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F. Hooper___ J . F. Hooper, Banker___t ’02 61-175 C. Maxwell__ Alexander City— Talla- Alexander City Bank— t§’89 61-168 poosa.Pop. 3000——E 7 Benjamin Russell. FIRST NATIONAL BANK »900 61-169 Nolen Bank — _______ i t ’04 S. J . Nolen............ 61-170 J . V. P arki......... Aliceville— Pickens 1) 2 ALICEVILLE BK. & TR. CO. 61-240 < § ’04 All co llection s Pop. 640 Merchants & Farmers Bank 61-241 < § ’10 Altoona___ Etowah B 6 First State Bank______ §’09 61-251 Pop. 1071 xAndalusia__Covington Andalusia Bk. & Tr. Co.<§’10 61-131 Pop. 2480 H5 Bank of Andalusia —__< § ’04 61-130 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 02 61-129 Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . J . D. Wood___ O. M. Steagall___. N. C. Wood__ L. S. Nichols... Robeft Newman — J. Ë. Long, Jr. J . R. Sherman___ C. J . W alker_____ E. H. Payne — — e on collections, Personal prese n tation , prompt t. Modern m eth ods in all depart m ents of bankin A. L. Harlan. A. B. Hooper......... W. B. Hooper____ A. B. Hooper, Jr. H. Herzfeld_____ Leon M. Willis — 30.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N., Montg.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 65,530 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birin., Montg., and 80,560 185,440 395,160 100.000 Dothan, Ala. 6. 13,640 147,620 104,440 103,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 50,000 rem itta nce>| int eilig ent reasons for g. T R Y 77.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 97.500 115.000 153.000 25.000 T. C. Russell-....... J . H. Henderson. R. L. Nolen. L. A. Nolen____ S. J . Nolen, Jr . — 75.000 $ 35,000 75,000 150.000 55.000 82.500 150.000 225.000 62,500 1st N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. 50.000 55.000 200.000 250.000 50.000 Han. N..N . Y. 50.000 85.000 225.000 250.000 75.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am, Tr. & Sav., Birm 30.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile; City N. 18.000 100.000 110.000 20.000 J.M . Summerville— J . A. Somerville, J r Tuscaloosa. A. Horton entrusted to us r eceive prom pt a t tention . Low est rates o f exch a nge on New Y ork. 19.000 Han. N., N .Y.: 1st N., Birm. 48.000 3.000 30.000 25.000 G. E. Bowlin_____ F . B. Carpenter.—. Jas. F. Croley....... J . N. Morrow 23,770 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 52.160 3,980 47,110 20.000 T. R. Bynum___— W. L. E lliso n -— C. S. Hardin____ 21.000 N. Park, N.Y.: Am. N., Pensacola, Fla.; 1st N. 94,060 2.000 60.000 32.000 D. A. McArtan____ D. A. McRainey— L. M. Studstill----Birm. N. Bk. Com.. N.Y. and Pensacola; 1st N., Birm 52,000 175.000 10,000 125.000 100.000 R. D. Crawford___ E. C. Gunn______ W. D. Hutchison... R. N. McLeod-__ 6 115,000 525,400 505,140 266,640 Seab. N.. N. Y. 100,000 J.D . HENBERSON T. E. HENBERSON C. D. BEAN— — ftN W H r We give all out o f town item s ca reful attention, and rem it promp tly a t re asonabl e rates. »Anniston — Calhoun C 7 ANNISTON CITY NAT. BANK T. E. Kilby— ___ 61-54 < ’90 Pop. 13,686 City Bank & Trust C o...i§’l l C. J . Houser—____ 61-55 First National Bank___< ’83 W. H. Weatherly „ 61-53 Bank of Arab_____ — < § ’09 Arab_____Marshall B 61-252 Pop. 250 Ariton________ Dale G ARITON BANKING C0.~t§’08 J . J . Barnes.:____ 61-253 Pop. 700 Peoples Bank_________ i§’13 E. E. Paulk______ 61-401 Ashford___Houston H First National Bank____ »’12 J . R. Dawsey____ 61-386 Pop. 479 »Ashland__--..C lay D Farmers State Bank_____§’14 A. G. Cusick_____ 61-448 Pop. 1200 W. H. McKleroy— C. D. Woodruff__ James Keith, Jr. O. M. Alexander.. Frank Leigh------James Keith, Jr . W.W. Stringfellow J . T. Gardner, J r .. H. A. Young Joseph J . Bain___ R. F. Sm ith___ S. L. Galbraith J . R. Houser—. . 200.000 G. A. Hagan___.... 100.000 T. J . Trawick___:. W. W. Fussell Y. E. Folsom------- FIRST NATIONAL BANK - i ’09 C. B. Allen____ 61-208 »Ashville— St. Clair C Ashville Savings Bank—i§ ’06 J . L. Herring__ . . . 61-255 . i Pop. 278 »Athens—Limestone A 4 Citizens Bank________ .» I’OO William S. Peebles . 61-166 Pop. 2750 Farmers & Mchts. Bank.§’09 C. D. Glaze______ 61-167 First National Bank____i ’89 W. A. Frost_____ 61-165 Atmore__ Escambia H 4 Bank of Atmore_____ < § ’04 J . E. McCay_____ _ 61-209 Pop. 1500 First National B an k ___—’15 M. Benenson____ _ 61-452 A. A. Northen____ B. W. Pruet W. A.Beason____ J . A. Embry T. C. McClellan___ D. L. Rosenau J . N. Howard____ E. H. Hawkins__ _ J . P. Willis______ J . W. F r o s t___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150.000 134,750 25.000 954.160 1,281.200 150.000 280.000 247,700 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. i Mech. N., Balt. 6 35.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Anniston City N., Anniston. 184,180 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Cin.; 4th St. N Phil. 6 A lberivi lie, A la.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 367,880 1,016,060 1,502,260 Earl G. Parr (Brame h o f B a n k o f A lb ertville, 55.000 25.000 18.000 20,000 J . F. Richardson.. B. I. Jackson_____ 15.000 4.000 25.000 40.000 W. P. Burkett____ H. M. Kincey_____ 25.000 4.000 60.000 62,250 S. W. Pruet, J r ___ J . E. Parsons____ 15.000 2,530 21,800 23,240 75.000 34,140 170,150 275,470 3.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N., Dothan, Ala. 6.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 24.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hou. N.» Dothan, Ala.: 1st N Montg.; Tra. N., Birm. ( 8,470 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 53,820 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 6 J . C. Du Bois, J r . _ J . M. Nunnelly — 12,500 7.000 70,000 75.400 20.000 Han. N.i N. Y. A. B. McWilliams. W. A. T odd_____ 30.000 19,630 149,230 91,620 79,320 Chase N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm. B. R. Holbrook— 60.000 10,000 150.000 175,000 30.000 Han. N., N. Y .; Am. N., Nash. C. E. Frost______ 50.000 11.000 250.000 245,500 J . D. Curtis_____ E. F . Goldsmith__ W. R. Maxwell___ 29,200 7.500 80,000 88,000 29.000 Han. N„ N. Y .: Merch. & Mech. N., Balt.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. X 6. 40.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch., Mobile. H. H. Patterson 24,840 960 14.000 21,630 50.000 25.000 115,500 155,530 60.000 52,000 J . H. WUliamsen Attalla____ Etowah B 6 ATTALLA BANK -— - < § ’06 T. C. B anks______ G. P. Walker_____ E. G. Lee------------ A. O. Mathews— 61-256 Pop. 3000 Merch. & Farmers B k ..t§ ’13 Lamar Smith____ C. R. Shepherd___ F. W. Cox_____ 61-412 ALABAMA Map opposite page 3 0 6. ___________ ALABAMA BANKS—Abbeville to Attalla *Abbeville.— Henry G 8 Bank of Henry_______ t§’03 . S. Steagall—___ 61-192 Pop. 1141 First National Bank___< ’01 M. V. Capps_____ 61-191 H. Jackson......... Albertville-Marshall B 6 BANKOFALBERTVILLE-*$’05 Superior servie non-paym en 61-176 Pop. 2000 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest K a te s, G race, et c „ see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page Id. P rincipal Correspondents. Resources. L ia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District SURPLUS Depos Loansk Dis- Casti k Ex of which bank is member. c h a n g e s ,D u e ’ ts . B o n d s , AND its Skcuritiss fromBanks. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. P r o f it s A LA BA M A Tulv. 1915 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, » " d e r th e au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n. Name of B ank. Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Town and County. Vice -President . P resident . tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. »County Seats. Est. 00 4M 25.000 3,000 15,750 N. Park, Mobile. N. Y.; Bk. of Mobile N. B. A., -s X 6. 42,330 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 3d N., Atl. 26,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BOND ED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber und er N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to .each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , und er th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County . ACounty Seats. N ame of B a n e . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.fPriv. Est. Auburn . . . . . . . . . . L e e £ 7 Bank of Anbnrn______ $$’07 Pop. 1408 61-257 ¿Bay M inette... Baldwin Baldwin County Bank.»$$’02 Pop. 749 13 61-258 Beatrice.....M onroe Q 4 Peoples Exchange Bank*$§’07 Pop. 345 61-259 Belle Mina— Limestone Belle Mina Bank______$$’14 Pop. 150 A5 61-422 Berry____ _ Payette C 3 Bank of Berry___„ „ — §’11 Pop. 600 61-382 P resident , A ccessible Towns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ALABAMA—-Continued Vice -P resid ent . A s s ’t Cashier . Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . Depos P aid- up SURPLUS AND its Capital P rofits $ 10,000 $ S. L. Toomer_____ G. A. Cary_______ Ghas Barclay R esources. & C asti &E x L oans D isc ’ t s . B onds , S e c u r ities 6,900 $ 37,000 $ 50,000 $ 11,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 50,000 5,630 224,420 222,830 15,000 5,880 45,930 38,820 D. F . Green__. . . _ B. N. Bibh............. H. B. Zeitler J . C. Shepherd E. M. Grimsley Clyde Hendrix |__ B. H. Sap p ______ 10,000 120 12,000 14,000 6,480 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. « T TWillfir 15,000 5,000 25,000 29,700 34,400 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. W W TTnllincr«worth B IR M IN G H A M 4,000 120,000 155,000 37,000 2,700 63,000 64,200 IState tPriv. Est. •$§’03 P resident ; Vice -President . G. B. Hollingsworth 11 (Jefferson, D 5) County Seat, Ass ’t Cashier . Cashier . W. W. CRAWFORD. H. L. BADHAM- C. M.WILLIAMSON- E. B. CRAWFORD C. B. McCORMACK, W. C. HAMILTON C h .o f B d . FRANK STEVENS 45,000 N, Park, N. Y.; Am, Tr. &Sav., Birm. 30,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. R esources. S urplus I ndivid- D eposits L oans & B onds, S ecuri D is Op counts t ie s , etc . B anes 413,529 3,995,350 250,590 ; 3,381,020 627,050 D ue from B anks 988,780 B a n k i n g In a l l i t s B r a n c h e s —Y o u r i t e m s a n d c o l l e c t io n s o n B ir m in g h a m e s p e c ia lly s o lic it e d . T r y u s . SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE. ’FIRST NATI BANK ♦Merch. & Mech. Trust &Sav. W. A. P o rte r__ Bank........61-15. .„ „ „ • $ § ’09 M. L ev y ;.;____. . . A. C. G a rb e r...... J . W. Sparkman.. Henry L. Chisolm ♦STEINER BROTHERS— *$$'88 L. E . Steiner. 61-11 B. Steiner— . H. E. Steiner ♦TRADERS NAT’L BARK-*$’04 JohnH . F r y e ... 61-10 o n o MARX & CO.........*$’01 (Investm ent Secur itie s )______ Birmingham Clearing House.. A. C. Garber___ ( M e m b e r s i n d i c a t e d b y a *) ALABAMA Map opposite Oscar Wells. Carl Steiner— . — J . M. Levine . Otto Mooney_____ M. H. Sterne. M g r. 1,280,000 4,856,310 481,280 1,104,840 P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member: xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 502,100 G u aran ty T r. C o., N. V. ; Cont. & Com’l N., C hi. 476,430 Han. N., N. Y. 8,574,000 2,272,000 2,725,000 1,340,000 Chase N. and N. City, N. V ., C ont. & Com ’l N. and 1st N., Chi. X 6. Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 3d N., St. L.; Mtle. N., Memp. 140,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Ger. N., Cin. 100.000 30.000 600,000 675.000 100,000 130,000 400,000 250.000 250,000 85,000 35<000 Union Tr. Co., N. Park, and Colum bia, N. Y. 250.000 78,790 804,940 752,720 416,400 426,180 155,040 N. City and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y. 1 , 000,000 Ina Shepard. 630,970 Oash and E x changes __________ July, 1915 500,000 709,190 4,822,690 W. H. Manly — __ Benson Cain_____ C..D. Cotten E. W. Finch OSCAR WELLS-— J. K. FLEMING-— -THOMAS HOPKINS-F. S. FOSTER— ,J . H. BARR, T. W. B0WR0N i C h .o f t h e B d . L a r g e s t b a n k in A l a b a m a . 1,500,000 1,775,000 9,725,000 D e s ig n a t e d D e p o s ita r y o f t h e U n ite d S t a t e s a n d S t a t e o f A l a b a m a . W e c o l l e c t a n d f o r w a r d i t e m s d i r e c t to •$’84 61-1 e v e r y b a n k i n g p o i n t in A l a b a m a . S u p e r i o r s e r v i c e in h a n d l i n g c o l l e c t i o n s . TEST OUR FACILITIES 30.000 1,250,000 500.000 W. Ç, STERRETT. M. JONES.— MEFFERSOH C0UNTY BANK jA . E. JACKSON- T. W. W. HUTT0N F. S. WHITE ^ , 61-7 *$§’15 (T ran sacts a gen eral banking busi ness. Prom pt, p ersonal attention 'given col lections. ♦Birmingham Trust & Sav. Co. Arthur W. Smith. 61-8 *$$’87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 193,640 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co. and 1st N., Birm. 6. Population 166,154— R eserve City P AID-UP; and . UAL C a p i t a l p R 0 P IT S D eposits 500,000 23,270 N.Park, N.Y.;itf. City., Mobile. T ry us. L ia b il it ie s . ‘AMERICAN TRUST & SAV. RANK •61-12 100,000 52,720 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City., Mobile. ALABAMA BANKS—Auburn to Birmingham j G. E. RUTLEDGE- R. W. WALDROP— G. W. HARRISON— BESSEMER STATE BARK 61-59 *$$’04 1 Collections a s pecialty. R em it on day of pay m en t. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Charles Hall— W. D. Stapleton— n n Hail E. W. McLeod T. M. Riley— . ___ W. R. Sawyer____ W. R. Sawyer____ W. J . Mason_____ 100.000 54,290 503,630 435,740 |R. f . SMITH........ LOUIS McLAIN — W. H. LEW IS------- G. R. DAVIES------Bessemer..Jefferson D5 BESSEMER NAT. BANK ns rem itted for daily. Send us your bu siness. em er. Collectlo Pop. 15,360 61-58 *$’03 ( The only natio nal bank in Bess United States Savings Bank 61-60 «§14 changes , D ue fro m B anks . 399,790 X 6. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Chase N., and Han. N.,N. Y.; 1st N., Birm, Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Developed Service for Banks and Bankers C . The A m erican Trust and Savings Bank special izes on A labam a and Birmingham Collections. CL It has an organization insuring promptness and connections giving extensive par facilities. O F F IC E R S W. W . CR A W FO RD _________ -President ED W . B . CR A W FO RD ...............Asst. Cashier H. L. B A D H A M _____________Vice-President W. C. H A M ILTO N ..................... Asst. Cashier C. M . W ILLIA M SO N _________ Cashier FR A N K ST E V E N S __ ________Asst. Cashier G. B . M cCORM ACK, Chairman of the Board AnericanTrust^ BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA American Trust & Savings Bank Building CAPITAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - - $500,000 DEPOSITS - - - avingsRanr - - SURPLUS - - - $250,000 - - - $4,000,000.00 Hj go c t-1 fz. “ 1 D • 1 -«H i° n r m y. ÖKÖ H ob b ö o b « CO-QO> ZOGiUl 00CO Shelby...... St. Clair ... Sumter__ Randolph.. Russell__ Talladega.. Tahapoosa Tuscaloosa Perry ........ Pickens ... Pike.......... Macon...... Maulson... Marengo .. Marlon__ Marshall.. Mobile...... Monroe__ Montgomer Morgan__ Lamar...... . Lauderdale Lawrence.. L ee ........... Limestone Lowndes .. Jackson__ Jefferson.. Haie......... Henry........ Houston.... Geneva...... Greene ..... Fayette __ Franklin... Elmore...... Escambia.. Etowah___ Dale........... Dallas........ Dekalb...... § gf&<5; § S® S*. ,®*2§ /¡*£ ts (“ft 5 a r ii Walker__ Wastungto Wllcox__ Winston... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5}.3_305K)CT*3G O*3 Ol-3CT*£. 0005 CT o 5 isbsQ b^Bbwwbi>b H > H » Q bt> K£fei fei31 WO tcWH WHW OiOil^MaUOSOl«] Ul^CCrf^COiO CJi-Q 0000CO 00*3 CO09 ö>*0» oj n p c o o-q ffige ©^ B rcya-B-cr!» So ££ p csg < o g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Some Facts About The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory 1. Is the most accurate and carefully edited publication of its kind. (Write for our circular, “More Testimony.”) 2. Is always the first Bank Directory on the market and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than any other similar publication. 3. Has the largest paid circulation of any similar publi cation in America. 4. Has the largest paid bank circulation of any publication in America, of whatever kind. 5. This circulation is increasing rapidly every year. 6. Is the Official Directory for the State Bankers’ Associ ations of Ohio, Kansas, Montana, and Kentucky. 7. Is the Official Numbering Agent for The American Bankers Association. 8. “A Reliable Book published by a Responsible House.” It costs the same, Why not get the Best ? Two Editions each year, January and July Boaz______ Marshall B 6 Boaz Bank Pop. 1010 61-217 $•09 W. E. Snead_____ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14, For Holidays, see opposite page 13. L ia b il it ie s . Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Depos L oans & D ih- C ash & E x P aid- up Surplus a n d c *t s . B onds , changes , B ub of which bank is member. its Capital P rofits S ec u r it ie s from B anks . XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. A — Continued Ass ’t Cashier . J . L. Caddell $ 28,300 $ 27.100 $ 120,000 $ 73,400 $ 90,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. f H. JACKSON-— FARMERS & MERCH. BANK 1 Su perior servie 61-216 •§'04 ) re m itta n ce . ( M odern m etho J . H. FLETCHER— D. K. SEARCY___ e on C ollection s. P erson a) prese n ta tio n , prom pt In tellig e n t reaso ns fo r n on -pay m en t. ds In a ll depart m ents of bank! n g. T R Y US. 10,000 First National Bank. ___* ’13 W. H. Bartlett____ 61-421 Brantley—Crenshaw G 6 First National Bank. — •$’06 F . Henderson____ Pop. 802 61-261 Brent_________ Bibb D 4 Brent Banking Co.. . . ___$’12 H. V. Faucett____ Pop. 300 61-396 ¿Brewton..Escambia H 4 Bank of Brewtnn .... • « ’89 W. E. F oshee..___ Pop. 2500 61-145 Citizens Bank . . • « ’02 61-146 Farmers & Merchants Bank J . W. Adkisson__ 61-390 •112 Bridgeport..Jackson A 7 J . C. Jacobs Banking Co.-t’lO J . C. Jacobs_____ Pop. 2175 61-262 Brundidge____ Pike G 7 Brundidge Bkg. Co.. ..ttl900 M. Lightfoot—___ Pop. 1000 61-228 First National Bank. ___$’04 James T. Ramage. 61-229 ¿Butler___.Choctaw G 2 Choctaw Bank—........ - - « '0 5 0 . L. Gray Pop. 250 61-263 Calera______ Shelby I) 5 Citizens Bank______ - • « ’07 R. E. Bowdon..___ Pop. 754 61-264 ¿Camden.....W ilcox G 4 Bank of Camden ___§’09 W. J . Bonner. Pop. 648 61-239 Camden National Bank—±'06 E. W. Berry____— 61-238 Camp Hill.Tallapoosa E 7 Bank of Camn Hill . — « ’06 T. S. Sturdivant... Pop. 1000 61-265 Carbon Hill..W alker C 3 Citizens Bank........... . . . « ’08 F. A. Merrell —___ Pop. 1627 61-266 ¿Carrollton..Pickens D 3 Bank of Carrollton. -•§1900 A. H. Dabbs__. Pop. 800 61-267 Castleberry .Conecuh H 4 PeoDles Bank - • « ’09 Pop. 225 61-268 Cedar Bluff .Cherokee B 7 Cedar Bluff Bank — §’09 J . M. Pridgen____ Pop. 500 61-269 ¿Center___Cherokee B 7 Cherokee County B a n k .« ’06 G. P. Sm ith_____ Pop. 300 61-270 ¿Centerville___Bibb E 4 Bibb County Bkg. & Tr. Co. John P. Kennedy.. Pop. 730 61-271 «'97 PeoDles Bank « ’Id J . W. Hunnicutt— 61-434 ¿Chatom.WashingtonH 2 Chatom State Bank . . . . . § ’09 James N. Granade. Pop. 350 61-272 L. H. Turner____ E. M. Looney_____ R. M. Miller_____ L. O. Cox S. W. May_______ W. F; R ainer___ L. E. Stephenson.. J . J . Rainer A. H. James_____ M. A. McCraw____ H. R. Faucett____ 30,000 25,000 W. Y. Lovelace___ O. F. Luttrell—___ C. B. Sawyer____ 0 . F . Luttrell E. Leigh McMillan J . S. Crum_______ Cherokee ....C o lb ert A 2 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK Pop. 556 61-273 • « ’92 Childersburg . . Talladega First National Bank . — •{’11 G. R. Powell_____ Pop. 440 D6 61-373 Citronelle — Mobile H 2 F irst National Bank. — •’03 H. O. McMain Pop. 1200 61-274 ¿Clanton____Chilton E 5 Clanton Bank - • « ’04 W. I. Mullins____ Pop. 1500 61-196 Peoples Savings Bank. » « ’01 W. T. Callen........... 61-195 ¿Clayton....Barbour G 7 Advance Banking Co__ $§’06 George A. Johnston Pop. 1500 61-194 Clayton Banking Co__ « ’87 0 . B. Pruett_____ 61-193 ALABAMA Map opposite page 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,000 38,000 11,450 N. Park.N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 2,500 60,000 40,000 40,140 99,920 162,160 52,000 Seab. N., N. Y,; 1st N., Birm., Chattanooga, and Gadsden, Ala. 6. 16,670 N. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Mercb. N„ Troy, Ala! 2,300 42.000 43,500 100,000 17,940 138,620 206,920 20,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am, Tr. & Sav., Birm.; 1st N.. Montg.; Merch. B. &Tr. Co.,Tuscaloosa. 64,410 Han. N., N. Y.: N. City, Mobile. 47,200 34,020 180,700 173,970 87,950 N. Park. N.Y.; Citiz. & Peo. N., Pensacola, Fla. E. S. Liles_______ G. O. Harold_____ J . E. Shofner. 25,000 6,000 105,000 85,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. E. P. Jacobs_____ F. P. Jacobs._____ A. J . Sentell. . 15,000 1,180 90,000 54,000 49,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. F . C. Bass 25,000 12,500 ' 6. J . F . Hightower... 50,000 100,000 145,000 270,000 31,000 N. Park, N. Y. F . Henderson_____ W. G. Gilmore___ 50.000 65,780 98,120 187,820 73,490 N. City, N. Y. H. J . Breuster.— J . P. Kelly............. 12,500 1,250 45,000 34,000 W. G. Nichols H. D. Latham____ 35.000 6,010 70,660 108,530 J . T. Lawler_____ 30,000 5,000 120,000 140,000 J . R. Liddell........... E. L. Ratcliffe____ R. H. Liddell_____ 30,000 10,000 50,000 62,000 E. L. Andrews____ E. L. Andrews____ F. M. Coleman.— 50,000 18,500 73,660 150,430 23,150 Chatham & Phenix N. and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. 28,000 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Selma. Duncan McDonald . F. A. Merrell.____ G. A. Kropp_____ 15,000 3,500 85,000 73,000 24,000 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y .; 1st N., Birm. 20,000 12,000 77,000 90,000 23,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com’l, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. T. W. Snead ______ W. R. Westbrook.. 16,500 27,000 33,150 J . L- Savage_____ Roscoe Smith_____ J .H . Savage. M. C. Smith E. Kennedy______ J . P. Suttle______ 16,700 18,850 53,450 25,000 29,760 81,670 117,980 W. C. Fuller_____ Letcher Melton___ 42,000 1,000 65,000 37,000 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. T. J . D ees.._____ M. L. Smith ______ C. M. Davis. 15,000 5,700 55,000 48,000 10,800 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. Harold S. Sargent, Mgr. 6. 12,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. L. C. Hudgins_____ D. B. M iller_____ B. Z. Rozier_____ J . W. Thurmond . . N. P. Thurmond— (B ran ch o f E ver green, A laA 6. 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City, Mobile. 66,270 16,690 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Rome, Ga. 64,550 ' 21,790 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Anniston, Ala. (B ran ch o f D ecat u r.A la.) July, 1915__________________ ALABAMA BANKS—Boaz to Clayton N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in Ü.S. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass*n. ALABAM Name of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P r esid e n t . y ice -Pr esid e n t . Cashier . ¿County Seats. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. Est. qi ° 28,280 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. N. Bk; Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. J . H. Stewart____ A. H. Sm ith ...____ E. M. B o x_______ 25,000 3,200 60,000 40,000 J . Wheeler______ J . S. Lynch, Acting 25,000 2,000 42,370 48,170 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N. and 1st N., Birm. 9,740 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. , Chi. W. H. Sartor_____ E. A. Matthews___ P. O. Barrett____ 15,000 10,000 65,000 98,000 J ohn A. Thomas__ John A. Thomas _ I. E. Willians____ 15,000 20,400 83,840 62,240 W. H. Robertson, S. H. Dowling — Jr. J . C. Parish_____ J . T. Floyd, J r — 50,000 15,000 50,000 100,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 50,000 45,600 80,000 145,000 16,400 Han. N .. N .Y .; 1st N., Birm. 6. fi. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm.. Tr. & Sav. Co. and 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Montg. 51,650 1st N., Montg.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. For SA Sß FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under Num e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e authority of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass n. 32 T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P resid e n t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, indexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, W A L A B A M A — Continued V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Subplus Depos and Capital P rofits its R esources . & E x L oans & D is- Ca sh c’ t s . B onds , changes , D ub from B anks . S e c u r ities P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Cleveland— Blount C 5 (See Oneonta) Pop, 400 Pop. 580 ' Vi ¿Columbiana- Shelby D 6 Pop. 1079 Pop. 300 Pop. 1747 Orossville.— De Kalb B 7 First Bank of Crossville .§’13 61-411 Pop. 350 Cuba______ Sumter E 2 Bank of Cuba.................§’04 61-281 Pop. 650 ¿Cullman -—Cullman B 5 Leeth National Bank____£’10 61-149 Pop. 4000 Parker Bank & Tr. Co. £§’84 61-147 ¿Dadeville.— Tallapoosa 61-186 Pop. 1193 ^ E 7 Tallapoosa CountyBankt§'87 61-185 Dalevillfi TinlA H 7 61-379 Pop. 500 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. (.Branch o f Decat u r,A la.) Courtland -Lawrence A 4 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-280 £§1900 Pop. 478 S. P. Sm ith---------- G. W. .Tnstice fl. D. Finj» 20,000 2,400 10,000 18,700 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hamilton Tr. & Sav., Chatta- 50.000 45,000 18,000 Han.N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. 130,000 65,000 94,200 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. W. E. McGowen... A. L. Vaughan____ T. S. Ward ______ T. O. Vaughan____ 15,000 G. S. Leeth-------- - T. J . Callahan, J r .. O. M. Fisher_____ C. W. Sandlin____ 25,000 George H. P arker.. H. C. Arnold ......... M. L. Robertson... J . Spitznagel____ 50,000 8,000 300,000 225,000 98,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. Thos. S. Sturdivant H. O, Sturdivant. . 50,000 10,000 100,000 130,000 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. Z. J . Wright, J r . „ G. J . Sorrell_____ C. M. Corprew____ 75,000 940 142,040 161,750 G. H. Malone_____ W. W. Morris . . . . . L. E. W ells______ T. B. W ells______ 25,000 5,000 17,000 37,000 ¿Decatur....M organ A 4 CITY NATIONAL BANK- «£18 C. C. Harris_____ A. E. Jack son____ W. B. Shackelford- J . W. Pole.............. J . D. Wyker 61-115 Pop. 5000 J , L. Brock \ TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK S. S. Broad us___ D. F . G reen_____ Clyde Hendrix____ G. D. Williamson, John E. Orman See. 61-116 »£§’92 A. F . Rebman P. B. Timberlake 200,000 10,000 480,000 450,000 225,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 150.000 103,720 980.010 971,290 246,430 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou.: Mech.-Am. N„ St. L.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Birm. and Chattanooga. 100,000 30,000 225,000 350,000 100,000 N. City, N. Y.: Hib. N., N. O., La. 125,000 85,940 387,230 468,060 130,110 N. Park. N.Y.: 1st N.,Birm. 10.000 7,060 66,000 64,540 J H SPIGHT J. D. NORWOOD— J . A. SHAHAN 6. 113,750 Han. N..N . Y. 7,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dothan. 6. 6. Demopolis —Marengo F 3 COMMERCIAL NAT’L BANK < Collections and Bill of Lading d rafts our special ty. 61-370 < 1 1 Rem itted for on day of payment, Pop. 2417 ( Special attentio n by an officer of the bank. .» u W. S. P rou t______ L. C. Low e______ J . B. Taylor.......... E. E. Tallichet........ ROBERTSON BANKING CO. 61-134 < § ’70 G. T. Breitling Dora_______ Walker C 4 Dora Banking &Tr. Co._«§’06 H. W. Cranford— R. H. Palmer____ C. I. Jones......... 61-282 C. I. Jones Pop. 916 ALABAMA M ap opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence ______ July, 1915 (A R SMITH__ 20,000 ALABAMA BANKS—Cleveland to Dora Cochrane —.Pickens D 2 Pop. 400 Coffee Springs—.Geneva Pop. 503 H7 Collinsville—DeKalb B 7 Pop. 673 Columbia—-Houston H 8 Pop. 1122 CLIO BANKING CO -— i§ ’05 W. A. Arnold_____ G. O, Wallace____ A. C. Dillard___— C. H. Stephens___ $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 111,580 $ 58,990 $ 61,190 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg.; Tra. N., Birm. 61-244 16,560 5,840 Corn Ex., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 2,500 55,000 25,000 J . N. Stephens___ Mrs. M. I. Robinson A. D. Teal_______ 61-245 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 15,200 12.010 R. E. Bentlev 2,500 25,000 27,000 J . B. Summerville. Cochrane State Bank——§’09 T. H. G. Cook— 61-275 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Dothan N.. 25,000 6,290 J . P. Lawson 17,330 53,940 13,211 W. G. Vaughn____ Bank of Coffee Springs.£§’06 J . L, Crawford___ Dothan. 61-276 N. Park, N. Y.: Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 44,000 n r , Hall 44,120 3. W. Newman ___ V. M. Brindley___ J . P. Cox________ 8,030 107,440 99,730 Farmers & Mer ch. Bank.¿§’04 61-234 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala. 25,000 T, P, Smith 50,590 32,970 3,180 61,930 W. F . Oaklev L. W. Armstrong— 61-404 Han. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Birm. 6. 25,000 40,000 65,000 15.000 94,000 Karl Oakley_____ First National Bank___< ’06 G. H. Malone____ J . M. Koonce____ J . M. Koonce 61-198 N.Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Selma N., Selma, 35,000 15,000 9,000 65,000 87,000 W. W. Wallace — W. L. Christian,__ Columbiana Sav. B ank.< §’03 W. F. Davis Ala. 61-277 30,000 42,000 8,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. Gordon DnBnse. 3,000 17,000 Shelby County State Bank§’l l W. B. Browne ___ 61-377 .Tnri«nr> Dayie 15,000 F. P. May ......... 9,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Eufaula, Eufaula, Ala. 3,200 ■T. Ti. Houston 4,000 20,000 61-392 15,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Tra. N., Birm. 1,500 40,000 50,000 M. H. Johnston---- G. S. Elliott— . __ M. H. Johnston___ 61-278 ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState JMem.StateBks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . ¿Eutaw-------- Greene E 3 Pop. 1500 ¿Evergreen.Conecuh H5 Pop. 1582 Fairfield — Jefferson C 5 Pop. 1350 F a lco .... j.Covington H5 Pop. 200 Falkville^— .Morgan B 5 Pop. 335 Faunsdale—Marengo F 3 Pop. 352 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. P. Rainer _______Y. W. Rainer__ . . . J . B. Amos______ 50,000 38,420 85,560 159,800 20,950 N. Park and N. City.N. Y.; 1stN., Dothan,Ala. A. B oyd __ _ S.N . Row e___ — . L. 75,000 75,000 150,000 250,000 25.000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., Dothan, Ala. 6. Chase N.. N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. C. Powell..__ M. W. Dunn_____ Ashford Todd___ (B ran ch o f A the ns, A la. ) - .......... 27,800 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm .Tr.& Sav. Co., Birm. Foster Hamilton. 50,000 5,080 190,920 195,790 R. E. CHADWICK - 100,000 115,000 990,000 932,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 134,000 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan, Ala. 75,000 15,000 75,000 140,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y .: 4th N., Montg. 6. A. O’Neal___ L. A. Boyd______ J . L. Warren____ Y. O. Warren__ 100,000 65,000 150,000 315,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dothan, Ala. 6. W. J . Willis_____ R. L. Young_____ W. R. Lewellen___ J . D. Lewellen.. 12,600 2,500 16,000 29,000 A. Terrell__ J . W. Minor. 'T /'M ■5flfepp IACK) SSPOI INDIVIDUAL R ESPONSIBELITY MOKE THAN A MIL LI ON DOLL ARS. Collections and Bill of Lading dr afts our specialty . Rem itted for on day of paymen t. Draft s drawn “ W IT H EXCH ANGE” rem itted without cost. In telligent reasons for non -p ajin e n t. C. 131,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O .; Lowry N., A tl.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Am. Tr. & Sav. and 1st N., Birm . 3,600 1st N., Birm.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. W. L. Wild— __ _ G. L. Comer_____ N. W. Roberts____ 100,000 20,000 100,000 210,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. J . P. Foy________ C. P. Roberts____ C. P. Roberts____ Humphrey Foy. 150,000 154,000 137,000 452,000 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Phil. N.. Phil. 100,000 36,000 100,000 250,000 35,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 6. 40,040 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. 6. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. EAST ALABAMA NATIONAL A. H. Merrill_____ BANK— -61-112...,....*• ; F irst National Bank___»*’82 B. B. Barnes_____ 61-218 Merchants & Farmers Bank Thos. W. Coleman of Greene County...«*§1900 61-219 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.«*’05 Lewis Crook_____ 61-174 Peoples B a n k .:.______«*§’01 C. P. Deming____ 61-173 First Bank of Fairfield .*§ ’10 Robert Jemison, J r . 61-279 Bank of Falco 1.......... §’12 J . M. Gaskin_____ 61-399 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-288 *§’06 Bank of Faunsdale-— ..* § ’12 Hilton McKee_____ 61-380 WATKINS BANKING C0.*t§’91 S. R. Bethea___ 61-289 ALABAMA Map opposite page 3 0 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . We give all out o f town Items careful attention, and rem it pro mptly a t reasona ble rates. Enterprise— .Coffee H 7 Enterprise Banking Co. .*§ ’03 J . B. Byrd— ___ R. H. Arrington__ J . H. Morgan_____ Pop. 3500 61-137 Farmers & Merch, Nat’l Bank H. M. Sessions____ K. W. Harrison___ L. H. Sessions____ M. P. Adams_____ F . L. Hall 61-138 * ’07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’02 61-136 Epes— „ ...S u m te r E 2 Sumter Bk. & Tr. Co__ *§’07 Pop. 374 61-287 Eufaula— .Barbour G 8 Bank of Eufaula..____»*§’06 Pop. 6000 61-114 Commercial Nat. Bank—* ’95 61-113 oans&Dis- CARn&Ex* P aid-up Surplus Depos L ANGER,Dub c’ts. Bonds, CH AND Capital P rofits its Securities promBanks« $ 60,000 $ 12,530 $ 30,260 $ 74,460 $ 26,150 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y. Y. Malone___ E. R. Porter.___ H. L. McArthur_ J . J . Flowers 85,000 575,000 850,000 150,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; J . R. Faircloth_ W. R. Flowers....... J . L. Crawford___ H. G. Forrester__ 200,000 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 78,000 450,000 625,000 148,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Pensacola, Fla. 6. 250.000 G. H. Malone__ — E. R. Malone___ Robert B oy d ____ W. R. W alford__ J . W. Malone 42,070 Han. N., N. Y.: F t. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of 46,180 207,570 649,190 J . R. Young___ R. B. Forrester_ K. L. Forrester___ A. W. Lisenby.__ 150,000 Savan., Savan. 6. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. (B ran ch o f D ecat wr, A la. ) ______ Bkg. Co., Lou. 24,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Troy, 14,000 61,000 71,000 Fox Henderson.— J . P. Merrill_____ H. L. Payne___ R. Frost-------25,000 Ala. 6. A. F . Merrill 6,530 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. 1,340 14,120 29,470 B. L. Gaddis, J r .—A. L. Hamilton_ Lee Hornsby____ O. P. Edwards. 15,000 J . A. Horner 430 8,260 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.^ lst N., Birm. 18,780 40,520 10,000 j H. S. HOLLOWAY S. P. ST0RR S-— - J. F. HOLLOWAY- ¿Elba.— _----- Coffee H 6 ELBA BANK & TRUST CO. F. 61-378 » till Pop. 1079 First National Bank— . «*’03 L. 61-285 Elkmont-Limestone A 4 Citizens Bank__________ §’07 61-286 Pop. 188 Ensley........Jefferson C 5 Bank of Alabama....„ • *§ ’06 R. 61-151 Pop. 9000 •*t’98 A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . A. ELMORE COUNTY BANK-§’12 ] 61-384 I BANK OF ENSLEY Ca sh ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A. M. Brown___ W. J . Barnes, J r ... 100,000 64,390 186,880 282,560 A. Archibald. J . K. Smith______ 55,000 44,000 110,000 145,000 John McKinley___ R. W. Barnes___ J . C. Lucius_____ E. C. R. Taliaferro__ J . D. W right.__ A. Cunningham___ A. Cunningham. P, G. Shook ______ H. E. Dalbey— __ G. C. P. Deming, J r . . . Byron Tisdale A. C. Montgomery. J . __________ A. Steele_____ Balkern— ______ John Blancett___ W. E. Bailey_____ W. R. Hosmer— Geo. H. McKee G. D. Stollenwerck S. Stollenwerck. 25,000 12,500 115,000 125,000 100,000 100,180 309,460 320,590 25,000 12,000 30,000 10,000 800 8,000 16,000 (B ran ch o f D eca tur, A la . ) ........... 15,000 5,400 26,810 50,000 50,390 162,760 24,450 206,650 25,000 Tra. N., Birm.; New Earley N., Montg. 6. ALABAMA BANKS—Dothan to Faunsdale ♦Dothan___Houston H 7 Dothan Mortgage & Trust Co 61-84 *§10 Pop. 7016 Dothan National Bank ._•$’; 61-80 F irst National Bank— »*1900 61-81 HOUSTON NAT’L BANK~*t’05 61-82 ¿Double Springs-Winston TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-283 *§’11 Pop. 500 B4 Dozier____Crenshaw H6 First National Bank______10 61-284 Pop. 288 Eclectic___— Elmore E 6 Bank of Eclectie_______ §13 61-417 Pop. 315 61-150 R eso urces . L ia b il it ie s . N ame op B an k . T own and County . A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G race, e tc., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ALABAMA—Continued July, 1915______ N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers D irectory, under the au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass n . 6. 189,050 Han. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Mobile. Chase N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 2,580 N. Bk. Com., Pensacola, Fla. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park. N. Y .: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 18,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. 74,710 N. Park, N. Y.; Selma N., Selma;; 1st N., Birm.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of Bank, la (he New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. B. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . 04 . T own and County . ¿County Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e sid e n t . ETOWAH TRUST j & SAV. BANK 61-66 .. •• ¿4 % » Gainesville__ Sumter E 2 Pop. 532 Gantt_____ Covington H 5 Pop. 400 Gaylesville.Cherokee B 7 Pop. 204 Geiger_____ Sumter E 2 Pop. 500 ¿Geneva____ Geneva H 7 Citizens Bank i§ ’01 Pop. 1200 61-221 “. “ Farmers National Bank . * i l 3 61-408 Georgiana___Butler G 5 Butler County B ank.. .< § ’05 Pop. 999 61-299 “ “ FARMERS & MERCH. BANK 61-398 »§12 As s ’t Ca s h ier . E, P. Goodwin____ H. M. Williams___ J . C. Grimsley___ E. E. Thomason... E. M. Grimsley T r .T. Britton H. A . Railey L i a b il it ie s . IX J$ P aid - up Stjrp Dbpos AND P rofits $ L. U. Meirs 15,000 $ R esources . &Dis& Loans Cash Ex c ’t s . B onds , changes , D u i S ec u r it ie s from B anks 5,900 $ 62,050 $ 68,060 $ 26,410 50.000 15,000 125,000 90,000 15,000 1,500 7,000 24,730 45.000 P rin c ipa l Correspondents . Also ,Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. X Mem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Birm. . Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 6. 3,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. J . W. Prim______ 60,000 14,500 125,000 155,710 J . M. Chance____ A. J . Bryan, J r . ___ B. H. Hart B. A. Rogers____ J . P. Johnson........ E. J . fienriinger . . 50,000 25,000 148,030 179,440 50,000 10,000 109,000 130,850 31,500 lech. & Metals N.. NY Y.: 1st N.. Chat tanooga. Turner Rice_____ 100,000 200.000 460,000 500.000 260,000 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y,: 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 6. 65,000 55,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 20,000 N. City, N. Y. and Mobile. 15,000 2,000 61,830 55,300 17,560 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. 25,000 10,000 72,820 63,580 30,870 Han. N..N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. 25,000 35,000 19,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 32,840 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Citiz. N., Chat tanooga. 31,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Chattanooga. John O. Lehr 10,000 .T. M. Black W t J- Rayis J . C. Wood______ W. L. Stevens C.G. Kershaw 23,190 tan. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola, Fla.; 1st. N., Montg. and Birm. 93,360 tan. N ..N .Y .: 1st N., Birm. 6. 3,000 (.Branch, o f D eca tur, A la .) — W. F . Stelk T. J . (look 22,000 J , ri, Rohling 30,800 4,650 76,150 72,830 50,000 3,190 94,620 116,160 200,000 9,880 295,000 355,000 100,000 92,690 606,280 757,970 186,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 25,000 3,190 125,000 20,000 370,000 295,000 202,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st. N., Birm. C. L. Gulce__ ____ IT, P. B e lle n g e r . W. C. Bellenger J. B. WADSWORTH-J. W. PENN— ......... R. M. WILLBANKS- F. NICHOLSON........ F a s t e s t g ro w th o f a n y b a n k in G a d s d e n . V ig o r o u s a t te n tio n g iv e n c o l le c t i o n s . Q u ic k r e t u r n s an d c o n s i s t e n t c h a r g e s . R e a s o n s g iv e n f o r n o n -p a y m e n t. R. V. Davidson__ N. L. Green Charles A. Lyerly. T S Ryle S. McGaughy, Act. E.T.Hollingsworth J . W. Hammond__ J . S. Paden, Sec an d Tr. E .T .Hollingsworth J . W. Hammond__ H. L. R alls______ J . L. Gunter_____ J . L. Gantt______ J . A. Edwards, Jr. G. W. Pruitt W. Ohesnnt J . R. Henderson... J , F, Ohesnnt. E. L. Gilbert . J . B. Shirley J . J . Johnson, Sr.. D. H. Morris, Sr. 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; Am. T r. & Sav.. Birm . 15,000 4,500 28,000 34,000 12.500 14,000 20,050 45,390 6. N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav, Co., Birm. 9,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Andalusia, Ala. 7,010 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Rome, Ga George W aller.___ E. A. Neel . 46,600 2,480 37,500 59,000 21.600 Chase N., N. Y.; N- City, Mobile. J . Johnson, J r . 50,000 20,210 70,440 98,830 C. A. O’Neal_____ A. R. Chapman___ Frpd C, Riley 50,000 11,000 29,000 107,000 37,630 Market & Fulton N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. Pensacola, Fla. 19,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st. N., Andalusia, Ala. 6, Ulay W. B la c k .... W. R. Boone____ E. D. Espey_____ R. C. Fulford____ A. J . Nall 25,000 13,000 75.000 105,000 45,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. T. L. Rose 25,000 1,500 40,000 46,000 12,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. W. A , Rentz 15,000 '1 530 17,260 18,150 10,420 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. W. J . Price. 25,000 1,120 20,440 24,210 Gilbertown—Choctaw G 2 Citizens Bank &Trust Co.»§13 S. Alman Pop. 500 61-409 Girard........... Russell F 8 Citizens Bank_________ §14 C. L. Mullin P od. 4214 61-416 ALABAMA Map opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CASHIER. » « ’l l ' First National Bank ___ ’88 61-62 Gadsden Ln. & Tr. Co___ §’07 61-64 Gadsden National Bank »i’07 61-63 S. T. Jon es. .................... i f 1900 61-295 Bank of Gantt _ *$§10 61-296 Bank of Gaylesville____§’07 61-297 Bank of Geiger. _ _ »±§’10 61-298 „ V i c e P r e sid e n t . D. H. Rhodes J . T. Doggeft W. H. Holloway__ 8,200 Han. N.,N.Y.;Phenix-Girard, P’henix, Ala. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence ALABAMA BANKS—Fayette to Girard________________ July, 1915 ¿Fayette____Fayette C 3 Alabama State Bk. & Tr. Co. T. H. Robertson... Pop. 2000 61-415 §13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK«*1900 A. M. G rim sley... 61-290 Fivepoints.Chambers D 8 Bank of Fivepoints____ §14 R. N- Brnycn Pop. 300 61-449 Florala___Covington H 6 Bank of Florala_____ «t§’04 F., P, B eri well Pop. 2439 61-132 First National Bank____»i’07 J . E. Hughes____ 61-133 ¿Florence.Lauderdale A 3 ALABAMA TR. & SAV. BANK R. L. Glenn........... Pop. 8000 61-89 »*§’05 .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t’89 N. C. Elting_____ 61-87 j , t* ‘ «• TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-88 t§’92 Foley__ . . . ..Baldwin J 3 State Bank of Foley— « t i l l August Deckinger. Pop. 500 61-292 Fort Deposit__Lowndes CITIZENS BANK.............»§12 J . S. Gnlsnn Pop. 893 ti F 5 61-395 C. M. Davis______ 61-293 ¿Fort Payne.DeKalb B 7 Citizens Bank & Security Co. IT. R_ Rrnck Pop. 1317 61-446 §14 DeKalb County B a n k ...t§ ’03 John A Ravis 61-294 ¿Gadsden ...Etow ah C 7 Alabama Bank & Tr. Co.t§’09 F. M. Brannon___ Pop. 13,326 61-65 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. A L A B A M A — Continued DanKS A a y e r iis in g g iv e r r o r a p i A iie n u u n tu w u u cctiu n s ¿mu w u rrc^ p o n u cn w m a p o p p o s i i c p a g e òu T own and County. «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State $Mem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, I^aws, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, ALABAMA —Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . R eso u rces . L ia b il it ie s . Loansk Dis* Cash&Ex P aid - u p SUBPLUS Depos c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Dub AND Capital P rofits its Securities irohBanks. P rin c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Good W ater.. Coosa D 1 FAR. & MERCH. BANIWS1900 M. M. Eppes____ J . C. Carmichael — T. D. Eppes........... B. Z. Henry_____ $ 25,000 $ 14,000 $ 48,000 $ 96,500 $ 10,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. 61-232 Pop. 740 Gordo_____Pickens D Pop. 707 Gordon___ Houston H Pop. 203 Grand Bay____Mobile I Pop. 350 C. H. Gilliland— A. R. Lauderdale.. W F.Shaw 61-233 Merchants & Far. B k ...*S ’05 A. H. Dabbs____ — J . L. Davis______ J . R. Moore______ T. H. Martin_____ J . R. Moore 61-300 20,000 9,000 50,000 90.000 10,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 20,000 15,000 75,000 73,500 29,000 N„ Bk. Com., N. Y.: Com’l, Tuscaloosa. O, .T, Rountree ... 11,100 5,340 11,500 61-388 Grand Bay State Bank„ .§ ’12 John W. Egan__ _ F , F. Lad<i 61-402 22,280 4,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala. Frank Casper, J r ... 10,000 2,200 47,800 47,000 8,500 Meek. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. Chas. Stollenwerck 100,000 30,000 235,000 2Í5.000 A. Lawson — . __ L. J . Lawson____ L. J . Lawson, J r .. 30,500 14,600 65,470 81,610 (1, IT, Tatrnn . 50,000 82,130 335,470 262,460 165,130 Han. N.„ N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. and Montg. 125,000 120,000 350,000 420.000 15.000 8,000 90,000 95,000 175,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y,; N. City, Mobile, Ala.: New Farley N., Montg. 6. 20,000 N. Park, N. Y,; N. City, Mobile. .T. A. Miller. ,Tt.T, Marsh «Greensboro___Hale E 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 01 .T, A- Blunt. 61-152 Pop. 2048 61-153 «Greenville . . . Butler G 5 Bank of Greenville___»$§’96 61-120 Pop. 4000 First National Bank__»1900 61-121 «Grove Hill__ Clarke G 3 61-302 Pop. 500 Guin_______ . Marion C 3 Marion County Bkg. Co.tS'05 61-303 Pop. 356 «Guntersville__ Marshall Bank of Guntersville—»$§’89 61-189 Pop. 3000 B 6 Citizens Bank 61-190 Thomas W. Peagler Oscar R iley __ — . W. W. Peagler Wm. j . H all.— R. A. Beeland____ Park Smith___ ___ J . B. Powell, J r . . — E. P. Chapman— C. Foscue_______ L. R. Tucker. R. R Wrijjht L. D. Littleton ..— H. C. Henderson — A. M. Ayres____— S. A. Bradford___ W. E. Bradford. . . .»$§’09 G. B. Z ettler____ W. B. Heidt— . . . . Hacklebnrg—Marion B 3 Pop. 286 C. T. Lunsford —— W, A, Frost 61-305 20,000 70,000 105,000 13,000 Han. N .,'N .Y .: 1st N., Birm. 25,000 150,000 200,000 25,000 1st N., Birm. 15.000 5,000 65,000 50,000 1,420 23,400 7,010 19,000 73,050 B. H. Smith— i -T H Ilalev ______ Traders & Farmers Bank$§’06 W. W. Haley___— J . C. Taylor— 61-199 (B ran ch o f Quin, A l a .) ... W. I. Springer___ «Hamilton....M arion B 3 Marion County Bkg. Co..S’08 61-306 Pop. 422 §’07 5,400 32,000 10,000 J . W. Gibbs George Ashwander Hanceville..Cullman B 5 Merchants Bank 61-307 Pop. 464 30,000 25.000 47.500 Hartford____Geneva H 7 Bank of Hartford_____»$§’02 P. M. Metcalf T. F . Cordray__ — D. S. Folsom.____ P. T>. Watson. 61-187 Pop. 1159 Hartsells___Morgan B Pop. 1800 21,770 41,190 48,850 N. Pitrk, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 25,000 17,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 95,000 13.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Dothan N., Dothan. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.', Birm. Josef V. Harrison. J . E. Wilkinson.— 30,000 40,000 Bank of TTartsells____ _ $§’03 J . H. Corchie Arthur Stephenson T. V Griffin . . . . 25,000 10,000 90,000 90,000 G. F- Patterson___ 50,000 20,000 200,000 185,000 W P, TTarriwiek 25,100 24,730 55,830 85,790 Hillsboro ..Lawrence A ‘ TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK Pop. 202 61-310 §’11 ALABAMA Map opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. E. Jackson____ M. T. C. Sco tt. .. M Pattilln J . M. Harwood F. Willis G. H. Malone— L. T. Solomon W. L. Shelley____ J . J . E sp y ...____ T A W est . ___ (T, IT, Malnne W. L. Shelley____ .T. .T. Espy............ J . M. Atkins____ W. H. M cKleroy- Fred Osborn W.T.Woodall, Mgr. 160,000 * 75,000 100,000 25,900 101,150 234,070 T. A. W est______ 25,000 5,820 26,670 69,760 Wilmer Atkins —— 50,000 6,000 65,000 80.000 (.Branch o f D ecat u r,A la.) 12,000 Han. N.,N . Y .: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. FIRST NATIONAL BANK4 05 L. E. Burford____ J . J . Hughes 61-188 J . R. Alford 61-181 First National Bank___*$’06 61-182 Headland__..Henry H ¡ Farmers & Merch. Bank $§’03 61-203 Pop. 1090 First National Bank___4 ’04 61-204 First Trust & Savings Bank 61-383 $§’11 «Heflin------Cleburne C \ Bank of Heflin __ ....$§’05 Pop. 839 61-309 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. (B ran ch o f D ecat u r,A la.) J . C. White, M gr.. Haleyville.. Winston B 3 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-200 $§’92 Pop. 1500 25,000 10,000 _ .. 29,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 50,000 (B ran ch o f D ecat u r,A la.) E. B. Shoemaker, Mgr. Gurley— ...Madison A 6 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-304 7$’02 Pop. 750 79,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .;N . Bk. Com., St, L.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N„ Birm. 6. 153,500 Han. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Dothan, Ala. 6. July, 1915 ______ ________ ALABAMA BANKS— Good W ater to Hillsboro 35 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The JBand-McNally Bankers* 35,000 Am. N:,. Nash,:; 1st N„ Birm. 70,000 Nv City; N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.; 4th & IstN., i Nash.; Tra. N., Bir,m. 6, 23,720 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan. 50,900 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan Ala. 6. 4,980 1st N., Headland, Ala.’ ‘ 21,000 Han. N.,N. Y .:Tra. N., Birm.; Anniston City N., Anniston, Ala. N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. co Co., Lou. Cn For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) oc Num ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U.S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an kers A ss'n. T own and County . ¿County Sèats. N ame of B an k . Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State {Mem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. »Jasper......... Walker C 4 JASPER TRUST CO. Pop. 3000 61-126 Jemison____ Chilton E 5 Pop. 413 Kennedy......Lam ar C 3 Pop. 261 Kinston____ Coffee H 6 Pop. 250 »Lafayette— .Chambers Pop. 2000 E8 Central Bank & Tr, Co. ’l l 61-128 First National Bank____$’99 61-127 Union State Bank____ »tS’l l 61-314 Bank of Kennedy___ __ §’12 61-397 Farmers & Merchants Bank 61-444 §14 Bank of LaFayette___ »$§’87 61-171 R. E. Spragins V ic e -P r e s id e n t . J . C. B u tler___ Ca s h ier . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . R. S. Pulley ______ H. C. Landman__ Lia b il it ie s . R esources . oans &D is Ga sh & E x P aid - up Subplus Depos Lcos. and B onds , changes , D ub Capital P kopits its from B anks . S ec u rities P rin cipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 100,000 $ 52,000 $ 354,000 $ 300,000 $ 168,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; Franklin N., Phil. 6. 100,000 51,590 539,560 538,340 243,410 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 6. F . Henderson. . . . . M. R. Murray___ R. Murphree____ R. L. Adair_____ Clarendon Davis.. . E. T. T erry ..___ Lawrence Cooper A. L. R ison ..____ W. R. Hutton____ Milton B. Merts — 150,000 60,000 450,000 560,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 2d N., Bos. H. M. R h e t t ....... 100,000 75.760 760.390 472.880 (Davis & Ellison) . S. B. Williams ...1 140.000 455,280 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Cin. 52,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ala. Bk. & Tr. Co., Montg. 100.000 44,000 60,000 N. Tucker___=11.. W. B. Hendrick___ H. M. Herin........... T. Forrester.. 25,000 9.280 115.000 87.500 E. F. Ladd_______ 37,500 3,000 125,000 100,000 H. A. Y o u n g ....__ C. W. Daugette__ H. H. Montgomery 25,000 1,000 100,000 100,000 H. L. K in g ______ M. W. T arver____ 25.000 30,210 65.000 57.460 A.S. PRESTON----- WALTER INMAN. 50,000 39,940 137,660 181,340 37,370 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Marine N., Pitt.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 7,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 63,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Birm. 6, N. Park, N. Y.; Mchts. & Mech. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 38,410 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm.Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. R. A. Foote______ G. G. Warren. L. B. MUSGR0VE ERNEST LACY— 47.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 3d N., Col.. Ga. 40,000 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Merch., Mobile. 25,000 Han. N., N. Y. The oldest bank In Walker Count y, prompt and e fflclent service. H. W. Cranford—1 H. W. Cranford___ G. E. Guthrie. 30.000 500 40,000 55,000 J . H. Cranford___ R. H. Palmer. P. P. Hunter A. L. Sherer_____ E. F . Guy---- 50,000 16,620 233.210 290,490 J . O. Kennedy... U. T. Propst.. J . T. Kennedy. K. W. Harrison— J . M. Guy____ John Patton, Jr ., (B ran ch o f M ap lesville, A la .) . . . Mgr. 15,000 3,420 14,620 38,930 W. L. Woodall. 10,000 — 2,790 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. 6,710 13,200 M. C. Ratchford__ 50,000 64,000 136,000 160,000 63,000 Bk. of Am.. N. Y. CHAMBERS COUNTY BANK J . M. Tucker— . . G. E. Collins_____ M. R. Buckalew__ J . C. Griffin . . . . __ 61-172 $§’05 50.000 25.000 85,000 150,000 55,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. L. S. Schuessler. Larkinsville .Jackson A 6 Larkinsville Banking Co.$§’10 W. J . Word_____ Pop. 246 61-315 Leeds_____ Jefferson C5 Leeds State Bank____ *$§’10 P. C. Lindon_____ Pop. 1200 61-316 J . N. Cahoon____ E. G. Grantham. M. Gentle J . W. Adkins____ E. R. Perdue___ F. R. Hurst Thos. Lile, M gr... Leighton__ .Colbert A 4 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK Pop. 540 61-317 $§’92 Lincoln— Talladega C 6 First National B a n k ....«$’12 Pop. 300 61-318 Lincoln Bk. & Tr. Co__ $§’15 61-447 »Linden...-Marengo F 3 First National Bank___«$’04 Pop. 600 61-158 Marengo County Bank »$§’08 61-159 D. T. T atum ... 30,000 41,000 25,000 32,000 ( B ran o h o f Dec 7,000 Mech. & Metals, N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chat tanooga. 12,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. a .Y 25,000 5,300 43,000 52,300 14,000 Han.N., N. Y.; CityBk. & Tr. Co., Mobile. 6. Wm. Cuninghame.. B. F. Gilder...:___ Howard Adams— 25.000 2,560 46,290 49,330 17,720 N. Park, N. Y.; Selma N., Selma. 60.000 24,420 62,150 230,930 31,300 N. Bk. Com. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 6. W. J . Green____ C. W. B ell_______ C. E..Smith.______ W. E. Carpenter. 25,000 7,500 45,000 70,000 25,000 970 16,690 26,060 14,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Anniston, Ala. 6. 9,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 15,000 7,120 35,000 56,000 J . H. Ingram____ B. H. Haynes____ M. Barfield______ 50.000 25,000 60,000 150.000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 25,000 Han. N., N- V.; 1st N., Birm.; Am. N., Atl. 6. W. W. Patton____ J . H. Pinson_____ W. S. Nichols____ B. Tannenbaum T. M. Tartt______ J . A. Mitchell____ T. M. T artt______ A. H. Plyer______ 30.000 23,580 137,510 143,310 57,330 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 50,000 14,500 150.000 140,000 50,500 Chem. N., N. Y .; Birm. T r. & Sav. Co.. Birm. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July. 1915 ALABAMA M ap opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,000 3,000 McLane Tilton, Jr. R. B. Burns.— ___ L. U. Dickinson... J . C. Sawyer. T. J . Watson J . H. Wilson......... D. H. Shelton......... W.L.Hollingsworth G. L. Schmidt C. H. Miller G. J . Lewis______ W. E. Rhodes____ R. G. Rhodes. Lineville______ Clay D 7 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK C. P. G a y _______ W. D. M itchell__ M. M. Eppes-------- A. D. Langston.. 61-212 .*$ ’07 Pop. 1250 J . M. Barfield Farmers & Merchants Bank 61-406 §12 Lineville National Bank.$’05 61-211 »Livingston..Sumter E 2 Bank of Sumter_____ »$§’05 61-225 Pop. 877 McMillan & Co................ $t’91 61-224 15,000 10,000 6. 47,810 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm. ALABAMA BANKS—Huntsville to Livingston____________ »Huntsville„ „ .Madison First National Bank— »$’66 Pop. 8,000 A5 61-75 Henderson National Bk.«$’07 61-77 Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co. 61-76 »$§’05 W. R. Rison Bkg. Co..«$§’66 61-74 Hurtshoro— Russell F 8 Bank of Hurtsboro_____t ’03 61-230 Pop. 1500 Farmers & Mchts.Bank$§’09 61-231 Jackson.........Clarke H 3 Jackson Bk. & Tr. Co..$§’08 Pop. 1379 61-311 Jacksonvillè-.Calh’n C 7 First National Bank____i ’90 Pop. 2500 61-312 Jam es____Bullock F 7 James & Midway Bkg. Co. Pop. 400 61-313 $§’03 P r e s id e n t . A ccessible T ow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G ra ce ,' e tc ., see page 14, F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13, A L A B A M A — Continued j Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County . ‘ County Seats. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Louisville— Barbour G 7 Bank of Louisville $§’01 61-319 Pop. 483 BARBOUR COUNTY BAKK§ 14 61-431 ‘ Luverne..Crenshaw G 6 Bank of Luverne____ $§1900 Pop. 1384 61-179 Farmers Bank_________ §’11 61-374 First National Bank____$’05 61-180 Madison___Madison A 5 Bank of Madison_____ $§’05 Pop. 426 61-320 -§’12 Madrid..— .Houston H 8 Bank of Madrid Pop. 125 61-400 Maplesville— Chilton E 5 Union State Bank_____»$§’02 Pop. 500 61-321 Marbury___Autauga E 5 Farmers Savings Bank.. §T3 Pop. 600 61-407 ‘ Marion_____ Perry E4 Marion Central Bank_.»$§’72 Pop. 2000 61-163 Peoples Bank________ »$§’02 61-164 Marion Junction..Dallas Marion Jet. State Bank.$§’13 61-418 Pop. 225 F4 McKenzie----- Butler G 5 Butler County Bank.—•$§’11 Pop. 250 61-322 Midland City ...D ale H 8 First National Bank____$’06 Pop. 750 61-323 Millport— __Lamar C 2 Millport State Bank____§’08 Pop. 529 61-324 ‘ Mobile--------Mobile I 2 ♦Bank of Mobile N. Banking Ass’n .__61-32........ — «’03 Pop. 55,573 Vice -President . P resident . Cashier . Resources. L ia b il it ie s . Loans&Dis- Cash&Ex D epos P aid- up Surplus c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub and its Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks Ass ’t Cashier . $ 25.000 $ F. B. P rice______ J . P. Grant______ R. E. Flournoy. L. W. Price J . A. Richards .T. H. Blair Wm. E. Holloway. T. W. Shows_____ M. W. Rushton___ J. T. Ivey_______ J. C. Weldon A. T,. Watts A. L. Watts___ J . W. Williams H. Williams F. Henderson____ J. R. Horn______ J. M. Cody______ W. B. R u ff........... F.M .T. Tankersley G. W. Wise______ C. C. Green______ L. S. Hager______ Mrs. L. S. Hager „ fiTfiftn Watford Watford GuyH. Gerald____ W. E. Thomas . J. H. Williams — John Patton, J r .__ M. C. Crumpton M. J . Barrett D. H. Marbury___ C. R.' Russell____ A. T. Rudder_____ R. G. Mushat_____ 61-29 'N lifAt T1IlO UN llA n LL n iT V b ill 61-28 61-27 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,350 19,750 50,000 39,800 132,290 164.640 25,000 17,000 60,730 61,000 30,000 25,000 85,000 140,000 50,000 N. Park., N. Y.: New Farley N., Montg. X 6, 10,000 8,740 32,570 51,850 12,560 N. Park., N. Y.: Henderson N., Huntsville Ala. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala. 80,000 N. Park., N. Y.; Merch. & Mech. Tr. & Sav.. Birm. 4,000 N. Park., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 30,000 10,000 85,000 100,000 10,400 1,500 20,000 26,000 112,000 190,000 255,000 D. K. Mason W. P. Nichols____ J . M. Moore_____ T. T. Moore D. K. Barker . 50,000 53,030 123,580 186,310 25,000 3,870 28,370 40,430 Hugh Hopper (B ran ch o f Georg ian a. A l a .)_____ E. T. Holloway, Mgr. 7,030 27,260 109,730 65,000 G. W. Kelly_____ H. G. Epps____ . A. J . Beverett____ G. L. Brannon____ H. H. Strickland A. M. Geinney 15.000 G. Browne_ 15,000 75,000 65,000 3,800 Han. N„ N. Y. 49,740 Han. N., N. Y.: Montg. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Montg. 27,620 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th N„ Montg. 105,000 Han. N. and N. City.. N. Y. 37,600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y .: 1st N. and Am. Tr. & Sav. Birm.; City N., Selma. 12,350 N. City., N. Y.; City N., Selma, Ala. Han. N.. N. Y. 14,880 N. Park., N. Y.: Hou. N., Dothan, Ala. 6, 74.860 Han.N., N. Y. X 6, 100.000 107,500 1,311,080 1,551,940 HENRY HALL____ C. D. WILLOUGHBY-C. D. WILLOUGHBY-E. H. SHAFFER— J. W. WOOLF O ld e s t N a tio n a l an d H o n o r - ro ll B a n k in A la b a m a . u u r s u p e r io r F a c ilit ie s g u a ra n te e a a t is r a c t o r y s e r v ic e . «$’65 T E S T TH EM . 300,000 Merch. N. and Han. N., and N. Bk, Com., N. Y .; Girard N., P hil.; Is t N., 688,320 3,693,340 3,733,840 1,244,320 Chi.; 3d N., St. L .; Com’i N., Hib. N. and W hitney-Cent. N., N. O .; N. Bk. of Ky. and N. Bk. Com., Lou. 6, E. F . Ladd_______ D. P. Bestor, J r ___ G. A. Michael____ W. J . Parham, J r .. 150,000 221,120 1,532,370 1,543.320 367,670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y„ Phil. N„ Phil. E. J. BUCK---------- -P. J. LY0HS-------- -A. G. TONSMEIRE- -ENGLISH CODY— T. H. HALLSWELL R. J. STEVENS L a r g e s t C a p i t a l —S u r p l u s a n d P r o f i t s —a l s o D e p o s i t s o f a n y B a n k in M o b N e . W e o f f e r u n e x c e l l e d f a c i l i " n e o t v D a n IV5> öl11 u iv iu ii/iia ii is« i" 1/ D iiiy I c ia lt y o f h a n d lin g a n d c o lle c t in g it e m s , e s p e c ia lly BANK B I L L O F L A D I N G i t e m s . R e a s o n g iv e n f o r n o n »$'99 paym ent 750,000 375,150 3,488,250 4,083,760 949,640 N. C ity., N. Y . ; Cont. & Com’ i N., Chi. A. J . Wildman — . C. R. Little 150,000 674,000 2,587,000 2,933,000 G. A. T aylor____ 34,900 16,450 204,790 245,260 478,254 Chase N., N. Y.;, Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Interstate Tr. & Bk Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 10,470 ______ j Ls__u_____ 60,000 16,600 158,000 203,340 W. H. Lyman____ 25,000 5,630 85,130 71,540 M. J . McDermott— A. L. Staples____ T. J. O’Connor___ R. W. Byrne____ J. W. Little______ J . C. Bush, J r . ___ B. W. Padgett__ - Union Savings B an k...»$§’02 J . L. Taylor_____ J. T. McDonald... James T. Duggan. 61-31 J . L. Taylor, Sec. (M em bers in d icated by a *) ‘ Monroeville.Monroe H4 Monroe County Bank..»i§’14 J. B. Barnett____ D. J. Hatter_____ D. D. Mims______ 61-325 Pop. 1000 William Lyman___ Montevallo— Shelby D 5 Merchants & Plan. Bk..«$§’02 C. L. Meroney____ Pop. 923 ALABAMA M ap opposite page 3 0 3,300 $ 39,490 $ 51,750 $ 13,860 N. Park., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. A. F. Armstrong.. __; C. T,. Gilmer Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 1,300 50,000 J . M. Donald P rin cipa l Correspondents . 15,000 15,000 'FIRST NATIONAL RA NK U n illx 61 26 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 ALABAMA—Continued an d M gr___ 239,790 N. City., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi. July, 1915____________ ALABAMA BANKS—Louisville to Montevallo O . 31,090 N. Park.,N . Y.; N. City, Mobile. 42,680 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., Birm. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank ln U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County . »County Seats. *Montgomery-Montgom ery__Pop. 41,777—F 6 Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. ALABAMA BANK & TRUST GO. 61-42 •i§’07 61-39 •t’07 Vic e -P r e sid e n t . J . L. HALL...................— 61-37 As s ’t Ca s h ie r . ;A g e n e r a l b a n k i n g b u s i n e s s t r a n s a c t e d . W e s p e c i a l i z e fo r b ill- la d in g d r a f t s . T R Y U S w it h y o u r it e m s a n d c o lle c t io n s fo r M o n t g o m e r y . W ill r e m it f r è e t h e f a c e a m o u n t o f a ll d r a f t s d ra w n w it h E x c h a n g e . MICHAEL CODY- -J. NORWOOD— -J. J. CAMPBELL. J. K. JACKSON T. E. LOVEJOY If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections on Montgomery and vicinity. ^Send u s yòu r A la b a m a it e m s and c o lle c t io n s , p a r t ic u la r ly your M o n tg om ery b u sin e ss f o r p ro m p t a t te n t io n and r e m it t a n c e a t a m o d e ra te c h a rg e . T r y us. Montgomery Bk. & Tr. Co. W. L. Lancaster... F. D. Kirven____ F. D. Kirven, Sec.. M. L. Jennings___ 61-41 $§’06 NEW FARLEY NAT’L BANK 61-40 •t’06 »Moulton..Lawrence B 4 Pop. 700 Moundville____Hale E 3 Pop. 500 Newbern____—Hale E 3 Pop. 515 NewB rock ton .Coffee H 7 Pop. 500 ♦UNION BK. & TR. C O .tt’01 Michael Cody____ 61-38 Montgomery Clearing House L. B. Farley........... (M embers in dicated by a *> Bank of Monlton_____ t§ ’05 J . C. Kumpe...____ 61-327 Citizens Bank_______ . . t i l l D. H. Bracken____ 61-385 Bank of Moundville__«tS’07 R. L. Griffin_____ 61-328 Bank of Newbern_____i§ ’06 R. A. W hite_____ 61-329 Bank of New Brockton«$§’07 R. C. Adams_____ 61-330 First National Bank__ $13 H. M. Sessions____ 61-426 jag P rin cipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xM em. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 300,000 300.000 500.000 40,760 $ 489,740 $ 550,970 $ 272,190 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y . 100.000 775,000 840,000 345,600 N. Park, N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. 254,010 2,466,890 3,150,550 1,211,650 Chase N. and Am. Ex. N.. N. Y. 279,880 2,545,840 3,049,030 863,090 4th N., N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. 30,000 209,000 47,740 564,160 900,600 219,300 N. P a r k ,N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. g; Frank D. Kohn___ M. H. Sullivan____ W. H. K oh n.. 250.000 27,740 329,210 379,920 228,600 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; WhitneyCent. N., N. O. 6, Joseph Norwood— W. C. Stokes, Sec.. 100.000 58,000 450,260 511,550 J . L. Hall— . . . — . C. O. P rince_____ Han. N., N. Y. 84,090 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. W. A. Saffold, Sec. O . L . J u d y _______ W. A. Mo|es_____ L. B. Cropper____ Ward Bracken. 28,000 8,410 74,180 84,740 27,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .: 4th & 1st N., Nash. 15.000 5,720 32,540 28,540 18,670 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 11,810 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. R. J . Griffin_____ L.M. Griffin____ 20.600 2,700 21,130 32,270 J . F . Brown_____ J . J . White_____ 28,200 11,450 24,190 54,520 L. A. Boyd______ W. W. Whittaker. 25.000 26,500 35,400 84.000 18,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Dothan, Ala W. C. Jo n e s_____ J . E. Jo n es......... 45.000 10,000 30,000 90.000 15,000 N .Park.N .Y .; 4th N., Montg. 6, 72,510 Han. N., N. Y. 6. NewDecatur.Morgan A 4 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK A. A. Hardage____ T. H. Mattocks___ Pop. 6118 61-93 * t ’05 Morgan County Nat. Bk.»t'02 G. A. Hoff............... W. E. Skeggs......... 61-92 New Hope—Madison A 6 Bank of New Hope........ $§’10 W. E. B u tler____ H. R. Joh n so n ___ Pop. 301 61-331 n i A ALABAMA M ap opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R eso u rces . Loams & Dia- Cash & E x * ’tb . B onds , ch anges ,D ub a B anks 150.000 L. R. FARLEY------B. P. CRUM----- M. A. VINCENTELLI— GROVER KEYTON, J. S. PINCKARD Mgr. Sav. Dept. W e s p e c ia liz e t h e C o lle c t io n o f B ill o f L a d in g It e m s . P ro m p t R e m it ta n c e . In s t r u c t io n s F o llo w e d . R e a s o n s g iv e n w h e n i t e m s a r e r e t u r n e d u n p a i d . M o n tg o m e ry c h e c k s a re a ls o s o lic it e d . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. ♦Sullivan Bk. & Tr. Co. «tS'10 John P. Kohn 61-43 $ A. S. Woolf oik___ H. T. B artlett____ 1,000,000 T. J. REYNOLDS— W. H. HUBBARD- - J. M. BRAME----------------------------R. L. GADDIS, JR. •t'01 L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus Depos and Capital P rofits its -------------R. E. SEIBELS......... J. M. BALDWIN. ♦First National Bank__»$’71 A. M. Baldwin. 61-36 FOURTH NAT’L Ca s h ie r . T. A. Bowles____ C. W. Gover— 100,000 7,190 145,230 250,870 F. A. Bloodworth. A. H. Hoff— 100,000 50,670 299,700 370,110 25,000 9,500 71,420 63,000 M. F . Irvin______ i . . , 9,560 Han. N., N.Y.;Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 130,960 Chase N., N. Y .;4th & 1st N., Nash.; 4th St. N., Phil. 6 51,010 Han. N., N. Y.; W. R. Rison Bkg. Co.", Huntsville. Ala. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence ALABAMA BANKS—Montgomery to New Hope____________ July, 1915 EXCH AN G E NATIONAL BANK P r e s id e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 A L A B A M A — Continued The New Farley National Bank Montgomery, Ala. a L in e / * OFFICERS The Growing Bank of Montgomery LOUIS B. FARLEY President B. P. CRUM First Vice-President J. S. PINCKARD Second Vice-President z. SN-aCCi>-AD,*c 3 __ B l — fVD A C T ( Send Us Your Collections M. A. VINCENTELLI Cashier GROVER KEYTON Mgr. Savings Dept. Copyright, 1910, by The New Farley National Bank, Montgomery, Ala. Sole Designated Depositary City of Montgomery. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicited. Designated Depositary State of Alabam a. See advertisem ent In Montgomery Bank L ist Montgomery Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ When you Compare Prices, Consider the Quality ” N O T I C E Your order lor a subscription to this valuable reference book or lor the publication of the name of your bank in capital letters will receive prompt attention P rices: Subscription only Six Dollars per Copy---------------------------- Delivered Two Editions Each Year_______ January and July Name o f B ank in B la ck 'fa ced Capital Letters. Without Subscription In Both Editions___________________$7.00 per year A MOST ‘PRO FITA BLE AND INEXPEN SIVE FORM OF B A N K ADVERTISING Combination Subscription and Name in Caps Both Editions__________________ $15.00 per year One Edition____________________ __11.00 per year Other advertising rates on application. Do you wish your share of the great business which this directory guides ? The R and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory The Original “{Bankers’ {Blue {Book” FOUNDED OLD AND R E L IA B L E “ ACCEPT NO S U B S T IT U T E ” 1872 As s ’t Ca sh ier . Ca sh ier . Newmarket.Madison C 3 Newmarket Bkg. Co.. •iS’05 W. E. Rodgers — W. F . Yarbrough— R. N. Coleman___ 61-332 Pop. 500 Newton Dale TT 7 Farmers & Merchants Bank .T. R. Kelly R. L. Jones _ ..... B. P. Poyner. 61-333 511 Pop. 524 (1. H. Malone . _ .T, .T, Espy. H. C. Price ....... Newville Henry H 8 61-248 Pop. 522 L. S. Nichols_____ M. V. Capps_____ J . W. Capps_____ 61-250 North Birmingham—Jef- No.BirminghamTr.&Sav.Bk. C. B. R ogers____ G. B. Tarrant____ R. H. Wharton. Jr. 61-334 t§’07 ferson—Pop. 7500..C 5 .T. S. Moore „ M. Freeman___ Northport___ Tuscaloosa 61-424 Pop. 500 D 3 Notasulga___Macon F 7 First Bank of Notasulgat§’07 A. B. Hope_______ W. J . Bridges____ J . M. W hite__ 61-335 Pop. 512 Merchants & Farmers Bk.5’12 J . H. Drakeford.__ E. H. Reynolds___ W. W. Brooks. 61-403 Oakman___ Walker O 4 H. W. Cranford. . . L. B. Musgrove___ A. J . Thompson !__ Pop. 1065 61-336 Odenville... St. Clair 0 6 Bank of Odenville____wtS’OS La Fayette Cooke.. J . L. Hamilton___ W. P. Cooke_____ Pop. 300 61-337 W. T. Hodges »Onunntn....,, Blount. C 5 BLOUNT COUNTY BANK«i§’09 Pop. 609 61-243 ** .. Farmers Savings Bank__811 61-376 Oneonta Tr. & Bkg. Co..§’04 61-242 »Opelika _ T,ee E 8 Rank nf Opelika -»t§’79 Pop. 4734 61-107 FARMERS NATIONAL RANK 61-109 ' “ K iS l «t’09 Oxford 5,000 $ 38,000 $ 52,000 $ 25,000 11,500 15,000 45,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Headland. Ala. J . O. Dunn 25,000 5,000 35,000 40,000 Wm. Wharton____ 41,500 25,000 175,000 160,000 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Dothan, Ala.; 1st N., Birm.; 4th N., Monte. 8. 60.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 15,000 6,000 107,320 74,890 25,000 1,500 15,000 Han. N., N. Y. 10,000 H. V. Jo n e s _____ 25,000 48,000 33,000 22.700 W. A. Weaver____ S. C. Allgood____ A. A.. Fendley____ B. Brown .......... 25.000 16,000 70.000 96,000 .T. A.Rrice 23,400 3,590 23,550 30,450 100,000 T. B. Russell....__ J . B. Harvey____ .T. A. Rnyren 7,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co., Huntsville. Ala. N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala. L. S. Brannon____ 50.000 J . C. Nation. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 45,000 30,000 Goddard. P r in c ipa l Correspondents . H. G. Atkinson___ 5,000 ___ Minne Stewart___ 45,740 N. Park, N. Y.: Ex. N., Montg. 6,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Montg. 11,750 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 7.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 23,990 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 20,000 6,000 78,000 J . B. Fielder_____ J . B. Greene_____ .T. R. Oreene 100,000 34,280 110,000 190,730 J G PALMER J E HACKNEY W f ANDREWS iSend us your collections on Opelika. Person al atten tio n . \Quick returns. B . L. Drafts our specialty. 100,000 70,000 572,360 554,220 266,300 Han. N., N. Y .; Cltiz. N„ B a lt,; City Bk. & T r. Co., Mobile; N. Shawmut, Bos. 6. 100,000 277,200 525,910 .627,080 276,030 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 3d N., Atl.; Phil. N., Phil. 6. ( g. N. HODGE.— Calhoun C 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK~t’88 ‘D. C. Cooper..—,* 61-206 Pop. 1090 §’05 W T. Casey _ Dale G 7 Dale County Bank 61-141 Pop. 3000 “ First National Bank___»$’05 G. P. Dowling____ 61-142 Ozark City Rank ......t§ ’0? Mrs.WilliamGarner 61-140 “ Planters & Mchts. B ankt§’90 J . E. Z. Riley___ 61-139 Paint Rock.Jaekson A 6 TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-338 i§ ’92 Pop. 534 »Pell City ...S t . Clair C 6 First National Bank___» i’02 McLane Tilton, Jr. Pop. 530 61-339 Wt ■ 7 j ** Pell City Bank & Trust Co. La Fayette Cooke.. 61-436 *i§’14 Peterman___Monroe G 4 Bank of Peterman____ *§’13 J . K. K yser______ Pop. 200 61-420 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R esources . Loans&Dis-j Cashk Exc*ts. Bonds, CHANGES,Bui Securities fromBanks. 15,000 ' * ♦ 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’86 N. P. R enfro____ F . M. R enfro. 61-108 ALABAMA M ap opposite page 3 0 Li a b i l i t i e s . Surplus AND Capital P kofits ITS $ 15,250 $ Orrin Rrnwn L. K elly___ Odd____ Covington H fi Covington County Bankt§’03 J . R . K e lly .....— T. E. Dalton_____ F. F Kelly 61-226 Pop. 863" First National Bank t ’05 A. S. Douglas____ J . J . Fitzgerald___ C. W. Mizell___. . . G. C. Pierce _. . 61-227 H. C. Willis Orrville..... .. Dallas F 4 Orrville Bank & Trust Co. J . E. Dunaway____ Joseph L am bert... T. F . Ormond____ Pop. 255 61-389 •}§12 »Ozark Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace,! etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, ALABAMA— Continued -7 T. A, Howie........... 0 . W. Cooper____ C. H. Hnwle T. H. Burton M. Sallie............... - P. C. S t e a g a ll._ J . D. Holman____ D. G. Munn_____ J . R. Dowling H. O. Dowling L. W. Kolb............. W, s Garner , R. W. Garner Oscar Akins . . L. F. Sessions____ T. R. Myrfin 50,000 30,000 140,000 160,000 37,710 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 4th N., Montg. 100,000 40,000 150,000 260,000 60,000 N.Park. N.Y.; New Farley N., Montg. 25,000 21,920 16,800 83,870 6,200 N. City, N. Y.: City N., Selma, Ala. 25,000 9,270 179,410 121,320 118.340 N. Park and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y. 75,000 3,850 46,220 80,640 36,180 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. 35,000 23,400 90,000 151,000 25,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 4th N., Atl. 100,000 35,000 75,000 150,000 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. 125,000 45,000 110,000 296,000 C. E. Barclay, Mgr. (B ran ch o f D ecat u r,A la.) J . F. Roberson___ P. Pearson_______ G. C. Bell________ W. N. Maddox W. P. Cooke Pearl C. Still_____ J . L- Aders . Jessie M. Riggan D. R. Nettles____ P. S. Jackson _ . ... 25,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Tra. N. Birm. 37,080 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl, 6, July, 1915____________ ALABAMA BANKS—Newmarket to Peterman N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K a n d - M c N a l l y B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of B ank. T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Vic e -Pr esid e n t . P resid e n t . JMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ¿County Seats. Est. QQ 6, 6, 180,080 N. P a rk ,N. Y. N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 25,000 10,000 200,000 15,000 37,000 28,000 32,000 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co. and 1st N., Birm. 8. 24,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st. N., Birm. 15,000 1,630 22,250 23,320 10,820 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. 150,000 For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally B an kers' D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an kers A ss'n. Name of B ank . T own and County. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. Est. P r e s id e n t . Phoenix___-— Lee F 8 PHENIX-GIRARD BANK«î§’04 C.L.Mullin— 61-110 Pop. 4555 V ice -P r e sid e n t . Oscar Johnson — As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Forrest Woods — L ia b i l i t i e s . P aid - up S uabnp ldu s Depos Capital P b o f i t s its 25,000 16,750 R eso urces . L oans & Dis* C a sii & E x ’T8. B onds , changes ,D ue troai B anks . S ecu rities 175,000 $ 195,000 $ 30,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 15.000 720 5,500 12,840 E. C. Harris__ 25.000 29,260 113,480 154,830 J . S.. Pippin— . 40.000 7.500 L. P. Cone......... 25.000 5,000 52.000 67,430 Carl Grantham 15.000 900 23,890 45,860 E. R. Burns__ 43,500 13,310 25.410 71,980 10,040 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 6. 10.680 N. Park, N. Y,: Selma N., Selma. 5,320 N. City, N. Y.: N. City, Mobile. Fred Curtis— 25.000 6,720 48,810 64.450 C. G. Smith . . . 150,000 28,620 249.000 387,710 14,460 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N. and Peo. N.. Pensa cola, Fla.; Citiz., Brewton, Ala. 58,280 N. Park. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. Edward Northington T. B. Harrison------ 50.000 12,300 150.000 185,000 25.000 Han. N.,N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 15.000 2,430 20,000 33,760 Orville Pope........... 15,380 2,250 6,800 20,880 R. O. Henley------- .38,500 3,850 50.000 70.000 R. H. Fosheé------- J . L. Foshee. 25.000 1,280 15.410 32,670 R. M. Pooley —— 15.000 10,500 70.000 70.000 15.000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Tuscaloosa. L. C. Gaston-------- J . R. Simmons — 15.000 8,630 41,170 48,540 12,940 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. C. S. Kelly — — - N. Allen ------------ - 24.000 3.500 23,740 53,260 T. B. Wood............. W. J . Mann..____ 75.000 33,040 75,470 137,150 38,820 N. Park, N. Y. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 7,740 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 2.000 Han. N.. N. Y .; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N., Corinth, Miss. 15.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. 8,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo., Evergreen, Ala. 6,180 N. City, N. Y.: N. City, Mobile. E. M. Moore_____ 200,000 110,000 200,000 465,000 Wm. McIntosh---- 10,000 5,000 45,000 43,000 11,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. E. L. Boyett____ _ 25.000 3,720 28,150 30,070 40,500 20,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N., Sylacauga Ala. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Good Water, Ala. 17,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.:. Am. N., Nash. John W. Botson—■ Knox McEwen 20.000 J . A. Lentz— ....... I. H. Bedingfleld — H. V. Harvey. 20.000 11,500 30,000 J . F. Busey______ D. M. Maxwell — 15.000 1,130 19,320 19,590 W. C. Hurst__ ___ Foster Gavin____- 25.000 3.440 121,590 102,950 48,350 Han. N., N- Y.: 1st N., Birm. 142,310 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 18,040 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: 4th N., Montg. 6 50.000 32,760 45,090 30.000 3.000 25,000 57,000 J . W. Gay — ......... A. H. Gay....... - __ 25.000 8.000 120,000 120,000 H. G. Jaco b s------- R. A. Jacobs---- 15.000 10,000 130,000 115,000 (B ran ch o f Deca tur, Ala, TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-213 *§’99 65,000 38,000 60,000 E. M. Anderson___ T. W. Anderson— H. T. Benton, Jr . .. ¿Seale_____ Russell F 8 First National Bank__ «’09 H. T. Benton____ Pop. 500 61-353 175,009 . E. P. Jacobs.—— 7,700 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. 13,300 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N., Montg. 30.000 Mech. and Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Chattanooga. 6. 30.000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 26,000 Han. N.i N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. X 6 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ISin n c t f Riti vnfior nwa T.nws. TilrAMnTS- 111- July, 1915 A. Holloway — — L. H. Davis —— T. L. Farmer— J . G. Wilkinson — H. Boyd — — ALABAMA Map opposite page 3 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,570 Han. N., N.Y.; Anniston City N., Anniston, Ala. 35,420 N. Park, N. Y. N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala. (B ran ch o f D eca tur, A la J . C, Jaco b s..___ Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. J . F.Mprgan._ W. B. Sellers__— A. F. Bullard____ W. N. Morris____ D. H. Morns— P r incipal Correspondents . ALABAMA BANKS-HPhoenix to Seale TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-154 t§’01 Samson____ Geneva H 6 First National Bank___«*’06 61-183 Pop. 1350 Peoples Bank . . . ____§’07 61-184 ¿Scottsboro, Jackson A 7 First National Bank..__ t ’08 61-214 Pop. 1500 J . C. Jacobs Bkg. Co— 1’09 61-215 Ca sh ier . F. D. Kirven------- W. J . Price. Piedmont__Calhoun C 7 Farmers & Merchants Bk.§’15 C. N, Thompson... J . H. Barlow_____ 61-453 Pop. 2226 First National Bank......* ’04 Arthur Wellborn... J . P. W oolf......... . 61-340 Pinekard_____ Dale H 7 Peoples Bank_________*§’06 Mrs. J . W. Pippin.. J . B. Borland— 61-341 Pop. 757 Pine Apple— Wilcox G 5 Bank of Pine Apple—.< § ’03 J . T. Adams.......... S. N. Stanford— 61-342 Pop. 627 Pine Hill____Wilcox G 3 Clay Sheffield, Banker „ t t ’05 Clay Sheffield— . . . 61-343 Pop. 470 Pittsview____Kussell F 8 Bank of Pittsview........... §10 L. H. Boykin____ S. R. Pitts, S r . ___ 61-344 Pop. 220 Pollard___Escambia H 4 Bank of Pollard---------»*§’05 W. A. Finlay, J r — H. D. F in la y ..— 61-345 Pop. 599 C. E. Thomas__ - M. A. Graham ¿Prattville..Autauga F 5 Autauga Bkg. & Tr. Co. R. L. Faucett 61-143 «*§1900 Pop. 2222 First National Bank— »*’08 Allen Northington. M. M. Smith— 61-144 Ragland____St. Clair C 6 Bank of Ragland_____ » il'll W. T. Brown____ W. G. Meharg____ G. S. McElwee 61-346 Pop. 483 Red Bay__Franklin B 2 Bank of Red Bay_____*§’08 A. C. Waldrep____ C. P. Lunsford . . . . 61-347 Pop. 472 Red LeveLCovington H5 First Bank of Red Level.§’04 C. A. Costen—— — C. W. Costen...: . . 61-348 Pop. 317 Peoples Bank . ......« § ’14 J . M. Foshee . — .. 61-439 Reform ____Pickens D 3 State Bank of Reform—*§’07 J . L. Cummins__ G. A. Howell........ 61-349 J . T. Cochrane Pop. 1000 Repton____Conecuh H 4 Merchants & Far. Bank.t§12 W. M. Newton___ H. L. Dees---------61-394 Pop. 550 Repton State Bank___ «*§’07 C. S. K elly ____ 3 E. L. K elly___— 61-350 M. Schuessler____ Roanoke —Randolph D 8 Merchants & Far. Bank.t§’08 61-156 Pop. 2500 ROANOKE BANKING C0.<§ 10 J . C. Wright_____ 61-157 Robertsdale „Baldwin I 3 Robertsdale State Bank «$§’11 E. L. Mumma____ 61-375 Pop. 400 ¿Rockford „__Coosa E 6 Bank of Rockford____tl900 W. B. McCain___ 61-351 Pop. 500 Coosa County Bank------- §14 T. J . Tippett____ 61-450 Rogersville —Lauderdale Bank of Rogersville____§’06 W. T. Weaver___ 61-352 Pop. 400 A4 Roy_______ Monroe H 4 Peoples Bank „ : ----------§14 W. M. Newton....... 61-432 Pop. 448 ¿Russellville__Franklin Citizens Bk. & Sav. Co.-§’06 C. E. Wilson-------61-155 Pop. 2046 B3 Accessible Towns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G race, e tc., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ALABAMA—Continued 41 “ 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Tfànsit Number given to each bank in' U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. .Rnlma . Dallas F 4 Pop. 14,988 Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r esid en t . A L A B A M A —Continued Vice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Cash ier . CITY NATIONAL BK. 61-47 11 Accessible Towns» £aw yeM , jLaws» X>lrectorst indexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest Rates» Grace» ( A. G. PARRISH- H. C. ARMSTRONG H. 1. SHELLEY — - R. W. HUSTON— ] Oldest and larg est bank. Send your item s direct to us. •t’70 ( Superior servi ce and prompt returns. ntr* L ia b i l i t i e s . Depos P aid- up S urplus and its Capital P rofits qpA nnorn 1A. R esources . & Cash &Ex- Loans Dig* c’ tb . B onds , S kcorities oh a nobs , B ub from B anks P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMember Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 400,000 $ 361,260 $1198560 $1699190 $ 526,090 Chase N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N.Y. 6. |C. M. HOWARD .. PEOPLES BANK & TR. CO. 61-48 *t§’02 ] T ran sact a ge l Selma; We m S. A. FOWLKES-— H. F. COOPER....... W. F. ORMOND— J. H. ROGERS , neral banking b uslness; send us your item s on ake quick return s. 100,000 12,880 805,890 351,580 67,190 Han. N., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Hiber nia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. Selma National BanK...»t’04 E. C. Melvin_____ 61-49 R. H. Mabry_____ R. P. Anderson___ J . W. Craig______ J . G. Melvin 200.000 89,110 643,330 954,260 178,180 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.: Merch. & Mech. N.. Balt. 6. Selma Tr. & Sav. Bk.__«t§’07 E. C. Melvin_____ R. P. Anderson___ P. O. Thomas____ R.P.Anderson.Sec. 61-50 100,000 81,790 571,000 667,360 73,810 Irving N.VN. Y.; Selma N.. Selma, Ala. 50,000 6,000 85,000 102,000 22,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 50,000 63,000 280,000 320,000 80,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; 3d N., St. L. 6. S. D. McGee_____ 40,000 14,000 30,000 70,000 P. Z. Smith 35,000 20,000 50.000 75,000 Springville—St. Clair C 6 Bank of Springville...»*§'07 T. E. Moody_____ G. L. Byers______ M. W. Forman___ S. E. Chandler....... 61-354 Chas. W. Allison Pop. 350 10,000 7,000 55,000 65,000 7,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Birm.Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. Standing Rock -Cham Bank of Standing Rock.S’09 C. E. Hines______ J . H. Hines..____ S. F. O’Neal........... 61-355 bers__POP. 1300-----K 8 15,000 7,060 17,100 34,710 10,100 Han. N.,N. Y.: Birm. Tr.& Sav-Co..Birm. Stevenson.. Jackson A 7 First National Bank —»*’10 W. J . Tally______ P. H. Woodall....... J . Z. Schultz_____ P. O Schultz Pop. 574 61-247 G. H. McMahan 25.000 7,940 76,840 83,780 26,000 Seab. N., N. Y. “ --------- Sheffield___ Colbert A 8 Peoples Bank__ _ 61-106 Pop. 4865 _±S'07 J . H. Lester .:____ J . B. Lagomarsino. W. H. Richeson. . . SHEFFIELD NATIONAL BK.„ J . W. Worthington W .S. H atch ... 61-104 »t’03 61-223 Pop. 896 „ G. H. Malone a . S. Kelley . G. W. Smith SL0C0MB NATIONAL BANK C. E. Segrest____ 61-222 *'05 B. F . Smith | Jjjj 4»• _. G. E. Roulhac....... T. C>Sanford.— -. (.Branch o f D eca tur, A la .) — — . TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-246 tS’01 5,000 N. Park, N. Y. 6. 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan; 1st N„ Birm. 6. 6. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou, Sulligent____Lamar C 2 Bank of Sulligent____ *§’05 W. W. Ogden____ W. M. Stone_____ J . R. Bankhead___ F. M. Sizemore___ 61-356 Pop. 619 20,000 9,500 78,000 65,000 41,370 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. SweetWater-Marengo F 3 SweetWater State Bank»*§’14 G. J . Lewis............. D. P. Chapman___ A. E. Y my 61-429 Pop. 180 16,000 1,390 20,880 26,000 7,660 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. Sylacauga.Talladega D 6 First National Bank___»*’04 S. P. McDonald__ W. H. Mitchell___ F. M. McDonald__ J. J . McDonald___ 61-178 Pop. 3000 30,000 20,000 145,000 164,100 Marble City Savings Bank E. S. Smith______ E. J . Sm ith______ È. R. Partridge___ 61-425 §14 50,000 5,000 50,000 75,000 Merchants & Plan. Nat. Bk. J. W. Brown____ H. K. Stockley___ J . F . Golson_____ 61-177 »*’04 50.000 25,000 174,000 145,000 100,000 15,040 328,900 325,150 119,960 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 50,000 129,760 537,050 502,840 246,670 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., B im . X 6. 52,000 : 424,680 664,830 189,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Birm. X 6. ... ¿Talladega.Talladega D 6 BANK & TRUST COMPANY L. G. Jones______ T. S. Plowman___ W. C. Dowdell___ Alonzo Abrams___ Pop. 5854 61-98 §12 .. •• Isbell National Bank.. . »t’48 W. H. Boynton___ .T. H. fvev 61-96 W. H. Lane TALLADEGA NATIONAL BANK H. L, McElderry-j R. W. Henderson.. H. L. Wynn ........... 61-97 »t'05 ALABAMA Map opposite page 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150,000 . Unllilnvrc onn nnnnait.A nflirp. IS. H 30,900 N. Park, N. Y. 6. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 98,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 6. For S A FE T Y and S E R V IC E , Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Num ber under N am e of B an k ia the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, under the au th ority of The A m erican B an kers A ss'n. T own and County. ‘ County Seats. N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State $Mem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . Accessible Towns, Law yers, Daws, D irecto rs, in* dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G ra ce , e tc ., see page 14. For 1 H olidays, see opposite page 13. A L A B A M A — Continued Vic e -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ier . Talladega Springs. Talla Planters Bank_________ t ’07 W. H. Mitchell___ 61-357 dega. ..Pop. 500___D 6 T. S. Mitchell____ Tallassee____Elmore E 7 Bank of Tallassee_____..§ ’15 A. S. Noble............. Pop. 2000 61-423 G. N. Wilson____ As s ’t Ca sh ier . L ia b il it ie s . P aid- up SU BPLU B Depos AND Capital it s PBOFITS R esources . L oans & Dia- Ca sh à E x C’ tb . B onds , changes, D ue S bcuritixs from B anks . 20,000 43.000 92.000 15.000 800 25.000 30.000 H. G. Almon_____ (B ran ch o f Decat u r.A la.) Fox Henderson___ L. M. Bashinsky__ L. E. Bashinsky___ Fox Henderson,Jr. J . C. Henderson J . W. Bowers____ T. E. Murphree___ J . D. Murphree___ Ross Rainer_____ 6,700 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Selma. 40,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. N. Park. N. Y.; Mchts. & Mech. Tr. & Sav., Birm. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park., N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 150.000 215.000 1,250,000 1,267,000 300.000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y. ; N. Shawmut, Bos. 100.000 132.070 220,250 Han. N., N.Y.; Mchts.-Mech. N., Balt. 465,040 566.980 Frank P. Folmar . . E. Folmar_______ W. B. Folmar____ 28,000 50.000 20,000 147.000 176,000 100,000 91,470 609,580 688,020 44,600 4.700 40.000 67,700 100,000 100,000 776,000 870,000 160,500 N. City, N. Y . Geo. A. Searcy___ W. F . Fitts, J r . __ Glenn Foster____ G. D. Johnston, Jr. Merchants Bank & Tr. Co. G. W. Christian 61-71 «$§’87 250.000 79,450 543,820 545,900 130,080 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Çin. J . E. Hurston____ 25.000 71,720 54,950 Charles Henderson J . C. Henderson__ £ . Murphree____ ‘ Tuscaloosa -Tuscaloosa CITY NATIONAL BANK-*$ 65 S. F. Alston_____ E. B. Nuzum____ R. H. Cochrane___ J . H. Fitts, J r . 61-69 Pop. 9817 D3 Commercial Bank...........$§’13 A. H. Dabbs-------- W. H. Hargrove... J . J . Neilson____ Jno. R. Hood— 61-72 FRANK S. M00DY-J0HN LITTLE, JR.-FRANK M. MOOBY-C. N. MAXWELL, JR. V ig o r o u s a tte n tio n g iv e n c o lle c t io n s . Q u ic k r e t u r n s an d c o n s i s t e n t c h a r g e s . •$’71 R e a s o n s g iv e n f o r n o n -p a y m e n t. G I V E U S A T R I A L . FIRST NATI BANK 61-70 J . C. Spraggins__ W. G. Halsey. ‘ Tuscumbia—Colbert A 3 COLBERT COUNTY BANK R. J . Wilson Pop. 3324 61-123 §T3 (.Branch o f D ecat u r.A la.) TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-122 $§’92 ‘ Tuskegee___Macon F 7 Bank of Tuskegee_____$§’93 John H. Drakeford A. H. Drakeford. . Geo. T. H ill____ D. E. Laslie 61-125 Pop. 2803 Farmers State Bank___ §’14 F . L. Wadsworth— F . M. Johnston— L. C. Johnston . . 61-438 Macon County Bank.. .»$§’82 W. W. Campbell— J . C. Wright_____ L. W. Wilkerson 61-124 f THOS. EDWARDS E. H. COPE-------- HUGH FOSTER ~ ‘ Union Springs. .Bullock FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’04 ] Largest Bank In the County, 61-119 Pop. 4055 F 7 ( City, County, and State Deposi tory. MERCHANTS & FAR. BANK W. W. Rainer___ 61-118 •$§’90 ALABAMA Map opposite page 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . H. Rainer, Jr. G. M. EDWARDS & N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; New Farley N., Montg.; N. City, Mobile. 42.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm. 211,320 Chase N., N. Y. 21,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Boatmens, St. L.; Tra. N., Birm. 6. 48,390 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 50.000 65,000 213.340 201,370 30.000 4,420 61,080 48,480 50.000 101,080 302,130 311,680 50.000 69,460 322,360 319,270 92,930 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N., Birm. 80.000 62.990 107,940 351.460 23.930 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N., Montg. 122,070 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L. 46,820 N. City, N. Y.; Ala. Bk.& Tr. Co., Montg. 117,200 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 4th N., Montg. fi. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence ALABAMA BANKS—Talladega Springs to Union Springs_________ July, 1915 15.000 100.000 20,000 325.000 382,000 Thomasville—Clarke G 3 Farmers Bk. & Tr. Co..$§’07 J . W. Tucker____ E. 0. Dozier_____ J . G. Cunninghame J . E. Pritchett____ 61-359 Pop. 1181 A. K. Horn, Mgr... (B ran ch o f M ap lesville, A l a .) ... Thorsby____Chilton E 5 Union State Bank_____«$§’08 61-360 Pop. 500 *Troy_________PikeG 7 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. 61-100 »t’82 Pop. 6000 First National Bank...$1900 61-102 W. B. Folmar, Banker $t’94 61-101 Troy Bank & Trust Co.$§'06 61-103 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 25,000 $ 16,000 $ 25,000 $ 73,000 $ 11,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. Thomastop—Marengo P 3 Planters Bank & Trust Co.§’14 C. B. Thomas____ W. B. Harrell____ C. C. Pritchett____ Pop. 309 61-435 Town Creek. ..Lawrence TENNESSEE VALLEY BANK 61-361 $§’06 Pop. 344 A4 P r incipal Correspondents . Num ber under N am e of B an k ia the New ^ * » sl* * í;in\£er « £ * 2 each bank in U. S. exclusively byJFh© ^Rand-McNall^ B an k crs T own and county. »County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P residen t . V ic e -Pr esid e n t . W, TT, Taylnr . ... CANEBRAKE LOAN & TRUST COMPANY --61-162.--.t§ 07 Pop. 2500 Accessible Towns, Law yers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest S a te s , G race, etc«, see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. L i a b il it ie s . R esources . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Loans&Du* Cashk Ex P aid-up Subplus Depos c ’ tb. Bonds, changes,Dus of which bank is member. AN D its Capital P rofits SiooBinifl fromBanks xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ALABAMA—Continued Cash ier . As s 't Cash ier . J . T. Monnier____ $ 50.000 $ 10,000 $ 50,000 $ 90,000 $ 10,000 N. Park, N., Y.: N. City, Mobile. Farmers Bank------------ t l ’02 J . F. G lass______ T. F. Glass, J r ....... 61-161 10,000 24,000 55,000 80.000 100,000 177,000 228,900 15,000 1,500 30,000 32,000 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Chattanooga. 15,000 6,000 45,000 36,500 14,000 Han.N.,N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 15,000 3,290 32,770 37*610 9,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. &. Sav. Co., Birm. Vinegar Bend. Wash’ton Bank of Washington Co.-§’06 N. E. Turner____ L. V. Rounsaviile— M. A. O'Pnm 61-362 Pop. 500 H2 10,000 2,460 13,970 15,350 8,490 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Mobile. Wadley__Randolph D 8 Bank of Wadley.... ..........§’08 J . M. Welch_____ H. F. Hodge_____ J . M. Hodge_____ H. D. Pearson___ 61-363 Pop. 426 32.500 18,920 50,370 70,980 30,810 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm, 10.000 5,000 55,000 35,000 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Ist N., Birm. |G. B. JOHNSTON- t k m L i M - WALTER J . WHITE J . H. BRADFORD— 6,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ist N., Cin. 110,600 Han. N.. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N.. N. 0 . PLANTERS & MERCK. BANK < Collections a s p eclalty . Oldest and larg est b an k In U ntontow n. 61-160 < § ’84 ( C o rresp o n d en ce invited« Valley Head.DeKalb A 7 Bank of Valley Head— §14 N. S. Davenport__ G. M. D. Lowry— R. Tl. Lfuyry 61-430 Pop. 233 Bank of Vernon.............. §11 A. M. Grimsley___ R. L. Bradley____ S. G. Kennedy____ 61-387 Pop. 423 61-371 Pop. 995 Warrior___Jefferson C 5 Pop. 1000 ti li 61-236 W. N. Maddox____ S. E. Elliott............. D. W. Waite_____ J . E. Harris_____ J . B. Hufstutler _. T. M. Davidson___ J . R. Orr J . F. Bradford___ D. T). Burleson _ 10,000 J . L. Cooper_____ 10,000 1,000 16,000 13,500 11,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Ala. Tr. & Sav. and Ist N., Florence, Ala. Waverly___Chambers E 7 Farmers & Merchants Bk.S’l l J . J . Hester______ H. T. D en t______ H. E. Hart_______ 61-381 Pop. 400 Douglas Smith____ J . C. Swann______ J . TT. Kaylnr. . »Wedowee.Randolph D 8 61-364 Pop. 435 10,000 690 9,620 11,420 9,140 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 25,000 4,390 56,490 38,000 West Blocton..-BibbD 4 West Blocton Sav. Bk.«t§’92 E. D. Reynolds___ S. J . Morgan —___ W. R. Yonng____ R. H. Gatlin 61-365 Pop. 1000 25.000 19,300 152,230 162,650 J . A. Gaddis_____ J . 0. Weldon____ 50,000 30,000 248,000 201,500 100.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. A. Hohenberg____ F. W. Lull_______ C. G. McMorris___ E. J . Cain_______ 25.000 52,300 225,000 200,000 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Ist N., Birm. and Montg. 10,000 530 10,160 12,500 Winfield____Marion C 3 Winfield State Bank___t§’07 R. W. Harris_____ J . F. Earnest____ J . G. Stalcup_____ W. L. Roberts___ Pop. 600 61-367 . 15,000 3,000 40,000 38,000 Woodlawn.. Jefferson C 5 Woodlawn Savings Bank.§’14 Chas. E. Burris___ A. W. Bell_______ Jas. W. McKinston D. V. Edmudson__ 61-441 Pop. 2848 T. J . Brown 25,000 1,460 36,000 60,000 61-237 Pop. 435 A2 Farmers and Merch. Bk..§’14 B. Sharp.. _____ 61-437 »Wetumpka. Elmore E 6 Bank of Wetumpka___< § ’01 W. L. Lancaster__ J . M. Jenkins 61-201 Pop. 1103 61-202 Wilsonville— Shelby D 5 Wilsonville State Bank— §14 T. R. Parker 61-433 Pop. 933 Pop. 3000 Pop. 710 61-369 Rank nf York61-391 ALABAMA Map opposite page 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TT. F. Smith P. H. Parker H. S. Cummings, M »§'1!? G. C. Gowdey_____ J . H. Coleman____ .T. C. Weldon g r. __ . Tra. N., Birm. (B ran ch o f E rnie y, A la.) 20.000 2,200 42,760 40,870 Han. N.,N. Y.: Anniston City N., Anniston. 31,090 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. ALABAMA BANKS—Uniontown to York 31,000 Juiy, 1915____________ 43 6. 6,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Childersburg, Ala. 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Birm. 6,900 Birm. 37,810 26,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. For S A F E T Y and S E R V IC E , Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 44 T own and County. ¿County Seats. P r esid e n t . j S. Rlniri : '1S2' Pop. 2000 -E 7 V ice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . M. Brock . ..... . T. S’. S c n it ............ 25,000 $ A. F. R.iiser Ketchikan Pop. 2500 E 10 R. C. Wood............. H e ss 263,210 174,160 120,260 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N„ San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. P. A. R ettig_____ 50,000 5,700 213,300 139,950 112,100 Chase N„ N. Y.: Scan.-Am., Seattle. G. Hutchinson___ L J . G. Morrow.___ t 50,000 33,050 838,330 397,130 600,300 Chase N * N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . f! R o ss John Holmes B. C. Button_____ 50,000 50,020 275,000 195,000 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Scan.-Am., Seattle. T. F. Kennedy John Reck_______ H. H. Post-.,_________ R. H. Stevens___ i 50,000 52,490 560,290 486,480 208,890 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 50,000 30,000 880,000 540,000 377,000 Merch. N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N., Chi. 50,000 12.000 200,000 120,000 125,000 45.000 315,000 301,000 160,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., San F .: Union Sav. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 100,000 118,760 809,260 560,550 464,460 Seab. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Scan.-Am., Seattle. 25,000 500 40,000 35,000 25,000 2,500 200,000 80,000 25,000 2,500 11,250 1,100 199,510 137,240 100,000 40,000 B. M. Behrends Bank— »t’87 B. M. Behrends___ J . R. Willis........— Guy McNaughton.. & Mchts. Bank ..»§’06 J . E. Chilberg........ J . R. Heckman___ A. R. Larson __ Anthon Eckern___ Jacob Johnson___ C. E. Clure............. F 10 „ E 7 THE FIRST B A N K « 12. M. tuning ____ W. M. Goodwin___ J . W. Gilson........... ............... ngest bank here. < Oldest and stro OF V A L D E Z •§’03 Send us your c ollections; we giv e prompt and effl clent service. ( Successors to S. Blum & Co., B a n k ers. 25,000 A. E. Grigsby, Sec. an d Tr. 10,000 Valdez Bk. & Trust Co. «§’05 C. F. Hendricksen. Edwin Eckern____ M. F. Hendricksen. A. E. Grigsby, Sec. 25,000 ALASKA M ap opposite page 38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y,; N. City, Seattle. 115,000 Chase.N., N. Y.: Seattle N. and IstN ., Seattle. 35,600 Harriman N. and Chase N., N. Y. * Northern Trust Co.____ t ’10 80,000 N. City, N. Y.; Scan.-Am.. Seattle. 12. 84,040 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Seattle N. and Scan.-Am., Seattle. 45,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Mtle. N., Seattle. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 •* 12. (5117) -F 10 Miners »» Dexter Horton N., Seattle. ________ Pop. 1500 81,000 IstN ., N .Y . ; Dexter Horton N. and Scan.-Am., Seattle. 4,650 A. Brnning . ■ T. f! 22.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Scan.-Am., Seattle. 25,000 C. E. Brown_____ Sidney Anderson . . Sidney Anderson.. H. S. Balderstron.. Seward..................... ..E 6 Pop. 2000 S. R. Oongdnn ..... tl J . W. Harriman... John A. Noble.— . Erick Lucas;. — Harriman National Bank Gaston Hardy of Alaska___—..............* ’15 H. B. Wesselman Valdez 119,000 5.000 Nome............. ......... _.C3 Alaska Bkg. & Safe Dep. Co. F. H. Thatcher___ - - - - ------------ - J . V. Sheldon____ C. A. Ferrin, Sec... •§1900 Pop. 2600 M J . E. Chilberg____ J . J . Cole— _____ J . A. Bachelder__J Arthur f!r>le Miners & Mchts. Bank of Alaska .... «§’05 Pop. 600 170,000 P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ALASKA BANKS—Candle to Valdez First National Bank____«’05 (7718) 0 7 Miners & Merchants Bk. »§’10 | 5,000 •§’03 1 Successors to S. Blum & Co., Ban kers. : Fairbanks................ „C 7 American Bk. of Alaska »§10 O .T. Hurley Pop. 7500 Pop. 6000 $ 140,000 $ 178,000 $ $ 60,000 Douglas___—______ F 9 First Territorial Bk. of Alaska M. J . O’Connor.— T. F. Kennedy___ A. F. Hiirr •§’13 Pop. 825 J nn^n Loans k Dis- Cash&Ex Depos - c P aid - up Surplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Bus AND i ITS Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks T H E F IR S T B K . O F CORDOVA 0 7 0 '• R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. B 4 Miners & Merchants B k..§’07 J . E. Chilberg........ L. A. Sundquist__ P. H. W a tt, M g r . . . Cordova Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest Rates, Grace) e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 A LA SK A T E R R IT O R Y u a lia a A L A a iv A m a p o p p o s ite p a g e «so N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Jtan d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n. T own and County . »County Seats. •*§1900 L ia b il it ie s . Depos P aid- up Surplus and its Capital P rofits $ 12,500 50.000 Citizens Bk.&Trust Co.»i§’06 W. E. McKee____ B. A. Taylor_____ C. A. McDonald___ O. W. Wolf. E. A. Watkins 91-19 50.000 MINERS & MERCHANTS BK. L. C. Shattuck___ J . M. Muheim____ P. M. Buckwalter.. I. F. Burgess. 91-18 »*§’02 50.000 Buckeye Valley Bank —•*§'11 G. P. Brown_____ P. H. Benson _____ 91-78 Casa Grande Valley Bk—*§’14 S. P. Morgan____ 91-96 Bank of Chandler— — »*§’13 A. J . Chandler........ R. M. Turner------John Anderson 91-84 Bank of Arizona----------- §13 91-88 H. B. Early, Mgr.. W. S. Bradfleld, Mgr. P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 2,500 $ 75,000 $ 56,000 $ 34,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N„ Los A.; Consol. N., Tucson, Ariz. 165,000 1.550.000 1,068,000 650,000 Chase N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 170.000 158.000 35.000 Irving N., N. Y .; Crocker N., San F.: Rio Grande Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso. 106,800 1,775,500 909,200 5,100 706,340 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. 44,710 (B ran ch o f Prese ott. A riz o n a ) __ Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F 350,000 150,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N. San F.; City N., El Paso, Tex. 11 (.Branch o f More nei, A ri zona) .. Han.N., N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; lst N., El Paso. 25.000 10.000 R. M. Turner------- R esources . iOANS & Dl8- C ash & E x ’t s . B onds , ch anges ,D ue m B anks S ec u r it ie s 28.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. lst N., El Paso. 34,400 Seab. N., N. Y. and San F.: Consol. N., Tucson Valley, Phoenix. 14,550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Com’l N.. Los A. H. M. Watson____ S. P. Morgan......... W. J . Riley......... . GILA VALLEY BK. & Tj^CO. 2,110 850 17,500 50.000 15.000 68,940 64,430 48,250| 24,700 52,250 500.000 100.000 63,960 1,256,510 903,980 471,920 Chase N .,N . Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 1st N., Los A .; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. SanF. First National Bank— .•*’03 B. A. Packard____ T. E. Pollock------- E. W. Graves_____ W. W. Lawhon___ 91-28 100,000 60.000 1.128.000 867.000 412.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; S. W. N. Bk Corn., Kan. C.; Am. N., San F. I l, •*§’08 H. A. Martin-------- W. D. McKeehan .. B. R. Laimeau------ W. M. Balfour....... W. T. Witt 25.000 ’ 90.000 45,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Rio Grande Valley Bk. & Tr Co., El Paso. 60,000 1,275,000 1, 100,000 260.000 Seab. N., N. Y .; Comw. N.. Kan. C.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San P.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. ( J. S. DOUGLAS— W. H. BROPHY-— C. 0. ELLIS-------- F. H. FISHER i Special facilltte sfo r making pro m p t collections E.C. PIPER •*§’02 ( In Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. BANK OF DOUGLAS 91-27 Duncan ...Greenlee M 10 Bank of Duncan91-64 Pop. 700 »Flagstaff—Coconino G 5 Arizona Central Bank •*§’87 T. E. Pollock____ 91-51 Pop. 2000 5,000 120.000 J . P. Wilson-_____ C. C. Harvey ......... 100.000 Citizens Bank— ........... •*§’03 M. 1. Pow ers------- J . C. Powers------ - C. J . Walters------- B. B. Brandon___ 91-52 50.000 2,500 380,000 300.000 25.000 2,740 125,750 124,100 »Florence_____Pinal H 9 Pinal Bank & Trust Co. -•§12 C. W. Paulson___ W. M. Smith........... Dugald Stewart___ 91-80 Pop. 1200 Gila Bend—Maricopa G 9 Valley Bank— — • 91-98 Pop. 199 •*§’15 —1’14 F . D. Rowell Gilbert.— .Maricopa G 9 Bank of Gilbert— 91-95 Glendale__ Maricopa E 8 Glendale State Bank... •*§’09 C. H. Tinker. 91-65 Pop. 1000 ARIZONA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis As s ’t Ca s h ie r . W. H. BROPHY— J. S. DOUGLAS — M.J. CUNNINGHAM J. P. CONNOLLY H. W. WILLIAMS Oldest and lar gest Bank in Sout hern Arizona. Special atten ti on given to Cash Item s and Collec tions. »Clifton — Greenlee M 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 01 E. M. Williams__ 91-38 Pop. 4874 Douglas___Cochise L 13 Pop. 13,000 Ca sh ie r . u u v * v u i 1 v s jj/ w iiM v tiv v H. B. Thomas, Mgr. 10.000 A. E. De Fever___ J . W. De Fever. 16,000 4,820 115,160 100,000 N. Bk. Corn.. N. Y.; Crocker N.. San F. 29,390 Am. Ex, N., N, Y.;Southern Ariz. Bk. & Tr.Co. Tucson, Ariz. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.: S W. N. Bk. Corn., Kan.C,; 1st N., El Paso, Tex (B ran ch ofP h oen ix ) . . Charles Pine_____ ARIZONA BANKS— Benson to Glendale Buckeye___Maricopa E 9 Pop. 1500 Casa Grande—Pinal G 10 Pop. 475 Chandler— Maricopa E 8 Pop. 500 Clarkdale___Yavapai E 6 V ic e -P k es id e n t . ’05 S. Roemer----------- H. W. E tz.............. Doane Merrill____ H. P. Merrill BANK OF BISBEE 91-17 P r e s id e n t . vu u vvn u u o A ccessible Tow ns, L a w y e r s , Law s, D ^ e cto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , txrace, e tc ,, see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page lo. A R IZ O N A N ame oe B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. Benson____Cochise J 12 Bank of Benson ~ 91-63 Pop. 1000 Bisbee____ Cochise K 13 Pop. 15,000 1 1 u iii^ k n i.i.v iu .iu ii v v July, 1915 4 1» n u rv l 93.150 40.310 Phoenix N. and Valley, Phoenix; N. Re serve, Kan. C. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and County . ^County Seats. v ^ u n iix i u c u Name of Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Vic e -P r e sid e n t . P r e sid e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates,G race, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Ot A P T 7 H M A ___ P r k n t m i i P i l As s ’t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . L ia b i l i t i e s . Depos P aid - up Surplus AND its Capital P rofits R esources . & Loans D is- Ca sh & E x c ’t s . B onds , changes ,B ub S e c u r it ie s from B anks P r incipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ‘ Globe ___ _____ Gila I 9 First National Bank___< ’01 P. P. Greer______ J . C. Griffin_____ J . N. Robinson___ G. C. Simmons___ $ 100.000 $ 55,000 $ 666,000 $ 446,000 1 206,920 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.: 1st N., Los A. Pop. 7083 91-23 J . T. Brown 12 . G I L A V A L L E Y B K .& T R .C O . (A S S IS T A N T G E N E R A L M A N A G E R ’ S 91-24 »*§1900 O F F IC E ) .. 91-22 **§’91 G I L A V A L L E Y B K .& T R . C O . »Holbrook...Navajo K 6 Pop. 1000 M ER C H ANTS & STOCK G R O W E R S B A N K — »*§’09 91-81 H. V. Snell George Kingdon «§’12 John S. Cook____ C. B. Y. Hind_____ »• N A V A JO -A P A C H E B AN K & T R U S T C O M P A N Y — *$§1900 91-59 John R. Hulet____ H. H. Scorse____ D. J . Thomas____ F. F . Matthews___ Mgr. 1 < Cash item s and collections in No rtheastern Arizo na a specialty on account of ex ceptional faciliti es. ( Lowest rates, ' TRY US. 282,610 35,000 300,000 250.000 »Kingman__Mohave C 5 Arizona Central B ank.< §’87 4i Pop. 1500 91-67 C it iz e n s H a n k ... »{§’12 91-79 - C n c h i s e K 13 R a n k n f T .n w e ll Pop. 3000 < § ’ 1(1 91-68 Pop. 1692 S A L T R IV E R V A L L E Y 91-50 A L N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso. 128,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Albuquerque. Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Albuquerque; Citiz. N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. o f Pres cott, A r iz o n a ).. Laidlaw & Co.. N.Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Citiz. N. Los A. 105,000 Citiz.-Cent. N., N. Y .: State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Prescott N., Prescott. H.H.Watkins, Mgr. J . H. Rosenberg, CB ran ch o f F lag staff, A r iz o n a )— A. Mgr. * ( B ran ch o f F lag staff, A r iz o n a )— Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Comw. N„ Kans. C. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Crocker N., San F. H . C O L V I G _________ 25,000 165.000 94,000 A .A .M A C P H E R S O N R EESE W. H. Brophy____ L. C. Shattnck____ J . J . F raser____— 91-49 12,000 BANK *1:§*08 H . B . H n n te r O. S. Stapley____ J . G. Spangler___ C. A, Baldwin (R O B E R T S C O TT- W M . B EA C H < Centrally locat 1 ly and efficienti ( This bank pays ed. Collections and Cash Item s handled prom pty. Strong back! ng. Most substa ntial growth. 5 per cent on tim e deposits. L . W . S T IL L W E L L - 15,000 2,500 125,000 75,000 50.000 55,000 450,000 350,000 25.000 7,500 150,000 140,000 75,000 '650 60,000 15,000 Metcalf— Greenlee 112 State Bank of Metcalf— §13 P. B. Scotland____ Y. Cascarelli........... W F. Kelly Pop. 2500 91-90 E. A. Spuggs 225,000 6,000 127,000 Gila T A W. L. Howard____ 10,000 W. D. F is k ______ P. P. Greer.............. W. J . Ellery_____ S. W. Ellery Pop. 5000 91-55 •• .. H. O. Fitzsimmons, M g r .___________ (B ran ch o f M or e n d , A r iz o n a ).. G IL A V A L L E Y B K . & T R . C O . 91-56 < § ’10 Miami Morenci— -Greenlee L 9 Pop. 6000 98,420 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Wells FargoNev. N., San F.; 1st N., El Paso. CB ran ch o f Win slow, A riz on a). < § ’”7 < A Progressive B ank thoroughly e quipped to bandl e your business. Prom pt atten ti on given to all C ash Item s and C ollectlons on ( Jerom e. RANK O F JFR O M E " 91-46 .. 50,000 H. W. Lewis, Mgr. (B ra n ch j R .N .F R E D E R I C K S L o w e ll— 334,880 91-60 Jerom e____Yavapai F 6 Bank of Arizona____ < § ’77 Pop. 3000 91-45 •» 111,330 ( B ran ch o f M or en d , A r izon a ) — E. M. Blake, Mgr.- L . C . H E N N IN G . •» 22.500 Han. N., N. Y .: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., El Paso. 91-69 STATE Ar i z o n a Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK OF 91-82 <§1900 M O RENC I <§'11 /C. E . M ILL S ---------- L . D . R IC K E T T S ------H . 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Rio Grande Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso.; 1st. N., Clifton, Ariz. 83,000 Han. N., N. V.: 1st N., Globe and El Paso; Citiz. N., Los A. Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.: 1st N., El Paso; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. S . VAN G O R D ER - J . C . EFR O M S O N T. A. PASCOE _ Mgr. O u r f a c ilit ie s f o r handling y ou r B an kin g and T r u s t B u s in e s s thro ug ho ut E a s t e r n A riz o n a a re u n s u r p a s s e d . E I G H T B R A N C H E S IN A R IZ O N A . 100,000 144,800 2,389,820 1,311,040 1,037,030 Han. N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., El Paso; Valley Bk., Phoenix, Ariz. . S E E A D V E R T IS E M E N T ON IN D E X A R IZ O N A . G. E. Goodrich___ C. B. Nonnamaker. J . D. Williams____ 30,000 3,500 165,000 113,000 68,000 Han. N., N. Y.: City N., El Paso.; Am. N„ San F. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 GILA VALLEY BANK & TRUST GO. 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. 145,000 Chase N., N. Y .: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . ARIZONA BANKS—Globe to Morenci_______________ Hayden________ Gila I 9 Pop. 2000 W. D. Fisk — ____ (B ran ch o f M or e n d , A r izon a ) — J . R. Todd, J . D. Wick, Jr., A. Gen. Mgr. Mgr. The Gila Valley B ank AND T rust Company Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $100,000.00 B R A NC H E S : M O REN CI, G L O B E , C LIFTO N , SA FFO R D , M l A M I, RAY, HAYDEN AND W IN KELM AN , ARIZONA, P rin cip al O f ice, G lobe, A rizona. Ourfacilities for handling your Banking and Trust Busi ness throughout Eastern Arizona are unsurpassed. O F F I C E R S : C . E . M IL L S , P resid en t L . D. R IC K E T T S , V ice-P resid en t T . A. PASCOE, V ice-P resid en t H. S . VAN G O R D E R , C ashier R . E . M O O RE, G en eral M anager J . R . TO D D, Ass’t G en . M gr. We invite the business of Banks and Corporations desiring Efficient Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 e 5 C O TJ^d I 5°»Ö • £ 2. S > f f el k|x O < i E. o’ gg OP 13 *3 . Po <o a>*o . P 0 00 apS* g p*" p p. |g : OO oo ao I I .5 ® ° ; 1 w p o BÎ a> g § ¡f coo M Kb HH C¡-* «H o §¡|jÍ oW cooco b cn Jf o o g c= i !□ z I ■H c m c/> m X o P p Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will ' send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under your direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Index ‘‘Lawyers” for Instructions T own and County. ▲County Seats. Name of B ank . Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. ▲Nogales-Santa Cruz 113 Pop. 4500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 P r esid e n t . ARIZONA—Continued Vice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . $ 947.620 $ 813,980 Han. N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: P. HEROLD--------- OTTO H. HEROLD— THERON RICHARD- $ 50.000 $ 186.740 $1587,920 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon.Paris N., San F .; 1st N., Los A .; 1st N é t io n s on n c o lle u s e s o and State N., El Paso, Tex.; Consolidat E x c e p t io n a l s e r v i c e e x te n d e d to B a n k e r s and C o m m e r c ia l H o ur ed N. and Ariz. N ., Tucson, Ariz. 11 S o u t h e r n A r iz o n a , p a r t ic u la r ly d o w n t h e W e s t C o a s t o f M e x i c o , by r e a s o n o f o m a n y c o r r e s p o n d e n t s in th e p r in c ip a l C i t i e s o f t h is R e p u b lic BRACEY CURTIS PHOENIX NATI BK.! H. i. 32,800 6,340 181,980 135,430 Max Muller —........ C. Rivera...... .......... 100,000 24,040 688,730 186,630 W. P. Dunn-------- 10,000 2,600 11,560 16,780 50.000 13,700 176,000 174,000 25.000 90,000 50,000 200.000 203,000 1 , 220,000 1,313,000 150,000 217,610 2,143,450 1,837,160 S. Leeker------------- R. L. O’N eill------- W. A. Jackstadt— J . E. Wise M. C. Webb. W. P. Dunn L. B. Christy____ C. C. Smith______ J . J . Fagan------G. S. Lewis E. S. Wakelin____ L. L. Steward.— W. P. Clements. C. E. DeMund Charles Goldman— S. Oberfelder----- J . J . Sweeney-----L. H. Rhuart S. C. Ganz McCLUHfi-M. C. McDOUGALL-H.D.MARSHALL.JR.-F. B. THOMAST. E. POLLOCK 6 .6 . FULLER BANK OF ARIZONA *t§’77 COMMERCIAL TR. & SAV. BANK PRESCO TT NATIONAL BANK 91-34 01-33 Ray--------------- Pinal I Pop. 4000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *t§’03 E. W. WELLS-— M. B. HAZELTINE-B. A. PETER------F. A. HATHAWAYO ld e s t B a n k in A r iz o n a ; f a c i l i t i e s th e b e s t . R a t e s r e a s o n a b le . N o t e o u r s t a t e m e n t . W e w a n t to s e r v e y o u . /MORRIS R.N. FREDERICKS- G. E. MEANY — 60.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Phoenix N„ Phoenix; Com’l N., Los A, 340,000 N. Park and Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal N. A„ San F.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C 823,900 Han. N ., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi R. K. PORTER -— 155,460 Phoenix N„ Phoenix. 600,000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y .; Citiz. N .,Loi A .; S. W. N. Bk. Com., K an. C .; ls t N. El Paso, Tex. 50,000 205,500 914,700 816,790 388,530 1st N ., N. Y ., Chi., and Los A .; Bk. of Cal N. A., S a n F . 80,000 35,000 570,000 400,000 258,000 U. S. Mortgage & Tr. Co.f N. Y .; 1st N., San F . 100,000 210,000 1 , 000,000 800,000 215,000 N. Park, N .Y .; Cont. & Com’l N ., C hi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N., San F .; 1st N., Los A. 12 50,000 42,540 566,340 571,300 \Specially Equip ped for TRUSTS, Escrows, and Ml ning Business, as \ well as Comm ercial Banking. R. N. FREDERICKS M. GOLDWATER — L.C. DERRICK.........H. COLVIG--------F.G. BRECHT L a r g e s t C a p it a l, S u r p lu s and Undivided P r o f it s of an y b ank in P r e s c o t t . If you a p p r e c ia te p ro m p t and c a r e f u l s e r v ic e a t a mod e r a t e c h a rg e send U S yo u r A rizo n a it e m s and c o lle c tio n s . •t’93 U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P O S I T O R Y Yavapai Co. Sav. Bank.«t§’06 M. B. Hazeltine__ John Lawler. 91-35 G ILA V A LLEYJK .& TR .CO . ARIZONA M ap on Index 51.000 Irving N„ N. Y.; N. City, Chi. «t’92 i VALLEY BANK 91-32 615,120 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N„ Los A. Crocker N„ San F . 'a 7,700 Valley, Phoenix.; Merch. N., San F . A. T. Hammons— S p e c i a l f a c i l i t i e s f o r m a k i n g c o l l e c t i o n s in A r i z o n a . 71,830 719,630 736,000 100,000 N. D. Sanders, H. J . McClung____ T. E. Pollock_____IW. C. Foster, Phoenix Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. See. an d Tr. A . See. a n d A . Tr. M. C. McDougall 91-5 « « ’11 A. T. ESGATE-. C. E. M ILLS_______L. D. RICKETTS— R. E. M00RE10,000 1,700,000 1,500,000 500,000 T " J .J . GILLEN I. f .c rJLE R .E . MOORE . <. a y . e a c h d P r a c t i c a l l y e v e r y b an kin g p o in t in A r iz o n a i s ro u te d d ir e c t 91-2 » tl’83 If yo u a p p r e c ia t e d ir e c t c o n n e c t io n s and p ro m p t s e r v i c e , s e n d u s y o u r A r i z o n a It e A f f ilia t e d w ith T h e G i l a V a lle y B a n k and T r u s t C o . S y s t e m. ▲Prescott.—Yavapai F 7 Pop. 6653 78,970 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. ARIZONA BANKS—Nogales to Ray 91-70 SANTA CRUZ VALLEY BK.& J . A. Harrison-----TR. CO. -91-86______ t§ 13 SONORA BANK & TRUST CO. A. Bley--------------91-94 »§'14 D. J . Peter----------Parker...............Yuma B 7 Commercial B a n k ____ §’09 91-62 Pop. 500 R. H. H ubert---Payson Commercial & Tr. Co. Pay son — -.Gila H 7 91-99 t ’15 Pop. 86 P. K. Lewis---------Central Bank-------------»§’15 ▲Phoenix— Maricopa F 9 91-7 Pop. 16,870 Citizens State Bank___ *§’14 H. P. DeMund- — 91-6 NAT'L BANK OF ARIZONA Emil Ganz----------91-1 *4 81 91-3 A ccessible Tow ns, $ ^ <u,aws, ” dexed in back of this volume, jco r in te re st B a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page jg. P rincipal Correspondents . R esources . Lia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District L oans A Bis* Cash b Ex* S u b p l u s of which bank is member. Depos *t s . B onds, changes,D u b P a id - u p XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. its C a p it a l . P rAND S e c u r ities from B anks . o f it s j uly5 1915_________________ An t / N um bér under N am e of B a n k ia the New to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The B a n d - M c N a l l y B an k e . D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass— • D. W. Russell, Tr. J . F . Houston,Mgr. (Bra/hch o f M ore n ei, A ri zo n a ) 85,100 Bk. of Ariz., Prescott. .[Mech. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Corn., N. Y. I 1st N„ El Paso; Valley, Phoenix. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given Accessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in ¡ ? .eac? bank m, u - S; exclusively by T he B an d -M cN ally B an k ers’ dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, -p. H irectory, u nd er th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . A R IZ O N A — Continued Name op B ank . Li a b i l i t i e s . R esources . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P rincipal Correspondents . P r esid e n t . ¿County Seats. Vice -Pr esid e n t . Also Federal Reserve District Ca sh ier . *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. As s ’t Ca sh ier . P aid- up -Surplus Depos L oans A D i s Ca sh & E x a n d of. which bank is member. changes ,D ub cuto. B onds Est. Capital P rofits its from B anks . S e c u r ities XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Salford------Graham K 10 Bank of Safford— •*§'99 D. W. Wickersham I. E. Solom on...— E. W. Clayton.... A. H. F errin ........ $ 33.000 $ 30,000 $ 315,000 $ 270,000 $ 105,000 N.Park, N.Y.; 1st N., Los A., and El Paso, Tex Pop. 2000 91-57 J . R. Welker 48 GILA VALLEY BK. &TR. CO. 91— 58 »§’09 W. P. Lathrop, Mgr. (B ranch o f M ore nci, A ri norm).... Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., El Paso. J . M. Hall______ 10,000 830 27,350 25,580 Snowflake___Navajo J Pop. 700 12,610 State N., El Paso; Alamo State, Alamogordo N. Mex. Bank of Northern Arizona S. F . Sm ith ... . . . . . J . J . Shumway. 91-71 »*§’08 Joseph W. Smith. 18,255 8,380 59,830 77,780 Somerton------Yuma A 10 Pop. 200 ‘ St. Johns — Apache L Pop. 1200 Superior------- Pinal H Pop. 500 9,490 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Albuquerque: Am. N. San F. E. G. Caruthers, Bankër.t’15 E. G. Caruthers.— 91-97 Navajo-Apache Bk. & T r.Co „ . 91-72 »§’09 Superior Com’l & Trust Co A. W. Crawford... W. D. Fisk . 91-89 *§-14 John Doan ...____ 10,000 12,000 8,000 N. Park, N; Y.: 1st N., Yuma, Ariz, E. F. Kellner, Jr._ Í W.J. KINGSBURY 0. L. PEASE B. B. SANDERS Collections a sp eciai feature. Pro m pt returns a t Eight per cent net farm m ort gage loans nego Tempe National B ank ..«*’01 C. G. Jo n e s ..____ A. C. Ozanne... W. H. Wilbur . . 91-54 Thatcher.. .Graham K 1 0 Citizens Bank.. .2 .. L__»*§10 Frank Tyler--------- J . W. Mattice_____ L. C. Snow ____ Pop. 1200 91-73 ‘ Tombstone-Cochise K 1 2 First National Bank___«*'02 C. L. Cummings... William Cowan___ T. R. Brandt____ Pop. 1582 91-74 Tempe.— Maricopa G Pop. 1600 ¿Tucson............Pima 1 11 Pop. 15,604 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK 91-53 .*§ ’92 ARIZONA NATIONAL BANK 91-12 •*'90 E. CARLSON -.— 25,000 800 23,990 41,930 40,000 10,000 214,500 224,000 Han. N..N.Y.: A m .N .,SanF.: Citiz.N., Los A 7,590 40,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A. lowest rates, tiated. J . F. Peck—_____' 50,000 27,500 225.000 200.000 80.000 Wm. McRae..___ 18,000 12,000 86.000 75,000 29,500 E. M. Hawes..;____ 25,000 12,000 125,000 96,960 99,600 40,000 975,000 700,000 300,000 153,620 1,369,840 1,321,880 402,770 C. F. SOLOMON- IP. FREUDENTHAL F. H. THORPE. A. COENEN........ MOSE DRACHMAN J. M. McCLEAR All item s on Ar izona points col lected promptly at most re asonable rates, Special service rendered to visit ors and tourists 100,000 Consolidated Nat’l Bank«*’90 A. Steinfeld......... E. Randolph. 91-11 C. E. Walker_____ Tenney Williams . . J . C. Etchells Merchants Bk.& Tr.C o .« * § ’08 Chas. F . Solomon.. P. Freuden thaï. 91-14 J ohn Mets Southern Ariz. Bk. & Tr. Co N. E, Plumer____ F. J . S te w a rd 91-13 «*§’03 Byrd B r o o k s ...... W. M. Pryce. 50,000 28,840 365,180 370,590 G. H. Sawyer_____ 75,000 65,350 833,180 734,170 230,180 1 25.000 27,000 300,000 215,000 140,000 I 50,000 3,000 250,000 220,000 65,000 £ (B ran ch o f More nci, A ri z o n a ) ... ____ ' 1 W illcox....Cochise K 1 1 WILLCOX BANK & TR. CO. H. A. Morgan____ Thomas Allaire. Pop. 1000 91-75 .*§-09 H. E. Dunlap.— Williams..-Coconino F 5 Williams State B a n k ...»*§’12 McD, Robinson... T. E. Pollock... Pop. 1267 91-76 John R. Scantlin.. Winkelman......... Gila 1 10 GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. Pop. 1187 91-77 .*§10 H. S. Bailey, M gr.. H. A. Lowdermilk. N. S. B ly _______ Wm. H. Dagg......... G. H. Keyes, J r __ T. C. Monroe. W. H. Burbage___ F. W. Nelson____ R. C. Kaufman.— L. C. Henning Abel Ortega E. G. Caruthers__ J . W. Dorrington.. T. L. Lane.;______ J . S. Abbott... J . M. Molina_____ Geo. Michelsen____ E. H. Tobias_____ R. W. Garner 100,000 25,000 10,750 245,000 190,000 Los A. Paris N., San F. X 12! c Lon. 11. & Lon. Paris N., San F . ; 3d N., St. L. 11 . N., San F.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 11 68,580 Han. N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi. San F. Tex.; Valley, Phoenix. 60,000 Î 100.000 15,820 503,030 449,060 189,680 I 100,000 31,000 543,000 307,000 342,000 h 50,000 26,000 490,000 385,000 175,000 > 12. San F. 1 2.1 Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Co lections and Correspondence July, 1915 Winslow......... Navajo 1 5 Bank of W inslow-,.___«*§’10 14 Pop. 4000 91-48 Navajo-Apache Bk. & Tr. Co. 91-47 **§1900 ‘ Yuma----------Yuma A10 First National Bank___«$’05 Pop. 4000 91-42 Yuma National Bank — «*’09 91-44 ARIZONA M a p on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 (B ran ch o f Wins low. A ri zon a ) . . ARIZONA BANKS—Safford to Yuma San Simon „Cochise K 12 San Simon Valley Bank» >’18 C. É. Mitchell____,i C. B. Currier— Pop. 300 91-87 Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n . Name op B ank. T own and Countt. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State V ice -Pr esid e n t . P r esid e n t . $Mem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ¿County Seats. Est. Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . Li a b i l i t i e s . bUKPLUS Capital P rofits ITS T. J . Sharum— — E. T. F i f e ............... C. B u s h .......____ $ 10,000 $ J . D. B yars........... G .T . Cazort........... J . C. Alexander-__ 35,000 15,770 R esources . &Ex* L oans & D is- Gash c’ t s . B onds , ch anges ,D ub S ec u r it ie s from B an k s . 1,100 $ 12,000 $ 19,000 $ 45,870 79,280 25,000 1,540 17,950 39,600 15.000 1,000 30,000 41,000 W. A. Jenkins........ Geo. Coxsey........— J . W. P a u l...__ . . . W. B. Paul___ 6,000 740 27,110 24,140 J . S. McDonnell... W. C. Hudson........ T. R. Ashcraft____ R. B. A shcraft. 12,500 5,000 80,140 37,060 J . H. Cole............... R. L. Liles. ____ O. B. R agon... — W. M. Jones. H .D. Sebree ____ J . A. Honghton.__ G. F. W alz-. . . . . . . L. A. F. Woods___ M. Musgrove_____ J . N. Adams_____ 25,000 7,500 70,000 56,000 W. C. Hays____—. G. W. Tolleson___ W. H. Olds ............ B. W. F in ch er__ 25,000 3,000 70,000 80,000 H. J . Marks..—.:__ W. W. W atson___ (S. S. Jernigan, J r .. S.N . Studdard M. L. Altheimer... H. O. T off............... H. Gean________ 15,000 35,000 15,000 20,000 6,500 300,000 196,000 R. W. Huie______ N. D. Huie.............. John N. S tu art__ W. L. Huie____ 50.000 5,710 122,140 176,180 C. C. Henderson...' J . S. Cargile.— — W. E. Barkman. . . S. J . D ean.___ 129,500 30,000 416,270 451,740 66,650 6,500 120.000 120,000 J . G. Clark ._______ J . J . K ress__ ____ J . W. Bunch . . . . . . R. J . Dougan... ¿Arkansas City...Desha Bank of Arkansas City .$§’12 Hugh McCain____ 81-491 . Pop. 1485 H6 Desha Bank & Tr. Co.. »$§’90 Henry Thane 81— 288 ¿Ashdown-Little River Arkansas Tr.& Bkg.Co..$§’06 J . M. Johnson.— . 81-218 Pop. 1500 B6 First National Bank___»$’14 R. E. Major______ 81-217 Ash Flat--------Sharp G 1 Bank of Ash Flat.........$§’12 R. E. Semple_____ 81-499 Pop. 350 Atkins---------- Pope E 3 Bank of Atkins______ «$§’95 81-215 Pop. 1500 Merchants & Far. Bk..«$§’03 A. J . McCollum . . . 81-216 ¿Augusta—Woodruff H 8 Bank of Augusta & Tr. Co. B. A. Fletcher____ Pop. 2000 81-205 »$§’91 Woodruff County Bank.$|’01 R. T, Harville____ 81-206 Bald Knob— White G 3 Bald Knob State Bank »$§’04 T. J . Campbell . . . . Pop. 617 81-289 B ank s..—...B radley F 6 Citizens B an k ................§’07 J . D. McFarland . . 81-290 Pop. 200 T. J . Walbert_____ ¿Batesville.Independence Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 81-116 »$§’10 Pop. 5000 G2 4,000 3d N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. 850 N. Bk. Com., 3d N. and 1st N., St. L.; Ger. N. Little R. 22,410 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff, Ark. 40,000 Bk. of Com., Little R.: 3d N., St. L.; Ark, Valley Tr. Co., Ft. Smith. 15,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Ex. N.. Little R. 5,000 Ger. Sav. Inst., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 85,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Mech.Am. N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 46,880 N. City, N. Y.: 3d N. and St. L. Union Tr. Co. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 8. 105,510 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Ger. N„ Little R. 40,000 Mtle. N. and Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com and Ger. N., Little R.; S. W. N. Bk. Com. Kan. C. 42,000 Cent. N., St. L. 32,500 2.500 60,000 45,000 100,000 100,000 425,000 551,500 J.M . Johnson, Jr . W .E. Kinsworthy. H. T. H unt___ A. T. Beller J . H. Wallace.......... Frank McCann___ J . L. Martin_____ A. Goldsmith J . L. Goodman . . . . O. U. Sigler______ 65.550 2,190 97,590 146,620 24,640 3d N.. St. L.; State N.. Texarkana. Ark. 25,000 30,000 130,000 120,000 5,000 800 13,180 18,210 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L 8 2,240 Citiz., Mammoth Spring, Ark. 50,000 19,080 205,390 202,710 W. A. Montgomery 0 . H. McCollum... 10,000 12,700 70,000 75,500 J . F . Summers___ 1. J . Stacy__t......... John H. Dale— A. H. Hamilton W. L. Banks J . L. Conner_____ T. E. Bonner____ T. L. Gardner.. J . C. McDonald G. B. Coleman------ E. R. Wynn_____ Geo. LaMar :---È. E. Best J . C. B ratto n ..___ Andrew V. Sm ith.. 50,000 25,000 180,000 175,000 40,000 15,000 154,720 91,420 91,780 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Mchts.-Lac. N. St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 17,000 N. City, N. Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk, of Com.. Little_R. 118,300 Ex.N .. Little R.: State N., Memp. 10,000 6,990 54,230 56,660 12,500 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: 1st N., Newport, Ark. 8,000 12,500 W. P. Jones............ H. M. Kennerly . . . 50,000 18,090 105,180 155,760 11,000 Bk. of Com., and Bankers Tr. Co., Little R. Bk. of Fordyce, Fordyce, Ark. 55,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 3d N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. 100,000 16,450 303,890 301,000 Ira D arr____ ____ 10.000 50,000 15,000 325,000 245,000 C. 0. METCALF— , ALBERT SIMS, Sec rU. D. ADAMS-----5: C.' F / A HUGH UNION BANK & TRUST CO. < Centrally locate d. Collections h andled promptly, presented persop ally by officers. 81-117 •$§’! ! g. Mos t subst antlal growth. (B est equipped, with all modern conveniences. J . FT. M eek ........ F. E. Howell___ Bauxite__...S a lin e E 4 Bank of Bauxite.............. $§’07 A. R Ranks Pop. 1500 m i 81-291 Bay______ Craighead I 2 Bank of Bay— .............. §’09 J . E. Crawford___ S. T . Ray................ H. E. Lathrop__ Pop. 500 . 81-292 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,000 3d N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 10,470 3d N., St. L.; Merch. N., F t. Smith; Citiz. Bk & Tr. Co., Van Buren. 4,970 Mtle. Tr. Co., St, L.; 1st N., Ft. Smith. J . Demarke______ W. E. Thompson— J . H. C o th am ..... J . P. Fendby------- V. G. Savage..____ FIRST NATIONAL BK.-*$ 91 N. A. Adler............. J . P . Coffin______ J . Q. W o lf........... E. A. Hodges. 81-115 I. N. Barnet ARKANSAS M ap opposite page 59 P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 46,590 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. ARKANSAS BANKS—Alicia to Bay Alicia..___Lawrence H 2 Farmers Bank — . . . . __ $§’11 81-486 Pop. 168 Alma____ Crawford B 3 Bank of Alma......... :___$§'02 81-271 Pop. 565 Commercial B an k ___— §’10 81-272 Almyra— Arkansas H 5 Bank of Almyra_____«$§’07 81-283 Pop. 400 Alpena Pass ..Boone D 1 Bank of Alpena.................§’07 81-284 Pop. 300 Altheimer—Jefferson G 5 Bank of Altheimer___»$§’05 81-285 Pop. 350 Altus------ .Franklin C 3 German-American Bk..*$§’04 81-286 Pop. 659 Amity----------- Clark C 5 Bank of Amity ............. »$§’05 81-287 Pop. 813 Farmers & Merchants Bank 81-525 $§’12 Argenta____Pulaski F 4 Twin City Bank____ —•$§’04 81-54 Pop. 13,693 ¿Arkadelphia—Clark D 5 Citizens National Bank.»$’86 81-134 Pop. 2745 Elk Horn Bk. & Tr. Co.$§’84 81-133 Merchants & Planters Bk.§’l l 81-469 Accessible Tow ns, Law yers, Law s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ARKANSAS July, 1915 49 Number under name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 90,000 Mech. & Metals N.,_N. Y.: Cont. & Com’ N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; S. W. N Bk. Com., Kan. C. X8 140,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mtle. N,, St. L. 10,000 200 24,000 30.000 6,000 Bk. of Fordyce, Fordyce, Ark. 10.000 100 7,490 13,010 2,390 3d N., St.L .; 1stN., Jonesboro, Ark. For S A F E T Y and S E R V IC E , Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAW YERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber und er N am e òf B a n k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , u n d er th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. T own,and County. ‘ County Seats. Pop. 439 Wk*, Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks.Assh. tPriv. Est. P resid en t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 A RK A NS AS—Continued V ice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Cash ier . Bank of Bearden____ ..*§•02 J . A. Gatling____ Stewart Gammill __ 81-293 J . P. Harper L ia b il it ie s . R esources . P aid- up Surplus Depos - Loins &Dis- Cash&ExCapital P rofits ITS Securities FROMBanks $ 15,000 $ FARMERS & MERCH. BANK W. C. Ribenack. . . A. F . Jo rd an _____ J . D. Shearer 81-553 §13 3,000 $ 26.000 $ 38.000 Î P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 7,500 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Citiz., Pine Bluff, Ark 300 23,700 28,600 7,080 Simmons N., Pine Bluff; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R Beebe______ .White G 3 Bank of Beebe............. -•*§’96 M. Strickland, J r - F . D. Worthington N. H. Strickland.. Pop. 873 81-241 C. A. Price 25,000 180 50,000 75,000 25,490 St. L. Union, St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R FARMERS STATE BANK-«§’09 R. W. Cochran___ 81-242 Belleville______ Yell 0 3 Belleville Bank_____ -*§'05 H. W. Melton 81-294 Pop. 335 ‘ Benton_____ Saline E 4 Bank of Benton . .... -•*§11 J . S. Cargile______ Pop. 3000 81-485 10,000 5,000 22,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. T. F. Burton____ C. W. Renaker___ J . T. McIntosh___ F. fl. .Tones ..... T. L. McCormack. 5,000 68,780 10,240 8,000 Bk. of Com., Little R.: Mech.-Am. N. St. L 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Mech.-Am N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. E. Y. Stinson____ M. F . Scott______ C. O. Raldanf George Hughes 25,000 2,500 70,000 74,000 George Hughes . . . W. M. Steed 35,000 10,000 150,000 161,000 60,000 40,000 350,000 300,000 110,000 Mech.-Am. N* Ean. C. 0. H. WOODS------- D. W. PEEL---------- R W PFFI D. DICKSON D. R. DICKSON FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 88 ] Oldest National Bank In Benton County. XI—171 ( Special attentio n given to Collect Ions by an officer of the bank. 50,000 35,000 350,000 300,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; S. W N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X8 First State Bank......... - §’09 E. C. Pickens.____ Rex W. Peel............ E. R. Berry____ 81-172 10.000 710 54,800 25,980 60,000 14,000 140,810 190,520 33,970 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -•$’09 A. B. Banks 81-295 ....... E. H. B e ll_____ ‘Bentonville. Benton B 1 BENTON COUNTY NAT’L BK. J . G. McAndrew— C, R. Craig______ E. C. Pickens... Pop. 3000 81-170 •*’80 W. E. Jackson____ j A. J . BATES— ‘ Berryville.—Carroll C 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«*’89 W. P. George____ D. J . W est______ B. O. George____ W. H. Molloy Pop. 1500 81-251 Bigelow____..P erry E 4 Pop. 350 Biggers___Randolph 1 1 Pop. 435 Black Oak -Craighead J 2 Pop. 125 Black Rock ...Lawrence Pop. 1078 H1 Blevins.—Hempstead C 6 Pop. 250 75.000 13,220 Peoples Bank............... .•*§’04 81-252 Bigelow State B a n k ... ..*§’09 81-296 Bank of Biggers......... .*§’03 81-297 Bank of Black O ak ... ...§ ’12 81-516 Bank of Black Rock—.•*§’92 81-298 Bank of Blevins_____ -•*§’13 81-518 St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com. x 8 39,540 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 25,000 1,250 90,000 60,000 C. L. Sailor 10,000 4,000 64,890 61,820 50,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Holland Bkg. Co. Springfield, Mo.: Drov. N., Kan. C. 15,800 Southern Tr. Co., Little R. 10,000 2,500 25,000 20,000 18,000 3d N.. St. L. 7,770 8,790 6,530 70,000 60,000 15,280 23,770 225,000 240,000 W. I. Blackwell . . . George Vollman__ S. C. Tjpton. B. F. Bigger T. M. Merritt J . A. Harrison S. F; Babb 6,950 C. H. Martin_____ L. B. Poindexter . . E. L. Pvle 10,500 P. C. Stephens____ H. M. Stephens___ 10,000 1,750 40,000 10,000 FARMERS BANK......... ..*§’07 B. F. Ga.v_____ 81-105 jC . ROBINSON— PEOPLES BANK........- -•*§’10 (Prom pt and 81-106 2,650 Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, Ark.; 3d N. St. L. 27,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com and 3d N., St. L. 9,620 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 50,000 Herman Cross —__ R. M. Sanders____ 15.000 2,170 60,000 60,000 23,000 M. MOTT________ J. A. MOTT FAY MOTT 25,000 1,920 87,880 65,430 44,230 Co., Memp. Co., Memp. efficient Service. SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS. L. C. Smith______ Jno. C. Gardner... S. F . Wilder_____ 5.000 1,000 19,500 11,000 J . W. Stanfield___ G. J . Murphy____ L. L. Green______ 25,000 13,000 54,000 64,000 John C. Cotner___ Mrs. Mattie Charles X. Williams Mrs. Mattie Edwards Edwards G. H. Davis ..... T. W. Finn f!. N. Finn 25,000 9,000 60,000 65,000 J . H. Meek______ .Tt TÎ- Tturtnn . 15,000 800 Branch.__.Eranklin C 3 BANK OF BRANCH____’09 J . S. Cotner_____ S. P. Gammill____ H. E. Council_____ 81-301 Pop. 271 11,800 1,340 ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X 8, J . E. Reynolds___ W. C. Davis______ R. E. Norris_____ J . T. Champlin___ ( J . G. Sudbury... W. W. Hollipeter- B, H. Wilhite____ W. O. Anthony___ Blytheville— Mississippi BANK OF BLYTHEVILLE J . F . Wilhite Pop. 3849 K 2 81-104 *§1900 i Collections a specialty. Bonanza...Sebastian A 3 First State Bank____ •*§’03 Pop. 811 81-299 ‘ Booneville..-Logan C 3 Bank of Booneville .*§’98 Pop. 3500 81-194 Citizens B a n k _______ .*§’10 81-195 Bradford......... White G 3 Bank of Bradford____ . . . §11 Pop. 500 81-300 Bradley___Lafayette C 7 Bank of Bradley_____ ..*§12 Pop. 123 81-513 40,000 Mech. & Metals N ..N .Y .: 3d N., St. L. J . W. Meek, J r . 5,000 7,000 Ark. Val. Tr. Co.. Ft. Smith. 12,000 Com., Little R. 25,000 Iech.-Am. N.. S Ger. N., Little R. 3,000 7,500 6,000 38,000 f 30,000 22,000 32,460 30,030 12,470 Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given 50 ©acn bank in U. S. atpIiisIf p Iv hv th * — - Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws. Directors. ARKANSAS BANKS—Bearden to Branch ___________________ July, 1915 15.000 Brinkley---- Monroe H 4 Bank of Brinkley____„±§’03 Andrew F lora. Pop. 2000 81-191 MONROE COUNTY BANK* 81-190 Brookland .Craighead 1 2 Bank of Brookland. Pop. 200 81-302 Buckner-.Lafayette D 7 Pop. 240 Cabot----------Lonoke G 4 Pop. 800 Calico Rock__Izard F 1 Pop. 800 ‘ Camden— Ouachita E 6 Pop. 3995 Canehill----- Wash’on B 2 ê Pop. 400 Carlisle------Lonoke G 4 Pop. 800 Carthage------Dallas E 5 X Pop. 386 Cave City------Sharp G 2 l „ Pop. 278 Cave Springs.Benton B 1 1 Pop. 250 Centerton— Benton B 1 Pop. 300 ‘ Charleston-Franklin C 3 Pop. 576 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, i n d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h i s v o lu m e . For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., s e e p a g e 1 4 . For Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 1 3 . ARK AN SAS—Continued J . Gunn. 89 C. F . Greenlee..__M. R. Stimson____ §’09 H. A. Jones. Lafayette County Bank*±§’10 J . D. Bourland__ 8i_303 Bank of Cabot............... *±§’03 George P. Murrell. r 81-304 State Bank of Calico Rock T. E. Milburn____ 81-305 J§’14 Camden National Bank «±’81 H. L. Berg _______ „ 81-94 Merchants & Planters Bank T. J . Watts______ 99 81-96 .« '0 4 Ouachita Valley B a n k ...§ ’90 W. W. Brow n___ L , 81-95 Bank of Cane H ill..... j§ ’06 W. S. Moore_____ . 81-306 Bank of Carlisle___ _ ± § ’06 R. A. Hutson____ ■Jt . 81-280 Dairymans Bank____ 1§’02 D. B. Perkins___ ir I 81-279 Bank of Carthage_____±§’08 H. Matthews____ 81-307 Bank of Cave C ity.. §'06 G. W. Brewer ...__ „ 81-310 Bank of Cave Springs..±§’10 J . G. MeAndrew _. yr 81-311 Bank of Centerton___ .±§’05 J . C. Faris____ 81-312 Bank of Charleston__.±§’04 Joseph Yunker___ ii 81-267 German-American Bk. .±§10 E. A. Bonner__ 81-268 Ca s h ie r . F. Lee Maior . P a id - u p S u r p l u s AND C a p it a l P r o f it s A s s ’t C a s h i e r . ... S. E. Babb J . S. Mitchell.... Ï Clvde Mitchell .... ITS UKUJfiS. Loans k Dis- Cash k ExBonds CHANGES,DlJl Sbouritiks from Banks c’T8. Co r r espo n d e n t s. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 90,000 $ 85,90(1 % 23.00C Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 20.000 2,220 76,000 93,000 19,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 18,520 14,220 12,290 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, Ark. 5,790 Com’l N., Shreveport: State N„ Texarkana: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 11,200 Bk. of Com., Little R.: Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. W. E. Nelms. G. C. Jones 10,000 B. F . Hanson ~ J . M. Bolger_____ W. C. Flowers 10,000 3,150 22,740 33,310 O. H. Davis___ O. H. Beasley____ C. B. Beasley 30,000 3,500 53,000 70,500 R. H. Wayland E. C. Rodman____ Oscar Wyatt........ 25,000 4,000 50,100 39,000 J . H. Morgan.. D. V. Snow______ M. E. Fahy . 50,000 80,000 240,000 300.000 E. Harper____ Leo Berg T. J . Gaughan_ B. C. Powell. . 50,000 10,000 100,000 150,000 Louis Bauerlein... 50,000 52,500 302,910 282,590 H. C. Evins___ J . H. Pyeatt_____ 5,000 2,430 44.500 44,920 H. I. Buechley . B. D. Muzzy_____ 12,500 34,140 25,620 58,580 P. T. Hildebrand, Jr. p r in c ip a l C. H. Buhl____ A. B. Cameron___ H. L. Perkins. 10,000 3,760 48,980 J . R. Wallace__ C. M. Feaster____ 10,000 3,110 38,470 A. E. Albright____ 5,000 1,400 J . W. Hurd___ W. N. Hurd_____ J . W. Hurd______ 7,500 A. G. Boyle____ S. J . Anderson___ J . R. Gamble 20,360 15,000 35,000 25,000 41,380 12,500 680 37,180 30,500 1st N.. Batesville. Ark.; Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. 103,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 8. 30,000 N. City, N. Y.: Boatmens, St. L. 105,650 Seab. N., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. 7,010 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Fayetteville, Ark. 12,270 Ex. N., Little R.: 3d N., St. L. 9,810 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Ger. N., Little R. 16,980 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Fordyce, Fordyce, Ark. 9,150 1st N., Batesville, Ark.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 12,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Benton Co. N., Bentonville, Ark. 8,680 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Benton Co. N., Bentom ville, Ark. 38,900 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Merch. N. and 1st N., Fort Smith. 34,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Ark. Val. Tr. Co., Ft. Smith. J . T. Tolleson __ J . S. Smith 25,000 18,620 89,320 84,300 T. Minden____ D. W. Bryan_____ C. J . Schouweiler.. 25,000 1,500 54,000 44,000 Cherry Valley..Cross 1 3 Bank of Cherry Valley.±§’07 J . H. Sifford_____ W. M. Sm ith____ R. E. Halk, J r . ___ J . K. Maddox ____ Pop. 300 81-313 5,000 4,650 46,140 26,040 Chidester ..Ouachita E 6 Bank of Chidester_____±§’09 W. A. Purifoy____ J . A. Diffle_______ W. G. Rushing___ Pop. 211 81-314 10,000 350 26,230 23,390 *Clarendon._Monroe H 4 BANK OF CLARENDON Pop. 3500 81-165 50,000 9,700 188,250 154,110 59,810 Cent. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 50,000 54,000 146,000 154,000 50,000 5,000 190,000 210,000 76,800 Mech. and Metals N., N. Y.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.: N. Bk. Com., St.L . 26,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 25,000 50,030 279,740 278,140 10,000 5,000 50,000 40,000 10,000 1,000 30,000 J . M. Sadler_ J . S. Thomas____ W. L. Jeffries_____ J . E. Pinkley____ G. W. Sherrill, Jr-. Merchants&Plant’rsBk..±§’90 J . M. Hughes____ P. C. Ewan______ H. B. Bateman___ W. H. Brown 81-164 C. A. Wilburn ‘ Clarksville. Johnson D 3 Bank of Clarksville___*±§’89 R. S. Davis______ T. E. May .............. M. A. Lucas_____ M. E. Clark _ Pop. 2500 81-209 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*± 01 C. E. Robinson___ W. J . Basham . . . . . A. N. R a g o n ....__ R. D. Dunlap, J r . . . 81-210 *Clinton..Van Buren E 2 VanBurenCounty Bank*±§’03 Garner Fraser.. Pop. 500 81-315 Coal Hill ...Joh n so n C 3 Citizens B a n k _________ §’09 W. A. Hill ......... Pop. 1229 81-316 Columbus.HempsteadC 6 Hempstead County Bank§’06 Pop. 200 81-317 ARKANSAS M ap opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. Davis________ Albert Conch G. D. Ferguson___ A. G. Hill________ H. C. Stuart___ (B ran ch o f H ope, : , . 1 July, 1915______________ ARKANSAS BANKS—Brinkley to Columbus to »L h N am e of B a n k is the New Transit B u m b er given k ^U‘ ? i.e xcl?£lv?Jy by Tlle B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' d ire cto ry , under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. N a m e o f B ank . T own a n d County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P r esid en t . Vice -Presiden t ¿County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Est. 51 26,570 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 4,940 Bk. of Com., Little R.: Merch. & Plan., Camden, Ark. 101,650 Chase N., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 8. 10,000 3d N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. Mech.-Am. N., St. L. Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) CO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n . T own and County. »County Seats. Name oé B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid en t . U . FRAUENTHAL... »Conway...Faulkner F 3 Pop. 4500 OF CONWAY 81-125 »tS’90 / FIRST NATIONAL BANK-$’04 A. C. Carter___ 81-228 Bank of Cove— ..........»$§’07 R. Goff— . 81-319 Crittenden Co, Bank&Tr. Co. 81-320 $§'10 Bank of Crossett..........«$§’04 E. W. Gates_____ 81-321 Dalark Bank...................... §’09 H. B. DeLamar___ 81-322 Citizens Bank_________ $§’11 S. Bondi_________ 81-478 Yell County Bank........... $§’02 J . N. Geòrgie_____ 81~323 »Dardanelle........Yell D 3 Dardanelle Bk.&Tr.Co. »$§’88 T. A. Johnston___ Pop. 1757 81-185 81-186 $§’09 L. H. PYLE As s ’t Ca sh ier . 0. HARTJE Wiley Mosley.. 50,000 ReSOURCES. Loans & B is * C ash & E x ;’tb. B onds , changes, B ub S e c u r it ie s from B anks P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 29,540 $ 129,720 $ 183,010 $ 22,400 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Ex. N., Little R .; Boatm ens, S t. L. Frank Farris_____ R. H. Maddox .. H. C. Johnston 30.000 4,520 157,730 173,480 32,770 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. Ger. N., Little R. J . W. Jam es.— V. D. H ill___ R. H. Weems____ 60.000 53,760 222,210 330,040 33.680 Han. N., N. Y.: 3d N., St. L. N. J . Latimer.., F. B. Sprague A. R. Simpson A. Brown E. H. Hogue__ W. W. Henry. E. Vandover.. ___ 15.000 12.210 142,280 159,540 30.680 Bk. of Com., Little R.: 3d N., St. L. S. P. Lindsey. Perry Simpson___ 31.000 20,000 165,000 150,000 60,000 3d N., St. L. E. J . Loop___ 10.000 7.500 30.000 30.000 9,000 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo.: 3d N., St. L, R. D. Campbell. A. L. Aydelott A. M. Carter.. 50.000 9,080 72,630 88,030 41,310 N. City, N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Bk. of Com., Little R F . P. Hill________ H. C. Argo______ F. L. Maxwell____ J. W. Hill M. A. Worthington W. C. Martin......... 35.000 7.500 76.000 101,500 5,000 930 17,470 17,860 H. E. W ilder..____ 75.000 8. 20,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ex. N., Little R. X 8. 6,030 Am. N., Fort Smith, Ark. (B ran ch o f M ari on, A rk.) 3d N., St. "L. A. Trieschmann— G. H. Norman____ Roy Dooley__ 25.000 5,940 195,920 163,240 W. O. Richardson. F. S. DeLamar____ J . Q. Adams.. 10.000 3,250 20.000 30.000 H. A. Towers____ O. L. Clement____ J . H. Howard. 20,000 2,100 32,000 26.000 19,200 N. Bk. Com. and 3d N., St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. W .P. Parks............. W. S. McCarroll—. T. H. Chambers, R. A. White G. A. Harmon____ W. D. Cotton____ L. C. Adams___ 25.000 9,190 65,720 79,690 24,570 Southern Tr. Co., Little R.; Mech.-Am. N.,St.L, 50.000 14,500 111,000 132,000 35,000 Ger. N. and Ex. N., Little R.: Boatmens, St. L. 25,C00 2,100 67,720 83,840 21,520 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 3d N., S t. L . Bk. of Com., Little R. 10,000 1,110 8,370 11,840 62,290 Chase N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 2,500 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. lw. L. LEE— — -— R. H. CUNNINGHAM-A. N. FA LLS -......... J.C . D0CUS________ S e n d u s y o u r c o lle c t io n s . J l t e m s p r e s e n t e d in p e r s o n a n d r e m i t t e d o n d a t e o f p aym en t a t lO c t s . per h u n d re d e x ch a n g e c h a rg e s. Datto__________ Clay J 1 Bank of Datto.................. §10 C. U. Day— _____ E. M. Richardson.. D. P. Day________ W. H. Cheek. 81-324 Pop. 244 Decatur— „Benton B 1 State Bank of Decatur..$§’07 A. Hepner............ F. E. Van Citters— Emil Avis________ 81-325 Pop. 600 Delight............ .P ike C 6 Bank of Delight------- *$§’11 A. E. Westbrook . . S. L. Blakely C. A. Eizzia :_____ W. N. Clingan. 81-326 Pop. 750 »De Queen___Sevier B 5 BANK OF DE QUEEN— »§’01 B. E. Isbell______ M. F . Allen............. L. D. McCown____ 81-168 Pop. 2018 Dermott____ Chicot H 7 EXCHANGE BANK & TRUST J . J . McCloy_____ D. Kimpel_______ W. D. Trotter____ D. T. Gaines___ Pop. 2000 CO______ 81-193...........$§’10 Dermott Bank & Tr. Co.»$§’10 H. Thane________ E. P. Remley____ G. A. Franklin___ Chas. Crook____ 81-192 »Des Arc___ Prairie G 4 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. L. Erwin_____ W. W. Bethell____ Erwin Bethell— W. M. McQueen. Pop. 2000 81-233 «$§’02 7,880 3d N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. N., St. L.; Benton Co. N.,Bentonville, Ark. 10.000 2,360 30,790 23,380 15,510 12,500 3,790 45,610 44,570 12,410 Bk. of Com., Little R .: Mech.-Am.N., St. L. 25.000 8,910 131,770 139,940 34,700 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. O. 25.000 42,250 88,740 166,700 14,290 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 8. 50.000 9,280 72,020 142,270 50.000 4.000 100,000 130,000 27,670 Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ger. N., Little R. 15.000 Bk. of Com., Little R.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 25.000 5.000 80,000 72,000 30.000 Ex. N., Little R.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence A p R R s s lh lR Towns. Lawyers. Laws. Directors, in - July 1915 First National Bank___»$’97 W. H. Collins____ J . S. L ake_______ F. M. Sm ith_____ R. P. Mitchell. 81-167 Map opposite page 59 Digitized forARKANSAS FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b i l i t i e s . urplus P aid-up S and Capital gj P rofits 11S ARKANSAS BANKS—Conway to Des Arc ______________ FAULKNER COUNTY BK.«$§’03 -B. L. H artón... 81-126 »Corning______ Clay 1 1 Bank of Corning........... $§’95 W. D. Polk....... 81-211 Pop. 1439 First National Bank___»$’04 D. Hopson____ 81-212 Cotter____...B a x te r E 1 Baxter County Bank._.•$§’03 W. F . Eatman.. 81-318 Pop. 894 Cotton P lan t—Woodruff Bank of Cotton Plant & Trust R. R. James___ Pop. 1081 H 4 Co............ 81-227..____ $§’01 FARMERS BANK & TRUST GO. Ca sh ier . e tc., see page 14. s t r o n g e s t b a n k h e r e w it h u p " t o - d a t e s t e m in a l l d e p a r t m e n t s . C o r r e s p o n d e n c e a n d a c c o u n t s in v it e d . Farmers State Bank___$§’13 S. G. Smith. 81-523 Cove......... .........P olk B 5 Pop. 400 Crawfordville..-Crit’den Pop. 400 J 3 Crossett____ Ashley F 7 Pop. 2038 Dalark........... Dallas E 5 Pop. 231 »Danville___..Y e llD 3 Pop. 803 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Rates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13 dexed in back of this volume. A R K A N S AS— Continued Number under Name of Bank i s t h e New Transit Number g iv e n t o e a c h b a n k i n U. S . exclusively b y Tbe Kand-Mc\ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f Tbe American Bankers Ass’n T ow n and countt . P residen t . Vice -Presiden t , Ca sh ier . As s ’t Cash ier . Est. R, H. Sanders W. H. Bland $ 13,550 $ J . A. Welty____ 298,310 2 2 1 ,1 1 0 D. Allen_________ N. P. Baird Reece D. H enry... 50,000 10,190 2 1 0 ,0 0 0 211,500 W. H. Poynter___ T. M. N eal............. J . W. Jarrett____ Mrs. J . W. Jarrett. 7,500 G. W. Ledbetter. „ N. .T. Hill____ 6 ,2 0 0 H. Thane . . . R. L. Lester. __ Earl H ill..... . . . . . fi. A. Banks .... M. T. B.hndes H. P. Eversole____ R. D. Stokenbury.. E. A. Counts 1,430 38,330 31,010 3,000 35.000 35.000 200 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 L. R. B yrn e_____ J . Burnett.____ ... 45,000 6 ,0 0 0 W. H. Burrough... W. D. Patton____ 1 0 ,0 0 0 1,830 50.000 4,880 Albert Horner.___ T. J . Biggs. J . G. Webber 1 1 ,0 0 0 L. H. Smith—. . . . . K. T erry ________ R. F. Mustain. . . . . W. H. Holcomb— 228,200 60,000 86,090 50.000 25,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 5,825 272,920 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 H. Galloway. .. J .R . England____ C. L. Emerson. 25,000 4,500 61,000 90,000 25,000 1,950 72,000 67,400 N. City, N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N.. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 15,000 3d N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R.; Sim mons N., Pine Bluff. 25,000 Ger. N. arid England N., Little R.: Mech.Am. N., St. L. 27,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ger. N„ Little R. 25,000 4,700 74,300 62,500 34,200 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 530 65,000 55,000 2 0 , 0 0 0 S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Cent. N., St. L.; Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield. Mo. 70,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. X 8. 25,000 . Cashion utf____ A. Feibelman____ B. L. Ross_______ F. F. Covington. . . O. G. Farley___ 1 0 ,0 0 0 50,000 H. B L O C K S O M - L. W. McCRORY— JOHN HOLLUB— ~ efully handled w 1th rem ittan ce by first m all. T R Y U S. M. Stokes ________ W. N. M etcalf..__ 1 0 ,0 0 0 B. F. P. Earle J>. .T. R ag g ett .......... F. P. Earle J . H. Mcllroy— John Clark. T. I. Abshier. K. C. K ey _______ A. E. Collier K. C. K e y _______ A. E. Collier F. P. H all_______ 9,500 1st N„ Fayetteville, Ark. 7,390 3d N., St. L.: Com’l N., Shreveport. .1_____ J . E. ITir.ks 8. 3d N., St. .L .; Ex. N.. 8. 49,520 21,930 J . J . B a g g ett 160,000 115,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Little R. 8,630 1st N„ Fayetteville, Ark.; Bk. of Com., Spring field, Mo. 4,660 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 2,750 W. H. Morton___ _ ! 109,530 Chem. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com,. St. L. 31,000 25,000 I . G. Combs G. W . Hayes 341,980 7,920 C. D. M cSw ain..... R. L. Buffalo..___ 40,990 N. City, Memp.; Cent. N., St. L. 34,000 T. S , Grayson___ _ W. .T. Ma.lneh .T. B. Duncan 3,250 Cent. N., S t.L . 13,490 15,000 J . K. Brodie.. 7,000 Far. & Merch., Huntsville; Holland Bkg. Co. Springfield. 25,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 36,000 1,380 MERCHANTS A PLANTERS W. H. Stephenson. BANK------81-480------- M »Eureka Springs.Carroll Bank of Eureka Springs«$§’12 H. C. Willis____ Pop. 3228 C1 81-472 (R.G. F L O Y D ........ FIRST NATIONAL BANK«*1900 1 Collections car 81-335 »Evening Shade...Sharp Bank of Evening Shade.$§’01 W. A. Edwards___ P od. 289 G1 81-336 »Fayetteville__Wash’ton Arkansas National Bk._»t’86 J . Fulbright___ . . . Pop. 4471 B1 81-88 Citizens Bank.... ......... J§’08 J . C. White 81-90 First National Bank___»i’04 A. T . Lewis______ 81-89 First Savings Bank ......... §12 A. T . Lewis 81-517 Mcllroy Banking Co___ §’72 E. B. Harrison___ 81-87 247,000 121,090 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; New Eng. N., Kan. G.; Bk. of Com., Little R. X 8. 53,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R.: Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 19,740 1st N., Kan. C.; Bk. of De Queen, De Queen, Ark« 1 0 . 0 0 0 Mech.- Am. N.. St.L .; Bk. of Com.,Little R. 75,000 (B ran ch o f M ar ion, A rk . ) _____ 3d N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Mem phis. 1 0 ,0 0 0 A. Meyer 7,500 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 17,250 . 22,520 W. P. Davis_____ H. F. Harvey_____ T. J . Lowdermilk „ Brickelle D avis... J . B. Lee ________ P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 250 $ 69,000 $ 33,000 $ 34,700 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 27,040 *E1 Dorado___Union E 7 Citizens National Bank.»i’04 H*C. McKinney. . . W. M. Hardy . . . . i . C. H. Murphy . — _ W. S. Sloan_____ Pop. 4202 81-92 JR. N. GARRETT- B. W. REEVES- — ALBERT ROWELL. M. 6. WAOE - ____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«* 03 SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS. 81-91 ( Prom pt and e iflcient service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis it s L oams k D i s C ash k Exci’t s . B om bs , ohangbs ,D u i S ec u r it ie s FROM B aMXI 50,000 CRITTENDEN CO. BK. & TR. COMPANY-81-203--'09 ARKANSAS M ap opposite page 59 D e po s J . H. Boone. L. A Black_______ Geo. F. Pow ell___ J . W. Fulton_____ J . W. Shackelford E. B. Gibson_____ L. F. Burnett____ C. P. Ball_______ W. H. Norsworthy J . L. Keener_____ L. D. McCown____ M. F. Allen Earl------- Crittenden J 3 BANK OF COMMERCE—$§'10 C. T. Whitman___ H. F. Avery........... H. A. Morrison___ J . C. Moore. 81-204 Pop. 2000 Bank of Elkins_____ —1§’12 81-506 Elm Springs State Bank_§’13 81-538 Bank of El Paso...............§13 81-545 Farmers Bank_____ . . . i§ ’06 81— 332 Bank of Prescott_____ i§ ‘05 81-333 Bank of England_____ «§15 81-213 m m Citizens Bank— . . . . . . . . < § 1 2 81-492 Eudora— ....C h ico t H 7 Bank of Eudora_____ .$§’04 Pop. 606 81-334 Su bplu s P a id - u p and C a p it a l P r o f it s 26,000 1,370 2 ,1 1 0 39,000 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 95,000 140,000 20,850 21,430 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 475,000 425,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 1,800 33,930 33,854 26,590 598,880 604,890 125,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 50,000 5,320 74,600 77,520 163,350 426,270 353,330 11,530 1st N. and Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesvillé, Ark. 150,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Drov. N.,Kan. C. X 8. .11,478 Ark. N., Fayetteville, 273,470 Han. N., N.Y.; 3d N. and Mchts.-Lac. N., St. L. X8. 14,390 1st N., Fayetteville. 284,660 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ARKANSAS BANKS—Devall Bluff to Fayetteville »Devall Bluff.Prairie H 4 Peoples Bank.................. J§’12 81-527 Pop. 924 »De W itt.. Arkansas H 5 First National Bank___«$’12 81-246 Pop. 1500 Home Bank....................»t§’07 81-245 D ierks_____Howard C 5 Bank of Dierks.................§’06 81-328 Pop. 272 Dover______...P o p e D 3 Bank of Dover.................t§ ’05 81-329 Pop. 500 Drakes Creek,Madison Cl Bank of Richland______ §12 81-528 Pop. 170 Damas—_____Desha H 6 Merchants & Farmers Bank Pop. 1000 81-330 »$§’09 Dyer— . . Crawford B 3 Bank of D y er.................j§ ’09 Pop. 555 81-331 Elkins...Washington C 1 Pop. 78 Elm Springs.Washington Pop. 300 B1 El Paso----------White F 3 Pop. 307 Emerson.._Columbia D 7 Pop. 600 Emmet____ —Nevada D 6 Pop. 270 England____ Lonoke G 4 Pop. 2500 R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Name op B a n k . ■»County Seats. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, i n d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h i s v o lu m e . For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., s e e p a g e 1 4 . For Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 1 3 . ARKANSAS—Continued July, 1915 Co 54 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. Exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ane . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e sid e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Flippin_____ Marion E 1 Marion County Bank___t ’13 Pop. 150 81-337 Ca sh ie r . Earl Ward ¿Fordyce____ Dallas F 6 Bank of Fordyce_____ t§’89 A. B. Banks.. E. A. Acruman___ T. Amis Pop. 3000 81-127 First National Bank___«$’09 J . E. Hampton___ W. .T. Prne.fnr F. T. Hunter 81-130 J . A. Abernathy Foreman.Little River B 6 BANK OF FOREMAN - « ’07 C. Schuman____ Pop. 1000 81-220 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. ARKANSAS—Continued FT. M. Mr.Tver L. J . Atkinson R esources . OAsnb ExCHAKGBB,DnB L oans a D i s - Sbcuritibs fro m B anks . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank Is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ( Rra/n,c,h nf M iners & Citize ns B k., Yellville , 'Ark.). Miners & Citiz., Yellville, Ark.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville, Ark. E. C. Benton $ 100,000 $ 22,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 110,000 Bk. of Com., Little R.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. R. E. Bowles____ T,. M. finnk . Frftd Ran ft. 100,000 24,120 219,540 291,370 74,140 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 3d N., St. L. 8. 20,000 9,950 51,000 68,000 19,640 N. Bk. Com. and Cent. N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R .; State Sav. & Tr. Co., Texarkana. 32,520 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 15,000 20,310 59,180 60,750 J . T. Fondren____ W. W. Campbell__ 30,000 54,220 253,380 217,100 120,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Mech.-Am.N.. St. L. Eugene Williams.. C. L. Simmons____ 50,000 15,000 300,000 225,000 125,000 Harriman N., N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; Mtle. N., Memp. X 8. 57,000 73,000 18,000 3d N.. St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Ger. N.. Little R. 200,000 1st N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Mtle. N., St. L.; New Eng. N.. Kan. C. 8. 126,850 N. Park., N. Y.; New Eng, N.. Kan. C.: Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. Merch. N. Bk., Ft. Smith. N. Park., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Kan. C. 167,150 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 8. H. P. Gorman_____ .T, M. Gilliam 34,375 1,000 P. A. B a ll - ______ A. S. Dowd. 200,000 150,000 C. B. Carter_____ 100,000 J . F.. Tipming, SÌHÌZ 150,000 3,000 100,000 12,940 W. W. Netherland. J . H. Baker 850,000 1,000,000 501,050 639,100 259,670 231,470 F. A. HANDLIN — A. N SICARD_____ _A. S . IIILLOCK__ FIRST NAT’L BK. 81-31 J »$’72 1 m S e l ie » : , O l d e s t ain d l a r g e s t b a n k in t h e S t a t e , a n d U n it e a S t a t e s D e p o s ito r y . C o lle c t io n s a n d c o rr e s p o n d e n c e s o lic it e d . 200,000 • MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK. W. J . E chols____ J . B. Williams____ C. S. Smart______ R. F. Dinkins... 81-32 *$’82 Pop. 300 81-540 Pop. 200 81-338 E. W. Gates__ ___ L. W. Dillard____ Leslie J . Savage__ C. G, Mears J . T>, Smith Fulton__ Hempstead C 6 BANK OF Fill TON ' 81-339' Pop. 647 ... 81-340 G illett____Arkansas H 5 Bank of Gillett........— •$§’05 J . H. Martin_____ 81-341 Pop. 1200 B. E. Hendrix____ 81-342 Pop. 291 P it« fl 5 H. L. Watkins.— 81-343 Pop. 1500 Ar k a n s a s M ap opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ ... W. C. Gaston - - T. W. Simpson___ Wm. Temple_____ J . J . Battle______ T. J . Carter____ B BT flarl Pop. 668 . State Bank of Fouke — §14 J . W. Maxwell____ Allen Winham____ R. E. .Maxwell____ 81-569 Fountain Hill.Ashley G 7 Pop. 81 J . G. Hennon 564,890 2,399,180 2,027,660 1,326,410 N. C ity., N. Y .i 3d N. and M tle. T r . C o., S t. L .s 1 st N ., K a n . C. X8. Chas. Rowland___ J . N. Covey_____ 400,000 340,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 850,000 N. Park., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch.Lac. N., St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 8. 10,000 1,700 8,000 22,000 1,910 State N., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Texarkana; Com’l N„ Shreveport, La, 10,000 500 20,000 29,000 8,150 Chase N„ N. Y.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 10,000 720 32,840 25,340 31,000 52,420 5,840 Bk. of Com., Little R.; State Sav. & Tr. Co., Texarkana. 20,000 15,690 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville, Ark. 15,000 2,000 56,000 45,000 22,000 Am. Ex. N.,N.Y.;Comw. N.,and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Benton Co. N., Bentonville, Ark. A. M. Lowe............ H. E. Martin . . —— C. H. Swinehart — 20,000 5,500 50,000 60,000 10,000 3d N.. St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. D. 0. GolT N. Hughes ______ 12,500 1,000 24,000 27,000 G. W. Talleson___ E . E. Hallman____ G. B. Wilson_____ F . B. Clement 15,000 2,500 65,000 50,000 7,500 State N., Texarkana. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Banks Advertising: give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence AccARslble Tow ns. L s H T e n . Laws« D irecto rs, in- ARKANSAS BANKS—Flippin to Glenwood________________July, 1915 Citizens Bank. .»$§’02 E. G. Campbell___ A. O. Lewis____\__ 81-219 ¿Forrest City.St.Francis Bank of Eastern A rk .„»$§’86 James Fussell____ A. Becker________ Pop. 3500 14 81-141 J . W. Alderson " *• FIRST NATIONAL B AN K-14 E A Rolfe 81-142 “ “ Planters Bank & Trust Co.S'10 L. R. Grobmyer__ J . T. Sanders_____ 81-143 ¿Fort Smith ...Sebastian American National Bk..«$’87 T. W. M. Boone__ C. W. Jones_____ Pop. 27,136 B3 81-33 Arkansas Valley Bank__§15 J . C. Gardner____ C. E. Speer______ 81-35 Arkansas Valley Tr.Co.*J|’06 John C. Gardner— C. E. Speer---------81-571 .. City National Bank_____ 14 I. H. Nakdimen___ J . M. Sparks--------81-38 Li a b i l i t i e s . P aid-up Surplus DepobITS P rofits As s 't Ca sh ier . A K itA N & A b m a p o p p o site p a g e a v D £ t iiK .s > / A u y c r i i a n i g r r u m p i m ic iu iu u lu v u iic c u u n s a n a v ^ o rresp o n aen ce A ccessible Tow ns. L aw y ers. L aw s. D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st K a te s. G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. R esources. L ia b il it ie s . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Loans&Dis- Casii &Ex Ass ’t Cashier . P aid- up Subplus Depos c of which bank is member. ’ ts. Bonds, change8,Due AND Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARK AN SAS—Continued C £J ¿C ounty S ea ts. ± M em .State B k s . A ss n .tP riv . E s t. v Cashier . Grady_____ Lincoln G 5 Bank of Grady________ $§’13 J . H. Heliums____ B. F. In g r a m ......... Cl. n. flniham 81-557 Pop. 180 Gravette___Benton B 1 Bank of Gravette_____ ..§ ’98 J . T. Edmondson.. D. T. Roseborough. A. E. Kindlev 81-269 Pop. 1000 First National Bank_____ ’05 W. H. Austin____ F. H. Hilboldt........ James Banks 81-270 $ 15,000 Ï 25,000 19,000 Eva M. Gravette—. 25.000 10,660 50,000 First National B ank _____’13 M. V. Lightburn... F. O. Butt............... C. C. O’Neal......... 81-550 Bank of Greenway____ $§’08 H. G. Shannon___ S. A. Ward C. F . Brennerkfi 81-346 ¿Greenwood.Sebast’n B Pop. 1500 FARMERS BANK---------•«'07 G. C. Packard____ C. R. Owens_____ W. N. Wilkinson.. Henry B ell............. 81-226 Grifflthville__ White G Pop. 202 Grubbs----- Jackson H Pop. 178 Guion________ Izard G Pop. 500 Sebastian State Bank__ *§’14 81-225 First Bank of Grifflthville 81-347 §05 Bank of Grubbs—........ .$§’09 81-348 Izard County B an k ____$§’12 81-489 H. S. Shibley____ Ezra Hester_____ T. A. Norris_____ W . O. D avis Alta B lav lock 15,930 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 25,000 930 49,630 50,220 1,460 19,500 26,240 25,000 7,500 68,360 61,270 36,630 Cent. N., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 20,000 2,410 51,670 44,920 29,470 1st N., Ft. Smith: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 7.190 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 12,140 7,260 X 8. 4,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 24,000 5,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. J . W. Williamson.. A. Billingslev F . L. flnllipr 10,000 750 14,350 18,060 4,840 1st N. and Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. R. C Childs 25,000 2,500 75,000 60,000 45,000 State N., Texarkana; N. Bk. Com,, St. L. 16,350 850 75,000 40,000 29,390 N. City, N .Y . ; Mech.-Am. N„ St. L. 10,000 5,000 15,810 17,030 50,000 10,000 90,000 150,000 6,180 N. Park, N. Y .: Merch. N. and Ft. Smith Bk. & Tr. Co.,Ft. Smith; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 40,000 3d N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50.000 19,210 145,000 136,610 38,740 Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. 15,000 1,250 68,500 66,070 14,300 Citiz., Pine Bluff.; Mech.-Am. N., St.L. 7,500 9,500 35,000 32,000 15,000 6,170 26,580 36,240 15,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Bk. of Com.&Tr. Co., Memp.; Union Bk. &Tr. Co., Batesville, Ark. 27,930 1st N., Fordyce, Ark. 25,000 150,000 160,000 _ .... R . W . Raird J. G. GANT............... -G. T. GARVEY.......... THOMAS FLOUR NOY- S . A. LATIMER25,000 C o lle c t io n s a s p e c ia lt y a n d r e m it t e d o n d a y o f p a y m e n t . O l d e s t , l a r g e s t , a n d s t r o n g e s t b a n k in P o i n s e t t C o . •$§’99 P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n t o a l l B a n k i n g m a t t e r s i n t r u s t e d to U S . MERCHANTS & PLANTERS J . E. Vanbeber___ S. A. Bettis.— — BANK & TRUST C0.~*$§’05 81-238 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,370 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Holland Bkg. Co.. Springfield. Mo. 10,000 ¿Hampton ..Calhoun E 7 Bank of Hampton....... *$§’03 W. L. Furlow— — D. F. Wilson ........... TST. N . Wood Pop. 353 81-351 ¿H a rd y .....— Sharp H I Farmers Bank................ $§’03 S. P. Turner_____ J . R. Metcalf_____ A. M. Metcalf . . . . . Jean Davidson........ Pop. 329 81-352 Harrell------- Calhoun F 7 Calhoun County Bank..$§’07 E. T. Collins _____ B. W. Harrell_____ B . H. Wood............. Pop. 200 81-353 ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 95,450 3,500 HAMBURG BANK------*$§’02 J . P. Blanks______ W. L. Blanks 81-180 81-237 73,810 10,000 Merch. & Farmers Bank*$§’12 J . M. K eys______ W . S . Hpar in Î Î . ‘A. S t u a r t . 81-505 I . H. Sellers Hackett— .Sebastian B 3 Hackett City Bank____$§’06 L. W. Forbes........... P. Forbes______ __ W. P. Forbes_____ E . F.. W are Pop. 363 81-350 ¿Hamburg— .Ashley G 7 Farmers Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. P. George______ F . M. Pugh._____ C. .T. Brow n Pop. 1787 81-181 §11 HARRISBÜRG STATE BANK 18,390 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Benton Co. N., Bentonville, Ark. X 8. M. Denton_______ J . M. Iv y ________ J . E . W illiam sf Gurdon ...........Clark D 6 CLARK COUNTY BANK J . H. Cullman____ J . G. C lark Pop. 1284 81-349 *$§1900 ¿Harrisburg. Poinsett I 2 Pop. 1500 102,450 10,000 2,000 . 60,690 M. H. Frayser____ M. M. Griffin 50,000 40,000 Chase N ., N. Y . ; N. B k . C om ., St. N., Little R . 8,090 83,500 120,100 21,480 Han. N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers; ARKANSAS BANKS—Grady to Harrisburg Greenway_____ Olay J Pop. 390 James A. Neaville. W. A. Riner_____ B. F. G ris s o m .. 1,820 $ 45,820 $ 39,720 $ 18,820 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L .; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff, Ark. 104,000 100,000 40,000 3d N., St. L.; Union N., Springfield, Mo. Uther Kindley____ (W . L. SNEED....... T. H. VILLINES— S. N. EDGMON Green Forest-Carroll C 1 BANK OF GREEN FOREST J Pop. 1000 81-345 $§’01 1 Special atten ti on given to collec tions. ( We rem it on da y of paym ent. July, 1915 N um ber under N am e of ifanjc is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under the au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass nNAME OF BANK. T own and County. •Mem. Am. B k s.A ssn . §i------Vice -P resident . P resident . g iv e N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . C c *30 T own and County. «County Seats. kk Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. CITIZENS BANK 81-196 Pop. 4500 ' ■ • P resident . Vice -P resident . kk GUARANTY LOAN & TRUST GO. 81-64 81-62 •» c’ts. B onds , S e c u r ities changes ,D ue from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. . V U lfe 1 * M i l • A •• iM C I L U , AN • ■“ v Am. N., St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0. 3,650 Mtle. N., St. L. 27,000 670 20,250 37,610 25.000 7,000 148,420 123,180 O. A. Brooke......... Carey Holbrook... E. B. Wilbourn---- 32,500 7,500 105.000 120.000 J . E. Daley______ H. W. Collier____ 10,000 2,000 45,000 40,000 10,000 J . C. Allen_______ L. H. Johnson........ 5,000 5,000 40,000 32,000 12,000 J . E. Mitchell, Jr. . Urey May Mitchell. 5,000 28,760 26,580 48.360 10,480 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 6,250 3,750 28,590 19,310 17,810 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 25.000 8.360 82,020 65.730 49.640 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 16,300 1,850 34.520 28,300 21.420 3d N., St. L.; Ex. N ., Little R. 4,000 150,000 150,000 146,000 1,135,000 900,000 W. A. Harp______ Harry Yopp.---- O. C. Aycock____ J . L. Woosley........ W. C. Joh nson___ N. B. De Loach___ 50,000 C. C. Agee----------- R. Gordon, J r ........ 200,000 46,810 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Holland Bkg. Co. and Union N., Springfield, Mo. 22,000 . Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., F t. Smith. . Bk. Com., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Ger. N., Little R. ech.-Am. N., St. L .;ls t N., Mena, Ark. 50,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Com.. Little R. 553,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; N; Bk. Com., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0 . 8. 27,150 12,760 1st. N., Interstate Bkg. & Tr. Co. ahdPeo.Sav. 4.89Q 63,750 50,000 H. P. ANDERSON, Bk. & Tr. Co., Helena. Sec. t an d Tr ness) vestmen ust B u si (Only In r t g a g e s on im p ro v e d f a r m s W e s e l l high g r a d e f i r s t mo in E a s t e r n A r k a n s a s T H E M. ( a f t e r f i r S T I N V E S T I N G O U R O W N F U N D S IN /E. S. READY- — A.N.TANNER-— E. R. CRUM, T r— < §10 ‘INTERSTATE i BKG. & TR. GO. M Resources. &D is- Cami &Ex L oans B. SEELIG— .......... S. C. MOORE-------- C. S. FITZPATRICK-J. W. ALSTON. — L e t u s a tte n d to y o u r H e le n a c o lle c t io n s . C o lle c t io n s r e c e iv e d , c a r e d f o r and p r o c e e d s p ro m p tly re m it te d u n d e r th e s u p e r v is io n o f a b an k o f f ic ia l. 200,000 115,220 415,000 625,220 105,000 Liberty N., N. Y .j N. City, Chi.; 3d N. S t. L .; 1st N., Memp. 75,000 32,060 105,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. t§’05 ♦Peoples Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. .Tnhn T. Moore 81-61 <§'89 S. A. Wooten____ Gilbert Y aeger___ M. E. West 450,880 522,330 (S. C. MOORE— ♦SECURITY BANK & TR. CO. 1 Superior servie 81-63 • t§'10 ] Personal prese ( Modern m etho 55,000 500,000 100,000 J. L. SOLOMON— LOUIS SOLOMON - 1 A METZ............ e on Collections. n tatio n , prompt rem ittan ce, int elligent reasons fo r no n-paym ent. ds in all departm ents of banking. TRY US. 600,000 85,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and 3d N., St. L. 25,800 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Fordyce, Fordyce, Ark.; Bkrs., Tr. Co., Little R. 12.000 1st N., Fayetteville and Huntsville. Ark. I S * * # .* ? * * * * (Members in dicated by a *) Hermitage..-Bradley F 7 Bradley County Bank..±§’06 81-359 Pop. 350 T. R. Lane—- ------Hindsville ..Madison C 1 81-362 Pop. 100 ■Tames Rank’s 81-363 Pop. 200 HollyGrove..Monroe H 4 Bank of Holly Grove—< § ’03 T A W alle Pop. 536 Peoples B a n k ____ ____ t§’10 Rudolph Abramson ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. S. Faulkner, Tr. C. S. Fitzpatrick, Sec. R. W. Carnley........ 20,000 4,000 72,350 63.260 M. A. Linebarger.. S. G. Parsley_____ A. H. Berry______ 10,000 2,600 35.000 31,000 J . B. Edwards____ Maud Adcock____ 5,000 2.200 15,000 16,000 169,730 137,260 35,000 30,000 P. 0 Mavo J . I. Matthews____ 15,000 22,500 G. W. Johnson — Cay Hawkins........... R. Abramson_____ 15.000 4,650 4,800 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: 1st N.,Gravett, Ark. 50,720 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Bk. of Com., Little R. 15,000 Com’l Tr. & Sav., Memp.; Interstate Bkg.&Tr. Co.. Helena; 3d N., St. L. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence ARKANSAS BANKS—Harrison to Holly Grove_____________ July, 1915 ; L ia b il it ie s . SUBPLUS Depos Ass ’t Cashier . P aid -up AND its Capital P rofits L. F. Eoff________ Dotson Faucher W. H. Cecil............. F. W. M ax w ell-- J . M. Wagley......... Hazen ............ Prairie G 4 BANK OF GRAND PRAIRIE A. J . Barrett____ E. C. W. W ilkenPop. 687 81-259 < § ’86 T. T. Viets a--------81-260 «Heber Springs.Cleburne Cleburne County Bank < § ’03 W. L. Thompson— B. Masingill-.......... Pop. 2500 G2 81-175 «Helena____ Phillips 14 «First National Bank___< ’87 S. S. Faulkner------ W. N. Straub— —Pop. 10,144 81-60 }. i; Cashier . < § ’07 Chas. M. Greene. . R. T. K night____ W. S. Pettit — __ Fred R. Greene— $ 37,000 $ 21,370 $ 281,240 $ 199,090 $ 132,530 E. S. Alexander... 81-470 “ “ Peoples Bank________ «i§’02 W. J . Myers_____ 81-197 Hartford „Sebastian B 3 Bank of Hartford____ t§’03 William McKinley. Pop. 2000 81-354 Hartman__.Johnson C 3 C. H. Langford___ Pop. 600 81-355 fffltfloiri Pnlk R 5 Rant nf Hatflplri ±§’10 Pop. 500 81— 356 (J. E. Mitchell)___ Pop. 621 81-357 Bank of Haynes............ t§ ’05 J . J . Hughes, J r ... Pop. 300 81-358 •* A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G ra ce , e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ARKANSAS—Continued A K K AN s a s I i a . i l i v a n u Y v i w i a i u ^ & 1T m a p o p p o s ite p a g e a v Cash ier . Hope___.Hempstead C 6 Citizens National Bank, » i’14 R. M. Ladrone. Pop. 6250 81-110 R. M. B ria n t____ C. C. Spragins. Hempstead County Bk.»t§'86 W. Y. P o ster... 81-108 K. G. McRae _____ C. B. P o ster... HOPE NAT’L BANK 81-109 \ »t’07 iHot Springs.—Garland Pop. 16,334 D5 ARKANSAS { NATIONAL BANK* 81-48 As s ’t Cash ier . $ W. B. Oglesby. J. H. McCOLLUM— S. R. OGLESBY---- J. N. RILEY— .......... ROY ANDERSONP. A. THARP C o l l e c t i o n s an d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e In v ite d . A ll in q u ir ie s w ill r e c e iv e p e r s o n a l a tte n tio n an d r e p l i e s . Hope Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. J . H. McCollum___ S. R. Oglesby. 81-107 »tä'07 P. A. Tharp Horatio........... Sevier B 6 Bank of Horatio.......... « jl ’Ol D. L. Cowden____ B . E. Isb ell__ Pop 800 81-364 Pirst National B ank_____’13 J . B. Millard_____ P. S. Westeat. 81-473 H. C. Pride J . N. Riley_____ A. T . Cowden___ H. S. Cowden..... J . C. Henderson.. 100,000 $ 61,400 $ 346,750 $ 383,260 $ 174,880 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ger. N. Little R. X8 50,000 15,000 175,000 172,000 50,000 65,000 350,000 319,000 25.000 28,000 80,000 97,000 25.000 4,230 60,190 57,220 25.000 3,000 45,000 Ex. N., Little R.; State Sav. & Trust Co. Texarkana 24,190 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: State N., Texarkana Ark. N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Mchts. & Plan., Texar kana. g, 714,730 764,860 353,980 Chem. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Com. and M ech.Am. N., S t. L . 8 CHARLES N. R IX - E. F. KLEIN— — . ROBERT NEILL 100,000 304,100 F. C. STEARNS O ld e s t a n d I a r g e s t . B e s t e q u ip p e d fo r h a n d lin g o ol le c t io n s . F o rty y e a r s e x p e r ie n c e . R e m it t a n c e o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. 43,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 75,000 N. P k., N. Y .; 3d N ., St. L . •t’82 ARKANSASTR PR£ *H E",E,,SM U K -"•«««« H rU V nllO H O I III U U i ) C o lle c tio n s a s p e c ia lty ; p re sen te d day reeeived . and If unpaid re a so n s 100,000 75,810 356,080 415,070 102,540 Han. N., N. Y .; N. City, Chi. Citizens National B an k .*t’05 G. Strau ss..___ . . . H. Williams_____ _ Claude E. Marsh . . R. P. Grover. 81-50 100,000 60,060 520,360 508,520 152,670 N. City, N.Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi; 3d N., St. L. Ger. N., Little R. 8, 100,000 90,000 600,000 500.000 290,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. Cont. & Oom’l N. Chi.; Boatmens, St. L. 7,900 7,200 1,750 40.000 45.000 40.000 45.000 ,+§>07 ( \ fully s t a t e d . Ite m s re m itte d fo r a t lo w e s t r a t e s a s soon a s paid. D ire o t v is it o r s to us. S E N D U S Y O U R T E L E Q R A M S . SECURITY BANK, HOTSPGS. E. H. Johnson____ H. P. Collines . — . J . B. Foote— . SAV. TRUST & GUAR. CO. 81-49 *i§ ’96 Houston..........Perry E 4 Bank of Houston......... t§ ’04 J . A. Lovelace___J Miss Emma Jones. D. A. Tucker____ Pop. 600 81-365 Hozie_____Lawrence 1 1 BANK0FH0XIE----------**S’03 J . E. Pringle___— E. P. Richardson. A. G. Albright—.. Roy Arnold . . Pop. 915 81-366 n 11 U Humphrey, Jefferson G 5 Pop. 380 Hunter___Woodruff H 3 Pop. 508 Huntington ...Sebastian Pop. 2000 B3 ‘ Huntsville.Madison C 1 Pop. 600 Merchants & Plan. B k.*i§’05 81-367 Bank of Hunter______ _ §’13 81-561 Huntington State Bank.t§’12 81-496 Farmers & Merch. Bk. < § ’11 81-264 Pirst National B a n k ...« i’90 81-263 Huttig__ ___ ..Union P 7 Pirst National Bank___» i’l l 81-477 Pop. 1240 Imboden—Lawrence H 1 Peoples B an k ................. §’96 Pop. 600 81-370 J . G. Mouser____ ARKANSAS M ap opposite page 59 4,550 10,000 W. J . Stillw ell..— 15.000 350. H. 0 . P e n ro se ..... C. R. Brinneman — T. W. Stacy _____ 10.000 1,000 W. L. Seaman . . . . . C. C. Graves._____ G. R. Holbrook—. . J . L. Higgins____ S. Nunneiey. . . . . . . John Logan. . . . . . - V. S. Cannon_____ Gordon Hawkins . . J . N. B u n c h ....... D. W. Anderson... Thomas H argis. . . John W. Gaskill... W. C. Cluck P. W. Scott______ L. A. Bodine_____ C. T. Thompson... W. P. Reasons____ T. J . Sharum____ W. J . Wilson____ J . A. Hill................ ‘ Ja sp e r.___Newton D 2 Newton County Bank . . . § ’03 W. W. Moore_____ M. Carlton______ J . W. Moore_____ S, L. Nance.. Pop. 242 81-371 Joiner___Mississippi J 3 Bank of Jo in e r............. t§’09 S. Ralph________ . J . B. Wilson_____ J . A. Musick____l J Della Gaines. Pop. 200 81-372 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 L ia b i l i t i e s . R esources . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District rplu s k B is Cash k E x P a id - u p S uand D e p o s Lc oans ’t s . B onds , changes ,B ue of which bank is member. C a p it a l P r o f it s it s S e c u r ities from B anks xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARKANSAS—Continued 6,000 Ex.N.. Little R.; Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. 10,000 N. Bk. of Com.. St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 6,000 N. Bk., Com., St. L. 27.000 10,000 3,850 51,660 35,250 21,890 Mchts. N„ Ft. Smith.; Cent. N., St. L. 25.000 1,250 1)2,870 61,690 50.000 8,500 155,000 190.000 25.000 4,390 56,510 61,400 38,670 76,300 14,140 Cent. N., St. L.; Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo.; Ark. N., Fayetteville, Ark. 35,000 Mech.-Am. N. and 3d N., St, L.; 1st N., Fayetteville. x 8. 32,850 N. City, N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; State N., Texarkana, Ark, g. 8,180 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Memphis. 47,950 July, 1915__________________ ARKANSAS BANKS—-Hope to Joiner N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New Transit N um ber given to eac“ bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name op B ank. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State T own and C o u n t y . P resid en t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . ^County Seats. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. S7 10.000 3,140 54,200 38,130 9,350 1,340 11,170 17,540 22,620 3d N., St. L.: Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo. 4,700 St. L. Union, St. L.: Peo. Sav. Bk. & Tr, Co., Memp. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ijg N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively byJThe B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' T own and County. ‘ County Seats. Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State *Mem. State Bks.Assn.TPriv. Est. Lia b il it ie s . P r esid e n t . V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . P axd- tjp S u r p l u s C a p it a l P rAND o f it s D e po s it s R esources . & & L oans D is- Ca s ii E x c *t s . B onds , changes ,D ue S ec u r it ie s from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 75.000 $ 23.000 $ 200,000 $ 240,000 $ 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; International, St. L.; 1st N., Memp. ‘ Jonesboro ...Craighead American Trust Co. —.< § ’06 B. H. Berger____ E. Less.................... A. Berger, Sec. an d Tr. 81-70 Pop. 11,000 12 BANK OF JONESBORO' A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest States, G race, ARK AN SAS—Continued W. T. LANE— — W. W. CATE--------V. C. PETTIE — — W. T. LANE. JR .— O l d e s t , l a r g e s t , an d s t r o n g e s t b a n k in n o r t h e a s t A rk a n sa s. S p e c i a l an d p e r s o n a l a t te n tio n g iv e n c o l le c t i o n s . Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 3d N. and M ech.-Am . N., S t. L .; Cent. S tate N ., M emp.; Ex. N., Little R. 150,000 165,000 800,000 925,000 100.000 30.000 300.000 295,000 85,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N .Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Reserve, Kan. C. X 8. 78,200 J . W. Armstrong, Jonesboro Trust C o ...< § ’01 G. W. Puryear___ G. Matthews_____ E. J . Mason, Sec. an d Tr. A. See. 81-69 15,000 J udsonia.........White G 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. W. Henson.__b W. H. L. Woodyard R. G. Dickinson__ T. W. Leggett........ J . S. Eastland 81-549 *§’13 Pop. 1200 30.000 First National B ank ___< ’02 0. M. Erganbright A.M. Kittler_____ C. F. Long —. . — V. L. Jameson____ J . S. Ladd, 81-373 25,000 JA .B . HENDERSON P F. GULLY_____ T. B. HENDERSON- P. E. MURPHY — Junction City.Union E 7 MERGHANTS & FAR. BANK 81-232 *§’06 1 Special atten t Ion given to colie ctlons. We rem it on day of payme n t. Pop. 1065 72,200 193,620 297,370 65,260 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Mech.-Am. N„ St. L. 1,200 87,000 41,000 59,000 Ger.N., Little R.; Mech.-Am. N .,St. L. 3,000 125,000 95,000 60,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 6,870 95,530 81,490 35,820 N. Bk. Com., St.L .: Ger. N. and Bk. of Com., Little R.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Shreveport, La. 14,290 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y., N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R.; Com’l N„ Shreve port, La. 8,400 N. City, N. Y .; Ger. N„ Little R. 81-67 *§’87 JAMES E. PARR- J . E. McKEE s, Bankers, and others desiring ISFACTORY serv Ice. FTS OUR SPEC IALTY. FACILITIES. X 8. J . E. Hampton___ J . M. Brown_____ G. G. Gatling, S ee.. UNION BANK & TRUST CO. 81-231 §14 E. Dickey. Kensett...........White G 3 Farmers & Merch. Bank *§’12 81-520 Pop. 225 Kingsland-Cleveland F 6 Cleveland County B k ..< § ’99 E. R. B u ster..___ C. K. Wheeler.— G. W. Montgomery 81-374 Pop. 445 J . N. Bunch T. Hargis________ W. L. Bunch_____ A. B. Bunch __________ Kingston ___ Madison C 2 81-467 Pop. 200 H. C. Sellm eyer... Knpbel.................... Clay I 1Bank of Knobel__________ «*§’04 Joseph Sellmeyer. R, Whitalrur 81-375 Pop. 362 »Lake City.Craighead 1 2 Bank of Lake C ity ............. *§’10 W. B. Armstrong.. P. J . Springer_____ _ E. M. Stotts__________ J . Q. Armstrong... 81-377 Pop. 700 ‘ Lake Village.Chicot H 7 Chicot Bk. & Trust Co.<§’07 H. Thane______________ J . B. Simms________ J . T. Hammond, J r . 81-229 Pop. 1074 CITIZENS STATE BANK< §10 C. M. Matthews SB P. Mulligan_____ _____ W. J . McKewen ____ 81-230 P. F. Winningham. J . M. Metcalf________ J . O . Ragon__________ J . W. Hawkins_____ Lamar____ Johnson D 3 W. G. Weeks 81-277 Pop. 900 50,000 .8,810 42,960 116,790 5,000 600 23,800 17,200 30.000 6,490 83,890 82,950 34,190 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Simmons N., Pine Bluff, Ark. 10,000 1,880 30,410 24,570 13,790 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; 1st N., Huntsville, Ark. 5,575 4.300 27,000 23,900 20.000 2,000 88,790 75,720 85.000 9.000 195.000 180.000 35,000 8,000 75,000 100.000 35,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N .,St. L .; Ger. N„ Little R. 15.000 10.500 50.000 - 60,000 15,000 3d N.. St. L.; Merch. N., Fort Smith; Ger. N., Little R. G. T. Caznrt 81-278 Lavaca........Sebastian B 3 Citizens Bank ............................. < § ’10 Lawrence Wright.. 81-378 Pop. 400 O' -XT Lead Hill____Boone E 1 JLACAA1IV Ui IJv C U l JLL111 81-567 Pop. 580 Lepanto____Poinsett J 2 Bank of Lepanto ___________ §11 J . M. Coppage_______ 81-380 Pop. 500 ’ Fitst National B an k _____ < ’05 j 81-381 Pop. 1898 25.000 A R K A N S A S M a p o p p o s it e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,000 31,000 25.000 960 15,440 35,210 Ray Williams________ 10.000 1.500 30.000 30.000 6,400 3.500 35.000 32.000 T. F . Clemons_______ W. C. Leonard_______ G. J . Herbert________ A. O. Aday 50.000 5,000 100,000 120.000 J . H. Simpson---------- Arthur Bradley_____ T. R.'Cantrell — J . T. Lee — — — L. B. Bell. __________ 8,200 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 29,760 3d N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, Ark# 60,000 Chase N.. N. Y .: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 4,500 1st N„ Ft. Smith. 4,600 Merch. N., Ft. Smith: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 10,000 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo.; Citiz., Harrison, Ark. 12,000 3d N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro. 20.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Mtle. N., St. L.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.: Bk. of Com., Little R.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 8. ARKANSAS BANKS—Jonesboro to Leslie_________________July, 1915 /E. C. STUCK — W R STUCK H. WATSON ) We Invite the business of Bank ) PR OMPT and SAT LADING DBA BILL OF < ’96 / TEST OUR FIRST NAT’L BANK 81-68 185,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under your direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Index *‘Lawyers” for Instructions Arkansas. IN D E X TO COUNTIES. Arkansas ._H 5 A shley........G 7 B a x t e r ........F 1 Ben ton ......... B 1 Boone........... D 1 Bradley . F 7 C alh ou n ___E Carroll ........C C h ic o t......... H C la r k ........... D C lay ................7 Cleburne___F C l«v elan d ...F 7 1 7 5 1 3 6 Columbia _. D 7 Conway........E 3 Craighead .. I 2 Crawford _. B 2 Crittenden..J 3 C ro ss.............I 3 Dallas........... E 6 D esha....... H D rew ......... . G F a u lk n e r. F F ra n k lin . <? F u lto n ___ . G Garland .... D Grant ........ F Greene . . . . . . 1 Hempstead _C 6 Hot Spring.Ë 5 H ow ard__ C 6 Independ ence ......... G 2 Iz a r d ........... G 1 Ja c k s o n ___H 2 Jefferson . . G 5 Jo h n s o n ___D 2 L afay ette . . C 7 L aw ren ce .. H 2 L e e ......... .. I 4 Lincoln__ G 6 L ittle E lver. B 6 L o g a n ......... 0 3 L o n o k e ........G 4 M ad ison ___C Marion___. .E M iller......... C Mississippi. . J M o n ro e___HT MontgomeryC 1 1 7 2 4 4 N evada....... D 6 N ew to n __ D 2 Ò u ach ita... E P e rr y ............ E P h illip s......... I P ik e ........ C P o in s e tt____I P o lk .............. B P o p e ............. D P ra irie ..........G P u la s k i........ F 4 S 5 2 5 3 4 4 Randolph. . . 1 1 S a lin e ......... E S c o tt............B S e a r c y ......... E S eb astian . . B S e v ie r ......... B S h a r p ......... G St. F r a n c is ..I S to n e ......... _F 4 4 2 3 6 1 3 2 U n io n ......... E 7 V a n B u re n ..E 2 Washington B 2 W hite ... G 3 Woodruff . . H 3 Fell. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .D 4 OFFICE.RS E. B. G. THOMPSON, Vice-President P . KIDD, Vice-President C* A* PRATT President * * E. R . H . THOMPSON, Cashier W. B . KENNEDY, Assistant Cashier M . HARRINGTON, Assistant Cashier THE Exchange National Bank L it t l e R o c k , A r k . C A P IT A L , PAID UP SU RPLU S UND, l ^ i D E P O S IT S - $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 5 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 WE SOLICIT YOUR ARKANSAS COLLECTIONS, PARTICULARLY YOUR LITTLE ROCK ITEMS C O R R ESP O N D EN C E IN V ITED UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY AND RESERVE AGENT FOR ARKANSAS BANKS C O R R E S P O N D E N T S : A m e r ic a n E x c h a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k an d H a n o v e h N a tio n a l B a n k , N e w Y o r k ; N a tio n a l B a n k o f t h e R e p u b lic an d C o r n E x c h a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k , C h ic a g o ; M e c h a n ic s A m e r ic a n N a tio n a l B a n k , M e r c h a n t s - L a c l e d e N a tio n a l B a n k an d 3 r d N a tio n a l B a n k , S t . L o u i s ; W h it n e y - C e n t r a l N a tio n a l B a n k , N e w O r le a n s . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B a n k e rs’ A p i f A T U C A C ___ P n n t i r m p H A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, I N um ber under N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band-SEcN ally B an k e rs' D irecto ry , u nd er th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Town and County. »County Seats. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -President . CASHIER. Ass’T Cashier . ‘ Lewisville.Lafayette C7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK— 09 H. A. McCants........ R. L. Bradshaw___ D. W. Gladney. R. L. Searcy 81-383 Pop. 1200 N. D. HARREL -— B. MONTGOMERY. W. D. STEWART- G. W. DOBSON— N. D. HARREL All collections have the personal attention of an o fficer of the bank. Lowest rates. Lincoln-Washington B 2 Bank of Lincoln---------1§’03 W. F . Rodgers___ T. N. English_____ T. L. McColloch__ 81-384 Pop. 292 »Little Rock—Pulaski E 4 ♦BANKERS TRUST C 0.-<§’13 H. L. Remmel____ C. S. McCain_____ C. S. McCain, S ec .. T. L. Bond, Tr, G. W. Donaghey Paul Remmel, 81-25 Pop. 53,811 A . Sec. W. C. Ribenack 25.000 $ 15,000 $ 103,350 ; 83,300 $ 81,240 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; State N. and Texarkana N., Texarkana. X 8. 30.000 8,650 96,040 56,830 10.000 580 52,950 39,730 250.000 4,230 371,300 269,500 226,750 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; State N., St. L. 260,000 2 ,100,000 1,600,000 800,000 N. City, N. 3d N., St. L.; S. W. N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. ♦BARK OF 60MMER6E<§’90 Herman Kahn____ George W. Rogers. Z. B. Curtis______ T. W. Kirkwood__ S. L. Kahn 81-3 L. B. Leigh *CentralBank & Tr.Co.<§’12 T. W. Mattingly— W. A. Snodgrass — J . D. Sullivan____ T. E. Hale_______ 81-21 . ♦Citizens Inv. & Security R. E. Wait_______ E. T. Reaves ......... J . F . Lenon______ Clay E. Smith____ Company. 81-9_____<§1900 100.000 England Loan & Trust Co.1’10 J . E. England____ J . H. Bilheimer___ J . E. England, Jr., Lloyd England,Sec. Tr. 81-18 ♦England NationalBank<’08 J . E. England___— C. T. Coffman____ J . E. England, J r . - Lloyd England___ 81-15 250.000 5.000 200.000 44,970 ‘EXCH A N G E (6. A. PRATT------E. G. THOMPSON— -R. H. THOMPSON- W. B. KENNEDY B. P. KIDD E. M. HARRINGTON s o lid * yo u r A r k a n s a s c o lle c t io n s , p a r t ic u la r ly ( y o u r L it t le R o c k I t e m s . C o r r e s p o n d e n c e in v it e d . .¿83 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. UAT’I DANV We IMI L DAHIV 81-2 J. D. GOLDMAN— -E D . CORNISH — — W. A. HICKS-------- M. H. LONG — R. A. LITTLE 0. P. ROBINSON P ro m p t s e r v ic e . S e n d u s y o u r L I T T L E R O C K and A R K A N S A S c o lle c t io n s N H IIU I1 H L UHI1IY / L a r g e s t C A P IT A L and S U R P L U S 81-1 < ’75 \ o f a n y b a n k in A r k a n s a s . GERM AN 9,850 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Fayetteville. 25.000 1,440 45,000 60,040 7,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Cent. N„ St. L. 75.000 5.000 160,000 203.000 30.000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L. 624,100 913,460 240.000 10.000 England N., Little R. 152,310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 8 300.000 253,000 1,600,000 1,525.000 460,000 Am. Ex. N.| N. Y .; M ech.-Am . N. and 3d N., St. L .; S. W. N. Bk. Com., K an. C. 8. 750,000 175,000 2,500,000 2,375,770 951,840 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st N. Chi. and K a n . C .; M chts.-Lac. N. and 3d N., S t. L. NATIONAl RANK ) German Trust Co.—------ $§’11 J . D. Goldman____ J . F . Walker. Ed. Cornish 81-20 69,660 Mech.-Am. N. and 3d. N., St. L.: Com’l N., Shreveport; Merch. & Plan., Texarkana, Ark. 52,760 332.000 550,790 7,400 161,910 220,400 60,000 700.000 800,000 301,370 381,160 65,990 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. R. W. Righiseli, J . F. Walker, T r ... Sec. W. C. Tunnah, A. Sec. ♦Lasker-Morris Bk. & Tr. Co. Harry Lasker_____ Emmet Morris... . . Henry Lasker, T r.. R. W. Newell, Sec. 81-26 < § ’14 ♦Mercantile Trust Co..< § ’02 M. Heiman________ W. L. Hemingway— W. L. Hemingway, F. J . Schmutz, W .P . Field 81-8 Sec. A. Sec. 250.000 300, ♦PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK j W. E. Lenon_____ B. Bodemann_____ A. J . Mercer_____ De E. Bradshaw, 81-10 < § ’02 Sec. 100,000 27,040 ♦SOUTHERN TRUST C0.<§’05 J . R. Vinson_____ A. C. Read_______ J . R. Vinson, T r... J . C. Conway, S ec.. 81-14 C. G. Price T. G. Embree, A . Sec. an d A . Tr. E. G. Thompson if M. Wright. T r .. . . G. P. Perrie, S e c .. . ♦UNION TRUST CO........ < § ’99 S. W. Reyburn 81-11 M. Wright C.M.Connor, A . Tr. E. J.Bodman A .Sec 500.000 165.000 1,225,000 1,390,000 287,620 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi. 250.000 288,890 1,464,090 1,344,210 444,430 Chem. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mchts Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. *W . B. Worthen Co.__< § ’77 Görden N. Peay— G. G. Worthen____ B. Thruston_____ T. G. Bragg___ 81-7 Little Rock Clearing House. J . E. England. J r — W. E. L enon ...___ Z. B. Curtis, J . S. Pollock, Mgr. (Members in dicated by a * ) Sec. an d Tr. 100.000 340.000 800,000 126.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; IstN ., Chi.; Mtle Tr. Co., St. L. ARKANSAS Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100.000 653.000 _________ ARKANSAS BANKS—Lewisville to Little Stock PEOPLES BANK & LOAN CO. 81-475 < 811 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Resources. Lia b ilit ie s . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Su bplu s loans & D ib Cash à ExD e p o s P a id - u p i t s . B onds , changss ,D us AMD of which bank is member. it s C a p it a l P b o p i t s 8 * curit ik b from B anks XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARKANSAS—Continued July, 1915 59 48,920 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle. N., St. L. 250.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L. 84,880 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; St. L. Union Tr. Co. St. L. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) uu N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity or T h e A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Town and County. ‘ County Seats. Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks Assn. IState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -Pr esid en t . Cashier . Lockesbnrg...Seviei B 6 Bank of Lockesburg.. ..•§’02 R. A. Gilliam____ M. L. Norwood___ Pop. 748 81-385 W. H. flamer London_______ Pope D 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank L. d . Martin , Pop. 303 81-487 S’i l Ass ’t Cashier . C. Steel D. R. B oone..—__ P. FT. Wheat 9,000 11,000 20,000 18,290 203.290 138.230 8,200 100,000 80,000 A. J . Walls______ C. G. Miller______ 20.000 21.000 225,000 211,000 H. E. Benton___ 10,000 Merch. N., Ft. Smith.: Ger. N., Little R. 102,460 Ger. N. and Ex. N.. Little R .: Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: State N.. Memp. 40,000 N. Bk.Com., St. L. 55,000 3d N„ St. L .; Bk. of Com., Little R. 10,000 660 15,250 19,480 3,540 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo. J . C. Spann______ J . B. Driver_____ J . M. Landrum___ J . M. Majors— 15.000 8.700 63.000 78.400 9.590 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Mtle. §1. Memp. R. P. Chitwood___ J . A. Newman___ E. 0 . Robertson__ Thos. W. Moore. F . T. Powers Ç. M. Fomby_____ J . O. Hutcheson__ J . C. McNeill.__ L 12,500 1,770 38,000 35,000 50,000 29,170 213,420 254,950 50,000 7,000 175,000 153,000 37,640 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ger.N., Little R.; Com’l N., Shreveport. 55,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 3d N„ St. L.; Citiz.. Pine Bluff. 50,000 (N. J . GANTT-,— i . L. DAVIS............. T. A. MONROE----- E. C. LYLE-------PEOPLES BANK.......... .•«'02 Is Collections a sp ed a lty and rem it ted on day of pay m ent. 81-162 (All collections have th e person al attention of an officer of this ba nk* 23,000 190,000 175,000 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. T. S. Grayson____ W. H. Warnock___ J . G. Brown_____ J . B. Smith___ J . B. Wilson J . T. Stephens W. H. Cooper__. . . T.R. McHenry__* R. Smith, J r ___. . . 50,000 24,200 167,580 168,110 T. N. Atchison___ Park Chamberlain. G. B. C o x .... . . . . . . J . W. Lee E. FT. Vanr.e H. L. McDonald. . . 30,000 1,000 105,000 85,000 25,000 11,990 200,440 139,010 J . A. Sigler______ G. C. Buford_____ 0. W. Dixon_____ 29.270 2,000 98,000 96,000 J . M. Hutton..____ R. L. Williford— 15,000 3,000 35,000 45,000 25.000 35,000 25,000 130,000 H. W. Cowan------- LEE COUNTY BANK— .< § ’84 81-85 McClintock Banking C o.<t’13 81-524 PeoDles Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. 81-481 « ’11 Crittenden County Bk.&Trust Company 81-390____ . . « ’05 Farmers & Merchants Bank 81-497 §’11 Markea Tree Bank & Tr. Co. 81-391 « ’03 Bank of Marmaduke.. §’03 81-253 Farmers Bank ___ « ’11 81-254 Marshall Bank............. .< § ’01 81-392 Bank of Marvell......... . . « ’03 81-393 Bank of Maynard ... . «1900 81-394 Digitized forARKANSAS FRASER M ap opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of pay m ent. 8,000 1st N„ Ft. Smith: 3d N., St. L. 73,660 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 45,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 104,670 N. Park, N.Y.; Mech.-Am. N.. St.L . 8. 17,500 Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo. 10,000 3d N.. St. L.: 1st N., Jonesboro, Ark. 40,000 Cent. N., St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith: S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 12,500 2.500 26,000 28,000 69,000 2,030 75,340 108,830 39,900 N. Park, N. Y.: Mech.-Am, N., St. L. A. B. Banks______ J . B. Grove______ Charles McKee___ S. Goldstein. 100.000 10,000 185,000 300,000 (W. S. McClintock, R. L. Mixon, and D. S. Clark______ D. S. Clark) W. D.Newbern___ S. Ft. firnwe R. L. Allen______ 100,000 7,950 94,980 150,120 26,812 6,010 58,790 122,910 Louis Barton____ F. W. Reisinger . . . W. B. Rhodes____ 75,000 1,500 195,000 210,000 42,050 50,000 Corn Ex. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 50,260 Chase N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N .,St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Ex. N., Little R. 8,520 Boatmens, St. L.: Com’l Tr. & Sav., Memp.; Ger. N., Little R. 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 3d N .,St. L. 24,630 Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, Ark.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 10,000 3d N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Ger. N., Little R. 10,200 Jefferson, St. L.: Paragould Tr. Co., Paragould. 6,000 Cent.N., St.L .; N .B k.of Com.,Paragould. PEOPLES BANK........... ..« '0 7 C. C. Graves______ J . F. Graves........... V. H. Sorrels......... 81-250 ‘ Marianna______ Lee 1 4 Bank of Marianna___ .< § ’03 M. D. M iller_____ 0 . L. Williamson. . Hugh Mixon_____ Pop. 4810 81-86 ‘ Marshall____Searcy E 2 Pop. 558 Marvell— ...Phillips 1 5 Pop. 556 Maynard___Randolph 1 1 P od. 295 100 20,000 A. V. Crutcher . . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 25.000 $ 11.250 $ 80.000 $ 75.000 $ 41.250 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 10,000 W. P. Fletcher. . . . S. S. Glover ........... W. P. Fletcher, J r . A. B . Goodrum — J . F. GRAVES C. G. GRAVES......... W. L. Y DWELL....... d m i a established bank Mansfield.. Sebastian B 3 BANK OF MANSFIELD- .• « ’01 m Pop. 816 81-249 ( Special atten tlo n given collection s and prompt re m ittance on day Marmaduke__Greene J 1 Pop. 1100 { R esources . Loans à D u* Ca sh & E x c ’tb. B onds , changes , D ur Siousmss from B anks Claire Farrar____ A. C. Mayes_____ J . H. B a rr_______ ‘ Malvern.Hot Spring E 5 Bank of Malvern»____ —« ’89 Pop. 4500 81-131' Farmers & Merchants Bank 81-559 « ’14 First National B ank.. '02 81-132 Mammoth Spring, Pulton Citizens Bank ........... « ’04 Pop. 817 G1 81-388 Manila... Mississippi J 2 Bank of Manila..____ §’03 Pop. 562 81-389 »Marion— Crittenden J 3 Pop. 500 Marked Tree.Poinsett I 2 Pop. 2026 L i a b il it ie s . P aid- up Subplus Depos and Capital P rofits its B. F. Taylor.......... S. P. Thompson___ P. S. Thompson___ 13,150 1,000 55,480 T. J . Sharnm M. W, FTazel 25,000 200 40,000 45,000 A. M. Hall. Alvin Cary ______ A. E. Randal......... S. F. Boone 15,000 3.820 24,220 40,000 Meiser -T, R Burks ... C. E. Causey.— . . . 11.500 Ark. Valley, Fort Smith; Cent. N., S t.L . 15,000 2,000 25,000 40.000 S. G. Daniel........... J . A. Henley_____ A. T. Hudspeth__ F. G. Redwine. 50,000 1,200 95,000 123,000 30,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Mtle. N., Memp. Roy Cooke____ 20,000 9,300 85,920 82,000 17,300 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Mtle. N., Memp. 6,000 1,390 14,390 20,660 J .W . Lipscomb__ S. L. Cooke............. J . L. Turner_____ J . B . Swift........ F C Mnek J . M. C. Lehman... H. G. McNabb- 3,140 3d N., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. ARKANSAS BANKS—Lockesburg to Maynard______________ July, 1915 ‘ Lonoke ____ Lonoke G < RANIUOF CENTRAL ARK. Pop. 1800 • « ’98 81-198 Bank of Lonoke____ . . « ’06 81-199 Lonoke County Bank.. • « ’06 81-200 Low ell___— Benton B Bank of Lowell______ ...§ ’08 Pop. 193 81-386 : Luxora__Mississippi E Luxora Banking Co _ « ’99 Pop. 677 81-387 Magasine____ Logan C Bank of Magazine___ • « ’03 Pop. 968 81-235 ‘ Magnolia..Columbia D Columbia County B a n k .« '92 Pop. 2045 81-161 Farmers Bank& T r .C o .« ’07 81-163 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olid ays, see opposite page 13. ARKANSAS—Continued Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence , Wliniber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given JO each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* T own and C o u n t y . ¿C ounty S eats. Na m e op B ank. 81-261 McGehee Valley B 81-395 Bank of McNeil— 81-396 McRae State Bank 81-565 Bank of Melbourn 81-397 Farmers & Merch; 81-97 First National Bai 81-98 Planters State Ban 81-99 Midland___Sebastian B 3 Midland State Ban Pop. 639 81-509 Mineral Sp’gs Howard B 6 Bank of Mineral S Pop. 432 81-399 Monette..—Craighead J 2 Citizens Bank— . Pop. 559 81-274 ‘ Monticello___Drew G 6 Pop. 4000 81-157 Commercial Loan & Trust Co, 81-534 •*§’!{ 81-158 P resident . VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier . As s ’t ! E. T. W herry...__ T. A. Jeffries_____ H. W. Jernigan.__ L. B. Winfree.— . t H. Thane________ A. McGehee _____ J . W. Willoughby. D. 0 . C. Cleveland. J. J . Lack_______ R. L. Westbrook — J . W. Rhea W. F. Bauer........... J . A. Cullum.-____ W. H. Newhern William Booth J . B. Baker—......... J . H. Landers........ R. D. Harris 15 000 fi 570 125,000 nn nnn 190,000 ߣ nnn 10,000 550 22,860 21,580 10 ooo fi non 32 180 27 170 50,000 58,400 272,700 225,090 50,000 35,000 185 000 160 000 W. W. Townsend— W. E. Watkins___ R. B. Board_____ F . C. E m b ry ....... 30,000 6,000 75,000 67,000 5,275 1,300 18,500 15 000 10 non 3,000 50 000 93 25.000 2,500 65,000 W. L. Seaman____ C. C. Graves_____ J . Bell_______ J . B. Sturdivant. . . T. H. Kent __ W . G. Christian. N. H. Grody........... L. W. Finch_____ W. H. Johnson— C. L. Anderson___ nnn 18,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 17,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L .: State N., Texarkana, Ark. 10,810 Ger. N., Little R.; Far. & Mchts., Judsonia, Ark# 10,MU 3d N.. St. L.; Uuidn Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. 139,090 Mech. & Metals. N.. N. Y.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Mech.-Am. N. and 3d N.. St. L.: 1st N., Kan. C. | , 8. 26,000 3d N., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Drov. N.. Kan. C. a nnn Cent. N., St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 3d N., St. L.: State N., Texarkana. 35 000 83 non 193 18H 85.000 931 79A J . L. Allen_______ G. W. Lambert___ G. A. Knox J . S. Harris 60,000 15,000 125,000 140,000 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. N.. St. L.; Ger. N., Little R.; Citiz., Pine Bluff. L. W. Dillard____ J . Curry_________ H. P. Cruce____ ... R. L. Deal S. B. Jaggers 50,000 22,000 140,000 180.000 22,000 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 100.000 95,000 200,000 320,000 75,000 Chase N.. N. Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L. V. J. Trotter........... C. T. Duke______ J . D. McClov Montrose.:— Ashley H 7 W. T. Cone— ........ Pop. 300 81-401 Moro___________Lee I 4 Bank of Moro________ »{§’12 A. L. W ilifcrd.__ Pop. 400 81-482 ‘ Morrillton..Conway E 3 Bank of Morrillton____*§’77 W. Irving;..--... . . . Pop. 2424 81-144 Citizens Bank.... ........ «*§1900 E. E. Mitbhell__. . . 81-145 First National Bank____*13 J . J . Scroggin 81-554 Rainwater Bank & Trust Co Wood Rainwater—., 81-494 *§’12 Mountainburg. .Crawford Bank of Mountainburg— §’12 L. S. Stokes_____ _ Pop. 200 B .> '' 81-501 ‘ Mountain Home.Baxter Peoples Bank_____ _____§’06 F. M. Seward____ Pop. 446 F 1 ‘ 81-402 ‘ Mountain View__ Stone Bank of MoflStain View *§’15 H. S. Mabry-_____ Pop. 272 F ÎT SUMB3 ‘ Mount Ida__Montg. C 4 Moutgon ry County Bk.*§’04 G. Cox...................... Pop. 450 I £ßä|4 Mount Pleasant—l.Izard sank o f Ba/Jgw Fork___ §13 L. T. Evans______ Pop. 200 V GhJ iBank of*<M,uliferrv____ »*§’02 H. A. Beneux____ Mulberry—Crawfoi’â.T? 3N ■ „2§7 Pop. 1200 Farmers ÄfcMchts. Bank. *§’06 G. W. Wagner____ 81-258 Murfreesboro...Pike C5 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. J . Marks_____ Pop. 1220 81-515 *§’12 Pike County Bank........ «*§’05 J . C. Pinnix_____ 81-405 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,100 $ 61,000 $ 68,000 $ 15,400 3d N., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co., Little R. 14,000 J . H. Cox________ Eugene Cox........... E. B. Cox________ W. I. Green____ Walter Nance G. L. Lochridge... R. H. Nall............... E. M. Sharp_____ W. A. Finks MONTICELLO BK. & TR. CO. J . G. Williamsor — ty. M-cAnderson— R. L. H yatt_____ James Jackson___ 81-156 ----- ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 20.000 $ 69,000 tr. E. ’Barker_____ S. G. Lockhart 10 000 3 000 W. L. Black........... O. F . Lacey______ 10,000 1,000 non an nnn non 13 000 nnn inn nnn un nnn 50,000 11,100 169,570 175,380 67,770 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 28,625 9,120 102,540 101,670 16 300 37,190 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 3d N., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 6 500 1st N„ Ft. Smith and Van Buren. Am, 11 R. Ap* irvinfj L. Mi. E a rl_______ W. O. Massfty L. Jones__ J . W., Webb_____ Albert Lancaster— I. W. Rose— C. J . Watkins____ I.. T,. Reavers..,.. in nnn Mech.-Am. N., St. L .; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 3,900 Bk. of Com., Little R. 11D,UUU Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Boatmens, St. L. J . H. Irving 95 E. J . Massey_____ Clifton Moose_____ E. H. Dunaway ClbufiS’)i .Rainwater Night Rainwater, Sec. an d Tr. C: O, Smith______ L. L. Stokes__ ___ i& ’W. Redus____ R. H. Russell 12,500 Boatmens, St. L.; IstN . and Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro, Ark. Liberty N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 10,000 100 14,200 ____ 5,000 2,500 65,000 44,000 — 20,000 1,240 76,340 40,840 7,500 1 200 50 000 3n nnn William Watkins.. Bk. of Com., Little R.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. X8. 25 000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Bk. of Batesville, Batesville: Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield. 54,140 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville, Ark.; Ger. N., Little R. an nnn 3d N„ St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. S. P. Thompson . . . S. M. McSpadden.. 10,000 260 7,600 11,510 fi 030 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; IstN ., Batesville, Ark. T. B. Remy______ M. C. Alexander... J . F. Alexander. . . 25,000 17,500 80,000 100,000 12,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Van Bnren, Ark. 8.000 St. L. Union, St. L.; Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith. J . M. F a rm e r____ S. B. Hawkins____ H. Wagner______ 25,000 7,500 44,500 70,500 Rosco Brewer_____ W. W. Womack. . . 15,000 130 13,000 18,500 O. B. Owens_____ W. F . Galloway__ V. A. Pate_______ 25,000 2,150 66,500 57.500 ARKANSAS BANKS—McCrory to Murfreesboro McOrory...Woodruff H 3 Pop. 800 McGehee.........Desha H 6 Pop. 3000 McNeil_Columbia D 7 Pop. 482 McRae_______White G 3 Pop. 200 ‘ Melbourne____ Izard G 1 Pop. 400 ‘ Mena___ti_____Polk B 5 Pop. 3953 J B Accessible Towns, Law yers, L aw s, Directors» in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te r est R a te s, Grace« etc«, see page 14. F o t H olidays, see opposite page 13, L ia b il it ie s . R esources. Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Ca sh ier . P aid- up SUBFLU8 Depos LoansADis* Cashk Ex AND o'ts. Bonds, changes,Bui of which bank is member. Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARKANSAS—Continued July, 1915 _______ 61 7J5ÛO Ger. Sav. Inst., S t.L .; Ger. N., Little R.; State 21,600 Mech.TAm.rNa?S t. L.; State N., Texarkana. For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber u nder N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given *9 ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by_The R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' g2 ----------------------------------- T own and County. AGounty Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. »Nashville__ Howard C 6 BANK OF NASHVILLE 81-503 Pop. 2374 »« - . ’ ■1■ !»» P resid e n t . A ccessible Towns« L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st B a te s , G raee, » e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page' 13 R esources . L ia b il it ie s , P rincipal Correspondents . SUEPLTTS D e p o s Loans&Dis- Cash&Ex Also Federal Reserve District C a s h i e r . P aid -up c*ts. Bonds, changes,Dub AN D of- which bank is member. its C a p it a l P r o f it s SsoObities fbomBanks. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARK AN SAS—Continued V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca sh ier . A s s ’t S 25,000 $ i§ ’12 C. C. Ramsey_____ J . B. Hill________ -T. TV M oore 29,330 240,000 325,000 70,000 Mech.& Metals N.. N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N.. H. K iech ________ L. D. Kiech______ 10,000 11.300 23,290 36,210 11,850 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: 1st N., Jonesboro, Ark. 25,000 6,500 35,000 60,000 6,500 Bk. of Com., Little R., Mech.-Am. N., St. L.8. 12,500 8,000 45,000 46,000 24,860 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Simmons N.Bk.,Pine Bluff, Ark. 100,000 9,040 331,770 291,710 50,000 11,500 150,000 140,000 70,000 Han. N.. N. Y ii Cent. N.. St. L., Ger. N., Little R. 50,000 170,000 450,000 420,000 250,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st N ., Chi.; Mech.Am. N., S t. L . 8. Lawrence Y. Huber R. Gi W illia m s ___ C. H. W illiams___ 5,000 750 4,000 9,000 4.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Lillian Roberts___ 5,000 4,540 4,570 2,440 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville, Ark. Newark__Independ. H 2 Pop. 800 81-407 C. W. Kiech........... F r^ F Jih aiiv fir C. M. Edwards____ G» .«Fields........... È. R. Chesser New Edinburg ..Clevel’d Bank of New Edinburg.iS’04 M. W. Mosley«, .i l l J ^ . 'E . Kendrick.. E. T. Attwood____ 81-408 Pop. 400 F 6 A* •Frtr'gnsnn a . Hurt C. Childers_____ _ »Newport__Jackson H 2 Arkansas Bk. & Tr. Co..»t§’03 C. G. Henry. Pop. 5000 81-112 .. .. W . W . Runa,wa,v__ W m . Ni Jitmawas - O.'K, .Tones __ 81-113 -- --- L1-, « »r r 1 ■TT--------J--- r—!----------- -— [ IH A RII 1 mesi FV N ft .Wfll FF F. A. JONES........... W T PARISH •_IV * V. 1 /1 8 n a n K w i t n t n e D ig s u r p l u s . O ld e s t b a n ì$ jn is p a r t o f A r k a n s a s . W E CO LLECT. 81-111 »’92 \ '•TS V FIRST NAT’L BK. Pop. 200 81-409 Pop. 175 81-537 mark T>fi Pop. 399 81-410 Olvev Pop. 700 W . M. Hogan Veil R A Rnnne R 1 Pop. 130 W H Weir 81-411 81-182 .. ;; ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 12,200 Bk. of Com., Little R. 14,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ex. N„ Little R. 30,000 14,500 38,000 60,000 F . E. P a trick J . R. Felton.......... Mrs. F. E. Patrick. 8,200 190 4,190 5,400 10,000 1,690 23.160 19.350 25,000 8,470 210,690 142,290 75,990 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., M emp.; N. Bk. Com*, S t. L. 25,000 16,570 146,140 109,470 92.190 1st N., M em p.; M ech.-Am. N. St. L. ,W P. HALE J. W. QUINN............ E. E. DRIVER EMMA C9X it-o r p r o m p t a n a e m c i e n t s e r v i c e s e n a y o u r i t e m s t o u s . W e h a v e t h e a b ility a n d t h e e q u ip m e n t« 3,380 Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan* C. 15.500 Miners & Far., Aurora, Mo. »t§’91 CITIZENS BANK 81-183 30,000 *t§’02 J . W. RHODES......... G. R. BRICKEY......... C. L. MOORE, JR.— HERBERT BRYANT s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g iv e n to c o l l e c t i o n s a n a p r o m p t r e m itta n c e on d ay o f p a y m e n t. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 .. 7,500 W. H. R a n k in .... H. V . George____ §’07 J . H. Middleton... T. L. Richesin____ J . B. G uier______ Mrs. J . B. Guier__ BANK OF O SC EO LA 12,500 O .J. Harkov 81-519 Omaha. . _Rnnnp R 1 ■Rank nf Omaha Pop. 350 81-412 »Osceola..Mississippi J 2 Pop. 3000 Ernest Tate______ Neill R oss............. 149.100 Chase N., N. Y.: Boatmens, St. L. ARKANSAS BANKS—-Nashville to Osceola__________ 75.000 81-406 Ola __ St. L. f Planters Bank & Trust Co. W. H. Toland_____ J . ^ Wallace......... G. H. Bell — ____ W. K. Haller_____ A. H. Hughes 8i-i49 «troi Nettleton-.Craighead 1 2 Pop. 1080 Okolnna 1,000 $ 49,000 $ 72,000 $ 10,000 Seab. N ., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N., T own and County. ¿County Seats. Onqchita . .. Dallas 15 fi Oliar,hita. Bank 81-562 Hempstead C 6 Rank nf Ozan 81-413 Pop. 129 P resid e n t . Vice -Pr esid e n t . $§’14 R. J . Taylor_____ J . N. Butler J . T. Gaston Ca sh ier . L ia b il it ie s . R esources . oansb Bis* Casii b Ex Depos L As s ’t Ca sh ier . P aid-up SUKPLUS c ’ ts . Bonds, changes,Dub AND Capital P kofits its Securities promBanks* J . D. Knight........... .$§'03 H. A. K in g ______ W. F. Robins____ B. A. Barron_____ Î 10,000 $ 960 $ 16,500 $ 19,050 $ P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 3,150 Merch. & Plan., Camden, Ark. 5.000 59,000 28,000 50.000 10,080 112,440 110,860 60,660 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 25,000 19,000 105,000 111,000 36,800 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith. Pangburn____ WhiteG 3 Pangburn State Bank . . -$§’11 Harry Churchill. . . Chas. McKee_____ R. T. Blackshare Pop. 700 81-483 R. I. Blackshare 10,000 420 31,410 33,950 »Paragould—-Greene 1 1 First National Bank___ .•$’89 A. Bertig ... ....... S. Bertig_________ J . M. Lowe.;_____ E. W. Gardner Pop. 7000 81-79 H. S. Trice 50,000 28,380 294,230 340,920 100,000 140,000 325,000 429.000 135,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. X 8. ¿Ozark .. Franklin C 3 Arkansas Valley Bank. •$§'87 E. W. Blackburn— R. M, Adams.___ John E. B ry an ___ T f! Mnnrfl Pop. 1200 81-223 . »• PEOPLES BANK 81-224 •$§’05 M. B. Conatser.___ f,. I.. Enrd H. R u ssell.._____ F. E. Stockton___ 12.100 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R.; State N„ Texarkana. 8,910 3d N,? St. L.: Ger. N., Little R. 81,690 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. X 8. .. .. Nat’l Bk. of Commerce .•$’01 E. W. Meiser 81-80 .. •• Paragould Trust Co___ ..§ ’05 F. M. Scott -_____ Jos. R. B ertig____ j . C. Markham____ T. H. Llovd 81-81 J , A. Edwards 50,000 17.000 215,000 180.000 50,000 Boatmens, St, L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Security Bk. & Tr. Co. „§'06 A. A. K nox.. ___ R. J . Haley l_.____ G. O. Light______ W. O. Pnnlft 81-82 67.200 .19,330 125,580 217,280 22,160 Bk. of Com., Little R.; Mtle. Tr. Go., St. L. 75.975 27,940 226,670 167.260 51,425 1,310 74,930 78,970 Parkdale____Ashley G 7 Bank of Parkdale____ -$§’10 R. G. Williams___ E. D. Gregory____ W. W. Morris „ Pop. 383 81-416 15,000 9,840 24,840 40,570 7,760 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Monticello Bk. & Tr. Co., Monticello, Ark. Parkin_______ Cross I 3 Parkin Home Bank___ -$§’10 I. R. Dye________ E. W. Walker____ E. R. Blair ______ P. J . Phillips ....... Pop. 1000 81-417 10,000 1,500 40,060 40,000 15,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 6,500 2,330 9,970 11,470 8,190 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Corning, Ark. Pea Ridge___Benton B 1 Bank of Pea Ridged____.$§'11 W. T. Patterson__ G. 0. Laughlin.—— W. T. Patterson „ . Pop. 300 81-468 i . 1 Perry________Perry E 3 First National B an k __ .•$’99 John S. H arris___ J . M. Mathews . . . . W. E. Henderson.. Pop. 400 81-419 10,000 1,720 25,550 33,180 5,790 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 18,270 42,760 Pettigrew ...Madison C 2 Citizens Bank.... ........... .. § ’05 C. E. Craw ford.... J . H. Phipps_ Pop. 450 81-421 10.000 800 32,000 31,810 25.000 1,500 125,000 115,000 25,000 5,000 125,000 90,000 .. »Paris____„..L og an 0 3 Rank of Paris Pop. 2000 81-207 .. R, .Tqnkfsnn H. W. Woosley— . W. T. Stedman___ •$§’01 L. B. Crenshaw___ Conrad llsk en ____ W. R. Cherry____ Ti fjT SadlAr German-AmeriçanBank&Tr. J . J . S m it h ....__—W. B. Rhyne____1 W. C. R o a d y .....i. Chas. F. Wahl____ John D. Deen -4-S 11 Peach Orchard ..Clay 1 1 Peoples Bank________ -- §10 John C. Baker____ W. ip. H arris...— . Pop. 450 81-418 Mrs. Grace Craw ford »Piggott_________ Clay J 1 Bank of Piggott_____ •$§’05 J . P. Potter____ L. Hunter..______ J . K. Browning___ Pop. 1800 81-222 “ T||, “ Olay County Bank____ -$§’97 H. W. Moore........... J . M. Myers______ O. H. Parrish____ H. S. Moore 81-221 ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 161,800 Chase N., N. Y.: 3d N., St. L. 47,330 N. Park, N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. ARKANSAS BANKS—Ouachita to Piggott 10.000 ________ Oran Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. gstate tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv. Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, i n d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h i s v o lu m e . For Interest Rates, Grace, etc», s e e p a g e 1 4 . For Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 1 3 . ARK AN SAS—Continued July, 1915 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tho Hand-McNally Bankers’ 63 11,470 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 8. 2,100 1st N., Fayetteville, Ark. 25,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) c .A Number under Name of Bank is th e New Transit Number given to each b an k in U . S , exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. , Name of B ank. •Mein. Ain. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. ¿Pine Bluff. Jefferson F 5 ♦CITIZENS BANK81-40 Pop. 16Ì743 . «t§’87 e tc., see page 14. R esources . L ia b i l i t i e s . P resid en t . Vice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . j J. B. SPEERS— M. E. BLOOM— R. L. BYRDM . » " ] U nexcelled fa cilities for hand ling A rkansas b usiness. : 1 Collections pro mptly m ade. J. E. BOYCE...........-R. M. GALBRAITH -C. H. BOLINGER, HARVEY HOGG, _ S ec .& T r. A .S e c .& A .T r . A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s t r a n s a c t e d . S e n d u s y o u r A r k a n s a s it e m s . • Jl’95 W e g iv e p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e a n d q u i c k r e t u r n s a t lo w r a t e s . ♦Merchants & Plan. Bk. •ff’70 S. C. Alexander___ W. L. Dewoody___ A. D. Foster. 81-39 rplu s P a id - u p S uand C a p it a l P r o f it s $ 300,000 $ 159,290 100.000 175,000 53,840 Depo s it s Dis- Loans k c ’t s . B onds , S ec u r it ie s Cash k E x changes ,D ub FROM B a NK8 P rincipal Correspondents , Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 955,130 $1341340 $ 452,560 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 3dN .and N .B k Com., St. L. 316,880 508,960 58,650 M erch. N ., N. Y . ; S t. L . U nion, St. L . Bk. of Com., L ittle B . 222,450 1,162,370 1,009,320 550,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Coni & Com’l N. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. PEOPLES SAV i\J U n ii * L U I L.L.U ^ QQ 81-44 »*§’03 H. MANN------- J. A. CLEMENT— H. B. STRANGE, V. B. ALEXANDER S e c. a nd T r. a . Sec. .o, Sec. an d Tr. A ) W e g iv e s p e c i a l a tte n tio n to c o lle c t io n s an d c o m m e r c ia l a c c o u n t s . R e m it t a n c e s m a d e on d a y o f p a y m e n t. ‘ SIM M O N S NAT’L BANK 81-43 100,000 30,080 375,000 473,000 96,000 N. City, N. Y . and Chi.; S t. L . Union Tr. Co., S t. L . 71,550 1,132,650 1,109,320 433,080 Han. N., N. Y .; N. B k . Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L .; S. W. N. Bk. Com., K an. C. x 8- Z. ORTO -W . N. TRUL0CK - J. NICHOL— .......... L. F. HUTTJ. T. LLOYD O n ly N a tio n a l B a n k in th e C i t y . A ll b u s i n e s s in t r u s t e d to t h is b a n k w ill r e c e iv e pro'm pt a t te n tio n . *$’03 Pine Bluff Clearing House... A. D. Fnstp.r (M embers in dicated by a * ) 200.000 J . Nichol........... „ . H. B. Strange, Mgr Plainview_____ Yell D 4 Bank of Plainview___ -•«'07 R. T. Compton___ H. L. Montgomery. W. T. Blount____ B. W illiam s..... Pop. 853 81-243 25.000 4,970 80,330 77,540 31,150 Bk. of Com.. Little R.; 3d N., St. L, Plumerville—Conway E 3 Bank of Plumerville.. _*t5’02 A. D. Malone..___ A. B. Poyne_____ A. J . Nesbitt_____ W. H. Duff____ Pop. 495 81-422 40.000 8,000 60,000 80,000 40.000 N. Park, N .Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 27,500 5,000 120,000 91,000 43.000 Mech.-Am. N. and Cent. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 26,000 23,500 150,000 120,000 ¿Pocahontas— Randolph POCAHONTAS STATE BANK Pop. 1547 HI 81-202 «*§’03 f W. H. SKINNER- A. J. W ITT....... ( B. A. BROWN — L. R. PICKETT___ A 2c stam p w ith your collect! o n —prompt serv ice and returns. TRY US. RANDOLPH COUNTY BANK E. Dalton . . 81-201 •ÎS’98 A. Z. Schnabaum.. J . D. Wells— ........ H. I. Marshall___ 52.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Portia------- Lawrence 1 1 Bank of Portia........... —iS’05 W. J . Robinson___ F. W. Tucker__ Pop. 500 81-423 N. Fraser________ Victor Sloan_____ 8,000 1,000 38.000 17.000 Portland____Ashley G 7 Peoples Bank............... —18’08 J . C. Bain________ E. J , Camak___ Pop. 823 81-248 25.000 Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro; New Eng. N. Kan. C. J . W. Brown____ J . A. Dean_______ 25.000 12,140 148,620 109,400 74,010 3d N., St. L.: Citiz., Pine Bluff; Ger. N., Little R. T. R. Pugh........ F. P. Harvey..___ 20.000 69,600 83,220 126,770 43,410 Bk. of Com., Little R.: N. Bk. Comi, St. L.Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. J . B. Sinclair__ N. H. B e ll.............. 14,175 22.000 17.000 Portland Bank .. 81-247 Pottsville__ ___ Pope E 3 Citizens Bank Pop. 205 81-551 Prairie Grove—Wash. B 2 Farmers State Bank Pop. 774 81-256 First National Bank 81-255 Map opposite page 59 Digitized for ARKANSAS FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tS’01 J . W. Pugh t ’13 14.000 3d N., St. L.; Bk of Com., Little R. — §•13 L. H. Winstead___ M. C. Peacock____ J . L. McConnell__ C. E. Cole, J r .. J . B. Cunningham 25.000 980 34,030 32.000 9,800 Mcllroy Bkg. Co., Fayetteville; Mech.-Am. N., St, L. . . . t ’01 J . H. Zellner.. 25.000 5,000 115,000 113,800 22,450 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Fayetteville. E. C.Carl Oliver Phillips____ W. R. Pearson. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name o f B a n k is the DTew T ra n sit N um ber given Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- ARKANSAS BANKS—Pine Bluff to Prairie Grove____________ July, 1915 ‘COTTON BELT SAV.& TR.C 0. 81-42 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of th is volum e. For Interest Bates, Grace, O» For Holidays, see opposite page 13. A R K A N S A S — Continued UM , Num ber under Name of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U . S. e x c l u s i v e l y by Xlie Band -M eN ally B a n k e rs 9 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14, For Holidays» see opposite page 13. DlrAAtnrv. under t h e a u t h o r i t y o f T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n. 1 T own and Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Co u n t y . .County Seats. I H - « P r e s id e n t . I 1 V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . ‘ Prescott___Nevada D 6 Bank of P rescott....... -•$§'05 Thomas C. McRae. J . G . Clark............. T. C. McRae. J r . . . I . A. Rlakelv Pop. 2705 81-140 S. J . Hesterly Wren Scott Nevada County Bank. -• « ’86 W. B. Waller— 81-138 W. R. Barham____ G. F. Cress______ W. R. White, J r ... M. H. P ie rce Quitman__Cleburne F 3 Bank of Quitman........ „ « ’03 R. L. Kane ............ Beulah K ane Pop. 471 81-424 Paul M artin . Ratcliff----------Logan 0 3 Bank of Ratcliff.......... — 1’13 M. W . Ronk........... J . A. Riggs Pop. 175 81-547 W . D. Strm id O. L . Gillev _ $ R eso u r c es. Loams à Du- Cash &Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus Sbouritisb fromBanks P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 75.000 $ 85,000 $ 300,000 J 365,000 $ 95,000 N. City, N. Y .; MeCh.-Am. N.. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 25,000 3,250 81,210 77,060 50,000 20,500 12,540 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. Mtle. N., St. L.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co.. Batesville. Ark. 3,030 10,000 72,500 53,460 18,080 39,220 Bk. of Com., Little R.; Boatmens, St. L. Bk. of Paris., Paris, Ark. Ravenden--Lawrence H 1 Bank of Ravenden___ . . « ’07 T. J . Sharum____ S. H. Ball................ N. R. Moore — Pop. 350 81-425 10,000 2,280 19,390 22,210 Ravenden Sprgs— Rand. Lone Rock Bank Pop. 500 HI 81-566 10,000 1,000 4,920 7,540 30,000 39,650 170,900 195,160 10,000 610 8,850 21,490 5,030 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 4,550 11,710 2,140 Ger. Sav. Inst., St, L.: State N., Texarkana. — §’14 J . B. Duvall_____ .T. .T. F.atnn R ector................ Olay J 1 Bank of Rector_____ • « ’99 Pop. 2500 81-173 Eli M eiser.._____ M. M. Craven__ __ Reyno..— .Randolph 1 1 Farmers & Merchants Bank T . L. Wright........... J . M. Wright, Pop. 290 81-427 §’11 Richmond Little RiverB6 Bank of Richmond Pop. 307 81-552 Elmer D avis ,T. G. Sallee . . « ’13 H. J . Marks_____ W. I. Joyner_____ C,. F. Burden W. W. Gardner 10,000 ‘ Rison------Cleveland F 6 Bank of R ison ..„ ___ • « ’02 N. A. McKinney... Pop. 725 81-428 Rogers........... Benton B 1 American National Bank . ’15 J . E. Applegate___ Pop. 2820 81-572 •' 'f ft ' • “ ' Farmers State Bank... • « ’10 J . L. Chapin_____ 81-124 “ .. “ First National B ank. . . -•$’05 George D. Parks „ 81-123 Rudy........... Crawford B3 Bank of Rudv Pop. 93 81-531 Albert Moore_____ J . T . Howard W. E. Kefauver L. B. Steinbrenner P . N. Clark ........... E. V. Janksnn George P. Jackson. —+’13 G. R. Wood______ W. G. Cooper L. E. Page J . H. Cooper •• m fc m 7,180 Citiz., Mammoth Springs, Ark. 83,880 Chase N., N. Y.: Mech.-Am. Ni, St. L. 40,000 9,390 88,770 83,340 60,000 4,000 8,500 8,200 40,000 7,500 155,000 150,000 56,000 Cent. N.,St. L.; 1st N .,Ft. Smith, Ark,; Benton Co. N., Bentonville, Ark. 50,000 15,500 234,540 270,350 74,990 Han. N.. N.Y.; Mech.-Am. N..St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 8. 50,000 20,080 126,430 134,710 61,800 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mech.-Am. N., St; L.; Bk. Com., Little R. 72,850 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ger. N., Little R. 41,950 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50,450 Han. N., N. Y.; State N., St. L. X 8. 10,000 ‘ Russellville___Pope D 3 Bank of Russellville.—•«'97 T . M. Neal............... R. C. Brown_____ W. G. Neal______ R. R. T a v lo r ... Pop. 3500 81-119 J . J . Shoptaw G. S. Neal ** 12,650 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. •* Peoples Exch. Bank. . . • « ’90 R. J . Wilson______ W. J . White______ L. B. McClure____ 81-118 70,000 19,760 202,300 219,220 •• POPE COUNTY BANK- - § ’09 H. W, Patrick ......... E. H. Shinn__ 81-120 25,000 2,820 106,430 96,820 34,130 3d N., St. L. B. H. Castleberry— G. T. Humphries.. R. Castleberry......... G. T. Cunningham. 10,000 6,600 34,280 32,030 17,900 Holland Bkg. Co.. Springfield, Mo. N. A. Simpson........ John J . Stobough— J . H. Lindsey 5,000 420 7,180 7,520 15,500 1,500 35,000 33,000 30,000 27,820 149,010 138,510 E. A, Robbins____ P. A. Robertson... J . H. Deener____ A. H. Royston. Jr. 30,000 67,500 225,000 250,000 8,000 3d N.j St. L.; Ger. N., Little R.; Mchts. N., Ft. Smith. 65,510 ChaseN.. N.Y.; Mech.-Am. N .,S t.L .; Ger.N., Little R. 40,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. W. H. Lightle____ W. G. Caldwell— 50,000 1,380 100,050 110,210 38,920jN. City. N. Y.: 3d N., St. L. ‘ Salem........... ..Fulton G 1 Pop. 1000 Scotland—Van Buren E 3 Pop. 200 Scranton____._Logan C 3 Pop. 300 ‘ Searcy-------- White G 3 Pop. 3500 Bank of Salem............... . . « ’08 81-430 Bank of Scotland____ . « ’13 81-539 Bank of Scranton ...... .$§’10 81-431 Bank of Searcy.... ........ .$§’04 81-154 Peoples Bank____ •$§’90 81-153 Union Bank & Trust Co. -•§’10 81-155 ARKANSAS Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W . H. Higdon, J r .. J . E. Nichols____ W. M. Watkins— R. W. Ferguson__ M. A. P a trick Aaron Emmons__ -■ O. E. Havs J . S. Booth............. T. A. Watkins........ H. K . Wood Jas. E. Lightle.See. J . B. Lightle____ 5,030 Bk. of Com., Little R. For SA FETY and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See index io Lawyers) ARKANSAS BANKS-—Prescott to Searcy Pyatt-----------Marion E 1 Bank of Pyatt............... — 1’12 W. R. Jones ____ Pop. 60 81-530 L ia b il it ie s . rplu s P a id - u p S uand Dbpo sC a p it a l P r o f i t s ITS July, 1915______________ _ n s 4 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , u nd er th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Town and County. ¿County Seats. Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State {Mem.StateBks. Assn.TPriv. Est. L ia b il it ie s . P r e sid e n t . ¿Sheridan____ Grant F 5 Grant County Bank___ *§’03 J . F. H. Wilson— Pop. 600 81-432 Sherrill___Jefferson G 5 Rank of Sherrill___ Pop. 350 81-556 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race ARKANSAS —Continued V ice -Pr esid e n t . Cashier . As s 't Cashier . J . M. Baugh_____ P. T. Lewis______ P. Johnson §’13 J . F . Quattlebaum. P aid - u p Subplus Depos C a p it a l P rAND it s o f it s $ 22.500 3,000 R esources. &Dis« Cash & E x L oans c ’t s . B onds , S e c u r ities $ 100,000 changes , B ub from B anks * P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 10,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff, A. A. Williams____ 25.000 Shirley___VanBurenE 2 Bank of Shirley______ »§'06 Edward Stevens. — J . H. Lowrey..___ A. 0 . O’Day........... Pop. 305 81-433 10.000 2,200 16,270 6,910 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R, R .C . P. Andres — 5.000 400 9,570 5,520 1st N., Batesville, Ark.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Siloam Sp’gs. Benton B 1 Bank of Commerce____*§’11 W. T. Stahl______ C. P. Curry_____ j A. L. Martin____ _ Pop. 3500 81-148 10,000 300 14,000 1,600 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.;Merch. N., Ft. Smith. First National Bank___« i’95 George Tatum........ R. J . Alfrey_____ C. Harrington------ Z. W. Ford______ 81-146 50.000 25,000 300,000 80,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan, C. X 8. State Bk. of Siloam Springs L. J . R ees_______ Wm. McCall-_____ O. P. Maxwell____ W. L. Lineback— 81-147 *§’04 25.000 920 113,060 20,270 Gate City N., Kan. C.: Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 8mithville.Lawrence H 1 Citizens Bank....................§'01 L. H. Kaiser_____ J . M. S tre e t.......... J . D. Fortenberry. Pop. 200 81-434 (A .T . LEWIS — Springdale— Washington FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Pop. 1755 B1 81-188 *§’94 S l Special atten tio 7.000 CARL A. OWNBEY- LEE SANDERS— 60.000 3,290 B. LEWIS LAIRE FARRAR A. SANDERS n given collectio ns, and prompt re m lttan ce on day ofpaym ent. 13,330 3,510 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Batesville, Ark. 348,370 308,800 103,510 Merch.-Lac. N. and 3d N., St. L.: Union N., Springfield, Mo.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith and Fay etteville, Ark. First National B ank___«*’07 C. G. Dodson____ D. Christian........... J . P. Deaver_____ W. A. G raves... 81-189 50.000 12,450 176,320 261,800 36,970 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith, X 8. Stamps___Lafayette C 7 Bodcaw Bank.................«*§’03 C. L. Cabe............... F . E. Baker._____ A. P. Beasley— .... H. B. Pipkin__ Pop. 2316 81-436 25.000 34,700 138.000 130,660 70,330 Han. N., N. Y.: 3d N., St. L. ¿Star City— Lincoln G 6 Lincoln County Bank—»*§’04 H. D. Palmer____ R W T^ryer Pop. 396 81-437 R. L. Fish— . ____ 12.500 2,930 97,490 68,330 44,580 Simmons N., Pine Bluff, Ark.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. «*§'03 T. P. Lester_____ J . D. McClurkin__ L. L. Tidwell------- 20.000 3,070 77,500 69,350 24,500 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Citiz., Pine Bluff, Ark. Bk. of Com., Little R. 11,570 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Ouachita Valley, Cam den, Ark. 8,760 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Stephens__Ouachita D 7 Bank of Stephens Pop. 572 81-438 Peoples Bank__________ §13 J . P. Weaver......... W. W. Brow n____ T. M. Thompson. 81-543 J . M. Smith St. F ran cis____Clay J 1 Bank of St.Francis____ §’04 W. C. Whiteaker „ A. C. Dunlap___ Pop. 700 81-439 33,580 100 23,210 22,050 St. Jo e----------Searcy E 1 Citizens Bank................ —§’13 B . F. Henley ......... B . W. Hensley____ D. Garrison___ Pop. 159 81-548 10,000 250 17,800 20,000 5,200 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. St. Paul------Madison C 2 Bank of St. Paul...............§’06 Chas. 'E. Crawford Pop. 430 81-440 S. J . Campbell. 10.000 750 30.000 27,000 5,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ark. N., Fayetteville, Ark. Strong........— Union F 7 Victoria B an k _______ »*§’03 G. W. Murpby------ J.H . Meek_______ W. A. Murphy. Pop. 465 81-441 20.000 1,160 38,070 47,940 13,960 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R.; Bk. of Fordyce, Fordyce. V Stuttgart— Arkansas H 5 Exchange B an k _____ »*§’14 Pop. 5000 81-135 Farmers & Merchants Bank 81-570 «§’14 First National B an k ____«13 81-558 Success................ Clay 1 1 Bank of Success—. ..........t ’04 Pop. 379 81-442 A. B . Banks______ L. G. Selig_______ W. B. Wall, Active W. F. Meacham___ J . P. Rich._______ A. W. Harper____ W. S. Gettle. T. Muense_______ G. C. Lewis. . W. A. Smith______ J . D. Polk.............. W. D. Polk______ W. M. Powell____ S. P. Lindsey Sulphur Springs. Benton BK. OF SULPHUR SPRINGS A. H. Skidmore___ C. T. Slatten_____ S. O. Whaley. Pop. 1000 B 1 81-443 «*§’06 Digitized forARKANSAS FRASER Map opposite page 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iVmnher under Name of Bank i s t h e New Transit Number Mabel E. Whaley.. Clara Abercrombie 60,000 1,480 160,660 264,820 35,620 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 55.000 5,500 224,440 258,370 25.000 4.000 125,000 150,000 5.500 5.000 25.000 35,000 44,310 3d N., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff; Bk. of Com., Little R. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Ger. N., Little R.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. x 8. 10.000 3d N.and Mech.-Am. N., St. L.: Bk. of Com., Little R. 10.000 2.000 56,090 43,500 8,970 N. Reserve, Kan. C. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence AiH-easihi« Towns. Lawyers. law s, Directors, _____ July, 1915 22,430 7.500 20,000 ARKANSAS BANKS— Sheridan to Sulphur Springs Sidney........... —Sharp G 2 Bahk of Sidney________ §’12 J . P. Bone_______ Pop. 125 81-522 Simmons N., Pine Bluff; Mtle. N., St. Louis. s .rv a. Swifton«.__JacksonH 2 81-444 Pop. 450 §’12 Taylor____Columbia D 7 R an k o f T ay lo r Pop. 100 81-514 .Texarkana___Miller 0 7 ♦Merchants & Plan. B k .< §’01 Pop. 5655 81-74 ( F o r B c m k s a t T e x a r - ♦Miller County Bk. & Tr. Co. k a n a , T ex a s, s ee T ex a s 81-77 i§ ’14 P resident . vunctuuns ana L/orrespondence Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, (»race, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P rincipal Correspondents. R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District Cashk Ex D epos - Loan«k Dm- change*,Do* P aid-up Surplus of which bank is member. and ITS Capital P rofits Sbourxtim fromBanks XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ARKANSAS—Continued Vice -President . As s ’t Cash ier . Cash ier . W. R. Harvey____ W. E. Jones, S r .. . E . T. Cashion____ A. D. Coffin........... $ 10,000 $ 5,100 $ 40,000 $ 30,900 $ 14,000 10,000 270 22,850 38,020 4,310 W. H. McKinney.. 200,000 20,000 687.430 723,000 297,230 T. F. Booker____ C. C. Cowling_____ 75,000 8,500 30,000 89,000 200,000 50,030 836.860 974,780 292,700 ♦STATE SAV. A T R .C 0.< §04 E . A. F ro st______ C. M, Blocker___ W. C. Kuhl,Tr....... C. M. Blocker, S e c . C. R. Johnson T. DeGrazier, Jr ., G. M. McClerkin, 81-76 200,000 32,000 850.000 850.000 200.000 1. Park, N.Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Cent. N. St. L. Edward Kuhl, M g r. A. Marschall, Texarkana Clearing House... R H. ITnhl S ec. a n d T r. ( M e m b e r s in d i c a t e d b y a * ) R. E. TTalpin ......... . W. C. Ribenack. . . O. F . K ru g ______ 81-564 10,000 620 58,000 36,000 30,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. ; Simmons N., Pine Bluff Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. « . T . P ick ie r W . H. Horn Q. O. T u rn e r Allen Winham____ C. A. Sm ith L. C. Acruman W . T. Murphy____ W- E . H arter J . M. Taylor_____ _ Union Tr. Co., St. L. 17,000 StateN., St.'L.; TexarkanaN., Texarkana,Tex B a n k L is t) ‘ STATE NAT’L BK. 81-75 E. A. FROST______ B. H. KUHL............... STUART WILSON— E. KUHL.................. A . S ec. A . T r. <> .. Thornton___Calhoun E 6 Pop. 1,000 T illa r ... . Rreyr <4 6 BANK OF Til l AR POP. 180 81-446 < § ’02 A fl Stan ley .. W . T,. H arrell H. Thane C. A. K in ? 25,000 15,000 33,350 70,000 18,610 N. Bk. Com., St. L. R . H . W o lfe T W « ill 50,000 5,000 50.000 80,000 18,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 81-555 Tinsman___Calhoun F 6 Bank of Tinsman §’08 Pop. 250 81-447 Trumann___Poinsett I 2 Pop. 800 81-488 Tuckerman .Jackson H 2 Bank of Tuckerman........§’03 Pop.1000 81-448 Tyronza____Poinsett J 3 Pop. 200 81-449 .Van Buren.Orawford B 3 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Pop. 5000 81-101 < § ’86 Crawford County Bank < § ’82 81-100 B. L. Thomason__ T). R . Sp eer J . A. Cash W . A. Speer__ _ G. O. Campbell___ T., A, R itte r f l f!, Hpyyspr John B. Brown___ H. F_ M eyer . Jesse Turner H. P . K ing . « H. Rarne<! Vandervoort___Polk B 5 Merchants B ank.. < § ’08 J , N, P o rte r Pop. 550 81-450 . Cross I 3 Bank of Vanndale...___ t t ’03 E. R. Walker____J T . R . V ann 81-451 Pop. 500 Viola. Fnlfrin p 1 W. H. Bowling____ 0 . S . Wiseman___ Pop. 241 81-533 W alco tt «re en e T 1 J . M. Hally .. Pop. 250 81-452 < § ’»» J . H. Askew_____ _ M. F . Brazell_____ W aldo........ . Colnmbia R 7 Ranlr n f W aldo Pop. 597 81-265 A. B. Banks Peoples Bank__________§T0 J . M. Davis______ W. M. F in ch er___ 81-266 T. W. Calaway ‘ Waldron____«.Scott B 4 Bank of Waldron____ < § ’01 F . J . May________ J . T. Forrester___ 81-239 Pop. 1500 First National Bank____< ’01 M. A. Williams___ 81-240 320 4,000 9,770 1,000 28,000 20,000 15,000 5,760 153,230 106,930 5,640 33,100 25,930 David T. Bryan___ E. M. Bacharach... 125,000 34,920 365,690 408,570 Johnson Moore___ 56.000 22,960 112,030 148,990 100,000 16,500 254,600 248,800 H f! O y e rtn rf R. A. P e rn o t Vn.nnda.le Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8,550 10,000 10,000 J . W. Lindley____ L. T. Slayden____ E. V. Holt_______ R . H. Howell T, G. Dowell FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<04 Geo. R. Wood____ J . H. Butler_____ W. A. Steele______ J . J . Izard 81-102 ARKANSAS M ap opposite page 5 9 Com ., Kan. C .; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. X 8, < ’96 830 Bk. of Fordyce. Fordyce, Ark. 15,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; 1st N., Jonesboro, Ark 67,050 N. City, Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 19,590 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. 117,040 Merch. N., N. Y .; N.Bk. Com., St. L. 42,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Mchts.-Lac. N., St. L. 101,630 Cent.N., St. L. july 1915_________________ ARKANSAS BANKS—Swifton to Waldron Name or B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. lu Accessible Number under Name of Bank i s t h e New Transit Number g iv e n 6 7 i s ea<il1 b a n k i n U . S . exclusively b y The Kami-McNally Bankers’ ________directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. .County Seats. ni.ieuuuii X8 5,000 1,500 22,200 18,000 9,000 1st N., Mena, Ark.; Tra. N., Kan. C. 10,000 600 22,000 18,000 6,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo„ Memp. 1,160 Citiz., Mammoth Spg., Ark. 7,250 790 3,820 9,870 W. C. Willcockson. 12,500 310 8,290 29,100 I. E. Howell_____ 25.000 12,500 79,000 91.00Ì 16,000 3d N., St. L.: Com’l N., Shreveport. 15,000 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Texarkana N., Texarktiiiä Tex. 75,000 N.Park, N. Y.: Mech.-Am. N„ St. L.; Merch. N., F t. Smith. 50.000 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. and Ft. Smith; Bk. of Com., Little R. X 8. M. D. Clark..____ O . L. Calaway____ J . L. Center_____ M C. M alone W R Piles 20,800 1,850 40,00( 40,000 50.000 15.000 200,000 150,000 25.000 10,000 125,000 85,000 1,670 Cent. N., St. L.; N. Bk. of Com., Paragould.Ark. For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Num ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ Directory« under th e authority of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of B ank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState P resident . Vice -P resident . ¿County Seats. ÎMem.StateBks. Assn.îPriv. Est. £Q A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st S a te s , G race, O' e tc ., see page 14, F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. 00 ARKANSAS—Continued Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . ¿Walnut Ridge.Lawrence First National Bank... .•$’09 T. J . Sharum____ W. G. McClamroch C. W. White _ _ Dolnh Sloan _ Pop. 2500 11 81-178 .. .. Lawrence County B k ... •tS’90 J . G. Richardson.. W. A. Henry_____ W. F. McCorkle — E. Tj. Mnnrfi 81-177 .. .. WARREN BANK 81-160 •$§’02 S. B. Meek_______ R. F. Powers_____ H. G. Martin____ R. H. Hankins Louis Ederington ¿Wasliinuton.HeinDStead Hem nstead Cnuntv Branch Bk. Pop. 399 C6 81-454 §’13 L. E. Wolff P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 25.000 $ 10,000 $ 150,000 $ 165,000 S 50,000 3d N., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. 35.000 16,680 74,970 89,280 100.000 38,440 243,870 313,410 62,800 23,880 167,120 44,870 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 103,900 Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 64,470 OhacP N N V • IMH Pine Bluff. (Branch o f Hem p stead Co v/nty Bk. X g. Rt T. •' Rimmnnc "NT TTnp* Boatmens, St. L.; Hempstead Co., Hope. A r k 1, W. J . Massey_____ R. H Willis 17,500 2,040 22,100 34,640 2,270 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. L. T. McDaniel___ 10,000 2,120 27,700 26,900 9,990 Boatmens, St. L.: 1st. N., Jonesboro. West Pork—Washington Bank of West F o r k ... -•§’07 A. K. Sawyer____ J . L. Bryan______ G. A. Curtis_____ C. 0 . Stockburger.. Pop. 250 B 2 81-457 L. M. Curtis 10,000 320 22,520 23,650 8,220 1st N., Fayetteville. Ark. Wheetley—St .Francis I 4 Rice Growers Bank__ .$§’09 H. E . Smith_____ R. R. James_____ B. F. K in g ______ G. R. Johnson____ Pop. 330 81-458 15,000 500 15,610 22,970 6,950 1,200 16,000 17,500 14,000 300 29,000 25,000 17,000 2,850 23,300 48,130 15,000 6,000 60,000 60,000 25,000 9,180 54,880 94,510 6,370 Seab. N., N.Y.: Boatmens, St.L.: 1st. N., Memp. 5,000 500 12,550 15,890 4,700 19,100 960 17,000 38,000 8,500 Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. 10,000 1,180 14,550 23,320 10,000 970 9*320 20,050 7,580 Ark. N., Fayetteville, Ark.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 2,680 2,500 26,000 24,000 35,000 . 210,000 183,000 Watson .. Desha H 6 Desha County Bank Pop. 300 81-508 Weiner Poinsett I 2 Pop. 500 81-456 Williford . -Sharp H I Pop. 300 81-459 Wilmar ______ Drew G 6 Bank of Wilmar Pop. 929 81-460 Wilmot_____ Ashley G 7 Citizens Bank Pop. 1100 81-474 WILMOT BANK 81-461 .•812 H. Thane Î R esources . & & L oans D is Cash E x cuta. B onds , changes ,D ub from B anks . S ec u r it ie s §’09 T,. Hnpiie $§11 G. R. H all...... ........ E. G. Eckel______ C. J . Wilson_____ W. R. Davidson . . . $§’05 R A. Kidd -•$§11 D, Rrnwn A. W. Judd W. S. Anderson N. McT.end T.. W. Perdue L. W. Perdne _ Minnie Burnside .•$§’02 W. B. de Yampert. A. M. Keller_____ A. M. Keller_____ M. H. Keller . §’08 J . C. Cullom_____ H. F . Crawford___ Frank Vniinp A. B. Hill F. A. Gillette Ada Mills W ilton...Little River B 6 Bank of W ilton____ .•$§’08 Joel M ills__._____ E . C . Cooper Pop. 294 81-463 Wilson___Mississippi J 2 Bank of Wilson_____ Pop. 700 81-462 Winchester___Drew H 6 Pop. 500 Winslow.Washington B 2 Pop. 289 Winthrop.LittleRiver B 6 Pop. 655 Womble.Montgomery C 5 Pop. 552 ¿Wynne ___________ Cross 1 3 Pop. 2353 Yarbro—. Mississippi K 2 Bank of Winchester.. .•$§’13 81-536 Bank of Winslow____ .$§’07 81-464 Winthrop Banking Co. _t ’09 81-465 Caddo Valley B an k . . . .$§’06 81-466 Cross County Bank__ •$§’91 81-151 Bank of Yarbro_____ — §’12 81-495 ¿Yellville_______ Marion E 1 Rank of Yellville ....... •$§’92 Pop. 800 81-281 “ . . •• M IN E R S ft C IT IZ E N S R A N K 81-282 •$§’02 a r k a n s a s M a p o p p o s ite p a g e 59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. Thane. _____ J . K. Smith______ M. W. Byrn— .. A. N. Cole.............. T. P. Hulsey_____ G. A. W inn______ J . A. W inn______ W. T. Ynnng W. D. Stephens___ L. L. Beavers___ W. B. Barton. _ . George Watkins. 5,000 Mech.-Am. N.. St. L.: Bk. of Com. A Tr. On., Memp. 2,640 L. 18,300 3d N., St. L.; Ex. N.. Little R. 8,160 R.: Citiz., Pine Bluff. 15,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com., Little R. N., St. L. 12,000 arkana. 82,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. R. B lo c k ________ J . E . Harris ............ D. H. Hamilton_____ O . J - fS n ffin J . D. Huffman____ D. S. B,oss_ A. Huffman ■T. Hnffman 6,450 1,500 8,000 16,500 W. E. Layton ________ L. H. Layton ________ P, T, fllass E . Layton 25.000 7,860 106,180 70,490 1,900 Caruthersville, Mo. 51,530 N. Bk. Com., St. L,; Ger. N., Little R. T. 20,000 1,000 75,000 55,500 35,000 W. R. Jones __________ T . L. Bond___________ J . F . Carson_____ — V . Russell 30,000 IstN ., Batesville, Ark.; Ger. N., Littie R. Banks Advertisingr grive Prompt Attention to Collections and C o r r e s n o n d e n c e ARKANSAS BANKS—W alnut Ridge to Yellville______________ July, 1915 ¿Warren____Bradley F 6 MERCH.& PLANTERS TRUST H. L. Turner____ J . M. Bailey........— Carl H ollis.... ........ W. H. McLeod........ Pop. 6000 F. L. Purcell & SAVINGS BANK— •t§ ’90 81-159 L i a b il i t ie s . P aid- up Surplus Depos and Capital P bofits its A . J . W A T E R S . P r e s id e n t - V ic e - P r e s id e n t E . T. P E T T IG R E W - V ic e -P r e s id e n t G E O . E . F ...D U F F E T = V ic e - P r e s id e n t G E O R G E BU G H E E H E R B E R T 2>. I V E Y , A s s is t a n t C a s h ie r J . R O SS CLA RK M. J . M O N N E T T E WM . W . W O O D S - . = . C a s h ie r A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r A s s is t a n t C a s h ie r CITIZENS NATIONAL ’BANK OF L O S A J V G U. C a p i t a S u r p l l u D e p R e s o u * ° id s and E L E S , r c e s L . S . DEPOSITAR u p - = $ 1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 7 7 5 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 3 , 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 Undivided Profits * o s i t s C A = » = D IRECTO RS JO H N J . F A Y . J r . J . M. H A L E R .O B E R T H A L E W . J . H O LE M. J . M O N N ETTE L . J . C H R IS T O P H E R J. R O S S C L A R K M. J . CO N N ELL A L B E R T C R U TC H ER J . M . D A N Z IG E R E. L. D OH ENY O RRA E. M O N N ETTE F . X . P F A F F IN G E R G. W . W A LK E R A . J . W A T E R S W M •W . W OO D S Official jlttention Given to Collections and Remittance JWade Promptly in Jln y Exchange Desired, at Lowest ‘R .ates A Consistent and Careful S erv ice Given to the R equests o f Customers P R IN C IP A L C O R R E S P O N D E N T S N ev a Y o r k . : L ib e r t y R a t io n a l B a n k . N o t io n a l B a n k o f C o m m e r c e . C o r n E x c h a n g e B a n t .. n e n ta l a n d C o m m e r c ia l N a t io n a l B a tik , N a t io n a l C ity B a n k . N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o m m e r c e . San C o n ti F r a n c i s c o : A m e r ic a n N a t i o n a l B a n k , W e lt s F a r g o N e v a d a N a t i o n a l B a n k ., B a n k o f C a l i f o r n i a , N . A .. A n g lo & L o n d o n P a r i s N a t i o n a l B a n % . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h ic a g o : S t . L o u i s : M e c h a n i c s - A m e r i c a n N a t i o n a l B a n ’k ', *W <! ce» P wtjj Ç5 P £13® ww wwzn hr)W SDÇû SDp p sS sa ^ Î-C O Conoco fft-1 o P CO. CO p pO p»£O S(6 P& £D ppppo § ! f g B p g p £ i pp ”i » S »»g: ^^o^wBwwS g ë ,°g ; f o o : s ; g. O , Hp'P CD® P ES: 6 f , 03 | i I | : a ° Ç o| b'^KHwbb^^M' bb ” ^ b 1 WW Cils OOO oo» 5c ç Wp p T3 m |C c| S CO “¡ pi : QhçjnjhrJ^^ DH *>.c»co oocw coi*H Bw ceo« O tC ik f* mo 114° 115° L L Tf w V Jp ip er Yólotl ^ouïïlanoi[Mullen J '- t ÍMemtts ^ *o Tope ^fadison^ -Plainfield V 's î ï S i ?»*** Lapie uíUfftvzn^ompnt^ezVQ0Ely .Davis)--- ---- JM mm ÏK Û am a th ¡ M i ^VSt.HéíeáS f á J ^ M g É ¡ S i, vftbZlnráíidel^^^Mu^^^^ ; *\RutherforÿS^^^^ L^OakvilleM^p r XTountrimm^p \ \ & ~ -F - W ar rifeci ÊÊÊSkêïmrl ife a M wis^fc e* % mï*M 'galleyPora , PFaìrpo [Wallow, IMootagi eStra^ Iake/ltyjf M b D V o 3cW J Jttatte8^Varvillec^ [gjlgg^ .JSt7ia A# ìZÌaO 26 Al t ur^s^|}^ f¿ ?í¿/e^l l I f l feif^gr^T fr* Cecil2ji0&-~, E S I ì M qj ^ nAdiri iPorestTLake ^ irackjs^y^çAcampo m fe^sNerc n m ¡iNortbn^^v SH^attXv. o o ’ I « Pvoodb*V^$ Bouldin\ y .. Id. Cattle] ¡ s s p ® w b Avena’ kllrigo ^ %rop XCometaVi J,|tlaaÆ 95^ ly d e v im È 3 o o -* n lin k»síaí^ood$g|l 'farti gbtjon garnir ledee 1 :» [ii^ncy' y i l f f i Orland Adams* ^Greenwoodf n’ Jw o^ajpkoOidl^ FrutoC3iJ” i -^-.BjS U T ¿fc/E T. PU jShl O Tgittiju [plumas Jo* ■Ëurdys T ^ 'ia iJiV Ì IC a rso n ^ EmeraliTV^ JPattersonXW,^ waIslandÇ ) ',( '■■îv ^•'i”r ‘'Ut\ 5 uora ^SLdlce »» • a>ao > ; jC I 53*c?« j^Yolta^jl Felton Honla&iu D elhi B j P ^^^^XjKewmanVr\>y at » s * o S ‘ Xos ^Baiios i a c f . m i B com gatiantyi ----Ul Larggl jñft^bSoánviue renm> ^ Cuf' LaHonda .Pescadero iBoulder P»* Chit Chat ,Virginia C;jr. ^^'WendlingRobesQ O '-iC'U'JJlihlL ^f e ^ ^ ^^ f ^ ? VAPl t a ' ms ^ o w ’" ’-'• _J soaparQ m o r Slatonis§s [Delta jcj YSmithson ^«ipomfo“p 2®ÿ' &ìg£Ban H m m S3 o in R1 Tl *z C z (o m 5 <o » l i Poples0 oJ ¡¡¡g l tei EUevillef I Tower t^Llkely ||ÌAVcali Lake Alitali £dke O O ^amj Thom] Itcoìa JNapa il Estas. ÎTomaV.SllSifSlSfì ||v\^\Marshal »mMillerton llJhljj >«SvPoint Baje» « a jJij I j t Jgnacioy' W/Æf Olemfàs)\Garcia M achuc SgìpùaTj'.ake Lake1 Ibìdwell m Cornell JOavis Crqgery Uÿïfêr 'Alkali ^SSnoWi Placen [Minde^íü^^d a fee^®pnnig^ft ^OW^GufiTdaV Ti lk e r ‘Qpd8jbrd8 » c fê æ Ca^ ïfHeî^ \aJce * Vf) J tQ B * B iThor ne H àw£horne^% \-napa' °<m TRESNO Statute Miles, 28*—L Ij Ç ^N TECRISTO ’airfteld ¡^M O U N TA IN S !a rt-¿ f—Genti*al-Gatìfor V TeslacrT ALAMEDA^ G o ld f ie lc \6ïack. ^Aihlone1 ^os.X'álogxT lÉ r O ia llX S ^ ^ S^9s1^ïendo(a^Sî^ E J V Ï ® : Kddg^Tÿ w m iZSoqFdëêS Independít O w enyo/flu. ? w S S È æ Ê Ê k Mí 8 s®Keeler 'Owens ^ r Lalcet ’Olancha y/lanse :PeaW hW j?Su iPaykfield' w jk■,E §sp Keranza]; JÜstréll ’’cIjténìT'^b yBtó' /Eljer^^ï lVi V ° 'Ê £ ? \ 1 i'Tite^-r* cITaviiïwSt ■ ^oJ^&gTersfleld ^#3 N°u [P alomal/|« ialtfQiViàiQ'lv ^ > Ns ^ » iÆ'HuiHoïïrnd ¿7.. wr^ ° * w à ’Æ ^ ¿ntlanc \ L xSOMilia sC ièC s^otaA N E vL E S .«•-v i-d aôjionP0M t. IioG wov^e g 3>A l^ga^ - LrCánadaQf J T .A s ù icsamond >. f?oi'?wa7zfPi(o. rÆtiSfcEe^^^B»»,. LOS WatL-Sp' tenaoU® Ë Donipton iorSÆîV ¿eaumMÍ»íio¡\ Wi S 8prinS. IX ï 'emt,cSl V les^ f ï i .k 4 « A 2 I VP R\ /F t D .K sV: SaaJacintoP iThenardA^/v0' sAi ^ÊÊÊM Lnnkershim"\ ^ertyJXos^Angelej \ \ rull ^ i\ , HemeM Vl s. ^OS^Ïdynifee^^i«*,crEgan y Winchester' y , ^^^.YElslnore Je. I Tsîitore^?« v-xxrxi j « . 1 Xdkt \W«domar ) P°l »ANÏ^Roffl w ï^ M sô ^ArUn^on ^LakerfewJ)g|iCHM ¡ta AnnÇf»erris os an i ^fc^jElsinoiie R üVl.lurrietta. o"*™ ™ ’*^ m tlí^] -n\Temecula v_ y S XJ>n 0 Aguan{;a ^^F<z/t'>sJiPemeCula ^rool£''~~¿ -----Cee^ ^ l füe Luz ICHODAà'i! .CNoIHQ lo ?U ^ W m ^.ey fk ^ \\ X sA V ^ a'. Çôsfâ* Xusardi ¡»glythe: Ir V. ! °CajiïÈjÈi W-. N ftM uTfietta ' 1 ^ /sanUÏ SíSaV0 S-Æ«Sanrasqual iBaÎlcül5‘ »“KValley Center 'X icmand 0Vioeyard V\ Ja c o n a ia » ^ ^ ^ Sutherland [O0.K* Ramona / I S S P i oSorentogjc Garciá¿T 39 CALIFORNIA .Linda^^^ CO SCALE Statute Miles. 34=1 Inch. o 5 io 20 so ,Dulzura 0 5 10Statu 20te Iftile40s« 65—160Ineh. 11 14 Rand-M cNally’sN ew x M apof Càltfom îa Copyright byRand-M cN ally&C o» 1915 124 ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O CD 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO Invites the banking business of those desiring the best service. _ _ W e have the will to render it; the system to insure it. 1 1 * 0 CAPITAL AND S U R P L U S $4,500,000 FIR ST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING DIRECTORS The First National Bank and First Federal Trust Company JOHN A. HOOPER S. G. MURPHY J . G. HOOFER JAMES D. PHELAN THOMAS JENNINGS MARK L. REQUA GEORGE A. KENNEDY RUDOLPH SPRECKELS JAMES K. LYNCH JOHN W. VAN BERGEN WALTER S. MARTIN ROLLA V. WATT J . K. MOFFITT GEORGE WHITTELL CLINTON E WORDEN Federal Reserve BankI Vofu mSt. Louis b a r u n d 6 9 e r N T am h o f B a n k la th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to eaoh basic is U . B . exclu siv ely by T h e B and -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n. CALIFORNIA A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, Daws, D ire cto rs, in dexed m back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , Grace,!*—1 e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite pane 13. C JV n m b a r u n d e r N a m » to eaoh basic o f JE S a u k Is th o N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n in 17. S . exclu siv ely b y T h e B and -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of B ane . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . ¿County Seats. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv, Est Alameda___Alameda 0 8 Alameda National Bank < ’78 J . E. Baker______ T. f,. Rnrrtfm Pop. 26,830 90-98 Alameda Savings Bank.< § ’90 J . E. Baker______ T. T,. Rnrrten 90-99 C IT IZ E N S N ATIONAL B A N K J . K. Lynch_____ 9o-ioo »fee Citizens Savings Bank ...§ J . K. Lynch_____ 90-101 Alhambra..Los Ang. I 2 Alhambra Savings Bk. < § ’06 E. L. McCormack., Pop. 9000 90-242 CALIFORNIA Ca sh ie r . C a p it a l Charles E. Tabor.. W. M. McKean___ W. Merriam Charles E. Tabor.. W. M. McKean___ Thos. G. H utt____ Frank Y. Bordwell P. H. Gohn C. J . Hammond, J r. Thos. G. H utt____ Frank V. Bordwell C. J . Hammond,Jr. E. E. Bailey_____ R. L. Angell Frank Ford. R. F . Bishop f J . B. KNOX_____ H.' H.' iffeW oN D “ < 90-241 < ’11 A progressive b ank. All banking m a tters handled pr (T R Y US. »Alturas— ..Modoc B 5 Alturas State Bank____< § ’13 J . H. Stewart____ A. Gihsnn Pop. 1200 90-812 First National B ank.___ «’04 C. A. Estes____ _ D. C. Rerry 90-501 Alvarado...Alameda C 9 Bank of Alameda County August May_____ D. F. Wiegman___ Pop. 1000 90-540 *§’02 Anaheim------Orange J 7 American Savings Bank.«§’05 Frank Shanley___ J . Hartung ...... Pop. 2628 90-370 j C. EYGABROAD- J . W. BUCKWORTH C. S. W ILSON.....: F I R S T N A TIO N A L BAN K A N A H EIM N AT’L . B A N K < 1 2 90-751 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I l f f i l l " ...... $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 235,800 P r o f it s it s $ 50,750 $ 469,960 Î 610,240 $ 104,830 1st N., N. Y.; Crocker N. and Wells Fargo Nev. N., San F. §2, 180,240 2,549,030 2,572,230 256,880 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Union Tr. Co., San F 14,460 314,340 444,060 50,000 25,090 702,950 729,780 50,000 10,400 256,490 298,187 50,000 55,000 570,000 500,000 ' 1 0 0 .0 0 0 om ptly and efflcl ently. A. Hafer____’ ____ 30,000 1 ,0 0 0 65,000 50,000 85,000 21,350 279,620 312,980 J . R. Blacow____ 65,000 19,210 604,460 504,110 E. J . Härtung. 25,000 7,000 160.000 140,000 F. C. KRAUSE_____ E. S. GOBLE -___ 50,000 2,400 180,000 205,000 1 A New Progress Ive B an k , fu lly E quipped and Mod era ln all Depart m ents. ( Prom pt a tte n ti on given Cash let ters and all Bank Ing M atters E n tr nsted to us. First National Bank___< ’03 John Hartung____ 90-368 German American Bank A. Thomas ______ 90-369 < § ’05 Southern County Bank.< § ’12 R. Avery________ 90-763 Anderson------Shasta 0 3 First Savings Bank of Shasta Pop. 1400 County ..90-541___ $§’05 Angels Camp__Calaveras Calaveras County Bk..$§1900 John Raggio Pop. 2000 E5 90-542 Antioch---- Contra Costa Antioch Bank of Savings.§’10 J . A. West_______ , Pop. 2000 B 10 90-485 Bank of Antioch......... < § ’91 C. M. Belshaw____ 90-483 First National Bank____< ’10 J . A. West_______ 90-484 Arbuckle------Colusa D 3 Bank of Arbuckle____< § ’01 Geo. C. Meckfessel Pop. 500 90-543 Areata— Humboldt C 1 Areata Savings Bank ...$ § ’13 Thomas Bair_____ Pop. 1800 90-782 Bank of Areata.............< § ’86 Thomas B a ir____ 90-544 First National B ank ___< 1 3 Isaac Minor ........ . 90-793 Arlington..Riverside J 9 Citizens B an k ____ . . . < § ’07 S. H. Herrick____ Pop. 1500 90-545 Arroyo Grande. San Luis Bank of Arroyo Grande<§’01 M. R. Swall............. Obispo . . Pop. 900,.H 5 90-546 Artesia.. Los Angeles I 2 First National Bank___< ’06 Geo. R. Frampton. Pop. 500 90-547 Atwater____Merced E 11 Merced Security Sav. Bank 90-721 < § ’11 ¿Auburn......... Placer E 5 Auburn Savings Bank . . . § ’09 E. T. Robie............. Pop. 2376 90-391 First National Bank___< ’08 E. T. Robie............. 90-890 Placer County Bank—»■•t§,87 Alden Anderson... 90-889 CALIFORNIA Map on Index L ia b il it ie s . As s ’t Ca sh ier . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s and A ccessible Tow ns. Lawyer», L aw s, D ire cto rs, in dexed m back of this volume. TB*or In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. L oans &Dis- Ga sh ft E x Also Federal Reserve District c ’ t s . B onds , ch anges ,D ub of which bank is member. S ec u r it ie s from B an ks . xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Frank Shanley___ E. J . Härtung____ H. L. Ustick_____ 50,000 75.000 500,000 400,000 Joseph Helmsen..! A. B. McCord_____ E. E. Smith______ 50,000 15,000 275,000 225,000 50,000 7,500 158,880 188,780 J .B . Neff ______ C. A. Boege J . S. Killian A. B. Endicott____ 77,920 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and San F.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 12, 48,260 Citiz. N., Alameda; 1st N., San F.; Cent. N. Oakland. 23,850 Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Citiz. N„ Los A. 70.000 Chase N. and Liberty N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., 1st N., and Far, & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F. 12, 41,500 1st N., San F.; Far. & Merçh. N., Reno, Nev. 65,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F . 24,100 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. X 12 1st N., Citiz. N., and Farm. & Merch. N. „ Los A. X12. 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.:'Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Com’l N., Los A. 22,500 N. City, N. Y.; Home Sav., Los A. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 B ra n ch o f Redd ing Çal, Warren Rose D. Mnsein J . G. Prewett____ Herbert A. West . J . R. Baker............. R. Harkinson____ J . G. Prewett 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Herbert A. W est... 25,000 C. B. Morrison . . . . J . E. Cain_______ 50,000 W. W. Stone_____ F. H. Tooby_____ C. B. Stone__ W. W. Stone____ F. H. T ooby..____ C. B. Stone............. 25,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 6 ,0 0 0 500,000 500.000 124,030 138,730 13,490 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Antioch, 475,000 525,000 1,750 84,210 97,980 45,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 12,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 165,000 165,000 65,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Crocker N,, San F. 37,560 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San. F.; Bk. of Eureka, Eureka, Cal. 80,850 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Am. N., San F. 9,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. 12. 2 0 ,0 0 0 6,480 261,800 255,730 149,350 284,120 452,130 50,000 85,750 135,400 25,000 10,600 148,850 148,470 50,000 1,400 270,000 235,000 25.000 10,860 141,290 175,470 (B ran ch o f Merc ed, Cal.) L. Huntley . G. W. Brnndage W. J . Wilson. J r ... G. W. Eckhardt___ J . S .Jo h n s ______ J . M. Franc x 12. 34,490 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. and River side; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 71,400 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.-. Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 21,830 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. X12. 50,000 5,000 2 1 0 ,0 0 0 250.000 1 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 5,000 150,000 135,000 25,000 35,000 750,000 700,000 150,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Chase N„ N. Y.: Capital N., Sac.; Redding N.. Redding. Han. N., N. Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co.. San F. 3,190 C. H. Low............... J . W. W ells........... W, B. Clancy S. A. Dana______ J . S. Gibson__ W. F. Jacobs......... G. W. Brundage. . . 1 0 0 .0 0 0 25,000 Peter Johansen___ J . C. Toal................ H. A. Sorenson___ Marco H. Heilman. A. T. Fram pton... 12, 160,010 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 2 0 . 0 0 0 1st N„ Anaheim. Cal. July, 1915______________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Alameda to Auburn 6 9 1st N., Auburn, Cal. 12. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to lawyers) 70 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and County. ▲County Seats. Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Azusa.__Los Angeles 1 8 Azusa Valley Sav. Bank}§’06 90-454 Pop. 2000 First National Bank— < ’06 90-453 United States National Bk. '06 90-455 ▲Bakersfield___Kern H 7 ♦First Bank of Kern__< § ’01 90-619 Pop. 15,538 P resident . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s and C a p it a l it s P r o f it s Dis- W. W. Heth_____ F . A. Carpenter. W. R. Powell— V. M. Greever___ H. B. Raney____ F. A. Carpenter . . 25.000 52,680 232,890 283,940 J . A. Graves . . . J . W. Calvert____ J . H. Anderson— C. L. Smith_____ 50.000 5,000 75,000 94,000 G. J . Planz........ A. S. Crites______ E. B. Duncan.__ L. V. Oleese F . M. Noriega E. C. O’Boyle____ 100,000 40,000 460,000 547,600 $ 25,000 J . R. Withrow___ Louis V. Bennet L. E. Funk 150.000 ‘NATIONAL BANK OF BAKERSFIELD J. K. RUSSELL F .J . BALTES. 100,000 C. L C L A F L IN . F. H. HALL----W .A. B0NYNGE 13,820 $ 122,600 Cash & E x ch anges ,D ub from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 149,670 $ 11,750 Chase N., N .Y.;M chts. N.. Los A. 84,120 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Crocker N. San F. 12, 18,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12, 64,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Secur. Tr. Co. Bakersfield. 178.000 1, 200,000 1, 200,000 350,000 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Crocker N., and 1st N., San F.; 1st. N., Los A. 12. 290,006 65,750 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Com’I N., Los A . ; B k .o f Cal. N. A .,San F . 12. 5,000 357,000 Thoroughly Eq uipped to handle your business a t this point and vi clnity. Send your Ite ms direct to us. TEST OUR FA CILITIES. Bakersfield Clearing House » (Members in dicated by a * ) First National B an k ____ 15 H. A. Church____ 90-829 First National B an k ___< ’09 J . M. Westerfleld. 90-548 Bank of Beaumont. . — 1§’09 E. D. Reynolds__ 90-549 Peoples Bank.............„ < § ’82 W. L. Crooks— 90-550 Berkeley Bk.of Sav. & Tr.Co. A. W. Naylor____ 90-41 »*§’92 F . W. Robinson__ F. W. Robinson___ E. W. Spiers_____ J . S. Henton J . R. Withrow A. S. Crites..’......... O.R. Kamprath, Tr. J . A. Hughes, Sec. D. L. Brown G. J . Planz, M gr... O. R. Kamprath, Sec. an d T r C. H. Vanantwerp. J . C. Scott............... A. Yarnell C. O. B ark er____ H. T. B ird _____ tu< 100,000 50,900 1,189,600 1,083,800 400,000 142,790 1,8Î8,700 1,897,030 25.000 111,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. Co.. San F. 337,710 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . 41,750 3,500 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Secur. N., Los. A. 12. 25.000 20,000 175.000 175.000 K. R. Smoot_____ E. J . G illis______ 25.000 12,780 130.000 118.000 35.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Ist N., Los A. X 12. 44.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Com’l N. and lst N., Los A L. W. Kuhland . . . . O. Baudel............... 50.000 5,000 F . L. Naylor_____ W. S. Wood_____ J . S. Mills W. E. Woolsey Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. 400,000 335,150 4,194,600 4,080,010 766,490 N. Bk. Corn.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 400,000 133,650 2,388,170 2.266.300 571,720 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal N. A., San F . 12. 12. F . C. Mortimer. Homestead Bank______ i§ ’09 W. P. Woolsey___ 90-45 Oakland Bank of Savings §15 90-44 South Berkeley Bank ..< § ’04 A. W. Naylor_____ 90-668 West Berkeley Bank...< § ’03 Francis Ferrier___ 90-687 F . H. C la r k ..... F. H. Clark____ R. R. Yates H. D. Irwin.— E. K. Cole ......... W. A. Gompertz. H. H. Camper__ Biebër_____ Lassen B 5 Lassen Industrial Bank.i§’14 Pop. 513 90-827 Biggs________Butte D 4 Sacramento Valley B k .< §’91 90-551 Pop. 403 Bigpine—. . . . . . . Inyo G 7 Inyo County Bank____ < § ’07 Pop. 500 90-552 Bishop_____ _ Inyo F 7 Inyo County Bank ___ < § ’02 Pop. 1300 90-471 Owens Valley Bank____ »810 90-472 Blythe........Riverside J 9 Palo Verde Valley Bank Pop. 500 90-554 < §10 Map on Index Digitized forCALIFORNIA FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Num ber under N ame o í H a n k ia W. F. Morrish. G. T. Douglas G. L. Pape H. F. Dryden__ G. M. Habel K. C. Mohrhardt... H. Hancock, M g r.. J . M. Hastings. S. McKee________ J . M. Brough_____ B. F . Lucas C. D. Bowman____ W. W. Watterson . E. Watterson____ Harry Shaw______ Thomas Hughes. . M. Q. Watterson.. A. D. Schiveley. C. D. Bowman F . K. Andrews____ A. Marshall____ H. C. Downes____ E. S. McArthur... Russell Shears____ 91,100 (B ran ch 14,720 388,770 o f Oa kland, 442,900 52,080 Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, N. Y.: 1st N., San F . Cal. . . . N. City, N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk, of Cal. N. A., San. F. 50,000 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 50.000 36,000 490,000 447,000 55.000 6,150 315,910 324,280 (B ran ch o f Susa nville, 60,000 15,000 345.000 C a l.) . . . 338,070 (B ran ch o f B ish op, Cal.) 100,000 60,000 25.000 4.000 51,990 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Berkeley; Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. Cal. N., Sacramento: Anglo & Lon., Paris N., San F.; Lassen Industrial, Susanville. 61,750 Cal. N., Sacramento; Can. Bk. of Com., San F. Anglo & Lon. Paris N. Bk., San F. 153,810 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 600.000 623,370 12,040 -149,760 182,240 36,060 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Los. A. 62,330 11,170 lst N., Los A.: Citiz. N., Riverside. 3.000 55,000 Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence th e New T ran sit N um ber «riven ________________July, 1915 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’92 A. W. Naylor____ F . L. N ay lor... 90-42 W. E. Woolsey CALIFORNIA BANKS—-Azusa to Blythe W. E. B enz__— < 13 Resources. L oans & c ’t s . B onds » S e c u r it ie s W. R. Powell— ♦ProducersSavftigs B k .< § ’92 C. E. Worden 90-138 ♦Security Trust Co....... *4511 G. J . Planz__ 90-140 Baldwin Park, L. Angeles Pop. 50 I 7 Banning___Riverside 1 4 Pop. 1500 Beaumont.Riverside 1 4 Pop. 1200 Benicia..........Solano B 9 Pop. 2360 Berkeley___Alameda C 8 Pop. 52,105 Vice -President . ♦FIRST NATIONAL BK.-<’02 C. E. Worden____ W. E. B enz___ 90-139 J . S. Henton 90-141 A ccessible Towns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, indexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 CALIFO RN IA—Continued N um ber under Name o f B a n k la the New T ra n sit Num ber &iven to each, bank m 17. S. exclu siv ely by T lie B a n d -M cN ally B an kers* T own and County. ACounty Seats. Pop. 2500 Burlingame...San Mateo Pop. 1565 C8 Butte C ity___Glenn D 3 Pop. 400 Byron. Contra Costa C 10 Pop. 500 American State Bank___§14 90-820 First National Bank___»$’10 90-509 Imperial Valley SavingsBank 90-508 «*§’13 La Habra Valley B ank..i§’12 90-735 Bank of Brentwood___*§’13 90-781 Burbank Savings B an k ...§’12 90-720 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-791 *$§’13 First National Bank___»J'08 90-556 Bank of Burlingame...»t§’07 90-557 Sacramento Valley Bank*J8’10 90-558 Bank of Tracy §11 90-559 P r esid e n t . V ice -P r esid e n t . F. S. Lack_______ P. P. Hnyley.... . Ca sh ier . Wm. Smith _ As s ’t Ca sh ier . M. R. Berbower... $ 50,000 $ 50.000 19.000 280,000 288,000 W. T. Dunn_____ W. H. B est............ M. G. Doud ____ R. Stiluenhanr 40.000 19.000 240,000 200,000 O. R. Thomas____ Thos. Davidson... L. H.VanHoorebeke 25,000 4,200 107,000 86,000 R. G. Dean______ Alexander Burness Lee Durham. 25,000 H. A. Church_____ M. Pupka _______ R. O. Church _ A. E. Dufiir W. L. Pollock____ C. P. Nesselroad... F. F . Scribner____ F. A. Halburg H. A. Church......... A. O. Kendall____ R. O. Church____ A. E. Dnftir. H. T. S co tt............. H. C. Ross . . . ____ C. S. Crary D. Wisnom .. Chico________ Butte D 4 BANK OF CHICO........... *$§’72 90-304 Pop. 3,750 Butte County Nat. Bk.._*$’73 90-305 Butte County Sav. Bk.__$§’05 90-306 First National Bank___»$’07 90-307 People’s Sav. & Com. Bank.. 90-817 §14 Chino.San Bernardino 1 3 Chino Savings Bank____§12 Pop. 1444 90-757 First National Bank.,__»$’03 90-566 Chowchilla.. .Madera F 6 Bank of Chowchilla_____§13 90-797 OhulaVista.SanDiego K 9 Chula Vista State Bk.__$§’12 Pop. 1000 90-742 PEOPLES STATE BANK*t§’90 90-567 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,000 65,000 1,000 86,000 104,800 25,000 3,000 56,000 52,000 25,000 4,500 117,000 162,000 50.000 1,630 266,360 233,330 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Com’l N., Los A.; lst N., San F.; N. City, Seattle, 17.900 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Secur, N., Los A.: Am. N., SanF. X 12. 48,120 N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker N. and lst N., San F. Cal. N., Sacramento; Canadian Bk. of Gom San F . Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. 300,000 150,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and lst N., San F.; lst N. Los A. 12, (Branch o f Bigg 8, Cal.). A. L. Bovo (Branch o f T rac V, Cal.) 50,000 37,000 400,000 J . M. Edmunds___ M. H. Sherman___ D. A. Leonard____ J . F. Maver__ 50,000 20,000 375,000 290,000 D. A. Leonard J . W. Van Ness F. A. Griswold____ (B ran ch o f B r a wley, Ca J. ) W. T. Dunn_____ Harry Raum. _ ... W. J . W est___ 25,000 2,500 26,500 15,940 C. M. Hoover____ C. S. Piner_____. . . E. L. Armstrong . . G. I*. Kettlewell 25,000 7,190 138,000 140,000 J . H. Bradhoff____ John Taylor ......... Mnrle Jones 39,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. AGom’lN ., Chi. lst N., Los A. 12. 57,910 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N,, San. F.; lst N., Los A. 38,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A.: Bk of Cal. N. A„ San F. 12,100 Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 25,000 J . H. Brongh,Mgr. Qalexico— .Imperial J 10 CALEXICO NATIONAL BANK F . K lo k e________ G. W. Anderson... Wm. Guntermann. J . O. Butts 90-518 «$’10 Pop. 2000 L. B. Kirby FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$10 90-519 Calipatria ..Imperial J 10 American State Bank___§14 90-824 First National Bank . .. $15 90-830 Oalistoga— ...N a p a A 8 Calistoga National Bank * ’09 90-560 Pop. 1200 »$§’03 Oambria.SanLuis Obispo Bank of Cambria 90-561 Pop. 400 H4 Campbell,Santa Clara D 9 Bank of Campbell____*$§’96 90-562 Pop. 825 Garpinteria,SantaBarbara Commercial & Savings Bank 90-693 «$§11 Pop. 1500' I6 Oedarville___Modoc B 5 Surprise Valley Bank_.»$§’05 90-563 Pop. 500 Centerville..Alameda C 8 Bank of Centerville___»$§’05 90-564 Pop. 1000 $§11 Ceres---- .Stanislaus C 11 Bank of Ceres 90-565 Pop. 500 6,000 $ 104,490 $ 107,910 $ 46,990 N. City, N. Y.; lst N., Chi.: Am. N., San F W. T. Dunn_____ R. E. W ills______ F. F. Palmerlee... R. c . Lee 25,000 24,000 157,000 162,000 30,370 351,040 341,850 9,630 Secur. N., lst N., and Mercn.N.,Los A. 150,000 Chase N., N. Y.; lst N., Chi. and Los A.; of Cal. N. A., San F . «ffl ’ . , , , , N. City and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; lst Chi.; Home Sav., Los A. 21,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lst N„ Los A. 22,000 Seab. N. and Mtle. N„ San F. John F . Duncan__ Ralston Alison 25.000 J . F. Tubbs______ J . R. Fithian C. O. Anderson___ 25.000 68,000 40,000 F. E. Bush ______ G. C. Turner ....... Miss K. M. L ester. 25,000 19,810 130,780 126,640 John G. Mattos, J r . Joseph Dias___ . . . F. T. Dusterberry. 75,000 19,000 600,000 545,000 L. M. MacDonald.. W. R. Service____ W. P. Clarke —___ L. H. Whitmore. . . 25,000 3,000 140,000 145,000 30,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . W. S. KILPATRIC- E. E. CANFIELD — B. H. T. ANDERSON 0 . A. KILPATRIC - 100,000 28,000 475,000 500,000 103,000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., San F. W .J. O’Connor___ A. F. Jones 250,000 J . R. Robinson.__ B. Cussick_______ E. T. Williamson.. L. S. Williams____ A. H. Sm ith_____ C. B. Swain______ E. j . Cain ______ T. N. Crew__ 230,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 100,000 19,310 790,050 840,920 50,000 30,000 800,000 778,000 65,000 2,000 140,000 172,680 12, 12, 40,000 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F .; 1st N., Los A. 64,570 Irving N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.,, Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 35,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F, C. N. Cooper _ Edward Harkness S. K. Trmrel . Bk 12, N. 38,180 N. City, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 135,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F . 211,000 Chase N., N. Y .: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Mtle. N., San F. 12, 68,450 Butte Co. N., Chico. Cal.: Mtle. N., San F. 132,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev N., San F. X 12. 21,730 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ San F. Capital N., Sacramento. 8,800 1st N., Chino, Cal. Harry S. Mnir J . F. Morehead.__ J . A. Bennett.. R. A. Mitchell____ Lee Richardson L. Vredenburgh... Ö. J . Newman____ Edwin Rhodes____ J . L. Murdoch____ 25,000 2,610 46,000 66,000 L. Vredenburgh... J . T. Schroeder__ Edwin Rhodes.___ J . L. Murdoch____ 25,000 11,000 156,000 144,000 38,000 Irving N., N. Y .: Am, N., San F. W. D. Cardwell___ Ella L. Brown____ A. L. Gambrill___ E. S. Cardwell____ 25,000 720 65,350 55,840 12,810 Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F .; Merced Secur. Sav. Merced. 10,750 g. Bk. Com., N. Y.; University Ave., Sar Diego. 26,000 L Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi.; Com’l N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. and San Diego W. E. O tis.............. C. W. Darling _____ C. A. Vance 25.000 750 51,820 64,350 B. J . Edmonds____ G. Rogers________ Warner Edmonds . H. G. Edwards___ 25.000 4,500 80,000 100,000 CALIFORNIA BANKS—Brawley to Chula Vista Pop. 700 BrentwoocLContra Costa Pop. 369 B 10 Burbank.Los Angeles 1 7 Pop. 1500 Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State $Mem.State Bks.Assn.fPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In terest R a te s, .Grace, " 1" Mj| |j| F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. L i a b i l i t ie s . R esources . P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District LOAN8&DlB- Cash&Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos c and ’ ts . B o n d s , c h a n g e r ,D u b of which bank is member. Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. CALIFORNIA —Continued July, 1915 71 12, For S A F ET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e ef B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S r exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , u nder th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name op Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P r e sid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . AConnty Seats. ÍMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. Est. 72 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace. CALIFORNIA—-Continued Claremont,LosAngeles I 7 ClaremontNationalBank<’13 J . T. Brooks_____ M. F. Palmer____ Pop. 1200 90-764 First National Bank — < ’06 Martin Abernethy. B. A. Woodford— 90-568 W. N. Beach Cloverdale..-Sonoma E 2 Bank of Cloverdale___< § ’84 C. B. Shaw ______ Walter S in k ..____ Pop. 823 90-569 { J . W. POTTER— S. T. BROWN------Clovis— — FresnoG 6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-Î12 Pop. 1200 \ Send us your Cl ovis item s for pro 90-738 ( Modern M eth ods in all depart First State Bank_______ S’04 R. N orrish_____ _ O. I. Chamberlin . . 90-570 Coachella—.Riverside J 9 First National Bank... < ’12 J . M. Westerfield— J . C. K ing............... Pop. 250 90-767 Ca sh ier . a s s ’t Ca sh ier . Paul Honghtnn , L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s it s C a p it a l P rand o f it s $ 30,000 Î R eso u r c es. Loans & Disc ’t s . B onds , S ec u rities Ca sh & E x changes ,B u b from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank Is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 74,'000 $ 44,400 1 23,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. H. T. Belcher_____ H. E. Mead____ _ 25.000 $ 11,000 180,000 C. L. Sedgley 50,000 25,000 250,000 E. S. NEVINS____ 25,000 100 m pt efficient serv ice. m ents o f banldn g. C. T. Reyburn____ Thos. Howison, Jr, 25,000 X 12. 70,000 Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Citiz. N.. Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 12. Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo&Lon. Paris N., San F. 79,800 88,000 18,800 N. City, N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Fresno N., Fresno. X l2 . 10,310 103,840 110,280 25,000 3,450 78,060 92,060 29,860 N. Park, N. Y.: Crocker N., San F .; 1st N. Fresno. 15,700 Han. N., N. Y.: Crocker N., San F . X12, Ooalinga___- Fresno H 5 BANK OF COAUNGA -< § '0 5 A. P. May .............. A. T. B orst______ J . A. Fluetsch____ B. L. Wyllie_____ Pop. 3000 90-291 25,000 43,000 152,000 184,000 28,000 Union Tr. Co., 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev.N., San F. [A. E. WEBB......... BERTON EINSTEIN P. M. HARWOOD— 0. D. CANADAY — FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’09 90-292 ] Send your Coall nga Item s to us for quick service. ( WE GET R ES ULTS. 50,000 22,890 357,830 398,780 41,580 Imp. &Tra. N.. N* Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi, X 12. A. P. May_______ _ A. T. B orst............. J . A. Fluetsch____ B. L. Wyllie_____ D. Falconer______ D. A. Russell......... S. G. Watts__ 50,000 25,000 306,180 261,550 25,000 3,500 147,240 152,940 J . B. Goulston____ D. W. Willets_____ L. C. Newcomer... D. G. Thomas........ E. D. Roberts____ Howard B. Smith.. C. W. Curtis_____ B. F. Tanner_____ B. H. Burton____ 50,000 8,000 190,000 175,000 50,000 65,000 350,000 365,000 79,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and 1st N., San. F. x 12. 29,040 N .Park, N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Capital N.. Sacramento, 59,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Mchts. N., Los A. 12, 170,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N.. San F . 12. CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7.S U. W. Brown____ R. E. B lev in s____ H. F. Osgood ___ Everett Bowes-----U. W. Brown_____ R. E. Blevins____ H. F . Osgood____ Everett Bowes____ J . J . Harshman___ J . H. Williams____ E. E. Elliott. ........ W. Simpson_____ L. Daetweiler......... 0 . K. Reed______ H E T?aw1 500,000 350,000 1,250,000 2,000,000 220,000 Han. N., N. Y.: MerchJLn. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 61,500 îab. N*, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 12. 15,200 San F. 8,550 10,000 195,000 272,000 35,000 2,800 153,400 140,600 25.000 8,830 65,790 90,970 25,000 1,680 48,270 50,090 11,170 J . J . Harshman___ J . Y. Shepard____ E. E. Elliott_____ S. B. Smith___— 50,000 37,100 266,190 347,400 30,760 J . F. Busey_____ J . L. Silveira_____ L. L. Herrick____ John Williams___ 35,000 5,670 212,960 203,320 27,640 75,000 x 12. F . W. F o sk e tt___ H. H . Elworthy___ L. A. Stevenson... C. J . Foskett_____ 25,000 2,500 232,000 200,000 49,000 12. N. W. Blanchard— J . W. Guiberson... R. R. Cunningham. L . G. Fuller.... ........ 50,000 15,150 135,000 160.000 40,000 Wm. D ale_______ E . C. Dale 32.000 1,250 120,370 129,780 23,840 ; N., 12. Los. A. J . L . Donnovan___ R. McEwen............. C. D. Hill________ 33,500 330 120,009 100,000 20,000 N. City, N. Y.; Int’l Bkg. Oorp., San F . T . C. Jameson........ T . O. Andrews____ L . D. Bedford____ 25,000 6,250 85,000 100.000 10,000 1st N. and Merch. N„ Los A. F. F. Thompson... C. B. McConnell... Charles Hoss____ Dee McConnell___ 25,000 8,100 188,890 218,010 28,370 Irving N.. N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 12. 75,000 an. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Los A. and San F. 12. . City. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F .: Citiz. N.,Los A. A. J . Ware ............ G. E. Snidecor........ F . E. Snidecor____ C. C. Harrington25,000 400,000 400,000 50,000 Laura Y. Kirby . __ . „ . E. S. Welch,M gr... (Bra/nch o f S an Diego, Cal.) — J . D. Reed—........... J . H. Coolman____ V, O. English____ A. P. Kerckhoff— W. M. Griswold... M. Leonhardt W. H. Holliday— R . M. Phillfin Marco H. Heilman. M. Leonhardt____ R. M. Philleo____ W. M. Griswold 50,000 15,000 160,000 240,000 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Com’l N.. Los A. 25,000 30,090 169,060 192,830 19,590 50.000 83,470 372,220 388,810 115,100 12. t N. and Merch. N., Los A.: 1st Cal. 12. Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence under Name of B an k is the New T r a n s i t Number given to each bank in IT. e x c l u s i v e l y by T h e Band-M cN ally B an k ers' A ccessible Towns* Law yers, L aw s. D irecto rs, in- _____ _____ July, 1915 National Bk. of Coalinga—’14 90-821 Colfax......... ... Placer E 4 Colfax Bank---------------1§’07 Pop. 800 90-571 Oolton.San Bern'dino J 8 Colton National Bank— < ’07 Pop. 4300 90-300 First National B ank___< ’86 90-299 *Colusa___— Colusa D 4 Colusa County Bank— < § ’70 Pop. 2000 90-443 First National Bank___ < ’11 90-704 First-Savings Bank— < § ’02 90-444 Oompton.Los Angeles I 7 Citizens Savings Bank— §’06 Pop. 922 90-498 Farmers & Merchants Bk.§’13 90-789 First National B ank___< ’03 90-499 Ooncord.Contra Costa B9 Bank of Concord ___ < § ’01 Pop. 1500 90-525 First National Bank__ «i’l l 90-526 Corcoran......... Kings H 6 First National B an k ___< ’06 Pop. 750 90-534 Corning____Tehama D 3 Bank of Corning______ t§’04 Pop. 972 90-572 Tehama County Sav. Bk.< §’12 90-755 Corona—--R iverside J 9 Citizens Bank_________ J§’90 Pop. 3540 90-318 Corona National Bank—< ’06 90-320 First National B an k ___< ’05 90-319 Coronado—San Diego K 8 Bank of Commerce & Tr. Co. (S an Diego P. O.) 90-573 t§ ’l l Pop. 1477 Oovina— Los Angeles I 7 Covina National Bank .„ • ’06 Pop. 2000 90-434 Covina Valley Sav. Bk. < § ’01 90-433 First National B an k ___< ’01 90-432 H. A. Westerfield— CALIFORNIA BANKS—Claremont to Covina 170,000 u a m v s r t u v w i r i u u i p i , a l i c u u u u lu w u iictu u n s ¿inu ^ o rre s p o n a e n c e 7 3 f ^er M “ ^ N a m e of B a n k is the New T ran sit Num ber given * bant m_u - & exclu sively by T h e B and -M cN ally B an kers* D ir e c t o r y , under th e a u th o rity of T h e A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n. and County. ¿County Seats. op •Mem. Am. Bks.Ässn. §State ÍMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Pbesid en t . L i a b i l it ie s . Vice -Presiden t . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . ‘ Crescent City-Del Norte Bank of Crescent City—**§’10 Frank Togni_____ D. P. Edwards____ E. C. Hegler_____ W. F. Wulf. Pop. 1114 B 1 90-482 DEL NORTE COUNTY BANK Jacob Marhoffer— H. E. Westbrook . . Fred Frantz______ 90-481 »*§1900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 02 W. B. Nichols 90-494 United States Nat. B k__ ’08 C. C. Threlkeld . . . 90-495 Dixon_______ Solano E 4 Bank of Dixon________ J§’73 L. P. Hall__ _____ Pop. 827 90-514 First National Bank____i ’io H. R. Timm___. . . 90-515 Northern Solano Sav. Bk.§’12 H. R. Timm_____ 90-724 Dorris____ Siskiyou B 3 Butte Valley State Bank<§’08 Fred Melhase—___ Pop. 214 90-579 Dos Palos___Merced G 5 Bank of Dos Palos........* t § l l R. E. Hoyle___ Pop. 400 90-707 Bank of Los Banos___**§’06 90-580 P a id - u p S u b p l u s AND Capital P b o f it s $ 25,000 $ 50.000 R esources. Depos its L oans St D is- Ca so Sc E x c’ t s . B onds , changee ,D ub S e c u r ities 10,430 229.460 221,690 F. P. Wray____ J . H. DeMartini, (B ran ch o f W ain ut Creek ,Cal.) Mgr. 25.000 2,500 115.000 108,000 J . A. Harby, Mgr. B. Thomas J . J . Schlitz H. Hawley_____ A. M. Morton, Mgr. (B ran ch o f Woo dland, J . H. B. Speer____ H. A. Bower 25.000 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 5,080 % 135,000 $ 90,000 $ 73,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; ls t N., Eurêka, Cal. (B ran ch o f P ino le, Cal. A. B. Joseph, M gr.. E. J . Moorehead, (B ran ch o f New m an , i a l .) .. Asst. Mgr. O. Engblom____— George W. F in k ... H. P. Witten_____ 25.000 6,000 80,000 80,000 E. H. Barmon____ H. O. Ward............. 25.000 28,210 131.360 183,860 O. J . Wigdal....... !_ G. E. McHugh____ 25.000 4.000 25,000 27,000 W. D. Chiles. P rincipal Correspondents. 27,200 264,060 a l.) .. 269,700 (B ran ch o f Turlo ok, Cal. 72,570 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Angle & Lon. Paris N., San F. Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co„ San F. Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F, 10.000 lst N., N. Y. and San F . 12, 40,210 lst N., Los A.: Crocker N., San F. 12. 14.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; Home Sav.. Los A. N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 35,480 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: Capital N., Sacramento. Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co„ Sacramento. 73,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Mchts. N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. j 2. R. E. L. Morton... Clarence Wilson 25.000 3,800 E. Seligman_____ Clarence Wilson:.. C. R. Morton. 50.000 13,750 349,430 310,660 J . H. Ramm_____ R. P. Harbert____ M. A. Bennett Chas. E. Clausen... R. Moss________ 25.000 7.000 200.000 150.000 40.000 lstN.,Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . X 12 225,900 75,000 566.000 790,900 120.000 115.000 70.000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F .: N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co„ Sacramento. 55.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; lst N., San F. 12, R. E. L. Stephens.. H. L. Bissell_____ A. C. Madden____ R. E. L. Stephens.. H. L. Bissell_____ A. C. Madden_____ Merrill Evans____ F. C. Stitser_____ Mollie Stitser____ 50.000 25.000 25.000 J . H. Flory.......... F . V. Edwards....... 25.000 J . E. McClelland, Mgr (B ranch Downey.Los Angeles J 8 Bank of Downey___ **§’13 Xelis Gephart____ James Quill___. . . H. A. Scott—. . . Pop. 2000 90-418 Los Nietos Valley Bank**§’91 Q. J . Rowley____ Arthur L. Darby.. C. R. Church_____ 90-417 Ducor.............. Tulare G 7 First National Bank__ —.113 H. C. Carr............... J . B. Dennis_____ A. L. Harris___ Pop. 508 90-768 Dunsmuir —Siskiyou B 3 State Bk.of Dunsmuir.»t§’04 Geo. Engwicht___ G. A. Hutaff_____ W. M, Goggin... Pop. 1719 90-581 Durham--------Butte D4 Commercial Bank____ *§13 T. H. Mitchell____ G .W. Jo n es_____ J . A. Williams____ Pop. 180 90-771 East Auburn. Placer E 4 (See A u bu rn ) Pop. 600 East San Diego.San Diego East San DiegoStateBk.**§12 G. A. Davidson___ P. V. Morgan___— G. L. Shaul, J r . . . _. Pop. 5000 K5 90-773 El Cajon..San Diego K 5 Cuyamaca State Bank.»*§’07 George Sears......... 0. O. Nichols____ H. J . Hall............. . . Pop. 500 90-583 *E1 Centro.Imperial J 10 El Centro National B an k < ’09 F . B. Fuller_____ W. T. Bill ____ T. L. Doherty____ Pop. 1610 90-436 First National Bank___*1’09 Leroy Holt—. ____ F, J . Cole............... J . V. Wachtel, J r . . . 90-435 ---------" Secur. Com’l & Sav.Bk.*t§’12 B. R. Brundage J . K. Hermon____ O. G. Horne........... 90-744 C A L I F O R N I A M a p on In d e x O. W. Carr_______ C. G. Winter_____ T. T. Cook___ F. J . Gianola i. C. Layton.. 75.000 82,670 100,000 106.000 10,000 75.000 78,000 740 18.360 o f L os B an os, 33.000 J . W. Rudd. 70,740 18,750 32,840 Cal.) . . . 30.000 35.000 296,280 295,720 25.000 2,000 50.000 40.000 25.000 5,640 123,890 116,220 25.000 1.500 50.000 55.000 25.000 370 95.000 88.000 25.000 6,190 106,140 102,100 30.000 28,500 380.000 290.000 100,000 35,000 500.000 430.000 25.000 1.500 125.000 110.000 16,870 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 12. 127,520 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 12. 16.000 lst N., San F . ‘ 32.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 11,130 lst N., San F. and Fresno. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A San F.; lst N., Merced, Cal.; Fresno N, Fresno. 18,000 Irving N., N. Y .: Am. N., San F .; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 76,850 N. Park, N. Y.: lst N., Los A. 17,500 Chase N., N. Y.; lst N., San F. and Los A. 12, 24,650 N. Park, N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 6,200 lst N., Chico, Cal.; Am. N„ San F. 22,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Southern Tr. & Sav., San Diego. 24,700 Chase N., N. Y.; lst N., San F, and Los A.; Marine N., San Diego. 123,850 Chase N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; lst,N ., San F.Com’l N., Los A. 19 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; lst N., Chi.; lst N„ Los A.i Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. x 12 25,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; lst N., Los A. For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) CALIFORNIA BANKS—Crescent City to El Centro Crockett...Contra Costa Bank of Pinole_______ t§ ’08 Pop. 892 B9 90-574 Crows Landing,Stanislaus Bank of Newman_____«i§’03 Pop. 350 C 11 90-536 Eirst National Bank____«$’10 J . T. Crow ______ 90-537 Cucamonga, San Ber’dino First National Bank -__< ’03 F . A. Lucas______ Pop. 300 H9 90-575 Culver City..Los Angeles Culver City Com’l & Sav. Bk. H. H. Culver_____ (L o s A ngeles P .O .) 13 90-828 *§’15 Danville___Contra Costa San Ramon Valley B k.—¿§’07 Pop. 200 C9 90-576 Davis_________ Yolo E 4 Bank of Davis_______ < § ’13 G. W. Sanders. Pop. 1500 90-796 Bank of Yolo................ < § ’09 90-577 Delano______ Kern H 6 First National Bank— < ’08 S. Mitchell 90_578 Pop. 600 Denair—-Stanislaus C 11 Commercial Bank.............§12 90-726 Dinuba........... Tulare G 6 Dinuba Savings Bank___§11 W. B. Nichols____ Pop. 1900 90-697 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st R a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. July, 1915 _________ T own Name *7 a *• N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The _Band-M cNaUy B an kere D irectorv. under the au th ority of T ’ Name T own and County. ¿County Seats. of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn. fPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -President . BAN K OF E U R E K A 90-146 90-147 ingsBai 90-145 Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . $ 25,000 $ Charles H. Cooper . A. F. Snell______ I. W. Everett......... 90-592 Folsom City..Sacramento iBank of Folsom-----Pop. 1500 A l l' 90-593 C A L IF O R N IA M ap on In d e x 30,000 225,000 59,000 F. O. Lewis 25.000 4.000 48,000 J.M . Ormsby..^— H. C. Dano . ......... 25.000 7.000 100,000 78,000 C. L. Barham.— 25,000 7,880 298,960 295,310 73,490 25.000 1,390 70,410 Warren Shamburg. 25.000 2,250 75,000 67,000 J. J . Rutherford— F. E. Boudinot___ 50,000 29,000 160,000 210,000 25,000 21,000 189,900 189,020 F. D. Hall............... H. F. Thompson... 50,000 2,170 205,880 188,400 25,000 4,180 94,150 111,350 25,000 2,500 100,000 115,000 C. L. Barham------- A. Bertrand—____ M. Ira Wolfe— O. F. George____ W. T. Young____ H. A. Green-------- (Branch o f F ort Jon es, C a l.) ____ 700,000 730,000 C. Deane____ —— N. B. Libbey.____ C. F. Edson 200,000 114,000 A. E. Connick........ G. W. Fenw ick.... H. F. Charters........ G. L. Roberts____ H. W. Schwetb G. W. Cousins....... H. W. Leach— — E. N. Fokes—_____ E. A. Leach.......... H. P. Vance -------- H. W. Leach........... Merton Belcher. . . 200,000 166,130 1,096,460 1,478,510 100,000 60,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 ’89 C P Souto 200,000 100,000 80,000 600,000 625,000 133,000 1,515,000 1,540,000 Am. N.. San F .: 1st N., Oakland. 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12.. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Home Sav. and City N.,Los A. , 18,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N., San F. s 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Tra., Los A.; Am. N., San F.; Citiz. N., Riverside. ' 60,760 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Oakland and San F. 12. 29,550 Cent. N., Oakland: Bk. of Italy, San. F.: 1st N., Emeryville, Cal. 15,000 1st N., San F. 52,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & T r, Co., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. 45,910 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. & Mercn. N., Los A. 52,670 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. andSanF.: Merch. .N., Los A. X 12. 12,050 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., San Diego; Crocker N., San F. 12,500 1st N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. N. Park, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 160,000 Ger.-Am., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 189,080 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F . X 12, 75,000 Crocker N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 250,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. Crocker N., San F . 12, 93,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr Co., San F. 15,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com’l N., Los A. Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. X 12, 25,000 1,000 60,000 60.000 G. G. COOK-------- 25,000 25,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.,Los A. and San F . X 12, ’09 A. T. Hodge........... A. VanMaren------- C. H. Slocum......... A. G. Graham____ 12,050 IstN .. Chi. and San F .: Capital N.. Sacramento. r|H aa ui niiiNN J F DUNGAN Ir a yUlllll------ Fairoaks . . —Sacramento Fairoaks B a n k ... 90-590 Pop. 1000 A 11 Fall Brook.San Diego J 8 90-591 Pop. 300 lank___ Ferndale..Humboldt 0 1 90-504 Pop. 905 ams Bks 90-505 b Merch Fillmore........Ventura I 7 90-799 Pop. 1600 25.000 200,000 (Branch o f A n a heim , C a l.)........ A. R. End irot t, Mar. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 3,200 $ 135,670 $ 104,330 $ 45,720 Joseph D ring...— (Branch o f S an L ean d ro , C al.’) . . 90-143 Savings Bk.of Humboldt Co C. P. Soule______ G. A. Belcher------ C. Deane___fi?i— T. R. Dinsmore---H. F. Madsen 90-144 »$§’8! | John A. Wilson . . . w . R. Pigg___ _ C. C. Walter_____ Exeter.........„Tulare G 7 Citrus National Bank— t ’li n W Wiilfpr A. W. Percival 90-729 Pop. 2000 90-589 R esources. L ia b i l i t ie s . Gash&ExP aid-up Surplus Depos- [jOAN8&DisITS SeCURITIK8 YROMBanks Capital P rofits L L. WELCH < First and Oldest Established Ban b. Send your Item s direct to us. ( We give them i mm ediate atten t Ion. 25,000 740 46,340 47,660 H. Smelser_______ W E Gird 25.000 ' 1,680 54,660 54,250 A. Putnam......... ... E. P. Nisson........... 35,000 71,000 450,000 400,000 25.000 11,000 179,000 163,000 R.S.Feenatv G. M. Brice C. H. Sundqulst, Mgr. J. Lagomarsino---- F. L. Fairbanks__ I. Hinkle_________ J . L. Patterson___ H. Clemensen____ G. H. Wetmore — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N umber under Name of UntiU is the New T ransit N u m h » (B ran ch o f Sant a P aula, C a l.)... 19,140 1st N., Los A.; Mchts. N., San Diego. 125,000 Chase N.. N. Y .: IstN ., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 52,000 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y,; Ist N., San F. Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mchts. N., Los A. 100,OOC 1,70C 165,000 215,000 32,000 Han. N., N. ¥ .; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 25,000 1,200 124,000 119,170 19,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cal. N., Sacramento; 1st N., San F . B a n k s A d v e rtis in g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n t o C o lle ctio n s and Correspondence CALIFORNIA BANKS—Elk Grove to Folsom City____________ July, 1915 Elk G rove... Sacramento Bank of Elk Grove------*$§’10 G. M. Taverner---90-584 Pop. 375 A 10 Elm hurst... Alameda C 9 Bank of San Leandro...§’09 90-254 Pop. 5000 Carl F. Raab____ El Monte.Los Angeles 1 7 First National Bank---- »t’03 J H Ttortto 90-585 Pop. 1000 Southern County Bank _i§’13 90-786 El Segilndo, Los AngelesI3 ElSegundo State Bahk_»t§’12 F. R. Kellogg 90-719 Pop. 600 Elsinore—-Riverside J 4 Consolidated Bank---- »i§’87 S. A. Stewart____ S. II. Herrick_____ 90-586 Pop. 488 Emeryville.. Alameda C 9 First National Bank---- »i’09 F . J . Stoer— ----- Theo. Westphal___ 90-587 Pop. 2613 Theo. Westphal___ First Savings Bank----- §14 90-818 S, ,Tf Irwin W, F- Mnrtin Escalon .San Joaquin C 11 Escalon State Bank.......i§ ’12 90-743 Pop. 300 E. G. Logan........... A. W. Wohlford*— Escondido.San Diego K 5 Escondido Nat’l B ank—* t ’87 90-460 Pop. 2000 G. V. Thomas____ A. W. WohlfordEscondido Savings B k._.§’05 90-462 W. H. Baldridge.— F. D. Hall........... 90-461 W.H. Baldridge... G. W. Wisdom— ngs Bai 90-463 J . L. Stephens — sparto — Esparto —_____ Yolo A 9 90-783 Pop. 250 y Bank Etna Mills—Siskiyou B 2 90-588 Pop. 618 ‘ Eureka..Humboldt C 1 Pop. 13,768 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued to t> a n K S A a v e r i i s i n g g iv e C A L IFO R N IA . M ap on In d e x . '“ ^er under Name « i B a n k u the New Transit Number wive» to each bank ia U . 8 . exclusively by T he llan d-M cN ally B a n k e rs ’ U lrectory, under th e auth ority of T he A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n . Town and County. ¿County Seats. j u m e of Lia b i l i t i e s . Vice -President Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . Thoinas Silk. •t’88 Leonard Barnard. G. Golden_______ J . E. Weller______ 25.000 John E. W eller..., Leonard Barnard.. R. T. Bourns C. W. Mathews___ D. Brandon_____ A. A. Lord A. A. Milliken.. Henry Egli.______ M. Pereira, M. C. Beem____ 0 . V. Green_____ C. R. Weller_____ C. H. Weller____ 50.000 $ 30,000 $ v u iic s ^ u u u tu ^ v R esources. D epo s it s L oans & D isc ' t s . B onos S e c u r ities P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Cash & E x changes ,D ub from B anks . 8 t O P 0 l , C a l .) ____ N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. 3,500 $ 130.000 $ 95.000 $ 40,000 N .C ity . N. Y .: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Is N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sac. 3,340 145.820 161.990 12,180 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 15,060 363,650 378,110 54,600 Irving N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N San F. x l2 5,490 259,360 212,160 76,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F . H. P. Prestop____ R. A. Clark____ 25,000 T. J . Taylor_____ 25,000 2,000 25,000 40,000 R. A. Walker. 100,000 58,000 400,000 E. W. Haight____ 1. H. Van Duzer_ Fred. P. Newell ... G. R. Legg___ 497,000 13,500 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; 1st N San F. 32.000 N. Park. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F 25,000 15,500 190,000 170,650 41,670 Am. N., San F .; Coni & Com’l N., Chi. . 25,000 27,870 275,000 250,000 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N.. San F. 200,000 120,000 555,760 677.350 M. C. Beem _____ W. C. Freeland__ P. W. Hastie D. BROWN, J R .. . . . M. F. TARPEYT. M. HAYDEN A. S. HAYS. A. E. CARVER. G. H. BALL Fresno Savings Bank— »§’10 A. B. Clark____ _ J . S. Jo n e s ___ W. R. W ells___ 90-94 L. O. Stephens Industrial Bank_______ §10 B . Okonogi______ H. Hirakawa... S. Miyano____ 90-95 Peoples Savings Bank.»*§’90 A. V. Lisenby____ F . K. Prescott____ W. W. Parsons___ B. K. G. Butterfield 90-91 300,000 376.000 1,460,000 1,870,000 500,000 500,640 2,620,460 3,065,120 200,000 200,000 67,500 5,000 876,770 600,000 100,000 904,040 398,710 600,000 60,000 168,630 1.943,360 1,948,490 788,130 12, 222,890 N. Bk. Com. and J . P. Morgan & Co.. N. Y. r 4 v : . We,ls Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 465,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st. Nr, Chi.; Anglo & Lon Paris N,, San F . 19 889,270 1st N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N. and Bk' of Cal. N. A., San F. 12, 25.000 W. 0. MILES-___ C-S- PUCKHABER W. R. PRICE___ JOHN PATTEN. 150,000 134,650 756,200 A. B. CLARK B. I. HESSE Prompt attentlo n to all banking m atters, We are thoroug hly equipped to handle Items on ail points in the San Joa quin Va Hey. UNION NATIONAL BANK«* 07 90-92 Fruitvale— Alameda C 9 (See O akland) Pop. 5000 Fullerton___Orange J 8 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk E. K. Benchley___ Pop. 1725 90-480 »t’04 First National Bank___«¿’95 J . E. Jones______ . 90-429 Fullerton Savings Bank.§’06 J . E. Jo n es______ 90-431 G alt..— Sacramento E 4 Bank of Galt_________ «*§12 Hull McClaughry.. Pop. 985 90-736 Gardena.Los Angeles 1 1 Citizens State Savings Bank C. B. Casier_____ Pop. 500 90-761 §12 First, National B an k __’05 C. B. Casier_____ 90-598 Garden Grove___Orange Bank of Garden Grove«*§’09 F. E. Cloÿes._____ Pop. 500 J 8 90— 599 Geyserville..Sonoma E 3 Bank of Geyserville___*§’03 C. B. Shaw . . . ____ Pop. 500 90-600 Gilroy ...San ta Clara G 4 Bank of Gilroy............. »*§’71 Henry H ecker__. Pop. 2437 90— 378 First National Bank H. S. Hersman____ 90-722 C A L I F O R N I A M a p on In d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a u u (B ran ch o f Seba R. R. B aker_____ L. J . Harriman__ J . D. Magill, R. E. Giffin •Fresno____ Fresno G 6 Bank of Central Cal...«*§’87 M. Frankenau__ .1 B. Einstein.— . C. E. Hamilton. Pop. 29,809 90-89 L. Gundelflnger Farmers National Bank»*’82 Alfred Kutner____ E. E. Manheim__ Walter Shoemaker A. R. Jack— Í. 90-87 First National Bank___ »$’85 O. J . Woodward— E. A. Walrond___ Roy Pulliam___ T. E. Mellen ____ 90-88 J . J ! Vincent M. J . Wickstrom 90-90 P a id - u p bURPLTJS AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s A. C. Lowell____ E. P. Sessions___ Fowler_____ Fresno G 6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 04 S,,C. Kimball— Pop. 1500 90-597 FRESNO NAT’LBK v u n c t-L iu u » F. 12 . N., Fresno; Ft. Sutter N., SanF. 289,100 244,060 1st N.. San F. 12. Chas. C. Chapman -. C. W. Crandall____ George Esmay..:__ A. J . Kerfoot_____ E. E. Balcom_____ R. B. Robinson___ A. J . Kerfoot_____ E. E. Balcom____ R. B. Robinson___ 25,000 17,000 320,000 290,000 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A. 50.000 55,340 335,730 408,980 69,940 25,000 19,700 217,830 234,380 27,950 George Orr______ W. L. Robison........ 25,000 740 105,380 91,650 38,020 J . W. Strickling — . S. Ball................. 25,000 1,000 20,000 43,300 T. Biggart_______ 12. an. N.. N. Y .: IstN ., Los A.; Wells FargoNev. N., San F. x i2 it N.. Fullerton, and Santa Ana, Cal. agio & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital Sacramento. 3,500 IS ;cur. N. and Merch. N., Los A. . S. B all_____ . . . 50,000 10,000 149,500 154,000 J . Allan Knapp___ F . H. Cloyes_____ K. N. Copien____ W. A. Black ____ _ Ef. E. Black.— E. L. Wisecarver_ R. Eschenburg____ W. R. Pyle ............ A. W. Ghesbro____ 40,500 IHan. N.„ N. Y.: Bk. of Oal. N. A., San F . 25,000 6,460 94,770 98.680 25,000 12,500 175,000 180,000 22,530 C srn Ex. N„ Chi.; Crocker N.,San F .; Mer N., Los A. 30,000 Î 86,516 77,870 686,210 687,910 124,660 I Chas. C. Lester___ 75.000 8,730 188,770 315,190 38,310 h . R. Green..____ Nev. N., San F. 12. Wells Fargo- 12. For SA FET Y and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ^__________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Forestville to Gilroy Forestville.-Sonoma E 3 Analy Savings B a n k ___§’07 Pop. 1845 90-594 Fort Bidwell—Modoc B 6 Bank of Fort Bidwell.«t§’07 Pop. 500 90-595 Fort Bragg— Mendocino First Bank of Savings.»î§’10 Pop. 3000 D2 90-381 First National Bank___ «*’91 90-380 Ft. Bragg Commercial Bank 90-734 »*§’12 Fort Jones. Siskiyou B 3 Mount Shasta Bkg. Co— *§’10 Pop. 500 90-539 Scott Valley Bank____<*§’02 90-538 Fortu na...Humboldt C 2 Bank of Fortuna......... »*§’05 Pop. 883 90-596 P resid en t . tu Accessible Tow ns. yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed m back of this volume. F o r In terest K ates, Grace, e tc ., eee page 14.' F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 C A L I F O R N I A — C ontinued B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ÎMem.Statë Bks.Assn.+Priv Est a l ic iil iu ii July, 1915 75 p ro m p t 76 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U.i * S. ___ exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers* ___ • a « _____» a.__ r n m ___A m U n nb nae A c f i 'f l Name T own and County. ‘ County Seats. op Principal Correspondents. B ank. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . 90-752 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. V. Buckner___ C. A. Kimble_____ H. E. Wright------- S. E. Railsback___ R. W. Buckner C. M. Cross______ C. L. Newport........ Judd Smith______ R. J . Downing___ E. J. Hummel W. V. Buckner___ C. A. Kimble____ H. E. Wright------- Depos P aid- up Surplus AND its . Capital P rofits &Dis- & Dux Loans Cash Ex c*T8. B onds , changes , S e c u r ities from B anks Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 50,000 $ 16,310 $ 221,350 $ 237,760 $ 49,910 25.000 48,940 411,110 393,250 106,790 50,000 1,890 82,250 121,990 12,150 25.000 6,600 127,070 127,390 25.000 4,210 46,970 49,730 42,000 15,000 222,300 212.200 50,000 19,050 195,200 214,010 (B ran ch o f Neva d a City. C a l.)... 150,000 23,070 1,200,480 1,148,920 25,000 530 64,780 52,520 30.000 940 90,080 113,930 (B ran ch o f M ary spille. C o l.)........ (B ran ch o f Colus a, Cal.) (.Branch o f S an ta M aria, Cal.) . . . 25.000 5,650 143,200 124,470 100,000 900 164,400 232,500 25.000 10,000 175.000 193,000 100.000 77.000 688.000 603,000 100.000 235,000 1,000,000 1,090,000 100,000 43,670 154,590 280,250 50,000 35.000 233,000 300,000 12. Glendale. 54,340 Ian. N., N. Y.: IstN . X 12. 4,860 st N., Glendora. C Los A.' 82,600 i. Park, N. Y.: 1st N Crocker N.. San F. 14,860 lont. & Com! N., Chi San F . Crocker N., San F . 214,680 Han. N., N. Y .; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 18,750 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. 14,600 Am. N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. J .P . Morgan & Co., N. Y.: Mtle. N., San F . Han. N., N. Y.; Mchts. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.: Anglo-Cal. Tr Co., San F. 58.520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am. N., San F. 22,400 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N A., San F. 17,000 Merch. Ex. N., N. Y.; French-Am. Bk. of Sav., San F . 277.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. X 12 185,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N .,S a n F 12 45,690 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., and Bk. of Cal N. A., S a n F . 12u 20.000 Far. & Mchts. N., Hanford. Cal.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 3.210 Hanford N., Hanford. 25,000 49,060 74,450 145,300 50,000 56,250 602,890 675,680 C. King__________ Frank Johnson___ C. E. Bertram____ O. W. Bertram___ 25,000 3,550 32,660 58,620 I. B. Parsons____ F. C. Winton------- J. E. Farnum------- W. T. Knightly---J . H. Strobridge— M. C. Petersen— John A. Park____ G. H. Park_______ 50,000 6,000 194,200 201,000 50,000 31,000 600,000 555.000 49,700 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., San F .; 1st N. Oak land. 70,000 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F. J . H. Strobridge.— M. C. Petersen___ John A. Park____ G. H. Park_______ T R Pnrcnnc F C Winton ___ J . E. Farnum____ W. T. Knightly___ 25,000 14,000 180,000 167,000 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F . 50,000 12,000 402,700 412,300 49,500 Bk. of Haywards, Hayward, Cal. S T.r Wattles __ J . H. Miller............. L. J . Hall________ 50,000 18,000 377,500 428,000 17,000 Bk. of Italy and 1st N., San F. ____ S L Wattles J . H. Miller______ L. J . Hall________ 100,000 68,000 650,000 George H. Warflelc E. M. Norton------- J . R. Williams____ 75,000 17,500 300,000 755,000 . 85,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Crocker N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . X l2 . 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 425.000 George H. Warflelc E. M. Norton------- |J . R. Williams____ j ---------------------- . . . 25,000 7,500 300,000 310,000 F P_ e P W WP9uPr u . VY . VY L a v t i i J . J . Hight______ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Glendale to Healdsburg_____________ July, 1915 Herman Nelson___ M. G. Smith_____ Glendale.Los Angeles I 2 Bank of Glendale____ < $ ’05 j?. xi. v cspci ——— fi. M. Walton 90-359 Pop. 2746 M. P. Harrison___ E. M. Lee_______ H. E. Francy_____ First National Bank— < ’05 W. YY. M/O————90-358 Glendale Savings Bank ..§ ’13 Hit ilia liOO--- — —— W. W. L e e ______ C. D. Lusby_____ E. U. Emery 90-794 f!. W. Chamberlain Glendora.Los Angeles 1 3 First National Bank— < ’07 yy . Ju. vyney-------- F , f .tfjaril..« 90-441 Pop. 1600 C. W. Chamberlain Ë. E. (lard First Savings Bank—— $’08 YY. Ju, yy ney ——- — 90-442 A. E. Engelhardt— F . E. Odell______ G. E. Odell______ Glendora Bank----------t$’02 J n OdAli 90-440 G. H. Boflnger____ * T , Eii Somavia____ Bank of Gonzales_____< $ ’94 Gonzales—.Monterey G 4 90-601 Pop. 700 J . M. Thomas, Agt. Citizens Bank-------------< § ’76 Grass Valley.Nevada D 5 90-276 Pop. 6000 W, U, Martin. A. H. Mooser____ Nevada County Bank_<§1900 "R S 90-277 F . B. Hosselkus — H. C. ChamberlainGreenville___Plumas C 5 Indian Valley Bank . . —•i§'12 J . R. Murray____ L. P. McIntyre 90-716 Pop. 500 J . A. Schafer H fl Veatch C. W. Putnam____ Gridley----------Butte D 4 Gridley State Bank_____$’06 90-493 Pop. 2000 E. E. Biees.Afor.— Rideout Bank________ < § ’84 90-492 Roy Maxey............ Grimes...........Colusa D 3 Colusa County Bank........§T3 90-810 Pop. 350 A. L. Brown_____ Guadaloupe...Santa Bar Bank of Santa Maria— < § ’95 90-602 bara—Pop. 500____I 5 W’lb’am n&rr H. L. Bagley j p Overton Guerneville..Sonoma E 2 Bank of Guerneville----- §’05 90-603 Pop. 800 .T, f . Clyne C. W. Hawks. Gustine____Merced D 11 Bank of Gustine_____ < § ’13 J T, MiVItpI 90-807 Pop. 450 .T M H ’miiAic Horace Nelson M. J . Bettencourt. HalfMoonBày.SânMateo Bank of Half Moon Bay< $ ’05 90-605 Pop. 1500 C7 J . H. Hopkins Judd Smith______ R. J . Downing____ Cross ‘ Hanford....... Kings G 6 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. n 90-259 < ’90 Pop. 6000 J . O . HICKM AN — j S. C. L IL L IS — FIRST NATIONAL BANK Strongest. 1 Oldest, Largest, 90-261 <.85 i SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. Hanford National Bank—1’03 90-263 Hanford Savings Bank.-t§ '91 90-260 Peoples Savings B a n k ...$’03 90-264 The Old Bank_______< $ ’01 90-262 Hardwick____Kings H 6 First National Bank____i ’13 90-787 Pop. 200 Hayward___Alameda C 9 Bank of Haywards___< $ ’91 90-355 Pop. 3000 Farmers & Merch. B k ...i$ ’05 90-356 First National Bank..___«’11 90-694 Haywards Bank of Savings 90-357 < § ’06 Healdsburg—Sonoma E 3 Farmers & Mech.Sav.Bk.§’12 90-730 Pop. 3000 First National Bank___< 1 2 90-415 Healdsburg Nat. B k____ t ’12 90-416 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued 62.130 Irving N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and IstN ., San F . 12. 6,260 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N -.SanF. 12. x 12. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N .,S an F . Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence L A U r U K rN iA m a p o n ìn u o x T JVumber under N ame of B a n k is the New T ran sit Num ber given to each b a n k m U. S. exclusively by T h e B a n d -M cN ally B a n k e rs ' D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r th e a u t h o r it y of T h e A m erica n B a n k e rs Ass’n . I o w n and County. Name op B ank. i •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State| JMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv E st P residen t . Heber____ Imperial J 10 First National Bank____J ’14 Frank Beers. Pop. 80 90-815 George Varney.__ B. C. Beers. As s ’t Cashier . A. M. Hogue____ J .E. Walker_____ M. H. Heilman____ G. S. Thatcher.. R. E. Matteson E. S. Moulton . . F. M. Ryon____ W. H. Ryon___ N. L. Levering . C. A. Sherrod____ J . M. Spaulding. T. S. Hawkins.. R. Eschenberg____ T. W. Hawkins. L ia b i l i t i e s . P aid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital its P rofits Pearle Emery___ $ 25,000 $ D. W. Amos_____ I. B. Gibbel______ C. B. Coveil_____ H. C. W ilson____ W. F . Whittier___ Alger F a s t _____— F . L. Thomas__ 25.000 25,000 R eso u r c es. L oams a D is * C ash & E x o*t s . B onds , changes ,D ub S ec u rities prom B anks . P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 2,500 $ 41,670 $ 19,930 $ 44,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.' Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; N. Bk. of Gal. Los A. 12, 12,500 172.980 138,830 63,170 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.: N Bk. of Riverside, Riverside. 65,000 182,000 168,000 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and Los A. 12, 25.000 2,500 80,000 80,000 25.000 2,200 30,000 44,000 198,000 170,000 25,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Mchts. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 11,600 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. 35,000 10,000 250,000 333,740 100.000 55,000 350,000 430,000 85,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and 1st N., San F . 12, 25.000 40.000 385,000 415,0QP 41,000 Anglo-Cal. Tr. and 1st Federal Tr. Cos., San F, 50.000 149,620 626,240 777,420 48,440 Bk. of Hollister, Hollister, Cal. 25,000 23,770 386,910 381,370 54,310 Citiz. N., Los A.; Hollywood N., Hollywood. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’03 J . W. Norvell____ Robert Hale_____ J . P. Roberts _____ E. D. Dietz______ 90-248 25.000 24,000 380,000 320,000 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A Edwin O. Palmer— G. G. Greenwood— G. H. Beesemyer... R. C. Long______ HOLLYWOOD NAT’L BANK 90-247 < ’05 B. S. Phelps 25,000 22,930 845,890 590,390 HOLLYWOOD SAV. BK.-*§’05 J . W. Norvell____ Robert Hale-------- J . P. Roberts___ _ E. D. Dietz______ 90-249 25,000 8,500 195,000 183,000 50.000 35,000 385,000 415,000 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. 25,000 4,000 170,000 130 ,000 60,000 Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A. Wm. Palm tag____ T. C. Wm. Palmtag____ T. C. T. S. Hawkins____ R. CALIFORNIA Map on Index D. M. Paterson___ H. Slaven_____ C. H. Wagner.. R. Shaw__ J . Cox , F. S. Faria H. Slaven_____ C. H. Wagner.. J . Cox P. Lathrop— T. W. Hawkins, Sec Edwin O. Palmer— B. S. Phelps_____ G. H. Beesemyer . . R. C. Long____ G. G. Greenwood Holtville___Imperial JI0 FIRST NATIONAL BANK * 07 Leroy Holt______ Pop. 2200 90-523 Holtville Bank_______ < § ’11 O. N. Shaw______ 90-524 Hopland—Mendocino E 2 Bank of Hopland_____ i§ ’07 C. B. Shaw ______ Pop. 400 90-608 Hueneme___Ventura 1 6 Bank of Hueneme____< § ’89 Thomas R. Bard__ Pop. 500 90-609 Hughson.Stanislaus C 11 Bank of Hughson_____ «§’11 W. M. Holeman__ Pop. 300 90-610 HuntingtonBeach.O r ’nge First National Bank___< ’05 W. T. Newland___ Pop. 815 J 8 90-516 Savings Bank of Huntington W. T. Newland___ Beach — 90-517______*§’05 Huntington P k.—Los An Bank of Huntington Park H. G. Candee_____ geles—Pop. 3500 ___I 7 90-611 < § ’07 Hynes.—Los Angeles I 7 First National B a n k __—•’11 C. S. Thompson___ Pop. 600 90-612 Imperial— Imperial K 10 Farmers & Merchants'Bank L. J . Thomas____ Pop. 1257 90-465 *§’12 First National Bank___< ’01 Leroy Holt______ 90-464 ▲Independence..Inyo G 7 Owens Valley B a n k ...t.*§ ’10 Pop. 407 90-613 Inglewood —Los Angeles Citizens Savings Bank „•§’10 W. G. Brown_____ Pop. 1536 11 90-448 F irst National Bank____ ’05 C. H. Brown_____ 90-447 lone.............. Amador E 5 Sacramento Valley Bank & Pop. 876 Trust Co-90-614______ §’94 Irvington__Alameda C 9 Bank of Alameda County Pop. 750 90-615 «§’10 ▲Jackson___Amador E 5 Bank of Amador Countyt§’96 A. Ginocchia Pop. 2035 90-616 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cash ier . 628,830 1,079,760 37,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Am. N. San F. 132,820 Met.,N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N .,S a n F . X 12. 311,390 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y-.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; lstN .,L osA .; CrockerN.,SanF. X12. 22,000 Ist N., Los A. and Hollywood. J . H. Harden____ R. G. Webster____ E. E. Harden . Jas. A. Gibbs F. M. Ferguson___ R. W. Hoover____ S. E. Shaw___ S. E. Brookes____ J . W. Harris_____ Emmett Jones. E. O. Gerberding.. E. H. Wood______ 25,000 2,320 67,530 78,920 50,000 16,000 120,000 190,000 L. C. Quimby_____ J . W. Holeman___ Clyde Hudelson___ C. H. Howard_____ R. E. Graves____ H. B. Little______ 25,000 1,200 90,000 100,000 11,570 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F . 25,000 17,490 191,620 204,800 C. H. Howard____ R. E. Graves _____ H. B. Little______ W. S. Thomson A. F . Keables_____ Wm. H. Candee F. D. Clark______ 25,000 3,240 45,430 71,250 25,000 1,840 145,010 128,660 54,310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; Am. N., San F . 12. 2,420 1st N., Los A„ Huntington Beach, Cal. and Santa An% Cal. 43,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. 3,530 O. L. Coke_______ H. G. F lin t______ 25.000 48,750 65,480 A. E. Wright_____ Otto Storm______ P. H. Black__ F . D. Hevener N. A. M ackey____ O. K. Thomas____ E. K. Carrier. 25,000 15,000 ■180,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 400,000 A. P. Mairs, Mgr. . 400,000 (B ran ch o f B ish op. Cal.) (B ran ch o f A lva rado, Ca l . ) _____ 30,000 18,500 225,500 11,560 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 86.000 Am. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 7,570 Chase N„ N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. 12. 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A. ; 1st N., San F. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A. 12. Secur. N., Los A. W. H. Kelso_____ F. A. Zillgitt_____ L. B. Zillgitt_____ 25,000 2,700 80,000 61,000 W. H. Kelso___ __ W. G. B row n...__ A. H. Robbins___ 50,000 19,510 167,850 . 222,400 A. Leuzinger R. H. Frost, Mgr... (B ran ch o f S acr am ento, C a l.) __ Alexander Eudey— Frederick Eudey.. Frank Eudey. 12. ____________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Heber to Jackson Hemet— —Riverside J 4 Farmers &Merch. B k ..< § ’07 Pop. 1500 90-491 First National Bank____< ’99 90-490 HermosaBeach.Los A. 17 First Bank of Hermosa Beach Pop. 679 90-780 »§’13 Highgrove.Riverside J 9 Bank of Highgrove___< § ’09 Pop. 200 90-606 Highland— San Bernar First Bk. of Highland—< § ’04 dino—Pop. 1600___ 1 4 90-607 ▲Hollister.San Benito G 4 Bank of Hollister_____»$§’73 Pop. 2308 90-392 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’09 90-395 Hollister Savings Bank. „ § ’92 90-394 Savings & Loan Bank of San Benito Co___________ §’92 90-393 Hollywood—Los Angeles CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK Pop. 7500 I 7 90-250 < § ’06 Vice -Presiden t . 1915 ▲County Seats. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st R a te s , Grace,! F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. C A L I F O R N I A — C ontinued J u ly , 7 7 216.500 20,180 N. Bk. of Cal., Com’l N., and 1st N., Los A. 31,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. X 12. Empire Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 1st N., San F .; N. Bk. of D.O. Mills & Co., Sac. Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F. 57.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F. For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank inU. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and Co u n ty . *Coanty Seats. Nam e of L ia B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. 00 CALIFORNIA—Continued P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . W. E. Booker........ Geo. H. Ingalls___ P. E. Mertz . . . ___ C. R. Anthony___ $ 25,000 $ Jamestown....Tuolumne First Bank of Jamestown Pop. 650 F5 90-801_____ «§12 Jamestown National Bank W. E. Booker..----- Geo. H. Ingalls___ P. E. Mertz______ G. R..Anthony___ 90-765_____ »i’13 Pop. 1800 H. D. Mathews, Mgr. First Savings Bank of’Shasta County ..90-718_____ «§11 b il it ie s . R e so u r c es. OANR&Dis Ca8h&Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos cI/ i’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus and Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanke 25,000 1,810 Î 2,480 94,820 $ 108,150 $ 106,890 128,840 25.000 18,000 62,000 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 9,580 Merch. N., and Wells, Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 24,190 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. 12. Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (B ran ch o f R edd i/ng, Cal. Kerman.........Fresno G 6 First National Bank___»i’08 W. G. Kerckhoff — H. M, Rees— ........ J . A. Johnson____ J . D. H icks.._____ Pop. 500 90-618 P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 25,000 1st N., Chi.: Am. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.< San F. 12. 37,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 12. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. Kern.................. Kern H 7 (See B akersfiM ) King City .Monterey G 5 Monterey County Bank«i§'08 Pop. 1000 90-620 Kingsburg. ..Fresno G 6 First National B a n k ....« i’04 Pop. 1000 90-532 90-533 La Habra____Orange J 8 F irst Bank of La Habra.i§’14 Pop. 300 90-816 La Jolla..San Diego K 9 SouthernTr. & Sav. B k ...§’07 Pop. 1100 90-621 ‘ Lakenort T,akf> T> a 90-511 Pop. 1200 Farmers Savings Bank.«+§’74 90-510 La Mesa..San Diego K 8 Pop. 1400 90-622 Lancaster... Los Angeles Antelope Valley Bank ___ §’12 90-756 Pop. 400 18 Lankershim.Los Angeles Bank of Lankershim ___ §10 Pop. 400 I7 90-623 Laton----------Fresno G 6 First National B ank ___ »t’lO Pop. 400 90-624 Le Grand...Merced D 11 90-792 Pop. 300 Lemoore......... Kings G 6 Bank of Lemoore____ *f§’91 Pop. 1000 90-488 •* Pop. 1402 H. E. Wetzel _____ N. G. Nelson _____ A. T. Carlson____ 0 . E. Peterson____ B . E. Peterson___ J . L. Norman .T. Cl. TCmipp J . H. Walker......... W. H. Bradley, Mgr. M. S. Sayre _______ A. LeVy __________ F . A. G reene 30,000 150,000 140,000 35,000 5,000 175,000 140,000 25,000 2,750 44,570 52,370 25.000 <B ran ch o f Scm D. W . G reene J . W. Boggs______ J . Banks__________ F . H. Boggs______ H. C Boggs G. R. Smith S. C. Grable ............. C. C. P ark ________ L. Sperbeck_____ E. C. Upp 132,460 16,190 Merch. N., Los A. N. Park, N. Y.: Cont.& Com’IN.. Chi. Diego, C 156,750 50,070 82,250 100,000 37,680 180,160 211,440 25,000 5,000 214,000 172,000 58,030 Union Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 91,520 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 70,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Far. & Mchts. N., Los A. 50.000 1,500 95,000 119,000 25,000 1,110 59,520 64,000 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Citiz. N., Los A.: 1st N„ San F . 11,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Home Sav., Los A. 25,000 10,000 90,000 90.000 25,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont, & Com’l N., Chi. Paul Neumann___ E. T. Cunningham- f*. Carmean______ 25,000 3,000 65,000 83,000 12,000 1st N., San F., and Merced., Cal. S. C. Lillis_______ J . O. Hickman____ N. W. Sorrick____ A. D. Campbell___ 80.000 36,050 434,290 391,770 110,210 N. Park, N.Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am. N., San F- FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«i’05 C. H. Bailey.......... E. G. Sellers_____ G. B. Chinn_____ M T, W ells 90-489 A. J . Gladding___ Hans Andresen, Jr. B. C. Musser____ 90-625 Guy K. G reen..___ E. H. Sanderson... Bank of Western Placer..§’14 F . C. Crosby_____ 90-825 50,000 13,600 146,800 174,400 50,000 5,500 325,000 317,000 25,000 1,250 25,320 Chase N., N. Y.: Crocker N., San F.: Com’l N., Los A. 12. 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon.Paris N., San F. 1st N., San F.; Ft. Sutter N., Sacramento. C. B. LYONS_____ A. M. HOSTETTER 75,000 12,000 400,000 385,000 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F . H. R. Huebert........ E. A. Nelson E. B. Vartan— ___ 50,000 15,000 210,000 _ 217,300 25.000 4,960 John Roberts..—. . : G. H. Fuller_____ _ I. E. Dodge______ .T, T). M arshall H. L. Ward ......... . J . W. Deupree __ _ H. H. Fergnsnn Fred Weddington R . M. Bostwick—— C. A. Sm ith ........... A. E. Hudson____ |E. L. DANIELLS— W .A.BOHLANB— G. V. REED — — Lindsay........... Tulare G 7 FIRST NAT’L BANK - -*¿ 05 l First and oldes t established ban k. 1Send your item s direct. Pop. 1814 90-423 ( We give prompt attention and ge t results. F . McT.ees Chester Dowell— Lindsay National Bank—«t’10 C.K. Tnwt 90-424 Lindsay Savings B ank. . t§’10 E. L. Daniells_<*__ G. K. Hostetter..-.. G. V, Reed_______ 90-425 E. H. Cobeen, Mgr. Pop. 278 90-727 TT. R . P a r shall Livermore—Alameda F 4 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank L. M. MacDonald— n hi Tîpek Pop. 2030 90-412 »t’85 First National Bank___» j’05 C. H. Wente.......... J . O. McKown____ H. S. Goodell____ 90-411 “ ** H. R. Parshall____ Livermore Sav. Bank—.i§ ’05 L. M. MacDonald— P, E Ttpclr 90-409 Livermore Val. Sav. Bk..§’05 C. H. Wente_____ J . Ô. McKown____ H. S. Goodell____ 90-410 Ca l if o r n ia Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Han. N.. N.'Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (B ra n ch o f S alin as, Cal.) Alfred Nelson........ A. T. Lindgren___ C. F. Draper 113,010 134,220 (Branch o f Mary sville, C a l.) ____ F . F n ch s______ 50,000 13,610 325,800 393,890 C. F . Wente_____ 50,000 30,000 275.000 300,000 E . F u ch s __ 25,000 7,010 290,380 289,670 C. F . W ente_____ 25,000 13,000 325,000 330,000 12. 12. 72,690 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.,Los A. and San F . 12. 8,120 1st N., Lindsay, Cal.; 1st N., Visalia, Cal. J . P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle. N., San F. 45,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. x 12. 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. San F . 12. 32,480 Far. & Merch. N., Livermore, Cal.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. .25,000 Cent. N.. Oakland, Cal. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under Name of JBa-nJk is the New T ransit Number ffiven Accessible Towns, Law yers, Laws« D irectors, in- CALIFORNIA BANKS— Jamestown to Livermore__________ July, 1915 68,000 Name of B an k . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . CASHIER. As s ’t Ca s h ie r . L ia b il it ie s . P aid- dp Surplus Depos and Capital its P rofits $ 25,000 $ F. E. Crowell____ R eso u rces . Loans&Dis- Cash&Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities fromBanks. 320 $ 61,650 $ 65,810 $ 16,090 Chase N., N. Y.; In t’l Bkg. Corp., San F. (B ran ch o f Stock ton. Cal. J . J . Priestley___ D. A. Guernsey.__ C. M. Eerdun..;___ A. O. Eddlemon — P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also F ed eral R eserv e D is tric t o f which, ban k is m em ber. X M em . Fed . R eserve C ollect. System . ioo,ooo 47,000 530,000 Cont. & Com’lN ., Chi.; Crocker N., San F v 487,000 127,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 12,270 Am. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Cal. N., Sacramento; 1st N., Stockton, Cal. 84,140 Han.N., N .Y.; Cont. & Com’lN ., Chi.; Am. N and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . X12. 16,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N. and Bk. of Eureka, Eureka, Cal. 25,000 11,140 208,840 304,840 100,000 28,870 410,430 508,100 25,000 , 2,760 57,560 63,360 Lompoc— S. Barbara I 5 BANK OF LOMPOC— -tS ’90 James Sloan_____ R. E. Sudden..___ W. C. Bissinger__ Pop. 1482 90-449 100,000 69,890 251,380 366,600 49,950 Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. FARMERS & MERCH. SAV. James Sloan_____ R. E. Sudden..___ W. C. Bissinger__ BANK— -90-450.............§’05 25,000 31,100 291,490 323,270 35,260 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. r. TÌ McGahe Lompoc Valley Bank—*t§’05 George S. Edwards G. W. Harris------90-451 Lompoc Valley Sav. B k..§’05 George S. Edwards G. W. Harris_____ R. A. Lazier_____ C D McCabe . 90-452 50,000 25,000 220,000 249,000 46,000 1st N., Los A.; Int’l Bkg. Corp., San F. 25,000 17,500 319,200 342,910 18,800 Sav. Union Bk. & Tr. Co., San F.; Com’ Santa Barbara. J . H. RICHARDS— B. F. TUCKER-— N. C. TOMPKINS — Long Beach bust ness. H. D. MOORE al service and qu ick returns a t lo w rates. ILITIES. 100,000 25,£70 734,240 863,130 96,380 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. X12, ( C. A. WILEY— ♦EXCHANGE NAT’L BANK 90-117 »t’07 i TOURIST busl ( Try us on coll W. H. WALLACE— W. J . GARDINER— E. H. WALLACE— W .J. MORRISON ness given special atten tion. ection Items for prompt service. 100,000 65,000 1,025,000 925,000 225,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Secur.N., Los A. Anglo & Lon, Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A. San F.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 12, ♦Farmers & Merch. Bk.«t§’07 C. J . Walker— 90-119 T. W. Williams— C. E. Huntington . . A. R. Montgomery H. Y. Ketcherside F. A. Ziegler 120.000 36,000 1,147,300 950,420 352,790 Han. N., N. Y .;N . City., Chi.; Crocker N.,San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. R .D . JUDKINS— R. D. JUDKINS— -E. 0 . MILLER........ 6. L. WRIGHT 200,000 88,920 1,099,240 1,210,980 227,180 N. B k . C om ., N. Y .; Corn E x . N ., C h i.; 1st N ., San F . ; N . B k . of Cal., Los A. 12. 7 “ ™ 1 f DAVID HUGHESLong Beach.Los Angeles *CITY NATIONAL BANK-»i’07 {1 Send us your Fuy, 24,487 J 2 |We give person 90-118 l T RY OUR FAC FIRST NAT. BANK ( sm 90-113 H. S . McKEE - — T C. Shaw ___ T. C. Shaw............. W. H. Lorenz..___ W. F. Dickson___ E E Hill F . Spoerke »1900 \ in te llig e n tly a d m i n i s t e r e d . \m , s •• » ** ♦Longbeach Sav. Bk. & Tr. George H. Bixby „ P. E. Hatch______ J . W. TuckerJ ... Company. 90-115.___*i§ ’02 F. C. Yeomans C. H. Tucker 250,000 96,790 1,728,130 1,520,390 282,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. ♦Marine Com’l & Sav. Bk. E. J . Wightman__ I. H. Heilman i ___ R. H. Smith 90-120 »t§’14 A. Dixon Julius Rlnm 125,000 15,000 75,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Union Tr. Co., San F.; Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav and Merch. N., Los A. 438,510 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N._ Chi.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. 12. ♦NATIONAL BANK OF LONG P. E. H atch_____ J . Bixby__ 1_____ W. M. Cook__. . . . Tj. fît Pnwp.ll BEACH— 90-112_____ »t’96 George H. Bixby J . I f Hatch E. E. Norton O. G. Mechem Long Beach Clearing House P. E. Hatch______ Wm. H.. Wallace.— R. D. Judkins, Mgr. (M embers in dicated by a *) Loomis______ Placer E 4 Bank of Loomis —___ .« ^ ’IB J . J . Brennan — S. C. Day______ _ J . J . Callison____ 90-784 Pop. 600 Lordsburg —Los Angeles First National Bank___«t’09 E. R. Yundt_____ H. J . Vaniman___ L. A. Blickenstaff. 90-496 Pop. 954 IT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150,000 250,000 285,000 146,130 1,475,880 1,188,520 25,000 1,430 108,900 110,780 25.000 5,460 113,340 144,060 CALIFORNIA BANKS—Livingston to Lordsburg Livingston..Merced D 11 First Bk. of Livingston .•i§’13 H. P. Spencer_____ Pop. 110 90-806 Lockeford—San Joaquin Union Safe Deposit Bk— §’07 Pop. 612 B 11 90-626 Lodi___San Joaquin E 4 H. E. Welch— Pop. 2697 90-360 J . B. Cory______ _ 90-362 SbI'*-*' . S ' ; First National Bank___»t’05 J . B. Cory_______ 90-361 Loleta____Humboldt C 2 R. O. Dickson____ Pop. 300 90-627 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . 1915 T own and County. iCgunty Seats. A ccessible Towns, Law yers, Laws, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st K a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued Ju ly , N umber under Name of B a n k is the New Transit Number given , j each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band -M cN ally B a n k e rs ’ D ir e c t o r y , under the au th o rity of T he A m erican B a n k e rs Ass’n. 24,540 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Capital N. Sacramento. ■><i 24,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz «3 N., Los A. 12. 80 v U Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ea<ih bank ia u -, s - exclusively by Thea ______ Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ n n d o v flin 4-«- . £ m u s _____ n ______I - ____ a _____ LOS ANGELES n ir p p fn r v Name op B ank. P resident . Vice -President . Cashier . Ass’T Cashier . Est. BANK OF ITALY 16-66 /HcAS OFFICE, San Francisco. «*§’04 Unexcelled facilities for handling Pacific Cqast Collections. \General Banking and Foreign Exchange Business. •*’90 L 0. 0 . Anderson___ G. T. Stainback J . R. Rutherford COMMERCIAI NATIONAL BANK 16-17 ¡W. A. BONYNGE — J. BURKHARD------MALCOLM CROWE W. A. BONYNGE, JR. L. E. SHEPHERD P. R. WILLIAMS M em bers of N ational A ssociation of C red it Men. W e m aintain a file of th e officials sig n a tu re s of th e banks of th e United S t a t e s . •t’03 Continental National Bank R. S. Heaton__. . . S. Davis_______ — 16-78 f t ’14 W. D. Howard Eagle Bock Bank______ *tS’07 E. E. Chandler___ ■T W Fddy 16-53 B. H. Brown "FARMERS & MERCHANTS . NAT’L BANK 16-1 300,000 1.500,000 O f f i c i a l a t t e ¡ n t io n g iv e n to c o l le c t i o n s $ a n d r e m it " t a n c e m a d e p r o m p t ly ir a n y e x c h a n j ge d e s i r e d a t lo w e s t ra te s . Citizens Trust & Savings O. E. Monnette__ G. W. Walker____ H. A. Kehler. B a n k ____16-14............. «S’i l L. S. Chandler Ada fiarr ' 1. W. HELLMAN- J. A. G RA V ES-— V. H. ROSSETTI — GUSTAV HEIMARM 1. W. HELLMAN, JR. JOHR ALTOR T. E. NEWLIN J. M. HUTCHISON H. F. STEWART J This Bank is th e O LD ES T bank in S ou thern C alifo rn ia. 1 Y o u r banking aco o u n t and collection item s fo r th e P acifio \ C o a s t. A rizona, and New M exico so licited . l| W e have every facility fo r handling your business. T R Y U S. L.OS A N G E L E S M a p o p p o s ite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilit ie s . Surplus I ndivid D eposits of AND ual P rofits Deposits B anks 897,690 $ 2,234,820 2,903,510 133,580 $ 328,440 768,090 7,909,800 3,106,630 7,953,650 1,756,900 2,69 4,510 72,660 SEE ADVERTI SEMERT 500,000 161,560 3,170,160 300,000 180,000 1,757,330 277,627 70,270 477,780 25,000 1,760 73,740 1,500,000 2.063,250 9,152,490 139,630 N. City N .Y .: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Anglo-Cal. Tr.Co., San F.; Ia. N., Des M. 1,585,870 ON INDE X CALIF0 RNIA Liberty N. and Corn E x., N. Y .; C ont. & Com’l N. and N. City, Chi ? Bk. of Cal. N. A, Am, N, and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F .; Phil. N. and Franklin N., Phil. 12. 913,990 Harriman N. and Atlantic N., N. Y.; Corn Ex.N. Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., San F. 2,437,600 465,490 771,610 2,032,770 480,980 548,940 248,920 H a n . N .,N .Y .; F t . D ear. N., C h i.; Crocker N., San F .; State N., St. L .; N. Reserve, K an. C. 12. 84,530 517,550 79,140 157,590 43,480 Han. N„ N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . X 12. 66,180 8,000 4,262,240 9,198,880 2,955,060 4,019,870 14,190 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A. 1,847,930 N. Bk. Com., Im p. & T ra . N., N. P a rk , N. City, Mech. & Metals N., Irving N., and Am. E x . N ., N. Y .; 1st N., Corn E x . N., HI. Tr. & Sav., and Cont. & Com’l N., C h i.; N. Bk. Com. and M erch.-Lac. N., St. L. 12. B a n k s A d v e rtis in g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n to C o lle ctio n s a n d C o rresp o n d en ce CALIFORNIA BANKS—Los Angeles___________________July, 1915 A. J. W A TERS-.- J. ROSS CLARK... E.T. PETTIGREW - GEO. E. F. BUFFET M. i. MONNETTE GEORGE BUGBEE WM. W. WOODS H. D. IVEY 16-11 P aid- up Capital N. City, N. Park, and Irving N. A. A. MICHELETTI $ 2,775,670 N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; $12030430 $ 4,177,810 $1,250,000 $ 360,160 $17432 510 1. S. METZLER Soc. Generate, Paris; Deutsche J. C. LIPMAN Bank, Berlin; BancaComerciale S. E. MANATT (B ran ch o f S an F rancisco, C al.; B r a riches a t S an Jo se an d S an M ateo, ltallan Livorno and Genoa; Cal.) L . C. &a,Mid. Bk., L td ., London. California Savings Bank.»*§’0 BM. P. Snyder____ W. F . Callander... A. L. Crandall____ H. L. Holland....... 16-56 J . W. Kays Walter C. Durgin C IT IZ E N S NATIONAL BANK j Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Gash Due L oans & Bonds, Also Federal Reserve District F rom and E x Securi Dis of which bank is member. counts ties . E tc. Banks changes xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ( L o s A ngeles, J 7) C oun ty Seat P o p . 43 8 ,9 1 4 — R eserv e City Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ANNOUNCEMENT With the desire that this Directory may be of still greater value to sub scribers, the Publishers have at a great expense caused to be bonded by THE AM ERICAN SU R E T Y CO. OF N EW YORK certain of the Attorneys whose names appear in the Attorneys List published and Indexed in this Directory. Complete information is given at the beginning of the Attorneys List (see index “Lawyers”). Subscribers should fam iliarize them• selves with this important feature o f our service and it is hoped that they will avail themselves o f the many advantages it offers. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The First National Bank o f Los Angeles Capital, Surplus and Profits Of f ice rs J. M. ELLIOTT STODDARD JESS JOHN P. BURKE JOHN S. CRAVENS W. T. S. HAMMOND . E. S. PAULY A. C. WAY . . E. W. COE . . A. B. JONES W. C. BRYAN . W. H. LUTZ . . $ 3,938 ,000.00 Directors President # # . Vice-President ; , . < Vice-President , # . Vice-President . . . Cashier Assistant Cashier • • Assistant Cashier '• \ • Assistant Cashier • ■ » ': Assistant Cashier . Assistant to the Cashier . . Auditor • • . JNO. P. BURKE Vice-President JOHN S. CRAVENS Vice-President J . C. DRAKE President Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank J . M. ELLIOTT President FRANK P, FLINT Attorney M. H. FLINT Vice-President Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank C. W. GATES Capitalist W. T. S. HAMMOND Cashier STODDARD JESS Vice-President H. JEVNE H. Jevne Co. J . O. KOEPFLI Bishop & Co. DAN MURPHY Capitalist E. J. MARSHALL Vice-President Torrance, Marshall & Co. JOHN B. MILLER President Southern California Edison Co. F. 0 - STORY President California Fruit Growers’ Exchange S T A T E M E N T O F C O N D IT IO N A T C L O S E O F . B U S I N E S S M A Y 1, 1 9 1 5 R E SO U R C ES Loans and Discounts .............................................................. $16,113,613.55 Bonds, Securities, Etc. 1,486,289.00 U. S. Bonds and other Securities to Secure Circulation 1,250,000.00 N one Premium on U. S. Bonds . . . . . . . . . 175,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . . . . . . 6,853,571.10 ......................... Cash and Sight Exchange . TOTAL . $25,878,473.65 We offer Unexcelled Facilities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber an d er N am e 8 1 of LIA B ILITIES Capital Stock ..................................................................................... $1,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided P r o f i t s ........................................................2,524,342.88 Circulation . . . . . . . . 1,200,100.00 Reserved for Taxes, Etc.......................................................... 46,365.50 Bills Payable . 485,000.00 Letters of Credit . 29,230.80 ..................................... .................................... ...... . 20,093,434.47 Deposits TOTAL . $25,878,473.65 for handling Pacific Coast Collections B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber i Pf^ectory” und er th l au th o rity o f L O S A N G E T . E S ----- f V » n f i r m f -r i----- T? f^i tv r dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R ates Ora.ö« N u m b « an d er N am * of B an k is the New Transit N um ber Riven i?, eacfl bank u - S; exclusively by The B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. r r t c L U S A K T S~ > t u t T? r 'i + t r A N G E L TTO___ ____________________ t/O IlllIlU C U I v C S c r V C k /l t y B ank. Lia b il it ie s . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriy. Est. ._______ P residen t . (J. TIRST NAT’L BANK 16-3 < ’80 Vice-Presiden t . Cash ier . A ss’T Ca sh ier . M. ELLIOTT.... STODDARD JESS-W .T.S.HAMMOND-E. S. PAULY. J. P. BURKE W. C. BRYAN, A. C. WAY J .S . CRAVENS A ss’t to the C ashier E. W. COE A. B. J0NE8 L a r g e s t N a t i o n a l b a n k in S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a . U n e x c e lle d f a c ilit ie s fo r m a k in g P a c if ic C o a s t C o lle c t io n s . S e e A d v e r t is e m e n t o n O p p o s ite P a g e . P aid- up Capital S u r p l u s I ndivid D and P r o f it s ual Deposits Marco H. Heilman. Irving H. Hellman. Emanuel Cohen . . . H. Schraffenberger C. R. Bell, Sec. H. B. Kelley E. R. Millar (.Branches a t 3d & S prin g Sts. Uni on S quare, an d 10th & Hills Sts., L o s Angeles) 750.000 291,540 5,737,660 ♦Hibernian Savings Bank George Chaffey___ A. M. Chaffey____ G. A. J . Howard— B. P. Glenn______ 16-20 < §10 (B ran ch N .Bdw ay G. Allan Hancock T. E. Ivey, J r . a t Ave. 22) A. E. Huntington A. R. Dodge 325.000 78,620 3,329,980 Highland Park Bank.......< §10 H. A. Church. 16-71 C. M. Church. 1,247,700 18,922,410 $ L oans A Dis- COUNTS R esources. B onds, Dub S bcuri. F rom t ie s ,E tc, B anks $16113610 $ 2.736,290 92,690 3,739,240 . 874,780 1,182,480 2,746,610 492,120 374,080 230,000 17,000 32,000 4,875,700 752,270 732,340 Home Savings Bank. . . . . < § ’04 0 . J . Wigdal_____ F. M. Douglass___ F . L. Thompson... H. A. Hawley___... 16-60 (S ix B ranches) B. Workman G. E. Reid H. J . Whitley H. M. Coffin W. E. Oliver E. B. Monk 1,000.000 International Sav. & Ex. Bank John Lopizich____ Leon Escallier____ James O. Moore— P. Bodrero______ 16-61 < § ’04 300.000 95,470 2,592,210 1,950,930 141,810 Kaspare Cohn Commercial & Kaspare Cohn____ B. R. Meyer__ Savings Bank_________ »§14 Milton E. Getz 16-77 300.000 3,000 646,190 726,400 67,650 LOS ANDELES T R U S T A SAVINGS BANK . . . . . . < § 02 16-54 Paul C. Turman... Morris K lein_____ J . C. Drake____ M. H. F lin t.... ........ Jay Spence_____ (Two Branches) W. R. Hervey H. W. O’Melveny All D epartm en ts of a Modern T r ust C om pany. Correspondenc e Invited. Ralph Day_______ J . M. Rugg C. F. Seidel J . R. Henderson ♦Merchants National B ank< ’86 W. H. Holliday.... Marco H. Heilman. J . H. Ramboz___ H. H. Martin_____ 16-5 W. L. Graves O. A. Cox L. C. Brand W. E. Shipley NAT’L URANK OF \( J- E- HSHBURN-i W. 0. WOOLWINE. H. S. Mc KEE------- C. W. PR0LLIUS-.. f t lll\ U l R .l. ROGERS G.S. PICKRELL IM I L PA! iniQIIIA -+ en U f t L I r U n H I M *i89 j W e o ffe r u n e x c e lle d f a c ilit ie s fo r h a n d lin g y o u r ( P a c if ic C o a s t b u s in e s s . T R Y U S . (F o r b a la n c e o f L o s A ngeles b an ks see follow in g pag e) LOS ANGELES Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 250,000 1,500,000 1,586,040 17,974,140 i 6,853,570 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System 1st N. and N. City, N. Y .; Cont, S t Com’l N. and Corn E x . N , C h i.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.i C rocker N ., and 1 st N ., and B k . of Cal. N. A ., San F . ; N Bk. Com., Seattle. 12 Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L. 25.000 58,230 5,856,060 Ex- 20,010 16,320,730 1,204,730 $1,661,320 1,355,530 1st N. Empire Tr. Co., and Guaranty Oren Lientz_____ L. W. Gatch_____ 17,000 P rincipal Correspondents. Cash and CH A N GES 160,950 411,140 13,578,340 3,756,770 514,990 Liberty N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F .; Mech.-Am. N St. L. 120,800 Seab. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. Hib. Bkg. Ass’n, Chi.; Wells Fargo Nev. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A. San F. 15,500 Secur. N„ Los A. 405,020 N. City, Chase N., and Met., N. Y. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk Rep., Chi.; Am. N., San F .; N. Bk Com., St. L. 362,450 N. Park, N. Y.; F t. Dear. N., Chi. Crocker N., San F. 80,430 65,340 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Merch N., Los. A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F. 2,937,620 1,198,580 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav. N .Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi. Crocker N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. San F.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. Fidelity Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1 , 000,000 573,000 5,089,250 1.984,050 4,943,210 719,600 1,922,660 763,370 Chase N. and Liberty N., N. Y. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . t2 500,000 201.630 3,331,810 1,450,380 3,778,510 824,850 506,410 814,140 CALIFORNIA BANKS—Los Angeles—Continued 1 , 000,000 < § ’09 B anks $ 1.500,000 $ 2,524,340 $20122 670 BERMAN-AM.TR. & SAV. BK. M. N. Avery_____ W. E. McVay......... R. P. Hillman,__ W. W. Gibbs, J r . . . J . P. Andrews 16-52 < § ’90 O. C. Schmidt, W. R. Morehouse E. P. Hillman, Sec. A . Sec. R. E. Zimmerman 16-65 e p o s it s of A ccessible Towns» L aw yers, Law s, Directors» in-i aexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. July, 1915 81 Chase N ., N. Y . ; Cont. & Com’] N ., C h i.; Cent. N ., St. L . ; 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 12 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) . N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The K and-M cN ally B an k ers’ Directory,, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an kers Ass’n . Nam e op B an k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Est "S EC U R IT Y N A T IO N A L B A N K •*’02 16-10 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City L ia b i l i t i e s . P residen t . Vice-Presid en t . J . P. Sartori___ J. F. S A R TO R I- s h ie r . As s 't Ca sh ier . S. E. Zombro......... J . B. Gist. A. M. Beamon... M. S. Heilman Iw . H. Booth, V.-P. C, S. Albro J . R. Mathews I V. R. Pentecost M .S . HELLM AN JO HN E. P L A T E R G. H. T O LL W . H . BOOTH W . 0 . LONGYEAR, T . C ashier an d Sec. C . W . M . C A S W ELL, R. A ss’t Sec. G . J. H. G R IFFIN , W. Q. W. B. m. A. H A L L .................... W ILS O N HARDACRE W ALLACE ELLIS , A ss’t Sec: > Trust Officer EQUITABLE BRANCH. J . H. Griffin, M gr.; J . G. Carey, A ss’t M gr.; •*§’89 Luke Wood, Ass’t Mgr. 16-51 •*§'08 Philip L, Wilson . . Newman Essick___ T. P. Cooke........... P. E. Middleton.... J . D. Radford ♦Traders B a n k ... 16-67 'UNITED STATES W. H ELLM AN 0. M . S 0 U D EN J. H. BULLARD J . P. Sartori. su rplu s $ 300,000 * 1;800,000 IN D IV ID AND UAL P r o f it s D e p o s it s of B anks L oans & D is co unts B o n d s, S e c u r i t ie s , etc . D ue fro m B anks C ash and E x ch anges 1,951,770 40.354,660 8.858.120 26,819,710 7,381,940 Our c ie n t S p r in g v in g s B e p a re d t te rs. E T ru st D s e r v ic e S tre e ts 200.000 24,380 1,298,010 114,280 892,260 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y .; C ont. & Com’l N. and 111. Tr. & Sav. C h i.; 3d N. and Mtle. Tr. Co. St. L .; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N ., San F .; 1st N., Bos.; Girard T r. Co. Phil. 210,780 1,128,580 3,770 245,240 112,740 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union Tr Co., Chi.; Mchts. N., San F.; Par & Mchts. M§ Los A.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 296,200 1,001,620 281,780 302,790 464,670 N. Bk. Com. and M erch. N., N, Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: M tle. N.. St. L .; Girard N.„ Phil.; U. S. N., Den. 12, 1st N. and Par. & Mchts. N., Los A Kyotaro Miyakawa, KatashiYamaguchi, (.Branch o f Y okoh a m a , J a p cm) Mgr. A . Mgr. P. W. Smith, Sec. an d Mgr. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. LO U IS M . C O LE - ARONSON-GALE COMPANY, Inc. S . A R 0 N S 0 N - ---------I R V I N G H . H E L L M A N , - A . P . F . H A R T N A C K S .N . C L A R K Tr Sec (Investm ent Securities) S o u t h e r n C a lif o r n ia M u n ic ip a l B o n d s o u r S p e c i a l t y . G o v e r n m e n t, S t a t e , R a ilr o a d , R a ilw a y and a p p ro v e d c o r p o ra tio n s e c u r i t i e s . A ls o h a n d le high g r a d e C o m m e r T2j c ia l P a p e r . C O R R E S P O N D E N C E I N V I T E D . N . W . H A L S E Y & C O . ........•* 06 (H igh G rade B ond Heilman Com’l T r. & Sav. and M erch. N., Los A. N. W. Halsey & Co,, N. Y., Chi., San F.,andPhil.; Halsèy & Co.,Inc.,Bos. W. B. Hunnewell, Mgr. G. Dulin (R epresen tative)___________ E. H. Rollins & Sons______ '76 WILLIAM R. W M. R. STAATS - JO HN E . JA R D IN E 1,300,000 100,000 E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y„ Chi., Bos., Den., Phil., and San P. 300,000 (Investme nt B a n k e r s a n d B rokers) . Bkrs.Tr. C o.,N. Y .; W m .R . Staats Co., Chi. and San. F .; 1st N. and F ar. & M chts. N., Los A. ----------------------------------------J . E . C O G G E S H A L L , * O il / P a c if ic C o a s t S e c u r i t i e s ; M u n ic ip a l, P u b lic U U i *^’8? \ F i r s t M o rtg a g e C o r p o r a t io n B o n d s . A . Tr. S e r v i c e and 600,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’ N., Chi. Torrance, Marshall &Company {(B onds). tlî’93 LOS ANGELES Map opposite page 81 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o f 1 ta .n k B a n k s A d v e rtisin g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n to C o llectio n s an d C orresp o n d en ce Y o u r T r a n s i t N u m b e r ir iv e n Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, directors, For Interest Rates, Grace,] _________ July, 1915 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A. Perrin, Drake & Riley,Inc.«T13 D. K. Drake____ _ J . S. Riley_______ J . D. Plora_______ H. B. Perrin, Tr.. (High G rade B on d s) OTAATO ulAAlO Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System 257,040 $ 2,320,640 $ 761,800 $ 2,290,930 $ 399,000 $ 692,070 $ 329,560 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi. Crocker N.and Wells Pargo-Nev.N. San F.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C 12, Oldest 250,000 D e p o s it s - F . W . S M I T H ------------ J . E . W 0 0 L W I N E — If you a p p r e c ia t e p ro m p t an d c a r e f u l s e r v i c e a t a m o d e r a te c h a r g e , s e n d U S y o u r it e m s an d c o lle c t io n s . 16-18 «*’05 Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. 16-75 «§’78 Los Angeles Clearing House J . E. Pishburn. (M embers in d icated by a * ) P a id - u p Ca p it a l P rincipal Correspondents. CALIFORNIA BANKS—Los Angeles—Continued SECURITY TRUST & SAV. BANK Ca “ Resources. Number under Name o f Bank i s t h e New Transit Number g iv e n t o e a c h b a n k i n U. S. exclusively b y The lUnd-McNally Bankere Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass n. Nam e of B a n k. T own an d Co u n t y . »County S eats. •Mem. Am. B k s.A ssn . §S tate ÍM em .S ta te B k s .A s s n .tP r iv . E s t. Los Banos —Merced G 5 Bank of Los Banos------ »t§’05 J . L. Nickel. 90-521 Pop. 1000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -• 11 J . V.Toscauo—— 90-522 Los Gatos...Santa Clara Bank of Los Gatos____ »tS’83 J . A. Case..........— 90-628 Pop. 3000 F 3 First National Bank— » i’l l Z. S. Riggs.— — 90-710 Loyalton____Sierra D 5 Sierra Valley Bank— »i§’06 A. S. Nichols — — 90-629 Pop. 983 R. ROBERTS,— »Madera........Madera G 5 COMMERCIAL NAT’L BK. 90-382 »t’93 First and oldest Pop. 3000 First National Bank__ _«t’04 90-383 Madera Savings Bank— §’12 90-731 —t§’l l Manteca.San Joaquin F 4 First State Bank—. 90-712 Pop. 350 Maricopa_____ Kern H 7 Bank of Maricopa———< §11 90-340 Pop. 1000 Producers Sav. Bank „ •i§’15 90-341 J . L. Butin---- — R. Roberts— A s s ’t C a s h i e r . V ic e P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . 548.000 120,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 65,210 N. City, N. Y,; 1st N., San F, X12. 337,200 844,690 F. F Watkins.—— S. D. Balch---------- P. E. Curtis... 50.000 51.000 636,330 575,950 F. W. Knowles___ C. F. Hamsher 25.000 500 150.000 155.000 Peter Scolari____ W. H. Duncan------ E. L. Breen____... 25.000 1,530 86,950 91,070 50.000 48,890 319,440 353,260 O. J . Woodward— F. E. Osterhout . . . H. G. Johnson. 25.000 44.000 320.000 270.000 96.000 Han. N .,N .Y.: Crocker N., San F. J . E. Newman. 25.000 4,890 155,080 172,060 25.000 500 60,000 70,000 12,910 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F .; Com’l N., Los. A. 25,570 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., San F. 25.000 2,200 125,870 100,990 38,060 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. 1st N„ N. Y., San F., and Los A. 179,490 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; S. W. N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. 59,930 N. City, N. Y .: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 12, J. G. ROBERTS — J. E. NEWMAN — CARL E. NEWMAN established bank in Madera Coun ty. Send us your Items. J. B. HIGH— — — J ; G. Roberts— John A. Boberg___ F. Norcross S3____ W. Y. White, Mgr, C. (B ran ch o f B a k e rsfield ) E. Bigelow, A. Mgr. 100,000 115,130 836,6£ 851,710 Blum ------- SÌ E. J . Randall...:— Geo. S. Barnett— Hazel Solo 50.000 15,990 360,030 416,090 A. C. Bingham — - Jackson Waste — 150.000 64,680 460,650 596,890 130.000 62,240 1,796,490 1,836,970 250.000 324,250 1,704,410 1,972,370 Dunkel____ W. A. Hale . — — - F. R. Jones— J . B. Rankin First N.B.of Contra CostaCo. E. A. Majors ------- Ai. 90-408 < ’07 Ei H. B. P. Carden— Heiman Cheim____ G. R. Eckart— DUNNING RIDEOUT W. B. SWAIN — S. J. FLANERY s for handling bu siness in Norther n California. L. C. Taylor— 29.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Int’l Bkg. Corp., San F. 175,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 25.000 45.000 465.000 400.000 D. Billings.—.— 25.000 2,700 50,000 45,000 (B ran ch 25.000 o f Oak lan d 17.000 a l .) ____ 141.000 120.000 100.000 31,610 780,390 100,000 10.000 225.000 253,000 J . B. Hart_____ 100,000 31,410 573,520 728,900 0. A. TURNER— F. B. FANCHER C. R. SHAFFER ed County. Gen eral banking bus! terns on this pol n t and vicinity 300,000 41,180 1,576,790 1,731,620 Ankers___ Mill Valley___Marin C 7 Bank of Mill Valley— »*§’07 F . F. Bostwick---- C. F. Runyon____ C. H. Huntoon____ F.F.C.C.Ankers______ 90-634 Pop. 3500 Milpitas—Santa Clara D 9 Bank of Milpitas.____ _»§’12 M. Lynn_________ E. P. Giacomazzi. . A. L. Crabb—_______________________ L. E. Barber 90-701 Pop. 400 50,000 10,310 297,990 277,250 -30,000 5,100 120,370 120,820 H H. B. ST0DDARD- 298.160 J . P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; IstN ., Chi.; Mtle, N., San F. 108,000 H. J . Unruh_____ F. H. Lambert. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*’08 L. G. Worden____ S. F . B. Mörse rn K. Huls 90-338 D jC . M. SMITH — HER MERGED SEGUR. SAV. BK. 90-336 «*§’75 j Oldest and larg est bank in Merc I Thoroughly equ ipped to handle 1 75,920 Am, Ex. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F. 151.160 Mtle. N., San F . 120.000 Charles E ilet. . . J . B. H a rt.,— — E. P. Sheridan___ H. K. Huls — F. Garibaldi S. F . B. Morse O. W. Lehmer____ II. P. Spencer....... 12 6,900 Fl F. Spencer. G. H. Shearer, Mgr, J . S. R oss___— — J . N. Rea— — — H. A. Atwood. 17,860 N. Park, N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Washoe Co., Reno, Nev. 115,550 J . & W. Seligman & Co.. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; Com’l N- Los. A,: Far. N., Fresno. 12. 25.000 J . P. Ponce— H. Hawley---11. A. Whisler 143,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 12. 15.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., San F. Han. N..N . Y.; B k .o f Cal.N, A„ San F. (B ran ch o f Colus a, Gal.) 772,700 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Also F ed eral R eserv e D is tric t o f w hich b a n k is m em ber. X M em . Fed . R eserv e C ollect. System . 22,700 E. CALIFORNIA Map on Index m H P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 25.000 A. »Marysville — Yuba D 4 DECKER, JEWETT & CO. BK. E. McAllister____ 90-231 < § ’58 Pop. 7000 Northern California Bank of Phebe M. Rideout.. Savings..90-233-i-—;..< § ’90 P. M. RIDEOUT THE RIDEOUT BANK— < § ’61 Special facilltie 90-232 Maxwell____ Colusa D 4 Colusa County Bank— »$§’11 90-706 Pop. 400 Mayfield.Santa Clara D 8 Mayfield Bank _____— < § ’04 E. C. Eilet—___ 90-630 Pop. 1041 McCloud___Siskiyou B 3 McCloud National Bank < ’09 J . H. Q u iil— — 90-631 Pop. 2500 ’13 S. Mitchell.----M c F a r la n d -K e rn H 7 First National Bank — 90-795 Pop. 50 Melrose____Alameda D 5 Bank of Fruitvale — l — §’08 90-632 (P. O. O akland) Pop.300 Mendocino. —Mendocino Mendocino Bk. of Com..»§’05 Joshua Grindle___ 90-633 Pop. 1200 D2 »Merced— . Merced F 5 Commercial Sav. Bank—$§’08 L. G. Worden— 90-337 Pop. 3102 Far.& Mereh. Nat’l Bank.»’13 Isaac B ird ..______;. 90-779 R eso u rc es. L oans & Dis- Ca sh k E x ' t s . B onds , changes ,D ue S ec u rities W. E. Burch_____ J . L. Toscano------ R. P. Snyder. W. H. Coons— — : Walter Snook___... C. Z. Vander Horck H. A. Peterson — . »Martinez..Contra Costa BANK OF MARTINEZ- .»í§’73 W. S. Tinning — 90-407 Pop. 211§ F 3 L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s AND Ca p it a l it s P r o f it s $ 100.000 $ 35,000 $ 580,000 A. C. Smith. J . F. Clyne. — J . B. High— E. J . Norcross.— Accessible Towns, lawyers, Laws, Directors, i n - ___ dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, e tc., see nacre 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. fch CALIFORNIA—Continued 12, tJ 30.000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Mchts. N. Los A. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. San F . 12, 31,540 Crocker N., San F. 131,300 Crocker N., San F .; Cent. N., Oakland. 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; Union N. Fresno; Citiz. N^, Los A. 12, 96,590 N .Park, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F. xl2 166,410 N. City, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 40,780 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F. 27,250 Anglo& Lon. Paris N., San F.: Ist N., San Jose . For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 84 N um ber under N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. »County Seats. Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.StateBks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -President . J . W. Updike..___ C. J . Cressey____ C. W. Sikes F 0 PECK G. R. STOIDARD— J A PUHN l b : CARPENTER he Union Savings Bank. 0. P. MILLER Jr. ped to handle yo ur item s on this p oint and vicinity. G. A. Cressey____ W. T. Scoon_____ D. K. Young C. tt. Cailfns ___ G. fi Nelson H. J.H a rr is _____ E. M. Kaufman W. M. Baird C. Anderson George E. Butler.. W. R. Hervey A. Adams W. A. CHESS------- A W HA7EN g: h/anderson collections. g m atters entras ted to us. M. E. Conable____ Arthur Simon____ W. A. Simon 250,000 97,410 563,050 830,000 100.000 60,110 545,450 649,360 changes ,D ub from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. X Mem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 25.500 21,000 133,000 185,000 58,670 560,190 689,860 25,000 3,590 41,590 56,600 50.000 1(1,000 202,770 284,910 100,000 56,140 457,650 489,000 97,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 12. 50.000 4,000 160.000 140,000 15,000 Citiz. N.and 1st N., Los A. 50.000 17,680 366,970 386,920 50,000 9,640 169,100 194,850 46,270 N. Bk. of Cal. and Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N. Monrovia, Cal. 42,390 Han. N.. N. Y .; Merch. N., San F. 25,000 500 65,000 72,000 Charles D. Henry.. 100,000 33,280 313,190 352,170 50,000 7,500 320,000 306,240 12,910 353,270 348,460 E. P. Calanchini. . . E. E. James 50,000 Irwin E. Payne---- 37,300 6.000 150,000 160,000 Wilbur L. Camp... 0 . W. Whaley____ 50,000 29,000 500,000 394,000 B. W. Holeman___ .T. J , Taylor 25,000 2,500 80,040 79,890 175,000 163,030 E. L. Bickford----- H. A, Kather 50.000 E. W. C hurchill... E. B. Carhart_____ M S Davis 120,450 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F. 56,200 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. •SanF. 11,000 Cent. N., Oakland. 100,000 J . W. Van Orsdel— 973,350 1,194,990 51,310 1,071,600 974,360 100,000 40,000 500,000 440,000 25,000 15,970 336,610 343,200 59,640 N. City, N .Y .: 1st N., San F. 9,580 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. 52,210 Han. N., N. Y.;Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. LosA. 12 20,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Secur. N., Los A. Am. N., San F. 94,080 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Crocker N. San F. 12 49,170 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F. 68,480 Crocker N., Bk. of Cal. N. A.,and Int’l Bkg Corp., San F. 28,000 Irving N ..N .Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F, 117,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am N., San F. X 12 18,060 1st N., San F.; Comw. N., Kan. C. 109,800 Citiz.-Cent. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 248,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’lN., Chi.: IstN.. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 12. 130,000 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Mtle. N., San F.; Cent, N., Oakland. 34,390 Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. J . W. Donohue___ H. G. Clapper_____ 25.000 2,000 72,000 64,000 B. J . Edmonds___ Warner Edmonds.. Oliver Bower 25.000 4,000 153,000 155,000 18,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F.; Southern Tr. & Sav., San Diego. 12. 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., San F. -T H Butler 25,000 12,000 185,000 119,000 73,000 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. 25,000 88,000 170,000 100,000 T. .T. Mnrpby James Johnson___ W. C. Kaiser ..... T> IT. Morgan Benjamin Hall------ E. J . Morgan_____ W. J . Orenfell W. D. Harris, Mgr. E, M, Reefer 144.000 35,470 1,171,390 1,072,120 (B ran ch o f Oras s Valley, C a l.)... W. R. Fountain___ F. L. Horne_____ J . F . Cook............... T. K. Dahle, Jr. . . . to^saoh *bank*Yn*ÎF S® *® w Transit Num ber given 5 * % î exclusively by The Band.IWeNallv Bankers* R esources. & Cash &E x L oans D isc ’t s . B onds , S e c u r ities $ 49.500 $ 33,000 $ 190,500 $ 201,000 $ 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 200,000 98,090 1,212,430 1,379,310 231,210 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN . San F. and Los A. 12 I. W. Updike____ C. J . Cressey____ H. W. Sikes Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85 L ia b il it ie s . P aid- up {SURPLUS DeposAND P rofits G. A. Cressey____ W. T. Scoon_____ T), K, Young |JOHN H. BARTLE J. F. SARTORI— H. S. M’KEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 87 < First and oldest established bank. Unequalled fact lities for making (P rom p t atten tt on to all bankin Granite Savings Bank.. < § ’03 W. L. Hodges____ f!, Anderson 90-314 Monrovia Savings Bank<§’03 John H. Bartle___ W. A. Chess_____ M. H. Heilman 90-313 Montague...Siskiyou B 3 Montague BankingCo..<§’07 E. F . Reichman . . . Arthur Simon 90-636 Pop. 500 H. A. Church____ H. A. Church, J r . . Montebello, LosAngelesI 7 90-747 Pop. 400 T. J . Field_______ M, M. Gragg . Monterey..Monterey G 4 90-257 Pop. 4923 T A Work . ... . T, TV T,aeey........... First National Bank___»$’04 90-258 T. .T Field _ _ M. M. Gragg_____ Monterey Savings Bank.i§’l l 90-700 G. R. Lynch_____ Morgan H ill..Santa Clara Bank of Morgan H ill_*i§ ’06 Pop. 800 D9 90-637 Mountain Yiew___Santa Farmers & Merch.State Bank George Swall......... J . S. Mockbee........ 90-638 < § ’05 Clara..Pop. 1161—.D 9 W. P. Wright_____ First National B a n k ___< ’13 90-778 S, M, flhapman *Napa.............—Napa E 3 Pop. 5791 90-226 First National Bank— < ’04 H. P. Goodman___ J . A. McClelland... 90-228 C. M. Sm ith_____ E. Z. Hennessey . . 90-225 t§’58 E. L. B ickford __ D-A-Hnnla.p 90-227 National City.San Diego National City State Bank E. Willoughby____ T. R. Palmer_____ Pop. 2500 K 8 90-753 <§T2 Peoples National Bank _ < ’09 E. M. F ly ................ J . A. McCune____ 90-639 Needles—San Bernardino BANK OF NEEDLES— < § ’05 90-323 Pop. 3500 I 11 Monaghan&MurphyBk. < § ’05 90-324 »Nevada City .Nevada D 5 Pop. 2689 90-366 Nevada County B a n k ..< § ’01 90-367 Bank of Newcastle____ t§’03 Pop. 503 C A L IF O R N IA M a p o n In d e x As s ’t Cash ier . Cashier . 33,500 3,080 71,230 96,840 78,000 Chase N., N. Y.; IstN ., LosA. 278,740 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. Han. N., N- Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and AngloCal. Tr. Co., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 9,450 Am. N., San F.; Sacramento Valley Bk. &Tr. CO., Sacramento. B a n k s A d v e rtis in g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n to Collections an d Correspondence A T A __4 - ;* .____ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Modesto to Newcastle_____________ July, 1915 ‘ Modesto..Stanislaus F 4 Farmers & Merch. Bk.-«t§’03 W. A. Harter____ 90-296 Pop. 7500 ( W. N. STEELE — FIRST NATIONAL BARK<’84 \ Affiliated with t 90— 294 ( Specially equip J . R. Broughton... 90-293 Modesto Savings Bank— §’05 J . R. Broughton... 90-297 Sec. Sav.Bk. of Stanislaus Co. W. A. Harter____ 90-298 t§'03 ..... Union Savings Bank___t§’89 f!. D Syran90-295 C. B. easier______ Moneta...Los Angeles 1 7 90-635 Pop. 500 Monrovia...Los Ang. 1 8 American Nat’l B a n k ._ .< ’05 W. L. Hodges_____ 90-315 Pop. 5000 A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 CALIFO RN IA—Continued to e Ï?, T own and a c h a n k N o w Transit N um ber given Bankers* MSäfeSiZ b7 .2?»® Hand-M cN ally V ice -Pr esid e n t . P r esid en t . 1 Bank of Newman < § ’03 E. S. Wangenheim. 90-506 First National Bank .•’10 J . N. Stnhr 90-507 B First National Bank........< ’06 L. H. Wallace____ ■90-641 Niles State Bank______ $§’06 August MaV 90-642 Ojai State B a n k ______ »§’07 Felix W. Ew ing... 90-643 Bank of Norwalk..........$§’06 J . W. Tnman 90-644 Novato Bank _________ $§13 J . B. Burdell . 90-798 e— Stanislai Pop. 1800 Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . J.H . Elfers W. W. Giddings__ E. R. Dixon____ Jose Alves W. J . Burris___ F. P. Gomes, J r — R esources. Ca sh &Ex* c*t s . B onds , S e c u r ities 25.000 3,500 80,000 75,000 C. Evans_____ 25,000 1,170 124,340 94,550 A. Camarillo E. L. Wiest____ F. Coulon_____ D. W. Horst— H. Rudolff _____ G. 40.000 7,000 175,000 177,300 P. E. Robérts—.... 25.000 12,000 125.000 125.000 35,000 Secur. N., Los A. 25,000 2,000 750,000 80,000 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N. and Union Tr. Co., San F. 50.000 6,500 90,000 90,000 30,300 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F. 100,000 25.000 375,000 435.000 , 60.000 5,000 325,000 325.000 105.000 3,700 212,000 255,000 36,620 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F . 50.000 6,000 300,000 300,000 55,000 Liberty N„ N. Y.; 1st N., San F. D. Morrison . A. J . Mount_____ E. D. Bothwell____ 1.000.000 G. C. Humphrey P. E. Otey 500.000 H. C. Sagehorn_ M. R. Bronner.. L. R. Robertson. . . J . E. Spafford__ R . F . Thurston George S. Meredith F . C. Martens___ ST. Eccleston, Cash, an d Sec. i. Thomson, A.S. C.Caldwell,A.Sec !. L. Silveira, ________ Mgr. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Mabel R. Isenberg »FIRST NATIONAL BANK P. E. Bow les__. . . L. G. Burpee_____ S. H. Kitto_______ C. N. Walter___ 90-3 < ’75 W. B. Campbell First Savings B an k ___< § ’08 P. E. Bowles_____ Geo. D. Metcalf— 0 . D. Jacoby___ J . F . Lange____ 90-15 L. G. Burpee J . S. Burpee, Jr. Fugazi Banca Popolare OpL. G. Bonzagni, G. W. Bruno___ eraialtal. 90-18 - $ § ’<*7 0. F. Rilliet, Mors. »OAKLAND BK. OF SAVINGS W. W. Garthwaite. W. B. Dunning___ 90-1 < § ’67 Henry Rogers P rincipal Correspondents. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.: Ex. N., Long Beach, Cal. 12. 44,410 N. City, N. Y.: Crocker N., San F .; Cent. N., Oakland. 40,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Secur. N., Los A. W. L. Rodden W. Rodden______ E. D. Wilkinson . . L. F. Brichetto C. E. Rodden C. W. F o re ______ E. H. M. tannowe. Chas. Jargeus R. W. Westover... R. W. W estover... »CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK J . F . Carlston____ H. N. Morris____ 90-4 < ’09 R. M. Fitzgerald H. A. Mosher Central Savings Bank. «$§’91 J . F . Carlston____ R. M. Fitzgerald— 90-9 H. N. Morris Citizens Bank of Fruitvale F. J . Schultz _ J . M. Carr_______ Ml 90-11 < § ’06 ♦Farmers & Merch. Sav. Bk. Edson F . Adams... S. B. McKee_____ 90-5 < § ’92 changes ,D ue from B an ks . $ 100.000 $ 57,160 $ 684,040 $ 702,770 $ 138,670 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 50,000 18,500 333,000 329,000 34,500 1st N., N .Y. and San F . 12. W. K. Parkinson.. Max R. Wallace___ W. W. White____ First National B a n k ___< ’04 E. Rodden_______ W. L. Rodden . . . . . W. Rodden______ E. D. Wilkinson 90-486 L. F. Brichetto C. E. Rodden Portuguese-American Bank 90-20 §14 L ia b i l i t i e s . P aid-tjp Surplus DeposAND Capital Ii S Profits F. B. Granger COMMERCIAL STATE BANK M. J . Nightingale.. D. A. Guernsey . . . . W. A. Sayler........... C. E. Wood. 90-750 < § ’12 Stanislaus Co. Sav. Bank.§’05 E. Rodden_______ 90-487 ¿Oakland__Alameda F 3 Bank of Commerce____$§’07 E. M. Gibson____ Pop. 183,002 90-14 Bank of Fruitvale < § ’06 C. L. Tisdale. 90-12 A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race,! etc», see page 14, F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. C A L I F O R N I A — C ontinued 25.000 100.000 N. City. N. Y.; Coni. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. X12. 50,000 1st N. and 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F. 653,480 8,571,970 9,308,970 2,003,560 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. X I 2. 352,000 10900 000 9,500,000 1,550,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 23,430 276,580 205,380 189,500 17,790 1,869,000 1,791,320 500,000 140,000 3,000,000 2.825.000 500,000 78,000 4,110,000 3,750,000 (B ran ch o f S an F ran cis co, Cal.) 76,410 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. 274,570 International, N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., San F. 705,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Park and Chase N., N. Y,: C6rn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N. and'Anglo & Lon., Paris N., San F.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 12. 366,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Am. N., San F. Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. CALIFORNIA BANKS—Newman to Oakland >rt Beach _.( Pop.885 --------Alan« Pop. 1800 3ff— Yentu Pop. 400 Ik.Los Ange Pop. 400 •______ Mar Pop. 400 b Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv 1 Est. County. ¿County Seats. Pop. 1400 * July, 1915 OC 85 Samuel B reck ____ 1,150,000 1,716,210 24145330 23688270 3:323,260 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Wells Leslie Rice Fargo-Nev. N., and Crocker N., San F.; Lon F. A. Allardt don City & Midland, Ltd., Lon. A. W. Moore (B ran ch o f S an F ran cis co, Cal. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. H. C. CAPWELL — S. E. BIDDLE-------- CHAS. A. SMITH — J. R. WESTDAHL E. M. FARRELL 'SECURITY BANK M o d e m , P r o g r e s s iv e , an d w ith a m p le f a c i l i t i e s f o r h a n d lin g ali b u s i n e s s e n t r u s t e d to u s . 90-7 D i r e c t it e m s r e m it te d f o r p ro m p tly . (O akland B an ks contin ued on next pag e) <§'03 T o u r i s t s c o r d ia lly w e lc o m e d . 420,240 93,490 1,547,960 1,554,900 249,330 Irving N.» N. Y .; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . ' 1 C A L I F O R N I A M a p on In d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For SA FETY and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. B, exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority o f The A m erican B an kers Ass’n. Na m e T own and Co u n t y , ¿County Seats. of ¿Oakland___Alameda F 3 ★ State Savings Bank -•í§’93 90-6 (Continued) Twenty-Third Ave. Bank §’09 90-17 ★ Western Commercial & Saw ings Bank.90-8—------*i§'07 Oakland Clearing House— (M embers in d icated by a ★ ) R esources. Li a b i l i t i e s . B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State $Mem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, Law s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued P resid en t . R. J . McMullen— V i c e -P r e s i d e n t D , Kinsell— — Cash ier . As s ’t Cashier . . R. J . McMullen—— S. C. Bennetts. P a id - u p S u r p l u s C a p it a l P raonfdi t s D epo s it s L oans & D is- Ca sh & E x *t s . B onds , changes ,D ue from B anks . S ec u r it ie s P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 100,000 $ 194,580 $1081850 $1093910 $ 182,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 52,410 N. Park, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 65,000 Seab. N , N Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F.; Ft. Sutter N., Sacramento. 8,580 232,620 212,720 130,000 2,600 250,000 300,000 50.000 10,000 322,530 396,320 39,160 N. City, N .Y .: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 12. 66.000 6,000 160,000 180,000 36,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Anglo-Cal. Tr, Co., San F. F . E. Royston___ W. O. Bender------- G. A. Neilson..— P. J . Dudley H. J . Franklin.._ J . L. Mathews____ L. J . Wickham__ 89,500 19,500 485.000 515.000 67,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Am. N., San F, 25.000 10,020 159.000 93,140 43,190 Chase N., N.Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.; Am.N., San F M. J . Bruce______ 25.000 8,500 130.000 130.000 G. B. Harding----- H. O. Chapman__ G. N. Knox 75,000 39,250 618,980 443,000 267,900 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 12. E. J. SANDFORD— ( J. R. POLLOCK - W. A. FREEM IRE- GEO. A. McCREA GE0. A. McCREA ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK ] Prom pt atten ti on to Collectio ns. Personal pr esentation and 90-290 »i’l l ( quick retu r ns. Real Estate. We negotiate loans. 50,000 3,500 437,480 239,170 210,870 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. Paul and San F.; Citiz. N ., Los A. X 12. 50.000 25.000 250.000 298.000 57.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mereh. N.. Los A. 12. 100,000 53,950 444,610 481,790 25.000 22.000 275.050 316,300 162,490 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Am. N.. SanF. X12, 21,580 N. Bk. of Orange, Orange. Cal. C. A. Brown-------- E. R. Dudley____ W. K. Sparks_____ E. R. Arner --- ----A. G. Taft W. W. Garthwaite. L. G. Burpee_____ G. E. Sleeper, Mgr. G. S. Meredith.Sec. Oak Park___Sacramento (See S acram en to) Pop. 6000 B 10 Oceanpark —Los Angeles First National Bank------»’05 E. J . Vawter, J r . . • 90-335 Pop. 3119 17 H. R. Gage „ R. B. Harris R. B. Harris. Adam Patterson.. Merchants Commercial & Savings Bk.—90-334—•$§’! ! S.A . Gerard. R. E. Kuhns. Ocean Park Bank — —»t§’02 T. H. Dudley......... 90-333 Oceanside.San Diego J 8 First National Bank........»$'05 E. E. Witter_____ 90-528 Pop. 673 Ontario—San Bernardino Euclid Savings B an k ...»$§’11 H. E. Swan______ 90-289 Pop.6000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •£ 02 George Chaffey— 90-288 Orange_____ Orange J 8 F irst National B ank.— « i’06 W. D. Granger — 90-351 Pop. 4000 National Bank of Orange*t’86 D. C. Pixley.— — 90-349 Orange Savings Bank ..$§’06 P. W. Ehlen........— 90-350 Security Savings B a n k ..§’07 W. D. Granger. — 90-352 Orland—......... Glenn D 3 Bank of Orland______ «t§’87 G. A. Barceloux—. 90-512 Pop. 1500 First National Bank *$’13 E. E. Martin.!____ 90-788 Orland Savings Bank — §’11 G. A. Barceloux 90-513 Orosi................ Tulare G 7 National Bank ofOrosi—»$’13 H. J . MacKenzie.. 90-646 Pop. 300 ¿Oroville____ Butte D 4 Bank of Oroville Savings§’92 S. C. Lillis_______ 90-303 Pop..3859 Bank of Rideout,Smith & Co Phebe M. Rideout. 90-769 »$§’66 First National Bank___»$’03 S. C. Lillis 90-302 Rideout Smith Nat’l Bk.«$’66 Phebe M. Rideout. 90-301 Owensmouth.LosAngeles State Bank of Owensmouth R. J . Whitley____ 90-822 *§’14 12 Oxnard____ Ventura 1 6 Bank of A. Levy, Inc..»i§’02 A. L ev y ------------90-372 Pop. 3000 F irst National Bank___»$’99 Charles Donlon— 90-371 A. H. Rose_______ H ,S . Abbott . . — A. M. Chaffey H. E. Swan D. F. Campbell — Number under Vìi.« E. W. Bolinger— F. L. Ainsworth . . J . R. P o r te r ......... F. M. Gulick. N. T. Edwards M. O. Ainsworth.. J . R. Porter........— 10,500 1stN„ Ontario, Cal.; Citiz. N., Los A. 12. E. W. Bolinger___ 25.000 7,500 180.000 165.000 50,600 1st N.. Orange. Cal.%Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. H. J . Barceloux... W. E. Scearce.___ 50.000 11,000 230.000 230.000 31.000 Cal. N., Sacramento; 1st N.. San F. J . J . Flaherty------ 25.000 10,560 121,670 144,200 O. K. Wilson.. W. E. Scearce— — 25.000 3,800 80,000 100.000 29,820 N. City, N.Y.; N .Bk. Rep., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N A., San F. X 12. 6,650 Union Tr. Co. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F O. C. Goodin W. V. Andrews.... H. L. Andrews.—.. 25.000 4,230 102,790 90,320 C. W. Putnam----- 30.000 12,880 221,540 243,680 21,930 1st N., San F.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Oakland. Dunning Rideout—. L. L. Green............. F. W. Eilerman . . L. L. Green W. W. Gingles — C. W. Putnam— 30.000 14,750 365,410 367,180 40,240 N. Park, N. Y.; Mtle. N.. San F. 50.000 52,380 504.050 474,390 574, 832,470 D. F. Campbell— W. W.Gmgles- — Dunning Rideout— L. L. Green______ F. W. Eilerman . . . L. L. Green M. H. Sherman---- J . L.-Waring_____ R. J . Wigdal.-----O. J . Wigdal J . Leonard_______ Alpha Adams____ A. Guedemann___ 300.000 39,450 40.000 1,000 200.000 285,000 G. E. Hume_____ H. P. Speer---------- 250,000 82,000 700.000 900.000 25.000 52,000 332.000 370.000 Fiank P e tit.............. O xn ard Sav in gs B a n k —.§ ’04 T . A. R ic e _________ Charles D o n lo n ..:. 1 90-373 C A L IF O R N IA M a p on In d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. A. Davis. G. E. Hume_____ 35,000 41,000 950.000 1,225,000 28,830 N. Park N. Y.: 1st N., San F. 12, 88.870 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N ., San F. X 12. 122,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Mtle. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 12. 15.000 Chase N., N .Y .; Crocker N., San F.; Home Sav., Los A. 205.000 Han. N ., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 12 120.000 Irving N ., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. 40.000 Los A. T r. & Sav., Los A.: 1st N., Oxnard. B a n k s A d v e rtisin g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n to C o llectio n s an d C o rresp o n d en ce i f D nMl , CALIFORNIA BANKS—Oakland to Oxnard_______________ July, 1915 25.000 B. F. Edwards...~ C. F. Montgomery. C. F. Montgomery. Ç/VL 1 F O H N 1 A M a p on in d e x b > a i i i \ a /-\ u v v i L i a i i i ^ ^ i v v Town and County. ¿County Seats. I Name op v itip c n tL v u tiu u Lia b il it ie s . P resident . VICE-PRESinENT. Pacific Grove .Monterey Bank of E. Cooke Smith E. C. Smith_____ Pop. 2500 G3 90-387 < ¡’89 Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . C. D. Smith___ G. R. Parkinson .. C. D. M arx______ H. F. Congdon___ J. F. Prior.____ — P. McDowell M. A. Buchan John Dudfield____ C. E. Jordan ____ D. W. Buchan — J. F . Hayhurst___ 1. N. Parlier___. . . W. J . Lohman____ H. P.Higginbotham W. H. Hubbard— C. W. Durand____ F. J. KennetL____ H. T. Hazard W. C. Watson C. A. Goodyear___ R. C. Davis..____ TT. F t Allen E. J . Pyle * M“CB0""EU T- w-SMITH--- n i l 1 L. Ui\i ich airm ari o fB o a r d . 90-63 < ’8 C a p i t a l a n d S u r p l u s $ 3 4 8 , 7 6 0 . S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n to v i s ito r s . L e t t e r s o f C r e d it a n d T r a v e le r s C h e c k s c a s h e d - NAT’L BANK c. np R M n E N A L Ul " IP ao f c iA B B U B T * W.It.SCOVILLE State Bank of Pasadena t§’07 W. M. Eason 90-72 H. I. STUART— ‘UNION NAT. BANK' 90-73 < ’08 I R. E ason ______ _ Frank W. H ill, -E.H. GROENENDYKE H. L. M0UATC. J. HALL R. STAATS CO ... 355,990 WM. R. STAATS— FRANK C. MONROE -B. G. McMECHEN, LLOYD R. MACY, _ _ Tr. n See. P a c if ic C o a s t S e c u r it ie s J . B. Coulston 1 w o l/ u u u v i i v v Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 59,140 N- Bk. Com., N.Y.; Crocker N., San F. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N. San F. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. 54.170 0 723,010 60.000 18.000 0 520,000 206,430 Han. N., N. Y.1 Mérch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. Crocker N. and 1st N., San F. 76,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F x 12. 20,600 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., San F., Fresno, and Los A. 12 130,000 Bk. of Cai. N- A., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. 25.000 7,020 0 114,310 300.000 20,000 0 371,000 200.000 13,000 711,0000 748,000 177,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 111. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Citiz. N. Los A.: Mtle. N., San F. 148,760 3 1,779,060 YOUR B 5 INVITED 620,370 Chase N., N .'Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. B k . of C al., Los A .; 1st N., San F , 12, 200,000 -E-J-mE... I E f f i r • 300,000 20,000 2,400,000 2,300,000 475,000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y .; N. Bk. Rep., 1st. N., and Corn. Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Bos.; Am. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and 1st N., San F .; Citiz. N., Los A. 12. 200,000 166,810 2,474,970 100,000 10,130 599,600 90,010 i. City, N. Y. and Chi.; Crocker N., San F. Secur. N.,Los A. 12 25,000 15,300 168,600 39,890 1st N., N. Y.: Union N., Pasadena. 100,000 -•’87 M u n ic ip a l, P u b lic S e r v i c e a n d F i r s t M o r t g a g e C o r p o r a t io n B o n d s . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 50.000 E s p e c i a l f a c i l i t i e s fop m e e tin g th e b an kin g r e q u ir e m e n t s o f t r a v e l e r s in S o u t h e r n C a lif o r n ia . (Pasadena Clearing House- W. H. Vedder— ( Members in d icated by a * ) w ui 278,510 N. Bk. Cal., Los A. ’ • ’ -W. H. MAGEE H. P. THAYER UNION TRUST & SAV. BK. H. I; Stu art........... C. J . Hall________ H. L. M o u at____ W. H. Magee_____ 90-66 < § ’95 E. H. Groenendyke H. P. Thayer S. Washburn CALIFORNIA Map on Index 33,700 I n u n U M irt \ , The Largest Capital of any National Bank in the City. 90-71 «f i l l Collections a Specialty. Prompt atten tion to all Banking M atters. Pasadena Trust & Savings Bk. A. E. Edwards___ John McDonald— H. A. Doty, G. H. Wood, A. Tr, 90-67 < § ’01 W. H. Vedder Sec. a n d Tr. C hairm an o f B o a r d. W. D. Lacey, Tr. Off. ♦SECURITY NAT. BANK~<12 E. H. May . — . . . . . H. I. Drummond.. N. E. Macbeth____ E. C. May............... 90-74 u u u 0 $ 165,710 $ 66,360 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N San F. (B ran ch o f L a n e ‘FIRST NAT’L BK iiiui 50.000 & Ca sii E x changes ,D ub from B anks . L oans & D tsc*t s . B onds, S e c u r ities (B ran ch o f Saw t Crown City Trust & Savings J. B. Coulston.— Bank.__ 90-69.____ < § ’05 1 R esources. SURPLUS P a id - u p and C a p it a l P r o f i t s $ 50,000 $ 11,160 0. S. Trim mer___ C. D. Henry__ . . . . F. H. Gonzalves— William Bontadelli BANK OF PACIFIC GROVE 90-388 < § ’04 v u iiw v l iu ü o A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, Grace, e tc., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13, C A L I F O R N I A — Continued B ank IjMena. Am. B k s.A ssn . §stat< tM em .S ta te B k s . A ssn .tP riv , ___________ E s t! Palmdale, Los Angeles 1 7 Antelope Valley Bank— .§ ’15 90— 833 Palms— Los Angeles 17 Citizens State Bank__ §12 Pop. 250 90-732 Palo Alto.Santa Clara D 8 Bank of Palo Alto___ < § ’92 Pop. 6000 90-278 First National Bank . . . . < ’04 90-279 Parlier........... Fresno G 6 First National Bank___< 1 2 Pop. 1000 90-713 Pasadena.Los Angeles 1 7 ♦Citizens Savings Bank.J§l2 Pop. 40*880 90-75 lu 99,500 2.498,580 1,833,440 954,520 12. 425,000 600,000 97,030 2,726,390 2,702,470 300,000 July, 1915_____________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Pacific Grove to Pasadena to^ach1banklif?,dfTr §raf “ e1ö f,B a,n k is the New Transit Num ber given 8o--------7 D ™ i£5£!3ai® 10. u- S. exclusively by The Band-M cN ally B an kers’ irectory, u n d e r th e au th ority of The A m erican Ban kers Ass’n . i t i 551,450 ........... . Ï (Invest m ent B ankers a n d B rok ers). & Mchtâ. N., Los A. Staats Co., Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. R. C. Davis, Sec. an d Tr. For SA FETY and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) oq oo Number under Ñame of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Oounty. *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. R esources. Lia b i l it ie s . N a m e op B a n k . T own Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace» oo e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 CALIFORNIA—Continued P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . A. W eb ster Paso Robles___San Luis Citizens B a n k ---- 1-----« tl’93 w ft "Rinnp it . . 90-456 Obispo.Pop. 1441—_H 5 Js11bl diHOllul DdillK. Av W . T. Summers___ R. C. Heatnn 90-457 A s s ’t C a s h i e r . A. Pflster .............. W . A. Johnson — J . Haabesland F, a W etvel Depos its & &Ex Loans Dis- Cash c’t s . B onds , changes ,D ue S e c u r ities from B anks P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 61.800 $ 16,790 $ 414,150 $ 395,570 $ 97,160 Knauth; Nachod& Kuhne, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Anglo-Cal. Tr., Co., S a n F .; Citiz. N., Los A. 46,000 N. City, N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. 5,000 175,000 120,000 25,000 of Cal, N. A., San F.; Mchts. N., Los A. X 12. 34,500 3,000 120,000 110,000 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 25,000 6,250 70,000 91,000 35,000 N. City, N. Y.; Com’l N., Los A.; 1st N., River side. 100,000 60,920 1,224,050 1,235,490 149,480 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . 200.000 42,000 1,100,000 1,251,000 252,000 N. City, N. Y.; Crocker N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. 100,000 51,770 250.000 50,000 1,225,000 1,235,000 400,000 173,310 1,007,930 1,672,960 844,530 957,3.90 37,990 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 175,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 128,570 Chase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi., Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. x 12. 103,630 Chase N.„ N. Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F.; Cent. N. Oakland. 50,000 50,210 543,070 539,660 Miss N. Canevaro— 50,000 20,000 330,000 325,000 70,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Italian-Am., San F. E. C. Hazzard_____ J . E. Scott__________ 30,000 4,000 150,000 115,000 39,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Citiz. N., Los A, Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. B. Mierson_______ G. E. Wentworth.. 50,000 58,550 370,280 403,360 75,470 Citiz.-Cent. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F. Planada......... Merced F 5 Bank of Planada ....................§’12 J . C. Cunningham- J . H. Wolfsen____ 90-723 Pop. 200 Amador Valley Sav. Bk. .§’13 H. P. Mohr _________ C. A. Case __________ Claude Smallwood- J . C. Mendonca___ Pleasanton—Alameda C 9 90-790 Pop. 1254 Bank of Pleasanton— »t§’93 T. W. Harris---------- C. H. Schween____ E. L. Benedict-------- T . H. Silver 90-466 Claude Smallwood. J . C. Mendonca— First National Bank --------1'10 H. P. Mohr-------------- n. A. Case ___ 90-467 P. W. Haggreen__ J . H. Halliday____ Point Arena..Mendocino Bank of Point Arena— 1§’05 J . C. Halliday___... n. F . O’Brien 90-649 Pop. 497 25,000 1,680 53,430 57,330 25,000 1,770 82,370 102,420 25,000 30,640 390,270 377,690 68,220 Liberty N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. 25,000 1,500 133,490 168,970 15,820 1st N., San F. 25,000 3,190 82,440 80,970 Pinole..Contra Costa B 9 Bank of Pinole--------------»tS’05 E. M. Downer_____ J . B. Connors____ 90-648 Pop. 798 W. J . Buchanan... Pittsburg—-Contra Costa Contra Costa County Bank 90-553 »tS’04 Pop. 5000 B8 Placentia____Orange J 8 Placentia National Bank»t’l l A. S. Bradford-------90-702 Pop. 1500 B. Mierson______ A. Mierson Banking Co.«tl^l ‘ Placerville___ElDorado 90-422 Pop. 1914 E5 Point Reyes Sta.—.Marin Pop. 100 Pop. 12,202 L. E. H art.______ T. W. Hutchison— G . Tnrtarn (B ran ch o f Tom ales, Ca l . ) ------90-650 American National B k ..» t’91 90-178 R. M. Davis_____ J . P. Storrs______ H. H. Denny_____ F. C. Robinson First National Bank---- »t’86 Charles E. Walker. Chas. M. Sto n e.... W. A. Kennedy___ C. A. Steadman— 90-177 W. M T.nttin C. D. Baker______ Savings Bank of Pomona 90-179 *t§ 04 State Bk. of Pomona— »t§’06 A. C. Abbott_____ J . A. Gallup_____ E. R. Yundt_____ H. J . Vaniman____ L. S. Birdsall CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 150,000 22,770 Am. N., San F.: Home Sav., Los A. 6,800 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland, Cal. x 12 31,120 Crocker N., San F. J . & W. Seligman & Co., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon Paris N., San F. 405,000 145,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12 192,600 1.129,270 1,340,180 281,750 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,'Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Ist N., Los A. 12. 15,000 525.000 50,000 21,000 300,000 322,000 32,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Los A. 75,000 15,000 528,000 521,000 94,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Security N., Los A. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under N am « o lB s n k is the New T ran sit N um ber given Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- CALIFORNIA BANKS—Paso Robles to Pomona_____________ July, 1915 F. H. Paddock — Patterson.Stanislaus C 11 Bank of Patterson-------- »§’11 C. A. Sperry_____ J . P. Bernhard___ C. J . Carlson__. . . 90-696 Pop. 500 W. G. Stewart____ C. R. Stewart......... Perris____ Riverside J 8 Bank of Perris........... —- §’08 W. W. Stew art. . . . 90-647 Pop. 500 Chas. McNally — Petaluma___Sonoma E 3 California Savings B k ..t§ ’05 A. J . Bloom ..— . . W. F . Farrell____ J . H. Gwinn_____ 90-221 Pop. 6500 Petaluma National Bank.»’03 H. Schluckebier... Charles G. Martin. J . H. Gwinn________ U. H. Tomasini___ 90-220 Petaluma Sav. Bank — *i§’70 F . H. Denman — G. P. McNear. . . . . John Lawler, J r . . . A. P. Behrens-------R. W. Turner 90-219 R. Righetti — ........... W. R. Hall — ----Petaluma Swiss American Bk. Thomas M aclay... Joseph Bloom 90-222 •t§’10 Frank H. Denman W. T. Spridgen . . . Sonoma Co. Nat. Bank, .« t'66 Geo. P. M cN ear.. 17 A. M eyer John Lawler, J r . 90-218 Surplus P aid-up and Capital P rofits u A U r U K n iA map on inuex N T own and Coun ¿County Seats. ty. Portersville..Tulare H 7 Pop. 2696 am e op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . FIRST NATIONAL BANK«*’03 Wilko Mentz V ic e H P -P r e s id e n t . P arr 90-365 PIONEER BANK------------- < § ’89 90-364 Ca F. w s h ie r . Velie........... A s s 't Ca s h ie r . G. A. Williamson . . M. E. DeWitt A. G. Basye L ia b il it ie s . SU KPLU B D P a id - u p AND C a p it a i, P b o f it s $ 100.000 j E. L. SCOTT___ W. H. SHRY-------- J. F. WRIGHT ] ( First and Oldest Established Bank. Collections have the personal attention of an officer of this bank. SEND US YOUR BUSINE SS. P GAFVFRT E. E. RIDGWAY 105,000 $ 120.000 $ R epo s- eso u rc es. & L oans D isc ’t b . B onds , Securities 900.000 $ 950.000 Cash ScE x vrox B anks $ P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., St. P. and Los A. 12. 35.000 420.000 420.000 70,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San Francisco. W , A. Y e r x a F , M , P o rfe r 60,000 10,000 75,000 125,000 2 0 ,0 0 0 Puente__Lós Angeles 1 3 First National Bank____< ’10 Marco H. Heilman. 90-651 Pop. 500 G, F . Pm $s . Howard R. Link__ Louis Hi Didier__ 25,000 9,000 180,000 160,000 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merck. N ., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. ¿Quincy____ Plumas D 5 Plnmas County Bank—<§'03 90-652 Pop. 900 P. J E. Huskinson____ J. 25.000 9,400 174,510 163,540 28,630 N. City. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento; Washoe Co.,Reno,Nev. Ramona___San Diego E 5 State Bank of Ramona__ §'11 90-698 Pop. 800 6. 25.000 1,800 45,580 52,660 Princeton__ Colusa D 3 Pop. 300 Bank of Princeton____<§'12 T. Harrington 90-737 A ccessible T ow ns, L aw y ers, L a m , D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest ItateS, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued T .e e F . Spooner_____ A. Davidson___ W. E. Woodward . . R. K. Williams ¿Red Bluff__Tehama C 3 Bank of Tehama County___ W. B. Cahoone___ 90-321 < § ’74 Pop. 3530 300,000 E r le G an s Red Bluff National Bk. . < ’11 T. H. Ramsay____ Alden Anderson__ S. W. Murdock___ 90-711 G. H. Kraft ¿Redding____Shasta C 3 First Sav. Bank of Shasta Co. 90-717 §12 Pop. 3572 A . F . S m it h F re d . D erseh Northern Cal. N at.Bank<’80 N. B. Frisbie____ R. M. Saeltzer____ 90-316 F , T,, H a ile y . E . C . F r i s h i e .. . .. Redding National Bank. .»’11 Alden Anderson__ C. W. Leininger__ E. L. Bailey______ 90-703 Redding Savings Bank .t§ ’10 N. B. Frisbie_____ W. D. Tillotson— 90-317 Redlands. San Bern'dino Pop. 12,856 19 Redondo Beach..Los An geles..Pop 4000____J 7 ¿Redwood City .SanMateo Pop. 2442 F 3 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 90-174 E. C. Frisbie_____ A. G. HUBBARD- c . s . McWhorter AUSTINT. PARK— WALDO 0’KELLY- < ’06 1 Collections give n prompt atten ti on and rem itted on day of 11,120 Am. N. and Southern Tr. & Sav., San Diego. 575,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 100.000 5,380 323,580 513,130 64,490 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N.A., San F. X 12. 75,000 22,000 718,750 6 8 8 ,0 0 0 102,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Capital N., Sacramento; Red ding N., Redding. 100,000 22,810 405,210 100,000 12.920 512,070 475,920 - 77,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A, and Crocker N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 12. 615.210 144,790 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N,, Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . X 12. 50,000 3,240 432,420 431,410 57,990 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and 1st N., San F .; Cal. N., Sacramento. 200,000 125,000 550.000 650.000 125,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., SanF.: Citiz.N. and 1st N., Los A. 12. 853,000 998,000 223,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Los A. X 12. pay m ent. First National Bank ____ < ’87 F. P. Morrison . . . Jno. P. Fisk ________ F. W. Sinclair____ S. R. Hemingway— 90-171 Edw. M. Cope 150,000 134,000 Redlands National B k ..< ’87 90-170 Savings Bk.of Redlands<§’91 90-172 Union Savings-Bank__< § ’04 90-173 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 90-346 < ’02 First National Bank___< ’06 90-347 Redondo Savings B ank..§’06 90-348 First National Bank___< ’91 90-374 Redwood City Com’l Bank 90-377 < § ’04 San Mateo County Sav. Bk. 90-375 *§’04 Sav. & Loan Co. of San Mateo Co.— -90-376_____ $§’04 H. H. Ford _________ M. M. Phinney____ B. W. Cave*■-________ G, F , S i i e h p r Wm. F . Boland .T nh n P F i^ lr , S. Williams. Sec.„ W. B. Johnson, Edward M. Cope A . Sec. H.H . Ford______ E. M. Lyon____— H. W . P a v e Thos. A. Ogden... M. M. Phinney J . A. Graves________ P. S. Venable_____ E. C. Heath_____ •T. F .. D u ffy H. B. Ainsworth Marco H. Heilman. J . B. Mullen. G. H. Anderson___ C. E. Perkins____ W. J.H ess N. Bonfilio...____ L. F . Wells______ G. H. Anderson___ P , F , P e r lr in s ! 150.000 230,000 1,000,000 25,000 6,400 92,000 99,350 J . L. Ross_______ P. P. Chamberlain. 102,800 228,530 407,790 579,270 E. F. Fitzpatrick.. M. F . X. Havanaugh D. W. Williams___ F. E. Fitzpatrick__ 62,875 7,700 110,730 151.260 L. P. Behrens____ A. D. Walsh_____ E. R. Whitehead__ 50,000 77,300 672,400 724,330 57,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. E. F. Fitzpatrick.. M. F . X. Kavanaugh D. W. Williams, Tr. J . P. Weller, S e e ... 25,850 3,300 230,000 192,000 29,000 Crocker N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j H T,, S m i t h 235.000 1.600,000 1.640.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. F. P. Morrison____ 850,000 200,000 N. Parkv N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N..Chi. 50.000 48,330 626,860 589,210 111,360 1st N.. Redlands, Cal. 115,000 Redlands N., Redlands. Cal. 50.000 55,000 700,000 675,000 50,000 15,000 210.000 255,870 25.000 11,750 190,000 215,000 12. July, 1915__________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Portersville to Redwood City N um ber under N am * of B a n k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. 37,680 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,San F .; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12. 31,000 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N. and 1st N., Los A,; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San If. 12. 11,720 Merch. N., Los A.; Union Tr. Co., SanF. ? 227,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lstN ..C hi.;lstN .,San F.; Bk. of Montreal. London. 12. 28,320 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Crocker N., San F. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Num ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B an d -M cN ally B a n k e rs’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . N T own and am e of B an k A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, <£> e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 O 'r 'n n t i n i i o i i L ^ O I l l lI lU C U . L •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem. StateBks.Assn.tPriY. Est. Coun ty. ¿County Seats. p a T T P n D M T A L r i l j i r U Iv lN I/V P r e s id e n t . V IC E -P R E S ID E N T . Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . ia b il it ie s P a id - u p C a p it a l Su rplu s P and r o f it s R . D epo s it s eso u rc es. & & L oans D is- Ca sh E x c ’ t s . B onds , changes ,D ue from B an k s . S ec u r it ie s P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect, System. Reedley...__Fresno G 6 First National Bank___«t’07 J . J . Eymann. . . . . . . H. F . Winnes ...._ D. C. Krehbiel____ R R e r jjt h n lr i $ 25,000 $ 27,000 $ 200,000 % 180,000 $ 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. Pop. 2000 00-419 N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 12. William Larsen •* .........its Reedley National Bank.«t’07 25,000 28,000 280,000 12. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F. Andrew Winter___ Marion Deneen___ G. B. Huebert. . . . . 245,000 90-420, R. H. Rasmussen Rialto ...S a n Bernardino First National Bank___»t’07 E: D. Roberts......... T. Moffatt_______ Pop. 2000 H9 Kenneth MacRae 90-653 C. S. Downing___ _ W. K. Cole— __ r. E . A lle n C. E. Worden____ L. D, Dimm______ C. J . Crary_______ A. .T. Heald C. J . Crary L. J . Youncè B. H. Griffins R ,.T . T y s o n W. L. Ballenger___ 0, E. Worden_____ L. D. Dimm______ C. J . Crary---------- A. J . Heald___ C. J . Crary ,.«t§’04 Ti. P. I.arsen Rio Vista____Solano B 9 Bank nf Vista Peter Hamilton___ J . W. Hamilton.__ Pop. 884 90-654 First.Natiorial Bank___< 1 5 A. J . McKinnon... .Tt T . h r m y r i W. L . Brown_____ 90-831 Ripon..San Joaquin C 11 Bank of Ripon..............»$§’10 Pop. 350 90-655 O. E sen p ar H . T,. D i c k e y T. Frederick B . T,. S h a r p e A. R. Magruder Rivera— Los Angeles 17 Rivera State Bank _____ t§’10 L . W. Houghton— F. H. Tieskoetter Pop. 300 90-656 Riverbank Stanislaus C11 First National B a n k ___»i’13 R. W. Hobart J . W. W alker___ C . R , P r e s s ! e y Pop. 800 90-802 Riverdale — Fresno G 6 First National Bank .1—» f l l J . B. Lewis______ L. E . Gobby______ A. D. McKean____ W. Becker_______ Pop. 400 90-709 *Riverside.Riverside J 8 Pop. 18,297 S. H. HERRICK " M. 1 «* ' 3 FIRST RATIONAL BANK-«i 85 E. S. Moulton..j..— J . A. Simms — ______ - ■ .. J | ! , 245.000 44,000 Han. N.,N . Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., SanF.; 1st N., Los A. 12. 50,000 6,500 275,000 265,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 100,000 22,000 425,000 480,000 103,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F. 50,000 13,890 365.000 313,000 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. 50,000 6,580 430,000 460,000 30,020 1st N., San F . and Richmond. 100,000 25,000 500,000 518,000 25,000 2,500 81,000 51,000 85,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Am., N., San F. 64,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.. 1st N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O . Mills & Co., Sacramento. X 12. 25,000 4,070 146,060 110,280 57,960 ChaseN., N .Y .: 1 stN., San F . X 12. • 25,000 4,280 163,330 89,790 99,280 Irving N., N.Y.; Far. 25,000 2,500 41,210 43,750 25,000 3,000 100,000 106,000 14,170 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Los. A. and Fresno; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F , X ]2 . 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. and Los A. 12. 150,000 185,000 1,418,840 1,038,790 Prom pt att ention & 537,200 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., Nev. N., San F . Merch. N., Los A. C h i.; Wells Fargo12. and C. O. Evans M. Milice________ T . D . H nrd D. F . Yelzy H. F. Wilson 300,000 83,000 1,700,000 1,100,000 402,210 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 12. 355,230 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F.: Com’l N., Los A. 12. National Bank of Riverside W. W. Phelps____ H. A. Westbrook.. A. H. Brouse_____ 90-125 »t’06 R . S . Pad g e t 100,000 30,210 971,940 815,050 PEOPLES LOAN& TRUSTCO. J . C. Odell_______ J . C. Odell, 2V— K. D. Harger, Sec. 100,000 23,570 82,410 200,950 Riverside Savings Bank«t§’90 J . A. Simms_____ E . S . M n n lt n n 90-123 C. O, Evans Chas. E. W aite___ n. E . S m i t h ................. 100,000 34,570 1,188,000 1,149,800 Security Savings Bank«i§’07 S. H. Herrick____ W. B. Clancy......... W. T.Dinsmore___ Harry Conrad____ 90-126 C. H. Low 50,000 27,780 625,000 550,000 90,000 N. Park, 50,000 7,300 240,000 248,400 38,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Am. N., San F. Capital N., Sacramento. 90-127 £1 1 250,000 »$’02 90-122 » C. W. DERBY 26,500 J. TW0GO0D W. B. CLANCY CITIZENS NAT’L Send us your items and collections for Riverside and vici nity. rem ittance. Moderate charge. TRY US. BANK 90-124 Mt CHAS. H. LOW...... C E BROUSE 25.000 t§’13 Roseville • Placer E 4 Roseville Banking Co..< § ’06 90-657 Pop. 2608 Digitized forCFRASER a l if o r n ia Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .T A H ill Alden Anderson... T . H . •K e l s e y 5,040 Citiz. N., Riverside. 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence A c c e s s ib le T o w n s. L a w y e rs, Law s, D ire cto rs , in - CALIFORNIA BANKS— Reedley to Roseville______________ July, 1915 Richmond—Contra Costa Bank of Richmond——*:t§’02 Pop. 15,000 B9 90-202 •• First National Bank___»t’10 90-204 .. Mechanics Bank *$§’07 90-203 .. Richmond Savings Bank .§’11 90-205 E , M , r,f\sh Number under Name of Bank i s t h e New Transit Number g iv e n t o e a c h b a n k i n U. S. exclusively b y The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. ow n a n d Coun ty. ¿County Seats. of B ank L . «CALIFORNIA NAT. BANK 90-33 **’82 P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . W. E. Gerber------- G. W. Peltier. G. A. White California Savings Bankt§’13 W. E. Gerber— — G. W. Peltier, G. A. White 90-39 Ca s h ie r . As s 't Ca s h ie r . ia b il it ie s P a id - u p C a p it a l Su rplu s F. W. Kiesel____ E. A. Brown_____ $1000 000 F . L. Martin J . I. Brunschwiler 100,000 F. W. Kiesel_____ E. A. Brown_____ F. L. Martin J . I. Brunschwiler «CAPITALNATIONALBK.»ill Alden Anderson— F. W. Biewener. . . W. W. Bassett------ F . W. Biewener, Jr. 200,000 p r o f it s R . D e po s it s eso u rc es. f/OANg & DlS- Cash & E x c ’t s . B onds , changes ,D ue from B anks S e c u r ities FORT SUTTER NATIONAL BANK 90-36 •’05 R. M. Richardson. M. K. Crowell____ P. J . Shieldsl J. H. STEPHENS- G. S. BULLOCK rr espo n d en ts. 59,100 1,218,190 1,222,530 146,9101 Mtle. N., San F.: Cal. N., Sacramento. 64,000 1,952,000 1,600,000 616,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.,,Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N-, San F . 12. 2,100 76,000 88,000 10,200 Capital N., Sacramento. 350.000 42,390 1,875,430 1,761,600 289,510 N. City and N. Park.N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F . 200.000 80,000 2,500,000 2,160,000 400,000 Irving N., N. Y .; F t. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., Crocker N., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N ., San F .; N. Bk. Com ., Seattle. 12. 500.000 967,790 4,389,050 5,618,200 We respectfully soliclt your busi ness, offering effl cient service, absolute safe ty and square tre atm en t. PLACE US ON YOUR MAILING LIST OPPOSITE SACRAMENTO. T. D. Littlefield. C. C. Cotter S. Nakatani........ J . E. Huntoon- S. E. Pope_____ 500.000 120,000 3,752,200 3,820,000 737,530 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Bk of Cal. N. A., San F. X l2, 19,000 Yokohama Specie, Ltd., San F.; Ft. Sutter N. Sacramento. . 353,500 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. G. W. Kramer. F . H. C o n n ..... 1,000,000 163,730 7,883,430 8,673,720 439,190 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F A .J . Azevedo-----G. J . B ryte--------- F . L. Holland____ William Skeels E. J . Rader E. L. Southworth M. K. Crowell___ H. W »Conger---- E. A. Brown, Mgr G. W. Kramer, A. Sec C. C. Cotter, Sec. E. L. Holland 600.000 48,230 1*620,760 1,956,780 299,350 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 1st N. San F. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 97 J . H. Menke------- J . K. Alexander... C. J . Whisman— E. W. Palmtag....... 100.000 94,880 683,370 133,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crockei N .,SanF.; lstN .,LosA . X 12 120,000 120,000 1 , 100,000 1,150,000 140,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cent. N., Oakland; 1st N. San F. §’73 Harry Winham---- W. J . Irvine.—— _ E. P. Alexander— R. E. Walsh . . . James Binsacca 300.000 115,230 E. W. Palmtag. W .F. Menke T. F . Butler__ 50.000 30,000 William Beckman. A. G. Folger— J . M.Henderson, J r 38,775 6,600 68,000 615,170 87,000 90-310 Monterey Co. Bank — »*§’90 Luther Rodgers... C. N. Thorup. 90-309 SAUNA CITY BANK90-308 Salinas Valley Sav. B k..*§’05 90-311 San Anseimo—Marin B First Bk.of San Anselmo«§’09 90-658 Pop. 1581 ¿San Bernardino, SanBern California State Bank—»*§'01 90-132 Pop. 15,603 I~ Farmers Exch. Nat'I Bank 90-129 * t ’81 San Bernardino Co.Sav. Bk, 90-133 **§’03 San Bernardino Nat.Bk.«*’87 90-130 Savings Bk.of SanBernardino 90-131 *§’89 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. W. CONGER- 25,000 Co Chas: F. Diliman— Frank B. Anderson F. H. P ierce... W. R. Pentz R. K. Iseri____ S. Yosbida------— G. H. Kishi — ♦National Bk. of D. O. Mills & Company— 90-30—.* * ’50 Nippon Bank— . — »§’07 90-40 ♦Peoples Savings Bank.»*§’79 90-32 ♦Sacramento Bank____»*§’75 90-31 ♦Sacramento Valley Bk. &Tr Company.. .90— 37,---- *§’10 Sacramento Clearing House. CMembers Indicated by a * ) »Salinas— Monterey G 4 Pop. 4500 J. M. W. T. Foster......... D. K. Colclough — Geo. Zoller. r in c ip a l 354,390 $6413560 $5 907 130; Í149 020 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Comi N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle 12. 90-38 Citizens Bank, of Oak Park H. C. Muddox. 90-645 *§'09 ♦Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank G. W. P eltier.. 90-34 »*§’90 P Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. A. C. Hughes. J . H. Menke. — J . K. Alexander... C. J . Whisman J . C. Raas____ E. K. Wood— H. S. Foote— J . L. Oakéy—— H. H. Ham.......— W. S. Boggs... A. G. Kendall— A. L. Drew------- — S. E. Bagley E. D, Roberts. H. E. Harris-------- J . H. Wilson— A. M. Ham H. E. Harris.------- W. S, Hooper.. A. G. Kendall— John Andreson, J r 0. E. Vahey___ E. D. Roberts. F. E. Dayton. 944,320 1,148,780 685.000 570.000 35.000 3,500 220.000 195.000 100.000 17,280 470,490 416,850 F. C. Drew____ 100,000 65, 647,000 575.000 J . C. Ralphs, Jr. 150.000 82,110 1,560,990 1,592,050 J . S. Wood------ 100.000 312,190 1,235,050 1,274,840 50.000 10,610 388,920 395.000 147,710 1st N. and Anglo & Loq. Paris N., San F. **______ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Sacramento to San Bernardino ¿Sacramento .Sacramento Pop. 62,717 E 4 am e -»Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E st 1915 N T A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , Laws, Directors, i n d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h i s v o lu m e . For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., s e e p a g e 1 4 . For Holidays, s e e o p p o s it e p a g e 1 3 C A L I F O R N I A — C ontinued j u ly 91 75.000 Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. and Crocker N., San F . 50.000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Wells FargoNev. N. and In t’l Bkg. Corp., San F. 162,990 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Crocker N.. San F. 12. 155,000 1st N., N. Yi; Merch. N., Los A. 201,060 San Bernardino N., San Bernardino. Cal.; 1st N., Colton and Rialto, Cal. 362,390 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’! N., Chi. X 12. 49,880 N. City, Chi.; Secar. N., Los A. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) vO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number d n s to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-MeNaUy Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. N T ow n and Co u n am e of Ba n k . ty. P r e s id *County Seats. ‘ San Diego— San Diego Pop. 70,000 K 'AMERICAN NAT! BANK.*« 90-55 en t . L VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . . R D epo s it s eso u rc es. Loamsk Bis Cashk Ex c’ts. Bonds changes,Dux Bsoukxtxks fromBanks P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Send us your items and collections for San Diego and vicinity. $ 200,000 $ 158,000 $1665000 $1800000 $ 348,000 Han. N., N. Y ,; N. Bk. Sep., Chi. Prompt attention and remittance. Moderate charge. TRY US SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. J. Wangenheim___ F. S. Jennings___ Milton H. Epstein. R. B. Thomas___ _ »$§’04 100,000 150.000 ♦MARINE NAT’LBANK-*t 09 G. W. Fishburn— F. A. Garetson____ 0. L. Sellers______ W. P. Fishburn___ 100,000 'MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK.™ FIRST NAT’L BANK 12. 286,340 3,131.840 2,869,190 1,048,980 N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Wells 777,050 Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N. Los A. Han. N., N. Y.: lst N., Chi.; Merch N., Sar 72,370 F. and Los A. 338,480 2,791,200 2,508,480 813,690 N. Park, N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., CM.; 34,510 726.060 1st N., K an. C. and San F .; 3d N., St. L. 12. 31,270 770,940 847,160 123,490 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. 12. 100,000 576,840 1,642,960 1,625,870 367.940 Chase N ., N. Y .; C rock er N ., San F . 12 ♦San Diego Sav. Bank .«JS’Sfi M. T. Gilmore____ J. W. Sefton, Jr.__ E. M. Barber____ C. L. Road 90-52 D. N. Millan 200.000 435,020 3,711,880 3,687,810 ♦Security Com’l & Sav. Bk. L. A. Blochman___ S. F. Smith_______ W. S. Dorland___ P. O. Kfillev 90-54 «t§’93 111,100 509,950 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F .; Citiz. N. Los A. 83,440 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. Tra., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F ♦SOUTHERNTR.ASAV. BK. G. A. Davidson___ Philip Morse____ E. O. Hodge— _ L. G. Bradley____ 350.000 ♦Union National Bank__«’13 J. R. Burrow_____ F. H. Burrow____ C. W. Landis 90-61 200.000 41,000 100,000 5,130 100,000 20,000 435,000 455,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chi. 12. 50,000 12,930 357,930 319,390 62,560 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; 1st N., Kan. C. 50.000 26.000 235,000 290.000 30.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N., Los A. and Pomona, Cal.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. RALPH GRAMGER-A. M. FROST----- W. R. ROGERS — H. E. ANTHONY — W e r e s p e c t f u lly in v it e y o u r b u s in e s s . S p e c i a l a t t e n t io n g iv e n to c o lle c t io n s . 90-53 90-57 *tS’07 ........ E. J. Heimerdinger Union Trust Co._____ * § ’13 J. F. Forward____ J . F . Forward, J r . J . D. Forward, See. 90-62 A. H. Sweet 'UNITED STATES NAT’L BANK v and Tr. . 18,260 570,810 543,270 114,680 2.225,170 2.215,970 175,000 310,000 99,900 457,360 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Mtle. N., San F .; Citiz. N., Los A. 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Cent N., TOpeka; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12, 5,130 L. J. WILDE-------S. A. HEED -------- J. S. BENNER-------- A. REYNOLDS, JR.H. E. MILLS United S ta te s Depositary Solicits your business on account of real merit— Absolute safety—Square treatm ent. 90-60 University Avenue B k ..* § ’0i Chas. T. Chandler. Wm. E. Otis____ Edw. G. Otis____ 90-58 San Diego Clearing House__ J . Wangenheim— M. T. Gilmore___ L. J . Rice, S ec. __ G. A. Davidson, Tr. {Members in dicated by a * ) W. R. Rogers R. H. Gunnis, Mgr. San Dimas—Los Ángeles Pop. 1200 I 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK« i l l W. A. Johnstone.. J . S. Billheimer _ J. C. Walker____ G. C. P latt.______ 90-659 San Dimas Savings Bank $§11 W. A. Johnstone.. 90-699 San Fernando.Los A. 1 7 First National B an k __ *$’09 J. E. Wheat____ Pop. 2000 90-660 San Fernando Nat. Bank«i’12 L. C. Brand 90-758 Map on Index Digitized for CALIFORNIA FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. H. Harwood J . S. Billheimer _ F. H. Harwood R. H. Mar.lay T. J . Walker J . T. Wilson______ , J . C. Walker------- G. C. Platt_______ 25.000 3,000 60,000 80,000 F. W. P rince ____ 25.000 6,730 174,440 132,120 25.000 8,340 218,090 163,780 F . P. CJrant . , .. . , _ 4,400 Ist N., San Dimas and Pomona. 51,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N. and Ist N., Los A. 12. 93,540 N. City., N. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. |2J Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence CALIFORNIA BANKS—San Diego to San Fernando___________July, 1915 C. B. Whittelsey... 500,000 G. E. Jaeger D. F. GARRETTSON-F. W. JACKSON — F. J. BELCHER, JR. R. H. GUNNIS........ 1 W.B. WHITCOMB U n it e d S t a t e s D e p o s ito r y , O ld e s t B a n k in S a n D ie g o . W E H A V E A S P E C IA L D E P A R T M E N T FO R •t’83 T O U R IS T S AND N EW C O M ER S . 90-49 ia b il it ie s P a id - u p S u r p l u s and C a p it a l P r o f it s /J. W. SEFTON, JR. -(j. L. WjLUAMS— L J. RICE.............. T. C. HAMMOND ♦CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 1.1. Irwin________ 90-56 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest B ates, Grace, F o r Holidays, see opposite page 13 CALIFORNIA—Continued V I143 U l i v i V U l 1 V O [/ U IlU V llW C American National Bank SAN DIEGO, California Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 3 5 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 OFFICERS J. C. I. L. T. Presiden t W . S E F T O N , J r ______________________ _ V ice-Presid ent L . W I L L I A M S _______________________ V ice-P resid en t ISA A C IR W IN ____ __ ________ _ J . R I C E ______________________________ _______ ____ C ashier C. H AM M OND _______ A ssistan t C ashier DEPOSITS $ 1 ,6 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 DIRECTORS J. W. SEFTON, Jr. C. L. WILLIAMS L. J. RICE I. ISAAC IRWIN E. STRAHLMANN CORRESPONDENTS H anover N ation al B a n k - - M ellon N ation al B a n k - - » N ation al B a n k of th e R ep u b lic C o n tin en tal and C o m ’l N a t’l B a n k C alifornia N ation al B a n k - - T h e A m erican N ation al B a n k C itizens N ation al B a n k - - F ir s t N ation al B a n k . . . . - New Y o rk , New Y o rk P ittsb u rg h , Pennsylvania - « - C hicago, Illin ois - - - C hicago, Illin ois - Sacram en to , C alifornia S a n F ran cisco , C alifornia L os Angeles, C alifornia L o s Angeles, C alifornia A Progressive Commercial Bank Conducted along Conservative and Modern Lines I m m AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We Invite Y our B u sin ess fo r San D iego a n d V icinity 5 BasOMspoC 4 Pop.—Hundreds. r? « 2 g | g s a f g i qj B OP'SiP £.>0 B rt ^ aw S£ .'2 o ïô Ç B t? O_ p -i o e r a ■ s ® äd C Q aö sb Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O*«0.0000 o oSohjhj'Tlspi^ftai p o U » » o o ° P 'S e» soo p ¡r ¡p » p ” - M h rt_ H •a O5^ar¡3qC C*ö Ö g l o g ^ ’ g 1®, f a r : 3 : § K & N | 3 £ 3 t ,§ ® ; « * ! ■ ß— 0 o S o p ;?. ô ; ®..® P c5 05, g; , » ¡ -jo cd0 P rr20a>?*coi s=gSO U jp g ., crq m vm ÿm üî ? ! ; P! p0 • ; g CDP Q; o ïg o • » ;i:i !• :. . sPTP.i • 2m.i 1• SSt. Bi ÖQFl'^ÖQQiPCiOQ’ilQÖQo tdt^OEf® GWp äOaoH^aoHOOCSOÜOOOWBTEÖHSöaWOOÖSJOeoüaWOCOfüSOaOOgKiWC! ; ü aö h o öb n ® cic> 3 s s ö S -3 ^ 00 H#*■00w00m P Coip.t-*t-*ùa00-aiP.O3M*3M«®O3-a -¿0500-3 00»-* iP-OOOOiî^MP.-ÎOO»-4^OOQOOOCO>POO«3-® -ï&.*®>P-30O-®-®»P*C®*3l&.tF*a0*a~3-a»a-3~ï>PCO-3»3»3' j g f f g f i i f l f g l l ggo-5 g§ l l a i i p f f f P § lë ë îg . wffg I I sa e f-2i g®Sg g g æ ig së g *3 ga&êa'gB 2pp< ><*£ :o'® p¿- * t * P - P p 3 g S * £ - a .S - 'i ~7>rt-f» et , ¿ fio ! f gg-ppHa^g'® S ^ L, C CDP-jqg. £°*2/2.^ 5° ' Ûp »-» M to N »s co te ot o< o> O S W ^M OO o ÍD S o o o cr O '•ï P co _ O rj* ’ tí ®h : : ro ; . .w gaooacw •3 C0-300*3-3>q NM}> O 0rOs H <D/-% < ' »i COW , £,C (T) : p-îi,3 I «f e « s fc ^ f § lop B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under your direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Index ‘‘Lawyers*9 for Instructions N am e of B ank P o p . 448,502— R e se rv e C ity .. . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca L s h ie r ; A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . (GEORGE N. O'BRIEN-D. B. FULLER........I. H. SANBORN-— G. M. BOWLES-P.E. BOWLES, C.H. CROCKER 'AMERICAN Our method of handling Pacific C oast will satisfy the m ost exacting patron. NATIONAL BANK Business Accounts of Banks and M erchants invited. H.FLEISHHA6KER-WASHINGT0N DODGE-C. R. PARKER--H. ÇH0YNSKI LANDER A. L. LANGERMANW. H. HIGH 1N GL0& LONDON SIG.GREENEBAUM.J.C. FRF. IED HUNT I . R. BURDICK G G. F. HERR „ Our Superior Facilities Guarantee J. W. LILIEN- in PARIS NAT’LBK. S atisfactory Service—TRY US THAL JR C h .o fB d . 11-24 P a id - u p C a p it a l $ 1 , 000,000 ia b il it ie s R . Surplus INDIVID D e p o s it s ÒP UAL and P r o f it s D e p o s i t s B anks L o a n s* Dis c o u n ts eso u rc es. B o n d s, S e c u b it i e s .E t c . Dub F ro m B anks $ 461,930 $ 2,937,980 $2,188,320 $ 3,760,710 $ 1,650,630 $ 1,524,200 P Ca sh and E x c h a n g es Sec. 11-17 »t’76 Anglo-California Trust Co----- M. Fleishhacker— H. Fleishhacker— F. F. Ouer F. V. Vollmer____ 11-73 < § ’09 Cash, an d Tr. C. L. Smith J . W. Lilienthal T. C. Tognazzini M.P. Lilienthal, See. C. F . Leege f A. G. Fry } A «BANK OF BRITISH NORTH l A. S. Ireland Ì ■ títdi AMERI6A-11-3----------- *§'36 ♦Bank of California Nat’l Ass’n F. B. Anderson___ Irving F . Moulton. Irving F . Moulton. S. H. Daniels____ C. K. McIntosh Wm. R. Pentz 11-1 »*’64 A. L. Black W. O. Cullen F. W. Wolte 4,000,000 1,500,000 3,500,000 8,131,240 39,369,200 L. SCATENA-------A. P. GIANNINI — A. PEDRINI-------- A. J, FERROGGIARO A. H. GIANNINI H. SCHLIEWIENSKY, A. J. GOCK B rcm eh a t M arket J . J. FAGAN Mgr. F oreign Dept. F. KRONENBERGJR T urk an d SECONDOGUASTI F. A.FERROGGIARO 1,250,000 M ason Sts. m J. fi. SKINNER **§’04 HEADOFFICE, Branches: Los Angeles, San Jose and San Mateo. General Banking and Foreign Exchange Business, Unexcelled facilities for handling Pacific Coast Collection RANK OF 60M" 11-72 tv. &L< 11-62 360,160 17,432,510 Look Tin E li ____ Lew Hing________ E. Spiganovicz____ 123,650 I. W. Heilman. J r ... G. Bacigalupi____ W. H. Hartwell___ C. J . Deering 130,000 WM. H. CROCKER -CHAS. E. GREEN— W. GREGG, JR..... J. B. McCARGAR UOHN CLAUSEN, JAS. J. FAGAN G. W. EBNER M IT in illl m m / Mgr. F oreign D ept. B. D. DEAN NA III INAI KANK /Our facilities enable us to handle all Pacific j M MASTEN IM IlUllfU. UfllllM C oast ¡tem s on most favorable term s. 2 , 000,000 32,910 N. City, Chase N ., Mech. & Metals N., and 1st N ., N .Y .; C ont. & Com’l N. and N. City, C h i.; 4th St. N., P hil.; N. Bk. Com., St. L ; Lazard Bros. & Co. and Seligman Bros., London, x 12, 824,850 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cent Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. St. L.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (B ra n c h o f M ontr eat, Que.) Merch. N. and Bk. of British No Am., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Merch. N., Bos.; Dexter Hor ton N., Seattle. 14,268,390 Laidlaw & Co. and J . P. Morgan & Co. 34,866,970 11,855,260 N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; N. Shawmut. Bos.; Phil. N. Phil. X I 2, N. Park and Irving N., N. Y . Cont. & Com’l N.; Chi.; Soc 2,775,670 Generale, Paris; Deutsche, Ber lin ; Banca Commerciale Ital iana, Livorno and Genoa; L . C & Mid. Bk., L td ., London. -(B ran ch o f Toronto, Ontario) Can. B. of Com., N.Y.; Northern Tr Co., Chi.; Merch. N., Bos.; Girard N., Phil.; Can. Bk. Com., Toronto Ont. 679,190 10,630 193,880 2,296,020 475.420 179,270 136.950 44,890 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y. 1.44Û00 863,060 262,790 51,520 Anglo & Lon. Paris N..San F. 3,173,680 13,308,790 10,000,570 15,019,640 3,387,450 8,934,770 3,141,180 N .Park and C h aseN .,N .Y .; Cont & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L .; 1st N ., B os.; Franklin N., Phil. 12 •*’83 ♦Donohoe-Kelly Bkg. Co. «*§’64 J . A. Donohoe____ George W hittell__ John E. Fitzpatrick J . T . Dispaux_____ 11-7 650,000 250,610 1,778,000 125,000 1,945,000 78,370 219,300 1,977,000 12,314,000 3,846, ♦Federal Reserve Bank,»Dist.l2 A. Kains, G overnor Russell Lowry, 8.923.000 Geo. O. Bordwell . C. J . Shepherd__ 11-37 D eputy Governor Ira Clerk, A uditor (See p ag e 25 fo r fu rther in form ation ) 513,510 2,332,810 1,399,590 1,209,540 First Federal Trust Co__«*§’07 R. Spreckels_____ J . K. Lynch_____ C. H. McCormick, K. R. Pardow, 336,430 4,435,510 1.500.000 11-71 A . See. C. E. Worden T r. J . G. Hooper J . K. Moffitt, Sec. SAN FRANCISCO Map opposite page 9 4 For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BOND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rr espo n d en ts. 6,436,200 2,123,290 1,475,490 12,030,430 4,177,810 G. W .B. Heathcote, 15,000,000 13,500,000 Mgr. CROCKER 11-21 1,883,220 4,866,666 3,017,330 BANK OF ITALY 11-35 1,927,280 16,991,180 11,127,110 18,886,600 6,532,920 8,622,460 2,523,590 419,840 8,145,890 Co 645,290 Chase N. and N .Park, N .Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. S t. L. X 12 « i’02 Ch’n o f B o a rd r in c ip a l Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System, 1915_______________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—San Francisco •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. A ccessible T ow ns, la w y e r s , L aw s, D irecto rs, indexed. in back: of tbis volume. F o r In terest K ates, Grace» e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. (San Francisco, C 7) County Seat Ju ly , N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given 574,400 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Hib. Bkg Assn., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos ',729,000 344,020 1st N., San F. ID LAWYERS (See Index io Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P resid en t . Vice -P r e sid e n t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, Laws, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, *0 e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Resources . P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District L oans & B onds, D ue C ash of which bank is member. D is S ecuriPRO M ANDÜXCO UNTS T IE S , ETC . B anks C H A N G E S xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . L ia b il it ie s . I ndivid- D eposits P aid- up S urplus AN D UAL OP C apital P rofits D eposits B anes R. SPRECKELS—-JAS. K.LYNCH...... J . K. MOFFITT— 6 . H. McCORMICK G. A. KENNEDY J. K. MOFFITT R. R. YATES $ 3,000,000 $ 1,920,560 $ 8,898,610 $ 6,422,620 $13419970 $ 1,588,590 $ 4,472,590 $ 1,743,520 1. Bk. Com., 1st N., and Medi. E. AVENAL! & M etals N .,N . Y .; 1 s t N., Chi.: W e invite your a c c o u n t and co llectio n ite m s 3d N., St. L. X 12 . for th e P a cific C o a st. < ’70 I PLEASE READ OUR ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 69. 'FIRST NAT’LBANK; 11-8 ' T, Rnr.qnpraz J . M. Dupas M. G irard_ G. M. Perine_____ F. N. Belgrano___ F. N. Belgrano G. Tourny_____. . . A. H. R. Schmidt.. J . W. Van Bergen A. H. R. Schmidt Hibernia Sav. & Ln. S o c..< §’59 Charles Mayo____ E. J . Tobin_____ R. M. Tobin. Sec. a n d Tr. 11-53 T. S. Baker, A gt.~ Hong Kong & Shanghai Bkg. Corporation.11-54______ §’64 Humboldt Savings Bank -< § ’6S Alex. D. Keyes___ W. H. Crocker___ H. C. Klevesahl . . . W. A. Frederick 11-56 Fugazi Banca Popolare Operaia J . F. Fugazi_____ Italiana ...11-69.............< § ’07 German Saving & Loan Society N. Ohlandt............ 11-55 < § ’68 A. Bousquet, Sec... J . H. Barter_____ G. Battaglia W. Herrmann____ A. H. Muller, Sec. 750.000 317,600 6,248,000 45,000 4.743,000 1,952,000 4,488,300 296,690 340,000 400.300 168,400 5,265,050 1,000,000 1,958,440 57,362,890 40,934,950 15,872,950 4,222,280 3,973,020 56,090,560 34,622,800 21.518,790 3,741,590 1,058,030 N. City, Liberty N., Irving N., and Chase N.,N. Y. (B r a n c h o f H ong K ong, C J . S. Curran_____ P. A. Pflenger ♦MIJERNATjONAL BANKING E. W. Wilson. Mgr. C. E. Baen, A . Mgr. CORPORATION-........... < §02 600,000 .419,580 7,094,150 10,000 5,196,270 Hong Kong & Shanghai Bkg. Corp. N. Y.: Mchts. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi 714,790 N. City, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N., San F. 2,212,660 (B ra n c h , See New Y o rk Gi Credit Lyonnais, Paris and Branches Deutsche, Berlin and Branches Banca Com'l Italiana, Genoa: Banque d’Outremer, Brussels; Wiener Bank verein, Vienna; Russian Bank for Foreign Trade, Petrograd. 827,860 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn E *. N., Chi. 11-80 • ♦ITALIAN-AMERICAN BANK Andrea Sbarboro.. C. H. Crocker . . . — A. E. Sbarboro___ R. A. Sbarboro. . 11-31 C § ’99 ivr. mine A. L. Sharp______ 11-60 G. J . Panario V. L. Puccinelli ‘ MERCANTILE NATIONAL BK. John D. McKee___ Frank G. Drum— O. Ellinghouse___ W. F. B erry ......... 11-26 < ’10 Henry T. Scott, Ch. o f the B d. T. M. Paterson F. O. Cooke 750,000 125,000 2,000,000 213,450 5,171,690 81.760 'MERCHANTS ( NAT! BANK } 263,360 4,500,000 F. B. Anderson___ Stuart F. Sm ith. . . H. A. Thayer..___ M. McRitchie E. W. H opkins___ DeWitt C. T reat... M. I. Sullivan J . A. Hooper____ J . K. Moffltt John Enas_______ J . L. Silveira G. D. Greenwood.. C. 0. G. Miller R. M. Welch ♦Seaboard National B a n k .< ’05 R. J . Tyson______ A. S. Carman____ 11-67 Security Savings Bank___t§’71 William Babcock S. L . Abbot______ 11-57 SAN FRANCISCO Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. B. Hobson........ A. E. Curtis_____ J . F. Mullen V. L. deFigueiredo M. T. Bettencourt R. B. Burm ister... A. M. W hittle____ W. A. Day H. A. Estahrook... J . E. Hall________ J . M. McCarthy E. D. Oakley, Sec. 30,120 16,820 7,280,420 3,490,570 144,500 4,769,950 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and Bos.; Colo. N., Den.; Oma, N„ Oma.; No.-West N., Minpls. X 12, 309,590 373,590 2,065,910 2,618,650 1,171,210 Han. N .. N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; M ech.-Am. N., St. L. 12. 200.000 97,110 1,545,100 1,031,850 189,000 189,790 200,000 18,030 1,904,640 1,625,210 409,480 89,870 500.000 441,620 8,699,280 6,116,380 1,994,670 381,810 325,000 54,200 1,218,430 1,300,420 159,850 1,500,000 2,758,270 33,771,040 500,000 211,810 1,514,980 1,240,930 500,000 423,680 3,781,190 3,077,790 1,110,360 255,200 318,050 7,080 Irving N., N.- Y.; Crocker N., San F. 22,512,420 10,265,440 3,370,540 936,220 272,460 187,250 Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Bk. of Cai. N. A., San F. 47,110 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 206,150 . Bk. Corn., N. City, and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. 74,520 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 632,990 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st Ñ., Los A. 539,640 Citiz.-Cent. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Union N., Phil. X 12. 85,390 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 11-34 »10 Mission Bank__________< § ’08 James Rolph, J r . . . 11-66 Mission Savings B a n k ...< § ’06 James Rolph, J r ... 11-70 Mutual Savings Bank___< § ’89 James D. Phelan 11-59 Portuguese-American Bank J . A. Silveira____ 11-68 i§ ’05 SAV. UNION BANK&TR. GO. J . S. Drum______ 11-52 < § ’62 344,960 1,096,280 10,524,650 347,310 T. M. Paterson, A. See. • F. O. Cooke, A . S e c. I0BERT OXNARD - N. E. JOHNSON— W. W. JONES_____ BE0RGE LONG-___ 8. B. MURDOCH, m . H. DOYLE F. W. JUDS0N 1,500,000 Ass’t t o Pres. Official a tte n tio n t o ali m a tt e r s en tru sted to us. W e invite your W e s t C o a s t bu siness. 4,026,890 1,359,950 247,680 MERCANTILE TR. COMPANY Henry T. S co tt___ John D. McKee — O. Ellinghouse, C ash. a n d Sec. 1.000,000 Frank G. Drum W. F. Berry, A . Se C. OF SAN FRANCISCO—<§'99 11-64 325,000 Atlantic N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. CALIFORNIA BANKS— San Francisco—-Continued FRENCH-AMERICAN BANK OF A Legalist SAVINGS—-11-65-------< § ’60 Some Facts About The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory 1. Is the most accurate and carefully edited publication of its kind. (W rite for our circular, “ More Testimony.*’) 2. Is always the first Bank Directory on the market and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than any other similar publication. 3. Has the largest paid circulation of any similar publi cation in America. 4. Has the largest paid bank circulation of any publication in America, of whatever kind. 5. This circulation is increasing rapidly every year. 6. Is the Official Directory for the S ta te Bankers’ Associ ations of Ohio, Kansas, Montana, and Kentucky. 7. Is the Official Numbering Agent for T he American Bankers Association. 8. “A Reliable Book published by a Responsible House.” It costs the same, Why not get the Best ? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Two Editions each year, January and Ju ly Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under your direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you* Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Index *‘Lawyers’* for Instructions Nam e op B an k L . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 1¡State tMem, State Bks. Assn. rPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . C a s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . Charles du P arc. W. C. Fife H. (1. Larsh . R I n d iv id D e p o s it s ual D e p o s it s B a nes op 5 1, 200,000 $ 1,983,000 $22 613000 Isaias W. Heilman. I. W. Heilman, Jr. Frank B. K in g ___ W. McGavin. *WELLS-FARGO-NEVADA F. L. Lipman E. L. Jacobs NATIONAL BANK........... * i ’52 6 ,000,000 eso u rc es. L oa n s B o n d s, and D i s S e c u r i co un ts t ie s . E tc . Due F rom B anes 5,122,470 31,079,250 J . Fujihira, Mgr.__ (B ra n ch o f T okoh am a, J a p a n ) . Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd 11-58 »§'80 P C a sh and E x c h a n g es r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $11724 000 $ 4,624,000 $ 6,503,000 $ 1,544,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Phil.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; St. L. Union Tr. Co., St. L. 21,665,960 12,477,560 10,684,580 3.537,440 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Corn Ex. Ñ ., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 3d N.. St. L.; 1st N., St. P. X 12. C. L. Davis A. D. Oliver A. B. Price J . K. Wilson 11-16 ia b il it ie s P a id - u p S u r p l u s and C a p it a l P r o f it s Yokohama Specie (Ltd.), N. Y. and Los A.; Seattle N., Seattle. San Francisco Clearing House James K. Lynch.. J . J . Fagan______ Chas. Sleeper, Mgr. F. H. Colburn, ( M em bers in d icated by a * ) ,v ________ _ __ | ____ _____ _______ A . Mgr. Selected List — INVESTMENT DEALERS IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. BLYTH, WITTER & C0GEO. H. BURR & CO.-— 14 C. R. Blyth______ R. L. Shurtleff____ H. A. Northon____ (M unicipal an d C ofp oratio n B onds) D. G. Witter, Sec. •’08 (C om m ercial P ape r ) Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San E. (Bra/nch o f New Y ork City, N. F . ) „ . Geo. E . Burr & Co.. N. Y. and Chi. ........ Goodwin, Holton & Co. Inc. (Investment Securi jBM T12 | Cyrus P eirce___ Geo. K, Weeks___ W. D. Dennett____ 1st N. and Union Tr. Co., San F. ( Dealers in Go vernm ent, Muni cipal, R ailroad a nd Public Utility Bonds, Investm ents fo r tru st and ins titutional funds a specialty, m o ( A ppraisem ents made. Quotatio ns by m ail o r wi re for purchase, sale, or N. W. Halsey & Co. and N. City, N. Y.: N.'W . Halsey & Co., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. W. Halsey & Co., Phil., Los A., Det., and London; Halsey & Co., Inc., Bos. exchan «e. E. H. Rollins & Sons — > t f ’76 F .W . Rollins-........ G. A. Batcheldor... N A Dnrlpe R. E. H. Rollins & Sons. N. Y., Chi. Bos., Phil. Den., San F., and Los A, WM. R. STAATS - JOHNW. EDMINSQN- F. 1. NORMAN— Issu in g H o u se . S p e c ia liz in g P a c if ic C o a s t S e c u r it ie s m u n icip a l P u b lic S e r v ic e and F i r s t M ortgage F a rm and T im b eria n d B o n d s. JU ,* J’P (405 M ontgomery) SAN FRANCISCO Map opposite T own and County. •County Seats. N am e op an k . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . San Gabriel.. Los Angeles Bank of San Gabriel___§15 Wm. R. F e e .____- Jacob Rudel___ Pop, 1600 I 2 90-826 Sanger____ _ Fresno G 6 Commercial Bank____ »i§’12 90-740 Pop. 2000 First National Bank___« î’04 90-661 San Jacinto—Riv’side J 9 First National B an k ___«$’05 Pop. 1500 90-662 First Savings Bank____ §11 90-695 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ffm . R. Staats Co., Los Angeles, Pasadena,Cal.,Chicago, III. B a r rls Trust and Savings, Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. - , ------- - CALIFORNIA—Continued B •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State JMern.State Bks.Assn. fPriv. Est. CALIFORNIA Map on Index $ 600,000 $ 300,000 G. S. Coblentz____ L. Powers _ . C a s h ie r As s ’ t C a s h i e r . L ia b il it ie s . urplu s D e p o s P a id - u p S _ AND it s E. J , Aye— — . — Méarl Knêsel____ $ 25,000 $ _ .. E. A.Bove R eso u r c es. Loans &Disc’rs. B onds, ßtwUlUTIES &E x Dub P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reservé District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed, Reserve Collect. System. 2,500 $ 42,440 $ 43,750 $ 10,590 Tra>, Los A.: Merch. N., San F. H. B. McLaughlin. . 25,000 15,010 145,880 125,970 E. R. Hudson____ R. E. Tiernan A. G. Hubbard — John Sh av er...— C. L. Emerson__ — A. H. Buckley — A. Domenigoni A. G. Hubbard-.:__ John Shaver_____ C. L. Emerson____ A. H. Buckley____ A. Domenigoni L. Malone 50,000 20.000 187,000 228,000 100,000 43,710 148,420 239,220 25,000 3,390 53,720 57,350 W. D. Mitchell —— L. D. Scott______ W. M. B a r r ...__ Cash changes , from B anks _______ CALIFORNIA BANKS—San Francisco to San Jacinto •t§’93 Isaías W. Hellman. I. W. Heilman, Jr. H. VanLuven. Ohas. J . Deering Union Trust Co— 11-61 A ccessible Towns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. SAN F E ANCTSCO—Cont’d—Reserve City July, 1915 Num ber under N am e of B an k is th e New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’ n . 12,680 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Weils Fargo-Nev. San F. " 41,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Crocker N. and Am. San F.; 1st N., Los A. 51,150 N, .Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. X N., N., 12. 12, 9,100 Citiz. N.. Los A. and Riverside. For SA FETY and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) QQ N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to_ in U. cN ally *o each eacn bank oanjcm u. S. fc>. exclusively exclusively by by TThhee K Band-M a n d-M.cN ally BBaannkkeers’ rs’ D irectory, u nder th e au th ority of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . N am e of B an k . ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.§State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. »San Jose.Santa Clara F 4 Pop. 37,086 ♦BANKOF ITALY — -> *§’04 T own and Co un ty. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 i ; _____ j v O lltin U C Q p * r T'C 'i^'D 'K TT A v A J L lr U K IN Ia L P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . j ----------------------( Unexcelled facil ities for handling collections. 90-83 ♦BANKOF SANJOSE—1»*§’66 W. K. Beans____ H. D. Tuttle........... A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . W. E. Blauer__ J . H. Boccardo J . La Motte___ ia b il it ie s . R eso u rc es. P aid -up SURPLUS Depos - Loans&Dis- Cash&ExCapital, P rofits ITS Securities FROMBanks. $1250 000 S 360,160 (B ran c h o f dan F r a n c is co) P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk ofltaly, San F ., Los A., and SanMateo. 221,720 $2 811390 S2 035 780 $ 423,920 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N San F. us your items and collections fo r San J o s e and ‘FIRST NAT’L BK. 'Send cinixy. w e give personal service ana quick returns. 300,000 300,040 3,625.270 3,775,870 741,640 N. City and 1st N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., P hil.; Crocker N. and 1st N., San F . \2 ERY-J. MILLER...... -A. B. POST— -__ C. J. TRIPP ‘GARDEN CITY /T.(ForS. MpONTGOM rom p t and efficien t se rv ice sen d your ite m s to u s. W e have th e ability an d th e e q u ip m e n t. BANK & TR. GO. 300,000 327,300 2,327,070 2,144,370 507,900 Irving N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi, Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . ♦SAFE DEPOSIT BANK-**§ 85 E. McLaughlin___ J . F . Brooke_____ W. H. Pabst........... J . H. Russell ... 300,000 715,580 4,817,660 4,476,960 1.181,280 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 4th St. N. Phil. Security Savings B k__ $§’91 90-80 Henry Curtner___ W. J . Edwards___ E. D. Shepherd___ W. A. Johnston G. B. Campbell 100,000 69,780 1,413,360 1,406,500 184*780 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N and In t’l Bkg. Corp., San F . Henry Curtner___ W. J . Edwards___ E. D. Shepherd___ G. B. Campbell C. A. Swain, M gr.. W. K. Beans, Sec. . 100,000 79,490 197,550 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi, Crocker N. and Am. N., San F. /W. S. 90-78 V. CLAYTON— -S. F. LEIB—........ PAUL FÜRST------- -D. T. BRYANT — vi- •t’74 T E S T OUR FA C ILITIES. J. 1 90-82 »*§’88 90-79 ♦SECURITY STATE BK. «*§’02 90-81 San Jose Clearing House— (Members in dicated by a *) San Leandro-Alameda C 9 Bank of San Leandro...$§!93 Pop. 4800 90-325 First National B ank____«’10 90-327 San Leandro State Bank »$§’11 90-705 »San Luis Obispo.S.L.Ob Commercial Bank......... «$§’88 Pop. 6000 H5 90-236 J . F. Brooke_____ L. C. Morehouse.. A. B. Cary.............. Charles H. Hale— L. C. Morehouse— A. B. Cary_______ Charles H. Hale. A. S. Weaver____ Daniel Best______ A. S. Weaver____ H. C. Barton J . W. Barneberg— E. W. Clark_____ H. L. Kemper____ F. H. Throop R. R. Muscio L. J . Defosset Union National Bank— *$’05 W. T. Summers . . . J . W. Smith........... W. C. H. Dibblee . . 90-238 T. W. Dibblee |----------------------L. H. Castle San Mateo. San Mateo C 8 BANKOF ITALY----------«$§ 94 i C. W. Bell Pop. 4384 ( Unexcelled facil ities for handling collections. 90-284 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 50,000 300,000 100,000 351,290 46,820 1,204,970 1,104,590 42,300 389,630 422,930 10,500 260,000 280,000 152,000 2,770,000 2,698,000 6,700 482,610 549,860 1.250,000 360,160 ( B ranch of San Fran cis co) W. C. Chidester. . . W. M. R oberts___ H. W. Hagen____ 50,000 8,000 405,000 J . B. Nissen J . Haabesland____ (B ran ch o f Paso Robles, G. P. Adams. Henry Baly____ _ R. C. Balv 50,000 18,500 296,600 248,000 G. P. Adams_____ H. E. Sherer_____ R. O. Baly 25.000 308,000 310,000 P. M. GafTey____ E. B. Moores____ G. C. Bell W. L. Davenport _. Philip M. Gaffey__ J . G. Austin Marco H. Heilman. A. G. Sepulveda__ Lon T. Johnson__ 50,000 20,000 270,000 312,000 25.000 14,000 146,530 164,270 18,000 436,000 83,100 6,650 557,740 476,970 100,000 34,390 747,890 750,280 F. W. Dickson____ Geo. C. Hansen___ P. L. Sr.hftfir 50,000 15,000 420,000 455,000 F. W. Dickson___ Geo. C. Hansen___J 50,000 40,000 800,000 750,000 C. A. Thayer_____ W. P. Murray____ 234.430 Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 1st N. and Cent. N., Oakland. 98.600 Chase N.. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am.N., San F .: Cent. N., Oakland. 12 30,000- In t’l Bkg. Corp., N. Y.; 1st N. and In t’ Bkg. Corp., San F. 470,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.t Chi. 1st N.. Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. gan 102,290 N. City, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F . x 12 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F „ Los A. and San Jose. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y .: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F 12 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Com’l N., Los A.; 1st N., Salinas. 65,100 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N. and Far. & Merch. N. Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 36,000 1st N. and Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. 62,740 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F .;, Citiz. N. and Com’l N., Los A. 12. 13,660 1st N.. San Pedro. Cal. 88,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A. 129,560 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Union Tr. Co., San F. 100,000 1st N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F . 12. 80,000 1st N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in- _____ July, 1915 National Bank of San Mateo Hall C. Ross_____ 90-285 «'09 San Miguel........San Luis Citizens B ank.... ..........—§’10 Öbispo.Pop. 500___H 5 90-770 San Pedro..Los Angeles Bank of San Pedro____»$§’88 H. E. Sherer_____ Pop. 10,000 J 7 90-207 Citizens Savings Bank— §’03 H. Baly__________ 90-210 First National Bank___»$’04 W. A. Bonynge___ 90-208 Harbor City Savings Bk.«§’06 W. A. Bonynge,__ 90-211 State Bk. of San Pedro»$§’01 Edward Mahar___ 90-209 »San Rafael— Marin F 3 Bank of San Rafael___«$§’68 M. T. Freitas____ Pop. 5934 90-215 Marin County National Bk. S. H. Cheda............. 90-214 »$’99 Marin County Savings Bank S. H. Cheda 90-216 • «$§’99 100,000 393,260 CALIFORNIA BANKS—San Jose to San Rafael 300,000 90-77 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued ¿Santa Ana.—Orange J Pop. 9919 John Cubbon_____ A. J . Visel F. E. V'nnpnt ■T. A. Harvey As s ’t Ca sh ier . W. F . Lutz______ A. R.Hervey T,. M. Hoyle Santa Clara..Santa Clara Pop. 4348 F 3 rr espo n d en ts. . $ 100,000 $ 29,240 $ 428,550 $ 556,750 $ 59,190 Irving N., N.Y.; Corn I x . N., Chi.; Ist N.. San F. and Los A. Xi 2. 50,000 5,000 225,000 Han. N. Bk., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. 12, 300,000 337,660 1,638,130 2,010,120 645,670 1st N., N. Y. and Chi. 50,000 22,400 250,000 280,000 15,500 Citz. N., Los A. ORANGE CO. SAV. & TR. CO. E. G. Holmes_____ A. B. Gardner____ H. T. Rutherford— H. R. Andre_____ H. T. Rutherford C. D. Hindley 90-184 «í§’89 255,100 59,560 687,790 923,480 70,800 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: Merch. N„ Los A, 40,000 20,000 377,000 378,000 51,000 1st N., Santa Ana, Cal.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. 60,000 16,520 685,440 646,980 CENTRAL BANK *t§’03 90-159 Commercial Ranlr „ »t§’86 90-157 First National Bank___» i’71 90-155 Fugazi Banca Popolare Operaia Ital-90-160..............§’l4 Santa Barbara County N. Bk. 90-156 «t’75 Santa Barbara Savings & Loan Bank_________ »i§’91 90-158 Frank Sm ith____ R. Cameron Rogers W. B. Metcalf . . . . . H. L. Edwards George S. Edwards Joseph Sexton____ A. Edwards George S. Edwards Joseph Sexton A. Edwards John P. Redington J . S. Edwards 225,000 37,000 2,400,000 2.530,000 H. L. Warburton— Luis G. Patio 30,000 2,530 259,450 245,910 F. A. Birge______ F. H. Roherts......... 60,000 100,300 578,560 497,830 T. G. McCreary___ A. H. Foster W. M. Carmean L. F . Hinds______ H. A. Wright 100,000 100,000 28,600 160,000 200,000 T. G. McCreary___ A. H. Poster W. M. Carmean L. F . Hinds______ H. A. W r i g h t . 100,000 86,000 429,000 413,000 32,140 34,530 434,360 410,970 F. J . Hoffmann.... E. Hanbenhis U. M. Thompson 100,000 77,000 1,554,000 1,453,000 41,440 1.314,680 1.103,190 150.000 103,710 BANK OF SANTA MARIA P. O. Tietzen____ J . F . Goodwin____ L. P. Scaroni____ B. E. Jessee 200,000 200,000 1,900,000 1,847,000 »’75 90-396 »t§'90 First National Bank___*$’04 A. McNeil . ..... 90-398 Valley Savings B an k __t§’01 W. TT. Rice _ 90-397 H. F . Kron U. M. Thompson S. A. Dana John Honk ______ E. H. Gibson........... J . L. Glines M. Thornburg____ T. R. Adam BANK OF SANTA MONICA H. M. Gorham____ Wm. S. Vawter___ H. J . Engelbrecht. F . J . Townsend.-. CALIFORNIA Map on Index Wells Fargo-Nev. N., 225,000 SANTA CRUZ CO. NAT’L BK. William T. J e te r ... W. T. Sesnon____ F. J . Hoffmann___ E. Danbenbis 90-191 112,070 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Xi 2, 12,300 1,110,000 1,090,700 ■ 253,210 Liberty N„ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Wells John P. Redington Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. J . S. Edwards R,. B. Canfield H. P. T.incnln 100,000 103,830 1,196,940 1,174,690 199,650 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Bos., San F, Seth A. Keeney___ Richard Roberts... and Los A. 12. Henry Dawe ____ _____ U. Dardi } Mnr 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y. (.Branch o f S an Fra/ncis co. Cal.) N.J.Baglietto i Mar C. A. Edwards____ H. H. Eddy______ J . M. Warren_____ D. W. Hopkins___ 100,000 115,000 680,000 770,000 165,000 N. City, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F, «í§’93 Merchants Nat’l Bank—«t’03 C. P. Thomas_____ 90-192 Santa Paula.. Yen tura 1 6 Farmers & Merch. B k. »i§’05 J . M . S h a r p Pop. 2800 90-400 First National Bank___«J’89 C. C. Teague_____ 90-399 Santa Paula Sav. Bank *i§’05 C. C. Teague_____ 90-401 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co 100,000 1,100,000 1,275,000 90-163 Santa Monica.L. Angeles Pop. 7847 J 7 r in c ip a l Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 200,000 Robert A. Fatjo__ David J . Spence... 90-287 Santa Clara Valley Bk. *t§’93 H. E. Losse.... ........ J . B. O’B rien____ George E. Hamilton 90-286 «tS’SR F. D. Baldwin____ F. O. Hihn_______ »Santa Cruz..Santa Cruz City Savings Bank Pop. 13,482 G3 90-165 C. D. Hinkle Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank W. P. Netherton — P. T. Phillips____ 90-167 »t’92 C. E. Towne First National Bank___» i’86 F. D. Baldwin____ F. O. Hihn_______ 90-164 C. D. Hinkle Peoples Savings B an k _$§’92 W. P. Netherton— P. T. Phillips_____ 90-166 C. E. Towne Santa Cruz Bank of Savings William T. J e te r ... H. F . Kron............. & Loans—90-162........„ i § ’70 Santa Maria—S. Barbara Pop. 3000 I 5 P J . H. Turner A. F. Zaiser F. M. Robinson___ W. B. Tedford F. E. Stafford - W. A. Huff______ F. W. Mansur____ J . A. T urner_____ Chas. A. Riggs M. M. Crookshank .Joseph Yoch. C. S. Crookshank.. A. Getty W A Hnff Chas. A. Riggs------ J . A. Turner_____ Santa Ana Savings Bankt§’02 M. M. Crookshank A. Getty_________ C. S. Crookshank. .T. H. Metzgar 90-185 Pop. 13,818 R esources . L ia b il it ie s . oans&Dis Cash&Ex Depos - L P aid- up SURPUJS AND eurs. Bonds, changes,Dub Capitai. P rofits Securities fromBanks. C. H. Power G. B. Dickinson___ C. D. Francis____ A. C. Quandt, J r . — Roger G. Edwards M. N. Shedenhelm. E. C. Corey C. H. SundQuist N. W. Blanchard— A. L. Shively......... B. C. Hedrick A. F . Walden D. W. Mott r_____ A. L. Shively_____ B. C. Hedrick A. H. Stovall 370,000 529,820 X12. 145,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Mtle. N., San F.; 1st N. Los A. 46,070 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F. 178,850 Irving N., N.Y.; Crocker N., San F. 196,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y .: Wells Fargo-Nev N„ San F. Xl2. 27,000 Han. N., N .Y .;A m .N ., San F . 152,000 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. 39,460 Cont. & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 118,350 1st N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N„ San F . 121,950 1st N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N., San F.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12. 450,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F .; 1st N., Los A. 50,000 50,000 340,000 350,000 45,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., San F . 25,000 26,000 313.800 342.470 16,870 Laidlaw & Co., N.Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 32,810 1,110,000 872,910 353,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los. A. 150,000 Chase N.,JN. Y.: Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N„ San F . X12. 60.930 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., San F .; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 12. 99,790 1st N., San F. and Los A. 110.000 50,000 4.000 325,000 250,000 100.000 8,430 401,900 452,030 75,000 144.510 527,310 586,550 25.000 28,210 108,950 153,860 CALIFORNIA BANKS—Santa Ana to Santa Paula California National Bank»i 10 90-188 Citizens Com’l & Savings Bk. 90-189 §14 Farmers & Merch. N. Bk.»i’05 90-186 First National Bank___« t’86 90-183 Home Savings Bank____§’05 90-187 Ca sh ier . July, 1915 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State T own and Co u n ty. P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . tMem.StateBks. Assn.tPriv. ¿County Seats. Est. 97 12. 11,520 1st N., Santa Paula. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each Bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T ow n and Co u n ty. »County Seats. »Santa Rosa.Sonoma E 3 Pop. 7817 Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. R esources . L ia b il it ie s . LOANS&DlS- Cash&Ex Depos- c P aid-up Surplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due A.ND Securities fromB anks P rofits P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ( Prompt rem ltt ance. All m atter s entrusted to us will have our pro mpt att ention. 200.000 90,000 651.000 194,200 Han. N., N. Y.t N. City, Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. ( J . H. BRUSH — R. F. CRAWFORD- F. A. BRUSH—— W 0 GRANT ♦SANTA ROSA NAT. BANK < Unequaled fact litles for handlin g your item s. T. F. McMULLIN 200.000 60.000 1,200,000 1,290,000 175,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Phil. N.. Phil.: Crocker N., San F. X 12. 155,710 1,607,760 1,835,470 211,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 85,000 »t’86 ( Prompt and effi cient service. .T. P. Overton 800.000 Se nd us your busin ess in this territo ry. Cornelius Shea______ a A Unfffir J . H. Brush______ R. F. Crawford___ K, A. Rrnsh A. G. Wrinht, R. A. Belden H W Beard in J . P. Overton________ F. A. Brush...................... H. K. Loughery, Sec. a n d Tr. L. H. Schellbach— R. L. Hogg...................... J . A. Kerr _________ E. C. Corey, M gr.. 283.350 50,000 30,000 25,000 1,780 <B rcm ch o f S a n ta F. A. Robbins ______ F. A. Fiedler____ E. S. Rayburn____ 37,500 C. H. Power. M gr.. (B r a n c h 5,140 680,000 50,000 P a u la, 275,060 655.000 59,030 C al.) . . . 255,020 o f S a n t a M onic a , C al ). G G. McClellan ... T. T. Turner Donald Macdonald. P. E. Carland ____ C. S. Woten_____ C. E. La Boyteaux. 50,000 16,330 285,940 279,450 25,000 12,000 245,000 160,000 E. A. Rrnsh 50,000 16,000 400,000 410,000 R .F . McClellan.... W. E. Sawtelle........ W. W. Haskell— R. Cunningham___ A. B. Swain______ E. F. Jewell W. W. Monroe___ G. P. McNear____ Emil Paulson____ H. B. Fuller 11,160 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ San F.; Garden City Bk. & Tr. Co., San Jose. Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. 61,890 Seab. N., Crocker N.,and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. N. Bk. Com. and Laidlaw &Co., N. Y.; IstN ., Los A. 69,100 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. 119,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N. and Wells FargoNev. N., San F. 12. 46,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F. 25,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 100,000 10,000 200.000 300,000 Emil Paulson____ 25,000 11,000 225,000 245,000 W. G. Conley____ G. L. Campbell__ C. H. Connett. . . . 25,000 1,500 35,000 45,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. W. T. Forkn er___ E. Poulson______ C. W. Christensen. Ot F. Dillon 25,000 2,500 55,000 70,000 12,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. iM. SIDES__ — L. D. SCOTT____ W.C. FREELAND - G. W. GLINES___ < Oldest bank In Southern Fresno County. W. H. LEMMON l Send your item s direct to us for prompt, efficient attention. 100,000 105,610 269,540 462,070 48,780 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. and Crocker N., San F. 12. E. Poulson_______ C. W. Christensen. 50,000 5.000 225,000 225.000 85,000 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. L. D. Scott_______ W. C. Freeland___ G. W. Glines... W. H. Lemmon P . T . Thirty Thomas F e r o n .__ 25,000 32,210 170,040 193,860 85,000 83,000 C. W. Jones_____ F. W. Nuetzel. — C. H. Baker James Blnsacca ____ 25.000 9,050 168,910 197,080 33,390 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Anglo-Cal. Tr.Co., and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 20,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; Wells FargoNev. N., San F. 30,900 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A. 12. N. Park, N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Salinas City, Salinas. 16,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., San F. and Santa Barbara. 12. 48,290 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. W. W. Monroe___ G. P. McNear____ Selma National Bank . . < ’13 W. T. F orkn er___ 90-427 Selma Savings Bank— < § ’05 M. Vincent ___________ 90-428 O. N. Beasley____ 90-665 First National Bank___< ’07 0 . S. Kersting____ 90-666 Salinas City Bank_________ §’73 90-746 Santa Ynez Valley Bank.§13 J . M. Gregersen. . . 90-772 First National Bank_____ < 1 2 Fred Batto ___________ 90-754 Sonoma Valley Bank ..< § ’75 F. M. B urris____ 90-667 First National Bank— < ’04 George W. Johnson 90-414 SONORANATIONAL BANK T. F. Symons____ 90-811 <13 Tuolumne County Bk. . . t§’98 Geo. W. Johnson.. 90-413 ( See B erkeley) CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis As s ’t Ca sh ier . 25,000 (B ran ch o f S alin as, Cal.) P. B. Montanaro.— Harald Harkson____ 25,000 N. J . Heggie...-------- N. J . Heggie________ Fred Bulotti F. T. Duhring____ Jesse Burris_____ R .F , P e r k in s 36,000 32,000 25,000 3,760 107,410 97,090 50,100 80,540 571,620 682,540 C A. Belli...... ........... W. E. Burden____ Geo. A. Griffin R. F. Wentworth.. J . A. Rydberg___ 100,000 66,110 797,750 960,610 75,000 7,500 278,960 243,160 J . B. Curtin______ C. A. Belli______ W. E. Burden....... George A. Griffin 50,000 17,510 406,420 455,430 E. T. Gould— .......... 11,000 Sav. Bk. of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Cal. 12. 12. 12. 85,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 103,250 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 12. 73,890 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . 12. 18,500 1st N., Sonora. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence CALIFORNIA BANKS—Santa Rosa to South Berkeley___________ July, 1915 South Berkeley.Alameda Pop. 42,000 C f Cash ier . ♦Santa Rosa B ank....... < § ’70 G. E. Murdock ..... R. W. Peterson___ E. C. M erritt____ O. H. Reeve_____ 90-195 G. W. Palmer ♦Savings Bk. of Santa Rosa 90-196 «tS’73 ♦Union Savings Bank— i§’05 90-199 Santa Rosa Clearing House.. (.Members in d ica te d by a *) Saratoga.Santa Clara D 8 Saratoga State Bank. ..< § ’13 90-808 Pop. 1200 Saticoy_____ Ventura 1 6 Farmers & Merchants Bk. §’11 Pop. 500 90-715 Sausalito___ Marin P 3 Bank of Sausalito _______»§’07 Pop. 2383 90-663 Sawtelle..Los Angeles 1 7 90-402 Pop. 2143 Citizens State Bank .. . < § ’06 90-403 Scotia____ Humboldt C 1 First National Bank___< 1 0 90-664 Pop. 1500 Sebastopol— Sonoma E 3 Analy Savings Bank...< § ’04 Pop. 2000 90-468 First National Bank__ < ’92 90-469 Sebastopol Savings Bk...§'09 90-470 Seeley__ ...Imperial J 10 First National Bank___ «13 Pop. 300 90-805 Selma______ Frèsno 6 6 Farmers Savings Bank..§ ’13 90-774 Pop. 1750 FIRST NATIONALBANK < 87 90-426 ‘ Sonora...Tuolumne F 5 Pop. 2029 V ice -Presid en t . ( M. DOYLE......... H.W. Le BARON—- F. P. DOYLE......... A. J. Le BARON - $ 150,000 $ 114,530 $ 800,470 $ 913,390 $ 150,020 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo& Lon. Paris N.,. San F .; Cal. N. Bk., Collections a Specialty, L. A. PRESSLEY ♦EXCHANGE BANK............. •§ 90 )1 We solicit your item s on this poi n t. Sacramento. 90-198 90-197 Sherman.LosAngeles I 7 Pop. 17 Sierra Madré..Los A. 1 7 Pop. 2010 Soledad___Monterey G 4 Pop. 550 Solvang...Santa Barbara 15 Sonoma____ Sonoma E 3 Pop. 957 P resid en t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, CALIFORNIA—Continued Accessible Towns, L aw yers, Law s, D irectors, in* dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G race, e t c ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA—Continued ■'1' South Pasadena.Los An First National Bank___< ’07 90-266 geles..Pop. 8000____I 7 So.Pasadena Sav. B k.—< § ’04 90-265 South San Francisco.San Mateo—Pop. 3500..Ç 8 . 90-669 »is’05 Springville— Tulare G 7 Pop. 400 90-785 Standish____ Lassen C 5 Bank of Lassen County..§T5 Pop. 130 90-835 St. Ilelena......... Napa E 3 Bank of St. Helena___< § ’82 90-437 Pop. 1603 Carver National Bank—< ’87 90-438 Sav. Bk. of St. Helena..t§’92 90-439 ¿Stockton...San Joaquin ♦Commercial & Sav. B k< §’03 Pop. 25,702 F 4 90-109 ♦Farmers & Merch. B k .< §’89 90-107 ♦First National Bank—< ’79 90-105 L Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . ia b il it ie s a id - u p Su r plu s . D R epo s- P r o f it s $ 25.000 $ E. T. Grua_______ J . S. Dodge____ _ E. T. Grua.............. W. M. Eason____ A. P. Manning___ W. C. Springer___ H. L. Haaker____ D. W. R a tio ....... W. H. Cofflnberry. P W, F, Haryoy Frank Pellet____ f, a Clark r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 8,480 222,690 213,420 37,360 Chase N., N. Y .: Citiz. N., Los A. 50,000 20,000 430,000 460,000 70,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Irving N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon.Paris N.,San F.: Bk.of Cent. Cal..Fresno. Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San. F. 41,980 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 44,330 Han. N..N. Y .;ls tN ., San F. 12. (B ran ch o f Port ersville, C a l.) __ Cal.) . . . 29,660 379,110 F. L. Alexander.. W. H. Smith_____ I, H Martin 50,000 11,500 181,000 248,250 F. L. Alexander.. W. H. Smith_____ L. H. Martin_____ A. J . Zit.1a.n_... 25,000 14,800 314,400 337,990 F F Harris P 8,500 $ 180.000 $ 160,000 $ 40,000 Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. X 12 75,000 John Raggio_____ F. D Cnhh & 25,000 (Branch o f Susa nville, W. W. Lyman__— C. F Tlayis eso u rc es. & Ex* Loans Dia- Cash C*t s . B onds , changes , D ub from B anks . S ecu rities 441,720 16,500 Carver N., St. Helena. Cal. July, 1915________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—South Pasadena to Terra Bella Number under N ame ol B an k is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B.and-McNally Bankers' nir«p.tnTT. unrlor the »litJinritv of The Amerlean Rankers Ass’ll. —----- :------------------- ■ —Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState T ow n an d Co u n ty . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . ¿County Seats. tMem.State Bks.Assn.fPriv. Est. qq 215,290 2,426,680 2,363,140 306.500 Han. N.. N. Y.; Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 500,000 311,090 1,209,290 1,869,750 200,000 348,570 179,030 Harriman N., N. Y.: Crocker N. and Union Tr. Co., San F. 285,160 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and San F.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 12. 264,300 483,240 3,869,900 4,044,150 400,000 96,940 1,525.140 1,722,420 299,660 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. [R. E. WILHOIT— A. W. SIMPSON - T. E. CONNOLLY— T. H. HEFFERNAN 500,000 ♦STOCKTON SAV. & LN. SOC. J General Bank ing business tra nsacted. 409,690 4,363,940 4,695,010 616,390 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San. F. ♦Union Safe Deposit Bk.«S’97 E. C. Stewart_____ J . A. Plummer___ W. K. Gill . . 10,600 571,000 468,800 152,700 90-108 W.. N. Harrison, (Members in dicated by a *) Sec. an d Mgr. Strathmore...Tulare G 7 E. E. Ridgway, (B ran ch o f Porte rsville. C al.) Pop. 80 Mgr. 90-804 *$§’76 R. D. Robbins____ R. D. Robbins, J r ... R. D. Robbins, Jr. Suisun City..Solano E 4 Bank nf Siiisnh 100,000 596,640 914,330 1,106,990 Pop. 641 90-529 A. L. Reed______ E. L. Reese______ F, TV Holly 100,000 15,000 200.000 260,000 90-530 A. L. Reed.... ........ Solano County Sav. Bk. t§’05 E. L. Reese—......... 7,500 150,000 150,000 E. D. Holly______ 25,000 90-531 Sunnyvale—S. Clara D Bank of Sunnyvale___< § ’05 C. C. Spalding___ C. A. Austin_____ F. B. Hughes____ H. R. Dunkelberg.. 25,000 44,000 320,850 383,810 Pop. 1200 90-672 ¿Susanvillc— Lassen C 5 Bank of Lassen Co____•t§’92 F. E. Humphrey . . . J . B. Spaulding___ C. H. Bridges____ _ V. M. Ball ; 44,000 320,850 383,810 100,000 Pop. 688 90-673 !.. Ktioe.h ___ W. G. flnlhroth Lassen Industrial Bank<§’12 J . Alexander 6,500 290,000 270,000 50,000 90-739 Bank of Amador Co___ §’09 (B ran ch o f J a c k son, Ca l.) — __ Pop. 400 90-674 ................ Ki First National Bank___»i’ll C. E. Worden____ W. E. Benz______ C. L. Shirk______ J , M. Williams____ 10,000 470,000 240,000 25,000 Pop. 300 90-708 api.........K Bank of Tehachapi___< § ’92 David Hirshfeld—. Albert Ancker 36,100 130,910 140,560 25.000 Pop. 385 90-676 First National Bank , , ’14 F,. F,. Barnett .la ..River; 39,610 Hugo Guenther___ 35,750 25,000 140 Pop. 290 90-819 Geo. A. Burnham First National Bank___ < 11 G. A. Haft. ____ Marco H. Heilman. T. M. Gronen____ F . H . B .i o k f iy 102,790 3,080 60,340 25,000 Pop. 500 90-677 62,660 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F. *SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BANK 90-104 j < § ’68 D. A. Guernsey___ J . M. Perry______ W. E. Morris____ C. H. Rothenbush. Chester B. Welch James H. Hough.. L. Gerlach_______ F. A. Cramblitt___ W. M. Fowler___ Percy T. Cleghorn JOSEPH FYFE----- J. D. YOUNG____ R. B. TEEFY——- F. W. WURSTER J . C. KEYS Collections u arcT u n y m a u e a n a p ro m p tly r e m i u e a at lowest rates. ♦Stockton Savings B k ..< § ’82 G. E. Catts_______ A. W. Hoisholt— 90-106 90-103 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. H. Lyons____ W. N. Harrison___ 300,000 737,550 989,520 < § ’67 1 F irst and larg est B an k in the San Joaquin Yal ley ( Collections giv en careful atten tlon. 430,450 J , P . Morgan & Co. and Irving N., N. Y .; Merch. Ln. & T r. Co., C hi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F .; Mech.-Am. N„ St. L. N. City. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San Ft; Merch. N., Los A. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.; 429,010 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Merch. N., San F. Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; , Wells 55,000 Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 12. 25,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 75,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., SanF 75,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 73,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San FMtle. N., San F. 236,000 1st N., N. Y., Chi., San F„ and Los A. 12. - 51,450 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 12.' 19,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Los A. 11,820 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 12. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N T own and Co u n ‘ County Seats. ty. am e of B an k L . Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ÍMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t Ca . Tómales........... Marin E 2 Bank of Tomales_____ $§’75 D. B. Burbank____ William Bassett__ Pop. 425 90-678 Torrance.Los Angeles 1 7 First National Bank__ .» f lâ G. W. P o st---------- G. W. Neill______ 90-800 Tracy—-San Joaquin F 4 Bank of Tracy.................109 J . C. Droge---------- William Schmidt.. 90-458 Pop. 2000 West Side Bank______ »$§’10 A. Grunauer_____ J . D. VanOrmer__ 90-459 Tropico—Los Angeles 1 2 First National B ank------ »10 Daniel Campbell— B. W. Richardson. 90-679 Pop. 2500 Tulare______ Tulare G 6 First National Bank___ «$’02 T. Nelson________ H. M. Shreve------90-354 Pop. 3500 National Bank of Tulare»$’85 J . La Marche------- G. F. Gill________ 90-353 Savings Bank of Tulare—§13 J . La Marche____ A. Peterson______ 90-813 Turlock—Stanislaus C 11 Commercial Bank____ »$§’07 Howard Whipple — T. B .Whipple___ 90-445 Pop. 3500 Peoples State Bank___»$§’07 J . E. Weaver_____ Edgar Baxter------90-446 Tustin_______Orange J 8 First National Bank____$’12 C. E. Utt_________ John Dunstan___ 90-725 Pop. 1800 *Ukiah— Mendocino D 2 Bank of Ukiah_______ »§’74 H. T. Hopper------- F. C. Albertson__ 90-404 Pop. 3000 Commercial Bank______ §’03 W. P. Thomas___ H. B. Muir.............. 90-405 Sav. Bk. of Mendocino Co J . H- Barker------- J . M. Mannon— 90-406 »$§’03 Upland—San Bernardino Citizens Savings Bank-*$§’06 R. F . Lemon------- W. T. Leeke-------Pop. 3500 H5 90-386 s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . H. P. Bostick____ L. W. Beede_____ A. V. Williams Vallejo—........Solano B 8 Pop. 12,435 25,000 $ 28,000 D $ R epo s it s eso u rc es. L oans & Dis- Ca sh & E x c’ t s . B onds , changes ,D ue S ec u r it ie s from B anks . 411,680 $ 526,190 5,000 30,000 40,000 Co rr espo n d en ts. 33,490 J . & W. Seligman & Co., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N ., Sacramento. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. X 12. 6,000 401 000 as7 non 81 500 Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co.. San F .; Cent. N., Oakland. 4,150 210,000 200,000 55,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., SanF. 25,000 8,170 130 OHO 1?1 QOfl E. Dunlap------ J . J . Mitchell____ A. T. Warden L. L. Abercrombie W. P. Williams___ 100,000 53,400 485,000 532,000 47 4fi0 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N., San F. 12 X 12 108,500 Com’l N., Los A.; Crocker N., San F. 100,000 31,800 426,500 453,300 L. L. Abercrombie- W. P. Williams___ 25,000 1, 50 45,900 67,850 100,000 75,000 740 420 735 H70 O. H. Olson._____ R. E. W eaver___ 50,000 15,000 310,000 265.000 E. J . Cranston____ W. S. Limberger . . 50,000 10,000 180,000 190,000 W. F . Thomas------ C. H. tluncan------- 150.000 39.880 398,850 468,640 John A. N. Logan____ W . F W . TTosmer____ ' H. B. Smith_____ _ J . G. Thomas------- 50,000 32,890 232,980 238,570 A. L. Tracy........... L. V. Ray________ 50,000 18,650 327,700 340,590 R. O. Norton 25.000 7,030 94,780 117,340 18,690 389,260 353,740 25,000 11,000 250,000 160,000 W. W. Chandler__ 100,000 33,000 275,000 415,000 T. H. Buckingham. S. P. Dobbins____ H. F. Fowler_____ E. J . Cox________ 50,000 7,010 113,520 190,340 25,000 5,670 135,980 156,610 100,000 19,490 732,070 818,040 40,000 8,380 462,560 449,660 9,390 1,011,340 956,760 I. C. Baxter--------- Chas. V. Barr------ D. E. Dobbins------ H. S. Wilson........... R. D. Robbins___ G. W. Crystal____ Edward Fisher— f t . F . F o w le r F,. J . Cox First Savings Bank_____§’09 B, F . Griffin____ J . R. English____ •T. E. Hamlin . . 90-152 C. Widenmann Vallejo Commercial Bank W. K. Cole______ S. J . McKnight__ D. Brosnahan____ B. C. Byrne______ 90-150 »$§’70 J . D. Williams__ r in c ip a l Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 75.000 T,. O . S t a r k 50,000 T. H. Buckingham. S. P. Dobbins____ $ P 76,100 H. R oot______ A. R. Arnold------- W. 90-151 CALIFORNIA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100.000 Surplus AND P r o f it s Johnson___ O. FIRST NAT’L BANK— *$ 99 B. F. Griffin_____ Joseph R. English. George R,. Cadan Valley Ford.Sonoma B 7 Dairymens Bank_____«$§’93 90-680 Pop. 150 Van Nuys Los Angeles 17 First National Bank____ »$’12 Pop. 1000 90-728 Venice—Los Angeles 1 7 First National Bank___«$’12 90-733 Pop. 6000 Ocean Park Bank______ §12 90-766 Venice Savings Bank___ §’05 90-681 ‘ Ventura___Ventura I First National Bank ....• $ ’04 Pop. 5000 90-344 Home Savings Bank____ §’04 90-345 National BankofVentura»$’74 90-342 Ventura Savings Bank.$§’01 90-343 $ . ia b il it ie s P a id - u p C a p it a l J . W. Post COMMERCIAL NAT. BK.«$ 98 R. F. Lemon ......... W. T. Leeke____ R. C. Norton_____ H. iri. Moore 90-384 First National Bank— «$’06 90-385 Vacaville____Solano E 4 Bank of Vacaville........»$§’83 90-473 Pop. 1177 First National Bank_____»’10 90-474 Vacaville Savings Bank.$§’10 90-475 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, etc«, see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CALIFORNIA-Continued 150,000 105,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A. Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . X 12 4,600 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., gan J}1 114 290 1st N., N. Y., Chi., Los. A., and San F. 90,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Am. N.. San F. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ San F . and Los A. 12. 105,280 Chase N.. N. Y .: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. Cal N.. Sacramento: 58,051 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., SanF. 65,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Bks., Chi. and San F. N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., San F. 8^80 Am. N.. San F.; Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav., Los A. 123,180 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Citiz. N.,Los A.; Am. N., San. F. 12. 107,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. 12. 46,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cal. N.. Sacramento: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 23,550 Irving N ., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., San F . X 12. 10,050 1st N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 129,840 Chase N., N. Y .; Am. N., San F. 12. 71,220 Am. N., San F .; 1st Sav., Oakland. 213,970 Laidlaw& Co., N. Y.; IstN ., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . C. A. LeBaron___ A. M. J . Badasci__ 100,000 36,850 281,400 379,990 M. H. Sherman___ L. E. Bliss_______ Paul F . Shepard__ O. J . Wigdal A. McNally______ R. A. Phillips__ . . . J . W. Lawrence. J r . J . T. Peasgood, J r . 50,000 10,000 200,000 185,000 35,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Crocker N., San F . 50,000 1,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., San F.: Citiz. N., Los A. 12. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Am. N., San. F. H. J . Whitley— - H. Hertel, Mgr. A. McNally______ R. A. Phillips___ J . W. Lawrence, Jr . Felix W. Ewing_ Adolfo Camarillo- Edgar W. Game__ J . F . Ewing_____ (B ran ch o f Ocea n P ark, C a l.) __ 25,000 2,000 65,000 86,000 160,000 52,600 420,000 472,520 254,380 279,600 Felix W. Ewing.. A. Camarillo_____ Edgar W. C am e... C. H. C arne_____ 40.000 14,200 E. P. Foster......... J . H. Chaffee____ J . A . W alker____ S. H. Percy..........— A. Bernheim E. P. Foster_____ J . H. Chaffee____ J . H. Chaffee____ J . A. Walker_____ Sec. an d Tr. 200.000 259,750 100,000 54,560 497,050 1,038,230 429,140 552,310 38,260 Am. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . 12. 6,000 Citiz. N. and Com’l N., Los A. 80,840 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., SanF.; Secur. N., Los A. 12. 20,870 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: 1st N., Ventura, Cài 497,050 1st N., Los A. and San F . 12. 31,390 N. Bk. of Ventura, Ventura. Cal. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 100_________ ____________ CALIFORNIA BANKS—Tomales to Ventura _____________ July, 1915 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in TJ. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . N T own and Co un ty. ‘ County Seats. ‘ Visalia_____ Tulare G 6 Pop. 6000 am e op B an k L . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState iMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. Pr e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . ( S. MITCHELL — A. LEVIS---------- C. M. GRIFFITH— FIRST RATI BANK— < 03 ) Collections and Correspondence solicited, 90-269 A s s 't Ca s h ie r . IH *P - ia b il it ie s P a id - u p S u b p l u s C a p it a l P kand o f it s R . D epo s it s eso u rc es. L oans & Dis* Cash & E x *T8. B onds , changes , Du i I B anks . S e c u r ities P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 150,000 $ 63,360 647,520 642,430 $ 160,994 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F , X 12. 162,650 707,140 937,550 [ All inquiries w 111 receive perso nai atten tion an d replies. 90-267 131,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st N., Chi. and San F. X 12. < ’74 Producers Sav. Bank—< § ’05 S. Mitchell— 90-270 Visalia Savings B an k ..< § ’91 L. C. Hyde— 90-268 Walnut Greek___Contra First National Bank____ i ’12 A. H. Cope___ 90-760 Costa. Pop. 447 ___B 8 A. Levis________ C. M. Griffith____ C. E. Coughran— 25.000 17,290 231,820 256,290 17,240 R. E. Hyde-------- C. J . Giddings____ 50.000 64,770 539,010 622,890 30,900 1st N„ San F .: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F, C. G. Goold____ Hubert E. Hunt Armand Stow ___ 25.000 2.500 52,000 59,990 Joseph L. Silveira. F. A. Marshall.. 75.000 25.000 460.000 305,000 125,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk of Cal. N. A., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 50.000 19,640 371,510 272,130 178,140 N .City, N. Y .;'Cal. N.. Sacramento: Bk of Cal N. A.and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. 1st N., N. Y., Chi., Los A. and San F. San Ramon Valley Bk..<§'07 N. S. Boone_____ Arthur Burton__ E. D. Porter 90-682 Walnut Grove___ Sacra Bank of Alex.Brown_<§1900 90-683 mento —Pop. 500 . . E 4 Wasco_______ .Kern H 7 Producers Savings Bk. < § ’12 90-745 Pop. 1000 Watsonville—Santa Cruz Bank of Watsonville__•tS’74 90-280 Pop. 6000 E9 Pajaro Valley Nat. B ank< ’88 90-282 Pajaro Valley Savings Bank 90-281 < § ’88 Watsonville Savings B k < §’90 90~283 Watts__Los Angeles I 7 Los Nietos Valley Bank*§’09 90-684 Pop. 1922 ‘ Weaverville.Trinity C 2 Trinity County B an k ..«§1900 90-685 Pop. 1100 Weed_____ Siskiyou B 3 First National Bank___< 1 0 90-686 Pop. 3500 West Berkeley.Alameda (See B erkeley) C9 Wheatland—— .Yuba E 4 Farmers Bank---------- < § ’74 90-688 Pop. 481 Whittier.Los Angeles I 2 F irst National Bank—<1900 90-272 Pop. 6500 Home Savings B a n k ...< § ’03 90-275 Whittier National Bank < ’01 90-273 Whittier Savings Bank—§’03 90-274 Williams____Colusa D 3 Bank of Williams------- < § ’92 90-689 Pop. 1000 Willits__Mendocino D 2 Bank of Willits______ < § ’04 90-690 Pop. 1153 Willits Commercial B k.< §’14 90-823 ‘ Willow— — Glenn D 3 Bank of Willows_____< § ’80 90-476 Pop. 3000 First National Bank___ < 1 0 90-477 Glenn County Sav. B k .< § ’l l 90-478 CALIFORNIA Map on Index 200,000 Alex. Brown..;— Arthur A. Brown . . John S. Brown---- A. R. Brown___ F. M. Gordon,Mgr. C. E. Worden_____ H. S. Fletcher____ C. F. J . E. W. R. Porter____ C. F . J . E. H. S. Fletcher____ E. S. W. R. Porter— Langley . Trofton Langley. Trofton Bockius. B ran ch o f B a k e r 8field, Cal. . 11,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N., San F. 12. W. R. Radcliff____ 100,000 109,920 340,600 379,620 170,690 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. anc C. A. Palmtag___i L. H. Lopes____ W. N. Cumming C. A. Palmtag------ W. N. Cumming. L. H. Lopes W. R. Radcliff— 100,000 100.000 370,590 585,250 50.000 55,200 715,990 759,380 50.000 34,270 709,440 657,720 115,590 Irving N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. SanF. X 12 86,090 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. and Crocker N., San F.; IstN ., Salinas, Gal. 135,990 1st N., San F. N. Park, N .Y .; IstN ., Los A.; Wells Fargo Nev. N., San F. 50.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F C. R. Church____ J . W. Rudd. (B ran ch o f Down ey, Cal.) CALIFORNIA BANKS—Visalia to Willow L. C. HYDE_____ jl.LSH imERM E NAN C.E C. J. GIDDINSS J. F. GIBSON-----------------NATIONAL BANK The oldest, stro n g est and largest banking institution in County. We do a general banking business. OF VISALlAi Tulare Prompt, efficient service on Collections. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In te re st B a te s , G race,, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13.| CALIFORNIA—Continued July, 1915____________ N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. C. H. Edwards. Herbert Gray. Herbert Gray——— 25.000 C. E. Evans___ G. A. Musson. J . M. White R. P. Cornish____ 25.000 10.000 250.000 230.000 65.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Angli & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacra mento. 12 Wm. Lumbard— ■ 38.400 5,630 134,620 143,020 634,310 38,660 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.; 1st N., Sai F .; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co.. Sacramento. 12. 142,770 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. A. C. Stagner___ 15.000 175.000 135.000 F. W. Hadley-__ John Crook______ H. L. Perry______ 100,000 46,370 534,220 J . Allen Osmun. A. H. Dunlap____ A. C. Johnson.___ W. E. Butler. 40.000 20,090 321,950 348.810 J . Allen Osmun. A. H. Dunlap____ A. C. Johnson____ W. E. Frantz. A. C. Johnson C. W. Clayton____ C. A. Carden_____ 100,000 56,650 490,800 628.810 50.000 7,000 420.000 375.000 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. 100,000 43.500 327.000 385,500 50.000 53,510 354,670 387,610 85.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 70,570 J . W. Seligman & Co., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Bk. of Ukiah, Ukiah, Cal. A. C. Maple------H. C. Stovall.__ J . M. Stovall____ B. L. Fouch W. A. S. Foster. P. I. Lancaster___ W. H. Baechtel___ H. M. Burke.. M. L. Barnett W. T. Saxon........ G. A. Smart______ H. B. Ramsey_____ ___________________ 25,000 33,230 Whittier N ., Whittier, Cal.; Far. &Merch. N., Los A. 118,640 N. Park, N. Y .; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. x 12. N. Park, N.-Y.; Crocker N„ San F. 75,000 108,210 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F . B. H. Burton___ M. F ren ch.._____ P. H. Green............. C. R. Wickes____ 300,000 287,060 802,490 1,282,200 Frank Moody___ W. M. Finch______ M. Pirkey_______ L. I. Reed...............- 75,000 13,000 185,000 200,000 75.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. F. B. Glenn____ H. J . Barceloux.— H. M. Plimpton... W. K. Hatch------- 75.000 6,000 175,000 185,000 23.000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., San F. x 12. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to 30NDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 102 Nam T own and Co u n ty. ¿County Seats.. e op Ban k . L P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . ia b il it ie s R . Su rplu s P a id - u p Ca p it a l P r o f i t s DËPOSIT S eso u rc es. 8 w O Wyatt W. Brinck - I. A. Morris_____ C. S. Culton_____ W S. Rpan T IT Ttlair 25,000 ¿Yuba City:__.Sutter D 4 First National Bank- ..•{12 90-692 Pop. 1160 90-748 Co rr espo n d en ts. J . H. Willoughby— F. W. Stephens.— 962.100 330,000 R. W. Browning.— C. L. Richmond.— E. B. Hayward— G. N. Merritt M. O. Harling____ T. J . Vanghn------- J . D. Harling........ R. H. Schluer____ ' 125,000 W. F. Baird 125,000 M. O. Harling........ T. J . Vaughn____ J . D. Harling____ R. H. Schluer-........ W. F. Baird 120,000 John Wohlfrom . „ H. H. Gable............ J . I. McConnell.— H . D. Porter-------- 120,000 44,850 6,700 Han. N„ N. Y.'i Crocker NT, San F.; Citiz. N., •Los A. 12. 348,230 1,412,190 212,880 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Crocker N., San F.: N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 181,290 1,417,930 1,753,770; 175,350 Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N.A., S a n F . 229,060 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’IN ., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F . X 12. 73,770 1st N., Woodland; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Cal. N.y Sacramento. • 1i 55.220 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.:Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 30,590 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Int’l Bkg. Corp., -S a n . F. 12, 31,910 Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. 1st N., Anglo & Lon Paris N., and Crocker N„ San F .; Cent. N.. Oakland. ’ ' 6 115,670 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Crdcker N,, Wells Fargo Nev. N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal.N., Sacramento. 87,800 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F. X 12. 365,560 42,350 521,970 601,300 53.230 816,970 921,570’ 124,700 1,023,690 1,213,170 Eugene Dowling. „ Rogër Sherman___ 35,000 2,430 29,440 30,540 H. C. Patterson, F. E. Wadsworth— O. E. Gillis______ J . A. Thomas, Sec. an d Tr. A. Sec. an d A . Tr. 30.000 4,410 239,850 2*42,360 F. E. Wadsworth— J . P. Churchill___ H. C. Patterson— . J . A. Thomas________ 100.000 158,890 437,870 578,990 R. F. Walton G. T. Boyd_______ E. M. Boyd______ 50,000 53,810 286,610 327,620 R F, Walton G. T. Boyd______ E. M. Boyd.... ........ 25.000 32,880 346,350 386,460 B K nnllipr C. R. Boyd ..................... 2,500: Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F . 75,000 25,000 n W Bush CALIFORNIA Map on Index 17,780 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F. COLORADO Aguilar—LasAnimas K 15 First State B ank___!__ »*§’10 F. O. Carson_____ C. M. Mack. 82-206 Pop. 1000 ¿Akron. Washington C 19 Bank of Akron — ------»{PS? George Murray— 82-167 Pop. 1000 First National B ank.— . $ ’07 Isaac Pelton--------- Newton Kaser. 82-168 ALAMOSA NAT’L BK.-*$’07 C. Wallrich______ Fred Groening. 82-85 American National Bank*$’05 F. O. R o o f-____ 82-84 Safety First State & Sav. Bk. M.G.Spriestersbach . : 82-334 §’15 Alma________ Park F10 Bank of Alma............... „ { § ’82 J . F . Singleton___ 82-207 Pop. 301 Amethyst___Mineral G 5 (See Creede) Pop. 938 Antonito — Conejos L 11 Commercial State Bank»{§’l l G. Riedel...... .......... 82-209 Pop. 681 Arriba____ Lincoln F 19 Lincoln State Bank___{§’07 J . D. Kennedy-----82-210 Pop. 200 Arvada___Jefferson D 13 First National Bank------$’04 G. H. Church____ 82-211 Pop. 840 First State Bank— — $§’13 Peter Peterson— 82-324 ¿Aspen_____ Pitkin BIO Aspen State Bank___„•$§’08 D. R. C. Brown— 82-212 Pop. 3000 Digitized for COLORADO FRASER Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis c ip a l Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 24,270 6,250 90-328 90-479 P r in Loans 8c D i s - C ash cE x c ’t î . B onds , changes ,D ub S ec u r it ie s from B anks 12.! $ 25,000 $ 6,200 $ 175,000 $ 90,000 $ 60,000 Irving N., N, Y.; 1st N., Los A. C. H. Eubank......... G. C. Flint......... — D C Fohl — Edward Mahar Cal. N., Sacramento; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.,i 27,2301 318,810 190,000 10,500 93,200 C. W. Armstrong— .T F Sac.kptt J . Rummelsburg— W. S. Baker........... Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F . X 12. 13.500! 152.750 109.000 21,000 75,000 C. S. Culton_____ W. Brinck_______ I. A. Morris______ M. O. Wyatt-- BANKOF WOODLAND--•*§ 68 J . L. Stephens —— C. Q. Nelson— Bank of Yolo____1— .»*§’83 90-330 First National Bank___» i’09 90-332 Home Savings Bank------§'09 90-331 YOlo County Sav. Bank.»§’91 90-329 ¿Yreka_.___Siskiyou B 3 First National Bank____»15 90-832 Pop. 1134 First Savings Bank of Siski- ¿Alamosa..Alamosa K 11 Pop. 4500 CASHIER. D. H. Staley 48.000 $ 14,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Trinidad'N., Trinidad. D. B. Carson_____ 15.000 750 50,000 George M urray__ Martha M. Siegert. 15.000 15.000 107.000 86,500 A. Mitchell---------- R. C. Ferry, J r . — 25.000 20.000 200.000 175.000 55.000 City N., Lin., Neb.; Den. N: Den. X 10. Walter Ickes_____ D. D. Williams___ 25.000 6,000 235.000 165.000 95.000 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN ., Den. x 10. 60,000 450.000 415.000 37,290 28,550 J . W. Anderson — 50.000 Ashmer Meloney „ J ohnSpriestersbach E. H. Kilpatrick — 20.000 C. F. Singleton___ J . C. Singleton - 10,000 15,830 63.790 57,900 H. G. Hayward— 25.000 3,300 160.000 150.000 P. S. Crink_____ 10.000 25.000 21.000 25.000 165,000 152.000 32.000 36,000 331.790 255,200 H. Emperius_____ O. A. Hiller— . E. Rockhill....... H. F. Jordan E. J . Kennedy~ A. H. Barth . H. R. Brown J . F . W hite- Wesley Staley— C. R. Buck L. A. W. Brown — G. R. Cole______ 10,000 10.000 A. E. White _____ Roy Epperson. 25,000 17,080 43,240 Merch. Ex. N., N. Y.; Ist N.,Den.; Ist N., Oma. 225,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo; Colo. N. and 1st N., Dén. X 10. 23,990 Colo. N., Den.; Pueblo Sav. & Tr. Co., Pueblo. 31,720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 20.000 S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; U. S. N., Den. 7.000 Hamilton N., Den. 33,470 Chase N., N. Y ,;lstN . and Com’l Slate &Sav. Den. X 10, 6.000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 118,670 Chase N., N..Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Colo N., Den. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO B A N K S— Wilmington to Aspen_____ July, 1915 Wilmington, Los Angeles First National B a n k .*..» * ^ 90-691 Pop. 2200 F 2 Winters-_____ Yolo A 9 Citizens Bank_______ »$§’07 90-503 Pop. 910 First Nationalfiank......... f ’12 90-502 Savings Bank of Winters 90-714 $§’11 Woodlake— Tulare G 7 First National Bank —___ 12 90-777 Pop. 250 ‘ Woodland___.Yolo E 4 Pop. 5500 CALIFORNIA—Continued . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, G race, etc«, see page 1-1. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. 102 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers* D irecto ry , under th e au th ority of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass*n. The Colorado National Bank United States Depository DENVER, COLORADO Capital - - $5 0 0 ,000.00 1,5 5 9 , 134.05 15 ,4 3 9 ,874.90 o u rp lu s and ^ Undivided Profits Deposits - - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WE INVITE YOUR DENVER BANKING ACCOUNT OFFICERS GEORGE B. BERGER, President HAROLD KOUNTZE, Vice-President and Chairman of the Board DENNIS SHEEDY, Vice-President WM. B. BERGER, Cashier T . R. FIELD, Asst. Cashier J . H. KOLB, Asst. Cashier K. H. WOODWARD, Asst. Cashier J . M. WHITMORE, Auditor Statement at Close of Business, May 1, 1915 DIRECTORS HAROLD KOUNTZE DENNIS SHEEDY GEORGE B . BERGER WM. B. BERGER T . R. FIELD J . H. KOLB Established in 1862 as RESOURCES L oan s and D iscounts____________________________ ____ _____ _____ $ 8,394,320.04 U . S. Bonds to secure Circulation, p ar v alu e_____ !_______ _____ 500,000.00 O ther Bonds and Securities___________; __________ ___ ___________ 3,466,555.39 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 45,000.00 B an k Building and other R eal E s t a t e _______________________ 41,500.00 United States Bonds___________________________$ 210,000.00 Due from B an ks and U . S. T re a s u ry ___ ______ 3,305,568.68 Cash on hand___ *__ ____ ______________________ 2,280,040.17 5,795,608.85 T o tal________________________________$18,242,984.28 KOUNTZE BROTHERS Nationalized 1866 Prompt Attention Given LIA BILITIES WESTERN COLLECTIONS Capital S tock _____ _______________ _____________________________ $ 500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits________________ _____________ ____ 1,559,134.05 Circulation__________________________________________ _____ . , __ __ 491,300.00 Reserved fo r T axes...-____. . . __________ ______________ ______ ____ 22,675.33 230,000.00 Reserved for New Bank Building___________. . . _________________ _ Deposits___ __ - ________________ ___ ______________________________ 15,439,874.90 $18,242,984.23 T o t a l . . . . _________ At Moderate Terms GIVE US A TRIAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertisers make it possible for you to obtain this book at a price below cost. its actual Why not reciprocate by sending all your business to Advertisers? If they advertise for it» They want it, and They will give it proper attention T own an d Co un ty. 1 ‘ County Seats.. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r esid en t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc.,- see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. COLORADO—Continued Vice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Cash ier . A u lt............... Weld B 15 Farmers National B an k ..t’04 Jacob Hasbrouck.. August Molander.. B. H. Miller_____ Pop. 750 82-171 Eirst National Bank___» i’06 A. H. Marble____ W. W. Brown __ Albert N ichols___ .T. H. Stovall 82-172 L ia b i l i t i e s . R esources . I P aid-up Surplus Depos - Loans &J)is- Cash&ExITS Capital P rofits Sbcdrities FROMBanks P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 25,000 $ 13,000 $ 135,000 $ 115,000 $ 82,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Colo. N., Den.: 1st N., Orna. * x io . 25,000 3,000 70,000 55,000 19,540 N. City, N. Y.: Den. N. and IstN ., Den. x 10. Austin.,...,___ Delta G 4 State Bank of Austin___»§'10 J . A. Whiting____ A. E. Miller. Edmund Stabler Pop. 100 82-214 Bayfield— ..L a Plata L 6 Farmers & Merchants Bk.§’10 W. A. B ay.......... J . S. Hatcher.____ A. A. Keith Pop. 227 82-215 12,000 3,770 27,360 32,490 15,000 3,000 40,000 50,000 Berthoud...Larimer CIS Berthoud National B an k .t’92 Pop. 1000 82-155 First National B ank____ ’06 82-156 Blanca..— Costilla K 12 Blanca State Bank____ »§’10 Pop. 500 82-216 *Boulder___Boulder C 13 Boulder National Bank.»$'84 82-21 Pop. 10,983 I John Bunyan____ Thomas Kerley___ Wm. C. Bunyan . . . E. T. Bunyan 50,000 18,620 321,570 394,460 F. A. Bein............... J . B. Everhard___ G. E. Loomis . 25,000 7,220 61,770 68,160 W. G. Bean______ A. M. Weaver____ J . M. Pinney_____ 10,000 1,190 21,420 25,220 J . S. Switzer____ H. Casaday Chas. C. Brbmley.. F. W. Kohler 50,000 54,030 368,960 383,130 102,060 Atlantic N., N. Y.; N.City, Chi.; Colo. N. Den. X 10, J . Mclnnes______ C. H. Cheney____ L. C. Allison L. J . Moulton 100,000 80,940 710,000 684,000 195,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Colo. N. and 1st N., Den. i J . T. Chenault— C. L. Parsons____ L. E. Chenault____ R. W. Joslyn_____ MERCANTILE BK.&TR. CO. 82-22 »Ji’04 1 W e co llect a t on ce and rem it a t o n ce. ( I f n o t paid, we o b tain reason s. Send your busi ness to us. 50,000 55,000 460,810 453,150 105,350 Chi. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Hamilton N. and ü . S. N., Den.; Cent. N,., St. L. NAT! STATE BK. 50,000 141,550 » 557,960 446,560 239,050 Chem. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 9,000 1st N., Atchison, Kan.; 1st N., Pueblo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t’77 J . P. Maxwell _ 82-19 8.2-20 (C. G. BUCKING- J . C. HANKINS — JR HAM W. S. BELLMAN— A. W. BORDER— 8,460 Corn Éx. N., Chi.; Den. N., Den. 10,000 Cent. Sav.'Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Durango Tr, Co., Durango, Colo. 40,530 N. City, N. Y.; Colo. N. and 1st N., Den. xio, 20,230 Seab. N., N. Y.;ü. S.N., Den. X 10, 6,540 Colo. N., Den.; Am. N., Alamosa. x 10 XIO «t’77 (T IM E and MON EY saved by send ing your Boulder item s direct to us. Brandon---- ..Kiowa H22 First State Bank______ i§ ’10 .T. A. Rishnp 32-217 Pop. 200 ‘ Breckeniidge... Summit Engle Bros. Ex. Bank.»}§’88 Ceprge Fugle Pop. 834 E ll 82-218 J . Sim mon_ Harold Hutchison . 500 20,000 18,000 20,000 2,960 144,670 119,240 Briggsdale........Weld B 16 Briggsdale State Bank__§12 W. E. Freeman___ J . A. Brooks_____ j E. B. Emerson___ A. B. Freeman___ Pop; 75 82-320 10,000 2,000 26,960 29,250 ‘ Brighton__ Adams D 14 FARMERS & MERCHANTS M. E. Bauer_____ W. H. Ball , ,, , Pop. 1000 STATE BANK .*i§ 07 82-148 30,000 9,060 140,810 141,470 38,390 Cont. & Coìn’l N., Chi.; Den. Stock Yards and -U. S. N., Den. 100,850 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. _N., Den.; 1st N. Orna. x 10, 8,000 S. W. N. Bk. Com., and Drov. N., Kan. C. Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Colo. N,,,Den.; S. W .N . Bk Com., Kan. C. ‘^ X10, 40,000 IstN ., Oma.; Den. N., Den. X 10, First National Bank . . . . « í’05 82-147 Bristol____ Prowers I 22 Bristol State Bank.___■.$§’10 Pop. 200 82-219 Brush------- Morgan C 18 First National B ank ___» i’02 Pop. 1500 82-133 Stockmens National Bk.»t’07 82-134 ‘ Buena Vista------Chaffee First National Bank___»t’07 -Pop. 1041 G 10 82-220 .‘ Burlington.. Kit Carson Burlington State Bank_»$§’08 Pop. 368 F 22 82-188 Stock Growers State-Bank 82-187 »$§’02 Byers.— Arapahoe E 16 ByerS State Bank_____ ¿§10 Pop. 200 82-221 Callian____ El Paso G 16 First State Bank........... *i§’07 89-999 Pop. 300 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. S. Stewart W. D. B ish ______ E. A. Brom ley..__ ft R Kinsjp.y W. Gresrorv R. B. Meek______ J . S. McMurtry.... W. D. Decker 25.000 8,440 246,850 166,890 10,000 L600 35,000 37,000 210.000 C. H. Phelps_____ D. W. McSween— C. W. Emerson___ E. D. Hollowell__Lj 25,000 30,000 220,000 Theodore Frerichs C. B. Simpson____ A. H. Frerichs___ C. H. Mayborn___ 35,000 15,000 190,000 190,000 J . M. Bonney......... W. J . D ean ...____ R. E. McDonald__ M. Y. Brown F . D. Mann____ Wyatt Boger____ Emma E. Judy . . . . 25,000 7,500 165,000 120,000 10,000 3,000 70,000 70.000 46,390 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; U. S. N. Colo. N., Den. N. and 1st N., Den. 7,710 Colo. N„ Den.; Greeley N., Greeley, Colo. W. D. Selder........... Burt Ragan F., fi. Raker 12,000 2,410 73,900 66,400 65,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; 1st N., Den -and Pueblo. . „ I x io, 13,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; El Paso N., Colo Springs; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 20,910 N. Qity, Chi.; 1st N., Den. D. C. Shetler____ R. W. Burton— C. C. Shetler_____ 15,000 4,170 50,000 55,000 15,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Cö., Den.; Cit'yN., Orna Wm, Henderson... D. O. Moberly-..__ M. C. M oberly.... 15,000 7,000 90,000 92,000 19,000 Colo. Sav., Colo. Springs: Hamilton N., Den Jefferson, St. L. J . C. Burger____ H. G. Hoskin ________ ¡________ 103. 10,000 Gertrude Engle___ W. H. Briggle____ C. W. Burnheimer-. July, 1915 __________________ COLORADO BANKS—Ault to Calhan Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 103 ea?h bank W U\.s - exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ ________Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers; N T own and Coun ty. ¿County Seats. B an k L . P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r ia b il it ie s P aid - u p S u r p l u s C a p it a l P rAoNfDit s . FIRST NATIONAL BANK«* A. E. Carlton........- W. H. Dozier____ A. J . T u rner.........F. B.Campbell_____ $ 50,000 $ FREMONTCO. NAT’L IK.* 74 IW e 82-52 82-51 once and rem it 1 If n ot paid we obtain reasons. Depo s it s eso u rc es. k L oans D isc ’ t s . B onds , S ec u rities k Cash E x ch anges ,D ub from B an ks . P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d en ts. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 1,000 $ 500,000 $ 450,000 $ 100,000 N. Park., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Pueblo; 1st N., Den. X 10. 100,000 30,000 800.000 700,000 185.000 1st N-, N. Y .. Chi., and Pueblo; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. X 10. 25,000 35.000 135,000 125,000 60,000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st Ni and U. S. N., Den. X 10. L. L. Hunter - 25,000 11.940 262,100 268,840 42,410 Han. N., N. Y.: IstN ., Chi.; IstN . and U. S. N. Den. X 10. ( G.F.Bockafellow T. B. Coulter____ D. N. Cooper____ H. W. Combs___ collect at R . a t once. Send your busine ss d irect to us. Carbondale..Garfield E 7 First National Bank___»*’08 W. M. Dinkle____ Oscar Holland____ S. B. Mansfield. 82-223 Pop. 300 ¿Castle Bock___Douglas First Nat. Bk. of Douglas Co. R. E. P alm ______ W. A. Palmer____ T. Christensen — 82-224 »*’03 Pop. 365 F 14 Oedaredge......... Delta G 4 First National Bank___«*’12 J . B. Ratekin. 82-225 Pop. 526 L. C. Bolton. W. C. Overhults— Dora P. Hall— 25,000 600 67,160 71,690 14,060 Harnman N., N. Y.; Federal N., Den. Center.__Saguache J 10 First National Bank____«’06 D. S. Jones_____ 82-185 Pop. 385 W. E. Gardner____ H. A. Fullinwider. R. E. Laner---- 30.000 25,000 100,000 95.000 20,000 N. Park, N. Y., Federal N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. X 10. ¿Central City.Gilpin D 11 First National Bank — **’74 J . 0. Jenkins____ 82-116 Pop. 1782 J . C. McShane____ H. H. Lake--------- Wm. O. Jenkins— 50,000 53,000 300,000 310,000 60.000 Chem. N., N. Y .: Den. N., Den. J . E. Lightbourn — E. W. Davis........— R. H. Sayre 60,000 20,340 246.580 279.070 52,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; ü . S. N., Colo. N., Den. N„ and 1st N., Den. X 10. 10,000 1,000 35,000 26,500 19,000 Ger.-Am. N., St. Jo .; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; U. S. N., Den. 15,000 6,500 62,970 61,820 13,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 68,000 25,000 53,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Den. N., Den.; Grand Valley N., Grand Junction, Colo. 29,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den. Rocky Mountain N. Bk.»*’66 H. Sayre—. -------82-115 Gheraw____ Otero I 18 First State Bank_______ $10 Carter Wilder____ Sherman B all____ I. W. Strickler----82-226 Pop. 200 ¿Gheyenne-Wells__Chey Cheyenne Co. State Bk.*$’07 W. C. Schultz 82-202 enne— Pop. 300 — G 22 H. C. Homer........... J . A. Shriver. H. Schultz. Clifton — ____Mesa F 3 First State Bank----------- §14 T. A. Butcher____ W. S. Gardner------ W. G. McDonald , 82-329 Pop. 500 10,000 X 10, x 10. Oollbran______ Mesa F 5 Plateau Valley Bank— «*t’01 F. P. Tanner__ 82-227 Pop. 156 S. G.McMullin— Fred E. Tanner__ 10.000 7,380 65,400 47,780 Colorado City——El Paso First National B an k ------1'02 Martin'Drake. 82-228 Pop. 4333 G 14 Earl C. Heinly— W. N. Armstrong. 50,000 8,000 200,000 189,000 121,470 1,004,980 786,560 389,890 N. Park., N. Y .: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 632,620 736,890 174,790 Chase N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; S. W. N. Bk.. Kan. C.; Federal N. and Hamilton N., Den. X 10. 358,750 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Loan & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Kan. C. ¿Colorado Sp’gs—ElPaso ♦Colorado Savings Bk..«*§’03 E. J . Eaton______ O. H. Shoup_____ F. P. Evans--------- T. C. Strachan. 82-5 Pop. 31,717 G 14 ♦Colorado Springs Nat’l Bk S. D. McCracken. 82-6 »*’07 W. F . Richards___ W. R. Armstrong . C. C. Fingel. O. E. Hemenway J . A. Connell....... ♦Colorado Title & Tr. Co. 82-4 »*§’01 H. G. Lunt............. E. P. Shove L. E. Curtis * (Continued n ext v ag e) C O L O R A D O M a p o n In d e x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis G. E. Nolte, T r___ W. R. Waterton, Sec 50,000 100,000 300,000 85,690 103,070 1,223,760 1,279,890 58,000 Seab. N,, N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N,. Chi.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. X10. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N u m b e r U n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given . _____ COLORADO BANKS—Canon City to Colorado Springs_________ July, 1915 ¿Canon City___Fremont Fop. 5162 H 12 am e op •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ÎMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. 104______ A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G ra ce , N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . D c tn iv a / ^ u v e r ii s i i i g C O L O R A D O M a p o n In d e x ■Ì r \ C Ì.UO Na m e .Colorado Sp’gs~El Paso ( C ontinued) P r e sid e n t . tu v u n c w tiu u a V ice -Pr e sid e n t . Ca sh ier . L ia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s P a id - u p AND it s C a p it a l P r o fits As s ’t Ca sh ier . A. G. Sharp--------- S. J . Giles— — A. S. Holbrook C. G. Graham— „ W. 1. Jones.. . C. Morris «FIRST NATIONAL BK .*t’74 J . A. Hayes—- - - - - Irving Howbert — A. H. Hunt— ____ W. I. Howbert___ h s n k E x changes , Bui from B anks . $ 431,260 H. T. Baldwin, OTIS &CO...................— 92 (Investment Mgr. B an kers) Colorado Sp’gs Clear’g House A. G. S h a rp -------- C. C. Hemming— (M embers in dicated bv a * ) .C ortez_Montezuma L 3 Montezuma Valley Nat. Bk. W. H-. Ostenberg— W. I. Myler---------82-173 »t’05 Pop. 565 *Oraie—....... —Moffat B 6 Craig National Bank------i ’91 W. R. Deakins.—— A. M. Seymour — J . A. Rendle 82-183 Pop. 700 ,v First National Bank------- t ’0.4 C. A. Van Dorn___ R. W. Finley------82-184 D. W. McIntyre . . . Crawford—— -Delta G Crawford State Bank — §’10 S. B. Hartman 82— 229 Pop. 250 L. H. Tom kins---H. H. Tomkins___ Tomkins Bros-------— . . J t ’99 .Oreede Mineral J 82-230 Pop. 741 C. J . Diel......... — J . W. Rockefeller Bank of Crested Butte.-»t§’81 Crested B u tte-G u nm son 82-231 Pop. 004 G” 25,000 300 70,000 70,000 20,000 »Del Norte— Rio Grande Pop. 1000 K9 (B ran ch o f Cleve land, >— I r. Bk. Com.. N. Y .:N . Bk. R od.. Chi.:N. Bk Com.,. St. L.: 1st N. and Den. N., Den.: New Eng. N„ Kan. C.; 1stN.,Pueblo. X 10, N., Chi. Springs. E. F . Hutton & Co., N. Y. O. Geo. E. Nolte, Sec. an d T r___ 15,000 150,000 130,000 F. M. Pleasant____ 25,000 3,000 171,000 162,000 J . E. Kellogg------- 25,000 5,250 84,000 87,000 40,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Den. N. and 1st N., Den X 10. 37,000 N. Park., N. Y.; 1st N. and Ü. S. N., Den. U. S.N ., Oma. X 10, X 10 27,000 Merch. Ex. N., N.Y.; Colo. N.,Den. E. A. Browne-----— 10,000 3,000 40,000 35,000 10,000 W. I. Leary---------- C. A. Webber____ 10,000 1,700 60,000 50,000 C. L. Ross— ------ G. V. Benson------ . 15,000 20,000 100,000 93,000 THORNTONBROWN H. D. MacDONALD. 30,000 5,000 350,000 253,000 130,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi, 1st N., Colo. N., and Den. N., Den.; Mech Am. N., St. L. 50,000 11,220 1,354,480 986,840 L. S. Loizeaux____ H. G. Loizeaux — J . DeLongchamps E. F . May . . V. H. Mann H, G. Loizeaux — 10,000 3,000 25,000 31,000 487,550 N. Park.,N. Y .; 1st N., Chi.; U. S. N. and Colo N., Den. X 10 4,250 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Sterling. G. D. McKay_____ S. G. McMullin — H. A. Quigley — - 10,000 1,000 35,000 30,000 A. E. Carlton— — Larry Maroney— G. O. Harrison — . J . Smith. Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Den. 15,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Den.; N Reserve., Kan. C. 40,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. S. G. Morrow____ A. M. Sniff_______ R. C. Tilton-------- Gerald Wood. 15.000 4,250 65,000 55,000 27,290 Merch. Ex. N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den.; Grand Valley N., Grand Junction. Colo. 15,000 Inter state N., Kan. C.; U. S. N., Den. L. E. Stone-------- M. E. Wilson. 10,000 5,000 90,000 82,000 18,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Den. 15,000 7.500 100,000 85,000 37,500 Han. N., N. Y.; ü . S. N., Den.; Ex. N., Colo. Springs. 30,000 2,000 70,000 70,000 32,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: U. S. N., Den. 50,000 41,690 392,620 339,400 133,630 Seab.N.. N. Y .: lstN .,C h i.i U. S. N., Den. 1st N., Pueblo. x lO . 50,000 40,000 325,000 300,000 105,000 Han. N ..N .Y.: Cont. &Com’lN., Chi.; 1st N.. Den. and Pueblo. Xl O. BANK OF DEL N0RTE-*t§ 82 J . McFadzean 82-149 J . M. Stone— . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 200,000 We make a spe clalty and have unequaled faclllt les for handling »t§ 04 | your Items a nd collections for this locality, TKT US. . We collect a t on ce and rem it a t o nee. First National Bank— »t’93 82-47 Crook......... —Logan A 20 Bank of Crook.— ........«í§’09 82-232 Pop. 200 De Beque........... Mesa F Bank of De Beque........ t ’10 82-233 Pop. 300 [ Deertrail—Arapahoe E 17 Deertrail State Bank — 1§'10 82-234 Pop. 500 i e P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 486,470 3,101,780 2,457,450 1,520,750 Ihem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., C S.W . N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C. CRIPPLE GREEK STATE BK. 82-48 L a w s , 30,000 A. W. MORRELL H. McGARRY— »CrippleCreek.—. Teller Pop. 6206 G 13 I .a w y o r s , 220,190 4,045,730 3,549,430 1,116,490 82-7 Howell Hise__ LI9 v u u c s p u u u e iite 300,000 82-2 STATE SAVINGS BANK»t§’13 R. E. Johnson____ R. S. Ellison—---- .. W. E. Johnson___ T o w n s , R eso u rces. LoiNs k B is * c’ t s . B onds , S e c u r ities E. P. Sh ove-------- W. D. Hemming — . L. Godfrey....... $ 200,009 $ 244,890 U 257650 $1512750 *EL PASO NATIONAL BANK 0 . C. Hemming— B. F. Lowell 82-1 «Í 73 ^Exchange National Bank 82-3 »$’! a u u d exed in back: of th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , t»race»\ e t c . , see p ag e 1 4 . F o r H o l i d a y s » see o pposite p ag e 1 6 . C O L O R A D O — C ontinued of b a n k . -Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State jMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. r i u i i i p t r t u .c u u u u A c c e s s ib le N u m b e r U n d e r N a m e o f S a n k is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given t o e ach ban k in U . S. e x c l u s i v e l y b y T h e B a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s ’ t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r i c a n B a n k e r s A s s n . Directory« under T own and County. .County Seats. g iv e W. S. JOHNSON— DAVIDHESSADAMJ. WEISS- MARX LORIGRIOGRANDE STATE BK*i§’07 Send us y o u r collections and Cash letters for 82-150 SONAL ATTENT t service. All It ems have the PER »Delta— - — Delta G 4 Colorado State Bank-----_§’09 I. M. C o n k lin ___; Austin E. M iller.— C. E. Parker___ 82-102 Pop. 3000 DELTA NATIONAL BK.-*i’07 L. W. Sweitzer— H. J . Coerver------- H. W. Chiles.— 82-100 |A. H. ST0CKHAM FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’8 82-101 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H :P M T W. G. HILLMAN- C.B. ADAMS A Bank thorou ghly fam iliar wit h Western Colora do conditions, We guarantee prompt and satis factory service on all cash items and collection s , For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 n fi AUU Number under ««Hue Name vi of ubiuv Bank 10 is the New Transit mo iTCu iiB uoi. «Number » « .u v . given to -each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name oe B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem.StateBks. Assn. SState tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . ASS’T CASHIER. Oentral Sav. Bk.& Tr. Co.<§’92 W. M. Marshall___ B. F . Salzer_____ J V flnolrins 23-53 J . V. Cockins F. I. Newhouse Citizens Exchange Bank— §’12 J . S. Settle, J r . — _ .T. H. Kyle 23-75 iriilìriPìl .Totips Otto E. Kiene, Oity Bank & Trust Co__ < § ’09 W. J . Galligan___ George McLean___ R. A. Brown, A. Sec. See. an d Tr. 23-62 J . E. Osborne COLORADO NAT’L BANK 23-2 GEORGE B.BERGER-HAROLD KOUNTZE-WM. B. BERGER T. R. FIELD HAROLD KOUNTZE, DEBRIS SHEEDY J. H. KOLB K. H. WOODWARD T “ “ Sthe SB o aLrd U n i t e d S t a t e s D e p o s it o r y i ’62 1 W e s t e r n c o l l e c t i o n s a n d o t h e r b u s i n eiSs s i n t r u s t e d to t h i s b a n k w il l r e c e i v e p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n , Continental Trust Co. — < § ’02 J , W. Springer . 23-54 DENVER NAT’L BANK 23-7 J . M. Collins—. Wesley Staley 300 000 $ 6,800 $ 5,300 95,000 $ 4,920 . 81,340 30 000 2,570 102,200 100,000 7,820 442,100 182,660 E. M.Collins._____ 50,000 470 130,370 E. R. Stadler, Sec. F. J . Spencer, Trust Officer 300.000 43,000 $ 75,170 22,170 13,210 2,362,620 776,100 349,990 •t’84 NATIONAL BANK Allen F . Ayres, i .i A. J . Bromfleld— W. C. Garver. 23-59 «$’07 J . Fi Vaile DENVER Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . Mignolet. 16,000 Han. N., N .Y .: Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Den. 9,290 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Den. N. Den. Cent Tr. Co. of 111.. Chi.: S. W. N. Bk Com., Kan. C. 22,800 ■------ r — 101,670 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 924,230 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: — 95,660 30,000 - 167,900 29,840 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. fllnt’l., St. L. 23,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi. P 15,000 ' 53,780 Chase N-/, N. Y.; 1st N. and U 9,410 43,330 Chase N. and Chatham & Phénix N.. 127,530 m S. N., Den. F. Y.; N..Produce* Chi.; lst.N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Go., Den. 80,000 ( Trust bu sinéss ont y) ___ Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den ,J. G. MITCHELL— D. SULLIVAN— — EDWARD 8. IRISH-J. W. HODSTONf j. A. THATCHER, H. M. PORTER W. FAIRCLOTH C hairm an H. C. JAMES B. F. BATES o f B o a rd C o n s e r v a t iv e b u t p r o g r e s s i v e . B u s i n e s s in t r u s t e d to u s g iv e n m o re th a n th e n e c e s s a r y a t te n tio n . O u r f a c i l i t i e s a r e a t y o u r d is p o s a l. A c c o u n t s an d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s o lic it e d . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Cash and E x changes 10,000 $ 205,000 $ 79,030 20,910 Du e from B anks Atlantic N., N. City, Kountze Bros., Han. N., and Im p. & Tra N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Bep., Cont 500,000 1.559,130 11,984,910 3,454,960 8,394,320 4,263,060 3,305,570 2,280,040 & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi. M ech.-Am. N. and State N., St L .; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 1st N., O m a.; New Eng. N. and SEE ADVER TISEMEN T ON IN DEX COL 0RAD0. In ter-State N., K an. C. X 10 ’<120 " Wesley Staley. R esources . ? >67,570 ''3,753,940 1,000.000 SEE 1.309,290 7.903,340 2,467,110 200,000 7,004,970 2.313,300 2,236,640 ADVERT ISEMENT ON OPR 0SITE P ABE. 100,000 143,170 0. J. HURLBDT — i F. E. HOVEY FRANK J. DENISON HENRY GEBHARD DENVER STOCK YARDS BANK 1. Prom pt and Effl cient Service. The only Bank a t the Stock Yards, : . 23-55 * < § ’03 ( Send all Stock Yard and Packing -House collection s direct for prom p t a tte n tlo n . ♦FEDERAL 140,000 $ 50.000 Colorado State &Sav.Bk._i§’07 W. A. McCutchen . B. F . Clark______ B. F . Clark______ F . L. Barkley..— 23-60 COMMERCE STATE & SAVINGS D, H, Staley — BANK-.— 2 3 -7 9 - — . . . < § ’15 80,000 30,000 C. W. Warner C. H. Smith dexed in back of this volume. e tc., see page 14. I ndivid D eposits L oans & B onds, P aid - u p Surplus Dis Securi ual of AND Capital P rofits counts t ie s , etc . Deposits B anks $ C. A. Gebhard....1 F. W. Birnp.y * Cäpitol Hill State Bank C.a.1 ’12 23-76 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13, (D enver, E , 13) Countv S eat p —. ->«£, r 9o i j pS(>rv. r-itv r^op. r e s e r v e '-nxy Lia b il it ie s . E. R. Tihhals.- Calvin Flem ing.... 23-58 TT D E N V llilv 14,000 527,870 1,100,000 m 84,350 N. City, Chase, and 1st N., N .Y .; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; S. W. N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., K an. C .; Anglo & Lon. 2,092,820 Paris N. and M erch. N., San. F .; M erch.-Lae.N ., S t. L .; Oma. N., O m a.; M erch. N., St. P .; Can. Bk* of Com ., London, Eng. x 10. 872,490 250 311,990 26,930 Irving m m . Y.; Drov. N. and Ft. 670,000 446,000 125,000 ; wk 200,000 N. City and Corn Ex., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., Den.; Drov. N. Kan C.; Stock Yds. N.,; So. Oma. Dear. N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. X 10. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Member F ederal R eserve Bank, District No. 10 Esta b l is h e d 1884. TftEDENVER 1 NATIONAL BANK D en ver , C o lo ra d o . UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY SU RPLU S - - - - $ 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 UNDIVIDED P R O FITS(N ET) ’ is t f o o . . OFFICERS . . . J O S E P H A. T H A T C H E R , Chairman Board of Directors ' JO H N C . M IT C H E L L , President D E N N IS S U L L IV A N . Vice-President H E N R Y M. P O R T E R , Vice-President H A R R Y C . J A M E S , Vice-President ED W A R D S . IR IS H , Cashier J . W. H U D STO N . A ss t. C ashier W. F A IR C L O T H . A ss t. Cashier B . F . B A T E S . A sst. C ashier Transacts a General Banking Business. Careful and Prompt Attention Given to All Business. Collections a Specialty. Travelers* Circular Letters of Credit Issued, Available in All Parts of the World. Acts as Reserve Agent for National Banks. All Facilities Consistent with Sound Banking Cheerfully Extended. Correspondence Solicited. D E N N IS S U L L IV A N H E N R Y M. P O R T E R JO H N F. CA M PIO N JO H N C . M IT C H E L L HARRY C. JA M ES . . DIRECTORS . JO SEP H STA N D LEY O TTO S A U E R H EN RY G EBH A RD J O S E P H A. T H A T C H E R C . S . M O R EY JO H N H . P O R T E R C. K. BO ETTCH ER E . A. P E T E R S ED W A R D S . IR IS H M E R R IT T W. GANO N EW YO R K C O R RESPO N D EN TS: F i r s t N a tio n a l B a n k , C h a s e N a tio n a l B a n k , N a tio n a l C it y B a n k , H a rr im a n N a tio n a l B a n k . C H IC A G O C O R R E S P O N D E N T S : C o r n E x c h a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k , F o r t D e a rb o rn N a tio n a l B a n k , C o n tin e n ta l and C o m m e r c ia l N a tio n a l B a n k . S T . L O U IS C O R R E S P O N D E N T : M e r c h a n ts -L a c le d e N a tio n a l B a n k . C o rre s p o n d e n ts in th e p rin cip a l c it ie s of th e M iddle S t a t e s , A r iz o n a , N e w M e x ico , U ta h , C a lif o r n ia , and th ro u g h o u t th e N o r t h w e s t . T h is B a n k h a s a S a v in g s D e p a rtm e n t w h ich p ays in t e r e s t a t th e r a t e of 4 % p er an n u m , p ayab le se m i-a n n u a lly . D e p o s it s m ade on o r b efo re th e 5 t h of th e m onth d r a w in t e r e s t fro m th e 1 st. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The First National Bank Denver, Colorado C a p ita l and Surplus O FFICERS H . J . ALEXANDER, President THOMAS KEELY, Vice-President F . G. MOFFAT, Vice-President GERALD HUGHES, Vice-President M. D. THATCHER, Vice-President C. S. HAUGHWOUT, Cashier J . C. HOUSTON, Assistant Cashier D. R. PLATT, Assistant Cashier Ci C. HENDRIE, Assistant Cashier G. M. HAUK, Assistant Cashier & Auditor ORLANDO PRESTON, Assistant Cashier $ 2, 250, 000 ™ Correspondence Solicited New Y ork Correspondents— First Na tional Bank, Fourth National Bank, American Exchange National Bank, Mechanics National Bank, National Park Bank. DIRECTORS H . J . Alexander W . N. W. Blayney E . B. Field J . C. Gunter C. S. Haughwout Charles Hayden A J . A. Hayes Crawford Hill J . C. Houston Gerald Hughes A. V. Hunter Thomas Keely . C. M. MacNeill W. P. McPhee F . G. Moffat J . W. Morey J . K. Mullen M. D. Thatcher GENERAL BANKING Chicago Correspondents— Continental & Commercial National Bank, Corn Exchange National Bank, Fort Dearborn National Bank. London Agents—Brown, Shipley fie Co. BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special Attention Given to Collections on All Western Points, a t Reasonable Rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Num ber under N am e of S a n k is the New Transit N um ber given toeach bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers': T ~ iT ? N \ ^ T ? T ? ___ P r i n t i n J ___p p ii .,, Accessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, indexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s, Grace,! i 'W ‘ FIRST N A TI BK. Guardian Trust C o ...---- »$§’12 S. M. Willner 23-72 Ä l Charles Willner___ W. L. Hahn, C. W. Jones, H. L. MacWhirter Sec. an d Tr. A. Sec. am dA. Tr. 240.000 16,120 ‘ HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK T. A. Cosgriff____ W. H. K istler........ J . C. Burger_____ E. J . Weckbach___ 23-16 »$’10 J . B. Cosgriff, Chairm ’n o f B o a rd HIBERNIA BK. & TRUST GO. W. R. Leonard__. W. O. Reynolds..— S. J . Young, Sec... R. A. Sullivan, Tr. 23-65 . «$§’10 M. C. Harrington 250.000 63,430 1,421,400 100,000 4,930 582,960 HOME SAVIN6S & TRUST CO. F. L. Bishop.......... M. A. Me Laughlin. R. A. Rartnn 23-66 «.tS’lO 100,000 13,400 965,710 International Trust Co...•$§’92 M. D. Thatcher . . . T. G. Sm ith_____ H. H. Brooks, Sec. P. E. Cleland, Tr. 23-52 H. J . Alexander F.G.Harrington, A. Sec. 350,000 691,580 8,239,080 Interstate Trust Co..:— «$5’06 F . N. Briggs_____ L. C. Greenlee____ Paul Hardcy_____ 23-57 V. F. Wilson 200.000 51,660 1,490,160 Italian-American Bank —«$§’09 P. Frazzini______ 23-64 Merchants Bank_______ »$§’12 S. J . Thomas____ 23_73 North Denver Bank.------- i t ’l l R. J . Morris_____ 23-69 Pioneer State Bank------- •$§’12 W. A. Peterson___ 23-71 Silver State Bank......... .......§’12 Fred Boos____ — 23-77 State Mercantile Bank__ »$§’08 E. W. Elwell_____ 23-61 Union State Bank________ §’13 C. W. Bigelow____ 23-78 239,090 C. Frazzini______ F. Frazzini 50,000 19,700 35,000 A .J. Beckwith........ E. L. Brown_____ G. F. Hudson... 75,000 7,380 217,770 J . G. Reeves___ R. A. Handv Ray O. TCiip.hl 47,710 . 240,980 116,170 Union Ex. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. City. Chi.; U .S. N„ Oma.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X 10. Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: State Bk. of 26,200 Chi., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Merch. N., San. F. 46,470 Chase N„ N.Y.; Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Bk. of Italy, San F.; Cbm. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 276,090 Guaranty Tr. and Bankers Tr. Cos., N.Y.; Cont.& Com’l N. and Merch. Ln.& Tr. Co.. Chi. 79,180 Broadway Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; St. L. Union, St. L. 12,500 Kountze Bros, and Mchts. Ex. N., N. Y.; Ger.-Am.Tr. Co., Den. 14,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; .Hamilton N., Den. ’ 2,170 1st N., Den. 287,920 288,880 254,250 288,250 123,740 807,180 44,480 139,470 53,370 3,898,910 2.927.780 2,325,220 35,130 884,710 446,090 366,970 162,000 177,000 10,570 65,540 6,590 10,740 £03,630 27,000 37,640 26,520 9,740 75,000 1,380 347,340 172,330 134,060 50,000 4,460 167,480 174,330 390 W. D. McGinnis. _. Howard Klugh___ G. W. Simcock___ 70.000 6,300 48,030 98,180 A. Judelovitz..____ M. C. Bigelow____ J . M. Greenblatt 30,000 3,520 62,460 65,810 3,080 439.650 6,310,320 3,776,570 989,280 77,490 49,830 O TA T r e (BONBON JONES— H .T. R06ERS-----JAMES RINBBLD— E. C. ELLETT . . . ___ UNITED STATES \ . . , . . . in f ir m a i m a il/ S ” D e p o s i t o r y - A l l c o l l e c t i o n s in t h i s t e r r it o r y a n d to 32,270 Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: St. L.Union, St. L. 1,170,250 , A. C. Monson____ Carl E. Lundvail .. Gustav Anderson M. T. Murray____ John Q. Adams.__ O. F. Steinmetz . — 10,000 73,530 18,170 104,710 N. Park, N. Y.: State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Secur. N„ Kan. C. 41,820 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Den.; City N„ Oma. 12,360 D. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 5,780 N. City, N, Y.: U. S. N. and 1st N., Den. ‘ IIM IT rn w b mohrison t p NAT INA uKA NK /) tt hh ei s P ba ac ni fki c n ii n n iiu iin i. 23-14 «$ 04 1 a c foster C o rrespo n d en ce invited. I. B. King . . . OTIS & CO.. . . ___ — — . . . . ’07 (Investm ent B a n k ers)____ E. H. Rollins & Sons....... —$’76 F. W. Rollins Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,767,120 C o a s t . A l s o o t h e r b u s i n e s s i n t r u s t e d to w ill r e c e iv e p r o m p t a t t e n t io n . West Side State Bank. . . ..•§11 F. P. Kelley_____ Emil Desserich___ A. E. Upton. 23-68 OSWALD F. BENWELL- ...$ ’08 (Bonds an d W arr an ts) ___________ Denver Clearing House— Gordon Jones (.Members in d icated by a * ) D B N V E R M a p o p p o site 400,000 30,000 1,100 145,000 (B ran ch ofC levela nd.Ohio) W. H. Seavey..___ C. E. Carle ton, T. H. Reynolds, R. B. Young A. Tr. A . Sec. T. A. Cosgriff E. S. Irish, S ec___ W.B. Morrison, Tr. 1.625,000 4,800 20,440 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., K a n . C .; U . S. N ., O m a.; Crocker N., San F .; Ger.-Am. N ., S t. J o . X 10. 16,050 Chase N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den. E. F. Hutton & Co., N. Y.; Shearson, Hammill & Co., IN. Y. and Chi.: Hayden, Stone & Co., Bos.' : E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y., Chi., Bos., and San F . For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) July, 1915 ______________ COLORADO BANKS—Denver—Continued Num ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given Accessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers* T i 'C 'M i n j 'T ? __ P r t n t i n i i a M ___ P a n a « . . » p i i . . . dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, Grace, D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . U-C/IN V -C/J*--- V^OIlTinUeQ----J K e S e r v e U l t y e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Name of B ank. L ia b il it ie s . R esources . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Also Federal Reserve District Due Cash P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . P aid - u p S u rplus I ndivid- D eposits L oans & B onds, $Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. AND UAL of which ,bank is member. O P S e curi DisF rom and E xCa p it a l P bopits Deposits B anks Est. counts TIBS, ETC. B anks CHANGES xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. N. Park, N. City, Mech. & Metals, M.D. THATCHER, IH0M„A8_K!iLY— C. 8. HAUBHWOUTJ. 8. HOUSTON C hairm an o f and 1st N ., and N. B k . Com., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., F t. the B oard . >H. J. ALEXANDER $1,250.000 $ 1,073,750 $16973 500 ------------ $8,400,230 $5.458,150 $4,637,630 $ 1.841.750 Dear. N., N. City, and Corn Ex. I- M. HAUK N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., 3d N., Pres 0. PRESTON and M ech.-Am. N.»St. L .; N. Shawmut, Bos.;: 4th S t. N., *$’65 P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n g iv e n to a i l W e s t e r n c o l l e c t i o n s . 23-1 P hil.; Mellon N., P itt.; S. W. N. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PASE. Bk. Com., K an. C. X IQ, ( Godfrey Schir- A. .T. Zang Wm. F . Dieter, A. Kuensemueller, 500.000 166,160 4,234,670 $ 51,390 2,194,120 1.512,440 769,730 Kountze Bros., Merch. N., and Cent. 200,260 BERMAN-AMEN. TRUST CO. J mer John A. Keefe Sec. a n d Tr. A . Sec. Tr. Co., N. Y,; Union Tr. Co., Chi. 23-56 »$S’05 I Emil Herzog, ( Banking, Savin gs, Individual, an d Corporate Tru sts. A . Sec. 1n 7 iw N um ber u uder N am e of B a n k to the New to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e Band-M cN aU y Ban kem D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Asg_n«_ T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ank . Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, dexed in back of this volume. Fa o B a teI Qst t*ra ce f w ar In terest -- --------------e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page id. P rincipal correspondents . R esources . Lia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District k D ie - Cash k E x of which bank Is member. P aid - tjp Subplus Depos oj’Otanb s . B onds » changes ,D ue and xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Capital P rofits its S ec u r it ie s from B an k s . a e X B U i l l IW C A U I * U U » w i u m o . COLORADO—Continued V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . 2,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’02 J . D. Wilson. 82-124 Eckley______ Yuma G 21 Eckley State Bank-------- §15 82-331 Pop. 175 W. R. Clark-------- C. J . Stockfleth---- 100.000 B. L. McKenzie— 10,000 B. Holland----- P. J . Sullivan. Gordon Jones. Englewood___Arapahoe First National Bank— .« t’08 F . N. Briggs..------ G. F. Higgins------82-239 Pop. 3200 E 14 E r i e - ..........— Weld D 13 Erie Bank___________ »i§’02 C. W. Bixler-------- Wm. Whiles_____ 82-240 Pop. 596 Estes Park.Larimer B 12 Estes Park Bank------- «t§’08 F. O. Stanley......... J . D. Stead---------82-241 Pop. 250 E v a n s.............Weld C 15 Farmers &Merch .Bank *i§'04 John H. Behrens— J . M. Kinsinger— 82-242 Pop. 600 ¿Fair Play___ Park J 14 Bank of Fairplay---------- §’98 J . C. Singleton — J . F. Singleton— 82-243 Pop. 265 Flagler..K it Carson F 20 Farmers State B ank------ i ’l l J . P. Leininger — O. S. Neff— .......... 82— 201 Pop. 600 Flagler State Bank------ *t§’08 W. H. Lavington „ C. J . F a r r ----------82-200 Fleming____ Logan A 13 Fleming State Bank------i§’13 A. E. Dodds-------- F . Segelke_______ 82— 326 Pop. 150 Florence...Frem ont H 13 First National Bank— »Ì1900 M. D. Thatcher— V. S. Sim on-------82-92 Pop. 2712 239,310 19,340 332,160 312,580 8,000 350,000 283,000 21,220 879,330 567,420 25,000 140,000 133,000 32,540 150,000 140,000 28,850 28,410 21,240 128,230 141,400 22,080 249.390 370,660 23,690 15,320 18,690 City N., Lin. 30.000 Seab. N., N. Y .: U. S. N., Den.: New Eng. N. Kan. C. 125,000 Bkrs Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Den. N., Den.; Colo. Title & Tr. CO., Colo. Springs. _ w „ 395,570 N. Bks. Com.. N. Y . and St. L.; S. W. N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.: Colo. N.. Den. X 10. x l u. 50,000 1st N., Kan. C. and Pueblo. 44,360 Chem. N., N. Y .: Ist N.. Den. and Glenwood SDrings, Colo« ^ 6,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Com. State & Sav. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. . 31,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .: Den. N., Den.: Stock Growers N., Cheyenne, Wyo. X 1U. 97.210 Han. N., N. Y.;Den. N. and 1st N., Den. XlO, 10,000 100.000 90.000 10,000 6,590 136.880 116,210 32,790 Seab. N., N. Y.: ü . S. N.. Den. 25.000 11,500 191,000 155.000 J . Brennan, J r . — 15,000 2,000 90,000 70,000 55,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.: F t. Dear. N.. Chi. 1st N., Den. m • X10 20,000 n N., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Colo A. D. Lewis------ 12.000 2,000 50,000 35,000 75,000 48,000 110,730 116,210 50,000 40,000 80,000 56,000 38,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; U. S. N., Den. B. U. Jamison. A. E. Ferguson— H. N. Patton E. W. Balfour------ 12,500 A. A. Dollison— 10,000 W. E. Henry---- 10,000 W. L. Price---------- H. A. Reuschling.. 12,500 ____________ 10,950 5,050 30,000 Han.’ N6? N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Den N..Den. 39,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Den. 24,480 Chase N.. N .Y .; 1st N., Den. 20,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: 1st N., Kan. C J . N. Sanders------- 10,000 3,050 35,000 25,250 10,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N W. W. Harrison — G. W. Palmer. 50,006 25,000 410,000 300,000 200,000 Hane Nng'N. Y .; 1st N., Pueblo; S. W. N. Bk Com., Kan. C. X10 M. G. Nelson------- A. J . Whistleman.... 150.00« 30.000 1,132,430 997,580 259.25« N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N. and 1st N., Den.: N Bk. Com., Tol. X10 G. A. Webb---------- .. 100,00« 34,670 245,52C 256,02« 90,88« N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N..Chi C. H. Sheldon. . . . . .. 150.00« 115,00« 1,089,33« 914,93« 362,31« Kountze Bros., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Colo. N and 1st N., Den. jj , X 10 75,00« Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den.; 1st} N. Oma. . 22.78 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. S. J . Rhode---------- E . E. Standen.. 25,00« 2,50« 200,00« 150,00« J . C. Allan............... 10,0001 1,00« 64,98« 50,59« July- 1915 ¿Fort Collins, LarimerB13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»t 81 L. C. Moore-------- W. A. Drake_____ C. W. Zepp 82-26 Pop. 10,407 T. H. Eves A. C. Klüver Fort Collins Nat. Bank.«tl900 S. W. Johnson------ R. Breniman_____ 82-27 Poudre Valley Nat. B k ..»t’78 B. F. Hottel........... F. P. Stover_____ 82-25 Fort Lupton..Weld C 15 Fort Lupton State Bk. i§1900 M. B. Rhode........... S. J . Rhode—......... 82-244 Pop. 614 Platte Valley State Bankt§’12 W. F. Bolton------- H. M. Siemann— 82-317 C O LO R A D O M a p on In d e x 47,000 U. S. N.. Den. 39,100 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.: 1st N., Durango. Colp, X 10 214,480 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Den. 200,880 10,000 J . E. Mayer. Elbert______ Elbert F 15 ELBERT COUNTY BANKi§ 02 Gordon Jon es.. — W. D. Reilly........... 82-237 Pop. 200 Elizabeth___Elbert F 15 ELIZABETH STATE BANK- Lee Ramsey-82-238 *§’0 Pop. 200 65,000 S 38,000 { 3,200 COLORADO BANKS—Dolores to Fort Lupton __________ $ 25,000 t R. Williamson.— Dolores..Montezuma E 2 Dolores State Bank----- t§’10 H. J . Porter-------- L. S. Foote........— 82— 197 Pop. 450 50.000 J . J . Harris & Co., Bankers J . J . Harris---------- A. F. Harris-------- R. S. S. Fox-------82-196 »t’86 100,000 J . R. C. T y ler------ Golden Barrett— H. Kelley-----¿Durango__ LaPIata L 5 Barns National Bank — »"10 T. D. B u rn s...- — T. Monroe Fields 32-57 Pop. 6000 50,000 W. E. Duggan, A. P. Camp ------J . L. McNeil------Durango Trust Co-------»§’09 A. Sec. 82-56 100.000 First National Bank— »t’81 A. P. Camp— . — J . L. McNeil........ K. A. Gagg— -----W .P . Vaile 82-55 25,000 F. L. Pyles---------George Weisbrod— J . T. Gough -------¿Eads.--------- Kiowa H 21 First National Bank------«’87 82-235 Pop. 400 25,000 A. A. Tandy. Louis Schwarz-----Frank Doll. J . H. Fesler-------Eagle________ Eagle E First N. Bk. of Eagle Co.»t’03 82-236 Pop. 500 10,000 A. M. Staley— W. M. Hopkins---Eastlake___ Adams D 15 Eastlake State Bank------§14 D. H. Staley........— K. G. Lambertson 82-327 Pop. 100 25,000 W. H. Barber-. Eaton_____....W eld B 15 Eaton National Bank— »t’07 A. H. Marble------- W. W. Brown------82-125 Pop. 2000 108 i no lU O x 10 Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ¿ri.«Mlhlit Towns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- Banks Advertising give prom pi COLORADO Map on Index »Fort Morgan--—Morgan FIRST NATIONAL 82-90 Pop. 4000 C 17 03 P r e sid e n t . u u u c tu u m anu U U V 11V « C O L O R A D O — C ontinued Vice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ier . A. F . Johnson. ( J , P. Curry------- O. H. Shoup —------ C. E. Walker W. H. Clatworthy o n ce. nee and rem it a t W e collect a t o If n ot paid we obtain reason s. Send y ou r bu sln ess d irect. Morgan Co. Nat. Bank—»t'89 W. H. Edwards— r 82— 89 Fountain__El Paso H 15 First National Bank-----1’03 A. H. Holmes—_— 82-245 Pop. 431 Fowler_____ Otero I 16 First National Bank— * } ’05 T. J . Barnard------82-142 Pop. 925 R. B. Spruill--------Fowler State Bank — «ÎS 82-141 S. M. Roediger — J . H. Roediger— D. C. Stelson D. C. Stelson, J r ... 8. P. Green. Fruita_______ Mesa F 2 FIRST BANK OF FRUITA 82-145 • tl’04 Pop. 881 Katie F . Skelly— L. C. Jacox— F . W. Carruth A. Waddington---- G. T. Bauer---------- E. O. Enderud. A. S. Marshall W. M. Berry.......... Virgil Davis---- — Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s D e p o s A.ID-TJP f and it s APITAL PROFITS dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , B ra c e , e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13.1 P rincipal Correspondents . R esources . Also Federal Reserve District [/)ANB &Dl8- Cash &Ex« of which bank is member. c’tr . B onds , CHANGB8,Dui from B a n ks . S b c u b it iis xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 100,000 i 22,750 504,450 $ 373,780 S 185,680 I 50.000 58.000 412,000 355,000 163,300 Î 25.000 7,550 51,000 64,000 16,700 1 X 10. i.-Am. 25.000 12,500 140,000 120,000 25.000 7.000 100,000 90,000 N., St. L.; Colo. N., Den. „ „ 25,000 1 it N.. Chi. and Pueblo; Comw. N., Ki 34,400 Kountze Bros., N. Y.: U. S. N., Den. W. A. Merrièll — H. G. McElfresh— 50.000 4,800 98,900 94,300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 07 O. O. Fellows------- B. F . Hughes------- L. A. Stewart-----82-146 Genoa____ Lincoln F 18 Genoa State Bank—— -**§’09 W. C. Caley---------- G.W. Klockenteger J . R. Caley——— 82-246 Pop. 200 C. J . Nicholas— >- F. P. Dewey B m o f c i m m u t o . J . M. Copeland. »Georgetown.ClearCreek Pop. 950 D 11 J . B. Foley.. M. H. Seifried. B A H OF f f O § M T « W | ,2 C. J . Seifried—C. K.Wolfe — P. W. Allen.— Gilcrest—____Weld A10 Gilcrest State Bank..........§’13 W. K. Gilcrest-. 82-247 Pop. 265 Lee. W arn er...---- 25.000 5.000 75,000 75,000 ( 25.000 Ian. N., N. Y.; Grand Valley N., Gra tion; Den. N., Den. iont. & Com’l N., Chi.: El Paso 1 Springs. X 10. x IO . _______ 10,000 James T. Garrett.. 57,000 Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Oma.; Den. N., 1st N., Colo. N., t[. S. N., Den. X 10. 50,000 168,290 199,590 360,370 54,840 30.000 30,440 120,220 146,890 3,370 5,320 33,760 îhâse N., N. Y .: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Ha ilton N. and 1st N., Den. 1,270 'ioneer State, Den. 10,000 N., and 1st Ñ., Den. City, Cont. & Com’l N., and Corn Ex._ 60.000 Chi.; Colo. N . Den. X 10 220,000 ihem. N.,N. Y .: 1st N., Chi. and Den.: S. W N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 1» »GlenwoodSp’gs, Garfield CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK B. T. Napier—........ C. D. Barnes.—---- G. H. Bell----------- A. J . Wirth---------82-109 *$03 Pop. 2019 E7 First National Bank— * i ’87 C. C. P ark s-------- J . H. Fesler......... . C. R. McCarthy---L. Schwarz 82-108 50.000 52,000 215,000 210.000 100,000 130,000 450.000 480,000 R. Broad. J r -------- G. R. Broad______ 25.000 15,220 84,770 83,210 T. V. Phelps-------- H. W. Pratt -------- Gordon Smith----H. M. Rubey H. F . Decker------- E. A. W ines-------- J . L. Zink----------- 50,000 65.540 324,430 382,540 10,000 ___— 43,990 44,690 Wm. E. Dudley— D. A. Randall------- A. C. Milne______ 40,000 90,530 42,880 C. E. T IT U S-— V. C. TALBERT— 1EMAN C. FO X-- 100.000 42,000 889,700 718,300 405,160 Han. N., N .Y.; Oont. & Com’l N., Chi. X 10 125,000 10,280 549,560 407,170 Pueblo; Ham 277,670 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st ilton N., 1 s tN., and Colo.N., D en .,S. W N, Bk. Coin., K an. C. 10,000 2,000 40,000 30,000 15,000 Com. E x.,N . Y .: Ist N., Glenwood Springs R. F. Graham____ J . M. B. Petrikin.. J . S. Davis______ 100,000 130,000 810,000 790,000 195,000 Mech? & Metals N.. N. Y .; Ist N.. Chi. H. C. Watson____ O. T. N e ill-........... L. B. Carrel_____ H. D. Parker E. J . Decker......... L. E. Wyatt — W. H. Farr— . G. D. Statter J . S. Gale............. — C. N. Jackson____ A. W. Ferguson . . . 100,000 80.000 600,000 530,000 100,000 105,000 550,000 630,000 25,000 75,070 327,36« 260,85« 250,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Der N Den» • ^11 90,000 N. Park, N. Y .j IstN ., Chi. and Oma.; Ist m and Den. N.,"Den. , , xr tiI ! 166,570 N. City, N. Y.:Oorn Ex. N., Chi.: Ist N., Dei R. Broad, J r _____ »Golden— Jefferson D 13 BOLDED SAVINGS Pop. 2477 Woods Rubey National Bank W. S. Woods____ 82-96 »t’93 Granada___Prowers I 22 American State Bank—»*§15 W. C. Young_____ 82-249 Pop. 359 »Grand Junction— Mesa Bank of Grand Junction.§’15 A. M. Schmidt____ 82-41 Pop. 8000 F 2 W .J. MOYER— GRAND VALLEY NATI BK. 82-39 ** ’02 UNITED STATES BANK & TR. GO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32,090 Seab. N., N. Y .: Colo. N., Den. 69,930 Seab. N., N. Y .: Den. N., Den;; S.W . N/Bk Com., Kan. C. a ffl 8,600 S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Cent. Sav. Bk. i Tr Co» Den. 86,370 Harriman N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; N. Bk Com., St. L.; 1st N., Den. A thoroughly o rganized collect! on departm ent, Prom pt atten ti on to all banking m atters. A Good Bank in a Good Town. j 0. T. STONE-— s i m 1" REUEL MORGAN-. Conducts a gen eral Banking and Trust business. Largest Capital of any Bank in Western Colorad o. Collections and cash letters give n special atten tion. 82-40 **§’12 Grand Valley.Garfleld E 4 Garfield Co. State Bank .¿§’07 G. E. Clarkson . . . . 82-250 Pop. 268 »Greeley—___Weld B14 First National Bank-----* t ’84 Asa Sterling--------82-33 Pop. 10,376 Greeley National Bank.»t’90 0. H. Wheeler___ 82—35 UNION NATIONAL BK.^i’77 B. F. Johnson.---82—32 Weld County Sav. Bk..«*§’89 R. F. Graham.. 82-34 COLORADO Map on Index W.S.Woods. E. F. Taylor_____ J . J . Connell_____ July, 1915_____________ COLORADO BANKS—Fort Morgan to Greeley ____________ Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. iu Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, JJlrectors, in N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New 'Transit N um ber given 1 HO *° e»ch bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ l U y D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. ¿County Seats. A u e n u u n X II For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B a n k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d -M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, under th e au th o rity <ff T h e A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of b a n e . Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ¿Mem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. Grover— . . . „W eld A 16 Grover State Bank. Pop. 200 82-251 P r e sid e n t . V ice -P r esid e n t . R eso urces . Lia b il it ie s . Loans&Dis- Cxsn &Ex Depos c’T A s s ’t C a s h ie r . P aid- u p Surplus 8. Bonds, changes,Dub and Capital its Securities fromBanks. P rofits Ca s h ie r . E. C. Abbey, J r . __ E. C. Abbey_____ »Gunnison.Gunnison H 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’82 Samuel P. Spencer A. Hartman_____ J .T Miller J . A. Steele Pop. 1026 82-126 $ ßny M. Rnse 82-335 Idaho Sp’gs— Clear Cr’k Clear Creek & Gilpin Tr. Co, John Owen____ Pop. 2500 E12 82-105 §’06 FIRST NAT’L BANK 82-103 50.000 55,560 388,890 312,490 167,090 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 45,550 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. W. W. McKee____ 50,000 7,320 131,820 139,850 25,000 3,000 42,000 55,000 W. D. D ecker____ F. H. Puntenney — 10,000 2,830 35,210 36,560 D. L. Beer__ 1----- „ F . P. January------ W. M. Thomas___ 10,000 13,800 105,000 100,000 X 10. 15,000 N. Bk., Com.; N. Y.; 1st N„ Den. 7,980 1st N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 26,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. Ellen V. Beutson— L. G. Gordon_____ 10,000 3,000 50,000 40,000 30.000 Interstate Sav. and U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Lin. J . A. Swedlund. Emil Larson_____ R. H. Groff............. 25,000 4,270 106,990 108,620 32,760 IstN ., Oma. and Sterling, Colo.; Cent.Sav. Bk. A. P. Wood____ J . M. Whetstone B. T. Shelton___ Leslie Kimsey . j . Waripc 25,000 1,600 70,000 80,000 13,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Ist N., Den. M. M. Burch_____ D. L. Sellers 30,000 1,000 66,000 85,000 15,000 M et, N. Y.: ü . S. N., Den. G. I. Huston_____ ■T. H. Sevhnlrt____ 15,000 15,000 35,000 50,000 20,000 U. S. N., Oma.; Interstate Tr. Co., Den.; S. W. W. C. Gould_____ W. L. Morris____ E. D. Shirley____ 50,000 1,180 125,540 141,140 J . A. P ierce_____ .T D. fihnll............ 30,000 2,980 42,320 61,340 W.E. Heginbotham G. B. Heginbotham May B. Mowry___ F. G. Feidler J . W. Webermeier. R. L. Johnson____ M. J . Hardaway... 50.000 22,000 175.000 135,000 25,000 4,100 110,000 85.000 31,000 Oina. N., Oma.; U. S. N„ Den. R. J . Kavalec_____ T> H Onve 10,000 100 40,000 35.000 12,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Wal R. E. Blair............... 10,000 6,000 90,000 74.000 32,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Ist N., W. Thomas______ H. H. Addams ___ 25.000 12.000 123.000 106,000 32,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Den. L. W. Kennedy___ 10,000 3,000 60,000 51,000 29,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. M. R. Stewart____ J . H. Hume__ 10,000 1,500 30.000 30,000 10.000 Chase N., N. Y .: U. S. N., Oma. and Den. 25.000 30,000 150,000 180,000 4,440 2,660 f G. H. Duke— W. L. Savage 10,000 & Tr. Co., Den. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 49,230 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Kan. C. X 10. X 10. 15,520 N. City, N. Y.; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 90.000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den., Lin., and Oma, X 10, lace State, Monte Vista. Colo. Den. and Pueblo. X10, 27.620 Seab. N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., KansC, X10. 11,780 Den. N., Den. Henry Swan__ M. T. Nelson J . A. W ilkins.. H. F . Swanson H. C. White r . . . . 50,000 2,000 45.000 55,000 J. J. SHERWIN H. A. HANDY______ L. R. EMERSON — 50,000 55,000 290,000 270,000 71,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Is tN ., Chi. 50,000 24,900 132,960 152,060 26,180 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and U. S. N . C. I. Spessard, Sec. < ’01 C. S. Birkins___ W. L. Shaffer— __ A. A. Stover.. 1— John Owen, T 0 . C. Taylor_____ All collections are given the per sqnal attention of an officer of this ba n k. Ignacio..__La Plata L 5 Ignacio State Bank____¿§’10 R. M. Shultz_____ Pop. 300 82-258 Iliff——— Logan A 19 First Bank of Iliff___. . ¿ t ’07 J . P. Dillon „ r____ Pop. 300 82-259 Johnstown___Weld C 14 First National Bank.__ < ’04 T. M. Callahan___ 82-260 Pop. 198 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 11 25.000 $ 15,000 1st N., Cheyenne, Wyo. 10,000 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Ger.-Am.Tr.Co., Den. X 10, Largest and Old est National Ban k In Clear Creek County. entlon of an offlc er of the Bank. Collections hav business direct. < ’80 . Superior Servie MERCH. & MINERS N. BK. 82-104 28.000 $ N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit to each bank in IT. S. exclusively bv Th « 10.000 2,500 35,000 40,000 8,000 1st N., Oma.; U. S. N., Den. S. V. Cheairs____ W. F. Alexander. . Louise D. Sanders. 10,100 4,900 42,000 46,900 8,000 Den. N., Den.; U, S. N.. Oma. H. J . Parish_____ T. H. Hill________ ------------------------W. E. Letford 25,000 8,000 100,000 100,000 Emmet Wirt_____ M. F.. Turner Den. X 10. 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Colo. N., Den. X 10, Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ^ ? A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, Law s, D irectors, In- ____________ July, 1915 ! WILLIAM L.BUSH ü goo $ S. Oleson------------ J . P. Oleson_____ H. C. Bartlett.__ _ »Hugo------- Lincoln F 19 FIRST NATIONAL B K .-< 07 Gordon Jones____ John P. Dickinson E. I. Thompson . . . A. Y. Cole— .......... Pop. 343 82-257 Wm. Clifford Stock Growers State Bk— §’15 C. C. Bogue____ 10.000 î P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. COLORADO BANKS—Grover to Johnstown Gunnison Bank & Trust Co. C. W. Winslow___ 82-127 < § ’10 Bank of Gypsum______ ¿§’11 H. E. Chatfield — 82-252 Hartman State Bank___¿§’07 R. B. Meek............ 82-253 Colorado State Bank___¿§’09 B. Best.________ — 82-254 Bank of Haxtum_____< t ’06 G. W. Gordon___ 82-189 Farmers State Bank „ .¿ § ’09 D. W. Scott— 82-190 Hayden-------- Routt B 7 First National Bank. ... < ’02 J . C. Temple_____ Pop. 600 82-199 Yampa Valley Bank__< § ’02 L. E m rich ..._____ 82— 198 Hillrose------Morgan C 18 First State B a n k ...__¿§’08 Emma Huston____ Pop. 150 82-255 Holly------ Prowers11 22 First National Bank___ «¿’99 B. B. Brown_____ Pop. 1000 82-157 Holly State Bank.__..< § ’07 G. W. Stevens____ 82-158 »Holyoke__Phillips B 21 First National Bank__< ’88 John Heginbotham Pop. 800 82-165 Phillips County State Bank J . H. Painter____ ’ 82-166 <§*09 Hooper— Alamosa K 12 Hooper State Bank____¿§’12 N. E. Morgan........ Pop. 131 82-322 Hotchkiss____ Delta G 5 Bank of North Fork__< ’93 S. B. Hartman____ Pop. 600 82-170 First National Bank . —. < ’01 W. S. Coburn— 82-169 »Hot Sulphur Springs, First State Bank_____ < § ’09 E. Becker________ Pop. 300....G rand C 10 82-299 Hudson........... Weld D 15 Hudson State Bank___< § ’09 A. J . Stybr______ Pop. 200 82-256 Gypsum..------ .Eagle E 8 Pop. 300 Hartman—.Prowers 122 Pop. 150 Haswell------- Kiowa H 19 Pop. 200 Haxtum___Phillips B 20 Pop. 341 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. COLORADO—Continued 110 110 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit m -VM TMrftftinrr. nn t T o w and County. ¿County Seats. Name of COLORADO —Continued B ank . P resid e n t . Y ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . L i a b i l i t ie s . A.ID-TTP B u k p l u s D e p o s AND ÎAPITAL, it s P b o f it s A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, Law s, D irectors, In dexed In back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. R esources . P rincipal Correspondents . L oans &Dis* Cash & E x Also Federal Reserve District c*t s . B onds , changes ,D ub of which bank is member. WHOM B a n ks . S e c u r ities XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. j B. F. CLAYTON - C. PETERSEN......... E. F. CLAYTON.___ 25.000 $ 12,500 $ 125,000 $ 112.000 $ 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Oma. N., Orna.; Colo. N. and *Julesburg-... Sedgwick CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK j B ank In Sedgwick County . In close touch with local eondit ons. 1st N., Den. X 10. Pop. 962 A 22 82-135 » i’8( ( Oldest Farm mortgag es furnished on short notice. 82-136 Kersey----------Weld B 15 Kersey State Bank. Pop. 304 82-261 C. F. Parker......... C. W. White__ ___ F. G. La Selle____ T. Y. Grantham.. G. G. LaSelle Glenn La Selle W. R. Williams___ F. J . Edgar............ L. B. Tucker Nellie E. Tucker »Kiowa—___Elbert P 16 Pop. 150 Gordon Jones____ W. D. Reilly_____ A. M. Rex 82-262 Kit Carson,Cheyenne G 21 Pop. 75 Kremmling— Grand C 9 Pop. 300 Lafayette...Boulder I) 13 Pop. 1892 Laird____....Y u m a C 22 Pop. 201 La J a r a ..__Conejos L 10 Pop. 448 82-309 Bank of Kremmling... 82-263 First National B ank__ »£’07 82-114 Laird State Bank______ §’09 82-264 First National Bank___*£§’11 82-182 La Jara State Bank___»£§’06 82— 181 »La Junta___Otero J 18 Colorado Sav. & Tr.Co.»£§’07 Pop. 6500 82-67 150.000 140.000 4,000 50.000 40.000 15,000 City N., Orna.: Federal N., Den. 10,000 6,800 75,000 70,000 15,000 Seab. N., Nv Y.: U. S. N. Den. 20,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. and Trust Co., Den.; Comw N.,Kan. C. 22,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Colo. & Den. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y .: 1st N., Hen. X 10, C. E. Collins_____ Charles Scott___... J . G. McComish . . . 10,000 5,150 55.000 55,000 10,000 5,900 60,000 61,000 G. E. Bermont........ A. Schofield_____ 25.000 1,000 120.000 113,000 10,000 2,590 23,450 24,860 25,000 5,000 100,000 90,000 A. C. Howe John Brown_____ Thomas Ashton___ Buffer Roberts___ J . A. McDaniel___ W. A. Braiden____ Beni. Lusk J . A. Rivera 30,000 1st N., Orna.: U. S. N., Den. X 10, 10,680 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; CityN., Lin. Neb. 25,000 Han. N„ N. Y.;; U. S.N ., Den. X 10, B. L. Van Vechten Christen Jen sen ... H. C. Hall 30,000 22,000 110,000 115,000 E. Rourke_______ B. M. Spalding____ J . L. Gilliland____ G. T. Babcock____ F. Finney 75,000 16,500 189,560 168,380 38.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N, Chi.; 1st N., Den. 112,680 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo: Den. N, Den.; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 50,000 69,000 475,000 459,000 134,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. C. R.Unrkfiy La Junta State B an k ..*£§’93 R. A. Steen______ A. G. Draper G. H. Win cheli. 82-66 ALamar___Prowers I 22 Citizens State Bank___«£§’08 J . M. W illiams___ L. J . Boring_____ J . D. Spooner____ Charles Maxwell ~ Pop. 2977 82-88 First National B a n k ....»£’87 W. C. Gould_____ B. B. Brown____ J. Maurer 82-86 LAMAR NATIONAL BK.»£1900 C. M. L e e .............. B. T. McOlave 82-87 La Salle____..Weld C 15 La Salle State Bank____*§’08 T. F . Dobbs_____ J . C. Hubbard___ Pop. 300 82-266 «Las Animas__ Bent 1 19 Bent County Bank____ £§’75 M. D. Thatcher___ R. C. C. Thatcher.. Pop. 3000 82-110 Farmers State Bank____ §10 T. J . Herron A. W. Johnston . . . 82-112 First National Bank___»£’01 L. E. Thompson... John McIntosh___ 82-111 La Veta. ..Huerfano K 14 La Veta State Bank___»£§’06 H. M. Stockwell— C. L. Martin_____ Pop. 800 82-267 »Leadville____Lake F 10 American National Bk..»£’88 Chas. T.Lim berg.. J . F . McDonald... Pop, 8000 82-44 R E. Adams R F Flint 50,000 5,860 238,820 201,210 17,500 175,000 150,000 50.000 49,000 328,430 223,540 55.000 Cent. Sav. Bk.& Tr. Co., Den.; Comw.N.,Kan. C. 197,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. X10, 50.000 20,000 220,000 200,000 75,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State & Kan. C. X 10. 7,000 U. S. N., Omaha; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., and U. S. N., Den.: Cent. N., Kearney, Neb, 97,320 lstN ., N. Y.: Inter-State N. andS. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 31,000 Com. Tr. Go., Kan. C. R. B. Carpenter__ 10,000 1.000 32,000 35,000 30.000 28.850 365,120 329,670 L. B. Herron 50.000 a— d 80,000 80,000 J . W. Moore_____ E. S. Risley 30.000 27,040 247,290 193,820 H. T,. Springer W. L. Warner H. D. Leonard____ W. G. Harrington. 15,000 3,500 90,000 70,000 100.000 27,000 525.000 467,000 ALittleton.Arapahoe E 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK*£ 05 Gordon Jones____ J . D. Hill__ Casper Broemmel.. T n Whito Pop. 1373 82-118 A. Howartb Littleton State B a n k ...£ § ’09 D. H. Staler.. D. M. Decamp____ A. Loehwing____ 82-120 Amos Binford X 10, 35,000 P. G. Scott______ W. J . A. Scott____ CARBONATE, NAT L BANK A. V. Hunter____ C. Cavender_____ IT. K. Porter H. W. Woodward.. 82-43 «£’87 F . K. Porter Limon..___ Lincoln F 18 Limon State B an k ..__»£§’05 J . M. Baily______ W. H. W ells...___ J . M. McClure____ Pop. 700 82-177 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 Edmund Becker__ P. J . Martin_____ W. H. Harrison__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«£’90 R. W. Patterson... F . Finney_______ R. Phillips I . 82-65 COLORADO Map on Index 50.000 10,000 100.000 — 2,200 1,941,000 90,970 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Den. N., Den.. July, 1 9 1 5 ______ COLORADO BANKS—Julesburg to Littleton 111 93,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Den. and Kan. C. x lO . 35,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. and Interstate Tr. Co.’s, Den. 255,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Colo. N. and Den. N„ Den. X 10. 590,000 1,571,000 1st N., N.Y., Chi. and Den. 25,000 14,390 116,000 116,000 31,380 25,000 25,000 291,000 276,450 62; 730 15,000 750 98,500 86,000 24,000 x 10. xlO. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 112 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he E an d -M cN ally B an k ers T own and County . «County Seats. Name of B ank . $Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •Mem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Lia b il it ie s . rplu s Depos ’ AID-UP Su A ND Ca p it a l Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 110,480 772,490 796,400 194,700 B 50,000 22,000 305,600 255,000 89,750 > 15,000 1,500 22,000 24,000 12,000 I: 50.000 50,000 260.000 230.000 N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Den., 75.000 Seab. S J . M. Cunningham L. B. Blair— . — -- 100,000 30,000 425,000 340,000 80,000 I John Hahn______ A. V. Benson____ H. D. Henry-------B. R. Bonnell 100.000 32,000 508,000 488,300 64,800 I 12.000 800 40,000 38,000 10,000 10,000 1.500 22,500 20,000 11,000 15.000 225,000 210,000 85,000 3,000 185,000 135,000 72.000 15.000 150.000 200,000 57,000 2,040 36,980 23,730 28,950 10,000 240,000 199,000 66,000 31,000 265,000 249,000 51,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den. W. T. Coon---------W. C. Coulehan 50.000 x 10. Lyons__ — Boulder C 13 State Bank of Lyons— $§'04 George Stickney— M. W. lurner------82-269 Pop. 633 G. A. Van Fradenburg W. B. Wilson......... 50.000 Ifancos—Montezuma K 3 First National Bank------ »10 J . E. Ptolemy____ Jas. A. Frink------- G. T. Cline---------- W. E. Faris 82-176 Pop. 800 20.000 Uanltou — El Paso G 14 Bank of Manitou______»$§’08 H. M. Ogilbee____ A. M. Wilson___ ;. 82-270 Pop. 1500 15,000 W. C. Beaty-------- W. H. Glaskin, Jr. Manzanola__Otero I 17 J . N. Beaty & Co., B k’97 J . N. Beaty--------82-271 Pop. 428 15.000 W. L. Girdner..— L. C- Summers---- . Oscar Holland— Marble—-—Gunnison G 7 Marble City State Bank*t§'12 W, M. Dinkel— W. D. Parry 82-316 Pop. 782 15,000 J . A. Rendle____ A. C. Moulton------ J . W. Rigby—........ »Meeker..Rio Blanco C 5 Bank of Meeker............»$+’89 V. B. Caldwell. O. A. Seymour 82-153 Pop. 1000 40.000 J . E. Oldland____ R Old land L. B. Walbridge... First National Bank______’04 C. C. Parks.— 82-154 10,000 O, R. Johnson _ _ Merino— ---- Logan B19 Merino State Bank------ i§ ’08 82-273 Pop. 350 10.000 H. G. Wetherell— Mesita------- Costilla L 12 First State Bank----------- §10 82-274 Pop. 200 10.000 .T. TT. Wilson M illiken. ........Weld C 14 First State Bank----------- §12 S. T. Wilson. 82-275 Pop. 250 10,000 G. E. Shearer Moffat___Saguache J 10 Bank of Moffat p_______ §10 Thos. Saffell. 82-276 Pop. 300 25,000 H. SMITH-------( G.W. BATES-— J . B. C0SGRIFF— J . H. G000KHIGHT JE. X CARTER, ” t ve the persona] atten tion of an officer of this ba nk. Monte Vista.Rio Grande FIRST RATIUNALBK. •$’04 Send us y our b usiness direct» 82-95 Pop. 2700 K9 L a te of paym ent. R. L. S t it t----------- R. J . Kavalec------- Westel Wallace.—Wallace State B a n k -...»$§’86 82-94 Edna Hunt______ C. B. Akard_____ »Montrose.Montrose H 4 First National B an k ........»’89 D. R. Grant 82-71 Pop. 4000 J . S. Hill—............. J . C. Seeley-----Home State Bank_____ $§’09 82-74 M. D. Thatcher. . J . V. Lathrop------ George O. Gilbert. Jno. D. Robuck— Montrose National Bk._»$ 82-72 B a n k s A d v e rtis in g g iv e P r o m x 10, Chi.: Den. N„ Colo., N., and 1st N., Den. Den. Colo. x 10. N., Alamosa, x 10. N., Kan. C. x 10 3,000 45.000 43.000 10,000 tont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr Co., Den.; Ist N., Sterling, Colo. 3,400 43,000 42,000 12,000 550 18,000 20,000 7,100 1,020 23,840 24,540 30,700 215,000 190,000 100.000 4,740 304,780 292,130 100,000 22,340 645,040 669,090 30.000 2,450 89,630 71,090 60,000 40.000 358,000 230,000 COLORADO BANKS—Longmont to Montrose______________ July, 1915 J . W. Jones A. A. Ferguson Ex. N„ Chi.; Colo. N.. Den. Augusta Sittler A. H am ilton.... Jno. R. Handy.— Loveland—.Larimer B 13 FIRST RATIONAL BAHK»t’05 I. J . Henderson— G. Adolf Donath 82-70 Pop. 5000 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rin cipa l Correspondents . 110,000 A R. K. Pierson------- 50.000 S 30,000 Louisville—Boulder D 13 First State Bank— — $§’15 L. E. Chenault..— J . R . Tmrlaway — 82-333 Pop. 1500 Manassa ...Conejos L 11 Colonial State Bank..........§12 Christen Jensen— 82-319 Pop. 788 P r o f it s its R esources . jO AN8ftDis- C/A8HftEXc’tb. Bonds,,Due Securities fromBanks. 285,000 S 225,000 T. M. Callahan — iRae H. Kiteley — Longmont—Boulder C 13 Emerson & Buckingham Bk. D. C. Donovan— W. L. McCaslin Pop. 5500 & Tr. Co. — — . — -•$§’71 82-62 W. L. McCaslin... Farmers National Bank.«$’81 W. H. Dickens___ J . R. Forsyth 82-68 Longmont National Bank»$ ’05 P. E. Hamm-------- E. L. Montgomery. Charles Kistler— J . W. Denio 82-64 LARIMER COUNTY BARK & George W. Foote.. TRUST CO____________• » ’» 82-69 Loveland National Bank » i’¡82 W. C. Yorreiter__ 82-68 Accessible Towns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. COLORADO—Continued Kan. C. 9,090 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Am. N., Ala mosa; Com’l N.. Kan. C. 65.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. x 10. 117,380 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; N City, Chi.: 1st N.. Pueblo and Den. 173,290 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; S. W. N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. TT X 10, 29,010 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C., U. S. N., Den. .. X 10. 207,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Pueblo. p t A tte n tio n to Collections and Correspondence D iU lK b rtU Y C l COLORADO Map on Index N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe R and-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n. Town and County. «County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. Presid en t . New Castle..Garfield E 5 New Castle State Bank _i§’09 C. C. Parks _ .. Fop. 493 82-278 Niwot____ Boulder C 13 Pop. 125 Niwot State 'Rank____ §’09 N. M. Henry 82-279 Accessible Towns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. COLORADO— Continued Vic e -P r esid e n t . Joseph Yule Cash ier . As s ’t Cash ier . Edward Ewing___ Lia b il it ie s . Depos P aid- up S urplus and Capital P rofits $ 10,000 $ Frank Bolton R esources . i< oans ScDis- GashScExSbcuritibs tromBanks Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 3,500 $ 50,000 $ 45,000 $ 23.000 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. 10,000 2,300 41,000 40,000 10,000 Colo. N., Den.; 1st N., Boulder, Colo. 33,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den. Norwood.San Miguel 1 3 Galloway Bros. & Anderson, Pop. 212 Bankers. 82-280_____ i t ’07 John R. Galloway. 15,000 12,000 80,000 73,000 Nunn— ------Weld B 14 First State Bank. Pop. 143 82-281 Amos Entwistle... 10,000 2,990 18,280 21,030 Oak C reek..__Routt C 7 Routt County Bank___*i§’10 F,. T,. Prentiss Pop. 1500 82-282 L. Ogilvy________ Allen Cliff_______ 10,000 1,120 100,000 50,000 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hamilton N., Den. Olathe___ Montrose H 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t’10 H. F. Perkins Pop. 458 82-180 C. P. F oster_____ A. R. T itus.. J . F. French 25,000 6,000 70,000 68,000 23,000 Seab. N., N.Y.; ü . S. N ., Den. 30.000 28.000 93,000 100,000 15,000 1,900 ‘60,000 51,000 19,000 N. City, Chi.; Western N., Pueblo; Drov. N. Kans. C. 25,000 10,000 125,000 110,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Pueblo; S. W. N. Bk, Com., Kan. C. X 10, 10.000 5,500 75,000 56,000 28,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oma.; ü. S. N. Den. 15,000 1,500 78,000 55,000 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. 25.000 2,500 250,000 •1§’0X Fred Catchpole.. — J . S. Hatcher__. . . L. J . Catchpole___ 16,000 23,000 185,000 135,000 *£§’04 V. B. Caldwell.— . J . A. Rendle_____ J . D. Reeder ......... -T, Tt Rirket.t 0. A. Seymour 15.000 140,000 95,000 60,000 Am. Ex. N.,í N. *Y.; ü. S. N..Den. §’(18 B. F. Clark E. G. DENNIS-— j T. B. TOWNSEND C. B. AKABD____ E. L. OSBORN— C. C. WORTMAN OLATHE BANKING CO. i§ 05 ( F irst and olde st established b ank. ! Collections an d cash item s wi 11 receive person al a tten tio n . 82-179 ( Superior servie e. Send V S you r business. «Ordway__Crowley 1 17 Citizens State Rank , , Pop. 1500 82-162 §’U T). F. Bartlett James Trainor W. C. Walker . FIRST NATIONAL BANK-i’07 A. F. Enyart____ J . N. Beaty______ R. J . Pendergrast.. J . C. Campbell ___ 82-161 Otis---- Washington C 20 Otis State Bank_______ t§T0 M. B. Holland........ Pop. 250 82-283 F. S. Huston_____ «Ouray.............Ouray I 5 Citizens State Bank____ §13 T. A. Mostyn____ A. A. Burke_____ D. S. Boyd............. R. E . Kuller strand Pop. 1400 82-325 F,. .T Bent Miners & Merch. B ank -*jf 78 M. D. Thatcher__ 82-284 «Pagosa Springs—Archu Citizens Bank leta__Pop. 669____ S 8 82-286 Palisades___..Mesa E 3 Bank of Palisades Pop. 900 82-143 f! F Jordan PALISADES NATIONAL BANK G. W. Bowman___ W. M. Finegan— . H. G. Crissey____ 82-144 «t’05 8,910 State Bk. of Chi.,Chi.; Colo. State & Sav., Den. X 10. 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Montrose, Colo. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo. 98,000 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N.. Den. 25.000 600 95,000 75,000 41,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Grand Val. N.. Grand Je t X 10. 25.000 11,000 96,000 92,000 28,000 1st N., Chi.; U. S. N., Den. 30.000 9,050 141,030 144,570 Parker____Douglas E 14 Parker State Bank____ *i§’12 C. B. Ames.._____ W. M. Lewis,.— , F. B. Hood___ . . . . Hr A-Septer Pop. 100 82-313 10,000 1,640 "40,600 47,320 Pierce.......— Weld B 14 Pop. 400 Pitkin------Gunnison H 9 Pop. 250 Platteville____Weld C 14 Pop. 430 Proctor —.__.Logan A 20 Pop. 100 Paonia----------- Delta G i First National Bank___« i’03 A. J . Castell__.___ C. C. Hawkins..■__ M. H. Crissman___ S. C. Henn Pop. 1100 82-129 Fruit Ex. State Bank—»t§’01 W. Hammgnd____ T. T. Duffleld____ W. T. Baetjer........ H. L. Curtiss—___ 82-128 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . E. Sh afer____ « W. F . Lindemann.. 10,000 5,000 12,000 R. R. Williams___ E. R. Williams____ 10,000 19,500 10,440 W. A. Thomson__ .T. W. Birkle Bert Volker G. A. Henderson.— J . D. Bine, J r . . . . . P. R. Lacalli__ 25,000 5,000 175.000 135,000 10.000 1,190 12,000 18,000 X 10, 33,020 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Colo. N„ Den. 8,940 Colo. N., and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 3,000 Den. Stock Yds., Den. 15,180 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Federal N., Den. X 10, 2,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Oma: 1st N Sterling: Colo. N.. Den. 113 Pierce Exchange Bank.«J§’13 82-323 Pitkin Bank f ’84 82-288 Platteville National B k ...J ’03 i 82-289 Proctor State Bank___*j:S’09 82-290 COLORADO, BANKS— New Castle to Proctor ____ Robt. L. Quinlan.. July, 1915 1 i o A AO For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 -l • N um ber under N am e of B an k la the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank ln U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally Bankers* pT T ppT D irecto ry , u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass*n._____P o p . 51,218 Name of B ank . •Mem/ Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. FIRST NAT’L BANK •$’71 42-1 P r e sid e n t . M. D. THATCHER M.D.THATCHERJr. H.C.THATCHER A. S. BOOTH Established 18 7 1 . F acilities fo Collections a s p ecialty. SEE M International Bk. of Com. .§ ’07 w . K. Greene------ E. F . Ford____ F. A. Bracken 42-5 Fred O. R o o f... P aid - up Capital Su bplu s I ndivid D eposits and P r o f it s ual Deposits of B anks R e so u rces . Due B onds, from Se c u r i counts t ie s , etc . B anks L oans & Dis P rin c ipa l C orrespondents . Cash and E x changes Also Federal; Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem.Fed. Reserve Collect. System. N. B. Com.i istN . and N. City, N. Y.; H. J. SMITH----- G. F. TROTTER-— $ 300.000 $ 565,860 $ 5,262,176 $ 2,822,480 $ 2,956,650 $ 2,695,400 $ 3,028,060 $ 619,510 N. City, 1st N.,and Cont, & Com’l C. M. THOMPSON C. B. CARLILE N.VChi.: S. W. N. Bk. Com., 1st N., A u ditor and Inter-State N., Kan. C.: 3rd r an y business in the line of bank Ing. N., St. L.: 1st N., Colo.. N.. and COLOB ADO. MAP OF All GINAL ADVE r t i s e m e n t o n Den. N., Den. X 10. J . Q. Greene. 30.000 H. E. Wheeler. 30.000 Alva Adams. . . . — M. D. Thatcher___ W. K. Dudley. Pueblo Savings & Trust Co. 42-6 «$§’08 D. C. Meigs___ Western National Bank...•$’81 B. B. Brown_____ W. L. Graham____ C. E. Saxton... 42-2 2,500 630.000 32,' 100,000 95.000 2,035,000 100.000 25.000 660.000 10,000 30,000 390,000 ; 79,000 225,000 135,000 175.000 70,000 1,094,000 422,000 340,000 227,000 60,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Gate City N., Kan. C. 58,000 Chase N., N. Y .: 1st N., Den. 718,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; In t’l Tr. Co., Den;Y 150.000 110,000 1st N., N. Y.. Chi. and San F .: U. S. N. and 1st N., Den. X 10. COLORADO—Continued Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. T own and County. •County Seats. P residen t . State Bank of Ramah— $S’08 Tj. ßammnn 82-291 Pop. 150 V ic e -P r e sid e n t . A. T. Thorn__ Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . A. J . Eisner_____ R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Loansk Bis- Gashb Ex Depos c P aid-up Surplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Due AND its Sbourxtibs prom Banks Capital Profits $ 10.000 $ 3,500 $ 40,000 $ 39,000 $ P rin cipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve »Collect. System. 9,500 1st N., Den.; El Paso N., Colo. Springs. Mech.-Am. N., S t.L .: 1st N. and Colo. N., Den 75,000 10.000 . .Garfield E 5 First National Bank— *$’02 G. E. Harris........— C. J . Shideler____ W. H. Haley_____ J . F. Gragbry W. Johnston 82-163 Pop. 1200 „ . •» E. Prftfnntnin« R Ellis it - L. Kennedy______ G. B. Helm______ 82-164 50.000 41,560 233,790 228,310 25.000 2,000 60.000 50.000 f M. TV Thatc/hflr H. E. Allderdice — John Richert____ Rocky Ford__Otero 117 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «$ 04 ] A live energet ic b ank, Pop. 3230 82-76 ( P r o m p t and efficient atten ti on to all m atters entrusted to us. 60.000 18,000 185,000 163,000 86,990 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Kan. C„ and Pueblo; U. S. N., Den. X 10, Peoples Home Bank__«$§’08 A. D. Tsherwood 82-78 W. L. Schafer........ A. S. Kitch............. 30.000 9.170 154.220 149,530 41,610 Den. N., Den.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. Rocky Ford Nat. Bk__ *$’08 82-77 H. B. Mendenhall.. F. R. Kelly______ 50,000 25.000 230.000 223,000 70.000 1st N„ Den.; Infer-State N., Kan. C. X 10, 60,000 19,320 154,740 209,250 39,810 Lin. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. X 10, 30,000 51,920 191,010 233,690 54,220 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Pueblo, and Den. (A. E. Walther) — Rifle. i: m '“' k J :p •Saguache.Saguache 1 10 First National Bank___»$’11 Horace B. Means — Adam Shellabarger 82-160 Pop. 1000 * * * * ¥ ;' SAGUACHE COUNTY BANK n L. Mayer........... — Chas. Tarbell____ W. F . Boyd______ A. N. Ritter-------F. M. Gotthelf 82-159 t i i ’SO 125,230 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan, C. 1st N. and ü. S. N., Den. X 10 20.000 1st N. and Colo. N„ Den. COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber friveh Accessible Tow ns. Law vers. L aw s. D irectors, lb- ____________ July, 1915 A. E. Walther____ C. M. Stanwood . . . 82-292 Pop. 376 COLORADO BANKS—Pueblo to Saguache Minnequa Bank____ ___ «$§’02 M. D. Thatcher— 42-4 As s ’t Cash ier Ca sh ier . V ice -Pr esid e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In dexed In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, f P u eb lo I 151 Countv Seat p f* R eserve City Lia b il it ie s . 114 11 A N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. »County Seats. Name op B an k . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State JMem.State Bks. Assn.fPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . Salida..____Chaffee H 11 COMMERCIAL NAT’L BANK D. P. Cnolr 82-60 »t’05 Pop. 4000 A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, itodexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 COLORADO—Continued Y ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . F. N. Cochems___ C. W. Erdlen____ R esources . L ia b il it ie s . Cash&Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos Loans&Dis- c AND c*T8. Bonds, hanges,Dus Capital its Securities promBanks. P rofits P rin c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 50,000 % 10,210 $ 305,510 % 297,580 $ 80,640 Atlantic N., N. Y .: Colo. N., U. S. N.. and 1st N., Den. X 10. H. Preston______ J . G. Hollenbeck . . F. C. Woody_____ W. G. Myers FIRST NATIONAL BANK 82-59 * t ’89 Y. C. Davenport Wm. N. Baird 25,000 555,000 550,000 116,430 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. X 10 C. C. Rockafellow. 10,000 5,000 35,000 35,000 15.000 Am. N., Alamosa, Colo.; Colo. Springs N. Colo. Springs. Sedgwick.Sedgwick A 21 First National Bank___»t’06 R. T. McGrew____ J . W. Broadhead — C. B. McKinstry__ Pop. 200 82-295 25,000 3,720 93,800 113,410 34,110 U. S. N., Den.; Live Stock N., So. Oma. X 10 Seibert—Kit Carson F 20 Seibert State Bank___*t§’08 W. C. Caley_____ G. W. Klockenteger E. L. Johnston___ Pop. 250 82-296 10,000 980 53,310 51,450 12,340 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; El Paso N., Colo Springs. S ilt ------ I___ Garfield E 6 First State Bank..........*i§ ’l l Walter Jam es____ A. H. Hepler__ __ R. T. Y o rk ............. Pop. 250 82-315 C. C. McMurphy 10,000 10,400 9,780 6,520 Ist N., Glenwood Spgs., Colo.; U. S. N., Den. j M. D. THATCHER JOHN H. THATCHER J. H. WERKHEISER B. B. ALLEN........ ‘ Silverton.. San Juan 1 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pop. 2500 82-106 « î’82 1Send your Colie étions and Cash I terns Direct. 50,000 350,000 245,000 S im la .....—.Elbert F 16 State Bank of Simla........§14 Pop. 200 82-332 »Springfield__ Baca K 21 First State Bank______ »§’14 Pop. 200 82-330 Steamboat Springs.Koutt Bank of Steamboat Springs Pop. 1700 B7 82-122 « it’98 First National Bank___»i’02 82-123 Milner Bank & Tr. Co..»i§’89 82-121 A. A. Sala/ar C. O. Tsely ... . M. .T. Pease M. B.. Dnhaeh 10,000 1,000 17,630 16,860 n. G. Fr.k-les . Lanra Unit S. Unit 10,000 1,430 55,360 35,940 Stratton State Bank___«is’09 82-298 State Bank of Sugar City §10 82-152 First State B ank......... . t§’06 82-300 Bank of Telluride____ »J:§’89 82-117 First National Bank___* i ’90 82-118 t§ ’06 Timnath.:__Larimer B 14 Farmers Bank. Pop. 150 82-301 Towner------- Kiowa H23 Peoples State Bank— i§ ’08 Pop. 200 82-302 COLORADO Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 7,670 El Paso N., Colo. Springs; Cent. Sav. Bk, & Tr. Co., Den. 29,730 1st N., Lamar, Colo.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Cent, Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 20,740 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Den. 10,000 410 77,440 66,020 Richard Jones____ A. H. Poppen____ A. R. Brown_____ L. L. Brown_____ 25.000 10,780 180,500 161,560 54,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. F . E. Milner_____ J . H. Burroughs.— J . E. Milner_____ 50,000 5,000 140,000 190,000_ 28,000 Met., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. 50,000 15.430 210.000 170,000 50,000 Cíase N .,N .Y.; U. S. N., Den. and Oma. XlO, E. M. KELSEY.— V. B. WATTS------100,000 C. H. WOODARD ng estates, L. ALLEN BECK s and investment s for out of town parties. Charges reasonab le. 34,950 681,6C0 797,120 119,430 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Oma.; Colo. N. Federal N., and 1st N., Den. XlO 79,090 503,020 350,420 91,480 Han. N., N. Y.: Den. N. and 1st N., Den. Oma. N., Oma. X 10 10.000 6,000 70,000 60,000 15,000 5,480 67,000 68,000 15,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: El Paso N., Colorado Springs. 18,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N. and Western N.,Pueblo (G. A. HENDERSON L. M. BECK— ........ DANIEL REAGAN < Unequalled fac illties for handli paying taxes. and making loan ( Prom pt service on collections. i E. M. GILLETT— JOHN LUTIN........... C. J. FUHK - ......... R.G. CHEAIRS........ LOGAN COUNTY NAT. BANK 82-81 «’93 { U. S. Depositor y. Special Collée tion D epartm ent. T R Y US. Stratton.Kit Carson F 21 Pop. 300 Sugar City.Crowley J 18 Pop. 1000 Swink.______ Otero G 11 Pop. 600 »Telluride.— San Miguel Pop. 1756 J 5 120,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.' X 10 V. B. Caldwell____ J . A. Rendle_____ R. A. Bareuther__ »Sterling.... .Logan B 19 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK F. W. Rieke_____ R. J . Patterson___ J . H. K ing............. G. S. Simons_____ 82-83 «*’09 Pop. 3044 W. C, Propst FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10,000 W. M. MaSon____ J . E. Holtz______ E. W. Tarrant____ F. S. Howard____ P. V. Barth J . O’Connell, J r . — C. A. Reynolds___ J . N. Beaty W. E. Wheeler— A. J . Clark C. D. Wavgoner. _ 50.000 10,000 3,200 102,400 62,000 50,000 47,220 543,840 367,690 175,000 XlO 56,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Den. N., Den. 273,380 Han. N. and Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y. Ist N. and Den. N., Den.: Ist N., Pueblo. 210,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.: Colo. N., Den. X 10, L. L. Nunn______ J . A. Boshard_____ N, A, Mr.Kay 75,000 27,000 325,000 J . M. Edwards____ 15,000 11,000 73,140 72,030 24,300 Seab. N., N. Y .: U. S. N., Den. 10,000 510 20,000 15,000 12,000 S. W. U . Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; Ist N., Scott City, Kan. R. B. Christy H. G. Springer ’ n sy- Arthur J . Bleaney. COLORADO BANKS—Salida to Towner 100,000 San Acacio.. Costilla L12 Costilla County Bank _. _t§’10 W. TT. Meyer 82-294 Pop. 150 July, 1915 115 For SA FETY and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) COLORADO—Continued ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . »Trinidad___Las Animas Commercial Sav. Bank.«$§’05 E. R. Wood. 82-15 Pop. 12,274 L 15 J . H. Drury. FIRST NATIONAL BK. >$’75 M. D. Thatcher— 82-13 Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . 50,000 O. C. Samuel F . G. Bloom........... Èli Jeff ryes---------- W. S. Keeney . G. P. Prager J . C. Hudelson CITIZENS BANK— 82-328 .•*§’97 St. L. 817,000 1 200,000 61,000 2,500,660 1,600.000 100,000 22,000 430,000 390,000 120,000 ÎN. 100.000 60,000 700.000 560,000 300.000 ÎN. City, N. Y.; Den. N„ Den. X to, Kan. G. Bk. Com., N. Y .: U. S. N .. Den. x iO 28,000 ( ont. & Com’l N., Chi.: U. S. N., D< Lamar, Colo. 17,000 30,000 3,080 881,240 680,120 30,000 400 160,380 138,160 49,900 1 F. L. Baker------ 30.000 10.300 189,110 190,760 63,650 R. L. Snodgrass— M. E. Cowing. 60.000 54,000 830,000 580.000 335,000 A. D. McGarraugh. 30.000 3,920 127,550 136,380 37,890 A. Petteys------- 10,000 1,300 55,000 50,000 W. E. Hankins . — A. B. Wilson— 25,000 6,480 112,860 127,710 10.000 31,000 214,020 147,270 103,780 1st N., Chi., Den., and Pueblo. M. M. Majewski. 10,000 2,000 48.000 25,000 28,000 Neb. N„ Oma.: Den. N., Den. Charles Spencer. 25.000 4,500 75.000 75,000 15,000 S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. 0 .: Cent. Sav, Bk. Tr. Co., Deh. W .A.BESELJ. N. AKEY A thoroughly o rganized collect! on departm ent, Send your Win dsor Items direct to us for prompt. efflcient service. 15.000 2,500 80,000 70,000 40.000 Han. N., N.Y.: Hamilton N., Den. Lewis Kern______ W .E. Hickman— E. P. Hickman----R. E. Hanna M. B. Holland____ W. T. Auld............ P. J . Sullivan----- M. Finch------------ 40.000 15,180 228,590 188,690 30.000 20.000 165,000 175,000 W. D. McGinnis... E. B. Borland____ J . C. Tuomey----- W. T. Diss_____ — T.B.Groves,3dV.-P. W. C. Grigsby John Whyte-------- Geo. L. Akey — — W. T. Fair—— — 30.000 8,000 181,000 158,610 15,000 4,600 38,000 36,600 28,500 ü. S. N., Den.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. Arnold Powell____ S. C. Reed----------- Melvin S. Wheeler Chas. J . Wheeler J . B. Male-----. . . — Geo. C. Crossen— E. W. Ewing— 15,000 10,000 80,000 72,000 30,000 Den. N., Den.; Oma. N., Oma. 35,000 34,28« . Bk. Com.. N. Y .: Cont. & > Chi.; 1st N. and Colo. N„ Den. 234,200 We make a spec ialty and have am pie facilities for handling Items and collectio ns on Goldfield, Independence, an d Victor. Quick Action or Reasons Given. P. H. Argali........... M. E. Dukes. — G. B. Beardsley— L. B. Dukes. Floyd A. Thompson J.S . CABLE - Harrison Teller— H. C. Hoch---------- C. Crowley----- G.A. Dodd------ -— J . F . Heiserm an... Roy Shepherd J . B. Campbell___ H. C. Hoch— ........ J . W. Campbell— 10,000 J . A. Crowley. H. C. Stephens— 8,49« N., Den. Alb. Co. N., Laramie, Wyo. idadN ., Trinidad; Den. N. and Colo. N. Den.; Minnequa Bk., Pueblo. X 10. ULCUli. Oil M CW U Bil., XI. Chi.: D. S. N., Den.; Western N., Pueblo. 14,000 J. S. N„ Den.; N. Bk. of Ashland. Ashland, Neb.; Ger. N„ Hastings, Neb. X 10. 41,460 110,080 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y .; 1st N. and U. S. N. Den. X lu 38,000 Han. N..N. Y.: Colo. N .. Den.; Neb. N „0m a 86,000 Han. N., N. Y .; IstN .. Den.; Neb. N., Oma 8,670 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den. 32,000 Ü. S. N., Den.: S. W. N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 15,000 2,80« 80,00« 56,00« 25,000 6,00( 150,00« 120,00« 50,000 Den. Stock Yds. Bk., Den.; 1st N., Oma. 25,000 10,00« 150,00« 130,00« 55,000 Colo. N. and 1st N., Den.; City N., Lin. X 10 July, 1915 Number under Name of Bank 16,660 S 640,410 $ 614,350 $ 103,140 C 36,000 J. M. ALLAM - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. & 550 •Walden___Jackson A 10 North Park Bank------- *$§’03 K. J . MacCallum ~ Owen S. Case------82-304 Pop. 162 »Walsenburg —Huerfano First National Bank------»’03 Fred O. Roof— — James B. Dick-----82-98 Pop. 2423 K 14 Guaranty State Bank— «§’09 Ralph Stanley------ T. M. Hudson-----82-99 Weldona— Morgan B 17 Weldon Valley State B k.i8’08 John WyckofC.— 82-305 Pop. 100 Wellington.Larimer B 13 First National Bank— .»$’05 W. C. Moore___ —- J . M. Purdie_____ 82-306 Pop. 600 Westcliffe____Custer 112 Henry H. Thomkins & Co., (H. H. and L. H Bankers—82-307------»it ’90 Tompkins and G Pop. 232 B. Beardsley) Wiggins...... Morgan C 16 First State Bank— —— §’09 M. Majewski------- James H. Beggs. 82— 308 Pop. 200 Wiley_____ Prowers 1 21 State Bank of Wiley— *$§’07 Charles Càrver— J . B. Esgar------82-310 Pop. 800 First National Bank— »$’03 82-139 »Wray— ____Yuma C 22 First National Bank------ $’03 82-131 Pop. 1200 National Bank of Wray.»$ 82-130 fi Peoples State Bank------- §’10 82-132 Yampa_—____ Routt C 7 Bank of Yampa---------- »$§’03 82-194 Pop. 400 Stockmans Bank— <------$§’05 82-195 Yuma_______ Yuma O 21 Citizens State Bank— .$§’09 82-193 Pop. 600 Farmers State Bank.j— »§’11 82-314 First National Bank ..■—•$ 82-192 C O L O R A D O M a p o n In d e x its * Loans Dis- Cash Exo’ t s . B onds , chances ,B ub S e c u r it ie s from B anks . 10,000 — - 1 1 4 J . R. Gardner Windsor.— __Weld B 14 FARMERS STATE BK. «*§ 08 82-140 Pop. 935 Depo s COLORADO BANKS—Trinidad to Yuma____________ INTERNAT’L STATE BANK John Aiello______ J . J . Hendrick------- W. G. Pies ted 82-16 «$§’i i W. R. Chapman — C. R. Rapp. E. D. Wight----Trinidad National Bank »$’86 D. P. Jones H. K. Holloway 82-14 J . V. Sayler---------Two Buttes___Baca K 22 Bank of Baca County— I ’l l E. L. Harris-------- Onda Young----82-318 Pop. 150 W. E. DABBS J. B. IRVINGA. E. CARLTON J. N. SIMMONSVictor.............Teller H 18 BANK OF VIGT0R82-79 Pop. 3162 AID-TTP Su r p l u s and APITAL Pr o f i t s P r in c ipa l Correspondents . R eso u rces . L ia b il it ie s . Name of B an k . T own and County . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page Id Hg 116 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B.and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence is the New Transit Vnmhnr , AppprhUiIa Towns. T.awvpra. T.awa. lilrpplor«. in- D a llK a n u v ç i u a iu g CO LO RA D O M ap on In d ex N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit N um ber given 40 each bank m u - S. exclusively by Tbe B an d-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an kers Ass’n . T own and County . *County Seats. Ansonia—New Haven I Pop. 16,204 Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest S a te s , Grace,] e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CONNECTICUT L ia b i l i t i e s . P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e sid e n t . Ca sh ie r . As s 't Ca s h ier . Ansonia National B an k ..*’61 Chas. F. Brooker.. F. M. Drew______ F. M. Drew______ H. W. Case. 51-149 P a id - u p S u r p l u s and Ca p it a l P r o f it s 25,000 Branford.NewHavenJ 11 Branford Savings Bank—§’91 Charles F . Bradley. M. P. Harding___ W. H. Foote. W. R. Foote, Pop. 6047 51-267 Sec. an d Tr. A . Sec. an d A . Tr. 25,000 A. W. Tremain, Sec. a n d Tr. S. M. Hawley, T r.. 100,000 E. H. Judson, T r.. Horace B. Merwin Sec CITY NATIONAL BANK-** 54 Frank Miller____ Charles E. Hough.. Charles E. Hough.. H. B. Terrill_____ 51-29 R. A. Beers City Savings Bank____»*§’59 Benjamin Fletcher S. W. Hubbell— 51-30 E. W. Button C. G. Sanford____ F . N. Benham.. FIRST-BRIDGEPORT P. W. Wren NATIONAL BANK . — •* 64 51-32 Mechanics & Farm. Sav. Bk. J . L. Wessels____ 51-34 «*§’73 Peoples Savings Bank—*§’60 Henry Atwater___ 51-31 James Staples & Co.— * * t’74 51-35 T. L. Watson & Co___ *tt 51-33 1. 117.460 N. Park and Fifth Ave. and Guaranty Tr Co.. N. Y. 5,000 106,780 143,940 16,190 Irving N., N. Y. 60,500 586,260 610,420 16,210 Branford Tr. Co.. Branford. 10,680 112,190 134,480 28,410 N. City, N. Y.: Union & New Haven Tr.Co. New Haven. 22,100 883,690 897,230 1, 107,270 Han. N. and Am. Ex., N. Y. 288.460 N. City, N. Y. 500,000 277.530 3,172,830 3,496,400 453,960 Liberty N„ N. Y. 250,000 516,900 2,814,010 3,018,190 812,720 N. Park, N. Y.: GirardN., Phil.; N. Shawmut Bos. 1, 513,330 8 , 112,220 8,337,790 287.770 IstN „ N. Y. 397,480 2,085,640 2,036.310 875.770 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 1st N., Phil. t 332.100 O. H. Brothwell — H. C. Woodworth. 1 , 000,000 F. N. Benham, J r . M. E. M orris____ L. S. Catlin, T r ... J . M. Otis, A. T r.. J . W. Knowlton E. P. Hincks____ W. H. Lyon, Tr. Frank Hubbard, Edward K. îvës Sec. 600,000 5,364,000 5,705,990 1,573,550 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. X1 329.530 5,750,600 5,992,100 101,180 Met. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y. 426,510 6,806,660 6,991,940 241,230 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ist-Bridgeport N. Bridgeport. 1st N. and Winslow, Lanier & Co., N.. Y Chase N., Atlantic N.. and Seab. N., N. Y Bristol.— Hartford E 10 BRISTOL NAT’L BANK-»* 75 C. T. Treadway — W. A. Ingraham... M. L. Tiffany____ Pop. 15,145 51-154 Bristol Savings Bank— §’70 H. A. Warner____ W. A. Ingraham— Miles L. Peck. T r.. 51-153 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 514,560 8,641,330 8,867,420 Willard S. Plumb. Rich’d W.Cogswell, T r. A. Tr. |H. S. Shelton___ Henry A. Bishop.. L. B. Powe______ T. C. Cumming... CONNECTICUT NAT. BK.»t’3l : Special atten ti on given collectlo ns In Bridgeport and vicinity. 51-26 ! PROMPT SER VICE HAS BUI LT UP OUR BU SINESS. prom P rincipal Correspondents . 100,000 660,350 605,150 291,940 3,945,360 4,184,870 5. M. Peck, A. Tr. BRISTOL TRUST CO.— »*§ 07 W. E. Sessions___ C. L. Wooding____ G. S. Beach, T r .... C. N. Gordon,A .T r. 51-155 121,480 100,000 70,420 2,065,050 2,080,060 335,980 Chem. N., N. Y .; 4th St. N., Phil.; Shawmut, Bos. CONNECTICUT BANK§—Ansonia to Chester M. W. Manwaring. L. Kutscher, J r . . . E. L. Sullivan F . B. Hawley____ A. W. B u rritt___ E, W. Bassick C. B. Seeleÿ_____ Egbert Marsh___ C. G. Sanford, Ch'n o f B d. W. R. Foote, Wallace H. Foote, Sec. an d Tr. A.Tr. changes , B ub B anks . N. Oom’l, Alb.; 1st N„ Bos. 98,180 3,102,780 3,083,490 Bethel ———Fairfield E 8 Bethel National Bank—_«*’12 L. 0 . Peck____. . . I. F. T erry ........... H. M. Judd_____ C. R. Morse. Pop. 3041 51-298 H. L. Shepard ‘ Bridgeport------Fairfield American Bank & Trust Co. Pop.115,289 L 6 51-38 < § ’11 Bridgeport Savings Bk.»*§’42 51-27 Bridgeport Trust Company 51-36 »*§’86 it s Loansb Bis- Cashb Ex- c ’ t s . B onds , S ec u r it ie s $ 200,000 $ 192,490 $ 926,330 $ 878,460 $ 539,980 Mech & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: Savings Bk. of Ansonia.»§’62 F. A. Lines______ Samuel G. Redshaw Franklin Burton, 51-150 Sec. a n d Tr. Branford Trust Co__ . . . § ’11 Richard Bradley__ Henry F . Jourdan. 51-292 R esources . D epo s July, 1915 1I 7 —— N. 1. 52,430 170,000 Merch. N., N. Y .; Girard N., Phil. Q&na&n....Litchfield A 4 Canaan National Bank—»*’07 G. S. F u lle r ...___ H. B. Ives_______ George R oger____ 20,960 131,740 50,000 173,240 25,330 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 1. Pop. 1000 51-266 Canaan Savings Bank___§’72 G. S. F u ller_____ G. L. Parsons____ J . B. Reed, T r___ F. R. Collins, Sec. 24.000 585,000 574,000 20,000 Union Tr. Co.. N. Y. 51-265 J . S. Reed, A. Tr. Chester ..Middlesex I 15 Chester Savings Bank.»§’71 H. C. Brooks____ C. E. Smith, 48,120 621,390 643,640 18,830 Phoenix N., Hart.; Chester Tr. Co., Chester. Pop. 1600 51-269 Sec. a n d Tr. Conn. Chester Trust C o .......• § ’141H. C. Brooks C.J. Ba tes_______ C. E. Smith, 53,560 3,990 25,000 61,940 19,640 N. City, N. V.; Riverside Tr. Co.; Hart. 51-300 I Sec. a n d Tr. C O N N E C T IC U T M a p a p p o site p a g e 122 For SA FET Y and SER V ICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T own and County . •County Seats. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca sh ie r . A s s 't Ca sh ier . E. E. P o s t.—.:-----R. W. Chapin,A.Tr. B. F . Case...... ........ M. J . McFarland. See, an d Tr. C. A. Farnham___ H. L. Sanborn; See. a n d Tr. .¿ J —. I — M. H. Upson T. W. Beaumont— R. S. Griswold, Tr. T. W. Beaumont, ■Sçç. M. H. Griffing------ W. H. Redfleld — John McCarthy-— G. H. Williams. Surplu s Ca p it a l it s 75.000 11,240 S 100,000 187.870 25.000 14,220 228,030 215,350 155,590 1,172,710 ,272,750 191,360 224.870 48.800 P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 24.690 Chase N., N. City, and Irving N., N. Y.; N, Shawmut, Bos. X 1. 51,890 Han. N., N. Y. 55,550 Canton Trust Co.. Collinsville, Conn.; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 14.520 Middletown N. and MiddlesexCo. N., Middletown, Conn. 1. 250.000 127,140 837,310 1,120,690 242,010 N. Park, N. Y .: N. Com'l, Alb. 218.000 269.000 808,000 1.113.000 392,290 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi ; N. Y. State N., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. X 1. 47,180 N. Park, N- Y.; Danbury N., Danbury. 51-125 Savings Bk. of Danbury*t§’49 G. M. Rundle------- H. H. Woodman— H. C. Ryder, T r— H. T. Hoyt, A . Tr. F. E. Hartwell 51-126 Union Savings Bank—.«*§’66 J . H. Fan to n ------- F. M. Thompson— L. L. Hubbell. Tr. G. F . Lyon, A . Tr. 51-128 A. Atwood —----- W. H. Burnham — C. A. Potter, , Danielson.Windham D 22 Brooklyn Savings Bank»*§’72 Sec. an d Tr. 51-268 Pop. 2934 C. Starkweather, Danielson Trust C o.---- *§’14 J . A. Atwood------- F . A. Jacobs.— 51-303 Killingly Trust Co. ------- §’14 W. A. Gaston------- T. E. Hopkins------ N. D. Prince, T r... , , „ 51-301 F. E. Storer-------Windham Co. Nat. Bank«*’22 T. E. Hopkins------ N. D. Prince... 51-253 G. F. Bearse, Sec. an d Tr. H. M. Baker . . . . — Darien____Fairfield D 11 Home Bk. & Tr. C o....«*§’12 M. D. W ilber------H. S. Neilson 51-294 Pop. 4500 Deep River___Middlesex Deep River Nat. Bank..»*’49 H. J . Brooks . . — W- A. Brothwell— R. L. Selden...•. 51-259 Pop. 2200 1 15 Deep River Sav. Bank.»*§’51 Milon P ratt.— —— R. U. Tyler------- - H. J . Brooks. Sec an d Tr. 51-260 Derby— New Haven J 7 BIRMINGHAM NAT’L BANK C. H. Nettleton— H. F. Wanning — F. M. Clark----51-183 »*’48 ,Pop. 9441 Derby Savings Bank ..**§ ’46 George E. Barber— C. H. Nettleton— T. S. Birdseye, Sec. an d T r 51-182 Home Trust Co. L a-----»*§’93 C. N. Downs------- H. F . Wanning — . D. B. Giddings, Sec C. N, Downs. Tr... 51-184 East Brooklyn .Windham (See Danielson) Pop. 1858 D 21 (D anielson P. O.) E. N. Peck — —East' Haddam .. Middlesex National Bk. of New England A. E. Purple......... A. H. Dayton— 51-272 «*’05 Pop. 2482 H 16 East Hampton.Middlesex East Hampton Bank & Trust Ì . S. Brown_____ Geo. N. Lawson — Chas. C. Swan, Tr lua Pop. 3000 G 14 Go_____ 51-304___ — §’ir East Hartford ..Hartford East Hartford Trust Co. .§’15 É. E. K in g..-------- E. S. Goodwin. 51-305 Pop. 5100 D 15 Essex____ Middlesex 1 16 Essex National Bank—.«*'07 C. G. Cheney____ E. O. Reynolds— H. B. Barnes 51-256 Pop. 2745 Essex Savings Bank--- §’51 N. H. Williams — W. H. Parmelee ... E. A. Bailey. Sec. an d Tr. 51-255 J . S. T racy--------- H. C. Gaylord, Tr J . L. Ensign, Sec.. Falls Village— Litchfield Falls Village Sav. Bank.«§’54 H. Goodwin . . . . 51-264 Pop. 800 B ' W. R. Hubbell.— D. E. Dean___ National Iron Bank— «*’47 H. C. Gaylord _. 51-263 E. H. Deming, Tr. D. N. Barney. Farmington — Hartford FARMINGTON SAVINGS BK, Julius G ay-----T. H. Root 51-273 *§’51 Pop. 3478 E ll A. F . Rippel-------R. M. Wilcox— John Maher .. Green w ich..Fairfield M Greenwich Nat. Bank— *¿’06 O. D. Mead-----51-146 Pop. 18,290 W. B. Todd. T r ... A. W. W. Marshall A. W. W. Marshall Greenwich Trust Co.— «§’97 R. Jay W alsh.. Sec 51-145 Edwin Henderson, H. F . Price, T r— . Putnam Trust C o .------•*§T4 W. J . Hoggson— R. L. Chamberlain Sec 51-147 Guilford.New Haven J 13 Guilford Savings Bank.*§’75 E. H. Butler.......... Edward E lio t____ Charles Griswold, Tr, 51-251 Pop. 3001 C. Griswold, Tr, Guilford Trust Co.— «*§’14 C. Stowe Spencer. S. G. Redfleld 1 51-252 Cash & Exch anges , B ub B an ks D epo s 558,460 5,384,280 5,895,560 192.000 2.904.000 3.040.000 95.000 1.785.000 1,833,950 47,500 N. Park, N.Y.: Danbury N., Danbury. 56,250 1st N,, N. Y.; Danielson Tr. Co., Danielson. 50.000 10.000 250.000 127,180 25.000 3,000 7,000 28,000 50.000 55.000 558.000 568.000 30.000 16.000 352.000 304,800 85,380 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; N. Y. State N. Alb. ' % 7,000 N. Shawmut, Bos.; Windham Co. N., Daniel [ son. 60,000 Merch. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.; N. Shaw mut, Bos. 1. 88,800 Met. Tr. Co„ N. Y.; StamfordN., Stamford. 150.000 100,000 200.000 350.000 50,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 1. 105,880 2,308.230 2,312.460 59,150 N. Park, N. Y.; Deep River N., Deep River, Conn. 294,200 1,169,950 1,527,040 514,460 1st N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. 1. 251,710 Met. T n Co., N. Y.; Birm. N., Derby, Conn. 300.000 274,900 4,957,510 4,929,050 50.000 25,830 607,460 582,730 54.690 Chase N.,,N- Y. 50.000 16,740 111,110 184,120 41,470 Merch. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 25.000 1. Liberty NVi N.Y.; Cent. N., Middletown, Conn. 1,500 25.000 6,250 25.000 10,000 110,000 120,000 15.000 Chase N.; N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb.; 1st N., Bos. 62,490 924,410 944,280 31,530 Citiz.-Cent. N., N. Y.; City Bk. of Hart., Hart. 42,530 572,090 579,520 35,100 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Iron, Falls Village. Conn. 32,060 141,900 226,140 96,570 N. Park, N.Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb. 100.000 595,000 5,204,000 5,585,000 812,490 942,890 200.000 106,750 100.000 180,300 2,409,380 2,698,770 100,000 25,000 50,000 597,000 663,000 55,920 614,040 664,560 16,560 85,340 127,020 1, 214,200 Union Trust Co., N. Y.; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hartford. X l. 224,940 Liberty N., N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. 229,990 Atlantic N. and Astor Tr. Co., N. Y .; Ger.Am., Buffalo. si • § 84.000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State, Alb. 3,600 Guilford Tr. Co., Guilford. 19,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., New Haven. CONNECTICUT BANKS—Clinton to Guilford _____________ July, 1915 Clinton--Middlesex J 14 Clinton National B ank..«*’56 Charles A. Elliot — 51-270 Pop. 1274 Collinsville____Hartford Canton Trust Co--------«*§’99 . H. Bidwell------51-258 Pop. 3500 DIO Collinsville Sàv.Society _*§ ’54 ’ C. Aldrich . . — 51-257 Cromwell-MiddlesexE 13 Cromwell Dime Savings Bk. E. S. Coe................ , 51-271 § ’71 Pop, 2188 •Danbury___Fairfield I 3 CITY NATIONAL BANK-«* 54 A. N. Wildman— 51-127 Pop, 21,808 DANBURY NAT’L BANK-«*’24 T. C. M illard------ CONNECTICUT Map opposite page 122 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R esources . L ia b il it ie s . N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState JMem.State Bks.Assn.îPriv. Est. A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CONNECTICUT—Continued 118 118 N um ber under N am e of Bank,is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass n . Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence « u m b e r undCT N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given eao£ bank in U- S- exclusively by The Rand-M c!Vally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass*n. MAT? T T 7D R D I -T V J l v J J Name of B ank . P r e s id e n t . VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . Est. ^Hartford D 1 2 1 Coiintv Seat fH a rtto ra , L> 12.) T,ounty Meat P o p u latio n 107,038 L ia b il it ie s , f R esources . , P rin cipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District B onds, Dub Cash P aid- dp Subplus I ndivid - .Deposits L oans a and of which bank is member. ‘ UAL ! of ' Dis Se cu ri ' F rom and E x Capital P rofits counts t ie s , etc Deposits B anks B anks change s xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System American Industrial Bk. & Tr. J . H. King.______ George U lrich____ H. H. Larkum, T r.. H. W. Huber, Sec.. S 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 786,330 C o - — 51-69 — . . . . . G. W. King, A . Tr ______ E. S. Goodrich___ E. H. Tucker____ $ 1871,400 $ 440,000 190,080 1,279,070 $ ¡22,800 Martin Welles____ H. W. E rving....... H, J . Maercklein.. F. F . Fisher 150,000 814,590 2,442,790 ; 25,690 1,800,240 728,690 ♦Connecticut Trust & Safe M. H. Whaples — J . M. T ay lo r...___ H. P. Redfleid, T r . J . L. Fenn, S ec__ Deposit Company____•t§’72 A. P. Day A. H.Newton, A. Tr. A. T. Dewey, 51-60 N. D. Prince A . Sec. 750,000 791,770 4,9j85,860 69,890 4,456,450 1,061,480 129,140 4 3 7 4 05>n ♦Connecticut River Bkg. Co, 51-47 •t§’2E Dime Savings B a n k ..— «{§’70 P. H. Woodward . . W. O. Burr_______ R. W. Dwyer, See. 51-58 a n d T r. ... James H. Knight— W. W. Jacobs — 51-56 HARTFORD-AETNA ,51-44 C. D. R iley___ E. F . Harrington . . H. W. White 100,000 650,000 ' 2,643,330 1,721,800 •135,400 1,099,650 568,590 J i 973,540 222,080 32,880 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex N„ Phil,;.2d,N„ Bos. , 272,460 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Citiz.-Oent. Nv N, Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N Shawmut, Bos.: 274,810 i 219,400 Am. Ex. N., and Kountze Bros. N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil. 799,660 ' 279,940 Chem. N .;'J. P. Morgan & Co., and and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Girard N. Phil.; 1st N.,Bos. 130,960 76,180 7,070 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 63,550 N. Y. Ty. Ço., N.Y.: Conn. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co.. Hartford; Far. & Mech N.,Phil.; Merch. N., Bos. 288,210 N. City,.N. Y 1st N.', Chi. and Bos.: 4th St. N., Phil. 1, 3,948,520 109,300 ,^,896,530 2,000,000 1,900,000 8,500,0C0 250,000 8,900,000 2,101.000 1,700,000 700.000 3,450,000 295,500 . 793,270 A. SPENCER, JR ... F. P. FURLONG.. . . A. G. BRAINERD— -W.S. ANDREWS— H.T. HOLT \ Oldest and Strongest B an k in H artford and ii C onnecticut. |W e w ant your New England Items and collections—particu larly Tour H artford hiisinasa. Trv 1 1 «. •±1792, ♦Hartford Trust Co.........»±§’68 Ralph W. Cutler... Charles M. Joslyn. F. C. Sumner, T r.. H. H, Pease, S ec... 51-57 Mechanics Savings Bank_«{§’61 Henry C. Dwight — J. M. Holcombe__ W. W. Jacobs, T r . W. A. Willard, Sec. 51-55 J . B. Moore W. S. Buckley, J . H. Knight A^ Tr. ♦National Exchange Bank »±’34 E. C. Johnson___ S. C. Dunham____ H. M. Sperry____ S. G. Pierce . 51-48 i i n ♦Phoenix:National Bank *±1814 F. L. Bunce . . . . — L. P. Broadhurst. . W. B. Bassett........ M. W. Chapin 51-45 I 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 600,000 - 3,710,000 40,000 IV. Park, Chase N., 1st N., Irv ing N., Market & Fulton N., and M erch. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Kep. and N. City, Chi.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. f 700,000 470,000 230,000 Merch. N.,N. Y.; Ft. Dëar.N., Chi. Merch. N.,Bos.; 1st N., Phil. 763,090 8,809,560 5,742,690 3,188,460 631,650 9,850 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 1st N. Hartford. 400,000 1,800,000 2,200,000 300,000 175,000 863,970 765,920 7,793,860 561,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bos.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 1’ 6,774,750 1,745,700 715,910 1,026,180 51,610 142,650 N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. \ 46,210 f. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N.,Phil.; 1st N., Bos. Chas. E. Prior, Tr. Chas. E. Prior, Jr. 200,000 228,960 1,501,110 1,206.820 399,470 A. H. Cooley, A. Tr. Sec. A. M. Bnnce,A.Sec. Society for Savings____{§1819 C.E. Gross_______ Jas, Nichols— . . . A. E. Hart, S. W, Grofut,A .T r. 1,356,740 ?8,100,760 11,176,100 27,172,020 51-46 Sec. a n d Tr. F . I. Prentice, A. T t. ♦State Bank & Trust Co.._i§’49 George F , Hills___ George H. Burt— C. A. L illie______ 400,000 501,000 ,3,967,000 1 32,000 3,557,000 424,000 51-49 246,790 61,990 st N., N. Y.: 2d N., Bos'J; Hart.Aetna N., Hartford. ♦Riverside Trust C o .__1_»±§’07 Albert P. D a y ____ 51-65 R. C. Glazier, T r. . 150,000 136,550 951,110 35,160 ♦Security Trust Company»{§’75 Atwood Collins— Chas. E. Prior 51-59 F . Parsons State Savings Bank____ {§’58 51-54 C. E. Billings____ C. A. Goodwin___ W. H. Champlin, G.H.Stoughton, Tr. Sec. Travelers Bank & Trust Co.§’13 S. C. Dunham____ C. L. Spencer____ Martin Welles, Sec. a n d Tr. ... 51-70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 100.000 25,910 652,000 3,959,680 2,764,260 474,250 329,844 1,940,170 1,032,200 Ik. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bös. 27,890 172,000 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Mehts. N., Bos. 127",200 86,320 149,570 44,280 320,4fi0 1,193,250 841,170 246,690 116,790 N„ Bos. U9 ♦United States Bank — •{§’72 I . L. Bunce_____ J. O. E nd ers...___ W. B. Davidson . . . W. H. Rowley___ _ 51-61 b an ks see follow in g p ag e) | 419,570 6,431,570 CONNECTICUT BANKS—Hartford ♦Fidelity Trust Company»{§’85 F. L. Wilcox . . . . . . C. P. Cooley.......... L. A. Newton, Sec. T. A. Shannon, 51-62 A. Sec. lj, 209,340 $ 536,740 28,340 $ ___________ ♦City Bank & Trust Co.J»{§’51 F. P. Holt 51-50 A ccessible Towns, Law yers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest K ates, G race, July, 1915 T1 0 AAV For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N ame of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. HARTFORD—Continued A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . C a sh ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . P rin c ipa l correspondents . R eso u rces . Lia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District Cash Du e D e p o s i t s L oans a B onds, S u b p lu s I I ndivid of which bank is member. P aid - u p F rom and E x Securi Dis op AND UAL B anks changes xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. counts t ie s , BTC. Capital P rofits Deposits B a n k s T. L. Manson & Co.. N. Y .: Tucker, Anthony & Co., Bos. (Investm ent Securi ties) . H. W. Thompson. LEE, HIGGINSON & CO.- (Investment Securi ties). E.T. Andrews, Mgr. (B ran ch F. J . Lisman & C o .------ (Investment Securi ties). A. F. Costelo, Mgr. (B ran ch Parkinson & Burr----------—t ’92 E. S. Ballard, Mgr 51-68 Jas. K ilim .______ Thomas C. Perkins, In c....... ’05 (B a n k e r)-------- Philip S. Ripley, Tr. T. R. King, A. Tr.. Rhoades & Co..................— '10 (Investment Secur ities) J .T . Roberts,Mgr. RICHTER & CO.................... 05 (B rokers) Ì ....... H. P.;Spafford— (B r o k e r s )_______ Hartford Clearing H ouse.... (M embers in d icated by a *) Geo. F. H ills..- (B ran ch Lee, Higginson & Co., Bos. o f Bosto n, Mass.) o f N. o f N. F . J . Lisman & Co.. N. Y., Chi..and Phil. Parkinson & Burr, N. Y. and Bos. Y. City, N. Y .). Y .C ity , Hart.-Aetna N., Hartford; N. Com’l Alb.; 1st N., Bos. Rhoades & Co., N. Y. N- Y .). Post & Flagg and Potter, Choate & Prentice, N. Y.: Curtis & Sanger Bos. Mech. & Metals N„ N. Park, and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l IS.. Chi.: Hart -Aetna N. and Phoenix N., Hart. H. M. Sperry, Sec. CONNECTICUT—Continued N ame of B an k . T own and County . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Higganum Savings Bk. —§’74 R. E. Thayer------51-274 Jewett City Sav. Bk. —*t§’73 E. M. Anthony— - J . C. HawkiñsD. L. Phillips 51-275 Berlin Savings Bank——$§’73 William Bulkeley— Edward Ailing. 51-276 Salisbury Sav. Society.—§'48 William Kane____ 51-261 Robbins, BurrallTr.Co.»t§’74 Robert Scoville — H. F. Landon—— 51-262 »Litchfleld.Litchfield E 6 First National Bank——* t ’64 G, M. Woodruff— Charles H. Coit---51-250 Pop. 3005 Litchfield Sav. Society.«i§’50 G. M. Woodruff— J . P. Woodruff ___ 51-249 Meriden.NewHaven G il City Savings Bank........*t§’74 C. L. Rockwell. 51-101 Pop. 28,528 HigganumMiddlesex H14 Pop. 1000 Jewett City.N.Lond.F 21 Pop. 3028 KensingtonHartford F 11 Pop. 3600 Lakeville—.Litchfield B 3 Pop. 1200 CONNECTICUT Map opposite page 122 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Name of Bank is the R eso u rces . &Dis- C a sh Sc E x Loans c’ t s . B onds , S e c u r ities changes ,B ub from 4,250 $ 30,240 $ 30,520 $ 89,300 1,153,770 1,222,120 B anks . P r in c ipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem, Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 7,350 Conn. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., Hartford. 29,720 1st N., Phil.: Thames N., Norwich, Conn. 77,720 964,060 1,018,530 23,250 Conn. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., Hart. 44,000 955.030 985.000 10,780 120,730 145,140 Philip P. Hubbard 31,240 317,860 485,120 14.120 Chase N.. N. Y.; Robbins, Burrall Tr. Co, Lakeville, Conn. ,T_ , 36,830 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. Stab N. Alb. 96,370 Imp.’ & Tra. N., N. Y.; Yale N.. New Haven. 1 C. H. Coit. Sec. an d Tr. H. L. Wheatley, Sec. an d Tr. 60,000 2,034,070 2,015,200 77.630 1st N.. Litchfield. 100,000 4,221,190 4,322,450 29.780 1st N., Meriden. 200,000 Harold W. Scott- W. M. Quested J . G. Nagel. A. Tr. E. J . Doolittle____ W. H. Catlin, Sec. an d Tr. H. Wales Lines W. B. Church, Sec. H. H. Smith. Tr. . . C. F. Linsley ------Russell Hall------A. E. Boynton $ G. S. Hubbard, Sec. a n d Tr. F . E. Robinson, Sec. an d Tr. J . J . Fitzsimmons, Francis Deming. A . T r. Sec. a n d Tr. W. W. Norton, Sec. an d Tr. W. W. Norton, Tr. H.B.Gallender, Sec. George M. Curtis „ Louis F is k ----- MERIDEN NATIONAL BANK o Herman Hess— 51-97 » f 33 Meriden Savings Bank _«t§’51 E. A. Hall........... 51-98 Meriden Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. C. L. Rockwell— 51-102 «§’89 Puritan Trust Co-------- «§’12 C. E. Schunack— 51-103 A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . Floyd Curtis. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’62 C. L. Rockwell, 51-100 HOME NATIONAL BANK **’55 E. J . Doolittle. 51-99 C a sh ier . [ABILITIES: Surplus Depos AND its P rofits Harold Wright, W. E. Frisbie, A . Tr. Sec. an d Tr. D . 317,970 1,227,060 1,662,520 294,510 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: Merch N., Bos. 1 175,850 1,007,110 1.678,840 298,630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ist N.. Chi.: 4th St N.. Phil.; N. Shawmut and Ist N., Bos. 1 85,000 303,000 641,000 439,860 7,673,280 8.054,570 0 23,070 0 190 .... 248,080 61,620 229,230 124,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.: 2d N., Bos. 44,860 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 1,450 57,220 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut., Bos. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence New Transit Number given Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- __________ CONNECTICUT BANKS—Hartford to Meriden____________ July, 1915 Francis R. Cooley - STEDMAH & REDUELO A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 14. 1 20 N um ber under N ame of B an k is the New T ransit Nttttiber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers D irectory, under the au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’m . _ . , « amb©r ,uider Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given ln.,U ^-exclusively The »and-McNally H a n S under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. D ir e c to r y , To W N and County. ACounty Seats. b7 N ame of B an k . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.fPriv. Est. Accessible Town», Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- CONNECTICUT—Continued e tc . P r e s id e n t . Vic e -P r e s id e n t . C a s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ier . P a id - u p S u r p l u s and C a p it a l P b o f it s »Middletown.. Middlesex Central National Bank. < ’51 R. C. Markham__ J . C. Fox________ H. H. W arner____ L. B. Markham___ $ 150,000 I Pop. 12,815 G 12 51-165 City Savings Bank_____ §’03 Frederick Babcock O. A. Sm ith_____ Walter C. Jones. Tr. C. H. Edwards, Sec. 51-169 Naugatuck.N. Haven H 8 Pop. 13,651 282,290 4,879,120 4,866,030 70,210 352,460 540,440 Middlesex County N. Bk.$’30 James K. Guy.. 51-164 E. S. Coe ____ ____ E. H. Wilkins 175,000 34.000 300.000 430,000 MIDDLETOWN NAT. BANK W. H. Burrows. 51-162 <1801 W. W. Wilcox. 369,300 233,000 700.000 964,500 Francis A. Beach.. B. J . Hale — Middletown Sav. Bank—»§’25 George A. Coles__ F. B. Weeks____ 51-163 H, C. Whittlesey C. H. Coles, Sec. — Arthur L. Allin. Tr. Middletown Trust Co___§10 51-170 Milford Savings B an k __ §’75 51-277 Milford Trust Co_____ < § ’11 51-293 Moodus Savings Bank .< § ’70 51-278 E. E. Salisbury's Banking House___51-279___ <1900 Groton Savings Bank__$§’54 51-232 Mystic River Nat. Bank .$ ’51 51-231 Naugatuck Nat. Bank__ < ’83 51-159 Naugatuck Sav. Bank .< § ’70 51-158 Salem Trust Co._______§’14 51-160 H. H. Warner, Sec. a n d Tr. W. C. Durand, Sec. an d Tr. W. G. Bissell, Sec. an d T r E. W. Chaffee, Sec. an d Tr, E. A. Salisbury, Jr, E. E. Salisbury, Jr. Peoples Savings B ank__ §*08 51-93 Savings Bank of New Britain 51-90 < § ’62 First National Bank____$’65 51-240 New Canaan Sav. Bank—§’59 51-239 New Hartford Sav. Bk.«§1900 51-280 CONNECTICUT Map Opposite Page 122 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 95,810 200.000 NEW BRITAIN TRUST CO. 51-91 < § ’87 New Hartford.Litchfield Pop. 2144 C8 99,010 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-i’63 Seth H. B u tler___ Earle C. B u tle r.... Edward G. Camp. 51-167 R. C. Markham__ E. S. Davis_____ George M. Gunn. G. H. Furman___ A. B. Clark_____ E. L. Cornwall___ Albert E. Purple . A. W. Chaffee. . . . H. B. Noyes_____ Lemuel Clift E. D. Evans_____ F . W. Tolies.__ _ I. C. Noyes, Sec. an d Tr, H. B. Noyes____ _ H. B. Tuttle___ ... A. H. Dayton—— G. M. Rumney____ G. T. Wigmore L. S. Beardsley__ E. E. Hotchkiss... H. A. Dalby, T r__ A. H. Dayton, Sec. W. T. Rodenbach Philip D exter.. . . Henry C. Tuttle... Ralph F. Abbott, Tr. Raymond W. Paul, H. A. Dalby, A. Tr. Sec. NewBritain Hartford E12 Burritt Savings B an k ..—§’89 L. H. Pease______ W. L. Damon......... W. E. Atwood, Tr. J . R. Poor, A. Sec. F. G. V ibberts, Pop. 50,612 51-92 Sec. New Britain Nat’l B a n k .< ’60 A. J . Sloper........... D. N. Camp........... F . S. Chamberlain. A. S. Parsons____ 51-89 W. H. Judd . New Canaan___Fairfield Pop. 4000 L3 it s c ’t s . B onds , S ec u rities W. E. ATTWOOD. L. H. PEASE-— ^ F. G. VIBBERTS, R. R. HEALEY, Sec. an d Tr. A . Tr. W e a re equipp ed to handle Co n n e c tlc u t busln ess promptly a t low est ra t C. C. Rossberg___ J . R. Andrews____ Y. J . Stearns. Sec. a n d Tr. A. F. Corbin E. H. Davison__ _ C. F . Smith_____ E. N. Stanley. T r.. C. B. Oldershaw, Noah Lucas, A. Tr. Sec. O ndA . Tr. G. F . Lockwood— T. C. Rockwell___ Gardner Heath___ C. W. Hodges j...__ J . F . Bliss_______ G. F. Lockwood, » Tr. GeorgeW.Bancroft F . B. Jones______ C. E. Jones, F. M. Chapin Sec. an d Tr. 793,680 10281600 10 746 440 50,000 86,580 10.000 572,350 595,010 11,400 293,000 262,000 35,560 599,960 626,650 60,720 25,000 113,780 1,517,820 1,603,270 100,000 165,730 165,650 454,000 100.000 217.000 785, 720,000 125.000 2,460,000 2,520,000 25,000 C H A N G E S,D u b from B anks . P rin cipa l Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank Is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 7,730 Cent. N., Middletown, Conn. 108,800 N. Park, N. Y. 131,740 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. !. 50,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 199,600 Merch. N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 1. 328,900 N. Park., Imp. & Tra. N., and Lib. N ., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 7,400 Cent. N., Middletown. 42,110 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Tradesmens and Mech., New Haven. 50,000 Irving N,, N. Y.: lst-Bridgeport N., Bridge port. 8,870 Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of New Eng., E. Haddam. 1st N., Plainfield, Conn. 28,320 Mystic River N., ’Mystic. 90,450 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 1. 335,000 1st N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 1. 65,000 5,000 40,000 1,870,000 1,859,000 310,000 340,460 1,801,960 2,255,750 73,700 N. Park, N. Y,; New Britain Tr. Co., New Britain. 342,560 Chem. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 1. 200,000 317,790 2,118,950 2,081,650 510,640 N, Park, N. Y.: Girard N., Phil. 4,030 99,830 103,540 323,370 7,338,240 7,557,490 100,000 38,700 134,650 343,780 32,730 495,210 489,370 5,530 155,560 145,630 ’ 320 New Britain N., New Britain. 268,820 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 41,480 Atlantic N., N.Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. 1. 7,060 ,15,460 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hurlbut N., Winsted, Conn. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) CONNECTICUT BANKS—Middletown to New Hartford Moodus— Middlesex H 15 Pop. 1200 Moosup__Windham E 22 Pop. 2000 Mystic..New London 122 Pop. 4500 D epo s F o r H olid ays, see opposite page 13. 77,810 * 683,780 $ 955,560 * 119,050 Liberty N., N.Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1. 4,540 Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank James K. Guy.__ J . C. Burr. _____... C. H. Leach, T r__ G. A. Craig, Sec. . . 51-166 <§'58 Milford-New Haven K 8 Pop. 4366 see page 14. R esources . L ia b il it ie s . July, 1915 121 ^ N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally Bankers* to each bank in U. 8. B an k ers' D irecto ry , u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. T own and County. aCounty Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. ‘New Haven-New Haven American Bank & Trust Co. Pop. 144,505 J 9 51-17 ’ t§’15 Broadway Bk. & Tr Co. «iS’13 51-16 ♦CityBk.of New Haven»}§’31 51-3 Connecticut Sav. Bank »§’57 51-12 ♦First National Bank— *»^68 51-9 P r e sid e n t . Vice -Pr esid e n t . Burton Mansfield— H. F . English. Thomas Hooker... B. R. English. ♦MECHANICS BANK — •;§ 24 W. H. Douglass___ 51-2 ‘ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 51-5 •t’51 Ca sh ier . A As s 't Ca sh ier . L i a b il i t ie s . P a i d - u p SUEPLUS D e p o s AND it s C a p it a l P e o p it s $ 500.000 3,999 $ 491,310 $ 504,740 90,550 Irving N., N. Y.: Hart. Tr. Co., Hart. 1,283,930 15 463 770 16191250 108,000 N. Park and Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phil. 491,810 Bk. of America, N. Y .; 1st N., Bos. 341,170 1.138.500 1,525,530 441,180 2,152,100 2,445,540 744,350 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. X 1. F . B. Frishifi 300.000 344,140 2.009.500 2,051,300 460,930 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. H. C. U sh er_____ H. V. W H IPPLE — - H . C. WARREN — - J . F . STANNARD — R. S. SHEPARD L . H. ENGLISH 350,000 290,080 2,485,230 2,440,660 637,140 N. City and Im p. & Tra. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Phil.; M erch. N., Bos. 1. S u p e r i o r c o lle c t io n f a c i l i t i e s . P r o m p t p r e s e n t a t io n . R e m it te d on d a y o f p a y m e n t a t lo w e s t r a t e s . S e n d u s y o u r B I L L O F L A D I N G d r a f t s d ir e c t . SEE ADVERT ISEM EN T ON 0 PPOSITE PAGE. 300.000 ♦NewHaven Co. Nat.Bk.«t’34 51-4 New Haven Sav. Bank-»§’38 51-11 ♦Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 51-14 *t§’05 ♦Second National Bank«t’55 51-7 ♦Union & New Haven Tr. Co. 51-10 «ÎS’71 350.000 E. G. Stoddard ___ A. H. Robertson... H. G. Redfleld____ W. G. Redfleld___ L. H. English____ E. G. Stoddard____ J . S. Hemingway, W. J . Trowbridge, A . Tr. Tr. Walter B. Law J . E. Hubinger___ N. S. Lippitt— ___ N. S. Lippitt, T r ... H. S. Bartlett, Sec. Samuel Hemingway A. D. Osborne____ E. G. Allyn............. L. L. Hemingway— J . S. Hemingway Eli Whitney_____ Thomas Hooker___ W. P. Curtiss, Tr. H. L. Galpin, Sec. D.B. Lyman, A . Tr. Henry L. Hotchkiss E. L. Chapman. A. Tr. W. P. Curtiss JOHN T . M A N SO N -C. C. BARLOW— C .C . BARLOW— W. T. Fields. T r__ (B rokers) _______ Goodrich & Co., Inc___— TO W. B. Goodrich___ (Investment Securi ties) W.B.Goodrich, G. A. Perrin, Tr. Sec. an d A. Tr, J . C. Edwards____ Lomas & Nettleton__« i t ’94 51-15 316,620 4,042,310 4,250,280 735,470 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil. N., Phil. 1. 108,650 Chase N., N. Y.; Yale N. and New Haven Co. N., New Haven, Conn. 480,110 1,234,410 1,733,940 470,880 N. City andN. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil. 1. 540,360 L828.780 2,546,990 646,460 1,985,450 2,492,570 1,323,530 18 372440 19 291540 728,630 Mech. & Metals N. and Irving N., N. Y. 1. 404,440 N. Park and Ist N., N. Y. 272,300 99,570 2,023,490 1,920,840 750.000 806,540 2,031,000 2,902,340 650.000 551,830 2,429,730 2,915,080 694,900 N. Bk. Com., and Ist N., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.: Ist N., Bos. 1. 584,060 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Park, and Ist N„ N. Y.; Merch. N.. Bos.: N. Y. StateN., Alb. 500,000 412,260 1,907,090 2,719,650 553,150 N. Bk. Com. and Han. N., N. Y .; Franklin N., P h il.; Merch. N., Bos. j. 323,420 Chase N., N. Y-: Ist N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. Union & New Haven Tr. Co., New Haven. Kean, Taylor & Co., N. Y.: Yale N. Bk., New Haven. Conn. N. Park, N. Y. (Investment Secur Hies) . F. B. Keech & Co., N, Y. H.C. Warren & Co.........t t ’68 (.Investment Secur ities) Chas. C. Barlow, Sec. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence ______________July, 1915 H. W. FLIN T— R. S. BRADLEY I f you a p p r e c ia t e p ro m p t an d c a r e f u l s e r v i c e a t a m o d e r a t e c h a r g e s e n d U S y o u r it e m s an d c o lle c t io n s f o r N e w H a v e n an d v ic in it y . W. T. Fields Co., The____'07 W. T. Fields— PRINDLE & C O M P A N Y-— P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 500.000 «J’55 » i’53 C ash & E x changes ,D ub fro m B anks . S. F. Strong. Sec. an d Tr. Fred B. Bunnell. . . F . L. Trowbridge.. ♦NAT. TRADESMENS. BANK G. M. Gunn______ Geo. T. Bradley__ F . C. Burroughs... G. H. Brethauer... 51-6 Dis- Irving N., N. Y.: Hart. Tr. Co., Hart. 100,000 5 464,800 TALE NAT’L BANK R esources . L oans & c ’ t s . B onds , S e c u r ities 100,000 ♦National New Haven Bank Y. M. T y ler...____ Thos. W. Farnam.. E. E. Mix________ C. H. Raymond__ 51-1 »J1792 J . W. Woodworth J . P. Kimberly, National Savings Bank i§ ’66 J . B. Carrington... j . T. Manson_____ F. G. Hotchkiss, A . Tr. 51-13 See. an d Tr. F. C. Earle 51-8 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ____r n n t m n A / 1 V /O n iin U C U Myron R. Durham. Jno. H. Shaw___ A. D. Mullen, Tr. 0 . M. Nelson, Sec. H.G. O’Brien, A. Tr. W. Treloar, A. Tr. G. C. Foote John B. Kennedy— K. C. Lightbourn. G. L. Moore, Sec. an d Tr. J . A. Murray T. W. Farnam____ Eli Whitney____ Samuel Lloyd____ C. E. Cornwall____ New Haven Clearing House S. Hemingway____ (M em bers in dicated by a * ) C O N N E C T IC U T M a p O p p o s ite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rA IV T h lirrT T rT w U I i IN U / v A A U 1 2 2 __________________ CONNECTICUT BANKS—New Haven 1 oo v v i ^ n c v i îvvj l m a p u p p o s u e u a iiiv a iA u y ^ i mt jl /^ ttw u u u u tu v u iiw c t iu u s a ilU V U 1 1 w d IJ U ilU w IlW w ^ Merchants National Bank New Haven, Connecticut A C O M M ER C IA L BANK DIRECTO RS O FFIC ER S H. V. WHIPPLE President H. C. WARREN Vice-President L. H. ENGLISH Vice-President J . F . STANNARD Cashier R. S. SHEPARD Ass’t Cashier CAPITAL $ 350,000.00 Handling Collections for Non-residents has Always Been an Im portant Branch of Our Business* L. H. ENGLISH J . W. ALLING GEO. H. FORD T. WALLACE, J r . B. MANSFIELD J . T. MORAN H. C. WARREN F . L. BIGELOW F . D. GRAVE S. A. YORK H. V. WHIPPLE W. E. MALLEY I. M. ULLMAN SURPLUS & PROFITS $ 300,000.00 We Invite Your Cash Item s, B / L Drafts and Other Collections on NEW HAVEN and VICINITY. PROMPT PRESENTATION— IMMEDIATE RETURNS— LOWEST RATES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Connecticut. IN D E X TO C O U N T SE S. Fairfield....K 5 Hartford.~D 13 Litchfield ~D 6 Middlesex ..H 14 Hew Haven .110 New LondonG 19 Tolland___ C IT mndham _.C 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. »County Seats. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . CONNECTICUT—Continued Y ICE-PRESIDENT. »New London.N. London Mariners Savings Bank*t§ ’67 .T, p, Johnston 51-136 Pop. 20,557 1 19 Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . P.LeRoy Harwood, H. H. Smith. A .T r. Sec. a n d Tr. B. A. Armstrong — W. H. Reeves George B. Prest M. M. Rater ....... f(. R. Prest $ 197,160 $4093730 $4241860 $ 38,370 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Bk. Com., New London, Conn. 356,000 975,000 1,470,700 National Whaling B ank.J’33 B, A. Copp—____ S. H. Miner______ H. G. Pond______ N. TT. Avery 51-134 150.000 494,000 252,600 670,000 William B elcher... H. L. Crandall____ J . R. Tat ham New London City N. Bank 51-132 <1807 W. H. Rowe 125.000 68,210 473,110 624,140 r - L 51-135 « Sav.Bk.of New London«i§'27 F T,. Palmer 51-133 W. B. Coit— . . . . Union Bank & Trust Co. 51-131 •t&1792 J . E. Bates_______ »New Milford—Litchfield 51-223 Pop. 5010 G4 New Milford Sav. B k ...«§’58 Turney Soule____ 51-224 Newtown..Fairfield 1 5 Newtown Savings Bk. »tS’55 David 0. Peck 51-281 Pop. 3012 Tra S. Avery__ .. Walter Learned . . . Walter Learned. G. Whittlesey, W. Belcher Sec. an d A. Tr. Tr. r,. FT. FClinet C. Barry_________ E. Bull. J r . . . . ------ 300,000 172,260 714,370 E. J . Emmons____ R, E, Murphy. 200.000 107,550 612,090 1,014,610 Fairfield County Sav.Bk.»5’74 51-207 National Bk. of Norwalk »t’57 51-206 Norwalk Sav. Society *t§’49 51-205 »Norwich...New London Chelsea Savings Bank—»$§’58 51-119 Pop. 20,982 G 19 Dime Savings Bank— *J§’69 51-121 Merchants National Bk. * { ’33 51-117 Norwich Sav. Society.._t§’24 51-115 Thames National Bank .*t'25 51-116 Uncas National Bank__ »t’52 51-118 Plainfield— Windham S 5 Pop. 6719 51-296 Plainville—Hartford F 11 First National Bank——« i ’09 Pop. 2882 51-283 Portland—Middlesex G18 First National Bank___* t ’65 51-244 Pop, 3425 Freestone Savings Bk..»}J'65 51-243 »Putnam—Windham B 22 First National Bank___«t’64 Pop. 6637 51-212 D. H. Miller— — f! S. Reller.t 401,270 19,110 Merch. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Winsted. 434,450 127,950 Atlantic N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 200.000 114,660 668,970 896,200 240,120 Liberty N..N. Y .; Girard N., Phil. 240,000 112,000 305,370 4,256,920 4,541,590 698,720 9,221,760 9,756,020 100.000 50,000 J . H. Trunbull. . . . A. H. Condell____ A. A. MacLeod___ F . T. Wheeler........ .Tnhn TT. Rage .. G. A. Scars F . Gildersleeve. O. TT. Oilpatric. Charles H. Brown 52,000 Atlantic Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Alb. 170,700 N. Park, N. Y. 61,540 N. Bk. Com..N. Y.: Thames N ., Norwich. 139,150 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y .: Thames N., Norwich, 316,700 82,990 Chatham & 'Phenix N. and Imp. & Tra.N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 1 513,110 Chase N ..N . Y. 33,910 355,700 15,000 125,000 135,000 280,000 446,950 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 1. 152,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 50,000 14,000 300.000 100,000 59,330 119,730 213,600 44,260 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 36,650 688,900 706,200 24,010 150,000 100,000 618,320 774,040 25,000 6,350 21,160 t, 28,470 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Thames N., Norwich; Old Colony Tr. Co.,Bos. 1 96,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.: 1st N., Bos.' j| 141,080 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil. 10,200 Bk. of N? Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: 1st N.. Putnam. 123 Francis R. Hart___ Philip Duvtc.r Tr. 16,330 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 119,250 3,314,700 3,294,800 Lucius Brown 1,081,140 17575 280 18143310 C. Lippitt, C. R. Butts. A. Tr. Sec. an d Tr. W. H. Palmer C. L. Hubbard___ Arthur H. Brewer. Charles W.Gale— N. A. Oihhs 1.000,000 703,250 1,928,120 2,921,830 William T. Crandall TV FT. TTnnph TT. T.. Frishee Wallace S. A llis. . . A. TV Tilth rop 100.000 28,660 544,950 466,360 F . Gildersleeve___ Geo. G. McLean__ John TT. Rage 82,000 1st N.. N. Y. 39,310 Union Trust Co.. N.Y.: lst-Bridgeport N., Bridgeport. 315,220 572,000 1, 225,410 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Bos.: Corn Ex. N. Phil. 122,050 1st N .,N . Y. and Bos.: N. Y. State N., Alb. 1. 383,800 334,000 1. 241,590 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 36,580 A. H. Brewer__ Harold Lawton___ Walter Kingsley.. . f!, A Jerome 138,930 Han. N..N. Y.: IstN ., Bos. 380,040 John C. Averill___ H. H. Gallup.____ C. B. Chapman, Sec. an d Tr. Chas. E. Chandler F . J . Leavens___— W. R. Burnham__ F . L. Woodard, Se c. an d T r________ J . H. Perkins, A . Se />. a n d . A T r . G. Greene Costello Lippitt___i F . L. Woodard___ Chas. H. Phelps__ A. K. Story 48,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut Bk., Bos. 100.000 .... E. T. Dillon, T r .... John B. Byrne, ' Sec. 51-302 Putnam Savings Bank___§14 Chester E. Child... Frank G. Letters.. Daniel J . Byrne, Tr. CONNECTICUT Map opposite 84,750 1,250,490 1,295,900 87,000 1,755,000 1,838,380 Asa B. Woodward. James G. Gregory. Seymour Curtis, Sec. an d Tr. E. J . H ill________ J . P. Treadwell___ IT, P PHoe W. A. Curtis_____ M. H. Glover____ F . A. Ells, Sec. an d T r.. 941,280 172,000 2,632,000 2,722,000 G. M. Beach____— E. J . Emmons, Tr. Cornelius B. Taylor A. T. Nettleton, Sec. an d Tr. John B. Wheeler T. E. Platt Norfolk—-Litchfield B 6 Norfolk Savings Bank »§’60 Ralph I. Crissey... Horace A. Stanard. M. N. Clark, T r__ S. A. Selden, A .T r. 51-282 Pop. 1541 William A.'Curtis.. Norwalk—.Fairfield L 3 Central National Bank»i’76 Harvey M. Kent__ J , T, Prnwitt 51-208 Pop. 26.033 FAIRFIELD COUNTY NAT’L E. O. K eeler...— BANK— — 51-204,.— »i’24 1,202,940 12170 440 13131790 304,290 Chem. N., N. Y .; 2d N., Bos. CONNECTICUT BANKS—New London to Putnam $ 300,000 m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race,! e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. | P rincipal Correspondents. L ia b il it ie s . R esources. Also Federal Reserve District P aid- up Surplus Defos - Loans&Dis- Cash&Exand of which bank is member. Capital P rofits TS Securities xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. July, 1915 123 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State JMem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . A B IL IT I E S . PA.ID-UP S u b p l u s D e p o s an d Ca p it a l it s P r o f it s 200,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65,100 102,000 407,380 361,000 545,000 311,540 3,228,280 3,475,500 70.000 35,150 759,320 from B anks P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 920,210 901,220 401,000 442,000 158,870 1,633,170 1,737,090 628,020 542,720 41,770 1,290,730 1.280,390 116,900 587,210 768,400 118,000 180,940 150,000 2,607.000 2,665,000 50,000 89,220 1,826,220 1,888,400 84,800 839,120 1,402,790 15,500 105,000 118,000 76,700 495,000 442,000 70,470 1,228,340 1,216,180 275,000 3,980,000 3,900,000 100.000 51,040 941,780 ; 786,820 231,700 980,000 1,271,000 218,000 1,030,000 1,700,000 361,390 5,374,960 5,478,340 212,590 3,200,800 3,352,370 50,000 54,940 Yale N., New Haven. 164,620 N. Park.. N. Y .; 1st N.. Bos. 52,110 Manchester Tr. Co., So. Manchester; 1st N., Bos. 1. 133,410 Hanover N.. N. Y . ; N. Com’l. Alb. 23,760 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Norwalk, Norwalk. 43,400 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; City N., So. Norwalk. 107,040 Merch. N., N. Y. 13,450 31,000 Chase N.. N. Y. 157,000 1st N., N. Y.; 4th Atl. N., Bos. 195,000 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Stamford. 276,050 N. Park., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Albany. 253,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 1. 1. 247.000 Atlantic N. and N. City., N. Y. 195,150 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Merch. Ex. N>, N. Y.; Stamford N., and Stamford Tr. Co., Stamford. 424,230 Bk. of the Manhattan Co.. N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. 34,390 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Bos1. 157,080 296,440 526,170 74,280 672,910 739,960 7,230 17,980 8,710 158,060 96,930 43,890 148,140 177,920 54,000 974,870 1,075,370 1. 63,510 286,850 10,000 1. 64,320 Hartford Tr. Co., Hartford. 102,520 71,090 Walter Goddard, E. W. Peck______ S. W. Hubbell. . Sec. an d Tr. F. S. Beardsley C. S. Fuller______ Charles L. Spencer S. N. Reid_______ C. L. Spencer, J r .. W. J . Wilson, T r.. 123,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut., Bos. 82,500 N. Park and N. City., N. Y .; 1st N.. Bos.; Yale N., New Haven. 1. 114,000 Imp. & Tra. N„ N. Y. 13,970 48,000 29,360 1. 101,740 Han. N.. N, Y.: N. Shawmut., Bos. 50.000 50,000 72,960 N. Park,, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 30,780 768,730 100,000 Charles P. Williams M. A. Pendleton... E. N. Pendleton — H. A. Pendleton_ E. C, Stoughton__ L. D. Kenea___. . . H. E. Stoughton, Sec. a n d Tr. 226,320 110,530 1,125.480 1,200,870 200,000 John A. Brown___ Walton Ferguson.. W. D. Daskam, Tr. George C. C lark... Andrew S. Gaylord Jason C. Fenn, Tr. Jason C. Fenn. J . A. Doughty____ W. T. Woodruff__ F. I. Roberts......... M. C. Guernsey— ch anges ,D ub 25.000 $ 31,500 $ 185,460 $ 142,840 $ 41,510 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil.; New Britain Tr. Co., New Britain. 1. 30,010 Atlantic N.,N.Y.;N. Bk. of Norwalk, Norwalk. 75,870 1,130,590 1,197,960 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- < ’63 H. Bell— _______ E. L. Scofield____ C. W. B ell.............. F. M. Houghton— 51-108 Stamford National B ank< ’34 Schuyler Merritt— W. W. Skiddy.___ W. L. Baldwin____ W. N. Travis____ 51-106 Stamford Savings Bank<§'51 C. H. Lounsbury.. A. G. Weed______ J . H. Bogardus, Sec. a n d Tr. 51-107 S. R. Spencer_____ D. S. Fuller. R esources . &Dis- Ca sh & E x Loans c ’ t s . B onds , S ec u r it ie s CONNECTICUT BANKS—Ridgefield to Thomaston ____________ July, 1915 Ridgefield— Fairfield J 2 First National Bank___$1900 George M. Olcott— G. G. Shelton..— A. V. Davis______ R. L. Gilbert 51-246 Pop. 3118 E. A. H o y t__ Geo. E. Benedict, Ridgefield Savings Bank.S’71 Samuel Keeler— R. W. Osborn Sec. an d Tr. 51-245 Charles M. Squires Rockville___Tolland C 15 First National Bank— < ’64 George T alcott__ _ H. L. Jam es_ 51-194 Pop. 8000 People’s Savings Bank__§’79 J . E. F is k _______ Frank A. Randall— E. S, Henry, T r .... S. A. Millard, Sec.. 51-195 Rockville National B k ..< ’64 F. T. Maxwell____ Chas. Pheeps— —. F . H. Holt.___. . . . 51-193 Savings Bk. of Rockville §’58 Wm. Maxwell____« Geo. Talcott_____ A. T. Bissell, Sec. an d T r................. . E. G. Butler, A . Tr. 51-192 Seymour. New Haven I 7 Seymour Trust Co.___»i§’05 Edmund D a y .... . . W. L- Ward . . . . __ C. S. Boies, T r___ G. E. Matthies.Sec. 51-284 Pop. 4786 E. W. Kneen, Shelton__ ...Fairfield J 7 Shelton Bank & Trust Co. W. W. Radcliffe__ S. T. Palmer.. Sec. a n d Tr. J . A. Birge 51-291. <§12 Pop. 4807 L. K. Curtis <*«,____ 8 outhington___Hartford Southington Nat. Bank ..$ ’82 Chas. H. Clark . . . . L. K Curtis.. E. G. Lewis 51-216 Pop. 6516 F 11 L. B. Neal, T r.. Southington Savings Bk. §’60 M. H. Holcomb___ 51-215 J . T. Robertson. . R.La Motte Russell, R. V. Treat, A . Tr. S. Manchester-.Hartford Manchester Trust Co. .< § ’05 O. G. Watkins— Tr. 51-220 Pop. 6000 D 14 Savings Bk. of Manchester F . Cheney, J r ____ W. J . McGurk___ R.La MotteRussell, Sec. an d Tr. 51-219 $§’05 John H. Knapp___ W. Bodwell______ South Norwalk. Fairfield City National Bank____< ’82 F. H. Rowan 51-188 Pop. 26,000 M 4 Peo. Tr. Co. of Norwalk §’14 Charles F . Mills — R. M. W o lfe-____ Le Roy Montgom ery, Sec. an d Tr. 51-190 South Norwalk Sav. Bk.«t§’60 Alden Solmans___ John H. Knapp___ G. L. Woodward, Tr. 51-187 South Norwalk Tr. Co. < § ’01 Richard H. Golden Edwin O. Keeler . . Chas. E. Hoyt, Sec. an d Tr. 51-189 A. O. Jennings___ H. H. Perry, Southport—Fairfield L 6 Southport Savings Bk. .*$§’54 John H. Perry . Sec. an d Tr. C. O. Jelliff 51-227 Pop. 5000 W. H. Perry_____ R. G. Demarest,Tr. A. O. Jennings.— Southport Trust Co. ..< § ’03 O. G. Jennings 51-228 F. F. Patten____ L F . G. Sanford____ H. R. Wightmán— Stafford Springs .Tolland First National Bank___< ’88 O. Allen ____ 51-247 Pop. 5000 B16 C. F. Chandler, Stafford Savings Bank.<§’05 E. O. Pinney____ J . H. Reed______ C. F . Harwood, A . Tr. Sec. a n d Tr. C. Allen 51-248 W. E. Houghton, Stamford...Fairfield M 2 Citizens’Savings Bank.<§' W. D. Sm ith____ C. D. Lockwood— Sec. a n d Tr. 51-109 Pop. 29,032 J . G. Houghton . . . A. J . Givens_____ E. N. Fast, Fidelity Title & Trust Co. Sec. an d Tr. 51-111 < § ’03 STAMFORD TRUST GO. 51-110 < § ’89 Stonington.New London First National Bank____ '51 51-286 Pop. 9415 J 22 Stratford... Fairfield L 6 Stratford Trust C o____ §’15 51-306 Pop. 9000 Suffield___Hartford B 13 First National Bank___< ’64 51-235 Pop. 3481 Suffield Savings Bank__$§’69 51-236 Terryville—LitchfleldE 8 Terryville Savings Bank.§’01 51-287 Pop. 5000 Thomaston .Litchfield F 7 ThomastonNational Bk.-» 51-242 Pop. 3533 Thomaston Savings Bk.»§’74 51-241 CONNECTICUT Map opposite page 1 2 2 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page i4. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. CONNECTICUT—Continued 124 124 125,650 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.: Hart.N., Hart. 75,700 1st N., N. Y. X 1, 1. 37,240 Chase N. Bk., N. Y,; Colonial Tr. Co., Waterbury. Conn. Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, to each bank in U. S. exclusively ___. by The R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' r 'O N lM R P T T d TT— C ontinued F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. m erican erican B an k ers Ass’ n . AN l^v_/ A U A v^ u m m u cu 125 D irectory, u nder th ee an au th th o o ritv rity of of T T he he A Am P r in c ip a l Co rr espo n d e n ts . R e so u r c e s . L ia b il it ie s . Name of Bank. Also Federal Reserve District &Dis- Cash & E x Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Ass ’t Cashier . P a i d - u p S uab np ldu s D e p o s Lc’oans Cashier . of which bank is member. Vice -P resident . changes ,D ue P resident . t s . B onds , it s JMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. C a p it a l P r o f it s from B anks »County Seats. S ec u rities xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Est. 65.990 5 232,870 $ 238,970 $ 85.630 25,000 Thompsonv’le.H’rt’d B14 Thompsonville Tr. Co._<§’71 L. A. Upson___. . . Tudor Gowdy........ Willis Gowdy, Sec. and, Tr. 51-288 Pop. 4000 6,530 58,910 400,940 453,970 F . T. Newcomb, E. S. R y a n ______ W. A. Agard_____ »Tolland___Tolland C 16 Savings Bank of Tollandi§’41 Tr. 51-289 Pop. 1126 108,000 600,000 475,700 269,000 100,000 H. E. Munson. . John N. Brooks C. L. McNeil ......... Isaac W. Brooks — Torrington-Litchfield D 7 Brooks National Bank—< ’99 Bos.: 4th St. N., Phil. 51-141 Pop. 18.709 80,240 2,270,950 2,032,800 511,640 100.000 Frank M. Baldwin. J . F . Alvord........... F . F. Fuessenich „ J . H. Seaton. Torrington National Bank 51-140 < ’99 78,500 1,973,500 155,900 Torrington Savings B k ..i§’68 I. W. Brooks-__ - C. L. McNeil____ J . M. Wadhams, Tr. 51-139 76,350 98.000 1,501,990 Wallingford-New Havén Dime Savings Bank.— < § ’71 C. B. Yale............... C. D. Morris_____ W. J . Lum, Sec. a n d Tr. G. D. Munson 51-178 Pop. 12,072 H 10 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: 1st N., Phil 141,000 84.000 763.000 150.000 First National Bank— < ’82 F . A. Wallace____ C. H. Tibbits ......... F. M. Cowles_____ 51-179 E. R. HUDSON, H. A.HOADLEY( J. H. BRONSON »Waterbury.New Haven ★ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK {j A thoroughly o rganized collectio n department, 51-76 < ’55 Pop. 82,517 G7 ( We rem it on da y of payment. S end us your Wat erbury item s. 300.000 400,000 W.P. Bryan. S ec ... C. E. Spencer, Jr., O. S. Northrop___ J . P. E lto n ____ ★ Colonial Trust Co___ •: Tr. G. M. Woodruff 51-80 Otis S. Northrop, Dime Savings Bank---- < § ’70 H. H. Peck ............ J . P. Elton__ _ T r. 51-77 200.000 ★ Manufacturers National Bk. Chas. F . Mitchell— W. E. Fulton.__ _ L . S. Reed_______ F . B. Nichols____B. L. Coe 51-78 < ’80 100.000 E. F. Moran, A. Tr. ★ Merchants Trust Co. —< § ’10 Henry Weyand___ J . S. Neagle______ J . E. Bulger, Sec. an d Tr. 51-83 500.000 A. J . Blakesley___ F . W. Judson_____ ★ Waterbury National Bk. »’48 J . S. E lton______ 51-74 A. B. Dayton, Waterbury Savings Bk. .t§ ’50 G. E. T erry ........... R. F. Griggs—........ E. S. Hunt, A. Tr. Sec. an d Tr. 51-75 200,000 ★ Waterbury Trust Co. .< § ’07 C. L. Holmes____ M. L. Sp erry____ H. S. Seeley. Sec. a n d Tr. 51-82 L. A. Platt........... . G. E. Judd, West Side Savings B k.—»§’89 J . R. Smith___ Sec. an d Tr. John’Henderson 51-79 Waterbury Clearing House— (Members in dicated by a ★ ) 25.000 G. N. Griswold, Watertown Litchfield G 5 Watertown Trust C o...< § ’12 M. Heminway____ C. W. Jackson... Sec. a n d T r 51-297 Pop. 3850 25.000 P. M. Smith, W. S. Woodruff... L. Sanderson__ West Haven—New Haven Orange Bank & Trust Co. Sec. a fid T r 51-295 < §’12 Pop. 8543 19 100,000 C. P. Harris, T r... W. H. Sax to n -.. D. B. Bradley____ Westport Bank & Tr. Co. W estport.. Fairfield L 5 51-233 < § ’13 Pop. 5000 *W illimantic Windham Willimantic Sav. Institute H. C. Murray____ Frank Larrabee. N. D. Webster, Sec. a n d Tr. 51-174 *§’42 Pop. 12,206 . E 19 51,600 W. H. Huber, T r— A. P. Ramshaw,Sec. Willimantic Trust C o...< § ’11 F . D. Jordan____ W. H. Hall— . E. F . Bugbee 51-175 100.000 E. E. Bass_______ H. C. Lathrop........ Guilford Smith__ Windham National B k ..< ’32 51-173 25.000 Wm. P. Calder Windsor— Hartford B 12 Windsor Tr. & Safe Deposit G. R. Ford — — . F. W. Morgan, Sec. anid Tr. Co_____ 5 1 -2 9 9 ...... <§T4 Pop. 4178 25.000 V. L. Mather, Tr. J . R. Montgomery. Windsor Loeks.Hartf ord Windsor Locks Trust & Safe J . M. Morse_____ Pop. 3715 B12 Deposit C o .-------------»§’08 51-238 »Winsted-—Litchfield C First National Bank___< ’79 L. M. Blake............ J . A. Norton------- F . D. Hallett......... Charles P. Hallett— 100,000 51-201 Pop. 9000 205,000 Hurlbut National B a n k .< ’54 A. L. Clark........ .... L. W. Tiffany.......... Wm. H. Phelps___ G. L. Smith........... 51-198 L. B. Hurlbut. Mechanics Savings Bk. < § ’75 H. L. Roberts........ I. R. Griswold------ C. S. Jopp. A. Tr. Sec. a n d Tr. 51-200 J . A. Smith, T r ... H. N. Goodwin, H. Persons.— Winsted Savings B ank.<§’60 Dudley L. Vaili___ E . A. Tr. 51-199 Woodbury.Litchfield G 6 Woodbury Savings Banki§’72 W. G. Ward— — C. M. Harvey____ H. S. Tomlinson, S. C. Tomlinson, A . Tr. Sec F. F . Hitchcock Pop. 1860 51-290 CONNECTICUT Map opposite page 122 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 172,590 1,208,270 1.584,820 290,870 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N.Y.: 1st N., Phil. 400.000 3,140,000 300.000 6,807,000 875,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y.: N Shawmut, Bos.: Girard N.. Phil. 70,000 Lincoln N., N. Y.: Waterbury N., Waterbury. 153,920 2,268,150 31,540 909,910 425.000 1,700,000 340,690 7,368.630 30,000 0 1,000,000 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 107,040 0 1,497,750 27.700 Colonial Tr. Co. and Waterbury N., Water bury. 2.240 0 201,750 23,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Bridgeport Trust Co., Bridge port. „ 51,730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Yale N., New Haven Conn. 88,530 Mech. &, Metals N., and N. City, N. Y. 2.240 0 118,370 68,220 0 776,830 53,810 0 759,840 17,850 0 441,980 185,850 0 997,160 1 413,690 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; N Com’l, Alb. 1 99,600 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 597,500 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Park. N. Y.: 2d N. Bos. . 1 232,560 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y. 6,910 Han. N. and Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y. 50,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 209,470 Liberty N.. N. Y .; 1st N„ Bos.: 4th St. N Phil. 1 30,200 Irving N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phoenix N. and Hart.-Aetna N., Hartford. 31,430 N. City, N. Y.; Riverside Tr. Co., Hart ford. 8,730 0 195,790 15,740 0 250,030 31,450 0 220,890 196,190 0 921,560 197,880 0 1,943,990 145,920 Merch. N:. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi. and Phil.; Mchts. N., Bos. t 221,340 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. N. Shawmut, Bos. 79,890 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 310,600 0 2,585,000 92,600 Bkrs. Tr.'Co., N. Y.; Hurlbut N., Winsted, Conn 0 12,720 Mnfrs. N., Waterbury, Conn. 55,310 357,940 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Name T own and Co u n t y . ¿County Seats. of L ia Ban e. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . C. H. Rawlins__ DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland Ira Lewis______ b il it ie s P a id - u p Su b p l u s AND C a p it a l P r o fits R eso u rces. . De po s it s L oans & D isc’ t s . B onds , S e c u r ities Cash & E x changes ,B ub from B anks . p r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. (B ra n ch o f Selby ville, Del ■> Corn Ex. N., Phil. (.Branch, o f Selby ville, Del i Corn Ex. N., Phil. E. C. Graham_____ H. H. Knotts - — 25.000 7,840 R. D. Lingo____— D. B. Hazzard. James Williams— Raymond Baker.. 25.000 10,000 P. J . Mulligan____ Henry Cleaver____ 60.000 47,090 61.780 $ 84,450 $ 15,170 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Secur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., Wil. 8,580 4th St. N., Phil.: Selbyville N., Selbyville. 87,160 65.000 Del. 3. 3. 31,710 N. Bk. of Northern Liberties, Phil. 194.990 315,570 F . E. Lynch_____ Levin Hastings. J . G. W. Perdue— S. M. Ellis— ____ 25.000 29.000 135.000 177.000 3,000 4th N., Phil.: Mech. N„ Balt. S. N. Culver_____ J . W. Anderson. S. K. Slemons____ A. W. Ellis______ 30.000 8,300 105.000 117,000 20,050 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Ex., Balt. C. O. Pennewell__ Walter Morris;____ Geo. E. Dawson— 200,000 386.010 594,460 1,053,360 127,100 1st N., N. Y.; Central N., Phil. John Hunn______ G .M. Jo n e s___ J , S. Collins_____ 100,000 155,790 300.000 497,880 88,490 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. J . H. Anderson___ J . B. Hutton___ Elmer Outten..— 33,850 21,990 297,060 317,600 44,560 Corn Ex. N., Phil. F. L. Hardesty---- John Heyd____ J . H. Whitaker___ 25.000 5,000 146,300 148,460 15,840 Corn Ex. N., Phil. C. R. Davis______ 25.000 9,440 100.780 125,940 9,180 Corn Ex. N., Phil. H. W. Hargadine — 25.000 39.000 251.000 288,000 Wilbur F . Tunnell. 100.000 199,400 772,640 946,890 L. L. Layton____ Joh nT . Wagamon. George W. Jones _ G. Roland Messick. 30.000 21,830 272.450 279,160 W. S. L o rd ...------- R. O. Mai________ 16.000 4,890 59.000 80,580 William T harp__ J . W. Powell____ D. B. Tharp_____ F. H. Van Gesel__ 50.000 27.500 240,090 266,500 O. C. Sapp._........... J . P. Cordray.____ F . L. Masten____ W. F . Turner____ Daniel Short ......... H. C. Lewis-------- E. E. Wootten____ A. E. Culver_____ 20.000 28,670 191,700 220,830 50.000 55,480 317,830 391,050 H. K. Greene. 150.000 70,850 914.990 1,072,490 H. R. Burton__ T. H. Carpenter J . T. Lank_____ 100.000 T. R. Ingram— 150.000 70.850 Joseph Biggs — J . L. Shepherd — John S. Crouch. 80.000 109,480 292,310 487,950 73,840 Corn Ex. N., Phil. G. L. Townsend - T. C. Cruikshank. J . D. Davis, J r . . 80.000 34,150 178.450 309,790 55,060 Corn Ex. N., Phil. R. H. Williams „ J . B. Smith____ 60,800 230,580 A. W. Powell___ 25.000 24,290 270,120 288,150 50,350 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. H. A. Houston__ S. J . Abbott____ G. H. Hall P. S. Shockley___ T. Burton G. T. Reed____ 28.500 21,840 138,610 172,080 13,600 Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Far., Georgetown, Del.; Equitable Guarantee & Tr. Co., Wil. W. P. Orr, J r . . . C. F. Lacey. J . M. Lank------ 150.000 70.850 914.990 1,072,490 J . W. Cooch___ A. A. Curtis . H.E. Vinsinger, T r , J . H. Hossinger, Sec. J . D. Jaquette, 50.000 58,000 430.000 480,000 52,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 50.000 52,000 315,000 343,000 74.000 Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. Everett Hickman— Robert Wilgus.. J . H. Long T. V. Cahall____- W. F. Hoey------ J . W. Todd______ C. W. Parker— J . F. Sippel____ W. P. Orr, J r __ Newark T r. & Safe Dep. Co S. J . Wright___ 62-38 < § ’05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ca s h ie r . Abel Sevil----------- R. Y. Wallen - SUSSEX TRUST CO.— -< § ’9i W. P. Orr, J r .—— W. T. Records — 62-31 Lewes---------Sussex H 28 Fidelity Trust & Savings Bk 62-34 «§’15 Pop. 2500 Sussex Trust Co--------<§'98 62-33 Middletown—New Castle Citizens National Bank—«’65 62-45 Pop. 1399 C 22 Peoples National B a n k .-»’83 62-46 Milford____ Sussex G 26 First National Bank___< ’76 62-29 Pop. 2603 Milford Trust C o .____ »§’03 62-30 Millsboro___Sussex J 26 Millsboro Trust & Safe Deposit Co._________ §’08 Pop. 451 62-58 Milton-------- Sussex H 26 Sussex Trust Co— ____»§’01 62-59 Pop. 1038 Newark-New Castle A 22 Farmers Trust Co.—. __ *§’56 62-37 Pop. 1913 A s s ’t J . B. Manahan____ .81807 E. W. Tunnell____ R. G. Paynter. First National Bank____ »’01 62-42 Greenwood—Sussex H 24 Greenwood Trust C o.__i§’l l Pop. 362 62-64 Harrington__Kent G 24 First National Bank____• Pop. 1500 62-43 Peoples Bank— ______ §’05 62-44 Laurel------- Sussex J 25 Peoples National Bank -»$’03 Pop. 2166 62-32 Ca s h i e r . J . C. Ellis — — H. M. Buckson — . W. B. Atkins. A . Tr, H. G. M. Kollock.. W. A. Singles, T r .. C. B. Evans, S e c __ X 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 35,000 4th St. N., Phil. 189,010 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil. 60,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Corn Ex.N ., Phil. 3. 4,090 4th St. N., Phil. 51,090 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil. 3. 22,320 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. 3. 56,010 Cent. N., Phil.: 1st N., W il.151,750 Phil. N., Phil.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 1st N., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil. 250.000 914.990 1,072,490 814,020 1,090,540 151,750 Phil. N., Phil. 92,760 Han. N., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil. 3. 3. 3. 151,750 Phil. N., Phil. B a n k s A d v e r t is in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o r re s p o n d e n c e KTiimkA» nndA* Vom a a# Dnnlr ia fkö V aut Tvanalf Viim haf irivAn ▲ AADccihla Tnwns. T,RWVArs. liirArlnrs. îû- DELAW ARE BANKS—Bridgeville to N ew ark _____________July, 1915 Baltimore Trust Co------»§’04 62-51 Baltimore Trust Co_____8’03 62-52 Clayton Bank__________ §’13 62-65 F irst National Bank_____’07 62-53 Delaware City Nat. Bank.«’65 62-54 Bank of Delmar______ -§’97 62-47 First National Bank..........'04 62-48 ¿Dover— ......... Kent E 25 Farmers Bank_______ §1807 62-27 Pop. 4000 First National B ank___ * { ’65 62-26 Peoples Guar. & Tr. Co. .§ ’09 62-28 Felton.............. Kent F 24 First National B ank ____»’08 62-55 Pop. 451 Frankford— Sussex J 27 First National Bank-........ ’07 62-56 Pop. 500 Frederica____ Kent F 24 First National Bank___«1900 Pop. 659 62-57 Bridgeville— Sussex 1 24 Pop. 939 Oamden-.:—___Kent F 24 Pop. 553 Clayton_____Kent C 12 Pop. 764 Dagsboro___Sussex J 27 Pop. 300 DelawareCity.NewCastle Pop. 1132 B 24 Delmar_____ Sussex I 24 Pop. 2000 ¿Georgetown Sussex I 25 FARMERS BANK. Pop. 1609 62-41 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. D ELAW ARE 126 126 ■ i« / N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ T i'K 'T A A 'O 'C ' D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n ._____- U I L J - i j i . VV A -K H < Name and Co u n t y . »County Seats. of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState JMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. Ca s h i e r . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . L ia b il it ie s , P a id - u p Su r p lu s D e p o s AND C a p it a l it s P ro fits 25,000 R eso u r c es. L oans i t P is * Ca sh & E x c*T8. B onds , ch anges, Dus prom B anks S e c u r ities P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 4,200 % 160,000 $ 158,700 1 30,500 1st N., Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. New Castle-New C. A 24 New Castle Trust Co.—< § ’08 62-60 Pop. 3351 John E. Taylor___ Wm. J . Ferris, Newport—New Cas. A 24 Newport National Bank 62-61 Pop. 722 John A. Cranston. 75,000 41,900 71,200 187,860 10,670 Union N., Phil. 3. Daniel W. Corbit— M. N. Willits — — Odessa—New Castle C 23 New Castle County N. Bk. 62-62 »*’65 Pop. 585 75,000 55,630 133,230 312,020 25,530 Phil. N.. Phil. 3. Madison Willin___ Leon S. Hurley_____ 50,000 159,000 502,000 611,000 C la re n c e D n n o h o - 50,000 25,000 205,000 285,000 73,000 4th St. N., Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt. Balt.; Secur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., Wil. 3. L. Long _____________ G. C. Townsend-— 90,000 49,040 417,150 448,810 95,260 Corn Ex. N.. Phil.: Far.. Georgetown, Del. B a k e r.......... W. B. Derrickson . 50,000 35,000 275.000 325,000 10,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Girard N.. Phil. 3, E. M. Fowler____ 50,000 93,760 355,360 486,140 42,380 Phil. N., Phil. 3, C. J . Sudler........... 100,000 77,940 373,880 568,230 83,750 Girard N., Phil.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 3, ’65 Seaford____Sussex I 24 First National Bank— »t’65 P. L. Cannon____ H. W. Baker 62-35 Pop. 2108 Sussex National Bank— «’87 J . J . Ross .............. 62-36 Selbyville—-Sussex K 27 Baltimore Trust Co---------- »§’03 J.G . Townsend, Jr . T. E. Townsend__ 62-49 Pop. 500 I. Selbyville National B k ..«t’03 W. R. McCabe____ D.W. Campbell_____ E. 62-50 Sm yrna_____ Kent D 24 Fruit Growers Nat. Bank ’76 Pop. 1843 62-39 W f i TTnfffii'.k’fir National Bank of Smyrna ’78 62-40 »Wilmington.New Castle Artisans’ Savings Bank »JS’61 Robert D. Kemp, T- A Hill*1* Pop. 92,057 A 24 62-11 A. D. Poole V. 62-9 Henry R a ir d John Richardson, ... 115,350 Han. N*.. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 100,000 133,000 261,000 383,000 500,000 840,000 2,195,420 3,241,940 105,200 Kountz Bros, and Corn Ex., N. Y.; Cent N. and Far. & Mech. N„ Phil. 327,130 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Browi Bros. & Co.. Phil. 600.000 809,000 2,506,000 3,280,950 ' 203,175 638,860 2,245,950 2,518,860 667,230 1st N., N. Y.-; 4th St. N.. Phil. 110,000 97,000 1,318,000 931,000 823,200 838,490 142,790 1,429,610 9,384,740 10424 250 J. P. WINCHESTER- P. S, DUPONT--------- P -C .A S P R JL,T r- .HEJUY BOSH, Sec. 1, 000,000 UdbHH U. UUUEIl 1, n . n. b n H IU ,^ . o«/. b . b. KUKU Ch’no.f Board S. D. TOWNSEND L ib e r a l t e r m s SHEWARD -A- T r. W. H. EWING, A . T r. e x te n d e d t o B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s . 3 467,090 N. City and Atlantic N., N. Y.; Cent. N. Phil.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 124,800 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Bk. of No. Am. Phil. 3 409,690 J . P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil 200,000 E. W. Smith_____ Sec. a n d A . T r. C. M . 157,180 Cent. N., Phil. 560,120 Wilmer Palmer___ Frederick E. Stone F. E. Stone, T r . ___ W. Bush, W. W. LAIRD, V .-P . 3. 527,760 W. N. Ralston— .Benjamin Nields _ L. S. Townsend . . . L. L. Maloney, T r. _ H. J . Ellison, S e c ... H.S.TownSencLi.S. C.P. Buck, A .T . J . S. Rossell John H. Danhv _ J . Chester Gibson - (1. 9 . v H r L L L C , X 100,000 H. W. Davis_____ W. G. Taylor, T r ... H. W. Davis. S ec.. W. G. Taylor J . S. Brennan____ R. Reese, T r— -— J . T. Pennypacker, N. C. Lackland, A. T. Sec. Richard Reese ‘WILMINGTON ( TRUST GO. 100,000 N. City. N. Y.: Phil. N.. Phil. Sec. a nd T r. 210,000 62-4 ♦Nat. Bk. of Delaware *}1795 62-1 ♦Security Tr.& Safe Dep. Co. 62-8 »§’85 ♦Union National Bank-—«’39 62-3 Wilmington Sav. Fund Soc. 62-10 »i§’32 $ 348,030 2,871,320 3,062,170 J . W. Boyer. ♦Central National Bank «t’85 G. W. Chambers—. W. A. Speakman „ H. P. Rumford___ Robt. P. Robinson. 62-6 J . E. Smith______ 62-13 *EquitableGuar.&Tr.Co»t§’89 Otho Nowland____ 62-7 390,090 Union N-, Wil. 652,690 6,119,320 5,671,030 2,101,44Q U. S . Mortgage & Trust Co. and Cbase N and N. Park, N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. G e n e r a l b a n k in g C o lle c t io n s on t h is C i t y a n d b u s in e s s t r a n s a c t e d . S t a t e r e m it t e d fo r »§’03 ' ( Bra/nches at 10th a nd M arket Sts., 5th and M arket Sts., 2d and Market Sts.) p ro m p t ly a t lo w e s t r a t e s . Wilmington Clearing House- J TH. Da nfry (.Members indicated by a * ) Wyoming____Kent F 24 First National Bank____* ’09 62-63 Pop. 517 DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ Sec. and T r. 1915_____ _____ DELAW ARE BANKS—New Castle to Wyoming T own Accessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. r 'n n t i r m o / l U O Illin U c ü ju iy , 1 07 C. Otho Nowland ___ L. L. Maloney, Sec. a n d Mgr. E. Wetzel.......... Q F . C. Bancroft „ B. E. Cubbage____ W. R. Brown.___ - 25.000 6,100 80.000 153,000 5,000 Coal & Iron N.» N, Y.; 1st N., Phil. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 oQ JL £ o N ___ um _______________ ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass*n. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. (D istrict of C olum bia, E 6) ™ * * VL . P o p u latio n 353,378— K eserve C ity C W T M fiT rT N T r v o n m U X W l 'l \XT a L ia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t , V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h i e r . A s s 't C a s h i e r . P aid - u p SURPLUS AND P r o f it s ♦American National Bank>’03 W. T. Galliher— - C. H. Livingstone'. William Selby____ A. C. West— — — $ 600.000 $ 234,010 $ 1,959,550 E. T. Love 15-9 Davis Elkins J . W. Williams American Security & Tr. Co. OhaS 15-55 »§’89 -T Ttall H. F. Blount Corcoran Thom Maurice Otterback 3,000,000 2,254,910 8,897,290 25,000 6,160 224,780 100,000 35.000 450,000 epo s its of B a n ks % L oans & B on d s , D isSe c u r i COUNTS TIES,ETC. 611,750 $ 1,587,840 $ 916,450 Du e fr o m B anks $ 137,490 79,980 400,000 CHANGES Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 748,730 $ 244,320 Mech. & Metals. N. and Merch. N., N. Y.; N. City and Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 5 . 6,626,030 4,733,690 1,500 P r in c ip a l C ash and E x 2,862,520 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; 111. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 4th St. N.. Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 17,670 40,000 9,510 Chase N... N. Y.: N. Met., Wash., D. C. 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. r ♦Columbia National Bank.«t’87 Albert F . F o x ____ Charles B. Bailey.. Clarence Corson... Arthur N. Mitchell, A ctin g 15-1 B. W. Guy 250.000 306.000 1,425,000 362,000 1,214,300 726,300 369,000 206,000 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. ♦Commercial National Bank A. G. Clapham____ G. A. Cahill............. T. K. Sands_____ F, id fthiselli H. V. Hunt 15-10 * i ’04 T. K. Sands Arthur Lee 750,000 553,280 3,352,570 2,469,590 4,209,620 2,049,310 609,250 2,472,210 698,390 467,760 N. Bk. Com., Chase N., and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mech.-Am. N., St. L.; Franklin N., Phil. 5. 367,490 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi. 5. 2,120,280 1,998,250 731,580 328,100 N. Bk. Com., and Mech. Continental Trust Co.— »§’12 N. B. S c o tt______ C. W. Warden____ F. S. Bright, S ec. ... G. T. Scott, T r ___ H. L. Offutt, Jr., M. J . Winfree, Bates Warren 15-75 A . Tr. „ A . Sec, W. T. Galliher T 15-12 •’09 T . S. MASON_____ E S WOLFE ROB'T N. HARPER- W. S. H0GE W. P. LIPSCOMB G. N0RDLINGER T r y U S f o r q u ic k s e r v i c e a t a r e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e , U n u su al c o lle c tio n f a c i li t ie s . C O R R E S P O N D E N C E IN V IT E D . East Washington Savings Bk j n YOQt 15-62 «*§'05 S TT Walker Lewis Flemer Exchange Bank—___ ____»§’14 M. F. Finley---15-83 Elmer Sothoron Chas. A. McCarthy, S ec. a n d T r. John B. F ly n n ___ William R. Nagel— x 5. 1,000,000 550,000 248,450 2,165,980 164,020 2,398,790 100,000 31,760 463,840 470,100 40,330 8,070 210,310 177,220 412,790 1,037,290 500,000 176,370 1,728,090 J . Fendall Cain—— John E. Benton . . . 225,000 13,870 1,239,810 Howard Moran, Tr. A. S. Clarke, Sec... Swan, A . T r. F. G. Addison, Jr., 100.000 283,720 4,625,430 300.000 69,070 1,816,130 McLachlen Bkg. Corp__ «t§’87 A. M. McLachlen.. F. R. H o rn er....— J . A. Massie, T r . .. L. P. McLachlen, Sec. 15-59 107,500 55,490 A. B. Claxton, T r .. W. J . Lambert, Sec. O.G.Claxtoh, A .T r. 2,000,000 462,290 1,050,000 ♦Franklin National Bank —«’14 John B. Cochran . . R . S .T u r k 15-84 Home Savings Bank. 15-57 B JP Sani E. E. ♦Lincoln National B an k __«’90 T? F Davis 15-6 Munsey Trust Co.—. 15-81 James F . Shea— Robert Callahan . . A. S. Gatley — . — W. McK. Stowell— P. T. Moran t§T3 F. A. Munsey_____ C. TT. Pope ♦National Bank of Washington C. F . Norment— . C. E . White 15-7 «1809 G. L. Starkey WASHINGTON CITY Map oq opposite page Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A . Tr. A B. Ruff W W Nairn 56,720 & M et- N .C ity, C h i.;3 d N .,S t.L . X 5. 60,450 8,330 20,120 9,350 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.; Dis trict N. and Com’l. N., Wash. 807,790 823,050 263,830 97,590 Imp. & Tra. N., Han. N., and Chase N.. N. Y.; 3d N..Phil. 5. 1,404,960 652,190 330,320 1,088,620 630,740 198,140 228,400 Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y.; N.Bk. Rep., Chi.; 4thSt.N ., Phil.; N.Bk. Com., Balt. 5. 100,020 Han. N. and Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil. X 5. 3,169,410 886,540 1,307,880 598,370 195,080 307,690 222,320 155,280 62,430 3,604,660 2,432,310 3,729,950 638,510 3,724,340 2,641,890 2.411,820 36,870 10,000 191,920 949,410 Liberty N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Wash., D. C. 327,190 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Corn’) N., Chi.; Girard N., Phil. 5. 30,650 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Wash., D. C.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. 539,000 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N.Y.; Rich. Tr. & Sav, Co., Rich.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 5. 1,206,690 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Citiz. N.. Balt.; Girard N., Phil. 5. B a n k s A d v e r t is in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n jto_ C o lle c tio n s a n d C o r re s p o n d e n c e July, 1915 252.000 ♦Farmers & MechanicsNat. Bk Wm. King___ . . ' __ R. D. Weaver........ C. W. Edmonston . J . H. Small 15-8 *tl814 (G eorg eto w n P . O.) C. B. Lyddane........ N.H. Shea ♦Federal National Bank—»ÎT3 15-79 1,020,500 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BANKS—Washington __________ Anacostia Bank________—§'10 G. 0 . Walson— „ M M Mhffit.t 15-71 (A n a c o stia P . O.) Bank of Commerce & Savings M. D. Rosenberg— 15-68 «i§’07 R. j . Earnshaw J. F . Hood. S e c __ C. E. Howe. Asst. Sec. a n d T r. W. W. Keck, A . T r. R eso u rces. I n d iv id D ual D e p o s it s A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s; D irectors, ind?xed in backof *hisvolume. F o r In terest B a te s , Grace, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Some Facts About The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory 1. Is th e m ost a ccu rate and carefully edited publication of its kind. 2. (W rite for our circular, “ M ore T estim o n y .” ) Is alw ays th e first B an k D irecto ry on th e m ark et and is published nearer to the d ate of the inform ation it contains th an an y oth er sim ilar publication. 3. H as the largest paid circulation of an y sim ilar publi cation in A m erica. 4. H as the largest paid bank circulation of an y publication in A m erica, of w hatever kind. 5. T his circulation is increasing rapidly every y ear. 6. Is the Official D irecto ry for th e S ta te Bankers* Associ ations of Ohio, K an sas, M on tan a, and K en tu ck y . 7. Is the Official N um bering A gen t for T h e A m erican Bankers Association. 8. “ A R eliable B ook published b y a Responsible House.** It costs the same, Why not get the Best ? T w o Ed itions each y ear, Ja n u a ry and Ju ly Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis K you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded A ttorn ey s published in this Di recto ry , it gives you a personal attorney who a cts under your d irect instructions and it puts him under Bond w ithout any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe S e e In d e x *‘L a w y e r s ’ 9 f o r I n s t r u c t i o n s N u m b e r under N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers D irectory, under the au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of ■ . _ mT Wv v A-fkSo H IN G T O N xxX X N V J x U i N Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ________________________Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . D. D. Mulcahy____ Warner Stutler. North Capitol Savings Bank T. Michael 15-78 »§12 A. O. Dille Northwest Savings B ank...§ ’15 Geo. C. Havenner.. Guy T. Scott— F. C. Bryan 15-86 A. L. Haycock.. Park Savings Bank____ < § ’09 Thomas Somerville L. E . Breuninger.. W. H. Klopfer 15-70 G. E. Walker Potomac Savings Bank of G. W. Offutt.__ — E. L. Schneider---Georgetown______ — < § ’03 15-60 ♦Riggs National Bank___» i’96 Chas. C. G lover.... M. E. Ailes ........... W. J . Flather 15-3 R. S. Stunz, A ctin g A . Tr, W. J . Neuland.. P and r o f it s ual of D e po s it s B a n es 200,000 $ 251,320 $ 752,410 R eso u rces. D ue FROM B anks oans & B onds . D is S e c u r i counts t i e s , e t c . L 86,450 $ 574,170 $ 592,430 $ 112,760 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . O ash and E x ch an g es Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 113,430 N.Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. ; Merch.-Mech. N.,Balt.; Mech.Am. N., St. L. 5. 483,900 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Bos., and Balt.; Market St. N.. Phil. 5. 580,420 3,775,080 451,260 2,183,970 1.557,960 1,328,050 1,000,000 1,246,000 6,815,500 6,000 5,903,000 1,952,000 1,080,000 132,500 Chase N., Cent. Tr. and Equitable Tr. Cos., N. Y. 28,040 13,780 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N. Wash., D. C. 27,660 19,350 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Wash. D. C. 63,000 87.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Met., Wash. D. C.; 1st N„ Alexandria, Va- 800,000 4,290 230.000 202,260 50.000 11,060 300,240 275,870 100.000 40.000 658.000 590.000 88,440 40,160 100,000 B. A. Bowles_____ J . W. Bogley, S ec. H. W. Offutt, T r. H. H. Flather___ Joshua Evans. J r .. 1.000,000 2,144.560 7,689,360 2,234,950 57,000 6,937,010 4,284,610 1,719,370 1,947,470 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.: Phil. N., Phil. 5, 500.000 229,030 1,363,670 201,780 1,205,370 744,340 127,930 458,080 1st N., N. Y .: Girard N., Phil.: N Bk. of Balt., Balt.: 1st N„ San F. N. Bk. Com., St. L. 5, W. R. Baum___ 100.000 29.000 1, 000,000 20,000 750.000 105.000 160,000 40.000 N. Park and Seab. N., N. Y.; Riggs N. and N. Met., Wash., D. C. J . P.Torbert___ 50.000 342,320 1,870 270,190 85,410 28,590 19,810 Chase N.,N. Y.; 2d N., Wash., D. C.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. .< § ’91 W. H. Cooper_____ A. G. Clapham----- C. L. Bowman------- W. R. Lewis___ 200,000 35.000 1,300,000 1 , 000,000 200.000 2,000,000 446,620 3,601,390 2,138,660 2,889,250 148,330 ( C. H. RUDOLPH- W. C. CLEPHANE. JOHN C. ECKL0FF JACOB SCHARF S. J. PRESCOTT ♦SECOND NATIONAL BK. - < ’72 We have super! or facilities for ob taining prompt re ports and returns 15-4 for your item s and collections fo r Washington. J . H. Baltz____ Security Savings & Com’l Bank J . I. Peyser-----15-80 < § ’13 G. R.Linkins Fred McKee S. R. Waters___ Seventh Street Savings Bank 15-77 < § ’12 A. H. Plugge_____ J . D. Howard... Harry Kaufman Union Savings Bank. 15-56 L ia b il it ie s . S u r p l u s I nd iv id D e po s it s A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. L. Hilly er. S e c .. <§1900 E. J . Stellwagen— G.E. Hamilton.— . E. Union Trust Co— W. L.Crane,A .Sec G. E. Fleming 15-58 J . N. McGill United States Sav. Bank—< §’06 W. H. Cooper_____ W. D. Barry........... W. R. de Lashinutt W. H.Zepp 15-64 Washington & Southern Bank John Mitchell, Jr. C. J . Owens......... . H. C. Finkel—:. 15-76 »§’12 (2 B r a n c h e s ) Washington Ln. & Tr. Co.< 15-54 A . Tr, 100,000 27,040 844,230 37,590 681,980 Geo. O. Wilcox___ B. W. Burnside Fernand Petit 100,000 13,500 561,910 740 449,880 John Joy Edson— J . B. Larner_____ H. G. Meem, T r . .. Thos. Bradley, Sec Boyd Taylor. A. T r Andrew Parker 1 , 000,000 1,197,690 6,839,790 58,960 190.000 20,000 Washington Mech. Sav. Bank Ezra Gould____ 15-66 < § ’07 R. H. Bagby. 4,000 D. C. 1,129,130 N. City. N. Y. 138,650 189,310 5,424,280 1,415,290 1,742,590 198.000 5,000 30,000 39,890 Chatham & Phénix N., N.Y.; Cont. Tr. Co., Wash., D. C.; Am. Nr, Wil., N. C.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 19,860 Corn Ex., Han. N. and Harriman N., N. Y.; Franklin N. and 3d N., Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt, and Md. Tr. Co., Balt. 514,300 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Mech.-Am. N,* St. L.; 4th St, N„ Phil. 10.000 Chase N., N. Y.: District N., Wash., D. C. S. B. Chapin & Co., N. Y. and Chi.: Hayden, Stone & Co., Bos. W. B. Hibbs & Co______ <+’89 (W. B, Hibbs and W. W. Spaid)- Com’l N., Wash., D. C. Washington Clearing House... G. H. Rudolph, Ch a i r m a n . ___ _____ J.'G . Moore, S e c .a /n d M g r . (M em bers in d ic a te d b y a*) 129 A. G. Plant & Co— ......... < t ’08 15-85 WASHINGTON CITY Map on opposite page 30.000 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., Wash., Seab. N, and Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Comw., Balt. Crane, Parris & Co.___ „ < + 83 15-73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Edson B. Olds, T r W. F. D. Herron, 9,810 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BANKS—Washington—Continued _________ ♦National Capital B ank ... »$’89 Thomas W. Smith. A. Carry_________ H. H. McKee____ H. C. Stewart S. H. Walker 15-5 ♦National Metropolitan Bank George W. W hite.. O. H. P. Johnson— G. O. Walson____ 15-2 <1814 E. Nyman, S e c .. National Savings & Trust Co. W. D. Hoover____ Woodbury B la ir... Geo. Howard, T r . .. C. C. C. Lamborn, F. W. Stone 15-52 •t§’67 P aid - u p C a p it a l Dist. of Colum bia— Continued R eserv e Citv R eserv e City July, 1915 tO O 1 . For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Name T own and County. ¿County Seats. of L ia Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . C A SH IER . Ass'T Cashier . b il it ie s P a id - u p Su r p lu s AND C a p it a l P ro fits R eso u rc es. . Depo s Cash & E x changes ,D ue fro m B anks . P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 80.000 $ 100,000 $ 18,000 N. Park, N. Y .: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. N. Baldwin______ $ 50.000 $ S. C. Dell________ 25,000 9,380 81,140 78,400 26,340 Han. N., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. F. B. Wakefield.. - J . W. Wilhelm___ 50,000 15,000 100,000 140,000 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. H. L. Oliver.—___ H. G. Fannin—----- 25,000 20,000 200,000 168.000 W. G. Talton_____ 15.000 2,450 89,000 57,100 B. F . Welles-------- L. A. Stroud. 50,000 25,000 325,000 275,000 100.000 68,950 317,910 415,960 75,000 Han. N„ N.Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Am. N., Pensacola. 49,000 Heard N., Jacksonville; State Bk. of Orlando, Fla. 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa, Fla.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6. 136,770 ChaseN.,N.Y.; Merch.-Mech.N.,Balt. 6. J . G. King........... — R. O. Turner. C. A. Roe R. P. Perkins!------- 7,500 t it s L oans & D ib c' tb . B onds , S e c u r it ie s 6. P. E. Chunn___ 15,000 800 35,000 32,000 Mcch.& Metals N ., N . Y.;" Fla. N., Jacksonville. 14,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Barnett N„ Jacksonville. C. E. Lanier___ 15,000 240 70,000 62,000 13,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 15,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville; Ex. N„ Tampa. B. F . West -----100,000 70,710 539,330 530,570 50,000 25,450 220,730 206,730 15.000 3,000 50,000 43,000 10,000 4,540 64,760 40,730 15,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .: 1st N., Marianna, Fla. 36,870 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 15.000 8.250 50.000 52,000 12,500 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: Am. N.,Pensacola. HOLMES CO. BANK— < § U D. L. Green— —— M. M. Owens__. . . W. B. Hammond. 63-219 15,000 4,000 61,500 55,000 24,500 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Pensacola. W. R. M inor____ 20,000 7,110 100,690 86,160 38,980 Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.: Ex. N., Tampa; Heard N., Jacksonville. 19,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Peoples, Jacksonville. ¿Bartow_______ Polk L 7 POLK CO. NATIONAL BANK T. L. Wilson-------- J . M. Oglesby_____ E. L. Wirt_______ J . B. Pylant, J r . J . G.Boyd 63-96 < ’86 Pop. 4000 E. C. S tu art -— T. W. Gary____ — Geo. B. Pylant. J . N. Hooker—___ State Bank of Bartow _«t§’07 63-97 ¿Blountstown— Calhoun Bank of Blountstown---- §’07 W. H. Leonard___ W. B. Clark — — H. B. Gaskin____ M. G. B ro ck ... 63-141 Pop. 546 E2 Bocagrande— — Lee K 9 L. M. Fouts & Co............ t t ’10 L. M. Fouts------— W. J . Gilligan____ E. L. Fouts.___ 63-142 Pop. 500 ¿Bonifay------Holmes D 1 Bank of Bonifay--------< § ’06 A. Sessoms—------- W. O. Butler, J r __ C. A. Prim____ 63-143 Pop. 922 Bowling Green—De Soto State Bk. of Bowling Green J . H. Durrance___ G. H.Gill................ 63-144 < § ’08 Pop. 422 L7 Boynton. Palm Beach O 9 Bank of Boynton---------- §’15 L. P. McCord------- G. E. Coon----------63-303 Pop. 150 ¿Braden town__ Manatee Bradentown Bk. & Trust Co G. Murphy____— L. D. Simmons___ 63-109 < § ’13 E. P. Green Pop. 3500 K8 First National Bank— <1900 T. C. Taliaferro— 63-108 Bradley Junction PolkL7 J.O.Whidden& Co.. Bkrs.t’12 J.O .W hidden-___ W. W. Keen-------63-246 Branford — Suwanee J 3 Branford Stale Bank------§’11 S. M. Martin_____ J . J . Dempsey — 63-145 Pop. 262 ¿Bristol i ....... Liberty F 2 Bristol State Bank........... §’07 R. H. Tuten_____ E. O. Herndon____ 63-146 Pop. 796 ¿Bronson______ Levy J 4 Bank of Levy County— *§’11 W. J . Epperson-__ John R. Willis— 63-147 Pop. 300 ¿B ro ok sv ille— H ernando First National B an k ___ < 1 0 C. M. Price______ P. L. Weeks___ — Pop. 1500 K5 63-135 W. E. Law — — Hernando State Bank—< § ’07 J . A. Jennings 63-134 J . F. Lambert____ I . 1. Moody_ Bunnell__..S t. John M 4 Bunnell State Bank___ < § ’11 63-148 Pop. 500 Bushnell____Sumter J 4 Citizens Bank----------- —1§’06 J . M. Harvey......... W. A. Collins-___ 63-149 Pop. 939 Callahan____ Nassau L I Callahan State Bank____ §10 P. A. Wilson.------- R .H . Jo n es_____ 63-150 Pop. 1000 Campbellton.Jackson E l Central State B ank___ <§'07 W. B. Anderson— C. R. Jones____ J . W. White 63-151 Pop. 300 Oarrabelle—Franklin F 3 Marine-Grecian Bank—-»§13 H. L. Mattair____ S. J . G iles.......... W. B. Lewis 63-268 Pop. 900 FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 189,480 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 6. 80,290 N. Park, N. Y.; Barnett N„ Jacksonville. E. L. Harrell_____ 15,000 3,000 16,000 5,170 M. B. Alderman... M. K. Herrin. 50.000 5,690 256,830 233,510 J . T. Campbell___ 40,000 51,060 386,770 370,720 E. Y. Whidden___ 7,500 F. D. Phillips_____ 15,000 2,800 50,000 41,000 T. E. Shuler_____ 20,000 11,630 44,000 54,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Bartow; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 22,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville; Live Oak, Live Oak, Fla. 21,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J . C. McEachin___ 17,000 4,300 77,370 80,700 15,610 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. W. A. McGeachy „ 25.000 9,520 144,550 159,740 48,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. W. M. McKethan.. R. C. Hice____— 15.000 17,300 142,260 131,290 G. A. Anderson___ 15,000 3,000 62,000 67,400 R. F . Collins_____ 15.00C 46,010 N. Park, N. Y .: Ex. N., Tampa: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 14,301 Chase N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1st N., St. Augustine. Han. N., N. Y.; State Bk. of Fla., Jacksonville: Bk. of Com.. Tampa. 45,000 Ü. S. Mtge. & T r. Co.. N. Y.; Florida N., Jacksonville, Fla. 6,500 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Barnett N.. Jacksonville. 6,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 50,000 15,000 3,00C 67,000 58,000 J . H. Fears. 15,000 3,500 15,000 22,000 D. T. B ib b - 15,000 12,000 17,000 E. L. Jones. 89,010 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 146,410 Atlantic N .,N .Y.: 1st N., Tampa. 6. 6. B a n k s A d v e r t is in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o C o lle c tio n s a n d C o r re s p o n d e n c e N um ber u nder N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given FLORIDA BANKS—Alachua to Carrabelle_______________ July, 1915 Alachua____Alachua K 3 Bank of Alachua.___..< § ’04 F . B. Godfrey____ J . L.,Matthews— 63-138 Pop. 800 First National Bank __—- t ’08 C. A. Williams____ W. H. Traxler____ 63-139 J . P. Coombs___— B. D. Morris_____ ¿Apalachicola. -Franklin American Exchange Bank 63-93 < § ’11 Pop. 3065 E3 ApalachicolaState Bank $§’05 S. E. Teague_____ N. R. Hays---------63-92 Apopka____ Orange L 5 State Bank of Apopka— §’12 W. R. O’Neal_____ A. C. Starbird_____ 63-223 Pop. 410 * Arcadia___ De Soto L 8 De Soto National B an k .< ’07 W. G. Welles_____ R. E. Whidden___ O. G. Davis 63-115 Pop. 3500 First National Bank__»tl900 T. B. King----------- D. H. S co tt______ 63-114 Archer_____Alachua K 4 Bank of Archer------------ §’13 Paul Sm ith______ S. T. Fleming___ _ W. H. Powell 63-278 Pop. 468 Samuel Jackson — Auburndale------Polk L 6 State Bk. of Auburndale<§’12 John L. Fauts .. 63-257 Pop. 700 C. A. Skipper---- -D. L. Skipper___— Bank of Avon P ark ___< § ’12 Avon Park—De Soto L 7 63-212 Pop. 600 B. F . West & Co...........< t ’96 63-140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 F L O R ID A 130 130 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. ^County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R eso u rc es. L ia b il it ie s . P residen t . VICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . W. C. Bryce_____ A. P. Schleimer___ Y. H. Kirchbain. . . J . W. Turner R. P. Collins_____ J . S. McMullen___ J . M. Harvey Su b p l u s P aid - u p AND C a p it a l P r o f it s $ 15,000 $ 15,000 De p o s it s Loans k Dis- Çash k E x c ’t b . B onds , changes ,D ux S bouritik s from B anks 1,330 $ 25,850 $ 34,020 $ 830 34,180 P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed: Reserve Collect. System. 23,780 8,150 Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Gainesville N., Gainesville, Fla. 21,550 Bk. of Com., Tampa: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 15,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Pensacola. C. B. Dunn______ S. A. Alford........... C. V. Royster____ J . H. Faulk___ 25,000 7.000 60,000 72,000 E. N. D ekle_____ S. A. Alford_____ W. 0 . Bntler, J r ... J . C. McLeod.. 50.000 20,000 146,950 235,570 D. F. Conoley____ J . J . Eldridge____ H. W. Bivins____ L. E. Johnson. 50,000 26,000 325,000 275,000 L. B. Skinner_____ J . S. Taylor______ J . C. Kingsbury . . . M. G. Knight.. Taver Bayly J . W. Matchett J . H. Compton____ C. 0 . Roe_______ _ C. W. R o e ............. 60,000 24,630 264,040 245,620 15,000 3,000 111,150 34,500 J . M. Sanders____ L. S. Andrews.,__ J . H. Pace_______ A. L. McGlaun___ 15,000 5,000 86,000 42.000 25.000 45,000 400,000 315.000 D. W. Swicord____ F. L. Rutland____ G. 0 . Watkins____ 15.000 5,000 40,000 50,000 136.000 Chase N., N. Y .: Heard N., Jacksonville: Lowry N., Atl.; Phil. N., Phil. 14,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J . W. Hinson____ H. W. M ercer____ A. J . Cobb_______ 15.000 24,550 20,770 18,620 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola 23.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 14,000 Seab. Nr, N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. S. F . Travis J . Lapham_______ R. B. Holmes____ M. W. Weinberg.. K. Borson............... K. M. White — ___ C. 0 . Chamberlin.. 15.000 6,060 70.000 68.300 C .E . A llen______ C. A. Miller______ A. S. K in g ...____ 15,000 1,800 36,000 35,000 John Raymond___ A. F. P rice______ Laura Spencer Porter H. W. Coleman Î. T. Parker____ L. T. Parker___ M. C. Hardee_____ W. R. Jobston— 50.000 1 7,000 200,000 167,000 15,000 7,500 65,000 35,000 2,500 W. I. Porter S. R. Fields______ C. C. Beatty_____ R. S. Maley............ W. E, Sullivan.____ G. B. Seaman J . B. Conrad_____ S, A. Wood______ C. M. Bingham F. N. Conrod ......... M. Sholtz________ F. J . Niver W. L. Cawthon___ C. H. Gordon W. E. Sullivan____ 50.000 F . N. Conrad____ F. J . Niver______ 100,000 140,000 164,000 43,190 1,102,860 823,090 63,000 42,430 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N. and N. Bk. Com., Pensacola. 6. 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa. 63,520 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 85,170 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Orlando Bk. & Tr. Co., Orlando. 58,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 86.550 N. Park. N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 40,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Peo., Jackson ville; Miami Bk. & Tr. Co., Miami, Fla. Heard. N., Jacksonville. 23,300 N. Park, N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 6 422,960 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Atlantic N and Heard N. Jacksonville. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville Merch., Daytona, Fla. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. &Peo. N., Pensacola. Ci A. Randall.____ W. J . Braddock___ 25,000 7,800 143,000 H. L. Cawthon____ 25.000 7,000 98,000 80,870 J . J . McCaskill___ G. B. Campbell___ W. 0 . Campbell___ 35.000 16.500 110.000 134.000 J . H. Tatum_____ B. E. Prevatt—___ D. B. T uten..____ J . J . Tillis, Jr . J . P. Mace A. D. McBride____ J . B. Conrad____ S. A. Wood . . . . . . . . R. H. Boyd__ 50,000 9,000 210.000 174,000 30,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. Pensacola. * 6 6 50.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 100.000 110,000 650,000 687,000 102,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville 15,000 6,700 65,000 60,000 C. S. Hart________ 2,000 140 8,760 3,050 H. W. Bivins____ J . M. McClung— . L. C. R ay.__ . . . __ 20,000 710 45,950 50,170 145,260 144,320 J . L. Troup______ J . R. Cason. J r . ___ M. H. Glazier____ J . C. Rabon______ 5,280 J . G. Baskin_____ D. B. Kibler ____ G. W. N e v ille...... 65.000 A. E. Donegan____ A. W. Gustus____ J . M. Huffman____ 15.000 L. D. Stapleton___ 15.000 W. B. Sewell___. . . 25.000 11,000 325,000 ■ 150,000 Charles Isted_____ 25,000 28,470 338,200 246,820 C. H. Piffard........... R. A. Conkling___ W. E. Brakefleld... F. W. Kettle C. Warfield______ Harry Goldstein . . . E. P. MacDonell— 25,000 2,100 74,000 63,700 E. W. Stapleton. . . L. D. Stapleton. C. P. Fuller G. W. Holmes........ E. S. Burleigh.. J . P. Donnelly W. S. McClelland.. E. L. Ferran___ Fred W. Hoyt E. M izell________ R. W. Hoyt_____ C. S.Binnicker — 50,000 3,000 130,000 125,000 100.000 60,800 681,850 760,800 7,750 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. ______ FLORIDA BANKS—Cedar Keys to Fernandina Cedar K eys.....Levy 1 4 Cedar Key State Bank— {§’13 63-247 Pop. 864 Center Hill__Sumter L 3 Bank nf Center Dill____ §’)1 63-217 Pop. 600 Chipley.. Washington D 1 Chipley State Bank___*{§’06 63-126 Pop. 2000 First National Bank___«{’05 63-127 ^Clearwater. .Pinellas J 7 Bank of Clearwater____ §’06 63-153 Pop. 3000 Peoples Bank.-.. - *$§’11 63-209 Clermont. ,. .Lake L 6 First State Bank_______ §T3 63-256 Pop. 500 Cocoa ,. Provard N 6 Bank of Cocoa. ....... *{§’12 63-248 Pop. 613 Brevard Co. State Bank*{§’89 63-154 Coleman____Sumter K 4 Coleman Banking Co.......§'10 63-155 Pop. 387 Oottondale..Jackson E 1 Cottondale State Bank— §’07 63-156 Pop. 250 Crescent City.PutnamL4 Bank of Crescent City -«{§’10 63-157 Pop. 1000 Crystal R iver.. Citrus J 5 Bank of Crystal River..«§’07 63-158 Pop. 1000 •Dade City___Pasco K 6 Bank of Pasco County.»{§’89 63-159 Pop. 1066 Dania.. ..... Dade F 7 Bank of Dania________ »§'12 63-226 Pop. 750 Davenport____ Polk L 7 Fields & Company, Bankers 63-307 +’15 Pop. 400 Daytona........Volusia N 4 First National Bank___«{’10 63-91 Pop. 4000 Merchants Bank........... »{§’96 63-90 Daytona Beach.. Volusia East Coast State Bank-.«{§’12 63-259 Pop. 3000 N4 •DeFnniak Spgs..Walton Cawthon State Bank__«£$'83 63-104 Pop. 2017 C1 First National Bank___»{’04 63-105 •De Land__Volusia M 4 First National Bank___* { ’10 63-95 Pop. 4000 VOLUSIA COUNTY BANK 63-94 *{§’89 Delray ..Palm Beach O 10 Bank of Delray_______ »§’12 63-231 Pop. 1200 Dundee Pnllr T, 7 J . C.Rabon Company, Banker 63-270 { t ’13 Bank nf Dunedin r, *{§’13 63-265 POP. 256 Dunnellon ...M arion K 4 Bank of Dunnellon___«{§’04 63-160 Pop. 2000 Eau Gallie— Brevard N 6 State Bank of Eau Gallie.§15 63-301 Pop. 329 Ellen ton___Manatee K 8 Ellenton State Bank........§’14 63-295 Pop. 800 Eustis................ Lake L 5 Citizens Bank________ «§’12 63-239 Pop. 2100 FIRST STATE BANK— < § 95 63-161 Fellsmere..St. Lucie N 7 State Bank of Fellsmere 63-269 *{§’13 Pop. 1100 •Fernandina-Nassau L 1 Citizens National Bank .« {’l l 63-210 Pop. 3482 First National Bank___«{’91 63-162 A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in b a c k of th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e ,] etc«, see p ag e 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , see opposite pag e 13. F L O R ID A — C ontinued July, 1915 m N um ber u nder N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The K and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . 10,860 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Citiz., Bartow, Fla. Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 16,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa. 52,580 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y .: Atlantic N and Barnett N., Jacksonville. Chase N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville; Bk of Com., Tampa. 185,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Heard N., Jacksonville 135,850 N. Park and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Fla. N. Jacksonville. 31,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 60,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil. 182,380 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil. 6 6 For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 132 N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass n . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Tor Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. FLO RID A—Continued R e s o u r c e s , .. L ia b il it ie s . Name TOWN AND COUNTY. *County Seats. of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . L. J . Edwards------ A. G. SmallW. M. Lawrie W. F. Sunkel_____ C. J . Joiner Fort Meade—— Polk K 7 BANK OF FORT MEADE < § 09 W. H. Lewis____ _ 63-122 Pop. 2000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«’l l W. E.-Arthur— — 63-123 ‘ Fort Myers......... Lee L 9 Bank of Fort Myers.—< § ’01 H. E. Heitman.— 63-100 Pop. 2463 First National Bank.......< ’07 W. G. Langford— 63-101 Henry Johnson . Fort Ogden—Be Soto L 8 Security State Bank — i§ ’13 63-277 Pop. 600 F. H. Fee— _____ ‘ Fort Pierce— St. Lucie Bank of Fort Pierce---- < § ’93 63-120 Pop. 1333 C8 i f . g. McMu ll e n i Special attentio ST. LUCIE COUNTY BANK ] Intelligent reas 63-121 §’08 ( R em ittance on EDGAR LEWIS n given to collect ons for non-pay day of payment. EDGAR LEWIS — lons. m ent. TRY US. Frostproof____ Polk K 6 Skipper & Co., Bankers—1’12 E. E. Skipper_____ 63-232 Pop. 100 ‘ Gainesville------Alachua First National Bank— < ’ James M. Graham. 63-46 • Pop. 10,000 K 3 Florida National Bank . < ’10 J . J . Haymans____ 63-49 G. B. Skipper____ L. H. Gedge__ - Su r p l u s P aid - u p and C a p it a l P r o f it s $ 15.000 $ De po s it s k /OAN8 D ib i t s . B onds , S ec u r it ie s 20,000 8,000 180,000 95,000 H. S. Sweeting— 15.000 11,000 268,000 100,000 C. L. Morrison___ Vernon Clyatt — H. M. Hammett 30,000 11,820 102,910 132,390 S. H. Brown—i — ' L. L. Bean...... ........ S. G. Turnley------ 25,000 430 72,230 110,530 C. D. Kittredge. &Ec hanges , D ue from 3,420 $ 20.000 $ 40,000 $ S. Hinton____ H. G. Wheeler— Gash B anks P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 4,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 167,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Miami. 12,340 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville 1st N., Tampa. 10,110 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Tampa. 6. J . E. Foxworthy— J . E. Hendry, J r . 50,000 75,000 350,000 310,000 165,000 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa. W. H. Towles— _ C. C. Pursley......... E. H. Evans —___ 50,000 100,000 300,000 350,000 100,000 Han. N.,'N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa. J . O. Carr, Sr— — J . O. Carr, J r . ____ W. A. Johnson A. C. Dittmar____ C. M. Horton___— T. C. Nicholson— 15,000 35,000 33,000 12,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 43,000 48,000 500,000 375,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 35.000 . 10,900 100,000 117,000 25,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Heard N., Jacksonville. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz., Bartow, Fla. Barnett N., Jacksonville. 135,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. .6 , 134,630 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N and 4th St. N., Phil.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 6 J . Hendry, Sr----- 100,000 125,000 635,000 823,000 J . M. Fennell------- R. V. O tt___ — - 150,000 42,250 531,130 896,260 W. H. Burdick— 200.000 26,630 484,620 882,660 W. R. McKinsty— L. Graham____ — E. D. Turner___ 6. 110,770 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Balt. Heard N. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. 6 13,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. H. L. Phifer— — . J . L. Emerson___ 50,000 1,500 60.000 90,000 J . H. D avis____... 35.000 16,170 86,390 124,910 Neill Branan „ _— R. M. Harkness. 25.000 6,000 75,000 70,000 R. L. Green _____ 15,000 600 20,000 23,000 M. A. McDowell— F. McDowell. 16.000 5,500 60,000 58,000 L. B. Smith______ J . A. Pender.. 15,000 17,500 93,000 110,000 A. W. Newett— . 15,000 4,000 77,500 49,670 41,630 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. C. C. Y oung...___ Lisle W. Smith — 15,000 3,780 60,130 49,410 A. A. F u tch _____ 12,000 380 23,200 27,020 33,200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz., Kissimmee, Fla.: Atlantic N.,,Jacksonville. 8,560 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J . W. Case_______ 30,000 1,040 98,230 82,690 43,530 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 5.000 35,000 59,000 2,670 20,710 34,150 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 30.000 J . H. Turner____ 15,000 W. C. Mahin_____ 29,730 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.,Pensacola. 6- 30,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jack sonville. T 8,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Ja ck sonville. 17,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 6,460 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 15,000 1,800 50,000 H. R. Pridgen___ T. C. Beavers. 15.000 10,620 83,620 82,970 27,20 Han. N., N. Y.: Miami Bk. & Tr. Co., Miami. I. O. Fender..___* 25,000 4,040 64,800 68,240 26,05 Seab.N., N. Y.; Atlantic N,, Jacksonville. . (B r a nch o f I a nk o f C ommerct , T a m p |a, F la. Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Com.. Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. July, 1915 G. W. McCall..— 50,000 G. I. Singleton, M ______ H. E. Taylor_____ E. Baird C. A. Fair cloth__ T. J . Cone W. E. Bell T. W. Shands____ W. R. Thomas— Gainesville National Bank G. K. Broome 63-47 < ’07 F. M. Brannon, J . A. P h ifer_____ W. B. Phifer_____ Phifer State Bank_____i§ ’07 W. M. Johnson 63-48 A. D. Campbell— D. H. Morris, J r .. Graceville..-Jackson E 1 First National Bank........t ’04 63-165 Pop. 734 G. W. Geiger____ R. L. Dowling-----‘ Green Cove Springs Bank of Green Cove Springs 63-166 t§’04 Clay—Pop. 2000------L 3 J . W. Green____ Greensboro—Gadsden F 2 Bank of Greensboro___ »§’14 O. W. Gardner---63-284 Pop. 175 Greenville—Madison H 2 Bank of Greenville____t§’05 T. J . Redding------- C. L. Leggett-----J . P. Taylor 63-167 Pop. 751 Greenwood—Jack-son E 1 Bank of Greenwood___«§’08 R. A. Willis______ Louis B. Smith___ 63-224 Pop. 300 Groveland—— Lake L 5 Bank of Groveland..........»§’12 E. E. Edge------- - J . R. Arnold____ 63-258 Pop. 500 A. E. Donegan---- J . T. Miller— Haines City — ..P olk L 6 State Bank of Haines City 63-263 < § ’13 Pop. 120 A. A. McDonald — Hampton.. Bradford K 3 W. G. Seals & Co______ t ’07 W. G. Seals— 63-168 Pop. 265 Hastings..St. Johns L 3 Hastings Banking C o..< §’09 G. B. Lamar_____ John T. Dismukes 63-169 Pop. 399 E. B. Shelf er____ Havana—— Gadsen G Havana State Bank_____§’06 E. H. Slappey— 63-170 Pop. 432 Hawthorn——Alachua K3 Hawthorne State Bank—.§’11 F. J . Hammond__ P. O'Brien____ 63-171 Pop. 324 High Springs___Alachua High Springs Bank------ 1§’03 J . A. Stephens 63-172 Pop. 1468 J Homestead....... Dade E Bank of Homestead........ »§’12 T. Brewer_______ 63-245 Pop. 1500 G. H. Scofield. ‘ Inverness.— Citrus K Citizens Bank..;________ §T2 C. E. Allen___ _ 63-244 Pop. 2500 Citrus County Bank— „$§’07 63-173 — FLORIDA BANKS—Floral City to Inverness Floral City——Citrus K 5 Bank of Floral City— »$§’08 N. P. Jenrette___ 63-163 Pop. 488 FortLauderdale.Dade OlO Dade County Bank—---- »§’12 W. C. K yle--------63-230 Pop. 2500 FT. LAUDERDALE STATE BK. Frank Stranahan „ 63-164 <§'11 F L O R ID A M a p o p p o s ite p a g e 1 4 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . B a n k s A d v e rtis in g g iv e P r o m p t A tte n tio n to C o lle ctio n s an d C o rresp o n d en ce ! W h e n In D o u b t ABOUT BANKERS’ fiKSBaBSSBaSSa9S9BBBHMaHHM9BBHBHaBBHHBIBHnnMHHHHRBBB DIRECTORY SERVICE Ask Your Reserve City Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondents TH EY KNOW TH E AND U S E IT BEST The Heard National Bank JA C K SO N V ILLE, FLORIDA. CAPITAL SURPLUS $ 1,000,000.00 $ 250 , 000.00 L a r g e s t C a p ita liz e d B a n k in F lo r id a D ir e c t c o n n e c t i o n w i th e v e ry B a n k O R G A N IZ E D 1912 in g to w n in F l o r id a J . J . H EARD - - - P r e s id e n t W . B . S A D L E R - V ic e -P r e s id e n t a n d C a s h ie r J . G. BOYD - V ic e -P r e s id e n t JN O . M . B E L L A s s ’t C a s h ie r G E O . C . M A R L I T T A s s ’ t C a s h ie r THOM AS K . CURETO N A s s ’t C a s h ie r W R IT E F O R M UTUALLY A P R O P O S IT IO N PR O FITA BLE B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S IN V IT E D MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK THE BANK FOR PER SONAL SERVICE HEARD NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to Aflnh hftnlr in TT fi ATnltifilirnlv Ktr T)in Dan/l-Hf/iVnllvr UnnlrAwnt __** ^ a .• i A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race,! A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, FLORIDA— Continued L ia b il it ie s . Ass ’t Cashier . Ca s h i e r . P a id - u p S u r p lu s and C a p it a l P ro fits De po s it s Resources. Loans&Dis- Ca8H&Ex c*T8. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities fromBanks. P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. Sys'tem. EXCHANGE BANK & TRUST C. R. Allen ____ . . . W. H. Milton____ J . A. McLauriu COMPANY 63-19______ §14 P. A. Johnson, Sec. P. T.Blackburn,Tr. ♦First Germania State Bank D. J . Herrin. 63-15 < § ’12 P. W. Weinbarg__ C. H. Andress. D. H. McMillan ‘ FLO RID A & .v .r a < r *■ f - e- * ,,E ,T - - h B« ELL U I TM DAMI/ JJ a c k s o n v i lle is t h e c le a r in g p o in t f o r y o u r F l o r i d a a n d S o u t h e a s t e r n I l H I L UH1 1l\ ( G e o r g ia I t e m s a n d C o lle c t io n s — B ill o f L a d in g d r a f t s o u r s p e c ia l t y . 63-5 •HEARDNATI BK.; <12 ' Prank Taylor. FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 428,430 397,540 50,000 25,000 34,000 95,150 10,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; State Bk. ol Fla., Jacksonville. 55,000 6,000 60,000 68,000 28,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Heard N Jacksonville. 500,000 118.240 344,300 4,496,610 4,463,700 1,377,220 N. City and N. Park, N. Y .; Corn Ex N.. Chi. 6 100,000 47,620 485,800 505,340 154,670 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jackson ville. 291,000 3,364,080 4,547,110 1,447,320 Chase N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 6 H a v e d ir e c t c o n n e c t io n s w it h e v e r y b a n k in g p o in t in F l o r id a . W e g iv e p r o m p t , e f f ic ie n t , a n d p e r s o n a l s e r v io e . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE F . M. Bullard. T. S. Roberts.—__ P. L. Knight— J . R. Anthony, J r . W. M. Tupper..__ F. W. R ivers......... P. E. Hodges . W. M. Ball 2,230 558,020 493,630 50,000 11,160 206,510 220,290 67,560 N. City, N. Y.; Heard N. and Pla. N., Jack sonville, Irving N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Atlantic N., Jackspnville. 30,000 11,710 90,740 110,930 21,510 Florida N., Jacksonville.: Southern Bk. & Tr Co., Valdosta, Ga. 10,000 80,000 100,000 and Tr. L. C. Register____ N. A. McLeod— — Cam U. Young____ 15,000 W. H. G reen e...__ P. D. Sandlin____ C. Gilbert— . . . . . . • 30,000 T. A. Jenn in g s___ S. E. Hewitt........... S. E. Hewitt_____ 15,000 20,360 32,970 A. S. Keith______ 6,000 4,460 6,990 B. P. Roe________ 15,000 698,470 762,860 M. E. Randolph__ M. M. S m ith .-— 151,250 Han. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil. 100,000 Alex. Taylor, M gr. T. J . Brooks, Sec, »Jasper ....Ham ilton J 2 BANK OF JA SP ER ........< § ’05 P. Adams............... T. C. Watts — — W. S. Murrow.— 63-117 Pop. 2700 Jenn in g s... Hamilton I 1 Pop. 480 Kathleen . . . ___ PolkL 7 Pop. 250 Kenansville.-Osceola M 6 Pop. 100 »Key West. .MOnroe C 10 Pop. 21,150 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 42,350 J. J. HEARD............. W. B. SADLER..........W. B. SADLER------JOHN M. BELLJ. G. BOYD GEO. C. MARLL F l o r id a B a n k e r s o u r l a r g e s t s t o c k h o ld e r s . TH0S. K. CURET0N 1,000,000 ♦PEOPLES BANK____ <§'06 A. P. Anthony__!.. 63-11 United States Trust & Savings J . J . Logan___ Bank .....6 3 -1 7 ........ < §13 Jacksonville Clearing House W. fl. Ornnm (M embers indicated by a ♦) Commercial Bank______ §14 63-297 • First National B a n k ..__t ’05 63-116 Bank of Jennings____ < § ’07 63-174 A. S. Keith & Co., Bankers 63-298 t ’14 First State B an k .._____ §15 63-304 First National Bank— . < ’91 63-41 721,020 6,406,700 6,474,260 1,791,690 50,000 R E M I T D A I L Y — W e in v it e you t o t r y o u r s u p e r i o r f a c i l i t i e s . < ’»5 ♦Guaranty Tr. & Sav. Bank W. M.Bostwick, Jr. H. G. Aird............... 63-9 < § ’05 63-14 750,000 ___________ FLORIDA BANKS—Jacksonville to Key W est W. O. Boozer, T r ... A. S. Hubbard, Sec. $ 200,000 $ 16,830 $ 124,350 $ 250,860 $ 87,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. »Jacksonville____ Duval ♦American Trust Co.._ •ii'13 F. W. H o y t....___ J . H. Powell Archer S. Hubbard L2 Pop. 70,173 63-18 350,000 650,000 7,651,360 6,974,810 1,922,670 E. W. Lane.____ P. W. Hoyt______ D. K. Catherwood. W. I.,Coleman — Phil. N., Phil. J . M. Quincy T. P. Denham E. T. Schenck D. D. Upchurch C. W. Wand ell W. C. Croom ♦ATLANTIC NATIONAL BK. 63-2 < ’03 Collections soli cited on the entl re state of F lori da, P ro m p t, persi stent atten tio n , the kind th a t ge ts results, Quick retu rn s; modern banking m ethods in all d epartm ents. ♦Barnett National Bank < ’77 P. Adams________ A. G. Cummer____ R. E. Wheeler____ W. R. McQuaid__ 0. S. E’Engle G. R. DeSaussure 63-4 ♦Citizens Bank______ »i§’06 C. H. Mann______ P. G. Y erk es____ C. H. Chesnut____ W. H. Johnson__ 63-10 juiy^ 1915 Num ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState Vice -P resident . P resident . »County Seats. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv Est 1 OO — A. L. Hunt— George W. Allen _— G. B. Patterson___ R. H. Kemp.......... . J . P. Uhrbach 100,000 21,420 Fla. N., Jacksonville: Southern Bk. & Tr Co Valdosta, Ga. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Heard N. Jacksonville. • 6 7,090 Broadway Trust Co., N. Y.; Citiz., Valdosta Ga.: Peo., Jacksonville, 2,470 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Am. State, Lake land, Pla. Astor TrfCoi, N. Y.; Peo. N., Orlando, Pla. 126,230 Market & Pulton N., N. Y.; Barnett N Jacksonville. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Name T own and Co u n t y . ¿County Seats. ¿Kissimmee.Osceola M 6 Pop. 3500 of P r e s id e n t . STATE BK. OF KISSIMMEE , C. A. Carson . < § ’01 V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h i e r . 63-64 $§’12 Lakeland______ Polk L 6 Pop. 3719 FIRST NATIONALBANK< 05 63-82 State Bk. of Lakeland—$§ 63-81 Lake Wales____Polk L 7 Lake Wales State Bank—§15 63 306 T. J . Parker & Co.---------1’13 63-267 Lake Worth-Palm Beach Bank of Lake Worth „ < § ’13 63-280 Pop. 1200 O9 Largo______ Pinellas J 7 Bank of Largo_______ < § ’07 63-176 Pop. 600 Laurelhill___Walton B 1 Bank of Laurel Hill— $§’08 63-177 Pop. 316 Lawtey____ Bradford L 2 Lawtey State Bank-----—-§’12 63-229 Pop. 800 Lee_____.„.Madison 1 2 Farmers Bank_________ §10 63-178 Pop. 3C0 Leesburg_____ Lake L 5 Citizens Bank------------ «$§’06 63-133 Pop. 1500 Leesburg State Bank—< § ’86 63-132 ¿Live Oak„Suwanee 1 2 First National Bank------$’02 63-86 Pop. 3450 LIVE OAK CITIZENS BANK 63-85 •K m n r« P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 12.000 $ 251,690 % 306,220 75,990 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Am. N„ Tampa. 51,790 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. 35.000 15,000 176,600 183,300 W. Johnson. 25.000 1.500 45,000 50,000 Merch.-Mech. N„ Balt.; State Bank of Zolfo, Zolfo, Fla. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. J . N. C ain - 15.000 1,000 61.240 35,770 37,590 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 3.500 145,000 145,000 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville 50.000 30.000 226,000 226,000 40.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 6. 50.000 39,350 242,510 252,690 79,970 Seab. N., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 15.000 5,750 30,000 44,030 5,670 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. J. R. WEEKS- 75.000 35.000 500,000 525,000 117,840 Han. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. W. F. Reid. 30.000 14,610 113,750 124,570 H. W. Markham.. L. M. Anderson---- F . H. Ives_____ J . R. Perry Frank Mehaffey — C. G. Oates___L. Wallace Jenkins ( C.W. BEEN—— J.W. BRYANT...... C. M. CLAYTON- it s Loans k Du* C ash k Ex* ’t s . B onds , changes ,D u * SlOURXTIX* FROM BANKS A. W. Gustus_____ LYMAN HELVENS- S. D. SUMMERSTON _isoen Special attentio n given to collect ions, prompt rem Ittance. Intelligent re asons for non- payment. TRY US. J . L. Niblack— — T. C. Sinquefleld. Depo s 50.000 6, Your collection s solicited, Rem ittances m ade on day of pa ym ent. E. O. Flood_____ E. C. Stuart......... A. Ç. Thullberg— E. E. Skipper___ Orrin Randolph. L. P. McCord. 33,790 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1st N., Tampa. 25.000 John Sessoms. T. J . Parker— 2,400 M. M. Saxman. 15.000 12,530 520 95.000 (B r a m h of Peo pies B k 8,440 6,600 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Citiz., Bartow, Fla. 45.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville; Bk. of Palm Beach, W. Palm Beach. Clearwa ter,F la.) N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Tampa. 55.000 B. H. Hart----------- J . D. Cobb— Oscar Steele___ 20.000 6,000 28.000 38.000 14.000 Am. N., Pensacola. W. F . Godwin____ L. H. Hill— — H. C. Peace____ 15.000 1,000 35.000 31.000 M. D. Williams___ T. C. Dixon ___ J . M. Pafford__ 15.000 1,200 35.000 35.000 10.000 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Fla. N„ Jackson ville. 13,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. W. H. Howell------- J . F. Stunkel— G. G. Ware— - W. S. Anderson— 25.000 7,840 200,350 154,260 78,920 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J . J . Heard--------- F . P. Webster „ R. F. E. Cooke. G. W. Webster — 30.000 12,500 330.000 185.000 C. A. Hardee — — W. J . Hillman.. S. B. Conner— . 50.000 62,550 380.000 432,740 150.000 Bk. of Manhattan Co.. N. Y.; Heard N., Jack sonville. 120.000 Han. N., N. Y .: Fla. N., Jacksonville; Mchts. Mech. N„ Balt. 6. 100.000 10,000 500.000 480.000 |J. J. HEARD.— 6. S. MOBLEY -— S: BARTON North Central FI orlda. j, P. V. SUMMERS. 100,000 N. Park, N. Y .; Heard N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. < Oldest Bank In Prom pt atten tion given all col lections a t minim urn rates of Can handle all It ems in this terri tory. t exchange. $§’93 Loughman____ Polk L 6 E. E. Skipper & Co., Bankers t ’14 Pop.140 63-288 FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t 100,000 $ F. P. CONE------- First National Bank— < ’05 J . C. Sheffield___ 63-63 State Exchange B ank.< §’04 F. Adams--------- — 63-62 Lake Helen „Volusia M 5 Bank of Lake Helen — *§’12 G. W. Buttorff___ 63-253 Pop. 646 Su r p l u s P a id - u p and Ca p it a l P r o f it s B a n k s A d v e r t i s i n g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n to Co le c t i o n s a n d C o r re s p o n d e n c e _______ FLORIDA BANKS— Kissimmee to Loughman______________ July, 1915 Labelle______ —Lee. M 9 Skipper Brothers, Bankers D. L. Skipper_____ C. A. Skipper_____ R. E. Doty_____ 63-273 t ’13 Pop. 375 Lake Butler, BradfordK3 Farmers & Dealers Bank»§’l l J . W. Townsend__ W. G. Ball_______ G. W. Alderman . 63-236 Pop. 685 Lake Butler Bank------- f§’13 Seeber K ing-------- M. A. Dukes_____ H. J . Stewart— 63-175 COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK A s s 't C a s h i e r . J . M. Lee________ Boma Thomas— M. Katz Citizens Bank_______ < § ’10 A. E. Donegan____ F. W. H ill............... P. K. Weaver___ 63-103 ‘Lake City, Columbia J 2 Pop. 7000 R eso u rc es. L ia b il it ie s . Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. 63-102 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. FLO RID A—Continued 134 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. 134 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 N um ber und er N am e o f B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally Bankers* Name T own and County. ¿County Seats. of Lia B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . E. M. Goodbread . . ¿Macclenny ...B a k er K 2 Baker County State Bk.»i§’07 63-179 Pop. 388 ¿Miami— __—Dade F 7 Pop. 17,000 BANK OF BAY BISGAYNE 63-57 75.000 25,000 225,000 225,000 60.000 t City, N. Y .; Heard N., Jacksonville; N. 1 of Savannah. Savan. 25,000 1,860 35,670 50,150 27,490 7. Park and Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Doth Ala. 35,000 14.000 79,000 94.000 38,000 Seab. N., N. Y .: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. R. A. Willis_____ - •T. A. Ormond 30,000 12,280 119,370 109,960 51,690 Han. N., N. Y .; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. M T. Tlplfls 40,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y .; Barnett N., Jackson ville; Citiz. & Peo. N., Pensacola. 6 34,850 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 1?, M, Go!son 50,000 24,000 200,000 240,000 J . W. R uss______ W. J . Daniel_____ J . F. Davis______ 35,000 2,000 53,000 88,000 30.000 12,930 81,110 119,180 15.000 4,600 75,000 57,000 G. H. N ehf______ M. E. Marsh ____ F . L. Bills 20,000 40,000 35,000 100,000 112,600 1,432,300 1,184,690 460,230 Chase N., N. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. F la. N., Jacksonville. 150,000 100,000 1,435,000 1,000,000 591,000 N. City,N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N., Phi /J. E. LUMMUS----- S. A. B E L C H E R -- J . H. GILMAN........... F. W. FUZZARD— O l d e s t B a n k in M ia m i. Ì S e n d u s a ll y o u r S o u t h e r n F l o r i d a c o l l e c t i o n s . P ro m p t r e m itta n c e . f Miami Bank & Trust Co.«t§’12 R. M. Price______ C. D. Leffler........... J . T. Wisdom____ F. M. Jeffords____ 63-61 50.000 20,000 450,000 350,000 100,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Atl. N.,Jacl sonville. Miami Savings B an k ...*$§’10 W. H. Spitzer____ T. G. Houser____ C. M. Terrell, T r ... Julius Smith 63-59 25,000 15,370 258,310 204,980 86,530 Irving N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Miami. 100,000 100,000 187,910 266,530 74,850 N. Park, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. Micanopy Banking Co. «t§’06 J . J . Barr___ ____ J . D. Watkins____ J . D. Watkins____ 63-184 15,000 7,690 57,710 57,390 CHAFFIN RANK 63-137 Oliver Jernagan, Jr. J . D. C. Newton 25,000 9,000 200,000 120,000 First National Bank— «t’13 S .T, Haryey 63-136 T.. P, ftolson f! W Onhh 25,000 15,000 302,080 251,480 TT. C. Jacobi .T. A.Jaonhi A. G. Button M. Semple fe w ; 63-249' FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,670 Han. N., N. Y .; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. Lowry N., Atl. 31,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N.Y.; Fla. N., Jackson ville. 16,000 Peo. Tr, & Sav., Chi.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 0. A. O’Quinn____ R .O Kelly _ W. M. Gist_______ PI, T., Pricp «'(18 F . C. Chaffin ...... 15,000 30,160 N. Park, N. Y .; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Peo. N., ^Pensacola. 91,420 N. City, N.Y.: Am. N., Pensacola. Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N. and Citiz. & Peo. N Pensacola. 135 Pop. 800 $ 15,000 $ 16,500 $ 90,000 $ 90.000 $ 31,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 40,290 T. Park, N. Y.; Barnett N. and Atlantic ■ Jacksonville. Southern Bank & Trust Co. J . E. Lummus____ F . S. Morse______ T, E. James_____ H. H. Filer™_____ 63-60 §12 i . . Santa R Pop. 2000 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 325,000 First National Bank___« i’02 Edward C. Romfh. W. H. Spitzer____ H. McOoym E. A. Waddell . 63-58 Pop. 613 P r in c ip a d C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . _________ FLORIDA BANKS— Macclenny to Molino__________ First National Bank___» i’02 W TT Milton 63-106 ¡0. T.. Wilson 63-262 L. G. Carter____ ¿Mayo.........Lafayette 1 3 63-181 Pop. 1200 H. L. Dickson____ McIntosh___Marion E 4 63-182 Pop. 500 H. L. Ewing ------- Melbourne State B a n k ,..§’14 Melbourne —Brevard N 6 63-290 Pop. 800 it s Loans&Di§- IOAsn&Ex C’TS. BONDS) changes,Due Securities fromBanks. 185,000 Manatee ....M anatee K 8 Manatee Banking Co...*tS'03 C. H. Davis---------- K. W. Wiggins___ Pp.rry R. Curry 63-180 Pop. 988 ¿Marianna... Jackson E 1 CITIZENS STATE BANK»tS’02 63-107 Pop. 1915 Depo s 20,000 J . W. Malone_____ G. H. Malone_____ N. B. Solomon____ G. P. Davis 63-233 R eso u rc es. b il it ie s . P aid - u p Su b p l u s and C a p it a l P r o fits 50,000 Madison___Madison I 2 Citizens Bank................ »iS’05 A. Livingston, J r .. J . L. Fonda______ C. L. Morrow____ C. D. Tomlinson... J . J . Harrell 63-119 Pop. 1560 T. C. Smith______ .T. W. Wadsworth L. A. Fraleigh-----First National Bank___»$’95 W. M. Burton 63-118 Malone__...Jack son E 1 Accessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, FLORIDA—Continued j uly> ig i 5 135 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 136 Name of ^County Seats. ‘ Monticello. Jeff ersonH 1 Pop. 2500 63-305 and M Co u n t y . - H P r e s id e n t . H. K. Miller FARMERS &MERCH. BANK 63-111 < § ’07 A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . W, E . Evans R. C. Simpson Jesse W. Jackson. P , -T, S atller J . E. Nobles_____ R. J . Carroll E. 63-279 Pop.'2050 ' A. B. Hull, J r V. .T H_ Sadler 63-261 ‘ Ocala_____ Marion K 4 'CBMMERC’L BK. 63-72 u S A* ' ** G. < § ’11 f !.H . Tilrien H. A. Hockett------ C. E. Teasley ________ F . P. Gadson____ A. St. Geo. Richardson *Munroe & Chambliss Nat’l T. T. Munroe.._____ Z. C. C. Chambliss. L. P. Wilson__________ Bank___ 63-71_____ < ’97 J . M. Thomas j I J. L. EDWARDS— CLARENCE CAMP. II n STflKFf J C a r e f u l a t te n ti o n g iv en t o c o l l e c t i o n s an d r e m i t t a n c e s m a d e in e v e r y c a s e in N E W Y O R K e x u m A N täfc. on a a y « t i l \of p a y m e n t. 'OCALA NAT’L BK. 63-78 1 ° " '^ .. Ocala Clearing House (Members indicated by a *) Okeechobee. St.Lucie N 8 Bank of Okeechobee___«§’15 63-300 Pop. 40 ‘ Orlando___Orange M 5 Orlando Bk. & Tr. Oo..<§ 06 H. L. Beeman____ R. L. Hyer 63-78 Pop. 10,000 « v 63-77 FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis < § ’93 LOUIS C. MASSEY. T. P. WAR LOW— 5,000 5,000 it s $ 25,000 158,000 50,000 32,000 115,000 Loans & Disc ’t s . B onds , S ec u rities $ 18,000 136,000 ft o f Cash &E x changes , D ue from B anks $ P r i n c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 28,000 Irving N., N.Y.; Peo. and Barnett N., Jackson ville. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. E w tis , Fla.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville; 173,500 Citiz., Eustis, Fla. 36,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 14,130 Mech. & Metals N..N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 27,680 N. Park, N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 15,000 130 22,090 19,670 15,000 8,380 72.550 56,010 25,000 2,500 120.000 103,000 15.000 N. Park,N . Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 15,000 10.000 195,000 169,000 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6. 15,000 4,720 55,000 41,000 8,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville; 50,000 38,700 438,630 442,740 100,470 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; A tlantic N., Jacksonville. 25,000 220 26,300 45,850 50.000 36,000 500,000 503,000 68,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 75,000 18,290 347,370 424,060 92,600 N. City, N. Y .; N. Bk. B alt., Balt. Orlando Bk. & Tr. Co.,Orlando. 5,670 N. Park, N. Y. D. C. Stiles, Jr.,Sec. T. C. Beavers____ J.W . Nelson____ O E. Nolan .. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK M. O. Overstreet.. B. Drew_________ C. P. Dow----------- E. G. Hauselt____ C. E. Johnson 63-215 <11 STATE BANK OF 0RLAN00 $ Depo s (B ranch o f Citiz ens B a n W. P. Read............ W. S. Rodgers------ J. BLITCH ------------- D. E. MclVER—- - - - D. C. STILES, J R .- W. V. WHEELER D. W. TOMPKINS Metropolitan Savings Bank George Giles ------------- J . L. Wiley___________ 63-285 »§’14 25,000 25,000 STATE BK. OF NEW SMYRNA J . T. Hammond__ W. P. Wikinson... G. L. Branning-------- M. W. Ashton-----------63-187 < § ’06 Pop. 211 Su r p l u s P aid - u p AND C a p it a l P r o f it s $ Cartledge___ 63-185 J . L . Eouts______ A. S. McKillop . . . . H. P. Panyfi 63-254 Newberry... Alachua J 3 Bank of Newberry....... »§’06 H. A . Pickett____ W. A. Tucker___ W. G. Chapman. . . 63-186 Pop. 816 L. B. Bouchelle___ Carl W. Hawkins ~ New Smyrna.Volusia N 4 63-222 Pop. 3000 Pop. 1500 .. R e so u rc es. L ia b il it ie s . B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. T own Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. F L O R I D A — C o n tin u ed S. W. HOWE-......... S. A. NEWELL - — iT h e l a r g e s t b an k in t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e S t a t e . L o c a t e d in t h e (O r a n g e s e c t i o n . M a k e s a s p e c i a l t y o f F lo r id a c o l l e c t i o n s . 20,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. 15,000 3,000 33,000 18,000 100.000 35,000 700,000 400,000 340.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville; Atl. N., Atl. 50.000 22.080 877,600 406,160 481,340 Han. N., N. Y.: Heard N., Jacksonville. X 6. 50,000 43,470 1,001,710 706,280 366.470 N. Park, N. Y .; B arnett N. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 4th St. N., P hil.; 3d N., A tl.; Merch.-Mech. N., B alt.; 1st N., Tampa. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k la the N ew T r a n s it N n m h a , iH»«n 136________________________ FLORIDA BANKS—Monticello to Orlando______________ July, 1915 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ± kJ' Num ber under N am e of B an k la the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally B an kers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an kers Ass’n. Name T own and Co u n t y . ‘ County Seats. op Ba n k . L ia b il it ie s , •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. _______ Est. P r e s id e n t . Oviedo___Seminole M 5 Bank of Oviedo...............»§12 Pop. 800 83-237 »Palatka....... Putnam L 3 East Florida Sav. & Tr. Co. Pop. 3779 63-79 *iS’89 Putnam National Bank.«t'92 63-80 State Bank of Palatka..i§’12 63-243 Palmetto__.Manatee K 8 Manatee Co. State Bank«il’99 Pop. 773 63-188 Palmetto State Bank____§T2 63-251 V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . P aid - u p Ca p it a l 15.000 E. S. Grill................ R. F. Adams........... J . H. Randolph, .. W. 8.J rBurdette.Sec 20.000 G. E. Welch .......... F. H. Wilson____ A. S. Willard____ Charles Burt_____ 50.000 F. J . Fearnside___ Chas. E. Rowton... C. E. O’Connor___ J . H. Millican...__ J . R. Anthony, Jr. T. C. Taliaferro___ A. M. Lamb_____ T. A. Howze_____ 30.000 16.000 I. E. Springstead .. W. E. Robinson___ P. J . Hackney........ O. W. Waller____ • Su r p l u s and P r o f it s R eso u rc es. . De p o s its 2,950 $ 53,000 72,690 Loans ft Disc’tb . B onds, S ecu rities 40.000 Cash ft E x changes,D ue from B anks P r i n c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 22,800 Bk. of Am.,N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 425,100 95.000 475.000 445.000 10.000 125.000 80.000 50,000 207,600 258.000 18,000 220 32,060 28,770 O. P. McKenzie . . . 15.000 9,000 99,450 73,080 40,620 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Atlantic N. Jacksonville, Fla. First National Bank___ »13 W. J . L e e _______ J . R Faircloth___ A. A. Payne ______ 63-266 A. S. Hill 30.000 12,500 140.000 142,500 60.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan, Ala.: N. Bk. Com. and Am. N., Pensacola, Fla. 63,250 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jackson ville. 195,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6. 45.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. 40,100 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa. 8,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa. 38,130 1,213,760 1,346,360 463,530 Mech. & Metals N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; 300,008 Corn Ex. N., Chi. and Phil.; N. O. N.t ' O u r D I R E C T c o n n e c t i o n s In S o u t h A l a b a m a a n d W e s t F i o r i d a i n s u r e p r o m p N. O.; N. Bk. Com., Lou. 6. t and I e ff e c tiv e s e r v ic e .. W e k n o w a ll a b o u t t h e C O L L E C T I O N b u s in e s s . P e n s a n d a c o l a o t h e r it e m s s o lic it e d o n a c r e d i t o r r e m it t a n c e b a s is W r it e fo r te r m s . •$1900 l M e m b e r s A m e r i c a r r B a n k e r s A s s n . i JA M ES 6. PA CE....M O R RIS BEA R----- J. W. A N D R E W S - - - ..................... Citizens & Peoples Nat’l Bank 63-35 * t ’04 National Bank of Commerce 63-39 «$’14 First National Bank___»¿’03 63-130 Perry Banking Co......... $§’07 63-131 Bank of Pinetta________ I ’l l 63-190 Bank of Plant City—.._tl'06 63-99 First National Bank_____'12 63-242 Hillsboro State Bank—•tl’02 63-98 First National Bank___ »$’12 63-227 PUNTA GORDA B A N K -* » ' j F. C. CHAFFIN— OLIVERJARNAGAN J. D. C. NEWTON, Sec. and Tr. 100,000 120,000 150,000 794,220 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. < Only Trust Com pany in West Flo rida. Special attentio n given collection s. [ Prompt service, and prompt remi ttance. J . S. Reese............. R. M. Cary______ J . W. D orr______ W. Fisher R. W. Goodbart... G. H. Malone____ E. R. M alo n e....... J . S. Leonard. M. L. Bear J . C. Hester S. H. Peacock ___ J . T. B la ir...____ W. L. Weaver___ D. F. Blanton D. G. Malloy____ J . H. Scales_____ J . C. Pope______ 200,000 71,230 893,130 300.000 42.000 781.000 1,149,210 50.000 15.000 160.000 217.000 20.000 10.000 100,000 100.000 518,160 Han. N., Seab. N., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Girard N. and 1st N., Phil. 6, 348,730 N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’ N., Chi. x 6. 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fla. N. and Atlantic N., Jack sönville. 6. 30.000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 3,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Valdosta. D. S. Dixon............ W. H. Allen......... L. W. H. Allen......... . 15.000 850 14,500 32,000 W. Schneider.____ H. H. R oot___. . . H. H. R oot____ _ W. J . McDonald. 30.000 40.000 320.000 275.000 W. B. Herring____ A. Schneider_____ V. B. Collins_____ J . L. Young_____ S. E. M ays...____;. M. E. Moody____ T. E. Moody____ D. L. Skipper...__ D. N. McQueen.... W. R. De Loach . . . C. A. Skipper 50.000 20.000 120.000 114.000 50.000 58,880 392,990 328,100 25.000 3,300 175.000 100.000 C. M. Carrier____ J . H. Hancock.___ Chas. L. Fries.___ 15.000 30,530 »Quincy___Gadsden G 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i 04 S. E. Key________ C. R. Shaw ______ J . C. Scarborough. Pop. 3204 63-89 100.000 275.000 457,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6. Quincy State Bank___«$§’89 Mark W. Munroe— W. M. Corry _____ G. D. Munroe____ 63-88 100,000 583,740 610,960 191,100 Seab. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Barnett N., Jacksonville: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Punta Gorda.De Soto L 9 Pop. 2000 63-191 FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 118,310 115,000 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. 40.000 Irving N., N. Y. 6. 173,770 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 6. 60.000 N. City, N .Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 6. Am. Ex. N., N.Y.: 1st N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) FLORIDA BANKS—Oviedo to Quincy AMERICAN NAT’L BANK nMKA!*n Pinetta____ Madison I 2 Pop. 200 Plant Oity.Hillsboro K 6 Pop. 4000 A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . 397,370 63-36 »Perry_____ Taylor H 2 Pop. 3000 CASHIER. B. G. Smith____ _ T. W. Lawton____ I. L. Cook . . . ____ »Panama City...Bay D 2 BANK OF PANAMA CITY«I’08 G. M. West______ A. J . Gay Pop. 1500 63-189 »Pensacola.Escambia A 2 Pop. 25,212 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. F LORID A—Continued July, 1915__________ • 1 07 T own and County. ¿County Seats. Raiford---- Bradford K 2 Pop. 500 Biver J unction. .Gadsden Pop. 600 F 1 Safety Harbor...Pinellas Pop. 600 J 7 ¿Sanford...Seminole M 5 Pop. 6000 Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.SState tMem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. Citizens Bank LKU____ §11 63-192 Gadsden Co. State Bk._.«§’07 63-193 Bank of Safety Harbor..i§’14 63-296 Fir$t National Bank___< ’87 63-83 Peoples B a n k ....____.< § ’06 63-84 Seminole County Bank < § ’13 63-282 L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Vice -President . T. B. Handley___i H. Cv Richard ___ . < ’86 15,000 35,000 H. R. Stevens____ F . L. Woodruff___ O. L. Taylor— C. M. Hand Forrest L ake____1 D. L. Thrasher. A. R. K ey ___ - 30,000 17,000 250,000 205,900 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Heard N., Jacksonville 50,000 4,450 268,980 173,100 128,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Heard N. and Atlantic N. Jacksonville. 25.000 10,000 275,000 175,000 100,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa. 43,800 48,000 R. R. Deas C. E. HITCHINGS- G. W. Franklin___ R. W. Titus P. D. Lacey E. E. Skipper____ Geo. E. Sebring___ E. O. Douglas------ 25,000 <§10 G. B. Skipper. 15,000 41,000 12,800 27,600 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. H. Mason.. . . . . . __ H. B. Philips__ L. A. Usina.— . _ Cecil Brown— 25,000 1,100 114,000 98,000 J . H. Drummond— F . Bullock____ré F . Bullock_______ O. Andrews__ 15,000 10,960 120.020 77,210 30,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Heard N., Jack sonville. 76,670 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Pensacola. E. S. Matthews___ A. M. Darby___ T. H. Halligan..__ 15,000 3,900 100,000 84,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 25.000 11,890 165,190 157,560 44,510 30,000 5,000 363,000 292,000 96,000 J. T. DISM UKES G. B. LAMAR G. B. LAMAR THE OLDEST NATIONAL BAN K (except one) 1 Florida. We h andle the entire Florida business banks In the United States. S END US YOURS. K M JH V M T tthe State of of the largest A. P. AVERY___ W. G. KING O.G. HIËS TAND eSTI D. E. BEACH, T r.. R. B. HADD0N, Sec. 63-75 First National Bank___< ’03 T. A. Chancellor _. C. W. Springstead. M. A. H. Fitz_____ 63-74 Florida Bank & Trust Co. A. C. Odom, J r ___ A. Norwood____ H. D. Edwards___ 63-275 < § ’13 Stuart— Palm Beach O 8 Bank of Stuart______ •i§ ’12 J . R. Anthony, Jr. W. Kitching_____ A. R. Wallace____ Pop. 600 63-241 FLORIDA Map opposite page 140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 130,000 230,000 1, 100,000 1,200,000 25.000 68,870 683,310 747,850 50,000 18,000 240,000 231,000 29,830 1st N., St. Augustine, Fla. 78,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 6. _____ 50,000 200,000 450,000 Chase N., N. Y .; Phil. N., Phil. 65,000 550,000 500,000 190,000! Transient Touris t Accounts welco med and given the personal attentlo n of an officer of this bank, . We make a spec laity of collectio ns, and rem it on date of payment. CENTRAL NATIONAL B K .< 05 A. F. Thomasson— R. S. Hanna_____ C. M. G ray ____. . . H. T. Davis______ •i r \ f \ 21,590 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and Ex. N., Tampa. 6. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given s i v Ii— m ----- . . — - - - — — ctan h h u n t i n TT S3 100.000 70,000 700,000 500,000 200,000 50,000 60,000 500.000 450.000 125,000 Edmund C. Wimer 50,000 12,500 150,000 145,000 40,000 J . E. Taylor____ 15,000 2,000 70,000 55,000 10,000 I N. L. Watson P. V. Cunningham. eab. N„ N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa; Atlantic N. and Heard N., Jacksonville. lin N., Phil.; 1st N., Tampa. sonville Metals N., N. Y.; Heard N., Jack- Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws. Directors, in- ______ _________ July, 1915 63-76 6,730 Special attentlo n given to Collec tlons. Prom pt R em ittance. Intelligent re asons given for n on-paym ent. TR Y US. St. Cloud....Osceola M 6 First National Bank___ »10 A. E. Donegan____ Wm. Hall________ A. W. Gustus____ S. S. Squires. Pop. 5000 63-196 D. L. Rice St. Cloud Bank & Trust Co. John McElroy........ Arthur E. Donegan A. W. Gustus . . . 63-299 §15 AMERICAN BANK & TRUST COMPY it s C. M. Smith— ___ Geo. Booth______ L. C. Morrow.. - 15,000 Peoples Bank for Savings J . T. Dismukes.__ W. J . Sanchez____ J . D. Puller_____ ■J. A. Colee — 63-53 < § ’04 St. Petersburg.. Pinellas Pop. 4127 J 7 Depo s FLORIDA BANKS— Raiford to Stuart 63-52 Su r p l u s AND P r o fits $ 15,000 $ BRADFORD CO. BANK --<§'89 N. T. Ritch______ W. T. W eeks____ J . H. R itch ______ 63-124 ‘ St. Augustine.St. Johns Commercial Bank__- ..< § ’09 Horace Lindsley__ B. Genovar______ J . G. Rutherford .. A. J . Solana_____ 63-54 Pop. 5494 M3 A. E. B ayi FIRST NAT! BANK P a id - u p C a p it a l F . H. Band______ F . P. Forster____ B. F . Whitner____ A. L. Betts. 63-208 Bank of Sebring — . . . _i§’14 63-272 Bank of So. Jacksonville<§’12 63-235 Bank of St. Andrews—< § ’07 63-195 Bank of Starke_______ »§’06 63-125 J . C. Byrd— Ass ’t Cashier . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race .. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District L oans &Dis- Cash & E x c ’ ts . B onds, changes,D ub of which bank is member. Securities prom B anks . xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 1,250 $ 22,800 $ 25,580 $ 11,580 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Heard' N. Jacksonville. 45,430 41,070 21,450 Chase N., N.Y.- Fla. N., Jacksonville: Am. N. Pensacola. 400 35,000 24,000 23,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Ex N., Tampa. 48,320 413,150 344,920 160,290 N. Park, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 6 FIRST NATIONAL BAN K < ’ll J . E. Moore Sebring------De Soto M 8 Pop. 800 South Jacksonville, Duval Pop. 1500 L2 St. Andrew------Bay D 2 Pop. 1500 ¿Starke---- Bradford K 3 Pop. 1135 Cashier . E. H. Boykin____ M. Morgan______ J . H. McDonald 1T.C.TALIAFERR0 J. T. CAM PBELL- Sarasota— Manatee K 8 BANK OF SARASOTA— «§11 Pop. 2000 63-194 F L O R I D A —C o n tin u e d 138_____________________ N um ber u nder N am e of B a n k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally B an k ers 9 D irectory» under th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass9n . 138 » u« U TvtvioiuS ^J Number under Name of Bank is the New Tran sit Number given iS, ea<?1 bank in U. S. exclusively by T be Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T he American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. • Est. L ia b ilit ie s . P resident . Vice-President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . FIRST NAT’L BK. I (GEORGE LEWIS. W. C. LEWIS------- G. E. LEWIS------O LD E S T B A N K IN F L O R I DA. W. Ò. Lewis_____ G. E. Lewis______ G. E. Lewis______ 100,000 L. A. Bize_______ C. E. Allen_______ W. W. Trice_____ D. H. Laney_____ E. M. Hendry W.W. Blount A. C. Clewis_____ C. C. Whitaker ___ J . A. Griffin_____ John E. Swanson.. P. O. Knight 250,000 T. C. TALIAFERRO--------------------- R. J. BINNICKER— R. J. McMASTERo f t h e U n ite d S t a t e s , S t a t e o f F lo r id a , p a . O L D E S T a n d L A R G E S T B a n k In S o u t H c o lle c t io n s o n T a m p a , W e s t T a m p a , a n d L A D IN G d ra ft s . SPONGE EXCH. BANK -**§’06 C. H. Brown_____ G. E. Noblit___ I. B. Bead 63-197 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 J . M. Harvey.!____ C. E. Ball................ S. C. DeGarmo___ O. P. Cowart____ First Savings & Tr. Co.—§14 A. C. Clewis_____ L. L. Spafford____ C. H. Clewis, T r ... R. M. Clewis, S ec.. H. L. Knight 63-32 Tampa Clearing House_____ J . A. Griffin_____ L. L. Buchanan___ H. L. Dolive, M gr.. W. W. Trice (M embers indicated by a *) Sec. a nd T r. Tarpon Springs—Pinellas Greek-American Bank . » t i l l N. A. Vanwinkle — Duncan Morrison.. A. P. Beckett_____ Pop. 4500 J 6 63-216 FLORIDA^Map opposite page 140 50,000 250,000 DS P o s ,i 2 . ry C it y o f T a m •* °e\ I t e m s a n d g iv e n B I L L ¿Tavares— ........Lake L 5 Bank of Tavares......... . »§13 Pop. 400 63-276 Terra Oeia~ Manatee J 7 Bank of Terra Ceia__—. I ’l l 63-221 ¿Titusville..Brevard N 5 Bank of Titusville....... »$§’12 Pop. 1500 63-250 Indian River State Bk.«$5’89 63-198 Trenton____ Alachua J 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 500 63-220 » till Trilby_______ Pasco K 6 Trilby State Bank........... $§’14 Pop. 600 63-293 Umatilla_____ Lake L 5 Bank of Umatilla______ »§’12 Pop. 500 63-252 Vero__;..__St. Lucie O 7 Farmers Bank________ «§’14 Pop. 70 63-294 Waldo.’_____ Alachua K 3 Bank of Waldo________ $§’13 Pop. 540 63-274 Watertown____Columbia Watertown Bank........... $§’14 Pop. 2500 J 2 63-291 Wauchula...De Soto L 8 Bank of Wauchula_____»§’07 Pop. 1099 63-129 Carlton National Bank—»$’15 63-128 W ebster____Sumter K 5 Sumter County State Bank Pop. 301 63-199 *i§*10 it s $ 50,000 $ 25,000 1 200,000 % 275.000 $ 40,000 N. Park, N. Y .; Heard N., Jacksonville. 50,000 2,000 65,000 75,000 25,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 50,000 4.000 80,000 31,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville. 94,000 M. W. Carruth___ C. L. Knight____ L. L. Buchanan__ J . P. Brennan........ FIRST NATT BK.i «V™ 63-26 De p o s etc ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. Loans&D is - Cash&Ex Also Federal Reserve District c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub of which bank is member. Securities fromBanks XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 11.360 429,960 324,170 14,720 435,110 413,720 217,140 N. City, N. Y .; P hil. N., P h il. 6. \ »$’56 STATE SAVINGS BANK— 1 56 63-67 ¿Tampa___Hillsborough ♦American National Bk.»$’04 Pop. 49,156 J 7 63-29 ♦Bank of Commerce...< § ’06 63-30 ♦Citizens Bk. & Tr. Co.»$§'95 63-28 ♦Exchange National Bank 63-27 »$’94 P a id - u p S u r p l u s and C a p it a l P rofits ¿Tallahassee___Leon G 2 CAPITAL CITY BANK— $§’89 G. W .S a x o n ____ J . A. Ball________ T. E. Perkins____ W. M. Quinn.. Pop. 7500 63-68 D. M. Lowny Citizens Bank._____ $§’13 J . A. McLaurin___ J . F. Dorman......... Carl Mitchell____ H. B. Sandifer. 63-69 Exchange Bank...... ........ »§’13 C. L. Mizell______ E. H. Alford_____ John Choate_____ 63-70 Charles Munroe 63-66 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* F LORID A—Continued A. M. Lowe______ R. W. Pinholster.. C. L. Nutt_______ 250,000 400,000 193,140 1,546,010 1,630,930 25,200 511,480 56,100 1st N., Tallahassee, Fla. 604,950 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. 6. 127,910 Han. N„ N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. 500,000 N. City and Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: Fla. N., Jack sonville. 298,160 2,178,590 1,898,060 1,033,680 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil.; Mech.-Am. N .,St. L. 6. 508,770 500,000 2.000,000 1,650,000 486,070 3,005,440 2,763,390 1,118,120 Am. Ex. N ., N. Y .; 1st N., Chi. g C o u rt ty o f H ills b o ro , and F lo r id a . S e n d u s y o u r c a s h Y b o r C it y . S p e c ’ 1 a tte n tio n 500,000 34,780 205,470 748,610 15,000 4,300 117,940 75,380 30,000 29,960 299,220 231,370 37,150 Ex. N., Tampa. 59,160 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; 1st N.. Tampa; Barnett N. and Fia. N., Jackson ville. 95,970 Chase N., N. Y .; Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Am. N., Tampa. (B ranch o f Citize ns B ank , Eustis, F l a . ) . . . N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Heard N., Jacksonville. J . M. Harvey____ C. S. Blood______ H. E. Boyd_____ _ 15,000 1,090 24,000 34,500 7,750 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Bk. of Com., Tam- Geo. W. Scobie___ A. B. Tull_______ W. H. Nobles____ Orris Nobles 15,000 7,500 85,000 65,000 30,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonviile. J ames Pritchard. . . T. B. Walker__ . . . P. H. Odon______ 25,000 6,000 178,500 148,000 O. S. Clyatt______ W. E. B ell_______ R. C. Lang_______ C. A. Faircloth W. G. DeVane____ W. A. C ro ft_____ J . B. W alker____ P. C. Mickler G. V. DeVault____ F . L. Owens______ J . B. N eal_______ J . M. Young. 15,000 3,000 85,500 60,510 J . E. Andrews____ C. J . Beam s_____ Wm. Atkin______ 20.000 15,000 500 12,000 15,000 15.000 • 4,830 102,640 41,250 44,500 Empire Tr. Go., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jackson ville. 32,500 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Fla. N., Gaines ville and Jacksonville, Fla. 1,000 Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Bk. of Com., TamPBi« 77,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Heard N„ Jacksonville. 23,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Peo., Jackson ville. 17,060 Chase N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 48,100 E. W. Millican____ J . L. Winter_____ J . C. Weimer, J r .__ 15,000 800 J . L. Edwards____ John J . P au l____ Louis B. Lee_____ Henry S. Bean A. G. Smith_____ D. O. Ratliff_____ J . C. McEwen____ W. W. Gillette........ 15,000 600 20,500 21,000 30,000 14,980 241.680 107,450 Albert Carlton____ C. J . Carlton____ C. J . Carlton____ C. S. Carlton_____ 50,000 1,900 169,870 159,440 J . C. Getzen_____ J . W. Fussell____ C. J . Huber______ 15,000 500 28,000 32,000 38,880 10,000 Seah.|N., N.Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; State Ex. Lake City, Fla. 171,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Barnett N., Jacksonville. 35,870 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.: Fla. N., Jacksonville; IstN . St., Augustine. 11,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Munroe & Chambliss, Ocala. July, 1915 ______________ FLORIDA BANKS—Tallahassee to Webster ______________________ 139 1 r iu u ip L r t u c u u u n lu w o u eciio n s an d correspondence For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. L ia b il it ie s . P residen t . Vice -P resident . Ca s h i e r . Ass 't Cashier . aewssiiue i o w u , juawyero, L aw s, D irector«, in dexed in back of thia volume. F o r In terest Bates« G race e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 12 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Loans à Dis- Cash Sc E x c’ ts . B onds, changes,D ue of which bank is member. Sxotratmss from B anks xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. P aid - u p Su r p l u s and C a p it a l P r o f it s De po s it s PIONEER BANK........... < § 93 63-112 Bank of West Tampa___§’06 63-201 Suwanee River B a n k ...$§’03 63-202 Bank of Wildwood........$§’08 68-203 Bank of Williston........< § ’06 63-204 Citizens Bank________ »§’14 63-289 Winter Garden „Orange Bank of Winter Garden<§’08 Pop. 351 L 6 63-205 Winterhaven___Polk L 6 First State Bank_______ §’14 Pop. 1200 63-225 West Tampa— Hillsboro Pop. 10,772 K 7 White Springs.Hamilton Pop. 1177 J 2 Wildwood___Sumter L 5 Pop. 500 Willlston_____ Levy J 4 kPop. 800 SNELL NATIONAL BANK<’09 63-211 Winter Park. Orange M 5 Bank of Winter P a rk ... »§’11 Pop. 1000 63-214 Ybor City..Hillsboro K 7 Bank of Ybor City____$§’05 Pop. 30,000 63-206 Latin-American B an k ...$§’13 63-271 Zephyrhills— Pasco K6 American State Bank.< §’15 Pop. 1500 63-302 Zolfo........... De Soto L 8 State Bank of Z o lfo ...< § ’07 _______ Pop. 500 63-207 norra 1 Af\ FLORIDA 35.000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Barnett< Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 150.000 Han. N.. N.Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. 107,190 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil E. M. Brelsford . . . G.W. Potter— B. A. Maxfleld___ E. C. Rumsey. 75.000 17,290 635,190 379,360 A. C. Olewis. R. T. Cullen_____ 40,000 22,000 127,000 127.000 H. S. McOallum . . . N. Johnson.— . R. M. Wood........... 15,000 6,000 85.000 70.000 D. H. B ak er........... J . S. Gamble . . F . P. McMullen__ 15,000 1,500 37,000 2 9,000 E. A, Osborne __- T. L. Williams Wm. Barton J . B. Epperson___ O. F. Hester___ W. V. Wheeler 25,000 15,600 75,000 121,600 C. F. Chapman__ 18,000 . ----- 30,000 6,400 B. T. B o y d ....___ L. F. Tilden___ G. T. Smith.. __ C. T. Sessions. 15,000 24,050 205,000 136.000 J . D. P orter_____ W. M. Hampton. W. F. Hutchinson. 35,000 3,800 110,000 103.000 49,230 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jackson ville; lstN ., Tampa; Citiz., Bartow, Fla. P. O. Knight— D. S. Hudson. 259,730 Scab. N., N. Y.: Heard N., Jacksonville. 47.000 Han.N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Phil.: Ex.N Tampa. 30.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 11.0 00Han. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville; 14,570 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 31,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Heard N., Jackson ville. 120.000 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. H. W. Snell............. J . H. Ross_____ W. R. Snell............ L. B. Anderson. 30,000 39,690 372,990 216,110 W. F. Blackman... H. A. Ward____ C. D . Powell— C. M. Ramsey . . 15,000 7,050 196,000 100.000 237.770 Am. Ex. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N, and Heard N., Jacksonville. & 121,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 114,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th-St. N., Phil. Adam K a t z _____ G. E. Simpson___ H. Henderson.. 100,000 124,000 510,000 611,500 J . M. Harvey_____ J . R. Avellanal__ J . C. Salas__ ____ M. F. Pixton —. 50,000 4,000 90,000 125,000 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com., Tampa. J . M. Harvey L. D. Stapleton___ 15,000 17,730 12,430 18,310 Han. N., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. R. C. Petersen___ 15,000 100,000 87.000 36.000 N. City, N.Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; Heard N., Jacksonville. D. L. Skipper E. W. Stapleton.. J . L. Geiger H. G. Murphy____ J . W. Mercer 2,500 GEORGIA GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. C. Guest......... T. M. Cook______ J . R. Ewing. 15,000 $ Miss Ida Bowen. E. S. Hamilton___ 15,000 5,800 $ 54,000 $ 58,000 14,000 30,000 76,000 R. L. McMillan.. J . E. Carnes_____ L. R. Collins____ 16.000 5,210 58,240 64,030 J . W. McMillan— G. L. Lemon_____ C. M. Lovingood. 30,000 12,670 53,470 90,920 R. L. McCollum. O. B. Bishop_____ 25,000 47,000 100,000 140,000 C. W. Satterfield. S .P . Wilburn......... 15,000 1,000 17,000 25,000 J . E. Wilkes........ M. T. Shaw R. C. Woodard „ A. W. Parrish G. E. Youmans — A. Woods E. J . Sumner___ W. M. Tyson__ __ W. J . McCranie. 25.000 28,000 100,000 138,700 J . E. Pitts_______ E. M. Rogers___ 25,000 10,000 122,000 142,000 S. H. Lynch ______ R. G. Hutcheson. 15,000 14,000 35,000 R, O. Powers____ 25,000 4,400 34,670 73.150 2.000 4,050 19,340 17,540 T. A. Peterson___ J . H. Peterson___ 15,000 19.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 12.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 10,830 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 12,780 Han. N., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl.; 1st N., Chat tanooga. 28.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N.. Atl.: 1st N., Chatta nooga. 7,500 Mech. & Metals Ni, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 18,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz., Valdosta, Ga.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savain.; Lowry N., Atl. 18,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N..Valdosta. 6. 8,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 6,980 Han. N., N.Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 1st N., Dublin, Ga. 7,840 N. Park, N.Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. B a n k s A d v e r t is in g g iv e P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n t o Co le c tio n s a n d C o r re s p o n d e n c e 1915 »Abbeville — Wilcox F 8 Bank of Abbeville..— < § ’04 W. C. Oliver_____ Pop. 1800 64-372 King & Hamilton, Bankers J . N. King— ___ 64-373 $ t 08 Acworth..........—Cobb 0 4 Bank of Acworth—— '„•§’05 J . N. Williams___ Pop. 1043 64-395 S. Lemon Banking Co. „ < § ’53 Orlando Awtrey... 64-394 Adairsville— Bartow 0 8 BANK OF ADAIRSVILLE<§ 99 H. M. Veach— . Pop. 1000 64-523 Farmers Bank________ < § ’11 R. L. Franklin___ 64-782 Adel----------- Berrien F Bank of Adel.................. $§’01 J . F. Lewis______ Pop. 1902 64-285 First National Bank . . . < ’10 J . T. Wilkes_____ 64-286 Adrian____Emanuel G 6 Bank of Adrian_______ *§’11 L. O. Benton.—__ Pop. 816 64-811 Citizens Bank—_______ $§’09 C. R. Williams____ 64-524 Ailey.. .Montgomery G 7 Montgomery County Bk.$f’08 W. J . Peterson ... . Pop. 806 64-525 Air Line— —Hart G 8 Bank of Air Line — t ’13 ( L avonia , P. O.) 64-881 FLORIDA AND GEORGIA BANKS—Wellborn to Air Line_______ July, Wellborn — Suwam Wellborn B ank...... ........ $§’10 G. B. Smithson___ A. W. McLeran__ E. H. Pichard___ F. J . Mallory____ $ 15.000 $ 5,500 $ 75,000 $ 65,000 Pop. 247 63-200 J . E. Pennington West Fort Meade.PolkL7 (See F o rt M eade ) Pop 1500 »West Palm Beach-Palm Bank of Palm B each ...< § ’09 A. P. Anthony____ J . R. Anthony___ L. P. McCord........ 25,000 33,000 500,000 300.000 beach.. Pop. 3500 . . O 9 63-113 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. T. T. Reese______ E. N. Dimick____ F. A. Gutelius, Tr.. Frank M. Dimick, 75,000 7,500 305,510 248,310 63-264 < § ’13 M. E. Gruber See. ________ Town and County. »County Seats. F LORID A—Continued y j Number tinder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 4 .0 to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' J.TVJ • Directory» under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. O RG A N IZED J A N U A R Y 1 5 , 1 8 9 6 IS THIRD NATIONAL BANK A T L A N T A , GA. O F F IC E R S FRANK H A W K IN S ......................... President THOS. C. ERWIN - - - - Vice-President JOHN W. GRANT - - - - Vice-President JOHN N. GODDARD- - - - Vice-President A. M. BERGSTROM ..............................Cashier RALPH W. BYERS - - - - Asst. Cashier ANDREW J . HANSELL - - - Asst. Cashier W. B. SYMMERS - - - - Asst. Cashier D IR E C T O R S FRANK HAWKINS, President H. M. ATKINSON, Capitalist Dr. F. P. CALHOUN, Capitalist JOHN W. GRANT, Capitalist HENRY Y. McCORD, Pres. McCord-Stewart Co., Wholesale Grocers J. CARROLL PAYNE, Attorney T. C. ERWIN, Vice-President MILTON DARGAN, Insurance J . H. NUNNALLY, Manufacturer J. N. GODDARD, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Conklin Tin Plate and Metal Co. p A p i t A T $ 1,000 ,000.00 SU R PLU S ... PRO FITS $ 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 DEPOSITS $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 D irect c o n n e ctio n s w ith all im p o rtan t points in th e S ix th D istrict B an k a c c o u n ts c o rd ia lly in v ite d , * and our fa c ilitie s a r e a t th e dis= p osal o f co rre sp o n d e n ts f o r any b u sin ess in co n n e ctio n w ith th e F e d e ra l R e se rv e B an k L e tte rs of C red it issu ed and F oreign E x c h a n g e sold on all im p ortan t C ities of th e W orld Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 2 3 6 2 5 3 2 8 8 3 1 3 1 2 5 7 1 1 2 3 5 10 2 4 2 2 8 4 8 1 6 7 10 6 7 7 3 3 8 1 5 5 2 2 4 2 1 1 NO'.ISOO T H E O L D E S T N A T IO N A L , B A N K I N T H E C O T T O N S T A T E S U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P O S IT A R Y C H A S. E . C U R R I E R P r e s id e n t Capital $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,382,894.97 Deposits $6,662,755.88 F R A N K E . BLO CK V ic e -P r e s id e n t Atlanta National Bank JA M E S S. F L O Y D V ic e -P r e s id e n t G EO . R . DONOVAN C a s h ie r J . S. K E N N E D Y A ss t. C a s h ie r J . D. L E I T N E R A sst. C a s h ie r Directors: C. E . C U R R I E R F . E . BLO CK J . J . S PA LD IN G A S A G. C A N D L E R J . S. FLO YD A . E . THORNTON, JR . E . H. INM AN G EO . R . DONOVAN A t l a n t a Ga Transacts a general banking business • Accounts o f banks; bankers ; merchants, and others solicited. All correspondence receives our immediate attention, W E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C O E I aE C T D IR E C T N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given O N ADD P O IN T S IN THE STATE A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, ntn qpa nncro 1A Pni* Unlirlnvn. haa nnnnsitft 13. T own and County. ‘ County Seats. ‘ Alamo Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks.Assn.t Priv. Est. P resident . Vice -P resid en t . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . Wheeler G 7 Wheeler County Bank— §13 L. B. H olt.............. T. H. Nelson_____ W. C. Lancaster... J . D. Stewart, J r ... $ 17,120 $ 1,500 $ 25,000 Pop. 249 64-877 15,000 75,000 18,500 M. J . McMillan . . . F . T. Tiller______ 64-527 Pop. 532 $1 | ■ l Pj ’1 .1 AAlma ti . «t§'93 A. W. Muse Farmers & Mchts. Bank .§’13 64-97 J . F. Lewis FXftHANRF RANK 64-92 “ “ W fi Scnvill _ Georgia National Bank. »t ’08 F . F. Putney........... J . Rosenberg____ E. B. Young_____ W. M. Baldwin___ 64-95 W. L. Davis Bacon H 8 64-528 Pop. 900 “ Farmers & Merchants Bank N. N. Pearson — . C. H. Dickenson.— F. Farmer. 64-862 §12 J . Q. Douglas__ —. 64-99 »*§’91 Orisn E 8 Bank of Arabi_________ §’07 64-529 Pop. 433 Arlington— Calhoun C 9 Bank of Arlington____«$§’01 64-357 Pop. 1308 First National Bank____ ’06 64-358 ‘ Ashburn——Turner E 8 Ashburn Bank______ «t§1900 64-257 Pop. 2214 Citizens Bank_________ «§’05 64-258 Turner County Bank— »§12 64-840 Arnbi GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90,000 35,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 214,990 348,940 63,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 65,450 100,000 30,000 150.000 150,000 750,000 750,000 300.000 Han. N. and Mech.& Metals N.. N.Y. 57.200 80,000 350,000 335.000 140,000 Bk. of America, N. Y .; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 25,000 500 16,000 19,500 22,000 Market & Fulton N., N. Y.; Savan. Tr. Co., Savan.; Citiz. N„ Balt.; 4th N., Macon. 100.000 40,000 500,000 440,000 98.500 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 6. 6. (B rano h o f B a x ley Bkg. Co., B a x ley,O a.) N. Park, N. Y.: Chatham Bk. &Tr. Co., Savan.; N. Bk. of Brunswick, Brunswick, Ga. ___ 25,000 3.000 22,500 15,000 40,000 22,000 Brunswick Bk. & Tr. Co., Brunswick. Atl. N„ Atl. 16,000 2,500 50,000 68,000 17,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Am. N„ Atl. 15,000 1,000 30,000 40,000 11,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Augusta and Savan.; 4th N., Macon. 65,000 . 52,870 382,600 334,840 50.000 13,300 301,000 250,000 50,000 160,000 550,000 610,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 35,000 100,000 150,000 30,000 15,000 75,000 110.000 W. A. Shingler___ J . S. Betts_______ J . S. Johnson____ W. G. Shingler 50,000 50,000 150,000 200,000 D. H. Davis_____ - W. A. Murray____ TV n Alhert 37,500 10,530 136,920 93,160 25,000 18,000 130,000 140,000 ‘ Americus..-Sumter D 7 Bank of Commerce---- *i§’91 J . W. Sheffield— - Frank Sheffield__ E. D. Sheffield........ Lee Hudson______ 64-100 Pop. 8227 (• ** Crawford Wheatley R. F McNulty Commercial City Bank.«t§’08 64-103 PLANTERS BANK 32,000 $ 14,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 50,000 15,000 .T. W Swilling ‘ Alpharetta— Milton D 3 J . R. Trammell—— 64-507 Pop. 356 *» t« Milton County Bank___»§11 G. D. Rucker____ I. O. Teasley____ R. D. Manning____ C. E. Maddox 64-508 F . 8 Martin D. S. Williamson — J . W. SJiarpe Alston..Montgomery G 7 64-804 Pop. 300 $ L. G. COUNCIL...... ■C. M. COUNCIL— H. S. COUNCIL T E BOLTON 137,880 N. City, N. Y.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 86.000 Chase N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. GEORGIA BANKS—’Alamo to Ashburn »Albany—Dougherty D 8 Albany National Bank.«il900 S. B. Brown............ A. W. Muse_____ - F. H. Bates______ 64-93 Pop. 9717 „ M R. H. Warren. Albany Trust Co. of Ga.—§’05 Joseph S. Davis — Sec. a n d T r. 64-94 4i . " Edwin Sterne____ P. W. Jones_____ Oitizens-First Nat’l B k .« t’88 J . K. Pray........— - A. P. Vinson 64-91 J . S. Davis »» A ccessible Tow ns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. P rincipal Correspondents. Resources. L ia b il it ie s . Also Federal Reserve District oansA Dis Cash&Ex P aid-up SUKPLU8 Depos L of which bank is member. ons. B onds, changes,Bub A N D Capital P rofits its Securities xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. GEORGIA—Continued July, 1915______________ Num ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . ) 150,000 H a n . N., N. Y . ; 4th S t. N ., P h il. Y o u r b a n k in g b u s i n e s s r e s p e c t f u ll y in v ite d . J . D. Walker......... Robert Holmes___ F. fl. Tahnr W. E. Bostwick___ G. W. Harrison___ J . G. Jackson____ J . S. Cowart W. E. Saunders—. John Holtsinger. . . G. Marvin Sparks.. L. O. Cunningham. J . S. Shingler____ J . L. Evans______ A. H. Stewart........ Susve Tvler 7,500 Mech. & Metals N.,"N. Y.; 1st N., Sparta, Ga., and Dublin, Ga. 40,000 N. Park and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N„ Atl. 18,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 54,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 15,720 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl,; Am. N., Macon.; Atl. N., Jack. 30,000 Mech. &i Metals N., N, V.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 142 • £ a m e °<r B an k js the New T ransit N um ber given ^ank m AV - S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’n . Name of Bank. ♦Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv, 1_______ Est, P resident . ‘ Athens------- Clarke F 4 AMERICAN STATE BANK Pop. 16,900 . 64-68 «$§’02 J. J. WILKINS- Town and County. ‘ County Seats. L ia b il it ie s . Vice -President . EN SMITH Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . R. W. SIZER . 64-69 c. P resident . —-----* 'ATLANTA NATI 64-1 Vice -President . : j- Cashier . T.J. P E E P L E S— Ass ’t Cashier . J. P. WINDSOR— J. F. ALEXANDER C. E. CURRIER 252,920 392,780 708,690 86,440 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 50.000 6,000 120,000 135,300 35,110 N. City.,N. Y.; Merch. N. Rich.; Lowry N„ Atl. 554,390 1,219,770 267,260 N- Park, N. Y.: 4th N„ Atl.: 1st N. Phil.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 6, 100,000 534,920 669.130 922,380 481,660 M echanics ft M etals N ., N. T . 50,000 6,730 56,530 112,080 9,500 Coal & Iron N., N.Y.; 3d. N., Atl. g P a id - u p Ca p i t a l F. | . Joel Hurt.. East Atlanta Bank______ $§’10 E. A. Minor__ 64-19 Farmers & Traders Bank W. D. Manley. 64-13 »$§1900 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 L ia b il it ie s . S u r p l u s I n d iv id D e p o s it s L o ans & AND ual of D is P r o f it s D e p o s it s B an ks co u n ts 600,000 $ 650,000 $ 3,020,000 $ 508,000 $ 3,300,000 R esources. B onds , S e c u r i t ie s , e t c 636.000 Du b FROM B anks 925.000 $ 436,000 J SEE C a sh and E x c h a n g es ADVERT ISEM EN T ON OPPO SITE PAG P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District oi which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System N. P a rk , M ech. ft M etals N., C ltiz.-C ent. N.. and Chase N.. N. Y .; Cont. ft Com ’l N.. C h i.; G irara N ., P hil. X 6. ------ REO. R. D 0R 0*A »-j. j . 1,000,000 1,382,890 5,927,590 SEE 735,170 ADVERT ISEM EN T 5,224,030 O P PO SE E PAGE G. S. Lowndes___ T. C. Trippe, T r . .. J . Scott Todd, Jr ., 500,000 53,850 307,400 449,440 E. L. 'Connally___ H. T. Kilpatrick... H. W. Kilpatrick— 15,000 8,500 80,000 63,000 John S. Owens__ W. T. Candler..... H. C. H einz...____ A. P. Coles C. H. Lewis B. J . King 1,000,000 575,380 3,877,850 J . C. Williams___ H. O. Graddy, See. Robert A. Smythe 131,000 22,770 27,560 A. B. Simms..____ C. F . Everitt, W. H. Rich Sec. a n d T r. H. M. Willet W. H. McClain__ F . M. Kirkpatrick. 500,000 160,110 See. 400,000 1,310,220 1,760,610 3,799,600 141. 583,670 15,000 876,460 908,520 Mech. & Metals N., Chem . N., and N. B k . C om ., N. Y . ; Corn E x . N ., C h i.; 4tli St. N ., Phil. X 6. 85,590 Guaranty Tr. Co., Mech. & Metals N„ and Chase N., N.Y.; Atl. N., Atl 5,000 Han N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 1,211,970 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Bos. N. City., N. Y. J . R. Smith. P. J . Baker______ L. T. Carter. 182,890 513,400 25,000 3,000 25,000 27,000 25,000 60,000 405,500 325,220 17,240 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y. 8,960 107,750 N. City and Guaranty Tr, Co., N. Y, 19,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. 53,770 140,230 N. Park., N. Y. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 «$§’13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis p u n it Depository of the United S tates, State of G eorgia, and City of A tlan ta. Y o u r banking acco u n t and A tlan ta, also G eorgia, item s and •$’65 collections invited. W e collect d irect a t a m od erate ch arg e. Coker Banking Company . . t ’95 (F. M. Coker) 64-11 Colonial Trust Company..»§’12 J . S. Slicer— . 64-24 64-26 u a u B iu g Airafts on A tlanta m erch ants receive special atten tion. Atlanta Trust Company..»$§’10 W, J . Morrison. 64-17 Bank of West End........... »$§’11 J . S. Sewell______ 64-20 ♦Central Bk. & Tr. Corp..«$§’06 A. G. Candler . . 64-6 CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. 50.000 -------- — ...... JOHN W. MORTON— A. S . PARKER — N ATMNAI RAM ) n»?,osI^ory State of Georgia, County of F u lton , and City of $ HA 11U llA L D A R K ( A tlan ta. W e collect D IR E C T on every banking point in G eorgia. •$’80 43,890 Met., N. Y.: Franklin N., Phil. A T L A N T A (F u lto n , D 4 ) C o u n ty S e a t, P o p u la tio n 179,292— R e s e r v e C ity (W. L. PE E L----------- R. F. M ADDO X— 64-4 it s J . Ç . CHANDLER .. 200,000 245,000 ESTON EPPES Special atten tio n given to colle étions. JA II c o l le c t i o n s e n t r u s t e d to o u r c a r e w ill r e c e i v e p ro m p t a t te n tio n . R e m it t a n c e s m a d e a t lo w e s t r a t e s . 64-66 _________________________________ Peoples Bank. ........ -.$§’12 sTBernstein______[H. T. Huggins J . H. Hubert._____J . F . Hart 04-72 Name of Bank , •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ___ ______ B Est. De p o s and P r o f it s W. P. BROOKS-— T .t__________ m f ( W e respectfulì y Invite y ou r bu siness. /JOHN R. W H ITE------- Su r p l u s GEORGIA BANKS—Athens to Atlanta NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS « j JOHN J. W ILKINS P a id - u p C a p it a l $ 100.000 $ 40,000 $ 185,000 $ 265,000 Athens Savings Bank_.»$§’92 M. Stern___ _____ M. G. Michael____ G. A. M ell.._____ 64-67 Commercial B a n k __-.•$§’07 H. H. Gordon, Jr.._ A. C. Erwin— Harvey Stovall___ W. S. Joh n s. 64-70 C. D. Flanigen GEORGIANAT’L BANK-«$’03 . . ^ c ces*,b ,e Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , Grace, e tc ., see page 14 F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. L oans & D is- Cash St Ex Also Federal Reserve District :’t s . B onds , eaanges, D u* of which bank is member. S e c u r it ie s from B anks XMem, Fed. Reserve Collect. System. G E O R G I A — C o n tin u e d A PROGRESSIVE BANK IN THE LEADING CITY OF THE GROWING SOUTH. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA.«............... ........ FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT No. 6 Capital and Surplus - $1,200,000 Assets . . . 6,000,000 OFFICERS WILLIAM L. PEEL, President ROBERT F. MADDOX, Vice-President JAMES P . WINDSOR, Assistant Cashier THOMAS J. PEEPLES, Cashier JAMES F. ALEXANDER, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS LEWIS H. BECK BARTOW M. BLOUNT DR. WILLIAM S. ELKIN JOSEPH T. HOLLEMAN WILLIAM H. KISER ROBERT F. MADDOX GEORGE A. NICOLSON WILLIAM L. PEEL THOMAS J. PEEPLES BENJAMIN L. WILLINGHAM A Depositary of the United States, State of Georgia, County of Fulton, and City of Atlanta. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fourth National Bank ' A T L A N T A , G E O R G IA Capital. . . . $600,000.00 S u r p lu s ) „ ______ $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 P r o f it s ) Satisfactory Service Always O F F IC E R S JAMES W. ENGLISH, President JOHN K. OTTLEY, Vice-President CHARLES I. RYAN, Vice-Pres. and Cash. WM. T . PERKERSON, Ai»’l Cathier STEWART McGINTY, Aee't Caihier FRANK M. BERRY, A**’t Cashier HATTON B . ROGERS, A **'t Caihier P r o m p t a n d E f f ic ie n t A c t io n o n a ll B u s in e s s S e n t U s F o u r th N atio n al B a n k B u ild in g Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given Id o to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' 1 *1 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. AT LAN T A—Continued Accessible Towns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,!'—1 etc., see oaee 14. For Holidays, see onnosite nacre 13. C Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ D ir o n t o r v . l i n d o r fcllA U l l i h n r l f v n f T h o Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JMem. State Bks.Assn. P resident . Vice-President . G ov ern or Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . Resources. S u r p l u s 1 n d iv id - D e p o s it s L o a n s a B o n d s, D ub P a id - u p and UAL of D is fro m S e c u r i C a p it a l P r o f it s D e p o s it s B a n k s co un ts t ie s . etc. B an ks $ 2,415,050 $ 64-3 /JAMES W. ENGLISH JOHN K. OTTLEYCHARLES i . RYAN CHARLES 1. RYAN P a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n g iv e n t o 1 C o l l e c t i o n s o n a i l p o i n t s in t h is a h d a d jo in in g S t a t e s . -W. T. PERKERSON S. McGlNYY F. M. BERRY H. B. ROGERS W. J . Blalock___ A. B. Sim m s____ H. B. Kennedy___ R. G. Clay______ B. H. Jones 64-7 Georgia Savings Bk.& Tr. Co. George 64-12 < § ’& M. Brown. J. W. Grant_____ Jos. E. Boston, S ec. a n d T r. J . G. St. Amand__ Robt. M. Clayton— Peter F . Clarke___ 64-8 ROBERTJ. LOWRY- HENRY W. DAVIS. H. W. MARTIN— JOHNE. MURPHY J. H. NUNNALLY., THOS. EGLESTON ‘ LO W RY •$’61 Towns« Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in 600,000 $ 1,000,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 SEE ADVERT1SEMENT O ash and E x ch an ges $ P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed.Reserve Collect. System. 5,559,200 4.950.000 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,500,000 1,045,000 A m . E x . N. and N. City, N. T . X 6. ON OPP OSITE P AGE. 500.000 135,000 1,400,000 1,670,750 499,780 200,000 24,600 629,680 678,390 146,660 200,000 93,780 167,790 414,990 36,810 589,620 103,890 N . Park and Mech, & Metals N ., N . ¥ . ; 1st N ., Chi.; Phil. N ., Phil. X 6 . 26,060 Equitable Tr. Co. and N. Park, N . Y. 16,280 Atl. N., Atl. E. A. BANCKER, JR. E. W. RAMSPECK 1.000.000 1,295,960 4,502,220 576,370 4,870,070 1,154,000 1,456,380 496,260 1 st N. and H an . N., N. Y . X 6. te d o n a d a ily , w e e k ly , o r s e m i- m o n t h ly p la n . B ill o f L a d i n g d r a f t s a s p e c i a l t y . WRITE US FOR TERMS. . 64-22 J . S. Slicer_______ M. C. K in g ______ H. 0 . Graddy_____ G. R. Houghton 64-28 64-5 Trust Company of Georgia 64-10 •$! 2,919,500 $ 5,225,940 $ 4,735,590 Fed. N otes. ( F o r fu r th e r i n f or m a tio n see p a g e 25 ) ‘FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Accessible dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, AT LAN T A—Continued Aco’ n Jas. B. P ik e _____ M. W. Bell W. H. Toole, Sec. Jos. A. McCord, 64-14 64-2 A m p r in a n R n n lro v c 60,000 5,510 J . E. Toole_____— T. M. Callaway.___ A.J.Shropshire, T. M. Callaway, Tr. Sec. S. C. Callaway 176,500 15,720 (FRANK HAWKINS J . W_ GRANT . . . . L M. BERGSTROM R. W. RYERS______ J. N. GODDARD W. B. SYMMERS TH0S.C. ERWIN „ , „ „ _ A. J. HANSELL We offer unexcelled facilities to Banks and M erchants. Tour Items for Georgia, p articularly your A tlan ta business, solicited. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON INDEX GEORGIA. 1,000,600 E. Woodruff_____ J . H. Nunnally___ G. B. Pendleton, J . K. McDonald, S ec. a n d T r. A . Sec. a n d A . Tr. J . N. Goddard J . E. Murphy 1,000.000 5,840 929,310 4,863,400 , 901,260 3,490 Merch. N., Rich.; Pulton-N., Atl. 72,040 638,350 526,380 113,180 134,130 4,916,570 754,850 1,154,190 907,440 2,640 1,575,670 586,100 N. City and N. P a rk , N. Y . ; Cont. & Com’l N ., C h i.; N. Shaw m u t, B o s .; N. B k . Com ., St. L . ; 4th S t. N., Phil. X 6. July, 1915______ __________GEORGIA BANKS—Atlanta—Continued Id o 1 Tv^ 151,090 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. Darwin G. Jo n e s .,-----------»’81 (In v estm en t S e eu ri ties') Atlanta Clearing House— — (Members in d ic a te d b y a *) Jno. K, Ottley—— W. J . Blalock____ Darwin G. Jones, GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M ar. a n d S ec. T. C. Erwin, T r ... Am. N; 3d N., and Lowry N.. Atl. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See IndextoLawyers) t 1^4 Auburn......... Barrow E 3 Bank of Auburn_____ J§’07 Pop. 217 64-530 A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , Grace e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 15 GEORGIA—Continued Cashier . As s ’t Cash ier . Jno. R. B arrett___ (.B ran ch •Augusta—Richmond H 5 ♦Augusta Savings Bank»t§'79 P. E. May_______ T. R. Wright____ J . G. Weigle......... L. W. L yeth ... Pop. 49,451 64-34 Citizens & Southern Bank M. B. Lane______ R. L. Rockwell___ 64-31 »*§’65 L ia b il it ie s . P a id - t jp S u r p l u s D e p o s and Ca p it a i, it s P r o f it s T. G. T arver. . JACOB PHINIZY-— W. A. LATIMER— R. H. BROWN_______SAMUEL MARTIN (L a rg e s t C a p ita l, Su rp lu s and P r o f its , a lso D ep osits of any bank m il n n t n . w ithin a radius of one hundred m iles, KAII nllflll HANK I 'nv**e thprom e bu siness of B an k s, B an k ers and M erch an ts desiring l i n i l i l i u n u U n illY \ pt, e fficie n t and s a tis fa c to r y serv ice. T e s t Our F a c ilitie s . 64-35 •t§’92 G EO RG IA Resources. L oans & D is- Cash b E x c*Ts. B onds, changes ,D ub from B anks . S ec u r it ie s o f N or th G eor g ia Tr. Co., W in d er, G a $ 50,000 1 . 54,000 $ 683,000 P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 740,000 $ 56,000 Han. N., N. Y. 1 , 000,000 1.145,690 7,887,070 7,443,950 2,593,420 N. City, N. Y. (B r a n c h o f S a v a n n a h , G a.) 606,000 432.930 3,065,860 3.182,210 916,560 A m . E x . N., N. Park, and Chase N., N .Y. 1st N., Chi. 200,000 301,100 1,112,030 1,463,790 Ex. N., Chatham & Phénix N., anc 149,340 Am. Irving N .,N . Y . 400.000 240.000 1,141,500 1,192,000 479,960 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos, ALBERT 8. HATCH-W. H. BARRETT.. E. E. ROSBOROUfiH-B. H. ELLISON— ‘ MERCHANTS BK. 64-38 •*§’04 G eneral Banking B u sin ess T ra n s a c te d . Send us your Item s and C o llectio n s fo r A ugusta and Vioinlty; P ro m p t A tten tio n and R e m itta n c e , R eason able C h a rg e. Give us a T ria l. ♦National Exch. B ank..»t’71 P. E. May_______ Paul Mustin_____ E. A. Pendleton... W. T. Wiggins___ 64-33 ♦Planters Ln.&Sav. Bk.«t§’70 L. C. Hayne........— 64-32 50,000 205,250 ♦Union Savings Bank.. **§’92 Wm. Schweigert — A. S. Morris___ — T. S. Gray_______ 64-36 100.000 50.000 986,000 993,000 __ J . D. Perkerson... B. H. Veal..........— 15.000 2,180 14,610 26,290 8,270 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlanta N., Atlanta. Avera------ Jefferson H 5 Avera Banking Co............ §’10 L. B. Holt________ T. J . Harney_____ C. H. Hattaway___ Pop. 228 64-532 15.000 20,000 35.000 6,000 Mech. & Metals N.> N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Baconton— Mitchell D 9 Bank of Baconton........«i§’07 R. P. Jackson........ J . S. M iller........... R. M. Tiller . . . . __ Pop. 391 64-533 15.000 2,350 35.000 45.000 •Bainbridge........Decatur Bainbridge State Bank.«J§’91 E. J . Perry______ J . W. Callahan___ E. S. Varner_____ J . J . Walters____ Pop. 4217 C 10 64-180 100.000 65,960 252,350 353,510 64,790 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. §’11 L. Ball___________ W. G. Powell_____ R. H. May_____ _ E. F. Vickers___ 30.000 10,000 100,000 112,000 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Decatur County Bank—1§’06 J . S. Shingler......... M. E. Nussbaum... Frank S. Jones___ 64-182 Jno. T. McClendon, 25.000 3,300 68.000 82.000 14,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bain bridge. First National Bank___*1900 J . S. Shingler____ M. E. Nussbaum— Frank S. Jones___ 64-181 Jno. T. McClendon, 125,000 45,000 335,000 415,000 154,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. Baldwin—Habersham E 2 Baldwin State Bank____§’07 W. A. Shore_____ H. E. Hamlin____ E. 0. Addy_______ Pop. 280 64-534 15.000 5.000 25.000 45.000 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. Ball Ground ...Cherokee Bank of Ball Ground___»§’06 H. D. Thomason... D. C. Stripling. Pop. 448 D3 64-535 25.000 2.000 45.000 50.000 9,500 N. City, N. Y.: Am.N., Atl. 988,940 1,220,050 79,140 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 173,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Palmetto N., Columbia, S. C. Augusta Clearing House____ W. Schweigert___ P. E. May________ Rufus H. Brown, M gr. (M em bers in d ic a te d b y a *) Austell.............. Cobb C 4 Austell Bank_____ j ____§’02 C. F . Benson Pop. 755 64-531 Citizens Bank___ 64-825 A c tiv e A ctiv e Co., Savan, Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Co lections and Correspondence Map opposite page 142 Digitized for GEORGIA FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B an k D. C. Stripling. Augusta. 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-lst N., Alb., Ga. ia the New T ransit Number riven July, 1915 G. P. Bates____ _ __ _____ _ _________ GEORGIA BANKS—Auburn to Ball Ground____________ n k1u” dfTr N am e of B an k w the New T ran sit N um ber given k J 7' ?; exclusively by The R an d-M cN ally Bankers» D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name op B ank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State P resident . ¿County Seats. Vice -President . {Mem. S tate Bks. Assn.tPriv. _____ Est. 1 m. 144 W. A. Prnnt .T. G. Rush oansA Dis- Cxsn &Ex Depos L As s 't Ca sh ier . P AID-UP Surplus c*ts. Bonds, changes,Due and Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks. Ca sh ier . .T_ ß . F,. Langford . C. H. Humphrey__ ß W .Tnrrian C. O. Summers__ T. W. Cochran $ 36,000 $ P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank Is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 6,000 $ 70,000 $ 62,000 $ 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Atl. __________ Barnesville........Pike D 5 BARNESVILLE BANK....... § 08 Pop. 3068 64-214 *• •* M Citizens Bank_ »$§’02 64-212 First National Bank____t ’02 64-213 Barney......... Brooks F 10 Barney Banking Co___ »t’08 Pop. 303 64-536 Bartow___Jefferson H 6 Bartow Bank................»t§’02 Pop. 384 64-501 A ccessible Towns, Law yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14, F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGIA—Continued July, 1915 N um ber under N am e of B an k Ia the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D ire cto ry , und er th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name op B ank. aT own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState P r esid e n t . V ice -Pr esid e n t . County Seats. tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv Est. 1 AC ■*• 45,000 25,000 225,000 200,000 50,000 50.000 175,000 140,000 26,000 34,910 25.000 - 5,000 70,000 50,000 30,000 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; Am. N„ Macon and Atl. 15,000 1,000 23,500 34,340 5,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co. Savan. 15,000 700 21,000 35,000 *Baxley........Appling H 8 BAXLEY BANKING CO.-*« 97 P. H. Comas_____ C. W. Deen______ V. H. McQuarie — C. C. Johnson___L Pop. 831 64-440 60,000 21,850 246,770 360,590 49,030 N. Park, N. Y .; Savan. Tr. Co. and Citiz. & Southern, Savan. i A. H. MOON____ IRA LEGGETT........ W. H. MAX L l~ CITIZENS BANKING CO.-« 06 1 Special atten t Ion given to col lections. 64-441 l Prom pt rem it tance, intelligent reasons for non- paym ent. Try ns. 40,000 4,000 45,000 113,800 12,500 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 10,100 18,500 4,970 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Cuthbert, Cuthbert. Ga 5,000 33,000 42,500 5,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Valdosta. ■ B. F. Long.. W. D. Manley____ T. Y. Smith...... C. R. .Tnsey FARMERS STATE BANK-« 10 T. S. Brown______ W. A. Hall______ J . A. Mullís_____ P. .T. 64-502 Barwick........Brooks E 10 Bank of B arw ick..___ »§’06 J . W. Massey___ fc .T. A. Pnpp. Pop. 400 64-537 “ “ Benevolence.—Randolph Pop. 500 C8 Berlin-------- Colquitt E 9 Pop. 400 Bethlehem ...Barrow E 4 Pop. 209 Bishop..........Oconee F 4 Pop. 268 ‘ Blackshear...Pierce H 9 Pop. 1565 “ Bank of Benevolence___810 64-538 Farmers & Merchants Bank 64-539 «10 Bank of Bethlehem___*« 1 2 64-864 Bishop Banking Co___ «§’05 64-540 Blackshear Bank......... » « ’92 64-365 Citizens Bank.................. « ’05 64-366 ‘ Blairsville___Union E 2 Bank of Blairsville • « ’08 Pop. 203 64-521 i_ ° Union County Bank___*§10 64-522 Lawson Hardy E. R. Ward______ E. G. Perunian___ W. C. Redd'ck . 15,000 S. Gay__________ 15,000 B. N. Croft—— . W. R. Nohles J . T. Harrison........ L. W. Leslie.— J . M. Roberts____ 15,000 4,950 20,000 73,000 25,000 3,500 40,000 85,000 50,000 6,600 174,860 163,570 66,210 Irving N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savannah, W. H. Meeks — 17,000 3,000 60,000 78,000 12,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan, _. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. J . B. Trnfitt E. Aspinwall W. N. Brown F. J . Erwin___„ — W. A. Jackson___ B. B. F i t e - — — A. L. England V. M. Waldroop... A. C. Hemphill__ E. E. Twiggs GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ZpItp FiarwiIpv J . B. Tarver_____ E. A. Wilson First National Bank___» i’02 E. Hilton________ J . O. Chancy. . . . . . R. O. Waters 64-293 ‘ Blue Ridge..Fannin D 2 Johnson Bank& Loan Co.t’09 Pop. 898 64-426 North Georgia N at.Bk..«J’02 64-425 Bluff ton------- ...Clay C 8 Bank of Bluff ton_____ « ’07 Pop. 325 64-541 B lythe..—Richmond H 5 Farmers B an k .._____ « ’09 Pop. 300 64-542 Bogart-------- Oconee F 4 Farmers Bank_____ » « 1 0 Pop. 400 64-543 Boston------Thomas E 10 Bank of Boston.............. «'06 Pop. 1800 64-384 Merchants & Far. Bank » « ’02 64-383 11,500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., Valdosta. A. J . Arnold_____ J . T. Elder............. A. H. Shannon____ J . J . Johns A. P. Brantley____ B. D. Brantley____ M. C. MeAlpin____ ‘ Blakely........... Early B 9 FARMERS 8TATE BANK J . O. Bridges_____ Pop. 1838 64-784 *« 1 1 .. ___ •T. R. Murphy , Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp„ Atl. 125,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. ¥ .: 4th N.. Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 5,600 N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. of Quitman, Quitman, Ga. Grady Smith 15,000 1,450 71,460 74,890 15,000 1,000 65,000 70,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Am. N., Macon. 50,000 5,000 125,000 150,000 40,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 100,000 27,500 127,000 251,000 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent.Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl., Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Citiz.-1st N., Alb,, Ga. 6 5,600 Lowry N., Atl. A. P. Johnson____ A. P. Johnson____ 10,000 100 15,000 12,000 F. E. Conley_____ J . F. Holden__ E. A. Waldroop 60,000 10,480 122,280 213,590 15,000 3,000 15,000 35,000 22,630 J . J . Hayes____jLI W. T. Hammock... S. M. McNair......... W. G. Ford — —-----; W. E. "Norrftll 10,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk.of Athens, Athens Ga.; Far. & Tra., Atl. 15,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.: Gá. N., Athens, 15,000 1,420 6,290 L. O. Benton____ J .P . Wise. ____ J . C. Cooper......... 15,000 fi, 250 18 non 40,000 J . W. Taylor____ M. L. Cook______ R. L. Williams____ 25,000 2,710 59,380 80,440 J . M. Jones______ J . A. Mallette_____ F. C. Jones______ Ui X J. xtuguTo- —— 50,000 40,000 115,000j 200,000 38,380 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. GEORGIA BANKS—-Barnesville to Boston " "y|. A. Peacock—____ W. H. Mitchell___ L. O. Tyus—_____ F G. Sims 6. 5,420 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 5,080 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. 5,150 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 5,OiO N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indextolawyers) N um ber under N am e of B a n k is the New T ran sit N um ber g iv em eacll bank ia J J . 8. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irecto ry , und er th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State P resident . ACounty Seats. V ice -P resid ent . tMem. State Bks. Assn.fPriv ______ Est. 1 4fi Bostwick— Morgan F Pop. 333 Bowdon—___Carroll B Pop. 541 «NATIONAL BK. OF BRUNS WICK— 64-87______ < ’94 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. S. Kaylor_____ A. E. Fleming___ L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s and Ca p it a l it s P r o f it s 15.000 $ 3,500 25.000 $ 35,000 9,500 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. M. L. Johnson___ 50.000 12,990 43,320 128,130 W. G. Brown . . . _ J . A. Waller_____ 50.000 6,330 105,090 94,750 84,510 4th N„ N. Y. and Atl.; 1st N„ Balt. L ì H. Ridgway .... 20.000 5.000 20.000 36.000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fulton N., Atl. O. L. Teasley____ C. B. Vaughan. 25.000 12,000 75.000 95.000 17,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Lowry N.. Atl. B. F . Burnett____ 18,300 6.000 45.120 73,390 14,010 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 95,700 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 12,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl. J . O. Braselton__ R. G. Braselton___ 25.000 3.000 50.000 C. H. Hudson____ W. L. Long___ ___ 40.000 10,000 60.000 11,950 N. Park, N. Y.: 3d N., Atl.; N. Shawmut, Bos N. Park, N. Y,; Am. N„ Atl. W. A. Duncan___ J . W. Nunnely___ 17,600 3.000 30.000 45.000 C. H. Cates 15.000 3,500 22.000 40.000 15.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dublin, Gì A. Y. Jones_____ " 15.000 2.000 22,000 36.000 10.000 Han. N., N. Y. 10,240 Han.N., N. Y.; Atl. N.* Atl. J . F. Ball________ 15.000 I, 460 19,750 34,670 M. N. Childs___ 15.000 II, 000 12,000 45.000 7.500 N. Park, N. Y .; Dawson N., Dawson, Ga. Paul B. Lewis . . 25.000 27,000 62.000 6.500 Han. N., N. Y.; Hib., Savan. 2,000 I. A. Scott____ 15.000 8,520 22,210 43,130 7,070 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. (Bran ch o f TJnio nBUg. C 0„ Doug las, Go. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr Co.. Savan.; 3d N., Atl. George H. Smith ._ C. Z. Walker . . . . . . 100,000 69,000 397.000 466.000 100,000 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N. W. M. Demwody Balt. J . L. Allen_______ F. C. Allen_______ 75.000 8,000 150.000 175.000 53,780 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.;3c N.. Atl. E. H. MASON ALBERT FENDIG. C. H. SHELDON J. H. PARKER 150,000 179,180 693,780 997,480 175,410 N. Park and Chem. N., N. Y.; Girard N. anc 1st N., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. 6, Collections rece ived from banke rs, m erchants, an d manufacturers are actually p resented and re m itted for on day of paym ent. E. H. Mason___ G. N. Moore___ E. L. Moore___ G. H. Sm ith_____ C. H. Sheldon, Sec. J . L. Allen W. J . Speights___ G. L. Stewart____ M. W. Weatherby S. W. Strickland . . H. G. Richardson— 15.000 1,000 29.000 40.000 20,600 Han. N„ N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 15.000 10,000 30.000 57.000 P. H. McWhorter. J . Hulme Morgan.. S. R. Paschal____ 7.500 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N-, Atl. 25.000 7,500 12.000 43.000 Chas. W. Lowe___ J . S. Rogers_____ Wm. C. Wooten_ E. B. Reese______ 30.000 36,000 150,000 150,000 50,000 20.000 100,000 125,000 50,000 Han. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. L. P. Pattillo _____ Edward F lo r ____ M. T. Pattillo___ 25.000 38.000 90.000 105.000 W. B. Shadburn__ Bona Allen______ E. A. Wilbanks.. 40.000 16.000 90.000 125.000 24,570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 9,030 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. J . L. Eaves____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’05 G. R. Lowe. 64-401 Buford-----Gwinnett D 4 Bank of Buford____ ’93 Pop. 2000 64-304 Shadburn Banking Co. i§1901 64-305 Bullochville -Meriwether Bank of Bullochville §’05 Pop. 204 C5 64-555 »Butler.......... Taylor D 6 Butler Banking Co_____$§’10 Pop. 1200 64-457 Farmers & Merch. Bank 64-456 < § ’06 As s ’t Cashier . L. O. Benton H. B. Mauk. J . R. Stokes. H. B. Leverett____ W. H. Routon____ A. C. Dunn____ R. A. Hinton____ J . T, Taylor_____ G. C. Smith_____ J . T. Mathews M. T. Chapman___ I. F . Peebles_____ H. J . Peagler___ 25.000 2,630 12.000 50,510 O. G. McCants. 15.000 3,500 40.000 50.000 P. Robertson.. 25.000 4,5001 60.000 99,500 7.500 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl ; Ga. N. Athens. 111,820 Han. N., N. Y.;Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 3,740 Han. N.,N. Y.;4thN., Atl. and Col., Ga. 15.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. ¥ .; Citiz. N., Macon; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 17.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Macon; Lowry N., Atl. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Co lections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, back of Lilis volume. l'or In terest R a te s. Graoe.r _____________ j u¡yt jgjg Brunswick Clearing House.. (Members indicated by a * ) »Buchanan.Haralson B 4 Farmers & Citizens B k.< §’l l Pop. 462 64-792 Haralson County Bank.t§’09 64-553 Buckhead___Morgan F 5 Bank of Buckhead____ t§’06 Pop. 384 64-554 »Buena Vista.Marion C 7 Buena Vista Ln. & Sav. Bk. Pop. 1016 64-400 < § ’89 Cashier . a cce ssib le Towns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race 6tCo» see page 14. F o r Holidays» see opposite page 13 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. Li’o ans& Dis- O Also Federal Reserve District xasn ngS ts,E x ts. Bonds, c h e D u b of which bank is member. S e c u r ities fromBanks XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. GEORGIA BANKS—Bostwick to Butler Bank of Bostwick______ §11 J . M. Preston_____ M. T. Nunnally.— 64-830 Bank of Bowdon..____<§'05 J . L. Lovvorn____ S. Holderness.— 64-544 Merchants & Planters Bk H. J . Reaves_____ J . B. Fowler____ 64-826 < § ’11 Bowersville__—Hart G Bank of Bowersville___j§ ’07 J . A. Estes_______ R. L. Gaines.— . Pop. 500 64-545 Bowman_____ Elbert G Bank of Bowman____ <§'05 L. W. Hendrick__ W. A. Teasley__ Pop. 738 64-446 Farmers Bank________ t§’l l B. R. Cordell___ R. L. Rice____ I" 64-447 Braselton— Jackson E Braselton Banking Co.__t ’08 W. H. Braselton__ Green Braselton. Pop 400 64-791 Bremen___-Haralson B Bank of Bremen_____ < § ’03 W. H. Williamson. S. S. Copeland____ Pop. 1000 64-546 J . J . Mangham Farmers Bank— _____ «§’11 J . P. Boatright___ G. L. Suggs___ 64-787 J . W. Wood Brewton.— .Laurens G Farmers & Merch’ts Bk. .§’10 James L. Keen I. E. Thigpen__ Pop. 214 64-547 Brinson— ^.Decatur C 10 Citizens Bank__________ §’10 S. Brinson______ _ W. R. Brown. Pop 1000 64-548 Bronwood——Terrell D Farmers Bank_______ < § ’13 D. B. Hill________ S. W. Denton___ _ Pop. 465 64-873 A. G. Mulholland Terrell County Bank ..< § ’04 H. A. Petty_____ R. E. Bowman____ 64-549 Brooklet____Bulloch I Bank of Brooklet_____ t§’06 T. R. Bryan.___ D. L. Alderman,Sr Pop. 361 64-550 Brooks_____Fayette D Brooks Bank_________ < § ’07 K. B. B a n k s...___ F. M. Scott______ Pop. 350 64-551 Broxton _____-Coffee G Broxton Banking Co__ t§’04 Pop. 1040 64-552 »Brunswick___ Glynn J ♦Brunswick Bank & Tr. Co. F. D. Aiken_____ F. D. M. Strachan. * Pop. 10649 64-86 < § ’89 G. H. Smith ♦Glynn County Bank—< § ’07 J . J . Lott________ E. L. Stephens____ 64-88 GEORGIA—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, u nder th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n« T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks; Assn.tPriv. Est. P resid e n t . Byromville-«— Dooly E 7 Byrom National Bank—< ’02 S R Ryrom 64-556 Pop. 300 .T, T», Walter Farmers & Merchants Bk. 64-753 »i§’l l T,, O Renton 64-557 Pop. 219 L. B. Holt Oadwell — Laurens G 7 64-558 Pop. 154 A, Mefinnk 64-880 V ice -Pr esid e n t . ......... GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u b p l u s D e p o s an d Ca p it a l it s P b o f it s T^avrs, Directors, in- 5,300 20.000 55,000 5,300 15.000 7.000 45.000 15.000 3.000 10.000 40.000 4.900 W. J . Ballard____ 15.000 1,250 29,090 1,690 O T. Hayis .. 35.000 46,500 170,000 35,900 W. H. Searcy____ 50.000 25.000 200,000 J , E, Forsyth_____ 30.000 6.300 A. B. David______ C. E. David______ 50.000 50.000 T. A. Hopper____ L. C. Moss.............. 55.000 7,000 175,000 40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y li Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corn., Atl. 35,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Valdosta; 4thN. ,Atl.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 75,000 Chase N.. N. Y.;, 3d N., Atl.; 1st N., Chatta nooga. 6, 30,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl.; 1st N.,Chatta nooga. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz., Cairo. Ga, 15.000 H. R. Bedingfield— •T. A. Burch....... J. W. KNIGHT— Lavryers, 600 S. T,. Wehh A. D. Maxwell____ L. P. Lester Z. T. Aultman____ S. J . Barron_____ J . A. Warren L. W. Lavender Towns, 15.000 $ 61,250 $ 2.300 ti (JOHN S. LEAKE ‘ Gartersville.Bartow C3 RANK OF CARTERSVILLE j Special atten ti Pop.' 4067 64-184 < § ’95 t Prom pt rem itt 44 , .... ** First National Bank — < ’89 Joseph S. Calhoun 64-183 W. D Pittarrt 64-844 Pop. 250 As s ’t Ca sh ier . 25.000 W S Wight W. H. Searcy H. G. Cannon 64-333 W. T. Crawford— T Wight Farmers & Merchants Bk. 64-334 J§10 .... J . G. B. Erwin, J r . Calhoun National Bank - < ’05 O. N. Stair 64-306 Pop. 1652 W. L. Hines_____ F. E. Hicks______ 64-307 Planters Bank & Realty Co; 64-788 t ’l l •T. P. T. R. Bennett____ ‘ Camilla___Mitchell D 9 64-294 Pop. 1827 Mitchell County Bank— 1§’12 0t. .T. Stripling1 . 64-858 <4* ■ ft ' Planters & Citizens Bk._<§’04 G. B. Cochran____ Cr. R. Rapgs R. B. Wingate 64-295 J . D. Bofyers -. .T.; A. Oheek 64-450 Pop. 1000 R_ TT. Riirtmi J . A. Duncan___ 64-451 Sqmnel T^te R, T .Tnrifis ‘ Canton___Cherokee D 3 B. F. Crisler Pop. 2500 64-279 F . M, R.eeyes Q. Ooggins 64-280 ii ; 4I Farmers & Traders B k ..t§ ’12 P. P. DuPre____— F. P. Burtz ______ 64-850 flarltnn Madison F 3 J . D. Long_______ 0 . L. Deadwyler... 64-560 Pop. 500 L. H. Eberhardt__ T. J . Stevens____ A. H. Eberhardt 64-818 Or .T. Ram bn J . W. Andrews___ Carnegie— Randolph 0 8 64-561 Pop. 300 R. H. BurruSs-----‘ Carnesville.Franklin F 3 Bk. of Franklin Gounty.ti’06 64-562 Pop. 322 J . T, Bradley—— C. H. Stewart— — ‘ Carrollton__Carroll C 4 64-204 Pop. 5500 A K Snead W. W. Heaton 64-205 •**'” »*' First National Bank — < ’88 L. C. Mandeville— F,. B. Rrodnax 64-203 •, ti \ „ ■, G. W. Fleming___ J . M. Jackson____ 64-206 kt Cash ier . ___ Miss Delle Finch_ A. A. Joiner CAIRO BANKING C0.-<§1900 Walter Davis 64-332 Pop.; 2500 Accessible dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest States, G ra ce ,1 etc«, see page 14, F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. P rincipal Correspondents. Resources. Also Federal Reserve District L oans & Dis* Cash & E x of which bank is member. c ’ t s . B onds , changes ,D o s S eo u r it is s prom B anks . xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. GEORGIA—Continued A. H. Duggon_____ 160,000 97,000 250,000 200.1 L. O. Maxwell____ E. A. Maxwell____ 50.000 50.000 190,000 J . F. Brooks. W. A. Childs_____ 25.000 800 94,000 H. O. Anderson 135,000 T. R. Bennett____ 4th N., Macon. ern, Savan. Savan. . 47,000 Han. N. Bk., N. Y .: Cent.Bk. & Tr. Corp., At).; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Alb. N., Alb., Ga, 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.: Ga. N., Alb., Ga. 25,000 Han, N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Alb., Ga. E. J . V an n ______ 75.000 3.000 0 . B. Menees_____ W. A. Hamby_____ 20.000 10.000 J . C; Reeves_____ 15.000 1.000 William G alt____ 100,000 40.000 F. M. Reeves____ 25.000 11.000 98,000 30,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.;4th N.,' Atl. B, H Meads 25.000 1,200 50,000 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. F. D. Smith______ J . Whitehead___ _ 25.000 , 98,000 J . M. Comer_____ 15.000 4,000 50,000 15,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. B„ Fergnson . 15.000 4, 27,760 L. F. Lenhardt 25.000 4,440 60,820 3,860 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl, Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 27,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 100,000 94.000 328,000 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; Atl. N.. Atl. 50.000 25.000 162,000 B. M. Long______ 100,000 121,000 425,000 G. C. Cook_______ G. T. Spence — — 60.000 18.000 129,070 35,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N.. Atl.; Merch.-Mech N.. Balt.; Hamilton N„ Chattanooga. 42,000 Han. N.. N.Y.; 4th N., Atlanta; N. Shawmut Bos.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6 33,220 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; 3d N., Atl. 100,000 32,890 174,0900 318,450 32,190 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. O, W Haney. 50.000 90,570 0 297,470 R. B. Rollins 15.000 1,000 0 __________ H. N, Spence L. S. Sim s_______ Grady Cole---------f! A T.yle C M MILAM 65,000 40,000 10,C 240,000 10 ) 10,000 N. Park, N .Y .; Atl. N.,Atl. 5,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Am. N„ Atl. 40,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N.. Atl. 9,000 N. Park. N. Y.;lA tl. N.. Ati. iuly, 1915_______________ GEORGIA BANKS—Byfomville to Cassville 1 A *7 on given to collec tions. ance, intelligent reasons for nonpa ym ent. TRY US G. W. Battle 126,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Lou.; 3d N., Atl. 6. Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Kingston, Kingston, Ga. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState $Mem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv E st L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Vice -P resident . Cashier . Cave Spring...Floyd B 3 Bank of Cave Sp ring ...< § ’05 W. O. Connor. . . . . A. N. Tumlin____ J . F. Hight____ Pop. 805 64-563 B. T. Williams Cecil_______ Berrien F Peoples Bank____ ____>$§’11 L. O. Benton.__ A. J . Falsom____ O. F. Lindsey___ Pop. 354 64-766 O. F . Lendsey •Cedartown— .Polk B Bank of Cedartown___< § ’01 A. E. Young:___ O. Willingham____ E. C. Benton....... * Pop. 6000 64-191 Commercial Bank. 64-190 R. O. Pitts......... . C. W. Smith___ As s ’t Cashier . and P r o f it s $ Depo s it s 5.06C î 49.64C Î 51.00 $ 21,00( Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Cherokee N., Rome. Ga.: Far. & T ra ., Atl. 15,00( 2.00C 10.00C 20,00( 6,000 Chatham & Phénix Nr, N. Y.: Citiz., Valdosta, Ga. J . T. W est_____ 50.00C 48.00C 180.00C 241,00C 20,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Am. N., Atl.; 4th St. N., Phil.: Merch. N., Rich. 100.00C 135,000 250,000 400,00C 20,000 5,000 35,000 50,000 6,000 23,130 E. L. Henderson. 15,000 100.000 N. Park, N.Y.; Merch-Mech. N., Balt. 10,000 Han. m N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl. 6,000 Atl. N., Atl. 15.000 1,000 73.000 78,000 15,000 6,500 70,000 80,000 8,500 N. Park, N. Y. 11.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dalton. Ga. GEORGIA BANKS—Cave Spring to Collins Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S urplu s A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, etc», see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Loans A Die- Cash A E x Also Federal Reserve District c ’ t b . B onds , CHANGES,Dü] of which bank is member. S ec u r it ie s from B anks XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. R. G. Luke____ Farmers & Mech. Bank .$§’08 R. H. Jones______ W. J . Crabb____ 64-192 Charing....— Taylor D Farmers & Merchants Bank J . D. Walker _____ R. O. Rogers..___ A. S. Kytle Pop. 125 64-859 §12 Chats worth.. Murray C Bank of Chatsworth___ »§’07 J . M. Sanders J . B. G reg ory ..... T. W. Brooks— Pop. 500 64-564 A. J . Keith Cohutta Banking Co......... §’06 C . _________ N. King— J . L. Colé________ F. Perry King ___ 64-720 Ohauncey.— -Dodge F Bank of Chauncey____< § ’05 J . J . Cadwell_____ B. N. Bussey . . . M. Williams_____ Pop. 550 64-565 Chester.... ........ Dodge F Chester Banking Co....... t§’09 D. A. Burch_____ C. M. Rogers. . . J . E. Cagle___ P. L. Howard. Pop. 278 64-566 Chickamauga.Walker B Bank of Chickamauga..< § ’10 D. A. Jewell____1. T. W. L e e ____ C. Dunaway. . ___ Pop. 312 64-567 Chipley__. —.Harris C Bank of Chipley_____ .$§’02 T. Wisdom_____ B. F. T ig n er.... H, A. Williams . . . Henry Zachry. Pop. 1200 64-444 Farmers & Merch. Bank.»§’09 J . H. Hogan........— J . W. White— Roy Askew______ A. B. Priddy... 64-445 *Clarkesville.Habersham Habersham Bank___ -< § ’04 J . K. Burns______ W. P. Furr . . . . J . A. Erwin______ R. I. Gibbs___ Pop. 528 E 64-568 W. R. Asbury Clarkston___DeKalb D Bank of Clarkston__ —t§ ’15 C. S. Branyon____ C. Jo lly ............ W. P. Dunn_____ Pop. 349 64-909 •Olaxton . . . — .Evans I Claxton Bank •§’03 C. S. G rice______ N. A. Thaggard___ E. Bullock_______ E. O.Darsey.. Pop. 1008 64-402 First National Bank ..__ $’13 D. A. Smiley.— . . A. L. Tippins......... J . B. Brewton___ 64-403 •Clayton....... .Rabun F Bank of Clayton____ -• § ’04 . W. Peyton____ J . C. Dover.__ ___ T. A. Duckett____ Pop. 541 64-486 Clermont______ Hall E 3 Clermont Banking Co. — §’12 . M. Haynes —___ F. M. Jarrard—___ H. Tabor.——. __ . G. Hunter. Pop. 500 64-861 •Cleveland— White E 2 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. A. Jarrard____ J . D. Cooley —J___ C. W. Beacham__ Pop. 500 64-885 §’13 G. S , Kytie White County Bank__ - »§’09 R. T. Kenimer____ J . W. H.Underwood J . H. Telford____ 64-569 A. M. Dean Climax------- Decatur D 10 Farmers Bank............ — §’12 H. Trulock_____ A. S. Curry______ W. B. Johnson___ Pop. 328 64-865 F. C. Herring Clyo__ — Effingham I Farmers & Merchants Bank L. Ellzey__ ___ W. T. Metzger____ W. B. Futrell____ Pop. 200 64-757 §’14 W. T. Greene Cobbtown.. .Tattnall H 7 Bank of Cobbtown — §’06 Daughtry_____ J . M. Collins, S r ... J . C. Crow_______ Pop. 254 64-570 •Cochran...Bleckley F 7 Citizens Bank............... .< § ’13 A. F ish e r...— . J . S. Helms______ U. H. Patrick__. . . E. S. Beasley ......... Pop. 2000 64-876 Cochran Banking Co.. - $ § ’99 P. Peacock....__ W. O. Peacock____ J . A. W alker____ H. T. Asbell.— 64-311 First National Bank ._ — $’04 B. Peacock——— B. J . Wynne.____ J . B. Thompson... J . R. P orter. . . . 64-312 Cohutta___Whitfield C 2 North Georgia Banking Co W. Weatherby— H. R. McNabb........ W. E. Nants___. . . W. H. Pitner__ Pop. 400 64-878 $f’13 Colbert____ Madison F 4 Bank of Colbert______< § ’07 J . R. P. Thompson R. M. Gaulding___ J . L. Reinhardt__ Pop. 255 64-571 Coleman...Randolph C 8 Hammaek, Rish & Sons.»t’05 D. W. Hammaek... B. W. R ish______ Pop. 354 64-572 Collegepark. ..Fulton D 4 Bank of College.Park........ §11 J . H. Longino____ W. S. C ox_______ G. F. Longino, J r . . Pop. 2173 64-573 Collins------- Tattnall H 7 Bank of Collins______ < § ’05 L. O. Benton____ J . J . Kennedy____ J . M. Kinard____ I_____________ Pop. 327 64-574 Q BORGIA Map opposite page 142 P a id - u i Ca p it a i cn o o T own and County. •County Seats. GEORGIA—Continued </» 148 25,000 5,000 35,000 60,000 8,000 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 22,800 2,500 51,500 22,600 15,000 3,500 40,000 47,600 53,100 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N. Sparta and Dublin, Ga. 5,700 Irving N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga, Tenn. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 25,000 25,000 125,000 140,000 46,000 5,650 50,030 107,510 25,000 7,000 75,000 96,430 15,000 23,960 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 16,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Atlanta. 4,070 6,470 50,000 20,810 134,640 172,850 25,000 5,530 46,470 86,410 25,000 5,500 125,000 125,000 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 15,000 1,000 15,000 25,000 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 9,500 19,000 22,170 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 15,000 5,500 55,000 60,000 18,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 15.000 2,800 27,490 33,480 15,000 500 10,000 30,000 11,970 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 6,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citizens & Southern, Savan. 2,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Sav.. Savan. ----------- 15,000 15,000 7,000 5,000 41,000 25,000 9,840 58,460 73,050 25,000 65,000 124,000 158,000 115,830 10,790 Fulton N., Atl. 26,220 Han, N ..N . Y .; Germania. Savan. 14,840 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 28.000 30,940 71,060 10,000 750 17,000 11,000 25,000 9,000 45,000 60,000 22,370 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. N., Macon, Ga. 29,000 lhase N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.: Am 1ST M am . Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 38,760 i. Park. N. Y.: 4th N., Mi and Atl. Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6 16,280 eab. N., N. Y.; Hamilton K Lowry N., Atl. 15,000 25,000 3,490 48,890 72,920 19,460 15,000 5,400 35,860 II 48,960 13,400 I Savan. Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you will send your legal business direct to the Bonded Attorneys published in this Di rectory, it gives you a personal attorney who acts under yotir direct instructions and it puts him under Bond without any additional cost to you. Use the Coupons and Be Safe See Ind ex “ Law yers” fo r In s tr u c tio n s T h ir d N a t io n a l B Colum bus, ank Ga . W e Actually Remit the Day W e Collect. Interview s and Correspondence Invited Depositary of the United States, State of Georgia, City of Columbus Capital, $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 4 * Surplus and Undivided Profits, $ Deposits, $ •£ # 3 7 5 , 0 0 0 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 Officers G. GUNBY JORDAN, DIRECTORS P re s id e n t W. C. BRADLEY, V ic e -P r e s id e n t W. H. YOUNG, T. F. COOK, A s s t. C a s h ie r L. D. HILL, A s s t. C a s h ie r E . P . D IS M U K E S Pres. Ga. Mfg. Co. E. F. LUM M US Pres. F . H. Lum mus Sons Co. D. A. A N D R EW S «"■ *» G. G UNBY JO R D A N JA S . A. L E W IS Capitalist J - p - IL L G E S W . C. BRA D LEY Pres. W. C. Bradley Co. V A c S . f c S 0,,,“ ' S R . E . D IS M U K E S Pres. Eagle & Phenlx MIUs R O B T . JO E R G of J . B . Holst Co. Attorney a t Law DAN JO S E P H Pres. Dan Joseph Co. R . C . JO R D A N VIce-Pres. of the Jordan Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to fiÄP.n hanlf in TT S ATf>lncliralir Kir TKn novwi-itr^xTr.11« ___ • Accessible Towns, Lawyers, N uniber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' T own and County. »County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. »Colquitt____ Miller 0 9 Colquitt National Bank .«$’08 Pop. 1200 64-475 First National Bank___< ’03 64-474 ‘ Columbus.Muscogee B 7 ColumbusLn. &Bkg. Co. §*14 Pop. 21,805 64-65 ♦Columbus Savings Bk.»t§’89 64-60 Vice-President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . P. D. R ic h ______ J . M. Sh in g ler..... S. M. Watson......... Resources. C*T8. Bonds, OHANGB8,DUB SMURITI» from B anks 125,000 50,000 2 ,0 0 0 46,420 76,000 2 0 0 .0 0 0 1 1 1 ,2 0 0 908,000 1,018,000 ♦FOURTH NATIONAL BANK T. E. Blanchard__ E. P. Owsley......... J . B. H uff.._____ H. E. Weathers. 64-61 »*’92 T. S. Fleming 300.000 105,000 500,000 1,053,000 ♦Home Savings Bank—< § ’03 Rhodes Browne... H. L. Williams . . . . W. B. Langdon, T r. 64-62 ♦Merchants & Mech. Bk.*§’72 O. C. Bullock____ Geo. B. Whiteside. John K. Hinde—.. 64-57 Muscogee Bank ____< § ’13 J . M. Murrah____ J . A. Kirven_____ W. L. B u sh ______ 64-64 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ♦Phoenix Bank 64-63 < ’76 64-59 Columbus Clearing House... (Members indicated by a *) Comer——.„Madison F 3 Comer Bank________ <§1900 64-432 Pop. 1000 Peoples Bank_________ *§’07 64-433 Commerce__Jackson E 3 E. B. Anderson.............< t ’05 64-256 Pop. 2238 First National Bank___< ’04 64-255 Northeastern Bkg. C o..<§’92 64-254 Concord............ Pike D 5 Concord Banking Co__ $§’03 64-575 Pop. 450 H. B. Crowell, Tr. ^R. BROWNE...... — -H. L. W ILLIA M S-J. DOUGLAS NEILL-WM. W. HUNTU n it e d S t a t e s D e p o s ito r y . S e n d u s y o u r c o lle c t io n s . P ro m p t an d ca re fu l re tu rn s m a d e . < § ’95 R. P. Spencer, Sr. ‘THIRD NATIONAL BANK •*88 ‘ Conyers__Rockdale 1 4 BANK OF CONYERS. 64-282 Pop. 1919 G. Gunby Jordan.. W. C. Bradley — .T W. Matthews -W. H. YOUNG.........T. F. COOK . L. D. HILL W e a c t u a lly r e m it t h e d a y w e c o lle c t .” Y o u r it e m s a n d c o lle c t io n s s e n t U S w ill h a v e t h e p e r s o n a l a t t e n t io n o f a h o ff ic e r o f t h is B a n k . P r o m p t . R e a s o n a b l e c h a r g e . G iv e u s a t r i a l . SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 6. 6. 20,400 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon, Ga. 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Park, and Harriman N., N. Y.: 3d N., Col.. Ga. 150,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ PhU. 6. 9,760 379,610 491,640 125,000 135,000 452,000 617,000 29,280 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Columbus, Columbus, Ga. 95,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. 50,000 17,000 105,000 130,000 29,280 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 200,000 222,000 290,000 745,000 39,200 6,440 125,580 132,720 250,000 375,000 25.000 14,000 85.000 50,000 25,000 9,440 48,040 70 590 100,400 Liberty N ., N .Y .: Girard N., Fran k lin N., end Affli St. N .. Phil.. TV. Bk. of Savan.. Savan. 6 26,450 Han. N., N. Y,; Am. N., Atl. G. GUNBY JORDAN—W. C. BRADLEY. 750,000 1,210,000 280,000 N. P a rk , N. City, and N. B k . Com ., N. Y .: Cont. & Com’l N.. C h i.: N. M et.. W a sh ., D, C .; 4th N ., Atl. 6. G. Gunby Jordan.. Rhodes Browne___ W. H. Young_____ J . D. Neill, T r.. J , P. Gho'ston Wi E. Henslee— — J . O. N orris...—. . D. P. Moon.i......... C. V. Ridgway— W. A. Rowe E. B. Anderson, . it è Sec. W. B. Hardman— W. W. Stark— — Geo. L. Hubbard— H. L. Shannon.. L. G, Hardman. . . . G. W. D. Harber— C. J . Hood_______ A. M. Shankle — 0. T. Smith____— G. E. Strickland — S. A. K in g ...____ _ -*§’04 M. L. Wood______ J . T. Gibson_____ E. P. McDaniel___ M. W. Hull. 55,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 9,840 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N„ N.Y.; Atl. N.. Atl.; Ga. N., Athens. 7,190 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Athens, Athens. 25,000 12,500 39,180 113,790 50,000 26,230 65,000 155,720 1 0 0 .0 0 0 25,220 248,300 256,390 25.000 2 0 ,0 0 0 37,000 83,000 30,000 35,000 .140,000 145,000 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 50.000 60,000 170.000 240,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 3d N., Atlanta. 4.000 40.000 75.000 60,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y .i'lst N., Valdosta, Ga. 5.000 50.000 75.000 1 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 15,800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 6. 157.130 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 16,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. Chase N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. SA For S A FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 149 Bank of Rockdale—. . „ . * § ’02 John H. Almand__ C. B. Hudson......... C. E. Reagan.____ W. Tharpe Baldwin 64-281 Coolidge— Thomas E 10 Coolidge Banking Co__ * t ’07 W. A. B ustle____ W. A. J . Paramore G. T. Eight____— S. C. White____— 64-576 Pop. 303 R. Gihson Farmers & Merch. Bank.§’l l Walter Tlavis Boykin Harrison — O. S. Moncrief—__ 64-812 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 18.000 Han. N., N. Y. GEORGIA BANKS—Colquitt to Coolidge 65.000 J . S. Bush_______ N. L. Stapleton___ J . W. Bush............. W. J . Bush V. A. Cox________ A. H. Bickerstaff.. T. A. Williams.— P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 40.000 $ 11,920 $ 91.830 $ 99,060 $ 54,690 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 12,500 64-58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilit ie s . P aid-up Surplus DeposAND Capital P bofits ITS 50,000 ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBUS 44 P resident . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGIA—Continued July, 1915 140 1 ‘ J ____ D irecto ry , u nder th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . IS O N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R an d-M cN ally Bankers* T own and County. »County Seats. Name op B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State JMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. P r esid e n t . »Cordele......... Crisp E 8 ♦AMERICAN NAT’L BANK* 04 L. O. Benton Pop. 7000 64-144 ♦Citizens Bank 64-142 *• k ! I•> . W. A. Greer F. G. Boatright Cashier . J . W. Cannon. Ass ’t Cashier . E. A. Vinson. «tS’OO W. C. Hamilton___ C. C. Cleveland___ J . M. Hunt. L ia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s and Ca p it a l it s P r o f it s $ 100.000 $ 52,000 $ 200,000 250,000 50,000 Han. N..N. Y. 25.000 18.650 85.000 120.000 22,500 Han. N.. N. Y.: 4th N., Macon: Citiz. & South ern and N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. f w. h. McKenzie 100,000 J. V. DUNLAP......... E: p; McBllRNET" *C0RDELE NATIONAL BANK |Careful a tte n ti on to collections —Plain sight dra fts m ust be accom panled 64-143 *$’01 ( by 10c silver or postage to pay for presentation. 35,000 200,000 250,000 179,780 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y .; Lowry N„ Atl. 6. ♦Exchange Bank_____’07 64-145 Cordele Clearing House____ J . W. Cannon (Members indicated by a * ) 50,000 76,010 156,540 344,410 44,820 N. Park. N .Y .; Atl.N„ Atl. 37,860 Bk. of Am., N. Y .; Am. N., Atl. Cornelia.-Habersham E 2 Cornelia B ank ______ »$§1900 Pop. 1114 64-385 First National Bank___»t’09 64-386 »Covington..Newton E 4 Bank of Covington____ $§’01 Pop. 2697 64-227 Bank of Newton Co__ «$§’05 64-228 « 44 First National Bank t ’07 64-229 Crawford.Oglethorpe F 4 Bank of Crawford........... §’05 Pop. 871 64-577 .. V ice -Pr e sid e n t . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District L oans & D is- Ca sh & E x c ’t s . B onds , changes ,D ub of which bank is member. S e c u r ities from B anks . XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. E. F. Tison______ J . J . Williams, Sec. I. T. Sellers______ •T. E. Barr J . W. Peyton____ P. Duckett ______ 40,000 21,210 217,570 237,620 T. H. Little A. M. Haddon . . . —- C. M. Sm ith____ _ 30,000 5,500 110,000 102,000 22,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. X6, 100,000 20,000 175,000 250.000 C. W. Grant S. P. Thompson___ R. R. Fow ler____ C. S. Thompson . . . J . E. Philips____. . J . F. Henderson... O H White M. G. Turner____j, J . W. Harwell__ _ 80,000 12.000 130,000 223.000 50.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N.. Atl.: Citiz. & South ern, Savan.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 33.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N„ Atl. N. Z. Anderson.__ P. J . Rogers_____ T. P. A iken...____ 50.000 10,000 85,000 150.000 24.000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 3d N., Atl. 40,000 1,240 49,270 81,280 15,000 3,000 35,000 48.000 13.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 16,710 Han. N.. N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. W.B.R.Pennington Jo h n F . Holden___ J . A. Roland........... 0 . N. Epps---------E. Ot W. D. Smith FARMERS BANK.............*§’11 64-793 H. T. O'Neal. E. Holmes . 6,460 Han. N., N. Y.: Lowry N„ Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. »CrawfordvilleTaliaferro Bank of Crawfordville_..§’98 John F . Holden___ J . A. Kendrick . . . . M. P. Griffith. Pop. 1000 G5 64-458 .. .4 W. W. Bird Bank of Taliaferro §’08 P. G. Reid— 64-459 25,000 35,000 51,000 145.000 24,000 16,000 ' 42,000 94.000 17,900 Han. N.. N . Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Augusta: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. Oulloden____Monroe D 6 Bank of Culloden......... *t§’97 U. S. F u lle r_____ H. T. Fitzpatrick.. E. S. Winn___ Pop. 365 64-505 15.000 27,060 43,790 81,490 4,360 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Atl.; Citiz. N. Macon. 9,470 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. and Macon. GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . O. Holmes____ R. H. Holmes _ A. J , Johnson, J r .. 15,000 12,650 31,400 66.000 L. Edmondson S. H. Allen______ K. A. Kemp. . 25,000 15,000 75,000 73.000 M. W. Webb_____ O. N. Merritt. 25.000 9,000 60,000 100.000 L. H. Burgess . G. W. Heard C. C. Minter_____ R. L . H arp______ W. A. Gayler____ K. G. Harp D. B. Leaheart___ G. Y. Moore_____ E. C.Teel— ___ . . . H. L. Hill________ A. M. Wilson......... W. T. Hinton J . F . Pruett.. 15,000 5.000 60,000 52.000 50,000 21,000 100,000 170.000 P. M. Reid.______ 50,000 15,000 110,000 140.000 J . G. Hood____i___ 25,000 7,000 20,000 40.000 W. B. Townsend__ T. F. Jackson____ 15,000 400 18,000 25.000 R. C. Meaders____ J . H. Moore_____ A. B. K e ith ...____ H. B. Smith R. D. Leonard W. E . Spinks__ A. M. Kendall____ 15,000 3,180 61,100 60,750 25,000 20,000 90,000 130.000 W. F. Meek____ 25.000 19,250 80,000 120.000 H. L. Turner____ 9,200 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 15.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Pulton N., Atl. 15.000 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: 3d N.. Col.,Ga.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 52.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 35.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th. N., Atl.; Citiz. & South ern, Savan. fi 10.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N.. Atl. 9,400 Mech. & Metals. N., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 15,800 N. Park, N .Y.: Citiz., Gainesville, Ga.; Par. & Tra., Atl. 27,500 N. Park, N. Y.:Cont. &Com’l N.. Chi.; Atl. N„! Atl. 20,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 Merchants & Plant. Bk..$§’05 64-506 »Cumming..Forsyth D 3 Bank of Cumming____ $§’04 14 Pap. 305 64-515 Farmers & Merch. Bk._$§’08 64-516 »Gusseta—Chattahoochee Bank of Cusseta...............§’07 Pop. 341 C7 64-579 »Cuthbert—Randolph C 8 Bank of Cuthbert........... $§’90 Pop. 3210 64-207 First National Bank___»$’02 64-209 Dacula____Gwinnett D 4 Dacula Banking Co....... $§’09 Pop. 169 64-580 »Dahlonega. Lumpkin D 2 Bank of Dahlonega $§’02 Pop. 829 64-581 Bank of Lumpkin Co....• § ’11 64-794 »Dallas------Paulding C 4 Bank of Dallas......... . $§’99 Pop. 1259 64-359 Commercial-Savings Bk.«§’07 64-360 GEORGIA B ANKS-—Cordele to Dallas . ¿JB “ GEORGIA—Continued N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n» T own and County. xCounty Seats. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State £Mem. State Bks.Assn.îPriv. Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGIA—Continued Vice -P resident . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . P a id - u p Ca p it a l P r o f i t s ADalton___Whitfield B 2 Bank of Dalton______ •£ §’12 W. 0. Fincher____ G. Yaeger________ Buell Stark . . . . . . . . R. F. Wardlaw__ $ 50,000 { 64-174 Pop. 5324 it s Loans & B is - Ga sh Sc E x * ’t s . B onds , ch anges , Dus S ec u r it ie s from B anks 3,500 $ 52,000 Î 65,000 P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Chattanooga; 4th N. All. 6, 50.000 66.000 305.000 394.500 87,500 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. W. M. Hardwick__ T. D. Ridley........... 250.000 25.000 227.820 364.460 70,350 N. City. N. Y.: 4th St. N.. Phil. J . F . Holden......... G. O. Griffith____ R. C. Griffith — — B. N. White J . H. Wade______ H. L. D. Hughes... G. E. Chapman___ C. R. Faulk— 15.000 12.300 28,000 60,680 15.000 15.000 75.000 60.000 C. M.!Tyson........... J . G. F orbes._____ F. E. D ecker_____ R. H. Strain_____ 25.000 17.000 125.000 155.000 John D. W alker... W. C. Wilson____ S. J . Taylor. J r — 25.000 6.500 57,500 40.000 19.340 Coal & Iron N ., N. Y .: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sa van. 30.000 Mech. & Metals N., N.; Y. J . W. Aldred_____ W. J . Henderson „ W. M. Warren____ 15.000 3.500 46.000 65.000 11.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. B. B. Perry______ J . E. Morris___ _ C. D. Cocke. 100.000 12,500 125.000 200.000 50.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Macon Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. G. W. Dozier..___ K. S. Worthy____ R. D. Smith. 100,000 20.000 50.000 275.000 S. R. Christie— — R. Carver------. . . . . 100.000 120.000 250.000 375.000 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.; N. Bk. of Savan Savan. 6. X 6. 100.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 50.000 100,000 85.000 220.000 Bank of Danielsville—.< § ’08 64-582 Bank of Danville______ »§’05 64-583 Darien Bank...................»£§’89 64-584 Merchants & Par. Bank—§’05 64-585 Planters State Bank..........§11 64-795 »Dawson........Terrell D 8 BANK OF DAWSON — 64-765 Pop. 3827 *§’11 M. C. Edwards — City National Bank -___£’03 W. A. McLain—___ 64-189 Dawson National Bank_*£’89 R. L. Saville_____ 64-188 f J. M. B E L L -----FIRST STATE BANK — 1§’87 ] Special atten ti 64-882 ( We rem it th e d ‘ Dawsonville, Dawson E 3 Farmers & Citizens B k-£§’09 64-586 Pop. 179 Dearing___McDuffie H 5 Bank of Dearing...____ £§’11 64-587 Pop. 300 ‘ Decatur........DeKalb D 4 Bank of Decatur......... «£§’06 64-588 Pop. 5000 De Kalb County Bank— £§’11 64-768 Demorest__Habersham Bank of Demorest_____ §’92 Pop. 760 P2 64-589 Desoto........ '.Sumter D 7 De Soto Banking Co. . —•§’10 64-590 Pop. 228 Devereux—.Hancock G 5 Bank of Devereux „ ——£§’11 64-758 Pop. 450 Dexter____ Laurens G 7 Dexter Banking Co----- 1§’04 64-591 Pop. 550 Doerun____ Colquitt E 9 Bank of Doerun..------ i§ ’02 64-470 Pop. 630 Farmers Bank—.‘. . . — .§’09 64-471 Donalsonville . . . Decatur Bank of Donalsonville »$§’03 64-592 Pop. 747 C9 Dooling_____ Dooly E 7 Weathers Banking Co-«£§’13 Pop. 400 64-891 ‘ Douglas— —Coffee G 8 Bank of Douglas---------*£§’11 Pop. 5000 64-195 Citizens Bank— _____£§’01 64-194 Union Banking Co. . . . »£§’99 64-193 J. R. MERCER— GAY RAINES - — GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 12,100 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 15.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N„ Dublin. Ga. Savan. 15.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Macon. on given to Colie ctjons. ay we collect. T R Y US. John D. W alker__ E. McClure______ Hoyt Brannon____ 15.000 1,000 32.000 51.000 S. M. McNair_____ J . D. Howard____ F. J . Howard____ J . R. Howard W. E. McCalla . . . . W. H. Weekes____ A, R . Almon_____ W. C. McLain____ J . H. Green J . O. Norris_____ J . F. Green_____ _ C. H. Blount___. . . 15.000 2,600 12.000 29,500 25.000 35.000 225.000 250.000 25.000 10.000 65.000 85.000 (B r a n c h G. W. Bagley------- W. J . Sm ith_____ A. S. Johnson—— . 15.000 John D. Walker . — C. W. Coleman___ Walton Smith.. ; __ J . M. Monte R. C. Hogan_____ John E. Lord____ H. F . Maund_____ C. A. Shepard____ 15.000 25.000 3.000 55.000 62.380 L. O. Benton........... C. A. Edwards___ : W. M. Smith_____ J . F . W atkins____ 50.000 11,800 28.000 116,000 W. B. Jones_____ E. L. Bacon______ R. L. F ree.—_____ J . W. Batts______ J . S. Shingler____ A. R. Benton..___ W. H. Vanlandingham A. H. Weathers___ W. H. Martin_____ G. W. Edmundson. E. G. Weathers J . H. Peterson____ Wm. Fussell.:____ D. Wall__________ J . E. Wadley B. H. Tanner____ E.L. Tanner .Aefcwe G. M. S tan to n ..... M. D. Dickerson J . M. Ashly— __ C. E. Baker______ J . L. Shelton— . . . J . W. Quincy I. R . Atiltman, J r — 3,600 Corn. Ex. N. Y.; Çitiz. & Southern, Augusta. 50.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Fulton N., Atl. 30.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 1,000 5,000 26.000 15.000 16,000 3.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr Co., Savan. 36.000 Merch., Augusta, Ga.; Am. N., Macon. 16,400 8,200 30.000 55.000 100,000 50.000 125.000 250.000 2,000 * 75,000 110.000 27,110 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Atl. N., Atl. 13.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N.. Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 10.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 35.000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern Savan.; Cent. Bk.& Tr. Corp., Atl. 2,120 Gotham N. and Chase N., N.Y.: Bk. of Tifton, Tifton, Ga.: Southern Ex., Dublin, Ga. 20.000 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. P. P. : Williams____ 25.000 T. J . Tucker......... . 25,000 ' C. H. Ross_______ 5.000 Mech. & Metals N - N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. o f C o m d i a B a n k, C o m e lia , G a .) N. Park, N. Y.; Cornelia. Bk. Cornelia, Ga. : N. A. Thomason__ ‘ Douglasville___Douglas Douglasville Bkg. Co. .«£§’91 J . T . Duncan____ A. W. McLarty___ G. T. McLarty___ Pop. 1462 0 4 64-335 Farmers & Merch.Bk. »£§’07 W. C. Abercrombie R. M. Johnston___ R. E. Edwards.___ 64-336 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D epo s- First National Bank___ £’88 P. B. Trammell___ W. C. Martin____ E. P. Davis______ J . G. McLellan___ 64-173 C. L. Hardwick & Co. .» i t ’73 F. T. Hardwick___ 64-172 ‘ Danielsville____Madison Pop. 323 F 3 Danville____sTwiggs F 6 Pop. 299 ‘ Darien___McIntosh J 9 Pop. 1500 Davisboro____Wash.G 6 Pop. 589 Resources. L ia b il it ie s . P resident . 9,930 July, 1915_____________ GEORGIA BANKS— Dalton to Douglasville 151 52.500 30.000 125.000 255,000 25.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz., Valdosta. 49.500 53,820 201,190 290,090 40.000 12.000 102.000 91,100 35,870 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .: N. City,'Chi.; N. Bk. of Brunswick, Brunswick, Ga. Savan.Bk. & Tr. Cp.. Savan. 60.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Am. N., Atl. : 25.000 5.000 75.000 88,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N.,Atl. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 152 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to «ach bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, under th e au th o rity of The A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Town and County. *Oounty Seats. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv Est. P resident . A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, > —* F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. Cn GEORGIA—Continued Vice-President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . D over...____Screven 16 Bank of Dover............. ...§ ’12 L. O. Benton____ W. M. Howard....... L. F. H a r ris..:... Pop. 200 64-832 W. A. Wilson etc., see page 14. Resources. L ia b ilit ie s . S u rplu s P a id - u p and ( D e p o s Ca p it a l P r o f i t s ITS c ’t b . B onds S ec u r it ie s $ 15,000 $ $ 5,500 Loans & Dis 22,000 Cash & E x changes , D ue from B anks P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 5,860 Han. N.. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan. ‘ Dublin.___Laurens G 7 CITY NATIONAL BA N K~<06 J . M. Williams___ T. H. Black______ Albert R. Arnau. Pop. 8000 64-151 A. T. Summerlin A. D. Blackshear. Commercial Bank_____ $§’11 J . M. Page_______ E. D. White........ A.P. Hilton— . . . 64-152 Dublin & Laurens Bank < § ’92 0. W. Brantley.— J . M. Finn---------- S. J . L o rd ..____ 64-149 I. H. Fort J!........... 25.000 4,500 48,000 92,000 9,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. B. B. Fordham... 75.000 100.000 450.000 500,000 125.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan, Atl. N., Atl. 200.000 125,000 825,000 1,400.000 150,000 N.Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Merch.-Mech N., Balt.; 4th N. and 3rd N., Atl. X6 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<02 F. G. Corker.......... W. B. R ic e ______ A. W. Garrett........ J . E. Freeman. 64-150 W. S. Phillips C. R. W illiam s..... J . T. Pope_____— B. M. Lewis____ 40,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; 4th N., Macon; Citiz. & South era, Savan.; 3d N., Atl. X6 30,000 1,300 30,130 87,180 4,800 10,000 35.000 D. W. Wilson.— 25.000 6,000 50,000 70.000 9,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan Fulton N., Atl. 7,980 Han. N., N. Y.; Dublin & Laurens, Dublin Ga.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 15.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N„ Atl. J . N. M cClure..__ W. E. Jones _____ F. E. Seay.......... 15,000 1,600 40,000 40.000 10.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. D. W. K night.... L. P. Pattillo.......... J . R. Cherry... Roy Askew..___ (Branch of Chipi ey, Ga.) Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. W. N. Lietch____ T . H. Prince........... S. A. Edwards___ 150.000 13,500 135,000 250,000 A. G. Williamson.. Leroy Pharr___ Hector Cameron... C. C. Hosford J . D. Herman____ W. P. Cobb______ P. M. Roberts........ J . H. Roberts F. J . Allen_______ A. J . McCoy_____ B. B. Baker.. 100,000 20,000 100,000 200,000 50.000 30,000 100,000 194,690 35.000 4,000 130.000 135,000 18,480 N. Park, N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Ati.; 4th N., Macon. 40.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 35.000 N .B k. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz & Southern, Savan.; Atl. N., Atl. 9,650 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 6, P. W. Walton, J r .. P. W. Walton, Jr. . 25,000 40,000 90,000 145,000 B. W. Hunt E. W. Ingram........ 51,400 68.000 138,860 271,800 Henry T u rn e r..... L. C. Manry______ 50,000 30.000 70,000 148,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y .: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. C. O. Brown_____ 25,000 42,000 100,000 150,000 S. P. Rampley____ P. E. Heard.... ........ 25.000 33,000 105,600 125.000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y .: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; 4th N., Atl. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl H. E. Hammack... E. B. Field s........... T. O. Tahor Henry B alchin___ Z. C. Hayes............. W. D. Hawes 75.000 30,040 67,200 194,530 M. E. MAXWELL- H. P. HUNTER. .. 60.000 16.330 146,150 258.750 7,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Lówry N., Atl. 18,400 Atl.; 1st N., Balt. 26,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atlanta; Citiz. N. Balt. 6, 20,400 480 7,080 17,860 10,100 15,000 7,000 95,000 90,000 17,000 15,000 1,000 10,500 26,490 3,850 15,000 4,100 6,500 33,250 2,190 15,000 15.000 70,000 61,000 24,000 1,000 7,850 32,220 4,130 500 14,190 30,520 Public Bk., N. Y.; Weathers Bkg. Co., Dooling, Ga. 7,440 N. City, N. Y.r 3d N., Atl.; C. L. Hardwick & Co., Dalton, Ga. 20.000 15,000 N., Marietta, Ga. Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Nnmhitr under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Accessible Town», Lawyers, Laws, mrector«, inin h<utk of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s. G ra c e .; July, 1915 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 08 i Well organized collection depart m ent. 64-129 (P ro m p t person al presentation. Reasonable rates. Elko_____..Houston E 7 Bank of E lko_________ $§’05 J . D. Coleman____ J . H. G ra ce ....___ C. E. Eubanks____ Pop. 273 64-595 ‘ Ellaville.___ Schley D 7 Bank of Ellaville______ *§’10 J . H. Stevens____ S. Z. Williams____ Pop. 672 64-461 Ellenton-----Colquitt E 9 Bank of Ellenton_____< § ’11 J . I. B ak er______ J . R. Barfield_____ W. S. McGouirk . . . Pop. 468 64-775 Ellenwood — Clayton D 4 Bank of Ellenwood_____$§’12 A. M. Stewart. . . . . W. G. Callaway___ E. Cowan________ Pop. 200 64-831 ‘ E llija y _____Gilmer D 2 Bank of Ellijay— ...........§ ’14 Sam Tate________ R. L. McClain____ E. T. Hudson_____ Pop. 659 64-596 Empire______ Dodge F 7 Empire Banking Co._____§10 C. 0. Hall— ____ W. E. H art______ R. H. Beacham___ Pop. 500 64-597 Enigma_____Berrien F 9 Peoples Bank--------------- §15 A. H. Weathers___ J . McMillan_____ T, E. Woodruff___ Pop. 500 64-912 H. F. Stewart Eton------------- Murray C2Bank of Eton.... ..............$§’io O. C. K eith............. S. A. Brown_____ L. M. Jo n e s _____ Pop. 307 64-598 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 250.000 15,000 J . A. Hogan______ ‘ Eastman____ Dodge F 7 CITIZENS BANKING C0.-$§’01 C. H. Peacock........ Pop. 2355 64-251 First National Bank___< ’09 S. H erm an______ 64-253 Merchants & Far. B k._<§’04 E. D. Graham____ 64-252 East Point___Fulton D 4 Bank of East Point___< § ’06 R. F . Thompson... Pop. 3682 64— 594 ‘ Eatonton ...Putnam F 5 Bank of Eatonton........< § ’03 L. O. Benton Pop. 2036 64-271 Middle Georgia Bank__<§’91 E. B. Ezell. ............ 64-270 Edison------- Calhoun C 8 Bank of Edison.........— $§’04 O. .T. Ramho . . Pop. 841 64-438 Hammack Rish B a n k ..-it’07 D. W. Hammack _. 64-439 »Elberton____Elbert G 3 Bank of Elberton......... < § ’93 W. O. Jones. _ Pop. 6483 64-127 Citizens Bank_______ < § ’01 L. M. Heard......... 64-128 Elberton Ln. & Sav. Bank P. M. Hawes . 64-126 < § ’86 |JOHN F. HOLDEN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 165.000 GEORGIA BANKS—Dover to Eton Southern Exchange Bk_<§’14 64-153 Dudley—___Laurens G 7 Bank of Dudley.............. »§’05 Pöp. 400 64-593 Duluth— ..Gwinnett D 4 Bank of D u luth............ $§’04 Pop. 469 64-495 Farmers & Merch. Bk__.*§’11 64-496 Durand. -Meriwether Farmers & Mchts. Bank.i§’10 Pop. 80 64-774 100.000 $ 25,000 153 T own and County . ACounty Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Est. •Fairburn..Campbell C 4 Pop. 1395 64-813 i-: ' *4 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, m- Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ P r e s id e n t . R . P. McLarin dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G ra ce , r-j e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page UK ¡5 P rincipal Correspondents . „ R esources . Lia b il it ie s . i Also Federal Reserve District Loans k Du* Cash ft E xof which bank is member. D epos c’tb. Bonds, CHANOTSfDui P aid- up S urplus and xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect System. , its Capital P rofits Ssouhitiib teomB anks GEORGIA—-Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . As s ’t Ca s h ie r . J . L. Brassell------- C. R. Harvey------- H. W. Jones— $ 40,000 $ 4(' . ; 40,000 130.000 220,000 15,000 6,500 25,500 53,500 47,500 156.000 202.000 25.000 25,000 50.000 100,000 15.000 4,100 5,000 25,000 100.000 112,000 400,000 475.000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. of Savan.. Savan. 125,000 90,000 300,000 350,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 15,000 3,330 41,910 36,010 10,000 4,000 12,500 22,000 4.800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atlanta. 20,000 4,500 27,780 53,780 8,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atlanta. 15,000 2,700 45,000 47,000 17,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 50,000 12,000 83,090 77,880 62.650 Han. N..N. Y.: Am. N.. Macon: 3d N., Atl. • 50,000 50.000 140,000 98,000 43,100 N. Park, N. Y.: Oitiz. N., Maçon. 25,000 ■29,460 50,140 101,560 25,000 12,240 55,380 92,300 50,000 58,000 55,000 137,000 55,500 33,180 69,490 127,380 27,150 4,000 21,000 65,000 50,000 48,000 430,020 854,000 307,900 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .:’ Mchts. N., Rich. 50,000 8,080 156.730 105,690 13,800 Han. N., N. Y .: Citiz, & Southern, Savan. J . W. H ill---------- 25,000 1,590 56,330 99,070 A. J . Kitchens.-— F . S, Loftin —— - E. E. Lewis—------ 25,000 14,500 48.000 82,000 R. G. Crain______ C. E. Eady-------...■ G. A. Adams— 7.000 Ï 15.060 59,670 W. B. G reen____ Y. H. Longino. •$§’09 { Collections rece Ive personal atte ntlon of officer, promptly and reasons for non- payment given, 1 F ru it drafts glv en special atten tl on. Exchange Bank— .-——»i§’88 64-230 First National Bank—~ « i’95 64-231 •Franklin— —Heard B 5 Bank of Heard County.i§’05 64-509 Pop. 340 Peoples Bank--- -------— §’06 64-510 OBORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 50.000 J . H. Longino------ W. T. Roberts— T. Homrick — . J . C. McCrocklin.Fair Mount—Gordon C 3 Fair Mount B an k ------- »§’05 J . C. McCrocklin .. R. W. F. Dew Pop. 600 G. M. Stell— »Fayetteville.Fayette C 5 Bank of Fayetteville— tt'98 S. T. Blalock_____ A. O. Blalock......... E. V. Jones— ........ 64-454 Pop. 1000 C. D. Redwinfe—.. W. F . TravisFarmers & Merch. Bank.5’06 J . W. Wise____— 64-455 J . W. Conner, S r .. J . E. Norris—____ Finleyson___Pulaski F 7 Bank of Finleyson_____ §10 L, F . Finleyson___ R. t . Scarborough 64-601 Pop. 232 T. F . Hteinminger.. C. W. Kimball— »Fitzgerald.Ben Hill F 8 Ben Hill National Bank . . 15 E. N. Davis.—— — 64156 Pop. 8000 Exchange National Bank«t’06 W. R. Bowen____ T. S. Price_______ J . D. Dorminey— M. M. Stephens___ J . E. Turner 64-155 M. W. Garbutt____ A. H. Thurmond — D. A. Bragg-------'K . FarmerFirst National B an k ... »$1900 E . C. Williamson J . C. Brewer 64-154 J . T. Gibson-------F . M. Lawson........ F . S. Etheridge— Flovilla—-____ Butts E 5 Bank of Flovilla— ..........§’06 64-494 Pop. 495 W. A. Dozier____ L. B. Dozier. W. B. Dozier, Banker..$t’95 W. B. Dozier_____ 64-493 C. B. Milikin____ L. O. Benton------- C. O. W allis.. Flowery Branch-Hall D 3 Bank of Flowery Branch 64-602 •J§'04 Pop. 373 W. D. Broadwell— »Folkston-Charlton H 10 Citizens Bank--------------- §12 B. F. Scott______ B. G. McDonald__ D. F . Pearce____ Wm. Mizell 64-833 Pop. 600 J . L. Burt — J . T. Stephens— J . J . Cater.___— R. B. Stephens— Bank of Forsyth— — t§’95 •Forsyth___Monroe D 5 64-259 Pop. 2208 J . G. Tingle . Farmers Bank— — — $§’10 R. T. Persons------ R. P. Brooks------64-262 R. E. Ponder.. S. Rutherford____ J . M. Ponder......... First National Bank— »t’01 64-260 Monroe County Bank—•$§’08 W. 0. H ill..— — . C. B. Hollis— . . — C. W. Hill — 64-261 W. L. Paullin.. •Fort Gaines— Olay B 8 Bank of Fort Gaines—.$§’91 J . Vinson_______ _ G. W. Morris— 64-352 Pop. 1320 R. E. Peterson-----A. W. Holley — I. P. Chambers — W. A. McAllister.. First National Bank------$’01 ‘ 64-353 H. L. Mobley— 1. P. Chambers; . . — Union Savings Bank-----$§’10 W. A. McAllister ^ ■ 64-354 L. L. BROWN-— - C. £ . MANTIN— — B. H. FINCHER, f A. J. EVANS Fort Valley-Houston E 6 CITIZENS BANK— 64-232 Pop. 2697 4,000 $ 75,000 $ 90,000 $ 15,000 Han. N ., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. fPM W. C.. Wright----W. H. Harris___ 8,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Fulton Ni, Atl. 70.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. il®'» H- ’ K- n H °IrP * 7,530 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl. 50.000 6. 6. 14,050 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon. 32,040 Chase N ..N . Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 6. 17,200 Hah. N.andMech.&Metals N.,N.Y.:Am.N.,Atl.; 4th N., Macon: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 18,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. Bk.& Tr. Corp., Atl.:, Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. 27.340 Han. N., N. Y.: Mchts. N.. Savan. 10,000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. rem itted for R. E. Brown-------- S. B. Brown.......... D. O, McCook. G. D. Hartley____ 10,400 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. ,- J 25.000 17,720 N. Park, N. Y .: 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & South ern, Savan. x 6. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 3,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N.. Atl.: La Grange Bkg. & Tr. Co., La Grange, Ga. For SAFETY a n d SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to B O N D E D LAWYERS (See Index toLawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 154 T own and County. ‘ County Seats. Name op B ane . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. ‘ Gainesville____Hall E 3 Citizens Bank Pop. 5925 64-140 P resid e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r Holidays, see opposite page 13, GEORGIA—Continued V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . Li a b i l i t i e s . P a id - u p ¡SURPLUS D e p o s C a p i t a l P kAND it s o p it s J ’lS J . C. Pruitt______ J . H. Hosch______ C. L. Newton____ . J . F . Pendergrass— $ 50,000 $ Farmers & Merchants Bank J . H. Martin_____ E. P. Hamm_____ J . A. Webb______ M. K. Staton 64-141 §'13 50,000 R esources . & Loans Dis- Cash & E x c' ts. Bonds, changes, Due Securities from B anks. P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 9,000 $ 116,000 $ 144,000 $ 15,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl Ga. N., Athens. 6,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 105,000 200,000 285,000 50,000 40,000 150,000 175.000 75.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 75,000 39.500 150,000 225,000 39,600 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y .: 4th N., Atl. 12,000 57.770 32,700 84,500 15,000 1,500 12,450 52,290 25,000 5,000 30,000 50,000 69,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. ‘ Georgetown — Quitman Farmers & Mchts. Bank.îS’06 A. T. K in g ______ J . L. Lewis______ L. G. Brannon____ W. W. Bledson___ Pop. 313 B8 64-605 25,000 12,320 51,310 49,670 30,920 N. Park, N. Y.; ‘ Gibson — Glascock G 5 Bank of Gibson Pop. 367 64-606 15.000 12.500 30,000 50.000 16.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. ... 15,000 1,000 10,000 15,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 Han. N., N. Y.: Ga. N.. Athens. W. Y. Stephens__ 15.000 12,000 45,000 65.000 1 0 ,0 0 0 Han. N., N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan., Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. W. F . Durrence__ H. H. Daniel_____ C. W. Kicklighter.. R. D. Easterling__ 30.000 6,500 75.000 90.000 1 1 ,0 0 0 S. J . Kicklighter — T. .T. Tiel.nar.h . . 25.000 3.780 67,130 63,420 J . F . Cook_______ B. S. Calhoun____ W. J . Futral_____ W. M. Pope 20,000 16,420 45,480 69,460 W. A. Jo n e s ____ J . W. Brooks..___ R. C. Billings____ R. L. Bell................ 18,800 2,000 50.000 47,000 12,500 Han. N., N. Y .; 4th N., Macon. 15.000 7,000 30.000 58,000 18,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. 25,000 17.000 30.000 90,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 2,000 38,000 48.000 17,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 4th N.. Macon. W. M. Durden____ D . B. Durden____ L. O. Roberts 25,000 28,000 50,000 135,000 W. A. Cooper____ W. J . Tribble 25,000 2.800 41,280 42,030 FIRST NATI BK. 64-137 HH . .. Gainesville National Bank Samuel C. Dunlap. W. A. Charters___ Sam’l C.Dunlap.Jr. J . A. Rudolph____ 64-139 * t ’05 •• 64-138 “ l » Oldest National Bank In Gainesville. M Remit on day of payment. Personal presentation. J . H. Hunt 64-136 •i§'89 T, F, Atkins R. J . Sanders. W. R. Winburn t '39 Garfield---- Emanuel H 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank J . A. Chapman___. H. H. Stewart____ E. A. Chance____ D. M. Cason Pop. 319 64-514 111 Gay------- Meriwether C 5 Bank of Gav_ Pop. 210 64-604 Gillsville______ Hall E 3 Pop. 300 64-796 Girard...............Burke 1 5 Bank of Girard Pop. 227 64-607 *S’09 M. F. Bowles §’05 W. H. Ferguson__ B. F . Walker____ MissLillie Ferguson *§•11 M. O. Gilmer_____ C. J . Meaders____ P. F. Bryan . . _*§’06 .T. F. Odom Glennville — Tattnall H 9 Glennville Bank_____ •t§’05 Pop. 640 64-468 *• Peoples Bank .... _*§’07 64-469 Glen wood ..Wheeler G 7 Farmers Bank______ - § ’06 Pop. 500 64-608 Gordon . . . Wilkinson F 6 Peoples Bank________ -t§ ’06 Pop. 702 64-609 Gough_______ Burke H 5 §10 Pop, 400 64-610 Grantville___Coweta C 5 Pop. 1132 ‘ Gray________ Jones E 6 Pop. 500 Graymont—Emanuel H 6 Pop. 417 Grayson — Gwinnett D 4 Pop. 278 ‘ Greensboro..Greene F 5 Pop. 2120 ** * *• A. F . F s te s ............ J . M. Birchmore__ C. F. F.vans__ J . R. Gay Bank of Grantville___ •t§’01 64-611 Bank of Gray ..... —$§’09 64-612 Bank of Graymont___ •$§’01 64-613 Bank of Grayson ' _$§’06 64-614 Copelan National Bank —$’07 64-267 Greensboro National Bank '03 64-266 ‘ Greenville —Meriwether Greenville BankingCo.. - § ’91 Pop. 1000 C5 64-422 Peoples Bank________ - § ’05 64-423 J . D. Walker _ A.M. Torbit .T.W. Delk C. W. Kitchens W. A. Bohannon . . Glenn Arnold_____ .T. A. Latimer R. H. Kingman, Sr. T. S. Bush .r. W. Bonner J . H. Busse. W. T . Roberts____ E. W. Copelan____ P. F . M erritt____ M. F . Si.<!k .. N. P. Park L. O. Benton —___ W. P. Wallace____ R. L. McCommons. F. A. Shipley 50,000 15,000 60,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 50.000 6,500 55,000 70,000 R. J . Atkinson___ .T.T,. Render 60,000 60,000 79,690 227,530 30.000 16,120 50,290 86,030 . W. L. Pinkston___ H. W. Hill, Sr........ N. F . Culpepper__ H. W. Hill, J r ........ 6. G. Eckford—___ GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Vnmhw . N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 100,000 Han. N., N .Y .; 3d N ., A tI.;N . Bk. of Savan., Savan. 6, .i 17,970 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 3,290 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern Savan. Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 30,450 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern and N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 17,810 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 2 0 ,0 0 0 Chase N., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. Han. N., N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 26,380 Han. N.. N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 2 0 ,0 0 0 N. Park.N .Y.: N. Ex., Augusta;Lowry N., Atl, 30,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp.. Atl. £ 28,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 13,600 Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to and Correspondence :o Collections Collectif GEORGIA BANKS—-Gainesville to Greenville_____________ July, 1915 g£ •t’S (Z.T.CASTLEBERRYH. H. DEAH---— - J. W. SMITH------- J. L TELE ) J. E. REDWINE 1 0 ,0 0 0 \AKjvi\viin u a u iv a N um ber u nder N am e of B a n k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B an d -M cN ally B an k ers' D irectory, u n d er th e au th o rity of T h e A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Name of Bane . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Town and County. ¿County Seats. P resident . Guyton___Effingham J 7 Pop. 545 Haddock_______ Jones P 6 Pop. 312 Hagan . . ¿ . — Tattnall I 7 Pop. 784 Hahira___Lowndes F 10 Pop. 1000 it it ¿Hamilton___Harris C 6 Pop. 403 44 44 Hampton____Henry D 5 Pop. 1093 Hapeville Fulton D 4 Pop. 864 Harlem___Colombia H 5 Pop. 736 7Harrison___Washington Pop. 383 G6 .... , tiip i, n L t v i i tiu ii lu v u u v w l iu u s a n u v u i 1 w d p u iiu v liw w A ccessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, in* dexed in back of this volume F o r In terest B a te s , G race, e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. L ia b ilit ie s . Resources. P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District Loans k Du- Cash k E x P aid- up Surplus D spos c’ts. Bonds, changes,Ddb and of which bank is member. Capital P rofits Hicubitim from Banks xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Y ice -Pkesident . Cashier . As s 't Cashier . J . G. R h ea______ J . E. D rake_____ R. A. Drake S 70,000 $ 30,000 S 130,000 $ 230,000 $ 22,370 Atlantic N„ N. Y.; Merch-Mech. N„ Balt. 6. B. R. Blakely____ E. C. S m ith ....___ J . P. Nichols, J r . . . E. C. Smith 100.000 125.000 207.350 311,940 R. F . Strickland... J . O. Brooks 100.000 140.000 235.000 350.000 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. Savings Bank of GriffintS’89 B. R . Blakely____ R. T. Daniel_____ J . H. Smith_____ _ E. H. Griffin • 64-115 50.000 50,670 152,000 199,660 40,630 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: 1st N., Balt.; Fulton N., Atl. Effingham County Bank»iS ’04 J . T . Wells __________ 64-482 Jones County Bank {§’05 T. R. Turner____ 64-615 Bank of Hagan______ -•{§’04 G. W. DeLoach___ 64-616 Bank of Hahira. .< § ’06 L. M . Stan f i l l _______ 64-617 Citizens B ank ______ ..{ § ’13 J . A. Hodges____ 64-868 Bank of Hamilton___ -• § ’05 C. H. Cook______ 64-618 Bank of Harris County - t i l l E. L. Pearce_____ 64-814 Bank of Hampton. . . . ..{ § ’02 W. P. Wilson____ 64-619 First National Bank ’l l W. M. H a rris...__ 64-779 • Bank of Hapeville____ __i ’l l J . M. Daniel_____ 64-620 Bk. of Columbia County*$’05 J . D. Walker____ 64-449 Bank of Harlem_____ •{§’05 F . H. Phillips____ 64-448 Bank of Harrison____ — §’06 Wiley Smith. 64-622 J . M. Gnann_____ R. J . Taylor_____ 25.000 125,000 110,000 15.000 N. Park. N. Y.i Citiz. & Southern, Savan. J . T . F in n ey ____ _ G. A. Sm ith ... 25.000 14.000 30,000 79.600 15.000 5,000 30,000 45,000 6,500 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 4th N., Macon. 6,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. W. H. Overstreet.. W. H. McKinnon.. O. Rfiaty E. J . Smith F. F . McNeal_______ J . W.' King__ 35,000 15,000 75.000 115.000 30,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Valdosta. Ga. J . F C. Williams . . T. W. Telford A. L. Hardy B. H. Williams___ W. K, ITewett......... A. C. Hobbs R. J . Arnold . J . O. Rutherford.. 16,200 B. F . Dowdy_____ J . L. O. S. Tyns DeLoach____ F. C. Smith GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 15,000 3,500 10,000 23,000 60,000 64,500 111,530 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.; Atlanta N„ Atl. 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 16,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 3d N., Col. 15,000 1,200 20,000 53,000 9,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 25.000 33,890 45,010 115,580 30,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlanta N., Atl. A. M. Henderson — F. R. Harris ......... 30.000 10,000 30,000 80,000 J . T. Lasseter, J r . . Z. Adamson 15,000 5,000 21,110 38,740 4,380 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. E . D. Clary______ W. S. Lazenby___ Thos. M. Perry___ 25,000 2,000 50,000 81,000 E. R. Clark W. E. Hatcher S. P, Priee 31,900 5,200 36,000 80,000 1,200 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch. Bk.. Augusta. 3,990 Corn Ex., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta. 15,000 8,000 35,000 62,350 50.000 10,000 40,000 125.000 O. R. Olarlr J . N. Lanier J , S. Harrison____ __ Hart County Bank___ ..§ ’15 Chas. I. Kidd_____ J . B. McCurry ___ _ F. T. Kidd 64-918 Hartwell Bank_____ ... •{§’89 64-276 ¿Hawkinsville ...Pulaski ★ First National Bank.. .•{’05 Pop. 3420 F 7 64-198 44 44 ★ Hawkinsville Bk. & Tr. Co. 64-196 •{§’72 .. .. ★ Planters Bank.... ........ •{§’96 64-197 44 “ Pulaski County B ank.. - § ’12 64-853 " 44 Hawkinsville Clearing House ( M em bers in d ic a te d b y a ★ ) ¿Hazlehurst__ Jeff Davis Bank of Hazlehurst__ •{§’06 Pop. 1500 H 8 64-375 «« it t§ ’Q5 64-374 *4 it Merchants & Planters Bank 64-905 §14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis jl u GEORGIA—Continued ¿Hartwell........... Hart G 3 FARMERS & MERGH. BANK J . H. Skelton_____ J . A. W. Brown__ .T. L. Massev . Pop. 3000 64-277 •{§1900 <« r J . W. Williams___ J . D. Matheson..._ J G Craft 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl, 6. 11,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Dublin. Ga. 6,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. Me 25,000 60,000 26,000 100,000 150,000 15,000 N. Park, N. Y .: Am. N. Atl.; 1st N., Balt. W. N. Parsons____ J . J . Whitfield___„ Z. V. Peacock____ 50,000 41.080 112,980 136,470 E. J . Henry____. . . R. A. Pate_______ J.H . Caldwell____ 50.000 40,000 150,000 200,000 54,640 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan., 6. 40,000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: Merch-Mech. N., Balt. J . F . Coney........... W. N. P arsons___ N. A. Jellrs 50,000 80,000 140.000 225,000 40.000 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y. J . B. Glover_____ D. T. Mashburn... C. W. E. Marsh___ E. H. Ware 29,100 2400 35,000 40,000 W. N. Parsons____ W. E. White.— . . . N. A. Jelks. S ee. J . W. Hinson_____ ................................- J . C. Shaw______ Jos. F . Ellington __ L. Carter________ L. W. Johnson___ F. M. Haynes Olive Mitchell..__ Geo. W. Yarn_____ H. Cook_________ w . T?. Wood John F . Hall 8,500 Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; lstN ., Dublin, Ga. 15,000 2,240 50,000 40,000 10,000 Han. N. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 25.000 5,000 42,670 : 83,390 15,000 2,000 22,000 20,350 N. Park, N. Y.: Chatham Bk., Savan.; 3d N., Atl.: Am. N., Macon. 7,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Southern Bk. & Tr. Co., Valdosta, Ga. 8,000 ______________ GEORGIA BANKS—Griffin to Hazlehurst ¿Griffin____Spalding D 5 City National B an k ... __{ ’73 R. H. Drake_____ 64-113 Pop. 7478 .. « Griffin Banking Of)-.. .•{§’70 J . P. Nichols____ 64-112 - .. •• Merchants & Planters Bank H. H. B ass______ 64-114 {§ ’89 ^ \ u v ci tid in g ^ ir v July, 1915 i r r t* For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See index to Lawyers) 156 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. ‘ County Seats. Helen_ P r esid e n t . Vice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . Bank of Helen___ ____¿..§’13 J . E. Mitchell____ L. G. Hardman 64-879 G .S .K y tle Citizens Bank_________ «§’05 O. W. Turner____ 64-623 Bank of Hiawassee____ §’09 J . P. Johnson___ Jesse M. Rice— J . J . Kimsey 64-625 Bank of Hillsboro — ___ §’11 J . T. Garland—,__ J . H. Barron___ 64-770 Hinesville Bank________ §’11 J . R. Ryon______ J . B. Way_____: 64-783 T. L. Varner Bank of Hiram___...___$§'07 E . W. Dean____ 64-626 Hogansville Banking Co* James P. Askew.. W. E. Johnson.. J . N. Bonner Planters Bank_______ »¿§’15 R. H. Jenkins___ 64-368 64-367 «$§’04 ‘ Horner— . — Banks P 3 Banks County Bank__..•§’10 Pop. 228 64-627 ‘ Homerville__ Clinch G 9 Bank of Homerville___ .$§’03 Pop. 437 64-628 Hoschton— -Jackson E 3 Bank of Hoschton..........$§’04 Pop. 429 64-629 Ideal------------Macon D 7 Bank of Ideal ________ $§’10 Pop. 186 64-630 Ha---------------- Madison F 3 Bank of Ila___ —,______ §10 Pop. 28 64-631 Iron City------Decatur C9 Citizens Bank—______ «$§’05 Pop. 459 64-632 Alrwinton. Wilkinson P 6 Irwinton Bank_______ «$§’11 64-633 Wtt. Pop. 249 Irwinville.____ Irwin P 8 Bank o f Irwinville_____ $§'06 Pop. 300 64-634 * Jackson.------- Butts E 5 First Farmers B a n k ___$§’12 Pop. 2500 64-843 First National Bank___ *$'01 64-290 L. N. T u rk ______ R. T. Thompson. As s ’t Ca sh ier . flexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite “page 13 Li a b i l i t i e s . R esources . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District P a id - u p SURPLUS Depos Loans A Dis- Gash &Ex* AND c*ts. B onds, CHANGES,Du« of which bank is member. Ca p it a l its Securities from B anks. P r o f it s XMem, Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ___ P. J . Manney_____ $ 15,000 $ 1,110 $ 45,640 $ 45,430 $ 7,970 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Gainesville, Ga. W. W. Norman___ 15.000 1,000 25,000 25,000 W. O. Sparks.__— G. W. F ran k s____ 15.000 1,500 55,000 60,000 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N Bk. of Savan.. Savan. 10,000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 66,640 Com’l N., Macon; N. Bk. Com., Balt. E. B. McCullough.. 15,000 4,970 86,820 39,640 Lewis Ashmore___ 15,000 3,710 38,750 53,170 W. P. Byrd______ 15.000 9,440 50.560 60,040 W. E. Johnson . . . . J .E . Askew._____ 25,000 30,000 79,690 108,360 H. D. North........... 15.000 100 60,000 45,000 13,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. O. Walton_______ 15,000 2,000 25,000 46,000 15.000 15,000 90,000 95,000 5,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr Corp., Atl. 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 10,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. R. G. Dickerson__ W .T. Dickerson. G. A. Gibbs____ - W. M. Smith____ J . N. Thompson. H* J . Lott H. C. Dickerson... 9,290 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 24.600 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N. Atl., 31,970 Chase N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon. B. P. Wilson........... 30.000 14,150 19,770 59,640 John D. W alker... L. M. Stroud____ 15,000 750 24,000 36,000 7,410 G. W. Westbrook. J . H. Henley____ J . L. Thompson 15,000 8,000 7,200 39,000 5,000 R. R. D avis__ 18,000 1,800 35,000 40,000 10,000 J . J . Ragan............. 15,000 4,020 54,990 57,630 13,480 J . B. Clements___ W. R. Bowen___ M. F . Lawrence___ B. Lawrence____ 25.000 3,500 ■20,000 50.000 3,340 L. O. Benton......... J . C. Jo n es____ G. P. Saunders J . H. Carmichael— Geo. E. Mallet— J . B. Carmichael. . W. H. Wilson......... 50.000 6,000 40,000 90,000 10,000 C. T. Beauchamp.. W. P. Newton.___ 50,000 24,000 50.000 145.000 10,000 50,000 16,000 85,270 112,070 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 75.000 25.000 65,000 140,000 25,000 P. S. Cummings — I. Strickland—— G. H. Carswell___ I. B. Stinson____ Jackson Banking Co. —•$§'88 F. S. Etheridge___ A. H. Sm ith_____ T. B. McMichael—. 64-289 JACKSON NATIONAL BANK P. S. Etheridge___ T. H. Buttrill......... R. P. Sasnett____ 64-291 «$’08 A. .T. Biles . .. r . . Jakin ----------- -Early C 9 Bank of Jakin—______ §12 E. Hilton________ W. H. Flowers___ T. P . Minter____ R. O. Waters Pop. 622 64-854 Pickens D 3 Pickens Co. Bank.____ $§’09 S. Tate —________ R. L. McClain........ W. C. Warlick........ Pop. 332 64-635 aJasper— ‘ Jefferson-—Jackson P 3 BANK OF JACKSON COUNTY H. T. Mobley_____ P. J . Roberts___ Pop. 1207 64-371 $§10 J . B. Storey............ First National Bank___«$’06 J . E. Randolph___ W. C. Smith_____ A. C. Appleby____ G. D. Appleby____ 64-370 Jefferson Banking C o...$§’92 H. W. B e ll- _____ J . B. Pendergrass— J . O. Tnrner Homer Hancock... 64-369 ‘ Jeffersonville — Twiggs Farmers & Merchants Bank J . A. Smith___ W. H. McCrary___ J . H. Whitehurst.. Pop. 1000 p6 64-771 §11 S. E. Jon es. J . G. Rockmore__ L. P. Carson.......... Jenkinsburg ...B u tts E 5 Farmers B a n k ...____ «$§10 L. O. Benton_____ J . W. Benson____ H. C. Childs— - ..| Pop. 237 64-518 B. P. Akin GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e of R ank is t.Tlfi TVAW Tranelt 6. Atl. 25.000 15,000 2,100 55,000 65,400 10,000 ] 25,000 4,000 30,000 50,000 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 50.000 14,000 65,000 112,000 25,000 50,000 63,130 44,160 135,720 19,950 15,000 8,500 26,000 30.000 25,000 27,000 145,000 170,000 15,000 2,000 15,000 32,000 11,000 1 35,000 IMech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Am. N., Macon. 5,800 I Atl. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1915 TWIGGS COUNTY BK. -*$§'03 J . C. Shannon 64-636 Atl. N., Atl. . Park, N. Y.; Pulton N., Atl GEORGIA BANKS—Helen to Jenkinsburg ______ White E 2 Pop . 150 Telfair P 8 Pop .890 AHiawassee . .Towns E 2 Pop . 450 Hillsboro__ .. Jasper’E 5 Pop, .250 *Hinesville_. -Liberty 1 8 Pop, 300 Hiram. ____ Paulding C 4 Pop . 254 Hogansville.— Troup 0 5 Pop. 1500 Helena Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Est. GEORGIA—Continued . « u m b e r under N am e of B an k Is the New Transit N um ber given *0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, under th e au th ority of The A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . T own and County. ♦County Seats. Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Jersey ——__Walton E 4 Bank ima Pop. 191 P resid e n t . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors,* in* dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGIA—Continued Vice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . Li a b i l i t i e s . Surplu s P a id - u p D epo s AND C a p it a l P r o f i t s it s of Je rse y ____ *t'04 Josiah Blasingame. W. L. Blasingame. J . L. McGarity__ J . Blasingame, J r .. $ 35,000 $ 41.600 $ 14,140 64-637 ♦Jesup______ Wayne 1 8 Jesup Banking Co.____*§’02 L. Carter.i— . . . . . S. F. Ellis— —— Pop. 1415 64-344 W. H. T yson____ R esources . Loan* 6 D isc ’t b . B onds , S e c u r ities $ & Cash E x changes ,D ue from 95,880 $ B anks Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 7,170 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 25.000 25,000 48,000 90,000 14,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. Merchants & Farmers Bank H. W. Whaley___ R. M. Milikin_____ H. L. Heritage— 64-343 < § ’92 J . W. Crosby 25.000 9.000 90.000 112.000 ♦Jonesboro—Clayton D 4 Bankof Clayton County .§’08 L. Z. Gilbert_____ J . O. Hightower, J r . L. M. K in g____ Pop. 970 64-411 25.000 5.000 40.000 70.000 23.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: Atl. N., Atl.; Atlantic N., Jackson ville. 10.500 Mech. & Metals N-, N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. J . B. Pulliam_____ L. M. Blalock. 25,000 35.000 110,000 125.000 W. E. Greene, J r 15,000 2,500 24,000 32,000 M. A. Cooley____ C. E. McRea. 20,000 2,750 34,000 51,000 C. L. Tabb............ . 20.850 2,690 28,330 60,310 C. A. Perry___, __ 15,000 2,000 23,000 33,000 25.000 8,000 80.000 100,000 Bank of Jonesboro___< § ’03 A. C. Blalock____ J.O . Hightower, Sr. 64-410 Junction Gity_Talbol C 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. W. Moore_____ Wm. M. Brown___ Pop. 300 64-827 *§12 J . T. Hart Kennesaw.........Cobb C 4 Kennesaw State Bank. .*§’10 J . G. Lewis_____ .j C. F . Morgan____ Pop, 573 64-638 Kestler Early C 9 Bank of Kestler— —__*§’05 J . A. Hightower... P. H. Keaton. . . . . Pop. 413 64-639 Kingsland—.Camden 1 10 State Bank of Kingsland .§’12 J . H. Grass______ W. Mizell________ Pop. 400 64-856 W. B. Godley Kingston-..-. .Bartow C 3 BANK OF KINGSTON- < § 04 S. I. Sheats______ J . D. Rogers_____ B. W. Blackmon__ H. L. Hargis. Pop. 800 64-640 Citizens Bank......... ........ *§’11 M. L. Johnson „ 64-797 K ite ______ Johnson G Citizens Bank_________ »§’06 S. A. Woods........ Pop. 241 64-641 ♦LaFayette—Walker B 2 Bank of La Fayette___ < § ’99 J . P. Shattuck — Pop. 3500 64-318 Walker County Bank__ §13 J . W. Cavender— 64-883 ♦Lagrange___Troup B 5 Bank of LaGrange..........*§’83 Lewis J . Render. Pop. 10,000 64-161 La Grange Bkg. & Tr. Co. J . E. Dunson___ 64-160 < § ’71 La Grange National B k ..< ’05 F . E. Callaway ... .64-162 La Grange Savings B k .„ §’06 F . E. Callaway ... 64-163 Lake Park.Lowndes F 10 Lake Park Bank............. «§’06 J . K. White_____ Pop. 285 64-642 Lavonia — .Franklin F 3 Bank of Lavonia______ *§’96 S. B. Yow— ___ Pop. 1712 64-302 First National Bank____* ’08 C. A. Addington . 64-303 •Lawrenceville__ Gwin’t Bank of Lawrenceville__ §’97 N. S. Robinson... Pop. 1518 E4 64-326 Brand Banking Co___ < § ’05 C. H. Brand......... 64-327 L eary ........Calhoun C 9 Bank of Leary________ * § ’09 Harper Daniel... Pop. 430 64-643 ♦Leesburg— — .Lee D 8 Bank of Leesburg.___< § ’07 J . A. Lipsey.——. Pop. 705 64-644 Lenox__. — Berrien F 9 Bank of Lenox________ *§’07 S. Harrell_____ ... Pop. 206 64-645 Leslie-------„Sum ter D 7 Bank of Leslie________ «§’05 E. L. Wilson......... Pop. 393 64-646 ♦Lexington __ Oglethorpe Bank of Lexington— —•§’96 N. D. Arnold___ Pop. 545 F 4 64-484 OGLETHORPE CO. BANK *§’05 Joel Cloud64-485 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . N. McKelvey___ E. P. P a ris..___ H. M Ransom... J . E. Clark_______ J . S . Stephenson.. Q. B. Powell____ 40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Lowry N.. Atl. 8,000 Ni Park, N. Savan. . Y .; 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & Southern, 24,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Marietta, . G a .; Am. N., Atl. 6,450 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: Citiz. & South ern. Savan. 3,000 N. Park, N. Y,; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y*: 1st N., Chattanooga; Am. N., Atl. • 15,000 1,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N.,R0me. 15.000 5,000 50,000 40,000 240,000 30,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 46.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. P. D. Fortune.___ J . È. Patton........... F . H. Kirby___ 60.000 55.000 180,000 J . E. Rosser _____ _ C. C. Gilbert— — 21,900 1,360 38,190 46,330 J . M. Barnard____ Rob’t L. Render... 50,000 10.000 90,000 158,000 W. J . Albright____ J . E. Dunson, J r . 200,000 455.880 571,310 1,270,480 106,710 Chase N., Ni Y.; Lowry N., Atl. R. C. K e y - ........... R. Hutchinson__ 150,000 75,000 315,000 450,000 135.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.;i3d N. and Atl. N„ Atl. 25.000 17,360 100,250 148,830 J . M. Barnard____ A. H. Cary C. V. Truitt______ F. M. Longley C. V. Truitt______ F . M. Longley E. Brown________ L. H. Adams_____ H. S. Stolney_____ 15,000 4,500 28,000 40,000 J . H. Burton.—— . W. C. Mason_____ 81.100 14,070 90,910 203,820 J . F. L e e ...____ W. N. Harrison___ 60.000 15,000 125,000 165,000 L. R. Martin_____ E. T . Montgomery. 25,000 2,000 82,390 88,770 T. R. Powell__. . . . L. M. Brand_____ G. C. Montgomery. F . T. Pentecost R. M. Jordan___... J . M. Lazenby____ 50,000 45,130 162,440 147,090 15.000 5,900 30,000 52,000 15.000 7,000 49.000 54,000 July, 1915 ________________ GEORGIA BANKS-!~Jersey to Lexington 1 S_ _7 13,650 N. Park, N. Y., Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 6. 2,810 La Grange N., La Grange, Ga. 12,000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; Southern Bk. & Tr. Co., Valdosta, G a . 39,560 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., A.Ü. 58,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 6. 13,040 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlanta N.. Atl., Ga. N., Athens. 108,230 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 15,700 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Citiz.-lst N., Albany, Ga. 8,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-lst N., Albany, Gai J . R. Long— — T. C. Tharp............. J . Player. . . G. A. Nesbit M. J . L. Grine____ J . D. Robinson___ C. A. Sears., 15,000 5,500 15,000 44,000 E. B. Wallace_____ W. T. Anderson... V. C. Odum 25.000 5,000 50,000 59,000 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atl. N„ Atl... A. A. Rayle______ C. M. Hunter____ 25.000 7,500 75.000 75.000 20,000 Han. N . N. Y.: 3d N., Atl. R. E. Maxwell— . . G. A. Barron................. .............. . . . . . . . . 25.000 13,000 60.000 103,000 15.000 N. Park, Ni Y .; Atl. N., Atl. 3,750 Han. N .,N . Y. For SA FETY and SERVICE» Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 158 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally Bankers* T own and County. ‘ County Seats. Name o® B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. iState $Mem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Est. Pop. 100 64-780 Donley Til 7 Pop. 450 64-647 P r e sid e n t . $§11 S .W Arnold T.illy ■' «. Pop. 375 ' ■R ' <•s- - 64-648 *i As s ’t Ca sh ier . $ 15.000 $ J .S . Young______ G. W. Nasb............. W. T. Burns 64-489 Lula. _ . .... Wall Til ft Pop. 309 64-488 64-650 .. « 5.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cent. Bk. Sr. Tr. Hnrp., Atl. •$§’05 f!. Tj. firnyfis 25.000 10,000 42,000 68,830 7,660 25,000 5,000 41,010 72,990 8,910 25,000 3.000 50,000 45,000 Benjamin Fortson. B. R, Colley H. B, Pitt___ J . B. Cullars J . C. Johnson____ J . K. Davidson___ A. B. Coffey-------- H. H. Daniel ......... C. J . Tucker 44 “ GEORGIA Map Opposite Page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I. M. Starr_______ 25,000 5,000 35,000 65,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. J . W. Brown_____ 25,000 10,400 30,000 64,000 10,400 Atl. N., Atl.; Merch.-Mech. N.. Balt. .Tt L Oardner J . C. McEnight___ 17.880 5,000 20,000 J . B. Hodges 25,000 12,700 54,000 107,000 23,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl. 25,000 20,000 55,000 85,000 14,000 N. Park, N. Y .; Lowry N., Atl. 25.000 33,000 98.570 170,650 Claude Gray Ti. O. Ronton S. G. Tuck_______ W. T. Brooks____ $§12 C. R. Williams..—. B. T. Eight______ C. T. Swinson____ J . L. Manning §’04 K. S. Harter Meeh. Sr. Metals N , N. Y.; 4th N„ Afl, 42,500 60,000 100,000 165,000 15,000 6,500 32,000 40,000 15.Q00 1,850 10,780 29,510 11,550 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; N. Ex., Augusta; Citiz. N., Macon. 40,000 12,200 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 4,750 Han. N¿. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 30,000 3,150 75,620 100,180 8,800 W. C. P ru e___-__ .T. R. Daniel 25.000 13,000 30,000 78,000 4,000 G. Hathcock _____ E. F ’. Whitworth . . 15.000 10,000 65,000 69,700 15,000 1,500 19,000 30,000 §’09 S. H. Howard_____ E. B. Rim es_____ J . R. Rimes ______ J . A. Laing______ ..$§’03 TCT, MoQnoon R. H. H all.............. J . A. Doster §’08 J . D. Richardson.. G. W. Pugh______ E. L. Brawner.___ E. E. Humber (B r a n c h 5,000 89,000 106,000 J . L. Weathers___ J . L. Singer..____ E. J . Tucker_____ A. T. Fort, .Tr, 43.400 11,000 40.000 90,000 E. L. Carter___- _ S. E. Beall_______ A. L. McGlaun___ T. Nnnnally.... N.. Macon. Co., Savan. 15,000 Mech. & Metals N.; N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. 8,100 o f B a x ley B k g . C o., B a x ley, O a.) 25.000 Am. N., Atl. of Brunswick, Brunswick, Ga. 23,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 19,000 N. Y.: Plan., Americus, Ga. 15,000 3,010 32,820 53,350 9,510 N. Park, N. Y.: Plan., Americus. J . O. Norris______ J . W. Taylor____ H. R. Witts 25.000 14,000 25,000 60,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .: Am. N., Atl. J . L. Pollock____ J . H. Hill. _ . T. McEoy ;_____ G. L. Suggs, J r — F . S. Lee F . L. McCullough— B. B. Newton____ P. J . Thiealand — 15,000 3,000 54,000 45,000 15,000 1,000 10,000 28,000 L. O. Benton_____ R. M. Garbutt____ D. 25,000 6.000 27,000 51.000 30.000 3,000 110,000 92,000 F. B. B. Newton M. Parker E. J . Giles_______ R. L. Page_______ W. T. China_____ O t C. Hn¡«s«y. 24,000 Rome, Ga. , 18,000 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. V 5,900 Savan. 41,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New Transit Number given in TT R atoIiioIttaIv Kw TIia Pand-lUnWnll« t.Ananti tinnir Augusta. 27,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. A. .T. Almond F . Jones F . S. Etheridge___ A. G. Combs.—— .T. O. Norris A. M. Brnnks FARMERS STATE BK. -•$§'11 64-815 Luthersville Banking Hn.±§'fl5 64-652 Bank nf Lverly -•§’04 64-653 Farmers & Merchants Bank 64-836 $§’12 First National Bank__ -•$’05 64-414 Toombs County Bank.. .$§’06 64-415 Augusta. July, 1915 Luthersville. Meriwether Pop. 349 C5 Lyerly___Chattooga B 3 Pop. 322 ‘ Lyons Toombs H 7 Pop. 1500 •• •* 7,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N.. Atl. 42,390 Lumber Oitv. Telfair G 8 D. W. Phillips...„ E. E . Wilcox Pop. 1250 64-904 $§’14 « ** Telfair County Bank.. ..§ ’04 64-651 ‘ Lumpkin___Stewart C 7 Bank nf Lnmpkin Pop. 1140 64-382 “ M 64-381 1,000 $ 20.000 $ 25.000 $ 4,970 64-476 ‘ Louisville. Jefferson H 6 Bank of Louisville___ •$§'94 S. M. Clark______ W. L. Phillips____ L. R. Farmer------- B. H. Alexander... Pop. 1039 64-396 «• «• •$’02 W. W. Abbot M. G. Gamble____ W. R. Sinquefleld . 64-397 §’00 J . W. Fields—____ a . P. Bahb 64-649 Pop.'l98' 'D 4 Lndnwiei Liberty T 8 Pop. 800 changes ,D ub from B anks 00 P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 1,880 64-477 64-799 R esources . &Dis- Ca sh k E x L oans c' t s . B onds , S e c u r ities 25.000 §11 *T. IT. Boykin Pop. 200 Lia b il it ie s . P aid-up Surplus D e p o s AND Capital it s P bofits GEORGIA BANKS—Lilburn to Lyons Pop. 600 Ca sh ier . V ice -Pr esid e n t . dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te re st B a te s . G race* *-* ' * i — H '•*“ ■ ' | Ul _$§’09 F . P. Busbee_____ W. H. Steele____ J . O. McGough— 64-816 Lithonia____Dekalb D 4 Lithonia Banking Co... .$§’03 64-339 Pop. 1428 ............ .. .. §10 64-340 Locust Grove. Henry D 5 Bank of Locust Grove. •$§’02 64-452 Pop. 716 H 5|P 11” « i | §’10 64-453 •• GEORGIA—Continued Accessible Towns* L aw yers, Laws* D irectors, In- 1 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the Now T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B an d-M cN ally B an k ers' Directory« under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. ¿Macon______ _ .Bibb E 6 Pop. 41,992 Name op B ane . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks. Assn.+Priv, Est. 64-45 e $$l V ice -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . R. T.. Wilson ' __ B. Rowe, ¡Sec. and T r. J .N . Neel_______ J . M. Ross______ F R. Nishet J . C. Murphey N. M. Block_____ W. R. Rogers, Jr., B. P. O’Neal See. and Tr_ J . F. HEARD........... -CHAS. B. LEW IS- F„E. WILLIAMS- R. C. DUNLAP— G.R. TURPIN V U n ite d S t a t e s D e p o s ito r y . M e r c a n tile C o lle c tio n s a S p e c ia lty . «$’06 1 W e P r e s e n t D r a f t s in P e r s o n a n d R e m i t F * r o m p t ly . T ry u s o n c e . ‘FOURTH NAT. BK. ♦MACON NATIONAL BK.-*$12 J . 64-56 ¿Madison___Morgan F 4 Pop. 2412 Manchester.. Meriwether Pop 2000 0 6 Mansfield——Newton E 4 Pop. 589 ¿Marietta_____ Cobb C 4 Pop. 7500 ♦MACON SAVINGS BK.-«$§’75 64-43 Merchants & Mech. Sav. Bk. 64-53 $§’10 Peoples Banking & Trust Co. 64-55 $§'12 LUTHER WILLIAMS BANK ING CO.— 64-49_______i t ’07 Macon Clearing House........... {Members indicated by a * ) Bank of Madison_____ $§’90 64-244 First National Bank____ '04 64-246 Morgan County Bank—»$§'99 64-245 Bank of Manchester___»$§’10 64-654 State Bk. of Manchester.§’14 64-902 Bank of Mansfi eld $§’05 64-480 Peoples Bank _ *$§'06 64-481 First National B ank___»$’88 64-132 Marietta Tr. & Bkg. Co.»$§’92 64-133 Merchants & Farmers Bank 64-134 »$§11 B. H a r t___ R. G. Jordan R. E. Findlav 200.000 250,000 250,000 300.000 20,000 42,500 265,000 141,140 1,188,170 1,513,410 80,000 450,000 490,000 275,000 2,200,000 2,000,000 1,500 Chatham & Phénix N. and Guaranty Tr. Co. N. Y. 315,900 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Phil.: Citiz. N.. Bait. X6 260,000 Seab. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am N., Macon. 650,000 Chase N „N . Y .{ 1st N ., Phil.; N. Bk. of B alt., Balt. X6 150,000 Î4.940 257,530 518,180 94,490 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Fulton N.. Atl H. T. Powell_______ G. B. Jewett _______ J . W. Cannon______ D. W. Popoli J . H. Hall, 3d V.-P. E. W. Stetson W. T . Morgan_____ W. A. Taylor ______ T. W. Hawkes_____ 200,000 24,830 228.580 367,950 85,460 N. City, N. Y. 25,000 13,600 75,000 125,000 L. M. Happ________ P. E. Hertz............... P. F. Davis L. A. Tharpe See. and T r. F . W. Williams Luther Williams___ 100,000 2.500 50,000 100,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Maçon 20.000 2.500 115,000 128,600 21,750 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 4th N., Maçon Atl. N., Atl. 75,000 40,000 150,000 250,000 30,000 N. Park. N. Y. 100,000 30,000 150,000 230,000 30,000 N. City, N. Y ; Atl. N., Atl. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lowry N„ Atl.: Am. N. Macon. 42,980 Han. N.. N. Y.: 4th N., Macon’.; Am. N., Atl. Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 7,500 N. Park, N, Y.: Atl. N„ Atl. E . W. Stetson______ _ Lee Trammell_____ J . T. Newton______ H. P. Heath J . M. Ross. Sec ___ F .E. Williams,Mpr. G. C. McWhirter H .T . Shaw_ H. H. Fitzpatrick T. M. Douglas___ R. U. Thomason C. L. C. Thomas__ P. W. Walton, Sr— W. G. Thompson W. P. Wallace — 40,000 8,000 75,000 100,000 C. V. T ru itt_____ P. G. Awtrey... — J . S. Peters. 50.000 25,000 100,000 166,610 W. M. Moore_____ 25,000 J . L. Amason 25.000 1,000 J . M. H u rst........... E. L. Almand____ J . S. McGarity___ 25,000 11,000 38,000 85,000 R. S. Franklin . . . . W. G. Biggers____ L. H. Franklin. 15.000 6,000 15.000 40.000 J . E. Massey_____ J . M. Brown_____ G. P. Reynolds___ D. R. Little__ 100,000 75,180 473,780 568.150 J . D. Malone____ A. H. Gilbert____ G. H. Sessions___ 75,000 32,500 200,000 300.000 R. A. Hill________ J . P. Cheney..— . . E. C. Gnrley _ _ 50,000 4,940 60,690 102,960 70,200 18,600 41,460 86,630 19,610 34,970 ( M. M. Sessions.. E. R. H unt______ E, H, Clark, Sec— SESSIONS LOAN & TR. CO.* ■v Inc.________________10 ( Established 1887 -F a r m Loans a S pcclalty. Marshallville..Macon E 7 Citizens Bank—_______ t§*07 J . W. Frederick... I. F. Murph C. C. Hastam_ Pop. 1200 64-390 Georgia Banking Co....... $§’10 J . C. Walker_____ T. S. Taylor........... H. C. Tavlor 64-391 Martin—___Stephens F 2 Bank of Martin................§’07 W. A. Mitchell'___ G. N. Stovall..__ _ P. D. Landrum...... Pop. 377 64-655 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. ÍR. j . TAYLOR------- L. P. HILLYER........ E. C. SCOTT........... W. E. BOZEMAN— B. P. O’NEAL $ 500,000 $ 514,450 $2798720 $3718910 $ 884,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; Cont. & If you a p p re cia te prom pt and Com’l N„ Chi.; 4th S t. N., Phil.; N, ca re fu l serv ice a t a m o d erate ch arg e, send U S your Ite m s and Shawmut, Bos. X 6. C o lle ctio n s fo r M acon and vlcln ity . U. S . D ep ository. W. T. Anderson___ 64-44 ♦Citizens National Bank *$’08 E. W. Stetson____ 64-50 Continental Trust Co.~»$§’10 R. i . Taylor_____ 64-47 64-48 L i a b il i t ie s . R esources . Loan«ft Dis- Cashft Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos - c AN D ’ tb. Bonds, changes,Dm Capital P bopits Securities fromBaku " A. E. Robertson.__ A . See. 18,000 15,030 30.000 3,000 15,300 2,750 x 6. 9,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Maçon. ___________ GEORGIA BANKS—Macon to Martin ‘AMERICAN NAT’L BANK P r esid e n t . Accessible Towns« L aw yers, L aw s, D irectors, In dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race, GEORGIA—Continued July, 1915 1 ^0 10,240 N. City, N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & South era, Savan. 6.510 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: 4th N., Macon. 154,410 N. Park and 1st N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl.: Am N., Macon. 6. 40,000 1st N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Lowry N. and 4th N., AU. 18,820 Chase N., N. Y.: Atl. N.; Atl. 12,530 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Han. N.V N. Y.; Citiz. N., Macon. 8,540 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. For SA FET Y and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index toLawyers) * __ . N um ber under N am e of B an k ia the New T ran sit N um ber given bank m .u - S. exclusively by T he Band-M cN aU y B an k ers’ _______D irectory, under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n 1 6 0 T own and County. ¿County Seats. P r esid e n t . V ic e -Pr esid e n t . Ca sh ier . Lia b il it ie s . As s ’t Ca sh ier . P a id - u p bUBPLTTS D e p o s AND C a p it a l it s P b o f it s R esources . & ! L oans Dis- Ca sh & E x c ’ t s . -Bonds , changes , D ub S e c u r ities from B anks . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Bank of Matthews_____»I10 J . D. Walker _L—. 64-656 L. M. Penington... E. M. Manning__j Mauk . . . . . — Taylor D Pop. 200 Bank of M auk.___2____ I'll H. J . G arrett. . . . . 64-657 J . T. T a y lo r.... O. D. Gorman M. H. K ing______ 15,000 740 16,080 32,100 3,470 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Macon. Maxeys —Oglethorpe F Pop. 334 Bank of Maxeys;.........—tl'07 W. T. Brightwell. W. H. Wray..........j J . R. Findley____ 64-511 15,000 6,060 17,070 33,850 7,710 N. Park., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. Citizens Bank_________*§’10 S. D. Durham . . . . 64-512 B. F . Maxey... . . . . W. H. Thomas____ 15,000 2,460 10,430 26,500 8,170 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl, , , Atkins National Bank—_ < ’91 P. F . M. F u rr___ 64-442 M. P. Deadwyler... Wm. Miller.._____ 35,000 24,000 40,000 .75,000 50.000 Mech. & Metals Ni, N. Y.; Atl. N.. Atl. 25.000 3,500 50,000 55,000 20.000 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. J . D. Hightower... 50,000 37,580 80,580 159,590 J . B. Turner—. . . . . 30,000 9,000 74,000 89,000 Maysville------- BanksF Pop. 805 Bank of Maysville_____«§’05 H. P. Camp........... . C. T. Bacon. M. C. Sanders. . 64-443 D. J . Brock •McDonough—Henry D Bank of Henry County.<§'96 P. W. P u llin .... . . H. J . Copeland___ J . B. D ickson... Pop. 1500 64-427 Farmers* Merchants Bk. J§ ’09 H. J . Turner____ W.D. Tarpley. . . — D. C. Turner_____ 64-429 First National Bank___< ’05 T. A. Sloan........... R. L. Turner_____ R. L. Turner___ 64-4281 *M cR a e ..i... Telfair G 8 Citizens Bank..............—1§’02 J . F . Cook............. T. J . Smith______ J . F . Cook_____ Pop. 3400 64-378 E. D. Graham Merchants Bank—. — < § ’97 C. B. Parker........ O. F. McRae..____ O. F . McRae —_ 64-377 Meansville------- Pikè D 5 Bank of Meansville____ §11 C. H. Humphrey... R. L. Barrett. H. G. Langford... Pop. 300 64-754 Meigs— — Thomas D 9 Bank of M eigs..._____*§’03 E. M. Sm ith. J . N. Garter.. Pop. 697 64-658 Menlo------Chattooga B 2 Bank of M enlo...____g *§’04 R. A. McWhorter.. O. D. Wyatt . . . . . . . Pop. 376 64-659 ‘ Metter......... Candler I 7 Bank of Metter............. *±§’04 W. D. Kennedy___ J . T. Trapnell „ Pop. 800 64-499 Citizens Bank__...* § ’10 A. J . B i r d ....... George Watson___ 64-500 Midville........... Burke H 7 Bank of Midville______< § ’04 L. O. Benton____ R. M. Murphree.__ Pop. 603 64-660 Farmers & Merchants Bk. T. H. Wall L___ W. A .Law .— k 64-806 §13 Milan...............Telfair G 8 Bank of Milan........^<§’06 L. O. Benton......... T. L. Minx—__ Pop. 287 64-661 Farmers &MerchantsBk.i§’12 E. B. Smith._____ W. E. Willcox. 64-820 »MilledgevilleBaldwin F 5 Exchange Bank...............±§’03 John Conn______ Pop. 6000 64-178 First National B a n k ....< 1 0 Julius A. Horne . . . E. N. Ennis_____ 64-179 Merch. & Farmers Bank_t§’98 John T. Allen____ 64-177 Milledgeville Bkg. Co.—< § ’84 Miller S. B ell......... D. S. Sanford____ 64-176 ‘ Millen..----- Jenkins H 6 Bank of Millen........ . —< § ’93 J . P. Applewhite — R. G. D an iel...__ _ Pop. 2300 64-272 First National B an k __„*-05 J . A. Sasser______ A. S. Anderson — 64-273 F. S. C arr..____ 520 $ 7,000 $ 24,000 H. Woodword____ 80,000 40,000 120,000 200,000 J . B. Brown. . . __ 50,000 30,500 120,000 181,000 77.620 91,680 A. V. Whiddon . . 5.500 Mech. &, Metals N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern Augusta. 6 8,490 N. P ark, N. Y.; Atl.'N. and 3d N., Atl.: 1st N. Phil. 14.000 N. Park, N. Yi', Am. N.: Atl. 30.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Mech. N„ Bait. 4th N„. Atl. g 19,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 25.000 32,500 15,020 3,100 Duncan Bickley. 50.000 10,000 80.000 J . C. Chamblee___ H. McGukin_____ 15.000 4,870 48,000 65,000 L. H. Sewell........... N. B. Trapnell__ 25,000 20,000 83,000 102,000 G. L. Williams____ L. B. Dekle______ 33,500 N. Park, N. Y .: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 30,000 10,000 40,000 80,000 W. D, Drew_____ 50,000 12,210 48,290 120,970 E. W. Brooks__ Ì__ 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 1st N„ Dublin, Ga. 8,790 Han. N ..N . Y.: 4th N., Atl. 15.000 3,250 15,070 53,340 130,000 30,000 3,000 40.000 80,000 C. C. Dukes__..II__ Z. D. Crovey. 15,000 10,500 40,000 64,000 Otto M. Conn.i—.. 50,000 45,000 125,000 225,000 G. C. McKinley___ 50.000 24,000 175,000 270,000 L. C. Hall—— i_ i— J . T. Day. 40.000 80,860 98,430 254,680 J . O. Ingram_____ 50,000 120,000 165,000 310,000 Ira O. Parker___— 50.000 25,000 150.000 191,400 T. F. Hemminger— 25.000 6,500 60.000 85,000 15,000 820 25,000 88,000 A. H. Patten. 25,000 6,000 75,000 98,000 15,000 1,300 65,000 85,000 - • , I 25.940 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl, R. C. Chambers. . . Jenkins Co. Savings Bank E. S. Lane —_____ R. Y. Lane. M. L. Gregory__ „ 64-829 t§ H Milltown------Berrien P 9 Bank of Milltown.......... ±§’06 . F . Lewis......... . . M. C. L ee... M. W. Bargeron. Pop. 1247 64-363 Farmers & Merch. B k..»§’07 J . L. B y rd ...____ . H. Bostick .1.... C. L. Clements . . 64-364 R. E. Howell _ GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 15,000 $ H 17,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 16,850 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. 7,810 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; Merch., Augusta. 7.540 Han. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 8,500 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 35.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern Augusta. 44.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Macon. X 6, 29,610 Han. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 60.000 Bk. of Am.. N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.;Jth N., Atl.: Am. N., Macon. m 30.000 N. Park.N.Y.{ Citiz.*Southern^ Savan. 25.000 Chatham & Phénix Ni,' N. Y.; Savan., Savan. Ñ. Bk. of 6. 4,030 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 8,000 Han. N..N . Y.; 4th N.,Atl.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Citiz., Valdosta ■13,000 A“ - Ex* N-.N; Yd 1st N., Valdosta; Lowry N.,j Banks Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Niimber imder Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given Accessible Tow ns. L aw vers. L aw s. D irecto rs, in- GEORGIA BANKS—Matthews to Milltown_______________ j uiy> 1915 Matthews..Jefferson H Pop. 150 ______________ Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. State B its. Assn. tPriv Est Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace e tc., see page 14. For Holidays* see opposite page lc G E O R G IA — C ontinued UM W U l 1 v s p u i l U C I i t C N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given by T he K and-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under the au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’n . to each bank 111 u - s - exclusively T own and County. ACounty Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn. îPriv. Est. Milner u,______ Pike D 5 Farmers Bank _______ »$§’11 Pop. 400 64-759 Milner Banking Co_____ §’05 64-662 Mineralbluff—Fannin D 2 Bank of Mineral Bluff___ §’07 Pop. 338 64-663 Mitchell___Glascock G 5 Bank of Mitchell_______ §’08 Pop. 212 64-664 Molena—. ____..P ik e D 6 Bank of Molena— ____ Pop. 398 64-665 P r e sid e n t . Accessible Tow ns, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest B a te s , G race, GEORGIA—Continued V ice -Pr esid en t . Ca sh ier . L i a b il it ie s . R esources . As s ’t C ash ier . P aid- up Subplus Depos Loansk Dis- Cashk Ex AND c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks. L. O. Benton____ J . M. F . Barron__ G. P. Wheeless___ J . C. Baird J . O. Norris_____ C. F . Griffith_____ Roland Anderson „ P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 15.000 5,000 $ 40,000 $ 60,000 $ 20,000 N. Bk. Com., Balt.: 4th N., Atl.: Am. N., Macon. 25.000 8,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Am. N., Macon; Ful 40.000 ton N., Atl. 45.000 1,500 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 38.000 16,750 8,900 7,430 Ga. R. R„ Augusta: 4th N., Atl. 27,440 15.000 4,720 40.000 40.000 100.000 100,000 260.000 290,000 100.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. .•$§’06 A. J . Arnold........... F. F. Nowell.......... Jackson Arnold__ A. B. Mobley 60.000 10,000 185.000 225,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.; Merch. N., Rich, Union Banking Co.......... §’12 L. O, Benton_____ J . E. W right_____ H. D. Spivey_____ 64-846 40,000 1,600 40.000 85,000 30,000 32,000 190,000 125,000 Lewis Banking Co...........$§’02 E. B. Lewis______ C. J . Lewis______ G. M. Chastain____ 64-313 T. H. Marshall •Monticello— Jasper Ë 5 Farmers National Bank.«$’06 E .H . Jordan____ J . A. K elly ______ D. N. Harvey.____ Pop. 1508 64-330 100,000 80,000 275.000 300.000 30,000 28,000 145.000 130.000 65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; 3d N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon. 6, FIRST NATIONAL BANK *$ 09 L. O. Benton......... R. L. Furse—- ____ E. C. Kelly............ 64-331 50,000 20,000 150,000 147,000 73,000 Han. M., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 25.000 32,000 , 175,000 140,000 81,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.: Citiz. & South ern, Savan. 7,000 Han. N., N. Y .- Citiz. & Southern, Savan. ‘ Monroe........Walton E 4 BANK OF MONROE Pop. 3029 64-219 O. L. K elly______ •T. M. Nnnn ■ H. L. Greenway__ T. L. K itchens___j Z. Lawrence........... J . A. Carmichael — J . C. Wilkes........... .•$§’91 B. S. Walker........... R. J . Lowry_____ J . R. Radford jE .B . LEWIS— J . B. EASTERLIN, JR _____________ Montezuma— Macon E 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’03 TH(S^AWmX0N“ Pop. 2500 64-314 ] Special A ttenti oh given to col lections. ( We rem it the day we collect. T R Y US. Montrose.— Laurens F 7 Pop. 300 Moreland___Coweta C 5 Pop. 312 ‘ Morgan------Calhoun C 8 Pop. 600 Morven—:___Brooks F 10 Pop. 383 Jasper County Bank— »$§’98 64-329 Montrose Banking Co.— §'11 64-755 Moreland Banking Co. -«$§’05 64-666 Bank of Morgan.______ §11 64-789 Farmers & Mchts. Bk. »$§’09 64-667 ‘ Moultrie___Colquitt E 9 CITIZENS BANK Pop. 5000 64-201 15.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 95,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.i 4th N., Atl. 6. 110,000 .Han. N., N. Y.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 6, 1,500 25.000 8,470 9,300 43,960 Z. T. Rabun_____ L. D. Monroe____ J . W. Riifsfsov 19,500 3,000 28,750 58,700 R. D. Edmondson— H. T. Reddick........ E. Lloyd K night... 15.000 800 100,000 85,000 500,000 552,550 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co. Savan.; Lowry N., Atl:. 50,000 30,000 175.000 215.000 100,000 125,000 675.000 725.000 John A. Carlton.— R. J . Corbett_____ Howard Ashburn— S. T. Mercer. . J . R. Hall* W. C. Vereen......... Z. H. Clark______ Z. H. Clark............. M. L. Lee__..____ 10,000 40,000 7,930 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Atl.: Newnan Bkg Co., Newnan, Ga. 7.600 Coal & Irpn N., N. Y.; Ga. N., Albany. Han. N., N. Y.; Moultrie Bkg. Co., Moultrie Ga. C. Gresham............. A. L. Kimsey____ R. F. Payne . 15 onn 1,000 15.000 30,000 35.000 Chase N., N. Y .;N . Bk. of Savan., Savan.: 4th N., Atl." ' 6. 175,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .: Girard N., Phil.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 4,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N,, Atl. W. T. McArthur__ Alex. McArthur. . . W. A. Peterson—. . H. L. Wilt_______ 15,000 33,000 125,000 110.000 50.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan 24,600 500 100,000 113.000 14.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. L. A. Carter_____ J . W. E. Powell___ C. B. McCall_____ 25.000 16,000 155,000 128.000 O. F. Wetherington H. D. Robinson___ Perryman Carter L. O. Benton____ H. G. Smith_____ : J . M. Loyd Julius Walker____ Roy Williams____ 15.000 10,370 25,030 43,650 62.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl.: Citiz., Valdosta Ga. 6, 6,750 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Valdosta, Ga. 25,000 10,000 45,000 70,000 20,000 Chasé Ni, N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. First National Bank___ $1900 J . F. Lewis______ 64-406 N aylor.... Lowndes F 10 Farmers B ank--- ---------$§’08 J . P. Carter______ Pop. 538 64-669 Newborn__ Newton E 4 Bank of Newborn........... $§’03 W. P. Wallace........ Pop. 475 64-670 Newington;..Screven 1 6 W. J . Walker & Co., Bankers Pop. 300 64-890 t ’13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8.500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atlanta. 15.000 ‘ Nashville... Berrien F 9 BERRIEN COUNTY BANK L. O. Benton____ A. H. Giddens........ C. Everett.............. J . T). Holland Pop. 990 64-798 $§’11 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 15.000 D. B. Benton____ J . T. Benton........... G. W- Cornwell___ J . L. Benton C. R. Williams____ W. G. Thompson — H. G. Roberts____ E. L. Wade J . P. Camp______ E. M. Camp______ Ft. c. Owen .•$§1900 W. H. Barber......... D. A. Autrey_____ W. S. Stokes____ L. R. Untres R. J Corbett First National Bank____ $'04 64-202 Moultrie Banking Co.—»: 64-200 Mt. Airy. Habersham E 2 Bank of Mt. Airy______ .§ ’11 Pop. 200 64-752 *Mt. Vernon._Montg. G 7 Mt. Vernon Bank..............§’01 Pop. 605 64-668 15.000 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) GEORGIA BANKS—Milner to Newington FARMERS BANK 64-221 J . D. Walker......... J . W. Anderson $ 15,000 $ July, 1915 1 fi1 162 N um ber under N am e of B an k is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irectory, und er th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers Ass’ n . T own and County. ¿County Seats. Name of B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. GEORGIA—Continued L i a b il i t ie s . P r e sid e n t . V ice -Pr e sid e n t . Ca sh ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . J . S. Hardaway, J r . ♦First National Bank____'71 64-166 ♦Manufacturers Nat’l B k .i’06 64-168 ♦Newnan Banking C o...t§’94 64-167 Newnan Clearing House___ (Members indicated by a ♦) ‘ Newton—i — Baker D 9 Baker County Bank____t§'06 Pop. 600 64-671 Nicholls........... Coffee G 9 Bank of Nicholls__ _____ §13 Pop. 1200 64-884 Merchants &FarmersBk .i§’06 64-672 Norcross...Gwinnett D 4 Bank of Gwinnett-____ < § ’io Pop. 968 64-760 Bank of Norcross........ „t§'04 64-673 Norman Park.ColquittE 9 Bank of Norman P ark ..t§’06 Pop. 648 64-674 Norristown.Emanuel H 7 Bank of Norristown___»§’12 Pop. 200 64-855 Norwood___Warren G 5 Bank of Norwood—___ »t§’04 Pop. 340 64-675 Nunez.....—Emanuel H 6 Farmers & MerchantsBk.§’l l Pop. 174 64-776 Oakfield_____ Worth E 8 Exchange Bank .........i f 11 Pop. 276 64-805 Ochloch,nee.Thomas E 10 Bank of Ochlochnee___ »§’06 Pop. 350 64-676 R. W. Freeman___ W.C. Wright N. E. Powel_____ J . H. Powell. H. H. North_____ R. D. Cole__ W. B. Parks_____ *Ocilla— — .Irwin F Pop. 2017 CITIZENS BANK , 64-274 $ 50,000 B. T. Thompson... M. F . Cole_______ T. M. Goodrum___ E. T. Owens. M. Powell... H. H North J . H. Powell, M gr. W. B. Parks, See. and T r, J . À. Bowers_____ J . C. Odom______ J . H. Hall — ____ R. S. Hall................ Depo s it s 61,050 $ 131,270 $ 178,920 $ 46,470 N. City, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 140.000 169,590 162,920 459,270 60,000 43.790 Í33.660 201,150 32,510 Chase N., N. Ÿ.: 3d N"., Atl. 125.000 101,870 151,110 330,090 38,290 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 4th N. and Atl. N, Atl. 47,520 Merch N., N. Y. 25.000 14.000 32.000 59.000 E. Burkett_______ D. H. Meeks_____ C. C. Mertens.___ _ 15.000 1,000 20.000 22.000 12,700 Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; 4th N„ Atl. R. G. Kirkland___ E. D. Douglas........ C. Meeks________ J . W. Kirkland___ J . M. Lott, Sr. S. T. McElroy........ J . W. Haynie Walter L. R ay. . . „ 25.000 12,500 50.000 72.000 10,000 Brunswick Bk. & Tr. Co.. Brunswick, Ga. 15.000 680 30.000 31.000 A. A. Johnson____ H. V. Jo n e s _____ P. W. Summerour _ 30.000 3,200 50.000 50.000 30.000 Han. N», N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl 15.000 22.000 49.000 69.000 30.000 2,100 31.000 25.000 36.000 .Com., N. Y.; Moultrie Bkg. Co. Moultrie, Ga. 7,900 Han. N.,-N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 1st N., Dublin. 9.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 14.000 36.000 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern Savan. 8,970 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz.-lst N., Alb., Ga. 42.000 50.000 11,000 Hàn. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Thomasville, Thomas M. D. Norman____ R. L. Norman____ Lewis Edwards— M. D. Norman.. C. R. Williams____ J.W . Smith______ L. A. McCrary____ A. M. Thigpen L. O. Benton___ ... G. A. R a y ..______ L. F. Lewis——. — 15.000 Steeley Moore____ L. R. Gorhin R. S. Kennemur—. 15.000 D. J . Dupree, S r .„ J . M. Hall________ O. V. Barkuloo___ 15.000 R. Singletary____ D. B. Anderson___ A. E. Speer___— 15.000 15.000 4 § ’06 D. J . Henderson, Jr. D. R. Henderson... J . W. Mangham. 1.500 7,000 9.000 Han. N;, N. Y .: Ga. N., Alb., Ga. Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 6.000 N. Park. N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl ville. Ga. 52,000 8,800 75,000 175,000 75,000 31,000 225,000 250,000 Odessadale .Meriweather Odessa Bank........... ...... _t§’07 J . C. Harman_____ W. A. Glanton____ J . W .Peavy.__ Pop. 161 C5 64-677 25.000 6,000 10,000 50.000 5.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon, Odum — —.„W ayne H 8 Odum Banking Co.— Pop. 300 64-800 i t ’l l L. Carter...1_____ S. F. E llis -____ _ N. H. Bacon... 15.000 2,000 22,000 25.000 8.000 Jesup Bkg. Co., Jesup, Ga. ‘ Oglethorpe „Macon D 7 Bank of Oglethorpe____iS'01 W. H. Stewart___! L. O. Benton____ W. E. Wilburn. Pop. 924 64-416 15.000 16,000 60.000 50.000 30.000 N. Park, N. Y. 15.000 500 40,000 45.000 13.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Far, & Tra., Atl.; Citiz. N., Macon. FIRST NAT’L BANK 64-275 < ’07 M. J. PAIILK— — J. E. HOWELL— E. A. TAPP----------ROY GADWELL- GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. O. Benton____ W. .1. Quantock___ O. H. M arsh... H. E. Ezell W. D. Lloyd. Irvin Willis. G. M. Robinson___ H. E. Ragsdale M. Cowart Aubry Harper____ D.W . Pope______ G. E. Pittman.. W. J . Lewis Levi Ballard ..i___ T. P. Bullard 2*8*. R. C. Bachelier. 22,500 3,500 50,000 78.000 9,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan (B ran ch o f Peopl es Bank, Richlan d, Ga. ) . Han. N., N. Y. 15,000 6,470 31,620 51,400 12,940 Han. N., N. Y. 15.000 25.000 5,000 15,000 125,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Fitzgerald, Ga. 100,000 65,0001N. Park, N. Y .: Am. N., Atl. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN allv B an k ers’ r * t a _ _ _A*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a July, 1915 Peoples Bank.... ........... <§'06 64-678 Bank of Omaha_____. . . . § ’11 64-679 Bank of Omega..,_____ »§’12 64-867 Peoples Bank__________§12 64-849 Bank of Palmetto........ < § ’04 64-418 75,000 Han. N., N. Y .; Atl. N., Atl. We want collections and give prompt attention. Macon County Bank.. _«tS’06 D. A. McBride____ A. E. Sh ealy ...___ B. F. Neal— 64-417 Oliver—.,___Screven J 6 Pop. 243 Omaha— __.Stewart C7 Pop. 209 Omega...______ T ift E 9 Pop. 274 Osierfield------- Irwin F 8 Pop. 200 Palmetto— Campbell C 4 Pop. 922 8,500 Citz. & Southern, Savan. GEORGIA BANKS—Newnan to Palmetto ______________ ¿Newnan___Coweta C 5 *C0W ETA NAT. BA N K-<01 M. Powell____ ___ H. C. Glover Pop. 6000 64-169 P a id - u p S u b p l u s and C a p it a l P b o f it s A ccessible Tow ns, L aw y ers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed m back of this volume. F o r In terest S a te s , G ra ce , *-* etc», see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. ® R esources . P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District L oans & D is- C ash : & E x c’ tb . B onds , changes ,D ub of which bank is member. Bbouritibb erosi B anks . XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. Accessible Tow ns, Law yers, Law s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, G race ,\% N um ber under N am e of B an k Is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally B an k ers’ D irecto ry , under th e au th o rity of T he A m erican B an k ers A ss'n. Name of B ank. T own an d Co u n ty . ¿County Seats. Parrnf.t •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . K . M . S m ith Pinehurst____ Dooly E 7 BANK OF PINEHURST- •$§’04 J . R. Horne_____ Pop. 451 64-687 ,«.«, Farmers & Merch. Bk. $§’12 64-821 Pineora__Effingham J 7 S a lz b u rg e r B a n k . •§’15 L . Neidlinger____ 64-914 Pop. 100 Pineview------Wilcox F 8 Bank of Pineview _ .•§’04 J . T. Gammage___ Pop. 708 64-688 Pitts_______ Wilcox F 8 Pitts Banking Co_____ $§’06 L. O. Benton_____ Pop. 279 64-689 Plainfield Dodge F 7 B a n k o f P lain field §11 E. L. Smith____ Pop. 300 64-817 Plains______ Sumter D 7 Citizens Bank. $§’12 L. O. Benton_____ Pop. 400 64-847 P la in s B a n k .... ..... •$§’02 R. S. Oliver. _____ 64-690 Plainville____Gordon 0 2 Bank of Plainville •§12 H . M. Yeach____ Pop. 148 64-852 $10 A. A. Turner Portal______ Bulloch I 6 B a n k o f P o r t a l . _ 64-691 Pop. 350 Poulan Wnrfh E 0 B a n k o f P o u la n . $§’99 J . G. McPhaul____ Pop. 652 64-692 Powder Springs.Cobb C 4 Bk. of Powder Springs •$§’05 T. N. Camp______ Pop. 315 64-693 ¿Preston___Webster C 7 Bank of Preston -•§’06 J . L. H o rn ____ Pop. 259 64-694 Pulaski Candler I 7 F a r m e r s B a n k § 1 2 L . O. Benton____ Pop. 207 64-857 ¿Quitman... Brooks F10 BANK OF QUITMAN Pop. 5000 64-185 *► ' .$§’78 S. S. Rountree___ J. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J . A. PowollC. Patterson . . . W. M. $ R eso u rc es. lX>AN8& DlS- Cash à Ex c’tb. Bonds, change,Due Bxcuritim noH Banks 15.000 Î 3,500 25.000 6,500 73,000 77,000 15,000 3,600 20,500 39,850 33.100 26.000 60.000 90,000 15,000 1,000 25,000 50,000 $ 82.000 $ 65,000 $ P rincipal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Dawson, Dawson, Ga.; Atl. N., Atl. 39,320 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am.N., Atl.; City N., Dawson, Ga. 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 20.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Thomasville, Thomasville, Ga. 10,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: 1st N„ Valdosta, Ga. 27,210 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: Citiz.& Southern, Savan. 50.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan, 28,000 7,280 69,740 77,730 100.000 40,000 200,000 290,000 40,000 4,610 80,690 90,170 25.000 18,000 50,000 88,000 25,000 5,180 9,360 46,550 J . T. Colclough— . U. S. Champion 25.000 8,690 13,020 47,270 A. A. Smoak_____ B. C. Holtzclaw-.__ E. H o ltz c la w 25,000 19,500 48.000 56.000 27,500 ii. Park, N. Y.: Am. N.. Macon. R. L. Cater______ L. F. Cater______ J . L . R ile y 22.700 25,000 67,000 80,000 20,110 4th N., Macon; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. C. A. Thompson__ A. M. Wilson . . . . . . O . H . L e w is 25,000 25,000 50,000 130,000 H. F . Sears______ W. W . S . H ill R_ H . C iirr y I. A. Bash ___ W. O. C ooper W. E. Kennedy___ Sum ner ... T . A. R a r r o w ’ . J . O. Strickland— W. C. Lanier__ __ V . P . R o w e rs G . R o h e r ts O R . Peayy 26,570 Han. N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; 3d Ni. Atl.; Bk. of Thomasville, Thomasville, Ga. 6. 6, 8,500 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 5,700 N. Park. N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl. 2,760 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 15,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. ( B m ii/ il l. o f Com mereiài Bank, U nadilla. G a.)— . N. Park, N. Y.; Fulton N„ Atl. W. R. Fetzer_____ R . C. P o ol P. J . Zeigler Jas. Faircloth_____ L. J . Morgan____ W. D. Singletary _. 25,000 1,410 12,780 31,680 9,470 N. Park, N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 15,000 22,500 47,360 87,080 15,320 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Hawkinsville, Ga, J . M. King_______ A. O. 25,000 io,000 23,000 70,000 15,000 810 22,000 29,000 30,000 N. Bk. Com!, Balt.; Chatham Bk'. & Tr. Co., Savan. 8,000 Mech. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Merch. & Far., Eastman, Ga. 5,000 Han.N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. E. W. Evans S h e ll _ J . M. Cooper. J . C. Logan_____... T. W. Timmerman. 15,666 500 18,420 37,000 J . A. McDonald . . . W. L. Thomas 50.000 25.000 100,000 150,000 C. R. Mostiller____ J . A. G a llo w a y . W. B. Floyd J . C . P a r r is h W. J . Davis 15,000 1,000 20.000 30,000 5,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; N. City, Rome. 15,000 5,670 20,000 50,000 3,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Com., Americus. Ga. 4,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Tifton, Tifton, Ga. 15,000 890 18,000 37,000 Si E. Smith______ J . B. Ogleshy 25.000 8,750 110.000 93.500 13,000 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: Am. N.. Atl. J . W. Montgomery 15,000 1,200 40,000 41,510 41,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Plan., Americus, Ga. 15,000 2,390 8,090 31,460 3,420 Chatham & Phenix N. Bk., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Go., Savan. 200,000 75,000 300,000 500,000 70,000 N. City, N. Y.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; 3d N., Atl.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J . R . H a y is 90.000 30,000 150,000 225,000 H . L. Ynnnp 100.000 60.000 300,000 350,000 55,000 Han. N,, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan,: 4th N., Atl. 100,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Citiz. & Southern Bk., Savan.; 1st N>, Balt. X 6 . F. M. Kimble____ H. W. L. Gary E. Jenkins__ J . S. Brannen_____ J . A. Gardner R . L . G ro o v e r ' ; $ C Citizens Bank_______ _.$§’06 W . W . W a lk e r S. S. Bennet_____ 64-187 »» First National Bank— -•$’05 D. G. Malloy______ J . G. Stanley.____ 64-186 C. T. Tillman GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Ford . H. C. B. Williams__ L ia b il it ie s . S u bplu s P a id - u p Depo s AND C a p it a l P b o f i t s it s GEORGIA BANKS—Parrott to Quitman •$§’03 J . F . Harris___ 64-682 Planters Bank •§’12 B. O . Wood______ 64-839 P earso n . C o ffe e G 9 Pearson Banking Co.—. $§’06 H . P . Smith__ 64-683 Pop. 558 P e lh a m Mjtehell D 0 F a r m e r s B a n k _ $§’02 .T. TV H an d . 64-287 Pop. 1880 First National Bank $ 1 0 H. H. Merry.,____ 64-288 Pembroke.,__-Bryan J 8 P e m b r o k e N a tio n a l B a n k $ ’07 J . Morgan_______ 64-684 Pop. 467 o Pendergrass. Jackson E 3 P e n d e rg ra s s B a n k in g C o.±S’05 P . J . Roberts___. . 64-685 Pop. 239 Penfleld Greene F 5 Bank of Penfleld §’06 E. R . B o s w e ll Pop. 475 64-686 ¿Perry Houston E 7 Houston Banking Co.. .•$§’05 J . H. Davis______ Pop. 649 64-465 P e r r v L o a n & S a v . B a n k ± 8’8fl C. R. Mann______ 64-464 1 .. A s s ’t C a s h i e r . Ca s h i e r . Terrell f! 8 Bank n f P arrott. Roy Pinkston *•$§’06 S. J . Carter______ J . L . Parrott_____ S . J . Carter ... 64-680 Pop. 500 Planters Bank........... •$§’12 J . W. Tilley . . . . . . . IT. A. Cook Marvin D. Pierce ~ C. G . Christian___ 64-851 Pat-torson Bank - i § ’07 D. J . W alker____ J . H . O’Quinn____ R . D. Howard 64-681 Pop. 264 Pop. 572 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In terest R a te s, Grace«] e tc ., see page 14. F o r H olidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGI A—Continued July, 1915 _________ 1 CO xuo Herbert Stubbs For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ™ e f bank U; hS' exclusively by The Band-McNaily Bankers* T own and County. ‘ County Seats. Name op B ank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in GEORGIA—Continued dexed in back of this ,volume. F o r Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. L i a b il i t i e s . P r esid en t . Vice -Pr esid e n t . Cash ier . As s ’t Ca sh ier . p a id -u p Surplu s AND C a p it a l P r o f it s Raymond— Coweta C 5 Bank of Raymond____t§ ’09 D. P. Bradlp.v Pop. 150 64-696 F . B. Cole_____ E . J . Bailey_____ R esources . Dep o s it s Loans k D i s cute. B onds , S ec u r it ie s Ca sh & E x ch anges ,D ub from B anks P rincipal Correspondents . Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve,Collect. System. 1,500 $ ......... J . H. Swindle___— L. M. Marshall___ 25.000 2,760 6Ì.130 84,610 Rebecca-— —Turner E 8 Bank of Rebecca........... t§’10 F. H. T a y l o r . . . T. L. Fields._____ H. L. Donald......... Pop. 252 64-697 17,140 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Southern Bk. & Tr, Co., Valdosta, Ì5.0Ò0 3,500 30.000 35.000 20.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dublin; 1st 15.000 400 15,700 11.000 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 15.000 5.000 50.000 55,000 9,700 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 50.000 20.000 105,000 155,000 15.000 1,000 8,500 8,000 Register___—Bulloch 1 7 Farmers State B ank___»§12 F. P. Register......... C..C. Doughtey___ G. W. Shattles____ Pop. 300 64-822 S. L. Nevil ‘ Reidsville.—Tattnall I 7 Bank of Reidsville____ •§’13 R. J . Rogers..__„ S. B. McCall— __ W. G. Mauk .„____ J . A. Sheffield. Pop. 454 64-870 L. P. Conley S00 Tattnall Rank. ........ B. F . Alexander— B. H. Groover— M. Langford... 64-698 Rentz——__ Laurens G 7 Rentz Banking Co.........—§’14 J . M. Page.............. H. D. Barron____ Howard Murchison Pop. 275 64-901 W. E. Bedingfield Rex____— Clayton D 4 Bank of Rex___________§12 J . O. Norris W. C. Estes______ W. E. M. Dodson.. Pop. 150 64-823 Reynolds____Taylor D 6 First National Bank........t ’10 C. H. Neisler. . . . „ J . N. B ryan_____ H. K. Sealy— Pop. 1000 64-492 3,500 $ 41,260 $ 3,600 Han. Ni, N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. N., Fitzgerald, Ga. 18,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Citiz. & Southern, 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Com’l, Dublin, Ga. 25.000 . 25.000 12,000 65.000 85.000 20,000 Reynolds Banking Co.—1§’97 T. W. Pool______ R. A. Hinton____ L. F . Montfort—__ 64-490 25.000 6,000 65.000 85.000 16,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Savan. 5,570 30.000 5,000 Mech.& Metals N., N.Y.: N. Bk. of Sav., Savan. Rhine.— __ ..Dodge F 7 Citizens Bank— ...........§14 T. A. McMilligan - - Archie Coffee____ E. M. Harrell— Pop. 321 64-895 A. A. Wamn. 15.000 King & Brown, Bankers t ’07 J . N. King_______ Geo. Brown.'— __ L. G. Tippins......... 64-700 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan. Richland____Stewart C 7 Bank of Richland____ < § ’90 J . E. French___— R. T. Dixon_____ R. T. Humber, J r .. W. C. Dixon.—. . — Pop. 1650 64-361 35.000 23,500 67.500 15,000 22,500 Bk. of Am , N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. Farmers & Merchants Bank N. C. Coffin______ D. W. Nicholson... W. A. Fitzgerald— Mrs.AvisMcKinnon 64-834 *§’12 27,630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & T r. Corp., Atl. Peoples B a n k ______ :__«§’05 64-362 ‘ Ringgold— Catoosa B 2 Bank of Ringgold........< § ’04 Pop. 398 64-701 Riverdale___Clayton D 4 Bank of Riverdale......... *§’07 Pop. 139 64-702 Roberta— Crawford E 6 Bank of Roberta............*§’11 Pop. 350 64-520 Crawford County Bank < § ’01 64-519 Rochelle____Wilcox F 8 Bank of Rochelle........... *§’98 Pop. 1200 64-434 Brown Banking Co........ t t ’06 64-435 Rockledge...Laurens G 7 Bank of Rockledge........*§’12 Pop. 152 64-703 25.000 2,310 40,440 53,440 L. O. Benton......... E. I. Carter______ R. J , Dixon........... J . G iles..—. —____ M. W. Murphy . . . . J . T. Robinson___ Roger Dodd............ F. V. Cooper.—. . — W. H. Trundle G. M. Huie______ B. S. Huie_______ G. M. Huie______ B. S. Huie..___ N. H. Benefield J . E. L. Johnson.„ J . H. Lowe_____ _ 35.000 24.000 102,000 131.000 25.000 2,640 75,490 88,850 15.000 5,350 12,000 8,000 15.000 3,800 22.500 37,200 12,530 Han. N., N. Y .; Lowry N., All.; 4th N., Macon, R. E. Avera............. 11,800 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. J . N. King B. F . Walker_____ 14,270 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N-, Chattanooga. 2,400 Am. N., Atl. 15.000 4,400 14.500 38,500 H. Mashburn____ D. Mashburn____ 15,800 60.000 110,000 125.000 27,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. W. A. Nipper____ 15.000 16,670 28,070 58,590 19,480 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. W. G. Brown......... C. R. Williams........ J . S. Drew_______ L. J . Flanders____ W. E. Williams Rock Mart......... Polk B 4 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK R. R. Beasley___.1 S. O. Jo n es______ B. F. Harris. Pop. 1500 64-399 •* ’07 Rockmart Bank........... «§1900 James Heaton........ A. H. G raefer____ T. G. Selman__ 64-398 Rocky Ford—Screven I 6 Bank of Rocky Ford—.«§’07 Arthur Burke.___ A. R. R o b erts.™ Thomas Parker Pop. 385 64-704 Digitized forGEORGIA FRASER Map opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber 53.000 N. Park, N. Y. under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number 15.000 Carl S. Cox__ 40.000 H. P. Fambro. 30.000 15.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 1st N., Dublin, Ga. 6,500 125.000 115.000 50.000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; Hamil ton N., Chattanooga; 4th N., Atl. 6. 9.000 115.000 125.000 61.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 6.000 105.000 57,000 65,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Aennaaihin Towns. iAwvers. L en s. Directors, in- GEORGIA BANKS—Raymond to Rocky Ford_______________ July, 1915 25.000 { Rays Mill___Berrien F 9 Bank of Rays Mill.......... i§’l l G. W. Varn Pop. 500 64-756 1Ò4 ________________ 164 « 4- Tow and County. *County Seats. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., seé page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Na me of Bank Is the New Transit Number given i ? . e x bank ln,U - § , e x c lu s iv e ly by T h e K a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e rs* D ire c to r y , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e rs A ss’n . G E O R G I A — Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. P resident . Vice-President . Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . *Rome.¿_____Floyd B 3 *CHER0KEE NflT.BflNK*t 07 H. E. Kelley-—— B. T. Haynes____ R. F. Hale Pop. 14,146 64-82 ♦Citizens Bank 64-81 Exchange National Bank»J’96 J . A. Glover_____ T. J . Simpson___ W. W. Berry ____ Simpson Penney... 64-80 B. 1. HUGHES____ t N a tio n a l B a e q u ip p e d c o l ls n iit t a n c e s on B. 1. HU6HES_____ nk In N o r th G e c t io n d e p a rtm day o f p aym e R. R. HARRIS_____ o rg ia . e n t. n t. 80,000 Mech. &Metals N.. N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 40,000 150,000 200,000 16.000 560 15,000 40,000 4,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Rome. Ga. 150.000 240.000 500,000 675,000 100,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’ 150.000 340,000 701,430 1,049,750 310,880 N. Park and Chem. N., N. Y .; Girard N.. 100,000 23,000 225,000 272,010 70,000 Seab. N., N. Y .; Citiz. N., Balt; Phil. N. 15,000 4,500 23,000 40,000 N., Chi.: Corn Ex. N. and 4th St. N., Phil. Fifth-ThirdN., Cin. 6. Phil.; 2d N., Bos.; 3d N., Atl. 6 /J. M. GRAHAM— . E. P. HARVEY____ .fi. C. REYSIEGEL — ‘ NAT’L CITY BANK Vj} 64-85 «irlS (Members in dicated by a *) S e n d u s y o u r R o m e c o l le c t i o n s , f o r w h ic h ...A mU 4M AA p —Ä I Lu. u __e __ mro .»ill win .A ro iiiii uaiijr a i <pi.uu e -r in a n u p re m iu m . G IV E U S A T R IA L . J. H. Reynolds *§'12 J. W. Pentecost__ Roopville----- Carroll B 5 Rank of Tînnpville Pop. 300 64-869 Rossville___ Walker B 2 Hamilton Tr. & Savings Bk. Pop. 1059 64-705 »$§07 §’10 H. P. Carpenter . .. Roswell..____ Cobb D 3 Citizens Rank...... Pop. 1158 64-380 Roswell Rank jf’fll S. Y. Stribling....... 64-379 Royston— Franklin F 3 FARMFRS BANK Pop. 1422 64-342 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 H. E. Kelley, See. J H. J. Goodwyn___ J . I. Vansant...__ J. T. Veal (B ran ch o f Chati an ooga, T en u .). J. B. Wing........... C. C. Fowler_____ 21,000 360 13,190 40,450 J. J. Spalding.__ C. 0 . Foster........ O. LÌ David 25,000 19,660 56,030 105,410 Wm. D. Bowers... B. H. Holbrook. . . . E. F . Ray_______ ■T C Doyle 30,300 13,750 70,130 82,230 B. L. Bond_______ 64-341 Rutledge—..Morgan F 5 W. P. Wallace..— Pop. 696 64-706 Sale City__ Mitchell D 9 Farmers &Merch. Bank_§’12 J. D. Walker_____ Pop. -500 64-860 C. G. Rawlings-i.. •SandersyilleWashington Citizens Rank. Pop. 3000 G8 64-235 Cohen National Bank—*$'85 Louis Cohen _ . 64-236 First National Bank___ «J’05 L. B. Holt.._____ 64-234 Warthen & Irwin......... «tt’71 (G. D. Warthen and 64-233 $§'11 J . A. Davis______ Sardis...------ ..Burke 15 Peoples Rank Pop. 500 64-772 __ »tS’OS C. C. Rrim Sasser...__.„Terrell D 8 Rank of Sasser Pop. 441 64-708 GEORGIA Map op posite page 142 Phil.; 1st N., Chattanooga. J. F . Lee________ J. F. Barnes 9,500 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Lowry N.. Atl. Han. N., N.Y. 9,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 13,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N.. Atl. 27,920 Chase N., N. Y.: Atl. N. and 3d N., Atl. Merch. N., Rich. 60,000 24,000 100.000 150,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. M. T,. Wallace Thos. Peacock E. C. Ponder R. E. Baisden____ L. T. Brown_____ 50,000 25,000 44,000 98,000 24,000 Chase N.. N. Y. : Lowry N.. Atl. 15,000 1,390 40,940 23,910 46,220 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex.. Valdosta, Ga J. E. Johnson_. . . J. E. Johnson—-.. H. T. Rridpes 50,000 66,850 114,020 199,640 52,440 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Henry Paris ___ . . . C. L. Brewer____ 50,000 30,000 25,000 110,000 S. M. Hitchcock... B. Sparks________ T. L. Salter J. A. Irwin)____ C. Findlay Irwin.. D. F. Wilt............... 50,000 64,620 158,760 228,620 W. F . Rrim R. H. Johnston.... R.H. Hill _ GEORGIA BANKS—Rome to Sasser (JOHN H. REYNOLDS 1 O ld e s W e ll »’77 1 \ Re Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 100.000 $ 40,990 $ 224,530 $ 398,550 $ 74,170 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Corp., Atl Commercial & Sav. Bank.§’12 Wm. De Lay_____ Bernard Hale____ J. H. Childs 64-84 64-79 L ia b il it ie s . Resources. Loans&Dis- Cash&Ex P aib -up Surplus Depos c ’ ts. Bonds, changes,Dux A N D Capitai. P rofits its Securities promBanks .. i8'94 Sproull Fouche — .1 . H. O’Neill ‘ FIRST NAT’L BK, wuiieciions ana correspondence July, 1915_____________ _^ 16 S * tV/— lu 25.000 4,550 10,000 24,000 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Macon; Atl. N., Atl N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 6. 53,610 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. &Southern Savan. x 6 N. Park. N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & Southern Savan. 3,000 Harriman N., N. Y.; Citiz. &Southern, Savan. 25,000 15,000 30,000 48,000 22,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Macon. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. . _ _ C h ath am , J 7) County Seat Population 67,917— Reserve City C A A XTXT A U y JA V iU N iN A fl Name op Bank. »Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. ‘ AMERICAN BANK & TRUST GO. 38-14 *§15 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest B ates, Grace W President., Vice-President. Cashier. As s ’t Cashier. ;w. V. DAVIS-— G.C.HEYWARDi'IR. V. W. LEBEY,-__ S 200,000 See. and Tr. H. C. ANDERSON )We conduct a ge neral BANKING and TRUST bus! ness. )Collections and Cash Letters give n special attentio n. \The American B ankand Trust Co ., actually remits on date of payme nt. Til ♦Chatham Bk. &Tr.Co.„*iS’02 Leopold Adler____ F. W. Clarke m __ J. H. Calais._____ .T. .T. Cornell ... 38-6 ♦Citizens & Southern Bank M. B. Lane 38-2 p f ’8 8 G. 0. Freeman. Ass't to Pres. Horace A. Crane.. G. B. Clarke. G. L. Groover. I. S. Ferguson___ W. B. Spann, Jr. $ 109,060 $ 74,300 $ 500,000 $ 160,610 1,867,320 , 1 0 0 0 .0 0 0 98,670 $ 118,200 2,228,720 1,145,690 5,967,350 1,910,720 6,739,640 ♦Citizens Trust Co____ »i§’06 Chas. F. Fulton__ H. I. Frank—____ D. W. Andrews, 38-12 See. 150.000 60,920 388,180 ♦Commercial Bank_____*$8 '0 2 J. H. H. Entelman. U. H. McLaws___ W. F. Reilley____ 38-10 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 40,110 484.620 ♦EXCHANGE BANK------- *t§’06 W. W. Osborne__ A. J. Garfunkel... John J. Powers__ 125.000 82,500 689,500 Georgia State Savings Assn. Geo. W. Tiedeman. E. W. Bell..—. __ J. F. Buckner, Sec. F. C. Bush, T r..... 38-52 t§’90 B. H. Levy ♦Germania Bank »$§’00 W. F. Hogan ____ O. A. McCarthy.—. 38-3 325,000 281,840 4,196,540 4,344,890 300,000 386,260 1,305,840 94,760 1,577,610 2 0 0 .0 0 0 240.000 850.000 50.000 500.000 219,800 522,250 400.000 690,000 1,700,000 125.000 237,790 1,768,230 38-8 ♦Hibernia Bank_______ «il'06 M. A. O'Byrne.,.._ Charles Ellis 38-9 J. W. Heffernan ♦MERCHANTS NAT’L BK.-*t 38-1 66 ' J. W. Heffernan___ James P. Doolan .. Joseph Hull_____ A. B. Hull______ W. M. Davant.__ ♦NAVL BK. OF SAVANNAH•*'85 J. S. Collins_____ W. W. Williamson. R. R. Withington—G. H. Dieter — 38-5 Sigo Myers, R. M. Hicks Wm. F. Lynes Oglethorpe Sav. & Tr. Co.*t§ ’86 J. S. Collins_____ Jacob Paulsen___ Allan Sweat_____ H. M Edel 38-51 P. A. Waring Peoples Bank_________ «¿S’lOR. M. O’Brien E. F. O’Connor__ T. J. McEllinn, Jr. 38-54 A. E. Pierce w. . M C . C. G. BELL______ M. D. PIPY_____ E M mCHAI« ‘ SAVANNAH BANK j Accounts COURTHEY THORPE of Banks, Bankers, Merchants, and Corporations solicited. Unequaled facilities for making collections. & TRUST CO. J See card on Margin Map of Georgia. f 60,900 38,700 4,780 72,800 , 1 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 740,000 Due prom Banks 51,950 $ 457,800 Cash and Ex changes 78,120 $ 334,490 704,310 2,206,670 Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System 20,480 Chase N., N. Y .; 1st N., Phil. 67,870 N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil. 386.750 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’IN. Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N. 4th St. N., and Phil. N., Phil. Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 19.300 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn lx. N.. Phil. Fulton N., Atl. 508,040 84,540 561,000 42,320 26.720 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi. 917,000 38,000 42,100 N. Park. N. Y.-, Far. & Mech. N., Phil.: N. Union, Balt. 176,570 251,470 287,720 128,180 30,460 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. 0.; Southern Tr. Co., Little R. 93,440 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Phil.: Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co„ N,0. 65.000 N. Park and Merch. N., N, Y.; Phil. N. and 4th St. N.. Phil. , 250.000 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 968,170 420,500 162,310 41,060 N. Park. N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; Atl. N., Atl. X6. 3,400,000 675,000 700,000 1,683,190 127,070 706,610 20,600 85,920 300,000 Am. Ex. N.and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Mech.-Am. N.. St. L. ' ’ x 6. 524,250 Thomasville, Qa. 31,350 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil. 2,960,000 114,000 885,000 c auley 039.000 675,000 2,766,000 _____ __ 254.000 Chase N., N. Y .; Girard N., Phil. 38-4 Savannah Clearing House ____ F. W. Clarke —. .. W. F. McCauley . . . Walter F. Hogan, (Members indicated by a ♦) See. and Tr. GEORGIA M ap opposite page 142 Banks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .............■»( ............. 1 1 Advertising give Prom pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence _______________ July; 1915 Chairman o f the Jno. E. Foy Board. Principal Correspondents. Bonds, Paid-up Surplus I ndivid Deposits L oans * and ual op Dis Securi Capital counts ties , etc. Profits Deposits B anks 1 6 6 __________________________ GEORGIA BANKS— Savannah 1 ec xuo u a im a r tu y c iu a iu ^ g iY c r i u u i p i A iicu L iu n lo v u iie u iu n s a n u v^orresponaence fJl Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv Est. Town and County. ACounty Seats. President. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Fo r Interest B ates, Grace, GEORGIA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Resources. Lia bilities . Surplus Loansk Dis- Cashk £xDepos c Paid-up ’ ts. Bonds, CBA N0BS,DvB and its Capital Profits Bboukitiss fromBanks As s ’t Cashier. July, 1915 1 AU/ Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve ¡Collect. System. Scotland___ Telfair G 8 Bank of Scotland_____ §12 E. H. Hermann— J. T. Elder___ Pop. 400 64-842 Scott-------- Johnson G 6 Scott Banking Co__ — $§’05 L. O. Benton.__ Jos. M. Smith.. Pop. 212 64-709 ........ A. H. Duggan____ S 25,000 $ W. D. Compton, Jr. 15,000 3,500 15,000 35,000 8 ,0 0 0 Han. N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Savan. 1st N., Dublin, Ga. Screven------- Wayne 1 7 Screven Banking Go.~<§’10 C. S. Meadows__ Pop. 276 64-710 J. C. Hatcher . . . J. B. Yeomans J. A. Varnedoe__ 15,000 1.300 18.000 32,000 8 ,0 0 0 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan. Savan. Senoia---------Coweta D5 Farmers &Merch. Bk.._i|’90 M. H. Couch___ Pop. m i 64-387 R. L. Hardy___ C. C. McKnight R. W. Freeman__ 50,000 33,470 65,590 126,890 First National Bank__ *t’07 L. O. Benton__ 64-388 Seville.:.. ....Wilcox E 8 Walton Bros. Bankers..t’09 J. B. Walton..__ Pop. 198 64-711 Shady Dale ...Jasper E 5 Bank of Shady Dale.— .§’07 L. O.Benton__ L Pop. 344 64-712 B. P. Daniel__ B. O. Childs____ 25,000 7,870 40.500 70,000 A. E. Walton__ R. E. Sappington.. 4,780 10,130 26,000 4,500 N.Park, N.Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; 4th N., Macon Fifth-Third N., Cin. ' § 4,430 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Macon. W. J. Tucker., M. C, Mobley— 25.000 7,500 25,000 60,000 7,500 Han. N., N. Yi: Fulton N., Atl. Sharon—.Taliaferro G 4 Bank òf Sharon.Iti Pop. 400 64-713 — §’04 G. N. Wright.™ J. A. Kendrick. O. G. Stone —... 15,000 16,700 24,000 r52,000 Sharpsburg—Coweta C5 Sharpsburg Banking Co, -I’ll J. R.-Cole„„__ Pop. 175 64-801 R. A. Ingram_ W. L. McLean.. 15,000 4,600 5,500 26,000 50,000 25.000 126,760 126.710 98,290 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 22.500 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 5,830 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. Shellman___Randolph C 8 FIRST NAT’L BANK— «41900 H. A. Crittenden__ W. R. Curry_____ F. C. Sears —____ J. W. Bell — Pop. 985 64-409 Shiloh.— ^— Harris € Pop. 300 6 Shellman Banking Co..< §’90 W. J. Oliver_____ J. M. Wooten____ T. R. Arthur . 64-408 Bank of Shiloh—_____ t§’ll E. B. Tramuell__ W. H. Grant_____ J. R. Jackson 64-802 Siloam...— ..Greene E 5 Bank of Siloam— Pop. 400 64-714 __$§’04 John F. Holden._ J. B. Dolvin. W. M. Reynolds.. G. Thompson. . % 56,500 $ 14,500 Mech. &Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N., Eastman, Ga. Citiz,& Southern, Savan. 25,000 19,000 70,000 90,000 15,000 ’ 1,830 19,970 51,460 15.000 14,000 24,000 45,000 38.210 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 3d N., Atl. 11,500 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Wilkes, Washing ton, Ga. 4,000 Ni City, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 8 ,0 0 0 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y, 6 , GEORGIA BANKS—Scotland to Statenville ------- — — 6,080 S 45,000 Smithville____ Lee D 8 Bank of Smithville___ <§’03 T. G. Williams___ B.I. McKenney__ B. R. Jones___ ... 30,000 25,000 8,260 49,500 19,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.; Plan., Ameri Pop. 574 64-715 cas, Ga. / ; Smyrna-l.........Cobb C 4 Bank of Smyrna_____ »§11 J. G. Morris_____ J. N. Brawner___ J.D. Corn______ 16,300 70,710 3,060 68,060 2 2 ,0 1 0 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. ? HB Pop. 599 64-716 Social Circle..Walton E 4 Bank of Social Circle. ..t§’92 J. M. Hurst— — I. N. B. Spence .... H.L. Rowe.____ B.A. Clegg. 75,000 83,000 195,000 30,000 24,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.; Merch. N. Pop. 1590 64-320 Rich.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Walton County Bank__$§’05 E.L. Newton__. . . W. H. Stanton..—. J. L. Newton —— 83,380 102.810 50,000 14,810 45,380 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 64-321 Soperton-._ Montgomery Bank of Soperton......<§’03 N. L. Gillis_____ W. D. Martin____ J. E. H a ll.......... I. H. Hall, Jr......... 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 135,000 1 2 ,0 0 0 Han. N., N- Y.; - Citiz. & Southern, Savan.. Pop. 469 G7 64-497 J. B. O’Conner 1st N., Dublin, Ga. Peoples Bank________ §’05 W. T. McCrimmon. W. Mishoe______ R. E. Ward_____ 60,000 25,000 80.000 15.000 Han.N., N. Y. 6,500 64-498 A. Woods Sparks.......Berrien E9 Bank of Sparks.:_____ $§’10 S. G. Ethridge___ J. H. McCranie .... B. F. Gary__s___ H. R. Lane. 40.000 15.000 1,500 58,000 1 0 .0 0 0 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Macon. Pop. 842 ; I 64-717 Farmers State Bank__ »I’ll W. Wells Geo. Rentz______ E. P. Rycroft-----15,000 1 1 ,0 0 0 2 ,0 0 0 30,000 6,500 Chatham &Phenix N., N. Y.; Citjz., Valdosta, 64-777 ‘ Sparta-----Hancock G 5 Bank of Sparta__ ___<§’04 Robert Holmes__ J. D. Burnett..__ 25,000 95,110 130,150 9,690 28,480 Chase N.t N. Y.; Lowrjr N„ Atl. Pop. 1715 64-300 First National Bank__ < ’04 J. D. Walker..__ R. B. Baxter____ H. L. Middlebrooks M. E. Morris____ ■ 50,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta: Atl. N., 12,500 150,000 250,000 64-299 Robert Holmes Atl. x 6. Sparta Savings Bank__$§’08 R. W. Moore__ — C. S. Duggan____ R. E. Wheeler—. .. 60,480 23,600 490 64,820 14,940 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Macon; Citiz.&South 64-301 ern, Augusta; 4th N., Atl ’ Spread___ Jefferson H 5 Bank of Spread____ !__»§’04 J. T. Neal, Sr.___ James Stapleton_ J. C. Kilgore___ 30,000 25.000 1 ,2 0 0 40,000 8,750 N. Park, N. Y.; Ga. R. R„ Augusta. Pop. 370 64-718 J. W. Stapleton ‘ Springfield— Effingham Exchange Bank__ ____$§’08 H. W. McCartney . J. M. Gnann____ C. F. Reiser_____ 15.120 4,000 50,000 55,000 7,200 Chatham &Phenix N., N. Y,; Citiz. & South Pop. 504 J 7 64-719 ern, Savan. ‘ Statenville—Echols G10 Bank of Statenville..___ §15 L. J. Cooper_____ A. G. Garbutt N. T. Borland___ 5,000 15,000 5,000 15,000 Pop. 210 64-888 T. C. Ham & Tr. Co., Valdosta. GEORGIA M ap opposite page 142 For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank u the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, Under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Name of Bank. Town and County. ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv Est President. Vice-President. Cashier. ‘Statesboro ..Bulloch 17 Bank of Statesboro__ « « ’94 J. L. Coleman . . . . . W. C. Parker—— S. C. Groover... Pop, 2529 64-237 First National Bank__ «i’10 Brooks Simmons — J. E. McCroan... J. W. Johnston. Jr 64-239 W. S. Preetorius & Co., Bkrs W. S. Preetorius— J. A. Brannen___ J. G. Watson__ _ 64-240 * t’U Sea Island Bank_____««'01 J. F. Brannen___ S. L. Moore....... R. F. Donaldson.. 64~238 Statham___ Barrow E 4 Bank of Statham____ » « ’04 L. O. Benton —— C. B. Chambers.... W. M. Fite....— Pop. 800 64-721 Stephens .Oglethorpe F 4 Bank of Stephens______I’ll J. F. Holden.— __ W. F. Adkins— O. H. Adkins — — Pop. 250 64-808 St. George. Charlton H11 Bank of St. George------ 1’07 J. F. Blake_____ Pop. 272 64-722 Stillmore...Emanuel H 7 Bank of Stillmore------- « ’04 W. J. Evans . . . . . . E. A. Youmans .... W. L. Crow— —. Pop. 645 64-466 Farmers Exchange Bk. .«'10 J. N. Youmans ... E. H. Heath..— .. W. R. Holder— . 64-467 *St. Marys.. Camden 1 10 Bank of Camden Co.— %§’11 J. R. Bachlott . . . . J. S. N. Davis.— . J. F. Hughes ._.... Pop. 690 64-803 Stockbridge.. Henry D 5 Bank of Stockbridge ...•§’06 J. D. Bowen — . . . J. T. Bond____ _ C. M. Power.... . . . Pop. 500 64-723 J. G. Ward Stone Mountain ..Dekalb Granite Bank_________I’ll J. S. McCurdy__ V. R. Williams — . J. R. Irvin........ Pop. 1062 D 4 64-785 Stone Mountain Bank—. « ’05 J. O. Norris.—_~ J. F. McCurdy E. A;*Graham.— 64-724 Summertown -..Emanuel Bank of Summertown ...I ’ll J. D. Walker..— J. M. Snellgrove — C. A. Griffin — Pop. 125 H6 64-725 ‘ Summerville__ Chat’ga Bank of Commerce__ * « ’91 C. C. Cleghorn.— E. N. Martin__ —. N. K. Bitting. . . . „ Pop. 657 B3 64-462 Chattooga County Bk..»ti'06 John D. Taylor__ J. W. Cavender ... J. H. Edge....... 64-463 W. H. Penn Summit__ .Emanuel H6 Bank of Summit— .......IT3 C. R. Riner_____ B. L. Rountree__ H. V. Clanton— Pop. 700 ....64-874 Peoples Bank—....... — •«’04 J. A. Jo'neis-—— . B. L. Rountree__ S. J. Flanders — 64-726 Surrency..i. Appling H 8 Bank of Surrency— — * § 1 2 Pop. 259 64-838 Suwanee-t-Gwinnett E 3 Bank of Suwanee— ....... 1 1 2 L. S. Burns.—___ Pop. 250 64-727 ‘ Swainsboro...-Emanuel BANK OF EMANUEL--• tl’05- Jessé Thompson.. J. L. Carmichael .. W.H. Proctor..... Pop. 1313 H6 64-356 CITIZENS BANK .....-•*§1900 64-355 Sycamore__ Turner E 8 Planters Bank—------- « ’14 Pop. 296 64-898 ‘ Sylvania__ Screven 16 Citizens and Screven Co. Bk Pop. 1400 64-345 $§’14 Farmers Exchange Bank|’12 64-863 SYLVANIA BANKING CO. 64-763 •till W. J. Walker____ H. S. White_____ C. L. Hilton S. W. Zeagler____ C. A. Howard____ H. C. Lee___ ‘ Sylvester__ Worth E 8 FARMERS & MERCH BK. W. W. Tison. Pop. 2500 64-778 »« ’11 R. Hill__ Lia b il it ies . P aid-up Subplus Depos and Capital its Profits $ 75,000 $ 65,000 $ 250,000 S.E. Groover J. F. Blake, Jr.___ J. S. Cleghorn___ Leta S. Flanders... SECURITIES 27,000 225,000 231.000 1 0 ,0 0 0 5,50t 30,000 35.000 50,000 37,800 162,000 236.000 40,000 4,000 55,000 108.000 15,000 4,070 15,000 36.000 5,000 6 ,0 0 0 46.000 78.000 15,000 25.000 2,500 50.000 15,000 2,710 36,960 6 6 ,1 0 0 90,000 115.000 24,000 1 2 ,0 0 0 15,000 11,500 59,000 70.000 15,000 14,500 30,000 58,500 15,000 2 ,0 0 0 6,350 26,800 20,400 il,750 75,000 104.000 30,000 13,500 156,000 142.000 15,000 1,700 13,520 23,070 25,000 25.000 60,000 112.000 Paul J. Doster___ (.Branch o fB a x le V Bkg. G. P. Pearson___ H. B. Lynch.. Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. 50.000 Chase N..N- Y.: N. Bk. of Savan., Sayan. | 10.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Savan. 32.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co. Savan:; 3d N., Atl. 20.000 N. Park, N., Y.: Atl. N., Atl. 6,400 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. N. Park, N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville; N. Bk of Brunswick, Brunswick. Ga. 300 Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 15.000 Han.N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Savan. 6,690 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Brunswick, Bruns wint ria Han. N.,j N. Y.: Lowry N., Atl. 15,750 N. Park, N. Y.; Lowry Ñ., Atl. 2 0 .0 0 0 7,000 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl. 3,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan. Savan. 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga; Lowrj Ni, Atl. 47,370 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. 5,180 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 12,000 Chase N ./ N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 1st N., Dublin, Ga. ley, Ga.) N. Park, N. Y.; Savan. Tr. Co., Savan. rd, Ga.) 4th Ni, Atl. (Branch o f Bank o f Bufó A. K. Rountree__ Ca sh & E x changes , D ue from B anks . 240.000 $ 55,000 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 50,000 25,000 J. B. Dodd. Resources.. L oans k B iso’t s . B onds , 50,000 1 1 ,0 0 0 130,000 100,000 106.790 24,100 16,190 126,630 15,000 1,710 39,370 42,170 65.000 7,470 127,190 359,840 15,000 1 ,0 0 0 50,000 55.000 25,000 5,000 125,000 130.000 D. H. Powell . J. W. Warren I. M. Shiver.. J. L. Tison........... 42,000 2 ,0 0 0 70,000 95.000 G. M. Pinson J. D. Hall — - C. H. Hillhouse__ 50,000 18,000 50,000 110.000 40.000 N. Park, N. Ÿ.; Citiz. & Southern,* Savan. Lowry N., Atl.; N. Ex., Augusta. 20,900 Chase N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 21,060 Mech. & Metals N-< N. Y,; 4th N., Macon, Ga 22,660 Chase N., N. Y.: N.Bk.of Savan., Savan.: N. of Balt.; Balt.; Atl. N., Atl. 2 0 .0 0 0 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr, Co., Savan.; 1st N.. Sparta, Ga. 50.000 Han. N.,,N. Y.: Citiz. &Southern, Savan. 15.000 Mech. &MetalsN.,N. Y.: Savan. Bk.&Tr. Co. Savan. 15.000 Han.N„N. Y. X 6. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of B a n k is the New T ra n s it N u m b er given 1 9 15 SYLVESTER BANKING CO. G. G. Ford_____ T. C. Jeffords___ J. H. Westberry__ M. H. Westberry „ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 56,000 146,000 225,000 55.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cent. Bk. &Tr. Corp., Atl. 64-337 « « ’98 C. H. Reynolds Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: 4th N., Macon. ‘ Talbotton.. ..Talbot D 6 Bank of Talbotton.......« « ’06 R. G. Jordan ........ A. J. Perryman._ J. W. Jordan,___ T. N. Beall______ 25,000 10,500 60,000 90.000 18.000 Han. N., N, Y.; Fulton N., Atl. Pop. 1200 64-393 Peoples Bank___ — — « ’90; T. H. Persons___ E. R. Mathews___ A. P. Persons__— E. B. Douglass__ 25,000 17,240 117,200 90,540 80,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Macon. 64-392 1 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July, First National Bank__ »t’02 64-338 As s ’t Cashier. J. A. Coleman.__ F, C. Branan____ Frank Mitchell. W. D. Fountain__ B, E., Smith._____ R, A. Scarboro . H. Evans.. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest Kates, Grace etc., see page 14. For- Holidays, see opposite page li GEORGIA—Continued ^ __________ ____________ GEORGIA BANKS—Statesboro to Talbotton 1 fiS xuo A cce ssib le T o w n s. L a w v e r s . L a w s . D ire c to r s , in- Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ea°k bank in U. 8 . exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* birftfìtnrv. lindAr Town and County. »County Seats. Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State $Mem. State Bks.Assn. fPriv. Est. P resident . Vice -P resident . Cashier . BANK OF TALLAPOOSA<§’08 W. W. Heaton____ J . C. Tumlin____ .T. E. Davis _ 64-268 Farmers & Mchts. Bk__ §’09 W. M. Sasser 64-269 W. V. Sewell W. L. Kinney As s ’t Cashier . 21,700 . . H. H. Sewell_____ L. F. Wes* 62,000 10,500 Han. N.. N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 15,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. 25,000 7.000 40,000 65,000 15,000 3,800 20,000 51,000 45,000 12,000 45,000 89,000 16,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 8,000 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 25,000 7,000 60,000 73,000 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. M. Herrman 30,000 22,910 93,920 82,550 62,800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N.. Macon. D. E. McMaster. . . J . L. Kelley .T. H. Amali Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. N., Macon. 45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 30,000 25,000 166,000 149.000 W. Y. Daniel____ 0 . W. Williams___ (Ì. a . Kinp 25,000 2,000 40,000 90,000 J . T. Barron_____ W. O. Britt______ T. M. Matthews__ C. P. Stephens___ 25,000 25,000 165,000 200,000 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lowry N. and Atl. N., Atl. 50,000 31,000 190,000 230,000 48.750 Han, N„ N. Y-: 3d N., Atl. James W att_____ R. G. Fleetwood__ E. M. Smith, J r . __ B. H. Wright J . T. Culpepper. . . J . H. Merrill_____ C. M Heeth 100,000 100,000 370,000 437,000 126,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern 50,000 60,000 250,000 250,000 90,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. W. H. Rockwell... W. H. Brandon___ W. A. Pringle, Jr. 100,000 57,000 146,000 271,000 70,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 4th N„ Atl. S. Y. Pruitt______ R. E. Chatfield____ L. P. Davis______ M. W, Prnit.t W. H. Rockwell, M gr__ __ __ (B ran ch o f S a v cmnah, Citiz. N.. Macon. 10,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. Citiz. & Southern. Savan. Savan.; Heard N., Jacksonville. 3d N., Atl. , 6 G a.) 25,000 8,160 86,870 103,900 13,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Germania, Savan.; Am. N. J . E. Wilkerson... J. R. Printnp H. A. Burnside___ 50,000 26,490 142,890 205,560 24,860 N. Park, N. Y. ; Ga. R. R„ Augusta.; 3d N., Atl J . H. Boyd............ B. F . Johnson Paul A. Bowden . . . .T. O. Shields 90,000 35,000 110,000 200,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y. 16.000 60,000 92.000 T. J . Ball________ J . F . Evans______ 8. N. Rail J . F . Watson _ C. F. Hunt.. 25.000 J . T. Neal_______ A. .T. Mat.heyrs •T. T. Neal, .Tr. , , 25.000 National Bk. of Tifton. < ’05 I. W. Bowen_____ L. O. Benton____ M. E. Hendry____ K. P. Baker 64-250 W. H. Hendricks R. M. Lankford Boyce Ficklen, Jr . C. D. Bolton_____ Peoples Bank--------------- §’14 J . J . Wilkinson__ S. A. Ware 64-892 F . S. Fortson »Toccoa— Stephens F 2 Bank of Toccoa_______ $§’11 L. A. Edwards____ E. Schaefer_____ E. C. Teaslev Pop. 3120 64-781 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38.000 Soperto n, Soper ton.G a.) Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dublin, Ga. H. M. Franklin, Sr. Robert Davis____ C. J . Sessions_____ P. G. Sheppard___ Tignali_____Wilkes G 4 Bank of Tignall________ §’09 W. J . Adams Pop. 500 64-731 Toomsboro__Wilkinson Pop. 404 F6 Trion___ Chattooga B 2 Pop. 2000 Turin-------- Coweta C 5 Pop. 263 Ty Ty---------- .'.Tift F 9 Pop. 276 QEORQIA M ap opposite page 142 Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. H. M. Bashinski. . . G. H. Wood ..... »Tifton______ Tift F 9 BANK OF TIFTON_____< § 96 H. H. Tift_______ E. P. Bowen_____ B. H. McLeod____ .T. W O’Neal Pop. 4000 64-247 W. W. Banks Farmers & Merch.Bank<§’06 64-211 First National Bank___< ’08 64-210 Wilkinson County Bank $§’07 64-732 Bank of Trion.... ............. §12 64-871 Turin Banking Co____ $§’05 64-733 Bank of Tv Tv -$§’10 64-734 2.000 ____ (B r an ch o f B a n k o f »Thomasville__ Thomas Bank of Thomasville . . *i§’82 E. M. Smith . 64-121 Pop. 6727 E 10 Citizens Bkg. & Tr. Co.-$§’91 64-122 First National Bank___«$’87 64-119 Oglethorpe Sav. & Tr. Co.§’87 64-120 Peoples Savings Bank. . }§ ’06 64-123 »Thomson..McDuffie G 5 Bank of Thomson____< $ ’91 64-263 Pop. 2151 First National Bank___»{'02 64-264 McDuffie Bank_________ §’06 64-265 Thomson City B an k...< § ’15 64-915 Resources. L ia b il it ie s . Loansk Dis- Cashk Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos- c ’ tb. Bonds, changes,Due and Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks Charles E. Jackson $ 25,000 $ 15.500 S 60,000 S 109,000 $ 22,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. P. F . Baxley Tarrytown__ Mont. G 7 Bank of Tarrytown____$§’14 D. F t Holliman__ 64-773 >' Pop. 800 J . T. Harris W. M. Dorsev Taylorsville—BartowC3 Bank of Taylorsville...<§'05 W. F . Gaston 64-729 Pop. 197 Temple_____Carroll B 4 Farmers State Bank___»§’13 J . S. Michael____ W. L. Stedham ___ M. A. Sandifp.r___ 64-875 Pop. 711 Temple Banking Co____ §’03 64-730 Tennille___ Wash’n G 6 Farmers & Merch. Bk.. »§’94 64-315 Pop. 1622 Peoples Exchange B k ...$§’09 64-317 Tennille Banking Co..<§1900 64-316 »Thomaston.- üpson D 6 Bank of Thomaston____$§'10 64-310 Pop. 1645 Farmers & Merch. Bk...$§’92 64-308 Upson Bkg. & Trust Co. 64-309 *¿§1900 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, G E O R G IA —Continued Macon. , 6 9,500 Han. N.? N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta. N. Park, N. Y. 25.000 250.000 500,000 700.000 125.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan, 50,000 40,000 175.000 240,000 65,000 Mech. &Metals N.. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern 15,000 7,500 35,000 65.000 00 Merch.-Mech. N., Balt.; N. Bk. of .Wilkes, 15,000 270 8,830 17,510 30,000 9,050 57,350 109,270 Savan.; 3d N„ Atl. X 6. Wash., Ga.; Lowry N., Atl. 6,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Wash., Ga.; 3d N.. Atl. 20,140 N. City. N. Y.; 4th N„ Atl. J . E. D. Isbell____ E. E. Mitchell____ D. S. Wommack__; 50,000 7,500 80,000 128,000 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atl. N.. Atl.; Ga. N., Athens, D. J . Simpson____ J . D. Prather____ E. P. Simpson____ E. P. Simpson, Jr. 75,000 25,000 140,000 200,000 40,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 3d N., Atl.; F . B. Chambers__ W. A. Hall............. H. E. Stephens___ 15,000 9,500 20,000 38,000 6,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan, Merch. N„ Rich. 6 . B. D. Riegel_____ C. B. Caperton__;. W. R. Reece 25,000 4,200 36,000 49,200 19,090 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. Edgar Dominick__ G. H. U rauhart.... O. P. Lindsay___ 15,000 10,000 25,000 31.000 10.000 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.: Am. N., Atl. W. E. Williams___ F . B. Pickett 15,000 2,700 11,100 31,000 10,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Tifton I. Y. Conger__ ______________ GEORGIA BANKS—-Tallapoosa to Ty Ty Pop. 2500 aiiihnritv nf ThA Amori^nn RanlrAi*a Aos’ti. July, 1915 1 fiQ Tifton. ' For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 170 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State IMem. StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Est. President. Vice -President . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Fo r Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. F o r Holidays, see opposite page 13. GEORGIA—Continued Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . R esources. Loans&Dis- Cash&Ex P aid-up Surplus Depos c and ’ t s . Bonds, changes,Due Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. it | it 1 ♦SOUTHERN BK.& TRUST CO. J. T. Blalock____ .T- T?,. Dash fir C. F . Clarke 64-893 *§’14 W. F . Staten......... Lee Ashley______ 100,000 6,600 403,000 530,000 70,000 Mech. &Metals N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Savan, ♦Valdosta Bk. & Tr. Co. .§’06 B. B. Jones._____ O. L. .Tones C. L. Smith 64-109 .T Y Dlitrh • Valdosta Clearing House... . C. L. Jones______ Howard Parrish... 200,000 50,000 220,000 390,000 50,000 Mech. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y. 69,820 70,640 18,560 N. Park. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan (Members in d icated by a ♦) Pop. 3000 Rank of V'dalia 64-297 *i§’06 G. N. Mathews__ Paul Mvddelton, Se e. and, T r__ L. R. Godbee 49,200 0,000 81,460 122,940 21,740 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., G. S. Rountree___ 35,000 7,000 118,720 108,640 81,940 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan, A. B. Ketchen____ 15,000 210 17,370 19,540 9,060 Chatham&Phenix N. VN. Y.; Citiz. &Southern, 203,000 64-296 w k FIRST NATIONAL BANK»$’10 W. O. Donovan__ J . B. Manry Savan. 6. Augusta. 45,200 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Macon; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 9,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Vienna, Vienna, Ga J . B. Hamilton___ 50,000 40,000 110,000 J . B. Hamilton___ 15,000 25,000 26,000 72.000 J . A. Peavy.___ __ J . N. Hargrove___ _____ ___ _____ __ 75,000 14,400 90,000 140,000 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 32,000 162,380 56,610 174,640 21,980 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N., Macon. J . N. Wilson____ S. O. Fielder____ N. R. Henderson.. 50.000 40,000 100,000 160,000 J . Henry Pope____ George Harper___ J . W. Hamrick___ 18,000 18,600 21,500 61,000 G. L. Jacobs... _ . 15,000 1,250 10,040 25,430 S. D. Mandeville__ 25,000 6,000 47,000 63,050 17,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., W. C. Marion____ 15,600 2,450 43,620 47,440 26,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. J . C. Brodnax____ J. B. Batchelor___ 15,000 12,500 10,000 42,500 W, E. English____ C. R. Fitzpatrick.. R. F, Fowler........ 50,000 20,000 90,000 120,000 J . C. Evans_____ W. G. Brinkley__ 25,000 40,000 75,000 W. T. Hudgins__ 20,000 25,000 45,000 7,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. A. J . Gaughf----... H. H. Wilburn .... 20,000 15,000 40,000 4,500 Mech. & Metals N.,N. Y.: Ga. N., Alb. O. M. ITp.ard ,T. W. Word K. D. Portftr J . N. Roberson a C. Walker •T. P. Heard 2,500 Lowry N., Atl.; Am. N., Macon. 6 , 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 11,500 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 3,780 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., Atl. Savan. 5,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N„ Atl. 12,600 N. Park, N, Y.: Ga. R. R., Augusta. 12,000 Han. N., N.Y.: Citiz. &Southern, Augusta. Banks Advertising give Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence islUla Tnrons. larnTprs. [,aws. Directors. in. July, 1915 64-298 Farmers Bank----------- «§’11 L. O. Renton 64-738 Pop. 75 Rank of Vienna .... »*§’89 W. C. Hamilton . . . 64-322 Pop. 2500 Dooly Savings Bank— $§’05 W. C. Hamilton. .. 64-324 .. .. First National Bank-----$’10 T. H. Gregory___ 64-325 44 44 J. P. Heard & Sons.......$t’98 J. P. Heard_____ 64-323 Villa Rica__ Carroll B 4 Bank of Villa Rica-----$§’99 W. B. Candler....... 64-436 Pop. 1200 Merchants & Planters Bank J. M. Moore 64-437 *§’07 Waco------- Haralson B 4 Citizens Bank................$§’14 W. W. Heaton___ 64-908 Pop. 326 L. R. Farmer Wadley__ Jefferson H 6 64-430 Pop. 1200 Jefferson County Bank..§’07 G. H. Williams__ 64-431 Walnutgrove.Walton E 4 Brodnax Banking Co__ t ’05 S. H. Brodnax___ Pop. 112 64-739 »Warrenton .Warren G 5 Citizens Bank______ »$§’02 E. P. Davis_____ Pop. 2500 64-350 Planters &Merch. Bank»$§’07 L. O. Benton ........ 64-351 Warthen. Washington G 5 Farmers Merch. Bank..«$§’11 George Gilmore. .. Pop. 275 64-824 • Warwick.......Worth D 8 Bank of Warwicks___ *$§’10 L. O. Benton____ 64-740 Pop. 226 GEORGIA M ap opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 L. B. Godbee CITIZENS BANK........ . . * § ’01 W. T. Jenkins___ J . E. Schumpert . . J , E. Schumpert... V. B. Herring____ .. Bk. & Tr. Co.,. Savan. GEORGIA BANKS— Unadilla to Warwick Unadilla____ .Dooly E 7 Bank of Unadilla........ *$§’98 W. B; Nichols___ Jno. R. Barfield___ C. L. Coney---------- T. M. Williams.... $ 50,000 $ 5,000 $ 80,000 $ 100,000 $ 25.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Bk. & Tr. Oorp., Atl.: 4th N., Macon. 64-404 Pop. 1500 R. A. Collins .. 10,000 50,000 W. T. Spradley___ 94,000 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: 90,000 COMMERCIAL BANK— -*§ 07 C. A. Horne.......... Am. N., Macon. 64-405 40,000 8.000 45,370 86,900 7,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Ga. N., Athens. Union Point-.Greene F 4 Bank of Union Point._$§'ll H. Lamb.—;_____ I. W. Ivey........... C. J . Thornton . . . . R. A. Rhodes 64-736 Pop. 1363 2,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 10,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ga. N., Athens: Farmers Bank_______ ii’ll W. G- Davant___ O. E. Fluker_____ Otis Young__i ___ ------- ----------------Merch., Augusta; Atl. N., Atl. 64-786 Uralde._Montgomery G 8 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. H. Weathers.— 64-920 +’15 Pop. 125 80,290 88,880 268,500 6,280 1st N., Valdosta, Ga.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville, ‘Valdosta..Lowndes F 10 ♦Ashley Trust Co_____$§’13 D. C. Ashley —. . . . T. M. Smith_____ S. A. Smith, T r. . . . Abial Winn, Sec. . . 100,000 C. R. Ashley 64-111 Pop. 12,000 m R,. D. Stevens 120,000 343,160 861,940 1,111,890 213,240 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. ♦Citizens Bank_____ »$§’91 J. F. Lewis_____ W. H. Griffin’ 64-108 M .4 4,000 190,000 220,000 75,000 ♦Exchange 'Rank __ *§’12 A. C. Mizell_____ F. R. Parramore... Paul Myddelton . . . W. D. Peeples, J r .. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 64-110 »« ; g 65,000 900,000 900,000 150,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan, 125,000 A. Winn_________ S. A. Smith______ ♦First National Bank—*$’90 D. C. Ashley____ T. M. Smith 6. J , Y. Blitch •t M ♦Merchants64-107 100,000 150,000 550,000 770,000 80.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.: Bank____ « $ § ’8 8 R. Y. Lane_____ H. Y. Tillman____ W. R. Strickland — A. F. Winn, J r ___ Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 64-106 U D U K U i/v m a p o p p o s i Le p a g o a i l i v o N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e of B a n k is the N ew T ra n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. e x c lu s iv e ly by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e r s ’ D ir e c to r y , u n d er th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B a n k e r s A ss’ n . Town and County. »County Seats. Name of bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. V i y v a * v / m p V ^ & vv/ Cashier. As s ’t Cashier. w i i v v i > i v u o u i i u V V & JL v *7 | / v Lia bilities . Surplus DeposPaid-up ITS Capital Profits Resources. Loans &Disc ’t s . B onds , Securities Cash tc E x from B anks $ 150,000 1 40,000 151,560 201,000 43,460 Ihem. N., N. Y Fulton N., Atl. 100,000 17,850 150,000 215,000 ' 50.000 60,000 90,000 145,000 40,180 I Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Ex., Atl. 50,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. 64-76 First National Bank____’94 64-74 State Bank of Waycross .§’14 64-77 .. 4. Wavcross Savings & Trust Co. 64-764 §11 »Waynesboro..Burke I 5 Bank of Waynesboro..»¿§’90 64-222 Pop. 4500 Citizens Bank_______ •}§’98 64-223 T. J. Barksdale— W. S. Gresham— TV .T. Musp. Boyce Ficklin, Sec. 25J1Û0 W. B. Langford. . . C. A. Ashford...... 37,500 3,500 65,000 85,000 John Moultrie____ R. L. Baldwin____ G. P. Stanford...... 15,800 2,270 34,000 31,000 4,530 41,480 270,030 50,000 10,000 150,000 175,000 200.000 75,000 450,000 600,000 36,000 60,000 A. W. Ashford— I. H. Pitts............... W. I. H. P itts____ J. E. Frizzell-----J . R\ Bunn______ M. L. Bunn______ E. A. Stubbs......... T.'. .T."Cooper __ P. N. Harley____ J. W. Bellinger— C. V. Stanton. 25,000 1,000 ion non 31,000 50,000 15,000 60,000 143,000 25.000 23,120 122,780 153,760 50.000 60,000 375,000 350,000 25,000 4,500 47,780 109,630 Mattie K. Armentrout, Tr 15,000 is non 6,470 31,830 51,020 J. H. Barge-------- 15,000 2,480 48,510 49,360 J. L. Davidson___ O. Smith Willis Johnson__ 75,000 65,280 230,000 300,000 33,850 265,520 400,520 L. J . Cooper_____ N. P. Jenrette------ J. M. Jenrette------ L. J. Jenrette. L. J . Cooper_____ J . S. Williams........ D. F. Arthur, Sec.% C. W. Skinner____ E. E. Chance........... W. O. Gresham— A. J. Herrington.. R. C. Neely______ J . H. Whitehead— A. T. Murphey---- p i n n y MATH n i/ / p.L. CORKER------ W. H. DAVIS---------JESSE G. PALMER-G. L, WARREN r l K u l NAI L ul\i 'S e n d u s y o u r c o l le c t i o n s . W e g iv e p ro m p t a t t e n t io n , anc 64-224 •t’05iIre m it s a m e d a y c o lle c t io n i s m a d e . R e a s o n a b le c h a r g e s G IV E Peoples Savings Bank..«i§’ll W. M. Fulcher___ 64-225 Waynesboro Savings Bk..§’ll W. H. Davis...___ 64-226 Wesley___ Emanuel H 6 State Bank of Wesley—.§’13 C. R. Williams - . 64-809 Pop. 300 Weston .....Webster C 8 Bank of Weston..;----- •t§’12 G. W. Sims-_____ 64-837 Pop. 500 West Point__ Troup B 6 Bank of West Point ...•tS’97 J. C. McKemie___ 64-283 Pop. 1906 First National Bank — »$’06 W. C. Lanier__. . . 64-284 Whigham__ Grady D 10 Merchants &Planters Bk.§’15 64-917 Pop. 800 White_____ Bartow 0 3 Bank of White________§10 R. E. Wilson....... 64-743 Pop. 200 White Plains.Greene F 5 Bank of White Plains.. . i§’04 John D. Walker. 64-744 Pop. 407 Whitesburg— Carroll B 4 Whitesburg Banking Co..§’07 W. T. Jones___ 64-745 Pop. 315 Willacoochee.-Coffee F 9 Bank of Willacoochee .{§1900 J. A. Gaskins. . . 64-412 Pop. 1060 Merchants&Farmers Bk.i§ ’06 B. G. Oberry---64-413 Williamson........ PikeD 5 Bank of Williamson—..*§’12 W. D. Dingier... 64-872 Pop 300 GEORGIA M ap opposite page 142 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v Savan. Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 22,740 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N. and 3d N., Atl.; Ga N Athens Han.’ N., N. Ÿ.; N. Bk. of Col.. Col., Ga. 11,000 8,050 Irving N„ N. Y.: Am. N., Atl.; 3d N., Col. Ga. 26,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 102,860 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; 1st N. Balt.; Am. N., Wil. 6 15,000 Coal &Iron N., N. Y.: Am. N., Wil. 20,000 Han. N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 36,950 Am. Ex. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; N Bk. Savan., Savan. 135,000 N. P ark , N .Y .; M erch . N ., R ich . U S A T R IA L . J. L. Boyd.......... H. W. Blount. J. H. Whitehead. J. N. Youmans__ G. C. Daniel.......... H. R. Daniel A. P. Passmore... S. W. Adams___ M. J. Leverett H. W. Miller—— J. C. McKemie — A. Huguley_____ Harvey Fleming.. R. S. Lenhardt---A. S. Bell_____ L. B. Hughes C. C. King_____ T. W. Camp------ 50,000 ' (Branch o f Turner County B k.,A sh burn, G a.)- ___ 300 10,000 25,000 J. E. Clonts.......... 15,000 W. C. Davidson— T. C. King--------T. J. Jones.......... H. T. Strickland.. 15,000 8,000 40,000 50,000 15,000 5,000 12,000 30,000 100,000 12,520 N. Park, N.Y.; Merch.-Mech. N., Balt. 2,290 Citiz., Waynesboro. Citiz. &Southern, Savan.; 1st N., Dublin. _________ GEORGIA BANKS—Washington to Williamson Pop. 18,134 W. T. Johnson___ T. J . Barksdale— . .. i i v Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. xMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. $ 100,000 J . R. Dyson —........ G. Y. Lowe---------- F. C. Simpson___ v Principal Correspondents. $ 50.000 $ 14,000 »Washington.Wilkes G 4 Citizens National Bank.*t’07 R. O. Barksdale... E. A. Barnett____ Alexander Irvin. .. 64-218 Pop. 3065 60,580 50.000 J . A. Moss______ Boyce Ficklen, Sr. F. H. Ficklen____ Boyce Ficklen, Jr. 64-217 Washington Exch. B k ... §’88 64-215 Washington Ln. & Bkg. Co. 64-216 t§’95 4,4 Wilkes-Lincoln Trust Co.t’14 64-919 »Watkinsville.OconeeE 4 Oconee County Bank..»t§’05 64-741 Pop. 483 Waverly Hall.Harris C 6 Citizens Bank_________ »§’09 64-479 Pop. 600 Farmers Banking Co— i t ’09 64-478 i i m A cce ssib le T o w n s, L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ire c to r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n te r e s t R a te s , G race,, e t c ., see page 14, F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 13.| GEORGIA—Continued Vice -P resident . P resident . rv u y julyf 1915 171 u 19,760 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Dawson, Dawson, Ga. 60,280 Han. N-, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Lowry N. and 4th N.,. Atl. 6. 63,820 Han. N„ N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. Broadway Tr. Co., N. Y. — 5,000 Mech. &Metals N. N. Y.; 1st N.. Cartersville, Ga. 7,500 Han. N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.: Ga. R. R., Augusta. 4,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 3d N., Atl. Geo. F. McCranie. Geo. F. McCranie. M. H. McCranie—. J. M. Roberts----- R. A. Brinson---- 25.000 12,000 85.000 20,000 18,000 11,500 40,000 58,350 11,020 A. P. Dickinson... P. W. Vaughn__ 15,000 4.000 20,000 41,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 4th N., Atl. Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. 7,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Tra., Atl. For SA FETY and SER V IC E, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 172 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Name of Bank. Town and Oodnty. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Est. President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. Lia bilities . Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Profits $ 25,000 H. A. Carithers__ A. A. Thomas $ J. H. House J. A. Thompson... D. F. Thompson__ $ 1 ,1 0 0 25,000 J. L. Harris J. T. Strange 13,750 W. L. Jackson__ 50,000 5,540 J. T. Strange____ W. f!. Horton 50,000 W. C. Horton A. A. Camp_____ Lee S. Radford__ G. H. Kilgore___ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 33,620 J. I. J. Bell D. H. Winter ....... fl, K, Graham___ 25,000 9,740 Resources. L oans & D is Ca sh & E x care. B onds , changes ,D ub from B anks Securities 125,000 37,710 $ 48,710 82,000 150,000 25,230 94,780 154,840 245,690 37,600 80,260 Principal Correspondents. Also Federal Reserve District of which bank is member. XMem. Fed. Reserve Collect. System. N. Bk. Com., N., Y.: Lowry N., A«.: N. Bk, of Athens, Athens, Ga. 12,530 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 36.000 Mech. &Metals N., N.Y.; 4thN„ Atl. 6. 10,790 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl. R. J. Anthony..... R. M. Penland__ J. R. Newman..... 15,000 2 ,0 0 0 42,810 48,750 J. W. Williams__ O. W. Powers . 25,000 8 .0 0 0 40,000 85.000 43,820 Han.N., N.Y.: Atl. N. and 3d N., Atl.; Citiz & Southern, Sayan. 11,270 N. Park and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ful ton N., Atl. : Ga. N., Athens. 7,800 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; 3d N., Atl.; Am, N., Macon. 8 ,0 0 0 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. H. H. Parker___ _ T. G. Harris W. H. Cohen R. A. Smith W- R - Gary 15,000 3,000 30,000 18.000 20.000 15,000 2 ,0 0 0 15,000 55.000 1 1 ,0 0 0 44,980 Han. N., N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. A. R. Fowler____ W. L. DuPree___ 25,000 7,800 19,390 N. J. Gorham___ F. .T. Snead .... _ 40,000 18,000 30,000 80.000 15,000 5,000 15,000 27.000 Corn Ex., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; 4th N., Macon. 10,120 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Atl.; IstN., Marietta, Ga. 54.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl.: Ga. N., Athens. 9,360 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Atl. 5,650 .T. T. Rnrch W. J . Wren_____ L. L. Gallemore__ A. N. McClesky__ .Tames King J . R. Howard___ 55.000 90.000 18.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;Citiz.&Southern, Augusta 15,000 25,000 1 1 ,0 0 0 55,000 80.000 15.000 Chatham &Phénix N., N.Y.; Merch., Augusta. J . H. Rowland___ R. L. Kent_____ W. L. Thompson... B. B. Tanner J . M. Mason____ E. E. Daley_____ G. E. Fulford___ 25,000 45,000 125,000 135,000 35,000 18,000 65,000 75.000 J. W. Brown R. D. Higgins___ 15,000 310 1 0 ,0 0 0 28.000 2 .0 0 0 J. P. McNeice___ Ellison McNeice... J . M. Nicholson . . . 17,500 6 ,0 0 0 50,000 60,000 1 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 11,360 45,000 85,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Blairsville, Blairsville, Ga. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. A. G. Maxwell___ P, M, Sullivan fl. R,. Owyn 60.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. &Southern, Savan. 30.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atl. N., Atl. IDAHO T. T. Bell_____ P. A. Fugate____ H. C. Wiebe. R. A. Lounsbury .. $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 1,700 $ 64,000 48.000 25.000 8,130 94,810 87,110 H. C. Houtz__ H. C. Allen_____ L. L. Evans_____ 25.000 7,500 125.000 105.000 24.000 Oma. N., Orna.: 1st N., Blackfoot, Idaho. 41,550 Chase N., N. Y.: McOornick & Co., Salt Lake City. 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Pingree N., Ogden, Utah, J. H. Brady__ J. Gibson______ _ Thos. F. Rodgers— 25.000 2 0 ,0 0 0 300.000 300.000 60.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi. Geo. F. Gagan— F. W. Sorgatz___ 25.000 8,670 136,320 8 6 .0 0 0 J. A. McDonald__ C. Ray Isenburg__ 35.000 4,000 131.000 110.000 W. L. Robinson__ F. Swanstrum___ S. G. Robinson 25.000 13,500 140.000 130,900 40.000 Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake City. 33.000 Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; Utah State N., Salt Lake City; Far. &Tra., Pocatello, Ida. 30.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Copper, Salt Lake City. A. Lounsbury .. J. Harshbarger. Alex. Harris____ _ H. Van Slooten. 18,500 2,500 75,000 65.000 A. E. Cahoon____ C. W. Wilson— 25,000 4,000 175,000 170,000 12. 43,780 Chase N., N.Y.; IstN.,Chi.;PingreeN.,Ogden; McCornick&Co., Salt Lake City. 37.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 12. July, 1915 Aberdeen—Bingham E 7 Bank of Aberdeen___<§’09 N. J. Paul_____ _ Pop. 300 92-145 ‘ Albion........ Cassia E 7 D. L. Evans & Co., Ltd.<§’04 D. L. Evans_____ Pop. 392 92-146 ‘ American Falls ..Power Evans State Bank___t§’08 L. L. Evans_____ Pop. 1500 F7 92-102 First National Bank__ < ’07 D. W. Davis_____ 92-101 Arco — .......—Blaine E 6 Bank of Commerce,Ltd. t§’07 E. M. James_____ Pop. 322 92-147 Ashton___ Fremont G 5 First National Bank__ <12 G. E. Bowerman _. Pop. 1000 92-125 Security State Bank...<§’09 Henry Petersen__ 92-126 Bancroft— Bannock F 7 Bancroft State Bank—. §10 E. J. Merrill. Pop. 400 92-148 Bellevue ........Blaine D 6 Bellevue State Bank. ..< § ’06 T. D. Perry.. Pop. 702 92-149 DAHO M ap on Index Illinois Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis YICE-PRESIDENT. GEORGIA AND IDAHO BANKS—Winder to Bellevue Winder'.___ Barrow E 3 Carithers Banking Co. *it’02 R. L. Carithers__ 64-242 Pop. 4000 Farmers Bank *§’14 L. A. House_____ 64-894 First National Bank. ...* ’08 W. H. Toole_____ 64-243 North Georgia Trust &Bank- W. H. Toole_____ ing Co.__64-903___ - §’14 Winder Banking Co... .<§’99 T. A. Maynard__ 64-241 . * § '1 1 J. T. Pittard. Winterville__ Clarke E 4 Pittard Banking Co. 64-746 Pop. 465 Woodbury.. .Meriwether Peoples Bank....... ...... .•§’07 W. J. Smith_____ Pop. 1200 C6 Woodbury Banking Co.i§’02 J. D. Sutton 64-420 Woodcliff__ Screven 1 6 Farmers Bank______ - • § ’1 2 W. M. Parker____ Pop. 200 64-848 Woodland___ Talbot C 6 Woodland Bank §’07 S. F. Woodall___ Pop. 600 64-747 Woodstock.Cherokee D 3 Bank of Woodstock ... ..§ ’05 J. H. Johnston__ Pop. 442 64-748 Woodville__ Greene L 5 Bank of Woodville__ .i t ’08 W. P. McWhorter. Pop. 500 64-749 Woolsey___ Fayette D 5 Woolsey Bank . . . ____ *§’07 R. P. Minter ...... Pop. 162 64-750 Wrens___ Jefferson H 5 Bank of Wrens........... <§’04 L. R. Farmer____ Pop. 616 64-472 Citizens Bank <§’07 S. M. McNair.... 64-473 ‘ Wrightsville.—Johnson Bank of Wrightsville —.*§’97 E. A. Lovett_____ Pop. 1700 “ G 6 64-347 Exchange Bank_____ -t§'09 C. T. Bray______ 64-349 Yatesville___ Upson D6 Planters Bank • §’11 L. O. Benton Pop. 366 64-504 Yatesville Banking Co. -*§’06 J. P. McNeice, 64-503 A cting Young Harris. Towns-E 2 Bank of Young Harris. _t’09 J.D. Walker Pop. 283 64-841 ‘ Zebulon_____Pike D 5 Bank of Zebulon <§’95 W. J . Franklin__ Pop. 975 64-751 GEORGIA Map opposite page 142 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. v GEORGIA—Continued Banks Advertising: g:ive Prom pt A ttention to Collections and Correspondence Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,I”?