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T own and County. N ame op Bank . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No. 1 {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P resident . Vice -President . A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest Bates,, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page ii iC . W. MELCHERC ollection s a s a . r Ek , PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 1i Send s your 1 terns for Barre af04 ( ONLYuNATION AL BANK IN BA Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . I A BILITIES. P a id - u p S uarnp ld u s D e p o s Ca p it a i. P r o f it s it s W. A. Drew, T r .__ M. J . W right, S ec.. 50.000 $ 55,000 $1787700 $1771650 $ 99,780 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 75.000 27,520 1,835,980 1,8257540 W. C. JOHNSON,JR F. K. BEARD. 100,000 C. M. Wllley, Sec. a n d Tr, C. S. W ebster, T r.. 100,000 10,210 1,205,760 1,219,630 H. R. Cntler_____ F. W. Baldwin.. 50,000 75,000 1,440,000 1,470,000 G. R. Wales A. P. Williams, Tr, B. A. Eastman. A. P . Abbott___ A. I. Bolles____ n ab le rates, an d vicin ity. BBE. ____ J . R. Judson_____ C. H. Dewey, Sec. a n d Tr. George F. Graves.. L. F . Abbott_____ L. A. Graves__ . . . . Homer H. Webster W. S. Boynton W. B. C. Stickney.. G. A. Chedel_____ E. A. Davis ______ H. P. Perkins— __ 50,000 100,000 100,000 I. E. Gibson G. M. M arshall.. E. J. Ormsbee____ D. D. B u rd itt____ W. F . Scott____ J . R. Leonard. W. H. Wright____ G. H. Young___ __ F. W. B rig g s.... F. K. Barrows— 38,000 684,550 856,710 155,000 2,100,000 2,170,000 E. L. W alker.. . . . 0. E. Howard____ A. H. Chandler, Sec. a n d Tr, J. H. Williams____ E. S. Leonard____ W. H. T inker_____ E. C. Bolles. A. J. Holden__ ___ A. J . Cooper______ H. A. W ilson.. R. O. Carr_______ W. L. C rafts— P rincipal Correspondents. k E, L. H ild reth .— . C. A. Harris. T r. . . J . C. DeW itt, A .T r . 46,190 1,091,210 1,074,890 50,000 450,000 445,000 42,480 400,380 451,990 289,200 2,973,700 3,095,300 110,000 125,000 50.000 68,930 901,670 997,810 25.000 46,000 480,000 475,000 100,000 45,000 292,450 353,680 57,000 120,200 210,880 75.000 880,000 1,000,000 244,070 2,433,020 2,574,600 112,960 Empire T r. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 68,680 Harrim an N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 80,640 Empire T r. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N Y. State N., Alb. 89,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 85,000 1st N., Bos. 80,930 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N. and N. Shawmut Bos. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos.; N. Y State N ., Alb. . 72,960 Chase N.. N. Y. w 167,600 1st N. and Bennington Co. N., Bennington; Is N., No. Bennington, Vt. 166,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’l Alb. 72,780 N. P ark, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 65,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; 4th-Atlan tic N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. 72,600 N. P ark, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 28,270 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 102,480 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 1,996,000 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 1,229,500 341,940 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N Com’l, Alb.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Bos. 1,621,000 266,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil. 200,380 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 5,280,500 155,550 16 724740 4,006,760 2,400,000 231,030 12,120 Alb. T r. Co., Alb.; Howard N., Burlington. 1,683,930 391,430 673,390 158,160 iiase N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; Merch. ] Bos. 47,000 43,710 105,000 1 Y. State N., Alb.; Merch. N., Bos. 39,000 N. 1917 509,580 938,170 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws. Directors, _______ juiy^ 1,233,910 56,680 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 823,930 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Park, and Chase N., N. Y. 2d N., Bos. 391,170 Bos.; N. Gom’l, Alb. 320,000 Í. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Alb. 78,090 VERMONT BANKS—Barre to Chester Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k Chas. H. W ishart, Tr. A. B. Clapp______ M. J . M oran_____ C. A. Boyden, Glenham Jones, 85,000 1,850,000 100,000 Sec. and Tr, A . Sec. E. J . W aterm an, A. T r. People’s National Bank—*{’75 J. G. Estey ______ H. P. W ellm an.. J . R. Ryder___ .... C. L. S tickney____ 100,000 238,620 1,133,830 58-51 F . C. Adams VERMONT NATIONAL BANK J. M. Tyler______ A. A. Dunklee____ C. G. Staples_____ R. C. Clark . 638,000 1,000.000 200,000 58-48 *{’21 Yermont Savings Bank.«{§’46 C. H. P ratt______ 0 . 0 . Robbins_____ H. P . W ebster, T r. 486,530 4,803,890 58-49 B risto l____ Addison C 4 First National B an k ____*’02 Ralph Denio_____ Robert Clement__ F . R. D ickerm an.. Ralph B ro w n ____ 13,530 25,000 149,520 Pop. 1180 58-99 «Burlington ..C hittenden Burlington Savings Bank«{'47 C. P. Smith_____ _ F . W. P erry __ ¿__ E. S. Isham , T r .__ C. E. Beach, A . Tr. 1,613.170 16333 690 Pop. 21,617 C3 58-1 L. P. Smith, V. P. F . W. Ward Burlington Trust Co.__*{§'82 H. L. Ward_____ _ E. C. M o w er....__ F . L. Roberts, T r.. E. C. Mower, Sec. 50.000 273,660 3,902,260 58-4 Chittenden County T r. Co. E. J . Booth______ J . J . F ly n n _____ , E. D. W orthen, T r. J . H. Macomber, 70,000 2,700,000 50.000 58-6 »{§’06 Sec. City Trust Co. - —{§’11 Elias Lyman_____ H. T. R utter,'T r ... 47,080 1,227,340 50.000 58-7 Home Savings B ank___{§’95 C. W. B row nell.... E. B. T a ft_____ . . . C. S. Brownell, T r. F. O. Beaupre, 17,760 225,390 58-5 A . Tr. HOWARD NATIONAL BANK F . E. Burgess____ H. T. R u tter._____ H. S. W eed_____ _ 350,980 300.000 1,184,070 58-3 *{’70 Merchants National Bank.'49 L. E. Woodhouse . . W. C. Isham _____ A. W. H ill_______ 150.000 200,000 365,090 58-2 «Chelsea ......O r a n g e F 5 National Bank of Orange Co. W. P. Townsend__ H. N. M attison___ H, R. W ishart____ 50,000 33,280 484,300 Pop. 1070 58-100 *{’93 C hester____Windsor E 7 Chester Savings Bank__*§’92 C. H. Waterman... C. O. Fullam, T r ... 87,640 894,240 Pop. 666 58-91 National Bank of Ghester{’90 B. A. Park_______ ---------------------IP. E. Heald_______ _ 25,000 29,000 90.000 58-90 VERMONT M ap o p p o site p ag e 1218 R esources. Loams Pis- Cash Exc’ts. Bonds, cbanuks,Dus Bbgotuttss tbom Banks ____________ B a rr e ..-Washington E 4 Barre Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. F. G. Howland___ Homer F itts____ Pop. 12,169 58-27 «{{'93 Granite Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. John T row ______ F. F . Cave____ 58-26 *{{’85 Quarry Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. 58-25 *{§’13 Barton.___ ...Orleans G 2 Barton Sav. Bank & Trust Co. Pop. 3346 58-96 *{{’09 Bellows Falls ..W indham Bellows Falls Sav. Institution Pop. 4883 F8 58-61 {§’47 Bellows Falls Trust Co. *{§’02 58-62 National Bk. of Bellows Falls 58-60 »{’32 «Bennington .Bennington Bennington County Nat. Bk. Pop. 9114 C9 58-33 «{’78 Bennington County Sav. Bk. 58-32 *§’78 First National Bank........«{’63 58-31 B e th e l____ Windsor E 5 Nat’l White River Bank. »’65 Pop. 2500 58-97 Bradford__ ..O range G 5 Bradford National Bank.*{’04 Pop. 1400 58-98 B ran d o n ..__Rutland C 5 Brandon National Bank .»{’64 Pop. 2712 58-76 First National B an k ___*{’64 58-77 Brattleboro___Windham Brattleboro Savings Bank §'70 Pop. 9000 E9 58-50 Brattleboro Trust C o.„»{§’07 58-52 VERMONT (Savings Bauks do n o t h an d le collection s) 1216 N um ber u nder N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber riven 1 2 1 f i i?. e a e ,h b a n k 111 U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e au th o rity of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n. In- ■f o-f 7 1 4 1 / N um ber under Nam e o f Bank; is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in 17. S. exclusively by Tlie Rand-M cNally Bankers* Accessible T own and County. N ame of Bank. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState „ ‘ County Seats. E ntire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Danville__Caledonia G 8 Caledonia National Bank—*25 Peter Wesson—— F . B. S tocker____ Asa W esson-------58-101 Pop. 828 Derby Line..O rleans G 1 National Bank of Derby Line D. W. D avis-------- G. G. Foster_____ A. C. C ow les------58-102 «t'51 Pop. 390 Etaosburg Falls .F ranklin Enosburg Falls Savings Bank O. M errill— --------- H. F . Brigham____ E. J . Tyler, T r. — Pop. 1153 it D 1 & T rust Co....58-88..»t§’98 First National B a n k ____$'05 A. W. Woodworth. H. C. Comings------ A. J . O’H eare____ 58-89 E ssex ..„.C h itten d en C 2 Essex T rust Co-------— $§’13 S. A. Brownell------ David M a rv in ____ R. P. Lynde, T r. . . 58-128 Pop. 2714 F air H aven..R utland B 6 Allen National Bank — «t’79 G. H. V. Allen------ A. V. Allen — . . . . Arthur 0 . Hughes— 58-75 Pop. 3095 F irst National Bank____»t’64 Z. H. E llis----------- H. S tan n ard _____ L. M. Drew---------58-74 Hardwick—Caledonia F 2 Granite T rust Co.____ «i§’13 H. R. K im ball.— F rank T. T ay lo r... G. H. McLeod__ . . . 58-126 Pop. 2500 R. H. C a rrric k ---Hardwick Sav. Bk. & T r. Co G. A. Morse-----. . . C. F . D avis_____ L. B. Tims, Sec. a n d T r 58-103 •$S’93 H. A. Noyes______ H. M. M cFarland.. ‘ Hyde Park.Lam oille E 2 Lamoille Couni y Nat. Bank’65 C. S. Page . — . R. S. Page 58-94 Pop. 1453 Lamoille County Savings C.S. Page------------ H. M. M cFarland. F . M. Culver, Tr.. Russell S. Page Bank & T rust Co.---58-95 A. H. N ourse__LJ . S. Sween#y_. Island Pond Nat. Bank— '90 L. A. Cobb------Island Pond__Essex H 1 58-104 Pop. 2000 J . S. Robinson, Geo. W. Briggs___ Jam aica Savings B ank.. . § ’73 J . A. M uzzy---Jamaica...'■Windham D 8 Sec. a n d Tr, 58-105 Pop. 716 J . D. Corley, H. C. P a rk e r_____ Jo hnson___Lamoille E 2 Sterling T rust Co...!__«$§’16 C. N. Farrington . . Sec. a n d Tr, 58-129 Pop. 800 Ludlow____Windsor E 7 Ludlow Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. W. W. Stickney — J . C. Coolidge____ Dan’l Edwards, T r 58-106 «tS’93 Pop. 2200 Lyndonville-Caledonia H 2 Lyndonville National B k.i’84 T. N. V a il___. . . . . H. E. Folsom —1— W. E. Riley______ 58-86 Pop. 1573 Lyndon Savings B a n k „t§ ’85 J . W. Copeland— G. M. Campbell___ I. S. Pearl, T r .___ 58-87 ManchesterCenter-Bent’n Factory Point Nat. Bank‘ t ’83 E. L. W yman------ W. H. R oberts-___ W. H. Roberts____ J . H. Whipple ___ 58-107 Pop. 2000 C8 ‘ Middlebury. Addison C 4 N at’l Bk. of Middlebury „ ’32 C. E. P inney_____ D. H. B e n n ett__ 0. E. Pinney_____ R. F. Pinney ...___ 58-108 Pop. 2848 A. J . S ib le y _____ Albert Johonnott— F rank N. Smith, ‘ Montpelier .W ashington Capital Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. Sec. a n d Tr. G. L. Blanchard 58-45 $§’91 Pop. 9000 - E 3 A. __________ G. Eaton____2_ R. R. Edson_____ F irst National Bank__ —*¿’65 F . M. Corry _____ _ F. A. Dwinell _____ 58-43 Montpelier National Bank«’24 Albert T u ttle ..---- Jam es W. Brock__ L. H. Bixby............ Henry L. Farw ell58-42 A. W. F e r rin ------- A. W. F errin_____ C. F . L ow e______ J . W. B rock. Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in - _1 dexed in back of this volume. For In te re st B ates, Grace, i*—« etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 ^ V E R M O N T — C o n tin u e d D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss'n . Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s AND it s P r o f it s j a id - u p Ca p it a l R eso u r c es. P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . LoamsIt D»- CashIt Ex* c’ts. Bombs, 7hang>s,Dus Baovmirus non Bahxs 100,000 $ 59,360 $ 667,720 $ 869,540 $ 66,860 3arrim an N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 150,000 119,770 463.850 634,490 129,070 Bk. of Montreal and Canadian Bk. of Com.. Montreal: 1st N „ Bos. 75,540 Chase N., N. Y.: Boston Safe Dep. & T r. Co., 45,420 946,080 952,130 50,000 1st N., and N. Shawmut, Bos. 50,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N „ Bos. 7,400 360,000 360,000 25,000 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Howard N „ Burlington, Vt. 50,000 25,000 327,000 412,000 50,000 23,900 460,000 456,730 100,000 60,000 100,000 248,690 6,720 280,700 305,680 50,000 50,000 100,000 ' 50,000 75,000 25,000 68,510 1,015,690 1,040,000 50,700 245,460 420,550 200,000 2,951,580 2,992,200 28,000 Mech. & Metals N ..N .Y .; N. Shawm ut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. i 24,820 Han. N „ N. Y.: Old Colony T r. Co., Bos. 79,430 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, B os.fN . Y. State N „ Alb. ■' ± 60,400 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N „ Alb.: Merch. N„ Bos. 219,360 Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N „ Bos. 435,320 536,320 39,900 Com’l N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb., N. Y. 60,450 465,840 510,903 15,380 Vt. N. and Brattleboro Tr.Co., Brattleboro, Vt. 5,000 165,590 168,790 17,730 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Concord, N. H. 138,300 Met. T r. Co., N. Y.; Am. T r. Co., Bos. 65,890 50,000 55,000 851,800 818,510 75,000 70,000 280,000 336,000 95,000 1.110,000 1,140,000 75,000 35,000 170,000 265,000 200,000 121,730 364,590 751,110 100,000 121,760 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. 93,470 2,458,270 2,444,500 70,000 N. City, N. Y.: N."Shawmut, Bos; 64,000 Lyndonville N „ Lyndonville. Vt. 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. 125,800 N. P ark and Cbem, N „ N. Y.: N. Com’l, Alb. 1st N „ Bos. 193,780 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Comw. T r. Co., Bos 142,220 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N ., Chi. and Bos. 100,000 44,630 1,027,910 1,113,010 150,000 182,680 1,585,190 1,980,000 185,280 Chase and Sherman N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’ N „ Chi.; 1st N „ Bos. 100,000 236,890 4,200,000 4,094,000 502,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 51,000 93,630 1,416,610 1,440,980 58-44 Morrisville—Lamoille E 2 Union Sav.Bk. & T r. Co.«t§’91 C. H. Stearns____ 58-110 Pop. 1445 ‘ N ew fane..W indham E 8 Windham County Sav. Bank P. H. R utter-------58-111 §’54 Pop. 136 H. S. Root-----. — ‘ Newport ....O rle a n s G 1 National Bank of Newport 58-67 » t’75 Pop. 3684 Orleans T rust Company»}§'91 C. A. P routy-------58-68 N. Benn ington. Benn. B 9 F irst National Bank------ ‘t ’64 F . B. Jennings____ 58-112 Pop. 663 N o rthfield... Washington Northfield National B a n k .i’66 C. A. E dgerton___ 58-72 Pop. 3500 E4 Northfield Savings Bk. > i§ ’67 Frank Plumley___ 58-71 Northfield T rust Co,— i§ ’09 A. E. Denny___ 58— 73 N orth Troy-.O rleans F I Valley Sav. Bank & T rust Co. H. H. L ew is_____ Pop. 771 58-127 t§ ’13 VERMONT M ap o p p o site p a g e 1218 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. A. Slayton__ W. M. Sargent, T r. G. B. Williams____ F. A. DeWitt, T r ... A. G.Warren, A .T r, C. F . Bigelow ~ J . E. M cCarten— E. L. Brown__ 100,000 50,000 O. 0. Miller______ F. S. Tinkham, T r. T. C. Camp, A . Tr, H. P. McCullough. R. A. Jo n e s--------- H. C. Cady. T r.. W. B. Mayo.____ — W. C. Middlebrook, Tr. H. R. Cutler------ F . H. Dana, $&G Ù/ïbÔ/ Tv** 393,430 394,980 55,000 850,000 867,000 76,130 1,402,760 1,454,060 23,170 Vt. N., Brattleboro, Vt. 100,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 74,830 N. City, N. Y.; Old Colony T r. Co., Bos. 50,000 3,700 225,000 290,090 56,290 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; N. Y. State N. Alb. 51,010 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l Alb. 35,510 Equitable T r. Co., N. Y.; Am. T r. Co., Bos. Northfield N., Northfield. 14,390 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 25,000 7,370 179,040 190,370 26,040 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 150,000 108,520 392,390 744,430 50,000 17,270 248,580 306,170 F. M. D earing. C. A. Plumley . . . . J . L. Moseley— 24,730 120,260 Chase N., N. Y.; I n t’l T r. Co., Bos. 128,350 1,157,630 1,245,750 — . F o r SA FETY a n d SER V ICE, S e n d Y our L egal W ork to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 O l Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M eN ally B ankers’ X A - L O Directory*' under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County. VERMONT—Continued N ame op Bank. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState E ntire State in No. 1 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District, Est Orleans------- Orleans G 1 Central Sav.Bk.&Tr.Go.«$§’05 Pop. 1131 58-113 Orwell___ .Addison B 5 F irst National Bank___ «$’63 Pop. 1150 58-114P o u ltn ey „-.R u tlan d G 6 Oitizens National Bank_*$'10 Pop. 3644 58-70 F irst National Bank___«$’81 58-69 P ro c to r...__ Rutland C 6 Proctor T rust Company»$§’91 Pop. 2871 58-115 Proctorsville.__Windsor Nat. Black River Bank__*’45 Pop. 1250 E7 58-116 Randolph— . Orange E 5 Randolph National Bank*$’75 Pop. 8100 58-117 R ichford— Franklin E 1 Richford Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. Pop. 2907 58-118 ‘ $§’75 »Rutland— .R utland D 6 BAXTER NATIONAL BANK Pop. 14,831 58-17 «*’70 Clement National Bank—*’83 58-20 KillingtonNational Bank»$’83 58-22 Marble Savings Bank—»$§’83 58-19 P resident . A ccessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, _ e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. K (Savings Banks do n o t h andle collections) Vice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . lus P a id - u p S uarnp d D epo s C a p it a l P r o f i t s it s R esources . Loans à D ib - Cash 8t Ex c* t?. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities from Banks J. G. Turnbull— . G. D. French—. __ R. A. Bean, T r.. $ 25,000 Î G. M. Wright_____ E. E. Young_____ D. L. Wells__— 50,000 19,100 122,460 213,610 26,850 Chem. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Bos. T. D. Southworth. E. R. N orton__ ;__ 0. E. B ixby..__ 50,000 16,950 360,000 425,000 25,690 549,140 609,880 41,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 60,930 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. H. J . Stevens___ G. H. Norton Henry Spallholz.__ R. N. Goodspeed— L. R. Runkle_____ J . E. Holmes___ 50,000 F. G. Partridge— 50.000 Redfleld Proctor__ W. E. Higbee, Sec. M. Fischer, A . T r.. D. C. Pollard _____ C. H. Howard__ — C. W. Whitcomb— J. W. Rowell - ____ O. B. Copeland O. B. Copeland— 50,000 64,190 $ 877,240 $ 930,460 $ 51,270 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 168,700 1,525,230 1,661,640 18,310 130,410 194,260 460,000 505,400 F . O. Copeland___ 75,000 39,400 H. 0. Comings____ H. A. P ond______ L. O. Leavens, S. C. Carpenter, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Tr. 50,000 75,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 J. A. M ead ....____ W. R. Kinsman.__ F. C. Spencer_____ 100,000 W. C. Clement___ 100,000 G. H. Harrison..:__ R. D. Sm ith. ___ _ E. P. Gilson_____ S. M. Willson'___ _ G. K. Montgomery. Wm. H. W hay____ 100,000 J. N. Woodfln____ Chas. E. Ross____ L. H. Baldwin, Tr. E. S. W right, A . Tr. and reasonable 363,000 342,000 87,000 311,000 471,000 286,430 2,907,490 3,088,080 i HENRY F. FIELD, e . Mc In t y r e ....... CARL S, COLE.— i O ldest N ational Bank In R n tla n d . E stablished 1 8 6 4 .' RUTLANB COUNTY NAT’L BK. ) Special a tte n tl on to collection s in city and cou n try . 58-16 «$’64 (P ro m p t service 73,000 348,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 100,000 70,000 818,000 700,000 Springfield—Windsor F 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -*’63 F. G. Field______ H. H. Blanchard__ C. H. Forbush____ Pop. 5000 58-64 145,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 275,000 N. City, N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 45,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: N .Y . State N., Alb. 105,840 Empire T r. Co., N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., R u t land. 248,720 Im p, & Tra. N., N.Y.; N .Y . S tateN ., Alb.; 1st N., Bos. 100,000 754,400 7,739,050 8,098,210 423,650 N. Park, N. Y. 153,600 2,112,000 2,170,000 146,000 Killington N., Rutland. 23,000 70,000 Clement N., Rutland. 800,000 800,000 Springfield Savings Bank$§’53 Rodney G. Britton C. F. Aldrich_____ W. Smith, T r ____ M.E. Stearns, A . T r. ----------- . 239,680 2,561,750 2,712,750 58-63 (C. E. SCH0FF — N. GOODSPEED__ AARON WESSON. S. E. THORP,A. Tr. 50,000 100,000 2,550,000 1,530,000 T r. »St. Albans'.Franklin C 1 FRANKLIN CO. SAV. BANK & < Special a tte n tl on given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Pop. 8000 TR. CO. -58-57______ $§'99 Please s m d 15c w ith each sight d r a ft fo r presentano n a n d 25c fo r Cred it B epor ts. l “ HONOR BOL L BANK.” Peoples T rust Co.______ §’87 E. C. Sm ith..—___ John Branch_____ John Branch, Jr., C. D. Watson, Sec.. 58-56 T r. (J. GREGORY SMITH. E. A. CHITTENDEN— B. R. CORLISS_ _ _ _ _ 50,000 136,240 1,134,800 1,238,270 100,000 82,490 1,214,890 1,286,830 200,000 232,270 4,369,240 4,715,710 WELDEN NATIONAL BANK (S p ecial a tten tl on given B ill o f L ading drafts, Ca sb and T im e Ite m s. 58-55 *$’86 \Please send 15c w ith each sight dra f t fo r presentation a n d 25c fo r Credit Reports. 'Prom pt service has b u ilt up our b u sin ess. M ap o p p o site Digitized forVERMONT FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47,400 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 75,000 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. charges. Rutland Savings Bank.»$§’50 H. O. Carpenter— F. H. Farrington— C. A. Simpson, T r. L. E. Campbell, _______ __ __ 58-15 A . T r. Rutland T rust Co._____ $§'83 George T. Chaffee. W .D. Hulett_____ G. K. Montgomery, N. K. Chaffee, Sec. 50.000 58-21 T r. Wm. H. Whay, A .T r. State T rust Co— _______ 8’81 P. W. Clement--__ W. C. Clement.___ C. H. Harrison, T r. 25.000 58-18 »St. J ohnsbury.Caledonia Citizens Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. Pop. 8781 G3 58-39 «$§'87 F irst National Bank____«$’64 58-37 Merchants National Bank 58-38 «$’75 Passumpsic Savings Bk.«$§’52 58-36 Swanton— Franklin C 1 Swanton Sav. Bk. & T r. Co. Pop. 3800 58-119 $§’04 Vergennes— Addison C 4 Nat. Bk. of Vergennes—»$’26 Pop. 1483 58-120 69,200 Sherman N., N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., Rutland; Merch. N., Bos. 24,470 N. P ark, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. A. L. Bailey_____ H. N. S teven s.... . . J. T. Ritchie, G. E. Woods, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. J. C. Clark____. . . Charles H. Stevens Homer E. Smith__ 200,000 Elmore T. Ide____ Harry Blodgett___ Chas. W. Ruiter__ F. H. P hilburt___ W. P. Smith__ ___ A. B. N o y es_____ R. C. Baker, T r , . . . C. E. Allen_______ M. W. Barney____ F. W. French, T r ... O. H. Sherman____ W. H. D ean _____ C. H. Strong_____ E. W. G raves. 150,000 48,160 261,250 365,480 81,770 1,307,950 1,332,280 332,690 3,507,360 3,728,570 — 50,000 35,270 778,090 757,200 150,000 80,880 219,000 388,000 120,000 1st N., Bos,; N. Com’l, Alb. 174,000 N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Springfield, Vt. 270,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; F ranklin N., Phil.; N. Com’l, Alb. 67,630 Sherman N .,!N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 154,450 Sherman N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 189,470 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 93,740 N. Shawmut, Bos. 166,550 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 111.470 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., St. Johnsbury. 108,610 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 57,150 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. npt A tten tion to Co] lections an d C o rrespondence I NATIONAL S T A T E =AND | CITY BANK f RICHMOND , VIRGINIA 1 “ The Gateway of the South” ' ...........— ----------------------------------------------------------■ ■ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ i ■ Send us your collections on D istrict No. 5. 95% of our item s go direct, the remaining 5% through one interm ediate Bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------- i J ■ Capital -- ^Undivided Profits Resources Over - - - $1,000,000 00 ■ 800,000.00 11,000,000*00 OFFICERS W M . M. H IL L , Vice-President J. W . S IN T O N , Vice-President J U L IE N H. H IL L , Cashier R IC H A R D E. C U N N IN G H A M , Assistant Cashier W I L L IA M S. R Y L A N D , Assistant Cashier Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis illllllllllllllllllllHIIIlIlllllllIlllIlIlIllllllIIllllllIIIIlllllllllIllIIIllHIIIM W M . H . P A L M E R , President A d v e r t is e m e n t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E ST A B L ISH E D 1870 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK RICHMOND, VIRGINIA UNITED STATES, STATE, and CITY DEPOSITORY Capital - - - - - - $ 400,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - 1,400,000.00 O F F IC E R S JO H N K E R R B R A N C H P r e s id e n t T H O S . B . M cA D A M S V ic e - P r e s id e n t J. A . BRANCH V ic e - P r e s id e n t R .. H . B R /O A D D U S C a s h ie r RANKS FIRST AMONG THE NATIONAL BANKS OF THE STATE = B E ST F A C / U T / E S F O R B A N K A C C O U N T S Has BEST Connections Throughout the Virginias and Carolinas Federal Reserve Bank of St. N um ber Louis uii'ler Name o f B ank is the New T ran sit N um ber given Send Us Your Collections G. JE T E R . JO N E S A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r W . F. A U G U S T IN E A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r J N O . C . W H IT E A s s t . C a s h ie r H. S . R O S S E L L A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs T own and County. Name of Bank. Vice-President . Cashier . ASS’T CASHIER. Lia b il it ie s . rplus P a id - u p S u AMD D epos C a p it a l P r o f i t s it s W. P. Dillingham.. C. C. Graves_____ W. B. Clark, T r.__ E. E. Joslyn, A . Tr. $ A. Cochran______ Nelson Bailey____ 50,000 300.000 E. W. S m ith ..___ J . F . George_____ Samuel Hutchins, T r. G. C. Robinson__ R. L. Richmond__ H arry C. Bloomer, Jno. K. Learned, Tr. A . Tr. R. E. Sm ith______ J . W. P attee_____ C. L. LeBourveau.. Resources. 27,710 $ 772,750 $ 834,720 165,000 307.000 673,500 95,160 1,081,470 1,008,719 25.000 100.000 30,370 519,690 562,640 70.000 1,078,450 1,244,860 D. A. P e rrin _____ F . L. Davis.... ........ G. H. Watson, T r. G. B. Carpenter, Sec. a n d A . Tr. R. E. Sm ith______ L. D. W heeler___ C. L. LeBourveau, Sec. and Tr. F . J . Corbett____ T. D. Goodell____ D. O. Butterfield, P . J . Fitch, A . Tr. T r. George O. Gridley. F . S. Hale_______ W. J . Saxie 50.000 7,500 850.000 678.000 25.000 15.000 715,890 741,830 S. N. Gage_______ H. C. Daniels____ H. P. McClary, J r., Tr. W. C. Rossiter C. D. Pennim an___ E. W. Oakes_____ H. P. McClary____ C. H. Fitch P. E. McSweepey.. G. A. Rumsey___ M. D. McMahon, Tr. M. F . McGettrick, A . Tr. Ormond Cole____ Emory C. M ow er... H. E. Gray, T r ..__ 25.000 136,300 1,216,280 1,237,700 50.000 15.000 700.000 479.000 27,080 664,390 645,610 128,670 1,111,740 1,172,090 25.000 F . S. M ackenzie__ W. S. H ew itt____ C. F . Chapman, Tr. W. E. Johnson___ W. S. Dewey____ F . W. W ilder..___ H. C. Cushing_____ 150,000 12,730 382,930 P rincipal Correspondents. Loans k Bib- Cabii k Ex c* tb. .<Bonds, changes,Due Sboubitiu from Banks 390.000 29,610 N. City, N. Y.; 1 stN., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb, 61,000 Am. Ex. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., and N. Shawmut, Bos. 63,900 1st N., Bos. 12,420 N. City, N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., Rutland; 1st N. Bos. 119,370 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut and IstN ., Bos. N. Com’l, Alb. 30,930 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N. Bos. 44,950 1st N.', White River Jet. 84,940 Han. N., /N. Y.; Peo. N., Brattleboro, Vt. Merch. N., Bos. 245.000 1st N., Bos. 70,860 Am. T r. Co., Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 68,320 Bkrs. T r. Co., N. Y. 288,920 2,844,290 2,961,950 39,140 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.: Howard N. Burlington. 72,800 N. Park, N. Y.; Howard N., Burlington. 258,910 2,598,090 2,756,500 100,490 Guaranty T r. Co., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr.Co., Bos, 83,300 352.000 485,300 64.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. VERMONT M ap opp o site VIRGINIA- E ntire State in No. 5 ‘ Abingdon ..W ashington Citizens Bank & T rust Co.Inc. 0. C. Sutton______ R. O. Copen hav er.. G. W. Blankenship ------- ------------- * Pop. 3500 B4 68-209 §’05 W. S. Dodd F irst National Bank____» t’9 J. W. Bell________ C.Boice W. S. Dodd 68-208 Peoples National B a n k ...t’07 J. E. Legard_____ W. T. McConnell.. F. B. McConnell__ F. L. Davis 68-210 _____ $ 25,000 $ 5,000 S 130,000 $ 132,500 $ 15,000 N. Park, N. Y. 100,000 40.000 586.000 585.000 50,000 13.000 280.000 295.000 235,000 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 45,000 D istrict N., Wash., D. C.; N. Ex., Roanoke. ‘Accomac.Accomac E 12 Thomas W. Blackstone»tt’! Pop. 712 68-303 N. City,. N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. Alberta— Brunswick G 8 Bank of A lberta_____ »J§’14 C. S. Barrow Pop. 250 68-489 T. C. Coleman........ M. S. Barrow Alexandria ...A lex an d ria Alexandria N at’l Bank._»t’04 C. E. Nicol. Pop. 17,846 i 0 9 68-109 Wm. B. Smoot____ J. L. Perry R, A. Tiytin 20,000 5.000 50,900 57,000 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peters burg, Va. 100,000 5.000 350,660 525,470 55,490 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Riggs N. and Am. N., Wash., D. C. Burke & H erbert_____ « it’52 (H. R . BurkCj T ay lo rB u rh c a n d A . H erhert,. .Tr.) 68-106 CITIZEN S NATIONAL BANK 68-107 •*’70 E. L. DAINGERFIELD--CARROLL PIERCE— . R. M. GREEN_____ M l (llNWIDDIE P r o m p t and c a r e fu l s e r v ic e H an. N . and N . C ity, N . Y .; 1st N ., Corn Ex. N ., P h il. N ., 4 th S t. N ., F ranklin N ., and Girard N ., P h il.; Am . N. and Com ’l N ., W ash., D . C. 100,000 171,210 1,028,130 1,237,190 199,850 100,000 258,900 1.362,850 1,440,980 200,840 Irving N .,N . Y.; Ist N., Rieh.; Penn. N., Phil. M. M. Ist Ü i Ä t l finm’l KL. WasTi.. D. O. U n d e r p e r s o n a l d ir e c t io n o f o f f i c e r s . (Please send 25c w ith each request fo r R eport or R a tin g ) J FY COMPANY OF NEW YORK G. L. B oothe.-^-.-- M. B. Harlow_____ George E. Warfield. J. J. Green______ y FIDELITY SURETY ni Dl 1219\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68-108 Bk. of America, N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. VERMONT AND VIRGINIA BANKS—Waterbury to Alexandria W aterbury-- Washington W aterbury Sav.Bk. & T r. Co. Pop. 3273 E 3 58-124 •J§'54 Wells River „O range G 4 Nat. Bank of Newbury.»i'32 Pop. 608 58-92 Wells River Savings Bk.«t§’92 58-93 West Rutland__Rutland W est Rutland T rust Co..»§’05 Pop. 3427 06 58-122 White River Je t. .W ’dsor F irst National B ank.___«{’89 Pop. 2000 F6 . 58-80 H artford Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. 58-82 »$§'14 Inter-State T rust C o ...• ti’12 58-125 Wilmington___Windham Wilmington Savings Bk.*iS’53 Pop. 430 D9 58-123 Windsor.-----Windsor F 7 State National Bank___»$’05 Pop. 2500 58-84 Windsor County Tr. Co.t§’07 58-85 Windsor Savings Bank._*5’48 58-83 Winooski. Chittenden C 3 Champlain T rust Co.— «t§’07 Pop. 4520 58-66 Winooski Savings Bk. .*i§’69 58-65 ‘W oodstock.W indsor E 6 Ottauquechee Savings Bank Pop. 2500 m v 58-78 »tS-47 Woodstock National Bk._«J’65 58-79 P resident . 1917 - *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 1 ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve D istrict Est. A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. V E R M O N T — Continued ju ly , t _ tn i ? ^ llf5„S“ ,Ien rio la e ° / J*a “ k is th e N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r g iv e n 1219 U- S- e x c lu siv e ly by T h e Rand-M cNally Bankers* _________ D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 44U Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame of Bank, T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Vice -President . Ass '.t Cashier . Cashier . , L. East__I-----— R. R obbins. Altavista__Campbell F 5 F irst National Bank— «$’08 W. O. Sm ith____ 68-304 Pop. 1500 . C. Ogburn, J r — E. E ggleston___... G. Jefferson, J r . •Amelia C. H..Amelia F 8 Amelia County B a n k ..«$§’16 68-520 Pop.ïOO R. D. Hardy -------- A. M. E vans. T. R. Hardaway — R. A. M arshall— . . Farm ers & Merchants Bank 68-305 _ «$§’05 A. C. Jo y n er—-----W. K. Allen-------. E. Bowman____ •A m herst__Amherst E 5 Bank of Amherst.;___ »$§’83 68-263 Pop. 600 R. M. Cox— — G. J . D earborn. W. P. Massie__ — Farm ers B ank_______ «$§’10 W. E. Sandidge— TTC. Ogden 68-264 Appalachia------- Wise A 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’09 C. F . Blanton____ Geo. J e n k in s. 68-245 Pop. 2500 S. D. Green— Peoples Bank ....----------$§’10 W. B. P eters— C. E. Robiriett 68-246 R. F. B urke___ H. D. Flood-----Bank of Appomattox —«$§’01 •Appom attox. Appomat’x 68-306 Pop. 600 F6 P erkins Glover— A. J . T errell— State Bank of Arvonia, Inc Arvonia.Buckingham E7 68-307 $§’06 Pop. 1000 F . E. Nolting------S, J . Doswell— Ashland___Hanover E 8 Hanover Bank_______ »$§'03 68-308 Pop. 1324 Basic______ Augusta D 5 Basic City Bank---------- *§’16 G. A. Van L ear— C. E. May—--------68-512 Pop. 2200 Bassetts_____ Henry G 3 Bank of Bassett, Inc. — §’07 J . D. Bassett_____ C. B. Kesee— 68-309 Pop. 350 •Bedford___ __ .Bedford Citizens National Bank—$T4 S. S. Lambeth, J r .. J. A. Clark----68-500 Pop. 2508 F 4 LYNCHBURG TR. & SAW. BK. D. A. Payne-------- R . T. W atts, J r . ... 68-188 «$§’90 68-189 §’01 Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. k k Dis- IìOaxi Cash Exc’ts. Bonds, change«,Due Securities , prom Banks $ 50,000 J 18,000 $ 140,000 $ 175,000 $ 32,300 1st N., Lynchburg; N. State & City, Rich. 62,000 20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 75,000 16,000 24,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & T r. and Am. N., Rich. 43,490 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Drov. & Merch, N., Balt.; N. State & City, Rich. 59,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 178,000 186,000 20,800 212,000 197,000 7,450 150,000 124,500 50,000 60,090 457,200 384,550 121,350 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Ex., Roanoke; 1st N.. Rich, and Cin. E. C. Mainous------- W. L. Mainous. Î0.000 8,000 85.000 80,000 R. L. Burke---------- 10,000 23,500 200,000 185,000 23,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; N. State & City, Rich. 47,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich, and Lynchburg A rthur Pan ton—— 15,000 4,000 75,000 .82,000 11,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. W. L. Foy— — 10,000 6,980 173,040 153,810 16,960 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. W. W. M ichael___ 8,510 400 15,020 26,660 B. C. Philpott__ — J . B. Dillon ——-— 15,000 9,000 81.500 79,000 36,300 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Martinsville. R. E. W hite..:— — R . Q. Lowry— — 50,000 13,410 362,600 357,580 66,520 Han. N., N. V.: M erch. N., Rich. 15,000 10,800 15,000 W. A. Jo n e s-------- J . J . S c o tt..--------- F . K. Saunders. 4,910 N. City, N. Y.; Staunton N., Staunton. 152,950 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; M erch. N. Rich.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 138,500 547,820 526,050 (B ranch o f ÎAin chburo, Fa.) 25,000 88,000 394,000 451,630 52,000 4th S t. N ., P h il.; N . S ta te & C ity, R ich . W. G. Emmett___ 17,300 10,300 170,000 125,000 65,000 N. Ex., Balt. John B. Neill------- 40,000 70,000 300,000 350,000 60,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. Balt. J . T. L. Jones_____ R. M. W are. 25,000 25,210 245,000 233,000 3,110 67,370 67,850 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.i Balt.; Merch N., Rich. 12,760 Peo. N., Lynchburg. C a p e f u l a n d p r o m p t a t t e n t io n t o c o l l e c t i o n s . LO W EST R ATES. {S e n d u s y o u p b u s i n e s s . Belle Haven___Accomac Belle Haven Bank------—$§’06 J . T. B. Hyslop. 68-310 Pop. 296 E 12 W. J . R u e — — •Berryville___Clarke B 7 BANK OF CLARKE COUNTY A. Moore, J r — 68-251 »$§’81 Pop. 1000 F irst National Bank___ «$’04 68-252 Bank of Big Island, Inc. $§’13 68-482 Interstate Finance & T r. Co. 68-311 $§’02 Bank of B lacksburg.-----$§’91 68-312 L ia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p AND it s C a p it a l P r o f i t s 30,000 L. R. GILLS— — W. A. FALCONER- W. A. FITZPATRICK J. M. DANIEL- PEOPLES BANK Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. VIRGINIA —Continued t OOA to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers H. W. Baker___ W. T. Lew is. — G. E. Vaughan. E. L. M arshall-. F . L. Mattox— 10,000 R. T. Irvine___ C. S. C arter____ R. P . Barron, T r ... W. T. Goodloe, Sec, 50,000 2,240 132,890 192,230 T. P. Campbell. R. L. Fagg— ------ 16,000 16,080 161,490 162,300 Blackstone____Nottoway CITIZENS BANK---------*$§ 73 J . M. H a r r is __ 68-223 Pop. 2500 F 8 H. H. Seay— — W. G. Epes Joseph M. H urt— 100,000 40,000 400,000 420,000 80,000 ChaseN., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Petersburg Sav & Insurance Co., Petersburg. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*$’08 H. C. Barrow— Henry Stokes— J . A. Sydnor S. L. Barrow-------- H. H. Irb y — B. T. White A. L. Cobb G. W. Buchanan.. •60,000 28,510 387,240 456,490 78,450 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.;M. M. 1st N., Balt.: Com’l N., Wash., D. C. Big Island— Bedford F 4 Pop. 350 Big Stone Gap—Wise B 2 Pop. 2590 Blacksburg. Montgomery Pop. 875 F2 Alex. Black— 68-224 •Bland_______ Bland F 1 Bank of Bland C ounty..$§’03 F. Kegley—___ 68-313 Pop. 250 Bloxom__ .Accomac E 12 Accomac Banking Co.— $§’06 68-314 Pop. 200 V IR G IN IA M a p o p p o s it e N o r fo lk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.D .H onaker H. A. Littleton— W. M. W hite G. H. Epes E. M. Johnson. 64,030 80,420 6,340 25,000 (Branch o f Park 8ley, Va. )______ 38,690 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.: 1st J i. Rich. 30,270 .N. Bk. Com., N. ¥ .; N. State & City, Rich. 43,890 1st N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke. M. M. 1st N., Balt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence A c c e s s ib le T ow ns. L a w y e rs, L aw s, D ire c to rs , ii U U IliV i V I R G I N I A M a p o p p o s i t e c o r io n * . 1 001 1441 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e lta n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . T own a n d Gou n tt . i N am e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . Accessible Towns, law y ers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In tere st Kates, Grace, VIR G IN IA — Continued VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p and „ it s C a p it a l P r o f i t s J . M. Emswiler— - T. C. Bussey-----— J . L. Sink G. V. P a rk e y ------- M. B. S álin ------ — . Bristol__ Washington B 4 DOMINION NATIONAL DANK H. E. J o n e s..— 87-80 « t’OO 6 & 5 Pop. 18,000 J . N. Huntsman — H. W. Hobson------ H. W. Spargur. A .P . Moore S. T. Millard 7,500 - 13,120 i 4,090 9,780 I Henry Smith-------- Robert S aylor----- 10,000 8,280 86,660 84,630 19,200 \ G. P . Lyon----------- L. E. M artin ------ — B. L. G a rre tt------- 30.000 11,980 433,050 363,950 111,090 1 B. G. Mitchell —— G. VanDeventer ! . . 15,000 4,000 60,000 60,000 12,000 Î 16,000 27,410 204,250 149,330 98,340 1 25,000 9,170 151,630 90,700 I. S. Anderson!— R. H. Powell--------- J. W. Fleetwood— R. C. K night-------J . D. W oodard.— W. H. R u sh ... 10,000 8,160 84,800 54,070 W. H. Sipe------- James R. Shipman S. H. W. Byrd — 20,000 14,000 180,000 115,000 150,000 48,790 i 1,150,000 773,070 FIRST NATIONAL B A N K -í e E. W. K in g .._____ C. W. W arden------ James W. Lynn — W. F. Sm ith_____ 100,000 88,770 1,361.160 1,377,780 D. T. McKee— — R. M. S h annon__ 50,000 87-79 25,000 J. J. Pennybacker. 12,090 6,000 277,020 273,220 100,000 90,000 F. M. Newsom, Jr. 15,000 4,000 52,000 38,600 E. T. Yeaman____ 25,000 4,180 160,010 196,860 H. S. W ade_____ 12,000 2,980 110,810 80,820 35,000 38,530 357,000 310,000 25,000 17,640 234,190 232,130 V. T. Strickier____ 50,000 22,000 285,000 254,070 J. W. Cummins— 25,000 6,300 157,000 . 118,000 J. C. Dill________ U. H. Hyde— — Rodney S tin n e tt.. P r in c ip a l Co rrespo ndent s . Com., Norfolk. 86,770 I Ian. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., N of Nansemond, Suffolk, Va. 47,920 Î iech. & Metals N., N. Y.; < Am., Suffolk, Va. 12,000 I 245,570 1Imp. & Tra. N „ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 272,150 1 John H. Caldwell Janres W. Lynn Washington T r. & Sav. Bk._ J . D. Mitchell.___ _ H. E. Jones______ A. P. Moore 87-81 « ’06 Broadway__Rockingham F irst National Bank___ ...'0 3 D. H. Z igler..----- - J. E. H eard ______ 68-321 Pop. 416 0 6 . W. Dugger — Brodnax.-Brnnswick G 8 Bank of Brodnax ______« ’14 J . R. Temple._____ JB.. JD. Pennington 68-322 Pop. 475 W. L. W illiam s___ W. A. Price ______ BrookneaL.Campbell F 6 F irst National B a n k __ »$’M 68-323 Pop. 700 T . S. R ees----- -— t . P atterson— Brownsburg. Rockbridge Bank of Brownsburg, Inc.5‘13 68-481 Pop. 300 E5 W. R. Allen — ___ Buchanan—Botetourt E 4 Bank of Buchanan____» « ’99 O. B. Johnson_____ 68-255 Pop. 1000 L. P. Dillon__ Buchanan National B k.._t’Q9 S. L. Heck------ ----Geo. Alphin 68-256 Buena Vista.Rockbridge F irst National Bank______’95 B. E. Vaughan------ W. T. P axton. 68-173 Pop. 3600 E5 W. E. Glass-----Peoples B a n k ...___ ____ | ’06 J . H. Mapp____ 68-174 Burkeville.Nottoway F 7 Farm ers &Merch. B ank»«'05 R. S. Beville_____ W. H. Glascock. 68-324 Pop. 653 B utterw orth . . Dinwiddie Farm ers Bank— — . . . . « ’07 A. M. O rg ain ------- A. G .Butterw orth . 68-325 • Pop. 300 F8 Cambria .Mon tgomery F 3 Cambria Bank-------------« ’08 H. B. McDonald— 0. A. Ornmpacker. 68-326 Pop. 525 Cape G harles-North’pton Cape Charles Bank, Inc.«1900 R. D. L. F letcher— R. V. N ottingham » 68-198 Pop. 2500 F 12 Farm ers & Merch. B a n k .« '07 W. B. Wilson___ Upshur Wilson___ A. J . Downes 68-199 Oapron.Southampton G 9 Bank of Capron, Inc. — « '0 7 W . H. Vincent__ E. W. Crichton— 68-327 Pop. 500 Timothy R ives.. . . O arson___Dinwiddie F 9 Bank of Carson, In c.— « 1 1 P. B. Halligan----- N. P. Peebles 68-464 Pop. 75 Cartersville Bank---------« ’05 Oartersville. Cumberland 68-328 Pop. 500 E7 Oastlewood__ Russell B 4 Merchants & Farm ers Bank R. A. F letcher— — J . M. P o rte r. 68-329 «10 Pop. 200 »Charlotte Court House State Bank of Charlotte fi8-Kia S’lfi Charlolte.PoD. 329. iin N.’, 1st N „ Girard N „ and Phil. N „ Phil. Drov. & Mech. N „ Balt. 39,240 1Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Va. 40,000 ] . P ark, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; 1st N, Rich. j erch. N., Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg. 29,870 17,970 Ï1st N., Lynchburg; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 44,390 : ockbridge N. and Peo. N., Lexington, Va. 1st N.. Rich. 120,000 i hase N „ N. Y.: 1st N. and Merch. N.. Rich 34,620 . m. N., Rich. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 104,660 Seab. 1 W. H. Sheffield___ 20,000 4,000 100,000 95,000 58,250 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt Merch. N., Rich.; Peo. N.. Lexington. 26,000 Chase N .,N . Y.; Am. N., Rich. K. Butterworth 10,000 11,100 91,440 76,490 35.370 1st N.. Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg, Va. J. W. Mitchell____ M. M. McCoy. 28,000 5,300 150,000 125,000 44,000 N. Ex., Roanoke, Va.: 1st N., Rich, C. P. K ing___ 60,000 63,000 190,000 289,000i 25,000 36,000 490,000 350,000i Miss Alice H. Carey 8,500i 14,720 74,410Ì 51,4001 H. C. Elmore------- 10.000 10,600 175,000i 148,0001 S. E, Tudor.. C. L. Hallett_____ A. D. Nottingham A. F. Moon, Jr.-— G. C. Gore— ------W. G. Williams, Mgr. . 35,130 M. M. 1st N ., Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 100,000 1st N „ Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 45,750 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk; N. Bk of Petersburg, Petersburg, 45,000 N; City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. . (Branch , o f Sta te B a n k o f Columbi ia, Co- Am. N.. Rich. lum i ì ia, Va.) 21,770 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Roanoke, Va. 51,1301 47,310\ 4,000 20,000i N. P ark and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am neh Va.) kes B ra h o f D r a. _ (B ranc N.. Rich. __________ ;_______ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, X T BONDS, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R eso u rces, LOAMSk Dis* Oaii k Ex C*ts. Bonds, <changes,Du* Securities non Banks 3,080 $ 109,530 $ 80,460 $ 43,030 l! $ 10,000 $ Boone M ill-F ran k lin F 3 Farm ers &M erch.Bk. —« ’12 L. A. Bowman . . — 68-471 Pop. 300 Boons P ath____ Lee B 2 Farm ers & M erchants Bank J . M. W heeler . . . . 68-525 « ’16 Pop. 150 F irst State Bank----------« ’06 M. O. Combs------68-315 »Bowline Green.Caroline Garoline Connty Bank.»«'02 J . T. Richards —.. 68-316 Pop. 433 DO Boyce_______ Clarke B 7 Boyce State Bank------- » « ’08 R. P . Page---------68-317 Pop. 300 »Boydton—.Mecklenburg Williams Sé Goode__— » tt’93 (Thomas F . Goode) 68-318 Pop. 421 G7 Boykins__ .Southampton Meherrin Valley B a n k .» « ’02 J . L. Barham__ ___ 68-273 Pop. 700 G9 Branchville—So’hampton Bank o í Branchville__ *«'10 J . W. Sm ith______ 68-319 Pop. 239 GO Bridgewater,Rockingham Planters Bank___ . . . . . . « '9 8 Jo h n W . C line.. 68-320 Pop. 850 D6 m Southern Building, Washington, 1999 ' **■ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank m U. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, u nder th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'n. Town and Oodnty. N ame op Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State « E ntire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fédéral Reserve D istrict ■ Est. Lia b il it ie s . P resident . V ice -Pr e sid e n t . c a s h ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . |GE0.R.B.MICHIE ST.i E.ÉPOWERS IS f^ PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 68-127 $ 200,00(1 $ 57 00G W. W. W ADDELL- H. A. DINWIDDIE - . 370,000 H. I. DINWIDDIE F irst National Bank .1— 68-511 Planters Savings Bank—$1™ 68-244 Cheriton Banking Co.—< § ’06 68-330 Chesterfield County Bank 68-331 t§ ’06 National Bank of Chilhowie 68-332 ’07 Bank of Chincoteague, Inc. 68-333 $§’09 Bank of Christiansburg<§’88 68-221 F irst National Bank____ $’06 68-222 W. P. P arrish A. H. ROBERTSON- JAMES D. DRYS0N Ralph Jessup- J T. A. Broocks ---W. A. Broocks J . Thos. Goode___ R. H. Goode. Jam es Hardy ‘ C hatham .. . Pittsylvania CHATHAM SAVINGS BANK E. S. R eid.—._____ H .,0. Allen Pop. 1113 v GS 68-243 $§’72 ...... F rank Marshall___ H. G. B ennett____ G. W. G am m on..— J . W. C o llie ___ - E. J . Parrish . . P R j. Tredway___ R .F . Powell_____ T. W. J o n e s ___ . T. Wallace Jones— P. V. O ogbill.... . . . T. K. Sands______ W. O. T ru eh ea rt... CLIFTON FORGE NATIONAL BANK 8-143 50,000 227,920 2,680,170 3,105,920 26,600 18,000 150,000 150,000 11,000 37,560 87,860 25,000 110,000 700.000 670,000 25,000 5,110 87,370 76,410 26,000 51,170 470,730 371,620 25,000 15,730 75,840 96,340 10,000 18,000 115,000 125.000 25.000 7,970 3,170 105,430 110.000 34,000 156,000 660,200 581,550 60,340 56,640 109,500 118,000 /J. H. DREWRY— E. W. GRICE— - L. F. PENDLETON- 307,050 N -P ark.N .Y .; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; 4th St. N. Phil.; 1st N., Rich. 381,440 , 145,160 Han. N., N. Y.; Plan. N „ Rich. 20.000 /C areful and Pro m p t A tten tio n to C ollections. (Send u s your bu siness. P rincipal Correspondents. 357,020 L. M. Cole. _____ W. E. Umbarger__ ---- kEx- 72,210 100,600 80,000 35,000 10,000 Gash changes,Dub fromBanks J>1 UUUUUl $ 240,000 Atlantic N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y Merch. N., Rich.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. J . L. A nderton___ Daniel Jeffries____ R. H. Anderton___ C. I. W ade.______ B. M. Hagan R. M. C harlton___ M. H. Tompkins__ C. W. S u rface___ Paul F oster — __ C. R. Colhoun M. P . J o n e s _____ S. N. Karicofe____ E. V, Stoutam yer— B. W. .Tones R. O. Bay Ion T. F. H eath______ H. Sherman . R. F . Ja c k so n ____ P . Fleetw ood____ S. W. Sharp______ F. D. Sharp______ Churchville, Augusta D 5 Augusta County Bkr, Inc..§’12 ' Pdp.150 68-468 City Point-Prince George Bank of City P oint____*§’15 Pop. 400 F 9 68-505 Claremont;__ Surry F 9 Peoples State Bank____ $§’08 Pop. 700 68-334 . Clarksville. Mecklenburg Planters Bank________ < § ’92 C. S. W ood_____ _ R. B. Turner Pop. 794 G6 68-253 Cleveland.—. Russell B 4 Peoples Bank_________ $§*07 T. L. B undy_____ E. R. Com bs.____ G. W. Moore____ Pop. 250 68-335 , 28,500 Hän. N „ N. Y.; Is tN ., Rich.; N. Ex. Balt. 42,620 Am. N.i Rich.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil. 150,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 62,800 Han. N., N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich. 175,680 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich. 35,440 N .E x . and Citiz. N., Balt.; N . Bk.Com. and Norfolk N., Norfolk, Va. 15.000 Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; Am. N.-, Rich. 14,460 Han. N., N. Y.; Droy. & Mech. N., Balt.; N, Ex., Roanoke. 15.000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 255,840 Imp. & Tra. N „ N. Y.; M M. 1st N., Balt. 59,870 N. Ex., Roanoke. 25,000 4,050 ■ i nnn 1,000 15,000 5,350 14,830 Staunton N., Staunton, Va. 29,700 N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg, Va.~ 68,220 26,360 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Waverly, Waverly, Ya. 52,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N* State & City and Am. N., Rich. 20,000 N. State & City, Rich.; N. Ex., Rpanoke. 20,000 6,310 197,500 157,120 10,000 1,700 100,000 85,000 100,000 35,000 700,000 695,000 100,000 N ., R ich. Lo w est R ates. < ’05 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 02 68-142 jJ .G . CARPENTER, JR. B. F. DONOVAN_ _ _ _ _ J. G. FRY________ J. R. PAYNE JR 100,000 60,000 950,000 (Special a tten tio n to a ll collection s. R em ittan ce m ade on day o f pa ym en t at reaso nable r ates. Clinchport— —Scott B 3 Farm ers & Merch. Bank $§’07 J . L. Q. Moore____ Pop. 252 68-336 ‘ Clintwood— Dickenson Dickenson County Bank, Inc. H. G. Morison___ _ Pop. 342 A3 68-337 «$§’06 VIRGINIA M a p o p p o s i t e N o r f o l k N am e o f B ank ITS O. H. Gobble F. E. Stewart Harry McDonald J . O. S m ith______ W. W. Pressley___ j S. J . Colley______ j E. L. Phipps 10,000 5,950' 191,000 92,110 25,000 249,450 195,680 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 107,000 C Roanoke, 111,990 I irov. & Mec Roanoke. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence is th e N e w T m M i t N u m b e r VIRGINIA BANKS-—Charlottesville to Clintwood F irst State Bank, In c.. < § ’05 R. D. Patterson___68-215 Peoples Bank & T rust Co O. M. Boswell 68-529 §17 r under Federal Reserve BankNofu m St.b eLouis R esources. LoanskDis c’ts. Bonds 8*odritikb «J:’75 I Special a tte n t a n given all collect ion s. ( R em itted for ( a day o f p aym en t a t reasonable char ge. Chase City.Mecklenburg FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 85 N. H; WILLIAMS. - T. E. ROBERTS — Pop. 1662 G6 68-214 Clifton Forge—Alleghany Pop. 6000 E4 P aid - up Surplus and Ca pit a i P rofits _____ »Charlottesville. Albera 'le NATIONAL BANK OF Hollis R inehart___- R. T. W. Duke, Jr. Thomas P. Peyton. Pop. 10.000 E 7 R. T. Minor, J r . CHARLOTTESVILLE- < ’14 68-131 Gheriton. . .N ortham pton P o p 150 F 11 Chester.X hesterfield F 9 Pop. 700 Chilhowie------Sm yth B 5 Pop. 400 Ohincoteague Island Pop. 3500 Acco’c E 13 ‘ Chfistiansburg. Montg’y Pop. 1568 F 3 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace VIRGINIA—Continued N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given 1 OOO to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B an k ers 1 2 2 3 D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss n . and Name County. of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 . $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv. Est. Federal Reserve Districts P resident . Clover_____ Halifax G 6 Bank of Clover----------»t§’05 I. A. Gregory 68-338 Pop. 258 Goetmrn——__ Wise B 3 F irst National Bank— . »t’03 . W. B e ll___ 68-339 P op. 1000 A. L u n sfo rd .. W L ia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p ITÔ Ca p it a l P r o f i t s i 68-470 «■« Vice -President . Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . R eso u rces. c’ts. Bonds, Sbcubitieb R. H. Fulu 10,000 i 6f,810 S ■56,830 17,930 C H. Hardaway. 50,000 18,450 275,490 291,530 80,610 S 25,000 8,500 165,000 166,000 35,000 1 W. N. Carico G. W. Tompkins. M. 0. Matthews 2,240 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . .04n8&D18- Cash&Exrao* BiKM 1917 T own olldays, see set opposite page 13.' ;c., see page 14. For Holidays, VIRGINIA—Continued W. F. Renshaw— H. W. B. Williams. D. R. Warren_____ 14,700 8,500 185,000 157,230 77,000 Arthur Walton . . Nash P. Snead G. P. Hodgson------ P. W. Cowherd___ 10,000 5,500 198,570 147,500 60,500 »Oourtland.Southampton Bank of Southam pton__.§’17 H. B. McLemore 68-532 Pop. 500 G9 Peoples Bank, I n c ..— »$§’04 Jas, T. G illette— 68-289 B. A. Williams__ H A Gillette 17,478 83,730 66,630 35,880 100,900 99,870 27,500 Ian. N.. N .Y .; Norfolk N., Norfolk; V a.: Petersburg. •Covington— Alleghany Citizens National Bank»$1900 G. L. Miller------68-161 Pop. 6000 E3 Covington National Bank*i'91 E. M. Nettleton.. 68-160 W. A. Luke_____ W. H. McConihay 76,500 1,045,500 1,041,000 225,800 rving N., N. V.; Am. N* and Merch. N.. Ric 1st N. and 4th St. N., Phil. Covington Savings Bk..«t§’07 68-162 òrabbottom-Highland i) 4 Crabbottom Valley Bank,Inc 68-509 §’15 Pop. 200 Craigsville—Augusta D 5 Bank of Craigsville, Inc. §’16 I 68-521 ; Pop. 225 ' Crewe____ Nottoway P 7 Bank of Crewe_______ t§ ’88 68-204 Pop. 2000; P. D. Camp__ — Geo. W. Reese------ Miss Annie J . Eby 7,500 25,000 60,000 Suffolk, Suffolk. 134,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 100,000 40,000 560,000 560,000 R. C. S tokes------- D R Fili«! A. L. Noell O. P. Chew---------- J . F . S to v e r.___ _ I. W. Nicholas____ ----------------- ^ W. S. J o h n s o n ___ John L. H ankins. R. S. Gochenour . . J . B. Tuttle S. E. Moore C. E. Wilson_____ T. J . Collings-----F . W. Sheffield 40,000 10,000 306,000 236,500 25,000 4,000 92,000 92,000 10,000 300 65,000 60,000 75,000 12,000 700,000 400,000 C. M. J o n e s_____ 25,000 11,000 230,000 1 230,000 A. B. Hounshell — Greek Blackard — 10,000 10,800 107,000 75,000 16,960 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N. Charlottesville. — Wm. McD. McAllister.. D. E, M ountcastle. John W. Bell W. A. Rinehart— , FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«*03 H. E. Lee______ — J . M. Kidd . . . . — 75,800 Chase N., N.Y.; Char. N., Char., W. Va. 25,000 Han. N-., N. Y.; Staunton N., Staunton, Va.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. S 3ab. N .,N . Y.; Clifton Forge N., Clif Forge, Va.; Staunton N., Staunton, Va. 366,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Ins. Co., Petersburg. 15,000 40,000 Mech. & M etalsN ..N .Y .; 1st N., Rich. 68-205 C ro ck ett..___W ythe G 1 Bank of C rockett------ -ìlio J. M. MillerPop. 200 68-342 . . . t t ’06 C. A. Haden. Crozet___Albemarle D 6 Bank of Crozet t Pop, 600 68-343 •Culpeper;. Culpeper D 7 Pop. 2500 C U LPEPER NATIONAL BANK 68-206 W alter Whately — /CHAS. FORBES - W. W. CHELF-0. B. W. NALLE )Careful and pro m p t a tten tio n . (Lowest R ates. \SEND U S YOUR BUSINESS; •$1900 SECOND NATIONAL BANK 68-207 J. S. Dix____ »$1900 J. J. DAVIES------ R. w. WATERS — C. W. SILVEY Ara W. S m ith ------ 2,500 89,000 50.00C 35,000 850,000 796,000 159,000 H an. N ., N . Y .jM -.M . 1st N ., B a lt.; I s t N . P h il. : 50.00C 32,000 565,000 553,000 District N. 72,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Wash., D. C.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Am N., Rich. 9,00( 1,800 60,000 54,000 10,00 11.00C 120,000 108,000 BONDS, 16,500 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 33,000 Cont. T r. Co., Wash., D. C.; 1st N., Abingdon Va.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Southern Building, Washington, D, C. 1223 J . H. M eade_____ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, ” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 C ollection item s. J. L. Fray . . . ------- R. C. Lewis. E. O. Willis •Cum berland..Cum brl’nd Cumberland Bank------- »t§’06 Carter Weisiger — Wm. M. Sm ith. 68-344 Pop. 500 E7 Damascus ...W ashington Bank QÍ Damascus, Inc..$§’05 S. L. M o c k ......— R. F. Fortune . Pop. 1299 52,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 101,500 VIRGINIA BANKS—Clover to Damascus Colonial Beach-Westm’l’d Bank of W estmoreland, Inc. George Mason ... . 68-340 •t5'04 Pop. 1000 D 10 B. R. Cowherd;— Columbia.—Fluvanna E ? State Bank of Columbia 68-841 *tS1900 Pop. 500 T own N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given eae,h bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . ahd county. ♦County Seat E ntire State in No. 5 Federal Reserve District. N ame of Bank. Lia b il it ie s . P resident , D anville.Pittsylrania Q 5 Pop. 20,021 Vice -President . H. O. K erns_____ J. n. MoEall Cashier . 68-217 Merchants & Planters Bank, In c..____68-469_____•$§’!: Planters Bank — _____ §’1( 68-516 Bank of Disputanta___•$$!( 68-347 State Bank of Charlotte Co. 68-348 •tS'Oi Dillwyn.Buckingham F 6 Pop. 500 «D inw iddie.. -Dinwiddie Pop. 125 F 8 Disputan ta-Pr ince George Pop. 500 F 9 Drakes Branch.Charlotte Pop. 703 G6 D rap er» ____Pulaski F 2 Pop. 500 68-461 Dryden______ ..L e e B 2 ink__ _ Pop. 115 68-531 Dublin_____ Pulaski F 2 Pop. 500 68-349 D undas...Lunenburg G 7 Bank of Dundas_______ §17 Pop. 50 68-537 Dungannon ....S c o tt B 3 Bank of Dungannon,Inc.3§’13 Pop. 400 68-479 Eaele Rock. Botetourt E 4 Eagle Rock Bank, Inc..«i§’05 Pop. 500 68-350 East Radford.M ontg'm ’y Farm ers & Merch. Bank«t§’05 Pop. 5000 F 2 68-152 F irst National Bank____ t ’90 68-151 *Eastville..Northam pton Cape Charles B a n k ____ t§ ’02 Pop. 322 F 11 68-351 Edinburg___Shenandoah Farm ers B a n k ________ }§’05 Pop. 574 C6 68-352 Elba------Pittsylvania G 5 (See Gretna) Pop. 330 Elk Creek__Grayson G 1 Farm ers B a n k _______ i§ ’15 Pop. 160 68-508 Elkton..Rockingham D 6 Bank of E lk to n _______i§ ’04 Pop. 1000 68-353 W. S. Rendleman. ___68-195_____•}§,02 Han. N. and N. City, N.Y.; M. M. IstN ., Balf.; 1st N., Rich. E. C. Ralston__ . . . J. M. Kagey_____ 1st N., Harrisburg, Va. W. W. Seward____ H. W. Spratley___ L. E. Johnson____ Gi W. Spratley___ J. L. Anderson___ B. F . Nuckols,___ A. W. Carter . Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Rich. J . R. Beek_______ J . W. G aleeska___ H. H. Galeeska___ O. S. Williams____ J. M. Williams____ C. Lee Wolfe _____ W. S. Williams, Jr. G. B. Russell_____ C. W. Tucker_____ W. H. Pettus, J r ... H. D. P eters_____ W. E. Hailey Jas. S. Delkerson S. P. Conduff_____ J. H. Pratt.______ A. J . Cox________ M. F. Litton G. B. H erndon____ E. D. W ithrow ___ C. R. St. Clair____ G. C. Moomaw. G. A. Vermillion R. L. Ozlin______ J . B. E dm unds___ D. M. T u rn er____ Winton Whitehead Miss Z. W. Corbin.. B. B. Bowman____ J . B. Rhinehart___ J . C. Hutcheson__ Fifth-Third N., Cin. N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. Merch. N., Rieh. N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. N. City, N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait Merch. N., Rieh. T. M. Calhoun____ S. H. M itchell____ E. B. K eesling___ Am. N., Rieh. C. G. Harnsberger. J . T. Heard______ W. H. McVeigh___ W .T. HARDING— N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Va. N. Petersburg, Va. N. Ex., Roanoke. Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Bristol, Bristol. Tenn.; Ist N., Gate City, Va. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rieh. Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rieh. William Ingles____ J . H. Chumbley___ W.T. HARDING — N. State & City, Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg Petersburg, Va. N. State & City, Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg, Va Drov. & Mech. N „ Balt.; Lynchburg N . Lynchburg. G. C. Bevins_____ W. W. F la n a ry ___ W. F. C. Blackwell W. H. Loudy J . B. Buhrman___ N. P. Gatling_____ M. R. M organ___ W. W. Cash J. F. Martin_____ R. A. Brown____ _ Rockingham N., Harrisonburg, Va.; N. Ex, Balt. Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Rich. B.W. WYCHE, JR .. H. W. Hall_______ G. L. V incent____ P. W. Turner_____ G. L. Vincent, J r . . Exmore___Northampton Peoples B a n k ...______ i f 16 E. D. Brown __ E. L. Robins M. W. W e s t_____ Pop. 300 F 12 68-355 « F airfax____Fairfax C 9 National Bk. of Fairfax * i’02 F . M. Brooks____ C. V. F ord_______ Edgar Littleton.. Pop. 413 68-356 James W. Ballard Falls C hurch.Fairfax C 9 Falls Church Kink, Inc..i§'06 G. B. Fadeley____ J. B. Gould— G. W. Hawxhurst.l Pop. 1213 68-357 M. E. Church Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; N. State & City, Rich. Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. E sm ont— Albemarle E 6 Esmont National Bank..«t'05 Edw. W. Scott, Jr. A. C. S co tt______ M. A. Martin____ Pop. 500 68-354 VIRQINIA M ap on Index N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt. J . I. Prichett_____ D. A. Overbey____ B. V. Booth______ H. C. P a tto n .. B. V. Booth T. C. G uerront GREENSVILLE BANK— *3197 B. W. WYCHE___ INTS & FARMERS P rincipal Correspondents. Mech. ft Metals N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. 4Emporia.Greensville G 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«r07 W. R. Cato_______ J . D. Peebles_____ J . L. Suiter —____ Pop. 4000 68-196 68-104 R esources. P a id - u p C a p it a l Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peters burg, Va.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Rich. Chase N., N. Y.; Petersburg Sav. & Insurance Co., Petersburg, Va.; N. State & City, Rich.; Seab. N., Norfolk. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Rich.; Am. N., Wagh., D. C F o r SA FETY a n d SERVICE, S e n d Y our L egal W ork to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) L aw s, T f T I D r 'T X T T A VIRGINIA BANKS—Danville to Falls Church 68-346 jndron, 68-216 As s ’t Cashier . J . D. Harrison____ J . F. Rison______ R. W. Peatross D ayton. Rockingham D 6 Pop. 700 D endron____ Surry F 10 Pop. 2000 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace. etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 VIRGINIA—Continued *224_________ 1994 D ire c to rs dexed in back of t>lxis volume ? f o r I n te r e s t Rates» Grace«\*'p* \w v v N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given • A n f to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T b e R a n d -M c N a lly B an k ers’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B an k ers A ss’n . 144D , w T own and County. L a w y e rs, vA cacu. iu uaun. ox this volume. e tc ,, see page 14. L aw s, D ire c to rs , in - For Interest Rates, G ra c e ,|^ F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 1 3 .\ P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . N ame of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . Su r p l u s D e p o s A ss’T Cashier . P a id - u p AND it s C a p it a l Lo a n s H. A. STOKES-___H. C. CHUTE-------- E. S. SHIELDS— J. B. OVERTON— O n e o f V ir g in ia ’s O ld e s t and S t r o n g e s t B a n k s . C o l l e c t i o n s h a n d le d w ith d is p a t c h •»*67 a n d a t lo w e s t r a t e s . PUNTERS BANK F errum —__F ran k lin G 3 Bank of F errum ___ ___» 1 6 B. M. Beckham___ J. K. Hurt— ____ N. H. B arker.—— 68-526 Pop. 175 »Fincas tie..Botetourt F 3 Bank of Fincastle__ — • » ’75 Turner McDowell— S. B. Smith______ James Godwin-----68-358 Pop. 479 Floyd County Bank, Inc. t§’04 B. S. Pedigo_____ A. L. Cannaday— E. F . Sowers_____ J . A. S ow ers------¿Floyd_______ Floyd G 3 68-284 Pop. 369 Peoples Bank of Floyd County P. G. L ester_____ V. M. Sowder— ,— B. B. Morgan____ K. P. Morgan____ 68-283 » ’99 Fork Union___Fluvanna Fluvanna County Bank . » ’07 B. A. Burgess____ A. L. Seay_______ R. B. Whitehurst— 68-359 Pop. 106 Ex- Cash k ohanqis.Duk SsooRirus VO HA "<T from Banks 37,200 $ 430,000 $ 468,500 $ 148,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. $ 75,000 t W. B. M orris. k Dis- c’ts. B o n d s , P r o f it s xFarmville—Prince Edw. First National Bank „ «Í1900 N. B. Davidson___ E. S. T ay lo r_____ V. Vaiden— E. S. Martin 68-178 ' P od. 3000 F7 Peoples National B ank~»i’08 G. M. Robeson------ E. T. Bondurant__ J . L. Bugg— 68-179 68-177 ow n s. VIRG IN IA — Continued iiiuiiA tu u u ITvill u J 50,000 12,000 250,000 210,000 50,000 -78,580 465,800 478,070 16,000 7,610 12,500 62,1)00 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 116,310 H an. N ., N. Y .j 1st N ., R ich . 10,600 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Roanoke; 1st N., Rich.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 58,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 16,000 3,930 138,700 99,470 20,000 27.500 175,000 155,000 35,000 24,000 158,850 164,240 5,000 1,200 36,000 27,000 14,400 1,200 75,000 74,000 41,000 64,740 * 286,760 324,840 O. 0. Vaughan, Jr.. 20,000 80,000 Fredericksburg.Spotsyl- Commercial State Bank, Inc. B. J. Marshall____ G. B. Wallace_____ G. W. Shepherd__ G. W. Perry 68-135 » « ’l l vania.__Pop. 6000__ D 8 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. M. G. W illis-------- L. J. Graves_____ J. F. Gouldman, Jr. E. D. Cole 68-134 « res 50,000 49,000 528,000 508,000 50,000 74,110 926,070 731,640 50,000 77,790 447,100 471,480 75,000 28,890 320,500 379,670 Fries____ —Grayson G 2 Washington Bkg. & Tr. Co T. 0. Vaughan.——' J. C. Dickenson . . . J. W. McLean____ 68-360 • » ’02 Pop. 2000 E. H. Jackson___ W. G. Olmstead__ G. H. Bowman____ E. S. West____ ¿Front Royal — Warren Bank of w arren_____ R. B. Holbrook 68-241 Pop. 1183 07 E. A. Jones____ •« - •• M.C.Richardson.Jr. H. H .D ow ning___ A. L. Warthen____ Front Royal Nat. Bank—*¿‘83 68-242 15,000 13,490 112,590 125,620 14,710 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Ex., R oanoke;5Plan N., Rich. 60,000 13,750 223,000 245,800 50,000 Öhase N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. 50,000 ’ 43,010 450,000 435,450 70,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. Grayson G 2 First National Bank—— $‘07 T. L. Felts_______ J. P. Carico._____ C. A. Collier.___ _ W. R. Ballard. . 68-260 Pop. 1200 PEOPLES STATE BANK Inc. S. E. Wilkinson— J. H. Rhudy_____ B. D. Beamér—___ ---------| 68-259 » » ’04 25,000 17,500 260,000 215,000 60,000 N. Ex., Roanoke, Va. 21,000 14,000 *^86,960 97,800 Franklin__Southampton Pop. 2280 G9 FARMERS BANK 68-517* §16 E. L. BEALE— — W .L. BEALE Special a tte n tio n given B -L D rafts and Cash Item s, w hich have personal service. We in v ite your B u siness, and guarantee prom pt service o n a ll BANKING MATTERS. M oderate Charges. TRY US. MERCHANTS & FARMERS Jno. D. Abbitt— BANK— 68-193--------• » 0 3 VAUGHAN & CO., BANKERS C. C. Vaughan____ 68-192 E. C. BEALE E. F. Story.— . . . . W .H. Norfleet.— W. F. S tory______ A. W. Wallace------ H. L. W allace------ J. A. Taylor__ — H. D. S cott. Planters National Bank-«i’13 M. B. Rowe—-----— Allen Smith______ W .J. Ford____—— Paul Rarsten, Jr— H. B. Lane R. O. Vance 68-136 Galax “ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H FIDELITY SURETY 51,600 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; 1st N. > Roanoke. W 1st N., Rich. 7,000 > z w * » ’86 W J H68-133 M L «* 0 57,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Merch. N. and Am HH N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke. Z BONDS, 16,600 M ech. & M etals N ., N. Y .; Seab. N.*, Nor w folk; P lan. N ., R ich .; A m erican, Suffolk 1 Va. JÖ •*t 66,900 Han. N., N.Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merch < N „ Rich. H** 3 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. n> Norfolk. re O 110,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 1st N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. o » 318,240 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 5* X N. City, N. Y.; Tradesm ens N., Phil.; M. M 95,040 1st N.. Balt. 117,270 N. City, N. Y. 24,770 Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.: N. Ex., Roanoke. Southern Building, Washington, D. C. N um ber under N a m e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n , Town and county. N ame of B a n k . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State E ntire State in No; 5 ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve D istrict Est. P r e s id e n t . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 VIRGINIA—Continued Vic e -Presid kn t . CASHIER. As s 't Ca sh ie r . L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s C a p it a l P rAND ITS o f it s Resources. Loams &Du- c *t s . B o n d s , S m u r i t i xs P rincipal Correspondents. & Ca s h Exc h a m o is ,D u x fro m B a n k s J . T. Du Val. J . M. Thruston L. P. Corr First National Bank___«$’14 Z. T. Gray——__ _ F . R. Haynes . F . F. Davis 68-502 Gloucester Point-Glo’ster Bank of Gloucester, Inc..8’06 --------------------- _ Pop. 50 F 11 68-363 Gordonsville.Orange D 7 National Bank of Gordonsville L. W. Graves_____ W. L. Dowell. Pop. 564 68-473 *’12 30,000 11,910 267,270 35,000 2,890 89,070 (B r a n ch o fO lo w e ster. 247,800 57,874 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Rich. 128,800 33,160 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Balt. Va.) 1st N., Rich. 25,000 5,870 85,230 89,780 Graham — .Tazewell F 1 BANK OF GRAHAM........* « ’90 C. M. Graham____ I. T. Mann ____ __ R. E . Crockett ___ R. E. Baylor Pop. 1917 68-200 30,000 19,000 231,000 178,000 78,000 Han. N .,N . Y.; 1st N., Rich. First National Bank i ’05 W. B. Morton_____ 68-201 Greenville— Augusta D 5 Bank of Riverheads.Inc. $§’09 O. G. Williams__ _ Pop. 400 68-365 O .L. Ramsey_____ Gretna ..P ittsylvania G 5 Peoples Bank of Elba, Inc. Pop. 600 68-285 « t ill Grottoes -— Rockingham Bank of Grottoes, Inc__¿§'08 I. L. Cosby______ Pop. 800 D6 68-366 ‘ G rundy...B uchanan A 4 Bank of Grundy, Ine— $§’04 E. R. Boyd_______ Pop. 500 68-367 Hailwood..Accomac E 12 Hailwood National Bank.$’04 E. H. Conquest___ Pop. 400 68-368 Hamilton — Loudoun B 8 Farmers & Merchants Nat. Wm. Brown_____ Pop. 450 Bank__ 68-369 *$’10 ‘ Hampton.Elizabeth City Bank of Hampton, Va..*$§’81 Nelson S. Groome. Pop. 5505 G 11 68-146 First National Bank „„«¿'03 J. W. Rowe______ 68-148 Merchants-National Bk..*$'03 H. R. Booker____ 68-147 Hare Yalley.Northam ’ton Brickhouse Banking Co.« Inc. Geo. T. Coard____ ( E xm o re P . 0 .) F 12 68-370 §10 Pop. 250 50,000 11,000 100,000 151,000 3,600 * 85,000 58,300 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.'; 4th St. N., Phil. 32,000 1st N., Rich.; Bk. of Raphine, Raphine, Va. J . E. S pitler_____ 10,000 S. H. Creasy____ _ 20,000 13,205 183,890 157,480 C. L. W e a s t_____ B. L. Bauserm an... .T. F . P irkey W. A. L eeth Geo. B elcher.. . . . . E. E. Smith . . Tolby Belcher ......... 10,000 5,000 90,000 75,000 50,000 8,810 382,160 328,120 25,000 16,000 84,000 101,000 ■25,000 7,500 80,000 125,000 J . W. Brpugton__ John T. Lewis____ n . n . florhin S. E. Roger______ A. B. O. Whitacer.. H. J. Hngp. ........ S. J . Johnston F. W. Darling . . . . . W. H. Pace _______ G. B. Bradford „ „ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Harrisonburg, Va. 113,150 Fifth-Third N., Cin. 14,000 M. M, 1 st N.. Bait. 6,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; D istrict N., Wash., D. C.; Merch. N., Rich, 230,000 Chase N ..N . Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. 50,000 37,180 603,680 617,780 R. I. Mason______ L. M. von Schilling 50,000 24,500 531,760 511,000 123,090 Chase N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. 151,260 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt. L. T reh ern e_____ 10,000 220 9,030 8,640 4,510 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk 172,730 1,664,480 1,851,560 289,050 N. Park, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; 1st N. Rich.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. ROCKINGHAM HAT. BK.'ilOOO C. G. Harnsberger. J . R. Cover______ S. D. M yers... . . . 0- H. MaiTzy 68-156 site N orfolk 160,000 1,800,000 1,825,000 58,170 Merch; N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. J . C. R obinson__ H. H. Kimberly___ R .‘C. W inne. ‘Harrisonburg. Rockin’m FIRST NATIONAL BANK «¿’65 George E. Sipe____ O. H. C handler__ J . G. Yancey ______ 0 . D. Beard _______ Pop. 5000 D6 L. T. Flick 68-155 W. L, D echert C. A. Mason Peonies Bank _ " -¿§’08 J. E.Reherd __ Thos. P . Beery „u. Thos. P. B e e ry ..... B , B . Yancey ... _ . 68-157 W. H. Cunningham ‘ Heathsville.Northum b’d Bank of Northumberland §10 Pop. 200 E10 68-371 Herndon____Fairfax C 9 National Bank of Herndon$’10 Pop. 1000 68-372 ‘ Hillsville „ „ C a rro ll G 2 Citizens Bank of Carroll.§'90 Pop. 288 68-287 Farmers Bank, Inc._____§'06 68-288 100,000 32,820 Han. N .,N . Y.; Oom’l N., Wash., D. C. 160,000 150,000 27,000 325,000 300,000 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; 1st N. Rich. ..., . . 60,000 96,710 882,650 851,690 241,970 Han. N.,N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil. Am. N., Wash., D. C. A. S. Rice_______ A. E. H a tto n _____ A. Lillian Anderson 18,000 5,950 118,320 111,200 E. L. Robey______ 25,000 10,960 202,280 184,040 78,900 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. W. H. Sutherland.. C. N. Florence____ R . R . R e e d ' ......... Asa E. Bradshaw R. G. Wilkinson __ Joseph Martin____ 33,000 40,000 250,000 255,000 72,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Merch. N., Rich. O. B. Nuckolls. C. O. Semones ____ B. D. Mitchell— 15.000 4,920 117,820 69,140 30,320 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 59,860 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in- _______VIRGINIA BANKS—Gate City7 to Hillsville _____________ ____ July* 1917 ‘ Gate City „ „ „ S c o t t B 3 First National Bank____»¿’88 N. M. Horton_____ J . M. D ougherty.. •J. W. Carter... ___ W. S. Pendleton...- $ 28.500 $ 9,400 $ 303,430 * 224,640 $ 140,780 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; 1st N. anc Pop. 1000 P. W. Bevins 68-269 Dominion N„ Bristol, Tenn. W. H. Bowling 10,000 325,000 215,000 137,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. &. Mech. N., Balt. 25.000 Peoples National Bank—»t’04 L G. Cox _______ _ D. C. S loan _____ J. H. Peters _____ G.O. Johnson, Jr.. 68-270 Plan. N., Rich. Glade S p rin g ... W ash'ton Bank of Glade Spring—«tS'95 T. B. Porterfield__ J. R. R o b inson __ M. M. Morriss 30,000 S. W. K eys ___ ____ 52,100 197,780 231,570 45,580 Chase N .; N. Y.; N, Ex., Balt. , Pop. 1000 B4 68-361 10,000 4,120 56,280 Glasgow .Rockbridge E 5 Bank of Glasgow, Inc. ...§T 3 B. E, Vaughan------ B. G. Baldwin . . . 48,680 21,220 1st N ., Lexington, Va. Pop. 407 68-487 ‘G loucester...G loucester BANK OF GLOUCESTER,INC. A. T. Wiatt___ . . . . W. E. Corr — Pop. 250 F10 J . R. Newcomb .68-362 •$5’02 1226 1 0 0 f. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew d u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely b y V h e J^ A ss » n . D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity o f T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers a s s n - N ame of B ank . jMem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks, A ssn.tPriv E st Fédéral Reserve District. T own and County. Holland-Nansemond G 10 Bank of Holland, In c.— t§ ’05 68-373 ^ ■Pop. 236 H onaker____ Russell A 4 F irst National Bank — -•*’05 68-374 Pop. 869 H opew ell-Prince George International Bank----- «§’16 68-523 Pop. 30,000 F 9 National Bank of Hopewell 68-507 *i’16 P r e s id e n t . J.G . Holland— V ice -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . B. D. J o n e s ..------- W. V. L eathers— 1ÎUBPLUa P a id - u p AND Ca p it a l P r o f i t s H. S. Boone---------- s 10,000 Ë. J . Boyd----------- J . T. Puckett — — Aaron Russ---------- Ira E. Thompson— E. L. P o tte r---- — J . W alchuk — ----- P. Tesluk —. — ,— 25,000 T. F . H eath —------ M. A. F i n n ..------- H. J . W atkins, J r - J . M. Woolard, Jr._ Rickard Eppes 100,000 W.D. WILDMAN— 17 000 L. Y. T hornton— H. P. Miles— —— Horsey___Aceomac E 12 Farm ers Bank of Oak Hall F rank F letcher— 68-496 §14 Pop. 60 T. W. Jordan------- J. W . Harper-----— Hot S p rin g s___Bath E 4 Bath County Nat. B ank.*t’07 Wm. M. McAllister 68-375 Pop. 1000 E. C. Lacy----------»H ouston___Halifax G 6 Bank of Halifax— - — iS’86 Gran Craddock— - E. S. Lacy—-------68-271 Pop. 516 S. Lovelace — C. H. Stebbins-----Peoples B ank------------ •$§’ T. B. Johnson____ W. H. B. M. Watkins 68-272 D. Ashwell----- C. H. Haley— — Huddleston.-B edford F 4 Citizens B a n k .-------- —•t§ ’15 R. A. B e n n e tt------ W. G. G. T urner 68-504 Pop. 21 E. L. Lundy--------»Independence—Grayson Grayson County National Bk. 0. Phipps— -----— J . G. Davis---------68-376 $1900 Pop. 200 Gl H, O. Rock---------Irvingtoh-Lancaster E 11 Lancaster National Bk.—1900 Jo h n 0 . Ewell—— J . F . Bellows— 68-377 ■ Pop. 1000 * | J . E. Huddle_____ Guy S. BralleyJ . H. Huddle — Bank of Ivanhoe—i ------t l ’01 Ivanhoe—___-W ythe G 1 68-378 Pop. 600 W. H. Drewry-----Ivor— Southampton G 10 Bank of Sussex & Surrey t§ ’02 68-379 POP, 500 Wv Merchants & Farm ers Bk. §16 Li H. B rantley—— F . H. S tephenson. L. C. Pulley T. P . Raiford 68-528 J. M. Browder—— Ja rra tt. — . — Sussex G 9 Bank of Ja rratts, Inc— »{§’05 R. E. Ja rra tt — — J .E . Person--------68-380 Pop. 250. G. E. Oouk_____— J . O. Woodward— R. L. Pennington — »Jonesville____. . L eeB 2 Powell Valley Nat. Bank • $ 88 68-381 Pop. 383 D. H. Wessells — W. B. Mapp —-----A. T. Hickman — K eller____Accomac E 12 E astern Shore Bkg. Co., Inc. S. W- Ames 68-382 * « ’06 Pop. 200 Kenhridge—Lunenburg BANK OF LUNENBURG-«»’OO R. W. Manson.------ L. W . Bridgforth— W. S. Irby— — - J . M. H urt 68-383 Pop. 5Ó0 G7 E. G. Bagley W. C. W inn.— — J . G. Blackwell— R, J . Barlow—— W. S. Manson Bicnatnu 134,390 80,230 $ 12,500 150,000 150,000 ; 4 000 5 000 500,000 380,000 120,000 107,000 _ B. Lyndall— A. V. Lawson. F.-C. Chaffin J . E. Snow-------S . H. Fletcher — Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke 140,000 tìàn . N., N. Y. N. State and City, Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, P etersburg, Va. 10,000 300 15,000 24,000 50,000 25,520 373,830 431,760 6.050 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Accomack Bkg. Co., Parksley, Va. 65,090 Irving N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 25,000 i 3 ;ó o o 180,000 175,000 30.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. State imd City, Rich. 19,000, 220,000 .216,000 30.000 11,100 60,000 65,000 j 20,710 i 133,040 114,340 ! 1,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. - 6,000 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg, Va. J . M. Owen— 10,000 G. L. Rhudy— 35,000 W. J . Haynie. 25,000 3,280 197,740 171,120 73.000 Han. N .,N . Y.; LynchburgN., Lynchburg, Va. 1st N ., Rich. " 52.050 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Plan. N., Rich. 10,000 10,600 36,000 52,000 4,600 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.;N . Ex., Roanoke {B ranch o f W a k efield, V a .) — — 52,790 39,740 120 25,000 W. B. Richardson, Sec, 91,180 125,000 10,600 12,500 J . W. Owen— 1— N. P ark, N. Y.; I s tN ., Rich. H. E. G ibson— —. 25,000 9,500 75,000 100,000 12,900 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Bk & Tr. Co., Suffolk,Va.; Norfolk N., Norfolk 45.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.;V a, N „ P eters burg, Va.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 23.000 Fifth-Third N., Gin. S. D. Ames— -.— J . E. T urner 22,600 6,200 236,620 136,650 113,010 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; N. State and City, Rich. C. T. Allen, J r . — W. A, Almand 30,000 23,500 228,000 223,000 50.000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich F ar. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk, Va. F . S. Manson, J r .. 25,00( 2,500 50,000 55,000 E . A. W right. . : . J . B. L ashley----O. E. Strohecjcer T. A. Gilmer------ 25,00 0 33,67 3 ; 207,290 173,070 16,350 8,980 156,400 114,140 40,000 16,500 255,000 301,200 60,000 12,000 210,750 192,540 ► -» VO Citiz., Norfolk.; Am., Suffolk. 20,000 for it. S. R. Tuggle, J r . . iB rcm ci j o f Droh es Bronx. h, V a .). 289,260 40,00 : 40,91()■ 306,35( B .H .B .H ubbard,Jr W. T. James_____ S. C. E u b an k . W .W . Smith W. E. Hathaway 29,380 j 35,73 ! 1,05 10,00 W. C. Snow------- -- R. M. Bailey------T. H. Fallin 102,100 23,00 3 130,82 10,00 O. F . Northington. L. M. Raney— — F irst National Bank——-«¿’07 J . N. Osborn-------- S. H. Short_____ 68-213 »Lebanon..— Russell B 4 F irst National Bank---------’02 V. B. Gilmer— — - E. S. F in n ey —— 68-387 Pop. 5Ö0 V! ch fr 12,490 10,000 P r in c ip a l c o r r e sp o n d en ts . Ca H. D. Peters------- . D. Elam — ------- iW. A. T ro tter— »Lawrenceville —Bruns’k BANK OF BRUNSWICK-*i§’03 E. P. Buford_____ JW. S. P eebles. . ...... Pop. 2000 G8 B U K O fL A W m C E W ^ U R. Turnbull______ E . B. Lew is— (— Charles E. May— h H l' k i i i i h i ' H D epo sITS ans k Dis!iO ’ts. Bonds, VIRGINIA BANKS—Holland to Lebanon T he on ly way to g et good servi ce is by paying 10c m u st b e se n t w ith each sig h t draft, an d 25c for each cred it repo rt. Keysvillé—-Charlotte F 7 State Bk. of Charlotte County, In c.— — 68-384— — •t§ ,09 *?*** Pòp. 600 Kilmarnock——Lancaster Farm ers & Merch. Bank, Inc. W. A. Eubank-----68-385 »i§’09 Pop. 400 E 11 ; K insale__W estmoreland Citizens Bank — |-----— «§’14 H. W. B. W illiams. 68-492 Pop. 240 D 10 Lacrosse-Mecklenb’g.G 7 Bank of L aCrosse------- 1§’05 W. W. M eredith— 68-294 ' Pop. 281 R esources . Lia b il it ie s . ( M. A. FINN-— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t R a te s, G r a c e ,, e t c ., .see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 V IR G IN IA — Continued 53.000 N- State and City, Rich. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch. N ., Rich., ! Va.; N., Petersburg, Va. 52,890 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt, 17,014 N. Ex., Balt. 62,460 fehase N., N. Y.; N. State and City, Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Insurance Co., P eters burg, Va. 92,170 p hase N., ,N. Y.; 1st N.. Rich. 67,590 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Rich.; M. M. ls t N., Balt.; Petersburg Sav. & Insurance Co., P etersburg, Va. 50,320 -N. City, N. Y.: Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; 1st N. Rich. _ 76,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N,, Balt.; N Ex.. Roanoke. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T be Band-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P resident . V ice-President . »Leesburg ..Loudoun B 9 Loudoun National Bank_«$’70 Edward Nichols__ C. G. Gavfir 68-218 Pop. 1800 P EO P LES NATIONAL BANK 68-219 «{’88 ‘Lexington..-Rockbridge Farmers Dep.&Sav.Bk., Inc. 68-183 810 Pop. 3500 E4 First National Bank____«’95 68-180 Peoples National Bank__ $’04 68-182 Rockbridge National Bank 68-181 $’85 ‘L ouisa______Louisa D 8 Bank of L ouisa______ »$§’98 68-299 Pop. 500 Farm ers & Merchants Bank 68-300 »$§’07 F irst National Bank____ ’17 68-536 ‘Lovingstori—Nelson E 5 Bank of Nelson »$§’11 68-388 Pop. 300 »Luray------------ Page 0 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’0l 68-238 Pop. 2500 Page Valley National Bk.*$’93 68-237 Lynchburg.Campbell F 5 Pop. 32,940 ‘ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 68-72 68-73 Cashier . As s ’t Cashier , /E.B. WHITE___— - L.M. SHUMATE — ROBERT R. WALKER BRUCE MclHTOSH ^ C o lle c tio n s a s p e c ia lt y an d r e m itt e d o n da y o f p a y m e n t. ( P r o m p t a t t e n t io n t o a ll b a n k in g m a t t e r s e n t r u s t e d t o u 8 . B. E. Vaughan____ C. T. Seebert____ Walter L. Foltz.__ 25,000 6,420 82,240 110,160 B. E. Vaughan- 50,000 95,000 577,670 648,290 121,490 Seab. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Reid White______ H. 0. W ise ..._____ 2,750 James L. Howe___ Daniel Welsh. __ Wm. M. McElwee.. J. T. McCrum___ 50,000 29,000 356,000 311,250 122,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich. P. M. Penick_____ S. O. Cam pbell___ A. P. W ade______ W. C. Firebough . . S. M. Dunlap E, G, Adair S. D. Crenshaw___ Jas. L. W. W est — Russell C. Crank — 150,000 52,400 751,810 50,550 61,890 613,880 • 472,570 467,270 70,760 Chase N., N. Y.; M.M. 1st N., Balt.; 1st N. ant N. State & City, Rich.; 1st N., Phil. 109,790 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 21,100 3,480 100,170 92,300 50,000 10,000 R. M. K ent, J r . J . A. K ent______ _ Jas. W. W right___ J . O. Can. P. B. P o rte r— ___ T. S, Winston — __ ■ . J. P. D o n n elly ___ .... L. L. Lea________ S. B. W hitehead__ H. D. M aw yer.— . E. F orrest Mawyer 20,000 3,000 158,030 145,300 E, D. Newman____ W. T. M auck—___ J. S, Price____ — 30,000 25,140 283,350 282,910 C. S. Landram ____ J . P . G rove..____ E, 0. Berrey_____ D. C. McKim _____ 75,000 25,700 280,460 292,540 E. P. MILLER____ ERNEST WILLIAMS GILES H Mil 1 FR 4,810 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. State & City Rich. Am. N., Rich. Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N., Lynchburg; Merch. N Rich. 82,960 Han. N „ N.Y .; M .M . 1st N. and N. Bk. oi Balt., Balt.; District N., Wash., D. O. 100,580 Chase N., N. Y.i N. Ex., Balt.; Merch. N Rich. .1 1) GWEN WM. V. WILSON, JR ...ALLEN CUCULLU- -ALLEN CUCULLU- -B. F. COUSINS------ 675,000 616,520 3,973,100 4,604,100 1,246,120 N . C ity, N . Y . ; Girard N . and 1st N ., PhU 500,000 575,000 3,200,000 3,550,000 753,600 Seab. N ., N . Y.; C ont. & Com ’l N ., Chi. PhU . N ., PhU. 150,000 351,680 2,551,790 2.6Q5.350 448,110 B ill o f L a d in g C o lle c t io n s — L o w R a te s . «$’65 100,000 ‘PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 500,000 *$’82 JOHN VICTOR-____ Lynchburg Clearing House— William V. Wilson (Members indicated by a *) 40,000 345,000 432,000 26,000 591,150 2,604,810 3,393,070 531,490 .276,430 160,780 W. W. DICKERSON- i n n ........ C a r e f u l and p ro m p t atten tio n to c o lle c tio n ite m s. L o w e s t R a te s . S e n d u s y o u r b u s in e s s . ‘ UNITED LOAN & TRUST CO.. James W. Gerow — Randolph Harrison J . L. N icholas____ H. T. Nicholas, INC......... -"68-77 — — »$§’13 M gr. VIRGINIA M ap opp o site N orfolk P rincipal Correspondents. ____ E. L. McFarland . . $ 100,000 $ 116,330 $ 899,480 $ 934,110 $ 272,000 Han. N ., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Frank lin N., Phil.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 85,000 1,200,000 1,210,000 300,000 N . C ity, N . Y.; N . B k. C om ., B a lt.; Frank JOSEPHUS CARR----- J W. PRESTON GIBSON- 100,000 lin N ., P h il.; M erch. N ., R ich. Lynchburg T r. & Sav. Bk. D. A. Payne,_____ R. T. W atts, J r . __ J . R. Gilliam, J r., W. P. S h elto n ____ 68-76 $§’90 Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. Mutual Savings Bk. & T r. Co. F. E. Turner, J r __ J . J . M orrison____ W. H. Adams, Sec.. 68-78 $§’13 G. E. Vaughan F. E. T urner, J r „ T r. 68-75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lia b il it ie s . Resources. Loansk Du- Cashk JSxP aid -up -Surplus D epos- c AND ’ t*. Bonds, Capital P rofits Securities ntONBanks A. Dibrell— L a r g e s t C a p i t a l a n d S u r p l u s , a ls o D e p o s it s , o f a n y b a n k in Ly r IVI ■MU 1 g)« II JVM Ct vVICItU 1^1 v i n p v a n u c a r e f u l s e rv ic e a t a m o d e r a t e c h a r g e , s e n d u s y o u r • *$’65 it e m s a n d c o l l e c t i o n s . ‘LYNCHBURG NATIONAL BANK a v v c K iu ic i u n u s , saw yers, ,» u c v w n , m aexed in back of this volume. For In terest B â tes, Grace VIRGINIA —Continued 300,000 866,480 1,274,700 PhU. N ., PhU. N., Balt.; Com’lN ., Wash.,D.C.;Plan.N.,Rich, John Victor, Sec... Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers,, *'lrect<>rs. * 2 2 8 _____ ________ VIRGINIA BANKS—Leesburg to Lynchburg_______________ July, 1917 1228 4 n n n 1229 Nu e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew a n s I t N u m b e r g iv en j* um m bo eerr u un ud u cr B a nT dr -M c N a lly B ankers* to each b an k xn U. ». ex clu siv ely oy x u e «.«. H ankers A ss’n . D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity o f T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers a s s n . N ame of B a n k . T own a n d County . »County Seats. -Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPnv. Est. Coderai Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . Machipongo —N ham pt n Planters Bank, In c .------- 5 16 68-389 Pop. 107 P 11 Madison. Inc. »Madison___Madison D 7 State Bank of 68-390 t§ ’08 Pop. 500 National Bank of Manassas »Manassas— Prince Wm. 68-240 *’06 Pop. 1217 09 B. Bell------- -» H Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . »Martinsville.-Henry G Pop. 4000 285,230 359,640 30.000 18,190 241,190 291,820 A. T . B u c h an an .... . H. Copenhaver. W. Lynn Copenhaver 61,650 61,650 265.000 275,0001 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.: M, M. 1st N „ Balt.: Plan. N. E. King— ------ S.M. Damewood, J r 40.000 43,000 590.000 380.000 110,000 Han, N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. . C. Greer —------. 35,260 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ Phil, and Rich.; Com’l, Wash., D, C Rich.; Lynchburg N „ Lynchburg, Va. Merch. N .,Rich. 19,650 Marion N., Marion. 72,280 Chase N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt. 100,000 5.000 70.000 160.000 40.000 12,070 210.000 196,620 C. G reer— — — 50.000 43,500 600,000 630.000 64.000 N. City, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; Am. N. and N. State & City, Rich. A. BROWN— - 80.000 29.000 435,000 435.000 90.000 Han. N „ N. Y.: Merch. N., Rich. E. King, TV.—*. J . A. Groseclose, Sec, E. Kem per____ L. F . Bowersett— 68-172 u m s s o f any bank In t h e city. ISend u s your M artinsville bust quick returns a t low rates. (We p resen t in person and give L. W. M eeks— Massies M ill-N elson E 5 De P riest B ank------------§’16 . P. L e a .— — 68-524 Pop. 80 . J . P . Nottingham .. . S m ith ..__——»M athews-M athews F 11 Bank of Mathews— — 81900 68-392 Pop. 300 J . R . Doyle------- -McKenney.DinwiddieG 8 Bank of D inw iddie.Inc- t l ’< E. 0. Powell------68-393 Pop. 200 M N. B. Sisk— ----George Stuart— Meadow view .W ash’n B 5 County Bank. Inc.------ • t l ’1 68-394 Pop. 500 W. Songer---------M echanicsburg.BlandF 2 Bank of Mechanicsburg, Inc, N. T. Shumate — 68-506 §’J Pop. 97 M. E. G e e -------- M eherrin.Lunenburg F 7 Prince Edw'ard-Lunenburg W. O. Winn-------County Bk. .68-395-----• |§ ’1 Pop. 180 S. J . Turlington. C. H. Rogers-----Melfa____Accomac E 12 Melfa Banking Co— — ?§’i W .H . H atton 68-396 Pop. 300 A. B. English — Mendota.W ashington B 4 Bank of Mendota— . — §’ J. S. Dorton-----A, C. Rice 68-493 Pop. 210 J . W. Rhodes— 1 . O. Larrick—— Middletown State B a n k a s’ M iddletown. F r ’d ’n ck B ? E. M. F unk 68-397 Pop. 363 . C. Cobb —— — W alter Wilson — Milford____Caroline D 9 Milford State Bank— --»S’ 68-472 Pop. 160 A. J . Revercomb — J . D. Lowman----Millhoro____ — Bath E 4 Bank of Millboro, Inc.— §’ B. W. Clarkson 68-488 Pop. 250 Bank of Louisa.— — < § ’ Mineral______Louisa D 8 68-301 Pop. 260 Farm ers & M erchants Bk.§ 68-302 B. H. Dinwiddie— G. R. Nance-----Moneta____ Bedford F 4 Farm ers Savings Bank.*t8 S. Robertson 68-460 Pop. 125 E .B . Jones---------- R. Lee Gum----»M onterey-H ighland D4 Citizens Bk. of HighlandfS 68-296 Pop. 240 F irst NationalBk.of Highland E. A. W ade---------- J . R. Gilliam— 68-295 G. C. M ann____— B. L. B a ttaile..._ »Montross.Westmoreland Bank of Montross, I n c 68-398 Pop. 400 D 10 R. H. S tuart— . — J . W, H u tt------Peoples Bank— ¡¡pi— • T. K. Sands 68-484 ' '*J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48,320 Han. N., N. Y.; M erch. N „ Rich. 41,340 Han. N „ N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N „ Balt. 30,620 . L. Williamson. s 10,870 Drov. & Mech. N „ Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 50.000 FIRST NATIONAL BAMK-»t’93 h 106,200 133,250 '. H. Teas--------- B. F . Buchanan— T. Ramey-------- . L. Bowersett___ . Alex. Carter m 6,450 $ 99,470 148,300 Smyth County T rust Co.»§’16 68-514 tl Marshall National B ank.*i’05 68-391 PEOPLES UTIOOAL O U I it s Loams k Dir Cash k Bxts. Bonds, CHANOS«,Dus PBOMBanks Sbcokitiks 11,560 R. McDonald — Westwood Hutchi L. F rank Pattie---- H. P . Davis-----son . M. Ratcliffe —— G. R. Ratcliffe------ M. M. Ellis - — . H. Brown-----, D. Hull— - ----- D epos 12,600 C .B .K E E S E E -- i 12,250 F . Floyd---------- C. R. Bell— --------R. Mapp, J r . 0. Crigler---- — F . P. Smith, J r . — . L. Lincoln------- H. B. S taley ------- - Marshall.__Fauquier C Pop. 350 A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . R esources . Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s P a id - u p and C a p it a l P r o f i t s x b i Han. N „ N. Y.; Bk. of Nelson, Lovingston, Va. 10,000 M. E. Massies. Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 350.000 P . Nottingham „ Sands Smith, J r — 50.000 H. Ligon— - — 10.000 7.000 44.000 49,000 A. W. Aston--------- Bascom D. Akers — 12.500 8,500 125.000 115,000 T. H. M cNiel------- 10,000 1,220 23,160 29,28*0 F . H. Kauffman— 11,050 3,070 62,960 63,830 12,460 W. E. W aters------- C. F. Rogers--------- 19.500 6.000 100.000 90,000 25,000 1,760 35,120 .38,510 7,040 D. C.; Fifth-Third N „ Cin. 40,110 L Bk. Com., N. Y. ' H. A. Sproles— 10,000 H. H. Cooley-:— 10,000 7,740 101,520 76,500 H. D. M cW hirt— 15.000 2,710 77,290 66,840 T . W. Cox----------- 10.000 2,000 59.000 49,000 S. J . F le e n o r-----W. E. Coffman— Chas.Y.Kimbrough (B ranch o f L o u isa, Va. J . O. C arr__ — — (B ranch o f L o u isa, Va. J . O. W alker------- W. P. Hicks-------C. C. Hansel-------- 10,000 20,000 4.000 88.000 70,000 19,650 117,380 123,590 290,000 .12,000 \ a, N „ Petersburg, Va.; Plan. N „ Rich. 30,000 Ciont. T r. Co., Wash., D. C.; 1st N „ Abim Va.; N. Ex„ Roanoke. 4,670 Î 27,320 1st N „ Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N „ Balt, 21,500 iase N., N. Y.; Clifton Forge N „ Clifton Forge, Va. 30,000 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N „ Lynchburg. 32,970 Han N , N. Y.; N. E x„ Balt.; M erch. N., Rich.; Staunton N „ Staunton, Va. 1 ' 73,370 Han. N ., N. Y.; Drover & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st J . 0 . M atheny------ A. P. Gum—-------- 25.000 28.000 250,000 A. E. Carver-------- N. L, Robertson— 12.500 2,030 60,000 60,470 18,000 M erch. N., Rich; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 10.000 75,000 30,000 Com’l N., Wash., D. C,; 1st N., Rich. John Goodridge— 65,000 1 4,000 VIRGINIA BANKS—Machipongo to Montross PE#PIK« " UM!& »Marion___ —Smyth B 5 BANK OF MARION—— 0o-lo4 Pop. 2727 p . sm ith---------- A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , «£"i d exed in b a ck ofI th u nis s v vo olu lu m me e., F JEor W I îu nwtet irveos»t R a te s, Grace,! ---------r* etc«, see p age 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. V IRG IN IA— Continued H im ll b lim i llll-lM i N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New 'Transit N um ber given each bank m U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D ir e c t A T v . .. T own and lin d p r County. th p s m th A ri^ v N ame rvf T h n A m a v in u n U a n lm v o Ac o i n AccessiDie T o w n s, la w y ers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed m back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Gract see, page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 1* VIRGINIA- Continued of bank . Lia b il it ie s . ‘ County Seati. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire S tate in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tP riv Federal .Reserve District Est, P resident . Vice -President . CASHIER. rplu s As s ’t Cashier . ; P a id - u i S uAND Ca p i t a i P r o f it s M o n tv ale.... Bedford F 4 Bedford County B a n k ...« 1 0 S. H. Price_____ _ J. B. Obenshain___ R. A. Gilliam.___ - W. M. F errell____i $ 12,000 $ Pop. 153 68-399 J. E. Quarles . Mt. Jackson.Shenandoah Mt. Jackson National Bk.J’84 J. I. Triplett.— — E. P. K oontz_____ G. R. G eary.... . . . . 50,000 Pop. 479 06 68-277 Peoples Bank _______ <§1900 E. D. Newman__ 68-278 F. S. Pennybacker. M. L. Neff_______ P. M. S. Bird, J r ... A. T. Reeves — __ D. F. Hale_______ A. E. Shumate____ W. E. Thomas____ E. G. Tankard W. O. Roberts____ M. F. Guy G. A. Givens_____ J. W. Stull G. T. Huffman____j E. M. Price G. W. Layman____ J. W. Lines..-.____ R. O. Artz____ WB ,, J. G. Fry S. T. Johnson____ J. E. Johnson____ C. J. Matthews___ J. F. Nelson, Jr. A. B. Early ______ A. 0 . Borden____ W. F. Fretwell___ B. A. Michael____ New M arket-Shenandoah CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 0. N. Hoover_____ E. D. N ew m an ..... E. W; Newman.— J. P. Moore— __ Pop. 638 06 68-405 <14 F irst National B ank___ < 1 4 W.P.Crickenberger H. M. Henkel____ E. C. Gearv 68-497 N e w p o r t....... Giles F 3 Sinking Creek ValleyBk.,Inc C. L. King_______ R. I. H u tchison .... C. A. Lucas.. Pop. 225 68-477 <§12 Newport News .W arwick ♦CITIZENS l MARINE BK. Pop. 20,562 G 10 i8-91 < § ’¡ W .B . Vest - . „ . . . . J. A. Massie ♦COLONIAL STATE BANK Inc. A. L. Powell______ 68-94 J. E. T. Hunter.— F. R. Bartlette—— < §11 H. L. FERGUSON— J. R. SWINERTON-- J. A. WILLETT........ S . H. PLUMMER — S. W. HOLT U n e x c e lle d C o lle c tio n F a c ilit ie s . < ’91 S a t is f a c t o r y S e r v ic e G u a r a n te e d . A t r ia l w ill m a k e y o u a p erm an en t c u sto m e r . TIRST NATIONAL BANK 68-90 ♦JEFFERSON BANK— - - « ’02 R. I. M ason_____ W. H. L. Kent____ G. Franklin Lenz.. 68-92 L. M. von Schilling ♦SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK 68-89 VIRGINIA M ap o p p o site N orfolk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 Peo. N., Lynchburg; Lynchburg Tr. & Sav Bedford, Va. 20,550 294,630 277,060 138,420 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Am. N., Rich. 10,000 11,100 163,210 132,020 51,490 Seaboard N „ N. Y.; M.M. 1st N., Balt. 10.000 7.000 110.000 100,000 25.000 Peo., Harrisonburg, Va. 17,740 N. Ex., Roanoke. P. HOLT------- F.W. DARLING — E. S. BLANTON— ( Special atten tlo n to tran sien t col lections—prom pt rem ittan ce. j R. J . A. Willett___ . . . ft R. Swinerton— J . A. Willett, T r ... S. H. Plummer, Sec. W. B. Vest, Mgr. 25,000 11,890 122,500 137,060 15,000 11,370 . 68,470 90,820 28,000 11,000 16,010 25,000 9,900 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 31,000 Chatham & P hénix N., N. Y. 80,000 60,000 44,500 Han. N., N. Y. 15,000 7,000 112,860 93,930 35,100 10,000 3,260 90,400 63,660 37,490 25,000 -8,000 210,000 . 180,000 -• M. 1st N.. Balt.; Pocomoke City N., Poco moke City, Md. ar. & Merch., Staunton, Va.; 1st N., Waynes boro, Va. 30,240 M. M. 1st N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 25,000 3,800 50,000 50,000 44,210 11,300 6,500 70,000 63,500 20,000 50,000 80,700 868,000 804,900 193,800 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 29,000 19,500 423,000 352,000 112,570 rving N „ N. Y.; Market St. N .,Phil.; N. i & City, Rich. 100,000 • 170,420 2,080,750 1,864,730 581,849 rving N . and Chase N ., N . Y.; Bk. o f A m ., P hil. - 35,000 200,000 15,000 315,000 275,000 208,000 2,350,000 2,191,000 21,800 1,900 37,730 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 599,000 __ . City, and Chase N., N. Y.; F t. Dear. Chi.; Franklin N .,P hil.; 1st N., Rich. 11st N., Newport News. J. A. Willett_____ R. Howard______ G. W. Prince_____ J. B. Everett_____ 14,525 14,500 90,000 76,000 J. F. Sutton_____ J. M. Darter_____ 15,000 1,500 50,420 5(U40 J. P. Manuel__ ^.¡» M. C. H azen______ W. R. Hooker_____ /vuson 12,500 7,500 50,000 60,000 50,000 I iorfolk N., Norfolk; N. Bk. of Suffolk, ! folk. Va. 30,270 1i’iftli-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Gate City, ’ N. Ex..Roanoke. 10,000 I ; ----------: 7 ~ — Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1917 Security T r. & Sav. Bank §’02 68-93 NewportNewsClearingHouse (Members indicated by a * ) Bank of Newsoms, Inc. < § ’05 68-406 Farm ers Exchange Banki§’13 68-486 Bank of N okesville.......« ’09 68-407 10,000 $ 158,000 $ 130,000 $ •; V:’c P rincipal Correspondents. July, Newsoms —Southampton . Pop. 225 G9 Nickelsville___Scott B 3 Pop. 190 N okesnlle-Prince Will’m Pop. 350 08 < ’90 S e c u r it ie s &E Ca s h x c h a n g es ,D u e f ro m B a n k s VIRGINIA BANKS—Mont vale to Nokesville N a rro w s....___ Giles F 2 F irst State B ank ___ •t§ ,05 m Pop* 1300 68-401 Nassawadox .N ’tham pt’n Bank of Northam pton__§’05 t# Pop. 600 F 12 68-402 ‘ Newcastle____Craig F 3 Farm ers & Merch. Bank of S Pop. 733 Craig County.68-539 §17 F irst National Bank____ 17 68-538 New Ohureh Accomac E 12 Farm ers & Merch. Bank, Inc. Pop. 300 68-404 t§ ’09 New Hope-.Augusta D 6 Bank of New Hope, In c.<§13 Pop. 106 68-483 it s &Bis Loan s c ’t s . B onds ' Mount Solon.Augusta D 5 Mount Solon Bank-____.t§10 M. B. Whitmore— S. A. S to v e r ....... W. B. Todd___ Pop. 200 68-400 R esources. Depo s *330 ,_____ 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertisers for you to at a price cost. Why sending all make it possible obtain this book below its actual not reciprocate by your business to Advertisers? If they advertise for it, They want it, and They will give it proper attention _______ j m m iiiiiim w nnmurniTiiiiwinwiiiinn---- -----------------------—— ....... F IF T H R E S E R V E R IC H M O N D , V A . M A P O F VIRGINIA. C o lle c tio n s R e c e iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n C o rre sp o n d e n c e In v ite d Virginia, s IN D EX TO COUNTIES. Accomac_._E 12 Albemarle..D 6 Alexandria.C 9 Alleghany ..E 8 A m elia...... E 7 Amherst.;-.E 5 Appomat tox. . . . . . . . F 6 Augusta-..-D 5 Bath ...;:...D 4 Bedford«....F 4 Bland......... F 1 Botet6urt-.-E 4 Brunswick. _G 8 Buchanan...A 4 BuckinghamE 6 Campbell ...F 5 Caroline ....D 9 C arroll......G 2 Charles City F 9 C harlotte...F 6 Chesterfield F 8 Clarke ......B 8 C raig__ ...F 8 Culpeper...D 8 Cumberland E 7 Dickenson .A 8 Dinwiddle ..F 8 Elizabeth City .m i ..F 11 Essex. l...... E 10 F airfax...... C 9 Fauquier__ C 8 Floyd__ ...G 3 Fluvanna...E 7 Franklin__ F 4 Frederick...B 7 G iles....__ F 2 Gloucester..F 10 Goochland..E 8 Grayson__ G 1 Greene . __ D 6 Greenesvll.leG 8 Halifax...... G 5 Hanover__ E 8 Henrico ....E 9 H enry........G 4 Highland _..D 4 Isle ofWightG 10 James City .F 10 King and Queen...... E 9 King GeorgeD 9 King Will iam........... E 9 Lancaster...E' 10 Led__ ; .......B 2 Loudoun__ B 8 Louisa . . . . . . D 7 Lunenburg. G 7 Madison__ D 7 Mathews__ F 11 Mecklen burg ........G 7 Middlesex ..E lO Montgom e ry ......... F 8 Nansemond G 10 Nelson........E 6 New K en t..F 9 N orfolk__ G 11 Northampto m ..........F 12 Northumber land.........E 11 Nottoway...F 7 Orange...... D 7 Page __ C 6 Patrick .....G 8 Pittsylvania G 5 Powhatan __E 7 Prince Ed ward ........F 6 Prince George__ F 9 Princess A nne...... G 11 Prince Will iam ......... C 8 Pulaski...... F 2 Rappahan nock ........C .7 Richmond'. .E 10 R oanoke....F 8 Rockbridge E 4 Rocking ham. ..i_..D 6 Russell......B 4 Scott.. ; . . . . .B 8 Shenandoah C 6 Smyth ......B 5 Southamp to n ........G 9 Spotsylvania MD 8 Stafford..l.D 8 Surry .. . . . . . F 10 Sussex......G 9 Tazewell...A 5 , W arren.....C 7 War w ick...F 10 Washington.B 4 Westmore land ........D 10 Wise............B 8 Wythe. :....& 1 York .......... F 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WESTERN < ûs * j : ifip i PORTION OF 1McConnells M Seale, Same as Main Mai1 f o - > 2 Z( OLIVER J. SANDS, PRESIDENT Bedford T IR G IN IÀ . THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK < < O z 2 : S2 Î5 I35 5 I O> - < O DÛ < OC 00 OF RICHMOND HKHBBBNRBHGMHHHHVVHBMHnnMBn Grefiji Sprin'g ¥ f ÌÉfe K' 7 s§ 'ÜT 7 fS R L sS tä g g ß Ì Emor f Gro|e\ h Frederick Jc^ kshingtoji iQfl"Jc. 'MSS-.. i» l§ 5Si I f i l f l 8, k 7 nleriék Komiaruck ce ïüe? js r SES m- V IRG IN IA M mm v > M l lô'âsi SCALE Statute .Miles, 29 =1 Inch. •20 SO - " '40 I *; -----H m ot ''T o Jllay H\I^clianicsv.iIle' aesjcreek Camden-on-Gauley LÜ z< /.KING GEORGE !^®KîagÎ Gauley m J i f f ,. tlnjaCreeka < o Tayétteville' -¿1 m 1.. i -ffäv, m m mm n ëW > * 1 1% '  ■ K¡GLO5UCEBSTEIR ucestCT ~ 1 ■ City PöIEt , 'p R i .n O £ ^Prince JrJlm W 0Ê w iS , Lawrenceville ( ?AVhitmell ^ CaäUo. G R A Y S 1' ’Ä " wt 81 ° !)| S.Jr E O F ,tóton dsìe otTOgtì :&« «HÖm-Xy BFigsSil <L UN ENBll ft .Gib «Alberar M p iB M i ìuW 80° (ç m jQovxiit.ofl Emporia < IjCCrlchWi^ ^-¿¿t^litchcock/ asGbolsonvillèrBrinkÇXàrM r .0 ^ Valentlnea/QR,£E Nafey| LLEP ~ - ^itopeviUe0 Gasburg J j * 0 Barley ; ■lavmnÆi X «° 10 h 7y E The National Bank of Commerce of Norfolk United States and City Depositary N orfolk, V ir g in ia Norfolk’s Big Bank offers to a discriminating business and professional public, Its facilities for every conservative form of financial service. To the banker, manufacturer, merchant and shipper it offers a thoroughly organized Collection Department, exceptionally equipped for prompt, efficient and economic service in connection with the collection of Drafts, Checks, or Foreign Bills of Exchange* Officers TAZEWELL TAYLOR, Vice-Prfesident R. S. COHOON, Cashier NATHANIEL BEAMAN, President M. C. FEREBEE, Assistant Cashier R. P. BEAMAN, Asst. Cashier Capital Paid In - Surplus and Undivided Profits Federal Reserve of St. Louis o n t Bank to each bank in U . b. ex clu siv ely — JOHN R. KILBY, Asst. Cashier -$1,000,000.00 — 1,000,000.00 Resources Over Ten Million Dollars r y R ankers A ss’n . V IR G IN IA — Continued l e tc ? , e x e see page d 14. T I ip * aìvtl-rì-H t '» Ïâti-H , t o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 13. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T r a n s lt N um ber given to each bank in U . S. exclusively b y T he Band-M cNaBy Bankers Directory, u nder th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass n . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. . E ntire State in No. 5 ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. 'Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . F o r H o l i d a y s , see opposite page 13.\ S. P r in c ip a l c o r r e sfo n d en ts .- R esources . Lo a n s S lD is - Ga s h k K xD e p o s c ’t s . B ond s , JHANGBS,1)UI Li a b i l i t i e s . N ame op B a n k . T own a n d Co unty . dexed in bnck of this volume!^TFor Interest Rates, Girace,i*-- V IR G IN IA — C o n tin u ed Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . P a id - u p C a p it a l Su r plu s AND P r o p it s $ 50,000 $ Nathan Metzger— Norfolk.;.— Norfolk G 11 Church S treet Bank—.< § ’15 Benj. Margolius— G. W. T ruitt, J r .— 68-49 Pop. 89,612 SECURITIES it s f ro m 1,040 $ 153,000 $ 219,000 B anks 30,000 H Rich. T.F.TILGHMAN__W.L.WILLIAMS— NORMAN BELL, JR.-D. W. JORDAN— CITIZENS BANK 68-34 Largest Capital and Surplus of any State Bank In Virginia. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send us your items and collections. <§'67 ♦Marine B a n k ----------- <§'72 R. C. Taylor, J r .— 68-35 R. C. Taylor--------- . D. A b b itt. — - W. E. H. Enos— 68-44 < § ’04 M erchants & Mech. Sav. Bk. John E. Wales------ W. C. Cobh__— 68-33 < § ’51 M erchants & Planters Bank Alvah H. M artin— W. L. Berkley — 68-40 < § ’01 W. E. H. Enos— - MERCANTILE BANK, Inc, ^NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 68-36 220.000 156,670 817,130 864,900 248,170 B 10,000 275,000 283,500 65,000 CChatham & Ph Va. 440,000 hT. Park, N. Y. Charles Wales----- 25.000 225.000 2,000,500 1,775,000 J . J . Parkerson__ H. G. Manry —— 50.000 155.000 862,260 1,000,710 ~T C iti/. N. 1st N., Bos. 96,600 CJhase N., N. 1 N., Balt. *3 NATHAN’L BEAMAN-TAZEWELL TAYLOR-R. S. C0H00R O 3. R. MLBY j . Ijltv* a * I m VUUI» « / VWUI a A1. 1,0M,100 1,032,280 8,975,010 10083950 1,913,570 * N ., C h i.; P h il. N„ P h il.; N. S h aw m u t D ei p o s i t o r y o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d c i t y o f ^ o r”ft>l 1cB os.; 3 d N., S t. L. S e n d y o u r I te m s a n d c o lle c t io n s t h r o u g h o u t t h is s e c t io n to u s f o r p r o m p t a t t e n t io n a n d a t a r e a s o n a b le < ’78 ch a rg e . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE W. A. GODWIN — __ A. B. SCHWARZKOPF ‘NORFOLK uK£8EDofsM NAT’L BANK 100,000 ‘VIRGINIA NAT’L BANK WM. T. OLD______ H. T. CAMPBELL - A. S. POPE 0. SERPELL, -JOHN L. ROPER W .C. WHITTLE Hugh G.W hitehead W ashington Reed.-. Mars Lewis -HUGH 0. WHITEHEAD-MARS LEWIS-----WASHIHGTOHREED I AMERICAN SURETY COMP 03 > Z W CO I—• ** 62,800 37,000 0 596,000 35,600 13,550 0 357,500 n • auu ,n u — — 56,940 rving M. M. 1st N. and Balt. Com’l,. Balt. _ 95,250 S u itable T r. Co. and Irving N., N. Y.; Seab. N. and Norfolk N., Norfolk; Plan. N., Rich. 0 2,570,590 133,150 2,577,290 & m eiais n . t ";i 699,110 rlech. Phil.* Drov. & Mech. N.f Balt., Com l 300,000 N., Wash,, D. C. 100,000 500,000 15,000 ' 120,00C V 15,000 Va. N., Norfolk. ’* )0 2,500,001 135,000 2,000,000 350,000 N . Park, N. Y. W e p rid e o u r s o lv e s on handling c o lle c t io n s s a t is f a c t o r ily . 68-47 <10 A. S, Pope Norfolk Clearing H o u s e - T. F . T ilghm an___ ' A. B. Schwarzkopf, Sec.' (Members indicated by ) HH > (• t it y an a « «Î 781,230 6,694,710D 7,852,520 1,307,620 Com ’IN ., Chi.; 4th S t. N ., P h il.; M . M Ô •t H. 1st N ., B a lt.; N . S h aw m u t, Bos. o -W . P. W H A LEY -- Ch. o f B d . U n s u r p a s s e d f a c ilit ie s f o r handling ite m s on V ir g in ia and N o r th C a r o lin a . M o d e ra te c h a r g e s . T R Y U S . J. W. HUNTER-- T r. Cos., N.Y. z 1 ^ iK M < ’05 68-45 Virginia Bk. & T r. Co., Inc Jam es W. H unter— John L. Roper— W. C. W hittle 68-42 §’02 444,480 I HH 2 N ITI 1, 000,000 ness p r o m p t , e f f ic i e n t , a n d s a t is f a c t o r y s e r v ic e T E S T O U R F A C I L I T I E S w it h y o u r V ir g in ia b u s i n w s , < ’85 p a r t i c u l a r l y y o u r i t e m s a n d c o l l e c t i o n s f o r N o r f o iK . ‘SEABOARD NAT’L BANK 358,730 2,418,530 2,432,780 A. B. SCHWARZKOPF — J. B. DEY, JR........ G. S. WHITEHURST . A. Wallace------- W. B. Dougherty— C. M. Graves, J r — Peoples Bk. & Tr.. Co—< § ’01 William Sloane — Jkley K. W. P orter A ve.) (B ranch a t 211 B er 68-41 T. H. Willcox____ W . H. Sterling, J r . E. W. B erard------George W. Dey— Savings Bk. of Norfolk < § ’86 68-38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 592,000 3,680,000 4,206,000 100,000 C. W. Grandy, J r — W. W. Vicar, Cash. A. W. B rock-------♦NORFOLK BANK FOR SAV H. M. K e r r - — — A. L. Eggleston, INGS & TRUSTS ------< § ’»3 A . Sec 68-39 68-37 516,400 NI. r a r e auu D*> ui B k. o f N o. Am erica, P h il.; B alt. 600,000 : ..._,__ „M m 1232 . N u m ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given l ! U ^ s - exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, u nder th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass*n« Town and County. T m in T X T T L f _ V I R G I N I A - — C O H t lI H lC (I Name of Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SStaite Entire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District. __________ . 1st P resident . Vice -President . North Emporia.Greens- Emporia Bank_____ ____§17 G. M. N o ff____ Pop. 493-ville G 8 88-540 R. W. Little . . . . . . Cashier . As s 't Cashier . R. G. Dyson.. Norton..;— ....W ise A 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .< 03 M. S. Kemmerer... R. P. Carr_____... H. G. G ilm er. Pop. 1866 68-202 1 T ? 5 n s’ , M a m Laws* Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, 'see opposite page 13 lia b il it ie s . Resources. Loans4 Du ashk ExPAID-T7I SURPLU AND â Depos c’ts. Bonds,- cC hangss,Ddi Capitai P rofite its Ssouritim raoicBanks P rincipal Correspondents. 10,00( 50,000 $ 28.5K $ 450.59C $ 345,10 $ 234,390 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cip. R. O. Freem an___ 25,000 14,006 150,000 120,000 Occoquan.Prince William Bank of Occoquanj Inc. ..§ ’10 R. A. Jettison__ __ D. S. B each..____ J. M. Barbée____ Pop. 246 0 9 68-408 10,000 1,510 29,440 34,170 5,220 Odd--------------- York E l l Bank of Poquoson, Inc..»§'05 Ö. W. S m ith ..___ _ J. E. T. H u n ter.... L. H. Hogge_____ Pop. 200 68-409 10,000 5,920 131,290 121,180 26,030 G. H. Powell. 50,000 84,900 371,180 500,640 42,930 W. C. Parsons . . . . . V. S. Burton. 50,000 47,350 230,500 259,950 34,100 Citizens National Bank. ..± ’04 R. O. Halsey___ . . . G. E. Waugh _____ R. O. Slaughter.... H. F. P riest. 68-268 W. J. Crittenden 50,000 44,130 ; 342,830 369,540 92,420 National Bk. of Orange. *±’92 M. G. F ield ___ 68-267 75,000 404,000 102,000 I National Bank of Norton.t’10 E. H. Ould_____ 68-203 J. W. L itto n ......; J. W. Litton.. 39,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., Cij Oak Hall— Accomae E 12 ( See H orsey) Pop. 130 Onancock..Accomàc E 12 First National Bank____rt ’93 S. F. Rogers._____ J. S. Waples__ . . . . O. L. Parker.—. . . Pop. 1001 68-410 Onley------- Accomac 1 1 2 Farmers & Merchants N. Bk. B .T . Gunter..____ J . W. Rogers. . . . Pop. 350 68-411 «±'04 ‘ Orange.------Orange D Pop. 674 F. B. P erry.. T. O. Gillum Painter ....A ccom ac E 12 Eastern Shore Bank Co., Inc. Pop. 300 68-412 §’09 J. Morton________ C. W. Grim.., D. L. Downing__ 2,800 420,000 3ra m h o f Kelle r. V a .).. ‘ Palmyra__Fluvanna E 7 Bank of Fluvanna, Inc..±§’08 A. B. Haden______ M. G. Sclater..__ S. P. Harland____ Pop. 500 68-413 I 2,370 82,000 60,000 25,000 C Pamplin .Appomattox F 6 State Bank of Pamplin.*±§’05 J. F. Connally____ W. B. Binford____ S. Pierce Loving... W. R. Brightwell — Pop. 400 68-414 15,000 6,500 100,000 115,000 10,000 c Parksley__ Accomac E 12 Accomack Banking C o...±§'06 J. W.Bowdoin.,__ S. W. »Parks. Pop. 700 68-266 A. W. Short J. M. Chandler___ J . A. Causey__ H. A. Littleton 37,000 J 48,200 365,000 395,000 75,000 it S. C. W h i t e - - — 60,000 15,320 140,570 168, 70 41,920 £ 100,000 41,890 481,530 584,280 139,280 S Pembroke___..G iles F 2 Bank of Pembroke.;___ »§’12 J. T. S. H oge____ J. F. Williams____ W. H. Snidow. Pop. 500 68-467 10,000 3,210 52,940 44,470 16,510 Com’l C N., Wash., D. C.; 1st N„ Rich. Pennington Gap..Lee B 2 Pennington Gap Bank__ ±§’92 J. Y. Graham____ P. H. Allen______ Pop. 793 68-416 41,000 7,940 132,530 146.370 26,710 Cihase N ..N . Y.: 1st N.. Rich.? rnii Parksley National Bank.*±’02 J. W. Chandler___ A. J. Rew—!.. 68-265 ‘ Pearisburg____Giles F 2 First National Bank____*±’06 C. L. King— Pop. 470 68-415 J. T. S. Hoge. VIRGINIA M A P O p p o site N orfolk Federal Reserve BankVntnhsr of St. Louis unit«, nf flank is the New 'Transit Number eiven E. P. Parsons. W. H. Wheelwright A. G. H yatt.._____ T. M. King____ Co., Lou. B an k s A dvertisi ng g ive Prom pt A tten tio n to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- J u ly . 1917 5,000 VIRGINIA BANKS-—North Emporia to Pennington Gap G. C. McCall_____ vr.« n / 1 OOO 1400 N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is th e New t r a n s it N um ber g iv en to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'n. T own and County. Petersburg-Dinwiddie F 8 AMERICAN BANK & TR. CO., Pop. 25,582 INC___ —68-83-—— »iS’l i P resident . \ Vice -President . 68-81 As s 't Cashier . Resou RCES. I Li ABILITIES oan«k Dis- Cashk Ex Depos L P aid-up Subplus c’tb. Bonds, changes,Dub and its Securities fromBanks Capital P rofits rates. Phénix____ Charlotte F 6 Bank of Phenix, Inc. ..• t § ’12 68-475 Pop. 300 Phoebus...Elizabeth City Bank of Phoebus-------- »iS’Ofl 68-417 Pop. 2500 G il Pocahontas.Tazewell F 1 Bank of Pocahontas— t§’02 '68-190 Pop. 3500 , First National Bank........«t’05 68-191 25,000 H. L. Eley, Sec. and Tr. 450.000 E. H. Beasley..—— S. I. Bragg —------ 200.000 326,950 3,667,560 3,978,010 & Phenix N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 515.270 Chatham C 200,000 806,000 3:243,620 3,485,810 736,960 1I• VllJ 9 11* X«) VUIAV» » v-vu* M N .jP b il.; N. S b aw m u t, Bos. 400,000 260,900 3,224,520 3,660,040 628,410 3,590 E s t a b lis h e d I 8 6 0 . B a n k i n g in a ll it s b r a n c h e s .. W e o ffe r u n e x c e lle d f a c il it ie s to B a n k s a n d - B u s in e s s M e r c h a n t s . V a lu a b le c o n n e c t io n s t h r o u g h o u t V ir g i n i a . Y o u r it e m s a n d c o lle c t io n s g iv e n c a r e f u l a t te n tio n a t a m o d e r a te c o s t. _______________ ■ JOHN W. LONG — R. 0. SPRATLEY— N., Wash.. D. C. Largest Capital o f an y Bank ln C ity . j Send u s your P etersburg b u sin e [W e give person al service and qui ck returns a t low rates. R.S.Chamberlayne, R . A. Moore— ----- E. A.Blackard___ E. W. Brightwell.. Jr. E. M. Tennis____ - A. Heinickle-------- S. C. Rees —--------G. K. Vanderslice C. M. Galway ------- J. K. Salt----------Isaac T. Mann. — James H. McNeer. J. A. Stupalsky__ Alex St. Clair — — W. R. Graham------ L. R. Walts_____- C. S. Shérwood — S. D. Maupin-------- W. M. Riddick----•Portsmouth___ „Norfolk BANK OF PORTSMOUTH. 68-65 «t§67 Pop. 39,651 G 11 Bank of Tidewater, Inc.»t§’06 E L Lash. . . . ------ J. A. Morris— —— R. S. Marshall____ J. B. Hudgins____ 68-67 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 08 V. Garland Weaver C. R. W elton------- E. B. Brace___----- B. Ballance........... 68-68 W.G. Maupin, Jr— L. McK. Jack-----J- T. Griffin..— . . MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK____68-66_____»iS'85 0. H. Painter____ •Pulaski—.„—Pulaski F 2 Peoples Bank-------------•J8’02 B. Blocksidge------- W. H. Trolinger— J. W. Miller-------68-159 Pop. 6000 Pulaski National Bank— t ’89 K. E. Harman . . . . . J. H. Shufl______ O. P. Jordan_____- R. B. Gunn------- 68-158 Purcellville—Loudoun B 8 Purcellville National Bk.«f’02 W . P. Pancoast— J. T. McGavack— C. L. Robey— . — 68-418 Pop. 388 Radford Montgomery F 2 Radford State Bank, Inc.t§’13 j . G. Osborne------ - A. P. Goldsmith — A. J. McClung-----68-478 Pop. 5000 Raphine.—Roekridge E 5 Bank of Raphine----------}§’06 T. M. Smiley— - — W. C. McCormick— O. G. Williams____ 68-421 Pop. 400 . Rapidan__.Culpeper D 8 State Bank of Rapidan.»t§’09 H. T. HoUaday, Jr E. W. Armentrout. G. W. Peyton-— „ 68-420 Pop. 150 C. L. Bussells — Luther B. Rice — H. Gordon Blundon Iteedville. North’berland Commonwealth'National Bk. 68-519 « i’16 Pop. 1000 ( E 11 J. A. Haynie.— — Frank 0. Jett—— Geo. H. Hinton. Peoples Bank____— —iS'10 J. B. Hinton.— J. O. Jett 68-275 J. R. Day— — H. Hamilton____... R. L. Willis---Remington .Fauquier C State Bk. of Remington..8’13 68^480 Pop. 500 G. W. Oney— —— O. U. Terrill_____ D. P. Harrte — L Richlands— Tazewell A First National Bank.------ '05 W. R. Williams 68-422 Pop. 743 . D. G reen______ _ C. B. Orr— -------Richlands National Bank .1 6 G. M. Brown___ 68-522 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Balt.; Am. N., Rich. T. F. HEATH — — — W. D. McKEHNEY — - P. M. POLLARD-------- G. W. PLUMMER--------P. M. POLLARD E. W. BUTCHER, Sec. R.W. PUCHAR0,A.Sec. G.C. WRIGHT— 68-85 47,000 $ 750,000 $ 670,000 $ 300,000 5 lection s. < § ’60 VIRGINIA NAT’L BANK, »t’05 v u rrcd p u n u en C c Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, 1117 For In tere st Bates, Grace, $ 200,000 t W. B.McILWAINE W. J. RAHILY-.— W. D. BLANKS— R. E. LUNSFORD . Vigorous atten tio n given to col Prom pt rem itta n ee. Reasonable Banking. Trust & Mortgage G. C. W right------- John. W. Long — E. C. Kent Company .68-87___ » «$§’17 J. F. Gouldman, Jr. W. L. V e n a b le — NAT. BANK OF PETERSBURG B. B. Jones Chas. E. Plummer 68-82 «t’86 PETERSBURG SAVINGS & INSURANCE GO. Cashier . a iiu d exed in b a ck o f th is v o lu m e. V IR G IN IA — Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 tMem. Slate Bks. Assn. IPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. v u u v v u u u a 10-,300 1,030 30,000 37,000 30,000 22,960 382,910 391,180 44,700 50,000 22,000 300,000 200,000 125,000 35,000 41,980 342,170 358,710 95,440 988,000 1,015,350 200,000 529,150 79,420 628,000 158,000 100,000 • 119,340 60,000 47,180 489,220 100,000 32,000 846,000 51,500 351,980 1,784,540 1,668,810 Rich. N. State, Rich. 522,350 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 4th St. N., Phil. 38,000 39,000 265,000 292,000 27,000 1st N., Phil.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 50,000 103,740 414,070 500,840 90,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 50,000 76,000 75,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 10,780 N, Ex., Roanoke; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg, Va. H H 40,710 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 25,000 12,000 10,000 25,000 600,000 550,000 400 - 41,000 35,810 13,320 181,100 164,530 520 34,900 35,230 4,000 130,000 120,000 30,000 18,760 370,620 374,070 12,300 900 24,000 30,000 40,000 . 6,400 25,00C 2,500 3,970 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 50,000 Drov. & MeCh. N. and M. M. 1st N., Balt.; State & City and Am. N., Rich. 44,450 Citiz. N., Balt. N. 6,000 Fauquier N., Warrenton, Va. 175,000 ; 177.00C 38,600 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 55,00( 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke: 1st N„ Blnefield, Va. 65,000 lONDS. Southern Building, V N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given RICHM OND (H e n r ic o , ‘AMERICAN S ea t L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Yice-President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . OLIVER J. SANDS-H. W. ROUNTREE— 0. BAYLOR HILL— B. W. DURRETT— WM.C. CAMP S. H. PARKER WALLER HOLLADAY ^ i u v /c i vu p i u n i p v n u v n iio n . i C o r r e s p o n d e n c e in v it e d . T e r m s r e a s o n a b le . cm;., 68-7 J.T. W ilson______ R. M. Kent, Jr.___ R. B. Campbell___ R. B. Campbell W. M. Habliston__ J. W. Rothert Andrew M. Glover. E. L. Word —____ Andrew M.- Glover Dub from Banks P r in c ip a l Corr espo n d en t s . Cash and Ex- $ 1,000,000 $ 764,070 $4,919,190 $4,896.130 $ 8,382,910 $ 2,299,890 $2,089,091 $ 1,103,220 S e a b .N .,N . Park, a n d Irving N. SEE ADVERTI SEliflENT 100,000 - N . T .s C ont. & Com ’l N ., Chi, F ranklin N ., P h il. ON FACE VIRGINIA MAP. 30,000 112,000 18,001 195,960 1,614,930 1,834,780 149,580 355,870 21,960 135,750 1,823,610 1,480,020 275,870 99,590 104,350 200,000 30,000 600,000 650,000 70,000 30,000 H. N. PHILLIPS— ‘BROADWAY j •£’181 M1 ♦CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK •!' 68-29 ALVIN Ml. SMITH— P. H. EUBANK------ F.O. DRUMMONDS. P. WADDELL . F. LJMcCONNELL m a n . a s p e c i a lt y o r m c n m o n d C o lle c t io n s , - R e m it d a ily — p r o m p t S e r v i c e a s s u r e d . Com’l N ., W ash., D. C. Charles Hutzler.__ W. H. Schwarzs P. E. W. Goodwin. G. T. Mattem, Jr.. child 350,000 Oscar E. Parrish... L. H. K em p_____ C. E. T alley_____ W. B. Sutton, J r ... (B ranch a t F ulton, Va.) P. L. Moore 150,000 95,260 1,210,380 65,730 1,374,650 198,940 55,450 163,160 n “ * uouia xi. I •, U U U t & Com’l N., Chi.; Drov. & Mech N., Balt. 50,000 758,380 25,000 858,130 21,210 79.890 29,990 N. Park, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. ♦Federal Reserve Bank Dist. 5» (See Page 27 fo r co mulete inform atio n) 68-3 ‘FIRST NAT’L BANK Largest combined Capital, Surplus, and Profits, A S MORTON also D eposits, o f an y bank in the Virginias and J iff Rfln ltl Karolinas. A ccounts invited on a fair and equitable basis. Collections given particular attention. F. P. McConnell__ J. F. Ryland_____ D. 0. Ballard ____ A. A. Adkins 68-113 Mechanics & Merch. Bank£§’i A. L. Adamson____ H. 0. B e a ttie .___ J. H. Patteson____ E. T. Du Val 68-112 J. H. Patteson 68-4 11,830 409,230 100,000 137,000 900,000 it lN f iu 400,000 1,550,000 13,500,000 K ic n m o n d is t h e c l e a r i n g p o in t f o r t h e V i r g i n i a s a n d •£’70 C a r o l i n a s . S e n d y o u r c a s h i t e m s a n d c o l l e c t i o n s in b u l k t o u s . W r i t e f o r a p r o p o s i t i o n . P le a s e im 168,440 870,000 31,030 P h il. N ., P h il.; M . M . 1st N.! B a lt. 42,010 1 125,000 142,000 S 10,500,000 1,400,000 4,200,000 X R. H. BROADDUS— 0. J. JONES W .F. AUGUSTINE V I R G I N I A M a p o p p o s ite p a g e 1231 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150,000 17,983,000 1,470,000 2,296,350 3,755,470 £ re a d a d v e rt ¡s e m e nt on page • *• M. A, OUU JÜ1UCIIY N ., N . Y.; C on t. & Com ’l N ., C hi.; M erch.-Lae. N ., s t. L. 0 p p o s it e 1 2 1 9 B a n k s A d vertising g ive Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence V aut Trancft VnmhoP A c c e s s ib le T ow ns, L aw yers. L a w s, D ir e c t o r s , in-.. July, 1917 ‘MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK JOHN K. BRANCH- T. B.McADAMS— J. A. BRANCH 2,000,000 1,309,000 20,970,000 VIRGINIA BANKS—Richmond 250.000 200.000 ______ Bank of Commerce & Trusts 68-13 •±§'i K __ O. J . Sands______ H. W. Rountree__ G. A. Peple, Tr— Otis P. Walker, G. C. Gregory Sec. see page 14 . Resources. I ndivid D eposits L oans * Bonds, P aid-up Surplus and ual op Dis SbcUriCapitai. P rofits Deposits B anks counts • t ’99 8-527 68-25 C o u n ty * 2 3 4 _____ ____ ® 68-30 9) vaij N am e of B a n k . 68-6 E i-v 1235 N u m tic r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k ia the N e w T r a n sit N u m b e r given to each bank in U . S. e x clu siv e ly b y T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B ankers* D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . N ame op Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SSlate $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. A c c e s s ib le R T r H M D T V T n ___ r n n t i m i e H ^ ^ (F ed era l R eserv e D is tr ic t N o . 5) Gashier . Vice -President . As s ' t Cashier . Dub Su r p lu s j I ndivid - D e po sits L o a n s a B onds , FROM S ecuri D is op AND UAL Capital P rofits D eposits B anks counts ties , etc . Banks Paid-up W. H. PALMER___W. M. HILL-— --JU L IE * H. HILL— R. E.CURHIRGHAM J.W. SINTON W. S. RYLAND $ 1.000.000 $ 940,780 $ 8,715,550 W e invite y ou to transact your banking business for Virginia w ith our B ank—unexcelled facilities. Give u s a trial w ith your Virginia item s and collections—particularly your R ichm ond business. •$’70 __________ SEE ADVERTISEMENT OM VIRGINIA IRBEX._____________ 'NATIONAL STATE AND d H BANK Old Dominion Trust Go;..»$§’13 W. M. Habliston— M. C. Branch.!------ H. E. Litchford, Tr. W. H. Slaughter, Sec, T. W. Purcell, H. E. Litchford 68-31 A .Sec. a n d A . T r , D ir e c t o r s , in Cash and Ex changes P rincipal Correspondents.5 967,800 329,980 Han. N. and Union Tr. CO., N. Y. 8,501,000 701,000 11,328,000 725.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of No. Am., Phil. 820,000 1,184,370 135,640 78,260 27,870 Equitable Tr. Co. and Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 1,000,000 194,140 1,326,080 1,274,510 1,030,850 200,000 340,590 1,659,760 Richmond Bank & Trust Co. H. R. Pollard, J r ... W. J. Whitehurst.. C. L. Williams. S. T. Beveridge 68-26 »$§12 (1 B ra n ch ) 477,400 L. Z. Morris-------- F. Sitterding . Savings Bank of Richmond James M. Ball 68-9 **§’89 James M. Ball— South Richmond Bank, Inc, F. P. McConnell— W .T. Walker. W. A. Horner 68-32 «$§13 J. E. N orvell—— . J. B. W atts_____ E. Garland Davis 10,000 St. Luke Penny Savings Bank Maggie L. Walker- Z. D. Lewis— J. T. Hewin 68-12 «§’03 Emmett C. Burke. M. H. Dawson— 50.000 Union Bank_________ —-•$§’66 G. W. CaU — — 68-8 S. P. Ryland_____ Virginia Trust Go--------- «$§’92 H. W. Jackson— 68-10 T. C. Williams, Jr.. J. H. Southall, T r L, D. Aylett, Sec— P. B. Watt, A . Sec W. B. Jerman, J. M. Miller, Jr. A .T r , Walker Scott West End Bank------- — *$§’06 J .L . Davis__ — 68-14 J. w : Bliley—— — Charles E . Willis— R. H., Davis. 120,510 278,550 Am. Ex. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N, Y.; Equitable Tr. Co., Balt. ;■ 135,360 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 748,780 1,317,780 Manchester N., Rich. 185,000 .110,000 59,000 48,000 219,750 575,000 1,350,000 1,500,000 475,000 175,000 1,000,000 549.030 2,83p,870 3,229,500 571,400 230,670 293,930 8,760 50.000 6,500 45,880 24.500 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 18.500 1st N., Rich. 889,990 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y*; Plan, N and 1st N., Rich. 13,940 7,610 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. N. Bk. Com. and Post & Flagg, N. Y Branch, Cabell & Co.— —$t’04 68-21 Frederick E. Nolting & Co.$t’13 (F. E. Nolting, R Fleet, and Wm. E Buford) — (Invest ment Se curities) Harris Forbes & Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Old Dominion Tr. Co., Rich. Redmond & Co. and Edmund & Chas Randolph, N. Y.; Middendorf,'Wil liams & Co., Balt. John L. Williams & Sons »$t’74 68-18 J. K .B ranch...— _ O. J. Sands — ____ J. WÍ Sinton, Sec.. Richmond Clearing House, (Members indicated b y a *)_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L a w y e r s , La w s , 2,540,710 1,000,000 1,161,740 1,640,070 600,000 1,418,560 7,032,000 $ 1,832,000 G. W. Watt. T ow n s, v u ir c s u u n u c iiC v $ 3,327,210 Am. E x. N. and Chem. N., N, Y.; Com Ex. N., Chi.; Cent. N., Phil. $8,517,640 $ 204,000 D. V. Morton____ ^Planters National Bank. «$’65 Richard H. Smith . . J. Montague__ C. H. Gordon—;__- W. M. Goddard R. L. Gordon J. P. Taylor, 68-2 W. W. Neale . Ch o f B d J r. Richmond Tr. & Savings Co. E. L. Bemiss_____ J. G. Tinsley------- R.J .Willingham, ! Sec. and. Tr, 0 . J. Anderson 68-28 «*§12 a u u d exed in b a ck of th is v o lu m e. F or I n te r e s t R a te s , G ra ce, ITT* e t c ., see p a g e 14. F or H o lid a y s, see op p o site p a g e 13.| ----------------------,---------- ,--------------------------------- . ■ v< Lia b il it ie s . P resident . Est. 68-5 v u iib w u i/u a ¡ B O N um ber under Ñ am e ó f Bank is the New T ransit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, u n d er th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and county . .N ame of B a n k . . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 5 ÍMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District ;______ ESt. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 VIRG IN IA— Continued Li a b i l i t i e s . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . bplus P a id - u p S uAND Ca p it a l P r o f it s R esources . D e po s it s P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . Loan s & D is- Ga s h & E x c ’t s . B ond s . c h a n g es ,D ue S e c u r it ie s f ro m B a n k s C. S. Oakley. $ 10,000 Riner...Montgomery F 2 Bank of Riner, In c.-™ .t§’12 W. H. Altizer— Pop. 150 68-476 I. J. Greear_____; R. T. Hall — 15,000 2,430 50,450 56,090 200,000 46,250 751,440 796,150 COLONIAL BANK & TRUST fR. H. Angelí_____ W. W. Boxley___ E. W. Tinsley, T r.. G. N. Dickinson, COMPANY- 68-61— ..» t s io W. D. Hall, A , Tr, See, 300,000 60,980 1,045,170 1,068,290 First National Bank..__.«t’82 H. S. Trout..____ D. W. F lick w ir.... J. T. M eadow s..... J. C. Davenport— 68-54 J. T. Meadows J. H. Matthews W. E. Airheart 400,000 585,000 4,000,000 4,300,000 1, 000,000 Han. N., Irving N„ and 1st N., N. Y.; 4th St N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Riggs N. Wash., D. C. 500,000 732,750 6,384.420 6,655,010 1,456,360 N . C ity, N . Y .; F ranklin N ., PhU. ... |M . W. TURNER ~ Roanoke— Roanoke F 4 AMERICAN NATI BANK Pop. 43,284 68-62 *t’12 ( All C ollections NAT’L EXCHANGE J. B. FISHBURN T. T. FISHBURNE 6. C. HOLCOMB— - J. W. DALTON — ~ have th e personal a tten tio n o f an o flicer o f th is Ban k. 1» |P e: b. spen c er . Ch. o f B d E. [.STONE 68-56 *}’8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 183,380 N. Park, N.Y.; Am.N., Rich.; Drov.& Mech. N. and Md. Tr. Co., Balt. 325,160 Seab. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Careful and pro m p t a tten tio n to collection item s. Lowest B ates. SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. J . B. Fishburn__ J. P. Woods____ E. L. S to n e__... T. W. Goodwin, See. E. W. Saunders___ W. R. Davis__;____ Walter St. Clair . . 100,000 25.000 50.000 30.000 300.000 75.000 N. Ex., Roanoke. 500.000 499.000 75.000 Han. N ., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 115,800 N. Ex„ Roanoke: Merch. N., Rich. N. P. A ngle..— _ C. J. Shoaf ____ 25.000 17,270 311.980 263,500 W. W. Douglas . . W. C. Wibirt_____ C. T. Merchant__ H. L. Bonney. 53,500 8,860 182,840 214,020 G. A. L am b ert..... Thos. B. Stanley— E. M. Davis____ 50.000 19.000 200.000 225.000 C. D. Denit______ J. H. Chapman___ A. M. Davis______ 50.000 28,800 199,810 226,330 Rural Retreat.Wythe G 1 First National Bank_____f l l J. W. Bell . . . . . . . Pop. 1000 68-462 ¿Salem.------Roanoke F 3 Bank of Salem________ J§’91 R. W. Kime____ .P o p . 4000 68-165 Farmers National Bank.*£’71 W. H. Ruthrauff. 68-163 Salem Loan & Tr. Co...«t§’90 W. T. Younger__ 68-164 Sallville..____Smyth B5 Saltville Bank............. — $§’04 J. S. Goetchius— Pop. 1800 68-425 ¿Saluda— Middlesex E 10 Bank of Middlesex____ §1900 Pop. 300 68-465 Scottsburg...Halifax G 6 Bank of Scottsburg____t§’06 J. T. Lacy____ __ Pop. 250 $ 68-426 Scottsville, Albemarle E 6 Fidelity Bank.__. . . __ » if’93 ( J acinto V. Pereira) .. Pop. 1000. 68-291 Scottsville National Bank.i‘01 D. H. Pitts__;_____ 68-292 Seaford______ York F 11 Wm. H. Hornsby & S o n ..t’06 W. H. Hornsby„_. Pop. 500 68-466 Sedley..Southampton G'9 Bank of Sedley, Inc.. ____§’12 Pop. 300 68-474 ' Sharps...Richmond E10 Rappahannock State Bank W. T. Jam es.— _ Pop. 300 68-427 i§1900 Shawsville-.Montgomery Bank of Shawsville_____t§’07 J. L. Vaughan..__ Pop. 400 F3 68-428 Shenandoah___.Page D 6 Bank of Shenandoah___t§’03 G. J. S trick ler..... Fbp.1800 68-429 Smithfield.Isle of Wight Bank of Smithfleld___ »i§’91 J. P. Andrews____ .. Pop. 1750 G 10 68-233 Merchants & Farmers Bank W. P. Wilson____ ! 68-234 «§’05 VIRGINIA M ap o p p o site N orfolk 7,950 N. Ex., Roanoke. A. H. DUDLEY B. P. HUFF South-West Ya. Tr. Co._t§’02 68-57 . ¿Rockymount__Franklin First National Bank____ X’03 , Pop. 1200 G3 • 68-249 Peoples National B ank..«t’07 68-250 Rosslyn...Alexandria C 9 Arlington Trust Co____< § ’06 Pop. 500 -424 5,800 $ 38,000 $ 38,000 $ 12,800 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. C. J. Davis______ W. R.Whitescarver J. R. Keister____ D. M. White— — 75.000 65.000 475,000 475.000 G. M. Muse___.___ T.C. Chapman____ 50.000 12,750 109,320 150,610 J. D. Buchanan___ F. J. H arris..____ G. M. Shannon___ 20.000 ,18,500 155,200 123,930 Edmund J. Smith.. Louis Wimbish____ L. D. Bailey______ J. J. Stigall Jacinto V. Pereira. M. Powers___ L. H, Powers W. S. Dorrier____ R. J. Nicholas. (B ranch o f Urba na, Va.) 10,000 2,820 20,000 $3,040 Chatham & Phenix N. and Hudson Tr. Co„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; District N. Wash,, D.O. 30.000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Lynchburg N., Lynch burg. 54,890 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich, and Roanoke. 140,000 N. pity, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Rich. 21,830 Han. N„ N. Y.: Lynchburg N„ Lynchburg, Va.; Colonial Bk. & Tr. Co., Roanoke. 67,270 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 1st N„ Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 29,100 30,350 30,000 25,000 218,520 64,800 Han. Ni, N. Y.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; Plani N., Rich. 12,700 Va. N., Petersburg: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk, Ya. 7,100 Gitiz. N„ Balt. 11,240 Boston N., So. Boston, Ya.; Am. N., Rich. 7,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 25,000 40,440 198.980 Jno. M. L eggett__ 25.000 10,110 52,030 71,600 E. D. Turner, J r ... 10.000 1,500 35,000 35,000 W. T. D oosing..__ W. G. Neikirk____ M. S. Taylor_____ 12,500 13,210 130,800 112,220 W. S. Long______ W. T. Koontz_____ Floral Sullivan__ _ 10,000 1,690 128,280 89,100 J. 1. Cofer__ ___ _ J. P. COX-;_______ _ 85,800 77,710 511,530 704,010 70,430 Han. N.i N. Y.; N. State.& City, Rich. J. R. Rowell, J r ... 35,000 25,000 250,000 225,000 . 90,000 N. City, N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; 1st N.,' Rich. S. M. Hornsby.— R. L. Raiford. T. E. Beale J. G. Motley.. B. P. Gay 43,270 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex„ Roanoke. 47,390 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; 1st N., Harrisonburg. B a n k s Advertising: g ive P rom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence VIRGINIA BANKS—-Ridgeway to Smithfield______________j uiy< 1917 T. C. Coleman___ __________ Ridgeway...__Henry G 4 Bank of Ridgeway_____ §’09 W. A. G arrett...— G. O. Jones__ — Pop. 393 68-423 R. T. Hall. ^236 1 9 /3 A A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, *—* e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 1 VIR G IN IA — Continued -TOWN AND COUNTY. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . South Boston-Halifax G 6 BOSTON NATIONAL BANK nc W. R. Barksdale— Jno. C. Lawson___ T. O. Watkins, Jr.. 68-170 *r06 Pop. 5000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’01 F. R. Edmondson.. W. H. Childress— J. D . Tucker——__ 68-167 PLANTERS & MERCH. NAT’L W. I. Jordan___— R. E. Jordan_____ R. E. Jordan-------BANlC— -68-169 —„ —-«t’88 Subplus A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . D epo s P a id - u p and Ca p it a l P b o f i t s it s Citizens Bank—__ _—___§’09 M. M. Carver------- J. H. Wall, Jr.----R. O. Cook 68-262 Speedwell-¿¿—Wythe G 1 iBank of Speedwell-------- §’07 S. S. Simmerman— R. G. Nuckolls—— Pop. 200 68-430 J. O. Morris-------¿StanardsvUleiGreene D6 Bank of Greene, Inc-------§’10 J . S. Chapman— J. H. Williams Pop. 450 68-431 Stanley----------- Page G 6 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk E. T. Brumback___ D. M. Modesitt... Pop. 300 68-432 *t’09 ¿Staunton....Augusta D 6 Augusta National Bank -*t’75 Michael Kivlighan. J. L. W itz---------Pop.'U,654 68-117 V. L. Fowlkes— — National Valley Bank — *$’65 68-116 Planters Bank— — *$§’11 68-121 Staunton National Bank—’03 68-119 Stephens Oity.Frederick Peoples Bank— ---------* » ’05 Pop. 800 B7 68-433 54,420 Ì 824,550 1,018,600 172,390 Î 184,360 182,530 89,660 60,270 M.000 W, W. Wright------ 10,000 5,320 S. E. Cornett____ 10,000 10,000 46,000 R. C. Powell-------- 10,000 9,190 103,060 90,870 O. C. Louderback .. A. P. K ite ------- 25.000 6,000 115,000 112,000 F. P. McFarland— H. N. Tilman__ 100,000 162,650 941,730 1,122,270 60.000 130,280 585,560 200,000 303,900 1,596,000 75.000 15,240 328,520 100,000 37,370 626,480 10,000 95,000 P r in c ip a l Co rrespo ndent s . JHANGIBj DUE pro m B a n k s 424,680 426,420 R. E. Ingram_____ J. T. Thompson FARMERS & MERCH. BANK C. R. Caldwell----- L. W. H. Peyton— W. M. Hilleary____ P. T. Fifer____ * « ’91 Loams D ib c ’t s . B o n d s , 8 s c u r it i i s $ 560,000 % 600,000 S 80,000 h J .T . Lacy, Jr------J. M. East Smith Hill —Mecklenburg BANK OF SOUTH HILL-*» 01 J. H. Wall-------- -- R. E. Yancey------- Thomas A. Bryson. B. W. Copley------A. C. Ogburn Pop. 732 G7| 68-261 68-118 R esources . Ca s h k E x k Li a b i l i t i e s . N am e op B a n k . 657,840 N. State & City and 1st N., Rich. Lynchbprg; Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; N. Ex and City N„ Balt. 43,190 IHan. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. 42,970 I mp. & Tra. N ., N. Y.; Plan. N .. Rich.; Va. Petersburg. 33,000 I ’ar. Bk. of Southwest Va., Wytheville, I 1st N., Rich. 30,280 r. Bk. of Charlottesville, Charlottesville, v 30,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: 1st N., Rich. 18L360 an. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N. ; Girard N., Phil. 118,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech, N., Balt. - Thos. Hogshead C. S. Hunter...:__ C. K. Hoge______ W. B. Miller J. B. Cochran.——. J. G. Fulton ______ W. A. Haines.—. — E. N. Sheets..-___ Rankin A. Todd B. E. Vaughan.— . J. N. McFarland... . W. Randolph . _ F. if . Fifer____ — J. H. Worthington. W. A. Pratt 483,000 [an. N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Ex., Balt.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. , 85,130 rving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Franklin N., B. F. Jarratt— . S. H. Winfield___: Stony Creek—Sussex G 9 Bank o f Stony Creek —* » ’05 W. T. Freeman — W. B. Cocke — Pop. 500 68-434 St. Paul.___.——Wise B 4 St. Paul National Bank.*J’07 R. W. Dickinson— J. M. Hillman, J r .. J. L. Jennings..__ L. B. Harwell, Jr. Pop. 500 68-435 10,000 ~ 20,000 210,000 91,380 i^tf.SN.’, N. Ÿ.î Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. State & City, Rich. 25,000 eab. N.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Shenandoah Valley N. and Far. & Merch. N., Winchester, Va. 35,000 7. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 25.000 27.000 175,000 35,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. Strasburg— Shenandoah MASSANUTfEN NAT’L BANK E. D. Newman—— R. S. Wright-----— J. W. E b erly.™ I.. 68-257 #t’90 Pop. 762 07 Peoples National Bank—«¿’07 G. A. Copi>— — _— D. F. Y o s t....----- F. D. Maphis —'__ 68-258 ¿Stuart—¿¿— Patrick G 3 Bank of Stuart:------E__..§’06 W. C. Hooker— —. A, C. Turner — — Robt. N. Clark i —. J. C. Joyce. 68-282 Pop. 388 25.000 28.000 245,000 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt. 25.000 9,200 200,000 y 27,000 13.000 8,000 125,000 35,000 25.000 14,500 255,000 93,000 Plan. N., Rich.: Com’l, Danville, Va.; 1st N., Martinsville, Va. PATRICK COUNTY BANK - 68-281 R. S. Martin____— J. W. Fulton— J. C. Shockley----- FARMERS BARK OF NANSEMOND— 68-123_____*«•69 NAT’L BANK OF SUFFOLK *t’99 Sugar Grove—Smyth B 5 Bank of Sugar Grove, Inc 68-501 §’14 . Pop. 400 Sulphur Mines-Louisa D 8 Bank of Louisa__ — „ * « ’98 68-437 {M ineral P. O.) Pop. 38 ¿Surry— .___ Surry F10 Bank of Surry County, Inc. 68-494 «14 Pop. 210 W. A. Bussey- 20.000 4,500 106,000 120,000 22,760 403,920 . City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 15,000 N. Valley, Staunton, Va. 104,730 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N.. PhU.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Am. N., Rich. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 4th St. 20,000 1,128,620 2,482,1900 2,632,330 1,075,290 Han. N ., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. ( STANDS FIRST ON ROLL OF H ONOR—Special a tten tlo n to collec tlon s. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., 140,000 139,000 908,0000 706,400 420,300 Norfolk; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Am. N., J. L. McLemore— T. H. Birdsong ___ A. Woolford______ O. E. Hargrave— Rich. 12,000 Am. N., Rich. 0 29,500 1,100 10,000 R. N. Ward.— . . . A. T. Slemp.—„ — L. L. Hutton—__ — 1st N., Rich. ( Branch o f L o u i so , Va. J. P. Donnally.___ J. W. W est. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Bk. of Sussex & 40,460 0 82.23C 3,590 15,000 \ Surry, Wakefleld.Va.; State & City N., Rich, A. W. Bohannan... O. L. Shewmake— G. Wilmer Green—. A. E. Morris jE . E. HOLLAND- G. W. TRUITT-— m jiM U M I I iliililiU lif f l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 320,000 . « ’90 S. H. M oore.... Stuarts Draft. Augusta D5 Peoples Bank—_____„ • « ’07 J. B. Patterson.__a S. I. F lo r y ... 68-436 Pop. 350 ¿Suffolk-Nansemond G11 American Bank & Trust Co. B. L. Saunders — . W. R. Frazier___? E. E. J o n e s..... G. G. Coulbourn Pop. 10,000 68-125 « ’12 68-124 10.000 J. M. Steele_____ _ H. C. Wise______ 1 Russell A. Shryock H.M. HOLLAND rm m m W im lr 1 aq o T w o Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers*. Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. FIRST NATIONAL BANK **10 68-279 Vice -President . Cashier . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca p it a i , P r o f it s James M. L ew is__ J. L. H enley.._____ A. A. Cralle— . H .T . Garnett, J r ,.. $ 17,500 $ 19.400 $ 251,610 A. St. Clair..____ H. S. Bowen____ j Henry Preston___ G. M. St. Clair____j 100,000 78.050 474,160 G. W. Gillespie___ J . W. Chapman... W. T. Gillespie.,... G. M. Mullin— . . . . 60,000 120,000 602,800 W. L. N ock ..____ H. L. N ock ____ P. M. Nock____. . . J. H. C. Beverley— R. R. Turner— . . . Robert Murray.— J. J. K iger.™ . . . . J. H. H o o v e r ...... E. M. Minnick— . J. A. Garber..— . B. W. Hite — — J. M. G eddy.... . . . BANK OF COM .68-499-.___ < §14 Vinton-------Roanoke F 4 Peoples Bank, Inc....___» 1 0 Pop. 3000 68-447 Virgilina-----Halifax G 6 Bank of Virgilina.__<§1900 Pop. 500 68-448 Citizens Bank_________ §’17 68-534 Wakefield— Sussex G 10 Bank of Sussex & Surry<§’02 Pop. 800 68-449 221,230 $ 67,360 Am. N., Rich. 427,530 226,160 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex.’ Balt. 500,000 264,400 N . Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Meeh. N., Balt.: IS State & City, Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke; M 25.000 10,000 170.000 175.000 30.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.,Alexandria, Va.’ 10,009 17.000 205.000 200.000 25.000 Irving N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; 1st N Harrisonburg, Va. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Schmelz Bros Newport News, Va. 12,210 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. ( Branch o f W illi am sburg V a .). 7,500 14,710 142,250 13,500 11.000 120.000 140.000 12,000 Seab. N., N .Y . j J. W. LAYMAN J. J. SHELTON— , H, K. H arris...___ 25.000 8,000 170,000 150.000 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke. L. N. Buchanan . . . C. O. Wilkinson . . . 10,000 2,900 57,940 36,960 T. B. Glasscock™. P.-W. Anderson__ M. G. Richardson J. M. Lewis_____ L. N. Weaver— __ T. G. J o n es... 25.000 25.000 10.360 151,990 156,300 27,020 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. State & City, Rich E. L. Kendig W. C. Winn 30.000 6,500 120,000 140,000 15,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; Va N., Petersburg, Va. 10.000 1,700 75,000 81,000 10,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. - C. N. HUFF------ ! Collections a sp eclalty. 148,800 Remltt ances made on d ay of payment. W. P. R e e d ........! S-. R. Neblert. J. H. ABBITT — W. E. DUPRIEST— M .C . WILSON Collections and cash Items recelv e prompt 'and pe rsonal attention, For efficient ser vice, send your bu siness direct to us. 29,560 N. State & City, Rich. J . P. Woods i:____ C. N. Howell— R. P. Wright_____ C. L. Atkinson. 15.000 4,800 102,000 95.000 16.500 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. Ex., Roanoke. S. M. Torian___ T. G. Pool________ 10.000 15,500 70,000 55.000 40.500 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; N. State & City Rich. 25,000 108,580 525,910 574,820 15,000 7,000 104,000 78,000 W. D. Amis.— — J. T. Torian.__ __ T. W. Chandler___ W. L. Gregory.___ R. C. Tuck___ P. D. Bain.______ W. A. Stephenson. W. H . Savedge___ F. P. Pulley Edw. Rogers J. H. Presson____ J. M. Allen ______ E. W. Brittle Walkerton.King & Queen South Side Bank, Inc.__» 1 0 N .’T. O verton... > Pop. 100 E 9 68-450 ‘ Warm Springs.Bath D 4 Bank of Warm Springs<§’08 G. B. Venable— __ J. C. McGuffln..__ W. J. Herrmann Pop. 500 68-451 T. S. McOlintic PEOPLES NATIONAL BK.<10 A. Fletcher, Sr.__. J. T. Cockrill____ J. L. Gorrell S. C. Brittle. ‘ Warsaw .Richmond E 10 Northern Neck State Bk.,Inc. J. W. Chinn, Jr.__ R. C. W ellford___ W, T. Tyler_____ V. W. Sanders. 11 Pop. 300 68-452 §’09 VIRGINIA M ap o p p o site N orfolk Federal Reserve Bank of St. »,___ I .. . Louis „ . ‘ A* v im « n f nanfe la the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given 20,000 CB ranch o f T app ahannoc k, Va.) 25,000 75,000 5,500 135,000 130,000 150,290 1,052,870 1,047,670 50,000 15,820 238,370 301,310 25,000 7,320 133,850 106,190 90,170 Chase N., N. Y. 36,000 Petersburg Sav. & Insurance Co., Petersburg; Am .N., Rich.; Norfolk, N., Norfolk, Va. 1st N., Rich. 30,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Cov. N., Cov., Va. 292,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 62,380 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; N. State & City, Rich.; N. Ex., Balt. 59,490 1st N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. B an k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to Co lection s and Correspondence July. 1917 jC . E. TIFFANY— T. C. PILCHER— . EDWARD CARTER, W.H. CURTIS‘ Warrenton.Fauquier C8 FAUQUIER NATIONAL BANK Pop. 1800 68-225 < ’02 ISend your Items direct for prompt efficient attentlo 68-226 C a s h & E xch a n g es ,D ue f ro m B a n k s John F. Greear . . . Ruth A. Cox . . . . . . . FARMERS BANK. INC. .» 1 1 W. A. Harris. 68-463 S e c u r it ie s H. C. Dunton_____ Lynn Dunton____ f A. A. KIRKMAN. N Loan s & B is- c*T0. B o n d s , Samuel Townsend W. B. Bull____ R. F. Powell H. A. H offm an...., W. W. Roberts — Union Level.Meckl’burg Bank of Union Level___§13 L. H. Hayes____ Pop. 300 G 68-485 Upperville—Fauquier C Fauquier Loudoun Bank.S’17 J . A. Buchanan... Pop. 296 68-535 Urbannà-Middlesex E 10 Bank of Middlesex __<§1900 J. R. Saunders... Pop. 700 68-445 Victoria..Lunenburg G 7 Bank of Victoria___ __ *$§’07 R. W. Manson..__ Pop. 2500 68-446 _ it s aexed m back of th is volum e. For Interest Rates, Graci etc., see page 14. . For Holidays, see opposite page L Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. VIRGINIA BANKS^Tappahannock to W arsaw ______ ‘Tappahannock___Essex Southside Bank, Inc. -.-ÎT0 68-438 Pop. 478 . E" ‘ Tazewell— Tazewell A Bank of Clinch Valley* . » ’94 68-235 Pop. 1800' Tazewell National B an k .< ’02 68-236 Temperanceville .Acco’ac Temperanceville Bank— 1’05 68-439 Pop. 200 E 13 The Plains—Fauquier C Farmers Bank, Inc.— < § ’10 68-440 Pop. 250 Timberville. Rockingham Farmers & Merch. B an k »’08 68-441 Pop. 240 0 6 Toano__James City F 10 Peninsula Bank & Trust Co. 68-442 iS ’03 Pop. 250 Townsend. Northampton Townsend Bkg. Co., Inc.iS’07 Pop. 500 FU 68-443 Trout Dale ..Grayson £ Bank of Troutdale, In c.< §’06 Pop. 1000 68-444 P resident . L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p SUBPIiUS Depos AND ____________ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. Entire State In No. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District Troutville..Botetourt F Pop. 400 V IR G IN IA —Continued N ame of Bank . T own and County. iM u ii 1239 Aceesstble Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given b y The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n» N ame of B a n k . T own a n d Co unty . •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. a tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal ReseryeDistrict. aW ashington. . Rappa’qçk Pop. 300 C7 P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . (P. FLEETWOOD — J. F. WEST 10 D5 Pop. 500 G 10 Pop. 3000 t F 10 Whaley ville - Nansemond AWilliamsb'g.James City Willis________Floyd G 3 . Pop. 230 •W inchester— Frederick Pop. 6500 B7 L ia b il it ie s . R esources . S u r pl u s D e po s P a id - u p AND it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Ca s h k E x Loan s k ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ux f ro m B a n k s S e c u r it ie s P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . Dn- 25.000 400 34,970 6,260 38,870 Han. N.. N. Y.: Am. N.,Rich: NorfolkN.. Nor -folk; Va. N., Petersburg. 25.000 32.000 435.000 375.000 102,000 Com’l N., Wash.-, D. C.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt 40.000 10.000 200.000 141.000 75.000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Plan. N., Rich. Com’l N., Wash., D. C. W. F. Bagly*— — - H. E. Topping.,— 4 R. G. Bradford— B. O. Garrett B. Hughes------- R. M. H art---------- W. Sparklin .. M. P. Chandler I. B. Kagey._____ W. Carpenter— D. A. Cline-------- - N. I. Kagey— F. R. E llenor------ G. B. Robertson— W. F. Knight------- 38,800 23 000 340.000 309.000 42,180 Irving N.-, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 40.000 7.000 140.000 175.000 14,230 N. State & City, Rich. 10.000 17,770 167,610 110,970 83,400 Rockingham N., Harrisonburg, Va. 10,000 5,600 136.000 83.000 J. W. Jones___ — Littleton Fitzger Powell Mahone— ald, Jr W. F. H^Enos------ S. L. Graham, Sec.. W. F. H. Enos, T r H. M. Clements C. K. Burnett------- W. J. Phillips____ S. C. Slasher------ - B. R Slusher------H. S. Larrick------- H. C. Sheetz—____ John I. Sloat____ W. R.- Campbell— 30.000 12.500 292,630 194,550 100,000 16.500 311,560 260.000 20.000 7.000 104,500 103,000 50,000 15,000 250.000 249,500 28,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke; N. State City, Rich. _ ,,. , — 55.000 Chase N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Am. N Rich. E. Bland — - — State Bk. of West Point, Inc. 68-490 §13 Weyers Cave Bank------- t§’05 68-455 Bank of Whaleyville------8'06 68-456 First National Bank — - • t ’03 68-187 Peninsula Bank & Trust Co, ,68-186 »tS’97 Blue Ridge Bank, Inc.— 8’15 68-503 Commercial & Savings Bank 68-140 tS’I6 FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’LBK. 68-139 *t'02 L. W. Lane, Sr.— L. W. Lane, Jr.— W. P. McGUIRE- üM at 67.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Sul folk Ya. 142,380 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. State & City and Am, N Rich. 65.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. H. 0. FULLER.— H. M. SARTELLE- C o l l e c t i o n s r e c e i v e p r o m p t a tte n tio n a n d r e m it t a n c e . W e a r e h e a d q u a r t e r s f o r A p p le G r o w e r s a n d B u y e r s . W R ITE U S. ____ __ 100,000 120,000 1,600.000 1,573,000 280,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; C ito. N Balt.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C. Wm. G. Hardy------ J. F. Brown — _ 200,000 273,850 1,836,030 2,130,160 402,810 N. City and Bk. of America, N. Y.: M. M. 1 N., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Am. N., Rich. 56,960 1st N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.: Drov. & Mec N„ Balt.; Merch. N., Rich. SHENANDOAH VAL. HAT’L John W.Rice.------ R. G. Williams — BANK— -68-137--------- •*’« 100,000 17.000 315.950 377,980 10,000 13,680 114,100 80,100 55,160 flan. N., N. Y.; Citiz., Norfolk. 60,000 68-457 500 12,500 Pop. 400 G 10 C. F. Bruce— — E. B. M cElroy.— •W ise------- . — Wise A 3 Citizens Bank-------- ------ §'17 W. B. Hamilton. 75,000 68-533 10.000 25.000 Pop. 1200 4i A. E. Anderson— C. F. Alderson—— Wise County National Bank E. M. Fulton___— A. K. Mann—-----340.000 68-458 «*’01 38.000 25.000 M. B. Wunder------ M. Coffman..___— Allen K. Albert— AWoodstock__ Shen’doah Shenandoah Nat. Bank„»f71 E. D. Newman____ 68-230 4,040 187.950 20.000 Pop. 1420 C6 W .H . Newman, Shenandoah Val. Ln. & Tr. Co E. D. Newman..,— F. S. Pennybacker. Sec. and Tr. 68-231 S’9i 8,000 I 125,000 15.000 , J. L. Feller— — Valley Savings Bank------8’05 M. L. Banserman— T. G. Locke— 68-232 54.000 300.000 50.000 0. M. Trinkle------ J N. B. Rhudy. »Wytheville —Wythe G 1 Farmers Bank of South V. C. Huff.— — . West Virginia— —— iS’73 Pop. 3054 68-175 50.000 112,000 345.000 First National Bank—-----1’82 J. H. Crockett— — A. A. Campbell—— C. W. Gleaves— — ' 68-176 o f WiUi améburg (B ranch T. W. Crockett..— •Ÿorktown— York F 11 Peninsula Bank & Trust Cp 68-459 810 P od. 136 m 40.000 25.000 Fifth-Third N., Cin. R. GRIM— ----- CHAS. SUMMERS---(J. B. BUSSELL-— . JOHN THWA1TE ------ LEE en tlon . IWe give collect tons personal att iWe rem it on d ay of payment, ‘Send us North era Virginia bus Iness. W. J. Rhodes------ - F. T. Leathers-----W indsor— Isle o f W ight Bank of Windsor, Inc..«t§’06 J.M . Raby------ — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90.000 250.000 Washington to Yorktown Pop. 250 Directors, . in BA N K S— W eyers C ave-—-Augusta Laws, F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. VIRGINIA is e t c ., see page 14. — "« K“ w n m Pop. 1397 Lawyers, c s p u u u c iitc $ 25,000 $ 18,000 $ 245,000 $ 192,000 K 90,000 Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. Rappahannock Nat. Banki'02 B. J. Wood---------- W. S. Mason------— C. R. Wood-------— L. H. Dudley------W. J. Browning Culpeper N., Culpeper, Va. 68-297 W. M. Stuart__________ *t’02 W. M. Stuart____ 524,660 210,130 Irving N., N. Y. 68-298 578,860 72,480 90.000 HARVEY FLEETW00D- Waverly_____Sussex F 0 BANK OF WAVERLY „•»1900 )For prompt an d careful service at lowest rates, 68-453 Pop. 1064 I send us your business. R, W. Chappelle— First National Bank — ’16 J. E. Wilcox-------- G. H. Blood---------- W. M. Land..------68-530 C. J. Wright------- R. G. Vance--W aynesboro. Augusta D 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK **’99 Theodore Coiner — R, G. Vance------* 68-227 Pop. 1389 Fishburne ------- W. G. Ellison------- S. W. Thompson— C. K. Yancey____ W estpoin t.K in g W il. E Towns, v u i dexed in back of this volum e. For In te re st Rates» Or ace ») VIRG INIA—Continued to each bank in U. S. exclusively a u u July, 1917______ t *400 V U U V V I .1 U U O 30.000 I ^ l x . , Roanoke; Fifth-Third N ., Cin. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 205.000 .7,080 Shenandoah N., Woodstock. 118.000 30.000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 245.000 110,00h Han. N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Lynchburg N and Peo. N., Lynchburg, Va. 310.000 125.000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N ., Balt. F a.) .. Peninsula, Williamsburg, Va. . _ .^ . « u m b e r under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given Jo each bank in U S. exclusively by T he R ahd-M cN ally Bankers’ d irectory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . - T own a n d Co unty . N ame of B a n k . Aberdeen..Grays Harbor ABERDEEN STATE BANK Pop. 20,334 E3 98-30 *£§’06 P r e s id e n t . V ic e -Pb e s id e n t . GEO. L NYERE GEORGE NYERE Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . GJW. RIPLEY— $ 25,000 P rom pt and effi d e n t service on c o llectlo n s. P u t th e n am e f our bank on you r m ailin g lis t opp oslte Aberdeen. HAYES & HAYES, BANKERS F. B. Patterson___ R. F. Hayes_____ W. J. Patterson__ J. H. Fuller___ 98-29 *£§’93 R. H. Falconer A lbion..—Whitman E 16 Albion State Bank. Pop. 300 98-208 W. 'E. Tawson ...: P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . 1,000 $ 220,000 $ 195,000 $ 45,000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. an Port.; N. City, Seattle. 68,840 3,180,950 2,677,230 872,560 N .B k s. Com., N. Y . and Seattle; Wells Farge Nfcv. N., San F. 4,260 72,200 53,720 R. J. Stephens__ Julius C. Johnson. N. K. Nansen.. 25.000 38,770 510,350 324,640 243,090 Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N.. Spokane; Bk. of Cal N. A., Tacoma. C. E. E lliott_____ C. E. A lison___ 25.000 6,310 350,000 210,730 160,950 Irving N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co, Spokane.; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. F. D. Cartwright.. Earl R. L ovell..__ 25.000 2,680 219,040 212,700 ; G. A. H enson..__ 30,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Am. N, San F .fls t N., St. P. W. J. Mattice_____ J. G. Morrow ___ _ 25.000 10,150 254,120 208,380 80.890 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; 1st N„ San F. —_ G. Sauer____. . . . . . W. A. Johnston— T. Hamilton ______ 10.000 3,150 49,120 49,080 C. H. Tracy—___ 25.000 9,200 209.940 138,710 105,430 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., Seattle. 15.000 16,160 278,880 228,340 81,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. Anacortes___.Skagit B 5 Bank of Commerce___«£§’04 Daniel Kellener... R. V. Ankeny___ Pop. 6000 98-68 Citizens Bank________«£§’99 M. B. Mattice— 98-67 Arlington. Snohomish B 6 Arlington State Bank.»£§1900 C. E. Bingham..__ A. E. H olland..__ Pop. 1476 98-131 Garnet Kërnaghan. Citizens State Bank___»£§’07 J. B. Riley__ _____ G. L. B ru m b y ...... L. C. Palmer._____ L. A. Wilson_____ 98-132 m L. C. Palmer ‘ Asotin ......A s o tin F 17 Bank of Asotin County.«£§'04 B. A yers....____ B. F. Onstat _____ J. B. Jones____. . . Pop. 1200 98-176 47,740 Seab. Nr, Ni- Y .; Fidelity N ., Spokane. 11.890 Cont.&Com’lN ., Chi.: Ex.N ., Spokane. 25.000 10,560 243,780 100,220 BAUMEISTER, V0LLMER & E. Baumeister.—_. Jno. P. Vollmer___ E. Matthes__ _____ SCOTT BANK_____ «£§1900 167,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co, Spokane; Lewiston N., Lewiston, Ida. 15.000 3,680 242,830 117,840 128,890 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. S. W. Brow n____ 50.000 125.940 81,100 50.000 370,200 340,460 98-175 Auburn----------- King D 6 Citizens State Bank___*£§15 A. C. MacCallum... S. Cavanaugh__ Pop. 3000 98-380 WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. T. Behne_____ , C. S. Hall— W,V. Rinehart, Jr., M gr. O. W. easier, Mgr. O. S. J. Pedersen— (Branch o f Seat tie, W as Atlantic N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi. H. F. Kelley_____ (Branch o f Seat tie, W as Fred Ellis________ Corn Ex., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. H. C. Cornell_____ D. E. Bigelow ___ Walter A. Hall____ D. E. Bigelow____ V. A. Boeder____ William McCush C. F. Nolte E. W. Purdy._____ 10.000 10,000 F. F. Handschy___ H. P. J u k e s .. E. P. Sanford . J. Donovan____ John Kallsen___... John H. Cole_____ H. O. Heal P. E. Heal_______ W. H. Lawson H. I. Burlingame__ H. B. P a ig e ...____ Timothy Paige.___ C. K. McMillin...... . K. McMillin I. J. A d a ir______ Cyrus G ates..____ B. T. Drake______ C. É. Flower_____ . B. H osfelt_____ S. A. Bossier.____ S. N. Matsen_____ P. L. Bingay_____ John A. Bowles.__ John M. Lee______ Albert Still______ . A. Wolten_____ O. K. Middleton__ J. A. Willison ... R. H. Smith 1,860 53,480 33.000 19,900 20.000 200,000 310,900 1,924,510 .,682,490 200,000 168,650 2,509,400 :,235,170 • 25.000 Northwestern N., Port.; U. S. N., Vancouver Wash. • 10.000 Scan. Am., Seattle. 851,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi., Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and 1st N., San F.; 1st N., St. P. 691,880 ChaseN., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Crocker N., San F. 525,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi. 100,000 25,000 1,150,000 750,000 100,000 51,540 1,184,490 843,870 ^463,610 N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N„ Phil.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. 114,860 186,270 Han. N., N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port. 25.000 14,780 262,340 12.000 900 63,540 25,000 12,430 280,410 ..........—.... -,........... „ 65,010 227,820 11,430 Chase N., N. Y.: N. City, Seattle. 86,400 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. B an k s A d vertising g iv e Prom pt A tten tio n to Co lectio n s and Correspondence July, 1917 First National Bank__..« £ ’97 98-9 Northwestern National Bank 98-12 »£'08 Northwestern State Bk.«£§’05 98-11 Bickleton..Klickitat G 10 Bank of Bickleton____£§’03 Pop. 250 98-212 Black Diamond-King D 7 State Bk. of Black Diamond Pop. 1000 98-376 ‘£§14 Blaine.-----Whatcom A 5 Home State Bank____ «£§’08 Pop. 3000 98-99 64,490 Irving N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Scan Am. and Seattle N., Seattle; Anglo & Lon Paris N., San F. 77,420 Irving N„ N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. C. M. Hall______„ J. I. Gilmore___ \ First National Bank____*£’08 98-162 Scandinavian AmericanBank 98-206 »£§’03 Union Sav. & Tr. Co— «£§’07 98-207 State Bank of Battle Ground 98-359 , »£§14 State Bank of Bellevue—?§’14 98-381 Bellingham Nat’l Bank..*£’05 98-10 WASHINGTON BANKS—Aberdeen to Blaine 25.000 Farmers State Bank — »£§’14 Fred H. Hyde— 93-379 Anatone____Asotin F 17 First Bank of Anatone.*£8’07 B. Bolich— Pop. 300 98-210 300.000 R esources . k Ca s h & E x changes,Due 8bcu&itibs f ro m B a n k s Loan s D is ci’t ®. B o n d s , F. B. Rogers_____ J. E. Miller____ Almira— ..Lincoln C13 Almira State Bank___ *£§’02 Jens Peterson___ Pop. 600 98-209 Battle Ground.Clarke G 5 Pop. 300 Bellevue------- —King D 7 Pop. 300 ‘ Bellingham.—Whatcom . Pop. 32,985 A5 RPLU S P a id - u p S U AN De po s D Ca p it a l PROFITS IT S _ »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ^ Entire State in'No. 12 £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Federal Reserve District, Est Ballard Station..King C 6 (Seattle P. O.) A ccessible T o w n s, L a w y e rs, L a w s, D ii actors« in dexed In back of this volume. P o r In terest R ates« Graci e*c., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page II W À SH IN G T O N *240 _____ _______ 1240 _ TV iinniiHittiiiiHiraimiiuBiimuiuuniiniiiiiHurauiHiiBiiiiiaiiiiiiiiriinuiiiumiiHMiiffliraiimiimiiiHuiHiiiiiniifHiraiuiuniniuaiiraiimiiiBuiiniiroiniis The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle 7 E IN V IT E tlie acco u n ts o f re sp o n sib le corporatio n s an d firm s, a s w ell a s th o se o f b a n k s an d b a n k e rs, an d a re p rep ared to ren d er prom pt an d sa tisfa cto ry se rv ice an d to h an d le N orth w estern ite m s upon th e m o st fav o rab le term s. W W e sh all b e p le a se d to correspon d with an d to m e et th e re p re se n ta tiv e s o f E a ste rn an d S o u th ern b a n k s an d corporation s which con tem plate e sta b lish in g a ban k in g connection in S e a ttle , or m ak in g any ch an ge in ex istin g arran g em e n ts, an d w e believ e th at our re so u rce s, experien ce an d ex ten siv e con n ection s on th e P acific C o a st an d in th e O rien t and A la sk a give u s u n su rp a sse d facilities fo r properly h an dlin g an y b u sin e ss en tru sted to u s. J. A. SWALWELL, Vice-President M. F. BACKUS, President . ... .................................................................................................. . O ffic e rs R. S. WALKER, Cashier F. H. LUCE, Vice-President E. W. BROWNELL, Asst. Cashier R. P. CALLAHAN, Asst. Cashier D epartm ents COMMERCIAL — TRUST — SAVINGS — INVESTMENT — FOREIGN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...................... ..................... .. .......................... . ............................................... ................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... IHIIIIlllllllllIIIIIIlHlinillllIIIIIÌIIIIlHHIIIlllìÌlllIIIIIlIIIIIIlllinillllilllllliniIllllllIlHIIIllIIlllHIIIllHÌHlllHIIllHItÌiniHniflÌHHIinHHHHllHHHÌJ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiii Total Resources $16,000,000 Washington IN D E X TO COUNTIES. A dam s.... .E 14 A s o t in ......F 16 Benton . . . . . F 12 C h ela n ......C Clallam....... B Clarke.........G Columbia. ..F Cowlitz....... F 9 3 5 15 5 Douglas.......C 11 Ferry.......... B 18 Frank lin....E 13 Garfield__ F 16 Grant.......... D 11 Grays Harbor d a Island . . . . . . B 5 Jefferson ...C 3 K in g .......... D K itsap.........C Kittitas ....D K lick ita t...G 7 5 9 9 L ew is.......... E S Lincoln....... C 14 Mason.........D 4 Okanogan.. B 11 Pacific.........E 3 Pend OrellleA 16 P ierce.........E 6 San J u a n ...B 5 Sk agit.........B 7 Skamania . .G 7 Snohomish. B 7 Spokane ....C 16 Stevens.......B 15 T hurston...E 5 WahkiakumF Walla Walla F W hatcom ..A Whitman... E 3 14 7 16 Yakima....... F 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis When In Doubt ABOUT BANKERS’ DIRECTORY SERVICE A sk Your R eserve City Correspondents THEY KNOW THE BEST AND USE IT Accessible Towns» Lawyers, Laws, 1241 <] © T own a n d Co unty . N ame of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Bothell__ ____ -King G 6 Bothell State Bank____ $§’08 98-213 Pop. 599 Biremerton___Kitsap D 5 Bremerton’ Tr. & Sav. Bank 98-377 •$114 Pop. 5000 Citizens Bank________ »$§’09 98-79 First National Bank____«$’08 98-78 Brewster ..Okanogan B l l First National Bank____»$’08 98-214 Pop. 296 Bridgeport—Douglas 011 Bridgeport State Bank.»$§’06 98-215 Pop. 431 Buckley_____ Pierce D 7 State Bank of Buckley__$§’04 98-216 Pop. 1272 P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Geo. E. M iller____ J. W. Braman — R esources . L ia b i l i t i e s . s D epos X)AHIk Dis- Cashk Ex P aid - u p Subplu c’Ti. Bonds, changes,Due AND its Capital P rofits Securities fromBaku $ 12,500 $ G. C. Hubbell_____ John Rodgers____ Frances F. Hubbell 25,000 N. D. MacGiilivray . Migliavacça____ G. R. Fetterman__ E. C. Ebert______ S. A. McGilvray — 50,000 Directors, la- dexcd In back of th is volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e,!'—' e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see opp osite page 13. C W A SH IN G TO N — Continued to each hank in U, 9. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e K a n d -M cN a lly B a n k e r s’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r «he a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . 950 Î 8,150 20,250 -- !----- 1--- *-------------------------------- f---------j--- j--P r in c ip a l Corr espo n d en t s . 74,100 $ 62,850 $ 16,900 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 60,730 Seab. N., N. V.; Scan. Am., Seattle. 175,710 143,110 206,690 233,630 30,980 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. C. E. Thomas_____ B. F. Harrison..— C. B. West____,___ G. A. Benbennick. 50,000 5,000 450,000 400,000 110,000 N. City, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. Amos Tupper------- A. Zeller________ F. D. Rice_____ — E. D. Clapp______ 25,000 . 1,490 107,840 110,870 H. Cornehl______ _ S. D. Sanders..___ T. J. East______ 15,000 10,920 151,390 140,860 29,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; lst-N., St. P.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 133,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. A. O. Johnson.. 25,000 9,390 200,340 173,520 57,140 N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Seattle N., Seattle. Charles Callahan . . Henry Rohweder .. 25,000 1,760 119,140 110 820 30,080 Han. N., N. Y.: Seattle N., Seattle. First National Bank.!___«$’09 J. H. Knutzen____ Neis Anderson— ;. E. L. Wilson_____ 98-137 F. W. Hayungs___ A. B. Johnson..™ D. C. U rie.. . — Camas_____!__Clarke 0 6 First National Bank.__«$’08 0 . F. Johnson . . 98-217 Pop. 1125 25,000 3,000 100,000 25,000 6,900 335,000 273,930 ' 87,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port. Geo. Sussex, Jr.— 25,000 17,100 146,220 147,510 31,220 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Spo kane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. J. M. Treadwell— C. D. Halferty, Jr. J. E. Griffith_____, W. E. Hinman J. A. Byerly-------- M. P. Mason."— .. G. L. Buland_____ M. P. Mason_____ 25,000 9,240 232,360 219,950 25,000 29,000 205,000 151,000 44.040 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Ex. N., Spokane. 48,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermens N., Port. W. T. Wright------- J. M. Anderson__ T. Fagstad-------- — 10,000 4,900 116,000 102,000 69,990 C. O. Steberg------- J. H. M orris.... Burlington___Skagit B 6 BURLINGTON NAT’L BANK H. E. Cleveland. 98-136 $’05 Pop. 1302 G. C. BrOwn. Oashmere....Chelan D 10 CASHMERE STATE BANK 98-190 «$§’07 Pop. 625 Castlerock__Cowlitz F 4 Pop. 998 •Cathlamet.. Wahkiakum Pop. 450 F4 Centerville..Klickitat 09 Pop. 200 Centralia.____Lewis E 5 Pop. 12,000 Farmers & Merchants Bank 98-189 «$§’04 Castle Rock Bank____ «>¿§’04 98-218 Wahkiakum County Bk.»$§’09 98-219 Farmers State Bank.. .«$§’15 98—220 Centralia State Bank.. »$§’15 98-47 S. O. Scott. Grant Paton-------- E. F. Stowell. H. S. B e n n e tt...... J. O. Lilly______ 75,000 26,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 23,500 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Scan.-Am., Port. 32,530 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port. T. Z. Gillett______ J. O. Kaidera____ 15,000 2,600 86,550 W. J. P atterson.... Wm. Calvert, J r ... O. C. Spencer____ M, W. Daubney___ 100,000 6,000 310,000 315,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle. U. S. N., Port.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. B .H .J0HNST0N- C. PAUL UHLMANN W. B. KEIR, es for making co Uections. to üs have prom pt, personal atte ntion. 75,000 10,000 590,000 450,000 175,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. Fidelity Tr. Co., Tacoma. Field & Lease, Bankers.$l’03 John A. Field. 98-44 Charleston____Kitsap C 5 State Bank of Charleston$§’14 F. J. Carver.. 98-372 Pop. 2100 J. E. Fitzgerald — Albert Smith _____ 25,000 6,080 255,870 198,170 Wm. Counter_____ A. E. Galbraith___ 15,000 1,140 41,000 30,000 85,710 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; N. Bk, of Tacoma, Tacoma. 12,250 Met., Seattle. «Chehalis..__..Lewis E5 CHEHALIS NATIONAL BANK D. W. Noble. 98-61 »$’09 Pop. 5000 W. Brunswig.. C. O. Gingrich Arthur S. Cory — . 50.000 12,000 450,000 350,000 115,000 Fidelity Tr. Co., Tacoma; N. C|ty Seattle Northwestern N., Port. 100,000 1,295,490 1,011,150 456,280 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. and Tacoma. L. T. Gillett-..____- jB. H. RHODES. . . 4 W%~tl Best of faciliti (All Items sent & MERCHANTS .98-46— 150,000 (N.B. COFFMAN T. M. D0NAH0E— D. T. COFFMAN — I A. WEIG HT COFFMAN-D0BS0N BANK & sibllity. dividual respon n and largest in S. W . W ashingto j O ld e s t B ank In TRUST CO------ ------- «*§’84 ( Send your Item s direct to us. 98-59 Security State Bank— »$§’03 J. W. Alexander__ J. T. Alexander___ W. J. Ford. 98-60 Chelan. ..¿¿1. Chelan C 11 MINERS & MERCH. BANK J. A. Van Slyke___ Mary F. Baker. 98-221 »$§’02 Pop,. 800 WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. W. Van Slyke. C. B. Van Slyke — 25,000 22,910 334,490 298,990 83,410 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. and Seattle; N Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; No.-West. N., Port 25,000 30,000 250,000 188,000 105,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fidelitj N., Spokane. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. P resident . Vice-P resident . Cheney. _____Spokane National Bk. of Cheney.»$’08 F. M. M a r tin ....... C. I. Hubbard__ — Pop. 1500 D 16 98-150 •• ______ •• Security National Bank—«$’08 W .J . Sutton_____ T. H. Brewer____ 98-149 Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Loansk Dis- Gashk Ex P aid- up Surplus D epos- c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Due AND Capital P rofits Sicuritiis promBanks; N. A. Rolfe.... ........ V. E. R olfe.__ ___ $ -25,000 $ R. H. Macartney.— J. E. Whalen____ 25,000 3,540 $ 239,190 $ 174,310 $ 90,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. Com. Seattle. 10,000 500,000 408,000 Ghesaw__Okanogan A 13 Commercial Bank____ < § ’90 Pop. 250 98-222 J. B. Jones, M gr.. Ghewelah__ Stevens B 15 Bank of Ghewelah:____< §11 Pop. 1500 98-174 64 " First National Bank.___< ’02 98-173 Olarkston___Asotin F 17 First National Bank____< ’03 Pop. 1257 98-142 ______ ** “ State Bank of Clarkston.iS'01 98-141 Clearla k e..___ Skagit B 6 First State Bank______ $§’14 Pop. 700 98-371 Thomas Bowers__ S. P. Carmichael___ H. L. Bilsborough. 15,000 2,000 125,000 100,000 C. W. Winter_____ 25,000 11,610 383,070 334,620 C. F. Waterman__ G. H. Waterman.— W. A. Waterman . . A. E. Bauch_____ 25,000 8,000 380,870 286,760 A. E, Clarke_____- 15,000 2,980 100,270 78,240 ( Branch o f Cone onully, F. L. Reinoehl____ H. Elliott_______ _ H. V. Guernsey.__ 10,000 1,670 54,480 43,510 j FRANK CARPENTER. WM. REES............. L. R. NELSON BURTON WINDEN 50,000 18,890 635,770 431,580 25,000 3,000 230,000 150,000 Cle Elnm___Kittitas D 9 CLE ELUM STATE BANK < O ldest and Lar gest B ank In Cle E lam . Send n s y our Cash Letters Pop. 2749 98-223 *$§’04 | and C ollections for efficien t serv ice and q u ick re tu rn s. S end your (B o sly n Item s to ou r B oslyn Bran ch . ‘Colfax___Whitman E 16 Pop. 3400 COLFAX NATIONAL BANK 98-80 ,« It a. L. MacKENZIE- A. F. McCLAINE— O l d e s t , L a r g e s t , a n d S t r o n g e s t B a n k in W h itm a n C o u n t y . 27,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr Co., Spokane; 1st N., Lewiston, Ida. 22,590 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. City, Seattle. 273,070 Han. N .,N . Y.: Cont. & Com’l N .vChi.; N. Bk Com., Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 200,000 65,780 2,150,000 2,000,000 475,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N«, Chi.; Bks. o f CaL N. A., Port, and San F.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. < ’84 .. First Sav. & Trust Bank of Alfred Coolidge___ R. H. Lacey.____— H. G. DePledge__ Whitman County___< § ’05 98-81 Colton..__ Whitman E 17 Colton State B ank____*$§'92 M. Schnltheis, Jr.. F. C. Forrest____ Pop. 393 98-224 Colombia Station King C 6 (See Seattle) • (.Seattle P . O.) Pop. 2000 ‘ Colville___Stevens A 15 BANK OF COLVILLE___< § ’91 G. W. Peddycord.. W. L. Sax_______ O. L. Baker_____ _ W. L. Biggar_____ Pop. 2000 98-128 “ .. Colville Ln. & Tr. Co__< § ’09 G. W. Seal._____ S. L. Dearinger___ I. J. Lasswell. See. 98-130 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.<’06 Hugh Waddell____ 98-129 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 110,070 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ex. N. and Spokane Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 132,170 Seattle N., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane. S e n d u s y o u r C a s h I t e m s a n d C o l l e c t i o n s f o r q u ic k a c t i o n . COLFAX STATE BANK -<5*08 J. K. McCornack— R. M. Hanna 98-83 WASHINGTON M ap on Index Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. B0LPH COOLIDGE- W . C. FUDGE------- ( P. B. Stravens__ John H. Bloom___ W. R. Anderson__ S. A. Kimbrough . . H. O. Conn FARMERS NATIONAL BANK i S end your Col lection s direct to th is Bank 98-82 < ’05 ( for efficient service and qu lc k retu rn s. « 90,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N. and Ex. N., Spo kane; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. W ash.). C. E. Bingham . . . . . F. H. Jackson —— First National B a n k ___< ’14 W. H. Pringle____ W. H. Kfifihl 98-368 P rincipal Correspondents. 60,000 100,000 11,000 216,700 62,160 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N„ Spokane; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San. F 71,150 1,316,860 1,188,370 299,650 N .Park.N . Y.;Ex. N., Spokane; Lumbermens N., Port.; Seattle N., Seattle. 229,410 50,000 18,300 707,540 682,540 15,000 3,000 262,000 168,000 100,000 21,410 25,000 3,000 175,000 145,000 60.000 15,000 500,000 425,000 doltt)bU Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Port.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Go., Spokane; Seattle N., Seat tie; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 95,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane. 102,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Ex. N., Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 45,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. B an k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- ____________ WASHINGTON BANKS—Cheney to Colville________________ July, 1917 Town and County . N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 12 {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volum es For Interest Bates, Grace, etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 W A SH IN G T O N —Continued 1242 mê Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volum e. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W A SH IN G T O N — Continued LIABILITIES. N a h e of B a n k . T own a nd County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’T Ca s h ie r . P aid - u p S ur plu s and Ca p it a l P r o f it s D epo s it s R eso urce s . Dia A. P. CAHILL------ S.Z. VANNES. 90.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 27.000 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., Seattle. 69.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Seattle; Fidelity N.Spokane. 92,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N . and Spokane & Easteri Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma 13,990 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; 1st N„ St. P. 95.000 Oont. & Com’l N„ Chi,; Ex. N., Spokane; Is N., Seattle. Seattle N ., Seattle. 29,700 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Old N., Spokane; N Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 19,630 Irving N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 387,990 N.City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev N., San F. 261,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; 1st N., Sai F. and Seattle. 518,220 429.460 176,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Dexte Horton N., Seattle; TJ. S. N., Port. 100.000 162,890 1,133.730 976,590 528,020 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Port. 25.000 2,200 140.000 120,000 40.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 15.000 3.500 54,430 54,970 17,950 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 15.000 6,000 157.000 122,800 10.000 2,220 82,500 75,210 49,800 N .P ark.N . Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Scan Am., Seattle.; 1st N., St. P. 19,520 Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Seattle N„ Seattle 12,000 7,000 85,000 62,000 32.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 50.000 16,330 ‘Dayton__ Columbia F 15 BROUGHTON NATI BANK ^Special A ttentio n to C ollection s. 98-94 «$’09 (s e n d u s y o u R DAYTON ITE MS DIRECT. Pop. 2389 Deer Park—Spokane C 15 Pop. 1300 Duvall.—____ -King C 7 Pop. 400 E. Stanwood—Snohomish Pop. 300 B7 Eatonville—__ Pierce E 6 Pop. 1000 Edison ____ Skagit B 6 Pop. 200 Edmonds -Snohomish C 6 Pop. 1114 Edwall____ Lincoln D 15 Pop. 250 Elberton... Whitman E 16 Pop. 330 •Ellensburg.Kittitas E 10 Pop. 6000 Columbia National Bank*$’82 98-93 First Stale Bank____ .*$§’07 9g_233 Duvall State Bank >$§’12 98-353 State Bank of East Stanwood 98-194 *$§’10 Eatonville State Bank.»$§’13 98-344 Farmers &Merch. Bank.$§’08 98-236 State Bank of Edmonds»$§’07 98-237 Bank of Edwall______ «$§’02 98-238 Elberton State Bank__*$§’09 98-239 National Bank of Ellensburg 98-62 *$’97 Levi Ankeny J. W. J e s se e ____ George W. Jackson J. G. Israel. O. F. Kelly - ____ O. G. Follevaag__ Evan B erg.____ A. H. Boyd_____ George Fowler—... C. B. Hall— __ A. Garborg___„ Peter H enning___ C. R. Amundson__ L. M. Amundson— F. M. Roberts.— J. P. W eter___„ N. B. Hannay..— J. A. Munch______ J. K. Hannay_____ J. K. Hannay, Jr.. L. W. Lewis___ O. C. Sorensen . . . H. V. Allen-1..— ; 25.000 4,250 111,700 94,450 46,090 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. City, Seattle. James Elliott____ Ward Jesseph____ W. Zimmerman.__ 25.000 4,060 202,640 177,790 53,910 Chase N., N. Y.;1Old N., Spokane. 1,360 8,200 50,480 John F. Green— I. V. Hall________ N. J. Bruen___ C. L. Mackenzie— R. B. Walker_____ E. H. Snowden . F. S. Ross_______ S. S. Nesbit— __ : J. M. Snowden Joseph Preece 50.000 4.500 330.000 226,000 50.000 52,230 768,020 514,520 50.000 84,140 1,071,830 987,730 Farmers B ank----------- »$§’06 James Ramsay___ R. L. Barnes_____ J. C. Sterling------fj H. H. Rusch_____ 98-64 C. C. McGranahan S. P. Wippel WASHINGTON NATIONAL BK. 98-63 WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *$’02 J. H. SMITHSON G.H. STEWART- C. W.J0HNS0NE — APPLE 25,860 Colfax N., Colfax, Wash.; Spokane & Easter Tr. Co., Spokane. 156.000 Chem. Nr, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ch Dexter Horton N.. Seattle: N. Bk. of Tacom; Tacoma; ,Bk. of Cal. N. A., San. F,: 1st N Port. , „ 355,900 N. Park and N. City, 1J.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bl Com., Seattle. 285,730 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi. SEND ALL ITEMS DIRECT TO US. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1243 J. M. Seagle___ 10.000 WASHINGTON BANKS—Conconully to Ellensburg______ $ 40,000 $ 13,000 330.000 $ 291,000 »OonconullyOkanoganBll Commercial Bank_____»$§’90 N. E. Whitworth . . W. Baines_______ F. J. May.__ «____ C. C. Richardson — 98-226 Pop. 250 65.000 80,000 2,000 10.000 Concrete____ Skagit B 7 State Bank of Concrete »$§’15 J. 0. Wixson — __ J. Guddall_______ Frank D. LeBold _ 98-227 Pop. 945 82.000 2,500 150.000 10,000 Connell___Franklin E 13 Farmers State Bank____$§’15 C. W. Nelson____ E. F. Bickford____ J. B. Helmick____ 98-384 Pop. 600 10,420 264,450 192,550 15.000 State Bank of Connell__ *S’04 John H. Schlomer - R. L. Olds_______ W. H. Miller_____ R. P. Stowers------ 98-228 69,900 71,040 2,850 10.000 Conway___ -„Skagit B 6 State Bank of Conway.*$§’15 John S. Finstad... John L. Melkild . . . A. Garborg_______ 98-383 ' Pop. 200 16,000 230.000 170,000 25.000 M. H. Hancock'— Goalee City—.Grant C 12 Coulee State Bank_____«tS’05 James H owell------ Geo. M. McDonald. W. O. Straight — 98-229 Pop. 500 A. C. Fox —. — — (B ranch o f E ver ett, W as h .).— »Coupeville.__Island B 5 Bank of Commerce_____$§’03 98-230 Pop. 310 5,960 215.060 205,360 25.000 George L. Duncan. C. E. Funkhouser— Oreston____Lincoln G 13 Crestón State Bank. —•$§’02 J. M. Dnngan____ F. A. Duncan. 98-231 Pop. 308 45,200 54,440 1,230 10.000 Custer____Whatcom A 5 Custer State Bank—- — $§’14 O. R. Behme_____ A. B. Stone— ___ A. F. Stone__—__ 98-370 Pop. 400 1,016,290 1,248,980 31,900 100,000 R. E. Anderson— »Davenport.LincoIn C14 Davenport National Bank*$’05 D. M. Drumheller. J. A. Schiller_____ E. N. Im n s______ 98-146 Pop. 1229 24,320 637.060 444.460 50.000 C— S. Reinbold—____ F. S. W ells______ J. J. Inkster-------Lincoln County State Bank J. W. Fry F. W. Anderson 98-145 *$§’01 jC. J. BROUGHTON J. L. DUMAS------ P r in c ip a l Co rrespondents . C abu k E x Loams k ti *t s . B o n d s , cha n g es ,D ue SsOURHIBS fro m B a n k s luly, 1917 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k ia the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r riven i ,n * o to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e K a n d -M cN a lly B an k ers i Ci^TO D ir ec to r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . T own a n d Co unty . N ame of B a n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. PRESIDENT. i A.D.DEVONSHIRE 1 First and Oldes Elma— Grays Harbor E 4 BANK OF ELMA— — -< 5 03 ] Send us your c Pop. 2200 98-126 ( for efficient se i .. - .J g g ; .. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, dexed in back of this volum e. W A S H IN G T O N —Continued V ice -P r e s id e n t . GEO. SIMPSON — t Established Ba ash letters and c rvice and QUICK Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . E. L. FRANCE__ nk. ollections RETURNS. L ia b i l i t i e s . R esources . rplus P a id - u p Suand D e po s - Loans &Dis- CashSt ExITS Ca p it a l P r o f it s SxcURITIBS FROMBanks P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . $ 15,000 $ 10,970 $ 248,000 $ 164,660 $ 109,300 N. City, N. Y.: N. B k .of Tacoma, Tacoma; lsl N., Port, and San F.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle. Farmers & Lumbermens Bk. Henry McCleary.— James Glancey..__ W. L. Boomer— 98-127 < § ’10 20,000 7,510 Eltopia___Franklin F 13 Eltopia State Bank___< § ’05 FelixVanHollebeke TT. M. Owen ......... . W. C. Bannerman . Pop. 200 98-240 Endicott . . Whitman E 15 Bank of Endicott_____< § ’03 M. A. Sherm an___ A. B. Sherm an___ M. A. Sherman, Jr. Chas. C. Crew____ Pop. 474 98-241 Entiat___...C helan C 10 Entiat State Bank < § ’12 Harmon JWilcox__ John Mohr J. G. Kennedy____ Pop. 160 98-357 10,000 4,160 83,350 64,830 25,000 8,000 150,000 143,000 55,000 41,000 Enumclaw_____King D 7 Peoples Slate Bank___< § ’10 B. R. Kihler . . . J. W. Davis___ __ Pop. 1500 98-158 State Bank of Enumclaw S. Lafromboise—— A. G. Hanson.____ A.C. Johansen ___ F.. M. Price 98-157 < § ’04 J . D . Bassett J . T. Wilkins »Ephrata____ Grant D12 Grant County Bank——<§T2 E. C. Davis Pop. 700 98-204 25,000 11,380 211,080 1871650 30,000 8,250 252,000 193,020 40,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Port.; Colfax N., Colfax. 14,000 1st N., St. P.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle. 56,460 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; Dexter-Hor ton N., Seattle; Fidelity Tr. Co., Tacoma. 42,240 Scan. Am., Seattle; N .Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 10,000 2,000 215,000 175,000 31,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane. 100,000 20,000 1,050,000 700,000 300,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn. Ex. N., Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. N. L. Thompson__ Jacob Anthes_____ Frank L. Cooper Geo. D. Thompson W. O. Butler_____ Robert Moody____ J. W. Clark—_____ 100,000 30,470 625,000 488,880 25,000 38,120 518,160 451,580 W. C. Bnller L. L. Crosbv 250,000 122,110 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. City and Scan. Am., Seattle. 4 126,210 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Everett, Wash.; Met., Seattle; Crocker N., San. F. 1,152,180 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Crocker N., San F.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. Paul; No.-West. N., Minpls.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 43,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Met., Seattle; 1st N., Bellingham, Wash. 90,010 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 50,550 Colfax N., Colfax, Wash.; Spokane & East. Tr. Co., Spokane. 86,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; 1st N., Bellingham, Wash. 107,700 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. &Y)om’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 96,620 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Old N„ Spokane. ( Daniel Kelleher— E. C. Olson _______ D. W. Dykeman__ »Everett—Snohomish C 6 BANK OF COMMERCE <§1900 j Best of facilities for making colie étions on Everett and vicinity. Pop. 35,486 ( Personal presen tatlon and quick returns. 41 41 .. Everson___Whatcom A 6 Pop. 350 Fairfield—..Spokane D 17 Pop. 308 Farmington__Whitman Pop. 489 D16 Ferndale—.Whatcom A 5 Pop. 1200 »FridayHarbor.San Juan Pop. 600 * B4 Citizens Bank & Tr. Co.<§’13 98-4 Everett Tr. & Sav. B k ..< §’92 98-3 First NationM Bank___< ’91 98-1 Nooksack Valley Slate Bank 98-242 {§’06 Bank of Fairfield .. ... < § ’(15 98-243 Bank of Farmington__< § ’87 98-244 Ferndale State Bank__< § ’08 98-245 San Juan County B ank.<§’93 98-246 ' B. Bollerud _____ Wm. Howarth____ Robert Moody 0. S. L. McLean Jas. Breckenridge . Henry Treede____ L. Lind Strom 0 . E. Moss — ~ - GertrudeWaterman 10,000 151,230 134,890 118,800 4,699,140 3,965,770 15,000 4,440 106,890 79,530 12,000 6,040 274,930 199,370 Alfred Coolidge___ M. R. Fish_______ W. C. R enfrew ___ W. W. Renfrew___ 25,000 9,630 209,330 190,640 H. E. Campbell___ John Slater Percy Hood .. Frances Campbell. 15,000 5,000 200,000 130,000 Gene C. Gould____ C. M. Tucker Van E. Sargent___ Cecil L. Carter____ 35,000 18,000 245,790 249,000 < § ’02 R. A. Johnson..—. A. P. Johnson . — I. M. McCarthy___ E. C. Johnson, Jr._ Garfield .Whitman E 16 F irst State Bank 98-165 <« Pop. 932 •• Garfield National B ank..< ’08 98-166 Georgetown___King C 6 (See Seattle) Pop. 5000 »Goldendale-Klickitat G 9 Brooks & Co. Bank____ {§’15 N. B. Brooks__ . Robt. McCrow____ A. E. Coley______ 98-152 •• Pop. 1203 «1 State Bk. of Goldendale<§’02 L. T. Gillett___ __ T. Z. G illett_____ C. F. Crooks H. W. Loughary.— 98-151 50,000 14,640 332,070 304,090 25,000 6,000 190,000 125,000 Grandview—Yakima F 11 Pop. 600 Granger.___Yakima F 10 Pop. 453 Granite Falis.Snohomish Pop. 714 B 7 Hamilton. . . —.Skagit B 7 Pop. 405 Grandview State Bank.<§’08 E. O. K eck ______ G. M. Chase_____ A. W. Hawn_____ G. D. Snowden___ 98-249 TInion Bank < § ’05 H. C. Tiavis W. M. Christensen 98-250 Granite Falls State Bk. < § ’06 B. E. Chappell__ — E. L. Heath______ C. E. Stage_______ D. H. Anderson___ 98-251 Hamilton State Bank . —{§’14 J. H. Smith______ H . S. Crothers__ _ 98-367 WASHINGTON M ap on Index 25,000 5,310 236,210 175,460 25,000 42,180 322,560 280,550 138,850 10,000 7,310 190,280 10,000 5,600 80,000 60,000 15,000 680 80,630 76,260 10,000 1,500 60,000 40,0001 43,850 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 31,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 85,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 91,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermens N., Port. 109,180 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Porti; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 68,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Old N. Spokane. 27,000 11,230 & Tr. Co., Everett. 30,000 i. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; C. E. Bingham & Co. State, Sedro Woolley, Wash. B an k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Federal Reserve BankNof umSt. berLouis u n d e r Nam e o f B ank is the New T ran sit N um ber given A c c e s s ib le T ow n s. L aw yers, L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in - 1244___________________WASHINGTON BANKS—Elma to H am ilton _____________ July, 1917 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U . S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, Under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. N ame of B a n k . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. V ice -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . Harrington..Lincoln D 14 First National B an k ___«*’08 Harry Ochs______ C. A. Hegele 98-188 „ Pop. 1000 Ca s h ie r . A s s 't Ca s h ie r . W. W. Downie____ R. S. Reid. (J0HNE.RUSSELL J. J. C0RMANA ... H.O. JONES.— - W. E. SHRADER ; First and oldest established ban k. lOur collection department Is ha ndled on ëfflclënt lines. «*§’04 (SEND US YOU ft ITEMS. L ia b i l i t i e s . r pl u s P aid - u p S uA Depo s it s Ca p it a l P r ond f it s 15,000 30,000 8,150 25.000 10.000 25.000 600,000 $ 425,000 $ 180,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane. 324,570 281,870 59,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st N., St. P. 10,000 200,000 140.000 89.130 1st N., Seattle; Old N., Spokane. 4.000 118,000 97.000 28,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 5.500 260,000 200.000 65.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N. and Old N., Spokane; Ain. N., San F. 20,000 400.000 310.000 140.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Go., Spokane. 444,790 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Port, and San F.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 16T,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. HARRINGTON STATE BANK 98-187 Hartford. Snohomish C 7 (See L à k e Stevens) Pop. 500 Hartline-. Grant C 13 Hartline State Bank ...•« '0 3 H. T. Jones— 98-254. Pop. 350 Hatton-------- Adams E 13 Farmers State Bank . . . * « ’02 W. H. M iller... 98-255 Pop. 161 F. A. Duncan.—__ May S. J o n e s ... J. Farrow . . . —— Hillyárd.—. Spokane 016 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»* 08 W .S . Brant. 98-73 Pop. 4000 Hillyard State B ank__ « « ’05 98-72 Hoquiam.. Grays Harbor First National B ank__^.«*’89 98-39 Pop. 11,666 E2 Lumbermans Bank___* « ’05 98-40 Hunters___Stevens (B 14 Huntërs Exchange Office 98-256 * « ’06 Pop. 100 Ilwaco__I ___Pacific F 2 South Western Washington Bank___98-342_____ * « ’11 Pop. 1200 lone__Pend Oreille A 16 Ione State B an k ___, . . . • « ’09 98-257 Pop. 634 Issaquah.... . — King D 7 Issaquah State Bank..»*§1900 98— 259 Pop. 1200 Johnson__Whitman E 17 Farmers State Bank ...»*§’07 98-260 Pop. 190 Kahlotus— Franklin E 14 Farmers State Bank____ §17 98-395 Pop. 300 »Kalama____Cowlitz G 5 Kalama State Bank____*§’16 98-389 Pop. 1400 R. S. Jones____ M. M. Crossland__ L. C. Crossland. H. B. Smead.,—„ . S. H. Jones. W. W. Cooper...— W. H. Stoneman... H. C. H ow e.. Ç. D. Stough___ W. L. Adams ——— Ò. M. K ellogg____ A. G. Rockwell___ Gaylord Adams— Corwin Eberting W. E. Ferrebee___ J. O. Stearns_____ R. E. Dawdy..____ G. F. Palm er_____ H. Ffeeborough—. . 0 . E. Kerlee.— . . . P. L. Sinclair_____ M. E. Sinclair C. N. Buffum — . E. S. Moore.;;____ E. Thompson..___ L. M. McKay. H .fi. Schultz - John Anderson__ A. J. Peters— ____ 505,610 459,370 10.000 1.500 110.000 95.000 10,000 5,090 124,520 108,700 25.000 1,800 115.000 98,0C0 27,440 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 42.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Scan. Am., Seattle. 81,490 43,160 43,500 1st N., Pullman; Fidelity N., Spokane. Han. N.. N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane; Ladd & Tilden, Port. 45.130 Lumbermens N., Port. 25.000 Han. N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Port. Frank Willoughby. 10.000 1,300 15.000 1.500 C. C. Ruckles_____ H. C. Dunham____ G. N. Campbell—. . 15.0Q0 1.500 90,120 51.510 (E. S. COLLINS— L. C. WALLACE - C. C. BASH0R — 25.000 7.000 375,500 270,800 130.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; U. S. N. and Lumbermens N., Port.; Seattle N., Seattle. 25.000 - 25,000 277,350 224,400 69,850 Han. N., N. Y?; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Am. N., San F.. 12,510 N. City, Chi.; 'Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; D. S. N.. Port. 50.000 Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Port, and Seattle. E. A. Knight ■ - 98-106 . « i 20.000 2.500 48,340 43.510 50.000 10,000 335.000 300.000 A. F. M orrill....__ T. N. Berlin 1 | | | | | | D. T. Coleman____ Wesley Morrill..— 50.000 20.000 333,180 284,670 W. H. Overlock___ L. J. Overlock____ Charles R. Otey___ W. H. Overlock, Jr 40.000 10,270 225,040 Í97.880 M, O. Klitten Kenne wick..Benton F 12 American Security Bank 98-393 «*§’16 Pop. 1500 m E. JOHNSON First and Oldes FIRST NATIONAL BANK.** 03 J^Prompt and Su 98-147 (U. S. DEPOSIT G. Garber_____— Caroline Klitten— T. M. FINE-— — J. L. JOHNSON — t established ban k . perior Service on Collections. ORY. J. A. BR0G- J. M. Williams,Afpr. (Bra/nçh o f Colvil le, W ash ,) r— 10.000 2,000 95.000 65.000 H. W. H igm an...— 10,000 1,530 62,570 53,140 B. F. Paff________ Arthur Amende.__ 10.0Q0 5¿000 130.000 105.000 W. A. Mansfield . . . G. L. Spencer_____C. A. Button_____________ —-------------- 10.000 6,0 75.000 50.000 H. C. Schultz— .. W. T. Perkins__ — G. M. Johnson------ Q. E. Lamberth—— G. W. Snodgrass... M. A. WUey _____ F. E. W eston. 130,720 1st N., N. Y.; Seattle N „ Seattle. 77,430 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Dextei Horton N., Seattle. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. 30.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Met., Seattle N., and Scan Am., Seattle: S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 20,960 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Met., Seattle. 36.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Scan. Am., Seattle OldN., Spokane. 28.000 Lumbermens N., Port. * 1245 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,440 E. F. R edd______ E. Raymond___. . . J. V. McCall— ___ A. O. White - - - - - KELS0 STATE BANK -» « '9 3 F. M. Carothers - .. J. R. C a tlin ....—— F. L. Stewart—___ G.F. Plamondon__ WASHINGTON M ap on Index 100.000 142,140 1,716,980 1,564,330 G. H. Inkster, M gr. . . . ( B ranch o f L i n coin Co. S ta te B cmk, D a venport, TPosft.) Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane. a gro wing bank, K elso.._____ Cowlitz F 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «*’07 JjPatronize All Items sent us have prompt attention, 98-107 Pop. 2500 'Put our name on your mailing list opposite Kel Kent__. . . . ___King D 6 First National Bank— .•* ’12 98-108 Pop. 1908 . • « ’06 State Bank of Kent 98-109 Kettle Falls.Stevens A 14 Bank of Colville_____ -*§’05 98-203 Pop. 377 Kirkland....,___King C 6 Kirkland State Bank— • « ’11 98-343 Pop. 2000 K ittitas..;.—Kittitas E 10 Kittitas State Bank___ •«'11 98-340 Pop. 150 Krupp______ Grant D 13 Farmers Bank— . . . • « ’06 98-264 Pop. 250 La Center____Clarke G 5 La Center State Bank.. . « ’11 98-334 Pop. 375 25.0Q0 100,000 P r in c ip a l jCo rrespo ndent s . C a s h & Excha n g es ,D ub p ro m B a n k s WASHINGTON BANKS—Harrington to La Center % 50,000 R eso urces . Loan s à Disc ’tb . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s 1917_______ T own a n d County . A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W A SH IN G TO N — Continued ju ly , N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given ■J O A C to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s’ ■l 4 i y J D ir e c to r y ,'u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ’each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and County. Nahe of Bank . »County Seats." •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . N. B. Hannay_____ A. I. Dunlap___i__ W. S. Packard— r pl u s P aid - u p S uand Depo s Ca pit a l P r o f it s it s Resources. k Bisk Ex- $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 160,000 $ 139,000 $ 56,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 60,000 20,460 492.000 413,510 F. L. Gordon__ ,__ C. L. MacKenzie__ J. E. Moore____ ___ L. A. Moore. 15.000 3.000 250.000 200,000 B. J. Rucker _____ W. J. Rucker_____ A. D. Campbell__ W. R. Stockbridge E. A. Shields____ R. W.fMcCall_____ B. J. Ellis________ 10.000 1,350 67,050 32,810 10,000 8,570 221,550 167,220 Wm. Kohlwes— 10,000 1,720 41.000 37.000 15.000 5.000 160.000 105.000 25.000 5.000 160,000 145.000 John M. P hillips... A. J. Haile ______ J. W. Webster ___ 25.000 . 1,000 35.000 34.000 H. E. Gritman____ J. T. Dirstine— O. H. Greene 35.000 7.000 251,280 221,390 James C. Langley.. J. C. Cluck Wm. A. McEachern Minnie Taylor A. L. F aler______ Gerking If. A. SINCLAIR. L. F. BOLUS..— R. B. FIELD— — . C. A. CAMPBELLR. F. TAYLOR Personal attent Ion to all Collect Ions. Leavenworth.Chelan C 9 LEAVENWORTH STATE BANK J)Send your Item s to a growing ba nfc. Pop. 2500 98-123 < § ’10 (Put our name on your mailing 145,720 Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Port.; Far. N., Colfax, Wash. 68.000 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Colfax N., Colfax. Wash. 41,460 Scan. Am., Seattle; Bk. of Com., Everett, Wash. 66,000 Fidelity N., Spokane. 11, Han. N., N. Y.; Union Sav. & Tr. Co., Seattle. 80,000 N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; Ex. N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. 24,500 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. list opposite Lea venworth. Lind— _____Adams E 13 Farmers State B ank____§’17 Pop. 1000 98-394 First National Bank.— . < ’08 98-172 Loomis— Okanogan A 11 Okanogan State B an k ..< §’06 Pop. 500 98-269 Lyle____— Klickitat G 8 State Bank of Lyle_____J l’l l Pop. 200 98-341 Lym an..__ __ Skagit B 7 Lyman State Bank____ < § ’12 Pop. 441 98-355 Lynden.__Whatcom A 5 Lynden State B ank___ < § ’05 Pop. 1148 98-270 H, S. Snead______ Jas. M. Stout. H. W. Champneys, (B ranch o f R iv er side, Wa sb.)._ M gr. C. F. Hendrickson. Lee Richardson . . . L. H. Lawson_____ J. J. Schwarzman. 12,500 1,250 45.000 55.000 G. A. Minkler. . . . . W. M. K irb y ....__ F. C. Fellows. 10.000 4.500 122,680 98.400 P. M. Serrurier— B. C. Crabtree ... W. B. Vander 25.000 13,310 339,100 291,720 Griend Mabton— Yakima F 10 MABTON BANK -— — < § ’04 A. T. Carlson__ ___ J. S. Baker __ — Earl Larrison_____ H. W. Johnson___ Pop. 700 98-183 Malden__*Whitman D 16 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. L. F. Rohleder____ Ole Melhus______ R. E. G ullich..___ Margaret Kerom 1. Pop. 1400 98-154 < § ’07 Mansfield__ Douglas 0 12 Commercial State Bank<§’16 F. W. d w e l l __ — P. T. Peterson____ Fred. L. Munroe—. H. T. Watts___. . . . Pop. 600 98-391 MANSFIELO STATE BANK Marysville.Snohomish C 6 Pop. 1239 Medical Lake. . . Spokane Pop. 1730 C15 Metaline Falls— — Pend Oreille..Pop. 500..A 16 Molson...Okanogan A 12 Pop. 300 Monroe...Snohomish C 7 Pop. 1552 98-271 < § ’09 Marysville State Bank. < § ’92 98-273 First National Bank.— . < ’08 98-274 Metaline Falls State & Sav.Bk. 98-275 < § ’11 Molson State B an k ___< § ’08 98-276 First National Bank___< ’04 98-120 MONROE NATIONAL BANK WASHINGTON M ap on Index 25.000 5,000' 195.000 20.000 1.000 150.000 100.000 85,900 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Seattle; Belling ham N. and Northwestern N., Bellingham, Wäsh 73, Han. N„ N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Fidelity Tr. 0 Qt Tacoma 30.000 Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane. 25.000 1,000 115.000 100,000 24.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Met., Seattle. 144.000 A. L, Rogers. D. W. Tomlinson . . L. H. Meritt.. . . . . . Geo. G. Knauss__ 25.000 20,000 333.000 235.000 S. T. Sm ith.. S. Saunders__ :__ — E. E. Colvin___. . . 25.000 6,030 201,310 135,610 W. R. Cunningham, 0 . H. Greene_____ B. W. Hughes ____ F. H. Kirchhoffer.. Jr. H. E. Neelands___ R. A. B ailey.____r A. W. Dressel_____ 25.000 8,780 281,180 272,360 10.000 1,840 72,920 53,540 C. S. Barns______ C. A. P otter____ _ G. B. Avery ____ G. L. Armstrong... 25.000 2.500 210.000 170.000 E. M. Stephens___ R. W. Jellison___ J. M. M anesby..__ 25.000 7,990 260,700 171,460 O. F .E lw ell______ J. McKean. Whit H. Clark____ Olga G. Dorcas____ 25.000 3,240 114,690 113,310 25.000 5,300 136,520 145,170 50.000 56,420 581,060 523,270 F . L. Carr____ . . . F A Tarr_______ A. M. Campbell___ E, H. Carr A. D. Devonshire— W. H. F ran ce____ 40,360 Dexter Horton N. and 1st N., Seattle. F. M. Broadbent__ J. Moorcroft— . . . W. W. Morse____■- 11.000 500 54,440 39.400 N. J. Moldstad___ N. B. Hannay— . . . R. G. Hannaford . . G. B. Grace___ Geo. I. Dunlap O. Gunderson____ Verne Branigin___ R. L. Davis______ 50.000 38,000 690.000 624,700 50.000 2,110 380,110 326,320 G. D. McLean____ E. Branchflower__ F. C. Pickering___ C.W. Bridgham___ 25.000 - 10,000 170.000 139.000 L. H. Desmarais__ G. E. McGrath____ J. E. McGrath____ 10.000 1,800 57.000 48,000 145.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Fidelity N., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle and St. P. 96,730 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st N., St. P. and Everett, Wash. 63,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 29,869 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane &' Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 60.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Ex. N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 126,350 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle: 1st N., St. P. 26,090 Garfield N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. • 42,930 Han. N., N.Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 164,210 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 21,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Seattle: N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 169,280 N. ParkrN. Y.; Dexter Horton N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 105,910 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 57,200 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. City, Seattle; 1st N., Mt. Vernon. 16.000 Fidelity N., Spokane; Dexter Horton Ns, Seattle. B an k s A dvertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve BankNof St. Louis um ber un d er N am e o f Baule la the New T ran sit N um ber eiven July. 1917 98-121 <09 ‘Montesano-GraysHarbor Montesano National Bk.<1900 Pop. 3500 D8 98-90 Montesano State Bank .< § ’97 98-89 Morton_______ Lewis E 6 State Bank of M orton..<§’l l 98-338 Pop. 300 ‘Mount Vernon__Skagit First National B ank___< ’89 Pop. 3500 B6 98-95 Mt. Vernon National Bank 98-97 < ’06 Skagit Co. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. 98-347 < § ’11 Moxee City.. Yakima E 10 Moxee State B ank_____i§ ’14 Pop.t300 98-378 20,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 62,240 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.’, Spokane. ChaseN., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 15.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Scan.-Am., Port. WASHINGTON BANKS—-La Conner to Moxee City P. B. Stravens..__ A. J. Shobe— ___ _ I. M. Camp____.__ C. P. Moore.. Frank O lson...— P rincipal Correspondents. L oams Ga s h c ' t *. B o n d s , ch a n c e s ,D ue S e c u r it ie s p ro m B a k u _______ La Conner.___Skagit B 5 La Conner State Bank .< § 1 2 Pop. 800 ' 98-354 Lacrosse— Whitman E 15 First State Bank_____ < § ’10 Pop. 750 98-266 Security State B ank__< § ’14 98-373 Lake Stevens.Snohomish Rucker Bank ________.< § 1 0 Pop. 600 B7 98-253 Lamont__.Whitman D 15 Lamont State Bank___ < § ’08 Pop. 275 98-267 Langley______ Island C 6 Langley State Bank____i§ ’12 Pop. 550 98-362 Latah____ Spokane D 17 Bank of Latah_______ < § ’90 . Pop. 339 98-268 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volum e. For Interest Bates, Grace) etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 W A SH IN G T O N —Continued 1246 1 9 4 .f i Lia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . Y ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Naches____ Yakima E 9 Naches State B ank..—..$ § ’10 A. M. Otto ______ T. E. Forsyth ____ J. R. Reynolds__ Mary E. Wallin__ Pop. 200 Napavine____ Lewis E 4 Pop. 400 •Newport__Pend Oreille Pop. 1199 B 16 North bend___.King D 7 Pop. 500 Northport—Stevens A 15 Pop. 1800 98-277 Napavine State Bank __.$§’13 98-366 Security State Bank___< § ’08 98-156 State Bank of Northbend 98-278 $§’13 Miners & Smelters Bk..*$§’16 98-387 Pop. 20,951 E9 98-26 W. Moeser______ E. W. Anderson__ Fred Stevens____ H. C. DAVIS-........ GEO. W. ADE— ~ G. C. WALLER, Tr. «ÌS'IO ] Collections hav e the personal ‘FIRST NATI BK, 98-22 J. T. Phillips___ W. H. Taylor __ W. C. Weeks L. E. Carlin. __ A. R. Mason Jerome J. Day __ R. M. Walker____ J. B/Helpman. „ • $ ’8r is p iifc D epo s it s R esources. k C a s h k Ex* Loams D isc ’t s . B ombs , S ec u r it ie s 10,000 $ 6,500 64,500 $ 68,450 $ 29,400 Yakima N., No. Yakima, Wash.; Seattle N.~ 10,000 1,000 45,000 40,000 203,670 W. L. STEINWEG— CHARLES CARPENTER-C. R. DONOVAN. J. A. LOUDON-__ . £ F.H. SHARKEY O l d e s t a n d L a r g e s t B a n k in C e n t r a l W a s h in g t o n . S p e c i a l a t t e n t io n p a id t o C o l l e c t i o n s . S E N D Y O U R ITEM S D IR EC T TO U S. F. Bartholet__ ___ George E. S tacy.... 98-23 *$’88 Edwin D. Clark ♦Yakima Trust Co.____»$§’06 H. 0. Lucas______ W. A. Bell_______ J. L. Clift__ 98-25 ♦YAKIMA VALLEY BANK 25.000 9,000 250,090 10.000 2,460 103,110 65,730 48,350 Seattle N. and Union Sav & Tr. Co., Seattle.' 10,000 4,060 248,060 151,130 107,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Wallace Bk. & Tr. Co., Wallace, Ida.; Ex. N., Spokane. 50,000 8,750 160,000 112,830 100,000 50,000 100,000 177,250 2,730,480 2,442,420 100,000 25.000 9.000 561.000 321,000 NAT’L BANK OF 0AKES0ALE F. A. Davis__ ___ W. T. Day_______ J. W. Martin____ Geo. W. Harris__ WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 8.000 250.000 225,000 Robert Moody__ . L. L. Crosby_____ J. M. Pratt 15.000 4,550 ■56,600 58,180 Wm. T. Perkins__ G. N. Mills_____ _ E. I. Landstrom 10.000 2,070 54,060 40,320 L. G. Nuelsen __ O. F. M inch__:___ Hy. W. Rieke 25.000 1,000 200.000 185,000 G. W. Finney____ Joseph Kriegler__ O. T. Deets______ A. M. Michaelsen.. 29-,800 587.000 498,400 40.000 W. J. Isaak (B ranch o f Cone onully, W ash.) E. C. Quackenbush, M gr. O. E. Hansen ...___ Chas. Ostenberg__ Harry J. Kerr____ H. Gordon K err__ 5,200 251,750 222,420 25.000 C. J. LORD— .. M. E. REED------- W. J. FOSTER. W. H.BRACKETTOldest, Largest and Best Equippe d Bank In T hurst on County, Send us your c ash letters and c ollectlon s for qui ck returns. 100,000 P. M. T roy______ Hugh R o s s______ F. M. K enney___ _ F. P. McKinney__ H. E. Van Arsdale 664,400 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; N. Bk. Cohn., Seattle. 181,690 2,090,960 1,775,730 50.000 93,560 713,020 674,050 J. H. Sidey . . . ____ H. J. Colman____ John'Scott. 15.000 6,730 113,100 91,030 E. S. Moore—......... O. G. Barnard____D. D. Townsend 10.000 1,850 36,010 33,030 S. C. Mitchell____ A. W. Johnston__P. M. Snider 15.000 A. P. Murray_____ Monroe Harman__S. B. Starrett, J r ... 50.000 10,000 S. C. Mitchell-___ W. L. D avis___ ... P. M. Snider, Sec 40.000 400 W. J. Thompson__ C. W. Van Scoyoc. M. E. Callendar___ C. W. Van Scoyoc.. 10.000 269,600 Chase N., N.Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bks. of Cal. N. A., Port., San F., and Seattle. 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ex. N. and Old N., Spokane. 14,450 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Everett, Wash. 18,340 N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Northern Bk. 8 Tr. Co., Seattle. 41,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 124,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N. Seattle; Old N., Spokane. Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle. 97,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. Com. S68lttl6 683,670 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and San FA N Bk. Com., Seattle. 195,030 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Dexter Hor ton N., Seattle; Am. N., San. F. 33,730 Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane 250.000 232,000 37,000 9,170 Ex. N„ Spokane; 1st N., St. P,; Bk. of Colville Colville, Wash. Han. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane; Dextei Horton N., Seattle. 83,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; 1st N. St. P.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane 3,000 Bk. of Oroville, Oroville. 99,820 58,120 47,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 15,000 For SAFETY and S ERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1247 Olympia National Bk.—«$1900 98-50 Ömak___Okanogan B l l Omak State Bank..___ *$§'07 Pop. 450 98-283 Orient—— Ferry A 14 Orient State Bank____ *$§'10 Pop. 250 98-284 Oroville—Okanogan A 13 Bank of Oroville—__...$§’16 Pop. 700 98-198 First National Bank___*$’06 98-197 Union Title & Trust Co...§’10 98-199 Orting---- -— Pierce D 6 Orting State B an k ...__ $§’97 Pop. 799 98-285 52,470 Fidelity N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 235,000 1,975,000 1,136,670 1,018,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.; Seattle N., Seattle.' * 23,140 635,630 600,660 148,850 Irving N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.: Met., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 19,410 937,730 711,480 295,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Tacoma. O. A. Fechter____ O. S. Mead_______ Chas. Heath_____ J. J. Bartholet___ 98-24 *$§’02 No.Yakima Clearing House J. A. L o u d e n ...... Joe L. Clift _______ J. J. Bartholet, (Members indicated by a *) M gr. a n d Sec Oakesdale.Whitman D16 Commercial State Bk._.»$§'99 E. H. Hanford___ A. Coolidge______ H. W. Hanford___ C. R. Hupp_____ Pop. 882 98-169 *01ympia-..Thurston E 4 CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Pop. 6996 98-49 *$’90 Seattle. 9,000 Seattle N., Seattle; Coffman, Dobson & Co., Chehalis, Wash. 55,820 Chase N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. attention of an officer o f this bank. ( Send us your cash letters and sight drafts for quick returns. ‘ YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK George Donald___ L. L. Thorp 98-170 *$’08 Oak Harbor__ Island B 5 Oak Harbor State Bank»$§’10 98-280 Pop. 1097 Oakville...Grays Harbor Oakville State Bank__ *$§’09 98-281 Pop. 465 E4 Odessa—___ Lincoln D 13 Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 1200 98-386 »§’15 Union State Bank____»$§’11 98-282 Okanogan------Okanogan Commercial Bank____ »$§’90 . Pop. 1000 B ll 98-192 First National Bank___*$’09 98-191 Principal Correspondents. c h a n g es ,D ue fro m B ank s WASHINGTON BANKS—Naches to Orting________ •North Yakima..Yakima CENTRAL BANK & TR. CO J. P. W eter _____ Robt. Urquhart__ Surplus P a id - u p AND Ca p it a i . P r o f it s 1917 ___________ N ame of B ank . Town and County. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 12 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , - L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t R a te s, G race,] W A SH IN G TO N — Continued- J u ly , N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k la th e N e w T r a n sit N u m b e r g iv en 1 O A 7 , to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s' x t * ' i ; ' D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . T own and Co dnty . N ame of B a n k . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Staie Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District. Est, V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . A. Lamphere___... 50,000 6,500 Security State B ank...< § ’89 J. K. McCornack. Robt. L. Smith.—. John P. Duke____ M. D. McPherson. SH 98-124 60,000 First National Bank.. < ’06 98-104 Methow Valley Bank.. *§’12 98-350 Pe Ell State Bank..___ ¿§’08 98-288 Pine City State Bank . .< § ’15 98-289 Knettle State Bank___**§’03 98-116 Pomeroy State Bank...»*§’91 98-115 Bank of Clallam County<§’95 98-100 Citizens National Bank..«*02 98-101 Port Angeles Trust & Savings Bank___ 98-369__ __»*§’14 Kitsap County Bank__ **§’08 98-290 First National Bank.. . . . < ’83 98-65 Merchants Rank< § ’89 98-66 Liberty Bay Bank___ ..< § ’10 98-291 First State Bank____ ..< § ’04 98-292 Citizens State Bank___**§’05 98-139 98-138 < § ’02 FIRST NATI BANK 98-87 •*’92 PULLMAN STATE BANK<§ 92 98-86 218,000 227,000 16,570 ->449.430 378,810 110,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Seattle N. Seattle; 1st N„ Port. 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Tacoma, Tacoma Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N. Port. 105,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., O ldN., and Fidelitj N., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 14,000 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane; Columbia Valley, Wenatchee, Wash 11,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port.; Secur . State, Chehalis, Wash. 29,110 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Spokane & Easterr Tr. Co., Spokane; Met., Seattle.* 304,470 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton. Port.; Old N., Spokane; Baker-Boyer N., Walla Walla, 691,670 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Port. 50,000 7,000 140,000 125,000 Robert Jahnke__ James Waters____ T. J. Cooper_____ Allen Reeves____ 50,000 25,000 378,000 286,000 C. T. Borg__ ____ O. A. Johnson____ 10,000 200 35,000 22,000 E. H. Lester__.__ Lydia Boynton__ O. W. Boynton___ Irene Pearsall— 10,000 ------------ 20,000 16,000 A. J. Stone —_____ J. Edwards__ ___ W. O. Palmer_____ C. W. Hudson 15,000 4,280 134,690 123,070 N. D. Knettle____ - 13,030 501,720 260,270 92,290 1,121,280 564,900 L. N. Knettle_____ Geo. Burlingame. 50,000 R. L. Rush.._____ W. B. Morris_____ 50,000 H. E. Lutz______ D. H. L u tz...____ S. J. Lutz________ O. I. Haswell—__ R. H. Lutz J. C. Delabane . . . J, P. Christensen.. Conrad Luppen... 25,000 8,820 25,000 9,920 G. M. Lauridsen . . L. N. K n ettle... . . '467,570 - 372,400 398,600 286,500 76,600 Ex. N„ Spokane; No.-West. N„ Minpls. 128,980 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 146,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and 1st- N., Seattle, E. J. Walton___ C. L. Babcock . . . . B. N. Phillips—___ D. E. McGillivray Thomas R o ss...— R. A. N o y e s ....— W .W . Boner_____ 25,000 2,000 210,000 185,000 40,000 Han. N., N- Y.; Union Sav. & Tr. Co., Seattle. 20,000 5,870 130,000 117,000 23,390 Irving N., N- Y.: Scan. Am,, Seattle. H. D. Hopkins___ F. J. Bailey____ J. G. McCurdy___ 50,000 30,000 480,000 460,000 W. M. Ladd_____ N. O. Strong____ Geo. Welch______ A. F. Anderson__ 75,000 27,120 631,100 526,870 A. B. M o e...__ . . . William Thaanum. A. Brygger— — — 10,000 6,000 160,000 140,000 H .S. Fender____ J. T. Flathers . . . . F. J. Fleischer H. W. Fisk___. . . F. J. Fleischer__S i E. D. Hicks. 25,000 5,000 - 136,000 102,790 Guy H. Pearl__ __ Don. Pearl— 25,000 25,100 298,800 223,000 HARRY 0ESTERLE- J.F. SEARS.. J. F. SEARS_______ , E. WISE— . A. LINDER Flrst and oldest established bank In the lower Yak ima Valley, Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day o f pa ym ent. Put the name o f our bank oppos 1te Prosser on you r m ailing list. 40,000 11,760 323,810 261,740 M. W. WHITLOW— 0. L. WALLER— — M. SCHULTHEIS, JR. F.C. FORREST.____ Ç. F. ANDERSON.. J. 0. PATTERSON 75,000 25,000 810,000 693,890 O. H. P e a r l......_ 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Dexter HortonN.,Seattle;WellsFargo-Nev.N.,San F, 206,240 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Seattle N. and N. Bk. Com.. Seattle. 36,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Met. and Scan. Am., Seattle. 57,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N., Spokane; 1st Nv, Walla Walla; Ladd & Tilton, Port. 111,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spo kane; 1st N., Port. 113,820 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Fidelity N., Seattle. 250,300 Snokane; 1st N., San F. Send us your collections, Personal presen tatlon, and remi ttance on day of payment. R.C. McCROSKEY J. L. METSKER— . A. R. METZ. First and Oldes t Established Ba nk. Prompt and effl clent service on a 11 Items sent us. WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank N uof m St. b e r Louis u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is R. P. Ward______ C. F. Kinzie___ A. L. Maxwell •*§’08 J. B. Crain.._____I C. S. O’Brien.._.— E. W. Landt—. —. . R. H. Craig— .... PROSSER STATE BANK Pullman...Whitman E 16 Pop. 3500 8sC URITI 18 P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . &Ex- Ca s h c h a n g es ,D ub f ro m B a n k s R. E. DOTY. 37,500 21,140 567,440 460,970 122,880 Ex. N., Spokane; Lumbermens N., Port. B a n k s A d vertising g ive Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence t h e , v«>w Transi * WASHINGTON BANKS—Othello to Pullman ____________July, 1917 Poulsbo.......... Kitsap C 5 Pop. 364 Prescott.Walla Walla F14 Pop. 700 »Prosser____Benton F 11 Pop. 1250 $ 10,000 $ Lo a n s à D igc ’t s . B ond s , 5,000 $ 83,000 $ 64,000 $ .29,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; 1st N. Seattle. 500 55,000 35,000 20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N ., Seattle. »Pasco—...Franklin F 13 BANK OF PASCOPop. 4000 98-105 »Port Orchard.Kitsap D 5 Pop. 1200 »PortTownsend, J efferson Pop. 5000 B4 R esources . P aid - up Surplus D epos AND Capital P rofits its 10,000 Palouse.. .Whitman E 17 NATIONAL BK. OF PALOUSE R. C. McCroskey . Pop. 1549 98-125 < ’09 »Port Angeles.Clallam B3 Pop. 5000 etc., see page 14. Lia b i l i t i e s . P r e s id e n t . Othello.____ Adams E13 Othello State Bank— ’08 H. Siem ens______ F. A. Duncan——. . •J\ P. S iem en s.... Pop. 800 98-286 Outlook.-...-Yakima F 11 Outlook State Bank__.<§'09 VV. H. N orm an.... E. H. Burlingame.. H. E. Schroeder. Pop. 200 98-287 Pateros— Okanogan C 11 Pop. 350 Pe Ell________ Lewis HT4 Pop. 838 Pine City—Whitman D 16 Pop. 84 »Pomeroy..Garfield F 16 Pop. 1605 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace For Holidays, see opposite page 13 dexed in back of this volume. W A SH IN G T O N — Continued 1248 ___________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 9 4 .fi to each bank *B U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* x ^ - to Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given i? eao“ bank in U- S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e K a n d -M cN a lly B a n k e r s' D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k e r s A ss’n . ? Town and County. N ame of Ba ne . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 12 $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District, E sL W A SH IN G TO N — Continued Lia b ilities . P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . As s 't Cashier . * P aid-up Subplus Depos and Capital P rofits its Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors« in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B ates« Grace,] e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. ft k Loams D u - C a sh E xc ’T f. B o n d s , c h a n c es , ue S h o o k it in n o M Banks D Puyallup . . . . Pierce D 6 Citizens State Bank___< § ’98 G. W. Edgerton___ Chas. Hood______ W. A. Miller $ 25,000 $ 27,980 $ 385,750 $ 347,710 $ 83,930 Liberty N., N.Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ Tacoma; N. Pop. 6000 98-57 Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle: Am. N., San F. ______ •« •• Puyallup State Bank__< $ ’06 J. S. Alspaugh..__ J. M. Jones______ R. C. G regory...^. 25,000 13,950 . 340,950 300,760 69,750 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; 98-58 Dexter Horton N.,Seattle;Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. Quincy______ Grant D 11 Quincy Valley State B k .< §’06 G. E. Sanderson__ H. D. V ail_______ R. O. Wightman 10,000 2,500 120,500 95,330 40.170 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Old N., Pop. 264 98-293 Spokane. Raymond____Pacific E 3 WILLAPA HARBOR STATE H. W. MacPhail___ Ralph H. Burnside- E. E. Colkett____ 0 . E. Meredith___ Pop. 6000 BANK— 98-92------- • » ’08 50,000 12,500 500,000 400,000 141,900 N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Reardan____Lincoln C 15 Farmers State Bank___< $ ’09 John Mahrt Pop. 527 98-196 •• f , *• Reardan National B ank-<’99 98-195 Redmond . ____ King 0 7 Redmond State Bank__<$'ll F. M. Roberts Pop. 300 98-339 25,000 11,300 465,470 374,290 135,390 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N„ Spokane; 1st N.. Seattle. 50,000 * 20,680 628,100 465,350 10,000 3,180 119,720 104,890 230,430 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane! Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 28,010 Seattle N., Seattle. 25.000 4,080 302,430 241,160 90,410 Enanth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.: Union Sav. & Tr. Co. and State Bk. of Seattle, Seattle. »Republic____Ferry A 13 Ferry County State Bk.<$’05 P. H. Walsh_____ W. J. H all... Pop. 1200 98-160 John Stanley 25,000 15,000 238,780 134,560 Richland__.Benton F-12 Security State Bank___$$’09 W. R. Amon_____ F. A. Friermood... A. L. N elson.. Pop. 300 98-295 Ridgefield____Clarke G 5 Ridgefield State Bank.. _$S*10 E. L. Thompson__ J. L. Hartman__ _ J. E. K eith____. . . Pop. 500 98-296 »Ritzville___Adams D 14 ♦First National Bank___< ’91 F. E. Robbins.. __ H. Rosenoff______ D. J. Behringer___ Pop. 2000 98-110 20,000 1,300 71,000 62,000 146,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., , Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle; St. Anthony . Falls, Minpls.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Grand ' Forks, B. C. 23,000 Fidelity N., Spokane; Seattle N ., Seattle. 10,000 2,580 90,890 61,070 75,000 40,760 604,130 518,530 75,000 29,000 514,000 394,000 223,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Northwestern N.,Port<; Scan. Am.. Seattle. 75,000 65,000 738,890 500,750 302,160 Han. N., N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Crocker N. SanF. 25,000 13,090 173,860 140,030 17,500 4,560 208,000 115,000 58,050 Chase N., N. Y.MDld N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 114,500 Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane. 233,400 72,590 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane: N. Bk. Com. Seattle; Lumbermens N., Port. 450,000 , 350,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Old N? Spokane: Seattle N., Seattle. E. Dueber_______ E. A. Davidson___ R. Mines • — R e n to n .....___King D 6 Citizens Bank________ <$'09 Pop. 2740 98-85 " ------ --- L PPj “ | „ ■ ♦GERMAN-AM. STATE BANK 98-112 ♦PIONEER NATIONAL BANK 98-111 ... <$'04 < ’01 R. W. Gilham j C. H. CLONUS— HENRY W.THIEL-- J .F . LANSING — O. H. Greene_____ H. E. Gritman____ W. H. Martin..___ “ m Ritzville Clearing House____ W. H. M artin...__ (Members indicated by a,*) Riverside.Okanogan B l l Okanogan State B an k ..< $’04 Pop. 300 ' 98-297 Rockford.. Spokane D 17 Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 663 98-186 < $ ’06 Rosalia___Whitman D 16 Bank of Rosalia______ < $ ’61 1 Pop. 1100 98-177 Whitman County Nat. Bank 98-178 < ’04 WILLIAM THIEL— Send your cash letters and collec tlon s direct to u s ( for efficien t se n i c e and quick returns. j J. F. Lansing, Mgr. F. H. Haupt, Sec. a n d Tr. Hans Lund______ Grant Elgin E. W. Champion__ J. W. Lowe______ I. N. Graham_____ W. L. Oliver A. J. Calhoun____ F. M. Campbell___ E. W. Wagner.!___ H. N. Gardiner___ 25,000 7,170 273,830 W. E. D w yer_____ 40,000 20,000 750,000 F. J. Wilmer.. A. R. M yers_____ Clarence Graham Roslyn____ .Kittitas D 9 CLE ELUM STATE BANK Pop. 3126 98-298 *$’07 ( B ranch o f Cle E lum , W a s7»..V. _. _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W W Wnwfr 10,000 5,270 95,700 70,720 10,000 4,000 117,500 95,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 30,070 N. City, Chi.; 1st N., Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 30,000 Am. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Seattle; Fidelity N., Spokane. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index io Lawyers) 1249 Roy_________ Pierce E5 Roy State Bank_____< $ ’08 W. T. Perkins____ Pop. 400 98-299 Ruff.____....G r a n t D 13 Ruff State Bank.._____•± friv\ M. A. W iley_____ j F. E. Weston ...__,. Pop. 50 98-335 1 WASHINGTON M ap on Index 41,920 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Hartman & Thomp son, Bkrs.. Port. 201,360 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle; Old N., Spokane. July, 1917_______ _______ WASHINGTON BANKS—Puyallup to Rufi ___________ 1 *^ Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given C t ? A T 'T 'T t? /v . _ _ _ _ .— to each bank m U. S. exclusively b y The Band-McNally Bankers’ o x L A 1 x JL/il/ (K in g, C 6; C ounty S eat— R eserve City Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. (Federal Reserve District No. 12) P op u lation 348,639 N ame of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . L ia b i l i t i e s . R eso u r c e s . Due S u r pl u s I n d iv id -; D e p o s it s L oans a B onds , P a id - tip and from Se c u r i UAL D is of Ca p it a l P r o f it s D e po s it s B a n k s Ba n k s co u n ts t ie s , ETC. GLEÄSON-— G. B. BAKER------ JOHN K. BUSH-— A. T. BREW— — - J. A. MURRAY, B. B. LUTEN, Sec. C h .ò fB d . ’ 609,000 $ 111,730 $ 2,329,270 102,000 $ 1.485,840 $ 1,162,360 $ 277,550 A Commercial Banking business transacted. Send US your Seattle business. We give personal service and quick returns at low rates. TRY OUR FACILITIES. ip D, Kelleher. 19-15 lank for Savings 19-59 Bank of Oaliforn Ass’n — .19-11.. R. Auzias-Turenne. W. H. Crowther... ilk E O f e ‘DEXTER HORTON NATIONAL BANK 19-4 F. W. Newell_____ G. M. Brow n____ N. H. LATIMER.— W. H. PARSONS G.F. CLARK ESTABLISHED \ 870. 37,180 829,760 339,480 447,230 155,390 8,500,000 8,239,720 (B ranch o f S a n F rancisco, C a l.).... 217,250 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ; Wells FargoNev. N., San F.; 1st N,, St. P. 5,940 Irving N. and Brooklyn Tr. Co., N. Y.: Seattle N., Seattle. J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Mech.-Am.N., St. L. 15,000,000 13,500,000 (B ranch o f Toron to. O nt.). E. B. Ireland, Mgr. 25,000 C. E. BURNSIDE-— H. L. MERRITT. R.H.MacMICHAEL, J.C.NORMAN B o n d M gr. C. H. DODD, M gr. Credit D ept; * 4,030 115,650 132,480 Canadian Bk. of Com., N. Y.; North ern Tr. Co., Chi. 15,320 10,430 N. City, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. 6,554,200 2,052,560 1,552,030 3,242,850 400,000 139,000 600,000 2,572,020 3,351,760 1,008,320 536,410 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Colum bia Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. Of 111., Chi.; Mtle. N., San F. 400,000 282,970 5,782,630 1,387,470 4,265,630 1,302,100 1,483,140 859,530 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sah F., Bos., and St. P. Efficient personal service to banks and others. Every facility offered. B. H. MacMichael, A . Sec. G'h. o f Bd. C. J. Smith, Ch. o f E x . Com. M. A. ARNOLD. — D. H. MOSS— M. McMICKÉN ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Int’l Bkg. Copp., SanF.: 3dN ., St. L. 299,110 8,404,150 3,494.670 1 , 200,000 •*’70 Accounts large and small invited. *DEXTER HORTON TR. & SAV G. F. Clark............ W. H. Parsons____ W .W . Scruby . . C, E. Burnside BANK — , .1 9 - 5 3 ....... »*§’03 J, w . Clise, 19-2 400,000 1. C. Wagner, Mgr. Gèo. T. S. White, A . Mgr. MERCE— -19-13-.:— _•§ litizens Bank of Georgeto 19-66 «ti P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . Cash and E x c h a n g es 6,600,000 C. A. PHILBRICK— A. R. TRUAX- l f y o u a p p r e c ia t e p r o m p t a n d c a r e f u l s e r v ic e , a t a m o d e r a t e c h a r g e , s e n d U S y o u r it e m s a n d C o lle c t io n s f o r S e a t t le and P a c if ic N o r t h w e s t •*’82 in c lu d in g A la s k a . Green Lake State Bank_**§*07 G. W. Lear G. W. H ill.— 19-61 Guardian Trust & Savings Bank 0. K. Sturtevant__ Robt. Wilton . . 19-70 «tris F. J. Linne . Louis K. Lear— ". M. L. Colson.. 25,000 T. H. Kolderup__ A. C. K ahlke. 100,000 10,000 160,000 312,040 ,930 90,000 22,000 78,000 290,180 50,590 28,910 5,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.,' Seattle. 28,2.20 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Merch. N., San F.; N. City, Seattle. 50.000 73,000 470,400 294,100 172,800 76,500 48,300 N. City, N. Y.; Yokohama Specie, Ltd., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. King County State B ank..»§’13 J. F. Banning____ E. B. Holmes. 19-68 R. W. Green Wm. Nordquist. 30.000 2,100 150,000 125,000 5,000 20,000 25,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. City and 1st N., Seattle. T. H. Bowden . . 200,000 115,000 2,800,000 1,800,000 300,000 ♦Metropolitan Bank— „•* § ’09 H. O. Henry_____ J. T. McVay.__-i'2 R. 19-21 ‘ NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 19-3 M. F. BACKUS— Your P a c if ic p. Loomis J. A. SWALWELL - R. S. WALKER-----E. W. BR0WNELLF. H. LUCE I J - í v W Ú E LAFAYETTE KELlO G G ____ N o r t h w e s t , A l a s k a , a n d B r i t i s h C o lu m b ia B a n k in g B u s i n e s s I N V I T E D . • t ’8 ( Seattle Banjos continued on n e x t page) WASHINGTON M a p on Index Federal Reserve Bank St. N uof mb e r Louis u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given 1,000,000 751,970 10,521,260 3,563,200 SEE ADVERTI SEMENT 1,015,000 Merch. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Am. N., San F. 9,576.650 2,607,400 2,207,610 1,746,540 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y .; Coht. & Com’l Pf. and Ist N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; ON WAS HINGT0N INDEX. Franklin N., PhU. B a n k s A d vertising give Prom pt A tten tio n to Collections and Correspondence O TP A 'P 'T T XT' A c c e s s ib le T ow n s, L aw y ers, L a w s, D ir e c t o r s , in - ____________ July, 1917 Japanese Commercial Bk. **§’07 M. Furuya_______ W. L. Gazzam____ M. Matsumoto___ S. K awai.___. . . 19-60 W. A. Keene, Sec. ________________WASHINGTON BANKS—Seattle ‘AMERICAN SAV. 4. FBANK & TR. CO. V ice -P r e s id e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volum e. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see pager 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1250 1 OC a x N ame of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. Est. P resident . . V ice-President . ♦National City Bank___ .¿.*’11 J. W. Maxwell____ F. W. Baker.. __ — J. H. Bloedel 19-20 As s 't Cashier . Cashier . ri sp ii P a id - u p Ca p it a l JuiAHlljITIJSS. S u b p l u s I n d iv i d D e p o s it s L o a n s * D is or ual and counts P r o f it s D b p o s it s B a n k s 10,000 40,420 20,000 1,600,000 Northwest Tr. & Savings Bank 19-14 «*§1900 J. V. A. Smith— ... R. W. Sprague____ D. L. Davis A. Myers, S e c . 100,000 Oriental American Bank_<§’05 19-56 M. Matsumoto, S ec.. 40,000 Peoples Savings Bank— < § ’89 E. O. N eu feld er.... 19-10 C. M. T oby _______ T. S. Toby J. E. Chilberg—___ C. J. Erickson.___ *SBCÄ T NAV,iAöN8 flMERIS N92 A. Chilberg, Oh. o f B d. S. S. Lindstrom James Vallentine L. H. Wakefield— E. S, G oodwin..— C. H. Howell_____ R. C. Vandevort — 27,900 $ Due pr o m Banks 100,000 230,810 2,298,450 25,000 3,500 160,000 16,900 $ 1,016,000 407,000 92,000 13,000 . 2,560 500,000 100,000 538,260 11,110,700 $ 894,970 18,570 30,100 61,000 26,000 8,124,710 2,828,830 •1,461,340 278,590 415,360 67,230 100,060 19-71 SEAHLE NAT’L BANK 19-7 < ’89 H.C. MACDONALD F. K. STRUVE------í o u m 11DANIEL KELLEHER¿ l| Oh. o f lid . P. B.TRUAX W. S. PEACHY E. G. AMES LAKGLSX BAUDl IN WASIUNW IV«. 1,000,000 386,140 10,076,250 10,825,130 Unlimited facilities for handling collections. Accounts and Items of banks, firms and individuals invited. DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH ALL IMPORTANT NORTHWESTERN POINTS, INCLUDING BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALASKA. 25,000 1,250 E. L. Grondahl___ A. H. Soelberg — Hugo Carlson____ D. H. L u tz -------- 2 Edgar Ames Rolli n Sanford— E. J. Whitty ♦Union Savings & Trust Co. James D. H oge___ J. D. Farmer ,A. B. Stewart 19-19 < § ’03 N. B. Solner A. W. Hogue — University State B an k ... <§'06 A. W. Tenney 19-58 E. O. Eastwood, Ch. o f B d . West Seattle State Bank..J§’14 W. T. Campbell___ A. O. Thompson__ J. B. Campbell____ 19-65 (Seattle ba n ks continued on n e x t page) WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. W. Spangler, 3,530 N. City, Seattle. 19,000 Seattle N., Seattle; Yokohama Spe cie, Yokohama; Mitsui, Tokyo. 662,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Cpnt. & Com'l N. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Mech.-Am N., S t.L . 6,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N. Seattle. 884,050 N. Park and N. City, N. Y jí" State Bk* of Chi. and Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and wells Fargo-Nev-N., San F.; Merch. N., ist P. 77,800 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Seab. N ., San F. 9,916,110 J6,119,500 5,091,340 2,155,080 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Crocker N., 2d N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 42,060 T rust F unds 31,080 304,440 35,050 1,690 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 48,610 153,700 165,020 .26,650 24,310 12,570 1st N. and Seattle N., Seattle; Mitsui, Yokohama. 100,000 58,990 1,986,740 188,040 1,266,710 291,670 377,250 284,130 N. City. N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi.. Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F. 600,000 187,000 4,011,720 495,450 2,816,990 1,448,990 530,000 630,000 Corn Ex., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. oi 111., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; Am N., San F. Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Kep., Ghi. 190,000 N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 30,810 13,980 4,950 N. City, Chi.; N. City, 1st N. and State Bk. of Seattle, Seattle. 50,000 15,000 720,000 550,000 10,700 190 71,970 •33,120 A. J, Mabutt, M gr. Sec. a n d Tr. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS ______________ 1251 80,200 J. W. Maxwell__... Ga s h a n d E xchances • . 250,000 (M embers indicated b y a ♦) in ' l m T.M. Jenner ,A.Sec. Seattle Trust Company__tS’05 J. EJ. Chilberg____ E. S. Osborne____;. A. F. Bailey, Sec. a n d Tr. W. P. McLaren, E. P. Tremper 19-57 A . Sec. A. G. Schroeder, A . Tr. _ T, E nknda___ A. Y. Williams— J. T. Kikutake.__ 19-72 19-18 Directors, 213,000 N.Bk.Com., N. Y.; N.Bk. Rep.. Chi. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Phil N., Phil. 738,610 1,228,440 85,000 Laws, $ 1,500,000 Han. N.. N.«Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi. Crocker N„ San E.; Union N„ Phil 4 . 200 . 219,000 Lawyers, P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . B o n d s, S e c u r i t i e s , ETC. $ 3,000,000 $ 500,000 $ 150,000 8 4,500,000 Towns. dexed in back of th is volum e. F or I n te r e s t K a te s, G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. (F ed era l R eserv e D is tr ic t N o . 12)__________________ North Side State Bank__ < § ’14 Jacob Schaefer ___ A. J. Goddard-___ 19-69 Rainier Valley State B an k il’10 19-67 Accessible SEATTLE—Continued—Reserve City July, 1917____________ WASHINGTON BANKS—Seattle—Continued N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e J ta n d -M cN a lly B ankers* D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . (See Index to Lawyers) SE A T T L E —Continued—R eserve City Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS N am e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. {State tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ICE-PRESIDENT. L. E. Eyman. EYMAN & COMPANY, Inc. . . ’17 NATIONAL CITY CO— ___ GEO. H. TILDEN & CO...— 4 05 (114 Cherry Street) ! ._______ Ca s h ie r . F. R. Van Tuyl. (Federal Reserve District No. 12) A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . P a id - u p Ca p it a l Fletcher Lewis, See. a n d Tr, $ Sur plu s and P r o f it s dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 I n d iv i d D e p o s it s L o a n s a B o n d s, ual ; op D is . S e c u r i D e p o s it s B a n k s c o u n ts t ie s , e t c . P r in c ip a l Co r respo ndent s . Due fr o m Banks C ash and E x changes 100,000 High-grade Bon ds, Municipal an d Corporation. ' Farm Mortgage s Bought and So Id. (.Investment B o n d N. City Co., N. Y., Chi., Phil., San. F and Lòn., Eng. '.Geo. H, Tilden — W. H. Wynn, Jr. „ Homer W. Bunker, See. and Tr. IN V E S T IN E N T Stone & Webster, N. Y.; Geo. H Tilden & Co., Chi.; Stone &Web ster, Bos. BONDS. W A SH IN G T O N —Continued T own a n d County . N am e of B a n k . •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in No. 12 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Federal Reserve District, ____ f Est Sedro Woolley.Skagit B 6 C .J . Pop. 2129 P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . & CO. STATE C. E. Bingham____ Julia R. Bingham— Q. P. Reno First National Bank— 98-103 A s s ’t Ca s h ie r , i ^ ’05 J. C. W ixson____ E. S. Howard_____ J. Guddall_____ 25.000 83,830 68,340 Seab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Yakima N., No. Yfikima, Wash. 10.000 2,000 80,000 79,000 14,000 Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; N. City, Seattle. Thomas Bordeaux. 25;000 43,000 340.000 270.000 Herman Friese____ C. F. Moehring___ Alex. Livingston . . 25.000 6,000 170.000 132.000 j H. C. C0MEGYS- S.VESTAL 50.000 69,690 674,160 668,580 137,760 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Seattle N and N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A. San F. 408,360 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San. F. „ R. W. Schumacher WILSON M.SNYDER G. A. MIDDLETON.. •South Bend—Pacific E3 PACIFIC STATE BANK-*t{’99 P o p . 4200 98-76 | Prompt and ef flcient service on collections. ( Send your Items direct to us. 4 j JOS. G. HEIM— J.H. DRISSLER— - 100,000 51,150 954,080 729,110 John P eters_____ G. H. Campbell___ 0 . W. Newlon ____ Will S tarter_____ 15,000 5,250 190,260 168,520 35,000 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N., Seattle. 1 South Tacoma-Pierce D 5 (See Tacoma) Pop. 100,000 Spangle___Spokane D 16 Pop, 299 98-304 WASHINGTON M ap on In d ex Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,650 Old N., Spokane. * B a n k s A d vertising g ive Prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence S P O K A N E . s«« m ire 14. F o r H o l id a y s , see o p p o site p a g e juiyt 1917 L. W. HOMAN.......... FRED EICHNER— Oldest and larg est bank In P ad fie County. ( s e n d u s y o u B ITEMS. We remit dally. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. _________ 131,400 " i ■ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t’87 ( Oldest bank In Snohomish Conn ty . 98-74 N. City, N. Y .; Seattle N., Seattle. 5,780 •Shelton____ Mason D 4 State Bank of Shelton..*t{’93 M. E. Reed Pop. 1163 98-302 t§ ’03 P r in c ip a l Corr espo n d en t s . 15j000 Sequim------- -Clallam B 4 State Bank of Sequim..« i l i o L .J . Bigelow____ H. J. Bugge - P o p . 600 98-801 98-75 i Resources. 1Loamsà Du- CashA Exc*ts. Bonds, CHANGES,DCS . Bsoubitim FROMBaKXS William T. West__ S 50,000 $ 14,790 S 558,040 $ 455,080 $ 163,740 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. Seattle. ' Selah______ Yakima E 10 Selah State Bank___ —»tS’10 C. S. Sundberg__ _ F. P. Hörschel - __ Elmer D ahlin.... . . Pop. 150 98-300 . Snohomish — Snohomish Pop. 3244 0 6 L i a b il it ie s . rplus P a id - u p SuA Ca p it a l P r ond ITS f it s 1252__________________ WASHINGTON BANKS—Seattle to Spangle 1252 vu « VM 1253 u n iiiu u a oanK s A a v e ra sm g g ive prom pt A tte n tio n to C ollections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the Pîew Transit Number given Q P O K A IS T E < F - .r ,l « e s .n . ™ (Spolcaue, C 16) County Seat .»..we« N». .,) dexed iníack oFthirvolume!y For Interest Rates, Grace,i*— « P op . 1 5 0 . 3 2 3 - K . ~ r - . C».y .« c , •Uem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. 1st. P r e s id e n t . V ICE-PRESIDENT. «BANK OF MONTREAL— ftS'17 (B ranch o f M ontre al, Quebec) r p l u s I n d iv i d D P a id - u f S uAND ual Ca p it a l A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . P r o f it s D e p o s it s e p o s it s or Loans D is B anks a co unts B o n d s. Se c u r i t ie s , e t c . D ub trou 28-9 ♦Exchange National B ank.< ’S E. T. Coman__ ___ Wm. Huntley------- 0 . E. McBroom— 0 . M. Green E. E. llood , 28-2 A sst, to Pres, E. N. Seale M. W. Lewer 50.000 Farmers & Mechanics B k.<§’03 Ortho Dorman___ C. T. Tupper_____ B. C; Y ancey------28-51 lederai Reserve Bank. 28-1 1 , 000,000 $ 6,452,660 $ 3,170,550 270,410 $10 941530 8,390 226,640 290,470 ~ P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . * Ca s h I an d Ex- Banks $16000 000 $17557 034 Wm* Dick, M gr.— ~ P » »■ — R e so u r c e s . Lia b il it ie s . N am e of Ba n k . 37,820 N. City, N.Y.; IstN ., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.: Seattle N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. $ 3,588,730 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., San F.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; S.W. N. Bk. Com., Kan Q 80,390 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. (B ranch o f S a n F rancisco. Caí.) — (See Page 31 fo r co mplete in fo rm a n o n . ) -------------------- ♦Fidelity National Bank._<’82 T. H. Brewer _ — M. A. Phelps — — J. J. Rouse______ Joseph BailyA. W. Lindsay 28-5 C. D. Robinson, E. T. Hay, Lincoln Trust Co.----------<.i§’16 M. E. Hjiy.... .......... H. G. Sampson, Sec. a n d T r A . Se$. and A . Tr, V. Pres, a n d Mgr, 28-58 W. J. Smithson___ «OLD NATIONAL BANK— *$’91 D. W. Twohy------- T. ft Humbird____ J. A. Yeomans------ G. H. Greenwood W. D. Vincent 28-3 J. W. Bradley B. L. Jenkins Clyde Joh n son ..... O. Larson-----------Martin Woldson _ O. A. Johnson___ ♦Scandinavian-Amer. Bk. < § ’08 L. G. Heiberg 28-10 A. D. Davis___ Security State Bank-------i§ ’15 G. W. Stocker------ G. G. Rudd______ E. W. Edgington — 28-57 250.000 100.000 1 , 200,000 100,000 25.000 3 1,102,240 Seab. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Mtle. N., St. L.; 1st N., San F.; > Ladd & Tilton, Port. W Fidelity N., Spokane; Met., Seattle. 3,500 230.000 34,700 X ► —« % Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 409.750 13,421,110 $ 4,753,080 10,968,130 3,500,000 $ 4,184,070 '1,682,230 Merch. N., St. P.; Bk. of Gal. N. A., o San F. -Î 55,000 Seab. N., N .Y .; Union Tr. Co., Chi. o 185,000 50,000 750.000 125,000 825.000 36.000 Scan. Am. N., Minpls. z 75.750 4,212,280 2,985,180 690,310 277,940 168,410 10,220 4,950 125,990 Irving N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. > z X 3,343,270 Chem. N ..N .Y .; N. City, Chi.; Bk. of V i Cal. N. A., Port.: 1st N., St. P. Union Sav. & Tr. Co., Seattle Crocker N., San F.; Oma. N., Orna. V i 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. *0 o w* 6,287,610 3,537,330 312,380 11,705,800 R. L. Rutter.— - H. Witherspoon__ W. T. Triplett,»Sec. S. Richards, T r .... 1,060,000 E. V. Klein, A.Sec W. B. Hubbard, J.P.M.Richards, Samuel Galland Asst, to Pres. Ch. o f B d. C. W. Winter «SPOKANE & EASTERN TR. CO. Conner Malott 28-4 < § ’90 ; D oes a general banking busine ss. Collections a specialty. Corr esponde nee soli cited. 03 to Spokane State B an k ---- < § ’07 J. A. Anderson.. 28-54 Union Park Bank.. 28-55 J. M. Dungan------- O. W. Tupper___— W. S. Freeman — E. R. Anderson___ < § ’06 H. M. Strathern— L. D. Means___ W.M.Hetherington Union Trust Company— < § ’07 D. W. Twohy__ 28-52 J. G. Cunningham . A. S. Blum, T r .— W. J. Kommers Wall Street Bank— . — .< § ’06 G. P earson------ a 28-53 A. D. Jones. G. Pearson F. 0. Paine. Sec..., H. E. Fraser, A . Sec L. Pearson. F. J. G use------W. Bedle.__ ♦Washington Trust Co— < § ’03 M. B. Connelly— . R. L. W ebster..__ I. R. L. Webster, Sec, D. Hall, A. Sec. 28-8 C. T. Hansen —___ C. T. Hansen,Sec, J. H. Peters, DAY & HANSEN SECURITY CO, W. T. Day----------- Charles A . Sec, Hurst 28-56< § ’08 68,600 213.000 3,600 134.000 8,500 305,550 107,310 14,840 78,560 90,740 2,150 8,190 928,970 664,460 117,040 50.000 12.000 275.000 25.000 6,700 158.000 200,000 123,540 25.000 880 200,000 52,720 1,500,000 307,350 1,000 1,485,750 1,848,210 14,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ex. N ., Spokane; N 0 Bk. Com., Seattle. n 34,700 N. City, N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 5,050 Title Guarantee & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane. 3,350 Fidelity N. and Ex. N., Spokane. 304,780 N. Park. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr.Co., Chi.; Anglo Lon. & Paris N., San F. Mellon N., Pitt. 257,830 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N-. Chi.; Old N., Spokane. G. H. Rodenbach Joseph Baily, Mgr, Spokane Clearing House-s— — W. D. Vincent___ Wm. D ick ........... . C. A. McLean, Sec, (Members ind ica ted b y a * ) Chas. A. McLean, C. H . E x a m in e r. WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indexto Lawyers) Ln Co Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in /U . S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and Co u n t y . N a m e of B a n k . . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 12 *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve d istrict Est. Sprague — Lincoln D 15 Bank of Sprague_____ «*§’02 Pop. 1110 98-305 \ x r a CtJTTVTr* nr'/’YKT Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grac< etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see^opposite page 1! __ j VVAorllJNljr I UN"—Continued. Lia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . R e so u r c e s . r pl u s L o a n sk Dis PAIDrUP Suand D e po s care. B o n d s , Ca p it a l it s P r o f it s a7 L. Sm alley...__ S. C. Kinch Ralph R. Jones.™ S e c u r it ie s P k in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . k Ex- C a s h c h a n g *s,D u * f r o mB a n k s 25,000 3,080 137,550 Springdale.-Stevens B 15 Farmers & Merch. Bk..**§’08 C. W. W inter..___ T. A. Winter_____ 0 . O. Snapp__ ___ Pop. 800 98-306 10,000 2,800 86,590 Stanwood.Snohomish B 6 Bank of Stanwood___ ___§’04 W. C. Brokaw____ S. A. T hom pson-- O. W. Brokaw ____ S. A. Thompson . . . Pop. 700 98-193 i 25,000 14,600 350,000 271,960 108,540 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Seattle N. andN . Bk. Com Seattle; 1st N., Everett, Wash. Starbuck__Columbia E 15 Bank of Starbuck____ «{§’06 W. E. Sprout_____ Y. B. W hiting-___ Pbp. 700 98-307 25,000 7,520 77,850 76,630 33,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co Spokane; 1st N., Port. 20,000 1,280 58,780 55,820 16,320 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. 8,200 114,000 80,000 41,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Met., Seattle; Lumbermens N. Port. 115,000 85,000 41,000 Ex. N., Spokane: Far. N., Colfax, Wash.; Lum bermens N.v Port. 275,000 76,500 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern'Tr. Co. Spokane; Ladd & Tilton. Port.; Dexter Hor ton N., Seattle; Colfax N„ Colfax, Wash. Steptoe State Bank____*§’11 Lewis Starriett___ George H all. . . ___ M. O. Handlpy 98-337 JaneMcClaskey__ AStevenson.Skamania G 6 Bank of Stevenson........»*§’06 E. P. Ash________ F. E. Robbins____ G. F. Christensen.. Eva L. Y o rk ...___ Pop. 387 98-308 St. John.—Whitman D 16 Farmers State Bank—.»*§’14 E. C. White -™ ™ F. A. D avis..—___ H. O. Conn_____ _ H. C Mnnltnn Pop. 650 98-375 St. John State Bank___**§’04 H. O. Fisher__ . . . . 98-309 Sultan___Snohomish C 7 Citizens Bank________«JI’IO G. G. Startup Pop. 800 98-310 H. W. Terhune___ Jas. M cDerm ott... W. M. Jenkins— Sumas . i —. Whatcom A 6 Garrison Brothers State Bank L. A. G arrison.™ . Pop. 002 98-167 *§’02 F. S. Garrison „, ,, Sumner_____ Pierce D 6 Farmers Slate Bank__«*§’16 C. M. Case-______ J. J. Hocking | ___ ; Pop. 1500 98-311 Sunnyside. „Yakima F 11 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «* 06 Otto K. Strizek™ . F. J. Taylor____— H. A. Boose Pop. 1379 98-134 . _ S. F. Pinkham 10,000 4,160 40,000 6,480 25,000 1,200 50,000 6,230 50,000 15,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co Spokane. . / 73,50jO 156,160 15,740 N . Bk. Com., Seattle. 145,990 54,500 134,000 40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 301,140 256,290 126,070 lech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Ex. N., Spokai 1st N., No. Yakima; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 330,000 225,000 140,000 Ian. N.. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ch Dexter Horton N., Seattle. base N., N. Y.; Seattle N.. Seattle; 1st 1 Bellingham, Wash. - 1 B an k s Advertising: g ive P rom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence WASHINGTON M ap on Index no ■ L r ,'a tha W«ir TVanfiIt Number criven m a r n M a f P ie rc e . D 51 C ounty S e a t Accessible Towns, lawyers, l-aws, 1 9 ty /R. 6. PAGE— — . W. J. CREGL0W— HORACE L. MILLER ) SUNNYSIDE BANK. ____*t§’02 Oldest bank In the eastern part o f Yakima Conn ty. 98-133 1Prompt and eo nsiderate attentl on given Collect! ons and all other \ business. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 ......2,330 70,890 Seab, N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. WASHINGTON BANKS—-Sprague to Sunnyside _____________ July, Steptoe___Whitman E : Pop. 250 90,080 ____ $ 30,000 $ 26,000 $ 815,000 $ 640,000 $ 214,000 Chase N., N. Y.; OldN., Spokane; Seattle N Seattle. Farmers State ,Bank___*§’15 Hi D. M ills______ S. P. W ea v er...... 98-385 1254 tO K /L ,s_ Hnssd in back of this volume. For In tere st R ates, Grace,\ _. U llM r given N u m b er u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k 1» the N ew to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely N ame of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. »State tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . HP A P O M A A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . V ice -P r e s id e n t . (Pierce, E> 5) County Seat A c c e ssib le T o v m sy S u b p l u s I n d iv id Deposits L oans & SBeocnudrsi, D is P aid - u p of ual AND co u n ts t ie s , e t c . Ca p ita i . P r o f it s D e p o s it s Banks a m s. b a r u - j . £ M y t j y H V* ALWARD M l N U r 500,000 $ 511,430 4,477,380$ 623,890 3,280,690 1,716,690 $ 664,700 D o a Keneral B ank ing and E xchange B usiness. Collections a specialty and rem itted on day of paym ent. A ccounts of B anks and Bankers solicited._______ 34-4 NATIONAL BANK OF TACOMA - R S STACY.......— E. T. WILSON.......STEPHEN APPLEBY--R. R. MATTISONCHESTER THORNE_ 1,000,000 210,000 9,000,000 5 , 200,000 1, 100,000 1, 200,000 P. Wallerich— 25,000 15,260 228,650 151,480 8,000 30,550 W. W .Newsch wan Peter Richardson. der C. E. Lindauist 100,000 55,500 1,050,000 885,500 25,000 200,000 22,000 2,103,000 993,000 799,000 200,000 200,000 50.990 1,074,390 963,850 222,400 85,440 Gh. o f Bd. United States Depository. Your account and collection item s for the Pacific N orthw est solicited. W e rem it promptly. 60,000 Merch. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F 463,630 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn JEx. N.. Chi.; U. S. N., Port.; Crocker N., San F.; Merch. N., SL P. 1 , 100,000 Chase N.. N. City, and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont.&Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 34-1 North Pacific Bank. 34-51 E. S. Prentice — B. M. Wallerich-- ★ Puget Sound Bank & Trust Co H. N. Tinker. 34-7 »t§’90 J. E. CHILBERG— T h ir t y Yeans 13,970 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. Tacoma. 230,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N.', Ohi. 1st N., San F. H. V. V. BEAN- 0. S. LARSON— - H.BERGG. LINDBERG E x p e r ie n c e ; -, 32,000 WASHINGTON BANKS—-Tacoma FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY •* - J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; S. W. N.Bk. Com., Kan. C. $ 250,000 $ 102,000 $ 483,000 300,000 M. M. Ogden La w s« For Interest Rates, «race, i Cash Due FROM and E x B a n k s c h a n g es 34-3 ★ Bankers Trust Co_____ **§’07 J .F . Murphy 34-8 t ft V L a w y e rs , dexed in back of this volume. $8,500,000 $ 8,239,720 S. M. Jackson, Hfpr. G. H. Raleigh, A . Mgr. ( B ranch o f S a n Francise o, Cai.) iB6 M k cM r . A^ W 147,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Scan. Am., Seattle. T e n Thousand C u sto m e rs. S e n d U s Y o u r N o r t h w e s t a n d A la s k a •t§’07 C o lle c t io n s . 34-5 Tacoma Clearing House-------— A. A. Miller; (M embers indicated b y a ★ ) G. H. Raleigh ------ H. B erg. WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ili. Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F, Northwestern N., Port. R.R. Mattison,-Mflr. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS 1255 Chester Thorne— A. A. MillerE. S.Eogg W .G . Hellar F. A. Rice _ ★ Tacoma Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. 0. H. H yde. 34-9 «*§13 (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and Co u n ty . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13 W A S H IN G T O N —Continued L ia b i l i t i e s . N ame or B a n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 12 tMein. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A ss ’T Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . R esources . P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loan«k Dis- Gashk ExP aid- up Surplus Depos- c ’ts. Bonds, CHAM«M,Du* and Capital P rofits Smuriti*« fromBanks A. B. Willard_____ J. A. Nelson_____ R. S. Kalbfleisch — W A. Mnsier S. M. Peterson____ H. W. Hanford___ R. W. Bell_______ Frank S tossel ___ Hans Lund . . . . . . . | H. M. GILBERT- $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 324,000 $ 257,000 $ 99,800 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane: Dextei Horton N., Seattle: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. 30,000 18,760 354,210 159,110 241,860 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Ladd & Tilton, P6rt. H. S. Barclay____ T,. IT. TTnhhard 10,000 1,000 55,000 48,000 11,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Northwestern N., Port.: Fidelity Tr. Co., Tacoma. A. P. Miller______ Ralph Comegys___ Claude Comegys__ 15,000 4,000 225,000 100,000 144,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port. E. P. Layton_____ R. W. Ttall 10,000 2,570 101,550 25,760 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Comi, Seattle; North 83,220 ; western N., Port. E. G- Magnochi__ E. R. flnwles 10,000 2,260 53,070 59,320 18,510 Atlantic N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle: Merch. N., San F. Arthur Lund. E, Wnrkosky . . 25,000 8,750 142,070 136,000 36,580 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Dextei Horton N., Seattle. 50,000 8,000 212,000 160,000 60,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Ex. N.,Spokane J. D. LAUGHLIN— H. B. M ILLER -— F. F. SMITH------N. City, Seattle; 1st N. No; Yakima. Wm. Hoare______ 0 . D. McKeehen__ Toppenish__ Yakima F10 CENTRAL BANK------- <§'10 1 Patronize a gro wing bank. Pro m pt and efficient attention to all It ems sen t us. Pop. 2500 98-119 ( Put the name of our bank on your mailing list oppo site Toppenish. Touchet. Walla Walla F 14 Pop. 250 Twisp___ Okanogan B 10 Pop. 400 Uniontown.Whitman E 17 Pop. 426 Yader._______ Lewis F 4 Pop. 1000 Valley____.Stevens B 15 Pop. 400 Valleyford-Spokane D 16 Pop. 100 First National Bank.:__ < ’05 98-117 Traders Bank_____ ... < § ’08 98-118 Touchet State Bank___ t§’07 98-316 Commercial Bank____ < § ’62 98-317 Farmers State Bank__«$§’90 98-200 Little Falls State Bank_<§’l l 98-346 Security State Bank___ §’17 98-396 Community State Bank.i§’16 98-392 ‘ Vancouver___Clarke G 5 UNITED STATES NAT. BANK Pop. 13,180 98-36 < ’10 Vancouver Nat’l B a n k ..< ’01 98-34 Washington Exch. Bank 98-37 < § ’12 Vashon_______ King D 6 Vashon State Bank___ < § ’09 Pop. 1000 98-319 F. A. Williams___ L. J. Goodrich___ L. J. Goodrich___ F. S. Reinhart____ 25,000 21,000 220,000 200,000 J. D. Cornett____ _ W. M. McGowan__ 25,000 8,710 303,350 235,200 1,000 75,000 60,000 12,000 ^140,000 150,000 J. D. Cornett, J r ._ Woodson Cummins 0 . L. Renn ____ :__ M. T. Renn |r W . G. H ughes ___ J. M. R isley ____ a . w . Sprouse 15,000 S. Hilliard M. Reisenauer___ C .T O É a n J : ____ 10.000 7,780 247,090 R. H. Campbell_ (Thas. Reidel 10,000 1,310 68,510 56,740 15,000 1,500 35,000 40,000 29,200 26,320 10,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 8,850 N. Park, N . Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. H. H. Hanson A.N. flheney ..... C. W. W inter.. __ à F. L. R ein oeh l . . — C. P. Thomas.___ C. H. Tart - < § ’11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern TDr. Co., Spokane: Bk. of Calif. N. A., Seattle. 126,310 Henry Clews & Co., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 23,070 Lumbermens N., Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma 100,000 32,500 629,740 672,030 182,670 Atlantic N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. San F, T. H. Adams_____ W. S. S h ort _____ 100,000 25,000 862,620 932,380 50,000 7,860 270,540 148,650 10,000 3,000 85,000 74,000 189,570 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S.N, and 1st N., Port.; 1st N., Seattle. 77,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Lumbermens N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Met., Seattle. 10,000 N. City, Seattle. 50,000 32,590 311,780 244,120 145,250 Merch. N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 50,000 67,970 954,930 491,660 591,340 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., San F,, and Port.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 570,990 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., San F.> and Port.; Merch. N., St. P.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 300,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker’N., San F.; U. S. N., Port. 937,640 1st N., Chi. and Port.: Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. Lloyd Du B ois. __ W. P. Crawford__ i 0 . F. Zumsteg ___ È. R. Reynolds T. Hansen . 100,000 200,000 200,000 234,930 2,571,820 2,363,910 52,000 1,151,290 963,720 375,260 1,786,630 1,525,151 H. H. MARSHALL- J. W. SUMMERS— W. H. THARP-------- J .E . MERRtFIELD- F op p r o m p t, e f f i c i e n t s e r v i c e s e n d y o u r b u s i n e s s t o u s . A th o r o u g h ly o r g a n iz e d c o lle c t io n d e p a r tm e n t. W E G ET 50,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Lum bermens Port.; Seattle N., Seattle: Fidelity N., Spokane; Am. N., San. F. 54,050 1,110.860 730,100 484,800 24,390 702,610 378,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; U. S. N., Port. R ESU LTS. Third National Bank___< ’08 G. E. Kellough____ John Bachtold____ F. W . Wilson_____ Mark A. Y ork____ 98-18 WASHINGTON M ap on Index 134,800 J. M. Langsdorf___ L. M. Hidden— . . J. S. G. Langsdorf. Farmers Savings Bank_<§’89 Allen H. Reynolds George Struthers— W. H Tinrr 98-17 First National Bank____< ’78 LeviA nkeny...___ J. D. Ankeny.____ P. M. Winans_____ R. E. Allen 98-16 98-19 35.000 10,000 Waitsburg__Walla Walla EXCHANBE BANK____ < § ’04 M. Zuger _______ R. M. Breeze ____ F. P. Kinder__ __ Pop. 1237 F14 98-144 First National Bank___ < ’89 J. W. Morgan W. G. Shuham___ 98-143 ‘Walla Walla. WallaWalla BAKER-BOYER NATIONAL Miles O. Moore___ W. W. Baker_____ H. H. Turner____ H. E. Johnson.__ . Pop. 25,136 F 15 BANK__ 98-15______ < ’69 N. A. Davis PEOPLES STATE BANK 40,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle Northwestern N., Port. 98,780 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk Com., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 1st N.,< Port, and Walla Walla, Wash. WASHINGTON BANKS—Tekoa to W alla Walla____________July, 1917 Tekoa____Whitman D17 CITIZENS STATE B A N K ... 98-114 ' < § ’04 Pop. 1694 Tp.lrpa State Bank ..... < § ’92 98-113 Tenino____Thurston E 5 Citizens Bank - L *§$’14 98-382 Pop. 1038 Thornton ..Whitman D 16 Comegys. Hanford & Miller Pop. 300 Bank___98-313_____ < § ’Q5 < § ’09 Toledo__ ._r...L ew is F 4 Toledo State Bank 98-314 Pop. 500 Tolt_____ ___ —King C 7 Tolt State Bank __ ___ o il’l l Pop. 300 98-315 Tonasket.Okanogan A 12 First National Bank __ < 1 3 Pop. 200 98-365 P r e sid e n t . 1256 1256 935,350 - B an k s Advertising: give Prom pt A tten tio n to C ollections and Correspondence ■i n Ì.ÙO/ 00 O Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 . each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own a n d Co unty . N ame op Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . Wapato____Yakima FIO First National Bank.___« ì’06 A. E. McOredy. 98-320 Pop. 500 A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. B or I n te r e s t h a t e s , GraCe,j**—4 e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W A SH IN G TO N — Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Oa s h ie r . Lia b il it ie s . S u b pl u s D e po s P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s $ 25,000 $ Harry Jones-------- L. W. Taylor____— D. A. McDonald R e so u r c e s . k ExkD non P rin c ipa l Co rrespondents . Loams m C a sh c ’t s . B o n d s , CMAWeiS,Dl7B Banks glOOTUTXM 9,080 $ 205,920 $ 195,100 $ 51,900 N. City, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. ant.& Com’1 N.,Chi.; OldN.,Spokane;Seattle N.. Seattle. Warden_____ Grant E 12 Warden State Bank— *4:5’07 Chas. Lindenberg. William Roth, Jr— I. H. Mullowney__ G. E. Mullowney— 98-321 Pop. 150 Washougal— Clarke G 6 Clarke County Bank— tS’05 C. M. Keep_______ E. R. Keep_______ T. S. Keep.______ L. R. Greenm an... 98-322 Pop. 500 Washtucna— Adams E 14 First National Bank____*$’12 W. R. Cunningham, O. H. Greene_____ W. A. Pearce------- - J. M. B ooth __ F. R. Greamba Jr. 98-323 £ Pop. 500 10,000 3,500 53,000 45,300 15,500 15,000 2,440 103,250 76,500 34,500 Northwestern N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port. 50,000 11,780 217,440 171,190 64,550 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Port.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane, »Waterville.Douglas C 10 Douglas County Bank. »$§’90 M. E. Lies________ M. B. H ow e..____ C. S. Valentine___ Christ Berg. 98-163 Pop. 050 30,000 26,000 891,000 702,000 223,000 lmp. & Tra. N., N.Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. John McKay-------- George P. W iley.__ E. O. Carter 50,000 21,450 385,150 409,320 44,270 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Scan, Am., Seattle; Old N., Spokane. 10,000 4,370 129,700 107,680 30,510 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Port. 100,000 23,540 933,430 706,460 350,510 Han.N.,N.Y. ;lst N.,Chi.;Spokane &Eastern Tr Co.. Spokane;N. Bk. Com. and N.City,Seattle. David Holmberg— W. D. Shultz. 50.000 4,000 470,000 385,000 R. R. NEWELL— 50,000 7,760 551,440 : 572,170 80,000 Mech. & Metals. N ..N .Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 87,040 Seattle N., Seattle; Old N., Spokane. WATEBVILLE SAVINGS BIL 98-164 •$8’04 C. T. Hansen. Waverly— -Spokane D 16 Waverly Exchange Bank J. F . Kienbaum... J. T. Hollis______ R. M. Darknell.___ P. R. Tryon. 98-324 »$§’05 Pop. 318 »Wenatchee..Chelan D 10 COLUMBIA VALLEY BANK Guy 0. Browne___ M. Horan. 98-69 •i§ ,92 Pop. 5000 COMMERCIAL BK. & TR. CO F . W. S h u ltz_____ W. T. D a y ------- 98-70 Chas. E. Owens__ _ H. E. Jones. •$8’02 J. K. McCORNACK— J. H. MILLER--------- L. L. MATHEWS - — FIRST RATIQRAL BANK-*i’06 98-71 The only Natlo nal bank in th e f amous “ WENAT CHEE TALL For prompt, effl (dent service, sen d your item s dire ct. Wheeler____Grant D 13 Wheeler State Bank—.»$§’12 E. C. Davis . . . _ i_ . 98-336 Pop. 200 J. E. Bassett____tL E. A. Lander. 10,000 1,500 64,000 58,700 13,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fidelity N„ Spokane. White Blnffs.Benton E 12 First Bank of White Bluffs L. E. Johnson 98-325 «tt’09 Pop. 250 W. J. Kincaid____ 10,000 2,000 63,000 43,000 22,000 Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. A. C. KEEFHAVER- 25,000 2,000 186,000 140,000 69,550 Irving N., N. Y.; Northwestern N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Met., Seattle. Alexander Mackel. M. F. Reinig-------- C. E. R einig.------- 10,000 10,400 10,710 867,920 384,490 6,500 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Coin’l N., Chi.; Seat tie N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. Spokane: 1st N., No. Yakima, Wash. Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of 522,690 Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Fidelity N., Spokane. Mech. & Metals N. and N. Park, N.Y.; Scan 31,940 Am., Tacoma. Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N., /Spokane; Seattle 52,520 N. Seattle. N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fidelity 40,450 Tr. Co.. Tacoma; Northwestern N., Port. 45,530 N. Park, N.Y.: Tra. N., Spokane; 1st N., Port, ( 0. A. BEAU H. L. DOUGLASS White Salmon—Klickitat COLUMBIA STATE BARK 98-181 *$§11 1 We appreciate y our business. Pop. 1000 G7 White Swan. Yakima F 9 White Swan Bank___ $816 98-390 Pop. 110 Wilbur.,____Lincoln C 13 Pop. 1000 W ilkeson...__ Pierce D 7 Pop. 1500 Wilsoncreek—Grant D 13 Pop. 405 Winlock_____ Lewis F 4 Pop. 1500 Winona__..Whitman E15 Pop. 300 Winthrop.Okanogan B 10 Pop. 113 Withrow— -Douglas C 11 Pop. 200 Woodland__.Cowlitz G5 Pop. 384 Yacolt.______ Clarke G6 Pop. 800 ZUlah—— Yakima F 10 Pop. 350 State Bank of Wilbur..*$§'92 J. McPherson.;____ 98-179 First Bank of Wilkeson»$8’08 W. H. Pringle.— -98-326 Wilsoncreek State Bk._«$8’04 A. A. W eaver____ 98— 327 State Bank of Winlock.«iS’05 H. A. Baldwin — 98— 328 Bank of Winona-----— •$8’06 W. C. Morrow— . 98-329 Farmers State Bank:__ «§’16 Wm. G. H ughes__ 98— 388 Withrow State Bank__»$§’12 F. E. W eston____ 98-360 Woodland State Bank—«iS'07 L. N. Plamondon.. 98— 330 First State Bank----------$810 O. F. Hendricksen. 98-331 First National Bank__...»$’09 J. D. Cornett. 98-332 WASHINGTON M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 8,290 T. J. Andersoni___ 15,000 10,550 P. C. Lorentzen__ D. F. Mordhorst__ E. J. Armstrong_ 15,000 3,300 103,260 H. J. Maury — F. R. N ess._____ £ 15,000 4,270 126,900 94,020 Laura Eilert-__ Louis Eilert__ — 8,940 193,360 168,700 50,000 42,000 3,000 240,000 220,000 124,320 E. L. Farnsworth— Charles Hudkins — G. Thompson. 185,320 ' 177,080 69,060 R. C. Garrett------- C. B. Jaynes-------- 10,000 J. E. Andrews____ L. A. W eston------- Harry Short— 25,000 T. E. O liver____ _ Geo. E. Cochrane.. 25,000 4,300 146,670 O. J. Olson______ 10,000 3,290 89,990 50,550 25,Q0C 11,000 190,000 179,730 H. A. Hanson__ H. H. G reen___ __ L. H. Kuhn__— 18,000 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle. 45,000 Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spo kane; Scan. Am., Seattle; 1st N,, St. P. 38,920 Lumbermens N., Port.; Dexter Horton N. S eattleJ 44,130 Scan.-Am., Port.; State Bk. of Seattle, Seattlb Vancouver N., Vancouver, Wash. 47,850 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1258 ____________ W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Albright to Belington ____________ Ju ly , j 9l| Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ► > Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W H B U Y Goods "Service LOOK IN C la ss ifie d Departm ent Inside B a ck C over. West Virginia. INDEX TO COUNTIES. Barbour__ B 6 Berkeley . .. B 10 Boone .........D 8 Braxton . .. C 5 Brooke........ E 11 Cabell.........D 2 Calhoun __._C 4 Clay d 4 Doddridge..B 5 Fayette:__ D 4 Gilmer....... C 5 Grant.';.__ B 8 Greenbrier .D 5 Hampshire. B Hancock. . . D Hardy.:....... C Harrison__ B » 11 9 6 Jackson__ C 8 Jefferson ...B 11 K anawha...D 8 Lewis it....... C S L in co ln .....D 8 Logan......... E 2 M cDowell. .F Marlon . .. .. A Marshall__ F Mason“........ C M ercer......E Mineral....... B M ingo.......E Monongalia A Monro.e....... E Morgan — A 3 6 10 2 4 9 2 6 5 10 Nicholas__ D 5 Ohio:. 8 Pendleton ..C Pleasants ...B Pocahontas D P resto n .....B Putnam....... C 8 Kaleigh....... E Randolph...C R itch ie...... B Roane......... C 4 4 4 6 7 4 6 Sum m ers...E 5 Taylor ¿..11.B 6 Tucker___ B 7 Tyter . .......„B 6 Upshur.........C 6 Wayne— D W ebster___ D WetZel.........A W irt“:............B Wood........... B 2 5 5 4 8 Wyoming..-B 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S e n d y o u r le g a l B o n d e d b u s in e s s t o o u r A t t o r n e y s . They are bonded by The American Surety Company of New York. U s e t h e C o u p o n s a n d B e S a f e . Full explanation on Index “Lawyers.” 1259 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure Sunder town is tMem. State Rks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. M. D olan .---------- W. S. Leach-------- J. F. Ward : Benwood ..Marshall E 11 Bank of Benwood--------§1900 Charles Schad. 69-253 4 Pop. 4976 . A c c e s s ln ie T o w n s , lA w y e rs , m it w c t o t o . in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, tlrace, '— • etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13,' W E S T V I R G I N I A — C o n tin u ed 1Surplus oansk Dis- Cashk ExDepos L Paid-up :'ts. Bonds, HANGB8,D17> and its Bkouritixs non Banks Capital Profits $ 25,000 5,500 170,000 145.000 25,000 15,520 272,100 209,820 89.610 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex„ Balt. 208,000 192,000 89,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N„ Balt.; Cent. N., 525,000 450,000 90,000 100,000 180,000 NJBk.’ Com., N. Y.; 1stN. and4th St. N„ Phil.; 1st N„ Rich. . 40,000 Citiz. N., Balt.; Davis Tr. Co„Elkms, W. Ya.; Empire N., Clarksburg. 35.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Waynesburg, Pa. Far. & Merch., Morgantown. 30,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com’l N„ Wash.. D. C. 25,000 (V. E. JOHNSON-. J. H. SILER— ----- A.M. MENDENHALL C. L. DAWSON— J O ldest, Largest an d S tron gest Ba nk in M organ Co u n ty . »Berkeley Spgs— Morgan BK. OF BERKELEY SPRINGS ^FIFTEEN CEN TS se n t to u s w it h each sig h t draf t for p r e s e n ta lo n , and 69-209 »§’89 ITWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report in s ures p rom pt, pers on çj a tt en tlo n . 5 Pop. 1200 A 10 3,800 25,000 Bank of Morgan County.»§’03 W. H. Som ers------ G. C. Hunter.____ R. E. A llen ______ V. C. Som ers__ 69-210 37,000 50,000 E. S. Thompson---H. M. B ertolet___ R. L. P age..------... Berwind—.McDowell F 3 Berwind Bank------- — *t§’10 B. L. Simpson 69-254 . $ Pop. 2000 12,000 25,000 Beverly . . . . Randolph C 7 Beverly Bank_______ «t§1900 H. Yokum_______; J. B. Baker______ J. B. Staggers .. . . . 69-255 5 Pop. 438 8,000 25,000 J. R. Conklin Blacksville—-Monongalia Dunkard Valley Bank—«J§’02 S. M. Stewart____ W. I. Booth._____ W. B. Haught— — . 69-256 5 Pop. 335 A6 1,000 100,000 R. B. Parrish.----- C. S. Dieffenderfer Bluefield____Mercer F 4 Bluefield Bank----------- *$§’17 Jos. S. Gillespie — H. A. Lilly-----W. L. Mustard 69-64 5 Pop. 15,442 1,820 91,550 W. C. Given------Commetcial Bank— .-----§’17 B. McClaugherty., Rufus A. H ale. 69-63 EDWIN MANN- FIRST NAT’L BANK 69-60 *t’91 FLAT TOP NATIONAL BANK 69-61 day «$§’03 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 325,000 2,100,000 1,850,000 Ite m s on t h is p o in t r e m it t e d 100,000 100,000 1,300,000 050,000 o f r e c e ip t . {( Proper M rfeeesh ou s Harry Bowen. J. B. Perry____ J. H. Hurry__ N. D. Sutton— E.-S. Baker. 300,000 93,790 SO O 700,000 C hase N ., N- Y .; 4 th S t. N ., P h il.; M . M 1st N ., B a lt.; 1st N ., Cin.; 1st N. and Am > N ., R ich . 400,000 C hatham & Phénix, N ., N. Y .; Corn Ex N ., P h il.; M erch. N ., R ich .; F ifth -T hird w N ., Cin. GO 25,000 J. E. Jenkins__ . . . W. H. Thomas— W. M. Collier 25.000 Ernest P hillips___ F. J. Farnsworth— U. I. Jenkins. 27,000 A. A. SIMPSON— B.0L YOUNG— — G DRAFTS, C ENTION GIVEN id accom pany eac h S igh t D raft for presen tation i <9 300,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 1,600,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; 1st N„ 9 Rich. „ . „ 81,420 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Empire N., Clarks- z 29,090 214.H0 181,290 o - burg. o "33,000 Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Drov; & Mech. N., Balt. 22,730 360,000 350,000 a 388,430 319,670 126,250 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 42,000 518,210 50,000 4 H AND TIME I TEMS. 1 each re q u est fo r report 383,460 173,570 N. City, N. Y.; Peo. N., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 242,210 N. Bk. Com., N .’Y.; Far. Dep. N., Mellon N., Bk. of Pitt. N. A., and Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Ex. and Citiz. N., Balt. 147,770 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 31,500 50,000 85,240 603,930 465,510 J. I. Bender i i i - i — W. C. Hefner__ __ H. B. Marshall------ A. B. Forman— 25,000 30,220 405,250 305,430 C. H. T h rash ------- R. H. K idd__ä----- R. C. McCandlish— 25,000 1,200 40,000 50,300 D. G. McGregor . . . A. M. Douglass___ G. F. Hess— — i — E. S. Batson. 50,000 . 17,000 380,000 280,000 C. H. Sm oot___— C. W.'Morton------- SM. D. Morton—— 25,000 110 T. C. Pipes _ei------ S. B. Hinerman___ W. H. Loper—— . 50,000 ' 73,590 W. M. N ow ell__ _ Lloyd Strope_____ Harry Elbin--------- J. I. Elbin. 50,000 U. G. Young Sanford Graham.— T. R. Hall— «t’92 Burnsville..-Braxton C 5 Burnsville Exchange Bk.i§’03 69-260 5 Pop. 770 Peoples Bank________ »i§’16 69-357 Cairo— ___ Ritchie B 4 Bank of Cairo____ -__ »t§’97 69-261 5' Pop. 668 Camden on Gauley-Web- Lanes.Bottom Bank— i§ ’07 69-290 5 ster„Pop. 300 D 5 Cameron— Marshall F 10 Bank of Cameron ......... tS 69-168 4 Pop. 2500 First National Bank — m ’01 69-169 *t’92 Oered’o — ...W ayne D 1 First National Bank i 69-262 5 Pop. 1215 W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index 102,780 è TRADERS NATIONAL BANK William Post 69-139 103,510 w > • t ’03 PEOPLES BANK OF W. VA. 200,000 C O LLEC TIO N S. L. E. TIERNEY-__ WM.H. THOMAS— E. T. TYREE— — W. B. HICKS— Isaac T. Mann-----Bramwell___-Mercer F 4 Bank’bf Bramwell____»t§ 69-257 5 Pop. 1458 Bridgeport—Harrison B 6 Bridgeport Bank----------t§’03 S. S. Faris........— 69-258 5 Fop. 1200 . — »t§’08 Jeremiah Thomas.. Bruceton MiHs— Preston Bruceton Bank 69-259 5 Pop. 116 A 7 »Buckhannon___Upshur BUCKHANNON BANK— * « ’81 John S. Withers— 69-138 5, Pop. 5000 C6 69-140 250,000 C o lle c t io n s a s p e c i a lt y . 133,000 130,000 -W. F. BANE. -W. C. POLLOCK-— L. A. H00PER- B lu e f ie ld . S P E C IA L A TTEN TIO N TO 165,000 Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. S. Floyd Hoard___ J. H. Thornbury— Eustace Adkins___ 50,000 83,000 86,000 686,290> 673,950 44,740 622,500 533,150 32,460 222,910) 269,190 11,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Citiz.. Weston. 157,000 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Columbia N.. Pitt.: 2d N. Parkersburg. 19,200 Han. N., N .T .; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Union Ni, Clarksburg; 1st N., Rich. 131,380 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. W. Ya., Wheeling. 231,120 N. City, N . Y.; Mellon N.,Pitt.; N.Ex.,W heelins* 86,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N. and 1st N., Cin.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Far. & Merch. N., Balt. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indexio N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given and county. N am e of Ba n k . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town Is JMem. State Bks, Assn. tBriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P r e s i d e n t . -1 V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . ; , » /J . L. DICKINSONC EN TR AL T R U S T COM PANY M ' j i“. &AKLLPA Yi . EHÄRDY WALLER C.N A RDY, E. M. BURDETTE, Tr. 260,000 “ .. ------ -- « ,1 “ » ---------- 1 49,100 See. ) Inquiries invited f rom Bankers and ot hers regarding West Virginia Loans and o We do not engage in com mercial banking. ther See urities. correspondents. 867,240 318,120 343,290 406,480 31,050 Trust Vunds. 64,530 87,510 J. S. Dana, T r. __ K. B. Abney, See . . 100,000 J. S. HILL_______ R F FSKINR_____ / ISAAC L0EWENSTEIN J. R. SEALJ. E. ROBINS J O L D E S T A N D L A R G E S T N A T IO N A L B A N K . N A T I O N A L B A N K ( U N S U R P A S S E D C O L L E CTIO IM S E R V I C E . 69-36 *$’84 500,000 778,870 4,089,630 4,667,700 1,200.800 125,000 195,950 1,571,970 1,543,370 Citizens National Bank__<’90 W. A. MacCorkle „ 69-37 DAY & NIGHT BANK — <§13 B. P. Garred.____ 69-47 Elk Banking Co.____ < § ’03 H. B. Smith_____ 69-41 Farmers & Miners Bank»§’17 S. E. Bowen__ _ 69-362 Glenwood Bank. - _«±$’08 69-44 Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co. F. M. Staunton__ 69-39 < § ’01 • Principal ch a n g es ,D ue f ro m B ank s No codec fions ban died. C H A R LES TO N .. Resources. & Ca s h & E x Loans D isc ’t s . B ond s , S e c u r it ie s G. S. LAIDLEY__ __ 6.0. COCHRANE-— E. L. MORRISON........ $ 200,000 $ 30,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 128,000 Chase N.., N. V.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. DANIEL MATTHEWS . on given B ill o f Lading D rafts, C ash and T im e I t em s. 15c w ith each Sig h t D raft for pres en tation ch requ est for B e port or B a tin g . 69-345 «$§’13 Charleston-Kanawha Tr. Co. F. W. Abney — — W. O. Hardy 69-40 §’95 « Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its M. M. Williamson.. J. N. Carnes_„___ G. E. Br’e ece—___ J. F. Hudson____ C. A. McCarty___ U. G. Young A. J. Humphreys — L. V. Koontz____ R . G. Linn C. Summers G. E. P rice_____ H. B. L ew is____ E. Calderwood__ C hase N ., N . Y .;‘ F ifth -T h ird m g C in.; Illvlv'li« li»« Avlvli») IfK• ul Aiti» il» A»« P itt. .501,550 Hans N„ N. Y.S 1st N.,-Chi.; Citiz. N„ Cin*: Drov. and Mech. N„ Balt. 76,700 Irving N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Gin, 30,000 14,700 864,900 324,810 50,000 22,000 400,700 376,340 63,160 Peó. Tf. Co., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin. 45,000 5 ,380 19,670 Irving N„ N. Y.; Kanawha N,„ Char. 51,870 46,530 16,340 Capital City, Char. 33,625 27,900 3,480 250,000 304,810 2,236,430 2,109,660 f CHAS. CAPIT0— A. S. ALEXANDER- E. A. REID______ W. A. CRACRAFTKANAWHA NATIONAL BANK 69-88 »$’91 ] C ollections a sp ecialty, and rem i tted on day o f p aym ent. ( Prom pt, efflclen t service in all ba nking m atters en trusted to u s. 250,000 139,670 2,113,780 2,216,740 Kanawha Valley Bank .< § ’67 John Q. Dickinson James F. Brown_ John L. Dickinson. J. G. Malone____ 69-35 J . W. Crider Peoples Exchange Bank<§’09 H. L. Wehrle M. Frankenberger. 69-45 E. M. Bnrdette 400,000 1,000,000 5,250,000 4,250,000 1,950,000 Citiz. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Gin. 50,000 60,000 490,000 375,000 225,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N„ Cin. 548,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Gin.: 1st N'., Rich.; First-Second N., Pitt. 616,700 Chase N., N.Y.; Fifth-Third N., Gin. ,, •• M r. W. 0. ABNEY-— - CHARLES E. WARD-H. P. BRIGHTWELL-P. J. NEWL0N----A. B. K00NTZ 500,000 158,260 1,728,330 1,733,350 638,230 N . City and G uaranty Tr. C o., N . Y.} S e n d u s y o u r C o lle c tio n s . Colonial Tr. Co., P itt.; M erch. N ., Rich. P r o m p t S e r v ic e . R e a s o n a b le R a t e s . C O M P A N Y W e t r a n s a c t a G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s i n e s s , 69-46 < §13 & W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence | f — .......... “ U N IO N TRU ST Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis V nof m hiv unflpr Vamp nf Rank is t.he New T ransit Num ber sriven _____________ W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Charleston ________ ________ July, 1917 jj. C. MORRISON— •Charleston.KanawhaD 3 CAPITAL CITY BANK -•$§’07 < Special a tten ti 5 Pop. 20,941 69-43 Please enclose ( and 25c w ith ea A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . CASHIER. 1260 T ow n A ccessible T owns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this, volume. For In terest B ates, Grace. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNally Bankers’ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. V ICE-PRESIDENT. P r e s id e n t . EM PIRE NATIONAL BANK D. S, Hughes_____ John Porterfield__ J. F. Turner___ — $ 50,000 i W. F. ALEXANDER S. LEE PHILLIPS— L. 0. ALBIN 50,000 Geo. B. G oetz____ H. N. W atson____ H.'N. Bradley___ -' W. C. Rielv B. F. Langdon___ A. M. S. Morgan__ A. E. Wooddy ------ 50,000 o n given Bank an d m il of Lading C ollections. 5c w ith each Sigh t D raft for presen tatlon ch report. J. N. Finley____■— O. O. Allison__ G. E. Lewis — T. T. Bambrick— Olandus West Charles F. Lucas W. G. Wymer ____ S. L. Swiger V. L. HIGHLAND— E. B. DEIS0N------ OSCAR C. WILT-— Jj N- H E S S - W. L. WILLIAMS S. S. PARIS 48,000 S 375,000 S 333,000 $ 125,000 60,880 553,570 462,730 50,000 25,000 285,000 265,000 50,000 25,870 543,030 575,210 400,000 24,520 1,394,780 1,446,040 250.000 285,000 3,050,000 2,800,000 C o l l e c t i o n s a r e g iv e n s p e c i a l a t t e n t io n a n d r e m it t e d f o r on d a y o f A f u l l s t a f f o f a c t iv e o f f i c e r s i n s u r e s b e s t s e r v i c e . Balt. 170,600 f. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N Met., Wash.. D. C.; 1st N„ Phil. L City, N. Girard N., Phil.; Citiz, N. Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 50.000 I. City, N. Y.; N. Ex. and N. Bk. of Balt. Balt.; Com’l N., Wash. D. C, 03,710 456,900 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N. Balt. 700,000 N . C ity , N . Y .; N . Bk. C om ., B alt. p a y til e n t. • i ’03 E. M. Goodman___ Farmers Bank------ ------ $ l’04 A. J. Fletcher — — D.L. Hall__ —- — H. E. Davisson 69-85 George L. Duncan,. Lowndes Sav.Bk. & Tr. Co. Sec. a n d T r. 69-87 » « ’05 MERCHANTS OF W. VA—69-82. P r in c ip a l Co r r k spo n d k n t s . Loamk Du* Cam ft Xx* P aid- uf Dwpoft- c ’te. Boroa, nana,Dn AMD ITS Capitai. Profits Bbovbirm noi BÂm R.T. LOWNDES— • t ’60 A. J. LODGE -......... S. H. WHITE____- H. L. CUNNINGHAM D.B. CARPER 65,600 150,000 88,880 1,447,900 1,325,740 775,000 100,000 126,790 1,286,350 1,175,930 500,000 278,610 4,165,770 4,067,610 1,306,770 N . Park, N . Y.; F ranklin N ., P h il. 379,660 Am . E x .N , N . Y.s N . Ex., B a lt.; P h il. N. P h il.; P eo. N ., P itt. E s t a b lis h e d 1 8 6 0 ; b e f o r e L i n c o ln w a s P r e s id e n t . S e n d u s y o u r it e m s . W. B. MAXWELL-- P. M. ROBINSON— E s ICE ________ B. P. HOLDEN HUGH JARVIS UNION 800,000 160,000 Han. N., N. 1L; Federal N., FirsbSecond N and Keystone N., Pitt.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 247,800 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt'. 100,000 S e n d u s yoiu r B il l o f L a d in g D r a f t s . ïjç'gjÇ 69-86 525,000 553,000 T. B. Stephenson „ James R eed -------- 19,580 290,210 230,550 69-329 •*! Farmers & Citizens Bank f 69-352 t J. W. Parris--------- H. M. L y n ch ------- W. M. Summers__ J. T. Parris— . — 25,000 8,500 183,000 176,000 D. H. Stephenson— A. C. Vandine____ 25,000 2,500 130,000 120,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Char. N. and Union Tr. Co Char. 32,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Uniop Tr. Co., Char. 25,000 15,800 230,000 185,700 42,000 H an. N ., N . Y,; F ifth -T hird N ., Cin. 25,000 1,000 65,000 66.00C 50,000 8,460 193,330 162,97f J ( L. V. K00NTZ— 69-265 rst National Bai 69-347 nk of Danville. 69-349 M ap Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o n In d e x J. A. OSBORNE C.F. OSBORNE ----- H. L. OSBORNE — P.P. WILSON | O ldest and Lar gest Bank, | C ollections a sp eciaity. Your bu slness in vited . 1 ;( Please enclose 25c w ith each request fo r R eport or R a ti ng. D. P. Kessler— — N. R. Henderson— i J. M. H op k ins,.^, J .M . Moore_____ H. R. Izard — ------ 15-000 Gfedird N .,rlBl/;.t)Ir o9. & Mech. N., Balt. 86,790 Fift|i-TJiird Cjiii.! iihibn Tr. Co,, Char. F o r SAFETY Olid SERVICE, S e n d Y our L egal W ork to BONDED LA W Y ^R ^ I26t 12,000 25,000 ________ CLENDENIN STATE BANK 80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Fidelity Ti Co., Balt. _ 101,270 Chase N„ N. Y.; Char. N., Char.; Davis Tr. Co Elkins, W. Ya. 100,000 R. A. Farland . . . _ 69-83 y Bank. 69-264 W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Charles Town to Danville TTT i Jefferson Bank & Trust Co. 60-365 §17 National Citizens Bank— *’04 69-143 Chester___Hancock D 11 First National Bank____ »‘03 John 1 . Newell— 69-263 4 Pop. 3500 »Olarksburg.Harrison B6 Clarksburg Trust Co— •ÎS’14 W T Rnnth 69-89 5 Pop. 12,438 A s s ’t C a s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . " »Charles Town .Jefferson Bank of Charlestown . —•§‘71 S. W. Washington. 69-141 5 Pop. 3500 B 11 1 R. L. WITHERS! P rom pt a tten ti I P lease enclose 1 f a d e p 8)SIT ! " COMP! M£RCHî •§’03 ( and 25c for ea 69-142 69-84 R e so u r c e s . L ia b il it ie s . N a m e of B a n k . T own a nd Co u n t y . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest K ates, G race,1 e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. W E S T V I R G I N I A — C o n tin u ed luly, 1917 1261 (See Index to lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally B ankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ^County Seats. Figure under town is £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. H w x 69-112 Vice -President . As s ’t Cashier . 69-77 P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loams k Dis Gash &Excuta. Bonds, C HANGES,Dü* Securities fromBank* $ 50,000 $ 58,830 f 361,750 $ 405,900 $ 77,180 Chase N., N, Y:.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. J .H . Fisher. _____ Warrén Bowers |Ë C. G.Lashley__— 18,899 730 27,890 30,760 R. L. Walker . . . . . . C. P. Myer ______ H. A. Lightner . . . . J. C. Roy_____ 25,000 8,660 65,060 84,360 J. G. Hoffmann. Jr. J. W. Goodsell— -- E. L. F en ton ____ C. E. Carpenter. 30,000 21,000 214,000 177,000 63 000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. F. É. Badger_____ Grant Wilson__ . . . G. W. Roberts____ C. W. Hylbert. . 50,000 13,000 150,000 195,000 18,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Wood Co., Parkers burg. f LEE CROUCH. .. E. A. BOWERS — 10,080 14,360 Irving N;, Ni Y.; Union Tr. Co., Char. N. I. Hall, T r . . . . . . 250,000 195,240 1,283,740 1,353,590 375,400 1st N., N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil.; Columbia N., Pitt.; Citiz. N., Balt. GUS WARFIELD,JR. 100,000 88,230 1,109,210 1,139,100 219,810 1st N ., N . Y. and P h il.; M . M . 1st N ., B a lt.; First-Second N ., P itt, For prom pt, eff icien t service sen d US your bu sln ess. C ollections prés en ted in person and rem itted for on day o f paym e n t. I B ill o f lad in g dr a fts our specialty. D. F. Strock..;____ J. T. Lingamfelter D. V. Moyle.. 50,000 25,000 461,000 445,000 G. P. Folmar.. O. O. Woods Henry Stein__ Geo. H. Grodhaus. 25,000 33,000 475,000 470,000 John T. Carter___ John F. Weiss. 49,500 78,500 835,000 810,000 S ... M. A. FLETCHER, J. L. LEECH, S ec... T r. i i f i s Send US your ite m s and collection s on F airm on t and vicin ity. We have th e stren gth and eq u ip m en t to give th e b est o f service. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. 165,100 121,610 717,070 788,930 132,690 Seab. N ., N . Y .; Colum bia N ., P itt.; N B k. o f W .*V a., W heeling; F id elity Tr Co., B alt. S. R. Nuzum____ F. E. Nichòls__ __ J. 0. Hall___. i „ . H. J. M cElfresh... 62,900 14,070 421,080 442,630 87,080 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co. Wheeling. 50,000 17,000 400,000 375,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep, N., Pitt. 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. 50,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; City, Wheeling, ü 147,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Ex. and Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. SMITH HOOD____FE •£§*03 HOME SAVINGS BANK *£$1900 Monongahela Bank____ £$’03 C. D. Robinson___ P. B.Swearingen _. Hugh F. Smith___ 69-79 NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRMONT 69-75 Resources. P a id - u p S u r pl u s D e po s Ca p it a l P rand it s o f it s *£’92 FAIRM ONT TRUST COMPANY 69-76 Cashier . A. I. Wilson_____ H. A. Meyer_____ O. E. Smith______ PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK R. Chaffey_______ 69-114 «£’06 Elm Grove____Ohio E 11 First National Bank___ *£’08 J. B. Chambers___ 4 Pop. 1899 69-163 State Bk. of Elm Grove.£S'04 D. M. Thornburg.. 69-162 *Fairmont_-._Marion B 6 5 Pop. 15,506 A ccessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in hack of this volume. For In terest K ates, Grace, e tc ,, see page 14. For H olidays, See opposite page 13. \« /O n iin u c u Lia b il it ie s . P resident . ‘ E lk in s.... Randolph C 7 DAVIS TRUST CO____ »£§'01 W. G. Wilson____ 5 Pop. 7000 69-113 ELKIN S NATIONAL BANK liT D n T M T A V lK v J llN I A •£’95 L. H. RANDALL 400,000 T h i s B a n k in v it e s t h e a c c o u n t s a n d c o lle c t io n s o f b a n k s , c o r p o r a t io n s , f i r m s a n d in d iv id u a ls , a n d w ill g iv e p r o m p t a tte n tio n t o a n y b u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d t o i t s c a r e . J. M. Brownfield.. H. .T. Hartlfty......... C. Richard Hall___ A, F. Randy __ G. E. Amos J. H. Burns..____ E. C. Tennant ____ 0 . E. Morris_____ O. Wilt__________ 200,000 50,000 691,350 4,446,980 4,494,620 1,443,000 N . C ity, N . Y .; C ont. & Com ’l N ., C hi.; M M . 1st N ., B a lt.; Franklin N ., P hil. F iftb -T bird N ., C in.; M ellon N ., P itt. 55,000 1,350,000 1,200,000 75,000 474,690 509,500 P. B. Am os______ W. I. Booth______ W. H. Coontz_____ R. J. Wilson. ___ 30,000 10,000 320,000 330,000 J. F. Campbell__ _ J. A. Tinnir .. . W. E. Mapel_____ L. N. W hitlatch__ 50,000 10,000 377,000 320,000 25,000 ' 18,830 80,930 114,590 A. B. A bbot___ _ H. D. Judy 50,000 32,930 323,940 307,320 W. Prince A. W. Hamilton__ W. A. Anderson W B ST VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank ofber St. under Louis N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given N um 210,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 67,630 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. 115,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Ex.. Wheeling; Mellon N., Pitt. 8,670 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co., Char. 91,960 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Char. N., Char. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns» Lawyers» Laws,. Directors» in- July, 1917 Peoples National Bank..*£’91 69-74 Fairview------Marion A 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank 5 Pop. 800 69-248 *£§1900 First National B ank____»’12 69-336 Farmin g ton ..Marion A 6 Bank of Farmington__ «£$’01 5 Pop. 519 69-270 ‘ Fayetteville.Fayette D 4 Bank of Fayette________ $’04 5 Pop. 671 69-221 Fayette County Nat.Bk.*£1900 69-220 J. E. WATSON— . . JACOB S. HAYDEN G. F. BARNS------- N. E. JAMISONWALT0N MILLER W EST VIRGINIA BANKS-—Davis to Fayetteville Davis_______ Tucker B 8 National Bank of Davis.«£’92 5 Pop. 2615. 89-266 Peoples B ank_____ g___,£§’17 69-360 Dunbar— Kanawha D 3 Bank of Dunbar'_______ §’17 5 Pop. 61 69-361 Durbin__Pocahontas 0 7 Bank of Durbin._____^«£$’05 4 5 Pop. 890 69-267 ‘ Elizabeth____ Wirt B 4 Wirt County Bank____£$1900 5 Pop. 674 69-268 W 1262 1 0 AO X ¿4 \ } i 4 1 oao 140J N um ber under N am e o f Bank ia the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Band-M cNaUy Bankers' Directory« under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass'n. N am e of B a n k . T own and Co u n t y . ' Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Accessible Towns« Lawyers« Laws, 'Directors« in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates« Grace, etc.» see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. W E S T V IR G IN IA — C o n tin u ed Y ice-President . Cashier . Flemington...Taylor B 6 Bank of Flemington------§’13 69-341 5 Pop. 500 M. L. Shields_____ G. E. W illiam s___ J . B. Gather Foüansbee__Brooke E 11 Bank of Follansbee------$§’14 69-346 4 Pop. 3500 IT, Wid^er As s 't Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R e so u r c e s . D epos P aid- up Surplus and its Capital P rofits Loans Cash Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities fromBanks $ 25.000 $ k Dis- 6,300 $ 127,000 $ 111,000 $ 37,500 800 96,150 98,800 14,750 Irving N„ N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Steuben ville Bk. & Tr. Co., Steubenville, O. 25,000 10,000 365,000 325,000 75,000 N. City, N. Y.; Union N. and First-Second N. Pitt. 50,000 22,730 289,320 217,940 40,000 11,970 160,160 159,030 25,000 7,500 203,950 187,610 141.510 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Harrisonburg, Va. 49,180 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Rockingham N., Har risburg, Va. 29,400 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of W. Va., Wheeling. 25,000 30,660 501,050 424,520 150,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 25,000 15,500 290,000 245,000 ' .77,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt. ___ 25,000 17,680 281,370 234,240 Robert M iller____ 21,575 30,280 38,120 C.B.Lee.................. Charles Wilburn__ Eugene B urg_____ 50,000 47,870 694,560 341,130 Howard R. Brannon O. R. Bash ______ 25,000 8,000 188,000 204,000 40,000 47,370 388,750 357,960 25,000 6,760 139,870 146,170 LANSBEE -69-271____< § ’06 Ernest Bowman__ Pendleton Boggs — Herbert Anderson. W. P. Bartlett__ 69-232 Jnion B; 69-233 raal Ban 69-277 Gormania___ Grant B 8 5 Pop. 400 J. B. Fisher _ _ _ O. P. Frame_____ G. E. Mahan — F. H. Miller G. T. Lancaster J. S. P. Stafford — E. G. Rohrbough — T. M. Marshall — ¿Glenville——.Gilmer C 5 5 Pop. 600 C. M. Bennett------ J. E. Arbuckle. 69-105 :g. & Tr 69-108 MERCHANTS & E.W . Miller . L. D. Zinn C. H. Yossler------- A. F. Schwartz___ James W. Park___ W. G. Drinkwater W. A. Beavers.. — U. S. Morrow_____ O. Jay Fleming— ¿Grafton____ Taylor B 7 5 Pop. 10,000 A. B. Corder_____ ( W. R. D. GEHT— 1 THE BANK OF I For p rom pt re ( Please send 25c w Keystone N.« Pitt.; Taylor Co.,Grafton,W.Va 25,000 W. M. Cattell CITIZENS BANK OF FOL- ¿Franklin.Pendleton C 8 Farmers Bank of Pendleton James S ite s_____ 69-246 §’90 5 Pop. 500 Franklin Bank-------------»I'll S. B. Johnson-----69-247 Fulton_______Ohio E 10 Bank of Fulton— _____t§’09 W. H. Nichols-----69-272 4 Pop. 1380 (W heeling P.O.) Gary National Bank.——»$06 R. V. Shanklin____ Gary.____ McDowell F 3 69-273 5 Pop. 1200 Bank of Gassaway____*$§'05 Gassaway___Braxton C 5 • 69-274 5 Pop. 1500 Gauley Bridge.Fay ette D4 Bank of Gauley—_____< § ’05 R TT Miller 69-275 5 Pop. 500 Gilbert ____Mingo E 2 Bank of Gilbert— — —§’16 Leé Ellis, Sr.__ !— 69-358 P 5 Pop. 125 Glen Jean——Fayette D 4 Bank of Glen Jean. - • « ’0 \Vm McKell 69-276 5 Pop. 1500 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . k L. E. Ward G W WHITE . 89,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Char. N„ Char.; 1st N., Rich.; N. Bk. o f Summers, Hinton, W. Va. 7,950 Met. Tf. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Williamson, W. Va,; Ohio Valley and Huntington N., Huntington, W. Va. 451,310 Han. N. and' Met., N. Y.; Kanawha Valley, Char.; Merch. Rich.; 1st N., Huntington, W .V a. . 13,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Ex. Bk., Wheeling; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 104,000 H an.N., N. Y. 46,480 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. H— » a B Harry A. Abbott— l a W. Chadduck —. C. W. Steel W. MORGAN-— -.- 6. T. VANCE_____ 100,000 100,000 50,000 312,840 1,734,620 1,765,830 60,910 1,001,400 818,640 637,340 666,400 80,000 SUPERIOR SEB VICE. tu rn s, you w ill s end your collectl ons to u s. ith each request fo r Credit R eport . 485,130 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.: City N., 3 TO. Balt. r* 275,190 N. Pàrk, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. O 3 92,410 Seab. N ., N. Y .; N. Bk. o f B a lt., B alt.; C olum bia N.« P itt.; Franklin N.« P h il. o X •t tJ n 69-106 ¿Grantsville..Calhoun C 4 5 Pop. 282 Greenville.__ Monroe E 5 5 Pop. 100 Griflithsville—Lincoln D 2 5 Pop. 200 ¿Hamlin.—..Lincoln D 2 5 Pop. 700 Harman..—Randolph C 7 5 Pop, 149 Harper's Perry. Jeff’son 5 Pop. 1800 B 11 Taylor County Bank.. 69-109 Bank of Grantsvillfe „ 69-243 Calhoun County Bank 69-242 Peoples Bank—------69-342 Bank of Greenville— 69-278 Oil Field National Bai 69-279 Lincoln National Ban 69-280 Stockmans Bank— — 69-281 Bank of Harper’s J ’er 69-282 W EST VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. J. Loar________ M. L. Shields A. G. M athews___ C. A. Jarvis______ Arthur G. Miller—^ Tell McDonald Guy Stalnaker. — J. W.P«1I_ _ _ R. M. Marshall. R. J. Knotts__ _— B. G. Stump_____ R. P. Mollohan — 50,000 15,360 299,910 281,860 25,000 19,320 207,990 191,900 29,400 37,640 305,100 212,300 30,000 8,150 134,570 122,890 10,000 101,000 75,000 T N Ballard R, St Unnlap W. M. Comer ___ 25,000 H. W. Miller_____ T. J. Grass______ A. J. Stow ers..-— 25,000 22,950 240,590 225,000 25,000 59,790 245,630 223,520 25,000 15,270 181,060 141,120 25,000 4,000 58,640 49,78( L. R. Sweetland. . . F W, Holley G eo.Nethkens.___ n, y. stiff E. B. Chambers___ » 87,460 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.i Diamond N. and Duquesne N«, Pitt. . 48,910 Met. Tr. Cö„ N. Y.: Wood Co. and Parkers burg N„ Parkersburg. 157,660 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N., Parkersburg. 46,910 N. City, N. Y.; Wood Co., Parkersburg; Tra, Tr. & Bkg. Go., Spencer, W. Va. 61,100 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Rich. 107,880 Han, N., N. Y.; Char. N. and Citiz. N., Char. 1st N„ Huntington. 113,400 N. City, N.Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Char. N. Charleston. 75,690 1st N., Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 11,030 Drov. & Mech, N;, Balt.: Peo. Tr. Co. and Old N.. Martinsburg, W. Va. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indexto Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f Bank ia the New T ransit N um ber given &®aoJ1!bank u - S- exclusively by T he K and-M cNally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County. N ame op B ank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. ‘ Harris ville— Ritchie B 4 First National Bank 5 Pop. 1000 69-226 P resident . PEOPLES BANK— • 69-225 > Cash I-Ek. Vice-P resident . ASS’T CASHIER. Lia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus D epos and its Capital P rofits R esources. c ’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s P rincipal Correspondents. OHANaiS^DUE FROM BAN*« _ $’03 Aj O. Wilson— __ _ C. C. McKinley—— J. B. W estfall-.--. C. R. Cunningham. $ 50,000 $ 14,000 $ 405,000 $ 342,000 $ 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt. 70,000 45.000 — §'99 < For efficient ser vice and quick re tu rn s send your b usiness direct to u s. -The largest and stron gest bank in th e cou n ty. ( P lease en close 15e w ith each slg h t d raft for prese n ta tio n and 25c f or each report. J. H. LIHINGER------ J. M. BARBE-—____ L. R. SNODGRESS (JOHNSON JACKSON- R R HALL ---- ----- Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Groce, etc;, see'page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 \K /1 h'Q >T' l / T R f t T M T A — rV » n tm i T f v i »V A V A -tvvT A iN I A L /U X I U I I U C U 630,000 628,000 130,000 Met. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. Hendricks——Tucker B 7 First National Ba.dk____ »’05 G. W. Adamson___ 0. W. Minear_____ 5 Pop. 640 69-283 ,$§’14 Geo. W. Callison__ _ F. W. Ruckman—— J. K. Marshall-___ f), B. HaV'S r r- TTHillsboro.Pocahontas D 6 Bank of Hillsboro:,, 5! Pop. 181 69-348 ‘ Hinton---- Summers E 4 Citizens National Bank_*$’05 0 . P. V ines._____ i S. J. Graham____ 5 Pop. 3656 69— 1.24 j A. A. Riddleberger 50,000 29,370 179,450 253,760 25,000 4,000 106,000 117,000 54,070 Han. N ., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 15,870 Han. N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., Rieh. 50,000 17,660 350,000 331,160 76,310 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. ( 0 .0 . COOPER H. L. TAYLOR— - W. T. FREDEKINGJF or efficien t se rvlce and quick r etu rn s, «$1900 p e n d your b u sl ness direct to u s. 1.P lease enclose 25c w ith each request f or report or rating. 50,000 56,000 600,000 585,000 110,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 100,000 130,900 834,420 704,780 322.500 Chase N ., N. Y.; 1 st N . and M erch. N ., 25,000 28,000 384,000 291,000 130,000 Chase N ., N. Y.; City, Wheeling; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 150,000 46,590 803,960 814,260 186,280 Met. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N. and Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt, 25,000 75,000 55,000 100,000 25,740 1,012,490 911,560 _____ “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 69-122 NATIONAL BANK of SUMMERS » j<|, T. McCREERY- W. L. FREDEKING - J. H. JORDAN— — J J JORDAN J. H. JORDAN )C ollections give n special a tte n d on and rem itted “ for on day of p aym ent. W.B. JORDAN R ich .; B k. o f P itt. N . A., P itt. 69-123 ^Hundred____Wetzel A 5 Bank of Hundred . , 4 Pop. 800 69-284 »$§’03 S. J. Talkington__ John Mapel—_____ C. E. Clovis— ____ J. G. Toqthman__ ‘Huntington—Cabell D 1 American Bank & Tr. CO. W. *E. D eegans___ L. N. F ran tz_____ 5 Pop. 45,629 ,69t26 »$§’02 J. S. Farr •* Cabell County Bank—. »$§’16 fi. H. Bowman___ J efferson Champion 69-30 ■S „ DAY & NIGHT BANK -•* § 1 2 Frank Enslow, Jr— H. O. Aleshire____ 69-32 M •« First National Bank___«$’84 69-24 L. V. Guthrie T ^ « ** Huntington Banking & Tr.Co. 69-31 *$§’11 ** ' Huntington National Bank J. W. Ensign____ 69-23 «$’72 4. OHIO VALLEY BANK 69-33 •• «$§’13 TT T, Tinhw J. H. LeBlanc____ Robt. L. Archer__ F.C. Prichard____ 0. P. Snow Kathryn L. Robey. J. B., Derwacter D. A. Hall C. A. Boone 575,000 300,000 Chas. M. Gohen___ John J. Senseney C. R. Carder, Jr. J. W. HERON____ M. J. FERGUSON - H. C. WALBURN— E. McCLANE H. C. WALBURN S P E C IA L A T T E N T IO N G IV E N B IL L O F L A D IN G HRAFTC 100,000 100,000 Fifth-Third N .,C in. 205,130 Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; Far. & Merch. N., Balt. 576,380 3,472,390 2,834,010 1,377,410 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Cin.; Girard N., Phil. 72,290 1,206,140 908,770 233,550 2,106,670 1,836,170 30,000 600,000 631,800 Chase N..N.Y.; 1st N.. Cin.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 702,540 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 634,740 95,000 M et. IT . Co., N. Y.; C ltlz. N ., C in.; U nion Tr. C o., B alt. C o lle c t io n s and a ll b a n k in g it e m s w ill r e c e iv e p ro m p t. p e r s o n a l a tte n tio n . TEST OUR F A C IL IT IE S . •• Twentieth Street Bank—$§’05 L. J. Ashworth.__ 69-27 Union Bank & Tr. Co...«$§’96 G. S. Wallace 69-25 Hurricane—-Putnam D 2 Putnam County Bank—»$§’02 W .H.M cCallister- J. A. Plymale_____ W. P. McAboy____ A. R. Losee A. C. Hinerman H. M. Bloss A. C. Thomas_____ H. G. Proctor____ H. L. Murray____ J. T. Garrett_____ L. L. Wilson_____ 100,000 32,000 400,000 339,000 100,000 50,910 996,800 942,490 155,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin.; Far. & Medh. N.. Phil. 208,720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. 25,000 25.000 220,000 230,000 31,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N.. Cin.; 1st N.J Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. N. F ran tz------- O. D. Jackson____! E. W. Hibner H___ A c c e s s ib le T ow ns, L a w y e rs, L aw s, L lre c to rs , 1264 _____________ W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Hgrrisville to Hurricane__________ July, j 917 1264\ Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Trans!t N um ber given to each bank in U. S, exclusively b y T t a : Band-McNaUy^Bankers* ■"I« authority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame op B ank . TOWN AND COUNTY •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State , »County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ___ ^ — 1 P resident . V ice-P resident . Cashier . ^ . Accessible Towns, lawyers, laws, Directors, m-,. ■ dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,I etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. _ __ * As s ’t Cashier . Liabilities 5. , 1 Resou RCES. G a s h &ExSurplus D epos ANGESjBUE : ’t 8. B ond s , JH AND its from B a n k s S ec u r it ie s Capital Profits 162,390 f 151,430 B. M. Davisson----- 45,000 46,740 318,160 368,270 38,940 G. B. Waggoner — L. B. Gaston..;____ 45,000 11,000 200,000 180,000 55,000 First National Bank------<'09 J. o. Miller---------69-288 J. Miller Jackson— 40,900 8,000 170,000 189,000 49,000 Farmers & Merchants Bank Richard Gerstell— N, R. Taylor 69-324 511 G. R. Davis______ C. B. Hott_______ 50,900 15,000 300,000 280,000 60,000 __ ______ J. D. Brake______ 5 Pop. 992 S Pop. 6000 36,000 700,000 390,000 L. ARNOLD1— - eceive th e person al a60,000 f F. M. REYNOLDS J. 0. GELWICK - - - H.sted tte n tlo n o f a n offle er. to u s w ill r FIRST NATIONAL BANK~*’02 < C ollections and a ll b usin ess entr uON GEST BANK. (O LDEST, LAB GEST AND STB 69-121 5 Pop. 2047 les Bottom— V 5 Pop. 700 3 First National Bank---- < 1 3 . 69-289 69-213 Kingwood National B k ..< ’02 69-214 r (See Camden on O auley) 5 Pop. 712 328,310 138,320 M. M. 1st N„ Balt. 50,000 37,230 381,510 383,300 122,240 Chase N.,N. Y.;Am. N.,Rich.;N. E%,Roanoke Felix Elliott--------- 75,000 35,000 380,000 375,000 115,000 Chase N..N.Y.; First-Second N.. Pitt.; N.Ex, Wheeling; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. V. E. Gocke_____ W. A. Schaeffer — 25,000 25,000 345,650 240,000 66,000 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N A., Pitt. 25.000 31,000 376,240 f 324,980 100,000 150,000 500,000 675,000 Archie Marshall— 25,000 16,000 338,940 256,540 Naaman Jackson— G. W. Raike-------- 50,000 65,000 750.000 650,000 J. E. Cruise_____ R. K. Bragonier — G. J. Shofler H. F. RUNTER — ( J . M. SKAGGS — r BANK OF GREENBRIER 5 69-212 < 5 ’97 j C ollections and correspondence invited. ( A11 Inquiries w i 11 receive persona 1 a tten tio n and replies. M W " hkvm k» 69-218 69-171 100.00C Guyan Valley Bank— <51900 J. Cary Alderson— Bruce McDonald— 69-170 Lumberport.Harr 5 Pop. 656 6 Harrison County Bank.<5’10 69-291 . , A, |A, : 69-292 »Madison..___Bo 5 Pop. 500 6 Boone County Bank------t l ’Oi , 69-241 Lost Oreek—Harri 5 Pop. 500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Rich. 100,000 Bk.of Am.,N. Y.; N .E x., Balt. 99,820 Hän. N., N. Y.: Far. Dep. N.. Pitt.; Dollar Sav, & Tr. Co., Wheeling, W. Va. i5o;ooo Chase N., N. Y,; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 130,000 1,300,00C 1,100,000 400,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Rich.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. W, D. Nutter____ 40,00( 10,950 195,481 158,921 79,890 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N.. Clarksburg, W. Va.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Merch. N., Rich. L. C. Oyster—------ F, T. W illis_____ 25,001 1,500 105,001 100,001 20,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union N., Clarksburg; Far. Dept. N., Pitt. - 50,001 26,680 237,17 ) 227,191 86,660 N. Park. N. Y.; 4th N.. Cin.; Kanawha Bkg. & Tr.'Co., Char. 50,00j 40,001Ï 390,00 265,00 Jacob Chambers.— W. H. Turley------- A. C. Griffith____ W -N . Griffith Sidney W h ite----- E. E. White___!__ Siegel Workman— S. E. Bradley___ Madison National B a n k .< ’02 O. C. Chambers W E ST VIRGINIA M«P on Index 175,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 395,220 Rank nf Littleton------- <5'01 J. A. Connelly------ J. R. Robinson— - B. A. P y le s - —— 4 Pitt. 23,020 Bank of Lewisburg—„ < l ’71 69-211 »Logan______ Lot 5 Pop. 3500 ersburg: Empire N., Clarksburg. 50,000 (1F. H. BABB - — — Ç. S. HOFFMAN— T. D. LEPS--—------5, H. V0SSLER collection s, < PEOPLES BANK OF KEYSER Unsurpassed fa cllities for bandli ng n ta tlo n , and 69-120 <$1900 110c should be se n t w ith each Sig h t Draft for prese ( 35c for each Credit B ep ort. ingwood—Prest 5 Pop. 1000 correspondents . k. J.Hardman,F.P. G. L. Cookman 69-325 eyser_____Mine 52,650 ( 16,690 69-287 -P rincipal PAID-UP 25,000 3. Blair Jacksonburg-Wetzel A 5 Bank of Jacksonburg— 5*04 69-286 4 Pop. 150 Janelew___ „-L ew is B 6 5 Pop. 327 _ tlT Y A W’ *E S T* V IR G IN IA ----C on tin u. ed - 1— _______:__________ !------------ 190,000 Irving N,,'N. Y.; Am. N, Rich.; Fifth-Third N. Cm For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 14UU N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given ""h e' Rand-M " ” cNaUy ” ” ”Bankers' ' -----to each bank in U. S. exclusively Iby T Directory, Dlreetorv. under tinHnr th *.h« e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and Countt . N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is tMern. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P resident . I x m o T VV ü o 1 V ice-President . t r r n r » TTV.TT A r * ____ Cashier . As s 't Cashier . jten tlon given c o llectlo n s. g h t D raft for pr esen ta tion report. 3,000 365,000 $ 379,000 37,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. (C. E. WELLS — H.F. BLACKSHERE W. H. PARSONS... 50,000 EXCHANGE BANK-— - • » 92 j un su rp assed fa cllities for n an al fngHBlllTo ^ adln d ng B U l o f L g and bank coUe ctiim si ] Please enclose 17,500 730,000 655,000 120,000 Spab. N ., N. V.; Ex. N , and Keystone N., Piti First National Bank____»t'95 E. 0. Martin_____ W. S. Fur b ee____ Guy S. Furbee____ W. L, Jenks.. 69-136 30,000 957,020 856,950 165,640 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Mellon N., Far. Dep. N. and Bk. o f Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 100,000 575,000 580,000 25.000 362,730 318,030 120,000 Chase N. and Irving N .,N i Y.; Merch. N. am 1st N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Bk of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 104,660 Han. N., N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt. 35.000 212,620 208,820 36,700 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt Columbia N., Pitt. 501,150 689,090 83,790 H an. N ., N . Y .; Drov. & M ech. N ., B alt 1st N ., P h il.; M ellon N ., P itt. 525.190 587,550 ChaseN..N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Far. & Merch N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 1,015,550 1,041,760 1st N„ N. Y.; Union N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt, Citiz. N., Balt. 69-135 ( 15c w ith each Si g h t D raft for pre sen ta tio n and 25c for e ach credit report. •Marlinton__Pocahontas BANK OF MARL1RT0R- • » ’99 M. 3. McNeel— 5 Pop. 1500 D6 69-199 M. L. Beard . F. R. Hunter Hubert Echols____ S. L. H ogsett. First National Bank_____2'03 George P. Moore.». L. M. McOlintic.__ J. A. Sydenstricker 69-200 •Martinsburg__Berkeley Bank of Martinsburg __«»’02 W. T.* McQuiiken. L. H. Thompson.. A. D. Darby._____ E. M. A m ick „..¿.. 5 Pop. 12,666 B l l 69-70 /J. W. McSHERRY—.. W. J. LAMBERT. CITIZEN S NATIONAL BANK 89-68 • t ’92 EDWARD RUTLEDGE.. CHAS. A. YOUNG—_ 60,000 100,000 Merchants & Far. Bank«» 16 S. N. M yers...___ T. P. Licklider__L J. T. Nadenbousch. B. D. Myers_____ 69-67 J. H. Fulk 100,000 OLD NATIONAL BANK.- ^ ’65 H. H. Emmert____ George S. Hill____ George S. Hill____ W. F. McAneny___ 100,000 PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY Geo. M. Bowers__ E. C. Henshaw . . . . Dudley Harley____ Walter W. Trout.. 200,000 69H59 W. W. Westphal $S’01 Mason Town.Preston B 7 Bank of Masontown___» ’07 S. L. C obun.... ¡...i 5 Pop. 520 69-293 Matewan___..Mingo E 2 Matewan National Bank.£’13 E. B. Chambers___ 5 Pop. 750 69-339 Matoaka------- Mercer E 4 Bank of Matoaka____ « » ’06 D. H. Barger___;__ 5 Pop. 200 69-294 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-.02 S. G. P yle.. 681,180 902,860 95.320 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Mellon N Pitt.: Am. N., Wash., D. C. 25.000 20,040 209,730 188,970 60,300 Chase N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt, 25.000 10,600 170,000 140,000 60,000 tf. Park and Ist N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin W. W. H arloe____ H. G. Happersett.. H. E. Clark. 25.000 18,430 273,640 216,350 100,820 N.Park, N.Y.; M. M. lstN .,B alt.; Ist N.,Rich E. B. Conaway___ G. L. Morris. R. A. Tremain. . . . . Rozella Ireland 25.000 17,000 260,000 235,000 36,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 25.000 18,870 458,600 395,300 99,660 Seab. N., N* Y.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 30,000 15,000 525,000 465,000 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., and Columbia N, Pitt., 25.000 9,030 286,860 236,630 86,670 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait. 25.000 18,000 250.000 210,000 25.000 25,000 225.000 220,000 85.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Huntington. 39.000 Han.N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible T ow ns, la w y e r s , Law s, D ire c to rs, in- July^ 1917 Mill Creek Randolph C 6 Bank of Mill Creek____• t î ’12 W. H. Mason_____ Chas. W. R ussell. . G. P. R ussell_____ 5 Pop. 740 69-330 M ilton...— ...Cabell D 2 Bank of Mi) ton __._____«i§’04 I. J. Harshbarger— S. J. K ane.._____ O. L. Harshbarger. H. E. Jackson. , 5 Pop. 837 69-296 Monóngah.. ..Marion B 6 First National B ank___»t’05 Carroll Currey—— Frank Neely_____ L. N. Satterfield__ . 5 Pop. 2084 69-297 W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index 117,000 W. H. P o st______ Earl Dixon l l _____ P. R. Watson__ H. A. Hartley G. T. Blankenship. A. D. D ick ey_____ McMechen.Marshall E10 Bank o f M cM ech en ....«»’06 J. L.M cMechen... J. E. Doyle______ Charles R> L ow e... N. A. Marple____ 4 Pop. 4000 69-295 »Middlebourne.Tyler B5 Bank of Middlebourne.«»’98 J. W. Smith_____ J. F. Shore---------- L. H. Morris.____ O. A. Gregg______ 4 Fop. 1000 69-230 69-231 72,930 /A p r o m p t , in t e ilig e n ! s e r v ie in h a n d lin g c o lle c t io n s ha s b r o u g h t u s m u c h b u s in e s s d u rin g th e p a s t y e a r . 69-66 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 50,000 $ __________ W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Mannington to Monongah i C. A. SNODGRASS A. M. GLOVER .... I, R. TIMMS------- F .A .B 0 R T Mannington--Marion B 6 BANK OF MANNINGTON I P rom pt, person al and efficient a 5 Pop. 3100 69-137 «*{’96 j Please enclose 15c w ith each Si l and 25c for ea ch special credit Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace etc.; see page 14;: For H olidays, see opposite page 11 Liab il it ie s . Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. r pl u s Loam«k Bis Cashk Ex P a id - u p S uAND D e po s c ’ts. Bonds, changes,Dui Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s Saovunu fromBanks V I K i j I J N 1 A ~ —U O n t i n U C Q *266 1 O fifi A c ce ssib le T o w n s , l a w y e r s , L a w s , D ire c to rs , m - N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in ü . S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Montgomery.Fayette D 4 Merchants National Bankt’10 69-165 ; 5 Pop. 1888 P resident . dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace,i etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. t-. W E S T V IR G IN IA — C o n tin u ed V ice-President . As s ’t Cashier . Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . Resources. S u b pl u s D e po s P aid - u p and it s Ca p it a l P b o p it s ash k Ex IjO ams k Dis- G ’t*. Bombs, changes,Dui s Banks Bacukmn . P. Campbell___ _ H. Lane____ ~ — B. E. Claypool____ R. M. Holstine -.— A. K. Bailey 25,000 $ 14,700 $ 410,490 $ 304,060 $ 160,080 Hi Park, N .Y iflst-N ., Rich.; ,Ghar. N-.< Char. A. G. -Newby------- 75.000 52,320 581,490 490,850 R. A. Wilson-------- A. B. Haslacker — »Moorefield___Hardy B 9 Hardy County Bank------ §’09 G. T. Leatherman.. G. S. Gochenour__ 69-228 5 Pop. 1000 South Branch Valley Nat. Bk. M. S; Henkel____ G. W. McCauley— M. Dasher_______ 69-222 ’83 J. ri. McGrew..__ A. H. M cB ee------»Morgantown ..Mon'galia Bank of Monongahela Valley E. H. Coombs------ L. S. Brock______ 69-92 »§’88 . 5 Pop. 13,709 A7 BANK OF MORGANTOWN-5 06 T. E. Hodges____ H. L. Carspecken.. D. R. Richards— L. C. Snyder-------Jno. M. Gregg 69-96 50.000 8,230 60,000 61,000 100.000 . 24,000 447.000 390,380 110,000 233,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 MONTGOMERY NAT. BANK 69-164 < ’01 . H. Montgomery. J; W. Montgomery. R. L. Matthews— O. J. Henderson 99,300 70.000 700.000 560,000 Citizens National Bank— 1’01 J. L. Hatfield_____ Morton VanV oorhis E. D. Tumlin____ _ E. F. Bowlbÿ —69-94 150.000 20.000 292,390 320,090 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 150.000 69-93 < § ’95 DAVIS ELKINS The Bank of L e t us se rv e J. L. KEENER I. C. WHITE H. G. H0DGES- C. C. BROWN — 154,650 W. C. McGrew—— W. E. Arnett. W. H. Ashcraft.. 80,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK F. Harris___— W. E. Peabody B. M. SPURR — — < ’01 D. C. Garrison S. E. Knapp— J. D. BURLEY..— H. W. THOMPSON J. A. SIGAFOOSE - W.M-R06ERS0N s and p rom pt re m lttan ce. < 5 81 Special a tte n ti on given collectlo n th l« c for presen tatlon , ny sigh t drafts wl P lease accompai ( w hich we ered It on exchange ch arges. G.W. BRUCE MERCANTILE BKG. & TR. CO W. D. ALEXANDER. FRIEND COX 69-101 A. D. Ayers — S e n d y o u r c a s h le t t e r s and c o lle c t io n s d ir e c t to u s f o r e f f i c i e n t s e r v i c e a n d q u ic k r e t u r n s . W E G ET R ESU LTS. MARSHALL COUNTY BANK 69-99 < 8 03 C. A. SHOWACRE, ( JOHN FAULKNER! L. N. F R A N T Z -- S. D. FRANTZ- Mullens___Wyoming E 4 U l i O F I J L E I S - - « : » 5 Pop. 1500 55.000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; 4th St. N„ Phil.; Citiz. N„ Balt. 155.000 N. Park, N. Y. 93,220 Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and First-Second N .,P itt. 0 1-4 Met. Tr. Co. and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; % 106,870 Md. Tr. Co., Balt.; First-Second N. and Peo > N„ Pitt. Cd > Z W 202,210 334*300 150,000 1,226,000 1,221,920 45,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 280,000 Seab.N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 1 ft 35,700 Irving N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N -A ., Pitt.; N. o Ex., Wheeling. 3 r+ (JQ O 25,000 1,510 80,200 65,490 50,000 20,000 325,800 300,000 95,000 M erch. N .f N . Y .; D iam ond N ., P itt.; 1st 100,000 57,380 784,470 854,010 86,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 60,000 704.000 687.000 64.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. of W. Va. and Bk. of the Ohio Valley, Wheeling. 50.000 30.000 377*000 352.000 85.000 80.000 600.000 550.000 85.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Ex. Wheeling. „ . „ . 200,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 1st N., Rich. 50.000 12,000 340,000 280,000 99,500 Drov. & Mech. N ., Balt.; Fifth-Third N,, Cin. 100,000 4,000 225,000 200,000 98,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; IstN ;, Rich, N „ Clev. 30.000 estab lls h e d . Bank. Coll ection s se n t dir ect to u s receive prom pt, pers o n al atten tion , 1 O ldest l Bank o f W yom ing...—< § ’16 J. C. Sullivan____ A. J. Mullins— D. Forest Early 69-355 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 798,200 Sec. a n d Tr. Mound City Bank.----- < § ’05 J. C. Bardall-____ S. T. Gourtwright I C. H. Hunter.— 69-102 L. S. Tully----------- W. H. Boone. Mount Hope—Fayette E 4 Bank of Mount H ope_..<8’02 P. M. Snyder------- F. M. Bailey-------69-298 5 Pop. 2000 First National B ank------- ’17 A. W. Rodgers— — J. F. Grimet--------- J. F. Grimet.__ I 69-366 W B ST VIRGINIA M ap on Index 38,060 <80 »Moundsville ...Marshall City & County Bank — ÎS’13 J. W. Garvin — 69-103 4 Pop. 11,153 E 10 69-100 693,590 40.000 Drov. & Mech. N. and N. Ex., Balt.; Diamond N., Pitt.: 1st N., Rich. 80.000 N. City, N. Y.i Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Y om . E. T. Schultz____ 69-91 92,450 292,960 Chase N.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt. S e r v ic e . Federal Sav. & Trust Co. 5’03 E. M. Grant_____ A. H. T ait..---------- E. D. Tumlin . 69-95 SECOND NATIONAL BANK n Aaron J. Garlow. P rincipal Correspondents. IA.W. Daubenspeck Roy Daubenspeck. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legat Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sm Into b Law^rs) 1 2 fi9 N um ber under o f uBank is» the N bw ew T N umuber uuuvs Blame ui aun u tue « i rransit a u s u iiuiu er given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass*n. Town and County. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Federal Reserve District _______ Est \X 7 T 3 '0 'T ' W IL p 1 X r m /- » TXTT a n .. , V l K v j l i M I A -----C o n t i n u e d Lia b il it ie s . PRESIDENT. V ice -P resident , Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e po s Ca p it a l P. rAND it s o f it s A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed m back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, ■e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. k I.oans Dis- Cash k E xC’TS. Bonds, obanou.Dox S e c u r it ie s non Baidu Newburg ___ Preston B 7 First National B ank____t ’03 Gordon B. Late._ D. J. Gibson______ J. R. Smoot__ S Pop. 823 60-300 25.000 $ »New Gumb'nd. Hancock First National B ank...___ ’84 J. A. Campbell__ ! J. R. Donehoo____ J. E. Brandon____ J. A. Brandon___ 4 Pop. 1807 DIO 69-301 50.000 »New Martinsville Wetzel FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. L. Robinson . . . . I. D. Morgan__ — H. Koontz________ W. G. Founds__ _ 4 Pop. 3500 A 4 69-150 <02 50.000 48,000 450,000 475,000 176,000 Seab. N.,. N. Y.; Mellon N., Far. Dep. N., and First-Secönd N„ Pitt. 60.000 130,610 860,060 885,180 154,290 Han. N., N'. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., First-Second N., and Columbia N., Pitt. 35,000 33,260 441,980 420,990 55.110 Chase N., N. Y.; Monongahela N., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. NEW MARTINSVILLE BANK 69-149 tS’97 S. R. Martin;____ D. H. Cox _______ J. B. Clark__ __ __ N. N. Oblinger Wetzel County Bank___.tS'90 E. O. K eifer._____ L. J. Williams'__ _ J. E. Bartlett_____ J. M. W ood_____ 69-148 Northfork.McDowell F 3 5 Pop. 1200 CLARK NATI BANK 69-321 L. H. CLARK. 3,300 $ 296,220 $ 230,530 $ 81,200 Han. N ., N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 21,970 491,830 508,700 103,710 N. City, N.Y.; Far. Dep. N. and First-Second N., Pitt. E. H. EVANS------- JOHN H. BANE- W ith good fa cilities for th e tran saction o f every branch o f th e banking b u sin ess, w e so licit collection s from banks and bankers, m erch an ts, m anufacturers, and bu sin ess m en , w ith th e assurance th a t all b u si <12 ness en tru sted to u s w ill receive prom pt and careful a tten tio n . 25,000 4,500 225.000 150,000 70,000 H an. N ., N .Y .; A m . N ., R ich .; Corn Ex. N. P h il. » 0 H S :> FIRST NATI BANK 69-302 <06 LESTER G. T0NEY-J.J. HUDDLESTON- W. A. OREAGER F. W. SEIDEL-. C o u r t e s y and S e r v ic e a re co u n te d a s tw o o f o u r b e s t a sse ts. C o l l e c t i o n s a s p e c i a lt y a t m o d e r a t e r a t e s . S E N D U S YO U R B U S IN E S S . Oak H ill------Fayette D 4 Merchants & Miners Bank G. W. Jones---------J. S. L ew is_______ W. R. Hayes 5 Pop. iooo 69-303 « » ’06 »Parkersburg „W ood B 4 5 Pop. 20,612 CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY 69-54 60,000 J. V. LANGFITT, 51,470 580,480 514,260 45,0 561,500 538,920 47,610 676,830 1 120,390 Kanawha Valley, Char.; Citiz. N., Balt.; Am m a N., Rich. ___________ ____ m See. C o l l e c t i o n s r e c e i v e t h e p e r s o n a l a t t e n t io n o f an o f f i c e r . B i l l o f L a d in g D r a f t s a S p e c ia lt y . T ES T »JI’Ol CITIZEN S NATIONAL BANK 69-51 W. H. SMITH------ LEVIN SMITH -— 100,000 ltd > 253,380 M ech. & M etals N ., N. Y.; F ifth-T hird N ., m Cin.; C om Ex. N ., P h il.; 1st N ., R ich M GO OUR 150,000 759,790 107,670 N . B k. C om ., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N ., B a lt. cr d ►t tra FA C ILIT IE S . G. L. WATSON-----SAMUEL LOGAN- E. M. GILKESON -- J . F. WOODS C o l l e c t i o n s g iv e n s p e c i a l a t t e n t io n a n d 100,000 145,750 1,011,310 1,186,520 219,730 Chase N ., N. Y.; P eo. N ., P itt. r e m it t e d f o r o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. id si >-» pr n •t co o' c <82 •1 tra Commercial Banking & Trust Reese Blizzard___ C. P. Morrison . Company.69-56_____ »§’03 W. J . Davidson J. R. Cooper_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 6 3 W. W. Van Winkle. W. W, W a lk er..... C. T. H iteshew___ W. M. Sm ith_____ 69-49 . Parkersburg Nat. Bank .*$’39 Thos. Logan_____ 69-48 Second National Bank „ < 6 5 W. H. Wolfe-.__ _ 69-50 Union Trust & Dep. C o < § ’03 S. D. Camden_____ 69-55 J. S. McKown . . . . . G. E. Work___. . . . Robert Wilson W. E. Davis_____ B. T. Neal, J r .___ Geo. F. Friedrich, J. N. Camden See. WOOOOOUNTY BANK--«tS'94 Edward Nelly___ _ J .P a rk __________ Lyle L. Jones. 69-52 W. G. McConaughey . W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. L. Davidson Chas. A. Bukey___ Charles A. Bukey.. 145.000 101,150 922,170 964,590 350.000 218,850 3,835,860 3,046,530 150.000 198,140 1,405,850 1,683,060 156.000 32,700 1.348J40 1,012,130 150.000 532,730 1,562,010 1,709,410 80,000 165.700 1,850,000 1,660,000 || , 203,730 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Union N., Pitt. 708,180 1st N., Liberty N., and Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N ., Pitt.; Fifth-Third N. and 1st N., Cin. 250,530 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N.. Pitt,; Franklin N., Phil.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 357,030 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and First-Second N., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 535,330 Guaranty Tr. Co. and 1st N„ N. Y.r Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. 421,690 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep.N., Pitt.; 1st N., Phil, Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* T own a nd Co u n t y . »County Seats. Figure under town is Pod. 1780 P resident . V ICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. As s ’t Cashier . Resources. Lia b il it ie s . ANsk Bis* Ca s h k E x D epos ciiO P aid-up Surplus ’t s . •B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ue and its Capital P rofits S e c u r it ie s from B a n k s John F. Repair___ M. C. Feather------ M. O. Feather------ $ 25,000 % 11,050 $ 128,000 $ 109,000 $ 22,240 First National Bank------< ’09 69-167 25,000 33,040 232,100 ( RILEY HARPER- A. J. VALENTINE- A.D.W.STRICKLER H. MARTIN and Ti m e Ite m s. n < Unsurpassed fac ilitie s for h andP n g your B ill o f Lad Ing Drafts, Cash <§1900 ( 10c m u st be sen t w ith each Sight Draft for present a tio ii an d 35c for each Cr ed it B e port. 214,660 113,570 Drov. &.Mech. N., Balt.; Union Tr. Co., Char, 5 Pop. 2300 5 Pop. 350 ;erstown__ Moi 5 Pop. 1000 lilippi___Bari 5 Pop. 1200 5 100,140 Chase N., N.Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. P M. H. Broadwater . L. D. Jam es___ . Geo. H. Wilson — 25,000 6,470 369,990 285,620 Farmers & Merch. Bank 69-206 ««'98 E. E. W ells______ M. L. Weekley__— Ernest Heflin____ Von O. Weekley Okey E. Nutter — L. C. Foster-------C. L. Wilson R. W. Elder B. J. Baker______ W. C. Mooman____ 25,000 7,500 290,000 270,000 25,000 7,000 340,000 290,000 48,000 24,690 204,060 209,020 28,000 Met.Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N ., Parkersburg ;Col um biaN ., Pitt. 87,000 Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 2nd N., Parkersburg. 74,360 H an.N., N .Y ,; N. Ex., Balt. J. S. Taylor______ 25,000 20,000 125,000 100,000 56,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 40,000 61,000 575,000 440,000 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 137,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 69-207 69-208 Qrant County Bank---- < § ’02 69-304 J. E. Hansbarger— 69-305 69-201 (S. V. WOODS — E. R. D Y ER ------- R. E. TALBOTT — J. E. WOODFORD - J Largest and Str on gest B ank. Pro m p t a tte n tio n gi ven to coP ections. <'01 ) Please enclose 15c w ith each Slg h t Draft for prese n tation ' and 35c for ea ch special report. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK First National Bank____t ’02 E. H. Crim _____ _ W. T. Ice, Jr_____ D. J. T a ft_______ A. S. Hawkins____ 69-202 .T H Wrwvl« J . Stanley Corder.. C. O. Marsh -------William James 69-208 C. W. Getty Davis National Bank___< ’69 A T. T.nke 69-157 50,000 51,000 429,000 363,000 40,000 - 1,060 158,660 157,850 50,000 30,000 610,900 585,000 100,370 Irving N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. and N Union Bk, of Md., Balt. ( TIMOTHY KENNY - J. D. THOMAS........ FIRST NATURAL BANK<’87 } U nsurpassed co Uection service, 69-158 ( Largest an d str on gest b ank In M ineral C ounty. 75,000 67,000 919,000 833,190 271,400 N. BE. Com.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 4th St. N., PhiU; First-Second N„ Pitt. 25,000 3,290 93,730 94,780 16,070 Han. N., N.-Y.s Mellon N., Pitt.; Bk. of Ohi( Valley, Wheeling;-1st N., New Martinsville W. Va. 121,080 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hinton; Fifth-Thin N., Cin. 111,210 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; First Second N., Pitt. 51,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cm.: Mellcg N., Pitt. _ v 15,310 Merch. N., Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.; 2d N., Cm. 69-306 H A 35,970 N. Ex., Wheeling; Diamond N., Pitt. 25,000 13,220 248,460 187,120 T. Stribling---------- 100,000 110,240 495,200 731,980 A. L. Neale_______ 30,000 14,480 172,990 191,580 R. I. Hutchison, A . Sec. a n d A . T r. 100,000 28,120 90,350 230,050 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK t ’06 C. R. McNutt____ C. W. Sm ith_____ T. M. Fry________ R. N. Vermillion ~ 69-130 50,000 24,800 368,990 380,010 93,780 N. City and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. A. E. Calfee___ __ 50,000 57,620 1,068,690 1,182,960 94,740 N. City, N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. S. F. Clighon_____ A. A. Vine__ —- — 25,000 46,000 54,000 1? A Hall 25,000 3,500 178,000 121,730 25,000 6,010 114,390 103,040 H. M. Cline C. M. Wikel 69-234 C. G. Bowyer_____ 2 Merchants National Bank< '53 69-159 Pt. Pleasant National B k .< ’01 J. Capehart_____ _ J. Friedman_____ _ 69-160 T, Strihling O. A. Ronsh, See. a n d Tr. 69-161 25,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Harris ville, W. Va. ' ; i-i 42,360 1st N., New Bethlehem, Penn, For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS 1269 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 H an.N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. ü Ü W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index T, M. Arnold_____ L, Ella Hall______ 1 Princeton Banking Co.—.§’89 E. W. Hale— ___- H. E. l)e Jarnette. 69-129 g Virginian Bank of Commerce 69-331 §11 G. M. Ireland____ C. W. R exroad™ .. 69-307 5 Bank of Raihelle_____ < § ’12 L. G. Dyer——— John Raine___—. a 5 Pop. 400 Rainelle—Greenbr 5 Pop. 350 68,760 n-r - Pop. 3027 159,530 ■a 5 4,270 CITIZENS NAT’L B A N K .- 04 Pop. 474 neville—Wyon 5 Pop. 334 Pleasant—Ma Î Pop. 4000 25,000 — . 4 Pop. 3500 W. W. O gden____ ftatis Lively.......... J. C. Tyree______ W. P. Painter 69-353 '---------—r ——------------------------- *81 Pop. 674 W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Parsons to Rainelle 5 Dep. N„ Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 73,600 1. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt.; Bk. Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; N. £ x ., Wheeling. TUCKER COUNTY BANK 69-166 P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . — "irr----------- : 5 N ame of Bank , •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws, Directors* m___ _ Rates, dexed In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, Grace* PH__P M etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. W E S T V IR G IN IA —C o n tin u ed T n lv . 1917 • - - _____ k 1269 (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given . T own !and County . N ame op Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Ravenswood.Jackson C 3 First National Bank.__< ’15 W. M. Arnold____ 5 Pop. 1081 69-354 $ 35,000 $ JACKSON COUNTY BK.~*§’99 E . C. Hutchinson.. J . A. Hole _ ._ 69-195 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . 3,300 $ 142,500 $ 106,800 $ 67,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 32,000 ; 22,400 299,000 70,000 22,800 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 27,610 N. Park, N. Y.; Com’l B k ., Tr. Co., PaTkersburg. 80,000 Han. N., N .Y .; Mellon N., Pitt.; Par. & Merch. N., Parkersburg. 66,540 Chase. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 120,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. Reedsville__Preston B 7 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. G. Watson_____ C. R. Zinn_______ 5 Pop. 208 69-326 §11 I. E. Tusing 25,000 2,600 80,000 R eedy............. Roane 0 4 Bank of Reedy________t§’02 5 Pop. 600 eo^os First National Bank $12 69-338 Renick__Greenbrier D 5 Bank of Renick______ «i§’09 5 Pop. 270 69-269 Richwood.. Nicholas D 5 Citizens Bank_________ *§16 5 Pop. 3061 69-356 “ _ 44 First National Bank___«t’06 69-128 44 Richwood Banking & Tr. Co. 69-127 «$§*02 Ridgeley . . . . Mineral B 9 Peoples Bank._________§15 5 Pop. 1200 69-340 J. A. McClung____ Jesse Roach_____ E. L. Camp______ OraDe Wees.____ 25,000 10,500 88,330 89,820 J. M. Lester Mark Depue_____ 25,000 7,500 195,000 132,000 J. S. Wickline__ - C. G. Rader______ F. P. Clark ._ . . . __ 25,000 13,850 211,530 180,360 25,000 4,600 108,090 87,000 : 40,000 42,810 513,910 488,830 299,000 1 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt. 8 J. f!. Baber W. V. .Tarrett L. French Herold. A. C. Herold H. W. Armstrong.. T. M. Richards___ J. B. D odge_____ W. E. Echols_j___ 32,000 ; 42,000 Han. N .,N . Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.:, Balt.; Union N., Clarksburg. 129,900 1st N., Phil, and Rich.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 22,400 389,000 25,000 3,200 52,000 56,000 L. M. Parsons____ H. F .P f o s t ______ F. P. M. P fo st____ T. C. Parsons 50,000 5,000 240,000 210,500 G. B. Crow______ H. S. Armstrong... G. B. Crow______ S. B. Sayre I. V. Hinzman S. G. Starcher____ A. W. Ferguson. . . 30,000 8,000 133,500 120,600 35,000 3,500 265,000 190,000 ‘ Romney. Hampshire B 9 BANK OF ROMNEY— - §’88 J. J. Cornwell____ C. W. Haines.*___ G. W. Arnold____ Blair M. Haines___ 5 Pop. 1500 69-192 .. First National Bank . 1ft A. L. P u g h ......__ W. E. B eaty_____ W. M. Williams___ 69-193 75,000 48,000 478,400 503,900 63,370 N. City, N.Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; IstN . and 2nd N., Cumberland, Md. 50,000 3,270 179,360 269,170 28,070 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Balt.; Diamond N., Pitt. 50,000 30,000 407,000 330,000 25,000 16,500 230,000 175,000 25,000 6,500 110,000 100,000 J. T. Yandegrift__ H. R. Eight ‘ Ripley------- Jackson O 3 BANK OF RIPLEY-......... t§*71 Warren Miller____ 5 Pop. 1000 69-227 *• *» Citizens State Bank____t§’09 C. W. Starcher___ •• 69-229 11 First National Bank____< ’15 69-228 T,. P. Walker , : A. B. C. Bray____ C. E. Crickmdr___ •* Ronceverte Nat. Bank_«tl900 C. H. Thompson... J. M. Rodgers____ 69-156 Rowlesburg—Preston B 7 Peoples National B ank...«12 A. A. Pickering___ H. R. Hollis 5 Pop. 936 69-337 Rupert — Greenbrier D 5 Bank of Rupert..............$§’06 L. E. McClung____ S. W. Osborn__ ___ 5 Pop. 100 69-309 iG. PAYNEOSCAR C. WILT— J Special a tten tlo given B ill o f La FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’98 115c should be se n n t w ith each Sigh 5 Pop. 3500 69-151 ( o l d e s t , l a r GEST AND STB '*•" •* Merchants & Producers Bank S. Broadwater____ H. B. Davis______ 69-152 <§1900 Shepherdstown.Jeffers’n Farmers Bank................... §’06 J. B. VanMetre__ - N. T. Snyder____ 5 Pop. 1070 B ll 69-198 “ ___ . . . . J efferson Security Bank.t§’69 C. J. M iller..____ S. J. Hodges______ 69-197 i TH0S. HAWKER__ C. M. BARTLETT____ Shinnston.. Harrison B 6 FARMERS BANK---------< § 99 1 Special a tten tlo n given B ill o f La 5 Pop. 2500 69-180 ( 15c should be se n t w ith each Sigh •* •• FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 09 R. G. Lucas______ 69-181 « Peoples Bank -< §15 Geo. A. Ferguson— Lee Boggess_____ 69-351 Benj. Anderson J. R. Johnson . — W E ST VIRGINIA M ap on Index Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. under Louis Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given D. H. Kauffelt____ O. 0. Hileman 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Wood Co., Parkersburg. 102,500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N .A ., Pitt.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Parkersburg. 104,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. State & City, Rich. 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.: M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Mellon N., Pitt. 4,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 25,000 600 70,000 65,000 60,000 52,310 850,000 0. F. MORRISON— iling ^Drafts! Casli and T im e ite m s . t Draft for presen ta tio n , and 25c fo r each c redit re port. ONGEST BANK. 650,000 229,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. W. B. Holden 50,000 23,300 481,600 415,270 25,000 20,000 220,000 240,000 126,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. Harrison Schley__ i 30.000 51,060 304,640 342.710 ROBERT E. LE E ____ C. D. SOMMERVILLE. . 40.000 48,840 574,630 564,780. El E. Bellinger___ 33,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Capital. Wash., D. C. 79,330 N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. ding D rafts, Cash and T im e I te m s . t D raft for presen ta tio n , and 25c fo r each c red it ré port. A. P. McDermott— L. E. Hawkins ____ R. L. F inlayson__ 45.000 iä 23,000 475.000 400.000 95.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 45.000 200.000 202.000 43.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Rates, Orace, Lawyers, dexed in back of this volume. July, 1917 Ronceverte.—Greenbrier FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’88 W. E. Nelson_____ P. A. George 5 Pop. 2157 E5 69-155 ’ 16,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Ravenswood to Shinnston 389,000 __ .. L ia b il it i e s . R esources . P aid - up Surplus D epos - Loans &D ib - Cash&ExAND ITS Sicuritixs ntOHBanks P bofits 1270 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, W E S T V IR G IN IA — C o n tin u ed 1 0*71 1 m/ i N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e authority of The A m erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame of B ank . TOWN AND COUNTY. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Figure under town is Est. Federal Reserve District. Sistersville - ITyler A 4 Farmers & Prod. Nat. B k.i’95 69-133 4 Pop. 5000 First National Bank------- 1’95 69-132 Peoples National Bank—< ’03 69-134 Tyler County Bank——. »§’92 69-131 P r e sid e n t . Accessible V ice -P r e sid en t . J. P. Flynn— ------ W. R. R eitz. As s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . W. Rr Reitz— L ia b il it ie s . R esources . Su r pl u s D e po s P aid - u p AND it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Loan s Sc D i s - C a s h Sc E x ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ue fro m B a n k s S e c u r it ie s Addison A. Clarke. A. C. Jackson____ R. Broadwater____ J. J. M cKay.. E. W. Talbott G. N. Fraser. 1 . Roome — ------- D. E. Thoenen — J. L. Fish— A. D. McVey Algep Marsh. E. A. Durham____ F. D. McCoy-------- S. G. Pyle-----W.J. Neuensch wan der So. Charleston, Kanawha Bank of South Charleston H. B. Lewis______ Geo. A. Schlossstein Geo. T. H arness... 69-363 §17 5. Pop. 2500 D3 ¿Spehcer-____Roane C 4 First National Bank— < ’12 Andrew Parks.—— G. W. Holswade.— J. W. Looney___— C. C. Rowe — O. M. DePue 69-332 S Pop. 3000 ROANE COUNTY BANK C. S. VANDAL____ H. C. W00DYARD-S. B. THOMPSON— H. L. DYER-------For efficient service and quick returns send your business direct to us. The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank in Roane County. $§’98 Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Orace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. W E S T V IR G IN IA — C o n tin u ed P r in c ipa l Correspondents . IVO 1 100,000 40.000 100,000 70,680 967,680 500.000 $ 150,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 859,970 377,290 Seab. N., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. 75.000 50.000 830,000 782.000 100,000 50.000 964,400 849,840 600,000 150,000 Han. N. and Seab. N„ N. Y.; Far. Dep, N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 263,720 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ chi.: Columbia N„ Pitt. 21,020 N. Park, N. Y,: Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co., Char, 25.000 1,200 35,060 34,620 50.000 17,900 517,790 358,110 118,650 Han. N„ N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 37,000 120,000 700,000 700,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com . and M et. Tr. Co., N . Y .; Bk. o f P itt. N. A., P itt. ; Cont. Tr. Co., W ash., D. C. 40.000 37,230 378,440 283.380 165,340 Han, N„ N. Y.; Drov. & Mech, N., Balt.; 2d N. and Wood Co., Parkersburg. Please enclose 15c w ith each Sight D r a ft fo r presentation and 25c f o r each special credit report. , 69-183- TRADERS TRUST &BKG. COMPANY—69-184.—«$§’03 A. J. KNOTTS— Special atten tlo n given B ill o f La ding D rafts, Cash and T im e Item s, 15c should be se n t w ith each Sigh t D raft for presen ta tlo n , and 25c fo r each c redit re port. 30.000 .17,000 330.000 180,000 170,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Kanawha N., Char. 25.000 6,500 165.000 155,500 52.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. D. W. Dillon_____ B. A. D otson------ 50.000 63,940 777,700 845,060 96,580 Seab. N., N. Y.Ï Far. Dep. N., Pitt. A. S. Grimm------- - J. R. Shinglelon — E. A. Sayre______ J. A. Schauwecker 50.000 15.000 250.000 225.000 60.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Real Estate Tr. Co., Pitt. A. A. Hamilton— J. F. Sebert_____ W, P. Kincaid .1— G. 0. Starbuck.__ 30.000 18.000 282.000 278, 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. H. W. Herold— G. H. Alder son — Millard Herold — 35.000 25.000 290.000 280.000 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt. A. L. MORRISON - M. B. JAMES...... 60.000 18,180 630,130 479.000 St. Albans—Kanawha D 3 Bank of St. Albans____§1900 C, D. Hereford— 69-185 5 Pop. 1209 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<10 69-186 ¿St. Marys—Pleasants B 4 First National Bank.......< ’99 69-177 5 Pop. 2000 Pleasants County Bank < § ’97 69-176 ¿Summers ville—N icholas Farmers &Merch. Bank<§’10 69-245 5 Pop. 204 I D 5 Nicholas County Bank69-244 J. M. LAWRENTZ- C. C. CLEAVENGER RUSSELL T. KEITH W. E. Mohler. 0. A. Zerkle. C. H. Zerkle___ C.J. PEARSON - M. W. STARK— — R. C. SWEET-----We w ill h an d le collection s prom p tly and satlsfac torily. W. C. Dotson____ J. D. Dinsmoor— (AMOS BRIGHT— G. B. FISHER ¿Sutton—___Braxton C 5 HOME NATIONAL BANK < 09 (C ollections or 69-191 5 Pop. 1121 P. A. Herold___ other busin ess en trusted to th is B ank w ill 25.000 20.000 310.000 248.000 30.000 10,000 250.000 215.000 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.: 2d N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 25.000 25,720 326,450 310,630 60,840 Diamond N., Pitt.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 50.000 Special a tten t ion given B ln o f Lading D rafts, C ash and T im e It em s Please enclose 15c w ith each Sig h t Draft for prese n ta tio n and 25c w ith eá ch req u est for re port or ratin g. 25,930 416,400 347.380 153,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt;; Am. N., Rich. 42,540 592,890 490,590 50.000 For efficient ser vice and quick re turns, send your busi ness direct to th e OLDEST and LA RGEST BANK, Please enclose 15c w ith each Sig h t D raft for pres en ta fio n and 25c for eac h Spéci al R epo rt. 15,000 300,000 315.000 50.000 < § ’03 J. S. Hunt —__ ___ G. M, Bonafield___ John J.McKone.Jr, 192,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.: Citiz. N. and Kanawha Valley-, Char. Terra Alta—-Preston B First National Bank——. < ’02 S. M. Scott, Sr....... W. F. Dailey------ 0 . A. Miller— — W. H. Harrfman.— 69-188 5 Pop. 1500 E. T. Chrystal__ _ O. E. Trembly — J. G. Mayer__ — Terra Alta Bank-----——$§’92 W. H. Glover— 69-187 E. I. McVeigh — W. W. Woods__ _ H. F. E. Hinebaugh A. R. Stallings— Thomas——— Tucker B 8 Miners & Mercb. Bank.<§’02 69-310 5 Pop. 2354 Thurmond— Fayette E 4 NAT’L BANK OF THURMOND 69-237 < ’08 5 Pop. 500 IEW RIVER BANKING & TR. COMPANY-69-236— < § ’04 Tunnelton—.Preston B7 Tunnelton Bank — 69-311 5 Pop. 792 W BST VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 196,900 Han. N., N.Y.; M.M. 1st N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt N. A., Pitt. receive prom pt and car efu l a t ten tio n . ( W. E. DEEGANS JOHN FAULKNER- J. HUGH MILL ER- ( G. H. CAPERTON J. F. PRIRCE------ F. D. DRUMHELLER 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.s Drov. Diamond N., Pitt. Mech. N., Balt. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indexto Lawyer?) ¿4 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cNally Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass'n. T own and County . ‘ County Seats. Figure under town is 5 Pop. 298 ‘ Welch— McDo\ 5 Pop. 2500 P r e s id e n t . C. E. Lynch__1— . 69-239 Farmers Banking Co.__$§’06 R. E. J. Campbell . 69-238 Urias Shriver 69-312 Wallace Bank ft’OS T. J. Parrish_____ 69-313 >I. A. W hited 69-314 F. J. Kenamond... 69-322 B. J. Prichard__ _ 69-315 First National Bank____«{’06 E. H. Morton_____ 69-316 E. T. W e f r.............. 69-328 V ic e -P r e s id e n t Ca s h ie r . As s ’t C a s h ie r . Pop. 5000 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . J. L. Rowan_____ - H. P. Tracy_____ - H. «."E llison. •T. L. Blank- , $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 240,000 $ 175,000 $ 100,000 Chase N.. N.Y.: Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; I s N„ Rich.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. C. M. Wheelwright C. H. Hoylman —— 25,000 12,420 78,000 63,000 14,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. Alex. W hite C. V. Garrison 0 . W. S w iger...__ G. T. Williamson__ D. E. K id d .... ........ * 25,000 18,000 160,000 130,000 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N .t Morgantown. 35,000 5,810 22^350 184,520 58,420 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N ..P itt. Chas. A. Lynch---- O. C. Penne 25,000 30,500 310,000 275,160 79,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Char. N.. Char. C. FT. E berts 25,000 5,750 226,000 181,700 72,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of thé Ohio Valley, Wheel W. H. Newhouse ~ R . O. T ay lo r 25,000 3,000 100,000 60,000 39,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; Merch. N„ Rich. S. P. Allen- 25,000 10,500 181,000 166,000 R. M. Peterson 35,000 31,000 650,000 555,000 170.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. anc Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 100,000 62,590 648,240 64L230 194,600 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. D. M. Peterson FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$’08 D. J. F. Strother ... B. F. Williams____ B. O. Swope 69-173 ing. J . M. Herold, Jr— W. H. McCutcheon J. W. P ric e ....... 35,000 H an.N .,N .Y .; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. t McDowell County Nat. Bank Isaac T. Mann____ I. J. Rhodes__ }___ 69-172 »1:1900 4 LIABILITIES. R e so u r c e s . r pl u s IjO^NS&Dis- Cashb Ex P a id - u p S uand D e po s c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s Securities fromBanks Warren A. Wilson. 100,000 iC. H. B E A LL-— H. C. WELLS........ JOHN RALSTON J. F. THOMSON— COMMERCIAL BANK— $§07 ^Special a tten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. 69-119 50,000 Farmers State Bank— *$§’12 W. B. Taylor_____ H. C. W ells.. _____ S. S. Hedges______ G. A. Helsley _____ 69-333 200,410 1,142,340 1,025,440 515,910 Han. N ..N . Y.: Franklin N., Phil.; Mellon N. Pitt.; 1st N„ Cin. 4,000 318,140 271,110 98,930 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of W. Va.. Wheeling Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 70,000 19,800 298,600 316,480 46,750 Han. N., N. Y.: Columbia N„ Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. WELLSBURG BKG. & TR. CO. S. George . . . ____ . . F. A. Chapman ___ C. R. Windsor, Tr. S. T. Bane, A . T r.. 100,000 78,440 897,970 890,410 184,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Columbia N. and Keystone N„ Pitt. / J. C. PALMER, JR— T. C. CLARK________ H. M. RODGERS_____ J. M. RODGERS, J R . GEO. W. McCOAO 100,000 40,000 650.000 690,000 70t000 N. C ity, N. Y.; M ellon N . and Far. Dep. 1Please send 15c w ith each sight d ra ft fo r presentation a n d 25c for Credit B eports. 69-118 i§ ‘03 WELLSBURG NATIONAL BANK 69-117 \ $’32 < § ’9? R. H. H all ___ 69-145 Lew is C ounty Bank ........$§’02 69-146 60,000 A. F . Whelan_____ T. A. Whelan_____ G. L. Bland 50,000 Andrew Edmiston. J i S. Vandervort__ E. E. J a r v is ___ 60,000 NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK Jacob Koblegard... E. G. Davisson____ J. W. Ross______ J.B. Mitchell 69-144 on. (Established 1832) ‘ W e s to n ....... Lewis B 5 BANK OF WESTON.........<§ 08 Porter Arnold ____ G. W. Wilson _____ W. A. Edwards___ J. G. G. Heavner — 5 Pop. 3000 69-147 C itizens R a n k . N ., P itt. D RAF TS. G IV E N B IL L O F L A D IN G 1S P E C I A L A T T E N T I O N ( C o lle c t io n s a n d o t h e r ite m s s e n t u s w ill h av e p ro m p t a nd c a r e f u l a t t e n t i *$’52 60,000 22,000 450,000 465,000 214,270 1,246,710 1,347,000 23,000 60,000 HaD. N. and Liberty N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N A., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 153,690 Chase N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 75,000 Seab. N., N.Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Mellon Pitt. 640,000 625,000 193,000 lJföO.OOO 942,750 155,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Colum bia N„ Pitt.; 1st N., Phil. 50,000 23,080 750,000 493.560 300,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$’02 J. E. Trainer_____ W. J ; Trough_____ W. J. McElhiney— J. A. Freeman. „ 50.000 4,750 446,000 340,000 164,000 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.; Mellon N. Pitt.; Am. N., Rich. WEST UNION BANK--------§ 93 W. B. Maxwell.__ W. S. Stuart_____ S, W. Langfltt____ J. H. Langfltt_____ 50.000 91,740 564,910 431,520 268,550 N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. ‘ West Union.-Doddridge Doddridge County Bank§1900 J. M. Gribble_____ J. D. McReynolds . L. R. Charter, Jr— 5 Pop. 2003 B 5 69-216 W p S T VIRGINIA M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Union to W est Union __________ July, 1917 5 Pop. 85 Wallace____Harri 5 Pop. 800 W a lto n .....__Rc 5 Pop. 300 Warwood . — ..o : 4 Pop. 3000 ‘ W a y n e ...... Wa 5 Pop. 600 ‘ Webster Spr’gs-\ 5 Pop. 1000 Weirton__Hanco 4 Pop. 4000 N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. : Est. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page i3 W EST VIRGINIA—Continued 1272 1 x ¿ i/ ___________ " , _ A ccessible T ow ns, Law yers, Law s, D lrectoM , in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page Id. , W E S T V IR G IN IA . ------C ontinued P r e sid e n t . Vic e -P r esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t C a sh ie r . oy-ö s . 69-4 John M etzger____ ♦Germania Half Dollar Sav. F. C. Driehorst___ A. G. Hadlich — V. G. Gnndling---Bank 69-5______ £§’97 Katharine Mitchell Mutual Savings Bank —«£§’87 Howard Hazlett— Alex. Updegraff— . Alex. Mitchell, T r. See 69-15 NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VA. 69-6 E. W. OGLEBAY— J. F. PAULL— — W. B. IRVINE 254.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. 50,000 32,000 965.000 300.000 90,950 ,160,030 1,413,170 137,810 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N. Pitt. 150.000 248,710 3,259,860 2,918,960 729,610 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Phil. N„ Phil 100.000 140,000 500,000 H a n . N . and N . C ity, N . Y.J C o m E x . N . 907,160 6,465,190 6,622,760 1.24<k600 C hi. and P h il.: M ello n N . and F irst Second N ., P U t. 600.000 665.000 175.000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. •£’99 A. E. SCHMIDT 80,000 640,520 3,391,420 3,611,930 500,020 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Firsl Second N.. Pitt.; Fifth-Third N., Cm. 50,000 114,750 1,230,290 1,211,570 115,480 Chase N., N. Y.: First-Second N., Pitt.; N. Bk of W. Va., Wheeling. 103,180 1,693,100 1,510,510 202,210 500,000 329,000 4,005,000 4,166,000 827,000 Im p . & Tra. N . and N. C ity, N . Y .; Pec N ., P itt.; C ent. N ., Ciev. 500,000 578,990 4,944,770 4,838,720 1,679,340 Am . E x . N ., N. Y .Î F irst-Second N ., P itt 1 st N ., Ciev. -E. W. ZINN- O l d e s t B a n k In W e s t V ir g in ia . S e c o n d O l d e s t W e s t o f t h e A lle g h e n y M o u n t a in s . •£1817 ‘NATIONAL EXGH. 69-7 793.000 603,460 1st N ., N . Y .; Bk. o f P itt. N . A., P itt. ov F. J. Park_____ — J. F. H eil._______ J. F. H e il- ---------- E. L. Yager------ •• 47,210 $1401450 $1012 400 W EST VIRGINIA BANKS—Wheeling ________ DOLLAR SAV. & TRUST GO. ---------- -------B. W. PETERSOH- H. B. SCOTT------- ROBT. HAZLETT, FIDELIS RIESTER SecBERNHARD KLIEVES I f y o u a p p r e c ia t e p r o m p t a n d c a r e f u l s e r v i c e a t a m o d e r a t e c h a r g e s e n d U S y o u r it e m s a n d c o lle c t io n s . 175.000 rrespo n d ents. Loans k Dis- Cashk Ex;’ts. Bonds, cHAN<}Bfl,DtJi äsenumas 'fromBanks ______________________________ J. H. MCDONALD— R. H. McKEE-— ♦Wheeling____Ohio E 10 *BANK OF THE OHIO VALLEY J. A. MILLER------ ROBT. SIMPSON 69-1 «*§’75 4 Pop. 43,377 F. T. Dowler------♦Center Wheeling Sav. Bank J. A. Miller---------- Leonard Eskey---- H. J. Scheufler— 69-11 * « ’01 Alex. Glass------— L. F. Haller------ L. E. Haller------- - H. W. Eckhart---♦Citizens-Peoples Trust G. W. Eckhart Company-69-8--------- »$§’16 Henry Juergens Geo. H. List-------♦City Bank— ------------*£§’86 A. S. List----------- - John K. List____ Robert 0 . Dalzell— H. A. Oberman Daniel C. List 69-2 G. W. Jeffers____ ♦Commercial Bank____»£§’69 Myron Hubbard... H. C. Ogden. 69-13 S u r pl u s D e p o s P a id - u p AND it s Ca p it a i . P r o f it s ,1 9 1 7 Co N ame of Bank . T own and County . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ♦County Seats. £Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Figure under town is Est. Federal Reserve District. J u ly 1273 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T r a n s it N u m b e r given ) each bank in ü . S. exclusively by T he^B and-M cN ally B a n k e rs JOHN L. DICKEY ~ WM. ELLINGHAM- C. W. JEFFERS-— R. LEE BOYD — U n it e d S t a t e s D e p o s it o r y . W e h a v e e v e r y f a c il it y f o r h a n d lin g c o lle c t io n s a t m o d e r a t e r a t e s . W e r e m it p r o m p t ly . L e t u s s e r v e you- Seaton Alexander. J. F. Ebeling John Coleman 100,000 ♦Security Trust Co..— *£§’03 W. E. Stone — ;— 69-10 H. S. Martin_____ F. C. Hoffmann.:— F. J. Fox, Sec, a n d Cash, M. J. McFadden 300,000 49,800 582,000 585.000 271.000 1.720.000 1,700,000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 360.000 Bkrs. Tr. Cor, N. Y.; First-Second N., Pitt. 1273 ♦Quarter Savings Bank»£§’01 G. J . Mathison. 69-12 25,000 110.000 1.050.000 950.000 208.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of W. Va., Wheeling W. L. Gilleland___ ♦South Side Bank-----— £§’90 R. M. Gilleland ..— Chas. Horstmann „ Ohas. A. Bowers— 69-9 ( W iieelind continued on next page) For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indexto Lawyers) W EST VIRGINIA M ap cm Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given ea,ch bank in U S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n Town and County. Name of Bank. Liabilities. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. ‘ Wheeling........Ohio E 10 4 (C ontinued) GEO. W. BARON -1907- President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. A. E. MASTEN & COMPANY MITCHELL & STEVENSON, Inc....................... ri SPEIDEL & BACHMAN, Inc. FRANK WATERHOUSE, See. a n d T r. A . Sec. an d A . Tr. ( A. C. Stifel_____ 1 Investment Bro kers. J. E. Stevenson, ( Members Baird Mitchell, Sec T r. Investm ent B anke rs A ss’n ) A. E. Masten & Co., Pitt. 100,000 Brown Bros., N. Y,: Moore, Leonard & Lynch Pitt. j W. H. Bachman _ T. H. Pollock_____ J. W. Speidel, Sec. a n d Tr. LInvestment Sec urities, Stocks a nd Bonds. Stone & Webster, Bos.: Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co. Wheeling. Alex. Mitchell, Mgr. 25,000 6,000 $ 280,000 $ 185,000 $ 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N., Rieh. 100,000 85,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 350,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N., Cin. and Rieh. 100,000 20,590 714,120 723,530 215,260 N . City, N . Y.; F ifth-T hird N ., C in.; Am N ., R ieh . 30,000 12,770 252,460 145,460 117,330 Chase N., N. Y.; Kanawha N., Char. 25,000 10,000 185,000 166,900 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Kanawha Valley and Char. N., Char. 30,000 1.0,240 248,850 262,700 55,840 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. W.G00DYK00NTZ- E. F. RANDOLPH— C. B. EARLY ____ W. P. T. VARNEY— U n ited S t a t e s D e p o sito r y P ro m p t, lib era l, p r o g r e s s iv e , and c o n s e r v a tiv e . T R Y U S . S e n d u s your c o lle c tio n s . L ow r a te s . -•*§'02 J. K. Thompson . . . H. J. Barr___ H. O. Bolev Worthington.Marion B 6 First National Bank......... 13 Z. F. Davis______ G. W. Millan..___ _ A. J. McDaniel___ 5 Pop. 400 69-343 Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1917 Winona___„Fayette D 4 Winona National Bank—»±10 R. L. Walker _ 5 Pop. 1500 69-320 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Harris, W inthrop & Co., N. Y. Stocks, Bonds, C otton, Grain, Pro visions. Main of flee, Pittsburgh. »Williamson— Mingo E 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK**’03 W. J. Williamson— Ben Williamson___ Alex. Bishop_____ 5 Pop. 6600 69-125 A. Bishop W E S T VIRGINIA M ap on index $ 100,000 $ 50,000 DIRECTORS: White Sulphur Springs Bank of White Sulphur Spgs G. L. White_____ W. B. Hines______ E. C. Curry___ ,__ Oon NT W tiito 5 Greenbrier D 6 69-317 *J§’06 Pop. 1500 »*’05 Drexel & Co., P hiladelphia. O tis & Co., Cleveland. Redm ond & Co., New York. A. E. M asten & Co., P ittsb u rgh . City Bank, W heeling. IN V E S T M E N T SEC U R ITIES. Wheeling Clearing House___ R. C. Dalzell_____ 69-14 (.Members indicated by a * ) NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Principal Correspondents. W. VIRGINIA BANKS—-Wheeling to Worthington ......G. W. WOODS....... .J. D. MERRIMAN, S T O C K S AND BONDS. ‘ Winfield___Putnam D 2 Bank of Winfield— 5 Pop. 291 69-319 Resources. oams&Dis- Cashk ExP aid - u p S u r pl u s D e p o s L c*T8. »Bonds, OHANOKfl,l)UB Ca p it a l P rand it s SsouaiTUB fromBarks o f it s R . R. M A R S H A L L , M gr. Bond Department. Investment S e cu ritie s. M em b ers ^Wheeling S to ck Exchange. E ffic ie n t C o n fid e n t ’07 P rom pt S E E A D V E R T I S E M E N T O P P O S I T E P A G E 1057. THE FINANCE J. F. PAÜLL— COM PANY 69-126 A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, insxed in back of this volume. For Ih terest R ates, Gra e tc ., see pa 14. For H olidays, see opposite page W EST VIRGINIA—Continued u iu iu u b u T274 1274 x ii/T U N IT ED STATES D E PO SITO R Y W is c o n s in N a tion a l "Bank of flU tW a u ite e Capital, $ 2 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Surplus, $ 1 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Deposits (over) $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 O F F IC E R S L. J. PETIT - President HERMAN F. WOLF - Vice-President WALTER KASTEN - Vice-President J. M. HAYS Cashier FRANZ SIEMENS Asst. Cashier WM. K. ADAMS Asst. Cashier F. K. M cPHERSON Asst. Cashier A. V. D. CLARKSON Asst. Cashier FRED R. SIDLER Asst. Cashier H. W. ESKUCHE - M gr. Sav. Dept. D IR E C T O R S L. J. PETIT HERMAN W. FALK OLIVER C. FULLER HENRY M. THOMPSON GUSTAVE PABST CLEMENT C. SMITH R. W. HOUGHTON DR. C. E. ALBRIGHT PATRICK CUDAHY L. G. BOURNIQUE GEO D. VANDYKE LOUIS SCHRIBER ISAA ‘ D. ADLER HERMAN F. WOLF WALTER KASTEN W isc o n sin N atio n al B a n k B uilding S p e c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n to c o l l e c t io n s A c c o u n ts of B an k s, T r u s t Com panies, B an kers, M erch an ts and Corporations S o licited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -d < ! gagggg OOOO ts & p ,.o . E o rj P H-.M K'tw g - g . -ÍS O FS-R5, o g ^ p g. ag s°o P 3 : w w a> cd r p t^ p P SO P » OdtdWÖ3Ö3 Pp *t t f e o v j 2 6 0 S' 3 B° it B'SRS } g of» r § Ö JW m Ö © 0© Q n C+ p . P e ,» P ei p B S S 'p E p so w: : bw'wkbw © 03^0 * ir i oo «o oo cn o> •‘i UIWOGO 0910 ®: ! wbw WoWöc oofi-M Os Coesione» o i Allen Je. fountain I ro n , )M anitou I sla n d Fairbanks Lavelli o ■Ö Fermoy Tordi c traverse Pc L ake Pairies dale.' luTERIsland Coleraine' H <0 Brookston- »ntonagon i,> Duluth Cloquem^ B ariton] n ^ISLANDS Veline Island Herbste , ^ s f l i’A n s e -McKeevei T« r B A AR A z N estor ia ' •FoxborA^ ^ ÇDedham I^ra tz a i Moose Lake Harlis* NN _ái CityVs'sCoriJI ÈW Caj«gaJU A S H l\ ÉdS K y-Q.- 0 Campbell S n d !| • mïïÊt ^ A ^ fâdden Bound L tJ Merc . /Q.‘ [fMM l_Vudesàre*. TDonaldson0<T ^ g í ^ £ a ¿ Vieux iManatí eld % L/miDUy .FLAMBEAU ¿I B ru ig G A ^ ^ s Td\inalifäülc Lahe î __ Hazelburst1^^v i > T ö m ah aw k L ak e ¡fll % p M .... I " ||, 1 'g*5 > MjprRIúiielander mmmm W inter 'Radissoif : 1 Highland. ‘V i v í I ŸV-Î ’ AP ö S lA R R O /N ^ r ^ L B a rro n jf St. Croix Falls)1 Powers mSSm Murry) '"»•■.j fortbland {Metropolitan1’ 'NOTRES. Aaroni Doran ■ CHISAGOc^ > Lake<^i Jo . | ( ? \ NW ..--¿ivSpu ^vG irard ( ‘M arek V g Je. ^Arnberg \§ ^Jeffrißc m/ ia d y s m ith !#úmp W ver -W estboro^ Flaml^u • M uízI aid *^ W liu g í | ^ ¿ H u g b e y ^ ^ i’0 ^ SeH>^ i ^ IciSan Pc?1riKSt0WIÍ( Goodrich Medford Stetsonvüleí ie w e ttö ^ r ■~ Vf j N/CIO » ^ . Chelseaf^A^ M: Êake Í I N E tW E / f Í^* Ceüa*^TV /? , i/ nLöfaö» 5 ¿A tbelßtaneM /.. Cpnratb^ Island Lake JK mm cewood bí vU: * *5- vCrivitzJ^^Mües ?Kingston S-Lindquist Pine R iv e r BeäverJ ÍM enom ii Colemani MD. IAskenetfj P X? i'^ .-J Ñ e o p it Ji g Spring.V ail^T 7\j|^aiï8'^S£> /^BeFdenville' M a rte ll^,. Æ reèeptt ** JPcpbtigcp ¡ V V i l c o x |T ^ o Lena ^ c .Î ^ S ^ e ir / hî*0 'Cecil jW hitçomb \ S h aw an o ^ oV ^T illeda N B e lle / ìshtigo H î ßtut-gea I Independe Creám * ■::¡ P-¿W aum an| A / „Arcad« 'Z um bí Ì 4 P O a ,.T A G I Ik e w w n e SJ m Black Riveiy r ttS r S Í '? ]untai¿y Minnesota City; i Winona* ^ H r o o r th e im . Qeíjtívé‘vcland Itìuven r r p % -í^ ; WmïêmïÈmS TMedary .South Je . ¿Calvert jPreston. H O U S T O N laledonia.®^- p . ,7 , c-^vX'"‘ 'l'1 o^O *f . '/ ' / ft Ä 3 » 3 > ; /May- 'îr o n to ^ ?b°dviUe L U » « ILimeridg banviH®N .Freedom 9 \ ^ S /ru e c k e r fport Washington p -W hite Mound.Jfite li » e rtlt“! Prairie du SaCfi A L L A M A K E E ^^ teesevillV W aukon Jc, I GHICKASAW ■ s^ v M « i W : ^ lljlG le n ^ L a n c a s ti D,-» Ü|M( -/L ib erty )J^ p c^ey BUTLEI Monticello¿ ,-S ch u ltz . g ^Rockville- [Oelwein Cedar Ftans\ iNewGlarus A" N ¿T R ¿ || Elmo/ D ubuquè BbACKpÄWK Harvard FoxUmJoL •eepòr Railroads ______ • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Electric Lines— iBÒONE,Woodstock^ N . Bellevuev Maquoketa iJ^JCrystal Lake M t. C a r r o l l j ^ x ^ Sabula' SCALE S ta tu te Miles, 34.5=1 Inoli, R and McNally’s New 11 x 14 Map of Wisconsin. Copyright by Rand McNally & Co. sT3 T> >3 J i ï Waukegan INNEBAGjG, Junction \ ’Switch*' W IS C O N S IN k e n o sb a Rocktoi JO DAVI ES S P^sC^. ^^A^hdale ^ ^ R O L L ^ A lm o r í ^ C h ica g o 1 3 CD a J “1 1 Wheatdn Clinton ’DU PAÖE r Dew itti < Xongitude F West from G m CD LW«rth j Sinsinawa? o tiff îerryville . renevctS 5/ Galena ^Monticello CO liRacine fpodford iRutledge R HazeiGre Manche m H O X c (0 Francis idahy \utb Milwaukee irr oil ville kmnty Line Ä am b erto n ( T i k i ^ i S H a‘ ! Otpoi Á; -Genesee . lî,.;'I iy^LivingstoriJ^^ Elkader C L*An*0 N <â !||RHavenQ o iilwaukee ¡^®^Bridgeport— p? LWyaluáing oM t. H W. j\P a tc h Grove / ¿ S t i t z e r o |i\w aukee ^h itefish Bay .Shoreline Black -J pî^Èég J N. McGregôï \ \Vest Union'* Z l'ville ifto n rW rg irtel isville [iquon Dillman &. Lowell* S iT O * PH n W ite e n J rgaij^BoSCObel iheboygran ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S l l s p o r t |SI gu.l tir- a Random ' Lavali«L Kilbournr i D elton0 N jjbs= sWINNESHIEK m x î?> A/ ' ^ œ ® L a c \fe o í A Cl VNBrandon HíuiVil Ontriiiÿ- Mt. Tab'or Rocktcm) ; Dlllvo^ Cresco M A N f f Ö W ® p ^ b v o Rive: kJ GolliuS—/ ¿(,^2 Kíanitowoe MWalciërs- X y^W a tó a tf ^ W 3 ^ FiskK • S»t \ ^ . / P i c k c tt^ Liberty i Holmen PvDecorahfk 0 (2to»iffp1vili ^ P o ri p ^ ~ ^ a 9 Coddiiigion 'Edwarfe^ ~ ■-!. Iekoosaj Saratog , Sheppard i TA G A M r £ rjf^iTanïli lîapldsg > líxton F a ils Plaìnview ^ 8 West S b io cto n , :YV ^ Hâtefiei\ u B ay fsaukee iBobieskiy. « •« P II I lu m b iro ^ ¿ ^ g tile è f Sconto Jovi :■ AbrauißJ Harbor pSlarinett [Menekaunee : - P^undj l§ 8 E « V A ïià m fofçTèii^ Ax 181.ANI M ount 1 J l ^ l l l k ^ H e lle r ^Modena W asUinci^o XIngalls Packard W ausaukeerk vl iBIrnaUù MJTO.HELÜ O jgl^PhejjpW . 1y, I ¿ Arbor Vitae [inoc'qui „Grantsburg/ m H ^ 0> 'Hazel f e u Ä J “«8^ ¿ .S ta r L a k e o J Conover f- ' 3 l T°,v„ W e b ste r E M a llß u f t- N j I K arlsborg 0 A 9 y Falun.o ¿9g Trade L ake|j*gS£P5 Randall Hs 'Amasa Atkinson ^¡sCrqoJtedSL. Butternut) 0'Moro perJ Island o Parke yf atersi / O r • I^ ^ ^ ^ r-L e ñ ro p é ' ^ Lawson) Princeton0 •NVinchc ¡^Cl/ain Lakes V ^ S 11 ^ Q p a lr v ie w j Vi Craigèmere's Rqbbins iuskirk P eu c Æ ê ê î/^ “ 'a JFV, asz M Sandbürst o I •leyo^X? g § f S |§ Bingol Barn« /Gordon / $LLake' ^B essem er |¡ ¡ i | Sauntry' D-O Ul Solon] Sj ffíiuckley usq H Goge b i c ^— îeb letwyS O G - / Keweenaw Ba; Greenwich S E N D Y O U R W I S C O N S IN C O L L E C T I O N S T O The WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANKof MILWAUKEE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $3,000.000 300B O CD m x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis When In Doubt ABOUT BANKERS* DIRECTORY SERVICE A sk Y our R e se r v e C ity C o rresp o n d en ts TH EY KNOW TH E A N D U S E IT BEST Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n ^ W I S C O N S I N — C ontinued N a m e of B a n k . T own a nd Co u n ty . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P k e s id e n t . VICE-PRESIDENT. Ass’t Cashiee. Cashier. Lia b il it ie s . Su b pl u s D e po s P aid - u p and it s Ca p it a l jPr o f it s RESOUECES. J>AMI &DlB- Cash&Ex’tb. Bonds, changes,Ddk Securities fromBanks, Principal Correspondents. l : L mi? j » ... . . S * j£ 1275 Accessible Towns, lawyers, Laws, Directors, inf dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page $ 25,000 15,220 148,190 144,530 43,880 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., MU.; 1st N., Marshfield Wis. Prank B. Moss. 18.000 1,000 137,180 130,370 21,060 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil Ableman___ — Sauk G 9 Farmers State Bank— -$$’12 W. J. Hummel____1 79-776 7 Pop. 444 Abrams_____Oconto J 6 Abrams State Bank------ $T1 A. W. Grunwaldt „ | 79-738 7 Pop. 350 C. E. Babcock ---Adams County State Bank Adams____ -Adams G 8 7Q-7QQ ±§’13 7 Pop. 1120 NoahSaemann---Aden State Bank ------»$$’08 Adeh___ Sheboygan K 8 79-432 7 Pop. 200 E. Speaker------ 10,000 5,690 102,630 90.710 25,980 Marshall & llsley, Mil. W. G. Bingham. 10,000 5,640 91,270 75,330 28,640 1st N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil. E. C. Stratton.. Mattie Plekenpol — 12,000 4,060 151,220 135,670 26,380 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N. and Drov N.. Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil. J. T. Gravenor— 0 . E. Turner; 15,000 10,000 250,000 200,000 75,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. Albany____ Green H 10 ALBANY EXCHANM . « ¿ K , W. D. Roberts— 7 Pop. 1000 J. F. Litel-- 79-399 J. E. Lite!— — 10,000 9,200 366,000 300,000 83,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Ohi.; Wis. N Mil. A. W. HAMACHEK J. F. THIARD----- 25,000 31,970 735,940 653,250 99,640 H an. N ., N . Y .; N . B k. R ep ., C hi.; 1st N M il. 50,000 10,000 665,220 582,040 117,68( N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marin N. and Wis. N., Mil. 9,00 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N, and 2d Wai Sav., Mil. ¡5* * BANK OF ALGOMA 79-433 ( BENOIT THIARD- ’ Bank, J T he “ R oll o f H ly each 1 15c m u st acco ed it reports. ( and 25c for Cr »$$’81 h t D raft to pay for p resen tation - C. F. B0EDECKER----i M. W. PERRY_ _ _ _ FRANK SLABY— ! We m ake a sp eclalty o f collect! on s an d w ill pro mptily CITIZENS BANK------- *$$U 1 h an d le your ite m s on Algom a a t th e follow in g rat d it Inform ation. 79-751 ( 15c m u st acco m pany S igh t Dra fts and 25c for ere WISCONSIN BANKS—Abbotsford to Antigo Algoma— Kewaunee L 6 7 Pop. 2200 79-431 .......^ G. M. Ouimette. © ....... ... ^.. -....... .. . H. H. Fiebig —___ t Abbotsford __ Clark F 6 7 Pop. 947 Austin Chrisler—— S. W. Marshall . . . . Harry L. Lowe —£ 10,000 500 76,000 70,000 G. Weninger.------- Math Stoffel______ 20,000 14,500 253,000 209,210 69,19 Wis. N., Mil. C. G. Kapelovitz— A. N. Beiseker____ T. S. Saby.----------- W. E vans..— 25,000 12,100 354,000 341,000 64,00 Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.: Marine N., Mil. Knut Johnson..— S. P. Ib ach ...------ H. F. Ibach— G. Ryffel H. S. Cadby— ------ Chas. Sechler...— J. B. Miller— .*— Charles Kaemmer. Henry Petersonl— C. C. Coe„ — 10,000 13,000 266,150 231,800 20,000 7,720 293,030 203,690 10,000 11.600 148,000 145,500 10,000 6,500 302,OOC 218,000 J. G. Burman_____ C. H. Oakey-------- P. C. Amundson— S. L. Pennington 50,00(1 18,000 550,00( 506,501 85,01 Amery__ _g___ Polk fi 5 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE BANK ___79-402— — « « ’06 9 Pop. 1200 International Bank— _*i§’93 Amherst____Portage H 7 79-438 7 Pop. 629 Security Bank--------------$$'03 Amherst Junct. „Portage 79-439 7 Pop. 200 H6 »Antigo— - Langlade H 5 Fidelity Savings Bank..«$$’08 79-147 7 Pop. 8000 First National Bank---- •$’ 79-145 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. ; 1st &Secur. N., Minpls.; Marine N., Mil.; Am. N., St. P . L. A. Pomeroy------ 30,00(1 2,500 260,00 270,00 110,0( 8.50C 1,470 113,35 98,00 22,7( 50.00C 4,000 152,40 154,30 47,7. 95,0 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Wis. N. and Marine N., Mil. \ Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N Stevens Point, Wis. a 0 .. , Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Marshall & llsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. S i. § ¡¡9 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. Mil. 130,0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John Accola P. E. Thai* O. A. CroweU — G. W. Fleming .— D. Hicks. -— J. J. N elson— — W. A. Webster— M. K. H anson------ N. J. Loberg..------ H. N. Nelson------Henry Hay---------— Anton Molle-------- W. R. Daskam— . J. C. Lewis,— — H. B. Kellogg------- W. B. McArthur— O. G. Nolte. W. T. MEYER- „ P. WALCR f J. F. ALBERS,— j D. STEFFEN — -- OTTO i T h is bank gives prom pt, efficient service on collect! ons and reports.a LANGLADE NATIONAL BANK S ig h t drafts in u st he accom panl ed by 25c to pay 79-146 *$’01 1 and 25c for credi i t Inform ation 100,00() „ 25,000 900,00 822,00 0 50,00 37,00( 667,00 576,00 1) 12,19 Corn Ex. N.. Ohi.; Merch., Winona, Wis. 115,07 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Ohi.; Wis. i Mil. __ „ , “. 16,0C Eau Claire N ., Eau Claire; Wis. N., Mil,; 1st Secur. N., Minpls. 98, OC 1st N., Stevens Point, Wis.: Wis. N., MU. ? C$3 Allen ___ Eau Claire D 6 Farmers State Bank — $$T4 79-822 (S tru m P. O.) 9 Pop. 150 AUenton State Bank— »$$’05 Allehton.Washington J 9 79-434 7 Pop. 325 »Alma_____ Buffalo C 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$ 06 79-355 9 Pop. 1150 German-American Bank $$’06 79-356 Alma Center-Jackson D 7 Alma Center State Bk..*$$’03 79-435 7 Pop. 417 Almena_____-Barron C 5 Almena State Bank------$$’08 79-436 9 Pop. 300 Almond____ Portage H 7 Portage County Bank— $$’01 * 79-437 7 Pop. 600 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N ., Chi.; Wis. N. Mil. 1 -■ . -. -• •• - .......... 11 ■ HI IHI11 — 1 97A P r e sid e n t . L ia b il it ie s . V I ce-P r e sid e n t . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . HERMANERB— .F. J . SENSENBRENNER-G. H. UTZ— - . __ L.O. WISSMANNO l d e s t a n d L a r g e s t B a n k in A p p le t o n . S e n d u s y o u r it e m s f o r c o lle c t io n . re tu rn s. R e a s o n a b le c h a r g e . «$’70 ;______P r o m p t FIRST NAT’L BANK R. B. PRINCE— F. M. COLE— __ 300,000 144,940 3,250,520 2,989,300 857,120 N . C ity, N . Y.; 1st N ., Chi. and MU. 50.000 990 136.000 133.000 25.000 12,340 444,010 355,610 151.000 15.000 400 150.000 10.000 3.500 113.000 16,000 4,300 170, 172.000 25.000 20,000 375.000 310.000 120,140 93.000 15.000 4,700 141,380 10.000 1,690 95,200 70.000 10,000 4.500 55.000 60.000 15,000 4,360 148,430 123,460 100,000 50,000 100,000 Augusta__ Eau Claire D 6 AUGUSTA STATE BANK«t§’75 9 Pop. 1500 79-445 Peoples State B an k___*$§14 W. E. Johnson___ 79-836 ' Avoca_________ Iowa F 9 Avoca State Bank_____ $§’07 D. Bohan__ ______ 7 Pop. 500 79-446 Bagley----------- Grant D10 Bagley State Bank_____$§’05 L. Newman______ 7 Pop. 398 79-447 248,090 N . C ity, N . Y .i i s t M erch. N ., S t. P. 12,500 17.000 Ft. Dear. N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. Mil. 324,600 Han. N..N .Y .: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN ., St. P. and Mil. 128,000 170.000 128,810 1,356,740 ,116,950 Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under N ., C hi. & MU. 30,000 17,000 270.000 235, 85.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 13,000 6,000 118,950 111,530 16.000 Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N„ Marshfield, Wis. C. E. Bradford____ A. E. Bradford___ E. E. Thwing 40,000 4,000 290.000 282.000 Chas. N ewhouse... E. P. Asal________ W. O. Victory 30,000 600 220.000 195.000 42.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.; Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 45.000 1st N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 49.500 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Com’l N., Madison. 19.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Batavian N., La Crosse; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil, — J. B. E agan......__ P. L. Hudson ______ H. M. Logan.___ 10,000 2,940 135.000 112.000 Chas. J. Glass_____ L. P. Beardsley___ F. O. Brodt 10,000 3,010 100,120 90,500 Baldw in....St. Croix B 6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-$’09 L. A. Christensen.. F. H. Wellcome___ N. L. Swanson____ O. A. Swenby.____ 9 Pop. 800 79-414 Security State Bank___$§’06 Joseph Yoerg____ S. S. Holmes. L. Snoeyenbos____ C. O. Dahl 79-413 Chas. Settergren WISCONSIN M ap on Index 30.000 Ft. Dear. N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Wii N-. Mil. 105.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Liv Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 37,570 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Bk. of Wis Madison. 21.000 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Citiz.N., Stevens Poinl Wis. 7,500 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Wood Co. N., G. Rap, Wis. 38,130 Drov. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley and 2d War» Sav., Mil. 115,980 1,499,770 1,567,450 th e b est of' send ce and a ll item s se n t u s. Athens____Marathon F 5 Bank oi A thens._____ $§1900 G. A. Kreutzer____ F. A. Lonsdorf ___ G. T. Fulmer_____ 7 Pop. 904 79-443 Auburndale___Wood G 6 Auburndale State Bank «$§10 C. Kieffer_____ Fred S ch u ltz....__ R. A. C onnor..___ 7 Pop. 350 79-444 35.000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 125,740 Drov. N., Chi.; Batavian N., LaCrosse: IstN Winona, Minn. 23.000 Corn Ex. N„ Chi.: Wis. N., Mil.; Merck, W nona, Minn.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Cross< 25,330 Wis. N., Mil.; 1st.N.>Madison,, .— ’—■- ^ 11■.—— -------- - ---------------------- J U,Ay > * “ * / 1C. F. LATIMER- L. K. BAKER____ N. CRAMER NORTHERN NATIONAL BANK I T h is bank is e C. quipped to give 79-118 •$’ l on collection s 281,900 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Cont.' Com’l N., and L ivestock Ex. N., Chi. 275,380 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.and Cont. & Corn’lNl Chi. ■;----- —,v Fred Erickson___ F. H. Schlecht__ R. B. Woodward... E. N. Coon _ 141,960 1,025,210 1,192,490 1 $§’16 75,540 1,240,580 1,333,920 150.000 ' r 79-119 150.000 I cd A th o ro u g h ly o rg a n iz e d C o lle c t io n D e p a r t m e n t . , P r o m p t a t t e n t io n g iven c o lle c t io n s d ir e c t f r o m m e r c h a n t s and m a n u fa ctu re rs. '$’ 84 _________ S p e c ia l a d ju s t m e n t s f o r a r e a s o n a b le o h a rg e . $ 50.000 $ 18,000 $ 694,880 Î 573,030 $ 186,370 Drov. N„ Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 25,000 7,760 238,060 248,980 25,000 11,000 228.000 213,350 16,880 Cont.&Com’IN., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Marine N., Mil. 41.500 Chase N., N. Y.; IstN ., Chi.: Marine N. and 1st N., Mil,; Merch. N., St, P, Banks Advertising give Prompt Atten ton to Co lections and Correspondence Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given BANKS—A ppleton to B aldw in ASHLAND NAT’L BANK 79-117 c h a n g is ,D u i n o n Banks a Outagamie County Bank $§’12 Fred Stoffel_____ Louis K eller..____ Frank Groh „ Wm. Campbell___ 79-87 Arcadia.Trempealeau D 7 Bank of Arcadia_____»$§’83 Emil Maurer_____ J. C. G aven ey..... O. B. Strouse. 9 Pop. 1346 79-440 Farmers State Bank___$§13 J. A. Palmer___ . . . Robert Ashton___ D. G. W ieland.__ 79-808 Arena—______— Iowa G 9 Arena State Bank_____ $§10 T. G. Cretney____ Wm. G. ‘Orht _;___ S. W. Dawson____ Jos. F. Danuser E. M. W h itt_____ 7 Pop. 400 79-441 Argyle— Lafayette G 10 Commercial State Bank.$§’09 R. Peacock______ O. G. Vinger_____ H .N . Grubbs____ 7 Pop. 700 79-412 State Bank of Argyle__$§’95 F. A. Waddington.. J. J. U ren ______ L. W addington.... A. P. Larson. 79-411 Arlington—Columbia H 9 Arlington State Bank__$§’09 G. McMillan_____ A, C. Ellickson___ D. W. P oor.._____ 7 Pop. 200 79-442 Arnott______Portage H7 Arnott State B an k _____$§12 . J. Carley...__ _ C. S. Orthman____ L. E. Schwerke___ 7 Pop. 150 79-761 J. A. Werachowski A rpin------------Wood G 7 Dairyman’s State Bank.$§’14 C. E. Blodgett____ H. F. Roehrig____ Chas. R. Setzkorn. 7 Pop. 300 79-826 Ashippun____ Dodge J 9 Bank of Ashippun.____$§12 G. Meissner__ g___I G. A. W. Gauerke . George Copithorn. 79-782 7 (OconomowoeP.O.) ‘ Ashland___ Ashland £ 2 THOMAS BAR00N ~B. J. SMJTH -------- CARL A. RUDQUIST-OSCAR TOEPEL — 9 Pop. 11,594 Farmers & Merchants Bank c ’t i . B o n d s , S b c u k it im L______ ______ W ISC O N SIN s® r r . •' B. J, Zuehlke__!__ M. A. Schuh. Citizens National Bank, «$’94 Joseph Rossmeissl John J. 'Sherman.. W. J. Konrad, Jr. 79-85 John Hackworthy Commercial National Bk.»$’81 II. G. Freeman___ J. A. Wood______ C. S. Dickinson___ G. H. Peerenboom 79-84 79-83 P a id - u p Su r p l u s D e po s Ca p it a l P rand ITS o f it s I ‘ Appleton..Outagamie 1 7 APPLETON STATE BANK t i l l G. A. Zuehlke__ __ H. A. Schmitz 7 Pop. 17,834 79-86 Ca sh ie r . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grac etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 1 R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Loams k p i s . C a s h St B x S’«!) T own and County . N ame of Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am, Bks. Assn.-§State ■Figure under town is $Mem, State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District fist. WISCONSIN—Continued ‘?76 ____ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank m U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Director V U IM V V 1 I V O J iU U V I Ç lI V v Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. W IS C O N S IN — C on tin u ed T own a n d Go u n t y . etc., see page 14. Lia b il it ie s . N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv, Est. Federal Reserve District. PiyiSlDENT. V ic e -P r k s id e n t . Cashier. A s s ’t C a s h ie r . R e so u r c e s , i Loams k Dis- Cash k Ex Depos c*n. P aid- up Surplus Bond*, < changes,Dux AND Capital P rofits its Securities For Holidays, see opppaite page 13. P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . fromBanks BANK OF BARABOO. «Baraboo____ .Sauk G 9 7 Pop. 6500 79-159 §’17 ' GEO. C. ASTLE WILBER CAH00N N. H. GERBER----- M. H. MOULD— — 10,000 40,000 100,000 12,000 976,500 920,200 ; 145,000 1 60,000 29,000 : A. S. Arneson__ _ 15,000 5,000 400,000 379,190 C. J. Borum____ J. H. Coe Chas. A. Taylor__ Otto B erg-------- Geo. R. Borum — 35,000 10,530 412,550 381,370 K. E. Thompson. N. O. Strand_ 25,000 5,000 100,010 68,400 P. Á. Moe_______ N. M. Rockman— J. C. Rockman . . E. A. Rockman. 12,000 18,420 289,500 244,660 Jerome J. Jones_ T. W. Borum ____ Madison, Wis. Chi. ‘ etu rn s. 112,340 76,700 1st N., Chi.and St. P.; Wis. N.: Mil, 52,010 N. City, Chi.; Merch. N., St. P. 72,370 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Cont. & COm’l N Chi.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls., 1st N.rMil. 6,220 Scan. Am. N., Minpls.; Wis. N., Mil. C. F. Paxton____ 10,000 1,500 13,520 Frank Mueller___ S. J. Driessel . . . . Peter C. W olf.— 10,000 1,900 200,000 155,000 50,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. •“ A. A. Manfred__ _ A. H. Bjorlee.__ J. A. Nelson....... 10,000 1,000 14,000 17,900 4,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., St. P. A. H. Wilkinson.. J. Kranzfelder .. J. P. O’Malley— 35,000 20,160 315,010 346,780 50,600 Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. L. C. Larson—. . . F. W. Raisler—, 10.000 5,000 87,009 81,000 13,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 50,000 3,000 366,000 341,000 100,000 34,360 ’’ 958,630 804,100 246.370 Han. N„ N, Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N Mil. 80,000 40,6001, 1,000,0001 920.000 160,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N„ Mil, E. A nderson.... . . M. C. Trayser___ I L. W. FLANNIGAN C. J. SCH0ENFELD WM. H. HALL— J. A. Anderson — H. C. RECHNER- J. G. Zander...__ _ J. w . Miller____ M. A. Jacobs— A. G. MillerE. H. Jacobs A. B. Chandler.— H. R. Vetter— 'E. J. Lawrence $’91 Old National Bank____ »$’65 J. E. McClure____ T. Ë. Newton___ 79-150 iMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, « 73,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil. B or IDS, WeiIs ISuiIdi!ng, Mi Iwaiikee 1277 Lynn H. A shley. 15,490 I Special a tten ti on given B-L Dra fts , Cash and ti m e item s. Bearer D am ....Dodge 1 9 FARMERS STATE BANK 79-152 $§’11 1 15 cen ts m u st accom pany eae h s lg h t draft and 7 Pop. 6758 ( 25 cen ts for ere d it in form ation . bank 50,000 _________ Barneveld_____Iowa G 9 Barneveld State B an k ..•$'96 * 79-449 7 Pop. 317 «B arron..,.__Barron C 5 Bank of Barron.—____»$$’85 79-330 9 P op. 1600 First National Bank____$’16 79-925 $$’94 Normanna Savings Bank 79-331 Barronett— Barron B 4 Barronett State Bank___§’16 79-909 9 Pop. 200 Barton__Washington J 9 Barton State Bank_____$§’15 79-891 7 Pop. 400 Bay C it y ...... Pierce B 6 Bay City State Bank___$§’17 * 79-936 9 Pop. 275. Bayfield—...Bayfield E 2 First National Bank . —*$'04 79-450 9 Pop. 2000 Bear Creek Outagamie J 7 Citizens State B a n k ....$§’04 79-714 7 Pop. 341 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 612,760 1i. B k. C om ., N . T .; M ereh. L n. & Tr. C C hi. i New—Modern Progressive—B u st lin g for B usiness, We W ant Tour s. Satisfaction A ssured. C ollection Serv ice th e very best. ÜNrïrED STAT ES DEPOSITOR FIRST NATIONAL BARK*$’86 Personal a tte n t ion given t o coll ection s, m oderat ( SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. 79-160 79-131 67,960 1,826,450 1373,190 '$§’57 T. «.ENGLISH .. D. M. KELLY — GERMAN NATIONAL 100,000 O ldest and Lar g est Bank ln Sau k C ounty, Send your Cash Letters and Collec tio n s direct to u s for Superior Serv Ice. FARMERS & MER GRANTS BANK 79-161 L. S. VAR ORDEN- A. W. MELZL J. VAN ORDER— WISCONSIN BANKS—Balsam Lake to Beaver Dam «Balsam Lake...Polk A 5 Polk Gounty Bank___$$1900 H. D. Baker_____ J. H. Thompson . . . Henry Void______ Carrie Andrewson. $ 15,000 $ 14,600 $ 187,300 $ 176,800 $ 33,000 I N., Mil. E. W. Overman 79-448 9 Pop. 27» 56,000 23,000 11st N., Stevens Point, Wis.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil 66,360 10,000 1,670 Buehanan Johnson Harold Ostrum___ Bancroft____Portage G 7 Bancroft State Bank___$$’12 A. W. Manley__ 79-786 7 Pop. 325 83,500 ( rat. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. 13,500 380,000 330,000 20,000 Bangor..,__LaCrosse E 8 BANGOR STATE BANK-Ì5 03 L. J. Roberts_____ Wm. Smith______ E. J. Wiles----------- S. A. Merlo. Wis. N ., Mil. 79-395 9 Pop. 692 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Batavian N., La Crosse 91,650 < 20,000 8,160 401,020 334,540 Farmers State Bank__*$$’10 I. A. Richardson . . Alfred Mengel____ Adolph Toepel____ 79-396 j ^iiy. 1917 1277 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in IL S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County . N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState Figure under town is ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Resérve District - Est. L ia b il it ie s . P r e sid e n t . Vic e -P r e sid e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . N . Hubing._______ Frank Pauly.____ F. J. Witmeyer___ D. S. Smith______ M. F. Ross.;__ C. B. Minch._____ Myrtie B. Harmon. S. E. Miller— . — J. T. Lyle . . . . . . . . . I.P . R u ff....— Birchwood State Bank—$§’14 79-830 Bank of Birnamwood.*$§1900 79-452 Bank of Black Creek___$§*03 79-453 Black Earth State Bank.$§’04 79-454 Black Hawk State Bank.$§’14 79-844 79-296 »$§’97 130,420 J. H. Riechers____ J. H. Alexander. . . L. F. Kuhnhenn__ Thomas Gugerty.. 20.000 10,090 252,66Q 185,520 E. G. Sm ith.____ F. S. Foster ____... E. F. Hansen, G. A. Dowd See. a n d T r. 183,000 2,275,250 2,106,860 S. Greene.__ W. R. Crosby. A. J: RAUBENHEIMER— L. K. MUNN WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank Number of St. Louis under 20,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Bk. of Sheboygan. Sheboygan, Wis. 63,380 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Marim N., Mil. 45,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. Mil. 19,470 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi. 90,640 1st N., 1st Tr. and Sav., and Drov. N., Chi. Wis. N., Mil. 305,830 1st N. and 1st Tr. & Sav., Chi. 70,000 40,000 1,740,000 1,400,000 435,000 H a n . N ., N . Y.; C ont. ft C om 'l N ., C hi. 50,000 20,000 1.075,000 275,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 50.000 63,630 1,223,280 1,139,970 244,940 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Dear. N., and Cont & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N ., Mil. 37,500 35,820 770,990 574,710 265,850 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Mil. 50.000 15,000 420,000 420,000 75.000 53,270 988,230 982,100 875,000 O nly N ational Bank in B e lo it, . C ollections give n careful atten ti on. 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 159,940 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. O ldest and Lar gest test B; Bank. Send your cash letters an d collect Ions d irect to u s f or superior service . WE GET RESU LTS. Anthony W ise.— - C. E, W ise.______ Scipio N. W ise__ . L. A. W ise.___ _ fi. S. Lockwood J. H. Van Doren__ Jos. Rundhammer. D. W. Van Doren.. Geo. A. Jewson.. 10,000 1,500 45,000 36,000 15.000 12,000 205,000 140,000 Wm. Strassburger. Peter R yser_____ G. H. Peters_____ Ida P eters. . . ___ 10.000 9,700 234,370 199,850 G. W. Parker_____ J. A. Ward______ Iver Simley______ Olaf Hagene. . . _ 12.000 8,520 217,710 176,630 A. T, Sprecher___ John R ieser_____. L. R. Sprecher___ Bernice Schriss . 10,000 1,250 98,700 79,150 50.000 37,770 680,000 600,000 30.000 25,000 467,800 406,700 Charles S ech ler__ H. H. Richards___ J. R. Bolger_____ J. A. Bailey Lulu M. Thompson (B.L. VAN BORDER F. E. TANNER. — RllrbSA. JONES JN0. H. MILLS. M ! % , . Our collection d ep artm ent is orga nized on thoroug ily efficient lines. P rom pt, vigoro u s, personal pres en ta tio n . . Try u s for quick returns. John Thompson__ F. C. Richmond . . . Basil I. Peterson . . Omer Houkom. Gabriel Anderson O. B. Borsheim___ G. L. Solberg____ O. B. Borsheim___ G. L. Hjerleid _ Mathilda Dorn A. McKeilar_____ E. H. Oison____ _ 25.000 E. I. Steensland... O, R. Olson____. . . E. R. Jackson_____ O. H. Buckingham. 55.000 15,000 Corn. Ex. N.. Chi.; Am. N., St. P.; 2d Ward Sav., Md. 90.000 Ft. Dear. Ñ., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 50,960 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Appleton. 58,610 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Wis. and Com’l N., Madison. 25,430 Com’l N., Madison; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 170,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 74,500 Am. Ex, N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st; N..MU.; Merch. N., St. P. 25.000 6,000 110,000 92,000 30.000 10,290 481,140 407,890 29,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Winona; No. West. N., Minpls. 63,540; Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Merch. Winona, Minn.; Wis. N;, Mil. 16,160 428,300 433,770 56,100 Live Stock Ex. N. and Ist N., Chi.; Ist N. and Marine N„ Mil. Banks Advertising give-Prompt Attention ion to Col lections and Correspondence Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , O Iro c to r rlawaH in Kunlr n( th is vnliim« F n r IntftTABt R a te s . C&T&Cfe* July, 1917 Blair....Trempealeau D 7 First National Bank___*$T5 9 Pop. 600 79^66 Home Bank — !___ *$§’99 79-455 Blanchardville -Lafayette First National Bank_____ '17 7 Pop. 800 G 10 79-691 Union State Bank___—«$§'08 79-405 170,000 128,870 First National Bank____*$’88 Frank Johnson__ 79-295 JACKSON COUNTY SANK 224,280 Ca s h k E x cha n g es ,D ue f ro m B a n k s WISCONSIN BANKS—Belgium to Blanchardville Bircfiwood.—.Washburn 9 Pop. 500 D4 Birnam wood .Shawano U6 7 Pop. 800 BhekGreek.Outagamie J 7 7 Pop. 516 Black Earth..—Dane G 9 7 Pop. 479 Black Hawk___Sauk F 9 , (S p rin g Green P- O.) 7 Pop. 100 ‘ Black River Falls—Jackm J son .Pop. 1917 E 7 260,390 200,000 í R. A. CHRISTIE— C.S. MORRIS------ W. N. CRAWFORD. J. H. FICKERT— 79-200 12,230 2,750 Benton___Lafayette F 10 Benton State Bank__ .*$§’94 H. L. Winskell____ R. E. Orton______ J. G. S w ift_____ _ R. A. Coulthard___ 79-451 7 Pop. looo W. B. Vail Berlin___Green Lake 1 8 Berlin State Bank___ «$§'05 W. G. Babcock..__ J. C. Clink.— A. A. Wawrzyniak. 79-201 7 Pop. 5000 FIRST NATIONAL DANK *$ 76 f 100,000 1,300 Í 115,000 15.000 9,390 B. P. ELDRED —— *$’82 $ 15,000 $ S e c u r it ie s 25.000 L. C. Hyde & Brittan Bk.*$§’54 C. L. Brittan_____ R. K. Rockwell___ 79-95 79-97 Loan s & His* c ’t s . B ond s , 10.000 Ida Voegeli— ___ -________ H. A. VON OVEN— C. H. PALEY— ...... R. E. MEECH Thonoly Equipped C o lle ctio n Departm ent. Prom pt, P e rso n a l P resentation g e ts R e s u lts . S E N D U S YOUR B ELO IT ITEM S. *$§'92 SECOND NATIONAL DANK P a id - u p SU RPLU S D e p o s Ca p it a l P rAND it s o f it s W, P. Hughes____ T. J. Kilpatrick. . . I. A. Jayne —._—— BELOIT STATE BK. 79-98 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . _____ Belgium___Ozaukee E 8 Belgium State Bank____$§’12 7 Pop. 234 79-785 Belleville—. . —Dane G 10 Belleville State Bank__»$§’01 7 Pop. 422 79-427 Citizens State Bank— *$§’03 79-428 Belmont__ Lafayette F 10 Belmont State Bank___§1900 7 Pop. 532 79-419 Farmers State Bank —$§’09 79-420 Beloit__ ____ ..R ock H 10 Beloit Savings Bank__ *$§’81 7 Pop. 18,072 79-96 WISCONSIN—Continued 1278 1 9 7 fi / o a. Number under JVame of Bank is the New Transit Number given i n e r» to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaliy Bankers’ I « / ? Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Name of Bank . Town And-County. »County Seats. • •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Fedfrai Reserve District. Bloomer— Chippewa D 5 9 Pop. 150Q ▲ K R e so u r c e s , -L i a b i l i t i e s . P resident . A. T. Newman. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . William Larson___ E. Kranzfelder. c c M s tb l* T o w n s , PAID-UP Ca p it a i , p r o f it s CHARLES ALBRECHT— W. E. KITCH . . . . ---- M. M. SCHMOCK---- 25.000 $ i it s 1,250 $ 324.080 $ 273,740 !t 176,580 I 181.600 50,000 C 83,250 1 st N.. Chi.; 1st N. Crosse. 1,300 15.000 25,370 I 629,370 ; Blue Mounds..Dane G 10 Bine Mounds State Bank.S'10 H. B. Dahle______ T. G. Lingard____ 0 . M. Daley —____ 79-457 7 Pop. 375 Blue River,___Grant E 9 Blue River State Bank—i5 ’06 W. R. Coumbe____ J. S. Peters____ — J. Robt. Coumbe__ G. L. Dooley— 79-458 7 Pop. 400 15.000 2,960 1 54,180 8,080 ] 10.000 4.500 1 160,900 66,600 ( 25.000 29,570 1 387,410 103,600 < Boscobel_____ Grant E 9 Central State Bank — tS’79 Theo. Kronshage, J, C. Betz._______ C. W. Menkhausen Sr. 79-322 7 Pop, 1525 25.000 3,800 ) 346,870 110,720 1 STATE BANK OF BOSCOBEL L. B. Ruka___*___ J. J. Ruka_____. . . R. J. Morrison____ 79-323 « ’92 15.000 3,080 398,100) 355,200 15.000 4.500 ) 67,550 25.000 5,170 ) 183,120 12,500 1,310 67.350) 53,370 25.000 5.500 150,0009 150,000 20.000 1,940 0 85,420 50.000 10,000 0 390,000 Dub.;, Wis. N„ Mil. La 79-459 Pop. 400 . . . ____ pewa Falls, Wis. 111,500 15.000 “ P r in c ip a l C o r r e spo n d e n t s , 63,720 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Union N., Eau Claire; No.-West State, Chip pewa Falls. Bloomington..Grant E 10 Bloomington State Bank-t8’09 W. Morrissey.— — A. 0 . Tubbs.—____ S. E. P e a r so n ...... A. E. Budahn____ 79-410 7 Pop. 750 Woodhouse & Bartley Bank M. F. Woodhouse.. L. P. Bartley____ L. A. Woodhouse— 79-409 «tS’83 Chris Bonnin____ Arthur Lange------- R. C. Wendt_____ v 129,000 2.500 7 D ir e c to r s , Dis- C a s h k Sz* <7HABOIS,Dus Bsoommss raen B a s k s 10.000 rafts and Cash It em s se n t to u s re ceive e n t service, pany ail S igh t Dr afts to pay for pr esen tatlon . L a w s , L oan s k c ’t s . B o n d s , Depo s 79-456 f F.H. CUTTING— 1BUI o f Lading D PEOPLES STATE BANK4S12 ] prom pt, efflci 79-757 ( 15c m u st accom . « ....’ .v.;/: / V L a w y e r s , dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates« Orace» etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. W I S C O N S I N —C on tin u ed •• ■ Bowler^—.Shawano H 6 Farmers Stale Bank — i§ ’15 H. G. Fuhrman___ Frank Matz______ H. H. G eh n er-.— 79-838 7 Pop. 250 C. Ajer — Boyceville | ___Dunn 0 5 Bank of Boyceville___•J5’09 W. R. Zabel_____ T. N. Clough_____ C. W. Hayes--------- E. Chas. Zabel 79-460 9 Pop. 550 Boyd____ -Chippewa D 6 Citizens State Bank____tS’10 Walter Milling____ F. X. K leiner..___ Ghas. N elson____ N. P. K leiner... 79-422 9 Pop. 600 “ • “ State Bank of Boyd—. . . i5 ’03 Albert B utscher... John Lowe______ H. J. Butscher.___ John W. Meyer___ 79-421 Brandon.Fond du LacI 8 Farmers State B ank___t§’15 P. W. Atwood------ J. Ë. Johnson - . — C. E. Perry——__ H. A. Cole......... 79-869 7 Pop, 684 F. R. Foster & Son, Bankers, F. R. Foster______ J. W. Foster_____ F. R. Schwandt__ 79-461 t§ ’91 Brillion.-——Calumet J 7 First National Bank____«$’04 A. F. Paustian------ F. F. Becker_____ Geo. E. Dawson ~ 78-462 7 POP. 998 W. S. PfiTipra ... _ Jacob M a r ty ....— G. E, Broughton.. H. V. Hartman. Brodhead____Green H 10 K. 0 . Lofthus.___ 79-324 7 Pop. 1500 Green County Bank___»i§’96 J . L. Roderick— .. C. J. Stephenson .. Edw. H. Cole____ G. Zuercher — 79-325 Brooklyn— ..Green H 10 Brooklyn State Bank—1§1900 G. I. T r ip p .....___ Owen Roberts— - A. R. Dahms ___ 79-464 7 Pop; 362 Brownsville -Dodge 1 8 Brownsville State Bank.tS'08 P. H. McCarty____ B. Jonely— — — Otto Ruedebusch. 79-465 7 Pop. 200 Browntown—Green G 1C Farmers B ank________ tl'08 H. Divan— —. — Andress Tree------- R. E. Erickson___ B. M. Jones.___ 79-466 7 Pop. 222 Bruce________ Rusk D 5 Lumbermans State Bk..«{§’02 D, J . Arpin ______ W. A. Blackburn .. A. G. Krause— __ P. L. O tis_____ -79-467 9 Pop. 565 Brule State Bank______ §’15 John C ohn______ W. B. Follis______ Allen T. Golder .. 79t938 9 Pop. 600 Burlington— Racine J 10 Bank of Burlington— •t§’72 C. Roy McCanna... Louis H. Rohr.—.. G. A. Uebele____- John P rasch.----79-234 7 Pop. 3500 Eda Meinhardt — Meinhardt Bank ...------»tS’91 Albert Meinhardt.. Elisa Meinhardt 79-235 Sar. and 1st Ñ., Mil. 59,880 ] T. Park, N. T.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Wis. N., Mil.; Batavian N., La Crosse. 14,330 :Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 42,900 1lont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.N., Eau Claire. 18,040 25,000 1 27,750 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ist N., Mil. 105,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Wis. N., MU. 25.000 12,180 0 271,430 48,440 Ist N., Chi. and Mil. 100,000 4,190 0 228,450 38,030 N. City, N. Y.; Ist N., Chi. and Mil. 50.000 60,460 0 544.290 20.000 10.500 0 186,000 15.000 5,050 0 124,900 15,550 4.000 6 150.000 91,910 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis N. and Marine N., Mil. 56,000 Drov. N-. Chi.; Com’l N., Madison; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 50,120 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Fond du Lac N., Fond dn Lac. 34,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 15.000 7.500 10 135,000 0 5,710i 10.000 1.500 75.000 65.000 25.000 66.000 10 1,167,8401 920,0 10 820,000i 22,500 Drov. N „ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 12,100 Ist & Secur. N., Minpls.; Wis. N„ Mil.; U. S. N., Superior. 259,660 Irving N., N. Y.; N, Bk. Rep., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 160,000 Ghem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and Live _ Stock Ex. N.. Chi. »_____ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK. FS V BONDS, Wells Building, Milwaukee Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber u nder N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Eand-M cN ally B ankers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMern. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. President. Vice-President. . As s ’t Cashier .. Cashier . Geo. R. Mayhew__ H. E. R oll_____ Barnett.__....D o d g e 18 Burnett State Bank____$§’10 J. H. Peachey. 79-468 7 Pop. 150 4,000 $ 130,000 $ 114,000 $ 25,000 Drov, N.,. CM.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 15,000 6,080 19,000 2,000 25.000 15Ì730 155,850 149,190 28,900 Cent. Tr. Co- of 111., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 204,730 211,450 23,920 Gont. & Com’l N.,: Chi;; Wis. N.. Mil.; No. West. N .,.Min pis, 1 7.000 3,500 30,000 31,000 5,000 1st N ., Mil.; 1st & Secur, N«, Minpls. Charles Bergen, Jr. Anton Moersch___ A. C. Ewald____— 20,000 4,390 143,480 126,470 37,570 Copt. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. J. L. B e a u ...... . . . Peter Simon_____ A. J. Fritz_______ Henry S. Beau — 15,000 8,500 145,000 135,000 M. J. R ow lands.... D. M. Rowlands__ C. A. S c o tt-— ___ 10,000 - 4,000 165,000 117,600 H. F. Schemmel__ John Stinger___ E. O. Roberts_____ O. I. Jones _____ A. L. Jones 15,000 9,590 187,000 165,240 10,000 7,400 200,000 145,000 F .J . Lavelle.. „ . . . W. Ii. Hemphill___ 10,000 1,000 60,000 50,000 Ingval Egstad____ W. W. Pieper____ 10,000 4,240 192,640 170,259 31,500 Drov. N., Chi.; Fond du Lac N., Fond du Lac 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 45,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Portage, Wis. 43,980 Cont. & Com’IN ., Chi.: 1stN.,Mil.and Portage Wis. 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and 2d Ward Sav., MU., 27,000 1st N., Cont. & Com’l N., and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 26,610 Wis. N., Mil.: Union N„ Eau Claire, Wis. H. J. Weld_______ Wm. Nast______ R. B. Ellis____ .1__ R. H. Glass 50,000 12,800 330,000 288,000 87,000 N. City, Chi.; ist N. and 2d Ward Sav., MU. C. H. Hoton . . ____ Wm. E. Gleason. Evelyn Singleton.. 12,000 5,000 197,000 115^)00 49.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., MU. 10,000 2,000 15,000 2,100 64.000 135,000 15,000 1,400 80,000 70,000 13,390 N. City, Chi.; Ger.-Am. N., Shawano, Wis. Wis. N„ Mil. 20,000 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 3,690 194,780 172,830 L. W. Earle______ P. E. Nelson_____ L, M. Earle__ — . . P. J. Hegge______ 20,000 2,500 600,000 439,500 ____ O. W. Sprecher___ Nick Krogen_____ 10,000 980 167,050 130,970 42,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil Wm. Gates______ G. A. Klindt_____ G. A. Klindt.__ — M. H. Habermann.. 15,000 3,240 256,570 246,830 K. M. Stevens____ 20,000 4,000 240,000 215,000 32,830 N. City, Corn Ex. N„ and Live Stock Ex. N„ Chi,; 2d N., Dub. 38,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi. ' Wis. N„ Mil.13,000 Wis, N„ Mil.; 1st & Secur. N„ Minpls. A. C. Amundson... J. W. Porter____ C. G. May— ____ L. I. Roe— __ — H. C. May _____ M. C. Howard__ M. E. May. G. A. Radtke__ — Frank R. Buss____ D. F. Breed._____ A. Suemnicht____ A. D. Ruppenthal.. H. D. Darnieder__ II. J. N o e l...____ Thos. Drury— John Quinn_____ F. Wavra— G. A. Stevens..— D. W. Lawler..;___ ... . — 28,730 Drov. N.j Chi.; 1st N„ Mil, 185.000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.; Chi.; Wis- N., Mil. J. B. G ruber...___ Chas. Peisker.,___ 15,000 1,500 16,000 14,000 Jos. Zahorik_____ W. N. Killen ____ 10,000 2,150 63,630 67,320 7,380 Drov. N„ Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. J. G. Anderson___ John Walsh______ W. F. Greenhalgh. V. E. B ib le............. 10,000 3,500 203,400 191,810 19,800 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 50,240 Drov. N.j Chi.; Marine N., MU.; Citiz. N., Oconto, Wis.; Bkrs. Tr. & Sav., Minpls. 38,530 Goni. & Gom'l N„ Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, and Wis. N„ Mil. 73.770 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Herman Bocher. . . W. C. Zachow____ J. L. RoUmann ..... W. G. Plass______ 15,000 12,810 219,880 197,450 C. C. Wirth______ J. H. Wittenberg . . F H. Rnth 40,000 15,490 235,000 235,680 C. F. Kenney_____ John F. Bruss____ M. P. Becker____ A. E. Bruss______ 30,000 - 27,740 519,470 504,490 J. B. Huenink____ John Van de Wall. Wm. Huenink____ Tra. Tiiihh«rs _. 25,000 25.000 290,000 300,000 Geo. W. Wild_____ I. Seery______ ___ Gust. Anderson___ K. B. Wild. . — 25,000 27,000 195,340 201,490 Fred Dummer____ G. A. Kaeppler____ J. W. Lowe______ H. E. Hagen_____ G. B. Gardner 20,000 11,000 360,000 311,000 60,000 State Bk. of Chi. and Drov. N., Chi.; N. Ex„ Mil. 26,160 N. City, Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; Clarion Sav.,; Clarion, la. 90,000 Peo., St. P.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. o n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce WISCONSIN BANKS~—Burnett to Chaseburg______________ July, 1917 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. _____ WISCONSIN M ap on Index s &Dis- Casmk ExDepos cL’otasm P aip - up Surplus . Bombs, oham«bs,Dvs and its CAPITAL P rofits SaouKrftss fromBanks $ 10.000 $ . Butternut... Ashland F 3 Ashland County Bank—$§’93 Wm< G. F ordyce... C. S. F O rdyce...... LouiseM. Boettcher John Fordyce__ _ 79-469 9 Pop. 800 Martin Rogan . . . . . Cable-..——Bayfield D 3 Cable State B an k ...— .§17 L. D. Perry— 79-955 9 Pop. 600 Gadott____Chippewa D 6 Citizens State Bank.__*$§'02 Charles Grassle___ Henry Goetz____ ,. George W. B o ie __ Fred G oetz______ 79-388 9 Pop. 9.00 State Bank of Cadott — $§'96 79-387 Calumet Harbor, Fond du Farmers State Bank___$§’11 Lac..-Pop. 50 ___ J 6 79-470 7 (Peebles P . O.) Calvary ..F ond du Lac J 8 Farmers State Bank___$§11 7 Pop. 150 79-471 Cambria— Columbia 1 8 Bank of Cambria______$§'81 7 Pop. 657 79-403 Cambria State B an k ....$§'09 79-404 Cambridge___Dane H 10 Bank of Cambridge___ *$§’99 7 Pop. 507 79-424 International B an k___*$§’92 79-423 Cameron____Barron 0 5 Bank of Cameron____ —$§’01 9 Pop. 562 79-472 Campbellsport —Fond du First State Bank______ $§’02 7 Pop. 1000 Lac K 8 79-473 Camp Douglas....Juneau Bank of Camp Douglas— §’04 7 Pop. 473 F8 79-474 Canton____..Barron C 5 Farmers State Bank___$§17 79-959 , 9 Pop. 12-5 Carnegie____Douglas C 3 (See Oliver) ( W . D uluth, M in n . P. O.) 9 Pop. 300 Caroline__..Shawano 1 6 Caroline State Bank_____§13 7 Pop. 425 79-811 Cascade—Sheboygan K 8 State Bank pf Cascade..$§16 79-913 .7 Pop. 625 C a sco ..... Kewaunee K 6 Bank of Casco..______ «$§’02 7 Pop. 2500 79-475 Cashton.— Monroe E 8 Bank of Cashton______ $§'99 7 Pop. 700 79-476 Farmers Exchange Bank$§'13 79-807 Oas8ville — ..Grant E 10 Badger State Bank___ ..$§10 7 Pop. 990 79-378 Cassville Bank______. . . $|'01 79-377 Catawba______ Price F 4 Catawba State Bank___ $§17 79-933 9 Pop. 200 Cato..___Manitowoc K 7 Farmers State Bank — $§14 7 Pop. 250 79-854 O&zenovia— Richland F 9 State Bk. of Cazenovia *$§'06 7 Pop. 480 79-477 Cecil-__ . . . . Shawano J 6 State Bank of Cecil____ $§'06 70-478 7 Pop. 351 Oedarburg.. Ozaukee J 9 Cedarburg State Bank.. $§’00 7 Pop. 1777 79-307 Farmers & Merch. Bank*$§’93 79-306 Cedar Grove—Sheboygan Cedar Grove State Bank*$§’01 7 Pop. 498 K8 79-479 Genturia______ Polk B 5 State Bank of Genturia. $§'03 79-480 9 Pop. 400 Chaseburg . . . Vernon D 8 Chaseburg State Bank ..$§10 79-481 7 Pop. 300 A c c e ssib le T o w n s, L a w y e rs, L a w s, D irecto rs, hi' dexed in back of this v o lu m e .F o r In te r e st R a te s , G raee, e t c ., see page 14. F o r 1H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued 1280______ - 1280 1 OQ1 1401 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Band-M cNally Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n. N ame of B ank . T own and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. ÍMém. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Figure under town is Est. Federal Reserve District. Chetek._____Barron C 5 Ghetek State Bank___ «tS’13 79-806 ’ 9 Pop. 1000 Farmers & Merch. Bk.«t§1900 79-482 « íi’12 Chili............. — Clark F 6 Chili State Bank 79-768 7 Pop. 300 »Chilton__..Calumet J 7 Chilton National Bank—* i’01 79-321 7 Pop. 1800 Commercial Bank — — ■ • i§’l l 79-732 State Bank of Chilton., t i ’91 79-320 ASS'T CASHIER. Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . Accessible T»w m , Lewyet», !■»»».. g lre rtor», dexed in back of this volume. For Internet Kates, Grace» etc., aee page 14. For Bolldays, m oppooito pace 13.| W IS C O N S IN — C on tin u ed Lia b il it ie s . SURPLUS D epos P aid- up AND its Capital Profits fromBanks 63,110 jt 8,870 C 530 70,190 345,000 282,000 13,000 2,690 111,230 102,640 50,000 38,760 460,690 463,030 25.000 14,350 385,480 355,000 69,000 C!ont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Union N., Eau Wis. N.. Mil.: lst& Secur. N., Minpls. 13,990 I)rov. N„ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N., field. Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Wis. 76,420 IIan. N., Í N., Mil. 69,000 1 25.000 6,110 424,921 414,370 26,810 Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav.. Mil. L. A. Marshall— 100,000 27,160 674,820 689,950 204,430 1f. City and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Ist N.. and Mil. T. W. Jennings—- 100,000 147,400 1,450,490 1,365,290 406,800 tont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ist & Secur Minpls. Geo. T. Plehn — - 80,000 15,000 768,640 610,000 228,170 John Erickson------ 10,000 2,000 75,000 63,000 16,000 E. G. Hallen-------- 15,000 1,900 52,500 49,000 12,000 25.000 17,360 142,930 156,250 25,040 7,950 264,370 211,910 50,000 15,000 435,000 400,000 35,000 2,200 155,000 135,000 LEVIC. LARSON-- MAX STIEG 35,000 25,260 592,450 361,800 290,910 Chhse N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: Wis. N. and 1st N., Mil. F. E. Ruth. 60,000 15,000 620,000 618,000 140,000 N.Park. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Com’l N., Oshkosh. . 25,460 Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 10,000 1 W. R. Happe— — Geo. A. Ure ——— A. P. Sample-----— James F. FarniBg . W. J. Paulsen . . . . . Mitchell Joannes— August N. Schew e. Henry Paulsen------ A. C. Kingston— 10,000 H. J. Schomm er... T. E. Connell------- M. J. Connell ——— A. B. Connell — . . . D. V ile s__!------ T. M. Cary---------»Chippewa Falls., Chipp’a FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’73 August Mason------ B. L. M. Newman 79-121 9 Pop. 9395 D6 LUMBERMENSHAT. BK. «187 William Irvine.— S. B. Nimmons — F. G. Martin.— ... 79-122 P. T. Favell— . — . NORTHWESTERN STATE BK. S. C. F. Cobban— J . H. K elly— 79-123 « « ’04 H. A. W ehde------Chas. J. Anderson. Clayton_____ ..P olk B5 Citizens State Bank------ 1§’08 Harry D- Baker . . . 79-483 9 Pop. 300 O. E. Linderson__ T. S. Nilssen-----C. M. Reed---------Clear Lake___ _ Polk B 5 Bank of Clear Lake------ 1§’14 79-845 9 Pop. 498 C. Johnson — . — L. Southmayd—— . A. J. McLennan — Peoples Bank___ —~t§'07 79-484 H. W. P eirce-----W. T. Conley— . Cleghorn. Eau Claire D 6 Cleghorn State Bank— 1§’17 A. D. Stone_____ _ 79-930 9 (Eleva P. Ói) Geo. C. Reuther— David Lorfeld----Cleveland.Manitowoc K 8 Cleveland State Bank ..« t l ’07 A. B. Erdmann .... 79-485 7 Pop. 250 F .W . Herron-----Iver Jacobson----Clinton.______ Rock 1 1Ó Citizens Bank---- ------- •J5’82 H. A. Moehlenpah, 79-486 7 Pop. 897 ( W. 0. NEW HOUSE H. 0. NATESTA- P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Exhangis,Dus Ü 18Hk 2,000 Í G. W. Dinger— — F. A. Southworth. B. M. Apker . — — K. Rosholt— — — R. R. Rosholt------- A. T. Galby— — W. R. Strong------- F. J. Egerer — — Resources. < oanbk Dip ’tb. Bond«. äseUBITIE8 D. McLennan 10.000 15,000 W. H. Cheesman.. C. J. SMITH - — - A. TILLOTSON- W n o CO M z tú > z 71,900 Drov. N., Chi.: Merch. & Mnfrs., Mil.: Bk. K co of Sheboygan, Sheboygan. Wis. 62,600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Rock Co. N., Janes ville, Wis. a r* 35,000 N. City, Chi.; 1st N., Janesville, Wis. n N., Mil. b STATE BANK OF CLINTON 9 | Send your Cash letters and CoUec tlon s direct to th e New Bank for 79-788 T§ 13 efficient service and quick retur n s. l W isconsin Farm M ortgage Loans n egotiated . (D. J.R0HRER — Clintonville .Waupaca I 6 7 Pop. 2000 CU" ™ " W TEÄ Clymah ___ — Dodge I 9 7 Pop. 150 Cobb___ j—. . . Iowa F 10 7 Pop. 230 Cochrane____Buffalo C 7 9 Pop. 500 Colby :__...Marathon F 6 7 Pop. 869 Coleman__Marinette K 5 7 Pop. 436 First National Bank------• t ’02 79-309 Farmers Statè Bank — t§ 'll 79-739 Cobb State Bank— — —t§’10 79-487 Farmers & Merch. Bank t§’08 79-488 Colby State Bank . . — «t§1900 79-489 Coleman State Bank — 1§’08 • 79-490 •t§’99 Colfax . . . . . . . . .Dunn C 6 BANK OF COLFAX 79-491 9 Pop. 1000 Peoples State Bank— —t§’15 ig 79-883 Collins — Manitowoc K 7 Collins State Bank---- —t§’14 79-827 7 Pop. 350 Ooloma.— Waushara H 8 Peoples Bank. - — -— »t§’02 7 Pop. 350 a Specialty, l M ercantile and ] We present draf ts In person and rem it p rom ptly. ( TRY US FOR QUICK RETURN S . . . . Robert Miller___ C. E. Gibson------- Jas. T. W alsh____ T. A. McCollow— W. H. Kuenzi.— 10,000 4,810 142,070 131,420 E. F. Heuer— — Geo. Fritsch, Sr. .. A. F. Kramer___ C. B. Sm ith..— 12,000 7,000 190,000 192,000 J. B. Hofer — Gottfried K lein . A. W. Hofer------— J. R. Lindrud . . H. O. Stein R. G. Salter— . . K. Andrews------ 20,000 12,100 327,300 295,700 25,000 31,200 318,060 233,280 15,000 4,400 99,000 89,900 25,000 6,59( 315,720 295,851 T. R. Wall— — Erastüs Bow en----- E. Kay hart.—... Ohas.A.W underlich F. R o se..----------- E. F. P elkey..— J. T. Joyce ——. — William Lister . . . . . George T. Vorland. W. W. Mathews . . . O. Gunderson— — A. R. Bronken M. Rappel---------— M. G. Valleskey — A. Born. Vilas Follett-------- S. C. Runnels— — Darwin Follett-----L. T. Voigt— . . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . • 29,1)00 Drov. N .an d N. CUy. Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. _ 59,500 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. MerGh., Winona, Minn. .135,980 1st N„ Chi,; Wis. N., MU. 21,500 Marine N ., Mil. 20,000 16( 66,901 63,231 51,460 Cont. & Com’l N._, Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. and Scan. Am. N., Minpls. „ „ 14,070 Wis.-N. and 2d Ward Sav., MU.; Am. N., St. P, 10,000 1,701 100.00Í 75,00 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 20,001 6,791 346,181)j 305,00 } 69,650 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Stevens OO Point, Wis.; Wis. N„ Mil. BONDS, Wells Building, Milwaukee 1282 ■a Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given ia_ea0xh bank «? u - s - exclusively by T h e Band-M cNaUy Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass'n. Columbus ..Columbia H 7 Pop. 2523 Cònrath — -----Rusk D 9 Coon Valley—Vernon D 7 Pop. 291 Lia b il it ie s . P resident . Farmers & Merch. Union Bk J. E. W heeler..— 79-267 »*§'61 V ice -President J. R. Wheeler----- Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . PA iD -ur S ubplus Ca p it a i P band o fit s De p o s it s Loan s & Dia c ’t s . B ond s , S e c u r it ie s Cash & E x c h a n g es ,D u e fro m B a n k s Geo. W. Everitt ^ A. W. Reddemann $ 25,000! $ 29.00C $ 660,000 $ 440,000 $ 200,000 Cont. & ,Com’1 N. and Live Stock Ex. N,, Chi Marshall & Ilsley, Mü. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*£’6l F. A, ChadbOurn... W. C. Leitsch____ C. A. Müler___.... E. J. Jackson— 75,000 38,740 828,920 786,120 237,130 Chase N,, N. Y.; Ist N. and Cent. Tr. Co. ( 79-268 111., Chi.; Wis. N.. N. Ex., and 2d Ward Sav Mil.; No.-West. N„ Minpls. Conrath State Bank___—§’16 A. J. K eith— „ T. B. Keith______ R. L, Stumpner... 10,000 10,160 19,110 ’ 2,480 Eau Claire N., Eau Ciaire. 79-878 Coon Valley State Bank*$§’05 S. P. Lier___ _____ L. O. Brye ____... I. N. Knutson____ 79-493 10,000 395,000 335,000 liooo 1,730 87,810 59,010 1,350 73,990 - 62,430 4,490 210,990 105,700 L. J. Kradwell.. Cornell— -Chippewa D 9 Pop. 1100 Cottage drove —Dane H 7 Pop, 250 ‘ Crandon____ Forest I 9 Pop. 1833 H. L. Tinker_____ 10,000 Frank Pyburn ____ 12.000 V. H. John — . . . . 20.000 1,500 60,000 55.000 E. E. Palmer.___ _ 25,000 6,000 180,000 175.000 State Bank of Cornell—»£§’14 A. J. Edmihster— H, C. F risbie____ 79-828 Cottage Grove State Bank W. R. Clark__ ___ A. O. Paunack. —. . 79-759 t ill Citizens State Bank____£§’16 A. E. Lawrence___ H. P. Keith______ 79-924 First National Bank____«£’03 C. O. Decker___ m S. A. Gifford.__ 79-494 Crivitz------Marinette J 5 State Bank of Crivitz—«£§’12 B. P. Gould..____ L. M. Evert— 7 Pop. 400 79-771 Cross Plains___Dane G 9 State Bk. of Cross PIains£§’08 H. M. Zander____ F. J. Saeman__ 7 Pop. 350 79-495 F. H. Redding____ 10,000 1,900 63,000 61.000 Lloyd E. Hull____ 15.000 8,090 260,000 225.000 WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is 20,000 13,660 376,370 222,140 25,000 21,610 221,790 239,120 30,000 15,000 450,000 409.000 25,000 6,300 165,710 155,750 10.000 44,220 409,120 390,130 37,960 2d Ward Sav., Mil, 20,750 Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 118,790 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Com N„ Madison. 25.000 Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil, 1st N., Marshfield, Wis. 50.000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 11.000 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 30,000 DrOv, N.,.Çhi.; Germania N., Mil. 186,260 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. and 2d Wan Sav., MiL;. 2d N., Dub. 33,320 Cont. & Com’i N., Chi,; Wis. N., MU.; IstN . Dub. 75.000 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; W is.N., MU 38,690 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Scan Am,. St. P. 53,850 Cont. & Cóm’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St.P.; Marim N ., Mil,. 13.000 Drov; N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 5,000 82,000 98.000 10,000 3,260 97,410 104,440 10,000 1,000 27,800 20.000 25,000 7,800 185,000 175.000 35.000 Drov. N„ Chi.r Marine N., MU. 11,190 Merch. N., St. P.; Wis. N., Mil. 14.000 No.-West. N., Minpis.; Wis. N„ Mil. 10,000 3,800 170,000 155.000 24.000 Wis. N-, Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 10,000 1,700 : 130,000 119.000 21.000 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 10,000 2,000 34,000 39,000 5,000, 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; U. S. N., Superior. 12,000 2,250 175,090 106,470 77,080 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N. and 2d Ward Sav. MU.; Bk. of Wis., Madison. 38,000 Drov, N., Chi,; Wis. N*. MU. — 15,000 16,000 173.000 164.000 50,000 59,980 618,240 525,350 75.000 54,790 652,170 618,920 252,880 Chase N , N. Y.; Ist N. and Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., MU. 184,790 N. City, N. Y.; Cont.&Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. ' 10,000 7,840 257,830 130,640 143,400 N, City, Chi.; 1st N., MU. 10,000 5,600 119.700 96,400 35,580 Han. N., N, Y.; Marine N-., Mil.; 1st N., St. P. 15,000 10,450 327,620 202,770 144,950 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and Wis. N., MU. 25.000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence the New Transit Number given Accessible Towns, r».lr rtf th is Vñlnnifi. jniv 1017 Cuba.— ____ Grant E 10 Cuba City State Bank__: John Clemens____ James C alvert..__ H. D. Meloy_____ 7 Pop. 967 79-363 First National B ank___$1900 H. J. Kettler__!_ G. C. Ralph— ___ A. J. E u stice____ M. E. Doyle. 79-364 Cudahy..Milwaukee K 10 Cudahy State Bank____•$§ J. D. Bird _____ A. L. W irth...__ C. A. Nicolaus 7 P op. 3691 • 79-496 Cumberland —Barron B 4 Island City State Bank.«£§ Lewis Larson___ John D. Olson____ A. L. Morken____ S. L. Larson___ 9 Pop. 1800 79-333 State Bank of Cumberland F. W. Miller_____ C. F. K alk. . . . ____ A. H. M iller_____ E. M. Müler ______ 79^332 $§’83 Curtiss.——— Clark F 6 Curtiss State B an k ..___£§’12 Ole Thompson____ T. B. Peterman___ Glen Reibsamen... 7 . Pop. 475 79-772 Cushing_______ Polk B 4 Bank of Cushing______ £§’14 Harry D. Baker___ Thomas Hanson . „ William C. Larson Peter Peterson___ 9 Pop. 225 79-832 Cylon-------- St. Croix B 5 State Bank of Cylon . —.$§’16 A. P. Forsyth_____ Jno. McNamara... P. M. Forsyth 9 Pop. 200 79r910 Dale---------Outagamie 1 7 First National Bank_____$’06 G. R ein ert..._____ M. A. Schuh_____ Henry Schultheis 7 Pop. 500 79-497 Dallas___— Barron C 5 Bank of Dallas—______ $§’02 C. J. Borum_____ M. L. Randall____ F. L. Van Sickle — T. N. Halvorson__ 9 P op. 500 79-498 Dalton...Green Lake H 8 Dalton State Bank.__.—$§’13 Robert Dalton____ Bert Loveland.__ E. D ixon ________ R, E. Dixon ’J l____ ■ 7 Pop. 200 79-789 Danbury—¿..Burnett B 4 Danbury State Bank___$§’16 A. J. Wentzel ;____ T. B. Betts...____ A. M. Brooks.. M. Bullís, Sec,— „ Pop. 300 79-899 Dane— ............. Dane G 9 State Bank of Dane____.$§’11 M. O’Dwyer Byron Rapp_____ E. F. De Bower___ T. I. D eB ow er___ 7 Pop. 350 79-733 Darien___Walworth 1 10 Farmers State Bank —..$§’97 R. S. Young_____ J. R. Eagan..!____ L. C. P ip er ...____ 7 Pop. 500 79-499 ‘ Darlington— Lafayette Citizens National B ank..*$’85 George F. West___ John O’Brien____ N. W. Bow er____ Geo. W. Martin___ 7 Pop. 1808 G10 79-302 First National Bank____ «$’66 P. A. Orton______ R. E. Orton______ M. H. Michaelson— G, O. H ow ery____ 79-301 La Fayette County State Bank S. P. Nelson_____ T. E. Quinn_____ C.M. Lund______ E. F. L und______ 79-950 §’17 Deerfield— — Dane H 9 Bank of Deerfield— —.$§'87 A. H. Hoffman___ Frank Draeger___ H. B. Fargo______ E. J. Helmicks____ 7 Pop. 533 79-500 Deer Park—St. Croix B 5 State Bk. of Deer Park «$§’05 W. E. Webster____ G. A. Fouks . —. . . John Sakrison____ R. H. Sakrison____ 9 Pop. 200 79-501 De Forest—— Dane H 9 De Forest State B an k ...$§’02 Thomas Farness__J. H. Bertrand_____ A. A. Linde______ C. A. Linde______ 7 Pop, 431 M 79-502 90,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, I Crosse. WISCONSIN BANKS—Columbiis to De Forest 25,000 Corliss— .„ R a cin e K 10 Corliss State Bank__ —1§’14 Henry Harmann__ M. H. Herzog— 7 Pop. 525 79-839 _______ Town and County. N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District Est A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grac c tc #> see page 14. For Holidays» see opposife page 1 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. WISCONSIN—Continued N um ber under N am e o f Baule is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 0 0 Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers 1 CiOO Directory, under tn e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest KätÖS', öTÄCftyl W I S C O N S I N — C ontinued etc., see page 14. Town and Name County. of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Delavan ...W alworthA10 7 Pop. 2450 Prbsidbnt. WISCONSIK7ST«TE Cashier. E. F. WILLIAMS H. A. BRIGGS-— -- W. R. TOPPING-- CITIZENS BANK 79-273 Vice-President . Ass’t Cashier. H M tM i A. H. Kendrick___ G. E. Barker. O. H. Shuiz. R, C. Lillibridge — Geo. G. De Bronx. Geo. H. Rathke. Denmark .....B r o w n E 7 Denmark State Bank— tS’09 H. F. Wittig___— Jos. F. Konop____ H. S. Wendels 79-503 7 Pop. 800 O. M. Kiley-----C. G. Wilcox------De,Pere__ ...Brow n K 7 National Bk. of De Pere • t ’02 A. G. Wells ~ ------, 79-203 . 7 Pop. 5000 State Bank of De Pere »*§1900 J. S. G ittins__ — J. P. Dousman___ Carl G. Scott . . — 79-202 R. P. Loftus—____ R. E. H aag---------De S o to ...— Vernon D 9 De Soto State Bank------tS’04 A. J. Broadhead . . . G. H. Haskell-----79-504 7 Pop. 331 M. D. Brom_____ H. J. Satka______ Dodge..Trempealeau D 9 First State Bank---------- i§ ’14 M. J. Kulas__ — 79-862 9 Pop. 250 V. T. Williams____ Russell Sym ons... •Dodgeville— -Iowa F 10 City & Farmers Bank— t l ’89 Wm. Dickinson . . . John T. Williams— 79-305 7 Pop. 2000 First National Bank — ,. $ ’t John M. Reese— Edw. L, Reese____ Edw. A. Perkins — 79-303 T. M. Strong— ----- H. C. Strong__ Strongs Bank--------------}S’81 O. Strong— ------Arthur Strong 79-304 H. F. Pueschner . . H. A. Manrer------Bert Wells —__ Dorchester____Clark F 6 Dorchester State Bank.«t§’06 C. E. Blodgett-----79-505 7 Pop. 476 J. A. Olson — ----- Geo. A. Martin — Donsman .Waukesha 1 10 Donsman State Bank— « tl’06 Oscar A. Olson — L. J. Bischel___ 79-506 7 Pop. 300 L. H. Rockwell, Jr, Edw. C. Wagner— Downing— — Dunn B 5 Bank of Downing..!— - t l ’01 D. C. Coolidge__ — A. M. Coolidge— 79-507 9 Pop. 500 S. H. Feldman----John Roth------Downsville—__ Dunn B 6 Farmers & Merchants State H. L. Kyle— Bank___ 79— 929— ------ §’17 9 Pop. 271 Fred Wuethrich— W. J. Kirley — — Doylestown,Columbian 9 Doylestown State Bank.t§’15 P. F. Breen.. 79-867 7 Pop. 259 W. E. Anderson.! Oscar F. Nelson— Dresser Junction Polk Bank of Dresser Junction H. C. Harding------ Chas. Turnbull__!. 79-873 *§’15 9 Pop. 250 B4 Joseph Weber----- John Gilïmore..— George Tarrant— . •Durand £__...P ep in C 6 Bank of Durand . . . — «¿§’84 A. J. Wallace . . . 79-326 9 Pop. 1503 First National Bank.. «J1900 John Brunner, J r.. E. Österreicher— K. K. Brainard — Jos. F. Poeschel__ Geo. L. Howard 79-327 Louise H. Lins— ., Eagle__..Waukesha J 10 Bank of Eagle. — --------**§’01 H. M. Loibl— ------ E. J. Lins— - - . — 79-508 7 Pop. 339 Emil Johnson . N. M. Emmons — W. C. Arnold.. •Eagle River__ Vilas H 4 Farmers & Merchants State Finn Lawler Bank___79-896_______ §’16 M ggg . 9 Pop. 1200 A. McKenzie— Fred Morey State Bk. of Eagle Rivert§’9I Margaret McKenzie 79-509 A. Finney . . — . . . . H. E. P ier-----Eastman...Crawford D 9 State Bank of Eastman. t§’10 J . F.Pier 79-510 7 Pop. 300 M. J. Powers —— L. J. Martin. East Troy.Walworth J 10 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. F. Jude — ----- T. J. O’Leary..— . v 79-760 ¡ 3 *§’12, 7 Pop. 1000 H. E. Henry— Edward B.Rohleder State Bk. of East Troy »t§:92 J. P. Chapin 79-511 I AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S u r pl u s D e p o s P aid - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o m t s FIDELITY SURETY correspondents. LOAN! k Du- Cashk EX HANGES,DUB * ts. Bond», C Securitise fromBanks $ 50,000 $ 35,000 $ 650,000 $ 600,000 $ A thorough ly o rganlzed collect! on d ep artm en t, Prom pt a tte n ti o n given Item s dl rect from M erchants, m a nufacturers and banks. QUICK RETURNS. * « ’75 For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Principal Liabilities. 120,000 C hem . N ., N. Y .; N . B k. R ep. and F t. Dear N ., C hi.; N . Ex., MU. 30,000 32,800 394,000 354,000 85,500 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N. Chi.; Wis. N.. Mil. 25.000 16,000 505.000 499.000 48.000 N. Produce and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. , , Citiz. N., Green Bay. 50.000 40.000 385.000 369.000 50.000 44,820 697,230 628,210 10.000 4,700 172,210 124,710 10,000 2,000 37,980 41,610 25.000 1,500 125.000 135,80(1 17,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 60.000 25.000 705.000 670.000 180.000 Hail. N.*, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Mil. 50.000 17.000 704.000 576.000 200.000 N,. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Cornel N., Chi Marshall & llsley, Mil. 20.000 14,460 242.690 182,750 88,630 Drov. N.. Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil. 20,000 9,800 227.000 197,500 54.000 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Marine N. and Wis . ' N., Mil. 15.000 1,000 160.000 140.000 35.000 Capital N., St. P,; Wis. N., Mil. 10.000 1,000 10,000 7,000 5,000 Cont, & Com’lN ., Chi.; State Bk. Com., Minpls 10,000 1,680 112,540 81,420 38 240 Drov. N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 I, 300 55.000 52,000 11,680 Marine N., Mil.; Peo., St. P. 70 000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. &Com’lN.,Chi.; Wis. N, CO ’ Mil. a 163,840 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi 0 1st N„ Chi. and Mil. 53,830 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: N. Bk. o f La Crosse CO La Crosse; Marine N., Mil. Z 2 6,660 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Winona, Minn 1 25.000 39.3J0 501,280 490,460 75.140 1st N'., Chi. and Mil. 35.000 14,470 3Í1.500 277,010 15.000 8,760 272.690 200,380 83,970 Chase N., N .Y .; Live Stock Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. ’ 96,070 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Marshall & llsley, and 2d Ward Sav., 10.000 360 49,260 43,360 15,900 Peo! Tr. & Sav,, Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil. 10,000 2,630 101,810 59,740 49,760 Kpuntze Bros., N. Y^; VTis. N., Mil. 17,700 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 10,000 1,400 106,510 100,280 20,000 1,620 184.000 122,220 46,670 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 413,820 680 357,700 91,810 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. IO N..M il. - - 30,000 II, BONDS, Wells Building, Milwaukee I CO { Q n* < pj ST 79-77 C H A N aig,D ui thou Banks $ 150,000 $ 80,610 $2314210 $2202790 $ 492,020 N . Park, N . Y.; C ont. & ComT N . and It N ., Chi.; N . Ex. and 1st N ., MU M erch. N ., S t. P .; N o.-W est, » M lnpls. •$’82 |W. K. COFFIN EAU CLAIRE SAV. BK. -«-06 «$’72 C. W. DINGER 50,000 13,430 614,340 581,930 95,840 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st« Secur. N., Minpls.: Eau Claire N., EauClairt Geo. B. W heeler.. UNION SAVINGS BANK-*$§ 06 K. Rosholt______ 79-80 J. T. Joyce. . . . . Marshall Cousins.^ M. E. Baumberger, M. B. Syverson Knute Anderson 200,000 2 , 100,000 1,710,000 610,000 Han. N., N. 1st Nv, Corn Ex.'N;, and Coni & Corn’] N., Chi.: Wis. N. and 1st N., Mil.; Is N., St. P.; lst & Secur. N., Minpis. H. S. Strandness . B. R. Schwahn___ L. J. W olf.____ _ 50,000 500,000 425,000 120,000 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Han. N..-N. Y.; Merch Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. ( H. F. Schlegeh milch UNION MORTGAGE LÓAN < F irst m ortgage COMPANY --------- — 1 06 I and in in sp ect ( We gu aran tee Eden— Fond du Lac J 8 Eden State Bank_______$§’10 William N a st____ 7 Pop. 250 79-512 I K. Rosholt______ H. S. Strandness, Sec. loans on im prov ed farm s in Nort ed territory in North Dakota an collection o f in te rest and princip W. J. Mahoney,Tr, 100,000 hern W isconsin, (SAFE d M ontana, al. 40,060 tT---- ITE------ j ............................w ------------- ----- = - ■■■ UNION NATIONAL BANK C. W. LOCKWOOD ) A Savings Bank doin g a com m er ciai b u sin ess, 'Prom pt, eifleien t a tten tio n given to all item s sen t ' 79-79 flH n 79-78 S i c u b it i ib 282.36Q 10,880 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.t Chi.; 1st N., St. P. N V E ST M E N T S) Martin Koeding___ W. J. N a s t...... - Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N; ExVärid 2<TWari Sav., Mil.; Com’l N„ Fond du Lac. E dgar...__ Marathon G 6 Bank of Edgar_____ __ $§’03 A. W. Puchner___ H. G. Flieth.__.__. Wm. C. Seim__ 7 Pop. 746 79-513 Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N.,Mil. Edgerton_____Rock 1 10 First National Bank___«t’03 George W. Doty .. E. G. Bussey____ Oscar L. Olson. 7 Pop. 2633 79-270 79-269 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com4 N., Chi. Marine N., Mil. - TOBACCO EXCHANGE BANK W. S. Heddles____ »$§’97 W. Bussey. Bk. of Am., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; W is.N. anc Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. Edmund____.Iowa F 10 Farmers Savings Bank —$§’16 W. C. Skillicorn . . . G. A. Baker_____ D. A. P eterson___ 7 Pop. 125 79-917 Drov, N., Chi.; Dodgeville. Wis. N., Mil.; Strongs Cont. & Com4 N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Elcho-------- Langlade H 5 State Bank of Elcho___$§’13 C. W. Fish_______ W. D. Burton____ G. H. B auer...____ 7 Pop. 500 79-798 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. Elderon___Marathon H 6 Elderon State Bank____$§’13 A. J. Plow m an___ Peter Cherek.l___ R. M. Thompson __ 7 Pop. 250 79-803 Jst N., Wausau, Wis.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Eleva— Trempealeau D6 Bank of Eleva_________ $§’01 C. P. Larson_____ C. B. Melby______ C. P. Larson._____ H. A. Moltzan 9 Pop. 319 79-515 L. Nicholson Elkhart Lake, Sheboygan Bank of Elkhart Lake..»$§’07 George W. W olff.. Louis Laun______ Herman Osthoff__ 7 Pop. 499 E8 79-516 79-312 »$’65 J. H. HARRIS...... -JA M E S MATHES0N-HENRY D. L. ADKINS.A. C. DESING__ L a r g e s t b a n k in E lk h o r n . A n o f f i c e r o f t h is b a n k g iv e s H is p e r s o n a l a tte n tio n t o c o lle c t io n s . WISCONSIN Map on Index ' R. J . Lean—i-------- L. W. Swan ’ 1 ■• -IMilo R. C obb... <G. H. Kenney ~ 50,000 62,000 800.000 675.000 165.000 M ech. & M etals N ., N. Y.; 1st N ., Chi.; W is. N. and 1st N ., M il. 25.000 27,170 __ 597,530 555,4CÖ 94,310 Cont. & Com4 N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: N. Ex., Mil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence A f D » » L - ia f k n V n n r Translf; Nllltlhfir c r i v e n Accessible ___ a Towns, „ State Bank of Elkhorn.»$§’96 E. J. Hooper 79-313 I r . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cont. & Com4 N., Chi.; Wis. N.. Mil. w iw , FIRST NATI BANK Wis. N., Mil. ........----------- «---------------------- l * l ‘ Eland-------- Shawano H 6 Eland State Bank_____ $§’08 A. J. Plowman____ C. Grabbert........... M. K. Lamont____ 7 Pop. 368 79-514 ‘Elkhorn.. Walworth 110 7 Pop. 1800 ________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Eau Claire to Elkhorn EAU GLAIRE R eco u n ts of all n e e d in g b a n k in g fa c ilitie s solic NATIONAL BANK CT/2® n e d . Im m e d ia te a tte n tio n given to all collections o rre sp o n d e n ts in all le a d in g c itie s. W. K. COFFIN. . . ---- G. W-LOCKWOOD — . OHO VON SCHRADER- J. A. PLAYTER— . E. J. LEXMARK W. S. WOODRUFF Id a n s A B is c ’t s . Bo n d s , I S ÍJ ‘Eau Claire.EauClaire D 6 9 Pop. 18,807 V 1284 P r o f it s I Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Graci etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 1. R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . dTrall . -j, • * ^ UI? ¥ r under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1284 E M exclusively by T h e Rand-M cNally Bankers’ \x n c r > A \T O T X T « , Directory, linder th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . W i o C O N o l D l -r'-7C o n t i n u e d N ame op Ba nk . T own a nd County . LIABILITIES. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘ County Seats. P r e sid e n t . r pl u s Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn, f Priv. V ice -P r esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . P aid - u p S uAND D e po s Federal Reserve District Est. Ca p it a l it s Lawyers, Laws, For Interest, Rates. Grace.r vnlnm A 'V i * V ^ M V U M V IIV V N a m e op B a n k ., T own and c o u n t y . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . CASHIER. A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . etc.« see page 14. Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P aid - u p and Ca p it a l F b o p it s it s R e so u r c e s . For Holidays, see opposite page 13 P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loams k Dib- Gash &Ex 1. Bonds, changes,Düe Sbooritus fro m B ank s E. W. Hanson------ %~140,000 112.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; istN .. St. P.; Union N., Eau Claire. Orin Lord_______ L. R. Cadwell------F. E. O’Brien 680,000 590.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. anc No.-West. N., Minpls.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Charles M. Hansen 242.000 210,770 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Marine N., Mil.; N. Bk. Com., St. P. F. A. Springer------ E. J. McKernon_ 285.000 235.000 Marine N., Mil.; No.-West. N., Miftpls. A. A. Telfer-------- Murray B. Huntley 209,210 190,420 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Wis. N.,MU. George J. Clark— 358,780 308,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Is N,., Mil.; Merch. N., St. P. E. S. Gregerson— 1st N., Clintonville, Wis.; Wis. N., Mil. Wm. Anton—— — Merch. N., St. P.: Marine N., Mil. W. S. Fleming------ H. V. Fleming— E. R. Fleming AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FIDELITY SURETY Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Wis. N., Mil;: h & Secur. N., Minpls. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: State Bk. of La Crossi La Crosse, 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Mil Rock Co. N., Janesville, Wis. Cont. & Com’! N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi Wis. N., MU. N. City and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Marin N., Mil.; Bk. of Wis., Madison. Wis. N., Mil.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire, Wis N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 1st N., Chi.; Wis, N., Mil. 120,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union N., Eau Clair 10,000 4.300 375.000 262,000 10,000 11,330 168,410 134,120 25.000 13,650 262,880 237,170 50.000 15.300 1,065,000 935.000 10.000 . 12,850 17,050 4,420 Wis, N ., Mil. 10,000 115.000 105.000 25,000 Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 15.000 5.070 22,900 29,290 242,310 148,410 Wis.; Wis. N., Mil. „ 52,590 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Oh Wis. N.. Mil. 49,660 N. City, N. Y.; Marine'N., MU. 105,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Live Stock Ex. N. and 1st 1 Chi.; 1st N., Wis. N., and 2d Ward Sav., Mi 2,330 Wis. N., Mil. 112,640 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil. BONDS. Wells Building, Milwaukee . H. G. Churchill___ Endeavor.Marquette H 8 First State Bank— — —$§’06 O. V. Skinner— — C. W. Coon______ 79-519 7 Pop. 500 H. F. Claussen___ _ Lucile Claussen— Ettrick .Trempealeau D 7 Bank of Ettrick----------- $1’l l H. F. Claussen------ K. A. Knutson____ 79-753 9 Pop. 850 . P. P. P u llen ™ .__ J. S. Pullen— L. Pullen--- --------------Evansville___Rock H 10 BANK OF EVANSVILLE-«$S’70 G . 79-279 7 Pop. 2061 Farmers & Merch. State Bank H. O. M eyers------ Q. F. Miller-______ R. D. Hartley------^ 79-281 $507 GRANGE BANK--------« « 97 T. C. Richardson— J. P. Porter.------— Leonard P. Eager.. 70-280 F. W. Kasl-—------Exeland__ .¿.Sawyer D 4 State Bank of Exeland.t§’15 W. A. Blackburn— A. A. Veness — — 79-874 7 Pop. 150 W .F . Hood—------- C. E. Fallett. Fairchild ..Eau Claire E 6 First National Bank____*$'04 N. C. Foster-------- W. K. Coffin_____ 79-520 9 Pop. 678 Roy E. Smith____ Bruins Fair Water-Fond du Lac Fairwater State Bank— $$’08 A. W. Bonesteel—. Derk C. O. Tinkham 79-521 7 Pop. 350 18 J. E. Garaghan— FallCreek, Eau Claire D 6 Merchants & Farmers State Gustave Rousler— E. H. G erke. Bank__ _ 79-945 — ..§ ’17 9 Pop. 523 0. W. Voechting— State Bank of Fall Creek$§’03 K. Rosholt— — J. E. Zetzman—__ Henry Wise _____ If 7$H>22 Chester D. Hanf. Fall River—Columbia H 9 First State Bank —____ »$$’04 John Foster. Sr.— G. W. Stephens— . L .E . Everson___ — 79-523 7 Pop. 500 J. R. Miller______ Carl P. H in n__ _ Joseph H inn------Chas. P. Hinn........ First National Bank------$’09 Fennimore.¿—Grant E 10 J. R. Parnell 79-342 7 Pop. 1159 J. R. Villemonte— W. Mauer—— State Bk. off Fennimore.$l’96 Dwight T. Parker. L. G. Brechler 79-341 A. E. Keller Thos. L. Bemän . . . Fenwood--Marathon G 6 Fenwood State Bank— §’16, A. H. C lark-— — M. B. Emmerich— 79-921 7 Pop. 220 Ferry v ille..Crawford D 9 Ferryville State Bank—.$§’11 M. Barham — — J. H. Sterling — — F .R . Garvey------ — 79-740 7 Pop. 200 R. E. Buchholz___ Fifleld— __ . — Price F 4 State Bank of Fifleld .._-$§’15 E. E. Patterson.—. D. A. Young------— 79-890 9 Pop. 500 Jas. J. Pontbriand. R. C. Lindberg — Max Sells-------. — E. E. Wilcox_____ State Bank of Florence »$§’91 ¿Florence— Florence J 4 70-524 O Pon. 1850 WISCONSIN BANKS—Elk Mound to Florence Henry Ausman— Elk Mound___.Dunn C6 Bank of Elk Mound— «tS’OC E. S. Gregerson — 79-517 9 Pop. 400 *Ellsworth__ Pierce B 6 Bank of Ellsworth------- *$$’88 J. L. Moody— ,— - J. E. F oley---------79-357 9 . Pop. 1200 Citizens State Bank— .»$§’09 T. J. McGoJlow-— D. C. Monger____ 70-358 Elinwood____ Pierce B6 First State Bank---------»$§’04 O. W. Groot____— H. B e ll.— - -----70-518 , 9 Pop. 750 Èìroj._ 2. ___.Juneau F 8 Citizens Bank______ ..»tS ’OC C. S. Huntley------ - L. S. Marsh______ 70-311 .7 Pop. 1720 State Bank of Elroy— » tl’90 John E. Hart------- A. T. Gregory_____ 79-310 Embarrass—Waupaca 1 6 Embarrass State Bank^-§’17 John Krubsack—. T. H. Buntrock___ 79-927 7 Pop. 286 Fleming-----Emerald___St. Croix B5 Slate Bank of Emerald—$§’12 P. B. Dunbar------ Alex. Wm. F. White 79-775 9 Pop. 300 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dexecl in 1 W IS C O N S I N — C on tin u ed tuly, 1917 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 O Q C to each bank in U. S, exclusively by T h e Rand-McNaUy Bankers I mOD Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n» T own and County.1 N ame op B ank . -»County Seats. •Mem. Am, Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. WISCONSIN—Continued Lia b il it ie s . P resident . V ice-President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e po s Ca p it a l ,P rAND it s om ts »Fond duLac.Fond duLac Citizens State B a n k .... .$§’11 F. J. Wolff— ____ A. J. Pullen ____ J. P¿ Kalt________ E. L. Richardson _. $ 190,000 S 8,000 $ 400,000 7 Pop. 21,113 J 8 79-74 A, L. Carstens 1U “ ' ------•* A. E. C ole.._____ W. I. Cole — . . . . T. C. R osenthal.... 50,000 11,780 -429,750 79-72 "•T- L o a n sk D isc ’t b . B o n d s, ÖXCUHTIM C a shk E x CBANOM,DotI f r o mB a n k s 410,000 $ 78,000 Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley Mil. 437,210 49,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Is N. and N. Ex., Mil. •I:); iSIfc--- 125,000 130,000 2,340,000 2,185,780 536,500 N . C ity, N . Y. ; C on t. & C om ’I N ., Chi. N . Ex., M il. First National Bank — .*$’55 Ernest Perry . . . __ E. R. H erren..___ Chas. J. Breitzman Chas. Hotaling.___ 79-70 125,000 64,470 1,830,570 1,537,590 469,650 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Is N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N. and No.-West. N, Minpls. 200,000 91,490 1,834,000 1,837,300 380,430 Is t N ., N . Y .; Is t N . and Live Stock Ex. N. C hi.; W is. N ., MÜ. 79-73 •$’01 FOND DU LAG NATIONAL BANK 79-71 J. A. MERRYMAN T. C. EBERNAU-— J.L. GORMICAN- ( c o l l e c t io n and un d ivid ed profit s in th e c ity . S REMITTED FO R DAILY. •$’87 Footville State Bank___$§’10 79-525 ForestJ unction State Bk.$§’l l 79-526 State Bk. of Forestville.$§’10 79-527 Citizens State Bank___»¿§’84 79-218 First National Bank...___$’63 79-217 Fort Atkinson Sav Bk._»$§’10 79-219 State Bank of Foster.__$§’15 79-871 First State B a n k ....__ »$§’06 79-528 State Bk. of Fox Lake.«$§’91 79-529 State Bank of Francis Creek 79-932 $§’17 S. W. Lacey . . . . . . . . W. O. HoWfell____ A. C. Gaarder___ John Seybold . . . . . G. H. Schmitt—__ W. C. Alten___ John F. O tto. H. J. Teske______ J. Donovan ______ W. H. Bastar____ R. D. Chase..____ T. B. Royce_____ C. A. Caswell____ L. B. Caswell——— H . O. Caswell— L. B.________ Caswell, J r - J. F. Schreiner__ 20.000 2.500 160,000 130.000 15.000 6,410 117,570 112,590 25.000 7.500 314,860 318,750 25.000 20,000 230.000 215.000 75.000 68,530 655,270 448,030 328,440 52.500 Rock Co. N., Janesville,Wis.; Wis. N.,'Mil. 20,990 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Citiz N., Appleton. Wis. 25,550 Cont. and Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis N., Mil. • 60,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cònt. & Com’l N. Chi. 350,760 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Corn Ex, N„ Chi. Wis. N. and 1st N ., Mil. 92,630 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. C .J. W ard..___ _ G. W. K indlin____ O. W. Donkle___ G. E. W ard -____ 40.000 7,450 384,450 Henry Putz_____ _ J, W. Pehlke__ . . . E. E. Ronglin.___ Geo. B. McLellan. 10.000 1.500 75.000 68,000 20,000 7,000 450.000 360.000 40.000 35,000 500.000 450.000 28.000 31,810 3,700 52,000 56,000 C. C. PEDERSEN— 7,940 25.000 g et service on Col lection s an d Cred It R eports by sen ding «$’03 FEE IN ADVAN CEi P la in t i g h t d r a f ts , 1 S c; C re d i t R ep o rts* 2 5 c . TRY US. (OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. 226,730 221,540 63,130 Scan. Am. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mil. 35,240 Merch. Ln. & Tr, Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Foster.. „Eau Claire D 5 9 (OsseoP.O.) Pop.150 Fountain City, Buffalo C 7 9 Pop. 1031 Fox lake___..D odge 1 8 ,7 Pop. 851 Francis Creek,Manitowoc ( A x e ly n P .O .) K 7 7 Pop. 184 Frederic______ Polk B 4 Farmers State B an k___$§’15 9 Pop. 700 79-884 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 79-530 j G. A. KNAPP-- I L argest su rp lu s, ca p ita l, F. J. Bohri______ C. A. Kirchner... . . H. E. Bohri___'¡¿à C. H. Eggleston— H. Clausen_______ D. C. Church— John Ewen—......... J . J . G ruber_____ F . C. H. Oakey— W. W. Seery . . . John Matushak G. F. Roberts. 'C. Baugneit_________ C W. V. Peterson. 15.000 15.000 Í KETILSTENSRUD C. A- CARLSON r. m. ______ ARVESON Save tim e and 15.000 7,030 210,150 192,040 10.000 1,660 16,710 19,090 6,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P.; Wis. N., Mil. 6,630 2d Ward Säv., Mil. POP. 200 Fremont ....W aupaca 1 7 Fremont State Bank ___ »§’10 T. H. Johnson..__ W. J. A. Mclntyre. N. H. Johnson.___ S. A. Johnson__ 7 Pop. 305 79-532. *Friendship___Adams G 8 Friendship State Banb__$§’10 J. W. Purves ...___ John P. Lewis___ A. C. Moors_____ H. F. M oors__ __ 7 Pop. 500 f 79-533 WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 2,500 176,470 161,480 10,000 4,490 137,850 111,400 24,990 1st N., Stevens Point and G. Rap., Wis.; Wis; N., Mil. ; 37,930 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, juiy< jg j y Fredonia— Ozaukee F 9 State Bank of Fredonia .$§’10 D. M. Rosenheimer E, P. N eu en s____ H. W. W itt______ 7 Pop. 250 79-531 Freedom.. Outagamie 1 7 Freedom State Bank___$§’17 Cornelius De Jong. John Schom m er... C. F. Gallagher— 7 (K a u k a u n a P.O.) 79-934 13.500 Eau Claire N., Eau Claire; Wis. N., Mil. 115.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Merch., Winona, Minn.: Scan. Am. N., Minpls.; Wis. N.,-Mil. 110.000 Mech. & Metals N„ N., Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., 2d Ward Sav,, and Marine N., Mil. 10,870 2d Ward Sav;, Mil.; Citiz. N., Green Bay, Wis, WISCONSIN BANKS—Fond du Lac to Friendship_______ ».«. potter - -We m ak e a sp e c ia lty of co lle c tio n s, give s a m e p er” so n a l a tte n tio n , a n d re m it on day of p a y m e n t a t low ra te for ex c h a n g e . NATIONAL BANK Footville____ Rock H 10 7 Pop. 350 Forest Junction. Calumet 7 Pop. 300 J7 Forestville..___Door K 6 7 Pop. 400 Fort Atkinson. .Jefferson 7 Pop. 5000 1 10 A ccess!w e to w n s, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a te s , Grace etc», see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. 1286 «Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given jO each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . in- . R eso u rces. Lia b il it ie s . S u b p l u s D e p o s Loam a s hk E x* sk D is- C P a id - u p HAMOIS,DUS c*ts. B o m b s , C and it s C a p it a l P b o p i t s OMBaM KS B scuK insa PR N ame of Bank. ' Tows and County. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Friesland.—Columbia 1 8 Friesland State Bank - * § ’14 E. W. Brandel — 79-841 7 Pop. 240 Vice -President . Eli Cupery.. As s ’t Cashier . Cashier . W. J. Blochwitz— --------- — ----------- $ 10,000 $ P rincipal Correspondents. 1,800 $ 90,000 $ 70,000 $ 23,000 Wis. N., Mil. 50,000 26,580 683,870 608,520 151,930 1. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N,, Chi.; 1st N., Mil. Farmers & Merch. State Bk. G. O. Gilbertson..^ John Diek_____ _ 79-360 »*§-08 J. A. B erg_______ G. O. Sagen___ ___ 15,000 8,680 244,200 234,290 31,590 st N., Chi.; Wis. N.t Mil.; No.-West. N. Minpls. F. J. Lewis_____ O. A. Sherwood___ D .J . Dagnon_____ 20,000 5,500 208,000 181,000 10,000 10,000 4,600 95,000 88,000 Says Mills -Crawford E 9 Bank of Gays Mills____ t§’04 H. W. Stuckey— 79-534 7 Pop. 800 J. F. Cance____ Genesee Depot-Waukesha State Bank of Genesee Depot T. David Edwardg. C. R. Jones____L ; 79-535 t§’10 7 Pop. 200 J 10 Genoa_______ Vernon D 8 Genoa State Bank._____*§’09 A. Tulloch— _ ... G. A. Kaeppler . . 79-536 7 Pop. 200 Genoa JunctionWalworth Citizens State Bank____$§’04 James G. Allen— O . D .B lank— . 79-587 7 Pop. 900 J l f Gillett . — „ —Oconto J 6 Citizens State Bank ——.*§’07 F. F.K oske__ . ..— August Zippel . . . 79— 588 7 Pop. 610 Gilman— „ — Taylor E 5 State Bank of Gilman„.*§T4 F. S. Grubb— . — Jos. Fleischman. 79-835 9 Pop. 400 Gilmanton— Buffalo C 7 Gilmanton State Bank— *§’10 P. J. Hutchinson.. G. L. Krampeter. 79-539 9 Pop. 250 Glen beulah. „Sheboygan Glenbenlah State Bank..*§’13 F. J. Witmeyer.__ A. W. Stannard.. 79-792 7 Pop. 413 K8 Glen Flora.——Rusk E 4 State Bank of Glen Florat§’15 F. I. Hughes_____ H. C. Johnson... 79-879 9 Pop. 200 Glenhaven— Grant E 10 Glen Haven Bank____„$§’05 W. H. Jordan_____ M. W. Metcalf— 79-540 7 Pop. 200 Glen wood City—St. Croix First State Bank_____ »$§’96 A. J. Vander Hiden P. A. Beebe____ 79-541 9 Pop. 954 B5 Glidden____ Ashland F 3 German-American State Bank W. G, Fordyce--— J. D. Twomev'-.79-858 i l ’14 9 Pop. 1000 L. L. Zaun_____ Grafton.___Ozaukee K 9 Grafton State Bank j ___$§’07 Win. Weber 79-543 7 Pop. 818 L. Patrick_____ Grandmarsh.. Adams G 8 Grandmarsh State Bank.*§’15 H. S. Burdick— 79-861 7 Pop. 22 H. A. Tulloch— __ E. T,. flollins ' C. A. Stone __ Grace G. S ton e___ H. A. K oske_____ A. G. Wendorf — Com’l N., Madison, Wis.; IstN ., Mil. 15,000 Marine N., Mil.; N. Ex„ Waukesha, Wis. 10,000 10,000 180,000 155,000 12,000 25,070 130,440 131,630 45,000 N. Bk. of LaCrosse, La Crosse; 2d Ward Sav. Mil. 85,870 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 25,000 10,000 295,580 264,410 51,940 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 500 26,130 34,510 10,000 2,160 45,490 41,310 100,000 3,300 Wis, N., Mil. 11,240 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ean Claire N., Eai Claire. Wis. 12,000 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Citiz. State, Sheboygan Wis. 34,300 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Wis. N„ Mil. 2,000 100,000 E. L. A. Boiiger, A cting Ethel Metcalf____ T. S. Metcalf 600 60,300 35,500 10,000 7A90 185,110 180,950 M. F. Baker —j ___ H. L! P ayne_____ Edw. Gavic W. K. .ÎAhn 35,000 700 207,380 171,130 12,500 1,340 98,540 79,640 10,000 8,000 200,000 185,000 30,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Wis. N. and Marine N., Mil 10,000 2,060 75,640 67,150 15,470 Drov. N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Ist N. Stevens Point, Wis, E. B. BEDFORD — W. G.SCHR0EDELISAAC P. WITTER GEO. W. MEAD ’M Special a tten tio n given B-L Oral ts, Cash and tim e item s. 15c m u st accom pany each S igh t D raft for présentât ion and 25c for ere d it in form ation . 50,000 25,000 650,000 610,000 110,000 Citizens National Bank—»$13 J. A. C oh en ...____ G. W. Paulus— __ D. B. Philleo —___ E. M; Witzig____ 79-157 Earle Pease_____ _ A. G. Miller___ — H. C. Dem itz_____ First National B an k __»$’72 Geo. W. Mead — 79-154 100,000 15,720 214,000 260,790 100,000 70,180 1,400,000 1,250,000 34J70 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N ., Chi, Marine N., Mil. 350,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. L. M. Alexander... Guy O. Babcock.— W. G. F isher_____ 100,000 141,210 1,669,880 1,534,070 477,520 Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N, Mil-: 1st & Secur. N„ Minpls. 48,560 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.: NeillsvIIle, Neills i trille. 113,080 ëeab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merci N. and Scan. Am., St. P. 35,000 No.-West, N., Minpls. ‘ Grand Rapids.Wood G 71 BANK OF GRAND RAPIDS 79-155 *$§’88 7 Pop. 7000 WOOD COUNTY NATIONAL BK. F. J. Wood— 79-156 A. S. N e ff............... »$’91 , fl. A. Wilke __ Robert Kurth____ Jno. P. Kintzele__ A. P. Nelson.!____ O. Anderson____ Simon Thoreson F. H. W ellcom e... S. F. Grover—. — H. W. Burmeister J. R. Cassel_____ _ B. A. Wickstrom — H. A. Anderson___ C. J. Fossum_____ S. Birkbeck_____ H. W. Burmeister— R. F. Burmeister E. B. Geach AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, 10,000 3,290 225,840 185,480 50,000 5,210 505,940 441,070 25,000 9,000 285,000 280,000 10,000 8,000 230,000 200,000 30,600 1st N.. Mil. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil,; No.-West. N", Minpls. •45,000 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis, N. and 2 Ward Sav., MU. BONDS, Wells Buildinr m m â m 1287 Gran to n ..—___Clark F 6 Farmers State Bank___ *§’03 . 79-544 7 Pop. 400 ‘Grantsburg.Burnett A 4 First Bk. òf Grantsburg»*§’96 79-389 9 Pop. 900 . First National Bank----- t ’05 79-390 Gratiot—„Lafayette F 10 Gratiot State Bank___—$§’02 79-545 7 Pop. 868 20,660 Cont. & Com’l N, and Drov. N„ Chi.; Bataviii N., LaCrosse; No.-West. N., Minpls. £ j 69,450 Capital N., St. P.; Marine N., Mil. ________ 15,000 10,000 ________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Friesland to Gratiot R. H. A shley____ : Gales ville—-Trempealeau Bank of Galesville------«*§’83 E. F. Clark______ S. C. French___ B. W. Davis 79-359 9 Pop. 073 , D 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t K a te s , («race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W IS C O N S I N — C on tin u ed Tulv, 1917 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given i ty o >7 to each, bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T b e B a n d -M c N a lly B ankers* 1 4 0 / D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . T own a nd Co unty . Name of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District, Est, Lia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . ‘ Green Bay — Brown K 6 Bank of Green Bay — < § ’01 P. F. Dorschel. 7 Pop. 29,353 79-60 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t C a s h ie r . H. P. KLAUS- 79-57 MCCARTNEY NAT’L BANK 79-58 ‘Green la k e .Green Lake 7 Pop. 563 18 Greenleaf____Brown E 7 7 Pop. 325 Greenwood__ ..Clark F 6 7 Pop. 1000 Gresham__ -Shawano 16 7 Pop. 350 Hales Gofners-Milwaukee 7 Pop. 300 J10 Hammond..St. Croix B 6 9 Pop. 408 •¿’82 Peoples Savings & Trust Co, 79-63 < §15 West Side State Bank— 1§'14 79-62 Green Lake State Bank .£§’02 79-546 State Bank of Greenleaf.$§’13 79-758 Farmers A Merch. Bank_tl'12 79-778 Greenwood State Bank.<§'91 79-547 State Bank of Gresham _t§’08 79-548 State Bank of Hales Corners 79-549 JS'10 Bank o f Hammond...__ $§’93 79-550 NIC BUR — — — O ldest bank in All collection s ( o f an officer o J. H.TAYLER SAM’ L D. HASTINGS— JOHN ROSE. Brown C ounty, have th e prom pt, f th is bank. R esources . D e p o s -' IT S A Loans Dib c*ts. Bonds Securities A 3 5 ,0 0 0 $ 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 6 7 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 3 6 ,0 0 0 J. E. Griffin__ Leonard Findeisen, A. M. Duncan, C. G. Wilcox Anton Platten ____ Wm. Driscoll—,__ C. S. Morris J. R. B rooks__ . . . W. L. Walker . . T. R. Connell——i. Thos. Flatley — — 2 ,1 0 8 ,9 3 0 2 ,3 7 0 ,6 0 0 3 5 6 ,0 1 0 1st N., N. Yv; 1st N. and N, Produce, Chi.; Wis ,N., Mil.. ' : Sofá H oslett____ 3 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 4 7 5 ,0 0 0 3 9 0 ,0 0 0 7 0 ,0 0 0 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.: 2d Wärt Sav.. MU. T0RGERS0N------- 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 5 ,0 0 0 1 ,6 2 3 ,0 0 0 1 ,6 0 5 ,9 7 0 4 2 4 ,5 3 0 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N. Chi.; 1st N., MU. 200,000 126,710 1,498,980 1,690,340 n ____ ___ _— 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,5 0 0 1 9 0 ,0 0 0 2 0 5 ,0 0 0 4 7 ,5 0 0 — ------- -------------- 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,7 6 0 2 7 5 ,7 4 0 2 9 9 ,5 4 0 f 3 6 ,6 1 0 4 3 ,0 0 0 L. H . Burling—. __ 25 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,0 0 0 3 3 0 ,0 0 0 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 A. Zimmerman. 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 ,8 5 0 1 4 3 ,3 1 0 1 2 7 ,2 3 0 2 6 ,5 2 0 3 0 ,0 0 0 3 ,7 0 0 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 9 ,9 0 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 5 ,2 5 9 1 8 8 ,7 6 0 1 8 5 ,9 9 0 2 7 ,0 3 0 G. . John Huntzicker . . A. C. Buker_____ _ R. P . Rossm an___ H. F. Stabnow Erastus Bowen . . . . John Shanks E. F. Wollen berg.. ------------------------Anton E u ck u k ___ L. G. Laubenstein 323,020 Chase N ., N . Y .; C ont. & Com ’l N ., Chi. en Bay. C. H. Clute— R. E. Kopeike Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N., Mil 1 6 7 ,6 7 0 J . L. 1. P r in c ip a l Co r r esp o n d en t s . Cash Ex changes,Din raoM Bank* 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 - R . W . S M I T H ---------- WM. LARSEN______ G. A. RICHARDSON__ R. T. BENNIE_____ C.W. LOMAS W ith our m ode rn fa cilities w e c an give you p rom pt and e fficlen t service on collection s or on an y o th er bu sin ess y ou G. E, Laubenstein . 1 3 ,7 9 0 1 1 2 ,0 3 0 1 1 2 ,7 8 0 2 3 ,1 5 0 John Meade_____ --------- . . 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 ,6 3 0 3 1 3 ,5 7 0 2 8 5 ,1 6 0 5 7 ,2 4 0 Christian Hanson . Andrew Hope___ Aloin Ronningen P. C. Anderson .... H. L. Anderson___ 1 0 ,0 0 0 2 ,3 3 0 1 4 1 ,6 3 0 1 1 9 ,8 7 0 3 4 ,0 9 0 M. E. Walker____ Alan A. Gibbs____ ------------- 1 5 ,0 0 0 8 ,7 8 0 1 6 2 ,3 8 0 1 1 3 ,7 0 0 7 1 ,2 7 0 J. P. Denison_____ J. C. Denison___ — J. P. Denison. 1 0 ,5 0 0 8 ,7 8 0 3 1 ,2 5 0 5 1 ,0 2 0 6 ,0 5 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 4 0 ,2 9 0 8 4 6 ,8 2 0 8 2 4 ,2 9 0 1 6 2 ,8 2 0 Chi.Sav. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav.,Mil. Scan. Ain. N., Minpls. Union Tr. Co. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.» Chi.; Marine N., Wis. N. and 1st N.» MU. 1st N:, Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, MU. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.,' Mil. and Marshfield, Wis. Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N., Marsh field, Wis.; Neillsville, Neillsville, Wis. Citiz. N., Appleton, Wis. Ft. Rear, N„ Chi.; G«r.-Am. and Marshal) A Ilsley, MU.; 1st N., Stevens Point. Han. N., N . Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire, Wis.; Marine N..MU.; Merch. N., St. P. 1st N., Chi. and MU. O. P. Eisse) — __ _ Henry H. Esser— Fred G. Maass____ B. Jordan Theresa McCollow. E. A. McCollow___ A. A. Hauser_____ O. 0. McCollow H. G. B. N ixon ___ W. G. Smith_____ — 2 0 ,0 0 0 2 7 ,4 6 0 3 9 8 ,8 2 0 3 5 4 ,1 3 0 5 8 ,5 0 0 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Go., Chi.: Wis. N., MU. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N ., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil. 1st N„ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,2 2 0 3 3 1 ,1 0 0 2 6 9 ,7 0 0 8 4 ,3 3 0 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. J. Barber 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 3 0 ;2 3 0 2 8 ,8 9 0 1 0 ,0 5 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 570 1 0 4 ,5 1 0 8 2 ,5 2 0 30; 3 8 0 Merch. & Mnfrs., Mil.: Citiz. State, Wausau, Wis. 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Wis. N., Mil. 1 3 ,0 0 0 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. John King__ ____ : J ohn Macak_____ W. H. R yan_____ Edw. Wunsch . . . . . A. H. Bandlow___ 1 0 ,0 0 0 10O 4 5 .0 0 0 3 9 ,0 0 0 P. H, Hammer____ G. O. V ig„______ 1 0 ,0 0 0 6,580 1 2 8 ,8 4 0 1 2 2 ,7 9 0 1 8 ,3 4 0 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Wis. N., Mil. 18,340 Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence WISCONSIN M ap on Index T V aw Transit Afin Sf*AU» m i r a n _____ __ July, 1917 1 5 ,0 0 0 James Godsell____ John Meade —- __ Hancock__ Waushara H 7 Bank of Hancock_____< § ’99 M. S. Walker _____ Ì 7 Pop. 510 79-551 Hartford;. Washington J 9 First City Bank________ §’95 J. C. Coerper.. — . 7 Pop. 3500 79-245 First National B ank..—. < ’07 John G. Liver——. 79-246 Hartf ordExchange Bankt§’90 Andrew Hauser__ 79-244 Hartland .Waukesha J 9 Bank of Hartland____ .< § ’94 H. W. Goodwin___ 7 Pop. 728 79-552 Hatley—¿—Marathon H 6 Hatley State Bank- — .$§’16 Albert Wilterding. 7 -Pop. 300 79-914 Haugen_____ Barron C 4 Haugen State Bank____t§'14 T. O. Mason __.... 9 Pop. 300 79-863 H aven ... Sheboygan K 8 State Bank of Haven ..$§'16 H. C. Ewald_____ 7 Pop. 75 79-904 Hawkins_____ Rusk E 4 Hawkins State Bank___ $§’11 C. K. Ellingson___ 9 Pop. 650 79-750 Federal Reserve Bank N ofuSt. m b eLouis r u n d e r N a m e o f R ank is thfl P 7 5 ,0 0 0 $ and r o f it s WISCONSIN BANKS—Green Bay to Hawkins ' $ Surplus Largest "bank n Brown C ounty, Send u s your it em s for collectio (P ro m p t return s, reasonable cha rge. Farmers Exchange Bank J. H. Osterloh i ___ F. A. Rahr.— ___ A. L. Cannard____ 79-61 < § ’03 J. S. Johnson KELLOGG NAT’ L BANK—**’74 E a a p _______ P a id - u p Ca p it a l ____ 79-59 Ca s h ie r . L. Gotfredson___ H. R. Erichsen___ Albert W. P. WAGNER CITIZENS NAT’L BANK~<’8 Accessible Towns, la w y ers, Laws, D irectors, „in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays,' see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued 1288 Num ber u n d er N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 OQO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ 1 D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass*h. r v iiv v v iv u a 1 ?0Q ¿ ¿ tu * 00 10 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n sit N u m b e r given t? each bank m U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e H a n d -M cN a lly B a n k e r s’ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . T own and County. P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ' t Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it ie s . lu s P a id - u p S uarnp d Depos C a p it a l P r o f i t s it s ‘ Hayward___Sawyer J 4 Farmers State Bank___±§’15 John E. Moreland. Wm. Pow ers_____ C. E. Wise_______ P . O . Moreland___ $ 9 Pop. 2000 79-894 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’84 79-553 H. E. R0H LF____ GEORGE C. GLOVER - ERNEST E. R0HLF — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ERIC R. J. Bryant____ 2 0 ,0 0 0 $ 5 ,2 6 0 $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 R eso u rces. P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . Loams k Bis- Cash Sc Sx* c’ts. Bonds, CHANGEE,Bue Securities from Banks $ 8 2 ,0 0 0 $ 3 0 ,2 9 0 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N., St. P.; Wis.N.,Mil, 2 5 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,7 4 0 3 1 1 ,6 7 0 2 8 8 ,2 9 0 7 1 ,2 5 0 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st N. Mil.; Merch. N., St. P. 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,6 5 0 3 5 8 ,8 9 0 3 3 6 ,9 5 0 4 7 ,0 0 0 1st N., Chi,; 1st N., Dub. 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,5 4 0 1 4 2 ,3 5 0 1 2 0 ,9 7 0 4 1 ,7 5 0 J. H. Wall__i____ G . S. Elam_______ 2 0 ,0 0 0 3 ,0 2 0 4 1 ,2 8 0 4 7 ,6 1 0 1 2 ,2 9 0 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Jefferson Co., Jefferson, Wis. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. H. J. Fecht______ F. W eidenfeller__ 2 5 ,0 0 0 1 ,9 0 0 3 1 2 ,3 3 0 2 9 4 ,2 1 0 3 4 ,9 8 0 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N ..:Mil. 25 ,0 0 0 1 6 ,2 4 0 5 1 1 ,2 9 0 4 7 6 ,8 0 0 8 9 ,9 4 0 Drov. N., Chi.; Citz. N., Appleton, Wis.; Mar shall & Ilsley and Marine N., Mil. Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of Lacrosse, LaCrosse. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. Wis. N., Mil.: Bkrs. Tr. & Sav., Minpls. O ldest and Larg est Bank in Sawy er C ounty, Send your cash letters and collec tlon s direct for efficien t se rvice and q u ick r etu rn s. Hazel Green ..Grant E 11 Hazel Green State Bank.±§’06 E. Stadel________ 7 Pop. 621 79-554 H elenville.. Jefferson 1 9 German-American Bank ±§’14 H. W. R eul______ 7 Pop. 250 79-848 Highland ___Iowa F 9 First National B ank____±’16 L. Elam_________ _ 79_923 7 Pop. 1096 Highland State Bank__• t | ’03 Platt Whitman____ 79-555 Hilbert „ ——Galumet J 7 Slate Bank of H ilbert..«±§’04 T. E. Connell____ 7 Pop. 700 79-556 Hillsboro____Vernon F 8 Farmers State Bank___±813 F. A. Machovec__ _ 7 Pop. 1000 79-780 Hillsboro State Bank__*±§'02 E. V. Wer nick____ 79-557 Hillsdale___—Barron G 5 State Bank of Hillsdale.±§’14 C. H. Museus_____ 9 Pop. 175 79-856 Hixton.— ..Jackson D 7 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. A. M .Steen.__ , 7 Pop. 290 79-743 ±§11 Holcombe..Chippewa D 5 State Bank of Holcombe ±§’05 A. J. Edminster__ 9 Pop. 350 79-558 Hollandale____Iowa G 10 Hollandale State Bank —±§’03 H. D. Thomas__... 7 Pop. 265 79— 559 Holmen___La Crosse D 8 Bank of Holmen _______±§’09 Otto Bosshard____ 9 Pop. 250 79-560 Honey Creek— Walworth State Bank of Honey Creek W. E. Babcock___ 7 Pop. 200 J10 79-561 ±§’07 Horicon______ Dodge I £ Horicon State Bank__ «±§’96 A. W. Wilcox_____ 7 Pop. 1881 79-562 Hortonville— Outagamie Bank of Hortonville____±§’95 C. F. Buck.... .......... T Pop. 1000 17 79-563 Farmers & Merchants State E. A. G raef___ —. Bank---- 79-900___¿„±§’16 Howards Grove—Sheboy State Bank of Howards Grove A. H. Witte______ gan (Sheboygan P. O.) 79-794 I ±§’13 7 Pop. 200 K8 ‘ Hudson.._.St. Croix A 6 First National B an k ___»±’63 W. H. Phipps___ _ 9 Pop. 3500 79-254 National Bank of Hudson«±’97 F. J. Carr___...___ 79-255 State Bank of Hudson.»±§’16 W. E. Webster___ 79-897 Hum b ird _____ Clark E7 First State Bank_____ «±§’04 C. D. Fowler -____ 7 Pop. 400 79-564 »Hurley_______ Iron F 3 Iron Exchange Bank—.•±§’85 J. G. Reynolds____ 9 Pop. 2500 79-565 Hustisford—— Dodge 1 9 Hustisford State Bank -»±§’01 Edgar Boeing_____ 7 Pop. 615 79-566 Hustler___— Juneau F 8 Hustler State Bank . — ±§’10 J. H. Mueller 7 Pop. 200 79-567 ;Vv; Independence- Tremp’au Farmers & Merchants Bank F, A. Hotchkiss___ 9 Pop. 664 R C 7 79-911 *±§16 State Bank of Independence John Sprecher____ 79-568 ; «±§’93 Ingram_______ Rusk E 5 Ingram State Bank____«±§’06 U. G. Blood— ____ 9 Pop. 360 79-569 lola-------- —Waupaca H 7 Bank of lo la _____ ____ ±§’93 S. M. Myhre.—-.... 7 Pop. 850 79-379 Farmers State Bank__±81900 H. J. Severson__ 79-380 NELL M0CKLER_____ V V U v a j^ u u u v iiv « Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D ir ec to r s, in dexed in back of this volum e. F o r I n te r e s t B o te s , G roce, e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 18. WISCONSIN—Continued Name of Bank . ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is ÍMeru. State Bks.Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District: Est u iiu Nadler____ B. C. Berg_______ J. F . A. C. Gruennert__ Roy Muck_______ John J. Sherman. John J. Madler . . . . H. L . M eyer____ J. M. Healey_____ H. J. Chard______ W. E . Lind_____ F. A. Wopat_____ Robt. Hammer___ Jess Kauffman . . . . 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,5 0 0 1 6 5 ,0 0 0 1 4 5 ,0 0 0 3 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,1 2 0 5 6 8 ,7 3 0 4 7 4 ,1 6 0 1 2 0 ,4 6 0 J. Lemler___—____ P. G. Anderson— 1 0 ,0 0 0 A. E. Shebeck 1 ,5 0 0 8 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 ,0 0 0 6 ,5 0 0 H. E. Burton__ L. McDirmid _____ -----------------------------D. A. Stolts R. C. Rodecker___ R. L. Zimmerman— N . M. Martin —____ 1 2 ,5 0 0 8 ,4 9 0 2 5 0 ,3 0 0 1 9 6 ,6 9 0 7 3 ,5 0 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 5 ,7 3 0 5 5 ,8 6 0 5 6 ,2 0 0 3 4 ,4 5 0 Carl Chandler..___ $. T. Shanley_____ 1 5 ,0 0 0 4 ,8 3 0 ^ 1 3 3 .7 6 0 1 3 1 ,9 3 0 2 1 ,1 4 0 Thos. Joh n son ___ C. A. Sjolander___ Oscar 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,5 0 0 3 4 4 ,0 0 0 3 0 6 ,5 0 0 68,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Batavian N., La Crosse: 10,000 8 ,3 4 0 1 3 3 ,9 5 0 1 2 0 ,8 5 0 2 9 ,0 5 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 3 1 ,6 6 0 5 8 0 ,4 9 0 5 0 6 ,3 2 0 1 3 1 ,7 4 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,0 3 0 2 1 6 ,0 2 0 2 1 1 ,5 1 0 4 1 ,7 0 0 H. P. Meffert___ — F. H. Manser____ _ --------------------- ,-------- 2 0 ,0 0 0 810 5 6 ,1 9 0 6 1 ,6 9 0 1 6 ,9 7 0 G. C. Zimmermann August Frome, Jr.. John O. Boeldt, Jr. 10,000 6,000 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 2 3 0 ,0 0 0 3 5 ,0 0 0 H. J. Penfield. __ 50,000 6 4 ,1 7 0 6 9 6 ,2 3 0 6 9 1 ,9 0 0 1 4 7 ,8 4 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,6 0 0 3 3 1 ,5 5 0 3 2 8 ,4 8 0 5 4 ,6 7 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 — ---------- 4 3 ,0 0 0 4 1 ,0 0 0 1 4 ,0 0 0 B. J. Stallard_____ W. E. Waters_____ 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 ,2 1 0 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 3 5 ,0 0 0 W. S. Reynolds.___ J. P. Miller___ — 3 0 ,0 0 0 1 4 ,9 6 0 4 2 1 ,3 5 0 2 1 0 ,3 9 0 2 5 2 ,6 7 0 30,000 1 3 ,7 0 0 2 1 6 ,8 0 0 1 8 2 ,0 0 0 4 6 ,6 5 0 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Wis. N.. Mil. 1 0 .0 0 0 2 ,4 3 0 1 4 5 ,0 0 0 101,000 3 7 ,0 0 0 Peter Nel ton_____ P . T. Schuize____ ------------— ;----------- 2 0 ,0 0 0 2 ,8 5 0 6 2 ,7 0 0 6 9 ,9 5 0 1 9 ,5 1 0 Anton Senty_____ W. E. Sprecher___ O. A. Haug_____ H. B.\Miller_____ Win. Kingston____ A. M. Babcock.—— Charles H aw ks___ H. G. Diekelmann . H. V. B , W ilcox_ F. H. Clausen M. Ritger._______ F . N. Torrey_____ O. W. Arnquist___ Joseph Yoerg__ . . . John Dorwin W. J. Barter_____ B. C. Bunker___ _ G .M . Bell________ E. E. Gatchell W. C. Bradley.___ John G. H agestad. Elbert M. Webster M. Kretschmer — S. E. J o n es______ R. Roll, J r .___ .__ Anna Fletcher____ R. Roll, Sr. John Adrion—____ Wayne Wm. Smith Irwin M ueller..—. Wis. N., Mil. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 1st N., Mil. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,; 1st N., Mil.; 1st N, and Citiz. N., Appleton, Wis. Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; IstN ., Appleton, Wis. Wis. N.,Mii. 5 0 .0 0 0 10,000 5 4 6 ,4 1 0 4 9 2 ,5 8 0 1 1 6 ,2 2 0 10,000 2 ,7 2 0 5 1 ,9 2 0 4 5 ,6 0 0 1 9 ,0 4 0 G. Bergen O. C. Leean—_____ 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 8 ,6 5 0 3 6 6 ,6 0 0 3 0 2 ,2 7 0 9 5 ,3 5 0 B. Williams______ G. L. Gunderson... E. E. Weinmann__ 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,5 0 0 2 3 8 ,5 0 0 1 9 4 ,5 0 0 6 7 ,0 0 0 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., MU. EW YORK, K Y BONDS, Wells Building, Z 9) VÍ 3 w <t o. ff o t—t a Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Merch, » N., St. P.; Marine N., Mil. lstN .,N . Y. and Chi.; IstN ., St. P.; Marine N., Mil. Harriman N., N. Y.; Scan. Am. N., Minpls.: Wis. N„ Mil. Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Eau Claire N.. Eau Claire. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., MU. C. A. Magnus— __ E. A. Kerslager . . . m Z CO )-* Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N ., Mil.; Dep.. Cd Winona, Minn. > 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Eau Claire N„ Eau Claire. Z X Livestock Ex. N., Chi.;Marine N., Mil. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Goml N., Madison. 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Deposit, Winona, Minn. Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. N„ Chi.; Merch., Wi nona, Minn.: MarshaU &Ilsley and 1st N„ Mil 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. Cont. & Com’l N,, Chi.; 1st N., Mil. Sprecher___ co n O N u m ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in. U. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own a ñ » Co unty . N ame of B a n k . Iron Ridge____Dodge ID Commercial State Bk.__ $§’05 7 Pop. 300 79-570 Iron River ..Bayfield D 2 Iron River Bank_______ $§’92 79-284 9 Pop. 1200 Wisconsin State Bank.«i§’08 79-285 Jackson .Washington J 9 Jackson State Bank____$§’07 7 Pop. 250 79-571 ‘ Janesville ....R o c k 110 Bower City Bank______ t§’95 79-109 7 Pop. 14,339 a PRESIDENT. V ice -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . Jacob Kloeckner ~ Wm. Kloeckner . . . John Kloeckner. A ss’x Ca s h ie r . Peter Kloeckner.. J. A. P ettingill___ G. A. Herman . . . . . G. L. Pettingill. . 79-65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51,620 12,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; City N„ Duluth; Is N., S t.P . 6,270 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Duluth; Ash land N., Ashland, Wis. 21,480 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Germania N., Mil. A. B. Froehlich... 20,000 1,400 138,230 132,100 H. D. Murdock. F. L. Gleason 50,000 72,400 514,280 541,760 96,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., and Cont & Com’l N., Chi. Wis. N.y Mil. 125,000 130,760 1,991,750 1,836,100 488,910 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex N. and Cont. & Com’l N„,Chi. 100,000 167,000 1,714,000 1,531,000 Henry Leisener . . . W. H. Froehlich. for quick returns. J. M. B eck ______ 100,000 89,460 758,300 808,490 W. E. Hyzer, Sec.. 50,000 16,850 278,410 304,340 451.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Ist N. and Live Stock Ex. N Chi. " • 213.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marshall&Ilsley,Mil 40,920 R ock Co. N., Janesville,Wis. George J. Kispert. W. A. Kispert. W. A. Muck 60,000 43,840 720,130 618,710 205,260 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Mil 75,000 29,960 770,010 624,660 248,800 N, City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Go. Chi.; Wis. N., 1st N-, 2d Ward Sav., and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.. S. M. Smith._____ C. H. Gage_____ E. J. Haumerson W. H, PORTER--- J/WJMMRRR W.S. HENRY F irst and Oldes t .. E s t a b l i s h e d 1855. T he bank o f pe rsonal and ejflcie n t service. Send your busi ness direct to us. M.BECK- J. W. Thomas . . . . . O. F.JStelter______ H. J. Ellsworth.__. 10,000 350 21,900 22,000 Fred C. Mansfield . 15.000 5,800 156.000 120,500 52,500 Cont. & Com’IN ., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. JohnK ryder____ C. H. Hall ________ V. I. Corson___. . . 10.000 6,500 60,000 75.000 15.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. H. G. Grashorn.__ C. A. Barwig—____ S. J. Sebora ._____ 10,000 2,240 91,170 81,280 40.000 30,400 558,050 405,260 John McNaughton L. Lindauer . . . . . . . . F. A. Towsley ___ 80.000 32,080 611,650 652,180 69,240 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. John Schmidt. . . . . W. F. Hohmann . . H. W eifehbach___ 30.000 '3,500 202.000 200,000 36.000 City N., Appleton, Wis.; Marine N., Mil. W. E. Hallock__ C. L. Huhbs . . . . — Geo. O. W olf. M. Hartzheim . . . . . F. W. Gebhardt Frank F. Becker. . J. J. Martens A. R. Hem my____ 50.000 14,120 518,640 577,720 Lewis Buswell— — Francis Duncan__ G. H. Robertson... 23.000 1,590 139,670 143,620 G. R. H ill.....____ O. R. H olm es...— Charles Marquette. H. A. Rogers. Fred Zimmermann Hugo Kandutsch.. C. T. Bader____ E. R. Brown.— M. Bader 15.000 3,600 204,500 169,670 10.000 750 56,000 50.000 N. J. W e r n e r ...... F. J. K raft______ E. T. O’Brien_____ 50,000 5,360 293,000 297,000 ( CHAS. C. BROWN C. C. ALLEN--.— (Established ( Special atten tio and coilectio •$’52 I SEND US YOU ÎS52) n given to Bill o f n o f N otes. B BUSINESS. Wm. J. Kowalke — W. H. PURNELL— - M. G. B0ERNER Lading D rafts Joseph Funck Merchants & Sav. Bk...«$§’97 H. B. Robinson—. . N. A. Rowe. . 79-67 Northwestern Loan & Tr. Co. C. C. Brown_______ ____________ ___ C. C. Brown, T r. . . 79-66 »$§’94 WISCONSIN M ap on Index 61,500 41,530 150,000 C. T. 0ZANNE H. M. Peterson___ W. R. Firchow W. H. Purnell; Sec. W. C. Crosby, A . Sec. 100,000 60,000 11,300 Capital N., St. P.; Wis. N., Mil. 20,160 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Wis, N., Mil. 223,190 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; W is'.M., Mil. 62,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cónt. & Coin’ N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 16,250 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of LaCrosse, La Crosse Wis. N., Mil. 53,430 Cont. & Com’l N. and Chi. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. *12,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Wis. N., Mil. 52.000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 258,290 5,591,040 4,355,480 1,738,890 M ech. & M etals N . and N. City, N . Y.; Cont. & Com ’l N ., Is t N ., and Corn Ex. N ., C hi.; Is t N ., M il. 12,680 1,376,510 1,255,040 44,410 583,510 539,350 232,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N. and N. Ex., Mil. 148,560 N. City and Cent. .Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Wis. N., Germania N., and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.;j 1st N., Kenosha, Wis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- j uiy> jgjy FIRST NATI BANK 62,000 WISCONSIN BANKS—Iron Ridge to Kenosha ______ Jim Falls State Bank — §’17 79-937 Mansfields B ank______»$§’01 79-572 Bank of Juda i _____ -«__$§’03 79-573 Junction State Bank__»$§’09 79-574 Citizens Bank..______ »$§’96 79-575 Bank of Kaukauna____»$§’78 79-197 Farmers & Merchants Bank 79-199 $§’11 First National Bank____ »$’87 79-198 Kendall____ Monroe F 8 Farmers & Merchants Bank 79-809 $§’13 7 Pop. 477 Kendall State Bank__ s__ $§’03 79-576 Kennan . . i __ ..P rice E 4 Kennan State Bank.....$ § ’14 9 Pop. 300 79-833 ‘ Kenosha..Kenosha K 10 Citizens Bank..;_____ _$§’15 7 Pop. 31,576 79-68 2,000 2,290 Theo. Sydow G. G. Sutherland.. Wm. MbLay_____ A. E. Bingham__ »Jefferson. .Jefferson 1 10 Farmers & Merch. Bank.$§’73 George Copeland__ Lynn H. Sm ith. 7 Pop. 2800 79-265 . Jim Falls..Chippewa B 5 9' Pop. 175 Johnson Creek .Jefferson 7 Pop. 425 19 Juda------- — Green G 10 7 Pop. 291 J unction___Portage G 6 7 Pop. 300 ‘ Juneau *____ Dodge 1 9 7 Pop. 1003 Kaukauna .Outagamie J 7 7 Pop. 5000 8,520 $ 212,360 $ 154,880 $ 73,350 Cont. & Com’IN ., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 15.000 10.000 Merchants & Sav. Bank*$§’75 W. S. Jeffris_____ Wm. Bladon___ 79-108 Rock County Nat’l Bank *$’55 F. H. Jackman ___ C. W. Jackman. 79-107 Rock County Sav. & Tr. Co F. H. Jackman___ C. S. Jackman.. 79-110 $§’12 »$§’55 10,000 P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . M. C. Helmer..— 'Send your busi ness direct to us 79-266 R eso urces . L oan s & Dis- C a s h & Exc ’tb . B ond s , oh an g es ,B ub S e c u r it ie s fro m B a n e s G. S. Barnes_____ T. F. Mackmiller . . Byron Ripley . . . . ¿JNO.G.REXFORD A. P. L0VEJ0Y S. HAG6ART— - WM. McCUE— FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$'55 ) O ldest and Lar gest Bank in Jan esville. 79-106 JEFFERSON COUNTY BANK Li a b i l i t i e s . P a id - u p S u ar np ld u s: D e p o s it s C a p it a l P r o f i t s ____________ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘ County Seats. Figure under town is : $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Est Federal Reserve District Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, mdexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued 1290 t OQn N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k ia the N ew T r a n sit N u m b er given to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e B a n d -M c N a lly B a n k ers D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss n - T own and County. N ame of Accessible Towns, W ISCON SIN — Continued Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Vice -Presid en t - Ass ’t CASHIER. Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - tjp and it s C a p it a l P r o f i t s 10,050 350.000 307.000 35.000 13.000 530.000 510.000 68,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil r of th i have th e pro m p t, vigorous, a nd personal a tte n tlo n of an office [ WE ABE BUST I M S . TBY US. bank. 60.000 20.000 925.000 850.000 25.000 1.500 221.000 188,510 V. H.Janda Melvin Timm------- 75.000 31.650 378,800 376.400 20.000 9.000 300.000 257.000 E. H. Rothe............ O. P. Heiland H. Volkmann, Jr,— 20,000 20,000 522.000 493.000 15.000 1,760 129,540 125,140 Katherine F. Rob inson A. P. Sterr — 10.000 6.500 163,770 149.400 64,280 53,050 H. O. Klein ---------W. J. Lowry-------- 214,630 3,554,760 3,646,500 400, 25.000 11,680 468,560 50.000 18.000 85,000 500,000 58,960 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 1st N., Mil. - . Ä 85,440 N. Produce and Cont. & Com’l-N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 72.000 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 56.000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Ex, and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 20.360 1st N., MU. 26,030 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Wis. N., Mil. 19,080 Wis. N ., Mil.; Com’l N., Fond du Lac. 933,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi. 405, 92.360 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N.,Ohi. 112.000 38.000 265,100 4,367,680 4,325,270 1,007,510 1st N ., N . Y ., C hi., M il., and S t. P .; No. W est. N ., M inpls. 95,560 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch & Mnfrs., Mil. 100,000 65,620 1,760,630 1,569,970 347,380 N . Park, N . Y .; 1st N ., C h i.;N o.-W est. N ., M inpls.; W is. N ., M il. E. G. Thompson .... 25.000 220,000 182,500 56,400 IstN ., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. H .H . Hinton. L. C. Larsen 35.000 393,400 378.000 J. J. Creeden. W. R. Dix-n 20.000 208,000 167.000 52,850 Cont. & Corn’! N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N., St. P.; No.-W. N., Minpls.; Un ion N. and Eau Claire N., Eau Claire. 65,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 30,000 ” 9,710 486,360 A t h o r o u g h ly o r g a n iz e d c o lle c t io n d e p a r t m e n t . P r o m p t a tte n tio n g iv e n it e m s d ir e c t f r o m m e r c h a n t s , m a n u f a c t u r e r s and b a n k s. Q U I C K R E T U R N S . •, i' ’n : 150,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 426,550 JOHN C. BURNS— L. H. MARTIN— — J.M . HOLLEY — ALadysmith— .Rusk E 5 Rusk County Bank___-< § ’11 W. F. O’Connor__ G. H. W illiams___ L, G. Slreater____ 79-276 9 Pop. 3500 STATE BANK OF LADYSMITH R. O. Sinclair____ D. F. Clark______ J. O. Sinclair_____ 79-275 < § ’03 J. A. Hayes........— Carlos Buchanan „ L. L. Lathrop____j La Farge____Vernon E 8 Bank of La Farge.. — < i 70-R80 7 pr>n, RM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15.000 E s t a b lis h e d 1 8 7 6 . M e m b e r F e d e ra l R e se rv e Bank. A c c o u n t s o f b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s s o li c it e d . P r o m p t a t t e n t io n t o c o lle c t io n s . ______ Security Savings Bank. «¿§’94 A. Guudersen_____ B. E. K e e le r ....— J. A. Thwing— — J. B. Brenner. N. Frey 79-33 <§'79 600,000 $ 100,000 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 20,720 Cont. & Com’l N, and Drov. N., Chi.; Ger mania N., Mil. 67,200 N. City, N. Y.; N. Produce, Chi. GEO. W. BURTON— L. C. COLMAN— - F. H. HANKERSON-JOSEPH BOSCHERT n. C. n n c L r lx i 79-31 Banks 32,700 Kiel..:___'.Manitowoc J 8 Citizens State Bank.— < § ’14 D. F. Nauth______ C. A. Bahr—-------- Albert Wagenknecht 79-820 7 Pop. 1400 (i State Bank of K iel----- < § ’t J. B. L au n ...____ H. C. M esch..----- W. J. Taylor . . . 79-577 Kilbourn— Columbia G 8 Farmers & Merch. State Bk R. D. Barney.------ T. M. McManman.. A. C. Tennison. 79-339 ¿§’10 7 Pop. 1170 L. N. Coapman— . W. S. Stroud_____ KILBOURN STATE BANK 79-338 < § ’84 J.T . Shaw__.___ A. O. Ellison — — Kingston-Green Lake H 8 Kingston State Bank— ¿§’09 Edw. Vaughan........ 79-578 7 Pop. 300 Knapp_______ ^Dunn B 6 State Bank of K n ap p....¿§’04 Wm. Robinson . . . . W. H. Francis..— C. R. Case— -’i — 79-579 9 Pop. 413 Knowles— __ .Dodge I Knowles State Bank— ¿§’15 Wm. N a st----------- G. W. N a st.— — . O. A. Kuhn------- 79-895 7 Pop. 275 BATAVIAN NATIONAL BANK Edwin M. Wing---- G. Van Steenwyk.. John A. Bayer..— ¿La Crosse.La Crosse D 8 79-29 < ’61 9 Pop. 31,677 J. P. Gohres-------- R. B. Lowry..---Exchange State Bank— ¿§’89 C. P. Thompson 79-32 La CrossaTrust Co..:— < § ’13 G. Van Steenwyk.. F. G. Tiffäny------- H. K. Holley, Sec, 79-35 STATE BANK OF LA CROSSE f ro m ,36,530 < § ’76 < ’76 B ond s , S e c u r it ie s 1.650 STATE BANK OF KEWAUNEE L. Albert Karel — . 79-30 in- __ 650.000 1 OF LA CROSSE Directors, 35.000 G.WALECKA( 0. H. BRUEMMER P. L. G. REINKE— W. C. EDWARDS— J, i Our collection d ep artm en t is thor oly organized and all item s se n t us 79-299 Laws, M. Rosenheimer— B. H. Rosenheimer N. W .Rosenheimer $ 40,000 H. A. Remmel Geo. Petri 25.000 L. D. Guth---------- Elwyn M. Romaine 35.000 J. J. Schultz. J. E. Hutchinson . . M- J- Rudebeck— Geo. Erichsen Kewaskum.. Washington Bank of Kewaskum— < § ’04 A. L. Rosenheimer 79-407 7 Pop. 625 J9 Farmers &Mercb. Stale Bank Christ Schaefer,Jr. 79-912 t§T7 ¿Kewaunee-Kewaunee L 7 Dairyman’s State Bank.<§’15 Mathias Cerveny.. 79-876 7 Pop. 1800 79-300 Lawyers, dexed in back of this volnme. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s , Grace»!'—> e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. Resources. P rincipal correspondents. Loan s & D is- C a s h k E x c h a n g es ,D ub 9 H B N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNaUy Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass'n. T own a nd Co unty . N ame of B a n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. PRESIDENT. Lake Geneva— Walworth FARMERS NATIONAL BANK A. S. Robinson. 79-241 <1900 7 Pop. 3079 J10 V ice -P r e s id e n t . Cashier . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . H. G. Douglass___ F. 1 . Wormood . J. C. Brown____ R’ F. A. BRIEGEL— Li a b i l i t i e s . S u r p l u s D e po s P aid - u p it s Ca p it a l P rAND o f it s R esources . k P r in c ip a l Correspo ndents . k Loams Dis Cash £xcara. Bombs, OM AMHMyPVB Bsouritxss FROMBarks $ 50,000 $ 30,000 $ 328,000 $ 345,000 $ 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; N. Ex., Mil. 65,000 606,000 30,000 13,000 330,000 263,500 95,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; Wis. N., MU. 80,000 28,620 560,270 540,240 5,000 4,000 35,000 34,000 92,320 1st N. and Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; Wis. N. MU. 9,000 N. Bk. Com., N. V.; Am. Ex., Duluth, Minn. 25,000 4,110 103,150 112,630 17,360 N . C ity, N . Y .; U v e Stock Ex. N ., Chi.; W is. N ., MU. Lancaster State Bank__$§'03 L. H. Stevens____ G. A. Stevens------- F. J. Glanville____ L. O. P ennock.__ 79-278 50,000 10,000 200,000 210,000 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. 2d Ward Sav., Mil. (C. H. BASFORD - L. A. CLARK--— - J. H. PUGH------ JO u r collection d ep artm en t is th oroughly organi* ed an d aU item s PEOPLES STATE BANK <§'11 ) se n t u s have th e p rom pt, vigo rous and persona 1 a tte n tio n o f an 25,000 3,000 250,000 240,000 35,000 N. City, Chi.; Marine N. and 1st N„ Mil. Union State Bank_____ $§’67 O. H. Baxter_____ V. L. Showalter — Richard Meyer, Jr. C. E. Halferty____ 79-277 50,000 20,360 1,111,290 984,790 75,020 79-240 9 tBank, rs t j f e . ä Ä k i g est A. 6. BULLOCK— Lakemills-T.Jefferson 1 9 Bank of Lake Mills__ t8’94 S. A. R e e d ....___ Conrad Engsberg— E. O. Brown______ O. B. Coombe_____ 79-317 7 Pop. 2000 Greenwood's State Bank $9'83 O. F. Greenwood.. A. W. Greenwood.. G. E. Greenwood- O. A. Wodke_____ 79-316 Russell Baxter..—. Lake Nebagamon—D'glas Bank of Lake Nebagamon Russell B a x ter..... M. P. Baxter____ 79-581 < § ’98 9 Pop. 483 C3 FARMERS & CITIZENS STATE BANK 79-855 Laona State Bank_____ $§’14 79-817 Farmers State Bank___$§’14 79-849 State Bank of Lavalle__ $§'02 79-582 Lebanon State Bank___$§’14 79-820 Farmers & Merchants Bk. 79-583 $§'03 Lewis State Bank_____-$§’14 79-824 State Bk. of Lime Ridge$§’09 79-584 Bank of Linden_______ $§’03 79-585 Bank of Little Chute___ $§’06 79-586 Livingston State Bank..$§’02 79-587 Columbia Bank_______ $§’06 79-354 State Bank of Lodi____$§'98 79-353 Loganville___..Sauk F 9 Loganville State Bank—$§’15 7 Pop. 300 79-887 Londra__ > ____Dodge J 8 Lomira State Bank_____$§’03 7 Pop. 529 79-588 WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louisu Iap VamA Af Rnnlr 1BEO. A. MOORE. J. H. WAGNER- O r g a n iz e d O c to b e r 2 6 , C o lle c t io n S e r v ic e 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; IstN . Mil. 1915. th e b e e t. <§'15 79-752 Laona--------- -F o rest I 4 9 Pop. 1100 Larsen___Winnebago 1 7 7 Pop. 100 Lavalle__ _____ Sauk F 8 7 Pop. 421 Lebanon______Dodge 19 7 Pop. 140 Lena________ Oconto E 6 7 Pop. 450 Lewis________ Polk B 5 9 Pop. 150 Limeridge_____Sauk F 9 7 Pop. 300 Linden_______ Iowa F 10 7 Pop. 600 Little Chute..Outagamie 7 Pop. 1500 J7 Livingston___Grant E 10 7 Pop. 600 Lodi___...Columbia G 9 7 Pop. 1044 600,000 )Send your b u si n ess direct to u s. 'T h e Bank o f p ersonal and effl d e n t service. i officer o f th is bank. We are h u stlers. TRY J. D. Kissinger___ Albert Gruman— U S. R. J, Johnston . . . . 196.860 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N. Chi.; Marshal] & Usley and 1st N., MU.; Dub N., Dub. 19,800 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 1,500 85,000 10,000 2,090 92,560 77,310 H. E. Paddock____ Chas. Pearson___ Harry Thornton__ Elsie Thornton___ 10,000 7,050 388,290 262,770 F. A. Eickelberg__ H. O. Uttech_____ W. E. Rohde.____ — Edw. Goetsch L. W. Brazeau____ Dennis Dionne___ O. W. Brazeau____ E. Dionne________ E. J. Brazeau A. J. Wentzel__ __ Thore Bjornson_\ W. M. Ames_____ 10,000 2,590 111,050 97,250 10.000 6,010 137,360 141,180 12,000 4,370 52,790 58,170 R. L. Bohn______ F. H. Pauls___ O. L. Bohn_______ E. S. Prouty. ___ 10,000 2,260 190,140 163,030 39,370 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. John Harker_____ Wm. M. Smith___ W. B. Kirpatrick — H. W. Springer.— 20,000 7,000 200,000 175,000 50,000 Drov. N„ Chi.; Germania N., MU. 15,000 22,730 233,060 238,330 A. E. Rundel!_____ A. V. Wells______ Fred W. Stephens. Greta V. Richards. 15,000 11,290 263,820 202,680 J. L. Caldwell_____ Robert Caldwell__ H. S. Caldwell____ J. D. Hough_____ Elias Sorenson__ W.K. Porter_____ — — H. J. Versiegen___ William Geenen__ P. A. Gloudemans. H. J. Stark______ ' 20,000 5,160 408,700 335,060 ___ 25,000 15,290 425,350 337,760 Wm. Riggert —___ C. K oenig_______ John Riggert____ C. G. Wiesler_____ 10,000 2,540 97,670 78,590 Peter Wolf_______ Robert Waettler__ L. L. Zaun_______ L. H. Zaun_____ 15,000 7,000 180,000 155,000 X . Caldwell_________ A. R. Reynolds___ F. W. Groves____ W. A. Caldow_____ J. F. Collin 22,020 1st N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil.; New Ger.-Am. Oshkosh, Wis. 137,580 Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil. 21,570 Marine N., Mil. 17,590 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil. 13,480 U. S. N., Superior; No.-West. N„ Miupls. 27,660 Ft. Dear. N., Chi. 84,640 Corn Ex. N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 92,480 Merck. Ln. & Tr. Go; and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Bk. of Wis.', Madison. 126,380 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., MU. 30,630 Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz., Reedsburg, Wis. 47,000 Wis. N. and Marine N., Mil.; Fond da Lac N., Fond du Lac. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence TPAtisIf: WnmhAr uíva A ccessib le T o w n s. L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in- WISCONSIN BANKS-—Lake Geneva to Lomira_____________ July, 1917 50,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<84 •Lancaster___Grant E 10 7 Pop. 2329 A ccessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e t c .,/see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. WISCONSIN—Continued 1292____ 1292 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. H, A. Rra«i 6,470 $ 227,880 $ 196,440 $ 45,640 11,310 245,210 206,630 . 25,000 6,000 134,350 145,940 H. D. Baker_____ Anton Laursen___ W. M. Christensen W, A. Tollefson— N iels Sorensen H. T. Jensen 20,000 2,600 78,500 71,500 25,000 7,500 200,000 205,000 B. Christman.____ R. M. Jenks___- _ M. S. Griffin. . A, 0. Darien . D. .T. Puffer K H .T aabs Clem. R oss______ R. E. Garner____ 562,000 518,120 4,160 155,020 136,840 10,000 5,300 101,000 87,000 27,490 iont. & Com’l N., Chi.;Marshall & Ilsley, 1st N., G. Rap., Wis. . . 17,000 ft. Dear. N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N. 15,000 12,200 36,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Wis. N., Mil. 161,780 Irving Backus____ H. C. Jamieson 300,000 75,000 2,200,000 1,775,000 200,000 132,630 1,827,780 1,191,700 L. M. Hanks____ * Magnus Swenson — F. M. Brown, T r ... B. J. Halligan, Sec. ✓ T. R. H efty,A .Sec. John Barnes C. N. Brown_____ A. O. Paunack____ Solomon Levitan 300,000 154,900 1,421,000 1,372,400 200,000 25,000 2,000,000 1,700,000 Joseph M. Boyd__ H. L. Russell_____ Charles O’Neill— Frank Kessenich J. W. Hobbins 600,000 Mil. M.C. CLARKE------ M. H. SATER— - Edmund Suhr_____ H. Loftsgordon___ Victor E. Albright. 142,0M 3,451,070 2,627,350 1,565,720 A m . Ex. N ., N . ¥ .; 1st N ., Chi. and MU. N o.-W est. ST., M inpls. 50,000 27,540 809,090 673,710 50,000 37,000 1,000,000 836,000 62,950 70,530 25,000 500 212,920 N„ Mil. 205,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 2< Ward Sav., Mil.; Scan. Am. N., Minpls. 9,190 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Com’l N., Madison. S T. C. McCarthy___ M. C. Hagan 300,000 - L a r g e s t N a t i o n a l B a n k in S o u t h e r n W i s c o n s i n . U . S . G o v e r n m e n t, S t a t e a n d C ity D e p o s it o r y . S p e c ia l a t te n t io n g iv e n c o l l e c t i o n s . «2*64 47,780 740,000 7. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis N..MÜ.: Merch. N., St.P . 978,030 Ian. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Mai N.. Mil. 505,930 :— s — — — ; ------------ S --------- -------+5 95,000 161,000 :----------- ; 6.400 110,000 - -T _____ ____ ____ 50,000 10,000 50,000 P. E. Brickson____ J. M. Anderson___ Homer L. V ick ___ Mil.: Cpm’l Ñ ., Madison, 68,890 lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., Mars! Wis. 17,970 !ont.& Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N„ 1st N.. Mil.. Wis. 20,600 mp. & Tra. Ñ., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.; N., Mil.; 1st and Secur. N., Minpls. 25,000 lapital N., St. P.: Scan. Am. N., Mi Marine Ñ., Mil. 105,000 st N„ Chi. WISCONSIN BANKS5—Lone Rock to Maribel ' E. B. Steensland W. A. P. Morris.— E. F. Riley, S e c .... E. B. Steensland, I. M. Kittleson, A . Sec. Tr. J. G. O. Zehnter A, O. ffolscher .. E. O. Kney 250,000 10,000 100,000 146,600 1,407,990 1,556,400 196,670 148,150 50,000 1,185,000 975,000 6,140 256,700 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N., Madison. 62,030 Gom’l N., Merch. & Sav., and Bk. of Wis. Madison. 380,000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. ? 53,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. P. 10,000 3,000 293,000 250,000 W. Irvine________ F. R. Meiklejohn.. J. C. Kinsman____ H. H. Gelnke_____ 25,000 1,250 99,050 88,290 Arthur Lindsay.__ Geo. C. M urray.... C. D. Dick_______ G. C. R itchie_____ 25,000 18,000 254,000 233,000 26,510 Drov. N., and 1st N., Chi.; Marshall & lisle; and Wis. N., Mil. 73,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; MarmeN., Mil. 30,000 16,000 370,000 330,000 55,000 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Ex.. Mil. C. W. Carpenter__ Henry Groth. 200,000 75,000 2,100,000 2,000,000 Emil Teitgen_____ Thomas Higgins. . . F. T. Zentner____ G. A. Nyhagen____ 100,000 34,320 1,123,670 919,000 34,460 30,240 15,000 15,000 230,000 185,000 12,000 2,900 167,800 154,070 308,000 Han. N „ N. Yd 1st N., Chi. 17,240 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Citii N.. Green Bay, Wis. 26,810 Marshall & Ilsley and Wis. N., Mil. •O',?- e n u o iu v n r u n u YORK, 1,780 24,660 Drov, N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 2 Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of Manitowoi Manitowoc, Wis. BONDS, Wells Buìldill 1293 ciidctv 15,000 H I Thomas Dewane — J. A. Kellner___—. P. J. Oarberry____ J. M. Bartelme___ 400,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; 1st N., Mil. : Harvey Schmidtman John Schuette——- Louis Schuette___ _ Edwin Schuette__ Henry D etjen.___ £ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Louise Brainard__ $ 10,000 $ -T. R. finlhy _____ P r in c ip a l Correspo ndents . ----------- 7; a u r n ip a u As s ’t Cashier . 25,000 FIRST NAT’L BANK German-American Bank 79-47 2S'71 Merchants & Sav. Bk..»25’10 79-53 Randall State Bank_____§14 79-55 Savings, Loan & Tr. Co. *2§'90 79-49 Security State Bank—__ $5*11 79-54 State Bank------------------21'53 79-45 Maiden Rock..Pierce B 6 Bank of Maiden Rock—21'92 79-594 9 Pop. 327 Manawa____Waupaca 1 7 Farmers State Bank——2§’17 79-907 7 Pop. 820 First National B an k _„..2’07 79-595 »Manitowoc__ Manitowoc German-American Bk,«211900 79-114 7 Pop. 13,805 K7 Manitowoc Savings Bk. •2§’84 79-112 National Bank of Manitowoc v 79-113 «2’94 Maplewood..—-Door L 6 State Bank of Maplewood 79-926 *2§’16 7 Pop. 200 Marathon-Marathon G6 State Bank of Marathon City 79-596 $S’05 7 Pop. 656 Mari b e l...Manitowoc K 7 Maribel State Bank .....2§'12 79-769 7 Pop. 425 Cashier . P W nnlby A.E. PR0UDFIT — 79-46 Vice -President . : Lone Rock—Richland F 9 Farmers Bank_______ 261900 79-589 7 Pop. 497 Loyal___. . . . __Clark F 6 Citizens State Bank__«tS'09 79-398 7 Pop. 1000 Loyal State Bank____ »Ji’OS 79-397 Luck___ ___ __ Polk B 4 Farmers & Merchants Sav. Bank___79-906______ 2116 9 Pop. 883 State Bank of Luck___*¿§’03 79-590 Luxembourg.. Kewaunee Bank of Luxemburg___2S’02 79-591 7 Pop. 402 K7 Lyndon Station__ Juneau Lyndon State Bank____$§’12 79-783 7 Pop. 275 F8 Lyons___.Walworth J 10 Lyons State Bank_____ 2§’09 79-592 7 Pop. 450 Macfarland__Dane H 10 McFarland State Bank.»2l'05 79-593 7 Pop. 500 ^Madison____..D ane H 9 Bank of the Commonwealth 79-56 $§*15 7 Pop. 30,699 Bank of Wisconsin___»$§’93 79-50 Capital City Bank______ {’83 79-48 Central Wisconsin Trust Co. . 79-51 »2§*06 Commercial National Bk..2’08 79-52 P resident . Tniv 1Q17 Resources. Lia b il it ie s . Loansk Dis- Can k Ex D epos P aid- up Surplus c’tb. Bonds, changes,Due and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks N ame of B a n k . T own a nd County . ACounty Seats. A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t K a te s , Grace,! e t c ., see page. 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W ISCO N SIN — Continued • L r z i l --------- —— — r-— N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given 1 O D Q to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e B a n d -M c N a lly B ankers* 1 6 y « J D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers Ass*n» Num ber under N am e of Bank is the New Transit N um ber given Directory, under th e au th ority , of The A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Town and Gounty. Name of Bank . ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is JMemi State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P resident . Vice -President . ‘ Marmette-Marmette L 5 Farmers & Merch. Bk,.«i§’02 Charles Reinke___ J. E. Utke . 7 Pop. 14,610 79-103 As s ’t Cashier . _____ L. A. McAlpine___ R esources. L ia b il it ie s . Loans k Dis Gash&Ex D epos P aid-up Subplus care. Bonds, changes,Due and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks P rincipal Correspondents. $ 50,000 $ 47,990 $ 578,550 $ 524,050 $ 153,090 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. /G.G. ROBERTSON JOHN CORRY____ D. C. ROBERTSON- 50,000 10,000 65,000 111,000 100,000 46,000 822,000 800,000 132,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis N., Mil, 187,180 1,674,360 1,569,390 360,650 Im p . & Tra. N ., N. Y.} Corn Ex. N ., CM. N . Ex., M il. 10,000 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. ) Associated w ith th e S tate Land M ortgage Associa tlon . ) First Land Cred it Bank under S t ate supervision in United S tates. [ Write for our li st o f W isconsin farm m ortgages and farm m ort\ gage bonds. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’89 F. A. Brown___ _. 79-102 STEPHENSON NATIONAL BANK 79-101 «t’74 Cashier . C. A. Goodman — Ralph A. Cook- — J. A. VAN CLEVE— R. F. GOODMAN...... H. J. BROWN------- 0 . P . OSTHELDERü. w. s i t r n u i s u i i 100,000 A. G. Arndt______ T. J. Haufe............ 10,000 2,000 66,000 60,000 16,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. N. M. ENGLER...... — J. H. DRIESSEN_ _ _ _ _ T. W. HOFFMANN - __ 30,000 20,000 367,600 340,200 66,910 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. Markesan— Green Lake Farmers State Bank___»iS'lO H. P. Friday_____ E. E. Cable______ W. A. Miller__- __ F. E. Henslin — 7 Pop. 1000 H8 79-376 Markesan -State Bank—*i§’91 T. W.'Miller.,.-___ D. D. Williams____ fra. W- Parker 79-3^5 Marshall— „ „ D a n e H 9 Bank of Marshall_____ i§ ’03 J. C. Biederman__ W. H. Raman____ W. H. Tasker____ L. F. Kelley_____ 7 Pop. 459 79-597 40,000 12,030 332,810 306,000 67,330 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 40,000 37,990 536,530 528,270 10,000 2,400 114,230 86,550 85^60 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ist N. Mil.; No.-West. N,, Minpls. 38,660 N. City, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 50,000 P. N. CHRISTENSEN— T. D. SPALDING JACOB LEINWANDER on given B ill o f L ading D rafts, Ca sh and T im e Ite m s. m pan y each Sigh t D raft to pay for p resen tation d it in form ation . 45,000 846,000 811,000 O l d e s t a n d l_ a p a a s t R a n k in S e n d u s your* c o l l e c t i o n s . Marion— Waupaca 1 6 Farmers & Merchants Bk. H. T. B u ck ______ 7 Pop. 798 79-384 » till ( R.SGHB0EGKENSTEIN | B ills o f Lading, < t e n tio n o f an 79-383 Send u s your b ( Farm M ortgage f W. D. CONNOR___ j Special a tte n ti Marshfield.—..W ood F 6 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ) 15c m u st acco 7 Pop. 7000 79-168 «t'92 ( and 35c for ere FIRST 79-167 NATI BK. «i’91 b. f. mcmillan _____ Cash letters and C ollections have- th e personal a tofficer. usin ess for efflcie n t service and qu ick retu rn s. Loans n egotiate d. 144,000 N. City, N, Y.; Wis. N., Mil. WISCONSIN BANKS—Marinette to Mayville FARMERS SAV. & TRUST GO. 79-10.4 in 3 dexed in back-of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued 1294 1 9 Q 4 to eacb bant in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cNally Bankers’ a J. C. M A R S H -— ___ H.G. HAMBRIGHT____ ADOLPH KLEiNHEINZr. A. olflubtn O ld e s t and L a r g e s t B a n k in M a r s h f ie ld . P r o m p t, e f f ic ie n t s e r v ic e on c o lle c t io n s . 65,000 60,000 1,303,000 1,117,400 50,000 13,750 431,970 335,550 10,000 6,670 101,850 88,660 3 2 0 ,9 3 0 H an. N ., N . Y .; 1st N ., C hi.; 1st N ., M il. (15c m u st accom pany each Sight D r a ft a n d 25c f o r credit report) WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wm. Hipke H. O. Koenig Amns Boll .. ... _ C H. Werden_____ C. I. Larson -_____ D. Lightbody _____ W. F. Maegher___ W- B- Kram ar G. S. Ornhh. IT. C. Strong W. F.W insor____ P. D. Curran_____ Ford, Albert _ . . W. O. TTnsig Maria Flynn Chas. L entz__ ___ F. P. Bernard____ B. P t Bernard A. Ruedebusch___ Byron Barwig-___ Wm. Ringle______ R. F. Ruedebusch. 10,000 6,910 107,960 102,380 44,000 21,680 574,820 542,890 50,000 - 16,680 621,820 558,400 50,000 7,330 70,000 26,770 131,430 ' 194,250 857,180 697,770 162,670 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley Mil. 25,470 Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.: Northern N., Ashland, Wis. 22,440 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., MU. 97,610 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Mil. and G. Rap., Wis. 108,540 Qont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 21,310 N. City, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 252,780 Chase N., N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ________ July, 1917 Marshfield State Bank.*i§’08 79-169 Mason— ^.Bayfield D 3 Mason State Bank........„ i § ’05 9 Pop. 300 79— 598 Mattoon— ..Shawano 1 6 Mattoon State Bank___»i§'06 7 Pop. 868 79-599 ‘ Mauston____Juneau F 8 Juneau County State Bank 7 Pop. 2000 79-315 *{§’87 State Bank of Mauston *i§’04 79-314 Mayville........„Dodge J 9 First National Bank.____i ’14 7 Pop. 3000 79-860 State Bank of Mayville.*i§’92 79-600 Figure under town is Federal Reserve District. Ca p it a l P r o f it s Est. L. D. Russell_____ V. A. H irsch_____ 35,000 5,250 $ 192,460 $ 159,460 $ 55,040 Drov. N „ Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 1st N„ Mil.; Com’l N „ Madison. 50,000 1st N „ Mil. 25,000 270,000 280,000 John Carstens— Herman Dum ke... L. L. U rquhart---- A. J . Perkins_____ 25,000 31,000 210,000 204,000 George E. Foster . C. P. Peck_______ 16,000 12,590 245,310 215,840 25,000 9,000 J. P. Hudson____ S. Murrish_______ W. H. W urster___ L. B. Smith............. $ 17,000 $ L. W. Gibson____ Herman Leicht— FI. W itzig _ F. E. Tanner____ E. G. Higgins____ William Tibbits G. J. W einer____ Vincent Mashak— J .L . Fieweger___ .. Sec. A. D. Eldridge____ H arry De W olf___ R. J . Fieweger — FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<87 Silas Bullard_____ Geo. A. Whiting— 79-164 Menomonee Falls .Wauk- Citizens State Bank___< § ’02 G. E. H oyt.._____ Bernard Triller___ E. C. Kambe_____ Geo. E. W arth____ 79-369. 7 esha—Pop. 1000.J 9 Farmers & Merch. Bank<§’08 S. A. Connell____ Wm. B. Campbell.- A. H. E ck h ard t___ W. S. Goode_____ 79-370 »Menomonie— Dunn C6 Bank of Menomonie— «$§’67 L. D. Harvey___ : Martin Fladoes — 79-191 9 Pop. 6000 FIRST NATI BK. 79-190 »$’79 FRANK PIERCE— W. C. RIBENACK - F. C. JACKSON — ALEX H0SF0RD — O nly N ational Bank in D u n n C ou n ty. CHAS. F. BAUER Send your cash letters and collect ion s direct to u s, ( for efficien t ser vice an d q u ick re tu rn s. Kraft State Bank____ J§’14 Phillip Kraft 79— 823 Schutte & Quilling Bank<§’73 A. Quilling____ 79-189 J. S. Kraft. S. P. Kraft A. H. STANGE— 79-141 State Bk. of Merrillan—< § ’01 79-604 State Bank of Merrimack §’08 79-605 Farmers Exchange Bankt§’14 79-812 Bank of Middleton..;__< § ’03 79-606 Milan State Bank—-------- §17 79-943 Milladore State Bank t§’14 79-852 Milltown State Bank—.< § ’08 79-607 Bank of Milton_______ i§ ’84 79-608 Farmers B ank------------ i§ ’l l 79-741 State Bank________ <^.<§’83 79-609 95,000 790,000 682,000 220,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi. 80,000 90,550 864,760 749,220 366,090 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 15,000 6,060 220,720 207,330 31,120 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 30,000 6,000 . 500,000 450,000 90,000 N. City, N .Y ,; 1st N., Òhi.; 1st N., Mil. 39,250 F t. Dear. N.. Chi.; Scan. Am. N ., Minpls.; Marshall Sa Ilsley, Mil.; Union N „ Eau Claire, Wis. 30,000 10,250 193,540 194,530 60,000 33,220 917,400 817,110 107,760 Corn E x .N ., C hi.; M arine N ., M il. 100,000 28,350 811,080 847,500 40,000 18,710 555,970 516,140 100,000 45,700 981,500 943,500 157,700 1st N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 10,000 3,570 105,750 100,280 10,000 2,550 141,370 114,710 30,000 27,500 214,630 212,760 30,000 75,830 1,129,740 970,060 CHAS J. KINZEL-— WM. J. TESCH-— A. GRUETT -..... — TRY US. -T T, W rlght. G. A. Gross______ Jos. S. Tourn... R. Ainsworth____ F. J. Woodhead. C. Hr Golden — 18,000 700 130,000 110,000 G.-F. Alien— - __ Louis W atzke.. E. F. Scherbel M. C, Ellingson— Paul Benzmann. A. .T. 25,000 2,820 307,000 226,000 J . V erhulst_____ _ W. G. B erdan... C. H. Oakey____ 1,000 18,100 12,960 1,310 58,950 56,170 20,000 8,000 260,000 230,000 23,000 Merch. Ln. & T r. CO. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi,; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 62.000 Drov. N „ Chi.; Bk. of Wis., Madison; Wis. N., Mil, 14,490 Marine N „ Mil. 9,930 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall Hsley, Mil, 15,000 17,310 201,330 174,160 25,000 10,970 301,560 237,040 87,260 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. W. H. Gates— ___ 15,000 12,000 105,000 90,000 42,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, = Y BONDS; Wells Building, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & A. M. Paul ____ _ ArP, Owen . P. M. Green___. . . E. D. B liss.____ J. M. Clarke. 10,000 10,000 19,030 Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi.; Ean Claire N., Eau Claire, Wis. 43,690 Marine N., Mil. 62,000 No.-West. N. and Bkrs. T r. & Sav., Minpls.; Marine N „ Mil.; Am. N „ St. P. 53,480 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. W. E. Twetten „ H. F , Sjostrom J . H^ Coon___ *____ S. K. Twetten.. John A. P a u l__ . . . : 46,460 Harriman N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.: Capital N„ St. P.; Met. N „ Minpls,» • 265,060 1st N „ Cont. & Com’l N „ and Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: Wis. N., Mil.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. 141,940 Ex., Mil.; Merch. N „ St. P. 100,460 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. William F . K ra ft.. F. Wm. Notnagel— M ercantile and Bank C ollections a specialty. We presen t Draf ts in person and r e m it prom ptly. A.E. Bradford____ A. J. K eith__ _ 50,000 1295 Merrillan — Jackson E 7 7 Pop. 625 Merrimack____-Sauk G 9 7 Pop. 312 Merton— Waukesha J 9 7 Pop. 350 Middleton—— Dane G 9 7 Pop. 679 Milan__. —Marathon F 6 7 Pop. 200 Milladore Wood G 6 7 Pop. 475 Milltowh————Polk B 4 9 Pop. 250 Milton_______ Rock 1 10 7 Pop. 833 Milton Junction—-.Rock 7 Pop. 1000 H10 315,000 . 285,000 53,000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st N „ 2d W ard Sav., and Wis. N „ Mil. 50,440 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls. 55,000 N. Bk, of La Crosse, L a Crosse; Jackson Co., Black R iver Falls, Wis. 10,000 Wm. Schutte, J r . — O. C. Kausrud____ »Merrill—— Lincoln G 5 Citizens National Bank— i ’92 George A. Foster „ H. H. Heineman— 79-140 9 Pop. 8782 German-American State Bank F. J. Smith— — F. W. Kubasta___ 79-142 < § ’04 W. F. Peterman LINCOLN COUNTY BANK<§’97 Lo a n s à D is- C a s h & E x c ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D u e S e c u r it ie s fro m B a n k s WISCONSIN BANKS—Mazomanie to Milton Junction_____ Mazomanie____Dane G 9 Peoples State Bank— i§ ’91 79-601 7 . Pop. 917 »Medford__ —Taylor F 5 First National Bank___»t§’97 79-298 9 Pop. 1846 State Bank of Medford < § ’90 79-297 Mellen_____ Ashland £ 3 Mellen State Bank__ ..< § ’03 79-602 9 Pop. 1833 Melrose_____Jackson D 7 Bank of Melrose____ — *§’07 79-603 7 Pop. 400 Melvina____-Monroe E 8 Melvina State Bank—___§17 79-954 . 7 Pop. 250 Menasha—Winnebago J 7 Bank of Menasha___ „ < § ’70 79-163 7 Pop, 7000 it s A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir ec to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F ot I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. July,1917 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B an k ers’ W ISCON SIN — Continued 1295 Dtoireach ec to r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B a n k ers A ss’n . Lia b il it ie s . Name of Bank . T own and County. b pl u s •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. As s ’t Cashier . P aid - u p S uAND Cashier . V ice -President . P resident . Depo s JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to ya('h bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Rand-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n . MILWAUKEE (Federal D istrict No. 7) N ame of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Est. Ca s h ie r . V ice -P r e sid e n t ; P r e s id e n t . A s s 't Ca s h ie r . •AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK E. A. Parmer__ 12-8 » « ’92 (2 B ranches) W. D. Gray____. . . L. E. Kilian. Ei' J. Kearney K. L. Stone Badger State Bank___ „<1*07 Gustav Beinke.. 12-55 C. L. Roloff.— . . . . A. E. Prancke____ E. W. Leichtfuss . . J. J. O’Connell Commonwealth Mutual Savings Emil Brodde__ Bank___„12-68_______ . § ’12 J. C. Kleist______ C. B. Whitnall, Sec. a n d Tr. Adolph Huebsehmann W. I. G reen e...— R. K iel. East Side Bank..!___ !___•t§’16 J. G. Hickcox _j 12-69 FRED VOGEL, JR. 12-2 < ’6 - - - pa I tI Î dge 200,000 3,000,000 $ 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 $ 3 4 , 8 7 5 .6 1 0 W. I. Barth, Sec... A. Waugh. .k. Sec. Carl E ngelke____ W. C. Georg Home Savings Bank____ <811 Panstin P rin z...__ 12-59 Italian Mutual Savings Bank John Bnsalacchi... 12-57 «§’07 Kilbourn State Bank.— < § ’15 P. L. K unkel_____ 12-67 Alfred Prinz_____ M. B. W ells_____ Mt R. Wftll|5 . J. M. Giuli, N. Maniaci_______ D. M. Giuli, Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. and A . T r A. Bellante J. H. Weber_____ P. E. Wall ber___— R. J. Gengler_____ C. H, Elwing WASHINGTON BECKER-A. H. L I N D S A Y H . WILUAM|— -jj. 785,850 9.000 1,365,000 2,460 179,480 5.000 200,000 555,000 $ 178,000 160,990 17,850 190.000 ------------- 50,000 — 300.000 195,130 300.000 219,860 2,410,020 50.000 398,260 603,960 465,530 95,810 Y o u r a c c o u n t i n . M i l w a u k e e is i t e m s a n d c o l l e c t i o n s e s p e c ia ll y s o lic ite d a t a m o d e r a t e c o s t ._______________________ 596,440 476,000 97,260 74.160 1,900 27,000 11,400 8,000 2,000 50,000 5,070 357,100 214,530 128,660 500,000 852,660 2,516,330 6,324,190 422,040 281,440 ♦MERCHANTS & MNFNS. BANK W. P. M yers_____ H. P. Andrae____ B. V. Delà Hunt— Prank Brand ____ 400,000 98,760 2,352,030 1,772,340 312,490 980 47,070 44,830 50,000 25,970 422,980 609,190 < 8 ’06 L. M. Alexander, C h. o f B d. Milwaukee Savings Bank _t|'03 D. C. Luening_____ E. A. W ittig_____ F. C. Kriz, E. Lenicheck, See.. 12-54 Cash, a n d T r H. W esle Mitchell Street State Bank J. T. Johnston___ S. J. Wabiszewski. P. J. Grutza_____ 12-56 < 8 ’07 WILLIAM M. POST G. W. AUGUSTYN- 500,000 806,390 16,449,570 649,520 6,274,400 2,027,910 11,069,090 2,790,910 — 760,220 H a n . N ., N . Y .; C on t. A Com 'I N .,C h i.; M erch.-L ac. N ., S t. L . B r o w n , S h ip le y A C o., L o n don, E ng. 4,178,540 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Bar clay & Co., Ltd., London, Eng. 52,230 24,130 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear N., Ohi.; 1st N., Mil. 493,630 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City and Cent. Tr, Co. of 111., Chi. 2,920 West Side, Mil. 325,320 94,520 71,460 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. &Oom’l N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil. 5,502,610 1,379,220 1,897,160 674,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Cont. & Oom’l N., and Corn Ex. N., Chi. U. S. DEPOSIT ARY; We w an t your ban k in g b u sin ess for th is locality. M ILW AUKEE M ap opp o site Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — A. J. Langhoeff___ J. M. W o lf______ E. 0 . Perschbacher 50.000 25,000 466.000 324,000 112,000 Jacob Neumueller. A. G. Langlois___ P. G. Exner_____ Alex. Ritter 0 page) 50.000 5.000 467.000 353,000 61,000 55,000 77,000 Wis. N., Mil. 33,000 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Marine N. Mil. Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ________________July, 1917 726,150 North Ave. State B a n k ...< § ’11 William P. Coer per 12-60 » Park Savings B ank____ < § ’15 Jesse Cappon_____ 12-66 (F or balance o f M ttuxm kee B a n ks see follow in 3,100 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. SEE ADVERT! SEMENT ON 0PP0 SITE PAG E. 18,300 < ’555 505,610 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cont and Com’I N., Chi.; Franklin N., Phil. 18,860 ChaseN., N. Y.; Corn Ex. -N., Chi. 62,970 Han. N., N. ¥ ., Cont. & Com’I N. Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 1,392,270 1.611,420 65,000 12-4 247,670 19,860 Merch. & Par. State Bank < 8 10 Prank C. Fischer . . Prank Seemann, Sr. G. G. Fischer____ A. H. Grünewald— 12-58 J.W.P. LOMBARD GRANT FITCH — 613,080 3,407,830 1,419,320 1,000,000 •NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Produce, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 1,721,370 25,574,910 $9,300.700 27,963,030 5,109,530 4,743,300 4,304,120 A m . E x . N . and N. C ity, N . Y . ; 1 st N „ L iv e S to c k E x . N ., and C ont. & Com ’I N ., C hi. ♦Marshall & Ilsley Bank. <8'47 John Campbell____ J. H. Puelicher___ J. H. Puelicher__ F. X. Bodden____ 12-5 G. A. Reuss J. E. Jones, A .C . H. J. Paine 12-11 54,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., and Harris Trust & Sav., Chi.; Marine N.. Mil. 3,100 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; 1st N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. - ‘ MARINE NATI BK. Eins tva ite b lis h e d 1900. d . W is c o n s in <1900 $ 3,492,100 $ 630,580 AR KASTEN First Trnst C om pany„„< 5’94 Robert Gamp_____ William Bigelow__ P. O. Kannenberg, 12-52 T r. *Germania National Bank < ’03 William C.Brumder G. P. Mayer_____ E. A. Reddeman__ 12-10 A. G. Schultz 12-1 $ 817,300 50,000 Mgr. Foreign and Savings Depts. - CHANCES $ 250,000 $ 130,480 S 4,539,610 P r in c ip a l Co rrespo ndent s . Ca sh and E x - N., and Union Tr. Co..Uhi. -WM. BIGELOW- — HENRY KLOES. — JOHN PARTNIDGE, e . j : W hes M gr. B o n d Dept. W. C. HAAS C a p it a l D e p o s it s Li a b i l i t i e s . R eso urce s . r pl u s I n d iv id D e po sits L o a n s a Bo n d s, Dub P a id - u p .SuAND ual D uS rc u r i op peon Ca p it a l P b o p it s COUNTS TIES, ETC. B a n k s D e p o s it s B a n k s WISCONSIN BANKS—Milwaukee ‘FIRST NAT’L BANK C. D. Raney. A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, (M ilw a u k e e , K 9) C o u n ty S ea t P o p u la tio n 436,535— R e s e r v e C ity 1296 __________________ 1 9 Q fi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE O F F IC E R S v WASHINGTON BECKER, President ARTHUR H. LINDSAY, Vice-President EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Cashier GEORGE W. MOORE, Asst. Cashier GEORGE D. PRENTICE, Asst. Cashier THOMAS J. DURNIN, Secretary m MARINE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL • - ■ SURPLUS AND PROFITS D IR E C T O R S WASHINGTON BECKER THOMAS DALY EDWARD DEWEY STEPHEN H. HOFF ALFRED F.. JAMES ARTHUR H. LINDSAY EDMOND J. LINDSAY SAMUEL McCORD HERBERT A. VIETS $500,000 850,000 of MILWAUKEE INVITES YO UR B U S I N E S S UPON T H E M O S T FA V O R A B LE T E R M S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Magazine for Bankers! $ 2 .0 0 a y e a r ■ |NEXTu B * MONTi4 RING W. GARDNER ON “SAFETY FIRST" few I B I S A PR IL,' 19-17 «2:00> :‘2'0.¿'T{H':COBV; am es If llR I8&K®ÍSa& SSÍR§&£lg¡&& $&£?1ÍI3ÍI@88>Ssl&££&SSi. 'Ni >., -f H E B A N K ER S* M O N T H L Y deals w ith in v e st m en ts a n d securities a n d th e new s of b an k s a n d bankers, s ta te b a n k associations a n d p ro m in en t figures in th e b anking a n d in v e stm en t w orld. ’E ach issue h as m a n y special fe a tu re s a n d p e rtin e n t illu stratio n s. T h e size of T h e Bankers* M o n th ly h a s been in creased from 5 J x 8 in. to 1 \ x 10^ in. a n d a high-grade of enam eled p a p er a d o p ted as s ta n d a rd for fu tu re issues, w ith th e covers p rin te d in colors. ■ ESTABLISHED 1883 W rite for S a m p le C opy a n d A dvertisin g R a tes R A N D M cN A L L Y & CO., P u b lish ers THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY Chicago, 111. MILWA UKEE—Continued—Reserve City N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ran sit N um ber given i n n * 7 to each bank in IL S. exclusively by T he Rand-McNaMy Bankers 1297 (Federal Reserve D istrict No. 7 . ) ________ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican B an k ers A s sn - Name of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. JState tPnv. Est. 'SECOND WARD SAVINGS DANK 12-6 Vice -President . P resident . Lia b il it ie s . Cashier . Accessible KIEL. ! 1 J. E. UIHLEIN...... - CHARLES C. SCHMIDT- G. L. WEIGLE-------- HUGO W. G. WHYTE HENRY BIELFELD (2 Branches ) /. v>. £. s A. 0. ELSER J. U. LADEMANN 1855. |A Commercial Ba nk. Established L. J. PETIT______ HERMAN F.WOLF- J.M . H A Y S - - — FRANZ SIEMEHSWALTER KASTEN FRED R. SIDLER, W. K. ¿DAMS a . cash. f . k . M c Ph er s o n H. W. ESKUCHE, A. V. D. CLARKSON ‘WISCONSIN NATIONAL DANK A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s a n d •*’92 Bk. o f Am . and N . C ity, N. ¥ .; M erch. L n. & Tr. Co. and 1st N ., Chi. ; M erch.-Lac. N ., S t. L. W ells Fargo-Nev. N ., San F. $ 1, 000,000 M gr. Sav. Hep. 387,340__ 50.000 288,630 75,350 -----------116,1301------------ 1 50.000 429,210 --------- 276,550 200.000 2,495,830--------- 2,271,930 81,890 351,780 62,880 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Marine N., Mil. 95,670 Seab. N., M. Y.; Foreman Bros. Bkg. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 179,700 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 4,728,860 7,637,460 2,201,340 N. C ity and M ech. & M etals N ., 2,000,000 1,513,880 22,733,160 12306760 24,908,200 N . Y .} C o n t. & C om ’l N ., C hi.; N. Bk. C om ., S t. L. B a n k e r s s o li c it e d . C o lle c t io n s w ill r e c e iv e p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n . _______ SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON WISCONSIN INDEX Wm. H. H asse..— C. A. Kambe— — Wisconsin State Bank— .*§’12 0. Glaus------- -— H. S. Piggins------12-62 F. A. Lochner— . . W. F. Jackson— O. W. Bow —------Wisconsin State Savings Bank G. L. Baldauf— — •*§’V 12-61 12-53 Dtettvois, m- “ The Bank of Per sonal Service in Mi Iwaukee.” G. A. Kissinger— J. C. Sluesser — Teutonia Avenue .State Bank B. W. Staadt—:— A. E. Sehunk—_ 12-65 *§’14 D. T. L eisk--------- J. J. Handley— Union Bank................ »S’12 W. B. R u b in ...----- J .C . K arel--------12-63 O. J. Kuhnmuench. Herbert Feerick. ♦West Side Bank —-------- *t§’94 AdamGettelman— George K och-----12-9 W ISCONSIN TRUST Lawyers, Taws, As s ’t Cashier . •*§’55 *•Your Collections will Beceive Perso nal Attention. 12-7 'Towns, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,!'—' e tc ., see page 14. F or H o"lid' a y s, gee opposite pace lo.l P rincipal Correspondents. Resources. OLIVER C. FÜLLER WALTER KASTEN - 0. H. FULLER, T r . . D. F. M cKEY^cc,. F. C. BEST M.H, GROSSMAN, R.W. JANSSEN, C. M. MORRIS, R. W. BAIRD, u . & Sec •*§’03 T r. Officer. M grs. B o n d D ept. H. C. SCHUL 11, A . Sec. Our Bond D ep artm ent sp ecializes In P ublic U tility Our T rust D ep artm en t is prepared to render p rom pt and efficien t service in a ll T rust M a t t e r s . ___________________ 75.000 50.0001 500,000 40,330 16,210 704,130 974,280 423,780 563,870, 293,690 93,720 721,580 2,392,220 350,090 3,001,850 L_______ 57,810 874,820 95,110 N. City, N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Wis, N., Mil. . m „ _ 88,990 Han. N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav. Chi.; Marine N.. Mil. Bkrs. Tr. Co. and G uaranty Tr, Co., N . Y .; M erch. L n. & Tr 79,310 Co., C ent. Tr. Co. o f ML, Cont & Com ’l N ., and 1st N ., Chi. W is. N ., M il. F. O. Best, M g r... Milwaukee Clearing H ouse.— J. W. P. Lombard. J. H. Puelicher (M em bers in dicated by a ♦) Marwick, Mitchell, Peat & Co., C. H. E xam iners. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. *Mem. State Bks. Assn. Name. JOHN E. DE WOLF COMPANY— EDGAR, RICKER & COMPANY— FIRST NATIONAL BANK— — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HMern. Inv. Bks. Assn. E st , Officers . Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS CORRESPONDENTS. Name. E st . Offic er s . Correspondents. 1st N., Mil. TJohn E. DeWolf, Pres. John C.Meiners,F.-P. 1st N., N. Ex., and Wis. N., Mil. ■<Lvman W. Bernhard, Sec. MORRIS F. FOX & CO------------ *1!» 1 (M « n ir f^ i,BPubUcUi ^ H t y a n d Railroad Bonds. (INVESTMENT' SECURITIES. Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y., Chi.,Phil., Bos., St. L., and HALSEY, STUART & 00. ____ — .T o i1 \ (Successors to N . W . Halsey & Co., Chicago, Det. rDavidA.Edgar, Pres., Edward G.Ricker.F.rP. N. Ex., Wis. N., and Marshall W. G. Souders & Co., Chi. & Ilsley, Mil. _ Alfred J.Goehz, Sec, Earl Pryor, Tn. . ( (Investm ent B o n d s ) . . . . . . . . ----------■ — -— i 04 [ i n v e s t m e n t b o n d s . and Det. , , f 4 1 (Paid-up Capital, $1,000,000) W. 6. S0UDERS & CO.-- -•*1-63 (See B a n k L ist) WISCONSIN TRUST CO. - ÏÏI B (See B a n k L ist) W e iß ^ x N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given i°. e a c .h bank »5 ü . S exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . i Town and County. Name of Bank. P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s 't Ca s h ie r . P. G ullickson...__ Wm. Keppel—___ 12,00( $ E. G. Penhailegon C. F. Larson_____ F. T. Jenks._____ L. E. O’Connell— 10,000 5,000 2,000 3,510 370 A. Quarberg_____ Edward Ruplinger. Wayne Canar____; 25,000 3,800 120,000 102,000 22,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union N., Eau Claire B. S. Lockwood.... D. A. Whelan_____ Geo. Esbensen___ R. Southworth J oseph Silverness 50,000 . 20,000 735,000 722,320 77,700 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 1st N., Mil.; No.-Wesl N., Minpls. 69,900 1,061,640 1,039,190 187,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Liv Stock Ex. N l Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. bank. P. J. Moser_____ 100,000 C. L. Barlow_____ J. B. O’Meara Fred W. Ransom. 100,000 40,000 15,000 500,000 J. C. Mason_____ Harvey DiVall T. M. Webster____ 10,000 4,500 260,000 220,400 20,000 4,700 140,000 119,000 J. W. Barlow__ 40,000 13,500 410,000 391,200 R. J. Caldwell. . 20,000 7,960 208,590 169,090 10,000 1,220 43,570 37,850 E. B. von B e rg ___ 30,000 18,160 245,520 235,040 John J. Rieden. 20,000 7,460 153,240 146,600 130,710 u sin e ss" " E. C. McCornick__ Marion Shafer. R. M. O rchard..... H. L. Elston_____ L. Hj Mohr______ 29,360 398,000 468,000 115,000 1,107,000 970,000 455,000 58,340 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. am Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 300,000 Ist N., Live Stock Ex. N., and N. City, Chi. Ist N. and Wis. N., Mil. 95,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Com Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N. Mil. 54,000 Com Ex. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; 1s N., Dubuque, Ia. 37,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 2d Ware Sav., Mil. 80,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N. and Ist N. Mil. 58,250 Ist N. and Com’l N., Madison; Wis. N., Mil. ' 15,060 Wis. N., Mil. 55,260 N. Ger.-Am., Wausau, Wis.; Marine N., Mil.; 1st N„ G. Rap., Wis. 30,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Fond du Lac. 15,000 5,900 125,510 35,000 7,000 421,000 . 385,000 90,000 55,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 32,000 16,000 325,000 315,000 10,000 1,200 130,000 129,000 25,000 15,610 536,570 459,840 20,000 5,820 252,050 251,630 20,000 2,450 196,910 184,370 B A N K S — M in d o r o to N e c e d a h & 1J I Ü Î S ------- « — - -m ~ ï— 1---------:---------.. -------- ------------------------- - ----- jl.u l y » o f this 5 officer ^ o f an _• 100,000 ëd and vigorous a tten tio 11,360 Eau Claire N., Ean Claire; 2d Ward Sav., Ml W IS C O N S IN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.60C $ 101,00c $ 70.00C $ 41,30C Wis. N., Mil.; Batavian N., La Crosse. 343,190 319,10C ’ 70,91C 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d War Sav., Mil. 63,620 1,110,880 1,039,690 164,500 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN Mil. 1,350 39,050 26,640 18,770 Chase N ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wi: N., Mil. 1,200 75,000 70,000 12,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., St. P. 8,000 275,000 250,000 37,000 N. Produce, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,22C 15,000 Necedah------- Juneau G 8 NECEDAH BANK.___ -*$§99 C. C. Fuller._____ C. E. Babcock 7 Pop. 1054 79-619 G. H. Parham Security Bank________ $§15 F. M. R eed ______ M. J. Wolcott.. 79-875 WISCONSIN M ap on In d ex B ank s 10,000 i JOHN WACHTL- W. E. HUDTLOFF -, H. S.LUTZ-— *$§’84 f ro m Olaus O ttu m ....__ H. C. Brown___ . . . Mosinee„..Marathon G 6 FARMERS STATE BANK:! 115 J A M odern, Prog resslve Bank doin g a com m ercial b 7 Pop. 1200 j Send your cash letters and collec lio n s direct to us 79-851 ( for efficien t se rvice and quick re turns. State Bank of Mosinee.»$§’05 A. von B erg______ Louis Dessert . . . . . W. A. von Berg__ 79-614 Maguire Mt. Çalvary.Fond du Lac Mount Calvary State Bk.$§’09 Andrew Vogel____ John Frank X. Aigner . . Arthur Vogel____ „ 7 Pop. 500 J8 79-615 Mount H ope.. Grant E 10 Mount Hope State Bank.$§’10 A. J. Frye_______ Andrew Abraham.. William Leighton.. 7 Pop. 250 79-616 Mount Horeb-Dane G 10 Mount Horeb Bank__.«$§’91 H. B. Dahle______ Jacob Lingard-___ T. G. Lingard____ 7 Pop. 1300 79-351 State Bkrof Mt. Horeb. •$§’01 N. C. Evans. _____ A. Hoff________ _ 1. Fosshage . . . ___ 79-352 Mt. Sterling,Crawford D 9 Stale Bank of Mt. Sterling E. C. Am ann_____ Julius Jackson___ K. O. Johnson___ 7 Pop. 115 79-784 $§’12 Mukwonago— Waukesha Citizens B ank..___ - __ •j§’92 F. A. McKenzie___ M. L. Davis______ O. F. Hunter _____ 7 Pop. 1000 J 10 79-617 E. Youmans Muscoda-------- Grant E 9 Farmers & Merchants Bank F. E. Neff_____ _ L. E. J. Schwingle___ B. L. Marcus____ 7 Pop. 1000 79-728 $§11 79-618 P rincipal Correspondents. cha n g es ,D u Wm. Mueller . . . . . . Herman Stehn___ _ .$§'83 < Our collection d ep artm en t is th oroughly organiz all Item s sen t us have th e prom p t, personal and l SEND US YOU B BUSINESS. Commercial & Sav. Bk. »$§’03 John Gettings___ A. C. Trachsel.___ J. B. Heeren_____ 79-208 First National B ank___*$’56 Henry Ludlow____ J. B. T reat______ John Strahm ____ 7s 79-206 Montello State Bank..»$§1900 0. A. J u s t _______ T. W. W hitson___ W. F. Currie_____ 79-348 Citizens State Bank__ $§’05 Herman Trankle... W. F. DiVall______ David James._____ 79-418 Montfort State Bank___$§’82 T. R. Webster____A. F. David_______ C. K. Stephens___ 79-417 Bank of MonticéUo___ »$§’96 J. C. F reitag...___ Jacob Wittenwyler H. O. Bo bier______ 79-612 Morrisonville State Bank$§’02 J. R. Caldwell. . . . . F. H. Mair_______ 0. M. Morrison__ _ 79-613 MUSCODA STATE BANK S e c u r it ie s r rÀ 60,000 j G. T. HODGES__ JOHN LUCHSINGER J. H. DURST - — Monacello---- Green G 10 7 Pop. 671 Morrisonville— Dane H 9 7 Pop. 200 40,000 J osiah Lanyon____ E. Y. Hutchison__ Ai F. Bishop, Jr. _ J. P. Hutchison John Schilling____ Ella M. Schilling.. ‘ Monroe..— .Green G 10 CITIZENS BANK7 Pop. 4410 79-207 ‘ Montello.Marquette H 8 M 7 Pop. 1250 Montfort-— . Grant E 10 7 Pop. 800 R esources. & C a s h &E x Loan s B is c ’t s . B ond s V R. G. White ______ John B. P ittz .___ L ia b il it ie s . »AID-UI SXJBPLUi Depos AND Capitai P rofits its \ Mindoro— La Crosse D Bank of Mindoro____$§’16 Robt. Paisley____ 9 Pop: 200 79-889 Mineral Point—Iowa F 10 Farmers & Citizens Bank Philip Hewitt__ __ 7 Pop. 2925 79-248 $§’10 Iowa County Bank_____¿¿’85 J. W. Hutchison... 79-247 Mmocqua-----Oneida G 4 Bank of Mmocqua_____$§’91 John Schilling. . . . . 9 Pop. 500 79-610 Minoug— .Washburn C 3 Farmers State B ank___ $§12 E. F. Swanson . . . . 9 Pop. 200 79-766 Mishicot_.Manitowoc L 7 State Bank of Mishicot_.$§’10 G. L. Kamopp____ m 7 Pop. 350 79-611 M o d en a ...... Buffalo C 7 Farmers State Bank___ .§17 Wm. Jensen___ „ 9 Pop. 150 79-941 Mondovi------ Buffalo C 6 Buffalo County Bank ..$§1900 Jacob O anar___ 9. Pop. 1500 79-335 First National Bank____«$’91 8. G. Gilman_____ 79-334 V ice -P r e s id e n t . ’ ‘ County Seats, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State fig u r e under town is $Mem-. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District Est. . A «c,es»,b1« T o w n s, L a w y ers, L a w s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , Grace etc«, see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page II WISCONSIN—Continued I I S L _________ 1298 17,840 L ivestock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Com’l N., Madison. 20,000 Ian. N., N. Y.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Cray Co., Prairie du Chien. 113,860 L Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; N.,Mil. 24,770 'ont. & Com’l N„ 1st N., and Live Stock N., Chi.; Merch. & Mnfrs., 1st N., and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 25,830 torn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Com’ Madison. A. W. Sorensen___ Gladys Williams__ 15,000 7,000 260,000 205,000 58,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; Wis. N„ Mil. G. H. Livernash__ F. L. Christensen.. 15,000 1,400 100,000 82,000 30,000 tont. & Com’l Ñ.. Chi.! 2d Ward KaTr an N., Mil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘ County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Neenah ...W innebago J 7 First National Bank___**’61 J. A. Kimberly 79-172 7 Pop. 6500 — Vice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . 117,180 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. No.-West. N., Minpls. 100,000 49,480 909,900 1,024,760 W. H. HINTERTHUER— 60,000 11,850 309,610 290,200 91,660 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.. Marine N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 25,000 10,560 157,730 131,780 53,360 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 50,000 11,830 279,260 315,490 50,250 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Marine N., Mil. THOMAS LOWE --- HERMAN NQRTH-g est Bank In C lark C ounty, on to C ollections w h en accom pan led by 15c and credit report. 50,000 14,500 602,000 522,000 L. M. Alexander__ IT. H. TTelke ___ 20,000 8,080 145,630 148,460 22,750 1st N., Chi.; Wood Co. N ., G. Rap. 25,000 1,120 153,410 133,120 39,750 Marine N„ Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 10,000 1,300 122,000 82,300 45,000 Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., G. Rap. and Stevens Point. 15,000 3,950 107,840 98,540 26,770 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 3,840 180,810 140,630 10,000 1,700 42,170 40,000 10,000 5,220 136,810 125,260 12,000 2,030 145,410, 129,080 ‘•Neillsville___ Clark E 6 Commercial State Bank.*§’98 79-291 7 Pop. 2500 E. E. LAMPERT \ Save tim e and g et service on Colle ctlon s and Credit R eports by send! ng TRY US (FEE IN ADVAN CE: P la in sig h t d r a fts , I S c ; Cred it R ep o rts, 2 S c. H M R ont W. J. Marsh_____ E. J. Rossman P. A. BARTELL__________ R. A. CLEMENS (CHAS. CORNELIUS— A B MARSH CARL STANGE GEORGE URE h ly efficient lin es. nized on thoroug ep artm ent is orga < Our collection d FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’10 P rom p t, vigoro u s, personal prese n ta tlo n . 79-292 ( Try u s for QUI CK RETURNS. NEILLSVILLE BANK 79-290• ( W. L. HEMPHILL 1 O ldest and 'Lar ] Special a tte n ti ( «*§’79 25c for each IM Ésar 115,000 N . P a r k , N . Y .; 1st N ., C hi.; Wis. N ., Mil. 79-804 Nelson____— Buffalo 0 7 First National Bank___*§’10 G. Nold 79-620 9 Pop. 400 Thomas Ottesen__ E. ftiehel .... ... V. A. Giebel_____ Nelsonville..Portage H 7 State Bk. of Nelsonville.*§i03 Theo. H. Johnson. 79-621 7 ■Pop. 200 John Mertes....... ... J. K. Douglass____ Martin McCollow— D. B, Grfifinfi Neosho_____ - Dodge 1 9 79-622 7 Pop. 304 Chas. T. Dahlke__ H. A. Miller Neshkoro. Marquette H 8 Farmers Exchange Bank*§’08 79-623 7 Pop. 379 A. G ailenberg....— w . -T, Neva Farmers Bank____§’15 79-882 Bank of New Auburn.. .*§’07 79-624 State Bank of Newburg.*§’U 79-755 State Bank of New Butler 79-801 §13 Farmers & Miners Bank .§’17 79-916 New Franken State Bank 79-763 *§’11 Bank of New Glarus.— *§’93 79-391 Citizens Tajik’ $§*10 79-392 New Holstein.OalumetK 8 StateBk.ofNewHolstein**§’03 79-625 7 Pop. 839 New Lisbon..Juneau F 8 Farmers &Merch. Bank.*§’86 79-626 7 Pop. 1074 New Lisbon State Bank *§’11 70-749 Leroy Abrahamson J. E. Erickson____ Am t Erickson___ John G. Reichl___ B. W. F ick ____ — M. F. Geib J. H. Pilgrim____ - S. E. Dickinson___ 10,000 360 80,000 80,000 G. •W. Watson— 10,000 1,000 7,500 100 A. L. G reiling...— .T. H. Tayler . ■ Constant Dequaine Richard R. Jandrain Thomas H efty. 1__ Rudolph Kundert— T. O. Hefty ____ S. A. Schindler___ J. J. Figi________ J. S. Urben.“___ _ O. R, Rtarfin M. K. Peters .T. O. Ori'em G. H. Schroeder—- F. Bullwinkel____ Miss Alma Arps J J IFfnghfls 0. D. Curtis H. J. M ortensen... W. H. Farley. . 54,030 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Germania N., Mil.; lsi N., Stevens Point. 13,500 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 20,780 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northwesten State, Chippewa Falls. 25,480 Marine N~. and Wis. N ., Mil. 9,000 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 23,600 1st N., Chi. 12,000 9,840 333,450 319,760 30,150 N. City, Chi.; McCartney N., Green Bay. 40.000 17,340 511,860 483,960 89,740 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Marins N., Mil. 43,000 1st N., Chi,; 1st N. and Marshall & llsley, Mil 40.000 5,000 262,000 247,100 25,000 15,000 250.000 200,000 .T.TTjM^rah G. L. B ullis.._____ 15,000 3,000 225,000 190,000 IT -T. Gihsnn Ida H ayes____ - __ 15,000 2,300 205,000 180,000 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, « Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rincipal Correspondents. $ 125,060 $ 121,740 $1207380 $1086460 $ 370,620 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.yChi. John P. Sh iells _____ |E,-J. LACHMANN— - GEO. A. JAGERS0N— Neva—— —Langlade H 5 7 (Deerltroolt P. O.) Pop. 500 N e wAuburn, GhippewaD5 9 Pop. 364 Newburg .Washington J 9 7 Pop. 400 N ew ButlerWaukesha J 10 7 Pop. 500 New Diggings. Lafayette 7 Pop. 500 F 10 New Franken.Brown K 7 7 Pop. 150 New Glarus__Green G 10 7 Pop. 1000 R esources. Lia b il it ie s . „ Cash k Ex P aid-up Subplus Depos Lc’oTagn. sBkonDdiss, changes,Due AND its Capital P rofits Securities from Banks jW. M. GILBERT— E. E. JANDREY — W. G. BROWN------------- H. C. HILTON------------CHAS. SCHRIBER NAT’L MANUFACTURERS BANK..........................79-173-*t’81 "iSave tim e and g e t service on Coll ection s by send in e ‘f e e i n a d v a n CE: P la in sig h t d r a fts , 1 Sc. TR Y U S . NEENAH STATE BANK -* § 1 1 79-174 Nekoosa_____ Wood G 7 7 Pop. 1900 A c ce ssib le T o w n s, la w y e r s , L aw s, D ir e c to r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s, G race, W ISCON SIN — Continued 58,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav Mil. 40,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 35,000 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Mil. BONDS, Wells Building, July, 1917____ _________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Neenah to N ew Lisbon__________________ 1299 1299 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k Js the N e w T r a n sit N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x c lu siv e ly by T h e B a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s’ T own and county. Name of Bank. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState 'Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District. Est PRESIDENT. Vice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . E.C . Pape. 6,000 $ 40,000 8,670 264,520 253,680 40,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Is N., MU. 50.000 27,070 535,110 442,810 116,260 H an. N ., N . 1st N . and Live Stock Ei N ., Chi.; M arine N . and W is. N ., Mil 35.000 16,450 463,010 394,720 C. A. Albert_____ L. A. Baker______ H. E. Rounsavell— 40.000 25.000 390,000 367,000 116,120 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi, and St. P.; No. West N., Minpls.: Marine N. and Wis. N, Mil. 84.000 1st N., Mil.; Merch. N., St. P. J. C. Kimberly Arthur Lundahl_ 25.000 6,250 David Bouck____ R. L. Fansler..___ J. M. Boland A. J. Pullen______ G. M Wyatt______ T. H. N o m ile —__ 10.000 190 29,910 30,160 20,000 5.000 60,000 60,000 R. S. Lange_____ W. O. H ahn_____ 10,000 6,300 200,000 160,000 F. J. Donnelly____ Phares Peterson.. 20,000 8,200 286,000 225.000 50.000 9,630 375,280 366,720 15.000 5.500 192,900 154.000 F. S. W a d e....___ E. D. Coddington.. C. H. Krohn___ A. F. Collins.—__ A. Polglase_____ H. L. Vieth______ M. O. Heffernan__ Horace A. Cronk. NORWALK STATE BK__$§'03 M. Goetz______ H. Schell_______ 79-425 Oakfleld.-Fond du Lac 1 8 Bank of Oakfield_____ »$§’98 C. G. Morgan_____ C. H enningsen__ 7 Pop. 522 79-630 Oconomowoc.. Waukesha BK. OF 0C0N0M0W0C-*$§59 7 Pop. 3054 J9 79-242 R. W. McCoy.__ 15.000 8.500 244,680 206,370 25.000 27,580 202,490 182,750 54,110 N. City and Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; Wis. N. 2d Ward Sav., and Marine N., Mil. 60,450 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Fond dt Lac: Wis. N., MU. B. G. EDGERTON E. 8. THOMPSON- PAUL R. McKEE— J. F. FLANAGAN- 50.000 13,330 655,910 603,390 98,030 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st N. Wis. N., and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 50.000 38.000 880, 805.000 65.000 17,760 672,510 640,450 30.000 14.000 141,300 116.000 185,000 Cont. & Com’l N., and Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Wis. N., and 1st N., MU. 164,210 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., MU. 51.000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 60.000 26,440 458,680 469,120 L. Albert Karel___ Albert Boyce___ _ C. W. Carlson____ C. C. Marcott. 25.000 4,980 296,910 237,000 89.880 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N., Mil. H. Johnson_____ _ A. D. Shambeau__ H. H. Johnson____ 10.000 3.500 90,000 75.000 23,000 1st N., G. Rap. and Stevens Point, Wis. August Heden____ . A. Lofquist__ _ E. A. Heden_____ 10,000 2,690 74,570 61,130 W. S. Blackburn... i G. Almone.____ H. S. Royse,_____ 10,000 1.500 7,500 12.000 F irst and Oldes Established Ban k. Cash letters and other ite m s sen t u s have efficient a tten tlo n . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P ro m p t a tte n t io n g iv e n a ll m a tter s en tru sted C o llectio n s re m ltted fo r on da y o f p a y m e n t. 91.000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st N., Mil. to us. 27,310 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N.. Mil. , 5,700 ü . S. N., Superior. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Julyt 1917 WISCONSIN M ap on Index 51.000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley Mil. 86.000 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 68,190 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 1st N. MU. 48,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. O. F. Hornung___ GEORGE BEYER. FRED. SCHE0LER. H. J. SOLWAY.. Oconto Falls—Oconto J 6 State Bank of Oconto Falls 7 Pop. 1800 79-631 $§’03 Ogdensburg. Waupaca 1 7 Farmers State Bank_____§’06 7 Pop. 300 79-632 Ogema ..........Price F 4 State Bank of Ogema ...$ § ’14 9 Pop. 500 79-818 O liver.........Douglas C-3 IronExchange State Bank ( W . D uluth, M inn. P.O.) 79-919 »$§’16 9 Pop. 300 i N. Ex., Mil.; 1st N.. Iron Mt. 9,220 N. Produce, ChL; Citiz. N., Green Bay; Is N., Rhinelander. 8,000 Fond du Lac N ., Fond du Lac. W. E. Bristol____ Mabel E. Morgan. Peter Binzel____ _ J. A. Kellv FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. F. Kettenhofen. A. R. Loppnow.. . 79-243 «$1900 J. Flotow S. Clausen ¿Oconto_____Oconto K 6 Citizens National Bank.*$1900 A. O. Ellis_______ John N oonan..___ C. A. Best________ F. E. A. Watterich. 7 Pop. 6000 79-181 Farmers Bank________ $§’11 A. M. Martineau__ Edward Millidge__ R. O. Whitney____ 79-182 OCONTO NATIONAL BANK*$’86 79-180 37,500 $ 14,900 Corn Ex. N.. Chi. WISCONSIN BANKS—New London to Oliver_________ Manufacturers B a n k ...»$§’88 W. F. McNally-__ 79-289 First National Bank____ ’17 R. S. Powell____ 79-958 6 Farmers & Merchants State E. N. Murphy___ Bank------79-837______$§’16 First Wisconsin Bank__$§’05 S. D. Wyatt____... 79-627 Bank of North Freedomt§’03 R. B. D ickie..__ _ 79-628 Bank of North L ak e___$§’11 Burton M. Smith .. 79-745 Citizens Bank_______ »$§’05 H. A. Wagner____ 79-629 Farmers State Bank—..$§’07 Frank Wartman... 79-426- Niagara---- Marinette J 5 7 Pop. 425 North Crandon.ForestI 4 9 Pop. 350 North Fond do Lac—Fond 7Pop.1960.duLac.I8 North Freedom.Sauk G 9 7 Pop. 647 North Lake*__ Waukesha 7. Pop. 150 J9 N. Milwaukee.Milwaukee 7 Ppp. 2100 I 9 Norwalk------Monroe E 8 7 Pop. 502 P rincipal Correspondents. Dis- 25.000 D. B. Egan E. H. RAMM_____ M. C. TRAYSER— . H. S. RITCHIE. J. KROMSCHINSKI - __ Send your Cash Letters and Co llection s to th é largest and on ly N ational bank in New London. WE GET RES ULTS. $’95 1PERSONAL AT TENTÏON GIVE N COLLECTION S. New Richmond.St. Croix Bank of New Richmond.$§78 J. W. McCoy 9 Pop. 2500 B 79-288 Resources, Loan s & C a s h Ac E x c ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es ,D ue S e c u r it ie s p ro m B a n k s 10,000 Jacob W erner...__ E. C. J o s t . FIRST NATIONAL BANK . 79-229 L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p SUBPLUS Depos Ca p it a l P rAND it s o f it s ^ New London. Waupaca 17 Bank of New London...$§’72 A. H. Pape.. 7 Pop. 3383 79— 228 Farmers State B a n k .... $§’11 S. E. W right. 79-749 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page li WISCONSIN—Continued *300. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 QAfY to eacl1 bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T hè A m erican Bankers Ass’n. 1 QH1 lo U l N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New 'Transit N um ber given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cNaUy Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n . N ame op Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. 7 79-633 'Pop. 1285 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, m- V, dexed in back of "this volum e. For In terest R ates, Grace, etc*, see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13.; W ISCONSIN'—Continued VV v w n iu u v ,u Resources. Lia b il it ie s . P rincipal correspondents. ' S IS ' Loansk Dis- Cashk Ex D epos c ASS’T CASHIER. P aid -up Surplus Cashier . ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Vice -President , j P resident . and its Securities fromBanks | Capital P rofits 11 $ 66,930 N. City, N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N„ Chi. $ 427,320 $ 449,990 $ 14,230 $ 30,000 L. E. Shelp............. A. Marble----------H. B. Winslow____ E. Sargeant— ___1 10,000 1st N., Chi.; Marshall & Usley, Mil. 15,000 W W NOBLE . JAS B MULVA___ D rafts, Cash le tte rs, and collection s direct to th e n e w bank rvice and quick r etu rn s. LTS. 950 46,000 53,500 10,000 4,500 160.000 137.000 C. M. Lower_____ J. R. Williams........ 10,000 1,930 61,160 61,530 John Brethouwer— B. Brethouwer____ Florence Adriance 25,000 13,500 235,210 220,650 50,760 Oont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Ex., Mil.; Bk. of . Sheboygan, Sheboygan. |S J. F. Litel, Jr........ O. E. Richards____ 10,000 12,400 264,200 223,500 C. N. Shilton____ 25,000 5,000 140,000 136,000 61,300 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Capital City, Madison.I !o 23,000 Corn Ex. N. and 1st N., Chi.; Com’IN ., Madison. O. A. Peterson------ T. E. Tollefsrud. . . Alice Rossiter-----79-636 . Osceola _____ Polk A 5 Bank of Osceola____^„$§’94 Charles H. Oakey— William F. Koch — Harry O. Harding.. Oswald T. Koch . . . Elsie Simpson 79-637 9 Pop. 800 ♦* • •' 4*. Jean A. Sleeper . . . Y. J. Hillskotter__ Osceola State Bank — $§’16 Harry D. Baker. . . 79-908 Albert Neumann 25,000 24,910 228,800 234,100 43,010 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wis, N., Mil. 40,000 34,700 583.870 534,190 122,550 N. Park, N. Y.; No.-West. N., Minpls; Marine] hr) N., Mil.; 1st N., St. P. 20,000 2,000 96,070 67,790 42,100 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.; Wis. 2 N., Mil. W W A. T. HENNIG------- A. A. ABRAHAM— ¿Oshkosh.Winnebago J 8 «CITY NATIONAL BANK-*$’71 \ Special collectl on facilities. Pr om p t and person al p resen tation . » 79-21 7 Pop. 36,065 | We rem it proce eds on d ay o f pay m en t. l U p -to-d ate m et hods In a il depart m en ts o f bankln g> 200,000 83,720 1,399,760 1,010,920 247,590 Chasé N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. I Ex. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. O „ 1 JOHN H. HAIGHyour B-L PEOPLES B A N K ........... < § ’15 J} Send for ef&cient se 79-888 ( WE GET BESU .. G. A. Kaeppler____ Onalaska..La Crosse D 8 Onalaska State Bank---- $§’12 79-765 9 Pop. 1146 Ontario—____Vernon E8 Bank of Ontario_______ $§’11 Merl Timmerman. A. F. L u etk e____ 79-774 7 Pop, 500 G. Graven_______ Oostburg.Sheboygan K 8 Oostburg State Bank— .$§’08 79-634 7 Pop. 380 v;; ;" ' j; r.itel__________ 79-635 7 Pop. 712 >4 U First National B an k ------$’14 H. O. Stone---------79-846 O. P. Gaarder Orfordville___Rock H 10 7 Pop. 449 | H. F. LANDECK- .. ... «COMMERCIAL NAT’L BANK 79-20 *$’56 .. ♦Exchange Bank 79-23 .. .. .... - T. R. Wall $§’92 Wm. .T. fJlat.z «NEW 6ERMAN-AM. BANK f! W R.a/lfr»rd 79-22 $§’90 „ 79-19 «Oshkosh Sav. & Tr.Co.*$§’03 E. P, Sawyer 79-25 i w ' u - ■ ♦State Bk. of Oshkosh.»$§’03 79-24 44 Oshkosh Clearing House____ (M embers indicated by a *) Osseo—Trempealeau D 6 Farmers Exchange Bank$§’16 0 Prm ..............70-903 State Bank of Osseo__$§1600 79-638 Owen d i r k E fi State Bank of Owen__»$§’07 79-639 7 Pop. 1200 Oxford— Marnuette G 8 Oxford State Bank..—..$ § ’10 79-640 7 Ponf500 H. Eilers T». A. ß n n zs w 100,000 300,000 373,580 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; Marine N. and Wis. N., Mil. . ' Atlantic N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; 1st 200,000 600,000 10,000 740,000 N., Mil. I% Û* Ex. N. and Irving N„ N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & 86,100 1,567,900 1,475,000 229,000 Am. Tr. Co., Cont. & Com’l N., and Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Wis. N., 1st N., and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; 1st N., Phil. , 168,410 3,370,510 3,186,040 ■ 741,130 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Oont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 168,020 1,940,240 2,130,580 100,000 38,660 99,670 209,000 42,260 1st N., Chi. 75,000 20,540 633,200 633,040 99,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. jj 25,000 1,500 133,000 112,000 A. E. Bradford____ T. J. Thompson___ C. Pupikofer—____ 30,000 9,880 367,660 340,990 87,000 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Wis. N,, Mil.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire. 1 66,550 Merch. Ln. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Wis. Ns, Mil. W. C. Tufts V. F. Shereda____ 12,000 3,770 125,570 110,200 22,890 Drov. N., Chi.! 1st N., Mil- J W. Wnrrl pn F .L . Pike;_____ 10,000 4,500 110,000 John G. O w en..__ E. A. Owen A* n. Pp.tftrs .T. M. \/\ToitIpti AMERICAN SUR ETY^ M PAN Y OF NEW YOF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C.O. Konrad_____ Louis Schriber___ L. A, Gunz----------—Howard L. Smith, M gr. f!. O. Dahl Wm. J. F is h e r ___ M. P. Skogstad___ F. M. Smith 200,000 50,000 B. J. Krippene —— o % 3 o R. E. Jones ____ Louis S ch rib er..... J. P. Fitch_______ F . A. Labudde E. R. Dickmann Howard L. Smith, Louis Schriber, Tr. Charles Schriber & Sec. 10,230 Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil. I "t j . H. Wall ; 44 E. R. Williams____ Edward Heisinger. 33,000 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: N. Bk. of La Crosse, Lai Crosse. 11/ R . FIDELITY SURETY BONDS, 1m ¡ 26,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 94,000 WFMÊÊÊBA1 j2 I m OJ o Town and County. Name of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District Est P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . rplu s As s ’t Cashier . -Pa id - u p Suand D e po s Ca pit a l P r o f it s Matt Wilber_____ M. L. Wahlstrom f CHRISTIE CARLIN CORA TISCHAEFER . Palmyra___Jefferson 1 10 BANK OF PALMYRA — < § ’93 I O ldest and Lar g est Bank, 7 Pop. 1000 j Send your cash letters and collec tion s direct to us for 79-642 ( efficient service and quick retur n s. Farmers Savings Bank. £§’11 H. C. Stacey-__ 79-734 Pardeeville.Columbia H 8 Pardeeville State Bank...§’01 Thos. Kearns__ 7 Pop. 987 79-643 Park Falls_____Price E 4 First National Bank__ £’14 R. J. H aggerty. 9 Pop. 3000 79-831 Park Falls State Bank ..£§’02 W. B. Olubine. . 79-644 Patch Grove—Grant D 10 The State Bank_______ t§’l l F. H. Booth___ 7 Pop. 200 79-645 Pepin------------ Pepin B 7 First National B ank__. . i ’l l E. Dangers_____ 9 Pop. 500 79-748 Peshtigo...Mar inette K 5 Peshtigo National B an k .< ’01 F. E. McGraw— 7 Pop. 1975 79-646 Pewaukee.. Waukesha J 9 Pewaukee State Bank__£§’07 J. I. Gates_____ 7 Pop. 900 79— 647 $ 10,000 $ , 25,000 it s Resources. Lo a n s & D isc *t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s 500 $ 35,00( $ 35,000 15,000 410,00C P rincipal Correspondents. C a sh & E x c h a n g es ,D ue fro m B a n k s 5,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Stevens Poin Wis. N.. Mil. 367,500 78,500 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Ex., MU. Richard Jones___ R. J. Donohue___ 15,000 2,000 135,000 115,000 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mi D. T. Lynch_____ S. H. Dooley_____ 15,000 17,460 220,210 190,350 August Schmidt__ F. J. Kandutsch... E. A. Gehrman. 25,000 3,340 129,430 94,780 M. A. Drott______ E. J, Aschenbrener L. J. Aschenbrener Susie Erdman M. J. D u f f y ....... 25,000 12,650 349,900 269,000 10,000 1,000 60,000 60,000 61,840 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 2d War Sav., Mil. 39,950 1st N„ Chi.; Wis. N„ Mil.; 1st & Secur. N Minpls. 103.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N Mil.; Merch. N„ St. P. 7,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. T. S. Saby Arthur Schilling.. 25,000 1,940 157,910 130,330 48,940 Marine N., Mil. S. D. Woodward... A. G. Fowler.___ 25,000 13,460 270,710 247,080 57,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil O; C. Laabs—__:... J. B. E ly .... . . . — W. F. Evert 15,000 750 268,670 245,050 33, »Phillips___ ...P rice F 4 First National Bank__ __ £'04 P. E. Reedal--— - W. K. Parkinson... G. B. Reedal_____ 9 Pop. 2000 79-294 25,000 11,060 335,470 279,290 Frank Kolb____ State Bank of Phillips.<§’90 N. E. Lane.._____ O. C. Kelleher____ G. M. Chamberlain B. W. Malm.. 79-293 P itts ville ... . . . Wood F 7 Pittsville State Bank__< § ’04 J. F. Sim s______ G. H. Salter_____ J. F. Seidl......... Bernice King. 7 Pop. 450 79-648 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marin N ., Mil. 115,040 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: No West. N., Minpls. 30,000 15,740 234,570 225,310 10,000 1,900 85,000 73,000 12.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N G. Rap. 55.000 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Plain— — . ------Sauk F 9 Plain State Bank____ --£§’11 J. B. Liegel______ Wm. Reuschlein. 7 Pop. 275 79-746 J. B. Weiss______ Clara Beck______ 10,000 1,500 164,700 167,000 18,900 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil Com’l N., Madison. Plainfield..Waushara H 7 Waushara County Bank<§’01 H. E. Pratt-_____ W. B. Angelo____ 7 Pop. 723 79-649 J. W. Dunegan Platteyille— Grant E 10 First National Bank____«£’91 A. W. Kemler___ J. H. Evans______ 7 Pop. 5000 79-204 Mound City Bank____ < § ’15 A. E. Rundell___ George Riter__ . .. 79-868 State Bank of Platteville<§’05 J. R. Spear_____ _ James Dolan_____ 79-205 Plum City.— Pierce B 6 Plum City State Bank__£§'09 Theo. Suter______ Albert Ingli._____ 9 Pop. 305 79-650 Plymouth------Sheboygan Plymouth Exchange Bk.<§’96 C. D. Eastman____ O. A. Scheibe— __ 7 Pop. 3300 K 8 79-239 State Bk. of Ply mouth. < § ’73 E. A. Dow._____ _ Philo K. Wheeler.. 70-938 »Portage.. .Columbia H 8 City Bank.__________ < § ’74 R. E. Y ork __ C. F. Mohr______ 7 Pop. 6000 79-184 G. D. Sargent____ F. M. Cooert_____ 25,000 8,080 285,630 236,500 80,220 Cont. & Com’lN.,Chi.; lstN .,an d Wis. N., Mil O. E. Gray___ ,___ O. A. Alexander. F. O. Whitcher Hal. Murley_____ H. D. Riter_____ 50,000 78,500 597,500 606,700 50,000 1,000 115,000 128,000 W. H. Doyle_____ Ira O. Poller. 50,000 84,000 740,800 670,000 Roy Harmer_____ 10,000 4,050 127,480 119,670 156,300 Han. N- N . Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N Chi.; 1st N., Mil. and Dub. 38.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Marshal & Ilsley, Mil. 191,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Wis N., Mil. 19,740 Scan. Am. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mil. WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 55,000 680,000 700,000 60,000 84,900 839,600 865,760 John A. Raup____ W. J. Raup_____ 50,000 17,330 736,340 636,440 75,000 58,000 1,100,000 1,023,000 91.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Produce, Chi. Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 113,750 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 110,850 Imp. &Tra. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.. 2d Ward Sav., Wis. N ., and Marshall &Ilsley, Mil. 189.000 Chase N .,N . Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N, Chi.; 1st N., Mil. and St. P. 22,150 City, Portage. W. S. Stroud___Sy A. R. Barker_____ Wm. M. Edwards— H. W. Slinger— . C. A. Byam lt. N. McConochie. A. J. Klenert____ W. J. Scott, Sec. a n d T r. J. E. Uselding___ Wm. A hlhauser.... W. H. Ramsey____ Harry L. Lauters. 50,000 7,680 119,830 169,510 50,000 15,000 375,000 315,000 107.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Clarence H ill_____ H. O. Boerner_____ Henry J. Adam___ N. E. H en ze..___ 50,000 43,340 442,440 416,080 S. S. Ogren---------- C. O. Nelson_____ W. T. Gruver____ L. O. Lundgren—. 10,000 2,200 36,760 30,860 119,700 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 15,780 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northern N., Ashland.^ Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention o Collections and Correspondence jujy First National Bank— . < ’90 79-185 Portage Mtge. Ln. & Tr. Co. 79-186 £§’05 »Port Wash’gt’n.Ozaukee First National Bank____< ’09 7 Pop. 3792 E9 79-223 Port Washington State Bank -79-222 < § ’99 Port W ing.. Bayfield D 2 First State Bank____ —£§’11 9 Pop. 300 79-735 R. H. Koehler____ Leon E. Griese — H. W. Hostman___ R. W. Dow_____ _ Paókwaukee— Marquette Farmers State Bank— . .£§’11 S. R. Neale. 7 Pop. 400 G 79-641 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grac e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 1 WISCONSIN—Continued 1?°^______ _________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Packwaukee to Port Wing _______ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 ^ 0 9 to eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cNally Bankers’ ■ ■ ^ /Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’n. A. J. Jamieson___ J. C. Jam ieson..__ H. P. Jamièson___ 10,000 11,040 532,870 376,970 J. E. W endt____ _ Ed, Buchholtz____ W. A. Amend—----- 10,000 930 74,480 64,590 A. G. Kieser— — 30,000 30,000 870,000 800,000 F. S. Clinton____ _ 30.000 30,160 564,320 574,530 F. J. Antoine——— R. W. F allis. . . — .S. V. Taylor i^ .j—. Geo, A, Huard------ 25,000 3,200 162,000 140,000 Charles Grelle___ *1 W. R. Graves____ Henry Otto__ — M. Menges—____— L. Cornelius--------- E. C. Amann___ B anks 54,690 29,320 7,500 485,830 414,060 T. W. Borum_____ J. De Wilde______ J. H. Coe--- ------- 15,000 5,070 185,950 164,160 P. C. Brauch____ 10,000 2,380 101,960 93,420 Edward Longworth C. E. Cadwell—— 25,000 5,760 312,470 309,900 H. W. Krueger — 25,000 7,500 375,000 350,000 G. A. Krueger____ H. J. Maxwell----- 30,000 27,510 554,460 543,870 L. Szymanski— - j R. E. Peplinski. — F. S. Szczechowski 30,000 3,580 243,040 234,880 97,148 25,760 171,370 232,910 G. B. Reedal_____ F. E. Morner... Geo. M. Dill Erick Mueller..___ O. C. Olman____ W. C. HOOD— — H. L. THORNBURGH S. M. HARBRIDGE E. L. OSBORN - New— M odern— Progressive, H u stlin g for Bu siness.'* !WE WAN T YOURS. ( S atisfaction Ass ured. L. H. PARKER G. L. BUCK H. J. R0GERS- JAMES CRAIG--— 200,000 6,960 1,349,850 1,339,920 100,040 1st N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 38,700 N. City, Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 19,220 Wis. N., Mil.; Union N.-, Eau Claire. 30,320 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 1st N., St. P. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Mil. 68,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 36,170 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil McCartney N., Green Bay. 43,900 Atlantic N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Marine N Mil. - 780 25,000 130,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’ N., Chi.; 1st N.. Mil. 61,960 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N. Mil. 50,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. 37,890 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. ~ ------------- ------------------ ~^ 20,000 M. A. Reynolds___ O. I. Kindschi— 168,330 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Bk. of Wis., Madison; 1st N., Portage. 19,270 N. Ex. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. ----------------------- rx 79-14 E. D. Gruber_____ J. L. P. Accola— «17 AMER. TRADES & SAVINGS BANK f ro m 132,820 Irving N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ware Sav., Mil. ! Special a tten tio n given C ollectio n s. ISend u s your B acin e item s. IO rganized, July , 1816, WATCH US GROW. •$§’16 50,000 ARMERS & MERCHANTS John Wiechers—_ L. J. Breylinger... Henrÿ A. Diestler. BANK____79-16______$§’15 5,500 260,000 200,000 110,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi. Wis. N. and Marine N., Wis. ü 200,000 231,100 4,365,740 3,922,660 967,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N.Ex., Mil Ç. C. Mortenson.. 300,000 305,820 3,537,570 3,583,080 H. N. Bacon_____ C. O ls o n ......__ _ Racine City Bank--------$§’08 W. G. Gittings__ — F. W. Gunther. 79-15 . Herman Madson—. M. J. Leinen Kugel W. A. Blackburn .. Radisson___Sawyer D 4 State Bank of Radiâson..§’17 10,000 613,100 N. Park, 1st N., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. an< Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil.; 1st ¿ Secur. N. and No.-West. N., Minpls. Han. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Wis. N. 244,000 Mil. 10,000 Eau Claire N., Eau Claire, Wis. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’64 David G. Jan es. 79— 3.2 G. N .Fratt___ W. C. Palmer Manufacturais Natibnal Bank O. W. Johnson.. 79-13 »$’71 Wm. Van Arsdale - E. W. Rapps—:— 22,000 BONDS, W 672,000 481,000 1303 AMERICAN SURETY CQMPANY DF NEW YORK, 50,000 - ¡SS À. F. Erickson----- E. D. Kosterman. B. R. Jones Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WISCONSIN BANKS—Potosi to Radisson 79-17 S e c u r it ie s ;— AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . cha n g es ,D ue Adam Schumacher T. H. Runkel—----- C. J. R agatz...___ W. A. Schumacher. $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 275,000 $ 220,000 $ 70,000 1st N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 58,000 7,000 Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz. N., Green Bay. 57,000 1,200 10,000 Otto Koenig___i__ O. H. Ruck „ —— R. J. Brooks Prairie du Sac..Sauk G 9 Peoples State Bank____ §’17 J. B. Ragatz_____ 79_920 7 Pop. 900 Sauk Bank____________$§’68 O. E. S ton e..___ _ 7iH>53 Prairie Farm-Barron C 5 First State Bank_____ *$§’08 Geo, R. Borum __ 79-654 9 Pop. 368 Prentice.____ Price F 5 Bank of Prentice___*—#§1900 P. E. Reedal_____ 79-655 9 Pop. 606 Prescott_____ Pierce A 6 First National Bank___»$’03 Geo. S. Hollister.. 79-656 9 Pop. 936 Princeton___Green Lake First National Bank------- #01 G. J. Krueger__ 79-337 7 Pop. 1500 H 8 Princeton State Bank—«t§’93 E. D. Morse___. . . 79-336 Pulaski—__Shawano J 6 Pulaski State B ank..— #§'16 J. A. Peplinski____ 79-657 7 Pop. 900 ¿Racine____Racine K 10 7 Pop. 46.486 R e so u r c e s . &Dis- C a s h & E x Lo a n s c ’tb . • B o n d s , - Potosi State Bank— ...* iS ’04 79-651 Farmers State Bank___$§’15 79-885 Bank of Poynette—------tS’94 79-652 Farmers State Bank ——i§ ’15 79-872 Bank of Prairie du Ohien 79-236 •t§’89 Crawford County Bank.$§’03 79-237 Peoples State B ank____#§’15 79-865 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . i Qt7 Potosi___ ___ Grant E 10 7 Pop. 464 Pound___ Marinette J 5 7 Pop. 289 Poynette__Columbia H 9 7 Pop. 656 Poy Sippi—Waushara H 7 7 Pop. 300 ¿Prairiedu Ohien.Orawf’d 7 Pop. 3149 D 9 P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . -------- ------------- 7--------- =7 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State . ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. t„Tv L ia b il it ie s . Su b pl u s D e po s P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s N ame of B a n k . T own and Co unty . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. W ISCON SIN — Continued j_ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 OAO to each bank in ü . S. exclusively by T he R and-M cNally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . 1 OUd 1304 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally Bankers' N ame of Bank Town and county . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ■ ¿County Seat. Figure under town is tMem. Statè Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. WISCONSIN—Continued V ice-P resident . Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . P aid- up Surplus Capital P ropits ITS As s ’t Cashier . Resources. &Dis&Ex- P rincipal Correspondents. Loans Ca s h c ’t s . B ond s , c h a n g es ,D u e S e c u r it ie s pro m B a n k s Randolph____Dodge H 9 Randolph State Bank._<§’92 E. W. Brandel____ J. W. Hutchinson.. E. W. Brandel____ Henry Pritchard — $ 50,000 $ 22,500 $ 475,000 $ 387,000 $ 140,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Wis. N. and Marine 79-658 N„ MU. 7 Pop. lioo n. p. w o lf . Wm. F. W ilk____ C. P. Schommer__ 25,000 James Leahy_____ 287,320 12,140 45,450 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 277,970 Random Lake, Sheboygan State Bank of Random Lake 79-659 $§’05 7 Pop. 600 K 8 J. L. Kossel F. .T. Stopper 10,000 9,760 162,030 145,250 Wm. Riggert H. W. Riggert____ 25,000 17,700 397,700 301,300 136,530 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Wis. N„ Mil. Otto K rause_____ 50,000 25,780 624,450 524,310 175,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. &Tr. Co„ Chi.; 1st N„ MU. N. T. Gill________ W. H. Hahn_____ 50,000 29,240 802,550 709,750 172,050 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mar shall & Ilsley, MU. 10,000 5,931 186,000 158,500 33,580 N. City and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Marine N„ and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Jos. O. Meyers____ Lillian L. Gramzow 20,000 5,920 269,690 199,080 88,130 N. City and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N., 2d Ward Sav., and Wis. N., Mil. State Bank of Reeseville.$§’95 E.T. Klug_______ W. F. Young____ H. J. Yauman____ Meta K. Hagman .1 79-663 16,000 4,230 ’ 160,290 127,99ft 10,000 2,980 105,000 85,000 »Rhinelander.Oneida G 4 First National Bank___< ’90 J. O. M oen______ A. D. Daniels____1 W. E. Ashton_____ R. J. La Selle_____ 79-177 9 Pop. 6000 50,000 60,080 580,010 623,910 Merchants State Bank. < § ’90 E. O. Brown_____ B. R. Lewis______ M. H. Raymond___ L. A. Leadbetter__ 79-176 100,000 23,300 808,520 670,830 ft: Oetchel 25,000 6,030 141,290 142,900 Redfcranlte,Waushara H 8 Redgranite State Bank < § ’06 Frank T i c e .....__ Wm. W isk e_____ A. R. Chipman 79-661 7 Pop. 1700 George T. Morse.. A. Siefert________ Reedsburg____ Sauk G 9 7,9-263 7 Pop. 8000 .. 44. R. P. P e r r y ........ W. F. Winchester.. 79-262 ., ............ .. State Bank of Reedsburg$§’98 J. P. S to n e______ O. A. Rood______ 79-264 Reedsville___Manitowoc Reedsville State Bank__$§’06 G. A. Zuehlke____ N. A. O’Rourk___ E. C. O’Ronrk___ 79-662 7 Pop. 550 K7 7 •• PEOPLES STATE BANK-$§’11 F. A. Eickelberg__ F. P. Runkel. C. Indermuehle 79-736 Pop. 352 •* O. G. Rewey_____ 7 Pop. 329 9 J. W. Rewey__. . . R. L. R ew ey ____ 79-664 79-665 Pop. 1018 James Upjohn E. C. Getc.hel Rice Lake.__Barron G 5 Barron County Bank... < § ’82 D. F. Clark______ Wm. D. Brady____ E. G. Shervey____ Henry O. Moe........ 79-214 9 Pop. 5000 J. H. W ilz.______ F. .T. Bretl Citizens State Bank___t§1900 Martin Bretl_____ 79-215 J. Hansen .. I fc R M w 79-393 W ISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Thomas Hayes - Richard Hackbarth T. M. Pease H. J. murk 4,040 V 261,140 280,300 3,500 155,050 50,000 W. A. DEMERS 0. M. SATTRE Barron C ounty. ........ FIRST NATIONAL B A N r < 03 1 Send u s your Cash L etters and B ill of Lading Dra its . 79-216 1 S ig h t D rafts m u st be accom pan led by 15c to pay for presentation. Kichfleld.Washington J 9 Richfield State Bank___$§’10 Peter Reichert 79-666 7 Pop. 200 Fred H_ Prat.t 79-797 $§’13 7 Pop. 3500 ■ E 9 First National Bank____< ’87 H. M. Bock . 79-261 Richland County Bank.<§'83 79-260 Farmers State Bank___$§’13 D. A. R ussell___i . 79-813 9 Pop. 300 Ridgeway Iowa F 10 Ridgeway State Bank__$§’08 James Laughlin.... 7 Pop. 437 79-667 Rio:____ ..Columbia H 9 First National Bank_____$’07 W. E. Moore_____ J Pop. 704 79-394 25,000 35,000 180,260 48,080 737,370 746,420 15,000 4,000 155,000 150,000 50,000 3,830 289,540 287,250 36,540 1st N„ Chi.; Marshall & Usley, Mil.; Old N„ Oshkosh. 49,220 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N.,| P > 2d Ward Sav., and Germania N., Mil. ¡2 ! 35,300 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N., MU. « c/ j 118,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi. ! ■» 249,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. 0) N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., 3 O. Minpls. o► 39,240 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Marine N., Mil. — » t» !tr 27,890 Wis. N., Mil.: 1st N., Duluth. r+ 35,640 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Mil. o ?0 136,810 Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N.,Obi.; 1st N., St. P. and Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 25,000 Ft. Dearborn N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Germania N., MU. 38,550 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Marine N„ Mil. j 50,000 35,000 750,000 675,000 125,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Mil. A. V. Pier_______ J. H. Yeaman____ 100,000 22,190 798,410 722,200 M. L. Randall......... L. B. Thompson__ 10,000 2,260 91,950 85,800 10,000 2,000 111,150 110,050 198,400 Merch. N., N. Y.; 1st N., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 14,310 Bkrs. Tr. & Sav., Minpls.; W is.N., Mil.; Union e. N., Eau Claire. 1 14,250 Drov. N., Chi,; Wis. N„ Mil. ¿ 25,000 5,000 260,000 222,000 7,500 260,000 225,000 O. R. Thomson___ George Wolfing___ E. W. Moon J. H. Pauli_______ J .T . Panll_ ____ FVa. Pauli . M. J. Christopher.. Andrew Amondson B. P. Bergum____ 1 20,000 51,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis.l N., MU. ■ 50,000 1st N . Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. ► Banks Advertising give Prompt Attenllion to Collections and Correspondence iihiA Towns. Lawyers* Laws, Directors, i^". N ame of Bank . Town and County . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Ripon.. Fond du Lac 1 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-'$’56 79-224 7 Pop. 4000 Roberts.— St. Croix B 6 9 Pop. 200 Rockland—La Crosse E 8 J Pop. 75 Rome— — Jefferson 1 10 7 Pop. 200 Rose ndale.Fond dn Lac 18 ■ 7 Pop. 300 Rosholt__ — Portage H 6 State Bank of Rosholt-»$§’04 79-670 7 Pop. 383 Rubicon .— — Dodge J 9 Rubicon State Bank.___ $§’15 79-843 '7 Pop. 400 Sauk City_____ Sauk G 9 Farmers & Citizens Bk. $§’13 79-805 7 Pop. 1000 State Bank of Sank City.$§’06 79-671 Saukville— Ozaukee K 9 Saukville State B a n k ...$§’12 79-779 7 Pop. 575 V M hru s your C ollectlon s. Cashier . F. SPRATT------ As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . D bpos- i P aid- up Subplus AND ITS Capital P rofits P rincipal Correspondents. Ca s h k E x cha n g es ,D ub from B a k u W. R.OYSART...... $ 100,000 $ 39,570 $1055580 $1117 060 $ 178,200 1st N„ N. Y. and Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. 40,000 1,001,000 969,130 1,500 155,870 184.000 25,000 25,000 550,000 482.000 25,000 17,500 275,000 255.000 10,000 1,860 118,380 96,620 A. B. Carter-------- - 100,000 W. J. Durham____ A. L. Mandlin____ R. C. Stuart______ A. H. Fortnnm — Fred Babcock G. W. Chinnock— R .N. Jenson------- C. N. Wiger.------- F. X. Knobel____ Geo. T. Smith-------- J. W. Allard_____ W. G. Spence_____ H. Elertson---------- 50,000 G. W. Chinnock— C. N. W iger_____ Wm. H. A sh.____ Bert Ash-------------- Charles Cowan— H. J. Faustman— James L. Stone— 135,970 Han. N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. 22,200 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Ex., and 2d WardSav., Mil. 110,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Wis N. 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.West. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 28,660 Marine N., Mil.; 1st N., St. P. 10,000 1,020 26,190 27,330 5,730 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi;; Batavian N., La Crosse, C. G. Himley SM»— 10,000 • 500 60,000 48.000 David Bogie_____ Frank Pennow—;— R. G. Quick.------- 10,000 1,120 65,580 67,590 24,000 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. 7,170 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. W. J. Gillett___— C. E. McCumber— James R. Hatch— A. J. Henning------ 25,000 8,880 287,410 271,380 J. G. Rosholt------- A. J. Rosholt------- Carl Rosholt-------- N. B. Olson---------- 25,000 4,770 245,000 207.000 W. A. Hauser_____ M. C. Hauser------- B. A. Hauser-------- 10,000 3,020 54,100 47,510 Robert Hornberger Otto W. Hahn------ A. E. Marquardt... 22,000 3,320 238,400 195,520 E. L. Case----------- J. J. Buro________ J. E. Buerki____ .. O. R. Buerki— C. F. H. Meyer H. J. Cary____— Wm. Grady______ O. J. Grady--------- 20,000 10,000 340,000 317,800 10,000 370 56,820 53,130 Eben E. Jones____ Nels Olson----------- John Erickson— Gomer Roberts___ N. C. Berg---- — 49,900 1st N., and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Fond du Lac N., Fond du Lac,;Wis.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 64,660 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 15,400 Wis. N., Mil. 58,210 Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 52,200 IstN .. Chi.; 1st N. and WisvN., Mil. 13,540 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. (B ranch o f Stu rg eon B ay, W Ì8.)__ B. J. Keith, M gr— Saxon. . — Iron F 3 Saxon State Bank_____ $§’16 E. S. Murrell-__ 79-902 9 Pop. 500 Scandinavia. Wanpaca H 7 Bank of Scandinavia—*$§1900 R. M. Hanson.. 79-672 7 Pop. 355 Schleisingerville.. .Wash. Farmers State Bank— $§’13 John Rosenheimer 79-795 7 Pop. 700 J9 , I BANK OF SCHLEIS- C. D. Storck._____ INGERVILLE—79-673—$§’04 16,100 Wis. N., Mil.; Northern N., Ashland. L. Arthur Auger— H. W. Maly____ 10,000 1,250 28,500 19,400 E. À. Hotz_______ R. J. Bestul------ 25,000 7,500 432,000 400.000 60,000 lstN .,G . Rap. Peter N. Bies____ _ Matthew Weiss. J, J. Rosenheimer 15,000 500 120,000 110.000 25,000 Marshall & Ilsley and 1st N., Mil. J. S. Giudice-------- C. J.R oth — Wm. G. Kratz — 15,000 3,000 325,000 300.000 42.0 James Fisher— M. Snell_________ Thomas Taylor— L. R. Marrèy. 34,500 315,000 267.000 81.000 Cont. 85 C om TN ., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Peter Tubbs----- Jacob Freund------ Chas. Freund____ Jacob Hahn .. 30,000 21,800 444,000 435,500 Chas. R. Prosser James Hittner____ Lawrence Hawley. 60,000 25,000 375,000 380.000 25,000 17,000 369,960 312,040 77,500 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; N. Ex Mil. 80,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; Wis. N. Mil.; 1st & Secur. N ., Minpls. 89,460 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N. Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. George C. Mansfield George C. Mansfield Charles W. Searl „ 15,300 25,000 M. F. Brener------»SHawano— Shawano J 6 CITIZENS STATE BANK-$§ 10 C. A. Raisler____4 J. B. Gordon____ Fred. G. Brener. . . 79-251 7 Pop 2923 50,000 50,000 First National Bank— *$’82 D. E. Wescott........ D. H. George—___ F. W. Humphrey— H. Mittelsladt 79-249 54,650 25,000 IRA J. WEEKS— — OTTO K. ZIEBUR 6. H. KL0STERMAN- A. KUCKUK GERMAN ■ AMERICAN ta tio n , and d raft for presen NATIONAL BANK— . *$’02 f i f t e e n c e n t S w ith each sig h t 1 a tte n ti on. TW ENTY-FIVE cen ts for each ere d it report insures 79-250 ' AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R esources. Send l We m ake perso n al presentation o f a ll Item s and r em it prom ptly. Sawyer------- — Door L6 BANK OF STURGEON BAY 79-430 $§’03 7 Pop. 300 Seneca— ..Crawford E 9 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 79-674 $§’07 7 Pop. 300 Seymour—Outagamie J 7 First National Bank____ »$’03 79-346 7 Pop. 1109 Seymour State Bank— »$§’87 79-345 Sharon___Walworth 1 11 Sharon State Bank------«$§’74 79-h675 7 Pop. 879 V ice -P re sid e n t . WISCONSIN BANKS—Ripon to S h a w a n o _____ _______ 1305 River Falls___Pierce A 6 I Pop. 2500 GERMAN NATIONAL BANK 79-225 «$’90 Ripon State Bank_____ $§’13 79-819 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 79-286 $§’92 First National Bank— *$’04 79-287 State Bank of Roberts_«$§’03 79-668 Bank of Rockland---------§’14 79-859 Rockland State B ank___§’14 79-847 Rome State Bank_____ $§’12 79-756 Rosendale State Bank..»$§’03 79-669 P resident . 1917 00 00 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Fop In terest Rates, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. WISCONSIN—Continued J u ly , Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he Band-M cNaUy Bankers 1 O UO Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass»n. 1 onC FIDELITY SURETY 1 348,640 346,970 300,000 300.000 461,800 426,340 9 Wis. N. and Germania N., Mil. 46,150 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilslej and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. F rffM Ü M B i 72,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Marini N., Mil. 139,410 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis.. N., Mil. IfflfilMhTO mÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊLZJÆÊÊÊÈIÊnÊM l ^ O fi N um ber un d er N am e o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given P P bank U. S. exclusively b y T h e Band-M cNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . S T own a n d Co unty . N am e of B a n k . «County Seats. •Mem. Ain. Bks. Assn.§State Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District, I_____ __ Est, PRESIDENT, «Sheboygan.. . Sheboygan BANK OF SHEBOYGAN .< § 7 3 Julius K roos--.. 7 Pop. 28,559 K8 79-39 VI ce -P r e s i d e n t . Adolph Pfister. . W. H. Gunther Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Joseph P feiler..... NilsK jelson___ Arnold Steimle Citizens State B an k ... < § ’96 Henry Ju n g_____ J. W. Hansen__ D. W. Huenink__ Fred Areke. ' 79-40 R. L. Whitehill Farmers & Merchants Bank N. J. Schafer__. . . O. C. Neumeister.. C. H, Ebenreiter__ H. A. K ohl.. 79-41 $§’05 79-38 < § ’56 HERMAN SCHREIER__ OTTO FOESTE GEORGE H ER Established 185 6. O ldest and La rgest B ank. WE MAKE PER SONAL PRESEN TATION. J. M- Detling, Sec, R esources . k Dis C a s h à E x cara. B ond s , c h a n g es ,B ub S e c u r it ie s $ 100,000 $ 262,740 $3,359 910 $2,941060 100,000 50,000 125,000 1,700,000 1,550,000 53,530 480,000 P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . L oan s from B anks 781,590 Chem.N. and N.City.N.Y.; Cont.&Com’l Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Marine N., Mi 250.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 470,000 75,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Scan. Am. N., Minpls. 313,200 3,278,500 3,000,000 959.000 -1st N ., N. Y ., C h i., and M il.; N. Shawm ut Bos. 6,220 42,680 85,270 17,920 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Bk. of Sheboygan, She boygan. 25.000 36,000 470.000 370.000 20.000 4,700 244.000 223.000 155,000 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Gei mania N., Mil. 37,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Is N., Mil. A. A. LAVELL, Jr. 15,000 W .R.C0TT officer of th is ba n k . y m e n t. 2,500 198,190 170,470 25.000 9,000 420.000 405.000 10.000 1,250 70,870 70,000 10,000 3,880 140,400 123,900 26,300 Wis. N., Mil. 25.000 20,400 337.000 309,500 J. B. SIMPSON— W. H. LOOK — J .J . JAMIESON. 50.000 C o llectio n s h a ve th e p erson al a tte n tio n o f an officer o f th is ba n k . S en d u s yo u r b u sin ess. W e re m it o n d ay o f p a y m e n t. . Silver Lake State Bank..$§’08 R. M. D ixon ._____ Wm. G. Schlecht _ 15.000 79-677 Bank of Siren_________ $§’12 Harry D. Baker.... Daniel Johnson___ J. E. Spangberg . . . Walter Johnson... 10.000 79-777 Bank of Soldiers Grove .$§’03 M. H. Malone_____ T. Hooverson____ C. A. Peterson____ 20.000 79-678 48,000 540.000 530.000 70,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 96.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi 1st N., Mil. 4.000 175.000 140.000 40.000 Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 8,500 104.000 112.000 5.000 220.000 210,000 12.000 Merch. N., St. P.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N„ Superior 30, State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 2,020 25,720 25,100 BANK OF SHELL LAKE CHAS. A. SHAVER S’i l CHAS. A. SHAVER. m SALEss C o llectio n s h a m ve th e p ersona] a tte n tio n o f a n Send u s y o u r b u sin ess. W e re m it o n d ay o f pa 38,170 Corn Ex. N ., C hi.; W is. N ., M il.; 1st i Secur. N .t M inpls.; U n ion N ., Eau Claire W is. 79-372 Lumbermens B ank___< § ’86 79-371 Sherwood__Calumet J 7 Sherwood State Bank__$§’15 7 Pop. 375 79-864 Shiocton__ Outagamie J 7 Bank of Shiocton..........$§’02 7 Pop. 700 79-676 Shullsburg.Lafayette F 10 Farmers & Merch.Bk.. < § ’09 7 Pop. 1200 79-350 S, J. Bourne_____ J. M. Sm ith..____ J. M. Smith______ J. E. Engquist J. L. Johnson. A. H. M ueller..__ H. L. Meyer............ A. H. Seefeld_____ Math Maurer _. G. A. Zuehlke____ F. N. Torrey.__ J. N. W agner____ J. P. Williams___ John W. Harker__ J.M . Lehr.— . William Metcalf_ FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 79-349 8Hverlake ..Kenosha J 11 7 Pop. 300 Siren------ . . . Burnett B 4 9 Pop. 115 Soldiers Grove.Orawford 7 Pop. 667 E9 Solon Springs-----Douglas FIRST STATE BANK - < § ’15 E. S. Cosgrove__._ Clarence Grace.— J. P. Cosgrove 9 Pop. 202 C3 79-880 , Som erset...St, Croix A 5 Bank of Som erset... ’l l H. A. Lagrandeur . . E. H. Callanan____ H. J. Lagrandeur.. 9 Pop. 468 79-679 So. Germantown.Wash’n Germantown State Bank $§T0 Ulrich H u b e r ...... J. Diefenthaeler... P.G.Duerrwaechter B.C.Duerrwaechter 7 Pop. 200 J9 79-680 So. Milwaukee.Milwaukee HOME STATE BANK7 Pop. 6092 K 10 79-918 ri7 JOSEPH SAXLER We trade real c for your fu tu and we say A. J. RICKER ____ H. Z. LOGAN— ollection service re p a tron age “ THANK YOU.” South Milwaukee Bank.<§’93 Fred. W. Rogers ~ O. F. Thieme_____ O. F. Thieme_____ Geo. H. Krueck. . . 79-681 WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 64.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls 15,640 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 6,630 1st N., St. P.; Am. Ex., Superior, Wis. 10,000 4,500 200,000 180,000 10,000 '8,120 193,130 177,760 40,000 1,710 141,550 116,130 64,750 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear, N.. Chi. N. Ex. and Marine N., Mil. 40,000 24,250 797,250 731,930 129,570 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; 1st N, and Wis. N., Mil. 28,000 Bk. of the Metropolis, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 32,240 1st N., MU. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyeis, Laws, , Directors, m- ________ juiyt j 917 50,000 Sheboygan Falls—Sheb’n German B an k .... . . . . . . < § ’74 Abner O. Heald— W. C. Brickner___ O. D. Ballschmider 7 Pop. 1630 K 8 79-318 State Bk. of Sheboygan Falls Henry Hillemann.. R. P. Dassow____ M. T. Hillemann__ H. G. Hillemann.. 79-319 $§’10 «Shell L ak e... Washburn 9 Pop. 902 B4 Lia b il it ie s . r pl u s P a id - u p SuA D epo s Ca pit a l P r ond IT S f it s 0. KAUFMANN . . . . 250,060 J. M. SCHILDER F. P. MAERSCH Coll ection s a sp eciali y- Sheboygan Loan & Trust Co. Valentine Detling. Henry A. Detling 79-42 $§’16 dexed in back of this volum e. e tc ., see page 14. WISCONSIN BANKS—Sheboygan to So. Milwaukee f W. J . RIET0W. GERMAN BANK A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For In terest R ates, Grac< For H olidays, see opposite page II W ISCONSIN- Continued 13Q.§__ __ ° N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n sit N u m b e r given *1 o a 7 to each bank in U. S. e x clu siv ely by T h e R anci -M c N a lly B an k ers LOU/ D ir ec to r y , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e r ica n B an k ers A ss’n . T own and County. Accessible Towns, Name op Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Vice -President . P resident . L ia b il it ie s . Cashier . Surplus D epos P aid-up AND its Capital P rofits As s ’t Cashier . $ 10,000 S Oscar J. Olson-----So. Wayne.Lafayette G 10 Bank of South W ayne...$§’03 F. E. Tree____— Andress Tree------79-682 7 Pop. 300 5 0 ,0 0 0 Harry W. B arney. A. W. Barney—:— •Sparta_____ Monroe E 8 Bank of Sparta_____ ;..»$§’58 Louis T. Hill— 79-211 7 Pop. 3973 2 5 ,0 0 0 J. W. J o n es-----T. 0. Longwell— — H.M. Newton-----Citizens State Bank------i§ ’07 W. A. J on es_____ 79-213 5 0 ,0 0 0 F. B. Heitman__ D. L. Jones---------George D. Dunn__ W. G. Williams — MONROE COUNTY BANK 79-212 < § ’94 20,000 O. M. Boock-------- A. J. Mcllhattan. 8pencer___Marathon F 6 Spencer State Bank____$§’08 J. D. Graves_____ George Farrington. 79-683 10,000 7 Pop. 600 A. E. Wittek-----R. W. Kelting------Spooner__Washburn 0 4 Bank of Spooner______ $§’01 J. H. Gardner_____ L. C. Stadler-------79-329 25,0 0 0 9 Pop. 2500 Ethel F. Loughney. Spooner State Bank— —$§’01 J .D . Thomas------- C. D. Stockwell— E. M. E llio tt__ F. R. Monroe 79-328 10,000 Geo. H. H ail-..Springbrook ..Washburn Springbrook State Bank - - ’17 A. W. Sergeant— R. E. Newman— ~ 79-939 9 Pop. 250 C4 1 5 ,0 0 0 H. L. Gray__ „ J. C. Evans —— — E. S. Sherwood. Farmers State B ank___$§’14 Spring Green__ Sauk F 9 79-821 25 ,0 0 0 7 Pop. 730 H, H. Lins-----State Bank of Spring Green Martha Hyland — Joseph Lins---------- T. W.King------79-684 $§1900 2 5 ,0 0 0 J. H. Graslie-------- R. G. Condii— Spring Valley—Pierce B6 Bank of Spring V alley.•i§’03 O. E. F o x ________ Otto Sieberns-----79-361 25 ,0 0 0 9 Pop. 972 F.Kamke—_____ E. C. Wingen . . . . . H. M. Waller .. Farmers State Bank___$§’11 P. L. Lillie____ 79-362 3 5 ,0 0 0 W. H. Bridgman. Imbert Roe. . . . . . . S. F.Gospodar. Stanley___Chippewa E 6 Citizens State Bank-— «$§’99 P. J. Cosgrove.. 79-258 2 5 ,0 0 0 9 Pop. 3000 H. Gregerson — Farmers & Mercb. State Bank Joseph Walsdorf — A. F. Em bretson... J. B. Halverson— 79-259 *t§’03 10,000 Oscar Esenstad — Star Prairie.St. Croix B 5 Star Prairie State Bank.i§’16 D. C. Coolidge____ Gilbert N elson..— 79— 922 20,000 9 Pop. 253 Orlando J. Koll— A. C. Kingston— Andrew Darnieder. St. CIoud.Fond dn Lac J 8 State Bank of St. Oloud.ii’07 79-685 5 0 ,0 0 0 7 Pop. 450 Fred Olcott______ G. H. Thompson.. W. T. Thompson — J. C. Hoglund----St. Croix Falls— Polk B5 Bank of St. Croix Falls.*$§ S. I. Olcott F. W. W alker, V.-P W. C. Thompson 79-686 10,000 9 Pop. 750 W. C. Groh---------St. Nazianz ...Manitowoc St. Nazianz State Bank..t§’09 N. Filz________ — 79-687 10,000 7 Pop. 600 K8 A. J. Greiner____ Walter O by--------Stetsonville.—Taylor F 5 Farmers State Bank___$§’13 J. F. Kadonsky___ 79-816 9 Pop. 250 E. J. PFIFFNER__ -J. A. MURAT--------- C. S. 0RTHMAN— JN0. J. GLINSKI A c c o u n ts o f B a n k s , B a n k e r s , M e r c h a n t s , a n d C o r - 100,000 »Stevens Point__Portage 7 Pop. 8692 G7 p o r a t i o n s s o lic ite d . U n e q u a le d f a c iliti e s f o r m a k in g t ’93 c o l l e c t i o n s . __________________ ■ 79-136 2 ,0 0 0 Î 1 9 0 ,0 0 0 2 5 ,2 6 0 7 ,9 2 0 CITIZENS NAT. BK. First National Bank____»$’83 A. R. Week---------79-135 Wisconsin State Bank..*i§’02 E. B. Robertson — 79-137 Stockbridge.. Calumet J 7 State Bk. of Stockbridge$§’05 T. E. Connell____ 79-688 7 Pop. 328 Stockholm____Pepin B 7 Stockholm State B ank..i§’16 O. G. Kinney—----79-898 9 Pop. 204 Stoddard____Vernon D 8 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Henry Blashek___ 79-737 i i ’l l 7 Pop. 300 Stone Lake— Sawyer C 4 First National B an k .... ..$ ’13 George E. Stubbins 79-787 9 Pop. 200 Stoughton.....D ane H 10 Citizens National Bank. ..$ ’06 W. E. Atkinson___ 79-196 7 Pop. 5000 First National Bank------ »$’99 J. M. Clancey..___ 79-195 Stoughton State Bank..»$§’77 Robe p o w _______ 79-194 Stratford—-Marathon G 6 Stratford State Bank---- $§’08 Rt Connor_______ 79-689 7 Pop. 763 Strum—Trempealeau D 6 First State Bank_____ $§’04 Sivert Rekstad — 7P-Ron O ¡ü fó * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T 13 0 ,0 0 0 S 3 1 3 ,3 3 0 2 7 6 ,6 0 0 6 9 ,8 3 0 10,000 3 2 5 ,0 0 0 2 9 5 ,0 0 0 8 ,5 0 0 1 7 0 ,0 0 0 1 6 4 ,0 0 0 2 8 ,0 0 0 5 ,0 0 0 1 0 5 ,0 0 0 9 0 ,0 0 0 4 ,2 5 0 1 9 2 ,0 0 0 1 4 2 ,8 0 0 500 20,000 2 3 ,0 0 0 1 .6 3 0 1 1 6 ,0 0 0 101,000 3 4 ,0 0 0 7 ,9 2 0 3 9 3 ,7 3 0 3 1 0 ,2 5 0 1 1 6 ,3 5 0 3 6 1 ,5 9 0 .3 3 8 ,6 5 0 4 7 ,2 9 0 2 0 6 ,1 4 0 2 2 6 ,2 1 0 3 3 ,8 2 0 10,000 3 0 6 ,0 0 0 2 6 9 ,0 0 0 5 5 ,0 0 0 1 4 ,7 8 0 2 7 8 ,6 8 0 2 7 0 ,5 1 0 3 6 ,0 2 0 430 6 3 ,0 1 0 5 3 ,8 0 0 1 8 ,5 4 0 6 ,5 0 0 200,000 1 7 0 ,0 0 0 5 6 ,5 0 0 1 8 ,4 7 0 4 3 3 ,3 5 0 3 7 2 ,7 9 0 1 1 4 ,7 3 0 6,000 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 120,000 3 0 ,0 0 0 900 6 5 ,0 0 0 5 2 ,0 0 0 7 ,5 0 0 39,560 843,180 968,770 281,420 12,000 3 ,9 0 0 Anton P eterson ... H. R. Anderson— 10,000 1 ,0 9 0 6 5 ,5 7 0 45,020 G. A. Wrobel------- 10,000 1 ,8 0 0 1 4 0 ,6 0 0 180,000 25,0 0 0 1,250 28 ,8 8 0 41,540 M. L. G regerson... Geo. O. Moen------- E. J. Everson O .C.Lee.— —— N. A. Nyhagen ' .... Ray W. Patterson : Robe D ow .......-— Chr. Franzen— _. Walter Oby.-------J. M. Olson— — H. N. Robbe. Giles D ow ----Robe Dow, Jr. 1 ,2 8 4 ,2 0 0 50,000 26,230 4 28,500 360,440 50,ooo 80,000 700,000 600,000 25,000 50,000 400,000 320,000 25,000 6.00C 184,490 181,710 20,000 3,930 198,290 1 7 5 ,3 9 IMI 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.: 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.; Union N., Eàu Claire, Wis. Capital N., St. P.; Wis. N., Mil.; Bk. of Down ing, Downing. Marshall & llsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Chase N., N. Y; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch N., St. P.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Wis. N., Mil. Wis. N., Mil. 109,070 C on t. & C om ’l N ., C h i.; 1st N ., MU. 3 ft C/3 1 46,000 _ Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. m 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Manne N.. Mil.; No.West. N., Minpls. *9 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. ¡1 , Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,Minpls. r+ O 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 J. A. Wall 1st N., Chi.: Marshall & llsley, Mil. «< 3 8 3 ,7 7 0 E. L. B e a n ...------- George H. Stubbins . Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.: Wis. N., Mil. hasp. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mar shall & llsley, Mil. § M . irov. N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Marsh- ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N„ Minpls. , . „ j |§ [an. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; 5 4 ,5 0 0 Am. N., St. P. 6,000 Pis. N., Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 8 ,4 7 0 2 ,4 0 0 A. H. Flatley____ August D orn. . City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Mil. 3 1 ,5 0 0 4 ,8 1 0 30,000 Thomas Flatley— m- __ 6 5 ,0 0 0 7 0 4 ,6 0 0 1 ,6 4 2 ,1 4 0 L. R. Andersen— Directors, Dü* 1 5 2 ,5 6 0 4 4 ,4 7 0 J. W. Dunegan — Laws, Ca sh & E x * HANGES, fro m B a n k s 6 2 7 ,2 8 0 100,000 R. L. Kraus— - — . C. W. Nason... R. J. Marshall A. H. Hendersen — A, C. Haertel.— . A)ANS & DI8’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s 9 0 ,0 0 0 1 Lawyers, dexed in back of this volume. F or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, etc'., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page la- ^ Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. W ISCONSIN— Continued 5 5 0 ,0 8 0 Han. N.,,N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 8 0 ,2 7 0 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marine N., Mil Merch. N., St. P. , , 12,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil. 2 6 ,3 5 0 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,: Minpls.; Wis. N., Mil. „ / „ 1 5 ,7 0 0 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Batavian N ., La Crosse. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Scan. Am. N., Minpls.; Am, Ex. N., Duluth.; , — N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N„ Mil. , 200,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st N. and Marine N., Mil. 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. _ 3 3 ,8 9 0 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., Marshfield Wis.; Wis. N., Mil. §§|j _ 4 5 ,2 3 0 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil.; Eau Olairp N.. Fan Olaire 1 4 ,3 3 0 1 2 2 ,6 5 0 M3 IP 13 i>mjl j m lu i .ini rt- *-t c 3 T own a nd Co unty . N am e op B a n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. »Sturgeon Bay.. Door L 6 7 Pop. 5000 BANK OF STURGEON BAY P r e s id e n t . A ccessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace etc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Li a b i l i t i e s . rplus P a id - u p Suand Ca p it a l P r o f it s R eso urces . Lo a n s k D is c ’t s . B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . Ca s h k E x* c h a n g es , D de f ro m B a n k s HENRY FETZER . ..JOSEPH W 0LTER- A. B. MINOR— -C— J. H. STEWART — “ THE BUSY BANK OF DOOB COUNTY” C enter o f th e Cherry F ru it B e lt. $ 50,000 $ 22.200 $1033440 $ 929,130 $ 150,550 N. C ity, N. Y.; N . B k . R ep ., C h l.j 1st N . M il. FIFTEEN CENTS se n t to u s w ith each sig h t draft for p resen tation , and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report in su res p rom pt, personal a tte n ti 79-210 DOOR COUNTY STATE BANK 79-429 $§’02 50,000 2,500 270,000 290,000 25,000 PL Dear. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil.; McCartney N, Green Bay. 50.000 WM. A. LAWRENCE C. M.STEPHENSON J. E. CLARKOLDEST BANK IN DOOB COUN TY. C ollections and B equ ests for Cre d it R eports M U ST be accom pan led by FEE IN ADVAN CE; P lain sight d ra fts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. 15,500 470,350 455,170 75,560 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz N., Green Bay. HERBERT L. PETER JN0. B. DAVIS— ...... JN0. B 0 LE R ______ SON T h is bank gives th e b est o f servie e on collection s, S igh t drafts m u st be accom pani ed by 15c to pay f or p resen tation and 35c for eac h credit report. C. L. NELSON— MERCHANTS EXCHANGE BK. 79-209 *$§’82 Sullivan___Jefferson 1 9 Farmers State B ank... *$§’06 Paul R. McKee ___ George J. Kern. 79-691 7 Pop. 300 Sun Prairie____Dane H 9 Bank of Sun Prairie___$§’97 Henry S ch ey ____ J. W. Chase___ 7 Pop. 2000 79-344 G. A. B a tz..._____ Wm. F. Renk__ 79-343 *$§’90 »Superior___Douglas 0 2 Allouez State Bank— .-$§’15 T. E. Cannon_____ J. S. Hadley — 9 Pop. 46,226 79-8 H. H. Grace_____ B. C. Cooke___ ♦American Exchange Bank 79-3 «*§’90 FARMERS &MERCH. BANK BANK OF COMMERCE 79-2 Fred W. Bartelt. Katharine Garity. 15.000 7,250 280,810 240'260 F . W. C h ase™ B. M. Chase.......... 25.000 12,520 429,860 294,850 53,040 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. anc Sav. Co., Chi.; Wis. N. and 2d WardSav., Mil 164,260 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l. N„ Chi.; Wis. N. Mil. E. Batz_______ Rupert J. Batz. 40.000 10,600 631,880 530,000 140,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 37,000 35,700 10.240 Am. Ex., Superior; St. P. State, St. P. 806,310 628,200 Thos. Tollefson 10.000 Clarence Grace. 50,000 W. J. Bemrick___ 32,230 253,840 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. CHAS. A. CHASE— ALLEN P. L0VEJ0Y - EDWARD L. CASS— J. M. CRAWFORD LARGEST STATE BANK IN NORTHERN WISCONSIN. We m ake personal p resen tation s o f all Item s. 15c m u st accom pany sig h t d rafts to pay for presentation an d 35c for credit in form ation . N . C ity, N . Y.; M erch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Corn Ex. N ., and N . Bk. R ep ., Chi.; W is. N., M il.; M erch. N ., S t. P .; 1st & Secur. N. and Scan. Am . N ., M inpls. 150,000 85,000 1,350,000 1,245,000 340,000 200,000 135,020 2,370.140 2,014,910 742.450 N . Park, N . Y .; C ont. & C om ’l N ., C hi. •$§’88 WILLIAM B. BANKS-PEAR BENSON.......JOHN L. BANKS- ‘FIRST NAT. BANK 79-1 O l d e s t a n d s t r o n g e s t B a n k In t h e c it y . P r o m p t a tte n tio n t o a ll b u s in e s s . •$’87 Superior State B an k ...»$§'03 C. S. Knox. 79-5 •UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK *$’08 MARTIN PATTIS0N— A. J. WENTZEL. Superior Clearing House____ Wm. B. Banks. (.Members indicated by a *) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JOEL S. GATES_ _ _ _ _ E. E. HARRISON. E. G. PEARCE 10,000 100,000 7,500 217,000 46,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Am. Ex. N, Duluth. 40,170 1,569,900 1,401,600 324,250 Irving N .,N . Y.; C ont. & Com ’l N ., Chi.; 1st & Secur. \ ., M inpls. ; Capital N ., S t. P. 240,000 SEND YOUR CAS H LETTERS AND COLLECTIONS DIR ECT TO US FOR S U P E R IO R SERVICE. Wisconsin State Bk. of South L. A. P otter. . . Superior..79-6______ $§’11 WISCONSIN M ap on Index Thos. M. Tierney— Robert Stewart___ H. L. Hagerman__ F. S. Campbell____ Charles A. Chase, See. 20,000 6,830 94,850 184,650 42,640 1st N., Stillwater, Wis.; U. S. N., Superior. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July,1917 79-4 Russell Baxter____ J. R. Colbeck. *308____________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Sturgeon Bay to Superior______________ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 ' i f l f i to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cNally Bankers' 1 O U O Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . T own and County. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is iMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . V IC E -P R E S ID E N T . Cashier . BRADLEY B AN K 79-253 j j . W. FR0EHLICH C. H. GRUNDY - C. P. J e n k s..__ F. W. Graves—J— L. S. Sanders— J. H. Bunker____ Geo. Neumuellor— M. N. Hanson------ $ 15,000 $ 10,000 15,660 $ 2,110 $ 153,070 $ 26,250 155,030 126,100 38,900 30,000 157,610 i P rincipal Correspondents. k 10,000 11,700 220,000 197,700 25,000 1,500 230,000 220,000 - 27,000 Albert Rowe, J r ... 16,000 4,240 182,950 177,790 23,570 John Slota_______ 30,000 7,960 166,690 188,700 29,200 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Ger.-Am. N. Shawano. Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.: Wis. N., Mil, Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N. and Mar shall & Ilsley, Mil. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N„ Chi. Wis. N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N., Mil. 25,000 11,250 215,000 215,000 23,000 10,000 1,330 50,000 38,340 17,800 Wis. N., Mil. 25,000 8,290 174,420 188,230 44,080 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Mil. 25,000 2,50.0 40,000 8,640 403,550 325,340 126,860 Daniel Crowley—.. 25,000 11,600 591,520 395,040 230,670 Norma F itc h ------- 25,000 5,000 505,000 354,000 146,540 E. W. Sm ith_____ 20,000 5,000 123,370 114,300 19,430 K . V E IT C H — 50,000 14,000 457,200 425,000 96,500 Thos. H. Gunning. 10,000 3,500 80,000 74,000 15,000 Am. N., St. P.; Marine N.. Carroll Nicholls— 10,000 2,000’ 90,000 78,500 13,200 Drov. N., Chi.: Merch., Winona, Minn. N. E. Lesniewski _ ......... 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Citiz. N., Green Bay. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Batavian N., LaCrosse. Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. ant Wis. N., Mil. m. , 1st N., Chi. and Mil.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. N. City, N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Wis. N. Mil. F. G. McKenzie. „ , __ 10,000 3,790 159,270 130,190 37.650 12,000 1,200 43,500 39,000 6,300 Mib 1st N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; 1st & Secur. N. . Minpls. , 11 U. S. N., Superior; N. Bk. Com., St. P. Axel Johnson___ T. A. Birch____ 0. E. Mueller____ H. C. Wilke____ H. R. Sehwake— 35,000 26,360 791,450 723,190 137,000 25,000 36,000 350,000 370,000 45,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Marshall l Ilsley, Mil. „ Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N. and 1st N., Mil. O. P. Graham. Frank Schroeder „ W . A. Priegnitz * Irving Wilke_____ 50,000 6,500 400,000 300,000 60,000 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. 10,000 2,240 74,450 79,450 9,090 10,000 5,500 100,000 93,000 20,000 15,000 1,880 198,250 147,210 55,880 10,000 2,600 39,000 39,000 7,000 148,810 21,320 Jos. S. Schroeder. O. C. Hamann___ S. J. Falck — Joseph F. Rappel. M. M. Meyers___ A. P. Bean._____ F. W. Ellsworth. C. C. E w ers-------- J. B. Kinder____ S. L. M. Thompson.. T . O. Mork. H. E. Packard. 20,000 2.590 150,580 Gerlach..— 25,000 4,320 149,540 150,470 33,850 A. Farr . . . ------- 65,000 40,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 170,000 W . G. E. B. Bender— — W. J. Fishel William Webb. G. L. Ellsworth.— C A Cutter 50,000 2,620 226,700 177,460 100,690 A. T. Fortun_____ 50,000 7,000 540,000 410,000 172.000 »1/ FIDELITY SURETY BONDS, 1 n 1st N., Mil. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marshall & Ilslej Mil.; Bk. of Wis., Madison. 1st N„ G. Rap.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 1st N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Com’l N Madison. Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wis. N-> Mil. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilslej Mil. f c vi § Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Marine N Mil.; Batavian N„ LaOrosse. Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 1309 J. B. Donkle____ 1st N., Marshfield and Mil. ________ Y A. W. Sergeant— Minnie Thielke— Resources, Loans &Bis- Cash ExANGMyDUX c’ts. Bonds, OH Securities fro m Banks n s sen t u s d lt reports. { We m ake a per sonai p resentatlo ( w h en accom p anted by 15 cts. a Trego.....W ashburn 0 4 State Bank of Trego___$§’10 J. H. Thompson__ . 79-698 9 Pop. 300 Trempealeau. Tremp’leau Citizens State Bank..— »$§’12 Wm. Nicholls—___ 79-790 9 Pop. 535 D7 Turtle Lake...Barron B 5 Bank of Turtle Lake__$§1900 L. M. Richardson.. 79-699 9 Pop. 550 Security State B ank____§’16 L. H. Rivard_____ 79— 928 Two Rivers...Manitowoc Bank of Two R iv ers....•$§’91 J. E. Hamilton. 79-192 7 Pop. 6500 L7 Two Rivers Savings Bk.$§’02 79-193 Union Grove.Racine J 10 State Bank of Union Grove J. S. Blakey.. 79-700 •$§'98 7 Pop. 616 Unity_____Marathon F 6 Unity State Bank.— - • $ § ’09 J. H. Clark_ - 79-701 7 Pop. 363 Valders..Manitowoc K 7 Valders State Bank. . — $§’11 Otto G. Berge. 79-702 7 Pop. 300 Verona______ DaneG 10 Bank of Verona____ — $§’03 A. G. Miller... 79-703 7 Pop. 250 Vesper________ Wood F 7State Bank of Vesper ...$ § ’11 G. H. Horn ... 79-704 7 Pop. 300 Viola______ Richland E Farmers State B an k -----$§’14 John H. Babb 79-857 7 Pop. 1000 State Bank of Viola____$§’05 C. R. Thomson ___ 79-705 ¿Viroqua____Vernon E9 Bank of V iroqua...___ «$§’80 H. Lindemann 79-282 7 Pop. 2200 Farmers Bank________ $§’17 Christ Ellefson---79-931 First National Bank........»$’07 E. W. Hazen 79-283 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. P. WERNER. As s ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . D epos P aid- xjp Surplus and its Capital P rofits ________ WISCONSIN BANKS—Suring to Viroqua Soring______ Oconto J 6 Soring State Bank.____$§’08 Harry Serier_____ E. F. B oss_______ W. J. Thielke. 7 Pop. 350 79-692 Sussex — Waukesha J 9 Sussex State Bank____ $§’11 W. D. McGill____ Charles Malsch___ J. W. Cannon__ _ 79-747 7 Pop. 300 Taylor_____ Jackson D 7 Trempealeau Valley State Bk. O. B. Borsheim___ B. L. Van Görden __ C. M. Hjerleid___ 79-693 $§’05 7 Pop. 250 Theresa______ Dodge J 9 Theresa State Bank____$§’05 Gustav Ruecker__ J. P. Stoye---------- F. A. Bandlow — 7 Pop. 345 79-684 Thiensville..Ozaukee E 9 Thiensville State Bank—$§’10 John F. Nieman__ Louis G. K iek er. . . 7 Pop. 400 79-695 Thorp..________ Clark E 6Farmers Exchange Bank$§’13 Herman F riess___ W. Krause----------- Geo. Burke_______ John Verkuilen 79-793 7 Pop. 1000 Peoples State Bank__.^$§’80 Melvin Nye______ W. R. McCntcheon R. G. Lawrence__ 79-696 Clark G. Kuney— E. Parrette______ J. P. Kuney ___ Three Lakes..Oneida H 4 State Bank of Three Lakes 79-781 $§’12 9 Pop. 450 Tigerton— Shawano H 6 First National Bank__*$1900 H. R. Swanke_____ Chas. A. Lehman — W. E. W ilso n -__ 79-697 7 Pop. 728 8 John — M. Barteime. W. Stängel— Tisch Mills ...M anitowoc Tisch Mills State Bank—$§’17 Geo. G. DeBroux— F . 79— 956 7 Pop. 300 K7 Tomah-------- Monroe E 8 Bank o f Tomah_______ »$§’94 Frank Drew ______ Frank K nick_____ F. H. D rew _____ _ C. B. Drowatzky 79-227 7 Pop. 3419 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. E. Anderson___ R. Andres ____ ___ W. J. Brennan___ 79-744 •$§’11 Warrens Bank________ i§ ’88 W. W. Warren____ 79-226 P. M. Smith — Tomahawk__Lincoln G 5 Bank of Tomahawk—„ .$ § ’95 0. E. Macomber___ J. A. Fitzgerald. 79-252 9 Pop. 3000 •$§’03 A c ce ssib le T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back oi this volum e. B or I n te r e s t B a te s , G race, | e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. W ISCON SIN — Continued Tuly. 1917 Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 O A fi -to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* l O U y Directory, under tlie au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass^n# Town N um ber ' under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass'n. and County. Name of Bank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est. P rincipal Correspondents. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . P aid - u p S u r pl u s Ca p it a l P rAND o f it s Wabeno w.___ Forest 1 5 State Bank of Wabeno..$§’06 F . O. R usch_____ M. J. Dickinson... A. E. Lawrence___ Ross Richardson... $ 10,000 $ 79-706 9 Pop. 1500 Waldo___Sheboygan K 8 7 Pop. 525 Wales...„Waukesha J 10 7 P od. 250 Walworth.WalworthJ 11 7 Pop. 755 Wanderoos____Polk B 5 9 W arren s....—Monroe F 7 7 Pop. 300 ¿Washburn, Bayfield D 2 9 Pop. 6000 Waldo State Bank___—$§’13 79-802 State Bank of Wales__ $§’12 79-770 Walworth State Baek..»$§’03 79-707 Farmers Exchange Bank.§’17 7.9-948 George Warren Co. Bk.»$§’02 79-708 Bayfield County Bank..«$§’89 79-220 Waterford^—Racine J 10 Noll’s Bank......... ............ §’07 7 Pop. 1000 79-416 State Bank of Waterford$§’03 • 79-415 Waterloo___Jefferson 19 Farmers & Merchants State 7 Pop. 1500 Bank___79-709 .........«$§’97 Waterloo State Bank —.$§’13 79-773 10,000 2,400 100,000 70,000 45,000 1st N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 15,000 5,090 90,640 89,290 14.080 1st N., Mil. E. A. Peterson____ R. D. Davis______ F. E, Lawson 15,000 10,000 335,000 300,000 P. C. Amundson... Ole Christenson. „ 10,000 Frank G. Warren.. F. W . Bentzen__ - H . B entzen D. M. Maxcy_____ T. R. Spears C. H. Lindgren . . . . C. H .Noll—______ 650 49,040 37,980 11,700 298,000 211,000 25,000 8,040 172,500 151,950 43,020 Ft. Dear. N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Scan Am. N. and 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 143,430 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Wis. N. and Germanic N., MU. 80,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil 42,620 575,190 497,370 10,000 230,000 180,000 F . A. Seeber_____ D. J .H o y t_______ G. Q. Ames______ J a s . T. Roaeh 50,000 16,860 376,200 337,860 J. D. Johnson____ L. G. Shepard____ E. J. McCracken... W. H. McCracken. 30.000 2,720 136,450 97,830 WISCONSIN NAT. BANK-*i’65 WUliam F. Yoss__ A. Solliday.._____ F. P. McAdams___ H O. O rnhe 79-127 ¿Waukesha . . . Waukesha Farmers State B ank___$§’12 John A. Rodgers . . Robt. L. H olt____ Owen L. Jon es___ Verne E. DeRemer 1 Pop. 9,570 J9 79-133 NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK W. P. Sawyer____ W. H. Sleep______ R. P. Breese_____ 79-132 *$’82 R. R. E slherg H. M. Frame Frank Reuter____ Louis Z eller ...... G .S e h n n k . . 253,460 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corr Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 50.000 16,310 422,320 372,710 110,310 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Marine N., Mil. 200,000 104,170 910,000 970,000 190,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. M Mil. 75,000 75,120 491,640 507,670 119,430 1st N., N. Y. and Chi. 30,000 6,140 260,870 257,160 100,000 30,380 971,200 896,010 W . R. F ram e 150,000 I. E. H uebsch___ 15,000 E. Simonson_____ F. G. Schunk____ L. W. Klingelhofer Henry Bernards M. J. O’Malley____ J. H. Koltes______ A. P. Kenney 167,920 3,204,780 2,809,450 90,000 15,000 2,000 125,000 118,000 16,000 1st N., Chi. and Madison; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 25,000 10,000 250,000 225,000 50,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Marine N., MU. 8,000 495,000 438,000 20,000 808,000 684,000 50.000 11,152 910,730 747,330 25,000J 22,000 525,000 350,000 Oscar Hanisch___j 86,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 184,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 274,160 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 125,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence j ujy> 1917 30,000 50.000 H. J. Hartgerink . . J. S. Morris_____ F . W . T.nnk........ 862.750 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. 20,000 Wis. N., Mil.: 1st State, Fountain City. 100,000 Irving E. Hansen.. B. W. Davis______ G .F . H onker 279,670 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., MU. 3,500 0 . C. Harrington . . George H. Skinner J. E. CampbeU....... H. E. Miles_____ _ 39,850 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi, Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. ________ A. J. F ram e . 92,140 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., MU. 60,430 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 95,840 1,195,060 1,187,440 150,000 Merchants National Ba'nk W. D. Sproesser__ Charles E. Frey___ Max R o h r . 79-128 *$’92 17,7l0 Knaiith, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; Cont. Com’l N., Chi. 113,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi. 6,000 25,000 J osephine Sanders. 60,000 N. City, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 20,000 10,000 John T. Rice_____ Edward M alone.... FARMERS & CITIZENS BK. H. W ertheim er.... M. G. Kusel______ A. D. P latz______ 79-129 «$§’12 WISCONSIN M ap on Index 2,200 $ 129,840 $ 98,420 $ 49,080 Standard Tr. & Sav„ Chi.: Citiz. N., Oconto W. A. Barber____ L. A. M oll_______ H . W. Tim m er___ F . F . T im m er _ _ Watertown—Jefferson 1 9 BANK OF WATERT0WN*$§’54 F . E. Woodard____ H. M ulberger____ F . W . Hamm 7 Pop. 9074 79-126 WAUKESHA NATIONAL BANK 79-131 «$’55 Waumandee—Buffalo C 7 Waumandee State Bank$§’14 9 Pop. 225 m 79-834 Waunakee____ Dane H 9 Farmers State Bank___$§’12 7 Pop. 550 79-764 Waunakee State Bank._$§’02 79-710 ¿Waupaca..Waupaca H 7 Farmers State Bank___$§T1 7 Pop. 2789 79-257 Old National Bank *$’84 79-256 Waupun.Dodge and Fond National Bank of Waupun 7 Pop. 3500-du Lac 18 79-230 *$’85 State Bank of Waupun.»$§’03 79-231 ITS lx>AN8k Dis- Cash & ExCHANGES,DUS Securities fromBanks W. H . Elias......... . Moses Williams___ NORTHERN STATE BANK $§’95 M. H. Sprague____ M. S. Lamoreaux . . 79-221 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume For In terest B a tes, Grace e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13 WISCONSIN—Continued 1310____________ ^______WISCONSIN BANKS—Wabeno to Waupun 1 *31 0 1^ v N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given jO II to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers’ J. O X 1. D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. N ame oe B ank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State . Figure under $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District Vice-President . P resident . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . ¿Wausau.. .Marathon H 6 Citizens State Bank___-.$§’07 S. M. Quaw______ C. A. Barwig______ W. E. Hudtloff____W. A. Koch 79-92 7 Pop. 19,239 FIRST NATIONAL BANK D. L. PLUMER— - JOHN RIN6LE-— F. P. STONE •$’82 15c m ust accom pany Sight D ra fts and 25c f o r Credit In fo rm a tio n . 79-89 Marathon County Bank»t§’75 Walter Alexander. Chas. W. Harger__ H. C. Berger. 79-88 B. F. Wilson NATI 6ERMAN- L a r g e s t B ank in C e n tra l W isco n sin . C o llec tio n s given n tio n . S ig h t D ra fts m u st be AMERICAN BK. acprocommp t,p an iec adre fubyl 15actteand 2 5 c f o r e a c h C re d it R e p o rt. 79-90 R esources. P aid - u p S u b pl u s D e p o s it s Ca pit a l P rAND o f it s Lo a n s ft D is- C a s h ft E x ’t s . B o n d s , c h a n g es , Dus S e c u r it ie s P rincipal Correspondents. 1 *< $ 50,000 $ 22,110 $ 611,370 $ 604.090 $ 82,430 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Cfii. Marine N., Mil.; Scan. Am. N., Minpls. 350,000 100,000 154,710 2,254,480 2,573,770 400,640 H an. N ., N. Y .; Corn Ex. N ., Chi.; Wis N ., M il.; N o.-W est. N ., M inpls. 618,810 425,160 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Mil.; No.-West. N. Minpls. 177,380 2,162,490 2,548,040 303,330 N. C ity, N . Y.; C ont. & Com ’l N ., Chi. W is. N ., M il.; M erch. N ., S t. P . 59,380 884,520 — WALTER ALEXANDER- H. G. FLIETH------------ — ------------------------C.S. GILBERT 300,000 »$’92 Wisconsin ValleyTr.Co.*$§’06 79-91 Wausaukee-Marinette J 5 Wausaukee State Bank_»$§’03 79-711 7 Pop. 1200 ¿Wantoma. Waushara H 7 Farmers Home Bank—.$§’13 79-810 7 Pop. 964 WAUT0MA STATE BANK 79-367 $§1900 Wauwatosa__Milwaukee First National B an k ... ..•$ ’07 79-712 7 Pop. 3346 J9 Wauzeka...Crawford D 9 Bank of Wauzeka____ .•$§’03 79-713 7 Pop. 476 W ayside..___Brown K 7 Wayside State Bank__ ..$§’11 79-754 . 7 Pop. 350 Webster____Burnett B 4 Burnett County State Bank 79-731 •$§’12 9 Pop. 300 Welcome..Outagamie J 7 (See B e a r Creek) 7 Pop. 341 West Allis .Milwaukee K 9 First National B ank... ..•$ ’03 79-715 j Pop. 9000 West Allis State Bank..' I’ll 79-730 ¿West Bend___Wash. J 9 Bank of West Bend.__»$§’67 79-271 7 Pop. 2363 First National Bank____$17 79-957 First State Bank.____.«$§’01 79-272 Westboro.— Taylor F 5 Westboro State Bank— $§’13 79-814 9 Pop. 640 Westby—-___ Vernon E 8 Bank of W estby___. . —$§11 79-374 7 Pop. 1200 Westby State Bank. $§’03 79-378 West DePere.Brown J 6 State Bank of De P ere..$§’08 79-716 7 Westfleld.-Marquette H 8 Westfield State Bank ..$§1900 79-717 7 Pop. 729 West Salem.La Crosse D 8 La Crosse County Bank»$§’89 79r381 9 Pop. 840 A. L. Kreutzer . . . . . C. B. Bird._____ J. J. Okoneski____ O. G. F ehlbaker... • Sec. H. J. Seim George E. Bogrand W. E. Hallenbeck. A. L. Severance___ 75.000 62,350 715,530 698,040 25.000 11,990 195,740 191,i 41,790 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Produce, Chi.; Wis. N., Mil Guy Mumbrue____ R. C. Stuart_____ C. H. Oleston_____ 15.000 6,520 291,550 239,590 L. H. Larsen_____ W. H. Berray___ _ Clyde Diggles— . . 25.000 10,020 246,920 230,600 E. D. Hoyt____ . . . W. R. Nethercut— P. D. Gates______ S. D. H oyt.. 50.000 16,240 659,480 625,870 W. A. Vaughan___ O. P. Vaughan___ H. A. Vaughan___ 15.000 880 146,290 127,510 73,490 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Merch. & Mnfrs., and 1st N., Mil. 51,560 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wis. N., Mil. 96,430 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi and Mil. 28,930 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. Thos. Burke — __ F. W. Pingel____ F. C. Teske---------- Max Fuelle._____ 10.000 6,120 186,170 171,700 A. P. N elso n _____ Ole Anderson___ L. R. R oberts____ Nathan Borgman.. 10,000 4,250 103,370 104,780 S. McCord_______ O. L. H ollister.. Orville Evans G. C. Hinkley_____ J. E. Radcliffe.. I. L. Tipple 60,000 25,370 826,080 817,390 J. T. Johnston____ T. E. Lusk_____ 30.000 15.000 400.000 315.000 E. Franekenberg__ S. F. Mayer. . . . . A. Franekenberg.. Henry A. Otten. 40.000 20.000 650.000 550.000 B. c . Ziegler___. . . Martin Walter.. S. F. Mayer C. C. Henry______ Thomas Bruhy. Louis Kueklthau.. 75.000 7.500 25.000 19,230 313,470 272,510 J. W. Kaye______ J. W. Lundeen.. C. W. Hamilton— G. H. McClure- 10.000 1,000 60,000 59,000 J. Davidson_____ M. Brody_____ C. W. Jaeger____ H. N. Rentz. . . . 10,000 5,200 315.000 275.000 M. H. Bekkedal___ Emil O. Sveen_____ 25.000 25,000 550.000 450.000 125,000 1st N., Chi. and Mil. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Kellogg N., Green Bay; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 147,560 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Stevens Point. E. J. Altendorf___ (B ranch o f De Pe re, W is.) M. J. Maes, M gr. . . W. H. Moss______ C. E. Peirce.. Julius Warnke____ G. J. Schwark — 25.000 5,240 523,960 406,640 F. P. Coburn......... L. C. Sander. G. W. Dudley____ B. A. Mau i l ___ 30.000 10,300 400.000 340.000 25.000 2.500 325.000 267.000 20.000 750 35,990 48,720 WEST SALEM STATE BANK G. D. Sprain..____ _ H. C. Heider. 79-382 $§'03 Peoples Bk. of Wrightstown Thomas Fagan____A. M. Nackers_____N. B. Remmel West Wrightstown 79-901 $§16 7 Pop.650.Brown K 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lia b il it ie s . A. H. GROUT------ C. G. KRUEGER — O u r C ollection D e p a rtm e n t is equipped to give P ro m p t, E ffic ie n t S e rv ic e . S p e c ia l a tte n tio n to B -L D ra fts , C a sh and T im e Ite m s. B. HEINEMANN Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volum e. For In terest K ates, Grace,\ e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. W ISCON SIN — Continued Bengimen L.Larson FIDELITY SURETY BONDS, Wells 167,180 1st N.. Mil. 24,920 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz. N., Green Bay. 9,510 Seab. N., N. Y.; Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. N., St. P, 109,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. 70,600 Han. N .,N . Y.; N. Ex., Mil. 165,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N, Mil. 72,500 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,-Mil. 6,500 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Marsh field. 50,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil. 90,000 Cont. & Com’l N. and IstN .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav Mil.; N. Bk. of La Crosse and Batavian N La Crosse. 80,300 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. 7,450 Citiz. N„ Green Bay; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. N am e of B a n k . T own a nd County . P resident . V ice -President . As s ’t Cashier . CASHIER. R. S. BARBER____ $ 30,000 $ he L D POST a s cash letters and c a Weyauwega.Waupaca H 6 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK___79-366.____ < §10 ] personal a tte n t Ion o f an officer 0 f th is bank. 7 Pop. 967 ( Send us your bii sin ess for quick r etu rn s. P r in c ip a l Co r respo ndent s . 6,990 f 268,350 $ 256,050 $ 46,090 Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil. 46,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Marine N.. Mil. 6,600 Drov. N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N. Mil. 10,000 1st N., Chi.; W is.N., Mil.; Capital N.. St. P.; 1st & Secur. N„ Minpls. 160,630 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Mil.: No.-West N. Minpls. 25,000 4,290 249,430 225,610 10,000 2,000 47,000 51,000 10,000 2,200 92,000 88,000 50,000 25,000 664,220 572,010 15,000 R. H.WIEZ0REK— f L. L. S0LSRUD - R.H.H0LTAN —— S N. HEGGE 1Our collection d e p a rtm e n tls thor oiighly organized on efficient u n es a nd 4,690 250,980 223,070 48,120 Drov. N. and Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Wis N., Mil.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 27,910 1,105,230 996,440 236,700 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 500,000 475,000 145,000 1st N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Mil Herman Koehler — H. W. Glocke— John Loss O. W. Malmgren.— M. A. Anderson ___ D. O. Coolidge Mâybell Lefstad__ R. F. Breitengross Anton O. Melby___ P. H. Johnson____ f!_ R. Melhy .......... D. Wood PEOPLES STATE BANK-*§’13 ) all Item s have p rom p t, personal a tten tlo n by a n offi cer o f th e bank. 79-791 l WE ARK B U ST LERS. TRY US. I - U. Wheeler, Sr.. 0. W. Tratt______ Whitewater— Walworth Citizens State Bank___< § ’94 G s Marsh 79-233 7 Pop. 4000 1 10 1 T. M. BLACKMAN 1 F irst and O ldest FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 63 ] I f you w an t effl 79-232 ( send your Item Wild Rose—Waushara H 7 7 Pop. 551 Wilson___.St. Croix B 6 9 Pop. 300 Wilton___. —Monroe E 8 7 Pop. «00 Windsor_____ Dane H 9 7 Pop. 168 Winneconne..Winnebago 7 Pop. 1000 17 E. J. Aschenbrener J. W. A ckley_____ Jos. G. Menacher— — C. H. B eilfuss____ W .C. Tufts J. G. Rosholt------- T. T. Jacobson___ H. R. Schlytter___ 0 . F. Bloecher — H. N. Hanzlik____ E. M. Hanzlik— __ W H Filler Carl Herrewig------ E. G. Lawsha------Muril Wilkinson J. H. Lewis._____ Wm. Wegwart____ E. A. Indermuehle. Lorenz Becker— Martin McCollow— H. G. Brown — __ - Anne M. Johnson.. L. Solstad. B. G. Stockman Lewis K n u th____ C. W. Mueller____ G. H. F rozer_____ H. Rodtke_______ J. E. Lutsey.------- _________________ 8,000 450,000 409,240 15.000 8,160 291,100 176,790 10.000 3,930 87,510 72,890 15,000 3,000 27,740 24,840 25,000 9,000 240,000 200,000 10,000 2,100 80,000 60,000 25,000 11,720 373,730 314,900 15,000 2,500 48,000 49,000 20,000 4,860 106,670 103,420 25,000 9,310 255,740 229,950 10,000 200 122,000 105,000 35,000 • 9,000 625,000 550,000 16,000 2,410 91,160 92,650 53,370 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.: N. Ex., M il/ 137,530 Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Merch. & Mnfrs and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 24,380 Merch. N., St. P.; Marine N., Mil. 19,530 Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.: Marine N., Mil.; State Bk.of La Crosse, La Crosse. 55,000 Drov. if ., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; Batavian N., La Crosse. 24,000 Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Com’l N. Madison, Wis. 87,030 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi. Marshall & Usley and Wis. N., Mil.; Old N and Com’l. N., Oshkosh. 15,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil. Merch N., St. P. 20,580 Drov. N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.: 1st N., Marsh field, Wis. 58,180 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.: W is.N . and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Old N„ Oshkosh. 23,000 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Mil 117,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wis. N., Mil.; No.-West N., Minpls. 9,610 Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N„ Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 20,950 Wis. N., Mil. 10,000 1,400 67,780 15,000 1,500 43,650 26,500 10,000 6,210 232,960 191,960 57,210 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Marine N., Mil. 25,000 8,630 237,410 205,820 12,000 1,000 96,000 68,600 57,590 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; McCartney N., Green Bay; N. Ex. and Wis. N., Mil. 34,800 Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Portage. 10,000 2,320 39,300 J 39,810 4,530 Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 8,570 Drov. N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Green Bay. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence J u ly , 1 9 1 7 R, H>.Hnrd__ _ 50,000 ________ WISCONSIN M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,000 100,000 H. G. ANDERSON M G. HALVERSONEstablished Bank clen t service and quick retu rn s on cash letters and collect! on s s direct to u s. WHITEWATER COM’L & SAV. Jerome Baker___ D. F. Zuill_______ Merton R. Fish—. . Wm. Ivan K yle.— BANK___79-800......... < §13 Wild Rose State Bank—< § ’01 F. M. Clark_____ _ E. R. Humphrey— J. V. Berens____— A H Sp.hultv __ 79-719 Bank of Wilson_______ *§’10 G. W. LaPointe, Jr. Louis Peterson___ J. G. Bakula_____ W. 0 . Roseberry— 79-720 Farmers Security Bank-*§16 T,. S. OravP.s .. _ John O’Leary____ C. E. Kuckuck___ R. K. Fowler, Sec. 79-905: Chas. Weingarten— R. S. Serrurier____ Wilton State Bank----- < § ’99 Henry Schell_____ J. F. Heffeman. 79-721 Windsor State Bank---- *§’14 H. E. Blanchar . . . . O. S. Daley——— J. C. Blanchar____ H. E. Blanchar — 79-840 J. F. Murphy..^__ H. C. Riley — _— Lamont H. Miller.. Union B an k ..._______ < § ’98 C. A. Russell— 79-722 Winter-_____Sawyer E 4 Winter State Bank------- *§’15 79-870 9 Pop. 275 Withee_________Clark E6 State Bank of W ithee..< § ’02 79-723 7 Pop. 443 Wittenberg.Shawano H 6 Citizens State Bank— < § ’94 79-724 7 Pop. 1090 Wonewoc____ Juneau F 8 Citizens State Bank____*§’05 79-386 7 Pop. 900 State Bank of Wonewoc.*§’80 79-385 Woodford.Lafayette G 10 Woodford State Bank—*§’15 79— 892 7 Pop. 157 Woodland.—..Dodge J 9 Woodland State Bank—.*§’14 79-842 7 Pop. 250 Woodman____Grant E 9 Woodman State Bank— §17 • 79-935 7 . Pop. 200 Woodville__St. Croix B 6 Citizens State Rmk------ *§’04 79-725 9 Pop. 294 Wrightstown „Brown J 7 Farmers & Traders Bk.<§’02 79-726 7 Pop. 525 Wyocena__Columbia H 9 Wyocena State Bank— *§’10 79-727 7 Pop. 425 Zachow__— Shawano 1 6 Farmers State Bank------§15 79-881 7 Pop. 200 100,000 WISCONSIN BANKS—W eyauwega to Zachow Weyerhauser— Rusk C 5 9 Pop. 371 Wheeler_____ .Dunn 0 6 9 Pop. 200 »Whitehall—Trempealeau 9 Pop. 703 D7 First National Bank____ < ’05 79-365 Weyerhaeuser State Bank 79-796 *§12 Wheeler State Bank____*§12 79-762 John O. Melby & Co. Bank 79-718 < § ’88 Resources. Lia b il it ie s . CashAEx P aid-up Surplus D epos- LoansADia- changes,Due ITS Capitai. P rofits Securities fromBank0 ________ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. Figure under town is *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volum e. For In terest K ates, Grace, e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. WISCONSIN—Continued 1312 N um ber u nder N am e o f Bank is t i e New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, u nder th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Send your legal business to our Bonded Attorneys. They are bonded by The American Surety Company of New York. Use the Coupons and Be Safe. Full explanation on Index “ Lawyers. 5 Wyoming. 777 IN D E X TO 770 ^ COUNTIES. ____- Wathar Peak ) — [“\ p é I I v A ^,|?iSaiînocÀ FLeak B ig h o rn ....B 7 A I I Norris' Geyser.. 1 Basin \j —"■" mm fa1» i n ini 7eCh.$=— . Ä ■Í..AN-- - P o o l/" MtJA E /• 14 15, 16 20 25 30 85 40 45 60 . ELECTRIC LINES Rawmorid\ ]¡|ÍsN a rß y ro n ¿ ¡ T fgÄ 13 12 11 ^--~M¿ñtíiST » ra 5 6 • ' -g-j 10 Statute M il e s , 3 3 = 1 I n c h . Band McNally’s New 11 i 14 Map of \V,ot Copyright by Rand McNally &Co. N XX R Orele L„t "'° G oshen. . . . G 14 H o t SprlngsC A V Campbell ..B 12 C arbon. . . . G 9 Converse .. D 12 C ro o k ........ A 14 F re m o n t.. .E ^ ^ Peak -lü M tLX l o w sifto IVit , i H|oln' e ^ : Mt. W ashburnpg'® '*'^ A lbany. . . . G 12 I Ve l l oSone t0i,eBsir°ne} Grky'P.éakÿfeï \% V Park SC A LE WYOiMING -T -- -. ----— ! áfefcMonomsrif Ps*K .. «•<« o il Mt.l ’ w ^ S liE ä G .'S 's* ' Lit. Bald M t l K J ? * 1 : W ■ F- y - . gSgg .... Ä ? Wclls^ Spence ‘ lÜQ .« - sTjôSH^Æ-Çody pm e Äl|f§= Johnson .. .B 10 Laramie . . . H 14 Lincoln. . . . I) 2 N atrona . . .E 10 N io b rara.. .D 14 •DuiubeU P a r k ........... B 5 P l a t t e ____ F 13 Franks Peak S h e rid a n ...A 9 Sweetwater G 5 ¡ illliis lp ^Sutisl; U in ta ......... H 2 W ash ak ie..C 8 W esto n .. . .C 14 Yellowstone National P a rk ........ A 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D D 2 % & rw o ÏM 1 y IC O L N Q o ^3|Be<lfordÇ|iiP®ak ¡ ~To\ f ä t & v e r f p S a >Aft0# i i g Fairview^SN Ba1d^liVIt n }-z ' Jolêl Sinœt^.^^^Wagne^-- \ÍK I k ! Mea'cla P eaW i .Û I 0 ^iî.jn|loli^iJ:_ Cumberland KIMBALL lEuoluK’Il H H H P ___ T 1 77 7 ' 70S’ i 8 707° A C K S o|n 10 l 11 ^ f T A R 12 I M 13 14 15 104 16 309B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under your direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Index “Lawyers” for Instructions 1 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit Num ber given I J l J Town Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . and N ame County. of P resident . e tc ., see page 14. Lia b il it ie s B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats, m ire State in No. 10 $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. F /a e ra l Reserve District. Accessible Towns, ¡Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In dexed in back of this volume. Bor In terest B a tes, Grace* .. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. *1 W Y O M IN G — C on tin u ed O to each bank in U. S., exclusively by T he R and-M cNally Bankers Vice -President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . ÎUBPLU8 D epos AID-UP AND its APITAL Profits 145,870 10,000 470 33,700 40,950 12,110 I !k. of Gillette. Gillette, Wyo.: £ Sheridan: Oma. N „ Oma. 10.000 1,050 68,000 60,000 18,000 Î I. City, N. Y.; Stock Growers Wyo. 50,000 15,000 525,000 325,000 240,000 1i. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Yds. N. Bk. of So. Oma., Oma. 40.000 4,690 361,090 L298.980 106,800 1 35,000 10,430 349,350 269,270 135,970 10,000 15,010 99,500 96,220 18,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Orna. N., Oma.: 1st N„ Kemmerer, Wyo. 50,000 75,850 594,050 542,200 222,830 Liberty N ., N. Y.: Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N. Bk. of So. Oma., Oma. 30.000 31,000 360,000 225,000 178,000 F . G. S. H esse____ S.B . Cochran, Sec. and M gr. 25,000 5.260 112.680 84,740 50,460 N. City, N. Y.; U .S . N ., Oma. C. W eb ster--------- Nelson Jimerfield— C. F . Hensley------W. S. Myers 10,000 6,000 70,000 70,000 16,000 Chase N., N Y . ; Merch. N., Oma.; 1st N„ Cheyenne. 10,000 1.86C 75.94C 72.12C 15,680 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Peo. Sav., Des M.; Oitiz. N., Cheyenne. 9,04( 3,84( I HENRY J0RDAN- BASIN STATE BANK I A _ .’ RllGH H. HIME — *$§’98 R. P. PEARSON - J. A. COONS P r o m p t service o n C o lle c tio n s a t m o d e r a te r a t e 8. P e r s o n a l P re se n t a t l o n w h e r e p o ss ib le . A. K. LEE------AL BANK-*$’12 WM. GIBSON — . C. STEWART. ____Active. T. S. PEXTON------ W .C.M AY WYOMING BANKS—Afton to Casper BIG HORN COUNTY BANK Oma.: Stock Growers N., Cheyenne: 1st N. Den.: Mont. N „ Billings. Bk. Com., Kan. C. C A L __________ P ro m p t a n d Eff Fcient service o n co llectio n s a n d re p o rts . S end 15c fo r p r e s e n ta tlo n o f D ra f ts : 25c fo r R epor t . S IX P E R CENT IN TE R E ST P A I D ON T IM E DE P O S IT S . 1»tate Bank of Big Piney«i§’12 Jam es Mickelson . 99-103 Big Piney___Lincoln Pop. 200 J0 a nW ISE Ogden. L a r g e s t C a p ita a n d S u rp lu s o f a n y B a n k In th e __ ig H orn B a sin . 115c sh o u ld acco m p a n y a ll S ig h t D ra fts a n d 25c fo r C re d it R e p o rts •$§’07 15% IN TE R E ST ON T IM E DEPO SIT S. D. L. DARR— 105 63,190 Q 183,140 Bank of Arvada_______ «§’16 M. H. S h ield s...— W. D. Tow nsend.. W. Y. K irby-------99-134 R . R. Maupin First/Sfate Bank______*$§’08 J . M. R um sey____ W. T. Penland.___ L. B. M aupin_____ 99-72 99-59 v£> 1,400 W. W est______ D. D. Lynch_____ J . T. Wells. Ml JMF60 P rincipal Correspondents. RANQBS.DtTK raOMBabbs 25.000 Afton State B ank_____ $§’07 W. V. Allen_____ ¿Basin_____ Bighorn *B 7 Pop. 1500 Resources. B arb k Bx- vO A N St Dlfl’tb. Bords, Sbcdritim A. W. S m ith — ..__ Albert Larson----- H. P. ROTHWELL E. 0. METCALF— W .J.TH0M-------- W. R. H0LT- ‘Buffalo___Johnson B 10 FIBCT NATIONAL BANK-*$’83 I O ld est B a n k In N o r th e rn W yom l n g . C onservative a n d P rogressive. Pop. 2000 / 99-45 ( P ro m p t Service 1 / Ü CTAßV GROWERS BANK F red Waegele------- J . W. T odd____— S. O. Langworthy.. F . E. W hitcom b... ' 99-46 *$§’02 B urlington... Bighorn Pop. 300 S. H. Sibley---------- A. A. Pugh C arpenter.-Laram ie G 14 Pop. 200 •Casper...__Natrona E 11 Pop. 6000 & C arpenter-------- §16 G. H. G illand___ ,^99-137 fcper N ational B a n k ...*$’03 A: J . Cunningham / 99-31 Citizens State B a n k ........§17 J . F. L eeper-----f 99-142 first Trust & Savings Bank Harold Banner . . 99-122 §15 Stockmens National Bk.__«’03 C. H. Townsend. 99-32 Wyoming National Bank»$14 B. B. Brooks — 99-109 C. W. Hirsig-------- S. C. Powers------ - WYOMING M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,090 50.00C 113,35( 1,750,001 1,150,00( J . D e F . R ichards. M. C. C larkson..— Q .K . D eaver. J. W. Burns Patrick Sullivan M. J . Burke . — — W m . Bailey---------C. H. Horstman C. H. Townsend — J . T. S cott----------- W. O. Wilson, Sec. 50,00( 25,00( 5,10 99,98 78,43( C .E . Hoffhine—— 50,00( 64,009 861,96 9 539,73 C .F . S hum aker.— 50.00 ) 25,000 858,20 9 500,04 Frank Wood_____ L. B. Townsend— G. E. Abbott R. O. Wyland 109,49' ' 93,71( 690 Citiz. N., Cheyenne. 650,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; Oma N., Oma.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. 47,650 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den. 49,930 Stockmens N., Casper. 480,050 N. Park, N. Y.; F t. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., Oma and Den. , ^ 433,770 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Oma. M l3 G. H. G illand------ ___ fath er State Bank____»$§’07 J . L. Thoflias____ 99-74 ' Burns — — Laramie H Pop. 150 ______ Richard Young — enne; Drov. N., Kan. C.: U. S. N ..‘t)en. F o r SAFETY a n d SERV ICE, S e n d Y our Legal W ork to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1^14 N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U, S. exclusively by T h e B an d -M cN ally B a n k ers’ D irecto ry , u n d e r t h e a u th o r ity of T h e Am éricain B a n k ers Ass’n . Town and County. N ame oe Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 10 ÎMèm. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal R eserve District. Est. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . ‘ Cheyenne .Laramie H 14 Citizens Naiional Bank .» i’OC J . L. Thom as____ J . H. Conway— __ E. W. Stone *__;__ J . G. G a n s ...—— Pop. 11,320 99-3 F irst National Bank__ « í’71 Geo. E. Abbott____ J . B. Cosgriff____ A. D. Jo h n sto n ___ John McUlvan. 99-1 H. L. Davis /A. H. MARBLE— A. E . R0EDEL. NATI BANK. $’81 99-2 TJmm T rust Co... .t§ ’16 / X 99-5 \ / Wyoming T rust & Sav. Bank v 99-4 »i§’09 Chjföw ater__________ Platte G 14 Chugwatër Valley Bank.»§T3 Pop. 300 99-113 G. M. Macdonald, Banker t ’17 99-146 Clearmont-Sheridan A 10 Clearmont State B an k ..__§’09 Pop. 100 99-75 A ccessible T o w n s, L aw y ers, L aw s, D ire c to rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t K ates, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page 13 WYOMING—Continued FRANK R. WART0N C. G. HABFIELD- L ia b il it ie s . lu s P a id - u p S uarnp d Depo s C a p it a l P r o f i t s it s $ 100.000 100.000 100.C00 Resources. 48,300 $1469 810 $ 940,830 $ 761,800 Chase N „ N. Cont. & Cdm’LN., Chi.; Colo N., Den.; Merch. N., Orna. 148,040 4,320,360 3,442,400 1,226,000 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ CM. 131,540 4,363,300 3,222,310 1,422,540 N. Bk. Com., N. 1st N. and Cont. &-Com’' N „ Chi.; 1st N „ Orna.; Den. N „ Den. )A c o n s e rv a tiv e b a n k , t h o r o u g h ly o r g a n iz e d on m o d e r n lin e s , g iv in g esp ecia 1 a t t e n t i o n tó p r o m p tn e s s , a c c u r a c y , a n d d e ta il m its s e rv ic e . G. E. A bbott_____ J . L. Baird______— C. L. Beatty, Sec... A. H. M arble____ E, S. J o h n s to n __ H. B. H enderson... A. H. M arble____ Curtis Tem plin—_ F. V. Ellis....... . . . . (G. M.'Macdonald) A. L. K endig_____ G . C. Opseth___. .. C. T. Pigman__ T. C. Diers_______ T. H. Weeden ' ___ G. T. Cook_______ 100,000 6,420 60,000 56,750 604,440; 614,720 10,000 1,730 120,640 106,210 32,500 39,000 379,880 10,000 H. J. FULTON— F. F. McGEE-— — F. R. PEARSON__ 50.000 2,200 225.000 212,000 W. T. HOGG j O ld est N a tio n a l B a n k in Cody. C o llectio n s have t h e p erso n al a t t e n t io n o f a n office r o f th e b a n k . > We r e m it p ro m p tly . SEND US YOUR BUSINES S. IE NATIONAL BANK S. C. Parks, J r . __ 9-50 C. L. Brady—..____ R. A. Edmister «$§'01 25.000 Cokeville........ Lincoln Pop. 500 P. J . Quealy_____ P. W. O lson_____ J . A. Larsòn____ 25.000 Cowley--------Bighorn A Pop. 574 D ayton------ Sheridan A Pop. 313 D ix o n ....-----.C arbonI iJfStocfe^rowers Bank___«i§’0t Pop. 200 *1 99-78 ‘ Douglas —Converse E l&iiCoinmt ommercial Bk. & T r. Co. Pop. 2346 99-118 «*§’14 Geo. S. C rosby.— W. B. S n y d e r___ H. E. R o s s ______ 10.000 G. W. P e r ry ____ 10,000 Douglas National- Bank 99-3# Eiret N ationaF llank___«$’86 r _/99-37 Dubois—....F re m o n t CV A AmorettkW elty, Helmer &Co. Pop. 170 1-110 t ’13 D w y e r-------- Platte G 14 G. Mi'Macdonald, Banker t ’17 147 Encam pm ent........Car bo» CncbmpçarèntState Rank.S’08 Pop. 421 H 11 99-79 ‘ Evanston_____T'inta Nabi’»H' Pä'ii k • ï ’iü Pop d000 99-34 F i^ ^ Ja tio n a l Bank___ « t’07 / 99-33 ", -^^M ckgrow ers B a n k ... . §’15 “ -123 F reedom — Lincoln IK2 Jrpredoni State Bank—-.§ ’16 Pop. 410 \ r/ 99-131 G arlan d ...____ .P ark Al Garland State B a n k ___ $§’05 Pop. 400 99-80 WYOMING M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. R. R eader____ G. W. Metcalf___ J . F. Owen _____ _ M. M. O w en______ J .W . Bill J . A. Rendle_____ E. W..Reader_____ C. N. Micbaelsen. J . C. Amspoker___ C. D. Zimmerman. H. R. P aul... C. B. Potter ili. R. C ollins____ L. J . S w an ..____ O. F. Coffee______ W. H. Davis____ Wilkie Collins____ R. L. S w an______ H. J. Bolin T. C. Rowley____ F. W. Clarke, J r ... E. Amoretti, J r . . .. F. A.-W elty.____ (G. M. Macdonald) 18,210 1st N „ Cheyenne. ’ 106,470 N. Bk, Com,, N. ¥ .; Stock Growers N., Chey enne; Oma. N „ Oma. 26,170 N. City, N. Y.; Stock Growers N „ Cheyenne. 10,000, jL. R. EWART- *Oody------------- Park B 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$04 Pop. 1132 99-51 P rincipal Correspondents. Loans & Dis C a s h à E x ç ’ts . Bonds, c h a n g es ,D ue S ecurities fro m B a n k s 10,000 30.000 50.000 17,6 2,320 3,620 15, 4,970 494.690 276,570 151.690 143,690 45.000 36.320 71,080 64,770 151.000 135.000 351,530 230,380 9,940 " 355,460 75.000 76,450 E. B. H elm er_____ 10.000 2,100 C. T. P erkins____ 10,000 675, 95.000 292,350 700.000 53.000 J . B. Cosgriff____ G. E. Abbott 10,000 2,500 85.000 60.000 F. II. Harrison___ J . L. Atkinson___ O. H. Brown_____ James Brown____ J . Mickelson Andrew Ceutts J . E. Cosgriff____ Charles Stone_____ O. E. B radbury___ Otto Arnold______ W. Haines Jam es P im gree__ J. L. Wicks......... William Pugh_____ Harold Gunnell___ W. M. Summers E. J e n k in s .___ Marion Heap___ P. P. Baldw in........ 50.000 30,000 378,080 368,álO 50.000 67,950 684,810 579,560 50.000 7,920 282,270 267,030 15.000 75.000 60,000 H, J . Thom pson__IM. W. Thom pson. . E. S. Dabbs______ 10.000 920 62,180 46.320 8,000 Citiz. State, Sheridan; Live Stock N „ Oma. 60,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Lin., N eb.iN eb N „ Oma.; Merch. N „ Billings. O !3* 285,790 Han. N., N. ¥ .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Oma CD N „ Oma. (Í 3 3 62,830 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kem m erer; 1st N „ Ogden, Utah; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. n> Live Stock N „ Oma. 17.000 Yellowstone N. and Mont. N „ Billings; 1st N. Cheyenne. 18,110 Chase N „ N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma.; Sheridan N , Sheridan, Wyo. 36.000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Rawlins N „ Rawlins, Wyo. Den. N „ Den.; U. S. N „ Oma. 156,120 Northern T r. Co., Chi.; Live Stock N. Bk, of So. Oma., Oma.; 1st N. and Stock Growers N „ Cheyenne. 119,050 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Oma.; Oma. N. Oma. 163,000 Cont. & Com’1 N., Chi,; N. Shawmut, Bos. Neb. N „ Qma. 51.000 1st N „ Oma. and Lander, Wyo. 30.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Cheyenne; Hamilton N „ Den. 132,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma. 270,600 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N „ Oma.; Cont. N „ Salt Lake C. 73,560 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Merch. N., Oma. 28.000 K em m erer Sav., Kemmerer; ls t N „ Ogden, Utah. 26,780 Oma. N „ Orna.; Yellowstone N „ Billings. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence fo rs. I .Mvvs. D ir e c t o r s , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t *^ i'V v v /ii^ w u u u a a n u v u i I v d J J U I lU v ilw v x»JA U T own and county . N ame of Bank. ' ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State E ntire State in No. 10 JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. Est, ¿Lander____Frem ont E 6 Pop. 2000 P r e s id e n t . Accessible Towns» L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t B a te s, Grace e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 WYOMING—Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Li a b i l i t i e s . R e so u r c e s . ep lu s Loans &Pis- Cash&Ex P aid - u p SuAND D epos c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Pub Capital P rofits it s \ Securities fromBanks P rincipal Correspondents. S. Conant P a rk s __ M. N . Baldwin____ W. E. Hardin, T r __ R. C. Gather, S e c .. $ 25,000 $ 17,420 $. 187,200 $ 167,110 $ 39,800 1st N., Lander, Wyo. 99-41 mal Ba 99-39 S. Conant P a r k s __ E. Amoretti, J r . . . . G. F . W estbrook . . E. W. Frankenfeld te Ban! 99-40 A. D. Tane 27,820 471,350 354.220 244,950 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Oma N., Oma. 60,000 33,400 331,2Î0 254,500 170,110 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. “ V ^ tockg: tockgrowers State Bank John W . Cook____ Edson A. E a rle ___ J . M. Lowndes____ 99-133 »§’16 A. H. Cooper 30,000 17,000 245,000 186.000 101,000 Atlantic N.. N.Y .; Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Colo N., Den. ¿Laramie — Albany H 12 Albany County National Bk, Robert H. H om er.. J . W . Jo h n so n .___ C. D. Spalding____ R. G. F itch______ Pop. 8256 99-19 * t’86 B. F. Miller 100,000 165,000 975,000 1,003,000 305,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. S. W. N. Bk. of Com., Kan. C.: Merch. N. Oma. j J . W. HAT — — A. C. JONES_____ H. R. WESTON.___ H. R. BUTLER j — ADA MAI FV < S uccessor to t h e W yom ing N at io n a l B a n k . . E st a b lish e d 1873. 1A co nservative I n s titu tio n givln g special a tte n tlo n to a ll tr a n s i t ( S end u s y o u r I t em s a n d C ollect! o n s o n L a ra m ie . 100,000 127,000 1,705,000 1,532,470 478,500 H a n . N . a n d C h ase N ., N . Y .; C o rn Ex. N.. C h i.; O rn a. N ., O m a .; 1 st N ., D en. FIRST NATI BANK ,99-20 Fred F . Nnhlfi _ F. W. Noble Herm an Hegewald. A. B. Ham ilton___ C. W. De Kay_____ L. G. K ennedy____ Harry Tatham b u sin e s s. 100,000 21,460 402,570 378,900 10,000 4,000 70,000 59,000 22,000 Corn Ex. N., Oma.; 1st N., Torrington, WyQ. 10,000 500 ia;7nft 15 300 J . M. S n y d e r____ R. L. K atzenbach.. 20,000 9,250 135,490 121,470 7 850 Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; Douglas N„ Douglas, Wyo.; State Bank of Elkhorn, Elkhorn, Neb. 36,520 Yellowstone N., Billings; 1st N., Cheyenne; Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. Mont. Sidney T. Sm ith__ 30,000 3,000 220,000 180,000 50,000 16,000 237,400 227,500 10,000 9,000 52,970 39 94Ô 27 490 Neb. N., Oma.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. Lyman----------Uinta E 2>^armeps^Sc Stockgrowers A. K endall______ J . P. Boyer______ F. A. Cam pbell___ Pop. 500 SJsrtb BankpJflO-^e__ *§15 10,000 4,150 85,440 79,900 11 930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Rock Springs, M anderson...Bighorn B 71'Mandepstm State B ank. **’16 J . H. Montgomery A. K. Lee________ Pop. 150 >-99-89 10,000 900 39,050 38,900 8 060 Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; la. State Sav. Sioux C.; 1st N., Basin. M anville—Niobrara E ls '1 Pop. 241 10,000 5,540 40.88Q . 47,180 9,240 Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Cheyenne W. W. Luce_____ J . W. C hrism an__ J . Charles Rumsch 20,000 2,300 n o , nob 100,000 Medicine Bow___Carbon Medicine Bow State B a n k .i’l l J . B. Cosgriff____ N. H. Scott............. R. R. F in k b in er... Pop. 150 G il ~^100 10,000 2,400 52,000 50,000 Meeteetse_____ P ark B 5 F irst Pop. 400 25,000 12,500 150,000 110,000 10,000 6,830 97 300 01 100 15,000 2,000 85,000 85,000 L in g le..___Goshen F & Tânglé State Bank. Pop. 100 / 7 99-102 Lost Spring Converse EM iiitiz^ns State Bank Pop; 100 Vf / 99-138 Lovell---------Bighorn A Pop. 1200 H. S. Clarke, J r . . . . E. H. Reid___ ___ J . T. McDonald___ W. C. Woods— §17 G. C. Butterfield— J . T. Mills. - ......... L ovell____ ___ »§’16 W. B. Snyder____ H. J . Ries ______ >99-127 National Bank....... «J’06 R. C. C overt_____ L. V. S trv k e r.. 99-87 Hans Hansen ¿L usk____Niobrara E Pop. 414 — •**'86 W. C. R e ed ______ A lfred Johnson___ N. E. Hartwell____ C. C. Browning___ ™ Marbleton ...L in co ln E 3 Pop. 150 State B ank.. .»§’14 .TohnGoeller 121 avtile______»§’07 H. B. Gard_______ A. A. S paugh_____ J . A. Manorgan___ A. A. Dielem an___ '99-90 ■ ____STATE BANK 7 99-116 Moor c ro ft.. ..C rook B l£ Moor croft B ank.. Pop. 178 99-91 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •§’07 D. H. Wilson_____ R. J . McNally 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Stock Yds. N. of So. Orna., Oma.; M erch. N., Billings; 1st N., Greybull. 65,600 1st N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Oma.; Stock Grow ers N., Cheyenne. Wyo.; Ogden State, Ogden. 23,000 1st N., Cheyenne. 18 090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ist N., Rawlins and Cheyenne. 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Oma. N., Oma. Oma.; Stock Growers N „ Cheyenne. t§ ’06 A rthur Ja y n e____ S. A. G uthrie____ D. R. Shackleford _ E. R. M cA llister... j 18,000 Live Stock N. Bk. of So. Oma., Oma. Banks Advertising: give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1917 ional B ank,___«*02 A. J . McDonald___ Alex. A. L inton.— J . L. P rice_______ Florence P r ic e ___ >99-49 w ira te Bdmk___ —. / 99-70 WYOMING M ap on Index •*§’13 121,590 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oma. WYÒMING BANKS—Lander to Moor croft 50,000 ^ 3 1 6 _____ N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U; S. exclusively by T h e R an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ D irecto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k ers Ass’n . 1 O l f. Accessible Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given ■i 0 1 »7 to each bank in U. S. ¡3. exclusively by py xTahe e Rand-M cN ally Bankers 1317 Directory, under th e au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass n N ame of Bank . TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. E ntire State in No. 10 JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Federal Reserve District. P resident . Vice -President . RESOURCES. u ABILITIE.i. jOanbft Dis- GashA lxD epos c’Tt. P aid- up Subplus Bonds, jhakou,Dui AND its Capital P rofits Smubitixs non Baotm $ 25,000 $ 30,980 $ 530,090 $ 478,900 $ 131,770 E. P. Coyle___ ionai Bank— < ’04 1-53 »Newcastle..Weston 0 15 Pop. 975 Cashier . As s 't Cashier . Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- . dexed in back of this volume. For In terest B a tes, Grace,p—1 e tc ., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13-1 g l W Y O M IN G — C o n tin u ed P r in c ipa l Correspondents . O. s’. N., Oma.; 1st N., Cheyenne, Wyo. 65,000 Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; 1st N., Oma. 20,000 14,000 165,000 135,000 A. B. M itchell____ Chas. C. Gross------ 15,000 1,500 80,000 70,000 nffs State B ank.< §’07 O. E. Beyerle------- O. W. Johnson____ Sumner Miller------ J . D. McFarland— 99-92 C. Elias_________— J W Hay . Bank of Pinedale.<§'12 Pinedale___Frem ont E » 99-104 Pop. 150 A. C. Sinclair— Powell_______ .P a rk B 8 F irst National Bank------< 1 2 S. A. Nelson—,----- D. L. Heaston-----99-108 Pop. 600 Abbott Williams— H W. Howell_____ •Powell National Bank— < ’09 / 99-93 P. J . Shickley____ V. F . T rader_____ State Bank—»§12 n cl Ranchester.Sheridan AlH Juanchester 99-106 Pop. 172 John Mahoney____ G. A. Bible_______ R. A. L ogan_____ »Rawlins____Carbon G 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<83 99-28 Pop. 4256 R. A. D u ra n t____ J . E. O sborne____ Rawlins National Bank <1900 J . L. Miller J . H. Clause , 99-29 25,000 13,930 176,140 146,180 10,000 9,630 76,790 83,210 35,000 5,000 175,000 150,000 25,000 6,740 145,510 175,670 10,000 1,000 50,000 39,000 30,000 F t. Dear. N., Chi.; M ont.N ., Billings; Oma. N., Z Oma. 0 26,270 N. Park, N. Y.; ü . S. N., Oma.; Merch. IL, w Billings; Ist N., Cheyenne. > 19,000 Live Stock N. of So. Oma., Oma. Z 75,000 65,000 600,000 595,000 210,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.: U. S. CO 100,000 90,000 792,000 891,000 133,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.: U. S. N., Oma. Z n and Den. H. B reitenstein. . Stocfew ow ers N at. B k._< ’09 J . M. R a m se y ...—J . J. Cullen / 99-30 H i ftyll R iv erto n __ F rem ont D «Farmers State B an k .___§T7 £1,11« Iiiuk&i 1-—— J . C. McNish— — 99-141 Pop. 1299 T. H. S tra tto n ____ Sylvia J e n s e n -----•Jjftrst State Bank_____ < $ ’13 F . M. S tratton-----J . A. Delfelder ^ 99-114 75,000 52,130 415,050 462,080 151,510 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. & Oom’l N.. Chi. 25.000 13,760 178,170 181,270 W. F . Brenim an__ v Riverton State Bank—.< $ ’06 A. J . Cunningham— J . De F . Richards v ' 99-94 G. W. K ephart-----Bock River ..A lbany G ! Cosgriff & Fuller_____ —.§’06 J . B. Cosgriff------- R. P. F u lle e r____ 99-95 Pop. 123 P. J . Quealy -------- J . P . Boyer _______ Rock Springs.Sweetwater FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<" 99-24 Pop. 6000 G5 V. J . F acinelli ----_ orth Side State Bank.< § ’12 P. O. Banning \ / 99-26 25,000 5,000 325,000 250,000 Geo. M. K ephart _ 10,000 130 37,500 33,420 C. L. Agnew -------F rank Plemel 100,000 B urt S m ith --------- 75,000 m im ** 100,000 f JOHN SEBGWICK ESTON COUNTY BANK*» 06 1 S pecial a tte n tlo k k i l W 99-54. - G G A ST0ECKER__ d in g D ra fts , C ash a n d T im e ite m s , 1 15c sh o u ld b e se n t w ith e a c h sigh t d r a f t a n d 25c fo r c re d it re p o rts . (5% IN TE R E ST PA ID ON T IM E D E PO SIT S. Pinebluff__ Laramie H 1%d ra m a 's State Bank— < § ’15 ■99-124 Pop. 600 I A fiOGKSPRINGS I0NAL BANK |JOHN W. HAY— T KINNEY ____ R0BT.D. MURPHY. I K n o w n fo r I ts S tre n g th , ( P ro m p t service o n C ollections a n d D ire c t Ite m s . J . B. Cosgriff------- Saratoga____Carbon H ! Pop. 557 stockgrowers State Bank C. A. Cook. --------- M .B . McKillip __ F red B. D urrie ----9-132 §’16 WYOMING M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 Oma., Oma. 68,890 lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ist N., Cheyenne; S. N., Oma. 13,210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Rock Springs N., Rock Springs, Wyo. « N., Oma.; Hamilton N., Den. 25.000 66,950 1,152,640 1,290,330 28,000 525,000 513,800 109,470 1,562,710 1,711,970 15,000 10,000 132,920 10,000 4,00C 75.00C 125,010 31,370 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., Oma.; 1st N., Cheyenne, 1 $ o » CO rt> a o CO 57,000 C o n t & Com’l N., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma.; Stock p*-t Growers N., Cheyenne. p o 13,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Cheyenne and 09 Laramie, Wyo. p 149,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N.,Ohi.; Oma. N., Oma.; C o n t N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden. 111,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Oma. 299,060 H an. N ., N .Y .; C o n t. & C om ’l N ., C h i.; U . S . N ., O m a. a n d D en . 32,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N .. Oma. 65,000 ■ 12,000 Stock Growers N., Rawlins and Cheyenne. Wyo.; 1st N., Oma. F o r SA FETY a n d SER V ICE, S e n d Y our L egal W ork to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 7 T own a n d Co unty . N ame oe Ba n k . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn, estate •Entire State in No. 10 ÎMem. State Bks. A ssn.tPriv Federal Reserve District. Est, Lia b il it ie s . Pr e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . ITIZENS STATE BANK <§'10 D. Kahn . FIRST n a t io n a l b a n k / 99— 11 ü i C. R. MASSEY.— I E. B. ALLAN Peter Dem ple..___ T. C. Diers. 99-16 • H. J. LINDER — < ’90 R. H. Walsh Bert Diefs. O. A. Demple Malcolm Moncriffe C. L. Chapman . . . . W. C. H enderson. South Superior. Sweet- VMiners S tate Bank____ < § ’11 w ater.Pop 300_____G 6 ' h Ü6 ‘ Sundance....C rook B15 iik------------< § ’13 Pop. 500 99-112 &ce State B a n k ...< § ’95 99-97 Superior.Sweetwater G rst Bank of S uperior..»§’09 Pop. 2500 99-35 NATIONAL BANK-< 01 99-42 50.000 2.000 260,000 245.000 50.000 80,000 612,650 595,540 130,360 Chèm. N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. £ N., Oma; 50.000 11,440 460,740 144,370 372,400 Han. N., N. Y.; N orthern Tr. Co., Chi. 72,620 1st N. and Sheridan Bkg. Co., Sheridan;.Stocl 99n ^G row ersN .,C heyenne; Mont. N., Billings, 155,330 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Oma. N., Oma. Hamilton N. and Den. N„ Den. 40,910 N. City.N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Oma N., Oma. 24,500 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Cheyenne; Pa,ckersN. Bk., Oma. 21,100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Rock Springs Wyo. 33,000 U. S. N., Oma,; Stock Growers N-> Cheyenne. 100,000 25,830 538,460i 588,790 50.000 18,220 593,550 506,440 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Oma. 9,430 214,580 233,090 1,200 110,010 75,270 10,000 3.050 104,630 96,570 25.000 4,000 73,480 72.51.0 L. A. B ro w n ...___ A. L. R ip le y ....___ J . G. Bush_______ Edwin Rounds. 25.000 14,700 274,450 192,970 W. H. Gottsche___ John W. Hay___ 10.000 7,220 182,140 158,160 121.170 Oma. N „ Oma.; Stock Yds. N. of So. Oma. Oma. 41,200 Hani N „ N. Y.; U. S. N., Oma. 40.000 17.000 '475,00ft 385.000 110,000 Han. N., N.Y.; U. S. N., Oma. A. K. L e e ...... ___ O. E. S helburne__ J . E. D en h am ____ Robert M. Lee 25.000 31,770 611,960 577,190 H. P. ROTHWELL.. A. J.LOW RY— r- 25.000 3.000 200,000 110.000 91,530 Chase N., N. Y.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; Stock Yds. N., Oma.: Bk. of Mont., Billings; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 100,000 Mfech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Merch. N „ Oma.; Citiz. N „ Cheyenne. A. Kendall_______ J . H. A nderson___ D. E. M cCurtain... A. H. B o w m an..... ï , L..Bowman____ J . E. F ord _____ ,_ H. L. Levesque.... f H. P. ROTHWELL MARTIN McGRATH W. T. BIVIN— -— A. B. THOMAS. 6% PA ID ON T I M E D E PO SIT S. GENERAL 5% PAID BA NKING. ON SAVINGS fuonal Bank____< ’04 H. S. Clarke, J r — A ACC OUNTS. E. H. R eid.. ... . k J . T. M c D o n a ld - R. F . T e b b e t___ B. P. Y o d er...____ Frank Cloos___ !__ A. H. W oolever___ Jam es Stirling— C. T. M inick ____ 25.000 5.000 10.000 A. J . C a rp e n te r... H. H. H u n te r____ 10,000 W, H. Davis.— . — Howell Jo n e s___ S 10,000 2.000 E. W. S to n e— ___ Lewis C. B u tle r... 25.000 11, 304,650 295,190 145,OOo[ 135.000 10,000 90,000 105.000 970 7,050 11,770 75,000* 68,000 10,000 1,440 88,560 84,030 M. It. Johnston— D. W. Brice____ _ Geo. MUne. D .W . Brice Osgood Jo h n s o n ... K ent S nyder____ 40.000 40,000 650,000 560.000 20.000 14,080 209,840 185,470 Porter Lamb__,___ B. J . Keys— ____ 25.000 17,200 561,120 350,110 25.000 11,380 -248,210 214,560 G. C. M uirhead___ J . T. Cunningham Robt. Steele— 52.440 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Oma. N. and Corn Ex. N., Oma. 38.000 Stock Yds. N. Bk. of So. Oma., Oma.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. 14.000 U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Newcastle, Wyo. 8,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Packers N. Bk., Oma. 12,500 Neb. N., Oma. 20,940 Oitiz. N., Cheyenne. 90.000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st Ni; Chi. and Oma.; 1st N. and Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. 58.440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Den. N., Den. 263,210 Neb. N., Oma.; 1st N., Cheyenne; U. S. N., Den. 70,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Growers N .,Chey- Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to C o lle c t io n s 'e u id Correspondence July, 1917 rjagton State Bank 12 J . T. Snow_______ 9-101 U pton._____Weston B ak of U pton_______< § ’10 J . L. Baird_______ AT QQ-QQ ■ Pop. 244 "fstate Bank___ §17 J . F , Coad—__ . . . . B -ïfk Van Tassell.Niobrara E Ï : of Vah- Tassell__ »§13 W. L. H oyt__ __ ;. Pop. 150 99^115 ‘ W h eatland.. . PiatteG 5laiWe County Slate Bank D. M iljerî’ ____ Pop. 1000 fT 99-117 . *§’14 State B k/of W heatland.»§’03 F . N. S hiek______ f 7 99-57 StocbGrowers B a n k __.»§11 George Mitchell___ ». 35 / 99-58 ‘ W orland.. Washakie O 7 Fyrfft National B ank.. « i’OO C. W. E rw in ..____ M Pop. 709 '■ / 99-65 s**«—— ’^ S to c k Growers State Bank G. B. McClellan___ 7 99-66 <§10 WYOMING M ap on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 266,000 Seab. N„ N, Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Stock Yards h of So. Oma., Oma.; Stock G rowers' N Cheyenne. 25.000 DAVID DICKIE- ‘ T orrington. Goshen F 16 .. Pop. 600 150,000 $ 158,200 $1442 000 $1482 000 10.000 'hermoDöfis State Bank<§ ’08 C. W. Ford— 99-44 WYOMING TRUST CO. .< § ’07 P r in c ip a l Co r r espo n d en t s . Loans & Dig- Cash & E x c’ts . Bonds, changes,D ue S ecurities from Banks I Sheridan Banking Co,— i§ ’94 P. P. Reynolds.___ E. A. W hitney. J , D. T horn___. . . W. G. Griffen____ 99-13 J..D . Gillespie iridan County Sav. Bk.$§’03 P. P . R eynolds.. . . . E. A. W hitney___ ! W. G. Griffen, Tr. . 14 J . D. Thorn h eridin National Bank < ’06 J . E. CoSgriff__. . . G. W. P e rry .___ _ C. L. Hoag — .... / 99-15 Shoshoni.— Frem ont D 7 Fu^V'National Bank____< ’05 A. J . Cunningham.. J . De F. R ichards.. R. S. L inn_____... L. G. Millis— it Pop. 604 . / / 99-96 — “ y&Jioshoni State B ank....«§’17 L. A. S haw ver— _ C. F. Moore ...___ H. J . Shad c_____ ‘Therm opolis-.Hot Spgs. R eso urce s . rplus P aid - tip S uand D EPOS' C a p it a l ITS P r o f it s ; P ro m p t a n d c a r efu l a t te n tio n giv en ( to all b a n k in g m a tte r s e n t r u s t ed to u s. 99-12 /-■ \ A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . ____________ WYOMING BANKS—Sheridan to W orland _____ ANK OF COMMERCE. Ca s h ie r . 1 [B. F. PERKINS— ‘ Sheridan__Sheridan At Pop. 12,713 A ccessible T ow n s, L aw yers, Law s, D irecto rs, in dexed m h ack of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t R a te s, G ract e tc ., see page 14 F o r H o lid ay s, see opposite page li WYOMING—Continued 1j* ^ . t 'J* N u m b e r u n d e r N am e o f B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b e r given 1318 T?. e a * bank *5 U- S exclusively by T h e R an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ ________ D irecto ry , u n der, th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n .