e r r y __ B elm ont P o p . 9996 J 20 02 56-294 C om m ercial B a n k C o . . . « t l ’72 56-292 P eop le s Savings B k . G o .* 2 t’91 56-203 M a r tin s v ille .. C linton N 9 F a rm ers B a n k __________ 2 t ’63 56-1039 C T o p . 334 ¿M arysville___O nion 1 10 B a n k o f M a r y s v ille ____*28’ 54 56-532 P o p . 3576 COMMERCIAL-SAVINGS BK. 56-535 •28’09 E. E . M cC o m b s ___ J . E . R e y n o l d s , G e o rg e H . S m ith — J . A . D ic k s o n ... F . R . S e d g w ic k .— 56-534 The 5th-3rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M y r o n E . C o le ____ C, T . U p d e g r a f f __ 100.000 171,910 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in.; H u n tin g ton N „ C ol. 105.000 Irvings N ., N . V .; U n ion C om . N . a n d 1st N ., C lev.: O h io N ., C ol. 471,290 H an. N ., N . Y .; H u n tin gton N ., C o l.; U n ion C om . N ., C lev .; W e s te rn B k . & T r .C o .; Cin. 389,930 I s t N . , N .Y .; M e r ch . L n . & T r . C o., C h i.; 1st N „ C in .; O h io N .. C ol. 72,400 C hase N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev.; M e llo n N ., P itt.; F ifth -T h ir d N .. C in. 141,080 N .B k . C om ., N .Y .; M ellon N .,P itt,; U n io n C om . N .. C le v .: B k . o f th e O h io V a lle y , W h e e lin g . 192,810 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ P itt.; N . E x . and D olla r S av. & T r . C o., W h e e lin g . 464,390 C hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N .,'C le v . a n d P it t .; N . E x . and D o lla r S av. an d T r . C o ., W h e e lin g . 33,500 1st N ., Cin. D . B . H n n t ________ L . M . T ow n sen d . . . 25.000 900 166.000 129.000 W . C. F u llin gton _ W . J . C o n ra d ______ E. A . E m m e r t _____ F r e d H o u s t o n ____ G . P . S c h e id e r e r 75.000 12,220 791,860 742,190 (LOUIS F. BLUE — - CHAS. A. MORELOCK FRED GABRIEL— — , 35,000 9,400 268,130 270,310 39,420 N . C ity, N . Y .; O h io N ., C ol. W . H . P e r f e c t _____ 20,000 7,500 280,000 260,000 45.000 C hase N ., N .Y .; 1st N ., Cin. and C lev. 42,000 32,800 777,160 691.470 74,920 H an. N ., N . 'Y .; Is t N „ C lev .; N e w I s t N . and H u n tin g ton N ., C ol. 118,960 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; N e w I s t N . C ol.; C lev .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in. Ist N., J S p e c ia l c o lle c t ! o n fa c ilitie s . P e r s o n a i p r e s e n t a n o (U p -t o -d a t e b a n k in g m e t h o d « , ‘ S e n d y o u r Ite m s d ir e ct to u s fo r q u ic k re tu rn s. P eop le s B ank ___________ 2 t’74 G . E . W h it n e y _____ 56-533 UNION BANKING 00..— 28’90 G . L . S p e n ce ___ 932.000 E. F. SOUTHARD. J. C. ASMAN------ F. J. ASMAN------ F. R. H0LYCR0SS. 1 5 c m u s t b e s e n t w i t h e a c h S lg h t D r a f t f o r p r e s e n t a t l o n a n d S en d u s y o u r Item s. 2 5 c w it h e a c h r e q u e s t f o r r e p o r t o r r a t in g . r NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources Over 155 j ■______ OHIO BANKS—Marietta to Marysville _____ _ _______________ 1041 C ITIZENS R esources . L i a b il it ie s . Pr e sid e n t . G. E. HAYWARDC EN TR A L NATIONAL BANK 56-248 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , 1 e t c . , see- p a g e 14. ♦ F o r H o l i d a y s , see op p o s ite p a ge 13. O H I O — C o n tin u e d Ba n k . •Mem , A m . B k s. A ssn . SState tM em . State B k s. A ssn . tP r iv . ♦ M e m . F e d . Resy [E sta b . IN V IT E D . luly, 1919 JQ ^| g i m /l O 1Ut 6 T own | N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o ea ch b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e rs A ss’ n . and N am e Gounty . of P resident . V ice -President . M a s o n _______ W a rren N 7 F ir s t N ational B a n k i__ _ _ «’04 W . E. S c o tt_____ — W . R . M agie____ 56-820 C P o p . 1000 W . W . V o o r h is . M ason B a n k : __________ < § ’87 J . L. T h o m p s o n — 56-816 J . E . life L a i n . . . P . L . H u n t ...__ 858. _____ » t ’48 F ir s t N ational B a n k M assillon______ Stark F 17 56-211 P o p . 15,310 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. M a u m e e ______Lu cas 0 9 P o p . 3000 56-213 I . M . T a ggart___;___ F r e d H . S n y d e r __ A . J . W a lt z . State B ank o f M a s s illo n .iJ ’03 Z . T . S h o e m a k e r .. C. H . S t o n e r _____ J . C. A lb r ig h t 56-215 UNION NATIONAL BANK< ’65 J . H . H u n t . — - i . . . H . T . B e a tty —— _____ 56-212 ...... W . L. B e c h te l— STATE SAVINGS BANK CO. o ÚÁ < § ’08 M c C lu r e ._____ H en ry D 8 F a rm e rs State B a n k — 56-1274 P o p . 6Q0 S. J . E c k e n r o d e .. . J . A* H e ilm a n . F . N . G lan n i’ 17 T , U . M c Ç lu r e — — M cC om b..___ H a n cock E 9 P eop les B a nking C o .* J L < § ’88 56-1042 . P o p . 1088 ‘ M cC o n n e ls v ille . M organ C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k $1900 56-639 P o p . 1831 L 16 C itizen s Savings B ank . . . § ’05 56-640 F ir s t N ation a l B a n k .___ . t ’63 56-638 M cC u tch e n v ille ,W y a n d o t F a rm e rs B a n k __________ t § ’16 ♦ 56-1258 P o p . 350 E ll M ech a n icsb u rg. C h am p’n C en tral B a n k — ( J ___ - $ t ’90 56-692 P o p . 2000 t( J 9 F a rm e rs B a n k __________ $§’65 56-691 ‘ M edina______M edina E 16 M edina C ou n ty N ational B k . 56-569 * ’98 P o p . 3000 O ld Ph oenix N ation a l B k . < ’73 56-567 Savings D ep osit B k . C o . < § ’92 56-568 M en d on — ;__ M ercer G 6 F ir s t N ational B a n k ____< ’08 „ 56-1043 P o p . 621 FARMERS &MERCH.BK. CO. 56-853 D epo s it s Dis- Loams k c’ts . Bonds, Heg duties 9.000 $ 146,000 $ 129,650 $ 25,000 9.000 205,000 198,000 A . J . A lb r ig h t— 300,000 265,000 3000000 3000000 T h o m a s B u rd . 500.000 251,870 4,291,060 3,370,230 S. G. E d gar. 150.000 <¡P 01 82,500 H . L . M cL a in ___. . . J . G . L e ste r L. B . R h o n e h o u s e .. C .G . B r e ll_________ A . W ill, J r ------------ 842,600 96.970 1,000,000 1,180,500 206,000 187,000 30,300 Ch ase N ., N . Y .; D im e Sav. B k . C o. and O. S av. B k . & T r . C o.. T o i.; 1st N ., C le v . 10,300 310,910 259,910 61,300 C hase N ., N . Y .; N orth ern N „ T o i. 50,000 57,880 413,720 365,650 172,460 Im p . & T ra . N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 25,000 14,520 351,470 334.510 104,860 N . B k . C om . and N o rth e r n N ., T o i. 50.000 450.000 450,000 75.000 M e ch . & M etals N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N .. C lev. 57,220 352,970 505,970 C. W . K e n n e d y , See. and T r. S . A . F i n l e y _______ 50.000 12,270 140,980 173,010 160,960 H an. N ..- N . Y .; M ellon N . an d 1st N ., P itt.: 1st N ., C le v . 29,630 C itiz. N ., M cC on n elsville. 100.000 33.000 350.000 501,650 30.000 ; sio 83,010 83.650 J. L. B a re . E m m a B a re . 20,000 450.000 400.000 100,000 51,000 350.000 410.000 W . H . A l b r o . . . ____ C. F r a n k ___. . . 50.000 25,490 414,220 558,410 D . C. S h e p a r d . C. E. J o n e s ________ R . O . M c D o w e ll ___ 100,000 129,570 1,741,250 1,716,090 E . R . R o o t —— E. B . S p it z e r ...___ _ H . E . A y la r d — J . E . M ason W . L . A m m erm an . R . W . B a x t e r . 50.000 73,660 1,127,100 1,098,050 P . W . F is h b a u g h .. G rant R ice * — M. LOCHBIHLER-. F. A. S E E L E Y --------- E . A. S E E LE Y —------- FREN LAUGHLIN— F. E. BRODBECK 25.000 9,500 300.000 230.000 25,000 6,600 242,280 251,560 S p e c ia l a t t e n t lo n g iv e n B ill o f L a d in g d r a ft s , C a sh a n d T im e I t e m s , P le a s e sen d sta mped return ehvel Ope. 10,000 H om e Savings B a n k . .. .< t '0 1 E. S. D a v o l l _______ H o ra ce T r e d w a y — H . H . T r e d w a y _____ C has. J . M a l o n e .. . 56-854 100,000 T . V . L y o n s _____ W . H . A lb r e c h t ____ C h arles F . E c k ___ C. A . S c h u s te r _____ S. H . M ays M ia m isb u rg .M on tg om ery FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’66 B i l ls o f L a d in g d r a f t s a s p e c i a l t y , 56-503 C P o p . 4271 L 7 P r o m p t s e r v ic e , r e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e s . S e n d u s y o U r M i a m l s b u r g b u s i n e s s . J . J . S c h w a r tz _____ F . S w a rtztra u b e r— J . H . S c h o e n fe ld ___ M ia m isburg B a n k in g C o. 56-504 < § '0 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 400 360.000 320.000 108,000 700.000 730.000 7,500 262,000 206.000 80.000 1st N ., N .Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A .; P itt.; N e w ls't N .. C ol.: E ift h -T h ir d N ., Cin. 22,580 H an. N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N., C le v .: C om ’l N ., U p p e r San dusky an d T iffin ; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) 85.000 C hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev .; F ifth rT h ird N ., C in .; O h io N „ C ol. 70.000 Im p . & T ra . N ., N . Y .; N e w I s t N . , C o l.; I s t N ., C in . 49.380 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N . and C en t. N ., C lev. 329,730 H an. N ., N . Y .; C ent. N ., C lev. 152,840 S p itzer, R o r ic k & C o., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., 1st N ., and C lev . N ., C lev. 100,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 4th N ., Cin. 26.870 H an. N ., N . Y .; O h io S a v . B k . & T r . C o. and C om ’ l Sav. B k . & T r . C o .. T o !.; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) - 33,000 N o rth e r n N ., T o l. 225,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 75,000 N . C ity, N . Y .; L in . N ., C in. The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIflNAI RANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55.000.000 1043 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o r B a n k is th e N e w 'T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x c l u s iv e l y by_The_ K a n d -M c N a U y ^ B a n k e r s ■thnritv of 'The American Bankers Ass’ n. w w 25.000 100,000 A . T . S p itze r — — > 100,000 E. W . J o h n s o n _____ J o h n P . B u r n h a m . R . N . Joh n son F . M . C lem ans_____ W . B u rn ham _______ W . M cC oy B . H e n d r ic k s o n ___ W . O. S m it h _______ B lake M cD o w e ll — 179,700 N .P a r k , N , Y .; I s t N . , O lev.: M ellon N ., P itt.; G ent. Sav. & T r . C o., A k ro n . 221,000 A tla n tic N ., N . Y .; I s t N ., O lev.: F a r. D e p . N „ P itt. O . W . G ille s p ie ___ 0 . P . S h a w . . . . . . . . J . M . M artin ______ : J . W a s s o n SKT!__ . . F . L . S t o k e r . C. R . H u n t e r :.— - . P . J . B u rn h a m . J . F . K im ball J . O. S c e v a ------------- B . F . H u ll_____ 666,080 H an . N Í, N . Y .; 1st N ., C h i.; 1st N ., P itt.; C en t. N ., C lev. 2,000 12,500 A . W . C o n e ..______ A . Y . W in s lo w . W . H . A rm b ru s te r. O . S . S h e p a r d . T . J . B a ile y ------------ E. M . S t a n b e r y ___ L. J . W eber E. M . S t a n b e r y ___ L . J . W e b e r _______ T .-J . B ailey J o h n Q . L y n e J__ _ J . T . S tanton —— H . M . F in le y J , D . C u rlis______— J . J . H ü ls e .— _____ 150,000 910,450 40,000 l s t N i f f i n . 30,000 S eab. N ., N . Y .; 4th N .. F ifth -T h ir d N ., and 1st N .. Gin. 330,000 N . C ity. N . Y .; 1st N .. C lev. an d P itt. 205,800 I r v in g N . an d M e r ch . N ., N .Y .: 1st N . and U n ion C om . N ., C lev.; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) 68,480 1,301,230 1,223,9 22,730 Pr incipal Correspondents . Cash k E x changes,Dui from B anks 25,000 H . B . T h o m p so n __ R . O . S to n e b ra k e r. W - A . K r e n r i c k __ Su r p l u s P a id - u p AMD Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s $ B . L. F r y e _________ O . D . M ille r — . . . ♦ A s s ’ t Ca sh ie r . «¿9 0 U n ion D e p o sit B a n k - „ • i t ’66 A . F . M it c h e l l . . . . . T . H . M it c h e ll____ 56-596 D . W i l l . ___________ ¿ M cA r th u r __ V in ton N 14 V in to n G ounty N ational B k . 56-1040 <67 C P o p . 1107 M etam ora_____F u lton B 8 P op . 500 Cash ie r . O h io B a n k in g & T r u s t C o. F . W . A r n o ld — — . J . F . S n y d e r _____ F . J . G riffiths ♦ 56-214 *$§’ 15 56-597 Resources. L ia b il it ie s . Ba n k . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . §State ¿C ou n ty Seats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. JM em . State B k s. ASsn. tP r iv . ♦ M em . F ed. R es. [E s ta b . C is C in cin n ati B ran ch . ^ A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see o p p os ite p a ge 13. OHIO— Continued A c c e s s i b le O H I O — C o n tin u e d dexed in T ow n s, A S I L I T Y W IL L IN G N E S S C O U R T E S V L a w yers, L aw s, D ir e c to r s , in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55.000, m /lO IU t J N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e or B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r plven t o each ban k i n U . pH exclusively b y The Band-M cNaU y Bankers Directory, under the authority o f T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . T ow n a n d Co u n t y . •Couütÿ Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n ati B r a n d i. N ame of Bank . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , l a w s , in d ex ed i n b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . B o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , O H I O — C o n tin u e d j •M em . A m . Bits. A ssn . SStaté $M em . State B k s. A ssn . t P r iv . •Mem. F e d ; R e s . ' [E stab: P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . M id d lefleld —G eauga C 19 M id dlefield B anking C o .»$§’01 J . J . R o s e — $------,.56-1044 P o p . '640 W.H. Cromwell— M id d le P o in t—V a n W e r t M id d le p o in t Banking C o .$ t’07 E. A . L e a th e rs____ 56-1045 P o p . 800 F 6 G. R. Reed---------- S. G. R e i d -------------- 25,000 28,040 337,900 290,110 90,740 S eab. N ., N . Y .; 1st N .V C lev. W . M . M cG in n is— C, B . M c M illin _____ 33,065 3,140 160,070 148,600 41,750 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ,, V a n W e r t . 25,000 45,000 300,000 293,000 77,000 L ib e r t y N iF N i Y ;: 1st N ., C in. arid C lev. H u n tin g to n N ., C o l. . 40,550 G, B . N ie d e r lä n d e r . M id d le t o w n .. .B u tle r M 6 A m e rica n .T ru st & Sayings B ank i 56-226 — —•tS’ l l C P o p . 15,625 . H , W a lb u rg ------ C arleton E ld rid g e . J . F . M u llig a n ......... 100,000 F i r it N ational B a n k ------- «2*65 I t . W . R e n ic k ..— , K f,, 56-224, , . L. M cC allay------ Chas. J . B r o o k s . — R . H . S n y d e r 100,000 F ir s t S a v in g s 'B a n k ,,-— $§’16 M . W . R e n i c k . — • 56-227 L J . B rooks— F ir s t N ational B a n k ...........« ’01 56-1051 M in ster State B a n k .—. . . § ’ 14 ♦ 56-1052 M o g a d o re S a v in g s B a n k »§ ’19 j , . 56-1282 * M o n ro e N ation a l B a n k ..’*$’05 56-1053 F a rm ers & C itizen s B k g . Co, . . . 56-J054 . . ,»$ § ’05 F a rm ers & M erch an ts State & Savings B a n k ._____ *$§'10 56-566 .. M o n tp e lie r N a t’l B a n k — $’84 56-564 M o r r a i-— — -it a r io n G 11 M o rra l B a nking Co.-___ »$§’ 05 56-1055 P o p . 334 -, , M O rristòw nrB eltaonl J 1 9 M orristow n S tate B k . Co. 56-1056 «$§’17 P o p . 280 Morrow.— i-Warren N F ir s t N ational B a n k ------- »$’07 56-800 C P o p . 832 ¡M o rro w N ation a l B a n k —.$'07 I ii 56-799 0 . B . A r m s tr o n g .. J . W . E itin g — c . H . P a lm e r . . . . W . H . C o m p to n — Lptais E r f — A . E . K a u fm a n . . j : d. J n o . W a sh b u rn . . F . W . D o le n ------R . E vans — --------W . I ). C o r w in — . The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fini— — P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . W . E. N o rr is — — - .B. Downing— . . M in go J u n ction J e ffe rs o n P o p . 4049 H 21 M in ster_____A u g la iz e H 6 P o p . 1700 M o g a d o r e — P o rta g e E 18 P o p . 1500 M o n r o e ________B u tle r M 6 C P o p . 255 M o n r o e v ille .. H u ron D 13 P ò p . 1152 M on tp e lier—w illia m s B 6 P o p . 4000 ' " ... K e so u R c f § . kD ib - C/ABHk Ex- a m A s s ’t C a s h i e r . M id d le p o rt— M eies 0 1 5 C itizen s N a tib n a lB a n k — 1’07 O l-F l R a th b u rn ____ . 56-1046 C P ò p . 4000 M erch an ts N ational B a nk«$’72 L B. N ie d e rlä n d e r 56-225 O g le sb y & B a rn itz C o ..«$ l'5 0 W . O . B a rn itz_____ 56-223 M ilan______ _____ E rie D 13 F a rm ers & C itiz. B anking C o. A . L . H o o v e r ------- 1 ♦ 56-1047 » « ’ lO P o p , 696 M ilfo r d ——.C le rm o n t 0 7 M ilfo r d N ational B a n k — $’84 G . H . E v e la n d ..— 56-712 C P o p . 1600 M ilfo r d C en ter.U n ion 1 10 F a rm ers & M e r ch . B ank $§’08 L . F . E r b --------2 _ i . 4. 56-832 P o p . 685 M ilfo r d “ C e n te r B a n k . - $ t ’ 78 F . G . FuU ington— 56-831 M ille d g e v ille .F a y e tte M10 M ille d g e v ille B ank______ i t ’03 R . H . F ic h th o r n — 56-1048 C P o p . 187 • M illersb u rg-H olm es H 16 J . & G . A dam s B a n k __ « $ t’70 H . W . C a r y .— . , 56-611 P o p . 2020 C om m ercial & S k v .B a n k »$ § 'll E . A . U h l._____ — 56-613 F a rm e rsA M e rch .B k .C o .«$ l'0 4 W . A . M ille r--------56-612 M ille r sp o rt.F a ir fle ld K 13 M ilie rsp o rt B ank G o— »$§’ 07 A . W . P e te r s --------56-1049 .. P o p . 450 M in erv a.,_____ S tark G 19 M in e rv a B a n k in g C o .— » § ’11 C. B . Sala_________ 56-1255 P o p . 2000 M in erva S av, & T r . C o ..*§’85 W . P e n n o c k --------♦ 56-1050 •S ubplus D b ^osand ITB . C apital P rofits »AID -U ï Cashier. — 60,000 ’ ts . Bonds, Sdodrxtxm » a n g m ,D u> from Banks 1,343,510 1,273,530 100,000 1,350,000 1,250,000 . 210,530 C hase N . a n d I r v in g N .. N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 250;000 Im p . & T ra . N .,' N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N . and 1st N * . C i n . ... . . , 0 0 j . .. 57,000 F ifth -T h ir d N „. C in .; 1st N „ M id d le t o w n . 350.000 375.000 120,000 1,007,000 1,300,000 190,000 C hase N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 161,890 Im p . & T r a . N „ N . Y .; L in . N . and 1st N ., Cm 17,000 A . JH. W a lb u r g 0 . J . S t a h l.— — — F . E . T r o u tv in e ____ 100,000 W . D . O g le s b y — J . W . S h a f o r --------- G. E . S e b a ld — _____ 50,000 90,000 1,046,180 1,208.880 B. F. Turner____ R . a . R n e e le s —____ W a d e R o b e r t s ------- 25,000 13,740 353,560 347,870 28,880 1st N ., C le v .; ( M e m . F e d . R e s . ) F . A . K e lle y G . M. R o u d e b u s h . F . C . H a r ts o c k — I . A . J . A lle n ------------ 00,000 72,000 640.000 700,000 87,000 N ; B k . C om ., N . Y .; 4 % N ., Cin. P . J . S h e a -------------- » ,0 0 0 9,570 200,000 167,890 G lad ys L . M ich e l „ 10,000 3,700 286,500 246.850 73,730 M ech . & M etals N ., N . Y . ; H ayden -O lin ton N ., C ol. _ . . 45,200 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., Ool. A . L. B u r s o n .____— W . P . V o llr a th — L ou is A . M ich e l— J . L . C o il— '------- G . W . S h a rp —— 30.000 30,000 481,000 514,300 26,700 1st N .. N . Y .; C ent. N ., C lev. 50,000 36,790 637,990 626,830 117,190 N . Q ity, N . Y .; C en t. N ./C le v . 30,000 24,000 500,000 480,000 fö.000 H an. N ., N . Y ,; C en t. N - C lev. 15,000 7,700 183,990 165,620 A r th u r B e c k m a n . . 25,000 15,000 158,000 149,610 37,840 C hase N .) N . Y .; H u n tin gton N . arid O h io N ., C ol. 14,540 1st N m C lev .; 1st T r . & S a v ., C a n ton . . F . A . U n k e fe r, T r. H . 8 . O lnh ausen, S ec. F . E . H o ffe e , A .T r . W . R . K u rtz, A . Sec. 50,000 54,940 1,344,310 1,305,460 202,250 Ch ase N ..N .Y .; 1st N .,C le v .; ( M e m .F e d .R e s .) 25,000 43,900 . O . O . F is h e r .— — E a rl M . R e e d --------- F . F . S m ith ........... W . E. Z o llin g e r .. F . A . H a r s h ____ A r th u r T h o m a s M . S h a w _______ Chas. W e r n e t O. R . L e w is------------ J . L . P a tte r s o n — H e n ry S c o t t ------O . E . D u n a n ------ . J . T . H averbeck — C. F e n to n _____ 8 . S. C a rp er W . M . Stewart— . A . T . S m ith J —_H . Q , G allaher J . O. H e t e r ------G . G . V a n H orn . Qha?. A . R o o d e — W . C . H e l l e r __ J e rry D ra k e— A u gu st S c h u n c k — 25,000 23,910 50,000 811,096 785,850 334,550 326,890 112,000 117.000 115,630 H an. N ., N . Y .; F a r. D e p , N ., P itt. 31,IOC 1st N ., N . Y . and C lev.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. ( M e m . F e d . R e s .) 33,00( Am. E x. N .. N . Y .; F irs t-S e co n d N . a n d O h io S av. & T r . C o ., A k r o n .. 34,53( H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ,,C in . B eu lah M. B o y d . . . 25,000 19,500 171,190 221,840 C L . P o w l e y ______ 25,000 47,700 599,020 521.260 83,88 490,000 50,001 M e c h . & M etals N ., N . Y .; H om e Sav. B k . Co an d C o m ’l S a v . B k . & T r . C o., T o i. C h ase N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. H . H . W istn a n ------- 40,000 17,000 500,000 . O . H . B o w e n ___ _ W . P. T r e s s le r ____ G ra ce iS to n e r 60,001 18,00t 575,00t 500,000 85,00 1st N „ C lev. 50,00t 17,00( 180,00t 220,000 30,00 1st N ., C lev . 25,00( 2.50C 94,00( 80,45t 22,00 25,00( 7,50t 130,00() 130,00t 15,00 Ir v in g N .. N . Y .; N e w 1st N ., C ol.; 1st N ., B el laire. F ifth -T h ir d N . and 4th N ., Cin. 25,001 4,001 161,231 143,701 53.02 1st N ., Gin. E . B r o w n e ........... L in c o ln L y n n — P h illip W h it a c r e ). C W . H ic k P .4 S . U rto n K a rl M . B r o w n . i E . C. D unham — .. NATION AL BANK 4th N ., Cin. 150,000 31,000 M a rg a re t W u n d ... of CINCINNATI i IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS T own and County . N am e of Ba n k . ¿C ou n ty Seats. •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . SState In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. £M em . State B k s. A ssn . tP r iv . C is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R es. [E sta b . Presid en t . V ice -President . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’ t Ca sh ie r . MT. GILEAD NATIONAL BK. < ’ 63 15,000 $ $ W . G wM y e r s . 56-069 < ’80 vaoMBanks 17,140 $ 118.100 $ 129,030 $ 19,990 F ifth -T h ir d N ., Gin. 25,000 6,650 160,000 122,280 39,180 M ech . & M etals N ., N . Y .; N orth ern N ., T o l. 50,000 108,000 602,500 627,600 128,700 H an. N ., N . Y .; C ent. N ., O lev.; O h io N .» Col. N orth ern N ., T o l. iH. H. HARLAN--------- MARK COOK------------ C. W. SCHAAF— - — J . G. RUSSELL „ . . . . ^ F IF T E E N C E N T » S e n t t o u s w i t h e a c h s i g h t d r a f t f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n , and ( T W E N T Y -F I V E . C E N T S f o r e a c h c r e d i t r e p o r t i n s u r e s p r o m p t , p e r sonai at ten tion ----A. V . MIRACLE— . J . W. GLAUNER............ H. J . CANADAY- — NAT’LBANKÛF MORROWCO. ÍNS .p TUCKER e c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n B ill o f L a d in g d r a ft s . C a sh a n d T im e I t e m s . V Bwnainas PR IN ciPA L CORRESPONDENTS. [.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 18,000 235,000 136,000 62,440 N . C ity, N . V .; 1st N „ O lev.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., G in. 50,000 33,000 415,000 405,000 75,000 N . P a rk . N . Y .j 1st N ., O lev.: N orth ern N ., T o l.: N e w 1st N ., Col. 25c for Credit Bepor ts. A . C. D u n ca n . M t. H ea lth y .H a m ilton N 6 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____< ’05 O . N . K in n e y ______ J o s e p h W e b e r _____ A le x is B r o w n . C P o p . 1799 56-1060 Joseph W e b e r__ _ 25,000 24,420 416,670 402,630 79,860 F ifth -T h ir d N $ Gin. M t. O ra b ___ ..B r o w n P 8 B ro w n C ou n ty N ation a l B k . C h ris K le in ______ _ C P o p . 539 56-1249 < ’15 John T . C rem er. . . 25,000 3,500 175,000 108,000 35,000 A tlas N . an d F ifth -T h ir d N.,. Cin. H . E. P r ic e 50,000 15,380 336,120 878,460 60,000 45,460 A.S. THOMAS— S. W. BEALE----A. R. ALKIRE____ ! S p e c ia l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n B ill o f a s h a n d T i m e I t em s.-> ; ¡ Please send 15c w ith each sight dr a ft f o r presen tatio n a nd 25c f o r Cred it B e v o r ts. ¡ P r o m p t s e r v ic e . W e g e t r e s u lt s . 554,380 610,005 68,800 S eab . N ., N .Y .; N . C ity, O lev.; N . E x ., W h e e l in g , W . V a .; S t e u b e n v ille B a a fe-ft T r . C o., S t e n b e d v ille . 65,000 N . P a r k , N . Y . ; 1st N ., Cin. 151,000 75,000 L H. SCHRYVER . B. RICE. S p e c ia l a t t e n t i o d iIng n g d ra fts , C ash a n ¡ U K # Ite m s. -™ ; Please send 15c with each sight d r a f t j o r p resentatio n and 25c f o r Cred it B e v o r ts. . S e n d u s y o u r M t . S t e r lin g I te m s . 946,000 1,241,000 117,300 N . C ity , an d M e r ch . N ., N . Y .: C on t. & C om 'l N ., C h i.: 1st N ., C in. an d C le v .; N e w 1st N ., C ol. 450.000 215,000 M eCh. & M etals N ., N . Y .: C on t. & C om 'l N ., C hi. 426,000 H a n . N r, N . Y .; C on t. ft C om ’l T r . & S a v ., Ch i.; B k . o f P itt. N . A . an d 1st N „ P itt.: 1st N . and U n ion C om . N ., C le v .; F ifth -T h ir d N .. C in .: C ity N . an d H u n tin g N ., C ol. 147,950 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Chi. A . W . M o o n _______ O . B . L im in g . M t. Pleasant____J efferson P eo p le s N ation a l B a n k . . < ’03 M icha el G allagher . J . M . B en n ett.._____ E. B . J o n e s .J ! P o p . 701 I 20 56-829 M t. S te r lin g .M a d is o n L U P o p . 1200 CITIZENS NAÎI0NAL BANK 56-741 < ’08 FIRST NATIONAL BANK « 1 7 4 56-740 M W & rc ¿M t. V e r n o n _ _ K n o x H 14 F ir s t N ation a l B a n k _____< ’65 S . W . A ls d o r f. P o p . 10,628 56-298 K n o x C ou n ty Sav. B a n k < | ’73 Jam es I s r a e l.. 56-209 NEW KNOX NATIONAL BK. 56-297 M t. V ic t o r y ..H a r d in H 10 P o p . 1000 M t.W a sh in gton .H a m ilton C P o p . 1200 06 M o w r y s t o w n ___H ighland C P o p . 326 09 ¿N a p oleon _____ H en ry C 7 P o p . 4007 N a va rre_______ Stark G 17 P o p . 1357 N e ffs _______B elm on t J 20 P o p . 2500 N e ls o n v ille .. A th e n s M 15 C P o p . 6082 MT. VICTORY BANK— D . B . K ir k — ._ < ’47 < f ’90 J . N . R ich a rd s o n . 56-815 M t. V ic t o r y Savings B k . < t ’06 56-816 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____< ’ 10 56-1062 W h ite O ak V a lle y B a n k J t ’02 56-1063 C om m ercia l State Bank < § ’ 13 56-1236 F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k ___ < ’ 99 56-515 N a p o le o n S tate B a n k___< § ’09 56-516 N avarre D ep osit B k . C o . < § ’95 56-1065 N e ffs N ation a l B ank ___ *10 56-1066 C itizen s Cen tral B a n k ___ § ’10 56-428 P e o p le s B a n k C o ,— _t|’99 56-427 H. S. J e n n in g s . ___ J . M . E w alt_______ H . C . D e v in . H . E. D ick in s o n __ J . J . B o o n e ___,__ _ 50,000 23,000 * 285.000 125,000 1,504,000 11,253,000 W m . A . A c k e r m a n . J . H . M cF a rla n d __ 100,000 56,960 799,390 905,700 J . A . R o r n s ________ J o h n A . D ick in so n 30,000 20,000 250,000 250,000 7,500 6,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 13,770 197,450 234,600 13,290 180,000 147,880 25,000 963,160 750,000 175,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; N o rth e r n N ., T o l. 118:250 N . B k s . C om ., N . Y . and T o l .; 1st N ., O lev. H elen B o o n e _______ 50,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; 1st N .. O lev. 13,500 H an. N ., N . Y .; C en t. N ., C o l.; U n io n C om . N ., C lev. 23,600 F ifth -T h ir d N ., G in. E . R . W e a c h te r ___ O. H . H o p p e r _____ E d ith E. L a n ca ste r. Jam es F . C r o s s . .. Ira. R o b e r t s .._____ O. W . R h o te n ...____ I . Q . R h o te n _______ J . B . A u g e n ste in . A . E. H . M aerker. E . M . G r e g g _______ G e o rg e M . M c K e e . . 12,500 IW 50,000 M . E . L o o s e ____ F . M . H a r r is b n ... 37,370 645,830 658,390 F r e d G e rk e n ______ L . T . L o o s e . . . ____ _ M . S . H u d s o n .......... E . E . L in g e l A . D a m a n .— . — K . E . N au gle___i__ 50,000 G . E . R a ffe r ty ____ 5.0.000 39,000 840,000 830,000 94,000 H an . N .. N . Y ,; 1st N . O lev.; N o rth e r n N ., T o l . D . A . M u sk o ff— _ P . L o e w —_________ P . M . Z in s m a s le r .. F . L . Z in s m a s te r. 25,000 62,870 N 354,170 388.550 51,100 Chase N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ O lev. F ran klin N e ff_____ A le x a n d e r W . D ; P o r t e r fie ld .. 25,000 8.500 250,000 140,000 R . H . J a c k s o n .... Jas. Sharp.________ W . T . B ea n ________ L . R . K e lc h .. 50,000 41,000 470,000 425,000 121,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; C o m ’l N .,.C o l. W . H . P a r k s ._____ J . M . H yd e J . V . W o o d . _______ R . W . P a r k s . 50,000 23,180 687,130 587.780 154.210 Im p . ft T ra . N ., N . Y .; H u n tin gton N ,, C ol.; TW fth-Tbird N .. Gin Neff_ Charter No. 20 — - The FIFTH - THIRD , C IA C 50,000 W . P . W e ls h y m e r B . D . H e r r o n ______ H . S . W o r k m a n . . . (G e o r g e W . M cN a b b Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Ut j __ _ N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e ©P B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given tto o each b a n k in U. u . S. 8 . exclusively b y T in he e B Band-M » n u - m cN c n aally n y Bankers* »a im e r s D irectory, un der th e au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers Ass*n. n a b a ° k a l of CINCINNATI O H I O — C o n tin u e d — 57,380 F ifth -T h ir d N . an d 4th N ., G in. 70400 Ch ase N ., N . Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt. OHIO BANKS—Moscow to Nelsonville___________ _____ July, 1919 P eo p le s Savings B k . C o.,:tl'0 4 W . B . R o b in s o n ___ T . E . B u ck „ 56-670 N . T u ck e r 50,000 _____ 56-668 LÍABIÍLITIES. ..... — 11 R esources. Loam* ft Dis- Cash ft ExP aid- up Surplus D e p o s c’ tb. Bonds, OIiANGIS,DUE AND it s Ca p i t a l P r o f it s Moscow___ C lerm on t P 7 State B a n k o f M o s c o w . < § ’04 W . R . F e e Ï ________ W . C . Staats'............ A . F . K a y s e r ..___ C P o p . 327 56-1057. M t. B la n c h a rd ..H a n c o ck C itizen s B a n k_________ _iS ’10 W . A . F a h l . . . _____ O. S. B e ll_______ E . C. R o m e ÿ ._____ —P o p . 451 F IO 56-1058 M t. C o r y ___ H a n cock F 8 F a rm ers B a n k __ B_______ t ’07 N . W . C unningham C . L . G u m .._____ P d p . 290 56-1059 *Mt. G ilead- M o rro w H 12 P o p . 1700 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see p a ge 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p o s ite p a g e 13 O H IO —Continued 1044 " _____' N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r giv 1A d d t o ea ch b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * i u ' ■ D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A ss*n . Over F ifty Y ears of Service A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s . L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed. in b a c k o f this v o lu m e . For Interest B ates, Grace,t*—* e tc., see p a g e 14. For Holidays, see op p o s ite p a g e l S .r p . Charter No. 20 — - The FIFTH - THIRD NAJ i ° K AL of CINCINNATI f\AC T o w » a n d Co u n t y . « C ou n ty Seats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n a ti B ra n ch . N e v a d a .____W y a n d o t F 11 P o p . 1000 N ame op b a n k . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . {S ta te ¿M em . State B k s. A ssn . t P r iv . ♦ M e m . F ed. R es. [E stab. P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . 301,000 285,000 N . S. S u t e r ________ F . F . W r ig h t 100,000 208.140 786,010 646,330 A . F . C ray ton ______ B . F . S k id m o r e —— J . H . F r a n k lin ____ 250,000 106,110 974,620 1,056,720 315,680 1 [an. N ., N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N ., Ch D ep. N ., P itt.; U n io n C om . N ., C lev. C. L . Y . H o l t z _____ A . A . H ain es____ __ I . J i D itte r 200,000 62,270 1,647,910 1,305,740 596,450 ] T. C ity. N . Y .; 1st N ., C le v .; M ellon N N e w 1st N .. C ol. 200,000 W. T. SUTER, L T. REES, See. cmd T r. A . Sec. and Auditor S on w i t h e a c h s i g h t d r a ft 1 5 c m u s t b e s e n t < B i l l o f l a d i n g d r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y , 1 f o r p r e s e n ta tlo n a n d 2 5 c w it h e a c h r e q u e s t f o r r e p o r t o r r a t in g . R N E W A R K 1 T E M S. ( SEND U S Y O U •185.000 2,230,000 2,140,000 390,000 : i. P a rk , N . Y h C on t. & C o m ’ l N ., Ch N ., C ol.; ( M e m . F e d . B e s . ) F , f). W r ig h t W. C. METZ — P o p . 1058 755,710 169,360 : * 10,000 (JULIUS B0ESEL- J. H. GR0THAUS— ADOLPH BOESEL- G. A. KUNMING__ < S p e c ia l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n B ill o f L a d in g D r a ft s , C a s n a n d T im e I t e m s. (.Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f f f o r presen tation and 50c f o r Credit R ep orts. 250 558,560 487,590 70,000 50,000 J. H. GR0THAUS-- ADOLPH B0ESEL- H. F. BIENZ........... b a n d T im e I te m s. 05 - i S p e c i a l ^ a t t e n t i o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a d i n g d r a f t s , C a s (.Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t f o r presen tation and 50c f o r Credit R eports. 30,790 542,150 625,640 44,830 Chase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev.; L in . N ., Cin. M aud T a y lo r ______ 30,000 4,680 105,510 111,750 18,440 N . C ity, N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., C o l.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in . f| L . N . D o o m ________ 30,000 2,200 130,000 110,000 35,000 1st N „ Cin. C. B. V o g e n itz _____ J . H . L ip p in c o t t —. 50,000 19,000 377,650 355,480 151,550 H an. N „ N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev . a n d P itt. H . H . E a gan _______ 60,000 24,410 659,430 608.080 148,270 M ech . & M etals N „ N . Y .; F a r. D e p . N ., P itt. 25,000 8,600 170,500 140,000 26,000 Seab! N ., N . Y .; Z a n esv ille. ■ 50,000 22,550 267.080 301,450 68,760 Chase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C in .; 12,000 2,500 267,000 208,000 60,000 H an. N ., N . Y .: H om e B k g. C o., S t. M arys. F ir s t N ational B a n k ______$’03 J . H . C o o k . 56-680 ______ W . A . H ig g in s____ W W . Oard G . L . O r t ________ J . W . S tu d e b a k e r .. H . S. F o r g y F ir s t N ational B a n k ___ $1900 56-575 G eo. W . M u lv a n e .. J . S. B a rn e tt T h e o . F . C rater___ C lifford F r y e ______ 56-574 P o p . 1000 W . C u lb e rtso n _____ E . A . M o n tg o m e r y F ir s t N ational B a n k --------- $’03 56-1069 O-finrge K ir k .... W . C. C r a w fo r d ___ J o h n T . D ic k ______ 1st N . an d O ld C itiz. N ., C om ’l N ., C ol. 56-1070 P o p . 487 P o p . 3000 P e o p le s S av in gs B a n k —$ t ’10 H erm an E u h lm a n . 56-1071 . Pnrmnrfi ‘Rank $+’13 O . F . B ru m ba u gh — E. O . K re itz e r _____ :G. K . E d w a r d s ____ Laura B . C o n o v e r . } i 56-1237 B. F . R o d g e r s______ S_ A. Rnarh ’ C itizen s N ational B a n k — $’03 A, (T{\rlingfAr 5 56-581 > 0 . P . T h a c k e r _____ J . O. N e w lo n P e r r y COunty B a n k____< § ’72 W nit J o h n so n 56-580 1 N ATIO N AL n. BANK Uf TlHE; i FI H - l HIRl1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1CINCINNAI 1— 13,470 1st N .. C in . 5,000 2,820 86,730 94,200 50,000 30,000 535,000 465,000 135,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; O h io N ., C ol. 75,000 ' ^ 40,000 _ 641,000 615,000 129,000 B k . o f N . Y . N . B . A ., N . Y .; O h io N .. C ol.: 4th N „ C in. T he I S P BANKERS’ BAN la Nlm 63 ______________ 1045 708,400 N e w C a rlisle B a n k ______$§’82 56-679 P o p . 3500 V 32,570 56-671 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < C 311,070 N ] . O i t y .N .Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 100,000 FIRST CITY BANK...........$ t ’08 56-672 40,000 1 ilair & C o ., N . Y .: 1st N . an d U nion C C lev.; N o r t h e r n N ., T o l. ro^ em er P a rk N ation a l B a n k ........... $’07 A . R . L in d o r f—____ R . S. W y e th „ — 56-130 P o p . 1850 x OHIO BANKS—Nevada to New Lexington i 25,350 1 C lev .; F ifth -T h ir d N „ C in . *80-68 <103 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 7,000 L ic k in g C o. B ank & T r . Co. 56-128 *1 0 2 NEWARK TRUST COMPANY t 35,000 F ra n k lin N ational B a n k —i'4 5 W . A . R o b b in s __ _ 58-126 56-129 R esou rces, Loams k Du* [Cash k Ex c’tb. Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Banks 5,000 $ 123,000 $ 112,000 $ $ W y n k o o p __ E . T . B u rn s id e_____ «N e w a r k _____L ick in g J 14 F irs t N ational B a n k _____< ’65 F . 8 . W r ig h t 56-127 P o p . 29,635 ♦ L i a b i l i t i e s . * * *“ Su r p l u s D epo s P a id - u p AND it s Ca p i t a i , P r o f i t s 12,500 $ FARMERS & MERCH. BANK J . V f . COMPART---56-786 _ __i5’07 , ■ i ' & ' t i . i h ' ■■■%'-■ ■ Over Fifty Y ears of Service A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d in b a c k o f tb is v o lu m e . For Interest B ates, Grace* O H I O — C o n tin u e d N eva d a D e p o s it B a n k —< § '7 3 W . L . B la ir — ______ H . L . K u e n z li -------- J . A . W illia m s_____ R . C. B lair_________ 56-785 i ) — CO 1 1U “ 0 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e © f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T lie B and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, un der th e au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers Ass*n. T own and N am e County . of Pr esid en t . Cash ie r . V ice-P resident . A s s ' t Cash ie r . 50.000 37,450 514,480 468.140 151,480 Chase N „ N . Y .; C l e v ._ B .t>. K in g ................. 25.000 25,000 375,000 258,000 171,750 H an. N „ N . Y .: F ifth -T h ir d N .. C in .; 1st N ., R ic h ., In d .; H u n tin gton N ., C om l. 20,000 21,000 100,000 120,000 26,500 1st N ., C in .; B k . o f A th en s N . B . A ., A th en s. 25,000 36,240 430.420 379,940 25,000 4,340 194.950 183,480 98,200 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C olu m bia N ., P itt.; 1st N ., C le v .' 1 40,810 Seab. N ., N . Y .: Bk. o f P itt. N . A ., P itt.; N ew 1st N „ C ol.; P e o . B k g. & T r , C o., M arietta. 6,500 251,140 209,980 W . R . H a g e m a n __ P . G .K in g . . _ i _____ G . P atrick'- - N ew R ich m o n d -G le rm o n t N ew R ic h m o n d N at. B k .. » ’05 56-657 C P o p . 1732 P 7 F r a n k H o y , J r . ____ N ew tS fr a its v ille ____P e r r y 56-1075 P o p . 3200 M 15 C . W . S m ith N e w to n F a lls___T ru m b u ll 56-1076 P o p . 757 D 20 N e w V ie n n a .. C lin ton N 9 56-1268 " C P o d . 793 N e w V ie n n a B a n k --------- « t i ' ? ! W A Pnllr 56-1077 E . C. M ik e se ll ________ 25,000 E. C. S c h w e it z e r :... R . E . H a v e rm a n __ H e n r y K ald en baugh F. W StifFer W . A . W agner— R . D u m e rm u th 0 . A . L a h m er______ Sec. and Tr. 100,000 C. N . Y e r g e r _______ W . A . T a y lo r —— — 56-324 * « ’05 N ile s T r u s t C o m p a n y —«$$’00 C. P . W ils o n _______ 56-325 1 f\A n i U i/ 351,430 M erch . N „ N . Y .; F a r. D ep. N . and P eo. N ., P itt.; U n ion C om . N ., l s t - N ., and C en t. N .. C lev. 62.000 F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 9,000 240,000 187,000 6,000 200,000 178,000 A. Weiss H en ry H e rb e rt_____ 25,000 15,000 525,000 474,840 0 . C. B o r d e n ______ C. E . D e c k ________ 25,000 6,390 60,360 83.880 60,000 19,120 407,000 412,000 68,600 M ech . & M etals N .. N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N .. 1st N ., and 4th N ., Cin. 40.000 16.750 579,590 494,440 25.000 3,300 65,600 72,700 141,890 C hase N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N . and 1st N ., C lev.; N . B k . C om ., T o l. 21,200 D iam ond N ., P itt.; 1st N ., C lev." 10,000 4,000 180,000 154,000 A . M . K ir k b r id e — C. S. T h o m a s . . . W m . H . S teven s, Sec. and Tr. J . W . Eaton J D . J . F in n e y _______ R . L . M cC o rk le , Tr. . D . W a d d e ll, Sec. T . E . T hom as 100,000 75,000 1,996,670 1,874,570 125,000 75,240 1,730,000 1,490,000 O. E . S p o n s le r _____ 60.000 35.000 575,000 550,000 50.000 7.500 330,000 322,000 n . T ü r k in J . K . B e rn a rd F . W . H a d le y______ J . W . Pen n B A N K N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o r S o n i c is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r give n t o each bank in U . S. exclusively b y T be Sand-M cN aU y Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f The Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . 86,310 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 19.500 C itiz. N ., C in. i 40,000 N o rth e r n N ., T o l.; F a r. N ., B rya n . 205,080 H an. N ., N . Y .: 1st N .. C le v .; B ank o f P itt. N . A ., P itt.; F ifth -T h ir d N .. Gin.. 375,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N .. C h i.; M ellon N ., P itt.; 1st N ,, C lev . and Y o u n g to w n . 125,000 Ch ase N . . N . Y .: 1st N .. C lev .; 2d N ., T o l. f t 48,000 Seab. N .. N . Y .; N . B k . C om . an d O h io S av . B k . & T r . C o., T o l.; 1st VM C lev. 75,010 P eo. N ., P itt.; W es tern R es erv e N ., W arren . M . M. P erry A . O . H u n tle y ■■• 'A . Sec. Sec. a n d T r. M .Tntirisnn . . . E lm e r T>. J o h n s o n . 12,500 11,210 201,430 146,520 25,000 7,000 440,000 320,000 C. R . I r w i s ________ C arrie K . W e st — 12,500 9,000 132,430 105.000 J . C. T h o m p s o n ___ 30,000 7,000 200.000 180.000 55.000 H anT’N L N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .: 1st N ., jCiev. 100.000 • 125,530 i l , 860.760 .1,721,100 394,940 H an. N . and A m . lix . N ., N . Y .; C en t. N . and 1st N ., C lev. 133,000 2,276,660 407,800 Chase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ; and U n ion C om . N ., C lev .; B k . o f P itt.N . A ., P itt. F . M . R o th —........... C . G . B e n __________ C. B. G ard in er B . B . W o o d ________ W . C. Pratt E. L . Y ou ng NATI ONAL 30,000 Equitable T r . C o., N . Y .; C om 'l N ., C ol. of CINCINNATI O H I O — C o n tin u e d 100,000 FO R EIG N 2,083.000 135,000 M e c h . & M etals N i, N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C le v : • 58,500 Chase N .. N . Y.;_ C ent. N ., C lev. IH R H i BA N K IN G . £ C0BRESPONDENCÉ ____________ July, 1919 The FIFTH-THIRD 100,000 1st N .. C le v ;; F ir s t N „ P itt. 25,000 » N o r w a lk —2 . H u ron D 13 C itizen s N ation a l B a n k .• t ’02 S. E . S im m o n s ..—. 0 . A . P aul - ; C. W . A n d erson 56-345 P o p . 8500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 540,000 1,298,750 73,600 L ib erty N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C in .; 2d N ., R ic h ., In d . 469,730 N . B k . C om .. N . Y .; M ellon N ., P itt.; U nion C om . N .^ C le v . 25,000 N o rth B a ltim ore__ W o o d F ir s t N ation a l B a n k ._ —* t 9 0 A n d r e w E m erine, Jr. 56-584 P o p . 3000 ti D 9 D . W . R e d d in ______ 56_5g5 S . T . C a u lfie ld _____ J . S. M c A d o o N o rth B loom field ..T r u m N o rth B loom field B k g. C o. 56-1081 « ’ 03 b u ll ___P op . 800____ C 20 N o r t h C a n to n .S ta rk F 18 N o r t h C a n ton B a n k ------« ’06 F r a n k C. W ise —— J . E . B ord n o r — » . 56-1068 P o p . 865 N orth F a irfield H u ron E13 N o rth F a irfield S av . B k . C o. fib F . R o w l e y ______ L. L . J o n e s ________ 56-1082 * « ’93 P o p . 500 N orth L e w isb u r g ..C h a m B a n k o f N o rth L ew isb u rg 56-1083 • tt ’72 paign .P o p . 793_____1 9 H u ron C ou nty B k g . O o . - » « ’82 R . Ot 56-344 100.000 500,000 95,000 1,450,680 25,000 1st N . and U n ion C om . N „ G . W . H ite . . . _____ F . E. K ra m e r______ W . B . B r e e z e — — G, J o h n A . S h e e t z ___ G e o . H . S e itte r— . N ew W a s h in g to n .C r a w ’d F a rm e rs State B a n k — » « ’76 J a c o b S h eetz______ J o h n H . S h e e tz — 56-1078 P o p . 889 F 12 J , F . J o h n sto n _____ N ew W a te r fo r d —C o l’ana N e w W a te r fo r d S av . & B ank T H Tfneh “ ing C o . . . 56-1079_______ S’07 P o p . 509 F 21 - - C. W . K e r n s __ L U . R . H . M oats_____— Leanna H ansen____ N e y B a n k in g C o .--------- « '0 7 S. B . S c o t t — 56-1080 P o p . 298 DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK CO. 60.000 195,000 2,211,480 2,125,480 55.000 C hase N .,’’N . Y .; U n ion C om . N „ C lev . N „ 1st N „ and C ent. N ., C lev. OHIO BANKS—New London to Norwalk M . TT. P e n ce J. M erch an ts State B a n k . « « ’l l N . W . Sen h au ser— R . S . B a rto n __________ 56-322 O h io S av . & T ru s t G o. - « t l'4 9 56-319 1 * T h ir d N ational B a n k ____» t ’72 H . W . T oW h sen d.™ E . M . P a lm e r ______ E. E. T o w n s e n d ... B. V . W in e b a r — __ 56-681 N e w P a r i s ____ P r e b le K 5 F ir s t N ation a l B a n k _____» ’08 J . A . G a r re ts o n ___ , 56-792 C P o p . 890 » N e w P h ila d e lp h ia .T u s c . C itizen s N ational B a n k . .« t ’72 ■R. TT. ........... 56-320 P o p . 9912 H 18 „ it s Pr in cipal Correspondents . & Loans Dis- Cash Ex c ’ts . Bonds, changes ,D ue Securities from B anks 32,000 $ 395.000 Ï 377.000 S N e w M a r s h fie ld ..A th e n s M arshfield B a n k —______t t ’09 S . % G . P e d ig o ____ 56-1073 C P o p . 500 N 16 N ew M atam oras__ W a sh . F ir s t N ation a l Bank______ 3’01 J o h n S h a n n on _____ M . M . H u tch is o n — 56-1074 C P o p . 1000 tN 19 P e o p le s S avin gs B a n k - » « ’ l l W T. Wp«st 56-1213 ; & D epo s 30.000 $ N ew M a d is o n .D a rk e J 5 F a rm ers S tate B a n k — » « ’ 89 56-1072 C P o p . 628 ,v Su b p l u s P a id - u p and Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s $ N ew L o n d o n .H u r o n E 14 Savings & L oa n B k g . C o . J ’01 C h arles M c C la v e ... E . J . B riggs 56-682 P o p . 1557 N il e s _____T ru m b u ll D 20 P o p . 8921 Resources . Li a b i l i t i e s . Ba n k . •Mem . A m . B k s. A s s n . {S tate .»C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. tM em . State B k s. A ssn . t P r iv . [E sta b . G is C in cin n ati B ra n ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f this v o lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see p a ge 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p o s ite page 13. OHIO— Continued 1046 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o ea ch b a n k in D . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e B a n d - M c N a U y B a n k e r s ’ IN V IT E D . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , '—« e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see o p p os ite p a ge 13.1 C Number under Name o f Bank is th e New Transit Number give n t o ea ch b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e K a m i - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * N am e of Ba n k . T ow n a n d Co u n ty . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . {S ta te ¿C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. $M em . State B k s. A ssn . tP r iv . [ Estab. ■(¡ is C in cin n a ti B ran ch » ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . A s s 't Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . P r e s id e n t . Accessible T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , '—« e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see o p p os ite p a ge 13.1 C O H I O — C o n tin u e d Lia b il it ie s . Su b p l u s D e po s P a id - u p and it s Ca p i t a l P b o f it s $ N o rw o o d — H am ilton 0 6 COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BK. F r e d . R o h r s c h e ib — , 56-182 < § ’14 C P o p . 22,286 25,000 $ FIRST NATIONAL B A N K -< ’02 C. H . M . A tk in s ___ W . F . R o b e r t s o n ... T h o s. M c E v ille y __ W . E . T h a y e r --------R . J . D ie r k e r 56-180 200.000 N o r w o o d N ational B a n k . < ’07 M . Y . C o o p e r _____- J . C. C a d w a lla d e r.. J . E arl C o a d .______ 56-181 N ottin gh a m — C u yahoga (Sed Cleveland) Pop* 2387 B 17 A. O . C u rry G . B . M u r r a y ______ D . V . J o h n s o n ------56-1085 P o p . 400 E 15 200,000 1 r. „ | | O a k h a r b o r .. O ttaw a C 11 F ir s t N ational B a n k — —< ’03 A u g . K u e b e le r, J r . . F . C. M ic h e ll —___- W a lter S n id e r_____ W . T im m erm an — W m . L ipstraw 56-678 P o p . 2000 j A. L. SPITZER — WM R M S F L. E. MEYER - --------- C. M. SEELEY— — R eso u r ce s. & & Dus 2,700 $ 326,480 $ 340,3(50 $ 302,700 3,164,520 3,871,170 90.000 1,500,000 1,100,000 31,630 H an. N „ N . Y . ; ‘ 1st N ., N o rw o o d . 057,400 1st N ., N . Y .; M a r k e t N ., C in .; B k . o f P itt. N . m m A ., P itt.; 1st N -, C le v . 250,000 Ir v in g N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 12.500 10.000 140.000 130,000 27,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; C en t. N ., C lev. 25.000 50.000 683.000 644,270 71,800 1st N ., N . Y „ C h i., and C le v .; H o m e S a v . B k . C o ., T o L — 25.000 41,600 806.000 720,000 150,000 S p itzer, R oriCk & C o., N . Y .; S p itz e r-R o rick T r . & S a v ., T o l.; U n ion C om . N „ C lev. OAK HARBOR STATE BANK ] S p e c i a l a t t e n t l o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a d in g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s . 56-677 < § ’87 (P lea se sen d 15c w ith each sig h t d r a f t f o r p resen ta ti o n a n d 25c f o r Cre d it R ep orts. ( Branch E. E . M organ , M g r. J . N . D avis, A . M g r. O ak H ill— .J a c k s o n P 14 CITIZENS SAV. & TR . CO. 56-729 5’07 C P o p . 1000 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loams Dis- Gaso Ex c’ ts . Bonds, changes, Biouritibs from Banks •‘ toO'iWÓ'i H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in.; N e w 1st N ., C ol. o f Jack son, O .) 123,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., O in.; 1st N ., P ortsm ou th . O ak H ill S av. B ank C o. < § ’02 D . D . D a v is __ - ____ G e o . D . S e l b y _____ E b en J . J o n e s _____ E . S. D a v is ________ 56-728 O a k le y _____H am ilton 0 6 ( See C incinn ati) C P o p . 1639 J . W . W h itn e y —— O a k w o o d — Pauld ing E 6 O a k w o o d D e p o s it B k . C o. 56-1087 • i § ’04 P o p . 496 I 33.500 58.000 700.000 667,000 12.500 6,000 150,610 109,850 62,690 Seab. N .. N . Y .; 1st N .. C lev. H . F . A s h l e y ______ 50.000 40,090 606,580 616,430 77.980 C hase N ., N .Y .; I s t N . and U nion C om . N .,C le v . 25.000 22.000 335.000 300,000 35,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; G uardian S av. & T r . G o. and 1st N ., C lev. 65.000 17.000 470.000 453,000 67,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .; i s t N ., C lev. 25.000 5,530 325,400 221,800 133,030 C hase N .,,N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. 25.000 13,720 111,74( 168,000 25.000 1,310 40,22( 65,920 O b e rlin ______L orain D 15 O berlin B a n k G o . ...........< § ’89 H . C. W a n g e r ie n — G . W . M o r r is __ ___ 56-497 P op . 5000 M - - ,4 P e o p le s B a n k in g C o .— < § ’06 J . T . H e n d e r s o n „ 56-499 H . F . S m ith — — O. W , M o r ris o n State Savings B a n k C o. < § ’04 56-498 J . N . S t o n e - — ___ H . L. B assett — - O . C. M c K e e _______ O h io C ity —V a n W e r t G 5 F a rm ers B a n k — _______$¡'99 J . A . S w o v e la n d — 56-1088 P o p . 860 O keana________ B u tler N 5 F irst N ation a l B a n k __ . . < ’09 J . A . B u tte r fie ld — . G e o . W . J e f fe r ie s — R . E . E a rn sh a w — E d w in H eap 56-1Q89 C P o p . 120 W . R . M ig n e r — — O ld E o r t ___ S e n e c a D 11 O ld F o r t B a n k in g C o. „ » § ’17 W m . B. M cC o n n e ll Ohas. F lu m e r fe lt — C. J . F r y ................. E d ith M . Z in k — 56-1263 P o p . .200 Olmstead Falls. Cuyahoga Badk of Berea Company 56-1090 $§’06 Pop. 294 D 16 Orangeville__ - Trnmbnll Orangeville Sav. Bk. Co. t§'02 56-1091 Pop. 185 p 21 J. H. Morrison___ Orrville Savings Bank .<§’12 D . F. Griffith— 56-552 The 5th-3rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,980 Chase N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev .; C olon ial Sav. B k . & T r . C o ., F r e m o n t. C h ase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. o f B ere a, 0 . ) — |Jp t r v ” >;• ifi Orrville National Bank—< ’02 56-551 Pop. 4000 (.Branch G . L . D e w e y , M g r. 27,290 H an. N ., N . Y .: 1st N ., Cin. an d H am ilton . R. N. Fell 4- E. U . Hyde, T r ........ A . W . T h o m p so n , Sec. 12.500 5,940 114,000 21,400 U n ion C om . N ., C lev.; W estern R e s e rv e N „ W a rren . F. Strauss____ E. E. Clark........... 50.000 210.000 637,000 130,000 Im p . & T ra . N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev .; M ellon N ., Pitt. Hazel D a v is ..,____ A .J e n n y 40.000 34,580 510,330 83,990 N . C ity, N . Y .; U n ion C om , N ., C le v .; C en t. S av. & T r . C o., A k ro n . L. . . . . T . W . O r r _________ H . V. R hantz.... NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources Oyer N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r give n t o ea ch ban k, in U . S . e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e B a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s 'n . T ow n a n d Co u n t y . N a m e op Ba n k . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . §State . ‘ C ou n ty S eats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R es. D ist. tM e m . S tate B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . C is C in cin n a ti B ra n ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . [ E stab . P r e s id e n t . Ga s h i e r . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t .- Lia b il it ie s . A s s ’ t C a s h i e r .— P a id - u p SURPLUiä| D e p o s AND Ca p it a l ITS P r o f it s u O rw e ll . L A sh ta bu la C 20 O rw ell B a n k in g C o . . ____v l ’97 E. A . S e lle rs_______ F . W . P a rk e r______ E. B . H a l l _________ V . H . P a r k e r P o p . 1200 56-1092 «$ ’10 H . E . F r a h n . . O sb o rn _______ G reen e K 8 F irst N ation a l B a n k C P o p . 866 ^ 56-794 O s g o o d ________D a rk e 1 6 O sg ood S tate B a n k ___ « t S ’ 15 H e n r y B ra n d e w ie C P o p . 214 56-1256 - •• . 25,006 " 24.25« 344,180 321,020 H erm an B ra n d e w ie A u gu st J . R e ic h e r l 25,000 3.00C 185,000 150,000 20,000 F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in . 25,000 8,00« 225,000 210,000 25,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Ÿ . ; N ew 1st N ., C ol. S. F . D e F o r d . L . N . W e id e - f ’ 14 L . T a y lo r ______ ____ A . O. Inen ___ J . L M arsh... .. O x fo r d __ ______ B u tler M 5 FARM EBS STATE & S A V . BK. 8 . E. E y e __________ H . M . M o o r e .. C P o p . 2017 56-615 $$’06 •• >• O x fo r d N ational B ank 56-614 «$ ’02 G . 0 . W e lliv e r _____ G . 0 . M nnns ‘ P a in e s v ille .__ L a ke B 18 C levelan d T r u s t C o P o p . 7000 56-443 •• P a in e sv ille N ational B k . «$ ’31 56-442 P a n d ora_____P utn am F 8 F a rm ers B a n k C o______ $$1900 P o p . 800 ♦ 56-1097 F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k ___ t ’19 56-1287 P a ta sk aia— L ick in g J 13 P ataskaia B a nking C o .___§ ’88 S P o p . 800 56-807 % •* P eop les B ank C o . _______$$’04 56-808 ‘ P a u ld in g ... P a u ld in g E6 F a rm ers B a nking C o . . . «$$’95 P o p . 2081 56-608 “ ** A . L . J o h n s o n _____ ___ W . R . R a dcliffe, M g r. R . If. P y le F . H . M u r r a y ______ E. D . H e a r tw e ll.. A lb e r t S c h ü t z _____ J . A . S ch u tz 123,560 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Gin. 169.100 H an. N ., N . Y .; N . B k . C om . an d 1st N ., T ol.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in. 25,000 16.480 407,660 314,320 148,580 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C in.; N o rth e r n N. and N . B k . C om ., T o l. 12,500 36.000 301,370 249,500 97,880 C hase N ., N . Y .; N . B k . C om ., T o l. 7,550 3,310 65,290 59,960 16,690 C itiz. N ., Cin. X ii 8,000 3.800 114.880 77,500 47.570 1st N ., Cin. 25,000 8.000 242,400 210,000 43,000 50,000 35,300 675.000 675,000 115.000 0 . H . S m it h --------J . W . H . M ead, Sr. L . S. H atfield___. . . A . R . G e y e r______ E. C. N igh m a n . . . . A . D u rfe y MOHR_______ E . p. COPELAND — PAULDING NATIONAL BANK W. H. SNOOK 56-607 *$’87 ( Y o u r c o l l e c t i o n s solicited o n this C. O . D i lie r T h om a s S. B esse__ R . S. W h e e le r _____ 0. J. 100,000 HARKLESS— >- H. E . RH IN EH ÍLT— - B k rs. T r . C o., N . Y . 170,000 2,200,000 1,860,000 400,000 30,000 3,000 35,000 25,500 50,000 49.020 594,010 509,140 25,000 9,000 183,000 179,000 N .. O lev. 56,500 11. B k. C om .. T o l.; ] (M e m , F e d . B e s .) 26,000 I fan . N ., N . Y .; F i f t h in g ton N ., C ol. 186,510 « Ihase N ., N . Y .: O h io & T r . C o ., C ol. 35,000 ( 25,000 6,570 482,250 348,590 163,240 C h ase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 80,000 30.000 975,000 900,000 25,000 E. H . G r o v e ________ M . E. M e a d ________ J . A . Z a r tm a n _____ J o s e p h A t k in s o n ... G . S. S m ith ___ 1st N ., Cin. tlfrcm ch o f Cleve land) __ _! A . R . H a n c o c k __ (J. A. / .600,000 . 488,310 56,390 C hase N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C le r .; N . B k o f A sh ta bu la, A sh tabula. O. A . Shera, J r . P h ilip D . Shera $$’06 II 8 000 184,000 171,000 T o l. p o in t a n d v ic in lt y . P e r s is te n t p e r s o n a l p resen ta i t io n , p r o m p t r e t u r n s . ’ I n t e l l i g e n t r e a s On g i v e n f o r n o n p a y m e n t . P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n t o a ll b a n k i n g m a t t e rs e n t r u s t e d t o us. P a y n e -----------P a u ld in g E 5 F a rm ers & C itizens B ank O. E . H y m a n . P o p . 1207 56-1098 *$$1900 A b e A c k e r m a n ____ 56-1221 P e e b le s _______ A d am s P10 B ank o f P e e b le s _____ . » $ t ’92 J . M . W itte n m y e r . C P o p . 021 56-772 •* ........ U F a rm ers B k . & S av . C o ..$ $ ’07 David N ix o n . 56-773 P e m b e r v ille ___ W o o d CIO C itizen s Savings B a n k .* $ $ ’99 F . P . S p itzer_______ P o p . 1006 56-756 Pem berville Sav. B ank C o. J . G . H . Stein______ v ________ Ql i, 1 56-757 «$$’08 J o h n S u lliv a n ______ 30,000 ^31,2C0 480.660 442.510 92,830 I F red W h i t e .. ....... . K . E . Suth erlan d . . O . C. L e h m a n _____ David G re e n J. F . W ick e rh a m . . P. A . C a m p b e l l __ J . E . W i t t e n m y e r . G. F . T h om a s 50,000 16,100 310,000 320,000 50,000 C 5,780 4,000 202.210 147,730 29,970 20,400 30.000 300,000 240,000 70,000 J. H . M c C o y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Num ber under Nam e or Bank is th e New Transit Num ber given 1 r\ A n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-M eN ally Bankers' O tto B u shm an_____ D o ra K . B a k e r ___ 25,000 9.450 383.980 314.290 96,530 C C. H . T it g e m e y e r .. L . H . K o h r in g .___ 25,000 8,730 550.590 432,200 134,750 1 The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55 1 ll^ -y Principal Correspondents . fromBanks C h a r le s H . S im m s . O. B . K a u ffm a n ___ O tto v ille _____Putnam F 7 O tto v ille B ank O om pany$$’04 J . J . M il l e r ________ J . H . W a n n e m a ch e r J . 0 . W an n em ach er L . J . W a n n e m a ch e r P o p . 600 56-1094 K a t h r y n M ille r O w e n s v ille .O le n n o n t 0 7 M erch an ts A F a rm ers B k . t ’09 F ran k S n id er _ C P o p . 400 56-1096 Securities 17,85« S 309,990 $ 299,406 $ F fi KAH1F (M. A. KAHLE 25,000 G. W. KAHLE.— 16,900 A. L. KAHLE ( S p e c ia l a t t e n t l o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a d i n g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m s. s P le a s e s en d 15c w ith each sight d r a f t f o r p resen ta ti o n a n d 50c f o r Cre d it R ep o r is . F ir s t N ation a l B a n k _____$’03 D . N . P o w e ll 56-602 O tw ay_________ S c io to P l l O tw ay S avin gs B a n k . C P o p . 234 56-1241 $ R esou rces. Loams &Dus Oash & Ex- 25.00« $ O strander ..D e la w a r e J 11 O strand er B anking C o__ $$’03 W . H . C a r r ___ ____ J . C. M a u g a n s _____ O dell L ig g e t t ______ H . N . L a tim e r _____ P o p . 431 56-1093 ‘ O ttaw a __ $ .P u tn a m E 8 BANK OF OTTAW A COMPANY P o p . 2500 56-601 $§’91 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e e t c . , see p a ge 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p osite p a g e 13 OHIO— Continued under the anthnrttv of T he American Bankers A ss’ n . O H I O —C o n tin u e d & T r . C o. and 1st N ., T o l. A S I l_ I T V W ILLIN G N ESS nimm C O U RTE S V A c c e s s i b le T o w n s » L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s » in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , ! 1048 _______________ _______ OHIO BANKS—Orwell to P e m b e r v i l l e _______ Jiiîy, 1919 104 8 The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNATI— Resources $55 1 r\A n lU ^ r y T own Num ber under Nam e o r Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each b a n k in U. S. exclusively b y T he R and-M cN ally Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss’ n. and County . *C ou n ty Seats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. C is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . N ame of Ba n k . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . {S ta te tM e m . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . •Mem. F e d . R e s . [E s ta b . Presid en t . V ice -President . Cash ie r . M . S . P a y n ___— P en in su la —S um m it D 17 P en in su la B anking C o . . * t l ’ 10 T . E . M a jo r _____. . . J . F . G riffith _______ ♦ 56-1099 P o p . 430 P e r r y s b u r e ____W o o d 0 9 P o p . 2000 CITIZENS BANKING C0.*$S’79 56-626 PERRYSBURG BANKINGCO. 56-627 P e rry s v ille —A sh lan d G 14 P o p . 1000 P e t t is v ille ____F u lton C 7 P o p . 450 P h illip sb a re, M ontgom ery C P o p . 342 K 6 P ic k e r in g to n ___ F airfield P o p . 310 E 13 P ied m on t_ . H arrison 1 19 P o p . 275 P ik eton —__ ____P ik e 0 1 2 C P o p . 668 P ion eer____ W illia m s B 6 P o p . 800 •{§ 06 P e r r y s v ille B a n k -----------i t ’l l 50-1219 P e ttisv ille S av in gs B a n k i t ’ l l \ 56-1101 C itizens B a n k in g C o .— i t ’09 56-1102 P ick e rin g to n B a n k ______ t l ’09 56-1103 P ie d m o n t S tate B a n k ..i§ 1 9 0 0 56-1104 P ik e to n N ation a l B a n k —« t ’03 56-1105 C itizen s B a n k ----------- X— 1’00 56-836 P io n e e r B a n k in g C o .— i i ’94 56-835 J 7 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 56-219 » t 65 L ia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p and it s Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s C. O . H ale, S e c . . . . $ 25,000 50.000 R esources Loams k Dia*ts. Bombs, Securities P rincipal Correspondents . Cash ft E x chances,D ue n o n B anks 174,790 187,740 $ 23,330 1st N ., O lev.; ( M e m . F e d . R e s . ) 30.000 620,000 600,000 90,000 M ech . & M etals N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., T o l. 12,900 405.000 265.000 88,500 H an. N ., N . Y .; S e c u r . Sav. B k . & T r . C o. and N o r t h e r n N ., T o l . 9.000 s B ep or ts . S p e c ia l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n B ill o r L a d in g d r a ft s , C a s Please send 15c w ith each sight dra f t f o r p resen ta tion a/nd 50c f o r Credit j E . L. KINGSBURY- BENNETT CARTER— T. M. FRAN EY--------LEWIS SH IP M A N , 25.000 S . A . R a rid o n , M g r. 12,500 1.000 70.000 50.000 J . B . M eister_______ G e o rg e M c G r iffln . . W . J . W e b e r _______ 5.000 1.500 240.000 172.000 “^ S p e c ia l a t t e n t l o n g i v e n B i l l o f L a d i n g d r a f t s , C a s h a n d T i m e I t e m orts. » Please sen d 15c w ith each sight d r a ft f o r p resen ta ti o n a n d 50c f o r Cre d it B ep (S . A . R a r id o n )___ S. A. M o s b y ____ {B ra n o h o f B r o ohville, O .) . . . . . 25.000 H an. N ., N . Y . 56.000 N orth ern N ., T o L ; 1st N ., W au seon . 1st N ., O in .; C itiz. S tate & S av ., B r o o k v ille . A . M . W h im s ___. . . H . S . T a y lo r ______ _ J . G . E ra n e r_______ F . S . M o o r e -------- 25.000 8,030 162,060 139,030 52,350 O h io N ., C ol. L . W . F i s h e r _____ _ B u rton M c d o n n e ll. B . B . B a rclay —____ H azel M c C o n n e ll— 25.000 11,880 180,700 156,290 T . S . R itté n o u r____ P . N . R h e in fr a n k — J . W . D o w n in g __ _ H . H . B ru n n y . . 25.000 19,890 237,180 300,610 61,090 Chatham & P h e n ix N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., O lev. 42,100 H an. N ., N . T -; 1st N ., Oin. D . H . C la u d e n _____ G . R . O y e r . . . — Ir e n e C lauden M . T . H o d so n ______ A . F . Y o u n g _______ J . A. G ra n t________ L . H . B o llin g e r ___ 10.000 2.500 195.000 160.000 47,500 C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.: N o rth e r n N ., T o l. 25.000 9.000 380.000 314.000 99,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y . 150.000 135,840 907,210 022.100 D . H . C laud en_____ of Lading d Proper fee s h o U B U ls P iqna N ational B a n k--------*'47 H . K . W o o d — 56-218 P iq n a S a v in gs B k . C om pa n y L . M . F le s h ____. . . . 56-220 ifO l P itsb u rg_______ D ark e J 6 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____ * i ’09 0 . 0 .v N is w o n g e r —. 56-1106 P o p . 500 P lain C ity ___M adison J 11 F a rm ers N ational Bank.ilOOO C. A tk in so n ________ 56-698 P o p . 1500 F ir s t State B a n k -------------i § ’14 Chas. W i l s o n ______ 56-697 P leasant C ity ..G u e r n s e y P e o p le s B a n k C o. — . — 1§’14 A . R . W h e e l e r . . . . . 56-1107 P o p . 1000 K 17 P leasan t C ity B a n k --------- § ’17 Ja m e s L au gh lin . .. 56-1275 J . G . M y e r s ..—. . . ; P leasant H i l l .. M iam i J 6 P leasant H ill B a n k in g Go. 56-1108 * i § ’07 C P o p . 571 P leasan t Ridge-H am 'onO O (S e e Cincinnati) C P o p . 1769 P le a s a n t v ille .... Fairfield P leasan tville B a n k --------- 1§’03 A . V . L e r c h - i . . '. - . 56-1110 P o p . 608 E 14 P ly m o u th ..R ic h la n d E 13 P e o p le s N ation a l B a n k — - t ’04 R . H . N im m o n s___ 56-1111 P o p . 1413 P o l k . . . _____ A sh la n d F 1 5 P o lk State B a n k ----------- « i i ’16 W illia m P r i e s t . . . . . * | 56-1259 P o p . 300 ‘ P o m e r o y _____M eigs 0 16 F a rm ers B k . & T r . C o ..»t§ '0 4 W . F . R e e d ________ 56-514 C P o p . 4650 F irs t C ity B a n k ________ » i t ’51 56-512 P o m e r o y N ational B a n k .»t'7 2 J o h n M cQ n ig g ------56-513 .W o o d D 9 M unn B a n k in g C o -------*t§1900 G . C. M u n n ________ P o r ta g e . 450 56-1112____________ G The FIFTH-THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . . HARTSHORN — G. E . CHAPMAN— N. L . HANSON - — GEORGE MONGER — R. R DAVID MAIN " h a n d T im e I te m LM .F LE SH P iqna_________ M iam i G P o p . 14,152 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d exed in b a c k of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , i«—< e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page 13. C O H I O —C o n tin u e d W. A. SNYDER------- F. P. IRVIN - — — - WARREN S. GRAVETTJ/ P , SPIKER , ■ y p a i d o r g iv e , r e 415,160 C h a s e N ..N .Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in.; C en t. N ., C le v .; N e w 1st N ., C ol. a son s fo r n o n -p a y m e n t W e r e m it o n d a r a f t s a s p e c i a lt y , id b e s e n t w it h e a c h it e m o r r e q u e s t f o r c r e d it r e p o r t . J . H . Y o u n g ____ J . H . C lark W . A . S n y d e r __ G eo. B en k ert F . B. Lu tz il_____ L e v i L itte n W . H . H an er — G eo. M . P e ffe r _____ A . S. C l o u s e ___ 200.000 382.000 1,580,000 2.168,000 J . L . P ru g h ________ W . B . D a B o i s _____ 100,000 230.000 1,102,980 977,190 J . R o y F u r n a s .. 25.000 12.000 180.000 200.000 25.000 50.000 260.000 345.000 W m . L . B la n e y ___ J . R . W o o d s _______ L . W . C a r y _______ F . S tr ick la n d W . P . H u d s o n . . . __ C. D . P e r k in s ------- 25.000 38,230 357,250 250,230 J . W . W i ll ia m s ___ M . F . D e v in e ._____ Sarah D a v is — . . . 25.000 7,990 . 253,770 226,760 D . F . W a lle n fe ls y R a lp h S e c r e s t ------- 25.000 1,000 111,0 0 0 83,000 Chas. W h i t m e r ___ 0 . F . P e rk in s--------- F . 0 . L o n g n e c k e r .. 25.000 12.000 185.000 187.000 318,000 Im p . & T ra . N ., N , Y .; I s t N „ Cin. 353,430 C h ase N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; C en t N ., C le v .; O h io N ., C ol. 20,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Oin. 93.000 Chase N ., N . Y .: Is t N ., C lev .; O h io N ., C ol. 15^,520 H an. N ., N . Y .; H ayd en -C lin ton N . and C ity N ., C ol. 58,540 M e ch . & M etals N ., N . Y .; I s t N ., O lev.; M ellon N ., P itt. C 21,130 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; C ity N ., C ol.; G u e r n s e y N . C a m b rid ge. 32.000 H an. N ., N . Y .; Is t N ., Oin. 57.000 H a n v N ., N . Y .; H u n tin gton N ., C ol. J . A . I r i c k —--------- E . C. S a w y e r --------- S. M . P a tte rso n . . . 25.000 7,000 200.000 180.000 J o h n I. B e e lm a n . J o h n I . B e e lm a n ... C. M . L o fla n d ------— 50.000 40.000 400.000 400.000 100,000 H an. N ., N .Y .; 1st N ., O lev.; F a r. D ep . N ., P itt. W m . T . D e v o r ------ J . S. E a u ffm an — tt H attie M .E au ffm an 25.000 31,590 31,900 L . J a c o b s _______ — G e o rg e H . P a rk e r . . 50.000 20.000 300.000 267,150 300.000 250.000 13.590 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C le v .; A sh lan d B k . & Sav. C o., A sh lan d. _ 67.590 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt. 70.000 L in . N .. O in.; M ellon N .. P itt.; G u ardian Sav. & T r . C o ., C le v .; H u n tin g to n N .. C ol. 360,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .: F ifth -T h ir d N . and C itiz . N -, C in.: M ellon N ., P itt. 34.000 H an. N ., N . Y .; N . B k . C om ., T o l. W . G . P l a n t z ______ 1C. E . G illilan H a rt S t a n b e r y .H . C. E illia n ------- N A TIO N A L BANK E. M . N y e . . . . G e o . M c Q u ig g ------G e o . B. N y e 1 .1 . F reym a n . , 13.000 50.000 95,000 629,800 469,300 25.000 600 153.000 140.000 IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1n^O N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given i?- eac“ bank ia U. S. e x c l u s iv e l y by T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * D i r e c t o r , U n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ n . town and County. N ame Of Bank . Lia b il it ie s . t »C o u n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R è s . D ist. tM e m . S tate B k s. A s s n . t P r iv Cis C in cin n ati B ra n ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . [E s tab » P o r t C lin t o n .O t ta w a C12 C P o p . 4000. P resident . G. A . T ru e. V ice -President . R. Ha*el G . F . M e y e r -----------A . C. L a u sten ------------$ H . T . B e lk n a p _____ S . A . M a gru d e r___ 250,000 C hase N ., N .Y .; I s t N . y C i n . D an W . C o n r o y ___ C. E. N o d ie r . 300.000 o f f i c ia l s u p e r v ls lo n . ly m e n t. j ta ted . e a c h I t e m o r r e q u e s t f o r c r e d it r e p o r t . 310.000 4,250,000 3,600,000 550,000 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N „ L in . N ., and C itiz. N „ Cin. A . M . D a m a r in ___ a rtm en t un d er itt e d o n d a y o f p - p a y m e n t a lw a y s Id b e s e n t w i t h f F . B. KEH0E-— - E. J . < A G e n e ra l B a n k in g § ’05 t C O L L E C T IO N S. 1 H. W.HEER- 1 * TIMM0NDS W. D H08Z... ADAM FRICK 243,000 520,000 O. W . L in k h a r t___ : Simon Devon 245,500 H iram O rr 150,000 288,730 1,652,210 1,987,520 . 5,000 3,800 25.000 25.000 157.000 31.000 4th N ., Cin. 150.000 124.000 25.000 H an. N ., N . Y.< M ellon N ., P itt. 68,630 N . C ity, N . Y .; U n ion N „ F os toria : 2d N ., T o l. ? 0 n 26,130 N o rth e r n N ., T o l.; C o m ’l Bk. & S av . C o., V o. F o s to r ia . 10,610 345,880 328,860 2,700 74,200 88,250 J . F . M o o r e __ B. H . G ast H . B. G a r b e r . . : 8,000 850 82,460 80,950 10,000 7,700 227,120 178,770 100,000 117,590 1,297,740 1,300,930 J . W . W i lk i n s o n ... E. T . L o w e _______ _ , J . S. R o b b in s —,___ 10,000 1,800 115,000 100,000 J . C. H aym an ______ S. M . C ross M . H a r p o ld _____ 25.000 5,240 121,050 114,8 25.000 10,930 178,250 169,340 34,080 724,340 641,000 W . P . C a rv er. D . B . flro ss _ H . W . R id d le . J r . . . I .. * £ "7 ■I,___________ E . O . L e w is ___ . . . . . 100,000 H . C. D o d g e _______ 150,000 1 5,000 < 175,000 1,600,000 1,500,000 2,000 180,000 148,500 11,810 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; N e w 1st N ., Col. 20,500 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; C ity N ., C ol. 46,880 M e ch , & M etals N ., N . Y .; N e w 1st N ., C ol.; 1st N .,C l e v . 195,400, H an. N .. N . Y .; F a r. D e p . N. and B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt.; 1st N . and C en t. N ., C lev. 30,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C le v .; C o m ’ l & Sav. B k . C o., B e lle fo n ta in e . 36,440 H an. N ., N . Y .: M ellon N ., P itt.; 1st N ., C in. and C lev . 49,080 H an. N ., N . Y . ; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; B k . o f P itt. N . A . and M e llo n N ., P itt.: W o o d C o., P a rk ersb u rg , W . Va. 208,080 N . C ity. N . Y .; 1st N . a n d G uardian S av. & T r . C o., C le v .; P e o . N „ P itt. 200,000 Im p . & T ra . N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 42,000 M e ch . & M eta ls N ., N . Y .; N orth ern N ., T o l. ch o f U n ion B a n king Co. .M a/rysv ille, J . B. Y a relm an n __ ] 25,000 17,510 287,180 213,340 , r ,r i Name o f Sank is th e New 'Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Hand-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T he American Bankers Ass’ n . Fifty V a n s of S b i i w f T o w n s , L a w y e r s » L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed. in back of tb\s volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , i e t c . , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page l3.1 P. A c c e s s ib le O H I O — C o n tin u e d £ *<T O.) H an. N ., N . Y . 102,860 C hatham & P h é n ix N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N .. Cin. CHARTER No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD " V i 8 R AIL o f CINCINNATI— iU O I 5’ 150.000 30.000 B . K . H e r b s t e r ___ J . F . W o t t r in g ______ O 5,000 25.000 A . C. W illia m s^ ___ ] *0 236,410 N . B k . C o m . , N . Y . ; 4 t h N ., C i n . ; H u n t O i n g t o n N ., C o l . ■t 14,000 C. H . H o il e s _______ C. B . C r o w ________ 46,000 N . P ark , N .Y .; L in . N . and E ift h -T h ir d N ., Cin. « 108,000 A . L . J o h n s o n _____! G . W . H e n g s te le r M . E . F le m in g _____ M > 56,800 I r v in g N ., N . Y . ; 2 d N ., Cin. 105,1 Chas. F . D ic k e n — H . S. H a rtley , H an. N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C lev. ,Ty H . Cl. Onrdrny J o h n R . H all 110,000 h a n d T im e Ite m on and 25e f o r Ore dit R ep arts. W . F . D e m a th _____ W a lte r W o h l w e n d . »R a v e n n a __ P orta g e D 18 R a ven n a N ational B a n k __t’02 O. P . S p e r r a _______ P o p . 6000 56-464 S e c o n d N ational B a n k .. < ’64 0. G . B en tley 56-463 R a w s o n . . . . -H a n co c k E 9 C om m ercial B a n k ._______ t ’02 N . W . Cunningham P o p . 470 56-1120 R a y m o n d _____ U n ion 1 10 D e p o sit B a n k _____________ § ’03 P o p . 268 56-1121 R e a d in g .__ H am ilton N 6 R eà din g B a n k __________ < § ’06 F . H . V o r jo h a n ____ ( Cincinnati P . O.) 56-1122 C P op . 4000 u mSt. b e rLouis under Federal Reserve BankNof 12.000 600,000 50.000 40.000 450.000 460.000 T r a n s a c t e d . O h i o S ta te D e p o s it o f y . P a r t lc u la r A t t e n t i o n G iv fo r P r o m p tly at R e a s o n a b le C h a r f e . T R Y U S. B u s in e s s R e m itte d S. B. I S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n BIO o f L ; < § ’03 ( Please sen d 15c w ith eaeh sight dr i P r o s p e c t .....M a r io n H 11 C itizens B a n k ___ !________ t ’83 P o p . 945 56-767 P r o s p e c t B a n k __________ t t ’80 56-766 Q uaker C ity ____G u ern sey Q uaker C ity N at. B a n k . < ’72 P o p . 800 J 18 56-1118 Q u in cy _______ L oga n 1 8 M iam i V a lle y B a n k __ ~ } f ’03 P o p . 800 56-1119 R a cin e________ M eigs P 1 6 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____< ’10 C P o p . 540 56—851 R a cin e H o m e B a n k ._ i._ î § ’ l l 56-852 50.000 15,000 DAEHLER — JOHN W. SNYDER. ¡G E O . D .SE LB Y — A. V . Ramsay . 150.000 C hase N „ N .Y .: 1st N ., C lev.;. C o m ’l Sav. & T r . C o., T o l. 203.000 H an. N ., N . Y .; C ent. N . and 1st N ., C lev .; N . B k . C om ., T o l. 120,000 1,250,000 1,090,000 PORTSMOUTH BANKING CO. B ank o f P o r t W a s h in g to n i§ ’04 56-1113 P o r t W illia m B k g. C o . . . t § ’06 56-1114 F irst N ational B a n k ______t ’05 56-1116 F a rm ers B a nking C o ____t§'08 56-1117 P ra irie D e p o t N ation a l B ank o f F r e e p o r t ._ 5 6 -1 2 7 9 ..» Î ’18 20,000 $ 950,000 $ 800,000 35,000 670.000 25,000 525,000 a n s w e r e d o n d a y o f r e c e lp t . 15,000 G ilb e r t S . M o n r o e . G e o . A . G o o d m a n .. G e o . W . Z o ttm a n n H . B. A d a m s.______ 56-135 Loans & Dis- Cash & E x . B onds, changes,D ue from B anks 100,000 O h io V a lle y B a n k______ « i l i o 56-138 SEGURITY BANK it s E. B . M i z e n e r . . . . . . f S im on L a b o ld ___ |C o l l e c t i o n D e p < C o lle c tio n s r e m R eason s fo r n on ( P ro p e r fe e s h o u 56-137 40,000 $ D epo s S. S .H a ld e rm a n ___ G e o rg e E. K r ic k e r . F . E. K i e f e r _______ F . L . M arting FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$’63 56-134 lus P a id - u p Suarnp d Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s A s s ’ t Cashier . J H. B. BRE0BECK- PAUL DE LABARRE - FRANK HOLT---------- C. 6. C. WIECHEL — ! s C o lle c tio n s a sp e c ia lt y a n d r e m it te d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t . A ll le tte r s (.W e s o l i c i t y o u r b u s i n e s s o n t h i s a n d a c c e s s ib l e t o w n s . S N . B. M a gru d e r___ 56-559 » P o r t s ïn o u t h -.S c io t o Q 12 C en tral N ational B a n k _ . < ’05 P h ilo S. C lark C P o p . 28,741 56-136 P o rt W a s h in g t o n ..T u s c ’s P o p . 421 1 18 P o r t W illia m ..— C linton C P o p . 298 E 5 P ow h atan P o in t.B e lm o n t : P o p . 500 K 20 P ra irie D e p o t .. W o o d D10 P o p . 900 Cashier . 56-560 56-561 A c c e s s i b le T o w n s « L a w y e r s « L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 R esources. Principal Correspondents . OHIO— Continued BwQnTTRmrs 11 SI 1 s i * N ame op B ank . R e p u b lic _____Sen eca E 12 R e p u b lic B anking C o .— $§’06 56-1124 P o p . 475 R e y n old sb u rg — F ran klin R e y n o ld sb u rg B ank Co. .$ § ’04 56-1125 P o p . 500 K 12 R ic h w o o d . . . l.U n io n H 10 F a rm ers D eposit B ank . < § ’84 56-659 P op . 2000 F ir s t N ational B a n k ------. < ’08 56-660 J . H . K n app 1 __ .— RICHWOOD BANKING CO C .H . V a n c e . 25.000 $ I . G . Z n s p a n _______ 575,000 425,000 425,000 127.000 C h a s e N ., N . Y .: 1st N ;, C le v .; N e w 1 s tN ., C ol. F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in. 62,000 4th N .; C in.; C ity N ., C o l. 72,800 N ; C ity; N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev . and C in .; O h io N . C oi. '1st N ., W a u seon . ( Individ ua lR esp onsibilit y $200,00 0 )— — 32,960 404,970 410,480 B. J . W i n t e r . .i - — 25.000 9,700 197,000 152,570 737300 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev.: C en t. N ., C ol. J . R . S tiv e r s ___ ___ G e o rg e F r a n k _____ F . A . S tiv e rs H . G . M a d d o x ______ 100,000 204,650 353,090 477,950 M . L . K ir k p a t r ic k .. A . W . F r a n c i s . .. ___ .T. S. W e s t C. D . N o rris 100.000 35,000 600.000 600,000 12.500 2,500 110,000 85;300 61,300 C itiz. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., 1st N ., 2d N . an d 4th N ., C in. : « , 75,000 M e ch . & 'M etals N ., N . Y .; I s t N . and F ifth T h ir d N ., Cin. 24,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; U n ion N ., F o s to r ia ; 2d N ., T o l 25.000 11,130 330,070 309,890 25.000 2,500 75,000 75,800 50.000 41,230 400,060 381,320 50.000 69,500 1,442,500 1,302,940 124,500 J . A . S h ip le y __ .___ F ra n k G ra h am ___ J . F . R a p p _____ _— D . K . S h o o p ...____ F . J . S p e n ce r_____ J W . L e Y a ll y i — C . A . L im e s _____. . . O . E . P e r r y . . — • L . C. W i n c h e l l - . l „ O .C . S h a llo w e r .— R o s e L o n g . . . --------E li K lin e R . V . F r e d r i c k ___ J . B. G ish — — . . C. W . H o o v e r _____ A . P . C o llie r _______ W . W . L ong— — F . D . W i g h t m a n ... W . E. L u k e _____— J . D . S a m p s o n _____ D . H . R o b i n s o n .. .. 0 . C . S m ith ________ W . L. A lle n d o r f . . m N ATIO N AL BANK J o h n Q uin n— . . . W . F . Z im m e rm a n . E. B . G a n gw a re 50.000 178,900 197,340 20,550 I s t N . , T o l . ; ( M e m . F e d . R e s . ) 12.500 8,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 Seab. N ., N . Y . ; 2d N .. T o l. / 25.000 7,980 128,460 114,870 45,510 P e o , N ., B e lie fo n ta in e ; 1st N ., C lev. 25.000 20,000 288,000 275,000 40,000 N ew 1st N ., C ol. 15.000 18,980 190,380 192,240 29,590 F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 100,060 79,150 325,000 50.000 17.000 400,000 18,270 H u n tin g ton . N . and C om ’ l N ., C ol.; C itiz. N. M id d lep ort, 75.000 F ifth -T h ir d N .. C in .; C om ’l N ., C ol. 20.000 15,000 450,000 350,000 44.960 698,660 681,620 100,000 103,150 1,046,470 1,039,400 100,000 267.300 1,612,300 1,681,000 25.000 601,000 571,000 730,000 702,000 50.000 100,000 49,000 32,000 75,000 Irv in g N ., N . Y .; 4th N . an d I s t N . , C in.; Ne\ 1st N ., C ol. 162,010 E a u ilable T r . C o., N . Y .; B k . o f Pitt. N . A ., Piti 295,430 N . C ity, N . Y . ; l s t N . , Chi. and C lev. 292,270 1st N .. N . Y .a n d C lev.: P e o . N i. P itt. 104,000 Chase N ii N . Y .; 1st N . and U n ion C om . N. C lev.; M e llo n N ., P itt. 68,000 N , P a rk , N . Y /; C lev . N „ C lev. 100,000 449,420 3,308,590 3,228,780 629,230 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C le v .; F ifth -T h ir N .. Cin, 150.000 195,000 1,994,620 2,053,140 328,190 N . C ity, N . Y .; C orn E x . N ., C h i.; 1st N ., C lei 200.000 255,080 3,138,550 3,035,080 663,880 C hase N ., N . Y .; C en t. N . and 1st N ., C lev . mIKERS’ 1BAN 1051 F . P , Z o llin g e r _____ G . A . B o e c k lin g — <72 P . H . S p r o w _______ H . A . A lle n d o r f — R . C. K e rs te 85,500 5,670 ’ .’ M o z a rt G allu p__ _ A . H . B ie h l.___>J___ J . A . B ie h l_______ _ F . F . Lehm an G e o r g e F e i c k , Sr.. C. H . Z im m e r m a n . W m . S c h o e n e m a n .. C. J . S tro b e l 134,350 160,000 'O W m . G ra e fe 7,380 5,000 —r J . A . G iedem an — 25.000 12.500 7 J o h n W i l l i a m s . . :. . W . A . M c B a n e .___ 259,050 Seab. Nv. N . Y .; 1st N ., C itiz. Sav. & T r ! Co. P ea rl St. Sav. & T r ., N . C ity, an d N . C o m ’l C lev. , 54,870 H an. N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., C ol.: 1st N . Z a n e s v ille ..: . 77,000 1st N . and U n ion C om . N ., C lev. i F . R . P o w . . . . ____ B . L . F lick ________ W . F . D em in g— __ H . M . S ilv e r J . R . V e r n o n ..____ 21,500 I r v in g N m N . Y .; C lev . N ., C lev .; N . B k . o: A sh tabula, Ash tabula. 108,470 C hase N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. S M . L . Y o u n g .'— 54,890 H an. N ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N „ C lev. : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56-162 690“,000 22,000 r THIRD NAT’L EXCHANGE BK. 18,000 40.000 : RR NATIONAL m..5 6 -1 6 4 _______ < ’02 30.000 : m 223,200 14,500. Ch ase N.v N . Y .; •C o m ’l N ., Tiffin. 29,690 H an, N .',N . Y .; C o m ’ l N ., Col. 216,860 8,000 B anks 40.000 C. M c A llis t e r __ — E . ¿ . S ta fford , J . C. H a l L . . . ______ W . J . G e ig e r _______ C. E . K y le , A . See. See. and T r. L. Zeager H . C . N e ill, A . Sec. S . D e a n .A . T r . VV. M . P a r s o n s . . . . . O la M . D a w ________ F ir s t N ational B a n k _____$1900 M .C .R a n s b o t t o m — H .'N . W a t t . 56-1132 F arm ers B ank 0 0 .— "__ .$ § ’07 A lb e r t W .: K e h r e r . D a n ie l B u rn s . 56-1133 R o s s fo r d S a v in g s B a r ik i.§ ’18 E d w ard F o r d _____ H . S . R e y n b l d s ___ F r e d U ffm a n n ♦ 56-1278 F . S . S c h o n d e lm y r e R u d o lp h Savings B k . C o.$§’02 H . B . Say ler . : _____ W . J . J o h n s t o n ___ J . D . M easell— — 56-1134 C itizens B a n k C o --------._ § ’07 S. J e n k in s . : . _____X . J . S h o o t s ..;_____ 56-1135 ___ F r e d B . L e w i s . . . . . J . C. O b e r d ö r fe r „ R n sh ville B anking Co. . < § ’08 J . J . S h a w - ,. . . . . . . F r e d R u ff— 56-1136 Bank o f R u s s e llv ille .... .$ § ’05 C. R . S ch atzm an ..- J o b In sk e e p . . : . . . J . G . M ille r — ____ J o h n A . E v a n s . : . . J' 56-1137 N . E . M cN au gh ton R a th b u rii’s B a n k — . $ t ’ 98 M . E . R a th b n r n .— 56-1224 0 . J . W a d d e ll.— . . L . E. W h in e r y _____ W . H . S n i d e r ..— F irst N ational B a n k— — $’06 C . R . E l l i s . — 56-690 R . W . C lin e — W . B . G allah er— G. A . Pavey E. A . L e w i s . : : . — Sabina B a n k .-__ < t ’75 56-689 ^ C itiz e n s S a v .B k .& T r .C o .< § ’03 J . O . G rein er— : : J . C. B o o n e — — . K r, WAbstar 56-311 F a rm ers N ational B a n k .. $’46 56-309 F irs t N ational B a n k — . . $ ’63 56-310 Salineville____Colum biana C itizens B anking C o .__ »$§’02 56-1138 P o p , 2403 G 20 ♦Sandusky—^;-— E rie C 13 A m erican B anking & T r . C o. 56-165 < § ’04 P o p . 20,198 £ C itizens B anking C o .— < § ’84 56-163 from r Salem ."^.Colum biana F 20 < P o p . 9799 18,750 T im o th y V a n c e . . . . F . J . V a n c e _____ _ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . changes,Ì>ds - R o s e v i l le ..__ M uskingum P o p . 2113 K 15 R ossb u rg ;____ . . . D arke 1 5 C P o p . 261 R o s s f o r d . : . . . . W o o d B 10 C 1P o p . 4000 R u d o lp h ..___u . W o o d D 9 P o p . 500 R u s h s y lv a n ia .. L ogan H 9 P o p . 700 R u s h v ilie ..-F a ir fie ld L 14 P o p . 300 R u ssellv ille___.B r o w n E 8 £ P o p . 438 Rutland __i— M eig s 0 1 5 C P o p . 400 Sabina— _ -i-C lin to n M 9 a P o p . 1600 V e r n o n L . H a w k - S. J . B ea rd , S e c .::. $ . R e sou rces. D - Cash Sc E x Loans Sc is c’ tb . B onds, Securities $ 120,000 $ 102,300 $ W . B aker— . T h o s . P a rish ______ F r e d H an sen H . J . B r o o k s _____ | L. C. B e e m ..... ......... M . L . A n derson B en t Cahill ABILITIES. Su r p l u s D epo s P a id - u p and it s Ca p i t a l P r o f it s ~ R isin gsu n ___ .W o o d D 10 P o p . 599 Rittm an_____ W a y n e F 16 " P o p . 2000 R o c k G reek „ .A s h t a b u l a P op . 600 B 20 R o c k fo r d ____M e r ce r G 5 P o p , 1186 R o c k y R iv e r .-¿ C u y a h o g a P o p . 1174 G 16 J . J . E n lo w s — A s s ’ t Cash ie r . Cash ie r . OHIO BANKS— Republic to Sandusky ' QIHO R id g e v ille C o r n e r s .H e n r y P o p . 350 0 7 R i d g e w a y - - H a r d i n H 10 P o p . 500 R ip ley ________ B row n Q 9 C P o p : 2100 56-658 < § ’67 R id g e v ille Savings B a n k .« t ’06 56-1126 R id g e w a y B anking Co.— 1§’03 56-1127 C itizen s N ational B a n k . . < ’47 56-636 i. R ip le y N ational B a n k ____$’06 56-637 Sun Savings B ank Cd—o.$§’04 56-1128 Rittm an Savings B a n k ___$§’07 56-1129 C itizen s B anking C o .— $§’12 56-1232 F a rm ers-S avin gs B a n k ..t § ’03 56-1130 R o c k y R iv e r Sav. & B k g. Co. 56-1131 *«1 9 0 0 V ice -President . ■----- 1--------- . . ------------- ;------------- T President . — M e m . A m . B k s. A ssn . IState ^ C ounty Seats. In M o. 4 F e d , R e s . B is t. $M em . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . M em . F ed . R es. [E sta b . C is C in cin n ati B ra n ch , — TOWN AND CODNTT. A c c e s s ib le T o w n s » L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed. in back of tins volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a l e s , O r a c e , e t c * , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite p a g e "1 3 . O H I O — C o n tin u e d inlv 1919 Number under Name o f Bank is the New 'Transit Number given t o ea ch b a n k in U . S . exclusively b y T h e K a m i - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ’ Directory, under th e au th ority o f T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. •! 1 /1 C 1 iU O I M H I H W V a *1 » “ » v W « MMwmMMMm 1 0 V U V M V f ( A B H U U IV 11 U I U T own and County. iCounty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. is C in cin n ati B ran ch . C N ame of Ba n e . OHIO—Continued etc., see p a g e 14. F ir s t N ational B a n k ____ .¿'0 5 56-1139 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____ « ¿ ’05 56-1140 F a rm ers B a n k _________ t'10 56-1141 S c io B a n k C om pa n y____ . . § ’ 16 56-763 F a rm ers S av in gs B a c k .. . { ’02 56-1142 F a rm ers B a n k ....... ..........« ¿ t ’06 56-1143 C itizen s B a n k in g C o .___¿ ¡ ’01 56-1144 F a rm ers B a n k _______ . . . ¿ t ’03 56-1145 F irst N ation a l B a n k _____ * ¿’04 56-1146 F a rm ers N ational B a n k . * ¿ ’09 56-1147 S e v ille State B a n k ______ ¿ { 1 4 56-1148 S h a d ysid e B a n k _________ ¿ { ’ 12 ♦ 56-1233 Sh a ron C en ter B anking C o. 56-1210 ¿ I ’l l S h a ro n v ille B a n k ______ * ¿{'1 0 56-1150 Sha w n ee B a n k C o . _____ * ¿ { ’06 56-1151 C itizen s B a n k _________ * ¿ { ’93 ♦ 56-486 F irs t N ation a l B a n k . .. .• ¿ '7 2 56-485 S h e r w o o d ... D efian ce D 6 S h e rw o o d S avin gs B a n k C o. i/ 56-1152 « ¿ t ’03 ■P o p . 566 S h ilo h __ ....R ic h la n d F 1 3 S h ilo h S av in gs B a n k C o . < { ’01 ♦ 56-1153 P o p . 555 S h re v e ______ ..W a y n e G16 C itizens B a n k in g C o_____ { ’08 56-755 P o p . 1100 F a rm ers B a n k . . . ______ « ¿ t ’89 56-754 C C C C Resources . Lia b il it ie s . - . ■ •M em . A m . B k s . A ssn . {S ta te ¿M em . S tate B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . ♦ M e m . F ed . R es: f E siab. S a r d in ia ______ B ro w n P 9 F op . 700 Sardis —____M o n r o e L 20 P o p 400 Savannah___ Ash lan d F 14 P o p . 262 8 c io -_ _____H arrison H 19 P o p . 958 S c o tt_____ - V a n W e r t E 6 P o p . 450 Seam an___. .. .A d a m s P 9 P o p . 800 S e b r in g — M ah on in g F 19 P o p . 4000 S e d a lia ..— M adison L 10 P o p . 500 S e n eca v ille.G u ern sey K18 P o p . 1200 S even M ile— B u tler M 6 P od - 500 S ev ille M e d i n a . . . E 16 P o p 800 E 16 S h a d y s id e .-B e lm o n t J 02 P o p . 3000 S h a ron C en ter ..M e d in a P o p . 300 17 S h a ro n v ille .H a m ilto n N 6 P o p . 800 Sha w n ee____. . . P e r r y M 15 P o p . 2280 S h e lb y . . . . . . R i c h l a n d F 13 P o p . 6000 ‘ S id n e y _____..S h e lb y I 7 P o p . 8000 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e. For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see op p o s ite page 13. V V 1 K t T O U to each bank in U . S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority o f The'American Bankers Ass'n. P resident . Cashier . V ice -President . P a id - u p S u b p l u s and Ca p i t a l P r o f it s A s s ' t Cash ie r . J a c o b B a u e r _______ C. F . R o sse lo tt____ F . H . S lau gh ter___» E . O . H a y e s . J o h n H ess_________ JiJF. H a y th o r n — W m . G o d d a r d _____ G . S p r o tt— . . . — . F . P . F a rq u h a rs o n . T . M . H e n d e r s o n . $ D epo s it s 30,000 $ 30,150 $ 329,140 $ 324,030 $ 95,250 Fifth T T h ird N . and 4th N .. Cin. ' 25,000 10.980 176,480 183,610 36,320 C olu m bia N .. P itt.; F a r. & P r o d u ce r s N ., Sis te r s v ille , W . V a . 1st N ., C lev.: A sh lan d B k . & S av . C o., A sh lan d. 25,000 7,000 385,000 272,000 L o u I m l e r _________ C h a s .T . P i e r c e ___ J . A . D o w n i n g . .. .. 25,000 3,500 85,000 78,000 C. W . H o w a rd IZ__ J . F . C ornelius . . . . Ira C. H o w a r d : : . . . 5.000 6,900 148,630 87,450 O. H . S e b rin g ______ E. H . S e b r i n g ..—. . W . L. M u r p h y .. . . . 25,000 47,360 731,770 577,200 G e o rg e D o r n .: __ . . . 10,000 20,000 150,000 140,000 T . J . Saltsm an—. . . F ra n k J o h n sto n . . . J . R . K a il..-—. . . . — W . E . S c o t t . . . : . : . P e te r D o r n ___ ____ S. J . P a n llin _____ _ T . W . S c o t t _______ Z u e R i c h __________ O. E . J a c o b y ____— C. A . K u m l e r ____ C. N . T a y lo r .______ W m . H u lb u rt_____ R o b t. M c E e l v e y . . . S. Dur i g g — 145,000 1st N „ C lev . 18,000 N . P a rk , N . Y .; 1st & H am ilton N „ F t. W ayne: V a n W e r t N ., V a n W e r t . 53,430 4th N . and F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 190.180 C hase N ., N . Y .; C ent. N ., C le v .;B k . o f P it t N . A .. P itt. 30,000 I r v in g N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., C ol. A . C. S a ltsg a v e r___ 25,000 11,000 165,000 105.000 Jam es E. B e ll_____ 8 A n n a E . B e l l . 25,000 9,860 231,030 225,960 J o h n R . M in ton . . . 25.000 9,310 238,800 230,610 42,590 N . P a rk , N . Y .: 1st N ., C lev. 35,000 4.000 200,000 300,000 51,000 F a r. & M erch . N ., B ella ire; ( M e m . F e d . R e s .) . F r e d M cO o n n ______ E. C. R o b in s o n .__ 36,700 H an. N .. N .Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt.; N . Bk. o f C a m b ridge, Cam bridge. 33,800 H a n .N L N . Y .;F ift h - T h ir d N ., Cin. 25,000 4,800 168.000 126.000 67,000 1st N ., C lev. H . W . H o w a r d _____ J . C. W illia m s____ A . K lo m a n ..____ ,I_. 25,000 5,000 182,000 201.000 28,400 F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. H . R . B laire _______ S. M . G ou ld F . A . S h a rsh al_____ J a s . T . C o llin s. 25,000 4,210 305,300 262,100 H . G . H ild e b r a n t.. R . C. S k i l e s . . . ___ C. C. B lo o m fie ld __ W . B. K u h n . . . . . . J . S . S tim so n F . K . H all___ . . . . . : C. E . P a n n a b a k e r. 50,000 1,030,000 698,610 773,000 H e n r y H a z e n ..____ R . R . E v e rh a r d — . W . H . C averly J o h n B e l l , . : _______ Sec. and Tr, 100,000 70,700 H an. N ., N . Y .; H u n tin g ton N ., C ol.; Far, D ep . N ., P it t . 222,930 Chase N ., N . Y .: C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; Cent. N ., C le v .; ( M e m . F e d . R e s . ) 139,000 1st N ., ,N. Y .; U n ion C om . N . and 1st N .. C lev. 50,000 61,200 -800,000 Ohas. W a g n e r _____ Sam O p e n la n d e r ... O . A . R i c e . . . - _____ I r e n e O. R o c k . . . 8,000 -7,000 190,760 174,860 37.630 N . B k . C om .. T o l.; F a r. N - and 1st N ;, B rya n . E. F . R o s e _______ A . W . F ireston e. Sec. C. W . J o s s _____ ____ W . E. T o d d ________ O. D . P i p e r ________ 25,000 2*6.000 328,000 306,000 74,000 B k . o f A m erica , N . Y .; ( M e m . F e d . R e s . ) 12,500 J . B . K e y s —_______ G . W . S p re n g _____ 10,000 30,000 210,000 186,000 61,000 H an. N ., N . Î . ; 1st N ., C lev . an d P itt. E . B e e b e ________ J . N . V a n D e m a rk . W m . A . G ra h a m .— E. F . M e d e _______ _ 100,000 138.150 1,092,160 1,098,020 F irs t N ational E x ch a n g e B k . W . H . W a g n e r _____ L . M . S tu d e v a n t__ _ J . C. C u m m ins_____ C. W . N e ssle r______; 56-407 * ¿’99 100,000 94.280 H . W . S te e le ____. . . S . E . K u h n ____. . . . C. G . W o lfe r s b e r g e r H . S. M a r in g _____ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK H . 56-405 O tto T r o u t m a n ___ « ¿ ’70 969,520 X 952,160 M . B. C o le _________ J . H . L o w r y . . . ____ W . W . T h om a sson 100,000 120,000 544,000 M in e rs & M e r ch a n ts B a n k 56446 « ¿ {'0 8 S m it h v ille .___W a y n e F 16 F a rm ers & M e r ch , B k . „ ¿ t ’06 56-1154 P o p . 447 S o m e r s e t______ P e r r y E 14 C itizens State B ank____* t § ’14 56-1242 P o p . 1286 S om erset B a n k __________ ¿ ¡ ’91 56-1155 S om erton . . B elm on t E 19 F ir s t N ation a l B a n k ____*¿'75 56-1156 P o p . 250 S o m e r v ille ____ B u tler M 5 S o m e r v ille N ation a l B a n k 56-1157 * ¿ ’10 P o p . 450 S ou th C h a r le s t o n ...C la r k B a n k o f S ou th C h arleston 56-726 « ¿ t ’63 C P o p . 1300 E 9 H o u sto n B a n k .... ,........... • ¿t’90 56-727 W . J . J o n e s ______ W . O . R e y n a r d ____ W . M . C attell___. . . R a lp h M a lle rn e e — 50,000 18,450 W . H . Z a u g g ______ E . U . B u rk h o ld e r.. 5,000 6,210 C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The FIFTH-THIRD 276,170 M ech . & M etals N ., N .Y .; 1st N ., 4th N ., and O itiz. N ., C in.; C en t. N ., C lev .; R ig g s N ., W a s h ., D . C. 306.770 N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., Cin. and C lev .; M ellon N ., P itt. 577,500 97,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A . an d N ., P itt.: C e n t. N ., C lev. 345,720 343,000 167,120 103,450 61,200 N . P a rk , N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. an d P itt.; U n ion Sav. B k . & T r . C o ., S te u b e n v ille , y 157,850 H an. N ., N . Y .; C itiz. N „ W o o s te r. C. E . L o v e . --------— H . D . F l a u t t . .. ___ G e o rg e L . R o d g e r s . A . W . K in g ________ 25,000 10,000 442,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y . : O h io N ., Col.* T h os. D unw oody . O w en Y o s t ______ — M y r o n S. P o n d ____ H . D . K e llis o n . . . . 50,000 25,000 351,490 G irard N ., P h il.; N e w 1st N ., Col. 1st E . J . H o g e ._______ B . L . D o u gla ss____ I . A . H o d g i n ...____ 25,000 9,370 194.050 182,810 87,910 Chase N „ N . Y .; B k . o f P itt. N . A ., P itt. W . T . H a n co ck . . . 25,000 ' 8,000 170,000 175,000 30,000 F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. S . B . R a n k in _____ J . W . C u m m ings__ W . B. B e l l . . . — . . . Chas. E a p p J . F . R a n k in _______ T . S. O r b is o n ______ 40,000 17,500 F . B . H o u s t o n ____ W . A : M a lsb a ry ____ F r e d C. T y le r --------- J . J . T ie r n e y - 50,000 10,000 600,000 620,000 Im p . & T ra . N .. N . Y .; H u n tin gton N ., C ol.; F ift h -T h ir d N ., C in. 20,000 N . B k . C om .. N . Y . f N e w 1st N ., C ol.; F ifth T h ir d N ., C in._______________________________ N ATIO N AL BANK Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is thè New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cNally Bankers' nirootiiTT. „n d er the snthnrltv nf T he American Bankers ' A ss'n . of CINCINNATI OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND .O H IO —^C öntinued FO R EIG N B A N K IN G . - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w jreri,, La w s , D ir e c t o r s , indexed in b a c k o f this v olu m e. Bor Interest K ates, Grace, July, 1919 S m ith fie ld .J e ffe rs o n I 20 F ir s t N ational B a n k ------- «¿'64 Chas. M c K in n e y — 5*445 P o p . 1000 in c q XU J J Pr in cipal Correspondents . Loan * à Dis- C ash à E x c ’ tb. Bonds, changes,D us Securities FROM B anks 1052___________________ OHIO BANKS—Sardinia to South Charleston______ in to N a m e of B a n k . T own a n d Co u n t y . . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . SState »C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R es. D ist. tM e m . State B k s. A ss n .tP r iv . [E s ta b . C Is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . PRESIDENT. A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , La w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , .O H IO —^C öntinued V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . R eso u r ce s, i L ia b il it ie s . h Su rplu s Loams k Du- Cash k E x D e p o s c’ts. Bombs, changer,B ex P a id - u p AND it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Sioukrrixs Fbom Bamxs A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . II. G . E vans . . ^ ___ G . T . H a r r o d ______ $ S ou th S o lo n .M a d ison L 9 F a rm ers & T ra d e rs B k g . Oo. O .G . H arrod _ — 56-1158 t t ’06 P o p . 500 10,000 S ou th V ie n n a .. C lark K 9 F a rm ers D e p o sit B a n k » t t ’08 R o b e r t E l d e r ______ E . H . S m i t h _______ H . M . S a y l o r ______ C h arles A r b o g a s t 56-1159 C P o p . 400 J[. B, F ire s to n e ...__ S p e n c e r ..____M edina E 15 F a rm ers S av in gs B a n k .* t t ’99 56-1160 P o p . 500 » S p r in g b o r o .. W a rren M 7 C P o p . 355 »S p rin gfield ____C lark K 9 C P o p . 51,550 ^7,000 -135,000 7,000 170.000 160,000 25,000 :1st N ., C lev. > 600 142,000 180.000 j 13,1001Seal). N ., N .Y .: 1st N . and U n ion Com . N ., C lev.; J . R . W e l c h _______ Ira B . P o s t ________ Carl W e th e rill_____ J . L . C och ran 30,000 17,300 544,210 457,280 134,240 Im p . & T r a . N .. N . 7 . ; C itiz. N ., C in.; C e n t N ., C lev. J o b b B e r r y ,— . . — 10,000 20,200 215,950 163,240 .77,520 S eab. N .. N . 7 . ; 1st N .. C lev. T h o m a s M ille r .— . G . M . S e l l e r s ______ E . D . G r a h a m _____ L . E . H a th a w a y __ t 25,000 6,010 99,950 100,560 vine n . ( xn. r u u i 'i u n u auu t-u n . C in .; N e w 1st N ., C ol.; D a y to n S a v . & T r C o .. D a y to n . _ 646,460 I s t N . , N . 7 . ;. F t D e a r. N ., C h i.; E x . N .. P itt. 1st N .i C le v , » i t ’91 A . D . A k in s ._______ J o h ^ lA U C C ------- - A rth u r N . B a iley _ - 200,000 125,540 2,331,430 2,014.540 ♦Citizens N ational B a n k .* t ’98 E . L . B u c h w a lte r .. P . E . M on tan u s____ F . E . H osterm an ___ E . H . F l i c k ________ 56-85 150,000 128,610 1,151.260 1,333,390 100,000 JOHN S. BEARD — -< Special attentlo n'given B i E o f La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. R eports. imH 2 5 c fo r ’Credit itn earn s i m t d ra f t for'p reien ta tion l lHease setfid 15c w « t ’ 09 56,000 1,320,000 1,250,000 H. E. HEBRANK— |R.M. FAIRBANKS ‘ AMERICAN TR. W. A. M T t n i < BUI of Lading d rafts a specialty. * t t 'ft tjd Q K & ( and 25c for each report or rating. B A N K » « ’07 C. C. MELLEN — ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK r j. L. BUSHNELL GEO. W. WINGER - H. C. WEST...- — J. B. CARTMELL THEO. TROUPE L H 000KF 400,000 « t ’51 ] Oldest and lar gesf Bank In Spr ingfield. Moder nly equipped col lection L Drafts present ed in person. P ronipt remittanc o s . 56-81 363,980 A m . E x . N . and M e c h . & M etals N .. N . Y . i Ist N . an d F ifth -T h ir d N ., O in.; I s t N ., C lev . N e w I s t N ., C ol. x 50,320 1,354,000 1,373,000 161,000 Chase N., N. 7 . ; C o n t & Com'I N „ Chi.. 295,910 3,467,160 3.242,320 520,750 100,000 A. H. PENFIELD — D.E. GREEN.......... Union Cóm. N. and 1st N ., Clev.; 1st N m Cin. B A N K • t’82 S pringfield C learing H o u se ___ G ._W . W in g e r ______ 0 . F . H a r r is o n ..__ O. F . H arrison , M g r. H. E. H e b r a n k .S e c . (M em bers indicated b y a ♦ ) R . D . C o l l e t t ______ C h as. M e n d e n h a ll. W . K. S S p rin g V a lle y -G r e e n e L 8 p rin g V a lle y N at. B a n k * t’05 w n Smith 56-1162 _ C P o p . 500 . * 2 öj J . M« H aller H .J . W itte ________ B . H . W e s s ________ C itizen s B a n k__________ *JI’06 St. B ernard -H am 56-1163 C ( C incinnati P . O.) Po ■ 5th - 3rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,545,650 1,720,950 96,290 S.E. BAKER — 2,668,000 1,016,000 N . C ity , N . 7 . ; C orn E x . N ., C h i.; I s t N . , Phil, . an d C i n . , 572,630 Im p . & T ra . N ., N .7 . : I s t N ., C h i.; I s t N . and C itiz . N .. G in. 300,000 0 NA6EL 246,470 Ch em . N . and H an. N ., N . 7 . ; C on t. & C o m ’ ] N ., C h i.; 1st N ., G in. and C lev. % H an. N .. N . 7 . ; C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; 1st N . 140,000 C lev.. an d Cin. 161,000 1,962,200 1,695,770 ♦ M ad R iv e r N at. B a n k .« i ’47 W . S. T h om a s — __ C. F . M c G ilv ra y __ C. F . H a r r is o n .____ R . N . S te w a r d — ... 56-80 ?v . , .......... ♦S p ringfield S av in gs S o cie ty E d w a r d H a r fo r d — T . W . L u d lo w -_____ 56-82 * t8 ’73 The 30,400 depart m e n ts. 100,000 N A T IO N A L 56-84 r 380,000 2,600,000 ♦ L agonda N ation a l Bank*t*73 J . W a rre n K e i f e r .. R . A . W o r th in g to n F . W . H a r fo r d _____ H . 0 . P h illip s______ 56-83 ‘ SPRINGFIELD (HqjB. Fed. Reg.) 15c must be sen t with each sight draft for present atlon ♦FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 56-87 N ., C ol. 25.000 :H an. N ., N . 7 . ; 1st N ., Gin. 100,000 56-1161 S A V IN G S 56-86 45,000 1 32,000 56-654 F a rm ers B a n k —_____ 56-655 0; 27,500 $ 285,000 t 280,000 $ J o h n W i n t e r s _____ S p e n ce r State B a n k __ ^t8’ 16 ♦ 56-1267 S p e n c e r v i l le .... A llen 6 6 P o p . 1950 12,000 $ P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . ■ ■ ■ H ■ ■ ■ ■ 25,000 10,500 160,000 175.000 50,000 17,410 629,940 556.610 ■ n ■■ 20,500 Seab. N .. N . 7 . ; F ifth -T h ir d N .. O in. 134,170 M ech . & M etals N ., N . 7 . ; L in . N . and F ift h T h ir d N ., Cin. ■ PR NATIONAL BANK of C IN E IN N ffl-^ Resources Over $55, july^j919______ _________ OHIO BANKS—South Solon tQ St. Bernard ________________ 1053 1053 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to ea ch ban k in U . S. e x c lu s iv e ly b y T b e B a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' 1054 N ame of B an e . TOWN AND C0CNTT.(V «C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. Cris‘C in cin n ati; B ra n ch . Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws» Directors» in d exed in b a c k o f this v olu m e. For Interest Bates» Grace, etc., see page 14: For Holidays, see o p p os ite p a ge 13. OHIO—Continued • M ew . A m . B k s. A ssn . §State iM e m . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . ♦ M e m . F ed . R es. [E s ta b . F ; W. Dickey__ __ A . M . B r o w n . . — »81. C la irsville—B elm on t D olla r S av in gs B ank C o. 56-703 <F95 P op . 1393 • J 20 A s s ’t Cashier . Ca sh ie r . V ice -Presid en t . President . . Wilson Mitchell F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k ___ i < ’ 64 J o h n P o llo c k — — ' J . A , P a t t e r s o n . :. . 56-701 Albert Trpll S e c o n d N ational B a n k___< ’95 iw i S. A, Slemmons___ W . H. Z a u gg _______ S te r lin g ______W a yn e E 16 Farm ers B a n k i n g C o .l -^ .f t ’06 , f ... , 56-1164 ,. P o p . 500 W m . M o r é lli— ..j,. »S teu b en v ille__ J efferson B a V k o f M o r e lli■& C o .-. . » t ’Ol Y . A . M . M o r e lli— 58-147 . P o p . 27.445 H 21 Lia b il it ie s . , D epos Paid - up Surplus AND its Capital Profits H. G. F in le y __ ;____ $ L a u ra E . T h o m p so n J . P. F ra s ie r Otto Giffln. E. H . Earl _ 25,000 $ from 41,460 $ 383,960 $ 380,630 $ B anks 69,780 C hase N ., N . Y .; D olla r S a v . & T r . W h e e lin g .; U n io n T r . C o ., P it t . 170,000 826,000 894,000 223.000 H an . N ., N .Y .; M ellon N .. P itt. ; 1st N .. C lev . 100,000 725,000 715,000 114,000 C hase N . . N . Y . ; 1st N ., Clev. 9,300 174,060 169,760 66,370 92,940 31.279 20,830 l s t / N ., Q lev. 36.140 N . C ity . N . % ; y B k .D f P i t t . N . A ; , P itt. 225,000 100,000 150,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 330,000 250.000 314,280 4,000,970 4,252,400 562,850 Im p . & T ra . N ., N . Y .: C o m E x . N ., Chi.: C o lom b ia N .. P it t ,; PJiil. N ., P h il. 100,000 119,410 1,778,090 1,780,020 421,260 Chase N ., N. Y .; Mellon N.» Pitt. C. M .B ARG AR ," Ä .T r A. N. ANDERSON, a . it . 125,000 74,980 1,663,460 1,602.270 334,480 Seab. N. and Irving N ., N. Y .; Mellon N., R , M . M A H O N ------ A . C. LEW IS --------- F . D. S IN C LA IR -— A .S .B N C K IN G H A M , 250.000 275,000 3,000,900 3.000,000 400,000 Merch. N., N. Y .; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., 373.710 116,940 C h ase N ., :N . Y i; 1st N ., C elina; C o sm op oli tan B k . & T r ; C o ., C in. COMMERCIAL NATL BANK ^Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items, f' B : ' 56-144 « * ’96 'P lea se’scnd 15c w ith each sight d ra f t f o r presen tation M in ers,& M e ch a n ics S a v in g s D. McGowan___ _ & T r u s t C o . . 56-142 .. < § 1 3 W. S, Walker j W. H. McCLINTON— David McCu l l o u g h . . H .E. McFAODEN____ F .€ . CHAMBERS r < Send ns your it ems and collect! ons. 56-143 a n d 25c f o r Credit J o h n P otter, Sec. a n d T r . l i r - i . C ity , N . Y .; M ellon N . an d B k . o f P itt.- N . A.. P itt. « ............ R eports. Depository of the United Stat es and County of Jefferson, Lowest ratés. { Prompt return <73 If. M . W O R K ..— P EO P LES B. F . M U R P H Y *— - L . L . G R IM ES — — P. D. A L L I S O N .- - } Collections rec dive prompt atte ntlon. j Remittance sam e day. • í ’05 \TRY US. N A T IO N A L B A N K 56-145 STEUBENVILLE A. 6. L E E __ W M iM .B EA LL— A . T r. Bills of Lading drafts a specialty. We offer special service on all coUectioff items. Charges low. Prompt remittance. Unsurpassed facilities. < § ’14 B A N K & T R U S fC O . 56-146 P. R. BOWLES. T r . ? C. E . LINDUFF, UNION SAVINGS T r. B A N K & T R . CO. ,♦ 56-141 F .E . Wm. St. H e n r y . .. .M e r c e r H 5 P o p . 650 56-1185 St. M arys — A u g la iz e H 6 P o p . 6000 56-431 H . Römer___ H. 56-1166 S tòffe O reek ..T u s ca ra w a s Pop.! 200 H 17 S ton y R i d g e .. W ood. C IO P o p . 225 56-1167 ;e Bank.. 56-1229 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 J , B ern a rd _____ 10,340 2j)2,100 60.000 26,680 901,180 767,220 222,320 H an. N .. N . Y .; L id . N ., C in .; 1st N (, C lev. H . H . Brinkmeyer . W . J . K is h le r ______ H a rry S. N o b le — . E , M . V e e n flie t— C. R. B a c k h n s . T. A. White L . G. N e e ly :_______ H. G. McLain.... 100,000 40,000 900,000 815,000 50,000 14,580 535,440 469,280 225,000 E o n n tz e B ros ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C le v ,; ( M e m . F e d . B e s .) 130,820 N . C ity, N .Y .; I s t N . , C lev . an d Cin. 25,000 16,000 1 217,000 267,000 A riu s L a w re n ce — J . D . E rw in E d w ard S h e p fe r ___ J . H . R a u sch (J . G . H . S t e in ) - — m m m N u m b e r u n d e r B la m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to ea ch b a n k in U. S .; e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e B a n d - M C N a ll y B a n k e r s * n rn iap t h o n iith n p lt.v rtf T h p AvTiprlPBii R a n k e r s A s s ’ n . s m 6,000 2,950 67,000 70,000 5,000 3,600 153,970 92,490 25,000 C h ase N ., N . Y .; M ellon N ., P itt.; N e w 1st N .. C ol.' S 7,000 1st N . an d U n ion C om . N ., C lev. 66.570 1st N ., T o l.; P e m b e r v ille S av. B k . C o., P em b e rv illè . s s s m O H IO — C o n tin u e d A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is V olum e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , . July, 1919 S t o c k p o r t ...M o r g a n M 16 P ö p . 438 Union Tr. Co.; and First N., Pitt.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) A .T r . V A N C E, Sec. . . . . D .W . J a y _________ Chas. H. P a u c k ____ W. O. Smith______ O . E, D u n an . ♦ 56-432 S t. M arys B anking & T r . Co. 56-433 *5*01 iU a i J N. M. C A TTELL, < § ’1& and Columbia N.» Pitt.; 1st N.» Clev.; (Mem, Fed. Res.) . . . . . . OHIO BANKS—St. Clairsville to Stony Ridge 140,000 1.500.000 1,550,000 125,000 A. 6. LEE EXC H AN G E BANK Co., 100,000 F ra n k M eta, S e c . .. j J. W. FORNEY-------- JOSEPH BEATTY— — R. P. PATTERSON-— N A TIO N AL Principal Correspondents . changes , D ue 100,000 10,000 . RESOURCES. 1 &Dis* Gash 6 E x Loans c ’ tb. Bonds, S ecurities 1054 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t o each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory» under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass*n« -I C lU J J N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S .j e x c l u s iv e l y by T h e R a n d - M c A a l l y B a n k e r s ’ D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ n . T own and County. A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r a , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f th is V olum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , l e t c . , see p a g e 14 F o r H o l i d a y s , see op p o s ite p a g e 13. \ O H I O — C o n tin u e d ’ N ame of B ank . M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . SState »C ou n ty Seats. I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. tM em . State B k s. A ssn.+ P riv. M em . F e d . R e s . [E sta b . is C in cin n ati B ran ch . Pr e s id e n t . C a s h ie r . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t C a s h ie r . C S tou tsville .F a ir fie ld L 18 F a rm ers & C itizens B k ._ i t ’09 56-1169 P op . 550 St. P a ris ..C h a m p a ig n J 8 C entral N ational B a n k —*$’06 56-717 P o p . 1261 F ir s t N ation a l B a n k ____» t ’80 56-716 Strasbu rg___T u scaraw as C itizens B a n k __________ < § '0 1 56-797 P o p . 1000 (G 17 S trasbn rg State B a n k ., . t l ’ 10 56-798 S tru th ers.M a h on in g E 21 S trn th ers Savings & B k g . Co. , ♦ 56-1170 f f* lr 0 2 P o p . 6000 S tr y k e r _____W illia m s C 6 E x ch a n g e B a n k —______ » t f O l 56-1171 P o p . 1026 S u g a rcreek — T u scaraw as C itizen s B a n k ,—_______ < t ’04 56-1172 P o p . 500 H 17 S u lliv a n — —A sh la n d C 8 S u lliva n S tate B a n k ------- § ’19 56-1286 P o p . 200 S um m erfield—N o b le K 1 8 F irs t N ational B a n k ------- » $ ’03 56-1174 P o p . 489 S u n b u ry____D e la w a r e l 12 F a rm ers B a n k ,_________ • tt ’72 56-1175 P o p . 485 10,200 $ D avid M cM orran — ... 50,000 29,000 300.000 290,000 F r e d B la c k ________ J . M . B i r k h o l d ___ W . L . H u n t _______ J . T . M id d le to n ___ 52,100 95,000 420,000 422,000 J . P . M ille r ________ 50,000 12,000 525.000 500,000 J . C. S ch u tz b a ck — 25,000 5,500 228,000 218,000 W m . M c C o m b s ___ 50JI00 T h o m a s K e m p ..___ E. A . B r o w n le e ___ B . R . C am pbell. Sec. and. Tr. W m . C re e d F . M . B ru n s - T ilto n s v ille a J e ffe r s o n . P o p . 1200 120 T ip p e c a n o e C i t y .—M iam i P o p , 2300 K7 C T ir o ___— .C i a w f o r d F 13 ’ Pnn*. 5Ó0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 368,490 474,630 411,590 25,000 12,500 64,000 53,000 25,000 G . E . Calland - ____ 25,000 30.000 250,000 245,000 30,000 O w en A . K im b a ll— G. O . A r m s t r o n g .— 25.000 G 8. C. R . G ib s o n _______ W . H . P h i l p o t _____ A . A . Sum m ers — 25.000 M . J . L inehan . . . . . G . R . A c k e r m a n .— J o h n Oaraghar •: 61,730 N ., C oi. ___ 16,440 618,130 546.430 113,140 T o l. Ia n . N ., N . Y . ; U h ion C om . N ., C le v .; N o rth e r n N ., T o l.; C o m ’i N ., U p p e r S an du sk y, i . C ity . N . Y .; C o r n i N .. T iffin ,; C itiz.S a v ., U pper San dusky. 50,000 Chase N ., N . Y .; N . B k . C o m .,T o l. J n o . D . C n rlis ------- L . B . G r a n d s t a ff ... 25.000 J a y M a r g u e r a t ____ 30.000 30,000 328,240 340,070 O . H . J o h n s o n _____ 50,000 15.000 440,000 400.000 S. L a D o w _________ L . C. H u b b a r d ___ 12,500 15,000 319,260 298,870 . J . W . S h o e m a k e r.. J . E . W a r d _________ 5,000 1,200 94,290 51,030 F . S. E d m u n d ..__ 25,000 25,550 415,000 406,900 54,300 H an. N ., N . Y .; O h io N , and N e w 1st N ., Col J o h n Y o s t . . . — — — E. L , F b u c h t .—— — E . C. C o o p e r r id e r -i R u th Z , R a d e r _____ 19,400 4,000 170,000 130,000 24,700 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; N e w 1st N ., C o l.; 1st N . C lev .; F ra n k lin N ., N e w a rk . 100,000 44,890 806,380 850,390 120,230 Chase N ., N . Y . r ‘ C on t. / & G o m ’l N ,.-C h i. /N o r t h e r n N». T o l.: 1st N ,, Clev- P , R , G ru b b ' D o w M a rg n e ra t___ W . H . W ick h a m — . A . R . C h a n d le r ..__ L . L . F ord D . O . W a s h b u r n __ p i , TToffnpr A . C. D o lp h E li H edges-------- C . B . M artin _______ O. R . J o h n s t o n ___ 44,050 43360 N . B k . C o m .,N . Y .iN o r t h e r n N . an d 2d N ., Tol, 37,980 O h io N ., C ò l.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 202,510 1,492,940 1,514,790 408,650 B lair & C o., N . Y .: F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in .; U nion C om . N . and 1st N ., C lev.; B k . o f P itt. N . A .. P itt.: N . B k . C om .. T o l. 250,000 328,890 2,325,400 2.495,000 ( G .D . LOOMIS—- — B. W. CR0BAUGH-— l o W W . -< Special attentio n given B u i of La f c « c i 5 h (.P le a s e s e n d 15c w ith each sight d r a ft f o r p resen ta ti o n a n d 50c f o r Cr e d it B e p o rts. 705,600 A m . E x . N . j N . Y . ; i s t N „ C h i., C in., and C lev. w r i k i i d o w . ___ 56-254 a n k — .. 56-1261 ational B 56-610 m al Rani 56-609 440.810 W . W . K e lle r —____ H . L . T r o x e l—_____ J . T . M o r g e n s te rn TIFFIN NATIONAL BANK 65,000 1,800,000 1,850,000 50,000 IH an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Oin. 2,540 W . W . W e i s s ______ Principal Correspondents . 45,000 ( ihase N ., N . Y .: H ayd en -C lin ton N. N ., C le v . 62,000 ian. N ., N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’l N ., C C lev.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., C in . 70,000 eab. N .. N . Y .; M ellon N ., P itt.; ] C en t. N .. C lev . : T r . C o. and 31,000 Ihase N ., N .Y .; G u a r d ia n ! 1st N ., C lev. 275,000 Ihase N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., You F e d . R e s .) 94,330 6,000 0 . Y . S h e p fe r _____ E d w . S h e p fe r U -- ~ 56-256 56-253 E. P . K a p itz k y — 6E0 E.SCHR0TH. — E .E HERSHBERGER % F. R. MANN f 6 . H. B A K E R --— ■i Prompt* attentl on to collectIMu. (.Reasonable rat ei. Excellent f a c llltles. TRY US. 56-255 1,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 i W . A . M e y e rs______ B . M . M e y e r s ______ $ B . A . T a y lo r _______ G . G . J o n e s __ S w a n ton F u lton B 8 FA RM ERS & MERCHANTS ^ DEPOSIT C 0 M P A N Y -«t§ 01 j P o p . 1200 56-742 »T iffin ________ Seneca E 11 P o p . 12,867 R esou rces. Loam* k Dis* Caso ft Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities from Banks E .Y v B a r r . C. E. K a p itz k y .— S y c a m o r e .W y a n d o t F 11 F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k ——, ’19 56-1289 P o p . 977 S y ca m o re S tate B a n k — 1§’13 56-1239 S ylvan ia____:____Lu cas B 9 F a rm ers & M e rch . B a n k C o. 56-759 < § ’01 P o p . 1002 S ylvania S av .B an k C o ..< § ’01 56-758 T a rlto n __ P ick a w a y M 18 F a rm ers & P e o p le s B a n k .t ’08 56-1177 P o p . 802 T h o r n v ille ___.P e r r y K 1 4 P e o p le s B a n k __________ t § ’l l 56-1212 P op . 500 — T h o rn v ille B anking C o. . < § ’94 56-1178 Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s i H . W a lk e r .........— A . A . C u n n in gh a m . W . H . B og a n w righ t B . R . M ille r ----------E . B . H a r r is _______ A . N . A n d e r s o n — H . G . V e r w o h lt — S. R . F e r g u s ..-------- C. O . D a v is ________ R . H . P o h lm a n — i T . C. L e o n a rd ______ E . L . C ra n e ________ A . W . M ile s_______ _ KffJBIDSiMX' W . H . G u is s _______ NATION AL BANK N . E . M it c a lf ______ - of CINCINNATI 150,000 49,350 532,470 80,000 80,000 50,000 ? 67,000 400,000 448,000 60,000 43,320 443,000 522,000 25,000 2,500 160,000 106,000 50,000 25,000 527.170 104,640 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C en t. N ., C le v .; H o m e Sav, B k . C o., T o l. 20,000 S eab . N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., P itt. 50,970 N . P a rk , N . Y .; 1st N ., Oin. T r . C o., D a y ton . 52,310 H an. N . / N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Oin. 54,000 C hase N ., N . Y ,; U n ion C om . N , an d 1st N.. ___________ OW. I • : 1 ■ -’ : r' I IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1056 •Mein. A m . B k s . A ssn . {S ta te «C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. iM e m . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . [E sta b . C is C in cin n ati B ran ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . : V ice -President . PRESIDENT. A ss’T Cashier . Cashier . W . H . Y e a s tin g .. (2 Branches) VRHNM HM ♦ W a lte r S te w a r t. D . P . D ildin e 56-14 F. ¡J2REYNOLDS— 'FIRST NATIONAL O rg a n ised •t'63 ¡ E d w a rd H . C a d y — K -5 6 -2 0 ____ < * ’15 HOM E SAVINGS BANK GO. 56-7 G e o , E. W ise , W . L . R o s s ------------ H. P . C aves, Sec. and Tr. A .S e c . an d A . T r. E d w ard G . K ir b y A fu lly equ ipp ed C om m ercia l Bank. 118,210 5,788,850 4,976,790 1,117,000 H an. N ., M et. T r . C o ., and G u aran ty T r . Co., N . Y .; 1st N ., C h i. a n d C le v .: N . B k . Com. and 2d N .. T o l.; ( M e m . F e d . R e s .) 154,440 5.778,770 5,197,640 985,150 C hase N ., N . Y . ; C o n t .A G om ’ l N „ .Chi.; N .. C le v .; N . B k . C om ., T o l. 1st 500,000 1,100,000 10185080 10719120 2,621,760 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.$ Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st N ., Clev.; State N., St. L. -- 200,000 303,480 4,950,980 4,762,320 823,230 G u aranty T i l C o. and B k rs. T r . C o .. N . Y .; N B k . C om ., T o l,; U n io n C om . N .. C lev. (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 250,000 N. City, N. Ï . ; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 125,000 1,750,000 1,280,000 1,030,000 1st N ., St. L .; Cent. N ., Clev. 150.000 299,140 2,046,060 2,119,950 P e r s o n a l atten tion t o C o lle c t io n s , and p rom p t rem itta n ce. E. L . S c h o m b u r g — W . H . G u n c k e l__ - J am es C. S c o t t ___ 1,000,000 92,980 1st N „ N . Y . I r v in g N . and C h ase N „ N . Y .: I s t N . and F t . 591,180 13647 820 13 256 508 3,501,400 D e a r. N „ C h i.; I s t N ., C le v .:4 t h S t . N .,P h il.; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Oin. I Collections a s pecialty, and re mitted on day o f payment, matters entrust ed to ns. I . E. K n is e ly ----------- J . K . S e c o r ________ H . M. B a s h ___ _____ A . G . M o o re ~ W . K . C orson H. C. T ru esda ll A . F . M itch ell [D E P A R T M E N T S : G e n e r a l B a n k i n g ; S a v in g s ; ( C o l l e c t i o n s g iv e n p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n . , 1 000,000 S.T3. H o ff, Sec____ 1 , 000,000 C. A . F rese, A . T r , J . P. M on ogh an , A . Tr. F . J.-K la u se r, A . See, H an. N . and N . C ity, N . Y .; N . Bk. R e p ., C h i. 891,3M 10 637 030 11716 270 2,920,990 1st N „ C le v . 685,840 18470020 18090160 2,278,740 B k . Of th e M anhattan C o „ N . Y .; C on t. & C o m 'l N „ C h i.; P e o . S ta te . D e t.; 1st N., C lev .: P h il. N ., P h il. E s t a t e s ; C o r p o r a t l o n T r u s t s ; F o r e l g n E x c h ange. L e o C z a rn e ck i— . W . J . L isiak ow sk i. A . A . P a w lo w s k i. N . J . W a lin sk i — O p ie k a Savings B a n k Co. 56-21 < § ’ 17 O. D . T if fa n y ______ J . L . G r i s s .. — V . O. M oore — — W . H . T u c k e r ------P e o p le s State Sav. B k . . < { ’09 W . J . V o n KwPgen o n next■%>aae) 56-18 lì , 50,000 100.000 5,000 364,680 337,220 10,000 1,550.000 1,650,000 78,670 Ir v in g N .. N . Y .; N . B k . C om ., T o l. 200,000 C h ase N ., N . Y .; 2d N ., T o l. ' July, 1919 E .W . D a v is, Tr------IQ. M . J o n e s ______ H . I . S h e p h e rd — J o h n C u m m ings, E d w ard K ir s c h n e r J . F . Y o u n g , A . Sec. A . A . F a ir, A . T r. Ch. o f B d . F . P. K e h n is o n , V . P . & T r. Officer J a c o b L o c h b ih le r , A . T r. 7/ 87,660 A m . E x . N ., N . Y .; N o rth e r n N ., T o l. < ’88 ( Prompt attenti on to all banking ’65 Federal Reserve BankNofu mSt. Louis b er u n d er 34,490 $ 310,260 $ 272,070 $ < { ’92 S. D . C a rr________ R . B . C r a n e .----------- W . L . L a m b —--------- G . L . M ills . . . A . J . S aelzler E, C. E dw ards G . W . W a lb rid ge ( Toledo Banks i it s Prin cipal Correspondents . Loar* ft Dig. c' ts. Bombs, Smuriti » 3TS?W slbl" j " SPENCER- HERBERT BAKER- W. A. BRIGHAM— R. D. MILLS--------CARL H. SCHWYN MARION M. MILLER J. R. KLINKSICK ♦M erdhants & C lerks S av. Bk. O liv e r S. B o n d . C om pa n y . 5 6 - 9 ______ < { ’71 56-5 200,000 225,000 R . V . H o d g e ,— —— O . W , Salyer F. Û . B u tlé f 1863. T h is Bank w ill rscoiv © t h e . A c c o u n ts and C o lle c t io n s o f 1"all B a n k s. B a n k e r s and C o r p o r a tio n s , F jrm s and Individuals, and will give p rom p t a tten tion t o any b u s in è s s e n tr u s te d t o it s c a r e . 56-1 TRUST & SAV- E. S. W h ite . V . Ë.* Stew art, Sec. and T r. A . Sec. and A . T r. D . P . C liffo r d , A . Sec, and A .. Tr. 25,000 D epo s __________ OHIO BANKS—Toledo ________ ____________ * D im e S avin gs B k . Co. «¿11900 W . B . H . R e e d e r..-. J .S . H a lla r á n .* ' ; R .v Z H o ä g e " (2 Branches) 56-15 Su r p l u s P a id - u p AND Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s $ W . B . S n y d er, » T o l e d o . . . ____ L a ca s B 10 C itizen s S a fe D e p o s it & T ru st S . R . D o r i t y _______ W . S . W a lb r id g e .. ; , See, and T r. C om pa n y . 5 6 - 1 9 . . . . — < { ’93 (R e s e r v e C ity) P o p . 191,554 1 U O R esources. Lia b il it ie s . N a h e of Bank . T own and County. <n r Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, Ind ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. For Interest Rates* Grace*1 etc., see p a g e 14. For Holidays, se e op p o s ite p a g e 13. O tílO — Continued 1056 Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given t o each b a n k in U . S. exclusively' b y The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f Thè American Bankers Ass’ n. 3 N a m e o f B an k th e N e w T ra n s it N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. e x c l u s iv e l y by T h e K a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ’ D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ n . O H I O — C o n tin u e d A ccessible T ow ns, Law yers, la w s , D irectors, In dexed in back oi this volume. F or I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page 13.; p Charter No. 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD N AJ ^ A L of CINCINNATI — Over O H I O — C o n tin u e d T own and County. L ia N ame of Bank . •M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . §State «C ou n ty Seats. Is in N o. 4 F e d . R e s .D is t. ÎM e m . S tate B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . [E sta b . C is C in cin n ati B ra n ch . ♦ M e m . F e d . R e s . P residen t . ( M . W . Y o u n g ___ T o l e d o ______ L u ca s B 10 ( Continued) «SECO ND NATION AL BANK 56-* 4*64 C. F . A. C hapin J. T . R ohr A s s ’t Cashier . Cashier . V ice -President . w. C o le _____ ___ L . If you appreciate prompt and efficien t service at a reasonable charge. Send US your Tol edo items and colle ôtions. S. K e tc h a m . H . E. G ail C. A . B a ld w in E . J . B u rm an W . J . W e d e r t z . T r. L .B .M a rtin , Sec. and A Tr. L . H . M o r s e ,A .S e c . and A . T r. A . W . S ton e. A . Sec. and A . Tr, ♦ S p itz e r -R o r ic k T r u s t ft Sav. H . C . R o r i c k ______ A . L . S p i t z e r ______ G . A . W e b e r _______ C. A . M athias— . . C. B . S p itzer .B a n k ___ 56-11_____ « 1 1 S u m m it T r u s t C o . _______ § 1 9 M . W . Y o u n g ._____ R a th b u n F u ll e r — W . W . K n ig h t _____ E. K o s t e r . — ♦ S e cu rity Sav. B k . & T r . Co. C. C. W h itm o r e — 56-3 < § ’08 56-22 Sav« Bk. ft Tr. C o. 56-8 »tl'68 ♦U nion Savings Bank— « ’88 56-12 ♦ T o le d o G ra ve s, B la n c h e ! & T h o r n bu rgh 17 PYNCHON & CO______ ~ -1 O . A . B r o w n in g — W . J . W e d e r tz F . C. H o e h le r C. A . R u s s e l l ______ F . H . G r e e n e ______ A . G i e s e l __________ D . L . R e y n o ld s H . C. T ru e s d a ll___ G e o rg e L . S h a n k s. E. P . M e t t le r ______ J . T . D e m p se y _____ C h risto p h e r D audt ( M un icipal B on d s ) C. L . R e y n o ld s ..— P a id -u p Ca p it a l b il it ie s R . D epos- p r o f it s esou rces. P r in c ip a l Co rrespo n den ts. -'r < $ $1009 000 $2 307220 14683 010 19644950 $3738 940 A m . E x . N . and M e r ch . N ., N . Y .; C orn E x . N ., C h i.; G irard N . an d 1st N ., Ph il. 250.000 273,900 4,757,020 4.278,940 747.410 N . C ity, N . Y .: U n ion T r . C o ., C h i. a n d -P itt.; C en t. N .,-C lev* 300.000 101.370 2,417,940 1,946.580 783.330 A m . E x . N ., S p it z e r -R o r ic k & C o ., and G uar an ty T r .G o ., N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N „ C h i. 300.000 547,140 3,454,300 3,858,000 250.000 361,520 1,160,470 1,592.490 624,000 B k . o f N . Y . N . B . A . and B k . o f th e Manhattan C o.. N . Y .; C orn E x . N „ Chi. 179,509 N . Bk. C om ., N . Y .; N o rth e r n N „ T o l. 100.000 2d N „ O h io S a v . B k . & T r . C o., an d N . B k r C om ., T o l. P y n e h o n & C o., N . Y . an d C hi. Correspondence Solicite d . N o rth e r n N „ 1st N ., 2d N „ and O h io Sav. B k & T r . C o., T o l.; N . B k . C om ., D e t.; F if t h T h ir d N „ C in. S id n ey S p itzer & C o. an d A m . E x . N ., N . Y . (D im e S a v . B k . B ld g .) SIDNEY SPITZER & CO. 412 of Service Loams k Bis- Cash k E x’T8. Bonds, changes,D ue S ecurities from B anks (Investm en t ^ecu r itics) _____ — _____ — N . J . C o rn e ll, M g r. W. L. SLAYTON & CO.— — t Dealers in City, County, Town an d School Bonds. Years doxed in. back of tins volume, *'©r in te re si » » « i s , v^race, — • e tc., see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page 15V.\ (M u n icipa l a nd G orporation B on d s) (S p itz e r B ld g J SPITZER, RORICK & CO.4'71 (M u n icipa l and C orporation B on ds) STACY & BRAUN-------- f 10 (Investm en t B onds TERRY, BRIGGS & COMPANY (Municipal Bonds) TUCKER, ROBISON & CO. ’76 (Investment Securiti ) — S p itzer, R o r ic k & C o., N . Y . an d Çhi. :>------------ A m . E x . N . an d G uaran ty T r . C o., N .Y .; 2d N . T o L ; F ifth -T h ir d N „ Cin. T e r r y , B riggs & C o. an d M e r ch . L n . & T r . C o. C h i.; N o r t h e r n N . a n d 2d N .. T o i.; N . B k C o m ., D e t. O h io S av. B k . & T r . C o. and N . B k . C om ., Tol, s ) : ---------— (G a r d n e r B ld g .) T o le d o C learing H o u s e _______ H . I . S h e p h e r d ___ {M em bersindicated bya*) H e n ry W e n ig ______ H . C . T r u e s d a le . . . C . W . C o le , Sec. . . S. L. M cN a ry , M gr. O . S. B o n d , T r. T o n to g a n y B a n k in g C o . . « ’ 06 56-1180 N ation a l B a n k o f T o r o n t o 56-505 <07 B a n k o f T re n to n C o ___ « t l ’ 08 56-1181 F a n n e r s ft C itizen s B k . 4 § ’09 56-1182 « T r o y . __ . . . . . . M i a m i J 7 C P o p . 7000 FIRSTNATIONAL BANK-<47 ^Collections will receive prompt at tention. R . C. C a s s id y .-----R . J . K e n n e l -------- A. K.' Augspurger.. T . H . B ell J . W. D e v e r s _____ H arvey S w an k — (F. 0. FLOWERS — A. F . G um p — C. U. BRIGGS------ — F .O . FLOW ERS. J First and oldest established bank, 56-421 27,500 468.000 5,500 i 125,000 157.000 . 9,000 200.000 175.000 200,000 72,350 815,800 842,600 GEO. P.GATESE. Z. ELLEMAN 125.000 210,000 1,400,000 1,450,000 25,000 7,440 212,500 192,420 12.500 50,000 M erch . N „ N - Y ,; N , B k . o f C om .. T o l. 71,700 H an. N „ N . Y.1 1st N „ C lev. and P itt. ,28,600 F ifth -T h ir d N „ Cin. 60,000 C ity N „ D ayton . 314,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; C on t. & C o m ’ l N .. C h i.; F ifth T h ir d N ., C iij.r C e n t. N „ C lev. (Remittance on d ay of payment. 410,000 I s t N . , N . Y . and C in .; C en t. N „ C ld V .;4 th S t. N -, PM I. ( Prompt service. Reasonable charg es. We get result T w in s b u r g —S u m m it D 18 T w in s b u rg B anking O o . » « ’12 O. E . R i l e y ________ 56-1227 P o p . 212 U h r ic h s v ille . T u scaraw as C om m ercial B a n k —. — t t ’97 T . J . E v a n s-----------56-491 P o p . 6000 H 18 U n ion B a n k___________ . . t t ’74 M . M o o d y 56-490 T he FIFTH - THIRD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 186,030 25.000 B. M. Gump — W. E . BOWYER — - W. H. FRANCIS --— J . K. DE FREES— -- P. G. YANTiS TROY NATIONAL BANK .<88 <i Bills of Lading d rafts a specialty. 56-422 240.000 480.000 50.000 A. R . R o b e r t s . T . G. W arren. . 5,000 12.500 J . W . H a fn e r .. E. B. H u f f . T o n to g a n y ____W o o d C 9 P o p . 314 T o r o n f o ___J e ffe r s o n H 21 P o p . 4271 T r e n t o n _______B u tler M 6 C P o p . 800 T r o t w o o d __ M on tg om ery C P o p . 500 K7 G . L . B ish o p ____. . . A . R . M o u n t jo y ___ NATIONAL BANK J . B . W e s t h a f e r ___ W . V . M oody — . . . F . E. L a tto . . . . — 20.000 1 , 000,000 800.000 49,390 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ CIev.‘ N ., P itt.; ________ C hase N ., N . Y .: Ist N . and P e o C en t. N . and Ist N .,-C lev . 200,000 M erch . N „ N . Y .; M ellon N . and P e o . N P itt.; I I s t N . and U nion C om . N .. O iev. nf CINCINNATI— The BANKERS’ BANK Since 1863 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f H a n k Is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o each b a n k in U . S. e x c lu s iv e ly b y T b e B a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A ss h . Town and County . N ame of Bank . »C ou n ty Seats. In N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist, C is C in cin n ati B ran ch . •Mem. A m . B k s. A ssn . §State tM e m . State B k s. A s s n .tP r iv . ♦ M e m . F e d . R es. ' [E stab, U tica________ L ick in g 1 14 P o p . 2000 V a lley C ity ..M e d in a D 16 P o p . 250 V a n d a lia .M on tg m ’r ’y K 7 C P o p . 221 V a n lu e _____H a n co ck F 10 P o p . 400 ‘ V an W e r t . V a n W e r t F P op . 8500 V a u gh n sville-P u tn a m F 7 P o p . 300 V e r m ilio n ______ E rie C 14 P o p . 1369 FARMERS BANK----------- i t ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . Surplus Depos P aid- up and its Capital P rofits $ S Principal Correspondents . 1,000 $ 150,000 $ 130,000 $40,000 1st N ., C lev. A . W . R ic h . J n o . S u lliv a n ._____ R . A . B o le n R ich a rd C arter A . B . W h i t n e y ... . . Ira R . P o n t i u S - i ? C h arles A r t z . . _____ 50,000 40,000 600,000 580,000 J . W L ew istiY «.-__ A . B illh ard t, J r . . . . P aul W V A y e rs_____ E .F ^ S t e p h a n . A lb e r t R e b e r . . . — C harles F . P lu m b .. C. E. F r e d e r ic k — 75,000 75,000 570,000 620,000 166,000 H an. N .. N . Y .: U n ion C om , N „ C le v : 105,000 77,000 550,000 493,000 E . E . C h e n e y -— - - J . F . B r a n d .— — 1 J . C ..P o w e r s _______ C. S. Ire la n d _______ 300,000 152.000 810,000 1 ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 139,000 M ech . & M etals N „ N . Y .; C ent. N . and U n ion C om . N ., C lev, 405,000 H an. N . an d I r v in g N .. N . Y .; 1st N „ Oin. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 2 2 0 ,0 0 0 695,000 725,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 125,000 A 414,600 442,000 J o n a s J . H ulse — G. B . H a r e — . . . . — W . W . W ils o n _____ J , P . N e e r _ . _ ------- 1. O. T r i t t . . ________ J . H . B r o w n _______ F . C. W ils o n A . F . V a n ce , J r . — T . T . B ra n d — * ------ W. E. Berry_____ H . D . B a k e r __ F. S. SPERRY— — (F. S. SPERRY)— — 90 26,000 J. W. McKELVY-— 30.000 80,000 N . p it y , N . Y .; 1st N „ C le v .: 2d N „ T o l. 180,000 im p & T ra . N „ N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N „ C in .; 1st N „ C le v . 156,000 1st N ., N . Y .: N e w 1st N .. C ol.; C itiz. N ., C m .; * C en t; N ., C le v .; 3rd N ., P h il. N . B k . C om ., N . Y .: O h io N .. C o l.: 1st N „ M t. V e r n o n : P a rk N „ N e w a rk . 125,000 56-662 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____ * i ’71 56-661 U tica Sayings B a n k --------1§’05 56-663 F a rm ers B a n k ------------------+’08 56-1183 V andalia State B a n k . .. » i § ’13 56-1234 V a n lu e B a nking C o ..:— - t § ’09 56-1184 F ir s t N ational B a n k _____» ’64 56-380 P e o p le s S av in gs B ank _ _ i§ ’03 56-382 V a n W e r t N ation a l B a n k .t ’82 56-381 P eo p le s B ank C o. -----------1§’09 56-1185 B a n k o f V e r m ilio n C o .— §’ 07 56-705 838,010 25,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 250.000 225.000 47,000 3,000 150,000 130,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C le v .< ^ 25,000 6,000 160,000 150,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 172.000 128.000 50,000 J . A . S teb el________ F . W . W e id n e r . . . . B . S. S te b e l____ E . O . R a n k in _______ W . H . R ile y ____— F . W . R o sn a g le___ R . E . J a c k s o n _____ J . B . H e im h o fe r — N . L . M c L a c h la n .. G. J . O ile r_________ H . J . M o reh art 25,000 G . H . M a r s h ....— F . L . W e b s te r — 150,000 142,000 1,150,000 1,071.000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 132,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 161,870 1,229,500 1,117,580 W . T . H u gh es . . . — W . H . P e n n e ll . — D . L . B r u m b a c k ___ E. I . A n trim . . . . O. S. R o e b u c k — . . J . H . B aum hardt . . G eo. A . B e l l ---------G . N o lte 1 F . W . L e s lie ___. . . . F irst N ation a l B a n k _____t ’91 H . B . H o le — . . . — 56-675 318,970 Chase N „ N . Y .: 1st N ., C le v .: N e w ^ lst N ., C o l.; F a r. D e p . N .. P itt. 50,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; U n ion Com . N „ C lev. 111,540 1,007,920 C. B . C la r k ________ E . C. W r ig h t ______ E. L . M a n to n ya ___ C. W . F r e n c h . A . K . A ls d o r f M . E. W ils o n D. M. Warner ____ I . F . A d am s D . P . C a m p b e ll____ D . M . W a r n e r . . 1 , 2 1 1 ,0 0 0 1,013,000 61,000 Chase N ., N . Y.; C o m ’l B k ., Sav. & T r . C o., F in d la y . 351,480 N . P a rk , N . Y .: 1st N ., C le v .; F a r. D e p . N .. P itt. 262,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; U n ion C om . N „ C lev . 392,290 1st N ., N . Y . and C in .; M ellon N ., P itt. Clarence Kohn — C . G . GTffln___ — G. W. Core...;. J . W . E d w ard ______ (.Branch o f Colu rnbusQr ove, Ohi Ó)-------------- H an. N „ N . Y . A . H . L e im b a ch ___ E. L . C o e n _________ M . E. L aw less H . B . K ishm an- — E rie C o u n ty B a n k in g C o. C. F . D e c k e r ♦ 56-704 »tS ’91 V eron a_______ P r e b le K 6 F a rm ers B a n k ________ . « i t ’06 S. G . S h e lle r ___. . . . A . N . R i f e _________ F . W . F lo m m e rs fe ld E . S. H o w e ll. 56-1186 C P o p . 450 V e r s a ille s _____D a rk e I 6 C P o p . 1500 25,000 R esources. Du* Cash k E x Loams k c*tb. Bonds, changes,D ue Securiti kb prom Banks W . C. G u te rm u th .. L. L . L eh m an__ F . A . A sh 305,000 268,500 > 63;000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C lev. 25,000 4,500 50.000 Í6.980 50.000 1 ,1 2 0 260,000 30.000 9,240 295,740 278,500 56,470 N . P a rk , N . Y .; 1st N . and U n ion C om . N „ C le v .; ( M e m , F e d . R e s . ) 499,660 > 504,240 57,760 Ch ase N .,'N . Y .; 4th N .. C in .; N ew 1st N .. C ol. 1st N ., C in. an d C lev. E. C. M a n ie r :__ A . F . P r a k e l---------- 40,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 3C0.000 250,000 V in to n ________ G allia P 14 V in to n B a n k in g C o . . — » i § ’ 02 W . J . F u lt o n ______ W . F . B u tler— 56-1187 C P o p . 324 L . B. P o r t e r ____ W . H . E vans — 25,000 13,040 'Y - 205,180 207,250 39,010 H an. N ., N . Y .; N ew 1st N ., C ol.; C itiz. N ., C in. W a d s w o r th —M edina E 17 F irst N ation a l B a n k ___ . . t ’01 W m . A r t m a n ______ S. P . H artzell___ — L. E. R ic k a r d 56-556 P o p . 4500 A . J . K ra b ill— J . B . I r w i n _______ 65,000 30,000 550,000 500,000 60,000 S eab. N ., N .Y .; U n ion C om . N . and 1st N ., C lev 18,000 1,000,000 1,025,000 150,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C en t. N . and U n ion C om N ., C le v .; C en t. Sav. & T r . C o., A k ro n . t § ’97 L . C. K lip s t in e .-— J . M anier, S r ______ G. H . W orch C. A. CURTIS--— M. F= M ILLER — — — S. C. DURLING — — W. R. L E E --------- — - W e w a n t y o u r W a d sw o rth ite m s S a v e t i m e a n d g e t s e r v ic e o n C o l l e c t i o n s a n d C r e d i t R e p o r t s b y s e t F E E I N A D V A N C E : . Plain sight drafts, I S c ; Cred it Reports, 2 Sc. 150,000 in g T R Y US J . G . W h i t e . . . ......... J . J . M cM a n n , T i W a k e m a n ___ H u ron D 14 W akem an B ank C o ____ « í § ’92 G. S. C l a r k .._______ F . B u rk _______ - — 56-1188 P o p . 800 H . S. G e a rh is e r— W a ld o_______ M arion G 11 W a ld o B a n k ___________ « í § ’99 W m . K l i n g e l ______ W in . G a b le r --------- - J . D . B o w e r ----------56-1189 P o p . 319 R a lp h B a h ler___. . . W a ln u t C r e e k - . . H olm es W a ln u t C r e e k B ank------- 1’ 15 L . J . B a h le r .--------56-1252 P o p . 200 H 17 The FIFTH-THIRD lw :7 p . S. e x c lu s iv e ly b y N A TIO N A L BANK T h e K a n d -H e N a U y B a n k e r s ’ Directory, under the authority of T he American Bankers Ass’ n. of CINCINNATI O H I O — C o n t i n v ie d 25,000 19,000 240,000 242,000 33,000 C hase N ., N . Y .; 1st N „ C lev. 25.000 1,500 130,000 1 2 0 .0 0 0 38,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; M arion N ., M arion. 1 0 ,0 0 0 7,580 129,850 131,200 16,220 C en t. N ., C le v .; F a r. & M e r ch . B k . C o ., M ill ersb u rg. July, 1919 WADSWORTH SAW. & TRUST COMPARI -.56-555— .•í§'73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 f| C Q t o e a c h b a n k in 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ' P eop les B ank C o . . . . — 56-676 OHIO BANK&—Union City to W alnut Creek U n ion C ity . „ . D a r k e 1 5 F a rm e rs State B a n k _____§ ’16 56—Ï260 ( U n ion C ity-In d . P . 0 . ) C P o p . 5000 ‘ U pper San du sky . W y ’d ’ t C itizen s Savings Bank _»tS’ 07 g t j 56-526 P o p . 4000 F 11 C om m ercia l N at. B a n k .»tl9 0 0 56-525 FirstTSfational B a n k ------- 1’63 56-524 ‘ U r b a n a .. C ham paign J ! Cham paign N ation a l B ank’ '51 56-353 P o p . 9000 C itizen s N ational B a n k ..« t ’60 56-352 N ational B ank o f U rb an a . ’ 92 56-354 OHIO— Continued V ice -P resident . P resident . A c c e s s i b le Towtis, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* dexeci in b a c k o f th is-v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , Grace, e t c . , see paste 14 F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o s it e p a g e 13. 1058 1 a CQ lU O o OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FO R EIG N B A N K I N G .' - - CORRESPONDENCE A ccessible T ow ns, Law yers, dexed in back o f this v olu m e. For e t c « , see page 14. IN V IT E D . Laws, D irectors, in In te re st R a te s, G ra ce , ♦ F o r H o li d a y s , see op p osite p a g e 13. \ The FIFTH-THIRD N A TIO N A L BANK AND U N S U R rA S S fcU F O R E IG N L ia V ice -President . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . A. A.KTÎpfftl *W apak on eta — A u gla ize A u gla ize N ational B a n k . . i l l W . J . M c M u r r a y ... 56-461 . . . . . . . B op . 6000 H 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’84 $ 100,000 $ C. 'F. H e rb s t............. A. f i Rrnwn » W a r r e n ______ T ru m b u ll S e co n d N ational B ank „ • i ’80 S . C. I d d in g s ~ _____ F r e d W . A d a m s ___ E. J . B o y d _________ P o p . 13,059 D. 20 56-266 F . W . S T IL L WAGON R . A . C O B B — - J. 0. C R A T S LE Y , , S e e . and T r. TRUST COMPANY 56-269 gQ y^E R ^ " ^ DANIEL A» GEIG ER- CHARLES F I L L I U S - S. R. RUSSELL--------E . F . BRISCOE — S. W. PARK P. D. ABBOTT RESERVE w N A TIO N A L B AN K 56-267 W. F . BOW EN, »$ ’85 COMMERCIAL BANK - M 56-363 Oh.r0 f B d . . '■ B l L ' BQv ® l*s (M .S.DAUGHERTY M. B. S. DAVIES ) C o l l e c t i o n s re i n i t t e d f o r o n d a t t ’83 "h l5 c m u s t b e s e n t ’w it h e a c h s i g h t 1 a n d 2 5 c w it h e a c h r e q u e s t f o r r F a y e tte C o u n ty B a n k ___. t ’99 56-365 M id lan d N ational B a n k .» $ ’92 S. W . Cessna 56-364 P e o p le s & D ro v e r s B k . . » t ’64 56-362 WASHINGTON SAV.lK. & TR. G e o rg e J a c k s o n ___ COMPANY-56-366----- . t § 07 W a te r f o r d . . .W a sh in g ton W a t e r fo r d C o m ’ l & Sav. Bk. G P op . 1418 M 17 56-1191 £§’09 W a tertow n ..W a s h in g t o n F ir s t N ational B a n k ___ . $ ’03 C P op . 200 M 17 56-1192 W a terv ille__ ...L u c a s C 9 W a te ry ille State S av . B k . C o. P o p . 834 56-1193 » i § ’(J7 »W a u s e o n ___ F u lton C 7 FIR S T N A TIO N A L B AN K «i 04 P o p . 2650 56-576 P e o p le s State B ank . . . . • i § ’89 56-577 » W a v e r ly . . . ___ P ik e 0 1 2 B ank o f W a v e r ly ____ r. $ t ’97 56-646 C P o p . 1803 F ir s t N ational B a n k ___ . « ’01 56-647 W a y n esh u rg — S tark G 19 W ayn esh u rg B a n k ______$§’11 56-1211 P op . 800 W a y n es fleld .A u g la iz e G 8 C itizen s B anking C o .___ $§’04 56-1194 P o p . 700 F a rm ers C om m ercia l B ank 56-1238 §13 W a y u e s v ille ..W a r r e n M 7 W a y n e s v ille N at. B a n k . *$’75 56-827 C Pod, 705 The 5th-3 rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R eso u rces. D epos C. P. BALLARD — W. P. e o f p a y m e n t. d r a ft , f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n e p o r t o n r a t in g . B A R N ES .— W . F. frelanrf V io la S t u c k e y .. M . S. D a u g h e r t y ... S c o tt H o p k in s _____ u r IN V IT E D . it s J . H . Chapm an, G e o .I n s k e e p ______ C. U . A rm stron g, 'Sec. and T r. A . Sec. and A . T r. R eu ben R a n k in P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 43,000 $ 600,000 $*500,000 $ 110,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; F ifth -T h ir d N ., Cin. 100,000 50,000 1,700,000 1,650,000 287,700 1st N ., N . Y . and C lev .; A tlas N ., Cin. 100,000 76,000 125,000 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 1st N . an d U n ion C om N ., C lev.; L in . N ., Cin. 917,000 1,025.000 200,000 227,140 2,077,950 2,572,330 337,100 N . B k . Ç om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C lev. 300,000 379,210 3,692,690 3,457,600 414,320 400,000 319,700 4.700,000 4,888,000 602,380 Merch. N .,'N . Y .; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st 68,910 1st N ., C lev.; O h io N ., C ol.; C o m ’l N ., C osh oc to n . « 25,000 30.000 363,580 50,000 100,000 850,000 349,670 N., Pitt, and Clev. ____ ------------. .. — Chase N. and N. City, N. Y .; Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Union Com. N. and 1st N., Clev.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; IstN. and Keystone K ., Pitt. N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N i, C in .; N e w 1st N ., C ol. 100,000 700,000 600,000 150,000 H an. N ., N . Y .; I s t N ., Cin. 50,000 903,260 878,860 48.000 1,000,000 1,000,000 70,940 881,870 767,440 268,020 N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; 4th N „ C in .,; H n n tin g to i N ., C ol. 148,000 C hase N .. N . Y . ; , Is t N ., C lev ; 4th N „ Cin, N e w Ist N ., C ol. 234,180 N . P a rk , N . Y .; I s t N ., C lev,; F ifth -T h ir d N . C in .; H u n tin gton N „ C ol. 100,000 50,000 68,620 0 . D . M u r d o c k __ _ W . W , M ason 25,000 3,430 161,550 167,650 L . 8 . B in gh am _____ W m . Riedel..-.. 25,000 16,130 113,570 138,700 29,030 S eab. N .. N . Y .; C ity N ., C ol.; C en t. N .,.M a ri etta. 38,680 H an. N ., N . Y .; M e llo n N ., P itt. C. R . S h o e m a k e r __ G . A , D e d r ic h _____ 12,500 16,000 400,000 352,500 75,000 M erch . N ., N . Y .r N . B k . C om ., 2d N „ anc N o rth e r n N ., T o le d o . F . J . S p e n c e r ______ JV. B . H a r r i s ___ 50,000 ^ 17,000 650,000 560,000 100,000 N . C ity, N . Y .; I s t N ., C le v .; N o rth e r n N ., T o i 25,500 1,158,590 976,690 277,960 N . P a rk , N . Y .; U n ion C om . N ., C ley. 129,270 N . C ity, N . Y .; 4th N ., Cin. W . H . E a ger_______ F . R . Sm allm a n ___ Chas. W . S t r u b l e - ET R . W illso n 100,000 J . R . H e a d _____* _ . T . M . W a t t s _______ W , V . W atts W . B . L ee— W . F . T a y lo r ______ W . H , W e lk e r T.. N . F llin tt G . R . W e lls ________ J , B. W e ils H . S C hapm an_____ J . A . B o w d le W . H . A lle n _______ r .u n m LOAN8 ft Dlg- Cash ft Ex* c’ t 8. Bonds, changes ,D ue Securities prom B arks COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY AND REMITTED ON DAY OF PAYMENT. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BANKING MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US. W a r s a w .-C o s c h o c to n 1 16 F a rm e r s & M e r ch . B a n k C o. E . L . L y b a rg e r . . . . C . D . J o h n s t o n ____ F . E. W h it te m o r e .. W . R . W illis -______ P o p . 600 56-1190 $§’01 »W ash in gton C ou rt H ouse F a y e tte P o p . 9000 M 10 . Ä , Sec. an d A . T r, •t§1812 WESTERN t v e .n i CORRESPONDENCE J. O. Cartwriglit L. M, Henderson. a C hase N ., N . Y .; I s t N ., C in., f , 10,000 15,000 50,000 77.700 525,580 620,960 25,000 10,580 190,040 T59,160 25,000 31,000 210,000 215,000 25,000 3,200 81,150 73,490 50,000 124,000 514,000 600,000 63,960 C hase N ., N . Y .; M ellon N ., P itt.; Is t N „ C lev . C ity N .. C anton. 36,720 Is t N . an d P e o . N ., W a p a k on eta . 22,510 N . C ity, N . Y .; I s t N-< Lim a. 66,000 I s t N ., N . Y . an d Cin. \ NATIONAL BANK of C IN C IN N A TIR e so u rce s Over OHIO BANKS—Wapakoneta to W a y n e s v ille ________ _________ 1059 UNION SAVINGS & b il it ie s Su r p l u s P a id - u p AND C a p it a l P r o f it s 56-458 P e o p le s N ational B a n k _ . i ’86 S. W . M cF arland 56-459 ira - 1919 P resident . - ju ly , N ame of Bank . »C ou n ty Seats. M em . A m . B k s. A ssn . §State I n N o . 4 F e d . R e s . D ist. $M em . State B k s . A ssn . t P r iv . C is C in cin n a ti B ran ch . MOm. -Fed. R e s . f Bstab.' rA U IL I l I t o B A N K IN G . O H I O — C o n tin u e d Directory, under the authority o f T h e American Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. OFFERS of CINCINNATI Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Rand-M cN aUy Bankers* Directory. under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass*n. TS'wn and County. ^County Seats. In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. C is Cincinnati Branch. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For in terest B ates, Grav< etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page li OHIO—Continued N ame op B an e . Lia b il it ie s . re P resident . V ice -President . Cashier . Surplus As s ’t Cashier . ►Mem. Fed. Res. D epos its Resources. k P rincipal Correspondents . Loams k Du.■ Gash E xc’ ts . B onds,, CHANGBS,I)U] Seouritim from B arb s — • Wellington__ Lorain D 15 4 J. T. Haskell . Chas. W /H o r r ___ Charles T. Jamieson J. F. Branson_____ $ 96.250 $10783001 $1142 82(11 $ 167,850 Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., N. Y.; Clev. Tr. Cc ♦ 56-603 Pop. ?121 H. B.Couch and Cley. N „ Olev.: (M em . Fed. R es.) Wellston___JacksonO 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<1 6 H. S. Willard . R. W. Goddard_— George C. Sellers _ Arthur Harry___ _ 50.000 100,000 800,0001 750,P9C1 190.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cm. C Pop. 6875 56-385 Wellsville__ Columbiana Peoples National Bank..•$’ 2 J. S. McCulloch . . . F .L . Wells . . . T. A. Scheets_____ F. H. E çkfeld____ 100,000 66,000 1,300,,000 1,332,4801 201,230 N, City and Her eh N., N. Y.; Peo. N. anc Pop. 9000 G 21 56-349 Mellon N „ Pitt. W. Alexandria.Preble L 6 Farmers & Citizens B a n c R. J. W. Ozias____ J. P. Bnrtner Sherman Mills____ E. J. Henry_______ 26,100 2,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; IstN, and Fifth-Third N „ Cin C Pop. 1030 56-818 «tt’l Twin Valley Bank__ — »tt’l L. M. Derby______ 53.380 . 666,030 627,?20 1 81,410 l?t N., N. Y ,;.lst N., Fifth-Third N „ and 4tl 25,p 56-817 N „ CinW.Carrollton Montgom’y West Carrollton Bank— §’l A Wm. Strfinp ... Wm. W ilhelm i___ W. E. Dean_______ 25.000 ,2,900 66,590 g63,24Q 26,420 City N-, Dayton. Pop. 1500 . E 4 56-1290 R. C. McConaughy Westerville.Franklin J 12 Bank o f Westerville___t l ’l 5 G. W. Bright.,___ Wm. C. Real. F. E. Samuel.__ John Phelps. 30.000 11,5Q0 452,430 365.030 123.33Q Chase N „ N. Y.; Citiz, Tr. & Sav„ Col. Pop. 2500 56-628 (J. W. MARKLEY-___ C.W. CLARK________ C. L. BRUNOAGE_____ 25.000 12,390 286,040 229,670 97,630 N> Bk. Com., N. Y.; New 1st N. and City N : JSpeclal atten tlo n given BUI o f La d ing drafts,. Cash and T im e Item s, Col.; 1st’ N. Olevi' 1 ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft fo r presentation a net 25c f o r Credit B eporfs. 56-629 ' 'Send us your W estervUle item s. W. Farmington .Trumbull tanking Co. . . . *S’9'7 O. E. Stevens . G. E. M inich_____ R. A. Fink, 25.000 F. L. Moore, A. Sec. 6,200 171,320 144,630 48.280 ChaseN.yN.Y.ftTmQn Com. N.,Clev.; Westen Pop. 446 D 20 56-1195 Sec. and Tr Reserve N., Warren. jP .M . GREGG- — T. C. GREGG --------- A . A . GREGG— — HOWARD JOHNSON 20.000 ' 19,000 360,000 447,000 17,000 City N „ Huntington N „ and New 1st N., Col. West Jefferson ..Madison HAL BANK— it'8: ’ (Special atten tlo Pop. 1400 K 11 n given B1U o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Items, 56-746 . 'Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a hd 25c fo r Credit B eiJorts The ♦ VVA mm m e D. C. Bailey _ .. H. A. Wilson C. A. Ford____ B. R, Black— G. F. Plotner E. S. Moore .......... A. B. .Tones ..... . 1 0. E. Emrick R. D. Henderson .2 . H. G. Craig......... 1 C. A. Underwood.. Lucile McGee M. H. B ell________ J. A. Hines 1 __ 1 5,740 376,050 58,000 1,025,000 25.000 33,000 - 250,000 240.000 60,000 Chase N „ N. Y.: 1st N „ Cin. and Clev. 12,000 421,220 326,000 75,000 Ah N., Cin.flst N.iÜiclr.' 25.000 4,730 210,290 191,490 14,500 10,000 285,000 223,000 46,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Ohio N., Col.: Peo.. Marys ville. 85,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clevv 30.000 6,000 300,000 250,000 O. L. Buchanan__ Alice Himes H. E. Jones___ __ 30.000 8,600 449,040 383,730 F. A. Colbrunn, Tr. 30.000 23,000 360,000 300,000 25.000 12,190 176,920 4.74,430 438,850 50.000 • 6.370 436,930 Lillian B. Wood__ 4,600 1,400 98,600 88,000 Miss B. M. Bahl__ 30.000 3,740 244,300 210.560 L. E. McManis___ J. A. Hollingion__J 1 T. L. Gifford r f A. R, Lydy .1......... J G. W. Hoffman J. D. McMorris—— . 45,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N „ Cin.; (M em. Fed. Bes.) 102,890 Han. N.. N. Y.: 4thN., Cin. 113,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; N. Bk, Com.. 2d N.. and 1st N.. Tol. 60,220 Han. N.. N. Y.; Northern N. and N.Bk. Com., Tol,; 1st N „ Clev. 51,540 Seab. N „ N, Y,; Det. Ave. Sav. & Bkg. Co., Clev. 15,000 1st N., Clev. 64,560 1st N. and Cent. N;, Ölev. L 25.000 15.070 408,200 382,860 63,790 25.000 ,7,500 495,000 380,000 147,500 20,000 190,000 153,000 16,000 S. E. Huston . M. H. Rear R. B. Rear E. L. Wolff_______I 36,800 Com’IN ., Col.; Lon, Ex. Bk. Co., London, O. 983,000 '“118,500 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N „ Clev,”; (M em .Fed.Res.] 25.000 (.Branch o f Toled o) S. R. Bdgington__J ,357,930 H. E. Pearson____ S. C. Oswald______ J. G. Fischer. _ Wnj, Thorpe 20,000 100,000 25.000 8,600 221,700 206,800 49,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Northern N.. Tol. 37,500 17,000 625,000 *525,000 25.000 8,000 131,000 ¡hase'N.', N. Ÿ.: Union Com. N. and 1st N.. Clev. 67,000 : i. City. N. Y.: 1st N „ Clev.: 4th N. o f Pitt., N. A., Pitt. 485,000 ^440,000 NATIONAL BANK of CINCINNAI 1— Resources $55.000 .1Ü n e w 'j m n s i c M u m b e r fc 1 1 Aa L. T V WILLINGNESS ► C O U R T E S Y ? 1 July, 1919 5 th -3 rd M B toe*' u n d e r N a m e o f D a n k Federal Reserve Bank STeE of St. Louis t d f i i J? each bank in U. S. exclusively Riddle Sidner____ F. G. Brown_____ t> H. A. Sicker. _____ E. A. Leighunger _____ Whiteh^nsp___ Lucas C 9 Whitehouse State Savings Bk. Fred Kbhli........... Pop. 506 56-1201 < § ’04 Willard - „ „ H u r o n E 13 Commercial Bank C o ._$§’88 W. B. K eefer. Pop. 4000 56-517 HOMEpSflflVJNGS & BANKING J. A, Wheeler____ .<§1900 56-518 Tf. O. Milliirtn. A. L. Fouts ? lank.... ........ t ’0:l E. W. Johnson___ 56-747 yette Bk. C o.<§’0ii Henry Rehard____ 56-1196 tanking Co....... |’9i ! J. A. Weidman. ... 56-1197 i Bank---------- $§’11r Jno. E. Leas—.'"iz.. 56-1198 itate Bank___ $§’04\ W. A. Bell. 56-778 IKING CO___< t ’»a1 J. T. Drake_______ 56-777 West Milton__ Miami K 7 ate Bank___ < § ’07’ L. E. Elleman G Pop. 1350 56-719 riONAL BANK *$’82! O. B. Douglas_____ 56-718 Weston_______Wood D 9 inking Co.__ < § ’9C W. O. Singer Pop. 1200 56-779 >nal Bank..!___$’03i H. C. Uhlman____ 56-780 West Park.Cuyahoga C16 West Park Savings & Bank- Chas. Haas _ ... Pop. 7000 .56-1254__ $§’15 Jno. Seager ,V .P . West Salem—Wayne E 15 est S a le m ...< t’02 Pop. 642 56-841 tate B a n k „ .< § ’15 J. H. W ile y ...____ 56-842 West Toledo__ Lucas B 10 Ohio Savings Bank & Trust Pop. 2500 Co_____ 56-588........... tS’01 *West Union.Adams Q 10 First National Bank___ < ’05 A. C. Harrison____ C Pop. 1200 56-737 WestUnity. Williams B 6 West Unity Bkg. Co.__ *$§’88 W. M. Denman___ Pop. 980 56-1199 Wharton__ Wyandot F 10 Wharton Bank_____ ___ t t ’92 Pop. 485 56-1200 W estLafayette Coshocton Pop. 1000 1 17 West Liberty—Logan 19 Pop. 1288 W. Manchester Preble K 5 C Pop. 500 W. Mansfield. Logan H 10 Pop. 913 ________ __________ OHIO BAN K S-rW ellington to W illard and P rofits «v e n by TUe Eand-M cNaU y Bankers’ -Directory» un der th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . O H I O — C o n t in u e d A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y ers, L a w s, D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d m b a c k o f .t h is v o l u m e . For Interest R ates, Grace, i*—-* etc«» see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 C* The 5 t h - 3 r d NATIONAL H ! ot CINCINNATI— Resources $55, I I I U J P U I I M H M X-. T own Ifu m b e r u n d e r ifi Bank ia the x«ew 'nrnnsit Manxber given . ____ in U. ... to each bank S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNaUy Bankers’ .Directory, un der th e au th ority of T he A m eriean Bankers Ass’ n. and Countt . N am e PKKSIDtNT. A s s 't C ashier . J. F. Knight______ J. B. Cover_____ _. L. B. Thomas. J. W. Lytle......... Jas. E. McKever— H. G. McGhee____ W. T .U lm __ _____ J. L. Hunsicker__ Leon R. Adams, C. E. Thomas— ) 64,610 30.000 18,540 ) 320410 ) 150.000 ) 152.000 18.000 7,000 4.500 80,000 ) 1.148,190 G. W. W ire _______ E. J. Hiatt________ R. C. Lawhead H. G. Hudson 100,000 214,300 ) 1.359,150 160,000 F ir s t a n d O ld e s t E s ta b lis h e d B a n k . < ’72 C o lle c tio n s a s p e c ia lty a n d r e m itte d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. 66,320 909:760) 1.137,210 P H. VAN DERV0RT - C. A. WARD-------- C. E. Spidell______ F. W. Schoen . . . J. H. Palmer. Wm. Kleinknecht. L. J. Fenton _____ ,„ C. L. Fenton._____ H. W en rick _______ I. D. Thompson . . . F. Diehl______ ___ Harry E. Stewart. ) 189,660 25.000 ) 229,000 50.000 40.000 t 610,000 79,170 i 867.300 George H ann...__ W. C. Fnllington__ A. R. Connor_____ C. B. Lincoln.. . 10.000 D. H. Bittinger___ C. F. S o ld á n ....... O. F. Soldan______F. W . Keil-________ William Keii_____ _ E. G. B aker______ G. Br; R oll_______ Commercial Bkg. & Tr. Co— Wesley H. Zaugg. 56-417 *»'05 [AVNE COUNTT NATIONAL J. S. R. Overholt _ BANK— 56-416— . — < ’45 Worthington___ Franklin Worthington Savings Bk. Co. B. S. Wellman— Pop. 547 J 12 56-1206 < | ’98 Wren_____ Van Wert F 5 Bank o f W ren--------------i f ’03 J. L. Moser.______ Pop. 227 56-1207 O. H. Larwill_____ W. J. Bertolette . . 15.000 19.000 70,000 50,000 25.000 13.000 460.000 350,000 22.000 50.000 W ILLIAM H AR R IS . C. P. BL0UGH 100,000 Grant Myers, Sec. 125.000 Frank Taggart____ R. R. Woods______ J. A. M yers..____ G. W. Ryall Howard P otter__ Anna L. Davis. MJ. W. Grabiel____ Minnie Hall L. M. Harmon____ W. G. Teeple___ !__ 150.000 548.000 467,630 35.000 1,000,000 800,000 25.000 600,000 600.000 140,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 25.000 9,000 360.000 320,000 16.960 6,400 143.000 101,000 100,000 140,000 750.000 575,000 50,000 15,000 n given BUI off L adlng D rafts, Ca sh and T im e Ite m s. )P le a s e s e n d 15c with ea6h sight dr aft fo r presentatio n cmd 50c fo r Cre dit Repo rts. (Send us your X enla Item s. 485.000 460,130 •Xenia_______ Greene L 8 CITIZEN S NATIONAL BANK R. S. Kingsbury— H. L. Smith---------M. L. W olf________T. D. K y l e ___ ï ___ C Pop. 10,000 56-814 < ’81 < fC 10,660 50.000 I . WEftTZ ‘ Wooster___ Wayne F 16 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK.<*03 I C ollections hav eE . the personal at tenti on o f an offl cer o f this bank, Pop. 8000 56-418 l We rem it o n da y o f paym en t. Se nd us your W oost er Item s. C O M M ER CIALA SAV. BK.CC 25.000 25.000 W. 0. Mooney____ B. G. Tremaine___ F. W. Douglass___E. E. R ichner. True Martin E . S. FOUST - -__ C. L . BABB— - The FIFTH-THIRD D. M. Stewart____ J. A. Nisbet______ Geo. R. Kelly Robert Elder_____ Frank L. Currey. C. W. Heil. N A T IO N A L BANK R. B. C om bs...__ William Jones____ Of CINCINNATI 100,000 122,000 890.000 645,000 25.000 30,000 300.000 290,000 25.000 3,600 231,630 162,010 l ........ 17,320 ist N., Cin. 99,500 Han. N ..N . Y.t 1st N., Clev. and Cin. 48.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Old Adams Co., Decatur. Ind. 53,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st N., Decatur, Ind. and Clev. 220,430 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th N. and Fifth-Third N.. Cin. 156,350 Han.N.,N. Y.; Fifth-ThirdN. and 4thN.,Oin.: 1st N., Clev.: New 1st N., Col. 127,450 Im p . & Tra. N., N. Y .; 1st N., 2nd N., and 4th N., Cin. 59,890 1st N. Clev.; City N. and Geo. D. Harter, Can ton. 135,210 1st N., Clev.; Lincoln N., Cin. 131,000 N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N. and Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Bk. o f W. Va., Wheeling, W. Va. 377400 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Columbia, N. and Far. 1 Dep. N., Pitt.: 1st N., Clev.: New 1st N., Col. Chase N., N. Y.; New 1st N., Col. 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hayden-Clinton N., Col. 92,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. and Com'l Sav. Bk. & Tr. Cos., Tol. 148,110 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Northern N., Tol. 250,000 Chase N., N* Y.: Union Com. N., Clev. 100,000 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Clev.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A ;; Pitt.? 250,000 1st N., N; i . and Clev.-; Mellon N., Pitt, s 65,000 Guaranty Tr. CoJ, N. Y.; New 1st N., Ool.r 1st N „ Clev. 51,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Old Adams Co., De catur, Ind. 285,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Clev. >. N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.: New 1st N „ Col. 84,250 Han. N 471,400 1st N., N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Cent. N., Clev. 50,000 Chase N., N .Y .jlstN .and Fifth-Third N., Gin. 94,680 Chase N „ N, Y.: Peo. Sav. Bk. Co., Martins Ferrv. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT f OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS m - 1061 Xenia National Bank__ < ’83 George Little_____ 56-815 Yellow Springs__ Greene Miami Deposit B ank__ < ! ’05 P. M. Stewart_____ C Pop. 1360 K8 56-1208 Yorkvilie. Jefferson I 21 Union Savings Bank Co. A. C. J o n e s...____ Pod. 150_________ 56-1269 < § ’17 \n- Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 17,500 jR . A. B IE C H E L E - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.500 100,000 A. J. WILSON — — - S. G. SMITH.............. A. I- McVEY D ir e c t o r s , ) $ 332,410 $ 46,430 Chase N.. N. Y.: 4th N.. Cin. 25.000 I. N. L a i r ........ .. F. M. Harlan... Wilmot_____ ...Stark G 17 Farmers State Bank___ Pop. 258 56-1204 Winchester__ Adams P 9 Winchester Bank C o . < C Pop. 987 ■ M l 56-1205 ‘ Woodsfleld.Monroe L 19 First National Bank__ • Pop. 3000 56-587 Monroe Bank.___ - __ - < 56-586 Woodstock__ Champaign Peoples Bank_________ Pop. 400" 1 10 56-860 Woodstock Bank___ _ < 56-859 Woodville.Sandusky C 10 State Savings Bank—. . Pop. 1008 56-804 Woodville Sar. Bk. Co.. 56-803 56-316 $ 55,000 $ 19,380 k Oaihk ExOHANOM,Dui SHDimu n o n B a m m Lo a m Du* c ’ t i . Bo k m , ( B r a n c h o f C lc v c l a n d ) . M g r. J. M oser..—. . . ___ F. G. Roehm____ L a w s, II II MU IIII II I M Paid - up Surplus D epos AND Capital P rofits its W. H. Hunter____ W. A. Colter______ L. Straubinger. FIRST NAT. BANK 56-492 Cashier . L aw yers« ____________ OHIO BANKS—Williamsburg to Yorkvilie _________ Williamsburg__ Clermont Farmers & Merch. State Bk. T. G. Foster______ C Fop. 1000 0 8 56-764 t§’97 Peoples Bank._____ __-TI’19 E. S. Moorhead— 56-1284 Williamsport__ Pickaway Farmers National Bank—1’91 G. P. Hunsicker__ Pop. 536 MU 56-1202 Willoughby___ Lake B 18 Cleveland Trust C o.-i— t f ’90 Pop. 2072 ♦ 56-1203 ■t N ' V — Wiltshire—Van Wert F 5 Farmers & Merch. State Bk H. G. Schumm..__ Pop. 652 56-839 t t ’06 Willshire Bank Co.____ » i f '96 Fred. Hartzog. „ t. 56-840 ‘ Wilmington.Clinton M 9 Citizens National Bank-.*3'06 Wm. F ife .._______ C Pop. 5000 56-494 Clinton County National Bk. M. R. D enver..___ 56-493 < ’72 V ice -President . T o w n s , dexed in back ol .this volume. For In te re st R a t e s ; Grace, I e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. Lia b il it ie s . of B a n e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 4 Fed, Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPrir. C is Cincinnati Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ' V" A c c e s s ib le O H I O — C o n t in u e d July, 1919 1061 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o each ban k i n U. S. e x c l u s iv e l y b y T h e i i a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s 'n . \..ò T own and County. Name of Ba n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 4 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. C is Cincinnati Branch. •Mem. Fed. Res. . [Estab. P resident . A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see op p o s ite page 13, OHIO—Continued ••--- . V ice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . Paid - up S urplus D epos AND Capital Profits its R esources . Loan« AcDu- Cashk Ex c*ts. Bonds, changes,Due 8BOmUYIB8 fromBank* P rincipal Correspondents. Í062 1 r\ f. O ' * CENTRAL BANK & TR U S T CO. 56-52 «ÎS’16 A . E. REINMANN — - H. E . W ELCH........— A- E . REINM ANN, JOHN M. SHAW, Sec. Tr. T . B. VAN A LS TIN E, J . P. C0LLERAN $ 150,000 $ 16,500 $ 591,000 $ 640,000 $ 142,000 A m . Ex. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Clev.; Peo. N., jC h .o fB d . P itt. “ S E R V IC E ” O U R M O T T O . T ry us with your Collections. ♦City Trust & Savings Bank W. T. Gibson_____ H. W. Grant______ H. W. Grant, Tr. W. R. Leonard, See. ♦ 56-48 *«'04 W. R. Leonard J. E. G ribbon, H. Money, A . See. A . Tr. COMMERCIAL N A T IO N A L B A N K 56-46 «$’80 ‘ DOLLAR SAVINGS & TRU ST CO. ♦ 56-47 C. H. K EN N E D Y ____ H. L . R0WND MASON EVANS, J . B. KENNEDY C h.ofB d. HARRY W ILLIAMS---- J . R HALLS F . 6. EVANS 200,000 228,870 6,031,170 5,518,010 500,000 564,110 6,131,170 6,493,860 1,206,990 1 s t N ., N . Y . ; C o o t . & C o m ’ l N ., C h i . ; 935,430 N, Park, N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.: Cent. N. Clev.; Lin. N „ Cin.; (M em . Fed. R es.) M e l l o n i f . , P i t t . ; 1 s t N ., C le v . S e n d u s y o u r Y o u n g s t o w n ite m s f o r q u ic k s e r v ic e . A. E. Adams______ C. H. Booth.______ D. M. Wick, T r.__ P. H. McElevey, H. M. Garlick, Robert Bentley V. J. Goodridge, See. Ch. o f Bd. R. P. Hartshorn A . Tr. Chas. Ephraim, M. E. Dennison A . See. 1.500.000 Special Prom pt Send us 1,518,590 attenti service. your Yo 20,513,950 on give Reason u n g sto 19,826,530 n collec able ch wn ite 3,706,010 N. Bk. Com. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. tiens. 4th St. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N. arges* . Pitt.; (M em . Fed. B es.) m sN «$§’87 A. E . A D A M S ____ C . H . B O O T H --------- J . H . P A R K E R ------- D .N . C O O P E R - ‘ FIRST NAT. BANK“ 56-44 H . M . G A R LIC K , RO B ERT B E N T L E Y Ch. o f Bär R . P , H A R T S H O R N M . E . D EN N IS O N •$’63 International Bank___ tl9Q0 G . V . Hamory..__ 56-50 Italian Popular Bank > ___t ’02 F. M a s tr o ia n n i— 56-53 ♦MAHONING NATIONAL BK. R . E. Cornelius___ 56-45 »$’68 W. S. Bonnell, V. Pres. Mahoning Sar. & Tr. Co. -S’10 R. E. Cornelius___ 56-49 W. S. Bonnell V. Pres. ♦South Side Savings Bank C. T. Truesdale__ 56-51 $§’15 OTIS & CO,-— - r. - . ’18 (Investment Bank 1,500,000 1,904,630 16196970 16615130 4.623,970 A m . E x . N . a n d N . B k . C o m . , N . Y . ; M e l l o n N ., P i t t . ; P h i l . N ., P h i l . ; 1 s t N ., C le v . -------- Han. N.and Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.: 212,630 50,000 W. A. Beecher____ Wm. I. Davies.-— W. J. Roberts J. R. Rowland W. A. Beecher____ W. I. Davies, T r... W. J. Roberts, Sep. J. R. Rowland W. J. Roberts B. M. Campbell— W. H. Barr, A. D. Reese, A. Sec. Bruce Matthews See. and Tr. ers) ___ ______ W. B. Hall— - __ W. P. Arms...... . R EA LT Y GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY (Investment Bank ers) W. A. Carroll, See.. W. B. Hall, TV I Philip W ick_____ Hugh W. G ra n t ___ L. A. Kirtland, See. E. E. Swartswelter, J R . Wadsworth, E. E. Swartswelter Tr. ) , V .P . 'I n v e s t m e n t B a n k e r s . S t o c k s , B o n d s a n d u n l i s t e d s e c u r it i e s . 449,130 4,826,440 4,766,350 1,508,420 Am. Ex. N., Ñ. Y.; 1st N. and Union Com. N., Clev.: Mellon N., Pitt, 100,000 95,460 1,496,490 1,143,700 100,000 17,770 623,510 627,400 547,490 1st N., N. Y.: Union N^ Pitt. 118,880 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. Otis & Co., Clev. Capital and Sur plus $1,0 00,000 — 250,000 Mahoning N., City Tr. & Sav.7 Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., and Com’l N., Youngstown. C o r r e s p o n d e n e e in v i t e d . H. W. Williams, J. M. Shaw, Mgr. See. _ . G e o rg e B r o w n . 35,000 „ 40,430 1,287,230 1,029,840 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK*$’63 iW .P . S H A R E R .- W. M . BATEM AN— J .B . L A R Z E L E R E - F . T . HOWARD- ___ 300.000 56-116 ( Z a n e s v il le ’ s “ G r a n d O l d B a n k ” g u a r a n t e e s p e r f e e t s e r v ic e i n a l 1 b ra n c Guardian Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. T. F. S pa n gler_____ 56-120 §1900 ♦Old Citizens Nat’l Bank»$'81 H . C. V a n V o o r h is — 56-417 ♦Peoples Sav. Bk. Co...«$§’89 T . F . S p a n g le r.— 56-118 STATE-SECURITY BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. M . E; S. Grant. Jas. M. Bailey W. J . Atwell, T r ... C. T. Atwell, S ee... 586,750 3,917,890 4,391,750 707,090 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Oont. & Oom’l N., hes o f le g it im a te b a n k in g . Chi.; Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. 50,000 9,340 171,590 181,860 69,610 Eeo. Sav. Bk. Co.,Zanesville. J osep h S h a w ______ H . A . S h a r p e ______ H . J . K n o e d l e r ___ 200,000 E. S. Grant___ W. R. Baker 100,000 100,000 B a rn ett_____ G . K . B r o w n in g . . . 56-122 *$§’10 G. T. Orr Zanesville Clearing House— H.C. Van V o o r h i s . (.Members indicated by a * ) W. J . A tw e ll_____ __ W. B. Deacon . _ J . B . Larzelere, Sec. C. E. Porter 331,300 2,399,280 2,746,700 380,880 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 50,470 1,650,710 1,558,790 242,390 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.: 57,650 2,774,410 2,626,290 305,770 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Melton N., Pitt.; Fifth-Third 1st N., Clev. Com’l N.. Col.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. N., Cin.; 1st N., Clev. Charter No 20 — The FIFTH - THIRD NAJ !2 ü AL of CINCINNATI—- Oven Fifty Years nrQrnwnr ____________ July, 1919 Youngstown Clearing Honse. R. E. Cornelius— (Members indicated by a ♦> »Zanesville.. Muskingum American Tr. & Sav. Bk.«$|’05 W. P. Sharer_____ W. M. B atem an Pop. 30,863 K 15 56-121 500,000 11.000 > 60,830 ____________ OHIO BANKS—Youngstown to Zanesville »Youngstown.. Mahoning Pop. 108,385 E 21 A Y e a r fs P r o fits might be completely wiped out, or at least seriously affected, by the dis honesty of a single employee. You doubtless have the utmost confidence in those in your employ; but experience has shown that the protection of a Fidelity Bond issued by this Company is indispensable. :: :: :: :: AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY O F N E W Y O R K HOM EOFFICE 100 B R O A D W A Y , N E W Y O R K C a p i t a l $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Fo u n d e d 1 8 8 4 O K LA H O M A a n d T E X A S O R G A N IZ A T IO N S O K L A H O M A C IT Y , O K L A . A U S T IN , T E X A S Southwest* Reserve Bank Building Littlefield Building H. J. ROLEKE Manager JAM ES E. LUCY Manager TRUSTEES J . S. Alexander Charles H . Allen John Anderson Edwin L . Blabon Charles A . Boody R. R. Brown Newcomb Carlton E. F . Carry Clarence E. Chapman Otis H . Cutler Richard Delafield Philip T . Dodge H E N R Y D. L Y M A N , Chairman of the Board W. N. Dykman A. W. Mellon Daniel Guggenheim Andrew Mills W . H . Moore J. Horace Harding J . R. Morron Henry W. Hayden W . A. Nash A. J . Hemphill Seward Prosser A. T . Hert John J . Raskob F. L. Hine D . G . Reid F . M . Kirby S. W . Rosendale F . W . Lafrentz Lindsay Russell John D. Ryan Edward E. Loomis J . G . Schmidlapp L . F. Loree Samuel S. Sharp W. S. McCornick John Sherwin W m . Skinner Robert S. Sloan R. A. C. Smith Valentine P. Snyder George C. Taylor G uy E. Tripp Theodore N. Vail L. A. Watres W m . F. Whiting Albert H . Wiggin George T . Wilson Bronson Winthrop OFFICERS F. W . LA F R E N TZ , President F ID E L IT Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AN D R. R. BROW N, First Vice-President S U R E T Y BURGLARY INSURANCE BONDS v. O klahom a. IN D E X TO COUNTIES. Adair.........D M Alfalfa___ A 5 Atoka____ H 12 Latimer__ G'i5 LeFlore__ G 16 Lincoln......D 10 Logan....... D 8 Love......... J 9 McClain__F McCurtaln.. I McIntosh. ..F Major__ ...C Marshall___I Mayes........C Murray..... H Muskogee-E 8 16 14 5 10 15 9 14 Noble........ B 9 Nowata..... A 14 Okfuskee. _.E Oklahoma..E Okmulgee..E Osage........ B Ottawa......A. 12 8 13 11 16 Pawnee..... C 10 Payne........C 9 Pittsburg...G 13 Pontotoc.. G 10 Pottawatomie F 10 Pushmataha H 14 Roger Mills. D 1 Rogers........C 14 Seminole ...F n Sequoyah...E 16 Stephens ,_H 7 Texas......... J S Tillman___ I 4 Tulsa ......... C 13 Wagoner ...D Washington A Washita ...-E Woods....... A Woodward.B 14 13 3 4 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 304° Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Some Facts About RAND McNALLY BA N K E R S* D IR E C T O R Y and T H E B A N K E R S* R E G IS T E R {Consolidated) T h e Bankers’ B lue B ook 1. Is the Official Numbering Agent for The American Bankers Association. 2. Ia honestly revised twice a year and is the most accurate and caraully edited publication of its kind. (Write for our booklet. ?‘Seven Decisions. ) 3. Is always the first Bank Directory on * the market and is published^ nearer to the date of the information it contains than any other similar publication.^ 4. Is printed in tabulated form , all simi lar items being placed in the same • column, for the purpose oi quick comparison—impossible i f the book is printed in the cheaper way like a novel. 5. Has a paid bank circulation larger than the paid bank circulation of all other Bank Directories combined. 6. Has the largest paid bank circulation of any publication in America, ot whatever kind, and this circulation is increasing every year. 7. “ A Reliable Book published by a Responsible House.* D o Not be Deceived Others are not “ Just as Good" Tvro Editions each year. January and July Num ber under Name o r Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Hand-M cNally Bankers’ T own and Ooontt . »County Seats. Figure under town is 11 N am e of Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President .' V ice -President . A s s ’t Cash ie r . C a sh ie r . B. A. McKinney 816,960 860,000 262,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. 25.000 2,500 150,000 153,000 37,500 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 50,000 55,000 750,000 650,000 200,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Reserve, Kan. G.: State N., Okla.; 1st N., Muskogee. ___ H. J. Huddleston— 50,000 40,000 800,000 600,000 300,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Secur. N.. Okla.; Com.-Tr. Co., Kan. C., < § ’01 S. P. Ferguson____ C. B. Markham___ H. A. Kehn_______ Jessie M. Warren. 10,000 8,500 100,000 86,500 14,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C .;lst State. Vinita. 10,000 1,000 60,990 51.290 16,200 1st State, Hartshorne. 25,000 4,880 66,000 98,500 18,000 Inter-State N „ Kan. C.; Okla. N., Chickasha. 5,000 300,000 240,000 85,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; State N.. Okla. 25,000 4,580 200,330 167.980 78,170 Han. N., N. Y .;N . Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., St* L W. E. Berrv_____ W. A. Houston____ 10,000 4.000 100,000 79,000 35,000 Far. N., Okla.; Tra. N., Kan. G.; Okla. State, Cushing; Stillwater N., Stillwater. H. I. Booker!______ H. I. Booker______ L. P. Oldham_____ 15,000 3,486 45,770 64.750 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Smith; N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. L. L. Laws, A ctive.. E. W. W asson.— 0. E. Costello 25,000 34,590 224,380 212,810 71,150 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. 0 .: Secur. N., Okla. 10,000 7,500 120,000 98,000 10,000 2,510 99,580 110,190 35,000 Alva State, Alva: Kan. N., Wichita; Garfield Co., Enid, Inter-State N., Kan. C. 24,390 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; Far. N., Okla. 25,000 6,780 133,750 135,000 25.000 6,330 179,440 242,680 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N , Muskogee; Merch, & Plan. N.. Ada.; -Denison Bk. & Tr. CoDenison. Shawnee N., Shawnee; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 32,520 25.000 3,920 158,440 213,490 12,200 Cent, N., Tulsa; 1st N., McAlester. J. T. Harmon J. B. Milam_______ T. E . Smith_______ F. M. Eaves—_____ Mabel Eaves______ 10.000 450 70.000 50,000 J. R. McMahan__ . T G. Braddock___ H. B. Bellenger___ J. H. Bellenger___ 50.000 20,880 345,450 349,550 T. G. Braddock.... L. L. Smith_______ John J. Little____ 25.000 3,000 250,000 187,000 c. C- HIGHTOWER — C.C. HENRY-............. A. J. WRIGHT J. SUMNER CITY NATIONAL B A N K ~ < ’07 'i This bank gets o u t and m akes C ollection s. D irect your clients to us. , 86-96 J Letters a ns were d on day received by an officer. 50,000 25,000 365,000 330,000 60,000 15,000 505,000 j j . A. HENRY-......... GEO. D. PENDLET0N- B. M. WOOLDRIDGE- 0. W. H0GSETT......... H. H. BLANTON, jFirst and oldes t established ban k in C ounty. Col lections receive p ersonal a t t e n t i on , (Especially those sent direct. All letters answered on day o f receipt. 420,000 H .P. U eich.Active L. A. Ellison. R. W. Allen OKLAHOMA STATE BANK 86-104 Rank o f Adair 86-661 < § ’08 Gerald R iedt__ — Adamson..Pittsburg G 13 First State Bank______t§’14 86-1007 10 Pop. 500 T. H. Dimery_____ W. T. Spears_____ Jennie E. Evans, , •Active Alton— .___Ottawa B16 Farmers State B ank__ < § ’14 G. O. Shepherd— W. P. S m a lle y .-.. W. F. Reynolds . . . J. W. Mosley 86-338 10 Pop. 2000 Hf First National B an k___ < ’97 0. W. Lehnhard__ M. A. Painter . 86-337 Addington—Jefferson 1 7 First National Bank —< ’1900 86-662 10 Pop. 493 n. J. AIdAn Agra_______Lincoln D 10 10 Pop. 366 86-663 Albion.Pushmataha G 15 11 Pop. 500 86-665 ” 10 Pop. 500 First National Bank.— < ’12 86-953 R. T? mark ▲line__ _____ Alfalfa B 5 10 Pop. 303 86-643 Allen_____ Pontotoc G 11 10 Pop. 1200 4« ,4.4 86-1077 86-642 86-508 First State B ank---------- $§’08 86-507 First State Bank------- ..< § ’09 86-667 10 Pop. 250 »Altus___ .Jackson H 3 Altus State Bank—------ < § ’04 86-95 10 Pop. 4821 Citizens State Bank____t§’12 86-960 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94,400 1 154,370 J 12,660 N. Bk. of Denison. Denison, Tex.; Durant N., Durant; N .R eserve, Kan. C. 31,770 •• v ■Merch. & Planters Nat'l Bk. M. R. C hilcutt..._. IT Wi P. S. Case 86-106 » ’09 10 Pop. 876 Pr incipal Correspondents . 100,000 C. L. Griffeth_____ f P. A. N orris____ M. D. Timberlake— »Ada______ Pontotoc G 11 b u s t national bank -< First and oldest established ban k. 86-102 <1900 (.Prom pt atten ti on to all bankin g m atters entrus ted to us. i o pop . 7500 y |y 1 C. J. Mallory_____ Guaranty State Bank ...gS ’08 Clyde C. Rand el__ .-.c. * ------86-105 ---------- Resources . Lia b il it ie s . Surplus (»ANSSt Dis- Cash&Ex D epos c Paid - up ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due and its Capital Profits Securities fromBanks $ 25,000 $ 15,420 I W. E. Holland____ Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank 86-660 *£10 Pop. 500 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, »Ir e c to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, i1—« etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.|C OKLAHOM A 86-94 (Fieri (Feist ......... W. M. Pegg— ------ J. 0 . Hamilton...!. W. W. Taylor i H. W. Wells J. D. Daugherty... H. T. Douglas____ FT. A. Rtolres L. T . Sammons — R- R. .Tones j j . s . WOOD ~ FIRST NATIONAL B AN K -i 02 R. C. Arrington___ B. B. Stephens— — Oscar Runyan____ L. H. Stephens — R. R. Stokes N s. niiyn 25,000 r 30,000 Ex. N.- Tulsa; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Bk. of Chelsea, Chelsea. 141,790 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Reserve and Drov. N., Kan. 0.: 1st N „ St. L.; Am. N., Okla. 71,000 State N. and Liberty N., Okla.; Inter-State N.. Kan. C. 65,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; New Eng. N „ Kan. C.; Am. N.. Okla. 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; State N., Okla.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. SERVICE— Use the STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City — SERVICE T own N um ber under N am e o f Bank ia the New T ra n d t N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, un der th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . and Oountt . N am e of Ba n k. *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is {Mem. State Bks. Assn.tFriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estai). President . V ice -President . r\ n Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this voluble. For Interest B ates, Grace, k a Cash ie r . A s s 't Cash ie r . R esources . L ia b il it ie s . t Surplus D bpos- Loansk Dir- Oasbk Ex Paid - up c*tr. Bonds, changes,Due and Capital Profits ITS Securities fromBanks 30,000 898,970 250.000 200,000 50,000 37,600 1,000,000 jG . E . NICKEL — GEO. W. CROW ELL F . 0. MUNSON — W. C. GRAVES FIRST NATIONAL’95 )Cash collection s and Bill o f Lad lug Drafts will be handled as instru cted by the sen der. 88-126 (On oth er busin ess, we give ener getlc service, and expect a reasona ble com pensati on . 600,000 v V 86-130 ($•04 B. M. Stewart__ _ James Matthews... Ada Stewart Burg- JA i. Hess 0. E. Elliott man 25,000 ______ Orad y T 7 State Bank o f Amber__ . » ’08 H. M. Smelser------ M. V. Meadows___ L. Hollingsworth — 86-668 1,000 215,720 M ech. &, M etals N .. N. T .tfN i fik. C om ., Kan. C .; W ilkin-H ale State, Okla. 76,000 N.Bk. Com., Kan. G.; Cent. State, Enid. 500,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N „ Kan. G.; State N,, Okla.; S. W . State, Wichita. 10,000 4,000 36,000 60,000 10,500 Far. N.. Okla.: Tra. N.. Kan. C. 10,000 6,000 50,000 45,000 35,000 Enid N. and Cent. State, Enid. T. F. Hall .... _ ...... 10,000 8,000 200,000 120,000 90,000 N. Reserve, Kan. 0.; 1st N. and Okla. State, Enid; Gent. State, Wichita. •troi J. L. Blanchard,__ S. H. Milon___ . . . . M. A. Blanchard__ Rob’t Schwint____ 10,000 3,200 115,000 86,000 29,000 IstN .. Anthony, Kan.; Inter-State N „ Kan.G., Cent. State, Enid. 50,000 31,000 390,000 410,000 163,000 Harriman N.. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & T r„ Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. 15,000 10,640 252,540 169,760 25,000 13,320 208,710 163,150 1 0 ' Pop. 300 ($-n$ J. J. Hughes. Ames__ ______ Major 0 • 86-550 10 Pop. 500 M MA Farmers State Bank__ - » ’01 S. T. Goltry 86-558 10 Alfalfa A s Pop. 250 86-669 10 Pop. 4500 86-147 Autorità L. E. Hughes 8, R, Bowman C. W. Goltry •(’01 Mrs. G. M. C o x ___ R. B. Popejoy, « « wS k « I Active E. W. Philips_____ Chas. H. N ash___ FIRST STATE BARK— • » ’09 J. A. Campbell____ R. Kearse________ F. . Oliver____ _ J. W. S p en cer..... 51,420 IstN ., Kan. C.; Tradesmen’s State, Okla. 86-150 ■■ H. T. Smith_______ C. A. Cleveland___ B. S. Dixon_______ F. W. Fagg 86-148 Pop. 2500 «A Apache 10 J! 10 1. Antiars National Bank -•t’01 L. W. Weaver. 86-339 W. P. Cochran....... M. D. Jordan_____ Octavia Lesueur... Allen Ellis 50,000 32,540 482,640 399,590 •a UITI7FN« NATIHNAI RANK C. E. Dudley 86-340 •t’06 J. H. M iller........... Clark Wasson 40,000 15,000 350,000 238,000 176,000 IstN .. St. L .;N . Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Ex. N „ Tulsa; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 44 Farmers Exchange Bk. • « ’14 John G. Long____ _ B. L. Long 86-1000 C. E. A rch er_____ 15,000 6,930 231,950 124,360 126,580 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N.t St. L. J. W. Hannah___ _ J. W. Pieratt 25,000 8,000 225,000 115,000 120,000 State N., Okla.; 1st N., §t. L. 25,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 35,000 Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. 0. 30,000 7,810 110,070 113,060 33,120 1st N „ St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0. 25,000 8,000 90,000 70,000 25,000 5,000 110,000 110,000 1 13 Caddo a fi state Bank • » ’02 O F , White 86-402 Pop. 050 K J ® i First National B ank__ ..•t’01 W. T. Clark 86-401 a Aranahn O.O. Johnson_____ J. M. Bohart______ A. C. Dolf flnotAr V. 1 Custer County State Bank 0. G. W elch........... J. D. Simpson------ M. O. Dawson 86-472 **$1900 _. / Fop771* . jm First National Bank . . •$1900 C. G. Welch 86-471 Arcadia___ Oklahoma E 9 First National Bank 86-1010 Pop. 50Ò Federal Reserve Bank ofN uSt. Louis m ber un der Are You A 1065 100v200 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.; Citiz. N., El Reno. Okla. 199,490 Mech. & Metals N-, N. Yl; Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N.. Paris, Tex.; 1st N., St. L. ±’11 J. A. T.ynn J. A. Carlberg____ J. A. Carlberg____ Mabel Carlberg___ . . J. Carl Finch . . . __ F. fl. Raker.. __ SEEKING ADDITIONAL FACILITIES? C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B A N K IN G N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. CHANGE? !■ See the STATE OKLAHOMA—Continued 33,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 30,000 Far. N., Okla. 1- ______ ’ ________ July, 1919 11 •« •t’01 OKLAHOMA BANKS—Alva to Arcadia 38,000 1,053,340 t Ä Principal Correspondents . $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ 70,000 Kan. N., Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan. 0., Mo. O F D E P O S IT S 1916, $290,000.00, 1916, $380,000.00, 1018, $1,053,340.00 Steady grow th Is e v ld en ceu f Satisfactory Service. C T A T C D A M I/ o í m a . u n iv i 80-120 « t r i* M t t G. A. HARBAUGH- T. F . F E N N E S S E Y - GEO. S. M EAD ------- J H. DYE M . W. STRAWN C EN T R A L ' M A .5» !i *134,f,i Vz-itf «A lva... _____ Woods A 4 Alva State Bank______ • » ’01 Harry E. M ason.... 80-127 10 Pop. 5000 •4 a A tr r U lk J L A J lU iV L A ^ O x lllI iU .c Q ----- --------------- -- ------ [ 1064 1 C \f\A IU u T N A T IO N A L BANOk la h o m a C it Accessible T ow ns, law y ers, Law s , Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, '— 1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 1C Are You !- See the STATE N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given N ame of B ank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.+Prlv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. Lia b il it ie s . President . V ice-President . Cashier . A s s ’t C ashier . ¿Ardmore____Carter 19 City State Bank— ;____ «}§’18 A. H. Palmer______ O. H. Wolverton__ O. H. Wolverton— B. S. Frost. 86-58 10 Pop. 10.462 P. C. DINGS — — 86-56 ¿Arnett..—------- Ellis C 1 ELLIS COUNTY BANK— » 08 86-552 10 Pop. 511 Farmers & Merch. B an k«»’08 86-553 Asher.Pottawatomie F 10 Canadian Valley Bank__ » ’02 86-613 10 Pop. 481 Ashland— Pittsburg G 12 Bank of Ashland_____ - « ’04 86-671 10 Pop. 250 ¿Atoka_______Atoka H 12 American National Bank»i’08 86-246 11 Pop. 3000 _ « ’06 86-245 Oklahoma State Bank. • « ’01 86-247 Atwood____ Hughes F 12 First State Bank______ - « ’11 86-672 10 Pop. 300 Avant________Osage B 12 Avant State Bank_____ •«TO 86-673 10 Pop. 600 Avard State Bank____ - « ’04 86-674 First State Rink____ - » ’17 86-1033 First State B ank_____ • « ’18 86-1078 Balko State Bank_____ • » ’18 86-1097. ♦Bartlesville National Bank 86-82 •*’02 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rin cipal Correspondents. Bonds, changes ,D ue ' Baoounii n o n Ba k u $ 50,000 $ 14,060 $ 434,850 $ 453,790 $ 85,260 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L. Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; Secar. N., Dallas. 100,000 45,560 708,730 711,530 251,010 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Reserve, Kan. C.: Cent. N., St. L. 200,000 160,030 2,584,920 2,995,330 587,300 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Hou. and Ft. Worth.; N. Reserve, Kari. C. State N., Okla. W. W. Jeter, Active Lee L. Tyerii-— . U. S. Join es O. L. Anderson Ed. Sandlin—___ — G. W. Stuart P. D. Maxwell R. W. Munson___ O. W. De Yeny H. D. McCollom „ Arthur Kyle N. B. FEAGIN— — - D.S. P Y L E * - — F. H. SHERWOOD J. M. LANFORD 200,000 J . W . Richardson, Harold Wallace__r. T. W. Deen__ Active E. E. Chivers 100,000 110,000 2,500,000 1,770,000 750,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tulsa.; New Eng. N. Kan. O.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 674,660 1,417,680 200,880 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. 31,210 10,000 5,000 & A M cM ANNIS- C. L . JOHNSON — Special attentio n given cash item s and coUections. 15c m u st accom pany all sight dra fts fo r presentati on . 35c w ith requ ests for ratings. . First farm m ort gages fo r conserva tive Investors. W rite ns. J. J. Hamre A. L. H am re..__ - Clyde Lawhead— D. F. Crist.—____ R. H. Hail— V. V. Haney._____ — A. Scrimgeour. E. T. Johnson___ P. Y. Jolley— Geo. B. Hall— — Fred Robertson__ P. Y. Jolley— — 70,000 70,000 10,000 5,500 135,000 127.000 10,000 6,500 250,000 110,000 5,250 60,760 50,060 25,000 225,000 208,000 19,000 1st N.,Kan. O.; Am. N. and City N., McAlester. 140,000 130,000 20,000 N. Reserve, Kan. C.; 1st State, Denison, Tex.: C. P. R ogers--— — 10,000 P. A. Roberts____ C. D. Allison— JaSi Hudspeth____ 50,000 18,500 525,000 438,000 L. T. Sammons__ G. W. Key—— Luther Stallings— S. S. Mitchell- 10,000 3.5Ò& 80,000 90,000 H. A. McCauley „ 0. Wilkerson— C. F. Odell_______ 10,000 4,860 200,080 168,580 J. J. Gerlach _l. „ J. H. Hopkins— E. S. Roberts.:__ — E. M. Roberts___ - 10,000 4,700 103,230 90,190 G. W. Oastiller — I. W. Rush—ü ___ Johri M u r p h y - Anna Dale Murphy 10,000 2,000 60.000 60,000 S. L. Morley_____ J. F. Dickerson „ . Gee. Kendrick — 10,000 3,670 36,550 43,620 F. L. Carson^____ F. R. Zacharias— . H. E. M cK eever. „ 10.000 ■ 1,000 30,000 65,000 (FR A N K BUCHER- 6. B. K EELER S>G. H orn er_____ C. V. Reasor R. F. Hart J. C. Hagerman___ W. W. West 200,000 50,1)00 20,000 1,000,000 A. H. BOLES, JR .-- P .0 . B U C H ER — - 50,000 54,940 1.163,130 1,226,500 100,000 118,000 2,226,000 1,800,000 153,710 3,096,890 3,374,430 640,000 •*1900 j Oldest bank in W ashington Con ( P rom p t and effl d e n t service on c ‘UNION NATI BK. H.V. FOSTER— — J.H. MARKHAM, JR.— H. E. HULEN------H. H. McCLINTOCK R. L. BEATTIE 86-84 «t’QO Bartlesville Clearing House. A. H. Boles, Jr.___ F. A. Foster______ C. Y. Reasor, Sec.. (Memhers indicated by a *) F. A. FOSTER_____ J. M. HOCKENSMITH G. V. SELLERS 30,000 N. Bk. Oom., Kan. C.; 1st N., Woodward; S. W, Reserve, Okla. 150,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. and St. L.: Shawnee N. , Shawnee. 26,450 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., McAlesler, Okla. 15,000 10,000 Frank Phillips.— 28,000 N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Union N., Wichita. 10,000 T. F. Memminger. j . R. Ray„-___ L. E. Phillips, ; F. J. Spies, Jr.-— u It Active H. J. Holm, A ctive ♦Bartlesville State Bank • » ’08 F. O. Raub___ - ___ O. S. Somerville— F. C. Raub__ _____ 86-83 86-81 it s R esources. Cash k E x Loaki k Disc ’ tb. * « ’09 State National Bank___ »*’13 0. T. Barringer— 86-55 Avard__ __ !__ Woods A 3 10 Pop. 250 Avery____ „L in coln D 10 10 Pop. 150 Ay lesworth—- „Marshall 11 Pop. 200 111 Balko___ -—-.Beaver J 5 10 Pop. 100 ¿Bartlesville .Washington 10 Pop. 18,000 A 13 D e pos 1st N.. St. L. 155,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent., St. L.: N, Reserve, Kan. C. 25.000 McAlester Tr. Co., McAlester; Liberty N., Okla.; Am. N., Holdenville. 36,970 Mech. & Metals, N., N. Y.; Inter-State N.. Kan. O. ; 1st N., Tulsa; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa Cent. N.. St. L. 24,590 Gerlach, Woodward; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. Cent. State. Alva. 12,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 7,910 Am. State, Durant; McAlester Tr. Co., Md Alester; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 10,000 Kan. N., Wichita; Garfield County, Enid; Ger lach, Woodward. 752,470 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom. Kan. O.; Liberty, St; L. 345,000 Met. Tr. Go., N.Y.; Gate City N., Com. Tr. Co., and Tra. -N;, Kan. C.: 1st N. and Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 185,370 N. City. N. T .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; New Eng N „ Kan. C. 732,000 Seab, N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom. and 1st N., Kan O.; Ex. N., Tulsa. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA C IT Y -S T A T E NATIONAL BANK OKLAHOMA BANKS—Ardmore to Bartlesville____________________ 1065 STATE BANK Su r p lu s P a id - u p an d C a p it a l P rofitb , Exchange National Bank»*’17 F. C. Carr________ 86-57 First National Bank_____ *’89 D. Lacy__ _______ /t>A £t*U 52 GUARANTY Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back o i this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 OKLAHOMA—Continued July, 1919 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. BANK, I P resident . V ice-P resident . Cashier . W. H. READING- Personal Atten 15c m u st acco 86-424 PROM PT Bennington__ Bryan I IS First National Bank_____$‘04 L. E. Batchelor— 86-550 11 Pop. 1200 26.000 225,000 200.000 80,000 1st N., Tulsa; Citiz. N., Okmulgee; Midw. N. \ Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 25,000 G- C. MOORE, A ctive^ W. G. REYNOLDS- , titra given B -L dr afte, cash and tl m e item s, ngs. requests for rati m pany sight dra fts and 25c with SERVICE OUR S PECIALTY. 25,000 L. P. King------------ A. M. Blythe —. — E. P. Williams....... 25.000 400,000 330,000 75,(j00 Cent. N., Tulsa; Guaranty State, Tulsa. 5,950 178,800 233,960 30,400 Seaboard N „ N. Y.; Am. N., Okla.; Durant N., Durant. B a n k 2,160 75,630 56.340 2,920 142,750 102,070 25,000 24.000 75.000 65,000 15,000 1,520 110,660 132,000 H. A. W iens.— F. M. Adams____ S. F. Parks............ Frank Pitts— —— Lonzo Comer------ 6,650 4,320 93,080 75,560 T. E. Gibson..___ - N. N. Bollman------ Karl Hammer.___ G. R. Little L. A. O’Brien . . — H. E. B row n...----- G. A. Mitchell....... 25.000 5,000 325,000 250,000 25.000 2.500 30.000 5.500 299,000 226,140 450,000 333,500 ; J. R. McCoy.——. C. 1 . Pierce---------- R. F. James. — — H. Murray_______ F. W. Warner. 40,000 C. I f Gobble...:___ A. L. Banta_____ — H. E. Keim______ 25,000 5,000 90,000 75,000 S. M. Fugate . 15,000 " 3,100 100,000 100,900 10,000 3,270 174,550 113,080 H. H. Houston, Active, F. G. Walling R. H. Hughes_____ A. C. W ise.—------- J. A. Lowman____ 15,000 5,500 295,870 185,600 25,000 10,000 324,000 244,000 B. M. Smith— .— 10,000 2,700 90.000 41,500 50,000 32,000 785,000 612,000 75.000 12.000 1,043,320 655.210 Essie Kern — ....... J. H. Fugate__ A. T. Seevers.___ ..AG00DSON - - - - - M. E. MURRAY- — W- E* BOND-------R. CAMP laity o f collection s. hem personally . m Send us your bus J. W. Morse______ F. W. W iles______ H. J. Clark------E. J. Fitzgerald ® A LLEN L O W E R Y - E . E . WILSON H. M. DOWLER , A. TARBET - Banks, Corpora tions, W holesale Houses, M anufac turers, Jobl Send your Colle étions on Blackw ell and vicinity di rect to us. E. A. LENZ........... A. G. WEST -----------W. T. RUCKER 1Special and pro m p t atten tion gi ven to collections M in im u m fee 25c m ust accom p any all sight draf Special credit r eports at 50c eac h. T’lTF1 PKRfiONA f. s e r v i c e r a n th e to each bank in U . S. exclusively by T h e Raild-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 60,000 State N., Okla.; 1st N., Ardmore, Okla. 37,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla.; 1st State, Clinton. H 24,030 Com.SPr. Co., Kan. C.: IstState and Vmita N.. Vinita. 95,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; State N-. Okla. 97,980 IstN., Kan. 0.: N. Bk. Com., Wichita; Ex. N.. Tulsa; Enid N., Enid. 119,010 New Eng. 'N ., Kan. 0.; Cent. State, Enid; Producers State, Tulsa; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. 25,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Kan. N., Wichita. 25,000 M ech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N „ Okla.; Drov. N., Kan. O. 69,210 Wilkin-Hale State, Okla.; Drov. N „ Kan. C. 75,000 New Eng. N.v Kan. 0 . ; ducers State, Tulsa. Ex. N. and Pro 84,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Union N., Tulsa; 1st N., Muskogee. 77,000 .Secur. State, Pawnee, Okla.; Producers State, Tulsa. 215,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla^; 4th N.. Wichita. 436.000 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Wichita; 1st N., Winfield. 375,000 255,000 140,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 10,000 50,000 Cent. State, Enid. i d indivi duals w 111 Undo ur Servi ce prom pt and satisfactory. 50,000 12,000 600,000 445,000 ,200,000 C ont. & C om ’ IN ., C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., Kau. C .; Kan. N., W ich ita; Producers State, Tulsa. e ntatlon STATE NATIONAL BANK. is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n 52,010 1st N., St. L. and Fairland, Okla. Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.; Union N.i Tulsa. | Dan Neil, J r .. J. F. T rojan--------- J. F. Vaverka____ J. E. Herrian.. 36,440 Am. State, Durant.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. O klahom a C it y — N c c e s s lD le SERVICE T o w n s , L a w y e ___ rs_ L a w s, D ir e c to r s , in - __________ For Interest Bates, G iace», . dexed ixx back of this volume etc., see page 14 For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K LA H O M A —Continued i ■RTT.TT’ TTT.S. î’D'CDnwmrMTa July, , 1U O / o f 15,000 10,000 B. Kiehn . . . ____... 1. J. Loewen.—— SERVICE— Use N a m e , ________ July, 1919 Federal Reserve Bank Nofu mSt.b eLouis r u n d e r Union N .f Tulsa; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 50.000 J. B. Spragins------ 0 . A. Sparks____ — O. D. Thomas. First National Bank—.-.{'0 2 W. E. Brown 86-606 Blackburn.. Pawnee 0 11 Blackburn State Bank . . { { ’04 G. H. Smith--------86-635 10 Pop. 335 W- H* BURKS - — Blackwell— ____Kay A 9 FIRST NATIONAL B A N K __ W e m ake a spec 86-153 <1900 W e look after t 10 Pop. 7000 W. H. Pauly___ — Oklahoma Guábmty Bank 86-151 < { ’96 21,980 1st N „ Kan. C. and Hutchinson; Gerlach, Wood wards Okla. 50.000 F. R. Zacharias.— W .G. McCluSkey.. H. C .Jones— GU ARAN TY BANK 2,000 $ 131,190 $ 172.660 $ G. W. Young — Thos. Gilcrease— P rincipal CorresV ondents. 90,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 4th N „ Wichita. H. A. Brackett . . . J. F. Gregory------ - S. P. McBride J. S. Dawson N. C. Gallemore— W. B. Hamilton — J. F. Hamilton------ C. G. K e r n ____ ! Cash & E x changes ,D ub from B anks 180,000 National Bask o f Billings 86-1100 <T8 Binger________Caddo F 5 First State Bank_______ t§’02 86-682 10 Pop. 280 Bison______ Garfield 0 7 Bison State Bank_____ < { ’07 86-683 10 Pop. 400 Bixby _____ Tulsa D 18 Bixby State Bank--------< { ’14 '86-607 10 Pop. 1500 STATE its Loams & Disc ’ tb. Bonds, Securities 200,000 H. L. Cox— ------ - 86-1076 D epos 10,000 Guaranty State Bank ~ t l ’18 86-1082 Bernice..-Delaware B16 First State Bank.........—t§’13 86-986 10 Pop. 300 Berwyn_______Carter 1 9 First National Bank_____ t ’04 86-678 10 Pop. 500 . Bessie...___ Washita E4 State Bank o f Bessie__ < { ’08 86-679 10 Pop. 406 Big Cabin____Craig B 15 Bank o f Big Cabin------ < { ’08 86-680 10 Pop. 500 Bigheart_____Osage A 12 Bank of Bigheart_____ < { ’06 86-681 10 Pop. 2500 First National Bank—-----’19 86-1128 B illings.^...__ Noble B 8 Billings State Bank___< § ’02 86-547 10 Pop. 1500 Citizens Bank_______*{{1900 86-546 SECURITY STATE BK._ $ 25.000 E. Glenn K elly— Beggs____Okmulgee D 12 American State. Bank ...§T 9 James B. Kelly —. A. M. Pendelton . . Harper W. Little— W. E. Brown 86-1112 10 Pop. 1200 W. K. E noch_____ Louis R. Steigledei^ ^ R. L. A. Steigleder. Wm. Thompson — Farmers National B an k.< ’05 86-425 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’03 ® ' O O IO €/» »Beaver.,_____Beaver J 5 Bank o f Beaver City.. _»tS’05 F. Laughrin--------- R. H. Loofbourrow J. H. Crabtree____ 86-877 10 Pop 1500 First National B an k-----< ’16 Frank Maple_____ H¿ N. Lawson—— W. H. W ells.— — 86-1030 R esources . Lia b il it ie s . .........,n Sur plu s P a id - u p i1. AND Ca p it a l ] P r o f its A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . _________________ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Beaver to Blackwell N ame of B ank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State * County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks-Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed Res. A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OKLAHOMA—Continued j Q66 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber pven 1 A A A to eaoh bank in TJ. S', exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers JLUOO Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass n. 1 r i ^ ’7 1U O / N u m b e r u n d e r to each bank in N a m e oX B a n k is t h e N e w A c c e s s ib le T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv e n U . S. exclusively by Tlie ttaild-M cNally Bankers* N ame of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Resources, i Lia b il it ie s . '1 k Dis- Dash k E x Depos cLoams P aid - up Surplus ’ th. B onds, changes,D ue and its Capital P rofits from B anks Sm u r it i bs T o w n a n d Co u n t y . Pr e s id e n t . V ice-President . A s s ' t Cashier . Cashier . — ------------------------------------ $ 15,000 $ 12,000 $ 148,000 $ 150,000 $ Blair............ Jackson G 3 Blair State Bank— .----- «î§ ’03 R. R. Jackson____ J. P. W h a t l e y - r : h . Reid 80-554 10- Pop. 800, 50,000 250,000 325,000 25,000 Blanchard__ McClain F 8 First National Bank____ »$’07 J. M. Gordon i____ C. E. Costello------- T. J. Laws________ W. Buckbee______ 86-515 10 Pop. 1000 15.000 5,730 126,000 138,000 H. E. Green______ C. E. Baze_______ First State Bank--------- « t l’08 H. C. Freeney-----86-516 15,000 2.000 145,000 130.000 Blisi_________ Noble B 9 First State Bank— ^—»JS’OT George L. Miller .. H. E. Roberts . . — W. I. McQuown. . . 86-684 10 Pop. 200 45,000 4,000 10,000 67.000 Ethel I. Hicks-----F. G. Russell-------Wm. D otts_______ H. W. Hicks— ___ Bluejacket___ Craig A 15 Bluejacket State Bank -» tl’02 86-685 10 Pop. 508 92.170 . 25,000 5,000 110,000 First National Bank -1—« f 14 J. E. Coats ______ _ G. W. Foust______ J. H. Smith---------- K. C. H en leyH. A. Henley 86-1011 181,000 8,000 175,000 25,000 ‘ Boise City.Cimarron J 2 First National Bank— «$’17 B. F. Behimer___ Rötet H 86-1073 10 Pop. 350 13,000 165,000 170,000 15,000 First State Bank—'........$§’15 H. F. Johnson___ M W P'igh 86-1023 10,000 5,090 92,300 82,800 Bokchito—:__ Bryan 1 12 Bokchito State Bank— $§’16 B. A. McKinney— P. W. Farver-------- W. S. Works.,_____ L. W. Hughes------86-1045 11 PopVlOOO 55,000 8,000 95,000 10,000 First State Bank--------- JS'll I). G. W ilson------- Green Thompson.. H. N. Wilson_____ Roy F. Moreland. . 86-543 98,000 1,500 110,000 15,000 T. H. Rabon______ Fred J. White____ Bokoshe___ Le Flore F 16 State Exchange Bank— $§’04 J. W. R abon------86-686 10 Pop. 1200 115,000 78.050 10,000 8,000 Boley____ Okfuskee E 11 Farmers & Merch. Bank»tS’06 D. J. Turner_____ G. W. F. Sawner . . D. J. Turner . . . — F. B. Jones___ ___ 86-687 10 Pop. 2500 123,710 78,590 25,000 7.750 E. Irby__________ B. H. Turner Boswell___ Choctaw J 13 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. W. H. Dancer.^.... L P Kînp G. W. Brinkley 86-1096 < ’18 11 Pop. 1500 50,000 27,370 245,480 323,090 First National Bank------ < ’04 W. W. Moran___ C. L. W ood------ — J. E. McCleary___ L. C. Curtis---------S. F. Seif 86-439 15,000 56,900 53,450 1.720 A. C. Swinney____ State Exchange Bank_.<§’18 H. L. Cox_______ W H- Cotiins 86-1085 20.000 3,000 158,000 146.500 Carmi Allred_____ W. C. Wells Boynton..Muskogee E 14 Bank o f Boynton______ $§’05 H. L. Wineland___ J. A. Settle 86-497 10’ Pop. 1500 FIRST NATIONAL B A N K -<’03 A. C. Trumbo____ Bradley_______Grady G 7 10 Pop. 300 Braggs___ Muskogee E 15 10 Pop. 600 Braman________ Kay A S 10 Pop. 339 Breckinridge. Garfield B 7 10 Pop. 200 Bridgeport___ Caddo E5 10 Pop. 428 86-496 First State Bank--------- < § ’13 86-988 First National Bank____ »13 86-990 Guaranty State Bank— $§'12 86-946 Farmers State Bank— ,$§’17 86-1074 First National Bank------ «$’11 86-689 Bank of Breckinridge.<§1900 86-690 Bridgeport State Bank *$§’02 86-691 IM re cto rs, in - P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 25,000 Merch. & Metals N.,'N. Y.; Am. N.. Okla.; Altus State, Altus; Drov. N., Kan. C. 50,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Am. N., Okla.; Okla. N., Chickasha; Chickasaw N., Purcell. 30,000 New Eng. N., Kan. 0.; McAlester Tr. Co., Me Alester. 18.000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Secur. N „ Okla. 32.000 Tra. N., Kan. 0. 22.100 Drov. N., Kan. C. idw . N. Bk. 74,000 Cent. N., St. L.; Comw. N. and M & Tr., Kan. C. 45,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com,,Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita; Tradesmens State, Okla. 47,760 Durant N. and Am. State, Durant; 1st N., St. L.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C .50.000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L.: 1st N., Durant. 120,000 1st N., Ft. Smith; Tradesmens State, Okla.; New Eng. N., Kan. G.55,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Smith; 1st State, Okla. 26,160 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: Am. N „ Okla.; Hugo N „ Hugo; Drov. N., Kan. C. 41,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L^Jiwrant N.,Dur ant. 11,940 1st N., S t L.; Am. State, Durant. 34.500 Ex. N. and Cent. State, Muskogee. 2,000 175,000 120,000 25,000 N. Reserve, Kan. G.; Muskogee N., Muskogee. O Roy C. Smith____ Sallie Hambrick... 10,000 5,140 73,790 81,800 11,510 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla.; Far, co State, Chickasha. « 125,000 1st N., Muskogee. Ö Muskogee N., Muskogee; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 12,000 S. Garrett -______ Homer Anderson . . Jess Ross ________ — J. A: Kirkpatrick.. 25,000 14,310 177,030 178,120 George M eeker___ Levi Ackley __________ 10,000 530 30.830 42,770 Jay Daugherty___ 20,000 3,000 103,000 H. W. Hutton — TT L. G. Lenker------ W. H. Franks _______ R. E. Burks______ A. fta it tt. J a w s , l 'o r Interest » a t e s , Grace, 25,000 Jno. L. Smith— f! L a w jc r s , Geo. M. R eev es__ P. W. Patterson Geo. T. Martin — J. J. P atrick------ T o w n s, . dexed in back of this volume, O K LA H O M A —Continued Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass*n O . V ia ________ — Fred H. P ralle__ 25,000 14,000 260,000 10,090 2.000 90,960 80,000 V 40,000 Am. State, Wichita; State Guaranty, Blacl? well.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 51,520 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 4th N., Wichita; IstN., 245,210 Blackwell. 11,910 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. State 83,330 Enid. 102,000 12,710 Tradesmens State, Okla.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C m J. L. Daniel,— — A. T. Wheeler ...... 10,000 6,500 95,000 Brinkman____ Greer F 1 First State Bank_______ $§’10 T. S. DeArman__ 86-692 10 Pop. 250 West Holland________ 10,000 8,000 60,000 31.000 30,000 New Éng. N., Kan. C.; Guarantee State Mangum. 25,000 12,320 765.090 665.620 147,970 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Tra. N., Kan. C.; Union N., Tulsa. 25,000 15,000 350,000 300,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan C.; Cent. N., Tulsa. 25,000 10,000 350,000 300,000 25,000 6,000 280,000 205,000 S. L. Canterbury. Bristow______Creek D 11 American National Bank 86-1037 *$’16 10 Pop. 3500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bristow Nat. Bank--------*$'11 B. W. Yakish----86-278 First National Bank____«$’01 J .F . Johnston___ 86-277 First State Bank_______ $§’03 H. H. Barker____ 86-276 E. L. Jones ___________ H. G. Hendricks .. C. P. Davis______ .____ E. E. Yakish_____ _ C. N. Lee. Earl Durham__ W. W. Groom Nellie Young B. H. Greenwood Albert Kelly------- r H. W. Corey______ SEEKING ADDITIONAL FACILITIES? ) CONTEMPLATING A BANKING CHANGE? (’ . 60.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Union N., Tulsa. 100,001 Union N.. Tulsa: N. Bk. Com., Kari. C.; State \ N.. Okla. :_____________ See the STATE NATIONAL BANK, O k l a h o m a C it y N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U 3. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass'n. N ame of B ankt T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, OKLAHOMA—Continued V ice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Loansk Dw- Cashk Ex P aid - up Surplus Depos c AND ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Due Capital P rofits its Securities promBanks Britton.:__Oklahoma E 8 North Oklahoma State Bank H. S. Emmerson__ S. L. Shintaller___ R. M. Whisler____ Ross Wildman____ $ 10,000 $ 86-693 * » ’08 10 Pop. 1200 G. A. Brown______ 1,600 $ 105,000 $ 80,000 $ 20.Q00 1st N „ Kan. G.; Tradesmens State and Am. N.. Okla. 50,000 ^ 20,230 498.680 427,950 25,000 9,380 158.620 116,110 W. T. Brooks ___ 25,000 21.380 336,650 343.570 R. V. Thomas . . . . . Asa Ponder_______ B. E. Lambert____ 25,000 12,840 288,050 322,460 70,190 Cent. N., St. L.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0. McCurtain County Bank»§’18 Bernie Herstein__ J. W. Gates_______ T. D. Thomas_____ M. M. Moseley____ 86-1094 F. H. Clark 40.000 12,500 220,710 218,290 48,530 Peo. N., Kan. C.; Cent. State, Hugo; Bromide.. Johnston H 11 Bromide State Bank___ $$'11 E. R. C ook _______ L. W. Baxter ___ 86-694 11 Pop. 500 «{$’07 E. H. George_____ ¿Bnffftln Harper A 2 Bank o f Buffalo . B. E. Williams____ 86-650 10 Pop. 800 •« ti First National Bank »$'07 H. F. Johnson____ J. C. Johnson___ ;. A. B. De W ater.— 86-651 10,000 2,000 98,160 183,290 18.340 Guthrie Sav„ Guthrie. 10,000 6,000 140,000 146,700 37,000 1st N., Woodward; Comw. N., Kan. C. 25,000 7,620 111,860 212,540 55,020 10,000 4,700 45,000 50,000 15,000 2,610 167,040 152,130 85,000 125,000 ••I ' Bt it Burbank_____Osage B 11 10 Pop. 500 Burlington.... Alfalfa A 5 10 Fop. 150 Butler.______Ouster E 3 10 Pop. 1000 •* U _^ Farmers State Bank— $§'09 86-695 Bank o f Burlington____$§’06 86-696 Butler State Bank...........$§’05 86-523 First National Bank____ «$’17 86-1052 Ryars McClain G 0 Byars State Bank $§’06 86-697 10 Pop. 750 Byron_____ Alfalfa A 6 Byron State Bank____ $§’01 86-698 10 Pop. 286 “ First National Bank....... . ’19 J&U* ~re &? 11 86-1127 $§’02 flechfi . flnmanche H R Bank o f Cache 86-699 10 Pop. 500 Oaddo..____ Bryan 1 12 Caddo National Bank ...* $ ’04 11 Pop. 1800 86-368 44 . m¿’¿IS } 44 Oklahoma State Bang—»$§’11 86-370 Robert B. Mitchell E. S. Shidler_____ .T. O. Bine W. D. Bredehoft__ Oswald Thieme___ C. M. Bredehoft. . . H. C. Doherty____ Okla.: 1st N „ Muskogee; Ex. N., Tulsa. Tulsa. gee and Tulsa. * ~ N."Bk.'&Tr‘ ,KanTC.; 4thN.', Wichitafstate JN., UKia* 12,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Geo. J. Ames_____ J. T. F rizzell_____ F. M. McBurney— R. E. McBurney__ K. M. Roach M. F. Overstreet G. H. Moeller_____ L. P. King___ ____ 20,000 3,000 25,000 6,000 95.000 125,000 29,190 Enid N. and Central State, Enid; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 15,000i Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 20,000 N. Bk. Com.-, Kan. C.: Am. N., Okla. S. C. Newbern____ J. A. Harris______ Otto Brown _____ _ 10,000 11,900 112.600 137,300 23,400 M. A. Blanchard... N. F. Blanchard _ J. L. Blanchard___ Geo. Blackburn.__ 10,000 480. 56,530 52,800 Kan. 0. 10,760 1st N., Anthony, Kan.: New Eng. N. Kan. 0.; Cent. State, Enid. Will. N- Bk, Xr. T r. (In Hap. 0 * ditto N „ Anthony. 3,500 City N., Lawton. 50,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C‘. B. R. H erold ............ J. D. Howard............ C. A. Johnston __ 25.000 2,500 E. E. Shipley 10,000 3,200 42,000 75,000 25,000 12,000 197,450 233,740 25,000 8,000 320,000 302,000 45,000 ^ 45,000 10,000 7,400 73,000 83,000 15,000 Leslie Thompson . . 10,000 5,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 J. W. Hundley____ H. C. Perry_______ R. E. W ilson_____ 25,000 11,460 119,160 199,670 ducers State, Tulsa. 22,130 N . Bk Com., Kan. C.: Am. N., McAlester. G. E. Cox F. M. Shipley____ B. A. M cK inney... J. B. M a y ____ A. F. Manning _ Edw. D. Bennet — J. D. Maytubby __ B. A. McKinney— W. L. Mitchell____ 25,000 Green Thompson.. R. L. Cox___ i ____ L. B. Myers_______ R. Starling Cox___ 49,150 Merh Sc Metals N N Y • N Bk Corn Kan* C.: Am. N. and McAlester Tr. Go., McAlester. 29 590 Seab. N „ N.Y.; Durant N., Durant. 1st N.,Durant. C. E. Head O. H. Wilbanks 25,000 20,000 200,000 190,000 45 000 W. E . Hooker.. P. S. Hooker 10,000 3,130 87,000 71,000 23,000 John R. Ypung___ B, C.Strazier_____ 10,000 2.000 61,680 67,810 State N., Okla. 13,910 1st N., Ft. Smith: Producers State, Tulsa. E. H. Harvey _.__ T. L. Black R. R. Hall.............. G. M. Porter ~ — J. C. L ovelace.. _ W. H. R itch ie...__ R. R. Hall________ 0. H . Brown______ R. A. Dabney____ 15,000 2,500 80,000 40,000 50,000 18,000 3,000 97,000 100,000 20,000 H. 0. Willis_______ E. E. Willis_______ J. O. Wild,__ 15,000 900 148,000 140,000 35,000 T. A. Scheidmantel. G. Scheidmantel... H. H. Tamm Evelyn Lamm ____ 10,000 6,570 114,690 109,670 21,590 July, 1919 Federal Reserve BankNof umSt. berLouis under .T. F,. Crnshie W. P. Fraker ' Oalera_______ Bryan J 11 Calera National Bank.. .$’18 86-1093 11 Pop. 700 ** . “ First State Bank. «$§’01 86-884 Calumet___Canadian E 6 State Bank o f Calumet ..$§’01 86-700 10 Pop. 350 Calvin._____ Hughes G 12 Calvin National Bank ...» $ ’12 86-537 ' 1 0 Pop. 900 “ 44. First National Bank____ «$’03 86-536 Oamargo__ „.D ew ey C 3 First State Bank «tftft 10 Pop. 350 86-934 Cameron___ Le Flore F 6 86-701 10 Pop. 400 Canadian.. Pittsburg F 14 Canadian State Bank___ $§’13 10 Pop. 500 86-989 flanev ... . . Atoka T 2 Bank o f Caney________ $§’03 11 Pop. 500 86-703 Canton . . . Blaine T) R Bank of Canton . .. »$§’02 10 Pop. 703 86-476 Canute_____ Washita E 3 First State Bank_______$§’02 10 Pop. 250 86-654 R. A. Wallingford OKLAHOMA BANKS— Britton to Canute Broken Arrow.Tulsa C 13 Arkansas Valley State Bank K. M. Rowe . . . . . 86-289 *$§’05 10 Fop. 2000 «• « Citizens National Bank .»$’02 J. W. S. Bower ___ 86-287 . .. First National Bank___ « i '04 F. S. Hard_______ 86-288 V ■ Broken Bow..McOurtain First National Bank___ »$’13 J. W. Oostilow___ 86-949 11 Pop. 2000 116 P rincipal Correspondents . 1068 1 acq 1U U O Alester. Alester. and Enid. Elk City. STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma City Gives J, 1 A fiQ lU O y N am e o f Bank is tbe New to each bank in U. S. exclu sively by The^ E a n d -M c N a lfr B ankers D ire cto ry , u n d er th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an k ers A ss»n. — * A c c e s s .i .b. .l .e. T__________ o w n s ,_ L a w y ers, La w s , B lr e c to is , ia - dexed in back oi this volume. C or In te re st K a te s, « r a c e ,, e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. w OKLAHOMA.— Continued: Lia b il it ie s . Re so u r ce s. P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma City Gives -jcoJiVîJ5!iTi l n fin lU O y N u m b e r under N a m e o f B a n k i s t h e ; New to each bank in U. S. exclu sively by T h e ^ B a n d -M e N a B f B a n te r s D ire cto ry , u n d er t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an k ers A ss»n. T ow n and co u n t y . N a m e of B a n k .— m Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem.‘ Fed. Res. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. President . ---- ■ X C C C H B l b l « d e x e d in . b a c k OKLAHOMA.— Continued V ice-President . t ' Capitol Hill-Oklahoma E 8 ( See Oklahoma Otty ) 10 Capron______ Woods A 5 Capron State Bank — TtS’03 L. L. Stine________ F. II. H udson-----86-560 10 Pop. 400 Carmen_____ Alfalfa B 5 Carmen National Bank »tlOOO F, N. Winslow----- A. S olf___________ 86-417 ? I® Pop. 1000 First State Bank-------- »iS’94 Harry Dean—«•.------ E. Solf__ _________ 86-418 F. B. Jones, Active. Oarneeie_____ Caddo F 5 Citizens Bank________ *t§'03 W. P. Griffin.-------- C. H. Chambers 86-434 10 Pop. 1500 L. E. C ole--------— L. R. Cole— ------Farmers State Bank-----*tS’05 86-435 R .J o n a s ________ J. C. Jonas — Carney____ Lincoln D 10 Carney State Bank--------t f 02 86-704 10 •Pop. 260 ' M. E. Lewis.-----*4 D. A. Lewis— First State Bank------— i f 03 Carrier__Öarfielu B 7 86-706 10 Pop. 250 Gny F ord .-----------E. K. Thurmond — Carter_____ Beckham F 1 First State B ank---------- i f 10 86-397 10 Pop. 500 T. G. Abercrombie. Melville Carter___ Oashion—.Kingfisher D 8 Farmers State Bank— i»t§’08 86-649 10 Pop. 400 First National Bank— »t'02 S. W. Hogan______ C. R. Clingman 86-648 F. T. Miller.— Castle____ Okfuskee E 11 Castle State Bank--------- t i ’l l A. J. Martin__ •_ 86-707 10 Pop. 500 A. E. Henry___ J. M. Gravitt— Farmers & Merch.Bank»tf 02 Catoosa__ — Rogers C13 W. T. Dickson 86-708 10 Pop. 404 J. M. Pittman J. W. R oland____ «S’08 Farmers State Bank----Cement___- —Caddo G o 86-456 10 Pop. 770 | State Exchange Bank—«t§’17 O. B. E ee________ F. M. Bailey--------86-1054 Oentrahoma___ Coal H 12 Peoples State Bank— » i f 07 R. D. C ody---------- Jesse Bunch _____ 86-709 11 Pop. 500 As s ’t Cashier . Cashier . II RESOURCES. i Lia b il it ie s . Sur p lu s D epos Loans & D ib- Cash k E xPa id - up O HANSBS,DUE c ’ ts . B onds , 1 and its Securities from B anks Ca p it a l P r o f it s T o w n s, , I jÎ ’ ” ^ . S ? Î Ï Î Î ® 2 u S ' i o f th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e ,! P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . K" ■ $ 172,000 $ 49,000 1st N., Woodward; New Eng. N., Kan. C.: Producers State, Tulsa. 260,000 360,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Kan. N., Wichita: 1st N „ Kan. C.: Am. N., Okla. 160,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Inter State N., and New 130,000 Eng.N.,Kan. C. 25.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. Nrr-Gkla.; S. 250,000 W. Reserve, Okla. 90,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Secur. N., Okla. 200,000 15.000 .4,190 Walter Lewey. — 25.000 10,500 Ella Sutter_______ 10.000 3,600 Claude Brown. . . — 20,000 2.500 H. O. Cole—---------- C. J. Clark__ _____ 25.000 12,000 Gèo. J. Jonas— — R. V. Montgomery. 10.000 5.000 86,000 3.000 105,000 J. H. Hudson— R. F. Gilbert. 10,000 J. W. Murphy J. C. MacKenzifc— Walter Waller — 15.000 4,930 122,320 Horace G. Smith... 10.000 t-Y'Jl' 5,690 128,120 20,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla. 55,000 N. Reserve, Kan. G.; 1st N. and Cent. State, Enid. 20,270 Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., Elk City; Am. N., Okla. G. G. Downing — Irene Cashman—~ 50.000 20.000 350.000 T. Elliott.!:__ L: J. Brannan.... 16.000 8,000 93,000 27,320 Tradesmens State, Okla.; Union Stock Yds. N., Wichita; Okla. State, Guthrie; Stock Yds. N., Kan. C. 50,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.; Am. N., Okla,; 1st N., Guthrie. 50,000 1st N., Kan. C,; State N., Okla. J. P. L ow ry ______ 10,000 5.000 80,000 10,000 1st N., Tulsa; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. C. R . P hillips------ R. A. Nichols_____ 25.000 1.000 ) 296,310 iJ. E. Moore__ ____ F. L. Martin______ 15.000 2.290 ) 113,090 A. M. Stuart______ Ollye Arrington— 10.000 5,250 3 67,960 25.000 12,000 3 65,000 T. C. ROSS-----------ROY DAWSON 50.000 16,880 3 592,740 First State B an k......... * i f 09 A. E. Patrick--------- F. E. Barber--------- W. R, Curry.-------- H. G. Curry--------86-230 Union National Bank— »t’92 E. L. Conklin..___ J. B. Charles_____ H. C. Brunt---------- E. G. Keegan_____ 86-228 Alva Ringo------- ; P. M urphy..--------Chattanooga — Comanche Chattanooga State B ank-tf 03 J. L. C ox _________ Guy C. Robertson. 86-572 10 Pop. 600 H5 J. O. Pierce_____ _ Checotah—McIntosh E 14 Commercial National Bank A. O. Johnson------ J. O. P ric e _______ H. L. W ood---------John Storms 86-273 « t ’Ol 10 Pop. 4000 15.000 15,000 3 250,000 50.000 20,910 0 38^700 E. C. Periman_____ H. V. Montgomery. Centralia........ Craig A 14 First National Bank------ 1’05 T. R. Montgomery. 86-602 10 Pop. 387 (H. M. JOHNSON --- W. E. BROWN — — E. C- LOVE ------------¿Chandler__ Lincoln D 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK*tl900 ^Oldest National Bank in L incoln C ounty. Vigorous 86-220 10 Pop. 2400 'Send 15 eents m in lm u m for Sight Drafts and ’¿5 cen j R. D. MARTIN— JACKSON THOMPSON. E. M. HILL— A. C. NAR0N — atten tion given C o lle etto ns. tsjfor C redit R epo rts, and insure RUTH HOUSTON— 28,040 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Okla. N. and Citiz. N., Ghickasha; State N., Okla. 91,630 Guaranty, Okla.; Fid. N. Bk. &. Tr-, Kan. C.; Ex. N., Tulsa. 8,930 1st N., McAlester; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; S. W. Reserve. Okla. 83,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. and St. L. 133,130 1st N. and Comw. N., Kan. O.; Am. N., Okla. C.; Union N.. Tulsa. t rem ltta nee. 50,000 Inter-State Okla. N., Kan. O.; Wilkin-Hale State, 170,540 1st N., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan. C. 90.000 Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Lawton. 15.000 4.500 0 115,000 50.000 15,870 0 426,250 • 71,750 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi., Tra. N. and COm. Tr. Co.. Kan. O.; Com’l N., Muskogee. 50.000 46,400 0 449,540 589,860 101,080 N. Reserve, Kan. C.: 1st N., Muskogee. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «*’98 { T he Largest an d Strongest Bank in M cIn tosh Co unty. T ry us. ( A com p letely e quipped com m er cial departm en t e nables us to ren der the best o f s ervice. 238,57 0 ‘ 264,980 27,940 25.000 G. W. Stidham — E. V. Keeney — E. V. Keeney____ Peoples National Bank—» t i l J. N. Keeney -------W. I. Cook 86-926 0 625,810 9.290 615,490 50.000 W. F. McSPADDEN — J?B. PARKS_____ - F. McSPADDEN--------86-272 (J . B. MILAM------- - J. M. SHARP al service to all bu siness. Chelsea__ — Rogers B14 BANK OF CHELSEA— - t f 96 < P rom p t person et service o n CoH ections and Credi t R eports b y send in g Save tim e and g ♦ 86-317 10 Pop. 1800 {F E E IN ADVA NCE: Plain eight drafts, 1 S c; Cre dit Reports, SOc. T R Y U Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First National Bank— »t’Ql J. G. Mehlin--------- J. S. Hogue___i— N. B. Dannenburg. R. C. Brewer—— - 25,000 15,260 10 444,000 44,470 New Eng. N. and N. Bk. Oom., Kan. O. 130,710 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. N.; St. L.; Ex. N.,Tulsa; Inter-State N., Kan. C .;(M em . Fed. R es.) |Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kah. C. 194,000 ■n m i OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA C IT Y -S T A T E NATIONAL BANK N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given Ì?. eaexh bank u - s - exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. N a v e of B ank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Lia b il it ie s . President . V ice-President . [ H.G. FRIZZELL— . — Cashier . H. B. KLIEWER — As s ’t Cashier . . . A. D. KINCHEL0E. — »Cherokee— Alfalfa A 6 A L F A L F A COUNTY NAT. BK. C ollections an d Cash letters re celve PROMPT P 10 Pop. 2500 86-236 *r08 [H igh est class f arm m ortgages negotiated. W R ITE VS. BANK OF C H ER 0 K EE~ **i'0 1 J. O. Beaty_______ 86-235 Farmers National Bank—1’10 J. D. Butts _______ 86-237 »Cheyenne__ Roger Mills Cheyenne State Bank__ t l ’98 S. Jackson_______ 10 Pop. 468 E2 86-574 ‘ Ohickasha___ Grady F 7 Ohickasha NationalBank«t'06 T. H. Dwyer._____ 10 Pop. 15,447 86-48 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 86-46 *31900 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, R esources. Principal Correspondents . OKLAHOMA—Continued plu s P a id - up S ur and Ca p it a l P r o f its S 25,000 $ D epos it s Dia Loans k c ’ t *. Bonds Sso u ritim Cash k E x changes, from B anks Dux 11,000 S 325,000 $ 235,000 $ 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Wichita: 1st N. and Drov. Mil Kan. C. NITON. F. M. Overstreet... J. W. Constant___ E. D. Im mell____ 30.000 4,950 A. T. Bernard____ O. M. Delzell_____ 40,000 14,000 J. H. Kendall..__ _ G. B. Lovett____ _ 25i000 8,500 300,000 230,000 100,000 / 50,000 500,000 497,000 75,000 60,000 650,000 600,000 •175,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N. and New Eng. N., Kan. O.; Am. N., Okla. 50,000 16,920 443,810 417,740 89,530 Mech. & Metals N ..N . Y.: N. Reserve. Kan. G.; Tradesmens State, Okla. W. E. Dwyer_____ R. C. Smith_______ Wm. Inman______ W. W. Horne_____ E. D. Foster_____ _ D. C. Newman.. H. P. Ellis J. M. Wantland Farmers State B ank... »tS’10 M. F. Courtney___ 86-49 J. W. W ilson_____ C. R. Phillips__ 327,820 375,460 410,560 .340,000 55,370 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Enid N., Enid. 115,000 Chase N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 170,000 Okla. Stock Yds. N., Tradesmens State, and Am. N., Okla.; N. Bk. Com. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 150,000 Am. N., Okla.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.:Secur. N., Dallas. 0 .B .C M P .E L FIRST NATI BK. 86-45 •31900 O l d e s t N a t io n a l B a n k in G r a d y C o u n t y . C o lle c t io n s m a d e p r o m p tly a n d r e m it t e d f o r on d a y o f p a y m e n t. ' W e r e s p e c t f u lly in v ite y o u r b u s in e s s . Oklahoma National Bank R. K. Wootten — 86-47 «311 200,000 Wm. H. Donahue, F. T. Chandler___ C. B. Turner_____ A ctive Wm. H. Wisdom W. H . Gilkey C. L. Smith. Henry Brumme__ Choctaw__ Oklahoma E 9 State Bank o f Choctaw.•3i’04 G. M. Smith___ 10 Pop. 242 86-711 Ohoteau--------Mayes C 14 Farmers & Merch. Bank G. B. Lindsey_____ S. R. M iller...____ J. D. Hiebert_____ 10 Pop. 483 86-567 3i’06 ' .. u ------- J|^ First State Bank______ «3{’ 04 R. L. Cochran___ _ J. P. Brown______ H. W. Bledsoe____W. A. Bledsoe____ 86-566 *Otaremore„ Rogers 0 14 FARM ERS BANK & TR . CO. 10 Pop. 4500 86-181 *3S’06 W. G. RIGGS_____ j. F . McCle lla n — F. B. CARDEN---------- 15 cents m in im urn for Sight D raf fcan d f'25* c e n t s fö r C redit R eports will receive pr om p t, vigorous at ten tlon and 1mm edlate rem ittance First National Bank___ «3’95 John Dirickson___ F. A. Anderson___ 0. F. God b ey _____ R. A. Patton.. ' 86-179 National Bank o f Claremore G. D. Davis_______ W. F. Hays_______ G. O. Bayless—___ 86-180 «3*02 Cleveland— Pawnee C 11 Cleveland National Bank«i’D4 E. O. Mullendore . . R. F. Mullendore.. 10 Pop. 3500 86-330 Fidelity State Bank___ •35’12 J. P. Martin_______ G. Martin_________ 86-938 First National B ank___ «3’01 J. B. M yers;._____ W .D . Myers______ 86-329 O. A. Gilbert Clinton--------- Ouster E 4 First National Bank____ »3'03 E. K. Thurmond__ F. H. Crow - — 10 Pop. 4500 86-182 O.E. Gannaway First State Bank______ «$§’03 L. E. Coleman.___ McLain Rogers___ ♦ 86-183 Oklahoma State National Bk. O. W Brewer--------E. A. Humphrey... 86-184 *3’11 Federal Reserve BankN of umSt. berLouis under N am e o f Bank 1,500 54,040 50,460 10,560 State N., Far. N., and 1st State.Okla. 5,000 150.000 85,000 56,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Ex. N., Muskogee. 10,000 3,000 75,000 50,000 30.000 6,000 sent In advance 300,000 150,000 50,000 12,500 345,000 285,000 50,000 13,900 .751,990 766,340 5,060 133,190 136,730 2,160 51,620 48,270 10,000 400 110,000 90,000 0 , V. Mullendore.. D, P. McClure____ r 25,000 31,000 511,000 390,000 9,200 292,690 250,480 602,000 C. I. Thatcher____ G. C. Poplin______ 25,000 W. H. Boles______ G. W. Reynolds___ 50,000 33,460 746.850 C. B. Finch_______ G. A. Spies — 25,000 12,590 285,090 288,870 W. C. Smoot______ C. B. Sewell______ M. E. Nimms C. A. Shaw_______ Bertha Williams. - - 50,000 8,040 439,040 461,090 25,000 9,890 246,200 203.150 \CONSISTENT CAREFU L is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y T he Hand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 539,680 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: Drov. N., Kan. C. 10,000 10,000 “) C h i.; 1st N. and In ter-S ta teN ., K an. C .; F t. W orth N ., F t. W orth. 15,000 10,000 STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma City Gives ■t r\Tt i .U /1 . 70,000 1,118,000 1,001,360 266.340 O K L A H O M A — C on tin u ed 15,000 N. Reserve, Kan. C.: Producers State, Tulsa; 1st N., Muskogee. 100,000 Comw. N., Kan. O.: Producers State, Tulsa. 100,000 A•« *-***■• vyiu*» AVO.AA* v ., \jc N „ St. L.; Union N., Tulsa, 188,500 llech. & Metals N.. N. Ÿ7; Fid. N. Bk. & 1*., Kan.C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.:Cent. N „ Tulsa. 30.420 st N., McAlester: Drov. N., Kan. C.'; Cil State, Coalgate; State N., Okla. 5,120 litiz. N., Antlers; McAlester Tr. Co., McAl ter; 1st N.. Ft. Smith. 25,000 State N „ Okla.; Far. N., Cherokee: Enid ! Enid. 179,000 leab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tra. N., Kân. Secur. N., Okla. 76.400 lhase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.;Ex. ; Talsa 278,320 lech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; N.^Bk. Com., St. New Eng. N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 68,820 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. N „ St. L.: Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Am. N s Okla. 84,880 lech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. Secur. N.. Okla.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 91,320 Ian. N., N. Y.: New Eng. N., Kan. O.: Cil N., El Reno. ___________ July, 1919 Clarita---------- Coal H 12 First State B an k_____ •3I’10 R. E. Calloway___ S. A. Maxwell__.. O. H. Fanning____ E. R. Taylor_____ _ 11 Pop. 500 86-712 Clayton.PushmatahaH 15 First State Bank_______ t§’18 Clark W asson____ J. Easton______ _ Thos. E. Boland . . . B. H. Bayless_____ „ 11 Pop. 300 86-1088 dj Earle Gibbs Oleo Springs—Major B 5 Oleo State Bank_____ *351900 Chas. M. Delzell.. F. H. Letson__ ___ E. T. Devin__ i__ _ Travis Mellor_____ 10 POp. 400 86-588 100,000 65,200 1,330,650 1,818,810 AQ70____________ ________ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Cherokee to Clinton 1 0 /0 Service to Customers ' Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- * dexed Tn back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 £1 , STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma City Gives P resident . «Ooalgate_____Coal H 12 CITIZENS STATE B A N K *» 08 S. Á. Maxwell___ 86-156 11 Pop. 4000 86-334 R e so u r c e s . Pr in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . jOami k Dis- Cash k Ex;’ tb . Bonds, cela nabs, D m from B anks Bboukitiu 464,140 495.650 $ 54,180 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C. Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 28,310 615,380 979,540 25.000 9,360 80,170 89,970 10.000 10,000 100,000 100,000 78,680 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. IstN ., McAlester; Am. N., Okla. 30.820 State N., Denison; New Eng. N., Kan. C. Durant N., Durant. 18,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., McAlester. F. H. Janeway — 25.000 10.400 266,080 217,700 90,020 N. City, N.Y.: Comw. N.,Kan.O.;lst N.,Tulsa J. C. Colburn.. H. E. Bateman 25.000 25,000 400.000 250.000 25.000 7,080 276,320 192.650 10.000 3,300 49,620 40,000 A. L. Davis---------- J. T. Cheli_______ Roy G. Glass. 30,600 5.000 200.000 209,250 150.000 Seah. N ..N .Y .; N. Bk. Com.. Kan. O.; Cent N., Tulsa»& 108,430 New Eng. N .,‘ Kan. C.; Producers State Tulsa 20,770 Am. N.,’ Okla.: Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N.. Weath erford. 48,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; State N.. Okla.; Gati City N „ Kan. G. W. M ELLIS H — G. A . E B E R LE -----JOHN R A LLS „ 25.000 20.000 292,000 225.000 F. G. Keith_______ N. O. Colburn___ J. A. Reavis_____ E. B. Colburn____ F. L. D a le_____ H. C. Bollman R. H. Muzzy--------- C. T. McCarty__ P. E. Schaub____ E. L. Milner._____ W. G. Jahn____ W. D. Caldwell... 100,000 140.000 N. Reserved Kan. G.; Far.- N., Okla. Special atten ti on given your M L drafts, cash a nd tim e Items 15c m u st acco m pany sight dra fts and 25c w ith requests for rati H g8. P rom p t Service ou r specialty. FIRST STATE BK. /Personal attent .Rem itted for o »*16 [25c m u st accom \Send 50c for Cre First National Bank____*±’03 W. S. Vernon. 86-360 Coyle________ Logan D 9 Cimarrón Valley Bank.»1900 C. M. Cade___ 86-592 10 Pop. 413 Peoples State Bank____» ’03 M. E. Fruin . . 86-593 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Li a b i l i t i e s . S ub p lu s P a id - up AND j D epos it s C a p it a l P r o f its O. H. Smith._____ J. L. Cusenbery— $ 25,000 $ 10,270 G. M. Jane way — /J. L . TR0W ER. 86-358 A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . R. P. Brewer____ W. H. McCarley . . Commerce__ Ottawa A 16 Bank of Commerce___«±§’17 J. B. Milam___ 86-1063 JO Pop. 3500 First National Bank.__ » i ’15 R. J. Tuthill__ 86-1013 Oooperton— Kiowa G 4 Bank o f Cooperton______ S’03 T. B. Donnell— 86-716 IG Pop. 100 Oopan..Washington A 13 Bank of Copan______ - - « » ’06 F. B. Gunn___ 86-717 10 Pop. 450 «Cordell____ Washita F 4 Cordell National Bank_*±’03 J. M. Armfleld. 86-252 10 Pop. 3000 Farmers National Bank . < ’ 11 H. F. Toliver.. 86-251 State National Bank____ «t’09 W. F. Taylor . . 86-253 C orn.............Washita E 4 Corn State Bank— ........±§’09 G. B. Flaming. 86-802 10 Pop. 225 Council Hill__ Muskogee Oklahoma State Bank— »'1 2 W. H. Ludwig. 86-935 10 Pop. 300 E 14 Covington___ Garfield C 8 American State Bank___» ’11 A. E. W ilkin s86-720 10 Pop. 500 Covington State Bank— » ’17 W. E. Carey— 86-1049 Coweta___Wagoner D 14 10 Pop. 1500 Roy W hitlock— F. W. Maxwell C a s h ie r S. W. W. Pomeroy R. P. Carson______ L. C. Vance. Etta House J. G. Loving B. A. McKinney__ O. B. Carter____ x* A. N. Leecraft T. F. Owens_____ G. 0. Houck______ T. Mitcham______ E . M. R A LLS FIRST NATIONAL B AH K -*i’02 O K L A H O M A — C on tin u ed V ice -President . Customers ' A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed Tfi back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,] etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 20,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Ottawa Co. N. Miami; Bk. of Chelsea. Chelsea. 96.250 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. of Claremore Claremore; 1st N.t Miami. 12,000 Secur. N., Okla,; Drov. N., Kan. C. J. S. Denton__ ___ J; W. Roberts — J. J. Jack..---------- 25.000 3.500 90.000 83.000 J. S. Pittman_____ R. R. Bayless — Earl G ibbs...»___ 25.000 15 480 266,220 232,850 5.000 6,000 60.000 58.000 W. C. M eeker____ J. D. McCoid— H. W. McCoid — 10.000 1,880 150.000 120.000 J. M. Callaway___ F. G. Kliewer— Fay E. Armfleld. Floy Armfleld A. E. Symcox----- 30.000 10,000 300.000 240.000 25.000 8,640 160,530 262,890 40.000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Bartlesville State Bartlesville. 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Cent. N., St. L.; Am. N., Okla. 32,590 Secur. N., Okla.; 1st N., Kan. G., J. A. Taylor. 30.000 15,000 300.000 200.000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. J 10.000 2,300 60,300 42,140 Mary Smelser____ C. W. Smelser . . J. A. Robinson „ H. C. Dorney___ G. F. A m es.._____ I. L. Hull____ P. E. Schaub.___ P. B. Harms.___ Tr., Kan. C.; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. 29,190 1st N., Kan. C. and Weatherford; Secur. N Okla. 32.000 N. Reserve, Kan. C.; E x.N ., Muskogee. Jas. M. Wright — To*,ooo 500 55,000 30.000 W. T. Henry____ 20,000 4,450 300.000 240,000 75.000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. State, Enid. 20,000 3,780 158,050 126,220 51,240 New Eng. N., Kan. C.: Garfield Co., Enid. 30,000 1.500 260.000 230,000 40,000 1st N.» T ulsa; Ex. N. and Is tN ., Muskogee O. C. Hultquist__ L. Vernon___ ____ T. P. Luker Willard Johnston.. C. S. Reed_______ Lea K n ox.____ Jennie McLuse 25.000 16,000 270.000 210,000 85,000j±st N., Kan. C. and Muskogee. 10.000 12,000 160.000 11Ò.000 41.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; State N., Shawnee; 1: N. and Okla. State, Guthrie. Sara Townsend. 15,000 5,000 120,000 98,000 36.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State. Okla 1st N., Guthrie. Chas. Van Graafer J. T. Thompson. land G. E. Ricker_____ E. F. Fitzgerald. F. R. Zacharias__ _ Clint Jayne LEO HUGHES. . Active W. H. RUST — H. A. TROUVER. Ion given to cas h item s and coll ectlons. n day paid, pany all sight dr afts fo r presenta tlon . d lt R eports. Alfred Hare___ Nona M. F ru in__ SERVICE— Use tfie STAiTE NATIONA L BAINK, Ok la h o m a % Y — SEIRVIICE __________ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Coalgate to Coyle ___________________ ^ 1071 First National Bank _. *tl900 86-154 Colbert______Bryan J 11 First National Bank______’05 86-713 11 Pop. 400 Coleman.. .Johnston 1 11 Coleman State Bank___ ±§’10 86-714 11 Pop. 500 Collinsville.»—Tulsa B 13 Collinsville National Bank 86-827«t’12 .1 0 Pop. 5000 First National Bank____ « i ’l l 86-328 State Bank o f Collinsville 86-945 « » ’12 C olon y.... ..Washita F 4 Colony State Bank_____ ±§’03 86-715 10 Pòp. 150 Comanche—Stephens H 7 Farmers Statò Bank___ « » ’09 86-336 10 Pop. 2500 S e r v ic e to 1919 N a m e of B a n k . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State «County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Figure under town is [ Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. CAREFUL J u ly , -« 1 U /i. N um ber under N a m e o f BanJk is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by' T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. I CONSISTENT A N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o ea°b bank in U. S. e x c lu s iv e ly by T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ’ D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ n . Town and County. Name of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. A c c e s s i b le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page 13. OKLAHOMA—Continued Resources. Lia b il it ie s . P resident . Cashier . V ice -President . Crescent..____ Logan D 8 Bank o f Crescent— __ «ÍS’06 Wm. Brown.— — J. T. Stinson__ 10 Pop. 1000 86-414 Ed. Stobaugh . A s s 't Cashier . Nellie Norris." plu s P a id - u p S ur and Ca p it a l P r o f its 10,000 $ D epos it s k Loams Disc ’ ts . B onds, 8 ec uriti «* P rincipal Correspondents. Cash k E xchange« ,D ue t b o mB a m k s 5,120 .160,970 106,260 $ 32,510 1st N., Guthrie and Kan. C.; Tradesmens State. Okla. 20,000 15,060 262,780 140,420 Crowder— Pittsburg F 14 Bank o f Crowder_____ *$§'10 C. W. Crum.—. . — W. B. Hendon__... E. E. Knack . . 10 Pop. 1000 86-723 10,000 2,750 139,450 75,330 LI J. Martin. 25,000 5,000 230,000 175.000 75,600 Ex. Ni, Tulsa; Tradesmens State and State N.. Okla.; Clev. N.. Clev. Loren Crook— B. V. Sanders 25,000 25,000 605,500 465.000 225.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. O.; Secur. N., Okla.; Union N., Tulsa. Ernest Burford— 25,000 10,000 400,000 236,740 150.000 t)kla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. Oklahoma State Bank .*$§’13 J. H. Beilis. — ____ H. M. Foster — — R. D. Sears__ J. H. Kehnéy 86-985 E. Brandon . 25,000 5,000 410,000 290.000 144,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C. F . T . Huston. L. J. Knack 25,000 7,000 180,000 190.000 42,000 N. Park, N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 25,000 7,500 130,000 .136,000 35,000 1st N.. Chi.; S. W. Reserve, Okla.: Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.: 4th N., Wichita. 25.000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State and Am. N., Okla.; 1st N., Lawton. 75.000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Enid N.. Enid. Farmers National Bank .»$’97 T. J. Hughes_____ R. C. Jones_______ S. A. Bryant.. 86-381 John Foster.. First National B a n k ....i«’03 C. W. Carpenter__ H. T. Riddle— 86-379 C u ste r...... ..Ouster 10 Pop. 1000 First National Bank—___ $’07 L. L. Hoyt— _____ J. B. Rowland.. 86-429 Peoples Stale .NatT Bank of F. G, Delaney___ Custer City .86-428 ___ « ’11 C yril..--------..Caddo F 5 10 Pop. 600 Dacoma— -----Woods A 4 Pop. 146 Dale„Pottawatomie E 10 10 Pop. 250 Davenport—Lincoln D 10 10 Pop. 750 Davidson------ Tillman 13 10 Pop. 450 Bank o f Cyril— _____ «$§’08 86-724 State Bank of Dacoma.»i§’04 86-725, Dale State Bank— ____ $§’03 86-726 Davenport State Bank<*$§’05 86-601 First Stale B ank..____ *$§’03 86-727 C.Á. Bryan_____ A. B. Estes____ W. J. Cook A. J. Harter______ J. M. Bonner___ L. A. Davis__ ___ _ L. E. Davis. 20,000 3.500 185.000 175.000 George Weaber___ E. P . Read.. 20,000 5.000 225.000 154.000 M. L. Caldwell____ E. Patton. Dillard Saylor____ 5,000 7.500 30,500 32,000 O. D. Groom______ I. J. Chapman___ F .H. Groom J. L. Lair..._______ J . B. Beard, Jr___ A. Lair J. R. Jones___ ___ W. A. Chastain. 17,500 2.500 250.000 200.000 J. H. McClure—__ C. R. McClure . 15,000 2.000 175.000 100,000 50.000 17,020 326,240 156,660 25.000 11,410 197,270 105,320 T. P. H ow ell...— R. J. Vanderslice. Charles Hntchins.. H. N. Homer, Jr.. C. W. Hutchins T. H. Sloveril...__ D. F. Ellis___ - __ J. F. Ellis— — — R. O. Richardson. Irene Weber R. L. Freeman____ N. L. H ale..— — O. M. Woodward— J. C. Kelly— 15.000 9.170 268,310 102,420 J. T. Stewart—___ A. E. Bowers____ A. H. Derington... 15.000 2,650 203,000 148,000 G. T. Guernsey, Jr. B. C. Martin______ Ralph Sullivan__ 10.000 J. B. Charted_____ E. L. Conklin__ ,__ J. L. W est..______ Are You ! 1073 75,000 8,760 97,690 10,000 5,400 317,600 227,080 1st N., Tulsa; 12,500 State N., Shawnee: Tradesmens State. Okla.; Far. N., Teeumseh; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50.000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State Okla 90.000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Frederick; Tradesmens State, Okla. 286,640 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Kan. C. 89,840 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.and Kan. C. 190,060 N. Reserve, Kan. G.; IstN ., St. L.; Merch. & Plan. N., Ada. 62,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. and Wichita; Cent. State, Enid. 20,000 Com’l N., Independence, Kan.; Citiz. State, Nowata. 46,220 Tra. N., Kan. O.; Cent. N., Tulsa: Tradesmens State Okla 145,810 Tra. N.', Kan. O.; 1st N., Wichita Falls, Tex.; Citiz. State and 1st N., Lawton. 25,000 City N „ Wichita Falls; Tex.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 21,180 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa, Okla.; Henryetta State, Henryetta. 178,550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N . and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. N. E. E m ery _____ N. E, E m ery ___ ~1 W. W. Housewright E. Constantin___ N. L. Dillow l—__ .1] 25.000 O. A. W ild e -__ — Geb. Shaw— . 10.000 920 116,720 92,210 H. M. Brent______ H. H. McClintock. H. D. Cannon_____ O. A. Patridge. 25,000 20,080 457,270 351,150 25,000 12,340 249,580 204,890 78,660 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Bartles ville Ni, Bartlesville. 10,000 2.200 70,000 60,000 13,910 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla 15.000 2,700 100,000 80,000 25.000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Garfield Co., Enid. 175,000* 125,000 H. A. McCauley— «$’09 H. C. Dwiggins__ P. M. Magnuson— C. H. Kay 1er, Chas. Shertzer Dill— .---------Washita F 3 Dill State B ank_______ $§’06 J . M. Armfield____ T. H. Armstrong _. Dell Robinson. 10 Pop. 2 5 0 ^ 86-731 Dilworth--------- Kay A 10 Dilworth State Bank___ $§’17 C. A. Gwinn______ F. R. Zacharias___ W. E. Carey__ 10 Pop. 600 86-1044 Douglas—— Garfield C 7 Douglas State Bank— $§’02 H. A. Adams_____ _ Emily V. Adams.— Y. V. Willett _. 10 Pop. 250 86-732 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90,000 128,450 McAlester Tr. Co. A. J. Emery____ _ W. T. Huff______ SECURITY NATIONAL BANK C. J. Klewer 86-321 800 10,000 74,810 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; and 1st N.. McAlester. SEEKINQ ADDITIONAL FACILITIES? C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B A N K IN G N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank ih 'V . S. exclusively by T he Hand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the authority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. CHANGE? Jessie Hoffman__ 10.000 4,000 60.000 N. Bk. Com,, Kan. C.; Guthrie Sav., Guthrie; 1st N.. Enid; Am. N., Okla. _________ r See the S TA TE NATIONAL B AN K. O k la h o m a OKLAHOMA— Continued ____________July, 1919 D avis---------Murray H I First National Bank. •$1900 10 Pop. 1800 86-302 First State Bank.—. . — $§’08 86-304 Oklahoma State Bank—*$§’08 86-303 Deer Creek— Grant A 8 Bank o f Deer Greek.. $§1900 10 Pop. 300 86-728 Delaware— Nowata A 13 Delaware State Bank— *$§’09 ^ 10 Pop. 662 86-505 Depew---------- Creek D 11 First State Bank_______ $§’07 _ 10 Pop. 600 86-729 Devol— ------ Cotton H 5 Farmers State Bank____ $§'08 10 Pop. 550 86-730 Oklahoma State Bank ..$§’19 86-1117 Dewar— Okmulgee E 13 Dewar State B a n k .....«$§’18 10 Pop. 3000 86-982 Dewey.. Washington A 13 First National Bank_____ » ’06 10 Pop. 4000 86-320 Ed, Evans---------- - J. H. Hoberecht__ I. V, Powers. 157,420 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.: Guthrie Sav., Guthrie; Am. N., Okla. _________ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Crescent to Douglas Farmers & Merchants Bank Arno Beyer_______ W. A. Prince_____ E. W. Aniba.. 86-413 $§’02 Cushing— ...P ayne D 10 Cushing State Bank___:*$§’08 E. C. Mullendore _ L. D. Berry T. C. Rucker. J. W, Wilson,Adire 10 Pop. 7500 86-380 1072 107 ? A V /y ** Cit Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i'—• etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 C T ow n a n o C o u n t y . Drummond—Garfield C7 10 Pop. 300 Drumright___ Creek D 11 10 Pop. 7500 R. K. Wootten 86-210 »£1900 Security State Bank.—»£§’18 q, T’ 86-1104 FIRST NATIONAL BANK _ A s s ’f C a s h i e r . Dustin_____ Hughes F 13 10 Pop. 1000 Eagle City___ Blaine D 5 10 Pop. 200 Eakly________ Caddo F 5 10 Pop. 150 Earlsboro—Pottawatomie 10 Pop. 388 F 10 Edmond—.Oklahoma E 8 10 Pop. 3500 Eldorado——Jackson H 2 10 Pop. 926 P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . LOAN8 & ÜI8ç ’ ts . Bonds, Bicuritim s 20,000 $ 6,000 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 15,000 2,500 225,000 185,000 Peo. N ., Kingfisher. 35,000 !om. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Cent. State, Enid; of.Cherokee. Cherokee. State N., Okla. L. S. Allen L.......... 2T000 700 219,840 234,740 32,650 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., E G.: Okla. State, Enid. L. N. Stephenson.. B. F. Simmons Guy O. Henderson. 50,000 26,800 777,170 685,480 50,000 21,000 871,000 469,000 200,000 $ 25.000 5,000 340,000 10,000 3,750 147,600 75,040 35,000 12,000 160,000 170,000 60,000 30,000 400,000 385,000 J. A. Blaydes.-------- J. R. Prentice------ E. E. Brown. 50,000 35,000 425,000 500,000 P. C. Dings _________ C. C. Stephens „ — E. E. Clark 25,000 2,500 87.000 73,910 50,0.00 6,500 400,000 283,320 A E . C. MILLION— GREEN THOMPSON - FRANK GIBSON — A. U. THOMAS „ T. C. Stark............ J. B. McLendon—: R. K. Arnold DIAL CURD IN FRANK L. DYER . 100,000 100,000 157,000 1,200,000 1,175,000 54,930 86-406 Elgin_____Comanche G 6 10 Pop. 324 Elk City___ Beckham E 10 Pop. 4000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12ÜÛ0 FidvN .Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Am. N., Okla. 40,000 135,000 52,500 State N.and' Union State, Shawnee; N. Bk. Com. Kan. C. 73,420 Chase N., N. Y.; New Eng. N.. Kan. C.; Secui N., Okla. 27,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 200,820 79,460 Han. N.. N. Y .; 1st N.. St. L . and Kan. C. 125,000 25,000 Mech, & Metals N,; N. Y.; Secur. N. and Wil kin-Hale State, Okla. 155,920 300,000 200,000. ] ! W. W. Brunskill— B. M. Brunskill—— A. O. Clark____ i__ 125,000 90,000 1 W. E. Hocker _____ J. W. Cook _________ W. C. Thomas ____ M. J. Graham Salli,e Taylor [ A. L. Thurmond___ I. G. Thnrmönd ____ J.'P. Thurmond__ E.! C. Willi son 25,000 15,000 600,000 200,000 50.000 , 25.000 800,000 455,000 j j, p, Gitson 825,000 Seab, N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N. and N. Bk Com., Kan. C.: 1st N., St. L, 90,000 2,500 i C. W. Haward _____ W. W. Childers— 86-658 Kata C.; Wilkin-Hale State* Okla.; -Guaranty State, Ardmore. 135,800 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Muskogee. 58,000 53Ì170 30,000 L. C. B e r r y ....----- H. A, Bruens-------- 30,000 32,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan.'C.; Tradesffiens State, Okla. Producers State, Tulsa. 25,760 Muskogee N., Muskogee; Intèr-Staté N., Kan C.; Liberty N., Okla, 12,000 Cent. State, Enid; S. W. Reserve, Okla. 178,000 10,000 E. M. Francis------ — T. C. Phillips 87,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y., St. L., and Kan. C. 148,460 N. Park, N, Y.; Cent. N., St. L.; N. Bk, Com. Kan. C.: 1st N., Muskogeé. : Invite d . I 78,000 44,000 McAlester Tr. Co., McAlëster. 25.000 . 168,490 lech. & Metals N „ N. Y .f N. Bk. Com., E C. 438,000 lech. & Metals N., N .Y .; N. Bk. Com;, E 0.- Ex. N., Tulsa; 100,000 Ï. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa; Gi anty State, Muskogee. 84.510 Vilkin-Hale State, Okla.; City N., Altus; C( N., St. L. 30,000 lech. & Metals N., N . Y.; Inter-State N ., E Ci: Cent. N., Tulsa; Ain. N., Okla. 110,000 lech. & Metals N.,N. Ï .; N* Bk. Com., Kan, Am. N.. Okla.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; Ex N., Tulsa. 140,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; City N., S. W. Reserve, .Okla. 440; 000 N. Reserve,-Kan. C.; Far. N., Okla. Lawton 850,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Am. N., Okla Cent. N.; St. L .: 1st N., Kan. C. ï L. M. Childers____ W. G. Wilson.. 10,000 2,000 90,000 20,000 50,000 N. Bk. CÔm., Frederick. A. L . Brewer.____ 10,000 5,300 54,700 7 53,000 17,000 1st N., Pauls Valley; N. Bk. Com., St. L Guaranty State. Ardmore. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA CITY— STATE NATIONAL BANK 1073 Elmer______ Jackson H 10 Pop. 500 Elmore City .^.Garvin H 8 10 Pop. 400 86-405 gin-----86-739 tate Bai 86-160 mal Bai 86-157 40,000 790,040 1,092,610 (.Send us your D urant collections d irect fdr prom p t and p e r s o n » att en tlon . Corresp ondene e 86-87 3,500 TiO.OOO 15,000 First State Bank-----------£8’08 Geo. H ..Pruitt... — Frank H. White—. Bonnie Mae Pruitt 86-90 6,700 154,000 20.000 E. B. Burnham___ R. R. Burnham.... D. W . Johnson — W. R. Blake ________ Dustin State Bank-------»£8’04 W; N . Melton 86-533 65,280 1.700 15,000 'L. J. Myers__,----_________ O. V. Cline W. M. McLennan— Farmers State Bank— 86-1101 48,000 5,000 4,400 K Tt H. Klingler____ zi J. H. Gossom— — — Bank o f Eagle City------ »£8’02 86-736 70,000 5,800 16,000 ; n R . 'g'en . A. F. Kee.__________ P. Breckenridge__ W. S. Prim ... 86-737 7,500 75,000 15,000 1 .1). Barrett. J. A. Ingram____ Willard Johnston.. C. M. Cade __________ irlsborc 86-738 208,240 7,040 25,000 G. H. Fink H. W. Granzow_ _ E. A. Bender— ------itional I 86-225 140,000 25,000 2,020 ( E. H. Emmerson... H. S. Emmerson—. L. Emmerson___ Herman Larson. ate Bar 86-811 222,490 9,280 25,600 W. L. Shelden— J. M. Anglea___ __ J. W. Howard _____ ! W. S. Patten ___ ____ mal Ban 86-226 92,000 3,500 15,000 J . F . J O N E S ---------F . A . H A T C H -— ; W .E . JO YNER — ÎI0NAL Cash A Ex changes,D ub from B arks Harry E. Rather... L. C o x --------------- H. D. Neely______J. B. Hunsaker — ¿Durant— ___ Bryan 1 12 American State Bank—«£§’17 S , A Whale. __ _ H. D. Morgan 86-92 11 Pop. 8000 Durant National Bank.»£1900 James R.McKinney B. A. McKinney — W. E. Clark___ . . . M. W. Fitzgerald 86-88 FIRST NATIONAL BANK*£ 98 Lia b il it ie s . S ur p lu s De p o s P a id - ttp AND it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s OKLAHOMA BANKS—Dover to Elmore City___________________ Duke—_____Jacksoù H2 10 Pop. 500 ¿Duncan___ Stephens H7 10 Pop. 3500 N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ^Ca s h i e r . V ice -President . President . £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. FedrRes. [Estab. Bank o f D over...-------- »tS’Ol M. A. Mitchell_____ A. H. R uth ------------- : 86-733 Citizens State Bank-----»£§’06 R. L. Orton_________ Mrs. W. M. Harney. R. E. Barnum.—__ 86-734 Bank o f Drummond___ »£$’02 R. G. Menefee ___— O. E. Durham ___ _ iChas. E. Shafer—— W. A.vRichardson 86-735 D. S. Harris ’ !F. M. Foster—— — Drumright State Bank .«£§’14 Aaron Drumright— Arthur O’ Dell J. H. Hulme. Active 86-997 R. M. H a y e s_____ J . G. Bennett First National Bank--------- ’14 R. B. Farris___ D.'R. RusselÏ.Aciive 86-1009 Guaranty State Bank .„ £ § ’16 L. C. Parmenter— W. R- Barney— -- E. C. Morris ______ 86-1041 B. E. Darby ____ __ __ E. A. K inder..— Farmers & Merchants Bank J . F . T?.f»aves . -* 86-481 »£810 City National Bank------ «£’07 J. C. McCasland— W. T. Foreman-___ D. A. Fowler . . . __ W. W. Martin 86-212 Duncan National Bank..»£’04 J. M. Armstrong „ W. W. Payne— 1 - O. M. Browder.___ 86-211 _________ ¿County Seats. Figure under town is Federal Reserve District. Dover____ Kingfisher D 7 10 Pop. 500 Driftwood—'—Alfalfa A 6 10 Pop. 100 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. _________ OKLAHOMA— Continued July, 1919 N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank ih 'V . S. exclusively by T he Hand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the authority of T~ ' " ■ “ Cashier . Liabilities . Resources. PxiD-ur Surplus D aros- lOAII à Du* Oau A Sx* ▲HD Securities fmk Sajou P rofits Ass 't Cashier . K. E. Humphrey . $ 50,000 W. J. Finch R. D. Einkade Arthur T. March C. M. Jackman___ Earl G. Morris____ L. H, Normandin. 50,000 R. P. Jackman, Active El Reno State Bank.__ < § ’01 D. P. Richardson.. L. R. Gephart____ Oscar R. Howard.. Wanna E intzley... 25,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’92 86-67 ‘ El Reno__ Canadian E 6 Citizens National Bank—< ’01 10 Fop. 12,000 86-66 .. ' 'V 5 Onmmercial Bank_____*${’06 Chas. L. E n g le ___ 86-69 '* _____ __ “ 86-68 44 ‘‘ W. W. Jackm an... ‘ Enid______ Garfield B 7 Central State Bank___ *$§'13 Â. E. Stephenson.. 86-19 10 Pop. 20,307 G. J. Gensman ' •• W : ENID NAT’L BANK 86-15 44 < ’93 4» flTn>iu | p First National Bank___< ’94 86-18 Garfield County Bank—<§'14 86-16 44 & tts 44 Oklahoma State Bank—<§'05 86-17 E rick _____ Beckham F 1 First National Bank___ <'02 86-412 10 Pop. 1500 Western State Bank ...•$('01 86-411 ‘ Eufaula. .McIntosh F 13 Eufaula National Bank—»t’Ol 86-831 10 Pop. 3000 Di.^Uu .. E. A. Pendarvis__ F. H. LETS0N------- ED. FLEMING......... FLOYD E. FELT— J. F. CURRAN A. J. MAHONEY O L D E S T B A N K IN E N ID . S e n d u s y o u r c o l l e c t i o n s . A ll w e a s k i s a t r i a l. 14,120 789.610 854,740 134,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; Com. Tr. Co., Ran. C. 9,800 340,560 298,030 75,520 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 19,640 608,000 609,850 117,780 Han. N., N. Y .f Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; InterState N., Kan. 0.; 4th N., Wichita. 50,000 3,500,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.: Am. State, Wichita; S. W. Reserve, Okla. 115,000 1,465.580 1,236,910 605.280 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; In ter-S ta te N. and N. Bk. C om ., K an. C .; 8 . W. State, W ich ita; State N ., Okla. H. H. Champlin__ F. C. Champlin___ A.T?. Bntts W. A. G oltry_____ C. E. Gannon F. R. Zacharias___ John G. Parker, Jr. 100,000 108,110 1,294.960 1,022,510 50,000 26,560 1,203,010 994,630 W. R. Lence ____ Cecyle M. Swank— 100,000 25,000 1,250,000 815,000 E. E. Thurmond__ H. C. Garrett_____ C. L. Gallegly W. B. Stn^hs 448,640 CHStse N.. N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita. 278,640 Han. N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N.t Kan. 0. •/? i.'? i>, > 1 < ■. * XI'-'i. v 385,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 4th N., -Wichita; S. W. Reserve, Okla. 94.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.j N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Cent. N .. St. L.: Am. N., Okla. 29,400 Tradesmens State, Okla.; City N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 79,00a Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Muskogee; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. A. G. G illum _____ 25,000 - - 257ìOOO 261,000 81,560 111,470 15,000 392,000 253,000 50,000 18,450 399,010 428,000 121,590 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.: Com’l N., Muskogee; N. Bk. o f Com., St. L. 25,000 16,650 397,370 437,830 0. L. Follansbee__ 25,000 21,950 360,500 465,570 . s 41,610 N. Reserve, Kan. 0.; McAlester Tr. Co., McAlester; 1st N., St. L. 37,940 N. City, JN. Y.; 1 st N „ Kan. C. and Muskogee. R. D. C olom be___ 25,000 9,650 205,390 154,880 99,760 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N.( Pawhuska. C. E. Ashbrook— 25,000 8,410 283,310 235,900 93,320 Irving N., N. Y.; Gomw. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. H. O. Ostermeyer . 25,000 5,000 180,000 135,000 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. O.: Stockgrowers State, Pawhuska. U. C. STOCKTON... T. B. PORTER------- L. N. Rowe_______ A. W. Harlan_____ L. Cl Overmiller. . Pani Clansing____ 15,000 3,000 120,000 84.000 J. H. Connolly____ Frank Gaines_____ N. C. Gallemore__ J. S. Milbourn____ 25,000 5,000 200,000 70,000 W. D. Bredehoft _ 0. M. Bredehoft__ H. J. Heiberg..___ 15,000 1,500 187,330 145,830 W. D. Bowling____ H. Clay W illis____ F. A. Perkins_____ J. H. Willis Henry A. B ow er... 25,000 1,500 315,000 248,600 25,000 5,000 300,000 250,000 N am e o f Bank D irectory, under the au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers A 8 s*n« CONSISTENT ( C A RE FU L £ 30,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Far.State, Vinita. ^60,000 1st N „ St. L. 55,940 Enid N. and Cent. State, Enid; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 95,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. State, Wichita and Enid; Cent. N., St. L.« 80,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita; Secur. N.. Okla _______ July, 1919 50,000 R. B. Turner , ____ J. 0. Smock_______ H. C. Hightower . . ii m r ength. rectated. able. 12,700 25,000 Bert A. Hudson . . . O. S. Hudson_____ STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City Gives 1 1075 1 950,000 $ 550,000 $ 450,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Drov. N., and N. Bk. Com., Ran. C. 100,000 Oklahoma State Bank.<§’16 D. B. Whybark— M. E. Turner__ . . . 86-1035 State National Bank___ < ’l i R. L. Simpson____ W. A. Tolleson___ 86-333 Fairfax______Osage B 11 Fairfax National Bank.. .$’03 G. M. Carpenter__ H. N. C ook.._____ 10 Pop. 1000 86-446 •• •• First National Bank___ < ’05 J. 0. Stribling._____ J. L. Hudson_____ 86-445 •* .. OSAGE BANK____ — < § ’02 J. J. Quarles_____ •T.TT. Dull _ 86-444 ber under Federal Reserve BankNofum St. Louis 100,000 H. Chapek T. J. McCreedy P rincipal Correspondents. O.J. FLEMING — TW. G. M0RHART. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 0 1 < Service and str 86-332. j Collections app ^Charges reason Fairland—__ Ottawa A 18 Citizens State Bank___ <§'11 10 Pop. 1200 86-923 “ _______ “ First National Bank_____’97 86-741 Fairmont___ Garfield B 8 Bank o f F a i r m o n t .._tl'03 10 Pop. 150 86-742 ‘ Fairview_____Major 0 5 Fairview State Bank__ <§'92 10 Pop. 2020 86-233 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank 86-284 *t’08 50,000 J. O. Chamness__ 0. W. Maddux o V ice-President ifc* O President. 1% Town and County. Name of Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am-. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, _ dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. OKLAHOMA—Continued 1074___________________ OKLAHOMA BANKS— El Reno to Fairview N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 n '7 4 , to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tl|e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ X U / T Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. Service to Customers Accesslhle Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of tbis volume. For In te re st R a te s, G race,! e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. \w OKLAHOMAT-Continued Li a b i l i t i e s . Re so u r c e s . P r in c ip a l .C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . o i A i t N A iiu N A L BANiv, UKianoma uiiy üives B a n f« 107J N ame op B ank . T own an s County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Cash ie r . First Bank o f Fallis — « ’03 J. J. Mitchell_____ Lena W illeford— 0 . M. Willeford.^. 86-748 Stock Exchange Bank.. $6’03 J. L. P ry or---------- A. W. Anderson — 86-744 Faxon State Bank..------ tS'01 W. F. Barber--------- F. E. B enson------86-745 E. M. Prickett____ O. A. Wheeler Fay State Bank ______ $1’07 86-746 / Farmers State Bank — 21’08 M. D. Timberlake. P. A. Norris--------86-747 Fletcher State Bank . . *$S'0S W. T. Clark . . . . — D. W. Hogan------86-748 A. N. R u b le........... G. H. Codding ------First National Bank------ »$’06 W. T. Leahy 86-590 0. E. W ood s_____ J. L. Hall................ First National Bank------ » ’18 86-1102 R. A. Maple--------- O. H. C afky--------W. E. H ocker-----First State Bank— — •tl'12 86-956J. A. M enefee-----R. C. Menefee-----Caddo County Bank-----$l’02 Fort Cobb____Caddo F 5 86-608 10 Pop. 882 WASHITA V A LLEY BAHK2I 02 J. B. Myers . . . ------- W . D. M yers.. — 86-609 « H D a le _______ F oss......___ Washita E 3 Bank o f Foss---------------»$l’03 Wallace Estill,vJr.. 86-545 10 Pop. 525 3 First State Bank---------- $§’08 A. L. Thurmond . — F. E. Herring . . . . Chas. M. Hoover . . 86-544 Ft.Gibson.Muskogee D15 Citizens National Bank .• fl4 D. N. F in k _______ J.K . Blake 86-328 10 Pop. 1800 F. H. Nash, Jr-----Farmers National Bank.»?’ 86-322 E. Larecy-------Ft. Towson.Ohoctaw 1 15 American NationalBank.»’ W. E. B. Leonard.. W. W. Silverman 86-1103 11 Pop. 1500 Fallis_______ Lincoln D 9 10 Pod. 24« F argo... ....____ Ellis B 1 10 Pop. 500 Faxon____ Comanche H 5 10 Pop. 800 Fay_____„ ...D e w e y D 5 10 Pop. 800 Fitzhugh-.Pontotoc H 10 10 Pop. 800 Fletcher ..Comanche H5 10 Pop. 500 Foraker—___ Osage A 11 10 Pop. 415 Forgan___ ___ Beaver J 5 10 Pop. 800 • ( w . s. M c K i n n e y F IIS rm T E B g jlK - 1 „ • « ’08 < P rom p t atten ti o n « will be given A s s ’t Cash ie r . Lli ABILITIES Surplus D epos 10,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 87,080 $ 29,420 C ash & E x- HANQE8,DUK from i v< }*•J?... B anks 60,650 Tradesmens State, Okla.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Union N.-, Wichita; Gerlach. Woodward. 20.000 Citiz. State, Lawton: Stock Yds. N., Kan. C. 140.000 100,000 5,000 1,800 55.000 45,000 10,000 6,730 81,960 117,500 10,000 3,150 26,220 33.970 7,870 New Eng. N., K&n. C.; 1st N., Ada. 10,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 30.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Far. N., Okla. Selma J. Codding.. 25,000 10.000 100.000 108.000 31,200 1st N., Pawhuska; Comw. N., Kan. C. Dean T. Sunderland 25,000 2,500 65,000 60,000 0 . W. McKean____ 12,500 2.500 125.000 115.000 10,000 7.500 150.000 110.000 10,000 11,000 15,000 4,000 115.000 98,000 15.000 3,390 95.330 94,310 25.000 12,500 145,000 176,000 26,000 Com’IN ., Muskogee. 25,000 20.290 275,110 255,560 72,700 1st N., Muskogee. 30,000 7,000 110,000 95,000 ¿0,000 Hugo N., Hugo; Am. N., Okla.; 1st N., St. L.; City N., Dallas. 50,000 16,090 301,810 493,990 95,830 1st N., St. L.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Hugo; (M em . F ed. Res.) 10,000 2,600 43,980 46,940 7,420 N. Bk. of Glaremore, Olaremore; N.City, Kan.C. 15,000 1,750 52,010 83,630 7,300 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Okla. State, Ada. 25,000 6,200 83,000 87,000 60,000 50,000 600,000 >450,000 260,000 M ech . A M etals N ., N. T . ; N. B k . C om ., St. L .; N. Bk. C om . and 1st N ., K an . C. 75,000 25,000 655,000 480,000 19&000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Liberty N.. Okla. 30,000 10,000 280,000 505,000 10,000 1,000 57,450 36,180 95,000 Mech^s MetalsN.. N.Y.; Peo. N „ Kan.C.. Kan.; Cent. N., St. L.; Tradesmens Slate, Okla. 21,130 4th N.. Wichita; Cent. State, Alva. J. S. Wheeler_____ Margaret Burket.. B. E. Anderson — * W .E . E LLIO T T ------ D .E . M OREHOUSE. -------- R. B.Plott___ - A. H. Pritchard— J. A. Carr x Freedom_____Woods A 4 Freedom State Bank— î l ’l ) G. A. Harbaugh . . . — 86-1105 10 Pop. 90 R. M. Sowers------- Sr W. McMannis__ C.*E. Daniels_____ Gage-..— . . ___ Ellis 0 1 Bank of Gage..------- -— $§’C 86-407 * 10 Pop. 924 - 0 . E. Edwards____ H. C. Edelblute...- J. A. Holt___ _ J • A« L U Y C l l ' i 2,340 t its — Pr in cipal .Correspondents , RESOUROES. Loans &D ib i t s . Bonds, 8E GURITIK8 6,500 W. D. K ing--------— R. R. Sims ; O. W. Howard------ f sio m e r s 155.000 .. 194.000 16,500 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Garfield Co., Enid. 25.000 Drov. N., Kan. C.: Farm Mtge. Tr. Co., Topeka; Kan. N.. Wichita. 48,240 1st N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla.; Gerlach, Woodward. 65,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 45.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 30,000 Southwest Reserve. Okla.; Drov. N.,Kan. C.; N. Bk. Gom., Shawnee. 19.400 1st N., Kan. C. and Elk City. all collection s. 1 25c m u st acco m pany all sight drafts. (S e n d 50c with requests fo r rati ngs. "*rLBM‘Ä C0MMESiS S o t uu 15,000 FIRST NAT! BANK (Jans____ .Sequoyah E 16 10 Pnn. 500 b erm e Aecessllile Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of biais volume. V o r Interest R o te s, G r a c e ,!'—« e t c ., see page 14. V or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.\C . Paid - up and Capital Profits J. J. Mitchell, J r ._ i Mrs. Geo. S. Mays. J. C. Dougherty__ Geo. S. Mays------ • « ’07 F oyil.._____ Rogers B15 Foyil State Bank— 86-749 10 Pop. 200 T. E. Miller.— Bank o f Francis-----Francis___ Pontotoc G 11 86-750 10 Pop. 1200 S. M. Richey-------- A. G o e tte r -« .-— O. G. R ose.--------Francis National Bs 86-992 V |. L . LA IR ............... A . LA IR --------------- J .B . BEARD, J R .- - 0. D. CAUHY.............. D. M . LONG »Frederick—Tillman H 4 10 Fop. 5000 b y o fflo e r ; j C o l l e c t i o n * r e c e iv e p e r e o n a l a tte n tio n •$'06 ( 86-167 o f b a n k ; le t t e r s a n s w e r e d p r o m p tly ^ 0 m A N 0 M «S TÄ P « A « K | .1 £ O K L A H O M A —Continued V ice -President . President . «C A RE FU L M 7 L. C. M oore__ ____ iU —use tn 0 ||~A o 20,000 1st N., Kan. C. and Ada, Okla. v 15,000 8,500 155,000 175,000 15,000 6,500 120,000 96,000 10,000 6,500 36.740 66.18C 35,000 N.City, Kan.C.; Kan?N.,Wichita; Cent.Ex., Woodward, Okla. 45,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 6.38C N. Reserve, Kan. C.; IstN., Ft. Smith. K n | | f I A L I f l M A P it v __ -SERVICE C T A T E N A T in N RH AN U ll I n rVf UIM A ilUmfl o 1 A 1 L N A I I U n IIAHIL D N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New' Transit N um ber given N a m é of B a n k . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. C a s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . $ 50,000 $ G. J. T a ft___ f__ _ B. A. Garber.___ . . Lia b il it ie s . S ur p lu s D e pos P a id - up and it s Ca p it a l P r o f its 225,000 : 175.000 35,000 Garfield Co., Enid: Inter-State N.. Ean. C.: guaranty State, Okmulgee. •10,000 3,460 149,540 102,030 58,680 Cent. N.. St. L.; New Eng. N., Ean. C.; Cent. State. Hugo. F. H. Schauner___ L. D. D oran______ 10,000 6,500 96,500 107,000 31,900 Fid. N. Bk.&Tr., Ean. C.; S. W. State, Wichita, Cent. State, Alva. H. W. Reynolds —1' J. O. Davis . . . . . . . . Ecftvin Thoma____ 25,000 9,000 195,000 268,000 35.000 Com’l N.. Ean. C.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Secur. N., Okla. 25,000 5,000 225,000 200,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Ean. C.; State N„ Shawnee. First National Bank____ «t’98 John H. Dillon . . . . Willard Johnson... O. Ÿ. Dillon . . . ’j . . J.-O. ShelbyC 86-299 Goodwell--------- Texas J 3 10 Pop. 400 Gore.— —Sequoyah E 16 10 Pop. 316 Gotebo______ Eiowa F 4 10 Pop. 740 Gould--------- Harmon G 1 10 Pop. 400 Go wen— ..Latimer G 14 10 Pop. 1500 Citizens Bank.________t§’03 86-755 Farmers State Bank___J§’10 86-757 Farmers State Bank___ t§’02 86-758 Bank o f Goltry_______ *t§’03 ♦ 86-638 First National B a n k .....§19 86-1116 First State Bank______ *t§’08 86-760 Farmers Bk. o f lllinois.»t§’05 86-761 Bank of G o te b o ...____ »t§’04 86-465 First National B ank___«J:’13 86-987 First State Bank______ « t l’lO 86-762 First State Bank______ »*§’15 86-1017 Gracemont__ _ Caddo F 6 State Bk. o f Gracemont.t§’06 10 Pop. 250 86-763 Grainola_____Osage B 11 Grainola State B ank___t§’09 10 Pop. 150 86-764 Grandfleld___ Tillman I 4 First National Bank_____t ’07 86-436 10 Pop. 2500 Home State Bank_____*t§’15 86-1026 N. A. R obertson... 1,000 22,000 2,000 85,000 24,000 7,500 N. Bk. Com., Ean, C.; 1st N., Lawton. Howard D. Reed__ J. W. smith Thos. Carter______ J. F. Bunn_______ Chas. N. Wright— I. O. W right..-.. . . . 10,000 2,500 236,000 56,000 ■ 25,000 1st N., Ean. C.: Citiz. N., Anthony, Ean.; Cent, State, Enid, 111,800 34,760 Yálé State, Yale, Okla.; N. Bk. Com,, Ean. C. Ábe Buller —_____ C. S. Ingersoll____ A. E. Moseley_____ Florence Moseley . 25,000 3.500 175,000 132,000 60,000 New Eng. N., Ean. C.: Okla. State, Enid, (M em . Fed. R es.) " 10,000 Gate City N., Ean. C.; Tradesmen's State, Okla. 8,390 City N., Ft- Smith, Ark.; Muskogee N., Muskogee. / 15,000 New Ehg. N., Ean. C,; Citiz. N., El Reno; Tradesmens State, Okla. 35,000 Tra. N., Ean. C.; Secur. N. and Am. N., Okla, E. B. Weatherly__ 25,000 2,500 C. E. Woods;____ , Guy S. Speakman.. R, E^Lpye— . ___ E. L. W. Love____ 10,000 2,000 60,000 75,000 10,000 3,190 44,520 55,500 M. H unsinger_____ T. B. Donnell_____ E. B. Bäum.._____ J. L. Mijlican_____ 25,000 15,000 175,000 210,000 M. F. Pierce.._____ C. M. Haxton_____ G. A. Fisher______ T. J. H ow e______ 25,000 6,500 165,000 160,000 G. B. Foreman J. W. Rodgers____ J. P. Lee „ _______ A. R. Reeves 20,000 7,000 126,980 141.080 N. E. Tíuell-.¿— _. E. W. F rey __ . — . 10,000 5,000 125,000 95,000 D. P. E arns. W. T. Clark . . . ___ H. J. Stover____ _ C. S. Ingersoll____ W. H. Singular— E arlLèaf—_______ F. M. English_____ E. M. Eimmel____ , J ennie M._ Singular F. N. Thompson. . . N. Ei Eimmel — 15,000 600 87,000 134,000 10,000 3,000 85,000 66,000 p . McCnv B A N K D. A, Beimore____ G. W. Wiley 5,000 285,000 250.000 9,000 250,000 221,000 30,000 5,200 375.000 296,000 87,000 Comw. N., Eap. C.; City N., Wichita Falls, Tex.; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 15,000 6,220 128,940 131,770 30,860 Citiz. N., El Reno, Okla.: N. Bk. Com., Ean, O.; Tradesmens State, Okla. Are You I D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 10,000 3,300 90,000 85,000 15,000 Drov. N., Ean. C.; OkJa. N., ChiCkasha. 10,000 - 3,500 125,000 72,000 105,000 60,000 1st N., St. L.; Am. N., Paris, Tex.; Hugo~N., Hugo, Okla. 24,000 New Eng. N., Eari. C.: Garfield Co.. Enid; Ean. N., Wichita. 16,500 N- Bk. Com.. Ean. C.; Secur. N., Okla.; Union State, Wichita, Ean. 75.000 N. Reserve, Ean. C. 10,000 ^,000 120,000 10,000 1,500 45,000 40,000 30,000 2,000 250,000 135,000 25,000 1,270 107,540 101,440 31,480 N. City.N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Reserve, Ean. C. I See the S TATE NATIONAL BANK,Oklahoma A ccessible T ow ns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K L A H O M A -— C on tin u ed T.I ATUT.TTTW .S TtKSOURCKS. POTVPTD A nnDDVaDAWDVMm ! July. SEEKING ADDITIONAL FACILITIES? C O N T E M P L A T I N G A B A N K IN G C H A N G E ? ber under Nam e o f Bank is the'New ' T r a n s i t Num ber given Federal Reserve BankNum of St. Louis 1 0 7 7 to each bank in If; '8 , exclusively by T lie R and-M cN ally Bankers* 20,000 N. Blj. of Anadarko, Anadarko; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Ean. C. 22,000 Producers State. Tulsa; Comw. N., Ean. C.; 1st State, Pond Creek. 100,000 City N „ Lawton; N. Bk. Com., Ean. C.; 1st N.. Wichita Falls, Tex. 70,000 Drov, N,, Ean, C.; 1st State, Okla.; 1st N., , Wichita Falls, Tex. 25,000 »«1900 Farmers State Bank___ t§ 01 I, E, Gaskill. . . ___ 86-345 L. G. Webb___ Bank o f Grant__ _____ »tS’03 B. A. Nelson______ C. L. Wehh 86-765 11 P o p . 416 H. S. Wilbur^..___ C, R. Nelson Gray— — ...B eaver J 5 First State Bank.......... «i§ ’15 10 Pop. 400 86-1020 E. G. DeMunburm Greenfield____ Blaine D 5 Greenfield State Bank___ §’09 G. M. Matlock 86-766 10 Pop. 100 Grove----- Delaware B 16 Citizens Bank________ ¿,*§’05 Merritt Jeffries . . . 86-416 10 Pop. 888 First National Bank— .» iT l Lee Howe____ . ___ Chas. F. W alker... E. D. Hammond. . . 86-415 24,450 Wilkin-Hale State, Okla.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Ean. C. ~ 25,000 New Eng. N., Ean. C.; 1st N.,HartsbOrne. 15,000 M. F. Patterson Grant------Choctaw J 14 Jl\J/ / 5,000 10,000 Tillman County Bank _t§’08 C. E. Lawrence__ _ F. H. Lawrence___ E. L. Schneider. . . R. L. Winchell___ 0. H. Maricle 86-438 Granite---------- Greer G 2 STATE GUARANTY 86-344 10 Pop. 1500 3,000 $ 725,000 $ 525,000 $ 225,000 New Eng. N., Ean. C.; Cent. State. Enid; Ex. N., Tulsa. 2,500 Gate________ Beaver J 6 STATE BK. OF COMMERCE P. A. Johnston___ J. L. Vance______ A. J . Dickson 10 Pop. 400 86-754 «fSOd Gerónimo..Comanche H 5 10 Pop. 186 Gibbon ._¿___ Grant A 7 10 Pop. 96 Glencoe_____ Payne C 10 10 Pop. 500 Goltry______ Alfalfa B 8 10 Pop. 500 P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . 15,000 Garber State Bank___»t§1900 E. R. Green___*__ J. N. Courier,____ G. Ill C ourier---- - Webb Giidwell___ Harry Ladusau 86-611 G, r,. Eirk Garvin... McCurtain J 16 Farmers State Bank. . -t8’13 James P. B od dy... C. G. Shull It Pop. 500 flH b l BV 86-753 Geary__...___ Blaine E5 AMERICAN STATE BANK M. H. Collins 10 Pop. 1800 86-301 •JS’09 R e so u r c e s . Loans &Dig- Cash&Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities fromBanks _________ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Garber to G r o v e ___________________ July,'1919 Garber— -..-Garfield B 8 Farmers State Bank— • 10 Pop. 2000 86-610 P r e s id e n t . dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, 1076 T own a n d Co u n t y . OKLAHOMA—Continued SEEKING ADDITIONAL FACILITIES? C O N T E M P L A T IN G 10 7 7 Jl\J/ / A B A N K IN G CHANGE? to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tlie Band-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass'n. T ow n a n d C o u n t y . •FIRST NAT’L BK. 86-37 « ’89 P resident . V ice-President . j LYM ON J . GRAY- C. G. H O R R O R - — STATE BANK 86-42 Cashier . A. A. Reyer . . ... M. A. Rnnch Li a b i l i t i e s . Su r p lu s D bpo s P a id - up and ITS Ca p it a l P r o f it s R e so ur ces. E . E . PARSONS — J . WOOD-— ............ 14,300 740,000 527,010 50.000 15,000 730,500 574,640 —ss***.. jW. E. BROWN IFF CLINTON J. F. BUCKtJ._F.BUCK ■ $6’19 1Gives the best s ervlceaU the tlm e. (THE BANK YO U’LL LIKE, FRFP 1. PFCK M. A. Rouch, George Tipton, Mgr. Sec. and Tr. I. E. Cameron____ E. T. Guymon____ G. R. G e a r -— -A. E. Cameron — A. F. Burch Chas. Summers S. 0. Tyler . _ Ernest Klnoz '.U 5,800 304,800 194,880 108,720 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr, and Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.; State N Okla. 25,000 29,200 279,460 246,610 25.000 25,000 300,000 269,000 25,000 10,300 255,430 258,560 7,030 . 174,540 154.940 91,550 1st N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Stock Yds. N., and Drov. N., Kan. C. 85,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Kan. N„Wichita; N. Bk. Com, Kan. C. 50,180 Fid, N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Tradesmans State and S. W. Reserve, Okla. 39,130 N „ Bk. Com., Kan, G.; City N., McAlester. 25,000 George: Tipton —— D. M; Hailey I. M. Lightner»—— H. A. Salter Enoch P. Carter__ [J. M. Dean E. R. Jolly______ T. Nolley___ ____ _ H lJ . Rowley 15,000 Elbert G ilm ore... . W. L. Richardson. E /C . W illiams___ 10,000 ( J . T. B E A L L -— W. T . TA YLO R .......... D. V. P EN N _____ S. K. W AUCH 0PES. J . TIPPERS 1 25,000 61,590 54,000 5,000 100,960 163.670 Hammon.Roger Mills E 2 FARM ERS NATIONAL BANK <Special atten tlo n given Bill o f La ding Drafts, Cas Ih and T im e Item s. 16c m ust acco m pany Sight Dra fts and 25c w ith request fo r B atin g s. 86-1003 »4’14 10 Pop. 800 [ P rom pt Service Our Specialty. J. P. Thurmond.— 86-645 4S’10 Farmers State Bank.—. . ¿§’11 J. W. Gilliland . 86-579 First National Bank____ «¿’08 B. F . Miles . 86-627 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *4 03 S. L. Morley______ 86-170 OKLAHOMA STATE BANK First State Bank______ *4S’05 86-169 T. J. Stallings.— . Hartshorne National Bank 86-1065 '17 Producers State Bank—-4§’17 W. W. Sames_____ 86-1061 Haskell...Muskogee D 13 First National Bank s___»4’05 F . O. Hubbard____ 86-420 10 Pop. 2500 Haskell National Bank—«4’11 86-419 86-421 Hastings..—Jefferson 1 6 NAT. BK. OF MASTINI 86-467 10 Pop. 727 Oklahoma State Bant 86-468 Haworth—McCurtain J 17 First National Bank 86-770 11 Pod. 700 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212,990 Chase N „ N. Y,: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Secur N „ Okla.; Ist N „ Guthrie. 212,460 N. Bk. Com., ii. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan. O.: State N „ Okla.: Cent. N., St. L. •tl,05f' Guthrie Clearing House.—— (.Members indicated by a ♦) »Guymon_____Texas J 8 City National Bank____ « t ’02 86-324 10 Pop. 1500 First National B an k....»4’06 86-325 Texas Connty Bank___» t l’09 H ifl 86-326 Haiieyville.Pittsburg G 14 Bank o f Haileyville___ *41’02 86-767 _ 1 0 Fop. 2500 -Hallett— .Pawnee 011 Guaranty State Bank— 4§’09 86-768 10 Pop. 147 ,Hanna— . McIntosh F 13 10 Pop. 286 Harrah___ Oklahoma E 9 10 Pop. 500 Hartshornd— . Pittsburg 10 Pop. 3500 G 14 P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . Oam k lxoian«m,Doi rsoMBaku J .25,000 < T he Largest and Strongest State B anlc In Logan Cou n ty. 1Special atten tlo n and p rom pt re m lttan ce on aU c ollectlon s. ( THY US. ♦SECURITY STATE B A N K 86-39 As s 't C ashier . N. HOLM AN — — P. A. NORRIS»-------- GEORGE TIPTON . . . J . C . W HITEFIELDA. H. BLACKMOREi $ 100,000 $ 46,250 $1675120 $1757740 S 351,420 Seab. N ., N. 1 .; 1st N. and N. Bk. C om . : G o v e rn m e n t D e p o s ito r y . K an . C. * M o r e th a n t w e n t y y e a r s * W e s t e r n e x p e r ie n c e . ♦Guthrie Savings Bank. JS'02 A. E. Beyer__..____ J. S. Shearer 86-40 OKLAHOM A Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of tbie volume. P ot Interest B ates, (iracc, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page l i . f p . O K L A H O M A -— C on tin u ed N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JState »County Seats. Figure under town is {Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem Fed. Res. »Guthrie_____ Logan D 8 10 Pop. 12,035 I See the STATE NATIONAL B A N K . Oklahoma P . E. Baldwin. 15,000 2,060 114,000 129,600 G. W. Harper— .. N. Harrison 25,000 A.950 232,620 ~252,220 . O . G . McClurg____ H. .T. Herher 25,000 6,500 134,000 106,000 N . E. Tuell — — P. M. Willis_______ Earl H ardy.,_____ 50,000 30,000 450,000 500.000 J. H. Raker B. O. Sims L. Rothbaum F. B. Pitchford W. A. Tilvans 35,000 7,500 400,000 320.000 G. L. Willis 50,000 9,030 205.930 244,560 M. L. Thompson__ B. C. Lnrince_ 25,000 3,640 122,310 121,510 Carr Peterson____ Cleat Peterson___ G. M. Floyd 50,000 20,000 475,000 275.000 C. H. Chandler___ V. S. Cannon_____ T. J. Nichols_____ 25,000 6,410 273,490 234,230 MBMEaaflj T?.T,. Ways Win, E. Combs — 25,000 7,810 200,600 165.000 100,000 115.000 W. Si Crea.rli .. . ....... W. A. Lewter Robt. McRay J. W. Miles- , B. O. S i m s - - - — J. H. Lewis 5,000 G. C. Robertson — 1W. A. Stone........... W; A. M cA tee...— Estelle M.’ Risley— J. H. Porter J. P. Pettey F. M. English_____ E. T.. Worrell 25,000 10,000 4,400 78,000 77,000 W. J. Whiteman— ¡Geo. DeLaughter.. C. S. Denton_____ C. H. Morris______ 25,000 13,430 165,180 191,440 17,600 State N „ Okla.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 10,160 ¿T. City, N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Far N. and Slate N., Okla. 20,670 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Elk City, 42,690 State N., Okla.; Muskogee N.. Muskogee; Pro ducers State, Tulsa; City N „ Ft. Smith. 67.000 Cont. & Oom’l. N „ Chi.; Am. N., Okla.; Fid. N Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 125.000 Mech. & Metals N.; N. Y.; Am. N., McAlester N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N. and New Eng, N..Kan. C. 85.000 1st N.. St. L.: 1st N-.-, McAlester; N. Bk; Com Kan. C. 35,480 1st ST, McAlester; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 36,220 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 175.000 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Muskogee 061lti Tuisa 95.660 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Tulsa: Com'I N., Muskogee; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C N. Bk. Com., St. L. 62.800 Ex. N.. Muskogee; Producers State. Tulsa. 45.000 N. Bk.Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Lawton.; Trades mens State, Okla. 12.000 City N., Lawton; S. W. Reserve, Okla. 27,160 1st k j Idabel and St. L. 1. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA C IT Y -S T A T E NATIONAL BANK - N um ber under N am e o f Bank, is the New Transit N um ber given J? each bank in If. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. A c c e s s ib le T o w n s, L a w y ers, L a w s, D ir e cto r s, in, dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest K a te s, G race, e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 13, OKLAHOMA—Continued Liabilities . - * County . N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Kstab. town anb Hayward----- Garfield 0 8 Farmers & Merchants Bank 86-771 ^ « ’ 09 10 Pop. 200 Headrick___ Jackson H 3 Citizens Bank________ •t§’06 10 Pop. 400 86-772 Healdton_____Carter 1 8 ¿0 Pop. 2000 86-1057 Security State Bank » t i’16 86-1036 Heavener.. Le Flore G17 First National Bank____ » i l l 10 Pop. 1800 86-454 State National Bank____ «$’12 President. V ice-President. Cashier . S ur p lu s Ass ’t Cashier. AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s 8 C. W. Burton____ Principal Correspondents . 1,000 $ 50,000 $ 32,000 $ -48,000 Inter-State N., Kan. 0.; Cent. State, Enid. 15,670 Drov. N.. Kan. C.: Altus State\ Altus. C. W. Howard.— . R. E. Taylor______ A. W. Howard____ Jessie M. Howard - 10,000 300 36,080 52,370 R. W. Carmichael— C. W. Henson____ 25,000 7,800 170,000 130,000 10,000 5,980 199,260 187,220 25,000 12,630 335.230 315,020 R. L. Walker_____ T. J. W ebster____ I. P. Clark________ M. L. Courington— 25,000 15,000 200,000 193,500 30,000 Drov. N., 0. E. Walker_____ E. B. Harris ____ J. W.Glidewell E.R.STOALABARGER ll receive ou r atte n tlon on ly when presenting and re tu rn in g. requests for ratln g. ICE O CR SPECI ALTY .r 15,000 2,750 258,220 204,730 20.000 2,500 215,000 165,000 71,240 New Eng. N., Kan. G.; Carmen N., Carmefl; Garfield Co., Enid. 45,000 Garfield Co., Enid: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Guaranty Shite, Okmulgee State N., Okla. 25,000 9,020 253,420 240,890 70,080 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com..Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita: Okla. Stock Yds. N „ Okla. 25,000 9,500 285,000 230,000 35,000 (FR ED E H L E R __ GEO. W. GRIM -— M. A. M ITCHELL - G 0LD EE SM ITH— HENNESSEY STATE BANK -[.Collections a sp ecialty, presented in person and re m itted for prom p tly. al o f the bank. 86-968 •t8'12 (.Department un der personal supe rvlsion o f an offlci 6,000 480,000 420,000 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N.Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita » 77,000 N.Bk.Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; 50,000 12,500 500,000 425,000 50,000 12,000 450,000 350.000 R. M. Love— ____ H. C. Baldwin____ O. J. M. Brewer— W. L. Lile_____ A. S. Johntson___ accom pan ied by O. K. Stetler. Hennessey.Kingfisher 0 7 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 86-280 «*'91 10. Pop. 2000 ll J First National Bank_•tlOOO 86-279 C. O. Cashiop____ W. E. Gulker____ Chas. Pepin ---------- Henryetta____ Okmulgee Citizens Bank_______*$$'03 J. E. Whitenton . . . T. E. Keggin ____ E. J. Kersting'------ H. J. Westbrook „ 86-275 10 Pop. 6000 E 12 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -*i 03 86-274 f J. M. W IS E------- J . HILLM AN — — W. R. W ILSO N- — ■ i C ollections reee Ive special attent ion and ( are rem itted fo r on day o f paym ent. 5: v : H sbury 115,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Reserve. Kan. C.; 1st N., Ardmore. 35.210 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: City State, Ardmore. * 73,790 1st N., Muskogee. Kan. C.; City N., Ft. Smith. 125,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com’l N.. Inde pendence, Kan.; Muskogee N „ Muskogee Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 130,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 54,770 N. Bk. Com.,- N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan C.: 1st N.; Tulsa: Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. 99,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Drov. N. and New Eng. N., Kan. C.;Guaranty State, Okmulgee M. A. Pippin_____ 25,000 6,500 208,760 212,320 N. 1. B O A Z ------------ » JNO. DENNEHEY 25,000 18,000 435,000 379,000 Cora Lee Mosley__ William Mosley, Jr. 10,000 6,000 65,000 67,000 Robert F. Burns_ 15,000 1,200 135,000 108,000 O. L. Jaedicke ___ O. L. Jaedicke ___ G. F. Jaedicke ___ 10,000 3.800 116,000 112,000 20,100 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 20,000 11,110 276,460 232,100 J. T. Cronklute.— 10,000 7,980 181,800 70,130 Sanford Lackey — -T IE, Tinffnrd 10,000 200 17,940 14,540 75.480 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; El Reno State, El Reno. _ 76,330 1st N., Kan. O.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; Cent, State, Enid, Okla. 12,220 Am. N., Muskogee. 30,000 20,000 500.000 300,000 150,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. Cent. N., St. L.; Am. N., Okla. 10,000 400,000 50,000 ¿RAY M U LU N IX -- R. M. SIMMONS— P. E . F O LT Z .............. R. C. HOBBS — — FARM ERS & MERCH. NAT’ L the sen der. "jCash collection s and B ill o f Ladi ng Drafts will be handled as instru cted by BANK- pensati on . 378,000 235,000 N. Bks. Com.. N. Y. and St. L.; Inter-State N. Kan. G.; 4th N., Wichita. 454,930 298,190 184,610 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Trades mens State, Okla. Henryetta State Bank .»t§T8 Chas. I. Dwiggins.. H. A. McCauley — 86-1068 H. J . BUTTERLY— r j . W. KINCAID — MINERS % USmm" NATIONAL BANK < Y ou w ant servlc e-W e have it 86-978 f. ’ » i ’13 JSight drafts mu st be accom pan le d by m in im u m fe e o f 15c. l.Requests fo r rat ings 50c. T R Y CS FOR SATISFACT ION. Hickory____ Murray H 10 William Mosley, Sr. 10 Pop. 850 86-775 Hillsdale----- Garfield A 6 86-776 10 Pop. 800 Hinton «______Caddo E 6 Citizens State Bank__ «tS’05 H. R. Fulton__ _ 86-489 t0 Pop. 850 Harrison W. Miller 86-488 First Bank o f Hitchcock«tl’01 J. A. Overstreet__ P o p .; 86-777 Hitchita__ Mclnti Hitchita State Bank___ t i l l 86-936 10 Pop. 150 jD . S. W 0 LFIN GER- CITY GUARANTY BANK*t§’01 86-120 F. W. Hukill—___ Floy E. Morrison — J . A . B ARKER— — ) First and oldest established bank C. M. CARDER------- 6 U F IN LE Y 14,000 Producers State, Tulsa. 40,000 Inter-State N., Kan. G.; Cent. State, Enid. . Send us your co Uectlons direct. (They will receiv e p rom pt and per sonal atten tion . (On other collec tions we give ene rgetlc service and expect a fair com Home State Bank____ •tS’09 W. M. English___ J. M. Bonham .— W. C. Kelsay ____ 15,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1/1*7 n Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number raven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cNally Bankers’ OKLAHOM A— Continued 14,570 OKLAHOMA BANKS—Hayward to Hobart"_______________July, 1919 Helena---------- Alfalfa B 6 Farmers State Bank ...« $ {’07 F. N. Winslow ___ 10 Pop. 760 86-462 ( F . W. B U L L --------Sight Drafts wi H ELEN A STATE BANK-«tS’03 { 25c to pay for |Send 50c with 86-461 ( PROMPT SEBV 10 Pop. 5500 5,000 $ Resources. LoansADig- Cashk Bxc*ts. •Bonds, «Hanois,Dus ITS * Snovritus fromBanks 1078 10 7 8 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, r - * etc., see <page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. gL S T A T E N A T I O N A L R A M f S O U a h n m a O i t v R iv e s 1079 N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. N a m e of B ank . Town and Ooontt . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure under town is $Mpm. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Pr e s id e n t . \c°risJSJ.^TI, Serv Accessible Towns, lawyers, Laws , Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, r -» et.«.. nave 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13.I t . --------------------------------------------- ■ ---- ■ — R e so u r c e s . V P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . L i a b i l i t i e s . _____ II SURPLUS' D epos Loans&Dig- Gashk Ex vo P a id - up c ’ tb. B onds, changee,Bub AND l-»V its fromBanks S ecurities Ca p it a l P r o f it s VO OKLAHOM A— Continued Ca s h ie r . VICE-PRESIDENT. A s s ’t C a s h i e r . R.M . Chambers— Lina Martin.------- $ 15,000 $ Hockervilie .Ottawa A 16 First State Bank___ _*..J§’18 I. T. Hocker______ R. O. Thomas 86-1081 ^ 10 Pop. 1000 of Quapaw, Quapaw; 1st N.. Commerce: 2.500 $ 65,000 $ 45.000 $ 22,000 Bk. Inter-State N., Kan. C. Hoffman.. OkmulgeeE 14 First Bank o f Hoffman. t§’08 J. W. Myers______ E. M. Myers______ R. E. Myers______ 86-774 10 Pop. S07 10,000 3,000 67,000 55,000 21,000 N.Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N., Muskogee; Guaran »Holdenville. Hughes F 12 American National Bank<05 J. W. Shofner....... N. E. Templeman. V. R. Young______ L. D. Campbell___ W. M. Dunn 86-214 10 Pop. 4000 50,000 20,000 500,000 425,000 150,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; Am. N.. Okla.; Cent. N., Tulsa. F. T. Treadwell— 25,000 20,000 250,000 225,000 70.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk.Oom., Kan. O.; StateN. Okla. J. Y, R Y A N ............ 50,000 63,890 1.000.000 763,060 381,480 Mech. and Metals N., N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla.; Ex. N.. Tulsa. C. F. Roberts-----*>• S. B. Geren_____ Farmers National Bank.<08 86-215 f j . D. B 0 X LEY — FIRST NAT’L BANK 86-218 H. R. ALLEN 4 . 1 i . W - ) Patronize a gro wing bank. For p rom pt returns try ns. departm ent has unequaled facUit les for handling y ou r bus lness. < 9 9 LOur collection Liberty State Bank ..._ .i § ’18 J. L. Adams___ 86-216 »Hotlis ___ Harmon G 1 City National Bank....... < 0 7 W L. Hollis 10 Pop. 2500 86-398 25,000 4.820 137,580 125,570 40,290 Mech. & Metals N ..N . Y.; Fid. N. Bk . & Tr., Kan. G. 25.000 11,180 233,180 212,940 52.110 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Okla. Verne Hostutler... Robert McFall____ 25,000 1,000 75,000 60,000 25,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; S. W. Reserve. Okla. Lynn Garrison. . . . 30,000 5,000 218,000 288,000 32,180 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Drpv. N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. D. Winningham___ A. H. Watson_____ E. H. Winningham 10,000 3,00(1 90,000 98,000 16,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Frederick; Tradesmens State, Okia. H. S. Cunningham. Clyde Kerwood.— i0,0Q0 1,500 90,000 75,000 26.500 Okla. State, Enid: Cent. State, Alva. 15,000 9,120 140,920 118,580 44.770 1st N., Pawhuska; Oomw. N., Kan. 0,; Pro ducers State, Tulsa. 24,276 50,000 F . G. DRUMMOND.. 0 .L.B A R L0 W ........... L E L A PARKS------rch an ts, individu als, and corporati ons received o n fa vorable term s. n special atten tio n and rem itted f or p rom p tly a t lo west ra tes. ENCE INVITED. 781,590 523,610 334,310 New Eng. N. and Oomw. N.. Kan. 0.; Ex. N., Tulsa; Tradesmens State, Okla. 160,000 1st N., Kan. 0.; State N.. Okla. G. M. Hamilton___ J. M. Harris___ «*» A. G. Pollock......... A. M. Loftis <'¿4' ' s, n Hall J. B. Ellis Verne Hostutler— ft. T Motley Farmers State Bank---- §’17 86-1069 National Bank of Commerce C. W. Gilliland___ E. M. Slaughter— George Shaw 86-399 Hollister____ Tillman 1 4 10 Pop. 500 J . E . DAVIS A. Lair 86-779 Homestead___ Blaine C 5 Bank o f Homestead____ $§’01 10 Pop. 200 86-780 A. N. Ruble H om iny...___ Osage B 11 10 Pop. 3000 86-860 /W c CROW J A ccou nts o f Me 1C ollections give •: < ’05 I CORRESPOND FIRST NAT’L BANK 86-463 ty State. Okmulgee. : /< £ . ■ NATIONAL BANK 20,000 425,000 310,000 25.000 36,950 502,120 469,310 94,760 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. O.: 1st N., Hutchinon and Elk City. _ C. E. Wilson______ W. E. Galloway... 25,000 8,890 261,520 276,900 O. E. Synder_____ 10,000 5,000 15,000 46,010 West Town State. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Cent. N., St. L.: Com’! N.. Hutchinson. 15,200 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Cent. Ex., Woodward. 10,000 7.470 89.610 107,050 13,900 1st N., Ft. Smith; Cent. N.. St. L. /L. D. EDGIN6T0N — E. C. MULLENDORE__ CARL MULLENDORE.. R. D. COPELAND___ MELVIN E. ACOTT \A conservative 86-464 25,000 \ bank that gives efficient service in every dep artm en t o f bank! ng. / Hooker____ . . . Texas J 3 FARM ERS & M ERCH. BANK W. Tl. Myers. 10 Pop. 1000 86-781 < § ’05 Hopeton......... Woods B 5 10 Pop. 100 Howe_____ Le Flore G 17 10 Pop. 538 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S6-1004 State Banl 86-1119 . ’ ■■ L. G. Blackmer___ fl. F. Rose 1Clarence Owens... .T W Snvdftr S. C. Dean_______ D. P. Metcalf _ Chas. Williams — G. C. Metcalf W. T. Shaver_____ H. W. Moreland. . . A. C. Carr — SERVICE— U s a thASTATE NATIONAL BANK. OKLAHQ M ft C i t y — SERVICE N ame of Bank . T own and County . . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State * , ¿Comity Seats. Figure under town ig tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriy. [Estait. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 ÔKIJ^ÎQMA^Contlhued V ice-P resident . “ CXs’h ier . A s s ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s / Resources. Loam« ft Dis- Cash ft ExPaîd - üp Surplus D epos AND ^ c’ts. Bonds, Capital Profits 8E0UBITIB8 fromBanks P rincipal Correspondents . »Hugo_____ Choctaw 1 14 CENTRAL STATE BANK J § Ì8 W. Y. W ebb.— — C. G. Shull............ W. A. Goforth____ S. B. J olinson____ $ 75,000 $ 22,000 $ 420,000 $ 482,060 $ 85,260 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Fid. N. Rk. & Tr. 86-101 11 Pop. 7000 Kan. C.: Cent. N., St. L. RUSH RECORD-------- E- C- JONES______ L.O. NEAL --------R 0 LANE W. H.OARROUGH, Jr. established Bank. Collections pro mptly made. business. Corres pondence invited. 75,000 60,000 825,000 1,000,000 20M00 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; IstN ., St. L.; City N „ Dallas. First State Batik f •:U ¿*§’08 : 86-100 ” J|| Y. A. Howell______ A. W. Diffie______ 15,000 10,000 214,000 83,000 142,350 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N., Ft. Smith; Trades mens State, Okla. Hugo National Bank— .•*’05 86-99 W. E. B. Leonard . H. H. Hinkle R. V. Womack 100,000 35,000 955,000 935,000 318,000 N. City, N. Y.: Am. N., Okla.; and Paris Tex.; City N., Dallas; 1st N „ St. L. fM. J. RICHARDSON C. L. RICHARBS0N— R. E. RICHARDSONM j . n n m A n uòu n & COM PANY 1A01 lU ol and _ r G. Ti-Thompson —. lG. O. Patterson » . . 25,000 E. M. Thomas____ C. L. Thompson. . . B. M. Thompson... G. A. Hart .. _ Fred F. Chapman. ^5,000 10.000 G. B. P òpe________ W. H. Collins_____ Roy M. Felton____ Jho. A. Cox______ 25,000 H. R. Latimer____ S. E., Barnett..___ J. B. Goolsby C. A. Denison____ H.G. Morris_______ W. A. Goforth....... Q. Herndon R. Mr-De Witt J . E. Dooley______ C. E. Bollinger . __ Geo. T. Arnett Maurice George W. H.-Stewart____ W. M. Bassett____ H. E. Beese______ - 30,000 S. P. Thomas__ — J. D. Cusenbary... D. O. Potter. n B Kee A. F. Kee A. B. Mnnre S, L- Hers tein. . . . . Gijvt Ferrell.... S,Xi,,Herstein.___ J, H. Bynpm — 6 ; E‘. Nickel — 1 - L. L. Stine.___—— J. C. McClure_____ Name o f Bank is tbe New T ran sit'N um ber given 9,090 180,120 170,910 3.000 325,000 175,000 80,000 -11,750 507,990 540,460 25,000 12,480 320.090 279,820 10,000 3,500 100,000 78,000 ... 15,000 5.000 100,000 73.000 128.190 263,990 Ada Lambert_____ 10,000 2,000 J.S . Kelly_____ . . . F« D. Mowbray..__ 25.000 Quay V. Johnson.. 10,000 68,500 2,940 233,060 140,900 1,600 125,000 89,000 Torn J. Fox —____ 10,000 2,940 126,000 94,000 15,000 1.500 136.000 104,000 10,000 9,800 183,460 146,760 15,000 3,000 ' 175,000 205,000 ... 25,000 7,000 120,000 117,000 25,000 10,000 169.000 179,000 K W a lt o n L. M. Cline_______ F. C. Shidler______ fl. A. flnnley CHANGE? 85,000 T fl. F. Wilson Oneda Nixon SEEKING ADDITIONAL F A C ^ lT lE S r ’f to each bank ¡in -U. ,S. exclusively •by T he R a n d -M c N a lly t B ankers Directory, under the au th ority of The A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 60,000 156,230 . 110,950 J. E. H oefer______ W, S. Cline ___ ___ A B A N K IN G 175,000 1,500 J. P. Miller_______ S. F. Randolph___ C O N T E M P L A T IN G 250,000 170,000 6.610 Rtidy Copeland___ ‘ 500 4,000 15,000 B. À. McFarland— G. H. M cE lroy___ C. W. Benedict H. Barnum 111,000 15,000 J. H. Todrl C. L. Shidler 110,000 W. W, Walker____ T.. f!. liarrill F. E. Collins______ 9,000 20,000 Com’l N., Muskogee; 1st N „ Tahleauah. 100,000 1st N „ Enid and Kan. C. 100,000 Merch. & Metals N., N. Y.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; Tra. N., Kan. C. 22,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan C.; Am. N., Okla. 52,000 N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft. Smith; Tenison N., Dallas. 211,070 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; N, Reserve, Kan. C. 77,750 Cotnw. N.. Kan. C.: Tradesmens State, Okla. 35,000 City N., Lawton, Okla.; Fid. N. Bk. Tr. Kan. C. 40,000 Liberty N., Okla.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; McAlester Tr. Co. and 1st N., McAlester. 158,560 New Eng. N., Kan. 0.; 1st N., Alva, Okla. 66,89(1 Tra. N „ Kan. C.; Citiz. State, Wagoner; N.Bk, of Claremòre. 21,750 Tra. N „ Kan. C.; Citiz., Grove. 117,730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Kan. C.; Okla. State, Enid; Kan. N„, Wichita. 40,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Ex. N., Tulsa; Cent. State, Kiefer, Okla. 37,500 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa: Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. 35,000 New Eng. N „ Kan. C.; Enid N. and Garfield Co., Enid; State Bk. of Wakita, Wakita. 48,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Enid N., and Cent. State. Enid. 15,000 Tradesmens State. Okla. 20,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., Wichita../ 33,000 N. Bk. Com;, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. ______________ July, 1919 Hunter . l i . — Garfield B 7 Bank o f Hunter.______ .*§’91 86-784 ' 10 Pop. 450 Hydro___ t____ Caddo E5 Bank o f Hydro...___ „ •*§’03 86-539 10 Pop. 1000 First National Bank___ .•*’02 - 86-538 »Idabel— McCurtain J 16 American Nat’l Rank —.•*’11 86-298 11 Pop. 3500 First National Bank__ -•*’06 86-296 First State Bank •*§’08 86-297 —§19 Imo------ . . . . Garfield C 7 Tmn State Rank 86-1114 10 (Drummond P. O.) *§’09 Indiahoma.Comanehe fl 4 First. State Bank 86-785 10 Pop. 188 Indianola—Pittsburg F 13 Ridianola Stato Bank.. *§’07 86-786 10 Pop. 800 •*§’01 Ingersoll—— Alfalfa A 5 Bank o f' Ingersoll 86-787 10 Pop. 500 .*§14 Inola-----------Rogers C 14 First State Bank 86-1008 10 Pop. 405 »Jay— . . Delaware B 16 Delaware Oountv-Bank ±8’07 86-789 10 Pop. 600 .*§’98 J e fferso n ...... Grant A 7 Bank o f Jefferson 86— 652 10 Pop. 350 . ” •*§’07 Jenks...:___ _ Tulsa C 13 Bank o f .Tenks 86-790 10 Pop. 290 Jennings___ Pawnee C 11 Oklahoma State Bank.. •*§’02 86-791 IO Popi 1000 .. „ *§’02 J e t ....__ — .A lfa lfa A 6 Bank of Jet 86-622 10 Pop. 500 Farmers B a n k ....____ *§’06 86-623 .. Jones.— 1.Oklahoma E 9 Bank o f Jones. *§’02 86-792 10 Pop. 163 Kaw_________ Kay A 10 Farmers National Bank —*’02 10 Pop. 800 86-528 National Bank o f Kaw Cilv 86-529 t ’03 Are You ! Sccur. N., Okla. C ity; Cent. State 1st N., H ugo. j $25.00-6% Certi ficates or Debent ures. 10 (.Custodian for Non-Resident Pr operty Owners, O kla., Ark., and Te xas. Halbert— Cherokee D, 15 First National Bank . . . -•*14 D, O. Scott 86-783 10 Pop. 450 Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under (M òìtga ge Bank < 6% Mortgages of $190.00 and up. OKLAHOMA BANKS—Hugo to Kaw R. A. D owning___ Fount Bowman ( /R. D. WILB0R FIRST NATIONAL BANK .•*’02 )First and oldest 'We solicit your 1080____________ - N um ber under Name p f Bank is the New Transit N um ber give to each bank m U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’; Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. ! See the S TATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City Accessible O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, m- __. dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, G r a c e ,,^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.\F. e ■ •= ____ Num ber under Nam e o f B u lk is the New Transit Num ber given tn o i lU ol to each bank ,in ,m Xf.;,S. -U.;.ts. exclusively by oy T l uhee Kami-McNally Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of The A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of b a n k . ‘ County Seats. ¡3 ? •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is $Mem. State Bksi Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District- ♦Mem. Fed. Res. tow n and P resident . Kemp City— Bryan J 12 First Bank1o f Kemp — »$§’08 86-773 11 (Hendrix P. 0 .) Pop. 368 Kendrick... Lincoln D 10 86-795 10 Pop. 400 V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier . Surplus D epos P aid - up and its Capital P rofits A s s ’ t Cashier . $ 10,000 S J. J. Crall------------ R . M. Argabright— red H. Turner ... Kenefic__ ___ Br^an J 12 Farmers State Bank____t§’12 Green Thompson _ 5 86-969 11 P op. 700 Kenefic State Bank.........§’17 Jas. R. McKinney- E. S. Matlock____ 86-1046 Kenton____ Ciniarron J 1 Cimarron County Bank < § ’08 H. J. Hammond—s_ H. J. Hammond,Jr. 86-796 10 Pop. 100 Keota_____ Haskell F 10 Pirst State Bank— — »i§!09 H. D. Price L-I— i H. D. Price, Jr.__ _ R. A. Bonham ^ 86-797 10 Pop. 200 Eaîum Grëgrory— L W t Trn nt * Ketchum.— — Craig B 15 86-984 10 Pop. 350 Keystone... Pawnee C 12 Keystone State Bank— < § ’06 H. A. McCauley — C. D. Hubbard — . 86-798 10 Pop. 800 Kiefer ____ Creek D 11 Central State Bank___ < §13 S, E. Bailey---------86-353 10 Pop. 2500 Exchange State Bank—< § ’10 Q. V. Johnson___ 86-759 Kiel______Kingfisher D 6 (See Loyale.) •10 Pop. 250 Kildare.— ¿¿..K ay A 10 Kildare State Bank___ t§1900 C. A., Gwinn— ___ 86-800 10 Pop. 216 (J.E.RUTH— — H T DAVIS CITIZENS STATE BANK<§ 05 < Send ns your ‘ Kingfisher . . . Kingfisher (T h e y will rece ive p rom p t and 86-201’ 10 Pop. 3000 D7 10 Pop. 350 nawa—.Semino 10 Pop. 1000 10 Pop. 225 eb$—. . . Pittsbu 10 Pop. 2884 emlin— -vGarfi 10 Pop. 253 sa;__ . . Okmulg 10 P o p . 1500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,990 $ 111,100 $ 109,660 $ 17,150 to Reserve, Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa. 20,000 15,000 100,000 70,000 22,000 loal & iron N „ N. Y.; Denison Bk, Denison, Tex.; Am. State. Durant. 10,000 illlB - 10,000 4,500 75,000 60,000 25.000 lidw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; State Producers State, Tulsa. ?,640 75,280 66.780 21,140 i. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Dur; Reserve, Okla. 10.000 6,850 102,290 89,410 75,000 25,000 5,100 150,000 30,000 2,250 95.020 95,490 26,320 iurant N. and Am. State, Durant: N., Kan. C. 80,000 lom’l Ni, Kan. 0.; Cent. Nii' St. I Clayton, N. M.; Colo. N., Den. 30,350 10,000 2,150 146,900 86,460 73,540 10,000 4,400 70,000 68,000 H. M. Perego_____ H. W. Daniel......... ' 30,000 6,250 450.000 345,000 R. R. MacCurdy. . . E. Daniel-____ —— 10,000 3,000 130,000 92,000 H. J. Hammond,Jr. Frank Pitts’—___ .. ■< 30,000 125,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Ex. N., Tulsa. 35,000 Ex. N., Tulsa. 490 79,720 76,460 11,560 NewEng . N., Kan. 0.; Eastman N., Newkirk, 6,000 550,000 495,000 151,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N, Bk. Com., Kan, C, Geo. B. F arrar___ E.; C. Childers____ . ^ 25,000 10,000 225,000 190,000 75,000 Han. N., N.Y."; Corn Ex. N.. Chi;; 1st N. Kan. C. J. M, Speice...... J. E. Mitchell_____ 40,000 24,840 481,880 601,950 T01,170 Han. N.. N .Y .: Cont. & Coih’l N „ Chi.; New Eng. Ne and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Frank Landrum . . . First National Bank —. . < ’05 J. R. McKinnby__ 86~75f84 ■ Ë. M. ChèsniitL.—. G. R. Hastings—:1. First State i§ ’l l 0. C. Chesnut—„ „ Edward G alt..— 86-585 R. A Rabon______ P. Y. Anderson___ 86-801 Leona B ooth _____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 07 L. T.. Samipons___ Wade Atkins . ___ £ 86-392 26,000 14,160 262,990 300,520 15,000 ■ 7,500 175,000 125,000 10.000 5.560 83,780 120,700 15,830 Seab. N J N. Y.; Durant N., Durant; State N., Denison, Tex.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 95,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan C.; State N.. Ardmorei 14,130 New, Rng. N-. Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Smith Tradesmens State. Okla. 30,000 6,000 223,670 300,590 54,500 Liberty N., Okla.; Com’l N., Kan. C.; 1st N. McAlester; Guaranty State, Okmulgee. First State Bank...........-t§ ’17 S. L. Morley______ J. H. Kincannon, W. "NT. Green , Active. E. A. Pierce, V . P. 86-1055 WVS. M cK elvey... Farmers State Bank — 1§’12 John Bateman____ E. V. Parker______ 86-963 N. Douglas______1 F. P. Swan.______ H. W. Courtney... E. Douthit 86-459 W. S. Damron....... W. E. Huddleston. H. T. K in g -----— __ Jno. W. J o n e s OKLAHOMA STATE BANK ' R. T. Millsap 86-932 < §11 15,000 3.660 143,010 139,300 10,000 1,810 91*130 72,780 42,230 NewEng. N., Kan. C.: McAlester Tr. Co., MeAlester. 25,990 Garfield Co., Enid; 1st N., Woodward. 25,000 12,500 333,000 312,000 37,800 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan, C.; State N „ Okla. 25,000 12,000 213,000 200,000 42,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur. State, Shawnee; Tradesmens State, Okla. 25,000 8,980 316,420 274,270 10,000 430 115,430 101,420 71,630 McAlester Tr. Co., McAlester; Comw. N„ Kan, C.; 1st N., Hartshorne. . 24,440 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Cent. State, Enid. '25:000 ’ 2,500 100,300 73,400 86-199 )wa . . . . Pittsbu 10 Pop. 1200 .... ------------ Pr i n c i p a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . & 10,000 PEO PLES NATIONAL BANK 10 Pop. 450 & Ex Loans Dis« Cash c*ts . Bonds, changes,D ue fromB anks • Securities 50.000 P. Diedrichsen— First National Bank— <1900 86-200 Pop. 1000 RESOURCES. Lt A b i l it x S s . Co u n t y . Kellyvilie___¡.Creek D 12 Bank of,Kellyvilie------ •t§’07 H. A. McCauley — J E Kelly 86-794 10 Pop. 500 11 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In te re st B a t e s , G ra c e ,,'—" e t c ., see page 14. F or H olid ays, see opposite page 13.| O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d < ’90 Edward-Hockaday. B. H. George_____ L. Y . George__ ___ ELMER SOLOMON. («B l - personal atten tlo n. C /T . Spéice (See Corny Bank o f Krebs------------- »§’08 M. J. Shannon....... 86-803 N. B. Austin______ Bank o f Kremlin....... <§1900 W, D. Bredehoft 86"i804 M.Henderson------ J. W.’ Kincaid . . __ J. P. Faulkner . . . i Ophelia G bolshy. — First National Bank — d A ATiplinlcrm 26,840 Miners N., Henryetta. KÉ OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA CITY— STATE NATIONAL BANK Liab il it ie s . it s Bonds, ob^ woej.D ite Securities from B akes 25.000 Okla. State and Cent. State, Enid; InterState N., Kan. C. ' Vi— 35.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; EmdN., Enid. 4.500 85,000 95,000 . L. G od frey____ E. L. Schneider — 135,000 125,000 . S. W hite_______M. O. W ilson........... 15.000 5,470 68.670 91,420 10.000 2,800 125.000 80.000 20,000 11.250 351,470 223,510 12,500 4,200 170.000 126,000 45.000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Okla. State, Enid. 10,000 7,500 140.000 120,000 10,000 5,650 128,550 137,900 25.000 N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N.. Bk. & Tr., Kan. S. Secur. N., Okla.; Am. State, Wichita. 35,030 Midwest. N „ Bk. &Tr„ and Com’l N.; Kan. C. 1st N., Woodward. 14.260 50,000 I L . P O R T E R -R ILEY S. S M ITH . T. R. KEEGAN f W. F . BARBER Öur collection collectic epartm ent mak es a special Ieffort to collect and re p ort pro m p tly depart M in im u m f e e 2 5 c m u st accom p any S ight Drafts. R equests for rati ngs 25c FOB SERVICE, T R Y US. 677,290 604,200 101,310 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. C. Mo,: Tradesmens State, Okla.; Merch.-Lac N., St. L. 845,980 839,250 162,190 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com. Kan. C.: State N.. Okla. A. Mackey_____ . R . Stokesberry. Jno. K u gél_______ G. H. Cowen-------- H .W . Mathis — C. W. Smith W. O. Muegge..___ Howard Ingram . . . Clarence Rollier. Roy Sappington. . . , P. Cumpton____ N. T. Stewart- . G. Sapp —-------— Robert Newberry. . M. King_______ C. W. Crabtree 50.000 E. E. Shipley. 50.000 11,960 Am. N., Holdenville: Liberty N., Okla.: Mc Alester Tr. Co., McAlester. 40.000 4th N., Wichita; Tradesmens State. Okla. 159,210 Com'l N., Kan. 0., Kan. 50,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 650,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Cent. N., St. L.; Secur. N.. Okla. 255.000 190.000 100.000 96,000 85.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st State, Okla.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 12.000 New Eng. N., Kan, C.; 1st State. Clinton: Tradesmens State. Okla. 32.000 1st N., McAlester.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. F. R. Gale-----------H. S. Gilbert Frank Mitchell__ .. Ada M. Neu — 25.000 3.500 10.000 è,100 10,000 13,200 150.000 147.000 25,000 19.500 325.000 342.000 43.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Muskogee and McAlester. 25.000 3,900 92,000 89,000 184,270 123,910 22,500 Irving N., N. Y.; N, Reserve, Kan. C.; Deni son Bk. & Tr. Co.. Denison, Tex. 56,890 Am. State, Coffeyville, Kan.; Drov. N. and Inter-StateN.. Kan. C.: Citiz. State. Nowata, N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Condon N., Coffeyville, 40,000 57.500 I. H. W heatcroft.. J. W. P orter____ C. A. La R ue____ S. G. Tiffee__ , ___ Geo. A. Kilpatrick E. D. Kilpatrick__ G. A. Kilpatrick S. R. A^dams... Wm. Menton . . . _ Roy Caldwell, Active B. Byers John B. J on es..— W. A. Logan ____ W. A. Jones_____ J. L. Gaddo. Merchants National Bank 86-258 t ’06 Cherokee State Bank.. « « ’08 G. W. Patchett__ • 86-595 Cititzens National B ank..19 F. E. Banowetz— 86-1129 Lenora State Bank_____ « ’02 I. P. Ventioner__ 86-810 Farmers State Guaranty Bk Chas. Greémore ..' 86-457 ti'09 Security State Bank____ « ’08 Mrs-Jh M. Aber nathy 86-458 Farmers Exchange B an k«’05 M. A. Smith_____ 86-366 First National Bank____ »t’02 B. P. Smith.____ 86-365 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . — • «1 2 W. B. Kane___ ... M. R. Garnett____ O. C. Chapman__ G. S. Lynch— Odeine Lynch 15.000 9,330 J. A. Lidd_______ J. H’ Banowetz. 25.000 2,500 H .F. Gilbert__ 12.000 3,700 W. 8 . W horton__ G. W. Merritt E. B. Abernathy. J. B. McClure... 8. Far. N.,Okla.; Gerlach, Woodward, Okla. 323,000 N. Reserve.'kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla J. T. Kemp------ 15.000 6,800 385.000 72,000 M. R. Northcutt__ A. G. Hudspeth. 10.000 1,660 150.000 120,000 29,560 N. Reserve, Kan. O.; Tradesmens State, Okla 50,000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. Robt. M. Evans A. C.Bickell_____ A. Murray_______ O. E. Costello____ Emmett McCaughey J. E. Brooks_____ O. S. Duvall. P. B. Smith....... W. F. Haynes F.M . Bell— __ 30.000 16,000 260.000 303,000 25.000 64,640 757.400 623,160 248,880 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. G.: and Ft. Worth Secur. N „ Okla. J. Fitch 15,000 8,000 125,000 120,000 40,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State Okla. R. C. W hitten----- Percy W. Newton. 15.000 72,000 114,520 15,280 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla.; Guaranty State, Ardmore. W. A. Markham E. B. Markham J. E. Mann. 15.000 134,270 142.690 14,090 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Com’l N., Muskogee. STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City Gives Œ S » Service to Customers Accessible Towns, Lawyers, a t Stank is the New Transit N um ber M TFT AT tA lf A Directors, in- July, 1919 Locust Grove..Mayes G15 First State Bank. 86-964 10 Pen 900 E. T. Smurali____ C. R. Flint______ OKLAHOMA BANKS—Lahoma to lo c u s t Grove M. D elzell-____ Anna Pereboom . . . 100,000 Lindsay State Bank___» « ’10 J. B. Fisher_____ 86-367 Lockridge___.Logan D 7 (See Edmond) 10 Pop. 155 Loco_______ Stephens 17 State Bank o f L o co ___» « ’08 J. M. Robberson. 86-812 10 Pop. 500 ttnmiiEf EE Principal Correspondents. Loam&Dis* Cash4 lx* ♦First National Bank.. . «t’01 N. A. Robertsôn— W. H. Quinette___ G. 0. Robertson — Samuel Maddux___ P. C. Monroe R. E. Huff 86-74 T. M. Runnells Lawton Clearing House------- Guy C. Robertson W. F. Barber, Sec. T. R. Keegan, Mgr, P. C. Monroe, A . Mgr. (Members indicated by a * ) Leedey______ Dewey D 3 Cotton Exchange Bank » « ’06 86-871 10 Pop. 800 First State Bank— -----t l ’l l 86-924 Leflore____ Le Flore G 16 First State Bank-------- « « ’09 86-809 10 Pop.-500 Lehigh._______ Coal H12 Lehigh National Bank., »t’01 86-257 11 Pop. 3000 Lindsay______ Garvin G 8 10 Pop. 2000 RESOURCES. D e pos 6,000 86-73 Lenora_____ ..Dewey C 3 10 Pop. 200 Lexington.-Cleveland F 9 10 Pop. 1200 P aid - u p S * ™ * * 8 C a p it a i , p r o f it s 25,000 M. W. W ood______ R. Buckminster F. Decker_____ ♦CITY NATIONAL BANK*4’01 F. M. English_____ Lenapah___ Nowata A 14 10 Pop. 600 — Ass ’t Cashier . Cashier . 10,000 B. Voshurg____ Lahoma_____ Garfield B 6 Farmers State Bank__ < { ’11 86-031 10 Pop. 500 First National Bank___ « f i l Herman M necke... 86-805 Lakemp_____ Beaver J 5 (See Booker, Texas.) 10 - « 0 8 L. T. Sammons___ Lamar_____ Hughes F 12 Bank o f Lamar.. 86-807 10 Pop. 450 Lambert..___ Alfalfa A 5 Farmers Bank______—. « ’07 H. L. Young.— . 86-808 10 Pop. 300 Lamont._____ Grant A 8 Citizens Bank________ » « ’03 . S. Gilbert....___ 86-514 10 Pop. 850 First State Bank_____ « ’08 Percy E. Wile . . . . . 86-513 Laverne_____ Harper A 1 Laverne State Bank— •t§’12 P. A. Johnston___ 86-950 10 Pop. 800 Speermoore State Bank»«'10 John Mollman____ 86-880 ‘ Lawton..Comanche H 6 ♦CITIZENS STATE BANK 86-76 * « ’01 10 Pop. 10.000 V ics-President. President, P Town and Ootjntt. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 OKLAHOMA—Continued 1082 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he R and-M eN ally Bankers’ Directory, under, the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Accessible 1083 N um ber « t a K ° , ^ b. aDL d . r Ü the authority^of^The A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. TOWN AND COUNTY. Nam e of Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bits. Assn. IState »County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPnv. . Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. V ice-President. Ass ’t Cashier . to-141 »$*’15 MANGUM NATIONAL BANK Manitou____ Tillman H 10 Pop. 412 Mann ford____ Creek C 11 10 Pop. 350 Mannsville.Johnston 1 10 11 Pop. 515 Maramec__..Pawnee 0 10 10 Pop. 500 86-140 «t'Ol Bank of Manitou_______$§’04 86-596 Mannford State Bank—«iS’06 86-820 Mannsville State Bank—$§’15 86-1027 First 8tate Bank--------*$§'03 86-822 Surplus D epos P aid - uf and its Ca p it a i . P r o f it s 25.000 W. G. DAVIS— ( J. T. 0QUIN STATE NATIONAL 86-250 B A K K ‘ i ’ 08 P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s. OAtmk Mx*ts. Bonds, CMAROM'Dva Bmobiths fromBanks 92.500 Han. N .'N . Y .;N . Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & T r„ Kan. C.; Cent. N.. St. L. ~ 36.000 Tradesmens State, Okla.; Comw. N.. Kan. vs| 2.500 140.000 125,000 10,000 3.000 100.000 80,000 10,000 7.500 140,000 130.000 10,000 2.000 43.199 150.000 10,000 2.500 95.000 90.000 10.000 1,450 115.000 90.000 5.000 2,120 42,930 •27,800 17.500 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Secur. N., Okla.; Guthrie Sav.v Guthrie. „ . — 1o 28.000 Okla. State. Enid; Peo. N.. Kingfisher; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. . 20.400 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Okla. State, Enid. 25.000 14,020 177,230 168,280 59.030 Am. N., Okla. 15.000 12.500 110.000 150.000 18.000 1st N., Guthrie; State N.. Okla. 10.000 6,500 100,000 99.000 350.000 250.000 181,150 50.000 10,000 25.000 14.670 185.330 50.000 22,850 344,540 210,680 60.000 15,000 175.000 200.000 20,000 2,710 ^21,720 223,410 50.000 55,770 413.060 496,890 25.000 10.660 178,450 142,810 315,860 389,270 75.000 60.000 150,000 105,000 92.160 68,750 B. A. DILLARD......... 30.000 Garfield Co., Enid; Cent. State, Wichita. 30 000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. G.: Okla. S t a t e . Enid; Secur. N., Okla.; Guaranty State, Okmulgee. 6,540 S. W. Reserve, Okla.: Okla State, Frederick, 10.000 Comw. N.. Kan. C.; Shawnee N.. Shawnee; 1st 75.000 N.NPark, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman, Tex.; 1st N., Kan. C. 53,850 Scab. N ..N .Y .; 1st N..St. L.;N.Bk.Com .. Kan. C.; State N., Denison, „ ' , „ 1* 104,820 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., St, L.: N. Reserve. Kan. C.: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman, Tex. 40.000 Seab. N „ N Y.; Durant N., Durant; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 35,440 New'Eng. N., Kan. C. ' 82,640 N. City. N .'Y .: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. O.; State N.. Okla.; 1st N., Gainesville. 68.320 Mech.& Metals N..N.Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.: N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L., 111.; Liberty N., Okla. 108,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Liberty N.. Okla.; N.Reserve. Kan. C. ' . 30.000 N Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; 1st N.. Frederick. ' ,T 35.000 1st N., Tulsa; Pawnee N., Pawnee; N. Bk, Com., Kan. C.; Sapulpa State. Sapulpa. 35,050 New Eng. N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Elk City Guaranty State. Ardmore. 16.000 1st N., Kan. C,: Pawnee N.. Pawnee. 90.000 90,000 369,370 339,880 164,130 Seab. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Far, N., Okla.; Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. 250,000 275,000 71.000 Com’l N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Gainesville, Tex 259.850 307,410 & Metals N „ N.Y.; Drov. N. and 1st N. 75,270 Mech. K&D. . 290.000 96.000 210,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Okla. Stock Yds. N. 300.000 200.000 260.000 270,000 ta iK t .u k J . B. DeSHAZO-----J . A. HODNETT „ o. b . M cK in n e y . . . p rom p t attentto n. < C ollections and requests for ratln gs always receive t for presentation and 2 5 c for spe clal ere dit rep I Please send 15c m in im u m fee wit h each sight draf ! W E W ANT YO UR BUSINESS. lE n iiïïR iH ia M i Okla. ^ „ tt~ r> 100.000 Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.: Drov. N.. Kan. C. N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 1083 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST NATIONAL BANK nnn j First and oldest 86-293 «$1900 , 10.000 collect! ons. Unequaled fact titles for m aking (.Collections sent us will receive pr om p t atten tion . 10,000 ' 25,000 L. A. Kirkpatrick.. Geo. Glazener-----FIRST STATE BANK— » 1 0 H. A. Kirkpatrick.. J. N. Kirkpatrick. 20,760 00,000 86-295 S. F. Black_______ T. O. Roberts— M ARIETTA NATIONAL BANK O. E. Morris_____ S. Black_________ 11,000 25.000 86-294 .$ ’01 D. M. Montgomery P. V. Rabb — . M arlow.... .Stephens H 7 Guaranteed State Bank . » ’01 J. J. Adkins_____ i C. C. Richards 5,000 25.000 86-249 H. Darnall______ 10 Pop. 1965 W. A. Darnall — T. L. Wade— W. A. W ade_____ National Bank o f Marlow.$’9S L. J. Wade 86-248 30,000 25.000 C. P. McKINNEY- •Marietta___ — Love J 10 Pop. 2500 Laws» L o a m sk D u - 30,000 $ 320,000 $ 270,000 p rom p t and pers onal att en tion . (Send us your co llectlons direct. T hey will receive 74.400 .30,000 L. G. Crittenden__ W. T. Funderburk. B. H. Squire. P. A. Janeway.._ T. C. Phillips 5.000 10.000 Emma Q. Hayward L. W. Hayward----- Geo. D. Wyatt-----J. T. Harmon___ 5.000 10,000 F. M. Coonrod___ ! B. J. Chronic__ L. H. Lashley___ 1,200 15.000 Leola Williams — W. D. M yers___ ‘L. A ntle_________ V. C. Adams__ 6.000 10.000 Mildred Grubb----H. A. M artin... E. E. R yan--------- 27.110 50,000 F. B. CONRAD-— Lawyer*» OKLAHOMA BANKS—Lone W olf to Marlow H. P. Griffith------- E. C. Teape----Lone W o lf___Kiowa F 3 First National Bank------ $’02 O. H. Griffith . 86-490 tO Pop. 1000 J. W. Higgins . Orient State Bank------ »$*’02 J. C. Jacobs--------- J. O. Dickey— — 86-498 S. A. Butler . . . — H. C. Butler — Longdale_____ Blaine D 5 Bank of Longdale--------- $l’06 E. E. Hart. . . — 86-813 10 Pop. 300 J. P. Cook________ J. N. Smith...:------ C. W. Smith. Lookeba______ Caddo £ 5 Lookeba State Bank— « î l ’07 F. R. Smith_______ E. O. Kerr 86-814 10 Pop. 217 O. D. A rnold-------- M. Fry___________ LovHand—__ Tillman I 4~ Farmers & Merch. State Bk Frank Zmotony . . . 86-815 $§’08 10 Pop. 230 O. E. Acton— — — J. A. F r y --------- — I. R. Acton. Lovell____ ....L ogan C8 First State Bank--------- »tt'08 O. B. Acton---------86-816 10 Pop. 300 G. I. Matthews — E. A. Young--------Loyal....... Kingfisher D 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank E. Hockaday_____ 86-799 ^t§’01 10 Pop. 250 A. Wolleson, Jr— L. E. Plumer-------Lucien________ Noble C 8 Bank o f Lucien------------tl'03 A. Moelling— 86-817 10 Pop. 150 John Bednar -------- J. O. Geiser------C. T. Dawson. Luther...,__Oklahoma E First National Bank------ «t’07 R. A. Vose—.. 86-640 10 Pop. 800 . John Rinehart____ P. M. Vorel______ O. G. Norman----Luther State Bank_____ $§’07 O. M. Cole— 86-641 N. Douglas---------- F. L. Miller---------Macomb ...Pottawatomi e McComb State Bank — $S’05 C. R. Wallace-------86-826 10 P op.500 FU Chas. S. Cannady— Joe Hannan --------- C. N. Click---------»Madill____ Marshall 1 10 First National Bank-----*$’01 D. B. Taliaferro... 86-200 T. Hollingsworth— 11 Pop. 4000 Guaranty State Bank...t§’05 W. H. Lawrence— R. Hollingsworth . . ' 86-291 D. D. Whiting-----Madill National Bank.~.$'12 W. S. D errick-----86-292 John Landram — M. Y. C olby--------Marshall öounty National Bk W. H. Colby--------- Jas. R. McKinney 86-1092 *$’18 Harry Roberts___ - J. W. Mallory—— Manchester___ Grant A Citizens State Bank... $11900 P, G. Walton —.----86-810 H. T. Crittenden . . C. L. Baxter--------10 Pop. 271 First National Rank— *$1900 L. S. N oble_______ G. W. Boyd---------•Mangum____ Greer G 86-139 OPALE CADDEL 10 Pop. 5000 (T . S. DeARMAN — JAMES DUFFY--------- . Tl DUFFY----------- GUARANTEE STATE BANK RESOURCES. Lia b il it ie s Cashier . Town»* dexed in back of this volume. For In t e r e s t K a te s, G r a c e , i e t c ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K L A H O M A — Continued \ T own and Co u n ty . N am ® op Ba n k . »County Seats. •Mem, Am, Bks. Assn. IState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. AssnrfPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. [Estab. President . V ice -President . Cash ie r . G. F. Ingle_______ H. D. Hearn____ Martha____ Jackson G 8 Martha State Bank.——. JS’09 S. L. Doughty 10 Pop. 200 86-824 H. C. Doughty___ Maud—Pottawatomie F 10 First National Bank___»f06 C. B. Billington 10 Pop. 750 M l r - 86-557 P. H. Cooper.___... Walter Caudill__ A s s ’t Cashier . E. W. Hearn. L i a b il it ie s . Paid - up Surplus AND Capital Profits ITS $ Horace DoughtyC. L. Billingsley. H. T. Douglas—:.__ B. Harris_:__0_ Resources . Prin cipal Correspondents , Loans Sc B is - Cash Sc E x c’ ts . Bonds, changes ,D ue Securities from B anks 40.000 $ 1,750 $ 325,000 $ 275,000 $ 70,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Guthrie, 10,000 4,190 103,540 29420 88,620 Drov. N., Kan. 0.; IstN., Altus; S. W.Reserve, Okla. 25,000 11,000 245,000 175,000 70,000 Seab. N„ N, Y.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.: Am. N„ Okla. 2,000 266,000 120.000 45,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Shawnee N„ Shawnee; McAlester Tr. Co.. McAlester. Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Cent. Ex.. Woodward; 22,500 4th N., Wichita. 25,000 GIV May____- ___Harper B 1 May State Bank_____ iS’12 O. H. Martin ____ 10 Pop. 500 86-943 S. T, Morey —___ V. B. Browne___ Nelle Costello— 10,000 4,250 102,500 130,000 Maysville — ¿-Garvin G 8 Farmers NationalBank .•i’12 C. M. Pratt———. 10 Pop. 800 86-568 TV H. Vaughn —„ . S. L. Thompson . P. E. High— — 25,000 4,350 110.000 119.000 19,000 Cent. N., St. L.: Am. N„ Okla. C. A. Wilson- 25,000 15,000 200,000 175,000 35,000 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; State N. and Okla. Stock Yds. N,, Okla. 10.000 1,000 15,000 18,500 7.200 Drov. N., Kan. 0.; Cent. State, Muskogee; State N., Okla. 9,450 1,110,400 822,920 482.030 Mech. & Metals N., N. V .; Is tN ., Chi.; Inter-State N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C .f N. BJi. Com., St. L. First National Bank__-»t’08 J. B. Wilson_____ W. J. Harris— . 86-569 M. P. Williamson Mazie.______ Mayes C 14 Southern State Bank;__ §’18 S. M. Green 86-1087 10 Pop. 100 •McAlester.Pittsburg G13 10 Pop. 18,504 I. C. Bryant — — N. A. Swingle. liJL. J. C; McGuinn. "AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 86-22 $. L. M O R L E Y i-l— JAMES MCCONNELL— S. G.BRYAN_____ J j!J. KIRKPATRICK J. G. PUTERBAUGH t . T. CLARKE W. H. AMBROSE Under present management, Individual Deposits have Increased over four hundred thousand In the past two years. •r0 2 THE BANK OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE. *Bank of McAlester__-tS’05 E. C. Million 86-25 V 100.000 _ . C. Springer.....__ O. M. Anderson,.— *City National Bank__r*t’02 Frank Craig— __ _ A. tJ. Thomas — . H. W. Neece_____ E. R. Landes. 86-23 ■ D. M. Hailey J. D. Tannehill ...... *McALESTER TRUST CO. Melven Cornish— Ben. Mills • 6-21 86-26 *;S’06 R. R. HALL- "OKLAHOMA » « ’09 VICE. Send us yo fts, Cash and Tim ee, y i of 1% on ex pany request for or reasons for no McAlester Clearing House__ L C. Million____ (M em bers indicated by a * ) ire Yoi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis il II j H .E. GUY------------- ur Bill of Lading e Items, cess o f $100. rating. n-payment given. 23,690 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; McAlester Tr; Co„ McAlester. 50,000 9,050 595.200 689,370 136,600 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.r Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 43,080 1,537,470 1,367,890 472,210 Seab. N., N. Y .; 1st N., St. L .; N. Bk. r Com., Kan* C.; 1st N., Muskogee. 50,000 $0,940 995,880 1,055,880 201,970 Irving Ni, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. 0, 35.000 4,000 795,000 160,400 Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Ex. N„ Muskogee. * 407.000 Frank Craig, Sec. and 2V 1 See the STATE NATIONAL BANK . S E E K IN G A D D IT IO N A L F A C IL IT IE S ? j { C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B A N K IN G C H A N G E ? i Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given i Af> c* to each bank in Uv S. exclusively by The Band-M cN ally Bankers .•»dar ihr m thnritv nf Tho A ttipH pati Rankers Ass’ n« 92,120 100,000 Ben. Mills_______ J. E. Smith____ W. R. EDWARDS— H. R. BR0WNT . F. MEMMINGER 123,240 July, 1919 STATE BANK . , 86-27 FOR REAL SER and Sight Dra 10c minimum f 25c must accom Prompt returns 5,200 O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d ________ "FIRST NAT’LBANK C. W. CRUM — ------- J. H. GORDON--------- F. M. SOWLE — — W.P.FREEM AN , W .S. AMBROSE ' Patronize a growing Bank. All items have the personal attention o f an officer. PROMPT. EFFICIENT SER VICE. 7,000 ________________ OKLAHOMA BANKS— Marshall to McAlester Marshall—___ Logan C 8 Farmers State Bank___tS’01 J. L. Hearn_____ 10 Pop. 800 86-449 Maud State Bank_____*tS’05 P.JS. Case___ 86— 556 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OKLAHOM A— Continued 1084 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 0 8 4 . to eael1 bank in U- 8- exclusively by The Rand McNally Bankers' .LUOT Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. O klahom a W y Accessible , Towns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, t—* etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. p . Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in IT. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers lUoD Directory, under the authority o f W M * -----Town and N ame County . of Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks, Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. •Mem. Fed. Res. President. E, M. Moss____ Willard Johnston . •î§>18 Ass ’t Cashier. D. P. Richardson.. P. W. Jantz 15,000 $ 4,930 $ 183,320 $ 167.900 $ 31,670 1 10,000 3,680 $28,180 82,550 95,680 1 250,000 220,000 50,000 5 25,000 10,000 10,000 1,950 25,000 E.e. palm er : . — EFFIE R. RUSSELL 15c minimum; 25c minimumeharge* if paid. RY US. 7,500 Edna Hoagland— 20,000 M. G. McKee____ E. E. Kinsey____ 10,000 _ 10.000 8.700, 10,000 700 100,000 60.000 5,000 5,970 65,000 63,390 W H. Hollis H. I). Reed___— J. M. Cotton_____ Mamie Cotton — Hi ¿V McGroskey.. J. M. Heath______ Liabilities . n Resources, j ANS&UI8- Cash k ExD epos cliO Paid- up Surplus ’ tb. B onds, ouanobs ,D ub AND its Capital Profits Wm. Jordan_____ { J. C. Miller..____ Roy Bowman..___ D. S. Dawson____ Mary J. Dawson... ( W. L. McWilliams L. E. Nabers_____ E. L. Neff G. L. Coleman •Miami____ Ottawa A 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t 02 i Collections and Requests for Cre 86-175 10 Pop. 6000 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d 1WE REMIT ON DAY OF PAYME 86-1090 Cashier. VICE-PRESIDENT. McCurtain.. Haskell F 16 McCurtain State Bank -«$§’03 C. X. Edwards___ "2 J. R. Fredrick — 86-827 10 Pop. 1700 .$§’07 Willard Johnston.. McLoud__Pottawatomie Bank of Commerce 86-510 10 Pop. 638 E9 First National Bank___*$’03 86-509 Mead_______ Bryan J 11 Farmers State Bank..— §14 Green Thompson.. 86-1002 11 Pop. 200 fJ-T-STEWART-- A. S. BROWN— CE; Sight drafts, FIRST NATIONAL BANK--J 01 ^FEEIN ADVAN Reports, •Medford__Grant A 8 25 c. T (Reliable Credit r 86-377 10 Pop. 1500 Grant County Bank__.«$§’95 86-376 Meeker____ Lincoln E 10 Bank of Meeker_______§’03 86-630 10 Pop. 500 Citizens Bank.Li.__ U.»$§’07 86-631 Meno ___Major B 6 Bank of Meno.________ $§’09 86-829 10 Pop. 69 Meridian____ Logan D 9 State Bank of Meridian .$§’02 86-830 10 Pop. 300 Accessible , Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, t—' etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. C O K L A H O M A —-C o n tin u e d M. R. Tidwell- Charles Fox___—. rOlaf Baker 17,440 . 22,520 3,880 ] 350,000 290,000 105,000 ( 16,000 350,000 78,000 250,000 mi iUlfOUu 110,000 ] 5,900 100.000 „ 40,000 1,450,00 1,250,000 dlt Reports MUS T be accompanie d by rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. •v . 50,000 9,940 327,430 379,830 W. S-O’Bannon—. T. H- Thompson... Walter E. Lindsay G. W. Beck 25,000 3,080 * 209,010 ! 199.900 W. 0. CARDIN— — A. K. WILDER ------- C. C. CALVERT. . . . en prompt, perso nal attention. 50c. ust be accömpan led by minimum fee o f 15c. Requ ests for ratings, EAL SERVICE. 17,880 734.540 884.660 W. M. Williams___ 150,000 R.J. Tuthill.......... of Bd. 14,000 179,000 225,000 25,000 J. W. Walker____ w H Failfty .1 n Ilndd 15.000 ••7,900 : 141,830 * 137,660 E Cr Fate Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86-176 Tradesmens State, Okla. Bk. Com..Wichita, Kan. Wichita; Cent. State and Enid N., Enid. 14,050 ] Ian. N., N. Y.; State N. and Union State, Shawnee. . 20,000 Ji. Bk. Com. and Secur. State, Shawnee; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O. 41,000 ;j im. State, Wichita: Okia. State, Enid; El Rene State, El Reno; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 15,100 1 375.000 ] Ex,:N., Tulsa. CO -> Co NT, ft W. H. TRAPP — J All business-giv •$§’06 ] Sight Drafts m ( WE RENDER R Ottawa County National Bank J. S. Cheyne_____ •$’11 J. F. Robinson, Ch. 86-174 Milbnrn___ Johnston 111 First National Bank__ -•$’11 J. R. McKinney__ 86-587 11 Pop. 800 First State Bank_____ ..$§’07 F. L. Hunnicntt— 86-586 16.000 Milfay.— — Creek D 11 Milfay State Bank....... . §’19 J•B. Charles •••••••> Oscar Pierson____ 10 25,000 P W South Felix Penner____ Mill Creek.Johnston H 10 First National Bank____«$’04 W. O. Eubank 86-517 11 Pop. 626 'r W 15,000 J. IS. Hood.______ Home State Bank____«$§’18 C. H. Rives— 86-1091 10,000 T T E TCohh Millerton .McCurtain 1 15 Bank of Millerton.____ «tl’07 86-831 11 Pop; 200 10,000 Minco I ____Grady F 7 Citizens State Bank.__ »$§’04 S. C. McAdams.— 86-474 10 Pop. 706 25,000 R. C. Eliedge____ First National Bank____»$’89 B. F. Johnson . . . . . C. B. Campbell— 86-473 F. Hahh 10,000 Moore____Cleveland F 8 Bank of Moore...*._____$§’04 J. H. Smith— ....... 86-832 10 Pop. 500 12,000 John Rhynard.— . Mooreland Woodward B 3 Mooreland State Bank.»$§’17 H. S. Cockerill___ 86-1051 10 Pop. 493 15,000 J. Alan Appelget.. Security State Bank___*$§’03 W. S. Murray____ E. E. Cox 86-833 25,000 Morris___Okmulgee E 13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$ 05 T. A. Johnston___ L. S. Bagley 86-482 10 Pop. 2100 15,000I # R. G. Toomer____ EL'Ei Toomer.__ .1 W. T. Wisdom____ First State Bank . . . — 86-483 10,000 SA. Cunningham,... J. B. Swearingen _ .T t. r.ippAtt Morrison____ Noble C 9 "86-637 10 Pop. 327 - , an r r. 10,000 Mop J M AQC — i ilidC JU L•Hlv/oo — — — — —Fred Schroeder___ W. M.Prather..___ MIAM I'TRUST & SAV BK. 154,000 , 152,000 Principal Correspondents. '¿MS3SBLÆB& 8,980 US.OOO 164.000 3 5Ö0 45,000‘ 50,000 47,560 : Gent--State, Muskogee; Liberty N., Okla. 59,320 Medi. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan. C.; Cent.N., St. L.; State N., Okla. 156,030 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 30,000 ; sab. N.. N. Y.; Durant N., Durant; N. Bk, Com., Kan C. 42,660 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; Guaranty State, Ard mofe. 56,000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.; Am, N., Okla.: State N., Denison. 11.000 Secur^N., Okla.; Okla. State, Ada. 8,000 70,000 72,000 27,250 New Eng. N., Kan.C.; Cent. State, Hugo, Okla. 4,010 100,060 109,390 25,040 New Eng. N., Kan. G.: N. Bk. Com., Shawnee 5,000 149.230 160,000 45,000 Imp. & Tra. !N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. C.; 1st 5,000 I75.OOO 125.000 1,790 48,080 68,820 6,900 192,950 180.870 6,240 132,670 126,740 . 2,200 164.500 113*250 4,400 88,000 65.000 1,520 66,370 61,260 P U R I H I m u N., Chickasha; Am. N., Okla. 50,000 Far. N., Okla.; N. Bk.,Com., Kan. C. 9.070 Inter-State N.. Kan. C.: Union Stock Yds. N. Wichita; Secur. N., Okla. 65.320 4th N., Wichita; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Cent, Ex., Woodward; 1st State, Okla. 27,950 N. Gity,-N> Y.; Cent. N., St. L. and Tulsa Muskogee N., Muskogee; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 37,620 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Muskogee N. Reserve, Kan. C. 32,000 Inter-State N., Kan. G-; Cent. N.. Tulsa; S. W P pqptvp Olrla 15,900 Bk, of Com., Perry; Producers State, Tulsa Tra.. N., Kan. C. m nFST NATinNAL BflNK IN OKlÂHOMA'CIÎY— STATE NATIONAL BANK T own and N ame Co unty . of OKLAHOM A —Continued Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Féd. Res. V ice -President . A s s ’t Ca sh ie r . Cash ie r . H. A. McCauley . . . T. J. Brown, Sr.__ G. A. Morriss___— J. H. Mitchell. R esources. Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D epos IjRamì AiDis- Cashk ExPaid - up c ’ t b . Bonds, CflANGM,DUE AND its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks $ 15,000 $ Principal Correspondents . 8,000 $ 225,000 $ 171,000 $ 30,000 Inter-State N„ Kan.C.; SapulpaState, Sapulpa; 180,000 115,000 2,000 160,000 186,000 1,500 110,000 120.000 143,000 Willard Johnston.. H. 0. Way_______ Frank Crum_____ 25,000 W. G. Capps____ _ A. M. Trader____ H. A. Bragg -------E. "W. Capps J. I. Dyer___ — L. T. McAtee------- F. W. Fanson------ J. K. Lance — 20,000 15,000 A. E. K obs_____ Ì A. E. Stinson___— H. N. Kinney------ C. E. Study______ 25,000 5,000 J. E. McDonald__ C. N. Stewart___ R. E. Walton . . . — Thos. J. Watts R. M. Kincaid____ A. E. Kincaid_____ W. R. Kincaid---- - R. L. Kincaid_____ B. E. Evenson J. J. Donahoe____ W. H. Matthews, A. L. Richardson— Ruth M. Pollock__ 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 220,000 100,000 15,000 5,000 200,000 Active 94,000 170,000 150,000 48,500 Cent. N.. St. L. 75,000 Han. N..-N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. &Tr., Kan.C. 35,000 Peo. N., Kan. C., Kan.; Tradesmens State, r Okla.: Okla. State. Frederick. 32,000 Tradesmens State, Okla.; New Eng.N,, Kan.C. 30,000 1st N., Kan. 0 .; State N., St. L.; Chickasha. / 40,000 New. Eng. N., Kan. C.; Merch. N., Ark; 1 28,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0 .; State 70,000 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Okla. State, Guthrie. Okla.. N., .... Ft. Smith, ' . , ' N„ Okla. Secur. State and MUSKOGEE— (Muskogee, E 14) County Seat, Pop. 44,218— Reserve City Mi N ame Pr e sid e n t . V ice-President . Cash ie r . A s s ’t Ca sh ie r . D. N. FINK- COMMERCIAL HA T! BANK.: ~ E .D .N IM S------E. D. SWEENEY ^BENJ. MARTIN . G.T.THOMPSON- Bonds, Surplusi I ndivid D spositb L oans P aid - up AND ' ual and Dis Securi OP Capital Profits D eposits B anks counts ties , etc. $ 100,000 $ ♦Central State Bank------»tl’lO H. B, Ernest__ __ « E. S. Warner . . . . . . H. G. Zike— 46-51 A. H. DAVIDSON. H. L. ROSE 250.N0 P rincipal Correspondents . Resources . L i a b il it ie s . Ba n k . of •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Dus FROM Banks Cash and E x changes $ 892,000 $ 141,860 $ 817,600 Mech.& Metals N., N.Y.; N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. 100,000 3.5N.0N $ 500,ON 2,600,ON 1,014,ON NO,NO Seal». N „ If. Y .} Cont.& Com. N., Chi.; Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 13.010 $1,245,800 A ccounts o f Banks, Bankers, Corporations, and Individuals received on favorable terms. Collections given special attention and re- 40-2 W. T. Wisdom, ♦EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 49-8 Active »313 150,000 T. F. King_______ D .J. Oden.______ P. E. Rawsey 59,330 2,249,550 1.612,460 533,150 537,13 Mech. & Metals. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; New Eng. N;, Kan. C.; Cent. N„ St. L .^ ' 2,753,840 Han. N.. N . Y .; Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.; Liberty, St.L .;N . Re serve and Merch., Kan. C. 9 H.R. OG D EN -— - L.W. DUNCAN.......... - J. P. SOLOMON................C.B. M ILLS ™ 'FIRST NAT’L BANK 40-1 •t’90 Vigorous attention given bill o f lading collections, W. E. BENDER with prompt remittances at reasonable exchange rates. Send twenty cents In stamps for no-protest sight drafts, and Insure personal attention^____________________ A. C. TRUMB0__ - R. A. PATTERSON — ~ L S. BAGLEY — — 863,270 3,146.010 8N.950 200,ON 50,ON 2JIN.N0 3N.0N 1.5N.000 4N.7N $ 6 ,000 53.5N Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .: 1st N.t Chi. and St. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. _________ 250,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Reserve and Comw. N., Kan. 0 . July, 1919 •t’08 171,400 5.232,670 H. A. H0UST0N- L. C. PARMENTER GUY CLEAVER 'MUSKOGEE J.W . GILLILAND u E . A- EDMONDSON and requests for ratings always receive prompt attention. NATIONAL BANK Collections Special attention given Bill o f Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 49-3 NO,ON 8. Security State Bank------- 1§’19 Milton G. Young .. John W. Brown.. N. C. Ownby. N. C. Ownby 49-10 00.000 10,000 600,000 400,000 \ Muskogee Clearing House----- H.H. Ogden. (Members indicated by a*) D. N. Fink G.T.Thompson, Jr., Sec. and Tr. * STATE NATIONALBANK, Oklahoma City Gives1CS T | Service to Customers Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under t A1 /0 / Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n . OKLAHOMA BANKS— Mounds to Muskogee Hounds_____ Creek D 13 BANK OF MOUNDS-— *«'01 86-477 10 POP. 900 First National Bank . — •$’02 86-478 Mountain Park....Kiowa Planters State Bank — •tl’ll 86-580 10 Pop. 440 G3 Mountain View___Kiowa Bank of Mountain View t§’15 86-1016 10 Pop. 1200 F4 First National Bank____t ’01 86-426 Muldrow..Sequoyah E 17 First National Bank____ *11 86-503 10 Pop. 671 Uulhall______ Logan C 8 Mulhall State Bank...*3110 86-582 10 Pop. 441 Oklahoma State Bank..*tS'08 86-583 President . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1086 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 n Q A to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ 1UO O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Accessible Towns, Lawyers, ^ dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 1 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, l J i W 8 , » lr c c to n , ta- ____ dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, i Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given O / T own to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T be Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n . and county . N am e of O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Li a b il it ie s . Subplus D epos Paid - up ' and its Capital Profits Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ^County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ^President . Mustang__1Canadian it 7 Mustang State Bank------tS’01 J. B. Spitler__ 86-834 10 Pop. 200 V ice-President . c a sh ie r . A s S’t c a s h ie r . $ 10,000 S E. M. Brindley___ E. W. Brindley___ R esources , i Loansft Dia- Cashft Ex c’T8. Bonds, ;changes,Dub Securities non Banks P rincipal Correspondents . 1.550 I 85.500 I 79.500 $ 17,200 Cent. N.,St. L.; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. Mutual___Woodward B 2 Farmers Bank------------ «tl’02 Peter Martinson— A. W. Anderson . . . W. R. Olapham.™ 86-835 10 Pop. 264 10,000 4,330 67,980 48.200 34,110 1st N., Woodward, Okla.; Union State, Wichita: State Exchange, Okla. J. 0. Blackaby__— Georgp H. Parker. Harry'Roberts 10,000 7,500 130,000 91,000 39,000 4th N.. Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan, C.; 1st N., Blackwell. 40,000 3.330 292,550 284,020 25.000 2,500 120.000 60.000 10,000 2,000 115,000 132,750 10,000 2,000 50,000 40,000 10,000 765,000 600,000 Nardin________ Kay A 8 Bank of Nardin----------« ti’08 G. W. Roberts— 86-836 10 Pop. 277 Nash—______ Grant A 7 Farmers & Merch.’09 J. J. Gibson-------- Chas. D. Jackson.. J. A. Alderson-___ M. E. Alderson . . . . 86-633 10 Pop. 848 First National Bank — »Î19 H. H. Champlin--- J. T. Butts---------- W. E. Butts______ M. C. Butts______ 86-1108 T. A. Montague Narina______ Logan D 8 Bank of Navina_______ t l’02 S. W. Hogan_____ 86-837 10 Pop. 110 H. T. Douglas____ W. H. Jarboe--------- T. G. Hinson___ Newalla__Oklahoma E 8 State Bank of Newalla.—1§’07 86-838 ^ 10 Pop. 125 50,000 . . R . ZACHARIAS— - W^LIEIMAH- H. S. INGHAM— - — ngesi Bank In Ne •Newkirk_____ Kay A 10 EASTMAN NATIONAL BANK ctlon Items direct to us I Send your colie 86-241 «*’93 10 Pop. 3000 (and receive qulc k action. 51,860 N. Bk,Oom., Kan. G.; Garfield Co., Enid. 73,000 1st N., Kan. C. and Enid. "65,000 1st N., Guthrie, Okla.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Far. N „ Okla. 15,000 1st N., Kan. 0.; Shawnee N., Shawnee. r 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. ¥.; 1st N„ Kan. O. Farmers State Bank— »tl’99 A. A. Slosson_____ M. H. Slosson 86-243 J. H. Coleman.— 25.000 15,000 300,000 225,000 First National Bank.— «t’93 P. W. Smith_____ W. F. Smith— 86-242 W. F. Smith____ _ 0. P. Dewey... 25,000 11,560 248,510 225,690 F. S. Midgley— — R. A. Swalley ito,ooo 10,000 250,000! 170,000 80,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0. 25,000 5,000 300.000 237,250 15,000 8,500 250,000 156,500 66,500 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk.'Com., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla.: Shawnee N.. Shawnee; Ex. N., Ard more. „ Am. N., Okla.; Guaranty State, Ardmore; N. Bk 86,000 Com., St. L. 15,000 5,920 48.150 72,510 23,220 Comw. N.. Kan. O.; Okla. N., Chickasha Tradesmens State, Okla. 25,000 16,000 168,000 170,000 35,000 Cent. N., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan. C.; Far. N. Okla. 30,000 20,000 275,000 250,000 35,000 720,000 560,000 15,000 3,700i - 170,000 125,000 75,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan. O.; Secur. N., Okla. 260,000 Irving N., N.Y.; N. Bk.Com.,St. L. and Kan. C.; State N., Okla. . 30,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Fat. N., Okla. 30,000i 11,2601 348.820I 298,120 SECURITY STATE BANK 86-244 *i§ 17 P. S. Mason____— W. S. Cline— — New Wilson— Carter I 8 First National Bank-------»’14 P. W. McKay------- J. A. Hamilton— E. W. Horton____ 86-774 10 Pop. 3000 New Wilson State Bank»t§'17 P. C. Dings___ — W. W. Woodworth A. A. Morris...— . 86-1043 . Ninnekah— __ Grady G 7 Citizens State Bank___..tS’06 R. K. Wootten___ L. C. Hutson____ J. C. Wade.--------- R. G. Wasson. 86-839 10 Pop. 400 Noble____ Cleveland F 8 First National Bank. • t ’02 R. F. Ellinger____ C. M. Holliday___. A. E. Ellinger.—__ 86-840 10 Pop. 403 •Norman..Cleveland F 8 Farmers National Bank .«t’04 Charles Lauer____ J. G. Lindsay---- - R. V. Downing ___ O. S. Standley — W. N. Rucker 86-124 10 Pop. 5500 Bert Baggett____ First National Bank ..*$’1900 E. B. Johnson..__ P. G. Kidd____— Wm. Synnott E. H . Stubbeman 86-123 Norman State Bank------tS’08 J. W. Barbour------ Owen ii. Martin__ E. K. Himes_____ 86-125 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VO i—i VO SECURITY STATE BANK | C. H. BESSENT - WM. MORGAN, JR. R. W. HUTTO — I Bills of Lading i Direct cotton 15c fee must ac ( Prompt, In tell! given special care drafts remitted company aU sight gent Service our DENVER RURYAN . and attention, for at par. drafts to Insure presentation. Specialty. 50,000 65,880 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N./Kan. 0. 103,201 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Cont. & ComT N., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla. SERVICE— lise the STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City — SERVICE 1 T own and N ame County . of Ra n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. EEstab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President , Accessible Towtis, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, ifldhxed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. LI abilities .' " n Resources. " PRINCIPAL (jIIRKESPONDifljTSr ' 8 Depos Loans &Dis- Cash &E x Paid- dp SUBPLU changes ,D ub c ’T8. B onds , AND its Capitai. P rofits Securities from B anks OKLAHOM A— Continued A s s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . VICE-PRESIDENT. 1088 1088 Number under haiiie o f fianb is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ & Metals N., N. Y.; Comw. N. and Drov, »Nowata___Nowata A 13 Citizens State Bank___»i§T4 B. H. Robertson... J. W. Glass — — M. R. Garnett____ J. E. Pritchard-,.- $ 50.000 $ 15.010 $ 635.730 $ 536,650 $ 143,820 Mech. N., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State- Okla* D. II. Lovett ' 86-138 10 Pop. 6000 20,000 414,000 435,480 115,680 N. City, N. Y.i 1st N., St. L.; Drov. N. and New 50,000 Commercial National Bank Sam F. Wilkinson. Eugene Wilkinson. E. G. Witter_____ W. H. Davis------Eng. N., Kan.C.: Citiz.-lst N., Independence, Hugh Wilkinson 86-137 «t’05 ¿Kan.; Ex. N.. Tulsa. J. D. POWELL-— FIRST N A TI BANK 6-135 •t’98 50,000 68,920 886,430 1,075,960 225,070 Liberty N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st » . and New Eng. N., Kan. C.; State N., St. L.; Cent. N. and Ex. N., Tulsa. 25,000 jj 58,220 488,690 491,420 121,460 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Gate City N., N. Bk. Com. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Cent. N., Tulsa. K. D . Gossom------ M. N. Gossom------ 10,000 2,500 125,000 120,000 B. F. Rowland.—.., 10,000 1,850 120,000 70,000 30,000 8,060 525,000 455,000 25,000 l.q o o 198,900 145,000 50,000 5,000 60,000 65,000 20,000 8.000 500,000 200,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com'., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; InterState N. and N. Bk; Com., Kan. G.; Trades mens State. Okla. 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 500 ; 250,000 ! 100,000 142,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.: Am. N„ Okla. 50,000 N. Pafki N.-YV; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Cdi,'Kan. G.: Okla. State, Enid; 4th N.. Wichita; State N., Okla. 120,000 _N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; City N., Ft. Smith, Ark.: ' 1st N., Guthrie; State N. and-Tradesmens State, Okla.; Am. N„ Tulsa. 63,450 1st N., Muskogee: Union N., Tulsa*- Am. N., Okla. B, G. DO W ELL____ j j . A. WETTACK — 1 1 RINFR «302 ] Collections a sp ecialty and remit ted on day o f pay 1General Rankin g. Ail letters an swered on day of NOWATA NATIONAL BANK 86-136 W.E.ROBERTS, JR., ---------------------- — / W .E. ROBERTS- J. T. ROBERTS — ROBERTS REALTY < F i r s t CO M PANY C. B. SEBRIN6-........... W. 1. KELLER ment. receipt. . , Seeland Tr. M o r t g a g s F a r m L o a n s n e g o t ia t e d . 1T itle s p a s s e d b y o u r o w n a tto rn e y . Incorporated 1907. Oakwood____Dewey D 3 Oakwood Bank — 86-842 10 Pop. 300 Ochelata___Washington Oklahoma State Bank—«ÌS’IO 86-843 10 Pop. 500 B 13 Oilton______ Creek C 11 First State Bank____ _«t§’15 F . W . Abshire___ R. TT. Keeler > 86-1015 10 Pop. 2000 E ; B . Swallum___ Simpson Hurst H. H - Moore_____ H. C. DeMunbrun. Si E. Johnson Oilton State Bank------...§’18 H. A. McCaulay..C. Ai Steinberger 86-1075 Okarche-__Canadian D 7 First Bank of Okarche .»$§’92 86-844 10 Pop. 402 R f! Rish Okeene_____ Blaine 0 6 Citizens State Bank— «iS’01 H . Clay Willis------ 0 . G. Graalman, Active 86-409 10 Pop. 1250 NATIONAL BANK __ 25,000 / J . P . Roetzel ——. D . M., Slonecker__ ) Cash collection be handl O F O K E E N E \/ Onwill other collec 86-1042 «’16 \ expect a fair cd 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., NVY.i-N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Producers State; Tulsa; Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 27,000 Fid. N, Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. 10,000 12,000 325,000 232;000 . »Okernah.Okfuskee E 12 Citizens State Bank------i§’08 A. B. S, Bontty---- T. V. McMahan___ F. O. Clawson ____ Leona Smith ____ 86-310 10 Pop. 2500 H. A. Dolen______ First National Bank___»t’02 86-308 20,000 5,000 300,000 115,000 25,000 12,020 286,640 352,630 F. A. Mitchell..__ Vfclter Nichols 60,000 3W20 734,650 624,800 V. K. Chowning— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. R. Law STATE 11 TiÖNAt BANK; imialioma'lCit Number under Name o f Bank is the Blew Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A s s n . fV ir T . A H O M A 267,750 Seab. N., N. Y.: Inter-State N. and N. Reserve, Kan. C.r N. Bk. Com.. St. L. •sÎ^cïrel^T' Servicelo Customers ÌC IT Y T . „ „ “ J r; mi J (Federal Reserve Distric t Tfo. 10) _ o 8) C o u n ty S eat P o p . 9 2 ,9 4 3 - —R e se rv e C ity ■ (V. — — - -------(O klahom a, E Accessible Towns, • - -- Lawyers, Laws, J Oirect-ors, iix- For Interest Bates, brace, ■»— B a f t M U a — ---------'“ '™ is i deieiHn back of this volume. July, 1919 O . E. Durham____ A . C. Glyckherr__ . non 1089 59.700 1st N., Tulsa. s and bill o f lad ing drafts, cd as instructed by the sender. tions we give ene rgetle service and mpensatlon. State Guaranty Bank.»JS’1900 86-410 Okemah National Bank .«t’05 40,000 Cbnt. State, Enid. OKLAHOMA BANKS — Nowata to Okemah jj. D. HALL GENTRY Collections and requests for ratings; will receive special attention. 15c must accompany sight drafts and 50c with requests for rating. These charges do not apply to correspondent bank items. j . E. CAMPBELL- A c c e s s i b le T ow ns, la w y e r s , la w s , .(O k la h o m a , E 8) C o u n ty Seat dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, brace,\ or Bank is the New Xranslt Number given O I C T . A H O M A iC IT Y V ..... see oppOS1te page ld .| c , P o p . 9 2,943— R e se rv e C ity W J e tc., see page 14- _For . Holidays, _ , __ ____ a r « 1089 Directory, under the authority of The Am erican Bankers Ass n . (Federal Reserve District N o. 10) r< Principal Correspondents . R esources . Li a b i l i t i e s . N ame of B a n k . Ca s h D ub B on d s, L oan s* A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Paid - up a n d Ex prom •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JState S e c u r i Ca s h ie r . D is V ice -P r e sid e n t . UAL AND Presid en t . Banks c h a n g e s Capital Profits D e p o s it s cou n ts t ie s , e t c . tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. i n n n Number under Name to each each ban bank in U. S. exclusively to k in u . a. e x c lu s iv e ly by r>y The ru e B » aand-M n u - i ncN t n ally » i i j Bankers’ ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. F P. JOHNSON_____ H. B. CARSON-___- __T. N. WELLS--------- — G. S. BOSTON--------- J. P. WHATLEY, V.-P. J V. HOLT W. E . HIGHTOWER, J. W.FAHERiY 'A M E RIC A N G; G* S° W. L HATCHER T h e l a r g e s t a n d b e s t e q u ip p e d c o lle c t io n d e p a r t m e n t NATIONAL BANK o f a n y b a n k in t h e c i t y . • * ’01 39-4 A ls o m a k e a s p e c i a l e f f o r t in t h a t lin e a n d g e t r e s u l t s . TRY US. 39-7 «¿’03 39-13 •tl’13 18,210 11st State, Okla.; Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1,670,000 440,000 559,000 flan. N., N.Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L. M. M. B A T H - 100,000 29,290 1,237.890 670,180 295,910 393,090 Franklin Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L. W. R. Ramsey... Chas. W. Gunter HaskelLArwin------- 100,000 21,320 942,840 485,190 158,210 414,860 Meet.& Metals N ., N. Y.; Cent. N.. Tulsa; Midw* N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 300,000 60,000 2.000,000 500,000 1,500,000 500,000 600,000 2 0 0 .OOON.Bk. 250,000 400,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 500,000 508 000 N. City, N. Y .; Live Stock Ex, N., Chi.; Drop. N. and Inter state N m Kan. C. C. f l H g A J; gjMjj| EFFICIENCY TO THE LAST DEGREE . ~ M COLLECTIONS AND BILL OF LADING ITEMS. N A T IO N A L B A N K 39 19 467,000 19,080 C.’ F . CQLCORD...........- R. C. STUART— R.C.STOART, Active e. L R R 0 W R IR G -- C. U. SURTER - - - - - - LIBERTY 2,078,000 W . C. ROW— E. S. WELLS 90,000 , This Bank gets out and makes. Collectio ns. I Collections not tre ated as a side line, yWe appreciate and are prompt. Guaranty Bank________ **§’10 0. H. Everest. 39-57 co m . and N. City, N. Y .; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L .; Inter-State N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. »’18 O K LA H O M A STOCK YARDS N A T . B A N K 39-54 Active Ch. o f Bd. Ph P. FIN ER T Y— 'FIRST STATE BANK J. S. H0FFMAN- D.W. HOGAN--------J .F . WARREN, 200,000 E. C. Rowlett— Ida Rowlett. Capitoi State Bank______ *§’08 J. R. Rowlett. 39-52 'FARMERS NAT. BK. Han. N „ N. Y .; Cont. & Com’ l $ 500,000 $ 252,000 8,080,760 S 1,761,950 $5,310,370 $3,630,230 $3,3 20,580 $ 616,280 N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. f . P. MARTIN, JR — m @ E --------- A .W E IS « « « -------------- ---------------------------- TH E ONLY BANK LO CATED AT TH E STOCK YARDS Send your Collections and Cash items direct TO US and . . • ¿ ’01 they will receive Prompt Attention from Our Officers. WILLIAM MEE— - S R RAYMOND WM. RAYMOND--------- G. L- K E L L O G G ...... 'SECURITY F2 ¿JniMzENHOFFER CASH COLLECTIONS AND BILL OF LADING DRAFTS will be handled as Instructed by the sender. On other NATIONAL BANK give energetic service and expect a fair compensation. collections we lll lt fyill UC UdllUICU €»o 300,000 254,420 3,565,950 1,634,060 2,665,540 1,068,190 1,788,870 — -------- -------- ., N. City and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .; Corn Ex. N. and 201,140 Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.;. InterState N.» 1st N., and N. Bk Com ., Kan. C.: 1st N. and Boatmens, St, L. 39-12 ‘ SOUTHWEST RESERVE BANK T j . T . Sammons 39-55 «¿§’15 (Oklahoma City continued Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. B. Boeri..,— ___C. T. Abell C. T. Abell 200,000 15,810 1,068,620 1,063.910 88,510 163,340 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mid-City o Tr. & Sav. Chi,; Drov. N., Kan. G. oo til nrST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA C IT Y -S T A T E NATIONAL BANK P resident . A s s ’ t Cash ie r . Cashier / Surplus I ndivid D k p o sit s P aid- up or uai, AND Capitai , Profits DRPoarrs B anes R esources . Cash Due B onds. a n d Ex from Securi counts ties , etc . Banes CHANQXS P rin cipal correspondents . L oans * Dis F. L. CLARK-R. L. SMITH T. G. TAYLOR F. R. BULL HUGH M. JOHNSON GEO. L. COOKE E .H . COOKE, PRENTISS PRICE ChiofBd. J. W. TETER MONTFOID JONES 500,000 $ 400,000 $ 8.000,000 $ 2,100,000 6,025,000 1.787,000 $ 1,876 000 692,050 N. Park, N. Y .: Cont. A Com’ l N, Chi.; New Eng. N .,K an. C.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. YO UR C O R R E S P O N D E N C E W IL L R E C E IV E T H E A T T E N T IO N OF AN O F FIC E R . R. T. STUART & COMPANY EDWIN STARKEY - 0. E. STUART, Sec. J /R .T. STUARTand Tr. ) Transacts a gene ral trust company business. .Adjustments rei ating to real esta te, Inheritance, a n (Among Officers, qualified Attorne ys, thorough kno v (Finances legiti mate enterprises. Cattle Loans, Far 39-59 100.000 39-53 J. L. Wilkin____ * » ’09 J. M. Hale__ W.C. Ernest R.H. Wilkin 137,560 188,090 3,320 State N. and Am. N., Okla.; Secur, N., Dallas. 78,550 ugboutA rkansas andOkla hoina m ade with skill. es.—Act for non resident Guardia ns, Ad in Inistratolrs. SUB M IT YO UB PRO P O S IT I ON TO US. ( P. Vance. ♦Tradesmens State Bank.»tl’09 F. J. Wikoff_____ E. A. Walker_____ C. M. Bosworth— O. ♦ 39-15 WILKIN - RALE STATE BA 7.400 A . Seeland, A. Tr. R. H. Wilkin_____ . L . C RALLE.......................C. L. HENLEY, ' H. B. GIBSON, See. and Tr. A. Sec. ATKINSON WARREN J. F. WARREN--------------E Carefully Selected Farm Loans Are O Specialty. Best of References Gladly furnished. & HENLEY GO. 01 R. S. RANDERSQN,---------------J. J. DICKINSON— F. M. REED Sec. and Tr. DIGKINSON-REEDHIGH GRADE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. Officers of this company have been in the Farm Loan Business from twelve to years and have loaned approximately SI 2,000,000 without the loss RANDERSON CO. thirty of one cent tor the investors. Write us for PARTICULARS. 200,000 60,000 1,800,000 1,800.000 i.OOO 100,000 14,310 1,718,510 1.286,170 289,230 V 1,160.000 Meclt. & Metals N..N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. St? L., and Kan. C.: (Mem. Fed, Bes.) 630,720 196,990 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent N.,St.L 50.000 45,000 Far. N., Okla. C. 65,400 21,000 Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.; Am, N., Oklahoma C. up INC. "Mem ber Nati ondi Far ’14 150,000 i 25,000 Loan Associât Met., N. Y.; Am. N., State N., and Far. N.* Okla. July, 1919 Oklahoma Clearing-House— — F. J. Wikoff-------- F. P. Johnson. (M em bers indicated b y , a * ) STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City Gives :C0c"rEsJu"t ! Service to Customers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -| a q i N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers \ [F. S. Gum_____ L. B. Gum______ J- L. Hill, . See, and Tr Gum Brothers Company— *95 Members Nat’l F arm Loan Ass’n . [ $15.000,000.00 Loa ns in Force. / OKLAHOMA BANKS— Oklahoma City— Continued______ O up facilities for handling the accounts of Banks, Bankers, and Individuals ape unequaled. •t’93 SD -l V ice -President . - - 1090 STATE NATIONAL BANK (Federal Reserve District No. 1 0)Ll ABILITIES. •PE N ame of Ba n e . •Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OKLAHOM A CITY— Continued Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 to each bank in ü. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ i Üb?U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. O K L A H O M A - — C o n tin u e d Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, , d irectors, in(iAXftd in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, ■* f iu y J . N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber riven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B dnd-M cN ally Bankers Directory» under the au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass n» T own and County. N ame of Ban e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Meni. Fed. Res. ‘ Okmulgee___Okmulgee 10 FOP. 17,480 E12 BANK OF COMMERCE 86-100 P resident . B. L. WIGTON. Accessible T ow ns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,] e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see Opposite page 13-1 O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d V ice-President . Cashier . W .W . JENKINS,. J. RAY BROWNActive P :fffiR,DE’JR- A ss ’ t Cashier .' H - M ëv Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D epos P a id - u p Capital P r o f i t s it s R esources. $ 75,000 $ 18.000 $ 881,000 Accounts o f Co rporations,Merch ants, Banks and I ndividuals recelv ed on fa vorable , Collections give n special attentto n and remitted fo r promptly at rea sonable rates. P rincipal Correspondents . L oam sk D is- Cashk ExH A n obs,D ot :’ts. Bombs, O R O MBaM K S SlOU R ITI18 F 725,000 247.000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan C.: Union N., Tulsa. terms. • » ’02 100,000 34,420 1,411,240 1,228,750 299,400 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Tulsa. 200,000 57,220 1,688,920 1,695,290 235,820 Han. N., and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.: N, Reserve, Kan. C. 150.000 thom as ' n . JENNESS H. EICHENBE RGER-- P . Y STADT—— SAM D. MA R. PRESTON mltted FIRST NATIONAL BANK«$1900 )First and oldest A.established specialty and re k. Collections a Ban 86-107 (Prompt attenti on to all banking matters entrust ed to us. 45,390 1,267,480 1.111,170 350,690 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. and St. L.: Com’l N., Muskogee; Ex. N., Tulsa CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 86-110 »’17 D. M. Smith ______ W. B. Pine_______ H. E. Kennedy__ H. E. Perkins Roy Shick T. J. Baker Citizens National Bank -*$’02 M. F. Graham___ Crittenden Smith.. Carlisle Malrey R. de Steiguer . 86-108 W. E. Wilson .L — j J . A. PRICE----- Guaranty State Bank— * » ’12 John P. Cook____ R. W. Hamilton. John Hammond ♦ 86-965 A. J. Peters_____ C. A. Freer____— W. L. Smith Omega___Kingfisher D 6 First State Bank______ $8’14 H. T. Davis_____ Elmer Solomon.. 86-1022 10 Pop. 180 Oologah—. __Rogers B13 Bank of Oologah------—•$§’04 C. A. Schmoy____ J. F. Flippin____ 86-846 10 Pop. 400 150.000 i day o f pay ment. 25,000 2,250.000 1,600,000 600,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Park., N. Y.; 1st N; Chi.; Com. Tr. Co. and Inter-State N., Kan. C.: (Mem, Fed. Res.) 30.000 1st N., Muskogee. 25.000 5.000 120,000 115,000 10.000 5.000 85.000 90.000 25.000 9,430 113,560 156,230 G. T. Wadsworth — Helen Hiller 10.000 1,650 98,050 79,130 J. R. Truex 10,000 3.000 47.000 54.000 4.300 MidwrN. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., Claremore, Okla. 10,000 1,200 47,870 66.730 9,380 Far. & Merch., Hooker; 1st N., Elk City, Kan. 10,000 1.500 83(000 67.000 20.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur. State and 1st N. 10,000 6.000 70.000 50.000 25,000 Mech. & Metals N., N: Y.: Shawnee N. Shawnee 1st N., New Wilson. 10,000 1,170 97,550 64,510 28.560 Tra. N., Kan.C.; Clev.N., Clev.; State N.,Okla 15.000 2.500 ‘ 100,000 90.000 15.000 9.000 lOQfOOO 110,000 25.000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Producers State, Tulsa. 15.000 Shawnee N., Shawnee; 1st N., St. L. 15.000 14,630 144,380 127,460 48.230 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 10.000 6,310 106,670 94,100 Oktaha... Muskogee E 14 First National Bank____$'04 À. M. Dorling.___ R. S. Williams___ F. M. Williams ___ 86-845 10 Pop. 500 Olustee____Jackson H 2 Farmers State Bank___$§’07 A. B. Dunlap____ Gilbert Stallings... E, A, Carter. 86-433 10 Pop. lo o o De Witt Norton. First National Bank— $’02 J. M. Norton , ___ J. A. Henry .. T. 1. Truscott 86-432 Optima______ Texas J 4 First State Bank— ------ $§’15 W. D. Myers____ D. P. Metcalf___ T. E. Finch. 86-1025 10 Pop. 200 D. L. Meagher Orlando_____ Logan C 8 Farmers Bank________ » ’01 P. J. Meagher----86-847 10 Pop. 340 H. T. Riddle— — F. G. Goodman. Orr___________ Love 1 8 First State Bank-------- » » ’09 P. W. McKay »— 86-848 , 10 Pop. 350 Osage_______ Osage 011 First State Bank----------$510 E. 0. Mullendore. R. F. Mullendore — W. S. Alyea, J r... 86-849 10 Pop. 500 Owasso______Tulsa C 13 First State Bank.......... »$§18 E. Pleas________ O. E. Dickson___ C. E. Dickson___ 86-850 10 Pop. 373 R. B. Harmon----Paden-.__Okfuskee E 11 Peoples State Bank------- $511 T. W. Harmon — 86-927 10 Pop. 1200 A. R. Novotny— W. L. Crain_____ State Bank of Paden— » ’06 A. J. Martin— . . 86-851 L. B. Rodke____ Lola H. Reily------Paoli____ ___ Garvin G 9 Bank of Paoli________ *»*05 F. H. Reily— 86-853 10 Pop. 239 T. L. Ballenger--W. U. Goodrich---Park Hill.. Cherokee D 16 Farmers State Bank— $513 Waddie Hudson— 86-994 10 Pop. 300 E. W. Low_____ C; E. Grant______ •Pauls Yalley.Garvin H 8 First National Bank — *$’93 T. G. Mays-......... J. B. Thompson 86-196 10 Pop. 4000 R. M. Love —-----P. O’Harro______ First State Bank______ $511 E. Johnston_____ 86-928 R. A. McMurtray. W. G. Kimberlin... National Bank of Commerce W. J. Long_____ H. M. Hamilton 86-197 «$’03 PaulsValley National Bk.»$’05 R. H. Grimmett.. S. Kendall_______ J. W. White........ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND Harry P. Lear. B. L. Dickson.. E. L. McCord. J. R. Roach .. B. A. Sparks Frank Welch. Fred H. W ard..... 10,000 2,920 45,920 50,990 100,000 62.2&0 529,480 729,110 25.000 10,350 319,690 261,370 50.000 54,200 274,900 259.730 25.000 6.000 169,540 162,310 25.000 Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.; CJitiz. State, Altus; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. 23,290 Cent. N., St. L.: Drov. N.. Kan. O. 28,120 Citiz. State, Kingfisher. Guthrie; Secur. State, Ponca City. 25,790 Cent. N., St. L.: Shawnee N., Shawnee. 18,660 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.: Ex. N. and Muskogee N-, Muskogee; Am. N., Okla. 120,590 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. N., Okla, , ■■ — 88.660 Seab. N-, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st State, Okla. 58,620 N. Reserve, Kan. O.; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla.; Cbnt. N., St. L.; 1st N. Ft, Worth. 34,480 Cent. N., St. L.: Secur. N.. Okla. SERVICE— Use the STATE NATIONAL BANK, Okuhoma C i i b m i T own and N ame op Bank . County . P resident . V ice-President . Cashier . As s ’t Cash ie r . | Lia b il it ie s . i1 R esources . iiOANSàDIS Cau ft Ex Dibpob-, C Paid - uf Surplus ' ’ ts. Bonde, changes,Dub Aim ITS Capitai, Profits Smeuumae non Banks Pr incipal Correspondents . $ 25,000 $ 12,000 $ 192,880 $ 177,220 $ 58,910 Mech. & Metals. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and »Pawhuska__Osage B 11 American National Bank.«'06 Charles F, Stuart— Robt. S. Stuart___ Tulsa; N. Reserve. Kan. C. 86-188 10 Pop. 5000 25.000 ' 4,100 362,000 285,000 106,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. C. L. Söderström .. Bank of Commerce— *£§’05 IS. T. Kennedy___ J. W. Söderström. W. O. Dildine____ 86-187 r A . W. HURLEY— PRENTISS PRICE, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK„ < Ch.of Bd. 86-186 < ’05 I Collections a sp PPrompt attenfi Citizens Trust Co.___—»§’19 J. L. Bird — 86-1111 __ _ j. L BIRD R. W. TUCKER C. F. LAK E.......— 100,000 J. W. KEITH C. F. Lake, Tr ....... E. E. Grinstead, Sec. E. F. Scott 100,000 66,570 1,288,720 1,145.400 357,620 Comw. N. and 1st N., Kan. 0.; Cent. N., St. L. and Tulsa. Wallis I). Wilson.. Jno. D. Evans____ 100,000 28.940 204,000 220,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com’l N., Kan. C., Kan. 60,000 6,000 125,000 E. S. Shidler____ Robert Stuart____ W H. Smith Stockgrowers State Bank 86-1109 »§’19 86-220 a M Rerry Pawnee National Bank.»t’05 C. E. Vandervoort. 86-221 50,000 13,900 457,040 414,080 137,760 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C. and St. L. Frank Hudson.___ A. T. Seevess__ __ 50,000 15,030 450,000 400.000 170,000 N. Park, N. Y,; 1st N., Kan. C. and St. L. 200,000 1 84,420 85,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: Midw. N. Bk. & Tr. and Comw. N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa. 12.810 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Garfield Co., Enid. 31,500 Ex. N., Muskogee; Midw. N. Bk.&Tr., Kan. C- 30,000 5,500 275,000 10,000 2,380 84,850 10,000 10,000 2,400 63,000 42,650 6,660 102,930 81,900 10,000 10,000 168,000 30,000 2.640 369,170 15,000 3,500 185,000 - 20.000 3,000 250,000 25.000 ( G.A. FOSTER— F. BALDUFF........... C. D. JENSEN-------- G. A. LEY— — — er most Equipped to rend Bank for Perry. < The Collecting FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’99 satisfactory s ervlce on all cash items and collec tions for this pol nt* 86-163 l Prompt returns . Charges reason able. 7,590 275,290 86-162 Farmers & MerchantsBk.t§’93 | 86-161 J. H. Ledbetter — H. A. De Lashmutt Are You ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 7,500 500,000 400.000 250,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 15.000 4,000 250,000 140,000 114,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Miami. Edw. Washecheck. Josie Washecheck. 10,000 6,000 90,000 70,000 W. E. Browning— L. L. Freese _____ 10,000 3.300 115,000 103,920 10,000 1,400 61,250 53,400 25,000 11,480 10,000 3,470 C. W. Rogers____ C. D. Baker_____ E. D. Wells (V IT Tiemiv Roy Harris . .. S. M. Taws .. J. Potter S E E K IN G A D D ITIO N A L F A C IL ITIE S ? C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B AN K IN G C H A N G E ? N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN aliy Bankers’ 40,190 1st N. and Secur. State, Guthrie; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 55,000 - 120,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Guthrie and Stillwater. 91,520 Chase N..N.Y.: Tra. N., Kan. C.; Tradesmens 242.860 State, Okla.; Kan. N., Wichita; 1st N., Tulsa. 135,00« 68,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Secur. N„ Okla. 90,000 Atlantic N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur. 165.000 N.. Okla.'; Producers State, Tulsa. 285,110 47,770 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.: Secur. N., Okla. Mav Potter_______ 90,480 . 218.310 94,400 63,280 26,000 Citiz. N., El Reno; 1st N., Kan. C. 38,080 City N., McAlester; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 19,660 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Okla. State, Guthrie. 32,200 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Okla. N., Chickasha. 15,590 New Eng. N.,Kan. G,, Citiz. N., El Reno; 1st N., Chickasha. [ See the STATE NATIONAL BANK, July, 1919 Picher____ Ottawa A 16 First National Bank — »tT 8 86-1098 10 Pop. 10.000 “ ^ Miners State Bank.......«{§’17 J. H. Denny.____ E. C. Ferguson___ 86-1062 Piedmont—.Canadian £ 7 Piedmont State Bank.— t§’04 Otto A. Shuttee.— \T Ynwell 86-854 10 Pop. 255 A. TT. Thomas J. E. Allen Pittsburg ..Pittsburg G 13 Bank of PittslJ^rp 86-855 10 Pop. 1000 First |§’1 1 W m. A* Harris __ Pleasant Valley, Logan D 8 86-929 10 Pop. 240 Pocasset______Grady F 7 First National Bank-----»t’17 R. K. Wootten__ _ Jack Hi* 86-1053 10 Pop. 400 First State Bank______ t§’07 G. W. Richardson— fl T. Rose 86-856 Union N-, Tulsa. Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Producers State, Tulsa. S. Thornton i_____ G. B. Shapard____ SECURITY STATE BANK . C. H. Stratton____ , 86-219 •t§’17 Peckhain State Bank—<§T 6 Peckhain--------- Kay A 9 86-1031 10 Pop. 400 Wm. Jones Cook— J. E. Jones____ L C. D. Norton____ Pensacola.-__ Jliayes B15 86-976 10 Pop. 150 L. O. Shannon___ Perkins____ Payne D 10 86-522 10 Pop. 650 E. W. Golden____ Payne County Bank------- §’96 J. A. Hert 86-521 Paul Harding..___ John A. Hansen— Bank of Commerce___«tl’Q S »Perry_____ —.Noble C 8 Henry Henriksen 86-164 10 Pop.3500 1093 100,000 (H. H. B R EN N ER - W. T. L E A H Y - - - — A. N. RUBLE--------- B. F. MASON-------^ O ld e s t bank in O s a g e C o u n ty . G e n e r a l B an kin q . *t’01 (All l e t t e r s a n s w e r e d on da y o f r e c e ip t . Liberty National Bank—.«19 G. B. Mellott____ C. E. Riley____ 86-1107 »Pawnee___Pawnee B 10 IQ Pop. 2500 800,600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. and Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.; State N., Okla. eeialty and remit ted on day o f pay ment. On to all banking matters entruste d to us. FIRST NAT’L BK. 86-185 27,000 1,784,000 1,220,000 _____________ OKLAHOMA BANKS— Pawhuska to Pocasset •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn, tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Graee, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. OKLAHOM A—Continued 1092 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. Oklahoma City Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, IMreetors, in- O K L A H O M A — C on tin u ed dexed Lexe'" in backrof this-volume. nhorp 14. For Interest Rates, Grace, Fdt IVolidavs. apift nrvnnsit.e nace 13.1 h and co u n ty . * N ame op Pr e sid e n t . V ice -P r esid en t . CASHIER. A s s ’t c a s h ie r . STATE BANK /CASH COLLEC \ will be handle (IMMEDIATE A \We are approved 60,000 David Allison_____ 25.000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State, 6,000 Okla. 16,500 $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 85.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Wilkin-Hale State.Okla. 4th N., Wichita. G. O. Johnson. . . . . R. N. Clark. 50.000 40,200 700,750 727,280 C. K. Dawson 50.000 35.000 975,000 720,000 45.000 2,000,000 1,050,000 100.000 Mech. & Metals j j i N. Y.; Ex. N., Tulsa; Com! L OF LADING D BAFTS y sender. EN ALL ITEMS, or Oklahoma Ban ks. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; State N.. Okla; (Mem, Fed. Res.) 25.000 8.500 332,700 241,000 115,200 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Enid; Secur. N. Okla. L. W. McGivney__ H. J. Stover_____ James W. Rackley 35.000 7.500 360,000 195,000 150.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C., Mo. E. D. Barnes____ 10.000 6.500 100,000 87,000 22,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Okla.; Guarant; 25.000 16,030 154.560 203,220 C. C. Brents-------- 15.000 4,650 89,800 82,760 E. Shackelford___ J, C. Rhodes____ H. R. Plunkett___ Fletcher Hall 20.000 3,830 154,460 162,180 35.620 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Ex. N., Muskogee Eid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L. 25.000 11,680 360.000 252,000 T. Goode________ A. Bolger-------Perry C. Bolger P. C. Bolger_____ B. H. Harper ____ _ W. A. Campbell.... C. D. Buckley____ 22.000 10,620 265,380 230,490 50.000 7,000 240,000 193,000 J. O. Meyer______ E. L. Conklin____ George R. Sutton.. Edw. McKim — 25.000 357,940 127,960 62.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cent. N.. St. L, - Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Smith, Ark 58,750 Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith, Ark.: N. Bk. Com, E&n. C. 48.000 N^Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith; 1st N, St. L. 185,470 Tra. N., Kan. C. J. B. Charles____ Geo. R, Sutton___ J. O. Meyer___— L. P. Wilson_____ 10.000 175,000 82,000 C. C. Bush_______ R. G. Casey_____ A. P. Slover_____ Clarence Emrick. 25.000 325,000 190,000 R. Ei Bunyan. W. E. Smith___ Solus Huggins___ Hoy Harsha y ___ D. W. Capps. D. M. Boal_______ J. W. Bryan_____ S. J. Doyle— — V. P. Sorrels_____ Joe Hillin a 71,000 37*000 1st. N., Tulsa; Oomw. N., Kan. C.; Bk. o Com., and Cent. N. Okmulgee. 25.000 : 250,000 230,000 45.000 Com’l N., Muskogee; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C Tradesmens State, Okla. 25.000 800,000 300,000 50.000 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.: Ex. N Muskogee.; 1st State, Vinita. 50.000 380,000 379,000 100,000 550,000 468,000 115.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Reservi Kan. 0.; 1st N.. Muskogee. - T‘ 157.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: New Eng., N. Kan. C Am. N., and Okla. Stock Yds. N.. Okla. 308,500j 272,200 100,000 114,500 50.000 200,000 200,000 25.000 S a i 3 25.000 10.000 u 140,900 Mech. & Metals. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Kan. C State N.. Okla. 26.000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng.N., Kan. O. 60,000 Inter State N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Miami; N. B1 of Claremore, Claremore. 1st N., Miami; New Eng. N., Kan. O. ■ ■ ■ 1 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA CITY— STATE NATIONAL BANK , Joe C. Love R. E. Leavitt_____ J. H. Dyer.— . W; L. Griffin James Crawford Purcell Bank&Trust Co.»*§’05 J. W. Porter------- J. H. Perry. Active A. F. Tooley, T r... S. L. Williams, Jr., Sec J. R. Eeland,Aci»»e 86-190 Frank Waddell. — Anna L. Waddell.. Putnam_____ Dewey D 4 First State Bank_____ »*§’04 E. D. Foster. . . ___ E. E. Huff____ 86-861 10 Pop. 150 Quapaw-___Ottawa A 16 Bank of Quapaw_____ »*§’06 D. C. DeVilliers— Z. L. Douthat____ S. J. Chambers___ 86-862 10 Pop. 1000 W. I. Bingham — P. M. Smith____ , First National Bank_____’18 C. A. Douthat?.. 95,000 ä Karl J. Moore. 3,000 T O. R. Graham. 10.000 ü T. H. Hayden____ E. M. Bowers. C. B. Markham i5 R. D. Taylor O. O. Snyder------ 107.000 1st N., St. L.; Tradesmens State, Okla.; Nei Eng. N., Kan. C, 150.000 Seab.N., N. Y.: 1st N.,Kan. C. te E. J. McKey,.____: B. F. Brown. * Preston...Okmulgee E 13 Oklahoma State Bank..»*§’10 M. D, Ham_____ 86-859 10 Pop. 1000 Prue____ii_~ Osage G11 (See Hominy) 10 Pop. 200 ¿Pryor__ j___Mayes C 15 American State Bank of L. O. Bradford — Pryor Creek-A— - - * § ’12 10 Pop. 2000 86-264 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of J. O. Hogan_____ Pryor Creek— _____ »*§’03 86-263 First National Bank... »*1900 W. A. Graham.__ _ 86-262 ¿Purcell___ McClain G 8 ChickasawNational Bank -»’92 B. H. Love a ____ 86-189 10 Pop. 2800 27,930 1st N., Muskogee; Drov. N., Kan. C. : Frank Lewis_____ R. P. White___— State, Ardmore, a 33.620 N. Bk. Cbm., St. LuCom’l N., Muskogee. a ¿Poteau..„Le Flore-F 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK »*’04 86-260 10 Pop. 4000 Leflore County Bank.. .»*§’07 86-261 National Bank of Poteau»*’04 86-259 Prague_____Lincoln E 11 First National Bank_____ ’02 86-386 10 Pop. 1500 First State Bank-------- *§’08 86-388 Prague National Bank__ *’06 86-387 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300.000 159,150 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk Com.. Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita. 250.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur N., Okla.: Am. N., St. Jo. »*§17 Pondcreek____Grant B7 Farmers National Bank.»*’93 J. H. Asher______ 86-375 10 Pop. 1200 F. J. Gentry_____ FIRST STATE „ 86-374 Leon Kahn______ Bank of Pontotoc_____ *|’05 Pontotoc..Johnston H 11 86-857 11 Pop. 500 J. W. Capps_____ First National Bank........ $’05 Porter____Wagoner D 14 86-511 10 Pop. 500 Porter State Banka.— *§’08 L. M. GarrCtt____ 86-512 \ Porum— Muskogee E 14 American State Bank ..»*§’18 N. D. Blackstone.. 86-540 10 Pop. 800 86-1OftO it s < OKLAHOMA BANKS— Ponca" City to Quap a w ___________ 1093 SECURITY Principal Correspondents . Dig- IjOajns k c ’ ts . B onds, S ecurities D epo s H. E. Roberts IO. E. Hall_______ E. W. Marland___ L. K. Meejt______ J. M. Beesley. D. J. Donahoe TIONS AND BIL d as Instructed b TTENTION GIV Reserve Agents f Su r p l u s P a id - u p AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s :------ ... . '-------------- ;---------- S Ponca City—___Kay B 9 Central State Bank----- §’19 W. H. Vanselous — L. H. Patton..— . 86-1123 10 Pop. 5000 EPOSIT GUARANTY STATE J. M. Harmon . . . . . J. M. Allison____ BANK— -86-206— - »*§’10 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK J. J. McGraw____ Robert Jamieson— 86-204 »*’02 Oklahoma State Bank..»*§’09 B. Dawson__ l____ C. K. Dawson____ 86-203 86-1047 Resources . L ia b il it ie s . Ba n k . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem.StateBks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District Mem. Fed. Res. ♦ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back'd this volume. For Interest B ates, .Grace,^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K L A H O M A — C on tin u ed Inlxr i(9i9 T own Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Eand-M cNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of T he Am erlcan Bankers Ass’ n . J jo¿J -------- -— ----------- : 1nno 1 U y j T own and county . 1 N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ^County Seats. P resident . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K LAH OM A—Continued A s s ’t Ca sh ie r . Ca sh ie r . V ice -Pr e sid e n t . L ia b i l i t i e s . Surplus D eposPaid - up ITS Capital Profits Ringling___Jefferson I 8 10 Pop. 2000 . in n c lU y j 200,000 70,000 1st N., Ft. Smith, Ark,; Drov. N., Kan. C. 155,000 105,000 65,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Tradesmens State. Okla.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 35,000 N. Bk. Com. and Comw. N., Kan. C.: Secur. N., Okla. 64,640 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Bartlesville N. and Bart lesville State, Bartlesville. 39,080 N. Bk. Com;, Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 6,500 100,000 85,000 10,000 8,200 228,260 149,240 10,000 3,500 139,530 112,470 5,000 2,300 75.000 37,000 10,000 10,000 4,500 140.000 150,000 25,000 McAlesterTr. Co., McAlester; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 3,000 152.000 125,000 10,000 1,800 ifbOOO 75,000 36,000 Bk. of Com., Perry; Inter-State N., Kan. C.: % Secur, State, Ponca City. s 2,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Cashion. Chas. M. Jacobson. 10,000 6,860 169,860 112,620 W. P. Lerblance — 10,000 1,960 27,880 29,500 10,340 McAlester Tr. Co., McAlester. 10,000 10,000 250 60,000 50,000 27,000 Tradesmens State, Okla. 2,620 50;110 98.430 5,600 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Gerlach,-Woodward; 4th N„ Wichita. * 50,000 8,270 206,260 326,540 39.340 N. City, N.Y.; Inter-State H., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. 25,000 10,650 266,430 294,950 74,130 Drov. N. and N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Guaranty State, Ardmore; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 10,000 1.670 72,330 83,510 10,000 2,000 99,000 70,000 25,700 Secur. N., Okla.; Okla. State, Guthrie. 10,000 500 80,000 80,000 15,000 N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Okla. N„ Chickasha, Okla. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. G.; State N., Okla. Cecil L. Henry — J. A. Smallwood— R. L. Wear---- E. K. Lee. _ ____ E. L. Cramer___ R. E. Huffman 86-873 iateBan 86-621 ate Ban! 86-617 'of Roi 86-616 86-382 of Roose’ 86-646 State Bar 86-874 mal Bank 86-1019 j J. M. R0BBERS0N - A. McCRORY.........— E L CLAYTON < The personal se rvice bank. j Our facilities fo r handling your 1 lems are the best. ( For prompt and efficient service, try us. W. A. Fuller____ P FT Pi Ip M. M. File____ W. E. Berry--------------- T. N. Berry______ J . F. Bolding 25,000 6,000 165,000 130,000 25,000 6,420 140,240 130,900 J. B. Craig H. Hughes_____________ A. J . Crain__________— 30,000 10,000 300,000 275,000 A. M. Edmundson W. H. Edmundson. Harvey Edmundson Mabel Saunders..; 15,000 12,600 160,000 175,330 C. B. Godard ________ D. B. Harrison_______ M. P. Oillett, S. O. Smith JJ. Walker----------------- L. R. Flint___________ Maud M. Rathbun . 10,000 1,300 70,000 65,000 25,000 8,500 145,000 193,000 W. B. Stephens—— F. J. Phillips________ M. D. Timberlake. B. E. Braselton_____ j S E E K IN G A D D ITIO N A L F A C IL IT IE S ? j C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B AN KIN G C H A N G E ? Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUp Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of The A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . 35,000 1st N., Tulsa; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. 70,340 4th N., Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 23,860 Com. Tr; Co., Kan. C.; Okla. State, Enid. 50,760 1st N., Kan. C., Mo.; 1st N., Ada. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.;: Cent. N.. St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Secur. N., Okla. 28,000 City Guaranty, Hobart; Drov. N..Kan.C.;S, W, Reserve. Okla. 25,000 Purcell Bk. & Tr. Co., Purcell. 20.000 Irving N., N. Y.: Kan. N., Wichita. / July, 1919 H lC YUU Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68,330 Cent. N - St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith, Ark. 161,500 25.000 Virgil M. Harry — F. C. Parker_____ H. L. Boyd —____ iu C. Sallee______ Roff_____ Pontotoc H 10 10 Pop. 1200 Roosevelt___Kiowa G 3 10 Pop. 500 Rosedale— McClain F 8 10 Pop. 200 Rosston_____ Harper A 1 10 Pop. 250 U r n V a i i 158,230 v 116,470 86-1001 86-1005 Ringwood____ Major B 6 10 Pop. 271 Ripley_____ Payne D 10 10 Pop. 368 Rocky_____ Washita F 3 10 Pop. 378 150,0C0 $ 100.000 $ 70,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Tulsa; Yale State, Yale: Comw. Kan. C. 70,800 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita; Gerlach, 193,650 183,760 OKLAHOMA BANKS— Quay to Rosston_______________ First National Bank___»11900 86-525 Ramona.Washington B13 Citizens State Bank— »tS'08 J. P. Greenwood— 86-470 10 Pop. 725 Randlett____ Ootton 15 Bank of Randlett____-•t5’07 G. 0 . Robertson__ P. B. Carnahan.... 86-534 10 Pop. 250 Ravta____ Johnston 1 10 (See Tishomingo) 11 Pop. 1000 Red Fork____ Tulsa 012 Bank of Red Fork— -•i8'02 T. A. Henry------- r L. R. Henry 86-866 f0 Pop. 1500 Red Oak.__Latimer G 15 Bank of Red Oak-----. »tS’Ol H. H. Smallwood— W. D. Fields------86-867 10 Pop. 398 Bedrock..........Noble B 9 Red Rock State Bank— i§’16 John A. Hansen — W. T. Donahoe — 86-868 10 Pop. 500 Reeding „Kingfisher D 7 State Bank of Reeding—$§’15 86-1021 10 Pop. 50 Renfrow_____ Grant A 7 Bank of Renfrow— rt§1900 H. D. R e e d ....... - A. M. Edwards___ 86-869 10 Pop. 207 EastmanRi chard— J. B. Lucas, Jr.___ Richardville —.McIntosh 86-1084 10 Pop. 500 F 14 P J Kelly State Ban Richland___Canadian E7 86-981 10 Pop. 200 H. L. Anderson — T. C. Leachman — tichmont Richmond-Woodward O 8 ¿6-872 10 Pop. 60 Pr incipal Correspondents . Loamsft Dis- Cashft Ex8« curiti su TROMBaku ! W. T,. mark $ 15.000 $ 5,000 $ Quay_____ Pawnee C 10 First State Bank------- *t§’17 J. W. Neil — — - C. M. Prowant— - . R. E. Neil______— 86-1060 10 Pop. 2000 4.050 15,000 D. H. Powers____ Rex Nortjyke___ Quinlan State Bank___»t§’07 Quinlan— Woodward B3 86-864 10 Pop. 355 11,400 W. E. Robison — *12.500 DeWitt Knight___ J. H. Fitzer______ Farmers State Bank___t§’07 Quinton__Pittsburg F 14 86-487 10 Pop. 1800 5,000 25,000 Jas. Noblin-f.____ First National Bank—___»t’02 J. McClenahan---86-486 7.500 10,000 G. K. Marshall____ tS’04 Bank of Commerce------Ralston____Pawnee B 11 86-527 10 Pop. 750 R esources. 1094 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given banlc in exc^us*ve^y by_The Band-McNally Bankers’, 1094 *° eacb ; See the STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma City O K L A H O M t A ----- C o n t i n u e d W 11U 1 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in Hates, t*race, »For Interest * * * » '- ■ — : ------ » ----------ê ô c* For Holidays, see opposite page Id.1 , tL dexed back ofi this a e x e a in iu u u cn . u n u m volume. v v iu m n . etc., see page 14. v: S E E K I N G A D D IT IO N A L . F A C I L I T I C O N T E M P L A T I N G A B A N K IN G C H A N G E ? m nc lU y O T own Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclnsiTely by The Band-McNaUy Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. and County . N ame of Bank . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estafe. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed, Res. P resident . see tne s i fl i h V ice-President . ----- A ss ’ t Cashier . Cashier . / L. B. JACKSON~ H. H. JOHNSON — W. ¿.HOOVER AMERICAN / Our Collection Facilities are Go od. Prompt Service given items dir ect Merchant s, Manufacturers and Banks. NATIONAL BANK \Jfrom < ’05 86-61 Bank of Commerce -__< § ’16 H. C. Hughes------- W. B. Key------86-1038 V FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 01 86-59 > / J.D. BERRY — ---- R. E. CARDWELL. J. A. SMITH SAPULPA STATE BANK Li a b il it ie s . Subplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Resources. 30,000 $ 15.000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 10,000 _____ $ 100,000 91,360 475.000 282,000 100,000 20.000 50,000 15,000 20,200 15,000 335,000 10,000 1,000 63,000 28,000 30,000 10,000 200,000 194,400 50,000 30,000 395,000 441,000 31,000 14,000 315,000 281,000 10,000 2,060 110,000 80,000 25,000 4,600 130.000 110,500 25,000 12,500 260,000 200,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Inter-State N., Kan. C., Mo.; 1st N./Ft. Worth; Am. N., Okla. 10,340 State N. and S. W. Reserve, Oklá.; Okla. N., Chickasha. , L 40,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Wofth. 99,100 350.000 100,000 Pr incipal Correspondents . LOAN8&DlB- Gash&Ex c ’tb . B onds, changes,Due Securities fromBanks 1st N., Ft. Worth; Merch. & Plan. N., Sher man, Tex.; Tradesmens State, Okla. Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. /C.; Muskogee N., Mus ' 11' k0g66. 38,000 1st N., Kan. C. and Ft. Smith. 71,500 1st N., Muskogee; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; New Eng. N.. Kan. C.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 76.000 Mech. & Metals N.,' N. Y.; Gent. N., St. L,: Midw. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C.; City N., Ft. Smith. 30.000 Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; Cent. State and Okla. State, Enid. ■> 49,100 1st N. and Producers State, Tulsa; Tra. N., Kan. C. 100,000 Ex. N., Tulsa: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st State, Okla. 30,700 1,422,210 1,186,220 346,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla.; 1st N., St. L. 821000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan C.; State N., Okla.; Producers State and UnioiTN., Tulsa. 225,520 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. QU ICK RETURNS 50,000 H. H. Kinnaird—i.. E F- McGEE ~ -------- R. H. BARTLETTfC . J. BENSON--— F . B. R E ED -------ted on day o f pay ecialty and remit LCollections a sp 8.000 395,660 234,770 55,730 824,920 861.610 W J Ï fî1 f» e > 50,000 ur busi ness* /H. a. Mc Ca u l ey . . . j. G. ELLINGHAUSEN— 0. B. PICKETT-— 100,000 48,580 1,323,670 1,307,300 303,590 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Inter-State N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. N.. St. L. /Accounts of c o r p o r a t io n s , merchants, j banks and in d iv id u a ls a r e solicited, \ Collections g iv e n p r o m p t attention. 86-63 < §’10 Sasakwa__Seminole G 11 Bank of Sasakwa_____< § ’06 W. R. Barney____ J. D. Boxley_____ W. B. Osborn____ 86-876 10 Pop. 450 < § ’14 E. E. Whitaker___ J. J. F r y ___. . . . . . A. L.Zeiher___ First State Bank_____ Savanna —Pittsfeurg G 13 86-1006 10 Pop. 350 »Sayre____ Beckham F 1 Beckham County NationalBk H. A. Russell____ W. P. Turner.____ O. M. Marsh___ 86-255 <11 10 Pop. 1881 I . 0. Thurmond— . First National Bank____< ’01 E. K. Thurmond— Guy Ford______ 86-254 Scipio___ .Pittsburg F 13 Scipio State Bank_____<812 R. P. Brewer— _ T. Myers___ ___ — Everett L. Wilson J. C. Schlicht 86-944 10 Pop. 100 Selling______ Dewey C4 First National Bank___ < ’07 F. C. Hoyt-------- -- W. E. Jaquith____ T. L. Davis_____ F. C. Strauss 86-628 10 Pop. 500 Florence Pittman. Seiling State Bank------< § ’17 W. L. Pittman___ C. H. Case____ 86-1067 Q. B. Mitchell— 15,000 7,960 151,720 120,860 40,790 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N.t Holdenville Guaranty State. Muskogee. Aurilla Mackey— 12,000 2,500 75,000 79,000 12,500 N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.; 1st N. and Okla. State, MeAlestef. W. E. Simmonds. 25,000 11,550 275,000 170,000 129,000 New Eng. N., Kan. G.; lstN .,St.L.: Far. N. Okla.; Kan. N.. Wichita. J. C. Hood_____ .25,000 22,570 384,090 370,930 85,760 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L.; N.Bk.Com.. Kan.O.; Am. N., Okla. l&OOO 1st N. and Okla. State, McAlester; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 90,580 Han. N„ N. Y.; Comw. N„ Kan. C.: Union N. and Union Stock Yds. N.. Wichita. 9,560 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Gerlach, Woodward; 4th N., Wichita. ______________ Inez Moldrup—„ STATE NATIONAL BANK, Oklahoma City Gives Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis h a n k , uklahoma Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Hates, t*race,P—' etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. t O K L A H O M A ----C o n tin m e c l $ Rush Springs..Grady G 7 First National Bank-----< ’06 J. A. Slaton______ G. W. Hill____— M. J. Collins____ Jno. J. Lents____ 86-441 10 Pop. 1500 First State Bank-------- i§’08 J. J.G aut_____— J. D. Shook_____ Jasu Ballew-----.— E. M. Blundell— 86-443 Ryan_____ Jefferson J 7 First National Bank___< ’01 . L. Worrell____ O. B. Garrison___ J. H. Whiteside— R. E. Fisher_____ ; 86-350 10 Pop. 1207 M. H. Barrett_____ N. Barrett_______ _ H. V. Bird_____ d J. D. Thompson..J Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 86-351 < § ’06 — H. E. Purdy_____ Salina___S__ Mayes 0 15 Bank of Salina_______ < § ’12 T. L. Walkinshaw. E. T. Stroud J. M. Wagnon 86-967 , 10 Pop. 600 R. W. Armstrong— N. D. Rhodes— -J J. A. Morrow____ L. C. Moore.......„ »Sallisaw—Sequoyah E 16 Citizens National Bank—< ’14 86-996 10 Pop. 3500 . J. E. McDonald___ J. H. Baker______ Gus Warshauer___ W. H. McDonald__ MerchantsNational Bank<’05 E .E. Sexton 86-208 H. E. McDonald - — Thomas J. Delaney W. N. Francis.—— D. P. Delaney___ Sallisaw Bank & Trust Co. 1 86-209 < § ’07 Saltfork____..Grant B 7 State Exchange Bank_i§’1900 W. C. Muegge____ A. Ingram______ _ E. O. Brewer_____ 86-875 10 Pop. 200 H. E. Stewart------- Chas. O. Morrow .. Sand Springs—Tulsa C 12 Guaranty State Bank...< §’17 C. W. Benedict___ A. L. Stewart, Active 86-1048 10 Pop. 1200 Sand Springs State Bk.<§'13 Chas. Page_______ E. A. Page...____ C. B. Rawson___— E. M. Monsell Geo. Kinney 86-959 »Sapulpa____ Creek C 12 10 Pop. 16.000 WA i iu n a l j ') 10,000 2,250 46,000 42,000 25,000 9,590 214,880 104,100 10,000 ^ 1,930 59,720 65,500 C O N S IS T E N T CAR EFUL Service to Customers Seminole. .Seminole F 11 First National Bank.. ___t’09 10 Pop. 1500 86-571 First State Bank..___ „ « ’06 86-570 Sentinel____Washita F 8 First National Bank—— . i ’ll 10 Pop. 1200 86-422 Security State Bank. — §’19 186-1118 Shamrock__ Creek D 11 Citizens Bank_____ - • « ’16 10 Pop. 3000 86-675 j . M. Brisco_____ J. H. Killingsworth T. G. Smith______ D. A. Killingsworth $ 25,000 $ 6,500 $ 275,000 $ 190,000 $ 130,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. YV; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; W. E. Harber Shawnee N., Shawnee. C. M. Cade _ 15,000 50.000 State N., Shawnee: N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.: F. Enappenberger. M. E. Templeton _. 11,000 174,000 175.000 Wilkin-Hale State, Okla. 25,000 75.000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O. 12,500 225,000 192.000 C. H. Griffith____ J. A. Hyndman___ R. A. Champlin . . . L. D. Galloway__ L. F. Alspaugh 100,000 67.000 40,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. W. B. Stephens — W. O. Callaway___ E. J. Winningham. 150,000 ’ 10,000 194,000 192,000 58,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Union N. and Producers State, Tulsa; 1st N., Drumright. 15,000 3,500 H. H. JOHNSON — HOMER D. KEY— W. E. HAMLIN— e personal atten non o f an officer of this bank, CENTS sent to us with each slg ht draft for prese ntation and CENTS for each credit report insu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 145,000 101,500 35,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Am. N.rSapulpa: Drumright State, Drumright; State N., Okla. C. G. Seaton_____ Sharon ...Woodward C~2 Sharon State Bank.—- -• « ’12 J. O. Krouth J. A. Trotter oum .'. .T. Rraekett.! 10 Pop. 500 86-947 Shattuck______ Ellis 0 1 Bank of Shattuck..—— « ’11 .1. L. Pryor___ W, H. Lothman___ 10 Pop. 1500 86-342 Shattuck National Bank—f 09 J. Hi O. Stuart..— R. S. Oates ____ J. L. Stuart___ i__ W-E. Stuart____ 86-343 10,000 2,570 76,280 15,000 4,000 150,000 117,000 30,000 15,000 250,000 220,000 75,960 . *14.490 Drov. N., Kan. G.: Gerlach and Cent. Ex. . Woodward. Okla. 15,600 Gomw. N., Kan. C.; Gerlach, Woodward. 50,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita. f WALLACE ESTILL,JR. A. J. FLUKE ----------C. G. W ITTE-_____ 100,000 34,360 1,015,580 1,096.660 185,350 1st N., Chi. aDd St. L.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Shawnee...Pottawatomie NAT’ L BK. OF COMMERCE ■j Personal presen tatlon riven dally ¿ A B W a s s o f Notes, Drafts, etc. Re mlttanc e and r eports State N., Okla. 10 Pop. 18,138 E10 86-31 •i’ll (m ade prompt! y. Send 25c in St amps with Notes and Drafts, which will be crédité d on ch arges w hen coll ected. Jno. W. Jones____ J. L. Roebuck___ A. E. Waters____ .T. Fllis SECURITY STATE BANK 50,000 20,000 700,000 625.390 130,490 Seab. N., N. Y.; Comw. N. and Drov. N., Kan. • « ’10 86-34 Paul Reed C.: Cent. N„ St. L. H. T. DO UG LAS-— J . M. AYDElOTTE-t—- L. L . HUMPHREYS - M .M . MEEK— SHAWNEE H. T. RIDDLE oi nanus, oanners ana oiners soncuea. boiiecuons a specially. NATIONAL BANK Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. 150,000 71,590 1,837,820 2,023,730 350,490 Seab. N., N. Y .; N. Bk.Com ., S t.L .;N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 100,000 35,500 951,100 832,520 305,100 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Tulsa and St. L. 25,000 7,000 350,000 265,000 5,000 5.000 90,000 ‘‘50,000 112,000 Han. Nw N. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.; WilkinHale State, Okla. 45,000 N. Bk.Com., Kan.C., Mo.; 1st N'„ Pawnee State Ex„ Okla. 63,440 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.;Ex. N„ Tulsa. mccoqms •i’98 STATE NATIONAL BANK •* 02 G. E. McKinnis___ J. H. Fisher.____ O. M. Cade 86-32 UNION STATE BANK . . • « ’08 86-33 Skedee____ Pawnee B 10 Citizens State Bank...— « ’04 10 Pop. 289 86-877 Skiatook____ Tulsa B 12 First National Bank.. — •i'04 &K-51Û . 10 Pop. 1050 OklahomaNational Bank.«’13 86-520 Willard Johnston.. G. S. Baxter E. M. Clark W.J. Byron, N- S. Barnett, Jr. ' A. C ash . W. Ross Johnston- J. F. Newman____ C.J. Shapard____ •T. E. Newell C. H. Cleveland___ R. E. Gilbert____ F. F. Cochran___ A. W. Lucas ____ L. A. O’Brien____ T.. L. Wiles rC . H. FAWKS — J. E. W IL LIA M S .- H. J. BROWN — C. M. PORT WOOD Snyder_____ _ Kiowa G 4 FIRST NATIONAL B A N K -*i’13 < Patronize a gro wing bank. 10 Pop. 1500 86-971 H 245,000 242,690 9,720 414,130 229,180 25,000 . 7,500 175,000 200,000 2,000 240.000 227,000 120,000 234,850 Cent. N., Tulsa; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Ist N., Pawhuska and Tulsa; State N., Okla. 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N. and Drov. N., Kan. C. x : - O. B. Kee_______ F. E. Slader. T. M. Wnnfly 20,000 35,000 Han. N. and Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N.,Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; Okla. N„ Chickasha. 50.000 Cent. N.. St. L. T. E. Oakes G. Y . Harris_____ A . j . Steen........... >w. T. TRIli« 30,000 1,200 155,000 F.. B. Bryan S. F. Nelson_____ L. G. Webb 15,000 3,000 70,000 75,000 25,000 Cent. N„ St. L.; Cent. State, Hugo. D. E. Thomas____ H. T. Riddle_____ T. K. Davenport.. 12,000 3,950 116,900 97,670 J. B. Boen_______ Mrs. E. S. Poole... E. S. Poole 10,000 2,100 84,000 49,000 18.810 1st N., Kan. O.; Shawnee N., Shawnee; Guar anty State, Ardmore. 42,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st State, Okla. Mabel L. Sharpe__ SERVICE— -Use the STATE NATIflNAI BANK Name o f Bonk is the New Transit Number given 1/Yfl 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ l U y / Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Oklahoma July, 191 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under t l H 8.000 1 Collections hav e the personal at tentlon o f an offl cer. Superior Ser vice. (.THE PERSONA L SERVICE BA NK. Kiowa State Bank... . . • « ’13 A. F. Kee. _ 86-371 Soper_____ Choctaw 1 13 First National Bank..—-•{’13 11 Pop. 600 86-878 Liberty State Bank ...- • « ’18 . 86-1099 Sparks____ Lincoln -110 Farmers & Merch. Bank.tS’02 86-879 10 Pop. 700 Spencer__Oklahoma E 8 Spencer State Bank...— « ’13 10 Pop. 232 S. L. Nabors 25,000 25,000 OKLAHOMA BANKS— Seminole to Spencer 11,000 W. E. Brown____ A. A. Seaton (C. E. JACKSON hav FIRST STATE BANK- - • « ’15 JICollections TWENTY-FIVE 86-1034 (t w e n t y - f i v e 86-30 1096 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ dexed in back of this volume. For Interest^Rates, Grace, OKLAHOMA— Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. ... L ia b il it ie s . iI, R esources , i T own and County . N ame op Ba n e , i P rincipal Correspondents . •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Staté ' Pr e sid e n t . Loans &Dis Cash &E x V ice -P re sid e n t . C a sh ie r . A s s ’ t Ca sh ie r . Paid - up Surplus D epos e Fig. under town is u rs. Bonds, changes ,D ue tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. and Capital its Securities prom B anks Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Profits [Estab. 1096 ----Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws, Directors, ib* dexed in hack of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,! ^ e tc ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13-1£1» SERVICE— Use the STATE NATWNAI BANK Oklahoma to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers9 Town and County. ¿County Seats. Figure under town is Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. State Guaranty Bank —< § ’13 .Tt M. Wren . 86-979 First National Bank — »t'08 J. R. Redwine___86-362 10 Pop. 1500 Spiro State Bank_____ <§T3 86-977 Sterling__Comanche 6 6 Farmers & Merch. Bank<§'03 R. H. Williams___ 86-883 10 Pop. 400 R. A. Zebold_____ ¿Stigler____Haskell F 15 American National Bank 86-285 »t’04 10 Pop. 2500 (C. H. NASH-— — JThe oldest, larg FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’04 )This bank has a 86-284 (We want your Vice-President. — —“ STILLWATER NATIONAL BK. 86-143 *3 94 Stillwater State Bank— 118 86-146 ¿Stiiwell—. ___Adair D 10 First National Bank— —< ’07 86-385 10 Pop; 2000 First State Bank--------- J§’13 86-384 Stonewall—Pontotoc H 11 First National Bank_____ »$’03 86-562 10 Pop. 1000 J. W. Fields_______ Cashier. $ 10.000 $ M. B. Goodwin __ 25.000 " Pop.v3Q0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 189,000 23,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Merch. N„ Ft. Smith. 358,190 208,950 175,710 New Eng. N „ Kan. 0.; Ark. Valley and 1st N„ Ft. Smith. Ark.: 1st N „ St. L. 15,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. €.; 1st N „ Lawton: Tradesmens State, Okla. 65,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith and Muskogee. 75,000 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N „ Kan. C.; Merch. N„ Ft. Smith, Ark.; 1st N„ Muskogee. 20,000 10.000 3.000 70,000 110,000 25.000 9,660 190,000 191.000 15,000 275,000 200,000 W. 1. CALLOWAY-— bank in HaskeU o f safe and cons your Sttgler item EUGENE WALKER— County. ervative banking, s direct. 50,000 65,000 10,000 320.000 232,000 25,000 J. L. Norman_____ T. B. Turner_____ H. B. Cook____ C. C. Beller 176,040 553,030 437,410 10,420 50.000 L. C. W ise______ W. T. Keys______ W. B. Swinford— , G. E. Matkin 75,000 3.000 300,000 250,000 30.000 TH0S. GILCHEASE - C. E. DONART - — R. S. JARRELL— c „ It ems ion given Collect ions. Send us y our Bill o f Ladln g, Sigh t Drafts and e. Bankin g servie al presentation a nd remittance da ily. We specialize in glvin g REAL 90,690 23,700 449,850 411,460 25,000 J. H. Donart______ E. E. Good— Geo. Bollinger Thos. N. Berry 50,790 78.140 55.010 25,000 2,680 W. L. Lahman.—— W , M S ta r k ___ ' 120,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State Okla. . 50,000 N. Reserve, Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 15,000 7,500 250,000 150,000 96,000 Inter-State N„ Kan. C.: Muskogee N., Mus 35,000 22,170 164,270 281,050 25,230 1st N., Ada. 10.000 11,500 300,140 175,220 B. G. Fletcher-___ C. L„ Fletcher------- Albert Carlson_____ James T. Worsham W. H. Stevens —___ C. A. Acker, Aciit;e W. S. Furlong- — G. W. Garrett I. H. Strickland, C. H. R obb ________ Fay C. Carnes_____ D. G. Elkins A. R. Collins — ___ P. M. Hardwick — E. White________ M. C. Nicholson E. B. W hite-____ Percy B. Zerby— OhaseN., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.; Union N., Tulsa; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. 190,000 25,000 E. B. Arnold______ _ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Comw. N.. Kan. O.: Com’IN., Muskogee; Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith. Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. O.; Okla. Stock Yds. N;. Okla. Seab. N., N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Trades mens State. Okla.: Producers State, Tulsa. 3,300 H. W. Burch ______ C. F. Hughes______ V.-P. 143,000 M. V. Gates_____- W. B. FEARS---— ; est and strongest successful record business. Send DlrectotB, 1,500 $ 115,000 $ 76,000 $ 54,200 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ex. N„ Tulsa. W. L. Seaman____ Frank H. Tibbitts E. M. Zebold____ Lows» 12,500 6.500 W. L. Stocker-____ J. B. Sylender . — Lawyers, Resources. Liabilities . Principal Correspondents. * . LoamskDu- Cashk ExDepos c Paid- up Subplus j ’ts. Bords, chamois,Dux and its J Capital Profits Brguritim promBark* -- -------------------—----------------- -----------—[f*---— J. D. Winters____ _ 16*08 C. H. Rives______ — W. P. Rives............ - E. C. Perry ________ W. L. Ross________ R. A. Smith_______ Arthur Carnes_____ E. M. Bowers 86-972 10 Pop. 350 Stratford . Garvin G 9 First National Bank.___ »t’07 M. D. Timberlake— C. E. Goodwin.—— 86-490 £0 Pop. 1200 Ewing Snoddy_____ State Bank of Stratford.ti’08 86-491 W. A. Cleveland — 0 . D. Allison _______ Strinetown___Atoka H 13 Farmers & Merch. Bank*lf‘05 86-885 11 Pop. 300 F. E. Herring------- D. N. Hunt________ Strong City—Roger Mills JfirSk OlalC DAU&. . . . . -4*1 l i 86-958 10 Pop. 500 D1 W. E. Brown__ — Stroud______ Lincoln D 11 First National Bank______ «’02 86-349 10 Pop. 1500 E. L. Conklin______ Oscar Presson_____ .T , T L Oharlps Stroud State Bank--------- 1§’98 86-1039 M. L. Smith_______ D. B. London..___ fttnarl . —.Hughes F 12 Liberty National Bank,-—19 86-1110 10 Pop. 700 J. C. Holman____ G. E. Rogers____ A. G. Murry 86-941 W. D. Gibson.— Sugden____Jefferson 1 7 86-887 10 Pop. 350 n, A. Bryan ¿Sulphur——Murray H 1C Bank of Commerce------*21*07 I. E. Pacey . 86-132 10 Pop. 4138 ,A Noble Mitchell___ Farmers National Bank.<*17 |I — 86-1066 C. E. Easterling___ if. R» Manning.— Park National Bank— »1*08 86-133 V-R-Unrl _____ Sumner______ Noble 0 9 Sumner State Bank___ t§’09 JJi IT•XJOAICIm «mhm C vn Onfl 86-888 10 Pop. 200 __ E. C. Million_____ B. Million, J r .____ Supply___woodward B 1 Bank of Supply______ < § ’05 B. Million First State Rank 86-563 Ass ’t Cashier. Towns» dexed in Lack of this volume. For Interest States» Grace,! ^ etc.» see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d 10 Pop. 400 First State Bank_____ < § ’08 86-286 ¿Stillwater___.Payne C 9 First National Bank____< ’99 W T. TTprt 86-144 10 Pop. 4500 (JOSEPH DVORAK. STATE BK. OF COMMERCE < Vigorous attent 86-145 «$*1900 (Direct. Person ----Accessible Number under Nume o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 146,420 Secur N., Okla.; Okla. State, Ada; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 35,000 Muskogee N.. Muskogee: Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., 10,000 3,300 92,000 67,000 25,000 190.000 240,000 60,000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.: Am. N., Okla. 12.500 12,000 6,000 105,000 116,000 16,000 Tradesmens State, Okla. 10,000 4,000 90,000 35,0b0 20,000 2,310 119,620 122.330 60,000 Okla. State, Atoka: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., McAlester. 19,960 N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0.: 1st N., Clinton.. 25,000 7,030 186,260 171,400 52,710 Am. N.v Okla. 25.000 5,000 378.320 261,750 142,560 Tradesmens State and State N., Okla.: Tra. N.. Kan. C.; Producers State, Tulsa. 10,890 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Am. N., McAlester. 25,000 2.500 31,100 39,020 25,000 12,500 200,000 210,000 10,000 8,290 68,500 44,060 25.000 6,780 283,410 356,350 50,000 5,820 ' 197,000 176,980 25,000 5,000 311,350 243,820 50,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Shawnee: McAlester Tr, Co., McAlester. 38,710 1st N.. Gainesville, Tex.: Okla. Stock Yds. N. and S.W. Reserve, Okla. 77,200 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. Kan. G.; Far. N.. Okla. 87,900 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N. and State N., Okla. 118,390 N.City.N.Y. 5,000 1,500 40,000 36,000 5,000 Producers State, Tulsa: Far. & Merch., Perry. 15.000 6,680 115,290 124,650 23.360 1st N „ Woodward; Drov. N., Kan. C. OLDEST NATlflNAI BANK INIOKLAHOMA Cl h — STATE NATIONAL BANK Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by The K and^lcN ally Bankers’ Directory, under thè authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. i Town and County. N ame on B ank . •Mem. Áiú. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tJPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estât». Accessible Towns, Lawyers^ Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, dexed in back of this volume. OKLAHOMA^Continued Liabilities . Pr esid en t . VICE-PRESIDENT. ■ GASSIER. ' 50,000 J; R. Wyly I_____ R. H. Couch_____ W. P. ft'ieks.____ R. J. Wiggins 40,000 G. D. Davis.. Oi Graves.;___ ___ jof e : Bullard!____ A. B. Bullard .. J. B. Harper. Mrs. J,'B. Harper.. P. L. Francis... 1(1,000 10,000 Blanche Duncan... S. L. Chowning — J.T . Bailey______ Bërtha Evans__ J. H. Cruthis ( M. L. CALDWELL R. S. CALDWELL - J .M . CALDWELL - Send your colle étions and cash items direct, »Tecumseh-Pottawatomie FARMERS NATIONAL BANK I(Presented by an officer and rem it ted for promptly, 1;0. Pop. 2100 F 10 86-283 ’02 ( For Efficient, S aflsfaçtory Servie e, Try Us. <l900 F. V. Askew.——. Resources. S. l i Larsli —____ F. E. Huett TECUMSEH NATIONAL BANK £. L. Rosebush_ D. W. Spencer____ M. H. Wagner. • 86-282 Î1900 T. D. Smith Temple___....Cotton 16 Farmers State Bank___< § ’05 B. H. Gravesr:.—. E. L. Richardson.. T. W. Jensen 10 Pop. 852 86-431 Security National Bank .$’19 M. F. Ray —\a— . Otho Mooney_____ E,J..A. Merte——-. 86-1115 Terlton. . . . . . Pawnee C 3 First State Bank..— . < § ’14 H. A. McCauley v: C. J? Shapard— .. 15.1";Epperson—.— Dora M.î Jackson .. 10 Pop. 500 86-894 Tetfral---— Jefferson J 7 First State B a n k --— 1§’08 S. G. T rout....—.. J. R, Trout-.— . H. Gf Marshalls__.-. Maude Marshall — 10 Pop. 573 86-895 Texhoma— Texas J 3 Farmers State Banku— < §’07 L. G. Blackmer___ B. S .N eff...— — W. E- Galloway 10 Pop. 1200 86-619 First National Bank < ’07 J. J. Dimmitt____ F. A. Sewell,Active Arthur Littell____ E, Lee Nichols 86-618 Texola____ Beckham F 1 Guaranty State Bank___t §’10 J. T. Cronin H. A. fills 10 Pop. 361 86-625 Thomas..-.— Custer D 4 Farmers State Guar. Bank B. Sanders „ — ; W. L.;McCluñgü.^!í W*D. 'Alexander!! ! 10 Pop. 1670 D; R. Cloud;; Active 86-316 t§’09 1 SlCUBITIM 25,000 4,850 135J5Ö 181,400 135,000 25,000 7;,500 150,000 15,000 1,720 111,050 69,490 25,000 41,500 151,000 27O.OOO 25,000 15,d00 M m 295,000 25,000 iö:oöo 250,000 150,000 2*0,000 2,400 165,000 192,000 2,100¡ 64,040 58,450 100,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 3,300 125,0Q0 æ«ooo] Eeoo 125.000 98,600 25,000 10,660 318,440 252,790 15,000 7,500 M m 95,000 .:8,000 ’iifíóúp. 155,000 25.000 20,Ó0() 30D;oòo 275,000 25,000 5,000 140,000 175,000 25,000 ; Collec tions and Requests for Crc d i t R e p o r t s M U S T be accompanie d by , FIRST NATIONAL DANK-< 17 ÍFEE IN ADVAN CE I Plain sight dr dits, 15c; Crédit'ite pórte, 50c.' ' * 86-1064 »personal Attent ion to .drafts. Be mittance on day of collection. 1,500 37,000 62,000 86-314 jE. b. FOSTEft-— M. ABERNETHY — C H A SE. SHAW E.E.HUFF Active . »Do a general B anklng and Exch ange business, 'Special attentio n to Items and C ollections. 0. H. JOHNSON Tipton_____ Tillman 1 4 Farmers State Bank — < § ’09 C. W. Howard — . R. S. Carlile__. . . . W. W. Childers,.__A. R. Carlile............ 86-897' “ »nwmnw! -jmm ■ Jimtwst . ... 10 Pop. 1000 (J. R. McMAHAN R .S .Ç A R L IL E - - C. M. SHELTON, C. B. Burrows . ___ .I,,P. Whatley____ R. T. Looney_____R. ,C. Fleming . : ___ C; B. Thomas D» C. ifeter.,____ ~ Jas. R- McKinney.. C .;D; Admns^— —£ Clyde FaughD____ D. K. Hathqrn— C. T. Barrrtiger John D. .White___ G, M.Çassity.__ 14,000 250,000 228,000 5|),000 25,00,0 325,000 275.OOO Nr.M- Squ _,7TrT— W m 4. 6^0 149.190 154,630 Ray. See—— ,_____ ", 25,000 . F. H. Haselwood__ J. A. Jones______ German French,Jr. Fred French_____ C. G. Olmstead J. W, McMillen.. . J. ,N. Starr —__ ... R. P. .Wycoff U____ Are You ! Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under 25,000 S E E K IN G ADDITIONAL;. F A C IL IT IE S ? \f C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B A N K IN G C H A N G E ? 10,000 .25,000 t; V2;500 630,000 530,000 ■ ■ ■ WÊÊÊÊÊ 50,000 Coal &’ Iron N.,fH. Y.yN.jReserye Kan. Q,; State N„ Shawnee. ekodo Seab. J u N. Yl; Comw. N.» Kan. C. . 125,000 Mech. & Metals’ N„ N. Y.; Comw. Ni, Kan. n W•;’ 60.000 N, Bk. 'Com., Kan, C.‘; Cfit'iz. State, Lawton. . Han. N.y N* Y.j SGeur. N»» Okl3,.; IntGr-St9<t6 N., Kan; C. ll,250i lstN.iTulsa and Pawnee; Inter-State N;, Kan. /C . ; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa. 50,000 Gent. N.f St.jL;; StW,tReserve, Okla.: 1st N., Bowie, Tex. 25,000 Inter-State N/, Kan. G.;i Am..State, Wichita; Amarillo N„ Amarillo, Tex. 106,660 New Eus^N. and Drovv Ni; Kan. C.; 1st N„ AmarilJo.vTex, and Ft. W o r t h ; , . ; 1 50!ooo Tradesmens State, Okla.; 4th N„ Wichita; 1st : N., Elk City. 34,000 Chatham & Phenix N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., . Kan. G.: „Cent. State, Enid. 100,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Drov. N. and New Eng. N., Kan. C;;. ,Far, N „ Okla. ; 25,000 New Eng. N„Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com,, Fred erick, Okla. 12,500 Drpv, N.„ Kan, C„; Am,; N,. Okla. 50.QOO Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; .Drov. N. and N. Bjc. CQin,, K^,n. H i 4m. N.,' Okla. ; 7.5,0% Seab. N -iN iTirSew 'Epg. N., Kan..C.: State N., Okla. ! 36,169 Mech.& M,etals.N„ N. Y.; Guaranty .State and ^State NlvYrdmbrer-'N^Bk.' Coni., Kan. C/i 45,009 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Kan- O.: Secur.. 1N.. Okla1.; lsvNV, AtBMson ’161,000 Mech.& Metals N..N.Y.: Inter-State N., Kan, C.; Kan. N., Wichita; Producers State, Tuisa. New Eng. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Wichita. ! See the STATE NATIONAL BANK. Name or Bank is.tbe New XranaU Number given 1 flO O to each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ 1 u y ? Directory, under the authority óf The Americati Bankets Ass’ p. 50,000 2,750 . 220,000 . 197,000 33,400 Mech. & Metals 1st N.! Ft. Smith; Drov. N., Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 30,000 N.^Park, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Am. N., Okla. 56,270 Fid.N. Bki & Tr,y Kan. C.; 1st N., Miami, Okla. O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d _______July, Ì9i9 shomingo Johnston Farmers National Bank.< 01 »Tishpmingo— I 11 86-307 f r Pop»M2500 First National Bank___< ’01 86-305 Guaranty State Bank__< § ’16 ‘ 86-865 Tonkawa.— — Kay A 8 AMERICAN STATE BANK 10 Pop. 2000 ! 86-267 < § ’07 Bank of Commerce___< § ’06 86-266 Farmers National Bânk>j.’19 80-1125 PEARL SMITH fromBanks 6.900 $ 185.000 $ 186.000 $ 50,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Droy. N.‘, Kan. C.; Ex. N„ Muskogee. . 54,410 ’ 425,190 366,170 107,900 Han. N., N. Y.; N, Reserve, Kan. O.; State N., St. L.;-Com’1 N., Muskogee. 12,400 418,990 337,320 118,520 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. Li; Comw. N., Kan. C*; 1st N...Muskogee. 95,000 4,100 68,000 31,000 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. of Claremore, • Claremore. . . • • , . »nmn<:* k,750 79^560 89,230 25.540 1st N.. St. L.V McATester Tr. Co., McAlester. 25,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.< 02 Principal Correspondents, i ________________OKLAHOMA BANKS— Tahlequah to Tonkawa D. O. Scott______ J. B, Pearson:..— L. L. Leslie.—. ___ SyG. Phillips- VTaloga_____iDewey C 3 First National; Bank. —. < ’ A. H. Keith— — — J, Ej Ruble.-—— . F. G. Delaney...-v D. D. Delaney 10 Pop. 400 86-576 Tab River .i.Ottáwa A 16 Cardin State Bank.— .< § ’18 S. S. Potter Dan Isi ey Tt G. Dunlap-——. 86rlQ72 fO Pop. 750 First National Bank 86-281 its Pbopits (S- M. REDBURN— W. S- BARNES__ — W. S. BARNES— $ 25.000 $ W. F. GERMANN. •Tahlequ&h___Cherokee CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK <This Bank-gets out, and m akes c o llections. 10 Pop. 3500 D 16 86-995 < ’13 (15c advance fee m ust a ccom p an y sight drafts and 50c crédit reports. First National Bank___ . i ’91 86-177 FIRST STATE BANK — <§'08 W . 86-178 Talala______ Rogers B 13 First State Bank_____ < § ’04 10 POP. 750 " 86-891 Talihina— Le Flore Q 16 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 10 Pop. 1500 86-565 < §’09 First National Bank___< ’05 86-564 II ' Ass'T Cashier . Paid-up SUBPLtrs Depos LoansStDia ¡¡a Csa ash• £xc’tb. Bonds, ohanges,Dub AND Capital 1098 in n o A vyo Oklahoma City Accessible , Towns,, . Lawyers, Laws. Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, G ra ce:'-r1 e tc ., 'see page 14. For Holidays, see Opposite page 18,|p . Are TOWN 1 C O N TEM PL ATI NG À B A N K 1N G Num ber under N am e o r Bank ù t b e New T n n s i t N um ber given each bank in D. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, un der th e authority òf T he A m erican ' Bankers Ass’ n. and C H ANG E? , òee ine 5 ia i t CASHIER. V ice-President. Tribbey__Pottawatomie Security State Bank___tS’ll 86-933 10 Pop. 400 F10 Tryon_____ Lincoln D 10 Farmers & Merch. Bank.t§’03 L. W. Baxter_____ ff. R.Slnan 86-898 10 Pop. 176 »Tulsa___ „..T ulsa C 11 ¿AMERICAN NAT’L BANK S.Ü. King, Jr. Wm. }J. Wilson.... 86-10 « f f t J. Olsan, Cji.ofBd. 10 Pop. 78,000 Active * (Reserve City) Isaac Shuler Ora E. TJpp ./•¿Central National Bank.»f 07 J. E. Crosbie__ J. M. Kerry— -____ w 86-6 F. w . Bryant W. 0.,Buck : G. M. Ransom J. D. Howard.— _ 8. R. Grimes . . . — S 16.606 •flO 8fr-l * f 99 , 7 1 ,5 8 0 $ - 6 1 ,4 7 0 $ 2 5 ,3 0 0 3 ,1 1 0 F. E. Homey.____ W. L. Propst-------it D. H. Pratt 100,000 5 2 ,2 9 0 2 ,4 0 0 ,0 5 0 1 ,9 0 0 .1 8 0 1 ,1 2 0 ,9 3 0 F. L. Dunn— . . . - - F. V. Wilder 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 3 0 ^ ,6 4 0 9 ,8 7 9 ,1 0 0 9 , 6 8 9 ,8 8 0 2 ,6 8 6 ,1 3 0 1 2 6 .0 9 0 2 0 ,7 5 0 R. H. Berry W. A. Davis F. M. Reynolds Principal Correspondents. N.Bk>Cßm.,'KaTi. c,; Shawnee N., Shawnee* lst‘ N., Guthrie:'Fid. N. Bk. A Tr„ Kan. C.: Am. 'N.;' Tulsa.1 Irving N.. -N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„. Chi, Mtic.Tr. Co., St.L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kari.C. Chase N., N. Y.: Cónti&,ComT N.,Chi.: IstN.. Kan.'C. and Phil.; State N„ St. L. W. A. BROWNLEE- R. M. MOODY— — Collections will receive special attention. 550,130 25757330 23 623800 8,615,940 N. City, N. Y .; Ft. Dear. N., C h!.;N . Bk. Comi, St. L .: Drov. N., Inter-State N; and N. Bk.Com .,Kan C. SEE AD VERTIS EMENT Arthur New.!*11’®®6* M cCullo u g h H. 0. McCLURE— ROSCOE ADAMS.- M. M. SHAVER ■ W. E. • OWNING A. E. BRADSHAW ■ L N.W,GILLILAND J M NING Active v. P. L. K. CONE i T. EVERF C. W. BENEDICT Active’V.P, F. L, ALBA Collections sent us are not treated as a side line. | H. WALKER i ON OK LA HUM A MAP. 4 0 0 .0 0 0 100,000 300,MO 144,640 6,449,980 5,122,460 2,090,130 Mech. & Metals N., N .Y .; Cont. & Com*] . N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. . We employ experienced Collectors who make an extraordinary effort t o get th e m one y. ,iv ■ Reasons given for non-payment. Send direct for quick action. v / ¿Liberty National Bank. * f 12 A. E. Lewis-.,-.___ W; L. Lewis,¿Active C. G.Garrett— . . . N. W. Mayginnes 86-9 E. A, Ross J. H. McBirney— S. P. Mcfiirney___ A, F/HëndrVh 1111 ¿Nat. Bank of Commerce K C.JB, Wallace 86-4 T. J,Hartman Ç,.Aciiïe H , , S e g p r . __ J. S. Hopping...— s iti ¿Producers Slate Bank«±$.’15 N. T. Gilbert,Active 1 '■ 86-11 E. A, Gillespie È. W. Clapp Chas. W1 Brfewer__ Title Guarantee & Trust Co. % W. Woodford— W. S, Bailey... 86-13 +§’18 • "'' ■■See. nrid Tr. 6 5 ,0 0 0 2 ,6 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,8 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 0 100,000 7 4 ,0 0 0 2,200,000 1 ,3 5 0 ,0 0 0 1,000,000 Seab. N., N.i Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; 1st N. 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 5 9 ,2 1 0 3 ,0 9 5 ,7 2 0 2 ,5 1 9 ,1 5 0 8 7 0 ,7 8 0 100,000 2 6 ,3 2 0 6 9 1 ,6 9 0 > 3 3 1 ,9 8 0 4 8 6 ,7 4 0 2 3 1 ,6 7 0 1 2 ,8 7 0 St.IL. 86-1113 Y. H,. Day, , Anne Conway.. * <r' 11. Sec. Seab. N „ N.Y.; 1st N„ St. L.: N. Bk. Com. Kan. C. ■ 100,000 2 4 5 ,4 0 0 • 6 ,7 9 0 ' ,.u. .. , Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; New Eng. N. Kari. C. Mech. & Mfetals Nir N. Y.'? Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan. Ç.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Cent. N., Tulsa. * vHNION NAT’L BK. Tulsa Clearing House..__ . . . W. E. Brown (Members indicated by a*) W. L. Lewis— — H. E. Bagby, s e e k in g Ad d it io n a l f a c il it ie s ^ : : C O N T E M P L A T IN G A B AN K IN Ó ' C H A N G E ? C. B. Wallace, Tr.. _Sfic, and Mgr. M, C,.Burks,4, Mpf. : See the STATE NATIONAL BANK. Oklahoma t in Ì099 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86-12 ______ W. E. BROWN — — LEE CLINTON, Active J. P. BYRD, JR ... WILLARD JOHI HN— P. E .MAGEE, ? W.JVI. BAKER Active F. P.W AtTER, H f Çh.ofBd. L B. JACKSON BERT R. FARN FARMER 300,000 100,000 5,100,000 3,800,000 1,700,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Ÿ .; Cont. & Com*] H. H. ROGERS N „ Chi. ; Fid. N. Bk, & Tr., Kan. JC. ; 1st •f 16 C. F. HOPKINS X N., S t.L . • • A c c o ù n t s ô f C o r p o r a t io n s , B a n k e r s , M e r c h a n t s a n d in d i v id u a 1 s a r e s o lic i t edJ Y o u r c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , w ill b e a n s w e r e d b y a n o f f i c e r . : ¿SECURITY STATE BANKS 19 'Alva J i’Nftes____ I Chas. W. Brewer R, C. Lamprich. C. E. Steen ™ Robt, L, LeBus Lea MéBîruëy t. G, Y. Baker M. Rupp A. R. Marr____ P. À. Johnson < V $ M. O. Sloan—— . . . J. H- SUverthorn.. g. r . FIRST NAT’L BK. 5 ,1 8 0 1 1 6 ,3 6 0 Exchange Trust Co.——•§’18 E, W. Sinclair..... IT. L. Standevefi.-. R. Al. Moody. Tr. O. H.'Leonard 86-14 J. A. Chapman Frank Haskell H. F. Sinclair Wf $ 10,000 McFARLIN | H. W. JOHNSON ' E X C H A N G E O.H'LEONARD,K P. R.A.E. W.M.T. ALISON 6. A. BONN JACOB 0. F. MACON ... . JAKE, EASTON ", . . H. E. CROOKS N A T I BANK Unequaled facilities for the very best care of all business entrusted to us. 86-3 R esources . Liabilities . Surplus LOANS k Dis- Cash k E xPaid - up D epos c*rs. B onds; ohanosb ,D ue and its Capital Profits Bscuutw from B anks OKLAHOMA BANKS-^-Tribbey to Tulsa E. W. SINCLAIR___H. F. SINCLAIR— V " Ass ’t Oashier. 1919 President. A ^ e sslb le , T ow ns, . Lawyers, Laws. Directors. in dexed. in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 18. O K L A H O M A - — C o n tin u e d H a k e Op B ankîâ î ' County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. n a i i u n a l b a n k , uklahoma uity J u ly , 1 HO O A w ?? tou T own and County . N ame of Pr esid en t . Pop. 400 V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . A s s 't Cash ie r . % 25.000 I W. 0 . Duncan____ E. C. Breedlove... P. Statier_____ R. O. Sumter . 10.000 O. (V Phillips_____ 5,600 $ 119,980 $ 221.370 $ 19,0)0 1st N., Ada. 1.830 54,970 105.860 37,000 5,950 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: 1st N., Coalgate; Tradesmen’s State, Okla. 19,820 Okla. State, Atoka; N. Reserve, Kan. C. 1,200 38,000 15,000 1,500 150.000 125,000 50,000 1st N ., Ft. Smith, Ark.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 36,130 Inter-State N-, Kan. G.; State N„ Okla. 10,000 N. E. Tuell______ Pr in cipal Correspondents . 25.000 7.380 172,080 169,190 H. W. Duckwall.__ George W. Hogan.. J. Roy Sloan ____ 15,000 3,690 66,610 64,430 17,950 Far. N., Okla.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. A. G. Sampson___ 15.000 1,750 90,000 50,000 40.000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. W. Y. Cowden_______ G. S. Speakman... Fred Speakman___ 25,000 31,790 297,300 303.000 D. A. Bain_______ Geo. M. Jacques__ 10.000 1,500 38,500 42,690 H. T. Smith 10,000 4,160 115,260 101,210 50,000 45,000 425,000 360,000 88,710 F. F.-Kimble Floyd Kimble . .. Waldo Watkins___ A. W. Clarkson B. A. McCauley___ J. I. McCauley____ N. D. McCauley__ 103.930 Gate City N. and Drov. N., Kan. 0. 9,750 Home N.. Ark. City, Kan.; Inter-State N., Kan, C.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 28,210 N. Bk. Com., Kan. G.; Citiz. N. and El Reno State, El Reno. 179.000 Peo. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 8 890 Com’l N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0.: Producer’s State, Tulsa; Merch. & Plan. N., Ada. 48,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Union N., Bartlesville. 0,940 55,470 H. C. Bollman ____ C. C. Garlinghouse. M. Garlinghouse .. 10,000 10,000 4,000 85,000 51,000 E. L. Harvey_____ E. L. Harvey____ C. M. Roosevelt.... 25,000 8.000 140.000 140,000 45,000 Far. N.t Okla.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 25,000 20.000 230,000 305,000 25,000 13,000 200,000 180,000 35,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: Am. N., Okla.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Chickasha. 40.000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; City N„ Ft. Smith, Ark.; Com’l N., Muskogee. 15,000 Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith, Ark.; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 50,C00 Comw. N., Kan. C., Cent. Ex., Woodward; Secur. N., Okla. 24,500 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C„ Gerlach, Woodward. W. D. Myers__ ___ 0. E. Nuernberger. J. E. .Tones E G. Jacobs R.F. Allen_____ _r D. S. Coleman___ C. C. Howard 10,000 5,000 65,000 79000 Jerry Dick. ____ G. W. Trimble____ Stanley Baker____ 10,000 5,500 150,000 95,000 David Jones___. . . W. F. Cuberly____ Geo. B. Milburn. . . 10,000 5,300 102,120 91,980 40,000 10,000 490.000 235,000 100,000 26,990 944,500 792.<f50 50,000 19.760 475,930 418,050 55,000 M. G. Hawkins . . . . J. E. Buffington__ .T. W . Ratcliff C. S. Neer 86-112 25,000 ‘ Wagoner.Wagoner D 14 Citizens State Bank___< $’09 Thomas Gilcrease. T. C. Harr ill_____ J. A. Smith, V. P. F. G. Walling 86-118 f t Pop. 4500 M. A. Martin R. E. Roherts . _ . H. E. Dodsre.. 50,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 95 J. W. Gibson . W. C. Edwards 86-116 •* *4 E. F. Case . 25,000 86.117 T,eo Feist.____ Citizens Bank. . ... {$’01 W. A. Miller_____ G. W. Guthrie____ ^ 10.000 A. Williams 86-598 10 Pop. 500 H. A. Bull 25.000 C. W. Lon g.......... State Bank of Wakita__{$’09 C. E. Wetmore . . . . E. B. Miller 86-599 25,000 E. J. Beavers First National Bank__..< ’03 George W. Graham Geo.W.Graham,J r.. Active J. W. Harley, V.P. 86-311 10 Pop. 3000 Hugh Garrison___ 20,000 Oklahoma State Bank..<$’07 Frank Wiemer 86-313 •• •• 30,000 Walters National Bank.<’05 R, H. Sultan_____ J. H. J. Holcomb — A. R. Patterson.—. E. M. Spencer 86-312 25,000 S. M. K idd______ Wanette__Pottawatomie First National Bank___< ’03 T. F. Southgate... 86-500 10 Pop. 1000 itG9 15,000 0. L. Beckner____ W. A. Ball............. T. N. French__. . . Jno. A. Neal 86-502 .. Hi 25,000 State National Bank___< ’06 8 . R. Miller______ W. A. Weaver____ S .J Weaver 86-501 30,000 400,000 300,000 R. B. Carlile.. __ A. H. Scott__ _ Z. T. Walters H. E. Bagby______ J. S. Martin . Earl Walker....... A. L. Churchill___ 0. H. Collins J. O. Hall W. M. Malone____ H. R. Warner____ R. P. Gilett._____ 6,100 185.000 173,400 39,000 546,000 540,000 6.250 225,000 205,520 5,000 150,000 175,000 12.500 300,000 250.000 7,500 255,000 180,500 10,000 450,000 350,000 19,700 399,810 349,180 6.000 210,000 251,710 6,000 1225,000 185,000 6,900 65,000 58,000 335.000 N. Park, N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.: Producers State, Tulsa; Cent. N., St. L. 382,540 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Drov. N.. N. Reserve, and N. Bk. Com., Kan. G.; 124,290 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan.C.; Cent. N.,St. L. 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.; 1st N., Muskogee. 47,000 Scab. N., N. Y.; Tra. N„ Kan. C.; Producers State. Tulsa; 1st N„ Muskogee. 118,000 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Muskogee. 30,600 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Com’l N., Muskogee: Secur. State, Shawnee. 60.000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. G.;Citiz. N., Anthony, Kan. 75.000 1st N. and New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Garfield Co., Enid; 4th N.. Wichita. 87,500 N. Reserve, Kan.- €.; Am. N„ Okla.; 1st N., Lawton. 129,000 Tradesmens State. Okla.; 1st N.. Lawton; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 145.380 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City. N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; State N., Okla. 58.190 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. O.; Cent. N.. St.L.; Shawnee N.. Shawnee. 65,000 N. Reservb, Kan. C.. Secur. State, Shawnee. 35,000 State N ., Shawnee: Am. N., Okla. STAJE hIATIONAiL B.ANIK, CIkllaitoma Güty Glives 1ccar'eful T J- Service to Customers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1101 -H um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber sivea tim ers' * to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bar nirppinrv under the aiithnrltv of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, ^ e tc., see Dare 14. For Holidays, see oDDosite Dace 13.IP. _________ OKLAHOMA EANKS^-Tupelo to Wanette ________________ Jiily, 1919 Farmers National Bank.<’09 R. N. Armstrong__ 86-605 State Bk. of Commerce < $’15 A. E. Hawley____ 86-974 Tn^hlra _ - Atnlra H T2 Planters State Bank___{$’08 J. D. Sample_____ 86-899 11 Pop. 300 Tuskahoma. Pushmataha 86-900 11 Pop. 500 H15 Rank nf Tuttle..... < $ ’05 A. P. Kimble_____ 86-001 10 Pop. 1000 Farmers State Bank— .{$'12 D. W. Hogan_____ 86-951 Farmers State Bank ..*$§’15 86-1024 "■ 1(| Pop. 500 First National Bank____•i'll G. W. Riffe_____ 86-902 TTneas State Rank;___ _.{$ ’17 H. A.Wolfenbarger 86-1071 10 Pop. 200 Rank nf TTninn <$10(10 D. P. Richardson .. 86-903 10 Pop. 200 Valliant— McCurtain J 15 Farmers State Guaranty Bk. J. M. Cecil ♦ 86-939 »¿S'il 11 Pop. 1200 Vanoss___Pontotoc G 10 First State Bank_____ „{$’10 J. B. McCauley___ 86-905 10 Pop. 300 Vera...Washington B 13 Vera State Rank....... , < $ ’08 N. O. Colburn____ 86-906 10 Pop. 312 Verdun _ Orarty F fi First National Bank___< ’07 D. W. Hogan_____ 86-549 10 Pop. 750 J. B. Mvers. National Bank of Verden 86-548 < ’07 First National Bank___< 14 I. H. Nakdimen___ 86-452 10 Pop. 1500' M First. State R an k ______ {$'17 W. T. Wilson_____ 86-451 Bank nf Vici , . < $ 1 2 John F. Windolph. 86-952 10 Pop. 800 Citizens State Bank____tS’ll V. Cuberl v _. 86-657 Farmers State Bank__< f '09 •T. A . Wise 86-115 " 10 Pop. 6000 " First National Bank___< ’92 Oliver Bagby____ 86-111 •• •• First State Rank. < $ ’03 P. W. Samuel_____ 86-114 •• «1 Vinita National Bank__< ’97 L.W. Buffington__ '1 1 Resources ! L i a b il it ie s . Surplus Loan« k Dig- Cash&ex P aid - up D epos c ’tb. Bonds, changes,Dot AND its Capital Profits 8nouritibs fromBanks Ba n k . •Mem. Api. Bks. Assn. SState *County Seats. Figure under town is {Mem. Slate Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed ip back °f this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see ¡page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 OKLAH OM A —Continued 1100 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1100 Ò I A l t NA I m T own — N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber strep to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. and N ame County . of Y ice-President . PRESIDENT. Cashier . As s ' t Ca sh ie r . 6,370 275,310 199,130 25,000 8.500 200,000 200,000 E. G. Oinstead__ _ T. I. Seaborn____ L. B. Leister 10,000 1.380 58,380 54,110 R. A. Finklea...__ F. Huggins . . . ____ G. V. Reynolds___ 10,000 4,220 71,060 J 73,520 R. F. Ellinger...__ Charles Lauer___ C. M. Holliday____ F. E. Holliday... 25,000 8,000 125,000 W. H. Hoberecht.. E. L. Griffin_____ M. C. Kelley___ 15.000 2,000 135,000 90,000 300,000 280,000 Watts_______ Adair C 17 10 Pop. 500 Waukomis__Garfield C 7 10 Pop. 60C »Waurika__Jefferson 16 10 Pop. 2028 Wayne . . . __ McClain G 8 1 0 Pop. 332 Waynoka..... Woods B4 COMMERCIAL BANK — « ’07 86-364 10 Pop. 2000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*$'02 86-363 A. Chapin » a____ 86-222 Webbers Falls.Muskogee 10 Pod. 380 E15 Welch______ Craig A 15 10 Pop. 900 Wnleetka.. Okfuskee F12 10 Pod. 1500 Wellston..... Lincoln E 9 JO Pop. 590 10,500 1,320 41,090 24,920 •4Louis Wirth_____ Louis W. Green___ 25,000 3,510 300,090 236,370 C. M. Johnston___ C. S. Marsh_____ M. V. Benson____ SOJOOO 10,680 307.720 307,510 N. A. Robertson__ G. C. Robertson__ E. B. Ellis_______ E. N. Martel___ E. J. Kelly P. E. Waid_______ P, F. Dawson____ Floyd Miller_____ 25,000 10,000 152,000 165.000 L. O. Steenrod Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Bartlesville N., Bartlesville; Am. State, CoffeyvUle. 113,800 1st N.f St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; State N„ Denison. Tex. 35,000 Cent. N „ St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Guaranty State. Ardmore; Denison Bk. & Tr Co., Denison. 15,650 Liberty N., Okla., McAlester Tr. Co, McAlester. . 17,770 N. Reserve and Inter-State N., Kan. C.: 1st N and Cent. State. Muskogee. 50,000 Tra. N., Kan. C.; Far. N., Okla.; Cent. N., St. L 40.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Okla. 30,000 N.Reserve, Kan. C.; Secnr. N., Okla. 27,980 Citiz., Grove,'Okla.; 1st N., Ft. Smith, Ark. 89,520 New Eng. N.. Kan. C.; Garfield Co., Enid: Am State, Wichita. 69,680 Inter-State N., Kan. C. 25.000 5,000 210,000 110,000 25,000 19,580 224,470 248,090 15.000 8,500 130,000 129,000 J. W. SNYDER- — J. W. SNYDER------ 15,000 5,000 250,000 224.000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., Khn. C.; Okla. Stock Yds. N. Okla.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Lawton. 30,000 New Eng. N., Kan. O.; City N., Lawton S. W. Reserve, Okla. 42,560 Han. N., N. Y.: Iifter-State N., Kan. C.; Secur N., Okla. 20,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Shawnee N., Shawnee; Guar anty State, Ardmore. 50,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C. R. W. WAJDLEY . . . O. S. CALLESON— rect on Waynoka and vicinity given pro m p t a tte n tio n and pr esented In perso n . ( Q uick action an d reasonable char CCS. 25,000 Ì0.650 250,000 217,430 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 15,000 2.500 150,000 100,000 35,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tradesmens State, Okla 25,000 6,710 250,000 148,140 L. Nikkei_ C. A. Galloway___ J. M. Sugden____ C . R. C. Everts Frank Vore— ____ N. D. Blackstone _ E. Shackelford___ J. Sheffield. 50,000 13,000 250,000 230,000 15,000 5,980 108,120 97,470 G. W. Dixon_____ P. B. Kinnison____ S. M. Booton____ 25.000 5,970 198,410 195,300 77,000 69,350 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com. Kan. 0.; Am. N., Okla. 60.V.00 Han. N„ N. Y.: Inter-State N.,Kan. C.;Am N Okla 21,260 Com’l N., Muskogee; Sapulpa State, Sapulpa Okla. 37,170 Tra. N.. Kan. G.; N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L. 111.; Vinita N.. 1st State, and 1st N., Vinita. 45,000 Tra. N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Vinita; Secur. N. Okla. 47,420 Chase N..N. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. G.; Cent. N. Tulsa. 96,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Producers State, Tulsa. W. E. Alexander.. Donald Stuart____ J. M. Aydelotte___ H. T. Douglas____ J. M. Curtis.____— J. L. Thompson, CLARENCE OWENS A bank that get Reasonable eba Direct your eus s o u t and m akes c ollectlons. rges, rem ittance made on day o f p ayment. tom ers to us. M NS& n H. B. Campbell___ B. Dobkins______ A. D. Holloway___ 15.000 2,000 120,000 H. B. Catlett_____ R. J. Catlett___ » 25,000 6,250 167,000 ' 196.000 L. T. Newlon____ M. G. Morley. Wm. Johnston___ W. R. Blake_____ D. W. Johnston___ 25,000 10,000 225,000 175.000 S. J. Whitson____ A. E. King_______ Ira F. Baird_____ 25,000 6,400 236,000 141,000 F. Richardson___ E. L. Conklin_____ Roy Ward 10,000 500 100,000 75,000 M. V. Walter____ F. A. Singler,Active F. C. Tompkins.... John D. Martin— . P. E. Magee G. W.Jones_ G. W. Gibson____ W. G. Jones_____ 25,000 6,760 207,000 183,030 25,000 5,440 219,080 197,210 45,000 Tra. N., Kan.C.; Tradesmens State, Okla.;Unioi N., Chandler. 52,520 Union N., Tulsa; N. City, Kan. C.: 1st N, Tulsa; Bk. of Com., Okmulgee. 74.700 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. M. R. Tittle_____ W. L. Sheffield___ K. G. Comfort___ 12,000 5,060 122,650 59,600 79.170 1st N., Kan. C., Mo.; Tradesmens State, Okla. 104,000 Am. N.. Okla.; 1st N.. Chandler. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA C IT Y -S T A T E NATIONAL BANK 1101 West Tulsa___Tulsa C 13 10 Pop. 239 Westvilie___ Adair C 17 10 Pop. 802 7,000 150,000 Jerome Harrington A. H. Keith______ E. S. Wheelock___ E. T. Hoberecht F. S. Howard_____ F. C. Adair______ J. B. Johnson____ Weatherford..Custer E 5 Farmers State Bank___$(’08 W. A. Cmbach____ J. S. Wilks._____ J. H. Anderson___ 86-224 10 Pop. 3000 First National Bank___ *$’09 J. C. Finch_____— A. J.Finch ______ P. E. Schaub_____ Liberty National Bank..»$'04 86-223 Citizens State Bank___*$('17 86-614 Bank of Welch._______$(’01 86-404 Oklahoma State Bank__ $(’10 86-495 First National Bank____ «$'02 86-346 • Weieetka Guaranty Bank 86-347 «$('02 First National Bank_____$11 86-530 Wellston State Bank....$ {’02 86-531 West Tnlsa State Bank.$S’17 86-1050 First National Bank___»$’01 86-447 Peoples Bank________ 5'03 86-448 25.000 Principal Correspondents . 5,000 $ 133,000 $ 80,000 $ 30,000 25.000 Wapanucka.JohnstonHll First National Bank____ $’01 R. E. Wade______ J. E. Walton_____ H. E. Brouillard__ 86-403 11 Pop. 1500 Oklahoma State Bank-.*$$'11 W. M. D a n n ..» .. S. L. Barnes_____ J. O. Surrell_____ M. A. Weaver____ M. A. Butz 86-404 Citizens State Bank.....ti'05 86-910 First State Bank_____ $(’13 86-911 First National Bank___ $12 86-912 Blaine County Bank ...• ii’01 86-269 First National Bank___«$’01 86-268 Gnarantee Bank______ $('12 86-962 Farmers State Bank____$(’12 88-961 Waukomis Nat. Bank..*$'12 86-914 First National Bank____«$'07 86-171 FIRST STATE BANK-— » 08 86-178 Waurika National Bank.«$’07 86-172 First State Bank______ $S’07 86-015 Resources. Lia b il it ie s . i/OAXdk Du- Cashk Ex* Depos c P aid- up Surplus ’tb. Bond«, chahoi«,Due and its Capital P rofits Baoommu fromBaku 1 J. B. Banowetz___ Frank E. Banowetz $ 10,000 J Wann_____ Nowata A 13 Peoples Bank & Tr. Co.»$(’07 M. O. Banowetz___ 86-909 10 Pop. 500 Wardville__ Atoka H 12 11 Pop. 200 Warner__Muskogee B 14 10 Pop. 700 Washington .McClain F 8 10 Pop. 400 »Watonga.....Blaine D 6 10 Pop. 1800 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc,, see page 14, For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O K L A H O M A — C o n tin u e d Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. service tu uusiomers UKianoma u iy bives juiyt 1919________________ OKLAHOMA BANKS— W ann to Westville_________ ____________ 1101 u am u am T own Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number JW h to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Ifhe Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County . N ame oh Ba n k . Pre sid e n t . V ice -Pre sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . Wetumka___Hughes F 12 American National Bank<05 Willard Johnston . N. Williams___ L i 10 Pop. 2500 86-357 \ n ; J. :E.i,Tiger Bank of Commerce.— < § ’01 Jno. E. Turner..... W.A.Geren, Actiue 86-356 IT. A. McCauley First National Bank__*23301 H. H. Holman. . . . . H. Ti Douglas 86-355 C. E. Jarfett H. T. DOUGLAS — W. C. BUNYARD — WewokaLi-Seminole F 11 FARMERS NATIONAL RANK Vigorous atterit iòn given Collecti 10 Pop. 1800 86-391 < ’06 Send postage in advance and insu First Guaranty Bank— 1{§’01 W. E. Dixon .'..'. J.Ob. Dixon.—.1 86-390 SECURITY STATE BANK<§’11 L. C. Parméhter—. R. W. ParmentérZi T. E. Bürch—. y 86-937 David McKinstry Wheatland.Oklahoma £ 7 Farmers State Bank.. <§'04 F /Iß Horton — J. Hunker.i.L.Z T. J. Honker 1 10 Pop. 200 86-916 G. E. Mprrtes—. . . . $ 25,000 $ 20,000 F^R. Phelps-— . . 30,000 M. M, SEBASTIAN-,- 25,000 tation and remitt ance. ----------- ------------ 15,000 12,000 130,000 129,000 WT'Al "Johnson—Z4 11,840 139,000 111,040 3,250 122,000 92.000 261.980 251,550 37,610 Southwest Reserve, Okla.; McAlest er Tr. Co., McAlister. W. K. llu n k e f.-.. 39,000 MePh.& Metals: N., N. Y.;'Wilkin-Hale-Stati and Secur. ,N.. Okla. ‘ ' 64,640 Mech; & Metals N., N.Y.; Inter-State N K a n . C. Sé'cùr. N. and Tradesmens State, Okla. 30,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Tradesmens State ,Oklh.';: 'Cent,N., St. L. 25,000 E . D. MAHAN- - - - - 25,000 15,720 576,650 464,090 178,330 Séàb. N., N. Y.; 'N. Bk. Com., Kàn. C.i ist N., McAlester. 10.000 , 4,000 104,000 80,000 .35,000 N< Bk. Com., Kan, Ç.: Am. N., Okla.; 1st N., Elk City; Gerlach, woòdward. 4,000 150,000 100,000 ß Ä70 155 790 .60,000 Guaranty State, Ardmore; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., ‘ Kan.C. “ Drpv.. N.,, Kan. C.; McAle&ter Tr. Co., Mc Alester; 1st N., Poteau. “ 20,000 N*Bk. Of Denison, Denison; Tex,; Am.N.,Okla. m fee o f 15c. CTION. Oren Gentry . . — . 50,000 W. W. Paschall —. E. P. Smith 10,000 10,000 25,000 17,500 70,000 125,000 Erben Shellhart. . . 25,000 10,000 450,000 280,000 Henry Hanson___ 50,000 15.000 700,000 250,000 Alex. Geismar____ T. Shy H. G. Wilson......... 75,000 25,000 800,000 550,000 15.000 6,500 216,790 211,220 348,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk.Com. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com., Wichita. 41.2?C Secur. N., Ogla.; New Eng. N „ Kan. C.: , 60,850 Gat,e,City N., Kan,-C.; McCurtain Co., Broken BOw. 14,150 Inter-State N., Kan. C , ,, 1J5.0OO 1,500 10,000 1,200 65,100 ,----- r------:----------- 50,000 §3,230 366,570 409,650 Iya Lee Worley 25,000 17,570 143,750 146,630 50,000 35,000 130,000 j 25,000 195,000 150,000 175,000 148,000 . L. W, Burnett..—. 190,000 • O. B. Browning — 10,000 ^500 10.000 R. ^T. McLaury___ 25,000 '3,000 25,000 9 ß70 910 161 220 W. F. ¡Nicholson 20,000 4,780 362.930 239,120 M. R, Bellsle____ Walter Ferguson 25,000 5,000 275.000 200,000 25,000 18,930 299,210 239,580 J. C. Barnhill f n m n H ccareJí ~t ! 300,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th N., Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 400,000 1st N„ Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita. 122,650 Cent.N.. St. L.; N. Bk. Com. and Fid. N. Bk. !& Tr. Kan. C.; 1st NZ, Ghinesville, Tex. 37,550 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; IstN., St. L.: Trades mens State, Okla, Z 30,000 New Eng. N., Kan. c,; Xst. N., Gainesville, Tex.¡. State N., Okla. 10,000 Hpw.Eng. N„ Kan. O.; 4th N, Wichita,.Liberty "N.s Producers State, Tulsa. , ‘ 50,000 Fid. N. Bk. $ Tr., Kan. CT; 1st N., Guthrie.’ Seab.N,', N. Y.; Tra. N., Kan. C.; 1st N.. Cush ing. i 148,590 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; hf. Bk. Cam. Kan. Producers State, Tulsa. 100,000 . Park, N. Y.: Far. N., Okla.:IstN., Kan. Cent. N.< St. L. 128,560 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N Service to Customers , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J u l y , 1919 SI Al E ! (ATI 0NÍiL m IK CIklahoma Cit 2S.Ö00 >10,000 F. C. Hutcheson... R. C. Strbzler YUKON NATIONAL BANK<V12 J. F. Kroutil____ L F. L. Kroutil—___ A. A. Pitney____| C. B. Nespor 8 6 -9 5 7 P. J. Kelly. 7,570 $ 249,350 $ 247,520 $ 53,140 Hàn. N.; N. Y.; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla Cent. N.; Tulsa; 1st NY, Kan. G. 208,970 193 570 39 490 Mech. & Metals N., SKYY; N'. Bk. Com.,Kân. C. 1st N., Tülsa: Sapulp2PSta'te,i;Sapulpa. , 14,950 324,570 360,500 70,760 N. Bk. Com.. St. La Drov. N., Kan. C.: Lib i!erty N., Okla.; 1st N.. Tulsa.14.500 275.000 s s 50,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan C.-;‘Shawriee:ïN., Shawneer;'$ 7,500 BANKS— Wetumka i t o Y u k o n »Wilburton.-Latimer G14 First State Bank__ ...{§ ’01 S. L.M orley. . . . . . W. B. Duncan____ j R. C. Smallwood— 10 Pop. 2400 86-217 W. Fenrestien Ira C. Hàycóck Í ja m e s McCo n n e l l JOHN JOSEPH— — . W. S. ELLIO T T -__ LATIMER COUNTY N A T I BK. J You. want servi .ce—We have it.,, ’ 86-954 ^ <12 ] Sight Drafts m ust be accompan led h y a minimu ( Requests for ra tings 50c. TRY U S FOR SATISFA Willow Greer F 2 First State Bank_____ < § ’10 E. K, Thurmond.. GnyFord— . . . . li. If. Barker— 10 Pop. 400 86-917 Wilson------- — Carter I 9 City State Bank_______ §’19 Walter Hodges—.. J.U^PilJard_____ W. L. Reed. <10 (New Wilson P.O .) 86-1124 Pop. 100 Wirt------------- Carter 1 9 Wirt State Batìc.—. —.< § ’17 Green Thompson. A. u. Thomas G. W. .Smith__ Ito I Pop. 1500 86-1059 Wisier.— LeFlore G 16 First State Bank___ ..< § ’09 M. L. Harris. , __ _ Jnp. S, Traw —— WjjB. Modgens 10 Pop. 700 86-918 ' Woodville—Marshall J 10 First National-Bank___„¿{’05 J. T., Ingram_____ S. W. Henry_____ J. T. Crane____ II Pop. 389 86-919 »Woodward-Woodward Central Exchange Bank<§’04 J ohn Garvey— — E. R, Linn...____ O, B[. Martin.,____ t0 Pop. 5000 B2 86-194 First National Bank__<1900 L. L. Stine__ ta___ Peter. Martinson... H. IT, Stallings . . . . 86-193 Gerlach Bank _______ < § ’93 John J, Gerlach . . . Geo. Gerlach —___ W jV .S h y ^ — 86-192 M. M. Gerlach New Stale Bank...— ..< § ’08 W.,E, Gwynn F. RvZacharias— Paul M. Lobapgh .1 80-195 Wright— McCurtain J 15 Wright State Bank __§19 Bprnie Herstein—. E. DvMacLeod ___ W. L- Gates>. . . i. „ 1? 86-1106 FlOid Thompson Wyandotte__Ottawa A 16 Bank of Wyandotte... —{§’05 W. H. Jones.——— W. H. Duff — — . A., A.Thoinpsen—. 10 Pop. 255 86-920 Wynne Wood.Garvin H 9 FIRST NATIONAL B A M -< E. Gsiihel Noah,Lael te___ J. A. Lawrence ___ 10 Pop. 2500 86-238 John 'D. Dougherty First State Bank .{§’10 E. L, Speaker_____ S. 0 . Richardson... G. L. Bradfleld.___ 86-240 \ Southern National Bank. { ’01 W, E:. Crump —___ H. D. Knight. W, B. Crump - —— 86-239 Wynona------—Osage B 11 First National Bank ’19 Carl Mulleudore... C. G» White.. R* D, Copeland.... 10 Pop. 250 86-1122 First State Bank._____»{§'09 J. M. Browning___ W, E, Brpwning— P. R. Williams___ r 86-921 J. A., Owens Yale..4...----- Paynè C 11 Farmers National Bank.<’15 fA. K. Sloan______ } Flank Durham___ Lee Halï 3 ______ _ 10 Pop. 3500 86-1018 First National Bank____<*ll W.A. Northgrave— John Foster_____ W. Lauderdale!___ 86-493 Yale State Bank____ __< § ’02 D. J j, Martin—— G. F. Hurst-..—. . . 86-492 Yukon------.Canadian E 7 First National Bank____< ’02 D. W. Hogan...___ D. B. Phillips.._— D. B. Phillips____ ' 10 Pop. 1200 86-394 Ass 't Cashier. *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O K L A H O M A »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. . [Estab Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Accessible ?Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, inIdexed in back ef this £plume. For Interest Bates, Grace jetc., see -page i4«g For Holidays, see- opposite page 13 ....Liabilities . R esources.. Principal Correspondents , Loans&Dis Gash&Ex Paid- up Surplus Depos c’T AND , 8. Bonds, changes,Due Capital Profits its Securities fromBanks O K LAH O M Ai Continued 1102 110? ......................................................................................................................... Illllllilllll............ Illlllllllllllllllllllllll....... Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll...........nil....... Hllllllllll....... . J. C. AINSWORTH, President H. B. AINSWORTH Vice-President E. G. CRAWFORD First Vice-President R . W. SCHMEER Vice-President A. L. TUCKER Vice-President A. M . W RIGH T Vice-President PAUL S. DICK Cashier W. A. HOLT Asst. Cashier GRAHAM DUKEHART Asst. Cashier E. C. SAMMONS Asst. Cashier J. D. LEONARD Asst. Cashier THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON Portland's Bank For Foreign Trade And Local Banking Service C A P IT A L and SURPLUS, $2,500,000.00 Y O U R A C C O U N T A N D C O LLE C TIO N IT E M S O N P A C IF IC C O A S T P O IN TS SO LICITED ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiHHiiiiiiHiiiim Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oregon. IN D E X TO C O U N TIES. Baker........ F 22 Benton.......F 5 Clackamas .D 9 Clatsop.......A 4 Columbia._.B 6 Coos........... J 3 Crook ........ G 12 C u r r y . . . 3 Deschutes...G 8 Douglas.....I 6 Gilliam...... C 15 Grant........ .F 18 Harney .....J 18 HoodBlver.C 10 Jacksop___ L 7 Jefferson ...F U Josephine..L 4 Klamath___L 11 Lake..........K 14 Lane........ --G 5 Lincoln...... F 4 Linn : .......... F 8 Malheur....K 23 Marlon.......K 8 Morrow P * D 17 Multnomah.C 8 Polk........... E 5 Sherman... C 13 Tillamook..D 4 Umatilla. ..e© 20 Union___*.D 22 Wallowa....C 24 Wasco........ D 12 Washington C 6 Wheeler__ F 15 Yamhill.... D 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Q U E S T IO N Did anyone ever try to sell you any other bank directory without tilling of "its great superiority’ ’ over the Rand McNally Bankers’ Directory, the Original Bankers’ Blue Book? There is an old saying:— " The most cluhs are always found under the tree that hears the best apples. " They know that the Rand McNally D ir e ct o ry is ack n ow led ged by bankers everywhere as the stand ard and -the leader, and that it is purchased by more banks than are all other banker^’ directories combined. • Their statements in most instan ces are an insult to your intelli gence and usually catch only the unwary. N o te Buy what you know is best. Substitu• tion never proves satisfactory. The Best is still the Cheapest in the End. TVumber under „ Name Of Kanlf _ tHe Néw T rà n ^ t ''lIVumber V •S. exclusively by_The Band-MrcNally _________ Bankers’ W _ to each bank jn: in; JJ. P.^S. T own and County. , Accessible. to w o 8 ,v Lawyers, Laws, Directors» in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14,. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O R EG O N Directory, uuder the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 12 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Fed. Re§. BiskPortl’diBr, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab President . V ice President . Cash ie r . ' A s s ’t Cash ie r . i , ■ . Lia b il it ie s . R eso u r ces . Loamsk, Dis- Cashk ExP aid - up Surplus c’ts. Bonds, obamobs«Dus AND ; Capital P rofits V.tB:.W Bsovkitxss fromBanks ‘ Albany_______ Linn D 6 "*Albany State Bank...«t§’09 D. fi. Bodine____ È. B. Williamson _. C. Ë. Williamson .. Raymi’d Tomlinson $ 50,000 $ Pop. 7000 96-57 O. A. Archibald ♦First National Bank-t.«$’71 S. E. Young A. 0 ; Schmitt;— J. G. Irvine—- —n Ralph MeKechriie'100,000 96-54 John G. Bryant, H. W. Torbet A . Ca G. B. Abraham ♦First Savings Bank.__$|’09 S. E. Young . . . . — A. G. Schmitt. . . — J. C.. Irv in e.... . Ralph McKechnie. 56,000 96-56 H. W. Torbet *J. W. Cusick & Co., Bkrs. E. D. Cusick_____ O. H. Cusick...___ H. B. Cusick_____ F. M. Arnold........ 75,000 96-55 «*§’92 Albany Clearing House.—__ 0 . A. Archibald .¿U Cj H. Cusicki..."__ E, B. Williamson, J; C. Irvine. SeO.— (Members indicated by a ♦) '■ y8* MOOBCOCIT". Amity_____ Yamhill D 4 Bank of Amity________ $§’05 J. W.‘ Briedwelf . „ J. A. Ruble_____ L. H. Briedwell___ 11,500 Pop. 600 96-144 Arlington__ Gilliam J 3 Arlington National Bank*$'88 A; Wheelhouso— % J, Clough..;,^.. H. M. Gox R. S. Lamoreaux-— , 25.000 t Pop. 400 96-145 Ashland—<.Jackson E 13 Citizens Bank UuS$.ILl9Bii0 H. F. Poiland . —.'. J .P .D o d g e .r ____ V. O. N. Smith__§ j 1. S. Engle— 2___ j ’ 50,000 Pop. 5020 96-36 / First National Bank____«$’01 E. V. Carier— __ i Ci’fe Vaupel_____ J. W. McCoy_____ Clark Bush lo o 'o o o 96-34 H.C.Galey, A.Cash, H. C. Emery State Bank of Ashland-${’07 O. Winter_______ _ F. D. Wagner____ G. G. Eubanks____ 25,000 — — --------------96-35 ‘ Astoria__. —Clatsop C l Astoria National Bank..«{’90 G. W. Warren___ P. L. Warren____ 0. R. Higgins____ G. W. UtVinger— 50,000 Pop. 10,363 96-12 F. L. Frv J. R. A. Bennett W. A. Tyler D. I. PETERSON— A S M U SB R IX-— -— FRANK PATTON 150.000 IU B M ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Do a general ba uking and exchan ge business.96-13 «¿§’91 Unequaled facll itles for making c ollectlons at this point and vicinlt F. .Prompt attentt on to all banking matters, . : > r b' Bank of Commerce____. §19 Norris Staples___„ H. R: Hoener___ J. E. Homan. 100.000 96-15 ; James Bremner First NatioualBaakv___ .*’86 W. F. McGregor__i G. Ö. Flavel_____ ' S. S. Gordon____ A. Osburn—______ ícTo.óóo Ira S. Miller *' SCANDINAVIAN - AMERICAN C. G. Paimberg___ J. E. Wicks_____ | J. M. Anderson___ Chas. Wirkkala___ 100,000 BANK — ------------ — .J§’07 L. HrSchatrer ♦ 96-14 Athena, ¿.Umatilla M 2 First National Bank;..—»$’92 W.B. Shaffer.— . . Mi - L. W atts-;— F. S- LeGrow—— R»-T. Cannon;;;.;. *50,000 Pop. 800 66-146 Aumsville ....Marion E 5 Aumsville State Bank...${’12 Charles Ransom... M. B. Anderson__ W. C. Anderson. . . ------------- 1 15,000 Pop. 250 96-254 , ^ Aurora— Marion E 4 Aurora State Bank___ «${’05 B. Fi Giesy______ J. 6 . Miiey-1_____ Zeno Schwab____ Tda. .Tones — 25,000 Pop. 160 96-147 ‘ Baker.............Baker 0 5 Baker Loan & Trust Co.«$§’05 William Pollman— Join Schmitz_____ C. R. Wheeler___| H. G. Muegge____ 100,000 Pop. 8000 96-30 ' E. H. Nobach Citizens National Bank—«$’99 D . W. French;. Davisl_.Wilcox..— B. E. Harders;— — W. W .■Evans—. . — 100,000 66-29 FIRST NATIONAL BAHK-«$’83 William Pollman.; J. H. Parker_____ Paul E. Pollman.. . O. H. P. McCord .. 200,000 96—28 Pop, 2000 96-88 8,500 833.0U0 609;080 24,170 799,820 586,840 5,790 ‘ 124,040 113,970 342,730 330,570 41,000 14,080 483.84Q 448,910 41,570 660,010 '762,450 4,700 103,650 93,820 80,180 1(792,510 1.266,580 207.690 1,868,990 1.536.200 44,660 1,636,790 795,230 20,'000 1,500,000 1,250,000 57,720 772,930 1 3,340 96,170 ¡77.1,460 74,140 12,000 ■‘¿ 208,000 009,410 796,100 •30,670 .698,480 664,250 225,000 1,961,000 2,040,000 “5M00 K ooo 290,000 300,000 H. L. Houston;—.. C. Y, Lowe s^;. R.'B. Corson . ; ; ; ; . 25,000 "7,000 195,000 150,000 WrL. Moore__ W. O. Galaway__J 10,000 6,500 157,050 129,000 W. O. Galaway . —1 R. J. Hendricks . . . J. Ó. Bozorth— Scott Bózorth, Sec. L. F. Brode. K obo F.W. Livermore;— Bi K. Denney ; Doy Gray 10,060 ,L. H. Evans . . .. D. E. Hunter____ C. B. Swift — — . JH. M. Stephens E.,P.,Mahaffey C. S. Hudson____ E. A. Sather_____ L. G. McReynolds. K. -fe. Sawyer____ R. A. Ward, V.-P. L. M. Foss D. G. Horn______ Jacob Rueck____ Dewey D. Horn. . . ------ W. J. Ward____ JL. P. Cross... 25,000 K obo "2,670 47,480 48(600 6,500 225,000 140,000 8,000 400,000 350,000 30,500 1,001,090 890,330 2 2,000 74,000 30,000 tilÎ i.¿,000 fJ lì 100,000 15,000 * 27,370 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Port.; McMinnville N., McMinnville. 77,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton and ü. S. N., Port. 97,250 Han. N.. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Ladd & Tilton and U, S. N., Port. 134,120 Chase N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev.N., San F.; Ü.S.N. and 1st N.,Port, 18,940 N, Park, N. Y.: Bk. o f Cal. N. A., San F. /■fiorthwestern N., Port. 322,343 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.; Conto* Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. U. S. N,, and Northwestern N., Port,: Crocker N. and Am. N., San. P. Seattle N., Seattle. ■ 701,820 Chase N „ N. Y.; Qont, & Com’l N., Chi.'; 1st N., Phil.; Anglo & Lon.- Paris N. and Canadian Bk. Com.. San F.; i:,.S;.N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. tr. §. N .ri’ort. -5.000 83,130 195,000 Ist N^ Aib.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Ladd & Tilton, Port. 239,310 N. City, N.- Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle.. 50,000 . 100,000 ' 763,910 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and San. F.; U. S, N., Port. I r » » i l »J i b% ft m 450,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; North[; western Nu Port.; WellsFahgo-Nev. N., San •,F.;: Scan.-Am., Seattle; (Mem. Fed. Kes.) 136,263 Chase N., N. •¥•; 1st N.,’ Obi., SanF;, and Port. 34,490 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.; Ladd-& Bush, ■Bkps., Salemr * vaaio ■; f < r 42,500 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port.; Bk. of Italy; San ÜI 302,600 N. City. N. Y.: Cent. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Port.; Am. N., San F. 242.100 Chase N., N. Y,; Cont, &'Gom’l N.; Chi.; U. S. N., Port. \ 568,000 Chem. N.^N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 1st N-, Port. Anglo &-Lon. Paris N., San F. 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr.Co. and Am. N.>iSan F.: 1st N., U. S. N., and Northwestern N.. Port. 65,000 N. City,.N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Wells ■Fargo-Nev. N., San. F.: U. S. N.. Port. 46,360 N. Park, N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton and 1st N.. Port. 23,270 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.: Am. N.; Salem. T.75,000 N. Park, N;Y.; Northwestern N., Port. 80,000 N. City, Chi.: U.S.N. and Ladd & Tilton, Pert.: Live Stock State;No. Port,:'Merch. N., St. P. 178,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port. 24,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cal. N.. Sacramento; Lumber mans N.and U.S.N.,Port.;lstN.,KlamathFalls. 25,000 1st N., San F. Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS a NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1103 First National Bank '— •$10 96-89 Banks__Washington D 3 Washington County Bank Pop. 250 96-148 *$§’09 Bay City.. Tillamook 0 3 First Bank of Bay City.»$§’06 Pop. 281 96-149 Beaverton... Washington Bank of Beaverton.— *$§’09 Pop. 500 E3 96-150 ‘ Bend___ Deschutes EHS Central Oregon Bank.s*$§’15 : Pop. 5000 X ft 96-278 . • First National Bank;___*$’09 . 96-132 . s . Bonar«—-Klamath H 13 Bank of Bonanza____ .±§’07 Pop. 200 96-151 Brookings__ Curry A 13 Brookings State Bank...»§’14 R. H. Rosa_______ W. J. Sweet—___ _ F. J*Fabr - ü“ 19,930 $ 462,670 $ 415,980 $ 116,6¿0 Seab. N., N. Y«} 1st N., San E.; Ladd &Tilton Port, ^ 858,030 1,000,430 170,990 Am. Ex, N., N. Y.;.lst N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; U. S. N., Port.; Seattle N„ Seattle. 09,000 ¿_______ Bandon—...i^u.Coos A 10 Bank of Bandon_____ «${’05 i . P. Hanly____ J*fP* Principal Correspondents . July, 1919»; _______________ OREGON BAN KS'^.Albany to Brookings 1103 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and County . N ame of Bank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Fed. Res. Dist. Portl’d Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . V ice -President . dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, OREGON— Continued Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources. P aid - up Surplus Dbpos- Loans.£ Du- Cashk Exand Capital Promts ITS SsouRmis' FROMBanks Brownsville____Linn D 6 BANK OF BROWNSVILLE W. P. Elmore_____ H. C. Thompson__ H. C. Thompson__ W. C. Elmore.___ S 30.000 $ Pop. 800 96-153 •ti'91 ¿Burns •• Harney L 9 A. C. Welcome___ E. H. Conser_____ J. M. Desilets— — Pop. 1200 96-115 •• Harney County National Bk. C. F. McKinney . . . Fred Haines_____ 96-116 < 07 W. C. McKinney Principal Correspondents - 8,090 8 297,940 $ 287,030 $ 48,990 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N.. Port. 50.000 86,000 502,000 688.910 110,310 Han. N. . N. Y.; Ex. N. and Fidelity N. Spokane; Northwestern N.. Port. 26.000 56.460 599,210 420,540 Butte Falls-Jackson E 12 Pine Belt Banking Go.__I'll G. W. Barker____ Wm. H. Barker . . . G. W. Barker_____ 0. B. Morris./ Pop. 150 96-241 Caiby___Clackamas E 4 Canby State Bank___ »tS’05 H. A. Dedman____ Geo. H. Brown___ Arthur Graham___ Pop. 1000 96-154 •• ** First National Bank___<14 H. A. Dedman____ W. H. Bair______ 96-266 10,000 60,000 65,000 128,560 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N and U. S. N., Port.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 10,000 Jackson Co., Medford. 15,000 270,000 230,000 50,000 Irving N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.: 1st N., San F, 25,000 3,500 175,000 170,000 46,500 Chase N., N. Y.; ü. S. N., Port.; 1st N.. San F, ¿Canyon City—Grant M 6 First National Bank of Grant Wm. H. Schroeder. J. A. Pope.. __ Pop« 500 County...96-155_____ »t’02 40,000 22,500 300,000 258,900 84,250 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.,:Port, and San F. 10,000 3,000 130,000 100,000 36,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ladd & Tilton, Port. 229,800 205,600 51,560 Han. N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Port.: Anglo & Lon, Paris N., San F. 97,000 Han- N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.; 1st N. and U. S. N„ Port. 40,210 U. S. N., Port.; 1st N., Tillamook. P. W. McRoberts.. J. M. Blank.. Carlton____ Yamhill D 4 Carlton State & Savings Bank W. A. Howe_____ L. G. Thompson.— Pop. 886 96-156 «»*10 Central Point___Jackson Central Point State Bk.«tl’06 J. O. Isaacson____ W. J. Freeman Pop. 761 D 13 96-157 W. 0. Leever 1.0. Robnett Olatskanie..Columbia D 1 Olatskanie State Bank, »tl’05 C. H. Stockwell___ J. H. Aldridge____ R. W. Rend F. S. Convers Pop. 747 96-158 Oloverdale.Tillamook C 4 Nestucca Valley Bank..«tl’12 Charles Ray_____ Wm. Christensen.. J. T,_ Georgp Pop. 150 96-255 Coburg_______ Lane D 7 State Bank of Coburg—»tS’09 Geo. A. Drury____. A. S. Pirtle............ Pop. 613 96-159 ¿Condon........ Gilliam J 4 Condon National Bank—<06 Wm. Wehrli A. Greiner___ ___ _ Garland Ferguson. Pop. 1200 96-114 «• _ ** First National Bank___< ’05 0. H. Fithian____ J. F. Reisacher___ 0 . B. Robertson.— 96-113 »Coquille_____ Coos B 10 Farmers & Merch. Bank $|’09 J. E. Norton.. . . . C. J. Fuhrman R. H. M ast .......... Pop. 2000 96-99 W “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK <63 A. J. Sherwood___ R. C. Dement. . . . O. 0. Sanford ____ 96-98 Cornelius.. ..Washington Cornelius State Bank ..«ti'IK» A. S. Sholes____ J. C. Buchanan___ F. H. Shales ' ■"• Pop. 500 E3 96-160 _______ « 25,000 10,000 350,000 192,000 15.000 1,240 80,000 96,000 10,000 1.250 48,060 45,950 50,000 22,000 300,000 320,000 50,000 31,210 764,680 742,270 25,000 2,500 143.000 120,400 50.000 15,500 334,000 244,000 15.000 10,000 148,390 142,680 60,000 28,280 664,500 619,440 126,970 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Am N., San F.; 1st N., U. S. N., and North Western N., Port. j TH0S. WHITEHORN. JOHNFULTON_______ A.J. MOORE________ 0. G. WOOTEN — — 50,000 28,870 JOHN W.HfDE C0NVALLIS STATE BANK ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft fo r presentation, and 96-258 <113 ( TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report insu res prom p t, perso nal atte n tlon . 357,001 350,000 86,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; U. S. N, and Northwestern N., Port.; Crocker N., San F.; U. S. N., Salem. 59,730 1.046,790 941,130 207,760 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; IstN. anc( U. S. N., Port ¿Corvallis___Benton D 6 Benton Gonnty State Bank A. J. Johnson__... Floyd E. Bogue___ W. E. Kyler_____ J. F. P o r t e r :>— Pop. 6000 96-49 *t§’07 E. E. Johnson •• 25,000 [ M J . WOODCOCK E. E. WILSON------- A. R. WOODCOCK- C. N. WOODCOCK50.000 FIRST NATIONAL 6ANK-<87 -< FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c m inim um : 25c minim um charge i f paid. (R eliab le Credit R eports, 5 0 c. TR Y US. 96-48 Cottage Grove ..Lane D 8 Bank of Cottage Grove__l'06 G. M. Hall_____ _ B. Larch.. __ Pop. 2310 96-85 •• M First National Bank...*81900 Herbert Elkin 96-84 14,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.: 1st N., Eugene. 70,000 U. S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port. 190,300 N. Park. N. Y.: Northwestern N. and Live Stock State, Port. 31,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Ladd & Tilton, Port.; 1st N.. San F.; Bk. of Southwestern Ore., Marshfield. 126,000 N.Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., Port.; Crocker N., San F.; Capital N., Salem. 32,070 Chase N-, N- Y.; ü. S. N., Port. Alfred Jury_____ 25,000 6,320 136,800 88,690 39,410 N. Park, N. Y,; U. S. N., Port.; 1st N., San F.. Bk. of Com., Eugene. T. C. Wheeler-____ 25.000 31,860 488,730 354,080 147,500 Imp. & Tra.N.. N.Y.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Port.; 1st N., San F. Cove ________ Union O 4 COVE STATE BANK ....•8108 E. C. Rees_______ J. F. Conley______ Hugh McCall____ John Dean „ . Pop. 433 96-161 Crane_____ Harney M 9 Crane State Bank____»8§’16 C. B. Swift__ G. A. Horal______ E, L. Wallace____ Sidney McNeil____ Pop. 300 96-279 Creswell______ Lane D 8 Creswell Fruit Growers Bank L. D. Scarbrough _ George L. Gilfry— F. W. Ogram_____ Pop. 600 96-162 8$’09 15.000 3,500 115,000 90,000 15.000 5,010 167,330 119,170 10,000 2,750 106,120 95,160 38,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Port. 66,170 N. City, Chi.: Live Stock State, No. Port.; Boise City N., Boise. 21,420 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N.. Port.; 1st N., San F. inri Rintrono 1104_____________ ,_______ OREGON BANKS— Brownsville to Creswell_________________1July, 1919 1 1 f id Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS ff« NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve BankNum of St. Louis ber under 1 i A t 1 1U J Nam e o f Bank i* the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Rand-M cNally Bankers9 Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Accessible O R E G O N — C o n tin u e d Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, etc*, see page 14. For Holidays» see opposite page 13.j i i A t 1 1U J Accessible Num ber under Nam e o f Bank I» the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Rand-M cNally Bankers* Directory, an der the sn th o rlty of T he Am erican Denkers Ass’ n N ame of Ba n k . Tow» and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Fed. Res.Dist. Portl'd Br. Mem. Fed. Res. President . Cashier. Vice-President. Liabilities. anf Resources.- f liOAMk Dm- Ca» ft Ex* Paid-uf ’Surplus Depos c cxanohs,Due ’ts. Bonds, < A N D its Capital Profits Securities fromBanks Ass't Cashier. F. J. Craven ____ A. W. Tnnfir-. _ •Dallas________Polk D 5 DALLAS CITY lA R K -.-iS 88 R. E. Williams___ 96-76 Pop. 3000 Towns* Lawyers, Laws, Directors, b*-., Principal Correspondents . 1 { 50,000 !; 12.290 :Î 506,46J 1 453.390 $ 114,970 N. Park, N, Y,; 1st N. and U. S. N., Port. Am. N.. San F. 172,560 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., San F^; 1st N. and 43,970 Northwestern N., Port.: ist N„ McMinhvilíe. 25,000 14,990 462,800 327,820 H. W. Sherman— v 25,000 6,390 150,570 126,290 15,000 3,000 60,000 65,000 12,000 U. S: N., Port.: Fidelity N., Spokane. 15,000 5,000 125,000 90,000 42.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Douglas N., Roseburg; U. S. J. S. McClintock Brodie 25,000 17,480 297,270 171,690 168,050 N.City,N.Y.:Cont.ACom’lN,.Chi.:U.S.N..Port.: Earle Point.Jackson E 12 First State Bank----------- I’l l J. F. Brown —____ Wm.von der Hellen H. J.Devaney----- Hazel Brown.---- 96-245 Pop. 250 Echo______ Umatilla L 2 Bank of Echo__ ______<l'05 J. B. Saylor-------- Joseph Cunha, Sr.. R. B. Stanfield------ G. J. Mitchell____ 96-167 Pop. 600 15,000 3,720 89,780 86,300 15,380 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., SanF.: Northwestern 25,000 21,970 307,490 204,330 150,130 Han. N„ N. Y.: Cont.and Com’l NChi . ; Bk.of R. L. Shoemaker .. Guy I. Patten____ Elgin..__ ___.Union 0 3 First National Bank------< ’ 03 J. L. Hindman-----96-168 Pop. 1000 W F. Savage____ •Enterprise .....Wallowa Enterprise State Bank .<1*10 Fred W. Falconer. T, p Afcflnbhin__ \ TT ParVer 96-108 Pop. 2200 P3 50,000 9,600 240,000 281,760 50,000 17:000 250,000 210,000 W. R. Holmes------ A. M. Pace---------- . 50,000 70.140 515.000 402,000 198,340 Chase N.. N. Y .; 1st N. and U. S. N., Port.: H. C. Stephens— Ruth L. Dillon___ H. C. Stephens W. S. Search____ B. B. Brundage___ 15,000 4,760 185,160 167,330 50,000 16,620 661,830 514,590 35,280 Imp.& Tra. N., N.Y.; State Bk. of Port., Port.; 1st N., San F. £ . „ 208,860 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.;N. City, Chi.; Am.N., L. H. Potter_____ F. N. McAlister__ M. E. Taylor ___ F. L. Chambers— L. L. Goodrich___ Darwin Bristow — W. T. Gordon O. A. Houglum, A. Cash. A. A. Rogers ♦United States National Bank W. W. Calkins___ L. H. Potter-------- F. N. McAlister__ H. H. Hobbs-------W. R. Robertson 96-19 < ’07 50,000 19,960 572,750 551,850 DALLAS NAT'L BANK— *104 R. E. Williams----- Eugen eHayter__ Walter Williams— A. P.Risser______ Northwestern N., Port. 96-77 J. L. Stuart Dayton_____Yamhill D 4 Bank of Dayton— - — »tl’04 J. L. Sherman___ 96-163 Pop. 750 ç, j , Rspy Donald______Marion E 4 First State Bank-------- t l’15 Henry Zorn g____ 96-276 Pop. 200 Milton Evans Drain______Douglas D 0 Drain State Bank-------- í l ’10 Dwight Reed____ W 'W gout 96-164 Pop. 600 Dufur_______Wasco H 3 Johnston Bros., Bankers*$S' 04 G. W. Johnston__ J. C. Johnston___ 96-165 Pop. 523 Wallowa National Bank.<’88 Geo. W. Hyatt-----96-107 Estacada..Clackamas F 4 Estacada State Bank..«tl’05 Leroy D. Walker.. 96-169 Pop. 600 •Eugene ........L a n e D 7 ♦Bank of Commerce.—•tl’ll C. D. Rorer--------96-20 Pop. 13,572 ♦Eugene Loan & Sav. Bank W. W. Calkins----96-18 t l’92 ♦First National Bank— < ’83 P. E. Snodgrass— 96-17 Eugene Clearing House------ B. B. Brundage__ (Members indicated by a*) George S. Craig— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BUSINEß ;s tth° e no N., Port. Crocker N., SanF.; French & Co., Bkrs.,The Dalles N., Port.: Jackson Co., Medford. Cal. N. A., Port.: Am. N„ Pendleton: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. . Han. N„ N. Y.: U. S. N. and Northwestern N., 30,550 Port. 95,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Northwestern N.,;Port.; Livestock State.No.Port.; Am.N., Pendleton; (M em . Fed. R es.) Seattle N.. Seattle. San F.; Northwestern N. and Merch. N., Port. 63,390 U. S. N., Eugene. 100,000 222,690 2,234.470 2,247,560 536.600 N. City and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 100,000 107,890 957,880 929,180 265.510 Chase N.. N. Y : Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Croc 15,000 6,280 140,480 130.000 15,000 1,000 82,000 73,000 27,000 Comw. N., Kan. C;, Mo.; Northwestern N., C. F. Bergman.._; 10,000 3,350 176,090 128,630 60,810 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N.. San F.; U. S. N., Port. R. E. Loomis..___ 50.000 15,000 300,000 "1300,000 85,000 N.City, N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Northwestern N.. H. E. Ferrin_____ D. R. Cheney 25,000 53,690 691,120 599,690 195,120 N.: ParE, N. Y.; 1st N. and U. 'S. N., Port.; 50,000 10,640 440.000 386,000 106.00« Chase N.. N. Y.; U. S. N., Port. D. Bristow, Sec. and Tr. W, H, RAarrt Bank of Falls City------< § ’07 M. L. Thompson _ 96-170 __ A. L. Gosch Flora State Bank------- < i ’14 G. C. Clark______ 96-269 Lane COnnty State & Sav. Bk. J. W. Bergman__ . H. L. Bergman —— J. W. Bergman — 96-171 < i ’08 A. J. Demorest— First National Bank___< 05 M. R. Johnson — 96-00 Forest Grove Nat. Bank.<’07 J. A. Thornburgh.. J. E. Bailey______ W. W. McKldowney 96-91 •Fossil—. . . . . Wheeler J 5 Steiwer &Carpenter Bk.<|'03 W. W. Steiwer..... L. L. Steiwer— — W. L. Reinhart— 96-172 Pop. 700 Freewater__Umatilla N 2 First National Bank___.< ’89 96-173 Pop. 532 H. L. Edmunds.__ Gardiner— .Douglas B 8 First National Bank— < ’14 W.H. Jewett— 96-271 Pop. 400 J.E. Blum_____ - G. T. Stapleton— Gaston__Washington D 3 Gaston State Bank —— <S'll B. F. Purdy____ L. L. Paget 96-174 Pop. 250 A. R. Siegmund__ Gervais____ .Marion E 4 Gervais State Bank------t l’07 Alois Tanzler— 96-175 Pop. 350 9, W. Tir»Irnftr ..... Glendale__ -Douglas C 11 Glendale State Bank — < l ’05 J. O. Lystul____ 96-176 Pop. 1000 •Gold Beach.. Carry A 12 Carry County Bank------ *|'10 E. A. Bailey______. C. H. Bailey_____ H. W. Gauntlett... 96-177 Pop. 300 Gold Hill__Jackson D 12 Gold Hill Bank___. . . . < i ’04 Horace Pelton^__ T FTt T), Rftftd ____ Lynn W. Smith — Falls City__ ....P olk D 5 Pop. 900 Flora_____ Wallowa P Pop. 140 Florence______ Lane B Pop. 600 Forest Grove. Washington Pop. 2500 ( D3 C. O. Portwood—— and San F.: 1st N. and U. S. N., Port. ker N., San F.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.and U.S: N., Port. 29,930 N. City, N- Y.; Northwestern N., Port. Port. and U. S.N., Port.: Seattle N.. Seattle. Dexter-Horton N., Seattle. Han, N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Port. E. J. Davis, Mgr. _ ( Branch o f M ilt on, Ore.) Paul Abraham----- 1! \ M. N. Hamilton___ ............... ........... . dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, etc*, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. X^* O R E G O N — C o n tin u e d 25,000 20,950 366,470 348,060i 82,96« 10,000 5,500 190,000 135,0001 63,001 Northwestern N., Port.; Forest Grove ,N. 10,000 3,180 111,760i 95,5101 28,431 N. Park, N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.: Ladd & 15,000 3,570 120,860i 116.59C1 22,001 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.; Wells Fargo 10,000i 11,500i 122,000i 99,0001 1701 62,8401 41,9401 10,000i RTHW ESITER 1 N„ San F. Forest Grove.; Live Stock State., No. Port. Bash, Bkrsv, Salem. Nev. N.. San F. 42,001 N. Park, N, Y.: U. S. N„ Port.; 1st N..San F. Bk. of Southwestern Ore., Marshfield. 25,211 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N,, San F.; 1st N.^Port. mIATI!3NA L B i Number under Nume o f Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. TOWS AND OOtJNTT. N ame of Ba n k . m SOUTHERN OR V ick-Presid en t . A s s ’ t Ca sh ie r , Berank C. Bramwell G. P. Jester __ 50,000 Stanton Rowell—— S. H. Baker—. . . . .. A. E. Cass—— O. A. Buckley——_ Roy J. Baker...—. T. A. Serrurier. W. E. Markeil-—— E. A. Miller.—. First National Bank___< ’87 M. S. Corrigall— 96-117 Heruriston —Umatilla L 2 First National Bank____.*'06 F. B. Swayze —___ ... Pop.800 n , 96-127 »Hillsboro.—Washington Hillsboro Commercial Bank Edw. Schulmerich. Pop. 3500 ,D 3 96-81 < § ’04 Prin cipal Correspondents . its SsouRinn fro mB arks ) $ 594,500 $ 84,640 N.Park, N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N„ Ohi.; 1st N and U. S. N., Port.> Crocker N., San F. 50.000 7,580 1 317,110 61,000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo, Lon-Paris N., San F;; Northwestern N. Port.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 62,700 Chase N., N. Y.; ü. S. N., Port. 20.000 20,000 1 209,580 38,430 U.Si N., Port.; French & Co., Bkrs., The Dalles . 15.000 4,100 ) 203,210 Theo. Brugger...— C. J. Lundquist.— Lj Mi-Shipley.— R. W. Nystrom Frank Loennig.... C. W. Wright— G Johnson.. 30.000 27,310 I 403,090 25.000 5,500 » 183,000 Claude. Officer..—. W. J. Douglass — 50.000 19.000 1 202,150 1 130,000 39.640 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Ladd & Tilton and U. S. N., Port. 86,640 N. City, N.Y.; Ist N. and Ladd & Tilton. Port. Seattle N., Seattle. 122,000 Seab, N., N. Y.; State Bk. of Port., Port.: Citiz. N., Baker. 85,000 Cont. & Com’l N., ÿChi.; Citiz; N.,; Baker: Northwestern N., Port. 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; 1st N., San F. 5,970 Ladd& Tilton, Pprt.; D. Taylor— .— R. Shipley— BiM.Bond.-—— Grahk Giííiám...... W. P. Mahoney___ W. E. Moore____ T. Âg Mahoney R. Alexander____ A. L. Larson.._ O. Úlshagen____ 400,000 20.000 11.000 30.000 1,980 I 32,360 25.000 24.83Q i 228,080 50.000 14,570 ! : 230,790 53,270 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Northwestern N., 1st N., and Ladd & Tilton, Fort. 40.200 Am. N., Pendleton; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. oO.OOO 11,780 309,910 57,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ Port. A 10,360 245,500 194,700 50.000 20,-000 433,000 273,560 94,880 Han. N., N. Y,: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ist N., San F.: U. S. N.. Port. HILLSBORO NATIONAL BANK W. H. Wehrung__ Geo, E. Beedle-—— J. Fy Gardner____ Ai Lembeck.__ _ 60,000 18.780 450,000 440,000 117,000 N. City, N. Y.: Ist N. and Northwestern N., Port. IÍ > r Shute Savings Bank___«±5’: 96-80 60,000 19,700 789,040 689,230 179,510 N. City, N.Y.; Ladd ¿k Tilton and U.S. N.,Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 100,000 28,400 1,174,600 1,072,950 100,000 14,440 722,020 850,220 10,000 3,400 150.000 138,000 223.680 Irving N., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton and 1st N., Port.: Bk, of Cal. N. A., San F.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 107,850 Han. N., N. V.; •1st N., Chi. and San F.; U. S. N., Port. 25,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Ü. S. N.. Port.: 1st N.f San F. 25.000 2,930 128,450 140v770 40.000 2,000 120.000 144,000 J , By PAR KER---— C. G. IRVINE 25,000 LyC . FITZGERALD — t service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding I: Plain sight drafts, lSc¡ Cre dit Reports, SOc. TRY US 6,600 236,000 183*000 66,000 N. Park, N. Y.: U. S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; 1st N „ San F.; Ladd & Bush, Bkrs., Salem. 50,000 19,060 217,690 182,220 71,010 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Ú. S. N./Êort.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 15.000 12,000 175Ì0Ò0 170,000 10.000 5,460 72,000 55,000 24,230 Northwestern N. and U. S. N., Port.; 1st N., Heppner. rs | 18,000 Chase N., N. Y.;;Ladd & Tilton, Port.: Live Stock State, No. Port. 64,940 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; State Bk. of Port., Port.; U. S. N., Salem. 180,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; U. JvW. Bailey.—___ F. J. Sewell_____ < ’11 •Hood River. Hood River Butler ‘Banking Co— POP* ?750 G3 ♦ 96-71 A. C. Shute.—____ L. T. McPheeters .- -C, Jack, Jr— — _ W. V. Bergen.... 11900 Leslie Bntler____ Truman Butler___ C. H. Vaughan------ Harold Hershner .. I. R. Acheson . /__ First National Bank___< ’04 E. O. Blanchar___ 96-72 , Hubbard—.'.. Marion Ë 4 State Bank of Hubbard<§’06 B. Paulsen ______ POP. 500 96-185 Huntington..Si Baker P ,6 Bank of. Huntington——< § ’98 Ç. A. Nor they—— P o p - looo 96rl86 Iipbler..::.—...Union 0 .3 State Bank o f Jmbler -—tS'12 Sa Li'Brooks..__ _ Pop. 400 96-252 ■ W. IRVINE—— Independence...Polk D 5 FARMERS STATE B K .-< § ’12 (G. 7 Si save time and Pop. 1200 96-253 (FI FEE IN ADVAN INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK---- 96-187-......... »’8£ C. Dethman_____ S. J. Moore—____ L. M. Baldwin_ N. Blair— . „ . . . L. A. Beckman___ Ruth E. Calvert — F. S. Bubb____ i O. W. Fox H, H. .Dickson A. W. Sutherland— W. P. Coulter L. Stringham ; H.“ Hirschberg__ D. W. Sears_____ I. D. Mix______ Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. Bank ol Idfae, lhc2„——< §’03 J. E. Cronan.___„ H. M. Cummins . . . E. L. Pádberg,Sec.. 96-188 Bank of Jacksonville—<{.’10 G M. Ruch R. D. Nines ir_—— W. H. Johnson .... 96-122 Oregon State Bank__. .< § ’02 J. F. Griffith — Coy Burnett___ j:. E. D. Smith____ _ J. G. Sm ith-__ . . . 96-189 Grant County Bank—__i§1900 J. A. Laycock_____ J. O. Oliver.-—. . . . E. J. Bayley______ Claude M. Tracy... ort-ion 1,119,080 15.000 3,900 170,450 112,500 40.0001 30,000 370,000 233,000 243,650 Ghem. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Port.; Old N., Spokane: . Live Stock State, No. Port. 83,150 Am. N.,. Pendleton. 15,610 Chase N., N. Y.: Oma. N., Oma.; Ladd & Tilton, Fort.; Bk. of Gal. N. A.. San F. 37,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port. Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS ^ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t 1 ■ I I I / ' Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given nke to each bank in, U .'S. exclusively by T he Rand-M eN ally Bankers* n n ilÁ a 4 -h n LJt H T h n A m n v ln q n P u n l/o v 'a A cc’ n O R EG O N — Continued Accessible Tow ns, - Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, July,' 1919 82,780 25.000 _______ 100,000 96-82 • Pnn 400 i ) Rob’t K. Burton__ Margaret G. Scol■<., lard W. A. Lane..—4_. Q .J, Wilhelm__'— R. S. Snyder—.. Geo. J. Wilhelm 96-183 Nona B. Hoyt Helix—------Umatilla M 2 Bank of Helix..*._____< { ’04 W. L. Thompson — Gunder Teyeson.. Carl Enpers___ Irene Rather__: Pop. 200 96-184 »Heppner___Morrow K 4 Farmers & Stockgrowers J. W; Béymer.___ Fraiik Anderson .. S. W. Spencer.___ G. M. Sims Pop. 1600 National Bank*,_____ <17 J. W. Creath , Resources, L O A M SAD t s - C ashAE x* D epos 1c an qis,D us * ts. B ord s, ch 13,300 -<&01 Josephine County Bk.„•tS’10 J. L-. .Calvert ¡____ i 86-60 Grass Valley—..Sherman Citizens Bank___<{103 C. W. Moore.—— J ,Pop.’350 • 14 ' 96-179 Gresham.Multnbmah F 3 Bank o f Gresham__ ...»1110 A, F?.Miller.— . . . . P Pop. 1000 96-130 First.State Bank___. . . T.t|’05 A. Meyers-------- — 96-129 ' ~ 1 • Haines— . ___Raker Q 5 Bank of Haines ___< § ’12 Davis Wilcox__ . . . ' Pop. 5Ü0 ' 96-180, Halfway.. ....Baker P 5 American State Bank—<§10 W. W. Lloyd ....... Pop. 186 96-181, Halsey_—__. —Linn D 6 Halsey State Bank.— < { ’10 Ç. R. Koontz —— ' ' POP,: 400 96-182 Harrisburg— Linn D ,7 Farmers & Merchants State Geo, J. Wilhelm... ‘Pop. 800 ‘ B a n k -- 96-242__- . • t i l l First National Bank___ < 08 R. K. Burton _____ lone."_____ Morrow E 3 Pop. 500 » JacksonVille JacksonD13 Pop. 500 Jefferson.___Marion D5 Pop. 365 John Day ...'.•.Grant M 6 -u p H, D. Norton.—:.— G. E. Lundburg— . J. T. Fry . . . . . __ _ $ 50,000 $ 35,580 R. E. Hackett OR ANTS PASS BANKING CO. Claus Schmidt____ I. Ai’Robie -___ 9 6 -2 8 1 p a id Capital P rofits 96-58 .......... , 96-5# Cashier . and L. B. Hall-_____ - m ¡r - L i a b il it ie s . Pr esid en t . __________________OREGON BÁNKS— Grants Pass to John Day »Oeunty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in'No. 12 ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. Fed. Kes. Dist. Portl’dBr. •Mem. Fed. Kes. [Estab. »Grants Pass.. Josephine Pop. 4000 C 12 Accessible Towns, Lawyers* Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace. OREGON— Continued 1106 1106 T own and N am e County . of Accessible Towns* - Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, etc«, see page 14. ~For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O R EG O N — Continued R esources. Lia b il it ie s , Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks, Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Bed. Res. Dist. Portl’d Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res, President. Vice-President. Jordan Valley— Malheur Bank of Jordan Valley.*tS’ 05 F. J. Palmer_____ T, R. Cowgill ■ 96-191 Pop. 5C0 Q 11 Ass ’t Cashier. CASHIER. Sdbplits Paid-up AND Capital Pbopits DbposITB Loarek Ductfl. B onds, Beourities Principal Correspondents. Caem 4k MxCHAE«aa,Un from BÁnu Harry Looney ..* — G. C. Crawford™. $ 50,000 $ 22,350 $ 336,450 $ 409,880 $ 83,240 N. City. N. Y.: Oont. & Oom’l N., Ohi.; U. S, N., Port.; Boise City N. Boise. 50,000 10,500 249,650 230,460 73,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northwestern N./ Port.: Live Stock State, No. Port.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 25,000 18,000 275,000 225,000 69,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; Ü. S. N„ Fort. Junction City__Lane 1) 7 First National Bank___ »t’93 W. C. Washbnrne. C. B. Washbnrne.. B. A. Washburne I 96-192 Pop. 759 50,000 15,310 347,130 336,860 88,080 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; U.S. N., Port, Juntura«— -Malheur O 8 First Bank of Juntura.«îl’13 William Jones___ Thos. Turhbull — . 96-260 Pop. <250 20,000 9,860 134.420 83,490 35,000 1,350,000 1,190,000 366.330 Chase N..N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; U.S.N., Port.; Crocker N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 50,000 20,240 1.220,230 959,930 277,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 1st N., Chi., San F., and Port. Ida' B. Moinyèr___ J.'I. Beard.— __ 50,000 15,000 221,000 198,000 EugeniCourtney.. Lomax ¿ . Turner 10,000 1.100 91,000 85,000 45,000 N- Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cal. N „ Sacramento; Am, N.. San. F.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. 16,100 Ladd & Tilton, and U. S. N., Port.; McMinn ville N„ McMinnville. 370,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi., San F., and Port, «Klamath Falls. Klamath First National Bank___ «POS E. R. Reames...__ L. F. Willits — ___ Leslie R ogers...... J, M. Moore_____ A. M. Collier Pop.'6000 G 13 V 96-64 J. Vf.SIEHEKS---— & SAVINGS B A N K 96-66 •«'07 U WM. MILLER— UNITED STATES NAT’L BK. 96-44 »f09 F. L. MEYERS-— nk. J. C. HENRY---------- T. J. SCR0GGIN— inni, unu ti.— .ARL¿ZM PEJ.---— II 60,000 1,400.000 1,400,000 S.' H. C0NKEÌ 100,000 34,700 7 836,000 825,000 95,700 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S, N„ Port. 50,000 82,470 p 555,480 538,110 265,190 Chase N„ N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; NorthWestern N „ Port.; Reno N., Reno, Nev. 25,410 1st N., Lakeview. 1 Send yoiir coiie étions direct tip n s for prompt, effl cient service. WE GET BESV LTS. J. C, Mayer—« ..—-. Alex. Power.. s! C. Stewart —----- A; M. Reeves__ ... TömT). O’Brien. Clarence Ingram .. W. G. Scott...— .r T. J¡ Mahoney.__ W. 0. Hill-«-»* 40,000 22*330 158,790 194,510 100,000 174,700 439,620 552,140 "50,000 5,000 70.000 113,500 15,000 3,700 74,000 65,000 50,000 31,710 532,290 37.7,930 202.130 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., U. S. N.,andNprthwestern N.. Port. 44,660 Han. N., N.Y.; U. S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 23,160 Live Stock State, No. Port. 35,000 9,660 228,470 230,570 15,000 4,040 116,750 112,630 8 . L. Magill.— - S. P. Crow____ Edgar Marvin R. G, Marvin____ 15,000 4,400 84,250 78,840 Andrew Morrow. R. T. -Olson..««. A. J. Betts«— McKinley Kane ... D. W.Densmoor 25,000 13,500 165,000 150.000 164,820 J.&W. Seligman &CO..N. Y.;Ist N.. Port.: Anglo & Lon.Paris N.,San F.: Cal. N.. Sacramento. 16,500 Han. N., N .Y .: Am. N., San. E.: U. S. N.. Portland, 18,000 1st N., Port. 22,190 U. S. N., Port. Stockgrowers & Far. N., Wallowa. 42.500 Chase N.» N. Y.; U. 8. N. and Northwestern N., Port. .V _________ _______ 1107 Lebanon.— Linn E 6 First National Bank__..*'08 S. P. Bach Pop. 2500 96-86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 200,000 . E . COOLIDGE A. ZURBRICK Meredith Anderson First National Rank——•#04 H. A. Brattain------ S. O. Cressler_____ D. J. Wilcox.. ' : 90— 103 Meredith Anderson Lake County Loan & Sav. Bk. H. A. Brattain____ S. O. Cressler___ D. J. Wiicoxll 96-104 §’05 M. MillerG... W. Johnson —_ «Lakeview___Lake J 13 Bank of Lakeview_____ «S’98 Bernard Daly**.^— W...P, Heryfo rd - .. F . 96-102 F. Wayne,, . " Pop. 1253 G. FÆiïlelen. A. J.Tsw ift— — — _ Commercial National Bk.»i!18 e ,’ m m n e s J,, ¡G.. Flynj — '96-285 M. Ê; Tomes Lapine... Deschutes G 9 La Pine State Bank-------- S’14 G. M "la m T cn .— \VTlMm William!— È? B. TöiSöS — 96-268 Pop. 126 Léfianòn National Bank .«#12 96-87 / Lexington— Morrow K 4 Lexington*State Bank...§’17 Pop. 300 »96-273 Linnton..Multnomah E 3 (See jPortland) j Pop. 1500 Lostine — Wallowa P 3 Lostine State Bank___ —1'13 96-261 ; ,i Poo. 203 « Madras—J efferson 11 6 Madras StateBan.k— -•t§’09 , 96 197 Pop. 4Ö0 100,000 f l l H SPECIAL COLLECTION FACILITIES. WM. HAGELSTEIN Personal persistent attention given all items. , Prompt remittances. Send your Items direct to us. Klamath State Bank—.•î§’18 O. D'.‘ Burke___,__ J. A. Gordon . . . . . . rw d 96-284 m s* V I La Fayette__Yamhill D 4 La Fayette State Bank-«t5’ll Geo'/G." Bingham— A. H. Dènny_____ 96-193 Pop. 600 j M . HOLMES--- - - C. C. PENINGTON— «LaGrandei.— Union N 4 LA GRANDE NATL BANK Pop. 650Q 96-43 -< ’81 (First and Oldes t Established Ba 73,000 Boise City N., Boise; Ontario N., Ontario. ____________ OREGON BANKS— Jordan Valley to Madras Joseph.J*— Wallowa P 3 First Bank of Joseph— «tS’87 F. H. Gaulke____ Hi 6 , Davidhizar .. F. F. McCiiHy ___ H. V. Kadderly___ ♦ 96-123 Pop. 1000 L. E. Caviness.— H, M. Swartwood— •T. A. Wfitzftl____ . First National Bank— . «P 08 L. Knapper 96-124 FIRST STATE ]uly, I9Î9 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given -I 1 A rt to eaòh bank in, U .S . exclusively by T he Rand-M eN ally Bankers* I l v / Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n.« Number under Name of Bank isthe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. ¿County Seats. Nabe of x a v v v a o i w i v 'M V l T l I O y OREGON—Continued Ba n k . Entire State in No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. Portl’d Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President . V ICE-PRE SID EN T. Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . [Estab. _ _ _ _ v v y Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Ijoax* k Du- Caerk ExPaid - up Surplus D epos c’te. Bonde, OlAMHfDn and C a p i t a l P rofits its Snovritue fromBarre Principal Correspondents. ______ $ 100.000 $ 18.950 $ 799.550 $ 837.740 S 130,760 N. City, N. ¥.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. Charles Hall______ A. E. Adelsperger. R. F. Williams___ Oregon^ ..96-61___ < ('8 9 Jas. E. Montgomery (Mem. Fed. Res.) Bennett Trust Co.______{ ’04 T. T. Bennett..___ Arthur McKeown . B. S wanton, Tr. . . Arthur McKeown. 75.000 50,000 30,000 96-272 Sec. Marshfield_____ Coos B 9 Bank o f Southwestern Pod. 4200 100,000 30,000 800,000 650,000 200,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cbm Ex. N., Chi.; Wells Fargo 25,000 5,000 235,000 200,000 50,000 U. S. N.. Port.; Crocker N., San F.; (Mem, 20.000 5,000 150,000 145,000 30,000 U. 8. N.. Port. 50,000 M . F . C0RRIGAN- RALPH W0RTMAR (JOHN W0RTMAN ¿McMinnville___Yamhill FIRST NATIONAL BARK-<83 ^FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each slgbt draft for presentation, and Pop. 3500 D4 96-67 (f i f t y c e n t s for each credit re port Insures pro mpl, personal att entlon. 50,000 500,000 460,000 30.000 23,000 235.000 250,000 ----------------- 75,000 91.180 903,930 945,680 UNITED STATES NAT’LB A N K Arthur McPhillips. G. W. Briedwell—. Lynn Lancefield... — - ----------- k - -----96-69 «tlO 50.000 37,000 390,000 320,000 Medford___Jackson D 18 ♦Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bk. Delroy Getchell___ L. Neidermeyer__ R. F. Antle______ — — ----- — ------96-25 <('09 __ Pop. 14,118 50,000 5,140 383,500 248,740 ♦FIRST NATIONAL B ANK< 05 Wra, G, Tait.__ __ Charles M. English Oris Crawford__... H. S. Deuel.______ 100,000 15,000 850,000 700,000 ♦Jackson County Bank.<(’88 G. W. McDonald__ G. R. Bindley____ V. H. V aw ter...__ T. B. Lumsden___ 96-22 ♦Medford National Bank<06 W. H. Gore....™ . J. A. Perry__ John S. Orth____ W. B. Jackson___ 96-24 F. J. Merrick Medford Clearing House___ 100,000 48,070 801,080 720,140 100,000 20,000 600,000 480,000 NAT. BANK OF C00S W. S. Chandler.._ Dorsey Kreitzer__ W. K. Butler. ____96-62______ < 0 5 Maupin_____ Wasco Pop. 250 B. R. Chandler Nev. Scandinavian American Bank R. H. Olsen______ L. A. L iljegvist. . . Reidar B ugge...__ ♦ 96-274 «${’15 I 4 Maupin State B ank____ * {’14 J. M. Conklin____ J. S. Brown______ F. D. Stuart_____ ----------------------— 96-270 Mflfsïfflt" First Loan ft Savings Bank Jnó. Wortman__ A. M. Peery. ..___ Frank Wortman, Sec. 96-70 { ’11 — McMinnville Nat’lBank <88 E. C. Apperson__ R. L. Bewley ____ _ W. S. Link___ ___ 96-68 96-23 (Members indicated by a * ) Merrill.^— Klamath G 13 First National Bank___<11 W. C. Dalton____ Pop. 300 96-198 Metoiius.. Jefferson H 6 Citizens State Bank__ < { ’11 N. A. Burdick____ Pop. 300 96-246 Milton___.Umatilla N 2 Farmers Security Bank..('ll J. H. Goffman____ 96-240 Pop. 1300 First National Bank__ < ’89 H. L. Frazier.___ 96-200 Milwankie___ Clackamas First State Bank_____ < ( ’09 Philip Streib_____ Pop. 1200 E3 96-201 A. M. Collier _____ S. M. Bubb___ C. S. Marsh__ ____ N. A. Burdick, Acting -_- . . . . __ -^-r 25,000 6.500 211,000 171,940 15,000 1,500 115,000 56.000 N., San F,; U. S. N., Port. Fed. Res.) 150,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and San F.: 1st N. U. S. N., and Northwestern N „ Port. 35.000 1st N., McMinnville. 153,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N „ Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: 1st N. and U. S. N., Port.; Dexter Horton N.. Seattle. 115,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; U. S. N., Ladd & Tilton and 1st N., Port.; Crocker N., San F. 100,240 N. Park. N. Y.; Ladd ft Tilton and North western N., Port.: 1st N. and Anglo & Lon.Paris N., San F. 150,000 Chase N., N, Y.; Cont. & Com’l N,, Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Northwestern N.. Port. 229,010 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.Í Chi.; Anglo & Lon.-Paris N., San F.; Ladd & Tilton,-Port. 135,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: 1st N., Port. 63,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: U. S. N „ Port. 38,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Northwestern N., Port. 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ladd ft Tilton, Port. 25,000 4,500 135,000 124,000 50,000 79,780 963.950 977,040 163.620 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.„ Port. 25,000 6,000 315,000 220,000 Mitchell___ Wheeler J 6 Mitchell State Bank , __ t§’18 L. L. Jones. E. R. Laughlin. Fred Anderson___ M. L. Anderson . . . Pop. 210 96-286 P. R. Barnhouse Molalla__Clackamas E 4 First National Bank___ < ’ 12 L. W. Robbins__... J. R. Cole__ ____ F.G. Havemann__ 25,000 6,400 133,300 146,600 106,000 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; U. 8. N. and North western N.. Port. 35,980 N. Park, N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port. 96-204 Farmers State Bank . . . < ( ’17 W. H. Ragsdale___ W. F. Jackson____ Geo. B. Bourhill__ E. R. Hickson . . . . . ♦ 96-282 Mosier---------- Wasco H 3 Mosier Talley Bank___ $(’09 Chas. T. Bennett.. J. P. Carroll... .... L. J. M errill_____ -----Pop. 250 96-205 Mt. Angel___ Marion E 4 Bank of Mt. Angel___ < { ’05 J. W. Ebner_____ Henry Berning__ J. J. Keber..____ Aivis K eber______ Pop, 545_________ 96-206 3.710 181,270 138,610 1,500 60,000 60,000 30,000 18,000 275.000 200,000 10,000 5,000 140,000 25,000 25,300 150.000 210,000 50.000 French & Co. Bkrs., The Dalles: U. 8. N., Port. 25,000 4,000 250,000 190,000 89,000 1st N., The Dalles; Northwestern N., Port.: (M em . Fed. R es.) 15.0C0 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ladd ft Tiiten.-Por-t— 10,000 2.000 75,000 30.000 18,000 200.0CC • .5.00 200 000 63,390 Imp. ft Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F.; North western N., Port. 9.000 Northwestern N., Port. 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.-; Northwestern N. and U. S. N., Port.: 1st N., San F 27,000 Han. N., N Y -D- S. N . Port. í^.OOff Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Northw estern N.. a n d l e t N ,. P o r t July, 1919 Pop. 400 25,000 15,000 1-4 96-249 o O o Pop. 500 Monitor_____ Marion E 4 Monitor State B a n k _ _ .< {’18 A. W. Gilles..____ Grant B. Dimick _. C. W. Conyne____ R. A. C onyn e____ Pop. 150 96-283 Monmouth____ Polk D 5 First National Bank___ < ’89 Ira O. Powell____ J. B. V. Butler._„ E. L. Kilen_______ ------------------------ _ Pop. 800 «* 96-202 Monroe,...__Benton D 6 Monroe State Bank ___$(’11 H. O. Herron_____ E. Bennett... Ira E. Williams___ M. Wilhelm Pop. 200 96-203 ¿Moro____ Sherman 13 Bank o f M oro_______ <(1900 E. O. McCoy_____ L. Barnum_ F. E. Fortner____ — ________ F. M. Kent-____ W. W. Wasser..... C. R. Samuel_____ J. E. Davis_____ Geo. A. Price____ E. J. Davis _____ T. C. Frazier Phil. T. Oatfleld . .. A. H. Zanders____ Elizabeth Streih__ __________________OREGON BANKS—’ Marshfield to Mt. Angel •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. t itt n /v fS ) dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 1108 nos Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS Æ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 jq q Number under Name of iBank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ u n d ou* t h a o lith n v i tw Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of this volume. F orlntcrcsl R ites* G n c69| natrft 1 4 . Far Holidays, see opposite pace 13. c . N um ber under N am e o f Bank Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, u n der tb e au th ority of T b e Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. N ame of B a n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fed. Res. Dist. Portl’dBr. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. V ice -P resident . P resident . John Hall____ Myrtle Creek Douglas D 10 Pop. 500 96-207 Myrtle Point___ CuosB 10 Bank o f Myrtle Point..•tS’Ol Pop. 836 96-119 A s s 't Cashier . $ 10,000 § 6,000 $ 140,000 $ 80,000 $ 65,000 Chase N .,N . Y.: 1st N., Port. 446,040 355,270 R. p. Gill_____ ___ 50,000 12,900 300,000 386,500 138,590 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi,; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: U. S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port. 38,500 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.; 1st N., San F. J, C. Oolcord_____ H. M. H osk in s..... 50,000 38,000 738,500 715,000 135,600 N. Park, N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.; O. F. Jacobson___ C. O. Hawkins____ G. R. Dickenson „ 12,000 4,000 150,000 130,000 C. S. Winsor------ - J. H. Greves H. L. Bergman___ 50,000 18,390 710.760 476,050 840 80,650 65,070 C. C. C olt________ T. J. Mahoney.___ C. B. Swift ______ E, F. Sims 100,000 A R Mill« . . 15,000 36,310 1,997,630 1,241,200 885,010 Guaranty Tr. Co..N .Y.: Cont. &-Com’l N.. N. City, Chi.: 1st N. and U. S. N„. Port.: Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; (M em . Fed. Res.) 48,570 State Bk. of Port.. Por t. 15,000 9,250 137,780 113,460 25,000 14,250 165,460 142,930 55,7601 1st N. Bk. o f Ida., Boise, Ida.; U. S. N.. Port. J. H. W olf_____ . . . 25,000 20,560 189,880 170,490 J. 0. Bovingdon... 15,000 4.870 146,660 117,400 102,230 548,110 482.280 50,000 60,000 603,400 615,000 137,000I Hah. N.. N. Y.: U. S. N., Porto Boise City N., Boise, Ida. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK J. R. Blackaby..__ 96-105 < ’98 C. R. Emison Geo. J. Stearns___ E. G. Young. Jr.__ Gertrude Young H. B. Cockrnm___ C. W. Platt L. B. Cockrum R. M. Perry W. F. Homan_____ fi. C. nefrees .. . Earl Blackaby 25,000 64,950: Chase N., N. Y.; Boise City N., Boise, Ida.; 1st N.. Port. 43,950 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; U.S.N.. Port.; Crockei N., San F.; Live Stock State, No. Port. 191,310 1st N., Port. 60,000 30,000 '525,070 488,880 133,660 N. City, N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port.; Me Cornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. (TH0S. F. RYAN — BANK OF C0MMERCE-<S’15 J M odern progres 96-277 ) rapid and sue I Test o u r facil JOHN R. HUMPHRYS ve caused the this bank, ur business. 50,000 17,880 683.640 126,020 1 VlUt; J>ll| All A<1 XAAIfeiU San F.: Ladd & Tilton, Northwestern N., and U. S. N.. Port. 59,150 1,534,54C 1,357,260 336,380 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N, Chi. and San F¿; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; (M em . F ed. R es.) H. S. MOUNT______ give m eth ods ha cessful growth o f ttles. Send us yo K. E. BAUERSFELD— S. L. STEVENS------- jW. T. WRIGHT— « sta b lish sT eK ldk. jFlrst and Oldest E d Ban m n t t a specialty, . 100,000 749,690 C ollections 'P rom p t attentl on to all Banking m atters entrüste d to us. Paisley National Bank__ »’13 F. M. Miller . _____ M. C. Currier___ _ 96-259 R. D. Gorke ..__. . . W. V. Miller AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK W. L. Thompson.. F. E. Judd____ ___ J. B. McCook_____ R. M. M ayberry... 96-51 < ’89 G. M. Rice________ G. A. Hartman___ Lyman G. R ice— Edwin Winter INLAND EMPIRE BANK-§19 J. W. Maloney___ C. E. W ailes______ ♦ 90-289 Douglas Belts 25,000 449,540 412,680 40,000 9.000 85,000 80.000 160,370 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; and Port.; Anglo & Lond. Paris N., San F. ~ 26,500 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Port, and San F. 300,000 194,880 3,018,030 3,912,770 592,510 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Confi N., Chi.; 1st N. Port. 250,000 469,140 3,769,960 3,903,430 585,670 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.: U. S. N., Port. 90,000 Northwestern N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port Ex. N., Spokane; (M e m . Fed. R es.) 100.000 85,000 280,000 355,000 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Benton Co. State, ^Corvallis Northwestern N „ Port. 46,080 Am. N., Pendleton; Northwestern N., Port. 12,50(1 86,500 15,000 4,300 30.000 25.000 250,000 Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS ^ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1109 Philomath State Bank__ $§’11 Samuel H. Moses.. R. C. von Lere____ H- T>- Moreland ... 96-211 L. C. Scharpf_____ C. W. Paulus______ First Bank o f Pilot Rock<|’08 J. N. Burgess_____ 96-212 50,000 Ì OREGON BANKS—Myrtle Creek to Pilot Rock_____________ E. M. Mays ... 35.000 Bk. o f Cal. N. A.. Port. 346,670 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; U. S. N., Port.; Am. N., San F. 26,770 U. S. N.. Port. T. B. Garrison____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 82 Levi Ankeny — 96-50 Pop. 850 ock..Uma Pop. 350 P rincipal Correspondents . 3,070 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’8» D. C. Latourette.— M. D. Latourette . . F. J. Meyer.—____ Geo. E. Swafford.. 96-53 C. D. Latourette iton.Umati Pop. 7500 R esources. Oami A Dis CashA Ex ~’ts. Bonds, changes,Du* •Securities fromBanks Frank D. H all____ BANK OF OREGON CITY<§’81 ♦ 96-52 Pop. 400 Lia b il it ie s . D epos P aid - dp Surplus and its Capital Profits 50,000 North Powder____ Union W. T. Wright— — C. W. Wright____ 96-267 Pop. 500 O 4 Nyssa______ Malheur Q 8 Bank o f Nyssa__ _____ < § ’10 A. G. Kingman__ _ Pop. 600 96-139 Malheur County Bank..<|’06 96-138 Oakland____Douglas D 9 Commercial Bank_____ <§'04 C. L. Beckley_____ Pop. 800 96-136 E. G. Young & Co.,’08 A. G. Young, Mgr. 96-137 Ontario___ ..Malheur Q 7 First National Bank____< ’01 96-106 Pop. 2500 Pop. 7500 Cashier . G. R_ Bates „ Newberg___ Yamhill D 4 First National Bank ..... < ’05 Pop. 2800 96-75 United States Nat. Bank *$'89 S. L. Parrett______ 96-74 Newport____ Lincoln B 6 Western State Bank__ < § ’06 C. E. Hawkins__ Pop. 1000 96-209 North Bend____ Coos A 9 First National Bank___ < ’09 H. G. Kern____ __ Pop. 3900 96-79 North Plains. Washington 96-250 I ’l l Pop. 250 D 3 North Portland ..__ Mult Live Stock State Bank.<§’17 nomah ___ _______ E 3 ♦ . 96-280 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of this volume. F o rln tc r cs t R it e s , Grace» e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. O R E G O N — Continued July, 1919 -f 1 n n N ame of B a n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assit. SStatç iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Kres. TEstab. ü S 24-6 P resident . V ice -President . A s s ’t Cashier . Cashier . 8,500.000 and P r o f it s L oan s & B on d s, Se c u r i D is c o u n t s t i e s , BTO. $ 328,740 $ 403,510 D ue f r o m Banks CAsh AND E X CHANGES $ 100,480 Chase N. and Bkrs, Tr. Co., N. Y.; 38,470 91,000 9,000 13,000 24,000 11.670 713,900 463,620 81,280 172,460 10,860 481,460 360,770 75,610 81,520 100,000 20.670 1,119,150 585,560 299,410 293,130 100.000 10.000 1,088*760 487,270 70,010 50.000 X500 100.000 5.000 J. V. B u r k e .:...... R. R, Thatcher . . : . W. Keeler, S ec ..... 50.000 J osephjlume— ... L. p , Goodrich . . . . G. Q. H o sk in s...... 50.000 H. L Raffety.. .... J.S.Birrel__ _____ W. C. Tomlinson.. (Branch o f Tor&n to, Ontar io) F. C. Malpas, M gr.. 24-2 •!§'67 Citizens Bank__________ «¿§'90 N. U. Carpenter__ Joseph Paquet A 24-51 ♦Federal Reserve Bank o f San (Branch o f Sem F rdncisao,-Gal, > Francisco 24—1 B a n k s 8,376,980 (Branch o f San F ra/ncisco, Cal.) — C. Detering — - - - - H. H. Haynës . i —'. C. C. Hammond... Chas. B. Drake__ _ I n d i v id UAL D e p o s it s 14,170 Willis Ireland____ W illis Ireland....... H. F. Pupke, Jr. . . 0. Detering ♦CARABI AN BK.OF COMMERCE E. A. Clark::.1....t ; A. W. Livingston. 100,000 31,410 2,012,980 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle; U. S. N., Port. J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Phil. N..Phil.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 5,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Northwestern N „ ‘ Port. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. 43.530 N. City, N. Y'.Y- Bk. o f Cal. N. A., Port, and Seattle. 19.530 N. Park; N.Y.; tJ, S. N., Port. 61,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N.. Port, Seattle N.,(Seattle. Can. Bk. o f Com.,N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Can. Bk. of Com., San F. 500,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., San F. For complete data see page 33).— A . L, M ILLS — -C. C COLT, V. P. E . A WYLD A . Qash. L . H. LOOK W . X THOMPSON T. W. P ETER S , I . R. CORBETT 2,500,000 1,338,300 28,692,860 $4,552,410 18,125,760 12,893,510 5,740,190 1,785,420 A. 0. JONES , A . Cash. ^ A d e q u a t e ly e q u ip p e d t o s e r v e In d iv id u a ls a n d B a n k s h a v in g b u s in e s s in P o r t la n d a n d t h e N o r t h w e s t . W e In v ite Y o u r A c c o u n t •t’65 First National Bank o f Linnton Sinclair A. Wilson. E. E. Wilson__ 24-71 •J’08 Roy N. F orce- Harry McL. De wart Hartman & Thompson, Bankers (J. L. Hartman an d E. L. Thompson) E. F. Allshaw 24-56 »tt’06 ♦HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK J. F. D aly____ : 24-17 *$§’93 Lansing Stout . — O. B. Sewall. . ‘ LADD & TILTON BANK 24-5 Surplus P rincipal Correspondents. EDWARD COOKINGHAM-1. D. HUNT-.— *— - W. M. COOK— — W.M. LADD,Ch.ofBd. E s ta b lis h e d 1 8 5 9 . O l d e s t b a n k in th e P a c i f i c N o r t h w e s t . C o lle c t io n s s e n t its •t§’59 w ill r e c e iv e p r o m p t a n d c a r e f u l a tt e n t io n . J. E. W iley______ H. W. Hughes Fred I. Weber R. S. HOWARD— T. H. WEST S. L. EDDY ß CAMERON SQUIRES J25.000 2,440 182,920 100,000 15,480 531,000 200,000 141,180 4,539,510 1,000,000 27,820 149,710 67,410 24,600 184,200 186,240 247,670 1,856,370 19,860,060 3,324,420 12,302,270 8,426,500 4,358,100 OPPOSI TE . San F. Ira T. Walker, 2>._ C. C, Close, Sec. 500,000 100,000 Montavilla Savings Bank.*t§’13 Lee A rnett...----24-62 A. C. Ruby— L. G. McConnell__ G. A. Rehder__ 50.000 5,000 200,000 161,700 24,880 23,950 Multnomah State Bank .. • t i l l W. T. Wright . . . 24-63 ( Portland continued, on next 1page) F. R. Foster. Sherman Harkson. 15.000 1,400 232,000 140,000 60,000 37,000 N. Park and N. City, N. T .; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and 953,960 Wells Fargo-Ner. N „ San F.; 1st N., St. Paul; (Mem. Fed RC8.) Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.* N YtiCont. & Com’l N .;’ Chi.; Union TrTCo.. San F.; ü . S. N „ Port. 8,550 Han. N*> N. Y.; Northwestern N. Port. _ 14,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: State Bk. of Port. Port.; Bk. of Oregon City, Oregon City. NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. July, 1919 C. F. Wright. C. S. Kelty Ilirp.p.t Ynnr NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS tt: e NORTHWESTERN 56,190 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N. Ohi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. N. San F. Lumbermens Trust Company J. A. Keating----24-64 ÍI13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7,300 U. S. N., Port. 1,108,840 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. 2,429,290 1,344*630 SEE AD VERTIS EMENT Imp. & Tra. N., 1st N., Mech. & Metals N., and Chein.N., N .T .; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., Bos.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; N, Bk. Com., St. L. xOREGON BANKS—Portland Broadway B an k.._________§19 W* B. Haines.__ P a id - u p Ca p i t a i . 50.000 W. A. Macrae, Mgr. J. T. Bnrtchaell. A . Mgr, Bank o f Commerce_______§13 F. D. Doernbecher V 24-67 Bank o f East Portland------ §19 Roger Newhall___ 24-69 Bank o f K e n t o n ......... »t§’09 G. F. Heusner____ 24-60 Bank o f Sellwood_______* tl’07 L. H. Alexander... 24-58 George W. Bates & Co., Bankers Geo. W. Bates__ 24-52 »t§’94 24-4 R esources-. Lia b il it ie s . i k« í ’64 FIRST NATIONAL BANK P o p . 295,463 (Branch Federal Reserve Bank No. 118) C. E. Rumelin.:___ R j G. Ashley.L»------ M. A. M. Ashley. Ashley & Rumelin, Bankers 24-64 »t§’07 w (M u ltn o m a h C o ., E 3) C o u n ty Seat, PORTLA ND—Reserve City Number .under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number giv -°- ea°k t>ank in XJ. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1110 1110 a E « S M n w i 1 8 5 9 - 1 9 1 9 \ V 7 IT H v * score an experience years gained o f continuous through three and conserva- tive financial operation, the Ladd 6C T ilton Bank, pioneer o f the Pacific N orthwest, is in an admirable position to serve banks, mercantile houses and others with efficiency and dispatch. 1 Unexcelled Collection Facilities Correspondence Invited ------------------------- OFFICERS W . M. Ladd, Chairman o f the Board Edward Cookingham . . President Isaac D. Hunt . . Vice-President Walter M. Coole . . . Cashier R. S. Howard . . . Asst. Cashier Thomas H . West . . Asst. Cashier Samuel L. Eddy . . Asst. Cashier Cameron Squires, Asst. Cashier Edward Cookingham Raymond B. Wilcox D IR E C T O R S W . M. Ladd Isaac D. Hunt Harold I. Pratt Frederic B. Pratt Cameron Squires i L add & T ilton B ank Established 1859 C apital Fu lly P aid $1,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus $1,000,000 PO RTLAN D , OREGON MCMSC* l FIMWAL RESERVE SYSTEM n w g B äÄ §Ä ÿ H ■ÄÄlPäSSip#! ■!M •” ■. il •’ 1 w ®P ' ■■'•■ ;V A ^ 'l e l i / i i ìé ^ m r n m m m M tlS ï ttl Í¡! J h h Rh » , 4W ® ¿ t;, » . Digitized for IFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number und^r Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number airen to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R aad-M cN ally Bankers’ ♦Mem. Fed. Res. f. R esou rces. B on d s, Dub S e c u h iPROM c o u n t s THIS, BTC. Banks Loan s* D is P rincipal Correspondents . Ga s h AND E X CHANGES _ 675,510 56,090 Trust Deposité 250.000 ü 271,040 2.561,02,0 107,610 M ill« 1 . A. Wyld Edw. H. Geary R. G. Jubitz, S ec... W. M. Adair,  . Sec. 300.000 10,520 777,450 347,410 $ & Com’l N.- and 1st N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., St. L .; 1st N., PhU. 329,340 (an. JN., JN. Y.Î (J. s western N., Port. 38,140 1,440 : 595,020 84.960 i Port, 1,538,070 864,010 Union Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Say., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Port. S .A . ANDERSON— ANTHON E C K E R N -LE R O Y D. W A LK ER .. 0. J . HAWKENSONSena u s y o u r 24-59 Robert E. Smith __ W M Ttalÿ E. C. Bronaugh Walter Mackay 24-68 *««««»T " 'UNITED STATES t m -6 ; R .W . SCHMEER A. L. 1UtfhtK ( C; J. Smith___ a * 1F A R M George H. Burr & Co. .. Wm. O. Daly, T r.. C. A. Fuller, Sec... L. J. Hornaday, A .See. s-,,clt— B u 6 E. 22,000 500,000 850,000 1,650,000 250,000 400,000 J LO A N S . LIV E S T O C K LO A N S 16,765,380 10,242,690 1,739,550 30,174,330 20} 500,000 W. F. Wiggins. Sec. R. S. Howard, A . S ce. S F. Wilson ■f 1 «• ÏÛC A N D C O M M E R C IA L 33,790 31.520 PAPE R. 100,000 FREDGLFHNi Mrr KEELER BROTHERS 3 lANE MIRER MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS. CORPORATION BONDS AND STOCKS. Geo. H. Burr& Co., N. Y. and Chi Equitable Tr. Co., Spencer Trask & Co., and Mtge, Bond Co., N. Y. Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San. F. Ladd & Tilton, Port. — J. L. Etheridge.__ (Investment Bond 8) NATIORAL CITY COMPANY (Investment Bond s) H. A. Bruce, Representative 6 4 Charlés E. Walters R. W. Walters____ (Bank Sellers) , (Northwestern Bk. Bldg.) 1.O X T_T ricrfnTi Á* J* Rây, n* rTo 1 iiig tun •• Western Bond & Mortgage C L 5 (80 Fourth St.) _ f 1 Keeler Bros., Den. ■ MORRIS BROS., IR C .------W S 5 Emery Olmstead _ E. G. Crawford— C. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y. N. City, N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton and Northwestern N., Port.; Bk. of Cal N. A., San F. 23,650 1,913,990 Cent. T r. Co. of Ul., Chi.; Seab. N. and 1st N., San F.; Midland N., Mlnpls. ; State Bk. of Seattle and N. City, Seattle. Chase N.', N. Park, and N. City, N. Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., San F.; Merch. N., St. P.; N. 7,631,650 Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Clev., Kan. C., Oma., and Phil.; Colo. N., Den.; 1st N., St. L .; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st & Old Det. N.< Det.; Riggs N., Wash. 1 ! ( Me™hM*a 4/nrì/»V»sites! hit n 300,000 1,500,000 J. U. LLUnHIfU Alan Green, A . Sec. R. M. Dooly,' See. and Tr. Government, Mu nicipal and Corpor ation Bonds. (Northwestern Bk. Bldg.) Portland Clearing House. 50,000 2,500,000 .A . H O LT — — — j J Walter Kendall— Edgar C. Riebe— 1st N. Bk.' Bidg. 100,000 A. M. WRIGHT „ Z United 8tates Depository. Your account and collection items,for the Pacific Coast solicited. T r y us. I P L E A S E B E A D A D Y E B T IS E M E N T ON IN D EX T O OREGON. r 24-11 B M P ana n io rtn w e s te rn u o iie c u o n s . P r o m p t , c a r e f u l a t t e n t io n . W e in v ite y o u r a c c o u n t . h u h i l a im u H. A. Swart, S ee... F. S. Gannett, A . See. J. L. Hartman,Mor. Lansing Stout, Sec. Morris Bros. Co., Phil. ’ 100,000 300,000 N. City CO., N. Y., and correspond^ ent Offices. See Ad v. Page 3. Northwestern N . and State Bk. of Port., Port.; Chas. E. Walters Co., Oma. I Ladd & Tilton, Bank o f Cal. N. A., U. S.__N. and Northwestern NÁ; Port.; Cent. N., St. L. 44,000 ■ ¡ ■ ■ M M U M M IMÜaÉttB■ ■ ■ ■ i M ÊÊÊM ■ ■ ■ H m i Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS ^ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Ore. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OREGON BANKS-^-Portland—Continued 0. F. Adams______ A L STATE BANK ¥ Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in Fot Interest Rates, Grace, •_____________________ Emery Olmstead— Déan V incent____ 0 . W. DeGraff, Sec. F. F. Pittock, A f ß,ee 0 . L. Price Security Savings & Trust Co. 24-13 J- L ia b il it ie s . s S u b p l u s I n d iv id D e p o s it s ual V of AMD P r o f it s D e p o s it s B a n k s 21,520 L,474,8a0 Grant Smith _______ F. C. Knapp— ____ J. N. E dlefsen___ C. B. Russell._____ y 100,000 E. R. Morris, " ■ S. L. Dóbie F. P. Drinker 24-16 m« P a id - u p Ca p it a l Towns, dexed. id back of this volume. EM ER Y OLM STEAD LLOYD L . MULIT R. H. B. NELSON— A . C. LONGSHORE O .L . PRICE, E. H. SENSENICH G.W .HOYT.A.Cash. F . 0. BATES $ 1 .000,000 $ 310,740 $21145070 $ 2,635.530 $12431930 $ 5,766,420 $5,223,830 $1,678,160 A s s t’to P rest o ' W ALTER H. BROWN D ir e c t y o u r N o r th w e s te r n B u s in e s s to “ T H E N O R T H W E S T E R N N A T I O N A L .” 24-18 Peninsula National Bank 24-65 * BANKERS A ss'T C a s h i e r , [ 'NORTHWESTERN ▲eeesBlble P O R T L A N D — Continued—-Reserve C i t y (Branch Federal Reserve Bank No. 12 ) 19}9 Directory« under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n N ame or Ban k . •Mem. Am. Bks, Assn. Ca s h i e r . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . P r e s id e n t . tMem. State Bks. Assn. Ju l y , lili Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*!*. President . M. M. K E E N E — Oldest and Lar Send your cash Vice -President . Cashier . A S S’T CASHIER. P a id - u p S u b p l u s AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s R esources. , à Dui ECU it s 4.470 $ 124,500 $ 98,280 $ 30,680 U. S. N „ Port.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N „ San 1 R. L. Morris__ ___ E. J. Loney. 10,000 R. R. McHaley___ D. E. Hughes_____ 25.000 8.630 287,650 189,340 G. M. Cornett_____ E. J. W ilson.—___ Geo. F. Euston___ 30.000 37,710 361,920 329,160 Wm. Wurzweiler.. H. Baldwin____ ___ 50.000 89,040 577,280 477,080 H. R. Dibblee_____ A. L. Fuller_______ 25.000 7.000 210,000 76,540 L. S. Roberts_____ R. H. Parsons.— 25.000 6.000 215.000 180,000 Denton G. Burdick N. A. Burdick____ W. I. Sm ith......... 25.000 5.500 56,000 43,200 W. P. Reed___ 2__ Geo. W. S ta ples... B. Wade------------G. A. Johnson O. J. Duffey______ J. F. Herr________ John B. Perry----- 25.000 3,680 83,690 15.000 6,260 134,850 10.000 -4,470 38,480 i 718,230 263.370 L. E. S m ith ....— T. W. Johnson «___ D. S. Beals_______ 80,740 E. L. Parrott------- H. H. Stapleton__ _ H. C. Slocum. 100,000 H. W ollenberg___ J. H. Booth_______ V. J. M icelli. 50.000 12.400 ! J. F. Barker______ W. T. Wright.____ D. S. H ouser__ J. O. Nèwland Christina Thornton D. R. Shambrook.. J, M. Throne_____ Roland Agee M. Croisan____ _ Joseph H. Albert— J. P. Read_____ — 50.000 25.000 i 506,000 50.000 16.000 1 400,000 125.000 - 38,660 S. Bush_____ i ___ _ Wm. S. Walton___ L. P. Aldrich_____ 500.000 70,980 S. B. Elliott—. — .. H. V. Compton ___ A. W. Sm ither___ 50.000 9,220 G. W. Eyre______ LW. Hazard___ — T. M. Hicks_______ F. S. Lamport J.G . Sleret_______ Fred L. Proctor___ 100.000 120,000 10.000 1 1,074,880 1 3,015,660 1 485,880 1 1,800,000 120 1 101,750 330 1 115,180 11.400 78,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont.ft Com’l N., Chi.; North western N „ Port»— 56,000 N. City, N. Y.; U. S „ N „ Port.; (M em . Fed R es.) 42,600 Irving N., N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port^ 38,390 Chase N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Eugene: 1st N. Bk. o Coos Bay, Marshfidld; Northwestern N.,Port 47,850 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; State Bk. of Port.,Pori Citiz. N „ Baker. 26.580 Chase N. and Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,: U. S .N ., Port. 193,870 Wells Fargo-Nev. N „ San F.; 1st N, and U. S N „ Port. 60,560 Bk. of Cal. N. A „ Port.; Crocker N „ San F. Douglas N „ Roseburg. 180.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi. and San F,; No.West. N.. Port, 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N „ San F.: Ladd &Tilton. Port.; Ladd & Bush, Bkrs., Salem. 160,550 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y .: Cont. & Com’1N., Chi. U. S. N „ Port.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N„San F 1,579,050 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N „ Chi.; Ladd & Tilton Port.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F, 136.510 Irving N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; 1st N „ San F. 500,000 N. Bk. Com,. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.;Crockei N „ San F.; U. S. N „ Port. 40,310 1st N. and Northwestern N „ Port.; Bk. of Ore. City, Ore. City. 24,290 Irving N „ N. Y.; U. S. N » Port. S. A. W ilson ____ E. E. Wist.............. A. E. Randall____ E. D. M yers______ 10.000 A. F. Poley____ 1— L. L. Paget---------- L. J. Tallinger.___ 25.000 8,850 E. H. French______ J .W . Hoech______ 50.000 18,370 J. B. Bell______ 15.000 6,710 ) 116,520 25.000 11,240 ) 182,260 25.000 2.150 ) 157,250 26,400 1st N., Chi.; Northwestern N „ Port. 34,940 Ladd & Tilton, Port. W. M. Beals, Jr.__ S. S. M yers..____ _ G. A. McCulloch__ Zella Cox..----------W. F. Nichols ------ Katherine Kiesel— 1 „140,000 1 264,710 1 -236,390 92,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Port. 122,340 N. City, N. Y | U. S. N „ Port.: Astoria N „ Astoria; State Bk. of Port., Port. 189,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.: French & Co., Bkrs., The Dalles. 38,720 Chase N . , N. Y . : U. S. N. and Northwestern N., Port.; 1st N., Alb. 51,050 Merch. N „ N. Y.; U. S. N. and 1st N., Port. 14.000 2.150 ) 184,160 ALFRED C00LIDCE F . E . CAL LISTE Il . . . . .. . » R S O N A . F . McCLAINE gest Bank. Mod ern Progressive M mods. letters and coHec ¿ions direct to us for quick returns. 50.000 30,000 ) 700,000 230,000 N. Park, N .Y .; Bk. o f Cal. N. A. and North western N „ Port.; Ladd & Bush, Bkrs., Salem. 100,430 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N. and Lumbermens N., Port.: U. S. N., Salem. 35,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northwestern N. and 1st N., Port. 33,530 Chase N., N. Y.: U /S . N „Port.; 1st N., San F. and Eugene, Ore. 18,080 D. S. N „ Port.; Am, N „ Pendleton, Ore. 35.000 9,250 ) 427,610 30.000 3.500 1 100,000 L. G. Hulin_______ O. S. Penney _____ 25.000 5,140 ) 196,310 Ralph A. Holte. 25.000 2,000 ) 81,040 T. T. Risteigen— Chas. L. Scott____ E. E. Brattain____ Frank Sloan.. M. R. Ling July, 1919 Wm. Parrett_____ C. 1. Calkins._____ T. P. Risteigen___ J.W.Hyett_____ _ R. N. Stanfield___ 134,910 Seab. N „ N. Y .; Ex. N., Spokane; Northwes ern N „ Port. 96,910 N. City, N .Y .; U .S . N. and Ladd &.Tilton Port.; Live Stock State, No. Port. 176,750 Ohem. N., N. Y .; 1st N „ Chi. and Port. 25.000 A. J. Perkins —___ M. M. P e e ry .... . . . O. B. Kessey_____ A. P. M cK inzey__ Julius Aim_____ Principal Correspondents. o a n i 4 Dm - Ca s s Ex c’ ts . Bonds, changes, 8 Kin M non Banks D e po s OREGON BANKS—Powers to Stanfield Powers.__ i ___ Coos B 10 Bank of P ow ers.—.___ » i l ’15 96-213 Pop. 1500 Prairie City___ Grant M 6 First National Bank____*$10 F. W. Peet. Pop. 650 06-214 «Prineville____ Crook I 7 Crook County Bank.__ *i5’05 D. F. Stewart. 96-110 Pop. 1500 First National Bank___ «t’87 96-109 Rainier....Colombia E 1 State Bank o f Rainier..«${'06 Pop. 135» 96-215 Redmond—Deschutes H 7 First National Bank——» i ’10 G. E. Dobson.__ _ Pop. 600 ♦ 96-135 Redmond National Bank«’19 C. H. M iller____ 96-290 Reedsport —Douglas B 8 First Bank o f Reedsport*S’19 I. E. Staples —_— 96-288 Pop. 1000 Richland_____ Baker P 5 Eagle Yalley State Bank.iS'10 I. N. Y oung--------Pop. 400 96-216 Riddle_____ Douglas C 11 Riddle State Bank-------- » l ’10 G. L. Grant—-------Pop. 450 96-217 «Roseburg —Douglas D 10 DouglasNational Bank, »t'83 J. H. Booth_______ 96-45 Pop. 5500 First State & Savings Bank Joseph Micelli____ 96-244 $§'11 Roseburg National Bank*t’17 A. O. Marsters-----96-47 Umpqua Yalley Bank—•t5’12 B. W. Strong__ — 96-251 «Salem___ — Marion D5 Capital National Bank__ « i ’86 J. H. Albert.____— 96-2 Pop. 20,278 Ladd & Bush, Bankers.*$i’68 A. N. Bush-----------96-1 Salem Bank o f Commerce B. L. Steeves_____ 96-4 »m o United States Nat. Bank »t’04 D. W. Eyre_______ 96-3 Sandy____ Clackamas F 4 Clackamas County Bank*tS’U W. A. Proctor____ Pop. 250 96-218 Scappoose..Columbia E 2 First National Bank____ t ’l l Daniel Crowley —. Pop. 400 96-219 Scio___________ Linn E 6 Scio State Bank— ___»tS’03 W. A. Ewing..___ Pop. 500 96-220 Seaside_____ Clatsop C 2 First State Bank—____ »J§’14 W. J. Fullam_____ Pop. 1121 96-265 T. S. Hamilton__ _ Shaniko_______Wasco 15 Eastern Oregon Bkg. Co. 96-221 «¿81900 Pop. 150 Shedd__________Linn D 6 Bank o f Shedd________»¿S’lS 0 . 3 Shedd_______ Pop. 100 96-257 Sheridan____ Yamhill D 4 First National Bank_____ ’92 S. . Scroggin____ Pop. 1200 96-111 Sheridan State Bank__ < $ ’08 Roy Graves____ _— 96-112 Sherwood—Washington Bank o f Sherwood____ «¿8’06 L. S. McConnell__ Pop. 600 E4 96-222 First National B an k.... »¿’05 96-95 Springfield—___ Lane D 2 COM M ERCIAL S TATE BANK 96-247 8 11 Pop. 2000 First NationalBank____ «¿’07 96-223 Stanfield___ Umatilla L 2 Bank o f Stanfield___—»¿S’10 96-224 Pop. 318 II Lia b il it ie s . T own and County. N ame of Ban e . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 12 ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fed. Res.Dist. Portl’dBr. Mem. Fed: Res. [ Estât». Silverton____ Marion E5 COOLIDGE & McCLAINE INO. Pop. 3200 96-94 «¿§’80 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Rates, Grace dexed in back of this volume, OREGON—Continued Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS ™ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Ore. Federal Reserve BankP fof St. Louis u m b er u n d e r 1---^1 -1- Q . 7 — IV. o f IO m e r ve w x ra u s ic iN u m o e r g iv e n to each bank m U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. O R EG O N — Continued Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed. in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,\'~4 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.| p. Uirect Your NUKIHWtS I tKN BUSINt^ , » b e r u n d e r 2V.2 * “ * ---------r"— o f iO » n lc w m o x««w m u s i c n iim o e r NUKIHWta ItKN NA MUNAL 'r e m a Accessible g iv e n to each bank m U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* r ornano, Towns, Lawyers, Laws, u r e . Directors, in dexed in b a c k of this-'volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,! O R EG O N — Continued etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. XXv> Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. R esources . L ia b il it ie s . T own and County. P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . N ame of Bank . »County Seats. Surplus D xpos- Loin ft Du- Cam ft Ex •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State A s s ’t Cashier . C ashier . PAID-UP P resident . V ice -President . c h a n g e s ,Dux c ’ t *. B om »», and Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. C apital P e w it s Securities fromBanks Fed.Res.Dist.,Portl’d Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Stay ton Marion E 5 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. D. Gardner ____ J. T. Hunt_______ Pop. 800 96-126 « till Geo. Spaniol ‘ St. Helens.Columbia E 2 Columbia County Bank « t l’06 96-225 Pop.2500 « •• First National Bank . « ’18 96-287 St. Johns.Multnomah E3 (See Portland) Pop. 5500 St. Paul .Marion E 4 State Bank o f St. Paul.*$t’l l Pop. 200 96-248 Sntherlin___ Douglas D 9 First State Rank.......... •ft’Ifi 96-227 Pop. 500 Talent Jackson E 13 State Bank o f Talent___ tS’08 Pop. 500 96-228 ‘ The Dalles__ Wasco H 3 First National Bank____ «$’85 96-40 Pop. 6000 ** 0 Sherman M. Miles. Martin White__ —- A. T,. Stone. ....... E. E. Humphrey__ J oshua Patterson . . C. W. Holdrige___ 3,490 $ 445,810 $ 374,000 $ 91,000 Han. N. Y.; N.. U. S. N., Ladd & Tilton, anc Northwestern N., Port.: Ladd & Bush, Bkrs. Salem. 14,220 684,100 578,120 138,510 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.: U. S. N „ Ladd & Tilton, and 1st N.. Pc^t.: Wells Fargo- Nev N,. San F. 80,000 11,500 ü . S. N., Port. 75,000 1,500 15,000 3,880 92,620 96.400 15,100 Chase N.,~N. Y.; 1st N., Port. 25,000 6,990 126,040 130,690 25,460 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Port. 2,470 90,110 82.400 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 151,590 1,410,350 1,327,480 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 94,420 1,530,430 1,480,310 L. Barnum P. M. FRENCH------ J . C. H O S T ET LE R - V .H . FRENCH, Sec. Eastern Oregon. Established 1867. ctlons direct to u s ervlce and quick returns. F. Eisner. W. M. Evans_____ Jas. McNaughton — W. J. Riechers___ C. A. McGhee____ I. E. Keldson Henry Heisel H. T. Roots Walter W illiams. . B. L. Beals, J r .___ David Kuratli C. O. Hawkins____ W. R. Hutchinson— S. A. Pursel__ F. S. Slater Fred N- Fox C. W. Nelson__ J. P. Dunaway , „ G. F. W ildhaber... 15,000 750 18,260 750 25,000 23,000 750,000 775,000 40,000 18.190 525,220 545,430 1 0 ,0 0 0 2,500 338,940 234,040 1 0 ,0 0 0 2,900 58.000 45,700 50,000 23,540 375,850 371,620 50,000 14.480 172,610 288,390 964.020 504,260 22,290 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st N.'. Port. an( Medford. 434.469 Chem.N.. N.Y.: Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.: IstN . San F.: 1st N. and U. S. N., Port. 336,360 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Crocker N. and Anglo & I.on. Paris N. San F.; 1st N. and Ladd & Tilton. Port. , 33.260 Northwestern N., Port. 117,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Northwestern N. and U.S N.. Port. 71,760 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Lst N., San F. U . S. N., Port.; (Mem. Fed. Ees.) 97,970 J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port.; Ladd & Bush, Bkrs. Salem. 14,500 1st N „ Chi.; Ladd & Bush, Bkrs., Salem Northwestern N „ Port. 121,520 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.; 1st N and U. S. N., Port. * 25,160 Seab. N., N. Y.; U. S. N.. Port.: Pacific N. Boise, Ida.; Am. N., Pendleton. 188,360 No. West. N., Port.: Boise City N., Boise, laa. Am. N „ Pendleton. 107,290 Chase N., N. Y.; ü . S. N., Port.; Bk. of Cal. N A., San. F. 75,000 33,940 671.000 J. H. Mimnaugh__ Hector McDonald.. C. T. McDaniel___ E. T. Campion____ 50,000 52,590 469,860 25,000 21,400 440,720 217.540 268,030 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port Mrs. W. M. Barnett per Ira. F. Barnett J. G. Lamberson__ "Harry Fairman___ J. D. Fairman 15,000 7,600 145,290 201,750 Estes Morton... _ . 1 0 ,0 0 0 4,560 80.830 50,500 21,850 U. S. N., Port.; French & Co., Bkrs., Th< Dalles. 42,570 1st N „ Ontario, U. S. N., Yale. J. H. Price. _ _ C. L. Pinkerton__ Frank A. Rowe___ H. V. Alley .... T. B. Stone John Shetterly___ Paul Fundman____ J .F .W a lto n .. Anthon Eckern___ Leroy D.-W alker.. R. M. Knnrr . _ . _ J. M. Poorman____ Geo.G. Bingham__ Fred Dose________ N. A. H offard____ N. A. Hoffard_____ G. E. Malone . . N. H. Perkins_____ J. A. Simmons____ Ç. Tanghlin A .F . Stearns Donald Young__ _ Jess R. Lasswell . . Direct Your NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 • E. M. Williams___ E. O. McCoy______ F. W. Sims______ _ J. F. Tnreck Wasco ** $ 50,000 $ 25,000 J .N . McKay _____ J. E. Smith_______ S. J. Smith_______ J. C. Murphy Tigard..Washington D 3 First Bank of Tigard___ §’19 C. F. Figard ... Pop. 500 96-291 ‘ Tillamook Tillamook C 3 First National Bank____ *J’07 B. C. Lamb_______ Pop. 2500 96-101 Tillamook County Bank «t§’02 R. E. W illiams___ ♦ 96-100 Lincoln County Bank..»}§’01 96-229 Pop. 800 Sherman T 3 Rank o f Wasco .... »t§’02 Pop. 500 96-143 •• W. M. Barnett Bank ..*$§1900 96-142 Westfall___ Malheur O 8 Jones & Go., Bankers__ $§’07 Pop. 140 96-233 «$§’81 Weston____ Umatilla N 2 Farmers Rank .. _ Pop. 800 96-234 Nehalem Valley Bank..»$§’09 Pop. 500 96-208 Willamina__ Yamhill C 4 Willamina State Bank..*$§’10 Pop. 400 96-235 ... •$§’08 Wilson v ille... Clackamas Farmers Rank Pop. 200 E4 96-236 Woodburn___ Marion E 4 Bank of Woodburn.. .«$§’90 96-92 Pop. 2000 Security State Bank___ «$§’11 96-93 Yamhill .Yamhill D 4 Yamhill State Bank i __«$§’03 96-238 Pop. 650 YnncallR Unnjjlas T) 9 Farmers Security Bank..§’15 Pop. 650 96-275 Gretchen M oeck.. H. A. Childs______ Charles Graham... j E. H. FR EN C H . . . FRENCH A C C . Bankers....... < Oldest Bank In Incorporated ..... 86-30 < { ’67 i Send your colle ( for efficient s Turner . .. Marion p 5 Turner State Bank . . . . $§'10 96-231 Pop. 200 TTnion TTninn O i First National Bank _. » ’S3 96-96 Pop. 1600 First National Bank___ *$’07 96-141 . Pop. 1200 United States Nat. Bank »$’01 96-140 Stockgrowers & Far. Nat’l Wallowa___ Wallowa P 3 Bank .96-232 .... «$’08 Pop. 1000 J. WrMayo___ ___ J. M. Ringe S. A. Starr Albert Nelson 20,320 150,390 227,320 27,790 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Porti 2 0 ,0 0 0 1,400 140,000 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 118,180 30,000 N. City, Chi.; U. S. N., Port.; Tillamook Co, Tillamook. 45,800 N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; Northwestern N. and U, S N .,Port. 11,930 State Bk. of Port.._Port. 30,000 July, 1919 ______________OREGON BANKS—Stayton to Yoncalla_________ _______________1113 I ---1 1 Q thue 2 0 ,0 0 0 4,730 139,250 15,000 4,550 89,410 92,930 40,000 15,450 395,330 320,160 25,000 8,980 306,850 285.630 2 0 ,0 0 0 18,240 290,170 223,720 15,000 3,200 91,000 8 6 ,0 0 0 74,360 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Bk of Cal. N. A., D. S. N., and 1st N., Port. 55,200 Chase N., N. Y.; State Bkr o f Port, and North western N., Port.; 1st N., San F. 102,320 1st N.t Port. 22,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Live Stock State, No. Port. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Ore. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN aily Bankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. T own and County. N ame of B an e . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. tt M “ _______ “ •• : fi tt 1 p V* F* « Alum Bank.. Bedford F i 3 Pop. 400 Ambler.Montgomery E 11 3 Pop. 2649 Ambridge__.Beaver D1 4P Pop. 15,000 “ ' A/i . , '■ V ice -President . Cashier . As s ' t Cashier . H. L. Dean________ A. A. Jacobs______ i f . H. Tldan . W. P. Albright___ _ P. W. Weidman___ R esources. St Cash &Er- Loans Disc’ts. Bonds, Brodbitiis 35,000 33.640 152,300 59,060 Corn Ex.N.', Phil.: lst,N.. Lancaster. 71,400 Han. N., N. Y .; 1st N. and B k .of Pitt. N. A. Pitt. 37,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 50,000 18,130 355.000 316,000 25,000 227,010 25i,5b0 Thos. Kem p______ C. E. Kapetzky.__ 50,000 5,000 Robert Ritchie____ Joseph Cochran. . . Robert D. B arry... 'O. M. Solkovy____ 50,000 33,160 913,1)60 786,390 R. J. Butz________ C. D. Schaeffer___ Frank M. Cressman Chas. S. Dilcher__ i,ooo,0oo Geo. F. Seiberling . C. A. Heckman, Jacob W. Grim Sec. and Tr. F.H. Uchtenwalner H. B. Koch.............. J. R. Heiwig, L. D. Krause Sec. and Tr. E. J. Lumley Chas. Spangler—- . S. T. Rftihfirt. E. M. Young__ __ _ L. O. Shankweiler. E. H. Reninger, F. K. Hartzell, George K. Mosser Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. A. W, Hagenbach. Wm. J. Roberts__ H. S. Landis, Sec~: and Tr. T. F. Diefenderfer. Frank D. Bittner _. F. O. Ritter_______ 816,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Girärd N., Phil. 186,420 125,000 184,510 2,025,480 2,031.860 135,980 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Phil. N. Phil. 290,320 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; PhiKN., PhiVjf- 50,000 125.000 200,000 913,510 1,010,310 5,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 716.090 2,356,090 2,613,090 20.000 M. E. K ern _______ H. A. Muschlitz___ R. E. Dorney, N. A. Haas See. and Tr. W. J. Hertz — Wilson Arbpgast__ F. H, Marsh 3^0,000 136,610 1,367,320 1,395,300. Thos. F. Ritter _ 300.000 j j . E. SMITH.— ♦MOUNTAIN CITY TRUST CO. < Send us your A 60-122 «tl'05 |Special attenti 1 Please send 15c w ♦Second National Bank *$'94 Frank Hastings___ 60-118 ♦Union Rank «Jt’86 W. J. Heinsling___ 60-117 Altoona Clearing House.___ John Lloyd.______ (Members indicated by a * ) Bedford County Bank.. t§’19 Thos.. P. Beckley.. 60-1497 Ambler Trust C o._____ »i§’17 Wilmer E. Leedom 60-1469 First National Bank.___ «t’84 Jos. M. Haywood— 60-1060 Ambridge National Bankt’16 J. E. M cK ee_____ 60-1463 , Bk. Com;; N. Y.; Bk. b f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 802,750 5,638,680 7,661,280 523,730 4,831,770 5,2(15,540 Samuel Wilson, Sec. and Tr. J. G. Davis, W. B. Reed, A . Sec. Sec. and Tr. J. M. Skyles_____ I 198,540 150,000 200,000 J. A. B. Melvin___ 1st X ., C!ev. ; 155,050 F. S. Hoffman____ R J. Griswold___ Avon Barnes - from Banks $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 120,boo $ 155.000 $ 17,000 Seah. N., N. Charles Kennedy.. John Eckert._____ S. E.‘ Nichols_____ F. E. Klingensmith 60-120 J. G. Davis ♦First National Bank___t'63 John L lo y d ..-.___ 60-116 ♦Lincoln Deposit & Trust Co. C. W. Albright. . . . H. A. Hutchison... Emory H, Davis, Melvin G. Smith, 60-123 • J§’17 Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. 50,000 53,610 677,910 719,750 711,190 4,775,830 5,381,160 250.000 394,320 2,’226,310 2,160,150 243,000 224,070 1,83^810 1,728,940 150,000 455,720 2,385,170 1,756,310 150,000 44,340 549,670 515,800 402.480 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 4th St, N., Phil.: 1st N.. Bos. Irving N., N- Y. ... , ,, . ... 621,530 N. City and N. Park, hl. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. ~y 155,230 Liberty N., N. Y.; Penn N., Phil.' ‘61,770 Han. N., N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 608,160 N. Bk. Com., Irving N., and 1st N., N. Y.; Corn , Ex. N. and Franklin N., Phi). 538,850 Chase N., N. Y.: Phil. N „ Phil.; Far. Dep. N., .Pitt., T r„ and Union Tr. Cos., Pitt. 510,990 N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N. and Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 1,249,280 Merch. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.' 105,340 Irving N., N. Y.l' Cern Ex^ N „ Phil.;. Mellon N „ Pitt,: . , ;,V • . j ^ a , • 162,962 S. S. METZ, L.M. MOSES, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. H i l B i P 1ltoona item s. on given B ill o f L ading^irafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. ith each, sight draf t fo r presentation. W. L. Woodcock ._ 100,000 128,410 1,381,050 1,254,740 417,690 N. Päxir, Nl Y.;Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N.,Pitt, 280,^90 2,231,750 2,134,880 Wm. H. Orr ______ 125,000 •67,670 524,710 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. Li. A., Pitt. . 107,270 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil. 25,000 5,500 57,300 79,100 125,000 3,010 317,480 360,560 Frank Hastings, J. G. Davis, M g r... Sec. Albert Barefoot___ P. N. Risser F. W. Worth . . Wilmer E. Leedom, E. Olive Hammond, Harman Y. Bready Sec. and A . Tr. Tr. F.. H. Faust. E. J. Schieiter____ Ralph W. Aye____ J . p, Wyl-ifi J. F. Snyder 1 R PFFFFR | F. C. SCHR0EDER— R G MANNING Sec. and Tr. RICHARD KH UENJRAMBRIDGE SAV. & TR. CO. < Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. 1Please send 15c- w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 50c fo r Credit 1 Send ns v o u r A mhrldsfp business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus Dbposand P rofits 100,000 50.000 125,000 960,310 1.002,480 123,050 1,463.250 1,601,260 8,000 405,000 429,990 75,680 1,492,290 1,553.610 Report 8. Hh 8,700 Union N., Phil.; Western N., Pitt.; Bedford Co. Tr. Co., Bedford. 12^,300 Han; N.,;^T. Y.; Corn. Ex. N. and Phil. N., Phil. 232,880 Irving N., N. Y.: Bk. Of No. America and Cent. N.. Phil. 94,560 Irving N.i N. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt, 175,800 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Union -Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st N., Phi).; (M em . Fed. R es.) » f ________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Addison to Ambridge _____________ July> 1919 Addison___ Somerset F 3 First National Bank___»t’03 4P Pop. 300 60-1058 Akron_____ LancasterE 0 Akron National Bank— t ’09 3 Pop. 718 60-1059 Albion. ■_ - . Frie R 1 4P Pop. 2000 60-970 •• ? -»lAi * 60-971 Alexandria Hunt’g ’d’n E 6 First National Bank_____T 8 3 Pop. 800 60-1496 AliQuiDDa.___ Beaver D1 First National Bank___»t’07 4P Pop. 3000 60-952 Allegheny .Allegheny E 2 (.See Pittsburgh) 4P Pop. 145,240 «Allentown.. Lehigh D 11 Allentown National Bk..»t’55 3 Pop. 63,505 60-128 “ *• 1 Allentown Trust Co.___J§*07 60-133 “ 41 Citizens Trust Co .* t {’05 60-132 44 . . . . ** Jordan State Bank_____§T9 60-136 •» St Lehigh Valley Trust Co. 60-130 *¿§’86 •• "St..-. “ Liberty Trust. Co. §’19 60-137 ■f|r ¡T?\T - - __ i Merchants National B k..«t’03 60-131 •• 4» Penn Counties Trust Co.«§’12 60-135 " 44 Ridge Ave. Deposit Bank*ST2 60-134 St At Second National Bank—«t’64 69-129 Altoona_______ Blair D 4 ♦Altoona Trust C o .____ t l ’01 3 Pop. 58,659 60-119 •• “ President . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, G race, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N SY L V A N IA 1114 1114. Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Tke 'Y . Up-to-the-minute Bank RESOURCES OVER $ 50,000,000.00 F O U R TH S T R E E T N A TIO N A L BANK PHILADELPHIA: Capital, S u rp lu s $3,000,000 7,500,000 P rofits, OFFICERS: E. F. SH AN B AC K ER . President R. J . C LA R K . Vice-Prest. & Cashier W. A. B U L K L E Y . W. K. H A R D T, Vice-President C. F. SHAW , JR .. W. R. H U M P H R E Y S . Vice-President A. MAC N IC H O LL. Accounts Solicited. MONEY TRANSFERRED BY CABLE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Unexcelled Facilities. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. ■MHMMHHHMHMMMnmnnHnnHHHNHMBMMI«*»«■** T R A D E S M E N S N A T IO N A L B A N K T he A m e r ic a n A u d it C ompany PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC A C C O U N T A N T S Possessing unexcelled fa cilities, developed under carefu l m a n ag em ent, w e are thoroughly equipped to rende r efficient se rvic e . P H I L A D E L P H I A O F F I C E : — B E L L E V U E -C Ô U R T BU ILD IN G RESOURCES OVER $25,000,000.00 Write for liberal proposition W a l d o r f - A s t o r ia , C h ic a g o S C R A N T O N O F F I C E ! — C O U N T Y B A N K B U ILD IN G h o m e o f f ic e :- io o Broadw ay, new York ranches c ity Established Since 1899 Without Change in Management, F . W . L A F R E N T Z , C. P. A . (N . Y.), President N. Y. S cranton B o sto n P h il a d e l p h ia A tlanta W a s h in g t o n , R ic h m o n d M il w a u k e e B a l t im o r e N ew O r le a n s D. C Lo n d o n , E . C . , E n g . MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania. IN D EX IO , 3 11 12 TO SCALE Statute Miles, 25.7 =1 Inch. COUNTIES Adams____ F 7 Allegheny.. D 1 Armstrong .D 2 B eaver..... D Bedford__ F Berks.........E Blair.......... E Bradford ...B Bucks.........E Butler........D Rand McNally’s New 11 x 14 Map of Pennsylvania. Copyright by Rand MoNally & Co. ( D e lh i, 1 4 9 5 8 11 2 Cambria__ E 4 Cameron__ C 5 Carbon...... D 10 Center.___ D 6. Chester...... F 10 Clarion....... C 8 Clearfield...C 4 Clinton...... C 6 Columbia...C 9 Crawtord.-.B 1 CumberlandE 7 A W SM Dauphin__ E 8 Delaware.. .F 11 Elk..........._C 4 trie............B 1 Fayette__ F Forest....... B Franklin__ i£ F ulton......F 2 8 6 5 Greene....... F. 1 Huntingdon E 6 Indiana...... D 8 Jefferson... C 8 Juniata___ E 6 Lackawan na ............ C 10 Lancaster _.E 9 Lawrence.. C 1 Lebanon E 8t« Lehigh......D 10 ' Luzerne.. C 9 Lycoming.. C 7 M cK ean....B 4 Mercer........C 1 ' Mifflin........D 6 Monroe...... C 11 Montgom ery.......... E 11 Montour__ C 8 Northamp ton...........D 11 Northumber land......... D 8 P erry........ E 7 Philadelphia F 11 Pike...........C 11 Potter........B 5 Schuylkill..D Snyder....... D Somerset...F Sullivan...... C Susquehan na . . . . . . ...B 9 7 8 8 10 Tioga.........B 7 Union....... D 7. Venango....C 2 Warren___ B 9 Washington E 1 Wayne....... B 11 Westmore land_____E 2 Wyoming...C 0 Y ork..........F 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C t 80* 70* ~ rr 10 li 12 4390 THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK C a p ita l S u r p lu s $1,000,000 $2,000,000 D e p o s its $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ROBERT WARDROP - President A. C. ROBINSON Vice-President JOHN DeM. WERTS - Asst. Cashier JOSEPH W . WARD - Vice-President W M . H. FAWCETT - Asst. Cashier J. HOWARD ARTHUR - V.-P. & Cash. JOHN K. McKEE - - Asst. Cashier We Solicit the Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and shall he pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ Pittsburgh, Pa. tow <l»e »iittiorlty of tteec i s s T own and Oountt. N ame of Bank .' ' »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. . P is Pittsburgh Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . P ir e c t o r y ^ Annville___ Lebanon E 8 Annville National Bank—$’73 C. V. Henry____ 60-874 3 Pop. 2700 Peoples Deposit Bank—*${'06 Jno. M. Early__ _ 60-875 ▲polio___ Armstrong D 2 Ajpollo Trust Co.______»${’01 60-842 4P Pop. 3006 First National Bank____ »$’01 60-843 Archbald___ Lackawanna Archbald Bank_______..$ {’09 3 Pop. 7104 O i l 60-1061 Ardmore___ Montgomery Ardmore National Bank.«$*ll 60-555 3 Pop. 8000 E l l Merion Title & Tr. Co.-«${'8 60-554 .For Hoftdays, èee oppa P r in c ip a l , Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . $ 100,000 $ 164,400 $ 853,770 $1011340 $ 154,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Market St..N.. Phil. John H. Gingrich . G. W. Stine______ E. A. H enry.. Samuel Fry___ H. L. Einports 35,030 J. N. Nelson____ E. A. Townsend__ J. H. Jackson, T r.. W .N. Nelson,A . Tr 125,000 158,270 895,000 994,300 183,970 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. W. L. George___ Geo. J. Bortz—*__ S. M. Jamison___ _ 50,000 55,040 793,750 823,540 E. B. Jermyn — J. J. Kearney_____ L. S. Parsons__ & 63,400 680,480 711,500 117,750 Seab. N., N. Y.: Mellon N., 1st N., and Bk of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 79,700 Irving N., N. Y.; Peo. Sav. & Dime^Scranton. B. H. Ludlow___ Paul Clayton_____ J. S. W ils on ...___ S. A. Sweeney____ T. B. Brown 50,000 / 50,000 27,000 550,000 468,000 R. J. Hamilton .. H\ A. Arnold_____ H. L. Yocum, H. W.Smedley, Sec. J PS. Arndt Tr. and A . Sec, H. G. Kurtz, A . Tr. W. E. W olff_____ _ S. A. Skinner 199,950 George Fluehr..__ George F. Rentz . 100,000 121,410 1,096,540 1,365,930 1?2,140 Han. N „ Phil. 60.Q0P 2S0.P00 1,360,000 1,815,000 263,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil. F. L. Buck *$’75 O .B . Millard____ .- W. S. Rothermel Ashley_____ Luzerne G 10 First National Bank___ *$’07 W. B. Foss — ___ A. M. Northup___ 3 Pop. 6601 60-1063 Atglen--------Chester F10 Atglen National Bank___ $’03 T. J. Philips...__ _ W. S. Hastings— . 60-1065 3 Pop. 600 Athens------ Bradford B 8 Athens National Bank—*$'99 E . B. Arnold____________ N. F. Walker___ 60-783 3 Pop. 4500 Farmers National Bank*$’93 J;. S. Thurston..... A. R. Brown____ _ 60-782 Auburn__ Schuylkill DO First National Bank_____ $’08 H. R. Carl____ _ L. C. Robinhold__ 3 Pop. 021 60-1066 Austin__ ......P o t t e r B 5 Bank o f A u stin .:..„ »t’03 F. E. Baldwin G. Q. Bayless_____ 3 Pop. 1400 60-1067 Avalon— „Allegheny E2 Avalon Bank__L______ «${’05 W. J. K. Snyder__ Wm. Jenkins— ... 4P (Allegheny P . O .) 60-1068 Pop. 4317 Avella__ Washington E l Lincoln National Bank—»$’05 S. S. Campbell__ ... T. M. Joh nson ..... 60-1069 i 4P Pop. 2000 Avis------------- Clinton C 7 State Bank o f A v is..____ { ’10 R. F. R ic h ..._____ W. M. B ardo..__ 60-1070 3 Pop.» 796 W. P. Dorman Avoca_____Luzerne CIO First National Bank____ *$'07 J. F. McLaughlin— J. H. Anderson.. 3 Pop. 5000 60-1071 Avondale__ Chester F10 National Bank of Avondale S. J. Pusey___i___ H. A. Mendenhall. 3 Pop. 668 60-1072 «$’91 Avonmore Westmoreland First National Bank_____ $'05 T. P. Sturgeon.— . J. B. Glass, .y ..— 4P Pop. 1262 D2 60-1073 Bainbridge.Lancaster E 9 First National Bank.—— ’08 B. F. H offm an..... C. S.M anning___ 3 Pop. 800 60-1074 Bally____ i___ Berks E 11 First National Bank____ $’97 G. W. Melcher____ A. B. Mensch____ 60-1075 3 , Pop. 600 S. B. Latshaw Bangor___ Northampton Bangor Trust Co________ { ’07 E. P. Buzzard____ Luther Schoch . . . 3 Pop. 5500 D 11 60-709 First National Bank___ «$'82 Oliver La Bar.— B. F. Billiard..__ ! 60-707 Merchants National Bank*$'91 William Bray___ _ O. N. Miller______ 60-708 Barnesboro. Cambria D 4 First National Bank__ *$1900 John B arnes__ __ J. H. Allport____ 3 Pop. 4000 60-1076 Bath..Northampton D 11 First National Bank____ *1900 J. A. Horner______ B. W. Beers_____ 3 Pop. 1057 60-1077 Beallsville__ Washington Jess P. Miller, Banker__ t ’14 (Jess P. Miller)___ 4P Pop. 407 El 60-1078 mm NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cashier , 14. 50.000 Ashland— Schuylkill D 0 Ashland National Bk..*$1900 J. D. McConnell. 60-624 3 Pop. 6800 60-623 V ice-President . -O o r x t x x A x ie c i page Lia b il it ie s . R esources. oamsk Du- Gashk ExA s s ' t Cashier . P aìd - dp Surplus Dbpos* L c’ts. Bonds, OH ANQSS'DlTE and Capital P rofits ITS Hacuunis noMBanks J. Frank Smith__ _ Ârèndtsviile—Adams F 7 National Bk. o f Arendtsville S. G. Bucher__ I. 3 Pop. 383 60-1062 $'08 C ITIZEN S N ATIO N AL BANK Î I N r i N r S Y l r f 'V A I>TX^ W. A. Edgar. . Horace L Skiles R. R. Franche__ _ J. I. Morley - ___ 25,000 247,540 324,920 288,910 2,209,190 2,586,070 20,000 170,000 103,000 50,000 60,540 ’ 911,840 930,920 40,000 37,500 282,550 354,480 50,000 35,000 . 650,000 7,00,000 27,050 Irving » J N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 59,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 276,980 Seab. N „ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. N., Penn, N., and Franklin N., Phil. 20,000 Bk. o f No. America, Phil. N. Y.; Girard N. and Phil. N. 168,260 Coal & iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 37,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50.000 Chase N., N. Y Market St. N., and Phil. N., Phil. 156,400 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Wa)ter T. Page___ 75,000 119,410 799,550 912,560 H. H. Koerper____ 25.000 10,000 265,000 345,460 23,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. C. O. Olive - - - - - - - 5Edward È.”Ander son H, W. Feick-._____ W. M. Young—— 50.000 50,000 20,420 661,610 592,050 93,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Bk. o f Pitt. 'N! A. and 1st N., Pitt. L. M. Irwin 25,000 15,170 614,060 646.560 65.46Q N. City, N. Y.; Diamond N.,Pitt. G. M.Betts 25,000 27,710 164,880 184,550 30,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. 50,000 53,000 810,000 984,000 86,000 Irving N., ,N. Y .; Phil. N. and Tradesmens N., 50,000 122,350 721,080 821,750 H. N. Weller— A. J. Druffner____ J. Howard Brosius G. M. Hine_______ T. S. Conch____ _ T. Oliver Fry Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.rM c.of Buffalo, Buffalo. 25,000 27,080 289,930 151,360 25,000 13,700 116,960 143,370 Phil. 121,680 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., 1st N., and Franklin N., Phil. 67,270 Han. N., N. Y.: Mellon N. and Bk, of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 35,830 Corn Ex. N., Phil. H. W . Ketnp— ___ J. C. Yerger—____ 25,000 23,230 434,500 533,810 61,450 Irving'N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ÇKH. Wise, Tr. W. H. Smith, Sec— c . R. Stainmetz, A. ■Tr. A.O. A,hel , 125,000 31,250 706,810 804,190 69,350 N. Park, N.-Y. 170,000 137,240 1,412,880 1,936,730 T. L. Kressler 100,000 114,820 1,044,070 1,439,240 G. F. Wildeman__ J. D. Bradford-___ 50,000 108,250 1.372,120 1,190,860 Jacob H. Seem 50,000 — J 25,000 61,610 635*240 841,710 124,580 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., P it t - ,,., aM 110,380 Han; N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 244,230 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Corn Êx. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Diamond N., Pitt. 132,660 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. Citiz. N., Wash., Pa.; Duquesne. N mPitt. BANK, P ittsburgh , RESOURCES OVER $100, Illllllllll! President . V ice-President . / U. S. Strouss___ C. M. Hughes..___ Agnew Hice »Beaver_____ Beaver D 1 *BEAVER TRUST COMPANY ] Special atten tio n given BUI o f La ♦ 60-814 < § ’02 4P Pop. 4000 f Please send 15cw ith eachsiaht draft \Largest Bank in Beaver. Try .. .. D. A. NELSON_____ FRED H. COOK n given BID o f La ith each sight draft eaver C oun ty Ite Beaver Falls.Beaver D 1 4P Pop. 13.532 'FARMERS . .. “ .. •4 44 MzgkS 44 A . Tr. d ing drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. fo r presentation a nd 25c fo r Credit Reports. Us. 50,000 0. M. REISINGER. . J. B. DOWDELL— 52,000 800,000 971,000 35,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 50,000 18,000 230,000 250,000 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 40.577 8,500 133,640 109,450 74,780 Corn Ex, N., Phil.; Diamond N., Pitt. ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. fo r presentation a nd 25c for Credit Reports. m s. ., S S 225.000 2,900.000 2,500,000 500,000 Han. N ., N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N., C hi.; Far. Dep. N., 1st N., and Bk. o f P itt. N. A ., P itt. 60-422 < ’93 C. W. KLEIN MAX SOLOMON— - W. W. POTTS. W. F. WAXENFELTER. ♦FEDERAL TITLE & Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 200,000 TRUST COMPANY Special a tte n tio n given B ill o f Lading drafts» Cash and T im e Item s. ♦ 60-424 <§'03 Please send 15c with each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit R ev oris. Send us your Beaver Falls Item s. 63,730 1,093,410 1,085,190 271,850 M ech . & M etals N., N. Y .; M elon N. and ■Dlho VI rililf» • A«» JTAlil/o» J.SU 1TI JL1111*y (M em . Fed. Bes.) ♦First National Bank. < ’85 60-421 Leopold Pinter . ___ . . . t ’12 60-425 ♦John T. Reeves & C o’93 60-423 State Bank o f Beaver Falls 60-426 *§’I7 (*Member o f Beaver Cou/nty Geo. Davidson __ F. N. Beegle.. __ W. F. B ell_______ R e tu rn s. E. G. Ferguson___ 150,000 4,880 .. 97,290 118,140 12,300 John T. Reeves___ C. R. May_______ John T. Reeves___ H. N. Merriman... Geo. W. Coates J. H. Swick_______ G. L. McCormick.. J. G. Sakraida____ M. Gordon Clearing House, New Brighton) 50,000 105,000 625,000 700,000 50,000 5,000 310,500 335,040 55,000 N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union N., Pitt.; Phil. N „ Phil. 46,060 Irving N., N, Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 25,000 8,720 235,500 243,690 46.730 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 72,500 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Corn Ex. N „ and Union N.. Phil. 137,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N.j_Phil. A. A. Ulsh_______ _ J. H. D reese_____ J. F. Snook............ A. B. Egolf_______ T. P. Beckley_____ P. N. Risser, P. Hughes Sec. and Tr. A. B. Egolf Patrick Hughes..__ H. R. Cessna J. A. Donahoe____ 27,500 465,000 545,000 50,000 64,000 655,730 651,950 J. A. W right.. _ Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. MELLON NATIONAL BANK. v n OnnN Tv. i N am e of Bank. I ' B a n k e r , A a s « ,. ■ * Offers Î P R M N S Y L V A * •*-*♦•♦* A v J ■*—* v . 415,250 719,580 550,000 500,000 125,000 1,150,000 1.204,000 122,350 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. Ex. N., Phil. 345,600 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., P hiU Mellon N., P itt ' 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 297,890 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Far. Dem N „ Pitt. U n e x c e lle d S e r v ic e to B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s N I A — C o n tin u e d v 36,000 65,000 ________ ■ _ _____________ ________ j---------------- _ 1 651,590 183,900 1,493,540 1,407,430 50,000 W. A. Mitchener, R. C. Thom pson... Sec and Tr. P it t s b u r g h . ^Ey*Ttoe®lL*m3i3Scw»n^ito«Ewr!P o f T ile A m e r ic a n 50,000 100,000 43,710 _______ July, 1919 A. 0. Blackburn, Chairman Busines 8 Committee 125,000 125,000 D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a g t h o r it y 300,000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 30,000 V A L L E Y DEPOSIT & TRUST Samuel Jones_____ W. C. Kittle COM PAN Y -BO-885... < « ’72 Federal Reserve I l 1 7Bank of St. Louis 200,000 1,500,000 1,567,580 Leopold Pinter___ 125,000 a ^ w. w nniios WALTER G. BERT— Y o u r C o lle c t io n s W a n ted . P e r s o n a l, P e r s i s t e n t A t t e n t io n . Q u ic k ‘ Bellefonte__ Center D 6 Bellefonte Trust Go.__ < § ’04 J. L. Spangler____ C. T. Gerberich___ N. E. Robb. 3 Pop. 5000 60-759 See. and Tr. « Centre County Banking Co. T. A. Shoemaker . . J. M. Shugert____ 60-758 <+’68 “ r “ First National Bank___ < ’56 Charles M.McCnrdy W. F. Reynolds___ 60-757 Belle Vernon.Fayette E 2 First National Bank_____ t ’93 J. R. Ferguson___ J. L. Piersol______ B. F. Taylor___ . 4P Pop. 4950 60-886 Tnwv ~ 100,000 Beaver Springs...Snyder First National Bank.. __ ’01 60-1079 3 Pop. 450 D7 ‘ B edford.. Bedford E4 Bedford County Trust Co. 60-1457 *§15 3 Pop. 2235 First National Bank____ < ’84 60-901 «ft ft* H A R T L E Y BARKING CO.**t’72 60-900 1 1 / - P rincipal Correspondents , $ 300,000 $ 125,000 $1123000 $1366000 $ 159,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Diamond N. and Columbia N.. Pitt.: Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N.. Clev.; (M em . Fed. R es.) Faoer Beiter FRANK F. BRIERLY - J. R. MARTIN N A TIO N A L BANK •---------- j F. G. Bruce, Tr.__ ♦Fort McIntosh Nat. B k..t’06 J. S. Wilson __ J. T. Anderson___ R. F, Patterson 60-815 (*Member o f Beaver County Clearing House, New Brighton) Beaverdale.Cambria E 4 First National Bank_____’19 Irvan A. Boucher— O. R. Davis 00-1501 3 Pop. 4000 Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Loamsk Pu- Cashk ExDepos- c P aid- up Surplus *ts. Bom», chamois,Dui and Hioramn frojaBamki PS&FITS A s s ' t Cashier . PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Beaver to Belle Vernon r j . H. WILSON- ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK**’88 < Special atten tio 60-813 ) Please send 15c w (.Send us your B •* Cashier . ________ T own and County. N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 P E N N SY L V A N IA - Continued 1116 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber raven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ ike Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 1116 4 f— ------ —= A c c e s s ib le T o w ,» » . L a w y e r s . L a w s , D J c e c to M , to d e ice d i n b ft c k o f t b i s v o lu m e . T o t ItttC F B bt R & t e s , G T B C 6 ,, _ e t c . , se e D ane l<fc. F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o s i t e p a g e 13.\ -------------- : : . ...... ~ "< R eso u rces. P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . 1 11 1i y/ A c c e s s ib le d e x e c l im b a c k toirectory, each h»nk to U.the S. exclusively T ileAm K and-M ally Banker«’ D under autliorlty ofbyTlie erican cN Bsniwra Ass n« N ame of Bank . T o w n a n d Co u n t y . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. P resident . Belleville____ Mifflin D 9 Belleville NationalBank»*1900 W. G. Wilson_____ 60-1054 3 Pop. 1000 T. Flem ing____ Farmers National Bank.*1900 60-1055 George M. Paden.. Bellevue ..Allegheny E 2 Bellevue Realty, Sav.&Tr.Co. ♦ 60-647 »»'0 2 4P Pop. 7000 T o w n s ,. lA w y m . l e v . P l i c c t o t j . I n -.. F O ff I n t e r e s t K .& t e s y t o r a c e , \ of t.B ia v o l u m e . $ 25,000 Î J. B. Floyd . . . __ _ C. H. Swigart_____ G. B. Brindle_____ F. W . Warner____ F. W. Steffey-------John Watts J. H. Alter, A . Sec. Stephen Newburn . Ralph Wither spoon, Sec. and Tr. Wm. D. Teuteberg Citizens National Bank -»*’07 T. A. McNary_____ D .M .H ow e..— Robt. J. Gibson 60-648 James W. Lowther Bellw o o d .. . . Blair D 5 BeUwood Bank_______ «tt'92 EL 0. Kinsloe_____ H. G. Laird__ 60-896 3 Pop.'2277 51,180 $ 336.360 $ 44<U30 $ 35,880 I 50,000 31,060 295,000 479,420 30,740 4 125.000 80,320 848,440 901.320 156,430 £ 50,000 27,320 786,400 847,550 72,780 £ ____ 25.000 Res.) _ 19,500 350,000 260,000 50,000 25,000 24,350 258,950 302,970 27,500 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. W. H. Murray— — Herbert Hertzog. W. F. Richardson W. L. Yorks______ R. J. M cHenry___ T. Carl McHenry. . 50,000 30.000 850,000 700,000 200,000 25.000 7.000 290,000 252,000 83,000 H. E. Landis _____ 50,000 66,010 889.890 956,710 60,000 37,070 518,550 584,540 384,330 [Fred Bland_____ W. F. Wagner____ Ralph F. Taylor— ISpecial atten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Pitt. FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-t’04 \Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 25c f o r Credit Reports. 60-897 (Send us y ou r B ellwood Item s. Bendersville..Adams F7 3 Pop. S55 Benson____ Somerset F 3 4P Pop. 387 Bentleyville. Washington 4P Pop. 3000 E1 Benton____ Columbia C 9 3 Pop. 719 Berlin_____ Somerset F 3 4P Pop. 133« Bendersville National Bk..'08 J. G. Stover______ S. B. Gochnaur___ I. C. Bucher.. 60-1080 (See Hollsopple) Farmers & Miners Nat. Bk. Joseph A. Herron . 60-943 «*'08 Columbia County Nat. Bk. A. R. Pennington.. 60-1081 «*'02 First National Bank____ **’01 Fred Groff________ \ 60-997 Philson National Bank..«*'66 S. B. Philson____ 60-996 Rprnville___ _ Berks E 9 First National Bank___ __*’07 H. K. Derr_______ 60-1082 3 Pop. 308 Berwick___ Columbia C 9 Berwick National Bank..*’02 Charles C. Evans _ \ 60-713 3 Pop. 5357 Berwick Sav. & Tr. Co..«|'03 S. W. Dickson____ 60-714 First National Bank____ «*’64 M. J. Crispin_____ 60-712 Berwyn__ ..Chester F10 Berwyn National Bank— *’88 Wm. H. Haines— 60-1083 3 Pop. 1000 Bethlehem .Northampton Bethlehem Trust Co.___ *S’06 H. A. Foering____ 60-407 £ Pop. 65,000 p 11 First National Bank____**’63 J. S. Krause__ i__ _ 60-405 Gosztonyi Savings & Trust Rozi Gosztonyi___ Co_____ 60-258_____ »tS’18 LehighValley Nat.Bank «*'72 60-406 Peoples Trust C o .___ »JS’IO E. F. Eberts-----... 60-257 South Bethlehem Nat. Bank Adam Brinker___ 60-256 **’89 J. A. Kalbach____ L. C. Klopp_______ 25,000 35,250 321,730 Freas Fowler_____ B .D . Freas---------- 50,000 59,310 795,230 802,430 99,180 Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 124,030 ¡base N., N. Y .ils t Nv, Phil.; Far. Dep. N. 1 1st N... Pitt. 38,080 rving N.v N .Y .; Girard N., Phil.; Penn Reading. 152,100 I. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. O. F. F erris______ A. G. Bittner, T r... J. J. Myers W. J. Hehl H. P.Field . . . . ___ S .C . Jayne C. G. Crispin John C. Acker.___ Wm. HT Fritz. 125,000 61,750 728,650 804,950 110,440 iolnmbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. A. W. Radley_____ R. C. Soit. Sec. and Tr. M. J. Shimer_____ W. B. Myers____ « Tkos. F. Keim------ 125,000 Chas. F. Swope— G. A. Hoffman.. H. B. Philson------- J. P. McCabe-------- 75,000 50,000 300,000 J. J. Gosztonyi..__ W. W . Peters. Sec. and Tr. R. E. Gosztonyi R. E. Wilbur._____ F. P. Snyder______ G. J. Frantz.____ [. 125.000 W. C. Ruthhart, F. P. McKibben — G. T. Haskell, A. 1 Sec. and Tr. Otto Tachovsky Osman F. Reinhard Harry L. Ache-----C. P. Hoffman 125,000 ILLER--------- CHAS. T. HESS, D. C. RYMAH, E. P. WILBUR W. A. WILBUR— — A.E*. P.P. MWILBUR W. S. MARST M E M B E R S O F A M ER IC A N A C C E P TA N C E C O U N C IL TRUST COMPANY • 300,000 188,130 1,822,540 1,997,430 57,900 382,120 473,370 75.000 1,030.000 1,476,970 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60-255 »*§'87 Biglerville Nat. Bank...**’05 60-1084 Citizens National Bank—»*’91 60-1085 First National Bank_____ t ’88 60-1086 Manufacturers & Mechanics D ..1 , AA—1Afi7 ctS 238,740 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 64,390 1st N., N. Y. and Phil. 50,770 1st N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 450.000 4,590,000 4,327,000 1,271,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Com Ex. N., Phil. 74,240 Irving N. and Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: 3d N., 651,510 664,750 Scranton; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 281,380 2.265,880 141,660 331,430 1st N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 29,150 822,250 989,090 103,570 Irving n V n . Y.; Phii.'N„ Phil. 200,000 187,260 4,467,860 4,878,670 Phil.: Quakertown 484,630 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th St. N.. Quakertown; Lehigh Valley Tr., Co. Allentown. 500,000 724,220 5,394,520 7.372,940 445,790 Empire T r., E quitable T r., Guaranty Tr. C os., L iberty N., M erch. N ., and N. Bk. C oin., N. Y .; P h ll.N ., P h il.; MeUon N ., P itt. 43,420 Seab. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; N. Bk, Com.. Balt. 95,860 Han. N., N. Y;;'4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. o f Pitt N. A., Pitt. 109,820 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil. Sec. and Tr. Biglerville___ Adams F 7 3 Pop. 386 Big Run___ Jefferson D 4 4P Pop. 1032 Birds boro____ Berks E 10 3 Pop. 2930 Black Lick ...Indiana E 3 AP Pod. 1500 O. L. Longsdorf__ R. H. Lupp —------- R. B. Thompson . . . 50,000 53.300 271,050 307,18(1 C. H. Irvin*__ _— J.M . M cClure.— G. O. Bowers__ __ G. W. Millei J. N. Bower . . Edward Brooke___ George Brooke___ Wm. Lincoln 35,000 30,900 4Q6.07C 389,86(1 50.00C 108,110 453,940 548.99C 25.00C 37,500 361,660 323.08C 1 98,080 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Joseph A. Shrom— Sumner Graff___ l . R. A. Kelly---------W A Wa rii V -P n n Tlnnalrisnn WELL ON 1IATI . P xZaXvi R N Av N JS Y ^L vV A N I A -----C ______ o n tin u e d “' F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. etc.» aee page, 14^ W È t Corräs ' Pondänts. ~~v< RESOURCES. I Li ABIUITIKS. P rincipal Surplus DEPOS LoamADis Gams k Bx> As s ’t Cashier . P aid - dp Cashier . c u t e . Bom », in u > O M lIbii V ice -President . AND ITS Capital Profits Securitise FaonBaku mIL EmIK, P ittsburgh , FIESOIÜRC!ES OVE:r $100,1 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority jo f T hë Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT. B la in e —__ »— Perry E J Bank o f Blain____ ;___— *t'04 60-1088 3 Pop. ¿26 Blairs Mills..Huntingdon Tuscarora Bank____ ___ J. M. Blair 4^ - — 60-1089 3 Pop. 100 E6 Blairsville..-Indiana E 3 Blairsville National Bankvi’93 Thomas H. Long__ 4P Pop. 3572 « f lO I 80-797; is i ■ U|< i First National Bank.— .•’65 Ë.' S. \V. R:a y 4ît—Ç X V f f V X 60-798 r« »Bloomsburg__ Columbia Blqomsbprg National Bank A. Z. Schoch_____ 60-593 H : •S’OO 3 Pop. 8000 D9 Coiumbiâ County “Trugt Co. Frank W. Miller 60-594 «§’ 18 Farmers National Bank _»*’91 C. M. Creveling___ i b 60-592 ! ■ First National Bank____»*’63 M. I. L o w ___ :___ « 60-591 Blossburg_____ Tioga B7 Miners National Bank__ «t’95 F. B. Smith— ____ 60-1090 3 Pop. 2303 V ice -President . Cashier . E. H. Schultz.— C. ÔTHenderson. H. P. Rhoads_____ 50,000 WfltrarP. G r a ffiò 150,000 210,850 2.122,080 2,190,500 Paúl E. W irt.™ Wm. H. Hidlky.ii- È. F. Brown fcIXSB* 125^000 IÖL560 W. W. Evans__ 125,000 J, J. B row n .il.. Frank P. Zarr, C. W. Singer, Sec. and Tr. A .T r. M. Milleisen______ George L; Low 0 George L. Low — . Fred Holmes 100,000 G. Edgar Darby F. W. C oe_______ J. fl. Moyer Il C. K. Lefever Jas. K, Boyer__ _ M. E. Weidner J. F. Trees James A. Russell; C h .ofB d . State Bank o f Braddock»t5’97 P , Di Remington — H. M. Glenn.j. . . .60-269 uqeuo ■ 60-268: files' Ë. E. Lindemuth__ McKean County Trust Co. ♦ 60-387 **’80 Bridgeport-.Montgomery Bridgeport Nat. Bank— »¿’06 J, W. Connelly .¿ .i 60-1094 3 Pop. 4000 E li Bridgeville-Allegheny E 1 Bridgeville Trust G o ..i..» l’03 Geo. F. Murray.— 60-929 4P Pop. ;5000 F IR S T N ATIO N AL B A N K .**’03 m y M CI I Federal Reserve Bank dumber of St. Louis under líam e 11 t Q “ bank in U. 60-930 HM • -il,- Lewis Emery___ O. F. Lenhardt. R. O. Kriebel ■ S. C. McGarvey. M A T IO M A L 37,130 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 170.000 Han. N., N. Yd 4th S t/ N. and Girard N., PhU. : y - 1,1111 91,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 25,000 108,000 314,020 770,000 991,000 47,810 1,336,480 1,353,410 130,870 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .-ls t N ., Phil.; 73,830 372,980 503,840 15,360 Chase N .N iŸ .: 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil, 340,000 420,000 45,000 Chase N.rN«^Y.;' Bk. o f Pitt< N. A. and 1st N. Pitt. J. L. Brant_____. . . O. L. Shoff . . . 30,000 25,020 442,350 435.650 30,000 20,000 380,000 370,000 91,720 Han. Nw N. Y.; Diamond N „ Pitt.; 1st N.. Phil.; N; Bk. o f Bait., Balt. 60,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. I f f y p /• Î.ÎV!" 75,000 750,000 876,950 50,000 100,000 368,700 1,823,000 2,265,000 20,040 882.080 253,740 Coal ft Iron N^ N< Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A, and Western N., Pitt. 151,020 Union Tr. Co„ Pitt.; Braddock N., Braddock. W. Ai H ild ......I l F. W. Maurhoff— : 50,000 125,000 187,830 1,706,940 1,868,750 George A. Todd___ A. H. Wooldridge. Geo. M. Peoples E. C. Striebich, See. cmd-Tr. 200,000 893,080 9,704,390 9,329,750 1,560,540 Chem. N „ Am. Ex. N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 125,000 191,260 1,086,480 1,185,720 .217,010 Guaranty Tr, Co., N.Ÿ.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt, E. O. Striebich..__ 100,000 189,720 3,239,290 3,269,330 374,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 50,000 47,360 1,035,960 650,150 87,360 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Girard N., Phil.; Penn. N., Reading. V 228,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.} 4th St, N; and GirardN., PhU. George A. Todd.ZV. A, H. Wooldridge, Sec. T. O. Rankin, A .Tr. 899,290 206,940 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 200,000 649,520 4,490,450 4,540,440 998,130 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y « 4th St. N., Phil;; Mellon N., Pitt. mooo 317,000 2,408,020 2,891,791 523,410 Chase N. and Seab. N y.N.Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 50,670 1,890,510 1,755,321 322,250 Seab. N., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil.; Columbia N., Pitt. 51,560 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. George H.Mills, Tr. R. W. Evans,sSec.. C. L. Melvin. A .T r. Frank A. Logan . . . W ; K. Lederafch:SV: 150,000 H..J. Wilcox, Philip'Green, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 125,000 75,000 50,000 T. A. WARRENSF0RD E. j..W EB ER— - , — p e d a ! atten tlo n given BUI o f La ding drafts, Cash an d T im e Item s. yäss Please send 15c w ith eaâi sight draft fo r presentation a, nd 25c fo r Credit R eports. ' P rom pt Service. 370,170 140.000 l,275î000 1, 210.000 23,660 600,890 814,781 40,11( 1,096,230 1,059,721 7.95C 399,300 ‘ 418,250 167,120 N. Y. Tr. Go., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Go. and Columbia N., Pitt. 58,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. T R Y US. B A N K of Bank is the New Transit Number given ;BI excluslveïj^ by The Kand-McNally Bankers* D lrec tory, u n d er t h è a u th o r ity of T h e Ailaerlcaii B a n lt c i» AsS*ii. P i t t s b u r g h R ES O U R C ES P Ë N N SY L V A NI A^-Continvied T.I ATÍTT.TTT1CS. ________ July, 1919 60-368 442,330 N.Hfiiy and Çhase N., N. Y -i.lstN .. Phi}, and Fitt. J 142,110 N.CRy, N. Y.; lst N., P h il , 32,000 M. J. Lowe j. . . . . . . J. A. Riley . — . . A. J. Haggerty H. W. Loveland R. L. Mason ______ T. G. Kearns.— . F. R. Parmenter C O M M ER C IAL N A T. BK* »*’90 W. H. Powers . . . . . L. E. M allory.:— 974,770 1,263,210 30,000 O. L. Masters_____ B. F. Hunter Bradford..__McKean B 4 BRADFORD N AT’ L B A N K -**’79 T i H. Kennedy — ; H. J. Haggerty . . 60-366 3 Pop. 14,544 •• ( j p 50,000 Allen S . Moyer i l . . L. W. Màthîàâ. Sec. FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-«* 82 George C. Watt___ ; ■ . E. M. W allace____ H. S. Shirk. M. H. Schealer . . . . George N a sh ..... A. J, Spigelmire Harry W. Benn 50,000 :' F. J. Sutton. C. J. Newman____ M. E. Wagner. BRADDOCK NAT’ L B A N K ** 82 John G. Kelly Braddock Trust Co.__ ..* § ’01 G. Ò. Watt— l i t a i M V. .60-270 ■»F Walter A. Brueilly J. D. MacLauchlàii 60,000 W ’ EFIJ 1stN„»Pitt.; Girard N., Phil, • ; 59.830 $ 881,320 $ 930,910 S 78,760 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. E. E. Lewis____ S.HfáM aii *-11.. P rincipal Correspondents. Landisb urg,Pa.) Franklin N.. Phil; i, V W E B fC ) J. G. Kelly óSfSwpm ■60-267 / r l i r R esources . k Du- OiiiAlx* CTII—,Dct Baonm u VMMBuia Loan» c ’Tfi- Bonds, $ 25,000 $ 18.000 J. Ei Robertson— |C.C. Schmucker Boswell— -Somerset-E 3 First National Bank____»*’03 R. W. L o h r ...____N •60-1093 . 4P Pop. 2500 J. M. Wright____ Peopled State Bank____*§’14 Levan Ash C. S. Ickes Siï|M 60-1448 T. J. B. Rhoads— P a id - u p Sur p lu s D epob AMD Ca p it a i , P r o f its - ITS .( Branch o f Bank o f hand isJywOi. Greigh Patterson : : A, Swan— — Blue Bad i.Lancaster E 9 Bine Bail National Bank»*!06 Jacob Hartz .'i_ i... M. H. G rubelll-l 60-1091 3 Pop. 200 Bolivar. Westmoreland E3 Bolivar National Bank—»*’02 W. B, Hammond... F. R. Hammond. 60-1092 4P Pop. 800 Boyertown — i Berks E 10 Farmers National Bank j»$’83 60-879 3 Pop; 3400 National Bank ô f Boyertown 60-878 »*74 Brackenridge-Allegheny Merchants & Mechanics Bank 4P Pop. 3134 Dl 60-1410 **§11 Braddock—Allegheny E 2 Bessemer Trust Oo.. . . . . 4§’05 60-271 4P Pop. 21,685 A s s ’t cashier . ________________ PENNSYLVANIA BANXS-rrBiatn to Bridgeville 'N ame of B ank . TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. . itféth. Staté’B ks. AssmtPriv. Figure is Fed. Bes. I)ist. •Mein-Ifed. Res. [Estab, P is; Pittsburgh Branch. A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e t c ., see page X4. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N SYLV A NÍ A — Çontkiued 1118 118 O l/ C tt Accessible ’T o w n s, L s w y e n , l e v , , D ire ctors, in d e x e d in back ol this volume. F o r In t e r e s t K a t e s , G ra ce , >—I . e t c ., see page 14. For H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.| C RESOURCES. PnTWnTOiT CATiinntHniti9T!). A ccessible ’T o w n s, L a w y ers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed. in hack of this volume. F o r In te r e s t K a te s , G r a c e ,!’ e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. N u m b e r under N a i 1119 D D ir n; irectory, u n d e r th e a u th o r ity o f T h e Aitaérieati B a n lt u n Asé’ ii. 1 T o w n anís C o u n t y . P Ë N N SY L V À NI A^-Continvied N a m e of B a n k # « * * * * •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem, State Bksi Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch.? Mem. Fed. lies, [Estab. P resident . V ice-President . Cashier . a s s ’t Cashier . Brockwayville .Jefferson First National Bank-...•UOPO V L . Bond. ___ _4P Pop. 1898 0 4 60-1095 1 m i am o iv $ 125,900 $ H7.110 $1612190 $1884880 $ 199.500 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil, Bristol___ ....B u ck s E 12 Bristol Trust Co. ^ -..„»t5'08 J. R. Grundy — i__r E. W. Minster.. . . . W. P. McCoy,iSee. and Tr. 60-5023 Pop. 10,608 Farmers Nat. Bank o f Bucks Joseph R. Grundy. A . B. Shoemaker Courity „6(H)0l___ _ *11815 ■Re so u r c e s . Lia b il it ie s . 1 Sur p lu s D e pos - Loan« k Du« Cash k ExP a id - u p c’th. Bonds, changes,Do» ITS Ca p it a l P r o f its Buoimu ’ from Banks a » r r R ’ a *: cojuropr« w 98,220 G harlesF^cott,.. . Thomas S cott...__ 35,000 G,. H. Humphreys. A. R. Chapin — . . . 125,000 T. C. SWARTS, A . Tr. \B. L TAYLBR.i— -- B C. BEACH-.--- - - - - J .E .G E I S T .^ r See. and Tr. C. T. BENSCOtER, A . Sec. I A. D. DEEMER 378,200 2,102,110 2.294.300 83,830 757.040 655,780 314,200 1st N., N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. 254,290 Chase N ..N .Y .; Bk. o f Pitt. N, A., Pitt. 231,490 2,153,590 2,062,940 423.830 N. City, N. Y.: Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N „ Pitt. »Broqkville.Jefferson C 3 B R 0 0 K V ILLE T IT L E & T R .C 0 . i Special atten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. 4P ! Pop. 3003 ; , : 6(P846 o r ÎS’03 Please send 15c with sigbtjtraft-fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Rep orts+ ( SEND US YOU B BROOKV1LLE ITEMS. L. B. S hannon..... 50,000 113.420 739,150 615,280 335,950 Han. N., N. Y»; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. __ Li V. Deemer_____ C. R . Hawthorne . . 100,000 80.000 300,000 330,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com., R. Y ; 4th SÜN., Phil.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N.» Pitt. J. W . Bush, Sec.__ 25.000 27,210 207,170 218,150 ty. A. Edmiston__ W. A. Edmiston__ T. A. Waggoner__ 100,000 200,000 2,226,000 1,825,000 S.’ K Taylor______ S. E. T aylor__ ___ James R. T aylor... Kenneth Porter H. F. Taylor W .M .L illey— ___ w . s . ConwelL— : 50,000 782,490 3,931.990 3,917,640 100,000 138,310 1,167.750 1.069,350 JE F F E R S O N CO. N A T 'L BANK J |B. Henderson__r W. H. G tayj.—— ; J; S, Carroll 60-844 - »178 National Bk. o f Brookvillef’83 Charles Corbet — , 60-845;, » § C. Z. Gordon Brownstown__ Lancaster Brownstown National B k.i’08 A. V. W alter_____ S.H . W olf________ J. H. W olf_______ 60-1096 3 Pop. 600 E9 Brownsville.-Fayette F 2 MonongahelaNat. Bank*11812 C. L. Snowdon____ 60-88T : , 4P Pop, 9000 National Deposit B ank..»t’80 O. K. Taylor______ 60-880 Second National Bank —« t ’82 iM; G. Bulger . . . __ 60-891 Brain------------ Butler 0 2 First National B an k____ *’02 J. A. Cross__ _ 4P Pop. 800 60-1097 Bryn Mawr.Montgomery Bryn Mawr National B k - i ’87 Jesse B. Matlaek__ 60-847 3 Pop. 3000 F 11 Bryn Mawr Trust Co.__ »§ ’89 A. A- H irst. . . . — 60-848 Burgettstown .Wash. E 1 Burgettstown Nat. Bank-179 John A. B elli...___ 60M006 4P Pop. 2500 Washington Nat'l Bk.__ » ’03 D. S. Taylor__ j___ ■| 60-1007-i.r f |wf| Biirnham____ Mifflin D 0 First National Bank...__ .'18 S. B. Russell--------60-1495 3 Pop. 2100 »B utler_____ Butler D 2 ♦Berg & Co., John . . . . __ t ’69 (John and. Henry: 60-240 4P Pop. 27,632 ■ Ci M. Myers S. R, Walker W. H.Ramsey. 60-239 . *1§’68 h .“ TRoirrttAN-— 25,000 5,000 175,280 163,760 24,950 Han. N., N. Y.| Mellon N., Pitt. JvW . Matlaek . . . . Warren R -Jaguett 50,000 103,630 590,870 668,560 84,630 N. City. N. Y.; Franklin N., PhU. P. A. Hart; A.°Sec. Jessé H. Hall,A . Tr. T. P. W eaver..._. 125,000 ■ 165,930 1,137,860 1,282.610 100,000 123,920 1,575,500 1,676,870 Lee R. McKinney . . 50,000 39,340 1.151.630 1,101,300 W. H. Ram sey___ J. S. Garrigues, Sec. and Tr. W. Craig L e e ..__ •- A. H. Kerr__ — . . . J. P. Linn • A. C. McClure____ John M. Scott____ 0. W. Tope L. G. Yost----------- Ira C. Mayes_____ J. B. Shellenberger A; Berg)w— ___ . . . R. H. McClester. Sec. and Tr. 25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,350 20,000 48,900 91,450, .Franklin N., Phil. 246,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., First-Second N .. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Meilon N.. Pitt. 157,290 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.t Peo. N., Union N., and Far. Dep. N.i Pitt. Russell N., Lewistown, Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Peo. N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitti LOUIS B. STEIN, G. C. LOWRY C. ErCRONENWETT, C. DEWITT BREABEN, See. and Tr. JOHN W. BRANDON 300,000 250,000 500,000 445,000 4,750,000 4,700,000 980,000 Scab. N., N. Yd Columbia N., Pitt. 80,000 ------------590,830 2,953,000 3,085,490 904,470 1st N m N. YsrMeilon N., Pitt. ¿ t 'A. 130,000 Seab. N.. Ni Y.; Diamond N.,‘ Far. Dep. N., and 1st N.. Pitt. * 897,130 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Columbia N., Pitt. A . Sec. and A . Tr. Asst. Secretaries C ollection s h » ve the, p ersonal atten tion o f a n o fficer o f this ban k ; w e rem it o a d a y o f p a y m en t ; sen d u s y o u r b u siness. auk ir«u C..N.' B o y d i....^ — R. W. Dixon. E.’ W. Humphrey W> G. Donthett— . L. G. Nicol,;T r .~ — F. R. Hildebrand, Daniel Younkins A . Tr. Ira McJunkin : . __ T, M. B a k e r ....::: J. F. Hutzler . . . . . . G. W. Miller E. W. Humphrey - Henry Berg . . . . l — L. G. Nicol, Sec. and Mgr. M. D iR eel — -u ... J.,M. Wagner. Chas.¡Ci Ringler- ♦FarmersNationalBank«11900 John Youukins — 60-241 ■ ♦Guaranty Safe Dep.& Tr. Co. A. E. R eiberi.. . . . . 60-243 «tS’Ol Merchants National Bankl’10 60-244 Butler Clearing House__ . . . . (Members indicated by a ♦) Cairnbroók-Sòmérset F 3 First National Bank___ ..1 5 60-1454” 4P pop; 700 J. S. CAMPBELL-— 387,720 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt, N. A., Ex. N ., and Mellon N., Pitt. 729,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N ., Far. Dep. N. and Peo. N., Pitt; 1 324.190 1st N., N. Y.; Mellon N.^Pitt. L. D. Noel________ ♦Butler County Nat’l Bank J. V. R itts.:______ T. P. Mifflin______ John G. Àf¿Marlin, W. A. Ashbaugh__ 60-241, *t’90 Elia^Ritts/Ji; ‘Pa - W; C. Mcßandiess * i • í iP, -and Cash. J. A, Gormley Bjitler County Trilst C o..§14 J . 'V,.'RittSiJi«icj:'-j. W .C , t McCandless. R¿ H. McGlester, <S«c. and Tr,. C « T * 6 ( K 2 4 5 Ci ' ; j. 58,290 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. A. R. Williams«— 100,000 142,610 1,081,230 1,123.380 G. 0. Stewart, Sec J. N. Riddle, A . Sec 250,000 405,740 3,258,680 3,017,290 100,000 L, F. W a g n e r ...... 26,670 25,000 : 12,620 480,000 ' 600,000 î 76,000 Han. N., N.. Y.; First N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 171,620 244,700 33^980 Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh . RESOURCES OVER $100, N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss'n. N ame of Bank . T own and County. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc,-, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued Cashier . V ice -P resident . A s s ’ t Cashier . :; ;... RESÖTJ RCES. 1j1ADl LI linio. Loans &Dis- Cash&Ex Paid - up Surplus D epos c’ts. Bond», changes,Due and its CAPITAI) Profits Securities fromBanks PRiN'bïPÀÎL C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . ' " V 50,000 Springs National Bank__ *'09 G. A. McLean_____ H. B. Rhodes_____ J. O. Allee _ _ i .___ B. A. Boylan_____ J. A. Logan 60-975 C. C. JOHNSON— - JOHN C. MORGAN. . . J. T■If JR— I Canonsburg.. Washington C IT IZEN S TRUS T C 0 .- < i '0 1 60-776 4P Pop. 11,000 E1 ED W .R. SMITH, t 195,490 2,260,810 1,916,410 664,890 Chase N., N.' Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Citiz. N., Wash., Pa. 100,000 312,100 2,348,150 2,469,580 344,970 N.Bk.Gom.. N. Y.; 1st N., Monongahela N., and Far. Dep. N „ Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. Send your item s direct to us for r esults. 'Q u ick returns. 50.000 100,000 F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK *3 81 L. T. McFadden__ Charles E. Bullock Charles A. Innés . . H. T. Owen.______ Oarbondale..Lackawanna 3 Pop.19,242 B 10 60-317 70,000 Seab. N., N. Y .; Peo. N., Pitt. 125,000 Canton____ Bradford B 8 F A R M ER S N ATIO N AL BAN K J. A. Innés_______ Irwin W hitehead.. H. G. Gates______ 60-961 *309 3 Pop. 1637 60-960 399,000 332,000 ec. and Tr. A.Sec. and A .T r. D o a general Banking and Ex change business, C ollections a sp eclalty an d rem it ted on day o f pay m ent. . W. M U N N EIL. (GEO. D. McNUlT RQBT. L . H R ) First and oldest established Ban F IR S T N A TIO N A L BAN K **’91 ¡Special collect! on facilities. Pro m pt, personal pr esenta tlon. 60-775 33,000 ES H PAUL ( L . A . B AS SETT JA M E S H . P A U L G EO R G E H . P A U L — 8,520 347,560 425,860 43.670 702,320 856.710 31.670 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 178,280 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N. and Franklin N., Phil. 536,740 1st N. and Guaranty Tr. Go., N. Y.; Phil. N. and 1st N., Phil. 100,000 467,700 3,227,430 3,100,290 110,000 248,110 2,744,280 2,874.770 3S4.000 N. Park and N. City. N. Y;; 4th St. N.. Corn Ex. N., and Girard N., Phil. 696,920 81.520 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Scranton; Tradesmens N.. Phil. Special atten ti oii given B ill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. *3571 Please send 15c w ith each sight draf fo r presentation. ( Send us your C arbondale buslne ss. First National Bank__ -•3’64 R. A. Jad win_____ Edward Clarkson. F. G. W inter_____ R. D. Stuart 60-316 50,000 J. F. Wheeler____ W. G. Blocksidge.. 100,000 103,430 1,109,010 1.C63.120 246,040 Han. N., N. Y.; Co. Sav., Scranton. to 150.000 249,730 1,454,770 1,580,070 150.000 185,000 1,500.000 1,600,000 274,440 Atlantic N „ N. Y.; Girard N. and Corn Ex. , N.. Phil. 200.000 Chase N., N. Y .; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 150.000 275,670 1,746,820 1,78^,680 380.820 N. JCity and Chem. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. Garrick ‘ Carlisle.Cumberland E 7 Carlisle Deposit Bank..«3i’46 Abram Bosler_____ 60-470 3 Pop. 10,726 Carlisle Trust Co...,___•3I’05 E. C. Beetem_____ 60-473 Farmers Trust Co.____ •3I,02 Lewis S. Sadler___ 60-472 440,000 450,000 95,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 98.350 1.596,520 1,543,330 316.940 Han. N., N. Y.; B k.of Pitt.. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 225.000 342,310 2.502,060 2,521.630 100.000 151,830 1.212,810 1,781,420 453,000 Chase N. and Liberty N.. N. Y.s Columbia N. and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 235,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. Jos. P. McKeehan. A. K eller. Wm. H. Goodyear L. C. Lesher______ Merkel Landis, Sec. and Tr, Walter Stuart_____ H. E. Sheaffer, Sec. and Tr, S. M. Goodyear 25,000 Carmichaels.. Greene F 1 First National Bank____ «3 01 F. M. Mitchener__ L. T. Laidley____- Richard L. Baily__ Frank Huston____ 60-1098 4P Pop. 550 Carnegie.. Allegheny E l C ARN EG IE N A T 'L BANK — '02 R. P. Burgan . . . — George Faunce------ A. W. Schreiber__ Joseph F. Hedges 60-478 4P Pop. 12,000 Carnegie Trust Co.______ I'Ol John A. Beli 60-477 John A. Bell, J r .. . J. H. Walker. Tr... Bert W. Rowlands. H. A. JOHNS- - - - - - - - JOHN RQDDA-------- NESBIJ E . ROSS — l i A. B ELL — FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K - . 92 J Special a tten tio n given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and Tfi m e Ite m 8* 59,440 60,000 )Please send 15c with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio n and 25c fo r Cred it Repo rtsl (Send us your C arnegie Business 10,720 50,000 Peoples Bank______ ___ «516 Geo. B. Forsythe— C. E. Herman ____ J. S. T aylor_____ A. W. McMillen, D. C. Casey 60-479 V. P, 50,000 39.160 Vetter—____ Carrick...Allegheny D 1 Carrick Bank_________ «IIS Wm. R. McShane.. Geo. L. Gearing__ Jos. P. L ew is..__ 60-1429 (Aft. OliverP. O.) IP Pnn. 15.000 708,400 60-476 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under 1 A1 9« 1* c e lle Name of Bank Ithe New Transit Number given ■ ■ ■ g cJVally Mr Banke to each bank in U U.. S. e x c lu s iv e !/ by T h e K and-M D irectory, u n d er the P E N N SY L V A N IA —Continued T.l APÎT.TTTM. 275,930 273,640 53,510 N .ljity, N. Y.; Far; Dep. N., Pitt. 617.140 637,100 68,690 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N. and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. ____________ July, 1919 Harry Wright, Sec. Liberty Discount & Sav. Bk. P. J. Casey_______ P. F. Connor_____ C. A. Morgan. P. J. Moore 60-319 *3S’0S Pioneer Dime Bank__ «31'03 E. M. Peck________ B. A. K elly____ A. E. Tiffany 60-818 PENNSYLVANIA{ BANKS-^-California California... Washington First National B ank___ *t’91 W o . H. Binn s------ A. C. P iper____ . . . Wm. S. Nicodemus F. J. M cC u e ....__ $ 50,000 $ 139,130 $1408260 $1334380 $ 313,070 Chase N., N..Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 60-902 4P Pop. 2230 El 75,000 43,950 560,460 4517200 228,000 Bk. o f America, N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. •»1900 G. B. Frantz______ C. N. Savage....___ E. M.Lilley_______ John R .G r e g g .-. Peoples Bank____ 60-903 75,000 55,020 828,400 928,280 122,810 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.,Pitt. N .H . B E R T R A M ... D . L . M ATH EW S ( D .E . K E L LY — R . A . BIRCHARD Cambridge Spgs,..Craw’d F IR S T N A TIO N A L BAN K * i’03 » , tern s. 1Special atten ti on given B ill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Ite 60-974 4P Pop. 1514 B1 ( Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. 1120 1120 re tt ì Bai A e e e n tb lc T o w «.», U w r e n , La w s , D ire ctor», m - __ dexed in back of this volume. F or In terest K a te s, t .r a c e , ’—1 e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, aee opposite page 13.1 A ccessible T o w n s , l a w y e r s . La w s , D ire ctors, m - __ dezed in bock of this volume. F or In terest K a te s, «.«race, ’—1 e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. --------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------- «< R e so u r c e s , i P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . Dfiimber under N»me of Bank is the New Transit Number siven to eacb bank in TT. S. ezcluslrely by T h e K»ll(J-McrV»ll|r BanJcen’ D lreetory, N ame of Bank . T own and Countt . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPrir. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Mem. Fed. Res. i P resident . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Cashier . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . L i a b i l i t i e s . _____ |i Sur p lu s D epos Loamsk Dib Cashk Bx- 1 P a id - u p ' AND its. Bonds, ANOES,DCS1 its C a p it a l PBOFITS ■■Ovums fromBanks 0U ► $ 50.000 $ 145,170 t 886,340 $ 027,210 $ 206,920 Ran. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N., Carrolltown.Cambria 0 4 First National Bank— —«t’01 C. A. Sharbaugh__ A. B. Clark___ . . . . F. J. B r o p h y C . G. Adams Pitt. 60-1099 3 Pop. 1348 N. Park, N. Y.: Columbia N. and Union N „ 90.550 400,000 503,780 25.000 10.320 Castle Shannon____ Alle- First National Bank______’07 A. D. R obb_____b J. W. Waterman__ J. P. Kuhlman—__ H. H. W. SchuchPitt. man 60-1100 4P gheny Pop. 700 E 1 84.250 1,110,010 1.225,070 143,280 N. Park. N. Y.; 4th St, N. and 1st N „ Phil. 125,000 Oatasauqua—Lehigh D 11 Lehigh National Bank—< ’06 J. G. Beitel_______ R. M. W int---------- J. F. Moyer_______ Burtis A. Laub — F. B. Manser 60-727 3 Pop. 5250 400,000 4C6.560 2.263,090 3,327.340 339,380 lstN .,N . City, and Am.Ex. N „ N. Y.; Phil. . EDWIN THOMAS.— LEONARD PEC KITT- FRANK M. HORN— H. V. SWARTZ-------N A TIO N A L BANK O F N. and 4th St. N „ Phil. ! ATASAU QU A 60-726 < ’57 Oatawissa „Columbia D 8 Oatawissa National Bank.» ’04 0 . J. Fisher_______ 0. P. Pfahler____ 60-941 3 Pop. 1030 First National Bank-----—i ’01 J. T. F o x _____ ,__ Lather Eyer— W. H. Roberts 60-940 0. S, W. F o x _____ N. P. Vastine 50,000 35.000 430.000 588,000 25.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Market St. Nl and 1st N „ ; Phil. W. M. Vastine------ 50.000 21,000 320,000 510,000 50,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N „ Phil. 4,680 163,390 184,750 25,000 Cecil____ Washington E l First National Bank------ .$’03 Adam Wagner__ — Valentine Klein___ W. G. McCraley—. 60-1101 4P Pop. 1000 D. K. Keller------ — O. D. Bartholomew. Center Hall ...Center D 0 Penn’s Valley Bkg. Co. —t ’7S Wm. M. Allison___ 60-1102 3 Pop. 500 20,500 307,380 425,830 25.000 John S. Creamer Centraba__ Columbia D 9 First National Bank_____*’09 T. W. Riley_____ _ M. J. McDonnell.. Jas. W. Jones — . 60-1103 3 Pop. 3000 200,000 280,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 ; J. A. STRITE — . S. G. GREEN AWALT F. A. ZIMMERMAN» R.B.NELSON V P W M , A LE X A N D E R V. P., Sec. and Tr. 1 Se •Ohambersburg__Frank CHAM BERSBURG TRUST CO. Special atten tlo n given Bu11 o i l « adlng drafts. Cas S it Repo rts. 60-429 *${’01 Please send 15c with each sight dr a ft for pre8entatio lin -P o p . 12.380__ F 6 A Bank o f Siren gth and C harset FARMERS & MERCHANTS W. K. SHARPE— 194,150 1,686,380 1,777,570 150,000 D. 0. SOLLENBERGER. D. L. GROVE, Sec. and Tr. < P rom p t service. W e get results, Special atten tlo n given Bill o f La d in g drafts, Cash ( Please send 15c with each sight dr a ft fo r presentatio 31,740 Han. N .,N . Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. 1st N., Phil. 25,050 Irving N „ N. Y.; Bk. of No. America and Tradesmens N „ Phil. 350,000 Irving N ..N .Y .; Girard N „ Corn Ex. N „ and 1st N.. PhU. M arket St. N. and 4th 133,310 Irving N ., N. S t. N ., PhU .; M ellon N ., P itt. l it Repor ts. T R U S T COM PANY 60-430 tS’06 60-427 958,670 1,301,970 172,070 130,000 W AITER K. SHARPE ROBERT H. R0SS-. M OLD s NA TIONAL” ."“ THE (Special atten tlo n given B ill o f La d in g drafts, Cash *$1800 'Please send 15c with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio 113,670 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ PhU.; Peo, N „ Pitt. 1 s. 1 it Repo rts. 359,680 2.007,160 1,977,450 100,000 IG EO . H. STEWART M .C . K EN N ED Y------ FRED B. R E E D ------ Tohnr. ojrr „• t'90 ' Special atten tlo n given Bui o f La ding drafts, Cash aft fo r presentatio 568.120 1st N „ N. Y .; Franklin N. and Phil. N.rPhil. V A L L E Y N A TIO N A L BANK „ 60-428 I it Repor ts. Please send 15c with each sight dr [ Send us your C ham bersburg Ite m s. Charleroi—..Washington Bank o f Charleroi—___ < § ’98 T. L. Daly--- ------ J. G. McKean----60-493 4P Pop. 11,931 E2 ( J . M. WALTON------ 1 ÜÄWF“ K. W. Daly___ __ O. S. McKean. E. W. HASTINGS, IV. SHARPNACK, See. and Tr. C H A R LER O I S A V . & TRUST C OM P AN Y 60-494 <101 i Special atten tlo n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash 425,000 2,750,400 2,503,500 125,000i 110,790 1,477,100 1.226,460 651,600 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Co., Pitt.: 1st N „ Phil, 401.150 N. Park, N. Y.: Peo, N., and Ex; N „ Pitt. ï it Repor ■ ts. Please send 15c w itn each sight dra ft fo r presentatio (P r o m p t, effleie n t service. First National Bank------ »'91 J. K. Tener— . — D. M. McCloskey, 60-492 '. 75.0001 254,010 1,883.970 1,920,65( 50,000i S. A. Walton------ - •R. H. Rush._____ L. J. M itchell----Geo. S. Might iA l i n a t a a i 307,33C Chase N „ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. ft»4 ft A IT A AAA AAA MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P i t t s b u r g h , RESOURCES OVER $100,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n ■ ■ ■ B H a n H H H N H H I • 1 V N um ber under N am e o f Bank is -the, New Transit N um ber to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The. RUnd-MpNaHy Bankers’ D irectory, under ¡the au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . i, T own and County. N ame oj? Bank . •County Seats. •Mem Am, Bks.Assn. SSJate Figure is Fed. Kes. DM . iMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. V P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Cherry Tree.Indiana D 4 First National Bank__ . » { ’OS J ÍP 'T o p . 439 60-1104 2 V | ' W P resident . ' 8 V f ice P res Ident . r : c a s b ie r ; V AS'S’® ;GASHlfiR. L ia b il it ie s . p lu s PAid- up Sur :D ë î >ôs and' ' ; O. Leas are.__ „ Wm. McKeage-—— F. Finsthwait——— © j» R v Faith,¡Sect & Tr; A . Tr. ♦Delaware County Nat. Bk. J. H. Roop............ CuP. W ebster. 1m. T. 60-178 »$1814 M . ♦Delaware 'bounty Tr.'Co. J . 60-181 »tS’85 p.Jefferis,— W. K. Foley, A . Sec; Sec. and Tr. J. R. Mowry, A .T r. A. G, Campbell— J ohn; C. llinkson.. R .; Hamilton.— .-- E. O. Burton G . Christiana..Lancaster F 9 Christiana National Bankt’03 M. B. Kent——.:__ C. • 3 Pop. 1100 60-1106 Clarendon „W a rfen B 3 Clarendon State bank— §’19 J ahn 4P Pop. 1000 60-1502 First National Bank—„ 60-863 Clarks Summit.Lackaw’a Abington National Bank»i’13 3 Pop. 1600 C 10 60-1430 Ç> s lo h n G ib s o n 8 . - W.-? Wilson—— G H N ic h o ls tif.‘ fiarr.— 603,970 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.: (M em . Fed. B es.), «10,47(1 flan. N.. N. Y.: 4th St. N. Phil. 844,150 3,239,580 3,789,850 836,210 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 289,400 6.050,560 6.409,110 539,220 Irving N ..N .íY .; Bk. o f No.i America and 3d N., Phil. 200,000 Í .250,000 2,300,000 2.638,000 271,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. N., and Franklin N., Phil. 100.000 400.000 N: Park, N.*Y.; Girard N j, Phil. (•‘ 250,000 150,000 2,100,000 1.900,000 J. Myers____ — 60,000 J. Will Taylor, J. H. McClure, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 125,000 S,G . Perry,—__ - - E. S. Kennedy— C. W .: Am sler... — N. Park,_N. Y.; Ist N., Pitt. Maurice J. Brin ton, Sec.j . ¡— Goal ____— 295,880 2,353,400 3.131,680 R. E. Jefferis, Mgr. T. Ed ward Clyde,- Sec. Ohicora______ Butler D 2 Millerstown Deposit B k>tt’87 Ha J. M y e r s --— 4P Pop. 1100 60-1105 .*$$’02 A. G. Wilson.— 230,720 5,393,820 5,770,760 300,000 ¿ ir o t iffc u ji' J . V . ; W in g e r t --- W. H. Chrismer.— Chester Clearing House-___ J. H. Roop........ — (Members indicated fruJt *) W . A , M. M. Kaufman „ . 12,500 . Graham, Tr. C. O. Moore, A . 'Tr. 135.Q00 H. M . Hufnagel, ! A . Tr.■ F ..M. Arnold,' Jr.. 100,000 H. F. Strattan W N Butts 63,750 400.000 ‘ 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phif. “475,ÏÏ00 73,790 1.587,760 1.440,280 i 338,990 Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. GüaráWtj# Tr. Co., N ."Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Warren Sav„ Wärren. ‘ LO O O 142.010 1,931,520 1,945,900 48,250 -1,046,550 l;213,410 22.6,030 N. City, N. Y.;.<Mellon N., Pitt. 147,680 Nt Park,-N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st N., Pitt. nr^Tfwi Claysburg ......B la ir E 4 First National Bank — .•J'12 Glias. O* Joli uston. P, N. Risser______ H. F. Stoneri — — 60-1422 3 Pop. 1600 25,000 Irving N.i N. Y.; Com Ex ; N¿, Phil. 20,500 ,270,000 2 4 0 ,0 0 0 50*000 Unión N., Phil.; Western N:, Pitt. Olaysyilie..-. Washington Farmers National Bank—$.’09 W¿ B. Irwin - ——— T .D . Bell. 4P Pop. 1500 I 1 60-1017 National Bk. qf Olaysville ’90 60-lOlfr Irvirig N., N. Y.;Diamönd»N. anti Mellón N „ Pitt. W. J. E. McLain— 50,000 ‘ Clearfield..Clearfield C 5 C L E A R F IE L D N A TIO N A L James Mitchell___ H. S.Wbiteman, Jr. H. S. Whiteman, Jr. 3 Pop. 6851' B A N K -- 60-628 - . . i — »t'93 John Dimeling w p* ■ Clearfield Trust (Co.— *$§’02 A. W . Lee a ______ ! G . R. Bigler______ P. T. Davis, Tr. . . . : | | £ y 60-629 COUNTY N AT’L BANK ^ t OS H. B. Powell—— . A.: Ki .Wright—'—— R. I. Pulton 60-627 ____ R.;C. Wright „ „ „ iOliftón Heights—Del. F 11 First National Bank___ « t '02 J. M. Lutz___ ../J Nelson Kershaw__ E. K. Barry 3 POp. 3155 60-1108 \y ’x j. Clintonville.. Venango C 2 Peoples, National Bank.*t’08 Geo. A. Rumsey — 4P Pop. 400 60-1109 . V Number under Name o f B a n k is the Mew Transit Number given Federal Reserve of St. Louis 1 7 Q Bank to eaob bank -in XJ. 3 . © x d « s l vel j* by Tim© B a n d -M c N a lly Bankers* MELLON NATIONAL BANK. 1 ■*«»5 D ire ctory, u n d e r th è a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ic a n B a n kers ■-Asg>n¿ _ r~ ~ 1 P rincipal Correspondents . ;250,OQO 300,000 * u q ♦First National B an k..»i’64 Ti Edward Clyde— 60-179 ; ; ♦Pennsylvania Nat.Bank»t’03 W.jS> McDowell 60-183 Resources . tOAJ^S,& J>18- Cash & E x 'Bòiibfe, changes,!) ok Securities from B anks % 50,000 $144,400 $1226980 $1101010 $ 170,170 N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond N „ Pitt.; Franklin N.. Phil. 18112} •Clarion— .„C larion C.3 Citizens Trust Co._________ ,§'04 4P Pop. 3000 60-865 ITS Ca p it a l P r o f its Chester...Delaware F 11 ♦Cambridge Trust C o.„»tS ’Ol GarnettPendjeton. 1 . D. Wood ______ 3 Pep. 41.396 " ♦ 60-182 Richard Wetherili ♦Chester National Bank«t’83 Richard Wetherili60-180 OlatJrton— Allegheny E 2 Union Trust Co. 4P ;Pop. 4000 60-1107 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Tor; Interest Bates» Grace, e t c ., see page 14■ wF ot Holidays^ see opposite-page 13. P l P k f l V T C V 'T W r A X TT A »■*■! I - * SB ”w ^ J->iN 1V ^> ^ A W I A ' ^ v O I l t l B i U G G l ; >4 ' a ' P T T ' M IL In XNO I I ' M Ä \TT A 252,380 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.' ' . / ■ itv 8 f W *IW| m M l fiM ■ 150,000 240,980 2,110,320 2,144,770 369,370 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. 5OO;000 .747,970 4,421,460 5,459,520 , «63,990 Chase N „ N. Y.: 1st N „ Chi.; Franklin N.J Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. r . 7i,aio 1,405,34° 1,151,200 34 Ö80 RESOURCES v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rV x n ti ^ 1 159,690 Han. m . m Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 252,310 1.379,810 1,779,980 25.000 . _________ 935,320 1,161,400 200,000 50.000 P it t s b u r g h 286,670 i i -* L ia b il it ie s . 376 280 229,370 Franklin N. and Corn. Ex. N „ Phil. so» non N. City, N. Y.;-Mellon fl., Pitt. 1122, ; r_____________ PENNSYLVANIA g ANKS— Cherry Tree to Clintonville_________July, 1919 1 10 0 ■*■ OVER AccesBible T o w n s , l.a w y e rs, l a w s , D ire ctors, in dexed ifa%>a.ok of this Volume. F o r IIIteres t K a te s , G t a c n ,'—< e t c ., see page 14. -/For H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 R e so u r c e s . "T5® P R TU O TPA T. C O R R E S P O N D E N T S . ^ MELLON NATIONAL BANK. 1 r1 iOOO Number under Name of Bank is tBe New Transit Number given bank in U. S. e i c l n s l r e l j * by T b e B a n d - M c N a l l ; B a n k e r s ’ D irectory, u n d er th e a u th o rity of T h e A m e ric a n B a n kers -A«syn»to each : N ame of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks; Assn. §State <*County Séáits. Figure is Fed, Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bksi Assn. tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Mem. Fed. Ees. [Estati. • P it t s b u r g h ' 1\ T T A X k / V C llN T D C '- N T f - T C V T * IN o A RESnURCES & r £l . ’** r V v n f l M TOWN AND COUNTY. ' P resident . V ice'-President . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . Clymer.__ ...Indiana D 3 Clyrner National Bank__ »’10 EdwardWiddowson L. E. Ackerson____ J. M. Stewart—__ Karl llotick. 60-1110 4P Pop. 2500 * l o i OVER A c c e s i b le T o w n s, X aw yers»', b a w s , ■D ire ctors, in dexed iii’toack of this Volóme, f o r ln t c r e s t lt a t c s , G race, e t c ., see's page 14. /For H o lid a y s, see opposite page 1 3 . -1 R e so u r c e s . LJ ABILITIES. S ur plu s Loans &Dis- Cash&Ex D epos «- c P a id - u p 1 an d ’t8. Bonds, changes,Due Ca p it a l P r o f its Skourities fromBanks f t “ f,!tr $ 25,000 $ 30,'000 $ 600,000 $ 590.000 $ 65,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Diamond'N., t itt . / . Coaidale-__Bedford F 4 Broad Top National Bankt’18 J. Mi McJntyre.___ P. N; Risser— ,60-1485 3 3<Sino MilefRun P .0 .) Coaidale..Schuylkill D 10 First National Bank___ <10 John E. B b y iè ___ E. Q. Evans.___ __ H. "F. Blaney_____ tig 60-4111 3 Pop. 5154 I Ooajport— Clearfield D 4 First National Bank____t ’03 G. ' D. Benn_____ _ A. L. Hegarty____ i M. L. Stevens___ A. L. Hegarty. , 60-1112 « 3 Pop. &76 « ; i Coatesville..Chester F 10 C O A T ES V ILLE TRUST C O , M 60-454,.? 4 § ’07 3 Pop. 14,455 ttiM 60-453 <89 J.R.FREEL, ■'25,000 26,120 125,000 105,000 1,285,000 1,285,000 230,000 Irving N., N, Y.: Franklin N., Phil. A. >F, Huston_____ íí.'G . Martin .1___ Ivan Si Morris____ 'J . Branson__________ 200,000 438,100 2,496,490 3,095,010 372,360 N. City, N .Y .; lst'N. and Franklin N., Phil. M . W . P O W N A L L - ROBT. T . A S H — E L L IS E . STER N W M . P . W ORTH - W . S. H A R LA N — 100,000 638,510 2,925,450 3,221,800 529,170 Han. N., Ni Y.; 4th St, N., Phil. , 74,270 Han.N., N .Ÿ .; 4thSt. N., Phil.; Mellon N.,PHt. r C ollections bay e th e personal a t tention o f an offl eer o f this bank, Send us your Coa tesville business. We rem it on da y o f paym en t. J T L . F. R U T H 51900 452,890 ’ 543Í240 ’ 60,770 Coal & iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. ' 25,900 ‘ 418,160 * 45Í5Á70-' 50,000 „,,,60.000 J. H. A llison..,___ F. p,.Patter5Qp,,-7rrFirst National Bank____ t ’77 G.'Lambertpn— 60 -m s 25,000 160.60 Codorus Nat. Bk. o f Jefferson Isaac Hildebrand— Emanuel ‘Sterner — Elmer Sterner.. . . . Emdfjy "Sterner . — 60-1114 ’10 50,000 50,450 Collegeville National B k.<07 A. D. Fetterolf— M. B. Linderman— W. D. Renninger— 60-1115 . 100,000 60,000 Central National Bank*—. ’68 C. F. Market______ Henry Westerman J .U . Zeamer_____i Fi G. C a in -___ , 60-448 125,000 96,000 Columbia Trust Co.___ .51900 John Westermah— !J .E . Hershey_____ D.L. Glatfelter, Tr. 60-449 ,,450.0b0 122,550 First-Columbia National Bk Hugh M. North, Jr. Joseph Jahson____ Horace Detwiler— W;j S, Detwiler 60-447 $’64 50,000 14,900 H. S. Pringle Oonemaugh.Cainbria E4 Conemaugh Deposit Bk..*5’ 13 Edward Custer — I Härry B." Cooney— , . ,-vV — 'William, E.'J’ry - - 60-1426 3 Pop, 5075 50,000 58,550 First National Bank__ _ »$’03 John H. Cooney__ F. B. 'Custer______ Wm. E. Fry „ ki — Irinn DiFord—___ D. E. Schnabel 60-1116 31,340 25,000 D. E. Miller.—. . — E. E. Black— ElMillefriiL-.AL1 Oonfluence.Somerset F 3 First National Bank—..*1900 V. M.Black———— D . = 60-1117 a t o g . P 4P Pop. 890 :23,830 25,000 S. W. Gehr___— Gè o^C.'.GobleY— — Aï E. Bates— Conneaut Lake.Crawf ord First National' Bank—“ —< 0 3 I. M.Lewis-L— E. C. Jackson 60-1118 j4P Pop, 450 B 1 50,000 13,080 Oonneautviile—Crawford Bank of Conneautville-«tt’63 Paul Sturtevant—— J. T. Snodgrass—— J. T. Snodgrass— E. T. Baird______ 60-1119 " 4P Pop. 867 B1 100,000 189,850 Connellsville.Fayette E 2 ♦Citizens National Bank *$’02 F. E. M arkelL.-..- T; J. MitChell____ James L. Kurtz.— J. B. HèMërson v , 60-400 . V 4P Pop. 15,455 100,000 43,0.00 R. S.-ïrenberth—. ♦Colonial National Bank—’04 L. F., Euth--—- - —- E. K. Dick———— H. E. Schenck— Harry Duhn 1' * 60-402 ♦First National Bank__ < 7 6 E .T. N orton____ W. F. Stauffer—__ G. W. Stauffer------ H.C. Norton______: 200,000 139,250 IP * 60-397 Eobert Norris 50,000 173,860 I— ♦Second National Bank .< 9 0 WOrth Kilpatrick— J. A. Armstrong__ J. A. Armstrong—. A.K. Hood— 60-398 T ER N P E R R A . 22,800 Union N.. Phil." ¿b^oo Cochranton___ Crawford 4P Pop. 695 B2 Codorus_______York F 8 3 Pop. 475 OoUegeville. Montgomery 3 Pop. 621 E 11 Columbia..Lancaster E 9 . 3 Pop, 11,454 60-399 137,010 Sec. a/nd Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. W ILllAM M . POTTS Bills o f lading d rafts a specialty, P rom pt atten ti on to all business entrusted to us. W e get results. National Bk.of Chester Valîey H . . 60-452 <57 N A T. BANK O F C O A T E S V ILLE GEO. W. LACEY» ' A. F , HUSTON------ H.B.SPACKM AN— 3,040 ; 130,090 ,.25,900 - F. E.vN,: Cunning ham R. M ARIETTA — E . K . D IC K ^ - - - J . R . M E 8 T R E Z A T W .H . SOISSON Special atten tio n given B ill o f La d in g drafts, Cash Please send 15cw ith each sight draft for presentation a Send ús your C onn ellsvlue Item s. » 66.* *** ♦Union National Bank—< 0 2 Chas. B1; Franks.— 6 . W. Gallagher— JamesO. ’Long???— C. Y . Shader. 60-401 E. E. Flo'to, ♦Yough Trust Co— » t j ’71 W. F. Soisson____ j W. F. Stauffer— Sep. m d Tr. 60-396 475,000 480,000 251,390 307,160 557,130 574,150 127,650 Seab.N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 490,000 526,000 ’671,000 762,000 64.000 N . Bk. Com., N. Y. and Balt.; 4th St. Ni and Union N.v Phil._ 129.000 Irving N., N , X ; 4th St. N., Phil. 1,049,860 1.524Ì70O ■ 336,080 ’360,580: 1,118,700 1,285,340 390,120 371,780 I 349.490 .343,650 601,110 ''596,310 ■ni0’3 50,000 l 48¿600 291,100 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Far.'& Mech. N., Phil. 38,250 Irving Ni? N. Y.'; Corn-Esi. Ni, Phil.; Comw. , T r, Co.^Pitt. ; , L 188160 N.City, N. t . ; MellOiFN.,;'Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 95,370 Chase N., N. Y.; MonongaheiaN., Pitt. 61,070 Chase N., N . Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 66,650 1st N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 212,920 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin N.. Phil. 620,000 63,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N. and 1st N., Pitt.; N. Ex„ H Balt; ü A ' 338,240 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Mellon m Pitt:; 4th St.’N.’. Phil.; 1st N., Clev. 226,370 Han. N .,/N ; Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 697,350 2J12.040 2,0Ï7,540 1,286,500 1.336,220 ’i eports. 32,940 Franklin N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. '897,720 1,074,650 160,010 1,01-7,550 1,043,140 250,000 105,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 288,060 Han. N. and Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr, Ço.. Pitt.; Phjl. N.», Phil. I /, >/ 462,850 1370,520 I 143,330 N. Park, N.' Y.; Faï. Dép. N., Pitt. ^ 200,000 : . 54,380 E256.010 T.30,3,590 , 265.030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’] N., Chi.; Girard N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. Óonnellsville Clearing House' J ,A . Armstrong__ E. E. Floto_______ H. E. Schenck, Sec. J. Ray Mestrezat, Tr, iMßwibßrs ¡T}.(ìir,CLt.fAÌ bu u * ) F. F. Markpli Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis celled Serviice to Ba nks and Bankers N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber giver to each bank m u. ».e x c lu s iv e ly by T he Kand-M cN ally Bankers Di rectory, under the au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'u. Na a s of Bank . Town and County. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv, P is Pittsburgh Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab, Lia b il it ie s . P resident . John Pugh___ _ V ice-President . Horace C. Jon es.. •$’ 92 »Coudersport-.Potter B5 Citizens Safe Dep. & Tr. Company .60-833______ §’03 3 Pop. 3100 Ooudersport Trust Co...$|’03 60-834 First National Bank____ *’94 60-832 Grafton__ Allegheny E 1 First National Bank____»t ’01 60-738 4P Pop. 5900 Cresson____ Cambria E 4 Farmers Deposit Bank «ÎS’15 60-1452 3 Pop. 5000 Darby__ _ Delaware F 11 3 Pop. 6305 Davidsville—Somerset 4P Pop. 280 E3 Dawson_____Fayette E 2 4P Pop. 1000 Dayton... Armstrong D 3 4P Pop. 809 Delmont ..Westmoreland 4P Pop. 800 E2 R esources. D epos it s Lo a m 4 Duc ’ t i . Bond«, Bbootutim Principal Correspondents. Ca i i B I x ckamoks, Dub non Banks $ 150,000 3 140,890 $1305010 $1606430 $ 210,930 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N. and 1st N., Phil. 50.000 R. D. Barron___ _ 25.000 28,250 474,930 425,830 Wm. H. Thom as... W. W. K u n tz...-- S. M. Kramer _ 50.000 21,680 608,320 647,470 84,070 Girard N „ Phil. . D. W. King____ . .. 50,00(1 52,250 475,500 508,420 53,800 Scab. N., N.Y.; Far. Dep. N „ Bk, o f Pitt. N; A. and Columbia N „ Pitt. F. H. Stark___ W. S. Ramsey. J.I. Shanks Jas. L. West__ 119,630 1.056.520 1,130,210T 95,940 Franklin N. and Cent. N., Phil. 125,380 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. A. B. Sharpe, Sec. and Tr. 125.000 91,810 1,300,130 1,175,050 G. I. McIntyre, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. G. H. Barlow______ H. W. Parker_____ 185.000 161,250 1,348,450 1,453,670 60.000 966,180 846,180 194,170 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Keystone N., Peo. N „ and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. 309,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 71,050 1,033,360 590,020 374,430 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Clev. and Pitt. J . X . Thompson, [HENRY KEPPEL— — FRANK LAURIE_____ 0. H. ANDREWS___ - D. A DEPEW — - — 50,000 Special atten ti on given B ill o f L>ading drafts, C ash and T im e Ite m s. [Please send 15c with each sight dra ft fa r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. O. G. Metzger____ C. P. F e e ..._____ N. A. Pinney, T r... S. H. Lewis, Sec. . . B. V. Elliott John F. Stone_____ A. Stephens.______ M. S. Harvey, Sec. and Tr. Fred C. Leonard... A. F. Smith______ M. S. Harvey...___ J. H. Grant__ 76,230 342,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 785,880 821,700 157,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 125.000 50.000 550.000 625.000 50.000 37.000 295.000 300.000 James A. McAteer. j . B. Salford______ C. M. Johnson____ H .T . Moss__ 50.000 32,300 586.100 522,300 80,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt, N. A. and Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. * 50.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N.. Buffalo. 131,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. C. W enderoth.___ E. D. Fry . . . . . ___ D. G. Dum m _____ John Shonto. 25.000 15.000 350.000 310.000 J . M . N O EL ._ - - - - - C. A. CUNNINGHAM M .B .C O N N E LL 63,240 50,000 1FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us w ith each signe gh draft fo r p resen tan on , and FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*t'0l ITW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each credit report insu res p rom p t, perso nal atte ntion . 863,340 708,160 First National Bank___ »t’09 60-1123 Curwensville Nat. Bank *$’04 60-1124 First National Bank___ « ’06 60-1125 First National Bank___ ..3*03 60-1126T Farmers State Bank____»§’12 60-1415 Danielisville National Bank 60-1127 *’05 Danville National Bank.*3’48 60-573 First National B ank___ » i ’64 60-574 Darby Bank---------------- *}|’13 60-1424 First National Bank ____ $’90 60-1128 First National Bank_____ ’19 60-1516 First National Bank___ »$’91 60-1129 . First National B ank_____ ’01 60-1130 Peoples National Bank .„3*11 — 60-1406 125.000 55.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 113,690 Union N., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 'W e get results. Send us your Ite ms. G. F. Beck______ _ W. P. Heffner____ E. D. Meixell_____ 25.000 22,960 401,500 451,500 C. S. Russell..____ H. M. Irvin_______ Anthony Hile_____ 100,000 41,970 905,630 970,050 38.500 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N.,Phil. 188,660 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. George R. W right. D. P. Honeywell__ R. H. Rood_______ I. G. Leek J. C. Heckert_____ W. H. Raab______ O. W. Reachard__ C. E. Ness____ ___ 25.000 12,500 250.000 212,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 50.000 46.000 539,650 515,550 J. F. Brosious___ ... J. H. Zerbe..._____ R. E. Tressler____ Jas. H. Z erbe.____ 25.000 15,520 184,870 176,090 53,800 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 44,220 4th St. N. and Logan Tr. Co., Phil. S. J. Drumheller... Tilghman Henry... H. H. H ow er_____ 25.000 22.000 205.000 210,000 W. J. Baldy_______ D. R. Eckman____ M. G. Youngman . . F. Jameson. 46,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N.. Phil. 200,000 170.000 1.875.000 1,868,000 305.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 275.000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. I. X. Grier________ W. L. McClure___ D. J. Reese. 150.000 325.000 1.650.000 1,925,000 A. J. Gotshall__ _ E. F. Carpenter__ 125.000 58,320 1,358,520 1,274,890 George W. Dwier.. A. J. Crawford___ 100.000 159,280 1,215,630 1.355.160 296,870 Girard N., Phil. 253,510 1,509.110 1,151,150 626,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Ist N., and Far, Dep. N., Pitt.; Ist N., Phil. 88,190 Far. Dep. N., Pitt. C. V. Roberts____ M. P. Hutton W. L. Verlenden . . George F. W h ite. H. A. Zimmerman. Chas. Kaufman___ J. E. Williamson. . 25.000 M. M. Cochran___ J. H. P rice______ A. C. Sherrard G. W. Ellenberger. A. J. Gourley____ R. D. Henry______ S. J. I. Morningstar 50.000 C. O. Marshall____ Hazel M. McSparrin 25.000 36,980 199,030 189,120 25.000 20,880 220,080 195,000 C. J. Shuster_____ H. A. Waddell____ H. Z. Lauffer_____ MELLON NATIONAL i b Í3 t h e N e w T r a n s i t N a i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -j O Ç . fco each bank in TJ. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallv 1 J-¿*<p W. D. Zimmerman. S ur p lu s P a id - u p akd C a p it a i . P r o f it s 67,890 60-1122 Oressona—Schuylkill D 9 3 Pop. 1827 Curwensville . . Clearfield 3 Pop. 3000 D4 Dallas_____ Luzerne G 10 3 Pop. 576 Dallastown ___ York F 8 3 Pop. 2500 Dalmatia N or thumberl' nd 3 Pop. 500 D8 Danielsville.Northampt'n 3 Pop. 800 D8 »Danville___ Montour D 8 3 Pop. 8000 A s s t Cashier . M. L. Engelman... H. T. Trumbauer. Coraopolis Sav. & Tr. Co.tS’03 W. H. A d k in s...... 60-723 OHIO V A LLEY TR. C0.~*S'0l Cf. B. Ferguson . . . . <0-722 Oorry__ . ______ Erie B 2 Citizens National Bank__ '91 J. J. Desmond____ 60-659 4P Pop. 7000 60-660 Cashier . George Corson..,__ John F. Bowker.. John R. Wood____ Mary R. Getzfread Coraopolis.Allegheny D1 Ì0 R A O PO U S NATIONAL O. B. Ferguson .J_. M. A. Ross 4P Pop. 7000 BANK -----6<T-721---------- « ’97 NATIONAL BANK OF CORNY A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors-, in dexed in back of this volume. For. Interest Kates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 V ^ O n t U l V lC Q BANK. Bankers* D irectory» fin d e r th e a u th o r it y of T h e A m e r ic a n B an k ers A ss*n , P i t t s b u r g h RESOURCES OVED P E N N SY L V A NIA. —Continued Lia b il it ie s . 258.410 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil. 45,480 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Conshohocken to Delmönt __________July, 1919 Oonshohocken__ Montg’y First National Bank..__ . ’73 3 Pop. 7800 £ 11 60-577 Tradesmens Nat. Bank__ ’82 60-578 Goopersburg.Lehigh E 11 First National B a n k ....» f 08 60-1120 3 Pop. 900 Ooplay_____ Lehigh D l l Goplay National Bank...^3'08 60*1121 3 Pop. 2070 D T ^ M M C V T X T A KTT A r l L W i N o I L V A I i l A 1124 1 1 OA * * ______ ____________ , D ir e c to r s , inA c c e s s ib le T ow n s» dexed in b a c k oi tbis volume. Por muteresti K a te s , G race,;*—1 e t c----------., see oane 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page \ , , 13. pigs RESOURCES. P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . 4P Pop. 800 60-1400 E 2> MELLON 1 1 O C _L¿ i y to Number each NATIONAL BANK. U . S . e x c lu s iv e ly by V in e B a n d -M c N a lly B an kers’ P lr e c to r y y ’im cler th e a u th o r it y of T h e A m e r ic a n B an k ers A ss»n , T ow n a n d C o u n t y . P it t s b u r g h RESOUP CCS OVER A c c e s s ib le In d er Na b a n k in Lia b il it ie s . N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res[Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. P resident . T ow n s, V ice - P r e s id e n t . As s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . reso u r c e s D epos P aid- up Surplus AMD its Capital Profits ____ ____________ , D ir e c to r s , ln - __________ V or Interest Kates, Groce.\ V o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. \^ P E N N SY L V A NIA. —Continued . P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . V- Loam* k Du* c’t«. Bordi, Ca»uk Ex- I CHAH««a,Du* 8accun u nomBina I VO »-A to S 50,000 S 71,120 $ 612,690 $ 517,660 t 51,980 . Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Frankl_____ Delta____ _____ York F 9 FIR S T RATIO N AL BANK < 9 0 J. H. Stubbs______ Calvin Galbreath . . E. W. Keyser--------Phil.; M .M .lstN . andN. B k.of Balt, Ball. 60-1026 3 Pop. 881 haseN., N.Y.;M erch. N., Balt.; 4th St. N., 100,000 350,000 450.000 16.500 50,000 Peoples National Bank__ $'99 H. S. Merryman — H. R. Lloyd_______ H. J. Evans— ____ Phil. Zephaniah Heaps 60-1027 hase N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 788,920 106,170 961,360 172,780 50,000 Denver___ Lancaster E 9 Denver National Bank__ $’01 R. D. Oberholtzer. Alvin W. Mentzer.. Alvin W. Mentzer.. 60-1131 3 Pop. 1100 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. 295,000 1,400,000 1,250,000 20.000 125,000 J. W. Yealy, A . Tr. Derry. Westmoreland E 3 First Savings & Trust Co. P. F. Brown____ — B. W. Brown_____ D. W. Yealy, See. and Tr. 60-1132 $§'87 4P Pop. 4000 rving N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil.; 1st and Tra. N., 50,370 554,960 664,970 30,480 50.000 DicksonCity.Lackawanna Dickson City National Bank John J. Aitken__ Samuel Mogkowitz. Chas. J. Cavanagh. Hugh J. Tackney, Scranton. Sec. 60-1133 $'10 ( Scranton P. O.) 3 Pop. 12,086 C 10 22,940 647,940 674,440 103,450 lorn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. o f Balt., Balt. 60,000 R. B. N elson_____ Dillsburg___.__ York E 8 Dillsborg National Bk__«$'78 A . H- Williams------ J. S. Kapp 60-1030 3 Pop. 1000 250,000 261,000 27,000 rving N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt, 15,000 25,000 John A. G oudy___ F A R M ER S & M ER C H . BANK B. F. Cocklin_____ W. A. Myers— . — 60-1031 $§10 eab. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and First N., 868,330 155,000 876,480 58,850 100,000 O. F. Thomas_____ F. J. K ollarik-------S onora.. Washington E 1 BANK O F D0N0RA-------<§'01 J. A. Sprow Is_____ W. W. Lewis —— Pitt. 60-529 4P Pop. 14.500 JO H N W . A IL E S - . . B. 0 . BINNS-_____ B. 0 . B IN D S -----------H . 0 . C O LO A N . Bills of Lading Drafts a Specialty. Prompt Attention to all Banking Matters. Send 15c Tor Presentation of Sight Drafts. We want your Donora business._______________ * 01 95,710 1,841,200 1,793,710 75,000 FIRST NATI BANK 60-528 41,250 753,310 772,720 Dormont Bank_____ ____ §’17 C. F. Meeder_____ Frank Ryman------ W. M. Neel_______ 60-1475 50,000 13,040 384.560 357,000 88.080 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Potter Title & Tr. Co., Pitt. Dover National Bank___ . ’09 J.M . Gross_______ C. D. Hoffman . . . . it. O. Lauer______ H. P. Julius 60-1134 M. L. Smith {See East Downingtown) 25,000 18,840 437,030 401,010 , 99,770 Corn Ex. N ., 'Phil.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 125,000 G. H. Miller, A . Tr. Thomas Ross__ _— T. O. Atkinson. C.Garner, A.Sec. Sec. and Tr. H. 125,000 John M. Jacobs___ J. M. Jacobs, T r... Edward R. Kirk, Sec. 105,000 John N. Jacobs . . . John N. Jacobs__ 204,990 660,460 954,060 32,060 113,310 258,500 91,470 N.City.N. Y.; Union N.and Northwestern N., Phil. 13,110 Doylestown N., Doylestown. 60-530 Dravosburg__ Allegheny 4P Pop. 1895 D1 Dry Ran___ Franklin E 6 3 Pop. 175 Dubois____ Clearfield 0 4 3 Pop. 14,665 *S’03 J. P. CASTNEB— CH ARLES POTTER - A. J . O'DONNELL, Send us your co flection s direct. Bucks County Trust Co.< § ’86 George Watson — 60-823 Central Trust Co_______ §’15 John N. Jacobs___ 60-1460 Doylestown National B k..»’ John M. Jacobs___ 60-822 Doylestown Tinst C o... $§’96 John Hart________ 60-824 State Bk. o f Bravosburg$§’03 W. H. Crump_____ 60-1135 Citizens National Bank__ ’19 J. F. Walker___ _— 60-1957 Path Valley Bank______ §’08 W. M. Alexander .. 60-1056 Deposit National Bank..*$’80 M. I. McCreight... 60-416 George Ross____ _ JohnYardley, Tr Wm. H. Satterthwa ite M. L. Baum______ jj 0. E. Kearney____ 125,000 75,000 S. D. Peterson____ J. M . Hazlett. . . __ 25,000 59,400 280,000 343,370 7,020 144,660 163,490 15,970 99,090 103,350 25,000 200,000 215,930 2,305.490 2,351,840 100,000 194,220 1,689,170 1,595.540 - W. F. LOTT-------- I Please send 15c w ith each sight dra ft fo r presentation and 25c fo r Ci { Send us your D ubois Item s. F. G. St. C lair____ A. T. Sprankle____ Union Banking & Trust Co, ♦ 60-417 «$<1900 Dunbar.;____Fayette F 2 Central Bank__________ t ’01 A. M. Nemon_____ 60-936 4P Pop. 1970 C. E . W ILSON— v S p e e /a ^ a ttentl on given B ill o f L FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K -*t’05 )Please send 15c w ith each sight draf 60-937 'Send us your D unbar Item s. J 150,170 838,110 1,013,570 B. B. McCreight__ J. Q. Groves______ F. L. Newmeyer__ (JOHN E. DO BOIS — S. C. BOND....................... W. G. BROWN- — J. A. GREGORY <0-418 126.640 1,247,750 1,194,340 J. C. Robertson.— D. O. Shearer__ . . . Olive L. Shearer .. DUBOIS N A TIO N A L B A N K -» 04 | Special atten tio n given B ill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. City, N. Y .; M ellon N. and B k. o f Pitt. N . A ., P itt. 125,000 E . S. AX TON. A .T r . Sec. and Tr. M. M. SWEENEY, A . Tr. T hey will have pr om p t atten tion . UNION TR U S T C OM PANY Dormont..Allegheny E 2 (Pittsburgh P .0 .) 4P Pop. 600 Dover_______ hj York F 8 3 Pop. 576 Downingtown___ Chester 3 Pop. 3326 E 10 ¿Doylestown..Bucks E ll 3 Pop. 4500 291.500 J. F. Sprankle, B. M. Marlin, A. Sec. and Tr. M. L. H ay____ Chas. Nemon__ R. 0 . H 0 LS IN G -- ading drafts, Cas t fo r presentation 123,710 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 279,860 Phil. N. and 1st N., Phil. 92,080 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. 40,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 11,620 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Chambersburg, Chambersburg. 32,480 4th 8 t. N., Phil.; Chambersburg Tr. Co., Chambersburg. 560,560 Han. N., N.<Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N.. Phil. 482,680 N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. m s. t B epor t8. 125,000 50,000 s. Reports. 230,600 1,997.900 1,902,060 57,800 115,200 161,700 32,740 317,670 304,000 465.950 Han. N., N. Y.: Franklin N. and 1st N., Phil. 1st N., Pitt.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 11,300 1st N.,Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., and Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. 114,780 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N. and 1st N., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh . RESOURCES OVER $100 ' ry •• y — .... .« A s s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . ■ R esources. à Dis Cash ScEx P aid - up Surplus Depos cLuoans te. Bonds, changes,Bub and its Capital P rofits Securities from Banks $ 65,000 $ 96,780 $ 479,570 5 622,650 * *74,150 25,000 60,000 FIRST NATIONAL B A N I S H» F. T. Moused ¿U-He \f. jl'costello-i^. 1,. L..S. Marsh . Y --' , 100,000 ’ FIRST NATIONAL B AN K -*; 92 j . S. Crawford___ F . W. Scott, 60-337 Dushore____ Sullivan B 9 First National Bank__ __»'91 60-1136 3 Pop. 1000 East Berlin__ Adams F 7 East Berlin National Bk._t’03 «0-1040 JL tBSD« «72 t ‘ 2!rrr.r ff l ri Peoples State Bank___ ... I ’l l «0-1041 B u t Brady...Clarion D 2 Peoples National Bank.*;i900 . 60-1137 4P Pop. 1493 E. Downingtown.Chester Downingtown Nat.Bank.»t'61 3 Pop. 4000 F 10 60-807 K im v *o‘ V Grange N. Bk. o f Chester Co. 60-808 f07 K. Greenville .Mont. E 11 Perkiomen National Bank 60-1138 *t’99 3 Pop. 1500 B. Manch Chunk .Carbon Citizens National B ank... ’07 60-1139 3 Pop. 3800 D 10 W. H. Beatty.____ P. G,. Smith S, Miller j__ . . . . . N. W .S e ll__ . . . __ T. C. Miller N. E. Graham_____ T^Bi Gregory_____ F. L. Ludwick____ E. H. Howard____ G. E. Henry Ti PF.{Downing___ Chari es T.: Thomas E. P. Fisher_____ H. D. Baldwin R R White W. I. Pollock_____ F. T,. Fhiclr _> 44* ■**■ ■ 44. “ ■ ■■■■ 44 i “ ** 5 » ‘Tp^ : Easton Trust Od-.IL.I; «iS’90 60-210 First National B ank___ * i’65 60-206 Northampton Nat. B k ...«t’98 60-207 Northampton Trust C o .-tl’02 60-211 Hackett ft Chidsey______t ’89 60-209 50,630 811,050 925,940 Mm #,000 : trilli» , Tr. Co., Harrisburg! Ex. N., Phil. 129,400 125,000 104',760 2,694,330 2,215.880 708,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. r 50,000 135,730 3,036,410 2,590,280 682, ?5ö' 1st N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 50,000 18,000 600,000 534,080 116,520 25,000 44,300 674,770 679,420 112,980 272,070 106,950 Cènt. N., York; 1st N., Hanover. 244,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 30.090 18,630 65,000 92,490 1,149,090 1,139,470 200,000 800,000 900,000 47,420 513,100 556,670 Quinton Stemler.. Chas. H. Kreamer. J. H. Leibenguth .. E. J. F o x ________ 330,390 100,000 50,000 50,000 168,460 1,692,320 1,662,610 30,990 267,590 346,380 534,450 4,824,940 5,133,030 464,220 Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 794,480 Franklin N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 885.890 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 245,470 5,481,030 5,332,010 231,490 3,944,130 3,489,730 125,000 318,390 1,176.250 1,542,570 ^ V MonroeCounty Nat. Bk.*;i900 60-821 T XT i and Phil. N., Phil. 160,260 StuaTt & Co., N.Y.; Reilly, Brock & Co., Phil.; E. H. Rollins & Sons, Bos. Henry Clews & Co., JNi. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil, 1 125,000 175,000 3,200,000 2,786,000 1.062.0Q0 N .City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt,, 13,920 1,250 t 4,200 25,000 8,710 186,040 199,550 45,210 H am N .,N . Y .;,lst N., PhiJ. ào,ooo ! 92,000 600,000 500,000 55,000 50 000 84&/240 Qftft sin 73 840 Han N and N City N Y •4th St N 35 000 19,370, ; Phil. Phil Julyy 1919 E. H. Shawde & Co._____t ’80 60-208 East Pittsburgh Allegh'ny East Pittsbnrgh Sav. ft Tr. P. W. Morgan. . . . . O. I. Miller . . . . ___ 0,-1. Miller, T r . l . . W ..D.'Bowers, • 4P Pop. 6000 I) 1 Company §0-}140____ •t§’02 Sec. and A . Tr. R. V. Wissinger, A . Sec. East P rospect.. York F -8 East Prospect State Bank ,, N. A; Overmiller ' 60-1500 . §19 3 Pop. 316 Harrison Gauth B u t Smithfleld.Bradford First National B a n k ....» t il W. R. Campbell__ R. W. Child______ C. C. Dickinson___ 3 Pop. 300 Bl 60-1407 E. G. Kingsley B. Stroudsburg . . Monroe East Stroudsburg Nat. Bank H. B. Drake______ F. J. K istler...___ M. S. Kistler 60-820 « ’89 3 Pop. 3330 Gil 57,990 Coal & IronN .,N .Y.; 4th St.N., Phil. 125,000 100,000 Sec. arid Tr. ... :..... . 71,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and 1st N., Phil. 299,220 4th St. N., Phil. 396,630 400,000 F. R. Drake S. R. Bush 110,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 142,530 2,412,170 3,442,910 E. J. R ichards..... W. J. Kuebler___ _ John H. Neumeyer H. J. Steele______ 1st N., Phil. Phil. 500,000 B.F.Fackenthal.Jr. Harry K . Nenuig, H. G, Mutchler, n -A. Sec. «j. • -• f It* ■■fPs' A . Tr Chester Snyder.__ Wm, J. Daub Frank \V. Simpson ** Federal Reserve ofe aSt. 7 to c h Louis bank in U . S D ir e c to r y , u n d e r th e I f 0Bank 154,000 1,309,000 1,510,000 100,000 F. F. Firh ‘ Easton___ Northampton EASTON NATIONAL BANK" J. Y. Bull________ W. 0. H ackett-.l— fi. Gi Siegfried___ W. H. Heil .......... 3 Pop. 30,530 D 11 60-212»*1814 # y ■ ¿20,000 Dime and Tra. N., Scranton. f A. N. ÙIÉW L---- — L. H. BOTKIN ......... J . R. DAVIES, J R ., ROBERT LAIN G , A .A r . <t (iSfiCi m id Tr. G. W. RICHARDS Duquesne—Allegheny E 2 DUQUESNE TR US T f 0 . - * i l ’03 J E . J . SCHORR, 60-338 I Special atteUtio n given to Colic ctio n s,r„,T 4P Pop. 19,964 . ,A . See. I la c m ust accom pany each sight draft fo r present atlon ( and 25c for eac b credit report or rating. , i 96,000 P A. 4 60r313 ~ 1 H _______ 2,500 r ; :_________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—^Duncannpn to E. Stroudsburg Cashier . i t E’ M i r a o r ' F. F. DnP can '' Duneannon.— Ferry E 7 Duneannon National Bank George Pennen ___ a P m 1171 60-978 *t’90 Peoples National Bank... t ’07 8 . 8 . Sheller . 60-979 , Dunmore__ Lackawanna Fidelity Dep. & Discount Bk. F. É. Swartz______ P. D. Manley_____ .T. T. Fear ’ «0-312 *$§'03 3 Pop. 20,776 0 10 “ Accessible T ow ns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, P E N N S Y L W M A — dontinied; 1Ì26 N um ber linder N am e o f Bank i* the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, un der th e authority of The Am erican Bankers, Ass’ n. ¡¡Igj ,ß . ufi ' T own and Oountt . N ame of B ank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState v P resident . V ice -President . Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. R e s .: [Estab. 1126 MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P i t t s b u r g h . O ffe rs U nexcelled S è r v i c e to B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s T o w n a n d Co u n t y . o f Bank ,: the New Transit JVux exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* a u tlio r lty of T ile A m e ric a n BaiiK^rs A s s * ^ _ N a m e of B a n k . A ccessible P T rN T M Q V T I n ö ,X A TVJT A 1__ _ P A r t f i y ix lM l i \ V O llllI I U C v l t f Lia b il it ie s . T o w n s, L a w y ers, La w s, e t c ., see page 14. "¿For H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.' £L R esou rces. P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s. MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P i t t s b u r g h . O ffe rs U n excelled S è r v i c e to B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s If 0 7 jT ui o f Bank : the .New Transit D to each bank in U . S- exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* D ir e c to r y , u n d e r th e a u tb o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an k ers A s s ’ n^. ' N ame of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure is Fed.: Res. Distj tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Ees. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. X>l O X- J—r y V O n illlilc Q Tow n a n d Co u n ty . Ff.J. Jro » Bbensburg.Cambria E 4 3 Pop. 1978 . 60-932 ^ Cambria Title Savings & Trust Company_____ »$§’10 60-933 First National Bank.__ .•t’97 60-931 Id in b o r o .... ....E r ie B 1 First National B an k...__ t '04 60-1043 4P Pop. 666 ■dwardsville.Luzerne C 9 Peoples National Bank...110 ( Wilkes-Barre P. 0 .) 60-114$ 3 Pop. 10,443 Egypt__ !___ Lehigh. D 10 60-1506 * 3 Pop. 1500 Cldred_____ McKean B 5 60-1142 3 Pop. 1235 Klizabeth..Àllegheny E 2 60-893 4P Pop. 2311 Elizabethtown. Lancaster 60-871 *i§'87 3 Pop. 3000 E8 60-870 Ellzabethville__ Dauphin g Pop. 1039 » D 8 Elkland™_____Tioga B 7 3 Pop. 1800 Elk Lick.__ Somerset F 3 4P Pop. 1200 ! VICE-PRHSIDENT. P resident . 60-1018 IÍ. J. VanDusen . . . M. D. K ittell_____ G. L. Darrow__ __ W. J. Trembath. . . Cashier . - A ss 'T LC ASI 1ER. » _ Robert Scanlan___ A. W. Evans 25,000 19,240 j ■ 298,900 290,700 ; Co., Buffalo. 45,190 818,540 5 $ ,Q00 798:000 139,200 Pit?: N; A., Pitt. 536,000 ‘ 135,000 4thSt. N., ?hil. 100,000 127„0Q0 856,000 816,000 25,000 60,590 465,320 489,610 86.070 4th St. N. and l§t N., Phil. 50,000 33,000 315,000 300.000 50,00ft Coim Ex. N., Phil, i Chas. L.,Pattison— 50,000 95,000 824,090 718,880 T) G. Manst - 25,000 8,350 135,000 118,470 50,000 36,000 501,000 466,640 25,000 48,330 ! 525,740 440,550 ■* 60-1466 First Nat. Bank o f Salisbury J. L. Barchus_____ H. H. Maust—____ Albert Reitz______ R. H. Johnston. . . 60-1144 *t'89 Herbert Melvin___ E lbw orth..: Washington National Bank o f Ellsworth TV: A. Lu6e ______ J. W. Hugus____ _ J. W. Dague___ J, F, Higginson 60-1145 »’03 4P Pop. 2087 E1 F. E. DAMBACH— - D. E. FRÉW ------ L. L, GELBACH----- Ellwood City__Lawrence F IR S t N ATIO N AL BANK-*t'92 J Special attentio n given collectta ns. "’l 25c must accomv annzetah request fpr B&vort or Bating,. 60-773 4P Pop. 3902 D1 'Send ÜS your ’S Ilwood City Item s p ?“ 100,000 ' !: 61,15ft 82,500 I, T. Buffington,.__ S. B. Eombprger . . H. H. Hassingpy..... J . B. Reädfleld F. F. Petry . .... _ .T. D. Miller 4JO0 75,000 W ,S ,S m ith ______ P. N. R ptt............. A. H. Martin 60-1019 30,0.00 50,000 . Allen A. Coble____ J. H. Eshelman___ H. J. Gigh, Sec____ (J. A. GELBAGH— ■i -1 | ¿assess Principal Correspondents. Lia b il it ie s . i . R esources. Surplus Depob- 1xians StDis-1OashSt ExP aid- up c’ts. Bonds, ohanobs,Düb AND Capitai, P rofits , * ITS Smuriti b s troxBanks $ 100,000 $ 103,080 $ 655,100 $ 784,100 $ 135,580 Han. N „ N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil.; 1st N. and . Mellon N., Pitt. 125,000 52,450 1,252,880 1,205,130 200,210 N. Bk. Com;, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; Union T. Si riâvis'1.. ! : '___ T; E. Lewis,James B. Green, ■j Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. T. P. Burns . N.. Piit. ... , ■ . . , A. M.'Schettig Webster.Griffith— J . R. Myers_____ 50,000 264,960 Chase N;, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N „ Phil.; J. C. Mahaffey1____ 413,580 1,426,910 L.712,420 1st N.. Pitt. S 25,000 6,000, , 290,000 237,000 120,000 Chase N „ N .. Y,; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and G, W. Minium____ E. P. Campbell’___ Asa I. Skelton____ •1 st Nr. Pitt. ’ 100,000 97,000 1st N., Phil. John H. Bice. __ L. L. Reese_______ W. E. M orris_____ 45,000 630,000 610,000 i(.rm H. P. Gram mes__ F. Willard W olfe.. 60-1143 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, DlrectoTB, in dexed in back of tbis Volume. T ot In te r e s t B a t e s , G race,l e t c ., see page 14» ;sjF6 r H o lid a y s, Bpe. opposite page *13.1 P T r N r M Q V T XT' A T^TT A ___^ 3 B B S r 9 n n r a | 117,4570 1,871,820 1.900,350 50,000 41,520 1,190,640 1,076,580 TO. A M AR TIN ~ J E . VAN GO RDER- JOHN G. C QB LER J Special a ttentio n giveii B ill of La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s, . «’07 IFied&e send 15c vMh êath sight dr dft Jôr pfeêëntalïâ n aña 25c for'C re ditÉë&o rts. j VJ-,'Seud. us your E 11w ood City Item s. jfflfliFSC 101,000 N. City, N- Y,; Girard N „ Phil. 168,930 N. Park, N. Y.; Market St. N,, Phil. 47,500 Peo. N., Pitt.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 113,210 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. . - , 162,860 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt., Mnfrs. & Tra.* N., Buffalo. 288,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and. N. A., Pitt. 248,150 N. City, Bk. o f Pitt. N. Y.; Melton N., Pitt. ® P EO P LE S N ATIO N AL BANK 60-774 Elverson__ Chester E 10 60-1458 3 Pop. 350 Ely sburg, N 'rthumberl' nd 60-1465 3 Pop. 400 D8 Bmaus_____ Lehigh D 11 Emaus National Bank.... ’04 Chas. D. B row n... 60-1146 3 Pop. 5000 60-1510 (1 4 WFIIFR Bmlenton___Venango 0 2 F A R M ER S N A TIO N A L BANK . r60-1013 41960 4P Pop. 1110 J¿:,, - George Fleming__ H. B. F o x ______ 25,000 12,610 G. F. Herb Thos. M. Reed — J. A. Brunner ___ R. Lorentz Miller.. Robt. J. S. B utz... 25,000 9,150 R. S- Rathbun___ Robert S. lobst, Sec. and Tr, F. ï. Wéida ' ! ' 60-1012 60rl462 i?jrr 1.0Í9.350 1,080,290 125,000 50,000 15c ynffl ewfyiSiçM dr presentaMo ty and Jay P.'Felt, ffîc’ifar 23,180 IstN-.. Phil. / 334,860 286,740 . 32,970 Market St: NT, Phil. 181,960 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N „ Phil. Irving 24,360 A Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. N m N- Y.; Pliil. N-, Phil. 87,700 Seab.-fi., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N „ Pitt. Gr.e dit Bepo rts. G. C. King _ T. B. Gregory Hènrÿ' Auchu— __ H. d . Tom pkins... G. S. Allen, S ec,... Tt,R. L l o y d . . ........ Josiah H ow ard ..... W ,/s. Wahrer T. B. Lloyd 60-1147 Ephrats___ Lancaster E. 9 Ephrata National Bank.- -4'81 M. L. Weidman. . . Walter W. M oyer.. J. H. Hibshman___ G. A. Raezer — ‘ ROOK 3 Pop. 3600 " J,. M.Surecher:— H. MfShnav.ely___ H :.R . M oh 1er Farmers National Bank__4'93 .T. F j îM antjür «0-826 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 312,040 125,000 „ J..G. LAMBERT0H— M. F. RITTS___ m rrsu cp , FIR ST-N A TIO N A L B A N K -»t’72 H. J. Crawford. . S. W. Phillips_____ H.M. T.yjin . »Emporium-Oameroh C 5 fi, Pop. 4000 274,760 263,880 t 289,070 100,000 180,000 1,600,000 1,775,000 270,000 Scab. N „ N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 16,360 Seah.' Ni, N. Y.; !Girard 'N.', Phil.; 1st N „ Emporium. . 100,000 è 170,000 1,400,0.00 J,790,000 L 300,000 N.' Citv. N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N.. Chi.: 4th St.. •N.!, Phil. 125,000 r 206,570 1,023,160 1,739,530 107,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 50,000 100,000 1*25,450 86,140 119,780 530,870 771,870 98,330 Chase N.. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. MELLON NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBURGH RESOURCES OVER $100 1 T own and County . N am e of Ban k. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. P isPittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. *Erie_______ __ Erie A 1 4P Pop. 90.000 P resident . F. A. Brevillier___ 60-78 CENTRAL TRUST & T IT LE R. COM PANY -60-77— »iS’17 ♦ERIE TRUST COMPANY 60-74 C. V ice-President . 125,000 $ 32,150 $ R esou rces. its Loans k Dis- Cash k Ex c*T«. Bond», changes,Dux Bnovutus n o » Baku 373,620 $ 421,130 C. F. ALLIS H. J . LES LIE win reeelve our able. 631,800 & 77,510 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 2d N „ Erie; Mellon N., Pitt. 151,900 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 400.000 6.000,000 6,000,000 C . P . Reilly —___ J. L. Sternberg, Jr. C. G. Hearn 300.000 850,340 7,209,670 7.090.250 1,563,760 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. W.E. Rindernecht. L. L. Salsbury 300,000 50,000 10,000 88,780 82,870 700,000 N. Bk. Com. and Ghem. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Market St. N., Phil. 15,380 Marine N., Erie. 446.660 4,933,380 4.853.160 1.118.680 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Pitt. 189,650 3.268,190 3,232,630 410,210 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; Franklin N., Phil. E.W.G. Joy.  . T.. 200,000 412,190 4,401.600 4.099,030 915,610 N. Park. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Peo. N., Pitt.; (M em . Fed. B es.) F. E. Mosher, Mgr. 1 \ L P. L eh r. 50,000 40,920 1,230,880 1,078.900 270,600 N. Bk. o f Com., N. Y .; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Peo. N., Pitt. F. C. Irvine - 50,000 72,800 620,000 640,000 20,000 61,760 668.780 625,700 590,000 90.250 Seab. N., N. Y.; Keystone N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 180,830 Onion N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 65,000 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. o f Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 10,850 4th St. N., Phil. W. H. Lloyd Wm. N. Hershberger 25,000 32,000 565.000 25,000 7,470 85,520 130,770 25,000 36,000 450.000 450.000 61,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 30,000 9,900 208,000 215,490 25,000 36,040 235,640 237.850 26,130 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Scranton. 65,140 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 25,000 26,290 140.700 151,220 50,000 47,800 380,970 415.390 7,000 90,000 103,000 25.000 R. T. Snodgrass, A . Sec. and A . Tr. C. M. Ellison 200,000 100,000 40,770 Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt.; Balt.; Gettysburg N., Gettysburg. 113,380 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Monongahela N „ Pitt. 19,000 Corn Ex. N., P h il/ 400,000 4,000.000 3,600.000 1,000.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. and Union Tr Cos., Pitt. 52,160 1,629,250 1,664,170 298,350 Chase N „ N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 14.890 535,140 “ 474,390 T. E. Kilgore......... * 25,000 32,000 460,000 J. R. Brown______ 75,000 92,500 1,500.000 1,502,000 P it t s b u r g h 452,880 RESOURCES OVEft 68,260 Irfing N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 68,940 Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 205,800 Chase N., N .Y .; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N. Pitt. S 100 T o w n s , L aw yers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st R a te s, G race,, Accessible PR N N SYLV A N IA ------- Continued ^ J-LAN I N J 1 v r x iv in . Union N.. __________ July, 191 N a m e o f B o n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given i c each bank in U. S. exclu sively by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B an k ers’ D ire cto ry , u n d er th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an kers A ss’ n . 670.000 P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 300,000 657,290 7.343,010 6.496,180 2,087,220 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi.; Mellon N. and Bk. C .F . W ALLA C E — W._A. ALLIS _____ of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. A. E. KEIM N., Phil. personal attentlo n and prom pt re m itta n ce whe n paid. ♦Security Sav. & Tr. Co. »38’03 R. J. Moorhead___ E. D. Carter______ A. B. McDonald, ♦ 60-75 Sec. and Tr. A. B. McDonald, ( Members indicated by a * ) Sec. etna.— — Allegheny E 2 First National Bank___ *2'02 Louis B. T itzel___ Geo. Matheson, Jr. A. K. King. _____ (Sharpsburg Sta. P. O.) 60-1148 H. S. Calvert 4P Pop. 5810 Itters— _____ York F 8 (Sec Goldsboro) 3 Pop. 8500 TL M. W i ls o n ........ (1. H. R e h m .......... . Evans City___ Butler D 1 Citizens National Bank..»'94 4P Pop. 2000 60-1149 Everett— __ Bedford E 5 Everett Bank_________ 3t’85 G. H. Gibboney___ G. W. Derrick____ 60-954 3 Pop. 2500 Lesley Blackburn— FIRST NATIONAL BANK *3 02 H. Frank Gamp__ 60-955 _______ Exchange___ Montour C 9 Farmers National Bank__ *07 J . L. Brannen_____ A. H. Litchard____ J F. E l li s 3 Pop. 125 60-1150 Export-Westmoreland E 2 First National Bank _«3’05 (1. W. R lftir , B. Rubright........... P. R. F o ig h t . _ 60-1151 4P Pop. 3500 *3'08 J . S . R e n d FactoryVille. WyomingC 9 First National Bank. Horace Seamans__ J . H . L e w is * 3 Pop. 769 60-1152 Fairchance__ Fayette F2 F ir s t N a t io n a l R a n k .. e'Ofi R. T. Gribble_____ H M. W i ls o n _____ R. 8. M e.N n tt ___ 60-1153 4P Pop. 1760 Fairfield____ Adams F 7 F i r s t N a t io n a l R a n k ........... '08 Peter Kready_____ J. E. Zimmerman— Jas. Cunningham— 60-1154 3 Pop. 373 Falls Oreek-Clearflc J. A. Miller First National Bank *'02 60-1155 4P Pop, 1204 (Bank in Jefferson Co.) Fannettsburg Franklin E6 Fannettsburg Nat’l Bank. 10 G. H. Bartle______ R. W. M cAllen___ S. E. Walker___ r__ 60-1156 3 Pop. 400 Farrell_____ Mercer C 1 C0L0KIAL TRUST C O .- *38 02 Fred O. McGill— J. C. Chaplin____ _ J. G. Marshall, Sec. and Tr. 4P Pop. 18,500 60-1345 F_ S . F is h F . 8 . F is h .. First National B ank___*313 H . 8 . R o v a r fl 60-1428 P e o p le s R a n k e fS ’ lfi H. B. McDowell__ J. T. Dougherty— Wm. C. McDowell. 60-1461 D. T. Haddock O. J. H. Hartsuff First National Bank____ »t’09 J. F. Lowe._______ A. W. Webb______ L. R. Whitaker___ 60-1157 J. P. Kunkel 3 Pop. 240 rette City..Fay< Guy W. B row n___ Fayette City Nat. Bank— « ’03 Andrew Brown—_ T o n is (lope . _ 60-927 4P Poo. 3000 MELLON NATIONAL BANK. 5.900 $ I 300.000 A . C. KRUG, A . Tr. — F . E . MOSHER, Sec. and Tr. e the personal at tentlon of an offl cor of this bank. ay of payment. Send us your Erl e business. 200,000 (B. A . W ALK ER — C. F . R E IT Z E L L — N. G. SELKR EGG — WM. W. SM ITH — (Send your Items direct to us. We remit at low rat es on day of pa yment. J F .M . W A LLA C E ♦SECOND NAT'L BANN- «3 64 j Y o u r collection 60-72 1 Charges reason 119Q 1 1 a 7 100,000 11! . D epos L. Stachowski McClenathan Jno. B. Arbuckle— Burns Darsie, Sec. and Tr. ) Collections hav ' We remit on d b il it ie s PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Erie to Fayette City ♦PEOPLES BANK _____ *38 05 Federal Reserve BankNof St. Louis u m b e r u n d er Lia Su r p lu s P a id - up and Ca p it a i . P r o f it s $ ♦First National Bank _*t’63 William Spencer__ J . R . McDonald___ .T. C . S p e n e e r ____ H. H. Leet. 60-71 A s st. to Pres. J. W. Glowacki Paul Rys . __ ___ 60-79 F T . Ti. M o o r e .... ... R. R. Whitley. , W. E. Beckwith__ ♦MARINE NATIONAL BANK 60-78 »364 C. G. Strickland 60-76 A s s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . j F .F .C U R T Z E — - F . H. SCHUTTE £ »3866 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N SYLV A N IA — Continued 1128 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to eaoh bank in U- S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, un der the a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. l i n n 1 1 6 “ N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the Mew T r a n s it N u m b e r given tc each bank in U. S. exclu sively by T h e K a n d -M c N a lly B an k ers’ D irectory» u n d er th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an kers A ss’ n . 72 T o w n a n d Oo d n t t . N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State *Oounty Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . A ss’T C a s h i e r . Fleetwood____Berks E 10 First National Bank___ «$’07 D. F. Kelchner . . . . F. S. Kutz_______ C. A. Wanner 60-1159 3 Pop. 1394 3 H. P.Johns_______ E. A. Bloxham____ H. L. Bayiess__ __ Martin Muchitz John Lynch--------- T. P. McCormick— James J. Walker__ D. G. Allen H. H. Porterfield__ Frank L. Harvey— Major R. Morgan.. Henry R. Harvey— 60-489 1 A M B ER T0N N A TIO N A L BANK 60-486 Fredericksburg. Lebanon 3 Pop. 700 E8 Fredericktown.Wash. E l 4P Pop. 2000 Fredonia_____Mercer C 1 4P Pop. 443 Freeburg—__ .Snyder D 8 3 Pop. 250 R e so u r c e s . «AMk Du- Cm k ExBoim, waxom,Doi BnounrriM TM .OMBanks C*Tg. | P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . " ^ ________ ________________ —------- 616,980 869,220 50.000 64.740 50.000 59,470 1,104,890 1,079,290 74,990 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 152,560 N. Park. N.Y.; Mellon N. and Peo. N „ Pitt. 75.600 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 8,200 252.600 235,500 50.000 24,890 353,850 409,060 -59,040 Irving N., N. Y .; 1st N., Phil. 50.000 55.050 958,260 848,540 217,490 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 118,370 50,000^ 48,060 Chase N., N. Y.: Monongahela N., Pitt. 626,570 743,760 80,860 Corn Ex. N., Phil. R. G. Garrett_____ 50.000 G. B. Woodburn— E. K. Myers______ 100,000 870,380 1,926,250 2,018,040 374,780 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 200,000 224,350 1,306,280 1,369,010 525,010 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Com.N., Clev.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 500,000 272,000 2,593,970 2,830,380 404,920 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of w Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Phil. N „ Phil. > J. K. Berk_______ H .T Grant_______ F. W. Officer_____ W. W. Bleakley 0. D. B L E A K L E Y - H .C . C RAW FO R D . R .R .B L E A K L E Y ♦ FRANKLIN TRUST C O .- « « oi A.K. Leibelsperger D. B. Heiner____ — H. McD. McCue___ Daniel H.Gore____ Calvin E. Miller — Chas.A.Doverspike A. M. Mateer-------- N. L. Strong______ W . J . Boggs _____ Frackville.Schuylkill D 9 First National Bank___ _t ’05 J. 0 . McGinnis____ 60-1162 3 Pop. 5100 ‘ Franklin__ Yenango C2 ♦Exchange Bank---------» t l’71 Daniel Grimm____ 60-488 4P Pop. 11,307 ♦First National Bank— «T6S Charles Miller-----60-487 L i a b i l i t i e sr. " S ur plu s D e pos P a id - u p AND it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s 25.000 $ 11,190 $ 329,330 $ 343,290 $ 44,110 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Finleyvilie__ Washington First National Bank_____» ’02 0 . B. Troutman___ J. E. Palter.--------- J. F. Boyer..______ 60-1158 4P Pop. 644 E1 Ford City.Armstrong D 2 First National Bank____ »t’98 60-1160 4P Pop. 5000 Peoples Bank---------------•tS'14 60-1444 Forest City .Susquehanna Farmers & Miners Nat. Bank 60-670 «t’08 3 Pop. 5749 B ll First National Bank — «31900 60-678 F oxbu rg.... ..Clarion 0 2 Foxburg Bank ____ _.«3t '81 60-1161 4P Pop. 1000 Fox Chase—Philadelphia (See Philadelphia) A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, m dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st B a te s, G race, c—> etc., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. 51. P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued C. B. Dolson. R .R .B L E A K L E Y , Tr. W . E . BOSS, Sec. „ W . W . B L E A K L E Y , C. M . M I L L E R , o A . Tr. A thoroughly o rganlced eeUeeti on department, mpt, faithful, an avors to give pro j This bank ende Intelligent at tentlon to all bus iness received. z A . Sec. HARRY LAMBERT0N— R. G. LAMB ERTO N------ R. LAMBERTON— — C. LAMBERTON w w I 125,000 288,150 .2,673,770 2,552.530 5 i—'» <T> 504,730 N. Park, N. Y.: Girard N.,Phil.; Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. <_ n> r* O » i ’60 Franklin Clearing House— . . (Members indicated by a * ) First National Bank___ *’07 60-1163 First National Bank___ «t’01 60-1164 Fredonia National Bank.*3’04 60-1165 Freeburg State Bank — S’12 60-1420 Jonathan Swope— L. S. Moyer_______ Charles C. Bensing Samuel A. Decs — 25.000 23,210 291,530 356,760 30,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 137,070 N. Park, N.Y.; Duquesne N., Pitt. L. M. Orothers____ 0. H. Day------------- R. S. Bane . . . ___ J 25,000 513,300 454,370 O. W. Perrine... 25.000 279,770 293,850 47,840 N. City, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. Wm. M oyer______ J. O. W. Bassler__ L. Harvey Smith 25.000 163,740 180,690 27,740 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. W. H. Moore______ A. H. McElrath— 117,220 1,090,690 1,373,120 175.000 P. M. FLETCHER - — R. R. ROSS— - - - - H. 0. MERGEL — iE. J. SCHLEITER. Freedom_____Beaver D 1 ♦ FR EED O M N A TIO N A L BANK ) Special atten tlo n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s reedom Item s. ISend us y ou r F <r 60-840 1900 4P Pop. 8500 ' Please send 15c with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio n and 50c fo r Cred it R epor ts. 184,860 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Phil. N., Phil. (*Member o f Beaver Co. Cle arino House, New Brighton) Freeland___ Lnzerne CIO Citizens Bank_________ t l ’90 William Birkbeck— John Shigo___ 60-651 3 Pop. 6107 W. E. Kahler_____ J. S. Brogan_____ 100.000 First National Bank___ *’02 A. Oswald___ ____ G. S. Christian. G. S. Christian----- John J. McGarey. 75.000 1,343,860 1,190,970 988,700 871,070 297,89C nhagft N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Tradesmens N., and Girard N., Phil. 127.88Í Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. M ELLO N NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh, Offers Unexcelled Service to Banks and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *31 •1 <TF n fa 3 Cl N ame of Bank . T own and County . •*Oonnty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriy. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Brauch. ♦Mem. Fed.; Res. *• President . Accessible T ow ns, Laws, Lawyers, Directors, in* dexed in back bf this yolume. For Interest Kates, Grace, PENNS YL V A N I --Continued: V ice -President . (( T. G. C O R N E L L --. W. A. JACK...................... W .F. TURNER CASHIER. As s ’t Cashier . F .K . WEAVER.................. " L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus Depos AND Capital P kofits its tS o U R C E S . k Dia- Lo a m c ’ t *. Bonds, • Beoukitim Principal Correspondents. 1130 N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in Ü . S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, u n d er th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. k Cask Kxohan« m ,D ub n o n Banks j $ 50,000 S 29,170 3 705,500 i 667,460 $ 115,140 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Girard N.. Phil. Freeport.. Armstrong D 2 FARMERS NAT’L BANK «t 04 < Special atten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Send us your F reeport Item s. 60-899 . 4P Pop. 2248 iP le m e s e ifd , 15ç vtifh efffTi, sight dr aft fo r presentatio » and 25c fo r Cred it B epor ts. •$$’68 IsaacGuckenheimer Beynard Way__ ___ A. V . Johnston___ C .E .H ild. 50,000 80,000 1.000,000 900,000 120,000 Han. N‘., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 25,000 35.630 454.170 42.4,840 100,9^0 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 50,000 45,000 380,000 325,000 Wm. O’Connor___ Geo. R. Withers__ T. R. Quick_____ _ 50.000 4Q.000 Elmer N elson____ George Ehrenfeld. B. W. Harding..... John F. Bradley. B. W. Carlson .Tonas Eby E. C. Smith______ 25.000 56,070 624.840 619,770 50,000 82,800 304.280 379,270 25,000 55,780 681,400 716,970 25,000 6,750 85,000 80,000 740,000 941,000 $’09 H. N. Hess..______ H. 0. Faller_______ M. M. Fleming___ Fry burg____ Clarion C 2 4P fo p . 300 60-1166 D&leton —„ —¿.Potter B6 First National Bank— .•$’04 J. T. Hurd.______ 60-764 3 Pop. 4027 Galeton Banking Co— •$t’95 60-763 First National B an k.... .•$’02 60-1167 -•$’83 60-1168 First National Bank.. $’03 60-1169 First National Bankuji. J»$’10 60-1170 , (See Philadelphia) Gallitzin— Cambria B 4 3 Pop. 3504 Sap_______ Lancaster E 9 3 Pop. 800 Sarrett____ Somerset F 4 4P Pop. 848 Genesee______ Potter B 6 3 Pop. 600 Germantown__ Phil. F 12 W. A. M errill..— E. L. Dieffenbacher Dudley Humphrey. R. C. Straley. .T. B. Walker. __ Ray E. Brown____ E. F. Snyder. John F. Stone____ G. F. Qhapnjan__ - F. W. Reynolds... 3 /R. J. Boydl_____ T). B. Keefer FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ . ’64 “{ f i f t e e n 60-944 , 125,000 107,760 J. Elmer Musselman E. A. Crouse 150,000 161,020 1,097,960 1,213,410 E. M. Bender _____ 145,150 155,420 1,080,410 1,097,540 H. L. Snyder, T r— R. Wm. Bream, Sec. 0. F. Webster.____ 125,590 Han. N „ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N „ Pitt.; Corn Ex. N „ PhilT 43,220 Chase N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 62,060 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil.; Diamond N., Pitt. 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N „ Pitt.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 56,000 M. M. 1st N. and N^-Bk. of Balt., Balt.: Girard N „ Phil. 206,350 N. CiW^N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N „ Phil.; N. Ex., Balt. 151,710 N. City, N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil.; N. Marine and Citiz. N.. Balt. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. O. M. Sloan— . — C. M. D r u r y . . . . 50.000 53,000 857,000 - 759,000 A. C. Schreiner'___ Chas. Barnhard— 60,000 70,770 692,040 W. S. Kearney, See. and Tr. E. Ö. Ake__ ______ J. P. Fitzpatrick__ 125,000 44,540 823,550 : 652,170 232,350 Liberty N., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 69,880 760,630 5 782,630 247,920 Han. N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Union N.< Phil.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 142,040 Irving N., N.:Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 932,140 B. C. Rydzewski... 25,000 24.970 459,790 C. H. Seitz___ _ ___ 25,000 10,000 225,000 227,000 125,000 11,000 855,000 840,000 925,280 1,252.200 Paul J. Beck, E. B. Keller, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. G. C. Rittenhouse.. 365,970 167,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 70,670 Tradesmens N., Phil. 25,000 N. Bk. Com. and N.JBk. of Balt., Balt.; Logan Tr. Co., Phil. 117,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y .;N . Ex. and N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; 1st N., Phil. 76,450 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N „ Market St. N., and Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 22,110 N. Bk. o f Balt., Balt.; Girard N „ Phil. 35,000 39,060 Wm. Mansberger.. J. C. Prowell. 25,000 9,320 116,310 J. A. S m ith____ — 25,000 14,240 77,170 89,230 R. H. Shyder_____ K M. Buffington__ 25,000 28,730 287,290 362,390 37,390 4th St. N „ Phil;; Mellon N., Pitt. Emmert Sheely—,. 25,000 58,500 690,000 682,000 67,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. J. Edgar Young___ 125,000 130,000 144,900 850,000 1,450,000 19,550 1st N „ Phil. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, f S sent to us with each sight draft fo r presentation, ai|d (TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins urea p rom p t, per sonai at tention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cent M ELLO N NATIONAL BANK. Pittsburgh. 1131 N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to eadh bank in IQ. S. exclu sively by T lie R a n d -M c N a lly B an kers ; n ire e to rv . u n d er th e a u th o r ity of T he A m e ric a n B an kers A s s a . RESOURCES P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued OVER $700. fIIIIIM IIIJ I A ccessible T o w n s , L a w s, L aw yers, D irectors, in dexed in back of this yolume. F or In te re st R a te s, O race, July, 1919 »Gettysburg—.Adams F 7 Citizens Trust Co.......... - I ’Ol Geo. W. Schwartz— J. M. Warner____ 60-762 3 fo p . 5000 .•$’64 C. H. Musselman.. P. A. Miller 60-761 Gettysburg NationalBk.oi 1814 Wm. McSherry___ H. C. Pickingi___ _ 60-760 R. 8. Battles Bank t ’59 C. W. Battles Girard__. . .Erie A 1 60-1010 4P Pop. 1165 National Bank of Girard*¿’04 W. F. Andrews . . . . J. C. Murphy_____ 60-1011 Girardville___ Schuylkill First National Bank__ -•$’90 Albert B ordy_____ M. A. Kilker______ 60-1171 3 Pop. 5000 D9 Glassport .Allegheny D 1 Glassport Trust Co.___ .$§’06 S. A. Bryce______ G. A. Hassel______ 60-1172 Pop. 5540 J. W. Jones Glen Campbell...Indiana First National Bank__ .•$’99 J. O. Clark ______ J. D. Ake______ 60-1173 S. L. Clark 4P Pop. 1099 D4 John Barrett Glenlyon....Luzerne C 9 Glen Lyon Bank—....... •$l’12 H. U. Nyhart.. 60-1412 3 Pop. 3200 Glen Rock— — York F 8 Glen Rock State Bank . -$§’10 J. L. Myers______ _ M. M. Striewig___ 60-1009 3 Pop. 1263 W. B. Miller Trust Co. o f Glen Rook •i§,64 Joseph Dise George W. Geiple. 60-1008 Glenside___ Montgomery Glenside National Bank„•TO J. E. Nachnri Fritz Quittner.—. . 60-1174 3 Pop. 2000 E 12 G. N. Whitaker '08 H. B. Bair ........... Samuel Schlosser— Goldsboro..—..Y ork F 8 First National Bask 60-1175 A. G. Kohr 3 (EttersP. O. ) Pop.434 James W. Shaffer. Grantham__ Cumberland Grantham National Bank»l;f)9 A. M. Kuhns 60-1176 3 Pop. 150 E7 Gratz . . . . . . Dauphin Ë 8 First National Bank . . . - $ ’09 I. M. Buffington___ J. A. Willier_____ 60-1177 3 Pop. 900 Greencastle.Franklin F 6 Citizens Natibnal Bank . . . ’01 A. G. McLanahan.. J. W. H ege______ 60-945 3 Pop. 1919 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt, PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Freeport to Greencastle 60-898 M ELLO N NATIONAL BANK. N um ber under iVamc o f Bank is .the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in fu, 'S.: exclusively by T he Kand-M eN ally Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Hankers Ass n. President . OVER $ 1 0 0 A ccessible L ia b il it ie s . V ice-President . A s s ’ t Cashier . La w s , L aw yers, D irectors, in For Interest Rates, Grace, F or Holidays, see opposite p age 13J Su r p l u s DRPOSP a id - o p AND , ITO . Ca p it a l PROFITS if“ ' Resources. ‘^ T LoaWg 4 Du- Cask t E xc ’ ts. Bom », Securities Principal Correspondents. ohakgm ^Dvb TBOM B u n 50,000 $ 40,000 $ 485.000 I 625,000 1 35,000 ’*Corn Ex. N.. EBM. H) L.Shellenberger 25,060 Frank Kramer-----J. K. Barclay, Tr. . Thos. Barclay, Sec. H.-H. Murdock, A . Tr. J. R. ^¡isaman------ T. J. McTighe------ 400.000 795,000 3,851,020 3,620,180 1,066,500 ] 150.000 686,040 i 3,480,540 2,044,470 1 A . B R A N D O N -- C . B . M OORE -— —; 100,000 143,980 1 847,760 170.940 i OHN E . KUNKLE-— PAUL S. BAIR, Tr?.. J . H. McKLVEEN, Sec. . AUL S. BAIR. Active drafts, Casb and T lin è I terns. ♦MERCHANTS TR U S T CO. I < Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding ♦ 80-392— -„• $*,03 j Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo presentation and, 5 Qcfor Credit, Bepor 188,600 188.600 1,500,000) 1,500.000 377,200 : A. D. Welty, John D. Miller . . . . W . A. Huff, A . Sec. Sec. ana Tr. Joseph W. Byrer— M. L. Painter_____ 200,000 307,020 ) 1,347,730 228,680 ! 100,000 237,720 ) 1,987,270 125.000 133,280 ) 1,063,340 125.000 325.000 ) 1,147,730 tentton of an offl cer of the bank» io r .' helaN., Pitt.; (M em . F ed, Res.) l W e want your Greensburg Item ♦Safe Deposit & Tr. Co. „§'95 D. L. D iilinger..... HtfKOrES 60-391 g C0‘ ♦Westmoreland Nat. Bk.*t’94 John S. Sell— ____ 60-390 Greensburg Clearing House.. 'John Barclay. (Members indicated by a *) Greenville___ Mercer 0 1 Farmers & Merch. Trust Co Harry Watson____ 60-665 1 02 4P Pop. 8000 First National B an k___» t ’64 W. C. Pettit „ i — JNECHVi 60-668 J: . Greenville National Bank«’75 G. B. Chase_______ 60-664 f j . M . M ARTIN No. America, Phil. N., N. Y .: Girard N., Phi’k 394,170 Seafe. ; John S. Sell. S ec... John J. Donaldson S. D. Hum,’Sec. and F. D. Long, A . Sec. and A . Tr. i ,. .. — Tr. N. E. T iliotson___ C. E. Witmer —,— L. A. Davis_______ L. Henlein— ------ T. R{ Thorne_____ N: E. Peters H i F . W. D AU G H ER TY R. B. M0RRS0N — 90,000 145.000 ) 1,005,000 420,740 N. City, N. Y.; ’ Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitl N. A., Pitt. „ „ 276.030 Oitiz. N.f N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N, Pitt. 177,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 100.000 112,720 ) 1,675,880 160,010 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st Nt, Pitt. 100,060 ,90,150 1.374,5100 1,471,170 Grove City..;-M ercer 0 1 FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK- ►t’fl <|B ill o f Lading D rafts a specialty, t D raft fo r presen tation and : j 15c m u st be sen t w ith each Sigh 60-790 4P Pop. 5000 T B Y US FOB PBO M PT SERVICE. (.25c fo r each rep ort or rating. (JO HN A , B E L L a E . J . FIT H IA N -- E . B. H ARSHAW - C. H . W ILS O N ------ 203,640 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. JSpecial Attenti on given to Colle ctions. m u st be sen t with each Sight D raft for present atlon, and , > # ’10 (15c (25c fo r eacb ;re. p ort or rating. S en d JUS your Gro ve C ity Item s. GR OVE C ITY N AT’ L BANK 60-791 H alifax____ Dauphin E 8 3 Pop. 745 Hallstead__ Susquehanna 3 Pop. 1538 B10 Hamburg------ Berks D 10 3 Pop. 3000 Hanover.— — York F 8 3 Pop. 10,000 Grève City State Bank.--§.’18 60-1486 Halifax National Bank .$1900 60-1179 .iS « First National B ank__ .»$’05 60-1180 First National B ank__ .»$’08 60-805 Hamburg Savings Bank-ti’72 60-894 Farmers State B ank"___ §’07 60-613 A. L. Dean--------- 1 , 50.000 .5,660 A. M. Smith. . . ___ J. M. Hoffman___ R. *F, L a n d is-..-. H. H. R ic h te r -.-- 25.000 53,910 0 356,740 56,290 Hah. N., N. Y ; Girard N., Phfl. A. F. Merreii — . . E. A. Harmes____ O. L. W atkins-.— W. J. Kirby.— . . . 25.000 28,550 0 283,350 69.500 Seab/'NA, N. Y.-. lst N., Phil. J. S. Hepner._____ f A . A. Hav et._____ H. R. Sholienberg- Geo, W . Shomo___ . . . t .. ,er G. B. Miller D. A. Burkey ——- Chas. D. Burkey... S. D. Bausher. D. S. Wolfe J. Hoffacker, D. M. F r e y ------- F. H. B eard-------- H. M. Rudisill — J H. w . . Sec. 50.000 41,310 0 ?48;580 122,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50.000 180,000 0 940,000 140,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 0 517,750 105,740 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Far. & Merc! . N., Balt. • 361,840 N. Bk. Com.-; N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; M. h 1st N, and N. Bk. o f Balt., Bait. isevi D eal.............. Frpd S|ov;er i i . i L . A. R .H o d g e --.— (J. D. ZOUCK — J G. 0. G IT I - - - - - F IR S T N ATION AL BANK-*$ 63 J Send us y ou r H anover Item s, 60-611 W. D. CARVER — G/H. SHIRK, Sec — 50.000 56,480 260,000 224,710 (■ . 0 1,749,000 0 2,738,920 (S peclalattentio n given B ill o f La d ing drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. \Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r, presentation and 5 Ocfor Credit Report J, J. Schmidt___ J E, L. Fisher, T r... J . J. Conrad, Sea.. C; L. Myers, A . Tr. H. M. Stokes — . Ralph J . S. Hoffack- L.H.Hoffacker.Sec. er, Tr. Fred W. Weber .- John 0. K rebs----- John E. Shultz___ 50.000 250,590 125,000 21,620 50.000 93,150 H erberts. Bucher. 25.000 18,350 M. 0. Clemens___ 194,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil Drdv. k Meek. N.. Balt. 218,680 N. Bk, of Balt., Balt.; Corn Ex. N. and Trade; mens N/, Phil. 0 1,183,590 J « 901,850 Chase N., N. t . ; Market St. N., Phil.; N. B1 Com.. Balt. ...... Q ‘357,010 ! 14,680 1st N., Phil. 0 523,630 MELLON NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh . RESOURCES OVER $100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1131 Hanover Sav. Fund Society Paul Winebrenner. 60-4510 *$§’35 Hanover Trust C o.._____ §’14 D. D. Ehrhart ____ _ ; 60-614 P E O P L E S BANK . — --•$§’92 Alvin R. Nissts^— 60-612 Hariéysville-Mòntgomery Harleysville National Bk.t’09 A. C. Alderfer-----3 Poo. 350 I-r PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Green Lane to Harleysville Oreen Lane-Montgomery Valley National Bank— *$’08 J. S. Oressman___ R. D. Heist J.W . H. Gottshalk «0-1178 3 Pop. 872 H I Greensboro—Greene F 1 Peoples Bank— ------------ §19 A..‘ A. Sterling. — Edw. E. Kramer . . H «0-1518 ■ -4P Pöp. 442 » G r e e n s b u r g W e s t m ’d ♦Barclay-WestmorelandTrust D. L. N ewiil-_____|J ohn Barclay 4P Pop. 15.483 F .2 Oompany_;60-393— - .« t l ’54 ♦First National Bank. „ «t’81 Richard Coulter . . . J. R. Eisaman____ 60-388 1 (JOHN D. M IL L E R D. L . O IL L I N G E R .-hav e the personal at ♦ M ERCHANTS ft -F A R M E R S )jCollections Vigorous atten IJon given came, N ATIO N AL R AN K — $’81 (Proceeds p rom ptly accounted 60-389 CASHIER. T o w n s, d ex e d in b a c k o i this yolumje, P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued 1919 Manx on B ank . Town and County. •Mem. Ain. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed. ReS. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. RESOURCES Ju ly , 1131 P it t s b u r g h . N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given ea0h bank Í? Ü’th -S‘e excla8,?ely B and-M ally Bankers* Directory, under au th ority ofby_T T heheAm erican cN Bankers Ass’ n . *° T own and County. »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Branch. »Harrisburg.Dauphin E8 3 Pop. 72,015 N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State JMem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ♦M em . Fed. Res. [Estab. ♦Allison Hill Trust Co..»t§’10 60-04 ♦Camp Curtin Trust Co. §’16 60-07 ♦Central Trust Go._____*i'0S 60-80 ♦Citizens Bank________ t f ’06 60-06 TRUST COMPANY V ice-President . A s s ’ t Cashier . CASHIER. 60-01 • » ’03 D . W . SOHR»-— - C .Z . H U F F E R , LA . ROBINSON — W. M. G R O F F , Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. Special fa ciliti es fo r m aking collections. P rom pt and pe rsonal présentât Ion. Q uick retar nà at reasonable ‘ M ECH AN IC S TRU S T CO. A. K. THOMAS----------- E. A. HEFFELFINGEA JOHN K. MAY J. P. McCullough-- W. G. Hartman— H. S. Smeltzer. , John E. Fox______ John 0. Motter___ Wm. V . Daviés, 60-84 * « ’14 ♦Merchants National Bk.«t’87 60-87 ♦Security Trust Co.___»tj'05 60-02 ♦Union Trust Co. o f Pa. 60-93 • «’ C H A N D LER BROS. & C O .- 15 D epos its P rincipal Correspondents. L o am sk D w - Cash* lxc*rs. Bombs, QHAMOBS, Dtm Bbomsctibs n o n Bamks 752,810 114,240 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. N „ and Tradesmens N „ Phil. 25Ö.000 640,820 2,714,720 2,782.210 300,000 363.310 3.684,130 3,674,520 525,960 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Drexel & Co., Phil.: Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 607,730 Liberty N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.: M. M. 1st N., Balt. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; (M em . Fed. Bes.) 148,000 L iberty N., N. ¥ .; Bk. o f N o. Am erica, PhU. 125.000 75,990 688,700 rates. 50*000 63,000 995,000 1,200,000 Send 10c with each sight draft for presentation, C ollections hav e the p e r s o n a ls t ten tlon o f a n o ffl cer o f this bank. I VICE. . 1 2 THE BANK OF SEBI E. J. Glancey—___ A. S. Banmiller___ ♦First National Bank__ » i ’65 Wm. Jennings___ 60-85 H. A. Rutherford— George W. R eily.« Edward Bailey----♦Harrisburg National Bank 60-82 «$1814 E. Këistéir, A. Sec. ♦Harrisburg Trust Go...t|’93 G. W. Reily-______ Edward Bailey____ G. G. Carl, Tr.— P. V. Minter, A. Tr. 60-88 ♦Keystone Bank------------S 60-98 S u b p lu s P a id - up AND C a p it a i . P r o f i t s $ 125,000 $ 70,470 $ 692,100 $ 854,400 $ 85,160 Irving N „ N. Y.{ 1st N., Phil, Hiram Billett___ — A. G. Eden_______ A. G. Eden, T r ,... A. W. Loser, Sec. and A . Tr. 35,000 1,400,000 1,500,000 210,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N .,P h il., 125.000 R. A. Enders_____ Lewis Baiser..____ F. L. A. Froehlich, Sec. and Tr. 125.000 384.740 2,084.660 2,379,450 214,950 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. W. M. Donaldson— Jno. F. Dapp____ _ H. O. Miller. Sec. arid Tr. 90,160 Chase N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N-. Phil. 39,510 404.470 403,840 50.000 Edw. C. Thompson Spencer F. Barber. C. G. Miller— — 60-00 t i ’16 J. A. McLaughlin, ♦Commonwealth Tr. O’81 Wm. Jennings____ W. M. Ogelsby------ W. H. Metzger, A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. 60-86 Robert McCormick, J. A. Griesh&ber, ♦Dauphin Dep. Tr. C o.-»tl’S2 Donald McCormick A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. ♦ 60-83 H. W. Spong, A . Se c. and A . Tr. ‘ EAST END BANK RESOURCES. Ll ABILITIES. P resident . See. and A . Tr. W. M. Donaldson— John F. Dapp____ H. O. M iller_____ George A. Gorgas— E. F. Doehne_____ J. O. S. Poorman, JSec. and Tr. A. S. Patterson . . . . John P. M elick___ Edward S. Nissley, Sec. and Tr. (Investment Secur m é s i __ _1. __ ____ J. W. Plowman, Mgt, Harrisburg Clearing House— Donald McCormick R. M. Rutherford— A. K. Thomas, Sec. (Members indicated by a " L. G. Brown__ _ _ Harrisville___ Butler 0 1 First National Bank___ »r03 R. L. B row n....___ T. V. Porter__ E. E. W ick 60-1182 4P Pop. 400 A. C. Strittmatter.. A. B. Clark— M. L. Buck_____ 522,000 2,045,000 2,080.000 400.000 787,1100 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. Ex. N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 643,200 2,949,300 2,809,250 1,182,960 N> City and N.Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 3d N., 1st N., and Girard N. Phil.; Duquesne N-, Pitt.; M. M. 1st N., Balt, 43,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 4th St. N „ Phil. 15,000 315,000 337,000 Harry C. Grimes _ 50,000 300.000 344,000 1,765,000 2,032,000 100.000 312,370 1,090,310 1,244,170 J. Paul Machen, A . Sec. and A . Tr. H. Lloyd Myers, A . Sec. and A . Tr. 125.000 50,110 1,134,280 1,364.130 250.000 129,830 1,830,530 1,877,090 W. E. McBride____ 25.000 50.000 367430 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 382,000 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent.N. Phil.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Bait. 258,520 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N.and Market St. N. Phil. 82.440 Han. N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and Phil. N. Phil.; Cont. Tr. Co., Pitt. 323,220 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Franklin N., Phil. Clark, Childs & Co., N. Y.; Ware & Leland Chi. 40,000 503,000 516,000 52,000 Han. N ..N .Y .; 1st N., Pitt. 18r81Q 276,730 289,200 49,780 Met, Tr. Co., N. Y.: Diamond N., Ptt. 104,110 114,680 16,320 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N-. Phil.; 1st N., Pitt, Hastings___ Cambria D 4 F IR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K -*’18 Special atten tio n given B -L draft s, cash and tlm e item s. IPlease send 15c w ith each sight d raft for présentât Ion and 2Sc fo r er edit rep orts. 60-1492 3 Pop. 3000 ..Send your busi ness to th e Natio nal Bank. I t ls s trong and reliabl Hatboro___ Montgomery 3 Pop. 063 E ll Hawley—___ Wayne C 11 3 Pop. 2018 Hays_____ Allegheny E 1 4 P Pop. 1888 Hazleton__ Luzerne D 10 3 Pop. 28,491 Hastings Bank------- ------- §’19 60-1498 Hatboro National Bank. *t’75 60-1183 First National Bank___ *2*02 60-023 Hawley Bank__ ±--------« i l 'l l 60-924 Hays National Bank— »t’02 60-1184 First National Bank___ *t’88 60-233 fe Hazleton National Bank.«t’90 60-234 Hazleton Slavonic Bank^tS^H 60-236 Federal Reserve Bank Nofu St. m b eLouis r u n d er 25.000 0 . E. C. Robinson— Penrose Robinson. W. F. Wilson___ Lewis P. Cooke___ R. W. Murphy____ J. D. Ames______„ P. H. Kearney. 360 52.000 107,080 50.000 79,460 924,310 1,019,870 611,360 707,670 M. J. Leonard____ Walter Vetterlein. C. S. H ou ck -___ L T. J. Oldfield . . 50.000 53,816 346,590 402,940 Reid Kennedy____ Hugh Nevin--------- W. C. McCluré. 25.000 22,800 363,170 378,400 J. B. Price«_______ H. W. Heidenreich. P. G. Heidenreich.. G. H. Martin __ 100,000 247,040 3,665,420 3,918,940 1. P. Pardee______ Frank Pardee_____ B. E. K unkle__ Jas. Lee Pardee John Shigo__ s____ M. Diosdick— . . M. Yurkanin..____ Geo. A. S h ig oJ. C. Kochczynski 200,000 752,770 4,179.310 4,785.660 100,000 46,000 1,810,000 1,740,000 103,550 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N „ PM|Vj , 81,150 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 142,750 Irving N., N. Y.: Girard N. and Phil. N.JPhil. 34.410 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 398,910 N. Park, N.Y.; Bk. of No. America and Market St. N., Phil. 445,860 Han. N;, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ 1st N., and Phil. N., Phil. 260,000 Irving N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. , ______ July, 1919 A. F . HUNT— 517,670 2,111,990 2,409,590 300.000 John C. Motter, Tr. . GÈO. D. KILLEN — JESSIE HUETHER f B . R. L L O Y D - - — H. 1 VAN .DÜSEN— . . INSTHWAIT 100,000 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Harrisburg to Hazleton ‘ COMMERCIAL Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F or Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N IA — Continued 1132 1132 M H I ON NATIONAL BANK. Pittsburgh . Offers Unexcelled Service to Banksand Bankets 1 11 JOO «J N a m e o f B a n k la the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e K a n d -B fc N a lly B ankers* Directory, under th e a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. p rn v T M Q V T A "NTT A ___ P r i n t i n n a r l r U r l N l N O » A-» V » » AN i A ^ U H U IIU C U Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, La w s , D ire ctors, in dexed in b a ck of this volu m e. F o r In te re st R a te s, Grace,\*—< e t c ., see page 14 . F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite p age 13.\ P . 5 = ; ____ 1 ' = r '■ = ■■ v< M m ON NATIONAL BANK- Pittsburgh . Offers Unexcelled Service to Banks and Bankers 1 1L OJ Oj N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f H an k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in V sively by T b e Kand-M K a n d -H ecN N aally lljr B Bankers* U.. 8 S.. exclu exclusively an k ers’ Directory« under th e a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of B ank . T own and oodntt . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figuré is Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. P is: Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Cashier . M. G. Shennan, Tr. W. A. Deisroth, Sec. G. J.Kohlliaas.A. Tr Rufus R eed --------- 125,000 50.000 3.330 144,880 163.160 P. S. Blessing . : — 25.000 2.620 298,850 262,730 Lloyd U. Dick . . 25.000 30.000 422,990 361,650 135,240 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N. and Mellon N., Pitt. A. S. Hepner. 25.000 j 72.230 624,750 581,130 165,850 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. Herndon. Northumberl'd First National Bank— . . $’02 John D. Bogar— . . E. S. Stroub. 3 Pop. 620 D8 60-1187 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. H. Lebkicher— S. C. Stecher, Sec. and Tr. E. F. Hershey P. O. E lder______ H. W. Denny_____ W. R. Simpson. R . M. Wilson H. S. Smith____ J.K.McLanahan,J r. H. D. Hewit J. G. SHOPE, Tr. . . . First and oldest este blLh e d b a n k ' $$’17 [ Collections a sp eclalty a n d re m it ted on day o f pay m e n t. f j . L . HARTMAN 125.000 261,290 2,215,950 2,246,260 25.000 20.000 500.000 450,000 50.000 38,700 358,820 279,570 125.000 43,000 632,150 632,970 J. E. Cassler--------- ffm . S. Thomas__ A. E. Cassler...^... Martha V. Cassler. ' gj 1 ■.ft N J. J. Campbell____ Frank Finsthwait. S. C. Steele_______ Geo. L. Douglass__ 25.000 29.330 375,320 411,240 50.000 27,220 653,430 599,280 Hngh Nevin___ — J. F. Milliken_____ George F. L loyd ... HerbertRiheldaffer 100.000 198,740 1,995,990 1,835,190 J .B . Coen------------ H. M. A ndress___ D. 0. Addie, T r .__ J. H. Gillen 125.000 24,200 1.487.500 1.310.000 Reid Kennedy------ A. R. H unt___ ___ Hugh Nevin, Tr. „ G. F. Lloyd, Sec.. G. V . L. Wickerham 200.000 282,490 5.790.500 5,448,370 Reid Kennedy------ 58,180 Irving N-, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Balt.: Corn Ex N., Phil. 700,290 N. Park, N. City, and Irving N ..N .Y .; Girard N „ 1st N „ and Phil. N., Phil. 30,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N Pitt. 152.230 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. , N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N. 167,780 Chase N.J Pitt. 49,660 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt. 179,790 4th St. N., Phil. 200,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 261,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Pitt. 849,550 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Hugh Nevin, Sec. M. B. Simons_____ J. E. Tiffany______ O. A. Emery____ E. G. Mumford____ W. F. Riefler _____ Clarence L. Wright Andrew Thompson L. A, Howell_____ A. C. Lindsay— W. B. Holmes_____ A . T . Searle_______ H. S. Salmon_____ W. J. Ward___ T. B. Clark J. S. S alt.__ __ — A. C. MorozzL-___ P. G. Hartman___ J. H. McClure. 330.000 32.000 133,440 150.000 148,940 1,663,670 1,838,990 272,020 Atlantic N., N, Y.; Phil. N.. Phil. 200.000 452,620 2,607,740 3,622,820 252,440 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Girard N., Phil.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 75.000 Franklin N., Phil. 100,000 470.000 844,250 1,044,740 98.000 600.000 700.000 Fred G. Fryburg . . H. H. Dull— — — 25.000 25.000 44,710 39L410 333,840 25.000 33,260 350.000 335,630 " 25,000 11,340 262.000 204,590 25.000 7,250 286,300 237,500 W. W. Donaldson— L. H. M oore______ J. K. McNutt— J. S. Gantz___ L. W. Beyer______ J. H. Minds_______ George W. Ganoe— W. R. Cameron___ B .L . Simpson____ J. M. Laurie, Sec ten d Tr. A. Weber________ W. J. Kurtz______ M. Rodgers, Jr.----- W. K. McDowell__ 45.000 Irving N., N. Y.: Scranton Sav. & Dime Scranton. 102,950 N. City and N. Park, N. Y. 75.000 100.000 P .J.B lou g h ______ H. J. Koontz -1__ W. D. Rummel___ O. O. L o h r _______ Daniel Shoffer A. J. Taylor______ E. J. Whitney------ C. R. Berry— — J. W. Bisbee F. S. Campbell___ J. A. Benner____ — E. M. Painter..___ R. N. Gorsuch. Earl C. Ober —— 874,000 Liberty N. and J. P. Morgan & Oo., N. Y. Phil. N., Phil.; (M em . Fed. Res.) 380,500 Irving N. and N. City. N. Y.; Franklin N. and Girard N.. Phil.; (M em . F ed. R es.) 22,700 Southwark N.. Phil. 125.000 2,350,000 2.460.000 Herminie. Westmoreland First National Bank____ «12 T . B. Brown----- —• H. T. K night. 60-1416 4P Pop. 1000 E2 Homestead Clearing House — ( Members indicated by a * ) ¿Honesdale— Wayne B 11 Farmers ¿Mechanics Bk.«l’07 80-856 J Pop. 2845 Honesdale Dime Bank. »$1’06 69-855 Honesdale National Bk..«$’86 60-853 Wayne County Sav. Bk.«$S*71 ♦ 60-854 Honey Brook____ Chester First National Bank— *$’67 3 pop. 609 E10 KVi 80-1192 Hooversville__ Somerset Citizens National B an k ...’19 $P Pop. 1500 E4 60-1515 First NMional Bank_____ ’02 v 60-1193 HopBottom.Susquehanna Hop Bottom National Bk. 60-1194 «$'10 3 Pop. 364 B10 Hopewell___ Bedford E 5 Hopewell National Bank.$’l l 60-1195 3 Pop. 590 Honston.Washington E 1 First National Bank___ »$’01 60-1196 4P Pop. 900 Hontzdale..Clearfield D 5 First National Bank___ «$’03 60-1197 3 Pop. 1434 Houtzdale Trust Co____«§’17 60-1479 Howard___ __ Center D f First National Bank___ *$’08 60-1198 3 P od. 657 it s P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . <oanb t Dis- Cash k Ex;’ ts . Bonds, chano « « ,D de Securities prom B anks 730.000 $4190000 $3 700000 W. C. Blessing.. Hollsopple—Somerset F 3 First Nat. Bank o f Benson 60-1190 *$’05 4P Pop. 500 Homer Oity—Indiana D 8 Homer City National Bk. *$’07 60-1191 4P Pop. »85 Hom estead.... Allegheny ♦First National Bank... *$’87 60-801 4P Pop. 22,466 B 2 ♦Homestead Sav. Bk. & Tr .Co. 60-304 $103 D epos 100,000 Hellam— — York F 8 Farmers State Bank ...• t l’l l Amos Steichler___ J. W. Horn ... G. W. Maish 60-1186 3 Pop. 600 Hershey.__ Dauphin £ 8 Hershey Trust Co._____ $l’05 M. S. Hershey..__ 60-1188 3 Pop. 2000 Hickory .Washington E l Farmers National Bank.«$’04 Robert R. Hays— 60-1189 4P Pop. 700 »Hollidaysburg.Blair ES Citizens National Bank. *$’08 P. S. Duncan___ ... 60-787 3 Pop. 8784 Su r plu s A s s ’t Cashier . Ca p it a l p ROj.ITB C. J. Kürschner. 60-786 R e so u r c e s . Lia b il it ie s . Pbksidknt . Hazleton. . .Luzerne D 10 Markle Banking & Trust Co. Alvan Markle____ _ Alvan Markle, Jr. O. J. Kürschner ♦ 60-232 »$$'67 ( Continued) Peoples Sav. & Tr. Co. .•¿S’05 A. W. Drake.------- C. C. Heller_______ i f- ♦ 60-235 Hegins^il-Schuylkill D 0 First National B ank------ $’08 W. N. Snyder____ 60-1185 xJ Pop. 2000 H 0 LLID AYSBU RG TRUS T CO. Accessible T o w n s, La w y ers, La w s , D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st B a t e s , G r a c e , < e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 1,3.' p . \ T A "NTT A ___ -CaXN AN O X A-/ V A AN i A keO uunueu P in v T M Q V T 50.000 107,890 1,179,360 1,073,980 125.000 7,800 325,980 365,210 25.000 20,009 205,000 200.000 117,610 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; Far. Dep N., Mellon N a n d W estera N., Pitt. 74,060 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Scranton: 1st N Montrose. 30,580 Mellon N., Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 86,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of-Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 237.970 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 87,960 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Franklin N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. ' 30.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. .-T own and County . s* Name of -Bank . à »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, tMem. State'Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. s [EstaK Hughesvilie.v. .Lycoming First National Bank_____*’88 s; 60-956 3 Pop. 1650 0,8 Grange Nat.Bk. o f Lycoming OOmnty —60-95? t l Ham&elstown— Dauphin Farmers Bank.— ___ *§’85 3 Pop. 2128 E8 - ; 60-909 10»»} tía Hummelstown Nat. Bk..»*’82 "N 60-008 i -----‘ Huntingdon .Hun tingd'n FIR S T N A tlO JIA L BAN K > * ’63 »Î 3 Pop. 800(1 DC " i m i : 60-616 Grange Trust C o.._____ *§’08 [Horn 60-620 m W f î k j i Standing Stone-Nat. B k ..i’02 60-619 Union National Bank__ »t’66 KMBbU v tM K v -w . 8Ü »I.B, Hyndman__ Bedford F 4 Hoblitzell National Bank»t’0S ■ m , i 60-1199 ’ HbffS« 3 Pop. 1164 Ickesburg--------Perry E 7 Ickesburg State Bank___ §18 60^1403 3 Pop. 280 ‘ Indiana..,:.Indiana D 8 Citizens National Bapk—ti'05 60-686 4P Pop. 7000 Farmers Bank—a .i.___ •t§*76 -»ijM te« 8(1-684 Mr f £i*öö First National Bank____ *’64 •fi - V. 60-682 <, Indiana County Dep. Bk.*§’73 60-683 Savings & T eusIC o. — *1*08 60-68 386 >b Lia b il it ie s . . President . V ice -President . W. C. Frontz_____ C. W . Sones. As s ’t Cashier . Sur p lu s P a id - up D epos and , its C a p it a l Pr o f it s Resources . Loamsk Dis- Cashk Kxc’tb. Bombs, ohangbs,Dub BbOVRÌTUS fromBanks 50,000 17,580 238,320 i 258,300 50,000 95,600 480,850 533,610 50,000 . 193,910 476,060 652,810 U. L. Balsbaugh . . . Allen K. Walton__ (J0ÍIN PHILLIPS__ Principal Correspondents . $ 50,000 $ 124,510 $ 700,000 $ 570,000 $ 81,000 Han. N., N. T.; 4th St. N., Phil. Frank A. Reeder . . Allen E. Walton__ W. O. Baker._____ H. M. Horst______ OSCAR H. IRWIN ........ ROBT. W. FLECK_____ 150,000 285,000 1,930,000 1,850,000 75,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Phil. N. and Tradesmens N;,Phil.: N. Bk; pf Balt.. Balt. 90,610 Han. N.:, N; Y. ; Corn Ex, N,, Phil. 05,520 N. Park and Coal ft Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., 4th St. N., Girard N., and,Union N., Phil, 225,000 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil. Special atten tlo n given BUI o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Pleas# Mild 15c w itii each sight draf t 'fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. I Send us your H untlngdon Item s. W. T. Sheaffer____ T. O. Milliken_____ 0. F. Bell, T r.____ H. W. Read J. G. Gillam______ L. M. Hagerty____ A. P. Silverthorn,. F oster!. King-------- 125,000 28,000 525,000 513,000 92,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 1st N „ Pitt. 50,000 38,100 358,030 404,630 87,630 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; and Pitt. John White__ ____ R. J. Mattern_____ A. V. Shaffner____ 125,000 95.640 539,840 1,098,940 A. E. Miller__ ____ j . W. Buchanan__ Harry V. Evans___ W. S. Madore_____ 25,000 14,260 290,130 Ç. A. Mciser______ E. E. R ice_____ J. F. Rnmbaugh... 25,000 3,160 26,430 57.640 G ri® ;h ;E »»sia .:.: Elmer E llis .:..—— Chas. W. Carnahan 50,000 23,140 666,650 760,320 H. W. Wilson_____ Vernon F. Taylor. W. A. Simpson J. S. Blair'._______ J. G. fit. Clair____ 225,000 229,240 2,361,690 2,583,400 J. R. Daugherty__ Paul L ew is............ 200,000 248,170 3,062,920 3,518,310 Harry W hite..__ — Hal W hite__ ____ T. E. Hildebrand — 100,000 138,820 John À. Scott i ___ 8 M. J a ck ...— . E. E. Lewis, J. W. McCartney, Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. 250,000 239,840 3,266,930 3,113,990 FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K -«* 92 R. P. McClellan___ Geo. Wfc Flowers .. oneu . 60-857 gaBjr»i,fr Jacksonville. Indiana £>3 Farmers & MinefsfBank.§’i8 W. L.Neal . L . — W. L. Shields.___ 4P (K en t P : (X) Pop.. 300, 60-1483........ R. A, Kelly Jamestown—.Mercer C l Jamestown Banking Co. _r*74 W A. McMaster... 60-1201 4P Pop. 822 • Jeannette. Westmoreland First National Bank:.——4*89 H. A. Lauffer— — R. T. Hngus— — 60-544 4P Pop. 9468 E2 Glass City ; Bank....... *i§’07 A. B. Greenawalt— George Eckert___ 60-547 JeannetteSav. ft Trust Co.S’03 J. H. Ringer______ J. W. Ambler____ 60-545 Peoples National Bank—*4*05 J. G. Greer——— . George Weitz-—- . 60-5*3 , Jefferson;__ .Greene F 1 First National Bank__.__ ’19 S. C. Hawkins____ j : C. Stewart____ • 4P Pop. 357 . r> j ? 60-1505 n J enkin town.Montgomery Jenkintown Nat. Bank **’75 H. W. Hallowell . . . Israel H. Ely_____ 3 Pop. 3800 E ll ■ 60-851 no- « 1 ... Jenkintown Trust Oo..*4l'03 Henry K. Walt__ . Howard Fleck . . . 60-852 • Arnold Aiman J ermyn.Lackawanna B 10 First National Bank___L.*02 John W. Cure___ A S. C. Whitmore— ^ * 60-1202 3 Pop. 8158 Jersey Shore ..Lycoming Jersey Shore Trust Co..4§'68 Robt. McCullough. W. L. Wilson____ .60-699 W. E. Gheen 3 . Pop. 6000 . G 7 National Bk. of Jersey Shore H. G. Rorabaugh „ Robert Dunbar... » T60-700 ,«*’01 J. II. Messerly MCI 1AM MATIflKIAI 1135 Ca s h ie r . G. B. Runyan_____ D. E. Kiess latercourse.Lancaster ES First National Bank........ »’08 H. L. Rhoads_____ J. L. Leaman____ 3 Pop. 400 60-1200 Irvona__ :Clearfleld..D 4 FifgtCfiatiOBai flapk R. L, ‘Sw ank.i^^.i A. R. Hunter 3 Pop. 800 60-1480 Irwin.Westmoreland E 2 C ITIZEN S N AT’ L BANK~*1900 J. A. Jones I______ F. Â. farm er.— 4P Pop. 3600« 60-858 Federal Reserve BankN of u mSt. b e rLouis u n d er Accessible Towns« Lawyers« Laws, Directors, in? dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc.,, see, page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N SY L V A N IA —Continued' RAME N a m e or B a n k is the N ew 'Transit N u m b e r given to each bank in 'U..‘ S. exclusively by T ile B and-B X cN ally B ankers* D ire cto ry , u n d er th e a u th o r ity -of T h e A m e ric a n B ankers A s s ’ n . 404,590 221,240 440,410 66,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 78,680 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 29,430 Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 89,540 Chase N., N- Y.; Bk. of Pitt, N. A., Pitt. 245,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. îo^oéo N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Union N., Pitt. 119^160 N. Oity. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; 1st N .,Plyl. 643,930 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt N, A. and Mellon Nu Pitt. H. B. Showalter— , ----- ------------------- 35,000 34,390 430,700 383,470 L. A. Lord—_1___ C. B. Bloom ______ 25.000 5,000 119,000 88,000 Chas. A. Anderson --------- . . . ------------- 100,000 113,770 1,008,690 1,143,120 243,540 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N., Pitt. J. B, Cunningham. F. D. Peoples 50,000 125,000 1,369,000 1.274,480 255,000 Hap, N., N. Y.; Union N „ Pitt. CVW. Wells. . . __ 25,000 7,500 67,000 7579TO R. P. Porter ______ n. w. Fiiis .. 50,000 25,000 300,006 370,000 128,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; Lancaster Tr. Go., Lancaster. 9,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N., Pitt ié,000 Han. N«: N. Y.: Mellon N „ Pitt. 33,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt. John W. Keltz___ H. S. Patterson— 50,000 112,250 797,350 734,000 273,980 N. City, N. Y.; Far, Dep. N., Pitt. A. L. Leonard, Jr.. W. A. Kemerer___ C. E. Landis J. W. Keltz, T r .... 50,000 35,000 850,000 800,000 150,000 165,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 215,240 1st N.,‘Phil.; Monongahela N. and Ex. N., Pitt. Alfred T. Smith... James G. Black—. . 50,000 32,000 900,000 480,000 Jos. J. Clarkson... 25,000 2,500 30,000 21,000 119,150 1,009,000 1,065,760 200.000 N. Bk. Cora,, Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 45,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. I, R. Hallowell___ 100,000 > 142,340 1,719,340 1,748,450 304,800 Chase N „ N. T. ; 4th St. N., Phil. Paul Jones, J. W. Hunsberger, Sec. and Tr. - A . Tr. T. B. Crawford___ 125,000 253,710 2,251,280 2,470,410 è 64,640 1,074,160 1,037,450 159,580 Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Girard Phil. 172,930 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. J. W. Levegood, Tr. R. A. Sebring, Sec. 125,000 160,600 1,365,000 1,286,960 A. L. M orrison__ _ C. E. Peterson____ P it t s b u r g h 50,000 ¡.65,000 RESOURCES P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued .900,000 850,000 271,190 Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 N. City, rN. Y.: Franklin N. and Phil. N., Phil. 1134_______________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Hughesville to Jersey Shore ________ July, 1919 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 1 Q A to each' bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R aud-M cN ally Bankers' A Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. OVFR Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in b a ck of th is vo lu m e . F or In te re st K a t e s , O ra ce, *—> e t c ., see p age 1 4 . F o r H o U d ays, see opposite p age 1 3 . |p . ■AT ¡T ■UiirP MCi i T?IpiQ ~ " " .... - -■■■*< o « .U. ■ -LuoapcA i y MCI I ON MATlCWIñl 1135 RAM N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in 'U..‘ S. exclusively by T h e R and -B XcN ally B ankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. RESOURCES Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in b a ck of th is vo lu m e . F or In te re st R a t e s , tlra c e , > e t c ., see p age 1 4 . F o r H o lid a y s, see op posite p age 13.( p . P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued N ame of B ank . •Mem. A n . Bks.Assn.5S tate Cashier . V ice -President . P resident . tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. « [Estab. First National Bank.— > J ’69 P. F. Cusick______ M. J. Barrett__ . . . B. J.McGurl—___ _ Peter Basalyga 60-1203 F. S. O’Donnel__ _ Johnsonbnrg Nat..Bank.«t'91 A. G. Paine. Jr.— E. L. M yers.___ Geo.’ E. Paine 60-1204 Cambria Trust Co.------»iS’l l J. H. W a te rs...__ J. W. Walters____ W. G. Hager, Sec. and Tr. John Dowling 60-111 ♦Farmers Trust & Mtge. Co. . Jno. C. Cosgrove— T. K. Saylor______ E. M. Blough, Tr... S. H. Heckman 60-110 »S’l l ♦First National Bank— *¿’63 Henry Y. Haws___ Harry Swank..----- David Barry______ J. M. Murdock 60-103 Herman Baumer... James Quinn-------- Theo. Mainhart. Tr. Johnstown Savings Bank 60-104 »tS’70 DavxdJ. Jones. V-P. Geo: W. Moses H. M. Dayies— —. . B. W illiams.— F. T, Mulvehill—— Johnstown State .Deposit G. D. Gartland f B ahfe..^fi0-115--i--i!-'§’19i ♦J ohnstown Trust Co.»t§l 900 William R. Thomas J. p . Roberts..,— William C. Krieger, Sec. and Tr. A. Y. Barker 60-105 Morrellville Deposit Bank , . Calvin Oyerdorff .. W. E. Snavely— — W. E. Wissinger— C. H. Harris ~ 60 113 TVS Moxliam Deposit Bank—§’19 O. M. Stineman— Benj. F. Watkins.^ Willis E, Davis.— 60-114 >R e s o u r c e s . L ia b il it ie s . A s s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p C a p it a l Su r p l u s AND P rom ts O O o oip T own and County. ¿County Seats.; Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Jessup—Lackawanna 010 3 Pop. 7500 Johnson barg----- Elk 0 4 3 Pop. 4334 Johnstown—Cambria E 4 jj Pop. 68,529 P ittsb iir b h D epos it s I. E. Jendricks, A . Tr. E. C. Boose, A . Tr. 125,000 48,170 1,419,010 1,386,010 200,000 42,120 1,062,530 1,170,550 400,000 832,210 10473110 9.390,380 926,410 214,560 3,006,750 2,881,550 50.000 200,000 Sara P. Reese------ 179,070 878,090 50,000 H. J, Davies—— . P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . $ 50,000 § 700,000 $ 220.000 $ 64,000 Coal & Iron N „ N. Y.; 4th St, N „ Phil. A, A. Johnson____ P. F. McAneny C. E. McGahan — -----— -------- — ----- r— —---. — ----— — ---IV Loans * Dis- Cam A Exc’ t». Bonds, bhangm,Dus Securities prom Bank* 306,000 3,110,000 2,781,006 304,330 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 182,470 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.; Bk. of No, America and Phil. N., Phil. 133,770 N. Park. N. Y.; Western N., Pitt.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 2,719,370 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil, N.. Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 339,760 Drexei & Co. and Girard N., Phil.; Peo. N „ Far. Deb. N.. and Mellon N., Pitt. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex, N., Phil.; Comw. T r. Co., Pitt., 1st N., Johnstown. — 620,000 N. Park. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N., Pitt. 50.000 10,000 139.280 133,770 57,970 50,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 125,000 108,700 75.000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt.; Franklin N., Phil. 120,000 1.950,000 1,900,000 560,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Girard N., 4th St. N., Franklin N., and Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Western N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., P itt- 175,450 59,790 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil.: Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt. 293,770 N. C ity, N. Y .; 4th St. N., PhU.; Bk. o f P itt. N. A ., P itt. 200.000 (Nathan Miller__ W. H. Strauss.___ F. O. Martini__ —. Charles Young ding drafts, Cash an d T im e Item s, < Special attentio n given BUI o f La 60-108 35 «$’14 Moose send 15c w ith each sight draf fo r presentation tùia 5Üc f o r Cremt Reports. ( W e w ant your I terns. 50,000 Peoples State Bk---------- §’17 Geo. K oh dor___ _ Stephen Eperjessy. H. F, C onfer-------- Julius Huszovszky. John H< Cooney 200,000 J . A. FR O N H EIS ER , S A M U EL LEN H A R T M. D. BEARER, P. A. ROSE — A . Tr. , See. dnd Tr. Special attentio n given BUI o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. ¡Please send 15(vw ith each sight draf fo r presentation and 50c fo r Credit Reports. * U T iM A L B »| TITLE f RUST & 169,690 251,980 1,772,810 1,985,910 G U A R A N T EE CO. 1 #0-109 -UNION »I’O? \Send us your J oh n stow n bnslne ss. /WM. H. SUNSHINE JO H N S T EN G ER — TH O M AS H. W A T T- W . E . E N G L E — 200,000 173,0« 1,491,350 1,760,380 376.730 N. C ity, N. Y .; 1st N., P itt.; Girard N., PhU. /Spécial atten tio n given BUI o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. ¡Please send 15cw ith each sight draf fo r presentation and 50e fo r Credit Reports. »pm \Prpmpt Service We get B esults. N A TIO N A L BANK 60-107 te iS IS S Johnstown Clearing House— (Members indicated by a**) Jonestown..Lebanon E9 Jonestown, Bank—i..—..J l’73 60-1205 3 Pop. 800 i ’06 Juniata________Blair E5 First National Bank— •0-1207 •• c 3 Pop. 6000 First National Bank_ _ »t’96 Kane______ McKean B 4 60-634 3 Pop. 7000 Kane Bank & Trust Co.»t5’86 60-683 Kane Trust & Savings Co. ( John ,H. Waters. J. W. Walters.— Fred Krebs 1 Special atten tio n given BUI o f La [ Please send 15c w ith each sight draf l T ry us fo r prom pt service and go J. E. Sedlmeyer__ W. G. Hager..------ W. G. Hager, Sec. and Tr. David B arry,..— . Wm. C. Krieger— Elias Gerhart__ ... M. F. Arndt-------- Thomas J. Rank—. D. E. Parker.____ _ D. H. M eek ...----L. C. Miller W. S. Oalderwood. E. H. Watkins.— C. C. Jones S. K. Foote, Jr,__ _ B. N. McCoy_____ J. L. Gruver.— Esther Burley-— , O. H. Johnson____ J. M. B rooder___ W. A. Longshore, Sec and Tr E.C.McDade, A.Tr. James McDade__ W. W. McDade— R. A. Hill. Tr.__ F. E. Hogan, Sec. 60-635 ' »tl’02 Newell B. Long . J, L . Woodling . — Geo. W. Reese —Karthaus State Bank— §’19 Karthaus.. .Clearfield C 5 60-1517 3. Pop. 650 ( H .W .C H ALFAN T y . m w , Send ns your K enn ett Square It FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with I TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS for each Nat. Bank o f Kennet! Square T. E. Marshall. 60-918 »±’81 Eennett Square—Chester K EN N ET T TRUST CO— * t l 07 60-919 b 3 Pop. 2049 : F 10 ♦ 200,000 - 265,420 3,968,770 3,896,820 .716,500 N . Bk. Com-. N. Y.; 1st N. and Girard N „ 1 Phil.; Mellon N. and Columbia N.. Pitt. ding draf ts, Cash and T im e Item s t fo r presentation and 50c fo r Credit Reports. od results. J .W .J E F F E R I S .T r 50,000 65,910 211.060 296,980 25,000 19.160 313,050 213,670 60,000 150,010 1,124,580 1,118,330 125.000 100,000 1,116.740 1.167.230 150,000 83,510 25 000 5,000 125,000 70,000 673,510 698.780 525,000 620,0100 em s. and each sight draft r sonai at tention. credit report ins . 100,000 134,156 1,032,840 1,141,11( D. Duer Philips___M. P. Darlington— 43,390 4th St. N „ Phil. 91,110 Irving N „ N. Y.: MeUonN.and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 214,77( Chase N., N. Y.: Columbia N., Pitt.; Franklin N., Phil. 220,94( Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Phil. N „ Phil. Mellon N., Pitt. 148,890 Bkrs. Tr. Ce.. N.Y.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil, 65,000 Chase N., N. Y,; Franklin N., Corn Ex. N., and . 1st N., Phil. 219,200I N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. M ELLON NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh, Offers Unexcelled Service to Banks and Bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N u t e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank, in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally B ankers' P Irectory, under the au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . Town and County. N ame or Bane . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. VICE-PRESI DENT. As s ’ t Cashier . E. M. Rosser_____ T. C. Edwards ___ Lia b il it ie s . P aid - up Subplus AND .D epos its Capital P rofits $ $ 100,000 $~346,670 2,977,930 . R esources. Loamsk Du- Cashk Exc’Tg. Bonds, OHAROli,Dvi Sbouritiss fromBanks 150,000 135,000 2650000 2100 000 100,000 125,000 920.000 945,000 G. W. McNees____ J. R. Einstein____ J. M. Painter_____ P. L. McKenrick__ 100,000 48,540 333,550 497,210 65,400 750,240 841,820 J. D. Galbraith — James McCullough, F. S. Knoble______ J. Douglass W hite. j r, W. B. Meredith___ J. McCullough, Jr. J. A. Fox, F. J. Atkins, A .T r. Sec. and Tr. W. O. Leitzel____ G. M. Cushing ..... 100,000 135,000 25,000 50,000 180,650 2,377,560 2,367,440 3,130 47,570 Principal Correspondents . $ 3,252,920 $ 316,700 N. Park, N. T .; 4th St. N., Phil. H. R. Gault_______ Dwight C. Morgan - Sec. and Tr. J. A. Gault_______ Floy C. Jones_____ George G. Titzell— G. B. Fleming;__ — 68,040 125,520 1,080.750 1,108,370 522,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Pitt. 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.'; Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N. Pitt. 84.880 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 169,020 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Bk. of P itt N. A. Pitt. 336,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Colonial, Tr, Co., Pitt.; Drexel & Co., Phil. 5.640 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 197,900 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. E. J. Miller J. O. I’attison____ H. S. Evert 25,000 ......... E. M.Westbrook . . 40,000 C. S. Henderson__ 50,000 10,500 178,780 171,780 66,330 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Atlantic N., N. Y. 250,000 28,000 198,000 202,000 38,000 4th St. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 343,780 362,930 57,990 Liberty N., N. Y.; porn Ex. N., Phil. O. W. Miller___ _ Arthur Bonner _ H, A. TTister W. S. Loy John R .G on ser„— R. H. Angstadt.__ O. P. Grimley . . . . . I. O. Grimley_____ 50,000 27,150 50,000 128,120 A. C. Keeney___ 25,000 20,160 275,260 291,530 45,530 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 50,000 15,000 359,810 401,760 31,240 Irving N., N. Y.: Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 30,000 1,500,000 574,860 55,080 Bk. qf No. America, Phil. J. B. Donovan Charles Shaffer— M. R. Royer____ — C. IT. Sander W, R. Knox R. H. Brnbaker___ P. W . Hiestand___ Chas. D. Zell, Sec. F. F,. Herr. _ V A. K. Hostetter___ A. H. Landis——__ i C. F. HAGER ______ J . HAROLD WICKER- C. A. SAUBER, SHAM Sec. a/nd Tr. J. W. B. BAUSMAN. c h. of Bd. RANK New Transit N um ber given 1 I 0*7 to each bank in U. S, exclusively by T he Ka I I ci-M cN ally Bankers’ 1 x 0 / B irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 200,000 225,000 ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. fo r presentation a nd 25c fo r Credit R eports. 64.660 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 532,920 2.878,470 3,581,210 V 480,180 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 800,000 4,020,000 4,150,000 800,000 1st N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Cent. N., Phil. C. M. W eide!_____ 210,000 228,000 T. H. Bare __ _ 200,000 220,190 2,270,810 2,627,770 358,020 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Cent. N>, Phil. E. R. Garvin, G. R. Boyd. A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. W. E. Z e c h e r ...... H. F.Diffenderffer 821,270 1,020,720 300,000 H. O. Miller, IraK . Herr, A .T r , Sec. and Tr. E. J. R y d er______ 1254)00 556,970 1,184,210 109,170 Citiz. N., N.*Y.; 1st N., Philp 125,000 E. J. Ryder, Tr.__ W. S. Rehm, A . Tr. M. H. Baer, Jr., A . Tr. 200,000 Du Bois R ohrer__ M. E. Gingrich___ 197,570 1,540,000 2,000.000 233,530 1,480,390 1,709,430 112,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. o f No. America and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 438,530 J. P. Morgan & Co. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 950,410 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Phil. N., Phil.; Union N.. Pitt. 103,240 liberty N., N. Y.; Union N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 134,970 D .S . Mtge. & Tr. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.,Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. 302.180 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. J. G. Jackson, Charles M. Musser, Sec. and Tr. A . Tr, J. M. Martin, T r— B. T. Brandt, S ec... D.S. Griffitts, A .T r. 125,000 503,320 2.874,780 3,810,190 122,900 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N.,Phil. 150,000 171,000 1,928,000 2,260,000 275,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Frank lin N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. J. R. Wilson______ James W. Gray___ 50,000 61.190 627,870 589.110 50,000 59,630 445,070 618,910 149,940 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and 1st N., Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 46.570 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Northern N., Lancaster. P it t c r iip r h 294,000 81,510 493.170 1,253,180 1,677,820 250,000 1,127,810 6,949,110 7,386,860 ■113,000 650,00C 1,151,330 July, 1915 M F II AM MATIflMAI 250,000 930,430 1,070,500 ________ < Special atten tlo n given BUI o f La ♦FARMERS TRUST CO. 60-139 «ttUlO 1Please send 15c w ith each sight draft { Send us your La ncaster Item s. ♦First National Bank__ . « ’64 60-141 ♦Fulton National Bank —¿82 60-142 ♦Guaranty Trust Co.___ t§’12 M. Alexander_____ L. B. Herr________ 60-150 ♦Lancaster County Nat'l Bk. B. E. Mann___ — John G. W a rfel__ 60-140 ’41 ♦LANCASTER TRUST CO. John Hertzler____ H. W. Hartman__ 60-145 »« '8 0 ♦Northern National Bank ¿85 J. Frederick Sener 60-143 ♦Northern Tr. & Sav. Co.§’02 J. Frederick Sener H. K. Myers______ 60-149 ♦Peoples National Bank.*2’87 P. E. Slaymaker . . . C. F. Miller_______ 60-144 ♦Peoples Trust C o .___ •2§’92 P. E. Slaymaker__ O. F. Miller______ 60-147 ♦Union Trust Company •2i’02 M. R. Hoffman___ J. M. Martin______ 60-148 A. B. Hess \ Lancaster Clearing House___ .T. fl. Carter....... (Members indicated by a ♦) Landisborg ....P e rry K 7 Bank o f Landisburg___ »tt’03 W. H. Loy________ J. C. Waggoner___ 60-1212 3 Pop. 300 Landisville.Lancaster E 9 First National Bank — .¿09 S. N. Root______ H. W. Minnich___ 3 Pop. 700________ 60-1213 Elias F. Nolt Federal Reserve Bank of St. N um berLouis under N am e o f Bank Cashier . Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this Volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see Opposite page 13, v o O n t lllU C C l PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Kingston to Landisville Kingston...Luzerne C 10 Deposit & Savings Bank 3 Pop. 6440 60-1208 »*§’96 »Kittannine.. Armstrong Armstrong County Trust Co. 4P Pop. 8000 D2 60-754 iS'02 Farmers National Bank.*2’84 60-750 Merchants National Bk— ¿97 60-752 National Kittanning Bk.*i'02 60-753 Safe Deposit & Title Guar. Co. 60-751 » t l’90 Kiingerstown -Schuylkill State Bank o f Kiingerstown 3 Pop. 240 D8 60-1488 . §'18 Knox________Clarion 0 2 Clarion County National Bank 4P Pop. 800 60-1209 i f 77 Knoxville.. Allegheny D 1 (See Pittsburgh) 4P Pop. 5651 Knoxville_____ Tioga B 7 First National Bank..___ .•’11 3 Pop. 840 60-1033 Knoxville Banking Co.„*t'99 60-1032 Kulpmont__ Northumb’d Dime Deposit Bank— ^ § ’13 3 Pop. 5000 D8 60-1446 Kutztown ___ Berks D 10 Farmers Bank________ »|’09 3 Pop. 2360 60-888 Kutztown National Bank.2'98 60-887 Lacey ville.. Wyoming B 0 Grange Nat. Bk. o f Wyoming 3 Pop. 749 County.. 60-1210 ___ «¿07 Lake Ariel__ Wayne C 11 First National Bank___ »¿TO 3 Pop. 400 60-1211 (A riel P .O .) »Lancaster .Lancaster E 0 Agricultnral Trust Co.__ §'16 Æ Pop. 50,853 60-151 ♦Conestoga National Bank '89 60-146 President . DTJ'TVTTVTCi'VT X 7" A "NTT A Ü J N -IN O Y JL/ V A J N I A 1136 1 1 O ft RESOURCES OVER is the P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume, f o r Interest Kates, Grace, '—< e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 p . MPI I HM Kl&TlfìKl&l RANK N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1 I 0 * 7 to each bank in ü. S. exclusively by T he Ha IIcl-M cN ally Bankers’ I I I ) / Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. RESOURCES OVER Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in d exed in b a ck o f th is volu m e , f o r Interest R ates, Grace, '—< e t c . , see p age 14. For Holidays, see op po site p age 13.1 Cy P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued Lia b il it ie s . N ame of B ank ; Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Rés. Disi. iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPrir. Mem. Fed. Res. [ Estai). P is Pittsburgh Branch. Langhorne „.B u ck s E 12 Peoples National Bank—< ’83 60-1214 I Pop. 895 Tansdale— .Montgomery Citizens National Bank—«t’05 60-802 3 Pop. 5000 „E H First National B an k-----< ’64 60-801 Lansdowne-Delaware F ll Lansdowne & Darby Saying Fund & Trust C o .___ < f ’02 3 Pop. 4066 60-1215 Lansdowne National B k.-’19 60-1509 P it t c r iip r h P resident . V ice -President . Cashier . Su r p l u s As s ' t Cashier . P a id - u p Ca p it a l Pb o f it s 126.830 791,470 .7.03,810 Irwin G. Lukens — W. H. Rosenberry. E. R. Musselman . . 252,240 1,572,500 1,809,650 212,180 Franklin N., Phil. 125,000 106.200 1,887,350 1,781,440 307,340 Girard N. and Franklin N „ Phil.; 1st N „ Darby. C. F. Strickler____ G. F. Zimmerman, E. W. Miller, Sec... Tr, H. M. Miller G. V. Henry— l— H. C. Uhler— .* Thomas L. Becker J. G. Kreider. W. A. Schools— L. S. Gerhart-----— Frederic W. Light /W. E. WEIMER - W . H. W 0RRIL0W A . R . BOW MAN t ’57 ( Our service Is r' 8Ì&* 10,000 52.500 970,000 993.800 26,000 650,0G0 655,000 86,950 1,383,460 1,594,180 13,390 97,460 ÍÓ7.760 157,610 1,407,770 1,326,980 335,190 Chase N., N. Y .; Franklin N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 338,550 1st N ..N . Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 430,980 1,968,210 2,203,130 283,770 Han. N., N. Y .; Union Tr. Go., Pitt. 89,260 1,415,520 1,836,270 14,650 206,170 179,990 117,510 Han. N., N. Y .; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. Seab. N., N. Y. 64,400 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 205,030 1,347,230 1,605,240 247,010 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 416,270 2,509,630 2,531,600 418,280 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 55,000 615,000 673,720 162,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Fhil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt; „ , 313,290 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Franklin N.. Market St. N., and 1st N., Phil. 36,080 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 888.610 171,510 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 885,000 1,120,270 148,300 200,000 287,680 1,898,610 2,072,990 Walter W. Kleiser _i 100,000 111.660 _ 100,000 189,520 794,4 0 929,490 131,230 N, Park, N. Y .; Girard N., PW1. 29,92(1 423,940 376,890 107,670 Chase N., N. Y;; Union N ., P itt; Girard N. Phil. J . 0 . LIG H T - s bank. unexcelled and c barges reasonabl Sá !. R I E M A N -— i. B. S M A IL CHAS. ZIM M ER S 50,00(1 FA R N K E . BASH 50,000 105,28C 1,287.890 1,246,730 FIRST N A TIO N A L BK.-<1900 < Special atten tlo n given to collect Ions. j 78.700 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil; 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Phii. N. and 4th St. N.,Phil.; 1st N., Lansford. 279,230 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Tradesmens N., and Cent. N „ Phil. 11,550 Franklin N., Phil. 173,220 1,628,460 1,673,190 300,000 50,000 1st N. and Franklin N., Phil.; 1st N., Clifton Heights. 738,400 l C ollections sen t to us receive t he atten tion o f | L . W. HICKS— 15c m u sta cco m pany each sight d raft fo r presentar ion , and 25c fo r credit report or rating. M ELLO N NATIONAL B ANK, Pittsburgh , RESOURCES OVER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 143,030 4th St. N „ Phil.: 50,000 H. O. Uhler, Sec. .. Lebanon Clearing House------ H. H. Ulrich, Mgr, (Members indicated-toy a * ) J. W. Saulters___ C. F. Armstrong.. . D. M, Campbell___ Leechburg-ArmstrongD 2 F A R M ER S N A TIO N A L BAN K P. A. McCracken 60-798 < ’08 4P Pop. 3624 60-792 r V< 100,000 ♦Lebanon County Trust Co. W. O. Freeman___ 60-279 »*’01 ♦Lebanon National Bank < ’31 Frank S. Becker— 60-274 ♦Nortb Side Bank--------»*§'14 B. F. Patschke____ 60-280 ♦ PEO PLES N A T ’ L B A N K <*88 C. Z. Weiss____— 60-277 60-276 IPrincipal " H im Correspondents . Henry L. S. R u th - James M. Hartzel— F. A. Clayton.:____ SASEHÎk N A TIO N A L BANK R esources. k k HlCURITIEg iOANg. Dig. Cash Ex c’ ts . Bonds, change«,D ug prom Ba k u $ 50,000 * 115,810 S 726,680 $ 902,190 $ 74,230 Gent. N „ Phil. Henry Lovett-------- Henry Palmer— — Horace G. Mitchell G. F. W hite______ W. L. Verlenden... G. F. White, T r ... Morgan Bunting, Sec, L. L. Smith, M. L. Kenney, A .T r . 2d Fi-P. 50,000 F. H*Jackson— _ E. E. Barry_______ Walter Bowers— W. C. Powell F. B. Snyder 50,000 Lansford___ Carbon D 10 Citizens National Bank—< ’03 Andrew Breslin— G. M. Kistler ------- W. J. D avis_____ ; 60-525 3 Pop. 10,477 50,000 Dime Bank____________ •l’12 W. G. Whildin----- W. H. Kasten . — Samuel Boyle, J r... 60-526 100,000 First National Bank.— <'99 Edwin L udlow __ E. H. Kistler______ George M. Harris— 60-524 25,000 •Laporte____Sullivan C 9 First National Bank---------’09 J. L. Christian------ T. J. Keeler______ A. D. Helsman . R. D. Kehrer 60-1216 3 Pop. 500 50,000 Latröbe__ Westmoreland Citizens National Bank . < ’88 Joseph E. Barnett. Warner Utts— — W. H. Flickinger.. Joseph A. Cesare-60-506 4P Pop. 11,393 E i 100,000 H. H. S M IT H --.- „ H. M . H U FFM A N (JA M E S P E T E R S - JO S EP H C. H EAD /Special aiten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Iten FIR S T N ATIO N AL B A N K -< 88 (Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. (Send your bust ness to a good, st rong and reliable bank. 60-505 200,000 Latrobe Trust Co---------- 1'06 M. W. Saxman—__ J. E. Barnett — — I. B. Shallenberger Sec. and Tr 60-508 100,000 Chas. T. Walker. J. A. McComb____ A. F. Downing — Peoples National Bank— t'01 Chas. H. McLaugh lin 60-507 . S. Layery I. S. Lavery & Co.--------- 1’08 I. S. Lavery----Lavery_______Erie B 1 60-1217 4P Pop. 25 . 25,000 B, W. Baker. R. E. Baker___ — H. C. Cloos—— Lawrenceville..Tioga B 7 First National Bank —.— 10 W. E. Barnes—J 60-1218 3 Pop. 549 250,000 H. H. Ulrich, Sec. J. L. Saylor.——— ♦Farmers Trust Co.— < l ’05 0. G. Gerhart—. •Lebanon__ Lebanon and Tr, A. S. Kreider 60-278 3 Pop. 20,779 100,000 E . R . C O LE M A N -—- . J . LEO P O LD . . . . lections, tion given to Co ♦ F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK ble R ates. ttan ce. Reasona P rom p t R em l i • 60-275 «3 56 SEND US T O UR LEBANON 1 TEM S; VALLEY D epo sITS 249,690 Han. N.v N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Leesport__ ___Berks E10 First National Bank____ *’09 , f\: Pop. COO 60-1219 Lehighton— Carbon DIO Citizens National Bank—*¿’02 60-718. 3 Pop. 6500 First National Bank..__ t ’74 60-717 Lehighton Dime Bank— §’16 60-719 E Lemasters—Franklin F 6 Peoples National Baflkwi - .’ 17 3 Pop. 157 60-1220 Lemoyne.Onm berland E 8 Lemoyne Trust C o .____ t l ’10 3 Pop. 5000 60-1221 LeRaysville-Bradford B 0 First National Bank_____ t ’02 3 Pop. S26 60— 1222 »Lewisbarg___ Union D 8 Lewisburg Nat’l B an k ..»f 31 60-835 3 Pop. 3500 Lewisburg Tr. & Safe Dep.Co. 60-837 »{§'07 Union National Bank—. . { ’65 60-836 V ice-P resident . P resident . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . $ 25,000 $ 43,850 $ 455,150 $ 572,130 $ 79,380 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Union, Reading. James R. Weisner. Charles Dunkle__ Jacob Bagenstose H. B. Kennell—__ C. J. K istlerliii.. S. M. Deck ____ . . . A. F. Smith——. . . . Joseph N. Bennett 100,000 93,630 1,103,790 1,611.580 John Seaboldt .1 1 .' J. G. Zern___ — Chas. F. Bretney — L. S. Kem merer.— 75,000 76,140 1,269,970 17198,690 C. E. Brinkman.— 0, H. Wagner_____ H. B. Saeger_____ 50,000 5,490 160,940 180,210 34,820 Irving N.| N. Y.; Market St. N „ Phil. S. D. Brindle——— Aaron Myers ___ A. C.-Garland— —. T. C. McDowell Robert L. Myers— J. W. Bowman .___ W. K. Klugh, T r... .25,000 1,650 115,000 145.000 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 125,000 82,500 611,500 720,800 . 81,600 Irving N „ N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 25,000 17.680 298,200 304,570 John W. Bucher — 100,000 205,590 547*480 770,980 140,660 1st N .,N . Y.; Phil. N-and 1st N.yPhil. A. W. Brow n..—. . Charles Steele. . — D. F. Green, Sec. and Tr. W. R. Follm er..__ H. C. W olfe — . John K. Krem er... 125,000 80,000 866,900 919,300 100.600 218,000 152,500 Han.N., N. Y.: Girard N.,FranklinN., Trades mens N., Market St. N.,and Phil. N., Phii, 151,200 lmp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N» Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 4th St, N., Phil. F. D. Robbins____ G. G. Corbin______ Chas. Miller______ L. V. M urphy____ W. C. Walls.!____ _ 902,000 1,031,600 283,000 50,000 25,000 650.000 H .J. CULBERTSON_ A. R. HAYES— — :— W. W. CUNNINGHAMProper fee shou Id accom pan y eac h collection for p resentatlon and r equest f or credi t repor t. »LewistSwfrvTMifflin D6 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK P rom p tserv ice has bu ilt u p ou r business. 3 Pop. 10,733 60-536 «11900 ( SEND US YOU R LEWISTOWN I TEMS. J.M .S ELH EIM ER J . M . G O O D H A R T- W. M . WITHE ROW, KARL H. BERGET »IS'06 Mifflin County Nat’l Bk. » t ’59 S. B. W eber____ 60-535 RUSSELL 481,000 590,000 78,500 N. City and Irving N.; Nt,'Y.; Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil, ¡f ■: 100,000 117,800 843,170 891,120 113,610 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phil. C LYDE B0RDMAN- 100,000 134,730 1,594,900 2,136,460 362,360 N. B k. C om ., N .-Y .j 4th St. N ., P h il.; M ellon N ., P itt. Eugene Frutiger „ MMyed Sawyer . . . 25.000 : 5,150 H. S. DENNY — — R .S . K E F FE R ------- E . 0. M c K E L V E Y - 50,000 95,000 980,000 970,000 141.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 116,150 Han.N., N. Y.; Mellon N ., Pitt. R. C. Elder_______ W. P. Woods Oldes t —Largest —Strongest Bank In M lffl in C ounty, P rom pt atten ti on to Collections. •t’49 Liberty .......T io g a B 7 Farmers National Bank —’18 F. C. Roupp —11... F, G. Snyder— 3 Pop. 253 60-1481 Ligonier ..Westmoreland NATIONAL BK. OF LIGONIER 4P Pop. 1575 E3 60-967 •1’82 G .C . FRANK — , 1 o n l l j y N a m e or B an k is th e Miners N.. Blosshurg. C o lle ctio n s ha ▼e th e personal atten tion o f an offlcer o f this ba n k . ( W e rem it o n d a y o f jy a y m e n t ; ten d us y o u r business. D. E. Beltzr._.1 ..— L. B. Weller____ _ 25,000 53,990 556,210 544,040 M. K. Piper_______ R. J. Bender:_____ J. D. Lonergan__ _ T. F. Dougherty__ 25,000 41,280 346,030 398,700 37.010 Mellon N., Pitt. A. B. Hollinger___ Samuel S. Hess..— Samuel H. Wissler. 60,000* 74,340 216,240 387,080 50,740 1st N.,PhH. D. L. B u n n ell...... 0. S. Gehr— 30,000 ;20,000 341,960 238,880 60,000 85,890 685,420 794,410 50,000 86,590 575,170 765,960 25,000 45,000 1,128,940 1,023,370 D. M. Graybill.— G. H. Bitner... 1 ... J. W. Clöpp u— E. H. Collins__ ___ S. W. Buch . . . . . . . . H. S. Meiskey J. H.— A. W. SenseniCh... Hi H. Diehm - - - Geo. S. Enmp ___ _ S. D. Mehring.__ _ W. R. Jones.—___ S. S. Mehring..___ G. F. Krug — ____ M. N. Wehler_____ H. G. Blocher_____ 25,000 : 98,770 1,342,800 1.319,080 W. L. Lenhart____ J. D. Snyder.— — H. A. S. Shuler___ 25,000 MELLON NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N u m b er u n der 65,000 j 70,000 N ew T ra n sit N u m b e r Pittsburgh . g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e -B a n d -M e N a lb Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Asg’ n. 14,060 170,520 221,220 81,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 129,320 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 79,080 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 152,920 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 1677580 1st N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt,, Balt. 32,760 Corn Ex. N., Phil. _______ July, 1919 First National Bank....•1’02 60-966 First National Bank..___» ’06 60-1223 Lincoln National Bank.. .*'84 60-1224 Iinesyille State Bank §’79 60-1225 Farmers National Bank.«l’01 60-912 Lititz Springs Nat’l Bank 60-913 »109 Littlestown—.Adams F 7 Littlestown Nat’l Bank_¿i’08 60-995 3 Pop. 1500 Littlestown Sav, Inst*n...S’67 60-994 , Liverpool.____ Perry D 8 First National Bank___ . . . ’06 60-1226 3 Pop. 596 Lilly_______Cambria E 4 3 Pop. 1638 Lincoln___ Lancaster E 9 3 Pop. 450 Linesville—Crawford B 1 4P Pop. 833 Lititz___ ..Lancaster E 6 3 JPop. 3500 92,000 Market St. N „ Phil. 50,000 DAVID TH0MAS- CHAS. STEINBACH. S. B. R USS ELL— W ALTER FOSNOT NATIONAL BANK 60-534 40,080 Tradesmens N., Phil.; 3rd N., Scranton. 125,000 Sec. and Tr. A . Sec.a/ndA. Tr. Send us your L ewistown Item s, Careful attenti o n ; p rom p t and efficient service. BILL OF LAD ING DRAFTS G IVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. LEWISTOWN TRUST CO. 60-537 115*840 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 174,660 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. ______________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Leesport to Liverpooi : T ow n a n d Co u n t y . N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks, Assn. tPrivr P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in' dexed in hack of this volume. For Interest Bates, b r a c e e tc., see page 14. For Holidays,-see opposite page 13 __.73__________ ___-iiiasaa___ 111ADXjjJ XAKUOa Resources. Su r p l u s Loamsk Pis- Cashk Ex D e p o s c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dd> P a id - u p AMD it s Ca p i t a i , P r o f it s Hbouritim fromBarks P E N N SY U V A N I A -C on tin iied 1138- N um ber tinder Name o f Bank is the N ew Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, u n d e r the au th ority' of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n, Offers Unexcelled Service to Banks and P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued A c c e s s ib le T ow ns. Lawyers, l^aws. D irectors, ***-.. . dexed in back of this volume For Interest Rates. *— p a ge 14^ F o r H o lM a y s , aee op p osite page ¡LpA »•* Accessible N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SStá'té ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Kes. J)ist. ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed,, líes. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ly Iff! 9 1139 T ow ns, Lawyers, Ijvws, Directors, m- .__ d e ie d in b a ck of th is v o lu m e . F o r i n t e r e s t K a t e s , L ir a c e . '-r" e t c , , see p age 1 4 . F o r H o lid a y 's , see opposite page 1 3 .i *-* P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued P rincipal Correspondents. P resident . , Cashier .' A s s 't Cashier . P aid - up Ca p it a l DÜRPLÜ3 Dbpos- ¡.f AND IT S Profits Cash k E xCHANGE»,Dü» raou Banks $ 200,000 S 76,800 S 682,270 $ 871,730 $ 87,340 Lin. N., N. T.; Corn Ex. N.,, Phil.; Mellon N., W. C. Long, R. W. Barrows, Pitt. ■'■ .Sec. mid Tr'. A . See. and A . Tr. : c •Lock Haven „Clinton C 6 Clinton Trust Company tS’05 WJS.TTft’rri« 60-560 3 Pop. 7772 :V ice-Pkesident . . i E. A. Monaghan.— R. W. Fredericks.. Reese Kintzing.— F. H. Fredericks — 180,Q00 644,610 1,976.730 L. M. Hayes, Savior J. McGhee. John O. Clark, See. and Tr. A . See. and A . Tr. E. M. De L on g..—. T. B. Harter.— — 125,000 332,000 1,575,000 W. J. Parry —, —— J. M. Sheibley------ 25,000 27,660 188,690 237,670 50,000 71,190 886.760 834,200 50,000 9,360 120,530 221,600 50,000 126,050 674,830 786,720 421,600 1st and Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., 1st N. and Phil. N.,Phiiv IBB ... „ 250.000 Chase N., N. Yif.Ath St. N. and Franklin N. Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 27,910 4th St. N., Phil. 173,750 Irving N „ N . Y.i Corn E x .N „ 1st N „ anc Franklin N., Phil. Vl C!& V ’ i. if F ?.t 9,850 Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N._, Pitt. 96,190 Corn Ex, N., Phil.; (M em l Fed. R es.) Wm, Fletcher L. T. Smith............ J. H. Adelman ; — .. 50,000 78,700 874,250 810,540 242,410 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Mellon Niv Pitt. fr Alexander _» >••• E. B. Mahaffey____ 50,000 50,000 400,000 400.000 100.000 N. City, N .Y Ï; Tradesmens N., Phil. 50,000 61,600 . 532,080 489,350 201,430 Han. N., N. Y ,; DiamondN., Pitt.; FrankiinN. Phil. Vl< 'îr • 130,120 1st Nv. N. Y. and Phil. S. J. M iller — — — m m mW. B. Clark______ A. T. Bell_______ B. W. McCracken . (1■r l XJJLUAJJCIO— Kd wdid Si Siiiiman Geo. W. Dennis.... John W. Phillips— D. M. Graham — F. J. Noonan —— D. F. Guinan, See. and Tr. J. E. Ferguson....... R. G. Edwards------ 220,620 1,295,300 L,583,540 125,000 121,390 125,000 475,000 1,600,000 ¡,000.000 750,970 867,370 880.000 133,060 Irving N. and N. Park., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N and Fan. &Mefehtf'Nrf. Phil. • 330.000 H aniN . N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Franklin N, Market St. N., and Phik N.„ Phil. 127.000 N. City, N . Y.f.Cent. N .( Phil. 50,000 155,000 750,000 125.000 145.870 826.520 1,175,060 79,840 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 150,000 95,000 826,760 1,137,470 63,940 N. Park, N, Y.; 1st N., Phil. 53.000 800,000 819.960 211,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Ex. Nv^Pitt. ,57,790 1,069,860 890,770 312,970 Irving N., N. Y.: C orn® x.N ., Phil, i 50,000 50,000 25,000 2,750 68,800 101,440 15,630 Chase N.; N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 50,000 32,500 180,000 183.000 51.000 Han. N., Ni Y.: Peo. N.. Pitt. . 656,040 37,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50,000 143,300 509,160 100,000 145,110 434,200 - 25,000 23,240 50.000 59,810 726,140. .53,160 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 11,070 Han. N.,N. Y.; Girard N mPhil.; Chambersbui 166,100 212,930 Tr. Co.. Chambersburg. ; s WPS 555,730 5 565,810 144,450 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union N. and 1st N., Pitt. 40.000 42,180 302,560 3%,360 25,000 6,000 138,400 85,820 70.000 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; IstN ., Pitt. * 15,000 37,930 250,000 262.000 32,800 Chase N., N. Y/, 4th St. Ni, Phil. 25,000 25,180 236,600 2Ì0.030 76,750 Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. ¿.000 20,970 551,990 211,670 140,390 Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 50,000 62,000 640,000 645,000 160,000 Am. B!x. N., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pii -269,280 1,321,130 1,858,520 250,000 146,01C 150,000 l. 502,750 678,850 50,990 Han. N ., Ni Y.; Peo. N., Iiitt. * ■ 325,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 122,770 Mech. & Metals N. and Irving N., N. 1 1st N., Cent. N.. and Market St. N.. Phil. M ELLON NATIONAL BANK, P ittsburgh, RESOURCES OVER $100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 1139 Ghas.. C. Highley ~ M. J. Reynolds —— Malvern ....C hester F 10 National Bk. o f Malvern»t'84 60-1233 3 Pop. 1125 H. M. Bcamesder- J. G. Graybill.—— Manheim—.Lancaster E 9 Keystone National Bank.t'88 fer 60-905 3 Pop. 3000 Manheim National Bank -t ’65 J. L. Gräyblll—— 1 Jacob S. Hackman- J. E. Kreadyi— — E. S. Bomberger— 60-904 C. C. Whitehead__ Manor .Westmoreland E2 Manor National Bank— »t’02 S ,P . W hitehead... C. C. Walthour—II Frank R. Rankin..1 60-1234 4P Pop. 1039 Lewis M. Palmer.'. Wilton W. A llen... Warren D. Rose— Charles S. Boss.—. First National B an k...— t ’07 Mansfield .....T io g a B 7 60-958 3 Pop. 1645 __ First National Bank — F — ’18 Mapleton.Huntingdon E 5 60-1494 (M apleton Depot P. 0.) 3 Pop. 752 R. A. Beible______ Marienville... Forési C 3 Gold Standard Nat. Bk..*t’01 A. D. N e i l l - - . - - L. H. Mensch..—— Earba McClellan 60-1236 4P Pop. iOOO J. Nissley Brandt.. Joseph L. Brandt.. B. Frank Hiestand Marietta ...Lancaster E 9 Exchange National Bank.p 74 60-915 •§{■ > L * 3 Pop. 2079 E. L. N i s s l y — First National B ank..— i*'6 60-914 W H. P. Diehl............ T. H. Weagley-----------I’l Marion ——.Franklin F 4 Marion Bank—— » 60-1408 3 Pop. 500 H. G. Work— ___ Marion Center ...Indiana Marion Center Nat. Bank t ’0 H. J. Thompson . . . C. R. Griffith 60-1237 4P Pop. 366 D3 A. B. N orton_____ Mars____ —— Butler D1 Mars National Bank— *190 0. Gelbach_______ C. L. N orton _____ E. P. Sutton______ 60-1238 4P Pop. 1000 S. S. Horton______ Martinsburg——Blair E5 First National Bank..-----1’0 C. A. Patterson— 60-1023 W m 3 Pop. 920 Morrisons Cove Bank — t t ’9 John B. Skyles — . Henry S. Burket— W. U. Skyles__ ___ : 60-1022 J. W. Beers_______ E. B. Leiby---------- F. W.*Geib_______ S. S. D eckard-----Marysville..—.Perry E 8 First National Bank------«’fl H. J. Deckard 60-1239 3 Pop. 1693 C. 8. Hempstead— C. H. Harbison___ W. Neff Masontown..Fayette F 2 First National Bank — *tl9C 60-1024 4P Pop. .1000 W. L. Graham___ M. H. Cloud - ——— W. Ö . Johnson___ Masontown National Bank 60-1025 •$’« R. S. R uddle _______ ¿Manch Chunk ...Carbon Manch Chunk Nat. Bank «t’C M. S. Kemmerer__ D, J. Pearsall-------- I . G. R o s s ________ R. E. Smith S. 8 . Smith 60-769 3 Pop. 8952 D10 Chas. F. Dolon, J. M. Dreis.bach----- Wm. G. Freyman.. rtrirl T V 100,000 PENNSYLVANIA ;BANKS^Loëk, HàvGnto Mauch Chtmk _______ First National Bank------- 1’64 60-558 Lock Haven Trust & Safe Deposit Co.— 60-559--- .t5’90 Logante*——.Clinton C 7 Logan ton National Bank-t’09 , 6<W227 3 Pop. 875 Luzerne___ Luzerne 010 Luzerne National Bank.«t’07 60-1228 ■ 3 Pop. 5421 Lykens_____Dauphin D 8 First National Bank —..—, ’17 60-1471 3 Pop. 8400 Miners Deposit Bank— -tS’72 ♦ 60-1229 Lyndora..- ___Butler D 2 Lyndora National Bank.«t’07 60-1230 4P Pop. 3000 Madera.. . —Clearfield B5 Madera National Bank— 1’04 60-1231 m 3 Pop. 1500 Mahaffey--.Clearfield D 4 Mahaffey National Bank 4 ’05 60-1232 3 Pop. 754 Mahanoy City.Schuylkill First National Bank— I.* ’64 60-332 3 Pop. 17,463 D9 Merchants Banking Trust Co 60-334 »tiOS Union National Bank— *t’89 60-333 Town and County. N ame of Ban e . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P iSjPittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estah. H. H. Engle V ice -President . Cashier . A. Risser.________ J. H. Hoffman. As s ’t Cashier . dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, Lia b il it ie s. R esources. > SURPLUS Depos (/OAMSft DlS- [ Cashft ExP aid- dp c’tb. Bonds, ohanobs,Due AND its Capital PaoriTS Securities fromBarks $ 25,000 $ 18,360 $ 228,390 $ 266,040 $ 23,580 1st N., Phil. — M. R. Hoffman___ N. R. Hoffman___ N. F .A rn tz_______ : n Vsn J. H. Barnard. — E. J. Dailey.. H. I. Smith — . 50,000 75,730 775,000 861,850 65,000 Union Tr. Co., Lancaster. 25,000 37,590 766.040 836,980 61,650 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. W. H. Sieber ___ A. G. Haldeman___ A. H. Benner_____ F. L. Sieber______ H. Austin Sieber N. B. Middleswarth H. O. Ulsh________ E. W. P. Benfer__ 25,000 14,630 206,760 225,060 45,060 Liberty N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 25,000 29.240 214,750 481,310 23,130 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 25,000 45,670 471,370 481,050 85,990 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 51,040 520,390 516,170 95,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Girard N.,Phil. 273,890 2,001,650 2,070,950 286,690 Seab. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 111,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A „ Pitt. J. P. Sipes B. F. Henry M. W. Nace__ C. R. Spangler____ S. W. K irk ............ W. L. N ace_______ 50,000 Edward McDonald. J. D. Sauters G. 8. Campbell___ M* V. Steen J. N. McDonald A. O. LeComte____ B. D. Tillinghast__ D. C. Brown, Sec. an d Tr. A. C.Foringer F. T. Nason John Jackel__ ___ Thos. C. Baird____ 50,000 125,000 36,180 150,000 59,640 1.277,830 1,255,790 518,140 567,350 231,780 Han. N.. N. Ÿ.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. ■j -e a -e 11“ ! N um ber under N am e o t Baule is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U, S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss'n— Pittsburgh . Liberty N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. N. City and Irving N., N. Yesg Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt.: 1st N. and Peo., McKeesport. Chase N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. Han. N.v N. Y.; Peo. N.. Pitt. N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Trades mens N., Phil. Irving N „ N. Y.; Centennial N.. Phil. Chase N., N. Y.; Uniop N., Pitt.; Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. Seab. N.. N.Y.: Colonial Tr. Co. and 1st N., Pitt.; (M em . Fed. B es.) N. Park, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Clev. Imp. ft Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N.. Phil.; 1st N.. Pitt. ■ N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Girard N., Phil. N., and 4th St. N., Phil. Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil.; N. Bk. o f Balt., Balt. Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1st N.. Phil. Pa. N.. Chester. July, 1910 MELLON ^IATI0NAL Em IK. Seab. N., Liberty N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N.," and Columbia N.. Pitt. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pitt. N. A., Pitt. r Ghas. A. Tawney . . J. L. Hammitt____ Chas. R. Shaw___ John A. Kelso____ 300,000 256,380 5,284.510 5,191,150 797,570 Albert C. Miller George A. Briggs 407,100 65,970 1,143,530 1,346,590 216,380 McKeesport Title ft Tr. Oo. E. W. Pitts— . — . H. R. Stuckslager. Theo. Lindberg, Tr. M. S. Kidney. Sec.. 60-172 $11900 H. R. Stuckslager, A. Sec. and A. Tr. D. H. Rhodes__ . J W. Alhig 200,000 280.950 2,451,840 2.532,110 586.690 National Bank o f McKeesport W. C. S oles..—___ D. H. Rhodes 60-171 »$’87 Peoples Bank •${’73 E. W. Pitts — H. R. Stuckslager— H. R. Stuckslager.. 456,750 553,080 3,018,150 3,820,710 407.280 60-170 23,220 825,920 819,090 107,720 Joseph Roth & Son. •t’85 ( Jacob Roth and H enry Friedman)__ Henry Friedman, 50.000 Tr. 60-175 R. M. Baldridge__ C. C. H erklotz___ Union National Bank__ «$'05 J. D. O’N e il. __ Philip Kenn 150.000 112,720 2,344,440 2,087,070 655,390 60-173 C. I. Erickson 246,000 1,244,000 1,344,000 McKees Rocks. Allegheny Chartiers Trust Oo.___ *$(’01 T. W. Friend . __ M. C. O’Donovan Ira W. Johnston, 200,000 259,000 Sec. and Tr. 4P Pop. 19,949 El 60-362 126,170 1,293,600 1,428,050 182,920 First National Bank____ «’98 T. W. Friend 100,000 0. M. Christiansen. H. W. Sutton_____ S. J. Zarimba — . 60-361 L. H. Hamilton, 81,090 1,050,680 1,040,180 132,120 125,000 McKEES ROCKS TRUST CO. G. W. Beane. Sec. and Tr. 60-363 *{’ 01 Robert Neupert . *${’08 O. I). Smith McSherrystown__ Adams Farmers Bank 27,000 325,000 364,000 50,000 D. D. Ehrh art____ H, 8. Reigle . 37,890 3 Pop. 1720 F8 60-1244 294,180 MeVeytown.. .Mifflin E6 McVeytown Nat. Bank__ $'07 James Macklin . . . . John T. Rodgers . . •T. E. Rupert 25,000 31.670 295,120 77.570 3 Pop. 514 60-1245 ¿Meadyille.Crawford B 1 COMMONWEALTH BANK 24,880 j 570,760 570,290 C. C. Johnston . . G. O. Reitze______ A. E. Dunham____ 70,000 89,350 4P Pop. 13,802 "O. 60-413 «${’10 G. W. PhjHips,. L. S. Sherred ? f 00*000 Ch. o f Bd. 63,480 1,545,480 1,887,870 Crawford County Trust Oo. E. W. M cG ill_____ 1W. G. B e a tty ____ John J. Farnicorn, R. D. Gaskill. Sec.. 125,000 260,370 Tr. E.H.Dilley.^L. Sec. ♦ 50-412 *${1900 L. O. Beatty, A . Tr. E. F. W eber______ 100,000 180,050 1,250,670 1,093,100 462,620 Merchants National Bk..*$'65 Jno. E. Reynolds., L. L. Lord 60-410 À. R. Huidekoper 200,000 93,500 2,069.790 2,149,620 328,700 New First National Bk..«$'94 Charles Fahr_____ E. A. Hempstead— M. A. Hirsch-------- A. F. M iller______ 60-411 Mechanicsburg. Cumb’l’d First National Bank___ «$'64 Martin Mumma___ J. Morris M iller. . . Charles Eberly — M. L. Dick_______ 100,000 124,040 1,220,000 1,500,000 105,000 3 Pop. 4469 E7 60-742 Mechanicsburg Nat. Bk. *$'08 J. A. Ooover. J. J. Milleisen___ , C. I. Swartz______ 50,000 12,510 223,140 247,060 14,230 60-744 50.Q00 Second National Bank..«$’64 S. F. Hauck_______ 15. A. Burn fttt T T. J. Scholl 40,000 850,000 850,000 R. E. Lininger___ 90,000 60-743 55ft ¿Media___ Delaware F 11 Charter National Bank..»$’87 W. R. Fronefleld.. J. Lord R igby____ Wm, B, M iller..__ 50,000 22,820 *457 *vi ìO OyJ iftft 51ft 86190 3 Pop. 3800 60-709 100,000 329,880 1,553,380 1,797,690 -885,380 ( W. H. M ILLE R __ R FU S S ELL— ____ he Bank o f Sa fety and Service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$ 64 j) T FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft fo r presentation, and 60-798 ( TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report Insur es prom p t, perso nal atte n tlon . Media Title ft Trust Co.*${'90 V. G. Robinson— Frank B. Rhodes ~ W. R. Johns. T r... T. E. Levis, Sec. „ 125,000 205,440 1,361,360 1,581,060 110,210 60-800 E. L. Green Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rincipal Correspondents. _________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Maytown to Media May town..Lancaster E 9 Maytown National Bank .$’09 60-1240 3 Pop. 702 Peoples Bank________ «tt’14 60-1445 McAdoo...Schuylkill DO First National Bank. »$’07 3 Pop. 3389 60-1241 McAlisterville___ J uniata Farmers National Bank ..$'00 3 Pop. 300 D7 60-1242 Mediare_____ Snyder D 7 First National Bank___ *$'05 3 Pop. 600 «0-1243 ¿MeOunnellsburg . Fulton First National Bank . $'06 3 Pop. 579 F5 60-1061 Fulton Oonnty Bank___ $§'87 60-1050 McDonald!— Washington First National Bank___ »$’92 4P Pop. 5000 E1 60-872 McDonald Sav. & Trust Co. 60-873 $!'03 . «14'05 M cKeesport... Allegheny City Bank . . E2 ? 4P Pop. 47,521 60-174 First National Bank___ «$’71 60-169 President . FENNSYLVA NI A —Continued 1140 N um ber un der N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. Sr exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under th e authority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss'n. RESOURCES OVER $100. Ä f i l i i i P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued Accessible T ow ns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, tirace, ,“ * e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13.IS . N ltL L U N ■e -e a-e i-lT i N A M U NAL DANA, N um ber under Name o f Baule is tbs New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U, S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of Tlie Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. K tb U U K Ü h b UVfcH Accessible T ow ns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued R esources . L ia b il it ie s •Mercer.— . Mercer 0 1 FA R M ER S & M E C H . N A T. B K . T. K. Adams 60-921 < ’75 4P Pop. 2026 V ice -President . R. fl. Kerr .... Cash ie r . and P ropits Chase N „ N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union N „ Pitt F r R. Rfifid r 1st N „ N. Y. and Clev.; Monongahela N „ Pitt First National Bank___< ’64 A. J. McKean_____________ ____ _____ „• 0. G. Williams. : 60-920 Mereersburg Franklin F 6 Farmers Bank_____ ____ $t’74 John Steiger 60-984 3 Pop. 1410 6. A. TURVILLE. . . 60-1438 0 L. Griffith N. E. M iller_____ W. H. Habel..— Jas. G. Thompson. J. C. Showers____ J. P. Shires..._____ William R oush___ J. J. Landis.. . . . . . A. L. Etter ..._ ___ A. R, Gpyer r - 8. G. Young__ - J— S. O. Peters— M, F . Girtéricb J. S. Longenecker I. M. Porter_____ W. J. Potter______ Thomas E. Poe — R. L. Einlayson__ 25.000 50.000 28,780 02.930 375,410 435.040 42,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. ¿30,810 556.860 131,650 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 05.000 155.000 1,325,000 1.200.000 65.000 75,310 935,640 1,029,050 50.000 159,250 743,610 854,510 \50,000 32,000 425.000 554.860 50.000 143.000 828.790 726.930 50.000 36,000 653.000 659,000 J . W. DOUGHERTY__ C. M. KENNEDY, " EDW. A. McKEE — 125,000 Sec. and Tr. A . See. and A . Tr. Special attention given B ill o f Lading drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Please send 15c with each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports, P rom p t Service. W e w an t y ou r M idland Item s. 370.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.: Melloi N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 107,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt,; Phil N., Phil. 143,240 Chase N ..N .Y . 48.000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Market St. N. Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 288,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N Phil.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 96.000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. o f Pit N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt., Beaver Tr. Co Beaver. 74,390 1,194,960 1,091,250 255,060 43,900 r r MIDLAND SAVINGS J . H. Bowman . Kountze Bros, and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4tl St. N » Phil. H. S. Waidlich____ N*, C h i.; P hil. N ., P h il.; Far. D ep. N P itt. $§’14 J. J. Gharlier_____ A. J. Russell______ D .K . Yolton._____ 50.000 19,460 344,000 429,310 J. S. McLaughlin — E. M. Gass _______ D. M. H etrick ..__ 8. David Zeiders. E. E. McMeen J. K. R eish.__ ___ D. B. M iller___ — 0. F. Lontz.—. . — 25.000 21,000 275,000 271,000 50.000 58,000 -312,000 326,890 David L. G lover..— Harry A. Gast____ _ John W. Lincoln__ R. H. Snodgrass__ L. E. Walter Wm. Hertzler_____ E. A. Garman____ EzraC. D o t y _____ C. W. Mayer—____ R. W. Doty J. M. Nelson..____ H. J. Shallenberger J. L. Hartman__ _ J. T. Sterrett__ 04.000 161,650 50.000 61.000 399.000 495,150 60.000 148.330 834,560 840,560 H. J. Schaad______ A .L . D yer.——.___ Wm. Gilmore_____ J. Clarence Lasch. 25.000 12,000 222.060 245,680 ...- y P. N. Bournique__ John C. Warner__ F. H. Sprague. . 25.000 40,010 226,930 261,970 Wm. Douden_____ J. W. Hoffman____ 50.000 80J20 488,380 572,040 Harry E. Deibler— E. W. Steever_____ K . E. Heckert. 30.000 156,480 4H.310 520,150 James Rounsley__ T. Clair Kerchner. Dow Fosselm an... 25.000 28,000 275,000 233,000 Paul V. Helm____ Mary Geiger..__ — 25.000 10,370 211,970 217,320 41,670 Liberty N „ N. Y .; Corn l x . N.. Phil. ~ W. A. Snyder____ Mary Rohe— __ 35.000 21,940 279,380 244,590 48.430 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. L. W. Stover.____ J. R. Miller.,____ . 25.000 40,000 525,000 504,000 90,000 1st N. and 4th St. N., PhU. S. W. Gramley___ D. L. Zerley_____ J. Fred K u r t z .... Lew G. Walker__ J.'tJ. Y od ers____ 25.000 10,000 84,690 98,670 96.450 Girard N. and Franklin N., PhU. 5 147,970 Unioii N., Tradesmens N., and 4th St.N., Phi COmw. Tr. Co.; Harrisburg. 67.000 Girard N., Phil.i/Mellon N., Pitt. Corn Ex. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 10,340 Chase N., N. Y,; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. M ELLON N ATIO NAL B ANK, P ittsburgh, Offers Unexcelled Service to Banks and Bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1141 E. 0. Hertzler ____ F. F. Brenner I. J. Rohrbaugh__ Robt. F. Cheesman 0. L. Gramley__ Ji A. A. Frank A. E. Bartges_____ 260,440 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Franklin N PhU. 69,980 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and 1st N Phil.; Union N. and Peo. Say. & Dim Scranton. 52,030 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th. St. N., Phil. ■J ® •Milford_______Pike C 12 First National Bank__ .»1900 A. D. Brown______ 60-1251 3 Pop. 872 MUlersburg..Daaphin D 8 First National Bank______ '75 L. M. Shepp______ 60-881 jj Pop. 2394 Millersbarg Bank______ $f'08 J. S. Gilbert______ 60-880 Millerstown___ Perry D 7 First National B a n k ...__ $'04 A. H. U lsh..____ _ 60-1252 3 Pop. 900 Millersville.Lancaster F 9 Millersville National Bk. .* ’08 J. Harry Pickle___ 00-1253 3 Pop. 1800 Mill Hall.—...C linton C 6 MiU Hall State Bank ...•$§’12 J. L. Rachau—____ 60-1413 3 Pop. 1200 Mülheim____ Center DO Farmers National B an k.< ’0B G. S. Frank__ ____ 60-1045 3 POP. 020 Millheim Banking Co— < t ’72 D. D. R oyer______ 60-1044 Millsboro.WashingtonE 1 First National Bank— . < ’04 G. L. Moore —____ 60-1254 4P Pon. 1000 812,570 ' 865,880 50,000 1st N..,Phil. 67.260 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Tradesmens N., Girai N., and 4th St. N., Phil. 177,770 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 4thSt. N. and Girard N Phil. 84,210 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. J Midway.. Washington 1 1 Midway National Bank—< ’03 60-1249 J P Pop. 941 Mifflin . . . . __ Juniata D 7 Peoples National B ank... » ’10 60-1297 3 Pop. 1000 Mifflinborg____ Union D 7 Farmers Bank____ _____ §’89 60-969 3 Pop. 1700 Mifflinburg Bank_______$§'72 60-968 •Mifflintown.. Juniata D 7 First National Bank____ < ’65 60-1020 3 Pop. 954 Juniata Valley Nat. B k ..< ’67 60-1021 Mildred___...Sullivan C 8 First National Bank_____ $’09 60-1250 3 Pop. 1800 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Mercer to Millsboro H. B. Hege — — & TR. COMPANY H. W, B yron _____ W. D. Boyd.._____ J. M. Kuhn_______ Charles S. Karper. J. M. Winger— D. L. Martin Charles Q. Brown. John B. Jennings. John G. Hahn___ W. M. Carter S. B. Philson____ S. A. Kendall.—__ R. H. Philson.. — Clarence Moore— First National Bank..___*’09 60-985 Mesboppcn. Wyoming B 9 First National Bank... <1900 60-1246 3 Pop. 630 Meyersdale.Somerset F 3 Citizens National Bank. < ’01 60-784 4P Pop. 4000 Second National B ank... $'01 60-785 •Middleburg—Snyder D 7 First National Bank--------«’89 60-1247 3 Pop. 531 Middletown—Dauphin E8 Citizens National Bank..«{'05 60-704 3 Pop. 5500 Farmers Bank_______ < § ’82 60-703 Midland_____Beaver D 1 First National Bank.. . . . < ’06 60-1248 4P Pop. 7000 P rincipal Correspondents, Su b p lu s A ss’T Ca s h ie r . I C to iQ P resident . 3>1UU, ------ r —:------M----- =------------------: N ame of Bank . T own And County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res./Dist. ♦Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem, Fed. Res. [Estab. P is’ Pittsburgh Brandi. rlTTSBURGH, _ Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace,! |jetc., .See page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIArfiÇonthrùeiJ Cashier . Millvale__ Allegheny D 1 Bank o f Millvale.U.t.—»411900 O. C. Henderson— Fred C. Klussmann E. B. McRoberts. 60-1255 4P Pop. 9237 Millville.__ Columbia 0 9 First National Bank — 41900 J. W. Bowman____ C. R. H enrie..___ C, M. E v es.... — 60-1256 3 fo p . 611 R. H. Taylor;ii_— Milròy_______ Mifflin D 6 Milroy Banking Co._— .:p§’07 Taylor R e e d ...___ 66-1257 3 Pop. 1500 Milton Tr. & Safe Dep. Co.. 60-583 *4S’87 Minersvñle-ScbuyikilÍD 9 First National Bank___»4'64 60-596 3 Pop. 7000 ' Miners State B a n k ...... §19 60-598 UnionNational Bank — «t'02 60-597 5ff,00O G.Dale Hetrid— 10,000 225,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.and lstN ., Phil. U. S. B ubb. iOO.OOO m om 75,(^000 1000000 H. J. Raup. 100,000 14$# 548,450 615.990 245,430 Han. N., N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. i& ooo # ,ip 682,380 815,820 105,040 Tradesmens N., Phil. W. A. Heinen_____ D. M. Krauser____ W. D. McWilliams, J. D. Kistner, Seç., Tr. Harry F. Potter___ Harrison A. Kear._ 50,000 68,050 456,860 463,460 Y. W. QuigeK—— 42,461 2.120 85,520 106,110 J. W. Woodward— Gething Jenkins Fred J. Wiest— — i&ooo 55,000 800,0Ö0 705,000 95,540 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Girard N.,and 1st N,, PhU. 25,000 28,780 327,510 402.380 26.Q60 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 58;680 36,850 40L560 470,920 57.050 Chase N., N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st N .,. Pitt. 540.000 483,690 MONT D. Y 0 U TES - ft W. E . M ENGEL- C ollections hav e the personal at tentlon o f an ofh cer o f this bank, We rem it on day o f paym ent. Send us your Be aver C od nty bust ness. Monaca National Bank— 4’01 George Lay_______ James R. Gormley. R. C. Campbell___ Jos. C. Fischer___ 60-816 25,000 26,000 ( J . HOWARD KELLY— J. W. M ANQW N-ii...- A.'E. THOMAS— l — Ç. C. M A R T IN -.,— W. S. BUMBAUGH: ; 'Tt 50,000 86Ì80 1,394,820 1,262,400 Mónessen .Westmoreland FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK*41900 “ HONOR BOL L BANK.’ * ' Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding drafts* Cash and T im e Item s, 60-434 4P Pop. 21,630 E2 ! Please send 15c w ith each sight draft fowpftsentçttion a rid 25c f o r Credit It epòH s.' 60-433 •4§'0l W. R. STEPHENS. W. S. BUMBAUGH— J. W. GORDON--------- J . H. KELLY, ^ S e ç , and T r. A . Sec, and A .T r , T. 0. WILLIAMSON Æ ALFRED TÄNZER/ Mont Alto —Franklin F 6 Mont Alto State Bank—'.•§’17 60-1470 3 Pop. 700 Montgomery —Lycoming Farmers & Citizens Nat. Bk. 60-977 4’07 3 Pop. 1490 C8 First National Bank___41900 60-976 Montoursville..Lycoming First National Bank — *4’03 60-1259 3 Pop. 1904 C8 ¿Montrose— Susquehanna Farmers National Bank.*4’03 7¡rí f ¿ Pop. 1914 ,B 10 60-947 K First National Bank —..*4’75 -60-946 90,770 Imp. & Trà. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, v , - -<• TV 27.160 Tradesmens N. and Southwark N., Phil. 100,110 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union N.. Pitt. 324,770 Harriman N., N. Y.: Far. Dep. N., 1st N., and Mellon N., Pitt. 44 3 » 150.000 j 174,300 ! 1,460,680 1,601,940 183,080 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Send us your M onessen Item s, t • 1 ■ JL.Tr» j Special atten tio n given Bill o f L a d ing drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. ! Please send 15ç w ith each sight draft fo r presentation a nd 25c fo r Credit R eportsy,,. Peoples National Bank—.* ’01 George Nash. RM» 60-435 Monongahela —Wash. E 1 Alexander & Company .» t t ’SO 60-567 4P POP.9600 FIR S T N A TIO N A L BANK»4’01 F. R. Colvin___ 60-569 M O N O N G A H ELA C ITY TRUST C O M P A N Y-6 0 -5 6 8 - •4S'01 # .0 0 0 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. Geo, R. Dobbin___ James J. Tobin— JO H N T . T A Y LO R M O N ESSEN S A V . & T R . CO. Principal Correspondents . Geó. VI Braun.. — $ 50,000 $ 1^1.600’ $1 247390 $1Í55Í90 $ 271,140 Chase N.,N. Y.; Western N., Bk. o f Pitt, N »A „ and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. 2B.Ö6Ö1 ô,boo BiO. Eves 1—— 550,780 553,390 84,640 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Mbhnton._____Berks E 9 Hohnton National Bank—4’08 G. H. Leininger___ Ellis M. Worley___ : A. M. Brown___ 60-1258 3 Pop. 2000 Monaca. J ~ —-Beaver D 1 C ITIZEN S N AT’ L B AN K— 4 01 60-817 m iW Ppb. 3376 l ia b il it ie s . liESOURCES. ‘ óame&i>n- Cashà SxP aid - öI» Surplus Dbpos- L AND c’rt.. Bonds, ohan«m,Dub Capitai. Profits _ITS rbomBanks C. R, N ew ,. Jesse Hancock____ W. A- Cook. 100,000, 91,390 1.6qL870 1,685,330 2,200,000 120,000 247,160 Irving N., N. Y.; Duquesne N. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Phil. N., Phil. Citiz. N., N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 112,260 Han. N., N. Y,; Mellon N,, Pitt. ; . 50,000 „ 1 6 ^ 1,284.320 1,183,250 JOSEPH A. HERRON: JAS. L . Y0HE— — GEORGE W. COOPER, W. H. ALEXANDER, 150,OpO; 89,900 1,263,720 1,460,000 J. F. Hoover —___ John F. Neely —, J. D. Wingert S. B. Henderson. . . Lewis L. Schock. 25,000 7,010 35,000 2,4,600 230.000 j 269,000 50,000 75,860 407.210 25,000 35,050 * 375,680 f 375,370 83,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 40,090 51.700 Han. N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. Chas, E. Stephens. D. E. Davis.._____ H. F, Larimer-— Tr. Sec. Special atten tio it given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft fdrprësénm tiôh a nd 25c fo r üfedit R epofUC*' (W e w ant your M onon gahela Ite m s. L. E. Staley..— A. P. H u ll...— Hervey Smith____ William D ecker__ J. P. Housel______ R. W. L illey C. E. Bennett— Albert W eaver___ H. W. AppL — . . . . S. Â. W eaver. W. J. Baker______ O. F. P ross_______ E. V. Birchard___ H. F. Manzer__ __ H. P. Read’I î i ï — . William H. Warner M E L L O N N A TI O N A L BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T lie R and-M cN ally Bankers Pittsburgh . r 50,000 142,080 53&480 122,810 462,770 582,580 *50,000 •*1.46,000 ! 950,000 *1,140.000 198,890 Chem. N., N. Y.: Mellon N, and Union Tr. Co., Pitt.; Franklin N „ Phil. 50,270 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 41.650 Irving N., N .Y .; ,4th St. N „ Phil. 119,210 Han. N „ N. Y.f Tradesmens N., Phil. ^ ‘ 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st |i„ Phil. Capital and Surplus $10.000.000 Accessible T ow n s, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, iny • 1__ i. «r AV:. »Ä » lw*A*nof Datoci iirn oo! P E N N S Ÿ L V A N I A --C on tin u ed PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— Millvale to Montrose ____________ July, ¡1919 Milton—Northumberland FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-*464 G. O. Chapin______ 60-582 3 Pop. 7460 0 8 Milton National Bank— »4’57 H. W. Chamberlin. Á ss’t C ashier . 1142’ ! N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally Bankers* P ireetory, u a der th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ nV N ame of B ank . •TOWN AND OOtTNtT;8®“ v*Oo(mty Seats. —. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState V ice-President . P resident . Figure ts Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed; Res. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. fU A n 1 1 T-4 MELLON l i d o N A T I O N A L B A N K , PITTSBURGH, Capital and Surplus S i U . O O U . ü ü O Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers P irectory, under the au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bk?. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Rigs. President . Moscow-LackawannaC 11 First National Bank___ *$'09 J. E. Loveland-----60-1260 3 Pop. 1000 Mt.,Öarmel—Nbrthumb’d First National Bank— < ’89 Voris Auten______ 60-367 3 Pop. 20,268 D9 Guarantee Tr. & Safe Dep. Oo. J. B. Bastress____ 60-308 <§'02 Union National Bank — $’06 E. E. White___ ___ 60-309 Mt. Holly. Springs—Cum First National Bank------ *’06 G. W. Carbaugh— 60-1261 berland _________ —E 7 3 Pop. 1272 Mt. Jewett—McKean B 4 Mt.‘Jewett National B k .< ’05 J. M. Blair — — 60-1262 3 Pop.,2000 Mt. 'Joy___ Lancaster E 9 First National Bank i ___ $’62 Thos. J. Brown___ 60-007 3 Pop. 2166 Union National Mt. Joy Bank H. C. Schock _____ 60-906 $*53 Mt. Morris__ Greene F 1 Farmers & Merck. Nat’l Bk J. J. Long-----------60-1263 < ’03 4P < Pop. 382 V ice-President . P aid-®i > * Capital As s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . $ 25,000 H. R. Megarged — E. B. Rogers — —, J. W. Knedler 50,000 William Kiefer —t. Henry L. Learn— Geo. W -Scott.____ 125,000 B. F. Christ,.——— John A. Carl, SecTwnd Tr. 125,000 P. A. Stief________ G. E. Berner--------- M. H. Sungelsky— 25,000 S. P. Goodyear—— G. 0 . Hall J. C. Moorhead—. . Grant Keister - —— C. B. Stimmel__ J. S. Oarmany ------ R. Feilenbaum —~ J. B. Longenecker . H. N. Nissly—-----A. J. B eall---------- F /W . Meighen,— 30,000 274,440 I rving N., N. Y.; Ith St. N. a Phil. 18,190 247,070 68,000 ... 3,700 17.000 -275,000 96,470 £ N., Pitt. 110,410 IIan. N., N.Y.; Franklin N., Phil.: Far. 1 Lancaster. 201,240 i. City, N. Y .; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 213,520 219,390 1,291,640 1.777,990 1 } 35,000 ;N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 280,000 85,700 1,048,200 1,014400 258,400 256,840 751,470 50,000 31460 205,830 2.78,600 60,000 51.000 1,011,00Q 1,354,180 191,730 R. M.Longacre___ W. T. Bell--__Ì ---- R. S. Bell......... W. J. Campbell— - J. D. Appleby o n given B ill o f L ith each sight draf t. U nion Item s. J. G. Kunkel_____ J. C. May------------- H. A. Kauffman. Jacob Bruah John H. Gamber.. O. C. Seitz___ _— F. M. Opp------------ H. E. Kirk—__ - 17,460 630,090 1,045,510 50,750 254)00 P. F, Schöpf,__- S. S. Buffington___ Adam Bahney_____ Isaac B. Haak....... F. S. Carmany—— E. H. K u rtz--------- J. H. Yéiser—__ —- Edwin R. Noll, Sec. and Tr. < § ’10 Brin ton Jackson__ J. G. Bell-,.---------- Silks Naÿfifîld--— E. J. Williams........ R. R. Zarr------------ S. F. Wompierski— W. H. Clement___ W .C .S h iffe i-——- 22,060 318,610 253.880 36.070 JW.MÛ 61480 746,730 f 814.950 60,670 50,000 33,800 415,300 472,880 60,290 34,510 402;320 415,090 69,320 ,50,000 165.850 831,900 966,000 127,000 125,000 51,650 420,150 540,580 S0¡000 150.000 250.000 3.300.000 3.307,000 100.000 67,390 1,601.440 1,520,170 50.000 1,900 234,490 208,720 104,570 895,740 81244c H. M. Brackenridge J. A. S eel..______ 50.000 J. A, Miller—-------- F. H. Schmidt____ 100.000 E. J. Unangst------ A. E. Frantz______ T. H. Griffith__ — J. C. Corby C. E. Osthaus_____ C. D. W ilcox____ _ NATIONAL BANK, 50JQÛO 171730 37U8C -3743K ivs,ra3 25,000 :.H{969 r ; 228Ì70C ; 25,000 N. Bk o f Balt., Bait. 34,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 380,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. ( 250,940 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 70,150 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil.; Union N.-, Pitt. 286,770 Chase N ., N. Y.; Bk. Of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 2.25.000 1,700,000 1,750.00C 56.0ÛQ . 700,Q0<! . M M J 23,670 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 50,000 Fred O’Connbr— h and T im e Item s. and 25c fo r Credit Reports. L. Clyde Smith___ J. Reed Opp-------- John Bi Dunlap— Nanticoke__ Luzerne C 9 First National Bank____ < ’80 John Smoulter — 60-288 3 ’ Pop. 23,126 Nanticoke National Bank<’04 D. S. Pensyl______ • 60-289 Nanty Glo._ Cambria E 4 Union Bank.___— — —»§’18 T. P. Burns______ r 60-1482 "3. Pop. 3500 Natrona__ Allegheny D 2 First National Bank------ < ’01 J. G. Campbell___ 60-1267 AP Pop. 4000 Nazareth'— Northampton Nazareth National Bank < ’97 M. T. Swartz - ___ 60-765 3 Pdp. 8978 D 11 Second National Bank . . < ’01 R. F. Babp ____ 60-766 Nesduehoning— Carbon First National Bank—— L 12 J. H. Beider__ ___ 60-1423 ! 3 Pop. 4000 D 10 Nèw Albany.Bradford B9 ¡First National Bank. — < ’08 L. C. A llen _______ 60-12683 P od. 413 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44,000 665,670 MYERSTOWN TRUST CO. , MELLON 123,800 1,010,470 1454,480 157400 1.4J2.230 1,544,890 8,000 I 3d N., Scranton. 253,360 C!oal & Iron N., N. Y.; Phil N., and Market St. N., Phil, 104,800 Îi. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil 145,740 Mt. Union— Huntingdon CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK R. P.M . Davis—— 60-818 < ’73 3 Pop. 3338 E6 T. A. Appleby — Special atten ti FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<*02 Please send 15c w 60-819 Send ns your M 60-877 2.^,9,00 Í .?5p,000 $ 36,000 252,200 1,431,900 1,545.730 100,000 425,000 P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . GEO. W. STONER - CHAS. F . STONER- 100,000 orelan d C o u n ty . V ig oron e ostm O ldest N a tio n » P ro ce e d s p rom p tly a ccou n ted t or. a tte n tion g iv on collections. Peoples National Bank.— ’08 James S. M ack___ W. R. Carpenter — W. E. ShopeJ_____ : 60-675 Mt. W o lf______ York E 8 Union National Bank_____’09 60-1264 3 Pop. 500 Moontrille.Lancastef F 9 Moontville National Bk. «$’87 60-1265 . 3 Pop. 803 Muncy—.__Lycoming C 8 Citizens National Bank .*$’86 60-948 , . 3 •Pop. 3000 Muncy Banking C o.___ < { ’03 60-949 Myerstown—Lebanon E 0 Myerstown Nat. Bank— $’73 60-876 3 Pop. 3000 R esources. k k Ex Loans Dis- Gash c’ ts . Bonds, changer,D us ntOM B anks Brcuritirs 136,’680 11202,570 1,490,910 J . 0. HITCHMAN60-673 D bpo sw H 100,056 % L. Hartley———! * 25,000 J. A. Warden, Sec. Mt.Pleasant, W estmorel’d Citizens Savings & Trust Oo. J. S. Hitchman----- J. S. Mack________ W.M.Hitçhman,îV. 60-674 < § ’03 4P Pop. 5812 B2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK - < ’64 Accessible T ow n s, taaWyets, Laws, W teetois, A dexed in baok of this Volume, » o r Interest B ates, Grace,! e tc,, see page 14. f o r Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N I A -^-Continued _ 300,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N., J Phil. ; 65,000 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. „ 68,890 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. ,25.480 Han. Ni, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. $ 10, 000,000 N ame . TOWK AND O O U N Tf. of Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure is Fedi Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Mem. Fed. Res. [ Estab. Pr e s id e n t . F. L. ANDREWS — New Bethlehem..Glarion FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’74 60-962 4P Pop. 1625 0 3 i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Cashier . As s ’ t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R eso urces. DrposP aid - up Surplus AND rrs Capital P ropits Loans k Dis- Gami k Sxc’ t«. Bonds, CHANO»«,Dux Pnom B anks Bm d u t im P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . S. O. Patterson___ R. A. Dornon__ 25,000 $ 57,800 $ 418,650 $ 440,000 83,000 Seab. N., N. Y;; Mellon N., 1st N., Had Ex. N., Pitt. John Spangler. . . . I A. A. Shifter------- B. F. Eaton____ 25.000 George Heyd-------- S. R. McKean____ H. W. Reeder „ H. E. Mosser 12,960 130,610 146,520 71,080 679,500 672,710 16,660 Girard N., Phil.; Union N., Lewisburg: 1st N., Snribury. 53.560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil.; West Branch N. and Northern Cent. Tr. Co., W il liamsport. 148,760 2598400 2 472120 374,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Columbia N., vPitt. 50.000 G. E. ANDREWS. J R . . . C. E. SHEFFER................ A. S. JOHNSON------- 50,000 TFER 8 US 0N FRANK ______ ■ Special attentio n given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item 8. Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports ..Send us your N ew B ethlehem It em s. * R. R. Anderson___ J. F. Markle______ H. W. Nophsker, W.K.Baumgardner, New Bethlehem Trust Go. A . Tr. Tr. 60-963 §’07 150,000 36,400 540.000 690,000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Monongahela N., and Mellon N., Pitt. *New Bloomfield__ Perry First National B an k____ $’98 J. W. S h u ll...: ___ C. M. Bowër______ J. T. Alter____ ___ D. B. A lte r____ 60-1272 3 Pop. 772 E7 New Brighton___ Beaver ♦Beaver County Trust Co. J. M. M ay__ „ ___ F. F. Brierly _____ H. W. Douglass, R. C. Withrow, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr, 60-520 $§1900 4P Pop. 9277 D1 G. F. Kennedy 50,000 1021590 736,090 776,870 159-,840 Han. N., N .Y .; Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. 400.000 150,000 750,000 1,190,000 100.000 86,720 ♦Old National Bank___ »$’04 George Davidson .. Thomas Kennedy. 60-521 C. E. Kennedy—.__ Fred H. Brobeck _ ♦Union National Bank__ $’91 E. H. Seiple___ __ P. A. McHattie___ A. L. Bingham..— 60-519 A. L. Bingham.----- W. G. B ert..-------- H. W. Douglass J— C. E. Kennedy, Beaver County Clearing Mgr. Chas. A. Stewart House Ass’n. (Members indicated'by a *) •New Gastle__ Lawrence ♦Citizens National Bank.«$’92 David Jameson___ A. C. Hoyt_______ J. H. Lamb______ Geo. B. Balph____ 4P Pop. 41,133 01 60-189 ♦First National Bank__ .$ ’64 Samuel F o ltz _____ George Greer____ 60-188 George W. Clark.. A. Green’s Int. Exch.Bk.«t'07 Adolph Green. . . . . 60-193 Martin Leonhardt. New Hope . . —Bucks E 12 3 Po", tono Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,051,200 1,227,540 100,000 114,0 200,000 460,000 2.400.000 2,400,000 300,000 1, 000.000 2.400.000 2,800,000 V 50,000 E. P. P. E. M ELLO N NATIONAL BANK. P ittsburgh . Offers Unexcelled 1145 812,010 1,920 422,750 342,530 125.000 62,270 467,130 555,380 E. McGill--------- Ralph I. Orr, TV— S. A. Weinschenk, See, L. Craig 300.000 403.320 3,179,160 3,540,200 L. Craig _______ E. E. McGill, Sec.. F. A. Schulz. Tr. and A . Sec. E. McGill S'. A. Weinschenk, A . Sec, and A. TV, 140,000 1,306,880 4,598,580 5,337,510 ♦Nat. Bank of Lawrence Co. R. C. Patterson___ Chas. Matthews__ John Elder, J r,. F. W. Smith-------60-187 *$’55 W. A. Pond G. L. Patterson Safe Deposit & Trust Co. of 150.000 46,730 527,890 554,990 Lawrence County_____ §’16 Chas. Matthews__ G. L. Patterson__ George A. Carpen Ashley H. Hill, A . Tr, ter, Sec. and Tr. 60-194 R, C. Patterson 100.000 33,000 625,000 557,000 ♦Union National Bank___ ’06 W. W. Eichbaum _ L. M . Buchanan__ J. E. Aiken___ _ 60-192 Calvin Smith New Castle Clearing House— C. F. Montgomery. Samuel Foltz, Tr__ (Members indicated by a ♦) 25.000 69,370 619,130 621,120 New Cumberland Nat. Bank E. S. Herman_____ F. E. Ooover____ 60-1273 $’04 25.000 7.000 152.000 137,000 New Enterprise Bank__ $§’11 C. O. Brumbaugh . . D. B.Snowberger.. E. W. Van Horn. 60-1411 22,230 292,950 323,280 25.000 New Florence Nat. Bank«’13 J. M. Trimble_____ Thomas Kirschner. H. W. Schalles-----60-1427 50.000 28,150 450,250 535,860 First National B an k___*$’03 G. F. Miller_______ J. F. Zeller____—. W. H. Freed__ ___ H. C. Hendrix— 60-1274 50.000 69.769 472,500 571,390 Farmers National Bank..$’07 E. L. R oseboro___ Charles S. Zwally 60-1U15 125,000 94,340 554,930 866,710 New Holland Nat. Bank ..'81 B. M. Y finters,___ H. K. S torb ______ G. F. Besore____ 60-1014 80,000 25.000 5.000 100.000 Solebury National Bank.«’ 17 Wm. W. H urley... George R. Kline— Chas. S. Worthing 69-1473 ton ♦Home Trust C o ._______§’02 G. W . Johnson___ 60-191 ♦Lawrence Sav. & Tr. Co. G. W. Johnson___ ♦ 60-190 «í§ ’01 New Oumberland..Oum’d 3 Pop. 1472 E7 New Enterprise Bedford 3 Pop. 500 E5 New Florence Westmore4P land.Pop. 900 E 3 New Freedom..York F 8 3 Pop. 726 New Holland ..Lancaster 3 Pop. 1500 709,400 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is th e New Transit Num ber given exclusively b y The Band-M cNalbr Bankers* Directory, under tlie au th ority o f T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . to each b an k in TJ. S . P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued 97,700 Seab. N., N .Y .; 1st N., Phil. 114,470 Han. N., N. Y,; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Phil. N., Phil. 137,720 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 550.000 1st N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Union Com. N., Glev.: 1st N., Phil. 598.000 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Pitt. 132,990 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Pitt. 93,330 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Peo. N., Pitt. 463,260 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: 1st N „ Clev.; Phil. N., Phil.; (M em , Fed. Res.) 867,950 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 169,630 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt.: N. Bk. of Lawrence Co., New Castle. 155,006 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 126,580 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 47.000 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 42,920 N. City, N. T .; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 38,340 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 182,270 Irving N., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil. 135,130 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 19.000 1st N.. Phil. Service to Accessible T ow ns, L aw Iera^Law B , DlreetoM , inFor Interest B ates, Grace, - A m ad in b a ck of th is v o lu m e . PENNSYLVANIA BANKS— New Alexandria to New H op e _________ July, 1919 New Alexandria Nat. Bank Doty Guthrie_____ New Alexandria . 60-1269 »*'03 4P Westmoreland E 2 Pop. 505 New Berlin__ .Union D 7 First National Bank___»t’05 R. S. Meiner. 60-1270 3 Pop. 527 Newbernr—Lycoming 0 7 Bank o f Newberry____»$§’05 G. F. Bell— . 60-1271 3 Pop. 4000 Y Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. PEN N SYLVAN IA—Continued 1144 N um ber un der Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1 14 .4. to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by T hè Iland-M cN ally Bankers* •“ D irectory, under the au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. M ELLO N NATIONAL BANK. P ittsburgh . Offers Unexcelled Service to N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given ) each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Band-M cN ally Bankers* ----------- ---:------- :------ -3 00 N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ♦Mem. Fed..Res. Mew Kensington.West'd FIR S T N ATIO N AL B A N K * m 60-564 4P Po». 7707 D 2 LOGAN TRUST GO. 60-563 P besident . V ice -President . Cashier . A s s ’ t Cashier . R esources.- I L ia b il it ie s . P rincipal Correspondents. Loamsk Dis- Cashk Ex Depos c P aid - up Surplus 5 ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due AND its Securities fromBanks ‘ Capital P rofits 1 ------- ;----- -—-------- :--- ----——:----- TT-------------------- i $ 125,000 $ 116.000 $2983 000 $2517 500 $ 677,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y .;" 1st N „ Pitt;; E. J. Baxter______ F. E. Pratt _____ H. B. Smith Girard N., Phil. J Special atten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. it Repor ts. ) Please Send 15c with each sight dr a ft f o r presentano n and 25c fojr Cred T R Y US. (P rom p t service. 1 A C KNOX J. R. ALTER, Tr____ J . MCCARTNEY KENNEDY, See. KENNEDY P. C. KING, A . Tr. A. Ç. STOTT, A . Tr. J. MCCARTNEY 60-565 Orange Nat. Bk. of Susque W. H. Tingley-----hanna County-60-1275.•i’08 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. M. M illef____ 60-1276 251900 Silver Creek State Bank §19 60-1499 Mow Milford____ Susaue 3 Pop. 654 henna B 10 Mow Oxford..Adams F 7 3 Pop. 838 New Philadelphia^ 3 Schuylkill D9 ( Silver Creek P. O.) Newport______Perry E 7 Citizens National Bank ..£ ’05 J. H. McCulloch— 60-926 3 Pop. 2009 60-925 John O. Neff ____ Mew Salem ..Fayette F 2 jpirsfc nauuiiai daua. 60-1277 4P Pop. 1000 First N&tiOii&l BtUik —i 64 W. H. W alk er..... 60— T278 3 Pop. 1800 New Tripoli National Bank w Tripoli—Leh; 60-1279 »'10 3 Pop. 400 50,000 17,110 285,750 94,550 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tradesmens N „ Phil. 482,900 80,400 N. Bk. Com., Balt.; Girard N „ Phil. 25,000 50,000 70,950 452,520 Wm. H. W alters... Chas. W. E berle... 45,475 4,520 136.360 139,160 44,800 Com Ex. N., Phil. 50.000 40,000 310,000 339,000 57,000 Irving N „ N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and 4th St, 50,000 135,000 550,000 600,000 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. Chaç. E. Bortz.___ C. S. Hempstead__ 25,000 30,240 420,050 330,500 166,620 Han. N „ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. John W. Cooper— H. B. Hogeland . . . . 100,000 C. L. Blair_______ P. K. Brandt.—. G. H. Prank______ 380,080 1,252,620 1,616,540 765.490 25,000 14,100 216,000 227,000 101,000 Special atten tion given B ill o f Lading drafts» Cash and T im e Items* Please send 15c with each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Rep ori» . ■ «res SEND US YOUR NEWYILLE ITEM S.« 100,000 ______ 50,000 G. G. Bought_____ H. W. Seamans___ F. H. McIntyre___ 60-1281 ♦First National Bank__ «2’64 O. Henry Stinson.. James A. Hurst— . George R. Kite — J. Leidy Anders__ 6.0-218 h /l A * r / * « * « ♦ M ONTGOM ERY N A T. BANK W. H. Slingluff----- B. F. W hitby___ & W. F. Zimmerman H. C. C raw ford ™ 60-216 »21814 50,000 E .R . H A Y S ---------- J . W . S H A R P ------- J . S .G R A C E Y ------- C. 0. G E T T E R -------- ft, TT Ontty H .T . Getty __ P. M. Cox 60-1280 60-220 *2§’84 B. Percy Chain — J. D. Kane. Tr___ C. Russell Corson, Sec. ♦Norristown Trust Co._»25’88 Montgomery Evans Hervey C. Gresh__ F. S. Yeakle, See. and Tr. . . W. R. Moyer, A . Se c. and A . Tr. ' 60-221 Geo. E. Wierman, ♦Penn Trust Company »t§’54 Adam Scheidt_____ O. H. Alderfer____ J. T. Ebert, A . Tr. See. and Tr. 60-217 H. M. Cassel, A . Sec. and A . Tr. John J. Hughes__ B. B. Hughes_____ ♦Peoples National Bank.*2’81 J J Corson Chas. Johnson 60-219 J. D. Kane, S ee.. . Norristown Clearing House.. George it. Kite —— ■ (Members indicated by a * ) MELLON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 259,040 817,570 891,270 ♦M ONTGOM ERY TRUST C O . L. M. Childs 57,350 Irving N., N .Y .: Mellon N., Pitt. 256,220 28,730 60-982 410,780 Chase N. and Irving N.. N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 10,000 25,000 FIRST NAT’L BANK Pop. 852 itown.Vontg Pop. 31,401 144,420 2,539,040 2,303,090 C. D. Dayton-------C. H. Ainey J. W. Barnitz ...__ f N TtfefSo E.r J. Bachman___ D. C. Kerstetter__ 0 . D. Werley A. J. Harter Farmers National Bank—210 J. T. Alter.............. J. C. McCullough.. S. B. Hewlett_____ R. S. Lehman____ 60-983 Mew Wilmington ...L aw 125.000 FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wl th each sight dr a ft fo r présentât Ion, an d « t l’03 \ I TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each credit report Ins ures p rom p t, per so n a iat tentlon. \ Send us your New K ensington and Arnold Item s. P E O P LE S S T A T E BANK -•I’M Joseph J. Steiner— B. H. Thompson__ wrille.Oumber 3 Pop. 1440 Accessible T ow ns, LswJerBrHisws, Directors, m- dexed In back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, '-r e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. g . P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued 156,610 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 195,160 1st N.. Phil. 44,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 881,130 1,040,390 119,940 1st N ., Phil. 62,000 600,000 595,000 102,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 40,030 405,880 562,770 63,250 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil. 200,000 166,890 1,349,960 1,819,590 214,760 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 200,000 421,520 2,035,650 2,316,880 282,070 Goal & Iron N „ N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 125,000 334,240 1,920,950 2,019,220 276,360 N. Pafrk, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 449,960 557,120 2,791,600 3,543,600 225,110 Irving N „ N. Y.; Franklin N. and IstN ., Phil. 125,000 243,950 3,251,420 3,217,150 562,110 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 150,000 162,430 1,498,309 1,886,930 • 223,050 Irving N .,N . Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. ■ ■ (■ H F N A T I O N A L B A N K , P ittsburgh, Capital and Surplus $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ______ ¿ lab ilities . , President . V ice -President . A s s 't Cashier . Cashier. SURPLUS D epos P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P ropits . R e so u r c e s . k Bia- Cam k Xxoram«m,Dwe ImNutth trois Barre P rincipal Correspondents. r iOANI B ords , c’t *. 50,000 25,000 400,000 350,000 125,000 f. Park, N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt.: Girard N „ Phil. 37,500 0,640 1ÎY.180 188.070 26,900 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. Harry Steele— — John A. M itchell... 100,000 65,000 750,000 865,000 Henry S. Kriebel— H. S. Swartley— - 50.000 7:5,860 669,160 824,540 135,000 Han.N., N.Y.: FranklinN., GirardN., Phil. N.. and 4th St. N., Phil. T 84.570 Irving N., N, Y.; 4th St, N. and Phil. N., Phil. 75,000 89,000 867,000 885,000 124,000 Scab. N „ N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. «0,000 60,280 947.160 828,360 284,500 Seab. N .,N . Y.; Duquesne N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 372,720 N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. „ „ 651,790 N. Bk. Com., Seab. N.. and N. City. N.Y.; Bk of Pitt. N. A. and Columbia N., Pitt. O. O. Hirtzel.____ G. E. Pierce_______ F. M. McDonald__ 0. D. d o le — —— Nat:i Bk. o f North East F. B. Moorhead 60-862 £’08 Northumberland-.North- Farmers & Mechanics Bank T. Q. Van Alen___ 60-1455 »S’15 ' umberland.. •: f— D 8 3 |pop. 4000 Northumberland Nat. Bk. '08 Charles Steele— . 60-1283 North Wales.Montgom’ ry North Wales Nat. Bank„£*90 H. R. Swartley— . 60-1284 3 Pop. 1710 E 11 F. M. VanDevender H. A. Hall— A. S. Hoffman — B, M. Hopper_____ H. W. Loveland— Oakdale__ Allegheny E l First National Bank-----£1900 W. J. Gassidy..____ L .G . Simpson.JLJ j j Q | 60-1285 4P Pop. 1353 Glenn B. Paul— . — -N. JOlly— Oakmont.. Allegheny D 2 First National Bank —~ < ’