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Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia T he I Up-to-the-minute I , \ Bank RESOURCES $ 50,000,000.00 I Farmers and Mechanics I I National Bank Philadelphia I O.U1 Q /ll .OUI We solicit the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those seeking additional facilities or contemplating a change in their banking arrangements. There are actual advantages to be gained by using the excellent facilities offered by this Institution. W RITE FOR OUR PROPOSITION OFFICERS HOWARD W. LEWIS, Presidènt JOHN SCHLAGLE, Cashier G. H. MILLETT, Asst. Cashier Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RALPH P. MILLER, Asst. Cashier WM. G. BARTLETT, Asst. Cashier MORTON J . KLANK, Asst. Cashier U n io n N a t io n a l B a n k T he A m erican A u d it C o m pany P H IL A D E L P H IA , P A . Capital, $500,000 Surplus and Profits, $625,000 Accounts of B anks, B ankers, C orporations, Firm s, ^ n d Individuals solicited Special a tten tio n given Collections J . S . M cCU LLO C H . P re s id e n t T . H. C O N D E R M A N , V ic e - P r e s id e n t L O U IS N. S P I EL B E R G E R . V ic e - P r e s id e n t a n d C a s h i e r Resources Over S A M U E L C A M P B E L L , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r O . S T U A R T W H IT E . A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r F R E D E R IC K F A IR L A M B . A s s t . C a s h i e r $ 18, 000,000 P U B L IC ACCOUNTANTS W a l o o r f - A s t o r ia , N . Y . P H I L A D E L P H I A O F F IC E :— BELLEVUE-COURT BUILDING S c r a n t o n o f f i c e :—C o u n t y b a n k b u il d in g ho m e o f f ic e :—100 B r o a d w a y , isI e w Y o r k C it y Established Since 1899 Without Change in Management, F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A. (N. Y.), President WW HW Pennsylvania. INDEX TO COUNTIES Adams____ F 7 Allegheny. _D 1 Armstrong .D 2 Beaver.......D 1 Bedford__ F 4 Berks......... E 9 B lair...........E 5 Bradford . . . B 8 Bucks......... E 11 B u tler........D 2 Cambria__ E 4 Cameron__ C 5 Carbon...... D 10 Center........D 6 Chester.......F 10 Clarion....... C 8 Clearfield...C 4 Clinton...... C 6 Columbia..-C 9 Crawford...B 1 CumberlandE 7 Dauphin__ E 8 D elaw are...F 11 E lk ............ C 4 hrie.............B 1 F a y e tte __ F F o re st........B Franklin__ E Fulton........F 2 3 6 5 Greene........F 1 Huntingdon E 6 Indiana...... D 8 Jefferson ...C 8 Ju n ia ta .....E 6 Lackawan n a ............ C 10 L ancaster..E 9 Lawrence.. C 1 Lebanon__ E 8 Lehigh...... D 10 i Luzerne.. C 9 Lycom ing..C 7 McKean „„..B 4 Mercer...... .C 1 Mifflin........D 6 Monroe.......C 11 .Montgom ery ...........E 11 M ontour__ C 8 Northamp to n........... D 11 Northumber land......... D 8 P erry ......... E 7 Philadelphia F 11 P ik e...........C 11 P o tte r ........B S Schuylkill ..D Snyder........D S om erset...F Sullivan...... C Susquehan n a .- .........B 9 7 8 8 10 Tioga._..’...B 7 Union__ _ D 7 Venango__ C 2 W arren...... B 9 Washington E 1 Wayne____B 11 Westmoreland____ E 2 Wyoming...C 9 Vcrit........... F 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BRANCHES C h ic a g o S cranton B o sto n P h il a d e l p h ia , A tlan ta W a s h in g t o n , D . C . R ic h m o n d M il w a u k e e B a l t im o r e N ew O r l e a n s Lo n d o n , E . C . , E n g . K l Mellon National Bank P i t t s b u r g h , Pa. Offers to c o rresp o n d en ts the helpful, personal service o f experienced bank ers who know how to meet the needs o f their customers. A . W. MELLON. President R . B . MELLON, Vice-President A . C. K N O X, Vice-President W . S. MITCHELL, Vice-President A . W. M cELDOW NEY, Vice-President B. W . LEW IS, Cashier H . S. ZIM M ERM AN, Assistant Cashier E. M . FOSTER, Assistant Cashier DEPOSITS O V E R 10M I L L I O N D O L L A R S THE P eoples N ational B ank p ITTSBURCH, ORGANIZED IS64 PA. fÄ jfl Capital $ 1, 000,000 $ 24. 900.000 OFFICERS ROBERT WARDROP, President A. C. ROBINSON, Vice-President FRANK R. FLOOD Vice-President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JOSEPH W. WARD, Vice-President J . HOWARD ARTHUR, Cashier JOHN DeM .W ERTSM sst. Cashier N um ber under .<. e o f Bank is tb e New T ran sit N um ber given T own and Goünty . N a h e of B ank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv P is P ittsburgh Branch. Est, Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNS YLVA NIA Directory, u n d er th e au th o rity of The American Bankers Ass*n. L ia b il it ie s . P r esid e n t . Addison___Somerset F 3 F irst National Bank___*$’03 H. L. Dean_______ 4P Pop. 300 60-1058 Akron____ Lancaster £ 9 Akron National Bank___$’09 W. P. Albright____ 3 Pop. 719 60-1059 Albion_________ Erie B 1 Citizens Bank________»$§’98 J . M. P e te rs_____ 4P Pop. 2000 60-970 F irst National Bank__ »$’09 Charles Kennedy „ 60-971 AliQuiDpa____Beaver D 1 F irst National B a n k ___«$’07 Robert Ritchie____ 4P Pop. 2500 60-952 Allegheny .Allegheny E 2 (See P ittsburgh) 4P Pop. 145,240 ¿Allentown..Lehigh D 11 Allentown National Bk..«$’55 R. J . B u tz_______ 3 Pop. 63,505 60-128 Allentown T rust Co.___$§’07 AvOn B a rn es_____ 60-133 Citizens Dep. & T r. Co.«$§’05 F.H.Lichtenwalner, 60-132 Lehigh Valley T rust Co. E. M. Young_____ 60-130 *$§’86 Merchants National Bk..«$’03 T. F. D iefenderfer. 60-131 Penn Counties T rust Co.»§’12 C. C. K aiser_____ 60-135 Ridge Ave. Deposit Bank*§'12 W. J . H e rtz _____ 60-134 Second National Bank—«$’64 Thos. E. R itte r___ 60-129 Altoona_______ Blair D 4 ♦Altoona T rust C o .____$§’01 J . A. B. Melvin___ 3 Pop. 58,659 60-119 ♦Central T rust Co.____ »$§’02 M. H. Oanan_____ 60-120 < Vice -P r esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ' t Ca s h ie r . A. A. Jacobs_____ M. H. Dean____ $ 25,000 $ 20,000 P. W. Weidman__ H. H. Diehm____ F. S. Hoffm an___ R. J . Griswold ._ L. M. Fellows__ John E ckert_____ W. A. Pond_____ Joseph Cochran Robert D. B arry. O. M. Solkovy.. R esources . P aid - u p S u bplu s D e po s Ca p it a l P rAMD it s o f it s i P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Ex- 1Lo a m St D ig- C a s h St |c*Tg. B ond s , odanosi», D ue S ec u r it ie s f ro m B a k u 120,000 $ 155.000 $ 25,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. 36,000 28,160 50,000 17,500 310.000 255,000 38,490 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. P itt, and Erie. 25,000 6,550 210,430 199,650 57,280 Chase N ., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 50,000 29,740 817,750 763,460 123,360 158,160 23,460 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 183,610 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. O. D. Schaeffer___ F rank M. Cressman Chas. S. D itcher... 1,000,000 741,880 4,417,000 6,361,260 Geo. F. Seiberling. Jacob W. Grim H. B. Koch_______ L. D. Krause L. O. Shankweiler. George K. Mosser F rank D. B ittner . . 150,000 176,760 125,000 161,870 1,846,830 1,829,430 290,520 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil. 125,000 668,710 2,388.170 2,587,420 200,000 477,080 3,904,000 4,484,800 482,920 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N.. Bos. 395,910 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 118,410 Seab. N., N. Y.: P enn N., Phil. C. A. Heckm an___ . Sec. and T r. J . R. Helwig, Sec. and Tr. E. H. Reninger, F. K. Hartzell, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. F. O. R itter______ H. B. Wagner. 958,760 1,102,030 M. E. K e r n ______ M. H. Beary, H. A. Muschlitz Sec. and T r. Wilson Arbogast__ F. H. M arsh_____ 300,000 96,760 672,160 821,770 50,000 38,440 466,430 494,800 C. H. Moyer _____ 300,000 W. V. H ughes____ Samuel Wilson, Sec. and Tr. M. Alexander____ J . G. Davis, W. B. Reed, A . Sec. J . G. Davis Sec. and T r. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK $'63 John Lloyd______ J . M. Skyles_____ R. O. Wilson 60-116 ♦Lincoln Deposit & T rust Co. C. W. A lb rig h t___ H. A. Hutchison__; Emory H. Davis, Melvin G. Smith, 60-123 $§’17 Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. 664,380 3,971,550 4,769,690 250,000 341,490 1,866,340 1,979,350 243,000 183,990 1,256,240 1,287,260 150,000 437,160 2,011,130 1,847,870 821,700 Han. N., N. Y. 186,770 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 47,400 Han. N., N. Y.: Tradesm ens N., Phil. 325,190 N. Bk. Com., Irving N., and 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Franklin N., Phil. 462,380 Chase N., N .Y \; Phil. N., Phil.; F ar. Dep. N., P itt. T r., and Union T r. Cos., P i t t . ; 404,070 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and G irard N „ Phil,; Mellon N „ Pitt. 150,000 35,870 272,060 277,600 770,930 Merch. N., N. Y.: F ar. & Mech. N. and Phil. N.. Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 55,510 Irving N., N, Y.; Corn Exk N „ Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. L. Z. REPL0GLE— S. S. METZ, 162,062 L. M. MOSES, W. S. AARON Sec. and Tr, A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. S en d u s y o u r A lto o n a ite m s , 60-122 *$§’05 I S pecial a t t e n t l o n given B ill o f L a d ln g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. . Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t f o r presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit R eports. ♦Second National Bank *$’94 F rank Hastings___ W. L. Woodcock . . John D. M eyer. 100,000 60-118 ♦Union Bank_____ ___ »$t’86 W. J . Heinsling___ Wm. H. Orr A. P. Rupert__ __ _ I. W. Sm ith__ 125,000 60-117 Altoona Clearing House____ John L loyd.—. ___ F rank Hastings, J . G. Davis, M gr... ÇMembers indicated by a *1 Sec, Ambler .Montgomery E 11 Ambler T rust Co.______ *§’17 W. C. Brister_____ T. D. J u s t _______ W ilmer E. Leedom. E. Clive Hammond, 125,000 3 Pop. 2649 60-1469 Elsworth L. Posey Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. F irst National Bank____ K 'U Jos. M. Haywood— E. H. F aust____. . . Wm. H. F a u s t. . 100,000 60-1060 Ambridge___Beaver D1 Ambridge National Bank $16 J , E. M cK ee—___ E. J . Schleifer__... R. W. Aye_______ J . Ç. W eylie.. 50,000 4P Pop. 5205 60-1463 107,920 945,310 911,910 304,280 N. Park, N. Y.; Far, & Mech. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 248,610 1,655,240 1,706,290 345,370, 8 eab .N ..N .Y .: 1st N. and 4th St. N ., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 66,070 Han. N „ N. Y.: 4th 8t. N., Phil. j J. E. SMITH-— ♦MOUNTAIN CITY TRUST CO. I F. C. SCHROEDER— R. G. MANNING— E. S. PARSON C. PEFFER, Sec. and Tr. 63,300 579,480 706.990 ____ 233,920 281,960 120,210 1,270,990 1,425,250 5,000 125,000 230,520 281,820 60,180 1,149,960 1,176.380 AMBRIDGE SAV. & TR. CO. < S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . 60-730 *$§’03 Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit ( S en d u s y o u r A m b rid g e b u sin e ss B ep o rt Annville— Lebanon E 8 Annville National B ank..$’73 C. V. Henry ____ _ John H. G ingrich. G. W. Stine______ E. A. H e n r y ...___ 3 Pop, 2700 60-374 -------** Peoples Deposit Bank__$§’06 Jno. M. E arly_____ Samuel F ry ___ J . F rank Sm ith___ 60-875 H. L. Kinports 100,000 152,880 799,850 924,090 50.000 31.220 215,840 277,880 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 63,980 Han. N „ N. Y.; Corn. Ex. N., Phil. 163,250 Han. N. and Irving N.. N. Y.: Bk. of No. America ana Cent. N.. Phil. 46,440 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 158*250 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union T r. Co., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 8. 177.140 Han. N., N. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil. 25,880 j4th St. N „ Phil. 1047 PENNSYLVANIA M a p on Index July, 1918___________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Addison to Annville 1 D 4 7 iP, each b a n k in U. S. exclusively b y Tlie Rand-McNally Bankers* *UT/ For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank m in U. u. B. S. exclusively by T mhee K uana-mciMaiiy and-M cNally B ankers’ a n k e rs’ lr e c t n r v . u n d e r th t h e au a u th t h ority o r ! t v of nf T Th Am e r i c a n Bankers R a n k e r s Ass’n A ss’ n . D irectory^under hee Am erican Apollo___Armstrong D 2 Apollo T rust Co............ «tS’Ol 60-842 4P Pod. 3006 F irst National Bank___.» i’01 60-843 Archbald___Lackawanna Archbald Bank_______ $§’09 60-1061 3 Pop. 7194 O i l Ardmore___Montgomery Ardmore National B ank.«t’l l 3 Pop. 8000 E ll 60-555 t r A XTT A V A IN i A n ___ ____ _____ 1 L O n tin U C C t L ia b il it i e s . P r esid e n t . V ice -P r e sid en t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . P aid - u p Su b p l u s D e p o s Ca p it a l P rAND it s o f it s Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page l3 R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Loans k Dm - G a s h k E x c ’Tg. Bonds, OHANQB«,DUE Securities from B anks J . N. N elson.____ E . A. Townsend__ J . H. Jackson, T r .. W. N. Nelson, A . Tr. $ 125,000 $ 145.160 $ 818,390 $ 954,280 $ 134,270 Imp. & T ra. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. W. L. George____£ Geo. J . Bartz____ S. M. Jam ison ____ 50,000 50,000 580,000 524,000 86,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N., and Bk of P itt. N. A., Pitt. E. B. Je rm y n ____ J . J . K earney____ L. S. Parsons__ 50,000 57,200 565,720 595,310 .74,010 Irving N.,N -Y .; Peo. Say. & Dime, Scranton. B. H. Ludlow_____ Wm. J . S errili___ C. R. C ornm an___ J . S. W ilson_____ 50,000 20,000 375,000 357,900 88,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. N ., Phil. Paul Clayton Merion Title & T r. Co.„«$§’89 R. J . Hamilton 60-554 H. A. Arnold____ H. L. Tocum, H. W. Smedley.iSec, T r. a n d A . See, J . S. A rndt H. G. Kurtz, A . Tr, Arendtsville—Adams F 7 Nâtional Bk. of Arendtsville S. G. Bucher_____ W .E . Wolff___ S. A. S kinner____ A. R o b e rts______ 60-1062 t ’08 3 Pop. 383 199,150 Ashland__Schuylkill D 9 Ashland National Bk. •$1900 J . D. McConnell__ George F luehr. 60-624 3 - Pop. 7000 George F . R entz. 100,000 112,010 1,019,730 1,214,950 154,750 Han. N., N. Y.r G irard N- and Phil. N., Phil. W. S. Rothermel. 60,000 240,000 1,100,000 1,280,000 180,000 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Franklin N.< Phil. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK F. L. Buck 60-623 •$’75 O. B. Millard. 25,000 263.650 1,663,400 2^203,680 19,000 150,000 141,720 174,360 Seab. N-, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N ;,P hil. N., IstN . G irard N., and F ranklin N., Phil.' 12,690 Bk. of No. America, Phil. Ashley____ Luzerne 010 F irst National Bank___»$’07 W. B. F o s s ______ A. M. N orthup___ W. A. E dgar____ 3 Pop. 5601 60-1063 50,000 57,230 640,490 681,370 Atglen------- Chester F10 Atglen National Bank___t ’l 3 Pop. 600 60-1065 T. J . Philips_____ W. S. H astings.... Horace L. Skiles. 40,000 39,300 221,660 322,640 29,770 Han. N., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil. Athens____Bradford B 8 Athens National Bank—«$'99 E. B. Arnold_____ N. F. W alker____ R. R. F rancke__ 3 Pop. 4500 60-783 50,000 48,000 548,370 612,830 88.470 Chase N ., N. T.; M arket St. N. and Phil. N., Phil. Farm ers National Bank«$'93 J . S. T hurston____ A. R. Brown_____ W alter T. P a g e . . 60-782 75,000 119,930 778,630 873,850 5,940 195,000 244,200 15,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 484,420 92,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index H. R. Carl_____ 174,710 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. L. C. Robinhold . . . H. H. K o e rp e r..__ 25,000 G. O. Bayless____ C. O. O live______ Edward E. Ander son W. J . K. Snyder— Wm. Jenkins—ì __ H. W. Feick____ _ W. M. Young 50,000 50,000 20,390 504,090 S. S. Campbell____ T. M. Johnson. L. M. Irw in______ 25,000 10,450 482,140 494,950 62,200 N.Oity, N. Y.: Diamond N., P itt. R. F. Rich_______ W. M. Bardo___ W. P. Dorman J . F . McLaughlin— J . H. A nderson. J . A. Wensel_____ G. M. B etts___ 25,000 24,700 157,690 169,400 35.750 Chase N., N. Y.; Far.& M ech. N., Phil. H. N. W eller____ A. J . Druffner. 50,000 51,290 634,880 726,570 S. J . Pusey______ H. A. Mendenhall— J . Howard Brosius 50,000 122,350 721,080 821,750 T. P. Sturgeon____ J . B. Glass_______ G. M. Hine____,__ T. S. Couch. 25,000 21,900 229,240 245,230 B. F. Hoffman____ C. S. M anning____ I. Oliver F ry _____ 25,000 13,090 134,440 141,760 G. W. Melcher____ A. B. Mensch— S. B. Latshaw E. P. Buzzard____ Luther Schoch H. W. Kemp_____ J . C. Yerger__ ___ 25,000 18,930 292,550 258,800 37,830 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. G. H. Wise, T r .___ W. H. Smith, Sec... 125,000 43,500 596,020 722,160 26.750 N. Park, N. Y. F . E. B aldw in___ Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Buffalo, Buffalo. 58,290 N. P ark and Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Tradesmens N „ Phil. 121,680 N. City, N . Y.; Corn Ex. N., 1st N., and Franklin N., Phil. 52,780 Han. N., N. Y.: Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., P itt. 39,130 Corn Ex. N., Phil. Oliver La Bar__ _ B. F. Dilliard____ A. G. Abel............... 170,000 207,670 1,408,030 1,750,680 201,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. William Bray_____ O. N. Miller______ I. L. K ressler____ 100,000 111,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 880,000 1,030,000 John B a rn e s ___... J . H. A llp o rt____ G. F . W ildem an__ J . D. Bradford. 50,000 80,920 1,123,670 1,035,770 J . A. Horner_____ B. W. Beers_____ Jacob H. S eem ___ 50.000 60,970 (Jess P. Miller)___ 25.000 525,860 ! 623,040 266,310 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Diamond N „ Pitt. 83,390 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. Citiz. N., Wash., Pa.; Duquesne N., Pitt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis „ _ . _ 2049 , ^ ™ b,er under Name of Bank is the New T ransit N umber given bank H-S- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ TOYTT T T a «T V Accessible Towns. Lawyers. Laws. Directors, in- July, 1918 A uburn.. .Schuylkill D 9 F irst National Bank___ $'08 3 Pop. 921 60-1066 Austin_____„ P o tte r B 5 Bank of Austin________« t’03 3 Pop. 1400 60-1067 Avalon— Allegheny E 2 Avalon Bank_______._*${’05 4P (.Allegheny P . O.) 60-1068 Pop. 4317 Avella__Washington E l Lincoln National B a n k ..»$'05 4P Pop. 900 60-1069 Avis------------ Clinton 0 7 State Bank of Avis_____ 510 60-1070 3 Pop. 796 Avoca------ Luzerne C 10 F irst National Bank____*$’07 3 Pop. 5000 60-1071 Avondale__ Chester F10 National Bank of Avondale 3 Pop. 668 60-1072 »$'91 Avonmore Westmoreland F irst National Bank_____i'05 4P Pop. 1262 D2 60-1073 Bain bridge.Lancaster E 9 F irst National Bank______'08 3 Pop. 800 60-1074 Bally----------- Berks E 11 F irst National B a n k ____$’97 3 Pop. 600 60-1075 B a n g o r.... Northampton Bangor T rust C o ,_____ $§’07 3 Pop. 5500 D 11 60-709 F irst National B a n k ___ »$’82 60-707 Merchants NationalBank*$'91 60-708 Barnesboro. Cambria D 4 F irst National B a n k __ »$1900 3 Pop. 4000 60-1076 Bath—Northampton D 11 F irst National Bank____»1900 3 Pop. 1057 60-1077 Beallsville— Washington Jess P. Miller, B an k er.. . t ’14 4P Pop. 407 El 60-1078 111,840 Coal & Iron N., N- Y.; 1st N „ Phil. _____________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Apollo to Beallsville T own and Countt . N ame op B a n e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Disi $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv, P is Pittsburgh Branch Est, D 17M M O V T t I L i ' l IN o I 1Q48 10 4 8 J.V J r O Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, etc«« see tiapa U F o r Hnlirlavs. HPP nocro R esources . p r in c ip a l Correspondents . Loams &D u - C a sh tc Xx- July, c *t b . B ond , CHAMOIS,DUX S k o o kxtiu FROM B a MKI *FIRST NATIONAL BANK*!'! 60-813 J. M. WILSON-— D. A. NELSON____ D. M. REISINGER.. J. D. DOWDELL50.00C Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Iter Please send 15c w ith each sight dra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c for Credit it R eports Send u s your B eaver C ounty Ite m s. ♦F ort McIntosh Nat. Bk..$'06 J . S. W ilson_____ J . T. A nderson___ R. F. Patterson___ 60-815 (*Member o f Beaver County Clearing House, ew B righton) Beaver Falls.Beaver D 1 ♦Farm ers National Bank < ’93 Frank F. Brierly__ N J . R. M artin___ W alter G. B e r t___ W. W. Douds___ . 4P Pop. 13,532 60-422 ÍC. W. KLEIN —— M. SOLOMON____ W. W. POTTS_______ W. F. WAXENFELTER. W.J.0RR . Sec. and Tr. . Sec. and A . T *FEDERALTITLE&TRUST CO. < Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash A and T im e Item s 60-424 < § ’03 100,000 200,000 800,00( 790,00( 18,000 200,000 220,000 185,000 2,515,000 2,100,000 57,210 837,110 940,340 T. P. Beckley___ _ P. N. Risser, P. Hughes Sec. and Tr. Patrick H ughes.... H. B. Cessna_____ J . A. Donahoe____ C hairm an B usines s Committee. 54,810 65,580 50,000 98,000 558,000 700,000 50,000 5,000 143,120 138,320 25,000 6,000 200,000 191,140 125,000 20,500 395,000 435,000 50,000 64,000 655,730 651,950 J . A. W right___ J . M. S h u g e rt. . W. F . Reynolds___ J . K. B a rn h a rt. J . L. Piersol_____ B. F. T aylor___ 313,470 1N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 17,800 53,840 1 f-Bk. Com., N. Y.; Columbia N. and Union N. P itt.; F ar. & Mech. N., Phil, 16,410 I rving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 26,630 C Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil 100,250 I •ving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Corn Ex. N., anc Union N „ Phil. 137,060 * . Bk.'Com., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 4th St, N., Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. »Beliefonte Center D6 Bellefonte T rust Co__ < § ’04 J . L. S pangler.._ C. T. Gerberich___ J . P. Harris, Tr.. 3 Pop. 5000 60-759 Centre County Banking Co. T. A. Shoemaker 60-758 < f ’68 F irst National B a n k ___< ’56 Charles M.McCurdy 60-757 _ Belts Vernon.Fayette E 2 F irst National Bank_____$’93 J . R. F erguso n___ 4P Pop. 2372 60-886 VALLEY DEPOSIT & TRUST Samuel Jones____ COMPANY-60-885___< § ’03 Belleville____Mifflin D 6 Belleville NationalBank<1900 W. G. Wilson_____ 3 Pop. 700 60-1054 Farm ers National Bank. »1900 J . T , F lem in g ____ 60-1055 Bellevue —Allegheny E 2 Bellevue Realty, Sav.&Tr.Co. George M. P aden.. 4P Pop. 7000 60-647 < § ’02 220 125,000 51,010 7S0.950 50,000 36,000 415,250 100,000 824,210 176,900 1,308,980 1,190,080 248,430 h W. A. Cook_____ 50,000 65,000 430,000 400,000 W. C. K ittle_____ W. A. Mitchener, R. C. Thompson, Tr. A . Tr. J . B. Floyd I_____ _ A. C. H elfrick____ 125,000 117,000 890,000 901,200 25,000 56,000 254,000 376,000 G. B. Brindlé_____ F. W. W arn er____ John Wafts Stephen New b u rn . Ralph W ither J . H. Alter, A . Sec. spoon, ! Sec. a n d Tr. Citizens National Bank . < ’07 T. A. M cN ary..-__ D. M. Howe William A. P a u l. . . 60-648 Robt. J . Gibson 50,000 24,500 225,000 294,000 30,500 4t 125,000 72,170 751,640 -819,130 132,700 Si 50,000 29,980 671,210 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 720,010 j 'X Ti i A M lC U L d í ili ImJ jK . O I P itt.; 4th S t..N . and Drexel & Co., Phil. Ailech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. N. and C< Ex. N., Phil, 328,510 O*ase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon P ittr 80,000 c ! N ’ Y’: Bk* of P itt- N. A. and Mel N., Pitt. 189,400 N 35,000 Ii 81,180 Sc Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N;, P itt. ... . For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Bellevue HARTLEY BANKINGC 0 .< f 72 A. 0. Blackburn, 157,020 2,057,620 2,150,970 28,433 700,000 Imi, N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Far Dep. N., F irst N., and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt 167,010 iech. & Metals N., N. Y.f Mellon N. and of P itt. N. A., Pitt.; 1st N. Phil. e a v e r to C. R. May.... ......... John T. Reeves___ Geo. W /C oates.. H. N. Merriman J . H. Swick______ J . G. Sakraida— ._ G. F . Siemon____ J . W. McLaughlin New B righton) J . H. D re e se ____ J . F. Snook----------J . F . M attem 150,000 34,890 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. BANKS—B F . N. Beegle_____ W. F . B ell_______ E. G. F erguson___. 75,000 N „ Pitt. Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft ( Send u s your B eaver Falls Item s fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r C redit. ï eports. ♦F irst National Bank__< ’85 Geo.- Davidson____ 60-421 Leopold P in te r________ f ’16 60-425 ♦John T. Reeves & Co— t f ’93 John T. Reeves__ 60-423 State Bank of Beaver Falls H. C. W erts_____ 60-426 < § ’17 (* M ember o f B eaver County Clearing House, Beaver Springs.. Snyder F irst National Bank______’01 A. A. Ulsh_______ 3 Pop. 450 D7 60-1079 ‘ Bedford___Bedford E 4 Bedford County T rust Co. A. B. Egolf______ 3 Pop. 2235 60-1457 J§'15 F irst National Bank____< ’84 A. B. Egolf 60-901 60-900 50,000 56.00C _________________ PENNSYLVANIA ' U. S. S trouss___ C. M. Hughes_____ F. G. Bruce, T r ,... Chas. C. Galton, $ 300,00 9 $ 115,54 $162111 ÎI'SISH 0 $ 150,070 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Columbi* Agnew Hice W. H. Harper r. N., Pitt.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Clev. M gr, In s, D ept *BEAVER TROST COMPANY i Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash 60-814 < § ’02 s. ' Please send 15c u ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a it R eports i Largest Bank in Beaver. Try Us. ‘ B eav er_____Beaver D 4P Pop. 4000 1918 „ _ - _ , ^ ™ b,er under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1040 ea®“ bank m U. 8. exclusively by T h e B and-B fcN ally B a n k ers’ n r . . . . , . , , - __ • — Pl rect ory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . P E N N S Y L V A N IA C o n tin u e d co -3 T own and County , N ame op B ank . L ia b il it ie s . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State P r e sid e n t . Vic e -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . Figure is Fed. Ees. D isi JMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv As s ’t Ca sh ie r . P aid- ui SUBPLU AND 3 D epos P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est Capitai PBOPITf its N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally B ai____ inkers' Directory, un d er th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County . N ame of B a n e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State P r esid e n t . Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Bell wood______ Blair D 5 Bellwood Bank----------- •tf'92 H. C. Kinsloe____ 3 Pop. 2277 60-896 (Fred B la n d ...__ •• •• S pecial a tte n tlo FIRST NATIONAL BANK~'*’04 J) Please send 15c w .60-897 'S e n d u s y o u r B Bendersville.. Adams F 7 Bendersville National B k ..’08 J . G. Stover______ 3 Pop. 355 60-1080 Benson____Somerset P 3 (See Hollsopple) 4P Pop. 387 Bentleyville. Washington Farm ers & Miners N at. Bk. Joseph A. H e rro n . 4P P o p .3000 El 60-943 »$’08 B enton........Columbia 0 9 Columbia County Nat. Bk. A. R. Pennington.. 3 Pop. 719 60-1081 < ’02 Berlin_____Somerset P 3 F irst National Bank____< ’01 Fred Groff .... . 4P Pop. 1336 60-997 Philson National Bank__<’66 S. B. P hilson ____ 60-996 Bernville_____ Berks E 9 F irst National Bank_____J ’07 George Moll. 3 Pop. 308 60-1082 Berwick___Columbia 0 9 Berwick National Bank—t ’02 Charles C. Evans . . 3 Pop. 5357 60-713 ** •• Berwick Sav. & T r. Co..*§’03 S. W. D ickson.:__ 60-714 * First National Bank____<'64 M. J . C rispin_____ 60-712 Berwyn____Chester P 10 Berwyn National B a n k ...«’88 Wm. H. Haines___ 3 Pop. 1000 60-1083 Bethlehem .Northampton Bethlehem T rust Co.____§’07 H. A. F o erin g ____ 3 Pop. 38,346 D 11 60-407 ________ ** F irst National Bank___< ’63 J . S. K rause_____ 60-405 Gosztonyi Savings & Trust Rozi Gosztonyi___ Co_____ 60-258_______ §18 LehighValley Nat. Bank < ’72 W. E. D oster_____ 60-406 Peoples T rust C o .____< § ’16 E. F. E berts-------60-257 South Bethlehem Nat. Bank Adam Brinker 60-256 < ’89 -r-tr SfS&|ki W. A. W ilbur____ E. P. WILBUR TRUST CO, 60,255 < § ’87 Biglerville___Adams P 7 3 Pop. 386 Big R u n .__Jefferson D 4 4P Pop. 1032 Birdsboro____Berks E 10 3 Pop. 2930 Black L ic k __Indiana E 3 4P Pop. 1500 Blain __ __Perry E 7 3 Pop. 326 Blairs M ills..Huntingdon 3 Pop. 100 E6 Blairsville__Indiana E 3 4P Pop. 3572 4« 4« ‘Bloomsburg__ Columbia 3 Pop. 8000 D9 4 ** ** *| Blossburg_____Tioga B 7 3 Pop. 2303 V ice -Pr e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Gami k SxP aid - up Subplus D epos - Uam»k Du* O banaw,Due Capital P rofits ITS Becuritim non Baku Principal Correspondents. H. G. L aird______ Jam es W. Lowther W. F . W agner____ n given B ill o f L a ith each sight d ra f ellwood Ite m s . S. B. Gochnaur___ Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Ralph F. Taylor__ $ 25,000 $ 17,650 $ 272,230 $ 261,840 $ 73,040 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N. d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . Pitt. t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports, I. O. Bncher 25,000 20,090 256,330 298,040 W. H. M urray_____ H erbert Hertzog. W. F . Richardson W. L. Y orks........... R. J . M cH enry___ T. Carl McHenry . . 50,000 20,000 625,000 575,000 25,000 7,000 290,000 252,000 Chas. F . Swope___ 50,000 61.000 721,240 767,080 H. B. Philson____ .T.P. Mr.Ca.he 60,000 33,190 506,790 521,290 H. K. D err.. 25,000 31,570 283,340 329.780 Freas Fow ler____ B. D. Freas 50,000 57,070 604,830 664,380 O. F. F e r ris _____ H .R . Bower H. P .F ie ld ............. W. J . Hehl 0. G. Crispin Wm. H. Fritz John O. Acker____ 125,000 50,360 580,520 682,560 50,000 50,000 300,810 421,320 A. W. Radley_____ R. C. Solt, Sec. a n d Tr. M. J . Shim er_____ Thos. F . Keim____ 125,000 67,130 984,420 ¿>89,840 75,000 300,000 J. J . Gosztonyi___ W. W. Peters, R. E. Gosztonyi Sec. a n d T r. F. P. Snyder_____ 125,000 G. T. Haskell, Sec. a n d Tr. 125,000 Otto Tachovsky C. P. Hoffman A. P. Miller E. P. Wilbur 300,000 200,000 179,500 1,311,370 1,420,150 25,840 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. 150,000 Par. Dep. N., P itt.. 83,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tradesm ens N, Phil. 90,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond N.. Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 105,470 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; P ar. Dep. N. and 1st N.. P itt. 23,190 Girard N., Phil.; Penn N., Reading. 96,720 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 73,330 Columbia T r. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 170,^0 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 27,410 1st N., Phil. 157,100 1st N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 400,000 4,391,880 3,412,780 1,916,880 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Irving N. and Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y. 258,480 2,215,380 2,779,890 15,100 607,530 718,590 167,920 3,616,250 3,620,070 382,970 1st N., N. Y.; Par. & Mech. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 54,770 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 392,010 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Chas. T. Hess, D. C. Ryman, A .T r . 500,000 671,030 5,855,300 6,353,120 1,174,730 Empire T r., Equitable T r„ Guaranty T r. Cos., Sec. a n d T r. W. S. Marsteller, Liberty N., M erch. N., and N. Bk. Com., A . Sec. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. Biglerville Nat. B a n k ... < ’05 O. L. L ongsdorf__ R. H. L upp ______ R. B. Thompson__ 50,000 52,970 282,460 403,370 32,090 Seab. N., N. Y.; Pranklin N., Phil.; N. Bk. 60-1084 Com., Balt. Citizens National B a n k ..< ’91 O. H. I r v i n ______ J . M. M cClure____ G. C. Bowers_____ 35,000 31,880 374,840 357,710 92,770 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N .f Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. 60-1085 G. W. Miller N. A., Pitt. F irst National Bank_____t ’88 Edward Brooke___ George B rooke___ Wm. L incoln_____ J . N. Bower _ 50,000 108,110 453,940 548,990 109,820 4th St. N. and Pranklin N., Phil. 60-1086 F irst National Bank____< ’07 Joseph A. S hrom .. Sumner Graff_____ R A Kelly 40,000 Isaac Honsholder.. 25,000 300,000 350,000 37,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of P itt. 60-1087 N. A., P itt. Bank of B lain.. __ __t ’04 Oreigh Patterson . . _________ (B ranch o f B a n k o f L a n d isburg, L a n d isb Pranklin N., Phil. 60-1088 Tnscarora Bank________ t ’98 J . M. B lair______ J . A. Swan. ____ J . E. Robertson___ 18,000 25,000 1st N., P itt.; Girard N ., Phil. 60-1089 Blairsville National B an k < ’93 Thomas H. Long__ E. E. Lewis „ H. P. Rhoads 50,000 55,350 758,910 762,270 119,390 60-797 F irst National Bank. «’65 Wilbur P . Graff___ .T s Marshall 150,000 199,240 1,565,910 1,805,400 251,840 60-796 Bloomsbnrg National Bank A. Z. Schoch Paul E. W irt . Wm. H. Hidlay___ C. F . B row n_____ 100,000 92,380 946,150 1,115,870 118,650 60-593 < ’99 Columbia County T rust Co. F rank W. Miller . . W. W. E vans____ L R. Wolf, T r ____ H. M. Smith, Sec. . 125,000 60-594 §18 Farm ers National Bank . < ’91 C. M. Creveling___ •T. J . Brown 60,000 140,000 1,275,000 1,210,000 170,000 60-592 PhU. F irst National Bank____< ’63 M. T- Low _ George L. Low ___ George L. L o w ___ 100,000 108,000 750,000 870,000 108,000 60-591 Miners National Bank__< ’95 F . B. Smith G. Edgar D a rb y __ F. W. Coe W alter A. Brueilly 50,000 44,480 1,460,020 1,408,710 195,800j] 60-1090 tiJ .• D. xj 9 MacLauchlan lutti; iiftiiLmdu PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1nC l Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in* dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNallv R uilivn’ Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in* 1050________________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Bell wood to Blossburg___________ July, 1918 1050 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County . N ame of B ank . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Kes. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est, P r e sid en t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . 60-267 Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. M. H. Grabe_____ E. M. W allace____ H. S. Shirk. F. R. Hammond . . . F . J . Sutton______ W. F . Gibson C. C. S chm ucker.. J . L. B rant— ___ M. E. Shaffer____ J . M. W right___w C. S. Icker J . H. M oyer_____ C. K. L efever Jas. K. Boyer_____ M. E. W eidnet J . F . T re e s ______ L ia b il it ie s . R esources . OAM«k Du* Cashk ExP aid - up Surplus D epos L c’ti. Boms, ohav«m,Dux and Capital P rofits its Bboukrim fkomBanks P r in c ipa l Correspondents . $ 50,000 $ 77,120 I 416,630 $ 426,410 $ 78,060 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 30,000 24,900 348,000 360,000 30,001 16,000 435,000 386.000 39,450 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and 1st N. Pitt. 89,900 Han. N „ N. Y.; Diamond N., P itt.; 1st N.. Phil. C. J . N ew m an____ J ennie B. Gonder 30,000 10,000 249,000 230,000 Allen R. M oyer___ 50,000 64,000 600,000 675,000 40,000 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; B k.'of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 108,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. M. H. S ch ealer___ 100,000 355,000 1,338,000 1,578,000 192,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N; and Girard N., Phil. 805.360 233,760 Coal ft Iron N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and W estern N., Pitt. 133,940 Union T r. Co., P itt.; Braddock N., Braddock. W. A. H ild.— ___ F . W. Maurhoff___ R. P. D uff_______ George A. T odd.Tr. A. H. Wooldridge, T. O. Rankin, A .T r . Sec, R. P . D u ff_____________ George A. Todd___ A. H. Wooldridge— Braddock T rust Co____ *§’01 G. C. W att_______ George Nash_____ 60-270 A. J . Spigelmire H arry W. Benn FIRST NATIONAL BANK . < ’82 George C. W att___ F. G. Bishoff_____ 60-268 Jam es A. Russell, C h .o fB d . State Bank of Braddock<§’97 H. C. Shallenberger H. M. Glenn______ 60-269 Bradford___McKean B 4 BRADFORD NAT’ L B A N K -< ’79 O. F. Schonblom __ T. H. K ennedy___ 3 Pop. 14,544 60-366 in 50,000 125,000 18,960 640,560 181,210 1,481,880 , 1,654,150 20Q.000 771,740 7,996,920 7,916,980 1,201,670 Chem. N., Am. Ex. N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. E. C. Striebich, Sec. a n d T r. 125,000 191,260 1,086,480 1,185,720 217,010 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. E. 0. Striebich____ 100,000 162,330 2,564,700 2,611,250 310,230 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. P itt. O. L. Masters____ 50,000 31,000 700,000 725,000 140,110 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. H. J . H aggerty___ M. J . L ow e______ J . A. Riley 200,000 611,200 4,313,770 4,130,180 1,194,790 N. P ark and 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. COMMERCIAL NAT. B K .< ’90 W. H. P ow ers...__ L. E. Mallory____ R. L. M ason_____ T. C. K earns_____ 100,000 328,710 2,147,910 1,896,380 774,580 Chase N. and Seah. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 150,000 39,750 1,731,770 1,478,400 466,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil.; Columbia N., P itt. 81,140 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 60-368 J. R.Lavens F. R. P arm enter McKean County T rust Co. E. E. L indem uth... Lewis Em ery_____ George H.Mills, T r. R. W. Evans, Sec.. 60-367 < ’80 O. L. Melvin, A .T r. Bridgeport-.Montgomery Bridgeport Nat. Bank__< ’06 O. H. Mann___ John H am pton___ J . W. Connelly___ 3 Pop. 3860 E 11 60-1094 Ô.F.Lenhardt, V.P. I. A. Smith Bridgeville. Allegheny E 1 Bridgeville T rust Co.___*8’03 Geo. P. M urray___ S. C. McGarvey— H. J . Wilcox, Philip Green, 4P Pop. 1983 60-929 Sec. and Tr, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. 75,000 19,060 552,020 563,540 125,000 39,750 958,460 953,960 163,740 N. Y. T r. Coi, N. Y.; Colonial T r. Co. and Columbia N., P itt. (J. H. LUTZ— .... T. A. WARENSF0RD JOHN ZANGRILLI- F. A. PETRONE — 50,000 p e c ia l a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a dings d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e R e m FIRST NATIONAL B A N K .< ’03 J SPlease send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Crédit R eports. 60-930 1,160 389,220 314,880 135,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 99,250 1,241,820 982,890 ‘P ro m p t Service. Bristol______ Bucks E 12 Bristol T rust C o .____ < S ’08 J . R. Grundy 3 Pop. 10,608 60-502 Farm ers Nat. Bank of Bucks Benj. J . T a y lo r.... County —60-501_____<1815 Brockwayville. J efferson F irst National B ank__«¿1900 J . L. B ond.______ 4P Pop. 1898 C4 60-1095 i D. L. TAYLOR — . '«Brookville. Jeff erson C 3 < S pecial a t t e n tio BR00KVILLE T IT LE & T R .C 0 . 4P Pop. 3003 60-846 S’03 I Please send 15c ( SEND US YOU PENNSYLVANIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. W. M inster____ W. P . McCoy, T r... 125,000 92,220 G. H. H um phreys. A . R. C hapin____ 35,000 H. C. BEACH— A. 0. DEEMER J. E. GEIST, T. C. SWARTS, A . Tr. 125,000 Sec. a n d Tr, 6. T. BENSCOTER, A . Sec. 333,330 1,774,000 1,912,900 81,910 711,320 628,820 W. H. G ray ._____ J . S. C arroll__ ___ L. B. Shannon__ _ 447,130 N. City, N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N. and Mellon N „ Pitt. 341,770 Han. N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 127,330 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pittv-N. A. and 1st N., P itt. 59,780 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50,000 112,520 660,390 517,890 J . M. Brosius_____ 100,000 80,000 275,000 384,990 25.000 23,880 166,720 213,160 W. A. Edmiston _— W. A. Edmiston . . . T. A. W aggoner__ 100,000 235,000 1,850,000 1,429,190 Howard F . Taylor. S. E. Taylor —____ J âmes R. T aylor.. . K enneth P orter W. M. Lilley— ___ W. S. Conwell____ 50,000 746,620 3,518,780 3,384,860 S. H. W olf— ___ J . H. W olf____ 100,000 J 234,410 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt. 234,690 2,133,270 2,025,000 n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . w ith sight d ra ft fo rp resen ta tio n and 25c fo r Credit Rep pris. K BROOKYILLE ITE M S. W. J . M cK night... L. V. Deemer— 258,930 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 327,360 1st N., N. Y.; Far. ft Mech. N., Phil. 111,180 860,110 928,940 400,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt, N. A., Ex. N., and Mellon N.. Pitt. 855,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Far. Dep. N. and Peo. N.. Pitt. 245,300 1st N., N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 1051 JEFFERSON CO. NAT’L BANK J . B. Henderson__ 60-844 <78 National Bk. of Brookvillet’83 Charles Corbet 60-845 Brownstown_._Lancaster Brownstown National B k .t’08 A. V. W alter . . . ' 3 Pop. 600 E9 60-1096 Brownsville.-Fayette F 2 MonongahelaNat.Bank<1812 C. L. Snowdon___ 4P Pop. 9000 60-889 National Deposit B an k _ .< ’80 O. K. Taylor . . 60-890 Second National Bank . . < ’82 M. 6 . B u lg er_____ 60-891 1 TB Y US. Joseph R .G rundy. Charles E. S cott__ Thomas S c o tt... _______ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Blue Ball to Brownsville Blue Ball ..L ancaster E 9 Blue Ball National B an k < ’06 Jacob H a rtz _____ 3 Pop. 200 60-1091 Bolivar. Westmoreland E3 Bolivar National Bank—< ’02 W. B. Hammond__ 4P Pop. 800 60-1092 B osw ell___Somerset E 3 F irst National Bank____«{’03 R. W. L ohr______ 4P Pop. 2500 60-1093 Peoples State B a n k ____«§’14 Levan A s h ______ 60-1448 Boyerlown___Berks E 10 Farm ers National Bank . < ’83 T. J . B. Rhoads___ 3 Pop. 3400 60-879 National Bank of Boyertown E. K. Schultz_____ 60-878 <74 Brackenridge.. Allegheny Merchants & Mechanics Bank C. C. Henderson__ 4P Pop. 3134 D1 60-1410 •tS U B raddock.. Allegheny E 2 Bessemer Trust Co..___ i | ’05 J . G. K e lly ______ 4P Pop. 21.685 60-271 BRADDOCK NATL BANK < 82 John G. K e lly ____ Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, G race, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued July, 1918 in C l For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Indexto Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to, each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T h e Kand-McNally Bankers’ D irectory, fonder th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County . ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. P, is Pittsburgh Branch. N ame of B ank . L ia b il it ie s . P r e sid en t . V ice -P r esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . P aid-up Surplus AND' Capital P rofits ASS'T CASHIER. Est. J . A. Cross_______ C. M. M yers_____ 60-1097 r Nation; 60-847 r T rust < 60-848 iwn Nat. 60-1006 Burgettstown .W ash. E 1 4P Pop. 2500 60-239 P. A. Hart, .Sec. r . J esse H. Hall, A . T r . Loansk Dis- Cashk Exc*ts. Bonds, changes,Due Sic ubiti>8 fromBanks 7,310 $ 163,440 $ 155,960 $ 64,940 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt, 102,910 582,500 676,990 125,000 157,370 1,012,850 1,178,610 John A. Bell_____* W. G. Shillito____ A. H. K err______ . W. Craig Lee D. S. T aylor_____ A. O. M cC lure... John M. Scott____ Lee R. M cKinney.. C. W. Tope (John and Henry A. B erg).________ 100,000 117,270 1,567,970 1,554,760 J . V. R itts............... T. P. Mifflin John G. McMarlin. W. A. Ashbaugh__ W. C. McCandless Elias R itts A. L. Reiber........... J . Y. R itts............... A. C. Krug, Sec. a n d Tr. 300,000 Sec [J. H. TROUTMAN... IS. CAMPBEL1 ♦BUTLER SAV. & TR. CO. 50,000 A. A. H ir s t______ W. H. R a m sey ___ J . S. Garrigues, 60-1007 ¿ B u tle r_____ Butler D 2 ♦Berg & Co., J o h n _____ t ’l 4P Pop. 27,632 60-240 60-241 nty Tru 60-245 % 25,000 $ Jesse B. Matlack__ W. H. Ramsey____ J . W. Matlack. ITS .and T A 50,000 250,000 LOUIS B. STEIN, G. G. LOWRY, 500,000 Sec. and Tr. JOHN W. BRANDON, C. E. CR0NENWETT, G. DEWITT BREADEN, A . Sec. and A . Tr. Asst. Secretaries Collections ha ve the personal attention of an o ffleer of this ban k; we remit on day of payment; send ns your bu slness. C. N. B o y d ______ R. W. Dixon_____ A. R. W illiam s___ E. W. Humphrey W. G. D outhett___ L. G. Nicol, T r ....... G. C. Stewart, Sec. Daniel Younkins F . R. Hildebrand, J . N. Riddle, A . Tr. A . Sec. Merchants National BankJ'10 Ira McJ u n k in ____ Edward R eib er___ J . F. Hutzler 60-244 G. W. Miller Butler Clearing House. E. W Humphrey- Henry B e rg _____ L. G. Nicol, (.Members indicated by a *) and Mgr. Cairnbrook.Som erset F 3 F irst National Bank____ ’15 M. D. R e e l______ J . M. W agner_____ D. J . Sec. McMonigal__ 4P Pop. 700 60-1454 C alifornia..- Washington F irst National B a n k ___• j ’Sl Wm. H. B inns____ A C. P ip e r ______ 4P Pop. 2230 E l 60-902 Peoples Bank_______ «JI1900 G. B. F rantz_____ ■C. N. Savage.. E. M. Lilley John R. G regg___ 60-903 John Y ounkins___ 60-242 ♦Guaranty Safe Dep.& T r. Co A. E. Reiber_____i 60-243 «tS'Ol 332,750 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., First-Seconc N., Bk. of P itt. N. A., and Mellon N., Pitt. 218,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Peo. N., Diamone N., F ar. Dep. N., and Union N., P itt. Imp. & T ra. N., N* Y.; Peo. N. and Bk. of P itt N. A., Pitt. 405,000 5,100,000 4,400,000 1,100,000 Seab. Ñ., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 65,000 29,050 100,000 25.000 50.000 832,860 720,450 554,200 2,513,910 3,131,560 100,000 _ 127,700 250,000 69,910 N. City, N, Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 88,610 Franklin N., Phil. 833,620 987.350 338,520 2,893,710 3,187,220 26,670 333,450 5,420 80,000 509,950 436,550 1st N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 173,470 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., P itt. 434,010 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 38,040 Han. N., N. Y.; F irst N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 21,690 Bk. of-Pitt. N. A., P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 132,540 1,075,130 1,019,070 288,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 75.000 43,440 .444,820 444,160 H. W. CANFIELD— N. H. BERTRAM . . . D. L. MATHEWS — W. A. BAIRD 75,000 41,780 684,940 848,950 Springs National Bank__*’09 G. A. McLean_____ H. B. Rhodes____ J . C. A liee_______ 60-975 Canonsburg.. Washington Citizens T rust C o .___ *$§'01 C. C. Johnson -tr.'.. John C. M organ__ J . T. M’Nary, Ed. R. Smith, 4P Pop. 11,000 E l 60-776 Sec. and Tr. .Sec. and A . Tr. F irst National Bank__ » t’91 John L. Oockins__ Robt. L. P a r k ___ _ Geo. D. McNutt___ J . AW. Munnell____ 60-775 30,290 274,090 348,690 125,000 190,350 1,905,770 1,689,170 531,950 100,000 284,510 2,254,600 2,286,110 402,500 [D. E.KELLY -— Cambridge Spgs— Craw’d FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t 03 4P Pop. 1514 B1 60-974 ] S pecial a t t e n t i 1 Please send 15c w 50,000 Gar bondale—Lackawanna 3 Pop.19,242 B 10 50,000 9,000 270,000 300,000 55,680 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., P itt. 46,240 Citiz. Ñ., Wash., Pa. and F ar. Dep. N., P itt.; 1st N., Phil.; Citiz, N., Wash 81 L. T. McFadden __ C harles E. Bullock Charles A. Innes __ H. T. Owen.— __ 100,000 [ L. A. BASSETT - JAMES H. PAUL — JAMES H. PAUL— GEORGE H. PAULW. W. WATT 100,000 463,750 3,022,440 2,760,420 133,760 Phil. 664,240 st N. and Atlau Cent. N., Phil. 110,000 236,940 2,440,850 2,502,350 385,450 42,170 903,100 1,010,220 MECHALNICSSAVSB^NK < S pecial a t t e n t i on given Bill of L a d in g d ra fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m S. 60-317 *tS’71 1Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation. l S en d u s y o u r C a rb o n d a le b u sin e ss. F irst National Bank__ < ’64 R. A. Jadwin . 60-316 Liberty Discount & Sav. Bk. P. J . C asey _____ 60-319 * « ’03 Pioneer Dime Bank___»¿§’03 E. M. Peck ______ 60-318 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Edward Clarkson R . D. Stuart P. J . Moore B. A. K elly _____ A. E. Tiffany m ^ 1 100,000 Ex. N., and Girard N ., Phil. 57,050 529,440 559,010 75.240 93,320 880,990 925,270 96,550 Han. N¿, N. Y.; Co. Sav., Scranton. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Bankers- 1 0 5 3 n ,rZ tL ìan. ^ y ^ C. E. D owning __ P E N N S Y L V A N IA — Accessible T ow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a te s. U rarp _______ July, 1918 60-960 91,260 on given B ill o f L a d ln g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m S. ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. Canton____Bradford B 8 FARMERS NATIONAL BK.* 09 J . A. In n é s _____ Irw in W hitehead.. H. C. Gates _____ 3 Pop. 1637 60-961 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 118,790 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. _ B ru in ...___ ...B u tle r 0 2 4P Pop. 800 Bryn Mawr.Montgomery 3 Pop. 3000 F 11 A ccessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in-, dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources . P r in c ïpa l Correspondents . D X ? M V O V T XT A ATT a j JT xLIM IN O Y LjV A N I A --- \J o n tin U 6 C l 1 0 5 2 _____ ______ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS-*—Bruin to Carbondale I f ! 1? ? dumber under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given to each b an k in 0 . S. exclusively b y The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own a nd Co u n t y . N a m e of B a n k . Vic e -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . P aid -up Surplus Depos and Capital P rofits its R e so u r c e s . F rank C. Bosler__ Abram Bosler_____ Adam K eller__... . . R. W. Irving, Sec. $ 150,000 $ 228,580 $1427650 $1647180 $ 159,050 Atlantic N., Ñ. Y.; Girard N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. E. C. B eetem ____ L. C. Lesher_____ Merkel Landis, Tr. 150,000 185,000 1,250,000 1, 200,000 150.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Lewis S. Sadler___ W alter S tuart____ H. E. Sheaffer, Sec. and T r. 150,000 R. P. Burean John A. Bell — 259,100 1,648,820 1,854,500 George Faunce____ J oseph F. Hedges John A.-Bell, J r . __ J . H. Walker, T r ... 100,000 81,200 1,328,490 1,214,480 225,000 318,650 2,174,000 2,086,700 193,190 Chem. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., F ranklin N., and Phil. N., Phil. 120.000 Chase N .,N . Y.; Bk. of Pitt; N. A. and Mellon N., P itt. 394,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Mellon N., Pitt. 527,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., P itt, f JOHN R0DDA_____ 100,000 149,080 1.077,340 1,196,370 230,050 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. F. M. M itchener. . . L. T. Laidley /J. A. BELL_____ 25,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK - ’92 ) S pecial a tte n tio n given Bill o f L ailing d ra fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m S. $ 52,000 400,000 340.000 1 Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a ft fo r presentano n a n d 25c fo r Cred it Repo rts. 60-476 (Send u s y o u r C Peoples Bank_________ »§16 Geo. B. F orsythe-A. W. McMillen, 60-479 V. P. Carrick. ..Allegheny D 1 Carrick B a n k _________ »§’13 A. H. Stolzenbach. (Aft. Oliver P. O.) 60-1429 4P Pop. 15,000 Carrolltown.Cambria D 4 F irst National Bank____< ’01 C. A. Sharbaugh__ 3 Pop. 1348 60-1099 Castle S h a n n o n ..... Alle- F irst National B a n k .......’08 A. D. Rnhh 4Pgheny Pop. 1500 E 1 60-1100 OatasauQua.. Lehigh D 11 Lehigh National Bank—. t ’06 J . O. Beitel 3 Pop. 5250 60-727 National Bank of CatasauQua Edwin T hom as___ 60-726 «t’57 Gatawissa ..Columbia D 8 Catawissa National B ank.«’04 O. J . F isher______ 60-941 3 Pop. 1930 F irst National Bank_____i ’91 J . T. Fox 60-940 Cecil------Washington E1 F irst National Bank_____t ’03 Adam W agner.___ 60-1101 4P Pop. 1000 Center Hall ...C e n te r D 6 Penn’s Valley Bkg. C o._t ’73 Wm. M. Allison___ 60-1102 3 Pop. 500 Oentralia...Colum bia D 9 F irst National Bank_____»’09 T. W. Riley______ 60-1103 3 Pop. 3000 arn eg ie B usiness. C. E. H erm an ____ J . S. Taylor D. C. Casey 50,000 10,290 208,810 200,020 62,580 N . City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. G. H. Snyder____ Jos. P. Lewis_____ 50,000 28,740 429,620 423,520 45,710 Seab. N .,N . Y.; Columbia N. and Union Tr. Co., Pitt. A. B. C lark ______ F. J . Brophy_____ C. C. Adams_____ 50,000 140,000 900,000 870.000 J . W. W aterman. 25,non 10,320 393,890 365,250 74,380 961,970 1,023,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N. Pitt. 70,450 N. Park, N. Y.: Columbia N. and Union N., Pitt. 138,010 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. H. TT, W Scimeliman R. M. Wint ____. J . F. Moyer F. B. Manser Leonard P e c k itt... F rank M. H orn—. . H. V. S w artz_____ 125,000 400,000 362,500 2,200,210 2,991,630 C. P. P fa h le r_____ C. S. W. F o x _____ 50,000 32,000 425,000 375.000 Luther Ever W. M. Vastine____ W. H. Roberts Valentine Klein___ Robt. Patterson__ — _ _ — 50,000 21,000 T). F . Feller M. J . M cDonnell... Jas. W. J o n e s ____ ÍT.M. NELSON-— S. G. GREENWALT - F. A. ZIMMERMAN, 25,000 320,000 510.000 5,860 , 156,490 148,160 256,690 281,130 C. D. Bartholomew. W. K. SHARPE— FARMERS & M ERCHANTS D. 0. SOLLENBERGER. 0. L. GROVE, 291,270 1st N., N. City, and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; F ar. & Mech. N., Corn Ex. N.. and 4th St. N., Phil. 3,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Market St. N. and 1st N„ Phil. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; j 4th St. N. and G irard N., Phil. «*4,930 Han. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., P itt. 15,540 40,710 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America and Far. & Mech. N „ Phil. 200,000 281,380 1,712,470 1,906,990 286,850 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. jff 150,000 175,190 1,470,440 1,574,090 181.050 Irving N ., N. Y.: M arket S t. N. and 4tb S t. N ., P h il.; M ellon N ., P itt. Sec. cuncCTr. P ro m p t service. W e g e t re su lts . S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a ft f o r presentano n c m d 25c for Cred it R epor ts. COMPANY 60-430 i§ ’06 (GEO. A. WOOD— WALTER K. SHARPE R. H. PASSMORE — 130,000 164,370 1,193,860 1,400,400 j “ T lIE OLD i\A TIONAL” NATIONAL BANK „ OF CHAMBERSBURG \S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s. 60-427 <1809 1Please send 15c w ith each sight d/r a ft fo r presentano n a n d 25c fo r Cred it Repo rts. VALLEY NATIONAL BANK 60-428 PENNSYLVANIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 220,000 1st N ., Phil. 25,000 Sec. and Tr. J. A. STRITE ¿O ham bersburg...Frank CHAMBERSBURG TRUST CO. < Special a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. 60-429 « íl’01 Please send 15c w ith each sight dr a ft fo r presentano n a n d 25c fo r Cred it Repo rts. lin ..P o p . 12,380— F 6 A B a n k of S tre n g th a n d C h a ra c t er. TRUST P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loams k Dis- Cash k Ex*ts . Bonds, changes,D ue 8>ouxrnxs n o n B anks t ’90 GEO. H. STEWART M.C. KENNEDY-__ FRED B. REED . — JOHN R.0RR 1 S pecial a tte n tio PleaSe send 15c S en d u s y o u r C 100,000 328,920 1,800,520 2,012,310 214,530 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 297,130 1st N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and P h il.N ., Phil. n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . w ith each sight dr a ft fó r presentano n a n d 25c for Cfed it Repor ts. h a m b e rs b u rg I t e ms. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Carlisle to Chambersburg ______________ 1053 ¿Carlisle.Cumberland E 7 Carlisle Deposit Bank—<§'46 60-470 3 Pop. 10,726 Carlisle T rust Co._____<§'05 60-473 Farm ers T rust Co.____•JS'02 60-472 Carm ichaels.. Greene F 1 F irst National Bank____< ’01 4P Pop. 550 60-1098 C arnegie.. Allegheny E 1 CARNEGIE NAT’L BANK — 02 4P Pop. 12,000 60-478 Carnegie T rust Co._____ J ’01 60-477 P r e sid e n t . 1918 ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is P ittsburgh Branch. Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace,! etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.| P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued T u ly , 1053 (See Index to Lawyers) IU D t N um ber u nder N am e ®f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and L ia b il it ie s . D epos P aíd -up S urplus and its Capital P rofits Name op Bank . county . Mem Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. ÎM em.State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch P resident . ! Charleroi___Washington Bank of Charleroi____ »$§’98 T. L. Daly. 66-493 4P Pop. 11.931 E 2 fJL M. WALTQN! Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued V ice -P r e s id e n t . CASHIER. As s ’t CASHIER. RESOURCES. k k Dis- P rincipal correspondents. Ca sh E x Loan s c ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,B ub from B a n k s S e c u r it ie s J . C. McKean____ Kerfoot W. Daly— C. S. McKean_____ $ 75,000 $ 365,000 $2 885700 $2 249900 $ 487,100 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union Tr. Co., P itt.; Ist N., Phil. E. J. CHARLES, A . T r. D. M. McCLOSKEY-— E. W. HASTINGS, Sec. a n d T r. S. W. SHARPNACK, R. C. M0UNTSER 125,000 94,900 1,211,920 1,290,140 141,700 N. Park, N. Y.: Peo, N. and Ex. N „ Pitt. 60-492 JOHN K. TENER- S A. WALTON - — GEO. S. MIGHT W e rep resen t Cherry Tree.Indiana D 4 F irst National Bank------$’03 J . O. Leasure. 60-1104 4P Pop. 439 Chester__Delaware F 11 ♦Cambridge T rust Co.—*$§’01 G arnett Pendleton. 60-182 3 Pop. 41,396 ♦Chester National Bank«$’83 J . Frank Black—.. 60-180 ♦Delaware County Nat. Bk J . H. Roop------- 60-178 *$1814 J . A. G. C am pbell♦Delaware County T r. Co 60-181 *$§’85 George M. Booth ♦F irst National Bank—*$’64 60-179 Wesley S. ♦Pennsylvania Nat.Bank«$’03 McDowe 60-183 J . H. Roop— — Chester Clearing H ouse.. (.Members indicated b y a *) OhiGora_____ Butler D 2 Millerstown D epositBk.*it’87 H. J . M yers-----60-1105 4P Pop. 1100 Christiana..Lancaster F 9 Christiana National Bank$’04 60-1106 3 Pop. 1100 Clairton__Allegheny E 2 Union T rust Co.---------«$§’02 60-1107 4P Pop. 4000 ¿Clarion____ Clarion 0 3 Citizens T rust Co._____ §’04 John Gibson. 60-865 4P Pop. 3000 Clarks Summit-Lackaw’a 3 Pop. 1600 C 10 Claysburg — -B la ir E 4 3 Pop. 400 Claysville__Washington 4P Pop. 1500 E1 F irst National Bank-----*$’65 S. W. Wilson 60-863 Abington National Bank»$’13 60-1430 F irst National B a n k ------$’12 60-1422 Farm ers National Bank—$’09 60-1017 National Bk. of Claysville ’90 60-1016 Jam es Mitchell »Clearfield—Clearfield C 5 CLEARFIELD NATIONAL BANK___60-628---------*$’93 3 Pop. 6851 Clearfield T rust Co.— *$8’02 60-629 COUNTY NAT’L BANK-*$ 65 60-627 Clifton Heights—Del. F 11 F irst National Bank___*$’02 J . M. Lutz 60-1108 3 Pop. 3155 Olintonville—Venango C 2 Peoples National Bank.*$’08 60-1109 4P Pop. 400 P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n I n d e x 50,000 R. H. RUSH . . . ------ L .J. MITCHEL — th e D raw er, u r g e p a y m e n t, an d 212,760 1,121,670 1,005,130 50,000 . 120,180 1,466,240 1,517,710 Wm. McKeage------ F rank Finsthw ait— J. O. Mahaffey— 250,000 208,160 3,744,260 3,707,170 300,000 257,460 2,388,320 2,285,240 T. M. Hamilton__ 300,000 789,280 2,197,150 3,091,750 W. K.Foley, A .Sec. John C. Hinkson— R. E. Jefferis, Sec. and Tr. J . R. Mowry, A .T r . T. Edward Clyde— Jam es C. B aker— 250,000 305,310 .4,353,920 4,291,560 I. D. W ood______ W. A. Dyer, T r— W. A. Dyer D. R. Faith, A . T r. W. H. Bridge, A . Tr. D. E. C a se y .... R. E. Jefferis, M gr. 186,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., P itt. coU ect ors. are su c c e ss fu l 200,000 235,000 1,720,000 2,000,000 100,000 121,720 1,520,810 1,464,560 207,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond N., P itt. 507,790 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: 4th St. N., Phil.; F irst N., Pitt. (M em . F ed . B es.) 651,880 Han. N. and Merch. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 496,120 N.City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 462,110 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America and 3d N., Phil. 270,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. N., and Franklin N., Phil. 344,860 N. P ark, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. Sec. . . . - - IT I- ,--- W. A. Gilbert____ Maurice J . Brin ton, Sec. J . H. MeClure, H. J. D avis---------- J . Will Taylor, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. C. W. Amsler------ W. A. Graham, T r. C. G. Moore, A . Tr. H. M. Hufnagel, A . Tr. M. M. Kaufman — A. B. Oollner_____ F. M. Arnold, J r ,. H. F . Strattan 60,000 59,560 125,000 67,180 1,015,360 1,017,810 126,700 2,113,360 1,997,990 100,000 48,250 1,046,550 1,213,410 25,000 11,040 207,240 252,040 25,000 15,500 270,000 225,000 186,000 175,000 50,000 16,000 W. J. E. McLain__ Geo. B. Lysle------- Mary F . McGill— 50,000 283,360 a. r — . Bigler —- ___ P. T. Davis, T r. — R. C. W rieht - Number under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given 187,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Union T r. Co.. P itt. 372,070 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 147,680 N. Park, N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st, N. P itt. 35,440 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 20,000 Union N., Phil.; W estern N., Pitt. 19,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Diamond N.. and Mellon N. Pitt. 191,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt. 238,210 1,492,490 1,719,300 410,270 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. 150,000 215,740 1,658,560 1,674,380 358,750 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; Far Dep. N., P itt. 500,000 735,050 4,977,930 5,572,400 1,131.980 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil.; Mellon N. Pitt. 65,670 1,239,820 1,174,750 370,760 Franklin N. and Corn. Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 940,190 1,133,950 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., P itt. 49,950 Chase N., N . Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 200,000 A. K. W right - H. J . Crawford---- J . S. F o rb e s------- - 488,040 135,000 J . H. Zinn T D Bell- _____ D. W. B a se l_____ W. D. B usbey____ H .S . W hitem an, J r . H. S. Whiteman, J r . 377,660 25,000 30,590 300,460 321,800 51,430 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Charleroi to Clintonville_________ July, 1918 A . Sec. SAV. & TRUST Y 66-494 < § ’01 Special a tten tio n g iven B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . i t B epor ts. n a n d 50c fo r Gred ft fo r presentatio , Please send 15c w itn each sight dra ( P rom p t, efficfe n t service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-* 91 1054 1 rkC/1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- tiauna nuvvi P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n in d e x T own and County . N ame of Bank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. P is P ittsburgh Branch. Est. P r e sid e n t . D T T M h T C V T t t a 1VTT A * Ü /I N IN O X L V A I N 1 A Vice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . m i æ »v - m Olymer_____ Indiana D 3 Olymer National Bank__i ’l l EdwardWiddowson L. E. Ackerson____ J . M. S te w a rt. . 60-1110 4P Pop. 1753 *»»»»• wyy-»wKKwyaww» Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 ______ j L > O ritin U C C l As s ’t Ca sh ie r . w vm w w m v»»« Lia b il it ie s . b pl u s P a id - u p SuAND Depo s Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s R e so u r c e s . Loams f t D isc ’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s P r in c ipa l correspondents . Ga s h f t E x c h a n g es ,D o t fro m B a n k s $ 25,000 $ 28,000 $ 450,000 $ 397,000 $ 106,000 Drov. and Mech. N., Balt.; Diamond N., P itt , Coaldale___Bedford F 4 Broad Top National B ank.’18 J . M. M cIntyre___ P. N. R isser_____ F. R. N. Cunning 3 (Six Mile Run P. 0 .) 60-1485 ham 25,000 2,500 32,690 38,920 Coaldale—Schuylkill D 10 F irst National Bank___*310 John R. B o y le ___ E. G. Evans______ H. F. Blaney__ 60-1111 W. H. Kohler 3 Pop. 5154 25,000 24,760 398,120 425,170 47,710 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Ooalport— Clearfield D 4 F irst National iBank____i ’03 G. D. Benn_____ _ A. L. Hegarty____ A. P. Silverthorn.. A. L. H e g a rty ____ 60-1112 3 Pop. 876 30,000 25,550 479,700 481,920 73,320 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. A. F. Huston_____ H. B. Spackman__ Geo. W. Lacey, Coatesville—Chester F 10 COATESVILLE TRUST CO. J . R. Freel, 60-454 *i§’07 3 Pop. 14,455 William M. Potts See. and Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr, 125,000 93,000 1528 000 1464 000 Ivan S. M orris____ 200,000 397,730 2,509,990 2,779,690 528,040 N. City, N. Y.; I s tN . and Franklin N., Phil. j WM. P. WORTH W. S. H A R L A N M . W. P 0 W N A LL. E . H. DOAN— — NAT. BANK OF CO ATESV ILLE ] C ollections h av e th e personal at ten tlo n o f an offl eer o f th is bank, 60-453 »i’89 100,000 561,510 2,354,960 2,470,340 645,120 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. National Bk.of ChesterValley H. J . Branson____ A. F . H u sto n _____ N. G. M a rtin ____ 60-452 *t’57 Oochranton___Crawford 4P Pop. 695 . B 2 Codorus______ York F 8 3 Pop. 475 Collegeville. Montgomery w 3 Pop. 621 B 11 Columbia—Lancaster E 9 3 Pop. 11,454 F irst National Bank____$’77 60-1113 Codorus N at. Bk. of Jeff erson 60-1114 ’10 Collegeville National Bk.*J’07 60-1115 Central National B a n k ... 60-448 Columbia T rust Co.___ §1900 60-449 F irst Columbia National Bk. 60-447 $’64 Conemaugh.Cambria E 4 Conemaugh Deposit B k..»§’13 60-1426 3 Pop. 5075 F irst N. Bk. of E.Conemaugh 60-1116 »$’03 Confluence-Somerset F 3 F irst National Bank___*1900 60-1117 4P Pop. 890 Conneaut Lake.Crawford F irst National Bank____«$’03 60-1118 4P Pop. 450 B 1 Conneautville..Crawford Bank of Conneautville.»it’63 60-1119 4P Pop. 867 B1 Connellsville.Fayette E 2 ♦Citizens National Bank »$’02 60-400 4P Pop. 15,455 ♦Colonial National Bank—’04 60-402 ♦ F irst National Bank— « t’76 60-397 « ♦Second National Bank .»$’90 60-398 ( We r e m it o n d a 7 o f p aym ent. Send u s your Coa tesvllle b usin ess. C. Lamberton____ J. H. Allison_____ Isaac Hildebrand— Emanuel Sterner — Elmer Sterner____ Emory Sterner___ 390,000 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 198,530 197,410 34,850 Franklin N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 44,340 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ,50,000 45,580 392,410 488,850 66,000 500,240 584,340 John W esterman— J. R. Hershey____ D. L. Glatf elter, T r. 125,000 88,000 617,000 728,000 Hugh M. North, Jr. Joseph Janson____ W. S. Detwiler Edward O uster___ H arry B. Cooney~ J. L. Wissinger W. S. S h affer..— . D. W. Brallier____ D. R. Schnabel V. M. Black._____ D. L. Miller______ 450,000 138,270 1,074,850 1,467,290 85,830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Balt.; 4th St. N. and Union N., Phil. 117,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 195,820 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and F ar. & Mech. N., Phil. 36,930 rving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Comw. T r. Co., Pitt. 103,000 1. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 95,370 William R. F ry ___ H. S. P rin g le __ 50,000 9,410 John H. Cooney__ Wm. R. F r y ___ 50,000 57,000 794,000 860,000 D. L. Miller______ R. E. Black____ 25,000 31,340 300,120 371,780 I. M. Lewis______ Jam es E. Rupert. W. Gehr______ Geo. G. Oobler.". A. L. Bates Paul S turtevant___ J . T. Snodgrass__ J. T. Snodgrass___ E. T. Baird____ 25,000 19,000 359,000 364,000 66,600 50,000 16,500 497,900 493,930 70,470 912,450 1,079,700 210,980 545,C00 74,800 Ex., Balt. 376,830 lhase N. and N. City, N . Y.; 1st N. am N „ P itt. 265,850 [an. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N ., Phil.; gahela N .. P itt. F. E. M arkell__. . . T. J . Mitchell____ James L. Kurtz___ J . B. Henderson L. F . R uth_______ E. K. Dick______ H. E. Schenck..___ R. S. T ren b erth . H arry Dunn E .T . N o rto n ___ _ Robert N o rris___ G. W. Stauffer____ H. 0. Norton—. . . W. F . Stauffer W orth Kilpatrick— J . A. A rm strong.. J. A. Armstrong__ A .B. Hood_____ 100,000 178,230 100,000 35,000 318,590 326,580 538,000 200,000 136,760 2,487,040 2,355,820 50,000 173,100 1,197,880 1,206,150 250,000 163,630 547,400 747,900 124,770 fan. N., N. Y.; Mellon N ., P itt.; Cc Wash., D. Ci; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. 49,000 300,700 220,000 127,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., P itt. Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25cf o r Credit B eports. [ Send u s your C on n ellsvllle Item s. H. E. Schenck, Sec. J . Ray M estrezat, T r. 50,000 200,000 47,580 1,254,800 1,227,230 279,600 f. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Girard N., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt. 1055 Connellsville Clearing House J . A. Arm strong__ E. R. Floto_____ (M embers indicated by a *) F. E. Markell Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 380,000 14.79Q 100,000 ♦Union National Bank—«$'02 G. W. Gallagher__ James 0. Long____ 60-401 ♦Yough T rust Co.____ *$5’71 W. F . S oisson____ W. F . Stauffer____ E. R. Floto, 60-396 Sec. and T r. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 50,000 25,000 A. D. F etterolf___ M. B. Linderm an.. W. D. Renninger.. ( L . F . RUTH— r — R. M ARIETTA EDW. K. DICK, Sec. a n d Tr. T I T L E & TRUST COMPANY < Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La d in g drafts, Cash and T im e Ite m s . OF W ESTERN PEN N A. 60-899 282,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 50,000 0. F. Markel__ ___ H enry W esterm an J. H. Zearner____ Horace Detwiler__ 21,260 Irving N., N. Y.; Union N., Phil. July, 1918___________PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Clymer to Connellsville Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i r | C < to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 1 U O O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. givv For S A F E T Y and SERVICE; Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. P is P ittsburgh Branch. P r e sid en t . V ic e -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Loan s k DisP aid - u p S u b pl u s D e po s c’Tg. Bo n d s , it s Ca p it a l P rand S e c u r it ie s o f it s $ 150,000 $ 135,960 $1277 330 $1313 770 $ 249,530 N. City,,N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. W. D. Zimmerman. John F. Bowker__ John R. Wood____ 50,000 124,450 928.790 992,560 71,370 Franklin N. and Cent. N., Phil. H. T. T rum bauer.. 25,000 23,700 383,000 385,740 70.040 Han. N., N. Y,; Girard N., Phil. Horace Boyd____ Morris Caplan 50,000 19,940 551,920 621,100 47,030 Liberty N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50,000 49,530 380,350 421,050' 64,710 Seab. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Bk. of P itt, N. A., apd Columbia N., Pitt. TV W Kinf» IS NATIONAL C. B. Ferguson 1__ ....60-721____. . . «'97 A. B. Sharpe, Sec. and Tr. Coraopolis Sav. & T r. Co.t§’03 W. H. A d k in s ...... 60-723 OHIO VALLEY TR. C0.~«5'01 0. B. Ferguson . . . . W. S. Ramsey____ J. E. Thompson, J. I. Shanks 60-722 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . cha n g es ,D ue fro m B a n k s G. I. McIntyre, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 125,000 77,770 1,139,100 1,029,090 185.000 149,150 1,250,910 1,387,180 258,930 Han. N., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt. 185,920 Seab. N., N. Y.; Keystone N., Peo. N., and Comw. T r. Co., Pitt. 60,000 76,620 731,660 721.590 140,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 KEPPEL------ FRANK LAURIE—------ 0. H. ANDREWS____ D A PFPFW NATIONAL BANK OF CORRY -<ÌHENRY Special a tte n ti on given BUI o f Lading drafts, C ash and T im e Ite m s. 60-660 •t'92 70,350 892,730 828,560 191,660 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. »Ooudersport—Potter .B 5 Citiz. Safe Dep. & T r. Co.§’03 O. G. M etzger____ C. P. F ee________ N. A. Pinney, T r ... S. H. Lewis, Sec. . . B. V. Elliott 60-833 3 Pop. 8100 125,000 67,890 785,880 821,700 157,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. Addison Stephens.. M. S. Harvey, Coudersport T rust Co—t§ ’03 Sec. a n d Tr. 60-834 J . H. G rant______ F irst National Bank___»$’94 Fred C. Leonard__ 60-832 Grafton__Allegheny E 1 F irst National Bank___ » t’01 Jam es A. McAteer. J . B. Safford_____ 0. M. Johnson____ H. T. Moss_______ 60-738 4P Pop. 5000 A .F. Hnnt John Shonto ____ Cresson____Cambria E 4 Farm ers .Deposit Bank__«§’15 C. W enderoth___ _ 60-1452 3 Pop. 3000 125,000 48,830 615,590 679,920 50,000 34,580 212,690 281,710 109,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and-Oolonial T r. Co., Pitt. 65,050 N. Park, N. Y.; B k, of Pitt. N. A., P itt. 50,000 30,910 455,850 416,694 112,140 Chase N ./N . Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 25,000 15,000 350,000 300,000 57,690 50,000 C. A. CUNNINGHAM M.B.CONNELL.— each sig h t d raft for p resen tation , and credit report Insu res p rom pt, perso nal a tte n tio n . m s. 698,800 712,100 (i. H. Barlow ....... C o rry __ _______Erie B 2 Citizens National B a n k ...'91 60-659 4P Pop. 7000 H. W. P arker____ [.Please send 15c w ith each sight dra f t fo r presentation a n d 25e fo r Credit R eports. ,J. A. SCHWAB... J FIFTEEN CENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK-**’01 ) TWENTY-FIVE (We get resu lts. 60-1122 F irst National Bank____i ’09 60-1123 Curwensville Nat. Bank »$04 60-1124 F irst National B a n k ____»’16 George R. W rig h t. 60-1125 F irst National Bank_____$03 J . G.' Heckert_____ 60-1126 Farm ers State Bank------ «S’12 J . F. Brosious_____ 60-1415 Danielsville National Bank S. J . D rum heller... 60-1127 *'05 Danville National Bank.»$48 60-573 F irst National B a n k ___ »$64 60-574 D arby.___Delaware F 11 Darby Bank-----------------«§’13 A. J . Gotshall____ 60-1424 3 Pop. 6305 F irst National B a n k ____$’90 W. L. Ver lenden . . 60-1128 Cressona.-Schuylkill D 9 3 Pop. 1827 Curwensville . . Clearfield 3 Pop. 3000 D4 Dallas_____Luzerne C 10 3 Pop. 576 D allastow n___York F 8 3 Pop. 2500 Dalmatia Northumberl ’nd 3 Pop. 300 D8 Danielsville.Northampt’n 3 Fop. 800. D8 »Danville___Montour D 8 3 Pop. 8000 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1057 J. M. NOEL -— S sen t to u s w ith CENTS for each Send n s your ite F. D. Meixell .... J . J . Ryman W H tRaah C. P. Ludw ig------- C. F,. Noss. R. K, Tressler ... P . R. F.elrman . Jas. H. Z erbe____ 25,000 18,000 290,200 298,700 100,000 132,000 809.300 842,750 25,000 10,000 225,000 205,000 50,000 43,490 514,900 600,190 25.000 13,270 121,620 128,390 25,000 22,000 205,000 200,000 M. G. Youngman " F. Ja m iso n ____. . . 200,000 . 175,000 1,800,000 1,996,000 W. L. McClure 150,000 C. V. Roberts_____ M. P . H utton Wm. P. P a in te r __ George W. D w ier.. A. J . C raw ford___ 300,000 1,645,000 1,975,000 125,000 41,280 100,000 154.790 836,490 861,750 998,230 1,081,730 90,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union T r. Co., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 144,400 Union N-. P itt,: Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 35,600 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N .,P hil. 283,390 N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.', Phil. 51,630 N. City, N. Y.; Ist N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 26,340 4th St. N. and Logan T r. Co., Phil. 46,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 225,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. | 275,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 141,000 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil. 229,100 Girard N., Phil. PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Conshohocken to Darby ___________ July, 1918 Oonshohocken.. .Montg'y F irst National Bank___ I '73 60-577 3 Pop. 7800 E 11 Tradesmens Nat. B ank.._’82 60-578 Ooopersburg.Lehigh E 11 F irst National Bank___«{’08 M. L. Engelman__ 60-1120 3 Pop. 900 Coplay___.„L ehigh D l l Coplay National Bank___$08 Wm. H. T hom as... 60-1121 3 Pop. 2670 Coraopolis-Allegheny D 1 4P Pop. 6000 R esources . Ca s h k E x L ia b il it ie s . N am e op B a n k . T own and Co u n ty . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume;. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA- -Continued 1056 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 n r c *to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers’ JLUOO Director?, under th e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given to each b a n k , in U. S. exclusively b y The Hand-McNally Bankers’ p 'n 'V T X T c v r T \ T A TVTT A -f'rv f» f i n n a d Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i1 rEl'll'iaiLiVnl’U n m a p u u u iv a iiiu c a n u f v i u o iu ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank_in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ p t r v r M C V T Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. -t 1 S IN IN O I T own and County . N ame of B ank . ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. V ice -P r e sid en t . V A JN IA Cashier. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. v > O I lt i n U 6 Q As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . i R esources . k D n - f C asm k E x P aid - u p 1Surplus D epos Lc ’oams tb . B ombs , ch a n g e « ,D ue AND Capital P rofits its S e c u r it ie s r bom B a k u p r in c ip a l Correspondents . 1 M. M. C ochran___ J . H. P ric e _____ _ R. D. H enry_____ $ 50,000 $ 200,000 $ 500,000 $ 425,000 $ 325,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. N. A. Rist 0. W. E llenberger. A. J . G ourley.____ C. C. M arshall____ Hazel M. McSparrin 25,000 36,980 199,030 189,120 88,190 Far. Dep. N., Pitt. O. J . S h u ster_____ S. P. E arn est_____ H. Z. Lauffer__ 25,000 20,490 174,800 193,300 36,990 Han, N „ N. Y,; Union N „ Pitt. J . H. Stubbs_____ Calvin Galbreath . . E. W. K eyser__ 50,000 62,000 435,000 504,000 H. S. M errym an__ H. R. Lloyd______ H. J . Evans______ Zephaniah Heaps R. D. O berholtzer. Alvin W. Mentzer— Alvin W. M entzer— 50,000 16,000 330,000 340,000 50,000 157,140 821,540 971,450 P . F. B row n_____ B. W. B row n____ D. W. Yealy, J . W. Yealy, A . Tr. Sec. a n d T r John J . A itk e n ... Samuel Moskovitz. Joseph Girezeunis Hugh J . Taekney, Sec. A. H. W illiam s..__ J . S. Kapp_____ R. B. N elso n ____ FARMERS & MERCH. BANK B. F. Cocklin_____ W. A. M y e rs...___ L. L. B entz__ 60-1031 $§’10 Jas. BaunJan D onora.. Washington E 1 BANK OF DONORA-___< § ’01 J . A. Sprowls_____ C. F. Thomas. 4P Pop. 14,500 60-529 125,000 15.000 1,250,000 1,150,000 43,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and F ranklin N., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. 56,000 Chase N., N. Y.;M erch, N., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 115,590 Chase N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil, - - , 125,000 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 25,780 466,770 539,680 50,370 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 60,000 18,700 607,550 617,810 47,240 Corn Ex. N „ Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—•’Dawson to Dunbar Dawson— ..—Fayette E 2 F irst National B a n k ___«$’91 60-1129 4P Pop. 848 Dayton__Armstrong D 3 F irst National B a n k ____ ’01 60-1130 4P Pop. 809 Delmont —Westmoreland Peoples National B ank__i ’l l 60-1406 4P Pop. 800 E2 Delta___ ...____York F 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK »$’90 3 Pop. 881 60-1026 Peoples National Bank__$’99 60-1027 Denver — Lancaster E 9 Denver National Bank__$’01 3 Pop. 1100 60-1131 D erry. Westmoreland E 3 F irst Savings & T rust Co. 4P Pop. 2954 60-1132 $§’87 DicksonGity .Lackawanna Dickson City National Bank 3 Pop. 12,086 CIO 60-1133 $T7 Dillsburg____’. .Y o rk E 8 Dillsburg National Bk__«$’78 3 Pop. 1000 60-1030 P r e sid e n t . \ T A TVTT A ^ i v July, 1918 1nK 7 u u 25,000 18,000 200,000 210,000 25,000 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt.. Chas. I. Lewis____ 100,000 54,500 583,850 660,370 fJOHN W. AILES- B. G. BINNS-----B. B. BINNS------- H. 0. C0LGAN------FIRST NATIONAL BANK-* 01 -< M ercantile col le c tio n s a sp e c ia lty . We p r e s e n t drafts in person 75,000 90,050 1,321,210 1,403,330 81,110 Seab. N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N. and F irst N.,1 Pitt. 157,920 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. ’ 125,000 34,820 ' 560,680 586,640 125,710 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. 50,000 11,220 167,060 173,820 51,330 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and P o tter Title & T r. Co., P itt. 25,000 22,180 356,600 355,860 64,320 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 125,000 204,990 660,460 954,060 125,000 28,750 78,740 208,170 91,470 N.City, N. Y.; Union N .and Northwestern N., Phil. 24,320 Doylestown N., Doylestown. 60-528 ( an d rem it pro m p tly . Union T rust C o .______ «§’03 J . P. C astner_____ 60-530 Dorm ont—Allegheny E 2 Dormont Bank__ _______§’17 C. F. Meeder ______ (P ittsburgh P .0 .) 60-1475 4P Pop. 600 | Dover------------ York F 8 Dover National B a n k ____’09 J . M. Gross______ 60-1134 3 Pop. 576 Downingtown___Chester (See E a st D ow ningtow n) 3 Pop. 3326 E 10 ‘ Doylestown..Bucks E l l Bucks County Trust Co.*$§’86 George W atson___ 60— 823 3 Pop. 4500 Central T rust Co.______ §’15 John N. Jacobs___ 60-1460 Doylestown National Bk..»’64 John M. Jacobs___ 60-822 Doylestown T rust C o... $§’96 John H a rt. . . . ____ 60-824 Dravosburg__Allegheny State Bk. of Dravosburg$|’03 W. H. Crum p.____ 60-1135 4P Pop. 1895 D1 Dry Run---- Franklin E 6 Citizens National Bank__ ’10 J . F. Walker_____ 60-1057 3 Pop. 175 P ath Valley Bank______ §’08 W. M. Alexander . . 60-1056 Dubois------Clearfield C 4 Deposit National Bank—*$’80 M. I. M cCreight__ 60-416 3 Pop. 14,665 T ry u s o n e e . Charles P otter____ A. J . O’Donnell, Tr, F rank Ryman__ _ W. M. Neel____ Harry Wood. C. D. H offm an___ R. O. Lauer. H. P. Julius M. L. Smith Thomas Ross_____ T. O. Atkinson, G. H. Miller, A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. H. C.Garner, A .Sec. John M. Jacobs___ J . M. Jacobs, 2V... Edward R. Kirk, Sec. John N. Ja c o b s__ John N. Jacobs . . . 105,000 126,280 1,275,240 1,460,000 162,950 Phil. N., Phil. George Ross_____ John Yardley, T r Wm. H. Satterthw a ite, J r . M. L. B aum ..___ _ C. E. K e a r n e y ..... 125,000 159,150 75,000 157,360 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Yu Bk. of No. America, Phil. 40,000 Liberty N „ N. Y.; Com’l N .and Union N., Pitt. S. D. P eterson____ J . M. H azlett____ 25,000 J . C. Robertson___ D. O. Shearer____ 25,000 B. B. McCreight__ J . Q. Groves_____ 100,000 228,580 1,905,620 1,775,060 547,140 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. (JOHN E. DU B0IS — S. C. BOND............ W. G. BROWN......... W. F. LOTT— ....... I A. GREGORY 100,000 173,200 1,329,880 1,424,250 273,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt,; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 215,040 1,475,670 1,436,840 318,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and 1st N ., Phil. 863,870 990,660 59,400 280,000 343,370 5,000 119,490 120,000 15,430 85,810 94,970 60-418 I Please send 15c w ith each sight dra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credi t R e p o f ts. I S end u s y o u r D u b o is I te m s . Union Banking & T rust Go. A. R. VanTassel__ A. T. Sprankle___ B. M. Marlin, J . F. Sprankle, 60-417 *$§1900 Sec. a n d T r. A . T r. Dunbar__. . . Fayette F 2 Central B a n k __________ f ’01 A. M. Nemon_____ Chas. Nemon_____ 60-936 4P Pop. 1970 (T. B. PALM ER — C. E. WILSON____ R. G. H0LSING-__ 125,000 PENNSYLVANIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106.200 33,220 278,310 133,700 26,300 1st N. Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 227,480 ^152,760 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N „ Mellon N. and 1st N „ Pitt.; 1st N „ Phil. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1057 50,000 J S pecial a t t e n t i B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T iiû e I te m s. > FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i‘05 )Please send 15c w on-given ith eachsight d ra f t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit R eports. 60-937 'S e n d u s y o u r D u n b a r Ite m s . 53,800 ______ DUBOIS NATIONAL B A N K .t’04 ¿ S p ecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. 29,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Chambersburg, Chambersburg. 24,920 4th St. N., Phil. T own and County . N am® o r B a n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. îMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv P is P ittsburgh Branch. Est j D T ? 1 V T M C V T t t a \ tt A r \ ____a.: J l / I N IN O I L / V A J N i A ----- O O n t i n i l C Q a L ia b il it ie s . P r e sid e n t . George P en n ell__ CASHIER. As s ’t c a s h ie r . P. F. Duncan_____ W. Stew art Duncan S. S. S heller____ B. F. B eale______ M. N. L ightner___ F . E. Swartz____ P. T. M anley..____ J . T. F e a r _______ Chas. P. Savage, See. J. R. DAVIES, JR . 60-337 D ushore.___Sullivan B F irst National B a n k ____«’91 3 Pop. 1000 60-1136 East Berlin__Adams F 7 East Berlin National B k ,.t’02 3 Pop. 672 60-1040 Peoples State Bank_____ I 'l l 60-1041 East Brady__Clarion D 2 Peoples National Bank.*tl900 4P Pop. 1493 60-1137 E, Downingtown.Chester Downingtown N at.B ank.»t’61 3 Pop. 3500 F 10 60-807 Grange N. Bk. of Chester Co 60-808 t ’07 E. Greenville .M ont. E 11 Perkiomen National Bank 3 Pop. 1235 60-1138 *t .. E. Manch Chunk .Carbon Citizens National B ank.. ¿’07 3 Pop. 3800 D 10 60-1139 ROBERT LAING, 94,040 S 413,050 $ 579,190 S 51,160 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N. Phil. 2,000 80,000 75,000 12,000 Irving N., N .Y .; Tradesmens N., Phil.; Unioi T r. Co., Harrisburg. 142,970 1,115,420 1,267,910 110,460 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., 3d N., and Peo Sav. & Dime, Scranton; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 37,200 730,000 756,890 94,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 125,000 89,960 2,106,470 1,837,640 W. H. Beatty------- L. A. Williams____ s 50,000 118,630 2,044,180 1,874,910 50.000 12,200 486,290 459,970 25.000 40,200 635,010 659,370 269,510 280,650 Fisher W elles__ J . D. Reeser____ B. F . Crossley___ John Bosserman. I. S. Miller . . . ___ L. K. Baker____ N. W. S ell______ Wm. P. Baker___ D. A. M arch___ 30.000 16,850 F. L. Ludwick___ E. H. Howard . . 65.000 98,240 1,082,990 1,089,810 T. W. Downing__ F riezer A ltland.. T. C. Müler T. B. Gregory___ G. E. Henry E. G a rre tt_____ E. P. F ish e r_____ Ernest Smedley. 100,000 193,000 734.000 955.000 W. X. Pollock____ F . P. W ülits____ M. S. Broadt_____ W. E. Baldw in.. 100,000 43,050 403,830 467,820 N. E. Graham___ F . L. Fluck_____ E. E. E rb ___».___ 50.000 Quinton Stem ler. Frank S chw artz__ J . H. Leibenguth .. 50.000 165,230 1,475,810 1,574,850 26,500 210.000 285.000 483,780 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 385,960 1st N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 54,330 H an.N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil. 84,820 York N.. York; N. Bk. Com., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 35,720 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Cent. N., York; 1st N., Hanover. 221,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 104,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 83,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 167,560 4th St. N., Phil. 22,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. W. Clayton Hackett H. G. Siegfried___ William H. H e il__ 500,000 166,020 2,303,630 2,538,830 386,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. B .F .F ackenthal.Jr C. E. Hoch, T r.__ H.G. Mutchler, A . Tr, Wm. J . Daub__ _ Frank W. Simpson 125.000 512,850 4,747,100 4,844,850 540,110 Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Chester Snyder. 400.000 237,540 3.723.600 3,675,570 E. J . R ichards.. W. J . E uebler____ John H. Neumeyer 100.000 213,910 3,333,590 3,399,810 685,580 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Franklin N., Phil.: Mellon N., P itt. 447,690 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. H. J . Steele____ F . R. D rake. . R. Bush 125,000 179,400 1.077.600 1,273,900 105,700 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Easton. E. J . F o x ______ E. H. Shawde & Co.____ t ’80 60-208 East Pittsburgh Allegh’ny East Pittsburgh Sav. & Tr. P. W. Morgan ____ 4P Pop. 5615 D 1 Company 60-1140___ *¿S’02 East Smithfleld.Bradford F irst National Bank___» f l l W. R. Campbell 3 Pop. 300 BI 60-1407 Chester Snyder, Sec. a/nd Tr. Blair & Co., Harris, Forbes & Co., and Edw. B Smith & Co., N. Y.; Reilly, Brock & Co and H arper & T u rn er, Phil.; Lee, Higginson & Co., Bos. Henry Clews & Co., N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil. I. M iller_____ _ O. I. Miller, T r ..__ W. D. Bowers, Sec. and A . Tr. R. Y. Wissinger, A . Sec. . W. ChUd . ______ C. C. Dickinson___ G. Kingsley 125,000 158,140 2,598,700 1,950,030 931,880 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 25.000 7,260 150,620 174,990 32,890 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. J . K istler_____ M. S. K istler_____ 50.000 86,000 600,000 500,000 55,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N. and 1st N .t Phil. MonroeCounty Nat. Bk.»tl900 T. Y. Hoffman. . . . J. S. Schoonover.. J . N. Gish_______ 60-821 50,000 69,490. 740,780 735,830 E. Stroudsburg . . Monroe East Stroudsburg Nat. Bank H. B . D rak e___ 3 Pop. 3330 O il 60-820 «’89 P E N N S Y L V A N IA M ap on In d ex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1„ ^0 5 9 Loams k Du- Cash k E x c ’t s . Bonds, changes ,D u* S e c u r it ie s from B anke P. C. S m ith ..___ »Easton___Northampton EASTON NATIONAL BANK Jam es V. B ull. . . . 3 Pop. 30,530 D l l 60-212 *¿14 Easton T rust Co.__.... ¿{’90 60-210 F irst National B a n k __ .•¿ ’65 60-206 Northampton Nat. Bk.. -•¿’98 60-207 Northampton T rust Co. -¿8’02 60-211 Hackett & Chidsey____ - t '8 9 60-209 60.000 100,000 Sec. and T r. A . Tr. Duquesne.. Allegheny E 2 DUQUESNE TRUST CO.-W 03 E.J. SCHORR, 4P Pop. 19,964 ] Special a tten tio n given to Colie étion s. 60-338 A . See. 115c m u st accom pany each sigh t draft for present ation ( and 25c for eac h credit report or rating. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.< 92 J . S. C raw ford.... F . W. Scott_____ 65.000 25.000 M. J . M urray__._ F. T. M ongan____ E. R. K reitner____ H. D. WILLIAMS P a id - u p S u b pl u s D e p o s Ca p it a l P rand it s o f it s , 1^ UIilb,e r under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given » U-AIi a exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* d n f h n r l f v « i r p iiA A n ___________a „ .a n k D i r e c t o r 'l l I l l l d o r B a n k s A d v e r t i s i n g .g iv e P 1 ÍM M C V T A TVTT A 178,260 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ____ i Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- M P Y p H IT t K n n L A k t « » r n liiT v in V a w T n 4 -n * A o 4 - D e 4 - A f l W ' « . PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Duncannon to E. Stroudsburg________ July, 1918 Duncannon___P erry E 7 Duncannon National Bank 3 Pop. 1474 60-978 •% Peoples National Bank__¿’07 60-979 D nnm ore__ Lackawanna Fidelity Dep. & Discount Bk. 3 Pop. 20,776 O10 60-312 «tS’03 F irst National Bank___*¿'10 60-313 V ice -Pr e sid e n t . Accessi Die Tow ns, la w y e r s, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this voltane. For In terest K ates, Grace etc», see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . 1058__________ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1 A t o to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Bankers9 do eacn DanK m u . o. oy xTnhe B Kand-M a n a -m ccN j^ ally auy B a n k ers’ '■dO D DiPAfitorv. tflPe au Allthnritv nf T Thp AntArlPAn Acc’n . irectory, under th th ority of he A m erican Hanlrorc Bankers Ass’n r u n n i l , v îv ia p u n oanKs A avem sing^ive prompt attention to collections and Correspondence u iu c x x« : 7 T iT i—• tt « v v n e w lT a u s iv a n m o e r given i? i^ V 1^ ank d e lu s iv e ly by The Hand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. *3? U*^* Town and County N ame of Bane. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch ______' Est. ‘Ebensburg.Cambria E 3 Pop. 1978 President. Vice-President, Cashier. As s 't Cashier. American National Bank»f02 S. L. Reed_______ F . J . O’C onnor__ 60-932 Robert Scanlan. Cambria Title Savings & H. J . VanDusen . . . T. S. D av is_____ T rust Company_____»$§’10 T. P. Burns 60-933 A. M. Schettig I. E. Lewis, Jam es B. Green, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Tr. A. W. Evans. Elkland______ Tioga B 3 Pop. 1800 Elk Lick-—.Som erset F 4P Pop. 1200 E llsw o rth ... Washington 4P Pop. 2087 El Ell wood City...L aw rence 4P Pop. 3902 D1 E. M. P ark . . . . . t R e so u r c e s . & Ca s h &E x - Loams D u c ’t s . B ombs Bbco &ities Principal Correspondents. ohan « m ,D u VMM B a MKS 100.00C $ 98,106 $ 619,840 $ 713,16C $ 152.45C Han. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Ist N. anc 125,000 53,640 1,108,470 1,078,75C N „ P itt. 50,000 335,000 1,662,260 1,569,170 376,08C Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. 1st N., P itt. Earl dam pbell.. 25,000 12,130 289,750 270.160 81,320 Chase N „ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and W. E. M orris__ 100,000 34,640 362.830 528,380 66,030 Irving, N. Y.: 1st N „ P h il,' O. D. Underwood. 25,000 16.230 233,170 243,910 B. E. Wylie______ E. E. Pangburn__ 75,000 36,470 693,610 673,840 50,000 77,500 495,500 486,800 Allen A. C oble___ J . H. Eshelm an__ 206,43C N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil,; Unioi H. J . Gish, Sec.___ 1st N ..P itt. 48,730 Seab. N., N. Y.; Franklin N.. Phil. 128,620 Chase N ., N. Y.; Colonial T r. Co. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 89,720 4th St. N., Phil. P. N. R u tt_____ A. H. Martin_____ 100,000 112,000 681,420 936,220 S, B. Romberger H. H. Hassinger . . . 25,000 55,800 370,320 430,180 45,930 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. G. F . G aupp___ H. C. Lewis______ 50,000 - 27,000 260,000 275,000 35,000 Corn Ex. N., PhD. 85,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Market St. N., Phil. 140,000 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. A. E. Edgcomb___ S. A. W eeks_____ J . O. Pattison____ J . B. Redfleld F. F. P etry ______ J. D. M iller___ 50,000 95,000 650,000 750,000 25,000 5,920 112,360 110,590 H. H. M aust____ 50,000 34,690 448,970 466,640 113,210 N: City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt, 25,000 42,630 397,580 344,570 114,450 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. A lbert Reitz___ J . W. Hugus__ . . . . J . W. Dague_____ J . P. Higginson___ H erbert Melvin F. E. Dambach___ D. E. F re w ___ 100,000 100,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 30,220 Peo. N „ P itt.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. N. A. Pitt. 240,000 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; 1st N. and F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. C. A. MARTIN — J . E . VAN G0RDER. JOHN G. C0BLER 50,000 31,860 1,122,240 1,086,410 . 168,110 N. City, N. Y.; Melton N., Pitt. S pecial a tte n tio PEOPLES NATIONAL B A N K - ^P lease. sen,d 15c n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s 60-774 «’07 'S e n d u s y o u r E w ith each sight dr a ft f o r presentatio n and 25c fo r Cre dit Bepo rts. llw ood C ity I te m s. Elverson__Chester E 10 ElversOn National Bank »$15 J . C. Dengler*____ 3 Pop. 350 60-1458 Elysburg.N’rthum berl’nd F irst National B a n k ___ $16 C. E. A llison____ 3 Pop. 400 D8 60-1465 E m au s_____Lehigh D 11 Emaus National Bank____’04 Chas. D. Brown__ 3 Pop. 3501 60-1146 Emlenton___Venango C 2 FA RM ERS NATIONAL BANK 4P Pop. 1110 60-1013 $1900 George Fleming — H. B. Fox . . . . . . . . 25,000 8,630 165,350 231,610 18,330 1st N., Phil. G. F. H erb . . . . . Thos. M. Reed J . A. Brunner . . C. ftred B eck.. . . . 25,000 5,900 208,280 222,130 40,250 M arket St. N., Phil. R. Lorentz Miller. 100,000 jJ. A. WELLER____ J. M. GRANT_____ F. L BOTTOMFIELD. H.J. SLICKER 50,000 102,690 1,052,6Q0 1,083,360 19,750 305,000 280,000 jS pecial a t t e n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . 'Please send 15c w ith each sight dr a ft fo r presentatio n a n d 25g fo r Ore lit Bepo rts. FIRST RATIONAL BANK-«i’72 H. J . Crawford___ S. W. Phillips__ __ H .M . Lynn—.;___ . C. C. King____ r „ 100,000 180,000 1,600,000 1,775,000 60-1012 T. B. Gregory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Henry A uchu____ R. E. B usier_____ G.'S. Allen, Sec— . J . F . Mentzer_____ J . M. Sprecher T. B. Lloyd______ Carl R. Zimmer . . . J . H. Hibshman___i _ H, M. Shnavely—— H. R. Mohler. 50,000 ------- — 64,270 95,450 N., Pitt. 270,000 Seab. N ., N. Y.; Mellon N.. P itt. 11,270 eab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., ] Emporium. . City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l b N „ Phil. 100,000 150,000 1,250,000 125,000 170,000 686,890 881,000 99,850 100,000 120,700 506,280 714,480 65.260 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil. 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 500,000 N„ 1059 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Jay P . F e lt__ Josiah Howard____ T. B. Lloyd — W. S. W alker M. L. W eidm an__ 44,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and 1st " ‘Emporium.Cameron C5 Cameron County B ank.»§’16 3 Pop. 4000 60-1462 F irst National Bank___»$’84 60-1147 E phrata— Lancaster E 9 E phrata National Bank__$’81 3 Pop. 3600 60-825 Farm ers National Bank—$’93 60-826 198,930 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Ebensburg to Ephrata Elizabeth ville Dauphin 3 Pop. 1039 D‘ F irst National B ank...___$’04 C. L. Darrow . . . . . . P. W. Tucker____ J . B. Scott— 60-1043 Peoples National Bank__$10 W. J . T rem bath__ John H. Rice_____ L. L. Reese. 60-1141 F irst National Bank_____ ’09 Charles M cK ean... 60-1142 State Bk. of E lizabeth.. $§’01 J . M. Nevin______ 60-893 Elizabethtown Exchange Bk A. G. Heisey_____ 60^-871 $§’87 Elizabethtown Nat. Bk...$'85 W. S. S m ith _____ 60-870 F irst National Bank__*$1900 I. T. Buffington___ 60-1018 Lykens Valley Bank____ §’05 I. S. Daniel______ 60-1019 Pattison National Bank_.«$’96 O. P attiso n _______ 60-1143 Citizens State B a n k ____ §16 J . C. L ichliter____ 60-1466 F irst Nat. Bank of Salisbury O. L. Barchus____ 60-1144 «$’89 National Bank of Ellsworth . A. S. Clarke ___ 60-1145 «03 F irst National Bank___»$’92 J .A . Gelbach_____ 60-773 Lia b il it ie s . P aid - up SURPLUi D b po s AND Ca p it a i P bo ITfl pitb Mellon N., P itt. F irst National Bank___-«i’97 M. D. K itte ll____ Webster Griffith__ J . R. Myers______ W. E. Davis_____ 60-931 Edinboro__g___Erie B 4P Pop. .666 Edwardsville.Luzerne C 9 ( W ilkes-Barre P. 0.) 3 Pop. 10,443 Eldred------- McKean B _ . 3 Pop. 1235 Elizabeth__Allegheny E . 4P Pop. 2311 Elizabethtown. Lancaster 3 Pop. 3000 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, Grace, P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued July, 1918_________ 1. 0_ 5 9_ o For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Indexto Lawyere) T own and Name County. of L ia b il it ie s . Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. £Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch. PRESIDENT. Vice -President . ‘ E rie .._______ ...E rie A 1 CENTRAL TRUST & TITLE R. C. McClenathan Jno. B. Ar buckleCi)MPANY~60-77— < § ’17 4P Pop. 90,000 ♦ERIE TRUST COMPANY „ 60-74 * « v66 Cashier . j B. A. WALKER— C. F. REITZELL< 8 05 ( Send your Item s dlrect to u s. ( Charges reason able. D. Carter____ _ ♦Security Sav. & T r. Co. < § ’03 R. J . Moorhead___ 60-75 Erie Clearing H ouse-------- -- Chas. D. S pencer.. (Members indicated by a *) E tn a ....__ Allegheny E 2 F irst National Bank— < ’02 A. Wally_________ Geo. Matheson, Jr. H. S. Calvert 60-1148 (Sharpsburg S ta . P. O.) 4P Pop. 5830 E tters_________ York F 8 (See Goldsboro) 3 Pop* 6500 Evans City____Butler D 1 Citizens National Bank..«'94 S. J . Irvine_____ H. M. Wilson_____ 60-1149 4P Pop. 2000 G. H. Gibboney___ E verett____ Bedford E 5 E verett B a n k ________ - f t ’85 60-954 3 Pop. 2500 60r955 Farm ers National Bank__'07 60-1150 F irst National Bank-___< ’05 60-1151 F irst National B ank.___< ’08 60-1152 F irst National Bank___ .»’06 60-1153 F irst National Bank______'08 60-1154 F irst National Bank------- »’02 60-1155 Fannettsburg N at’l B ank. 10 60-1156 300,000 773,400 6,676,430 6,460,810 1,671,260 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Clev.; 1st N. Fred H arter____— W. E. Rindernecht 300,000 415,510 3,961,620 4,131,610 845,510 Han. N „ N. Y.; Cont. H.G. SELKRE6G— G.C. FLICKINGERWM. W. SMITH 200,000 173,680 2,452,970 2,411,970 399,760 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Columbia N. C.F. WALLACE— 300,000 . , ¡, n i l e ï Ti' î I n e ----------- and Far. Dep. N., P itt. N., P itt. Com’l N., Chi.; 1st P itt.; F ranklin N., Phil. 610,360 6,827,900 6,124,260 1,905,400 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Mellon N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. u m * - - - - m i t t a n ce whe n paid. personal a tten tio n an d p rom pt re A. B. McDonald, Sec. a n d Tr. A. B. McDonald, R. R. W hitley, Mgr. Sec. A. E . K ing.______ L. P. L ehr__ .____ C. H. Behm_____ F . C. Irvine - 200,000 382,870 3,569,190 3,061,280 1,090,780 N. P ark, N .Y .: N. City, Chi.; Peo. N .,P itt. (M em . Fed. R es.) 27,970 909,070 858,380 50,000 69,690 585,990 566,820 55,790 Seab. N .t N. Y.; Keystone N. and Mellon N„ 108,860 Union N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil.; F ar. Dep. N., 100,000 4th St. N. and 1st N ., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. 20,000 53,080 612,800 563,620 H. Frank Gump__ J . G. H anks______ Lesley Blackburn. Wm. N. H ershber 25,000 31,310 513,690 477,200 J . L. Brannen____ A. H. Litchard____ J . F . Ellis_______ 25,000 5,860 90,370 60,480 D. W. Blair_____ _ Benjamin Rubright P. R. Foight_____ 25,000 35,980 342,500 375,170 G. W. D errick.__ W. H. Lloyd. ger 140,610 Bk. of P itt. N. A. and Peo'. N., P itt. 50,000 J . 8. Read_______ Horace Seamans— J . H. Lewis--------- 30,000 9,900 208,000 215,490 R. T. Gribble_____ H. M. Wilson___ _ B. S. M cN u tt.___ 25,000 30,720 251,370 160,140 Pitt. Pitt. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 31,920 4th St. N., Phil. ■ 41,370 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N „ P itt. 26,130 Chase N., N. Y.; Scranton. 1st N., Phil.; Union N., 153,230 Chase N ., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. Peter K ready____ E. B. S w ope____ _ Jas. Cunningham. 25,000 25,110 148,640 155,260 43,480 Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. D. T. Dennison___ F . A. Lane_______ J . A. M iller_____ 50,000 44,290 341,660 401,190 84,760 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil.; Monongahela G. H. Bartle_____ R. W. M cA llen___ S. E. W alker_____ 25.000 7,000 90,000 103,000 19,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 125,000 207,950 3,409,970 2,979,240 100,000 40,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 50,000 12,150 370,720 309,120 25,000 28,500 400,000 347,520 75,000 75,000 1,200,000 1,150,000 N., Pitt. 803,190 Seab. N., N. Y.: Colonial T r. and Union Tr. Cos., Pitt. 275,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 78,340 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., P itt. 48.0C0 Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 180,000 Chase N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N. and Mellon N., P itt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Rep., Chi.; Market S t.N .,P h il.; IstN ., Clev.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. H. H .L e e t— ____ C. P. Reilly A. T. Snodgrass, F a r re ll_____ Mercer C 1 COLONIAL TRUST CO.- < § ’02 F . I. McGill— ____ J . C. C haplin____ J . G. Marshall, A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. 60-1345 4P Pop. 10,190 Lee Minner, A . Sec. G. M. E lliso n _____ F . S. F ish ______ — F irst National B a n k ------ t ’IS H. S. B ovard_____ F . L McGill______ 60-1428 Peoples B a n k .._____ —< § ’16 H. B. McDowell__ J . T. Dougherty— Wm. C. McDowell. D. T. Haddock 60-1461 Fawn Grove___ York F 9 F irst National Bank____< ’09 J . F . Lowe_______ A. W. W ebb_____ L. R. W h itak er___ J . P. Kunkle 60-1157 3 Pop. 240 Fayette City. . Fayette E 2 Fayette City Nat. B an k .. .«’03 Andrew Brown___ Louis Cope__ ____ Guy W. Brown . . . . J . R. B row n_____ 60-927 4P Pop. 8000 P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n In d e x 1061 700,000 N. Bk. Com. and Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. _________July, 1918 Exchange___Montour C 9 3 Pop. 250 Export-Westmoreland E 2 4P Pop. 3500 Factoryville. WyomingC 9 3 Pop. 769 Fairchance—-F ay ette F2 4P Pop. 1760 F airfield____ Adams F 7 3 Pop. 373 Falls Oreek.Olearfleld C 4 4P Pop. 1204 Fannettsburg F ranklin E6 3 Pop. 400 02 300,000 $ 400,000 5,000.000 5,000,000 We rem it a t low rat es on day o f pa ym ent. JF. M. WALLACE. C. F. ALLIS-— H. J. LESLIE ♦SEC0N0 NATI BANK- < 64 ] Your collection w ill reeelve our 60-72 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < Ca s h k E x c h a n g es ,D u s f ro m B a n k s $ 323,990 $ 331,470 $ 102,970 Irving N., N .Y .; 1st N., P itt. $ 125,000 F. E. MOSHER , Tr. H. W. MEHL, A . Tr. j F. F. CURTZE— - F. H. SCHUTTE -<C ollections hav e th e personal a t ten tlo n o f an om cer o f th is bank, Send u s your Erl e b u sin ess. (W e rem it on d ay o f p aym en t. P rincipal Correspondents. Resources. P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s cLi’otasn. sBko nDis d s, it s Ca p it a l P rand S e c u r it ie s o f it s PENNSYLVANIA BANKS-—Erie to Fayette City 60-76 As s ’t Cashier . Burns Darsie, Sec. a n d Tr. ♦F irst National Bank__< ’52 William Spencer__ J . R. McDonald___ Chas. D. S pencer.. J. C. Spencer, 60-71 A sst, to Pres. ♦MARINE NATIONAL BANK W. E. Beckwith___ H. L. M oore-------- R. R. W hitley------C. G. Strickland 60-73 «*'64 ♦PEOPLES BANK.— Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 1060 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U- S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally B ankers' Directory, un d er th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . is the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r giver SSSfffiS*:of v a v .w a x r c i/ directory, under the authority vy AUC A i l U U - i M C J Y a i i y Bankers M U IIK e r S Ka..*-McNaIIy The American Bankers Ass’n. P E N N SY L V A N IA —Confirmen Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed m back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Grace.,*—« - , uncIerJVame o f Bank is th e N e w Transit N u m b e r giv en jS.- a<ib - bank “ u -,s - exclusively by The Raud-MclVally Bankers’ D irecto ry, u n d er th e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PEN T own and County . N ame op B ank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState P r e s id e n t . Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Vic e -P r e sid e n t . P is Pittsburgh' Branch Est. Finleyyille W ashing ton F irst National Bank____ »’02 0 . B. Troutm an__ J . E. P alter. 4P Pop. 644 E1 60-1158 L ia b il it ie s . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . J . F . Boyer_____ 60-489 LA M B E R T O N NATIONAL BANK 60-486 Fredericksburg. Lebanon 3 Pop. 700 E8 Fredericktown.W ash. E l 4P Pop. 2000 F re d o n ia .... ..M ercer C 1 4P Pop. 443 F reeburg.— .S nyder D 8 3 Pop. 400 H.C. CRAWFORD- R.R. BLEAKLEY, Tr. W. E. ROSS. Sec. „ R. R. BLEAKLEY W. W. BLEAKLEY C. M. MILLER, A . T r. I A th o r o u g h ly o rg a n lzed co llecti on d ep artm en t, T h is b a n k en d e a v o rs to g iv e pro m p t, fa ith fu l, an 1 In te llig e n t a t ten tio n to a ll b u s ln e ss receiv ed . D epo s it s R esources . Cash k Exc ’Tg. Bonds, c h a n o zs ,D u s 8*0uritiXB from B a n k s P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Loans Ac D u . 50.000 59,140 503,090 610,290 52,280 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50.000 57,080 939,160 977,620 50.000 7,400 187,640 205,930 39,110 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N . A., Pitt. 50.000 20,970 289,790 345,530 62,820 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 50.000 50,520 782,730 723,390 100,000 130,770 50.000 40,000 115,450 N. Park. N.Y.; Mellon N. and Peo. N „ P itt. 204,870 Han. N., N.Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N., Phil. Chase N., N. Y.: Monongahela N „ P itt. 470,000 487,000 87,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100,000 348,020 1,746,150 1,866,680 280,150 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 200,000 219,280 1,381,460 1,228,580 581,940 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Com. N. Clev.; Mellon N., P itt. 500,000 263.560 2,636,940 3,011,080 399,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Harris Tr.'& Sav., Chi.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itU Phil. N „ Phil. 100,000 281,080 2,244,940 2,299,960 426,060 N. Park, N. Y.: G irard N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N. Pitt. A . Sec. HARRY LAMBERT0N__ R. G. LAMBERTON. C. LAMBERT0N_____ G. J. LAMBERT0N. Jonathan Swope. L. S. Moyer____ Charles C. Bensing 25.000 19,400 255,210 268,900 39,630 Han. N., N, Y.; Girard N., Phil. L. M. Orothers__ C. H. Day________ R. S. B ane___ ____ 25.000 36,030 513,300 454,370 137,070 N. Park, N.Y.; Duqnesne N., Pitt. «*’60 Franklin Clearing House____ (Members indicated by a *) F irst National Bank____ «’07 60-1163 F irst National Bank___ «*’01 60-1164 Fredonia National Bank. »*’04 60-1165 Freeburg State B a n k ___§’12 60-1420 A. H. M cElrath___ W. S. Montgomery. Chas. W. P e r rin e .. 25.000 12,870 253,720 257,420 . 57,670 N. City, N. Y.; Union^N., Pitt. J . .0. W. Bassler__ L. Harvey Sm ith_ 25.000 9,630 124,050 125,800 .31,230 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. P. M. FLETCHER........... 175.000 75,000 Freedom ____ Beaver D 1 ♦FREEDOM NATIONAL BANK S p e c ia T a tte n tio n given BUI o f L a dH.in0.g MdENGEL................ r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . 4P Pop. 3500 60-840 1900 (Send u s y o u r F reed o m I te m s . 'Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a ft fo r presentano n a n d 50c fo r Cred it R epor ts. 835,000 878,000 125,000 N. City, N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., P itt.: Phil. N. Phil. 104,210 1,100,120 1,016,590 229,100 Chase N.. N.Y.; 4th St. N., Tradesmens N., and G irard N., Phil. j I (*Member o f Beaver Go. Gle aring House, N ew B righton) Freeland-^..Luzerne C IO Citizens Bank_________ *§’90 William Birkbeck— John Shigo______ W. E. Kahler — 3 Pop. 6197 60-651 PENNSYLVANIA F irst National Bank__«*’02 A. Oswald: 60-652 Map on I n d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jas. S. B rogan____ 100.000 G. S. Christian...__ Henry A. Bell____ John J . McGarey— 75.000 _ mmmmm— m ., 8,000 890,000 840,000 145,000 Irving N., N. Y.; l s f N., Phil. N., and Corn Ex, Phil. — N., •• F1U1. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1061 W. H. Moore____ Wm, M oyer____ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Finleyyille to Freelafad ♦FRANKLIN TRUST CO. •*§’01 P a id - u p S u r p l u s Ca p it a l P raonfdit s 25.000 $ 11,190 $ 329.330 $ 343,290 $ 44,110 Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. Fleetwood .B erks E 10 F irst National Bank. - *{’07 D. F. K elchner__ F. S. Kutz_______ A. K. Leibelsperger 3 Pop. 1394 60-1159 S. E . Kothermel Ford City.Arm strong D 2 F irst National B ank.___ «*’98 D. B. H einer_____ H. McD. M cCue.__ Daniel H.Core____ Calvin E. M iller__ flP Pop. 5000 60-1160 Peoples Bank_________ »*§14 A. M. Mateer_____ N. L. Strong_____ W. J . B o g g s _____ 60-1444 Forest City.Susquehanna Farm ers & Miners Nat. Bank H. P. Jo h n s______ E. A. Bloxham____ H. L. Bayless____ 3 Pop. 5749 B 11 60-679 »*’08 Martin Muchitz F irst National B a n k — «*1900 John L ynch_____ T. P. McCormick — Jam es J . Walker__ 60-678 McDonald Foxburg____ Clarion 0 2 Foxburg B ank _______ » tt’81 H. H. Porterfield__ John F rank L. Harvey— Major R. Morgan— Henry R. Harvey 4P Pop. 1000 60-1161 Fox C hase..Philadelphia (See P hiladelphia) 3 Frackville.Schuylkill D 9 F irst National Bank_____*’05 J . C. McGinnis____ J . K. Berk_______ R. G. G anett__ 3 Pop. 5100 60-1162 ‘F ranklin...V enango C ♦Exchange Bank_____ »tS’71 Daniel Grimm . . G. B. Woodburn__ E. K. Myers__ 4P Pop. 11,307 60-488 ♦F irst National Bank___»*’63 Charles M iller.. H. F . G rant______ F . W. Officer__ C. B. Dolson_____ 60-487 (O.D. BLEAKLEY Accessible Towns, lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates. Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 N S Y L V A N I A — Continued July, 1918________ 1061 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ N ame of B ank . Town and County . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State F igure is F ed .R es. Dist. ÎMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. P is P ittsburgh Branch. P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . i$S’68 00-898 Fryburg.___ Clarion 0 2 F irst National Bank___ $’09 60-1166 4P Pop. 800 .•{’04 Gal et o n .___ ..P o tte r B 6 60^764 3 Pop. 4027 •$t’95 60-763 $'02 F irst National Bank___ Gallitzin——Cambria E 4 60-1167 3 Pop. 3504 •1’83 S ap ______ Lancaster E 9 60-1168 3 Pop. 800 $’03 G arrett____ Somerset F 4 60-1169 4P Pop. 848 •$'10 Genesee_____ Potter B 6 60-1170 3 Pop. 600 Germantown__Phil. F 12 (.See P hiladelphia) W. A. JACK... W. F. TURNER Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca sh ie r . F. K. WEAVER......... C .E. HIM________ 50,000 80,000 900,000 900,000 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., P itt. H. N. Hess_______ H. C, Faller______ G. A. Ditz________ W. W. Shawkey__ 25,000 16,680 349,760 352,260 .64,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., P itt. .T. T. H urd. 50,000 45,000 380,000 325,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. o tP itt. N. A., P itt. 50,000 40,000 526,620 554,860 70,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N., P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, 63,020 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. Isaac Guckenheimer Beynard Way_____ E. L. Dieffenbacher Dudley Humphrey. R. O. Straley_____ T. R. Quick 60-1172 60-1173 60-1412 60-1008 H arrim an N., N. Y. Elm er N elso n ____ George E hrenfeld. B. W. Harding____ John F . Bradley__ B. W. Carlson • Howard L. R u tte r.. 25,000 49,750 50,000 79,850 295,470 408,240 W. A. M errill____ J. B. W alker____ H. B. Philson____ H. W. W alker____ 25,000 48,570 740,820 ,843 25,000 6,750 85,000 80,000 125,000 28,140 786,850 883,830 G. F . Chapm an___ G. M. Drury G irard____ ___ ..E rie A 1 NATIMIAI RINK AN RIP ADD •$’04 60-1011 4P Pop. 1165 60-1171 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . ' $ 50,000 $ 25,870 $ 627,680 $ 609,400 $ 140,350 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N „ P itt.; G irard N „ Phil. 3 Girardville___ Schuylkill 3 Pop. 5000 D 9 Glassport .Allegheny D 1 4P Pop. 5540 Glen Campbell__ Indiana 4P Pop. 1099 D4 Glenlyon___Luzerne C 9 3 Pop. 3200 Glen Rock____ York F 8 3 Pop. 1263 R esources . Loank k D u - Cash k E xRANOM,Dui c ’tb. Bonds, O Bsouritiis from Banks n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . re e p o rt Ite m s . w ith each sight dr a ft fo r presentatio n a n d 25c fo r Cred it B epor ts. ¿Gettysburg__Adams F 7 Citizens T rust Co._____ T01 Geo. W. S chw artz.. J . M. W arner____ H. L. Snyder, Tr.__ R. Wm. Bream, Sec. 60-762 3 Pop. 5000 J . L. Rntt ____ J.E lm er Musselman E. A. C ro u se_____ ±’fid 60-761 Wm. M cSherry___ D. P. M cPherson.. 9!. I f. Ttanftar 60-760 60-1010 L ia b il it i e s . P aid - up Subplus D epos and Capital P bofits its n. w. W ebster t'59 George W. Geiple. Paul J . Beck. W. B. Müler 41,000 702,000 621,000 97,200 M. M. 1st N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Girard N.. Phil. 258,940 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.; N. Ex., Balt. 127,560 N. City, N .Y .; M arket St. N., Phil.; N. Marine and Citiz. N „ Balt. 148,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt.; 4th St. N„ PhU. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Clev. G. A. Hassel •$’99 J . O. C la rk .... ........ J . D. Ake. E. C. A k e.. _____ J . P . Fitzpatrick__ S. L. Clark John B arrett_____ B. C. Rydzewski__ *${’12 60-1009 _ « ’10 Glenside___Montgomery 60-1174 3 Pop. 2000 E 12 __’08 H. B. Bair Goldsboro_____York F 8 60-1175 3(E ttersP . O.) Pop. 434 Grantham __Cumberland 60-1176 3 Pop. 150 E7 G ra tz ____ ..D auphin E 8 F irst National B a n k __ ..$ ’09 I. M. Buffington___ 3 Pop. 625 ’01 A. G. M cLanahan.. G reencastle.Franklin F 6 60-045 3 Pop. 1919 148,360 1,069,090 1,166,060 . . _î§'06 .${’10 178,140 1,195,900 1,147,080 145,150 50,000 .•$’90 Albert B ordy ____ M. A. K ilker_____ A. C. S chreiner___ Chas. B a rn h a rd t... .•$’64 150,000 158,210 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Diamond N., Pitt. 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt.; Tradesm ens N„ Phil. E. B. Keller C. H. Seitz. _____ G. N. W hitaker Samuel Schlosser.. Wm. M ansberger.. J . C. P row ell____ A. G. Kohr J . A. WUlier____ R. H. Snyder_____ I. M. Buffington . . . S. H. Eby__ _ __ 61,700 Irving N ., N. Y.; Tradesm ensN .,Phil. 60,000 69,070 405,210 125,000 42,190 545,430 498,870 106,320 Liberty N i. N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 63,530 627,410 602,930 228,720 Han. N., N. Y.: Union N., Phil.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 105,010 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., PhU. 538,680 25,000 25.000 405,870 351,190 50,000 76,940 775,490 871,930 25,000 10,000 225,000 227,000 35,000 25,180 1,040,130 1,046,050 111,420 80,500 N. Ex. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; 1st N., Phil. 25,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.: Logan T r. Co., Phil. 85,850 N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N., M arket St. N„ and Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 18,480 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Girard N., Phil. 25,000 8,420 100,180 25,000 14,240 77,170 89,230 25,000 21,280 274,750 316,020 30,010 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. 25,000 54,000 575,000 580,000 7&.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 130,000 850,000 1,140,000 19,550 1st N „ Phil. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. FIRST RATIONAL BANK . . . ’64 1F IF T E E N CENT S s e n t to u s w ith ea c h s ig h t d r a f t fo r p re s e n ta tio n , a n d {t w e n t y -f i v e CENTS fo r each PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1063 t o ^ “c h bb L " nine u ^ s " e x c I u “ vely M c re d it r e p o rt in s u re s p r o m p t, p e r so n a l a t te n tio n . Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ' Î Â Â Â É ____ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Freeport to Greencastle__________ July, 1918 ( T. G. CORNELL...... 1 < S pecial a tte n tlo .•$'04 F re ep o rt.. Armstrong D 2 FARMERS NAT’L BARK | S en d u s y o u r F 60-899 4P Pop. 2248 ( Please send 15c Accessible Tow ns, Laws, Lawyers, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 1062 1062 Banks Advertising give prompt auchuuu w PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index i f|C O Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The iiand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and Gountt . N ame of B ank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am.sBks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Ees. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch Est. P r e sid e n t . Accessible Towns, Laws, Lawyers, Directors, in dexed in bftck of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, '—1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays,' see opposite page 13. C P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it i e s . R esources . Loams k Dis- Cain k Ex P aid - up Surplus D epos - c’T fc Bondi, changes,Dui AND Capital P rofits Bktubitw non Banks P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Green Lane. Montgomery Valley National Bank___$’08 J . S. O ressm an___ R. D. H eist_____ H. L. Shellenberger $ 50,000 t 36,800 $ 427,000 $ 528,000 $ 53,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil, J . W. H. Gottshalk 60-1178 3 Pop. S72 E ll D. T,. Nfiwill ♦Barclay-WestmorelandTrust John B arclay_____ J . K. Barclay, T r. . ¿Greensborg__ W estm’d Thos. Barclay, Sec. 400,000 V37. 26O 3,399,940 3,595,090 943,860 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Par. Dep. N. H. H. Murdock, Morrison Barclay, 4P Pop. 15,483 E 2 Company_60-393____»tS’54 P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. A . Tr. A . T r. 150,000 637,520 4,514,500 3,774,270 1,455,610 Han. N „ N. Y.; Franklin N ./p h il.; Bk. of P itt ♦ F irst National Bank__»*’81 Richard C oulter__ J . R. E isam an____ J . R. E isam an____ T. J . M cTighe.___ 60-388 N. A., Pitt. 11 ____ v ** ♦Merchants T rust Oo...»*5’03 60-392 Safe Deposit & T r. Co. .__|'95 60-391 ♦W estmoreland Nat. Bk.«t’94 60-390 •• *• Greensbnrg Clearing H ouse.. (M embers indicated by a *) Greenville___Mercer C 1 Farm ers & Merch. T rust Co. 4P Pop. 8000 60-665 S’02 ** 11 F irst National B a n k ___»*'64 60-663 •* *• Greenville National Bank«'75 60-664 “ *• D. L. DILLINGER... R. A. BRANDON___ C. B. MOORE c t h e p e r s o n a l a t te n tlo n o f a n offl c e r o f th e b a n k . tlom g iv e n s a m e . p tly a c c o u n te d fo r. 100,000 134,540 619,700 241,260 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Monongahela N., P itt. Ohas. C. H ilem an.. John E. K ankle . J . H. McKlveen, Paul S. Bair Sec. a n d T r. D. L. Dillinger____ John D. M ille r___ W. A. Huff, A. D. W elty, J r ., Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. E. E. Robbins John S. Sell . - M. L. Painter_____ 188,600 184,350 1,184,930 1,275,380 200,000 292,830 1,044,090 1,210,400 100,000 245,000 1,733,100 1,600,000 282,500 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.; Mononga hela N., Pitt. 261,210 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union T r. Go., Pitt.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. 290,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N ., Phil. ( JOHN D. MILLER ♦MERCHANTS & FARMERS J C o lle c tio n s h a v NATI0HAL BARK .*’81 | V ig o ro u s a t t e n (P ro c e e d s p ro m 60-389 “ M John Barclay 617,930 John S. Sell, S ec... H arry Watson ... John J . Donaldson. S. D. Hum, T r .___ F . D. Long, A . T r. 125,000 118,630 1,045,920 W. C. P e t t i t _____ N. E. T illo tso n ___ C. E. W itm er____ 125,000 321,890 977,420 1,142,350 T. R. T horne_____ N. E. P e te rs___ ,__ 90,000 139,000 730,000 [ J. M. MARTIN. . . W. S. McKAY------- F. W. DAUGHERTY. U M p Grove City___Mercer C 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 96 | B ill o f L ad in g D r a f ts a sp e cialty . 60-790 4P Pop. 5000 115c m u s t b e sen t w ith ea c h S igh t D r a ft fo r p resen ta tio n a n d ( 25c fo r ea c h rep o r t o r r a tin g . T B Y VS FO B PBO M P T SERVICE. 100,000 100,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 100,000 76,220 1,326,000 1,123,930 G. B. Chase______ L. Henlein •• ** ( JOHN A- BELL— GROVE CITY J S pecial A tte n ti NATIONAL BANK— «*1900 1 15c m u s t b e sen 60-791 ( 25c fo r each re E. J . FITHIAN-----o n given to Colle t w ith each S ig h t p o r t o r r a tin g . S E. B. HARSHAW— C. H. WILSON.---é tio n s. D ra ft fo r p re se n t a tio n , a n d en d VS y o u r G ro ve C ity Ite m s . »» .. Grove City State B an k ...§ ’18 Levi Deal. 60-1486 Fred Stover A. R. Hodge__ ___ H a lifa x ____Dauphin E 8 3 Pop. 745 Hallstead__Susquehanna 3 Pop. 1538 B 10 Hamburg. Berks D 10 3 Pop. 3000 «1 Halifax National Bank .J1900 A. Fortenbaugh___ A. M. S m ith _____ P. S. H ill______ 60-1179 F irst National B a n k ___«*’05 A. F. Merrell O, T,. W atkins E. A. Harmes 60-1180 F irst National B a n k ___« t’08 J . S. Hepner_____ G. B. M iller______ H. K/Schollenberg60-895 er Hamburg Savings B ank..S’72 Daniel A. Burkey— J . Jerom e Miller . . 60-894 D. S. Wolfe Farm ers State B a n k ____S’07 D. M. Frey . _____ F . H. B e a rd _____ H. M. R udisill____ 60-613 922,590 841,000 366,960 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and F ar Dep. N. Pitt. 268,640 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N. Pitt. 187,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 300,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., P i t t 226,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 50,000 R. F. Landis__ __ 25,000 51,330 315,570 356,020 69,670 Han. N., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil. 25,000 29,000 235,000 270,070 55,560 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Geo. W. Shomo___ 50,000 51,040 564,530 638,270 73,860 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. Ghas. D. B a rk er__ 50,000 175,000 Hanover______ York F 8 H. J . Hoffacker, 3 Pop. 10,000 , Sec. •• FIRST NATIONAL BANK.**’63 J . D. Zonck______ G. D. G itt________ 60-611 •• •• Hanover Sav. Fund Society Paul W inebrenner. C. E. Moul, S e c .__ 60-610 **§'35 C. L. Myers, A . Tr. M M Hanover T rust Co._____ §’14 D. D. E h rh a r t____ H. M. Stokes Ralph J . S. Hoffach60-614 er, Tr. 50,000 50,260 , ... ■ .... PEOPLES BANK 60^612 **§’92 Alvin R. Nissly___ Harleysville-Montgomery Harleysville National Bk.*'09 A. C. A lderfer____ M. 0. Clemens__ _ I. M. S to v e r_____ 3 Pop. 350 E 11 60-1181 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John G. Krebs ___ 840,000 - 915,000 150,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N ., Phil. 549,720 73,930 Irving N., N. Y.; F ar. & Mech. N. and Phil, N „ Phil.; F ar. & M erchN ., Balt. 200,000 212,330 1,406,550 1,407,050 374Ì920 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.;' M. M, 1st N „ Balt. 50,000 268,100 2,242,960 2,308,730 524,580 125,000 10,000 300,000 181,920 252,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil.; Drov. k Mech. N.. Balt. ' 65,730 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Corn Ex. N. and Trades mens N., Phil. 50,000 92,410 960,960 941,880 118,620 Chase N., N. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. 25,000 ' 16,590 280,920 294,670 50,350 1st N., Phil. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) X » •-» ► —» n> y¡ cn < N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e K and-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N am rof B a n e . T own and County . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch P r e sid e n t . V ice -Pr e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . .. .. M •• .. .. «• M .. •« «« “ *' M « •• M m “ M __, •• » .. 355,750 1,609,410 1,803,160 267,860 Han. N „ N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. f 50,000 34,710 315,650 327,360 72,970 Chase N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 125,000 69,700 505,520 634,040 73,960 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Far. & Mech. N „ and Tradesm ens N ., Phil. 250,000 595,000 2,398,000 2,393,000 300,000 339,220 3,531,770 3,447,140 597,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Drexel & Co., Phil.: Union T r. Co., Pitt. 717,570 Liberty N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.,Chi.: F ranklinN .and Phil. N ..Phil.: M.M. 1st N.. Balt.: Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt.; (M em . F ed . R es.) 125,000 L ib e rty N ., N .Y .; B k. o f N o. A m erica, P h il. ra te s . 50,000 60,000 820,000 725,000 < S end 10c w ith ea c h s ig h t d r a f t for p r e s e n ta tio n . I C ollections hav e th e p e rso n a l a t te n tio n o f a n offl eer o f th is b a n k . < § ’03 ( T H E BA N E O F SERVICE. ♦ F irst National Bank — < ’65 60-85 ♦H arrisburg National Bank 60-82 «¿1814 ♦Harrisburg T rust Co.—1§'93 Edward Bailey____ 60-88 ♦Keystone Bank.............§’16 A. H. Fraim _____ W. G. H artm an__ 60-98 ♦MECHANICS TRUST CO. fl. A. Knnkel <§T3 E. J . Glancey____ A. S. Banmiller___ 100,000 508,^60 2,120,150 2,370,170 456,940 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. Wm. t . Gorges 300,000 500,000 1,855,000 2.182,000 473,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. R. (1, Carl, TV, 400,000 641,910 2,529,880 2,827,240 744,550 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 3d N., Phil.; Duquesne N., P itt. 40,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. H. S. Sm eltzer___ 50,000 . .. John F.. F o x .......... Jo h n G. Motter, Sec. a n d Tr. 300,000 340,000 1,363,000 1,902,000 306,000 N. P ark and Guaranty T r. Co., N.Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; Fidelity T r. Co., Balt. 163,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and M arket St. N., Phil. 175,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Tradesm ens' N. and Far. & Mech. N., Phil.; Cont. T r. Co.. Pitt. 322,450 N. P ark and Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Franklin N., Phil. ♦Merchants National Bk. t ’87 W. M. Donaldson.. John F. D ap p __ — H. O. Miller . 60-87 ♦Security T rust Co.____t§ ’05 George A. G orgas.. E. F. Doehne_____ J . O. S. Poorman, J . Paul Machen. T r. 60-92 A . Tr. ♦Union T rust Co. of Pa. A. S. P a tte rso n ___ John P. M elick___ Edward S. Nissley, H. Lloyd Myers, Sec. and T r. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. 60-93 <§'06 E N N S Y L V A N IA M ap on In d e x Digitized forPFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .170,000 190,000 100,000 3011350 1,033,280 1,353,430 125,000 46,420 1,017,240 1,201,910 250,000 120,340 1,492,440 1,544,160 Clark, Childs & Co., N .Y .; W are & Leland, Chi. H. W. Culver, M gr. 25,000 45,280 454,420 494,480 52,000 108,940 862,900 953,590 103,940 1st N., N. Y.;, 1st N., Phil. 50,000 79,180 620,340 684,140 50,000 41,880 322,270 377,510 113,370 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 40,640 Irving N., N. Y.; G irard N., and Phil. N., Phil. 25,000 18,660 320,290 346,300 55,220 Han. N u N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 36,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given each b an k in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' a n i lin p iiv nf T h e 11,000 im p rira n B a n k e rs Ass’n . P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued _______ July 1918 CHANDLER BROS. & C0.-15 (Investm ent Secur iin iip , ih p 71,340 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 146,200 Han. N., N. Y.; F ranklin N „ Phil. « Harrisburg Clearing House— Donald McCormick R. M. R utherford— A. E . Thomas, Sec. (M embers indicated by a * ) H arrisville___Butler 0 1 F irst National Bank____*’03 B. L. Brown. E. E. Wick _____ L. G. B row n_____ W. E. McBride____ 60-1182 T. V. P orter 4P Pop. 400 H atboro___Montgomery Hatboro National B ank. < ’75 0 . E. G. Robinson— Penrose Robinson. W. F. Wilson 60-1183 3 Pop. 963 E ll Hayrley Wayne O il F irst National Bank . . < ’02 Lewis P. Oooke___ R. W. M urphy____ J . D.Am es. ____ P, H. K e arn e y __ 60-923 3 " Pop. 2018 Hawley Bank . < § ’11 M. .T. Leonard W alter V etterlein. 0. S. Houck............. T. .T. Oldfield ___ 60-924 Hays National Bank___< 0 2 W, C. M cClure.__ '4 P Pop. 1888 60-1184 Iparinpv 125,000 A . T r. es fo r m a k in g collections, rso n a l p r é s e n tâ t io n . Q u ick r e tu r n s a t re a so n a b le tl'17 $ 500,880 $ 589,820 $ 16,000 1,010,000 1,149,000 ‘ EAST END RANK 60-84 M V. B. MYERS, ♦Commonwealth T r. Co._iS'81 Wm. Jennings____ W. M. Ogelsby____ W. H. Metzger, J . A. McLaughlin, A . T r. Sec. a n d Tr. 60-86 R. McCormick, J . A. Grieshaber, ♦Dauphin Dep. T r. Co. .< § ’32 A . T r. Sec. a n d Tr. 60-83 H. W. Spong, A . Sec. and A . Tr. | E. A. HEFFELFINGER JOHN K MAY......... - A K THOMAS 60-01 .. Sec. a n d Tr. 69,750 125,000 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Harrisburg to Hays 60-90 H. A. ROBINSON — W. M. GROFF, R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Loans k Dia- Cashk Ex D epos P aid -up Surplus c’tb. Bonds, changes,Ddb and its Capital P rofits 8ecuritixs fromBanks $ 125,000 $ »Harrisburg.Dauphin E8 ♦Allison Hill T rust O o ..< |T 0 W. M. H oerner___ A. B. M usser_____ A. G. Eden, Sec. and Tr. 3 Pop. 72,015 60-94 F.L. A. Froehlich, ♦Camp Curtin T rust Go. §’16 Sec. a n d Tr. 60-97 •• •• W. M. Donaldson.. Jno. F. D app_____ H. O. Miller, T r .__ 60-89 Edw. 0. Thompson Spencer F. B arber. 0. G. Miller______ 60-96 ‘ COMMERCIAL 1( D. W. S0HR___ fa c llltl TRUST COMPANY (¡SPproe cial m p t a n d pe Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 1064 1064 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i*—* etc., see naee 14. For Holidays, see onnosite page 13. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence P E N N S Y L V A N IA M ap on In d e x N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each b an k in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority- of The American Bankers Ass'n. N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMern. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Town and County. P r e sid e n t . Hazleton__Luzerne D 10 F irst National Bank___*J’88 J . B. Price_______ 66-233 3 Pop. 28,491 Hazleton National Bank_»i’90 I. P- Pardnn 60-234 Hazleton Slavonic Bank*i§’17 60-236 Markle Banking & T rust Co. 60-232 »t§’67 V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . H. W. Heidenreich. P. G. Heidenreich— G_ H. M artin _ . B. E. Kunkle_____ F rank Pardee____ Michael Drosdick_ J . C. Kochczynski Alvan Markle, Jr._ O. J . Kirschner $ 100,000 $ 170,000 $2777000 $2642510 $ 330,520 N. P ark and Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Bk. of No. America and M arket St. N., Phil. 200.000 707,160 3,781,980 3,988,970 700,160 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 4th St. N. and Phil. N., Phil. 26,870 1,068,910 1.034,930 155,670 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 100,000 100,000 606,140 3,493,080 3,441,360 727,870 Chase N. and J . P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Girard N. and Brown Bros* & Co., Phil.; 125,000 108,420 1,702,690 1.786,840 149,420 Irving N. and N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N. and Girard N.. Phil. 28,900 Southwark N.. Phil. J . W. H o rn ______ W_ C. Blessing G. W. Maish H. T. Knight Lloyd U. D ick____ A. R. Hnpnp.r 50,000 4,000 145,000 25,000 6,700 276;04Q 242,110 25,000 23,000 322,830 305,400 59,430 542,570 558,840 25,000 165,000 225,000 1,550,170 1,440,500 W. H. Lebkicher__ S. C. Stecher, Sec. a n d Tr. P . O. E ld e r______ H. W. Denny____ W. R. Simpson___ R. M. Wilson J.K.M cLanahan,J r. H. D. H ew it_____ FT. S. Smith .... __ 125,000 25,000 20,000 490,000 50,000 36,590 307,230 230.840 A. L. Garver_____ J . G. Shope, T r.. 125,000 41,030 638,690 608,500 25,000 24,370 148,000 252,890 Geo. L. D ouglass... 50,000 24,910 558,800 586,420 HerbertRiheldaffer 100,000 181,670 1,619,140 1,749,900 125,000 Sec. a n d T r. J . H. Gillen C. A. Sweadner 200,000 ♦M0N0NGAHELA TRUST CO. Reid Kennedy____ A. R. H u n t______ Hugh Nevin, T r. „ G. F . Lloyd, Sec. and A . Tr. 60-303 »ti'Cl G. V . L. W ickerham A. M. McClure, A . Sec. Homestead Clearing House . . (Members indicated by a * ) 75,000 »Honesdale.. Wayne B 11 Farm ers &Mechanics Bk.»§’07 M. E. Sim ons___— J . E. Tiffany___. . . C. A. Em«ry SO— 856 i 3 Pop. 2945 " 100,000 Honesdale Dime Bank. »£§’06 E. C. Mumford____ W. F. Riefler _____ Clarence L. W right 60-855 150,000 A. C. Lindsay_____ Honesdale National Bk._*£'36 Andrew Thompson L. A. Howell— 60-853 200,000 W. J. Ward. Wayne County Sav. Bk..»S’71 W. B. Holmes____ A. T. Searle______ H. S. Salm on___ T. B. Clark 60-854 16,690 1,030,720 1,042,970 J . E. Cassler_____ F rank Finsthw ait. R. O. Stfifilp . Homestead___Allegheny ♦FIRST NATIONAL B A N K 80-301 »{’87 4P Pop. 22,466 . E 2 60-304 Honey Brook____Chester 3 Pop. 609 E10 Hooversville__ Somerset 4P Pop. 1500 E4 HopBotlom.Susquehanna 3 Pop. 364 B 10 Hopewell—..B edford E 5 3 Pop. 590 Houston.W ashington E 1 1 4P Pop. 900 >i.iSî-i; Houtzdale..Clearfield D 5 3 Pop. 1434 ; t§ ’03 F irst National Bank___»£’76 60-1192 First National Rank____’02 60-1193 Hop Bottom National Bk. 60-1194 • i ’10 Hopewell National B a n k .f11 60-1195 F irst National B ank___»£’01 60-1196 F irst National Bank___*£’03 60-1197 J . B. Coen J . 8. Galt _______ A. C. Morozzi_____ P . G. Hartm an____ J . H. M cC lure.___ L. A. Meyers .T. W . Risbee Geo. H. T erry W. F. B arron____ (1. ft. Bnrry R.ay Gnrsnch 32,000 470,000 330,000 130,560 785,330 895,460 .50,130 N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 86,280 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N. and Mellon Ni, P itt, 93,160 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 574,130 N. P ark and Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., 1st N., Franklin N., and 4th St. N., Phil. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and F ar. Dep. N „ Pitt. 136,560 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 196,210 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N., Pitt. 28,710 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Pitt.: Phil. N., Phil. 97,290 4th St. N „ Phil. 212,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 130,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., P itt. 471,980 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 45,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Scranton Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 120,430 N. City and N. Park, N, Y. 148,940 1.663,670 1,838,990 272,020 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Phil. N ., Phil. 434,490 2,664,680 3,207,130 192,020 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Far. & Mech. N., 1st N., 4th St. N., and Girard N., Phil. 75,000 F ranklin N., Phil. 100,000 85,000 450,000 570,000 25,000 42,300 357,290 307,240 25,000 28,220 309,140 340,620 7,000 260,450 170,040 25,000 7,250 286,300 223,400 L. W. B eyer____„ J . H. Minds— ___ George W. Ganoe— 50,000 102,060 948,110 884,340 125,000 1,520 239,950 274,130 25,000 17,500 150,000 150,000 142,350 N. Park, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., P itt. 37.490 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Scranton 47,370 Mellon N.. Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 93,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 224,660 N. City, N. Ÿ.; Com Exi N., Phü. 87,120 Guaranty T r, Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Franklin N.. Phil. 30,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. K s For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1065 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 322,760 4,281,460 4,325,270 25,000 W. R. Cameron___ B. L. S im pson___ _ J . M. Laurie, Sec. a n d Tr. 60 1479 Howard__. . —Center- D 6 F itsl National Bank___! »£’08 A. W eber________ W. J . K u r tz _____ M. Rodgers, J r .___ W. K. McDowell__ 60-1198 3 Pop. 657 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 450,000 W. W. Donaldson.. L. H. M oore______ J. K. McNutt_____ J . S. Gantz F . S. Campbell —„ Principal Correspondents. (Mem. Fed. Res.) C. C. Heller______ M. G. Shennan, Tr. W. A. Deisrotli,Sec. G. J.K ohlhaas,A . T r. M. W. K essler____ V. W. Q uigel____ B. E. Q uigel_____ F,. S.Stronh Resources . L ia b il it ie s . ashk ExU h m k D u* G D epos c*T P aid - up Surplus t. Bonds, CHAN6M,Dui and its Capital P rofits fro m B anks S e c u r it ie s PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Hazleton to Howard Peoples Sav. & T r. Co, .*£§’05 A. W. Drake_____ 60-235 H eg in s..—Schuylkill D 9 W. D. K arterm an. 60-1185 3 Pop. 2000 Hellam________York F 8 Farm ers State B a n k __» ti’l l Benjamin Stoner . . 60-1186 3 Pop. 600 H erm inie. Westmoreland 60-1416 4P Pop. 1500 E2 John D. Bogar____ H erndon. Northum berl'd 60-1187 3 Pop. 620 . D 8 Hershey___Dauphin E 8 60-1188 3 Pop. 2000 Hickory.W ashington E 1 Farm ers National Bank .» i’04 Robert R. Hays___ 60-1189 4P Pop. 700 ¿Hollidaysburg.Blair E 5 60-787 3 Pop. 3734 Hollidaysburg T rust Co.£§’17 J . L. Hartm an____ 60-786 Hollsopple.-Somerset F 3 F irst Nat. Bank of Bensont'05 Charles C. Wehn 60-1190 4P Pop. 600 Homer City ..In d ian a D 3 Homer City National Bk. « t’07 .T. J . Campbell _ 60-1191 4P Pop. 985 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in. dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace,| etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued July, 1918 ■*n c c XU U J Liabilities. Name of Bank. Town and Coontt. A ccessible fo w n s . L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. e tc -» see page 14. F o r Holidays» see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued *County Seats. •Mem. Am, Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. President. Vice-President. Ass 't Cashier. F rank A. Reeder . . Orange Nat.Bk. of Lycoming J . E . Boak_______ D. E. Kiess . . . . . . . . H. G. VanDevender G. B. Runyan County —60-957___ _— «’07 H um m elstown.. Dauphin Farm ers Bank________ t l ’85 Allen K. Walton— W . O . Baker---------- H. M. H orst__ 60-909 3 Pop. 2128 E8 Allen K. W alton... R. D. Diehl___ Hummelstown Nat. Bk..«t'82 U. L. Balsbaugh 60-908 OSCAR H. IRWIN (JOHN PHILLIPS — r plu s P a id - u p S uAND Ca p it a l P r o f it s Resources. D epo s it s k Baoounu Loam* Digc ’t i . B o n d i , $ 50,000 $ 120,000 $ 700,000 $ 600,000 $ 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 50,000 20,460 212,420 249,900 50,000 92,380 379,730 425,560 50,000 184,200 455,970 605,340 100,000 ^250,000 1,800,000 1,900,000 THEO. C. JACKSON— ROBT. W. FLECK »Huntingdon.Huntingd'n FIRST NATI0NA1 BANK-»t’63 < S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C asb a n d T im e Ite m s . j Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit Reports. 60-616 3 Pop. 8000 D6 ( S end u s y o u r H u n tin g d o n I te m s . Orange T rust Co.______t l ’08 W. T. Sheaffer____ 60-620 Standing Stone Nat. B k -t'0 2 J . G. Gillam ____ _ 60-619 Union National B ank__ < ’66 J . O. H azlett_____ 60-617 ■yndm an__ Bedford F 4 Hoblitzell National Bank « 03 A. E. Miller______ 60-1199 3 Pop. 1164 ‘ Indiana____Indiana D 8 Citizens National Bank— $’05 Griffith Ellis_____ 60-686 4P Pop. 7000 Farm ers Bank________ *21*76 H. W. Wilson____ 60-684 F irst National Bank____ t ’64 J . S. B lair_______ 60-682 Indiana County Dep. B k .tl’73 H arry W hite_____ 60-683 Savings & T rustC o. — t l ’OS Jo h n A. S c o tt___ 60-686 T. O. Milliken___ H. W. Read L. M. Hagerty__ In ter course.Lan caster EB F irst National Bank____ • H. L. R hoads___ 60-1200 3 Pop. 400 Irvona__ Clearfield—D 4 F irst National B a n k ____«’17 R. L. Swank____ 60-1480 3 Pop. 800 J . L. L eam an____ Jacob K. Ressler Alfred R. H unter. 125,000 O. F . Bell, See. and G. E. Corcelius, T r. A . Tr, A. J . McCahan____ A. H. Ressler__ . . . . 50,000 428,100 466,770 72,340 Han. N „ N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 296,030 383,730 855,000 45,390 Irving N „ N. Y.p.lst N „ and Tradesmens N., Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 99,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Cent. N „ Phil. Mellon N., P itt. 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., P itt. R. J . M attern____ _ A. V. Shaffner____ 100,000 88,000 600,000 H arry V. Evans___ W. S. Madore_____ 25,000 12,000 220,000 220,000 Elm er E llis______ Chas. W. Carnahan 50,000 19,940 605,460 651,430 225,050 2,148,250 2,227,200 J . G. St. Clair_____ 225,000 J . R. D augherty__ 200,000 240,000 2,830,000 3,000,000 Hal W h ite______ T. E. Hildebrand — 100,900 138,820 S. M. Ja ck ______ 250,000 J . W. McCartney, E. E. Lewis, Sec. a n d Tr. A . T r. R. A. Henderson,A . T r. . 35,000 H. H. H e s s_____ Leon L. Buckwalter FIRST NATIONAL BAHK-< 92 R. P. McClellan__ Geo. W. Flowers— J . B. Cunningham. F. D. Peoples. 94,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, y 103,590 N. P ark and Coal & Iro n N., N. Y.; 1st N., 4th St. N., Girard N., and Union N., Phil. 225,000 N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N „ Phil, 21,710 J . W. B uchanan. Irwin.W estm oreland E 2 CITIZENS NAT’ L B A N K -U 000 J . M. Lang_______ F. A. Farm er_____ J . A. J o n e s______ 60-858 4P Pop. 3000 63,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 33,980 John W hite.___ L. A. Lord_____ Principal Correspondents. Cash k ExO H A R O ttyD n v m m B anks 404,590 449,410 225,650 2.978,070 2,761,470 28,140 399,740 421,060 25.000 5,000 33.260 1,900 50,000 150,000 850,000 900,000 50,000 105,000 1,125,000 1,063,000 48,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 371.860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 225,000 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil.; Union N., Pitt. 119,160 N. City, N. Ÿ.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. Pitt,; 1st N., Phil. 679,780 H an.N ., N .Y .; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N „ P itt. 75,920 Chase N., N Y.: Franklin N., Phil.; Lancaster T r. Co., Lancaster, Pa. 52,520 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.; Peo. N., P itt. 125,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 225.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Pitt. 60-857 Jacksonville- Indiana D3 Farm ers & Miners B ank.§’18 60-1483 4P ( K e n tP .O .) Pop. 300 Jam estow n__ Mercer 0 1 Jam estown Banking Co. . t ’74 60-1201 4P Pop. 822 Jean n ette. Westmoreland F irst National Bank____ 2'80 60-544 4P Pop. 9468 E2 Glass City Union Deposit Bank___ 60-547_____» « ’07 Jeannette Sav. & T rust Co.S’03 60-545 Peoples National Bank—*2’05 60-546 Jenkintown.Montgomery Jenkintow n Nat. Bank < ’75 60-851 3 Pop. 3800 E ll Jenkintow n T rust Co..*2l’03 60-852 Jerm yn.Lackawanna B 10 F irst National Bank_____ '02 60-1202 3 Pop. 3158 Jersey Shore..Lycom ing Jersey Shore T rust Oo..2S’68 3 Pop. 6000 07 60-699 National Bk. of Jersey Shore 60-700 *2’01 25,000 7,500 21,000 40,000 50,000 25,000 300,000 370,000 R. T. Hug us_____ John W. K eltz___ H. S. P atterson___ 50,000 106,000 612,330 670.080 148,250 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. A. B. Greenwalt__ George E c k e rt.___ A. L. Leonard, J r .. W. A. R em erei___ 50,000 25,000 550,000 560,000 150,000 120,060 794,200 870,930 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Mellon N., P itt. 193,330 1st N., Phil.; Monongahela N. and Ex. N., Pitt, 25,000 635,000 415,000 135.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. W. L. Neal . . . . . — W L. Shields__ __ C. W. W ells______ R. A. Kelly R. P . P o rte r_____ C. F . E llis_______ W. A. McMaster__ H. A. Lauffer____ J . H. Ringer_____ J . W. Ambler_____ J.W . Keltz, T r __ J . C. G reer______ George W eitz____ Alfred T. Sm ith— Jam es G. Black___ 50,000 H. W. Hallowell „ . Israel H. Ely_____ John S. Gayley___ 100,000 126,510 1,565,680 1,569,610 J . W. Hunsberger, Henry K. W alt__ Howard F le c k ____ Paul Jones, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Tr. Arnold Aiman T. B. Crawford— John W. Cure___ S. C. W hitm ore___ 125,000 205,010 1.917,050 1,957,420 ’ 279,630 Bkrs. T r. Go., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. 51,140 805,420 840,660 89,640 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil. Robt. McCullough. W. L. Wilson_____ J . W. Levegood, Tr, R. A. Sebring, Sec. W. E. Gheen . L. M orrison___ Robert Dunbar— A H. G. Rorabaugh J . H . Messerly 125,000 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 56,600 IMppetftPV nnirlhi* ifrhn n f 'T h o A 160,600 1,272,550 1,286,960 60,000 750,000 750,000 274.400 Chase N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 271,190 Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 110,000 N. City, N. Y.: F ranklin N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. .... Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of* B o n k is tb e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv en 1067 7,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Diamond N, and Mellon N. Pitt. 33,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt. PEN N SYLVA NIA —Continued _______ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS-*-Hughesville to Jersey Shore_________July, 1918 Hughesville__.Lycoming F irst National Bank____ *'88 W. C. F ro n ts ____ P eter Frantz 60-956 3 Pop. 1650 C8 Cashier. 1066 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exèlusively by T h e B a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers A ss'n . Accessible Towns, law yers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates,. Grace,i‘ *° each bank in U. S. e x c lu s iv e ly by T b e R a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s * Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County . N ame or B ank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Bes. Dist. JMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. J essup.. Lackawanna 010 F irst National Bank____»i’09 3 Pop. 7500 60-1203 Johnsonborg____Elk 0 4 Johnsonbnrg Nat. Bank.*$’91 3 Pop. 4S34 60-1204 Johnstow n—Cambria E 4 Cambria T rust Co.___ *${11 3 Pop. 68,529 60-111 Farm ers T rust & Mtge. Co. 60-110 «{’l l “ ______ “ ♦F irst National B a n k ...*¿’63 60-103 ... Hungaro-Russian Slavonic State B k..60-112_____ §’17 “ ______ *' Johnstown Savings Bank 60-104 »t§’70 “ « ... ** ♦Johnstown T rust Co.«*§1900 60-105 _ _ Morrellville Deposit Bank 60-113 §'18 4« ..... - M . P r e sid e n t . P T T M M C V T i V ic e -Pr esid e n t . XT’ A TVTT A ___ — IN o X J L V A IN I A Ca sh ie r . A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. For Interest Bates,. Grace, J L rO n tln U c U As s 't Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it i e s . R esources . P aid - up Surplus Dkpos- Loamk Du- Cabbk ExAND Capital P rofits ITS Securities fromBark* Principal Correspondents. P. F . Ousick__ ___ M. J . B a rrett. __ $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 700,000 $ 220,000 $ 64,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4lh St. N., Phil. P eter Basalyga A. G. Paine. J r . ___ E. L. Myers______ F. 8. O'Donnel___ A. A. Jo h n so n ____ 50,000 162,570 834,760 851,770 225,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. A. G. Paine, 3d. N. A. P itt. J . H. W aters__ . J . W. W alters____ W. G. Hager, I. E. Jendricks, 125,000 40,990 944,300 965,990 122,030 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Bk. of No. John Dowling Sec. a n d Tr. A . T r. America and Phil. N., Phil. P. J . Blough______ E. M. Blough, T r.— E. C. Boose, A . T r. 200,000 32,650 437,160 472,720 103,000 N. Park. N. Y.; W estern N „ Pitt.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. Henry Y. Haws . . 400,000 763,960 9,190,110 8,522,090 2,246,600 N. City, N. Y.; P hil, N ., Phil.: Far. D ep.N ., P. F . McAneny___ J . M. Murdock C. E. McGahan P itt. Geo. Knndnr Stephen Eperjessy. 113,220 139,670 50,000 39,110 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Comw. Julius Huszovszky. John H. Cooney T r. Co., Pitt. Herman Baumer__ Jam es Quinn Theo. Mainhart, Tr. 206,830 2,726,240 2,703,270 229,790 Drexel & Co. and Girard N., Phil.;Peo. N., Far. Geo. W. Moses Dep. N., and Mellon N., P itt. William R. Thomas A. V. Barker William C. Krieger, 200,000 283,000 2,700,000 2,373,000 590,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Peo. N „ P itt. J . D. Roberts Sec. a n d Tr. Caivin Overdorff . . W. E. Snavely W. E. W issinger__ 50,000 10,000 C. H. H arris ( Nathan Miller__ W. H. Strauss____ F . O. M artin_____ 200.000 108,000 1.475,000 1,390,000 270,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., 4th St. N., F ranklin N„ and Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., W estern N „ and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. P itt. /P. A. ROSE — - SAMUEL LENHART E. P. RILEY, T r— J. A. FR0NHEISER, 200,000 A .T r . ^Special a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . )Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit R eports. \Send u s y o n r J o h n a to w n b n sin e 88. 239,160 1,315,450 1,567,080 211,650 N. C ity, N . Y.; 4 th S t. N ., P h il.; B k. o f P itt. N . A ., P itt. /WM.H. SUNSHINE J0HNSTENGER___ THOMAS H. WATT. W. E. ENGLE-___ 155,000 1,175,000 1,482,000 220,000 N. C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., P itt.; Girard N ., PhU. 260,000 3,430,000 3,024,000 387,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Franklin N., PhU.; Mellon N., Pitt. I Charles Young ♦NATIONAL BANK OF < S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a f ts , C ash T im e Ite m s . „ JOHNSTOWN Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation aa nd dd 50c fo r Credit Reports. 60-108 » i l 'l l [ We w a n t y o u r I tern s. •* 44 •TITLE TRUST & GUARANTEE GO. 00-109 “ ------- T - “ §’07 •UNION NATIONAL BANK 60-107 ---------- “ w m 8 " * 1.1» — /S pecial a tt e n t i o n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts ; C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . j Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit R eports. \P ro m p t Service. We g e t B e su lts. ( John H. W aters. J . W. W alters___ Fred Krebs < S pecial a t t e n tio n given B ill o f La | Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f ( T ry u s fo r p ro m p t service a n d go J . E. Sedimeyer__ W. G- Hager . 200,000 d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit R eports. od re su lts . David Barry_____ Wm. C. K rieger__ W. G. Hager, Sec. a n d Tr. ““ r,r Elias G erhart ....... T), G Mo»lr D. E. P a rk e r.. __ D. H. Meek . L. C. Miller W. S. Calderwood. C. C, Jo n e s______ O. H. Johnson___ 50,000 60,000 240,000 315,000 25,000 14,030 214,000 229,000 J . M. Brooder .___ 66,606 W. P. Weston____ B. N. McCoy___ . . . S. K. Foote, J r ., Tr. W. A. Longshore, 125,000 Kane T rust & Savings Co. Jam es McDade___ J . W. B arlett____ E. A. Hill, T r____ E.O.McDade, A .T r . 60-035 •t§ ’02 l : i . J l l4 ,f lfHop"‘ J.W.JEFFERIS, Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 989,450 78,920 575,460 721,560 125,000 68,000 440,000 505,000 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., PhU. e n n e tt S q u a re I t em s. S s e n t to u s w ith ea c h s ig h t d r a f t fo r p re s e n ta tio n , a n d CENTS fo r each c re d it r e p o rt in s u re s p r o m p t, p e r so n a i a t te n tio n . D. Duer Philips___ M. P. Darlington— • 100,000 60-918 «i'81 * K ingston.—Luzerne C 10 Deposit & Savings Bank E. M. Rosser_____ T. C. E d w ard s___ E. J . Evans 100,000 3 Pop. 6449 60-1208 »*§’96 PENNSYLVANIA M ap on Index 107,750 1,074,030 156,600 856,075 1,058,130 129,160 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 322,730 2,570,420 2,671,120 317,210 N. P ark, N. Y;; 4th St. N.. Phil. 132,840 1067 ( H.W.CHALFANTK ennett Square..C hester KENNETT TRUST CO__ «tS'07 <S en d u s y o u r K 3 Pop. 2049 F 10 60-919 1 FIFT E E N CENT ( T W EN TY -FIV E " « . » Nat. Bank of K ennett Square T. E. Marshall 149,520 1,222,190 1,224,080 25,000 4th St. N.. Phil. 28,800 Irving N., N. Y.: Franklin N., PhU.; MeUon N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 298,490 Chase N., N. Y.: Columbia N., P itt.; F ranklin N., Phil. 317,320 Seab. N., N. Y.: Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 82,830 Bkrs. T r. Co., N .Y .; Corn Ex. N., Phil. ______ “ “ Johnstow n Clearing H ouse.. (Members indicated by a * ) Jonestow n—Lebanon E 9 Jonestown Bank . . . 11*73 3 Pop. 800 60-1205 Juniata______ Blair E 5 F irst National Bank____ 1'06 3 Pop. 6000 60-1207 Kane .McKean B 4 F irst National Bank___< ’96 80-634 3 Pop. 7000 Kane Bank ft T rust Co.«l§'86 200,000 " July, 1918 __________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Jessup to Kingston N u m b e r a n d e r N a m e o f B o n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r given 1 n fi7 For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Indexio Lasers) P 'R 'M T V J Q V T A TVTT A x xl>XNi.NO I i —< V tV IN t t l T own and County. N ame op Ban k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘ County Seats. F igure is F ed. Res. Dist, *Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch. P r e s id e n t . ‘ K ittanning— Armstrong Armstrong County T rust Co. H. R. Gault______ 60-754 *§’02 4P Pop. 4311 D2 Farm ers National Bank_«*’84 J . A. Gault______ 60-750 M erchants National Bk..»*’97 G. W. McNees____ 60-752 National Kittanning Bk.«*’02 J . D. G albraith___ 60-753 Safe D eposits Title Guar. Co. W. B. Meredith— 60-751 »*§’90 Klinkerstown-Schuylkill State Bank of Klingerstowm W. O. L e itz e l- 3 Pop. 240 D8 60-1488 §’18 Knox_______ Clarion C 2 Clarion County National Bank 60-1209 «*’77 4P Pop. 800 Knoxville—Allegheny D 1 (See P ittsburgh) 4P Pop. 5651 »T1 Knoxville____ Tioga B 7 F irst National Bank 60-1033 3 Pop. 840 Knoxville Banking Co— »t’99 P erry H. Tucker—, 60-1032 §T3 H. S. E v e rt._____ Kulpm ont__Northum b’d Dime Deposit Bank 60-1446 3 Pop. 5000 D 8 _ »§’09 C. W. Miller K u lzto w n___Berks D 10 Farm ers Bank 60-888 3 Pop. 2360 Kutztown National Bank.*’98 John R. Gonser___ 60-887 Laceyville—Wyoming B 9 Grange Nat. Bk. of Wyoming C o u n ty - 60-1210____ «*’07 3 Pop. 749 Lake Ariel__ Wayne C 11 F irst National B a n k ..__»*T0 Charles Shaffer— 60-1211 3 Pop. 400 (A riel P .O .) ‘ L ancaster.L ancaster E 9 Agricultural T rust Co__ §’16 M. R. R oyer.—___ 60-151 3 Pop. 50,853 ♦Conestoga National Bank ’89 R. H. Brubaker___ 60-146 ( J. W. B. BAUSMAN - Vice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, Grace, P U I lllI lU C U As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . AMSk Dlg- Cashk Ex.P aid - up Surplus D epos - cLO and ’tb. Bond», Capital P rofits Sktoutiu FKOMBaku P rincipal Correspondents. O. W. Gilpin___. . . H. G. Gates, $ 150,000 $ 135,000 $2400000 $2100000 $ 522,000 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y.; Union T r. Co.. Pitt. ' ‘ Sec. a n d Tr. Dwight C. Morgan H. A, Arnold George G. Titzell— G. B. Fleming____ 100,000 125,000 830,000 945,000 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N. P itt. J . R. Einstein____ J . M, P ain ter____ P. L. McKenrick__ 100,000 49,290 298,140 512,890 32,530 Seab, N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. Jam es McCullough, F. S. Knohle_ J . Douglass W hite. 100,000 66,070 830,240 879,340 216,960 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Jr. Pitt. Jam es McCullough. J . A. Fox, F. J . Atkins. A .T r . 135,000 162,930 2,149,730 2,175,700 310,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Colonial T r. Co., Pitt. Sec. and Tr. J r. Wm. C. M a u re r__ A. C, M aurer—___ Felix Herb, T r .... 25,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. A. S. Byland, Sec. J . C. Berlin______ G. R. Berlin_____ E. .T. Miller 50,000 120,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt. J . D, P lum ei ....... 25.000 E. H. W estbrook.. E. M .W estbrook.. F. D. F re eb o rn ___ C. H. Lugg . 40,000 W. R. R einhart___ C. S. H enderson 50,000 25,000 A rthur B onner___ H. A. Fister W. S. Loy R. H. Angstadt___ O. P. Grimley ____ T. C. G rim ley........ 50,000 50,000 G. E. D dtrick__ J . B. Donovan .. W, R. Shaffer____ R. N. H ow e_____ M. J . Emery C. F. Sauder......... Chas. D. Zell, Sec. F . E. H e rr_______ W, R. Knox P. W. H iestand— A. K. H ostetter___ A. H. Tandis... 8,510 128,460 165,090 21,890 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 140,000 162,000 45,000 Irving N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 27,150 343,780 362,930 57,990 Liberty N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 120,980 840,390 937,650 71.030 Chase N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 25,000 18,100 300,740 313,300 55,540 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 50,000 22,000 300,000 330,000 38,000 Irving N „ N. Y.: Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 18,000 990,000 574,860 55,080 Bk. of No. America, Phil. 250,000 200,000 250,000 Atlantic N., N. Y. 532,540 2,992,260 3,530,940 343,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N. and Corn Ex. N. Phil. 225,000 800,000 4,020,000 4,150,000 800,000 1st N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and S. M. SELDOMRIDGE— C. A. SAUBER, Sec, and Tr. 0. F. HAGER Cent. N., Phil. < S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f La d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . ♦FARMERS TRUST CO. 60-139 »*§1810 1Please send 15c w ith each sight d raft fo r presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit R eports, ( S end u s y o u r La n c a s te r Ite m s . ♦ F irst National. Bank ’64 C. M. W eidel_____ 210,000 218,600 576,650 1,077,950 139,110 60-141 ♦Fulton National Bank ..* ’82 John C. C a rte r___ J . R. Hershey_____ I. H. B a re_______ Jno. M. H o l t ____• 200,000 208,010 2,413,020 2,595,420 351,590 60-142 E. R. Garvin, ♦Guaranty T rust Co.___*§’12 M. Alexander—. . . . L. B. H err 294,000 74,740 771,030 994,280 89,460 Sec. a n d Tr. 60-150 and Corn Ex. N.. Phil. ♦Lancaster County N at’l Bk. R. E. Mann ........ John G. W a rfe l__ W. E. Zecher____ A. C. Mellinger___ 300,000 463,980 1,291,420 1,711,540 413,870 r. P. Morgan & Co. and Imp. & 1 60-140 ’41 Cent. N., Phil. ♦Lancaster T rust Co. „»*§’89 John H erlzler____ H. W. H a rtm a n __ H. C. Miller, T r .... C. S. Mellinger, 250,000 1.113,450 7,148,770 7,711,380 1,200,830 i. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and P 60-145 A . Tr. ♦N orthern National Bank *’85 J , Frederick Sener H. K. Myers_____ E. J . R y d e r___. . . J. L. Summy 125,000 107,350 561,210 635,240 87,490 jiberty N., N. Y.; Union N., Ph 60-143 N. A., Pitt. ♦N orthern T r. & Sav. Co.§’02 J . Frederick Sener H. K. M yers_____ E. J . Ryder, T r .... W. S, Rehm, A . Tr. 125,000 183,390 1,606,830 1,737,150 182,900 I. S. Mtge. & T r. Co., N. Y.; Cor 60-149 M. H. Baer, J r „ A . T r. N. Bk. Com,, Balt. Du Bois B o h re r__ M. E, Gingrich . . . , ♦Peoples National B ank.»*’87 P. E. Slaym aker__ C. E. Miller 200,000 222,820 1,493,020 1,620,510 295.330 ’hase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil 60-144 ♦Peoples T rust C o .___«*§’92 P. E. Slaym aker__ C. F. Miller______ J . 0. Jackson, Charles M. Musser, 125,000 506,210 2,838,250 3,240,380 229,080 ¡hase N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and 60-147 Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. N., Phil. ♦Union T rust Company »*§’02 M. R. Hoffman—— J . M. Martin_____ J. M. Martin, T r ... B. T. Brandt, S ec... 150,000 170,000 1,850.000 2,130,000 345,000 7. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N 60-148 D.S. Griffitts, A .T r . A. B. Hess lin N „ Phil.; Mellon N „ Pitt. Lancaster Clearing House___ J . C. Carter______ 3 .0 . Jackson, Sec. (Members indicated by a *) L andisbnrg___P erry E 7 Bank of Landisburg___•* t’03 W. H. Loy_______ J . C. Waggoner___ J . R. Wilson____— D. E. K ennedy___ 50,000 48,860 587,880 565.360 121,390 [an. N., N. Y.; Girard N. 1st N 60-1212 3 Pop. 300 Jam es W. Gray N., Phil.; 1st N„ Pitt. J . N. Summy Landisville.Lancaster E9 Kirst National R a n k ____*’0Q S. N. Root ____ 50,000 55,320 425,120 556,260 36,690 60-1213 Elias F. Nolt 3 Pop. 700 Langhorne ...B u c k s E 12 Peoples National B a n k ..«*’83 Henry Lovett____ Henry Palm er____ Horace G. Mitchell 50,000 107,940 6 4 9 ,llo j 702,610 88,820 Cent. N., Phil. 60-1214 3 Pop. 895 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 1069 . u n d e r JV aiue o f B k is tiie th e N e w T ’Trraann ss it N u m b e r g i v e , i i " aaunK *h bank U i S- e x c lu s i v e ly b y T h e B a n d - M c N a lly B a n k er: D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A s s ’i tu Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence PENNSYLVA NIA —Continued 1 0 6 8 ____________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—-Kittanning to Langhorne __________ July,-1918 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . 1 H fiQ J-U D o A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , l a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a ck ox th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , ( I r a c e , <—t u u im o n u r^ i uaiiig T ow n and county. N am e op Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv P is Pittsburgh Branch Est, P r e s id e n t . Lansdale___Montgomery Citizens National Bank__<’05 Henry L. S. R u th .. 3 Pop. 5000 E l l 60-802 F irst National B a n k ___ < ’64 Irw in 6 . Lukens . . 60-801 Lansdowne.Delaware F l l Lansdowne & Darby Saving G. F. W h ite_____ 3 Pop. 4066 Fund & Trust C o .___ < § ’02 60-1215 Lansford___Carbon D 10 Citizens National B ank.. < ’03 Andrew Breslin___ 3 Pop. 10.477 60-525 Dime Bank____________*|’12 W. G. W h ild in .... 60-526 F irst National B ank____< ’99 A. J . Thomas__... 60-524 ‘ Laporte____Sullivan C F irst National Bank______’09 J . L. Christian___ 3 Pop. 500 60-1216 Latrobe—.W estmoreland Citizens National Bank . < ’ M. W. Saxman___ 4P Pop. 11,393 E 60-506 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-**’! 60-505 Latrobe T rust Co____ _»_§’06 60-508 Peoples National Bank__ i ’01 60-507 Lavery________ Erie B 1 I. S. Lavery & Co__ ____ t ’03 4P Pop. 25 60-1217 LawrencevUle—Tioga B 7 F irst National B a n k ____ 10 3 Pop. 549 60-1218 ‘Lebanon__Lebanon E 9 ♦Farm ers T rust Co.___< { ’05 3 Pop. 20,779 60-278 (JA M ES PETERS V ic e -P r e s i d k n t . 60-275 < ’56 Ca s h i e r . A s s 't Ca s h i e r . Jam es M. H artzel.. F. A. Clayton___ 100,000 250,530 1,450,220 1,607,410 125,000 96,120 1,276,840 1,289,950 50,000 47,950 688,530 717,760 . . . Samuel Boyle, J r . . . John Hoffman . . . 50,000 16,180 320,900 311,310 E. H. Kistler_____ . 0. F. K lin e ___. . . . E. J . D avies____ 100,000 H. J . S harpe. P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . fromBarks 86,460 1,210,840 1,359,080 193,340 Franklin N „ Phil. 196,380 Girard and Franklin N., Phil,; 1st N „ Darby, 68,720 Irving N „ N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil. 48,310 4th St. N., Phil.; Scranton Sav. & Dime, Scran ton. 136,220 Chase N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Tradesmens N ., and Cent. N „ Phil. 11,550 F ranklin N., Phil. T. J . K eeler— R. D. K ehrer W arner U tts. A. D. H elsm an ___ 25,000 Joseph E. B a rn ett. W. H. Flickinger.. 50,000 130,350 1447 920 1163240 515,030 Chase N., N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. P itt. J0SEPH C. HEAD - H. H. SM ITH.......... H. M. HUFFMAN... 100,000 a n d T im e Item s, and 25c Credit Rex arts. bank. 165,000 1,340,000 1,235,000 356,000 1st N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; Mellon N;, P itt. IS p e d a l a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash )Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation ISend y o u r bus! ness to a good s t ro n g a n d re liab le J . C. H ead.______ J . E. B a rn e tt____ I. B. Shallenberger, Sec. a n d Tr. Chas. H. McLaugh A. F. D ow ning___ J . A. McComb____ Chas. T. W alker. lin I. S. Lavery ______ I. S. Lavery W. E. B arnes.. R. E. B aker______ H. C. Cloos_ O. G. Gerfiart.. John L. Saylor___ H. H. Ulrich. Sec. A. S. Kreider a n d Tr. S p e d a i A tte n tio n given to Co P ro m p t R e m i tta n c e . R e aso n a SEND US TO UR LEBANON I t J. LEOPOLD — llectlons. ble R a te s. T EM S. /C. H. KILLINGER W. E. W EIM ER - W. H. KNEEDLER— A. R. BOWMAN 13,390 97,460 107,760 200,000 411,230 1,718,510 2,051,700 100,000 75,400 1,363.310 1,110,580 25,000 25,000 13,260 176,870 188,560 279,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Union T r. Co., P itt. 452,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., P itt.; lst»N. Phil. ? non Seab. N., N. Y. 23,050 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 250,000 186,390 1,242,190 1,350,040 278,930 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 408,540 2,237,130 2,342,740 427,040 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., and Phil. N., Phil. 300,000 132,810 812,800 1,131,320 126,570 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N. Pitt. 200,000 287,680 1,898.610 2,072,990 50,000 26,120 465,450 472,850 313,290 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Franklin N., M arket St. N., and 1st N., Phil, 68,730 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100,000 107,790 751,160 909,370 148,630 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100.000 184,720 925,710 985,040 325,380 N . P a rk , N . Y ,; G ira rd N „ P h il. 50,000 26,850 371,780 411,810 50,000 88,400 1,128,000 996,690 ¿23,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 25,000 35,650 357,010 126,100 4th St. N ., P hil.; N. Union, Reading. „ (C o llectio n s sen t to u s receive t h e a t t e n tio n o f a n officer o f th is b a n k . *O u r service Is unexcelled a n d c h a rg e s re a so n a b l e. j L . W. H ICKS--— C. J. NIEMAN------ CHAS. ZIMMERS ~ M. GRAY__ JOSEPH KEPPLE EARL BASH FIRST NATIONAL BK.-<1900 < S pecial a tte n tio n given to co llect ions. 60-792 15c m u s t accom p a n y ea c h s ig h t d r a f t fo r p r e s e n ta t Ion, a n d 400,960 86,830 Phil. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BO ND ED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1069 l 25c fo r c re d it r e p o rt o r ra tin g . Leesport_____Berks E 10 F irst National Bank____»’09 Jam es R. W eisner. Charles Dunkle___ S. M. D e c k ______ 3 Pop. 600 60-1219 Jacob Bagenstose Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cashft ExCHANGM'DUX W. L. V erlenden... G. F. White. T r ... Morgan Bunting, L. L. Smith, M. L. Kenney," ~ Sec 2d V.-P. A . Tr. G. M. K istle r____ W. J . D av is_____ 60-276 < ’57 Lebanon Clearing House____ H. H. Ulrich, M gr. H. 0. Uhler, Sect __ (Members indicated by a * ) Leecbburg.ArmstrongD 2 FA R M E R S NATIONAL BANK D. M. Campbell.— C. F. A rm strong.. . J . W. Saulters____ W. B. McKallip___ 4P Pop. 3624 60-793 < ’08 P. A. McCracken PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index R eso ur ces. I/OAN* ft Dig. c ’tb . Bords, 8 b cd rit ie s $ 50,000 $ 117,490 $ 558,600 $ 627,920 $ 127,060 4th St. N .t.Phil. ♦Lebanon County T rust Co. W. C. F reem an___ Cyrus F . S trickler. C. F . Zimmerman, E. W. Miller, See.. 60-279 < § ’01 H. M. Miller T r. ♦Lebanon National Bank < ’31 Frank S. Becker__ C. V. H enry_____ H. C. U h le r ....___ 60-274 Thomas L. Becker ♦N orth Side Bank____ < § ’15 B. F. Patschke—— W. A. Schools____ J . G. K reider_____ 60-280 ♦Peoples National B ank_<’88 C. Z. Weiss______ L. S. G erh art___ _ D. T. W erner____ W alter W. K leiser. 60-277 VALLEY NATIONAL BANK Li a b i l i t i e s . us P a id - u p S uar np l D e po s Ca pit a l , P r o fdit s it s W. H. R osenberry. E. R. M usselm an. B. 0. C O L E M A N - E. R. COLEM AN— FIRST NATIONAL BANK A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , (« r a c e , PENNSYLVA NIA —Continued July, 1918___________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Lansdale to Leesport u n d e r JV aiue o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r giv en each b a n t in U . S. e x c lu s i v e ly b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l ly B a n k e r s ’ [r ec to ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A s s ’n . riu n ip i. rtLLCUUUH lu VUIlCtLIUIlü ¿tHU WUrrcSpUfiacIlCc N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given tt/Z U D irectory, u nder th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n. T own a nd Co u n t y . Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, PENNSYLVA NIA —Continued Lia b il it ie s . N a m e op B a n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ^County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Vic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Surplus P a id - u p AND C a p it a l P r o f it s R e so u r c e s . D e po s it s k H. B. Eennell___ C. J . K istler_____ A. F. Sm ith______ Joseph N. Bennett $ 100,000 $ 91,730 $ 850,100 $1124 090 $ 117,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 75,000 C. E. Brinkm an__ C. H. W agner......... H. B. S aeg er_____ 50,000 2,300 107,070 145,530 S. L. Brindle__ __ D. H. N eikirk____ D. Z. Ashway_____ Aaron Myers R obert L. M yers.. J . W. B ow m an___ W. K. Klugh, T r ... Jam es M. Speece, Sec. F. D. R obbins___ N. W. Pendleton — Chas. Miller_____ L. V. M u rp h y ____ 25,000 650 54,170 92,020 125,000 70,520 425,240 554,940 25,000 15,800 268,930 298,930 37,190 Phil. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. W. C. W alls-— . . . J . C .'Packer_____ John W. Bucher . . 100,000 201,380 441,350 670,700 82,070 1st N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N. and 1st N .,P hil. A. W. Brown____ Charles S teele____ D. F. Green, T r . . . 125,000 71.540 826,940 794,960 W. R. Follmer___ H. C. W olfe_____ John K. K rem er__ 100.000 112,580 215,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Franklin N.. Market St. N.. and Phil. N., Phil. 95,700 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Com Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 76,140 1,269,970 1,198,690 825,000 1,001,300 f J.M. SELHEIMER J. M. G00DHART - W. M. WITHER0W,- KARL H. BERGEY - I Send us your L ew istow n Item s, Sec. a nd Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr, a tten ti on ; prom pt and efficient service. »*§’06 )(BCareful IL L OF LAD ING DRAFTS G IVEN SPECIAL A T TEN TIO N . 125,000 45,000 440,000 490,000 100,000 122,500 776,130 875,700 LEWIST0WN TRUST CO. Mifflin County N at’l Bk. < ’59 S. B. W eber_____ R. C. E ld e r........... W. P. W oods_____ E. S. P arker____ 60-535 RUSSELL / BAVID THOMAS. CHAS. STEINBACH S. B. RUSSELL— WALTER F0SN0T F. C. S nyder. G.C. FRANK. H. S. BENNY - E PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 0 7 1-L A V # 100,000 92,000 1,232,760 1,241,600 174,660 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 16,250 Irving N., N. Y.; M arket St. N „ Phil. 10,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 65,830 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N.. Phil. 92,000 M arket St. N ., Phil. 69,000 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N., Girard ,N„ and Tradesmens N., Phil. 185.920 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. Ni, Phil. 276,650 N . B k. C o m ., N . Y .; 4 th S t. N ., P h H .; M ello n N ., P i t t . • 25.000 R. S. KEFFER------ E. C. McKELVEY 50,000 95,000 980,000 970,000 141,000 Ni Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 106,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. C o llectio n s h a v e th e personal a tten tio n o f an officer o f th is ba n k . ( We rem it on d ay of p aym en t; send us you r b u sin ess. D. E. B e ltz ______ L. B. W eller_____ C. H. Bitner_____ J . W. C lopp. 25,000 45,930 519,900 508,930 M. K. P ip er._____ R. J . Bender_____ J. D. Lonergan___ 25,000 43,110 294,080 334,350 46,030 Mellon N., P itt. A. B. Hollinger___ Samuel S. Hess___ Samuel H. W issler. 60,000 73.560 239,750 390,480 42,760 1st N., Phil. D. L. Bunnell____ C. S. G ehr.............. E. H. Collins_____ 30,000 20,000 341,960 238,880 81,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. S. W. Buch ______ H. S. M eiskey____ J . H. B reitigan..__ 60,000 75,570 701,680 827,480 90.720 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. D. M. Graybill____ A. W. Sensenich__ H. H. D iehm ____ 5C.000 75,910 502,580 590,740 Geo. S. K um p ____ S. D. Mehring____ W. R. Jones_____ 25,000 35,120 896,960 810,740 S. S, Mehring____ G. F. K r u g ______ M. N. Wehler____ H. G. Blocher. 25,000 99,250 1,175,000 1.170,000 W. L. L enhart____ J . D. Snyder_____ H. A. S. Shuler_________ 25,000 13,230 Banks . JVuI” b.e r «H rter JV aïue o r B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv en î?. eacP h a n k in U. S. e xi ict klun sa iOv e« ly b ym iT___a h e R a___n td_____ - M nc N a l ly B a n. k e .r s ’ I liP A itfn w D ir e c t o r y , lui nn dd ae «r At hh en a« u t h o r i t y. ' o_ rf rT h e A_____ m e r i^ n ^ B a______» n k e r____ s^ A ss^ n . 145,0C0 179.010 84,720 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 167,990 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 105,000 1st N., Phil,; N. Bk. of Balt,, Balt. 29,230 Corn Ex. N., Phil. npt Àttemtion t.o Co lections and Correspondence PENNS YL VA NI A—Continued A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , _______July, 1918 F irst National Bank___< ’02 -60-966 F irst National Bank____ »’06 60-1223 E Lincoln National B a n k ..i.’84 60-1224 B Linesville State B ank___§’79 60-1225 E Farm ers National B a n k .< ’01 60-912 Lititz Springs N at’l Bank 60-913 <09 littlesto w n __Adams F ' Littlestown N at’l B a n k ..j’08 3 Pop. 1500 60-995 Littlestown Sav. In st’n._.§’67 60-994 Liverpool____ P erry D ! F irst National Bank_____ ’06 3 Pop. 596 60-1226 Lilly— _— Cambria 3 Pop. 1638 Lincoln___Lancaster 3 Pop. 450 Linesville.. Crawford 4P Pop. 833 Lititz------- Lancaster 3 Pop. 3500 C. H. SWIGART - / O ld est—Largest —Strongest Bank in Miffl in C ounty, Prom pt a tten ti on to C ollections. 60-534 < ’49 L iberty — ....T io g a B 7 Farm ers National Bank . . ’18 F. C. R oupp_ 3 Pop. 253 60-1481 Ligonier ..W estm oreland NATIONAL BK. OF LIGONIER 4P Pop. 1575 E 3 60-967 < ’82 Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . John S e a b o ld t..... J . G. Zern_______ Chas. F. Bretney .-. L. S. K e m m e re r... 50,000 27.000 610,000 283,000 H.J. CULBERTSON— A. R. HAYES---------- W. W. CUNNINGHAM Proper fee shou id accom pany eac h collection for p resen tation and r e q u e s t f o r cred i t rep o r t . »Lewistown.. .Mifflin D6 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK has b u ilt up our b usiness. Prom pt service 60-536 <1900 ( SEND US YOU B LEWISTOWN I TEMS. 3 Pop. 10.733 60-537 p r in c ip a l k Lo a n s Dis- C a s h E x c ’Tg. B o n d s , c h a n g es , D u i S b o u ritix s prom B a n k s PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Lehighton to Liverpool Lehighton__Carbon D 10 Citizens National Bank—»$’02 60-718 3 Pop. 6500 F irst National Bank____t ’74 60-717 Lehighton Dime B ank.. .§’16 60-719 L em asters..F ranklin F 6 Peoples National Bank___T7 60-1220 3 Pop. 157 Lemoyne.Cumberland E 8 Lemoyne T rust Co_____tS’10 60-1221 3 Pop. 8000 LeBaysville-Bradford B 9 F irst National Bank____ t ’02 60-1222 3 Pop. 326 ‘ Lewisburg---- Union D 8 Lewisburg N at’l B a n k ..< ’53 60-835 3 Pop. 3500 Lewisburg T r. & Safe Dep.Co. 60-837 < § ’07 Union National Bank___}’65 60-836 P r e s id e n t . 1070___________ 1 0 7 0 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers’ If/ Vil , N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv en 1?. ea<Lh b an k in U . S. e x c lu s i v e ly b y T h e K a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘ Lock H aven.. Clinton C 6 Clinton T rust C o._____ $§’05 3 Pop. 7772 60-560 F irst National Bank____ $’64 60-558 Lock Haven T rust & Safe Deposit Co.__6(P559...iS’90 Loganton---- Clinton C 7 Loganton National Bank.$’09 3 Pop. 875 60-1227 Luzerne ....L u z e rn e 010 Luzerne National Bank.«$’07 3 Pop. 5426 60-1228 Lykens____ Dauphin D 8 F irst National B a n k ___—’17 3 Pop. 3400 60-1471 Miners Deposit Bank___$$'72 60-1229 Lyndora ___Butler D 2 Lyndora National Bank.»$’07 4P Pop. 3000 60-1230 L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . Wm. F le tc h e r____ J . H. A llm an__ __ L. C. R itts____ R esources . Loams k Bu D e p o s cara. B ond s , it s 8 bodritbbs P rincipal Correspondents. Casmk Ex0HANGK8,Du X fro m B a n k « J . H. Adelm an___ J . H. W iddowson. M. J . R eynolds__ 50,000 67,730 824,100 786,220 50,000 50,000 420,000 429,000 59,470 494,100 469,290 50,000 100,000 208,780 1,086,790 1,359,390 125,000 121,390 125,000 475,000 1,500,000 1,850.000 750,970 867,370 205.620 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N .( Pitt. 64.000 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesm ens N., Phil. 166,000 Han. N., N.T,'; Diamond N., Pitt.; Franklin N., Phil. 144,980 1st N., N. Y. and Phil. 133,060 Irving N. and N. Park., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Far. & Mech. N., Phil. 250.000 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., F ranklin N., M arket St. N., Phil. N., and Girard N., Phil. 127.000 N. City, N. Y.'; Cent. N., Phil. 50,000 155,000 750,000 100,000 110,350 914,150 1,151,080 150,000 86,460 892,040 1,051,550 C. C. W h ite h e a d - 50,000 64,260 787,960 783,550 163,630 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Ex. N „ Pitt. Lewis M. P alm er.. 50,000 57,380 742,130 729,160 145,340 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. R. A. Deible_____ 50,000 32,420 192,160 267,030 J . Nissley Brandt— 50,000 143,710 539,020 672,610 57.620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 100,000 134,570 465,296 743,960 65,910 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. H. P. D iehl.___ A. B. N o rto n . S. Deckard Thos. A. Hoover — W. L. G rah am ___ W. G. Johnson___ W. L. Graham D. J . Pearsall_____ I. G. R o s s_______ . S. R u d d le. S. S. Smith . E. Smith Wm. G. Frey m an.. Chas. F. Dolon, George Dreisbach 1 Sec. and T r. 880,000 25,000 19,000 140,500 •170,000 50,000 59,640 470,480 519,730 40.000 40,530 339,630 352,950 25,000 6,000 110,000 73,000 15,000 32,050 268,250 245,280 71,870 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 76,960 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 57,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., P itt. 19.000 Han. N .,N . Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Chambersburg T r. Co., Chambersburg. 110,400 Hah. N., N. Y.: Union N. and 1st N „ Pitt. 62,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 37,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., P itt. 81,820 Chase N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 25,000 23,140 180,090 140,910 87,320 F ranklin N. and Girard N „ Phil. 25,000 16,000 474,800 295,170 190,530 Far. Dèp. N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 40,000 600,000 356,000 295,000 Am. Ex. N. and Harrim an N., N. Y.; Bk. o f P itt N A P itt 317,810 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50,000 250,000 266,420 1,348,260 1,906,170 150,000 142,280 j 526,950 696,190 123,250 Mech. & Metals N. and Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Cent, N., and Market St. N., Phil. 1071 Masontown National Bank E, W. Sterling__ _ 60-1025 «$’03 ‘Mauch Chunk ...C arbon Mauch Chunk Nat. Bank »$’02 M. S. Kemmerer__ 60-769 3 Pop. 3952 D 10 Mauch Chunk T rust Co. *$S’03 J . M. D reisbach.__ 60-770 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis pl u s PAID-UÏ S uarn d Ca p it a i P r o f it s W. S. HarrisJL.____ R. W. Barrows, W. C. Long, $ 200,00C $ 66,070 $ 692.41C $ 784,220 $ 174,260 Lin. N., N. Y .;F ar. &Mech. N., Phil. Sec. and T r A . Sec. a n d A . T r E. A. Monaghan__ R. W. F redericks.. Reese Kintzing— F. H. Fredericks . 180,000 625,960 1,832,34C 2,350,450 386,850 1st and Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. Jacob Scott______ R .H . F ü rs t______ John C. Clark, L. M. Hayes, 125,000 315,000 1.600.00C 1,704,000 289.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Franklin N., ant Sec. a n d Tr, A . Sec. a n d A . T r Corn Ex. N., Phil. T. R. H arter_____ E. M. De Long____ W. A. M orris.. 25,000 25,480 150,500 200,690 24,980 4th St. N., Phil. W. J . P arry ______ H. C. Johnson____ G. M. H arris__ 50,000 68,990 719,840 787,400 103,350 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn E x.N ., 1st N „ anc F ranklin N., Phil. R. Coble________ _ John H. E b y ____ J . M. Sheibley___; Eugene D uncan_ 50,000 5,000 64,630 88,060 23.700 Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N „ Pitt. Isaac Mossop_____ I. D e la n e y ______ F. H. Voss______ 50,000 128,880 483,920 612,120 69.700 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; (M em . F ed . R es.) Madera___ Clearfield D 5 Madera National Bank__$’04 Joseph A lexander. H. B. Swoope____ i. B. Mahaffey___ 3 Pop. 1000 60-1231 S. J . Miller Mahaffey__ Clearfield D 4 Mahaffey National Bank .$'05 B. W. McCracken . J . P. Thom as____ W. B. Clark . . . . . _ 3 Pop. 754 60-1232 Mahanoy City.Schuylkill F irst National Bank____ *’64 Edward S. Silliman Geo. W. Dennis___ John W. Phillips.. 3 Pop. 17,463 D 9 60-332 Merchants Banking Trust Co. D. M. G raham ____ Leon E ck ert___ D. F . Guinan, 60-334 •$S’03 Sec. a n d Tr, Union National Bank___*$’89 Harrison Ball_____ F . J . N oonan__ W. H. Kohler___ _ 00-333 M alvern___Chester F 10 National Bk. of M alvern.$’84 Christian Lapp____ Chas. C. Highley .. 3 Pop. 1125 60-1233 M anheim ...Lancaster E 9 Keystone National Bank.$’88 P. F . R u h l.______ H. M. Beamesder- J . G. Graybill____ 3 Pop. 3000 60-905 fer Manheim National Bank .$’65 J . L. Graybill____ Jacob S. Hackman. H. C. Stauffer____ 60-904 M anor. W estmoreland E 2 Manor National Bank__*$’02 S. P. W hitehead__ C. C. W althour— F rank R. R ankin.. 4P Pop. 1039 60-1234 Mansfield ____Tioga B 7 F irst National Bank_____$’07 Charles S. Ross___ W arren D. R o se ... Wilton W. A llen ... 3 Pop. 1645 60-958 Marienville__F o re ste 3 Gold Standard Nat. Bk,.»$’Ql A. D. Neill_______ L. H. Mensch—___ D. B. Shields_____ 4P Pop. 900 60-1236 Marietta „.L an caste r E 9 Exchange National B ank.$’74 B. F . H iestand___ B. F rank Hiestand Joseph L. B ran d t.. 3 Pop. 2079 60-915 F irst National-Bank____ '63 D. M. E y e r______ B arr Spangler. Henry S. Rich____ 60-914 Marion Franklin F 6 Marion Bank__________ §’11 J . A. S tr ite __ i __ T. H. Weagley____ 3 Pop. 500 60-1408 Marion C en ter__ Indiana Marion Center Nat. Bank $’05 H. J . Thom pson__ C. R. G riffith_____ H. G. W ork______ 4P Pop; 866 D3 60-1237 M ars— a_____Butler D 1 Mars .National Bank__ *1900 C. Gelbach_______ C. L. N o rto n ____ E. P. S u tto n _____ 4P Pop. 1400 60-1238 M artinsbnrg.._.B lair E 5 F irst National Bank— __ $’05 C. A. Patterson— G. D. Paul_______ S. S. H orton _____ 60-1023 3 Pop. 920 Morrisons Cove B ank__ $t'99 John B. S kyles___ Henry S. Burkel__ W. U. Skyles_____ 60-1022 Marysville__¿ .f e r ry E 8 F irst National B a n k ..___*’04 J . W. Beers______ E. B. Lei b y ______ F . W. G eib______ 60-1239 3 Pop. 1693 H. J . Deckard Masontown—Fayette F 2 F irst National B a n k __ *$1900 G. W. N eff.._____ C. S. Hempstead__ C. H. H arbison___ 60-1024 4P Pop. 1000 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index As s 't Cashier . collections ana corresponaeiice Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed m b a ck of th is v o lu m e. For Interest Kates. G r a c e , etc., see p a g e 14. For Holidays, see o p p o site p a g e 13 PENNSYLV A NI A—Continued N ame of Bane . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed, Res. Dist, tMern. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. 10 July« 1918 _____ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Lock Haven to Mauch Chunk 1071 fAV// u tvs rtuvcruMiig &1 VC rrumpt A uenuon IllUVA For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Indexto Lavners) Town and County. McKees Rocks. Allegheny 4P Pop. 19,949 E l M cSherrystown.-.Adam s 3 Pop. 2000 F 8 McVeytown— Mifïlin E 6 3 Pop. 514 President. Vice-President. Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. H. H. Engle.— — A. R isser________ J . H. H offm an..__ 25.000 18,360 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’64 60-798 it s à Principal Correspondents. à Loams D it- C a s h E x c ’TB. B o n d s , changes , D e s S e c u r it ie s from B a k u 228,390 $ 266,040 $ 23,580 1st N ., Phil. Union T r. Co., Lancaster. N. F. A rntz______ 50.000 65,000 650,800 25.000 24,940 .534.700 553,650 55,990 Coal & Iron N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. W. H. Sieber____ A. G. Haldeman___ A. H. Benner____ F. L. S ie b e r. H. Austin Sieber 25.000 11,820 179,500 209,350 29,500 Liberty N ., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 6,740 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. N. B. Middles warth H. O. U lsh ..___ E. W. P. Benfer__ 25.000 26,840 180,020 247,810 J . P. Sipes_______ B. F. H e n ry ___ M. W. Nace_____ 25.000 42,040 509,220 537,950 Q. A. H arris_____ C. R. Spangler____ S. W. K irk Edward McDonald. J . D. S au ters_____ J . N. McDonald A. C. LeComte____ B. D. T illinghast... A. C. Foringer J . J . F e rrig a n ____ John Ja c k e t_____ W. L. N ace ______ 50,100 44,000 475,860 510,630 83,460 H an .N .,N . Y.; Mellon N., P itt.: Girard N .,P hil. G. S. Campbell___ Miss Ida V. Steen . 50.000 300,000 1,950,000 1,908,000 Rose F . Brady, D. C. Brown, A .T r . Sec. a n d Tr. Thos. C. Baird____ N. J . Trim ble____ 125.000 34.610 521,330 Seab. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 73,270 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., P itt. 150,090 62,620 1,100,450 1,017,560 300.000 237,470 3,696,180 3,752,390 407,100 130,370 1,084,070 1,249,260 Chas. A. Tawney — J . L. Ham m itt. G. W. P hillips____ G. O. R eitze_____ C. C. Johnston — L. S. Sherred J . C. C haplin__. . . M. G. B e a tty _____ E. W. McGill, Sec. a n d Tr. Jno. E. R eynolds.. L. L. Lord_______ E. F. W eber_____ A. R. Huidekoper Charles F ahr_____ E. A. Hempstead— O. 8. B urw ell____ : A. E. Dunham . M. A. Hirsch. A . Sec. a n d A . T r J . J . F arn ico rn ___ Martin Mumma___ J . H. Bowman____ Charles Eberly ...1 M. L. D ick .._____ 441,830 528,170 200,000 281,640 2,112,690 2.249,230 456,750 553,080 3,018,150 3,820,710 50.000 20,170 568,220 382,160 150.000 102,220 1,974,350 2,118,950 200.000 242,000 977.000 1,112,000 100,000 104,920 648.950 526,870 125,000 84,060 750,140 827,000 50.000 27,400 250.000 282,000 25.000 29,190 273,540 294,790 70.000 20,000 494.000 496,000 125.000 49,190 1,491,250 1,236,320 100.000 177,150 971,720 962,520 200,000 93.000 1.382,23o! 1,690,330 100,000 120,000 1,190,000 1,150,000 J . A. Coover_____ J . J . Milleisen____ C. I. S w a rtz _____ 50.000 10,500 281,630 315,250 S. F. H auck______ E. A. B urnett____ T. J . Scholl______ 50.000 33.000 700.000 700,000 Wm. B. Miller____ 50.000 17,440 856,650 410,020 R.FUSSELL-------- 100,000 W. R. Fronefleld— J . Lord Rigby . . W.H. MILLER— 326,670 1,699,110 1,840,730 63,310 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th 8t. N., Phil. 295,520 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 654,820 Seab. N., Liberty N „ and Guaranty T r. Co., N, Y.; Mellon N., 1st N „ and Columbia N.. P itt. 181,120 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 532,400 Liberty N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 407,280 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 286,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Union T r. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt.: 1st N. and Peo., McKeesport. 257,620 Chase N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 210,000 N. Y. T r. Go., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. 103,270 Chatham & P hénix N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., P itt. 126,510 Han, N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 35,000 N. Bk. Com. and N, Bk, of Balt., Balt.; Trades mens N., Phil. 55,290 Irving N., N .Y .; Centennial N.. Phil. 80,000 Chase N., N. Y .¿Union N., P itt.; F ranklin N. and Girard N., Phil. 301,100 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Colonial T r. Co.. P itt.; (M em . F ed . R es.) 311,340 N. P ark and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 4th St, N.. Phil.: 1st N., Pitt. 160,210 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N.. Phil.; 1st N.. Pitt. 125,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .,G irard N „ Phil. N., and 4th St. N., Phil. 47,780 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of No. America, Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 81,000 Chase N „ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 77,070 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 285,040 1st N.. Phil. T he Bank « f Sa fety and Service. FIFTEEN CEN TS se n t to u s w it h each sigh t draft for presentation, and ( TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each e redit report Insur es prom pt, perso n al a tte n tlo n . Media Title & T rust Co.«$§’90 V. G. Robinson___ F rank B. Rhodes _ W. R. Johns. T r __ T. E. Levis, Sec. _ Geo. Sr Pierce, E. L. Green 60-800 A . Tr. _ PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1073 D epo s J . H. Burnard— __ E. J . Dailey______ H. I. Sm ith______ M. R. H offm an___ Chas. R. S h a w ___ John A. K elso____ A lbert C. Miller George A. Briggs McKeesport Title & T r. Co. E. P . Douglass____ J . W. F aw cett____ Theo. Lindberg, Tr. M. S. Kidney, Sec.. Adolph Schmidt 60-172 $§1900 National Bank of McKeesport W. O. Soles______ D. H. Rhodes_____ D. H. Rhodes_____ J . W. Albig______ 60-171 *$’87 Peoples Bank________ •$¿’78 E. W. P itts —____ H. R. Stuckslager— H. R. Stuckslager.. 60-170 Joseph Roth & Son____ « t’85 (Jacob Roth and H enry Friedman) . . . H enry Friedm an, T r. 60-175 Union National B a n k ... *$'05 J . D. O’N e il_____ Philip Zenn______ R. M. Baldridge . . . C. C. H erklotz____ C. J . Erickson 60-173 Ohartiers T rust Co.___»tS'Ol T. W. F rie n d _____ M. C. O’Donovan — Ira W. Johnston, Sec. and Tr. 60-362 F irst National B a n k ..... «’98 T. W. Friend ___ C. M. Christiansen. H. W. S u tto n ____ 60-361 McKEES ROCKS TRUST CO. G. W. Beane_____ J . H. W atts______ ; L. H. Hamilton, Sec. a n d Tr. Robert Neupert 60-363 «S’10 Farm ers B a n k .._____ *$§’03 C. D. Sm ith______ D. D. E h rh a rt____ H. S. Reigle_____ J . Preston Smith 60-1244 McVeytown Nat. Bank__$’07 W. P. Stevenson__ Jam es M acklin___ J . E. Rupert_____ E. Jack R upert__ _■ 60-1245 ¿Meadville.Crawford B 1 COMMONWEALTH BANK 60-413 *$§’10 4P Pop. 13.802 Crawford County T rust Co. 50-412 *$§1900 Merchants National Bk._»$’65 60-410 New F irst National Bk..*$’94 60-411 Mechanicsburg. OumbTd F irst National Bank___«$’64 60-742 3 Pop. 4469 E7 Mechanicsburg Nat. Bk. »$’08 60-744 Second National Bank—«$’64 60-743 ¿Media___Delaware F 11 Charter National Bank—»$'87 60-799 3 Pop. 3800 Sur plu s P a id - u p and Ca p it a l P r o f it s N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o r S a n k is th e N e w ' T r a n s i t N u m b e r giv en ea cn pan k m Uu .. £ oL. ee xx cc llu T iie B aannad- -M N aa nlly u ss iiv v ee lly y b Dy y _m e u M Cc N y B B a an n k k e er rs s ’’ Directory, under th e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 125,000 175,000 1 , 200,000 1,370,000 . , 130,000 N. City. N. Y.: Phil. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; Pa. N., Chester. I ........................ | ...... Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence D i n V T T V T C V ’T I f A M T A __ a * ____ 3 x X l/i N i N o I JL/V A i N l A - —V ^ O I lt lt lllC Q A c c e s s ib le T ow ns, L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e .. dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. A te .. ODO n u rro 1A F a p IT a IIH o ^ o _______________’ ____________ t ** l PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Maytown to Media __________ July, 1918 McClure_____8nyder D 7 F irst National Bank___ «$’05 3 Pop. 600 60-1243 ¿McOannellsburg. Fulton F irst National Bank____ $’06 3 Pop. 571 F5 60-1051 Fulton County Bank___ $§’87 60-1050 McDonald__Washington F irst National Bank___ «$’92 60-872 4P Pop. 2543 E1 McDonald Sav. & T rust Co. 60-873 $§’03 M cK eesport.. .Allegheny City B ank ___________ »$§’05 60-174 4P Pop. 47,521 E 2 F irst National Bank___ *$’71 60-169 Resources. Liabilities . Name of Bane. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ¡State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. ÌMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Maytown—Lancaster E 9 Maytown National Bank .$’09 3 Pop. 702 60-1240 ____ »t’14 Peoples Bank 60-1445 McAdoo__.Schuylkill D 9 F irst National Bank___ *$’07 3 POP. 3389 60-1241 McA listerville__. J uniata Farm ers National Bank ..$ ’09 3 Pop. 300 D7 60-1242 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page513-, PENNSYL V A NIA —Continued 1072 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass'n. K ü W W ô Y L V A n i A m a p on in uex u a iin a /\u y v i u s u i^ ^ iy v i a. u n i p t r iL k w u t i u u N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o r B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r giv en to each b an k m U. S. exclusively by Tlie B a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own a nd Co u n t y . Lia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Cashier. A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Reso u r c es. D epo s it s ‘Mercer_____ Mercer 0 1 FARMERS &MECH. NAT. BK Thos. K. A dam s. . . R. 0. K err_______ E. B. Reed 4P Pop. 2026 60-921 **’76 F irst National Bank___«$’64 A. J . McKean. 60-920 Mercersburg Franklin F 6 Farm ers Bank_________ i f '74 John Steiger— 3 Pop. 1410 60-984 F irst National Bank____«’09 60-985 Meshoppen. Wyoming B 9 F irst National B a n k ... «$1900 3 Pop. 630 60-1246 Meyersdale.Somerset F 3 Citizens National Bank. *$’01 4P Pop. 4000 60-784 Second National B a n k ... $’01 60-785 ‘ Middleburg—Snyder D 7 F irst National Bank____•$’! 3 Pop. 531 60-1247 Midd letow n.. Dauphin E8 Citizens’National B ank„»$’05 3 Pop. 5500 60-704 Farm ers B a n k _______ *$§’82 60-703 Midland____ Beaver D 1 F irst National Bank____»$’06 4P Pop. 6000 60-1248 MIDLAND SAV. & TR. CO. Midway..Washington E l 4P Pop. 941 Mifflin ______J uniata D 7 3 Pop. 1000 Mifflinburg____Union D 7 3 Pop. 1700 ‘Mifflintown—J uniata D 7 3 Pop. 954 Mildred____ Sullivan C 8 3 Pop. 800 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Ex- Ca s h k cham ois , D ub f ro m B anks 0. G. W illiam s.. 1.126.640 157,640 1st N., N. Y. and Clev.; Monongahela N „ Pitt. 530,020 S. H. Jo h n s to n __ H. B. H eg e______ Charles S. K arper. J . M. W inger_____ D. L. Martin Charles G. Brown.. J ohn B. J ennings _ John G. H a h n ___ W. M. Carter S. B. P h ilso n ____ S. A. K endall____ R. H. Philson—___ Clarence Moore___ 114,068 Kountze Bros, and Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. Han. N., N. Yd Girard N., Phil. 556.590 H enry 8 pangler__ W. D. Boyd____ 347.590 N. E. M iller_____ W. H. Habel_____ J . H. Bowman____ C. Q. Griffith — 946,910 Jas. G. Thompson.. J . C. S how ers____ J . P. Shires______ William R o u s h ___ H. S. R o th ..— J . J . L andis._____ A. R. G eyer____ h 787,900 S. C. Young______ S. C. F e te rs ...____ M. H. G ingrich__ J . S. Longenecker I. M. P orter_____ W. J . P o tter_____ Thomas E. JPoe — George M. Hawkins 613,770 jG. A. TURVILLE- J. W. DOUGHERTY.— C. M. KENNEDY, Chase N ., N . Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 1200000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk, of P itt. N. A., P itt. Han. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., P itt.; P h il. N., Phil. Chase N., N.Y.; M nfrs. N., Franklin N., 4th St. N., and 1st N., Phil. N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N. and Franklin N., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt. Han. N., N. Ï . ; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. Han, N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N, A. and Mellon N „ Pitt. Far. Ln. & T r. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N „ Phil.; F ar. Dep. N., P itt. 350.000 496,960 WILLARD R. JACOBS. 955,380 $114 16,440 305,300 287,800 15.000 225.000 206,340 57,500 289,920 337,220 154.000 725.000 875.000 61.000 359.850 475,780 137.060 666,410 740.370 12,000 210,930 175,650 30,090 Han. N., N. Y.: Monongahela N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 60.000 1st N., Phil. 60,200 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Tradesmens N., Girard N., and 4th St. N „ Phil. 120.000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N., Phil. 25,180 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. P . N. B ournique.— John 0. W arner__ F. H. S prague____ 25.000 38,350 216,100 217,870 183,100 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th St. N. and F ranklin N., Phil. 89,310 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and 1st Nv, Phil.; Union N., and Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 73,050 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. Wm. Douden — J . W. Hoffman.— . 50.000 72.060 453,330 513,680 111,710 Girard N. and Franklin N., Phil. Harry Deibler — . E. W. S te e v e r...— 30.000 120.000 536,600 453.000 227,870 Union N., Tradesmens N „ and 4th St.N .,Phil. James Rounsley__ J . E. R ounsley.—— 25.000 23.000 202.000 215,260 37.000 Girard N., Phil,: Mellon N* Pitt. E. C. H e rtz le r___ _ F. F. Brenner I. J . Rohrbaugh ___ Robt. F . Gheesman C. L. Gramley ____ A. A. F rank A. E. Bartges_____ I. N. W itm er______ Mary Geiger_____ 25.000 7,230 239,090 253.640 39,730 Liberty N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. W. A. Snyder____ Mary Rohe____ 35.000 19,160 212,130 216,630 44,860 H an.N ., N .Y .; 1st N. and 4th St. N „ Phil. L. W. S to v er..— . . J . R. Miller____ 25.000 35.000 525,000 504.000 S. W. Gramley____ D. L. Zerley — . J . F ee d K urtz___ Ella M. Emery____ J . A. Harshm an___ S. N. Murphy____ E. B. McRoberts__ Geo. V. Braun ... J : W. E v es______ C. M. Eves_____ _ A. Reed Hayes .;__R. H. Taylor. 90.000 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. — ' 25.000 15,230 50,000 107,340 867.850 755,860 25.000 45,460 530,740 531.640 107,250 123,750 — Corn Ex. N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 40,270 Chase N., N. Y .;!Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 265,920 Chase N., N. Y .;'W estern N. and Union Tr. Go., P itt. 89,960 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. ------------------------ ----------------------------- — ------------ ------Chase N., N. Y-; 4th St. N. and I s tN ,, Phil. 1073 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ijOans k Du cats. B ond s , Sm u r it i s s H. 8. Waidlich— — ‘ Milford______ Pike 012 F irst National B ank___ «1900 A. D. B row n..____ 3 Pop. 872 60-1251 Millersburg—Dauphin D 8 F irst National Bank_____ '75 L. M. S hepp__ — 1 3 Pop. 2394 60-881 Millersburg B ank _____ $t'68 J . S. G ilbert* 5 5 5 60-880 i Millerstown.__P erry D 7 F irst National B ank.____$’04 A. H. Ulsh_— ____ 3 Pop. 549 60-1252 M illersville.Lancaster F 9 Millersville National Bk. .» ’08 J . H arry Pickle___ 3 Pop. 1800 60-1253 Mill Hall— __ Clinton C6 Mill Hall State B a n k __«$§’12 J . L. Rachau__ ___ 3 Pop. 1200 . 60-1413 Millheim;____ Center D 6 Farm ers National Bank.*$'09 G. S. F ra n k ..___... 3 Pop. 626 60-1045 Millheim Banking Co._»$t’72 D. D. R oyer______ 60-1044 Millsboro.WashingtonE 1 F irst National Bank___ »$’04 G. L. Moore 4P Pop. 1000 60-1254 Millvale— Allegheny D 1 Bank of Millvale___.-•$§1900 C. C. Henderson__ 4P Pop. 9237 60-1255 Millville.— Columbia C 9 F irst National B ank___$1900 William Masters__ 3 Pop. 611 60-1256 Milroy— — ..Mifflin D6 Milroy Banking Co...___$t’07 Taylor Reed_____ 3 Pop. 1500 60-1257 s ' PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index v u » i v a p u u u v iiv v $ 508,250 S 92,470 Chase N „ N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union N ., P itt. Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. )S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . ' Please send 15c w ith each sight dr a ft fo r presentatio n a n d 25c fo r Cred it B epor Midway National Bank—*$'03 J . J . Oharlier____1 A. J . Russell_____ D .K . Yolton__ 50.000 60-1249 Peoples National B a n k ...»’10 J . S. McLaughlin _. E. E. M cM een.. D. M. Hetrick .. 25.000 60-1297 E. M. Guss Farm ers B a n k ______ .—$§’89 J . K. R eish______ : D. B. M iller_____ C. F. Lontz__ _ 50.000 60-969 Mifflinburg Bank— ;____ t§ ’72 David L. Glover__ H arry A. Gast__ J ohn W. Lincoln— R. H. Snodgrass—. 64.000 60-968 F irst National Bank____ »$’65 Wm. H ertzler____ E. A. Garm an... Ezra C.4boty . . . . . . C. W. Mayer___ 50.000 60-1020 R. W. Doty Juniata Valley Nat. Bk..«$’67 J . M. Nelson___ H. J . Shallenberger J . L. Hartman J . T. S terrett— . 60.000 60-1021 T. C. K erchner F irst National Bank____ $’09 H. J . Schaad___ A. L. D yer_______ A rthur M iner. J . Clarence Lusch . 25.000 60-1250 60-1438 u u u Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws* Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates* Grace* etc.* see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued N a m e of B a n k . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. __________ Est. w u n v v u u u a July, 1 9 1 8 _________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Mercer to Milroy 1073 w vj For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally B ankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and Countt. A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, PENNSYLVANIA—Continued Liabilities . Name op Bank. Vice-President. Cashier. G. C. C hapin.__ U. S. B u b b . H. W. Chamberlin. H. J . Raup. Ass 't Cashier. bplus P a id - u p S uAND Ca p it a l P r o f it s Resources. D epo s it s Principal Correspondents. Loams ft Du- Cashft Exc ’t s . B ond«, S e c u r it ie s isom Banks $ 100,000 $ 148,000 $ 641,000 $ 717,000 $ 194,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N „ Phil. 100,000 138,380 541,510 535.270 125,000 124,290 611,430 744,530 50,000 70,470 424,610 463,190 Charles E. S teel.. 50,000 48,510 610,000 656,000 115,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil. M ohnton.____ Berks E 9 Mohnton National B an k „$ ’08 G. H. Leininger___ Ellis M. W o rle y .... A. M. Brown_____ 3 Pop. 2000 60-1258 25,000 26,370 276,270 314,310 31,140 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50.000 31,800 303,000 304,070 43,080 Chase N., N. Y.: Monongahela N. and 1st N., Pitt. 530.000 483,690 D. M. K rauser____ W. D. McWilliams, John D. K istner, Sec, Tr, Harrison A, K e a r„ H arry F . P o tter___ W. A. Heinen____ B. O. G uldin____ _ J . W. Woodward, jJOHN T. TAYLOR MONT D. Y0UTES- W. E. MEN6EL— Monaca_____ Beaver D 1 CITIZENS NAT’L BANK— $ 01 ) C ollection s hav e th e personal a t ten tion o f an offl cer o f th is bank. 4 P Pop. 3376 60-817 Iffe rem it on day o f p aym en t. Send u s your Be Monaca National Bank__$'01 George Lay_____ 60-816 ( J . HOWARD K E L L Y . Monessen -Westmoreland FIRST NATIONAL BANK'$1900 4 P Pop. 21,630 E2 60-434 60-433 • t i ’Ol 60-569 25,870 J. W. MANOWN_ _ _ _ W. S. BUMBAUGH 50,000 89,180 1,220,090 1,141,380 100,110 Hân. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union N., Pitt. 267,880 Harriman N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., P itt. I W. GORDON_ _ _ _ _ J . H. K E L L Y ..... ....... W. R. STEPHENS. Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d À . T r. T. 0 . WILLIAMSON UT‘ ALFR ED TÄNZER, 150.000 C. R. N ew .. 100,000 152,760 1.29L660 1,386,120 224,290 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. A . Tr. Send us your M onessen Items.* Special a tten tio n given Bill o f La d in g drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. I Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft fo r presensed ion a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. Peoples N ational Bank__ »’01 George N ash .. 60-435 Monongahela „W ash. E 1 Alexander & Company .» t t ’50 4 P Pop. 9600 60-567 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •*’01 94,390 Imp. & T ra. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. “ HONOR BOL L BANK.” Special a tte n tio n given B ill o f La ding d fk fts, Cash and T im e Item s. Please send 15c w tth each sight d ra ft for presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit R eports. W. S . BU M B ÀU 6H — MONESSEN SAV. & TR. CO. 25,000 C. C. M A R T IN . . 94,570 Tradesm ens N., Phil. n ess. Jam es R. Gormley. R. O. Campbell___ Jos. C. F isc h e r___ A. E. TH O M A S_ _ _ _ _ 217,540 Han. N „ N . Y.; F ar. & Mech. N., Phil. Jesse Hancock__ _ Jno. S. Duvall. 78,000 1,350,000 1,257,000 1,800,000 120,000 F. R. Colvin_____ D. E. Davis______ H. F . Larim er____ Í JO SEPH A. H ER R0N - GEO. W. COOPER_ _ _ JOHN F. COOPER. T r. WM. H. ALEXAN DER. 233,000 Irving N., N .Y .; Duquesne N. and Mellon N.. P itt.; Phil. N., Phil. 50,000 11,950 1,086,450 1,004,760 Dep. N., Pitt. 173,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 150,000 28,200 1,111,920 1,232,910 125,770 Chem. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union T r. Co.. P itt.: Franklin N., Phil. Sec. E O R G E W .C O O P E R , A . Tr. MONONGAHELA CITY TRUST < S p ed a i a tten tio n given B ill o f La Gding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. COMPANY .60-568.. «»'Ol I Please send 15e w ith each sight d ra ft fo r p resentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. I We w an t your M onongahela Ite m s. Mont Alto ..F ra n k lin F 6 Mont Alto State B ank.. .»§’17 3 Pop. 700 . 60-1470 Montgomery ..Lycom ing Farm ers & Citizens N at. Bk. 3 Pop. 1490 C8 60-077 $’07 F irst National B a n k ___$1900 60-976• Montoursville—Lycoming F irst National B a n k ___«$'03 3 Pop. 1904 C 8 60-1259 ‘ M ontrose.. Susquehanna Farm ers National B ank.*i’03 3 Pop. 1914 B 10 60-947 F irst National B a n k ___*$’75 60-946 Moscow-LackawannaC 11 F irst National B a n k ___*$’09 3 Pop. 1000 60-126(1 Mt. C arm el..N orthum b’d F irst National Bank___*$’89 3 Pop. 20,268 D9 60-807 Guarantee T r. & Safe Dep. Co. 60-308 $$'02 Union National B a n k ___$ 06 60-309 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve BankNof u mSt. b e Louis r under 1075 L. E. Staley______ J . F. H o o v er____ K. A. Rice_______ J . D. W ingert A. P. H u ll_______ S. B. H enderson__ Lewis L. Schock__ 25,000 5,500 85,000 95,000 35,000 22,700 211,000 287,660 25,440 4th St. N., Phil. 20,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Hervey S m ith ____ William D e c k e r__ J . P. H ousel_____ 50,000 70,740 351,660 460,840 61,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. C. E. Bennett____ Albert W e a v e r___ H. W. App_______ S. A. W eaver. 25,000 30,550 353,570 373,500 80,630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. W. J. B aker_____ W. A. T itsw orth__ C. F. P ro s s ______ 50,000 29,310 610,040 673,730 H. F . Manzer____ H. P. R e a d ______ William H. W arner 50,000 140,000 J . E. Loveland__ _ H, R. M egargei___ E. B. R o g e rs_____ J . W .Knedler Voris A uten _____ William K ie fe r___ Henry L. Leam___ Geo. W. Scott. 50,000 J . E. B a stress____ B, F . Christ___ ___ John A. Carl, Sec. and T r. E. E. W hite______ P. A. S tief___ ____ G. E. Berner_____ M. H jSungelsky.. 25,000 18,500 84,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N ., Phil. 950,000 1,140,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N,, Phil. 260,000 36,000 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.: 3d N., Scranton. 172,940 Coal & iro n N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Market St. N.. Phil. 118,070 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., and Phil. N.. Phil. 250,000 236,080 1,139,570 1,302,700 125,000 120,170 125,000 157,100 1,412,230 1,544,890 1 726,590 853,690 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Milton to Mt. Carmel__________ July, 1918 M ilton..N orthum berland FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»t 64 3 Pop. 7460 C8 60-582 Milton National Bank__ »$’57 60-581 Milton T r. & Safe Dep. Co., 60-583 « il 87 Minersville.SchuylkillD 9 F irst National Bank____*$’64 3 Pop. 7000 60-596 Union National Bank .„•t'Q 2 60-597 President. __________ ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is P ittsburgh Branch. Est. 1074 1074 274,440 Irving N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N ,J Phil. 1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N am e o f B a n t p e n n s y l v a m i a Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, i* IAVIV/tA *Connty 8eats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ________ Est. Mt. Holly Springs.-Cum F irst National B a n k _____ ’06 berland___________E 7 60-1261 3 Pop. 1272 Mt. Je w e tt—McKean B 4 Mt. Jew ett National Bk. <'05 3 Pop. 2000 60-1262 Mt. Jo y — Lancaster E 9 F irst National B a n k ____$’62 3 Pop. 2166 60-907 Union National Mt. Joy Bank 60-906 $’53 Mt. M orris...G reen e F 1 F arm ers & Merch. N at’l Bk 4P Pop. 382 60-1263 < ’03 President. Liabilities . G. W. C arbaugh... 8. P . Goodyear. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. G. 0. H a ll. . P a id - u p S u r p l u s Ca p it a l P raonfdit s $ 25,000 D e po s it s Loans ft Dis- Ga s h f t E x c’ts. Bonds. c h a n g es ,D ub S e c u r it ie s 8,000 $ 44,000 $ 68,000 J . M. B la ir____ P. A. Oakes______ C. E. Stimmet____ J . C. Moorhead___ Thos. J . Brown___ J . S. C arm any____ R. F ellenbaum __ H. 0. S chock____ J . E. L ongenecker. H. N. Nissly_____ 100,000 126,270 1,052,820 1,247,410 100,000 204,810 1,375,720 1,626,740 J . J . L o n g ...____ A. J . Beall_______ F. W. M eighen___ A. L. H artley_____ 25,000 Mt.Pleasant.WestmorePd Citizens 8avings & T rust Co, J . S. H itchm an___ J . S. Mack_______ W.M. Hitchman, Tr, J . A. Warden, Sec. 4P Pop. 5812 E2 60-674 < $ ’93 H. M. Stoner ,A .T r, 125.000 J. D. HITCHMAN. ISAAC SHERRICK. GEO. W. STONER - CHAS. F. STONER. 100.000 145,470 571,860 651,870 50.000 31,160 205,830 278.600 R. M. Longacre___ W. T. Bell—;_____ R. S. Bell________ 60.000 T. A. A ppleby____ J. D. Appleby_____ Fred O’Connor___ 50.000 o n given B ill o f L a d ln g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit Reports. t . U n io n Ite m s . 13.890 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 64 60-673 O ld est N a tlo n a a tte n tio n g iv e n c o lle c tio n s. Mt. W o lf_____ York E 8 Union National Bank____ ’09 J . G. K u n k el____ Jacob Bruah_____ D. B. H a rtm a n ___ 3 Pop. 500 60-1264 May M ountville.Lancaster F 9 Mountville National Bk. < ’87 John M. Froelich— JO..CC.. S eitz_______ 0. H. G able.— — P . F . Schopf. 3 Pop. 803 60-1265 Muncy____Lycoming C 8 Citizens National Bank . < F . M. O pp_______ H. E. K irk_______ S. S. Buffington___ 3 Pop. 3000 60-948 Muncy Banking C o.___< f ’93 L. Clyde S m ith __ _ J . Reed O pp_____ John B. Dunlap___ 60-949 Myerstown—Lebanon E 9 Myerstown Nat. B ankl__f 73 Adam Bahney__ Isaac B. H aak-— — F. S. Carmany __ 3 Pop. 3000 60-876 MYERSTOWN TRUST CO. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis <§'10 17,000 232,300 275,000 84,290 1131290 233,570 280,000 from $ Banks 3,700 1st N., Phil. 90,230 Seab. N „ N. Y.; F ar. & Mech. N .. Phil,; Is N., P itt. 86,800 Han. N „ N.Y.; F ranklin N „ Phil.: F ar. T r. Co. Lancaster. 152,890 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt. 981.260 34 2,870 Chase N., N.Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N.. P itt. 39,070 1,114,930 1,151,090 J23.120 7 ’’ Mellon N., Union N „ and Bk. oi P itt. N. A., Pitt. 23,670 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 162,900 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 523,380 565,500 70,660 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 25.000 21.420 336,350 414,040 50.000 57,500 527,420 554,260 62,800 Liberty N ., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Bait., Balt. 77,260 4th S t. N ., Phil. 53,280 Han. N., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil. 50.000 30,630 422,480 485,600 50.000 33,560 370,460 361,340 50.000 158.000 732.000 852.000 125.000 48,110 405,590 516,140 92,680 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 133.000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 61,540 Chase N „ N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 150.000 245,380 2,952,380 3.060,230 284,630 Han. N., N . Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil, 100.000 57.420 1,109,830 1,101,080 164,570 Irving N „ N. Y,; Phil, N „ P hil. 50.000 1,470 116,160 86,330 50.000 97.000 685.000 705.000 100,000 225.000 1,700,000 1,750,000 79,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin N „ Phil,; Union N „ Pitt, 175.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. andP eo. N„ P itt. 300.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N „ Phil. 65,000 Chase N.. N. Y.;Corn Ex. N „ 4th St. N „ Phil. 50.000 56.000 625.000 25.000 16,140 258,920 290,470 25.000 12,320 210,520 237,970 39,600 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N „ Phil. 35,990 Han. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 25.000 54,780 365,670 384,640 84,550 Seab.^N., N. Y.; Mellon N., 1st N., and Ex, 625.000 25.000 6,680 103,010 111,390 17,110 Girard N ., Phil. 50.000 66,300 590.000 609,150 81,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil. 1075 E. H. K urtz ______ J . H. Yeiser______ F . W. Light, Sec. a n d Tr. N anticoke__ Luzerne C 9 F irst National Bank____ < ’88 John Smoulter . Brinton Jackson—. J . G. Bell— _____ Silas Nayfleld__ 3 Pop. 23,126 60-288 Nanticoke National B a n k < ’Q4 D. S. Pensyl—,___ E. J . W illiam s____ R. R. Z arr___ ___ S. F. Wompierski— 60-289 N anty G lo .. Cambria E 4 Union Bank...... ......... §18 T. P. B urns______ W. H. Clem ent___ W. C. Shiffer_____ 3 Pop. 3500 60-1482 N atrona.. .Allegheny D 2 F irst National Bank. . . . . < ’01 J . G. C am pbell___ H. M. Brackenridge J . A. Seel________ 4P Pop. 4000 60-1267 . G. Hall Nazareth__Northampton Nazareth National Bank < ’97 Thomas Cope____ JM. T. S w artz_____ F . H. Schm idt____ 3 Pop. 3978 D 11 60-765 Second National Bank . . < ’01 R. F . B a b p ______ E. J . U n an g st____ A. E. F rantz_____ 60-766 Nesduehoning___Carbon F irst National Bank____ . . ’12 J . H. Behler_____ T. H. Griffith____ J . C. Corby_____ 3 Pop. 4000 D 10 60-1423 New Albany.Bradford B9 F irst National B ank___< ’08 L. C. Allen . . . . ___ C. E. Osthaus_____ C. D. W ilcox_____ 3 Pop. 413 60-1268 New Alexandria New Alexandria Nat. Bank Doty G uthrie____ _ S. C. P a tte rso n ___ R. A. DornoH____ 4P Westmoreland E 2 60-1269 < ’03 Pop. 505 New Berlin ....U n io n D 7 F irst National Bank__ . . < ’05 G. A. S ch o ch ____ R. S. M eiser___ Cyrus A. Eaton___ Pop. ■H3 R HU 527 ; eo-1270 Newberry..Lycom ing 0 7 Bank of Newberry.^__ < § ’05 G. F. Bell George Heyd_____ S. R. McKean____ H. W. Reeder 3 Pop. 4000 I 60-1271 I ------------ H enry E. Mosser 60-877 16,500 orelan d C ou n ty. V ig o ro u s P ro ceed s prom p tly a cco u n ted f Peoples National Bank___’08 Jam es S. M a ck ___ W. R. C arpenter. . W. E. Shope.. 60-675 Mt. Union__ Huntingdon CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK R. P. M. Davis____ 3 Pop. 3338 E6 60-818 < ’73 lA . B. Gillam____ Special a t t e n t i FIRST NATIONAL BANK.<’02 )Please send 15c w 60-819 'S e n d u s y o u r III 60,000 U l i v i V U & 1 V O |i U l l U v I l W v A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest Bates, G r a c e etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 Resources. Principal Correspondents. PENNSYLVA NIA —Continued Vice-President. iv iiv v tJ A /iia July, 1918 _______ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Mt. Holly Springs to Newberry Number under Name or Bank the New 'Transit Number given v_-— - y. The Band-McNally Bankers* authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and County. Name of Bane. aj* 1075 pirectory^^-?7*^ under the W For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given Î? eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e H and-M cNally Bankers’ A U /U Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and Co u n t y . D T ? \ T N T O V T \T A "NTT A * IN O X JLt V A I N I A N a m e of Ba n k . Li a b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . (F. L ANDREWS___ "New Bethlehem—Clarion FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»* 74 J S pecial a t t e n tio )Please send 15c w 4 P Pop. 1625 03 60-962 ’S en d u s y o u r N “ « New Bethlehem T rust Co. R. R. Anderson___ 60-963 §’07 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . C.E. ANDREWS, JR... n given B ill o f L ith each sioht d r a f ew B e th le h e m I t CASHIER. A s s ’t C a s h ie r . P a id - u p (S u r p l u s Ca p it a l P r o f it s R e so u r c e s . Loans à Dig- Cashk Ex D epo s- c ’ts. Bonds, change*,Du* ITS Sscdritim P r in c ipa l Correspondents . fromBanks C. E. SHEFFER-...... 1 S JOHNSON $ 50,000 $ 128,980 $2 374350 $2 277690 $ 325,640 N. Park, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Columbia N. ad in g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. Pitt. t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit R eports e m s. J . F . Markte_____ H. W. Nophsker, W.K.Baumgardner, T r. A . Tr. _ _________ PENNSYLVANIA ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, etc*, see page 14. For Biolidays, see opposite page 13. _ j L O n tin u e d . 36,400 540,000 690,000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. Of P itt. N, A., Monon gahela N., and Mellon N., Pitt. 50,000 93,350 700,830 679,160 213,960 Han. N ., N. Y.; Franklin N. and G irard N. Phil. New Brighton___Beaver ♦Beaver County T rust Co. J . M. May . j _ ._____ F . F . B rie rly _____ H. W. Donglass, R. C. Withrow, 4 P Pop. 9277 D1 60-520 $§1900 G. F. Kennedy Sec. a nd Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. •• .. ♦Old National B a n k __ _»$’04 George Davidson . . Thomas K ennedy— C, F,. Kennedy' , .. 60-521 400,000 144,870 100,000 79,190 ♦Union National E ank—.{*91 E. H. Seiple _____ P. A. M cH attie __•. A. L. Bingham ____ Joseph Wilson ____ 60-519 100,000 107,290 200,000 431,420 2,429,610 2,805,840 455,180 1st N .,N .Y .;B k . of P itt. N. A., P itt.; Union Com. N., Clev. 300,000 900,000 2,340,000 2,510,000 925,000 1st N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N.. Pitt. i ’flx J . W. Shull______ A. Bower________ J . T. A lter.......... Beaver County Clearing A. L. Bingham ____ W. G. B e rt. ______ H. W. Douglass ___ C. E. K ennedy, Tr. House Ass’n. Chas. A. Stew art (Members indicated by a * ) ‘ New Castle — Lawrence ♦Citizens National Bank.«t’92 David Jam eson ___ A. C. H o y t... _____ J . H. Lamb ______ Geo. R. Ralph 4P Pop. 41,133 01 60-189 » ♦F irst National Bank ___ $’64 Samuel Foltz 60-188 •• „ A. Green’s ln t. Exch.Bk.*f’07 Adolph G re e n ____ 60-193 •• » ♦Home T rust Co. 60-191 ** «* , »* P •• George Greer M artin L eonhardt. 763,810 1,205,890 104,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; is t N., Phil. 624,000 115,120 Han. N „ N .Y .; Mellon N „ P itt.: Phil. N. Phil. 634,100 867,710 1,008,990 166,010 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N„ Pitt. 50,000 1,920 422,750 342,530 125,000 64,130 307,950 478,650 63,060 Columbia T r. Co., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Peo. N., Pitt. ♦Lawrence Sav. & T r. Co. G. W. J o hnson __ 60-190 < § ’01 597,830 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N „ Pitt.: 1st N., Clev. (M em . F ed . B es.) ♦Nat. Bank of Lawrence Co. 60-187 «$’55 P. L. C ra ig _______ E. E. McGill, F. A. Schulz, 300,000 328,380 2,804,970 2,835,520 C. H. Johnson Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. and A . Tr. S. A. W einschenk, A . Sec. 150,000 1,270,750 4,294,550 5,123,530 R. C. Patterson G. L. Patterson Chas. M atthews __ George A. Carpen 150,000 42,200 278,990 446,020 R. C. Patterson ter, Sec.,and Tr. George L.Patterson W. W. Eichbaum _ 100,000 25,400 550,000 481,000 Calvin Smith 741,960 N. City and N .P ark , N. Y.; Far. Dep. N .,P itt. §’<1? R. A. M cKinney __ Jas. Peebles Safe Deposit & T rust Co. of Lawrence County _____ §’16 60-194 ♦Union National Bank ___ '06 60-192 New Castle Clearing H ouse.. C. F. Montgomery. (Members indicated by a ♦) , Chas. C. Duff, T r ... W. H. Marquis, Sec. R. I.O rr, A . Tr. 132,990 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 25,170 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Peo. N., P itt.; N. Bk. of Lawrence Co., New Castle. 125,480 Chase N., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. Samuel Foltz, T r . . . New Cumberland—Cum'd New Cumberland Nat. Bank E. S. Herman 3 Pop. 1472 E7 60-1273 $’04 F . E. Conver 25,000 67.850 4&5.46Ö 557,560 79,270 N. City, NfT.1 Franklin N.. Phil. New Enterprise Bedford New Enterprise Bank __ $§’11 C. O. Brumbaugh . . D. B. Snowberger.. E. W. Van H orn __ 60-1411 3 Pop. 500 E5 25,000 5,000 140,000 120,000 50,000 4th St. N „ Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. New Florence Westmore- New Florence Nat. Bank«’13 J . M. Trim ble _____ Thomas K irschner. H. W. Schalles ____ 4P land .Pop. 900 E 3 60-1427 25,000 21,560 240,460 250,250 30,530 Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. New Freedom —York F 8 F irst National B a n k ___ «$’03 G. F. Miller _______ J . F. Zeller _______ W. H, F re e d .. ____ H, C. H en d rix ____ 3 Pop. 726 60-1274 50,000 27,820 448,750 525,730 47,410 N. City, N. Yi; N. Bk. o f Balt., Balt. New Holland ..L ancaster Farm ers National B an k ..$’07 E. L. R oseboro ___ Charles S. Zwally — John H. Martin ___ 3 Pop. 1500 E9 60-M5 “ “ New Holland Nat. Bank . . ’81 George O. R oland.. G. F. Besore ______ 60-1014 New Hope ___ Bucks E 12 Solebury National B ank.«’17 Wm. W. Hurley __ C. R. Middleton — W. C. C rittenden.. 3 Pop. 1000 60-1473 50,000 58,730 435,130 508,420 125.000 81,050 406,930 489,870 25,000 5,000 30,000 33.000 P E N N S Y L V A N IA M ap on In d ex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , _ 1077 Mnrfer A 'aixie o f 83,240 Irving N., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil. 155,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and M nfrs. N., Phil. 16,500 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil.. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv en bank exclusively b y The Kami-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. D 'C 'X t x t c m t x r a » t t » „ P E N N S Y L V A N I A ------C o n t i n u e d BANKS—New Bethlehem to New Hope________ July, 1918 150,000 *New Bloomfield—.P errv F irst National Bank 3 Pop. 772 E7 60-1272 1076 I0 7 fi Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. For Interest Bates, Grace, »vi uoui^ <A- - . n i^ n * h «nrfer Aarae of Bank is the Kiew Transit Number given “ u - S. exclusively by The Kaml-MclVaUy Bankers* under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. b an k T own and County . N ame op Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.-Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv . P is Pittsburgh Branch Est. Mew K ensington.W estd FIRST NATIONAL BANK-t 93 4 P Pon. 7707 D 2 60-564 T r A VICE-PEES JDENT. Ca s h ie r . - a .T - r A. í A. PEOPLES STATE BANK- §18 J oseph J . S teiner. 60-565 New Milford__..Susaue- Grange Nat. Bk. of Susque W. H. Tingley___ 3 Pop. 654 hanna B 10 hanna County 60-1275.*$’08 New Oxford ..A dam s F 7 Farm ers & Merchants Bank S. M. M iller_____ 3 Pop. 138 60-1276 «1900 Newport_____ P erry E 7 Citizens National Bank ..$ ’05 J . H. M cCulloch.. 3 Pop. 2009 60-926 F irst National B a n k _____ ’93 A. W. R ough ____ 60-925 New Salem__Fayette F 2 F irst National B a n k ___»$’02 John C. Neff_____ 4 P Pop. 1000 60-1277 Newtown____Bucks E 12 F irst National B a n k ____ $’63 W. H. W alker___ 3 Pop. 1800 60-1278 New Tripoli—Lehigh D 10 New Tripoli National Bank’10 3 Pop. 400 60-1279 As s ’t Ca s h ie r . 60-982 60-216 *$1814 “ * , 50.000 5,000 70,740 87,580 25.000 15,650 239,570 240,760 50.000 65,580 469,920 495,750 87,220 N. Bk. Com., Balt.; Girard N., Phil. C. L. Blair______ 50.000 36,000 310,000 315,000 50.000 130,000 560,000 610,000 63,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and 4th St N., Phil. 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 25.000 28,370 371,300 272,320 100,000 362,630 25.000 33,781 817,360 736,230 25.000 10,900 203,000 247,000 38,800 Han. N., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil. 97,520 785,320 977,060 87,540 1st N., Phil. J . E. Wilson_____ T. H. B utturf____ P . K. B ra n d t..____ G. H. F ra n k __ Chas. E. B ortz___ C. S. Hempstead__ John W. Cooper.. H. B. Hogeland___ E. R. HAYS__ -- J. W. SHARP— .. S. GRACE Y-----100,000 Special a tten tio h given B ill o f La J. ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit R eports. Send u s your N ewville item s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 973,820 1,307,890 31,420 Irving N., N .Y .: Mellon N .,.Pitt. 49,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil. 175,450 Han. N.. N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. 133,810 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Corn Ex N., Phil. 125,850 1st N.. Phil. Howell T. Getty__ P. M. Cox__ _____! 50.000 55,000 550,000 530.000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N. and Mellon N „ P itt F . H. M cIntyre___ 50.000 38,920 373,630 430,990 62,610 N. Park, N. Y.; Ist N. and Corn Ex. N „ Phil. George R. Kite — |J . Leidy A nders. W. H. Slingluff___ B. F . W hitby _____ Egbert Baily_____ H. C. Crawford___ Sec. a/nd Tr. ♦Norristown T rust Oo..*$S’88 Montgomery Evans Hervey C. G re sh ... F. S. Yeakle, See. a/nd T r . _______ s*j 60-221 R. Moyer, A . Se c. a n d A . T r. ♦Penn T rust Company »$§’54 Adam Scheldt____ j 0 . H. A lderfer__s_ JW. . T . Ebert, R. S. K riebel, 60-217 Sec. a n d T r. A i Sec. H. M. Cassel, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. Geo. E. Wierman, A . Tr. *Peoples National Bank.»$’81 F. L. Smith__ _ John J . Hughes . . . B. B. H ughes____ 60-219 Chas. Johnson Norristown Clearing H ouse.. George R. Kite Chas. H. Gotwals, (M em bersindicated b y a * ) Sec. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 403,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 200,000 159,630 1,303,350 1,353,500 248,680 N. City, N. Y.; I s t N „ Phil. 200,000 414,250 1,797,920 2,131,370 328,550 125.000 334,860 1,794,020 1,909,610 267,260 449,960 540,310 2,459,010 3,206,200 258,600 125.000 240,000 2,755,150 2,815,120 355,860 150,000 163,100 1,494,100 1,804,330 236,270 and 1st N.. Phil. N., Phil. 1077 — -— P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Ca sh f t E x c h a n g es ,D ue f ro m B a n k s B. H. Thompson__ R. Chiodo________ ♦MONTGOMERY TRUST CO. L. M. C hilds_____ B. Percy C hain___ J . D. Kane, 60-220 *$5’84 ---------- R esources . Loams ft D is c 'r e . B ond s S e c u r it ie s C. D. D ayton____ F . J . G e re _____ _ C. H. Ainey J . N. H ersh______ J . W. B a rn itz ____ New Wilmington . . . Law- F irst National B a n k __ .»$’95 J . H. V eazey ____ G. H. G etty____ 4P Pop.758rence C l 60-1280 Nicholson. Wyoming B 10 F irst National B a n k ___*$’05 G. G. R ought____ H. W. Seamans. 3 Pop. 852 60-1281 •Norristown,Montgomery ♦F irst National B a n k __«$’64 C. Henry Stinson .. Jam es A. H urst. 3 Pop. 31,401 E l l 60-218 ♦M 0N T60M ER Y NAT. BANK IABIL1TIES. P aid - up Surplus Depos and Capitai . P bofits its J . M cKENNEDY, Sec.. 125.000 113,600 1,974,520 1,815,810 A. C. S TO TT, A . T r. a f t for p résen tât ion , an d ures p rom pt, per sonai a t ten tlon . C. D. W erley____ D. 0 . K erstetter__ E. J . Bachman M. O. Bachman Newville.Cumberland E 7 Farm ers National Bank_.$’10 J . T. A lter_______ J . C. McCullough. S. B. H ew lett____ R. S. Lehman 3 Pop. 1449 60-983 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*$’63 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, „ Geo. M. Evans__ E. J . B axter_____ F . E. P r a t t ______ H. B. S m ith _____ $ 50,000 $ 93,700 $2446 680 $2038 820 $ 601,170 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. Special a tten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash an d T im e Item s. G irard N., Phil. Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a ft f o r presentatio » a n d 25c for Crei, it B epor ts. P rom p t service TRY US. C. KNOX J. M cK EN N E D Y -— - J. R. ALTER, T r.— .. P. C. KING, A . T r FIFTEEN CEN TS se n t to u s wi th each sig h t dr «¿$’03 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report in s ( Send u s your New K en sin gton and Arnold item LOGAN TRUST GO. 60-563 P r e sid e n t . T D T T 'T v n v T O 'W T PENNSYLVANIA----Continued July, 1918 _____ (PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—’New Kensington to Norristown 1077 ______.___Directory, j-iumpt n u cu u u ii lu v/uiicciiun» anu wurrespunuenbc For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. }Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. President. Northam pton.Northam p- Allen T rust Co._______ t i l l P. N. R em m el. 3 to n .P o p .8 7 2 9 .D ll 60-1282 Cement N at’l Bk. of Siegfried E. O. R eyer___ 60-1338 «900 N orth E a s t..__.E rie A 2 F irst National Bank_____»’93 O. W. Blaine__ 4P Pop. 2672 60-861 60-862 $’08 N orthum berland..N orth- Farm ers & Mechanics Bank umberland________ D 8 60-1455 §’15 3 Pop. 4000 Northum berland Nat. Bk. '03 60-1283 N orth Wales.Montgom’ry N orth Wales Nat. B ank..$’90 3 Pop. 1710 E l l 60-1284 Oakdale__Allegheny E l F irst National B a n k ...»$1900 60-1285 4P Pop. 1353 O akm ont.. Allegheny D 2 F irst National B a n k ___*$‘05 60-1286 4P Pop. 3436 Oil City___ Venango 0 2 ♦CITIZENS BANKING CO. 60-345 «$§’02 4P Pop. 19,297 Vice-President. P. J . Laubach.. E. J . Klotz____ Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca sh ie r . : OtO f f 218,000 Chase N., N.Y.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt.; 1st N., Clev. 660,000 430,000 O. C. H irtzel____ G. E. P ie rc e ...____ F. M. McDonald__ C. D. C ole_______ 50,000 20,000 300,000 280,000 T. O. Van A len___ F. M. VanDevender H. A. Hall A. S. Hoffman 37,500 8,920 145,590 71,600 28,360 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100,000 90,000 H an.N ., N.Y.: F ranklinN ., G irard N ., Phil.SN.. and 4th St. N., Phil. 121,230 Irving N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Phil. N., Phil. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mellon N;, Pitt. 60,000 625,000 710,000 H. R. Swartley___ Henry S. K riebel.. 50,000 72,340 586,510 635,060 W. J . Cassidy____ L. G. Simpson____ B. M. Hopper____ H. W. Loveland__ 75,000 77,000 818,000 792,270 140,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., P itt. D. B. Blackburn__ H. S. P a u l_______ M. W. Bottomfleld. — 50,000 53,000 975,000 865,000 270,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Duquesne N. and Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 70,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 220,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A ., P itt.; IstN ., Clev. 100,000 113,720 1,078,050 1,032,440 100,000 426,470 3,237,420 3,004,900 309,330 N. P ark and Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N ., Pitt. 840,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 80,000 1,150,000 RI50,000 190,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 300,000 1,387,930 7,290,400 8,176,040 875,940 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil. Charles Steele____ H arry Steele_____ John A. Mitchell__ R. D. Hendersfiot— W. L. FREEMAN — W. C. FERRY-...... Bills o f lading d rafts a specialty, r 15c m u st accom pany each sigh t d a f t fo r p r e s e n ta t io n . SEND US YOU B OIL CITY ITE M S. H. M. NICHOLS - J . M. B erry______ — GEO. N. REED-— H. G. RUSH-------- F.C. McGILL ------- JAS. C. CORRIN— W. 0. INNIS Special a tten tio n given BUI o f La d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . *$'65 Please send 15c w ith each sight d/raft fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit Reports. i P rom pt service. We g et resu lts. ♦OIL CITY NATIONAL BANK ♦Oil City T rust C o .___»$§’71 Joseph Seep_____ H .R . M e rritt_____ Jas. C. Corrin 60-343 D. T. Borland Oil City Clearing House____ (M embers indicated by a * ) F rank B e rg e r____ Old Forge__Lackawanna Old Forge Disc’t & Dep. Bk. T. .T. Stewart 60-1287 «$§’09 3 Pop. 14,902 C 10 Oley________ Berks E 10 F irst National Bank____«$’07 Israel M. B ertolet.. Amos F . Breidigam 60-1288 3 Pop. 514 Olyphant___Lackawanna F irst National Bank____*$’02 Michael B o s a k ___ J . G. H ufnagel — 60-515 3 Pop. 9964 p 10 Olyphant Bank_______ $§’09 Jam es F . Jo rd a n ... D. G. Jones— ____ 60-516 Orangeville Columbia C 8 Farm ers National Bank . . ’17 Clinton H e rrin g ... O. Z. L o w ____ — 60-1476 3 Pop. 450 (S. 0. F R A K E R ......... H. T. W EAVER ............. Orbisonia.Huntingdon E6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK~$’08 J S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill of L a )Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f 60-1047 3 Pop. 618 'P r o m p t Service. W e g e t r e s u lts . Orbisonia National Bank.$’92 60-1046 Orwigsburg-SchuylkillD 9 F irst National Bank____ $'90 60-1289 3 Pop. 1801 Osceola_______Tioga B 7 OowanesQue Valley Bank$t’77 60-1290 Pop. 591 Osceola M ills...Clearfield IF irst National B a n k ___«$’02 3 Pop. 2500 D 51 60-1291 PENNSYLVANIA M a p on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . D ch a n g es , ub prom B a k u 35,000 ♦Lamberton National Bk.*$'62 R. G. Lam berton__ S. H. Lamberton__ 0. M. Lamberton— E. S. Rugh_____ ü Loams k Dis D isp o s cara. Born»«, im i Mm w b it ib s 100,000 60-342 60-344 Sur plu s P a i d - tip Ca p it a l P rAND o f it s C. H. Benner, T r ... W. D. Landis, Sec, $ 125,000 $ 51,880 $ 701,620 $ 824,390 $ 78,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and 4th St. N.. Phil. 50,000 113,960 793,930 934,140 93,740 Chase N., N. Y.: Market St. N., Phil. A lfred P. Laubach. Jesse W. Slotter . . N. P. F u lle r_____ J . A. Spooner_____ Robert Dill__ B. O. Spooner ♦F irst National B a n k ... «$’63 William Hasson__ 60-341 R esources . Ca sh k E x L ia b il it ie s . Town and County. N at’l Bk. of N orth East A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, For H olidays, see opposite page 13. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued A. K. Helle, Frederick Fair, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. Wm. Repp, See.__ 50,000 25,000 Sydney J . Hartman 40,840 35,580 363,050 416,370 424,510 458,980 P . J . McGinty____ -------------------- -— 100,000 136,380 1,336,640 1,478,140 M .J.P h ilb in _____ W alter Tinsley -__ 100,000 108,790 956,980 M. D. M ordan____ — 25,000 2,500 87,490 79,660 J. M. STEESE............. L. S. ETNIER— ......... 25,000 23,870 390,520 377,580 25,000 3,750 54,770 103,860 490,000 d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . t fo r presentation and 25c f o r Credit Reports. W. T. B ell............... I. W. W orkm an__ 985,730 H. S. Albright____ G. 0. D iefenderfer 50,000 81,000 448,000 F. J . Seely_______ M. A. Seely______ 25,000 16,000 85,790 105,000 H. W. Todd______ E. O. Blandy_____ E. A. H all................ W. H. Woodcock«. 50.000 81.180 1,010,080 842,930 29,390 Irving N., N. Y.; Union N., Scranton. 40,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 2d N., Reading. 143,730 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; T ra. N., Scranton. Pa. 180,040 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N ., Phil. 29,630 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 73,650 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 9,670 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Tradesm ens N., Phil. 133,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil, 18,990 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Liberty, Buffalo. 281,360 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N., and Franklin N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 1078_________PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Northampton to Osceola Mills__________ July, 1918 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Rand-M cN ally Bankers' ± kj / O Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'n. 10 7 8 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name o f Bank is th e New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* n T ^ xT X T n vrr v r a xtt a _____4? . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- rlovo/l ir, kD«1r 4-V ,;« r,A l.,r»r. F ad IntnaAot D« 4-«.« n i » _ _ _* banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to collections and correspondence PENNSYLVANIA Map on lndax T own a n d C o ü n t t . N a v e of Ba n e . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. •> .. R esources . Li a b i l i t i e s . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t C a s h ie r . Oxford____ Chester F 10 Farm ers National B ank. * t’83 R. A. W alker____ J . Dickey S m ith ... 3 Pop. 2500 60-884 „ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. D C ''N T N T O V T t r * tvtt a ____i f Hr IN IN O I L V A I N 1 A -----C o n t i n u e d $ National Bank of O xford___ 8 . R. Dickey_____ J . E. Ramsey____ 60-882 *$’65 C. N. Lawrie Clyde E. Mason___ Palm erton__Carbon D 10 Citizens Bank................... §’17 S. A. Prutzm an___ B. W . S hipe_____ C. E. Ash 3 Pop. 6000 60-1474 » Joseph T achovsky...B anker 60-1477 tl7 “ M F irst National Bank____ »’07 T . B. Craig. 75,000 $ 125,000 Peoples B a n k ________ » ti’14 Jos. M. Showalter— F ra n k E TRrr>wn 60-1443 Thomas F . Grier » P a id - u p S u r p l u s Ca p it a l P r o p it s A. A. Z iegenfus... Principal Correspondents. ash k Ex D k pos - Loans k Du- cC hange»,Due ITS 8«CURITIES n»« Banks 81,490 $ 753,010 $ 862,580 $ 121,920 Girard N., Phil. 130,090 1,189,190 1,309,300 211,710 Blair & Co.. N. Ÿ.; Phil. N. and F ranklin N., Phil. 50,000 24,830 169,840 210,710 26,300 Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt- 60,000 8,620 175,020 202,610 41,840 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., and G irard N., Phil. 47,470 1,142,490 1,146,520 Chas. E. Hough . . . 50,000 George W. Bowman J . S. B om berger... 50,000 155,250 725,120 824,200 125,000 126,000 514,280 611,410 81,070 Girard N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 5,000 325,000 245,000 80,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and F irst N., Pitt. C. W alter S table..., C. E. Miller 25,000 11,500 200,000 181,000 39,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. M. F . Hamill_____ _ O. P . Lukens____ 50.000 29,060 470,330 410,730 60,420 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of No. America and Girard N., Phil. Parnassus. W estm orel’nd Parnassns National Bank»}’72 J ohn McC.Kennedy J . R. Copeland____ C. S . A lter.______ 4P Pop. 2578 D2 60-1295 F rank R. Alter 25.000 23,000 434,850 257,380 Parsons____Luzerne 010 Citizens B ank.. 3 Pop. 4338 60-1296 50,000 25,000 331,680 338,700 60-1292 Palm yra— ..L ebanon E 8 Palmyra Bank 3 Pop. 3000 60-849 « •• __ f ’Kfi Jacob A. Loose___ Valley T rust Co.______ $§’03 C. 0. Gingrich____ W. I.H e s s . 60-850 . H. B. Moyer, Tr.__ P arkers Landing. Armst’g F irst National Bank__.» t ’Ol C. W. W ick______ T. A. K err_____ . E. 0 . Griffith 4P Pop. 1244 0 2 60-1294 Parkesburg. Chester F 10 Farm ers B ank___ __ » ti’12 M. T. Phillips_____ J . E. W right 3 Pop. 3000 60-1419 •• ______ •• Parkesburg National Bk.«$’80 T.O. Young______ 60-1293 $§’1ft F. J . Sconton - _ F. N. Chase. .... J . W. W a ll__ _ 267,120 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 106,550 4th St. N., 1st N. and M arket St. N., Phil. 179,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 48,790 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., PhD. P atterson___Juniata D 7 (.See M ifflin) 3 (M ifflin P.O.) Pop. 885 P atto n _____Cambria D 4 F irst National B a n k ___< ’93 Wm. H. S andford.. 3 Pop. 3907 60-771 • “ Grange National B ank.. *{’06 J . A. Schwab—___ 60-772 Peckville— Lackawanna Peckville National Bank—$’05 J . D. Peck_______ 3 Pop. 5000 G 10 60-1298 Pen A rgyl.-Northam pton F irst National Bank __ *’00 3 Pop. 3967 t D l l . 60-767 Pen Argyl National Bk..«$’05 60-768 1 P en b ro o k ... Dauphin E 8 Penbrook National B a n k .t’09 3 Pop. 1462 60-1299 Pennsburg..M ontgom ery Farm ers National Bank—$’76 60-1300 3 Pop. 1300 E 11 Perkasie------- Bucks E l l First National Bank____•¡fcOl 3 Pop. 2779 60-1301 P erryopolis.. Fayette F 2 F irst National Bank____«$’02 4P Pop. 600 60-1302 G. E. P rindible___ F. L. B ro w n ...___ Ray E. B row nj___ J . I. Van W e rt. Jas. W estrick F. H. Hemelright— L ester L arim er___ P. T. Bearer Richard J a c k so n ... Milton Bitz Thomas Hewett___ Wm. H. Oyer D. B. H eller__ ___ J . S. Jack so n .—__ H. S. Plank J . A. Ebersole____ J . P. Hillegass___ D. S. K ern. 3. G. Moyer_____ R . J . Ereeri *. 235,000 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; Diamond N. and Bk. of P itt, N. A., Pitt. 60,000 . 30,780 583,210 741,410 50,000 57,570 776,840 800,500 13Ï 610 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 122,540 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil. 70,490 N. Bk. Com., N .Y .; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N „ P itt. 100*000 163,960 760,040 862,840 62,890 304,780 470,340 58,020 N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N., Phil. 25,000 24,810 351,020 370,140 52,190 Girard N., Phil. E. .T. W ierier 75,000 123,000 575,000 700,000 72,250 4th St. N , and Corn Ex. N., Phil. W alter K. T erry__ T. A. Crouthamel— 60,000 798,000 l 14’310 125,000 1,258,930 933,750 98,060 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N. and Franklin N., Phil. 792,520 393,000 Han. N., N. Y.; F ar.D ep. N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt.; Centennial N., Phil. - 145,000 -123,000 50,000 25,000 7,000 .50,000 Girard N., Phil.; F irst N., Pitt. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Y o u r Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1079 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,000 1,163,000 1,216,000 100,000 SI. M. Cochran____ M. E. Strawn ,. , Howard Adams.__ H. H. Slocum__. . . J. L. Cdchran J. H. Price P etersb u rg .. Huntingdon F irst National Bank____$’05 J. H. Scott_______ S. M. S tryker_____ A. S .L ittle .. . . . . 3 Pop. 705 D5 60-1303 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 100,000 July, 1918_____________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Oxford to Petersburg Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ • Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 10 7 0 - * N ame of Bake . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState }Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Vice -President . P resident . p i l T T A T ^ 'R 'T P H T A ___ R * n i ^ A U ^ r n m A ss't Cashier . Cashier . S. Croft Register.. John P. Kolb Jacob Netter N. T. Folwell (713 Chestnut) 3— 141 (4204 Ridge Ave.) ’ BANK OF NORTH AMERICA ( N a tio n a l B cm K ) 3-2 (307 Chestnut) »J1781 3-136 (Broad and Diamond)' Edwin Ristine____ John Hohenadel— W. J. Benham ___ Chas. W. Bothwell. P. H. Kelly H. G. MICHENER -C. H. HARDI JG......... E. S. KR0MER........ E s ta b lis h e d OVIIWliCUf 1781. V I C o rresp o n d en ce CtVVVMII 1VVV/I W W V Iy c o n s is t e n t w ith le g it im a t e B a n k in g . v V « y (Philadelphia, F 12, County Seat, Pop. 1,709,518) R esources. Cash Dub L oans a Bonds, Securi PNOM and BxDis counts ties . etc . Banks CKANOBS 114,960 $ 2,086,950 $ 1,836,590 $ 181,890 1,371,750 1,390,230 350,000 122,000 27,000 P rincipal Correspondents. $ 504,720 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; South wark N„ Cent. N„ and Franklin N., Phil. 50,890 245,700 S 140,870 76,840 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Union N„ Phil. 208,000 23,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil. 40,000 1,000,000 2,233,830 20,440,710 $ 5,281,880 20,862 550 5,677,890 4,832,460 4,457,720 B k . o f N . T . N .B . A ., Irving N ., and N . C ity, N . T .j N. Shaw m u t, Bos. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1082. J. B. Gillies W. 0. Mitchell___ L. A. Lewis____ W. P.E . Hitner 125,000 ♦Centennial National Bank »t'76 E. M.Malpass____ H. Er Gerhard___ Irwin Fisher__ _. A. W. Wright____ 3-29 (82d and Market) William P o st___ ♦CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK • t ’65 3-26 (Fifth and Chestnut) Wm. Y. Conrad__ Wm. Y. Conrad___ A. D. Swift A. H. Ashby D. R. A. Carson JR.- NEWTON W. C0RS0NA. M. MATTHEWS ’ CORN EXCHANGE CHAS. S.CALWELL-M.T.J.N.WILLITS, JEFFRIES A. N. HOGG A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s r e c e iv e d on fa v o r a b le N A T! BANK •>- t e r m s . 3-18 300,000 50,000 M W *“ t (Second and Chestnut) 435,540 650,000 690,520 4,208,430 93,41® 150,570 1st N. and Franklin N., Phil. 154,600 2,164,470 2,138,980 485,500 702,570 N.City,lstN.,andHan.N.,N.Y.; Cont. &Com’lN.,Chi.; 2d N., Bos. 1,000,000 4,027,250 17,331,640 5,146,880 15,360,010 5,424,290 3,587,380 3,279,770 Irving N., Am. Ex. N., N. Bk. Com., and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont.& Com'l N., Chi.; N. Shawmnt and 1st N., Bos.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 1,000,000 3,044,620 29,213,270 18,482,270 31,555,940 6,615,670 8,633,190 6,419,770 Saab. N .) C hase N „ and H a n . N .( N . T .t Con«. * C om 'l N ., C b l.; N. S h a w m n t, B os.; M ech .-A m . N ., S t. L. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON INDEX PENNA. Drovers & Merchants Bank §’17 Samuel Graham, J r . F. P. C lark............ E. R. Patton . C. W. Haldeman 3-144 (3016 Market) H IL A D E L P H IA M ap o p p o s ite Digitized for PFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300,000 23,190 100,000 18,560 806,200 639,870 112,410 172,480 3d N., Phil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—P h i l a d e l p h i a ____________ July, 1918 3-101 i Lia b il it ie s . I ndivid D eposits P aid-U p Surplus », OP ual AND Capital P rofits Deposits B anxb $ 200.000 t AMERICAN BANK..........— §’08 J. H. Baizley 3-120 ^Special a tten tio n given to collect ion s. (Broad and Passyunk Ave.) (Personal presen ta tio n ; prom pt re turns. P 1080_________ N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to 3 bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* JLPllCLHUj 9 UUUvt vm. P H IL A D E L P H IA M ap o p p o s ite Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence T he Fourth Street National Bank of E. F. S H A N B A C K E R , P resid en t v R. J . C L A R K , V ic e -P re s id e n t and C ashier W . K . H A R D T , V ic e -P re s id e n t 9 R. H U M P H R E Y S . V ic e -P re s id e n t W . A , B U L K L E Y , A ssistan t C ashier C . F. S H A W , J r., A s s is ta n t C ashier A. M a c N IC H O L L , A ssistan t C ashier w. P hiladelphia Capital Fully Paid = Surplus and Profits = = $3,000,000 7,000,000 DIRECTORS SIDNEY F. TYLER, Chairm an FRANK T. PATTERSON, P hiladelphia WILLIAM A. DICK, F ra n k lin B ank B uilding WM. R. NICHOLSON, P re sid e n t L and T itle and T r u s t Co. FRANCIS I. QOWEN, General Counsel P ennsylvania R. R. Co. ISAAC H. CLOTHIER, E ig h th and M a rk et S ts . E. F. SHANBACKER, P re sid e n t J . M. WILLCOX, V ice-P resident P hiladelphia S av in g F und S o ciety W ILLIAM de KRAFFT, S e c re ta ry and T re a s u re r T he B aldw in t* L ocom otive W o rk s FRANK G. ROGERS, P hiladelphia GEORGE K. JOHNSON, P re s. P enn M u tu al Life In su ran ce Co. JO SE P H E . W1DENER, L and T itle B uilding HARRY A. BERWIND, V ice-P re sid en t B e rw in d -W h ite Coal M ining Co. W ILLIAM M. PO TT S, P re s id e n t E n te rp ris e T ra n s it Com pany GEORGE DALLAS DIXON, V ice-P re sid en t P en n sy lv a n ia R. R. Company JONATHAN C. N EFF, V ice-P re sid en t F id e lity T r u s t Co. CHARLES A. DANIEL, o f Q uaker C ity R ubber Co. ' ARTHUR E. NEW BOLD, J r ., w ith Drexel & Co. 1RENEE DU PONT, V ice-P re sid en t E. I. du P o n t de N em ours & Com pany Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A cco u n ts of B anks, B an k ers and j T ru st C om panies Solicited^ i | *.. . ■ """'"““7 "VCORRESPONDENCE. IN V IT E D uga&amimm U n su rp a ssed Fa c i li t i e s F op Mailing C ollections #4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fourth Street National Bank - Philadelphia Unsurpassed (Facilities * (SEE CARD ON BACK O F MAP) % G IR A R D Ñ A T IO N A L B A N K Invites Correspondence P H IL A D E L P H IA , PA. S&E Card on -Back of Map / Satisfactory Servies The Girard National B ank P hiladelphia Capital $ 2 , 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 Surplus and Profits $5,477,000 Deposits $ 79,500,000 MAY 10, 1918 JOSEPH W AYNE, J r. P re s id e n t EVAN RANDOLPH V ic e -P r e s id e n t Have you a Philadelphia Account? You need one to properly handle CHARLES M. ASHTON C a s h ie r A . W . PICKFORD A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r ALFRED BARRATT your business. A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r FRANCIS B . REEVES C h a irm a n o l th e B o a rd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each b a n k in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly b ^ T b e ^ ^ d - M c N a n y J B a n k C T S PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City Accessible Towns, Lawywm U u » i dexed in back of th is volume. “ ' F o r I n te r e s t K a te s , G race,! PHILADELPHIA Cont’d Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 3) Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’m Liabilities . President. As s 't Cashier, Cashier. Vice-President. John D. Adair — ♦Eighth National B a n k -----$’64 W. J . Montgomery Samuel Bell. J r .— Charles B. Cooke— Wm. A. N ickert 3-25 (Second St. and G irard Ave.) 3-3 (427 Ohèstnnt) JNO.SCHLAGLE- H. W. LEWIS. Oui* S u p e r i o r S E E I«• 2,000.000 1,643,720 10,705,890 5,601,000 7,555,250 5,976,680 3,168,700 3,457,370 ON B e s t S e r v ic e . P EN N A . VWUI.f At« IN D EX . KENTON WARNE. F. B. SNYDER HARRY J. HAAS TH0S. W. ANDREW— CHAS.H. JAMES. C. H. CHAFFEE At. * 5,860,500 4,385,120 /Uitsc « n u i l . 1,500,000 1,948,460 22,694,570 17,040,250 21,370,120 14,260,950 Com ’l N . and 1st N ., Chi.; N B k . C om ., S t. L. S e n d y o u r B u s in e s s to th e F i r s t B a n k C h a r t e r e d u n d e r t h e N a t i o n a l B a n k A c t . __________ e. f. W.R. HUMPHREYS A. MAC NICH0LL O r g a n iz e d 1 8 8 6 . I n v it e s A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s , B a n k e r s , T r u s t C o m p a n ie s , I n d iv id u a ls , F i r m s a n d C o r p o r a t io n s , 13,198,030 3,000,000 7,029,250 44,595,990 26,303,310 42,622,090 11,158,870 14,443,110 Park, a n d C has* Ñ ., N . Ï . Live Stock Ex. N ., Corn Ex. N . a n d C on t. & C om ’l N ., C hi. 1 st N ., M erch. N ., 2d N ., ant N . S h a w m u t, B o s .; M ech .-A m N ., S t. L . 1, 000,000 4,151,800 27,364,910 33,429,760 35,127,090 10,655,450 17,289,280 5,387,790 Chase N ., N . B k . C o m ., and N C ity , N . T .{ 1 st N . a n d Cont & C om ’l N ., C h i.; 1st. N. am N . S h a w m u t, B o s .; N. Bk C om ., S t. L .; Crocker N . am W ells Fargo-Nev. N ., San F . 2 , 000,000 5,477,760 54,542,410 24,956,170D 45,346,69« 24,031.09« 16,047,45« SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1080. J.R .M c A LL IS T E R -J. A. HARRIS, J R . - J. WM. HARDT— E. E. SHIELDS - - W• m. otnmANR, JK A o co u n ts of B anks, C o r p o r a t io n s , and I n d iv id u a ls SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1083. W. PICKFORD-- A t t e n t io n G iv e n t o C o lle c t io n s . o f B a n k s an d B a n k e r s S o lic it e d . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 696,55« 230,090 Irving T r. Co., N. Y. 683,280 Han. N., N. Bk. Com., and N. Pari N . Y.; 4th St. N ., Phil. 1081 PHILADELPHIA Map opposite 9,239,140 C h em . N . and C hase N ., N . T . C o n t. A C om ’l N . a n d 1st N, C h i,; N . S h a w m u t, B os. f D j. MYERS W. B. FRENCH S p e c ia l A cc o u n ts ' " JOSEPH WAYNE, JR- EVAN RANDOLPH— EVAN RANDOLPH— ' S o lic it e d . 10,0000 1,799,48( 1,322,10( 411,820 3,227,200 250,000 J . C. F ox. ♦Kensington National B k,.»i’26 Chas. D elany.------ Geo. A. Landell — W. W. P ric e ____ 3-8 (Girard and F rankford Aves.) 623,7600 2,665,12( 1,208,24« 568,030 3,029,370 200,000 E. J . M orris_____ Manayunk National B ank.»i’71 E. H. P reston------- Jo h n Flanagan— R. B. Wallace------3-65 (4375 Main) For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OB* Coiu’l. N ., C hi.; N . Bk. Com . S t. L.; M erch. N ., B os.; Cltlz N ., B a lt.; W ells Fargo-Nev. N ., San F .; Canal B k. & Tr. Co., N . O. • *H3 »$’32 IILLEI ! 3-13 (116 South T hird) 661,990 I I V l U g A t • » U U A i i w v x VJ N „ Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. , ‘ GIRARD NATIONAL BANK F a c ilit ie s G u a ra n te e th e A D V E R T IS E M E N T 3-39 « t’86 (131-145 South F ourth) 3-44 «$1900 (Chestnut St. W. of Broad) 565,730 t (See page 26 fo r complete in fo rm â t io n ) 3-20 »$’63 (315-319 Chestnut) ‘FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK nox B ank » CASH AND EX CHANGES W e m a k e a S p e c ia lt y o f C o lle c t io n s . ‘ FIRST NAT’L BANK WM. A. LAW---‘ FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK R. P, W.'G.. BARTL BARTLETT M .J. KLANK •1807 Federal Reserve Bank, Dist. 8 3-4 (408 Chestnut) 6.H . $ 275,000 S 1,188,930 $ 4,611,970 $ 112,960 $ 3,284,930 3,278,660 f Dub P17MMRVT.VANÍIA BANKS—Philadelbhia-^-Gontinued ‘ FARMERS & MECHANICS NAT’L BANK Principal Corrkspondknts. Resources. S u r p l u s I n d iv i d D e p o s it » L o a n s & B o n d s . S e c u a i P a id - u » D is or ual AND m a , etc. Ca p it a l P r o f it s Deposits B a n k s counts ----------------- —- ----- ... ■ ■■■■_----------- 1------- ' ---- :----- . . . Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. «State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Lswynra, Jbews, dexed in back of th is volume. For Interest Kates, Graces _ NumberundeürN »me i?_*^.i![0ïLTÎf5wîi]^iï™ KM Îï«ïs» S eid u sb ely by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* i„iu 1Q1R 1081 ^ ■L •’ ’ Accessible Towns, - BONDED LAW YERS (Seo Index to Lawyers) PHILADELPHIA—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City N o. 3) N ame of Bark. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Vice-President. President. Cashier. As s 't Cashier. T •MARKET STREET J- A*c*c o*u»n ts* o-f B a n k s , B a n k e"•p rs . C o rp o ra tio n s , F irm s a n d In d iv id u a ls S o lic ite d . P ro m p t A tte n tio n C iv e n to C o lle c tio n s .______ NATIONAL BANK 3-40 (1107 Market) ; S u r p l u s In d iv id D and ual P r o f it s D e p o s it s 1, 000,000 $ 1,575,000 $9,168,000 e p o s it s or Loans * D is B anes counts Principal Correspondents. Ca s k and Ex changes $4,129,000 $ 1,878,000 N . City and Irving N ., N . Y .; N. C ity, C h i.,; 2d N ., B os. 4,826,000 $11601000 SEE AD VERTISE PROM Banks S x c u r it ih s . s t o . For H olidays, see opposite page 13, MENT OP P0SITE. ** 87 1,468,240 $ 544,910 117,480 153,930 Greenwich, N. Y.; Stockmens T r. & Sav., Chi. 3,451,550 i;929,820 177,600 578,390 N .Park,Irving N., and Mech.& Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N.,Chi.; 3d N.. St. L. 1,222,260 6,548,000 5,355,230 1,165,980 400.000 1,009,740 8,303,340 7,809,200 406,850 987.020 1,926,150 2,178,510 171,750 202,180 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1,193,170 J33.170 98.990 106,840 Irving N., N. Y.: Corn. Ex. N., Phil. 3,817,860 1,341,590 147.020 576.030 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos; 123,130 8,130 80,030 F ranklin N., Corn Ex. N., and Union N-, Phil. 294,610 31,480 Corn Ex. N.,* F ranklin N., and Ninth N., Phil. \ 300.000 97,640 1,886,920 200.000 645,000 4,358,430 250.000 (1518 W alnut St.) »03 455,840 44,000 1,700,430 Han. N .; N. Y.; F t. Dear. N., Chi. N. Shawmut, Bos. 1,280,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. (1956 N. Front)* ♦NORTHERN NATIONAL DANK H. F. Gillingham .. W. H. Bilyeu— H. E. Schuehler___ Chas. Gesing, J r . . . 200.000 229,430 3,224,580 291,680 3-43 (7thand Dauphin S t s . X ’90 N orth Penn B a n k _____ < { ’10 L. H. M ichel____ 3-124 (20th and Dauphin) ♦N orthw estern N at’l B k ..< ’86 E. A. Schmidt____ 3-36 (Ridge and Girard Aves.) Olney Bank I-------------- < § ’16 Thomas Tansey — 3-142 _ » (433 Tabor Road) ,, _ , r Oxford Bank of F rankford A. E. M argenson. 3-151 < § ’18 (Frankford Ave.& Overington) Joseph Schlenz___ R. T. Moyer— . — William S pratt 150.000 83,980 1,305,150 Linford C. N ice___ Linford O. Nice___ Jam es M o o re F rank Y arrick 200.000 871,120 4,532,450 ♦PENN NATIONAL DANK~<’28 S. S. S h arp _____ M. G. Baker_____ M. G. Baker-------- H. C. Beitzel_____ W. B. W ard Pennsylvania Bank-------»§’17 Abraham P leet — 3-146 (7th and Wolf) Peoples Bank---------------< § ’15 Charles Lipshutz . . 3-137 (Seventh and Girard Ave.) Julius Dombro — Jo h n H. C arr. J . Ñ. Suskind S-9 (700 Market) John Walton — J . H. Schumachet M. L. W urzelMorris Haber B. E. E ffin g ..... A. G. F e lix __ 50.000 18,620 739,350 100,000 9,440 250.000 500.000 50.000 A lbert N. Grayev.. 75.000 589,680 655.990 2,133,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 7,655,170 2,462,150 650.000 630,000 14,200 77,300 41,080 1,363,310 860,350 420,220 122,080 2,237,820 9,407,590 5,600 1,004,530 20,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Phil. 120,570 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. I n d iv id u a ls r e s p e c t f u lly s o lic it e d . ♦Quaker City N at’l B ank.< ’8 W .H . Clark_____ 3-42 (721 Chestnut) W. D. Breisford— C. F. Hand 500,000 568,180 2,543,970 710,580 5,386,450 280,000 Second National Bank-----< ’64 F ranklin Smedley. D. R. Greenwood. J . E. Gossling_____ W. G. Hallowell — 3-59 (4356 FrankfordAve.) B a n k s A d v e rtls in g r grive P ro m p t PHILADELPHIA Map opposite pace 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 296,380 1,836,580 2,681,490 476,380 132,110 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Í Com’I N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L 19,350 3,048,880 2,264,090 514.730 723,950 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.: Cent. N., Phil. A t t e n t i o n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e ^ ^ July, 1918 LEVI L. RUE______C. P. BUNN,JR_____ HORACE FORTESCUE— S. E. RUTH-......... * W. S. MADDOX E. ROSS, E. £ LEWISj HORACE FORTESCUE- M w .jfo r tto n D ept. 0. W. STEWART j. B. RUTH. A u d ito r H. M G. P0LHEMUS, F. P. STEPHENS gr.Credit D ept. H. T. HAYES, Mgr. N. Bk. Com.« N . Park, Irving N. Im p . St Tra. N ., M ech. & M etal: N ., Am . Ex. N ., 1st N ., H an. N., 13,967.470 34,146,910 11,072,590 68,188,240 78,416,080 and Chase N ., N . Y.; N . City, 30,963,640 3,000,000 7,000,000 1 st N ., and C ont. St Com*! N. Chi.; 3d N.,M tIe. N ., and Mech.O r g a n iz e d 1 8 0 3 . N a t io n a l B a n k 1 8 6 4 . T ra n sit D ept. SEE ADVERT ISEMERT 0PP0SIT E PARE 10 8 4 . Am . N ., S t. L.; 1 st N ., 2d N. <1803 A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s , B a n k e r s , C o r p o r a t i o n s . F i r m s , a n d and N. S h aw m u t, Bos. 'PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK 3-1 (4th and Chestnut) Alfred Steinhäuser John A. Voctsch .. Wm. L. Franck PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Philadelphia—Continued A. W. W aters, J r . . . William Delaney _ (B ranch a t T w élft h a n d R idge Ave.) National Bank of Germantown W alter Williams— . C. K nox.........— J . 0 . Knox_____— Edward Meadowcroft 3-53 <1814 (Germantown Ave. and School Lane) George K essler___ W. H. McKee. ♦National Security Bank—< ’71 J . H. Dripps. 3“28 (714 W. Girard Ave.) Joseph T. Pearson. J . G. Sonneborn__ E. H. T hurm an___ ♦N inth National B a n k „ _ < ’85 I. W. Barnes. MIDDLE CITY BANK— - <§’99 Edgar S. G ardner.. Richard Y. F ilbert Edward C. Bell— 3-94 P a id - U p Ca p it a l e tc ., see page 14. Resources. Dus B o n d s. Liabilities. 1082 1 AOO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers 1 U o 4 D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n THE OLDEST BANK IN AMERICA {C h a rte red b y C o n tin en tal C o n g ress 1781) The Bank of North America (NATIONAL BANK) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Capital Surplus and Profits Deposits CHARLES H. HARDING HARRY G. MICHENER LINCOLN K. PASSMORE JOHN W. PEARCE JOHN P. GREEN GEORGE FALES BAKER, M. D. M. MYERS FITLER 1, 000, 000.00 $ 2,233,800.00 25,722,500.00 D IR E C T O R S CHRISTIAN C. FEBIGER J. HOWELL CUMMINGS W. PERCY SIMPSON WALTER H. ROSSMASSLER CHARLES B. DUNN HORACE E. SMITH HARRY S. EHRET EDWARD F. HENSON THERON I. CRANE GRAHAME WOOD W. KIRKLAND DWIER WILLIAM F. READ, Jr. P resident, H A R R Y G . M IC H E N E R V ice-P resid e n t, C H A R L E S H. H A R D IN G A ss’t C ashier, W IL L IA M J . M U R P H Y V ice-P resid e n t, S A M U E L D. J O R D A N A ss’t Cashier, R IC H A R D S . M c K IN L E Y C ashier. E . S . K R O M E R A s s ’t Cashier, C H A R L E S M . P R IN C E JAMES F . SULLIVAN, P resident WM. P . SINNETT, VIce-Pres. and Cashier n in 'r i R. LIVINGSTON SULLIVAN, V ice-President J . i l i* . W. H . TRAPPE, A sst. Cashier FRED F. SPELLISSY, A sst, Cashier Market S treet National B ank 1107 M A R K E T S T R E E T PHILADELPHIA Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 1,000,000 $1,575,000 DIRECTORS JAMES F . SULLIVAN A. MAXWELL SHEPPARD JOHN J. HENRY ALFRED E. BURK WM. P . SINNETT IGNATIUS J. DOHAN EDWARD R. WOOD, JR. R . LIVINGSTON SULLIVAN DAVID BURPEE WILLIAM H . ROMETSCH JOHN J . SULLIVAN RALPH EARLE • . CHARLES C. DRUEDING - - - - - Pres. Beneficial ■ - Director • - - - - - P resident J. B . Sheppard & Sons H enry, Bayard & Co. Burk Bros. - Vice-President and Cashier Saving Fund S ociety o f Philadelphia M echanical Engineer Vice-President - President W. A tlee Burpee Co. - S ch au m & U h lin ger, In c. A ttorn ey-at-L aw o f Finance Company o f P ennsylvania Treasurer Druedlng Bros. Co. The A ccou nts o f “B anks, Bankers, C orporations, F irm s and Indu Viduals S o lic ite d . “P rom pt atten tion given to Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MAP OF PHILADELPHIA AND ENVIRONS. Bern!» Virgin ville A l / o Passer■# ,« H interleiter ■^aticock^ S) , Croton S ho em ak er^/v ille wmeportg Shimerville Revere T optoi£ cÆ oopersburg O ; r p Moselem F l e m in g to n ^ V/ KeshanicO 0 'P^"N• Erwinnao /Veracrug ,,o./ a !fca.? i gjgV*v oc t h t ce Barbertc wn 'Locktown _° . o _ Mobrsk'ille ] ■ ís & S K 'A W ° e y * o i S S Cloverhill Sundale „ S Moselem Sprs. S ardener ! » « ^ j Y G Centerport q Sta. aK s® ¿ f c « i i r A Ç I'I-'» » « " » TohickonOj^1 . ml ^; Reaville i „ H Kirbyville >Scullhill 0 iV o w d e rY a lle y /L id n h illN °*, o Ottsville >/ D ry ville „ Q&^cO î ^ muH 0 , o K ¡ngvyood - Sandbrook I Copper Hill .Montgomery Calcium. T hatcher , oH arí^m X ¿xH osensackj?. /nSteinsburg 0¡3lv*B,í ■* RittehhovSetótoo\t®v' ' DGehman « Pi a Kellers (Church -¡¿Corning Danbervillec Tinicum o Sergeantsville0" 1 , .u a k e rM v n J> ° F re tz° O Id e ili S p Grover ) W ertsville 0 \ Zion W . L ees lo ri íle e tv ^ p o d ° N>w Jem afe 5 C* SV'm ei ' pRtfifilanu Ce^iter j BedminsterO r. C h a p e l^ í^ P Í^ y i • Garfield^ Rickénbach I J v^O n tin g o e« > \ Landis Store 0 ; E/ BerkieÇIandon oPricetown SiseB .m s t s , r Kilcr / f e S > Church Hill o 0 Ridge Pipersvilleo i -»Clayton Straus« ■tfCO 'Temple ; o .Obold Hagersville Wis m ero pieryville 0Um^ IISVy ° Cressmar -^Lobacbsviüe \ . M/. A Aipv at... iry Sta. iry ►Stockton, O M ountairy ° Ba,1y ^ i t v m E P - D(r l? r^Venyilf 'Heidelberg fo j^ w e lL r v „Basket Rosemont 0 jPennsbœg LumbervTÎ inbachs __7 __ Lnmberville i ^ S Linvále Finland ° - ibVev-" Piumsteadville 0 Carversville 0 Centerbridlge 0 f Bernharts y M anatawny HlÎîcSnreh)^PE 8 bbacn^ OHopíndlle oArgus' <p Grtesemersviileo §>>• 0 oFfiechtelsvilIe c '° 0 oDublin 0 GardenvilleICbUr3r° r ■ Róse 4 0 Blooming Glen u am en v m e N e w ¡H o p e J K L a m b e r t v i l l e . ^ oodsvlUl Mount illegass ^ Redkÿ ► \^Almont,° ' n i\\M Spangsville°|/ Shanesville <1 I 0 Pa'ssmore - o Jto b e s o n ïii Aquetong gcoosiifg >ng o \ W . a* \\ t /V“ TT , , < c c rïGlenmore Danboro 0 Gabelsville W _ B .rU nn.v lU e ® VJì CC McL4s Tylersport ^ ^ ^ C l l c r S V i l l C I H arbourtono It» Congo oPleasantrun o^Denglers J¡¿ GreeT osilverdale. Fountainvllle 0 ElyMechanics0 vin> 'L a b a s k a o Sassamansville 1E ster ly 0 Col ebrookdale ^ ^ ^ . Jacksonwald ^ _ O^uiaej’town J H illtow n 0 T0 . 0 o Holicong O^P§tjii(i*asTiJl^Telford^\ “Bean116 J ,evl“ Oyerstown ¿ d Bucking! ham 1K lapperthal Stonersville Monte! lo (e rn e rsv ille P e n n in g to n oYêUowhonse ,<s Shillijugton o o Fricks D o y l e s t o w n Mechanics Buckni anville r. >0 Layfleld . Stonetown Titusvike .JSpnderton N eversinku ----°E ? Little Oley Mountain Sunset o .mó, Buckingham Valley „ „ gergey 0 ' cS .r ? x “ 7 . & 'Valley BrownsBWS Grill o Brnmfieldville0 Atl,ol<\ <i<Y lron'Stone 0 \ 0 Frederick ne « Cac0° / ¿ y Fritztow Puriong o OElp ® „ .. FranconlaMpX-. Line f f V ernfleld Xpxi kexington® Pineville oWoodhm f û-' L orane ßaumstown oObelisk’U Mordville/- HatttGl” Ncjr Britain Forestgrove )( pi/ne Pi/ne IIronworks New Hanove^ ÌH o h n s S t i r e c Taylorsville^^! Ewingvitlle -ßirdsboro Sta. Manatawny íalíbnti l y ? /pEdison Mozart. q ¡^Wycombe Yinem ont A ngelica“ q f OHarleysville IS. Hatheb (Zieglerville0 È» r jjonocacy' iacyWS^rf13;” Ba\w rencevilîe ¿Penns Park mount f 0 Elroy ¡«111® Fagleysville o \ Gouglersvil e 0 Freeman-/'X $ Ï « Delpfi1 Bridge-Galley“' DolingtonO oLeuerachsville 7ColmaiX Tradesville “ W rightstow n , X X 'B i 'r d s W o , . ìeakville o Mainland 1 o Neiffer land Wilburl \ ul A dam stow n ^ a n— s d al al ei e'MisBurena u rek a V aarrington“* m n g t o T “"“ / — -W 4| A U e g h a n y _ J f-J o Beckers ville Brower 0Kulpsville 0 vSanatoga Montgomery _M ontgomery Square D enver 0 R nauers W hite Bear ^ p ^ T rap Rock ~m' ~~~ v o Neshaminy ¡ N e w to w n . l/t 0 S w artzv illeX ^ .. „ oAUeghenyville_; ... \ o Scarlets Mill HartsvilleO ^ T ra y m o rc oPlowville ? R Y X Cedarville0 Edgwood o j g ^ o R e a m s tö W n H um rielsS tore i v Prospectvil Prospectvflle^ . y B r e a .4yavilie <vt"' j w j .kdi School I«8 Limerick ieorge rfeFordi WestpointJ Geigertowtror Frlcks Lock Jiiniield X N. Wales ° War/nmsrer^Ilvyland. O RichboroY/wo0(J, N. W a lt ^-^ricks LockrStft. Creamery ° Cedars Geigers Mills P. 0 Bowmansvilie, Trappeo 1 ÜL„ J Q\ 'o . ) Gwynedd DavIis . v y ^ M o rris v ille l sGwynedd ? r® ? ...o ' . < ? __ ..... Hallowell Aram ingo y JCold Run^ o. Horsham. lile Worcester St. Peters Parkerford Hahnstown OMuddycreel «*>. Y / ? d^ v R.> " ïoytVA pSpringhjm / I & c Redrun Sehsenig ^Öpotswood ^Joanna p, S p r i n g C i t y m R o y e r s f M 5ftowei Providence Mapleglen vThTeetuns °Ma ^ 5 ^ , . ° Oxford V aik y 'lj 1“ 81 Warwick ^ ^ ^ j P u g h t o A w----n1 Morgantown i — Mingo skerksl Providence Square ' ßiiny sta. o EniilieYPennvaHel Martledale o T e m M ll 1H ertzler \S / J Elvewo»« av„ha r> „ ...J V - í n Eden /Y c r , C°oHItaFRWwn °SprinJgrove -oüB\H I» . A » 'i M opairview*^ rtRlnAh^ïTO-^m ^ ler„nne8t^ t ^ oNVl ^ ^ T \ Æ i ^ r - ----" trove - r A , / l 4 ‘ o Marsh n „Vnntn.noi ^oueeaer.O'^. A i n 'W eaveria^d^^/y’ .tîii )_ fg t- e r i i x t Village r/Hartranft or Brnadavxe —SÍveFeastérville Tallytow n / ^ ™ 118 Manori / C" 0 Nantmeal V illage^* i l l a g e ^ «U « ^ çôt' m T js opagleville 8 /Hooverton v o. °¿oaaaT y ^ ^ ° ^ oV<&\ A iiB & l rchrunville o Kimberton Kimhcrtn.. >PYW>per^o40 Jeffers/ónville Ft^W^shmgto^«x,. ’ ¿ii? ,?ag Birchrunville Trevose HulmeGiJje E d g e l y > ^ ^ ^ b | i P Blueball p ..d tiu , . / cr _ 'Hillside *Oa•« p O y rk lomen Je?, o Abiogtön. * '=‘Nrewportvillei O ^ (M p ^ q . ^ t0ok ® 0 W est Yincent ^ / or%rh Pawl ling p. 0. * a*sr///e E* r t t, Weldon K/Bmsaiem. ( mliams Cor a ero .Matthews aside vChester u n iu iu „ Pickering joc o [Y>-X 0 Bridgew ater ^ sto n °Font " Wallace Ä x i ^ U[and & ê & â g ? - É(%ingtg -ffnT^XGlen®«'’'- < y \ Byers oro--------- ■ —---^Anselma ~.w/e a )Devault J ’Æ X ^ . ’A lert Cambridge Yinolao 0 S. Herm itage Yici % Bá s ^ ° a | o * u f . r t * « ; w ? " m f ö f e ö ^ u i ,r ö " ' Salisbury o o Intercourse tPequea^0 ! M^ ins Corner ° ^ ’Del»nBc§7 ? h ^Gordonville Deacon [fte M r mui V -v j Gnthriesvilié com p . , , _ w / 0 Compass ( I F S p e ^ « « t o UMdgeboro Cr--p vW agbntown 0 Roberts( VJ.V2 __ 0 n aUCTra8 ‘ Ì-LeamanGlàce^Buyerstown Lai LaPPs . , oAsh. oRancocas iv e rto n fk - E. DowningtOv fiadsbn f t W ÈÜ& & X Shartlesville Perry X E . K f £ ía s s s a ^ is a » è M O O M Norristown ñ 0 ackhorse Í N iIkeIM Jnes°/C liristiai,a / 0 Smyrna B arto V iv T W» «Goshenvillet filili Modena. 3—57 ^ \ ^ ö A ',c' oBriarton-O •^«5^ oEreildonn1 jöradyiBV M F Newlin.Sta. o r Y Mortoüville T»® ■ Tim icula P. O. tV /Y Ö ¿ May Y o Ninepo »ts Buckrun Steelville G um treeo fS lD o ^ R u n Sta. Northbrook T2 1 7 Y > y 4 se a l Q o ^ o jfs C Doe RunY. o UnionvilIcLenape Yi , ® X ® V Q n a rry y ijle '^ Barl Tille 4 „0 c n :i!° R°senvicK~4oDerbydown Corinne 0 D ilw o\rthtow p o Y ^ / / , jl/C Cocbranville ^ E e ^ r d F a r& ille O F Octoraro o 4 C lonm ellf Londongrove fe H a m o rft^ ' X / > # i ,teJ 3 Collamer 0 Kirkwood Faggs M anor ? ^ Chatham lhatham (? o Unicorn „ „ n t oC olerain.^ K ennet ^ ïT^ g s Bridge X 0 C Jennersville /$■— . .. X Y ^ S n . ORnssellville jennersvme „ . . ^ \ X tr-ltr^ -<Xn„„.-iin Brandywine Wihiteroclf5^ Lin Centervillef A ranogue Carpenter s © Fulton House ' v i SprvfiÌ2grove 0,0 «SS»* o Grubbs o , Guyencourt' p.t Á • .vis ( Newgarden .Ashland Talleyville ^ ^3ilvei^ oW ^ Oakhhi ili o — \ W ìckertoh icKercon v o x ’V 1 ) Rockland -Yside j Y Vjlontchanin^ New Garden S ta .^ E a o ü X A ^ . °°ak¿ynttteErÍtaÍnf7<tSx ^ f s i f N e w L ondon i Oxford Wrightsdale- f o W Barnsley L andenbarg* O’ >« 1 ° ° K ir k M u s GlenroF Hickoryhill1 Kemblesville^ Unión _ Nottingham o ° 2\<? F rem ont o Chrome Stricklersville® Elk M ills0’ o Lewisville — Ç -^r ~ ■ Rock^springs SvÜmar „ o Blake Ileo Y p o to ra ro X T Löm bard 0 F a\rbilloCCleUanäSVi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis <po5 ^ - M o n iH Broomal) Y Iy vm r y -t ¥oï h 0 7 / r.T <v Y -Pawoihia id e ili àSE JWr-Có 'V tW o o d b u ® toc Almi onessonc Picktovm io / JeffërsonO Sèwell I ^ ^ S w ß d e s b o r o Barnsboro° f MidhciUHill - e , Mountììaurel* ^* ® rauldtown le d fo rd J .^ & a , wg A N X icUToGibbsborl| Linden\^«l(l Lauree r' Springs 5Blackwood • t « V d e m e n to ^ 0 Á te Turnqrsville ferial \ \ y TanVsboroo i o Hurffville |v V ^ ^ ■ X X ' X XoSi?»;» Sia. 5» . * J LHiigh% ado\ü Bell . R aad o Bassett « 0% ^ Jjlliainstow u' P. 0. \ \ Sicklert|o%n or Sicklervil Ie(P.O.I Crosskeys 4 , Indian Mills. ‘ M m m Louden iívcV5Son m Ê È a? X ¿C h esü h ^ x A M ^ Kaleigh ' Waterford or W aterford. Works y Franklin National Bank IN C O R P O R A T E D 1 9 0 0 Capital SURPLUS $1,000,000 $4,142,000 STATEMENT OF CONDITION, MAY 10, 1918 RE,SOURGE,S Loans and Discounts . . . . . . $45 ,782 ,542.21 Liability under Letters of Credit and 745 ,051.06 Acceptances .................................. Due from Banks . . . . . . . . 12 ,3 2 1 ,897.79 Cash and Reserve . . . . . . . 6 , 110 ,667.62 Exchanges for Clearing House . . . 4 ,235 ,427.74 _ $69, 195 ,586.42 L IA B IL IT IE S C a p ita l............................................... $ 1 ,000,000.00 Surplus ............................ 3 ,250 ,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . . . . . 892 ,73 1.18 Letters of Credit and Acceptances . 745 ,051.06 Rediscounts Federal Reserve Bank . 2 , 5 13 , 135.00 D e p o s i t s ................................................. 60,794 ,669.18 OFFICERS J. R. McALLISTER J. A. HARRIS, Jr. J. WM. HARDT . E. E. SHIELDS . W. M. GEHMANN, . . President .Vice-President . . . Cashier Assistant Cashier Jr., Asst. Cashier $69, 195 ,586.42 DIRECTORS SAMUEL T. BODINE, President, United Gas Improvement Company; Director, Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, Fidelity Trust Co. HENRY TATNALL, Vice-Pres., Penn. R. R. Co.; Director, Girard Trust Co. J. RUTHERFORD McALLISTER, President; Director, Commercial Trust Company. FREDERICK L. BAILY, of Joshua L. Baily & Co., Dry Goods Commission Merchants. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, President, Girard Trust Company; Director, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, United Gas Improvement Company. PERCY C. MADEIRA, President, Madeira, Hill & Company; Trustee, Northwestern Mutai Life Insurance Company. ELLIS PUSEY PASSMORE, Governor, Federal Reserve Bank, Phila. J. ANDREWS HARRIS, JR., Vice-President. JOHN HAMPTON BARNES, Lawyer. oreign and Domestic Travelers’ Letters of Credit, Commercial Credits, Bills of Exchange, and Cable Transfers to All Parts of the World MORRIS L. CLOTHIER, Strawbridge & Clothier; Director, Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., Commer cial Trust Co., United Gas Improvement Company; Trustee, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. C. S. W. PACKARD, President, Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting An nuities; Trustee, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. CHARLTON YARNALL, Director, Commercial Trust Company. W. W. ATTERBURY, Vice-President, Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Director, Philadelphia Trust Company. * EDGAR C. FELTON, Director, Girard Trust Company. EDWARD F. BEALE, President, John T. Lewis & Bros. Company. DANIEL B. WENTZ, of J. S. Wentz & Co.; President, Virginia-Coal & Iron Co. ARTHUR W. SEWALL, President, General Asphalt Company. JOSEPH MOORE, JR., President, Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company. LEWIS LILLIE, Vice-President, United Gas Improvement Company. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Mercantile Firms, and Individuals Solicited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 AOQ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers’ P H I L A D E L P H I A — Cont’d— R eserve City Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors. dfiXfid in har*lr rtf thin volump Fnr Intorpci P ufoc n . . ■p’tTTT A D F T P H T A _____ f ' r k r i t ’H ___ P? p o p r v P r'i+Tr N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e sid e n t . V ic e -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ' t Ca sh ie r . ♦Sixth National Bank . _ «t’64 J. P. Wilson . .... Daniel Baird. 3-23 (Second and Pine) James 0. Sutton -t X i l A v ^ O ll l U K -C S C r V C v ^ l t y (riuioMi » ,, m t , w« (Federal boc Reserve City No. 3) Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of this volume. 'F or In te re st B ates. Grace ..... . . -----* t fFor .v iS . t i ------ —see opposite .. page V-’ etc., .see page■>14. Holidays, 13. L ia b il it i e s . R esources . I ndivid D eposits L oans a Bonds , D ub P aid - up Surplus of AND ual Dis Se curifrom P rofits D eposits B anks counts TIES, BTC. B anks $ 150,000 $ 321,410 $ 2,809.730 $ 1,640 194,760 67,520 125,180 South Philadelphia State Bank Guiseppe C irotti... D. Monticelli Silvio Giardinelli—Nicholas Troilo__ 3-143 (923 S. 11th) §’07 Ferdinando Bisciotti Nicholas D’Alonzo ♦Southwark National Bk..«t’20 W.W. Foulkrod.Jr. F. V. Bonnaffon... W. J. Steinman . . . E. H. West __ 3-7 (610 South Second) S. S. Darmon 50,000 5,890 319,290 299,790 47,100 250,000 260,000 4,497,000 4,819,000 200,000 162,520 State Bank of Philadelphia«§’14 Albert S. Marks__ Henry Rosenthal.. H. C. Krauskopf__ F. W. flrew J. D, Love 3-138 (5th and Bainbridge) ' • 792,080 34,010 14,480 Corn Ex. N..and 4th N., Phil. 52,690 Girard N., Franklin N., Comw. Title Ins. & Tr. Co., and Watson Sav Fund Society, Phil. 1,310,000 Han. N„ and Harriman N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com’l N„ Chi. 585,840 . 421,390 66,650 180,420 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.¡ 1st N., Bos. 806,000 587,000 97,000 100,000 698,310 1,271,050 168,890 386,240 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 131,860 224,400 Chase N. and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N'., P h il,. « 50,000 37,000 1,500,000 200,000 144,440 1,586,250 200,000 153,840 2,147,210 LEWIS R. D IC K- ___ 6. BRINTON ROBERTS. W. CLIFFORD WOOD - WM. T. TOMLINSON — ‘T H I R D T. W. ASHBURY, JR. O R G A N IZ E D 1 8 6 4 R C IA L B A N K IN A C O M M E R C IA L C E N T E R NATIONAL BANK TAryC OusMfoM rE GO OD Q U IC K S E R V IC E at a reasonable cost. 600,000 894,200 6,847,680 1,336,680 «TRADESMENS NAT’L BANK H. A. L oeb______ H. D. McCarthy__ H. D. M cCarthy... 3-14 (4SI Chestnut) »$’46 S. E. Guggenheim 500,000 1,171,270 8,798,650 3,025,160 11,039,040 2,054,840 1,475,950 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y. Cont, & Com’l N„ Chi.; Mtle. N. St. L.: Kleinwort Sons & Co., Lon. Comptoir N, d ’Escompte, Paris, 509,000 12,188,280 2,315,270 1,906,410 Chase N. and M erch. N ., N . Y.; 800,230 141,670 Corn Ex. N. and Franklin N., Phil. ♦Tenth National Bank__ »{’85 Charles Class____ Edw. Murphy____ John F. Bander. 3-34 (Broad and Columbia Are.) ♦Textile National B a n k . . . 04 Harry Brocklehurst J . H. Kerr __ L. L. Darling 3-45 (Kensington Are. and Huntingdon) Oscar Vanselow__ 207,770 12.390 1,442,870 804,050 4,947,180 2,136,000 1,654,890 1,153,260 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N„ Phil. Seab. N ., N . C ity, Irving N ., and M erch. N ., N . Y.; N . Bk. B ep., C hl.;N . S h aw m u t, B os.; Crocker N ., San F. 3-21 (Broad & Mafket) b *’64 A . C ash, a n d M g r. F o r e ig n D e p t. ‘ UNION NAT’L BANK 3-19 (Third and Arch) *i’58 J. S. McCULLOCH.__ T. H. CONDERMAN__ L. N. SPIELBERGER — SAMUEL CAM PBELL.. L. N. SPIELBERGER Q. S. WHITE FREDERICK FAIRLAMB Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cornorations. Firms and Individuals Solicited on favorable Terms. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON TOP MARGIN PENNSYLVANIA MAP. West Philadelphia Bank. « } { ’12 J. M. Lutz_______ H. J . Rittenhouse—H. J. McCaully___ Thomas W. Horter 3-129 (36 So. 52d) Wm. Freihofer ( M e m b e r s i n d i c a t e d b y a,*) C. H . E x a m i n e r P H IL A D E L P H IA M ap opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jphn 0. Boyd, S ee. a/n d M g r . O. H. Batten, A . M g r. 32,000 950,000 1st N ., C hi.; M ech.-A m . N., S t. L. 1083 Philadelphia Clearing H ouse... L. L. Rue_______ (818 Chestnut) Wm. M. Hardt, 100,000 620,850 12,751,950 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Philadelphia—Continued ____ 50,000 John J . Hitschler—John T. Scott, Jr. Geo. H. Wiggins__ P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d a n t «. 9,010 $ 2,046,160 $ 476.730 $ 455,470 $ 460,310 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Sons of Italy State Bank_.§’17 Robert Lombardi.. John Di Silvestro. Louis Corona____ J. Marinelli 3-147 (7th and Christian) ♦Southwestern Nat. Bank_«i’86 Wm. J. Barr . . 3-37 (South and Broad) Cash AND EXCHANCES July, 1918_______ „ _____. Number underlYaine of Bank is the New TransIt Number given i n S Q to each bank in XJ.S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers -*■uO vi Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. For S A F E T Y arid SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to B O N D E D L A W Y E R S (See Index to Lawyers) Na h e of B ank.. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn, {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. L ocation. P r e sid e n t . Vice -P r e sid e n t . Aldine Trust Co. _____ »tS’06 2020 Chestnut S t... W. K. Wetherill__ Sec retary . W. O. Harris ___ T. H. Ingram, O. V. Noel, 3-111 8-122 L ia b il it ie s . R esources . S urplus L oans * B onds, C a s h ft E x and DisSr curi- c h a n g es ,D u s Dr p o s r s P roto » COUNTS TIRS, BTC. f ro m B a n k s . $ 200,000 A . T r. 125,000 Beneficial Saving Fund Society 1200 Chestnut St. „ I. J. Dohan______ A. J. Murphy____ L. E. Peqnignot, 3-57 * « ’53 Sec. a n d A . T r. J. J . MacDonald. A. J. Murphy, $ 207,470 $ 1,085,360 $ 1,332,390 62,340 1,040,240 398,290 1,984,880 17,915,890 A . T r. T. H. Cullinan Central Trust & Sav. Co._»il’03 Fourth and Market T. O. H unter.____ C. J. Craft_______ C. K. Lukeus_____ F. G. Helmbold__ 8-98 Sts. G. H. McNeely C. S Worthington, T. F. Miller A . T r. Cttielten Trust Co.______*t$’06 5614 Germantown Sheldon P o tte r__ Geo. W. e l i t e __ 3-108 Ave. Principal Correspondents. F aid - u p Capital A . Sec. t '68 4826 Baltimore Ave. J. F. W inner____ T. F. Slattery____ J. E. Hoy._ Belmont Trust Co._____ T r ea su r e r . % 135,000 $ 190,510 Han.N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Markel St. N.. and Franklin N„ Phil. 685,480 18,609,510 143,810 Corn l x . N. and Franklin N., Phi). 1,291,260 750,000 569,420 7.000,000 200,000 183,500 270,825 298,760 2,801,510 1,714,750 250,610 Seab. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N.. 3d N . and Bk. of No. America, Phil. 400,000 580,800 2,810,550 1,109,500 2,114,490 486,300 Chase N„ N.Y.; 4th St. N. and 10th N.. Phil. City Hall Sq__ . . . J.H . Mason______ C. P . Lineaweaver.. S. A. Crozer___ _ H. W. Stehfest__ 1.000,000 T. De Witt Ouyler, Mark Willcox, H. C. Gibson, 18.455,070 9,661,150 8,790,890 Colonial Trust Co._____ *$$’99 13th and MarketSts. Wm. F. K urtz___ 3-93 C. B. Fritz. I. H. Davidson, Jr„ F. C. Eves, Sec. and T r . A . Sec. a n d A . T r. 2,115,500 5,493,360 725,000 1,527,130 1,460,300 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil, 1,581,000 C. R. Weil, 193,000 Corn Ex. N. and Franklin N., Phil. A . See. a n d A . T r . Columbia Avenue Tru?* Co. 3-72 »tS’86 1647 N. Broad____ S. A. Leith___ Wm. A. Oarlile, Sec. a n d T r. H.L. Shaffer. A, Tr. J. B. Montgomery, A . Sec. COMMERCIAL T R 'aT C0._ C h. o fB d . 1,335,140 6,480,060 4,472,720 Guaranty Tr., U. S. Mtge. & Tr.,Met. Tr., and Bkrs. Tr. Cos., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Franklin N., Phil. N.. and Girard N., Phil.: (M em. Fed. Res.) 1,776,510 5,249,610 1,715,470 Union Tr, Co.. N. Y. 1,000,000 8,120,410 5,363,280 156,575 44,630 602,090 147,830 563,250 300,000 164,130 1,915,450 593,080 1,547,240 24&.250 4th St. N.. Northern N., Eighth N. and Franklin N., Phil. 125,500 96,790 2,456,200 1,808,700 555,300 239,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Union N., and 1st N„ Phil. 5,000,000 16,837.460 28,340,870 16,612,680 30,693,420 4,984,590 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., 1st N., and Chase N., N. Y.; (Mem Fed. Res.) A . T r. A . S ec. J. W. Mercur, Jr., — A . Sec. Commonwealth Title, Ins. & Chestnut and 12th Dimner Beeber...... F. E. Brew ster__ J. V. Ellison, E. B. McCarthy, Trust Co. „3-71_____ __»§’86 Sts. f! K Zng S e c . a n d T r . A . S ec. a n d A . T r . 1,000,000 C h. o f B d . Continental-Equitable Title & 21 South 12th S t..„ J. F. Skelly______ J. J. Sullivan____ Trust Co. „3-83______ «Î8T2 J. M. Campbell J. R. Umsted Empire Title & Trust Co.. $$’05 4401 Lancaster Ave. William Pow ers__ P. J. McGarvey__ 3-104 W. H. G. Gould H. W. Scott Excelsior Tr. &. Sav. Fund Co. 1006 W. Lehigh Ave. R. R. Stearly__ _ Harry Foster _____ 3-95 $1900 F. W. Price J. V. Longhney, S e c. a n d T r . ............. Edw. T. Smith, A . S e c . a n d A . T r . John F. Donnelly, Edward Green, Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. F. W. Price, Sec. a n d T r. Federal Trust Co...____ «$$’06 Broad & FederaL .. Oliver P. Waldron. J. S. McCulloch. . . H. F. Richards, G. A. Dougherty, 3— 110 H. F. Richards Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. Fidelity Trust Co. 3-61 . 325-31 Chestnut St.. Wm. P. Gest_____ J. C. Neff. ___ (1 B r a n c h ) W. G. Littleton Joseph McMorris_ G. H Kyd T. H. Atherton, 3,860,440 1,092,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Penn. N., Market St. N., and Girard N., Phil. A . Sec. Finance Co. of Pennsylvania Finance Bldg., So. G. H. Earle, J r ___ ------. . . -------------- C. W . Fnnk, 3-66 $$’71 Penn Square Sec. a n d L. O. Dill, A . S e c .. . T r. 3,000,000 First Penny Savings Bank . $ ’88 21st and Bainbridge John Wanamaker.. John Greenwell__ W . J. McOanghan . Alexander Gamble. 3-81 Sts. R. M. Coyle Fox Chase Bank_______ *§’98 (Fox Chase)_____ R. Y. F ilbert____ H. B. Worrell____ 3-92 C. H. Heyer Frankford Trust Co........ »$$’88 4344Frankf ord Ave. Emmett O’Neill__ J. T. Orankshaw... Chas. B.Colebaugh, JohnB. Hartmann. 3-89 S e.c . a, n d A . T r . r, PH1LADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,338,060 1,083.460 206,220 50,000 141,020 250,000 519,330 4,130,400 4,121,250 636,350 89,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Market St. N.. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 7,648,490 476,210 Liberty N. and N. Park, N. Y. 3,905,050 377,620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 3d N., Phil. 805.850 63,410 N .Bk. Com.,N. Y.: 3d N., Middle City,1 and 4th St. N., Phil. 1,155,230 3,278,120 368,010 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Girard N„ Franklin N„ and 2d N., Phil, B a n k s A d v e r t i s i n g g i v e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o l l e c t i o n s a n d C o rresp on d en ce 1Q84_______________PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Philadelphia—Continued _________ July, 1918 Accessible Towns« Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in- oec. ( m d PHILADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 A . Tr. # w » i l l Franklin N„ and 2d N . f Phil- B a n k s A d v e r t i s i n g g i v e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o l l e c t i o n s a n d C o rresp on d en ce THE JL ORC NATIONAL BANK to ll« ^ R u t i n T I 5 l 1 t l l f l l d l l, Surplus, and 1864 I ftM 1 Net Profits $7,500,000. A BANK OF CHARACTER, STRENGTH, AND SERVICE M Lf t ¡J DD( IperPresident ice-President Ice-President and Cashier STEPHEN E. RUTH, A ssistant C ashier EDWARD S. LEWIS, A ssistant Cashier DAVID W. STEWART, A ssistant Cashie FRANK P. STEPHENS, A ssistant Cashi J . BERTRAM RUTH, A uditor EDGAR ROSS, M anager Foreign D ep artm en t HORACE G. POLHEMUS, M anager C redit Dpt. NORMAN T. HAYES, M anager T ra n sit Dpt. Changes in Reserve Requirements and Methods of Check Collection Suggest the Necessity of CONCENTRATION of RESERVE ACCOUNTS Unexcelled Facilities and An Exceptional Volume of Desirable Business Enable Us To Offer Terms of Mutual Profit U N D s T ransferred Immediately by W ire to any Reserve Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iff« « » l í u i e g Willow Grove P ark W oodmont JFt. Washinatori Paper-Mills Rubicam Hillside "Whltcmarchl Bryn Athyn Cemetery j y u Oreland Hillsh Tyson W illia m s Ÿ. -White marsn <fc walley Falls Roslyn Heights o i ^ Laverock Glenside Melmar Chestnut HH1 Park \ Holy Sepulchre ^Cemetery ^ H a rp er / Chelten Hills •est .Rockledge Ogonts Seminary ,Mermai( W forman town, HlgBtand W alnut Hill P â ' __ /<K Jenkintown ^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Willow Grove a i Ä sM r Ü /S/TtoaaSÄ Elkins tieko'riv ìeights^ Melrose Ryers. jS^nukEsàu cCheltenhà] Ashton ,Torresth Ro wlands- áceSntyllm Piersoru West Manayunk' Prison- SchursWiss^hickon boro) West la u r e l H ill foe-wood Cynwyd] ’ennyh! WySmng-ij ¡Cemetery. rtCemete É v /e.' e^nmq 'S f m eter; 37- .Belmont Driving Park H o u se o f Correction, ^á^ranitfói Falls' Nacberthi Taylor ’S r s e n a r O v e rb V o o k Morris Cemetery. Orphan Asylum' p !r * t f>hil§/haroes ’ Cemetery £^3 fFishhoixyse St; insane TOsp'ltat 7 CAmeteryj [Cemetery* Boone Starrs IK aighns, 5ro*\öjpsras ¿x/0<Rpint; .Cemetery | Cemetery Jaschair H tiberty iervitie1 Academyv ¿Bell Road >Point 'Breeze Park [Greenwich Point [ leagneylsland P ark / ^O^^Cathbcrts ' Collingswood' - ^ ^ J U id d le ^ UN ITED S \T A TEST^ Elmwood ¡olllngswood f^ y ó ¿ ! g £ , y ~ X \ League\ Island W estm onî'\. Oaklyn P H IIz A D E L P H IA n a v A xard Audubon A N D Haddonfield uorblndale iloverdale ’o r t M i f f l i n [H o g I s l a n d : Redbank V IC IN IT Y . Horthmont \ o X orsten ,Mt. Ephraim' W ashington P a rk W estville/1? S. West ville 0 * V ~ '- l \ Barrington (Newboldt)Xt5> TS. Woodbury, Haddon Heights o, ■A BeUmawr V Lawnside S c a le o f M iles. 1 2 3 S c a le o f K ilo m e tre s . 1 2 3 Rand, McNally & Co., Engravers, Chicago. Copyright, 1901, by Rand, McNally & Co- 4 Girard Trust Company g= d P hiladelphia Broad and Chestnut Streets 3© í Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000 STATEMENT AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 15, 1918 L iabilities O F F IC E R S E FFIN G H A M B. M O R R IS President W IL L IA M N E W B O L D ELY Vice-President A L B E R T A T L E E JACKSON Vice-President G EO RG E H . STUA RT 3d Tfoflciifpf SAM UEL W . M O R R IS Secretary F . L. BARROLL Assistant Secretary THOMAS S. HOPKINS Assistant Treasurer E. T. STUART Assistant Treasurer A s s e ts Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank . . . . . . $ 4,277,106.55 Cash in V ault & Exchanges for Clearing House '. . 1,368,373.23 Due from Banks and B a n k e r s ..................................... 4,569,568.86 L o a n s ................................ • . ................................20,799,662.36 S e c u r it ie s ................................................................................ 25,172,353.66 Mortgages .................................................................... 167,583.24 Real E s t a t e ............................................... 3.363.062.82 Customers Liability Account Acceptances . . - 825,000.00 C a p i t a l ..................................... ..... Surplus . ................................................. . Undivided Profits . . - .......................................... D e p o s i t s ......................................................... Drafts and Bills Accepted . Notes and Bills R e d is c o u n t e d ..................................... »,542,710.72 $ 2,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 1,214,211.60 46,999,979.12 825,000.00 1,503,520.00 1,542,710.72 Supplem entary TRU ST F U N D S ........................................................................... ....................................... ; .............................................................. $ 210,761,722.02 CORPORATE T R U ST S:— Investm ents and cash balances in Special Corporate F u n d s ........................................................................... $ 9,020,028.43 Total Amount (*. e. lace value) ol Trusts under deeds of trust or mortgages executed by Corporations to the Company as Trustee ' to secure issues of corporate bonds, including Equipm ent T r u s t s .............................................................................................................. 8 1,141,685.695.45 Total am ount of securities deposited by Corporations with the Company as Trustee to secure issues of Collateral T rust Bonds . . 8 354,025,646.26 JO NATHA N M . S T E E R E Trust Officer G. L. BISHOP, J r. Assistant Trust Officer LARDNER HOWELL Real Estate Officer JOHN M. OKIE Assistant Real Estate Officer T rustee o f Corporation M ortgages,' , and Transfer A gent 0 A ssum es Entire Charge o f Real E state 0 0 1In terest Allowed o n Individual and Corporation, Ac co u n ts 0 0 Acts as Executor, A dm inistrator, T rustee, A ssignee, and Receiver 0 0 D eposi tary under P lan s o f R eorganization 0 0 Safes to R en t In Burglar-Proof V aults. Resdf Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IO S .11? —______ _________________ '____________ _______ DUTT r * ___ 1 .) j Accessible Aam A I—1----1__,Towns, ___ Lawyers, Laws, Directors, „ . ____ Liabilities . Treasurer. Est. Franklin Trust Co. 3-100 AND P rofits $ 350,890 D e p o s it s L oans Dis a counts t 5,031,620 t Bonds, Cash & E x Securi changes, D u* tie s . etc . from B anks. 2,877,020 $ 2,397,690 $ 908,5701st N„ Hudson Tr. Co., and Chatham & Phénix N., N.Y.; Girard Tr. Co. Franklin N„ and Corn Ex. N„ Phil 600,000 1,065,070 7,798,190 3,505,600 4,847,940 200,000 174,350 1,325,470 1,024,650 502,500 856.870 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Cent. N., 3d N Franklin N„ and Girard N., Phil. 172,670 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Quakei City N., and Franklin N„ Phil. Broad & Chestnut— E. B. MORRIS — .... WM. N. ELY----- -~S. W. MORRIS__ G. H. STUART, 3d— A. A. JACKSON F. L. BAR ROLL, T.S. HOP KINS, A . T r A . S e c . E.T. STUART, In te re s t allowed on balances. Accounts of Banks and Corporations solicited. Correspondence invited. A . Tr 2,500,000 H an. N., 1st N., N. Bk. Com ., and 2 1 1 0 1 0 J - pChl * M organ Co., N.T r, T .;Co1st 8,714,210 47.000,590 19,463,730 28,536,030 10 lu,¿lu.uav . Mlss&VaUey St.L.; Old Colony T r. Co., Bos. (Mem. Fed. Bes.) SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Guarantee Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. 316 Chestnut____ S. F. Houston.___ H. W. Goodall___ 3-64 »»'71 ( B r a n c h e s a t 1422 S . P e n n . S q u a r e a n d 9 S. 52d S t . ) Haddington Title & Trust Co. 6014-6016 Market... William Gibbons— B. Ruckdeschel__ 3-126 *$’11 John Wolfenden Hamilton Trust Gompany»»’57 40th and M arket... D, A. Howe______ William Gibbons... 3-96 Wm. Conway Bernard Ruckdesc Holmesburg Trust Ca.__« » ’07 8033-35 Frankford W. M. Rowland__ J. H. Brown.____ 3-114 Ave, Industrial Trust Title & rings 1950-52 North Front John G. Carruth__J. S. Bowker______ Company— 3-76.----—*«»’89 H. E. Young, W. J. Jamison, S e c . a n d T r, J. P. E. Borden. A . Sec Claude Henderson, A. Tr 1 ,000,000 772,780 1,262,160 Chase N., N. Y. 6.719.000 2,578,670 4,631,410 55,000 1.500.000 447,670 525,000 134,000 2.0Ì3 550 1,107,760 985.320 342,710 Seab. N„ N. Y..; Franklin N. and Girard N„ Phil, 96.190 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 3d N. and 4th St. N., Phil, E. E. Zacharias, A . Sec. 125.000 S e c . a n d T r, Abraham Pyle, N. City, N. Y.; Girard N. and West End Tr. Co„ Phil. 200.000 238,210 125.000 99,170 669,260 155,890 641,350 500.000 1,251,530 5,477,640 1,349,310 5,371,790 581.680 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. T r. 500.000 1,563,040 5,927,400 2,409,18o 4,670,130 880,900 Chase N„ N. Y.; 4th St. N.,N. Secur. Girard N., Phil. N., and 1st N. Phil. . KensingtonTrustCompany*S’06 Kensington and GeorgeS. Cox___ James Henry____ Chas. L. Martin, H. P. Mauger.A.ÎY. 3-107 Allegheny Aves. Chas. L. Martin Sec. a n d T r. 200.000 1,928,560 1,598,780 785,690 Han. N., N. Y^ Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Phil. N„ Phil. 5,301,670 14,798,950 11,343,050 6,840,160 'm u m u m i m 3-74 «»'87 ♦LAND TITLE & TRUST CO. 3-46 « » ’85 Fourth and Green.. George Kessler__ P. E. Guckes, George Nass, V .-P . V . P r e s , a n d T r. O fficer S e c . a/nd T r, hel , A. E. Green, S ec. a n d T r. John S. Bowker, T r. C. M. Wrightson, Sec. a n d A . T r. Herman Wischman H.C.Kessler, A . S e c . a /n d T r . Í Broad & Chestnut W. R. Nicholson__ E. H. Bonsall__;__ L. A. Davis______ L. P. Geiger, Jr., J. W. Smith W. J.Hamilton, C a sh . A , S e c . W. S. Johnson, J, S. Clark, A . S e c . A . C ash. T itles to Beal E state Insured, General Banking and T ru st B usin ess. F irst T ru st Co m pany ln. Philad elphia Clearing H ouse. ( B r a n c h e s ' a t 6206 W o o d l a n d a n d PHILADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. C. Schm idt___ J. E. Fleming____ F. Moosbrugger... W. F. Yoltz Hugh Mcllvain___ John H. Wood....... Wm. Bradway___ Wm. Bradway Harley T. McDer S. H. Thomas, Jr., 152 N . 15th S t . )  jtV* mott, A . T r . G. W. Brown, Jr., A . T r. 4,384,300 500,000 546,290 2,706,550 1,024,420 2 , 121,110 1 , 000,000 471,010 7,495,770 2,935,450 5,572,330 3,917,410 Seab. N„ N.Yi 608,740 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y;; 3d N„ Fr. nklinN.,and Market St. N..Phii. 773,100 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; Girard N„ Phil. 1085 LIBERTY TITLE & TRUST CO. Broad and Arch Sts. Henry Bain, J r — 3-70 * » ’85 Logan Trust Company .„-.•»'06 1431-33 Chestnut— Rowland Comly. . . 3-106 2, 000,000 210,460 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS~~Philadelphia—Continued Germantown Trust C o ... « » ’89 Chelten and Ger Wm. T. M urphy... Clarence C. Br in ton H. N. Perkins___ Clarence C. Brin ton 3-77 mantown Aves. J. A. Kell. A . S e c . H.N.Perkins, A . T r Girard Aye. Title k Trust Co. 1801 Girard Ave__ M. J. R yan______ W. J. O’Brien___ W. H. Garges, T r . . 3-103 * » ’05 Thomas Reilly •»•36 S urplus A . T r, A . Sec. 3-48 P aid -up Capital * » ’04 15th and Market Sts. H. E. Woodman__ P. J . Barai..*_____ A. B. DaupMnee__ C. A. Harris, J r.__ J 600,000 J. J. Caine L. O. Howell, 3d, A. L. Crispen, GIRARD TRUST GO. : Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in¿?*ed m back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,] J_________etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 Resources. Principal Correspondents. H I A ---- COIlt d ---- R eserve Citv July, 1918_______ 1noC n T TTT . „ A UO J SAVTNG8 BANKS, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COS., ETC. P H IL A D E L P -■. — ■ . ■ ............ Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Location. President. Vice-President. Secretary. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriy. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Índex io Lawyers) 8A T D ÎG S b a n k s , tbt jst a n d s a f e d e p o s it „no COS., ET C . P H T L A D R T . P H T A ----- P n n t ’H -----R p ' i p r v p P i t v ^ X llliA n iA vU IH U X v C o d VC v ^ liy Name of Bank. Location. President. Vice-President. Secretary. Liabilities . Resources. Surplus Loans Bonds, Gash &ExAND Deposits AND DIS' Securi changes.Dub Profits COUNTS ties, BTC, from Banks. Treasurer. Principal Correspondents. Paid-up Capital Manayunk Trust Go.___ «£§’89 4340 Main. S 8-80 T. H. Ashton J. T. Littlewood__ C. A. Jordan. Lazelle Thornton.. $ 250,000 $ 257,400 $ 1,870,600 $ 697,280 Í 1,265,000 $ 334,220 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N. Union N., and Manayunk N., Phil. Market St. Title & Tr. Oo.«t§’07 5200 Market__. . . 8-117 A. Wilson, J r . . . H. N. Diesel___ _ R. B. Chase, W. S. Tash, S e c . a n d T r, Merchants Union Trust Go. 715-719 C hestnut. John S. Bioren. 8-125 « till J. S. Adams_____ W, J. Clark. 200,000 A . S e c . a n d A . T r, H. L. Casselberry, Linford Eastburn, North Philadelphia Tr.Co.»£§’03 Broad St., German W. M. Gordon___ C. P. Donnelly___ Lee Sowden, 8-00 town and Erie J. M. Snyder Sec. a n d Ave’s. Northwestern Trust Go—£8’05 23d and Kidge Ave. Wm. Freihofer .. T. J . Pendergest .. 8-102 A. Parkway Trust C o.______§T8 15th & Race______i H. F. S ie b e r...... R. W. Miller_____ 3-154 A. ‘ PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO. In co r p o r a ted 18 1 2 3-52 1,928,440 457,430 2,365,730 125,000 3,390 63,810 68,000 90,650 438,043 78,720 841,990 811,350 379,080 134,937 ,,1,540 144,090 66,060 155,570 CHESTNUT AND JU N IPER STS. 500,000 2,214,690 8,715,970 150,000 277,000 3,283,080 150.000 512,000 3,883,60(1 125.000 20,000 150,000 106,200 739,950 J. L. Fravel, 2,153,560 1,613,960 778,080 Chase N., N. Y.: Northern N„ Girard N., Corn Ex. N„ and Northwestern N., Phil. 1st N ./N . Y.; Franklin N. and Mar ket St. N „ ‘Phil.; Cent. Tr. Co., Frederick, Md. 398,000 590,300 138,300 N. City, N. Y.; 3d N„ Girard N„ and N. Bk. of Germantown, Phil, 5,527,470 31,546.000 20,168,500 13,423,410 5,555 460 B ro w n B r o s, ft C o ., G uaranty Tr. Co., and N. C ity, N . Y.; (M em . F ed. R es.) T r. C. S. NEWHALL, J.R.CARPENTER,JR. Sec. a n d T r . A. Tr E.S.BLIGHT,A.Sec. JAMES CHEST0N, E. 0. TROTH, A . S e c . 30., A . T r, 2 ,000,000 102,740 Han. N.. N. Y.; Com Ex. N., Union N., Bk. of No. America, and 4th St. N., Phil. 48,730 Franklin N„ 8 th N-, Northern N., and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 382,020 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Sd N., Phil N., and N. Secar., Phil. T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r 1.001,770 337.380 Han. N. and Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; Whitney-Gent N., N. O.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F.; Far. & Mech. N. and Corr Exch. N., Phil. 36,220 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil, 2,570,400 Sec. a n d T r. C. Young, Sec. a n d 602,080 Han. N„ N. Y. 2,912,890 5,851,360 2,666,400 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cent. N„Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. A . T r, D. Robinson, W. F. Hagar_____ E. R. Sorber, Thomas Evans Sec. a n d 517 CHESTNUT — C. S. W. PACKARD-A. V. MORTON BROAD STREET OFFICE JAY CATES J. F. NcNelis, T r. T ra n s a c ts a G e n e ra l B a n k in g , T r u s t a n d S a fe D e p o s it B u s in e s s . In v ite s A c c o u n ts o f In d iv id u a ls a n d C o rp o ra tio n s . T R U S T S O F E V E R Y D E S C R IP T IO N E X E C U T E D . «£81812 Pennsylvania Warehousing & 113 South Third... Geo. H. Earle, Jr.. M. E. Levering__ W. Rommel. J r . . . . L. D. Beggs, Safe Deposit Company__§’72 E. W. Oescher, 3-67 A . Sec. Peoples Trust Company. _«î§’07 12th and A rch___ G. C. Bowker___ 3-115 Philadelphia Sav. Fund Society 700 W alnut___ 8-54 *£81816 Harrison C. Rea. J. H. Rubid T r. „ W. B. Vrooman, Sec. a n d T r . G. O. Purves_____ J. M. Willcox____ Samuel Woodward, T. J . Beck, A . T r . . Sec. a n d T r . A . S. Fenimore, PHILADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1087 232,100 T r , A . S e c . a n d A . T r, Mutual Trust Company ..«t§’08 Bourse Bldg.____ S. F. Scattergood.. Sydney Street___ W. B. Kessler, 8-121 F. 0. Hansell Sec. a n d r T r . Northern Central Trust Co, Broad St. and Erie Walter Gabell___ C. H. Bridenbaugh D. C. Donat, 3-153 »§18 Ave. Sec. a n d T r., Northern Trust Gompany*£S'71 6 th and Spring Gar W. Fred’k Snyder. J. J. Collier_____ W. C. Harter, W. H. Curtis, J r — den 3-83 W. H. Curtis, Jr. Sec. a n d A . T r . 1,419,220 1,893,850 1 ,000,000 S e c . a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r Mortgage Trust Company of 400 Chestnut____ _ J. A. Develin____ G. C. P urves____ Wm. T. Rutty, Pennsylvania_3-73__ ___Í Sec. a n d Pelham Trust Company„•£|’06 6740 Germantown Jacob S. Disston 8-109 Ave. 249,670 3,502,060 SAVINGS BANKS, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COS.. ETU. A . Sec. 1 ,000,000 76,860 773,370 643,750 1.610,160 634,450 107,420 2,102,090 2,102,820 407,660 ____ 15,360,680 135309340 127 292000 15,052,170 i ii 315,200 433,480 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Int’l Tr, Co., Bos. 8,118,960 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence P H I L A D E L P H I A — C o n t ’d — R e s e r v e G itv Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,iv ____________ PENN SYLVANIA BANKS—"Philadelphia—Continued__________ July, 1918 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Est A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, indexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite .page 13 1086 1086 V 1 1 V V U U U Ì7 u l i v i VV/ 1 1087 SAVUVGS BANKS, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COS., ETC. Name of B ank. tMem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P H I L A D E L P H I A — Cont’d.— R eserve City Lia b il it ie s . Location. P resident . Vice -President . Secretary . ‘ PHILADELPHIA TRUST CO... 415 Chestnut____ H. G. Brengle____ F. M. H ard t_____ 3-50 •:£$'69 (B r a n c h a t 1415 J. C. Wallace, C h e s tn u t) A . Sec. ♦Provident Life & Trust Co. 4th and Chestnut.. A. 8 . Wing_ 3-51 *j:S'65 P aÏd- up S urplus and D eposits O apital P rofits T reasurer . KV ^ p U llU v IlW v Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors. in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Orace \< o l p L COO n o r r a 1 A V a » U a I I H o iro — Tj . R esources. L oans B onds, and D is S ecuri counts ties , etc . Cashft Ex* CHANGES,DUS fromBanks P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . F. M. Hardt_____ $ 1 ,000,000 15,167.530 $18 902 880 $11119 640 $ 8.872,550 $ 4.991,160 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. T. H. L.McCloy, A . T r . (Mem. Fed. Res.) Arthur Haines, A . T r. V. R. Tilden, A . Sec. . __ J. B. Townsend__ L. C. Ashton_____ S. H. Troth_____ _ John Way A, G. Scattergood, M. A. Linton A . T r. 2 ,000,000 5.954,340 13,239,160 1 ,000,000 2,012,150 4,604,650 2,423,530 4,121,110 1,072,150 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. Am. Penn. N., Corn Ex. N„ Franklin N. and Phil. N., Phil. Real Estate Trust Co.__ <f*85 Broad and Chestnnt G. H. Earle, J r .__ S. F. Houston___ W. R. Philler____ E. 8 . Buckley, J r,. 3,593,400 8-105 Edgar Eetherston 597.580 6,396,030 3,151,830 250,000 2,105,000 ♦Real Estate,Title Ins. & Tr. Co. 523 Chestnut_____ Emil Rosen berger . T. W. Jopson____ 3-47 < § ’76 H. R. Robins J. N. Alexander, Daniel Houseman.. C. S. King, A . T r . A . Sec. 7,246,050 10,388,630 3,469,270 Seab. N.. N. Y. 3,593,070 723,900 ^N °Y 2,409,000 154,000 Chase N., N. Ÿ.; Quaker City N. Phil. an(* Irv,n£ N.. A . T r. Republic Trust Company.< $ ’07 1429 Chestnut____ G. C. Allen______ J. E. McCully____ W. O. Pollock, J r„ 3-118 Sec. a n d T r. RITTENHOUSi TRUST CO .-.- 1323 Walnut__ 3-113 » « ’06 Howard Longstreth W. 0. Fitzgerald 8 . W. Waterman, S e c . a n d T r . O fficer 400,000 W. O. Fitzgerald .. J. R. Huhn, Jr., 250,000 93,350 1,874,700 1,960,660 150,000 219,000 101.240 300,610 Han. N., N, Y.; 4th St. N..Oorn Ex. N., and Franklin N., Phil.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) A . T r. Roxboroueh Trust Co. 3-152 _-§’18 Ridge Ave. and Geo. G. Little wood. Erwin M. Simpson. Erwin G. Stein, Green Lane. Sec. a n d T r. Sav. Fund Soc. of German School Lane and L. E. Jones______ L. W. Wister____ H. T. Montgomery, W. N. Price. town and its vicinity___»t§'54 Germantown Ave. Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . 3-58 44,320 212,060 1st N., Manayunk N. and Manayunk Tr. CO;, Phil. 1,172,000 12,412,000 12,752,000 753.000 397,490 356,900 46,260 150,000 204,920 1,911,730 408,520 1,178,870 679,270 N. City, N. Y.; 3d N. and Girard N. Phil. Tioga Trust Company___ e§’13 1700 Tioga_______ C. W. Rueter____ 0. E. Beury______ E. C. Snyder, Jr., 3-131 Sec. a n d T r. 125,000 45,600 ! 1,106,000 587,130 536,350 119,610 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Franklin N„ PhU. United Security L. I. & Trust 605 Chestnut_____ William M. Coates. G. M. Henderson.. H. C. Potter, Jr„ Company —3-75............. J$’87 Sec. a n d T r. W.H. J nngknrth, J r. 1 ,000,000 1,060,930 1,504,460 2,160,070 1,122,850 276?920 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Girard N., Franklin N.. and Phil. N.f Phil. 160,000 64,690 1,007,130 T r. Starr Savings Bank____ *$§’79 520-522 So. N inth... Rowland Comly__ H. 0. Johnson___ A. J . F. Halloweli.- J. S. Lambert___ 3-82 TAC0HY TRUST COMPANY— 3700 Longshore__ Jacob S. Disston__ Thomas Shallcross. 3-87 < $ ’92 11,470 Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r Wayne Junction Trust Co..t$’07 4401 Germantown John P. MacBean— George S. Gandy__ T. M. Scanlan, 3-112 Ave. C. A. Miller Sec. a n d /Broad and South CHAS. B. DUNN— l Penn Sq. WM. L. NEVIN V .-P . WEST END TRUST COMPANY- ¡We tra n sa c t a general banking 3-86 < $ ’91 (Act a& Executor, A dm inistrator, T \Your account so licited. T r. J. E. RICHARDS— CHAS.E.WOLBERTi R. L. MORGAN, A .T r . T r. C. E. W0LBERT S. L. Hayes, A . T r . business, F. T. Reinhart, rustee an d G uar dlan. A . T r. Western Sav. Fund Society 10th and W alnut. . . 0. Stuart Patterson W. K. Bambofger . R. J . Brunker, W. K. Ramborger. 3-56 < $ ’47 See. a n d A .T r . F. F. Halloweli, A . S e c . ♦West Phil. Title & Tr. Co. 40th and Lancaster Augustus I. Wood C. G. Gross. Sec. a n d T r. 3-49 < $ ’90 Are. W.H.Thorn.A.Sec. W. H. Hoot, A . T r . (P h f l a . c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t p a g e ) PHILADELPHIA M ap opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 ,000,000 1 2 ,000,000 328,030 706,600 7,816,750 4,064,290 7,004,310 4,372,330 38,525,770 500,000 747,920 32,180,410 629,070 4,298,140 2,811,600 1,851,2P0 199,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Corn. Ex. N„ Phil. 863,750 Liberty N., N. Y. 9,989,380 716,530 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. N* and Phil N., Phil. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Umn) Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS. N ame of Banker . •Member Am. Bankers Assn. Year (Member State Bankers Assn. E stab IMember Inv. Bks. Assn. lished . ( I n v e s t m e n t B o n d s ) ___________ .*|f Bertron, Griscom & Co., Inc.____ .«ill Land Title Bldg. Bioren & Co. „ (3-132)_______ 314 Chestnut. R, T. Veitch, F.-P.__ Deviti, Tremble & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi. and Det. Baker, Ayling & Young, Chi. & Bos. DREXEL & CO. . —(3-127)--------«Wf’t t Fifth and Chestnut. ( B a n k e r s ) __. . . . ____ J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y. S e c u r itie s ) . Bonbright & Co._________________ 11 M. W. Stroud, .Tr., 437 Chestnut. Elkins, Morris & C o.____________ ili Land Title Bldg. ( S to c k s a n d B o n d s ) . . Ervin & Co., N. Y. * ( S to c k s a n d B o n d s ) . Joseph Walker & Sons, N. Y. Freeman. M. M. & Go.___________• ( ! 421 Chestnut. ( M u n i c i p a l B o n d s ) _____ ____ 4th St. N. and Pa. Co., Phil. Faqua, W. F. & Co._______: ______ I Land Title Bldg. ( I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r i t ie s ) ______ Company _______ Broad and Sansom. P. W. Brooks & Co.. Inc., N. Y. 815 Chestnut. ng, Robert & Co._ 400 Chestnut. Stock Ex. Bldg. Brown Brothers & Co. (3-180) _*(TItl799 Chestnut and Fourth. , Burr, Geo. H. & Co. _ __ (11 Phil. Bank Bldg. Campbell, Heath & Co____________ H Lafayette Bldg. Capelle & Co._______ __________ ’14 Land Title Bldg. Cassatt & Co........(3-133)________ »ill Commercial Trust Bldg. ( B a n k e r s ) ___ (In v e s tm e n t (B a n k e rs) ________ ___ Brown Bros. & Co., N. Y. and Bos.; Alex. Brown & Sons, Balt. Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y., Chi., St. L., San F., Bos., Clev., Hart., Port., and Seattle. Campbell, Heath & Co., N.Y., Chi., Clev., San F., Bos., Seattle, and Hart. B o n d s ) ___________ H. L. Doherty & Co. and Equitable Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 3d N., Phil.; Wilmington Tr. Co., Wilmington. Del. ._ .. ......... 1211"Norris' Bldg." ( B a n k e r s ) ___ PARSONS & COMP; 435 Chestnut. 828 Land Title Bldg. ' -TO! CLARK, E. W. & CO. -(3-134) — •1It’37 ( B a n k e r s — I n v e s t m e n t 321 Chestnut. DANIEL & CO., RODERT W...................... 328 Chestnut. ( B o n d s ) __ Jos, S e c u r itie s ) Horton, T r . ____ . i T• , nkTincc>T’i» » ir iii'r Graham, Parsons & Co., Pitt., Erie, Scran ton, Reading, and Trenton, N. J. (B o n d s) S u c c e s s o r s to N . W . H a ls e y & C o ., C h ic a g o . Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., Det., St. L„ and Mil. ( C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r ) ___ Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co., N.Y., Chi., Bos., St. L., Pitt., and San F. 1421 Chestnut. KURTZ BROTHERS----------1421 Chestnut. . • ( ’66 ( S to c k s a n d B o n d s ) ___ ( I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r i t ie s ) . PM . N. and 1st N., Phil. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., Bos.. Buffalo, Balt., Minpls., Mil., Pitt., Clev., and Scranton, ( I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r itie s ) . Robert W. Daniel & Co., Ltd., London, Montgomery & Co.________ ___«H’O? Eng. 133 South Fourth. PHILADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 r* i ( F o r m e r ly G r a h a m & C o m p a n y ) Harris, Forbes & Col, N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Harris., Forbes & Co., Inc., Bos. __ 1 LEACH, A. B. & CO. INC_— 115 South Fourth. 1st N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Clark Dodge & Co., and Hodenpyl, Hardy & Co., N. Y.; LYNCH, EDWARD D. C.~------ — — ’09 E. W. Clark & Co., Chi. 1227 Land Title Bldg. Montgomery & Co., N. Y. B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rre s p o n d e n c e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m on Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Girard N. and Phil. Tr. Co., Phil. Widener Bldg. 421 Chestnut. i WilDor & Co., Jttos. Franklin Bank Bldg. G O V ER N M EN T LO AN S M U N IC IP A L A N D R A IL R O A D S E C U R IT IE S — H IG H -G R A D E IN D U S T R IA L S M g r. r \ ï ? AT c u e r 1__ m.* J Ï3 1 JT T A TV17T P H T A ----- P r i n t ’d -----P e c n r v í » P i tir _______ July, 1918 S K S K ’i S. L. Hooven. ---- H Harrison & C o.__________ Lafayette Bldg. CHANDLER & CO., INC. ’ T r .. S. & Sons_______ Com’l Trust Bldg. M g r ............. P U B L IC S E R V IC E BO N D S. 06 Joseph Trevisani, !harles& Co.______ 333 Chestnut. Kean, Taylor & Co., New York. Brooke, Stokes & C o.____________ If 200 S. 15th. BROOKS & CO. INC., P.W. Association___ (3-150)__ Seventh and Christian. 121 South Fifth. ( In v e s tm e n t. S e c u r itie s ') . . . • ! ( B a n k e r s ) ___________________ Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . D EVin, TREMBLE & CO., Inc_1 1421 Chestnut. 1st N. and C. D. Barney & Co., N. Y. 1! ( I n v e s tm e n t. OFFICERS. H. F. Bachman & Co., N. Y. J. S. Bache & Co. and W. J, Wollman Co., N. Y. Barney, O. D. & Co.______________ (If 122 South Fourth. Battles & C o .__ 131 South Fifth. •Member Am. Bankers Assn. Y e a r (Member State Bankers Assn. E s t a b IfMember Inv. Bks. Assn. l is h e d Correspondents. _________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Philadelphia—Continued Barclay, Mnnrc & fin. .... 123 S. Broad. P H I L A D E L P H I A — C o n t ’d — R e s e r v e C ity N a m e of B a n k e r . Officers . Bachman, H, F. & Co.„(3-148)~«iT66 1512 Chestnut. Baker, Ayling flfc Young___________1i Land Title Bldg. 1088 1088 a LfT&MUU I 1089 t a p u p p a t m v pa^< S e le c te d i v o n u r v i U i J i a s &*TV L is t— IN V E S T M E N T Name of Banker . •Member Am. Bankers Assn. Year ^Member State Bankers Assn. E stab IMember Inv. Bks. Assn. lished . a i U I U J ^ I n L l w l l L1U11 L U V U 1 1 C W U U I 1 & D E A L E R S — C o n t ’d . Officers . P H I L A D E L P H I A — C o n t ’d — R e s e r v e Name of Banker . •Member Am. Bankers Assn. Year Correspondents. tMember State Bankers Assn. E stab ilMember Inv. Bks. Assn. lished . ctU U W U IT C aU U n U cn C C fc C ity Correspondents. Officers . VO I—v 00 Rollins, E. H. & Sons__________ T76 ( I n v e s t m e n t B o n d s ) ___ 1421 Chestnut. 1421 Chestnut. ( J. L. Pequignot and A.L. Custard, N. City Go.. N.Y., Chi., Bos., San F., and SMITH, EDWARD B. & C0.(3-149WT92 ( B a n k e r s ) __ — 1411 Chestnut. London. Eng. J o i n t S a le s M g r» . NATIONAL CITY COMPANY...........T16 -< Steel, Jones & Co._____________ T15 ( B o n d s ) ____________;_________ (. ( I n v e s t m e n t B o n d s ) __________ 1421 Chestnut. Lafayette Bldg. _______ E. Naumburg & Co. N. Y., Chi., Bos., Naumburg E. & Co_____________ 18 ( C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r ) Pitt., Hart. San F. and Seattle. 302 Lafayette Bldg. No. American Bldg. 511 Chestnut. 104 S. Fifth. Newburger, Henderson & Loeb—»tH’07 ( I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r i t i e s ___ Newburger, Henderson & Loeb, N. Y. Sullivan Bros. & C o._____________ 1 1410 Chestnut. Real Estate Trust Bldg. PAUL & CO.-------■:— ..................T16 (I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r i t ie s ) ________ Franklin N. and Girard Tr. Co., Phil. UMBENHAUER» WM. W.&C0_______ ( E le c tr ic R a i l r o a d s ) ___ 1421 Chestnut. Perry Bldg. Peirce & Co., Frederick — -----------’16 ( I n v e s t m e n t B o n d s ) ___________ Franklin N„ Phil Tr. Co., and 3d N„ Weil, Farrell & Co. „ _>__________ 18 ( J. W. McGuire, M g r s ___ 1_____ l ( C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r ) 521 Lafayette Bldg. Phil. 1421 Chestnut. ___til Loucheim, Minton &r Co. and Taylor, West & Co.__ 1417 Chestnut. Smith & Hard, N. Y. 16 S. Broad WHELEN & CO. TOWNSEND----- « t l ’37 ( S to c k s a n d B o n d s ) ___________ 505 Chestnut. Wm. A. Read & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., and READ, WM. A. & CO---------------Lon., Eng. 1421 Chestnut. 133 South Fifth. W urts, Dulles A Co. tT 0 3 Reilly Brock & Franklin Bk. Bldg. 306 Chestnut. Morris Bros., Inc., Port. E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y„ Chi., and Bos. Edw. B. Smith & Co., N.Y. Corn Ex. N. and Pennsylvania Company, Phil. Henry Clews & Co., N. Y. w 3d N.. Phil. Weil, Farrell & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos. and Buffalo. Ladenburg, Thalmann Go., N.Y.; Harris, Winthrop & Co., N. Y. and Chi. Potter, Choate T Prentice, and Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y. CO ►< r < > 2 Spencer Trask & Co., N. Y. ; ■: > 03 > 2 CO PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS 3* W a Arnett & Co., 600-02 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Bachman, H. F. & Co., 1512 Chestnut. Barclay, Moore & Co., 123-125 S. Broad. Barney, Chas. D. & Co., 122-124 S. Fourth. Battles & Co., 131S. Fifth. Bean, Chas. H. & Co., 115-117 S. Fifth. Bell, Frank F. & Co., 1418 S. Penn Sq. Bender, Charles J. & Co., 413-416 North American Bldg. Benson & Packard, Franklin Bk. Bldg. Biddle. Thos. A. & Co., 424 Chestnut. Biddle & Henry, 104 S. Fifth. Bioren & Co., 314 Chestnut. Borden & Knoblauch, 119 S. Fourth. Brooke, Stokes & Co., 15th and Walnut. Brown, Armitt & Co.. 1424 Walnut. Brown & Peirson. Real Estate Trust Bldg. Brown Brothers & Co., Fourth and Chest nut. Butcher, Sherrerd & Hansell, 220 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Carrigan, Gordon S. & Co., 1110-12 Phil. Stock fix. Bldg. Carstairs & Co., 1419 Walnut. Cassatt & Co., Com’l Trust Bldg. Chandler Bros. & Co.. 1338 Chestnut. Cherry, Robert Jr. & Co., 113 S. Fifth. Clark, E. W. & Co., 321 Chestnut. Coles & Wurts, 608 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Crawford, Patton & Cannon, Morris Bldg. Davison, S. T. & Co., 426 Phil.Stock Ex. Bldg. DeHaven & Townsend, 1415 Walnut. Drayton, Penington & Colket, 15th and Walnut. Drexel & Co., Fifth and Chestnut. Elkins. Morris & Co.. 305 Land Title Bldg. Emory, Freed & Co., 6 S. Third. Ervin & Co., 121 S. Fifth. Fearon, Charles & Co., 333 Chestnut. Fearon. Wm. F. &DO..J19 S. Fifth. Fell & Nicholson, 310-311 Land Title Bldg. Fox, Geo. S. & Sons, Com’l Trust Bldg. Frazier & Co., Broad and Sansom. Fridenberg, S. M. & M. S., 429 Chestnut. PHILADELPHIA Map opposite page 1080 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gaw, H. L. & Co., 315 Walnut. Glendinning, Robt. & Co., 400 Chestnut. Goodall & Co., 1211 Morris Bldg. Graham, Parsons & Co., 435 Chestnut. Harper & Turner, Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Harrison & Co.. Lafayette Bldg. Hecker & Co., 6 th and Chestnut. Henry & Kirkbride, 1430 S. Penn Sq. Hesse Wm. C., Jr. & Co., 420-422 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Hopper, Wm. G. & Co., 28 S. Third. Huey Bros. & Co., 1421 Chestnut. Hughes & Dier, 1435 Walnut. Huhn, Geo. A. & Sons, 1418 Walnut. Jones. C. Clothier & Co.. 112 S. Fourth. Kememer, Matthes & Co., 302 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Koch, H. W. & Co., 230 Phil. Bourse. Kurtz Brothers, Morris Bldg. Lloyd & Palmer, 333 Com’J Tr. Bldg. Louchheim, Minton & Co., 139 S. Broad. Martin & Co., 704-709 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Mauran, Mulford & Co., Liberty Bldg. McLaughlin, W. J.&Co., 508 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. ' McManus & Co., 509 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Monges, Davis & Lang, 104 S. Fifth. Montgomery & Co., 133-135 S. Fourth. Moore, E. J. & Co., 141 S. Fourth, Morgan, Reed A. & Co., 304 West End Tr. Bldg. Moyer & Co., 301 Chestnut. Newbold’s Son. W. H. & Co., 511 Chestnut. Newburger, Henderson & Loeb, 1410 Chest nut. Newhall, Co., 615-23 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. 0 Parrish & Co., 1500 Walnut. Paul & Co., 500-501 Morris Bldg. Peale, W. J., Co.. 824 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Petry, Toland & Weiss, Com’l Tr. Bldg. Phillips, Samuel K., & Co., 427 Chestnut. PoweÜ & Co., 426 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Read, Wm. A. & Co. 1421 Chestnut. Rebre, Vogel & Carlin. 115-117 S. Fifth. •m Reilly, Brock & Co., 306 Chestnut. 5*. Ristine, F. P. & Co., Widener Bldg. 5’ Sailer & Stevenson, Third and Chestnut. Seeler & Co., 110 S. Third. Sinkler Brothers, 370 Bullitt Bldg. Ò Smith, Charles & Sons, 303 Chestnut. o Smith, Edward B. & Co., 1411 Chestnut. Smith, Wm. Hastie Jr. & Co., 505-07 Phil. 3r+ Stock Ex. Bldg. Snyder, GeorgeE.&Co.< 301 Phil.Stock Ex. 3* 3 Bldg. Sparks, J.W. & Co.. The Bourse (FourthSt.) rc Starr, Isaac Jr. & Co., 209-212 Pennsylvania O. Bldg. Starr & Co., 400 Chestnut. Steel, Jones & Co., Lafayette Bldg. Stephens & Co., 303 Phil. Stock Ex. Bldg. Stinson, R. M. & Co., 317-323 No. American Bldg. Strawbridge, J. & W„ 114-116 Custom House PI. Sullivan Brothers & Co., Real Estate Tr.Bldg. West & Co., 1417 Chestnut. Wheeler, Elliott & Mann, 203 No. Am, Bldg. Whelen & Co., Townsend, 505 Chestnut. Wolf Bros. & Co., 13th and Walnut. Woll, MacMeekin & Co., No. Am. Bldg. o 00 Wurts, Dulles & Co., Franklin Bk. Bldg, VO For S A F E T Y and SERVICE. Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) P T T T Q R f T P i l H ___ D n c p n r p P i + v r * * o D U K u n I v C S e r v e v /lty (Federal Reserve D istrict No. 1. PITTSBURGH BRANCH) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMetn. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. (Allegheny, E 2) County Seat. Pop. 579,090 Liabilities . N ame op Bank. President. Vice-President. Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. P a id -u p S XJBPLUS I ndivid D b p o s i t s OF ual AND C a p it a l P r o f it s D e p o s it s B a n k s L oans a D is counts Re so u r c e s. Dub B onds, from S ecuri t ie s . et c . B anks Principal Correspondents. Cash and E x changes 3,061.730 $ 819,380 $ 456,560 $ 83,860 Han. N.v N. Y.: 4th St. N„ Phil.: 1st N., Olev.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) $ 700,000 539,240 3,351,330 50,000 50,000 1,300,000 700.000 300,000 ALL NATIONS DEPOSIT BANK Jacob Breiding .... John Sobczak____ _ R. F. Schmitt____ J. S. E. Ruff ennach, S ec. 8-114 (1200 Oarson) «5 75,000 69,070 1,105,880 874,140 190,580 49,450 ANCHOR SAVINGS BANK * « ’73 J. D. Brown_____ G. C. Dellenbach — H. C. McCaughan.. Charles R. B a rr. . . 8-65 (422 Smithfleld) 100,000 398,700 2,791,890 2,046,950 819,520 340,120 84,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Union tTr. Co., Union N., and Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 232,040 550,720 643,640 98,360 41,270 Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 2,400,000 4,049,060 33,408,000 $17,824,000 34,031.000 12,792.000 11, 211,000 ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY W. B. Rodgers__ 8-8 6 (413 Federal) < 8 01 C. W. Dahlinger__ R. B. Hansell, Sec. a n d Samuel McEnight John Dewar John Loresch. ALLEGHENY VALLEY BANK fr-84 (5137 Butler) «¿81900 Frank Lackner__ E. J. O'Brien . G. J. Knight, T r. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. J. E. Fisher, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. 998,940 400,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. 33,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N.. Pitt. HARRISON NESBIT. W. A. SHAW------ ALEX.DUNBAR, W. M. BELL — — W. A. SHAW, J. D. AYRES F. D. YOUNG ’BANK OF J. M. RUSSELL W. M. KISER PITTSBURGH P r o m p t a t t e n t5i o: Mn gYiv!e8n «t o C o „lle c t i,o n s ,, , A c c o u n t s a n d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s o lic it e d SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE NAT’L ASSN.-»**» V .P a n d C ash. C h. o f B d . 1,145,000 to th 8-1 C h ase N ., N . C ity, Irving N., If. P a rk , a n d N . B k . C om ., N . Y .; C o a t. & C om 'l a n d Corn E x . N ., C h i.; M erch .-L a c. N., 3d N., S ta te N., a n d M ech .-A m . N ., S t. L. (226 Fourth Ave.) 125.000 138,870 1,690,730 1,099,820 512,980 223,870 93,520 Liberty N„ N. Y.; Columbia N.. Pitt. A. E. Succop___ _ L. A. M eyran...— A. E. Niemann, T r . C. F. Gardner, S ec. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK L.H.Moeckel,JL.Tr. H. J. Hutchinson, A. E. Niemann 8-60 (423 Wood) «tS’70 150.000 646,890 8,634,200 4,257,180 4,294,480 668,180 211,250 Seab. N., Columbia Tr. and Guar anty Tr. Cos., N. Y.; Colonial Tr., Columbia N. and Peo. N., Pitt. 200.000 861,300 8.113,060 4,712,710 3,223,540 781,160 456,950 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Phil. and Clev.: Mellon N., Pitt. 2,600,000 3,618,000 10,886,300 2,656,600 9,361,500 6,994,000 2,971,100 267,500 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Chi.: 4th St. N., Phil.; (M em. Fed. Res.) 600,000 1,062,250 7,035,920 5,223,130 6,002,940 3,622,540 3,521,220 388,940 A . S ec. ( F o r m e r ly G e r m a n i a S a v .B k .) City Deposit Bank------- «tS’66 James R. Mellon... Jas. A. Johnston .. H. W. Ludebuehl.. R> O. Fulton.—___ C. M. Corbit 8-56 (Penn and Centre Aves.) T.C. STEPHENS JOHN A. BELL— J. C. CHAPLIN----- fc m h rr T r. G. A. YOUNG, A .T r . T ransacts a gen eral Banking and T rust business15c m u st acco m pany each piai n sig h t draft for presentation. No advance cha rge on Bill o f La ding D rafts or N ores. A . Sec COLONIAL TRUST CO.-. -* « ’03 8-99 (317 Fourth Ave.) E. H. JENNINGS W. C.L0WRIE----C. C. HAMMOND-. J. N. THOMPSON. ’COLUMBIA W. A. K0RB, W. T. DAVIDSON V. C. BOGGS NATIONAL BANK S t a t e oDf ePpeons nit so yr ylv aonf iat ,h ea n Ud nCititeyd o Sf tPaittet ss b, u r g h . A u d ito r 8-22 (4th Ave. and Wood)*t’93 P IT T S B U R G H M ap o p p o s ite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r o m p t A t t e n t io n to C o lle c t io n s . N . P a rk and Seaboard N ., N . Y.; F t. Dear. N. and Live S to c k Ex. N ., C h i.;4 th S t. N ., P h il. T ry u s. B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rre s p o n d e n c e _______ July, 1918 BANK OF SECURED SAVINGS R. H. Gilliford___ J. B. Keaggy____ W. G. Doench___ Floyd E y le r_____ E. E. Neely 7-88 (1629 Beaver Ave.)»t§ 93 PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Pittsburgh John G rine. Arsenal Bank-------------- •tS’72 J. Z. Wainwright— N. G. Beale. 8-6 6 (4300 Bntler) 1090 N um ber un d er N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given vw each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally B ankers' un d er th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers A ss'n. 1090 Dt0irectory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Highwood. Cemetery 'ixy -«reusoi j U niondale Cemetery nn% ^ ^y/VN' s s | h ^ ä y a ß m a m w rM-, B B S m £nl/y^\s' rSSÿaoi ^ sa m % ~Sfimnyyq Grandview »»^Park fWestl E nd Park MAIN PORTION tvan.ia P IT T S B U R G H SCALE Vi \ Kearns* Rand-McNally’s 11x14 Map of the Main Portion of Pittsburgh. Copyright by Rand, McNally & Co. (Hamberg St. GEORGE W. BARON 812-813 SCHMULBACH BUILDING DECISION 1 From a S ecretary of a large State Bankers’ Association WHEELING, W. VA. R. R. MARSHALL, M gr. Bond D ep artm en t M em bers W heeling Stock Exchange We specialize in th e following, which are th e active securities listed on th e Wheeling Stock Exchange: La Belle Iron W orks W ard Baking Company Hazel-Atlas Glass Nueralgyline Wheeling Mold & Foundry W heeling Steel & Iron W hitaker-Glessner Co. W heeling T raction Co. ( n o t o n e o f th o s e A s s o c ia tio n s w h ic h h a v e m ade “ R a n d M c N a lly ” o ffic ia l f o r th e A ss o c ia tio n ) . "Our membership dues are graded and based upon the amount of capital and surplus of each bank. Last year we used a bank directory published by a New York house, and after the drafts for dues went out a large number of them were returned, owing to the fact that dues had been mis-stated because the directory had not given the proper figures as to capital and surplus. T h is y e a r I m a d e a n e f f o r t to a s c e r ta in th e m o s t r e l i a b l e b a n k d i r e c t o r y a n d th e e v i d e n c e was A L L in f a v o r o f y o u r s . “ When your next directory is pub lished I wish you would send me a copy with bill therefor, and I will be very glad to remit at once.” Note PROMPT EFFICIENT CONFIDENTIAL Is the Official Numbering Agent for T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A s s o c i a t i o n . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m oi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in TT. s. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' P IT T S B U R G H C o n t in u e d — R e s e r v e C it y Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates. Grace.) ^ underJVamc o f Rank is thoJVew Transit Number given P T T T Q T 5 TT P iS, ea«h ^a n t la u -, ®* exclu sively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n N ame of Ba n k . COMMONWEALTH V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . J O H N W . H E R R O N . ____ G E O R G E 0 . E D W A R D S - C . W . 0 R W IG , Sec. P U tt W. a n d T r. M. Accessible Towns, a etc., Lir see page i14. L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus I ndivid - DKPOSIT8 L oans * and UAL OF D is Capital P r o fit s D eposits B anks counts R esources . Bonds. D ub Securi fron tie s , ETC. B anks 1 1 ,5 0 0 .0 0 0 $ 6 ,6 0 5 ,9 9 0 $ 1 ,0 3 0 ,6 9 0 $ Cash and E x- CHANGES $ 1 ,4 6 5 ,1 0 0 $ 8 , 9 2 4 ,2 9 0 $ 7 3 5 ,1 6 0 $ 4 .4 3 4 ,7 3 0 5 5 7 ,1 2 0 450,000 225,580 1,142,980 21,820 668,600 910,730 194,420 Bkrs. Tr. and G uaranty Tr. Cos.) N . Y.; F t. Dear. N ., C hi.;U nion N ., P itt. 66,620 Equitable Tr. Co. and Irving N., N, Y.; Union N., Pitt. w n. phii i ip s _____ 1 F HIISFMFN M. L . O’ B R IE N , S e c . C . E. S C H I N N E L L E R O r g a n iz e d 1 8 7 5 . A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s an d B a n k e r s s o lic it e a . e x c e p t io n a l f a c ili t ie s f o r c o lle c t in g P e n n s y lv a n ia a n d W e s t V ir g in ia ite m s . 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 A. W. Pollock__ _ G. C. Burgwin___ Samuel Bailey, Jr., C. L. Cole, T r . __ J. W. Lloyd C. L. Cole DOLLAR SAVINGS & TRUST CO. R. H. Boggs__ Principal correspondents. Sec. W.E.von Bonnhorst 1 ,5 9 1 ,7 9 0 8 ,7 7 2 ,8 8 0 2 ,7 5 0 ,6 0 0 7 ,2 5 4 ,4 9 0 2 ,6 5 0 ,6 5 0 1 ,4 9 3 ,4 2 0 2,060.460 35,845,810 1,021,730 34,257,370 2,497,150 1,174,440 5,666,850 3,266,710 3,414,250 1 ,6 0 9 ,2 2 0 Seab. N. and Chase N ., N . Y.; N. City, Chi. ; Tradesm ens N ., Phil. 130,030 Chatham & Phénix N., N.Y. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. J. N. Davidson__ E. R. Baldinger, T r . J.A . Fohs, Henry Buhl, Jr. E. R. Baldinger Sec. a n d A . T r. 1 ,000,000 443,210 * 127,310 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Second N. oi Alleghany, Pitt. «DUQUESNE NATIONAL BANK JOHN BINDLEY-— W. S. LINDERMAN- C. L. WERNER..... DURBIN S. KERR 8-20 (333 Fourth Ave.) »t’67 C. L. WERNER 500,000 605,970 9,053,860 1,179,650 3,843,740 4,995.970 2,523,690 EAST END SAV.& TRUST CO. Carl G. Yilsack___ J. F. Keenan____ J. B. Lawler, S e c . . . H. W. Loos, T r . . . 8-87 (6000 Penn Ave.) « « ’01 L. R. Ramsey, 250,000 163,850 2,021,790 1,219,270 750,000 831,540 7,811,920 1,015,320 5,343,130 3,296,160 1,554,640 825,880 471,580 Seab. N., N, Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 3d N., St. L.; Corn Ex. NY Phil. ... ¿ 0 . 368,480 First N. and Comw. Tr. Co., Pitt, A . T r. FARMERS J. W. Marsh J. P T. H. G I V E N ____________ M. cKelvey___ P. D. Beatty_____ A. K E N D A L L ________ J. H. J O N E S __________ P G. G. M O O R E D. W . 8-11 (Fifth and Wood) 1 ADAMS M . E. B O Y L E 6 ,000,000 2 ,0 5 9 ,4 6 0 3 7 ,3 4 8 ,1 2 0 1 3 ,5 3 1 .5 2 0 2 1 ,2 4 0 ,3 7 0 2 2 ,1 1 4 ,3 9 0 1 4 ,0 2 7 ,6 2 0 RY 2 ,2 2 2 ,3 8 0 N. B k. Com . and 1st N ., N . Y.; Cont. & Com ’l N ., Chi.; 1 st N., P h il. ••32 FARMERS DEPOSIT SAV. BANK T. H. Given______ Hay Walker, J r — E. B. Coll_______ C. W. Alston Geo. Zimmermann 8-100 §03 (Fifth Ave. and Wood) FARMERS DEPOSIT TRUST CO. A E. Braun_____ _ 8-121 §14 (B*ifth Ave. and Wood) PITTSBURGH Map opposite R. S. Wilson, Sec. a n d n d , O M o )r r h a tio n see p a g e 27) 100,000 1,320,000 T r. 689,290 5,928,510 257,000 395,950 2,003,160 3,646,080 612,460 492,930 1,809,740 1,038,250 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 224,370 56,070 Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 1091 «FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF (B r a n c h o fC le v e la CLEVELAND* ( F o r c o m p le te i n f o 8-28 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 504,300 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 3d N., St. Li PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Pittsburgh—Continued 8-51 (338-344 Fourth Ave.) Directors, in- S H E R ID AN . A . Sec. a n d A . T r. John R. Morrow__ A. H. Burchfield . . . Jesse H. Morrow, J. E. Van Dyke, A. C. Houston Sec. a n d T r . A . Sec. H. D. Ramsey,.A. T r . W I L L I A M P R I C E _______ 8-10 (Fifth and Liberty) *t'75 Laws, . see _F _i^ SS* page , 13 «* For n^n^. Holidays, opposite We solicit the acc ounts and collect Ions 8-82 (312 Fourth A rt.) *t§’02 of Banks, Banker s, Corporations, F inns and Individ uals. Correspondence I nvlted. CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. Lawyers, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, 1918 P r esid e n t . W ____P n n t i m i A H ____P p c p r v p X^A A 1 o x 3 U X v v j r l V ^ O n tin U C Q rC C S C F V C V ^ lty ^r<wiava1 raco*va nicfvini- v n a piAfeKnmpii nmnAiiN J u ly , in O I For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under Marne o f Bank is the Mew T ransit N um ber given n r n n > n e p T T P /lll p>QO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNally Bankers* 4 1 1 Directory, u nder th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n._______ N a m e o f Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. §State tPriv. Est. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO. 8-71 (341-343 Fourth Ave.) 0 ±3 U K .V j r r l C*___ ____ _____ i ___ o j a , . Acce V ^ O I l t i n u e a -----K e S e r V e (Federal Reserve D istrict N o. 4. L lty PITTSBURGH BRANCH), Lia b i l i t i e s . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t C a s h ie r . C a s h ie r . - Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, la w s , Directors, m- dexed' iin back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace e tc ., asee page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 R e so u r i e s . Surplus I ndivid D eposits L oans * B onds, D ue OP D is S ecuri prou B anks counts ties . ETC. B anks P a id -ü p and ual Ca p it a l P botitb D eposits Oash and E x changes P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . MALCOLM McGIFFIN — H. S. A. STEWART........... JOHN MCGILL, See,... EUGENE MURRAY, T r . WILSON A. SHAW, J. M. IRWIN F. T. POWER, A . S ec. E.F.S TR A TM A N .A .IV C h. o f B d . JOHN McGILL F. F. DOAK, A . S ec. J. F. WALTON, A . T r . EUGENE MURRAY J. W. Thompson, T ru st Officer A. P. R eed, A s s t. T ru st Officer P. S. S pace, A s s t. T rust Officer $ 2,000,000 $4,436,560 $14823910 $ 833,010 $5.660,910 $14026090 $ 1,886,580 $ 661,640 N . Bk. C om ., N . Y .; 1st N ., Chi. Franklin N ., P h il. Accounts of Banks, Trust Companies, and Individuals solicited. (fifth Avenue Bank $§’96 J. R. Riesmeyer... J. B. K aercher__ L. G. Klanss 8-59 (1349-1351 Fifth Ave.) *FIR$T NATIONAL BANK 100,000 124,040 1,274,100 891,000 292,620 194,350 120,270 N. City, N. Y.; Union N., Phil. L. E. SANDS-....... F.F. BROOKS....... - C. C. TAYLOR — OSCAR WILSON ... W. J. FRANK, S.BJH0MPS0N,JR. M g r .F o r e ig n D e p t. P.mDAHlNDÈN, A . M a r. F o re ig n D e p t. J. PAUL FORD, A .M a r .F o r e ia n D ent,. 4,000,000 1,443,390 13,334,840 7,845,110 19,315,990 10,547,930 4,572,250 2,182,030 Am . Ex. N . and Seab. N ., N. Y. C ont. & Com ’l N ., C hi.; N. Bk. C om ., S t. L.; Girard N ., P hil.; 1st N ., Clev.; Parr’s Bk., L td., L on.; Com ptoir N . d ’E scom pte de Paris, Paris. T h is b a n k is in a p o s itio n to c a r e f o r th e b u s in e s s o f 8-9 (Fifth Ave. and W oodM’52 B a n k s , M e r c h a n t s and I n d iv id u a ls t o t h e ir c o m p le te s a t is f a c t io n . C o r r e s p o n d e n c e In v ite d . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. First N.Bk.of Birmingham.’#5 T. H. Sankey____ G. O. Morgan____ Ö. F. Beech. ... . 8-54 (1201 Carson) 100,000 97,000 1,228,860 FOURTEENTH STREET BANK J. E. Roth______ John Siebert____ G. E . Paulin 8-61 (1401-3 Carson) «i§’71 W. A. Koegler 200,000 237,620 3,866,190 Franklin Savings & Trnst Co. F. J. Kress______ A. C. Canfield___ J. M. Stoner, Jr., H. G. Hetzel, S e c .. 8-96 (29th & Penn Ave.) •}5’02 H. L. Kreusler T r . C. A. Bardolph, J. M. Stoner. Jr. A . T r. 175,000 Freehold B ank________ $§’71 John A. Bell_____ J. C. Chaplin__ L. 8-62 (317 Fourth Ave.) T. C. Stephens___ 200,000 Hazelwood Sav. & Tr. Co.»t§’01 W. H. Barker____ F. C. Kohne_____ L. Z. Birmingham, 8-90 (4801-3 Second Ave.) D. 0. W. Birmingha S ec. a n d T r . m ,A . S e c .a n d A . T r . 894,190 1 278,230 158,350 41,680 Seab. N., N. Y.: Par. Dep. N., Pitt. 1,464,260 2,200,270 566,130 76,210 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y. 107,900 1,452,450 1,074,490 358,020 223,220 71,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 111. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mellon N. and Ex. N., Pitt. 4RS son 1,227,000 310.500 102,900 50,000 165,400 137,500 1,363,000 620,000 864,000 164,000 33,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Comw. Tr. Co., and Duquesne N., Pitt. 150,000 106,520 1,478,420 367,370 887,950 203,390 62,210 Seab. N., N.Y.: Mellon N., Union Tr. Co., and Union N., Pitt. ..... 50,000 42,420 1,412,050 1,250,670 61,^33 Iron & Glass Dollar Sav. Bank Edward P. Logan.. John Gray_______ F. William Rudel—C. H. Davies_____ 172,700 333,000 2,429,120 Hill Top Sav. & Trust Co.tS 1900 Chas. F. Barr__ 8-94 (830 Warrington Ave.) Henry Meuschke— A.H.Bregenzer, Jr., Carl A. Herbster, See. a n d T r. A . S ec. a n d A . T r. HOMEWOOD PEOPLES BANK- W. B. McFall____ J. C. Hill_______ A. G. Boal_______ W. R,. Cappe 8-85 (618 Homewood) «$§1900 8-63 (1113-15 Carson) »*§’71 ;t 1 PITTSBURGH Map opposite page 1090 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,033,000 3,060 1 649,130 1,919,940 192,570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Peo. N., Pitt. 211,440 75,590 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. B anks Advertising- give Prompt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence 1092________________ PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Pittsburgh—Continued__________July, 1918 1 o-oo viiio-iD u arson; » t s /i| PITTSBURGH Map opposite page 1090 .t I I I I II I I I I Tr. Co., N. Y. F irst N ational Bank AT PITTSBURGH, PA. C apital a n d S u rp lu s R e so u r c e s O ver $ 5 , 000,000 $ 36 , 000,000 o f f ic e r s ; DIRECTORS LAWRENCE E. SANDS President FRANK F. BROOKS Vice-President CLYDE C. TAYLOR Cashier OSCAR WILSON Asst. Cashier S. B. THOMPSON, Jr. Asst. Cashier W. J. FRANK Mgr. of Foreign Dept. P. W. DAHINDEN Asst. Mgr. of Foreign Dept. J. PAUL FORD Asst. Mgr. of Foreign Dept. JOHN A. BECK F. F. BROOKS WILLIAM L. CURRY JOHN A. DONALDSON J. ROGERS FLANNERY WILLIAM H. HEARNE J. H. HILLMAN, JR. D . T. LAYMAN, JR. C. H. McKEE A. M. MORELAND P. W. MORGAN WM. A. RENSHAW LAWRENCE E. SANDS With Ample Capital, a Board Composed of Successful and Representative Bankers and Business Men, and an Experienced Force of Officials, This Bank is in a Position to Care for the Business of Banks, Merchants and Individuals to their Complete Satisfaction. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis |; B anks Advertising: g;ive Prompt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE INVITED I ; Unity H o y a l ^ ^ N. Sewlekly ^ E ilw ood'jcVV X M a tfttS Caylors Ferfcy im berly ..... oEast vale B t o v i i i e 8 * y ^ e H e n o p l ^ New Galilee, 'a t - / , X I _ *j ¿í Cannelton .Homewood1 t B e a v e r f a lls A chor o , enw ood Fallston Vanport w, i x c>. St0b0Îm * < '.¿ ^ ¡g p S llo w s v ille iY r *2, ^Shippmgport | H , ao Hookstown X Saxonburg J , o „ SaxonburS. lvywood \ 3 ' Cart»' S arvev^ / Sgg •- „ V.^ Q Sarvers ? Ekastow n O» ? o x-'B a k e rs to w n S ta . 'W e x fo rd 0 © B ayne P. 0. Deronda 0 KeoQwu *t £ 6T*Ä Valley Camp V a lid e r g * l J $ A rn o ld l ^ e w K e n s i n g t o n ^ Apou o s « Y g Y < BryautlSta. W o rL Sbon^«Sv11 > M illig a n to w li ra u H o o V O.— —■YoÄ^erry y n u iu in / • .✓ v J F r a z ie r / / (G ib sp n ia i 0 \ EtJ , Ld e n d a ll S M Valencia av P ' * S ; Trail ^joo®’ ■ \ \ F lic k , — ' G re ^ n g a rd e n /N , s - - Z S A /nd erso n R o a d 1 Z e lle r , S e rv ic e o ^Tairview X y ^ V V a ° B r o t e V1 W . E conom y /S h e ffie ld 0 g sliaunOpin Sta. or H o lt° McCleary o attersista. or GlaW Mills E % S h afers . / 0de“ 0 McFann \ ÖWorthiugtoii ^ ^ y H ^ rm a n M c B rid e ) M e h a rg S _L eota) B row n sd aleN' Y ' ' s' v > o.Tefl>er?Ton'V n „ n n v en^? J S \ \ C en ter E v a i l S C it ^ Y e e d o m K nob j \ ^ P a rk Q uarries 1 J o n w a y S ta . o r J »m K A gnew P . O. i. B eaver E sther c Cannons Mill , o Calcutta . fl» « ® *Vvester0 sunflow( o B lackhaw k 5C h e s te r % lB rashereek] M arkin Odell 1° N ew B rig lito ii^ x W . B rid g e w a te r 3 Clarkson d OMfirwin -j > Carnot' C u m b e rla n d OClinton trsoix Penrith va-. »»- e w*» iester ( e \ X \ Tyrecr Beecbeliff0 RemingtoaSherij*%^TOpg. ex, \ / , <& A c> . ^PGayly Crajftonp ^ % Idlew orfdLXci®^ B a v in g to n V ^ o rth S ta ^ ^ St t. «0t^aV xVî.^0 Me jS iS r t* ? 1 , =a-c’ 0( Delmont < Candor ^ iBoquet V " Reias/flX Ow ^ tS E : ■. “ 'S ’j * t.'CA % vH WeStVanA ■5,lenAeU ^ M cConne^ .+ W. Middletown c Independence Buffalo o ‘t , , A.cheson va tß, ' czC a n o n s b, u r iö? °<> Houston Becks Mills <?. % >1;, * Q» Co wans- -jfSS® Houston Run Courtney KämmererRiver Vie /Â) vi» ill Á ''"lotowr Mothers T unnel Siding _ ir o lOe— &, Claysville s Old Concord, >Crows Mills. Bristoriao X 1^ m G çVtyfri McCracken ! Cogley W oodruff Denver Sta. or Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H i? bee E. Bethlehem g,Tw. Union *Deerlick ° Ruffcreek Aleppo ° o Bigtree ' O Morford W hitecottage N ettlehill c New Freeport € T rium ph A shtree ° o o ty D Carmichaels 0 o Khedive W ay n e sb u rg N R Delphene o W oodruff Oakforest o oPinebank' Fordyce G sSpraggs \ E p ie“ ' O t t R y f e C^ )~>3^ e S o n e E r p ‘ Ceylon ^ f [ °Masontown W i Griffin o ^ - Itjl* 9 Woodside \ J R uth Sta cl I ) p ville lXewhaven ^ / Laurelhitl J . e^ O ^ P > . (tU x J I V »• 6 ¡}j> 11** ^ 0^ 0 Chalkhill Q. C -//* ? /& > Grays Landing \ ^J/ Oldfram e pi y jt* Ma|pletown O p S m itllfie ld A ----- » „ . >New Geneva / Haydentown 0 / o 0 ; Wiley \\ Outcrop A Ruble D avistow n1 Morris L „ Crossroads o /“ °E m m e Whiteiey 0 Gump oand ■ Foo ted a I n Ada GatSs etto «McCieUiauu’-'', f e . - 'I o, Sii^sbee O ¿Bluff Buzz o Hoovers R un * Alverton oMacbeth f' Big Meadow E. Millsboro Run , Merrlttstown°\_ Davidson * p. Ormond Heistersburg >^ 1 / ^ ° Brier htg Hill v q ^ jiflf -Brier" _\ o ^ Rices L a n A ^ ^ Iw n - - 0 ^ So»Dearth < o Jefferson ¿I «Viet ShamrocW^ÏÏÎs0 V ^ \ N , Sw arts Rogersviile Holbrook Lock l'0- W* tro tyl* '': » /H e e r * * ” oWindridge H unters Cave° R utan o • 'Ryerson Sta. Rocklick Beelers Sta xX Smithton i r arrf Leuffer Sce % / S r i '* . Durbin '\fo y V ankirk o Harveys Caiis o Raifsdale >\ln Port Hoyai Sta. or Fort Royal V % \F itz Henry P. 0. . / ~-0 Meud0ÍI , i \ i plcCçacken Sta. or Sunset P. 0. V anburen Simpsons Store •^nSurdette ®no Time0 Nineveh o Video o - x Q “W olfrun Kostravero iY E . F in le y Dallas o Sta P1 Cedar C r e e k lÿ à >\ Re d " <;tii '1 1 V >i F arm ington o * / ^ Y *Oq EllioMÍiville ille Copyright, 1909, b j Rand.McXtUy t¡ Co.: Co " x / MAP OF THE VICINITY OF PITTSBURGH Twilight op S tra b an e 0 G lyde° E lvilia ° r E V rg ^ o ^ »( E ngland o Æ / Prosperit Luellen ^ a rth p ld i o Good Intern,0 Y j ^ ^ t y V . 0 Amity SpartaoDun n f | ^ e ¿ Y G T Hackneys rRoneyspoint I W & sP o n Webster H““ ' G T t { W ir 3 I 011011 „ St. Cloud W! L iberty & aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiininniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii !l!IIIlllIIIII!l)liniliniIlll|]!!ÌiI!!IIII|ÌIIUl!UilIIIIBi» SURPLUS $ 550,000 liiliUHIIIll CAPITAL $ 500,000 OFFICERS DIRECTORS A. S. BEYMER W. H. NIMICK, President D. F. COLLINGWOOD R. J. DAVIDSON A. S. BEYMER Vice-Pres. and Cashier JAMES W. KINNEAR GEO. P. RHODES, Vice-President if ¿ 1 ü I Vi.« m m é lm W. H. NIMICK i E. N. OHL G. P. RHODES GEORGE SIEFERT, JR. Assistant Cashier W. B. RHODES JAMES D. RHODES W. P. WATSON, Assistant Cashier liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiHii te:: HUGH H. DAVIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllüllIIlilllüIHIillUllilllilllillllliiillliillillillillllllll iitiiiuiiiiii Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in g q Number under Maine o f Bank is the Mew T ransit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Ran cl-McNally Bankers’ P T ' T ' T ' Q T 5 T T T ? f i W ____ P n n t i m u > H ____ T ? a c a r v e S r X X A O -D U Iv V jm V/U1IUX1U CU XX-CoCA VC H n a p v n r e n n s n n *nr * v r n \ P i f v . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laves, Directors, indexed in back of th is volum e. For Interest States, Grace, pfi».. hpo tm u t d 1A. Fnp Hnlidavs. sp.ft rmnnsitp njurp 1R Number ander Name of Bank is tb e New T ransit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ under th e au tho rity of The American Bankers Ass’n. P T T H T C R T T T ? r i U ____P n n t i m i f a H ___ D n c a r v e P i in XT X X 1 V /U IIIIX IU C U X v C o C l VC (Federal Reserve District No. 4, PITTSBURGH BRANCH) Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks, Assn. §State tPriv. Est. ‘K EY STO N E NATIONAL BANK 8-27 (320-22-24 F ourth Ave.) • t ’84 Vice-President. P resident. Ass 't Cashier. Cashier. A. S. BEYMER___ A. S. BEYMER------ G. SIEFERT, JR. G. P. RHOBES W. P. WATSON W. H. NIMICK Liabilities . Surplus I ndivid- D eposits AND UAL OF P rofits D eposits Banks \_ O urs is a Personal, E xpert, and E ffic ie n t S ervice. A t Y O U R service. 576,000 99,310 111,070 1,811,860 — 1,097,140 600,140 379,120 54,750 N. City, N. Y.; Diamond N. and W estern N., P itt. 100,000 226,410 1.146,280 1,255,210 183,310 34,170 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 300,000 138,900 1,557,000 322,500 118,800 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil. 8,000,000 4.254,080 65251280 36221070 47281870 47 790860 19035360 C h a se N ., N . C ity , a n d N . Bk. C o m ., N . Y .; C o n t. & C o m ’l N . a n d 1 st N „ C h i.; F r a n k lin 4.015.070 N. a n d G ir a rd N ., PhU . ; M ech.A m . N ., S t. L .; N . S h a w m u t, B o s .; W ells F argo-N ev. N ., S an F .; C a n al B k. & T r. C o., N . O. 100,000 59,970 1,345,670 M anchester Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. G. C, G erw ig__ __ A. H. Trimble . . G. C. ¿needier 8-103 (JL312 Beaver A ve.)<§’03 G. F . Dombart, O. F. Mayer, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr, 250,000 MANUFACTURERS BANK-tS’f Daniel P . B erg____ J . C. Rudolph . ‘MELLON NAT’L BK. 8-26 (510-514 Smithfleld) (409 -413 F ifth Ave.) < ’69 (406-410 Oliver A ve.) A. W. MELLON— R. B. MELLON---- B. W. LEWIS--------H. S. ZIMMERMAN A. C. KNOX E. M. FOSTER W. S. MITCHELL A. W. McELDOWNEY 8-97 (1410 F if th Ave.) < $ ’02 ARTHUR L O V E R 671.000 E. BREITW IESER, 125,000 20,550 '721,160 ----------- - 565,730 58,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st N., P itt. 122,430 768,860 732,590 264,360 505,480 218,790 127,290 Seab- N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Peo. N „ P itt. 117,340 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 7,605,110 1,248,860 1,176,320 294,290 Han. N., N, City, and Imp, & Tra. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and N. City, Chi,; N.Bk. Com., St.L.; Corn Ex. N. and 1stN., Phil.; 1stN „ Clev. 177,600 1st N..- N Y. and Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil. 649,030 1st N., and Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N „ Phil.; Peo. N., Pitt.; (M em . F ed . R es.) 44,730 N. Park, N. Y.; Colombia N., Ex. N., and Diamond N „ Pitt. Collections carefully mad P E R S O N A L attention give n all business entrusted to u s . Try us fo r pr ompt, efficien t, personal se rvice. < ’88 National Bank ’of- A m erica< ’75 F . N. Hoffstdt— .I T. W. F rie n d .. : 8-67 (709-11 E. Ohio) John G. Pew _. 0AKLAN0 SAV. & TR. CO.<§'03 J . J . Flannery 8-101 (Vanadium B ldg.), Ohio Valley Bank— . ___< § ’99 W. D. Sharpe. 8-82 (640 Preble Ave.) 1 PITTSBURGH Map opposite page 1090 J . D. F ra ser h S0E_ Geo. C. A rn o ld ___ J . E. Fulton 200,000 83,780 1,438,060 125,000 38,910 1,000,000 1,808,290 7,986,850 7.986,850 2,420,960 1,000.000 Geo. G. S ch m id t... H. J . C. B reker . . . 200,000 405,410 4,663,350 J ohn G. Pew, S e c .. C.B. Ay leswerth, T r O. 0. Young, A . Tr. 200,000 285,000 4,249,420 — Jam es P. Wall____ J . H. B ragdon____ 14,150 110,470 100,000 64,260 786,310 34,680 2,106,940 2,253,510 4,027,390 » 50,000 354,240 432,940 907,260 117,650 1093 120,670 Sec. a n d Tr, +M0N0NGAHELA NAT. BANK Jam es W. G ro v e .. J . D. F ra se r. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,197,000 36,390 Liberty N., Pitt. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1047. Metropolitan National Bk._$’75 W. J . Zahniser____ M. C. Cameron____ H. B. Stewart_____ 8-69 (4101 Butler) Metropolitan T rust Co.___§’04 W. j . Z ah n iser___ G. V. M illiken____ John J . Daner, 8— 112 (4740 Liberty Ave.) Cash, and Tr. 8-21 (Liberty, Wood) (and Sixth) 176,700 U n e x c e lle d c o lle c tio n f a c ilitie s . E. L. PARKER M E R C H A N T S SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Ih . M. Schaefer 50,890 PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—P ittsb u rg h —C ontinued 790,930 Jam es F. Collins__ C. G. Mcllvain 144,440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Centennial N. Phil. 273,580 Liberty Savings Bank___..§ ’04 H. H. Woods_____ E. H, Myers, Jr.8-110 (6101 Penn Ave.) (301 Smithfleld) E x- CHANGES 867,190 132,990 1,227,050 8-68 and 512,670 200,000 MARINE NATIONAL BARK *¿’75 George C. Burgwin W. H. Brown_____J . S. Brooks______ C. E. B raun____ Principal Correspondents. Cash SE E AOVER TiSEMEN T ON OP P0SITE P AGE. J . H. T h o ern er___ (1739 Carson) Resources. Loans a Bonds, D ue FROM DisSicuriCOUNTS TIBS. BTC. B anks $ 500.000 $ 646,680 $ 6,103,190 $ 730,430 $3.627,470 $ 1.987,170 $ 1,461,320 $ 102,460 S eab . N. a n d Irv in g N ., N . Y .; N. B k . R e p ., C h i.; G ira rd N ., P h il. Liberty National Bank___< ’90 H. H. Woods_____ E. H. Myers, J r .. 8-75 (6101 Penn Ave.) 8-73 . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, _l,aws. Directors, indexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,' etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. July, 1918 Ya q o X\J^fO Directory, For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to lawyers) $ E. C. Chalfant___ ; E. M. D iebold____ Park 'Rank 8-111 (6106 Penn Ave.) PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL BK. 50,000 $ 108,000 $ 2,200,000 200,000 212,280 1,132,640 $ 100,000 71,350 1,016,760 $ 1,890.000 $ 130,000 $ 185,000 66,090 798,250 511,620 116,420 430,580 668,490 73,710 1094 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the Mew T ra n s it N u m b e r given D T T T C P T I D ___ P A n f i n i i o i l ___ P o e A n u f 'i t - v r A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, m to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e K and-M cN ally B a n k e rs ' t i l l o D U i x u l l k /U IlllIlU C U i \ C S c r V C V -> liy dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t R a te s , G race, D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n . (F ed eral R eserve D is tric t N o. 4. PIT T SB U R G H BRANCH) _________ e tc ., see page pag 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13. .................. r P rincipal Correspondents.» R esources. Liabilities . Name of Bank. Cash D ub •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Subplus I ndivid D eposits Loans a Bonds, Ass ’t Cashier. P resident. Vice-President. Cashier. P aid-up and E x FROM D is Secubiand op ual tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Capital P bopits D eposits Banks counts . TIBS, BTC. Banks changes Est. 1nnA ±U yT 90,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; Union N „ Pitt. 28L930 1 stN ..N .Y .;T radesm ens N „P h il. 8-81__ __ . < ’90 (B utler and Penn Ave.) 8-104_________________ » « ’03 ‘PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 8-18 (409-411 Wood) < ’64 ROBERT WARDROP-A. C. ROBINSON— J. H. ARTHUR------- J. Be M. WERTS — F. R. FLOOD J. W. WARD S pecial a tte n t i o n given to C o llectio n s fo r B a n k s. N . B k . C o m . a n d 1 st N ., N . Y .; . B k . R e p ., 1 st N ., a n d C o n t. 1,000,000 2,210,730 16,789,910 8,114,250 14052080 8,610,980 4,891,390 1,667,240 N & C o m 'l N .. C h i.; N . B k . C o m ., S t. L .; 4 th S t. N ., P h il. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1047. 8-55 (Fourth Ave. and Wood) D. McK. Lloyd____ J . B. McKown, S. E. Hare, A . Sec. See. a n d Tr. C. W. Kiser, A . Tr. R. Wardrop Geo. Armor, A . T r. W. D. George J .O . Miller, 8-88 (1736-38 Carson) Wm. Henning A. C. Robinson— Pittsburgh Deposit & T itle Co. 8-120 (331 F ourth Ave.) §’12 Pittsburgh State Bank___»i’85 8-70 , (507 5th Ave.) S. F. Loch......... . 3,000,000 6,302,470 10,501,680 H. F. Wigman, Gilbert S. Eallert, Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. 250,000 H. A. Miller, Sec. a n d Tr. 125,000 13,680 575.490 Emanuel D y m ..__ 50,000 24,470 354,770 Pittsburg T rust C o ._____< § ’93 L. H. G ethoefer__ D. G. M cK ee____ J . H. McGinnity, W. D. Jones, T r . . . S e c . J . W. Hoffman, 8-76 (323 F ourth Ave.) B. H. Smyers A . Tr. A. T. Rowe,A. Sec. 2,000,000 1,029,180 17,041,720 14,650 300,460 John R. Hays— __ W. K. Gamble, Sec. a n d Tr. ) G en eral R a n k in g a n d T r u s t B usi n ess. M akes Abs t r a c t o f T itle s, < § ’07 \5% a n d 5.4% M o rtg a g e In v e stm e n ts . I n s u r e s T itle s to R e al E s ta te . 8-116 (Fourth and Grant) 480,400 131,240 2,320,890 Provident TrustCompany.*§’02 0. F . K irsch ler___ H. C. Albrecht, J r .. A lbert Beck, T r . . . H. C. Albrecht, J r., H. W .Hechelman Sec. 8-95 (900 E . Ohio) W. E. Conroy 150,000 102,700 705,000 REAL ESTATE SAVINGS & TR. Thomas E. Long__ Jam es M. D uncan.. Edward A. Young, J . M. Boggs,A . Sec. Sec. a n d Tr. R, L. Leety, A . T r . CO. 8-102 (516 Federal) < § ’03 400,000 J . G. Miliauckas ~ A. M. S u tk aitis___ 164,470 2,095,360 17,266,850 499,730 905,400 531,110 581,390 171,770 1,715,470 50,000 Polithania State Bank____$§’09 F. M. S chrack____ H. W. F iler_____ 8-117 (1910 Carson) B. W. Woshner 62,081 262,290 474,800 7,864,390 30,170 1,730,580 3,505,720 Real Estate T rust Co.__ <§1900 D. P . B lack______ J . N. J a r v is _____ C. E. Griffin, Sec... J . H. Schloter, T r. 8-83 (F ourth and Wood) W. S. Van Dyke M ap o p p o site p a c e 1090 Digitized forPITTSBURGH FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis „ iiii€lBr JVar.,e of Bank i s t h e New Transit *5 66,820 2,190,380 2,000,000 1,810,550 4,014,180 491,050 71,480 Han. N „ N. Y.; Mellon N „ Bk. of Pitti N.A., and Com w.Tr. Co., Pitt. 61,290 K naath. Nachod & Kühne. N. Y.; Bk of P itt. N. A., Diamond N., and Union T r, Co., P itt. 345,000 N. City, N. Bk. Com., and Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; (M em . F ed . R es.) 52,670; Liberty N „ N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Mellon N., F irst N., andDuquesne N .. Pitt. 311,000 62,180 309,630 Han. N. and Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y. 58,020 635,100 1,200,570 2,006,650 459,080 121,690 Seab.N . and Guaranty T r. Co., N.Y. Peo. N., P itt.: Girard N., Phil. 705,000 125,000 65,000 62,700 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt N. A., Pitt. 1,168,270 1,102,880 246,320 128,460 Seab. N., N. Y.: Union T r. Co., Chi. Duquesne N. and Peo. N., Pitt. 2,022,600 1,369,120 163,310 Bkrs. T r. and Guaranty T r. Cos., N Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N. P itt. POTTER TITLE & TRUST CO. 1O Q 9,330 Penn. N „ Pitt. C. W. Davison (Butler and Penn Ave.) 4,760,750 PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—P itts b u rg h - ^ -C o n tin u e d _________ July, 191« PENNSYLVANIA SAVINGS. BK. J . S. S eam an____ R. M. Davis______ S. B. Calhoon____ S. M. B auersm ith. B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Number g i v e n i f , e a c h b a n k i n IT. S . exclusively b y Tile Kail (I-iVlcIVally Bankers’ Mrectory, under the authority o f . The American Bankers Ass’n. PITTSBU RG H —Continued—R eserve City _____________(Federal Reserve District No. 4. Pittsburgh Branch)___________ A c c e s s ib le dexed in b a c k T o w n s, L a w y e rs, L aw s, D ire c to rs , in of this v o lu m e . For Interest Kates, Grace, '—I etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 \ C B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence PITTSBURGH M ap o p p o site p a g e 1090 „ Ullilerifame of Bank » t h e New Transit N u m b e r g i v e n N ame op Bane. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. President. Vice-President. f - f_ i■ n_ t_ i_ m_ i_ e_ H e_ Q e_ m e ■ _ _ _ _—_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 . _, r „ 1 _. ,V r ■ (Federal Reserve District No. A. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. P aid-up Capital Pittsburgh Branch) O i t v ' “' l l y , A c c e s s ib le Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, i n dexed m back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,] Liabil it ie s . Resouri e s . SUBPLUS I ndivid D eposits Loans & Bonds, Due AND ual or Dis Securi FROM P rofits D sposits Banes counts ties, ETC «SECOND NATIONAL BANKi 65 J . N. D avidson___ W. L. G uckert____ A. K. G ru b b s____ J . H. Davidson . . $ 800,000 $ 962,040 $ 4,447,000 $ 373,520 $ 3,221,670 $ 2,255,460 $ o f Allegheny. E. G. Lang H. Evans 8-15 (Federal and Parkway) S heraden Bank _________ $§’01 H. E. Clark______ Geo. F. S m ith ____ W. W. H ill______ 8-98 (Hillsboro & Char tiers) Principal Correspondents. C ash and Ex- 2,820 $ 1,062,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Cài.; 1st N., Phil. 50,000 17,500 419,000 180,000 190 000 Sonth Hills T rust Co___ » tt’63 Edwin W. Sm ith__ E . Q. Bigham____ J . J . Meisel, H. W. Baker, 8-106 (Shiloh and Sycamore) Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. 125,000 80,520 981,660 409,640 659,790 58,000 South Side T rust Co.____»tj'01 Benjamin Page___ J . B. Laughlin____ George Kirch, F. A. Bauer, A . Tr. 8-89 (Carnegie Bldg.) C. E. Breitwieser Sec. and T r. 300,000 207,570 2,083,850 1,628,300 495,850 431,130 96,960 Fidelity T r. Co., N. Y. 8 t. Clair Savings & T r. Co. Henry Henning__ _ Charles L a n z _____ J . H. Smith, 8-108 (300 Brownville «tS’03 Sec. and T r. Road) 125,000 50,000 750,000 . 224,540 550,870 150,000 22,420 Seab. N., N. Y.; Peo. N „ Pitt. Terminal T rust Company »$§’06 L. H. G ethoefer__ D. Gregg McKee__ A. P. Martin, W. F. Woestehoff, 8-115 (Carson and Term inal Sec. a n d T r. A .S e c .a n d A . Tr. Way) 125,000 29,020 463,750 369,450 186,510 W. McK. NEED— 20,870 Bkrs. T r. Co.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Union T r. Co., Pitt. 59,810 Seab. N., N. Y.; P itt. T r. Co., Pitt. A. R. HAMILTON... C. M.6ERWIG-— A.C. PITCAIRN— THIRD NAT’L BANK W e o ffe r S uperior Service to Banks and M erchants. 8-10 (H. W. Oliver Bldg.) »$’63 47.470 85,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. Your 500,000 275,940 2,777,090 Item s and Collections fo r Pennsylvania Invited. G IV E U S A T R IA L . «UNION NATIONAL BANK-<57 J . R. McCone_____ George M. P a d e n ... W W Bell E. S. Eggers W. P . Barker H. E. Reed 8-12 (Wood and Fourth) Union Savings Bank____ »$§’02 H. 0. McEldowney. E. V. H ay s.._____ H. I. Collingwood. S. L. S m ith______ 8-01 (5th Ave. and Grant) A. W. Mellon 513,970 2,774,200 1,128,800 2,000,000 4,308,150 26,369,910 4,597,590 19,768,030 6,278,990 1,000,000 1,290,300 18,076,620 860,460 16,531,600 1,500,000 84,974,910 76,622,170 92,613,840 10,628,300 503,570 265,490 S eab . N ., N. T .; C o n t. A C o m ’l N. a n d C o rn Ex. N ., -Chi.: G ira rd N .; P h il.; 3d N ., S t. Li 1,591,540 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., Han. N., and Chase N „ N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; N Bk. Com., St. L.; Corn Ex. N. G irard N „ and Phil. N., Phil. 2,521,900 263,600 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y. H. C. McELDOWNEY— A. W. MELLON_______ J. A. IRWIN, Sec. — J. H. EVANS, T r ......... J. M. SCHOONMAKER J. S. CARR, A . Sec. EDWARD CREDE, UNION TRUST GO. 8-72 ( 335 F ourth Ave.).»$§’89 J. A. InWIN SCOn HAYES A . Tr. W. W. SMITH, A . Sec. W.A.R0BINS0N, A .Sec. FLORENCE J. HILL, 12,194,460 A . Sec. N. Y .; F ra n k lin N „ P h il.; N . S h a w m u t, Bos.; (M em . F ed . R es.) Tuly, 1918___________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—P ittsb u rg h —C ontinued. u PITTSBURGH 1 OO *> i?, eai bank m U. S. exclusively by Tlie Kail(l-J\lclVally Bankers’ Plrectory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Any business entrusted to this Bank will receive prompt and c areful attention. ^Youn business solicited. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 420,000 5,303,000 5,121,000 374,800 1,300,000 1.355,000 952,000 Han. N.'. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 468,000 64,800 P itt. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to B O N D E D L A W Y E R S (See Indu to U n e n 10Ö5 Washington T rust Co.___*§’05 W. C. McEldowney E. S. Reilly . . . ____ S. G. Gallupe, Sec. M. Perlman, T r.__ 350,000 8-113 (F ifth & W ashington) John P. H arris P. L. Eiler, A . Sec. M. M. Carnahan, A . Tr. W est End Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. R. S. Hemiup____ H. S. H ershberger. G. T. Osborne, Sec. H. S. Hershberger, 125,000 8-64 (S. Main&Wabash)«t§’71 Ti ir..' D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity , N ame of of P IT T SB U R G H —Continued—R eserve City „ e^tc .,gseeBpage S S14. SF oSr HSo lidaayBs, >iseeBopposite ^ SH ® page 13* __ . T h e Am e ric a n B a n k e rs Ass’n (Federi 1— Ban k. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv . Est, P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . ------- ■ — P aid - u p C a pita l —— R eso u rces. L ia b il it ie s . B onds , S e c u r i counts t ie s , e t c . L oans a D is S u r pl u s I n d iv id D e po sit s and ual P r o fits D e po sit s 109$ lU y O of B anks D ue FROM B anks C ash and E x cha nges P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . p 1st N. and Am. Ex. N ., N. Y.; N. Bk. «WESTERN NATIONAL BANK Charles M cKnight. D. G. Stew art.......... H. C. Burchinal—. E . V. H ukill_____ $ 1,000,000 $ 456,680 %7,510,000 $ 668,220 $ 4,441,780 $ 4,087,050 $ 619,170 $ 1,284,600 Kep., Chi.: Phil. N.. Phil. G. H. Gerwig B. J . McConnell; Sec. 8-23 (Penn Ave, and 9th)»i’93 E . V. Hukill, A sst, to Pres. 250,000 WESTERN SAV. & DEP. BANK John Dimling——— H. B. Demmler — Charles E. Schuetz J . H. Demmler — 1,702,660 885,510 W orkingman’s Sav.Bk.& Tr.Co Emil W inter_____ H. E. Hardtm ayer. J . M. Anderson,Sec Chas. G. Wahl, Tr, Dwight W inter, T. M. Eees 8-57___(800 O h io )____»*§’68 A . Sec W. F . McCook E . B. Mellon . . W. McK. Eeed 125,000 704,960 308,710 267,620 177,310 36,510 Seab. N... m Y.; F t, Dear, N., Chi,; W estern N., Monongahela N., and Comw. T r. Co., P itt. 4,488,440 ,2.329,800 824,190 455,260 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 20,300 100,000 1,276,480 6,841,590 53,440 W. W. McCandless. Mgr, Selected L ist—IN V E S T M E N T D EA LER S Name of Bank. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. IM em . Inv. Bks. Assn. IState tP riv. Est. CHILIS, KAY ft WOODS-— * 05 (BROKERS) (Unión Arcade) Scholle & Co.. N. Y.; H arris, W inthrop & Co., Chi.; W est & Co., Phil. f S to ck s, B onds, J . S. B ach e & Co. a n d L o g an & B ry an , N . Y .; H o rn , b low er & W eeks, B o sto n . C o tto n , G ra in , P ro v isio n s (M embers N . Y ., Chicago, B oston a n d P ittsburgh Stock E xchanges, a n d Chi, B o ard o f Trade.) • t ’90 A. E. MASTENAve.)& GO. (823 F ourth William R. Compton Co.------ ’89 (W m . K. Compton l (M unicipal B o n (Farm ers Bank Bldg.) ( S to ck s, B o n d s GEO. W. EBERHARDT ft CO.- 01 i a n d G ra in . 1 (Investm ent 1 . Securities) Principal Correspondents. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State }Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. IM em . Inv. Bks. Assn.______Est. P rincipal Correspondents. Chapin & Co., Thomson & McKinnon, and A. Ó. Slaughter & Co., Chi. MCLAUGHLIN, BOWLAN & MacAFEE*» < (B o n d s)_______ P h ilip M . S h aw & Co., N . Y. C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r. C o lla t e r a l L o a n s and B o n d s . (Oliver Bldg.) GEORGE, ALLEN ft WHITEH0USE U n liste d , In a c tiv e S tocks a n d B onds. (Farm ers Bank Bldg.) ’12 MOORE, LEONARD & LYNCH (B r o k e rs )_______ S. B. Chapin & Co., N.Y. (307 F o u rth Ave.) Goldsborough and Ham m ond.’17 (Investm ent Secur (334 F o u rth Ave.) IO C S) y (F rick Building) GORDON ft COMPANY — - 1 1 0 In v e s tm e n t B a n k ers, B o n d s.' M e m b ers P itts b u r g h S to ck E xchange. (B R O K E RS) M oore, L eo n ard & L y n ch , N . Y. (Members N. Y ., Chi.. P hil., a n d P itt. Stock E xchanges) •T08 (Union Bank Building) fT . J . Connellan, N. City Co., N. Y., Chi., Phil., Bos., San F., and London, Eng. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY-T16 -< D ist. Sales M gr. Hathaway, Smith, Folds &C0._’17 (Com’l P aper)____ Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., St. L., Phil ( (I n v . B onds) (Farm ers Bank Building) and San F. (F irst N at. Bank Bldg.) E. H., Eollins & Sons, Bos. (Investm ent IA. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N .Y ., Chi., Phil., Bos., Buffalo, Balt, J. G. SPLANE ft C0. ~ - .l~ ent A. B. LEACH ft CO., INC.— — is (InvestmSecurities)' Securities ) (Commonwealth Bldg.) Securities) Mil., Minpls., Clev., and Scranton. (Commonwealth Bldg.) B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Digitized forPITTSBURGH FRASER Map opposite page 1 090 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 n n <1 to N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of B a n k is th e N ew 'T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv e n e a c h b a n k in U . S. e x clu siv e ly b v T h e K a n d -A fc N a lly B a n k e r s ’ T v rp x T a T o x rT x r a w tv a PE N N SY L V A N IA BANKS—P ittsb u rg h —C o n t i n u e d ________July, 1918 E. L. Jones, A . T r. William P enn Trust Co.—.«§’16 J . S. Crutchfield__ John J a c k so n ___ - F. T. Loeffler,Tr,. 8-122 (Penh A ve.and 21stSt.) Pittsburgh Clearing House— (Mellon N at’l Bk. Bldg.) (.Members indicated b y a * ) 528,650 Seab. N „ N. Y.; 3d N., Mellon N„ and Far. Dep. N „ Pitt. 400,810 2,466,000 C. A. M nehlbronner 8-77-(533 Smithfield)—*t{’95 Correspondence A c ce ssib le T o w n s , L a w y e rs , L a w s, D ire c to rs , in F o r I n t e r e s t K a te s . G ra c e .,1 d e x e d in b a c k o i th i s v o lu m e . ^uommonweaitn xiiug.; i ow/w/n'tws; B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence PITTSBURGH Map opposite page 1 090 o town and Oountt Name of Bank. P resident. Vice-President. j L. W. NUTTALL— T .J. LEE.................. C. R.H0UTZ Philipsburg.. Center D 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’92 < S pecial a tte n tio n given Bill o f L a 3 Pop. 3585 60-794 1Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft ( S end u s y o u r P h ilip sb u rg b u s in Gassier . Ass ’t Cashier. J.E . FRYBERGER— G.H BARNES Liabilities . Resources. Surplus Loans à Dis- Cash* Ex P aid-up Depos c ’ts. «Bonds, changes,Du* and Capital P rofits its Baonunn non Banks $ 100,000 $ 220,000 $2600000 $2075000 $ 845,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; F ar. Dep. 1L, Pitt. d in g d r a fts , C asb a n d T im e Ite m s . fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit B eports. ess. Moshannon National Bk.»t’97 D. R. W y n n _____ J . E. H o r n ______ D. H, Crosby 60-795 100,000 81.540 1,650,100 1,678,300 Phœnixville.Chester E 10 FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’L J. Clarence Parsons Elwood Detwiler . . R. M. Miller, J r . . . H. W. F u n k _____ 3 Pop. 11,714 BANK___60-466 _____ »$’72 100,000 120,000 1,100,000 1.225,000 J . 8. Dismant_____ 60-465 $’59 Phœnixville T rust C o...»$§’07 T. F. B y rn e _____ 60-467 P illo w ____ Dauphin E 8 Mahantonga Valley Bank §’18 Daniel S chm eltz... 3 Pop. 550 60-1487 Pine Grove-Schuylkill D 9 3 Pop 2200 60-992 Pine Grove National Bk.»$’16 M. H. Boyer_____ 60-993 Pitcairn__Allegheny E 2 F irst National B a n k ___»$’01 W. H. Doty______ 4P Pop. 7000 60-1304 P ittsto n ___Luzerne 0 10 Dime Bank.... ............. « i'll Alexander Sloan,Sr. 3 Pop. 18,599 60-330 F irst National Bank___«$'57 Wm. L. Watson__ 60-326 Miners Savings Bank—»$§’69 William L, Foster . 60-327 I. E. M iller______ A. D. Eaches 200,000 174,970 1,001,990 1,274,260 S. W. D eininger__ F. C. Marshall, Sec. a n d Tr. E. E. Dockey_____ H. A. D e ib e rt____ 125,000 80,610 25,001 2,500 549,800 625,910 John H. A n g st..—. Mark P. Haldeman. 95,000 190,000 225,000 E. J . Henninger__ Sue E. G oebell___ 25,000 14,000 260,000 260,000 J . S. L ichtenfels _. G. D. Stroup_____ 50,000 67,750 736,460 729,630 W. P. Jennings___ B. W. T e n n a n t___ T. A. Gibbons Joseph L. C ake.. G. E. L angford___ 100,000 67,460 893,820 947,140 H. P. Hess__ Principal Correspondents. 6» 252,530 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.: Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 85,340 Bk. of No. America, Phil. 130,730 1st N ., N. Y.; Union N., Phil. 186,930 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N. and Franklin N.. Phil. Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 25,000 1st N., Phil. 30,000 1st N. and 4th St. N.. Phil.; Miners N., Pottsville. P 112,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. o f P itt. N. A., Pitt. 74,360 Irving N ., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 250,000 480,910 2,922,730 3,589,810 314,010 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phü. 100,000 997,230 4,104,780 4,937,270 431,990 1st N. and A tlanticN ., N .Y .;lstN ., Phil. PEOPLES UNION SAVINGS W. J . Kilgallen___ A. C. S hoem aker... W. H. M cM illan... BANK___60-328 •«'71 250,000 173,550 1,619,890 1,834,250 211,240 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Corn Ex. N. Phil. W est Side Bank ... *«'09 L. B. Hillard G. .T. Trim_ 60-329 Pleasant U nity.W estm Td Pleasant Unity Nat. Bk. .*’03 A. H. Bell_______ D. S. Jordan __. . . J . B. W alter_____ 4P Pop. 625 E2 60-1305 50,000 10,000 295,750 281,140 50,190 N. City and Irving N., N. Y. 25,000 30,000 340,000 303,000 62,980 Han. N., N. Y.; F irst N., Pitt. Plum ville— Indiana D 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK M. 0. Wynkoop___ D. W. Raraigh____ D. W. Douds_____ 4P Pop. 414 60-1306 »$’05 30.000 29,190 250,630 262,840 44,010 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Inde* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Henry Lees _____ A. K. D eW itt_____ A. K. DeW itt_____ Elmer Cagey_____ J . E. Sturgis_____ E. E. Beardsley___ 25.000 81,910 1,002,190 772,560 217,150 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., 1st N., and Phil. N. Phil. 150,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Corn Ex. N-, and Franklin N., Phil. 362,640 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. E. M. Snider_____ J . J . Quertinm ont.. 50.000 19,120 391,820 391,520 113,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. Wallace Sherbine— Robert Pearce____ W. T. Yeckley____ 60.000 . 54,750 640,760 673,840 106,700 Mellon N., P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. L. C. V arner._____ T. M. P rin g le ....__ .T. G. Ehy ___ 50,000 43,000 323,970 332,260 100,000 32,150 818,090 851,150 107,630 Irving N ..N .Y .; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and Mellon N. P itt.; 1st N,. Phil. 124,100 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 50,000 35,630 365,570 488,260 50,000 70,000 375,000 425,000 700,220 847,090 J . J . Moore. . G. N. Postlethwaite B. C. T aber............. O. A. Dolley______ P . E. Bard' Joshua Bray_____ H. E. W eidm an___ L. H. Nicholas____ Wm. Swartz..____ J . G. H ertzler— 100,000 322,650 1,825,100 1,950,630 100,000 100,000 950,000 960,000 24,750 Liberty N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. T. B. M ille r-..___ Horace Storb___ _ C. P . Buckwalter — A rthur H. H u g h ... Jay D. Tipon Percy W illiam son.. 100,000 182,730 300.000 473,320 2,335,720 3,020,490 60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. N., and 4th St. N., Phil. 102,090 Chase N., N. Y,; Union N., Cent. N„ Market St. N., and Corn Ex. N., P hil. 571,190 N. P ark and N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. John W. Storb___ 200.000 275,580 1,316,340 1,857,450 151,270 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 125,000 281,920 1,659,730 1,641,790 315,350 Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil; D. O. Pomeroy____ W. R. W ijarton— Jam es H. M o rris... Wm. D. Schoenly.. TC J . Stnrh G. N. Malsberger— A. J. B ernhart____ W. M. Banting, G. M. Longaker, Sec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. For S A F E t Y and SERVICE, Send Your I ____■ U f______I . X . D A M n rn I A U /V C D C i Con Inrlav ln I ___________1097 Plym outh__.L uzerne 0 9 F irst National Bank__ ..» ’64 3 Pop. 19,100 60-322 Plymouth National Bank.t'03 60-323 Point M arion-Fayette F 1 F irst National Bank___»$’02 4P Pop. 2500 60-988 Peoples National Bank—«$'09 60-989 Portage____Cambria E 4 F irst National Bank_____$'04 3 Pop. 2954 60-1307 Miners & Merch. Deposit Bk. 60-1434 §13 P ort Allegany__McKean F irst National B a n k ____»'88 3 Pop. 1972 B5 60-934 Portland__ Northampton P ortland National Bank.«’03 3 Pop. 649 D ll 60-1308 P o rt R o y al..-Ju n iata D 7 P ort Royal Bank_____ •$t'94 60-1309 3 Pop. 535 Pottstow n—Montgomery Citizens National Bank—*'92 3 Pop. 16,794 E10 60-351 National Bank of Pottstown 60-348 $’57 National Iron Bank_____$’86 60-349 Security C o.____ __ __ » « ’87 Michael W. O’Boyle Leo R eap.. Joseph H. Glennon 1918_________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—Philipsburg to P o ttsto w n •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. Stete Bks. Assn.fPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,i etc., see page 14. For Holidays, Bee opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued Ju ly , Number ander Name of Bank is th e New 'Transit Number given exclusively b y Tbe Rand-AfcNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. 1D O7 to e a ° b b a n k in U . S. N u m b e r u n d e r N am e of B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in ü . S. exclusively by T h e B an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . Town and County. Name op Bank. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Kes. Dist. *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch Est. PRESIDENT. Ca sh ie r . V ice -P r e sid e n t . As s ' t C a sh ie r . L ia b il it i e s . R esources . oarék Dis- CabmA Ex* D epos L P aid - xjp Surplus c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dits and its Capital P rofits S«cuarn*8 fromBanks 0. H. Marshall___ 1 $ ‘ Pottsville-Schuylkill D 9 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. 60-252 *’07 3 Pop. 22,372 Miners National Bank__»*’28 Jacob S. Ulm er___ Jas. A rchbald____ Geo. H. D eF rehn.. — — --------------- 60-247 W 1 Ä FARMERS 622,270 0. T. B row n_____ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 e. a d ln g d r a fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. fo r presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit Reports. 203,940 1,503,490 1,730,530 276,900 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. J . W. Fox, Sec. a/nd T r. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 400,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 600,000 Chase Ni, N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil. F. W. Boyer_____ August K necht___ J . A. Medlar, T r . . . N. S. F aranhar, Sec. S. Jones, A . T r. J. A. Medlar 0. H. K line__ __ 1 3 2 ,6 2 5 215,373 1,559,160 1,651,270 199,550 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; F ranklin N., Phil. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 119,960 1,080,080 1,033,950 169,760 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. McGee_____ J . E. Pan tall_____ R uth Sprankle____ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 H enry B. Davis___ )T h e C ollection B ank o f P o ttsv ill ^Special a t t e n t l o n given B ill o f L \Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft 60-35 Aaron B. Walp „ H. H. R einhart___ 1 0 0 .0 0 0 359,290 1,079,540 1,532,200 147,320, N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil.; Melloh N. and Bk. Of P itt. N. A., P itt. 141,620 Han. N.. N. Y.: Diamond N. and Union N., P itt.; Phil. N., Phil. 820,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., PhU.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt. 81,920 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. \ 155,810 N. City, N. Y.; Union N., Phil. H. S. F unk _____ H. 0. Detweiler, Sec. a n d T r. 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 109,890 507,560 704,470 34,860 Title Guar. & T r. Oo„ N. Y.; G irard N., Phil, 5 0 ,0 0 0 51,920 I.H . DICKINSON . . . LLOYD L. WINTER on given Bill o f L a d ln g d ra fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eport s. u a rry ville Ite m s. 396,920 395,860 115.470 Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. W. J . B ro w n __ — H. 14 . J , H, F ink_______ H. G. Bowers_____ T. B. Mitchell. Sec. a n d Tr. F. C. Lang. _____ W. W. Winslow .T. H. Shellv S. F. Cressm an___ H, Hi Souder— mOO 939,980 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 101,260 1,348,420 1,458,590 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 323,000 3,386,000 2,935,000 5 0 ,0 0 0 56,590 696,810 764,330 6 0 ,0 0 0 128,780 456,110 517,540 186,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. E. M, M cCracken., 2 5 ,0 0 0 16,080 249,520 282,250 33,350 Ist N., Phil.; N orthern Cent. T r. Co., Wil liamsport. 392,670 Seab. N. and Irving N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Phil. 169,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Phil. • . N. C. S tull. . J . L. Mansuy O. H. Buhl_______ C. E. Leippe_____ J . H. Mull, S. D. Bausher Sec. a n d Tr. Louis F. K raem er.. O. S. G eig er_____ H. O. Miller, Sec. a n d Tr. H. B. Saylor J . H. Moyer_____ W. A. S harp_____ O. B. Wetherhold, Tr. W. S. Dickinson, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. H. F . Quereau, A . Sec. and A . Tr. J . P. Hennesy, Sec. W . H. R ehr, A . Tr. iG. K. W h itn e r... John Barbey_____ R. S. M eek_______ H. L. Althouse — 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 200,860 2,258,040 2,677,040 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 194,680 1,008,450 1,283,240 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 76,180 1,132,950 1,378,920 4 0 0 ,0 2 0 883,800 3,761,430 4,089,630 974,280 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’lN ., Chi.; 4th St N., PhU. 272,660 2,232,070 2,535,780 446,740 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont.& Com ’lN., Ghi.; Tradesm ens N. and Girard N., Phil.: Mellon N „ P itt. years o f S u e cessful B a n k in g . j C a refu l a t t e n t l on given to Bill 0 f L a d in g d r a f ts a n d n o te s. 115c p resen ta tio n fee m u s t acco m p a n y o th e r ite m s . 25c fo r c re d it re p o rts. <1814 ♦Keystone National B k - < ’72 John Bar bey_____ 60-38 ♦National Union Bank___*’57 W, H arry O r r ____ 60-36 ♦Neversink Bank_____ • §’01 60-47 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 857,980 G. W. Hensel, J r — L. Russel A m bler.. A. S. Harkness__ _ rr—________._____ ♦F irst National B ank. . . < ’63 George Brooke____ E. O. Nolan______ 60-37 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sara Robison, A . Sec. a/nd A . Tr. B. W. Young_____ W. A. Sutter 31,910 J10 4 N A T IO N A L B A N K Mellon N¿, Pitt. 661,640 3,253,300 4,284,470 (D. E. HELM_____ Quarry rille___Lancaster FARMERS NATIONAL BANK J Special a t t e n t i 60-1037 »*’06 Please send 15c w 3 Pop. 739 F 9 (Send u s y o u r Q Quarryville National Bank 60-1036 < ’83 Ralston— Lycoming C 7 F irst National Bank___ < ’09 3 Pop. 1000 60-1311 ‘ R ead in g ..__Berks E 10 ♦Berks County T r. Co.<§1900 60-46 3 Pop. 109,381 ♦Colonial T rust Co.__ <§1900 60-45 Commercial T rust C o....*§’04 60-48 $ 98,000 $ 900,000 $ 860,000 $ 170,000 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . . • t i ’ 70 ‘ Pottsville. Schuylkill D 9 Schuylkill T rust Go— < § ’88 60-250 3 (Continued) Union Safe Deposit Bk.*t§'96 60-251 Punxsutawney .Jefferson County National Bank ..«10 60-483 4P Pop. 10,000 D3 Farm ers & Miners T r. Co. 60-482 <§'07 Punxsutawney N at.'B k._<’01 60-481 Q uakertow n.. Bucks E l l Merchants National Bank *’02 60-780 3 Pop. 4500 Quakertown Nat. Bank.»{’77 60-779 Quakertown T rust G o...t§’04 60-781 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 Principal correspondents. J. W. Richards___ F. Z. H osier_____ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 149,110 Oitlz. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N „ PhU. Geo. B. Schaeffer.. J . E. L eb k ich er__ Jos. N. W anner . . . 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 275,390 1,109.580 1,268,900 349,690 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., PhU. Edwin Boone J . Edward Wanner 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 933,000 1,594,000 2,323,000 M. G, Taylor ______ H. S. S trunk. G. O, Runyeon D. N. Schaeffdr, Sec. 100,000 494,000 Liberty N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of No America, Phil. 68,340 Irving N., N. Y.; G irard N., PhU. Edwin Boone 78,950 424,180 546,290 PE N N SY L V A N IA BANKS—P ottsville to R eading _____________ July, 1918 Safe Deposit Bank. 60-249 A ccessible T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s , G race e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 P E N N S Y L V A N IA —Continued 1098 1 nOß B an k s A d vertisin g give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i? e a c il b a n k “ U- S . exclusively b y The Eand-McNally Bankers* TD V T M M C V T T r » TVTT A ____j Accessible Towns, . Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Grace. * Banks Advertising give prompt Attention to collections ana correspondence P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n In d e x T own and County . N ame of Bank . •OountySeats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. StateBks. Assn. tP rir. P is Pittsburgh Branch. ■" Est. ^Reading____Berks E 10 3 ( Continued) ‘PENN NAT’L BANK 60-40 ft, •• P r esid e n t . (A. J . BRUMBACH J S e n d n s y o u r Re 1P ro m p t a t t e n t i »t’83 iNo p re se n ta tio n X3T3'1NTTVTC»'VT V A TVTT A t Ji#JN IN o Y-I— / V AIN I A T ick-Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . J . 6, MOHN ad in g a n d B erks o n given sa m e by fee o n B ill o f Lad NELSON B.KEYSER C o u n ty C ollectio a n officer o f th e in g D ra fts a n d N ♦Pennsylvania T rust Co.«J8’86 Edward Brooke___ 60-41 Accessible Towns, . Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, \ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. „ 1 C o n tin u e d As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Loansk Du- Caskk lxP aid- tjp Surplus D bpos AND Capital P rofits ITS Sbcu&ctih non Banks Principal Correspondents , E. W. THOMAS-— $ 100,000 $ 325,870 $2 464690 $2763610 $ 276,940 Han. N. and Coal & Iron N „ N. Y.; Cont. n s. Com’! N., CM.; 1st N., Phil, and Clev. bank. o te s—10c fo r o th er Ite m s. E. H. K nerr, G. M. Jones, A .Sec. Sec. a n d T r. F. E. Nyce, A . Tr. 250,000 1,218,340 6,397,900 8,398,510 828,350 Mech. & Metals N., N. City, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil. 200,000 538,450 3,173,770 3,734,130 408,080 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 500.000 690,000 1,362,400 2,412,200 222,200 1st N. and Liberty N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil. 100.000 249,250 '• 817,790 284,880 Chase N. and Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil, 300,000 767,940 1,238,840 lv984,040 79,074 16,270 125,150 150,090 159,350 39,130 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 140,000 Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. ‘ READING N A T IO N A L 60-44 41 H .. " " “ B A N K Jam es T. Reber___ Charles W. Hendel. H. K. H arrison___ B. F . W hitm an___ *$’93 ♦Reading T rust Co.___«tS’86 J . G. M ohn____ _ 60-42 S. K. Spang, T r ,... R. M. Hoffman, Sec. ♦Schuylkill Valley Bank Wm. H. Lnden___ Frank P . Lauer___ H. C. Phillips 60-43 «ÍS’90 C. E. Leippe ♦Second National Bank__t ’81 Isaac H iester____ 60-39 W. H. Peocock___ Tobias Knoblauch____ tl900 Tobias K noblauch. 60-49 “ Reading Clearing Honse____ J . E. W anner____ {Members indicated by a * ) 844,210 231,120 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 1,220 T ransatlantic Tr. Co., N. Y. H.K. Harrison ,Mgr. J . E. Lebkicher, Sec. Reamstown___Lancaster Reamstown Exchange Bank A. E. Shimp_____ W. H. B u c h er____ S, P. W olfskill_. . . 3 Pop. 820 E9 60-1435 §T3 35,000 Red Lion_____ York F 8 Farm ers & Merchants N. Bk. Cornelius S tra y er.. A. C. F re y _______ 3 Pop. 3000 60-911 ’03 60,000 106,000 1,200,000 1,120,000 Peoples State B a n k ........«§’14 Levi K altreider__ J . W. Sboffer 60-1442 50,000 • 16,000 395,000 425,000 Red Lion F irst Nat. Bk— $’99 C. S. La M otte____ G. B. Murphy____ G. E. M e y e rs ...... 60-910 50,000 95,730 796,790 845,400 50,000 54,080 239,730 276,280 50,000 118,740 819,270 867,910 50,000 14,800 287,100 278,400 66,900 Diamond N., P itt.; Franklin N., Phil. 68,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., P itt. 29,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and W estern N., P itt. •• “ “ Reedsville____Mifflin D 6 Reedsville National Bk..*$’91 3 Pop. looo 60-1312 Renoyo___...C lin to n 0 6 F irst National Bank____»t’87 Jam es Murphy 3 Pop. 4621 60-1313 “ . , Jno. McDonald__ _ W. B. Reilley____ F. J . B rü n ett____ State Bank of Renovo-.^tS’H! W. H. H. Miller . . . H. F. M cFarland . . Chas, A, H all_____ G. F. Harlan 60-1414 Republic____Fayette F 2 F irst National Bank ’14 4P Pop. 1500 60-1441 Reynoldsville.. Jefferson Citizens National B a n k ...i'06 4P Pop. 3189 <4 0 4 60-829 i F irst National Bank....... *’98 60-827 41 Peoples National Bank.__»$’05 60-828 Rices Landing .Greene F 1 Rices Landing Nat. Bank_.’04 4P Pop. 671 60-1314 R ich field ..... Juniata E 6 Richfield B a n k ................ fftfO 3 Pop. 230 60-1315 Richland___Lebanon E 8 Richland National B ank..»’06 3 Pop. 722 60-1316 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,550 Chas. O pperm ann. J . D. VanKirk____ John P. Byrne____ 25,000 14,100 181,140 174,310 J . W. S te w a rt____ J . F. Dinger_____ J . W. Hunter 50,000 19,250 266,710 346,570 Jo h n H . K aucher.. J . S. Hammond___ August Baldauf___ A. G. C hristy_____ F . D. Smith Thomas Hughes__ J . M. W alton_____ J . E. W ood______ W. S. Neimond___ J . G. Shellev J . W. Deckard G. M. Focht____ I. W. Zue I. F. Landis M. T.. Rich............ 24,480 1st N. Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 144,520 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 52,850 4th St. N;, PhU. 117,600 4th St. N., Phil.; MeUon N., Pitt. 169,640 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 75,000 125,000 706,490 736,000 100,000 32,000 360,000 332,120 25,000 29,140 216,110 208,330 70,240 Irving N., N. Y.; Peo. N. and Far. Dep. N „ P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 10,000 25,000 325,000 300,000 60,000 25,000 19,830 289,930 189,910 64,220 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 66,270 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil, and Pitt. Tuly, 1918____________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—R eading to R ichland ___________________ 1099 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Eand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 1099 For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) P rincipal Correspondents. N ame of Bank. T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Fig. is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. P is P ittsburgh Branch. President. \ H.S. THAYER - S pecial a t t e n t i ¿Ridgway______ Elk 0 4 ELK COBNTY NATIOIAL BK. 1125c m u s t acco 60-695 < ’74 3 Pop. 5408 l SEND U S YOU Ridgway National Bank- < ’01 60-696 Ridley P ark National Bank 60-1464 <16 F irst National Bank____< ’08 60-1317 _ F irst National Bank____< ’03 60-1318 F irst National Bank------ < ’03 60-1319 Roaring Spring Bank---- t t ’02 60-1320 ♦F irst National Bank— < ’83 60-669 ♦Peoples National Bank—}’71 60-668 Vice-President. E. C. POWELL--,-, o n given co llectl m p a n y ea c h re q u R RIDGW AY IT Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt.; 4th C. E. LOCKHART— S. F. AHDERSOH— $ 100,000 $ 215,300 $1403500 $1578540 $ 240,260 St. N., Phil. o n s. e s t fo r r e p o rt or r a tin g . EM S. E. G. Williams____ M. J . C. W. B each. F . E. Clawson C. Russell Arnold . F. M. Pennypacker Wm. G. H alkett — F. J . Micheli H enry W e lls____ Clarence K ohl.— J . B. Poore F. L. Pinks______ A. J . H arnack____ L. P . A rner---------H. D. Rentschler__ R. A. B re is c h ____ H. H. Zulich_____ H 0 Fry A Heller (C C NOSS r pl u s oamsk Dis- Cashk Ex De po s L P a id - u p S uand c’ts. tBonds, changes,Dus it s Ca p it a i . P r o f it s 8ioubiotbs fromBanks 148,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 200,000 91,930 574,870 817,820 50,000 16,920 452,320 439,310 25,000 27,440 237,870 249,470 25,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 18,000 672,000 548,000 186,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 25,000 32,040 181,550 218,480 660,000 548,440 S. H. C ree_______ 50,000 57,500 I. F. Mansfield____ John H. Mellor H. P. Hartley A. P. Marshall____ Joseph C. Campbell E arl R a d tk e ______ 150,000 72,500 960,000 889,500 50,000 38,500 520,000 495,000 E. J. MENGEL, W. A. ROSE.............. C. A. STEWART, Tr. A . Tr. c. McCa u l e y w 200,000 17,600 370,000 530,000 j. 87,490 Corn Ex. N. and F ranklin N., Phil. 41,710 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phü. 207,100 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 164,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. N. and Duquesne N., Pitt. 93,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N. and Union N., P itt 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Bk. of P itt. N. A., and Duquesne N., P itt. < S pecial a tte n tio n given BID o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . Please send 15c w tth each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. | S en d u s y o u r R o c h e s te r B usiness 60-670 ♦(M ember o f Beaver County Clearing House, N ew B rig h to n ) Rockwood—Somerset F 3 Farm ers & M erch.Nat.I 60-1001 4P Pop. 1300 F irst National Bank . . . 60-1000 Rome____ Bradford B9 Farm ers National Bank 60-1421 3 Pop. 222 Roscoe..W ashington E 1 F irst National B a n k __ 60-1321 4 P Pop. 1450 R oulette__...P o t t e r B 5 State Bank of Roulette 60-1467 3 Pop. 829 Royersford .Montgomery National Bank of Royersford 60-838 3 Pop. 3500 E 11 ROYERSFORD TRUST CO. 60-839 < § ’l 25,000 7,500 200.000 190,000 25,000 60,540 701,000 542,030 F . N. M oore ______ J . W. C onklin ____ F . R. Powers — — Jas. E. Eastman .T. W . Ailes E. L. Collier __ !___ J . H. Underwood— J . W. S tephens ___ 25,000 7,900 125,000 109,000 38,900 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 34,240 300,880 380,180 52,430 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Far. Dep. N. Pitt. 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt.; Marine N., Buffalo; 1st N., Phil. 76,880 Han. N.. N. Y.; Girard N.. PhU. 25,000 W .G .V an K u ren .. T. J . Lawler_____ 150,000 Benj. D etw iler___ 125,000 J . A. Buckwalter „ G. E. Brownback — H. F . Grander, Tr. H. E. Anderson, Sec. F ran k Cobb, A . Tr. I. M. Schellinger B. M. Barlow, A . Sec. 30,000 R. M. Trollinger—. 25,000 Rural Valley Nat. B a n k .< ’i 60-1322 F irst National B a n k ___< ’! 60-1447 W. W. Deichman & Co— f: 60-1323 E rnest S. K elly— F irst National Bank........< ’i Jam es P. Watson— R. B. M cN eil_____ 60-1324 R. W. Sim cox____ Lorenzo C raig____ Mercer County State Bk..§'i 60-1325 4 P P o p . 639 M. B. Breneman— S. B. Stoler______ R. M. B renem an... W. 0. B o y le s_____ Saxton__ ...B e d fo rd E 5 F irst National B a n k ___t ’i 60-1326 3 Pop. 1195 W. T. Goodnow___ Sayre_____ Bradford B 9 F irst National Bank------ < ’i H. L. Bolich 60-638 3 Pop. 6426 National Bank of Sayre.»}’1 60-639 B. L. Sim pson____ A. W. Brinham ___ Scalp Level.Cambria E 4 Merchants & Miners Bk. 60-1439 <813 3 Pop. 1424 (W in d b er P. O.) 1 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Rural Valley—Armstrong 4 P Pop. 763 D2 Russellton. Allegheny D 1 4 P Pop 2000 Saegerstown__Crawford 4 P Pop. 712 B1 Saltsburg___Indiana E 3 4P Pop. 1044 Sandy Lake__Mercer C 1 42,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. W. M.G. Day _____ H arry Swank— — H. F. Berkebile— - H. H. S h u m ak er... E, E. Miller _______ H. W. Musser _____ 159,080 100,000 90,000 409,400 600,340 117,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N „ Pitt. 187,000 1,000,000 1,135,000 158,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N., and M arket St. N., Phil. 64.380 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. Pitt. 39,720 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 37,820 403,980 427,130 21,630 330,030 357,330 579,350 650,720 10,000 5,000 100,000 81,280 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 161,270 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Monongahela N. and 1st N., Pitt. 40,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 35,000 10,000 200,000 190,000 30,000 25,480 470,500 450,000 50,000 99,300 825,790 840,820 50,000 15,030 500,000 565,000 51,560 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 7,400 195,000 184,000 38,000 Irving N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. 30,000 84,440 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Peo. N., Pitt. 182,310 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—R idgw ay to Scalp Level ____________ July, 1918 Ridley P ark __Delaware 3 Pop. 2500 F 11 Riegelsville— Bucks D 10 3 Pop. 700 Rimer sburg...C larion C 2 4 P Pop. 855 Ringtown..Schuylkill D 9 3 Pop. 728 Roaring Spring—Blair E 5 3 Pop. 1903 Rochester__ .Beaver D 1 4 P Pop. 6000 1100 A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s,.G ra c e , e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13. N u m b e r u n d e rTTN r. am_ e___ oaf___ Ba_ a_n_1_ k___ is___the New T ra n s it N u m b e r riven n u u iu u , . rriiA Vaiwl.lIfnVullv R^nliPrc’ B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 ID I Number an der N a m e of Bonk is th e New T ransit Number g iv e n 1°. eac.h b a n k i ? U- S. exclusively b y Tile Kand-MclVally Bankers’ D T T kTX TC V T NVA TVTT A /~i________________a A c c e s s ib le dfìyfìd in T ow ns, L a w y ers, L aw s, D ire c to rs , in - t.Vii« volume Vav Intavncf Duine n.mnnn it__. V rr « i- u f w c -ï X . B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index T own N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each b a n k in U . S . e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e B a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ T D C ''\T k T O V 'T I T A tvtt A D ire c to ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . J r XI»IN IN ö X JL» V A I N 1 A " and County, Name of Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Federal R eserveD istrict. Est. P resident . Vice-President . Cashier . Scenery Hill Washington F irst National B a n k ___« í’04 G. E. Renshaw .___ C. E. Hill________ S. W. Rogers — 4P Pop. 233 El 60-1327 As s ’t Cashier . 25,000 Schellburg__Bedford F 4 F irst National Bank______15 J . A. S c h e lle r____ W. V. T aylor_____ W. C. Keyser — 60-1451 3 Pop. 314 W. C. Keyser Schnylkill Haven .Schuyl F irst National Bank____*$’99 0. 0. Leader_____ S. E. Mengle_____ F . B. Keller___ 3 Pop. 4747 hill D 9 60-736 S A M U E L ROW LAND— Lia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s C a p it a l P raonfdi t s it s 25,000 50,000 E . W .M cSPA R R A N , Tr. L THOM AS S. T. D IE B E R T , A .T r . SCHUYLKILL HAVEN TR.CO. j S pecial a t t e n t i o nE . given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts ,' C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . 60-737 «10 125,000 'Please send 15c w ith each, sight d r a ft f o r presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit R eports. Schwenkville___Montg’y Nat. Bank of Schwenksville Irvin S. Schwenk— J . P. K line---------- Wm. B ro m e r.. 100,000 60-1329 «J’74 3 Pop. 579 E 11 Scottdale. Westmoreland Broadway National B a n k .i’01 E. H. Reid_______ John R. Byrne____ Chas. S. H a ll__ __ 50,000 4P Pop. 5456 E2 60-692 F irst National Bank____« t’89 B. F. K eister.___ _ A. G. Overholt____ Charles H. Loucks. J . T. Strickler____ 50,000 60-690 B. A. W irtner THE SC O TTD A LE TRUST GO. 60-689 « ’82 AMERICAN BANK OF COMMERCE 60-25 274,950 35,490 Seab. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 2,000 118,000 121,500 40,000 Mellon N., P itt.; 1st N., Phil. 138,240 1,151,460 1,185,360 85,000 190,000 915,000 950,000 914,730 1,006,290 199,770 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. N,, and Girard N., Phil. 133,740 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Phil. 165,120 Union N., Phil. 43,820 859,460 932,620 95.990 C h ase N ., N . Y .; C o rn Ex. N . a n d G irard N ., P h il.; 1 st N ., P itt. H arry Laughrey, Tr. 148,800 75,000 1,026,600 973,680 216,720 U. S. Mtge. & T r. Co., N. Y.; Duquesne N. and Ex. N ., P itt. . F. L. Phillips__ 500.000 133,900 $1816 280 1700970 386,410 Irving N.. N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil.; Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 74,260 2,252,870 1,997,5/0 383,580 Seab. N., Irving N., and Public N., U. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil. 360,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Monongahela ,N.. P itt. 381,440 3,415,350 2,841,150 1,024,650 1st N ., N. Y. and Phil.: Mellon N., F ar. Dep. N., and 1st N ., P itt. B. F . K eister. L. M. Gates_____ Adolph Marcus — H. J . Spruks S C R A N T O IM’S N E W P R O G R E S S I V E 100,000 BANK. «§18 »«1 0 60-18 E. S. Jones, J r .___ W. H. Jones_____ J . B. Doyle D. J . Davis, Sec.__ 80,000 394,010 4,398,320 4,265,320 60,510 760,200 760,000 927,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 94,170 Irving N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Tra. N., 3d N.. and Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. 1,500,000 1,781,950 20628540 24415110 2,447,740 1 st N ., N . Y .; 1 st N ., C h i.; P h il. N. a n d 4 th ♦ S t. N ., P h il.; N . S h a w m u t, Bos. - . 1101 CHAS. S. WESTON J. B. DIMMICK — FRANK HUMMLER A. G. IVES_____ FRANK HUMMLER C. W .GUNSTER, ALFRED T. HUNT Mgr. F oreign Dept. GEORGE C. NYE • t ’53 R. 0. DEUBLER FIRST NAT. BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 235,000 125,000 Collections have the personal attention of an officer of this bank. Business entrusted to us given more than Just the necessary attention. ♦ELECTRIC CITY BANK *«10 G. L. P eck_____ - PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 19,000 815,000 J . F . M ears______ W. M. Bunnell__.— G. F . Stuckart, W .C. Miller, A .T r . 250.000 A lfred E. Connell Sec. a n d Tr. Charles McMeans, A . Sec. B0SAK STATE BANK~«Í§15 Michael Bosak____ George Munchak _ E. A. Bosak____. . . Jam es A. D oherty, 100,000 60-24 Sec. Joseph O’B rien___ W. M. R uth______ L. B. T y ler______ ( L. A. W atres 400,000 E. M. Rine ♦COUNTY SAVINCS BK.- *5’71 < S p ecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g D ra fts, C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. 60-6 I S end u s y o u r Sc r a n to n ite m s . 60-1 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 68,000 1,016,000 ♦ANTHRACITE TRUST CO. 60-17 & J. M. ZIMMERS — F. L. BROWN ----- C. S. WILEY, STANLEY ROWE, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. E. R. LOUCKS Scottdale Sav. & T r. Co— S’Ol J. S. P a r k e r _____ 60-691 ¿Scranton__ Lackawanna 3 Pop. 146,811 010 R eso u rces. Loan s D ip - C a sh & E x c ’tb . B o n d s , ch a n g es , D ub S e c u r it ie s f ro m B a n k s Blaine C. B igler__ $ 25,000 $ 21,520 $ 386,000 $ 410,000 $ 34,000 JN.Park, N .Y .; Diamond N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Schaefferstown. Lebanon F irst National Bank______’07 U. B. H orst______ M. G. U m berger__ W. R. Ramsay. 3 Pop. 1000 E9 60-1328 J .D . BERGER— Aeeessinme Towns, l a w y e r s , u w s , D ir e c to r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G ra c e , -C o n tin u e d July, 1918 __________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—Scenery Hill to S cran to n 1 1 H I For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The RaUd-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass»n. Town and County. PEOPLES SAVINGS & DIME BANK 60-2 Vice-President. Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loams&D ib - Cashk Ex c ’t b . B onds, changes,Dub Beo uritieh fromBaku $ 50,000 $ 25,660 $ 339.370 $ 279,820 $ 116,360 Atlantic N „ N. Y.; M arket St. N „ Phil.: Peo. Sav. & Dime, Scranton. F. F. Hendrickson. O. D. De W itt------ S .B .M . Williamson C. E. Cooper W. B. Layton_____ 50,000 George C. Nye, TV. 250,000 340,000 6,120,000 6,546,000 E. H. Shafer, TV— Geo. O. Sharps,Sec. 200,000 90,000 1,130.000 1,403,680 170,520 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. W. J , Jeffrey ____- E. E. M uller-------- 60,000 99.350 1,218,050 1,228,090 149,420 N. Park and Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N. and Far. & Mech. N „ Phil. E. J . L y n e tt_____ William C aw ley__ Jam es Blair, J r .__ R. J . Hubbard Timothy Burke 700,000 G. B. Carson_____ T. J . McHugh J . B. Dimmick____ f!. S. Weston F rank Hummler H. C. Shafer_____ H. J . Z ie g le r_____ Geo. O. Sharps Valentine Bliss — P. J . Ruane ; _____ H. E. Griffin / H. G. D unham ... 1 Geo. T . Dunham, ; V.-Pres. \ 15c m u s t accom / T h e p erso n al Se \ We w an t your Liabilities . Subplus P aid-up Dbposand ITS Capital Profits p an y each S ig h t D r a f t fo r p re se n t a tlo n . rvice B a n k . W e g e t re s u lts a n d m a k e p r o m p t r e m it ta n c e . S c ra n to n b u sin e s s o n th is basis. 70,390 787,700 804,830 103,270 1st N „ N. Y.; F ar. & Mech. N „ Phil. 150,000 1st N., Scranton. 560,330 8,879,870 9,250,590 1,189,610 Chase N., N. City, N. Bk. Com,, Bkrs. T r. Co., and Chatham & Phenix N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. N „ Phil. <§13 II 60-22 D. J . C am pbell___ H. C. R utherford— K, R. B urnett____ Jam es D. Jordan 50,000 16,200 204,650 237,360 John Von B ergen.. G. W. Beemer____ Floyd D. Beemer _ 75,000 62,160 833,330 850,050 300,000 204,380 30,990 Irving N „ N. Y.; Scranton. Union N . and 1st N„ 120,440 Scab. N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil. 60-15 « n •• •< to M Scranton T rust Co.___< § ’05 L. A. W atres..____ H. M. Edwards 60-20 J . E. Harney, TV... R. A. Hull, Sec— HaroldDoud.A.Sec. ♦SOUTH SIDE BANK — < § ’02 F. J . Helriegel 60-13 Alfred Gutheinz. ♦THIRD NATIONAL BANK**’72 William 60-4 'TR AD ER S NATIONAL BANK 60-8 " ' it ' f: „ ,, h — 60,000 502,760 109,630 1,174,290 1,156,970 S. S. Spruks B. B. H icks. / J . J . JERMYN— R. H.PATTERSON. D. R. ATHERTON ) U nexcelled facll itie s fo r h a n d lin g ] w ith p r o m p t re m itta n c e on { No a tt e n t i o n p aid to p la in sigh \ u n le s s acco m p an le d by p re se n R. A. G regory _____ J . E. Williams R. A. Chase ___ E. W.D0LPH ----------- CHAS. S. ROSS — 400,000 1.167,880 6,242,430 7,478,400 500,000 700,270 5,544,570 5,868,850 Ml ■* Y .; 726,710 Am. Ex. N „ N. Y.; Cont, Girard N „ Phil. 1,052,980 & 1st N., Phil, and Com’l N „ Chi.; H a n . N .t N . Y .; F ra n k lin N ., P h il.; 1 st N ., Bos. < ’89 W. W. McCulloch.. ♦UNION NATIONAL BANK«*’07 F . W. W ollerton... H. C. Wallace 60-16 T. G. Evans. . ♦W est Side Bank ______ < § ’74 W. R. Williams— W illard M atthew s . 60-5 D ll DU A ufiirc r n .+ ( Investm ent Secur — - —— •+ D f lo fe.t VVa-----Members N . F . S t ock Excha/nge B. B. Hicks, M Scranton Clearing House ____ C. S. W eston _______ ( Members indicated by a * ) Selinsgrove—Snyder D 8 Farm ers National B a n k .< ’07 60-981 3 Pop. 1700 500,000 225,880 2,184,800 3,026,610 472,070 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N „ Phil. 60,000 154,760 1,501,980 1,678,690 154,390 Chase N „ N. Y.; IstN ., PhU. Edw. B. Smith & Co., N. Y. and Phil,: Brooks & Co., Wilkes-Barre, Binghamton, N. Y .,and Hazleton, Pa. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., Phil., Pitt., Bos., Buffalo, Balt., Mil., Minpls., and Ciev. r. Gladfelter ___ W. B. Layton, Sec. g r Sholly _______ 50,000 33,960 387,850 419,390 Chas. C. W a lte r . . . Wm, M. S ch n ü re.. 50,000 120,480 620,140 713,640 W. F. Day _______ 75,000 145,590 W. H. Snyder.... 25,000 7,200 K. C. W alter. Roscoe C. N orth__ 60-980 S ellersville...B ucks E 11 Sellersville National Bk. < ’82 60-1330 3 Pop. 1572 Seven Y alleys..Y ork F 8 Seven Valleys Nat. B a n k .t’09 H. 60-1331 3 Pop. 600 ____ W. 0. 858,370 1,057,510 181,000 175,000 97,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N., PhU. 126,980 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and G irard N „ Phil. 94,100 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N-.^PhU. 35,000 Girard N „ PhU.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. A. F . Koller PENNSYLVANIA Map on inde» Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •tf 4 a m 187,000 Chatham & Phenix N „ N. Scranton. B-L D ra fts d a y o f p a y m e n t, t d r a fts ta tlo n fee o f 15c. A. B. LEACH & CO., INC. 18 (.Investm ent Secur " 1,610 Co. Sav., Scranton. Number under name of hank is"th e New transit Number g iv e n h o n lr TT ft . . . . . I >>. 1 . . . 1 1- t ., - i r l i . I . . . . . . I IV, . . V . . I I . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence - ------ _ _ _ --------_ ------ — . . _ À - Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, birectors, in- PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—S c ran to n to Seven V alleys__________July, 1918 Scranton— Lackawanna Green Ridge Bank____< § ’10 (S cra n to n C ontinued) 60-21 H ,M 60-14 * il Lackawanna T rust Company 60-7 * « ’87 II II ♦Lincoln T rust Company 60-23 <§13 »’« M ♦N orth Scranton B ank.< § ’01 60-11 President. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. ,V A N T A-- Continued V /U llU U U C U Name of Bane. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. *• PRM M Q Y T JT .E/iN IN O 1102 1 1n 9 IIU 4 B an k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to Collections and Correspondence P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n in d e » Number under name o t bank is*the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Kami-McNally Bankers* Ton» and County. Name of Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tP rir. ; P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. P resident. ( R. d. M URRAY. iew iekley. Allegheny D 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’90 4 P Pop. 4479 60-740 Vice-President. Cashier. As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Liabilities . Resources. Surplus Di«. Cash k KxP aid-up Dbpos- cL’otba.m Bkonds , cnarobe,D cb and Capital P rofits ITS Becchiti** m o n B anks Principal Correspondents. $ $ S 100,000 $ 62,440 1,268,230 1,327,610 $ 131,630 N. Park, N.Y.; Mellon N „ Ist N., and Peo. N., Pitt.; Ist N., Clev. EZRA P. YOUNG_ _ _ _ E . P . C O F F I N . C. T. HARBAUGH S. C. RITCHEY S pecial a tte n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . Please send 15cw ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit Reports. S en d u s y o u r S ew ickley Ite m s . J A M E S W .G R O V E - F . R . S T O N E R - - - - - - - A . S T A N L E Y , T r ----- W. J. G R A D Y , A .Sec. 125,000 S pecial a tte n tio n given BUI o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . Please sencflSc w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation a n d 50c fo r Credit Reports. P ro m p t Service . W e g e t R e su lts SEWICKLEY VALLEY TR. CO. 60-741 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,] etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued « ’01 99,130 1,032,910 968,020 226,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt. 844,220 927,950 113,610 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil. Shamokin ...N o rth u m b ’d Dime T r. & Safe Dep. Co. F. P . Llewellyn___ W.U. J u ry ______ J . L. Sheef, T r .___ C. F . Heim. Sec.__ 3 Pop. 21,129 D8 60-264 < $ ’10 125,000 186,000 C. C. Leader__ —L E. G. S eiler______ J . W. Haupt, A .T r . R. N. Buffington, GUARANTEE TR. & SAFE A . T r. DEP. COMPANY------- « 95 125,000 365,000 1,227,620 1,411,820 Market Street National Bank W. H. Unger.i:___ M. G. S t i e f - _____ W. M. T ier______ 60-263 «900 100,000 230,000 960,000 1,300,000 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Union N., Girard N.. and Phil. N., Phil. NAT. BK. OF SHAM0KIN<’03 John Mullen_____ A. D. Robertson__ Geo. 0. Graeber___ F rank A. Gable— 100,000 452,620 2,534,570 2,368,320 791,580 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. N., and F rank lin N., Phil. 456,000 461,270 84,220 Citiz. N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N. and F ranklin N., Phil. 125.000 265,000 3,250,000 2.842,000 562,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; 1st N., Olev. 150,000 126,170 2,332,940 2,342,710 397,220 Imp. & Tra. N., N, Y.; dont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., P itt.; 1st N., Clev. 120,000 Citiz. N., N. Y.; G irard N., PhU. 60-262 60-261 Shamokin Banking C o ...$’71 W. O. McConnell— C. A. Barron . . . . . . D. W. H eim _____£ 60-260 j J . P . W H I T U U . 1 - - A. R. M cG ILL_ _ _ _ _ _ JOHN FITZPATRICK Sharon_____ Mercer C 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 64 < S p ecial a t t e n t i 60-355 4 P Pop. 18,616 15c m u s t acco m I R e aso n ab le c h a McDo w ell P. A. H I G G S - - _ _ _ 50,000 R .W .L U S E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. T. SAUNDERS 105,700 o n given to BiU o f L a d in g d r a fts , p a n y e a c h s ig h t d r a f t a n d 25c fo r ea c h c re d it re p o rt rges. SEND XTS YOUR SHARON IT E M S. | F. W. KOEHLER- H. B. McDOWELL- H. B. McDOWELL- S. H. HADLEY — J. R. WILLSON, national bank < S pecial a t t e n tio n given BUI o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash A n d T im e Ite m s . 60-356 < ’68 Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. l P ro m p t Service. W e g e t resu lts.- Merch. & M nfrs. N at. Bk.»’08 John O arley_____ Wm. M cIntyre — 60-358 ( S A M U E L M c C L U R E - JOHN F 0 R K E R -— — 1 Charles Pearson— C. T. S to c k to n ___ 175,000 W .L . WOODFORD, 150,000 Sec. a nd Tr., G. H. ALLEN , A . T r. ' 78,360 901,460 851,290 285,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Union Tr. Co., and Union N., Pitt. 141,790 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and_Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 216,280 N. Park, N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N. and Mellon N. Pitt. 87,640 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., PhU.: Mellon N., P itt. 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Franklin N., and 1st N ., Phil. 140,520 N. Park, N. C ity,and Irving N., N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil. 188*910 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Market St., 4th St., and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50.460 Seab. N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. < $ ’02 I Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f, t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. ( Y o u r S h a ro n I t em s S olicited. Sharpsbnrg___Allegheny CITIZENS DEP. & TRUST CO. 60-541 < $ ’98 4 P Pop. 8976 D2 Farm ers & Mech. B ank.« « ’79 60-540 8harpsville— Mercer c 1 F irst National Bank__ < ’73 60-1332 4 P Pop. 5000 Sheffield.___W arren B 3 Sheffield National B a n k .< ’02 60-1333 4 P Pop. 3000 Shenandoah...Schuylkill Citizens National Bank—i ’08 60-228 3 Pop. 29,201 D9 F irst National Bank— < ’84 60-225 Merchants National Bk—i ’91 60-226 Miners Banking T rust Co. 60-229 §’17 Shenandoah T rust Co. „ « ’02 60-227 Sheridanville. - Allegheny (See P ittsburgh) 4 P POP. 2948 D1 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chas. C. Henderson W. J . T. Saint____ C. N. Patterson, Richard Thomson, A . Sec. Sec. a n d Tr. Geo. L. W alter__ _ G. H. Calvert — . . H. G. W oerner__ _ 125,000 185,000 1,700,000 1,625,000 100,000 156,350 1,104,480 1,244,370 F rank P ierce.— 100,000 42,100 1,010,110 1,007,830 Jam es R. Gemmill. T. F . W ickerham — L. M., Bartleson___ O. H. S m ith -__ _ S. S. B ry n er.— . . . R. L. Irw in .— . . — R. S. Jo h n so n .— 50,000 88,930 723,430 735,250 100,000 100,000 775,000 780,000 Jos. Rynkiewicz.__ S. A. Ramonat____ G. H. K r ic k - - ____ E. D. Longacre Dan J . F erguson... M. M allet___S____ J . H. Quinn__ ____ 100,000 262,940 1,139,930 1,398,460 J . 8. K istle r..__ _ T. F . Bradigan — J . W. Hough...____ 100,000 270,880 P. H. Burke —____ John D unlap___ „ Julius Luschinsky, Stanley F . Bauser Sec. a n d T r. H. M. Bradigan___ H arry Savulak— „ A. F. Bredickas, Sec. and Tr. 125,000 36,750 125,000 195,000 914,330 1,196,300 321.400 427,550 920,000 1,000,000 190,000 Xlhase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. _____________1103 591,500 Ist N. and N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and Peo. N „ Pitt. SHARON SAV. & TRUST CO. S S pecial a t t e n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . «0-357 353,530 Seab. N., N. Y .; Union N., P itt. 148,500 1,913,000 1,620,000 July, 1918_________ ¡PENNSYLVANIA BANKS—Sew ickley tò Sheridanville 1 i no i * '- to D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity o f T h e A m e ric a n B a n k ers Ass’n . T own and County . N ame of B an k . *Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. P i Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Lia b il it ie s . R esources . LoansIt Dis* Cashk ExAs s ’t Ca sh ie r ." ~ P aid -up Surplus D efob and c*ts. Bonds, Capital P rofits 8bocbitus ntOMBanks CASHIER. Jesse Beadle_____ E. W. Garrison___ I). 7, Mensch Geo. W. Dodge — Principal Correspondents. E. W. Garrison—. . $ 50,000 $ 50,000 % 680,000 $ 685,000 $ 100,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N.. Phil. F . H. Raymond— . J . O. G au lt..____ ;. 25,000 36,990 236,080 259,990 W. A. Addams—__ G. H. S te w a rt____ J . E. Geesaman___ Geo. S. M cL ean... 75,000 136,710 779,980 915.810 G. W. Himes. ___ G.R.f!nlei_..__.j Howard A. Ryder— 50,000 63,000 543,000 560,800 R. R. S nyder.. H. H. Bittenbender 25,000 25,790 370,430 412,130 33,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. W. H. Meyers ___ C. W. C ollins..__ 50,000 60,000 720,000 725,000 93,000 Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 50,000 D. A. Bryner John Gibson A. D. Collins. S. B. Costenbader.. Wilson R ex______ H. H. Misson — I. W. Griffith H. T. Craig Oharles flraig 0. E. Andrews, J r . . H. M. Rim er. __ Eugene Woods W. M. Humphrey— A. M. P a tte rso n __ H. R. Smith J . E. Stoops___ John A. Aiken. M. A. Gibson E. A. Studholme__ F . L. Holmes __ E. E. D ra k e _____ J . A. Carlson____ 61,570 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.; Phil. 116,380 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and Phil N., Phil. 93,300 ChaseN., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil, ts 95,000 850,000 910,000 105,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 100,000 83,030 804,960 881,430 221,980 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Girard N., Phil. 25,000 15,090 203,900 292,580 37,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 35,000 12,000 317,800 234,500 48,750 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 25,000 48,000 494,000 460,000 100,000 30,000 470,810 428,600 126,000 Ohase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N. and F ar. Dep. N. P itt. 80,040 Han. Ñ., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Orlo J , H am lin___ Henry Ham lin..__ Ralph E. Burdick, Guy McCoy, A . Tr. See. and Tr. W. W. P arshall___ W. J . Ruble, S r— _ W. 8. L e e c h .____ J . A. Leech .......... 200,000 25,000 31.110 381,180 389,370 F . M. Williams____ Irwin Smith—— . J . K. McDonald___ K athryn frisc h e r.. 25,000 17,140 266,690 179,610 121,220 Han. N., N. Y.j Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Franklin N., 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N. and Girard N „ Phil. 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and F ar. Dep N., P itt. 246,873 N. City and Chem. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A and 1st N., P itt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 104,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil,; Mellon N., Pitt, 214,640 1,060,630 1,183,280 David Chambers__ Jo h n Boyce______ L. A. McDowell___ 25,000 12,000 430,000 300,000 J . W. Endsley____ W. A. F rey____.... George B. F razee.. C. H. Springer Milton J . P ritts, T r . O.O. Kooser, A . Tr. Charles J . Harrison A. K. Miller R. E. Meyers Isaiah Good______ J . W. Erfiase . ... Josiah S w ank____ H. R . Rons« _. 25,000 35,000 203,300 183,000 150,000 61,200 896,870 857,240 50,000 47,320 684,410 723,940 George R. Scull___ F. W. Biesecker__ E. K. Gallagher___ B. A. Cunningham. 50,000 160,000 530,000 472,000 125,000 140,170 914,040 991,170 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 203,300 1,050,000 1,327,000 Geo. R. Scull____ G. J . Krebs______ 0 . C. Wagner, F .K . Sanner, Sec. and T r. A A. G. Reiff_ H. R. Rnnder W. I. Stineman___ . T r. N. W. Hoffman ___ D.’J . McMonigal.— O. A. Rlick H. C. George_____ C. A. Fitz G erald— Wallace H ughes__ Chas. W. Sones___ V. C- Tiiippert J . L. Spangler____ E. P . Reed __ W. E. Rice ..... . . . Jam es A. McClain— J . E. H. E. Blakeslee___ 0. H. Tauber O. M. 50,000 104,220 683,280 619,950 50,000 10,000 135,340 136,650 50,000 5,000 50,000 67,590 471,640 482,410 25,000 8,930 159,360 204.970 200,000 134,520 681,130 988,400 25,000 29,490 364,510 367,710 V, Smith ........... Thompson__ B. E. E lston. — 291,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 61,150 Seab. N., N. Y.; Duqnesne N., Pitt. 230,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N „ P itt.; F ranklin N. Phil. 193,030 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Union T r. Co. and Union N., Pitt.; Girard N., Phil. 101,710 Girard N., Phil. 256,940 Han. N., N .Y .; Far. Dep. N., P itt.; Com Ex, N., Phil. 72,180 Irving N., N. Y.; Union T r. Co., P itt.; 4th St, N., Phil. N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 126,690 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N., P itt. 23,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Union N., Pitt. W. B r o w e r ,.. :____ Milton Latshaw . . . W. J . Wagoner___ Jos. Heidenkamp . . M. J . A g an ______ PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number g iv e n .T. A. Lassalle Thos. A. E yler___ 175,010 Union N. and 1st N., Phil. 74,090 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, July, 1918 Snow Shoe. Center D 5 SNOW SHOE BANK— «*§15 3 Pop. 1000 60-1453 8om erlleld..Som erset F 3 F irst National Bank_____ '07 4P Pop. 180 60-1342 *Somerset—Somerset F 3 Ctmnty T rnst Cn._ _ «tt'77 Pop.- 3000 60-866 Farm ers National Bank*31900 60-868 ** ....... M F irst National Bank____»’89 60-867 “ .... “ Somerset T rust C o .___81900 60-869 Bonder ton..M ontgomery Union National Bank. _»3’76 3 Pop. 2500 E 11 60-1343 So. Bethlehem .N ’ampton (See Bethlehem 3 Pop. 24,204 D l l South Fork..C am bria E 4 First National Rank .....»3’03 3 Pop. 4519 60-1344 Union Deposit Bank____f ’17 60-1472 South Sharon.M ercer 0 1 (See Farrell) 4P Pop. 10,190 South Williamsport Bank of South W illiamsport 60-1478 *§’18 3 Lycoming_____C 8 ( W illia m sp o rt P . O.) Spangler.. Cambria D 4 F irst National Bank *3’04 60-1346 3 Pop. 3000 Spartansburg . . Crawford Grange National Bank__ «’08 4P Pop. 460 B2 60-1347 Springboro.Orawford B 1 T, J. Rentley A. Ron _ _.... f '91 60-1348 4P Pop. 614 8pring City ..C hester E 10 National Bank of Spring City 60-1349 3’72 3 Pop. 2880 Springdale. Allegheny D 2 Springdale NationaJLBk..*3'06 60-1350 4P Pop. 1999 Vic e -Pr e sid e n t . fj , «... • ■ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—S hickshinny to Springdale 8hickshinny.Lnzerne C 9 F irst National Bank___31900 3 Pop. 1917 60-1334 Shinglehonse..Potter B5 T Pop. 1598 60-1335 Shippensburg—.Cum bTd F irst National Bank____ t ’65 3 Pop. 4000 E7 60-811 Peoples National Bank___’03 60-812 Shippensville.Clarion G 2 4P Pop. 878 60-1336 Shrewsbury__ .Y ork F 8 Shrewsbury Say. Inst._»tS'50 3 Pop. 598 60-1837 Siegfried__ N orthampton {See N o rth a m p to n ) 3 Pop. 3500 D 11 Slatington__ Lehigh D 10 Citizens National Bank—*$’01 3 Pop. 4454 •• 60-746 ie National Bank of Slatington 60-745 * t’75 Sligo .Clarion 0 2 Slicro National Bank ’07 4P Pop. 754 60-1339 Slippery Rock.Butler 0 1 Citizens National Bank—«’07 4P Pop. 1000 ** 60-1029 60-1028 *Sm ethport„M cKean B5 Grange Nat. Bk. of McKean 3 Pop. 1817 County ..60-951_____ « t’07 * * ______ “ Hamlin Bk. & T r. Oo...*3i'63 60-950 Smithfleld___F ayette F 2 F irst National Bank . . . . . ’03 4P Pop. 749 60-1340 Kmitkton.Westmorel&nd F irst National Bank__ *31900 4P Pop. 784 E2 60-1841 P r esid e n t . A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in' dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t K a te s, Grace, PENNSYLVANIA—Continued 1104 1104 ronnoi Number under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number g iv e n exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ to each bank in U. S. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dis. . iMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Pop. 1300 3 Pop. 6455 lelton— Dauph 3 Pop. 15,548 3 Pop. 674 3 Pop. 6500 4P Pop. 1500 yestown.Somer 4P Pop. 355 asburg—Lanças 3 Pop. 885 ausstow n—-Bei 3 Pop. 350 roudsburg___1 3 Pop. 4379 3 Pop. 500 iargróve „ Warre 4 P Pop. 459 nm erville— Jeff 4P Pop. 1200 inbury. Northum! 3 Pop. 16,260 1 Pop. 8478 NORTH BRANCH TITLE &TR. W. A. S h ip m an .... COMPANY 60-379 »17 Sunbury National B a n k ..t’03 F . E. DrumheUer__ 60-378 Sunbury T r. & Safe Dep. Co. Urias Bloom_____ 60-377 * » ’92 J . D. Miller______ 60-810 M. H. Eisman_____ 60-809 As s ’t Ca s h ie r . A. H . Stauffer____ C, S, F n rry Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 50,000 $ 50,000 A. D. Swartz_____ Principal Correspondents. 52,240 $ 584,660 $ 631,710 $ 99,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 8,500 182,000 217,000 20,000 Irving N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N-.JBalt. 25,000 R. D. H endershot. 125,000 12,000 200,000 281,000 D. F . Kapp.............. N. E. Robb 50,000 52,160 514,610 548,820 H. R. Moyer. 50,000 35,320 558,820 568,310 .T. H. Bond 50,000 72,650 521,410 529,290 D . F. Kapp, T r ____ N . E. Robb, S e c — H. W. Stubbs ___ H. C. Deik_______ 150.000 215,000 2,250,000 1,750,000 H. W. Stubbs, S e c .. G. S. Bolton, T r. „ 125,000 117,630 532,600 659,270 H. S. F ulton_____ T>. T. Oihhs 50,000 60,470 509,250 504,690 Roscoe Gemmill. . . 50,000 32,600 421,000 400,000 J . B. R o b e rtso n .... C. E. H artm an____ 200,000 E. G. Beck, T r ___ L. G. Hall, Sec— 125,000 . 131,070 1,170,230 1,173,740 247,980 1,478,970 1,302,500 T. N. Houser_____ F . N . H ouser . 25,000 28,000 400,000 300,000 N. G. Speicher 50,000 14,160 291,340 368,180 Geo. W. Hensel— . J . Ellsworth H e rr. 80,000 96,830 271,820 321,690 54,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., PhU.; MeUon N., P itt. 109,350 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N A. P itt 122,550 Côai fcïro n N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil.; Miners N., Pottsville. 62,600 Girard N., Phil. 350,000 N. City, N. Y.; F ranklin N., Phil. 114,710 Irving N. and Guaranty T r. Co., N. Ÿ.; Girard T r. Co., Phil.: Steelton N., Steelton. 55,780 Chase N., N.Y.; Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 56,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. Merch. N., N. Y.; F irst N. and Union N., P itt.; Marine N., Buffalo. 724,840 Chase N ., N. Y.; Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. , 2o2,560 N. Bk. Com., Equitable T r. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union T r. Co., Pitt. 144,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 34,820 Han. N ., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A.. P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 135,280 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.K L. N. C hristm an... W. M. Auspach.;__ 25,000 11,850 125,790 147,880 24,730 4th St. N., Phil. O. F . Stauffer 50,000 142,930 726,530 878,600 86,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. 72,200 771,000 899,950 Wm. Gunsaules___ F , T , K nnkle 125,000 J . A. Singer.___ __ F. B. Michaels, S ec. a n d T r . J . D. Serfas C. B. Keller, J r — Henry Eilenberger W O. N ieklas 365,500 1,792,680 2,269,390 100,000 F W. C ro ft. . 118,580 92,630 214,780 283,540 25,000 4,320 R. J . Weld— _____ C. M . Camming 75,000 15,000 J . B. R oss__ _____ O. T). C arrier F rank I. Slicker__ 50,000 26,210 J . C. P a c k e r.____ W. F . Rhoads____ T>, F , Bloom . . . . 200,000 537,730 J . F red Schaffer__ F. C. Stroh, 150,000 4,920 536,910 436,280 100,000 66,320 403,150 486,440 150,000 250,390 792,400 995,050 50,000 14,810 376,000 444,000 .T. H. M iller _ G. B. Reimensnyder E. O. Morgan, B. F . Reitz, A . T r . Sec. a n d T r. M. L. MiUer___ . . . W. H. Bronson ------ R. F . R obefts— F. D. Lyons______ A. H. Falkenbury.. C. F . W right G. W. Glidden . — 855,430 1,463,280 31,970 1,284,500 1,324,920 100,000 86,530 Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., PhU. 186,450 Atlantic N. and N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 55,280 4th St. N., PhU. N. Bk. Com., N. Y. S ec. a n d T r . F.. B. H nnter_ ....... F irst National Bank____»±'02 W. F. Peairs_____ A. J . K e lly ______ Wm. E. Franklin . . Wm. Glen P eairs.. 60-1360 F. S, S p rn at .. . Swarthmore National Bank Edward B. Temple Charles D. Joyce — a . TT, Ffflnp 60-1361 «’04 First. National Hank •±’03 G. M. Shindel_____ M. K. Schoch_____ J . R. K reeger—___ Lee G. Winey____ 60-1362 H. A. Hummel PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index L ia b il it ie s . R e so u r c e s . rplus Loans k Dis- Cash k Ex P aid - u p Suand D e po s c ’ts. Bonds, change*,Due it s Ca p it a l P r o p it s Securities fromBanks 37,440 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and Mellon t N., P itt. 326,780 Imp. & T ra. N., N. Y.; 4th S t.N ., Franklin N., and 1 stN., Phil. 191,800 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N., 4th St. N., and 1st N., Phil. 99,900 Han. N., N. Y.; M arket St. N., PhU. 174,600 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., and Phil. N., PhU. 69.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com Ex. N., Phil. 170,120 Imp. & T ra. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., PhU. 59,980 Han. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., P itt. 25,000 11,870 357,640 329,010 50,000 55,810 565,180 625,450 95,150 N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. 73,320 361,830 408,750 61,820 Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Girard N., Phil. 25,000 . 1105 Suter syUle—W estn 4P Pop 1000 Swar ihm ore——Del 3 Pop. 1899 Swineford.__ Snyd 3 Pop. 400 W. L. G latfelter__ 60-1002 Peoples National Bank__ t ’06 N. W. Sechler____ L. H. Alwine_____ 60-1003 • S. Gf. W alker_____ J . H. R ishel___ __ 60-1490 5 Farm ers T rust Co._____t§ ’03 J . T. McCormick— N. E. Hess_______ L. E. Kidder 60-1425 W. L. F oster _____ C. H. F oster__ —„ 60-1351 j CITIZENS RANK » » ’Hi R. T. Weaver—___ 601352 W . H. Nell W. L. M essinger__ 60-373 Steelton National B ank.«i’86 R. M. Rutherford— M. A. Cum hler.___ 60-371 Steelton T rust Co.____ ±§'02 R. M. R atherford— M. A. C um bler___ 60-372 8 F irst National Bank_____ '91 T. B. Fulton____ J . W. Anderson___ 60-1038 Peoples National B a n k ..—’02 R. N. Wiley______ J . H. Fulton 60-1039 M. J . Fuenfflnger.. 4 Farm ers & Merchants B k.t ’03 60-643 Michael Brunner Wm. E. Hall......... St. Marys N at’l B a n k __»$’67 Wm. Kaul 60-642 St. Marys T rust Co._____§’03 G. C. Simons_____ William E. Hall___ William Kaul 60-644 J . L. R o ssiter..___ A. M. Y eager_____ 60-1353 Y. C. M uller_____ D. B. Specht_____ 60-1354 60-1356 Strausstown National Bank Isaac Moll 60-1436 '13 Robert B ro w n ..__ 60-748 Security T rust Co.___ •$S’09 60-749 Stroudsburg National B k.t’57 60-747 W. U. B rew er____ 60-1357 Sugar Grove Savings Bk..f ’77 0. M. S hortt_____ 60-1358 John Slicker_____ 60-1359 F irst National B a n k ___«±’31 i • 60-376 Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—Spring Grove to S w ineford Pop. 500 te C ollege..Öen 3 Pop. 1425 P r e s id e n t . an a L/orresponaence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, 1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued N a m e op B a n k . Town and County. 3 g i v e r i u m p i m i c n u u n to v u ii e t ii u n s July, 1918 1105 uditivo n u v c i m a p u n iuuca For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Indexto Lawyers) •T ow n and Co u n t y . N am e of Ba n k . .»County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tM em ,State Bks. Assn. tP riv. P is. P ittsburgh Branch. Est. L ia b il it ie s . PRESIDENT. YICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Swissvale—Allegheny D 1 F irst National B ank.___*$'02 W. G. Gordon__ — W. H. F erguson_ J . A. Hyslop___ 4 P Pop. 8000 60-1363 8ykesville__Jefferson C4 F irst National Bank____ J'06 J . F . R aine____ — Ruth Sykes Wells W. D. M cH enry__ 4 P Pop. 2500 60-1364 E. S. RUDL0FF__ SAMUEL FOLK, JR 50.000 18,250 $ 562,170 $ 512,240 $ 128,190 Seab. N., N,. Y.: Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 25.000 11,920 174,140 175,830 60,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. 149,030 1,295,150 1,558,860 85,980 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N. and Trades mens N „ Phil. 183,320 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent, N., Phil 114,460 1,052,380 1,117,190 199,250 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. y - i S V i ank of Tamaqua. attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash an d'T im e Items. !1 M T “GE Safe Deposit Bank___ «tS’17 60-589 Tarentum Sav. & Tr. Co.»î§'02 60-588 Taylor—Lackawanna 0 10 Taylor Discount & Deposit 3 Pop. 12,077 Bank___60-1365.____*i|'05 Telf ord.Montgomery E 11 Telford National B a n k ..» t’08 3 Pop. 1800 60-1366 T erre Hill.Lancaster E 11 T erre Hill National B a n k .t’09 3 Pop. 818 60-1367 Thompsontown ..Ju n ia ta Farm ers National Bank—. ’05 3 Pop. 293 E6 60-1368 T hree S p rings.. Hunting F irst National B a n k ..___12 3-don.Pop. 248___E6 60-1417 Tidioute_____W arren B 2 State Bank of Tidioute—»§’71 4 P Pop. 1324 60-999 Tim blin— Jefferson C 3 F irst National -Bank____ 18 4P 60-1489 Tioga---------------- Tioga B 7Grange National Bank__» i’06 3 Pop. 600 60-1369 0 . C. CAM P - _ _ _ — J . M. H E S S _ _ _ _ _ _ Geo. W. S m ith ___ C. L. L eydic.___ F. U. Bert E. M. L o v e _______ J . M. Esler_____ J . J . Jerm yn_____ J ohn F . Orawford L. W. Muder. 60-511 50.000 67,030 1,133,170 1,198,370 50.000 840 171,290 170,940 125.000 72,260 773,120 739,500 80,000 861,940 862.390 373,500 458,320 40.000 23.060 268,340 314.390 25.000 11,580 291,110 229,100 105,990 Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 228,960 266,490 35,790 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. ìi27,030 366,280 32.210 Seab.N.,N.Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt.; W arren N., W arren.’ i 171,570 19,750 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 25.000 13,320 50.000 27.060 G. W. E. Snyder . . L. M. E lkin______ G. W. E. Snyder, L. M. Elkin, S ec... T r. R. J . Camp____ W. K. Hughes____ Russell R. Cam p.. S. P. H aker___Z __ 25.000 27,990 142,710 F . C . W H E E L E R -— — J . P. C R 0 S S L E Y — 25.000 50.000 25,480 479,630 511,100 50.000 146,000 426,000 453,000 150.000 534,440 1,780,660 1,946,470 300.000 383,950 1,498,220 2,035,450 « i’65 ¡Oldest Bank in Titusville. Esta blished 1865. 'Send your colle ctlons direct to u s for efficient ser vice and quick re turns. . . F R A N K v o n T A C K Y — D AV ID H . T H O M A S . Sec. a n d Tr.. Topton_____ Berks E 10 National Bank of Topton«}’06 C. D. T rexler_____ 3 Pop. 1000 60-1370 »Towanda.. B radiord B 9 Citizens National Bank___’76 J . K. Newell_____ 3 Pop. 4281 ^ 60-756 F irst National Bank____« t’63 E. F. Kizer______ 60-755 Edwin D eL ong___ A. H. Sm ith . S. W. Hacock B. Kuykendall____ H. P . Newell. C. H. T rexler. W. W. Jennings__ W. E. Lane - L. B. G illette___ 242,430 96,710 638,040 785,270 25.000 25,510 334,720 312,590 150.000 125,000 1,200,000 1,203,250 125.000 188,900 1,522,420 1,744,760 45.340 1st N., Phil. , 99,110 Irving N „ N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt.; 4th St. N. Phil. 139,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and » 1st JN., Pitt. 518,620 Chatham & Phénix N. and Seab. N., N. Y. Mellon N., P itt. 446,710 1st N., N. Y.; Columbia N „ P itt.; Franklin N. Phil. 190,920 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. 72,640 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 191,770 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th 8 b N. and 1st N., Phil. 215,160IN. Park, N .Y .; 4th St. N., Phil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank i s t h e New Transit Number g i v e n each b an k in U. S. exclusively b v Tbe Äand-McNally Bankers* T f A XTT A Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws, Directors, dexed in back of this volume. Bor Interest Bates. July, 1918 Personal Presen tatlon. Prompt rem iti an ce. B easo n ab l e charges. (WE WANT YO U E BUSINESS. 40,960 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 216,020 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and 3d N., P itt. 77,320 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N. and Scranton Sav. Dime, Scranton. 49.340 Franklin N., Phil. N., and 1st N., Phil. 33,330 W. E. R ic e ____]__ F . C. P arsh all____ C .N . P A Y N E _ _ _ _ _ A LE X . N. W ARN ER 144,950 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N .f P itt. 50.000 F. E. H ertzel__ j W .J . S TE P H E N S — 168,230 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 50.000 Edwin C. Leidy___ J . C. W ism er___ _ V. B. Kulp______ G. N. Zends Samuel 8. W atts__ W. H. M artin__ __ Levi F. Talley____ Milton Yohn W. H. Nelson_____ S. B. Hetrick_____ O. B. Felmlee— Clay P ark_______ Allen Outshall___ ij. c. m c k i n n e y M a p o n I n c je x 435,760 ered J . Koesling__ TITUSVILLE TRUST C0.«§ 18 JT he collection b a n k o f T itusville, 60-513 440,000 R. F . Pitcairn, J . K. F. Weaver, Sec. a n d Tr. A .S e c .c m d A . Tr, ï. G. W atkins____ D. J . Davis______ •T ionesta_____Forest C 2 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK.«t’96 E. S. Collins___ L. J . Hopkins____ R. J . Hopkins____ 4 P Pop. 803 60-1035 Forest County Nat. Bank*$'96 A. W. Cook_____ Wm. Smear ba ugh.. J . H. Kelly_______ A. H. Kelly______ 60-1034 Titusville__Crawford B 2 Commercial Bank____ *{§’82 G. W. Horne_____ E. T. Roberts_____ J . G. Williams____ 4 P Pop. 8713 60-512 SECOND NATIONAL BANK 50.000 56,000 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each s i i l i t d ra ft ( Send us your T arentum items. fo r presentation an d 25c f o r Credit B e ports. Peoples National Bank.«tl900 W. A. Marvin_____ R. J . Toepfer., 60-587 John R. Long to P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Ex* C a s h St c h a n g es ,D ue from B a n k s 'Please send 15c te ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c f o r Credit Reports Peoples Trust Co._____ t | ’14 D. F . B. S h e p p ___ H. E. C a rter_____ E. G. Wade, 125.000 60-499 Sec. a n d Tr. Tamaqua National B ank«t’04 C. B. D reher_____ S. G. Seligman----- A. B. Seal________ W. C. P rise r____ 125.000 • 60-498 *18 96 0 181 Î J .W . H EM PH ILL__ 1 A n o Lo a n s à D is* c ’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s 177.610 1,590,830 1,879,320 Tarentum —Allegheny D 2 NATI BANK OF TARENTUM 4 P Pop. 7414 60-586 »$’90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R eso u rces. P a id - ü p S u r pl u s D e p o s Ca pit a l P raond it s f it s 100,000 Tamaqua—Schuylkill D 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- *î’65 3 Pop. 10,840 60-497 P E N N S Y L V A N IA Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page IS ■DTT'MIVTO'VT t r A x t t a , ^ Ì2/JN W b Y J L V A J N X A ---- C o n t i n u e d I I 06= ■; __________________ PE N N SY LV A N IA —Sw issvale to T o w an d a ____________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given l l Ofi & eac*h bank i? u -,.s - exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. in i* — -t »w .iip t nvtw M vivii d t j Directory, ' i v t ' M ’C V T tv a * Xl/XNANO I J-t V a TVTT A ____4.1 IN Ia v^ President. CASHIER. Vice-President. Ass ’t Cashier. C. M. Kanfm an___ W. F . K necht____ A. D. Lewis _____ Tower Qjty___Schuylkill Tower City National Bank 60-1371 $'02 3 Fop. 2325 D8 f ’88 60-1372 Pop. 317 Liabilities . Surplus DbposPaid-up and IT8 Capital P ropits Resources. Du- Principal Correspondents. k Loans Jt Cash E x c’ts . Bonds, changes,D ub Securities n o n B anks $ 50,000 $ 62,660 $ 414,800 $ 468,220 $ 59,250 Corn Ex. N. and Girard N., Phil. F . D. Kingsley____ < Trafford —Westmoreland F irst National Bank____«$’03 H. T. W y n n ____ R. A. M cCall____ H. S. Miller . . 60-1373 4P Pop. 1959 E2 Farmers Bank 4P Accessible Towns« Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. _ j O nunucQ Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P is Pittsburgh Branch. v u iic w iiu u b a iiu ^ o rre s p o n a e n ce D. G. Kingsley. - . 10,000 6,040 101,840 89,250 30,000 15,420 244,840 277,340 18,640 1st N., Phil. 89,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. ............ (Tira neh o f P in e Or ove Bit., P in e O r ove, Pa.) Trem ont— Schuylkill D 9 Tremont Depository B ankt’80 (Jno. H. A ngst)__ 60-916 3 Pop. 2067 .« <• 25,000 16,380 261,130 268,860 35,100 Corn Ex. N. and Girard N ., Phil. Trem ont National Bank—$'02 W .O. Hack_____ H. O. S altzer_____ H. L. Landenberger Norman A. Loeb__ 60-917 T reyorton.N ’rthum berl'd 3 Pop. 3000 D8 First National Bank , Bradford B X FIRST Troy. 3 Pop. 1288 .. .. _ _ $’05 60-1374 NATIONAL BANK «$’95 A. B. McKean_____ 60-1004 W. W. B eam an___ .. Grange Nat. Bk. of Bradford E. E. Van Dyne___ F , County. .60-1005____»$’07 \ : N. Hubbard____ J . 0. Blackwell____ .T H. Kelley G. N. Doyle Wyoming National B k ...«$’65 F. L. Sittser_____ 60-964 Alvin E. W eaver.. C. W. D err______ G. C. Youngman__ T urbotville.N ’thum b’r r d Turbotville National Bank 60-1375 «$10 3 Pop. 365 08 T urtle Creek— Allegheny F irst National Bank 60-735 4P Pop. 4995 E2 •*, ¿of •« »’03 A. L. Faller______ A. L. Trevaskis___ Turtle Creek Sav. & Tr. Co. W. H. Sem m ens__ D. S. Boyd_____ 60-734 §’02 T yrone _________ Blair D 5 Blair County National Bank A. G. M orris _______ F. K. Lukenbach 60-605 «$’74 3 Pop. 8000 « .. « Farm ers & M erch.Nat. 60-607 Bank Wm. F u o ss______ J . $’02 F irst National Bank____«$’90 Jno. G. A nderson.. 60-606 K. S. D. Hamilton, T r. A. H. Shultz, A 3 Potter B (5 Grange Pop. 600 Nat. Bk. of Potter Co. 60-1377 ’07 Union C ity .. ___ Erie B 2 HOME NATIONAL BANK-*$’07 60-789 4P Pop. 4000 .T r . __ A. B. Vnpt. 142,170 Liberty N. and N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 75,000 25,530 684,160 656,790 117,610 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 50,000 50,000 700,000 670,000 150,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 100,000 128,400 385,210 614,680 47,450 1st N., N. Y. and Phil. 25,000 23,510 322,440 334,470 56,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 23,520 507.870 527,360 93,600 Han. N., N .Y .; Ex. N., Pitt. 125,000 64,340 672,430 713,140 64,800 Chem. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt. 165,000 1,050,000 910,000 258,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 793,330 120,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. o£ No. America, Phil.; Ex. N., Pitt. 170,000 1,100,000 1,025,000 255,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 100,000 100,000 D. 8 . Kloss 65,900 648,100 R. B. Allen 25,000 23,230 271,460 320,430 24,260 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. Howard D. M astin. Margaret Chappell. 25,000 17,270 122,500 134,540 12,800 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. f E . A.S H R E V E — R . F U L L E R --------— D. E . J U N K I N S ........ C . C R I C E j _ _ _ ■j S pecial a t t e n tio n given B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . (.Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit 50,000 10,100 196,000 180,000 65,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Com. N., Clev. A. S. Burt G. S. Ladd___ ( P ro m p t, efficlen t service. TB Y ÎJ S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41,760 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. 87,050 1,021,890 1,116,890 Reports. ( J. C. CAFLISCHW.B. FULTON--------- J E GILLETT 100,000 i S pecial a tte n tio B ill o f L a d in g d r a fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . NAT'L BANK OF UNION CITY ) Please'send 15c w nithgiven each sight d r a f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit Reports. 60-788 *$’98 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index 312,680 75,000 100,000 Johnston ___ U lster____ Bradford B 8 F irst National Bank____ »’09 J . H. Chaffee_____ J . J . Morley_____ 60-4376 3 Pop. 500 J . R, Eiffer't Ulysses 9,570 ^ 297,670 R. E. Yan Syckel ¿Tunkhannock. Wyoming CITIZENS NATIONAL BK.*$’02 John B. F a s s e tt__ Harvey Sickler 60-965 3 Pop. 2000 B 10 H. D. Billings \ 25,000 W. L. H elfenstein.. D. F. Reichert____ A. 0. F is h e r . 99,000 1,283,200 1,261,950 318,440 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., P itt. July, 1918_________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BANKS—-Tower City to U nion City _______ ________ 1107 Number under Name of Sank is the New Transit Number given to e a c h bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie iXand-McNally Bankers* under th e au tho rity of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 in ? ■ L IU / %.vß For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (Sw Index to Lawj«*) 1108 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank u * ft exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i S ea<r N ame of Bank. Town and County. *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Ees. Dist, ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv P is Pittsburgh Branch. E st Unity Station. Allegheny 4P Pop. 500 E2 Valley View— Schuylkill 3 Pop. 950 D9 Vanderbilt__ Fayette E 2 4P Pop. 1198 Lia b il it ie s . P resident. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. P r o f it s W. A. S to n e _____ W. C. Black, T r..;. J . H. K err, Sec. . . . $ 150,000 A. P . A ustin_____ P. E. Sheppard___ P . E. Sheppard, Tr. J . M. Core, Sec. . . . 150.000 J . E. Gainer, A . Tr. M. H. B ow m an___ C. H. S e a to n _____ B. B. Howell_____ H. H. H e ss______ 100.000 D. M. Hertzog .. Jam es R. Cray____ Isaac Ja ck so n . 100,000 G. S. Harah Stephen Y anchus.. F ran k Maty u s ..__ C. J . M eres__ Edward Kovac, Sec. 70,190 Thos. Blaho CHAS. T. CULP.. WM. WELSH____ J. C. McGEARY— W. F. HILL Special attentio n given to collect ions. 15c m ust accom pany each sight d raft for présentât ion and ( 25c for credit re port or rating. VANDERGRIFTSAV.&TR.CO R. G. Scott, S r____ i. 60-777 » il’97 Verona— Allegheny D 2 F irst National Bank____ »±’93 Henry Berg______ 4P Pop. 2849 60-1380 W ampum-.Lawrence D 1 F irst National Bank_____*’03 W. H. G rove_____ 4P Pop. 980 60-1381 •W arren____W arren B 3 Citizens National Bank, « t’70 D. L. Gerould____ . 4P Pop. 14,737 60-459 Conewango Trust Co. _.»t§,10 H. G. E a to n _____ 60-462 F irst National Bank____ *’64 William M uir_____ 60-457 W arren National Bank___ ’93 F . E. H ertzel_____ 60-460 W arren Savings Bank..«t§'70 A. J . H azeltine___ 60-458 60-461 R esources. D e po s it s 346,800 $3372010 $3137 990 $ 739,030 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil.; Real Estate T r Co. and Bk. of P itt. N. A.. Pitt. 234,430 4,338,850 3,308,020 1,415,260 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. Dep. N. and Peo. N., Pitt, 628,280 3,590,290 3,110,420 1,180,140 N. Park, N. Y.: Mellon N. and Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt.; Tradesm ens N „ Phil. 224,830 3,077.700 1,908(690 1,592(740 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., P itt. 6,050 42,370 27,700 34,984 6,770 44,720 1,380 25,000 36,720 397,290 388,940 18,110 228,470 247.66C 42,500 600,000 574,000 50,000 Principal Correspondents. LoAMa & D u - Gash k E x B onds, chances,Dim S io D S m is n o n B anks c ’t *. 39,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo. N., P itt.; F ayett T itle & T r. Co., Uniontown. 72.170 Mellon N., P itt.; 1st N „ Verona. 69.170 Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil.; Com’l Ti Co., Harrisburg. 48,92( N. City, N. Y. 109,30C Han. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. J . S. W hitw orth__ J . S. W hitworth, J. M. O rr,_______ Tr. Sec. a n d A . Tr. H yatt M. Oribbs__ Blaine L. S toner__ William T. Dible__ C. M. McLaughlin W. H. Phillips____ H. E. Marshall. 130.000 168,990 1,772,940 1,560,410 453,980 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N, A., Pitt. 50.000 156,360 1,768,520 1,678,300 331,460 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., P itt. 25.000 25,840 310,000 273,000 B. McOwen ______ O. A. Presse! _. 100,000 82,000 670,370 773,080 93,670 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N„ Pitt. F rank Morrison _. H. S. Keck, M. H. DeLong, Chas. C. Wilson Sec. and Tr. A . Tr. F. K. R ussell_____ C. T. Conarro____ R. H. W inger____ 125.000 22,100 658,660 707,190 139,790 Irving N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil.; Peo N., P itt. 384,500 N. P ark, N. Y.; Girard N „ Phil.; Peo. N .,P itt J . Crary _________ E. H. Lampe_____ W. E. Rice J . P. Jefferson.__ G. B. Ensw orth___ E. W. Campbell A. J. HAZELTINE WARREN TRUST CO__ *t§’0i P aid-up S u r pl u s a n d Capital Albert Gaddis____ PEOPLES BANK OF UNITY W. M. Davidson,Sr F red L o u is______ J.'N . Morrow_____ jf 60-1484 §’18 Valley View Bank_____ t i l l William Le bo____ J . H. Dunkelberger Clayton E. H e rb ... R. R. Updegrave, 60-1378 Sec. F irst National Bank_____*’06 E. T. Norton_____ G. B. Roberts_____ W. A. Cosgrove___ 60-1379 V&ndergrift. W estm’rel’d CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 4P Pop. 3876 D2 60-778 * t’05 dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 J . M. S o n n e _____ N. O. Sill G. H. Jackson_____ O. B. Ayers W. J . Richards W. C. HEASLEY, uJ. P. JEFFERSON m 100.000 250,630 2,542,170 2,497,050 300,000 395,000 6,300,000 6,800,000 157,700 907,820 6,347,210 6,867,080 125,000 Sec. and Tr. 44,240 682,730 596,160 61,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and IstN ., Pitt- 500,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. America and 4tb St, N., Phil.; Columbia N. and Mellon N., Pitt, 650,650 Seab. N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N.Y.; Girard N, and 1st N., Phil ; Peo. N. and Mellon N., P itt. 93,110 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Clev.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Mellon N., P itt. Special atten ti on given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please send 15cw ith each sight d r a f t f o r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. Send us your W arren items. ‘ Washington .W ashing’n Citizens National B a nk_*t’85 •John W. Donnan _. John H. Donnan__ N. R. B a k e r______ R. B. Leslie____ 4P Pop. 21,618 E l 60-294 John F . McClay FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’36 60-293 Send us your W ashington Items. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 60-298 «10 REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. 60-296 ---------- » ... . UNION «t§’02 trust co m pan y 60-297 *§’02 Washington T rust Co__•t8’02 60-295 . P. Eagleson___ R. C. Buchanan___ J . W- Grim es. Anne M. F in n ..... 100,000 J . Duncan . . . __ C. A. Bumpus_____ R. S. W inters, J ohn C. Hart, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. John H. M urdoch.. T. B. H. Brownlee Jam es Boyle, Sec.. 200,000 oec. PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index . . ____. JVu,;lb.e r u m le r N a m e o f B a n k is the New T r a n s it N u m b e r given ÎS eaci 1 b a n k i n U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' 1 lO O D ire fitn rV - Iim jp r tV iA n n f h n p l f v u /fiU e jl t , » I 253,330 293,820 309,970 1,772,230 2,085,130 136,000 390,000 31,530 Irving N., N. Y.: Peo. N., Pitt. 196,540 Liberty N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A. and Union N., P itt.; 1st N., Phil. 609,000 72,000 1,185,000 4,422,000 5,248,670 484,980 uaoc A !• D&a U1 A111. JLl« stone N., P itt. hase N., N. Y.; Peo. N., P itt. djlu liGy- B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A 250,000 L. McCarrell___ W. R. Meli vaine__ A. C. W arner, T r .. 16,540 T h u V a n ir ò .» i» » * « P TnV TTM C :V T \r A -N T T A Accessible Towns, d ftY ftd i n Lawyers, h W f tl r f i t t . b i o t m l u r n o L 'o . Laws, Directors, n . x __ J z ? in- 1913 .. -------- 500,000 1,424,110 6,885,750 7,897,510 1,405,750 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N.. Mellon N., and Union N., P itt. :J . P. Braden____ Albert Z elt______ H. V. H a r t _____ Joseph Z elt______ 400,000 124,980 1,884,430 2,571,740 233,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt.; Bk. of No Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. America, Phil. tPlease send 15c w ith each sight d r a t t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. PE N N SY L V A N IA BA NK S—U n iontow n to W ash in g to n ________ j u iyt ‘ Uniontown__Fayette F 2 Citizens Title & T r. Co.. tS’01 4P Pop. 20,780 60-385 Fayette Title & T r. Co. 60-384 * « ’1900 N at’l Bank of Fayette Co. 60-382 *t'58 Second National B ank.. «¿’96 60-383 Slovak State Bank_____«§18 60-386 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in' PENNSYLVANIA—Continued n u u ip u A u c iiu u n Number under Name of Bank the New Transit Number given M eaci 1 bank “ U. S. exclusively byr The KaiicI-McNally Raiiel-McIVally Bankers' Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of .T" | -------— The~ American Bankers Ass'n. TOWN AND CODNTT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv Est W aterford___...E rie B Ensworth National B a n k ..’ 4 P Pop. 724 60-1382 Watson town—N ’lhum b’ Farm ers National Bank.«$’, 3 Pop. 1950 G ,60-939 Watsontown Nat. B ank.«t’80 60-938 Wayne___Delaware E 11 Wayne Title & Tr. Co..«tS’90 3 Pop. 5000 60-1383 President. Vice-President. Cashier. A ss ’t Cashier. F . W. Ensw orth__ R. O. Woodruff___ A. C. Ensworth__ W. H. Nicely_____ W. A. Leiser_____ E. D. D eitrick___ 25.000 J . H. N icely_____ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N ., Clev. 120,000 $ 532,000 $ 591,570 $ 105,670 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. and Tradesmen: N., Phil. 75,890 Imp. & Tra. N ., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil. 44,200 370,690 459,010 W. H. Lawton, Sec. a/nd T r. P rote 125.000 75,000 717,180 818,800 98,380 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Bk. of No America and Girard Tr. Co., Phil. M. T. B ro w n ____ J . H. Jo h n s to n . 150.000 367.720 2,070,610 2,266,220 322,110 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St, N. and Franklin N. Phil.; Gitiz. N., Balt. We get results t ’90 Peoples National Bank—*$’97 G. M. S co tt______ 60-804 Union Dep. & T rust Co.»$§’01 R. F. Downey___ 60-805 W eatherly . . Carbon D 10 F irst National Bank___*$’02 Elmer W arner___ 3 Pop. 2501 60-1884 W ebster ..W estm oreland F irst National Bank___»$’03 Andrew Brown__ 4P Pop. 1000 E2 60-1385 W eissport__Carbon D 10 Weissport National B ank.’12 Milton Snyder._I_. 3 Pop. 688 60-1418 ‘ Wellsboro____Tioga B 7 F irst National Bank___»$’64 Wm. O’Connor__ 3 Pop. 3500 60-830 Tioga County Sav. & T r. Co. L. L. Bailey_____ _ 60-831 *$§’03 Wellsrille__ .__York F 8 Wellsville National Bank$’07 W. H. Owens_____ 3 Pop. 308 60-1386 W ernersville.. Berks E 9 W ernersville Nat. Bank, i ’06 3 Pop. 1000 60-1387 W est Alexander ...W ash . Peoples National Bank__$’07 E. M. A tkinson___ 4 P Pop. 426 E1 60-1053 West Alexander Nat. Bk.«$ 01 W. F. W hitham___ 60-1052 W. H. Gelbach___ 100.000 J . H. S to n er_____ 100,000 C. H Coover, Sec.icmd Tr, 125,000 730,030 859,490 285,260 2,044,740 2,368,780 23,210 550,170: 589,990 82,250 440,360 824,640 150,900 Irving N., N. Y.; G irard N., Phil.; Mellon N. Pitt. 167,410 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.: M. M. lsl N „ Balt. 101,140 N. City, N. Y.; Market St. N „ Phil.; Mtle. Tr: & Dep. Co., Balt. adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Ite ms. R. R. H ardesty. H. L. A bell___ 200,000 William Bennett — 200,000 1,131,080 2,572,940 3,566,330 B. N. F reeland . . . J . D. Orndoff_____ S. C. Brock____ 100,000 141,210 686,110 Thos. S. Crago___ 150,000 190.000 887,400 1 ,000,000 T. J . Drumbor___ W. D. Cotterrel, T r Chas. T. Strosnider A . Tr. Russell R. Gangwer W. H. F ra b le_____ 50.000 22,500 484,790 W. J . Rankin____ B. B. H unter_____ 25.000 22,550 326,810 313,970 E. W. Dreisbach—. W. H. Strausburger Paul J . P h ife r ____ 25.000 13,870 249.720 266,990 H. H. G risw old__ H. E. W ebster____ W. A. Van H orn__ 200,000 C. E. B ennett_____ C. E. Bennett, T r.. H. C. Young, Sec. . 125.000 870,240 526,770 125,630 2,103,710 1,896,580 32,840 765,980 822,030 93,460 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., P itt. 435.580 1st N., N. Y. and Phil.; Mellon N „ P itt. 132.080 Seab. N ., N. Y.; Peo. N. and 1st N., P itt. 175.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt.; Franklin N Phil. 47.530 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N ., Phil. 81.530 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N.. Pitt. 43.580 Tradesmens N., Phil. 254,570 Irving N. and Liberty N., N. Y.; 4th St. N Phil. 71,310 Seab. N. and Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N and 1st N., Phil. 32.000 Girard N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Bait., Balt. A. G. Smith_____ : E. J . G erber_____ 25.000 90,000 80,000 R. D. W enrich____ Leonard M. R u th .. S. S. Bill R. J . M cCleery___ F. T. Daubenspeck W. B. G o rb y ____ J . B. Chambers L. E. Sands____ Thomas R. Bell___ T. S. Maxwell___ _ 50.000 94,600 660,930 777,300 77,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 25.000 35,750 168.720 193,590 25.000 44,910 265.170 286,930 16,510 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Citv -Wheeling, W. Va. i 72.080 N. City, N. Y.; F irst N., Pitt, 250.000 59,050 793,260 992,800 . E. R am sey ..-__ W. M. P o tts ___s__ L. K. Stubbs, T r ... E. N. Pusey, L. E . Stubbs A . Sec. a/nd A . Tr. Dime Sav. Bk. of Chester Co G. M. P hilips. R. T. C ornw ell___ Samuel Marshall__ 60-441 «$S’90 M. J . Murphy Farm ers & Mech. T rust Co. H. P. W orth.. J . Comly Hall__ . Comly Hall, T r.. S. D. Ramsey, Sec. 60-443 »$S’07 N. S. Ingram , A . Tr. J . H .Thomas, A . Se M ARSH ALL S .W A Y - 89,290 t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit R eports. »West C hester...C hester CHESTER COUNTY TR. CO. 3 Pop. 13,176 F 10 60-442 *$11900 . E. NIVIN . . . P . C L O U D _ _ _ _ _ * GEO. NEWLIN, JR . 111,690 N. Park, N. Y<; Franklin N., Phil. 108,700 1,033,220 .,046,300 250.000 173.000 850,000 ,075,000 125,000 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Franklin N., P hil’ 200.000 193,850 1,263,550 ,635,610 218,980 Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N. and Franklin N., Phil. ‘ 365,710 2,108,570 ,592,150 329,220 N. Park, N.Y.; F ar. & Mech. N. and Cent. N „ Phil Send us your W est Chester Items Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15e w 95,620 1109 ith each sight d ra f fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. National Bank of Chester Co. ThomasW.Mar shall Thos. Hoopes__ Geo. H eed _______ Joseph F. H ill____ 225,000 60-438 *$1814 H. F . W yers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,000 Principal Correspondents. 60.000 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Dennis Smith____ D. W . J o h n s ___ PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index CU«t I r c i a n c i *, D m took Ba k u W. A. Nicély____ »Waynesburg-Greene F 1 American National B a n k .t’02 J . B. Gordon_____ H. C. Sayers, J r ... 4 P Pop. 7000 60-806 W. R. Tague 60-439 50.000 Resources. Lo a n s & D ig. c ’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s F . E. K irk _______ Prompt Service, FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$ 63 Liabilities . P aid-up Subplus Depos and Capital its P rofits Louis H. W a tt____ W aynesboro.Franklin F 6 BANK OF WAYNESBORO J . J . O ile r_______ A. E. P r i c e _____ 3 Pop. 7199 60-601 *$$’95 J . G. Benedict Citizens National Bank .«fO l Ezra F rick_______ D. B. Snively____ 60-602 Peoples National Bank—«tW W. T. Om wake___ J . F. Good____ 60-600 ' J . E. F ra n tz ___ D. N. B e n ed ict__ J . G. Corbett J . G. Benedict C h .o fB d . WAYNESBORO TRUST CO. 60-603 »$§’14 Special a tte n tl on given Bill of L Please send 15c w ith each sight d r a f 60-803 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 P E N N S Y L V A N I A — Continued Name of Bank. ‘ County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist P is P ittsburgh Branch v^oiiGctioíis an a correspondence July, 1918________ PE N N SY L V A N IA BANKS*—W a te rfo rd to W e st C hester , * 1 1O 0 AAV/y lo For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N ame TOWN AND COUNTY. of P* E N N S Y L V A N IA Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . LUZERNE 00. NATIONAL BANK < § ’68 199,550 50,500 487,440 445,120 J . E. D ougherty— 50,000 115,000 625,000 700.000 95.000 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N. and Girard N., Phil. B. F rank Jones— 37,500 4,350 116,080 124,940 W. J . Locke_____ A. A. Young— 25,000 7,300 240,000 237.000 18.860 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Tradesmens N.. Phil. 57,600 Han. N., N. Y.; F ar. Dep. N., Pitt. Lee P ainter______ 85,000 64,000 760,000 817.000 W. S. F in n ey _____ L. C. Rodibaugh— 92.000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 131,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Diamond N., P itt. 81,920 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 113,090 1,026,730 1,113,500 F rank F . Baetz— 25,000 99,860 550,940 592,360 F. W. A ld rich ------ 40,000 25,000 275,000 250.000 W. F . Luckenbach 200,000 172,230 1,270,380 1,217,950 Francis Douglas— F . W. Innés 375,000 601,440 3,884,790 4,769,150 45,000 595,000 449,350 50,000 40,000 685,000 780.000 A. L. Williams— John Williamson— William J . Ruff . . . 400,000 ATTEIMTI ON TO CO L L E C T I O J . N. Conyngham. Samuel McCracken Guy Sturdevant— C. W. Laycock 201,230 2,217,990 2,907,060 90.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Mellon N., P itt. 424,660 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., and F ar. & Mech. N., Phil.; T ra. N., Scranton ;(M em . F e d . R es.) 467,080 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. 84,360 Han. N. and Irving N ., N. Y.: Tradesmens N„ Phil. 97,300 Irving N.. N. Y.; Tradesmens N. and 1st N., Phil.; 3d N., Scranton. 312,170 Irving N.,N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. NS. 750,000 2,371,260 7,870,000 1,450,000 1,250,000 Liberty N „ and Han. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N. F ranklin N., and Girard N., Phil. V .P i The largest ban k in Wllkes-Barr | Prom pt atten ti on to all busines s entrusted to us. Reasonable Cha rges. Efficient Service. T. H. A therton___ 500,009 1,285,970 6,571,990 7,446,600 1.399,760 N. P ark and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Girard N. Phil. W. E .L ew is.. E. W. Mulligan < ’63 ♦WYOMING VALLEY TR. CO. 100,000 163,070 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 50,000 ♦SECOND NATIONAL BANK g Abram Nesbitt— ♦Slavonic Deposit Bank.$§’12 60-67 ♦South Side Bank------- »£§'06 60-63 ♦W ilkes-Barre Dep. & Sav. Bank___ 60-59______ »£§’71 ♦Wyoming National Bank 60-54 < ’29 35.860 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 7,960 $ 154,220 50,000 $ 25,000 % Ross H. Lloyd------ PROMPT P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Cash k E x changes,D u s from B anks Dbpos1TS F . P. Taylor . — ;— E. S. Parsons —i— W illiams.Campbell < ’02f 60-57 Surplus P aid-xjp AND Capital P rofits G. O. M o tte r ____ F . M. K irby.. I. M. Thomas. 60-55 A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h ie r . 100,000 F . T. McCormick. A. V. K ozak_____ H. S. T w arow ski. . J . M. H izn ay . A. S. Chuya G. T. Dickover — H enry Schappert., R. S. Williams-----Maurice G aertner J . R. D avis______ J . C. B e ll________ B. F . Williams, A. H. McOlintock. I. A. Stearns_____ E. E. B uckm an___ C. M. A ustin. 100,000 See, (FRED THEIS— - JOHN T. LENAHAN W. B. SCHAEFFER, 0. C. PATTERSON Tr. A . Tr. 83,150 1,474,850 1,352,840 66,470 803,810 827,530 243,670 Seab. N., and Irving N., N. Y.; M arket St. N. Phil.; Co. Sav., Scranton. 142,760 Irving N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 150,000 510,630 2,942,750 3,299,900 432,130 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 150,000 837,460 3,344,200 3,295,720 525,600 1st N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union N., Phil. 350,000 774,480 3,406,550 3,852,930 465,900 N. City and Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil. ollections. (Efficient service . TRY US. G. M. MILLER, m BROOKS & COMPANY (Investm ent Deale r s ) _________ Members N . F . S t o ck E x c h a n g e J . Bart Smith, M gr E. B. Sm ith & Co., N. Y. and Phil. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (Investm ent B ond W. J . Hunsinger, D ist. Sales Mgr, N. City Co., N. Y., Chi., Phil., Bos., San F.J and London, Eng. 60-61 < § ’93 )We want your W ilkesbarre Clearing House. Wm. S. McLean, Chairma/n (Members indicated by a *) Digitized forPENNSYLVANIA FRASER Map on Index A . Tr, Roger S. Williams, E. E. Buckman, Mgr. Sec, July, 1918 (Miners Bk. Bldg.) ' ’16 PE N N SY LV A N IA BANKS—W . C onshohocken to W ilkes-B arre W.Gonshohocken-.Mont- Peoples National Bank___'07 John Fearnside— G. W. De H av en ... 60-1388 3Pop.2202eomery E ll W estfield____ Tioga B 6 Farm ers & Traders Nat. Bk. J . F . E b erle_____ L. G. Stevens..".__ 60-1390 < ’85 3 Pop. u s e W estgrove—Chester F 10 National Bank of West Grove M. C. P y le— ------- Henry Cope---------O. W. Shortlidge 80-1391 < ’82 3 Pop. 1360 W est Hazleton__ Luzerne Miners B a n k ..— . . . ---- 1§’13 S. E. Jo n e s______ C. J . K e rsc h n e r... 60-1431 3 Pop. 7000 CIO E. E. E deburn____ W est M iddlesex.. Mercer F irst National Bank — < ’03 J . A. H u n te r ___ 60-1392 4 P Pop. 11(7 C1 J . B.— S ecrist_____ 1. Robertson . W est Newton Westmore'd Farm ers & Merch.Bk.<§1900 I . 60-860 4 P Pop. 2880 E2 R. H. Stevenson — FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’»5 60-859 W hite H a v e n ... Luzerne White Haven Sav. Bank JS’71 J . J . Baker, J r . ___ R. P. Crellin_____ 60-1393 3 Pop. 1600 0 10 Wilcox.................. Elk B 4 J . L. B row nB ankingC o.<t’82 E. O. Aldrich____ 60-1394 3 Pop. 1037 F. H art *______ •W ilkes-B arre.. Luzerne ♦Dime Deposit B a n k ...< § ’08 O. F. Hess_______ J . M. Stark 60-64 3 Pop. 76,776 C 10 ♦F irst National Bank — ■<’63 W. S. M cLean___ H. H. Ashley — O. P . H unt 60-56 ♦Hanover Bank______ <§T1 George N icholson . . O.H. P rice----------60-66 ♦Heights Deposit Bank «$§'10 J . H. Shea---------- Jos. J . Baer — 60-65 ¿MINERS BANK- R eso u r c es. Li a b i l i t i e s . Ban k. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seals. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P is P ittsburgh B ranch. 60-62 dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Continued 1110 Number under Name ef Bank h the Near T ransit Number given 1 1 1 A to each bank in Ü. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 1 1 1 U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d d -4 N u m b e r a n d e r N am e o f fla n k is the New T r a n s it N u m b e r given to finch hank in IT. FI. PTPliisivftlv hv T he R and-llfeN allv R a n k ers' Accessible Towns, ripTPrl in hfl pk nf Lawyers, im vaInmp Laws, D irectors, in- Vnr Inforocf Unfan pp \ — 4 \jy±vin>uvi o uy 1 B a n k s A d v e rtis in g PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index N um ber an der Name of Bank is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S . exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and County. Name of Bane. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist, tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P is P ittsburgh Branch. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 6 0 -284 P resident. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For intere st Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1 3 T 3 '1 V T 1 V T C V T I f A "KTT A ____ J r -C<iN I N S I L i V A XN l A V ^ O m in iie a Vice-President . S. A. Taylor _____ J . R. Wylie Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. George Rankin, J r . H. W. Fingal Liabilities . Surplus P aid-up DEPOS and Capital P rofits ITS $ 100,000 Resources. Loamsk Dis- Casht Exc’ts. Bonds, CHAM OIS,DUX Securities non Banks $ 52,930 $1040 000 $ 989,000 $ 167,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt. «m O O F irst National Bank___»$’92 F . S. Pershing____ J .E . P eterson____ J . E. P eterso n ____ F rank G. M onroe.. 50,000 149,180 50,000 200,910 1,788,350 1,61^,200 2,950,020 2,501,280 60-282 W ilk in s b u r g B a n k 60-283 § ’96 R. L. F in ley _____ R. W. Allison.___ .T. A. P a t t e r s o n _,T WilkinsburgReal Est.&Tr.Co. Jacob W einm an__ W. G. Stew art____ Geo. R. McNary, 60-285 $ § ’03 Sec. a n d Tr. W illiam sburg.. .Blair E 5 3 Pop. 1523 60-973 Principal Correspondents. «$’09 ‘W illiam sport. Lycoming ♦Citizens State Bank___«§’11 60-203 3 Pop. 33,809 C 8 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$ 63 60-197 T. F. S m ith... (WM. 111 P. BEEBER. I E sta b lish e d 94,000 450,000 903,000 86,600 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N „ P itt.; 1st N „ Phil. 25,000 14,300 212,410 231,700 42,060 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. J . F. Ellsworth___ E. S. Shelly 50,000 56,470 612,240 592,680 176,030 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Qirard N., Phil. Mellon N., Pitt. L o u is W e l k e r _ 50,000 12,000 250,000 263,000 49,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N. and P enn. N., Phil. B. T. D. Ross_______ J . .T. B r a n d t ... . J, J. GIBSON_____ D. A. SL0ATMANH. D. BROWN 306,000 532,140 2,777,780 3,569,960 335,960 1st N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil 100,000 203,470 660,120 193,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N „ Phil, 500,000 198,000 2,726,000 3,335,500 In 1863. SEND US YOUR COLLECT IONS. N. B. Buhh ♦Lycoming National Bank 60-200 *$’75 ♦N orthern Central Trust Co. J . 60-201 »$§’09 427,050 Bk. of America, N. Y.i Mellon N., Pitt. 445,600 D. T. Ketring F irst National Bank___»$’03 60-972 475,230 Chase N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., P itt.; Phil N., Phil. H . C . B n b h ____ Graham ____ Jos. W . Cochran__ Charles W . Sones C h a r le s G le im E . L. _. Taylor, T r. Harold C. E. Krape, Brown, A . Tr. Laedlein, Tr. A . Tr. 769,830 380,850 Bkrs. T r. Co. N.Y.; 4th St. N. and 1st N., Phil. A. ♦Savings Inst, of the City of C. LaRue M unson.. R . A. H onsel_____ W . F . Williamsport.60-198—*t§’67 ♦Susquehanna Trust & Safe John G . Reading__ J . R. W ay.... ............ E. C. Emerick, Tr. A. E. Eschenbach, Dep. Company_____ »$§’90 Sec. 60-202 10,200 395,000 1,728,000 1,819,000 309,000 1st N., N. Y.; Cent. N., PhU. 400,000 396,010 2,056,730 2,488,810 305,580 Han. N., N. Y.i 4th St. N. and F ranklin N., Phil. ♦WEST BRANCH NAT. BANK Allen P. P e rle y ___ Wm. H, P a in te r__ 400,000 1,484,950 4,414,980 5,672,980 834,060 Chèm. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N. and F ar. &Mech. N., PhU. ♦Williamsport Nat. Bank«t’57 W . R.. Deem er... 60-199 Williamsport Clearing House J . G. Reading, (Members indicated by a *) C hairm an Charles Gleim, See. Chas. S. Miller, M gr. 60-196 *$’35 PENNSYLVANIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis G. M. Stites______ J . J . Clarkson. W. L. H ankey____ J . A. Black_______ T. S. Patch 139,420 638,490 618,730 50,000 56,510 318,000 368,000 100,000 214,600 1,785,330 1,578,970 75,000 21,650 435,320 502,500 25,000 30,000 485,000 424,000 H. G. Jo n e s______ W alter Stew art___ — 50,000 25,000 385,000 389,270 Uriah W eaver R. H. H a rd in g ..—. 50,000 65,000 950,000 950,000 155,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 J. W. Snyder. ->_ W. T fteddes man R . Valentine ___ Chas. P. Schaeffer. A. M. Elopp L. 125,000 50,000 10,530 98,670 107,390 50,000 99,230 692,210 729,370 --- 218,890 Chem. N „ N. Y.; Girard N. and Bk. of No. America, PhU. 45,640 1st N.. Phil.; (M ein . F ed . E es.) 450,900 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 103,470 Han. N., N. Y.: F ar. Dep. N., P itt, 87,800 Han. N., N. Y.; MeUon N., Pitt. 93,300 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; W estern N., P itt. 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Is tN . and Bk. of P itt.; N.A., P itt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 N. Bk. Com .,N.Y.; IstN ., Phil.; Bk. of P itt. N A ' P itt 21,920 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil. 119,070 Chase N;j' N. Y.; Girard N ., Phil.; N . Union. Reading, ■ 1111 Williams to wn__Dauphin Williams Valley Bank.t§1900 Wm. J . Durbin___ 3 Pop. 2904 D 8 60-1395 Wilmerding ...A llegheny East Pittsburg Nat. B k.-»i’95 P. W. Morgan . _. 60-655 4P Pop. 6500 E 2 John F . Miller, Ch. o f B d. Wilmerding Nat. Bank—» t’02 F . A. F u l l e r . _______ 80-656 Wilson___Allegheny D 1 F irst National Bank. *’03 A. G . W ils o n . 60-1396 4P Pop. 1500 W inburne..Cléarfleld C 4 Bituminous Nat. Bank..«$*04 R. H. Sommerville. 3 Pop. 2000 Wind b e r.. „S om erset E 4 Citizens National Bank—»$’03 A. G. B a n t le v _ . 60-550 4P Pop. 8013 W indber T rust Co.____«i§’09 B. L. Sim pson____ 60-551 Windgap__ N orthampton Citizens Bank— i§ ’15 O . A . G reenzw eig . 3 Pop. 1200 D l l 60-1459 W om elsdorf.„B erks E 9 Womelsdorf Union Bk—§’03 J . L. Shultz ________ 3 Pop. 1301 60-1398 100,000 July, 1918_________ PEN N SY LV A N IA BA NK S—W ilkinsburg to W om elsdorf 1111 ■l 1 1 1 give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) LL1& T own Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and N am e Co u n t y . op P T T 'N T 'N T Q 'V T \ T A \ T T A r HiiNlNo i 1—* V n i x l r l Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. v ^ O IltlllU .C Q L ia b il it i e s . Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. F ig u ré is Fed. Res. Dist. tM em.State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. P is P ittsburgh Branch. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . r plu s P a id - u p S uand Ca p it a l P r o f it s R eso u r c es. D e po s it s Loan s A. i>is c *t s . B ond s . S e c u r it ie s P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . C a sh & E x c h a n g es , f ro m B a n k s Bus W oodbury., .Bedford E 5 Farm ers Bank_________ t ’08 A. B. Woodcock. 60-1399 3 Pop. 255 I. O. S tayer______ L. B. S ta y e r______ $ 15,000 $ Woodlawn___Beaver D 1 F irst National B a n k ____»’17 J . R. Morrow..— 60-1468 4P Pop. 1396 H. G. Miller_____ J . A. Lawson_____ 100,000 22,530 J . A. D oyle— _._. A. C. Osburn, S. B. Miller, A . Tr. Sec. a n d Tr. 125.000 62,000 1,230,000 1,192,000 W. H. K err______ W. E. Weller— — 150.000 106,000 628,000 867.000 50.000 15,110 222,420 291,870 45,260 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tradesmens N., Phil. 25.000 1,250 104,500 101,200 17,200 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. W. J . Fowler_____ J . B. Schooley____ F. D. Cooper_____ 50.000 72.000 750.000 688.000 W. K. Stevens____ Paul B. W ertz____ W alter G. Wade, Sec. a n d Tr. H. W. C om fort___ O. E. Rich_______ Jesse E. H arp er__ 125.000 25.000 450.000 504.000 98,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100.000 71,690 346,190 562,240 54,540 Corn Ex. N., Phil. D. P. Klinedinst__ D. S. Peterm an___ H. B. W altm an___ I. M. Moul.. 200,000 48.000 587.000 698.000 G. P. Y ost_______ D. F. S tauffer____ T. B. B aird ______ W. H. B o ll- 250.000 219.040 2.099,130 2,089,160 467,090 Chase N., N. Y.; M arket St. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 100.000 126.040 922,140 994,010 130,440 1st N., N. Y.; Girard N.,*Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N. and.N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 50,000 10.000 150.000 178.000 Woodlawn T rust Co— < § ’10 C. M. H u g h e s.... 60-1400 W yalusing-.Bradford B 9 National Bank of Wyalusing E. A. Strong_____ J . V. Taylor_____ Martin R. S talford. 3 Pop. 580 60-1048 t ’14 Peoples State Bank------ »§’14 Wm. Ellsworth___ C. H. Bosworth___ R. G. C. Jones____ R. S. Taylor — 60-1450 Wyoming__Luzerne 010 3 Pop. 5200 W yomissing.. Berks E 10 3 Pop. 1500 Y ard ley _____Bucks E 12 3 Pop. 894 »York_________ York F 8 3 Pop. 51,656 F irst National B a n k ___ < ’07 60-1402 Peoples T rust Co._____ t§ 14 60-1449 Yardley National Bank—< ’90 60-1403 ♦Central National Bank—»’10 60-165 ♦City Bank of York------ 15’87 60-160 ♦DROVERS & MECH. NAT’L Jacob Beitzel_____ Jas. G. G lessner__ Geo. J o rd a n _____ BANK— 60-159_____ **’88 F arm ers B ank_________ §T8 J . A. Gillen______ John S. H auser___ John S. H auser___ R. S. G latfelter___ 60-166 W. A. KEY WORTH E.K. EMIG-------- D.M. MYERS-----J. B. SPRENKEL „ 306,540 469,610 21,320 4th St. N., Phil. 59,460 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., P itt. 225.000 Irving N., N.Y.; P eo. N „ Keystone N., and Ex. N., P itt. 105.000 Chase N ..N .Y .; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 130.000 Irving N ., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 75.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 90.000 City, York; M. M. 1st N:, Balt. 500,000 118,020 2,544,030 2,959,890 480,050 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. ♦Guardian T rust Co.___t§’03 E. C. Zeigler__ ___ O. M. Nes__ ______ G. L. Sprenkel, W. C. Beitzel, 60-163 Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. ♦Industrial Nat. Bk. of West Z. Lauer_________ M. L. Stray er_____ H. 0. S titt_______ York____60-164______< ’07 300.000 175,070 1,259,680 1,283,690 332,090 Han. N.. N .Y .; G irard N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 56,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Union N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. ♦SECURITY TITLE & TR. CO. W. F. B. S tew art.. E. H. H auser_____ R. S. Cannon, 250.000 58,540 1,078,860 1,196.210 188,190 Chase N ., N . Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 225.000 f JOHN ZELLER— A. W. SMYSER — E. A. RICE— — J S pecial a tte n tio given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ♦WESTERN NATIONAL BANK 1 P lease send 15c w n ith each sight d ra ft f o r ‘p resentation a ««3 25c fo r Credit R eports. 60-158 *3*75 80,130 1,293,090 1,358,240 150,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th St. N „ Phil. ♦FIRST NATIONAL 0ANK<’64 60-155 60-162 Collections hav e the attention of an officer of this bank. 15c m ust be sen t with each sight draft for present atlon. . Prom pt service. Send us your Yo rk items. W. C. Sudick, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. «$$’93 50,000 33,000 506,000 452,000 PEN N SY LV A N IA B A N kS —W o o d b u ry to Y orkhaven W rightsville.— York E 9 F irst National B a n k _____ ’63 60-1401 3 Pop. 2051 6,860 $ 96.720 $ 89.350 1112 1 1 i o t T H E BANK O F SERVICE. Jam es A. Dale____ Samuel Small, J r . . . William R. Horner W.F.O.Rosenmiller 300.000 540,790 1,693,220 2,487,940 341.580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st and 4th St. N., Phil. Grier H e rsh __ Henry Nes_______ J . J . F rick_______ H. O. Sakemiller _ 500.000 347,260 2,016,490 2,427,350 476,200 N. City, N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. Ellis S. Lewis.. Smyser Williams — 0. H. Moore, Carl S. W ittm er, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. a n d A . T r. W. R. Horner, Sec. 300.000 92,170 1,568,510 1,767,970 Jno. W h isler_____ 25,000 John J . F ric k . Geo. A. Heiss.. B a n k s A d vertising give P rom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank i s t h e -1 f o to each bank in U . S . e x c lu s iv e ly bv Jno. Cbckley. Jno. Fishel New Transit Number given T lie 192,720 Chase N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. K a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e rs* t i t t ' x t x t o 'vt’T tt a xtt a Accessible Towns, u f D irectors, in- July, 1918 ♦York County National Bank 60-154 *¿’45 ♦York National Bank—<1810 60-153 ♦York T rust Co._____ < $ ’90 60-161 York Clearing House______ (M embers indicated by a *) Y orkhaven____York E 8 Yorkhaven State Bank—§18 3 Pop. 793 60-1491 Map on Index Digitized forPENNSYLVANIA FRASER B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce P E N N S Y L V A N IA M a p o n In d e x Town and County. d t j >'k t ,M 'C V T XT' A 'NTT A n M N iN S I L V A 1 N 1 A Name of Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. P is Pittsburgh Branch. Est. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. Anthony Deardorff A. B. M ummert___ Liabilities . Surplus P aid-up Depos and Capitai. P rofits its P rincipal Correspondents. $ 25,000 $ 36,100 $ 296,540 $ 368.990 $ 35,060 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. E. J . K e lly ............. J . A. Sagerdahl___ C. P. C loak______ J . J . S later______ 50,000 35,000 _. F . G. U eckenbach. 21,000 10,500 25,000 62,330 C. H. Kay____- ___ Resources. Loans k Dis- Cash k Exc’ts . Bonds, Chang*«, D ue 8«CURITI*« from B anks W. P. N u ttin g . D. L. Newill_____ J . E. W inem an___ J . W. Scott______ W. W. Scott. 325,000 325,000 65,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. 310,620 338,130 73,940 Mellon N.. P itt. Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of P itt. N. A., Pitt. G. Gnrradn 25,000 750 149,000 99,000 H. M. Wise______ C. S. Passavant, J r . Henry Kloffenstein 0. S. Passavant, J r . 50,000 39,050 615,340 657,110 86,980 Chase N., N. Y. W. J . Lamberton— A. G. Eichholtz___ H. A. H allstein___ Wm. M. Seaton___ H. € . Milleman 50,000 22,970 404,900 481,730 46,540 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 65,000 3d N. and Mellon N., Pitt. R H O D E IS L A N D (Savings B a n k s d o n o t h a n d le co llectio n s) Federal R eserve D istrict. Arctic K ent J 12 Centreville National Bank of W arwick-57-91........... «{’28 •ft Pop. 6000 (ft Centreville Savings BankiS’88 Charles Duke 57-92 Ashaway. Washington S 5 Asha way National B ank.. *65 L. A. Briggs Pop. 1400 57-93 E. W. W h itfo rd __ G. B. W aterhouse.. E. W. W hitford, Sec. a n d Tr. Frank Hill ‘ B ristol.____ Bristol K 19 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. Ezra Dixon, Pop. 13,000 57-99 *11900 Ch. o f B d. Centerville___K ent K 12 Pop. 2700 ‘ East Greenwich__Kent Pop. 3604 L 13 Esmond Providence Pop. 500 E 8 Greenville___Providence Pop. 700 (ft «( E 8 Hope Valley.Washington Pop. 1200 P6 ‘K in g sto n ... Washington Pop. 550 Q 12 Narragansett Pier.W ash. Pop. 1200 S 15 *Newport_.Newport Q 19 Pop. 30,108 „ .. 4. “ “ “ .... “ __T, w,,. “ «• 108,000 1,190,270 1,233,930 100,000 33,780 47,550 3,000,000 5,044,660 F o r S ta te m e n t See M gr. 156,870 64,480 39,330 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Prov. H o m e Office. 1st N., N. Y. (See A rctic) TTninn T rust f!n.......... »I’Ofi 57-100 Smithfield Savings Bank. §'12 57-109 National Exchange Bank*{'22 57-97 Smithfield Savings Bank{§’72 57-98 Washington T rust Co. —»§’65 57-101 Kingston T rust Co §'07 57-102 • Peoples Savings Bank__{§’12 57-110 Wakefield T rust Co__ »§’35 57-103 Aquidneck National Bk..*{'54 57-77 Peter King______ Chas. A. B ra c k e tt. T. B. Congdon____ T. B. Congdon INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0.*£§’05 57-80 Thos. P . Peckham, Mgr. Island Savings Bank__*{§’73 57-78 National Exchange Bank*{ ’34 57-76 Newport National Bank *1803 57-72 Newport T rust Co.___»{§'02 57-79 Savings Bank of Newport 57-75 *{§1819 RHODE ISLAND Map on in d ex _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Howard Y. Allen, M gr. A. J . Mowry__ „ A . M gr. N. S. Winsor . A. B. Whipple____ H. S. T urner_____ J . G. Peckham ___ 0. J . G reene.. (B ranch o f 150,000 M. W. Mowry, Sec. S. R. Richnund, M gr. M. F . P e rry .. __ Pro vidence, B . I .) — Prov. N. Ex., Greenville, R. I. (B ranch o f Oreen ville, B . J.) 74,000 27,000 317,580 46,280 Merch. N., Prov.; 2d N., Bos. 56,320 477,890 555,570 31,580 (B ranch o f W est erly, B . N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Prov. I.) 105,000 M. F . Perry, M gr... N. Park, N. Y.; Industrial T r. Co., Prov. (B ranch o f Prov idence, . A . T r. Edward A. Brown. David Braman____ G. H. Proud, Sec. a n d Tr. N. G. Stanton G. H. Proud Edward S.Peckham G. W. Sherm an___ W. A. S herm an.^.. H. C. Stevens, J r . . . William Stevens__ B . I.) (B ranch o f W ak efield, B . r i 200.000 Chase N., N. Y»; Merch. N., Prov. 132,100 3,111,270 2,629,190 3,000.000 5,044,660 F or S ta te m e n t See H om e 58,330 1,514,500 1,508,820 418,580 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Bos.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. Office. Industrial T r. Co., Prov. 62,250 N. Ex., Newport. Edward A. Brown. 100,000 90,110 677,620 871,830 160,740 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos, 120,000 63,480 307,460 354,180 T. P. Peckham____ Clark Burdick__ .. E. A. Sherman, Sec. a n d Tr. W. H. Ham m ett. W. P . Sheffield G. P-Taylor, T r. __ 300,000 66,040 1st N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 404.540 N. City, N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 2d N „ Bos.; 1st N., Phil. 383,540 201,170 2,184,280 2,280,910 998,000 10 787 000 10 677 890 For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS 1113 >“ •ft $ 100,000 $ 125,000 $ 328,000 $ 440,900 $ 181,580 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Merch. N., Prov. jPENN, AND RHODE ISLAND BANKS—York Springs to Newport York S prings. Adams F 7 F irst National Bank .. .. ’05 3 Pop. 299 60-1404 Youngsville..W arren B 3 F irst National Bank____»{’06 60-987 4P Pop. 1800 “ “ Youngsville Savings Bk. » t’93 60-986 {’03 Young wood. Wes tmor el'd F irst National Bank 60-1405 4P Pop. 1881 E2 Yukon, W estm orel’d .E 2 F irst Bank of Yukon___t ’15 60-1456 4P Pop. 2000 Zelifinnplfi Butler D J F irst National Bank____*{’81 60-990 4P Pop. 1388 “ “ Peoples National B ank.. .*’04 60-991 P resident. A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, Ineiexeci in back of 'bois volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a te s , G race,, e tc ., see page 14. F op H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13. #"■»_ _ a.: ,_ j L O n u n u eQ July, 1918 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k Is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given 1 1 1 Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN aU y B ankers* - L l - i J D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . (See Index to Lawyere) Town and County. Name of Bank. President. Vice-President. Olneyville___Providence Union T rust Co___ — — §’51 Pop. 5000 G 15 Pascoag—Providence C 6 INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0.*§ 01 Pop. 2425 57-105 Pawtucket— Providence INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. Pop. 59,411 F 16 57-54 <§1900 Cashier. Liabilities . Surplus Paid-up Depos and Capital Profits its Ass ’t Cashier. Win, T. Galligan, (B ranch M gr. Earle D. Steere, $3000000 M gr. F op S J . N. Eaton, M gr... C. L. Knight, 3,000,000 A . Mgr. F or S J . A. Arnold_____ Ralph E. Kenyon, A . Tr. C. H. F re n c h _____ E. A. Tingley, T r ... o f Prov idence, B . I .) __ $5044660 ta te m e 5,044,660 ta te m e o f Provi H om e o f Provi H om e (B ranch n t See (B ranch n t S ee 113,910 1,286,760 1,329,770 70,900 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Union, Bos. 500,000 1,454,790 14638410 14 544090 2,049,110 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and N Shawmut, Bos. 100,000 78,440 464,330 441,680 RHODE ISLAND Map on Index P R O V I D E N C E (P r o v id e n c e , G 15) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phi den ce).. Industrial T r. Co., Prov. O ffice. d en ce).. N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. O ffice. 562.600 $6818 830 7,066,560 $ 314,870 1st N., N. Y.; Old Colony T r. Co., Bos. — — H. W. F itz______ _ H. J . G reer, T r.__ C. R. M artin, Sec,. Andrew E. Jencks J . F . Browing, A . T r. P hénix----------- Kent J 11 Phénix T rust Co._____< § ’56 H .T . W hite______ Geo. E. Sheldon. Pop. 4150 57-106 Sec. a n d Tr. Principal Correspondents. 183,900 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Prov.; N Shawmut, Bos. C o u n ty S ea t, P o p . 254,960 _______________________ _____ (Savings Banks do n o t h an d le collection s) Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. ‘ BLACKSTONE CANAL NATI BK. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. Liabilities . Subplus I ndivid AND ual Propits D e p o s i t s Paid-up Capital Loans a Resources. Bonos, Due OF Dis - Sueuri- B anks counts TIES, ETC from Banks Principal Correspondents. Cash and ExCHANGES ALBERT R. PLANT..H. F. HINCKLEY— C. P. BROWN — ____ ____________ If y o u a p p r e c ia te p ro m p t and c a r e f u l s e r v ic e a t a m o d e ra te c h a rg e , s e n d U S y o u r it e m s a n d c o lle c t io n s o n P r o v id e n c e . $ 500,000 $ 668,500 $5,056,130 $2,778,870 $ 1,174,480 $ 503,270 $ 262,610 N . Park and Irving N ., N . Y.; Ft, Dear. N „ C hi.; 1st N .t Bos. 57-13 (20 M arket Square) < ’31 Citizens Savings Bank___t§ ’71 J . B. Paine_______ C. F . Irons 57-38 (846 W estm inster) Elijah Allen, T r. 869,010 12,404,810 Columbus Exchange Bank $§'01 M. Vervena______ R. E. L y m a n ____ A. Paoletti, T r.___ 57-40 (.One B ra n ch ) V. L. Raia (2 Market Square) C. A. Sylvia ♦High Street B a n k .._____«§’28 H enry A. Grim57-12 wood (846 W estminster) ‘ INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY H. MARTIN BROWN- J. M. S. P. COLT, J. M. Ch. o f B d . F. M. S. M. E. A lien. ADDEMAN— W. E. SMITH. T r ... H. B. C0NGD0N, SCOTT E. F. SEABURY, Sec HOWE A . T r. H. C. OWEN,A. Sec NICHOLSON J. C. BULLOCK, H. C. JACKSON, T rust Officer. A . Sec, P R O V ID E N C E M ap o p p o s ite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ranlcfi Advert! 927,800 300,000 Han. N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N. and 2d N., Bos. 100,000 37,040 840,040 242,620 555,960 164,520 20,460 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N ., Bos.; Bk. of Naples, Naples. 120,000 150,780 944,620 735,590 75,290 238,940 103,770 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; N. Com'l, Alb. 3,000,000 5,044,660 63,378,190 ELLERY HOLBROOK, A . Sec, SEE ADVERTI SEMERT 57-34 < § ’86 C o l l e c t i o n s w ill r e c e i v e o u r c a r e f u l a t t e n t i o n . B r a n c h e s (49 W estminster) in P a w t u c k e t , N e w p o r t , W o o n s o c k e t , B r i s t o l , W a r r e n , P a s c o a g , W ic k fo r d , and W e s te r ly . Italo-Am. Mutual T rust Co. F. D. McKendall__ G. De Benedictis— Wm. S. Todd, Sec.. H. R. Bassett, T r.. 57-39 $§'04 (53 Weybosset) ♦Mechanics National B a n k < ’23 C. C. Harrington. H. E. T hurston___ E. A. H avens_____ 57-9 (Dorrance & Exchange Place) ♦M erchants National Bk.<1818 R. W. T aft . . . . . O. H. N ew ell. Frank A. Greene__ W. I. Angeli_____ 57-6 M. J . Barber H, S. Hathaway (20 W estm inster) 220,830 11,811,390 64,-575 0,310 ON OPPO SITE 182,030 500,000 329,400 4,377,770 1 ,000,000 1,275,500 8,393,270 , 29309610 31,008,870 9,297,780 2,250,850 37,230 PA GE. 161,680 53,630 40,370 Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 4,221,360 723,000 801,050 1st N. and Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 6,599,480 3,623,230 1,178,220 . .1 . 1st N ., Chase N ., N . Park, H an. N „ and N . C ity, N . Y .; C ont. & C om ’l N ., C h i.; Old C olony Tr. Co. and 1st N ., B o s .; 4 th S t. N ., P h il.; N . B k . C o m .-S t. L. (M em . Fed. R es.) .. » g g ive P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o Ä 327,130 Imp. & Tra. N., and Mech. & Metals N., N .Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; IstN . and N. Snawm ut, Bos, Collegfinng fl RHODE ISLAND BANKS—Olneyville to Providence____ _____ July, 1918 Pawtucket Inst, for Savings E. N. Littlefield.!__ 57-51 < § ’36 Providence Co. Sav. B k.<§’53 Benj. F . Sm ith___ 57-52 Slater T rust Co. _____ < § ’55 F rank A. Sayles__ 57-53 Resources. F/Oans & Dis- Cash k E x c’Tg. Bonds, o h arou ,D u i 8 kooritikh from B a k u __________ ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District. Est. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Gract " A" 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 15 R H O D E I S L A N D — C o n tin u ed ^ N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally B ankers' D irectory, un d er th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . ! INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY PROVIDENCE, R. I. Largest Bank in the S ta te . , C apital S u rp lu s • • • • • * • • T o ta l R e s o u r c e s O v e r • • • • • • $3,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 # * $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 * OF FICERS ^ f W r!a .j, SA M UEL P. COLT, Chairman of the Board of Directors . H. M A R T IN BROW N, President "vV JOSHUA M . A D D E M A N , Vice-PresidenC HENRY B. CONG D O N , Secretary JAM ES M . SC O TT, Vice-President J. CUNLIFFE BULLOCK, Trust Officer SAM UEL M . NICHOLSON, Vice-President ELM ER F. SEABÜ RY , Assistant Treasurer FLORRIMON M . -HOWE, Vice-President • H A R R Y C. OW EN, Assistant Secretary • W A R D E. SM IT H , Treasurer HENRY C. JACKSON., Assistant- Secretary ELLERY HOLBROOK, Assistant Secretary DIRECTORS SAM UEL P. COLT JOSHUA M . A D D E M A N JA M ES M . SCOTT H. M A R T IN BROWN J. M ILTON PAY NE EBEN N . L IT TL E FIE LD E ZR A DIXON L Y M A N B. GOFF SAM UEL M . NICHOLSON P a w tu c k e t N ew port JAM ES R. MacCOLL ERLING C. QSTBY HAROLD J. GROSS JOHI* S. HOLBRÖOK R. LIVINGSTON BEECK M AN E D W A R D H . R A T H BUN W A L T E R S. BALLOU H ENRY A . HOFFM AN A L B E R T H. SAYLES A L F R E D M . COATS h e n r y w . Ha r v e y f r a n k l . p ie r c e JAM ES M . PEN D LETO N E D W A R D B. ALDRICH TH O M ÄS Pi PEC K H AM FLORRIM ON M . HOWE E V E R E T T I. ROGERS^ BRANCHES IN W o o n so ck et W a rren B r is to l P ascoag W lek fo rd W e s te r ly C oU ectlons W ill R eceiv e Our C areful A tten tion Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 »X) 1E s3 ÍD o B £> « P 9<D k 00 « (0 ooi g er 0 o «<0 5 i o W 1 o o c= z C-4 n 5 (A S Í Ö » m a X& Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DECISION 2 Handed down in a recent Bul letin to members by another Secretary of a State Bankers* Association who misses no op portunity to protect and advise his members ( n o t o n e o f th o s e A s s o c i a tio n s w h ic h h a v e m a d e “ R a n d - M c N a l l y " o ffic ia l ;) “ It is only fair to say that in trying to find the most accurate directory publication we have had to acknowl edge the R a n d M c N a l l y book as the most s a tis f a c t o r y and r e l i a b l e bank directory offered.” “ The fact that the Rand McNally s book is issued from one to two months in advance of any of its competitors is one of the big items that can be credited to their enterprise; but with one of the most complete publishing plants in the world it is not surprising that they are, with great regularity, first in the field with their books.” Is a l w a y s the first Bank Directory on the market and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than any other similar publication. 1115 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in P T ? O V T T ) T 5 ' 'M P 'R ----- C o f l t i f l U P d dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,,1 r r t v J v J.J-/XHN V /U iu iiiu c u (Federal Reserve District No. 1 ) (Savings Banks do not handle collections) etc., see page 1 4 . For Holidays, dee opposite page 13.1 £ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory^under the a u t h o r l ^ o f ^The ^nrartcan^ankers Ass’n. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. •NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 57-25 (Turks Head Bldg.) *t'51 ’NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 57-2 P resident. C . P R E S C O T T K N I G H T - - H E N R Y L . W IL C O X — Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. VICE-PRESIDENT. W A L T E R C . N Y E ............... E. Resources. Liabilities . Dus Subplus I ndivid Deposits Loans a Bonds, P aid-up Securi FBOM Dis ual of AN» CAPITAL Profits Deposits Banks counts ties, etc. Banks P rincipal Correspondents. Cash and Exchanges B. F E S S E N D E N .......... 855,090 $ 1,347,180 $ 227,580 Phénix N ., and N . Bk. C om ., Ñ. Y. ; 1st N., and N. S h aw m u t, Bos. ; P hil. N . and Bk. o f No. Am erica, P h il.; N . Com ’I, Alb. 1,740,240 N. Park, and N. Bk. C om ., N . Y.; Cont. & Com ’I N ., C hi.; Corn Ex. N ., P h il.; N. S h a w m u t, and 1st N ., Bos. F R A N K W . G A LE $ Send US your items ana collections tor rroviaence ana vicinity. 850,000 $ 954,820 $ 4,686,250 $ 633,770 $5.133,410 $ Promptness and careful attention to every detail. Moderate charge. S T R I CT L Y A C O M M E R C I A L BANK. MICHAEL F. D00LEY-F. S. PECK------C. H. W. MANDEVILLE GEORGE G. WOODA. R. PEIRCE FRANCIS E. BATES O n e o f th e O ld e s t and vo i ►-» oo S t r o n g e s t B a n k s in R h o d e 500,000 1,202,790 9,048,580 4,991,970 5,067,680 722,970 12,956,550 6,299,520 6,939,410 I s la n d . (63 W estm inster) *1:1801 Peoples Savings Bank.__•£§ 51 57-37 (27 Market Square) G. H. Hagan, W ebster Knight — W. P . Goodwin, A .S e c .a n d A Sec. a n d T r. F. P. Comstock John B. Branch ♦Phenix National B a n k __ *$’35 W ebster K n ig h t__ 57-21 (83 Dorranee) Providence In st, for S av .~ t§ ’19 57-36 (86 South Main) ♦Providence National Bk.«11791 Wm. Gammell____ 57-1 (78 South Main) Charles B riggs___ J . E. Le B. F. W. Matteson H. D. Sharpe Wm. Gammell, J r . Thom pson__ H. Bradford, T r. L. Anthony____ T. H. W est, J r . W. A. Gamwell H. L. Slader LEE, HIGGINSON & CO.--— 865,740 1,677,790 1,987,270 30,665,270 500,000 Tfl, O, Baity H. B. Hagan G. H. Capron R. S. Richards G. B. H ibbert A . Secretaries ♦Union T ru st Co.----------*i§’94 A. J . Pothier_____ G. W. Gardiner___ W. P . Farrell, Sec. C. H. Sheldon M. J . Perry, 57-24 Ch. o f B d. H. J . Gross (Dorranee & W estm inster) ♦W estm inster Bank------- •18’54 Arnold B. Chace__ Geo. A. Jepherson. 57-29• (73 W estm inster) Hornblower & W eeks-------- 15 (10 Weybosset) 450,000 J. H. Ormsbee, A . T r. H erbert J . Wells — H. A. H u n t______ John H. Wells, Sec. P. H. Gardner, ♦RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL T r. Offlcer P. H. Gardner J . E. Williams TRUST COMPANY— »iS’68 57-33 (15 W estm inster) 481,640 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Providence N. Shawmut, Bos.; Blackstone Canal N., Providence. .T r . 998,410 3,727,410 3,000,000 4,218,140 51,812,390 G. A. Harrington E. A. Harris, R. T. Downs A . T r. OfUeers 132,810 2,133,300 978,360 115,580 1,802,010 6,200,670 24,567,360 2,406,620 2,283,110 196,060 N. City, and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y. N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N „ Phil 521,740 48Í.930 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 19,831,160 31,063,660 6,957,030 2,432,760 Bk. of America, N. Bk. Com., and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, 2d N., and 1st N., Bos.; Franklin N., Phil.; (M em . F ed. B es.) F. E. Chafee, T r ... John Congdon, A . See. a n d A . Tr. 1,000,000 677,790 10,430,660 4,181,690 6,240,730 1,070,120 B. B. M anchester— 300,000 90,000 2,200,000 1,850,000 109,000 330,000 615,900 N. City and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. 1st Ñ., Bos. 250,000 1st N., N. Y. and Bos. Lee, Higginson & Co., Bos. lb (912 T urks Head Bldg.) Miller & George ------------ ’07 (Investm ent (Industrial T rust Bldg.) R. S. MOORE & CO________ 13 (Investm ent (10 W eybosset) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY-18 (Investm ent Richardson & C la r k ----------’93 (.Investment (11 Exchange) TU* T TtMhkM Providence Clearing House___ (49 W estm inster) (Members indicated b y a ♦) PROVIDENCE Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B a tik Bank Bon Bank, fjt H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chi. N., City Co.,N. Y.,Chi.,Phil. and Lon., Eng.; N„ City Co., of Cal., San F. Redmond & Co., N. Y.; E. W. Clark & Od., Phil.; H. C. W ainwright & Co., Bos. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber uuder N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to eaoil bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. N ame of Bank. «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.'Assn. SState ■E ntire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv Federal Reserve District E st President. A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace _ , D t i r i n T ? TOT A x m p ___ i K f l U i / J i l ù - L A JN J J ---V /O lltln U 6 G Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities . P aid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its C. E. S eag rav e ____ $ 100,000 Î G. A. Kroener, A . Sec. a nd A . Tr. G. A. Kroener, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. Resources. Loaim k Dis- Cash k E x c’tb. Bonds, changee, Due S ecurities from Ba k u 29,970 $ 159,060 $ 242,150 $ 46,890 Merch. N., Prov.; 1st N „ Bos. 105,300 1,140,460 1,125,640 100,000 Principal Correspondents. 88,490 511,150 594,240 20,120 Wakefield T r. Co., Wakefield, R. I. 102,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Prov. and Bos. W arren____ Bristol J 18 INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0..«S 04 Pop. 7204 57-108 E. A . Cady, M gr. _ E. R. Cutler, 3,000,000 5,044,660 {B ranch o f Provi d en ce).. Chase N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. A . M gr. F or 8 ta te m e n t S ee H o m e O ffice. Wes terly . Washington T 2 INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0.<§04 Pop. Pop. 9442 57-86 J . M. Pendleton, Mgr. Washington T rust Co.<51800 Charles P e r r y ____ Chas. P . Cottrell__ A rthur L.Perry, T r. 57-85 W ick fo rd ... Washington INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0.-*S’02 Pop. 1050 N 13 57-96 57-68 <51900 H om e 450,000 6,424,250 6,574,870 F or 8 ta te m e n t S ee E. 0. Francis, Mgr. 100,000 H om e 28,240 378.000 409,400 32,000 430.000 604,000 O ffice. N., Bos.; PhU. N ., Phil. 572,470 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Franklin N., Phil. O ffice. 5,870 Merch. N., Prov. 44,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Merch. N., Prov. 3,000,000 5,044,660 {B ranch o f Provi dence). F o r 8 ta te m e n t See E. O. R onian.. F. E. Farnum , T r .. F . E. F arnum . F. E. Farnum ____ E. W. F ren ch _______ 100,000 C. H erbert Pond 200,000 H om e 187,000 1,930,000 1,980,000 -------------------------------------L . G. H. Baker______ Samuel P.Cook, T r. 53,400 611,000 646,150 204,000 1,903,000 1,674,000 149,420 3,354,030 3,319,470 Chas. E. Ballou___ Chas. N. Cook, T r.. E. L. Arnold, A . Tr. 820,000 9,000,000 9,700,000 50,000 Henri D esrochers.. W. B. Greene, Sec. a n d T r. E ntire State in No. 5 Federal Reserve District. 38,850 698,730 686,110 O ffice. 1st N ., N. Y.; 2d N ., Bos. 137,500 N. Globe, Woonsocket; 1st N., Bos. 118,740 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. Com., Prov. 637,000 1st N.. N. Y. and Bos.; Merch. N. and Union T r. Co., Prov. 143,250 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Producers N., Woonsocket. 350,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Industrial T r. Co., Woon socket; 1st N . and New Eng. T r. Co., Bos. 67,870 S O U T H C A R O L IN A F. E. H arrison____ P. B. Speed______ J . C. Thomson____ $ 75,000 $ 24,110 $ 301,880 $ 267.360 $ 132,930 Han. N ., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. J . Allen Smith____ J . F . Barnwell____ H. G. S m ith _____ Lewis Perrin 75,000 S. G. Thomson____ G. A. Neuffer____ 21,800 S. G. Thomson, J r . H. M. D ibble____ Jam es Powell____ P. M. Buckingham J . P . McNair_____ R. W. McCreary__ J . A. M. Gardner . . 284,100 35,000 335,000 230,000 26,300 316,000 294,600 355,800 2,880,700 2,966,390 123,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N „ Char. 59,800 Chase N ..N .Y . 554,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta: Atlantic S ar., Char. 78,810 N. Park, N. T.; N. Ex., Augusta, Ga.: Bk, of C hai. N. B. A.. Char. 22,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; N. Ex., Augusta, Ga. 28,510 343,710 358,410 50,000 28,000 236,000 380,000 C. C. Chavous____ 30,000 17,160 121,000 161,030 22,890 H as. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. F. Chavons .. . 30,000 10,500 220,000 192,000 M. L. M iddleton... P. J . F u lm e r_____ R. M. H arison____ ui j axx W. Z. Bryan 50,000 13,000 155,000 250,000 56,140 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Augusta, Ga.; Palmetto; N., Columbia. — G. A. Durban - D. S am s_________ B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o Co le c t io n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce July, 1918 65,000 D. W. Gaston, S r__ T. C. S tone__ R. L. Gunter Allendale__Barnwell G 8 ALLEMDALE DANK........ t’90 E. H. O swald____ Pop. 2000 67-216 “ __________« Citizens Bank ___ LeRoy W ilson____ 67-217 W. T. Riley, J r , . . . 67-492 Digitized for SOUTH FRASER CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300,000 3,000,000 5.044,660 {Branch o f Provi d en ce).. F . E. Brown_____ J . G. Reynolds, Sec. and Tr. Louis B rodern___ H. H. S m ith _____ H. J . M y e tte _______ E. C. Francis, Ch. o f B d . Mechanics Savings Bank.5’73 Wm. C. Mowry___ 57-67 National Globe Bank__. . < ’34 T. A. Buell______ 57-61 Producers National B an k < ’52 Samuel P. Cook___ 57-63 Producers Savings B ank<5’68 Chas. H. Horton__ 57-66 Woonsocket Inst, for Savings Aram J . P o th ie r__ 57-62 < 5 ’45 Woonsocket T rust Co___§’121J . M. McCarthy___ 57-69 »Abbeville.. Abbeville D 4 Farm ers Bank of Abbeville Pop. 5000 County___67-130_____i§ ’90 »_________ « National Bk. of A bbeville<’85 67-129 « « Peoples Savings B ank...$S’04 67-131 »A iken______ Aiken F 6 Bank of W estern Carolina Pop. 4500 67-132 < § ’87 __ . “ Farm ers & Merch. Bank 67-133 < § ’06 ______ “ F irst National B a n k ___< ’10 67-136 F o r 8 t a t e m e n t S ee — Thaddens W. Hunt, Mgr. W ickford Savings B ank. §’55 C. B. R eynolds.. 57-95 W oonsocket-.Providence Citizens National Bank___’65 Joseph G. R ay.. Pop. 44,360 A 12 57-65 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. 3,000,000 5,044,660 (B ranch o f Provi d en ce).. Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; lsl RHODE ISLAND AND SO. CAROLINA BANKS-Slatersville to Allendale Slatersville.—Providence F irst Nat. Bk. of Smithfleld F, E. B artlett____ I. H. Sw eet______ C. S. Seagrave____ Pop. 1501 A 10 57-107 <1818 W akefield__ Washington Wakefield Inst, for Sav.<§’50 John Babcock. . B. W. Palm er____ J . E. Babcock, Pop. 3000 R 13 57-89 Sec. and Tr. Wakefield T rust Co.___< § ’90 Benj. F . Robinson. J . E. Babcock, 57-90 Sec. and Tr. A s s ’t C a s h i e r . 1116 1 1 1 fi X X XU Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis So Carolina INDEX TO COUNTIES. Abbeville.. D 4 Aiken.........F 7 Anderson .. C 3 Bamberg.. .G Barnwell... G Beaufort. . . J Berkeleyi. .G '8 7 9 |1 Calhoun .. .E Charleston. H Cherokee .. A Chester__ C ChesterfleldC Clarendon .E Colleton...H 9 7 8 II 11 9 11 Darlington D 11 Dillon........ C 13 Dorchester. G 10 Edgefield . .E 5 Fairfield__ C 8 Florence... D 12 GeorgetownF 13 Greenville. B 4 Greenwood D 5 Hampton.. H 8 H orry....... E 14 Jasper.........1 8 Kershaw... C 10 Lancaster. .B Laurens..... C Lee....... . .D Lexington...E 9 5 10 >7 Marion......E 13 Marlboro.. ,C 12 McCormickE 4 Newberry..D 7 Oconee...... B 2 Orangebtu-g F 9 Pickens__ B 3 Richland. ..D 9 Saluda__ D 6 SpartanburgB 5 Sumter__ D 10 Union.........C 7 Williams burg....... F 13 York.......... B 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis When In D oubt ABOUT BANKERS* DIRECTORY SERVICE Ask Your Reserve City Correspondents THEY KNOW THE BEST AND USE IT Number under Name of Sa n k is «be New Transit Number given to ea°b bank in U. 3. exclusively by The Kaml-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under tlie authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. s ib le SOUTH C A R O L I N A — C o n tin u e d P resident. Cashier. Vice-Presidknt. Ass ’t Cashier. CITIZENS RATIONAL BANK A ndrew s___Georgetown Pop. 95 F 13 Ay nor----------Horry D 14 Pop. 300 ¿B am berg.. Bamberg G 9 Pop. 1935 67-60 {’08 Dime Savings Bank__...{§’13 67-61 Farm ers & Merch. Bank»{§'89 67-55 Farm ers Loan & T r. C o ...§’98 67-57 Peoples B a n k _____ » tl’99 67-58 Bank of Andrews_____•i§ ’12 67-400 Bank of Aynor_______ U.SH6 67-472 Bamberg Banking C o...»i§’87 67-171 J . H. Anderson___ E. F . C ochran____ J . F. S hnm ate _____ J . R. V an d iv er___ J . D. H am m ett___ J . Brownlee____ 150,000 .T. R. Moseley C. W. McGee______ R. M. Cathcart fl. W. McGee D. A. Spivey._ P. RESOURCES. Depos its . 74,000 25,000 8,600 100,000 193,010 75,000 52,390 200,000 950,000 930,000 140,000 172.000 830,910 1,070,640 411,160 428,110 65,000 1,250,000 1,225,000 5,000 200,000 332,000 5,500 2,270 32,670 31.820 55.000 68,000 525,000 278,000 Robert Black_____ W. D. Coleman, T r. Mrs. E. M o rris ____ 29,100 7,990 80,350 139,450 25,000 15,000 225,000 C. W. R entz_____ C. E. Black G. F. Hair . P . M. Buckingham, (B ranch o f A ike n , S . C.) M ar. A. M. Denbow__ L. P. Wilson _ .. 25,000 5,000 125,000 N. G. W alker 30,000 S. B. Moseley___ Norman B. Gamble William McNab ____ 6,360 206,700 205,000 W. Lewis _ IT. TT. Stokes M. G. Cooner J. B. Hartley, A c tin g Mgr. J. R. U N G E R 85,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia: 1st N., Rich. 225,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto Merch. hi.. Rich. 17,300 Han. N., N. Y. N., Columbia 89,730 Merch. N,, N. Y.; 1st N ., Phil. 110,420 F ar. & Merch., Anderson. 200,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Peo. N„ f l llR T 100,000 . __ Geo. J . Holliday__ G. F . Bamberg____ J . H. Cope____ ___ D. F , H ooton_____ Principal Correspondents. Loans k D is Cash k E x cara. Bonds, change«, Do* pr o mB anks B H tn tm n $ 150,000 $ 190,000 $1100000 $1200000 $ R. M, Cathcart L. G. H ollem an___ E. P. Vandiver ___ E. P. V andiver.—. . T. S. B a n ister____ H. H. W atkins D. E. Brown W. H. Andrews___ H. S. P arsons.____ D. L. Movd B. 80,000 26,790 7,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil.; Peo, N „ Conway. 420,000 N. P ark and N. City, N. Y.i M. M. 1st N., Balt.: Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 7,890 Citiz. & Southern, Augusta, Ga. 101,000 Han. N. and Met. T r. Co., N. Y.; Palm etto N. Columbia: Plan. N., Rich. N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. 159,300 35,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Col umbia: Merch., Augusta, Ga.' 79,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Rich.: Palm etto N.. Columbia; N. Ex., Augusta, Ga. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 645,620 826,330 52,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 202,000 (B ranch o f A ik e n , S . G.) — ............ M c K. H A R T L E Y 29,000 Han. N., N.Y.; B k.of Char. N. B. A., Char. BANK«il900 J Ch. o f B d. j S pecial a t t e n t l o n given B ill o fX a d in g D ra fts , Cas h a n d T im e I te m I 15c m u s t be sen t w ith each S ig h t D ra ft fo r p re se n t à tio n a n d ( 50c w ith each re q u e s t fo r R e p o rt o r R a tin g . ¿Beaufort — Beaufort 19 Beaufort Bank_______ »tS’09 Pop. 2486 67-160 PEOPLES BANK ............«*§'03 67-159 B e lto n __...Anderson 0 4 Bank of Belton _______»{§’99 Pop. 3500 67-202 Belton Savings & Tr. Co..§’03 67-204 Farm ers B a n k __ _____ {§’03 67-203 ¿ B e n n e t t s v i l l e . . M a r l b o r o Bank of Marlboro— *{§’86 Pop. 2646 G 13 "67-154 MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK 67-395 {§12 PEOPLES NAT, BK. 67-436 •13 SOUTH CAROLINA M ap on Index 8- W. J . T hom as. . . . . J . S. Williams____ W. E. Richardson. W .C .J a y _________ R. R. Legare Geo. Holmes . . . . . . W. F . Marscher . . . W , F . Marscher ____ F . W. Scheper, Jr._ 4Ì.400 29,000 425.000 445,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 40,000 37,500 480,800 397,180 E. A. S m y th ..____ W alter E. Greer__ W alter E. G reer ___ Henry R. Campbell 50,000 83,500 560,000 570,000 E. A. Sm yth__ . . . . W alter E. Greer W alter E. Greer ___ Henry R. Campbell Hulon G. Campbell John A. H o rto n .... E. P , V an d iv er___ O. M. Horton 25,000 21,000 120,000 170,000 161,120 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Peo. N „ Char.; Savan. Bk. & T r. Co., Savan.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 105,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Palmetto N., Columbia: 1st N., Phil. 3,000 Bk. of Belton, Belton. 25,000 22,020 25Q,120 _ 245,670 H. L. McOoll.. . . . . . P . L. B reeden..___ R. N. Sampson.___ E. C ham ness ______ 59,700 T. B. M cLaurin__ J . L. McLaurin___ J . E. B arrentine ___ 25,000 10,410 ÍW . B. DRAKE . . . . 50,000 12,000 A.L.H EU S TE S S — - J. F. KINNEY, JR. 810,020 50,480 N. Park, N. Y.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt.: P eo .N ., Char. 518,640 N. Bk. Com. and N^City, N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Murchison N., Wil. 314,460 356,290 76,820 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: N. State & City, Rich. 175,000 348,800 28 500 H a n . N ., N. V .; M erch . N ., R a le ig h ; P a l 118.870 Han. N.. N. Y.; G irard N.. Phil.; Peò. N., Char. 144,880 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 243,670 1,025,290 L ss . m — -■ S pecial a tte n tio n given collection s. P ro m p t r e m itta n ee. YOUR SU SIN E SS SO LICITED . Planters National Bank ..{'01 A. J . Matheson___ 67-155 Union Savings Bank___*{§'03 W. 0. A dam s____ 67-156 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I. J . R. V an d iv er___ G. W. Evans_____ J . I. Brownlee. f T. KERN AGH AN — I. C . C A R S O N __________ R. H .T I M M E R M E N , A. C . JO N E S 67-169 Surplus Paid- up and Capital P rofits J . E. Sullivan J . R. S helor_____ R. E, Nicholson__ J. D. Brown-------- ENTERPRISE BANK ------ $§’14 H. M. G raham .. 67-451 Peoples B a n k ________ *{§’06 A. M. D enbow .. 67-172 » B a r n w e l l — B a r n w e l l G 7 Bank of W estern Carolina Pop. 2500 67-225 «*§’09 J , E . Harley___ BARNWELL BANKING CO. 67-487 »{§’17 HOME BAN K________ *«10 H. D. Calhoun . . 67-226 Batesburg.Lexington E 7 Bank of W estern Carolina Pop. 2250 67-486 «§'17 FIRST NATIONAL A. M. Sharpe F rank E. Todd C. S. Mauldin D ir ec to rs. I n - Jacob Isaacsohn__ G. W. Freeman M. W. Adams C. N. Brasington A. G. Sinclair____ E .P . Miller________ J . W . S m ith_____ E. W. Evans 100,000 52,000 313,920 330,620 25,000 34,890 600,750 513,130 _____ SO U TH CAROLINA BANKS—"A nderson to B ennettsville ¿Anderson .Anderson 0 3 Bank of Anderson____»{§’91 B. F . Mauldin____ J. A. Brock______ Pop. 12,266 67-56 P. E, Clinkscales L a i e t c ., see page Liabilities . Name op Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in Ño. 5 {Mem. State Bks. A ssn.fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. T o w n s, July. 1918 1 1 1 7 m e tto N ., C o lu m b ia. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Town and County. ‘ County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 B e th n n e ... Kersh Pop. 600 ‘Bishopville____I Pop. 3000 N ame op Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. . Est. 0 Bank of Bethune_____ »{§’08 67-289 L Bishopville National Bank 67-199 « t’Ol FARMERS LOAN & TR. CO. 67-201 »tS’06 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 12 67-391 P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Loams k Bis- Cashk Ex P aid -up Subplus D epos -' c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Due and Capital P rofits Securities promBanks As s ’t Ca sh ie r . N. A. B e th u n e ..__ p . T. Yarbrough__ J . C. P a rk e r_____ $ 15,000 $ 75,000 55,360 271,860 362,120 W. A. Jam es_____ C. H. H e a ro n ____ W. L. P a rro tt____ E. B. W oodward__ 20,000 8,750 33,840 76,210 J . S. Corbett_____ A. M. Lee________ D. A. Quattlehaum. W. J . DuBose 50,000 37,700 455,000 462,350 25,000 53,000 303,340 262,500 G. M. STUCKEY— -T. E. DAVIS---------- Z. M. SKINNER___ J . F. STUCKEY.— S e n d u s y o u r C o lle c tio n s . W e re m it th e d a y w e c o lle c t. «tS’OS P ro m p t a n d c a re fu l s e rv ic e . C h a rg e s r e a s o n a b le . Pop. 1200 ock— Ohes Pop. 250 l i e ... Barm Pop. 1800 Pop. 850 Pop. 2000 Pop. 700 Pop. 200 Pop. 296 ‘Cam den.. Kersha Pop. 5500 7 Bank of Blacksburg____tS’01 M. H. M orrow ____ B. J . Gold. 11,820 106,000 133/00 G. W. Bridges____ 32,000 67-234 8 Bank of Blackstock___*t§’07 E. M. Kennedy, 10,000 85,000 105,000 10,000 67-290 A ctin g 7 Bank of W estern Carolina (.Branch o f A ik e n . S . C.) 67-229 »t§’07 COMMERCIAL BANK— •§ 17 A. M. Denbow____ C. J . F ic k lin g ____ C. W. Rentz. J r — 4,450 110,000 153,000 20,000 67-482 ) Bank of Bowman.............*§'05 S. H. W e s t______ L. G, W eathers___ 17,800 103,000 161,000 25,000 M. W. J a c k so n ___ 67-291 Peoples Bank__________ §’16 T, Y. Easterlin . . . . G. E. Strom an____ R. L. P atric k _____ 75,000 25,000 40,000 67-470 J . J. Hutto Bank of Branchville— »ÎS’Ol J . R. H am ilton___ L. H. Fairey______ P. M. W im berly. . . 203,470 23,300 19,150 167,600 i 67-214 Peoples B a n k _________ t§ ’07 R. F. D ukes_____ G. W. Reeves_____ 76,040 134,710 21,500 9,760 J . B. Williams, J r ,. 67-215 F irst National B a n k ____ ’15 Jas. E. P eu rifo y __ W. J . Holladay___ B. H. Padgett____ Nina A. Minor__ _ 38,690 114,000 25,000 4,760 67-462 Merchants & Planters Bank W. E. Richardson. G. W. Cone___ 10,000 15,000 5,000 J . W. Campbell___ 22,000 67-418 §’12 BANK OF CADES-------- i§ ’!2 V. G. A rn e tte ____ T. J . Cottingham .. W. D. Epps______ ’ 10,000 2,080 62,110 53,210 67-404 B ankof Mt. Carmel ___§’16 (B ranch o f M t. Carmel, S. C .). . H. W. Lawson____ 67-479 Bank of Camden_____ •i§'88 H. G. Garrison____ W. M. Shannon___ O. H. Y ates______ H. G. Garrison, J r ,. 100,000 97,130 545,550 653,130 67-144 C. J. SHANNON, JR— L. A. WITTK0WSKY___JOHN T. MACKEY_____ S.W. VANLANDINGHAM FIRST NAT’L BANK 67-145 *}’04 Loan & Savings B ank— §11 67-392 Sw ines & Shannon f ’Sfi 67-143 Bank of Cameron........... t§ ’05 Pop. 685 67-294 Peoples Bank _ »$§’08 lello. Spart Pop. 255 67-295 ______ Un Bank of Carlisle______ »tS’03 Pop. 500 67-296 Bank of Central §’04 ____ _ Picki Pop. 1200 67-252 Farm ers Bank. __ . i§ ’0fi 67-253 Bank of C hapin...... ........i§ ’07 Pop. 375 67-297 Farmers- Bank________ t l ’09 Pop. 200 67-298 S O U T H C A R O L I N A M a p o n in d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1119 . S e n d u s y o u r C o lle c t io n s . “ W e a c t u a lly r e m it t h e d a y w e c o lle c t .” P r o m p t an d c a r e f u l s e r v ic e : C h a r g e s re a s o n a b le . TR Y US. T. J . Kirkland— W. R. Zem p. J . S. Lindsay 50.000 50,770 362,190 49,800 10,050 226,080 (In d ivid u al Res p o n sib tt F. I. Culler_______ C. D. Bull________ J . P. D antzler____ W. H. Gist_______ M. O. Reaver J . N- Morgan R\ R. Morgan . 25,000 W. E. Ratchford__ J . R. Falls Principal Correspondents. 7,500 $ 106,000 $ 82,500 $ 35,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. H. W. Woodward— R. W. M cCutchen. W. R. Scarborough W. G. P arro tt_____ PEOPLES BANK 67-200 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, S O U T H C A R O LIN A " -C ontinued 25.150 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N „ Char. 52,700 Han. N., N. Y. 22,190 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 9,660 Peo. N., Char.; Am. N., Rich. 1,350 Han. N., N. Y.; N, Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 15,490 Far.& Merch. N., Lake City, S. C.; Peoples N., Char.; Palm etto N.,'C01umbia. Bk. of Anderson, Anderson. 92,920 Han. N., N. Y. 196,440 84,810 N. Park, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia; Mur chison N., Wil. 7,300 94,710 103,140 91,740 127,176 92,500 95,000 8,500 19,800 N. Park, N. Y.; Palm etto N ., Columbia. 12,500 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; .Winnsboro, Winnsboro; Murchison N., Wil. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R „ Augusta, Ga.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 20,000 Citiz., Char.; Union N „ Columbia; Merch. N.. Rich. 13,700 Han. N „ N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char. tty $1,00 0,000)... M. M. 1st N., Balt. 13,000 15,000 102,190 N . Park, N. Y.; M urchison N ., W il.; Bk. o f Char. N . B. A ., Char.; N . S ta te & C ity, R ich . 64,920 Irving N ., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N ., B alt. 227,400 10,000 89,240 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Murchi son N., Wil.; 1st N., Rich. 8,080 Han. N „ N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.; Wachovia Bk. & T r. Co., Winston-Salem. 98,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Murchison N., Wil.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 445,190 221.970 15,000 45,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Columbia, Columbia; Peo. N., Orangeburg. 13,470 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. N., Spartanburg. 14,840 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Greenville; Palm etto N. , Columbia. 11,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am., Greenville. W. L. G assaway. . . W. H. M artin____ J . H. Ramseur__ _ 25,000 4,500 73,000 80,000 P. M. F rick______ S. J . Clark.... .......... H. D. W essinger__ R. A. F ric k ______ 10,000 1,500 60,000 46,000 29,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. W. A. W ebb_____ W. O. Holloway__ K. T,. (look.............. 10,150 3,540 80,700 76,360 16,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Palmetto N., Columbia. i n m ________________ SO U TH CAROLINA BANKS—B eth u n e to Chappells ____________ July, 1918 N um ber u nder N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under the au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass'n. 1118 B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce »irectory, under the au tho rity of The American Bankers Ass’n. C H A R LESTO N (Federal Reserve District No. 5 ) <Cba rlesto u , H *2 ) C ounty S eat, P o p . 60,734-----R eserve City To-vyns. Lawyers,«, Dteeetot^ in dexed in back oftbis volume. For In terest R ates, «race, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see nnnnsite n . . . n i B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce S O U T H C A R O L IN A M a p o n I n d e x N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B an k is the New 1119 ivnmho.. _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ C H A R L E S T O N D lrectory^ u n^ e^ tlfe authoritv7 f BanISsrs' • ,,lrcctory» under th e a uth ority o f Th e American B an ters Ass’n. (Federal Reserve District ]So. 5) Name of Bank. e 67-16 ,v ines 1 67-6 President. Y ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. As s 't Cashier. 3 Henry S chachte__ J . H. Ja h n z______ W alter Williman .. o n ■ 4 Henry S chachte__ Julius H. Ja h n z___ W alter Williman_ H. J . Bollmann. c ♦BANK OF CHARLESTON N. B. A . E. H. P rin g le____ E. H. Pringle, Jr.__ G. W. W alk er___ J . H. Lucas______ 67-1 67-5 C. N. Fishburne A. R. La Coste R. S. Small 1 H. P. W illiam s___ W. P . Carrington.. E. A. W illiam s__ R. W. C lauss____ B. F . McLeod J . J . Bonnoitt. J r. F. M. Duqueroron N. Israel______ __ F. C. L o tz ______ L. F . D enaro_____ 67-15 67-18 'COMMERCIAL 67-14 ♦DIME SAVINGS BANK- 67-10 67-13 67-12 ♦ F irst National B an k __ 1 67-2 M. W. Wilson • t ’05 1 1,009,71« t 3,410,00« 60,000 3,441,00« 1,180,00« 217,000 30.000 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Trades mens N „ Phil.; Am. N „ Rich. 500,00« 500,00« 5,200,000 1,200,000 5.115,00« 2,300,000 1,100,000 125,000 Bk.ofN.Y ,N .B. A.,N.Bk. Com.,Merch N „ 1st N „ Guaranty T r. Co., Far Ln. & T r. Co. and N. City, N. Y. 200,000 171,860 2,572,560 443,190 2,095,720 694,770 558,730 100,000 169,180 1,333,000 1,393,140 150,150 37,890 Citiz.N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Bk. oi No. America and 1st N., Phil Citiz. N., Balt. 105 900 800,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 N. P ark and Han. N., N. Y. 1,540 $ 668,47« S 538.43« $ 1,000,000 J . A. S to rf e r ___ I . T. T. H y d e______ 25,000 1,000 150,000 195,000 10 410 80,880 1,152,610 34,970 1,212,370 285,370 l A G en eral B a n k in g \ Y o u r C h a rle e to n A. E. L E P R I N C E . c o lle c tio L. D. Simonds 74,490 Sec. a n d T r. ___ _ 1 80,730 794,810 783,140 138.510 48,240 23,160 liberty N. and H arrim an N., N. Cont. T r, Co., Balt. 50,000 26,000 1,100,000 900,000 175.000 50,000 40,000 50,000 200,000 79,260 726,120 539,810 305,660 489,360 1,828,720 1,491,480 879,590 6,000 243,000 387,000 147,670 19,660 414,960 --------------- 278,760 56,200 128.370 500,000 185,110 2,437,220 2.228,500 4,106,130 864,080 984,740 50,000 27,430 922,180 27,500 870,990 116,320 45,030 1,500,980 122,480 788,520 668,260 279,910 43,800 E. H. Sparkman___3E. P . Grice. J . A. Johnston Elenry H. Ficken L. 1 J. A. Johnston \ J . 0. B all___ ..... E. T M. Schmetzer 100,000 50,000 4,720 682,970 22 280 ^ Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.; Columbia, 13,290 I liberty N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N. Balt. 336,050 1 N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. City and Han. N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. 306,73.0 ilim. Ex. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; M erch.N ., Bos.; M. M .ls t N „ Balt.; Phil. N „ Phil. 22,180 Î 75,4710 1I. — --- — — 389,790 __________ 50,000 50,000 .............................. nix N., and Equitable T r. Co., N.Ÿ. M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Am. Bk. & T r Co., Wil. 378 770 Seab. 8 N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. EL C. Cheves_____ « & Sons, Balt.; Parkinson & Burr, Bos. i. Paio, _____ ......... T Sec. and T r. W jl.. -me it, Char, N. B. A., Char; ------- 1119 E. M. Moreland C o... . . . . . . . ’70 W. M. Wallace, (B rokers) Charleston Clearing H ouse.__ E. H. Pringle_____ ................... (Members indicated b y a * y 103,780 i. C ity , N . B k. C o m ., a n d Irv 60,000 Wm. C. Wilbur . . „ 1 ♦South Carolina Loan & T rust John F. F ic k e n .... H. H. Ficken Co’s B a n k ..67-19.... .......... §’14 R. M. Marshall & B ro .__.„ '5 7 (B rokers)_______ SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index N. City, N. Y.; Com’l N „ Char. TRY US. W. K. McDowell__ W. M. B ir d _____ _ ' NATIONAL BANK R. G. R h ett____ 67-3 » t’65 ♦Security Savings Bank_.«}§’87 H. H. F icken____ 67-8 ♦South Carolina Loan & T rust John F. Ficken. . . . Company . . 67-4.... ........ «if ’69 80,840 N. City, N. Y. N ., N. Y .; M e rch . N ., R ich . Wilson G. H arv ey . R. 0. Lebby ♦PEOPLES 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 20,000 64,12« $ b u s in e j j . L DAVID____ __________ ______ W. H. LA FAR. )P ro m p t A tte n ti o n to C ollections la n d a ll o th e r B a n k in g m a tte r s e J . C. Simonds. P rincipal Correspondents. Cash and Ex changes 49,26« 75,000 A . R . R U G H E I M E R . ___ s. 347.00« 125,000 / T. T. H Y D E ______ Directors 200,00« 0. R. I. B row n.___ Jno. M cAIester___ W. J . Condon Liberty B a n k ______ - . „ • t § ’13 T. S. Wilhnr 67-17 ♦Miners & M erchants Bk.._§’89 A rthur Lynah___ 67-9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Liabilities . Resources. Surplus Individ Deposits Loans a Bonds, Dub Paid-up AND ual op Dis Securi prom Capital Profits Deposits Banks counts ties, etc BANKS . $ 200,00« $ Lawyers, Laws, dewed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates?Graced etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SO U T H CAROLINA BA NK S—C harleston äavins 67-7 a r [ Accessible Towns, (C h a r le sto n , H ! 2 ) C o u n ty S e a t, P o p . 60,734 R e se r v e C ity [ulyi 19A8 —— For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N ame of Bank . T own and County . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 5 (Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Gheraw-Chesterfield B 12 ♦Bank of C heraw _____«tS’87 67-151 Pop. 2873 *• “ ♦F irst National B a n k . . . «t’09 67-153 ** ... ** ♦Merchants & Farm ers Bank 67-152 «1900 rnrli ** Cheraw Clearing House____ (Members indicated by a *) Ohesnee-S par tan burg A 6 Bank of Ohesnee_____ < § ’11 67-299 Pop. 1000 “ Citizens Bank---------------§17 67-490 ¿Chester____Chester B 8 ♦Commercial Bank____*«'99 67-124 Pop. 5000 'NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK — 67-127 •4 *4 “ ** P r e sid en t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . O A D A T TTWT A L A K U L liN A Ca sh ie r . A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in' dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, —j ^ O n tin U C u A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Depos - Loams ft Dis- Cabhft ExP aid - up Surplus AND ITS Capital P bqfitb Seourities noM Baku R. T. Caston_____ G. W. D uvall_____ G. W. Dnva.1l M. W. Duvall Wm. Godfrey____ Edw. M clver_____ S. G. G odfrey____ _ $110,000 $ 50,000 12,000 H. M. D uvall_____ W. F. Stevenson__ J . H. W annamaker J . A. Watson 100,000 11.500 H. B, Carlisle_____ J . J . C. E zell____ V. E. H atchette___ W, A 15,000 10,000 S. T. Reid 12,950 fj W Wall .T R rash Principal Correspondents. 76,000 $ 325,000 $ 450,000 $ 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil., N-JD. (M em . Fed. B es.) 125,000 200,000 50,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. State and City, Rich. 175,000 225,000 -55,000 1st N „ Phil, and Rich.: Murchison N „ Wil. (M em . Fed. B es.) 37,000 N. Park.; N. Y.; Bk. of Spartanburg, Spar tanburg; Plan. N., Rich. 10,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Spartanburg. 162,000 150,000 " 21,160 20,300 R. B. Caldw ell___ Robt. G a g e ______ Robert Gage_____ J . S. Caldwell------ 100,000 75,000 850,000 836.000 181,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.and-M erch. N., Rich. J . L GLENN........- S, M. JONES--------- J . R. DYE------------ W. McKINNELL— S e n d u s y o u r C o lle c tio n s . W e g iv e p r o m p t a n d c a r e f u l a t t e n t i o n t o a ll i t e m s s e n t u s . R e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e s 100,000 55,000 625,000 450.000 173,000 C hase N ., N< Y.; P a lm etto N ., Colum bia; M erch. N .,R ic h .; M urchison N ., Wil. *t’93 ♦Peoples National B a n k .t’05 G. R. White 67-126 T. H. W hite............ 67-125 Chester Clearing House........ (Members indicated by a *) W. A. Corkill_____ M. H. W hite_____ 50,000 37,260 450,000 376,680 147,010 Hari. N., N. Y.: Palm etto N.. Columbia. W. C. W hite_____ T. H. W hite, J r . . . . 20,000 16,000 269,580 205,000 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. T r. Co., Charlotte. 50,000 9.000 210,000 169,000 77,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y. W. D. Cam pbell. . . 7,750 1,500 60,000 55,000 G. K. Laney_____ C. P . M angum ____ J . A. Campbell - j_ 25,000 3,220 122,660 121,730 5,000 2,980 24,420 27,340 30,000 10.000 327.600 322,000 45,000 (J. D. BELL__ — C. R. WORKMAN— C. C. WALLACF___ b a n k o f C lln to n . BELL-WORKMAN BANK-§18 ■i T h é co llectin g (.P ro m p t a n d re aso n ab le. 67-503 11,957 1,530 44,220 58,560 9,150 ___ G. W. Yonng_____ W. H. Simpson___ L. H. Davidson 35,000 19,000 205,000 252,000 21,000 ¿Chesterfield-Chesterfield BANK OF CHESTERFIELD R. E. Rivers_____ 67-267 « « ’03 Pop. 600 B 11 . .. . «. Farm ers Rank .. ..... « ’IS J . R. Streater 67-445 Peoples Rank. . . R. B. L an ey _____ 67-268 C lifton..Spartanburg B 6 Peoples Savings Bank__t§ ’15 67-464 Pop. 4900 M. S. Railey Pop. 4000 67-146 W. A. Corkill, Sec. a n d Tr. M. J . H ough_____ G, C. Douglass____ D. L. S m ith _____ G. W. Duvall T. D. Huntley Wm. J . Bailey____ W. C. Bailey_____ 11,000 Union N., Columbia; Murchison N., Wil. 27,650 5,050 Bk. of Spartanburg, Spartanburg. an. N., NtY.; Bk. of Char. N. Palm etto N., Columbia. i. ; •< .. .. COMMERCIAL BANK~*«10 H. D. Henry . 67-148 .. .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «$*06 B. H. Boyd_______ R. Z. W rig h t_____ G. W. Copeland___ D. C, H e u ste ss___ J . S. Craig 67-147 50,000 43,570 344,540 395,260 112,850 i. City, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Colum N.. Rich. *«ioon W. F . C ro ss_____ J . L. B e n n e tt____ H. S. Bethea_____ H. J . B e n n e tt____ 60,000 28,950 218,520 397,370 47,060 Ian. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. N.. Wil.; N. State & City, Rich. 18 H. L. Galloway___ H. C. H e rrin g ____ N. H. L a rk in _____ 25,000 2,500 28,380 45,520 8,450 L Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wi N., Columbia. (A. L. CALHOUN, JR.. JOHN BARRENTINE. . . W. F. K0GER - ......... 25,000 4,690 172,980 117,700 30,000 13,000 850,000 350,000 1 BANK OF Cl 10 67-254 Pop. 1000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 67-494 .. .. PEOPLES SAV. BK. 67-255 Pop. 1500 S O U T H C A R O L IN A 67-300 M a p o n in d e x Federal Reserve Bank Num of St.ber Louis ander 11 O f » « ’09 Jam es A. Page. — Plan. N., Rich. Char.; M urchison N ., W il.; N. Ln. & Ex., Colum bia. 100,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y. B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce Nam e o f Bank ; . tine New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cNally Bankers* of The American Bankers Ass’n. Directory, under the authority 84,980 ) I f you a p p récia te p r o m p t a n d ca re fu l service a t a m o d e ra te c h a rg e (send u s y o u r i t e m s fo r co llectlo n o n C lio a n d D u n b a r , S. C. M. L. S m ith _____ H. L. W right 1120_________________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Cheraw to Clover___________ J u ly , 1918 N um ber u n d « N am e o f B ank » the New T ransit N um ber riven 1 1 O n to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by T h e Rand-M cN ally Bankers' Q/'YT TT ^TJ l i ^ U Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . « U U 1 * 1 SOU TH C A R O L I N A — C o n tin u e d Accessible Towns, Law yen, U v .» , ----i-r--m. D e c to rs * m - dexed in back of tins volume. Bor Interest Bates* Grace, ------- —_--— ------- — Ra t e s * G ra c e . etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see ormosite mum ia \C S O U T H C A R O L IN A Number under Nam e or Bank is the New 'Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-AfcNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name or Bane. TOWN ANDGOUNTT. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State .Entire State in No. 5 ¿Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tP rir. Federal Reserve District. E st. ¿Columbia „R ichland E 9 ♦DANK OF CO LU M BIA-*» ^ Pop. 34,611 67-23 ‘ CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK 67-22 «¿’68 P resident. J L . L . H A R D IN -— r» e \T t sst t S O U Vick P resident. E. G. S E IB E L S — — JA M ES M ACD O NALD Af l f i A D r\T ttvt a r> Cashier. D. A . C H I L D S ___ - _____ Ass ’t Cashier. W. A. CLARK. -T. S. BRYAN- S T A N M O R E W A T S O N .. Principal Correspondents. $ 200,000 $ 20,000 $1200000 $1100000 $ 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.; M erch. N., Rich.; Union Tr Co., Balt. 300,000 169,640 2,157,450 2,577,930 374,710 N . Park and N . C ity, N. Y.; C o rn Ex. N. PhU. 100,000 48,850 178,820 289,460 88,200 N .P ark , N. Y .:N . Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. COMMERCIAL BAN K - • ¿ § ’17 S. T. Carter______ E. D. Sompayrac— E. 0 . Black______ W. T. C. Bates, Jr, 67-478 W. B. Bishop Guaranty T rust Co. of South S. T. C arter______ C. Y. R e a m e r____ W. B. Bishop, C arolina..67-31_____. „ § ’13 H. A. Gibbes ^ Sec. a n d Tr. 76,400 5,400 284,450 349,500 28,890 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: Equitable Tr Go., Balt. , Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Equitable Tr Go., Balt. Lower Main S treet Bank ¿§14 B. W. Ravenel____ W. M. Gibbes, J r . „ S. 0. Rhame_____ 67-448 35.000 67-26 E. W. R0BERTS0N--G.M. B E R R Y - J N 0 . W.SIMPSON - ----------------JOHN W. SIMPSON S e n d u s y o u r C o lle c t io n s . “ W e a c t u a lly r e m it t h e d a y w e c o lle c t . '’ P r o m p t an d c a r e f u l s e r v ic e ; c h a r g e s r e a s o n a b le . A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s an d B a n k e r s s o lic it e d . •¿’03 ♦National State Bank__ *¿’01 Wm. Barnwell____ G. L. B aker__ ___ 67-24 ‘ PALM ETTO NATIONAL BANK 67-25 «¿’02 ‘PEOPLES NAT. BK. «¿’12 - W . M. GIBBES, JR.-T. F. DIAL. * " 1 hoi S asb t a y l ò ì L M . MAULDIN D o a G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s in e s s . M a k in g C o lle c t io n s a S p e c ia lt y . C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I n v it e d . Ì iÌ ì F 67-28 •E ’08 Ch. o f ’B d . 4,700 91,000 110,000 22,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 500,000 320,000 5,000,000 4,200,000 2,500,000 H a n . N . a n d N. P a rk , N . Y .; 1 st N ., P h il. M . M . 1st N ., B a lt. 200,000 122,430 1,163,470 1,254,560 600,000 345,560 8,927,640 9,649,190 2,046,610 356,400 Liberty N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Riggs N. Wash., D. C.; Am. N., R ic h .. H a n . N. a n d N . C ity , N. Y .; C o n t. & C oin’ N ., C h i.; M . M . 1 st N ., B a lt.; 4 th S t N ., P h U .; N. S h a w m u t, B o s.; N . S ta ti & C ity , 1 st N ., a n d M e rch . N ., R ic h . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON SOUTH CAROLINA INDEX. A. 0. LANGLEY - u m '- A. S. MANNING__ 100,000 5,020 718,770 818,090 All collections presented in pers on and remitted for upon payment or returned with reason stated. f JOS. N0RW 00D- W. T. L o v e ._____ A, S. Manning, See. a n d Tr. 8: fc IRwi? GEO. H. HUGGINS- 6,300 C.E. BYRD 225,000 105,700 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.-; Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Bk % T r. Co., Wil. Peo, N., Columbia. 11,700 37,500 750,000 810,000 102,120 M ech . & M e ta ls N ., N. Y .; 1 st N ., R ic h . Speclal attenti on given collect! ons of all kinds, 10c must be se nt with eaeh col lection and 15c for each re quest for report on credit rating 1121 Columbia Clearing House___ G. M. B e rry _____ J . P. Matthews___ B. F . P . Leapheart, (Members indicated by a * ) Sec., T r., a n d M gr. SOUTH CAROLINA M ap on Index 57,880 jo Ì e s / Peoples T ru st C o._____ §’12 W. J . Conway 67-32 ‘UNION NAT’L BK. J . I . S u tp h en ____ G. M. T arran t. 50.000 ________ 67-30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Liabilities . Resources. Surplus 4 D is - Ca ss 4 Ex* Depos cL*oams ts . Boyds, osas » iSgDq» and Capital its Baomunas yrom Basks P r o p it s Paid- up JO S E P H M. B E L L - J N 0 . D. BELL. D e sig n a te d d ep o sito ry fo r S t a t o , C o u n ty , and C ity . Y our it e m s and o o llso tio n s s e n t u s w ill h ave t h e p e r so n a l a t te n t io n o f an o fflo o r o f t h i s bank. ‘NATIONAL LOAN & EX. BANK “ Accessible Town», Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B a tes, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. ___, I C ollections rece Ire special atten tion and prom pt rem ittan ce. ♦Columbia Say. Bk. & T r. Co. B. F. P. Leapheart. A. R . H eyw ard___ T. T. Talley, J r., 67-27 »¿{’03 See. a n d Tr. ——— .• U A K U L I J N A -----L O n t i n u e u luly, 1918_________________ SO U TH CAROLINA BANKS—C olum bia 11 O t banks Advertising give prompt Attention to collections and correspondence M ap o n In d ex For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Town and County. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Conestee—Greenville B 4 67-489 Pop. 2000 Converse___Spartanburg Converse Savings Bank«t§’02 67-301 ' Pop. 1000 B6 Conway National Bank—«t’03 67-231 Pop. 1228 Conway Savings Bank__§’10 67-233 .. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier . S T . Reid . A. H_ Long _. .... Robt. B. Scarbor- H. L. B uck ______ W. A. Freeman ough D. V. Richardson Hal. L. Buck_____J . McO. M artin___ W. B. K ing_____— 67-454 Cope— Orangeburg P 9 Bank of Cope__________§18 F. A. A dden _____ J . I. V allentine___ 67-496 Pop. 174 Coward___Florence E 12 FARMERS & MERCHANTS Pop. 175 BANK........67-440------- $§’13 T. J . Cottingham— E. L. M ontgom ery. Oowpens.Spartanburg B 6 Pop. 1500 Cross Anchor-Spartan'rg Pop. 350 C6 Cross H ill__Laurens DC Pop. 558 «Darlington . . . Darlington Pop. 6000 D 12 S. T. Reid______ •• 25,000 16.000 418,000 298,000 231,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil.; Peo N., Char.; Am. N., Rich. 27,320 26,180 20,850 H an .N ., N. Y.; Bk. of Char., N. B. A., Char. Peo. N., Orangeburg. 13,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; P ar. & Merch. W alterboro. 10,000 11,000 123,000 131,000 10,000 6,300 101,000 95,000 20,000 12,500 160,000 162,500 25,000 12,750 63,000 70,000 21,830 25,000 Par. & Merch. N., N.. Balt. Lake City: M. M. 1st 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com., Spartanburg. 17,400 Han. N „ N. Y.; Laurens N., Laurens. 5,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood, Green wood. 141,750 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil, 110,090 211,030 838,960 960,630 S p e c ia l a tte n t io n g iv e n e v e r y ite m s e n t u s . P r o m p t r e m itt a n c e m ade. 100,000 17,680 403,910 502,520 96,070 H an. N ., N . Y.; P a lm etto N ., Colum bia. Wm. H aynsw orth. L. E. fiarrigan___ George Onslow - 100,000 49,460 362,970 483,610 50,000 8,000 225,000 153,000 28,820 N. Park, N. Y.: Murchison N., Wil.; Peo N., Char.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 130,000 Han. K., N. Y. 25,000 19,000 175,000 257,750 19,860 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Murchison N. Wil.: Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. J . M. Sprunt __ _ R. L. M o o d y ..» __ 75,000 81,740 506,610 529,010 134,390 N. Park, N .Y .; Murchison N., Wil.; Palmetto N.. Columbia. j E. T. ELLIOTT — J. R. REGAN........... JNO. R. SPRUNT— . O 1, " ........ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’17 < S p é c ia l a t te n t io nU given BtU o f L a d in g D r a fts, C ash a n d T im e I te m s . 67-474, 25,000 3,800 127,830 208,880 18,490 Han. N., N. Y.: Murchison N „ Wil.; Peo. N. Char. 65,700 13,620 172,720 225,160 37,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 25,000 9,470 84,220 87.410 20,000 35,460 210,630 224,790 49,550 4,5001 75,000 60,000 38,500 <08 67-140 J. H. Miller . E. B. Rasor D. T. McKeithan— C. B. EDWARDS— T. P. RHODES. D. "NT. r.nv 67-236 W. P. M artin____ 1 T. WELLING___ J . A. Wiggins_____ Miss Carrie R iley.. CITIZENS EXCHANGE BANK F . V. Jam es_____ J . G. H. Guess____ F . V. J a m e s ....... J . S. Walker •*§’09 W. H. Muller_____j 4 E. O. W ebster____ M. f!. Pool« 67-186 “ 87,570 28,700 67-237 •* .323,000 96,850 143,300 67-141 POP. 3000 300,000 6,500 50,000 „ Denmark__ Bamberg G8 Pop. 1200 M «> 4,000 10,000 100,000 CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK •I Inez A ck erm an .... 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 50,000 20.430 Cottageville, OolletonH 10 Farm ers & Merchants Bank B. G. Willis______ B. H. Willis______ W. E. W illis___ 67-427 «§13 Pop, 418 Principal Correspondents. 5,560 I 104,110 $ 80,630 $ 34,030 N. P ark, N. Y.; Bk. of Com., Spartanburg. 5,000 $ R. L. Humphries — PEOPLES NAT’L BANK-* 14 J . A. McDermott — G. B. Jen k in s_____ Resources. Liabilities. So BPLU8 Depos Loansft Dis- Oabhft ExPaid-up c’tb. Bonds, CHANOBS,Dtm AND its Capitai, Pbopits Snobbiti s nom Banks $ 10,000 Joel D. Charles . . . P reston Charles__ L. M. Clyde . Security Bank ______ »i§’04 67-802 Bank of Cross Anchor „ { § ’06 L. H. W ilson_____ 67-303 Bank of Cross Hill $§’06 67-304 Bank of D arlington___«$§’86 Bright Williamson. 67-139 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 g Q U T H C A R O L IN A ' -C ontinued ( We r e m it o n D a y o f P a y m e n t. V. L. McLean____ T. W. R am iir.. 67-187 ■Rank nf Donalds §’03 B. H. Carlton W. R. D n n n ......... E- CTDonald _ Pop. 268 67-305 Due W est—Abbeville D 4 Bank of Due W est___$§1900 B. F. Mauldin_____ A. S. Kennedy____ A. S. Kennedy____ R. B. McDill_____ 67-306 Pop. 672 Dunbarton-Barnwell G 7 Farm ers & Merchants B a n k . 67-504 +’18 Pop. 250 _______ __ L. p . MUler__ ____ - . D uncan..Spartanburg B 5 Bank of Duncan— ____$ |’09 O. M. Moore_____ 30.000 15.000 Digitized forSOUTH FRASERCAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 1 OQ 1 1 ^ .0 to each bank in U. 3. exclusively by Tile Band-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. C O T T 'T 'X I A D O T T^T A ____« J A A A t^A IX W J-<A IN A 26,410 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood, Green wood. V ^ O n u I lu c Q S .C . 1122_______________ SQUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Conestee to Duncan ____________ July, 1918 N um ber un d er N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ mm toDtreetory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . Accessible Towns, Lswyers., nirectors, in dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest Rates, GraceJ-— etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 c P O P. 3UU 1 '¡sparuuiuuri:. Ö /-3U/ B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index 1 0*3 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under tlie authority of The American Bankers Ass’n, P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r esid e n t . T'T'XJT -fl r ' A Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Otrectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Or ace« etc«» see page. 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T1VT A ____a. 2 __________ _ _^ , 3 ** Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Loamsk Bis- Cashk Ex P aid- up Surplus D epos c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Dub and Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks Principal Correspondents. $§’17 W. M. Hagood . ___ H. C. Hagood_____ C. M. Folger_____ Easley______ PickensB 4 flnmmerr'iai Bank $ 32,050 $ 13,000 $ 250,000 ß 260,000 $ 36,000 H an.N ., N. Y.: Pdo. N „ Greenville. 67-480 Pop. 4000 Easley B a n k ................$§’91 W. C. Sm ith_____ J . F . R obinson___ Geo. E. Williams__ 50,000 27,950 307,240 291,980 87,110 N. City, N. Y.; Peo. N.,Greenville. 67-149 EASLEY LOAN & TRUST CO. L. H. Sm ith______ R. F . L enhardt___ P. M. T a y l o r . . __ A, F. W yatt . 67-150 $§’03 Eastover__ Richland E 10 Farm ers & Merch. B a n k .il’10 W. J . R ivers_____ E. 0. T ouchberry.. G. H. Edmund____ Pop. 307 67-308 E. J . Mims__ —— J . H. Allen____ »Edgefield.:. Edgefield E 6 Bank of Edgefield - »±§’88 J . C. Sheppard___ . Pop. 2000 67-182 50,000 30,000 325,000 320,000 25,000 5,000 27,000 34,000 57,400 38,760 193,590 294,120 29,630 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. FARMERS BANK------- - « ’90 A. E. Padgett_____ T. H. Rainsford__ W. H. Harling____ W. A. B yrd. __ 67-183 58,000 83,930 515,190 574,890 82,220 Han. N., N. Y.: Ga. R. R., Augusta, Ga. Merch. N., Rich.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 20,000 13,500 140,000 50,000 20,000 23.000 175,000 285,000 E h rh ard t—Bamberg G 8 E hrhardt Banking Co.___§’06 J . L. C opeland___ Pop. 600 67-283 A. F. H enderson.— J . B. E hrhardt. C 0. FOX FARMERS & MERCHANTS <f S. W. COPELAND J. H. ROBERTS— W. MAX WALKER BANK - — 67-284— r j i ’10 l P ro m p t a t t e n t Ion given co llect Ions. H. C. Fanning, EUenton— Aiken G 6 Bank of W estern Carolina M gr. Pop. 367 67-309 *$§'09 D. H. S kinner. E lliott____ — Lee D 11 67-481 Pop. 300 Robert Lide______ A. A. Dantzler____ P . P . Hungerpiller. A. F . Lide _ _ Elloree..Orangeburg F 10 W. M. F air Pop. 540 67-275 Enoree—Spartanburg B 6 Rank nf Ennree Pop. 1500 67-310 Estill_____ Hampton B 8 RANK OF FSTII > Pop. 2500 67-311 19,670 198,000 130,500 25,000 21,950 95,940 170,190 t i ’08 H. L. Solomons___ R. T. Causey—____ M. M. Chisolm____ H. E. G ifford_____ 25,000 15,530 145,680 166,040 S. M. CLARKE........ E. D. THOMAS........ W. M. BARNES, Jr. n given C ollectio n s. n ee. Low R a te s. SS SO LICITED . 35.000 6,000 95,000 135,000 15,000 6,000 85,000 15,000 2,740 185,710 25,000 3,750 50,000 37,000 §'1(1 J . Y. Bryson_____ W. J . Fleming____ G. H. Blakely_____ N. N. Hanna L. Gelzer Eutawville —Orangeburg Bank of Eutawville __ $§’11 J . F e ld e r________ 67-380 C. S. Sinkler Pop. 405 F 10 «t^ns J . E. Johnston___ F . M. Young_____ G. D. Sanders FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’l7 67-406 ‘ Florence..Florence D 13 Bank nf Florence____ ,$§'88 Pop. 10,000 67-77 City Savings B a n k ___ *$§’13 67-83 Commercial & Savings Bank 67-78 »$§1900 Farm ers & Mech, Bank*$§’05 67-79 J . E. Peurifoy____ B. F . Thomas____ W. R. Loadholt— W. J . T hom as____ N. B. Loadholt W. J..Brown__ j—— P. A. Willcox—___ G. M. B row n.—. —. L. K. Brown_____ J . W. Ragsdale___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK .*$’08 J . W. McCown____ R. G. Gregg _ 67-80 67-441 SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,360 Han. N-, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. and Palm etto N., Columbia; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: Merch N., Rich. 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; N Ln. & Ex., Columbia: 1st N., Rich. 127,000 129,000 480,000 331.000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.;Palm etto N. and N. Ln. & Ex. Columbia; Am. N., Rich. 149,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;Bk. of C har.N .B . A., Char. Palm etto N., Columbia; Murchison N., Wil 22,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Murchison N. Wil. 115,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 1st N ., Rich. 17,350 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Peo. N. Char.; Wachovia Bk. & T r. Co., Winston Salem. 183,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., PhU. 4,800 185,000 212,000 33,440 548,280 586,300 25,000 31,020 125,150 165,180 Julien O. Rogers . . R. E . R utledge___ R. B. Milner 150,000 52,610 622,350 982,640 50,000 9,200 290,000 298.500 25,000 9,470 166,580 Julien 0 . Rogers— R. K. R utledge___ R. B. Milner (Branch o f F oun tai/n I n n W. A. Hopkins, M gr. 218,800 75,400 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.: Am N., Rich. 3,260 N. State & City, Rich.; 1st N., Florence. Han. N ., N. Y.; Peo., Fountain Inn; N, Ln. Ex., Columbia. 1123 Peoples Savings Bk. & T r. Co. J . W. McCown____ B. G. Gregg__ _ _ 67-81 $§’10 Fork Shoals,Greenville C5 (F o u n ta in I n n P. 0 .) Pop. 360 139,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. Bk. of Orangeburg, Orangeburg, S. C.; N, Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 9,700 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 31,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Norwood N., Greenville Union N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 30,000 _ W. A. Beaty, J r . . — 45,000 Han. N., N .Y .; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char, 171,660 125,000 PALMETTO BANK & TRUST W. R. B arringer__ F . H. McLeod j___ F. H. T,liras. . .. COMPANY-67-82 ---- .$§’11 S. I. Sulzbacher 121,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char. Han. N., N. Y.: Peo. N., Char. Frank J . Brand___ J . Roger Clemmons J . E. McCurry j . A, Pettigrew — C. E. Commander— H. A. Smith _____ D. J . Winn, J r . . __ C. H. D ixon_____ John Kuker______ H. 8. Rose 15,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R „ Augusta, Ga.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 10,000 42,000 (J. S. WILLIAMS. y S pecial A tte n tio COMMERCIAL 'BANK— *$$’16 1P ro m p t r e m itta 67 471 (y o u r b u s i n e F airfax____Barnwell H 8 CITIZFNS BANK Pop. 750 67-312 (Branch o f A ik e n , S. C.) 85,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; City N., Greenville. 1918__________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Easley to Fork Shoals _______ N ame of B a n e . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState 1 ‘ County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. ^ July , t t For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 114^ N um ber un d er N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber ov en to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, u nder th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame of B ank . T own and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State ¿County Seats. tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. E ntire State in No. 5 Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e sid e n t . o r \ T T'T'XJT p A td a t V ic e -Pr e sid e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . F ort Mill_____ York A 9 F irst National B a n k ____$’07 W. B. A rd rey _____ Osmond Barber . . . 67-209 Pop. 2000 J . L. S pratt .. .4 Savings Bk. of F o rt Mill $S’89 W. B. M eacham __ J . H. McMurray__ W. B. Meacham, J r . 67-208 FortM otte__Calhoun E 9 Farm ers Bank______ _$5’17 W. G. P e terk in ___ W. B. T rezevant — J . G. Maynard, .. „ 67-314 Pop. 500 Pop. 1000 05 avvcnHuiD u a n /c r s , juaws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace __ } tkt a 5 U U 1 JTl b A K L J J b llN A --- U O n t lllU e C l BANK OF FOUNTAIN INN D.M. GARRETT------ E .J . SLOAN---------- R. W. DAVIS ___ S p e c ia l p a te o f 7 5 c p e r th o u s a n d o n $ 2 ,0 0 0 o p o v ep ; u n d e r $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 1 -1 0 o f 1 % ; m in im u m , 1 0 c . R e m itte d f op d ay c o lle c te d . Y O U R B U S IN E S S S O L IC IT E D . « » ’03 L ia b il it i e s . R esources . Loamsà Dis. Oasi k Ex« P aid - up Surplus D epos c ’ ts. ' Bonds, OHANQX8,Dui AND Capital P rofits its Sxotntmss fromBanks $ 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 9,530 $ 195,170 $ 178.140 $ 47,430 Han. N., N. Y. 25,000 13,200 91,340 102,420 7,350 650 15,500 11.000 27,120 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Union, Rock Hill; Peo Bk. & T r. Co., Charlotte, N. C. 24,470 Han, N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char. . 50,000 32,450 279,590 252,180 109,860 N . Park, N . Y. ; N. Ln. & Ex., C olum bia 30,000 8,110 181,290 203,340 38,160 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia: Nor wood N. and Peo. N., Greenville. Furm an___Hampton H 8 Farm ers & M erchants Bank J . F . Causey, J r .— J . C. Richardson — W. P . Ellis............... Pop. 150 67-315, »10 15,000 11,260 148,300 90,550 82,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. Palm etto N., Columbia. ¿Gaffney__ Cherokee A 7 Cherokee Savings B a n k .» ’l l P . C. P oole______ R. A. Dobson—. __ N. B. C hristopher. T. T. G riffith___ Pop. 7000 67-393 » f . ', •• F irst National Bank___*$’97 D. G. Ross _____ J . A. Carroll_____ Claude Littlejohn . 67-122 Maynard Smyth 50,000 4,500 150,000 165,000 35,000 150,000 04,420 1,070,770 1,208,520 209,790 125,000 62,190 124,940 67-244 44 44 PeoDles B a n k ____ 67-245 » ti’07 J . D. Richardson— J . M. Richardson— J . M. R ichardson.. F . W. W elborn___ W. C. Ham rick___ R. S. Lipscomb___ M. G. Huskey ___ _ 650,490 827,740 67-123 ¿Georgetown. . George t ’n BANK OF GEORGETOWN W. D. Morgan____ J . I. H azard _____ J . I. Hazard, J r . __ Pop. 6000 G 13 67-105 « » ’91 .4 Farm ers & Merchants .Bank H. B. Springs____ Herm an Schenk__ I. McG. Carra way . 67-107 «»13 44 PEOPLES BANK ____ * » ’04 J . B. Steele 67-106 100,000 130,000 705,000 30,000 10,760 187,660 216,190 36,090 75,000 31,720 331,520 438,990 68,530 G raniteville__ Aiken F 6 Bank of Graniteville__ * » ’02 Jam es L. Quin b y .. J . M. P o s e y _____ D. M. Ariail_. . . _ W. L. Rearden____ Pop. 2500 67-316 25,000 12,800 182,000 185.660 Gray C ourt_L anrens C 5 Bank of Gray Court ___ §’08 R. L. Gray Pop. 284 67-317 25,000 21,600 61,710 98,040 8,630 25,000 3.500 95,000 97,500 30,000 Greelyville. Williamsburg Bank of G reelyville___»*04 T . W. Bayle______ W. S. Boyd__ ; ___ 0 . E . Register. __ Pop. 630 F 12 67-318 15,000 8,790 44,680 64,720 9,780 ¿G reenville.. .Greenville ♦American Bank_____ « » ’95 W. L. Gassaway__ L. H. S trin g er____ Y. D. R am seu r___ Paul Browning.__ Pop. 18,181 B 4 67-45 75,000 54,740 647,650 647,010 130,670 28,210 731,870 663,220 192,460 16,000 525,000 520,000 C. R. Wallace ___ L. R. B rooks. __ G reat F alls.. Chester C 9 Bank of G reat Falls.____§17 R. S. M ebane_____ H. B. Mehane Pop. 3000 67-484 R. O. Mullican - ♦Bank of Commerce__* » ’06 B. A. Morgan F rank F. Martin__ Frank F . Martin__ T. E. Stribling____ 100,000 67-49 F. B. Moffett Citizens T rust Co._____ §18 Edwin Howard____ B. E. G eer_______ R. E. Holroyd, T r .. Rudolph Anderson, 25.000 67-493 A. D. L. Barksdale Sec. E.M. McGee,A .Sec. 4. 4. ♦Farm ers & Merch. Bk. »i§’07 R. I. Woodside___ Wm. G oldsm ith__ 50.000 67-52 ( Greenville co n tin u ed on n e x t pane) O U T H C A R O L IN A M a p o n I n d e x Digitized forS FRASER B a n k s A d v ertisin g : g iv e P r o m p t A 4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis l i o t to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. O O T T 'T 'H P A P P T TINT A ___P n n i i n i i o r l O U U 1 Xrx. v y A £ \.V 7 1 ^ i.iN A t/U n iin u c u Columbia; 1st N.. Phil. 110,000 Aiken. 1 65,000 {fan. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr, Co., Wil. t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce 1 124_____ __________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Fort Mill to Greenville .________ July, 1918 1 1 Od Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, »lwectows, in dexed in back of this volume. Cor Inte re st Rates, Grace,!1 , etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.\ S O U T H C A R O L IN A M a p o n I n d e x B a n k s A d v e r tis in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i n f* A T ? O T -----v ^ u i n m u c u ______________________etc., see page 14. Pbesident. P P RPATTI P 'FIRST NAT’L BANK 67-43 t ’72 Cashier. Vice-President. W P RPATTIF Ass ’t Cashier. 67*50 $ 100,000 $ 126,940 $1,004,520 $ 900,620 $ 410,450 H a n . N ., N . Y .; 1 st N ., P h il.; A m . N ., R ich . D e p a rtm e n t. 100,000 42,000 1,123,000 1,042,000 330,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; N. L’n & Ex., Columbia; 3d N. Atl.; Am. T r. Co., Charlotte, N. C. 250,000 315,310 2,327,200 2,155,020 563,840 C hem . N „ N. Y .; N . S ta te & C ity , R ic h .; N. B k . o f C o m ., B a lt. T .G . Davis______ C .H . Stokes_____ 200,000 198,850 11,575,770 1,132,480 806,740 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N „ Alb.; 4th St. N „ Phil. C. E. David, Tr. . . A. G. Taylor, S ec... 50,000 13,750 861,560 704,930 220,370 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Greenville. 100,000 114,340 713,050 911,550 155,840 Han. N „ N. Y. 50,000 20,000 300,000 375,000 40,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt. 50,000 3,080 125,000 215,000 10,000 7,000 25,000 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; N. State & City, Rich. Bk. of Greenwood, Greenwood, S. C. 100,000 63,720 741,570 830,530 185,750 Han. N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N „ Baft.; N. State & City, Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 66,900 22,230 619,940 456,200 246,190- Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 50,000 38,500 510,580 492,370 80,540 Han, N „ N .Y .; Peo. N „ Char.; 1st N„ Rich.; Palmetto N „ Columbia. 20,000 4,000 112,000 1 1,900 15,000 Hudson T r. Co., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. 25,000 23,900 419,040 409,920 58,020 N. P ark, N. Y.; Merch. N „ Rich. 10,000 2,190 16,020 27,480 25,000 7,500 145,000 140,000 25,000 Han, N „ N .Y . 15,000 8,000 100,000 100.000 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Columbia, Columbia. 10,000 4,000 48,020 77,060 2,270 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cbar. N. B. A„ Char. j j . W. NORWOOD— W.P.ANDERSON___ HENRY P. McGEE— CHAS.M. MCGEE— < S end u s y o u r G reenville ite m s d ire c t. ( All co llectio n s r e m itte d p ro m p t ly. *$’07 ♦Peoples National B ank.«t’87 Wm. C. Beacham— W. M. Hagood____ 67-44 .. ♦Piedmont Sav. & Trust Co. E. F . Beattie____ W. E. Beattie_____ ^ 67-46 »i§'16 A. T,. Mills ♦Greenville Clearing House W. C. Beacham___ (M em bersindicated b y a *) j J. K. DURST — J . C. SELF— ........ ‘Greenwood..Greenwood BANK OF GREENW000-i§ 88 (O ldest a n d S tr o n g e s tB a n k in G 67-84 Pop. 10,000 D 5 C. M. McGee, Sec. and Tr. J . P. ABNEY_____ H. R. ELLIS A. F. ETHRIDGE reenw ood. __ L. M. Milling S. H. M cGhee..!__ S. B. Marshall . ___ G. P . Sloan 67-89 M. C. Taggart_____ W. H. Harvey_____ A. S. Hartzog_____ Farm ers & Merch.Bk.__§1900 ................._67-85_ J . P. Abney, T r . . . H. B. Ellis, See.. J . K. Durst______ J .'C . Self 67-87 p Greer •• v » •. | J . T. MEDL0CK- H. L. WATSON------ W. T. BAILEY NATI ONAL LOAN & EXCHANGE BANK— *i 03 | O n ly N a tio n a l B a n k in G reenw o o d . 67-86 { C ollections m ad e a n d r e m itte d fo r p ro m p tly . G.C. HODGES, JR .- Peoples Bank________ »¿§10 B. F . McKellar____ W. G. Calhoun___ 67-88 ft. R. Klngh Greenville B5 Bank of G reers— .. 67-196 Pop. 3000 .. .. $§1901) Peoples Bank __ 67-198 C. L ittlefield_____ B. A. Bftnnfttt J . T. Sm ith______ J . D. Ashmore____ Planters Savings Bank.*i§’07 H. B. Carlisle_____ W. M. Ballenger _ R. M. Hughes____ .T. H!. Oihsnn 67-197 H agood____Sum ter D 10 Bank nf Hagnnri 67-419 Pop. 215 Hampton Ln. & Ex. Bk..§’07 67-259 H arleyville.. -Dorchester Pop. 400 G 10 s o u t h Ca r o l in a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 67-438 Map on index H. H. G ro ss..____ J . W. W estterry . . m p*** R. H. Anderson H. E. Thomas Miss O. Mims «,860 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Sum ter, S. C. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE. Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS City N., 1125 ■ jtj .. - §’12 G. A. L em m on..__ C. J . Jackson____ R. M. H ildebrand.. ‘ Ham pton.-Ham pton H 8 Bank of H am p to n ____» il’91 W. E. Richardson. J . S. Williams____ J . S. Williams — Pop, 1000 67-258 •• Principal Correspondents. R e m itta n c e m a d e o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. .. ' For Holidays, see opposite page 13. W R RFI Y_______ E ff ic ie n t C o lle c tio n H. J . WINN______ T. P. P. CARSON— 1 W.C.CLEVELAND ♦FOURTH NATIONAL BANK ( C ollections rec elve special a t t e n tio n a n d p ro m p t re m itta n c e . 67-5i »ros NORWOOD NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities . Surplus Loans k Dis- Cashk Ex Depos c Paid-up ’ tb. Bonds, changes,Dux and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks 1918___________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Greenville to Harleyville »County Seals. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn, f Priv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws» Directors, indexed in back of this volume. Bor In terest B a tes, Grace,1 TTVT A ____P / \ n f i n , i o r i Name of Bank. Town and County. ‘ G reenville.. .Greenville (C ontinued) B4 C r»T T T H Jul y , Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in TJ. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ ■f 1 o f d (See Index to lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber gives to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. Naur of Bane. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. President. H&rtsrille.Darlington C 11 Bank of Hartsville ____ <§'03 L. Vaughan_____ Pop. 3000 67-161 ______ •• .. .. As s ’t Cashier. J. J. Lawton_____ J. A. M cIntyre ___ E. P. ROGERS - Honea P ath___Anderson Pop. 1763 C4 1? Inm an...S partanburg A 5 Pop. 750 Iv a_______ Anderson D 3 M Pop. 1100 <1 Principal Correspondents. 52,870 $ 387,760 $ 437,870 $ 73,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; (M em . F ed . B es.) 25,000 11.000 200,000 310,000 16,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk, of Char. N B. A., Char. 25,000 13,510 249,190 241,560 33,200 Irving N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. (P ro m p t a t t e n t t o n given all b u sln ess s e n t u s. PEOPLES BANK ................ .»10 W. Evleston ........ 67-163 Heath Springs.Lancaster Pop. 452 0 10 Hemingway,Williamsburg Pop. 200 E 13 Hickory G rove.York B 7 Pop. 285 Hodges__Greenwood D 5 Pop. 266 Holly Hill___Orangeburg Pop. 700 Q 11 e tc ., see page 14. Liabilities . il Resources, CashSt Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos- Loan«St Du- c hanges,Dus Capital Profits ITS 8*ouritus fromBarrs $ 75,000 I A.M . McNair H. J. NETTLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK «HO 67-162 CASHIER. Vice-President. j j . W. McCOW N - C .C . BEST — *• A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in' For In terest B a tes, Grace, For H olidays, see opposite page 13 dexed in back of this volume. S O U T H C A R O L I N A — C o n tin u ed Bank of H eath Springs. » ’09 67-277 Bank of Hemingway___» 1 2 67-409 Bank of Hickory G ro v e .» ’06 67-319 Bank of Hodges_______ » ’04 67-320 Farm ers & M erchants Bank 67-428 « » ’13 F irst National B a n k ___»¿’05 67-321 Bank of Honea P ath ___» ’03 67-185 Citizens B a n k .. »1900 67-184 Bank of Inm an.. . . .„ • » ’flfi 67-322 Bank of Iva______ . . . « » ’05 67-323 Farm ers Bank . .» 1 3 67-447 Jefferson Bank________ »'04 67-324 Leroy Springs ____ R. B. Mackey_____ H. A. Horton_____ 10,000 10,770 87,530 37,850 W. C. Hemingway. F . E. H uggins ____ D. 0. Hoggins ____ 15,000 3,320 28,640 54,770 J . S. Wilkerson.__ W. S. Wilkerson__ N. M. MrTlill 76,587 9,000 83,790 97,780 B. F. Mauldin____ E. S. Tinsley_____ B. S. Hodges_____ 10,000 13,670 152,050 108,310 20,000 6,000 90,000 102,000 25,000 34,000 430,000 330,000 L. A. Carson_____ M. G. H eesem an... J . Francis Folk___ J . L. B. Gilmore__ J . W. Black.______ W. S. Hart. A. F . Mattison____ J .D . Ham m ett. Clyde M a n n _____ L. A. Brock______ J . A. B ro ck _____ 0 . N. M a ttiso n ___ H. E. Chapm an___ H. E. Chapman___ T . Herm an H arris. 70,450 Irving N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 13,600 Han. N „ N. Y.: Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. N. Park, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 67,420 1st N., Phil, and Rich. 17,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Chair. 340,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Peo. N., Char. 25,000 40,910 214,620 267,210 11,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 75,000 34,870 220,030 228,680 113,440 94,140 Han. N., N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 57,050 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Bk. of Spartanburg Spartanburg. 10,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Par. & Merch., Anderson. 4,670 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Anderson, Anderson 10,000 12,120 152,020 W. T. A. S h erard .. Thomas C. Jackson H. S. Wakefield___ H. S. Wakefield B. F . Mauldin. . . . . W. F. McGee_____ 15,000 10,800 90,000 100,000 10,000 11,030 131,480 143,140 C. T. Rlakeney...... 15,000 6,500 225,000 200,000 50,000 N. Park, N. Y,; 1st N., Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex. Columbia. J ohnsonville__ Williams- FARMERS & MERCHANTS S. B. Poston_____ T. J . Cottingham .. F,. M. Husbands. ,, burg__ Pop. 250__ E 13 BANK 67-399. . . « ’12 10,000 7,000 85,000 85,000 17,000 M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; Peo. N., Char.; Par. & Merch. N „ Lake City. 75,000 75,000 600,000 525,000 Jefferso n ___Chesterfield Pop. 650 B 11 L. L. P ark er______ E. C. C la rk __ Johnston __Edgefield E 6 BANK OF JOHNSTON . . * « ’88 S. J . W atson.. __ E. Ti. Ready . . 67-325 Pop. 1000 » . W. B. Onzts W. C. D errick____ M Bank of W estern Carolina H. G. Eidson, Mgr. 67-385 » I'll Jonesville ___ Union B 6 Bank of Jonesville____• « ’01 C. M. McWhirter A. J . W right___ Pop. 1250 67-246 M . . . . " Everybody’s B ank ____» » ’07 T. M. Littlejohn___ J . R. L ittlejo h n __ .T. M. Oanlt .......... 67-247 K ersh aw .. Kershaw C 10 Bank of Kershaw_____« » ’04 J . T. S tevens_____ Leroy S p rin g s____ Pop. 682 67-326 •. H f R. S. FLO YD ____ E. F. HORTON ........ H, F. CLYBURN— - PEOPLES BANK 67-278 ) » e n d u s y o u r ite m s fo r th is vi clrilty . « 1 1 I S p ecial a t t e n t l o n given by a n officer o f t h e ba n k . ( L ow est r a te s , q u ic k r e tu r n s . ¿Kingstree. Williamsburg Bank of Kingstree_____«tS’01 D. C. Scott____ . . J . A. Kelley__ ____ F. W. Fairey . N. D. Lesesne____ Pop. 1372 P 12 67-220 R. D. Mills Jj . v ** Bank of W illiam sburg._.«’0i O. W. S to ll____ _ F. R h e m ________ 67-221 * WEE NEE BAN K _____ » 1 0 Hugh M cCutchen_ W. V. Strong_____ L. C. Doye_______ 67-222 ham . SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve BankWnmlHT of St. Louis umli-r ( Brame h o f A ik en, S. C. 25,000 20,000 70,000 90,000 135,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; 1st N. Rich.; Ga. R. R „ Augusta. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Germania Sav., Char.; N Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Ga. R. R., Augusta, Ga 25,000 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Nicholson Bk. & T r. Co., Union. 75,000 H an .N .,N .Y .;N . Ln.& Ex., Columbia. 25,000 8,000 112,000 65,000 50,000 57,500 278,000 281,800 91,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. Murchison N., Wil.; Carolina Sav., Char. 25,000 7,400 128,740 112,800 46,010 N. City, N. Y.; Palmetto N., Columbia. 60,000 8,830 175,000 243,670 100,000 10,000 350,000 250,000 30,000 11,000 140,200 184.850 28,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char.; Murchi son N „ Wil. 175,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Peo. N., Char. 21.500 ovia Bk. & T r. Go.. Winston-Saiem, N . C. ' 1126________________ SO U T H CAROLINA BANKS—H artsv ille to K ingstree __________ July, 1918 1126 B a n k s A d v ertisin g : g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce lVaine or Bonk is the New T m i s l t Number given to each bank in 17. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SO U T H CA RO LIN A —C ontinued Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t Rates» G race,!'—‘ e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite nacre 13.1 C SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index WiImbiT under IVame or Bank la tue JXOW T ra n sit Number riven Í?, e a s.h b a n k ™ U-.S. exclusively by Tile Band-M eNsIlr Bankers' D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e auth ority of The American Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. K lin e ..___Barnwell G Pop. 200 < -i Name op Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 5 ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District Est, President. Vice-President. Bank of Kline_________ JS’l l B. M. Jenkins, Sr.. T. F. Hogg 67-387 FARMERS & MERGH. NAT’L BK. 67-239 J. S. M cC LA M . . . . . . Cashier. Ass 't Cashier. Victor Lewis $ 10,00« $ W. T. A skins_____ W. M. Severance.. H. E. McElveen.. T . J . C 0 T T IN G H A M — W. W . S IN G L E T A R Y FRANK H .D A N I E L - J. H. G R E E N LE E etc., s e e p a g e 1 4 . L ia b il it ie s . R esou rces. Surplus k Du Cash k ExPaid-up Depos cLoams and ’ts. Bonds ohangxs,Dus Capitai P rofits its 8SC ORITIK8 prom Banks For Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 13. P rincipal Correspondents. 5.08C $ 60,60« $ 24,47« $ 58,070 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r Co., Wil.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. 25,000 28,000 250,000 375,00« 50,000 Am. Bk. & T r. Co.. Wil.: Carolina Sav., Char N. S tate & City, Rich. 100,000 49,000 745,000 978,000 87,000 N . C ity, N .T .; P a lm etto N „ Colum bia; Peo. 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; N State & City, Rich. N ., Char. IC ollections rcce lye personal a tte n tlo n o f an officer o f th e B ank and ar e rem itted for on date o f paym ent, • í ’05 Lake View__ Dillon C 14 Bank of Pages Mill_____ §10 R. S. R ogers..___ Pop. 400 67-346 L. M. Oliver_____ W. M. Gaddy __ Miss Alice S c o tt.. 25,000 10,000 180,000 182,000 L a m a r... Darlington D 11 Lamar National Bank__« i’13 W. J . Du Bose___ A. J . A. P e rritt__ F . O. H uff____ Pop. 1000 67-425 25,000 2,500 100,000 9G.000 Duncan McKenzie. L. J . Beasley____ R. C. Huggins .. 25,000 17,000 289,140 169,560 155,380 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil, Palm etto N., Columbia. 50,000 139,760 715,910 782,910 189,720 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.,Balt. Farm ers Bank & T r. Co. t§’08 W. T. Gregory____ W. H. Millen_____ M. G. B ritta in ____ R. T. Beaty.. 67-168 50,000 12,500 153,000 151,470 86,740 Mech. & Metals N. and N. P ark, N. Y.; N. Ln & Ex., Columbia. F irst National Bank____ «f’05 0. D. Jo n e s__t____ E. M. Croxton___ 67-167 50,000 30,630 296,500 282,360 88,590 N. City, N. Y.; Palmetto N., Columbia; Citiz N „ Balt. 9,420 93,550 105,250 12,520 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Spartanburg, Spartan burg. • 20,000 N, Park, N.Y,; Bk. of pom., Spartanburg. M ERCH .& PLANTERS BANK 67-327 i§ ’09 ‘L ancaster.___Lancaster BANK OF LANCASTER-**§’89 Leroy S prings____ D. A. Williams____ G. W. Williams___ J . H. Poag. Pop. 5000 B 9 67-166 W. 0. Thomson SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. E. W ylie..____ F red Adam s. E. M. Croxton . . 25,000 G. B. H am pton__ R. P . W hitlock. 15,000 1st N „ Lancaster. R, G. C hristopher. J . G. Landrum . 7,500 1,600 58,180. 45,000 E. C. Allen______ M. M. Sellers__ 35,000 9,000 180,000 100,000 100,000 43,750 337,540 398,280 100,000 Han. N „ N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. State & City, Rich.; Am. Bk. & Tr..Co., Wil. N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; N. State & City, Rich.: Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. 77,430 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N.. Char. J . C. O w ings____ O. T. F ra n k s ____ 50,000 8,300 250,000 218,510 46,170 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia, H. K. A iken_.__._. H. K. Aiken, i____ J . J . Adams. 50,000 47,010 195,630 259,500 5,000 6,8.80 20,750 22,910 29,710 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia; M erch. N., Rich. 9,270 N. Park, N. Y.; Laurens N., Laurens. H. A. B ethea..__... W. D. Bethea___ C.*H. Roper______ C. H. Roper_____ W. G. L ancaster. Chas. T. Simpson. J. S. Craig. L. G. Balle.-. C. W. Tune_____ : J . D. M atthews___ H. A. Meetze_____ J . S. Crosson. Brcmch o f M ario n , S. C.) 50,000 33,980 195,370 275,130 21,330 100,000 90,800 277,500 424,100 36,400 25,000 10,000 Greenville. j ____ Char. N. B. A., Char. Jno. T. Sox, M g r... J . J . W ingard____ K. F . Oswald____ J . E. K am m er. {Brano h o f A ik 50,000 _ 3,740 M l, S . G.) 324,990 289,090 113,15.0 Ln. & Ex., Columbia. For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1127 Lancaster Sav. Bk. & T r. Co C. D. Jones______ 67-394 §-06 Landrum .Spartanburg A5 Bank of L andrum .____ *$§’08 H. B. Carlisle_____ Pop. 1000 67-328 Mutual Bank__l_____ _.t§’16 B. T. E a rle ______ 67-475 L a tta ...------- Dillon D13 Bank of L atta . . . . ____ »}§’03 W. H. Sm ith_____ Pop. 1358 67-223 Farm ers & Merch. Bank»t§’03 67-224 ‘ L a u re n s.... Laurens C6 Enterprise National Bk.$1900 N. B. D ia l....___ Pop. 5000 67-117 Farm ers National Bank_.«’14 M. J . Owings___ 67-452 Laurens National Bank .«$’95 O. B. Sim m ons... 67-116 Lucas B ank___ ___ «t§’09 J . A. Smyth, J r .. 67-120 Palmetto Bank________ t§ ’06 R. B. T e r r y ...._. 67-118 Peoples Loan & Ex. B k..i§’87 W. A. W a tts ..... 67-1.15 Leesville..Lexington. E 7 National Bk. of Leesville»t’05 H, F . Hendrix . . . Pop. 980 67-242 L ena.------.H am pton.H 8 (See E s till) Pop. 175 ‘ I^xington ___ Lexington Bank of W estern Carolina Pop. 1800 E8 67-401 »§’12 Home National Bank___» i’09 S. B. George_____ 67-264 E. M. Croxton__ 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. _________ SO U T H CAROLINA BANKS—Kline to L exington Lake City------- Florence BANK OF LAKE CITY— • « 03 A. H. Williams___ Pop. 2000 E 12 67-238 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates* Grace, a r -> r - a r t -» .t a r s CA R O LIN A ----C ontinued, Lr öUUT 'r J.i H Tuly, 1918 112 7 *J,6/ B a n k s A d v ertisin g : g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t io n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce T own and County . N ame of Bank . ‘ Countv Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E n tire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it i e s . R esources . ansk Pis- Cashk Ex P aid - up Surplus D epos cL’ots . Bonds, changes,Pus AND .Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks As s ’t CASHIER. Liberty_____Pickens B 8 Farm ers & Merch. B ank.§'09 T. N. H u n te r_____ T. J . Mauldin____ W. H. Chapm an__ Pop. 1800 67-241 •t *« LIBFRTY BANK 67-240 ±«’fti $ 15,000 $ J . W. Wessinyer__ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 3,000 $ 136,880 $ 83,640 $ 68.400 N. City, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. i J .F . BANISTER- W. T. O’DELL_____ 0. F. BUSH 25,000 11,000 y o f p a y m e n t. }FIFT EE N CENT S s e n t to u s w ith e a c h s ig h t d r a f t f o r .p re s e n ta tio n , a n d (t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS fo r each c re d it r e p o rt In su res p r o m p t, perso n a l a t t e n tlo n . Little Mountain .N ew b’ry Farm ers & Merch. Bank .§'07 J . M. Sease Pop. 440 D7 67-329 A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ire c to rs, i n d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . F o r I n te r e s t R a te s , G race, SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 120,000 125,000 14,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Greenville; Merch. N., Rich. 20,000 2,560 51,280 85,750 Moore Thom pson.. 10,000 3,500 30,000 48,000 Little Rock...DUIon C 13 Bank of Little Rock------$§’10 T. C. Sherwood___ L. A. Manning____ J . H. M eadors___ Pop. 99 67-331 20,000 7,270 42,440 56,640 14,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co,, Wil. 9.000 4,520 38,870 48,080 14,040 Han. N., N. Y.: Peo. N., Char. 10,000 5,000 75,000 80,000 20,000 Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil.; N. State & City, Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 12,500 11,120 125,000 125,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. o f Anderson, Anderson; 1st N., Rich,. 8,225 2,350 81,080 37,700 50,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 20,000 12,500 103,000 57,000 64,320 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Murchison N ., Wil. 25,000 33,730 171,070 205,830 42,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. 40,000 108,180 280,580 367,050 55,410 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char. Murchison N., Wil.; : Plan. N.. Rich. 25,000 8,000 111,000 155,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 19,350 6,460 104,550 115,530 100,000 140,570 972,330 967,740 100,000 34,820 313,670 584.370 57,78o Little R iv er.. Horry E 16 Bank of Little R iver___$§’11 R. R. Stone______ J . E. Vereen. op. 300 67-330 ... Lodge_____ Colleton G 9 Peoples Bank_________ $§’16 C. F . Ri7,f>rr.. Pop. 250 67-469 Loris_______ Horry D 15 Pop. 600 G. J . H olliday___r D. K. McDuffie___ G. D. McQueen___ 67-332 Lowndesville— Abbeville Lowndesville Bkg. Co. .»$§’04 B. F . Mauldin_____ W. F . McGee____ R. H. Moseley_____ Pop. 350 D3 67-333 Lydia___Darlington D 11 Bank of Lydia.... ............$§’12 B. S. J o s e y ______ B. G. P itts___ ____ Pop. 244 67-435 Lynchburg_____Lee D 11 Bank of Lynchburg____$§’07 T. N. Griffin_____ J . W. T a rra n t____ C. E. T im m ons___ F. A. Crihbs Pop. 700 67-334 0. G. Rowland . _ ‘Manning .Olarend on E 11 Bank of Clarendon ------ $§’03 J . A. W einberg __ Pop. 2000 67-176 .. .. .. .. .. « Bank of Manning ------ *$§’89 Joseph S prott 67-175 F irst National B a n k ___ $11 W. 0. Davis_____ A. C. Bradham __ 67-177 Home Bank & T rust Co..$§’12 Charlton D uR ant.. O. S . Sprott 67-178 • T M W aIIq jW. H.CROSS...... W.M. MONROE— . ‘M arion ___ Marion D 14 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK H. ¿.GRAHAM G: Si; t H I a , Pop. 5000 67-137 »$§’03 (Special a tte n tio n given to BUI o f L a d in g ite m s , 'P r o m p t service a n d re a so n a b le r a te s . MARION NAT’L BK. 67-138 .. »$11 S. W. NORWOOD... J. W. JOHNSON — W. D. BETHEA-— J. S. JOHNSON____ W. M. MARTIN— 17,670 N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 5,500 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. 8,630 Han N., N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 259,880 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Peo. N., Char.; Murchison N., Wil. S p e c ia l a tte n tio n g iv e n e v e r y ite m s e n t u s . P r o m p t r e m it t a n c e m ade. 40,000 14,370 241,570 219,030 68,320 Mayesville— Sumter E 11 Bank of M ayesville ___ $§’02 C. G. Rowland ___ C. E. Mayes______ Pop. 1500 67-335 J . M. Cooper 30,000 9,000 150,000 200,000 8,000 M cBee.. Chesterfield C 10 State Bank of M cB ee... $§11 J . D. In g ra m _____ F . E. K err_______ Pop. 600 67-336 10,000 7,000 50,000 37,000 5,000 15,000 2,000 67-389 Henry Mullins McClellanville Charleston Bank of McClellanville—1’12 R. M. L ofton_____ J. Y. Du Pree_____ L. F . Powell___ Pop. 1000 G 13 67-432 S O U T H C A R O L IN A . M A P o n I n d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Mrs. L. F . Powell— P h il.; M u rc h is o n N .. W il. Co., Wil.; Palm etto N., Columbia. Chase N., N. Y.; Enterprise, Char. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to C o lle c tio n s ancl C o rre sp o n d e n c e N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in- July, 1918 PLANTERS BANK.......$§11 W. S. F oxw orth _ J . C. D a v is _____ 1128____________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Liberty to McClellanville N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is th e New T ra n s it N u m b e r g iv e n 1 1 OQ t o e a c h b a n k in U . S . exclusively b y T b e R an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ x ¿ 4 0 D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity o f T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n . ----- j . Y. Du Free---------IL. F . Powell______ Mrs. L. F . P ow ell.. SO UTH 1 1 4 “ on In d ex N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given to. each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . T ow n a n d Co unty . 2,000 __ IChase N., N. Y.: Enterprise, Char. P r e s id e n t . A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race,] e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued N am e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Slate «County Seats. E ntire State'in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn, tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. McGoll___Marlboro 0 1 3 Pop. 2000 15,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to C o lle c tio n s ancl C o rre sp o n d e n c e V ice -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . Bank of M cCotl..______t§ ’97 T. B. G ibson.. . . . . . A. K. O dom ....____ 67-206 D. M. P arker Farm ers & Merch. Bank tS’07 W, H. F letcher___ J . C. F le tc h e r____ 67-207 J . C. Moore H. Bethea R eso urces . L ia b i l i t i e s . Loansk Dis- Cashà Ex P aid - u p Surplus D epos c ’ ts . Bonds» changer,Dub and Capita l P rofits it s Securities fromBanks* $ 50,000 $ 27,690 $ 167,860 $ 283,520 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . 24,320 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich. hatham & Phenix N., N. Y,; N. State & Oi Rich.; Merch. N., Raleigh, N. C. 25,000 4,750 184,510 120,260 85,000 «McCormick McCormick Bank of McCormick . . . < § ’01 B. F . M auldin____ J . E. B r itt.______ J . E. Bradley____ _ W , E. R ankin------J no.L.Kennedy, J r. 67-269 Pop. 1500 E4 68,000 49,100 276,100 294,700 93,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta, Ga.; N. Shawmut, Bos. F . C. R obinson___ P. J . R obinson___ 30,000 14,750 126,270 169,070 23,950 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & E x., Columbia; Citiz, & Southern, Augusta, Ga. 6,490 62,370 53,710 28,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo. N., Char. Farm ers B a n k -------------t l ’07 67-270 50.000 Peoples Bank--------------- §’17 67-485 W. W. Altman____ M. W . Guyton____ 15.000 A. H. S tevens.__ D. L. Cato, T r ____ A. H. Stevens, See. 20,000 J . M. Sim m ons___ fl M Fuller M. B. Crisp J . W . Morrah_____ J . W. Boyd._. . . . . H. D. Brown-------- 20,250 5,220 18,060 67,280 11,510 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Greenwood. 10.000 3,500 28,750 26,260 25,000 5,410 100,790 93,510 12,730 M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; Bk. of Anderson, Anderson; 1st N. and N. State & City, Rich. 35,720 Han. N „ N. Y.; Bk. of Cheraw, Cheraw. 26,500 46,700 256,000 173,400 130,000 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Murchison N„ Wil.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia, 25,000 14,490 175,470 217,470 30,380 M ech . & M e ta ls N „ N. Y .; P a lm e tto N.. E. Tate McMillan . . 25,000 20,570 243,420 182,210 E. H. Pringle, J r — R. S. Small, T r . __ A. R. La Coste, Sec. G.-W. W alker W. R. Williams___ B. S.Cogburn 25.000 104,690 Han. N., N .Y .; N. State & City and Plan. N. Rich.; Girard N „ Phil.; Peo. N „ Char.; Am B k.& T r. Co., Wil. Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 97.910 19,480 88,490 Han. N „ N .’Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia Murchison N „ Wil. 95,180 Han. N „ N. Y. «MoncksCorner .Berkeley Farm ers& M erchants Bk.îS’lO E. P. Grice 67-337 Pop. 300 G 11 M o n e tta ...___ Saluda E 7 Pop. 122 M pnntville.. .L aurens 0 6 Pop. 150 Mt. Carmel ..McCormick . Pop. 500 D4 Mt. Croghan.Chesterfleld Pop. 175 B 11 Mullins— ..M arion D14 Pop. 2485 .§’18 Bank of M onetta. 67-495 Bank of Mountville _ -§*11 3. Y. B ry so n ____ .• 67-390 Bank of Mt. Carmel__ ..$ § ’07 B. F . Mauldin_____ 67-338 Bank of Ruby & Mt. Croghan 67-410 i§ ’12 BANK OF MULLINS— *t§’05 Henry Mnllins____ 67-179 E. D. EDWARDS— FIRST NATI BANK 67-181 « t’IO 67-274 N orth Augusta, Aiken F 6 Bank of W estern Carolina 67-342 < § ’10 Pop. 1136 S O U T H C A R O L I N A M a p on In d ex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n nncpRS H R SMITH ______ W. F. SMITH T. Parr 10.000 3,410 964,240 1,023,410 _. R. L. T arrant R. H. W right Floyd .Bradley W. G. Houseal____ M. L . S pearm an__ W. B. Wallace. _. 50,000 104,360 50,000 26,820 435,720 426,550 T. K. Jo h n sto n e.— H. T. Cannon_____ W. W. Cromer 100,000 22,790 575,110 664,080 50,000 16,410 212,690 265,020 30,000 9,500 140,000 158,000 J . Y. McFall B. 0. M atthew s___ J .Y . M cF all.. Jam es M cIntosh... 3. C. Lybrand____ E. W. Shull— — Henry Buff H. W. McGehee___ J , C. Self R. A. Watson John B. Sloan . . . . . H. J. K inaicL .— W. J. P a tte rso n __ C o lu m b ia ; M u rc h is o n N ., W il.; A m . N.. R ic h . 82,310 Chatham & Phenix N „ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. Columbia. 150,510 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Palmetto N,, Colum bia; Peo. N., Char. 34,080 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. #■ 18,650 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia Merch. N „ Rich. 19,420 M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; Murchison N „ Wil. 12,500 3,550 44,480 45,090 37,500 15,820 305,480 198,390 50,000 31,220 153,690 201,090 34,730 Han. N „ N. Y. 3,500 100,000 140,000 14,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Palm etto N „ Columbia. 83,420 42,570 69,010 Han. N „ N. Y.; Palm etto N „ Colombia. 160,400 Han. N „ N. Y.; M. M, 1st N „ Balt. 20,000 F . L. WiH R. H. Jones 40,000 __ 25,000 M. L. Tyler, M g r ,. I-™"—— ;---— - 4,650 (B ra n c h o f A ik e n ,S . C .)-- ______ _____ _ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta; Ger mania Sav., Char.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia 1129 N orris— __ Pickens B 3 Pop. 180 N orth___ Orangeburg F 8 Pop. 1000 . p J . R. Williams____ Navy Y a rd __Charleston Charleston T rust Co.___ .§ ’18 E . H. Pringle------pika pi,,., H 12 67-507 . N eeses... Orangeburg F 8 Bank of N eeses______ _i§-’10 67-339 Pop, 143 «Newberry, Newberry D7 Commercial Bank__ _ < § ’96 John M. Kinard — 67-110 Pop. 5028 NéwBrookland.Lexington Pop. 3000 E8 Nichols_____Marion D 14 Pop. 118 Ninety-Six__ Greenwood I . -rA Pop. 1000 , D 6 P ft RflRPRS S p e c ia l a tte n tio n g iv e n b y a n o f f ic e r o f t h i s b a n k to e v e r y ite m s e n t u s . P ro m p t r e m itta n c e m ad e. M erchants & Planters Bank 67-180 t§05 Exchange B ank.—. . __ < § ’05 67-112 National Bank of Newberry 67-109 . < ’44 Newberry Savings Bank t§ ’96 67-111 Brookland Bank . . . ___ < § ’07 67-340 Bank of Nichols— . . . . . t§’l l 67-397 Bank of Ninety-Six____ t§ ’06 67-257 Cambridge Bank____<§1900 67-256 Bank of N orris__ _____ .§*10 67-341 Bank o f N orth____. — .*§’14 67-273 N. A. McMillan___ W. McG. Buck____ T. T. M artin-------- July, 1918________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—McColl to North Augusta _________ 11 9 0 C A R O L IN A . M A P FcNT\S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in N aum of Bank. TÒWW AMD OOUNTT. PBX8IDKMT. V icm-P k e sid k n t . Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities . oan«ft Dib- Cashft Ex P aid-up Surplus Dbpos- L c’ts. Bonds, change«,Dim and Capital P rofits ITS Securities w homBanks Principal Correspondents. ___________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Norway to Pinewood •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «Oonnty Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 ¿Mem. Slate Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve D istrict. dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 1130 Number under Name o f Bank is (he New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. H arrim an N, and Met. T r, Co., N. Y,; N. Ln. W. Cutting Wilbur (B r a n e h o f C ha r ie s to n ) N orth Charleston—Char Liberty B ank________ *t§’18 & Ex., Columbia. 67-502 le s to n ........— — H 12 Pop. 695 N orway..Orangeburg F 8 Bank Of Norway______ t l ’05 O. H. Able_____— J . H. Bonnett------- T . Q. Cog b u r n ____ A. T. G arrick_____ $ 25,000 $ 7,700 $ 65,000 3 84,000 $ 14,000 Mech, & Metals N „ N, Y,: Murchison N „ Wil,; Union N „ Columbia, 67-843 Pop. 500 Han. N „ N, Y,; N. Ln, & Ex„ Columbia; 4,500 22,000 56,000 25,000 8.740 Farm ers National Bank . i ’l l H. P . Fulm er_____ O. T. Dow ling------ J . H. C h itty _____ Am. Bk. & T r, Co., Wil. 67-386 2.170 54,460 55,350 7,280 Chase N „ N, Y.;^durchison N,, Wil. 9,660 .2116 W. L. Oates______ L. M. Lawson . . . . . T. B. Holcombe;__ Oates— Darlington D 11 Bank of Oates. 67-476 {L a m a r Pi 0 .) Pop. 50 6,970 11,280 Han. N „ N. Y.; Murchison N „ Wil.; Bk. of 25,000 68,050 100,440 Olanta— -.Florence E 12 Farm ers Bank_____ ...111 S. J . Tomlinson__ R. E. Smith, S r.__ R. E. Smith. J r . __ F . A. M unn---------Char. N. B. A., Char.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 67-286 Pop. 800 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; N< Slate & City, Rich. 3,000 8. R. Chandler____ 50,000 15,000 T. E. Ruffin______ 72,000 25,000 A. S. K elley______ F irst National B a n k ___« i’06 Julien 0. Rogers__ 67-285 47,000 124,000 220,520 32,870 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char N. B. A., Char.; G. M. Neeley . . . __ C. M. C hitty._____ 20,000 O lar..__ ¿.Bamberg O 8 Bank of Olar__________21*16 0 . F . R is e r ______ Murchison N., Wil. 67-844 Pop. 850 207,140 1,220,950 1,351,010 177,850 Han. N., N. Y.VBk. of Char. N. B. A„ Char.; 100,000 »Orangeburg. Orangeb’rg Bank of O rangeburg__ »tl'87 J . G. Wannamaker T. M. Raysor_____ R. F . Bryant_____ B, W. Vincent____ Palmetto N., Columbia. Scovili Wannamak er 67-91 Pop. 7500 F 8 109,580 1,281,680 1,458,000 127,900 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia: 100,000 Edisto National Bank__»t’89 B. H. Moss______ J . M. O liv er_____ W. L. G lover_____ J . I. McMichael__ Peo. N „ Char. G. R. McKewn 67-92 42,500 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Palm etto N., 7,500 105,000 99,000 30,000 Farm ers & M erch. Bank iS'03 W. B. Thompson _ J . D. W hisenhunt. O. N. B ow m an___ Columbia. 67-94 5,000 175,000 186,000 27,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., 25,000 F arm ers Union Bk. & T r. Go. R. E. W annamaker J . H. d a ffy ______ H. C. W annamaker O. B. Inabinet____ Columbia: Carolina Sav., Char. 67-96 «I’lO 42,630 746,820 764,110 223,810 N. P ark and Han. N., N. Y.; Murchison N., 100,000 Peoples National Bank__t ’01 D. O. H e rb e rt____ B. F . Muckenf uss-. J . W. C uller._____ F . P . Schiffley____ Wil.: Carolina Sav., Char. 67-98 19,310 241,040 214,640 79,110 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Co W. E. A tkinson— H. A. W rig h t..___ R. M. S m oak_____ 35,000 Planters B a n k _______ «$§’08 lumbia. W. L. Moseley 67-95 4,300 1,050 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Bk. of Com., G reen 68,570 13,700 19,230 Owings------- Laurens C 5 Bank of Owings_____ __ t'14 G. W. Owings_____ F . R. O w ings..__ - J . M. B ryson__.__ ville. 67-458 Pop. 175 37,740 6,380 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. & Far., Spartanburg. 1,600 10,000 32,510 B. A. High_______ P acolet..Spartanburg B 6 Bank of Pacolet_______ 2113 S. T. Reid________ J . W. Brown 67-443 Pop. 410 1.890 73,030 45,000 34,730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N „ Spartanburg. 5.000 Employees Savings B ank.1’17 J . R. W estmoreland C. W. Bostick_____ Claire M. Crosby~ 67-483 35,000 N. P ark N-, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Colnmbia; 4,000 225,000 250,000 30,000 Paceland____Chesterfield Bank of Pageland_____» tl’07 L. L. P arker_____ R . H. Blakeney__ O. G. Morgan_____ U. F . Moore. 1st N ., Rich. Pop. 600 B 10 67-845 Pages Mills—.Dillon C 14 (See L a ke View) Pop. 500 4,500 19,640 Plan. N., Rich.; 1st N., Florence. 7,494 B. D. D argan........ J . W aties Gregg. 16,660 Pamplico—Florence D 12 Bank of Pam plico______§’18 G. J . Steele.— A. A. Munn 67-505 Pop. 500 FARMERS & MERCHANTS W. A. Colem an__ T. J . Cottingham .. 0. W. Boyd. 10,000 8,000 W. R. P a rk s_____ W. W. Fowler____ W. P . P a rk s _____ J . P . Brunson . . 18,030 9,090 M. M. P latt____. . . P. A. P a rle r............ P. A. P a rle r........... 10,000 230,000 . 165,000 M R K ------67-453------- 2115 SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis City; Peo. N., Char. 39,130 69,310 12,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta, 13,010 11,680 11,380 Met. T r. Co., N. Y.; Com’l Bk. & T r. Co., Ga. Sumter; Am. Bk. & T r. Go., Wil. 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. L. W. W ise______ D. F . Sham p e r t __ G. L. Taylor_____ 10,000 800 35,000 24,000 John A. H udgens.. 50,000 75,000 250,000 325,000 50,000 Han. N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. J . R. Vandiver___ Winslow S lo a n ___ B. H. S adler_____ 30,000 34,670 217,840 199,650 82,860 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Far. & Merch., Anderson; J . P . C arey ______ A. J . Boggs______ M. C. Sm ith______ 25,000 3,700 90,000 93,000 21,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Norwood N„ Greenville, J . McD. Bruce____ I . M. Mauldin___ F rank McFall____ J . H. Bruce. 20,500 16,000 463,000 460,000 33,000 N. City, N.Y.; Peo. N., Greenville. 190,000 57,000 N. Park, N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 90,690 Ellison A. S m yth_ J . E. Wakefield___ J . M. Marshall____ C. C. Lawson_____ 15,000 20,000 200.000 G. A. Lemmon____ J . R. Griffin___ __ R. A. R id g ill_____ 10,000 5,900 64,500 Peo. N., Greenville. 12,670 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; City N. and N. Bk. of Sum ter, Sumter; Murchison N., Wil. ______ July, 1918 Bank of Parksville_____2I'08 67-847 Farm ers Bank -------------§18 67-501 Bank of Pelion________ 2110 67-848 ’ Chico ra Bank___ _____»28'86 67-849 Bank of Pendleton_____28'89 67-350 Keowee B ank_________ t f 09 67-251 Pickens B ank.________ 2§’98 67-250 Piedm ont.Qreenville B 4 Bank of Piedmont_____ 2§’03 67-351 Pop. 2500 Pinéwood.01arendon E 10 Bank of Pinewood__ ___ §12 Pop, 424 67-420 P arksrille___McCormick Pop. 107 E5 P arler—Orangeburg F 10 Pop. 200 Pelion___ Lexington E 8 Pop. 250 P a lte r ____Anderson 0 4 Pop. 6000 Pendleton..A nderson 0 8 Pop. 1000 «Pickens— .Pickens B 8 Pop. 1500 80,000 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Far. & Merch. N., Lake Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence T K T A N u m b e r u n d e r Nam e o f B a n k 'ie the New T r a n sit N um ber riven to each bank in U . S. e x clu siv ely b y T h e B a n d -M c N a lly B ankers* D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers Ass*n. N ame o r B a n k . TOWN AND OOUNTT. Plum Branch-McCormick Bank of Plnm Branch__t§ ’12 67-402 Pop. 145 E5 Pomaria__ Newberry D 7 Bank of Pomaria----------tl'08 67-353 Pop. 200 Prosperity .N ew berry D7 Bank of Prosperity — •$ i’02 67-260 Pop. 900 Peoples National Bank— t ’03 67-161 S eeresrille__Dorchester Bank of Reevesville------- §*06 67-354 Pop. S05 G 10 *Ridgeland__ Jasper I 9 Bank of Ridgeland------» tl’lO 67-355 POP. 600 Ridge Spring—Saluda E 7 Farm ers & M erchants Bank 67-498 818 Pop. 550 Peoples Bank —_______«iS'05 67-356 Ridgeville „ D o r c h e s t e r Bank of Ridgeville_____t i l l 67-388 Pop. 350 G 10 Ridgeway__ Fairfield D 9 Bank of Ridgew ay------- .S'99 67-357 Pop. 800 Farm ers & M erchants Bank 67-884 «tS'12 P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it ie s . R eso urces . b pl u s Loams à Dis Cash à lx D e po s cara. P a id - u p S uand B o n d s , CHANGES,ÜBE it s Capital P b o p it s S e c u r it ie s t &om B a s o J . L. B racknell__ J . W. M iller___ _ Thos. McAllister . $ 10,000 $ Z. T. P inner___ _ R. H. H ip p ______ John O. A n il____ 15.000 4,000 G. Y. H u n te r____ J . S. Wheeler____ J . F . B row ne____ 25.000 15,500 312,570 59,300 S 13,300 Citiz. & Southern, Augusta, Ga.; M. M, 1st N., Balt. 40,000 Corn Ex. N., N.Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; 72,000 N. Bk. of Newberry, Newberry. 274,100 71,880 H an.N ., N. Y.; Palmetto N., Columbia. W. W. W heeler__ R. L. Lnther_____ R. T . P u g h _____ 25.000 14,000 275,000 230,000 12,000 Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 18,000 Chatham ft Phénix N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia; Citiz. T r. Co., Savan. 6,860 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. J . A. Counts— . . . J . P . W h e e le r .... 5,090 $ 37,000 % 100,000 A. R. Johnston__ Carlisle Johnston— J . Y. Bryson_____ M. E. S m ith ___ _ 15.000 12,210 11,710 62,370 J . B. B ostick____ 0. E. P e r r y _____ S. B. O w ens_____ Miss E. P. B urnet. 15.000 10,000 93,000 96,000 J . J . W atson ..__ _ L. J . Sm ith______ H. C. Smith_____ F . G. Asbill__ . . . . H. E. H o lley ____ W. H. Stuckey___ J . C. W atson____ W. N. Campbell— J . E. T h row er___ W. J . D ukes_____ Roy O. Bell— W. J . Dukes W. H . R u ff_____ 0 . P . W ra y ______ N . W. Palm er____ H. A. Moore. 30.000 1,770 38,660 60,100 30.000 41,210 241,370 265,920 15.000 7,000 54,000 42,000 25.000 58,000 157,000 214,000 W. J . Johnson___ J . S. Edmunds___ R. W. Adam s____ 25.000 14,500 70,000 87,100 Rock Hill— York B 9 CITIZENS BANj(& TRUST CO^ J . W. O’Neal____ Pop. 10,000 D. C. Johnston__ G. A. Beach_____ J . R. S huriey.__ ¡¿I 50.000 7,210 228,120 254.000 F irst T rust & Sav. Bank tl'06 Ira B. Dunlap___ J . M. C h e rry ____ S. R. Spencer— 75.000 NATIONAL UNION BANK-«* 98 Ira B. Dunlap____ J . M. Cherry___ — S, R. Spencer__ 300.000 67-71 T. L. Jo h n s to n __ J . B. Johnson ____ O. L. Cobb_____ 67-78 »t'09 Sidney Friedheim Peoples T rust Co.______ §'09 J . B. Johnson__ — R. E. B a rro n ..___ _ C. L. Cobb, Sec. a n d T r. 67-74 Cotton B a n k _________ tS'OO V. P . Shuler_____ J . 0 . Funchess___ _ W. E. Smith_____ 67-858 J . F . Cramley, Bank of Ruby ft Mt. Croghau M gr. 17-359 t l ’07 Farm ers Bank___ —— • t l ’18 T. H. Burch ______ R. M. N ew som ___ M. L. Raley. 67-500 Joel Padgett_____ Bank of Ruffin_______ ..§ 1 3 H. D. P adgett, J r . Robert B lack. H. F . Breland 07-429 E. G. Haltiwanger, Bank of W estern Carolina M gr. 07-360 «tS’OO Bank of Saluda_______ *§’03 B. W. Crouch____ M. A. Coleman__ — J . P . L indler..___ 67-271 Planters National B a n k ..t’l l M .T . P itts_______ O. J . Ramage____ J . A. P i t t s _____ _ 67-272 Fred P a tte rso n ___ Bank of Sandy S prings..t$’12 B. F . Mauldin____ J . B. D outhit — 67-422 Peoples Bank__________§18 F. M. Lykes — —— A. J . DeLoach___ W. H. DeLoach___ 67-497 J . M. Myers, J r .__ Peoples B a n k ------- — «tl'10 J . C. Lynch______ W. S. L ynch.. R. B. Cannon 67-361 Sydney Bruce—— CITIZENS BANK--....... «tl’04 W. T. Edwards___ W. F . Austin . 67-228 Seneca B a n k ---------- — » tl’95 E. G. D oyle___ —. J . W. Shelor__ . . . F . S. H ollem an___ 67-227 — J . S. H artness.— FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»*09 J . H. Save____ . . . J . L. Rainey 67-862 P lanters B a n k ------- 1— §18 w . L. H iii.— ::* C. O. B u rru ss____ C. B. Ratchford . . . 67-499 Bank of S h elto n ---------« t i l t HTG. Colvin— . — W. B. W rig h t____ W. E . Bates 67-477 Bank of Sim psonville..«tl’07 W. D. F o w le r____ B. W. B u rd e tt. . . . . G. E. Mayfield ____ 67-363 Farm ers Bank— **§’14 J . D. Richardson — Ja s. M. Richardson D. L. Bram lett — _ 67-457 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Rowesvllle— Orangeburg Pop. 508 F 9 R uby...C hesterfield B 11 Pop. 104 Ruffin__ - __ Colleton G 9 Pop. 100 Salley—. Aiken F 8 Pop. 311 ^Saluda ...S alu d a D 0 Pop. 2000 Sandy Springs.Anderson Pop. 200 0 3 S co tia.___Ham pton H 7 Pop. 189 Scranton_____ -Florence Pop, 808 E 12 Seneca— __ Oconee B 3 Pop. 2000 S h aro n _____— York B 7 ... „ , Pop. 500 S h e lto n -— Fairfleld C 7 Pop. 150 Simpsonville—Greenville Pop. 1000 B5 SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r in c ip a l Co rrespondents . John R . L ondon.. 100.000 25.000 T. E. Boone 15.000 (B ra n ch 25,470 (.B ra n ch W. A. Oronch____ O. C. G unter . . . — 46,660 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. ft Ex., Colombia. 26,500 Han. N „ N. Y.; Com’l N., Char. 24,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; N. Ln. & Ex. and Palm etto N „ Columbia. 11,250 Han. N., N.Ÿ.; N. Ln. ft Ex., Columbia. 35,630 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Am, N.. Rich. N. Union, Rockhill. 89,960 1,614,290 2,134,000 161,600 Mech. and Metals N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Merch. N., Rich. 78,670 1,201,160 1,300,860 • 231,860 Han. N., N. Bk. Com., and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 48.000 ------------------ 8,000 Peo. N., Rock Hill. 68,000 8,000 o f M t. 10.000 8,650 84,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 2,090 60,000 15,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cheraw, Cheraw. 20,000 24,500 - 13,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 14,570 20,240 65,000 Crogha n ) o f A ik en, S. C .) ________ 7,230 Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. N. Bk. Com.. N. Y. 25.000 40,430 256,560 302,150 19,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 30.000 15,000 410,000 197,000 210,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Colombia. 10.000 5,000 130,000 105,000 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Anderson, Anderson, 15.000 4,350 36,370 39,440 15,780 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Florence 50.000 , 25,000 451,600 410,000 20,400 30,500 501,000 340,000 108,000 N. City, N. Y.; Palm etto N. and N. Ln. & Ex. Columbia; Peo. N „ Greenville. ; 175,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Peo. N „ Char, 25.000 15,000 195,000 165.000 15.000 35.000 G. D. Wood______ 10.000 3,900 37,320 56,620 25,000 12,760 202,490 188,620 3,340 : 71,380 89,030 12,500 6^000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Union, Rock Hill; Merch. N „ Rich. ¡Palmetto N., Columbia 7,020 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. 48,720 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.: Merch. N., Rich. 1st N., Greenville: Am, Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 10,690 Han. N., N. Y .; CityN., Greenville; Peo., Foun tain In n . 1918______ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Plum Branch to Simpsonville ___________ 1131 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. E ntire Slate in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal R eserve District. A ccessib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, In dexed in back of this volum e. F or I n te r e s t K a te s , G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued J u ly , 1131 For S A F E T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number Under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven to each bank in U. S exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Li a b i l i t i e s . N a n i of B a n k . T own a n d Co unty . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . W. H. Y a rn _____ £j. P. J . Garris, J r .. A. E. V arn_______ J, T, Kinard .Colleton G 9 Pop. 300 67-288 J . E. Smoak ___ _ 7. .T. Berry S. T. McCRAVY . . . J S iiis bànSFmïTk es a sp e c ia lty o f h á n d llS § Mc o tto n »Spartanburg.Spartanb’g *AMERICAN NAT’L BANK$’03 ^ P ro m p tn e s s a n d service o u r m o t to . C oU ectlons r 67-37 Pop. 21,365 B5 (WE ABE ACTI VE, M O DERN A ND PRO G R ESSI ----------- “ BANK OF COMMERCE M tàff. ----- ft H M It 66 ". — — It *6 #6 {: „ 3,500 $ 46,880 $ 28,210 $ 35,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Palmetto N., Colombia. $ 13,000 $ 41,000 46,000 100,000 69,760 396,580 R. F. PHIFFR d r a fts a s w ell as a 11 o th e r co llectl o n s. e m itte d fo r a t lo w est r a t es. VE. 620,030 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char.; Union Sav., Angusta. 80,200 Ohem.N.,N.Y.; M. M .lstN ., Balt.; 1stN., Rich, J.B .L E E ------------ W.S.GLENN........... ALLEN L. ROGERS- C. M. EARLE, Jr....... C o lle c tio n s a S p e c ia lty . R a te lO c aer S I OO on cash letter» a n d collections asrsereseatinse S I S O .OO a n d up w a rd s. M in im u m 15c. 5,000 9,500 664,280 399,510 321,270 N. Park, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia; J . B. Cannon____ J . W. W illson ____ D. W. H endrix 100,000 60,000 887,000 902,000 133,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; 4th St. N., Phil. [JOHN A. LAW-— C. C. KIRBY_______ M.E. BOWDEN— — H.B. CHAPMAN........ ♦CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK WM.A.LAW G. W. R. FRANCE 67-35 »*’85 (C o llectio n s B e m itte d o n D ay of P a y m e n t. - 400,000 « tu o W E S O L IC IT Am. N., Elch.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Y O U R B U S IN E S S . A. B. C alvert__ i__ ♦BANK OF SPARTANBURG 67-36 »$$’01 ft P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . 60,000 67-40 l;. R eso urces . Surplus D «POS Loamk Dm- Cashk lx* c*ra. Bonds, oiiiou,Dn ITS Bmvritim fromBaus P aid - o p AMD Ca pita l P aopiTs 10,000 Delma W. K e e ls ... 67-287 “ A s b ’t Ca s h ie r . 194,000 1,650,000 2,280,000 > 525,000 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; 1st N., Phil, and Rich. (B ranch o f C o n v erse, S . C.) N. Park, N. Y.: Norwood N „ Greenville; . Converse Savings Bank-tl'17 M erch. & F ar., Spartanburg. 67-42 50,000 22,000 390,000 393,000 ___ J . W. W illson ____ O. G. Isom . 23,270 Bk. of Spartanburg, Spartanburg. ♦Dollar Savings B ank., . i f 07 67-39 500,000 133,710 2,114,750 2,901,990 ‘ 396,440 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. ♦F irst National Bank__ «$’71 A. M. Ohreitzberg— J . B. C leveland.... F . 0. Rogers_____ Roy E. L eonard__ M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Peo. N., Char. M. D. Jam es 67-33 W .N . Query 100,000 105,000 873,000 670,000 93,000 Chatham & P hénix N. and N. B k. Com., N. Y. ♦M erchants'& Farm ers Bank A. L. W hite....____ W. S. Montgomery. J . L. Flem ing____ Gabriel Cannon___ Girard N., Phil.; Palm etto N., Columbia. C. M. Crews 67-34 *$$’89 60,000 26,590 229,370 291,800 24,340 Corn Ex. N., Phil. S. T. McCravy____ W. L. Isom, T r .___ ♦Southern T rust Go.___$$’04 67-38 5,000 19,500 310 16,590 2,200 T. J . C a rte r_____ J . T. Cothran Spartan Savings Bank__§’15 J . B. Cannon 67-41 A. L. W h ite _____ F rank C. Rogers, Spartanburg Clearing House. Sec. a n d Tr. (Members indicated by a * ) John Bean_______ J . B. S m ith .. Edith P h illip s____ Springfield —Orangeburg Bank of Springfield . . . —$$’03 67-279 Pop. 800 F 8 ,, ,, Mike G leaton____ Paul A. Phillips___ E. J . Boland_____ Essie Givens_____ 67-280 30,000 20,000 175,000 210,000 25,000 11,700 279,550 71,590 E. P. V an d iv er___ O. C. J o n e s ...____ G. C. Jo n e s______ M. A. C hapm an.... 10,000 4,350 60,580 54,340 0. D. D ukes_____ J . L. S h ied er_____ 25,000 34,900 300,720 234,210 A. R. Johnston ___ J . B. W h e ts e ll___ D. P. Cam pbell___ D. F . Moorer, J r . . . W. P. Shuler P . B. R obinson___ Geo. W. F airey___ L. S. D reher. W. W. McMillan 25,000 4,000 157,390 124,280 60,810 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y,; Peo. N., Char. 35,000 9,000 147,890 151,000 38,500 N. Park, N .Y .: Palm etto N., Columbia. T. H. Dreher__ . . . R. B. Geiger_____ J . A. Banks, J r . . . . 25,000 24,000 260,000 232,450 05,970 N. P ark and Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Co lumbia. 98,000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Co lumbia; Peo. N., Char. 7,100 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.: Murchison N. Wil. 31,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char.; Merch. N., Rich. Pop. 500 67-265 SO U T H C A R O L IN A M a p o n In d e x J . A. Davis. J . S. W annam aker. J . E. W annamaker. W. D. McClary___ J . A. Ja m e s _____ W. W. Davis. John W. Lesesne — J . A. Weinberg___ 20,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Peo., Anderson. 80,000 57,620 410,000 582,000 22,500 3,500 70,000 85,000 25,000 30,000 141,000 172,000 113,910 H an .N ., N .Y .; Bk. of Char. N. B. A„ Char, F o r SA FETY a n d SER V ICE, S e n d Y our L egal W ork to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index Id Lawyers) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is r i^ r u o g t ^ 249,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N „ Colombia. 67-466 *8t. G eorge..-D orchester BANK OF ST. GEORGE ..$$'05 67-249 Pop. 1300 G 10 . •• .. F arm ers Bank___ ___$$’16 67-248 »St. M atthews__Calhoun Farm ers Bank &Tr.Co..$S’l l 67-381 Pop. 2000 E 9 a* •' XM ' 4* H(IMF RANK i t t ’IK 67-219 «6 M 8t. Matthews National Bank ———— 67-218 »$’89 S um m erton__ Clarendon 67-488 Pop. 900 F 11 Bank of Summerton___$S’03 1 1 3 3 25,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Carolina Sav,, Char. ____________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Smoaks to Summerton __________ July, 1918 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘ County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Smoaks Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 1132 1132 Äss*n. S O U T H C A R O L I N A — C o n tin u e d Accessible ’Towns« Lawyers« Laws« Directors« in dexed in back of th is volum e. F or I n te r e s t R ates« Grace,l*“—» etc«« see page 14. F or H olidays« Bee nnnosifp nnoro 13 C F o r SA FETY an d S b K V lu t, s e n a jo u r k o g " ' îiO U T H C A R O L I N A M a p o n I n d e x 1 X1 OJ OJ Accessible to ooo£ book in tr . s. e s c iu s iv e lj- by T he K a n d -M c N a lly N ame of B a n k . Tow» a n d County . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No. 5 JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District, P r e s id e n t . « a n k e rs’ C O T D ir ec to r y , u n d e r tlie a u t h o r ity of T lie A m erica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . O v /U T 'T 'U A O O T T M A A JCjL ^ A K U I j I I N A V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . _____P / \ n t i n i i A A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Sum m erville. Dorchester Bank of Dorchester___•t§ ’95 .T. A . G u e r in . 67-365 Pop. 3000 an K, T,t Braid »Sum ter___Sum ter E 11 City National Bank____«$’01 G. A. Lemmon____ I. C. Strauss_____ G. L. Ricker_____ J . G. R. W ilder___ Pop. 0639 67-65 Commercial Bank & T rust Co. G. D. Shore__ ___ J . K. Crosswell___ R. C. Bradham ___ 67-69 «{SIS R. A. Bradham 67-63 N E I L O 'D O N N E L L — R. D_ L E E . - 0. G. Rowland____ Thomas Wilson___ National Bank of Sooth Isaac Schwartz Carolina..67-66 . . . ____* t’05 Geo. D. Shore National Bk. of Sum ter »t’89 J . P. Booth___ . . D. D. Moise______ W. J . Crowson, J r .R. B. Belser 67-64 B. 0 . Wallace_____ A. M. Broughton _ R. K. W ilder R. 0 . Purdy ______ R. L. Edmunds, Sec. a n d Tr. R. L. Lybrand____ B. E. C raft______ B. C. Wallace, J r — C. B. Huff, A . See. a n d A . T r S . f i. C r a f t J . F . F re em an ___ I. W. G a r r e t t ____ John McSween . . Duncan McKenzie. Timmonsville — Florence B A N K O F T I M M O N S V I L L E 67-191 » tl^ l Pop. 2000 D12 Citizens Bank_______ » tl’03 C . Ray S m it h 67-192 Townville—Anderson 0 3 Bank of Townville____ t f ’06 B. F . Mauldin__ _ 67-368 Pop. 255 Travellers Rest .Qreenv’le F anners B a n k .........- iS’OO W. L. Gassaway „ 67-369 Pop. 200 B4 B. F . Mauldin____ Trenton___ Edgefield E 6 67-370 Pop. 300 W. H. Robinson _ Troy___.GreenwoodE 5 67— 371 Pop. 233 Turbeville____Clarendon Bank o^T urbeville. ...... §’12 G . A. Lem mon. __ 67-372 Pop. 400 E 11 »Union—, ___ - Union B 7 Citizens National B a n k .. .$’08 R. P . Morgan ___ 67-101 Pop. 5623 Merchants & Planters Nat.Bk. F . M. F arr ______ 67-99 »$'72 L. Anderson_____ S, R. W ebster___ . W. C. King__... __ E . fJ. A s h e ll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directors, la* P r in c ip a l Co r respo ndent s . 25,000 1,000 145,000 188,000 18,000 N. City, N.Y.: Com’l N ., Char.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., W il. 150,000 65,000 700,000 750,000 50,000 25,000 250,000 300,000 140,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 100.000 152,000 700,000 875,000 200,000 189,360 972,510 1,545,890 200,000 80,000 775,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil.; (M em . F ed . R es.) 54,660 Chase N. and Chatham & Phénix N., N.Y.; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 15,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 100,000 32,000 250,000 475,000 50,000 30,350 332,530 400,810 30,000 12,500 195,000 206,000 10,000 3,000 100,000 95,000 100,000 5,000 240,000 337,500 75,000 35,000 250,000 261,410 9,700 6,630 37,450 50,300 10,150 110,920 124,730 9,000 150,000 160,000 W. D. M orrah ---- J . W. Bradley ___ 17,000 6,000 130,000 65,000 R. R. Tomlinson _ E. E. T im m ons __ 12,500 2,320 57,230 64,370 C. C. Sanders ___ 100,000 38,250 203,770 447,530 60,000 59,000 400,000 326,950 75,000 50,090 484,310 547,690 15,000 6,000 135,000 75,000 B. F . K e n n e d y __ J . D. A rthur. ___ 104,720 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Peo. N., Char. 90,000 N. Park, N. Y.; M . M . 1st N ., Balt.; 1st N.. Phil.; N. State & City, Rich. 15,000 .. Geo. W. Jo h n so n .. 155,000 C h ase N ., N . Y .; P eo. N ., C h a r.; A m . N ., R ic h .; A m . B k . & T r. Co., W ll. 982,000 16,300 J . C. R o e ________ G . W. N ic o ll. ' 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; F ar. & Merch., Greenville. 7,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 45,660 N. City, N. Y.; Murchison N., Wil. 2,460 B k.of Anderson, Anderson. 11,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Am., Greenville. 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 87,090 Bk. of Greenwood, Greenwood; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 1,770 Han. N., N. Y.: City N., Sumter; Bk. of Char. N. B. A., Char. 53,520 Han. N.. N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; Palm etto N.. Columbia: Merch. N., Rich. 150,000 Atlantic N.. N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt. 61,720 H a n . N . a n d N . B k . C o m ., N . Y .; 1 st N ., P h il.; M . M . 1 st N ., B a lt. *t§’89 VarnvUle— Hampton H 0 P lanters & Merch. Bank » tl’07 W. E. R ichardson.. W. O. Thom pson.. W, Vi Bow ers....,, Pop. 1200 67-373 SOUTH CAROLINA Map on Index R eso urces , Li a b i l i t i e s . Loamsk Dis- Cashk ExP aid - u p S urplus D epos c’ts. Bonds, cbanqm,Duk AND ITS Capital P bo fit s Bsovkxtiu non Baku J . F. B e ttis _____ W. W. Miller __ NICHOLSON BANK EMSLIE NICHOLSON-J. ROY FANT....... -M. A. MOORE— C. W. CAIN-------C O L L E C T IO N S R E M IT T E D & TRUST GO. O N DAY O F "P A Y M E N T 67-100 Laws, - 0 - L- Y A T E S — As a ru le , co llectio n s go d ir e c t to t h e F irs t N a tio n a l B a n k . W e a re no ex cep tio n to th is r u le . P ro m p t service a n d re a so n a b le r a te s a ssu re d . * t’87 O u r collectio n d e p a r tm e n t u n d e r official su p erv isio n . O ld est b a n k In S u m te r C o u n ty . L e t u s h a n d le y o u r Ite m s in th is v icin ity . Peoples B a n k _________ tS'10 L. D. Jennings ___. 67-68 Sumter T rust Co____ ‘.«tS’12 I. C. Strauss_____ 67-67 W. H. W itt______ Swansea— Lexington E8 67-366 Pop. 700 R. I. W oodside.. Taylors__Greenville B 5 67-446 Pop. 250 Lawyers, . ........ $ 25,000 $ 33,000 $ 350,000 $ 426,000 $ 30,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Peo. N „ Char. BANK OF SUMMERVILLEI’16 L. A. W alker_____ C. F . P rettym an__ 67-473 FIRST NATL BANK Towns, dexed in back of this volume. F or in t e r e s t B a te s , Grace,!*—1 e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.\ C , / 4 C O n iin u c u 29,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. F o r.S A FE T Y and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) P r esid e n t . VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca sh ie r . As s ' t Ca sh ie r . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc», see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page* 13, R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Loam à Bn- Gajwà lì* PiO»CT S ubplus D bfos - c*w . Bokm, SDAMO»,1>«B ans ( U m u P rofits m FM» Baku P r in c ipa l Correspondents . W sfanar .. Aiken f 7 C. J . Asbill, M gr.. (B ranch o f AUte « . 8 . C.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. R. R ., Augusta. Pop. N2 07-282 •8160 ____ " “ F irst National Bank__ ..•2*08 E. B. Jackson___ _ W. A. W hitlock . _ W. P . W illiam s___ Grace W hitlock___ $ 30,000 $ 10,000 $ 160,000 I 183,400 S 22,500 N .P ark , N. Y.: Palm etto N „ Colombia. •7-281 •W alhalla____Oconee B 2 BANK OF WALHALLA -•*(’08 J . D. V arner. Pop. 1800 67-210 » feftTgtSS « Enterprise Bank. 67-211 W . L. V era e r .. S. L. V eraer. George Seaborn. . 2(10 A. P . Crisp______ G. R. Pike »Walterboro Colleton Colleton Banking O o ._ ~2('91 John F . Lucas. Pop. 2700 H 10 •7-193 •* •# 67-104 *(’02 Yirst National Bank 67-105 J . W , Sheior T , H. W. Black, J r .. R. L. F raser. T. P. Murray ___ _ 1. M. Fishburne.— 43,000 325,000 ~ 328,000 88,700 N. P ark, N. Y.; Palm etto N., Colombia. 20,000 12,780 192,420 137.500 86,710 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Palm etto N., Colombia. 10,000 20,000 190,000 101,000 50,000 27,000 400,000 480,000 25.000 12,500 180,000 250,000 J . C. DeTredille •t'07 J . E. P e n rifo y ___ fl. O. P adgfttt....... M, O. Ornhpr_ War»!..-.......... Satnria Jfi t> (15 Pop. 800 67-455 Ware Shoals .Greenwood Bank of Ware 8hoals -2C07 Pop. 50 0 5 ' 67-874 W aterloo.. Laurens 0 5 Bank of Waterloo -2 (1 1 Pop. 191 67-875 W estm inster. Oconee B 2 W estminster Bank. •28'94 67-218 •e Pop. 2000 #• 67-407 2» 12 Whitmire. .N ew berry 0 7 Bank of W hitm ire___ -•2815 Pop. 1800 67-463 50,000 137,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Carolina Sav., Char.; Palmetto N.. Columbia. Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Char.; Citiz. & 45,000 Southern, Savan.; Am. Bk. & T r. Co., Wil. 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N.. Char. Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. C. W. S atcher____ J . J . Watson . __ J . A. D ennis. 23,120 7.000 75,000 105,000 5,000 B. D. Riegel_____ J . F . MacKnroe__ J . C. Gambrell J . E. E llio tt. 50,000 57,080 169,400 210,580 57,390 25,000 10,690 65,450 61,340 34,310 Oscar T u c k _ 100,000 55,000 450,000 510,000 50,000 N .Park,, N.Y.; (M em . F ed . Res.) 20,000 7,420 122,560 112,260 35,830 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 50,000 5.000 34,800 30,210 40,000 14,580 187,840 J . C. Smith H. K. Aiken _ T. P. Anderson J . P . Stribling____ Jas. R. Sullivan.. B. M- England . . A. Zimmerman, Tr. E. Zimmerman, Sec. E. E. C h ild ______ Z. H. Suber______ W. R. W atson____ Jno. L. Miller W tltiam ston. Anderson Bank of Williams to n .. -•2S'00 Jam es P . G ossett. . T. H. G ossett_____ Chris. Saber_____ Pop. 2100 04 67-877 R.. r,. Ariail Willington .McCormick Bank of M cCormick. . „28*11 Pop. 365 E4 67-449 W iiliston__Barnwell F 7 Bank of W i ilis to n ._ .•* (’06 A. M. K ennedy___ W. 0 . Sm ith___ __ W. R. Prnthrn . Pop. 1000 67-378 Farm ers A Merch. Bk. -•*(12 H. M. Thompson _ A. N. G a rb e r_____ R. S. M a rtin ..____ 67-403 . ( B r a n c h o f McCo rm ick, 205,630 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Greenwood, Greenwood, s,. c . Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Greenwood. 14,540 N. City, N. Y.: Palm etto N., Columbia. 30,750 H a n .N .,N .Y .; 1st N., Rich. Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta; Palm etto N., Columbia. S. C.) 25,000 30,000 241,330 209,910 10,000 600 15,000 25,000 50,000 36,000 230,000 265,000 50,000 21,380 184,870 257,300 Columbia. 16,120 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. THE WINNSBANG B i l l . H >06 T. K. E llio tt_____ T. W. Lauderdale.. O .F . Elliott _____ 67-188 W. D. Douglas 100,000 60,020 643,430 668.520 137,260 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich.; Palm etto N.^Columbia. Woodruff .S p artan b ’g B 1 BANK OF WOODRUFF- .•tft’01 8, D. Parsons A. W. Sm ith____ J . E. B rockm an__ P od. 8000 67-178 M M First National B a n k ... 2*08 I. W. Gray............... S. G. A nderson___ S. G. Anderson «7-174 40,700 21,200 235,000 185,000 86,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Rich.; Peo. N.. Char. (M em . F ed . R es.) 50,000 10,000 190,000 210,000 30,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich. “ Pop. 2000 , *’ *4* “ 0 0 -•2I'06 W. N. Rahh 67-189 Merchants A Planters Bk.S’11 T. H. K etehin____ J . H. McMaster___ J . W. Oath cart__ _ ‘___ ____ ____ _ J . F . Davis 67-190 Pah JtK ftfl M At (12 W. E. R ichardson. H. McM. W illiam s. Boring T errv •2’0S 0 . B. Wilkins_____ W. I. W itherspoon. LOAN & SAVINGS BANK tS'90 B. N. M oore_____ J . S. Brice 07-164 u t h C a r o l i n a M ap on in d ex Digitized fors o FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _____ M. F. Cobb _____ M. S . McCorkie 19,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. 50,000 7,250 3,700 46,000 34,000 50,000 72,790 332,850 430,160 31,000 Han. N., N. Y. 79,730 N. Park, N. Y.; Murchison N„ Wil.; Palmetto 50,000 81,030 473,100 521,690 92,440 Mech. A Metals N., N. Y.; Palm etto N., Columbia. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1918 Temassee Hampton H 0 Bgak pf Vernasse« Pop. 250 67-412 _____ York B g F irst National Bank »York 67,240 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y. ______________ SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS—Wagener to York_______ Town AND GOUHTT. N am* of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State E ntire State in No. 5 2Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. x C O T T T H P A P H T T”M A ___P A n t i n n « ^ X x l. ^ / V I v v k t l l N A V O U lin u C O 1134 Number under-Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 11 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* * * 0 ■ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. S IO U X FA LLS, SO UTH DAK O TA W e i n v i t e t h e a c c o u n t s o f B a n k s , C o r p o r a t io n s , M e r c h a n t s a n d I n d i v i d u a l s S o u th D akota Ite m s D irect C ollection s S o licited O F F IC E R S c. e . M c K M . C . S M IT H E U G E N E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - i n n e y - R E IL E Y - - - P r e s id e n t - V ic e - P r e s id e n t V ic e - P r e s id e n t C . L . N O R T O N - - J. D . F L E C K E N S T E IN L . A . G R A Y - - - V ic e - P r e s id e n t - - - C a s h ie r A s s t . C a s h ie r The Inter State Surety Company A South Dakota Institution for South Dakota People Redfield, South Dakota Surety Bonds, Plate G lass, and Bank Burglary Insurance S o u th D a k o t a . INDEX TO C O U N TIES. A rm s tro n g . D S A u r o r a .......F 12 B e a d le ....... E 13 B e n n e t t __ G 6 B o n H o m m e H 14 B r o o k in g s . . E 16 B r o w n ....... B 13 B r u le ......... F l l B u f f a lo ...... E 11 B u t t e ........ D 2 C a m p b e ll . . B C h a r le s M i x G C la r k ........ D C l a y .........H C o d in g to n . D C o rs o n . . . . B C u s t e r __ . . F 9 12 14 16 15 7 2 D a v is o n . . .. F D a y ........... C D e u e l........ D D e w e y .......C D o u g la s . . . . G 13 14 16 8 13 E d m u n d s . . C 11 F a ll R iv e r . . G 2 F a u lk ........ C 11 G r a n t ........ C G re g o ry .. , G H a a k o n ....E H a m lin . .. , D H a n d ........ E H a n s o n ... . F H a r d in g __ B H u g h e s ___ E H u t c h in s o n G H y d e ........ D J a c k s o n .. . . F J e r a u ld . . . . E J o n e s ......... F 16 11 6 15 11 14 2 9 14 11 6 12 8 K in g s b u r y . E 15 L a k e ......... F 15 L a w re n c e . . E 2 L in c o ln . . . . G 16 L y m a n . . .. . F 9 M c C o o k .. . F M cP h e rso n B M a r s h a ll. . . B M e a d e .....J 3 M e lle t t e . . . F M i n e r .......E M in n e h a h a . F M oody ... .E 15 ll 14 4 8 14 16 16 P e n n in g to n F 3 P e r k in s .. . . B 4 P o t t e r ....... C 10 R o b e r t s _ _ _ B 16 S a n b o rn . . . F 13 Shannon. . . G 4 S p in k ........ D 13 S t a n le y . . . . E 8 S u lly ....... . D 9 T o d d ........ G 8 T r ip p ...... G 10 T u r n e r . . . . G 15 U n io n . . . . . H 16 W a lw o r t h . . C 9 W ashabau gh G 8 W a s h in g t o n G 5 Y a n k t o n . . , H 15 Z ie b a c h . . . . D Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 v| W hen Interested in Write Us A B ER D E EN ABERDEEN,- N A T IO N A L - - BANK SOUTH DAKOTA O FFICERS C o llec tio n s J, Ç. BASSETT, S o lic ite d President ISAAC LINCOLN, Vice-President ALEX. HIGHLAND, Drafts Promptly and Carefully Handled Vice-President -W. W. BASSETT, Cashier C, H. BOWMAN, Assistant Cashier FLOYD YEAGAR, Assistant Cashier P A R T IC U L A R C A R E G IV E N T O A L L OR OTHER 1 M I T C H E L L I SOUTH DAKOTA BANKING MATTERS § REAL IN S T R U M E N T S imiKIilllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I A N D L E ESTATE T R A N S A C T IO N S CONVEYANCE. S outh Dakota PEOPLES i S A V IN G S B A N K INTELLIGENTLY AND PROMPTLY H OF is fa v o r e d w ith th e a c D c o u n ts o f m a n y D a k o ta banks § jmiliillllll!lllllllll!l!llllllllimilllllll!llllllllllll!llllll!l1!lllimillllllll!ll!llll!llllll| § By the I I W E S T E R N NATIONAL BANK I ( ‘‘ T r y U s O u t " | .Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of S E R V I C E I i titiimitriiiitimiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiini^iiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiitHiiuiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiminjiiii I 1 b eca u se .! W 9 W e I I n v it e C o r r e s p o n d e n c e \ j j A ecesstb le •Hera. Am. Bits. Assn. (State «County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 JMem. State Bks. A ssn.tP rir. Est. Federal Eeserve District. PraiDKNT. ABERDEEN NATI BANK. J. i . BASSETT — «Aberdeen__ Brown C 12 P od. 15,218 78-12 L aw yers, L aw s, b- L I A B IL IT IE S . II Resources, i r pl u s 1«ajmk 9 m -l C’ami k BxD bpos- c P aid- up SuAXS *tr. Borimi,4 i■LAM«M,1>VS ITf tun Baku Capital P kopitz Br o p h i m 1 N ame of B a n k . T owh and County . T o w n s, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page id. SOUTH DAKOTA V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . ASS’T CASHIER. B * S S E T T --C LY Ç g $ 160,006 $ 115.170 $2172950 $1035760 :$ 577.300 BEE AD V E RTIS EMENT D ra fts given in te llig e n t a n d p ro m p t a tte n tio n . R e al E s ta te T ra n s a c tio n s o r o th e r in s tr u m e n ts o f conveyance receive u n u s u a l care* < ’89 A ccounts o f b a n k s , co rp o ra tio n s a n d in d iv id u als so licited .______________ w.. STATE BANK & R. L. Brown_____ F . A. B row n_____ J . S. V etter--------- H. F . Brown_____ TRUST C0.-78-15____< § ’08 ♦Citizens Tr.& Sav. B k.< §’06 C. N. H erreid------- David Strauss____ F. F . H anson------- E. P. Kemper------D. H. Lightner 78-15 ♦Dakota N at’l Bank — < ’06 T. F . M arshall____? W. D. S w ain ------- E. A. P o rte r_____ D. W. DeVey------F ran k J . Sauer 78-14 25,000 6,500 140,000 125,000 50,000 17.000 750,000 590,000 50,000 25.370 560,250 615,590 U A SC 11 *« Aw • v u u v » w V-W “ « * . ----- 1) 1st N., and Capital N., St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., and No. West N ., Mlnpls. OPPOSI TE. 30,000 1 i s t N., Aberdeen; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P, 210,000 1 liberty N., N . Y.; Cent. T r. Co. of 111.. Chi.; ls N., St. P.; Secur. N „ Sioux C. 105,360 1lan. N ..N . Y.; Oont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Midlarn N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C. F. B. GANNON------- J. H. JACKSON----- J. H. SUTTLE------- D.C. KNISEL ‘FIRST NAT’L BK. 78-11 f h i m F BI! IN ADVANCE : ‘S ig h t d ra fts, 15c m in im u m ; 25c m in im u m charge i f p a id . C. F. EASTON— Agar__________Sully D9 Pop. 100 U m * » — Walworth C 9 Pop. 114 Altee_______ G rant 017 Pop. 181 Ä ltester_____Union G 17 Pop. 425 < § ’01 f (Investm ent Bom h e r ) _____________ T. C. Gage— ------. ’81 \ FARM AND Cl TY LOANS. Aberdeen Clearing H o u se-... (Members indicated by a ♦) Agar State B a n k ---------< § ’10 78-484 Akaska State Bank____ t§ ’07 78-493 Albee State Bank____ $81900 78-494 Alcester National Bank—< ’86 78-329 170,NO 1,906,000 1,650,000 400,000 i im. Ex. N ., N. Y.; ls t N ., C hL andSt P.; ls t & Secur. N ., Minpls. 192,710 ] i. Park, N. Y.; F t. Dear. N., Ohi.; No.-West N „ Minpls. R e liab le C re d it R e p o rts, 25 c. T R Y U S. OLDEST BANK IN BROWN COUNTY._________ < ’81 F . Hange____ ♦FIRST STATE SAV. BANK Isaac Lincoln_____ J. L. Browne------- Roswell Bottom — Q. A rthur Caldwell 78-18 50,100 J . C. B a sse tt___ — F. F . H anson------- D. H. Lightner, Sec. a n d M gr. D. B. Wilson_____ Guy W ilson—------- J . B. Bessire_____ B. B. B essire___ K. J . K u n d ert____ M. K undert______ K. J . K u n d e rt____ H. C. W alk er---J . A. Gold----------- L. A. Gold_______ G. M. Engebretson. A rthur Orman__ G. K. Clark B. W. B ra n t_____ A. S. D risbow -----G. A. Lindgren f A. 0 .0FSTAD— i & MERCK. NAT’L Send your colle etions and cash „78-830._____< ’95 If they can be collected we coll FARM MORTG AGE LOANS NE i J. A. SWENSON- 46,000 782,180 638,890 15,000 6,000 160,000 140,000 5,000 5,000 75,000 48,000 50.000 50.000 10,000 11,100 140,000 115,000 30,000 20,000 200,000 203,000 25,000 25,000 745,340 589,810 «UU MWUi » » “ “■ 159,120 : S in ., VUlij xo» Secur. N., Sioux F . Sav., and Sioux F . N. Sioux F.: Bkrs. N., Minpls. 333,170 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C» Items direct, ect and rem it pr o m p tly . GOTIATED. 25,000 22,360 747,320 486,510 16,350 C. H. STILLWELL- D. E. HOFFMAN ALBERT HILL— (W.S. HILL— and vldnltj t given p rompt ' 78-169 < ’84 i All Items and collections sent direct on Alexan drla ( attention and presented In pers on. Quick aetlon and reasonable »: barges. 19,000 10,000 E. F . C oursey----Alpena State Bank------- t§'02 M. A. Man waring _ 0 . B. Man waring— 401.460 413,580 57,770 223,000 190,000 . < ’80 F. D. Peckham____ Geo. R yburn------- Jacob S chiltz------- E. T. Linsley SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 78— 322 Fop. 417 Bank of Alpena----------- $§’92 78-321 Altamont____Denel D 16 Altamont State Bank___ $§’06 78-495 Pop. 110 Am herst__ Marshall B 14 Farm ers State Bank— 15’07 78-496 Pop. 200 Andover____ _ Day C 13 Citizens State B a n k ..—< S ’02 78-299 Pop. 500 . Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; 1 N., Minpls.; Sioux F . N „ Sioux F. K. T. Aisenbrey — A. J . Aisenbrey__ John J . Few k W. F . C arsten s___ E. O. IversQn------- 12,000 11,000 220,000 180,000 5.000 10,000 100,640 89,630 August T isher____ Clarence E. Oleson L. A. Oleson------W. B. Harwood. C. E. Witham Ada B. S to n e -----C. A. S to n e----Earl L. Stone------- 5,000 8,000 75,000 60,000 90,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. Mitchell N., Mitchell. , 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N.,Sioux O. W estern N., Mitchell. „ „ 19,500 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co.. Chi.; 1st & Secnr. N. Minpls.; 1st N.,St. P.; Secur. N., W atertown 15,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 15,000 4,250 242,700 205,440 57,390 Aberdeen N.,Aberdeen; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls 10,000i 7,000 92,000 70,000 27,000 Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls, 1st State, Bristol. 5,0001 1,800i 80,000l 54,000i 23,640 Peo. N.> Hot Springs; Neb. N., Oma.; Com’ State. Crawford. Neb- S. E. M orris_____ J . E. Shall____ A. J . L ockhart.. CHAS. P EW -----D. E.R0URK-. ] Patronize a gn wing bank. Col lections have the personal atten( tlon o f an offle r. Farm mortgage loans negotiated. | GEO. DEBILZAN A n im ore..Fall River G 2 Ardmore State Bank__ <8*06 A. E. Craven____ 78-497 Pon. 225 L. H. H ed rick ____ W. B. Craven___ SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, ALLS, H A N D L E S C O L LE C TIO N S D IREC T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E 1135 STATE BANK OF ANDOVER 78— R0t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux F . N.. Sioux F . 28,000 : st N.. Chi. and Aberdeen: No.-West. N. Minpls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 41,000 : Io.-West. N.. Minpls.; Gold & Co. State, Big stane City; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. 30,500 : 30,000 «Aiexandria.Hanson F 14 F irst National Bank. 78-168 Pop. 955 Alpena____ Jerauld E 18 35,000 : July, 19 IS_____________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Aberdeen to Ardmore 1I N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k ia (ha New T ra n s it N u m b e r give» to each bank ln U. S. exclusively b y T h e K and-M cN ally B a n k ers D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . T own and County . N ame of B ank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Federal Reserve Districi Esl. P r esid e n t . V ic e -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . C P SWIFT $ 25,000 $ 21,410 $ 362,770 $ 346,560 $ 60,610 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls, Secur. N., Sioux F. cer. ©ans n e g o tia te d . 50,000 C. G. DeBoer F. G. FLOETE_____ B. N. BEAUMONT - E. E. DUBES_____ 40,000 e t h e p erso n al a tt e n t l o n o f a n offic e r. I f th e y c a n be co lle c te d r e m it p ro m p tly . F a r m m o rtg a g e 1 o a n s n e g o tia te d . S. H. W enzlaff..__ Edgar G. Wenzlaff. E. J . Z e itn e r__ P r in c ip a l Co rrespo ndent s . . 14,800 o9U,U0u 403*900 5,000 630,000 380,000 25.000 10,000 428,110 300.000 Blanche P alm er__ C. W. B o o tie r____ 15.000 5,000 80,000 70.000 Jacob Bentz__ ___ J . J . B e n tz ______ N. S. S chirber____ P . J . Schirber____ O. E. A dam s_____ H. H. Witzel_____ T. M. Brisbine, J r . S. G. nallihan 5,000 10,000 175,000 130,000 15,000 13,810 261,910 71,000 N. Park, N. Y.j Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Is N ., St. Paul a ndBrookings; Minnehaha N. Sioux F. 270,000 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N . and Live Stocl N „ Sioux 0.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st i Secur. N „ Minpls. 214,560 1st N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.: Com’l & Sav. Sioux P. tont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Western N „ Mitcheii Sioux F . Sav., Sioux P.; N. Bk. Com. Sioux C. 40,000 tont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N „ MinpL 199,460 81,700 1st N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. P . W. B ennett____ G. M. B en n ett____ C. H. K ing_______ P. D. Johnson R. T. L ee._______ W. H. F rancis____ 20,000 9,800 335,000 285,000 10,000 7,070 167,090 141,880 E. W. Chase 10,000 6,000 275.000 75,000 ■lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Secui T r. & Sav.. Sioux F.; No.-West N., Minpls. 42,330 3ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Redfleld N., Redfleld. 39,470 .st N.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Live Stc N „ Sioux C.; M erch., Redfleld. 50,000 Midland N „ Minpls.; Bki Of Brookings and N., Brookings; Sioux P . Sav., Sioux P. 10,000 3,500 175,000 120,000 10,000 3,000 128,610 106,000 j J. C.GREENFIELD BERNARD BRANDT. 55,000 21,140 420,000 Avon ..B on Homme H 14 AVON GERMAN BANK-»t§l900 j P ro m p t a t t e n d on to a ll B a n ia n g m a tte r s e n tr u s t ed to u s . C ollect! Pop. 600 o n s hav e t h e pe r s o n a l a 78-297 ( o f a n official o f th e b a n k . F a r m m o rtg a g e lo a n s n e g o tia te d . 372,000 133,000 st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Secar. N., Sionx Sioux P . Sav., Sioux P. 107,000 A. Loom is_____ W t E, Hole H. M. W ilson____ J . P. Pries._______ A. J . Hogie______ 20,000 Athol----------- Spink D 12 Athol Slate Bank. _ __ t i ’flfi C. C. Harmon_____ J . D. Prindle Pop. 300 78-500 Aurora— , Brookings E 16 Bank of Aurora_______ $ |’90 Chas. Gaukel____ Wm. H. Smith____ C. L. S ev erso n ___ Pop. 236 78-501 134,010 tM H Ifr » » Bank of Avon_____ »js'n? John Kiehlbauch _ A. H. Rosberg _»__ E. J . K iehlbauch.. . 78-298 J . E. Hollingsworth Badger State Bank____»tS’08 J . H. Quinn______ C. A. Jo h n so n ____ R. E. C rothers____ 78-502 Dakota State Bank $f’02 K. E. Jacobson___ H. G. S olem _____ 0 . T. Hegnes Farm ers State Bank _ _6*15 W. J . Agnew_____ 78-704 F irst State Bank_____ «t§’17 F . C. Benjam in___ W. A. S trachan___ W. A. Y u n k er____ 78— 728 W. P. Daulton ‘ Bellefourche.-Butte D 2 BELLE F0URCHE STATE F red S. H arris__ D. W. Hickey , Pop. 1800 BANK 78-97 $110 Badger— Kingsbury E 15 Pop. 125 Baltic— Minnehaha F 16 Pop. 325 Bancroft-Kingsbury E 14 Pop. 136 B arnard____Brown B 12 “ ,„ “ BUTTE COUNTY BANK-«*I’91 J . T. Craig_____ 78-95 “ . _ *‘ M. J . Smiley D. P. Amsberry___ H. B. Haas_______ W. H. Boorman Chas. McCumsey _ E. O Olsen 78-96 200,000 225.000 184,000 10,000 20.000 275,000 225,000 10,000 5,200 126,170 109,140 15.000 2,000 75,000 60,000 25.000 10,000 300,000 NATIONAL BAN K, ' n XV « . * w u M U U O O W b h Av m O I U U A Kj . Secur N., Sioux P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 60,000 torn Ex. N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 75,000 tont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sionx P . Sav., Sioux P. 1st N ., Sioux C, 26,070 lerch . N., St. P.; Bk. o f Brookings, Brook mgs: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. J. City, Chi.; No.-West N., Minpls.; Aberdeer N., Aberdeen. 108,000 600,000 150,000 1 263,240 IHan. N « N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; U. S. N., Orna, Sioux 25.000 58,630 830,150 562,070 10.000 11,720 151,610 134,130 15,000 F alls 45,000 36,170 I JLr «7 , " V ^’.V>AA4*’ Ü1UUA A -T• A* OlUuA JD Live Stock N., Sioux C. 15,000 ( ’ont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Lumbard, Kimball; Whitbeck N., Chamberlain, 105,000 * 20,810 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Bk. of Clear Lake, Clear Lake: 1st N., St. P.; Secur. N., Watertown; Sioux P. Sav., Sioux P. 40,000 5,000 10,000 . L A R G E S T C O M B IN E D C A PIT A L A N D S U R P L U S O F A N Y B A N K IN S O U T H D AK OTA 125,000 July, 1918 RIITV 300.000 6,000 tont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Ger.-Am. N „ Redfle S. D.: W estern N „ Mitchell. )rov. N „ Chi.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookin 1st N., St. P. enne, Wyo.; (M em . F ed . R es.) J . R. Mnrir Behridere.___Jackson F 7 BELVIDERE STATE BANK O. A. Hodson_____ 0. W. Thompson. __ L. A. P ier________ Pop. 200 78-505 »$§’07 — rtw<■-*mmmm “ Dakota State Bank___*$§’09 C. L. Sm ith______ E. B. Lum bard___ 78-661 Bemis______ Deuel D 16 State Bank of Bemis___$§’06 A. J . Lockhart____ Paul J . Carstens__ R. O. L indsay____ Pop. 100 78-506 SEC 20,000 W. B. Penfold____ R. B. C arpenter__ FIRST RATIONAL BANK «$’03 Thos. H. G ay_____ L. M. Simons Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 Wm. Kiehlbauch — ¿oU,UUU SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Arlington to Bemis ____________ Artas------- Campbell B 10 Artas State Bank______ |§ ’01 Pop. 300 78-498 Artesian— Sanborn P 14 Artesian State Bank___«tS’94 Pop. 583 78-241 Security State Bank___«tS’03 78-242 Ashton---------Spink D 13 Ashton State Bank____*$§’06 Pop. 500 78-316 “ . . . . . __ *' F irst State Bank__ t f ’01 78-315 Astoria---------Denel D 17 Astoria State Bank _$§’05 Pop. 215 78-499 . L ia b il it i e s . R esources . OA««à J>ia- O m èlZ ' P aid- up Subplus D epos L c ’ t *. Bondi CHAMO*»,Dm and Capital P kofits its Sacvamaa fromBaku As s ' t Ca sh ie r . (A .H . HEWETT— H. H. SWIFT_____ L. S. MADS0N — Arlington-Kingsbury E 15 CITIZENS STATE BANK‘ tS’01 ) C o llectio n s h av e th e p e rso n a l a t t e n tlo n o f a n offl Pop. 1000 78-191 ( F o r p r o m p t re t u r n s T R Y U S. F a rm m o rtg a g e ] n--- .T, __ M F irst National Bank___ • t ’82 William P . Allen__ Adam Royhl_____ 78-190 j JL G. FLOETE— »Armour— Douglas G 13 ARMOUR STATE BANK-«t8’94 ] C ollections h av Pop. 1200 78-161 ( we co llect a n d M M Citizens State B a n k ___»tS’84 Salomon W enzlaff. 78-160 •* Farm ers & Merchants Bank George P alm er___ 78-162 «*§’09 J A f f f " 1*, la w y e r s , Law s, Directors» In(taxed la back of this volume. F o r In terest B ates» Grace c r \ T T'T'XJr n A i r n ' T a n « w U U 1 J Ï U A i v U A A ---- C o n t i n u e d •^36_____________ Number adder Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given ÎS, e“ h bank in u - S. exclusively by Tbe Kand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 11 v r V ice -P r e s id e n t . As s ’t Cashier. Ca s h ie r . inf OUU I n UMfVU 9 A Liabilities . P aid- up Surplus Depos and its Capital P rofits Resources. k Dis* Cashk Ex* Loans c *t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s P r in c ip a l Corr espo n d en t s . c h a n g es ,D ue frohBanks Beresford___Union G 16 Beresford State B a n k „ « tl’93 Geo. G. A ckley___ Pop. 1500 78-127 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$'15 J . J . De L ay .. _ 78-683 O. O fstad________ SECURITY STATE BANK 78-126 «${’84 Bigstone City. G rant 017 Gold & Co. State Bank.»${’85 J . A. G old_______ Pop. 651 78-507 Bijou H ills___Brule G 11 Bank of Bijou H ills____${’88 Pop. 100 78-508 »Bison_____ Perkins C 5 Bison State B a n k _____ i l ’09 Pop. 150 78-486 Farm ers State B a n k __*$§'10 78-487 Blunt__ ____Hughes E 9 Dakota State Bank__ ..< {'0 7 Pop. 280 78-257 Security State Bank ¿c__§’17 78-743 B onesteel...G regory G 12 B0NESTEEL STATE BANK Pop. 600 78-259 ${’01 Citizens Bank__________ {'02 78-260 Bonilla_— ..B eadle D 18 Bonilla State Bank__ __ i§'07 Pop. 75 78-509 Bovee „C h arles Mix G12 Bank of Bovee________ }§’17 Pop. 25 78-735 Bowdle___Edmunds C 10 Bank of Bowdle______«${'86 Pop. 671 78-210 F irst State Bank______ ${’07 78-211 Bradley.,__ •.___Clark C 14 Peoples State Bank____ »('06 Pop. 351 78-366 State Bank of Bradley-•}{’91 78-365 J . A. O n tjes_____ R. P. Sundstrom__ H. M ie d e ll______ $ 50,000 $ 11,070 $ 837,290 $ 640,400 $ 223,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.: B. Ross Sioux F. Sav. and DakotaT r. & Sav., Sioux F O. J . S te n e ______ A. A. S öderström .. Miss Lucy Fennes5,000 300,000 225,000 100,000 Cont. and Com’i N., Chi.: Live Stock N. 25.000 sey Sioux C.: Secur. N.. Sioux F. August F rie b e rg ... A. H egness______ Edw. M. L in d e ___ 4,500 1,140,360 859,040 238,050 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live 50,000 J . A. Larson Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. L. A. Gold_______ Geo. K. Clark_____ E. S. G old_______ 4,200 235,000 232,000 50,000 45,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N.Y.: Merch. Ln. & TrR. J. Bentley Co., Chi.; Sioux Falls Sav., Sioux Falls: No. West. N., Minpls. P eter Gunderson— O. A. Crown_____ W. A. T hw ing____ A rthur Nelson— — 2,500 150,000 105,000 10,000 35,000 Cont. & Com'! N .t Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; Brule N., Chamber lain. G. C. Sm ith___. . . . Chas. A. Zeman . . . H.B. Borneman, J r . 7,700 110,240 10,000 91,220 36,720 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. Lemmon; M erch. N., Chas. S. Reed St. P.; F ar. State, Thunder Hawk. Adam H annah____ A. F . R oehlke__ — A. E. H enkelm an.. E. M. Rowbotham . 8,000 Î35.000 110,000 10,000 30,000 lst& Secur. N., Minpls.; Stockyards. N., So. St. P., Minn.; 1st N., Lemmon, J . 7 . Gunsalus____ J . P . Yonngberg__ F . S. McDaniel — H arry Gians__ 3.500 215,000 178,000 15.000 50,000 N. City, Chi.: 1st N., Pierre; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux C. W. N. F arm er____ C. T. Dike_______ A. V. Wilson_____ D. V. T ra v e r------1.500 15.000 Midland N „ Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; P ierre N., P ierre. | B. J. HUIGENS— G. J. CRILLY----- B. 5,500 300,000 240.000 C. MAYNARD— E. J.0RNSKY----25.000 75,000 1st N.. Spencer; Merch. N., Orna.; Live Stock M. A. CRILLY N., Sioux C. < C o llectio n s esp ecially so licited . K a te 5i o f 1% o n all Sight Drafts p aid. M in im u m 25c. F ee In advance. C re d it R e p o rts 25 c. (5 % in te r e s t on T im e D eposits. (D eposits p r o te c t ed by State Guar antee F und.) 0 . A. Johnson____ W. A. Leach_____ Wm. A. J e lin e k __ Veva L e a c h _____ 10,000 2,500 300,000 225,000 W. J . Craig______ Louis S chnetzer__ F . B. M cK ichan__ 5,000 5,000 100,000 60,000 Geo. W. Cobel— „ H. W. Stevens____ E. G. Gesterling — 15,000 100 46,350 39,450 G. E. Breckenridge A. G. B ickert_____ P. P . W o sn u k ------ Eva A. K urle _ 25,000 7,970 136,190 129,870 J .C . Gross_______ H. C. Gross______ O. C. Gross______ G. S m ithberger— 10,000 45,000 520,000 363,000 H. I. O lsto n _____ Archie Eyvel_____ J . M. Johnston___ E. B. W olfe-_____ Helen Bender John Scanlan_____ E. J . Scanlan_____ Hugh Scanlan____ D. D. R ichards---- 10,000 15,600 200,100 182,800 10,000 6,080 192,340 151,500 Brandon-Minnehaha F 17 Brandon Savings Bank_*${’05 M artin Graff_____ Peter Iverson_____ L. D. Kepple_____ Einar P e a rso n ..— Pop. 200 78-510 Brandt______ Deuel D 16 F irst National Bank _•__«16 A. H. P e te rso n ___ Jam es Carton_____ E. A. P e te rs o n ___ G. A. Iverson____ Pop. 300 78-721 State Bank of B ra n d t. ${1900 O. C. Halverson___ J . A. T hronson— W. F . Halverson__ A. O. A abey_____ 78-511 10,000 6,630 250,460 185,730 25,000 4,210 100,000 80,000 25,000 8,050 220,000 188.350 B rentford___Spink 013 Farm ers State Bank___«${’06 A. C. T ilgner___ _ Pop. 145 78-481 B ridgew ater___McCook FARMEKS NATIONAL BANK M. Mayer___ _____ Pop. 934 G 15 78-172 $'8T F irst National Bank____,.$’83 T. J . Shanard_____ 78-173 B. K. Maxfield____ C. E. Sm ith______ _____ __________ 10,000 2,500 100,000 80,000 A. H. M ayer_____ T. S. M a y er_____ 25,000 16,780 230,060 162,380 G. B. P unteney___ E. M. W ip f - __ . . . C. C. McMahon___ W. J . Shanard 25,000 22,500 430,000 . 240,000 Bristol________ Day C 14 Citizens National Bank .*$’16 O. C. H alverson__ B. A. Adams_____ J . H. B r e k k e n ...,. G. B. Aasland_____ Pop. 600 78-718 F irst State Bank__ __„_${’02 M. Meuer________ W. W. K nott_____ C. B. K nott____ _ C. W. K nott_____ 78-303 25,000 3,000 110,000 105,000 20,000 19,620 323,160 219,050 »Britton— Marshall B 14 Farm ers & M erchants Bank M. R. Hall_______ F. A.' Stiles______ S. M. Banbury___. Pop. 1000 78-727 $117 C. F . Ruh 50,000 19,750 409,240 389,410 50,000 21,000 515,000 510,000 BANK-*$86 CHAS. H A M IL T O N .. S. J L B E L L - - - - - - - - - - - W .S . G I V E N - - - - - - - - - C . E. P R IN T U P --------WALTON W. THORP O ld est1 N atio n al Bank In Marsh aU C o u n ty , D epository for U. S. Postal Savin gs a n d fo r S ta te Of S. D. C ollections a specialty and rem ltte d o n d ay o f p a ym ent. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36,930 1st N., Chi.; Aberdeen N„Aberdeen; Midland N., Minpls. 187,000 Cont, & Com’i N., Chi.; No.-West. N. and 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; i s t N., Aberdeen. 45,000 Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.; 1st N., Lake Preston; Secur., W ebster; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 50,870 Chase N., N. Y.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Peo. Sav., W atertown. . 75,430 Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.; Secar. N., Sioux F.: Iowa State Sav., Sioux C. 25,000 Cont. & Com’i N., Ohi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secar. N., W atertown and Sioux F. 41,100 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N ., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; Citiz. N „ Wa tertow n. 25,000 I s tN ., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 90,720 Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; No.W est. N., Minpls.; M innehaha N., Sioux F, 191,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; F t. Dear. N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Secur. N,, Sioux F, 30,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., W aterlown. 120,650 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Secar. N.,Minpls.: Secur. N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 79,440 N. City, Chi.; St. Anthony Falls and No-West. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen, 60,000 Han, N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’i N.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. D a k o t a ’s L e a d in g B a n k 1137 FIRST — 80,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., Orna. 1st N., Fairfax; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 30,000 Cont. & Com’i N., Ohi.; Redfleld N., Redfield, 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 17,010 1st N ., Sioux C. and Brookings. 1918____________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Beresford to Britton P r e s id e n t . o n iv rv A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, dexed in back oi this volum e. F o r I n te r e s t K a te s, G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13 SOUTH D AKOTA—Continued N ame or Bank. T own a nd Co dntt . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No. 9 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. I J u ly , N u m b er u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T ra n sit N u m b er given to each bank in TJ. S. e x clu siv ely by T b e H a n d -M cN a lly B a n k e r s’ D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m erica n B an k ers A ss’n . « I l N ame of B a n k . TOWN AND COUNTY. P r e s id e n t , As s ’t Cashier. Ca s h ie r . T ick -P r e s id e n t . Broadlaad___Beadle B I I Broadland State Bank__ »'07 Jo h n Claymore___ P . S. D alqnest____ Leon S. Good e ll. . . 78-612 Pop. 150 $ ( T . I . F L Í T T Í E - - - - - - G . F . K N A P P E N - - - - - G . J. F L IT -T IE -------- F p. H E R M A N G E O . W. R 0 S K I E ‘Brookings___Brookings BANK OF BROOKIH6S~>»’80 ] Prompt and Ca reiul Attention g Iven to all Collec tions. 78-65 Pop. 4000 E 16 CORRESPONDE NCE INVITED. ( First Mortgage Loans for Sale. F anners National B a n k . ’62 W. A. Caldwell— 78-67 F irst National Bank____«t'82 Aylmer Cole_____ 78-66 BARK OF BRUCE .. .. - . » 02 R. A. Townsend__ 78-418 Farm ers State Bank___ *»'09 S. A. B uck„.;____ 78-414 BRYART STATE BANK-« » ’15 B. U. H estad _____ 78-705 M erchants State B a n k .* » '88 H. G. T em te_____ 78-220 F irst State B ank______ » 1 3 H. W. Clarkson— 78-680 Harding County B a n k ..«»'09 F . W. Wilson_____ 78-618 Buffalo Gap State B ank.»'07 M. Henne________ 78-407 Bank of Burbank______ +’13 E. E. H alstead ..— 78-672 Li a b i l i t i e s . R esources . bplus oan *k Dm- Cashk ExP aid - u p !SuAND D epos cL’Tg. Bonds, changes,Due Capital P rofits its B sou R m n prom B anks 5,000 $ '2,300 $ 92,000 $ 75,000 $ 25,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; City N „ Huron; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls. 150,000 O. J . O tternes____ H. F . Haroldson__ L. A. O tterness___ 50,000 A. E. Boyunu___ ,. A. Johs Bjorge 100,000 O. O. O lso n _____ G . W. CobelG. W. Austin_____ C. N. Halvorson P r in c ip a l Corr espo n d en t s . 20,000 2,000,000 1,700,000 425,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. St. P. and Duiuth; (M em . F ed . B es.) 11,700 237,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch N „ St. P.: Midland N., Minpls. 231,850 Han. N „ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st & Secar, N., Minpls. 57,736 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.: 1st N., Brookings: Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; Peo. Sav.,Watertown, 57,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; Secar. N., Sioux F. 83,810 1st N., Chi. and St. P.;Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 105,000 Cont. ft Oom’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 1st N., Sioux C. 28,210 Stockyards N „ So. St. P. 771,330 575,670 14,000 1,376,030 1,328,710 25,000 4,580 236,930 200,820 J . O. R etrae._____ R. J . Skarloken___ 10,000 6,000 175,000 135.000 F . E. Richardson— Jam es Erickson__ L. A. Jacobson.— . 25,000 10,840 329,870 277,120 J . E. Schwendener. E. J . G ebbie____ 25,000 10,000 300,000 205.000 L. R. Chiesman___ 10,000 4,760 96,090 82,860 F . M. Gilbert_____ William P ried__ _ Yen TTHfid 10,000 35,490 179,460 165,590 15,000 4,500 122,800 118,480 E. H. H a lstead __ 10,000 440 37,090 23,740 Burke____ Gregory G 11 AMERICAN STATE BANK — Wm. Kearville____ F . J . H a le _______ E. H. Zutz 78-887 *»'07 , Pop. 500 20,000 4,860 182,000 154,420 41,530 Oma. N., Oma.; Norfolk N., Norfolk, Neb. 25,000 12,000 304,000 246,000 83,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Spencer and Oma. N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 45,470 Drov. N., Chi.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; * 1st N., St. P. '55,930 1st & Secnr. N. and No.-West N., Minpls.; 1st State, Bristol; Secur., W ebster. 142,000 N. Bk. Com., N- Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. Brace__ ..Brookings E 16 Pop. 350 Bryant__ ...H am lin D 15 Pop. 645 ‘Buffalo____Harding D 2 Pop. 100 Buffalo Gap__Custer G 2 Pop. 280 Burbank_____ Olay H 16 Pop. 200 BURKE STATE BARK — » 06 78-886 Farm ers ft Mereh. State Bank 78-514 » ’05 State Bank of Butler___»'0 8 78-440 Little Missouri Bank__ *»'02 78~515 Citizens State Bank____» 1 0 78-332 Farm ers State B a n k ___ » '9 3 78-831 Canova___„.M in e r F 15 Farm ers ft M erch.State Bank 78-189 «»10 Pop. 811 Be shnell ..Brookings E 17 Fop. 200 Butler________ Day 014 Pop. 200 Camp Crook.Harding B 2 Pop. 120 Canai tota__McCook F 15 Pop. 509 PEOPLES STATE BANK *»’06 78-888 J . Jam es J . W. S tarb u ck ___ N. B. S tre eter. — O. M. Isham _____ ( L. S . L ILLIB R ID G E . 0 . E G E L A N 0 _ _ _ _ _ F . C . B R O O K I N G S — W. M . P IG O T T A Progressive B ank with a thoro ughly organized Collection Depar tm e n t. Prompt attenti on given cash lett ers and all bustne ss entrusted to n 8 . , Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiate d. Charles Lynch____ F . D. Norton_____ F. H. F e lb e rg ____ C. M. E nright____ A. K o p p e ru d ...... Jacob Boyd______ G. W. Bunce C. H. Ash Jam es T. Craig___ R. L. Chuning____ A. R. McDermott.. Charles K ostboth_ S. S. Clark. H. Graf R. H. A rm strong.. J . A. McKinnon__ W. J . Armstrong G. H. Kostboth E. J . U ecker __ A. F . Clough_____ F . N. Dexter_____ G . L. Bdlund... . . P. F . Koepsell___ M. T. K ersten C. A. BUTLERM. F. BEVERIDGE-. H.H. SCHULTE------ S. H. BUTLER j. P. MARTIN Send your colle étions and cash 1 terns direct, If they can be c ollected we collec t and rem it prom ptly. FOB PROMPT, EFFICIENT SEB VICE TRY US. P. A. OVERSETH. K. ULRIKS0N----- E. M.UEAN ______ K. E. JACUBSOR — ‘Canton____Lincoln G 16 FARMERS STATE BARK*»'01 Patronise a Pro gresslve Bank, 78-75 Pop. 2500 . Collections hav e the personal a tt entlon o f an offle ial o f the Bank. 7,000 6,890 125,730 94,150 15,000 1,050 170,330 123,390 10.000 25,000 388,000 280,000 15,000 5,000 257,800 188,000 81,030 1st N., Chi.: Minnehaha N., Sioux F . 10,000 11,000 313,640 282,060 56,680 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; Sqcur. N., Sioux F . 10,000 7,500 304,870 • 222,810 91,700 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; No.-West N., Minpls. 25,000 1,540 265.700 223,550 69,570 Secur. N., Dakota T r. ft Sav., and Minnehaha N., Sioux F.; 1st ft Secur. N., Minpls.: Live Stock N. and N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 25,000 16,000 425,100 351,290 111,020 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.: 78-74 40,000 650,000 640,000 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. ft Oom’l N., Chi.; 1st N „ Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. O. A. Rudolph____ J . H. Rowe______ O. F. W hitm ore___ T. H. Belgsrsen 20,008 10,000 405,000 289,000 130,000 Han, N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Seeur. N., Sioux O.; Secnr. N „ Sioux F.; No.-West. N., Minpls S E C U R ITY N A T IO N A L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 lO 1st N „ Sioux C. 50,000 FIRST RATIONAL BANK-«*'79 All banking ma tte r s given p ro m pt attention. 78-78 . Send us your b u sln e ss. Lincoln County Bank__*»'80 A. R. B ro w n ... 58,700 1st & Secur. N. and No..W est N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Oma. 17,180 Is tN ., Chi.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma. Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Midland N., Minpls 15,060 N. P ark. N. Y.: 1st N .. Sioux 0.; Bk. of Dixon Co« Ponca. A D O LP H A N D E R S O N G . J . M O E N . ....... J . V. C O N K L I N - - - - - H . A N D E R S O N ____ PTIunte* m f w H u M at Hank is tfas ITnr ‘Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tfce Bsnd-SfcNtUy Banters* D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T b s A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . BAN K Q/-VT r ' T ' U u v U Sioux TV A V T \ * r A ____. I _____________ SOÜTH DAKOTA BANKS—Broadland to Canton___________ July, 1918 •Mem. Àm. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. E n tire State in No. 9 ¿Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. E st Federal Reserve District. A ccessib le T ow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olid ays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 1138 Number under Name of Bank is the Mew Transit Number grven 1 1 QQ to eaeh beak in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bank«ers* * 1 JO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. F alls, A AA A JA X vvy A A — L O n tlllU C C l H A N D L E S C O L LE C TIO N S D IR E C T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E Accessible Towns, Lcwyers, dexed in back of th is volum e. Lews, D irectors, in. F o r I n te r e s t R ates» G race, r m a a k c r p n d e r N a m a o f H a n k is th o N e w T r m n a lt N u m b e r given each bank in U. S. e ic ln s lr e lj' by T M e B a n d -S fe N sI lr B a n te r s* D ir ec to r y , tin d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. D irectors, _ _ derod. in back of th is volum e. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13 1 Liabilities . „ R eso u rces. oams A D m - Ca ss k XxP aid-up SUBPLiUS Dbpos- L’TS. BOMMy «HAMCHyDn Capitai. P rofits ITS SsovKirtM non B in i Principal Correspondents, CHA M BER LAIN STA TE BANK W. L. Montgomery J. E. House. __ W .S . M cLain.. . . 78-102 •S’92 Whitbeck National Bank_’01 A. C. Whitbeck__ N . W. Egleston__ W. W. Pearson— 78-101 Chance_______ Perkins G 5 Perkins County State’10 M. E . Wilson____ A. L. Blakeley G. S. Randall_____ Oscar Am erud____ Pop. 35 78-521 Chancellor__Turner G16 Chancellor State Bank..8I’04 G. F. Hofmeister— E . J .M e ie r E . O. Hofmeister— Pop. 225 78-522 Oholieo__ ___Faulk 012 Chelsea State Bank__ — 81*06 B. W. Schouweiler. 0 . M. Mortenson__ A. E . Raebel — . TT. T i n t e r . . . . ' Pop. 200 78-528 ** . ......... M 25,000 500 118,350 105,740 50,000 33,000 246,140 277,960 16,000 3,700 64,600 58,700 15,000 11,000 235,000 176,100 10,000 3,500 130,000 100.000 10,000 4.Ç00 160,000 130.000 10,000 500 107,000 87,000 10,600 5,350 107,560 88.070 15,000 5,000 195,000 160.000 25,000 26,170 285,110 301,060 26,600 12,500 316,640 257,780 96,590 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Watertown; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls; Dakota T r, & Sav., Sioux F, 98,800 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; St. Anthony Falls, Minpls. 36,820 Cont. & Com’lN ., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls; 1st N ., St. P. i. »' 4 Chester______ Luke F 16 Chester State Bank__ ..<{'05 O. E . Olstad............ W. O. Gienapp____ Pop. 300 78-524 “ __„ U Farmers State Bank.- < 5 1 4 H. 0 .Jensen M. Christensen ___ G. W. Lofswold __ 78-684 Claire City .Roberts B 15 Claire City Bank___ — 8(18 Henry Helvig_____ Andrew Marvick — John Gnmo ___ „ R. H. Gunderson . . Pop. 100 78-676 Claremont__ Brown B 14 First State Bank____ — 8{’03 0. J. Weiser. ___ R. A lg y e r _ G. J . Amundson ___ Pop. 350 78-525 (R. J. MANN_______ »Clark________ Clark D 14 CLARK COUNTY NAT. BANK J We get out and ¡Largest and co Pop. 1220 78-111 < ’02 'Conservative Fa E. M. JONES ________ CHAS. CARPENTER — t H S|FM make collections, mblned capital a n d s u r p lu s o f a n y bank ln Clark. rm Mortgage Loa ns negotiated. [H . L .H O PK IN S- J E. PI ATT ** ____ __ ** SECURITY BANK------ . < 8’88 | 78-110 *• i ___ _ | ( J. A. McGILLIVRAY I #B EM S • Collections h ave th e personal atten tion o f an officer. If they can bu collected wo col loci them and re m it promptly. First farm m ortgages for sale. •• SECURITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIO NAL BAN K, — 25.000 13,840 338,190 278,700 25.000 10,390 231,690 224,480 25,000 20,000 494,390 496,940 S io u x % F a Ll s , 25.000 Merch. N., St. P.; Citiz. T r. & Sav., Aberdeen 1st & Secur. N., Minpls., Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 30.000 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sionx F.: 1st N., Madison. 22.000 Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F.; Lake Co. N., Madison. 34,830 Mtle. State, Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sisseton. 45,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; W inneshiek Co. State, Decorah, Ia. 50,710 C o n i & Göm’l N .. Chi.; No.-West. N. and 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; M erch. N,, St. P. 42,450 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; No.-West N. and Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz, N.. W atertown. L A R G E ST C O M B IN E D C APIT AL A N D S U R P L U S O F A NY B A N K IN S O U T H D AK OT A 1139 Ware k Griffin Bank.. .< { ’04 M . 1. E lt o n M. L. Yeamans 78-112 »Wear lake__Deuel D 16 Bank of Clear Lake..—< { ’88 A. J. Lockhart___ Fred Seeger____ L. F. Hanly______ F. A. Doyle.— Pop. 1000 78-202 II ii FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’02 J. A. Thronson__ J. E . Walseth__ \__ E . E . Walseth. — G . W. F o r c e 78-203 Merle Elliott p n n H ü ■ ■ H 27.070 F t. Dear, N., Chi.; Ia. State Sav., Sioux C. 101,170 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Secur. N „ Sioux C. 18,700 Stock Yds. N.,- So. St. P.; 1st N „ Lemmon State Bk. of Com., Minpls. 75.000 Drov. N., Chi.; Ex., Lennox. ___________SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Capa to Clear Lake A. J.Hauge______ J. E. Thorne_____ T. S. Hansen____ Laura M. Hansen.. 3 10,000 $ 3,680 S 94,620 $ 62,450 $ 37,400 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N./Bk. Com., Pierre and Sioux C.; Sioux Falls N „ Sioux Falls. C. I. Hicks_______ David Cox_______ W. A. Hicks__ 5,000 13,320 151,100 110,640 53,160 Cont. & Com’l N . , Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls. L. S. Needham__ E. R. Gurney____ 10,000 V 1,000 55,000 30.000 30.500 Secur. N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Frem ont, Neb, Live Stock N., Orna. T. F. Harrington__ A. J. Harrington__ J. R. Martin__ 10,000 4.500 80,410 38.000 12.500 Gregory Co. State, Fairfax: Cont. N., Sioux G.; Live Stock N „ Orna. B.R. GORKINS----- H . S . STRABP----- E.L. BLOOM- . 10,000 6.500 330,000 248.000 69,000 Gout. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. Carthage ___Miner E 14 FARMERS STATE BANK«» 07 j A d W f f i S K » the personal atte ntlon of an office r* Secur. N., Sioux C. Pop. 554 78-264 1 If they can be collected we colie c t them andrem It promptly. ( Farm Mortgage Loans negotiate d. H •* First National Bank __ < ’88 H. H. Welch__ D. D. Baldwin.. . 25,000 5,000 250,000 246.000 22,130 Sioux F. N„ Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C 78-263 L. J. Walker Oastlewood—Hamlin D 15 CITIZENS STATE BANK *»'02 A. F. Poulson __ R. A. Townsend__ C . N . Halvorson__ Henry Aswege — 10,000 204,370 143,500 52,720 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Peo. Sav., W atertown Pop. 594 78-237 Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; 1st & Secur. «1 • (1 W atertown. First National Bank. __ < ’88 H. H. Curtis J. C . Preston____ A. L. Curtis_____ 25,000 12,920 286,310 243.070 46.070 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; No.-West 78-236 N., Minpls.: 1st N., Brookings. Cutout_____ Beadle E 14 First State Bank___ _ .< 5 ’04 G. O. Fullinweider. Otto Meyer 20,000 2,530 69,260 365,560 306.070 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl.; N. Bk. of Huron, Pop. 200 78-520 Huron. Oenterville—Torner G 11 Bank of Centerville. . . . < ( ’88 James S. Thomson. W. M. Gardner__ C . C . Elkjer - ....... 50,000 40,000 572.000 186,000 682,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; I s tN . and Live Stock Ex, Pop. 971 78-155 Jas. McMurchie N., Chi.; Secur. N . , Sioux F . and Sioux C. “ , ,, 11 First National Bank ...81900 James Mee T. I. Gunderson__ C. H. Mee Robt. Peterson__ 50.000 43,000 757.000 275.000 «00,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Cont. k Com’l N, 78-156 and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. »Ohamberlain.Brule F 11 Brule National Bank __ < ’07 W. H. Pratt, Jr__ G . F. Pilger______ W. E . M ussm an__ 50.000 11,710 196,290 649,900 580,530 Mech. & Metals N .,N .Y .; Midland N., Minpls.: Pop. 1275 78-103 1st N „ Sioux C. 1918 Town and Countt. 1 N ahe of Bank. »Oeuuty Saute. •Mera. Ara. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in No. 9 8Mesa. Statu Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. Oapa__ ____ Jones E 8 Stockmens State Bank_i5’15 Pop. 100 78-673 Carpenter___ Clark D 14 State Bank of Carpeuter»ii'45 Pep. 100 78-519 6arter_______ Tripp G 9 Carter State Bank__ ----81*09 Pop. 100 78-442 M ___ ___ M Farmers State Bank. ----86'09 78-443 Aeeesslble 'Towns, Lawyers, la w s, Q /~ vT T 'T 'T - I T '» A V T \ * r A ___ _ 1 Q v U A JLA J L / A I v \ J 1 A v ^ O fltln ilC C l J u ly , 1.1 9 0 Number under Name o f Bank is'the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. éxclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats, Eiitire State in Nò. 9 ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. F ederalR eserve District. PRESIDENT. Vice -President . Colman_____ Moody F 16 Citizens State Bank___»¿§’06 O. H. Allen « « - « . J . P. K luge____ « 78-360 - Fop. 362 '* A s s ’t C a s h i e r . E. A. Weiseth____ _ I. E. L ocke____. . . $ 10,000 359,580 John K necht____ C. J . M ontgomery. L. W. Marley_____ Flora J . McKenzie 10,000 10,300 278,880 252,830 A. C. F lin d ers____ V. J . Fetzner_____ Vivian F e tz n e r— .. 25.000 2.500 215.000 180,000 C. H. Peterson-----L L. A. P eterson------ 35.000 6,000 375.000 320,000 T. J . H undim er___ F rank J . Schueller Emil Mellom--- ----- 10.000 7.500 205.000 165,000 J . A. Lawless_____ W. A. K rage— — 10,000 7,910 202,910 72,450 W. H. D avenport« E. Bernet------------ J . F . H oldhusen__ F . J . G askin_____ 10,000 6,000 131,870 99,330 M. E. S m ith ..___ A. E. McMillan___ 10,000 15,140 455,990 328,500 E. R. Place______ A. N. M eloy_____ Earl B a ertsch ___ _ J . P. W olfe_____ _ 10,000 7.000 230.000 162,000 F . B. Roberts------- P. C. S a u n d e rs___ T. A. Belgum_____ R. G. Stapleton----Geo. W. Clark Salomon Wenzlaff. E. G. W enzlaff___ E. A. D ice_______ 15.000 1.500 150.000 106,000 10.000 4.000 371.000 235,000 325,000 O. N. Peterson____ C . E .O lstad _ A. H. Sm ith_____ J , J . Roberts B. L. Sm ith___— P eter Nieveen___ P. Vanderw erp— .. F . E. V anzee_____ 24.000 1.000 475.000 John I. Howe_____ F . G. F ischer...__ Ives Jo h n so n _____ 10.000 9.000 90,000 90,000 5,000 8.000 140.000 115,000 L. J . D einbel. John Scanlan_____ F rank D udley____ Frank Dudley, See. a n d Tr. Alma Bartell 5.000 1,000 60,000 39,000 G. Sinclair_______ John Sinclair__'__ W. F . F i c k ______ Carrie S m ith ------- 20,000 2,000 213.000 178,000 John Davies____IT R. E. Cone_______ C. F . Loose_____ _ M. G. A nderson __ 15.000 1,620 130.000 120,000 John Scanlan_____ L. J . Nickolson___ T . Scanlan_______ 10.000 5,000 130 126,400 5.000 6,500 170,0C0 118,460 25,000 11,700 211,380 209,450 A. Loom is_______ E. J . Blain...... ........ W .C . Robinson___ D. O. Crooks_____ W. L. Baker_____ A. R . Crooks_____ M. J . Crooks. T . W. Delicate__... John Clower___ . . . C. E. P érrin _____ 25.000 2.500 189.000 196,200 15.000 4,000 100.000 80,000 5,000 25,000 ERNEST Â. JACKSON GRAYD0N B. JACKSON- LOUIS VISHA-------FRANK H. JACKSON étions. We offer the be st of facilities f or handling your commercial colle LET US SERVE YOU. 5% Interest pal d on tim e deposi ts. (Deposits gua ranteed by state guaran ty fund 231,550 170,000 12,000 4,080 173,800 112,000 25.000 2,500 50.000 45,000 10.000 5.000 200,000 160,000 12,000 7,390 350.000 275.000 10,000 1,800 23,000 DALLAS STATE B A N K -*¿§ ’09 F rank Corey--------- N. H. Ayers . . — — W. S. Ayers!_____ J. J. Hoffman___ _ C. W. Lynn Farm ers State Bank.__ ¿§’17 J. W. Stew art „ « . Jesse C. McNish— W. W oolstencroft. 78-730 D an te.. Charles Miz H 13 Security State B a n k ....«¿§’10 E. F . McKellips___ F . J . H akl_______ G. J. Schafer____ 78-531 Pop. 180 Davis______T u rn er G 16 Bank of Davis_______ ¿§1900 H. L. Stanley------- Jurgen Riem an___ L. G. Kepple_____ R. T. Stanley. 78-582 Pop. 164 B. Scott__ Daviston____Perkins B 4 F irst State Bank_____ ¿§’10 E. F . H all_______ A. D. R e d e r_____ H . 78-444 Pop. 200 78-99" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S E C U R tT Y N A T IO N A L B A N K , S iou x 25,000j1 59,130 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N C e d . R. 42,900 Packers N., Orna.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Bkrs. N „ Minpls. " 40,000 F t. Dear. N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N<, Sioux C. , 80,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav. and Min nehaha N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 45,000 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F . Sav., and Sioux F . N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Madison. 137,660 N. P ark, N. Y.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 26,900 No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 155,500 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Redfield N., Redfléld. 85,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;lst & Secur. N.,Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 51,250 No.-West. N.. Minpls.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Milbank; Stockyards N., So.St. P. 143,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N ., Sioux O. and St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 150,000 1st N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C. „ .. 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Rapid City; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 20,000 Secar. N. and Peo. Sav., W atertown; No. W est. N., Minpls.; State Bk. of Bradley, Bradley. 22,800 N. Oity, Chi.; Merch., Redfield. 58,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.; Citiz. T r. & Sav., Aberdeen: Merch.,Redfleld. 20,000 Jam es Valley, Huron; Midland N „ Minpls. 35,000 Chase N ..N .Y .; No.-West. N.,Minpls.; Peo.Sav,, W atertown; State Bk. of Bradley, Bradley. 52,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minnehaha N .t Sioux F. 38,610 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N. and Stock Yds. N. Bk., Oma.; P enning ton Co., Rapid City; 1st N „ Deadwood. Han. N ., N. Y.; 1st N ., Ohi., Oma., and Rapid 18,860 City. 30,000 1st N., Sioux C.; Com’l Sav., Sioux F . 70,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S. N., Orna.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R. 76,710 Live Stock N., Sioux C.; la . N., Des M. 15,000 Met. T r. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., Oma.; Norfolk N., Norfolk, Neb. 50,000 1st N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.: 8ioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N ., Sioux C. 7,000, Stockyards N., So. St. P.: 1st State. Lem mon. F a l l s — S o u t h D a k o t a ' s L e a d in g B a n k Accessible Nnimber an d er Name o f Bank Ia the Wear T ran sit Num ber Riven 1141 362,860 12,500 Peter D e k ___ — P rincipal Correspondents. i 10,000 $ 250.000 $ 150,000 $ 100.000 C onti- & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Siòux F.; Lake Co. N., Madison. 25,000 F irst National B a n k .... .*¿’81 E. G. K neeland___ Jam es Halley____ C. A. K neeland___ G. L. K neeland___ 78-231 C uthbert__Sanborn F 13 State Bank of C uthbert .§’15 W. Wenzlaff_____ E. G. Wenzlaff____ W. B. W enzlaff.... 78-711 Pop. 100 Dallas------ .G regory G 11 BANK OF DALLAS------- *¿§'07 78-98 Pop. 850 R esources, Su r pl u s LoamsA Dis- CASH& Ex P a id - u p D e p o s : c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus it s Ca p it a l P rand Securities fromBanks o f it s SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Towns, n tl* ooâ n o c ro 1A F av Laws, Directors, in F or I n te r e s t R a te s , Grace,?* Lawyers, dexed in back of th is volum e. T ln lliln v s aoo n n n n a îtA r\a c rn IS 1 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Colman to Daviston ___________ July, 1918 Orandon____Spink D 13 State Bank of Crandon..§'09 78-530 Pop. 100 Oresbard___..F au lk C12 Bank of Cresbard____»¿§’07 78-375 Pop. 320 Guaranty State B ank...»¿§’17 78-729 Crocker______ Clark C14 Farm ers State Bank___*¿§‘09 78-471 Pop. 150 C rooks.. Minnehaha F 16 Crooks State B a n k ..__•t§'09 78-657 Pop. 150 * O u ster..'....:C u ster F 2 Ouster County Bank___*¿§’90 78-232 Pop. 450 Ca s h i e r . V. W. K e i t h . . . . . . . L. B. K eith______ O. H. Rawson_____ F irst National Bank___«¿'99 J. J. Q uestad..— 78-359 Oolome_____ Tripp G 10 BI-METALLIC BANK — »¿§’08 78-233 Fop. 500 T ripp County State Bank 78-234 •tS'09 Colton «.M innehaha F 16 Colton Savings Bank— 1§’05 78-341 " Pop. 700 Colton State Bank____ »¿§’99 78-340 Columbia___Drown B 13 Columbia State Bank___¿§’05 78-527 Pop. 300 Farm ers & Merch. State Bank 78-653 «¿§’11 Conde______ Spink C 13 Conde Bank__ . . . _____ »¿§’99 78-239 Pop. 800 Farm ers & Merch. Bank^§'06 78-240 Corona____Roberts G 16 Corona State Bank____.¿§’03 78-468 Pop. 200 Corsica.:___Douglas G 13 Corsica State Bank____ *§'05 78-404 Pop. 286 Farm ers State Bank___¿§’05 78-403 Cottonwood. Jackson F 6 Cottonwood State Bank_t§'07 78-528 Pop. 200 Crandall__: . . . . . Day C 14 Crandall State Bank___«¿§'08 78-529 Pop. 150 II Lia b il it ie s . Name of Bank. T own and County. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For: Interest Rates, Grace, dexed in back of this volume. SOUTH DAKOTA---Continucd O V /v J A X x J. n V /U m m u c u 1140 II I1AH 4U 11/11 N um ber under Name or B ank im th e New T ran sit N um ber Eiven each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-HcNally Bankers* to D irectory» u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . T own a nd County . C O T THTW Oi — X n riA IT H T v ^ u m m u c u _________________________ e t c ., see page 14. Li a b i l i t i e s . 1 R eso urces . P aid - up S urplus D epos - LoamiADis- Cashk Ex N am e of B a n k . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 9 $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Fédéral Reserve District. Est. P r e s id e n t , Y ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, IMrectors, tadexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, tlrace. A ____r ' n n i i n i i o / l x x~V A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. c P r in c ip a l C o r r esp o n d en t s . c’t>. Bonds, changes,Dei Bhovritim fromBarks and P rofits vT VO 00 (0LAF SEIM-----BURT ROGERS------ j . n. McDonough - $ 50,000 $ 17,500 $ 475,500 $ 401,350 $ 75,500 Seab. N „ N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Merch. N., Oma. t J All c o lle c tio n s! i t H W estern Son t b D ak o ta, «Deadwood.Lawrence E 2 BLACK HILLS TR. & SAV.BK. (Also o th e r b us Iness w ill receive apnrdo m p t a t t e n t io n . Pop. 4000 78-58 •$§ 03 (C O R R ESPO N D ENCE INVITED . jo . M •* a. McPherson JACOB GOLDBERG - M. M. WHEELER — 78-57 Dolton 60,000 36,000 722,000 760,000 117,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & C/J O Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. N „ Sioux C. H. G. Solem O. B. Landstad Karl Eolberg Henry M. Sm ith__ 50,000 29,880 372,540 340,330 L V. Rnrke 50,000 10,870 451,590 427,570 L. E. Houlton A. M. Shaw ______ Fred Tit* 10,000 20,000 538,000 287,000 81,700 State Bk. of Chi„ Chi.; Scan.-Am. N. and Sioux -* F . Sav., Sioux F.; Live Stock N „ Sioux C. 63,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Live Stock E x. N., Chi.; No. West. N „ Minpls. 247,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Sioux 0 . Ö G. Dencker 12,000 4,930 172,600 135,510 « •• Farm ers State Bank___*$$’10 78-446 Eagle Butte___Dewey D 7 Citizens State Bank___»$§’10 78-347 Pop. 400 E d e n ..........Marshall B 14 Eden State Bank........— $§’14 78-694 Pop. 150 Edgemont. Fall River G 1 iBank of Edgemont— *$$1900 78-178 (i Pop. 816 t) .. Nora F. Cobel____ 5,000 8,000 120,000 97,000 Aylmer C ole.. . L. F . Altflilisch___ 25,000 10,000 500,000 400,000 A. N. W aters. _ O. P. Wil{janis 50,000 15,000 700,000 560,000 10,000 3,500 225,000 150,000 O. P . Skaggs_____ J . U. Steichen W. J . S teichen___ Peter Berens . A. J . Levsen ... ___ Geo. Gross F.IRIIFY a l a t t e n tio n to a l c m u s t acc o m p a n R e p o rts . TRANS * . P. L. BROWN------- J E SCH00F 1 b u sin e ss. y a ll s ig h t d r a fts fo r p re s e n ta tio n . F E E SERVICE. . _ G. H. Wibben ** 145,000 73,000 7,250 294,370 229,050 20,000 7,500 280,000 210,000 H. J . Smith 10,000 4,800 118,500 73,400 V. A. Jorgensen __ 10,000 6,000 100,000 85,000 H. J . Z0SKE............ R elent service se la ity o f C a ttle P a F a rm L o an s fo r JOSEPH BEACH— n d y o u r bu sin e ss d ire c t. p e r. conservative Inve sto rs. 10,000 7,250 135,000 100,000 10,000 8,000 71,360 63,000 G. A. McGarraugh. E. N. A nderson.... W. H. Sentt 15,000 5,620 1 127,750 100,810 G. E. Leach___ _. E. W. Clark______ 10,000 2,790 103,470 86,630 80,000 . ■H. W. F en n er__ _ 10,000 2,000 i 100.000 J . B. W ickstrom ... 20,000 4,400 jNellieK.Brenisholz 15,000 5,670 J . G. Gullickson . . . H. C. F erestad 25,000 " 7,500 jM. L. H enderson.. 10,000 Henry Helvig_____ J . W. Barrington _. John Zemhsob Security State Bank___»$$’14 E. L. F o o te___ _ . George Druschel__ .T. W. Branch 78-695 : SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, S.oux Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,000 George Hayes Geo. W. Highley__ E. R. W h iteH. H. Thom pson..! Geo. T. Paine W y a tt... L. R. Parkin FALL RIVER COUNTY BANK Albert Herman . . . . 78-179 *$$’08 Egan_______ Moody E 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK - Î 04 Georee Rice _____ W. R. Pagel_____ A. B. Larson______ Pop. 600 78-536 '' 5,000 20,000 J . H. Koehn .T u rn er G 15 Dolton State Bank ___ $$’04 T . J . Shanard . . . 78-535 Pop. 147 .Tones F 8 Draper State Rank _ S’Ofi W. T. McConnell.. 78-435 Pop. 211 (ALFRED Z0SKE J i o r p ro m p t, e f LIVE STOCK BANK-— « 07 Y We m a k e a spec 78-434 (Also n e g o tia te : 308,000 Harriman N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; ISl IN• dillu uUll li Ou vOlll 1 .IN•' villii ixULl• JNh St. P. L. K. Larson____ H. V. Harlan Wm. McK. Hous- «Dupree___ .Ziebach C 6 Dupree State Bank_____ $’10 C. G. E arley_____ A. A. E arley 78-447 Pop. 150 •« 59,000 1,250,000 1,350,000 »$’78 ! i S end u s y o u r b usiness. Dell Rapids.„M innehaha F irst National Bank........»$’84 Henry Robertson . . 78-91 Pop. 1536 F 17 •• _ •• Granite City Bank___ $$’89 0 . H. Sm ith______ 78-92 •* " '' ** Home National B ank.__ *$'10 P. S. Gordon_____ 78-94 Delmont___Douglas G 13 Delmont State B a n k ........$’01 Alfred Shepard___ 78-355 P o p . 500 Security State Bank___*$S’03 [John Lehr. 78-356 D em p ster... Hamlin >D 16 Dempster State Bank___$$’07 Geo. W. Cobel— . 78-533 Pop. 107 «De Sm et.Kingsbury E 14 American State B an k ..«$$’99 Eli Cole, J r . . 78-146 Pdp. 1063 DE SMET NAT’L BABK~«$’80 ¡F. M. A ndrew s___ 78-145 Dimock.Hutchinson G 14 Dimock State Bank____$S'll W. H. Shaw _ ..... 78-648 Pop. 200 .. Dixon A ,, ßrftgnry G H Peoples Bank______ . $§’07 ■J. E. Rerens 78-534 Pop. 100 Roland ■ Spink D 13 Security State Bank___»$$'07 J . F . W ood______ 78-244 Pop. 581 (F. S.BROWN— J P ro m p t, P erso n STATE BANK OF BOLAND ) M in im u m fee 25 78-243 •$$’95 (50c fo r R a tin g Draper 150.000 K. W. TRIMBLE— A. A.COBURN n g b a n k , safely m a n ag ed , F o rty years in b n siness. FIRST N A T ! BANK :<1AA stro stro n g d ire c t o ra te o f successf u l b u sin e ss m e n . F alls 1,500 , 350,550 275,380 130,000 70,000 G > 53,560 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F . N., Sioux F. 0 32,000 1st N ., Brookings. 160,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Brookings. 160,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. 88,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; H ut chinson Co., Parkston, 80,000 Orna. N., Orna.; 1st N., Spencer. > to > G w ui 85,350 N. City, Chi.; Redfield N., Redfleld; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Ö W estern N., Mitchell; Merch., Redfleld. Ci 1 SU a 58,190 F t. Dear. N., Ohi.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.: 3 o 1st N., Bridgewater. o 21,500 W estern N., Mitchell: Secur. N. and N. Bk. a Com.. Sioux C, 44,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Live Stock N., r-f o Sioux C. 20,700 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; No.-West. N. and 3 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N „ Aber deen. 45,790 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N „ Sioux F.; Pierre N.. Pierre. 19,990 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Oitiz. T r. & Sav.. Aberdeen; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 24,000 Citiz. N., Sisseton: Liberty State, Minpls. 86,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Orna. N., Oma.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 25,000 Merch. N., Oma. 300,000 ' 250,000 ; 55,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Sioux F . Sav. and Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux C. 30,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Live Stock N.. Sioux 4*> 110,000 125,000 O.: Scan. Am. N,. Sioux F. Number under Name o f Bank Is the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Wm. F . B asim eli. Ca s h ie r . As s 't Ca s h ie r . Li a b i l i t i e s . P aid - c p SURPLUS D epos Ca v ita i . P aAN» its o FITS Lawrence Authier. Leo. L. Mak_____ i B. Á. R ozell_____ G. W. Freem an___ M. E. Johnson___ est Batik in U nion C eunty. UNION GO. BANK Your U nionO ldC euntyJ^u^ine** nty b u s in e s s tiyjlj w ill n-----a v e prom pt and R eso urces . X>is- C à Exbooimn fromBaku P r in c ip a l Co r respo ndent s . Loam » k ar C*Tt. B ond «, c hah o n , D u s 20,00$ $ 11,500 Î 375,000 $ 315,000 $ 81,000 Cont. ft Com’l N „ Chi.; liv e Stock N. and 25,600 25.000 600,000 375,000 Cont. N „ Sioux G.; Scan.-Am, N.. Sioux, F, 215,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Oont. & C om i N..OM.; 1st N. Sioux O. 80,000 46,000 1,000,000 675,000 375,000 Chem. N ., N. Y.j 1st N ., Chi.; Secur N., 45,000 F t. Dear., N„0hi.; Midland N „ Minpls.; IstN ., Brookings; Citz. Com’l T r. Co., Buffalo. 70,100 Oont. &Com’l N., Chi.; 1st &Secur. N., Minpls.: 1st N., Brookings. 5,060 N. Bk. Com.. Sioux C.; Peo. Sav., Watertown: W estern N „ Mifchell. 147,300 1st N., Chi. and Alexandria. «I. A. SCHAETZEL- M. E. SCHAETZEL-fiEO. C. KIMMEL 71-116 « ’82 ca refu l a tte n tio n . F. M. E n rig h t____ Elk ton__ Brookings E 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’02 E. R. Zalesky_____ John Risch__ __ Pop. 766 78-185 B. B. Sloss_____ O. W. Marshall___ E. E. Powderly___ FIRST STATE BANK — •« '9 3 78-194 P . E. Clem ent ___ R. C. Green . . L. A. P o p e ..___— T. H. B ickell_____ Elrod_______ Clark D 14 Bank of E lro d __2_____ §17 Pop. 50 78-733 Emery------- Hanson F 14 EMERY STATE BANK — « ’08 Fop. 525 78-302 F. D. PECKHAM. Patronise a pro Colleetlons hav Farm Mortgage DRISCOLL— JACOB SCHILTZ— gresslve bank. W ret results. e tbe personal att ehtlon o f an offl Hal o f the bank. Loans negotiated. 25.000 18,000 410.000 370,000 15.000 10,000 330,4401 266,770 15.000 1,970 28,870 31,980 12.000 4,200 235.000 99,000 Sioux C. G. Zeem an.______ Leo Schroeder____ Lee B ro w n ______ Je rry Moran. 20,000 15.000 510.000 378.000 J . H. Coulson____ J . P . Je n sen — __ _ J . W. Krueger____ J . C. Hodges. 20,000 4.000 309,640 200.000 A. Kopperod_____ H. I. Olston_____ Clarence Boyd____ 10,000 9.000 140.000 115,000 20,000 16,400 244,750 212,640 15.000 10.000 346,890 241,790 125,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell: Secur.’ N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux, C, 124,500 1st & Secur.N.,Minpls. ;Bk. of Brookings,Brook ings; Sioux F.,N. and Secur. N., Sioux, F. 25,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; Secur., W ebster. ^ 57.700 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; j s t & Secar. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 119,310 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 15.000 8,000 350,000 255,000 120,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ist N., Oma. and 10,000 8,000 275,000 200,000 E. E. V o ll_______ H. J . Liedle 10,000 25,000 402,600 344,800 German Bank____ ____ *«'88 0. Vorländer_____- O. H. G erdes_____ A. Sprick------------ J . R. V o lk .. 78-166 Fairborn_____Custer F 3 Ranchman’s State B a n k ..|’14 H arry W entzy------ H. G. Clason_____ H. D. B rain ard ___ 78-691 Pop. 60 *F airfax .Gregory H 12 F irst National Bank_____t ’92 O. A. Jo h n s o n ____ John N. EUerm an. U. G. Stevenson__ 78-275 Pop. 500 50.000 20,000 900,000 720,000 Farm ers B a n k _______ •tt'92 78-301 Erwin___Kingsbury E 15 Bank of E rw in_______ * « ’15 Pop. 300 78-587 Ssm ond..K ingsbnry E 14 Esmond State Bank___ *«'06 Pop. 100 78-538 Estolline___Hamlin D 16 Bank of Estolline_____ * « ’83 Pop. 700 78-267 Estolline State Bank__ • « '06 78-268 Etimo____ Davison G 14 ETHAN STATE BANK— - « ’01 Pop. 500 78-882 Security State Bank___ «'06 78-388 Geo. C. Lohr_____ A. G. N elson__ O. B. Holaday_____ A. J . Johnson . . L. F . Altfllllsch___ Aylmer Cole_____ A. B. O alef..-------- A. J . Berkle J. D. WELCH— .. F. J. WELCH Personal servie « given nven all tbusin ê n en^Hsted to us. Our facilities f or handling your cash Items and c olleetlons are unsurpassed. TRY US. W. H. S haw _____ J . J . W a lte r_____ C. L. Breckenridge J . L. Breckenridge ■ arek a .. McPherson B 10 Farm ers ft Mereh. State Bank P. Scham ber. 78-167 » « ’07 Pop. 1100 F. W. WOODS— John Doering___ D. E, COFFEY--— D .E . COFFEY------- jtl p t Prompt, person al attention to co flectio n s. «ports 25c. Fee In advance m inim um 16c. R ate X of 1%. Cr edit Repon 6% paid on tiin e deposits. (Dep osltors Guaranty fund) Fatrvlew___Lincoln G 17 Fairview State Bank___« ’05 78-539 Pop. 200 F aith________ Meade C 5 Farm ers State Bank____« 1 6 78-392 Pop. 300 Stockmens State Bank ..« '1 6 78-726 i F arm er_____Hanson F 14 Farm ers ft Merch. State Bank 78-489 « ’11 Pop. 100 Farm ingdale. Pennington F irst State Bank_______ $'10 78-540 Pep. 24 F3 •F&ulkton___Faulk D l i F irst National Bank_____t ’15; 78-709 Pop. 802 Merchants B a n k _____ *«'99 78-185 Mitchell; Secnr. N., Sioux G.; Ist & Secur N., Minpls. 10.000 2,410 72,490 62,610 50.000 24,500 440,0C0 372,500 50.000 8.510 569,490 426,410 O. L. Greguson___ Ira Bartholomew .. 20,000 9,830 332,830 225,680 H. O.Boke_______ H. W. Davis -_____ D. R. M iller_____ F . X. R oach_____ 17.000 6,400 316.000 197.000 Gordon C. Smith — C. P . F lanigan____ J . E. B eschta_____ 20.000 7,500 140.000 110.000 Henry R oth______ Wm. Hoese______ Matt Volz________ G. J . McGregor___ 10,000 6,990 275.410 212,570 H arry W entzy____ August P eterson__ L. L. Sm ith______ 10,000 4.000 76,500 58,150 A. N. Drake______ J . P. S h ir k ______ Karl From m ______ W. H. George___ J . W. Keiser S. E. M o rris_____ A. Loom is_______ A. M. Moore__ ___ J . T. Mitchell___ T. M. Moore 25.000 4.000 82,000 80,000 25.000 35.000 400.000 310,000 G. J . M o en ---------- Louis Anderson Digitized for SOFRASER U T H D A K O TA M ap o p p o s ite S io u x F a lls Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.: Hutchinson Oo., Parkston, Com’l & Sav., Mitchell. 73,500 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur.N ., Minpls.; Dakota N „ Aberdeen.; Sioux E. Sav., Sioux F. 180,000 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; lst& S ecu r. N., Minpls. Aberdeen N. and 1st N „ Aberdeen. 18,560 N. City, Chi.; Secur. Sav. and 1st N.. Rapid City, S. D. 117,000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Ohi.; M erch. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 196,500 1st N., Sioux O. and Spencer, Neb.; U. S. N., Oma.; No.-West N., Minpls. 138,300 Cont. & Com'l N. and Live Stock Ex. N, Chi.; 1st N., Sioux G. v 130,700 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Com’l ft Sav., Mitchell; Merch. N., St. P.; Stockyards N „ So. St. P. 44,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; M erch. N „ St. P.; Citiz. State. Mobridge. 79.630 Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.; Sioux Falls Sav., Sioux F.: Com’l & Sav., Mitchell. 29,040 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N .and Secar. Sav., Rapid C. 18,000 1st N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.. Redfleld N., Red field. 100,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi. For S A F E T Y and S E R V IC E , Send Your Legal Work to B O N D E D LA W Y E R S (See Index to Lawyers) A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D ir e c to r s, inin Kfthlr rtf f.Vtva vnlnmp F or IntftFftst K atp s. fìrapp. _____________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Elk Point to Faulkton____________ July, 1918 TOWN AND OOUHTT. K a m i of B a n k . *Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState P r ä s id e n t . E ntire State in No. 9 JMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est • S k Point__ Union H 16 Farm ers State Banlc*!__t'$i4 J . V. GUI. . . ___ Pop. 1509 78-685 F irst National B a n k ___* t’01 Oluf Johnson__ 78-117 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 1142 1142 For S A F E T Y and S E R V IC E , Send Your Legal Work to B O N D E D LA W Y E R S (See Index to Lawyers) SO U T H D A K O TA M àp a p p o s ite S io u x F a lls l i ’d m •Num ber u n d e r N a m * o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n sit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e R a n d -B feN a lly B a n k e r s' D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity o f T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass'n« N ame ey Bank . TOWW AND O0UNTT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. »State •County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e sid e n t . C O I TTH T~\ O V /t-l A n Vi c e -P r esid e n t . Fedora_____ Miner F 14 Fedora State Bank___ „ » ’04 B. H. M illard____ 71-541 Pop. 225 Ferney_____ Brown 013 F irst State B a n k _____ - « ’04 Edmund H arry ___ 73-542 Pop. 400 F ire s te e l____Dewey 0 7 Moreau R iver State Bank I. P . N ash. __ « '1 5 78-708 Pop. 200 a ** Ca sh ie r . T. 0. Lewis___ . . B. R. Laird John Hoops A ccessib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D ir e c to r s, indexed in back of this volum e. F o r I n te r e s t R a te s, G race, ITATA____P n n t i r m o / 1 V / t U l l l l l U C U ______________________ e tc ,, see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see o p p o s it e p a g e 13 . As s ’t C a sh ie r . .. L ia b il it i e s . 1 R esources . D bpou- Loans 4 Du- Oa ii AI xP ajo- uv Subplus AND Cavitai. PXOVITB ITS •scv&rnn tmmi Banks $ 10.060 $ ___ C. J . Wage P r in c ipa l Correspondents . 6,000 $ 175,000 8 145,000 S 45,000 Live Stock Ex. N „ Ohi.; Secar. N.. Sioux C.; 10.000 14,560 99,210 87,940 16.000 4,700 51,280 27,320 30,870 Cont. & Gom’l N.,Chi.; 1st & Secur. N ., Minpls.: 1st N., Groton. 29,940 Stockyards N., So. St. P.: Aberdeen N., Aber deen. j C. S. BRAKKE — ALFRED KOHLER- L. B. HALVERSON. LEO P0TTRATZ— 25,000 6,000 •Flandreau— Moody E 16 f AKMEK5 STATE BARMH’l l 1 Patronise a G rowing Bank. Co llcctlons have the personal attentlo n o f an officer. 78-86 Pop. 2000 ( Farm Mortgag e Loans Negotl ated. 457,000 387,000 88,000 N. City, Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Citiz. Com’l T r. Co., Buffalo. 406,640 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Ohi.; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls.: Live Stock N., Sioux C. 115,100 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 50,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., W atertown. F rank P eterson__ M. D. Smiley . A. Bristol . ' ‘ ' Vi F irst National Bank__ - • î ’01 Thomas K elley___ T. E. Spaulding___ Jam es T. Bigelow— D. W. Bigelow____ 40.00« 73F85 M __ " Moody County B a n k . . - • » ’81 Jesse A. Smith____ W arren G. Cowles. B. J . Francis 25,000 78-84 Florence.Oodington C 15 F irst National B an k .. —• f ’06 J . H. E aree—____ M. F . Heintz _ __ P. N_ Tiarsnn ..... 25,000 78-409 Pop. 850 »* . .. . “ Guaranty State Bank. —» ’16 C. H u p p ler___ R. D. G oepfert___ G, 0, Rlnm 15,000 78-719 Forestburg.Sanborn F 13 Forestburg State Bank . • « ’06 E. R. Ju d y _______ S .S .J u d y 5.000 78-543 Pop. 200 •F o rt P ierre..S tan ley 1 8 F ort P ierre National Bk.»J’09 Karl Goldsmith___ C. E. C o y n e_____ F. R. S train .. Mort. W. Dunning. 25,000 Pop. 800 78-188 Stock Growers B an k .. • « ’91 0 . L. M illett__ G. E. Sumner ___ C. M. D am on------- J . D. Cannon . . . 50,000 78-186 T. L. Riggs Geo. Kienholtz F ran k fort___Spink D 13 F irst National Bank _ . • t ’15 A. B. R obinson___ J . W. Yager 0. A. Kleppin____ G. W. Hansen . . . 25,000 78-337 «• Pop. 450 •• Jam es River B a n k ___ - « ’82 C. J . Boub ______ W. D. Craig _■ 20,000 78-336 R. I. Coleman Frederick.__ Brown B 12 Farm ers State Bank__ - « ’»6 Solomon W e s t ___ K. A. Unitari. E. G. Cummings__ Oscar H nkari____ 10.000 Pop. 500 78-313 J . 0. C am pbell___ F irst National Bank__ . • î ’82 A. W. Cam pbell__ J . A. Fylpaa 1 . 0 . P o r t e r ....... 25,000 78-314 Freem an___ Hutchinson F irst National Bank . . . ’02 J . J . W altner.. _. J . J . T schetter _ _ «.000 Pop. 715 ,0 1 5 78-228 Jacob J . W altner Merchants State Bank. . « ’99 John Gross_____ D. J . Mendel_____ J . M. Wollmann__ 25,000 78-227 J . J . Wollmann Fruitdale_____ Butte D 2 Fruitdale State Bank— • « ’11 Louis K a rin e n ___ H. O. Alexander__ F . M. Clary—. . — D. L. Roberts____ 15,000 78-649 Pop. 150 F u lto n___ Hanson F 14 Farm ers State Bank__ -•tro 9 W. A. B ranch____ Philip Bender____ 14,000 Pop. 250 78-44» M *• •• FIRST STATE BANK— - • » ’01 S. E. Morris______ Lewis S h n ster.___ R. B. McCandless— Julius B ertsch ____ 78-44! &"* «Gannvalley ..Buffalo F 12 BANK OF BUFFALO COUNTY E. E. Dye 78-482 • » ’98 Pop. 100 _ A rthur G. H ill. FARMERS SAVINGS BARR- W. O. C ro c k e tt™ H enry Klindt 78-483 « '1 0 Harden City__Clark D 14 Garden City State B ank*«’02 L. A. Pope F. B. Sm ith. 78-544 Pop. 450 L. E. Pope ft MINNEHAHA STATE BANK78-213 1 C IJ R o uF C v V n :ITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 548,900 402,810 315,080 10,000 250,000 200,000 . 180,000 111,500 6,070 150,000 93,000 3,000 150,000 125,000 290,000 4,500 334,000 37,570 324,140 281,950 8,500 162,410 130,060 29,350 300,890 347.040 9,000 340,000 220,000 7,000 450,000 250,000 30,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P .; Secur. N., W atertown. 36,000 Drov. N., Chi.: Secur. N. and Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; N. B. Com., Sioux C. 30,000 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls,: Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N., P ierre. 109,360 Oont. & Com’l N. and L ivestock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 59,900 1st N .,Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 74,770 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch., Redfield. ' 44,020 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Citiz. T r. & Sav., Aberdeen; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 39,860 N. City, Chi.; 1st & Secnr. N., Minpls.: Aber deen N., Aberdeen; 1st N „ St. P. \ 150,000 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N. and 1st N;, Sionx C.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 180,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. N. and Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. 21,480 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; Packers N., Orna. 4,360 80,330 75,920 2,000 130,000 98,000 38.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Oom’l& Sav., Mitchell; Secur. N.. Sioux C. 10.000 5,000 300,000 222,000 70,000 Cònt. & Com’l N., Chi.; W estern N., Mitchell. 15,000 3,000 160,000 128,000 35,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell; Sioux F . N., Sioux F. 24,200 Kimball Com’l & Sav., Kimball; Secar. N., Sioux F. 53,470 Live Stock Ex. N ., Chi.: Sioux F. N., Sioux F.: W estern N., Mitchell: Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 160,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N ., St. P.; 1st & Sécur. N. and No.-West. N., Minpls.: Secur. N., Sioux C. W. W. Sedgwick— 10,000 3,900 87,000 70,600 15,000 10,320 204,050 159,660 C. W. Goodsell . . . . 25,000 11,000 415,000 245,000 jH .C .PETERSON - J. A. THRONSON__ 0 . 0 . BEfiDAHL...... C. W.PETERSON 10,000 7,500 250,000 207,500 « ’02 )O u t o f to w n b u siness c a re fu lly b a n d le d . 'D ep o sits g u a ra n te e d by d e p o s ito r s g u a ra n te e fu n d . NATIONAL BANK Sioux Falls—^SouTH 44,500 Capital N ., St. P.: Secur. N „ Sioux F.; 1st N. and 1st T r. & Sav., Sioux C. D a k o t a ' s L e a d in g B a n k 1143 :t ^ 850,610 E. L. Jen k in s____ G arretso n___Minnehaha F irst National B a n k .. . . . • ’95 Thos. Wangsness— 78-212 Pop. 950 F 17 M E. 0 . Dye________ 25,730 20,670 July, 1918_______________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—-Fedora to Garretson ■f e a q AA T own Number under Name of Bank is t h e New Transit Number g iv e n ft* U. 8 , exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Banker’s Directory, under t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e American Bankers Ass’n. to each b a n k and Name Co u n t y , op q / ^ t T 'T 'T - T y w U A n n A I T A T A L /rV IV U 1 A President. Vice-President. Cashier. i A. J. LOCKHART W. F. GORDON____ J . F. CARLSON___ d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . Liabilities . I! Resources. I s &D isC a s h &E x Paid-up Surplus Depos cLoan AND ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ue its Capital P rofits S e c u r it ie s fro m B a n k s Bank. •Mem. Am,Bks.:Assn. §State ¿County Seats. E ptire S tate in No. 9 ÎMem. S tate Bks. Assn. tPriv; ’ Est. Federal Reserve District. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, <ev: ^ * -.V v ^ O O t lllU C C l As s ’t Cashier . $ 25,000 $ 25,920 $ 315,070 $ 337,690 t 60,370 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls,; 1st N „ W atertown Citiz. Com’l T r. Co., Buffalo. Gary.„_____..Deuel D 17 NATIONAL BANK 0F GARY < C ollections a n d C ash I te m s receiv e p r o m p t a n d p e r so n a l a tte n tio n . 78-281 î ’10 F o r e fficien t ser vice se n d y o u r b u sln ess d ir e c t to u s. Pop. 750 ( FA R M M O RTG AGE LOANS FO R SALE. F irst National Bank___ .» t ’09 78-282 Q ayville__ Yankton H 15 Secnrity State Bank____î l ’01 * Pop. 257 78-545 Geddes. Charles Mix G 12 Bank of Geddes_____ ttlQOO Pop. 1000 78-205 Charles Mix County Bank 78-204 t ’06 ¿Gettysburg__P otter D 9 F irst National B a n k ___»¿’99 Pop. 936 78-171 Potter County Bank___»tS’84 78-170 G lenham ... Walworth B 9 Glenham State B ank...«ÎS ’07 Pop. 150 78-546 G oodw in.... ..D euel D 16 F irst National B a n k ___«J’02 Pop. 145 78-547 J . A. T hronson___ T. M. A n to n y ____ E. B. Lew ison____ F. E. Ovrom. .. 25,000 24,380 377.070 351,860 John O. Aaseth___ O .N . J u n k e r — . . W. H. McMaster__ 25,000 15,000 200,000 170,000 5,000 31,560 394,610 324,250 50,000 4.000 500,000 350,000 L. L. Davis O. W. P r a t t ........... J . H. Meyhaus____ O. V. M eyhaus.... H. F . W arner Adam Richardson. .T. F. W eaver . . R. Richardson____ 62,310 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; Capital N., St. P. Midland N., Minpls. 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Sioux O. 0,540 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.and Sioux F.; 1st Ln. & T r. Co., Yankton. 150,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: 1st N. and Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 87,450 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 1st N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C. 122,190 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls. 77,250 Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; Capital N., St. P. 1st N., Aberdeen: Live Stock N., Sioux C. 40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Capital N., St. P.; Midland N., Minpls.: Citiz. N., W atertown. 25,000 16,800 303,020 254,800 J . F . W h itlo ck ___ M. J . H u g h e s ...... John Cam pbell___ Henry Frick 30,000 16,560 523,750 453,120 B. F. Hollenbeck _ A. R. S co tt______ M. J . Van Orman— T. K. Myren J . A. T h ronson ___ Samuel Lewison__ J . P. Antony 10,000 5,120 125,000 59,000 25,000 19,000 360,000 335,000 5,000 3,500 102,500 78,600 25,000 4,100 326,020 233,430 113,550 Merch. N., Oma.; Gregory Co. State. Fairfax: Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 35,000 D. S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 150,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma.; No. West. N., Minpls. Green way___McPherson Greenway State B a n k ...tS ’08 0 . Vorländer Pop. 50 B10 78-548 Gregory___ Gregory G 11 Commercial State B ank.16 H. E. McKee Pop. 1200 78-724 D. M. Joachim L. H. N ollkam per.. B. M. Kendall____ ’»J; F irst National B a n k ____t ’05 E. F. S tra in _____ A. G. Heckm an___ W . H. Riedesel___ > 78-122 Gregory National Bank. * t’04 H. L. M illay........... John. P. B ieh n ___ M .Eickm an............ R. L. Millay 78-121 G. R. Burkholder 30,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Ger., Eureka. 9,000 180,000 210,000 14,000 510,000 400,000 10,000 2,000 102,000 89,000 (ARNOLD RINGGER - E. J. MATHER_____ R. A. MATHER....... - J. J. WARKENTIN . 25,000 10,000 Groton---------Brown C 13 BROWN COUNTY BKG. C0. ■<S pecial a tte n tlo n given Bill o f La d in g d ra fts , C ash a n d Time Items. Pop. 1200 78-132 « » ’89 (.H e a se s e n d 15c w i t h e a ch s ig h t d r a f t f o r p r e s e n ta tio n a/nd 50c f o r G re d i t R e p o r ts . 560,000 425,000 160,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N. St. P . and Aberdeen. T, F fiflRF______ R. F. MOHR j L T. STRONG— H. L. BOND . 20,000 18,220 FARMERS STATE BANK « « ’10 ] Patronise a Gro wing Bank. Coll ectlons have the p erso n al a tte n tio n o f an officer. 78-133 ( Farm Mortga ge Loans negotiat ed. 290.750 226,930 90,690 1st N., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen. j W. B. MILLER. . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK~«’82 ( F irs t a n d O ld est 78-131 I FIFTEEN CENT ( TW EN TY -FIV E 835,000 760,000 120,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. and No.-West. N., Minpls. 105,000 93,000 21,500 N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.: Secur. N., W atertown, G ren v ille..__ —Day C 15 F ir s t S ta te B a n k ____ $ | ’15 Pop. 150 78-702 H. H. F ro m e lt.___ A. J . F ro m e lt____ J . S. Ka,mpa_ A. M. NEFF- „ i Ha t f ie ld E. E. KVITRBD-___ E. S. WICKLANDER Grover__ Codington D 15 State Bank of G rover_*t§’14 H. P. A ndrisen___ O. G. F rin k Pop. 75 78-687 _ _ H. A. F ro m lre..... Hamill---------.T rip p F 10 Boseland State B an k _ ..« tl’09 B. H. Russell A. L Rnvrien G. M. Hamill Pop. 65 78— 549 Ham m er___Roberts B 16 Farm ers State Bank__»i§’98 O. P. R a s k ______ H. M. Fellbaum___ C. E .R nndherg. Pop. 75 78-87 F. A. Russell Harrisburg—Lincoln G 17 F arm ers Security State Bk. Edgar W ardwell— John Evenson____ Charles L. K undert Pop. 164 78-741 §’17 Harrisborg State Bank .$§’01 W. H. W asem ____ M. A. Wasem 78-550 SECURITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1145 25,000 20,000 E stab lish ed B an k. All b an k in g m a t t e r s given p r o m p t a t t e n t t o n. S s e n t to u s w ith each s ig h t d r a f t fo r p re s e n ta tio n , a n d CENTS fo r each c re d it re p o rt Ins u res p r o m p t, p er sonai a t te n tlo n . G. t). S ear Is NATIO NAL BAN K, D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . A. C. B urkholder.. Sioux F 10,000 2,000 20,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur., W ebster. 5.000 5,000 99,500 67.670 10,000 2,500 80,000 68,800 34,000 U. S. N., Oma.; Bk. of Dallas, Dallas; Live Stock N. and N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 22,500 N. City, Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 15.000 520 45,030 39,840 14,370 Scan.-Am. N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 25,000 8,900 245,420 222,370 44.500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and SiouxF. alls , S a v .. S o u x F . H A N D L E S C O L LE C TIO N S D IREC T ON ALL POINTS Accessible SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued _______ July, 1918 25,000 50.000 __________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Gary to Harrisburg M r P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 1144 11 Towns, IN THE Lawyers, STATE Laws, Directors, in- dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t B a te s, O race, *—> e tc ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13,rp . -1 A C N ame op B ank . T own and County . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Harrold____Hughes D 10 Pop. 230 78-428 Pop. 648 .. 78-218 .. \ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back oi th is volum e. F or I n te r e s t K a te s, G race, i e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.] Number under Name of Bank in the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 3. e x c lu s iv e ly b y The Band-McNally Bankers’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . Pop. 300 Savings Bank of H artford 78-219 » ’01 78-421 Hamlin County State Bank 78-420 * » ’08 Pop. 229 P r e sid e n t . SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued V ice -P r esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . • As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Hermosa State Bank___»'0 8 P eter D uham el___ F rank Bender. ___ A. T. Hesnard____ 78-552 Pop. 114 H erreid___Campbell B 9 Farm ers & M erch. State Bk. F. C. Brummund — L. H. Damberger . . E. H. Buckenberger 78-324 »10 Pop. 414 .. M. J . Schirber____ A. K- Fossnm State Bank of H erreid. * » ’06 78-323, (W .S. SLAUGHTER J. T. SCR0GGS — A. F. GLASER T. B. SCR0G6S — FREB P. SIMONS ~ 20,000 5,000 275,000 181,100 88,500 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Peo. Sav., W atertown; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 12.000 8,000 130.000 85,000 75,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Merch. N ., Orna. 10,000 1,800 92,000 45,000 10.000 21,570 24f,500 227,310 65,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; F ar. & Merch. State, Eureka: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur., W ebster. 46,570 Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 25.000 6,500 200,000 150,000 65,000 U. S. N. and Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N., Spencer, Neb.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 100,000 70,000 25,000 Gregory Co. State, Fairfax; U. S. N., Oma.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 32,690 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Brookings; Bk. of Lake Preston, Lake P reston; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 110,000 Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.: 1st N.. Sioux C.; Secur. . N „ Sioux F .; P ierre N „ Pierre; Batavian N., La Crosse, Wis. 175,000 Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; Ist& Secur. N., Minpls.: Live Stock N. and Secur. N „ Sioux C. 29,000 Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; 1st N „ Dub.; Minne haha N „ Sioux F. H errick___Gregory G 11 BANK OF H E R R IC K .-..» 06 < W e e s p e c ia lly s o lic it y o u r e o lle c t lo n s . R a te M o f 1% o n a ll s ig h t d r a fts pa id . M in im u m 25c f ee in a d v a n c e . C r e d it re p o r ts 25c. Pop. 700 78-326 ( 5% p a id o n t lm e d e p o s its . (D ep o s lt s g u a r a n te e d b y S ta t e G u a r a n t y F u n d ) |W. E. BRIGGS...... D. E. COFFEY......... F. H. TERHAAR___ C. HAMBROER....... * __ - ■ _____ •Tnlia. Boyd 10,000 1 ,870 169,830 145,520 F rank Drew— . — 0 . H. Drew—------- R. J . Drew 25,000 5,000 300,000 250,000 W. D. McDonald__ C. P . Swanson____ F. W. Pierce_____ 50,000 M artha Mauch------ E .J . Waby 78-553 ¿Highmore___Hyde D 11 Bank of Highmore____* » ’85 78-143 Pop. 1000 M *• 78-142 ———— 15,000 B.J. HUIGENS FARMERS STATE BANK » 06 )T h is b a n k g e ts o u t a n d m a k e s c o lle c tio n s . 78-325 'S e n d u s y o u r b u sin e s s. Hetland—Kingsbury E 15 Pop. 223 50,000 600,000 500,000 20,000 3,200 E. A. SCHENK A A. KAYE \ S. P. SEIER S0N i T h is b a n k giv es p r o m p t, p e r so n a l a t t e n t io n t o a ll b u sin e s s. HYDE COUNTY STATE BANK l M in im u m fee 25c m u s t a c c o m p a n y p la in s ig h t d r a fts . 50c fo r ra t in g rep o r ts . 125,000 85.000 2,750 101,880 77,630 78-144 Hill Oity..Pennington F 2 HILL CITY BANK 78-554 Pop. 271 » ’06 (TRY US FOR SERVICE. • » ’<« G. E. M cEachron.. P atrick Burns____ Ward B. C larke.__ D. M. C la rk e __!__ HilisviewMcPherson B 10 Hillsview State Bank___§17 78-738 Hitchcock___Beadle D IS Hitchcock State Bank *»1900 G. C. Fullinweider. Jam es M urphy.— . 78-415 Pop. 350 B. Laverty_______ Security State Bank------» ’06 A. J.Olidden 78-416 G. F . Wemmering . L. Wemmering ___ Holabird State Bank____ §’09 Holabird_____Hyde D 10 78-555 POD. 75 10,000 Edward Schock 15,000 2,170 54,430 38,040 F . M. Ja m es___•__ J . S. Willis 12,000 15,420 279,820 187,720 R. J . Steffen_____ 0. H. Cotton_____ 6,000 10,000 200.000 150,000 E. 0. M oore______ 5,000 500 10,000 8,000 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . $ 20.000 $ 2,000 $ 260,000 $ 187,000 $ 75,000 Cont. & Com’l N., CM.; 1st N., Highmore; F . D. G reen e___ H. O. Bard E. 0 . Grothe — N. Bk. Com., P ierre. G, HT Swope 10,000 72,500 Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Live Stock N., 18,000 345,000 280,000 I. C. Kingsbery___ L. A. K ingsbery__ H. C. Kingsbery— Chas. J . M ah l..__ Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Minnehaha N „ Sioux F.; W estern N..-Mitcheli. 80,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; R. L. Atkinson'___ A. D. Atkinson___ 15,500 365,000 293,310 10,000 H. V. Siechta_____ 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 29,340 1st N., W atertow n. 25,000 6,740 150,770 130,960 A. O. A rneson____ Ole Jo h n so n ..__— O. J , KjpnsfcylJ . A. Brandt S. B. Crothers____ 10,000 4,500 205,000 160.000 50,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; Wm. T ru m m ____ P. R. Phinney — City N., W atertown. Peter Shelsta 25.000 5,050 177,510 162,490 35,530 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; A. N. F o rc h t___ J . O. Peterson____ G t J , lflggfiTi Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Citiz. N.,W atertown. J . J . S te h ly _____ R. J . Roby_______ TP, V, /filler 25.000 10,000 300,000 210,000 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N - C hi.;lst & Secur. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; (M em . F ed . R es.) Ellen Hanske J . H. Kissinger— W. A. Y u n k er__ _ 25,000 25,000 240.000 230,000 60,000 Live Stock N., Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls. F . B. Gannon____ D. T. L a n e ___ John Yunker L. E. Foss_______ W. K. Norris 25.000 12,550 261,890 232,960 45,270 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; Midland N., D. L. Keyes______ Minpls.; Secur. N., W atertown. 78-551 Farm ers & Merch. State Bk. 78-292 * » ’08 F irst National B a n k ___» t’87 78-291 H enry___Codington D 15 Citizens State Bank___*»'05 78-308 Pop. 441 .. B HENRY STATE BANK~»1900 W. W. W ulf_____ H. A. Sasse______ S. D. Boyd_______ 78-307 Pop. 600 Resources . L ia b il it ie s . oam k Dn- Cashk Ex* P aid - up Surplus D epos - L c’tb. Bonds, charges,Dub AND Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks F alls , 36,700 C haseN .,N . Y.; Cont.& Com ’l N.,Chi.; Merch, N. and Live Stock N., O m a.:Pennington Co.. Rapid City; Custer Co., Custer: 1st N „ Dead wood. 32,730 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Ger., Eureka. 112,580 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 30,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Redfleld N., Redfield Midland N „ Minpls.: Secur. N., Sioux F. 3,000 1st N., Sioux C;; Bk. of Highmore, Highmore, L A R G E ST C O M B IN E D C APIT AL A ND S U R P L U S OF A NY B A N K IN S O U T H D AK OTA July, 1918____________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Harrold to H o la b ir d _______ ________ 1145 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number giren ' nke to «ach bank in U. 8 . exclusively by The■ÜB Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. AA tO Town and Lia b il it ie s . Nahe of Bank. County. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite^ page 13. S O U T H D A K O T A —C o n tin u e d •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve D istrict. — Day C 14 State Bank of Holmanist-{’07 78-556 Hoscae r .__ Edmunds B 11 Hosmer State Bank------t l ’01 78-557 Pop. 300 »Hot ßprings—Fall River Bank of Hot Springs— •tS’94 78-70 Pop. 3000 G2 Peoples National Bank—»*’08 78-72 Holmauist Pop. 50 P resident . Vice -President . As s ’t Cashier . CASHIER. Surplus DEPOS P aid-up AND ITS Caprai. P kopitb Resources. abhà ExLoamk Du- O LA H 0M ,D tni C *T O .•BO M M , <M nom B in i 49.000 John Heekenlaible. J . W. Ulm er_____ B. F . Puckett____ A. J . H aerler_____ 164,620 132,920 . M. H um phrey__ G. C. Sm ith___*— 15.000 23,980 272,270 244,160 15,500 1st & Secnr. N.,Minpls.; 1st State, Bristol, Far. & Merch. N..W ebster. 41,050 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.: Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen. 68,250 Han. N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi. 25.000 6,200 216,000 220.000 38,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N.Y.; Merch. N „ Orna. 95,410 Chase N „ N. Y.; Ü. S. N „ Oma. Jam es H alley_____ B. J . Glattly__ __ . Geo. W. Brady____ Henry M arty _____ V. A. M cU m ans.. E. R. Ju c k e tt 78-71 Houghton___Brown B 13 Bank of Houghton____$§’08 Otto T u n b y . » . __ P. J . Hedblom____ C. A. A arn es_____ Hugh Jones---------78— 558 Pop. 200 H o v en ...____ Potter C 10 Hoven State B ank.___ »*§’06 T. E. O’Brien_____ Chris Gentem ann— O .F . O’B ria n .____ M. G. DeRouchey 78-438 Pop. 200 25.000 7,170 317,560 253,120 10.000 2,300 96,000 79,000 10,000 5,680 230,430 197,950 10,000 700,500 543,710 50,000 ( W. J. JA C O B S E N - G L . 0 L E S 0 N - ........ H . M . H A N S O N ....... J . F . P E S C H 0 N 6 — k .mLAURSON m m In po rson and rem itte d for promptly. «Howard____ Miner F 15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 84 < COLLECTIONS g .presented 78-151 Pop. 1020 Tbe Largest Bank 1 n Mine r Conn ty. For quick retur ns and satis factor y service TRT US ( WE HOWARD NATIONAL BANK NEGOTIA TE FIRST CLAS S FARM MORT GAGES. R. D. STOVE - GEO. GASSMAN— F. A. F0RMANACK C. A. DREXLER- 2,500 200,000 140,000 30,000 Corn Ex. N „ Chi,; 1st N „ St. P. and Madison, IThe personal se rvice bank, A progressive B ank thoroughly e qulpped to bandi e your Items and collectl ons in t h is viel nity. i THE NEW BAN K WILL NATUR ALLY GITE THE MOST EFFICIE NT SE RVICE. Peoples State Bank— «*11600 J . J . Adkins_____ B. E. Adkins_____ J . B. Adkins____— Olaf B takke-------78-152 50.000 11,400 591.000 565.000 105.000 Cont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.: Sioux F . N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N „ Sioux. C, R. G. E ilers_____R. N. Frisbie 30.000 3,700 510.000 420.000 140.000 N. City and Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi,; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. HndsOH State Bank— •* i’62 J . B. Bradley__ 78-342 P . H. Hall________ A rthur Cham bers- Jay Huism an____ 25.000 18.000 400.000 3101.000 115.000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C. FARMERS BANK------- **103 H. W. Hahn____ S. D. M aloney___ H. C. Jonas 25.000 15,000 320.000 240.000 85,000 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; Sionx F . N „ Sioux F.; 1st N, Sioux C.: Bkrsi N „ Minpls;' 20,000 10,130 F. E. JOHNSON— N. J. LANfiPAP- 6. K. GR0TH ntlon. nal atte oUections given p rompt and perso The Bank o f Pr om pt Service. C Write us. All collections r em itted for on da te o f payment. 311,070 261,040 73,820 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Dakota T r. & Sav, and Sioux F. Sav., Sionx F . 25,000 19,000 310,000 270,000 72,000 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi,; 1st N „ Sioux O. and St. P.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F . 25.000 13,870 403,080 332,680 W. H. Olson___ E. H. Vance---------J . F . Doherty J . Garfield W e st.— I. D. W inter_____ 50.000 13,790 638,450 650,910 50.000 5,000 107,260 Drov. N. and Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; Sionx F N. and Secar. N„ Sioux F.; Secur. N „ Sioux O 101,340 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; No.-West N , Minpls.; Sioux F . N „ Sioux F. 1st N „ Chi,; Secur. N„ Sioux C. J . McD. Campbell.. E. J . Miller______ 50.000 13,170 755,200 597,070 138,320 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi. Merch N „ St. P.; Midland N „ Minpls, C. H. GONESTEEL- V. C. BORESTEELCollections ha ve th e personal attention of an e W o rem it on d ay o f paym ent. Bond us your b 60,000 15,000 912,000 739,000 176.000 Chase N „ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi,: Live Stock N „ Sioux C.; I s t & Secur. N „ Minpls. National Bank of Haron.«*’66 G. O. FuUinweider W. N. Farm er » . . Camden R ayburn.. H. C. Shober 78-30 50,000 35,500 710,000 686,000 120.0C0 Han. N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; lst& Secur. N. and Midland N „ Minpls,; 1st N. St. P. and Sioux C.; Secur. N„ Sioux F. Atlantic N „ N. Y.; Jam es Valley, Huron, 8. D Hudson__ __ Lincoln G 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK«*'04 Jam es F . Toy_____ H. A. Stoltenberg— S. F . Hoffman___ * 78-343 Pop. 525 Humboldt___Minnehaha F 16 78-278 STATE BANK OF HUMBOLDT 78-277 » tl’01 A. C. Eggert--------- A. S. T ritz______ H a r l e y . » __ T urner G 16 Bank of H urley.--------- •*S‘62 P eter A llen.._____ J . C. Gilbert_____ L. O. Allen___ 78-272 Pop. 600 o, F . E. Jackson____ 78-271 *5’83 «Huron_____ Beadle E 13 City National Bank_____«*’07 H. G. S pratt_____ 78-41 Pop. 8000 Farm ers & M erchants Bank W. L. Mall______ 78-43 §’18 F irst National Bank____ »*'82 J . W. Campbell__ 78-37 TURNER COUNTY BANK John J . Lease___ E. O. Rondell____ R. E. CONE----JAMES VALjjEYBANK-*»02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Richards T rust Co.------- *{’87 R. O. R ichards__ G. D. R ichards___ W. S. Davis, S ec. a n d 78-38 100,000 IV, SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, S ioux Humber under N a m e o f Bank Is t h e New 'Transit Number r iv e n to e a c h bank in U . S . exclusively b y Tbe Kand-SfcNaUy Bankers* m— 25,000 •*’15 78-710 1 -t a <7 i I* T / 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Aberdeen N „ Aber deen; Bk of Brookings, Brookings. 43,060 No.-West. N „ Minpls.; Stockyards N „ So. St.P.; 194,710 1st N „ Sioux C. Cont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.; No.-West. N „ Minpls, nnA, » tfw, - f T h o AihapImii R gnlinr, Ass’n SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—‘Holmquist to Huron____________ July, 1918 7.000 $ 56,000 12,910 5,000 STOCKMANS BANK ------*§’05 J . J , M arch______ E rik K nudsen____ O. A. Stewart_____ O. P . Dalbey______ Pop. 500 P rincipal Correspondents. 10,000 O. J . Carlson__ ___ G. B. K nott______ Edwin Carlson____ 1146 11 II Palls — S o u t h D a ko ta 's L eading B ank S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d A c c e ssib le Towns, Lawyers, taw s, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volum e. For Interest Bates, Grace,!*— * e t c ., see -neve' 14 For ff o lld a v s . see nrvnnsite nave IS. — gee. a n a i r . S ECU R ITV Number under Nume of Bank is t b s New Transit Number r iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* CAT T T H Directory, under th e au tho rity of The American Bankers Ass’n._______* * * •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 9 $Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Resèrve District, P resident . Interior___.Jack so n F 6 State Bank of Interior . • « ’08 78-559 Pop. 150 .•$$’84 M. P r Beebe «Ipswich__Edmonds O il 78-180 Pop. 810 78-181 .•tS’01 Vice -President . Cashier . ASS'T CASHIER. D. F. Jam es _ Q. W. Hutchinson. A. O. Saugstad____ H. G. Galland___ Irene_____T ankton G 15 Citizens State Bank__ . • » ’05 78-412 Pop. 500 .•$$’94 ' 78-411 (B a n k i n Clay Co.) M. E. Skillman f C. T. LIDDLE___ < S pecial a t t e n tlo Iroquois.Kingsbury E14 FARMERS & MERCHARTS Pop. 700 BANK -.78-245___- -•$$’84 | P ro m p t a t t e n t i ( F irs t F a r m M or i p H '* - O. O. Tiftkken... Roy J . S killm an__ 6. M. DYSTE n given c a sh ite m s a n d co llectio n s. o n given to a ll slg h t d r a fts s e n t u s fo r co llectio n . tgages fo r co n ser vatlve In v esto rs. W R IT E VS. Iroquois State B a n k ... .•$$’04 A. Johnson______ L. F . Altflllisch___ D. F . W ilm arth___ E. O. Casperson___ 78-246 Gl E. Blakeley.___ A. L. Blakeley____ S. J. W andvik____ Isabel_______Dewey 0 7 Citizens State Bank__ - $§’09 M. F . Wilsnn _ Pop. 400 78-526 Dewey County B ank.. ...$ ’10 H. N. Johnson____ P. N. Jo h n so n ..__ W. H. Blockstone. C. W. Simmons___ 78-850 Java____ Walworth 010 F irst State Rank78-283 Pop. 478 .•$$’03 F. B. Cannon - _ German State Bank__ ..$$’06 P. Spiry 78-284 Jefferson__..Union H 17 Bank of Jefferson ...$ ’01 E. E. Halstead. Pòp. 500 78-838 F irst State Bank _ ..$$’11 R. J . A u th ie r... 78-339 Jordan_____Tripp G 10 Jordan S tate B ank. .•$$’10 F. L. McCullough.. Pop. 100 78-560 Janius— Lake F 15 State Bank of Jnnius . ..•$ ’07 John W. W adden. 78-561 Pop. 50 •Kadoka___ Jackson F 6 Farm ers State B a n k . . •$S’0Q J . H .S nyder Pop. 325 78-579 Jar.ohHp.lm P . H. Spiry fl. F- Spiry E. T. K earney____ W . R . M elvin Laurence A u th ier . R. N. A uthier. _. R. A. Gilmore ____ F. Cochrane _____ F . W. Schultz ____ N. H. G atteboe __ R. E. M illiken ___ F. M. Oshnrn Jackson County Bank „ •§ ’17 A. G. H ill _______ 78-737 H.‘ 0- Stpypps t—j, F. W. Stevens ___ Kennebec__ Lyman F 10 Commercial State Bank « ’10 T. F. McGuigan__ Y .A . M cG uigan... W. J . Benn 78-419 Pop. 252 f A. L. FREEL0VE-. F. B. CARTER_____ P. L. ST0CKSTAD___ ARTHUR FREELOVE- 5,000 230,000 140,000 2,000 115.000 100,000 10,000 4,000 100,000 80,000 35,000 Stockyards N., So. St. P.: Scan. Am. N „ Sioux F.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 15,000 13,500 215,000 137,000 10,000 9,500 265,000 180,000 7,500 22,500 180,000 107,000 82,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls.: 1st N., Aberdeen; Secur. N., Sioux F . 85,000 Aberdeen N. and Dakota N., Aberdeen; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 93,000 Lin. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C. 10,000 12,000 280,000 185,000 105,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 20,000 14,560 90,000 103,870 5,000 4,810 119,270 79,720 18,400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. and Oma. 47,730 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Lake Co. N., Madison. 12,500 6,500 162,830 139,680 20,000 1,200 49,000 56,000 5.W0 4,500 135,000 90,000 15,001 8,000 220,000 165,000 25,000 7,390 194,640 183,740 FIRST RATIONAL BANK-«*’07 <K a t e K o f 1%— 25c m in im u m I f co llected . 78-418 40,580 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Sioux F . N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 11,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.;, Live Stock N., and I s tT r . & Sav., Sioux C.; Secur. Sav., Rapid City. 43,000 Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Brookings. 46,000 Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 26,460 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Sioux C. Midland N., Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 113c fo r p re se n ta tio n if u n p a id . C r e d it R e p o rts 25c C onservative I n v esto rs, w rite u s o n C a ttle L o an s, [ Keystone.Pennineton F 2 Keystone B an k —. . r .$1900 78-563 Pop. 500 Kidder___ Marshall B 14 Kidder 8tate Bank ..$ ’05 C. R. C attle 78-564 Fop. 125 Jo h n T alieh Kimball Gom’l & Sav. Bank Kimball_____ Brule F 12 78-198 •$$’18 Pop. 1000 F. A W rig h t F red Griswold . . . . V. F . H onda E. T. Colbey SECU R ITY NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux ___ 2,520 49,720 49,570 11,000 2,200 125,000 108,200 20,090 7,670 340,000 318,000 25,000 7,000 390,000 367,000 25,000 10,300 356,800 310,440 F alls, 12,670 N. City, N. Y.; Neb. N., Oma.; 1st N., Rapid City. 20,980 Chase N., N. Y.: No.-West. N., Minpls. 65,300 Han. N ..N . Y.; Drov, State, So. S t.P .; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; C om i Sav., Mitchell; Live Stock N., Sioux G. 70,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.: W estern N., Mitchell. 78,200 Irving N.7N. Y.; No.-West. N., Minpls.¡Mitch ell N., Mitchell. H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR EC T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E 1147 Kimball State Bank__ .•$$’92 H. W. H iurichs—_ W. B. D yer______ J . R. McClenahan. 78-197 T.nmhard B ank F . S. P o tte r .• tt’83 E. B. Lumbard ___ F. G. Pulse— 78-196 10,006 ___________ I S en d u s y o u r co lle c tlo n s. 82,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Live Stock N „ Sioux C.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 25,000 Stockyards N., So. St.P.; Citiz.State, Mobridge. 10,000 15,000 ä Kaylor—Hutchinson G 14 Kaylor State Bank. .. ..$$’08 Emanuel E berhard. 78-562 Pop. 200 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 137,890 $134,210 $ 42,370 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P. Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur. Sav., Rapid City. 25,000 120,750 710,490 669,200 145,150 Cont. & Com’l N-., Ohi.; No.-West. N „ Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen. 15,000 13,000 400,000 300,000 * 100,000 Cont. AGorn’lN ., Chi.: 1st. & Secur. N., Minpls.: Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 8,000 479,960 385,340 145,600 Drov. N., Chi.; Secur. N., S ioux F .;ls t N., 20,000 Sioux C.; Nokomis State, Minpls. 20,000 29,000 383.000 315,000 117,000 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; No.-West. N.,Minpls.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F . N., Sioux F . 20,000 24,000 593,430 484,360 105,110 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. o f Brookings, Brookings; Merch. N., St. P. O. E. Snodgrass__ H. C. S nodgrass... W. K. Reehe H. E. Beebe Lia b il it ie s . t1 Resources, i Loans ft Dig. Cans ft EX P aid-up Surplus D epos c*Tê. Bonds, CHANGEN,DUE and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks 1918____________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Interior to Kimball «County Seats. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, 1 dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page' 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TT A T T A T A ’___P r i n t i m i n H A /V V /O H U U U C U Nabe op Bank. Tbwn and C o u n t y . f Palls — S o u t h D a ko ta 's L eading B ank Ju ly , 1147 I I “ / NATIO NA L BANK, S ioux N a h e of Bank . T own and County . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State iMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. E ntire State in No. 9 Est. Federal Reserve District. CASHIER. V ice -P r esid e n t . ASS'T OASHIKR. $ 10,000 $ A. B. T u rb ak . 10.000 1,960 86,760 73,500 H C. Englund........ Wesley Swenson . 5.000 8,200 154,500 131,000 A. O. Steensland . . H arry H ardm an.. 15,000 1,900 292,040 190,780 B. 0. N ash___ 20,000 4,000 275,400 201,270 Aaron A nderson.. E. J . Rodine_____ Tollef Brudas. 10.000 4,000 75,000 60,000 A. B. Scott______ A. S. Bedford____ E. 0. Anderson___ 30,000 19,000 350,000 400,000 O. O. Oison______ T. S. Braithw ait__ M. I. E stensen..— B. M. Braithwait R. B. M ills______ M. Langlie_______ G. J . O stroot_____ T. W. Mills 15,000 6,000 75,000 66,000 32,000 17,000 480,000 388,000 J . O. A lse th _____ 0. A. Alseth_____ A. 0. Jo h n so n ___ Jacob Johnson 25,000 3,000 140,000 100,000 Geo. Ostroot. E. C. Olston_____ E. G. Olston___ A. Kopperud F rank M cCurdy. . . W alter McCurdy__ V. W. Abeel. 25,000 17,500 475,800 455,000 15,000 5.750 252,320 173,790 F. G. Vessey_____ E. W. Downing. 15,000 2,000 170,000 100,000 15.000 5,000 350,000 226,000 S. J . Ogren---------- G. A. Lindquist___ H. G. Nelson_____ 10,200 10,040 290,000 253,000 P. A. G u sh u rst___ R. H. D riscoll____ J . W. Freem an Mason T yler W. Bertolero_____ V. A. Lussier_____ C. P. Pinsonnault J . j . S e ll________ I. J . M cGinity____ 50,000 P. H. G ilb ert_____ F. R. H arding____ P. E. Wallman___ 135,000 2,060,550 1,607,000 23,000 3,000 287,820 224,530 10,000 2,000 140,000 100,000 130,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 32,500 1st N., Milbank. 107,910 Ohi. Sav. Bk. & T r. Co., Chi.; Sioux F . N, Sioux F. 83,190 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Scan. Am. N.. Sioux F. 20,000 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Veblen; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 30,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., W atertown. 20,000 1st N., Brookings and W atertown; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 112,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi. 1st N., Brookings; Secur. N.,Sioux F. 35,000 Midland N.. Minpls.; Sioux F . N., Sioux F . 78,400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; lst& S ecu r.N ., Minpls. 1st N., Sioux 0.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings 67,920 Cont. &Com 'l N., Chi.: 1st N „ Mitchell and Sioux C.: Secur. T r. & Sav., Sioux F. 60,000 N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; IstN ., Shenandoah, la.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 102,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 52.550 Chase N ., N. Y.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen; Sioux F . Sav.. Sioux F. 619,260 Columbia T r. Co., N. Y.: 1st N ., Chi. and Oma.: 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 89,110 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; U. S. N. Oma. 30,000 N. City, Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Stock yards N., So. St. P. 32,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Potter Co., Gettysburg 10,000 2,500 160.000 T. C. Sherm an___ A. J . B ehrm ann. . . 25,000 12,630 341,390 367,130 59,400 Chase N., N . Y.; N. City, Chi. C. A. B ennett_____ R. M. W atson ____ 25,000 8,500 269,440 243,820 43,140 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;Stockyards N., So. St. P. N o.-W est.N.,Minpls. ¡Aberdeen N. .Aberdeen 24,000 Dakota N., Aberdeen; Capital N., St. P. 10.000 3,000 108,000 94,000 25,000 5,000 475,000 375,000 W. H. Wumkes___ Simon Smith_____ J . J . Steaner 20.000 15,000 350.000 300,000 25,000 9,000 210,000 190,000 60,690 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: Aberdeen N., Aber deen: Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P. W. C. T u rn er_____ L, E. T u rn e r_____ G. H. T u rn e r. 130,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. No.-West. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., Sioux C. 75,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux C. J . J . Hepperle____ J . E. R eagan..____ G. J . K e im ______ 20,000 10,000 300,000 200,000 J . T. Janda______ Thomas J . Wagner J . J . W agner_____ 10,000 10,000 300,000 240,000 115,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 1st N., Aberdeen. 80,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux 0 Joseph D odd____ S. E. M orris_____ W. 0 . Botkin_____ G. L. K e e n e r. 20,000 7,500 416,000 325,000 85,000 1st N., Chi. and Sioux G.; W estern N., Mitchell 25,000 8,090 195,730 223,940 29,880 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell 10.000 3,000 190,350 136,350 10,000 3,000 150,000 110,000 50,000 lst& Secur. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Lake Preston, Lake Preston; 1st. N., St. P.; Citiz. Tr. Sav., Aberdeen. 30.000 Met. N. Minpls. Wm. E. Ryan_____ Guy W. Crawford. W. A. Anderson___ O. B. W allace. P. H. Larson L. Larson______ Oliver Larson_____ NATION A L BANK; Number under Name of Bank im the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* C n iT T H S lo u x T lA Y r r V T A F alls, / '.o n t t r m e d O F AIM Y B A N K IN S O U T H _________ July, I9l8 P. C. Lippmann . . . H arry Riis_______ Louis Ja c o b s____ H enry Jacobs____ Farm ers Home Bank _.*t('12 O. A. Fossum_____ L. L. N ordness___ R. L. N ordness. fi n linrilnocc 78-fifi7 S E C U RITY 19,430 1 John C am pbell___ R. A. Ja c k so n ------ G. R. Jackson. 78-568 Pop. 225 1 1 An 2,500 $ 152,000 $ 124,000 $ 36,000 :Live Stock N., Chi.; Scan.-Am. N., Sioux F. W. H. Young. F. H. J o h n s o n ..... Principal Correspondents. SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Kingsburg to Lily _.$§’08 F. B. Roberts F irst State Hank.... 78-565 Pop. 92 Lake Andes.Charles Mix Lakeside State Bank___*S’04 S. O. S teensland.. 78-174 Pop. 700 4G12 Chas. T. K yte-----78-175 Lake City ..M arshall B 14 F irst State Bank____....iS ’12 Geo. F . A nderson.. 78-665 Pop. 50 Lake Norden.Ham ün D15 F irst National B a n k ....• t ’l l D. F . S c o tt______ 78-588 -Pop. 450 Security State Bank__ »t§’17 Geo. W. Cobel........ 78-731 Lake Preston.K ingsbury Bank of Lake P reston. *$§’91 J . H. L lo y d _____ 78-154 Pop. 862 E 15 It »• FARMERS NATIONAL BANK B. Lewis_________ 78-712 *15 »• F irst National B ank ___* t’84 H. I. Olston______ 78-153 Lane______ Jerauld E 13 Citizens State Bank____$§’05 R. J . H arrison____ 78-402 ( Pop. 350 tt Farm ers State Bank___«$§’03 E lbert A. R e a d ___ 78-401 IAngford—Marshall B14 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK J . C. Bassett_____ 78-289 «tS’88 | Pop. 463 Langford State Bank— «¿§’03 A. J . A nderson___ 78-290 E. May__________ Lead_____ Lawrence E 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 78-19 » t’79 Pop. 9763 Miners & Merch.Sav. Bank G. W. M arquardt _ 78-20 *tS’03 Daniel C arroll____ 78-352 Pop. 300 Lebanon State Bank— $§’02 M. J . Hughes____ 78-351 0. D. Sm ith______ Lemmon____Perkins B 5 78-106 Pop. 1200 W. E. Briggs_____ 78-105 1» •• Lemmon State Bank _*tS’08 C. C. S id eriu s____ 78-107 A, B, .Tambs Lennox__..L incoln G 16 78-192 Pop. 1000 N. S m ith . _ . LENNOX STATE BANK - « ’03 78-193 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources, i Liabilities . Surplus k Dis- Cash k E x Depos cLoams Paid-up changes ,D ub *t *. Bonds, AND its Capitai. P rofits from B anks Securities 1 P r e sid e n t . R, .T, D^wes Louis Koenig_____ K ingsburg.. Bon Homme 78-697 Pop. 60 H 14 K ranzburg ..Codington Farm ers State Bank_____§’12 P . P . Seguin_____ John S tric h e rz ___ 78-663 Pop. 150 D 16 »Leola__McPherson B 12 BANK OF LE0LA______$§’84 78-279 Pop. 600 .. *4 F irst State Bank______ t l ’06 78— 280 Lesterville.Yankton G 16 Lesterville State B ank..tS ’94 78-567 Pop. 279 Letcher___Sanborn F 13 Citizens Bank_________$§’06 78-345 Pop. 500 F irst National Bank ..»$02 78-344 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. S O U T H D A K O T A —C o n tin u e d II48 Number under Name o f Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. DAKOTA Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,! S ll^ y NATIO N A L BANK, Number under Name of Rank Is the New Transit Number given to each b a n k in U. S . exclusively b y The Sand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Q O T IT H oC M J A O Sioux P resident . V ICE-PRESID EN T. D A X V O A JV c u iiu u u c u OASHÍER. A ss’T Cashier . $ 10,000 $ O. O. Olson______ G. W. Gobel_____ L. L. Krouss_____ 15,000 »Madison_____Lake F 15 Pop. 4000 | GUY E. MITCHELL — K. V. MITCHELL----DAKOTA STATE BANK 15.000 D. B. W ilson ____ Guy W ilson______ G. 0. Adam s____ L. S. Lillibridge —- O. E geland______ F . C. Brookings . . 7,810 $ 123,940 $ 103,790 $ 33,850 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Mitchell N „ Mitchell. 1,280 36,030 60,000 — 40,030 50,000 9,850 1st N „ Brookings.' 20,000 Cont. & C om i N., Ghi.; Sioux F . N „ Sioux F.; Secur. N., Sioux 0. 22,500 Atlantic N., N.Y.; I s tN ., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 49,660 Gont. & C om i N., Ohi.: Minnehaha N.,Sioux F.: Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F. 5,000 2,570 58,700 40,000 8,000 4,290 106,320 82.220 50,000 5,000 216,000 200,000 50,000 40,000 1,000.000 900,000 175,000 75,000 10,000 800,000 775,000 30,000 1,000 121,000 81,000 5,000 7,370 79,940 59,820 .127,000 140,000 160,000 Cont. & Com i N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Secur. N., Sioux F.: 1st N., Sioux C. 50,000 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav. Sionx F. 32,490 N. Bk. Rep.. Ghi,: 1st N „ Brookings: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 36,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N., Aberdeen; 1st & Secur. N.i Minpls. 34,000 N. City, Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P .; 1st N. , Rapid City.; N. Bk. Com., P ierre. 69,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N;., Sioux 0.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F .; No.-West, N., Minpls. 40,000 Live Stock Ex. N. Chi.; Live-Stock N.,Sionx O. ; Sioux F . N. and Secur. N., Sioux F. J . W. Ju ry Farm ers State B a n k ___*§’06 R. T . Sundal_____ O. J . S tordahl____ Allen Hildahl____ 78-573 H. W. MITCHELL---- P rincipal Correspondents. 50,000 N. City, Òhi.: 1st N., Sioux G. < Send us your collections, Tbe New Bank will naturally gl ve you the m ost efficient service, ( Farm mortgage loans bought and sold. Conservatlv e Investors write us. 78-660 •*§ 12 C. E. 0LSTAD____* W. E. DANIELS------M. H. C0LGR0VE— WM. R0HRER. E. E. 0LSTAD Send us your business. Prom pt service. **’84 Reasonable charges. FIRST NAT’L BANK 78-59 Lake County National Bank 78-61 **’99 Security State Bank__«*§’09 78-60 State Bank of Manchester 78-574 •«•07 Mansfield State Bank__*§’03 78-575 F irst State Bank of White O w l..._78-576 ______t§10 Farm ers T r. & Sav. Bk..*§'04 78-294 MARION STATE BANK 78-293 Ù **§1900 Hügo H. Cook____ Geo. W. Cobel— P. E. B ittn e r__ . . . R. G. Klyne — ----- A. B ro o k s__ - ____ J . R. Dean____ F. F. Reich ________ D. R. M u rp h y ____ R. W. Douglass___ W. R. S tacker. . . . . J . C. T hom as.____ M. C. Bardill_____ J. J. S m ith__ ___ _ F red S ch w artz___. ( W. F . JA M M E R — < ( W M. J A M M E R , S R — N. KQCK R. F . K O C K - - - - - - - - - C. A. KAUFMAN— 5,000 9,000 155,000 25,000 2,500 160,000 10,000 15.500 264,000 204,000 15,000 8,000 150,000 130,000 10,000 3,600 96,890 94,620 25,000 7,500 J92.000 227,000 85,570 61,740 3,500 130.000 110,000 S en d u s y o u r Collections dlrec t. Prompt and pe rsonal attention. Y o u r C ash lte ms solicited. FARM MORT GAGE LOANS N EGOTIATED. C. E. Mills_______ H. J . Poppelman . . P. 0. Scholberg— Martin K o n sta n t. . K. A. Ramsey C. D. Smith_______ T. 0. Sherman__... C. H. Belknapp__ E. J . Morris____. . . G. M. Sinclair------ John F . S in clair... S. C. L ochrie_____ J . W. Anderson — J . Ö. Van Nice____ J . R. Shirey._____ 15,000 10,000 — 10,000 1,000 100,000 70,000 I. N. B ubert__ ___ 10,000 2,100 80,000 73,000 E. E. Halstead____ H. G. Taylor.___.__' C. S. Hoekstra____ 10,000 5,690 90,000 74,000 H. P. A ndrison___ Geo. K. B urt ___ — Andrew Robertson Vera H ayenga.. 15,000 1,500 26,360 26,900 10,000 10,000 150,000 109,000 R. H. McCaughey— M. M. McCaughey. A. I. Tollefson------ 10,000 18,000 450,000 250,000 Adolph F rasch .___ A lbert Ju n g m a n . . E. W. Aisenbrey — M artha Jungm an.. H. Dannenbring J . W. U lm er..___ _ J . W. Ulmer, J r . __ F . J . Rittershaus _ R. H. S eydel_____ Alvina G uenthner 20,000 6,000 550,000 400,000 10,000 380,000 265,000 C. H. Härtung____ F. W. W oods__ __ R. R. Hartung— G. A. B ennett . . . . . L, 0 . Peck____— H. Cady. ___ . . . _ . George P. Cady— 25,000 13,040 Stock Yds. N., St. P.; Secur., W ebster.; Lib erty State, Minpls. 14,400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Lemmon. 34,270 Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen; 1st N., St. P.; Mid land N., Minpls. 40,000 Dakota N., Aberdeen, S. D.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Ipswich. Ipswich. 40,000 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: Stock Yds N., So, St. P. 13,000 1st State N., Lemmon, S. D.; Stockyards N., So. St. P. 15,260 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Sionx 0.; Bk. of Dixou Co., Ponca. 10,060 Secur. N., W atertown. 52,000 Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.: No.-West.N., Minpls .¡AberdeenN., Aberd’n, 250.000 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur., and No.-Wes1 N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sonx C. 144,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux F . and Sioux C.; No.-W est. N., Minpls. 140,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N.. Sionx C.: 1st & Secar. N., Minpis.; Siotix F.N., Sioux F. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux F alls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L e a d in g B a n k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _____________ H49 Marvin----------G rant 016 Marvin State Bank_____« 1 0 78-577 Pop. 150 »McIntosh___Corson B 7 F irst National Bank___ »*’08 78— 333 . Pop. 1000 Security State B ank____§16 78-715 McLaughlin._Corson B 8 F irst State Bank______**§10 78-396 Pop. 400 McLaughlin State Bank«t§'09 78-395 Meadow.— Perkins 0 5 Meadow State Bank____*§’08 78-450 Pop. 60 M eckling...__ Clay H 16 Bank of Meckling_____ *§’08 78-578 Pop. 100 M e lh a m ....__ Clark D 14 State Bank of Melham.__§’18 78-745 M ellette_____Spink 0 12 Farm ers State Bank— «*§’05 78-286 Pop. 550 State Bank of Mellette..**§'93 78-285 • M enno..Hutchinson G 15 Exchange State Bank..«*§ 78-225 Pop. 800 Menno S tate Bank____ *§’01 78-226 J . W. W adden____ T. A. W adden_____ Martin F . B erther. A. C. L e v e e __ H. A. H uxford 0. J . P orter C. E. Olstad______ W. O. Gienapp .... C. A. Stensland----- J . J.M ackay__ Chem. N., N. Y.; Ist N. and Live Stock N., Chi.; Ist & Secur. N., No.-West. N., and Midland N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Loomis to Menno Loomis State Bank____ t§ ’05 78-569 Security State B a n k ___t§ ’17 78-570 F irst State Bank______ »§’16 78-723 Lucas State Bank_____»*§’07 M anchester__ Kingsbury Pop. 140 E 14 M ansfield..__ Spink G 12 Pop. 200 M arcus---------Meade D 5 Pop. 20 Marion------- T urner G 15 Pop. 700 Resources. Liabilities . Surplus Loams k Du- Cash k E x DjbpobPaid-up ITS Capital P rofits S ecurities from Banks W. M. Sm ith_____ C. A. Davison_____ O. B. W ells_____ Loomis____Davison F 13 Pop. 100 Lowry,__ Walworth. C 10 Pop. 100 Loyal to n .. Edmunds C 11 Pop. 75 Lucas------- Gregory G 11 Pop. 100 Lyons__Minnehaha F 16 Pop. 100 78-572 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, i dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, I etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. D A i f O T A ___ P . r v f i t t T I l l p H Name of Bank. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 9 *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. L A R G E S T C O M B IN E D C A P IT A L A N D b U R P L U b * O F A N Y B A N K IN S O U T H D A K O T A F alls, July, 1918 •f -t A O E C U RIT Y 11 i n Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to «*ch bank in U. 8 . exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. »County 8 eats. n A v a t a o 1 Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SStatè E ntire State in No. 8 £Mem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Bst. President. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace. ____. O U U J. JTT J U A I v U 1 A --- C o n t i n u e d Cashier . Vice-President. Ass ’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paib-of Cavitai, SURVLUS AND P rofits il Resources, i Principal Correspondents. oamk D b- C ashà BxDb*oo- L s 't i . B eavi, <BAMM,Dn its Surcunv IWKlAW i W. L. PIER_ _ _ _ _ _ TH0S. JONES........ 1 H. E. YOUNG........ . $ 25.066 S 5,000 $ 248,800 $ 244,200 $ 40,800 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls Person al attention given Cash Item s and Collections. Midland-___ Haakon B 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*! 06 I] Prompt Sioux F. N., Sioux F . 15c m ustaccom pany Sight Drafts for presentation, 25c for Ratings, Pop. 210 78-436 (Direct collectio n facilities on Ma nlla, Ottumwa, L esile, Moenville. 1 Grandfl eld, Ha yes, and Stam fo rd. Midland State Bank__ »t§'08 J. F. McGuire____ L. A. Munson____ H. G. Taggart____ Theo. W iprud__ — 10.906 4,000 130,000 110,000 30,000 1st N., Sioux C.; Secur N., Sioux F.; 1st N< 76-437 Rapid C. »Milbank____ Grant 0 IS Bank of C om m erce____tS’16 J. C. G annon_____ Levi Schnabel___ P. Ei. G annon__ 25,000 1,500 116,180 96,700 89,760 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Secur. N., Sioux F, Pop. 2200 78-720 C. J . Tice Peo., St. P. i f . B. ROBERTS50,000 G.6.MIDBLEBR00K L.S. BANNISTER.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK *108 FhANKBOERGER ^Collections and Bequests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied by 78-78 'f e e i n a d v a n CEs P l a i n s ig h t drafts, 15c; Credit R e p o r ts , 50c. 13,430 f P. C SAUNDERS - N. J. BLESER------ E. H. BENEDICT— H. A. FERNER-----MERCHANTS NATL BANK bank In Grant County, Superior service on Collections. 78-76 **’82 j( Oldest Send us your b usiness. 50,000 20,930 »Miller______ Hand B 11 Citizens State Bank__ _5’83 H. R. Greeree___ C. M. Carroll____ F. E. Saltm arsh___ H. W. Conner____ 78-113 Pop. 1300 25,000 106,680 Gont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C. 733,060 709,350 104,640 Seab. N..N.Y.; 1st N.,Ohi. and St.P.; No.-West N., Minpls. 4,000 125,000 100,000 800,000 750,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi., No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secnr. N. and Live 10,000 400,000 280,000 145,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Cöm'l N. Chi.; 1st N., Sionx O.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls 69,000 ls t& Secur. N „ Minpls.; G er., Eureka; Aber Hand County State Bk..»}|’01 E. F. Waite______ 78-115 Mina__ — Edmunds 012 Farmers State Bank___ 510 C. V orlander____ 78-581 Pop. 100 Miranda____ Faulk D 12 Miranda State Bank___i§’07 Philip Findeis___ 78-582 Pop. 100 Missionhill.Yankton H 15 Mission Hill State Bank.iJ’05 Julius Berkley___ 78-583 Pop. 200 »Mitchell— Davison F 13 O. L. Branson & Co., Bankers O. L. Branson. — 78-35 §17 Pop. 8000 Commercial & Sav. Bk.*t§’01 H. R. Kibbee____ G. C. FULL!NWEIDER A . G. C A H A L A N — Stock N., Sioux C. W. J. Halbower__ G. E. Richardson.. J . M. Williams__ 25.000 M. J . P ufahl_____ C. C. Conklin____ A. G. Conklin___ 10,000 3,850 152,020 94,560 5,000 4,970 104,360 76,570 Thomas Inch____ J. Y. Langdon.__ O. R. Meeker____ 10,000 22,000 340,000 204,000 G. B. Hippie_____ W. I. W ilso n ____ L. M. Kjelm yr C. C. McKee J. T. Morrow____ J . W. B ry an t__ . . . E. A. Loomer_____ 50,000 3,000: 160,000 175,000 C. M. H enry__ ___ W. E. Z a rn e k e ___ 36,000 1st N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F. deen, N., Aberdeen. 31,140 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Redfield N., Redfield 156,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st N. Sioux C. 38,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; State Bk.of Chi., Chi. Midland N., Minpls.; Ia. Ln. & Tr. Co., DesM. 217,720 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live 50,000 55,120 967,290 850,700 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*882 R. J. H arriso n ____ J. S. Daniels_____ E. H. Millen_____ J . O. Wood______ 78-29 First Trust & Sav. Bank—§'09 R. J. Harrison____ J. S. Daniels_____ E. H. Millen_____ 78-34 100,000 33,760 807,920 761.000 25,000 4,190 286,740 244,530 204,620 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; No.-West. N. Minpls.; 1st N., Sionx C. 65,900 Com’l Sav.. Marion, la.; Ia. S tate Sav., Sioux MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK William M. Smith.. M. F. Patton. 78-30 _*t’ 86 J . J . Lahey Mitchell Trust Co. _JL«,—I’OO Wm. M. Smith__ 78-33 100,000 134.000 2,200,000 1,715,290 350,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Secur 100.000 103,800 380,000 68,000 :Konntze Bros., N. Y.: 1st N. and Mitchell N. WESTERN NATIONAL BANK 78-32 • t’04 Mebridce..Walworth B 0 CITIZENS STATE BANK'tMO Pop. 2400 78-120 L. Sim pson______ H. D. L ew is_____ T r . __ M. F. Patton, Sec_ SECURITY Federal Reserve BankBof St. Louis Tu mbe r under B i z * m e C.; 1st N., Mitchell. 454,000 Mitchell. S . E . M O RRIS- - - - - - - - - W . M . M cD ON ALD- - - - L. S . V I C K E R S _ _ _ _ _ L . H . M ORRIS— H N rAIN THE PERSONAL SERVICE BANK. Equipped to render Efficient and Satisfactory Service on your Items and Collections for Central South Dakota. PROMPT RETURNS — REASONABLE CHARGES. W. F. MAILAND. OSCAR A. 0LS0N— W. P. JONES Prompt and ef on collections. Send your Item s direct TO US. FARM MOBTG AGE LOANS NE GOTIATED. 78-118 Monroe____ Turner 615 Bank of Monroe______ }§’07 Pop. 169 78-584 Stock N., Sioux C.; H enpn. Co. Sav., Minpls N.. Minpls.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R. A. 8 . Reid, F irst National Bank___* i’06 J. W. Harris____ F . G. Hill________ A. W. Rowlee____ . A. Moon_______ B. F . M oon______ H. H. Klinger____ N ATION A L or Bank is the New 'Transit Number given to eaoli bank in U. S. exclusively b y Tbe R an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D ir e c to r y , 621,890 50,000 50,000 FIRST NATIONAL BAKK-*t’03 -<Prompt, person al attention give n all banking ma tie rs . 78-114 (.Real Estate Tra nsactlons or othe r instrum ents of conveyance recelv e unusu al care. f F . D. G R E E N E - - 1151 652,140 under th e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. B À N K, n Sioux SOUTH 100,000 61,200 1,001,000 868.0C0 237,870 : 306,310 92,810 : N., Chi. SEE AD VERTISE MENT 0 N SO. DA KOTA M :AP. 25,000 10,070 368,180 Dak. N., Aberdeen; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. Live Stock N „ Sioux C. 25,000 7,000 277,600 266,100 47,130 1 10,000 3,300 167,000 130,800 42,000 ]jive Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.: Live Stock N., Sioux C. F a LLS- D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d ON ALL 1st N., St. Paul; 1st N. and Aberdeen N „ Aber deen, P O IN T S IN THE ________________ SOl^TH DAKOTA BANKS—Midland to Monroe_______ ____ July, 1918 Town and County. C A T T T U STATE dexed '--- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------__________ etc., see page 14. For Holidays^ see opposite page 13.i F D C .U U h l I Y NÄMÜNAL Number under Name o ff*Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaoli bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie B an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' Directory, under tb e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. SOUTH F a lls. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h i e r . Ass ’t Cashier. Montrose__McCook F 15 Montrose Bank______« $ {'8 6 R . D. B u r r .._____ J . D. B arghardt__ T . Costello.________ Pop. 600 78-305 Morristown__Corson B 6 Pop. 250 Security State Bank___»${’03 I. 0. Kingsbery___ Chas. S ch rad er___ A. 0 . K ingsbery... C. R. G a rre tt__ __ 78-306 (F. R. GINTHER L. W. GINTHER — F. L. B0NZERRAY MADSEN.— FIRST RATIONAL BARK-*} 10 -< P ro m p t a n d effl c ie n t serviee o n collection*. ( S en d n s y o u r Ite m s d ire c t. F a rm Mortgage Loa ns negotiated. 78-433 MORRISTOWN STATE BANK E. J . Craig_______ 8. D. P arks______ H. W. Batzer_____ Ralph Pfeiffer-----Wm. Colville 78-432 31*09 »Mound City__Campbell Mound City State Bank«tS*06 S. 0 . Overby_____ F. W. S ch irb er___ J . J . Bentz______ P. P. Wosnuk____ Pep. 100 B9 78-585 Mt. Vernon.Davison F IS First National Bank__ «3*05 J . M. Newell_____ F . A. McGornack.. R. E. H arris_____ J . G. T ro tte r._____ Pop. 700 78-229 WESTERNSTATE BANK*3S’06 W. M. McDonald— S. E. Morris_____ Stanley E. Morris-» 78-353 Naples--------- Clark D 14 Clark County Bank___•3S*05 S. P . Seierson_____ Pop. 200 78-586 Newark__ Marshall B 14 Citizens State Bank___«tS’OS E. G. Peterson____ Pop. 150 78-473 New Efflngton__Roberts Bank of New Effington«35’13 B. W. Schouweiler. Pop. 300 t B 16 78-670 Peoples State Bank___ t§’13 H. P. A ndrisen___ J . B. Condon N. V. Bailey____ J R. D. Bailey_____ R. W. Johnston__ F . L. F a rra r_____ F . L. F arrar_____ Resources. k Disk Directors, in- Principal Correspondents. 12,000 8,000 227,500 160,000 44,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com’l N„ Ohi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; ls t & Secur. N„ Minpls. , Mid City Tr. & Sav., Chi.; ls t N., Sioux C. 25,000 3,000 . 175,000 150,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; l s t N., St. P. 1st N., Aberdeen; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Dakota N., Aberdeen; State Bk. of H er reid, Herreid. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux O. $ 17,000 $ 427,000 $ 349,000 $ 91,000 10,000 13,000 134,000 130,000 25,000 19,000 9,000 121,430 106,920 27,130 25,000 43,740 565,030 512,220 146,550 25,000 5,000 300,000 240,000 55,000 15,000 2,000 100,000 75,000 30,000 10,000 11,110 208,860 187,520 37,640 15,000 6.140 93,670 93,980 19,410 5,000 9,690 83,700 77.500 16,660 17,000 Union T r. Co., Chi.; W estern N., Mitchell; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.: Secur. N. and Sioux F . N., Sioux F. Drov. N.. Chi.; Western N.. Mitchell; Drov. State, So. St. P „ Minn.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 1st N., Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux O. 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. ; 1st N., Britton: Secur! N „ Sioux F. Cont. and Cóm’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Bk. of Fairmount, Fairm ount. 1st & Secur. N. and No.-West. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Sisseton. * Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; 1st N „ Rapid City; No.-West N., Minpls. 15,000 1,700 93,000 94,000 1,500 125,000 98,500 34,500 15.000 8,500 240,000 160,000 55,000 10,000 2,500 75,000 50,000 25,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stockyards N., So. St. P. Nisland______ Butte D 2 FARMERS STATE BANK Jacob Snyder__ — T. H. Gay________ O. H. Ju c k ett____ Pop. 150 78-475 »3S10 10,000 10,000 138,000 123,000 27,850 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. 10,000 10,000 185,000 130,000 75,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 10,000 4,500 55,000 50,300 12,800 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N „ Bellefourche; Live Stock N „ Orna. ' 10,000 5,340 140,000 126,000 28,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. F . B. Gannon_____ Z. P. Mustar_____ J . H. W eber_____ 10,000 5,000 230,000 150,000 60,000 1st N., Aberdeen; Redfleld N., Redfleld. W. N. F a rm e r____ Je rry Jarm an_____ N. P. W en g e_____ 10,000 2,500 39,590 35,510 12,000 A. E. B ryan_____ G. 0. Patton_____ O. O. Gauthun, J r . 11,000 5,900 142,210 117,530 34,540 10,000 5,740 113,150 106,520 19,860 10,000 1,000 60,310 53,050 15,330 1st N. Bk. of Englewood, Chi.; No.-West. N. Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, H uron. Minnehaha N. and Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; lsl N., Madison; Peo. Sav., W atertown. W hitbeck N „ Chamberlain, S. D.; Mitchell N. Mitchell. Drexel S tate, Chi.; Pennington Co., Rapid City; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; Peo. N., Hoi Springs; W hitbeck N., Chamberlain. Okaten____...J o n e s F 8 Okaton State Bank__ — §’12 David Hughes 78-659 Pop. 125 Oldham.. Kingsbury K 15 Dakota State Bank___..25*06 Jam es F . Toy_____ Pop. 500 78-364 H. L. HASKINS-. FIRST RATINNAL B A R K -*3’03 I PATRONIZE A Thomas Stropped — W. C. Hitchcock— 15,000 31,140 30,880 10,480 W. F . Brennan____ O. B. S everson___ C. F . L oose.._____ 15,000 11,000 225,000 175,000 65,000 25,000 A. A. HANSON-— S j k JARS — efficient service tgage loans nego tinted. 7,000 280,000 235,000 54,000 H. 6. JAR S-— t i n t — PRO GRESSIVE BANK. Prompt, given a il eash le tte r s a n d collec tions. Farm mor SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux F alls. Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux 0.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F . Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Sioux C.: Midland N „ Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. L A R G E S T C O M B IN ED C A P IT A L AND S U R P L U S O F A N Y B A N K IN S O U T H D A K O T A _______ 1151 Jam es T . O raig__* M. J . Smiley_____ Geo. W. Malcolm — F. A. Smith, Banker _ . 2 t ’97 F . A. Sm ith______ Louis A. Boyles— . 78-426 State Bk. of Oelriehs__ 25*13 E. P . De Moulin___ Leo. F. Ja eg er____ R. W. Southard___ B. L. B ennett____ 78-591 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Laws, Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 13. 10,000 Reclamation State Bank*3i'10 Jam es T. C raig___ M. J . Smiley_____ D. J . Hull J . W. H artw ich__ 78-452 New Underwood— Penn Underwood State Bank*35’08 P eter Duhamel___ F red Holcomb____ G. A. Bailey_____ ington.Pop. 250__ E 4 78-587 73-363 Vor Otto O lso n ______ J . E. H ow e______ O. L. M illett_____ C. M. Damon_____ LIVE STOCK EXCHAM8E BARK— 78-453-------- 35*10 78-455 Lawyers, STA TE L o a n s C a m E x c ’ t s . B o n d s , o h a h « m ,D u x S e c u r it ie s y r o m B a n k s 78-682 Irrigators State Bank..*$§'10 78-474 Northrille State Bank 35*1900 78-589 Bank of Nowlin______ 25*09 78-590 Nunda State Bank____ «25*07 THE A. H. Kolset_____ Carston E g g e n ___ C. S. Eggen. Newell______ Butte D 3 First State B ank____ »JS’10 W. D. Buchholz__ Jam es Halley_____ S. J . Clarke— . ___ Pop. 500 A. E. Walker 78-454 Northville— Spink 012 Pop. 392 Nowlin_____ Haakon E 7 Pop. 100 Nnnda___ ___Lake K 16 Pep. 200 »Oaeoma___ Lyman ¥ 11 Pop. 235 Oelriehs__Fall River Q 3 Pop. 150 IDI Towns, etc»» Bee p a g e 14. 78-230 »Murdo--------- Jones F 8 JONES COUNTY STATE BANK David H ughes____ F. M. K r a tz _____ C. E. Lange______ J . F. England____ Pop. 500 78-354 t{*06 Murdo State Bank___ »tS’06 E. B. T ow nsend__ J . E. Townsend___ G. M. Townsend__ R. G. L itzen b erg . P O IN T S dexed in back of tbis volume. Cor I n t e r e s t Kates» G race,' Liabilities . plus P a i d - u p S u ab n D epo s d Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s $ 20,000 ALL Accessible D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Name of Bank. »County Seats. •Mem. Ám. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District, E st jw July, 1918_______________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Montrose to Oldham 1 1 5 1 B A N lC ,# S iQ u x i C9 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and Gountt. cn n T U T A ly A T A o w U 1 JTl D Ä J \ . U 1 A Name of Bank. «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State In No. 9 ¿Mem, State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal R eserve D istrict Est O livet.. Hutchinson G 14 Olivet State Bank_____ §18 Pop. 300 78-714 Onaka— „__Faulk 0 11 F irst State Bank__ ------ ¿§’07 Pop. 150 78-592 «Onida_____ ..S u lly DIO Farm ers Bank____ - .*¿§’09 78-378 Pop. 319 F irst State B ank.. ___ *¿§’01 78-377 O rient— ____Faulk D 11 Orient State Bank. ___*¿§’03 78-593 Pop. 520 Ree Valley Bank____ ¿§’17 78-740 O rtley— __ Roberts G 15 State Savings Bank___»¿§’06 Pop. 300 78-594 Ow anka..Pennington F 4 Owanka State B ank___*${'08 78-595 Pop. 150 «Parker____T urner G 15 Citizens Bank________»¿§’81 Pop. 1500 76-108 P resident. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass 't Cashier. W. W enzloff__ C. Lawton_______ Jakob Hoffmann . . K nud H an sen .. J . C. G reen____ ... L. Rasmussen — P . J . M u rp h y ... F . J . E ag er______ Geo. W. Cobel— 137,500 320.000 280,000 225,000 40,510 21,790 1st N., Chi. and W atertown. I. W. Bouck_____ Joseph P opp_____ C. B. B ollum ____ G. A. T rannstiom . 10,000 1,000 70,000 50,000 20,000 Cont. & Com’l N.,‘ Chi.; 1st & Sectir. N „ Minpls. 22,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Rapid C.; Sioux W. F. Haafke_____ Anna C. H aafke. E. A. P orter_____ I. M. P orter_____ J . A. W eiland_____ J . A. Christopher., J . J . K aufm an___ A. J . W eiland — M. E. H ill_____ Rodney H ill_____ K. I. Shager. 8,000 8,000 96,000 85,000 25,000 16,000 385,000 293,940 20,000 9,000 350,000 285,000 35,000 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sheldon, la. and Sioux C.: Sioux F . N., Sioux F. 25,000 27,000 475,000 420,000 100,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; Live Stock 25,000 17,970 300,570 240,040 82,990 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux O.: Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 250,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Marine N., MU. 315,000 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C. W. H. SHAW...... F. E. CLARK— JAMES STEICHENC.P/ SOMMER Oldest establish ed bank. Prompt and efficient serv Ice In all branches of banking. Se nd us your collec tlons for quick re turns. 20.000 35.000 640,000 400,000 40.000 25,000 900.000 600,000 A. W. Pearson___ Alfred N e lso n - 10,000 3,000 67,800 61,000 N. E. Olson. Carl J . Rice______ A. F . E rtsgaard___ 10,000 4,740 120,000 90,000 C. T. D ike........... E. F . Walden_____ 20,000 10,000 260,000 202,000 H. J. McMAHON IRA J. WELCHollections. Rate H of 1%. 25c m esentatlon if unp aid. direct on Powell, Elbon, Ash Creek, 20,000 J. E. ■■ H. 6. WILLIAMS Inlrnum If collect ed . 12,250 227,000 200,000 J. C. Nelson L. W. Nelson 15.000 1,000 16,000 50,000 10.000 10,000 153,000 115,000 Alex. Highland___ J . A. A nderson. H. A. Paulson . . 10,000 8,500 250,000 165,000 A. W heelon —____ J . E. Mallery ... E. J . O’Bleness. 50,000 21.000 350,000 260,000 50,000 22,310 944.860 680,020 A. F. Tillman A. W. Ew ert__ _ V. V. Ketchum ___ H. C. Quackenbush W. E. W a rd ... 100,000 21.240 686,650 733,710 P . F . McClure__ L. K e h r_________ J . R. M cKnight__ H. P . Williams. 50.000 13,820 334,540 329,570 W. T. L athrop.. A. N. L ath ro p ____ C. E. Goodlad_____ 25,000 6,950 461,070 364,240 S. E. Morris___ A rthur H arris____ F . W. Gerhard____ H. T. G erh ard . 25,000 2.500 225,000 170,000 op of ~*TIie Bank. A m e r i car? CB a»Hy p k e rBanfcw e >A ssT* S O U T H 13,300 1st N., Milbank, S. D.; Stockyards N „ So. St. P.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 47,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Citiz. N „ Sisseton; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 70,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; N. Bk.of Huron, Hu ron, S. D. 38.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N „ Rapid C.; No. West. N., Minpls. Mllesvllle, Hardi ngrove, a n d HU la n d . N A T I O N A L B A N K , S io u x F a l l s — S D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y F. N „ Sioux F. 78,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. N., Sioux C.; I s t & Secur. N., Minpls. 78-52 N am e 162,200 6,000 52.840 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 83 B. A. Cummins___ C. C. Bennett____ B. J. Binford_____ L. L. Branch . | 9,000 410 FIRST STATE BANK— ¿§’04 J . G. B assett.__ 78-380 «Pierre_____ Hughes E 9 American Exchange Bank Chas. L. H y d e .. 78-55 «¿§’07 Pop. 3500 T o w n a n d Go u n t t . 25,000 25,000 22,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Com’l & Sav., Sioux F.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 30,000 Live Stock Ex. N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; lsl N. , Brookings. 43,940 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N ., Sioux O. ; No.-W est. N., Minpls.; 1st N „ Brookings. 50,000 L ivestock Ex. N „ Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Pierre; Stockyds. N ., So. St. P,: Redfleld N.,Redfleld. 60,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 270.000 P ied m o n t___ Meade E 3 F irst State Bank______ t§'16 O. D. Fockler____ T. D .M urrin_____ S. F . S m ith .._____ O. L. Rich_______ Pop. 125 78-725 Pierpont______ Day G 14 Farm ers State Bank—.*¿{'05 F . B. Gannon____ O. J . Sletten_____ L. L. N ordness___ W alter E. S le tte n .. Pop. 314 78-381 SECURITY 50,000 9,000 ( J. W. JONES FIRST STATE BANK — <{’07 .Send us your c Send 15c for pr 78-248 [ Item s handled Federal Reserve 1 1 3 3Bank of St. Louis 75,000 20.000 Peever_____Roberts B 16. Farm ers Security B ank.iS’10 F . B. Roberts__ Pop. 350 78-368 F irst State Bank______ t§ ’03 J . F . Fredrich___ 78-367 «P hilip_____Haakon E 6 Bank of Philip________ » ’07 W. N. F a rm e r___ Pop. 576 78-247 National Bank of Commerce 78-54 »¿’90 Pierre National Bank__»¿’89 78-53 «Plankinton .A urora F 12 Oase & Lathrop, State Bank 78-199 ¿§1900 Pop. 1000 Farm ers & Merch. State Bk. 78-201 ¿§’10 2,000 15,000 Parkston__..H utchinson FIRST RATIONAL BANK-*¿’05 D. D, W ipf. . . . . . . . O. Rem pfer______ W. C. Rem pfer___ G. O. W inter____ Pop. 1200 G 14 78-159 German-American Bk..«t§’98 John Schm ierer__ A. N. Hoffm an.. J ohn Schmierer, J r Wm. Schmierer . . 78-158 «¿§’92 500 $ 63,000 $ 51,000 $ 5,000 Principal Correspondents. Geo. I. Gunnison.. F irst National Bank___«¿'79 F . S. Hill_______ 78-109 78-157 R eso u r c es. Loans k Dig* Cash k E x c ’Tg. Bonds, changes,D ue Securities from Banks F . E. Saltm arsh___ August Schaefer__ P. J . D unn______ (FREDE. FRISBEE HENRY BUSE, SR T. L. YOUNGERS.. L.G. D0KKEN----0. G. D0KKEK FARMERS STATE BAMK4S13 < Patronize a pro gresslve bank. W e get results, ! Collections hav e the personal att entlon o f a bank officer. 78-671 l Farm mortgage loans for conserv atlve Investors. HUTCHINSON COUNTY „ Li a b i l i t i e s . lus P a id - u p S uarnp d D epo s Ca p it a l P r o p it s it s $ 15.000 $ E. D. Sutton_____ J . H. Gropengieser M, R. Brown_____ F. J . Gropengieser. L. Redding______ E. G ooder_____ A c c e ssib le T ow ns. L aw yers, Law s, D ir e c to rs , In dexed in back o f this volume. F o r In te re st R a te s, Graces e te ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 ____ i U O n tin ilC Q outh D A K O T A -----C o n t i n u e d T iT AH T T .T T T Ï» D H§2_______________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Olivet to Plankinton _____________ July, 1918 1 ■ iU fci 17,500 Pennington Co., Rapid C.; Cont. N., Sioux C. Com’l N., Sturgis. 42,000 Cont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.: 1st N., Aber deen. 60.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Ab erdeen N., Aberdeen. 101,000 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.: Secur. N „ Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N „ Sioux G. 387,150 1st N. and Mech. and Metals N.t N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Cont. & Com’l N „ and 1st N. Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Merch. N., St. P. 149,180 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 118,790 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. 128,170 N. City, Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st N. Sioux C. 40,000 a k o t a 's L e a d in g B a n k dexed in back ot this volume. 800 Pa8° TíVQAnDPIPQ For In teret liâtes, < For Holidays» see opposite page 13.1 C SECURITY N A T I O N A L B A N K , S io u x F a l l s — S S O U T H D A K O T A -----C o n t i n u e d Name op Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv Federal Reserve District, _________Est President. Vice-President. Oashier. Ass 't Cashier. a k o t a 's L e a d in g B a n k dexed in back of t±da volume.y F o r lotere8 t^t&teg?^^race« etc., B e e page 14. Liabilities . Resources. Lo a m k D u Ca m k l x P aid-uf Subplus Dbpob- C*ro. and Bonds cha Hass, D ue Capital P rofits rrs 8 s c u r it ib e from Barre Princifal Correspondents. 13,700 $ 631,460 $ 456,550 $ 203,290 State Bk. of Ohi., Chi.; Secar. N., Sioux 0 . 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 650,000 450,000 145,000 1st N.. Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux O.: Secur N>, Sioux F. 24,500 604,000 350,000 173,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C. $ 15,000 ( Farm Mortgage Loans negotiated. Pollock----- Campbell B 9 Pollock State Bank____ tS'01 J. H. W ishek__ James Pollock___ J. J. Fenelon. W. C. P eterso n .. Pop. 304 78-596 W. L. Dornbush Presho----------Lyman F 9 F irst State B a n k _____ *$§'05 H. A. Dixson_____ Samuel Dixson. R. C. Dixson_____ Pop. 700 78-223 PRESHO STATE B A N K - *$’05 78-222 Pukwana------- Brule F 11 Farm ers State Bank__**$’05 Pop. 180 78-466 F irst National B ank___< 9 2 78-465 Pukwana State Bank___±|T1 78-467 78-44 333,890 334,690 4,439 151,200 116,000 W . L. Montgomery. E. M. Sedgwick__ J. A. Clute—_____ E. F . M ille r_____ 15.000 5,740 208,400 157,660 10,000 5,000 318.710 160,610 H. R. Sanborn___ J . S. Sanborn____ S. S. Stowell_____ A. R. Newman. 25,000 5,890 353,110 265,270 H, D. Chamberlain A. B. Douglas____ John Harty__ ___ 10,000 2,000 125,000 102,000 John Edwards___ Cora M. Munson_ 5,000 2,000 89,460 73,480 H. A. Davis_____ F. O. Palmer____ J . A. Deragisch, J r . C. H. Thurow Herman Riedel__ G. E. Funston___ G. F . Scanlon. 5,000 11,950 254,050 218,970 25,000 13,000 300,000 230,000 R. J . Felker | JAMES HALLEY A. K. THOMAS— A. C. HUNT — < For Prompt a nd Efficient Servi ce in all branches o f Banking < 8 4 | send your It ems on Western South Dakota d Irect. FIRST NAT’L BANK 15,600 M. A. G lass______ O. E. Anderson__ W. B. Martin. Quinn— Pennington F 5 F irst State Bank_____..* $ ’07 L. A. Munson__ Pop. 100 78-597 Ramona----------Lake E 15 Peoples State Bank____»*$’07 M. F . B erther_____ Pop. 312 78-385 Ramona State Bank___»{S'Ol John H. Groce___ 78-384 ‘ Rapid City__Pennington Pop. 4000 E3 20,000 15,000 t 69,780 1,299,550 1,501,370 100.000 $450,000.00 i n L ibertyJ3onds held by th is bank an d its custom ers is a record o f loyalt MERCHANTS LOAN & TRUST Julius E. L inde___ Arthur B. R. L. Hughes____ M arguerite M. COM PANT-78-47 09 Amundson B rekke Pennington County Bank G. F . Schneider__ _ Peter Duhamel.... G. H. White_____ 78-45 »*$’88 Security Savings Bank.**$'07 H arry W entzy____ 78-46 Ravinia.Charles Mix G 13 Andes State Bank_____ {$’09 E. S. Johnson_____ Pop, 200 78-477 Benj. W. Carli George McFarland. C. N. Laws_______ H. W. Johnson__ H. L. Baldwin___ E. L. Beem er____ D. M. Parrick 50,000 50,000 10,000 V. 50,130 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Stock Yds. N, So. St. P. 39,400 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C. 70,010 Stock yds. N., So. St. P.; Live Stock N. and la. State Sav., Sioux 0 . 160,280 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C W estern N. and Mitchell N., Mitchell. 143,730 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux G.; Mitchell N. and Com’l & Sav., Mitchell. 38,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N .t Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Brule N., Chamber lain. 20,040 47,530 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.¡Live Stock N ., Sioux C. Sioux F . N.. Sioux F.: Lake Co. N.. Madison. 65,000 1st N., Chi. and Madison; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 151,020 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: No.-West. N., M inpls.; Oma. N., Orna.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. ;•> 250,000 215,000 75,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Sioux F . N., Sioux F. 101,950 1,453,450 1,194,490 410,920 Jhase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., Oma. and St. P.; 1st N., Sioux C. 198,000 i. City, Chi.; Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N., Sioux C.: Mitchell N., Mitchell, 42,750 lech . & Metals N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Sionx C.; Scan.-Am. N., Sioux F. 40,000 14,000 497v000 335,000 25,000 5,460 245,000 261,230 12,000 Raymond------Clark D 14 FARMERS & CITIZENS BANK I Patronize the New Bank. Prog resslve and Grow Ing. Pop. 350 78-652 «{I’l l ] Collections a nd cash letters h ave the Personal ttentlon o f an official. 3,000 155,000 135,000 30,000 )rov.N ., Chi.: Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; lst& Secur. N., Minpls. 42,000 if vum, Mvrn voli Aif|iUUI)UOif Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F .:lst N., W atertown 119,980 lan. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls. ( E. WALTON------ JOHN STENNING— G.W. RUHL— - — ( Farm Mortga ge Loans negotla ted. RAYMOND STATE BANK**S’05 W. M. D anforth___ J . H. Cogley—___ P. H. Schaller___ 78-599 ‘ Redfleld.;__..S p in k D 12 AMERICAN NAT’L BANK...... | L PRITZKAU— - WM. SCHONIGER - J. I. O’CONNELL— Pop. 3060 78-64 «{’06 ] Personal attent Ion given to col lections. Prompt remittance, 10,000 7,000 201,000 169,000 40,000 30,690 821,480 809,530 ( Intelligent reas ons for non-pay m ent. First mor tgages on South Dakota Merchants Bank_____ «*$’97 S. E. M orris_____ E. J. Blain...____ A. Loomis_______ W. G. Loomis_____ 78-62 D. C. Brown Redfleld National Bank..«*’02 Z. A. C rain __ ____ W. F. Bruell_____ C. M. Henry'.____ 78-63 J. D. Fargo 50.000 _______ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Platte to Redfield Platte— Charles Mix G 12 Commercial State Bank«{§’87 O. W. P r a t t..____ O. S. Pratt__ ___ H. K. Gjolme____ C. E. Lien________ $ 27,500 . Pop. 1115 78-128 Farm ers State Bank___ «¿{’97 F . C. Sm ith__ W. F. Smith_____ W. F. Smith____ G. E. Cool_______ 50,000 78-129 Irene Keyes J. C. LL0YD --__ A. C, FLINDERS- H. W. FREDINE — 25,000 PLATTE STATE BANK «*$’06 | Prompt and ESI e the Personal Att entlon o f an Offlc er o f this Bank. d e n t Service. S END US YOUR BUSINESS. 78-130 For Holidays» see opposite page 13. July, 1918 d ir e c to r y , g o d e r th e a u th o r i t y of ’’ry ig A m erican Ban^crs^A ss Town and County. D outh Farms for sale. 50.000 15,350 804,360 701,740 50,710 926,410 874,080 170,010 i. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls.: W estern N., Mitchell. 168,040 CORRIGAN. H. R. WOOD, THE INTER STATE CHAS. L NICHOLSON . C.W.0.F. STERLING General Bonding and Surety Business. SURETY COMPANY SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON SOUTH DAKOTA MAP. Sec. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux 1153 SEC U R ITY NATIONAL BANK, F alls. H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR EC T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E N ame of bane . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State ¿County Seats. ¿Mem, State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 Est. Federal Reserve District. W. T. Gardner___ F . D. G reens. Ass ' t Cashier . Ca sh ie r . Vic e -P r esid e n t . $ 25,000 $ . . 0. W. Gardner. J . O. G age. 3,000 $ 200,0M $ 175,IM $ 35,0M Gont. A Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Miller. 1.800 40.000 43,000 W. L. Montgomery Theo. L ebselter__ E. R. McManus___ Jos. M ertens _ 10,M0 8,000 135,000 110,000 A. L. Freelove___ John D o n a h u e ..... R. E. Brow n_____ M. C. Emery „ 10.0M 5,000 150,000 100,000 A. D. Jones______ M. A. Jones______ H. E. Jones____ ... A.M . J o n e s __ 10,000 12,590 177,680 145,870 L. Halverson_____ A. W eide________ Thomas D aylor___ 10,M0 13,MO 175,000 155,000 25.0M 3,500 280,000 200,000 100,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Merch N., Ced. R.; 1st. N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 31,000 N. City. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; N. B. Com. Sioux C. 31,270 Cost, ft Oom'l N., Chi.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Ger.-Am. N. and 1st & Secur. N.i Minpls. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N „ St. P. W. S. McLain S. K. Knudsen Herman Tschirley. R. J . T o e fe r..____ A. M. Drussell____ 15,0» 2,900 92,600 75,000 E. Keller________ H. A. W arner_____ Chas. W. Christen. W. Christen_____ 10, MO 12,600 121,580 110,030 H. P. Andrisen__ A. H. Kolset_____ O. S. Erickson____ L. F. Waddington . 10,MO 6,000 185,000 151,500 W. H. Cox_______ E. J . Chelgren____ Emil H ostbjor____ H. A. Leavitt 15,000 5,000 95,000 80,000 A. E. Chilson------- L. E. H am m er___¡- Carl M elby. ____ H. Ronsliaugen.___ 15.000 5,570 186,440 154,690 E. O. Bratrud_____ F. A. Eggerichs___ 10,0M 7,000 150,000 130,000 J . E. W alk er_____ 15,000 2,500 51,200 47.300 10,M0 4,450 153,940 136,770 Farmers State Bank— ¿§’10 78-362 First State Bank--------- ¿§’63 78-361 Farmers Security State Bank 78-681 ¿§13 First International Banlrt§’13 78-670 Security State Bank----- ¿§’15 78-698 Roswell_____ Miner F 14 Pop. 200 Bowena-Minnehaha F 17 Pop. 100 Satinad----------------lake E 16 Pop. 150 «Salem . MeCookFll Pop. 1132 State Bank of Roswell.<8’06 0. C. Bratrud____ Benj. Knowles____ 78-601 Rowena State Bank-------§16 Phil. Jacobson----- P eter A nderson__ 78-722 Farmers Savings Bank.<|'06 0. E. Olstad_________ 78-602 Commercial State Bank—l ’9S D. Goldsmith------------ Karl Goldsm ith___ 78-138 Dakota State Bank--------- <§15 Chas. Kostboth____ 78-703 Jacob A u s. . . . . — E. M. Reiley------- E. R. G eiger_____ A. W. Wies_____ 25,0M 6,000 315,000 250,000 W. H. H art 15,000 1,500 200,000 165,500 25,000 7,990 jWM.ONTJES — L. A. TYLER-------- H. L. MERRICK . . . CHAS. WHARTON, FIRST RATI0MAL BARN< 0 1 ^Unequalled faci Iltles fo r b a n d lln g co llectio n s a t t h is point. 78-138 nable r ates. (Personal presen tation. Quick re turns on day of 300,480 296,650 State Bank of Scenie______ §10 78-603 Bon Homme Connty Bk.<§’85 78-136 Corn Belt National Bank.« 17 78-732 State Bank of Scotland..l'07 78-137 ¿Selby______ Walworth C 9 FIRST NATIORAL BANK < 06 78-262 Pop. 558 Walworth County State Bk. M ---------------78-261 *¿§’99 Seneca__________ Faulk D 11 Farmers Security Bank < § ’69 78-374 Pop. 321 State Bank of Seneca.. < § ’03 1 — ----78-873 Sherman.Minnehaha V 17 Fanners Savings Bank.<§'18 78-674 Pop. 300 Shindler____ Lincoln G 16 Shindler State Bank______ §18 78-742 Pop. 50 Sinai______ Brookings E 16 First State Bank_________<§'07 78-605 Pop. 175 a la to li h Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lW Principal Correspondents. V. C. Bonesteel___ W. D. L e a d b e tte r. L. W. M eigs........... Rosene__ Edmund* 011 Pop. 357 “ --------Rosholt___ Roberts B 16 Pop. 200 “ --------Roslyn_______ Day 015 Pop. 24 Seealc___ Pennington F 4 Pop. 140 Scotland ....B on Homme Pop. 1200 G 15 “ -------“ --------------- Resources. Lgahsà Du* Cashà ExBonds, GHAMOM,DUE Smuritiss from B anks c ’tb. 15,000 Bockham___ Faulk D 12 FARMERS STATE BARK<§'07 B. F. Ruhlman__ J . P. Sm ith______ C. E. S m ith .. ___ O. H. Y e tte r.------ 78-406 Pop. 400 — Liabilities . Subplus P aid-uf Daros* and Capital P rofits ITS . Ohas. G ifford------ Harry Wentzy______ R. C. Stirk_______ L. L. Zavitz_____— 10,000 3,500 49,120 88,000 Henry Stoller_______ Jacob M a x _____ At August Reich____ J . F . Steller 15. M0 7,000 370,000 250,000 P. A. Bliss___________ J . F. W a h l______ J . R. Wilson_____ 25,000 1,000 115,000 80,000 F. Becker_____________ G. A. Landmann__ Alex Treiber ____ 20,000 9,000 380,0M 286.0M 30,000 9,500 325,M0 195,0M 16,000 10,000 290,000 200,000 42,510 J . F. Guts ___________ A. A. Brown______ H. P. Gut*_______ ei. A. Potter__ R. M. Schmidt Otto Doherr___ G. O. Pierce H. J . Colburn_______ 0. J. Riley. . B. D. Pierce B. A. Chester_______ J . A. B enson _____ Leo A. Traver___ I. E. Chester___ W.M. Denton_____ E. J , Dixon J . A. Dixon____ .— ____ 6,000 3,700 40,810 10,M0 2,500 125,000 85,000 233.540 198,790 G. A. Grant__________ Adolph Koch A. K. Hansen_____ G. A. E stensen. 10,0M 6,790 C. L. Kundert______ A. O. B. E venson.— - 15,000 1,250 22,500 25,6M 1,000 210,000 1^. K e h m ______ E. W. E stensen A. P. Thompson___ O. A. Q uail______ H. G. Tom m ervik. A. M. E n sta d ____ H J fib Ú fo l JQ ■ Ü 3 U S I Ö U X o F a L L S . LARGEST O F 26,400 8,500 1st N.i St. P.; Jam es Valley, Huron. 40,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Live Stock N. and la. State Sav., Sioux C. 50,000 1st N. and Live Stock N., Sioux O.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 47,050 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N „ Sioux C.;Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Peo. Sav., W atertow n. 30,000 Cont. ft Oom'l N., Ohi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 23,000 1st ft Secur. N., Minpls.: Bk. of Fairmount, Fairmount, N. D. 42,660 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Citiz. T r. & Sav., Aberdeen; 1st N.i W ebster; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 40,000 State Bk. of Ohi., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 16,400 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 23,740 Corn Ex. N.. Ohl.; 1st N., Madison; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; 1st & Secar. N., Minpls, 70,000 N, Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Sioux F . Sav. and Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N „ St P. 40,000 1st N., Chi.; Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F.; Midland N., Minpls. 61,820 Cont. & Com’l. N., Chi.: Sioux F . N. and Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st. & Secur. N., Minpls. 21,400 N. City, Chi.; Secur. Sav., Rapid City. 118,000 Union T r. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stock N „ Sioux G. 15,000 N. City, Chi.; Ia. State Sav., Sioux G.; 1st N., Mitchell. 111.0M Cont. ft Oom'l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secar. N., Sioux C. 145,000 Cont. ft Oom'l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P. 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 10,020 Merch. Ln. ft Tr. Co., Chi.; M erch., Redfield and Faulkton; 1st and Secur. N., Minpls. 30,000 Cont. ft Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Sioux O.; Am. N „ Redfield: Merch., Faulkton. 36,470 Sioux F . Sav. and Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N.. St. P. 7,000 Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 35,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; M innehaha N.. Sioux F.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. C O M B IN E D CAPITAL. A N O S U R P L U S 197,000 ANY BA N K IIU S O U T H OA KO TA SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Ree Heights to Sinai____________July, 1918 Bee Heights...Hand B 11 First State Bank_____ * « ’07 78-6» Pop. MO •UARAITY STATE BANK ■ 78-744 < § ’18 Reliance____Lyman T 10 Farmers State Bank___ ¿§’06 78-457 Pop. 300 Reliance Savings B&nk_tS'09 * ,-T r, — 78-458 Revlllo_____ Grant D 16 Bank of Revillo_______¿§'91 78-371 Pop. 032 " First State Bank_____ < §’01 78-372 P resident. Accessible Tewns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in baek of this volume. Tor Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. Tor Holidays, see opposite page 13. S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u ed 1154 N im ie r wader K im * e f Sank is the New Tramait Nnmker giren to eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by Tke Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, ander tke authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Sioux Falls Savings S IO U X FALLS D m m I# SIOUX FALLS “T he G a tew a y o f S ou th D akota” “AWAKE!” s o u t h DAKOTA Mr. Jobber Member of Federal Reserve “Bank Mr. Manufacturer Deposits Guaranteed Mr. Banker WILLIAM ONTJES, President C. H. ROSS, Vice-President K. B. CRESSEY, Cashier C. C. BRATRUD, Vice-President F. A. FOSDICK, Asst. Cashier L. D. MANCHESTER, Vice-Pres. R. L. HARRIS, Auditor SER VICE $200,000 over D o y o u k n o w th a t over a dozen nationally know n concerns have established branches here?— th a t a new m ercantile business springs u p m ost every week? D o y o u k n o w th a t Sioux Falls is th e th ird largest im plem ent distributing po in t in America? OFFICERS C apital D o y o u k n o w th a t Sioux F alls is th e tra d e center of W estern Iowa, W estern M innesota an d S outh D akota? and Financier in the East Deposits $5,000,000 T here are thousands of young business m en, w ho ask your advice a b o u t th e b est location before startin g o u t for a new career in th e w est. T e ll T h e m of th e g reat possibilities th a t Sioux Falls offers; growing a t th e ra te of 2,500 per year; "A young m an ’s tow n;” banking resources over $15,000,000.00, m anaged b y fair-m inded, liberal bankers. W e w a n t t h a t y o u n g m a n a n d will help him if he is am bitious and honest. T E L L Y O U R F A R M E R S how S o u th D ak o ta stands as an agricultural sta te —te ll t h e m of the m odestly priced land— te l l t h e m of th e dem and for S outh D ak o ta farm m ortgages a t a ra te from 5]/2 to 6 per cent. South Dakota Gives the Warm Hand “A m an is honest u ntil he proves him self otherwise” Largest Bank in South Dakota Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ITauibrr under Wame or Itank im the New Transit Number «irren to each bank in 17. 8. exclusively by T h e Kand-McNall; Kankers* 1 1 5 5 Directory, under the authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Further Information Will Be Cheerfully Furnished by ANY SIOUX FALLS BANK See A d v ertise m e n ts H erein SOUTH D A KO' — C o n tin u e d Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of tliis volume. For Interest E ates, Grace,!'— « etc., see p age 14. Vmr Mondays, gee o p p o s it e page 13.1 C 1 is Jtnmbcr under JVame or Itenk in U rn New Transit Number given b“ nk »5 Ü . 8 . e i e l u i l r e l y b y T h e K s n d -M e N a llj r Banken’ D ire c to ry , u n d e r t h e » u t h o r l t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . TO WIT AWB COÜJÍTT. Na m : o r Bake. •Geuaty Seat*. •Mem. Ám. Bles. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 0 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve D istrict Est. Pxnsidknt. C n T T 'T I J r» A * r> 0\JU 1H D AKOTA --- C o n tin u e d. VlCX-PXBBIDXNT. As s t Cashiss . P a ib - ttf ‘ DAKOTA TRUST S. 0. MONSERUD— 0. A. HAYWARD— ¥. H. MASTERS — C. G. HELSON____ S e n d u s y o u r c d lle c t io n s f o r p ro m p t s e r v ic e . & SAVINGS BK. E n t ir e s t a t e h a n d le d d ir e c t . • * |1 2 i ' B «*’85 on collkcti CURTIS BEECH- W. E. STEVEHS ■5. H O ^ E R G - FRED. H. KLAWOH-D. C. L0WE‘ S EC U R ITY BflRTO. „ H: ™ R BRbHT NATIONAL BANK Throughcollect direct» ail points In this State* Correspondence Invited* * our affiliation with the Security Mortgage Investm ent Co** 2 * 78-4 ¥■ & **’90 we offer for Investment choice first mortgage Farm Loans SOUTH DAKOTA'S LEADING BANK. Security Savings Bank— 5’02 J. N. Weston____ ------------------------ 0. L. Norton 78-6 SECURITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 78-9 /W. Z. SHARP— D. a . McCullough H. A. SCHULLER — G. B. McMAHON— ) Conduct a Gene ral Banking Bus Iness. j Prompt, Efflcle n t Service In all banking business entrusted to ns. *J§'15 \ COLLECTIONS REMITTED FOB PROMPTLY. • ‘ SIOUX FALLS NATIONAL BANK 78-1 •**82 SIOUX FALLS SAVINGS BANK 78-3 • tf ’ 86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directors, in ITS L o a n sh D is* c ’t b . B o n d s , B b c u r it is s P kihcipal Cormbpokdbkts . Cxmk Si m nu, D ei •M*lUH 9,000 $ 520,000 $ 410,000 $ 38,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Secur. N., Sioux C. 11,0 0 0 1,060,000 800,000 360,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Midland N., Mlnpls. C. L. NORTON A o c o u n t e in v ite d . C o lle c t io n s in t e llig e n t ly H an dled. S e n d u e y o u r b u s in e s s . 126,000 200,000 112,140 2.006,430 1.766,130 593,430 Chase N., N Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi. SERVI CE. 17,000 1 .000,000 955,000 187,000 Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N., So. S t. P. 160,000 5,000,000 2,600,000 1,250.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. T.; Mereh. Ln. ft Tr. C#m Chi.; 1st ft Secur. N., Mlnpls.; 1st N., St. F . S ee A d v e r t í s e m e n t a o n a ll S o u th D a k . b a n k p a g e a. 26,000 7.390 101.040 107,100 100,000 1 ,000 1 , 100,000 075,000 22,580 Sioux 7. N., Sioux F. 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi. 150,000 60,040 2,680,510 2,413,101} 611,850 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi. and Sioux C. John Barton_____ R. G. Stevens, Sec. F. H, Klawon, , A . Sec. 100,000 23,610 Secur. N.. Sioux F. B. H. Re Qua, Mgr. NATIONAL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ' s L e a d in g B ai 1155 Falls Clearing House W ,C. Hollister. (Members indicated by a *) Laws, SEE ABVE RTISE M ENT ON SOUTH DAKOTA INDEX. WM. ONTJES------ C. H. ROSS— K. B. CRESSEY......F. A. F0SDICK C. C. BRATRUB L B. MANCHESTER 200,000 75,000 5,500,000 3,500,000 1.575,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. ft Com'l N. and N. City, Chi.; No.-West. N., Mlnpls.; Wls. A o o o u n te o f b a n k s an d b a n k e r s r e c e iv e d on fa v o r a b le N ., Mil.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) te rm s . C o lle c t io n s g iv e n s p e c ia l a tte n tio n an d r e m itt e d f o r p r o m p tly a t lo w e s t r a t e s . SEE ABVERT ISEMEN T OPRO SITE. SECURITY MGRTGAGE & W. E. Stevens— INVESTMENT CO.— -1 8 8 ioux 100,000 ONS Our Saperi or Facilities Gua rantee SATISFA CTOBY F. H. Johnson____ Stephen Donahoe D. B. Johnson____ T. H. Johnson..!__ W. E. Moore A. H. Norton E. C. Olson H. W. Johnson___i E. S. Johnson : S Lawyers, R e m it t a n c e s m a d e on d a y o f r e c e ip t . A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s and B a n k e r s s o lic it e d . CW.L. BAKER .... ‘ M INNEHAHA i m i # - B. H. RE QUA NATIONAL BANK (I A Live Bank wl th a SUCCESSE UL RECORD, 78-2 Surplus Darò». Ca p it a i . P rAMS o f it s 100,000 Towns, RXSOUXCIS. Liabilities . Carsiix . *Sioux Falls . Minnehaha Commercial & Savings Bank Edgar 6 . Wenzlaff. Waldemar Wenzlaff H. W. Me Ewen— 0 . W. Mikkelson . . $ 100,000 Pop. 16,409 F 16 78-10 ti'1 7 78-7 Accessible dexed in back of tliis volume. For Interest Bates, Orace, e tc ., see page 14. Far Molldayg, gee opposite page 13 July, 1918_______________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS-^Sioux Falls 1 Town and County. P r e sid e n t . V ic e -Pr e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca sh ie r . i L ia b il it ie s . i1 R esources , Loans k Dis- Cash k E x P aid - u p Surplus D epos c ’ts . Bonds, changes, Dub and its Capital P rofits Securities from B anks Principal Correspondents. $ 50,000 $ 18,000 $ 895,000 $ 860,000 $ 103,000 Chase N., N. Y.; d ont. & Com’l N. and Live j HENRY NELVIG- J.W. BARRINGTON LE0J.LUKANITSCH Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Liberty State. Minpls. — N e g o tiate fa rm m o rtg a g e lo a n s. Merch. N „ Cedar R., Scan. Am. N., Minpls.: ¿Sisseton__ Roberts B IS CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK < L a rg e st b a n k In R o b e rts C o u n ty . 1 FEE IN ADV AN C E: S igh t drafts. 15c m inim um ; 25c m inim um charge i f p a id . Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 78-89 * t’02 Pop. 1600 ( R e liab le C re d it R e p o rts , 50c. T R Y U S . Henry S. Morris__ 8. R. O lherg. F irst National Bank__ »tlöOO J . A. Rickert 78-88 50,000 13,500 580,000 475,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 1st N., St. P.; D esM . N., Des M., la, _ i t '10 0. D. Hinds F. D. Phillips____ R. F . Jones Sorum____ _ Perkins C 3 F irst State Bank 78-607 Pop. 50 Booth Shore__Codington South Shore Bank — .»tS’lS H. P . A ndrisen. . O. G. F rin k . ____ H. G. A n d risen ..— 10,000 4,000 50,000 45,000 25,000 5,000 57,000 167,000 2,700 1st & Secur. N ., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So, St. P. 30,000 Irving N „ N.-Y.; Cont. & Com ! N., Chi,; No.West. N., Minpls.; Secur. N „ W atertown. ■pearflsh.. Lawrence E 1 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Henry Reets 78-125 * t’06 Pop. 970 25,000 30,000 516,000 362,000 180,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & C om i N. Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Deadwood. 25,000 7,500 300,000 250,000 60,000 1st N., Chi. and Deadwood: Stock Yds. N. Orna.; Secur. N „ Sioux F . 405,270 317,700 116,930 Cont. & C om i N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Bkrs. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C 30,000 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.: C orni & Sav. Mitchell. 102,890 Cont. & Com i N., Chi.: Secur. N.. Sioux C. Minnehaha N „ Sioux F. Pop. 835 78-369 016 BANK OF SPEARFISH - * « ’82 78-124 . ... L. W. V alentine. . . 0 . W. o n _______ T. W. M atthews j J. F. SUMMERS - L. A. BROWN....... GUY McCLUNG__ i P ro m p t a t t e n t i o n given to a ll b n sln ess e n tr u s te d ( H. C. LUETH-— Spencer__ _ McCook F 15 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE j A Progressive B Pop. 600 llANK ---- 78-274_____*tS’06 1 C o llectio n s bav ( FARM M O ST G to u s . C ollectio n s a sp celai ty . G. W. BLACKWOOD WILLIAM H0ESE-- J. A. CALLAHT__ a n k . We g e t res u lts . e th e p e rso n a l a t te n tlo n o f a n ofiB cer. AGE LOANS A S PECIALTY. State Bank of Spencer. »t§’91 Robt. H. Campbell. J . T. G u rn ey _»__ E. R. Campbell___ H. T. Haynes... . _ 78-273 Springfield.. Bon Homme BANK OF SPRINGFIELD *§’84 /GEO. W. SNOW___ JAS. KIRKC. C. HARLAN......... 1A B a n k t h a t ge ts o u t a n d m ak es C ollections. Pop. 675 H 14 78-206 F irst National Bank ......$’07 78-207 $§’Qfi Stickney__ ..A u ro ra F 13 F irst State Bank L. E. Bachmore___ Or F. O'Rripn Pop. 350 78-390 Jos. O’Brien W. P. Smith Stickney State Bank__ *$§’06 W. T. Lathrop____ J . M. N e w e ll. 78-391 St. Charles. Gregory H l l Pop. 100 St. Law rence..H and E 12 Pop. 305 St. Onge Lawrence D 2 Pop. 140 Stockholm ___G rant 0 16 Pop. 200 Storla_____Aurora F 12 (Letcher P . O.) 3,000 150,000 130,000 10,670 321,420 236,600 25,000 320 215,000 180,000 11,000 5,000 230,000 150,000 5,000 308,000 256.000 R. F . M ason.... St. Charles State Bank—$§’06 C. A, Jo h n s o n ____ W. A. Teach __ 78-609 F irst State Bank______ $S’06 F . D. G reen e___— A. B. C ahalan____ L. T. J a rm u th ____ Louis S techm ann.. 78-610 St. Onge State Bank__*t§’06 78-611 O. P. Johnson Stockholm State Bank „ $8’17 O. E. Mills... C. L. Johnson____ G. L. Johnson 78-612 Farm ers State Bank—_«i§’17 S. F . S c h irm e r ___ 78-734 15,000 3,000 65,000 48,000 10.000 16,600 310,960 256,150 10,000 4,960 96,890 91,220 5,000 2,500 112,500 82,000 15,000 1,820 76,720 58,980 SECURITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 15,000 25,000 10,000 N. F o rsb erg . Thomas Lindahl__ R . J .T w e d t S. T . Nelson L. Ti. H eill.. _ O. F. V ollm ar . . . . . H . R. F . F a lk 10,000 2,000 101,650 69,720 10,000 3,000 230,000 187,000 A. P . Robinson __ _ 0 . H. C hristian __ _ 10,000 15,000 350,000 300,000 W. W. Erickson __ W. D. S tevenson.. W. J . T o n e r ___ L. C. Toner N. E. F ranklin ____ J. T. Craig ________ J . A. Poznansky __ C. R. Bare ________ Roscoe K eene 6,000 11,580 97,070 96,910 25,000 22,600 271,440 261,020 477,500 F.. W. Harieke Paul G. Forsberg . . Geo. P . Allen M. M. B row n Commercial National Bank Edward G alvin ___ J o h n R e l ly . . 78-80 »$03 P . F . E. Tee Sum m it___ Roberts C 15 F irst State Bank -»tS’Ol H . A .S h a rf L. N. Thompson __ Pop. 600 78-266 Summit B an k . . ...... .. «±$’97 O. P . B ru stu e n ___ C. P. Lien . C. H. E ie n . _______ 1W. Jorg en so n 78-265 i 1 ev 7,240 __ R. H. Goodlad____ Pop. 30 8trandburg__ G rant C 16 Farm ers State B a n k ___ t§*10 Pop. 200 78-460 S tratfo rd ___Brown C 13 Farm ers State B ank ___ $§’06 Pop. 300 78-398 F irst State Bank *$§’06 78-397 Strool______ Perkins C 4 F irst State Bank _______ «§’08 Pop. 100 78-613 ¿S turgis_____ Meade E 2 Bear Butte Valley Bank.»$§’13 Pop 1200 78-666 ■Al v 20,000 N ATIO NAL Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* nieM-ijirv. under the ai,Hwirlfv nf The Amerlran Ranker, AQ.'n BANK, SOU TH Sioux 50,000 57,500 471,000 2,000 114,730 90,460 20,000 4,000 315,000 260,000 D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 80,240 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Miller; N . Bk Com., Sioux C. 16,660 N. City, Chi.; Secur. Sav., Rapid C.; 1st N., Deadwood. 42,000 1st N., Milbank; Citiz. N., W atertown; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; F ar. State, Troy. 29,310 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,; W estern N ., Mitchell W estern State, Mt. Vernon. 28,950 Merch. N., Milbank; No.-West. N., Minpls.; N Bk. Com., Sioux C. 45,000 1st N „ Chi.: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: 1st N., Sioux C. 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; lst_& Secur. N „ Minpls. lof ’ M ' 12,500 F alls. 60,000 Cont. & Com ! N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux G.; Secur N., Sioux F. 60,000 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell 1st N.. Yankton. 54,000 Cont. & Com ! "N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. Mitchell N., Mitchell: Case & Lathrop State Plankinton. 27,300 Merch. N.. Oma.; 1st N., F airfax. Ahprrlppn 18,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st N „ Lemmon. 49,840 Harriman N., N. Y.; Cent. T r. Co., Chi.; Oma. N.. Oma.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; IstN ., Deadwood. 92,500 N. Bk.Com.,N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.: Stock Yds. N. and U. S. N., Oma. 29,420 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Madison and Sisseton. 70,100 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Liberty State, Minpls.; 1st N.. Milbank,__________________________ 1 _______________SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Sisseton to Summit____________ July, 1918 N ame op B an k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 {Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Accessible- Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u ed 1156 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 1156 H A N D L E S C O LLE C T IO N S D IR EC T O N A L L ^ P Ò I IMTS IN T H E S T A T E A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates» Grace,/ b L Ü U K I I Y N A I IÜ N Ä L BANN, Town and County. F T ea.__ . —...Lincoln G 16 Farm ers Savings Bank.«$§’05 G. Duitsman—____ H enry Bruhn____ Pop. 242 78-615 Thomas ------Hamlin D 15 Farm ers State B a n k ___i§ ’08 R. W. Griffin_____ Pop. 70 78-616 ThnnderHawk.Corson B5 Farm ers State B ank___ $§’11 Gordon C. Sm ith . . A. BeisigL. Pop. 100 78-650 f E . L. M ILLIGAN — A. L . A N D E R S O N _ _ _ Cashier. R. A. G oodw in_ Ass ’t Cashier. 25,000 E. J . H oyer.____ H ig h Pop. 60 T ulare.. -----—Spink D 13 Pop. 200 78-736 as Slate Bank_____§ 78-747 State Bank of Tulare ..«$§'06 78-619 Turton — —Spink C IS Farm ers State Bank . —±.§’15 Pop. 300 78-713 ... State Bank of T urton__ .§’02 78-620 Twin B rooks.-G rant C 16 State Bank of Twin Brooks Pop. 190 78-621 »$§’03 ¿Tyndall.BonHommeH14 F irst National Bank. . . ..*$’84 Pop. 1301 78-134 G rad e lOrie o f the oldest ' 80,560 54,920 92,000 G. J . M ack______ J . E. Jo n e s______ 10,000 5,000 100,000 90,000 H . J. K I N D R E D — 15,000 7,500 248,530 188,700 25,000 26,870 213,380 207,410 25,000 12,000 195,000 200,000 25,000 20,610 376,420 329.010 25,000 15,000 300,000 300,000 Asa Loucks___ __ W. H. Loucks, J r . 15,000 3.310 164,200 136,860 L. R. K la tt__ ___ J . C. U n r u h _____ 30,000 1.500 414,390 351,050 W. W EN ZLA FF_ _ _ _ R. S IE L E R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. R. SAILER 10,000 10,000 400,000 250,000 8. Personal attentio n given collections and othe r genera l in form atio n . L a w s, D ir e c t o r s , Principal Correspondents. c h a n g es ,D ue f ro m B ank s 105,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Secur. N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Secur. N „ Sioux F. 30,020 Sionx F . Sav., Sioux F . 23,500 Cont.& Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,M inpls. Citiz. N., W atertown; Bk. of Brookings Brookings. 25,000- Cont. & Com’l N.Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Merch, N., S t.P .; 1st N., Aberdeen. 73,020 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Dakota N ., Aberdeen Stockyards N „ So. St. P.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 49,370 lst& Secur.N.,Minpls.;'Aberdeen N., Aberdeen Secur. N., Sioux F.: (M em . F ed . R es.) 30,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. Paul; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 88,090 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secar. N.. Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 25,000 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.; Capital N., St. P.; Midland N „ Minpls. 34,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Flandreau; M innehahaN., Sioux F.; N.Bk.Com., Sioux C. 82,200 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stock N.. Sionx C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell, S. D. Sioux F . Sav. and Secur. N., Sioux F . 200,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.;, Secar. N. and 1st N., Sioux G.; Secur .N.. 1st N., and Sioux F . N., Sioux F.; Citiz. State, Armour. SEE AD VERTISEMENT ON BOSTON, MASS., MAP. E. M. Stanwòod — P eter D u erst— __ E. D. Hoxsey_____ 15,000 .1,000 F rank Gilby ——— Howard E llio tt___ W ilber Snell--____ W. E. Kile C. M. H enry______ W. J . Craig______ W. P. T obin_____ Jas. P. Paulsen 15,000 1,500 10,000 16,500 289,070 237,890 P. M. Hanson ____ F. J . M ahan_____ H. L. Sm ith______ 15,000 4,320 85,000 60.000 S. E. Morris1—____ Jno. S teifes___. . . J . G. M arkham ___ 10,000 5,000 160,000 70,000 100,000 Capital N., St. P.; Merch., Redfleld. 20,000 :Stock Yds. N., So. St. P., Minn.; 1st N., Milhank. 215,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Secur. N., Sionx C. 40,000 42,000 5,000 10,230 85,400 70,000 A. A. D y e ....'____ Wm. Thom pson__ H. F . Abbott_____ 40,000 18,000 638,000 425,000 . F. F. Chladek___ _ T. V. Ptak John Carlson . . . __ John Appel____. . . W. T. A ppel_____ 35,000 29,270 630,710 491,550 . 10.000 4,000 191,000 150,000 F. A. W agner— __ T. J . W agner____ A. Walla— ............. 20,000 5,000 300,000 200,000 L. S. Hetland____ L. C. Hetland____ E. J . H etland_____ M. L. Pöttinger___ A rthur Christensen J . T. McCullen____ W. F. Pantsch____ W. P. Noble_____ 20,000 10,000 375,000 275,000 6,000 3,000 75,000 40,000 C. D. Thompson__ O. P. Akre_______ E. A. Christensen— A. W. Thompson J . H. Movi us_____ B. P . Ham m erstad. G. F . Anderson___ E. J. Rodine_____ 15.000 5,000 160,000 165.000 40,000 9,000 192,550 219,000 7.200 187.000 160,000 Milton Mathieu___ R. C, Kimmel—. __ E.G . Elliott_____ _ B. G. E lliott____52 10.000 6,700 Met. N., Minpls.; Peo. Sav., W atertown. 16,500 Am. N., Redfleld, S. D. G. Egrmayer_____ Albert A. Linquist. Enoch Lindquist__ SEC U R ITY NATIO NAL BANK, Sioux F a l l s , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 365,000 Farm M ortga ges Netting A ttra c tiv e R ate banks in the State. L aw yers, 51,880 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Redfleld N., Redfleld. 39,000 Am. N., Redfleld; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 200.050 i lhase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N. & Secur, N., Sioux C. 44,000 io.-W est. N., Minpls.; Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. 100.000 i lont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; 1st N. and 1st Ln. & T r. Co., Yankton, 100,000 i lhase N., N.Y.; Sioux F . Sav., M innehaha N., and Secur. N..Sioux F.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 40,000 i lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N „ Miller. 30.000 : ib e rty State, Minpls.: Citiz. N., Sisseton; 1st N., St. P.; 1st State Sav., Aberdeen. 22,720 : lerch . N., St. P.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.; 1st N., Lidgerwood, N. D. 36.000 ] st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N .t Aber deen. L A R G E S T C O M B IN E D C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S O F A N Y B A N K IN S O U T H D A K O T A 1157 78-135 Farm ers State B a n k __ *$§’10 78-622 Utica State Bank-— ; —$§’03 78-623 Minnehaha County Bk. «$§’98 7,8-625 BANK OF VAYLAND— $§’09 78-626 Farm ers State Bank___*$§'13 78-678 F irst National B a n k ....« $ ’01 78-627 Verdón_____ Brown C 13 Farm ers &Merch. State Bank Pop. 136 78-628 *$§’04 435.000 105,000 G. T. T uve______ STATE 1,100 $ 130,000 $ 80,000 $ 40,000 Sioux F . Sav.. Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux C. 10,000 2,220 SECURITY BANK— ..*$§’89 P eter Byrne_____ L. F . Chladek— Unityville.. McCook F 15 Pop. 40 Utica_____Yankton H 15 Pop. 150 ValleySprings, Minnehaha P op. 450 F17 Vayland—___ Hand E 12, Pop. 65 Yeblen___ Marshall B 15 Pop. 500 8scoriti»I 5,000 G. A. Lovre______ O. N. Johnson___ O. C. Thompson O. G. T u v e ______ L. A. Fries,______ /SALOMON W EN ZLA FF N. R. W ENZLAFF— it s Resources. A Bu- C a s h A E x Loam« c ’t «. B o n d s , 6,000 O. M. Gorder____ STOCK6K0WERS STATE BK. F rank R. S m ith __ T. F . E eegan____ A. B. H anken____ J . W. P earson___ 78-400 $§10 Geo. N. Brockamp Tolstoy. — -__P otter 0 10 Farm ers State Bank____i§ ’07 Jacob G u n d e rt___ J . B. Gundert____ Q.W. R ostom ily... H. D. G undert___ Pop. 142 78-617 N. E. L oucks__ D epo s 10,000 H .P . H olen.____ •Tim ber Lake. Dewey C 8 FIRST STATE BANK— **§’10 -<T h e O ld est B a n k In Dewey C oun ty . P op. 450 78-399 (A ll B a n k in g m a tie r s p ro m p tly h a n d led . S end u s y o u r b u sin e ss. Toronto —,— Deuel D 16 FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK A. J . Lockhart 78-320 $§’02 . » Pop. 500 F irst National Bank___»$’82 J . F . F ries_______ 78-319 T rent T rent State B a n k ______$§’02 Jas. T. Bigelow— Pop. 200 78-618 T rip p ... Hutchinson G 14 Dakota State Bank____»$§’02 H enry Klatt, J r .. Pop. 1000 78-209 P a id - u p S u r p l u s Ca p it a l P raonfdit s Robt. Vank______ . $ 10,000 $ Thos. J , W ag n er. T ow n, u m c .u i 1918______________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Tabor to Verdon Vice-Phesident, Tabor ..B o n Homme H 14 Farm ers Savings Bank—$§’13 Wm. O n tjes_____ J . A. P ta k ______ Pop. 500 78-675 “ Tabor State B a n k ..... $§1900 Joseph V. W agner. J . A. Wagner____ 78-614 Trny_ A c c e s s ib le ivsivo IIM T H E dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, Liabilities . P resident. y v u L .c .v / i OIM A L L ^ P Ô I I M T S S O U T H D A K O T A — Continued Name of Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E n tire State in No. 9 $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District Est, 78-208 n n iv u u t o alls, J u ly , Number under Name of Bank is the New T r a n s it Number given to each bank in XJ. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers* Directory, under tb e authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. b io u x N ame op Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 JMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. TOWN AND OOXJNTT. P r e sid e n t . Vic e -P r esid e n t . Ca s h ie r . As s ' t C a s h ie r . / II. D. THOMPSON- E.M. HART---------- C. ANDERSON........ W. H. INMAN ” ) O ld est a n d L a r g est B a n k In C lay C o u n ty , Pop. 150 40,000 1,175,000 875,090 345.000 181,240 : Sioux C,: 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: 1st N. and Secur. N„ Sioux C. \ W e co llect a n d r e m it in te r e s t wl t h o u t expense to in v esto rs. 50,000 22,240 700,000 563,460 S. N Xfnnlr .... H. E. Monk_____ _ 20,000 2,000 375,000 275,000 P. 0 . Madsen Joseph Swenson__ Harold Larson____ Obed Skola 40,000 13,000 675,000 500,000 10,000 1,300 70,000 55,000 15,000 ■ F tF lli S W BIX0N........... I N K W - e onrteous, Safe, j All eash letters and eelleellons h ave the personal attention o f an officer. ( Farm Mortgage Loans negotiate d. 5,000 250,000 190,000 55,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; lst& Secur. N.,Minpls.: Secur. N. and 1st N., W atertown; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 25,000 10,000 225,000 226,000 15,000 5,940 128,980 94,100 37,000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Ist N., Sioux O.; Ist & Secur. N., Minpls. 45,170 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; W estern N., Mitchell Ist N., Wessington Springs. 10,000 4,790 51,540 47,970 C. Christianson___ G. K. Brosius 78-328 F irst National Bank— «$’97 78-327 Tf V Pnwell P. R. Miller______ S. E. Oscarson____ A. G. Molander___ Secur. N. and 1st N„. Sioux C. 110,000 ' lont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Sioux F. Sav. and Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux C. 190,000 Drov. N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secitr. N., Sioux F . and Sioux C. 15,P00 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secur., W ebster. 78-686 Pop. 50 Pop. 500 50,000 correspondents. \ S en d u s y o u r C o llectio n s. » t’75 1 H ig h G rad e F a r m L oans N egotia te d . n. Vermilion National Bank*t’87 78-69 Pop. 600 4,000 $ 372,000 $ 290,000 $ 120,000 : P rincipal BANK OF VIENNA------78-295 N. L. Brakke ____ J . B. Graslie _____ F irst National Bank ----- *3 05 73-296 Virgil State Bank -------- t i ’05 W. T. McConnell.. W. H. Barnes ____ W. H. Mann -------- A- H. Mann 78— 629 ( W. L MONTGOMERY 0. C. DUNLAP-------- H.G. GALLANAN 1Special attentlo n given t o collect Ions sent direct. H. V. MORRISSEY — 17,050 Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.: la. State Sav., Sioux C. Vivian___ ....L y m a n F ; VIVIAN STATE BANK-— « 09 1 Farm Mortgag es netting 6 % to Investors, 78-423 Pop. 200 ( Other guarante ed Investments n ettlng 6 % Interes t. Pop. 700 Fop. 340 r.Oharles M Pop. 1000 W akonda____ Oil Pop. 500 Pop. 250 i..Oodingto Pop. 318 _____ Mood Bop. 125 •__ . . . Brov Pop. 250 Pan 250 Federal Reserve Bank of N uSt. m bLouis er u nd er SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, S i o u x 2 2 5 9 N am e o f B ank th e N e w T r a n s it IN'u m b e r siv ez S . e x c lu s iv e ly by_The K a n d - M c N a lly __ _S. B an k ers a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s Agg*n. e a c h b a n k in i n U. U. IP. each D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e S O U T H 12,300 Whitbeck N., Chamberlain. 5,000 5,000 45,000 38,000 25,000 18,600 317,920 277,340 10,000 6,000 250,000 175,000 18,000 14,000 410,000 280,000 J ohn K aberna------ 20,000 10,180 376,430 224,530 B. V. Morgan — Emma Peshek 30,000 6,000 515,000 370,000 20,000 1,500 162,820 87,670 Wm. A. M o tt____ 30,000 20,000 745,000 560,000 20,000 2,500 185,000 155,000 Carrol A. McDonald 10,000 1,450 72,000 64,000 E. G. Us trod_____ 20,000 2,300 255,390 169,060 L. C. Forem an____ 5,000 2,850 71,000 34,500 F. D. Stearns ------- 5,000 6,000 130,000 110,000 W alter McDonald . 15,000 8,000 220,000 200,000 O. E. Lee . O. A. H art _______ ■ ■ H I ■ ¡■ H P S Ê S S f 137,480 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N .and No. West. N ., Minpls. 85,000 N . Bk. Com., N . ¥ .; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 1st N „ Brookings. 190,000 Cont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.;"No.-West. N., Minpls. Secur. N ., Sioux C.; Dakota T r. & Sav. Sioux F. 177,100 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; Secur. N-. Sioux C. 160,000. Live Stock Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 1st N., Sioux O.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 85,480 Chi. Sav. Bk. & T r. Co., Chi.; Live Stock N. Sioux O.; Secur. N . and Sioux F . Sav.,.Sioux F 220,000 Mech. & Metals N : , N . Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Live Stock N .an d 1st N ., Sioux O. 46,500 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. 18,700 N. City and Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; Secur. N. Sioux F.; 1st N„ Rapid G. 100,410 Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.: Citiz. N. and Peo. Sav., W atertown. 40,500 Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Flandreau; N, Bk. Com., Sioux C.; No. W est. N., Minpls. 15,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N „ Minpls. 40,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.rN o.-W est.N ., Minpls.; IstN ., W atertown: Pennington Co., Rapid C ¡¡¡S R I July, 1918 H. B. Holmes____ A 0 W hitbeck . 78-422 A. H. Norvold. i F irst National Bank ___ «’02 Edmund Hillestad. J, fl, Lee 78-255 F irst State Bank ------- «»1900 J . L. Hall_______ K. B. H enry -------- Robert Henry ----78-254 E iner Jo h n so n __ YOilU OI4VODdUN..— — +1 W 6 78-630 t Commercial State B ank««’02 G. W. W illiamson. W .H .F re i ---------- N. J. W arren ------J . N. W arren 73-164 F . S. Strohbehn . T. F . Long ---------- V -T Pfttrilr .. 78-163 S. L. Gable, J r . _. W agner State Bank____« ’09 H. C. Schneider — 78-165 S. Jacobson _____ S Bank of Wakonda ____ * « ’93 M. J. Chaney. __ 78-631 Wakonda State B a n k ...» « ’12 F. C. D anforth — J . A. D anforth — F, V Thranfi R. A. Goodwin 78-664 t0a Trivet fife to A Tfenlr E. G. Kneeland — Lenora E. Knee- J. P. Thoma_____ JDUSI O UI«C lftUb land 78-464 E. A. Adams -------Adams • • • • . A.TWelham 5 Security State Bank— .»«'06 jjzra ' _'^Tr 78-633 m n finanHinff Chas. Forem an___ F. J . Ahsenmacher. 1« l!ii opdululllS-«7 F irst State Bank-------- * » ’07 78-634 0. E. Barkl______ O lMiiet QtotA " R o T ilr tR 'fiK F, Ff. Rarkl 0 . J . Hogeboom— L JUrSI OWIO UduK-— *— ■!•»TO 78-635 C. B. H unt_______ Michael Quinn____ P eter Duhamel___ 4 dsuik oi vvasia— ------u< 78-636 A . O. W hitbeck, B a n k e r.t’06 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Vermilion to W asta ________ 78-68 1 resources . I Lia b il it ie s . Loan«StDis- Cash&Ex Depos c P aid-up Surplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks $ 50,000 S M. J . C h a n ey ____ «Verm ilion..__Clay H 16 Citizens Bank &T rust Co. 78-693 » till Fop. 2500 FIRST NAT’LBANK Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in baok of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13. S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u ed 1158 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I 1 C o to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 1 ID O Directors tm M —— g f £ *----- Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L e a d in g B a n k D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d e tc ., see page 14. F o r Holidays,. opposite page 13. C SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L e a d in g Ba T ow n N in n i b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n n the N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r «giver i n U. U .J3S.. e x c lu s iv e ly b _y T h e K a n d - M c N a ll j B __a n k e r s i?. e a c h b a n k in D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s Ass*n> and N am e Co u n t y . of S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState » C o u n ty S e a t s . E ntire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. President. Yice-Presidrnt. Gashikr. Ass ’t Cashier. Watauga____ Corson B 7 Farm ers State Bank____i'16 E. A. K o n an tz.™ . G. H. F re y ta g ___ W. C. R ipley____ 78-717 * Pop. 200 »W atertown__Codington Pop. 8485 D 16 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 78-24 $ 15,000 $ 1st N., Lemmon, S. D.; N. Bk. Gom. and M erch. N „ St. P. W. D. MORRIS— ANDREW MELHAM H. M. HANTEN...... BERT MORGAN, L. T. MORRIS. .. 109,000 60,000 SI 200000 $ 950,000 $ 250,000 Seab. N., N. T.; 1st N „ Chi. and St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. H. D. WALRATH. H. J. FAHNESTOCK F. B. STILES------ G. E. HANSON.... C. H. LOCKHART 100,000 47,100 1,283,390 1,263,270 «t’80 FE E IN AD VAN C E : S ig h t d ra fts, 15c m in im u m : 25c m in im u m charge i f p a id . R e liab le C re d it R e p o rts, 50c. T R Y U S. ALL BAN KING M A TTER S HAN DLED PR O M P T LY. 60,001 2,500 SEE ADV. ON 650,000 525,000 SO. D AKOTA 220,220 Chase N .,N . Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No. West. N „ Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Sioux G. 190,000 H a n . N ., N. Y .; M e rch . L n . & T r. Co., C hi. ; M id la n d N ., M in p ls. ; N . B k. C om ., Sioux C. MAP. «tS’15 EDWARD LAMM--- A. J. S EC U R IT Y NATIONAL BANK R. D. G0EPFERT— f . J. KRANZ- A thoroughly organized C ollection Departm ent. P ersonal P resentation. P rom pt attention and rem ittance on day o f payment. W e will be pleased to se rv e you. 26,930 855,960 1,036,070 105,210 H a n . N ., N. Y .; C o n t. & C om ’l N ., C h i.; 1 st & S ecu r. N ., M in p ls.; S ecu r N ., Sioux C. 100,000 50,000 215,700 7,570 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Gitiz. N. and 1st N „ W atertown; W inona N „ Winona, Minn. __ - Paul M. R ickert!--. E. P reston___ 25,000 12,000 250,000 200,000 40,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Aber. deén N., Aberdeen. State Bank of W aubay.«tl’02 S. T. L asell______ L. B. L asell.._____ Conrad M ogen___ E. R. Sikking. 78-183 15,000 7,000 270,000 190,000 10,800 1,500 59,200 57,800 75,000 Far. & M erch. N., W ebster.; Midland N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings, S. D.; Summit, Summit. 9,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz. N „ W atertown. 50,000 18,000 920,000 742,500 •242,500 Coat. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,M inpls. A. M. BERG--— — 25,000 20,000 h each s ig h t d r a ft fo r p re s e n ta tio n , a n d c re d it r e p o rt tn s u res p ro m p t, perso n a l a t t e n tio n . 400,000 360,000 100,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 18,560 1,101,220 835,680 324,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F . (M em . F ed . R es.) 22,000 1st N. Sioux 0.. 5 78-25 »t’01 » ANY.t’15 G. W. H a rt_____ M. 0. H art— _____ R. 0. Cochrane, Sec. and, Tr. F a rm M o rtg ag es E xclusively. S o u th D ak o ta Waubay_____ ...D ay 0 15 F irst National B a n k .....*8*92 Jo h n Â. S chultz__I È. E. Schultz 78-182 Pop. 1000 W averly.-Codington D16 State Bank of W averly. J l ’18 J . A. T hronson___ J . P. Antony— 78-677 Pop. 125 -- M. T. A ntony.——. »Webster______ Day 014 Farm ers & Merch. Nat. Bank David Williams___ A. T. Cooper.™ __ W. B. S tevens.___ C. F. L uedke. Pop. 1800 78-81 *8-88 ___ _ GEN Ì Ì» § Ì FIRST NATIONAL BANK*i’02 'T W EN TY -FIV E CENTS fo r ea c h 78-83 Security Bank_______ *t}’97 A. Kopperud . . . . . . H. I. O lston. . . ___ Jacob Boyd. 78-82 E. I. Levang.____ W ecota.__ __ Faulk 0 11 Wecota State Bank____tS’08 F . A. Brown, J r . „ Fop. 150 78-638 W entworth__ .L ake F 16 W entworth B a n k _____.i§’01 A. J . Harrington__ R. C. Zimmermann N. J . V olz______ 78-639 Pop. 829 C. N. Fader 40,000 C. Levang______ 5,000 1,500 50,000 40,000 J . P. H arrington. 15,000 5,000 210,000 156,000 SEC U R ITY NATIONAL BANK, Sioux F alls. ON A L L 53,000 ' P O IN TS^ IN T H E STATE __________ 1159 100,000 ¿ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 ECURITI*8 P rincipal Correspondents. k El* Ca s h c h a n q m ,D uz fro m B a r r s 1,500 E q uipped to effl c le n tly h a n d le all fin an cial m a tte r s , larg e o r sm a ll, S end u s y o u r i t em s a n d collectlo n s i n b u lk fo r p ro m p t service. ! CHARGES RE ASONABLE. H. D. RICE--------- D. F. JONES---------F. H. AUSTIN-— ----------------------PEOPLES Conduct a general Banking B u sin e ss, given all b u sin ess entrusted to us. SAVINGS BANK Prom pt attention Farm M ortgage L oa n s Negotiated. 78-27 R eso ur ces. Loan s A D is cuti. B o n d s , »t'85 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 78-28 Li a b il it ie s . r plu s P a id - u p S u a DEPOS nd C a p it a l P r o f it s ITS July, 1918_________ SOUTH DAKOTA B A N k s—W atauga to W entworth 2 2 5 9 TOWN AND COUNTY. N ame of S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u ed Lia b il it ie s . Su b p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Bank. ->Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. E ntire State in No. 9 . JMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Ass ’t Cashier . Cashier . Vice -President . P resident . Wessington —Beadle E 12 Citizens State Bank— .$§’15 W. H. Stew art— , C. W. Groes —_____ E. B. Dinsm ore__ E. K . S te w a rt-----78-707 Pop. 600 ___78-252_____«+§’08 $ 6. P. SCOTCHBROOK FRED SCH0ENLEBER- C.E. SCOTCHBROOK - FRANCES SCOTCHBROOK 22,000 7,000 1 125,000 { 9,500 •145,500 92.000 1 17,580 No.-West.N., Minpls.: N. Bk. of Huron, Huron: Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. 137,500 26,500 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Mitchell N., Mitchell; City N. and N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. Prompt, person al attention to all business, M inimum fee 15c m ust aeeomp any all sight dra fts. 50c for rating reports. TRY t S FOB SERVICE. 25,000 19,960 336,270 334,360 • 54,880 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. HENRY M. OLSON WILL BR0MWELL ntlon. Ive the m ost elfte le n t service. ted. 25,000 18,000 365,000 394,000 90,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Sionx C. iw . T, McConnell J. H.W00DBÜBN — W.T. GEORGE------ H. M. ENGLUND---R . L.POUND b usinessI hand led a s directe d by s e n d e r . Out o f t o w n ___I___ 50,000 27,500 470.000 485,000 80,000 Wessington Springs State Bk. F. G. Vessey— — H. P . Will----------- C. H. G all..---------- M. M. M cD onald... 78-140 *iS’01 25,000 42,140 517,950 444,540 136,010 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Sioux F . N., Sioux E. C. I s a a k ______ 5,000 3,550 60,000 43,000 17,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bkrs. N „ Minpls. 10,000 5,500 70,000 65.000 25,000 1st N., Aberdeen: 5.000 6,500 71,000 63,000 21,000 Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen; 1st N., Sionx O. 5,000 6,000 52,000 45,000 16,000 U. S. N., Orna.; Gregory N., Gregory. 5,000 1,000 20,000 16,000 25,000 15,000 375.00C 250,000 10,000 4,160 107,000 85,090 28,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. Sav., Little Rock, 25,000 10,890 524,550 322,520 214.29C Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Sioux C.: Mitchell John Goeres_____ John P . Baker— ----------- ---------------- 25,000 17,000 400,000 200,000 60.00C Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux O.; Mit THOMAS HUGHES. R0BT. R. JOKES- . DESSA KELLEY— H. A. KISER a ym ent. Sehd your eoli ectlons to us, we b Loans for sale. County and To wnship Warrants 10,000 7,330 82,900 71,070 18*34( Stock Yds. N., So, St. P.: Mitchell N., Mitchell; 10,000 1,500 55,000 50,000 27,06( Han. N .,N . Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 32,47( Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; No.-West. N., F irst National Bank------- i ’83 H. A. Peirce 78-250 ¿WessingtonSpg’s.Jera’ld FARMERS SAVINGS BANK 78-651 • till Pop. 1200 E 12 FIRST NAT’L BANK •ro 2 78-141 __ E. H. V ance-------- J . H. M ehrent.. C. 0. ELL1FF -— Collections gl The New Ban Farm Mortga S. W. WRIGHT-— ven personal atte k w ill naturally g ge Loans Negotla Chas. A. Curtiss . . Wm. J . Siemann . . R. T. Brooks J . B. Hamilton— P . HeU . . . . --------Wetonka State Bank— t§ ’07 L. L. Heil________ Jos. L orber— .. 78-478 Wewela______Tripp H 10 Wewela State Bank------- §’09 M. St. J o h n _____ W . A. Eenaston — Charles St. John .. ---------------------78-641 Pop. 50 M. Exon.____ :____ John J . Exon—— ---------------------------¿W heeler___Charles Mix County Seat State Bank-t§’03 J. H. Exon, 78-642 Pop. 50 012 ¿W hite River .Mellette O 8 MELLETTE CO. STATE BANK 78-658 •i§ ’12 Pop. 400 E. W. Davies . . . __ W. A. Burgess...— R. H. H olden----- . G. F . G riepentrog— C. L. W ohlheter._ G. A. R aker_____ H. M. Hillyer B. C. Abben, J r — Ludwig Loevinger H. W. H inrichs— W hite River State Bank •}§'12 E A. Brodball ___ F . W. W oods____ B. A. Olson. 78-655 White Rock.Roberts B 17 Citizens State Bank___•t§ ’02 H. P . A ndrisen __ 78-358 Pop. 368 C. P. Johnson . . F irst National Bank____«i'02 N. N. Powell____ S. E. Oscarson.. SECUR Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . r . A. G. E rick so n ___ 15,000 7,770 139,320 133,580 25,000 12,380 161,260 190,220 78-857 IT Y N A T IO N A L BANK, Number under N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv en e x c lu s i v e ly Secur. T r. &Sav„ Sioux F.: Com’l & Sav. Mitchell, Seeur. N., Sioux C. ^ « .n a - M F.: Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Mitchell N. Mitchell, Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Jam es Valley Huron. • Wetonka.M cPherson B 12 First State Bank_______§'09 F. B. Gannon_____ J . A. Nicol__ 78-479 Pop. 150 W hite___Brookings E16 F irst National B ank._____'02 78-287 Pop. 468 W hite State Bank------- 1§’14 78-692 White Lake .A urora F 12 Aurora County Bank— «tt'88 78-269 Pop. 600 F irst National Bank _ ..* P 0 6 78-270 Live Stock N.. Sioux C. Speedy and intelligent S e r vice. W estport___Brown B 12 Farm ers State Bank . — t§ ’08 L. A. Brooks 78-640 Pop. 125 H A 1 10,000 Î P rincipal Correspondents. R eso ur ces. .OANBk Dra Cash k Exll’Tg. B o n d s , HANGE8,DUE Securities from B anks SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—W essington to W hite Rock__________ July, 1918 .. .& MERCH. STATE Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1160 __ of __ ____is_ne e w l iTransit a n u i n Number o u i v w g iv en v_ under Name Number Bank themNew given • • ”U*'S. R exclusively b y The xh e Band-McNally 1 1 A A to ^each "bankin' Rand-MeN ally Bankers’ 1 1 OU Directory, under the authority of The r~ American Bankers Ass’n. e N ^ is ’ Sioux ______ ____ SOU TH LARGEST F alls , _ .. No.-West. N., Minpls. Stock Yds. N „ So. St. P.: N. Bk. Com. Sioux C. 8,000 Secur. N., Sioux O, 175,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls. la.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. N., Mitchell. chell N., Mitchell, 1st T r. & Sav., Sioux C. 13.00C 1st N „ Spencer, Neb.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. Sioux F. N „ Sioux F. C O M B IN E D OF AIMV B A N K , D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Minnls.: 1st N.. St. P___________________ C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S IN SO U T H DAKOTA _________________ _________ Lawyer __________^ _ jaws, m r e c to r s , in Accessible Towns, dexed in back oi this volume. For Interest Hates, OrBee,\* etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 tL M in n ls .: 1 st N .. S t . P SECURITY NATIONAL Sioux F alls . Whitewood.Lawrence E 2 WhitewoodBankingOo. < § ’88 Barry Wentzy----78-645 Pop. 390 BANK IN SO U T H DAKOTA Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . R esour Li A B IL ITIES Surplus Dbpob- ]Loansà Dis- 0 P aid-up :’ t b . Bonds, os AND ITS Baorarnis n Capital Profits $ 20,000 t 13,900 ; 310,000 :I 205,000 $$ C. O. Mitchell----- , Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 110,000 N, City, Chi.; 1st N., Deadwood; Secur. Sav, Rapid C.; Live Stock N „ Oma. 17,880 234,400 208,470 49,660 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; 1st. N „ W atertown Sioux F . N „ Sioux F .; 1st N ., St. P .; No. W est. N., Minpls. Security State Bank— **$’05 0. J. Ohinburg----- Ohas. F ish er------- E. E. Williams----- Louis J . Warkenthien 78-310 15,000 12,160 311,570 271,970 62,060 F t. Dear. N., Chi.; Bk. of Brookings, Brook ings: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Peo. Sav, W atertown. Warren Jones----- 11,000 10,000 210,000 165,000 42.000 1st N.. Chi.; No.-West. N.. Minpls. 0. M. Jensen ____ R. H. Eastman----- R. E. W hite. . — 16,800 8,000 244,000 186,000 72,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Ist i Secur. N., Minpls.; Citia. N „ Sisseto*. 10,000 3,000 140,000 95,000 40.000 Ist N., Madison: Ist & Secur. N „ Minpls.; Siou; F . N., Sioux F . 25,000 6,000 222,470 189,890 37,110 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: No.-West.iN., Minpls, Sioux F . Sav., Sioux F. 25,000 10,270 442,210 330,480 145,180 N. City, Chi.; Gregory Co. State, Fairfax; Is State Sav. and Am. Sav., Sioux C.; Oma N., Oma. 5,000 30,000 R. L. Tindalje____ Rhoda Sjoblom— Jos. F. Ÿitek on a tte n ti om pt. Intelligent n dep artm en t. P r ganized collectlo FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 08 ) A thoroughly or ( to a ll banking m atters. Farm m ortgage loans ne gotiated. 78-216 270,000 235,000 68,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.i Midland N „ Minpls 450,000 390,000 115,000 1st N „ Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux 0.; Merci N., Oma. Wilmot .....R o b erts C 16 Farmers State Bank----- $$’01 , 78-318 Pop. 600 _ . . M M. Howell---------- rOt 10,000 1 78-817 D. Horace Davis— r ~7t W. H. Thompson.. State Bank of Winfred.**§’01 78-424 M ■ Westall . . . W S Hflll Winfred_____ Lake F 15 Farmers Savings Bank.«tS’10 Geo. Stensland — Thomas E. Freet 78-425 Pop. 300 ‘ 1 ■ 1st N., Sionx C. 5 40,000 Security Bank—----------»*$'10 F. J. Kirchman.__ W. 0. Kirchman__ G. F. Kares— — 78-217 ~ ■; |G. W. Mitchell— Î j ; Haisch — L. D. E vans-------- K. Cunningham . — »Winner____ Tripp G 10 BANK OF WINNER----- ' « ’09 W. L. Montgomery Edward T. C. Montgomery 78-214 Pop. 1200 uh. 2,000 100,000 68,000 30.000 1st N., Oma.: Stock. Yds. N., So. St. P.; Grei ory N., Gregory; Gregory Co. S tate, Fai fax. 5,006 5,000 105,000 75,000 42.000 U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. Wolsey_____Beadle E 1, Bank of Wolsey--------- *$’94 A. M. Chenoweth.. John Van Metre — B. T. Yan M etre... 78-311 Pop. 600 10,006 4,000 190,000 158,000 40.000 Cent. & Oom'l N.,Chi.; 1st & Secar. N., Minpli W estern N., Mitchell. Louis Schnetzer— F. C. Bager______ 20,000 13,480 167,9201 165,400 43,420 Live Stock Ix . N. and 1st N., Ohi.; Live Sto) N., Sioux 0.: Secur. N., Sioux F . Trim» G 9 Atlas State Bank............*$'09 Fred Worcester— 0. H. Worcester— George Worcester . 78-492 Pop. 250 Fred W. Rahn___ W. H. Rahn — -— L. Bridgman----- - Farmers State Bank — *$’09 78-491 ___ ■ m - v - a -AUk- A. ■ A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A AI ■ M. K aufm an____ Wm _____________________1 1 ^. - 10,0001 C m 8,99() n n .« 86,9601 84,330 u H H m ■ 1 l t l / A 19,340 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; ü. N., Oma. oa ■ . MelletteG i1 First Slate Bank— . — •*§’12ì F. A. McOornack.. F. W. Jarboe-----78-654 Pop. 100 1161 Wood ii First State Bank .......... **$’06 78-312 !: 5,000 Wit ton SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—W hitewood to W ood C. J .J o h a n so n __ F. A. Olsen--------- Willow Lake ..Clark D 14 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. H. Chase-------- 0. H. Chase------78-706 »*§’15 Pop. 500 . iy 1 Q1 R Number Directory, und er th e a u th o rity of The Am eri can uanKers Name of Bank. Town and County, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Vice -President . »County Seats. P resident . Entire State in No. 9 :Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. .. OF- AN Y C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S Accessible Towns. Lawyers, Laws, ^Dtoectora, in dexed. in b a ck o i tb is v o lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e sB,, G r a ce,! ce, 1 3 .' e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o l id a y s , see o p p o site p a g e "** 1X01 -3 C O M B IN E D < L --------- ;— ;------ T ~ t------- ! : Number under Name of Bank is the New BANK, LARGEST Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number i Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, inetc., see pa Town and County. Name op Bane. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv t Est President. Yice-President. K. 0. STAKKE-----e the personal at n t service In all d loans negotiated Ass ’t Cashier. R. fi Iff RIP tention 0 ? an offi cer. epartments. through special d epartment. Woonsocket State Bank*i§’06 W. H. Williams___ E. M. S m ith _____ W. H. A llen. 78-150 Liabilities . 11 Resources. 1 ansk Dis• Cashk ExP aid-ui StJBPLUC * Depos- cLo AND ’ti. Bonds HANftBStDin Capitai P rofitéj ITS SicuRrnss , O fromBanks Principal Correspondents. $ 50,00C $ 11.00C) $ 450,OOC1 $ 398,0001 $ 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom’I N., CM.; No West. N., Minpls. R. B. Morris 30,000 7,000' 480,000 390,000 80,000 It V * TT O IU U A m i m N „ Mitchell; Secur. T r. & Sav.„ Sioux F. Pop. 390 I Peoples Security Bank ...§'04 Henry Bradshaw.. Wm. Bradshaw__ Geo. M. Bradshaw. 78-462 25,000 21,090 323,560 280,640 66,570 1 o ' ÎV «r M oiuuA r, i OdV. Secur. N., Sioux F.; Secur. N.. Siôux C. STATE BANK OF WORTHING Thomas Brady___ Francis Brady____ F. M. Brady 78-461 «Jl’OS 10,000 15,000 104,600 : 101,500 31,900 ] N „ Sioux F. Farmers State Bank__ i3’06 W. J. Coffey_____ J. D. Kaufm an__ H. I. Gifford. 78-646 Pop. 300 10,000 3,000 92,480 85,370 • 24,380 i £ •1 n a w i w n u , A*« AJA .. U i XJLUi UJ City N .t Huron; No.-West. N., Minpls. AMERICAN S T A T E BANK Pop. 5126 78-49 «il'90 / M. P. OHLMAN .. J. M. LLOYD------- H. E. EDMUNDS— M. P. OHLMAN, JN. 25,000 67,800 705,000 r handling your c ommercial busln ess insure satisfactor y service. SHOW THAT WE COLLECT 80% O F ALL COLLECT IONS S ENT U S. IJ. 585,000 163,460 1 ) Our facilities fo ) are such as to ( OUB RECORDS \ Let us serre YO Dakota National Bank ..« t’OP F. O. D anforth__ W. J . Fantle 78-50 W. E. Heaton. FIRST LOAN & TRUST CO. 78-51 $ 8 '09 ___ J. A. D anforth__ N. A, Calleson____ E. R. Heaton____ F . B. Ray____ . . . 50,000 25,000 56,000 15,870 750,000 Sioux C.; Secur. N.'. Sioux' F .' 750,000 175.000 C C4IO OOA• 325,190 D ¿,¿00 243,080 N., Minpls. 1 Sioux C. [F.L.ÏAN TASSEL 0. M. FINNEGAN ~ W. E. HEATON__ E. R. HEATON...... 50,000 NAT1 <ONAL BANK In « 1he TWO DAKOT . FIRST NAT’L BANK <OLDEST Organized 18 72. Efficient attent 1Ion to collections and all financial AS. matters entrüste < d to us. 78-48 Pop. 200 — 1 I D I T V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 38,330 1,346,250 889,890 593,940 Chem. C N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi, j *3’72 ( FARM loans for 1tale through our JLOAN and TRUS 1r DEPARTMENT H I h i A T i / h h i 9. A. Baner a 1 5 a is _ ]M. E. Ramsaas____ Sioux F 5.000 a l l s 5,000) 145,000 j 70,000) OW At- L 32,420 J jS l POIIMTS IIM T H E STATE _ i N. NOBLE-----Collections hav a FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t 02 J] Prompt, efflde 3 78-149 ( Farm mortgage Cashier. _______ _________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Woonsocket to Zell____________ July, 1918 ‘ County Seats. .E ntire Stifte in No. 9 National City Bank of Memphis, Tenn. G iv e s sp e c ia l a n d in te llig e n t a tten tio n to c o lle ctio n s. A ll M em p h is te r rito ry c o v e r e d a t m in i m u m ra tes. Officers: W. THOMPSON, President J. MARLIN SPEED, Vice-President W .L . HUNTLEY, Jr., Active Vice-President EDW. C. TEFFT, Cashier S. STEINBERG, Vice-President E. M. LEVI, Assistant Cashier C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DECISION 3 Handed down by a large Investment House in the Central West: "W e have just purchased an address ing equipment which we are advised will be delivered about March 1Oth, at which time we will start making up plates for this machine, giving the names and addresses of all managing officers of all banks in Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Northern half of Illinois. W e have selected your Directory from which to make the list, having found it the most accurate of any put out. Note Some so-called bank directories give only about one third of the names of officers. Maybe they have omitted your name to save space. < , § Tennessee. INDEX 10 TO COUNTIES. Anders on.. .G U Bedford___H 9 B en ton........G 5 Bledsoe....... H 11 Blonnt.........H 14 B radley....... I 12 13 12 14 16 15 17 16 Xongitude W est from Grejuwiclu KENTUCKY and TEN N ESSEE SCALE 35» Campbell ...G 13 Cannon H 9 C arroll....... H 5 Carter.........G 17 Cheatham.. G 7 Chester.........I 4 Claiborne.. G 14 Clay....... ......G 10 C ocke.........H 15 C offee.......... I 9 Crockett ...H 3 Cumberland G It Davidson . . G O Decatur__ f l 5 Dekalb....... H 10 D ickson__ G 7 D y e r .......... G 3 F a y e tte ....... I 3 Fentress__ G 12 Franklin__ I 9 G ibson..__ G Giles..............I Grainger ...G Greene....... .G Grundy.........I 3 7 14 16 10 H am blen....G 15 H am ilton....I 11 Hancock__ G 15 H ardem an...! 3 H ardin......... I 5 Hawkins__ G 15 Haywood .. fi 3 Henderson .H 5 Henry...........G 5 Hickman ...H 7 H ouston__ G 6 Humphreys.G 6 Jack son __ G 10 Jam es...........I l l Jefferson ...G 15 John son. . . G 18 ST*5 E n o x ....... --& 14 L ake...........G Lauderdale.H Lawrence... I Lewis....... .*..1 Lincoln . . . . . I Loudon....... H 2 2 7 7 8 13 McMinn .... 1 12 McNairy__ I 4 Macon.........G 9 M adison. . . H 4 M arion.........I 10 Marshall....... I 8 Maury.........H 7 Meigs............I 12 Monroe.........I 13 MontgomeryG 7 M oore.......... ! 9 Morgan__ G 12 Obion__ ...G 3 Overton__ G 11 P erry.........H 6 P ick ett....... F 11 P o lk ............ 1 12 Putnam....... G 11 Rhea............H R oane.........H Robertson.. F Rutherford H 12 12 8 9 Scott............G 12 Sequatchie . . 1 11 Sevier.........H 15 Shelby.. . . . . . I 2 Sm ith.........G 10 Stewart....... G 6 Su llivan__ G 17 Sumner....... G 8 Tipton.......... I 2 Trousdale ..G 9 U n ic o i....... G 17 Union.........G 14 Van Buren. .H 11 Warren__ H 10 Washington G IT W ayne.........I 6 Weakley__ G 4 White.......... H 11 'WUllamson.H 8 Wilson.........G 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f i s s: 10 12 13 14 15 83° 16 17 82° 294b S e c u rity B an k T ru st C o m p an y a n d - C o m p a n y MEMPHIS, TENN. AMERICAN TRUST & BANKINGCO. Capital - $300,000 C H A T T A N O O G A , C a p ita l S u rp lu s O F F I C E R S THEODOREREAD, President R. P. HABERLING, 2nd Vice-Pres. M. L. FRAZIER, Ass’t Cashier T. R. BOYLE, ist Vice-President LOUISGINOCCHIO, 3rdVice-Pres. J.F. KIMBROUGHJr., Ass’tCashier qS E N D U S - $ 3 - T E N N . 0 1 0 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 C H A T T A N O O G A 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 B U S I N E S S D I R E C T We make a specialty and have unequaled facilities for handling Your MEMPHIS and SOUTHERN Items and Collections q q Prompt - Reasonable Test Our PAR Facilities T own and Co unty . «County Seats. . O F L A D I N G P E R S O N A L q n s aBank of St. Louis Federal Reserve B I L L S W E U R G E B e s id e s m a tte r s o f P A Y M E N T g e n e ra l I ' II______L i a b i l i t i e s . e x p e rie n c e II G I V E N C O L L E C T IO N S ite m s , p e rs o n a l B a n k in g TENNESSEE N am e of Ba n k . . •M em. Am. Blrs. Assn, e sta te O N b a n k in g re q u irin g b ro a d D R A F T S A T T E N T IO N in r e f e r h a n d lin g T r u s t b y to u s m e n a n d m a tte r s . A c c e s s ib le Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, lndexed in back: of th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , l '—* e t c , , see p a g e 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o site p a g e 13.| £ R e so u r c e s . i potmctcat nAnnnonAiTnmTmn I T own a nd Co u n ty . N am e of B a n e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem» Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . J . R. Gower_____ C. H. F o rt_______ ‘ Alamo____Crockett H 3 BANK OF ALAMO------- •tS’02 8 Pop. 1000 87-314 City Bank...................... .*§’14 87-513 Alexandria—. Dekalb H 9 Bank of Alexandria........t§ ’88 87-255 6 Pop. 1000 44 44 D. W. Dinges Bkg. Co..*§1900 87-256 Algood____ Putnam G 11 Bank of Algood_______ »$§’10 6 Pop. 800 87-315 ‘ Altamont—Grundy H 10 Cumberland Mountain Bank 6 Pop. 160 87-596 *§’16 A rdm ore_____ -Giles 1 7 Bank of A rdm ore_____ *§’18 6 Pop. 300 87-610 Arlington____ Shelby 1 2 Arlington Bk. & T r. Co.»*§’15 8 Pop. 600 87-316 ‘ Ashland City.Cheatham Ashland City Bk.&Tr.Co.t§’01 6 Pop. 641 |( G 8 87-279 Cheatham Connty Bank.*§’09 87-280 ‘ Athens____McMinn 1 12 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK.«f07 6 Pop. 4000 87-161 •* ' 44 F irst National Bank____»*’72 87-160 Atoka — Tipton T 2 Planters Bank_ -*§’07 8 Pop. 400 87-317 Atwood_____ Carroll H 4 Atwood Banking Co.__«*§’05 8 Pop. 500 87-318 n given .Bill o f L n t w ith each Slg ch r e q u e s t fo r re R. L. C onyers____ 7.000 $ 60,000 $ 45,000 $ 23,000 Am. Ex. N „ N. Y.: Nash. 10,000 J . L. Alexander___ H. F. S c o tt.._____ P. L. Basinger____ 25,000 1,600 85,220 82,340 27,480 Am. N „ Nash.: 2d N., Jackson, Tenn. 8,333 4,190 49,070 22,470 10,000 C.R. ALS0BR00K . h a n d l i m e I te m s . e n ta tio n 13.720 188,870 127,640 36,070 4th & 1st N. and Am. N „ Nash.; 1st N., Jack son, T enn. 81,950 Chase N „ N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N. St. L. 300 46,000 35,700 F . P. Adams_____ J . M, Yancey f P. B. NANCE----1 S pecial a t te n d o ) 15c m u s t b e se ( a n d 25c w ith ea J . P. Neal - C. H. FERRELL — J . F. Rov .1. W. Rutland H. B. NANCE-------a d in g D rafts, Cas h t D ra ft fo r pres p o r t o r r a tin g . C. V. Young____— J . H. Johnson____ J . A. W alker_____ J . T. Moore_____ E. T. Dinges J. T. Langford J . H. N o rth c u t___ E. fl. Shelton C. E. H am pton___ Mrs. Denton Bilbrey W. R. Wood Mrs. W. R. W ood.. 7,500 15.000 Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 20.000 4.000 160,000 124.Ò00 45,800 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 27,500 2,190 196,730 131,010 97.840 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Yalley N „ Nash. 7.500 4,000 87,000 58,020 33,470 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 10,000 800 23,330 29,760 31,960 1,390 2,570 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; City Bk. & T r Co., McMinnville. 42,180 4th & 1st, Nash., Nash. Alex. Austin_____ B. H. W oodard___ W. H. Birdsong H. S. Griffin______ S. Y. Wilson_____ J . S. Falls 15,000 10,000 16,450 103,360 98,630 T. J . Adkisson____ Hngh Lozier 10.000 13,500 105,980 89,440 25,460 1st N., Chi.; Union Memp. 38,620 4th & 1st N., Nash. 10,630 Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. P. P. Pickard_____ J . C. Chambliss___ Plan. Bk. ft T r. Co. L. J . Pardue_____ G. W. Fam brough— .T. p. Smith, J r . ,,, 12,100 1,490 81,340 72,640 G. F. Lockmiller__ D. M. O w en _____ 50,000 10,000 300,000 275,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga J . G. Fisher 75,000 67,050 505,750 569.760 10,000 10.510 80,190 48,480 15.000 810 74,610 38,500 Bank of A uburn... _____*§’03 Robt. Robinson___ B. R. McKnight___ W. B. Hays______ W. H. R o b inson... 87-319 W. R. Estes 12,200 1.010 64,610 46,380 152,240 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga; City N. Knoxville. 50,080 Bk. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co.-Far Union, Cov. 29,450 Chase N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co. Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Merch. State Humboldt. 28,800 Am .N.. Nash. Farm ers & Traders Bk. **§’12 G. N. Bailey_____ W. R. Bailey____ 87-534 Baxter Bank & T r. Co—*§’06 Lawrence G race.— W. T. A nderson... 87-320 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-578 §14 Bank of Belfast_______ *§’10 J . C. T a te .... J . R. McAdams___ 87-322 W.R.Woodward.Sr. 15,000 2,500 70,000 80,000 7,500 1,600 65,000 36,000 S. F. Gettys W. W. Tem pleton.. R.S.Mc.Lill J . W. P arh am ____ D. A. Belew______ 27,000 40,000 36,360 (T. H.WOODS-__ G. C. BINGHAM__ W.W. HUTTON-— 30,000 11,000 ) S pecial a t t e n d o n given BUI o f L a d in g D ra fts , C ash a n d T im e Ite m s . 1 15c m u s t b e sen t w ith e a c h S ig h t D r a ft fo r p re s e n t a d o n a n d 25c fo r e a c h re p o r t. «*§’86 ( D irecto rs n e t w o r th over o n e h a l f m illio n doU ars. 132,000 141,000 12,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valle: 7.500 “ N., Nash. 14,000 3,500 150,000 167,500 25,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N „ Nash. 25,000 4,000 200,000 150,000 80,000 3d N., St. L.; Union ft Plan. Bk. & T r. Co. Memp. 22,500 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; N. Bk. Com. St. L.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 19,360 Merch. N.. N. Y.; Hamilton N* Chattanooga 108,700 12,000 8,700 100,000 76,500 10,000 3,500 60,000 40,000 51,800 Han. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Jackson.; Union i Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 25,000 Cumberland Yalley N.. Nash. 1163 85,000 107,940 S 90,000 7,060 1 2,500 25,000 : 15,000 r Peoples Bk. & T r. Co.__*§’09 J . T. Stephenson— R. E. Epps_______ 87-298 «*§’88 J . F . Robertson___ J . E. Casey______ Bells______ Crockett H 3 Bank of Crockett 87-323 | Pop.-900 BELLS BANKING CO.— **§11 0. C. H enderson... P. E. T aylor_____ Clara Bell Ginn___ 87-512 J . K. Dunlap ‘ Benton_______ Polk 1 12 Benton Banking Co.____*§’07 W alter M. Harrison J . D. Clemmer...__ H. W. McClary___ 87-324 6 Pop. 600 Bethel Springs—McNairy Bethel Springs Bank___*§’03 J . R. Stovall_____ B. Mitchell —. . . . . . W. T. Pigott_____ 8 Pop. 450 15 87-325 B ethpage___Sumner G 8 Farm ers ft Merchants Bank M. B. P erd u e_____ C. Sen t e r ........___. W. A. T,vies fi P od. 700 87-326 §10 ^ (B ranch o f M u rf reesboro , Tenn.) I 87-297 6,000 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 23,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., Cooke ville. N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., State Bk. & Tr Co., and Cumberland Valley N .,N ash. 16,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. BANK OF BELL BUCKLE Pop. 1000 Cumberland Valley Ñ. S. P. Alsbrooks___ ^ «' S 10.000 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 1 6 R eso u rces. Lia b il it ie s . r pl u s OAMIk Dib- Cam k Ex* P aid - u p S uand D b po s - L c’tb. Bonds, CHANGEA,DUI C a pit a l P r o f it s 8ECOritt*s FROMBAUX« ■ A uburn—___Cannon H 9 ( W oodbury P. O.) 6 Pop. 114 Bailey ton——Greene G 16 6 Pop. 200 B axter____ Putnam G 10 6 Pop. 800 Beechgrove—-Coffee H 9 6 Pop. 500 Belfast Marshall 1 8 6 Pop. 110 J. E. W inters A s s ’t C a s h ie r . TENNESSEE BANKS—Adams to Bethpage Adams___Robertson F 8 Bank of Adam s______ *§’02 6 Pop. 80D 87-313 Peoples Bank & T rust Co.§’16 87-593 Adamsville—McNairy 1 4 Bank of Adamsville___»*§’04 8 Pop. 500 87-291 44 itii ...... 44 Farm ers & Merch. Bank—§’09 87-292 Ca s h ie r . D irectors, In dex ed in b a c k of tb ls vo lu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e ,! e t c . , see p a g e 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o site p a g e 13. TENNESSEE Tnlv. 1918 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Number under Name of Bank ■!___ — ---------- :----- ::----------------- :------ ::----------------------------------- T -----------? ________ __ ____ __ th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given baule in Ü. S. e x clu siv e ly by T lie R a n d - M c N a lly B an k e rs* 1 1 Ä O Ptol r each e t t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A s s ’ d . . CENTRAL STATE NATIO NAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A c c o u n ts of B a n k s , B a n k e rs, M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts , an d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T b e R a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . N ame of Bank. T own and County. Big R ock.— Stew art G 6 6 Pop. 200 Big Sandy__..Benton G 5 8 Pop. 380 Blanche.— __ Lincoln 18 6 (A rdm ore P.O.) Pop. 350 »Blountville.S ullivan G 17 6 Pop. 500 Bluff City__ Sullivan G17 6 Pop. 1000 »Bolivar__ Hardeman 14 8 Pop, 1070 Bradford------ Gibson G4 8 Pop. 800 B radyville.. Cannon H 9 6 Pop. 106 Brazil------ „--- Gibson G 4 ZCTrenton P.O.) Pop. 139 Brighton Tipton H 2 8 Pop. 226 Bristol__. —Sullivan G 17 6&5Pop. 7148 »Brownsville__ Haywood 8 Pop. 3500 H3 Brush C reek -S m ith G 10 6 Pop. 300 Buffalo V alley__ Putnam 6 Pop. 150 G 10 Bullsgap__ Hawkins G 16 6 Pop. 125 Bumpus Mills .Stew art G 6 6 Pop. 300 Butler_____Johnson G 18 6 Pop. 500 »Byrdstow n..Pickett F 11 6 Pop. 87 »Camden.— Benton G5 8 Pop. 1100 P resident . V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca sh ie r . Big Rock Bank________*§'12 W; B. H a l l .....___ O. L. Howell . . . 87-540 Farm ers Bank______ __ *§ '09 J . M. Moses______ D. J . Cooper_____ W. T. Pafford 87-304 Blanche Banking Co.___*§’06 D. M. S anders____ C. C. F aulkenley. . C. B. Brock 87-327 Farm ers Bank of Sullivan Co. 87-328 «*§’07 Bluff City Bank______ »*§’05 -87— 329 Bank of Bolivar______ »*§’87 87-233 Hardeman County SavingsBk. 87-234 *§’03 Bank of B radford_____ * t’03 87-330 Bradyville B a n k ______ }§’l l 87— 331 Bank of Brazil________ *§’05 87-332 Brighton Savings Bank «*§’10 87— 333 Bank of Bristol_______ •512 87— 82 H. H. Masengill___ J . J . W hite______ C. H. M asengill..,. W. D. Lyon______ J . B. Wnlfn.______ B. P. Alinn G. T. Ingram ___— Loans k Du. Gashk Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub S a c ra ris t fromBanks * in non $ $ 23,550 $ 38,960 Am. N., Nash. 1980 Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. * 7,575 1,000 80 000 40,000 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.i Am. N.. Nash. 10,000 4 090 75 270 31,750 53,630 4th & 1st N ., Nash.; 1st N., Fayetteville. 15,000 7 500 260 090 163,000 10,000 2 200 80,000 107.000 N. City, N. Y.; Lin. N ., Gin.; 1st N., Bristol. 20,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Bristol. 30,000 27 140 402 000 357,920 Jacob K ahn______ D. M. McAnulty___ John Y. W right__ 30,000 15,850 386,880 195,220 M. O. Boone__ ___ J . N. Alexander___ D. H. P atterson.— J . H. Rochelle— 30,000 15,000 150,000 98.000 8,600 6,880 56,050 60,140 7,880 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. 12,500 2,030 40 180 28,780 4,940 4th & 1st N ., Nash. John L. Mitchell__ M. F. C affy_____ A. J . Jernigan____ S. M. P a tto n _____ D. F . W illiam s___ T. K. H appel____ D. M. Dinwiddie__ J .H . Ranks ...... M. R. Hill 10,000 4,000 84,000 75.000 R. W. Kelly______ R. J . Mottern J . D. Ingham H. W. Spargur____ R. Y. Overman Jas. W. Lynn_____ W. F. Smith Irvin Aaron J . Cabel Scott. A . Cash. D. T. M’Kee_____ H. A. Jonns 50,000 16,000 630,000 475.000 150,000 53,750 1.434,780 1,432,090 100,000 95,250 1,559,440 1,621,890 87.000 Han. N. N. Y.; Boatmens, St. L. 237.510 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & .Tr. Co., Memp. 113,790 Irving N „ N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 19.000 Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co.-Far. Union, Cov. 210.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. Ex., Roanoke, Va. 389,940 Han. N., and Imp. & T ra. N., N. Y.: Corn. Ex. N., Phil.; Am. N., Rich.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 336,300 N. City and Chatham & Pnenix N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 50,000 15,210 536,760 513,740 00,000 50,000 564 000 625,960 200,000 29,300 838,490 985,670 Mrs. D. D. M artin. Miss Mai Nixon W. G. T ra v is ____ — ------------------ 10,000 1,500 49,860 40,750 5,100 1,500 30,000 26,000 MaryM.Willoughby 17,500 6,100 132,340 116,600 . _ R. E. Holland____ J . TS. Pugh Lyla Holland W. J . Pierce_____ R. W . Sm ythe____ 10,000 6,180 75,390 44,490 10,000 5,500 77,000 68,000 24.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Va. 10,000 4,240 06 100 53,259 49,150 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. S. F. Thom as_____ J . H. Rn.nnfttt W. G. Berson_____ D. D. R o b ertso n ... D. D. M a rtin ___ , Jo h n Lacy 94,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Va. 117,200 ìmp. & Tra. N., N.Y.; ls t N., Memp.; 4th & ls t N., Nash.; 3d N.. St. L. 88,480 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and 3d N„ St. L.; Union & Pian. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 20,610 Oumberland Valley N „ Nash. 10,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 34.420 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. 42,260 4th & 1st N „ Nash. A. S. Justice_____ R. T,. Dodd 25,000 1,550 275,000 252,000 J . M. L o ck h art___ — 10,000 510 37,950 29,660 17.420 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. E. H. Curry __ 12,700 4,200 46,000 42,000 15.000 Oumberland Valley N „ Nash. 44.000 3dN ., St. L.; Am. N „ Nash. W. B. F o rd ______ Lee Dnke _______ R. M. Ligon_____ 25,000 4,470 134 370 138,760 Julian Fisher_____ L. B. Flippen_____ John A. F ite_____ S. M. Vnnng T. B. Read F. F . Robinson G. A. W ashington— B. B. Sory.............. B. F . Allnutt_____ J . E. A dam s__ — 25,000 25,100 400,000 346,000 10,000 8,000 45,000 50,000 W. L. B ro w n _____ G. W . Stephens___ E. P. F o w le r____ H. H. K y le ______ 15,000 8,790 163,420 94,810 91,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash 30,000 9,300 218,540 192,070 73,770 N. P ark, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L 50,000 38,210 494,920 368,360 226,970 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th A 1st N., Nash.; 4th N., Atl. A. H. Grigsby_____ A. J . R obertson__ S. W hitson .. . R. Rnssnll _ .. J . B. W alker_____ W. D. Thom pson.. S. C. Broome_____ S. S. Cunningham .. 50,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 90.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l. N. Chi.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 13.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. ________ July, 1918 R. F. Miller______ J . C. Chisolm L. E . Baird H. W. Powers____ R. L. P ennington.. J . P . Young DOMINION NATIONAL BANK H. E. Jones______ A. P. Moore - .... J . N. Huntsman 87-80 *’90 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-**'68 E. W. King______ John H. Caldwell.. C. W. Warden, V. P. Jas. W. Lynn 87-79 Washington T r. & Sav. Bank J . D. M itchell-___ J . A. M ahoney___ A. P . Moore 87-81 »*§’06 H. E. Jones, C n .o fB d . Brownsville Bank____ »*§’69 J . O. B orner_____ D. D. Shaw______ 87-140 F irst State Bank_____ **§’17 R. M. Chambliss__ G. W. Lyle............... 87-141 Farm ers Banking Co.— *§’08 T. H. Nixon______ W. P. Allen______ 87-334 Bank of Buffalo Valley..*§’12 J . P. N ichols_____ W. W. Ja re d ____ 87-528 Peoples Bank________ «*§’07 J . B. Willoughby ._ Wm. Knipp .. _ ... W. M. Rader 87-335 Farm ers & M erch.Bank.*§’06 W. B. Pugh____— J . W. Robertson__ 87-336 Johnson County B ank.«*§’06 L. H. Goodwin.— L. L. Goodwin____ 87-337 Pickett County Bk. & T r. Co. E. P. H ildreth ____ M. W . S m ith ........... 87-338 *§’04 F irst National Bank____»*’07 R. L. Stockard____ J . J . Cole 87-272 Peoples Bank & T r. Co— §’14 L. E. Davis____ ... G. B. Bane_______ 87-563 Campbellsville Bank___ *§’10 R. N. H a y s_____ _ J . A. Morris 87-339 Gampbellsville—Giles 1 7 6 (L v n n ville P.O.) Pop. 150 »Carthage____Smith G 10 F irst State Bank______ *§’05 87-244 6 Pop. 1500 Smith County Bank___»*§’92 87-243 Cedar H ill.Robertson F 8 Bank of Cedar Hill____ »*§’04 87-340 6 Pop. 800 »Celina_______ Clay G 11 Bank of Celina_______ »*§’95 87-341 6 Pop. 467 »Centerville___ Hickman Citizens National Bank__*10 87-230 6 Pop. 1200 436 First National Bank____ «*’85 87-229 W n Whitn L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus D epos and Capital P rofits its ______________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Big Rock to Centerville »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13. T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1164 1164 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C EN TR A L-S TÌ u E NA u ON a L BANK OF M E M P H IS - 1 1 ¿ZC N u m b e r u n d e r jN am e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given U. S. e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e K a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s 9 to e a ch b a n k TENNESSEE—Continued ete... nee mure 14-. V n r H n lld a v i. nee orinosit,« nacra 13.1 C C EN TR A L-S TA TE NATIO NAL BANK OF M E M P H IS N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each b an k in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e K a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e rs* N a m e o f Ba n k . T own a n d Co u n t t . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState .County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. .. . Chapel Hill .Marshall H 8 Bank of Chapel H ill____t§’05 V, TT. Fzfill 87-342 6 Pop. 1000 Citizens Bank & T rust Co. 87-558 i i ’14 C h arlesto n - Bradley 1 12 Hiwassee Bank_______ < § ’07 G. M. McKnight.__ 87-343 $ Pop. 500 .C harlotte__Dickson H 7 Bank of Charlotte______ §’05 87-344 6 Pop. 450 As s ’t Ca sh ie r . 12,000 15.000 1,900 45.000 50,000 10.000 10,450 150,030 147,110 A. G. Castleman__ F , H. Hickerson__ 10,000 2,530 121,261 70,900 53,050 Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. 300,000 150,000 1,180,000 1,020,000 398,000 N. P a rk , N. T u 1 st N ., C ln. Gordon L. Nichols. 150.000 Carl Gibbs___ T. R. Durham S. C. Brooks 750.000 85,000 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: Fifth10,000 525,000 555,000 T hird N ., Gin. 323,430 4,882,750 4,164,240 1.767,930 Ohase N. and N. Bk. Com N. Y„; Cont. Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.: Lin. N. and FifthT hird N „ Cin.; (M em . F ed . R es.) * 'H A M ILT O N NATIONAL BANK 87-36 W. J . W ard. R. W. B arr . teeing prompt service. U-ffifiBh lity for making colie olicy to remit for ite ounts of Banks, Ban st Capital and the la 1 , 000,000 ION Tenness ee. 600,000 13700000 11000000 3,300.000 H a n . N ., N. C ity , a n d M ech . & M e ta ls N . N . Y .; N . C ity , C h i.; 1 st N ., C ln . étions. ms on the day we m ake collection. Our rates are reasona hie. kers, Corporations a nd Individuals, rgest Surplus of any bankin East Tenne ssee. 250,000 177,950 2,179,960 2,241,100 Miss Giara Goodson 10,000 1,730 80,300 64,670 St. Elmo Bk. & T r. Go. < § ’13 Z. 0. P atten, J r . _. G. H. P a tte n ..___ _ C. N. W oodw orth. 87-37 J . R. Huff Union Bank & T rust Co. W. V. T u r le y - ___ F . J . Hackney____ 1. P. Milligan ____ _ S. G. Heymann . . . . 87-35 < § ’17 10,000 3,950 130,470 129,050 35,000 1,000 75,000 70,000 87-33 17,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. '95 (Brokers) _____ __ Chattanooga Clearing House R. W. B a rr______ I. B. F. L ow ry.___ W. A. Sadd, See.. (Members indicated by a * ) F . A. Nelson, M gr. CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26,730 1st N., Chattanooga. 22,690 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. A c c o u n ts o f B a n k s , B a n k e rs, M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts ; a n d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . 1165 87-34 351,310 H a n . N ., N . Y .; U n io n T r. C o., C h i.;F if th T h ird N ., C ln . <8*89 Loveman B a n k ...____ < § ’07 B. E. Loveman____ D. B. L ovem an___ F . W. P ik e ____ BOWDRE BROWN CO. 52,490 N. P ark, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chattanooga. 728,000 14500000 12700000 3,500,000 S e a b . N . a n d N . C ity , N . Y .t C o rn E x . N . a n d C o n t. & C om ’l N „ C h i,; M ech .A m . N ., S t. L. Designated Depository for the United States, City of Chatfano oga and State of (T. R. PRESTON- G. H. M ILLER___ J. B. F. LOWRY. Every modern faci Our established p < ’05 We solicit the acc ( We have the large 760,000 A ctive V .-P . -“■raE"# »---1 ft F-L“«“"«o' - 4 1 mwr 'HAMILTON TRUST t Send your Chattanooga b u sin ess to us. ecia l attention given B ill o f Lading D ra fts. & SAVINGS BANK O uSr plocation very a cce ssib le to W holesale D istric t. 87-33 11,000 Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1163. CHAS. A. LYERLYJ. P. HOSKINSC." NOTTINGHAM, 'F IR S T Z. C. PATTEN, JR. NATIONAL BANK We have unusual facilities for handling collections at reasonable charges, guaran < ’66 11,000 $ 135,000 $ 100,000 $ 36,000 4th ft 1st N., Nash. -B. H. GRISWOLD — Bank of Com m erce__ < 812 0 . L. Knoedler____ E. F . Hixson. 87-42 ♦Chattanooga Savings Bank W. A. Sadd______ S. R. R ead.. 87-31 < 8 ’89 R. W. Barr 87-30 P r in c ipa l Correspondents. J . R. Wilhoite____ S. L. Giles_______ O. L. Marshall__... H. S. PROBASCO. < 112 RESOURCES. Loam k Dm- Gashk Bxc’ti. -Bom»«, vamm ,Dvs T. M. Haynes____ M. B. K e r r .. ____ H, R. Pnwfill. .. Gifford Hopkins W. J . Eldredge___ J . E. Q uisenberry.. Maude G reenlee__ u r n eSCO AMERICAN TRUST B e s id e s generalt banking item s, send us m atters requiring personal handling by men o f broad tru s t & BKG. CO. and banking experience. 87-41 Lia b il it ie s . b pl u s P a id - u p S uand D e po s Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s TENNESSEE BANKS—Chapel Hill to Chattanooga .Chattanooga__Hamilton Reserve City. 6 Pop. 60,075 111 Ca sh ie r . Vice -P r e sid e n t . P r e sid e n t . Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a te s , G ra c e ,' e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s» see opposite p a s s 13. TENNESSEE—Continued July, 1918 1165 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is th e New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T b e R an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs A ss'n . T own and County . N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. a n ic u iB w lo n iiB , u w r e r s , law s , u irecco rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s , Grace, T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1 P r e s id e n t . V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca sh ie r . Li a b i l i t i e s . i1 R e so u r c e s . r pl u s k Dig* C a s h k E x P a id - u p Suand D e po s Lc oams ’Tg. B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ub Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s S e c u r it ie s f ro m B ank s As s ’t Ca s h ie r . C hristiana__ R utherford Bank of Christiana____. « ’09 J . P . G ordon_____ E. T. S m otherm an. J . H. R obbins____ 6 Pop. 600 H0 87-345 H. C. Maylo $ 10,000 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 3,000 $ 61,000 $ 51,000 $ 19,000 Cumberland Valley N. and Cent. Bk. &■ T r, Co., Nash. Church H ill..__Hawkins Church Hill Bank____ . . « ’12 B. L. B u ssell...___ J . D. Hamilton 6 Pop. 100 G 16 87-546 E. S. Crawford . . . . 10,000 3,100 67,500 66,370 •Glarksville-Montgomery Clarksville National Bank Archer Howell____ E. B. T rahern... 6 Pop. 8548 F7 87-69 * t’67 R. E. Atkins___. . . 100,000 85,008 500,000 497,000 350,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Citiz.N., Lon. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«* 65 Wesley D ra n e ____ J . J . Conroy_____ O. W. Bailey._____ 100,000 128,150 1,105,370 969,030 447,490 N. City, N. Y.; Union N „ Lou.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 325,000 140,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., and Am. N„ Nash. 87-68 F. T. Hodgson F irst T rust & Sav. B k ,.« » ’06 0 . B. Lyle________ C. C. B ro w n . 87-70 Emory Kimbrough R. F . W all. 75,000 37,500 100,000 106,730 450,000 20,210 Drov. & Mech. N „ Balt.: Bk. of Kingsport, Kingsport. STERLING FORT.,.— — F. N. S M I T H H . P. PICKERING -.......0. E. LAYNE........... DOUGLASS WARFIELD NORTHERN BANK H E R E IS O U RJOHNR HURST E C O R D : O ld e s t B ank in Ten n essee . all o f the panics and the C iv il W ar OF TENNESSEE SendThrough we have kept on paying out good money. us your co llectio n s. W e use ginger on them. 87-67 Collinwood__ Wayne 11 8 Pop. 2000 112,810 A m . Ex. N ., N. Y .; 4 th & 1 st N ., N ash . • « ’54 Southern T rust Co.__. » « ’10 Wesley D ran e____ M. L. Cross__ 87-71 ‘ Cleveland__ Bradley 1 12 Cleveland Bk. & T r. C o.»«’06 J . E. Johnston___ _ P. B. Mayfield. 87-93 6 Pop. 7000 CLEVELAND NATIONAL BK J . E. Jo h n sto n ..__ W. P . L an g .... 87-91 • t ’66 Gliften— ____ Wayne 1 6 6 Pop. 711 ‘Clinton__ Anderson G 18 6 Pop. 1090 Coal Creek____Anderson 6 Pop. 1102 G 13 Ooldwater___Lincoln 1 8 6 Pop. 50 OollegeGrove. Williamson 6 Pop. 200 H8 Collierville___Shelby 1 3 8 Pop. 802 781,170 1,118,700 Merchants Bank___ ___« ’02 87-92 Peoples B a n k ....... • « ’11 87-94 Peoples B ank___ . « ’90 87-346 Union Bank_______ — • » ’94 87-347 F irst National Bank____» t’08 87-348 Bank of Coldwater____ « ’09 87-349 Bank of College G rove..« 1 1 87-350 F irst State Bank & T rust Co. 87-607 «17 Peoples B ank ________ » « ’88 87-254 Bank of Collinwood____§18 87-611 Wayne County T rust Co..§’18 87-614 W. P . Lang____ F . J . H arle.. F rank J . H arle. 25,000 22,500 75,000 75.000 150,000 140,000 100,000 175,000 320,000 800,000 1,100,000 75,000 81,110 245,880 316,240 W. A. L illard__.__ E. F . Campbell___ G. M. McKnight W. S. Howard____ W. A. H ughes____ J . J . M ontague___ 50,000 12,430 268,080 292,650 50.000 29.470 162,170 137,990 C. J . Sawyer_____ S. M. Leath______ W. W. Underwood Miss E dith B a k er.. 30.000 40,170 249,390 223,240 0. W. H a r le ____1 G. T . Hall________ E. S. P etty _______ J . T. Huffine____ W. H. N ew com b. E. M. Beasley____ ’M. H. I rw in _____ M. H. Irw in______ M. M. Wallace____ 25.000 17,000 180,000 136,750 T. D. S u g g ...------ 10,000 11,600 67,000 48,000 R. C. Sm ith______ C. P . R ender_____ 5.000 1st N.. Clarksville. 7.000 Clev. N „ Clev. 170,000 Seab. N ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.: FifthT hird N ., Cin. 85,760 N. City, N. Y.; Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 19,540 Chase N.. N. Y.; Hamilton N„ Chattanooga. 100,460 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N „ Nash.; Union & Plan, Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 91,310 Chase N „ N. Y.; Holston N. and City N „ Knoxville. 51,050 N. City, N. Y.; City N „ Knoxville. 30,000 4th & 1st N „ Nash. T. H. Ogilvie —__ 14,200 C. B. Haley______ W. E. Stam m er— E. M. Covington__ 2,300 70,000 75,000 20,000 4th & 1st N „ Nash. J . J . Covington. J r. J . H. Irb y ______ B. B. Isbell, A ctive J . W. Lynch___. . . 15.000 80,000 16,000 68,000 Met. T r. Co., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. J . F . Dudney Co., Memp, W. N. Craig— H. W. Mann . . . . . . E. F . Moreland___ F red K ir k _______ 25.000 4,800 158,000 98,000 58,000 Met. T r, Co., N. Y.; Union & Plan, Bk. & Tr. J . L. Hutton Co., MempN. C. J e te r ,M g r... (.Branchi o f B a n k o f W ay nesboro, Waynes- 4th & 1st N., Nash. boro, T e n n .) J . D. D unn______ Thomas S. Bailie— J . Me W illiam s___ Miss J . McWilliams 15.000 21,410 14,500 20,380 Am. N. and State Bk. & T r. Co., Nash. ‘Columbia___Maury H 8 COLOMBIA BANK & TR. CO. W. B. Greenlaw___ W. H. W ilso n .... 87-87 * « ’09 6 Pop. 5754 W. E. Martin Maury County T rust Co. §’l l 87-89 Maury National B ank__« t’93 87-85 Phoenix National B ank.«i’05 87-86 Phoenix Savings Bk. & T r. Co. 87-88 *«'09 Corno________ Henry G 4 Farm ers & M erch. B ank. §10 8 Pop. 128 87-351 O. W. Bailey___ G. E. McKennon__ J . E. Littlefield___ J . F. Brownlow___ W. P. Ridley____ C. A. P a r k e r ___ C. A. P arker_____ W. P. R idley___ R. L. McKinney E. E. McLemore__ W. A. Dale_____ J . F . Brownlow ~ E. E. McLemore__ W. A. D a le _____ O. O. Crawford___ W. A. Lovelace— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. O. Fulton____ 25,000 H. B. C ochran.. W. M. Chaffin 200,000 24,220 405,170 8,500 385,800 35,000 85,000 1,100,000 1,150,000 125,000 136,860 622,080 963,240 H. O. F ulton____ 25,000 29,610 108,620 158,260 C. L. Tansil_____ 7.500 5,880 48,030 31,990j C EN T R A L-S T A T E N ATIO NAL BANK OF MEMPHIS N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given 50,000 105,580 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 5,000 Han. N.. N. Y. 350,000 N. P ark and Han. N „ N. Y. 121,660 N, City, N. Y.; 4 th & ls tN „ Nash. 4,970 Phoenix N „ Columbia. 28,450 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Com’l, Paris. Special facilities for handling Tennessee, M i s s i s s i p p i a n d Arkansas Items P r o m p t Service. Reasonable R a t e s . A c c e ssib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , l a w s , D ir e c to r s , in- , ÎL66_______ ___________TENNESSEE BANKS—Christiana to Como _______________July, 1918 1166 C EN TR A L-S TA TE NATION A L BANK OF MEMPHIS - T ow n N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to e a c h b a n k in U . S. e x c l u s i v e l y b y T h e K a m i-M c N a lly B an k e rs* D ire c to ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss*n. and N am e Co u n t y . of tes. Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. ¿Gookeville.Putnam G 10 Citizens Bank_________$§'14 87-564 I Pop. 2500 F irst National Bank__ _ 210 87-190 Copper kill____ Polk 112 F irst Nat. Bk. of Polk County 87-96 **'08 6 Pop. 1200 C o rd o v a...——Shelby I 2 Cordova Bank & T rust Co. 87-544 »2813 8 Pop. 250 Oornersville-Marshall 18 Farm ers Bank__ _____ •28’04 87-353 6 Pop. 500 Oottagegrove—Henry G 5 Cottage Grove Bank & T r. Go. 87-354 28’05 8 Pop. 216 ¿Covington__ Tipton H 2 F irs t National B an k .___«14 87-567 8 Pop. 2990 Vice-President. P resident. A c c e ssib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , l a w s , D ir e c to r s , in d e x e d i n b a c k of th is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t K a te s , G ra c e ,| e tc ., see p a g e 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see o p p o s ite p a g e 13. T E N N E S S E E — Continued Ca s h ie r . Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities . bplus P aid - u p SuAND D e po s it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Resources. £ DuSsoommas Principal Correspondents. Ca s e £ E x Loams c ’t ». B o n d s , OHAVGMfDtni f ro m Banks S. B. A nderson.__ W. R. C arlen .—:__ S. Hargis — —. 15.000 $ D. C. W ilhite____ W. L. W hitson____ W. A. Hensley M. 0. H in g .._____ J . W. Gilliam_____ E. Cameron____ S. D. W ilhite— __ 50.000 13,760 374,160 339,760 136,160 N. P ark, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 25.000 16,410 320,000 274,520 108,000 N. City, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. J . D. E llis _______ W. M. A lle n _____ B. Goodioe_____ 9,100 3,230 38,390 38,530 A. Jones_________ R. E. B lackburn__ 0 . Kennedy____ H. O. Kennedy____ 12.000 15,400 106.000 122,000 26,070 Am. N ., Nash. W. E. Rainey.1___ J . G. Rainey__ ___ A. C. Austin____ A. F . S m yth _____ 70.000 9,630 87,070 136.540 J . H. F lip p in __— A. P . S m ith --------A lfred Boyd, J r . L. W orrell_____ 60.000 12,290 498,950 553,520 60,790 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Bk. Com., Lou.; Com’l, Paris, 75,330 State Savings B a n k ____ §17 J . H. F lip p in 87-608 Carl A bernathy— — A. P. Sm itt______ E. L. W orrell____ B. S. Jam ison_____ A. Boyd, J r . 12,000 IMM- 200,000 . S. MAYES---- PETERFYFE---J.T. GARNER— W W.L. SHELTON , S p ecial a t t e n t i o n given B ill o f L a d in g D ra fts , C 5,430 1 155,470 $ 141,740 $ 31,630 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 10,260 Union & Pian. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 1st N., Covington. 65,470 825,710 947,580 143,600 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & T r. Oo.vMemp. 3d N., St. L. 50.000 14.090 385,320 310,550 135,310 N. P ark, N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co. F ar. Union, Cov. Bank of Cowan______ «28’06 G. M. Thorogood.. J . W. Clark___— R. S. S loan______ Cowan_— F ranklin 1 9 87-355 J . G. Hawkins 6 Pop. 1000 Cross Plains__Robertson Cross Plains Bank___ •28’08 G. M. Howard____ J . M. C ovington.. J . H. R ic h a rd s___ G. H. Powell — 87-356 6 Pop. 500 G8 D. Jones 10.000 1,400 31,000 34,000 20,000 6,000 65,000 63,000 ¿Grossville—Cumberland F irst National B a n k ... «21900 87-357 6 Pop. 1000 H U Calleoka_____ Maury 1 8 Bank of Gulleoka______ 28’04 87-358 6 Pop. 600 Cumberland City .Stew art Citizens Bank&Trust Co48’14 87-572 6 Pop. 600 G6 Cumberland City B a n k ..28’04 87-359 Cumberland Gap.Cl’b’rne Peoples Bank______ ____§’05 87-360 6 Pop. 847 G14 ¿Dandridge. Jeff ersoaG 15 Jefferson County Bank. < § ’07 87-361 6 Pop. 447 D arden...H enderson H 5 Bank of D arden_______ 2115 87-562 8 Pop. 175 ¿Dayton______ Rhea 1 11 American National Bank*2’01 87-179 8 Pop. 2000 TlflPH. COUNTY-FARMERS UNIONBANK-----------< § ’87 87-131 UNIONSAVINGSBANK*2813 87-545 [p r o m pt VICE OU R SPEC 1ALTY. ser G. B. Gillespie____ Geo. D. Green . . . . . Geo. G- Harvey, J r . S .C . Shelton— W. M. Simonton 7,960 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 31,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Peo., Springfield. J . W. D orton____ A. Elm ore______ J . S. R e e d __ _____ W. L. G uthrie____ 25.000 17,000 215,820 182,700 John P. G r a h a m - W. E. B allanfant. M. C. Adam s...___ 10.000 3,150 58,310 39,000 29,200 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. Marble McFall____ O. H. Atkins_____ J . W. C a ry _____ _ Myrtle Bailey -----E. Wickham W. B. Scott______ H. H. Allen_____ Nixon Pickard____ 10,000 3,800 104,000 75,000 7.500 11,800 45,200 47*110 40,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; N. Bk. Com., Lou. 15,940 4th & 1st N., Nash. J . F rank W hite___ L. Overton______ N. P . Nash . J . B. H ill________ J . C. Burchflel___ F rank Richardson. 10,000 4.000 45,000 50,000 E. A. McSpadden _ 20,000 5,600 196,000 165,000 Asa D av is_______ W. F . Boren. —__ W. O. Hill, H. P. B o ren ___ Sec. a n d Tr. W. B. Allen— ____ O. V. W hitener. 7.500 2,500 53,260 39,780 25.000 81,070 422,480 482,240 54,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.; 1st N., Chattanooga. J. T. CRAW FORD- B.L. MORGAN.. 40,700 15,340 206,370 185.440 76,960 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Hamilton N. Chattanooga; 4th N., Cin. W. J . Abel— — W. H, Black — —— Sarah J . Neil — J . P . Culvahouse J . A. E n g la n d ...__ J . S. England__ . . . J . W. Stout— P . W. Miller 10.000 14,290 131,170 88,350 30.000 500 123,000 109,080 17,000 3d N ., St. L. ; 1st N., Jackson. CITIZENSB87-519 ANKATRUS2812 TCO. D. M. P ow ell____ J . L. H ay n es_____ T. K. W illiam s___ Geo. Neal B ass. 20.000 8.360 100,440 104,650 22,470 Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk. & T r. Co.. Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. F irst Nat. Bk. of F ranklin Co W. F . S m ith ____ 87-364 «2’99 C. C. Cam pbell, — W. H. Featherston. R. L, Looney — 25,000 - . 45,000 250,000 260,000 65,000 Chase N ., N . Y.; 4th & ls tN ., Nash. A. P. Haggard ____ W. H. R odgers__ DAYTONBANK&TRUSTCO. J. M.HAYES-— 87-178 *28'94 ¿Decatur—. . . . Meigs 1 12 Meigs County Bank___•28'07 J . W. Lillard ..____ 87-362 6 Pop. 165 ¿Decatnrville___Decatur Decatnr County Bank—< 8 ’99 F . F isher______ 87-363 8 Pep. 650 H5 Deckerd—...F ra n k lin 1 9 6 Pop. 1100 a s h a n d T im e I t e n u . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK OF MEMPHIS 89,810 Chase N., N. Y.s Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 19,000 Chase N., N. Y.; City N ., Knoxville. 52,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Fifth-Third N.. Cin. 31,150 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 66,020 1st N ., Chattanooga. A c c o u n ts o f B a n k s , B a n k e rs , M a n u fa c tu r e r s , M e r c h a n ts , a n d In d iv id u a ls in v ite d . U n s u rp a s s e d C o lle c tio n S e rv ice. July, 1918______________TENNESSEE BANKS—-Cookeville to Decherd__________________ U67 t -t fz '7 1JL O / pi and 1*00 T own N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ Directnrv. under the a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n . and Nahe Co u n ty . of Ban k. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State *County Seats. F iguje under town is $Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Deliróse___..L incoln I 8 Bank of D elrose---------- $§’14 87-571 6 Pop. 200 Home Bank___________$§’14 Jno. W. Young — H* E. S herrell------87-575 W. R. Orr, , ,, Diana_________ Giles 1 7 Farm ers & M erchants Bank 87-577 $§’14 6 Pop. 300 Dickson____Dickson H 6 Citizens National B ank. »$'06 W. H. M cM urry__ C. M. Lovell 87-187 6 Pop. 1850 FARMERS 87-223 &MERCH. ‘Dyersburg____Dyer G 3 8 Pop. 4148 Lia b il it ie s . R e so u r c e s . b pl u s oams k Dis- Oasxk BxP a id - u p S uand DBP08- L c’ts. Bonds, chaeqm,Due Ca p it a l P b o f it s ITS Securities non Bajo» $ Carl E . G eorge___ — S— H-' — — 7,500 S 1,390 $ 19,010 $ 15,610 $ 38,090 J . T. D o ss_____ - 12,000 1,600 30,000 40,000 3,000 W. R. Boyte_____ W. A. Meadow____ 50,000 15,540 446,040 418,630 130,450 S .G . H olland_____ H. H. S e lf............... S. G . R obertson__ H. L. Grigsby J . A .M y a tt G. W. A l l e n __ H. B. R e e v e s .... 60,000 33,500 714,340 607,000 230,000 10,000 6,500 90,000 85,000 25,000 14,690 Am. N., Nash. 50,640 7,300 350 27,510 17,480 1,940 148,380 134,860 J . W. Boswell ___ Charles B ruton___ Logan McElroy ___ — 15,000 6,760 66,220 58,550 . 6,870 4,650 50,000 J . M. Gamble P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 15,600 S. G. Lewis _____ W. W. B ran d o n __ T. J . B ran d o n ___ Jam es B tandon __ S. J . Evans 16,100 Am. N., Nash.: F ar. N., Fayetteville. St. L.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr, Co., Memp. Nash. 64,260 Han. N „ N. Y.; Am. N .. Nash. 26,910 4th & 1st N „ Nash. J . C. S ta rk e . E. F . Adkins 12,000 3,000 80,000 63,000 J. H. F e lto n ____ W. A. Stew art 25,000 6,500 100,000 110,000 24,500 Han. N., N.Y.: Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 69,090 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. George 8. Boyd 29,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 35,000 12,000 110,000 125,000 . .. 25,000 8,360 156,460 113,010 76,810 3d N .,S t.L .; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Boy E. S pargo.. . J . M. Kilpatrick, A ctin g C. V. Skullm an___ E. C. Crawford 25,000 7,230 181,590 146,320 60,980 Han. N., N. Y.; Clev. N., Olev. 15,000 5,250 65,000 63,500 19,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 72,000 79,000 3d N., St. L.; City N., Fulton, Ky.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 49,000 1st N ., Chattanooga. W. T. Killebrew . D. M. Bruce C. E. T aylor. 15,000 11,720 130,300 15,000 11,000 120,000 97,000 Jno. M. J a c k so n ... 25,000 4,480 132,760 130,670 29,270 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cent. State N., Memp. S. A. B radley____ 40,000 26,900 208,600 242,000 36,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. ATKINS— BIGGS---------- R.S. W 50,000 59,160 718,890 913,890 150,770 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 100,600 106,220 610,000 640,000 258,260 N .C ity .N .Y .; 3 d M .,S t.L . M. H. Rose . . W. L. Jones ______ H. Y. P arrish . P. B. Sm ith . . Y. EL 8tone. S. B. W ilson. H. D. H ayes_____ M. R, S m ith ......... . H. W ilson____ O. O. Swell 87-105 W. A. Burgess. W. O. D odson____ G. R. L a n n o m ___ J . F. W eakley __ _ f ........... -...... - § ’95 CITIZENSBANK----------«$§’89 As s ’t Ca s h ie r . J . W. O w ens___ A. J . T hornton R . B. McDaniel IJL N . PARKER— A.E. MENZIES— J . F. <O ld e st b a n k . (S en d u s Ite m s fo r p r o m p t servie 1e. J. G. L A T T A _______ B. H. W ATKINS - | G. E . S CO TT . J . F . TEN N EY < S pecial a tte n tio n given BUI o f L a d in g D ra fts , C ash a n d T im e I te m s . FIRST NAT87-104 IONAL BANK «$*89 1 15c m u s t b e sen t w ith e a c h sig h t d r a f t fo r p re se n t a tlo n , ( a n d 35c w ith ea c h r e q u e s t fo r re p o r t o r r a tin g . N. W. O alcutt____ M ercantile Bk. & T r. Co, 87-106 *${'07 Kagleville. R utherf 'rd H 9 Bank of Eagleville____»$§’01 87-305 6 Pop. 400 Peoples B a n k _________ ${’07 87-306 J . M. Brackin_____ J . O. D oyle______ W. L. B rig h am ___ I. N. Bnnnell S. M. Williams E. L. W illiam s.. . W. T . Lowe C. B. Haley R. H. Hailey___ _ N. N. Dryden W. W. P uckett 100,000 19,910 418,440 516,160 8,000 11,900 101,150 80,530 63,890 N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 31,440 Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. 10,100 3,960 67,630 56,460 20,730 Am. N., Nash. Fas tOhattanooga, Ham '1' n B m # F E M A 6 Pop. 8000 “ 1 11 87-370 O. F . W a lto n ..___ W. E. P o o l______ R. G. W illiam s___ 20,000 8,000 160,000 165,000 10,000 4,000 79,310 43,020 40,930 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Trenton. 25420 12,010 17,670 F ar. Union, Ripley; IstN ., Memp. U 0 .M W. S. Stephens — «»'07 l a t e n _______ Gibson G 4 Bank of B ato n _______ ${’10 R. W. Dodds 8 Pop. 300 87-371 B d ith ___Lauderdale H 2 Bank of E d ith _______ ${’12 W. E. Crihfleld___ J . T. Beard W. H. H oover.. A. H. Hardy_____ — METMDIJIC 1 C EN TR A L-S TA TE NATIO NAL BANK OF Rvnlnu P 30,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. O tP n n 200 iT lL lT ir n iO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N u m b e r u n d e— r N_a m e o. f .B a. n k. is th-----e N ew T r a u s t t; N u m Hanker.«* b e r given -- nráTT, l k t X T 'C ' C? C« 7,830 Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. TENNESSEE BANKS—Deliróse to Edith ________________ July, 1918 F irst National B a n k ___*$’03 87-186 Dixon Spring .S m ith G 10 Peoples B a n k ________$§’12 87-366 6 Pop. 200 D onelson...D avidson G 8 Donelson Bk. & T r. Oo..${’12 87-586 6 Pop. 200 *Dover____£ Stew art G 6 Dover Bk. & T rust Co..«$S’03 87-267 6 Pop. 700 Peoples Bank & T rust Co. 87-268 *$§’10 Dowelltown.Dekalb H 10 Dowelltown Banking Co.$§’16 87-588 6 Pop. 300 Doyle----------W hite H 10 F irst National Bank_____$*12 87-367 6 Pop. 500 «Dresden__ Weakley G 4 Dresden Bank__________§'89 87-266 8 Pop. 708 Weakley County Bank..${'87 87-265 Ducktown____ Polk 1 13 Ducktown Banking Co. «${'04 87-257 6 Pop. 1500 Miners State Bank__ __ $§'10 87-258 D uk ed o m ... Weakley G 4 Dukedom Bank_______ $§’05 87-368 8 Pop. 300 D nnlap...Seauatchie 1 11 Sequatchie County Bk. .${'05 87-369 6 Pop. 1166 Dyer________ Gibson G 3 B ANKOFDYER---------- •»■14 87-224 8 Pop. 1500 CASHIER. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ire c to rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13. T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1168 11 £ o Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. C EN TR A L-S TA TE N ATIO NAL BANK OF MEMPHIS N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k la th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given 8 . e x c lu s iv e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y J t o n k e r s * t o each b a n k in V . I 1 I I Ob/ D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’n . N ame op Bank. T own and Co unty . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. Figure under town is {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident. Elbridge___...O b io n G 8 Bank of E lbridge------- «tS’lO W. T. OaU. 87-372 8 Fop. 800 «Elizabethton, Carter G 17 6 Pop. 2800 TENNESSEE—Continued Vice-President. W. V ia . . Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. N. I. Manly___-__ L. E. M aloney_____ $ 15,000 $ E. H. HOLLY— C .m DER- S. T. MILLARD k f c f it iA r *Í V .- P r e s . T h e O ld e s t , S t r o n g e s t a n d L a r g e s t B a n k in g I n s titu tio n in C a r t e r C o u n ty . W e d o a G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s in e s s . »tlO P r o m p t , E f f ic ie n t S e r v ic e on C o lle c t io n s . ________ FIRST NATI BANK 87-148 R e so u r c e s . I Li a b i l i t i e s . S u r pl u s D e po s Loams k Du- Can k Ex* P aid - u p cham ois ,Dm c ’ t *. B on d s , AND it s Ca p it a l P r o p it s ShCURITIM non Baku P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 9,550 $ 76,410 $ 68,930 $ 33,530 4th & 1st N „ Nash. ; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 40,000 14.590 405,830 380,050 90,370 H a n . N ., N . Y .; D o m in io n N ., B risto l, V a. 40,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; Unaka N ., Johnson C. Holston National B a n k ..i’17 J . B. Nave. S r . ___ 87-602 L. D. G asteig er__ Peoples Bank & T rust Co. 87-565 tS’14 Elkton___.1____ Giles 1 8 Bank of E lk to n ______ « '0 4 J . E. Bangh______ . 87-873 • 6 Pop. 450 Englewood—McMinn 1 13 Bank of Englewood— » tl’06 R. H. H ick s..____ 87-374 6 Pop. 600 Enville—____Chester 1 5 Bank of Enville----------- t l ’05 H. B. O’Neal— ,___ 87-375 8 Pop. 250 « E rin ..__ __ Houston G 6 Bank of E rin-------------- »t5'91 E. W. R au sch er__ 87-241 6 Pop. 943 «Erwin____—Unicoi G 17 Erwin National Bank— 1’10 L. H. Phetteplace . 87-226 6 Pop. 3000 F irst National Bank— »$’10 L. S. T ilso n _____ 87-225 Estill Springs.F ranklinl 9 Bank of EstUl Springs —iS’l l K. W. Hudgins — 87-511 6 Fop. 300 Ethridge___ Lawrence 1 7 Farm ers & M erchants Bank S. H. Massey_____ 87-376 JS’l l 6 Pop. 600 F . H. Parkis--------- C. H. H unter_____ E. E. Hathaway E. C. A lexander__ W. P. Dungan —... Jas. E. Nave O. O. W ynne_____ J . W. H ughey____ 25.000 1,200 145,000 112,000 10,000 900 50,000 45,000 20,000 7,110 4,020 49,490 26,520 Am. N „ Nash. D. P . Brendle------ S. A. Crockett------ T. B. Isbell. 17,500 6,220 74,570 63,950 31,770 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Athens. J . D. Anderson__L T . G. Sm ith_____— 10,000 2,560 50,190 35,460 31,210 Peo. Sav., Jackson. 90,000 28,440 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N ., Nash. H. KIMBROUGH- E to w ah ..__ McMinn 112 FIRST NATIONAL BANK>t’08 . 87-196 8 Pop. 5000 Peoples B a n k _______tS'10 87-198 «FayetteviUe.-Iincoln 1 8 Elk National B a n k ____ -«{’87 87-123 6 Pop. 3439 Farm ers National Bank—t ’12 87-122 F irst National Bank____»t’73 87-121 A. J . Mitcham.J!__ Eric R auscher—... G.E. Sullenger. 25,000 6,990 87,950 L. L. M cIntyre___ N. H. P laster------- J . O. Fleming . 25,000 6,500 125,000 110,000 70.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Unaka N., Johnson City. E v erett Jo n e s____ R. M. B a rry _____ Roy T u c k e r__ 25,000 3.530 166,000 167,120 22,550 N. Park, N. Y.; Unaka N.. Johnson City. S. R. T a te _______ Geo. Mitchell, J r . _ 5,500 1,600 30,000 28,000 J . E. Cunningham. F . M. Lincoln_____ T .T . Ray 9,950 410 37,530 29,630 A. N. WALLING— - 50,000 ; em s. 25,000 300,000 285,000 95,000 Han. N., N. Y.; I s tN ., Chattanooga; City N., Knoxville. S. J . P a r k s - — 22,700 3,700 50,000 H. E. Dry den____ S. C. H ip sh ______ Morgan E slick .. 75,000 80,000 675,000 650,000 26,430 Met. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N ., Chattanooga; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 210,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. D. G. Sherrell____ J . E. Poindexter— J . B. Landess— 50,000 31,610 223,650 372,980 36,530 N. Park, N. Y.; Am.N., Nash. 60,000 41,480 323,260 458,210 69,370 Irving N.,"N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; 3 rd N .,S t.L .; 4th & I s tN .a n d Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 46,260 Peo. Sav., Jackson. L a d in g D ra fts , C S p e c la l a t t e n t l 15c m u s t b e se n t w ith e a c h SI g h t D r a ft fo r p r e s e n ta tio n a n d 25c w it h e a c h r e q u e s t fo r r e p o rt o r r a tin g A. M. Shepard__ F . M. Bledsoe____ Finger_____McNairy I 4 Home Banking C o.____t$ ’15 J . R. H arris. 87-584 8 Pop. 200 Flatcreek__ Bedford I Flat Creek Savings BanktS'09 E. L. Ward .. 87-378 6 Pop. 87 J . F . Gilbert— W. G. Cowan_____ R. E. F een ey _____ J . J . M oyers.. C. F . Bagley W. P. Massey__ J . J . H ix _____ «Franklin,Williamson H 8 Harpeth National Bank .*t'06 J . L. Cooke--------- G. A. Lillie — 87-139 6 Pop. 3000 NATIONAL BK. OF FRANKLIN L. W. Buford____ W. J . P o l k ___ 87-137 Q p An O C A J . E. S h o rt____ Robert Hodge Jn o . L. Powell___ J . N. B a k e r..__ J . F . Eggleston__ A. M. Odie.___— A. B. Ritchie —— S. W. F ollatore__ J . M. S u d b u ry .. R. F . Gregg___ C, W. Richards. 7,000 Cumberland Valley N.« Nash.; Citiz. Bk. & T r. Co., Decherd. 8,170 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 8,000 2,530 47,190 11,480 Chas. Butler___ 10,000 3,580 67,900 60,180 N. Cannon, J r .------ F . J . Hyde.______ 50.000 ¿6,000 740,000 700,000 100,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. E. E. Green______ N. O. P erkins____ 100,000 60,000 650,000 675,000 130,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-T hird N., Cin.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. J . B. Briggs______ J . B. H olshouser. 150,000 64,100 522,190 573,330 V. H. Clark_____ 10,000 12,214) 224,470 161,030 iovooo 8,780 15,260 7,500 2,350 40,000 31,500 169,580 C h aseN ..N .Y .; Am .N ., Nash.; N. Bk. Com., Lou. „ 83,030 4th & 1st N ., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 7,270 4th and 1st N., Nash.: Peo. Sav. Bk. & T r. Co., Halls. 9,500 Union N., Knoxville; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 2,000 95,000 53,000 L. A. W eaver— — O. E. Sw eatt____ L. F. D r a g a n ti. L. De F o e ___ H. S. Jo n e s______ A. B. Humphreys CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 000 . t ’71 Williamson Co. Bkg.& T r. Co, 87-138 *§’89 Friendship—Crockett H 3 Bank of Friendship___ • t | ’04 87-380 8 Pop. 400 Farm ers & Merchants Bank 87-543 a l’12 Friendsville.Blount H 13 Peoples Bank-------------..§ ’15 6 Pop. 400 Gadsden___Crockett H 3 Peoples Exchange Bank«t§’08 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dominion N „ Bristol, Va. 10,000 18,310 Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk. & T r. Co., Nash.; Far. N .an d Citiz. N., ShelbyvUIe. 33,000 Chase N ,,N . Y.; 3d N „ St. L. A c c o u n ts o f'B a n k s , B a n k e rs , M a n u fa c tu r e r s , M e r c h a n ts , a n d In d iv id u a ls in v ite d . U n s u rp a s s e d C o lle c tio n S e rv ic e . Town and N am e Co u n t y . of Ban k. ¿Gainesboro, Jackson G 10 Bank of Gainsboro— .•}§ 87-383 6 Pop. 600 P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . B. L. Quarles-____ J . A, Williams___ W. M. Gailbreath 204,450 100,000 31.390 747,720 651.210 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s. Dus 50,060 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 324.680 Liberty N .,N .Y .; N. Bk. Com., Lou.; Am. N., Nash. 25.000 14.000 260,000 220,000 12.000 5,340 45,730 32,250 J . R. Conyers_____ J . B. L e e ______ _ L. L. McDearman.. F. E. W arren__ 12.500 9.000 109,310 65.000 30,160 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Bk. of Alexandria, Alex andria. 60.000 Cent.-State N „ Memp.; 3d N „ St. L. J . T. W arm ath ___ J . H. H unt— . . . 10,000 7.000 59,000 51.000 20,000 Chase N., N. Y. 20,000 10,820 134,150 99,570 65,390 Cont. & Com'l N ., Chi.; Am. N., Nash.; 3d N. St. L.r Union & Plan. Bk. & T r, Co., Memp. 44,430 153.210 43,640 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N.Ï N. Stock Yds., 111. 27,270 Han. N ..N . Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash, 230,000 45,000 Chase N., N , Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. T . A. Jones. R. N. Jam es___ R . W. B an d y . M. E. Fanning____ Farm ers & Citizens Bk..*§’08 J . J . Campbell___ Carl P ark s_______ A. M. Dunlap__ . . . C. H. F elts____ 12.500 Ö00 08,910 87-302 Bank of Goodlettsville ..*§’89 J . O. Bass__ £____ W. B; Myers___. . . S. H. W ilhoite____ J . C. G a r re tt__ 10,000 17.000 153,480 87-387 Bank of Gordonsville. ..•*§’89 Wm. G w altney__ S. J . Thomas_____ J . F . Gwaltney____ V. C .R . C hristian.. 30.000 7,500 245.000 87-388 Hardeman County Sav. Bank L. M. Lee________ (B ranch o f B oliv a r.T e n n 87-389 $8*03 Bank of Granville_____< § ’05 C. S. Brown . . ____ J . O. Jackson . . . 15.000 12.000 112,680 87-390 Graysville Bank_______ t§ ’06 S. G. H utcheson .. H. C. Francisco___ K. F . Johnson__ _ 680 11.000 51,770 87-391 0 . L. Miller, V.-P. L. M. Grimsley Bank of Greenback____*§'12 A. Jones_________ F . L. K err____— J . H. Anderson— W. H. Jones. 10,000 4,200 90.000 87-515 H. A. Griffltts Bank of G reenbrier..__ *§'05 J . S.. J o n e s ______ H. W. England — _ W. J . Buie,______ 'lO.OOO 5,900 73,340 87-392 Wm. Althauser Citizens Savings Bank ..*§'11 O. B. L ovette_____ W. C. Waddell____ J . D. B ritton._____ G. S. Mason___ 25.000 16,000 300.000 87-499 F irst National Bank____**’88 Geo. W. Doughty.. J . E. H acker_____ T. D. Brabson L. C. Willis___ . . . . 50.000 75.000 515.000 87-182 Sec. a n d Tr. Greene County Bank__< § ’90 W. H. Armitage___ W. A. Susong_____ O. C. A rm itage___ 75.000 51,950 463,600 87-183 D.E. BROCK— Greenfield...W eakley G 4 FRUITGROWERS BANK<§05 87-205 8 Pop. 1600 Dis- W. G. Schamberger I . T. Seay_______ Q. B. B row n__ , W .F . Brown . . . E. L. Anderson J . B. Melton— ___ L, L. Melton_____ J . H. K idw ill____ J . H. Melton „ . tsleason___ Weakley G 4 BANK OF GLEASON . — *§’01 W. B. Bynum . 8 Pop. 1000 87-301 Goodlettsville ..Davidson 6 Pop. 600 G8 Gordonsville—Smith G 10 6 Pop. 245 Grand Junct...H ardem an 8 Pop. 491 13 Granville—;Jackson G 10 6 Pop. 234 Graysville____ Rhea 1 11 6 Pop. 800 Greenback..Loudon H 13 8 Pop. 200 Green B rie r ... Robertson 8 Pop. 522 G8 ¿Greeneville.Greene G 16 6 Pop. 6000 R eso u r c es. Loans k Cash k Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes, Securities fromBanks $ 27,600 $ 15,560 $ 211,770 ¿Gallatin „ „ .S u m n e r F 9 F irst & Peoples National W. Y. Allen_____ Wm. Hall__ .____ W. H. H itchcock.. Jo h n B. Swaney— Bank...._87-153___ t ’90 6 Pop. 2399 R . P . Hite Sumner County Bk. & T r.C o 87-155 t§ ’05 Gassa way__ Cannon H 9 Meltons Bank_________ *§’03 87-384 6 Pep. 150 Gates___Lauderdale H 2 Gates Banking & T r. Co.t§’04 8 Pop. 292 87-385 Gibson______ Gibson H 4 Bank of G ibson___ ,__ <§'04 87-386 S P*>p. 250 L ia b il it ie s . b pl u s P a id - u p S uAND D e po s Ca pit a l PBOFITS it s W. A. COATS J. B. McADAMS S p ecial a t t e n t i o n given b ill o f 1 a dlin m g d r a fts , ccas h a n d tim e Ite m s 15 c e n ts m u s t b e s e n t w ith ea c h s ig h t d r a f t fo r p r e s e n ta tlo n , a n d 25 c e n ts w ith ea c h re q u e s t f o r r e p o rt o r r a tin g . Greenfield Bank__ ..».-<§’99 R. L. Goolsby_____ H. F . Hudson____ W. A. Barton____ 87-204 Halls____Lauderdale H3 BANK OF HALLS- „ . . < § ’99 W. H. Tucker____ W. T. Nunn, A ctiv e D. C. W arren ..— . F. R. H u r t ___— . 87-245 8 Pop. 1000 W. O. Patton Peoples Sav. Bank & T r. Co. 0. Wilson___ _____ W. R. Jefferies___ C. E. M cFarland— P. H. Henderson . . 87-246 < § ’05 Ham pshire___Maury H 7 Hampshire Bank—___ *§’11 J . T. A k in _______ V. A. McClanahan . Jn o . P. Stephens— 87-393 6 Pop. 200 98,170 44,330 53,000 60,050 70.000 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Mech. & Metals N „ N .Y .; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 51,670 Am. N ., Cumberland Valley N., and Cent. Bk. & T r. Co., Nash. 15,200 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Fifth-Third N., Gin. 40.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Lenoir City; E. T enn. N., Knoxville. 25,140 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 247.000 22.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N ., Chattanooga. 520.000 75.000 N. P ark, N . Y.: Holston N „ Knoxville. .378,770 202,170 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Hamilton N „ Chattanooga, 12.500 14,500 159.000 121.000 66.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 4th & 1st N ., Nash. 30.000 18,000 170.000 139.000 80,500 Irving N., N. Y. ; Am. N., Nash. 35.000 40.000 350.000 297.000 25.000 6,110 117,100 101,940 120,000 N. City, N iY ;; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. 111. 44,160 3d N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 13,620 Cumberland Valley N.. Nash.; Columbia Bk. & T r. Co., Columbia, F ar. & Mer., Mt. Pleasant, 7,500 2,050 43,190 38,460 H arrim an___Roane H 13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’90 G. W. C a rso n ...__ M. L. D am e___ ... N. Gile^. C arter. . . . C. N. J ulian_____ 87-126 6 Pop. 5000 50.000 23,830 672,420 582,460 158,400 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y,; Fifth-T hird N., Cin.; 1st N., Chattanooga. S. P . Sparks_____ J . S. Crinkley..;__ W. C. Anderson__ C. B. H a rv e y ...— MANUFACTURERS NATI BANK ---- 87-127______< ’91 J . O. Foreman 75.000 34,040 380,550 466,350 98,240 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Cin.; Union N., Knox ville. 25.000 17.000 250.000 225.000 60,000 Met. T r. Co., N. Y .; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 25.000 5,960 161,520 126,660 49,380 Am. N. and State Bk. & T r, Co., Nash. ¿Hartsville.Trousdale G 9 Bank of Hartsville_____*§’84 M. L. W right_____ S. M. Young__ _ R. C. W. P u ry e ar.. Manye Ham m ock.. 6 Pop. 1000 87-259 H. G. Smith Citizens Bank__________ §’05 J . L. Dalton----------W. J . Hale . . . _____ W. A. Oglesby____ C. A. Ham m ond__ 87-260 C EN TR A L-S T A T E N ATIO NAL BANK OF M E M P H IS - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , ■) 71 1 1 /1 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e ox B a n k is tb e N ew T r a n a it N u m b e r given to each b a n k in U. S . e x c lu siv e ly b y T ile K a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s 'T'p'MMP'SSEE----- CV Ao I 1n 1tUi nU uU Ce Ud _ D i r e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s ’n . _________ x Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed ili back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,i etc*« see p a g e 14. ________________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Gainesboro to Hartsville __________ July, 1918 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. F igure under town is *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv, Est, Federal Reserve District. ju ;i« ssiu ie i ow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed m back of this volume. F o r In te r e s t R a te s, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1170 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of. B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given 1 1 7 0 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Itan d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' i. x / U D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs A ss'n . F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o s ite p a g e 13.) p . C EN TR A L-S TA TE NATIO N AL BANK OF M E M P H IS M im o e r u n a e r xwanrie ox xsanK is to e s e w i r a u s i t s u iu w v r g»veu to each b a n k in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly b y T tie E a n d -M c N » Ily B a n k e rs N a m e op B a n k . T own a n d Co u n t y . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . As s ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . r pl u s P a id - u p S uand D e po s it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s 11,190 134,680 68,71tf 90,160 3d N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N ., Nash. B. H. D unn______ T. B. Ellis_______ _________________ 5,000 6,800 74,190 53,320 28,470 4th & 1st N., Nash. 85,000 195,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp. 25,000 J . T. R ains______ H. D. F o lts---------- W alter D r a k e ____ 2,040 264,210 W. D. Barfield J . D. Alston (B ranch o f T ipto n Count y F a rm e rs Union N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp. P eter F y f e ______ E. L.Vaughan,M07". B ank, Covingt on) 57,000 95.000 45,000 N. Bk. Com., Lon.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. 15,000 J . H. Brooch_____ R. B. Clxrisman___ — 3,000 Co., Memp. 81,220 80.380 4th & 1st N ., Nash. H. T . Moss_______ J . W. N ix o n ... ___ ---------------— .----------------15,000 13,240 134,690 T. H. Campbell Edgar Galloway___ 5,000 (B ra n ch o f B oliv a/r, T enn . ) -------------- N. P ark, N .Y .; Union & Plan. Bk. and Tr. Co., Memp.: is t N„ Jackson. 98,320 65,900 4th & 1st N., Nash. 25,000 S. H. H inson_____ Y. A. Goodman.__ 6,150 136,820 L. M. W illiam s.... J . A. Spence_____ 8,650 780 28,190 20,940 F . A. Penick_____ L. A. De P riest — 7.500 2,730 70,000 28,000 J . B. S h o rt______ W. P . Ellington— Laura Rumage -__ 20,000 24,110 105,530 110,110 A.R. DODSON------ 6. E. McDEARMON 64,500 48,420 600,000 550,000 (B ranch o f-T ip to n Count W. H. Keathley. M gr. B a n k . Covingt on, Ten y Form e n .) jC. H. FERRELL- J. R. JARRELL— Peoples B a n k ..—_____*§'17 87-601 «Huntingdon..Oarroll H 5 BANK OF HUNTINGD0N-<§87 W .M . C A R S O N - - - - - - 8 . T . M c C A L L - ----87-227 8 Pop. 1112 Hnntland___F ranklin 1 0 6 Pop. 400 «Huntsville___Scott 6 1 3 6 Pop. 400 Iron City__ Lawren c e l 6 6 Pop. 850 «Jackson.__Madison H 8 8 Pop. 17,807 J . S. Johnson____ A. W. Dodson _— 39,700 Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Camden. 39,530 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 203,000 Chase N.. N. 7 . rs Union N. Park, N. Y.: Bk. of Com. Memp. T r. Co., 185,000 42,000 4th & 1st N.. N ash.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 127,640 109,080 100,000 34,820 Han. N „ N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co.. Memp. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga, 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. GEO. McCALL, JR— 25,000 52,000 150,000 G. W. P a ris h ____- W. E. N o les_____ ¿0,000 7,300 N E I L L W R IG H T . 13,200 4th & 1st N.. Nash. ---------------------------------------- 25,000 10,700 100,000 J . I. F o ster_____ John Toomey___ W .H . Spradlin, J r E. E. G riffith _______ 25,000 5,000 130,000 100.000 J . L. H o llis...___ J . M. Forsythe__ L. M. B ro m ly ___ 5,000 2,600 50,000 34,000 __ 44,500 31,000 550.000 500,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 74 J . W. Vanden___ W. A. Caldwell. 200,000 74,010 1,655,690 1,747,110 382,590 N .C ity .N .Y .; Oont. & Oom’l N „ Chi.; N. Bk Com., St. L..: Fifth-T hird N „ Cin. Peoples Savings B a n k ..< § ’89 J . W. Vanden-----87-61 T. I. T a y lo r..— --------------------------------------A ctive 6 . H. Robertson J . J . H ic k s______ T . B. Carroll------- Carl Williams_______ 100,000 69,290 851,800 862,200 157,910 Han. N., N. Y.;3d N., St. L.; Union & Plan Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.: Ate. N., Nash. W. A. INGRAM — W.D. RELSNR--------( THOMAS POLK- J.L . WISDOM— SECOND NATIONAL BARK 87-60 • < ’8 j I f y o u w a n t p r o m p t r e t u r n s , se n d n s y o u r b u s n e s s d ir e c t. 100,000 99,510 968,060 978,800 282,760 N. P ark, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., S t.L . Security National B a nk.< 12 J . C. E d en to n ____ I. B. T igrett_____ L. O. Sw eatm an__ J . E. Smith W. G. Morgan A. V. Patton 87-65 S. D. Waddill 100,000 20,240 813,660 900,950 122,450 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. 3d N„ St. L.; Am. Southern N„ Lou." 0. M. B anks_____ D. T. Kennedy__ J . Gill— _______ R. S. Fletcher__ _ W. H olland____ ... G. C. W ilkerson__ R. H. W. W hite 87-59 C. Sm ith _ 12,700 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 120,000 N. City, N. Y.: St. L. Union, St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co„ Memp. I W e m a k e q u ic k r e t u r n s . CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ A c c o u n ts of B a n k s, B a n k e rs, M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts , an d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . TENNESSEE BANKS—Henderson to Jackson______ ____________ 1171 15,000 Humboldt___ öibson H 4 MERCHANTS STATE BANK 87-118 < § ’87 )A11 b u s in e s s h a ndled promptly. 8 Pop. 3446 (T H IR T Y YEAR S SERVICE. Farm ers State B ank--—.§'15 87-586 F irst National Bank___«$’07 87-402 F irst National Bank — «±’08 87-403 Farm ers Bank________§1900 87-404 Bank of Commerce.__<§'05 87-63 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . A. P . Sm ith__ ____ G. E. M cK inney.— J . A. W a rd __ _- 87-550 Hendersonville ..S um ner Bank of Hendersonville.t§ '07 F . E. Mann____ . . . 87-394 6 Pop. 224 6 8 Henning—Lauderdale H 2 Bank of Henning__ ___ i t *10 H. B. Moorer_____ 87-286 8 Pop. 582 Peoples Bank________ < § ’16 Jno. T. G a rn e r___ 87-594 H enry___....H e n r y 6 5 Peoples Bk. & T rust Co,» i§ ’06 T . F . Blanchett___ 87-395 8 Pop. 500 Hickman_____Smith 610 Bank of Hickman------- < § ’04 N. S. Ashley____— 87-396 6 Pop. 500 Hickory V alley.H ard'm ’n Hardeman County Sav. Bk. 87—397 ±§’11 . 8 Pop. 250 13 «Hohenwald__ .Lewis 17 Hohenwald Bk.& Tr.C o.«tt’03 O. D. Loveless__... 87-398 6 Pop. 900 Holladay.——Benton H 5 Bank of Holladay___ __ tS’10 J . R. Holladay__ _ 87-399 8 Pop. 250 Hollow Roek-.Oarroll 6 5 Bank of Hollow R ock...±S’09 L. L. D uncan___... 87-400 8 Pop. 500 Hornbeak_____Obion 6 3 Bank of Hornbeak_____±§’05 H .D . S m ith ._____ 87-401 8 Pop. 600 R e so u r c e s . Mam k Du- Cash &ExC*T6. Bonds, changi*,Due SKUKRiM from Baku $ 12,500 $ 14,000 $ 120,000 $ 109,000 $ 30,000 St. L. Union, St.L.; 1st N. and Peo. Sav., Jackson. 28,010 N. Bk. Com., St. L .;2 d N „ Jackson: Union & 30,000 26,350 121,170 180,610 Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. «Henderson..Chester I 4 Chester Connty Bank__ i l ’04 0 . L. McCallum___ W. H. Thomas____ J . T. Harwell_____ J . M. F ry . 87-232 8 Pop. 1200 Farm ers & Merchants Bank J . F . O’Neal — __ J . W. Stewart____ G. M. Williams___ C. M. P u rd y __ 87-231 <§'89 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANKiS’13 J . 6 . Hardem an— Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws, Directors* in dexed in back of th is volum e. For Interest Rates, Grace,\ etc** see page 14. B o r H o lid a y s* see opposite page 13. TENNESSEE—Continued July, 1918______ 1 1 *71 1 1 / J. D ire c to ry » u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s Ass*n» N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the N ew T ra n s it N u m b e r given 1 1 7 9 Ì2. eac,h bank ™ U. a. exclusively by T h e B an d -M cN ally Bankers* * x * ** D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . 6 Pop. 1900 Pop. 3000 Vice -President . Cashier , Ass ’t Cashier . s Bank of Jam estow n.__»*§’05 W. L. W right_____ G. E. H arrison. E. M. Shelley. _ 2 87-405 I Marion T rust & Banking Co. S. H. Alexander__ T. G. G arrett____ F. A. Kelly........... 87-406 «$§’04 1 Lia b il it ie s . [1 R esources/ I Loamsk £nk Oah k lxPflD-UF StTBPLUa Depo s cTs. Bom, CMANOBlfDVX Capital P rofits its Saonmai nou Baku $ 25,000 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n t s . 1,470 $ 153,420 $ 138,270 $ 48,730 Han. N ., N. T. 25,000 6,680 117,314 139,640 17,090 Han. N „ N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga; Cumber tend Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., St. Petersburg 22,690 Han. N., N. Y.; City N „ Knoxville; 1st N. Morristown. 28,870 Chase N „ N. Y.; City N ., Knoxville; Hamiltor N., Chattanooga. Citizens Sav. Bank & T r. Co. N. H. F ra n k lin .... J . H. Douglass____ S. J . Lambdin____ Bessie I. Cardwell. 87-216 §’08 Mossy Creek Bank____»*§’90 W. T. Russell_____ W. H. Catlett_____ J . H. Clavton__ 87-215 10,000 3,830 35,760 40,000 9,000 196,000 36,160 lor ii/in i.00,UUU FIRST NATIONAL BANK.** 05 Wm. Ellison_____ Wm. Baird 25,000 28,100 510,000 9ßo Ann 300,000 25,000 6,280 165,580 101,240 ¿5,000 12,500 sno non U UV|V Uw ?nnjV non fiuV ww 11A AAA 11s,UUU N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-T hird N., Gin.; Citia. N., Lou. 373,840 87-185 ____ s . n. B a ird ... Mrs. Ella King Jellico Bank ft T rust Go.-§’12 Jerem iah S m ith __ J . P. Gorman . . 87-530 J . T. Moore f Z. D. BAIRD ----NATIONAL BARK OF JELLICO J S pecial a tte n tlo 87-184 d in g D ra fts , cash a n d tim e Ite m s, «J’90 1 15c m u s t b e se n t w ith ea c h Slg h t D r a ft fo r p res e n ta tlo n , a n d ( 25c fo r each C r e d it R e p o rt. City National Bank____»*’02 H. C. Black______ 87-75 Savings Loan & T rust Bank J . A. V ines............ 87-77 $§’15 Tennessee T rust C o...»i§’16 A. B. Crouch _ 87-78 W. F . Carter 50,000 21,750 968,090 71c nt1U n 710,U T. A. Cox________ Q. R. Neal 15,000 5,030 135,610 120,400 J . E. Brading C. E. Cargille 25,000 1,500 110,000 118,000 W . B. M iller UNAKA NATIONAL BANK*t9S A. B. Crouch _ _ 87-74 G. T. Wofford S. C. Williams, J . A. Summers Ch. o f B d . L. H. Shumate ., W. H. Sw adley___ O. P , Cox *J ones b o ro .. Washington Banking ft T rust Co.__ *$§’86 John D. Onx_. E. H. Bachman___ J . M. Fink P. M. Pink 6 Pop. 1000 G 16 87-251 F irst National Bank___*’92 R. M. May__ F rank S. Patton__ Fred M cPherson__ 87-252 Kelso-----------Lincoln 1 8 Peoples B a n k ________ «*§T1 J . P. Cowley, S r.. . M. B. F ranklin ___ Roy L. Allison____ 6 Pop. 125 87-510 j SOL SHATZ------ -- T. FINCH — ...... W. P. JONES Kenton----------Obion G 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 13 1 S pecial a tt e n t l o n to a ll b u sin e ss 8 Pop. 1250 87-249 I B ill o f L ad in g D ra fts , C ash a n d ! P lease se n d 15c w ith e a c h S ig h t R R (?RflY ffr/v (1 407,550 N „ Wash. D. C.; N. State & City, Rich. 25.000 10,900 1 391,000 317,000 25.000 7,500 183,000 117,500 10,000 2,600 31,500 35,000 25,000 7,700 150,000 140,000 109,900 : Mech. Bk. & T r. Co.. Knoxville. *51,500 <'hase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville and Johnson City. 8,000 ( Chattanooga. 50,000 «th& 1st N., N; N., E. St. L. 25,000 3,000 100,000 95,000 25.000 ]N. P ark, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 41,800 25,000 160,000 162,400 35.000 ] rov.& M ech. N., Balt.; City N., Johnson City. J. FREDJ0HNS0N- A. D. BROCKMAN- W. R. JENNINGS- 50,000 (C ollections re m I tte d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. P re se n t ed o n d ay receive d . VWe look a f te r t h e d e ta ils a n d c a r ry o u t I n s tr u c tlo n s . T R Y IJS. 9.200 330,000 234,850 M. J . M orison____ jWM. ROLLER— Kingsport Bank ft T rust Co. E. H. Bachman___ 87-604 **§’17 ‘ Kingston___Roane H 13 Kingston Bank ft T r. Go.*§’88 C. M. Rose. 6 Pop. 824 87-408 Kingston Springs. Cheat Bank of Kingston Springs E. M. P ace. ham 6 Poo. 250_G 1 87-409 *§’10 W. D. Fuller J . W. Allison J . E. Ramey W. T. Gallaher___ J . S. P ark er. C. L. B achm an , 25.000 1.370 93,890 92,740 25,350 ( 19,000 150,000 150,000 49,000 i 5,000 2,670 55,000 35.000 22.000 ( A. L. Pendergrass - I. F . Robertson___ C EN TR A L-S TA TE N ATIO NAL BANK OF M E M P H IS N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n t o e a c h b a n k in U . S . e x c lu siv e ly b y T b e R a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ o f T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . 110,000 1Han. N., N. Y. 25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 7 3 D ire c to ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y N., Rich. 35,070 I, Park, N.Y.; Dom N., Johnson City. 15,000 TENNESSEE—Continued 1 JT _____ July, 1918 87-591 65,940 1,518,580 1,401,970 e n tr u s te d to u s. tim e Ite m s o u r sp e c la lty . D ra ft fo r p re s e n t a tlo n a n d 25c for c r e d it r e p o rts . Peoples Bank................ »ifO! C. R. W ade ......... T. L. Marsh 87-250 Kingsport_.8ullivan G 16 Bank of K ingsport____**{’00 David Roller. J . G. Preston 6 Pop.11,000 87-407 R. Y. G rant FIRST NATIONAL BANK •*'16 CLEVE HOLLOMON__ 100,000 165,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Sonthern N., Eon.; City N.. Knoxville; F ifth-T hird N., Cin.; 3rd N. Atl. 92,390 N. P ark, N. Y.; Holston N., Knoxville; Unior N., Lou. ___________ TENNESSEE BANKS~~~Jamestown to Kingston Springs 6 P resident . i Pop. soo ■------- Mari Pop. 1260 N ahk op Bake . •M en. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMera. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. . Est m Town and Countt. *Connty Seats. Figure under town is A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed m back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s, G race T E N N E S S E E —Continued A c ce ssib le . T ow ns» L a w y e rs , Law s» D ire c to rs» in d e x e d i n b a c k of th i s v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G ra c e ,iu - * e t c ., see p a g e 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see o p p o s ite p a g e 13.1 €* N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew ’T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each b a n k in V . 8 . e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e K a m i-M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . N ame of Ba n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS tat« Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District Est T .... ........ ..... ....... T ow n a nd Co u n ty . 6 Pop. 38,676 i * American National Bank 87-56 Fl P r e sid e n t . R. S. Young.. Vice -P r e s id e n t . A. B. Hay R. W. Peery Ca sh ie r . R. W. P eery . As s ' t Ca sh ie r . 87-48 ‘ EAST TENN. NATIONAL BANK 87-45 WM.S. SHIELDS___ EDW. HEHEGARR. E. MOONEY Lia b il it ie s . II R esources . I s à D isCa s r k E x P aid - up Surplus D epos cLoan ’tb . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ux and its Capital P rofits S e c u r it ie s fro m B a k u P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 350,000 8 350.000 $ 100,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Harrim an N., N. Y. East Tenn., N., Knoxville, PMI. N „ Phil. W. C. Skaggs Citizens Bank & T rust Co. W. H. S te rc h i____ J . T. H en d erso n ... 87-58 §18 ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK , (8 A ccessib le. T ow ns» L a w y e rs , Law s» D ire c to rs» in dexed in b a ck of th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t R ates» G ra c e , TENNESSEE—Continued 50,000 F. E. HAUN—......... GEO. L. OGDIN____ C.C. BURKHART T. L. TREHT, Mgr. Saw. Dept. Send us your items and coileptions for Knoxville and Eastern Tennessee. Prompt and careful attention to every detail. Reasonable charge. F. L. FISHER____ W. W. WOODRUFF.-S. V. CARTER------- M. ¥. BOYD___ WM. RULE, JR. D e s ig n a te d D e p o s ito ry f o r t h e U n ite d S ta te s , S t a t e , C o u n ty a n d C ity 500,000 250,000 4,925,000 3,900,000 1,090,000 C h ase X ., N . Y .; C o n t. & C om ’l N ., C hi. P h il. N ., P h il.; F ifth - T h ir d N ., C in. 400,000 746,080 5,343,130 4,962,130 1,832,080 I m p . & T ra . N ., a n d C h ase X ., X . Y .; 1st N ., C h i.; G ira rd N ., PhU . f o r h a n d lin g y o u r E a s t T e n n e s s e e ite m s a n d co U ec fio n s. R e a s o n a b le c h a r g e s . Q u ic k R e tu r n s . «t'72 E ast Tennessee SavingsBank F. L. F isher_____ Jno. L. Boyd_____ 0 . B. H enderson« 87-55 « tilO ; .* '■ Fidelity T rust C om pany.i’14 J . Allen Sm ith ___ M. D. Arnold __ 87-57 F. M. Haynes J . P. Gaut 50,000 100,000 Sec. a n d Tr. 50,000 1,140,000 1,070,000 40,000 985,000 178,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; E. Tenn. N.. Knox ville. 3,150 D. A. ROSENTHAL.. R. W. BROWN--— A. C. HARMON.— J.P.R AH T -----‘ HOLSTON I f y o u a p p r e c ia t e p ro m p t and c a r e f u l e e r v ic e NATIONAL BANK a t a m o d e ra te c h faor gr eKeneonxdv illeu s and y o u r ite m e an d c o lle c t io n s v ic in it y . 500,000 ♦Knox County Bk. & T r. Co. Charlton K arns __ G. W. Callahan___ H. B. Gilbert, 87-49 «tS’QO A ctin g 100,000 ♦Mechanics Bank & T rust Go. S. B. L uttrell ____ T. A. W right . 87-53 •tS*82 300,000 75,000 1,173,000 1,135,000 351,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; PhU. N „ PhU.; 4th N., and F ifth-T hird N., Cin. 300,000 147,970 1,826,030 2,483,960 358,540 1st N., N. Y.; Citiz. N „ Lou.; F ranklin N., PhU.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. 200,000 72,780 2,773,000 2,500,000 87-50 140,130 2,220,450 2,565,310 425,050 N. C ity , N . Y .; F ifth - T h ir d N. C in .. N. B k . C o m ., L o u .; 1 st N ., P h il. *$’91 ♦T hird National Bank __»t’87 E. E. McMillan 87-47 W alter McCoy___ J . A. Wallace . . . H. B. B ranner, ___ Jno. E. McMillan.. A. P . Frierson A ctive ♦Union National Bank._«}’95 H. M. Johnston __ W. L. Russell. __ W. O. W hittle ___ W. S. McKinney __ 87-51 8,070 263,230 275,100 82,400 Chase N., N. Y.; City N ., Knoxville. July, 1918____________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Knoxville to La Grange 1 1 7 0 587,000 Han. N;, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin. KnexTiUe Clearing House __ H. B. B ranner____ C. M. C ooley. . . . W. O. W hittle, (Members indicated by a *) M gr. W. C. Gregory____ Lafollette—Campbell G 13 National Bank of La Follette W. S. McKamey__ S. Smith 6 Pop. 3200 87-146 t ’04 Peoples B ank_________JS17 W. A. W. C arden.. H. G. M urray 87-603 La Grange___Fayette 1 3 La Grange Savings Bank W. P. Cowan 8 P od, 308 87-410 «tS'IW _ 10,000 6,070 146,550 91,270 G. B. G allaher____ 50,000 31,110 372,810 294,760 David Reynolds — Wayne Longm ire— 25,000 1.610 107,850 94,230 10,000 5,440 68,170 105,580 E. T. McNamee___ L. E. A nderson.__ Lucile W ilburn___ -STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,980 .Am. N., Nash. 73,290 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Holston N., Knoxville. 35,420 Chase N., N. Y.; City N „ Knoxville. 9,220 Chase I N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., A c c o u n ts of B a n k s, B a n k e rs, M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts , an d in d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . _________1173 »Lafayette__Macon G 10 Citizens B a n k ...______ tS’09 W. À. Smith 6 Pop. 678 87-274 ' ' T ow n N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k la the New T ra n s it N u m b e r Riven i ? eacb ban^ ® ü . S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN aD y B ankers* D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers A ss'n . and Co u n t y . N am e of Bank. ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Federal Reserve District Est Lia b il it ie s . P resident . Vice -President . Lancaster____Sm ith G 10 C. W. Simpson___ B. Rowland_____ 6 Pop. 500 ., 87-411 Lascassas.Rutherford H 9 Lascassas Bank & T rust Co T. W. D onnell____ 6 Pop. 75 87-576 §14 ¿Lawrenceburg.Lawr. 1 7 6 Pop. 1687 j Cashier . P aid - up Subplus ANI# Capital P rofits Ass ’t Cashier . Jack Davis______ $ 15,000 $ John F. Cason____ J . H. Stribling____ J . T. D unn______ J . E. Spence_____ 87-195 Lawrence Bank & Trust Co J . D. V aughan.___ W. H. Phillips____ Jno. W. S pringer— G. K. V aughan___ 87-194 •t§ ’8£ E. E. Beard______ A. A. Adams_____ W. D. F errell__ 87-115 FARMERS BANK.. 87-415 -$§’05 60,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; Cumberland Val ley N. and Tenn.-Herm itage N., Nash. 150.000 152.000 18,900 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash, 550,000 575,000 110,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 88,000 76.590 25,000 4,000 190,000 150,000 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. Morton Dabney___ 10,000 500 48,UGO 36,500 12,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.: H arpeth N., Franklin. J.W. BUSSELL............ MISS EFFIE HARRISON d r a f t fo r p re s e n t a tlo n o r t o r r a tin g . ALTY. 50,000 12,320 412,680 444,240 87,550 N. City, N. Y.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville; Citiz. N., Chattanooga. 74,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Knoxville: FifthT hird N „ Cin. 133,410 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N. and Am. N., Nash. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 25,000 36,410 Tenn.-Herm itage N., Nash. 25,000 2,600 185,850 23,900 80,000 77,040 400,790 503,410 75,000 27,700 360,000 310,000 26,000 15,000 270,620 215,640 80,600 9,760 666,140 625,270 130,630 25.000 2,070 109,040 117,250 38,160 W. P . Smith_____ T. A. Cox________ D. B. Pence. 15.000 9,890 294,690 261,520 58,050 G. W. Pearson____ J . C. Savage_____ J . D, Pope_______ S. E. Polk ' 25.000 12,500 150.000 *15,000 75.000 W. R. Officer_____ J . A. Hargrove___ T. B. Copeland___ Cl. B. Arnold 20.000 5.000 127.000 97,000 45.000 25,000 6.000 250.000 180,000 | W. C. MURPHY- J. S. FLEMING__ W. H. ESTES____ 1 S pecial a tte n tto n given B ills o f L ad in g , D ra fts , C ash a n d T im e ( 15c m u s t be sen t w ith ea c h S ig h t D ra ft fo r p re s e n t a tlo n . C EN TR A L-S TA TE NATIONAL N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to e a c h b a n k in U . S. e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e B a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ I I n/ ri m *.__ j.__ - __/sf HThn Amcrfoan Ranlrorfi Asfi’n. OF MEM 55.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. I te m s . Mrs. Jno. R. Butler 12,500 5,500 90,000 74,000 34,000 W. C. Caperton—„ 12,000 7,500 100,000 70,000 56,950 32,100 29,080 232,610 236,880 56,910 Q. A. Tipton j ____ J . H. Johnston___ 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4th & 1st N., Nash. 50.000 R. B. V anatta_____ B. W. R obinson__ J . M. Bradley____ F. G. R obinson___ Lobelville____P erry H 6 Bank of Lobelville____ $§’05 S. J . L eeper_____ J . H. Twilla 6 Pop. 400 87-416 L. L. Shipp L oretto—— Lawrence I 7 Bank of Loretto-_.__.._.$§’10 Wm. Sandschulte— W. H. A u g u stin __ 6 Pop. 600 87-417 Mark Waldrop * * 590.000 25,000 Farm ers Loan & Trust Co. H. E. G ra p e r____ A. S. M ontgomery. R. W. Hall, Sec.— 87-618 §’18 Liberty Savings Bank . . $§’06 87-309 Farm ers & M erch. Bank. $§’08 87-412 F irst National B a n k ..___$’99 87-413 Citizens Bank & T rust Co. 87-566 $§’14 575.000 80,000 Peoples Bank_______ •$§’10 J . R. Browder ___ S. P . W itt . R. H. B ro w d er___ 87-125 ¿Lewisburg.Marshall H 8 F irst National Bank— $’07 J . C. Adams_____ <S. T. Hardison____ W. D. F ox_______ 6 Pop. 2500 87-193 E. H. McLean Peoples & Union Bank.»$§’18 D. B. Clayton_____ W. E. H ayes_____ R. A. McCord_____ J . E. O rr 87-192 E. E. M urrey S. K. W alker ¿Lexington ...H enderson Central State B a n k ____$§’07 T. Edwards___ J . S. Teague_____ G. H. Maxwell____ 8 Pop. 2000 H5 87-208 G. B. Gibson G. Bartholomew Citìzens-Bank —:__ 1___ $§’04 T. A. L ancaster___ John S. Fielder___ R. W. Hall 87-207 H. E. Graper. R. W. Howard J . A. McCall Ch. o f B d. W. T. Watson Liberty------Dekalb H 10 6 Pop. 800 Limestone__ Washington . 6 Pop. 600 G 16 ¿Linden_____ P erry H 6 6 Pop. 500 ¿Livingston.Overton G 11 6 Pop. 1421 22,500 187.740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N.. Nash, liners Fi 87-529 F. A. WEISS________ t w ith ea c h s ig h t c h r e q u e s t fo r re p IC E O C R SPEC ! 75.000 12,520 Am. N., Nash. 622,150 E. L. Vance______ R. A. Bass_______ F. C. S tratton. W. F . McDaniel J . J . A skew _____ J . J . McFarland — W. J . Baird______ J . G. Harris Geo. R. Bouton (J. F. EASON______ Lenoir City.Loudon H 13 FIRST NATIONAL BARK-*$’04 J1 5 c m u s t be sen G Pop. 3392 87-124 la n d 25c w ith ea fPR O M P T SEBV 41,010 686,760 Planters Bank & Trust Co. 87-612 , ±§ 87-117 Leipers Fork. Williamson 6 Pop. 500 B8 41,210 23,170 A. W. Hooker____ J . L. W eir_______ I. W. P. Buchanan. W. A. H a le ______ J . H. Grissim *£< 5,940 $ 105,760 $ 71,440 $ 55,260 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 1,980 50,000 LEBANON NATIONAL BANK 87-116 ITS P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 12,500 25.000 Curry O. Dodson— T. B. Dozier Resources. Loams k Du- Cashk Exc’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus Securities promBanks D m C r n iO TENNESSEE BANKS~—Lancaster to Loudon ______________ July, 1918 ¿Lebanon____Wilson G 9 6 Pop. 3969 A ccessible T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r i n t e r e s t B a te s , G race e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 T E N N E S S E E —Continued H 74________________ 1 1 74 Special facilities for Handling Tennessee,. Mississippi and Arkansas Items P r o m o t Service. Reasonable R a t e s . TENNESSEE—Continued A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , La w s , D i r e c t o r s , in d e x e d i n b a c k of th i s v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G ra c e , > e t c ., see p a g e 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see o p p o s ite p a g e 1 3 . \ p . C EN TR A L-S T A TE NATIO NAL BANK OF MFMPHIS N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is tlae N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each b a n k in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e R a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ D ire c to ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e rs A ss’n . Lia b il it ie s . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats., Figure under town Is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . Lnray_— Henderson H 5 Luray Banking Co.------$§’13 P. W. Moore 87-549 8 Pop. 300 Lyles_____Hickman H 7 Bank Of Commerce— — §’18 George Lovell—__ 87-615 6 Pop. 54 »Lynchburg___Moore 1 9 Farm ers Bank— _____< § ’88 Thomas M otlow __ at 87-420 6 Pop. 500 MOORE COUNTY BANK-iS’l l R. A. P arks______ 87-506 Lynnville__i __ Giles I 7 Bank of LyUnville —.— < § ’11 C. Tv R ie d .______ 87-421 6 Pop., 700 V. I. W itherspoon. M adison.,'D avids,on 6 8 Madison Bank & T rust Co, 87-530 » « ’13 6 Pop. 500 Bank of Madisonville—< § ’90 W. N. M a g i l l — _ _ »Madisonville___Monroe 87-422 6 Pop. 1000 1 13 F irst National Bank— <1900 W. H. Ashley_____ »Manchester—Coffee 1 10 87-237 6 Fob- 963 Peoples Bank & T r. Co..$§’07 J . P . Adams______ 87-238 M artin____ Weakley G 4 CITY NATIONAL BANK— 08 87-163 8 Pop. 4000 W .B.BIBBS__ O nly N a tio n a l Vice-President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . G. W. Priddy_____ C. L. Collie______ V. A. Collie. P rincipal Correspondents. 2,060 S 34.460 $ 44,460 S 3,580 4th & 1st N., Nash. : Cent. State, Lexington. 70,990 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 0,000 28,910 296,680 349,590 24,200 6,000 40,000 58,510 Ci H. W itt_______ George B. W itt___ J . F . Compton____ 30.000 14.700 188,000 150.000 I. E. Connors_____ 5,000 3.000 26,170 25,450 R. C. K efauver___ W. H. McCroskey. J . F . Llewellyn— 40.000 29.000 215.000 190.000 T. H. W illis_____ W .P. Hickerson,Jr. 25.000 26.000 166,250 135,520 5,550 Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk. & T r. Co. Nash. 72.000 Mech. and Metals N., N. Y.: 3d N ..S t. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 7,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N. and State Bk. & Tr, Co., Nash. 79.000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Union N., Knoxville; 1st N., Chattanooga. 79,910 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. A. M. May_______ A. F . Vincent__ — C. D. F arrar 20.000 8.000 140,200 141,700 32.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N „ Nash. G. H. PARKER — — - J . C. OLIVER- - - - - - - - - C. D. H A S K IN S _ _ _ _ _ 50.000 14.700 145.000 166,920 50.000 Irving N., N. Y.; 3d N „ St. L.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 85.000 15.000 283.000 250.000 100,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50.000 9.000 247.000 185.000 105.000 Chase N., N.Y.; 3d N., St.L.; 4th& 1st N., Nash, 50.000 28,580 506,650 503,-970 J . A. Cox______ 50.000 35.000 600.000 352.000 277.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 3d N., Knoxville. E. F . A ines_____ 50.000 20.000 450.000 360,600 W. T. Williamson. W. M. Williamson. 10.000 14,570 99,040 114,080 100.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Gin.; Eas1 T enn. N., KUoxville. 7,960 N .P ark , N.Y.; Com’l T r. & Sav., Memp. W. A. Thompson— Cleve Hollomoh—. 10,050 1,500 99,500 75.000 J , D. Riddick____ J . L. Cates___ ____ 10,000 6.000 130.000 83.000 27,500 1st N., Jackson; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. 111. 60,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. 45,710 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. R. A. Locke —___ _ G. F . W aggoner__ E. R. Doolittle— B a n k In W eakley C o u n ty . W e g u a r a n t e e p ro m p t, efficient a t te n tio n to a ll b u sin e ss s e n t u s . CHARGES RE ASONABLE. T.H. FARMER — J. M. ADAMS— 87-164 7.085 R e so u r c e s . kD u * k Loams Ca s h E x ’T8. B om bs , c h a n g es ,D u s S e c u r it ie s p ro m B a r k s 15.000 W. K. P a rk s ____ F . M. Waggoner__ J . D. M otlow. M artin Bank--------------< § ’86 G. E. Bowden____ J . M. Gardner____ H. J . Ram er_____ À. W. F reem an— 87-162 THE PEOPLES BANK — < § ’08 r pl u s Depo s P aid - u p S uand it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s G. E. FARMER— 1 J. MARTIN ADAMS C ollections re m ltte d o n d ay o f p a y m e n t. P re se n te d o n d ay received, We look a f te r t h e d e ta ils a n d c a rry o u t I n s tr u c t Ions. J . E. Rowan_____ 77,340 Han. N., N. Y.; City and 3d N., Knoxville. »Maryville__Blount H 14 BANK OF BLOUNT COUNTY W. L. Russell—___ M. H. G am ble____ 87-157 < § ’93 6 Pop. 5000 D. F. Young______ Bank of M aryville.—„ < § ’85 Joseph Burger— 87-156 F irst National B ank___< ’I4 Thomas N. Brown. J . H. Mitchell— . 87-570 Mason—„ - ¿ —-Tipton H 2 Bank of Mason----------- < § ’03 C. T. McCraw____ G. N. Albright____ W. E. Frawley 87-423 8 Pop. 391 Masoh Hall— ObiOn G 3 Mason Hall Bank----------$§'09 A. T. Thompson__ J . H. Smith______ 87-424 8 (K entonP . Q.) Pop.85 Maury City .C rockett H 3 Planters Bank— ,.. — $§’11 D. J . C onyers..-__. J . W. Elm ore— — 87-502 8 Pop.* 500 M cEwen.Humphreys H 6 McEwen B ank.— — —< § ’03 J . A. T urner——__ T. A. Bunnell_____ 87-426 6 Pop. 661 John M. Clark__ J . E. Fanning_____ 25.000 8,250 109,580 90,600 McKenzie___Carroll G 5 b a n k of McK en zie — <§ 88 B. P. Moore— — — Pitftfi fiOii 87-217 m ' 8 Pop. 2000 J . L. Thomason__ 30.000 25,000 377.000 137.000 C. M. WRINKLE— 10.000 1,800 81,000 64.000 20,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 5,000 4,700 34,500 18,800 24,000 Seab. N., N. Y. E. W. Walling . . 50.000 4,000 152,530 165,980 35,420 Han. N „ N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. G. M ,Sm ith— F . S. Clark . — . 75.000 67,960 849,470 705,460 W. H. M agness. Thomas M ason. John L. Colville. 55.000 36,310 355,610 388,310 J . H. Mathis__ J . B. Rowlett—. W. R. Row lett— 10,300 1,740 100,190 46,810 363,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Ciu. Am. S outhern N., Lou.; F ifth-T hird N „ Cin 114,730 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Am. N., 4th & lsi N., and Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 64,200 Merch.-Lac. N. St., L.; 2d N „ Jackson. R. E. THOMAS- Ç. E. LARUE— CITIZENS STATE BANK $§ 05 87-218 We in v ite th e b u sin e ss o f B an k s, B a n k ers, a n d o t h e r s d esirin g P R O M P T a n d S ATISFACTORY s ervlce. B ill o f L ad in g D r a fts , C a sh , a n d T im e I te m s o u r sp ec la lty . T R Y US. McLetnoresyillè— Carroll Bank of McLemoresville$§’07 J . H.. Bram ley. 87-427 8 . Pop. 350 G4 »McMinnville— W arren 6 Pop.. 2500. H 10 m' p ä n y y | uiL # i J . M. Smith,-—___ J . C. M cK inney. Jesse W alling. F irs t National-JBank— 1’74 J .N , W allin g 87-158 Peebles National Bank__$’81 Butler Sm ith — 87-159 Go— < § ’05 W. O. Graves— Medina__ ¿— Gibson H 4 Medina Banking 87-an* s ^ - CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 295,000 Am. N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; Mech.-Am, N., St. L. S p e c ia l fa c ilitie s fo r h a n d lin g T e rin O s s e e , M is s is s ip p i an d A rk a n s a s Ite m s P ro m p t; S e rv ic e . R e a s o n a b le R a te s 1918___________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Luray to Medina_________________________ 1175 N a h e of B a n k . T own and Co u n t y . A c ce ssib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , L a w s, D ire c to rs , i dexed in b a ck of tb is volum e. B o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G ra c e , e t c ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TENNESSEE—Continued Ju ly , 11 Special facilities for Handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items P r o m p t Service. Reasonable Rates. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by y T h e B a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T~ ' ~ T h e A‘ m erican B~a n k e rs Ass’n . M EM PH IS—R eserve City ~~ (F e d era l R eserve D is tric t No. 8) Name of Bank. • B e r n . A m . Bks. Assn. SState t M e m . State Bks. A s s n . tPriv, P resident . Vick-President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier , Est AMERICAN SAV. HARRY COHN BANK & TR. CO. Sec. •$S’05 a D is Se c u r i co u n ts t ie s , e t c , fro m Banks P rincipal Correspondents Ca sh and E x ch a n g es $ 50.000 $ 65,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 993,560 $ 439,390 $ 182,050 C h ase N ., N . Y .; 3d N ., S t. L . A m . S o u th e rn N., L o u . 1,560,000 1,384,040 10,740,810 $3,791,840 10,552,180 1,271,740 $ 4,207,420 1,111,020 600,000 •$’78 377,390 3,707,000 1,102,830 4,335,180 978,590 1,461,710 1 st N . a n d H a n . N ., N . Y .; C o n i & C o m ’l N ., C h i.; 3d N. and M e rch .-L ac. N ., S t. L .; C o m ’] N ., N . O .; 1 st N ., B o s.; P hU . N. P h il. SEE ADV ERTISEM ENT ON T ENNESSE E MARGI NS. COMMERCIAL TR. * SAW. BK. A. Goodman_____ D. M. Arm strong _ A. B. L ew is______ R. B. Counts. «tS’05 Depositors 8av. Bk. ft T ru st Oo J . F . Dickinson___ L. R. Donelson, J r . J . F . Dickinson— 26-60 S’10 F ed. R eserve Bank of St. Louis (B ra n c h o f S t. L o u is, M o. F o r co m p le te in f o rm a ti o n see page 30.) 26-3 •FIRST RATIONAL BANK -*$ 64 B k . o f N . Y. N. B . A. a n d N . C ity N . Y .; C o rn Ex. N ., C h i.; N . B k C o m ., S t. L .; 4 th S t. N ., P h il (M em . F ed . B es.) J. A. Omberg___ P. 8. Smith w ick __ C. H. C raig______ O. F . Farnsw orth J . A. Denton, A . G ash . C. Q. H arris O ld e s t b a n k In t h i s c ity . U N IT E D S T A T E S D E 350.000 50,000 173,720 4,310,700 1,000 433,470 F R A N K H A Y D E N - - - - - - L . C .H U M E S - - - - - - - - L . C . H U M E S _ _ _ _ _ _ JU JULIA LIANN A Y M E T T _ _ _ C. T . DENTON; Sec. r» F P * R T iu rriv iT « • f h ex 500,000 16,000 500,000 F . L . M O N T E V E R D E J . R . B U CH IG N A N I — 100,000 2,500 J . S. Robinson___ F. T. C ochran____ E. F . G oldsm ith... 664,180 1,382,640 Seab. N.. N. Y.: F t. Dear. N „ Chi. M erch, T r. Co., St. L.; Phil. N, Phil. 2,490 N. City, Memp. 3,731,960 1,441,000 1,737,980 N. P ark, N. Y.; N. City, Chi,: Mech. Am. N „ St. L.; Bk of No, America Phil. 63,360 4,870 J . R. C ra ig ______ 500.000 717,320 5,163,620 M. B. Tapp A. V. Smith P O S IT O B Y . Y o u r b u s in e s s ln vlted. GUARANTY BANK & Commercial—Trust—Titles Guaranteed. *AnIJUJSNTS. | savings—Farm Loans—Bonds. TRUST COMPANY Headquarters for information relative to Farm Lands in Mississippi, Arkansas and West Tennessee. 3,436,020 250,000 C h em . N. a n d M e t. T r. C o., N Y .; N. C ity , C h i.; 3d. N . a n d S t L . U n io n , S t. L . (M em . Fed, B es.) 1,200,000 40,000 300,000 65,000 488,000 420,000 14,000 122,000 29,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 100,000 178,010 2,807,660 1,697,140 941,220 359,940 8,520 Mech. ft Metals N. and N. P ark, N, Y.; Corn Ex. N ., Chi.; N. Bk, Com., St. L. 200,000 22,000 2,209,000 1,476,000 897,260 SEE ADVERT ISEMENT ON TENN INDEX. *$§’18 M. 6 . B A IL E Y - . M ORGAN e rc la l as w ell as a Savings b u st u,E,iM 26-67 f m y 8’18 r 4( PTrrao mn spa tc tsa t at e nCot i omJ .nmT given to Colle é tio n s. f-2 6 -6 1 -,___ *$S'85 NATIONAL CITY BANK 26-65 H. M orris— — C. W. THOMPSON- W. L. HUNTLEY, JR. E. C. TEFFT_____ E. M. LEVI______ S. STEINBERG J. M. SPEED Your M E M P H I S item s remitted in N ew Y ork o r other exchange; daily at $ 1.00 per one thousand premium; sem i-m onthly at par. P rom p t se rv ice guaranteed. CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF M EM PH IS- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 460,830 N . C ity , N . Y .; C o n t. & C o m ’l N ., C h i.; 3d N ., S t. L ,; N . O. N ., N . O. TENNESSEE BANKS—Memphis ________ '________ July, 1918 26-7 26-66 of B anks Our superior facilities guarantee satisfactory service. 0. B. JAM ES---— R. T. CRENSHAW- S. P. FORTUNE . SALTER CENTRAL-STATE 8. E. RA0LARN.— T.M fo r handling T e n n e sse e , M is s is s ip p i, NATIONAL BANK Spueial fa cilitie s and A rk a n sa s item s. 26-61 P r o fits ual D e po s it s • » ’OS L. S. OWYN— ----- L. PRICE______ BANK OF COM T. 0. VINTON------- R.E. B.L. SNOWDEN— RICE JAS. N. FISHER, L. A. TN0RNT0N MERCE &TR. CO. Collections on Memphis and Mississippi points given special attention. 26-1 and Resources. B onds , Dub W. B. McLEAN-— F.6. DIXON_____ C. HENOCHSBERG S en d u s M e m p h is b u sin e ss d ire c t. B ill o f L a d in g D ra fts given P e rso n a l a tte n tio n . W e u r ; e p a y m e n t o n collectio n s. 26-67 P a id - u p Ca p it a i . ( S h e lb y , I I ) C o u n t y S e a t— P o p u la tio n 148,99. Lia b il it ie s . Surplus I ndivid D e po sits L oans **76_____________________ 117 a x / u FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS in all parts of the country are invited to transact their Memphis Business through the Union & Planters Bank & Trust Company The equipment of this bank is complete for making collections, handling active or inactive accounts, and acting in all trust capacities Full information concerning our service will be promptly furnished on request OFFICERS FRANK H. HILL . GILMER WINSTON NOLAND FONTAINE ROBT. S. POLK JNO. D. McDOWELL • . . . . President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President and Cashier . . Vice-President ELDRIDGE ARMISTEAD FRANK S. BRAGG . J. R. BEAUCHAMP W. F. HARPER SAM HOLLOWAY . . . Assistant Cashier . . Assistant Cashier . . Assistant Cashier • . . Auditor Attorney and Trust Officer UNION & PLANTERS BANK & TR U S T COMPANY O R G A N IZ E D 1869 M EM PH IS, TENN. C A P IT A L - $ 1 ,8 0 0 ,0 0 0 M EM BER F E D E R A L R E S E R V E SYSTEM Federal Reserve of“c'h St. Louis H 7 7Bank to ~ ■*■** ' u~ 3 “ c* ci« sft"iy iree c to ry R a n k e r s A ss’n . D ir r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y oo ff T h «e A m e ric a n B Iff a MV n r R a w ir MEMPHIS---------Reserve City---------Continued (F n e nDiis a ttrr lic c t N no . 8) ( F e d e ra r a l R e sseerv 3TT T^PTIPO A c c e s s ib le 'T o w n s , L a w y e rs , dexed in back of this volume. etc*, see page 14. La w s , D ire c to rs , in For Interest Rates, Grace,i'— F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 13.) ^ -3 01 t o ~ “ c'h MEMPHIS-----Reserve City----Continued (F e d e ra l R e s e rv e D tr ic t N o . 8) 81 (Federal Reserve D is istrict No. Lia b il it ie s . As s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p S u b p l u s I n d iv id D e po sit s L o a n s u ^ S ^ c x c ii^ ë iy D ire c to ry , u n d e r t b e a u t h o r i t y of T b e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . Name of Bane . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . and P r o f it s Ca p it a l ‘ NORTH MEMPHIS / L. T. WALSH- _ J ROSE _ ( 26-58 AS W E L L AS A SAVI NGS OP B anks $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 2,724,730 0. H. HURT ) T R A N S A C T S A C O M M E R C IA L ual D e p o s it s Dis Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, aI co u n ts R esou rces. B onds , Sk c u r i- TIllS, BTC. Dun prom Banks I P rincipal Correspondents Ca sh and E x ch a n g es $ 1,817,870 $ 614,480 $ 468,890 $ 120,030 Im p . & T ra . N ..N .T .; ST. C ity .C h i M tle. T r. C o., S t. L .; N . B k. of K y ., L o n . BU S rN E S S B U S IN E S S . •$S’04 S. M. Neely______ S. W. P o rtlo c k ___ Bk.& 26-55 J . G. B ailey_____ J . T. Wellford THEODORE READ-- T R ROVI F 50,000 29,300 794,100 720,970 147,000 600,000 600,000 150,000 50,000 M e rch . N ., N . T .; S t. L . U n io n , St, L .; N . O . N ., N . O .; S . W .N .B k . C o m ., K a n . C ., M o. 254,960 149,560 50,830 :Meek. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex N., Chi.; 3d N.. St. L. 85,090 : T r. Co., Memp.; Cént. N., St. L, J. F. KIMBROUGH- R. P. HABERLING LOUIS GINOCCHIO ‘SECURITY BANK W e make a 8 pecialty and have uneaualed fa c ilitie s fo r Handling your M em phis and Southern Item s and Collec & TRUST GO, tions. Prom pt. Reasonable. 26-52 State Savines B a n k . 26-53 T E S T O U R P A R F A C IL IT IE S . A U N IT E D S T A T E S , S T A T E A N D C IT Y D E P O S IT O R Y . NOLAND FONTAINE JOHN D. M CD OW ELL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 30,000 1,000,000 $ 200,000 SEE AD VERTISE MENT OP P0SITEP AGE 1141 . - t l ’87 J . W. Proudflt____ T. H. Ja c k so n ____ J . Y. Montedonico. F. F. H IL L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -GILM ER W IN S T O N ___ R. S. POLK, 26-8 300,000 50,000 80,140 883,890 478,070 ELDRIDGE ARM ISTEAD Cash, and V. Pres. F. S. BRAGG J. R. BEAUCHAM P A general banking business transacted. S pecial attention given to collections. • t i ’W 1,800,000 J . A. Omberg_____ R. E. Lee________ P. S. Omberg 50,000 58,570 1,167,570 972,350 239,000 55,000 112,200 11st N., Memp. .’82 (Successors to Cal dwell & S m ith .) (B olton S m ith and J. O. J . P erkins, M or tgage B a n k e rs)__ j PETER G. GRANT JOHNW. RED------- R. H. ANDERSON, See. C. L. TUCKER 100,000 50,000 (Investmc n t B a n k i n g Only ) & Tr. Co., Memp.; Whitney-Oent. N ., N. O. 6E0.H.BATCHEL0R ] Farm Loans made in W e s t ern Tennesse e and Kentuck y. ( N orthern Mississippi, S outheast M is souri and Eas tern A rkansa s. Memphis Clearing House__ E. L. Rice . (M embers indicated, b y a *) _____ J . T. W alsh J . D. McDowell. __ _ ■■M M ■MMI CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s , B a n k e r s , M a n u f a c t u r e r s ,, M e r c h a n t s , a n d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . 1177 COLUMBIA MT6E. & TRUST CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Y .; 1 st N-, C h i.; N . B k . C o m ., S t. L . (M em . F ed . B es.) SEE ABVERTISEMEHT OH OPPOSITE PAGE. 26-54 SMITH & PERKINS- 616,530 11,471,000 6,712,000 15,673,730 2,415,470 4,283,190 1,807,6701 July, 1918___________________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Memphis ' N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d -M eN ally B a n k e rs’ D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass*n. Lia b il it ie s . 1 R e so u r c e s . bplus oams k Du- ! Gash k E x P a id - u p S uAND Depo s L Harges,Dur c ’t s . Bonds, ¡C it s Ca p it a l P k o p it s Baouritiss ! fromBarks N am e of B a n e . T ow js An d C o u n t y . ‘ County Séàts. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Mercer._____ Madison 1 4 Bank of M ercer___ ____» ’05 ; - 8 P o p . 188 87-428 Middleton—Hardeman 1 4 Bank of Middleton. ____» ’05 87-429 8 Pop. 400 M ilan.. _____ Gibson H 4 FARMERS STATE BANK*» 07 87-201 8 Pop. 1700 4« Milan Banking Go.. ___< § ’93 87-200 . '<M ' •• “ Peonies B ank . . < § ’89 87-199 Millington___ Shelby 1 2 Bank of M illington.. < § ’04 87-430 8 Pop. 700 Minor Hill_____ Giles I 7 Planters & Merch. B a n k ..§’12 87-514 6 Pop. 300 M itchellville.Sumner F 9 Peoples State B ank _____§’15 87-583 6 Pop. 200 Mohawk— -Greene G 16 Mohawk B a n k _________ §’17 87-597 6 Pop. 250 Monterey— Putnam G 11 Bank of Monterey____ *$§’01 87-431 6 Pop. 1167 M orrison— W arren H 10 Bank of M orrison.__ . . . t§ ’09 87-432 6 Pop. 250 T. E. M ercer_____ A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 T E N N E S S E E —Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . c , o , M alone .... . $ F. S, Sim pson__— T. Y, M oor« 12,500 $ 1,200 $ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 51,000 $ 10,500 $ 37,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; Peo. Sav., Jack •79,550 95,860 10,510 Secur. Bk. & T r. Co. and N. City, Memp. son. 20,000 11,860 C. V . A lexander__ 30,000 15,000 260,000 158,000 101.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. .T. TV Tienney 25,000 3,980 319,750 173,130 164,350 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. Com. B. D. Mills_______ W . L. P a tr ic k ____ J . R. Harrison____ C. B. Harrison____ 26,250 4,000 197,580 120,000 82,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Bk W. E. Polk_____ _ E. A. Harrold_____ N . L. F lo u rn o y ___ F . J . Clam pit 15,000 21,900 238,500 221,400 54,000 Bk. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp.; 3d N., St. L. 10,000 660 87,430 22,210 23,290 Citiz., Pulaski. G. T. W ebb_____- W. M. F lippin____ J . W . Adams_____ J . J . Keaton . M. W. W heeler___ •T. J . F n q n a ............ F red Collins .. _ J . F . B lack______ P, f!nv St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. ___ G. R. Allison J . H. M cN eill..__ _ M. J . McCombs___ T,. N- Moor« _ .. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp. 7,500 200 25,000 20,400 10,100 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 20.000 1,790 93,730 85,310 24,240 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. 11,000 5,950 110,000 95,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 20.000 1,250 55,000 45,000 18,500 1st N., Tullahoma and Chattanooga. 150,000 fJ. N.FISHER---- W. S. MYERS........... E. B. FISHER_____ ‘M orristow n..—Hamblen CITY NATIONAL BANK -«* 05 C ollections a n d R e q u ests fo r Cre d it R e p o rts M US T b e acco m p an le d b y I F EE IN ADVAN C E . PI a in sight d ra fts , 15c; C redit R eports, 25c. 6 Pop. 5000 G 15 87-108 76,590 467,760 789,470 A -T P.roshy .Tam«s Myfirs J . Marcus R ader— A, -T, Crosby..... W. B. Ray_______ J . H. Ray___ ___ J . T t P rice . G. C. King_______ W . W . K ing ___ H. W . Brixp.y T JAS. R, FORGEY M. C. McCANLESS- W. II. BUSH0H6— H.M. TAYLOR------ 87-107 Morristown Bk.&Tr. Co. 87-109 < § ’07 Moscow____ Fayette I 3 Moscow Savings Bank .•¿§’05 87-433 8 Pop. 500 Mosheim___Greene G 16 Mosheim Bank Co.____ t§ ’07 6 Pop. 500 87-434 ‘ Mountain City. Johnson Bank of Mountain City . . » ’07 87-284 8 Pop. 800 F 16 Merchants & Traders Bk.»§’02 87-283 M ountpieasànt___Maury Farm ers & Merch. B ank<§’09 6 Pop. 2500 17 87-181 F irst National Bank— < ’09 87-180 Mt. J u lie t.__Wilson G 8 Bank of Mt. Ju lie t____ » ’08 87-435 6 . Pop. 600 Mt. Pelia— -Weakley G 4 Farm ers Union Bank__» ’08 87-436 8 * Pop. 150 (Martin P, O.) 100,000 S pecial a t t e n t l o n o n B ill o f L a a in g D ra fts , C ash a n d l i m e Ite m s , 10c s h o u ld b e se n t w ith eacta-Sigh t D ra ft f o r p resen ta tlo n a n d 25c for e a c h rep o r t. HO N O R RO LL BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-**’: M ulberry____Lincoln I 8 Citizens B a n k _____ __ t § ’l l 87-437 6 Pop. 200 M unford— ...T ip to n 1 2 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-605 §’17 8 Pop. 600 Munford Sav. Bank A T r. Co. 87-438 « » ’04 *Murfreesboro.RUth*rf'd Citizens Bk. & T r. C o ..< §’13 87-556 6 POp. 6000 H9 F irst National Bank____ t ’69 87-98 40,000 17,700 237,010 262,740 8,500 11,400 90,000 92,000 15.000 4.000 175,000 127,000 W. B. F ra n k lin ___ J . H. Baldwin—— H. M. Boswell____ MissBertie Wheeler -T, P, Rnlfis H . J . W isecarver. . R. E. Donnelly — 201,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. City N., Knoxville; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. r,. s . No« E. M. G ra n t___ — G. S. Mooney____ 144,010 1,228,000 1,325,710 134,370 N. City, N. Y. and Wash., D. C. W. A. Hull, Sec— W . R. Stoffef.____ W . W . Hawkins — Lilley C. Grayson— 36,260 Irving N., N. Y.: Hamilton N ., Chattanooga. 12,000 Union & Plan. Bk & T r. Co., Memp. 64.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Unaka N., Johnson City. 12.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Va. 15.000 5.000 80,000 87,000 25.000 11,380 216,320 149,920 103,580 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol; City N„ O.A. Brownlow___ Mumford S m ith __ H. G . K ittrell ___ -T. W. Ac.nff . 25.000 13,500 256,000 188,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 3d N.. D. W. Shofner . . . . •T S. Hill F..S, W heeler J . W. W illiam son.. N. R. N otes. W. F . Rice E. O. Jackson____ T». W. C« . 50.000 13,760 184,570 258,850 F.lm«r P.nrd 10,000 1,070 61,180 55,440 7,500 1,500 13,000 20,000 2,310 4th & 1st N., Nash. 10,000 4,460 74,180 89,170 6,870 Irving N., N.Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; J . W. W right_____ F. E. B n t.ler. T. S. Ram ho _ C, f!r r,oop«r. _ _ E. F . Holland_____ W . H. D error - „ E. A. King J . T. Allison I. B. Salmon. W. H. Starnes___Ü J . W . Corbitt K H Rass J . B. W itherington .T. W. W ooten J . J . R uckerf—— J . K . W alsh ______ W, n, H ilhro B. B. K err J . M. B u tler_____ George Beesley— G. R. Ellis, J r ........ i W . G. M anson____ H. H. W illiam s.— . C. R. R ell________ A. L. Todd______ MURFREESBORO BANK & TRUST COMPANY— < » ’05 N , C. Man«y Stone’s River National Bank G. W. Howse__ 87-99 t ’72 J . B. Palm er___ ... F rank W hite — . . N . O. O richlow ___ 15.000 Knoxville. St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 53,830 Han. N., N. Y. 11,220 State Bk. & T r. Co., Nash.; Am. N., Lebanon, Elk N., Fayetteville. Mtle. N., Memp. 25.000 6,270 114,120 104,480 40,920 3d N., St. L.; Union & P lanters Bk. & T r. Co., 23,400 4,000 130,000 100,000 24,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and State Bk. & 200,000 89,180 464,480 681,880 121,780 N. City, N. Y. 75.000 37,660 710,870 638,000 181,840 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 150,000 70,000 470,000 531,000 123,840 C haseN ., N. Y.; Am. Southern N., Lou.,Ky.; R. T. Bell, J r _____ Memp. T r. Co., Nash. 87-100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C EN TR A L-S TA TE N A TIO N A L BANK OF MEMPHIS N um ber under N a m e of B a n k is the N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r given e x c lu siv e ly b y T lie B a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e rs* 1 1 7 027 D SPl rea c b b a n k in IT. S . p e ta n r. n n d pp fh p * ■*/ sn fh n rffv nf T h o A m a rin a n R a n l/o r c Acc’n Am. N.. Nash. 1178_________________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Mercér to Murfreesboro_____________ July, 1918 1178 Sp ecial facilities for handling; Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. T E N N E S S E E —-C o n tin u e d A c ce ssib le T o w n s , L a w y e rs , L a w s , D irectors-, in dexed in b a ck of tb is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G ra c e,i^ C EN TR A L-S TA TE N ATIO NAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Town N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f S a n k is tb e N ew T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to e a c h b a n k in IT. S . e x c lu siv e ly b y Tlie B a n d - M c N a lly B a n k e rs* PlrectOTy» un d er the authority and Oo ü n t t . *County Seats. Figure under town is o f A c ce ssib le T o w n s , N am e op Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ±Mem. State Bks. Assn.rPriv. Est. (Reserve City) 6 Pop. 117,057 Y ICE-PRESIDENT. P r e s id e n t . ALL Ca s h ie r . BANKS C O L L E C T E D D IR EC T OF Lia b il it ie s . II R e so u r c e s . | k Dis- C ash k E x P aid - u p S uAbNplD u s D e p o s cL’oams ts . Bom bs, changes,I>ub Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s Baorrbiums from Banks P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Q U IC K , BY T E N N E S S E E ITE M S As s ’t Ca s h ie r . L a w y e rs , L a w s , D ire c to rs , in B o r I n te r e s t B a te s , O ra ce , dexed. in b a c k of th is v o lu m e . TENNESSEE— -Continued The Am erican Bankers Ass*n« N A SH V ILLE . TENNESSEE. CAREFUL SER V ICE. ♦American National Bk. »±’83 W. W. Berry „"___ A. H. Robinson___ N. P. Le Sueur _ „ C. H. W etterau__ $1000000 $ 573,120 $8988930 $9582160 $2764 340 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Phil. 87-3 E. A. Hail E. R. Burr N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Citiz. N., Cin. W. C. Roberts fl, C. P otter - - _ ♦Broadway National Bk.»±’06 A. E. P o tter. J . H. B ra d fo rd ... 200,000 196,370 2,851,440 2.430,420 894,870 Mech. & Metals N „ N . Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 87-7 [Central Bk. & T r. Co— «±§’16 W atkins C ro ck ett. V. J . A lexander__ Jn o . F . J o y n e r ___ A. B. Cummings.. 87-26 100,000 ♦Cumberland Valley N at.B k. J .T . Howell 87-5 *±’10 300,000 I_- L. .Tnnas Farm ers & M erchants Bank A. E. P otter 87-24 ±§’16 F . M. F arris H enry Neuhoff___ Edward P otter, J r . W. A. Byrn,, Active ♦F irst Sav. Bk. & Tr.Co.»±§’06 J . E. Caldwell____ T . 87-11 ( 6 B ranches ) J. D . W ebb______ S . McHenry W. W. M cN eilly- 100.000 C. R. Puryear 220,000 28.700 828,870 739,990 215,770 Citiz. N.. N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 105,000 4,200,000 4,100,000 1,150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.: 3d N „ St. L.: Phil; N., Phil. 25,000 600,000 545,000 132,630 2,480,680 2,659,750 140,000 Han N., N. Y.; Broadway N., Nash. 289,520 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; 3d N., St. L.: 4th & 1st N „ Nash. ♦Fourth & F irst National J . E. Caldw ell____ T . D . Webb, A ctive Randal C u re ll____ G . W. P y le _____ •±’65 B a n k ___87-1 ___ J . S . McHenry, H. L. Williamson, Drew Rowen A ctive A . Cash. Bradley Currey 1,100,000 1,035,410 15,193.750 14,554,450 3,857,180 Irving N., N. City, and N. Bk.' Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; S. W. N, Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 3d N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Nashville T rust Co.___« íí’89 William Nelson___ Percy W arner____ S. H. OtT.Oen.Mgr. M. S. Webb, Sec.. J 350,000 377,870 2,799,310 2,964,150 897,170 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Cent. T r. Co. of 111., 87-8 J . B. Morgan A. B. Benedict, Chi.; G irard N „ Phil. A . Oen. M gr. State Bank T rnst Co. *±$’04 87-9 & R . E. Donnell ( 1 B ra n c h ) ♦Tennessee-H6rmita.fffi Na.t’l E. A. Lindsey Bank_____87-6_____ «±’15 Thomas P later & Oo.___»±’98 R. 0. P later—___ Thomas W. W renne & Co. 87-16 »±§'99 Nashville Clearing House___ 87-25 (M embers indicated by a *) New'bern—„ . . —Dyer G 3 Farm ers & Merch. Bk. «±§1900 8 Pop. 8000 87-203 T. W. W ren n e.___ L. A. Bowers R. W. Comer J . O. Leake M. C. McGannon J . B. P alm er.— D . Chas. F . Lovell___ C . P. P ra tt— J . T. Martin R. Y. Cook w $. CQLE 300,000 164,670 L 442,920 1,821,610 387,880 Han. N. and Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Union N., Lou. 3d N., St. L. Post & Flagg, N.Y. 25,000 BORA NUNN d in g D ra fts , C ash a ñ d T im é Ite m s . D ra ft fo r p re s e n t a tlo n , a n d r t o r B a tin g . New M arket— Jefferson Bank of New M arket—«±§’08 G. W. Long______ W. T. Elmore_____ E. A. Lassiter____ 87-439 6 POP. 1000 G 14 W. A. Susong ....... Murray Stokely— W. À. Willis — »Newport___Cocke H 15 F irst National Bank— *±’07 J . A. Susong 87-175 6 Po'p. 2003 M erchants & Planters Bank B. D. Jones_____ .. J .M . Jones — Y. J . McMahan___ O. B. Mims. 87-174 , *±§‘881 ■ CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 318,870 Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; Union T r. Co., Chi. Am. Southern N., Lon. (In v e st m en t Se curities) 28,070 184,880 151,080 34,290 N. : P ark, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 25,000 460 240,000 156,000 105,000 ) 25,000 34,820 306,610 252,010 97,440 < j 28.860 < 15,000 11,750 114,070 109,970 50,000 7,500 210,000 185,000 50,000 1 50,000 89,710 691,040 568,990 261,760 ( Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. A c c o u n ts of B a n k s, B a n k e rs , M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts , an d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . _____ 1 17 9 S. 1. BIFFLE — — n given B ill o f L a t w ith ea c h S ig h t r e q u e s t fo r R epo 25,530 1,173,130 1,146,080 15,000 P. W renne____ T. J . Broderick___ F. A. Smith J . S . M cHenry____ E. A. Lindsey____ T. G . G arrett, Mgr. T. G. G arrett, C. H . E x a m in e r J . N. W illiam s..__ W. F . M ilan_____ W. M. Merwin____ J . B. C renshaw __ f N. L. SGOBEY__ ) S pecial a tte n tio 1 15c m u s t be sen (2 5 c w ith each 100,000 July, 1918_____________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Nashville to Newport 1179 Special facilities for handling; Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. N ame of Bank. Town AMD County. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State F ig u re'u n d er town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. i P resident . Vice -President . Rank of Niota ■ •2111 87-508 Nolensvill« Rank -- i$ ’06 87-440 Peoples Bank--------- ____§*15 87-587 Duck River Bank___ - -2§*11 87-441 Oakdale Bank A T r. Co. iS ’12 87-524 Oakland Deposit B ank—tS’05 87-442 Bank of Obion_______21*90 87-219 Commercial Bank____ ¿ t l ’0! 87-220 Oliver Springs___Roane F arm ers Bank_________ §13 87-561 A Pop. 1000 G 12 Oliver Springs Bkg. Co. .21 *04 87-443 Oneida______Scott G12 Scott Oonnty Nat. Bank *2*04 87-444 6 Pop. iooo ¿Ooitewah___Jam es 112 Bank of Ooitewah__ . . . 2§*07 87-445 e Pop. 600 O rlinda__ Robertson G 8 Bank of Orlinda______ 21*04 87-446 6 Pop. 500 Palmersville— Weakley Palmersville Bank------- 2§*06 87-447 8 Pop. 130 G4 ¿Paris______ H enry G 5 Bank of Henry______ «25’86 87-111 8 Pop. 5000 Commercial Bank_____»2177 87-110 l.«2’09 87-112 P arsons____Decatur H 5 8 Pop. 700 P etersburg___Lincoln 1 8 6 Pop. 750 Prospect Station.GQes 1 7 6 Pop. 375 87-660 mal Ban: 87-449 hiladelp 87-531 mal Banl 87-294 ings Bai 87-451 easantS 87-555 ink____ 87-452 lank___ 87-533 lank___ 87-453 Ik. & Tr, 87-454 Lee D. S to n e. Jn o . T .'F o rrest___ H. M. Willson____ O. B. Staley____ J . W. Williams.__ H. J . B rittain____ W alter Kimery O. W. Phillips. — - J . R. Doak______ J . W. Leeman Jn o . G. New— — S. S. T hroneberry. M. B. B e a d le -— J .C . Alley_______ D. P. Goans—_. . . As s ’t Cashier . H ubert T. R itchie. $ 25,000 $ P rincipal Correspondents. 9,860 $ 53,060 $ 47,940 $ 23,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga Union N., Knoxville. 9,925 3,000 45,000 42,000 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 10,600 2,000 118,900 44,780 83,460 Am. N., Nash. 10,000 550 30,730 30,730 7,780 Am. No Nash. 10,000 4.000 32,000 46,000 4,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. S. N. O akley.___ 8,425 1,500 45,000 38,000 J . N . Olay_______ Julian T h a rp ____ P . D. H enry—__ 10,000 3,590 62,200 58,300 W. J . Nichols.—__ L. G. Moffat— J . R. Mills_____ H. H. M oultrie___ 35,000 8,550 222,920 150,320 R. M. J a c k s o n ..... W. C. Crawford__ G. W. Reed____ L. M. Blackley____ 25,000 4,200 89,250 94,050 W. J . Griffith____ . John F . Booth—__ E. I. S ta n ife r___ Geo. W .V insant D. O. Richards . —. F . O. Sienknecht— Samuel Tunnell— H. E. S ienknecht— 12,300 2,000 75,340 65,110 15,000 7,080 70,570 50,670 Talmon S exton___ W. H. Buttram — . B. L. Sadler____ H. F . Cooper O. G. Hughes_____ U. F. Figgins_____ H unter F arches . Clifford Sexton___ 25,000 10,000 235,000 190,000 10,000 3,500 06,300 80,000 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. V. E. Crocker_____ R. L. P o rter.____ Miss Lacy J . Wil liams 23,000 4,500 71,500 82,500 16,500 4th & 1st No Nash. C. B. W illiam s. H. E. Prince____ H. M. Jo h n so n .. 16,000 Hamilton N. and 1st N., Chattanooga; South e ra Bk. & T r. Co., H arrim an, Tenn. 14,700 Han. No N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 114,560 Han. No N. Y.; Lon. N. Bkg. Co.,Lon.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Go., Memp.; 3d N., St. L. 22,400 3d N „ St. L. 23,460 Han. N „ N. Y .f Hamilton N., Chattanooga Union N „ Knoxville; 1st N., Harrim an. 32,300 Holston No Knoxville; Cumberland Valley N.. Nash. 75,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga; 1st N., Cin. 36,760 4th & 1st N o Nash. G. H. Atkins_____ W. T. Rawls____ 0 . H. Rawls____ 7,500 3,000 56,490 27,320 A. B. L am b______ O. O. B arton____ A. B. M itcham. _ 60,000 25,720 377,920 280,660 J . 0 . P o rte r______ W. C. J o h n s o n __ W. F . B alch ____ 100,000 100,000 602.990 613,370 182,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Am. Southern N., Lon. 201,040 Han. No N. Y.; 4th & 1st N ., Nash.; N. Bk Com., Lou. j JNO. R.RIS0N— J. F. ADEN— 50,000 9,890 372,020 355,300 87,360 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th & 1st N.. Nash,; 3d N., St. L. 5: ¿ W o l f * C. I. ADEN j A tte n tio n given to collectio n s, 115c m u s t a ceo m p a n y D ra fts a n d T im e I te m s . —25*15 J . W. Mclllwain__ W. H. N eely..___ J . O. Long___ 10,000 1,000 47,000 37,000 15,000 4th & 1st N „ Nash. ..21*07 J . F . H o u s to n .__ M. L. Houston___ W. E. Jordan J . Jennings______ A. L. J e n n in g s___ 20.000 1,970 92,430 84,300 30,100 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N „ Jackson. Carl H a stin g _____ T. W. S w arn er___ 15,000 ____ 125,000 130,000 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. O. F . Gill________ A. O. March — __ 30,000 14,300 197,830 223,420 43,730 Seab. N., N. Y.; 4th and 1st N „ Nash. 7,950 1,030 16,270 25,210 ..28*13 E. E. Murry . ___ J . J . Crawford W. S. Joplin —2*12 F. S. McRady____ W. H. Marsh — George McAdams -8*14 W. P. Sizer______ W. C. M illigan__ W. P. Sizer______ „•2*14 W. S. T.nyd 1,230 Hamilton N., Chatt. J . Brown L ee____ S. H. Blackburn__ W. L. Kelly .28*05 W. F . W atlington. 0. F . P ark er____ t A. Lacy Price_____ 30,000 12,330 440,430 405,440 7,500 1,920 31,660 16,790 s—8*13 J . J . B easley_____ W. C. Je n k in s___ O. W. Stephens___ May S tephens__ — 10,000 2,000 80,000 70,000 20,000 1st State, Carthage. -.28*05 W. W. Scott— __ M. F . Williams — Phineas T r e n t..__ 10,000 10,000 36,000 44,000 11,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. -28*12 R.r Tl, WnnrA R. W. Enders_____ 15,000 12,820 116,090 75,550 W. C. Austin_____ Paul Moore. 25,000 20,000 230,000 171,000 10,000 8,800 72,740 80,080 G. T. W right — 28*03 R. D. Moore_____ G. W. V enters___ -28*05 L Y. Pully_______ R. A. Sherrill____ J . F . Woodard____ Mrs. Georgia Abernatln C EN TR A L-S T A TE N ATIO N AL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve BankHof St. Louis fnxnber u n d e r N a m e o r B a n k is th e JNTew T r a n s i t N u m b e r adven 1181 Lia b il it ie s . i1 R e so u r c e s , i rplus k Dm- \ C a m k BxP aid - u p SuAMD D e p o s cL’oams t s . B o n d s , • s a m m ^Do i Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s B acoam M from B ank s to each b a n k in U. 8 . e x c lu siv e ly b y T h e B a n d - M c N a lly B an k e rs* D ir e c to r y , u n d e r tfie a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A ss’n . 83,320 Seab. N ., N. Y. 16,570 Peo. Say., Jackson. 55,230 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 104,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Talley N., Nash. 11,950 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Gitiz., Pulaski. July, 1918 PhOadelphia.Loudon H12 6 Pop. 828 ¿Pikeville__ Bledsoe H 11 8 Pop. 700 Pinson_____Madison 14 8 Pop. 400 Pleasant Shade— Sm ith 6 Pop. 100 G 10 Pleasant View-Cheatham 6 Pop. 350 G7 P o rtland____Snm ner F 9 6 Pop. 1200 87-299 lank___ 87-300 Cashier . _______TENNESSEE BANKS—N ew Tazewell to Prospect Station New Tazewell .Olaiborne Citizens B ank_____ -----21*12 A. B. Ritchie —___ J . K. P ra tt 87-538 I Fop. MO G 14 Nlota_____ McMinn H 13 6 Fop. soo N oleairills. -.Williamson H8 | Pop. 150 N o re n e ___ —Wilson G 0 8 Pop. 75 N orm andy-.Bedford H 8 I Pop. too Oakdale___ -Morgan G 12 I Pop. 2000 Oakland__ _ __F aystte 1 2 I Pop. 200 Obion_____ —Obion G 8 I Pop. 1208 A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1180 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B a n d -M cN ally Bankers* D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items P r o m p t Service. R e a s o n a bio R a t e s . TENNESSEE—Continued A c ce ssib le T o w n s , L a w y e rs , L a w s , D ir e c to r s , in dexed. in bach: of th is volum e. B o r I n t e r e s t B a te s» G ra c e ,:*—-« e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite p a ee 13. C CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS xUTamber v u u u u e r ua n u d u e e r r nNaam m ee O « aa nn ak is the New T _____________ ____________ _ oXf B r a n s it _N u m b e r given i? each bank in 17. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cSTsllr B an k ers D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r i t y iof'The --------------American ~ Banjcers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of ‘ P u lask i______ Giles 1 7 Citizens B a n k ___ 6 Pop. 2928 87-134 PEO PLES BARK— 87-135 P ur year_____ Henry G 5 8 Pop. 500 Readyville_____ Cannon 6 P op . 150 H9 Riceviile___McMinn 1 12 6 Pop. 500 Ridgely, ___Lake G 2 8 Pop. 519 Vice-President . Cashier . As s 't Cashier . - • » ’16 H. M. Grigsby:___ B. F . McGrew____ W. L. Abernathy.. j E . E . ES LIC K — P ro m p t S e rv ic e . Accessible 8. C. APPLEBY— A. L . KING------- Jr _W.-L.*Abernathy, ^ - E R ----- Paid-up Capital Subplus and Propits Depos its Resources, u Loan s k D isc ’tb . B o n d s , S kcurit ibb T ow ns, R ates. L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in F o r I n t e r e s t Rates» G race i P rincipal Correspondents. Ca s h k E x chanq bs ,D ce fro m B a n k s . $ 60,000 $ 41,200 $ 465,000 $ 495,,000 $ 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. LM H 60,000 40,170 439,000 460,000 80,000 Im p. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Am. Southern N., Lou, Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. 157,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th ft 1st N., Nash.; N. Bk, Com., Lou. 60,560 4th ft 1st N ., Nash. - • « ’15 < Special a tte n ü o n given B ill o f La d in g D rafts, Cash and T im e Item s, 15c m u st b e se n t w ith each S ig h t D raft for presen t atlon ( an d 25c w ith ea eh request for Re port or B a tin g . Union Bank & T rust C o ..« '04 87-136 Farm ers Bank________ . » ’07 87-448 Bank of R eadyville____» ’11 87-503 Riceviile Bank________ » 1 2 87-509 Peoples B ank_________ » 1 8 87-617 Planters B a n k ________ » ’05 87-289 R e a s o n a b le dexed. in back of this volume. Liabilities. ' ' ”' i P resident . ite m s TENNESSEE—Continued Bank. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal Reserve District Est, A rk a n s a s R. H. P orter_____ N. A. Crockett___ J. M. Harwood__ J. M. Harwood, Jr, Thnrman Smith 60,000 73,000 590,000 472,000 M. G. C raw ford_ J . M. Bumpass___ 0. H. Parks______ 10,000 4,040 101,360 54,840 J . D. C a rte r_____ L. M. J e tto n ___ ;__ B. H. Carter_____ W. E. Youree C. W. Oliphant___ D. H. Roberts____ N. Z. Dewees__ 10,000 1,750 50,000 45,000 15,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash, 10,000 1,000 75,000 45,000 12,000 City N., Knoxville. L. T. Moore. M gr.. W. R. Aigee_____ W. N. W yatt__ H.P. KELLER„ . (B ranch o f T ip t o n Co.— F a rm er 8 U n io n N. Park, N. Y.; B k .o f Com. & T r. Co., Memp. B k., Covingt on.) 3d N., St. L. > 30,000 15,840 337,210 201,780 178,040 I s tN ., Chi.; 1st N., Memp. B. F. Hardison__ S .T . KIRKPATRICK VERNONPETERS. J . 0. PARIS-------- 25,000 4,590 367,830 263,030 133,250 Han. N., N. Y.: Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co. Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union N., Lou j V.P. MURIARTY H. D. F O L T S __ R.M.PRICHARD25,000 FIRST RATIONAL BANK *$13 < Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La ding D rafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. 7.450 325,000 194,210 156,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi.; 3d N „ St. L. Cent. State N., Memp. 1R ipley.. Lauderdale H 2 FARM ERS UNION BANK-«’08 8 Pop. 2011 87-173 C ollection Item s reported o n for 15c per H undred fee to accom pan y Ite m . Dollars, ItM F * 87-554 F irst Savings Bank___ » ’13 87-532 Ripley Sav. Bk. ft T r. C o .« ’03 87-172 Rives-------------Obion G 3 Farm ers ft M erch. Bank « ’03 8 Pop. 468 87-455 R o b b in s...._ ..S co tt G 12 Robbins Bank & T r. Co...S’07 6 Pop. 400 87-456 Rockwood___Roane H 12 FIR ST NATIONAL BANK 6 Pop. 5000 87-113 *{’89 BANK. & TRUST CDMPÀNY- 87-114— * « ’04 S. B. Johns______ A. K lu tts__. . . ___ H. 0 . Rogers__ __ H. B. Moor e r . 12,500 4,730 123,660 122,810 W. R. M iller_____ J . A. P o rte r.____ 25,000 31,600 421,530 414,830 B. J. W ade______ J . B. Candle._____ W. P. Shore_____ 15,000 4,000 115,650 55,030 Jasper H ughett___ J . F . Hargrove - __ Thos. Peacock..__ 15,000 1,210 20,740 32,680 50,000 57,000 852,000 691,000 G. M. Partee______ W. D. M ajors. LA. W RIGHT— 15e m u st be sen f W O T f c WM. ENSM JNGER. m m presen ta tlo n , and 25c w ith each req u est for Bepo or B a tin g . R O L L O F HON OB BAN K —PRO M PT SERVICE O UR SPECIALTY. J. M.CLACK—- J. D.TANNER - C. C. STUBBS 11,900 206,000 180,500 210,000 N ., C hattanooga’. 57,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. Special a tte n ti adlng D rafts, Cas h a n d T im e I te m s. 15c m n s t be sen t w ith each S igh t D raft for presen ta tlo n , a n d 25c w ith each req u est for B epo r t or R ating. H. G. Kyle— ____ J . O. Phillips — . _ J. C. Stamps.__ . . . T. P . Sum m ers.— . L. L. Poats W. K. Arm strong. . R. Arm strong__ _ G. W. D an iel. . . . . . K. L. W atterso n ... 42,000 "55,000 650,000 495,000 30,000 20,000 347,800 317,800 A. O liver__¡_:__. . . J . E. F is h e r 10,000 1,850 35,870 32,430 11,590 : 15,000 8,310 110,450 61,250 67,580 1 4,025 550 13,570 9,140 8,610 1 . . . G. O. Moore_____ A. T hom pson... E. M. Moore___— R. C. McCalla.____ R. B. N ebhut-__ __ W. J . M u rp h y ..... J. F. Nebhut— F . F . Boyd____ H. H. F a r le y _____ 195,000 : 72,600 i A rthur W arren,__ J. B. R ives______ J . L., C raw fo rd .« . 14,425 800 68,000 50,500 28,000 1 C. E. F u lle r...____ E. H. M oore__ s£_ J. H. Dean___ — . J . L. McGhee__ — 25,000 5,700 50,000 50,000 25,000 ] G. R. Dickson___ 15,000 2,440 31,990 44,340 9,590 1 12,500 18,670 203,980 169,310 63,830 1 E. P e e l_______ . . . W. E. Courtney_ E. D .J o n e s______ W. D. Hopper W. P . E lrod______ Henry O’D an iel.... Luther Porter___ J. H. P erry __ ____ CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 16,090 1st N., Ripley. 112,900 N. P ark , N. Y.; F t. Dear. N ., Chi.; Sd N., St L.;Ceat.-State N., Memp. 70,480 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; 3d N. St. L.; Old N., Union City. 6,950 1st N,, Chattanooga. I n d iv id u a ls i n v ite d . St. L. Nash. U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . _______________ H81 *Rogersville~ ..H aw kins Citizens Bank____ ___ « » ’87 87_221 6 Pop. 1400 G 16 Hawkins County B an k ..« '9 9 87-222 Rome---------- Sm ith G 10 Bank of Rome________ » 1 3 6 Pop. 300 87-552 Rosemark___Shelby 12 Rosemark Bk. & T r. Go*«12 8 (BrunsvH ek P . O.) 87-628 Rossville.— .F ayette I 8 Peoples Bank__________ S is 8 Pop. 142 87-568 Rossville Savings Bank. .« '0 9 87-457 Russellville. Hamblen G15 F irst National B an k ._____14 6 Pop. 500 87-458 Rutherford__ Gibson G 8 Home Exchange B an k _ « '0 9 8 Pop. 766 87— 262 Rutherford Bank_______»’97 87-261 15c m u st be se n t w ith each Slg h t Draft for pre se n ta tlo n , and { 25c w ith each r eq u est for R eport or B a lin g . July, 1918_____________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Pulaski to Rutherford | Ifif ■*1 0 1 S p e c ia l f a c ilit ie s fo r h a n d lin g T e n n e s s e e , M is s is s ip p i a n d uuuv* VI wwun w vuo Aiauoiv m uiuuci u y cu to each bank m U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. Name of Bane . »Rutledge.Grainger G 14 6 Pop. 300 Saltillo______ Hardin 15 8 Pop. 360 Santa F e ____ Maury H 7 8 Pop. 200 Sardis___Henderson H 5 8 Pop. 435 Saulsbury.. Hardeman 14 8 Pop. 199 »Savannah..__ Hardin 15 8 Pop. 1800 *• “ Peoples Bank______ »$$’06 87-459 Hardin County Bank___$$’01 87-460 Bank of Santa F e ___...$ $ ’10 87-461 Sardis Bank_______ ..$$'02 87-462 Bank of Sanlsbnry____ $$'07 87-463 Citizens B ank.. _ _ $$'04 87-177 L ia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . CASHIER. A. M. Nanee___ . . . T. M. G odw in____ J . W. Luntsford— J . H. C r a v e n ....... E. E. T ar b e t ____ G. W. Bigham M. F . W alk er..___ A. H. F o rg ey _____ M. M. Cook H. E. G rap er..____ J . J . M cBride.— — G. H. P arker E. T. D u rd en ____ J . B. Nabers_____ O. J . Luna Edgar Cherry,____ J . R. Dodds ______ R obert Hinkle Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C E N T R A L -S T A T E 1 1 OO D. A. Welch, J r — A. M. P atterson.__ H. E. Williams____ H. M. Williams__— So. Pittsburg.M arion 1 10 FIRST NATIO NAL BANK-$’87 T. G. G arrett____ 87-165 6 Pop. 2106 ** *' So. Pittsburg Sav. Bank.$$’07 A. A. r,nnlr_ 87-166 »Sparta ........ W hite H 10 87-210 6 Pop. 2000 >a •• F irst National Bank $'84 R. Hill.... ................. 87-209 N ATIO N AL 25,000 1,980 76,800 73,970 27,810 Citiz., Lexington, T enn.; Féo. Sav., Jackson. 10,000 2,600 33,000 30,000 15,500 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. A. S. Montgomery. M argaret McBride. J . E. Vernon C. A. Richards 87-176 Scotts Hill___Henderson Farm ers State Bank____$$’06 R. L. W ylie_____ J . E. Austin_____ J . W. Patterson . _ 8 Pop. 500 H5 87-464 »Selmer ___Mr.Nairyl 4 F irst National Bank____»$’07 J . D. A. Coleman— B. L. Browder___ Albert Gillespie— 87-288 8 Pop. 800 _ McNairy County Bank..$S'91 87-287 (G. E. SHARP------ FRANK MURPHY— R. 0. MARSHALL.. n al a t t e n t Ion t o d r a fts a n d c re d it re p o rts »Sevierville. ~Sevier H 15 BANK0FSEVIERVILLE-.$S’88 )1P erso w h en acco m p a n te d b y fee o f 15 c fo r c o llectio n s a 6 Pop. 800 • 87-275 'P r o m p t r e tu r n s o n a ll co llectio n s. S en d u s y o u r I t M. •• C. M. M cM ahan__ S. L. A tchley__ __ 87-276 Sewanee____Franklin 1 9 Bank of Sewanee_____ *$$’07 Telfair Hodgson__ W. B. N auts— b . L. Vanghan 8 Pop. 750 87-465 Sharon Weakley G 4 Bank of Sharon.... ..........$$’02 R. H. Ja ck so n __... W. E. Thomas____ R. S. Moore______ 8 Pop. 700 87-466 »Shelby ville.Bedford H 8 Citizens Bank... »$§’06 J . E. Shoffner____ D. D. H ix. J . E. Huffman____ 6 Pop. 5000 87-144 f “ Farm ers Loan & T rust Co.§’16 W. E. G an t______ J . M. T une Clarence Snell, 87-590 Sec. a n d Tr. ** Farm ers National Bank . »$’88 P. C. Steele_____ W. A. F ro st___ __ R. W. C lark. _ 87-143 •• .....a « . “ Peoples National Bank__ $'86 J . D. H utton_____ R. Sandusky._____ 87-142 , . Slayden Dickson G 6 Bank of Slayden__ 4__ *$$'11 W .T. B ledsee___ W. Q. V. Schmittou J . H. McFall 6 Pop. 200 87-507 J . N. Ussery »8 m ithville..Dekalb H 10 Farm ers & T raders Bk.*$S’91 E. J . Evans______ J . C. F oster___ . . 6 Pop. 1200 87-235 J . B. Moore ** Peoples Bank & T rust Co. W. H. D avis_____ H. K. Staley. F . M. Love - 87-236 »$$’03 Sm yrna—R utherford H 9 F irst National Bank____*$’08 J . W. B rittia n ___ W. V. Sm ith........... J . G. Batey______ 87-467 6 Pop. 1000 Smyrna Bank & T rust Co. W. Williams........... E. C. Holloway . . . . T. G. TAmh__ 87-599 *§’17 »Sneedville-Hancock F 15 Citizens B ank.. ____ $§'06 A. T. Drinnon____ C. M. Collins . . . . . . 87-296 6 Pop. 300 Peoples B a n k ... ____ §15 R. C. Stone______ Olay Seal ___ 87-585 Soddy_____Hamilton 1 11 Soddy Banking O o.___*$$’12 S. L. B yrd.______ J . A. R oberts____ W. H. C row _____ 87-517 6 Pop. 2000 »Somerville__Fayette 1 3 F ayette County Bank..«$S ’88 H. 0 . Moorman___ W. M. Mayo_____ E. A. M addox. 87-211 8 Pop. 1500 ** ___ ** Somerville Bank & T rust Co. C. W. Robertson — W yatt W ilkinson— H . 8 ,Shaw 87-212 ^S'lO A. H. Olive______ J . C. Houston 36,530 7,500 3,000 74,790 48,480 50,000 10,790 224,040 132,800 50,000 15,750 275,310 271,170 10,000 2,810 41,500 35.890 30,000 16,980 188,260 50,000 172,110 60,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; 2d N., Jackson Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. Sta le B k., H u m boldt, Han. N ..N .Y .; IstN ., Jackson. T enn.) 30,000 400,000 430,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. A. T. IN6 LE 30,000 20,000 300,000 286,000 10.000 2,900 36,000 40,000 35,000 16,050 118,140 101.510 25,000 25,000 250,000 210,130 10,000 1,570 n d 25c fo r r e p o rts em s. A. W. Mize_______ G. W. Shearin W. L. D av is____— 11,450 100,000 27,060 469,410 641,130 100,000 75,000 475,000 460,000 6,250 4,060 82,580 51,310 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; B. Tenn. N „ Knoxville. 10,000 Han. N«, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N. Chattanooga. 71,540 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 50,000 N. Park, N .Y .; Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N. Chattanooga. — —— 69,160 N. City, N. Y.; 4th & ls t N., Nash. 90,000 N. P ark, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 37,490 Am. N., Nash. 13,200 3,000 80,000 70,000 20,000 4th & ls t N., Nash. 30,000 7,000 135,000 120,000 47,000 4th & ls t N., Nash. 25,000 9,000 210,000 150,000 70,000 3d N., St. L.; Am. N., Nash. 46,880 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Morristown. 15,000 25,000 9,410 106,910 103,800 15,000 2,780 30,220 25,430 22,570 City N., Knoxville. 10,000 3,000 91,000 66,000 31,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 50,000 19,000 375,000 10,000 15,000 85,000 55,000 17,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. W. D. S pears__ . . . A. A. Cook__ __ H. A. Griffith ___ Irene C. Macrae W. A. «rifflth W. H. F m i . 50,000 35,000 450,000 375,000 10,000 2,000 50.000 54,000 J . R. Tuhh J . E. Matlock J . L. Quarles— 50,000 14,070 133,630 201,040 100,000 76,480 747,870 723,860 R. J . Snodgrass— H. n. Smith PH IQ OF M' IFM t lv ll n lO 125,000 H a n .N .,N . Y. 8,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., So. P itt. 46,660 N. City, N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 300,500 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Southern N., Lou. S p e c ia l f a c ilit ie s fo r h a n d lin g T e n n e s s e e , M is s is s ip p i a n d A rk a n s a s ir a m b e r a n d e r xvame o r s a n k is tue n e w T r a n i l t JVumber givea to each bank in V. 8. excluslvely by T h e K a n d -H e N a ily B a n k ers’ Directory, a n d e r t h e a u th o r l t y of T b e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . 20,080 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; Citiz., Lexington. 34,640 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r Co., Memp. 148,830 Han. N., N. ¥ .; 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Mech. Am. N.. St. L.; 1st N., Jackson. 95,880 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N., St L. 47.040 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Citiz., Lexington. (B ranch M erck. J . P. Gillen_____ _ BANK P rincipal Correspondents. $ 25,000 S 25,000 $ 257,590 $ 230,460 $ 70,910 Chase N., N. Y.; I s tN .. Morristown. ■ - •* W. T . H olland. T). A. Welch R esources. P aid -up Surplus D kpos- Loamsk Dis- Cashk Exand Capital P rofits ITS SSCOKITIM fromBanks As s ' t Ca sh ie r . _________________TENNESSEE BANKS—Rutledge to Sparta_____________ July, 1918 »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is tMem. Slate Bks. A ssn.tP rir. Federal Reserve District. Est. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 TENNESSEE—Continued 1182 I 1oo x ±04 TENNESSEE—Continued Item s P ro m p t S e rv ic e . R e a s o n a b le R a te s. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a te s, G race, l*— “* e tc ., see nacre 14-. F or Hnllrlnvc. baa onnnaitn norm i t ! C U t N lK A L - M A lb BANK N um ber u n d e r N am e o f B ank tfie New T r a n s it Num bei to each bank izx Ü. S. exclusive!y by T h e R an d -M cN ally Bankers* Directory, u n d e r the authority of T lie A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . Town a n d County. »County 8eats. Figure under town is 6 Pop. 210 Spring City___Rh 6 Pop. 1500 »Springfield__ Rol fi Pop. 5000 N ame op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState {Mem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. 87-168 8tantonville.McNa1 8 Pop. 100 Statesville___Wilsc 6 Pop. 300 Stay ton . . . . . . Dicks* 6 Pop. 400 St. Jo se p h .. Lawrence 1 7 6 Pop. 450 S n u n erto w n ..Law rence 6 Pop. 600 17 Surgoinsville,__Hawkins 6 Pop. 200 G 16 Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and M E M P H IS A rk a n s a s Item s Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . [I R esources . , I amsk Du- Gin k Ex P aid - up Surplus D epos cL*ots and . Bonds, change«,Dm Capital P rofits its Securities nunf Bajtu As s ’t Ca sh ie r . R e a s o n a b le R ates. Accessible T ow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t R a te s, Grace, Mm |j| For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TENNESSEE—Continued V ic e -P r e sid e n t . P r o m p t S e rv ic e . P rincipal Correspondents. Citizens Bank _ • $3*14 J . L. W alker - _ L. J . W a lk e r_____ H. E. N orthcutt__ $ 7,500 $ 1,200 $ 42,000 $ 45,000 $ 10,000 1st N., McMinnville; State Bk. & T r. Co., Nash. 87-581 J . H. Hillis Bank of Spring C ity ... < § ’90 H. C. Collins_____ A. D. Pani 25,000 13,300 102,200 81,870 55,310 Han. N., N. Y ; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 87-470 Farm ers Bank & T r. Co. $§’13 W. A. Pow ell_____ A. A. McClanahan . H. G. B ernard ___ 30,000 3,330 114,840 163,140 32,240 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 87-551 PEOPLES BANK 6 Pop. 605 Stanton____Haywc 8 Pop. 500 P r e sid e n t . UF < § ’17 Robertson Co. Bk. & T rust Go. 87-169 $§'99 Springfield B ank______ $§’72 87-167 Spring Hill Bank_____ «$§’01 87-471 Peoples Bank __ .< § ’16 87-595 Stanton Bank < ( ’03 87-472 Peoples Bank________ _$§’i l 87-518 Bank of Statesville. $§’10 87-473 Stayton Bank & T r. Co. .{§’07 87-474 American Bank . $§’10 87-475 Summertown Bkg. C o ...t§ ’06 87-476 Holston Valley Bank__< § ’12 87-537 H.T. STRATTON,JR. mwtik- R. F. LORO----------- R .J.H O L M A N - J . W. Brown____ Charles E. Rail J . B. Bell J . M. Couts__a___ J . W. Brown_____ A M pike G. H. Brown E. H. Ayres______ Allen Campbell___ E. H. Ayres, J r .. W. E. Ryan F . G. Rawlins ___ W. J . Coppedge___ J . K. Gibson A. H. G ilch rist___ S. J . Pounds 50,000 625,000 620,000 155,000 M ech. & M etals N ., N .T .;itd N .t S t. L.; 4th & 1st N . and Cum berland V alley N. N ash.; M tle. N ., M cm p. 44,220 Merch. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 150,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. r s tln io n N, Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & T r. Co.,Memp. Tipton Co. F ar. Union, Covington. 66,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Lou.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Go., Memp. 25,100 1st N., Selmer, Tenn.; Peo. Sav., Jackson. 25,000 320 128,650 109,750 100,000 240,000 445,000 514,000 25.000 15,000 100,000 120,000 (B ranch o f T ipto n Count y Farm e B a n k , Covinat on) 15.000 12,290 98,490 59,720 F . P. F latt__ _ 12,500 4,100 . . W. E. D onnell. _. G. J . Wood W. F . Young B. W. S. N icks____ Robt. C lem ents__ C. S. Smith _ . 10,000 2,800 51,000 46,000 5,500 500 32,400 13,620 24,770 1st N., Dickson: Cent. Bk. & T r. Co., Nash 10,475 1,490 53,020 39,210 10,970 4th & 1st N., Nash. W. A. B arger.. J . H. B elew _____ B. Hollmann — _ Gentry Gray 30,000 18,000 ¿5,000 Bk. of W atertown, W atertown. Samuel G ardiner__ A. J . Gould E. E. Phelan 6,850 1.150 20,270 17,350 W. 0. Lyons_____ A. T. Bean J . F. Fudge A. D. B arber____ 9,700 2,820 62,870 60,930 60,000 27,500 300,000 300,000 25,000 2,500 60,000 73,000 25,000 30,000 180,000 100,000 120,000 23,000 9,000 130,000 120,000 35,000 G. M. M cKnight__ S. T. Jones ____ 0 . E. Young_____ j. T. K. Happel _ _ 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 60,000 C. L. Heffington__ Han. N., N. Y.; Holston N. Knoxville. 12,000 12,000 Bk. of Sweetwater. Sweetwater. base N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; FifthThird N.; Cin. ifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Chattanooga. Am. N., Nash. 7,425 1,140 37,610 40,360 E. M. L eD uke____ 50,000 21,000 158,000 120,000 J . P . Alexander___ 50,000 21,760 223,840 183,630 7,500 2,100 70,000 43,500 28,000 ! 25,000 18,030 247,430 202,400 84,800 .1 J . R. Huckaby___& 60,000 24,000 325,000 91AA A A dlUtUUU 115,000 : Sylvan p TTrppiì J . L. D. Wade 30,000 7,580 509.820 489,940 105,450 : 58,000 33,190 407,710 439,660 58,240 : C. H. R oberts— W. A. Oresap C. T. Arnold CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS t 10,320 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; H arpeth N ,i F ranklin. 97,000 \ 1 N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Bk. of Com. & T r. Co., Memp. 111,170 1 N.. Nash.; 3d N., St. L. Co.. Memp.; 3d N.. St. !.. A c c o u n ts of B a n k s, B a n k e rs , M a n u fa c tu re rs , M e rc h a n ts , an d I n d iv id u a ls in v it e d . U n s u r p a s s e d C o lle c t io n S e rv ic e . 1183 COUNTYBANK< § ’79 A. S. Elder 8,360 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. R Run N. P ark.N .Y .; UnakaN., Johnson City. OidUv / F irst National Bank . ’IS W. I. H a ll_______ Eli Cleveland_____ M. K ilp atric k ... 87.616 T rust & Savings B a n k ...{§’10 J . F . Scrnggs J . A. Hardin J . L. Brown. 87-189 »Tazewell.Olaiborne F 14 Claiborne National B k.. < 9 9 J . T. Hughes W. I. Davis. W. H. Eppes. fi Pop. 886 Tellico Plains —..M onroe Tellico Bk. & T r. Co— < § ’09 E. P . Loomis S. A. B rig h t____ _ C. F. Latimore____ 6 Pop. 2500 113 87-478 TemperanceHall.DeKalb Bank of Temperance Hall C. D. Williams........ S. C. Robinson . . . . N. R. Robinson___ fi (L ib erty P .O .)H 10 87-606 §’17 Pop. 250 Thompson’s Station, Will- Thompson’s Station Bk.& Tr. T. J . Timmons____ Jas. H. P o rte r.___ C. B. Alexander,__ 6 iamson Pop. 200 H 8 Company 87-557_____ {§’13 »Tiptenville____Lake G 2 Farm ers & Merch. Bk. *{§’90 J . T. B a rn e tt___ L. Donaldson J . J . G w altney___ 8 Pop. 1000 87-247 Peoples B a n k ________ < § ’11 J . N. Jones _____ J . C. Jackson____ P. Davis - ...____ 87-248 Toone__...H ard em an 1 4 Merchants & Planters Bank J . S. Anderson . _ S. P . H a r ris _____ J . O. O verton. 8 Pop. 245 87-479 {§’05 Tracy City. ..G rundy 1 10 F irst National Bank____{’04 R. B. Roberts____ Samuel W erner___ H. J . B ow ers____ 6 Pop. 3000 87-480 L. M. Hines »T ren to n__ ..G ibson G 4 Bank of Commerce___< § ’06 R. R. Boone______ J . R. W alker J . G. F aucett I Pop. 3000 87-151 Bank of Trenton < § ’03 G. W. Wade . W. T. Williams W. L. Wade 87-150 JiLO. T. Hale Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 Special attention given collections and all business entrusted to os. Bill of Lading Brafts, Cash and Time Items our specialty. TRY OS. Sweetwater.M onroe H 13 BANKOF SWEETWATER*»» S. T. J o n e s _____ fi Pop. 1850 87-188 0IBS0N . July» 1918_______________ TENNESSEE BANKS—Spencer to Trenton 1 1 OO x N A IIU N flL a N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers A ss'n. Liabilities. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. Figure under town is £Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Trezevant___Carroll G 5 Farm ers & M erchants Bk.__ 87-269 *${’16 8 Pop. 1000 Peoples B a n k _________ ti'06 87-270 T rim b le.._____ Dyer G 3 Farm ers Bank________ £{'11 87-500 8 Pop. 800 Trimble Banking Co.___£{’91 87-481 T roy_______ _ Obion G 3 Bank of Troy________ *£{’89 87-482 8 Pop. 700 CITIZENS BANK-------- »§’18 87-613 TuUahoma____ Coffee 19 F irst National B a n k ....*£’84 6 Pop. 4000 87-129 T raders National B ank.*£'89 87-130 «Union City___Obion G 3 Farm ers Exchange Bank £{'10 8 Pop. 5000 87-103 Pkisidknt. Vice-President. Cashier. A. S. J o n e s ______ E. A. B ryant_____ A. A. Argo— — J.S .A rg o ________ $ 10,000 $ W atertow n__Wilson G 9 6 Pop. 517 «W averly___Humphreys 6 Pop. 1100 H6 «W aynesboro.. Wayne 16 6 Pop. 700 W estm oreland__ Sumner 6 Pop. 348 G9 W estpoint.-Lawrence 1 6 6 Pop. 370 W hite BIuffs.Dickson H 7 6 Pop. 419 W hite House.-Robertson 6 Pop. 100, G8 White P in e. J efferson G 15 6 Pop. 900 W hites Creek—Davidson 6 Pop. 98 G7 W hiteville.Hardeman 1 3 8 Pop. 1000 87-102 Peoples B a n k __________ {’07 87-483 Farm ers & Merchants Bank 87-484 £{'05 Bank of Vonore______ *£{’07 87-485 Citizens Bk. & T rust Co. £{'06 87-486 Bedford County Bank.*£{'96 87-277 O. E. G arner_____ F . B. H ern d o n .— 1 Irl H endricks.____ W. E. S aw yer___ 9,300 E. E. P arks______ R. T. Jones______ T. A. P ie rc e _____ A. H. P itts______ 15,000 J . R. M offatt____ J . O. B ennett_____ Carroll P. Wilson John Cook_______ W. F . R oberts____ David Reeves W. H. Magness . . . . S. S..Blackman, A ctive T. L. Huffman____ H. McCoy________ J . M. Ransom Harris P a r k s ____ W. C. F a r r is _____ R. W. M ahon.____ Thelbert Taylor__ 18,420 9,000 175,000 125,000 J . W. B ran tley ___ 25,000 73,000 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; 3d N.. St. L.; Mtle. N., Memp.; Old N., Union City. 25,000 E. B. Thoma_____ 50,000 32,160 329,980 351,220 110,920 N .P a r k , N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. ( R. P. W H ITESELL — S. W A D D E L L _ _ _ _ _ _ J. S . ROBERTS E. I. H itt — __ R. M. Sm ith. 50,000 36,000 290,000 252,000 R. E. W h ite _____ 50,000 5,200 225,000 180,000 90,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 4th & 1st N ., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. A. L. G ARTH — 75,000 33,660 487,200 497,960 147,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; 4th & IstN ., Nash. » 185,290 Chase N ., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 2,480 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Citiz. N „ Dickson, Tenn. 15,010 Mech. & Metals N..N.Y.; Peo. N „ McMinnville. - - - - - - J . W A LK ER K E R R — T . W alker__ D. N. W alker, A ct. H unter Elam____ C. E. M cCaw____ H. Dietzel W. H. Neblett____ W. T. -McGee_____ N. H. E u b an k ____ L. J . Browning___ 60,000 32,830 456,380 393,920 10,000 900 18,240 28,260 F rank J . W inton__ J . R. Stubblefield— J . R. Ramsey____ H. S. Ramsey_____ 12,000 11,400 52,710 56,620 L. R. Sloan______ J . R. B irch feil___ R. D. Coltharp____ J . C. Billingsley___ 25,000 20,000 90,000 100,000 7,800 2,500 82,000 49,000 25,000 9,990 188,520 182,850 T . A . Y O U N G - - - - - - - - W A L T E R S M A R T __ E. W. W EATHERLY 50,000 16,280 323,860 276,020 Mason Sanders___ • J . A. Slayden_____ 50,000 33,000 425,000 343,000 25,000 3,000 108,000 110,750 Russ Yeiser__ _ J . Youngblood J . F . W alker__ R. A. Haggard W. A. Forgason. J . S. Freeman W. B. L a y ____ T. S. Todd Joseph W hited- J . C. Yeiser______ 25,000 6,410 91,180 87,770 R. H. W hite___ F . H. Oorder____ _ Eula D. C order.. J . L. Chilton___ P . C. Wakefield___ A. P. Connell__ J . B. W h itley ___ Bruno S ch u b ert__ H. W. Sum ner____ Tiffin O tt________ J . S. H ouston____ W. B. W alker, S r.. E. L. Blackman___ J . O. P a n n e ll. H. N E A L . . . . . . . . . . J . R . S M I T H _ _ _ _ _ W ilson C ounty, TS se n t to u s w it CENTS for each Frank Roy_______ C. O. Davis W. B. Ridings — J . B. Bell J . D. L uten______ Special atten tion h each sigh t draft credit report in su J . D. Phillips_____ given B ill o f Ladi n g , Cas h a n d T im e I t e m s. for presentation, a n d res prom pt, perso n a l a t t e n tio n . 16,400 500 83,000 J . Wood_________ 78,000 27,000 1st N., Chattanooga; City N., Knoxville. 34,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 30,850 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 113,240 Chase N.. N. Y.; 3d N .t St. L. 16,000 Am. N., Nash. 168.000 Han. N., N. Y. 20.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 32,010 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Nash. T r. Co., Nash, J . L. Morrow_____ 15,000 980 43,030 36,990 20,480 Am. N., Nash. J . M. Hodges__ ___ 80,000 2,230 109,380 52,100 66,040 State Bk. & T r. Co. and Am. N.. Nash. F . J . Hollis — ____ 8,000 6,500 35,000 39,000 12,000 Am. N. and State Bk. & T r. Co., Nash. 29,120 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. W. J . Jo h n s o n ___ 8,000 5,120 93,280 76,380 30,000 3.850 8fr,850 01,030 7,500 16,000 106,000 104,000 J . B. W hite______ E. A. McCord_____ 10,000 4,650 83,930 60,190 Festus Rhodes____ Mrs. O. E. Hailey— 20,000 2,500 134,990 94,930 25,000 12,880 S. W. E dw ard____ W .S. Nuckolls____ M. A. Webb. Active CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS 1185 7,110 Special a tte n ti o n given to B ill o f Lading D rafts, Cash and T im e I te rn s. 16c m u s t be sen t w ith each S igh t D raft for p resent atlon ; 26c w ith each r eq u est for report or ratin g. ldest Bank in BANKOFW ATERTOW N-£{'96 OFIFTEEN CEN 87-487 TWENTY-FIVE Citizens Bank_________ £{'12 A. A. McNoble____ 87-541 Citizens National Bank _ £ ’09 A. P. McMurry___ 87-239 Farm ers & Merch. B k,..£{’l l J . F . Daniel_____ 87-240 Bank of W aynesboro__£{'04 N. C. J e te r ______ 87-488 Wayne County Bank__ £§’14 J . McWilliams— 87-573 Westmoreland B ank___£{’05 J . O. H arris_______ 87-489 W estpoint Banking Co— {’06 W. E. Kelly______ 87-490 Farm ers & Merch. Bank.£{’05 J . H. H eath______ 87-491 Bank of W hite House—£§’07 L. C. D urrett____ 87-492 Citizens Bank_________£{’06 Baldwin Harle____ 87-493 W hites Creek Bk. & T r. Co. M. E. Link_______ 87-520 £§’12 PEOPLESBANK------ £S'10W. J . M orrison___ 87-264 W hitevilleSav. Bank__£{’91 G. T. Webb______ 87-263 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 3,780 $ 95,260 $ 73,280 $ 32,210 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 27,200 28,700 18,710 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; Secur. N., Jackson. 3,000 75,000 39,000 40,000 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & T r. Co., Memp., N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. 111. 1,000 50,000 64,000 25,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 15,000 THIRDNATIONALBARK<*'90 John Yan le e r..___Dickson G6 6 Pop. 99 V iola...____ W arren H 10 6 Pop. 200 Vonore___ .M onroe H 13 6 Pop. 250 «W artburg._Morgan G 12 6 Pop. 400 W artrace__ ..B ed fo rd 1 9 6 Pop. 659 Resources. oan«k Du- Cam k ExP aid- up Subplus Dbpob - L c’ta. *Bondi, changes,Due and Capitai . P rofits ITS Bnobkitim fromBanks Ass ’t Cashier. ï. G. H u r t_______ H. B. Adams_____ W. G. Quinn_____ OLDNATIONALBANK~*£'88 87-101 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, etc«, see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 TENNESSEE—Continued 117,700 133,970 1 26,650 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 22,000 Irving N „ N. iY.; Morristown Bk. & T r. Co., Morristown. 35,350 Am. N., Nash. 52.670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. and Jackson; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 24.740 N. Park. N. Y.; Secur. Bk. & T r. Go., Memp.; 2d N.. Jackson. Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and A r k a n s a s Ite m s P r o m pt S e rv ic e . Accessible T ow ns. R e a s o n a b le Lew ta n . R a te s. 1184_________________TENNESSEE BANKS—Trezevant to W hiteville ____________ July, 1918 ■| -f a ' JV L . A. W BU », ¿LGWVV 87-263 Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and A r k a n s a s I te m s N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the New T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each, bank in XJ. S. exclusively by T h e B am l-M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irectory, u n d e r t h e a u th o r i t y of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . Town and County. Accessible Liabilities. President. W hitley ville___Jackson 6 Pop. 75 G 11 W hitwell____Marion 1 10 6 Pop. 3000 . W ilder__-.F e n tress G 12 6 Pop. 300 W ildersville.. Henderson _ 8 Pop. 350 H5 Willis ton____ Fayette 1 3 8 Pop. 250 «W inchester-Franklin 1 9 6 Pop. 1351 Vice-President. Bank of W hitleyville__ *{’16 W. I. K ittrell___„ 87-589 Bank of Whitwell______${’06 J . J . Dykes______ 87-494 Bank of Laurel______ »$§’18 87-609 Bank of Wildersville___${'09 S. W. M urphy____ 87-495 Bank of Willis ton...____${’11 I. J . W a lk e r...___ 87-504 Farm ers National Bank.*t'07 T. A. Embrey____ 87-214 HOM EBANK--------------- *{’89 S. M. Alexander, Sr. 87— 213 *W oodbury..Cannon H 9 Bank of W oodbury___ «*{’88 W alter Hancock__ . 6 Pop. looo 87-281 F irst National Bank____ «*’08 G. S. Sm ith______ 87-282 Woodland Mills— Obion Farm ers B a n k ________ *{’10 J . W. Alexander__ 8 Pop. 380 G3 87-496 Yorkville------Gibson G 3 Bank of Yorkville______*{’06 F . E. W yatt______ 8 Pop. 300 87-497 Y um a----------Carroll H 5 Cotton Growers Bank__ *{’09 E. H ester________ 8 Pop. 200 1 87-498 Cashier. As s 't Cashier. T ow ns, L aw yers, R a te s. Laws, D irecto rs, in- c P aid- up Capital Surplus and P sopits Resources. Depos its Loam k Du Oars k Exe's. Bonds, c h a i n s ,D ue Securities nos B a n k s Principal Correspondents. S. B. G aines_____ G. M. Anderson . . . $ 10,000 $ 2,500 $ 64,000 $ 45,000 $ 20,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. D. T. Lay ne______ J . R. M organ. __ S. A. Dvkes 21,600 11.500 108.160 48,550 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 78,690 Jno. F. Meagher W. P. Little (.Branch o f B a n k o f J\ amestow n . Ja m estown, T e m i.). Am. N .,N ash.; Bk. of Jamestown, Jamestown. R. T. T o d d ______ M. C. Rosser.*___ 12,500 1,020 39,880 34,570 18,830 Citiz., Lexington. J . P . P arker J . F . B a rre n .____ W. A. Lyles . 7.500 2.500 . 45,000 18,000 33.000 E. C. Mowry 35.000 22,220 279,970 281,570 W .E . W alker.____ H. B, A lexander... 35.000 7.500 260,000 250.000 Bradley K. Ham__ J . P, W ood______ Hoyte T. Stewart Grace Me Cabe S. Mark a m ______ W, D. Preston____ R. D. Roach .......... Carl Bass A. E. W heeler____ J . A. Hefley______ 35.000 12.500 200,000 165.000 91,060 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 65.000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.: 1st N., Chattanooga. 71,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N „ Nash, 50.000 10,090 104,480 135,460 41.000 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 15.000 7,080 66,040 52,480 32.620 Cumberland Valley N.,Nash.; 3d N., UnionCity, J . S. McCorkle . . . . F. R. U tley______ F. E. Vaughan____ 7.500 9,900 111,050 63,650 12.000 1,730 20,140 16,350 59.620 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; Bk. of Trenton, Trenton. 11,950 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Citiz., Lexing ton, J . F . M orris_____ J . A. Gooch M. A. Sanders In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. EEl Paso Branch. TEXAS Abbott________ , Hill 3 3 G uaranty State B a n k __*{’13 T. P. Cowan_____ C. H a rris .. R. F. S hoem aker_ R. T. Cousin Pop. 350 88-1568 Abernathy_____ Hale F 1 F irst State Bank______ ${’09 S. R. M errill.. W. A. R iehter C. G. Goodman ___ N. C. H ix. Pop. 200 88-903 L. A. H arral »Abilene------- Taylor H 2 Pop. 14,238 R e a s o n a b le d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h i s v o lu m e . For Interest Rates» Grace/* \ etc., s e e p a g e 14. For Holidays, s e e o p p o s ite p a g e 13*-.] XENNESSEE—Continued Nam® of Bank. «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est, P r o m p t S e rv ic e . CITIZEN S NATIONAL BANK 88-113 ^ . & P. WARREN C o l le c tio n s G iv e n P r o m p t P e r s o n a l A tte n tio n . Q U IC K R E T U R N S . T R Y U S . •*’02 JE . S. HUGHES— - F. W. JAMES------- HEHRY JAMES — C o llectio n s given sp ecial a t t e n tio n ( by a n officer o f th e b a n k . FIRSTSTAT88-115 EBANK—.•*{’08 Oscar P a rk e r. W. R. KEEBLE— — J . H. Couch___ . . W. H. F ree _____ R. Gray Pow ell___ D. M. Oldham - * { ’13 W. C. McKamy___ W. W. Julian ____ Lamar Allen— - * { ’10 C. B. H e d ric k ____ C. M. McCullough. Alba__ ______ Wood L 2 Alba National B ank. . — 1’03 Pop. 2000 88-410 F irst State Bank____ - * { ’10 88-411 «Albany.Shackelford H 2 Albany National Bank ..»*’01 Pop. 1400 88-620 F irst National Bank.,___«’84 88-619 Aledo_____. . . P arker J 2 Citizens B a n k ______ .. * t ’06 Pop. 300 88-906 25,060 4,870 1 49,160 S 65,000 S 12,410 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secur, N., Dallas; 1st State, Hillsboro 106,000 118,000 24,800 Drov. N.. Kan. G.; Lubbock State, Lubbocg, 4,000 6E 0. L. PAXTON— (WEI^ |H |L T ° I — J . F. GARRISON — E. CHANDLER____ FARMERS&MERCH.NAT’L BANK— 88-112------ - • * ’90 } All Addison______Dallas E 2 Addison State Bank Pop. 65 88-1553 Alanreed---------- Gray D 7 Bank of Alanreed Pop. 250 88-905 $ 20,000 $ C. Sherrod 150,000 100,000 100,000 54,830 1,211,360 892,070 569,710 H an. N ., N . Y.; Far. & M ech. N. and 1st N ., F t. W orth; M ech.-A m . N ., S t. L.; C ity N ., D allas. 100,070 1,337,180 1,305,800 331,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., F t. W orth. 34,220 445,000 434,000 105,400 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N „ F t. W orth.; Secur. N .t Dallas. 10,000 2,370 50,290 47,700 14,620 Cent. State, Dallas. 10,000 5,000 50,000 52,000 11,000 New Eng. N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.: Guaranty State, Amarillo. F . N. H opkins____ L. B. C ran fo rd ..— D. S. Arm strong__ W. H. L ow ______ 40,000 25,000 100,000 120,000 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. C. D. Dewitt_____ J . W. Hargrave___ G. E. Howard S. W ebb.................. G. TC. W aters W. H. Green P. W. R eynolds__ G. T. R eynolds___ A. W . Reynolds T. J . Overmier____ J. J . Sears. _ . J . E. Gilbreath.____ T . J . Riley 25,000 15,000 160,000 110,000 W. 6 . Webb — P. S. K e n d ric k ___ G. C. King J . B. M atthew s___ T. E. Dodge—. ___ 50,000 21,320 412,620 327,120 75,000 28,840 312,890 483,440 8,000 120 23,750 34,740 125,000 Lumbermans N., Hou.; 1st State and Secur. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 160,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. 57,610 Chem. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; F t. W orth N. and 1st N., F t. W orth. 6,350 F ar. & Mech. N „ F t. W orth; Drov. N., Kan.C. M. 8 . Jones . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, H f f BOROS, Littlefield Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis