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BIRMINGHAM First National Bank IN CONSOLIDATION WITH American-Traders National Bank Alabama’s Two Largest Banks CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000,000 OSCAR WELLS W. W. CRAWFORD JOHN C. PERSONS Chairman Vice-Chairman President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis KEEHN W. BERRY Exec. Vice-Pres. > to t- O OO 03 •r' H-» H-t ‘fcO-vl o&: ot^i to toto to HH ^ *tO tO 00 Elmore Eseambi Etowah. w>^w: : Fayette. — Franklin ^ . S t-Q................................. „ MWrVhO wco^oso^^o OOCnO . wb to to to H-*. Geneva Greene. Oirf^-Os . 00OKI Hale. ... Henry. Houston Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OfyM Lwb : bis) 0 0^0 . p oZZ — "9 P S ^3 zh n ? -H ° „ — rn ; bo^ bwz o'g.ottx]b^bbo1 Ljo j_'w wb Swbab•K- EJ w2 '"iLJ bb H-*coin I— •-* ►— *_* to MM^MM^MMM^^MtOtOM ►-* H- H- H- tO ^ ■ ^— 03 50 «S|— “ “JO'J “ p o O CO oo CJ«0it-‘~4~4OQ00itffc.0aO*-00 CO «© **• t—►—-si co x BANK ATTORNEYS T) ANKERS and other conservative business men prefer to refer their collections and other legal business to Bank attorneys* You will find a specially selected list of Bank attorneys indexed in the back section of this publication* Please mention the Bankers’ Blue Book when sending collections to banks and attorneys listed therein* The publishers will appreciate it, and such mention is an incentive to the receiver of your business to exert his best efforts to give you a prompt, care ful and economical service* FOR COLLECTIONS Use the Rand McNally BANKERS DIRECTORY and Selected List of Bank ATTORNEYS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seat. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. BBirm.;N.0.NewOr •Mem.A.B.A.TlNew §StatefPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstaD ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bon< d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div PRESIDENT. *Abbeville___ 2047 Abbeville State Bank®t§’25 R. K. Stokes. Henry M22 1156-10% 61-528 par 100 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. E. Price.............. J. B. Long, Jr------ Albertville___ 271b Albertville National Bank Hogan Jackson___ L. C. Adkins B Marshall C16 $150-12% par too 61-176 dT«t 04 J. M. Davis. V. P. J. B. H. Lumpkin ______ »» $ Mrs. Seydell Roper C. J. Walker First National Bank...d»1:’20 M. F. Irvin______ W. Smith________ $135-12% par 100 61-500 Ralph Smith .. Marshall County State Bk. A. B. Hooper, Jr. . C. A. Goodwin____ $140-8% par 145 61-175 dT»I§’02 VV. D. Claybrooke, non Jesse Brown, Jr.. Ch. A. C. AlexanderCity451!) Alexander City Bank...t§’89 H. Herzfeld______ A. L. Harlan.. J. B. Ford_______ 61-168 B Tallapoosa H18 io% L. M. Willis .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK'tlOOG Benjamin Russell . T. C. Russell_____ J. L. Willis__ par 100 61-169 C. J. Coley. A. C. T. H. Thompson AHcevlIle incfi Alicevillo Bank & Tr. Co. J. V. Park. J. A. Somerville, Jr. T. S. Huff B Pickens H5 $250-12% par 100 61-240®T*t§ '04 C. R. Horton, V.P. H. S. Summerville J. B. Durrett •• Peoples Bank................©t§’29 A. H. Dabbs______ 61-545 T. R. McLellan Altoona.......... .1098 First State Bank___d®t§’09 T. R. Bynum_____ 61-251 B Etowah D16 $185-25% J. F. Thompson par 100 *AndaIusia___5154 Covington N15 ANDALUSIA NATIONAL BANK 8% .. 61-130 d©T»t'04 B. MILLIGAN E. L. MORE.......... C. A. O’NEAL, R. N. McLEOD fS. 'ANNISTON •• 61-51 Geneva L. Bynum. D. E. FLETCHER . P. 1 PAYNE E. CL D. Bean 45,000 1 167.370 $ 25.000 17,720 241,570 2,020 100,000 106,020 347,440 50,000 100,000 30,000 50,000 Bayles_____ J. W. 18.610 S 106,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Houston N., Dothan; 1st N., Birin.; Far. &Merch. N.. Troy. 168,400 37,670 22,200 58,040 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Gads den and Birm. 204,880 318,020 12.500 68,090 N.City, N. Y.; 1st N..Birm. 400,000 350,000 3,750 16,500 159.75C Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Ham. N., Chat. 25,000 140,000 145,000 20,000 50,000 Cent. Han. Rk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Birin.Tr. & Sav.Co., Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. 55.000 144,290 419,880 341,880 106,660 62,140 108,480 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Atl. 100,000 167,700 727,360 55,880 628,100 82,450 20,940 319,460 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 40,000 52,890 274,410 2,290 225,520 23,220 25,210 95,630 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 25,000 3,500 35,000 35,000 10,000 18,500 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; Col. 1st N., Tuscaloosa. 25.000 16,940 175,740 148,300 200,000 75,590 1,164,640 Exch ange 100,000 174,460 948.130 Hamilton... Hollis Ezell______ 20,000 8,860 44,110 201,500 949,610 55,790 1st N., Birm. 244,310 83,860 104,260 177,370 200,000 227,660 955,580 3,350 41,020 146,130 2,068,870 205,000 1,589,120 491,480 115,470 ♦Commercial National Bank C. R. Bell 8% 61-56 ©T«f20 Arthur Wellborn 3. R. Thompson _ 213,050 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Atl. 28,290 Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Florence. « __ 514.920 ^ , gj 1st N., ^a Chemical Bank& Trust Co., New York Chase National Bank.............New York FIFTEEN CENTS sent us with each sight draft for presentation, and ©T.rso TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, per sonalat tentlon. Fee in advance Is not required on cash and Bill of Lading Items and Notes. Whitfield Clark.. J. B. Taylor. __ 363,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola: 1st N.. Birm. Rate S. Ch. of Bd. *ciTvmw&«,I H. H. Montgomery Principal correspondents. Cash A Ex changes, Dtj* from Banks 18,210 $ G. E. Simmons___ B.W. PRUET . _. S.L. GALBRAITH— P. A. QUINN_ _ _ _ 0. A. HAMILTON. NATIONAL BANK 1175-12% 20,390 t 220,290 $ (.Personal P resentation. Prompt Rep ort. Reason able Anderson ?ds Farmers Bank. _d©*t§’26 W. R. Howard____ L. 61-536 B Lauderdale A10 par 100 0 L/aliiOiili r lo 25,000 S J Ch. of Bd. J Special Att ention given Bill of Ladi ng drafts, First National Bank ®»t'01 T. E. Henderson__ A. O. Darling .... io% 61-129 W. F. Simmons * Anniston... 22,345 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Surplus Depos Other Bonds Miscel Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Disoounts Securities laneous ties E. H. Hall Alabama City 8544 Alabama City Bank.©T»t§’22 C. B. Forman......... M, FI. Rrnnm BiEtowah D17 $165-12% par 100 61-508 F. R. Thompson •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA 150,000 11,110 245,410 42,500 294.960 9,230 102,320 42,500 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 300,000 90,490 909,210 370,010 718,560 644,020 120,660 186,470 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Citiz. Sou. N„ Atl. 259,160 2,973,600 106,990 1,947,440 874,970 168,850 648,500 Chase N. and N.City, N.Y.;lst N., Atl.; 1st N., Birm. $100 par 100 61-55 ** ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 •• _____ .. 61-53 H. A. Young. dB®T»t’83 W. H. Weatherly, Ch., W. W. Strinefellow J. T. Gardner. Jr.. W. W. Weaver___ V. P. & Cash. 300,000 Anniston Clearing House___ : H. H. Montgomery (2. R. Bell_________ ] L. A. Stanley, (Members Indicated by a *) See. and Tr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE MERCHANTS 1 THE BANK MOBILE Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ qo 04 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. BBirm. N.O.NewOr. B Marshall C15 •Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State t Prir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Yicb-President. OAsmin. Ass’T Cashier. G. A. Rrnwn Hogan Jackson ... R. J. Riddle, Ch. *150-8% par 100 61-252 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel Can k RxLoans Other D epos Paid-up Surplus and and CKAJrSBSyDVB AND L iabili laneous its Capital Profits Discounts Securities ties ALABAMA—Continued T. W. Milner T. L. Cox 25,000 J $ W. E. Wells______ J. O. King_______ M. B. Wells............ Dale M19 Houston 022 M •• 8% par 100 38,120 Chase N„ N. Y.: Far. & Merch., Ashford; 1st N., Dothan and Montgomery. 67,450 i 5,650 13,010 138.280 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Dothan; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl.: 1st N.hnd Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. 134,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Hou. N.. Dothan; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Atl. 30,000 19,010 175,380 First National Bank........»’12 *200-8% par 100 61-386 A. L. Snell ______ 25,000 29,850 143,810 7,910 52,610 13,490 6,280 First National Bank__ ®*’09 H. L. Wynn______ *140-10% par 100 61-208 H. W. Sim*______ J. B. Runyan.......... 75,000 32,730 260,310 66.500 275,460 105,830 14.450 Ashville Savings Bank »t§’06 J. L. Herring, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 10% par 100 61-255 J. C. Du Bois__ 12,500 16.570 142.380 78.080 32,100 15,000 13,230 98,850 66,040 5,500 7,480 J. S. Radney (Closed January 7, 1931) . Izo Jones_______ B. M. Teague____ W. T. Jones 61-166 fJ.N. HOWARD.—G. D. GLAZE. J Ch. of Bd. \ Send us your A | Special attentio d®«t§’09 {Pleat e tend 15c u> MERCHANTSBANK 61*223-16% par 100 56,620 Gadsden N.. Gadsden. 7 W. J. HOWARD- - - - - - R.C. MARTIN_ _ _ _ C. B. BFASIFY HARRY TAFT W. M. DUPREE 29,070 235,040 300 81,550 137,180 25,040 80.000 55,170 560,320 260,000 697,580 71,990 88,750 50,640 Chase N.. N Y.; Am. N., Nash.: 1st N., Birm.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., and Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 97,170 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y : Am. N„ Nash.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.; Ham. N„ Chat. 40,000 9,340 134,090 1,500 119,110 12,410 12,780 40,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm.; 1st N., Atl. 50,000 40,300 290,080 222,000 3.250 45,270 109,860 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. N.. Mobile; Am. N.. Pensacola, Fla. 50,000 16,960 224,270 166,680 76,460 17,950 50,000 39,650 177,050 206,420 25,000 27,360 156,240 141,590 thens Business D lrect. n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ith each tight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Repo rU. J. E. Gray............ A. B. McWilliams.. D. A. Hazelwood— L. N. Gilbert Limestone County Bank 100 61-540 ®t§’27 $115-8% par Bank of Atmore .. d®T*t§04 E. F. Goldsmith— W. D. McCoy par 100 81-208 W. R. Maxwell.... *180-10% .. First National Bank__ »t’18 W. J. Grubbs 61-452 Attalla 4585 Attalla Bank..____d®*t§’06 *175-12% par 100 61-266 B Etowah D17 C. R, Shepherd___ *170-8% par 100 61-412 ®tl’13 Auburn 2801) Bank of Auburn...... d®tl'07 *225-10% par 100 61-257 Lee 120 First National Bank...d®’23 C. F. Little_ _ _ _ _ *130-8% par 120 61-518 A. L. Thomas, Ch. .Bay Minette.1545 Baldwin County Bank©«t§’01 61-258 N. 0. Baldwin P7 15% Bayou Labatre 301 Bank of Bayou La Batre N. 0. Mobile Q4 *140-10% par 100 61-505 ®t§'21 Peoples Exchange Bank B Monroe M10 *110-12% par 60 61-259d®»t§’07 Belle Mina____180 Belle Mina Bank_____®}S’13 B Limestone B12 *150-8% par 100 61-422 Berry..................500 Bank of Berry_____®*tS’ll *150-8% par 100 61-382 B Fayette F8 W. Lonnie Greer_____ J. M. Jones______ f. a t.bp Robert H. Forman. F. R. Thompson Lamar Smith------- E. G. Norton_____ C. W. Burke______ C. A. Cary_ _ _ _ _ _ W. D. Martin........ . E. F. Wright_ _ _ _ 23,000 53,140 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Mobile. 28,400 31,870 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 15,700 11.930 6,410 39,390 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chat., Gadsden, and Birm. 119,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Atl. 80,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Citiz. &Sou, N., Atl.; Far. N.. Opelika. 180,100 43,730 220,000 31.500 150 758,750 27.520 5,400 62,750 25,000 56,410 265,430 40,000 15,000 250,000 50,000 94,330 762,760 10,000 5,250 60,860 W. R. Sawyer____ 15,000 20,940 113,760 121,120 7.170 11,210 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile. B. N. B'bh .. ___ H. B. Zeitler Fred W. Johnson . Phelan Shepherd. Leon Studdard___ V. G. Hall 10,000 8,590 75,100 54,570 2,030 50,000 15,000 125,000 10,000 126,000 14,000 37,080 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Chat.; Tenn. VaJ., Decatur. 60,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 199,290 2,104,950 100,000 988,500 W. W. Hill_ _ _ _ _ G. H. Wright. . D. Stapleton... L. T. Rhodes_ _ _ _ O. C. Hall................ L. D. Whatley_ _ _ C. L. White, A. C. J. T. Bradley G. H. Bosarge____ W. L. Riva G. H. Bosarge........ Clyde Hendrix........ J. R. Witt. Ch. J. C. Shepherd. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 48,080 1st N., Birm., 1st N., Gadsden. 30,000 ®TS'99 MaxM.Rosenau.CA. D. L. Rosenau.Sr. FARMERS & 38,800 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. C. L. Williamson.. B Escambia 08 3.270 22,600 W. TT. Wells B Limestone A12 *48-12% par 25 .. 41,000 22,260 Albertville N„ Albertville; 1st N.. Birm. W. E. Wells. Farmers & Merchants Bank W. W. Conk *150-8% par 100 61-486.©»t§'20 A. M.Grimsley, Ch. J. S. Radney Farmers & Merchants Bank W. A. Season__ *90-10% par 60 61-503 ®«t§’20 .. 8,000 7,000 $ 61-530 ‘Ashland...... 1476 Fn.rme.rR State Bank B Clay G18 B St. Clair E16 15,000 S 1.380 % 126.810 27,180 $ 102,510 S 2,640 29,440 2.830 10,200 91,530 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st Tr. Co., Mobile. 15,940 Am. Tr., Mobile. N. and Am. N. Bk. & Bessemer.. 20,721 Bessemer Tr. & Sav. Bank__ (Closed December 23 . 1930) B Jefferson G12 City National Bank ___ __ (Closed December 23 , 1930) fW.H. LEWIS_ _ _ _ _ G. E. RUTLEDGE...... C. R. KUCHINS------- G. R. DAVIES---------C. R. KUCHINS FIRST NATIONAL BANK *350-24%par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 |1 Collections a sp eclalty. Send us your Bessemer bu siness. (.Drafts drawn w 1th Exchange rem ltted without cos t. Reasons given for non -payme nt. 61-58 d©T«t’03 THE MERCHANTS IS THE 946,210 100,000 469,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Birm. 1 BANK 1 N MOBILE | 33 CO Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^Newi State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. BIRMINGHAM-Reserve City Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 6 (Jefferson Liabilities. President. Cashier. Vice-President, Ass't Cashier. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Loans Resources. MiscblBonds LANIOF8 and AND Discounts Sbctjbitibs Risoubcbb F13) County Seat—Pop. 259,678 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Do* raoM Banks American-Traders Nat'l Bank__ (Merged with First National Bank, 'July 1, 1930) ♦Banking Hse. of Steiner Bros. L. K. Steiner_____ H. E. Steiner_____Carl Steiner---------- Sig. Steiner. . 50% par ioo 61-11 B©T»t'88 L, K. Steiner,Jr„ J. M. Levine (21011st Ave.) A. C. 100,000 $ 348.460 $ 859,110 $ 303,600 $ 722.710 S 717,160 $ 170,910 380 Chase N.. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr Co.,N. Y. Bank of Alabama____________ (See Ensley) 'BIRMINGHAM TR. & SAVINGS GO. 12% ♦ 61-8 d®T»tl'87 par 100 (112 N. 20th St.) 1.000.000 1.450,000 18 726 570 WALTER E. HENLEY WM. H. MANLY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 44,670 14 041 470 1.844,780 1,162,510 4,172,480 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. V. ARTHUR W. SMITH, BENSON CAIN, M. F. SMITH, D. B. TALIAFERRO Ch.o/Bd. Ass’tV.P. Tr, Officer J P GLASS We off er you depen dable bankin g faci lities. G. 0. COTTEN, w GEO. A. BREWER, A. H. JOHNSON Ass’i V. J» a. Tr. Officer MALCOLM A. SMITH Promp t and carefu I atte ntion to all items sent u S. C. M. SPENCER, „ A. KEY FOSTER, „ A. Tr. Off. A, Tr. Off. Ensley National Bank(See Ensley) Exchange Bank ............-d©§’28 W. S. Edwards, Jr. Mark Hodo______ W. T. O’Hara_____ $100 par 100 61-542 VV. Berney Perry (2001 11th Ave. S.) ♦Federal Reserve Bk.of Atlanta (Branch of Atlant a. Ga.) (For com plete information seepage 19) 61-19 18 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 35.000 610 97.180 10,000 89,800 33,000 6,500 13,480 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. JOHN C. PERSONS-—K. W. BERRY. Exec.. FRANK S. — E. C. CRAWFORD — OSCAR WELLS. THOMAS BOWRON JOHN A. HAND. W. D- ROBERTSON 5.000.000 5.050,000 54,877.380 4,787,330 44,041,290 10,170.620 3,797,380 11,705.430 Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Chem. Bk. & Tr. ... u, 6. M. WILLIAMSON Comptroller WADE FLEETWOOD W. W. CRAWFORD. PAUL ANGELL . F. CLOWDUS, Aud. j. l. COOPER Co., N. City and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., [ ,-Ch.ofBd. T. J. C0TTINGHAM N. I.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., W. C. O’FERRALL Chi.: 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil.: 1st N., Balt.: CARL GRANTHAM Canal Bk. & Tr. and Whitney N., N. O.; Fifth Trust Dept. ALANJ. DALY, Third Un. Tr., Ciu.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. CHAS. F. ZUKOSKI. Jr. CLAUDE M. SHILL, V. P. and Tr. Off. HARRIS M0RIARTY, S. E. THOMAS, Asst. V -Presidents V. P. and Corp. Tr. Off. $100 par 25 61-1 dB©T»t’84 ■ (Cor.2nd Ave. and 20th St.) Largest W. W. KENNEDY. S:I:P* S. H. TANNER, Asst. Tr. Officers _ Bank in Alabama. Designated Depositary of the U. S. and State of Alabama. We collect and for ward items direct to every banking point in Alabama. Superior service in handling collections. TEST OUR FACILITIES. Industrial Sav.Bk____®T»t§’23 Walter Willett__ *250-10% par 100 61-21 H. U. Sims. Ch. (400 N. 20th St.) NORTH BIRMINGHAM AMERICAN BANK *145 par ioo 61-334 F. B. Yeilding.W. T. Estes 'T. J. COTTINGHAM-G. C. BRYANT - Holden Naff, Cash, and Tr. Off. Vivien Stanford, Sec, DAVID Me CARTY— G. R. MOSS_ _ _ _ _ Send u s your North Bir mingham 100.000 108,490 1,497.710 13.600 1,506,400 156,050 18,250 39,090 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. and Sav.. Birm. 200,000 70.320 1.464.200 3,310 1,265,660 47,000 312,810 112,360 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 4,030 141,880 Items direct, | Special facilitie s for handliug col lections, sight dr afts, cash and ti me Item dB©«t§’30 Promp t, careful attenti on. Try us for r esults. (North Birmingham) North Birmingham Trust & (Merged with Secur ity Trust & Savings Bank as North Bir mingham American Bank) Savings Bank____________ Pratt City Savings B~k.-_»ti~24 Roscoe E. Scott— S. T. Key________ J. W. Strange_____ *120-8% 61-520 (Pratt City) J. M. McHugh 25.000 138.700 7,360 24,850 Chase N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav.. Birm. Security Trust & Savings Bank. (Merged with North Birmingham Trust & Savings Bank as North Birmingham American Bank) SOUTHERN BANK W. C. STERRETT— J. C. de HOLL. . . . . . . . . FRANK PRINCE_ _ _ _ WM. MOORE, Jr. . . . . . . . 500,000 91.540 1,425,000 318,840 1,916,890 50,350 98,640 269.490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y Member Federa I Reserve System . Unsurpassed F acilities for Colie ctlons. All Branches of Banking and Tru st Company Bus! par ioo (Comer Bldg.) (Birmingham continued on next page) 6i*4& TRUST CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE MERCHANTS THE BANK MOBILE Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 34 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. Cashier. Vice-President. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Kcs.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastBale%l>iv. (Closed S outhside Bank. WAHOUMA SAVINGS Ass’t Cashier. J D DICKSON___ - I Prompt attentl on given all Items entrusted to us. H80-io% 61-25 d©*!§’25 LWE WANT TO UR BUSINESS A ND WILL GIVE IT ATTENTION par loo (7627 1st Ave. N.) WEST SAVINGS END r\ 1 i FF - - rmtt BANK Liabilities. Surplus Other Total and Liabili Profits Deposits ties Resources. Miscel Bonds Loans and and laneous Discounts SECURITIES Resources Cash A Ex change,Du* from Banks W R MUNSON fw A. J.’OZANNE “ $ 25.000 7.430 $ $ 176,050 $ 13,710 $ 154,010 $ 10,000 $ 20,550 $ 37,630 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. PROMP TLY. 25.000 4,000 161,770 25,000 175,130 3,000 11,050 100,000 25,000 234,840 103,930 213,930 190,250 6.550 26,590 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. ) A modern progr esslve bank. Exp erlenced manage raent. Itry our ser VICE ON WEST END ITEMS. 1180-8% 61-531 d®»t§’ 1224 Tuscaloosa Ave. R. W. Daly—............... T. Rhodes, J. 53,040 1st N., Birm. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Bank_____ 61-547 -----1125 par 100 (5502 1st Ave.) (Members indicated by a*) Paid-tjp Capital January 22, 1931) 1 W ROOK fJ.C. SMITH, j Ch.of Bd.andPres, j! D." DICKSON BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. BIRMINGHAM—Continued 1 } H. J. C. M. Williamson— Urquhart, Sec. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year Mem.StateBks.As’n. Estab IMem.Inv.Bks.As’n. lished (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Number of Natio nal, Stat e and Pr ivate Banks, T otal Dep osits by Cities, S tates, et c.) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bks. As’n. Year tMem.StateBks.As’n. EstablIMem.Inv.Bks.As’n. lished Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm.; 1st N., Mo bile. JEMISON & GO., BANKERS Municipals, Local Stocks and Bonds. 'J. H. BARKER, Pres. R. o. JOHNSTON, Tr. Mortgage Loans. J. P. EVANS, V. p. F. A. DURAN, MORTGAGE BOND FRANK E. SPAIN, V. P. V. P. and Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. CLARENCE LLOYD, B. F. BARNITZ, A. Sec. COMPANY, INC. < INC. REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES ] ' S. JEMISON. v. P. IMJhtiX,' AND INDUSTRIAL BONDS f Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000 (221 Twenty First St.) ’03 Mgr. Bond Dept. (OTTO MARX. Pres. V.HUGO MARX. Vice-Pres. < LEO KAYSER. Vice-Pres. W.S. WATKINS. Mgr. Bd. Dept. •tl VPaid-up Capital, $481,390 (Bankers Bond Bldg.)t’13 MARX & GO.,(inc.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES, MORTGAGES, BONDS •VmtXUBu NATIONAL cW COMPANY! (Investment, Securities) J. B. LINDSAY. V.P. and Sec. R. L. EDWARDS. V. P SECURITIES CORP. (Woodward Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INVESTMENT SECURITIES and correspondent E. R. MC DAVID. SR., Tr. Investment Bankers STEINER BROS., Inc l GRAY & WILMERDING- Irv. Tr., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. N. City Co., N. Y. offices. (Comer Bldg.) GENERAL Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories W. C. McCAIN and HUDNALL JAMES. Associate Mgrs. (Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange, Boston Stock Exchange, and N. Y. Curb Exchange) Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N.. and f LEO K. STEINER. Pres. 1. M. LEVINE, A. C. Steiner, Rouse & Co., 25 Broad Street. H. E. STEINER, v. P. SIG. STEINER, A. C. N. Y. < CARL STEINER. Cash. LEO K. STEINER. Jr.. A.C. B©*t 88 ) (Investment Securities> (.Capital and Surplus, $460,000 St.. N. Y. C MERCHANTS Partners 1 WARD. STERNE & CO.-Tirol j Geo. B. Ward. M. H. Sterne. Rucker Agee. 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. O. Leach. ^ 304-15 Brown Marx Bldg. )(_ E. (Investment Securities) Bids.. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; i Bldi„ Winston-saleni. A. C. IS THE BANK IN MOBILE qq JJ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. 6 Fed. lies. Dist. BBirm. N.O.NewQr. Blountsville.__468 B Blount D14 Boas............ 1691 B Marshall D16 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. PRKSIDKKT. Vici-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Bank of Blountsville ..©§’23 J. S. Wittmeier__ W, T. Bains______ C. C. Pittard. 1100-8% par 100 61-513 J. W. Carter Boaz Bank___________ »t§’08 S. B. Wilson_____ R. M. Miller. L. Collier........ 1150-10% par 100 61-217 E. F. Whitman, S. H. Leeth Ch. of Bd. National Bank of Boaz <'04 Hogan Jackson.__ D. K. Searcy______ D. K. Searcy_____ W. F. Hales.... 61-216 H. S. Camp, A. C. Shellie Reagan Bollgee...............178 Boligee Banking Co. R. L. Adams, A. N. Grubbs_____ E. H. Goodwin___ B Greene 16 $i30-6%par loo 61-525 d©»§’25 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Brantley_____ 1053 First National Bank_______ (Closed February 5, 1930) B Crenshaw M16 Brent...................586 Brent Banking Co........®I§T2 H. V. Faucett.... J. S. Ward________ D. W. Jame*______ C, T. Thompson... B Bibb Hll $300 par 100 61-396 ‘Brcwton____ 2818 BANK OF BREWT0N R. A. Smith______ W. Y. Lovelace___ S. B. Parker______ O. L. Larkins_____ B Escambia Oil 1200-18% 61-145 d®<§’89 par 100 Citizens Bank____ d©<§’02 E. L. McMillan.__ H. J. Boyd________ O. M. Colley______ W. E. Jackson___ 10% par 100 61-146 D. B. Miller Farmers & Merchants Bk.-’ll J. W. Adkisson.... E. S. Liles_______ G. O. Harold_____ T. C. Hurd .... $200-20% parloo 61-390 dB®*+§ Bridgeport... 2124 American National Bank.»’18 R. Stephenson ___ J. J. Williaroi ___ F. W. Carr______ R. J. Murphy B Jackson A19 61-468 Brundldgc___1434 Brundidge Bkg. Co___151900 F. C. Bass_______ J. F. Hightd\ver... J. F. Hightower... Tupper Light foot— 10% par 100 61-228 Pike M19 First National Bank...®t’04 J. T. Ramage_____ W. G. Gilmore.... Gus Pierson___ $225-8% par 100 61-229 ‘Butler_______ 501 Choctaw Bank........ d®<§’05 W. J. Dansby____ W. C. Tillman........ F. G. Bush................ C. W. Marsh___ B Choctaw K4 $225-14% par 100 61-263 Calcra________ 975 Central State Bank...©t§T6 J. C. Shepherd___ C. O. Lawrence___ R. R. Looney__ A. R. Busby______ B Shelby 1113 $60-8% par 50 61-456 ‘Camden_____697 Bank of Camden___dB®5’09 L. H. Woodley____ S. C. Godbold____ Addie Lee Farish. B Wilcox L10 $133-8% par 100 61-23P E. W. Berry______ J. R. Liddell____ J. M. Moore___ Camden National Bank R a. Liddell_____ 1140-8% par loo 61-238 d©<’06 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Camp Hill___1131 Bank of Camp Hill_________ (Closed December 1 9, 1930) B Tallapoosa 119 Carbon Hill..2519 Citizens State Bank.d©<§'08 J. T. Wakefield___ W. S. Thornton__ H. H. Morgan____ D. McDonald. G. A. Kropp, V.P. O, H. Whitney B Walker E9 $150 par 100 61-266 (Merger of Carbon Hill Stale Bank and Citizens Bank) ‘Carrollton... 569 Bk. of Carrollton _d®*t§1900 M. Johnson, L, C. Funderburk.. D. E. Hale_______ H. Dabbs_______ B Pickens G5 $155-1214% par 100 61-267 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W.Q. Robertson Castleberry___427 Peoples Bank_________ <§’23 J. W, Thurmond.. N. P. Thurmond... N. P. Thurmond . A T. Weaver_____ B Conecuh Nil 10% par 175 61-268 Cedar Blutr___418 Cedar Bluff Bank_______ §’09 W. R. Westbrook, W. S. McElrath... J. G. Slone______ Quinn S. Money__ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B Cherokee D20 $226 par 100 61-269 ‘Center..... ......... 495 Cherokee County Bank Roscoe Smith____ Lamar Smith___ Glen Williamson. J. C. Scroggin_____ B Cherokee D19 $225-io%par 100 61-270 <$'06 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. O. Jordan_____ M, D. Starling-. G. A. Johnson ... L. Davis_________ $200-30% parlOO 61-462 ©t§’17 •Centerville 791 Bibb County Bkg A Tr. Co J. P. Kennedy___ Edward Kennedy.. J. M. Kennedy ... B Bibb Hil $150-8% par 100 61-271 t§’97 Peoples Bank---------d®<§'14 W. C. Fuller______ N, W. Hunnicutt.. J. T. Fuller. Jr........ 8% par 100 61-434 ‘Chatom_____ 209 Chatom State Bank.. ©t§'09 James N. Granade. C. V. Williams____ F. L. McLemore B Washington N4 $150-10% par 100 61-272 Cherokee_____ 659 Tennessee Valley Bank F. P. Hughston, B Colbert B6 M 61-273 ®t§'92 Chlldersburg.,459 Bank of Childersburg.d©§’28 T. B. Russell, J. A. Strickland... Miss Edna Boaz Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B Talladega FI 7 $100 par 100 61-543 Cltronelle ___ 1082 Citronelle State Bk. d®<5'18 W. F. Holder_____ R.W.Lynch_ _ _ _ _ Audrey Rowell. N.0. Mobile 04 $235-15% par 100 61-467 Cl. E. UPCHURCH... I A. M. GRIMSLEY. ) Ch. ‘Clanton____1847 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Modern equlpm B Chilton 114 $250-15% par 100 61-479 ©<’19 Special attentlo Please send 15c wi Peoples Savings Bank <§’01 H. G. Boyd $265-16% par 100 61-195 ! ‘Clayton_____1717 Bank of Commerce..©<§’06 W.H.Robertson—. Barbour L21 8% par 100 ♦ 61-194 J.W.Robertson, Ch. Olaytoo Banking Co. d®l§'87 J. E. Parish $150 par 100 61-193 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ALABAMA - Continued J. C. PAGE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. 0. JONES. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonds Paid-op SURPLUS Depos Other Miscel AND and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties * 15.00C $ 5,310 $ 44,830 $ .... _ 2Q 280 S 7.720 $ Principal correspondents. t Ex- Cash changes. ue from Banks D 6 7(YI 50,000 13,290 251,990 $ 10,000 266,120 25.000 27.220 260,950 25,000 143,910 75,230 3,840 25,000 10,810 43,830 5,520 46,160 5,030 10,740 15,270 1st N., Birm. 43,880 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. and Gadsden. 115.180 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 23,350 Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N.. Tuscaloosa. 25,000 50,650 186,040 50,000 56,750 333,690 47.200 33,120 252,310 40,000 78,090 25.000 12.270 127,010 43,350 6,690 268,770 56,670 18,540 84.630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Tn QPAlnnca 97,540 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr.Co., N. Y : 1st N„ Mo 214,010 51,820 17,070 49,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Mobile; 1st N., 412,090 454,220 14,060 160,420 197,100 1,080 ___ bile. and Birm.; Mobile. Am. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Birm. 61,910 lent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Merch. N„ Mobile, 22,280 iuaranty Trust Co.. N. Y.; Am. N..Nash.: 1st N.. Chat. Q5 Q00 ihase N. and Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y.Citiz. A Sou. N., Atl. 120,000 N. City. N. Y.: Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. 100,000 121,320 444,280 523 970 32 fi?0 la inn 50.000 108,000 200,000 50,000 220,000 50,100 17,900 20.000 32,100 295.060 41,750 258.720 34,880 33.070 62,240 Ihase N., N. 30.000 8,000 61,440 5,730 50,880 9,000 27,260 18,020 30.000 10.000 172,960 1,280 125,310 14,540 12,150 30.000 28,700 185.980 10.000 125,970 50,910 6,500 Y.; Merch. N., Mobile. Mereti & Far., Meridian, Miss. 62,240 Mobile; Citiz. and Sou. N., Atl. 71,300 Ihase N.. JN. Y.; City N.. Seimi Mobile and Birm. 50,000 17.000 389,000 30,000 378,000 19,500 47,000 41,500 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Birm.; Citiz. &Sou. N., Atl. 25.000 18,010 176,920 148,100 25.000 20,000 100,000 100,000 10,120 28,970 32 74n Ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Tuscaloosa Birm. 50,000 Lm. Tr. Co.. Mobile. 25,000 31.900 78,320 3,100 22.240 Ihase N„ N. Y.: N. City and IstN 25.000 39.780 151,380 163,290 10,990 13,070 28,810 Ihase N.,N. V : 1st N.. Gadsden 50,000 59,940 227,920 264,420 39,090 7,180 27,170 Ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Rome ai 71,500 181,380 Ga. Rome, Ga,; Hamilton N., Chat. den. 25,000 16,000 115,640 26,270 23.850 42,000 30,680 179,760 630 157.010 22,330 7.930 65,790 15,000 12,860 77,320 3,580 56,220 15.710 4.170 32.660 104,720 Branch of Decat ur, Ala.) 15,100 1,960 10,000 10.000 14,930 203,050 50,000 59,900 358,640 14,610 34,020 5.770 Lou. N.. Lou. it N„ Birm. 130,940 58,390 3,700 34,930 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. N,, Mobile. 316,650 71,480 26.560 87,870 Ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 4t Montg. ent, excellent fact n given Bill of La th each sight draft fo N. S. Johnson___ T. D. Grubbs— titles, efficient ser vice. Try us. ding drafts, Cash and time Items. r presentation and 25 c for credit reports. H. G. Heflin______ 50.000 72.850 397.320 306,990 38,350 A. J. Bethune____ 50.000 35,000 159,400 177,310 15,000 T. R. Parish_____ C. C. Scheffer. 50.000 50.850 106,470 154.730 11,200 MERCHANTS THE 20.880 153,950 Ihase N., N. Y.: Citiz. and Sou. N. 1st N., Birm.; Ala. N., Mont. BANK 3,500j 0,5/0 43,030 40.3101 MOBI LE 36 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. Mem. A.B. A.nNew § State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 6 Fed. Res. Dist. RBirm. N.O.NewOr. d-SafeDep.©Sav.iLastSnle%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Paid-up Liabili AND its Capital Profits ties 29,190 $ 297,940 S C. C. Hall________ C. V. Porter_____ A. E. Smith--------- $ 50,000 Collinsville___ 892 First National Bank_.®»t’l9 Irby C. Hall. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B De Kalb C18 *110-8% par 100 61-234 140,000 20,000 50,000 Peoples Bank____ d©«t§’19 W. E. Killian___ J. W. Blackwell... E. M. Box_______ W. B. Smith-------J. D. Jordan $100-8% par 100 61-477 28,960 129,560 25,000 Columbia___ 926 Bank of Columbia — d*t§’12 M. L. Oakley____ W. F. Oakley_____ L. W. Armstrong.. *150-10% par loo 61-404 Houston N23 15,000 300.000 35,000 Columbiana.. 1180 Columbiana Sav. Bank.»t§’03 W. F. Davis_____ W. W. Wallace.— W. L. Christian ... 61-277 B Shelby G14 38,690 2,780 25,000 J. F. Sandlin_____ J. W. Wood............ M. Aaron________ Cordova____ 1830 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. $100par 100 61-515 dB®Ts'23 B Walker Ell 128,700 22,730 15.000 G. E. Borden P. M. Long______ W. N. Jones........... J. R. Shepherd... Cordova State Bk...d®»t5’08 *200-12% par 100 61-278 97,410 3,740 25,000 Cottonwood...410 Bank of Cottonwood..©}§’28 S. O. Smith______ VV. M. Lewis........... M. A. Helms_____ D. M. Hicks, Ch. $100 par 100 61-541 Houston 023 ur.Ala.) of Decat (Branch Tweedy, Jr., R.H. Courtland .... 359 Tennessee Valley Bankt§’92 Mgr. 61-280 B Lawrence BIO 25,000 10,000 15,000 E. P. Gay_______ O. O. Mitchell____ Cragford_____ 180 Cragford Bank_______ t§’16 T. R. Bell......... O. O. Mitchell. Ch. *111-8% par 100 61-445 B Clay G19 107,760 5,910 20.000 W. F. Croft--------C. D. King_____ VV. F. Croft, J. W. Black_____ Crossvllle____ 316 First Bank of Crossville Ch. of Bd. B De Kalb C17 $111-8% par 10061-411 ®»t§'13 36,880 17,210 15.000 Cuba_________ 542 Bank of Cuba______ ©»i§’04 Mrs. Anna M.Ward, E. V. May.............. Mrs. A. M. Ward .. Jack Vaughan.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8% par 25 61-281 B SumterJ4 416,210 43,700 100.000 W. S. Leeth_____ J. A. Dunlap__ ‘Cullman____2786 Leeth National Bk,. .©T«t'09 H. C. Arnold___ B Cullman D12 $126-10% par 100 61-149 90,000 105,000 730,000 W W. Newman... M. L. Robertson.. C. A. Stiefelmeyer J. Spitznagel__ Parker Bank & Trust Co. R. E. Lee *200-10% 61-147 dB©T*t§'84 par 100 (Branch of Decat ur, Ala.) O. D. Kennamer. Tennessee Valley Bank *240-16% 61-472 ©T»t§’92 (Closed December 17 . 1930) tDadevllle__ 1549 Sturdivant Bank_____ B Tallapoosa H19 Tallapoosa County Bk..t§’87 Wm. Gray, Jr. .... G. J. Sorrell_____ C. G. Collier_____ C. B. Owen--------10% 61-185 * Decatur__ 15,593 Citizens Industrial Bank §'26 R. E. Chandler___ A. C. Dillehay....... Carlile Blackwell. Sec. and Tr. *30-8% par 25 61-94 B Morgan B12 (Morris Plan Bank) . T NATIONAL BANK IN W. W. Fussell____ J. D. Wyker_____ W. B. Shackelford, J. S. Wyatt. Loam and Resources. Bonda Miscel and laneous Diacounta Securities 50,000 S 162,680 $ 96,920 $ 15,040 $ 152,490 1st N.. Chat.and Gadsden. 4,000 55,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. and Chat. 8,150 9,800 67,220 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Dothan. 750 20,500 44,500 24,090 140,000 98,340 39,000 IstN., Birm.; Selma N., Selma. 177,000 25,070 5,000 91,460 9,900 32,310 35,000 3,460 76,930 3,400 3,960 397,000 119,200 10.620 550.000 115,000 38,660 97,090 E. E. GRAVES......... T. E. WILLIAMS- - - - - - Ch. of Bd. Oldest National Bank In Morgan County. *135-8% par 100 61-92 d©T*t'02 Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send lac with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. (Albany P, O.) R. C. Billings------Clyde Hendrix___ M. J. Knight, Act. . J. C. White. ★Tennessee Valiev Bank V. P. and Cash, G. D. Williamson, *300-20% 61-116 dB©T»t§’92 S. A. Lynne, Ch. R. A. Duncan W.L. Padgett.Avd. Sec. P. B. Timberlake J. E. Orman, V. P. par 100 19,940 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav.. Birm.’, Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jasper. 11,380 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 83,950 1st N. and Hou. N., Dothan. Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 6,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.-, 1st N„ Birm 53,270 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ham. Tr. & sav.. Chat.; 1st N.. Birm. 23,070 1st N., Birm. 130,170 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; Am. N.. Nash. 260,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm.; Am. N.. Nash. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 10,560 183,670 154,430 8,100 13,800 67,900 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Uo and 1st N., Birm. 200,000 54,320 998,460 599,680 1,167,950 338,590 115,400 230,520 Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y,; 1st N.. Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N„ A11.; Am. N.« Nash, 200.000 80,250 818,800 313,190 998,380 224,480 39,730 149,640 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Chat.; 1st N., Atl. 75,000 4,345,090 173,360 313,770 799,480 Gty. Tr. Co., Chase N., and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., JN. V.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Birm.; Am. N.. Nash.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr.. Cin. 50.000 58,425 V. P. and Cash, W. E. Shackelford T. A. Bowles DECATUR-«l-ll5-dB®»t 13 C. C. Harris, iW. G. Gardner Ch. of Bd. J. T. Jones *120-8% var 100 (Consolidation of City Nation al Bank and Central National Bank of D ecatur) E. SKEGGS'...... MORGAN COUNTY F.ATLEEA. BL00DW0RTH-WM. H. HOFF. E. W. McLEOO Principal Correspondents. & Ex- Cash changm.Dux from Banxb NATIONAL BANK 256,800 441,420 4,858.480 Decatur Clearing House___ F. A. Bloodworth— T. A. Bowles......... W.W. Fussell, Tr. J. C. White. Sec.. (Members indicated by a *) Demopolis... .4037 B Marengo J7 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ROBERTSON *150-6% Ch. of Bd. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Superior service and prompt returns. 100.000 63,750 339,240 227,100 472,740 114,720 87,320 55.390 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Selma N., Selma; Mereb. N., Mobile. 125,000 145,370 456,950 111,250 660,290 36,020 34,290 107,970 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm.; Merch. N., Mobile: Citiz. & Sou. N.. Atl.; City N„ Selma. par 100 61-370 d®»t’ll BANKING COMPANY *200-12% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. H. C. BAILEY-— J. H. SPIGHT.......... F. C. SMITH............ G. B. SMITH.......... A. R. SMITH, 61-134 d®T»t§1870 G.T. BREITLING. J L. C. LOWE_ _ _ _ _ _ H. J. WHITFIELD — A. G. WESTBROOK— Ch.. of Bd. and H. J. WHITFIELD S. W. HARPER Pres. First and oldest established Bank. Cnequaled faciUt les for making Co llectlon Collections a Sp ecialty and remit ted on day of pay ment. THE MERCHANTS IS THE BANK IN MOBILE q'7 •J/ Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. BBirm.N.O.NewOr. B Walker Ell •Mem. A.B. A. «New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Dora Banking & Trust Co. R.H. Palmer____ *235-12% 61-282 ®t§'06 ■par 100 fE.R. PORTER. ) Ch.ofBd.andPres, •Dothan ....16,046 *D0THAN BANK & TRUST CO. ) The smallest B *250-16% 61-84 dB®T*t5’10 Houston N21 (.Send us your B par 100 at Vice-President. — 61-82 dB®T»f05 JOHN SANDERS D a tv/| a____rnntinmaH ■DaH”-!-**- CASHIER. v^untiiiucu Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws ndexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ____ Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Other Cash A Ex Paid-up Surplus D epos Miscel changes and and AND Liabili ,J)ni Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties C. I. Jones______ W. D. Scogin.......... i 25,000 J 45.300 8 180,710 $ 5,790 $ 119,720 $ 91,680 $ 7,290 $ Principal Correspondents. 38,110 1st N„ Birm.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jasper. A. B. Phillips J.J. FLOWERS------- F. A. FLOWERS........ J. L. WILSON............ J.J. WHIDDON 60,000 100.740 685,000 361.760 197,470 207,290 830.600 981,600 115,800 1,028,040 Cent. Han. Blc.&Tr., N.City,andChaseN., is. Am, N.. Pensacola,; lstN.,Birm.; Citiz. & Sou, N., Savan. and Atl. 24,390 262.120 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Atl. auk but the mos t prompt service, Credit Reports 50 c. HI of Lading Dra fts—Sight Drafts 15c for presen tat ion. (i. H. Malnne W. D. Malnne ♦First National Bank 61-81 B©*tl900 D. C. Carmichael, Robert Boyd Ch. ‘HOUSTON NATIONAL BANK a W. R. Watford— W.M. Hardwick__ J F. WALDEN JOHN SANDERS, Jr.- K. L. FORRESTER. Cash, and Tr. Off. a:w. lisenby 300.000 80,900 2.367.860 150.000 179,020 651,740 273.360 829,510 183,920 117,160 123,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Savan. B. D. Rowell____ W. A. Merrill........ 75,000 20.350 331,080 6,930 236,360 116,360 9,120 71,520 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Troy; 1st N., Atl. and Montgomery. Mildred Spiney.... 10.000 12.580 119,070 103,910 3,930 5,560 28,260 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th N.. Montg.; 1st N., Birm. ___ 75.000 83,240 312.510 437,410 54,500 40,580 45,980 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Atl. Alfred Neumann.. 10.000 10.000 175 non 110,000 65,000 8,000 rdbiesi growin u■ any udiin m uuuian. rigorous attention given collections. Quick returns and con sistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. Dothan Clearing House____ (Members indicated, by a *) J. L. Crawford,Sec. First National Bank.. ®t’10 A. F. Merrill, W. C. Grant... 61-284 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Fox Henderson B Crenshaw MI5 6% par 100 F>lo.etle 678 Bank of Eclectic____®tS’13 Lee Hornsby.......... *100-10% par 135 61-417 B Elmore 117 •Elba................. 2523 First National Bank ___ •}’03 L. A. Boyd______ R. S. Boyd________ H. 0. Johnson____ L. D, Bryant T. H. Deal S215-I0%par 100 61-285 Coffee N17 Elbert*______ 115 State Bank of Elberta®*tS’22 A. Noltensmeier.. L. Lindoerfer____ K.O. Baldwin Q8 *200-10% par 100 61-506 Rlkmont 19? Citizens Bank & Trust Co. B Limestone A12 61-286 ©TS07 •• Farmers & Merchants Bank C. V. Mayhall .... E. T. Gray .. par 100 61-517 •JA’23 107,710 Chase N.. N. Y.: Am. N., Nashville. Branch of Athe ns, A la. ___ Wm. D. Jones........ 15.000 3.640 12,000 Merch. N., Mobile. 62,460 117,220 8,400 65.080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 146,260 236,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. (Merged with Ensley National Bank. Dece mber 16, 1930) Ensley______ ... B Jefferson F12 (Within Birming ham City Limits) ENSLEY NATIONAL — 61-532 par 100 HANK *265-15% par 100 61-137 dtS'03 •4 II •• .. J R Bvrd R. B. Martin_____ J. B. Rollins_____ B. B. Henderson... Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. L. H. Sessions------ J. H. Sessions-----*135-10% par 100 61-138 t’13 M. P. Adams First National Bank ..®»t'02 J. L. Warren____ L. A. Boyd---------- .T. r. Jeter io% 61-136 C. A. O'Neal 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 530,250 1,237.000 263.000 d@*t’26 j PROMPT BEM ITTANCE. •Enterprise...3702 Enterprise Banking Co. Coffee N18 200.000 ro P. KNAPP_____ J. H. PERKINS .......... J. A. HOLCGMB........... R. D. RUSSELL 53.900 1,098,610 FOSTER HAMILTON J Prompt careful attention given c ollectlons, Bill of Lading Drafts an d all ou t of tow n Items THEME RCHANTS A .A. A ^ a_aaaAaa^ ^ AAAA A A A.> G. G. Harrell........ IS 87.000 295,000 150.000 50.000 400,000 283,650 571,000 100.000 150.000 475.000 250,000 750,000 THE 128,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Citiz. and Sou. N„ Atl. 304,000 50.000 BANK AAAA AAAAA.^AA> 161,600 79,760 50,000 71,290 Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., 175.000 Cent. Han. Bk. Dothan; Citiz. Sou. N„ Atl. MOBILE IN NAAA«* & 1 qo •2° Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. (.viem.A.H.A. "New SSlate fpriv. :Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. #-FeJ. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. BBirm.N.O. NewOr. tEufaiila. .5208 Barbour L23 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK $100-8% par 100 61-113 .. t’95 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. •Eutaw______1721 FIRSTNATIONAL BK.d©«r88 $200-12% par 100 61-218 B Greene 17 .. Merchants & Farmers Bank J. C. Lucius______ of Greene County®T»*§1900 [200-10% par 100 61-219 ‘Evergreen ...2007 (Consolidated with B Conecuh N12 .. A. Cunningham... C. R. Taliaferro, $250-10% ♦ 61-173 ®»ti'01 V. P. Excel_____ ..85 B Monroe N9 $120-8% par 100 61-482 W. J. Meriwether. E. W. Hood______ C. T. Ivey________ J. G. Lundy, Jr. C. H. Phillips........ Max Horton___ - N.L. VanTol.......... Falkvllle 518 Tennessee Valley Bank t§'06 B Morgan C12 61-288 V. O. Clark. Mgr.. Faunsdale.. .264 Watkins Banking Company B Marengo J8 $200-12% par 100 61-289 d‘tS’91 __ _ ** 6,710 J. F. Watkins___ 1,380 69,700 220 85,500 100,000 94.020 510,750 96.400 538,790 139,930 28.310 94.140 1st N„ Birm.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 55,000 76,180 271,560 214,910 67,570 5,000 115,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.; Birm. Tr. x sav. Co, ano 1st N„ Birm.: Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O, 200,000 130,000 850,000 200,000 1,000,000 180,000 200.000 Cent. Ilau. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Mo01 n . 20,000 9,000 30,000 9,000 32,000 14.000 22.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Merch. N.. Mobile. 100.000 11,040 648,720 131,730 633,400 25.000 2,800 100,000 30.000 20,580 302,330 2,500 (Branch of Dcca tur, Ala •)— 122,230 2,200 50.000 57,530 120.000 208,530 52,410 61-290 Florala.. . 2580 Bank of Florala____d®»4§’04 E.P. Rodwell, $150-8% par 100 61-132 Covington 016 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 154,120 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Birm. 1,000 20.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. 39,430 55,040 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N„ Mobile. Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: i.ou. N., Lou. 154,270 73,200 CliaseN., N. Y.; Selma N., Selma; 1st N., Birm. 4,500 85,080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 159,670 Chase N., N. Y.; Cout. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., 1st N.. Birm, 60,450 22,300 168,710 66,170 157.530 138,060 5.650 21.350 28,330 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Mobile; Am N., Pensacola. 364,180 217,380 99,250 36,780 111,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm , Dothan and Mobile; Citiz.&Sou. N.. Atl. 1,733,670 631,320 178,760 477,780 Chase N., N. Y : Am. N., Nash.; Bk.of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.: 1st N.. Birm. 452,150 72,530 592,610 .T. IT Tindol 25.000 10.860 G. G. Hart________ 60.000 40,410 100,000 Y. F. Folsom ‘Florence... 11,729 Alabama Trust ifc Savings Bk. {Closed January 15, 1931, Liquidating) 8 Lauderdale B8 ....... S. W. FRIERSON-— TURNER BICt------- R M MARTIN FIRST NAT’L BANK LN. C. ELTIHG 8% .. 22,190 470,590 55,340 f A. M. GRIMSLEY-- J. G. GRIMSLEY........ W G BRAGG G.L. SMITH, E. M. GRIMSLEY ) Act.V.P. Try Us©T»tl900 5 Modern Equip ment. Excellent F acuities, Efflcleu t Service. 1 Special attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item 8. v.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2-iC for Credit Revor t8. 81,800 399,670 60.000 100,000 T. H. Robertson .. E. E. Thomason__ Flomaton___915 Escambia Countv Bank J. B. Barnett_____ R. G. Crafton........ B Escambia OlO $130-8% par 100 61-524 d@»J§'24 <• 29,080 1st N„ Birm.; Col.Bk. &Tr. Co.. Col. 50.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $150 >• 97,810 Chase N., N.Y.: Citiz.& Sou. N., Savan. Peoples Bank, May 5. 1930) Falrhope____ 1549 Bank of Fairhope. dB®»£§T7 M. F. Northrop.... Wm. McIntosh___ Kirby Wharton... Henry G. Bishop.. N.O. Baldwin Q6 $250-12% par 100 61-461 61-415 • 38,250 $ Principal Correspondents. J. F. Aldridge W. W. Kingsbery.. W. D. Brown R. F. Groom A. Cunningham. Jr. J. B. Barnett____ B.H. Stallworth__ Fairfield.... 11,059 Fairfield American National B Jefferson F12 Bank____________ d®»t'lO $130 par 100 61-279 (Formerly First National Bk.) «t •« Fairfield Trust & Savings I). w WaitA Bank--------- --------d®»t§’14 $110 par 100 61-521 ‘Fayette... .2109 1 Fayette E7 $185-30% Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Gash & ExLoans Other Paid-op SURPLUS D epos Liabili and and CHAXOZI'DUK AND CAPITA!, Profits its Discounts Securities laneous prom Barrs ties ('HUMPHREY FOY — A. M. MCDOWELL — W. 0. FLEWELLEN.... J. S. HERLONG.......... $ 150,000 % 94,500 S 280,670 $ 273.100 S 548,490 $ 113,720 $ ) Send us your E ufaula Items dire ct. Special atten tlon given Bill of Lading Drafts. (.Plain Sight Dra fts 15c; Credit Re ports 50c. Eufaula Bank & Trust Co. $100 par 100 61-533 ®Ti§'26 L. Y. Dean, Jr.. Ch. PEOPLES BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc,., see Laws. ALA BA M A—Continued 61-87 L.’R. NORVELL 300.000 476,630 2,128,470 116,420 dB®T*t’89 j Savetlmeandge t service on Collec tlons and Credit Reports by sendl ng (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, ISc; Credit Reports. 25c. T RY US. 3,000 Foley_____ ____ 791 Farmers & Merchants Bank N. 0. Baldwin Q7 $150-10% par 130 61-292 d©«t§’25 II. L. McCain_____ H. L. McCain_____ E. F. Sanders_____ 40,000 14,160 404,250 Fort Deposit .1092 Fort Deposit Bank___(siiS’04 B LowQdes L14 $125-8%. par 62.50 61-293 J. M. Black. Sr........ O. P. Edwards.... 25.000 34,530 201.520 i_______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. (Branch of Deca tur, Ala .)______ Tennessee Valley Bank 61-88 T»t§’92 MERCHANTS THE BANK 351,780 15,500 37,460 56.670 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Mobile. 154.970 39,150 6,830 60,090 Chase N.,N. Y.. Ala. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 4th N., Montg. MO B I LE 39 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TownandCounty. ^County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Hist. B^irm.lUlJiewOr. •Mem. A. B. A. r*New§StatetPriT. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ALABAMA—Continued — --------- ------------------------Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. »Fort Payne.. .3375 Farmers & Merchants Bank (Closed for liquidati on February 1980) B De Kalb CIO First Nat. Fort Payne G.L Weatherly___ J. A. Davis, Jr.____ B. E. Driskill H. M. Campbell *225-12% par 100 61-478 d«t’l9 C. A. Wolfes Frisco City...1021 Peoples Bank....... ...........d«I§T4 J. B. Barnett--------- B. H. Stallworth... B. H. Stallworth__ B Monroe N9 *140-10% par 100 61-432 tGadsden...24,042 B Etowah D17 THE AMERICAN NATIONAL *147.50-6% ' - 61-66 J. B. WADSWORTH — J. W. PENN_________ 0. C. WADSWORTHR. M. WILBANKS W. M. WADSWORTH, Active --------- 50.000 S 64,060 $ 692,990 $ 50,000 17,000 157,000 200,000 78,750 811,490 25.000 5,870 34,480 Principal correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Dm from Banks 73,790 $ 46,600 $ 297,940 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chat, and Birm. 91,000 13,050 17,000 102,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Mobile; Selma N., Selma 876.180 44,250 148,620 162,680 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Blrm. Tr. & Sav. Co., and 1st N„ Birm. 22,460 18,240 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Gadsden N., Gadsden, 50,000 $ 438,720 $ E. G. PARR—.............. 141,500 Fastest growth of any bank in Gadsden. Vigorous attention given Collections. Quick returns and consistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment ©T*tll East Gadsden Bank _d®T§’29 J. L. Herring, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *120 par 100 61-67 24,650 250,000 76,610 2,269.480 298,300 1,664,900 777,870 204,310 247,300 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N, Y.: 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Atl. Margaret Anders Henrietta Killian 125.0&0 72.340 1,179,680 324,780 1,118,750 182,700 191,120 209,220 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th N..Atl.: 1st N., Birm.; Whitney N., N. O. J. R. Henderson__ E. J. Chesnut______ D. C. Chesnut____ J. M. Mitchell......... 12.500 23,250 43,390 81,190 100,000 132,820 394,870 351,070 14,500 262,120 Gty.Tr. Co..N. Y.; Am. N„Pensacola.Fla. 50.000 65,000 350 non 330,000 41,000 94,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Montg.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atlanta. W. R. Dean............. 30.000 8,300 114,480 87,060 59,650 D. T. Rozelle______ K. S. Porter.............. 30,000 14,000 110,000 85,000 4.000 50.000 48,130 190,290 161,290 5,440 72,740 11,100 6.460 47,750 30,270 100 1,940 100,000 50.000 350,000 206,210 500,000 114,500 51,710 261,770 1,830 177.830 15,210 3,180 176,650 1,918,590 277,500 1,665,120 599,880 156,300 15,000 365,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK +,o„ 8% par 100 61-62 dB®ra 87 1 First and eldest established Bank In Gadsden, 1 Collections a sp eclalty and remitt ed on day of pay m«nt. (Bend us your G adsden Items. E. T. Hollingsworth J. L. Herring______ H. T,. Ralls Gadsden National Bank Jno. L. Ray. A. C. *U5-6% 61-63 ®T.f07 (Closed November 1 7. 1930) Covington N14 Bank of Gaylesville.—©107 61-297 B Cherokee C20 *286 Citizens Bank--------- ®W§'01 10% par 100 61-221 .Geneva 018 Farmers National Bank *175-12% parlOO 61-408 d®»t’13 Georgians. _. .1480 B Bntler M13 Gilbertown....229 B Choctaw L4 Girard. _________ (See Phenix City, Ala. 1 Good Water ...996 First National Bank.d®t’26 *120-8% par 120 61-534 B ( Coosa H17 Peoples Trust & Savings Bank *125-10% par 100 61-233 ©»t§’06 Jim Johnson, Jr— J. E. Johnson____ J. E. Johnson............ .. D. L. Watson______ W. A. Watson......... R. J. Purvis W. O. Mulkey. D. L. Watson, Ch. (Closed January 2, 1931) W. L. Crew, T. .T. Holmes Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. J. Marsh________ C. P. Bowdon______ Durell Glass_______ *100-8% Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rome. Ga. (Closed for liquidat ion February 7.1930) A. M. Grimsley____ A. B. Price________ H. D. Davis................ W. B. Curry_______ Gordo_________811 Merchants & Far. Bank *115-10% 61-300 d®*J§’05 H. H. Mobley B Pickens G6 Houston 028 Resources, Liabilities. Bonds Loans Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ (OTTO AGRICOLA- JOE R. McCLESKEY — FRANK PENTECOST- EDWIN HUCKSTEP— LAMAR SMITH NINA B. JOHNSTON “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 25,600 6,100 25.650 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 30,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 48,950 Chase N„ N. Y.; Tuscaloosa. Birm. 1st N., Birm.; 1st N„ 33,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan. 61-388 »Greensboro..l795 First National Bank—.•t’01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *145-10% par 100 81-152 B Hale 18 O. Erwin . Martha D. Perry.. W. G. Miller_______ *140-12% par 150 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 61-158 30.500 38,810 40,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 136,700 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm.; 1st N.. Atl.; Selma N.. Selma. (Consolidated with First National Ban k April 2, 1930) B. Butler L14_ R. A. Beeland.......... O. Riley___________ Park Smith d®M1900 G. H. Tatum, Sr. V. P. R. A. Beeland. Jr. C. E. Hamilton fl. W. Knight E. A. Wilkinson H. C. Parrish FIRST NATIONAL BANK *37-6% par 25 * Grove Hill 491 B Clarke M7" Cviitn 10Q0 « u>ua.... . luijy B Marion E7. 61 121 Bank of Grove Hill___<s)t5’06 *175-15% 61-802 Commercial Savings Bank *112.50-8% 61-489 t§’20 Marion Co. Bkg. Co-----®|’05 *340-20% par 100 ♦ 61-303 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. T. Pugh................... D. P. Chapman____ F. F. Carter, V. P. J. S. Chapman R, R. Wright______ D. M. Sizemore... J. A. Burleson Mack Pearce, B. B. Fite__________ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Marvin Pearce TH E 425,000 L. R, Tucker______ A. B. Pugh________ 30,000 W.I. Springer..___ G. W. Coleman 25,000 20,000 6.000 25.000 56,910 ___ J. B. Hodges______ H. Millican_______ Wm. B. Mixon,A.C. D.W. Stanford M E RC HAN T S THE 440,000 150.000 274,680 BANK 11,820 125,000 20,000 6,000 292,940 11,650 25,000 24,570 376,440 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 95,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Mobil*. 35,000 ChaseN., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tnpelo. Miss. 39,250 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N.and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. MOBILE 40 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew fStatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond BBirm.N.O.NewOr d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. »Guntersville_ 2826 Citizens Bank . B Marshall C16 $180-10%par too 61-190 fF. B. ALBERT. 1 Ch.of Bd.andPres. 'Send us yo ;o«t,EATH- J. P. WILLIS- - - - - - - - J. T. SULZBY — Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diacounta Securities laneous ties I 25.000 S 26,310 S 159,760 $ 50,000 50,000 6.250 S 158,810 S 650,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash ft Ex changes,Duz from Banks 19,860 $ 12,160 $ 450.000 62,250 57.750 110,000 2,000 ur Guntersvi lie items dir ect. $200-10% par 100 61-75 C. E. Barclay___ 100 B. J. Cowart_____ E. L. Haley_____ E. F. Walker. W. A. Walker E. Ashwander____ O. H. Gray______ Mrs. John Gibbs.. Edith Ashwander J.A. Hughes_____ Q. J. Borland____ Fred R. Borland. T. G. Hughes W. F. Clemmons.. D. S. Folsom_____ B. T. Pate. 26,490 Chase N.. N.Y.; Birm.Tr. & Sav.Co.. Birm. 1st N..Atl. 180,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N. Birm. *W. R. RISON BANKING GO. 20.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. &Sav. Co.. Birm. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Birm. 125.000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Florence; IstN.. Birm. 40.000 38.080 260.000 160,000 20,130 (Branch of Quin, Ala.) ... Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 10,000 27,880 122,030 1,180 49,120 17,940 3,240 53,150 214,140 19,590 101,230 64.900 1,000 50,000 25,000 249.410 195,590 250 8 Q5f) 25.000 42,400 260,980 _____ 245,270 500 7,230 100.000 38.000 593,000 297,000 757.000 141,000 39,000 10,000 4.740 61,210 B. P. Riley------- 60,000 72,170 353.460 25,000 421.120 3,600 5,000 A. E. Malone_____ J. J. Espy_______ J. J. Espy, Jr.... W. L. Shelly J. A. Owens______ J. L. Atkins_____ H. H. McMurray. Fred Osborn. Act, L. A. Moore______ John C. Jay............ P. P. Baker. II 130,000 26,000 467.000 26,000 459.000 100.000 15.000 50,000 39.140 271.350 11.500 245,680 14,200 17,600 25.000 7.000 250.000 185,000 5.000 5,000 100,000 340,990 1,013.000 130.030 1,058,580 147,130 67,650 310,650 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chat.; Atl. N., Bos. 100.000 341,950 1.252.770 263.990 192,480 53.690 330,720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chat.: N.Shawmut. Bos. I. V. Griffin_______ I. V. Griffin______ M. Pattillo T. R. Ryan______ J. E. Freeman, Jr. A. G. Howell. A. L. Ealy________ M. P. Sumners___ L. T. Solomon____ L. T. Solomon___ 55.500 4,150 # ROBERT MURPHREE- J. E. HUMPHREY ... W. R. STOBAUGH_ _ GILLIAM ® •tfi’66 1,381.820 [Special attentio n given Huntsvill e items J. E. Kelly (Branch of Decatu r, Ala.) 90,790 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 149,750 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Dothan; 1st N.. Atl. 117 2nn Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Atl. 75.380 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Birm. 91.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 16,310 Ham. N.. Chat.; Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co., Huntsville. 80.900 Chase N., N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan; Citiz. & Son. N.. Atl. 75,000 4th N., Montg.; 1st N., Dothan. 94,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Anniston N.. Anniston; 1st N.,Birm. 97,000 N. Y. Tr.jCo.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Sou. Bk. & Tr. Co., Birm. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. Am. N„ Nash. H. M. RHETT—..................................... ASHFORD TODD------- 1. W. WALKER_ _ _ _ _ Strong — Prompt — Accommodating 100.000 357,640 1.351,800 450.000 1.684.050 48.750 138.200 388.440 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chat.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., St. L. 630 2,010 12,060 39 74(1 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. & Mech.. Col.. Ga 31,910 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co,. N. Y.: Col. Bk. & Tr. Co., Col., Ga. Collections and BUI of Lading Drafts our Specialty. Remitted for on day of payment. Intelligent reasons for non-payment. Huntsville Clearing House.. Ashford Todd........ R. E. Spragins ... R. H. Gilliam, Tr. J. E. Kelly. Sec. ... (Members indicated by a *) Robt. Murphree Hurtsboro___ 884 Bank of Hurtsboro.._®t§*25 W. T. Davis______ W. C. Speight____ Russell K21 $100 61-230 Farmers&Merch.Bk.®»t§'09 L. J. Upshaw_____ J. G. Pruett______ S. B. Williams____ G. W. Mitchell... $100-8% par 100 61-231 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 104,000 30,000 R. E. SPRAGINS, J. E. WILLIAMS- - - - - - H. C. LANDMAN- - - - - - - H. W. CANTERBURY— MERRITT WIKLE Send us your Huntsville Items direct. ♦Tennessee Valley Bank par 100 61-78d®T»t§'92 61-74 18,000 (Branch ofDeeatu r, Ala.). Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $275-20% 10% par loo 10.000 We remit on day of payment. •{ ’69 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts. Casta and Time Items. HENDERSON NATIONAL BANK-— 61-77.__ d®*t’07 par A. L. Wiginton— Clyde Fleming— J. B. Hodges_____ Mae D. Hodges — H. Millican P.O.) FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Branch of Decatu r, Ala.). W.L.Howard, Mgr. C. P. Lunsford__ Marion County Bkg. Co. 61-806 ®t§’08 $300-12% Ass’t Cashier. R. W. Bishop_____ Elsie Barnard. $270-20% Hanceville__ 780 Merchants Bank______ »t§’07 W C. Griffith____ $300-25% par 100 61-307 B Cullman D18 J.N. McNutt. Ch. Hartford_____1419 First National Bank____ t’06 T. A. West............... $300-20% par 100 61-188 Genera 019 G. H. Malone, Ch. Hartford National Ba.nk.a'02 G. H. Malone_____ 61-187 Hartselie____2204 Bank of Hartselie...®«tl’08 A. Stephenson........ B Morgan C12 15% 61-181 First National Bank. d®»t’06 J. E. Freeman____ 61-182 Hazel Green...93 Hazel Green Banking Oo. L. A. Tanner_____ B Madison A14 tioo 61-509 ®Ttf28 Headland___1811 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank E. Willis________ Henry N21 $160-10% par 100 61-208 ©»}’03 First National Bank........ J'04 G. H. Malone, $160-16% 61-204 Ch. of Bd.and Pres. ‘Heflin______ 1231 Bank of Heflin.............. »:t§’06 B. W. Pruet_______ B Cleburne F20 8% 81-809 H.A.McMurray.VP. Homewood...6103 Shades Valley Bank.®«+§’27 J. H. Barker_____ (Br. of Birmingham $130 par 100 61-539 B Jefferson F13 ‘Huntsville. 11,554 B Madison B14 CASHIER. d»t’17 I Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding 61-460 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U S. Gurley..............581 TennesseeValley Bk. ®t§’92 B Madison B15 $300-20%par 100 61-304 Hackle burg.__628 Bank oi Hackleburg___ t|'14 J. L. Wilson.. B Marion C7 $265-20% par 100 61-505 Haleyville.... 2115 Tennessee Valley Bank B Winston D8 $250 61-200 ®t|’92 Traders & Fanners Bank W. W. Haler $175-10%par 100 61-199 d®ti'06 ‘Hamilton......695 B Marion D6 Vice-President. •t§’08 G. B. Zettler______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $175-15% par 100 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, „Laws (indexed) in. _ back of this mlnmo ITnn A- , II „1J J_ _ _ _ _ » ALABAMA—Continued THE MERCHANTS IS 30.000 10,000 63,990 31,400 35,490 107,120 THE BANK 1.260 64,880 128,040 IN MOBILE 41 •A Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •County Seats, 6 Fed. lies. Dist. BBirm.N.O.NewOr. •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew§Statetl>riv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. A T Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. JacksonBk.&Tr.Co.®T»t§’10 H. M. McLeod____ C. McCorauodale.. G. G. Warren_____ R. F. Adams. R. W. Lenoir *330-20% par 100 61-311 B Clarke M6 Jacksonville.. 2840 Alabama Tr. & Savings Bk. C. A. Whitemore.. 61-526 ©«§’2a B Calh’n E10 First National Bank..®»t’92 Arthur Wellborn.. par 100 51-3 1 2 G. H. Davis_______ *190-8% 61-128 d@T«t§’10 B Walker E10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. A "R A TV/I A___ PrintinnArl V^UllllllLlCU Liabilities. DeposPaid-up Surplus and Profits $ 29,000 $ 52.58C $ 453,260 Resources. Other TIES Loans Bonds and and Discounts Securities $ 318,960 S 114.02C S . Principal Correspondents. Ex Miscel- Cash & ,Dm LANLOUS changes from Banks 19,640 S 82,230 Chase N„ N. Y.; Merch. N„ Mobile. Oscar Sargent........ R. L. Heffington._ Hubert Boozer___ 25,000 4.600 150.000 105,030 8,930 4,190 C. W. Daugette___ J. M. Wood............. H. A. Carpenter... 25.000 2,550 198.28C f 60.670 164.20C 63,990 43,070 32.880 Chem. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ham. N„ Chat.; City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Anniston. 15,230 Com’l N.. Anniston. 70,260 59.160 678,760 94,200 1 783,530 27,62( 50,170 41,050 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm. 100,000 40,610 760,140 475,650 287,300 62,170 A. A. Conway____ C. R. Foss______ H. G. Boyd, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 15.000 1.500 56,500 21.660 J. O. Kennedy. .. U. T. Propst______ J. L. Kennedy. 15.000 16.700 110.810 45.650 G. O. Winter.......... » Lafayette. ...2119 Bank of Lafayette.__ •tf’87 L. S. Schuessler-.. D. T. Tatum, Exec. T7. P. 61-171 B Chamber* H 21 (Closed December 29 , 1930) 100,000 26,610 518,020 350,180 11,270 13,060 Laplne________260 First National Bank..d»t’15 B Montgomery LIB *165-8% par 100 61-456 (Bank in Crenshaw Co.) Leeds_____ .2529 Leeds-American Nat’l Bank 1 Jefferson FI4 par 100 61-548 d®’29 Leighton_____ 670 Tennessee Valiey Bank I Colbert W *250-16% 61-317 ®tl’B2 Lexington . 412 Bank of Lexington.d®»t§’17 1 Lauderdale A9 *275-20% par 100 61-458 Lincoln__ ... .429 First National Bank___ »$’12 1 Talladega F17 61-318 •JLlndeu . __ .982 First National Bank___ •i’M 1 Marengo J7 *uo-8% 61-158 H M 25.000 20,810 118,550 24,820 141.790 230 6,710 50,000 12,720 166,010 64,010 157,720 84,530 23,440 27.050 Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 121,910 2,790 14,260 47,350 Am. N„ Nash.; 1st N„ Florence. •• •• “ " B Chilton H13 O. F. Cobb, Act... J. J. Curtis C. L. Burton First National Bank d@«t’06 E. W. Long______ R. H. Palmer_____ 10% par 100 61-127 J.M.Phillips. V.P. H. G. Camp Jasper Trust Co_________ __ (Taken over by Cen tral Bank & Trust *27.50 par 25 61-546 J. S. Taylor______ L. A. Killough____ F. R. Hurst_______ Harris Moriarty.. 2.530 A. L. Phillips . T. J. Watson _ L. M. Foster______ Chas. P. McMeani. B. A Porter. 15,000 N. Y.: 1st N.. 40,450 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 6.200 74.890 32.670 77.560 27,100 14,050 20,050 1st N„ Anniston. 21,630 275,780 20,000 209,370 26,190 37,720 84,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; City N„ Selma. 50.000 30,430 141,320 20,670 31,390 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 50,000 25.000 150.000 116,000 18,000 20.000 Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm.; 1st N„ Atl. T. M. Tartt. Jr.... A. M. Tartt______ 50,000 40,630 301.640 R. E. Flournoy__ Julia Hightower... Louise Lee J. G. Beaty of Louisville May 26 . 1930) 40.000 17,100 67,690 125,290 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co and 1st N„ Birm. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 0. L. Schlich.......... Goldie Smith____ 15,000 6,730 103,510 W. B. Pope _____ K. M. Bentley.__ J. T. Ivey, V. P. 50.000 110,300 388,600 25.000 80.500 160.000 20,000 1,840 49,560 Jno. L. Wade W. H. Reddoch.... O. D. Seymour. C. T. Stewart .. B. H, Haynes_____ J. H. Ingram, Jr... 169,710 52.000 100,000 233,830 13.660 19.500 13,280 111.680 19,280 7.110 88,960 15,970 9.600 165,450 530.150 14.360 52,460 36,000 245,000 9, 1930) A. L. Watts.. W. L. Segrest ___ J. W. Williams (Absorbed by Bank of Luverne July 26, 1930) Madison 431 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. A. Kyser, W. B. Humphrey.. B13 Madison *85 par 100 61-537 d©§’26 Ch. of Bd.and Pres. Maplesvllle___456 Bank of Maplesville ...dt§’19 J. W. Foshee_____ H. M.Nix *180-8% par 100 61-48 0 I Chilton 112 A. M. Grimsley, Ch. F. H. Brown •Marlon ___ 2141 Marion Central Bank A. F. Armstrong.. 1 Perry 110 ♦ 61-163 d®*tS'72 .. Peoples Bank___ (Merged with Mario n Central Bank) Marlon Junction MarionJct.State Bankd«t§’13 H. P. Randall 1 Dallas J10 225 9% par 100 61-418 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 270,110 Bk. of America N. A„ Birm. 25,000 Loxley .. .122 Farmers state Bank d®»tl’20 E. D. Corte_______ 61-491 R. 0. Baldwin Q7 par 100 (Formerly Loxley State Bank) •Luverne........ 1874 Bank of Luverne.__®«1|’01 H. R. Shows. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. C. Ford 1 Crenshaw M1B 8% par 100 61-179 10% par 100 61-3 7 4 143,780 Clanton. (Merged with first National Bank. Lin den, Ala.)'Oi J. H. Ingram_____ *125-8% par 100 61-111 (Closed September 2 •Livingston__1072 Rank of Sumter. 11 Sumter 15 T. M. Tartt______ McMillan & Co., Bankers 1 ' 61-224 d®ltt'91 LoulsvUIe 587 Bank of Louisville_____tl'81 F. D. Pierce_____ Barbour L20 •« 8% par 100 61-3 19 «• (Merged with. Bank •* 27,530 48.810 40,000 __ Mrs. J. R. Ellis.__ W.L.Hollingsworth B. F. Watson John McKinley ... 14 .. __ 175.630 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm,; Fifth-Third Un. Tr.,Cin. 85,660 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Birm.Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. (Brcmc h of Dec otwr, Al a.)_____ UnerUle__ __1329 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. E. Carpenter.. *140-8% par 100 61-40* d®»tS'12 T. R. Bell, Ch.ofBd. B Olay GIB •• 100,110 Co., March 10, 1930 ) 61—387 B Lamar FB •« J. W. Long_______ B. J. Cowart. . . J. G.Burton,A, V.P. Schley O Rear, A. V. P. A. L. Sherer. _ ._ R. D. Collins_____ D. K. Mason . W. P. Nichols........ W. H. Stewart 10.200 83,740 261,840 622,820 120,070 689,960 18,350 47,080 10,160 62,300 1 117,370 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr.Co., N. Y.; Am. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mobile; 1st N.. Montg. 40,000 Am. Tr. Co., Mobile; Fulton N„ Atl. 5.000 4,770 26,190 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Tenn. Valley. Decatur. 2,300 112,040 33,900 41.320 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; City N.. Selma. 218.820 dent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. V.; 1st N.. Birm. 60,320 10,000 50.000 25.000 1 35.440 ! 16.500 10,700 Merch. N„ Mobile. 3,560 34,730 N. City, N. Y.; Selma N„ Selma. AO Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. BBIrm.N.O.NewOr. •Mem. A.B. A. flNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. McCullough .360 B Escambia 08 McKenzie____ 396 B Butler M18 Midland City. 755 Dale N20 Midway_______ 710 B Bullock K20 Farmers KxchangeBk.®t|’17 8% 61-465 Butler County Bank Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loani Bondi Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and AND its Capital Profits Discount* Securities laneous ties Mrs. L. Morris___ S 20,000 $ 2.070 $ 39,740 $ 780 $ 26,420 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash A Ex changes, Dus from Banks 4,080 1 32,090 Pensacola. A. J. Nall on February 7,1930) First National Bank __ ’06 J. E. Stuckey_____ A. J. Beverett......... H40-io% 61-323 James & Midway Banking Co. H. L. King, Sr_____ H.L. King, Jr_____ A. E. King________ Miss S. M. King — 61-313 ft'OS Millport.............714 Millport State Bank 1 Lamar F5 $127-12% par 100 61-324 Millry_________ 196 B Washington M4 ‘Mobile____ 68,202 N. 0. Mobile P5 Vice-President. PSBBIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point. (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued «J’08 J. E. Dowdle, C. P. Odom Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. O. Walker 35,000 19,500 193,450 25.000 32,720 67.900 30.000 12,790 100,600 260,140 1,541,220 312,300 $ 36,550 30,790 10,000 20,000 128,110 12,060 8,040 15,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 552,030 1,637,520 420,700 264,360 530,800 Chase N. N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Canal Bk, & Tr. Co., N.O.; 1st N„ Birm. 125.600 7,720 16,960 Uou. N.. Dothan. 103,930 Com’l N., Eufaula; 1st N.. Union Spgs.; City N., Dawson, Ga. {Closed January 21, 1931) 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 500,000 A. E. VAUTROT-------- S F HOLMES- - H. K. BAKER , W. H. CLARKE. JR.. Mgr. For. Dep. J Special attenti on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Ite ms. y Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Repo rts. fA.P. IMAHORN___ A F VAUTROT j H. S. DENNISTON^ *162,50 par 100 61-35 dB®T«t’29 D. P. BESTOR, JR.— 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. 11-26 *430-13% par 100 mir- J. W. WOOLF—........... MtpP— 1,000,000 1,747.620 17 029910 2,700,740 11267600 5,058,160 1.871.360 4,281,160 N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chem. J. 0. TERRELL. A. Cash, and Aud. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; L. B. PATRICK Whitney N., Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., E. B. PEEBLES and Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N., St. L.: Brown-Shlpley & Co.. Ltd. and Martins Bk., Ltd., Oldest Bank in Alabama. Lon. COMPLETE FACILITIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. V. P. and Tr. Off. E. J. McAULEY dB®T«t’65 E. F. LADD-------------- .. T. M. TAUL ______ PORTER KING _____ 1.000.000 1,325,150 12108880 2,849.570 10115890 2,890.430 1,970,140 2,397,130 Chase N„ Bkrs. Tr.. and Cent. Han. E. W. FAULK, S. E. WHITE-SPUNNER Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Mgr. For. Dept. & Tr., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; Hib.Bk. G. C. HIFNER, Aud. &Tr. and Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; M. B. SLAUGHTER, Un. Tr., Clev.; 1st N. Bk., Boston; Tr. Off. COMPLETELY ORGANIZED FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, OFFERING EVERY FOREIGN TRADE BANKING FACILITY. J.S. NORTON, A.V. P. ‘MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 61-28 $84-20% par 20 MODERNLY EQUIPPED TO HANDLE COLLECTIONS WITH SPECIAL BILL OF LADING DRAFT DEPARTMENT. d®T*t’01 (Dividend including Merchants Securities Corp.) 'THE MOBILE NATIONAL BANK 61-34 *18-115% par 10 .. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS AND BANKERS SOLICITED. WM. B. TAYLOR_____ E. S. WAHL. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ ... _ W. R.EASTMENT— 200.000 64.900 1,418,590 476,720 963,080 873,160 94,170 229,790 Chase N. and Harris, Forbes & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. dB®T»t’21 MERCHANTS SECURITIES CORP. ^ WAHL A FULL BANKING SERVICE. COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Mobile Clearing House_____ Wm. B. Taylor......... E. F. Ladd. (Members indicated by a *) ^ ^ ^ E. S. ____ Thos. M. Moore, Sec. and Mgr. (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ber of N ational, State a nd Private Ba nks, To tal Dep osits by Cities, States, etc.) E. F. LADD_________ PORTER KING______ GEORGE A. HAAS. Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OWN ED B Y TH E ST OCKH OLDE RS O F THE MER CHAN TS N ATIO NAL BANK - '20 THE MERCHANTS IS THE BANK IN MOBILE a o Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. BBirm.N.O.NewOr. 'ALABAMA NATIONAL BANK *125-8% par 100 tt •• ** •• .. 61-42 dB©T*t’08 it Paid-up D. M. Maxwell, $ 50,000 $ R. B. Williams.__ Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 100,000 J. B. Barnett.. B. H. Stallworth.. K. J. Lazenby_____ L. L. Hendrix____ 16,000 i 160,000 $ Loans Bonds Cash A KxMiscel CHANaig,Dui and and Discounts Securities laneous rsoM Basks 30,000 $ 113,000 $ 40,000 $ 28,000 J 84,670 816,780 539,420 228,790 44,530 8,540 187,730 138,300 9,130 14,150 500,000 147,600 M. A. VINCEHTELLI-- W. K. PELZER______ V. B. MURRAY------- J. H. WILLIAMS.......... B.P. CRUM,CA.o/Bd. J. J. CAMPBELL A gener al hank bill-la ding dr tlons for M on all dr afts dra 2,599,070 37,500 E. G. Givhan, J. Alex. Moore ___ Ch, of Bd. and Pres. J. W. Bowers____ Curtis Flowers . .. 70,000 ing bus! afts. T tgomer wn with 75,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.and Merch. N.. Mobile. 188,700 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.t Mobile: Selma N., Selma. 72,190 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. 238,620 1,049,170 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; Citlz.& Southern N., AtL; 1st N„ Birm. usacted . We s pedal Iz e for with yo ur item s and r ollecremit fr ee the f ace am ount of ge. 1,802,730 ness tra RY US y. Will Lxchan 156,140 20,000 A. S. Woolfolk .... J. A. Ledbetter, S. R. Cook, A. Sec.. 550,000 206,140 8,483,160 8,516,040 Sec. and Tr. W.A.Howell. Mgr. (Territor y of Ala bama an d, a) W. A. Howell J. A. Ledbetter___ Felix Robinson... E. L. CuIIom _ .. 1,000.000 H. F. Smith, Aud, F. P. Clay W. O. Baldwin Frank MacPherson H. C. Meader, Tr. Off. J. W. Andrews Principal Correspondents. Resources. Subplus Depos Other Liabili AND its Capital Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. 603,370 119,880 Chase N..N.Y. 7,667,100 3,684,130 1.460,500 2,795,540 Irv. Tr.and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Atl. 904,320 13 702 960 (Taken over by Firs t National Bank, F ebruary 11, 1930) || .. „ Cashier. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. par 70 61-101 d©*i§’94 (Formerly W. B. Folmar & Sons, Bankers, Troy, Ala.) First Joint Stock Land Bk.’22 F. MacPherson, 4% par 100 61-511 V. P. W. C. Bowman _ — ♦First National Bank A. M. Baldwin, Ch. *23-12% 61-36 1dB®T*+’71 A. S. Woolf oik. par 10 Vice Ch, of Bd. .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.n'New § State fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Derts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. •Monroeville .1355 First National Bank.d©»t’2a 8% par 100 61-527 B Monroe MIC Monroe County Bank ♦ 61-825 d(DT»t§’04 $175-10% par loo • Montevallo.,1245 Merchants & Planters Bk. *90-8% par 75 61-326 d®*t§’02 B Shelby G12 iMontgomery 66,079 B Montgomery J16 ALABAMA •• Grover Keyton ♦Union Bank & Trust Co. *15-8% par 10 61-38 dB®T»t§’01 200,000 88,240 1.068,820 5,190 796,070 361,290 65,080 139,800 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N„ Atl. Montgomery Clearing House J. J. Campbell____ Grover Keyton----- D. C. Williamson, See. dt Examiner (Members indicated by a *) (See pa ges 28- 29-30fo r Numb er of Na tio nal, State a nd PrivateB anks, T otal De posits b y Cities , States , etc.) WARD STERNE & CO. 1101 ( E. C. Leach, Resi \ Investment Securi! ies. (First Natl. Bk. Bldg.) Branch of Birm ingham 28.000 67,480 155,520 183,760 1,000 6,350 59.880 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N.. Nasb.; 1st N„ Birm.; Hamilton N., Chat. 15.000 43,240 222,230 190,630 24,290 6,020 59,530 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N„ Nash.; Cent. N. iik. of Decatur, Decatur. 25.000 25,800 200,000 215,000 10,000 28.200 11,790 51,900 52,460 W. E. Rodgers___ J. W. Cochran .... 20,000 10.000 125.000 112,000 G, H. Malone 25.000 9,820 35.240 12,240 72,730 25.000 10,000 75.000 10.000 50.000 25.000 25,000 33,730 163,020 113,620 47,970 R. M. Byars______ R. P. Irwin______ O. L. Jody.. •Moulton 639 B Lawrence CIO io% par 100 61-827 .. *200-15% par 100 61-385 J. L. Weatherwax. T). H. Bracken L. W. Gentry_____ Moundvllle 757 Bank of MoundvilIed®T#t§’07 R. L. Griffin______ R. J. Griffin___ J150-8% 61-328 B Hale H8 Newbern. ....389 Bank of Newbern------dtS'06 B Hale 18 *125-8% par 100 61-3 29 New Brockton.727 Coffee N18 New Hope........446 B Madison B15 New Market Bkg. Co,.*t§’05 *150-10% 61-332 B Madison A15 par 100 Newville__ 528 Farmers State Bank____§’09 <( Henry N21 _ 61-248 ___ R.B. Henderson.. C. C. McWhorter . L. M. Griffin_____ J. F. Brown______ W, E. Swauzy____ 13,110 26,320 Am. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mobile; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Selma N„ Selma. (Closed December 23 , 1930) (Closed December 30 , 1930) ___ J. J. Espy_______ H. C. Price. Sr.... J. T. Capps... C. V. Capps_______ C. V. Capps______ J. D. Griffin._ *100-8% par 100 61-250 No. Birmingham (See Birmingham) (Station of Birmingham) BJefferson F13 2047 Northport....2173 (Closed February 1, 1930) B Tuscaloosa G8 Notasulga 756 FirstBank of Nctasulga»+§’07 A B. Hoop, W. J. Bridge*------ C. M. Hayes............ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B Macon J19 *170-10% 61-335 par 100 Merchants and Farmers Bank (Merged ivith Bank of Tuskegee, Tuskeg \ee, Ala.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 1 THE -A /V MERCHANTS A. ^ A. ^-X 'A. A A. 20.000 Am. N„ Nash.; Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co., Huntsville. 2,960 10.000 6.600 Chase N., N. Y. 35,000 Citlz. & Sou. N„ Atl.; Hou. N., Dothan. 60,160 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Montg. I IS THE A A AAA A A A AAAAA A A -A, BANK IN -A-.A. -A.^ -A,-Av,a^a.,a>-A».A^,aVja../^a. MOBILE 'S.-X. ■/S.-AwA^A^A^.A^ AAAA^AA, 44 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. ^County Seats. 6 Fed.Res.Dist. BBirm.N.Q.NewOr. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ALABAMA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Oakman______927 Bank of Oakman____®tl’05 B. M. Richards___ H. W. Ward______ $150 par 100 61-336 B Walker E9 A.M.Grimsley, Ch. G. B. Hooper, Sr. Liabilities. DeposPaid-up Surplus and ITS Capital Profits $ 25.000 $ Other TIES 9,000 $ 100,000 Resources. Lords Bonds Cash A Ex Miscel- changes , Dux Discounts Securities LANEOU8 from Banks $ 78.000 $ 4,600 % 10,000 $ Principal correspondents. 26,620 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm. and Fayette. tOneonta____ 1387 Blount County State Bank_ (Closed November 27. 1930) B Blount E15 • Opelika____ 6156 Lee 121 M *» •• *• FARMERS NATIONAL BANK H. G. BLACKWOOD— J. A. BRICE R ONEONTA IT Drafts receive spe for Credit Repor L. Q. BOX—........ W. W. WILSON______ GLADYS TURNER EMS DIRECT. cial attention. ts. 25.000 45,000 522.370 S 31,710 f JOHN V. DENSON - G. G. MITCHELL-___ I.J. DORSEY, JR.— J.Z. FULLER-........... 200.000 64,730 818,910 100.000 312,930 121.000 Cl. S. WITTEMEIR .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < SEND US YOU $250-20%par 10061-376 ©T«t’14 1 Bill of Lading LPlease send 25c .. H L. Hall National Bank of Opelika C. W. Stewart____ $150-8% 61-107 ®»t’20 •Ozark _ 3103 Ozark City Bank____dtS’02 $150 par 150 61-140 Dale M20 “ __ Planters & Merch. Bauk 61-139 •tS’90 $150-8% par 100 Paint Bock.__320 Paint Iiock Bank... _©t§’92 BJackson B15 $115-16% par 100 61-338 Parrish..............987 Rank of Parrish ___®»t§'19 B Walker E10 $123.25-12M% 61-470 par 100 97,310 22,670 289,780 Chase N.. N. 392,630 i 786,560 486.110 86,340 117,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm.: 1st N„ Atl. 682,720 265,010 630,180 392,720 37,970 299,790 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y. Phil. N„ Phil.; Canal Bk.&Tr. Co.. 109,810 833,820 125,000 493,020 548,460 21,900 130,240 Chem Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Atl.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 50.000 11,200 40,030 33,000 100,100 11,500 22,630 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Andalusia. 200,000 68,170 723,020 200.000 705,660 247,620 25.000 15,000 238.930 183,300 51,020 100.000 50.000 350.000 125.000 62,640 354,880 70,000 { SEND US YOU R OPELIKA ITE MS DIRECT. 1 Prompt attent Ion given Bills o f Lading and all items entrusted to us. lREASONABLE RATES. $135-8% 61-109 dB©T»t'09 par 100 First National Bank ..d«t’86 Forney Renfro___ par 100 61-108 Opp_________ 2918 American Bank & Tr. Co. 61-464 d®t§’18 Covington N16 $115-8% par 100 “ “ First National Bank $150-15% 61-227 d®T-f05 par 100 Orrvllle............ 394 Orrville Bank & Trust Co__ B Dallas K10 Oxford_______1206 First National Bank.©T*t’03 $150-8% 61-206 B Calhoun F18 214.310 T. E. Henderson .. J. A. Whaley. J. R. Ward Ch. of Bd. G. O, Pierce W. B. Benton_____ R. C. Woodham... ~T " UUU 1st N„ Birm. 188,100 Chase N.. N.Y.: Am. N„ Pensacola, Fla. (Closed February 27, 1930) D. O. Cooper_____ T. A. Howie.. __ D. C. Cooper. Jr... T. H. Burton P. L. Gill M. Sollie, Ch. J. E. Z. Riley____ W. M. Faust, Jr. L. E. Wells............. H. R. Martin_____ E. B. Holloway___ Mrs. C. A. Stokes 31,060 Chase N..N.Y.; 1st N..Birm. and Anniston. 280,000 40,000 80,000 408,320 23,270 57,500 100,000 Cent. Han Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Monte.: Citiz. & Sou. N„ Atl. 123,430 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Atl. Clyde Hendrix___ J. C. White ____ 15.000 8,260 62,840 3,650 69,460 5,180 J C. Shepherd, O. L. Lockwood ... R. W. Chambers... Mrs. S. R. Walker. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. D. 11. Chilton 30.000 23,000 116,800 1,360 11Q 170 35,350 »PeIICIty._ ...835 Union State Bank.. . d®»i§'18 P. Roberson______ J. F. Roberson___ A. H. VanDevander Adell Hardwick___ $145-12% par 100 61-339 B St. Clair F16 Sumter Cogswell, Ch. of Bd. Peterman 125 Bank of Peterman..d©*tS'13 P. S. Jackson_____ C. J. Jackson B Monroe M10 $190-10% par 100 61-420 35.000 13.840 236.070 1.730 150,640 22,890 113,130 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N„ Atl. 15.000 14,930 164,990 400 151,320 9,880 12,910 21,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Mobile; Selma N.. Selma. Phenix City.13,862 Phenix-Girard Bank Lee J23 61-110 d®»t§’04 $250-10% par 100 (Bank in Russell County) Phil Campbell 472 First State Bank. t§’21 8% 61-504 B Franklin C8 Piedmont.__ 3668 Farmers & Merchants Bank $100-8% par 100 61-453 ®T§’15 B Calhoun E19 ** ______ “ First National Bank.©T»t'04 61-340 Plnckard___ 633 Dale N20 Pine Apple. 438 Bank of Pine Apple ©*tS’03 B Wilcox Lll $175-8% par 100 61-34 2 Pine Hill .... 433 Planters State Bank B Wilcox L 8 Pratt City_______ (See Birmingham) B Jefferson F12 25.000 56,520 590,780 8,460 469,410 97,610 36,930 76,810 Irv.Tr.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Atlanta. 5,960 38,670 3,000 31,630 300 14,500 16,190 Chase N., N. Y.: IstN.. Birm. and Fayette. 13,190 27,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Annis ton N.. Anniston; N. City, Rome, Ga. 73,520 Chase N„ N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. L. Mullin, Ch. of Bd, and Pres, J. E. Moultrie____ H. R. Mills______ A. M. Grim8ley.__ 15,000 C. N. Thompson... J. L. Adderhold... C. W. Thompson... J. S. Towle_______ 30,000 8,850 85,140 Arthur Wellborn— H. C. Sharne. 50,000 33,130 419,450 50.000 320,120 139,590 19,350 25,000 33,380 226,220 550 147,850 77,460 4,000 H. C. Sharpe____ .1. H. Savage 83,660 15,110 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 16,640 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. (Closed for liquidati on, February 10,193 0) J. T. Adams______ S. N. Stanford___ (Closed May 2, 1930 ) THE MERC H A NTS IS T HE BA N K 55,840 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Selma N., Seims. 4_tr Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. C Fed. Res. Dist. BBirm.N.O. NewOr. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§8tatetPriy. JMem. State B. Asi’n. [Eatah. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (I-SafeDep.®Sav.$La.stSalo%Div President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. A jLA BA MA—Continued Cashier. ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Dspoh Paid-up ITU Capital Propits Other ties Resources. Loans | Bonds Miscel- Cash & Exand and Discounts Securitios LANEOUtt from Banks 50,000 $ Prichard ___4580 Bank of Prichard__d<Dt§’27 $ll0-parl00 61-538 N.O. Mobile P5 25.000 4,940 110,690 2,770 73.310 21,300 3,800 T. S. Williams____ 15,000 4.000 28.740 10,220 40.180 6,500 8,000 Chas. CashiOD____ Olney Nabers___ 25.000 21.230 285.380 199,300 Red Level.......... 445 Peoples Bank............... ®t§’14 J. M. Foshee . __ J. L. Foshee______ Covington N14 61-439 25,000 17,020 272,750 208,010 1.630 20,190 Reform_______ 898 State Bk. of Reform d®»+§’07 L. W. Wooten____ B. J. Bailey______ R. A. Neel 1100 par 100 61-349 B Pickens G6 J.W.Hollingsworth 50,000 8,990 182,710 189,690 3,680 39,380 8,950 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; 1st N„ Tuscaloosa and Birm. 30,000 17,940 100,670 86,040 13,180 3,030 46,360 !ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Selma N., Selma: Merck. N„ Mobile. Roanoke ..4373 nCity Bank & Trust Co—§'31 W. H. Wright____ G. H. Handley____ PM. Lightfoot. - W. E. Still_____ B Randolph H21 par 10 61-157 W. H. McMurray “ “ Merchants & Farmers Bank_ (Closed January 5, 1931) •• •* (Closed January 5, 1931) 50,000 12,500 Robertsdale_._678 Robertsdale State Bank W. I. Cleverdon... W. P. Baldwin ... Thos. F. Rickert... W. O. Keehle N. 0. Baldwin Q7 $325-40% par too61-375 d®»t§’ll 10,000 16,330 163,040 114,230 8.710 29,260 * Rockford____320 Bank of Rockford._B®t§'ll W. B. McCain___ B Coosa H16 1% par 100 61-351 25,000 10,780 92,800 71,290 20,550 3,180 25,000 31,620 165,880 97.090 50.000 41.000 279,470 182,460 25,000 8,270 532.620 336,090 Ragland.............981 Bank of Ragland___ B St. Clair E16 190-9% par 60 61-346 Itamer 814 BMontgomery K16 Rea Bay 1297 Bank of Red Bay . 61-347 B Franklin C5 E. B. Frasch_____ R. L. Prine_______ C. B. Forman_____ W. T. Floyd . W. T. Floyd. Ch. J. E. Nettles_____ Rogersville___445 East Lauderdale Banking Co. J. R. Waddell_____ J. C. Belue____ . J. M. Pate... B Lauderdale A10 $220-8%par 100 61-352 d®»J8'0ti ___ tRussellville. 3146 Citizens Bk. A Sav Co. 1. M. Rickeson___ Chas. R, Burgess.. Foster Gavin__ B Franklin C7 $160-10% par 100 61-155 ®Ti§'06 W. H. Key. Ch. -------- •• _____ fW. B.MAHAN-........ R. L. BOWEN, Ch. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ) New and Mode 1U0-10% 61-499 ®»t’20 1 Special attent par 100 L Please send 15 » Sainton..........1656 Geneva 017 . T. H. Roberson___ 0. F. HARGETT_____ 1. F. HFSTFR R P FARGFNT Tennessee Valley Bank.tS'01 61-154 J. C. Carter........... Samson Banking Co. Inc. d§'30 D. L. Watson___ 61-549 par 100 1. P. Watson Tennessee Valley Bank.t§'92 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44,990 1st N., Mobile. 3,290 1st N., Birm. 4,000 128.310 uaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rirm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 84,930 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.,Birm. 62,500 Guaranty Tr., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 5.820 37,170 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Merch.N., Mobile. 33,550 hase N., N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N., Sylacauga. 10,000 99,020 Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N.. Chat. 77.380 19,220 91.410 31,470 44,190 jnt. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Ati. 159.970 1st N.. Birm. rn. Excellent Ba nklng Facilities. Experienced and Aggressl ve Offlc era. Ion given Bills of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. rents with each Sight Draft for presentati on and 25 cents for C ■■edit Re ports. ......... (Branch of Decat ur. Ala.) N.. Lou. Henry Crenshaw __ *Saottsboro_..2304 First National Bank. . dt’07 W. B. Hunt, John W. Gay, Jr— J. W. Gay______ $145-10% 61-214 B Jackson B17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Joel Wimberly par 100 * __ __ " J. C. Jacobs Bkg. Co. J. C. Jacobs______ R. A. Jacobs_____ H. G. Jacobs_____ R. F. Gold 61-215 ©tf09 **_____" _______ 44,620 $ 121,680 Birin. TT. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N., Atl. 1st N„ Montg. (Closed January 14, 1931) i§'08 L. F. Gober_______ Repton.. ____ 420 Union Bank ______ ®»t§'22 J. E. Kelly______ A. D. Kelly______ 1 Conecuh N10 1125-10% 61-350 Riley Kelly “ 26,310 S correspondents. r ALLEN EDWARD MRS. R. M. McGORD - JAS. B. WYNN_____ S NORTHINGTON, NORTHINGTON iPrattvllle.__2331 FIRST NATIONAL BK—-t'08 < Ch. and Pres. B Autauga J15 1125-10% par 100 j Collections a sp ecialty and remitt cd on day of pay merit. 61-144 V.Prompt attend on to all banking matters entruste j to us. 23,330 $ 541,940 S 81,830 $ 504,480 S Principal C, O. Reed . 25,000 10,010 82 420 58,940 3.080 50.000 25,000 350,000 305,000 10,000 30.000 21,000 322,000 288,000 200 55,210 58,000 8,000 77,000 ( 1 Branct• of Decal ur, Ala.) N„ Lou. THE MERCHANTS THE BANK MO BILE Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given TOWN AND COUNTY. *County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. B Blrm. N.O.NewOr. •Mem.A.B.A.nlS'ew§StatetPriv. fMem. State B. Ass'n[Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *Selma____ 18,012 B Dallas Jll — President, CASHIER. Vice-President. Asst. Cashier- E. CARTER — H. SHELLEY— GUY NATIONAL H.C. ARMSTRONG BANK «•*•« Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. 1. Oldest and largest bank. $l62ti-l0% par 100 J. Send your items direct to us. 1,099,510 846,780 69,340 H.F. COOPER- - - - - - S. A. FOWLKES — E. L. RATCLIFFE. J. E. WILKINSON, la. of tsa. Transact a general banking business. 4% par 100 ♦ 61-48 d©T«t5’02 SEND US your items on Selma; we make quick returns. 100,000 ■■ 140,930 872,740 87,000 976.660 9,820 88,670 125,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.jlstN., Atl.; 1st N., Btrm. (e. C. MELVIN-— J.G. MELVIN........... J. W. CRAIG--------- J. F. MILLER, JR.— 200.000 423,200 1,350,900 168,470 1,329,350 462,440 40,100 310,670 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co,. N. Y.: 1st N„ Birin. Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 100,000 140.940 1.959.400 19,590 1.271.680 735.820 56,040 104,000 543,000 101,000 56,000 156.390 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chatham Pheuix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 137,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 20,800 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Lou. N., Lou. 11,610 Merch. N., Mobile- 61-49 •t < SEND US YOU R SELMA ITEMS j Collections, bill of lading drafts, 1 Will receive the prompt attentio PROMPT RETUR ’04 DIRECT. cash and time Ite ms n of an officer of this bank NS P. O. Thomas____ R. L. Sommerville Selma Tr. & Savings Bank 16% par 100 61^50 d®T#t§'0’ rT. C. SANFORD — J L ANPRFWS W. S. HATCH SHEFFIELD NATIONAL BANK A. W. DRISDALE_ _ _ 50,000 Geneva 020 $200-10% par 100 61-222 Sprlngvllle___ 437 Bank of Springvilie-®«t§'0' B St. Clair E15 $200-20% par 100 61-354 Margaret Forman Chas. W. Allison .. M. W. Forman, V. P. and Cash. T. E. Moody, Jr. G. L. Byers Stevenson____733 First National Bank. ®»t'll G. H. McMahan ... C. H. Woodall....... W. R. Bogart B Talladega G16 631,000 (Branch of Decani r, Ala.) Slocomb______964 Slocomb National Bank.-t'O! C. E. Segrest_____ J. P. Anthony........ C. M. Segrest....... Sylacauga ___4115 52,000 j Send us yo ur Sheffield Business di rect. (.Special att ention given Bill of Ladi ng Drafts, C ash a nd Ti me It ems. 220-8% par 100 61-104 ’ennessee Valley Bank.*§’2J 61-106 Sllverhtll_____314 State Bank of Silverliill John Mikuleeky— R A Hail 61-523 d®*t§’2< N. 0. Baldwin Q7 par 100 B Lamar E5 Sweet Water... 90 B Marengo K7 36,030 City N., Selma. 13,050 $300-16% par 100 Sulllgent____1078 I 400,000 t 392.100 J 898.150 $ 733,720 SI 181510 S 880.720 $ 62,060 $ 299.680 Chase N., N. Y.; Whitney N., N. O.; Citiz. & Sou. N. and 1st N., Atl.; 1st N., Birmingham. 191,970 1,746,650 BANK Jackson A18 Principal Correspondents. 190,000 PEOPLES BANK & TRUST GO. B Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bonds Other Cash & ExMiscel chasgxs Paid-up Surplus D epos and and .Dui AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous prom Banks ties 61-47 City Savings Bank d®T#t$’20 H. C. Armstrong.. $250-10% par loo 61-52 Shetlleld__ 6221 B Colbert B8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued 61-247 assee Valley Bank.+I’tt 61-246 of Sulligent ...d»t§’0l $250 par 100 61-356 Sweet Water State Banl $165-10% 61-429 <§T J. D. Jones. Ch. par 100 City National Bank _.d®t’l L. L. Smith______ $135-8% par 100 61-425 $250-16%pur 100 FIRST NATIONAL j 6,670 63,000 7,330 64,910 4,670 35.000 44,820 109,360 35,000 108,090 37.100 3,360 78,810 16,900 G. O. Murchison... S. W. McEwen — L. J. Smith S. P. MCDONALD— W. H. MITCHELL-— L B CARLISLE F. M. MCDONALD 75,630 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Dothan: 1st N.. Atl. 39,970 Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.; Gadsden N.. Gadsden. 10,000 28,000 267,520 110 160.480 25,000 49,140 267,530 34,500 268,790 26,950 12,370 6,350 223,190 134,490 4,000 67,920 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 6,770 33,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Selma N., Selma; 1st N., Mobile. 84,980 Cent. Han. Bk. 68,060 Chase N., N. Y. Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Lou. (Bi anch o/Deeatu r, Ala.). J. O. Buckelew S. T. Lewis---------H.H.Howard T. M. Roberts 25,000 N.. Lou, 48,500 64,830 309,920 25.000 36,180 181,400 75,000 56,110 437,260 102,500 471,230 105,350 9,300 50.000 28,350 525,220 104,810 465,070 81.900 22,990 50,000 72,210 485,250 50,000 300,930 161,430 202.260 Birm. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. 138,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. 1st N., Birm. & Sav. Co. and d©*t’041 $150-8% par 100 61-178 NATIONAL BANK $175-8% rJ. W. BROWN — J. W. BROWN, Jr. ... M. A. THURMAN...... T. W. STRICKLAND .. MISS JESSIE BERRY < GIVE US A TUI AL WITH YOUR SYLACAUGA DR AFTS AND RILLS 1 OF LADING. /IF WE CAN’T DELIVER THE GOODS, DON’T SEND US ANY 1 l MORE. par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 195,100 Chase N.. N, Y.: 1st N.. Birm. WWW! THE MERCHANTS THE BANK MOBILE 47 ' ‘ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. 6 Fed. lies. Dist. B Birm.N.O.NewOr. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ‘Talladega....7596 Isbell National Bank ®T*t’49 W. H. Boynton.__ T. D. Boynton____ J. H. Ivey B Talladega F17 1200-16% 61-96 par 100 “ *• Taliasaee____849 1 Slmore J18 •a •« TALLADEGA NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued Ass't Cashier Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DbpobCapital Profits ITS J. L. Chambers___ $ O. R. Burton TIES Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash A Exand Discount* Securities LANEOUB CHA*OU,Dl71 from Banks 78,490 $ 572,060 $ 386,280 l 50,000 i 174,980 $ 847,850 J (H. L McELDERRY, BREWER DIXON_____ A. ABRAMS — GORMAN COOK 200,000 1 Ch.ofBd.andPres, S.B. WILSON, Active C.T. BURTON jSEND US YOUR TALL ADEGA BUS INESS DIRE CT. (.Prompt otteutl on given BUI of Lading Drafts an d aU Items sent us, $160-10 to 12% 61-97 d®T»rOB par 100 Bank of Tallassee.-.- ®IS'12 Goo. D. Patterson. A. J. Noble_______ A. J. Noble_____ 61-423 Other 121.410 1,154,140 180,000 Principal Correspondents. 25,030 S 161,950 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N„ Nash. 995,560 368,460 56,560 234,950 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co. and 1st N„ Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N„ Atl. 160,000 2,000 13,000 30,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ MoDtg., Birm.Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. 315,880 71,650 55,270 51,770 Bk. of America Birm. J. P. Williamson .. 15,000 15,000 175,000 E. P. Rosamond ... W. G. Nethery.... H. L. Cunningham. Tarrant_____ 7341 Tarrant American Savings K. A. Convllle. (Birmingham P, 0.) Bank.... 61-516—d®»t§’2S Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. G. Overton B Jefferson FIS $110 par 100 (Formerly Tarrant City Savings Bank) E. G. Thomas_____ W. B. Harrell____ C. C. Pritchett____ Thomaston.. 377 Planters Bank & Trust Co. B Marengo K8 $200-10% par 100 61-436 ©•+§ '14 100.000 13,860 378,520 16,000 26,610 \9? Q90 104 f)00 J. D. Norwood........ S. C. Dickinson___ Paul Clarke--------- J. M. Drinkard___ Thomasvllle 1504 Farmers Bank & Tr. Co. B Olarke L7 $i08-8%parl00 61-359 ®»t§'07 J. W. Tucker, Ch, J. W. Kimbrough 100,000 26,020 601.660 398,830 20.000 2,320 34,170 30,390 (Closed February 17, 1930) Thorsby...____ 771 Bank of Thorsby___d®tS’19 Chas. E. Lucas____ Carl C. Petersen.. A. M. Grimsley, Ch. $135-8% par 100 81-481 B Chilton H13 Town Creek 427 Tennessee Valley Bank.t§'08 __________________ _______ 61-861 B Lawrence B9 (Taken over by Car bon Hill Stale Bank, Townley._1554 Bank of Townley___ _ B Walker E9 •Troy_______ 6814 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. Fox Henderson ... W. L. Perkins____ $100-16% 61-100 ®T»t’02 Fred Henderson Pike L18 .. •• Fred Henderson... J. L. Copeland — FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 61-102 @1900 J. L. Mixon____ H. E. Harbin, Mgr. 2,200 N. A.. N. Y.; 1st N.. 4,000 55,630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Selma N„ Selma. 176,400 74,200 78,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. and Mobile. 540 5,910 19,650 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N„ Clanton. (Branch ofDocatu r, Ala.). Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.; Lou. N„ Lou.; 1st N., Birm. Carbon Hill. Ala., March 17, 1930) E. R. Partridge, Corley Chapman .. Cash, and Tr. Off. 150.000 376,000 1,105,050 178,600 897,740 629,880 15,000 267,030 Gty. Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.,Birm.; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Atl. Ross Rainer______ 100,000 209,170 983,800 102,990 384,830 582,960 33,970 100,000 118,670 571,720 512,140 76,190 22,730 394,190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. & Sou. N„ Atl.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Moutg. 179,330 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; 1st N., Montg. Frank S. Daniel— H. E. Hamner____ J. M. Donoho. A.C. R. H. Albright 200,000 259,950 3,011,390 142,220 1,844,120 784,390 First National Bk. dB®T«t'71 Frank M. Moody... A. C. Cade_______ C. N. Maxwell. Jr. C. O. Hayslett........ Glenn Foster, V.P. C. N. Maxwell, Jr. $200-12% par 100 61-70 E. H. Phifer John P. Baker H. Walker, H. S. Sargent.......... H. S. Sargent____ ‘Tuscumbla. 4533 First National Bank d®»t’19 D. Ch. of Bd. and. Pres. 61-128 B Colbert B8 par 100 ______ ___ ____ __ E. J. Hennlnger .. Tennessee Valley Bank 61-122 d©Tt§’92 150.000 248,050 4,321,510 150,000 2,857,480 858,470 .. Charles Henderson, Key Murphree____ L. C. Powell______ J. N. Finlay______ Troy Bank & Trust Co. 8% 61-103 d@T»t§'08 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Key Murphree, Tr. Off. W. B. Folmar & Sons, Bankers (Now Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Mont gomery, Ala.) “_____ “ R. H. Cochrane----- G. D. Palmer, Act ‘Tu8ealoosa.20.659 City National Bank J. F. Alston dB®T»t’66 B Tuscaloosa G8 $250-10% par 100 61-69 " ------- *' ‘Tuskegee ....3314 Bank of TuskegeedB®T«tl'93 John H. Drakeford C. R. Keener_____ Daisv Biiicn D. E. Laslie $175-8% par 100 61-126 B Macon Jli “ ------- M MACON COUNTY BANK 75,000 30,700 543,490 39,220 822,450 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. Birm.; 1st N„ Atl.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 112.750 1,040,860 N. City, N. Y. 162,600 457,270 91,590 52,500 87,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Birm. Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Citiz, & Sou. N., Atl.; Lou. N., Lou. 360,370 13,030 57,560 61,060 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.; 1st N„ Montg. 509,270 43,870 55,290 45,150 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Atl.; 1st N„ Birm. 1,500 84,310 of Dteat ur, Ala.) A. L. Straughn.... 50,000 52,150 389,880 rW.W. CAMPBELL E. C. MEREDITH, J. B. WILKINSON.. J. W. BRASWELL. JR. 65.000 78,770 446,240 25.000 7,910 69,600 63,560 j We give all out of town Items car eful attention. L and remit p romptly at reaso nable rates. 16% par 100 61-124 •• _____ Tuskegee Institute Sav. Bk. R. R. Moton______ 5% par 100 61-507 @§’19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE O. H. Gibson. Tr. MERCHANTS Warren Logan,Sec. IS THE BANK IN 16,700 Macon Co., Tuskegee. MOBILE Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 40 *o r0WH AND COUNTY. ^County Seats. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. B.Birm.N.O.New Or. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §StatefPrl*. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dents :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Liabilities. ResourcesLoans Bonds Miscel Oin k Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and oxAwase^Dtni and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous non Baku ties » Union Springs F. M. Moseley____ W. M. Crossley.__ J. R. Morgan____ T. Boykin Haynes. $ American National Bank B Bullock K19 2875 *100-8% par 100 61-427 ®*t’16 50.000 $ 31,480 I 483,110 $ 50,000 J 349,610 $ 178,840 $ 50.000 90,000 691,310 41,090 Unlontown ...1424 Canebrake Loan & Trust Co. Val. Taylor .... VV. H. Tayloe.......... W. M. Buck______ 61-162 T«t§'07 B Perry J9 .« «• Planters & Merch. Bank J. H. Bradford___ S. T. Whitfield___ J. H. Bradford ___ F. M. Goff________ V. W. Coleman 10% 61-160 •JS'OO 50.000 13,560 40,880 80,000 96,340 236,140 15’26 J. B. Barnett____ B, H. Stallworth .. B. H. Stallworth... W. W. Garrett___ 25.000 2.150 57,860 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10% 61-119 G. M. EDWARDS — ~E. H. COPE-------- M. M. Pins--------- ______ ___________ 648,890 90,680 25,820 65,480 6,300 16,770 15,870 Chase N., N. Y.; Selma N., Selma. 11,450 335,280 10,000 24,450 54,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Whitney N.,N. O.; Birm.Tr. & Sav. Co.,Birm. 7,770 50,120 5,000 14,350 23,310 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Merch. N.. Mobile. 107,010 N. City, N. 1st N., Blrm.: Citlz. & Sou. N., Atl.; Ala. N., Montg. Largest Bank in the County. City, County, and State Depository W H Strnelr *185-10% 74,620 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Montg.; 1st N„ Atlanta. ®«t’04 Uriah 53(1 Rank of Tlriah______ par 100 61-529 B Monroe N8 B Chilton 114 11,520 S Principal correspondents. J. S. Hubbard_____ 15.000 26,610 23,090 12,240 Chase N„ N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; 1st N., Montg. 61-487 40,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 25,000 25.000 200.000 165,000 40.000 J. T. Weatherford 18,000 11,840 139,750 88,800 22,200 6,020 H. D. Pearson____ Eunice Clegg_____ Mattie K. Clegg 32,500 58,140 70,580 107,080 7,090 33,000 15,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. * Sav Ci., Birm. 10,000 8.700 27,770 25,660 5,660 15,150 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; Tenn. Valley, Florence. »Wedowee 89(1 Bank of Wedowee.......... tS’06 J. C. Swann._____ W. H. McMurray.. J. 6. Swann_______ J. E. Perry............. J. C. Swann, Jr. B Randolph 620 *120-8% par 100 61-364 40.000 13,850 215,660 156,390 10,000 7.440 95,680 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. W. R. Young------- 6. W. Randall____ W. R. Young. Jr. .. WestBlocton 1070 *250-16% par 100 61-365®«*5'92 B Bibb HU 25,000 57.360 240.600 15,000 87,000 168,990 49,310 208.800 1,265,700 20,000 735,990 346,640 47,160 5,000 42,910 270 3.700 B J. R. Pennington.. Bank of Vernon___B®*t$'ll *210-12H% 61-387 par 100 Lamar E5 Vina 41s Vina Banking Co.____#t§’20 J. W. Rogers.. *160-15% par 100 61-4 97 B Franklin 05 Vincent 1192 B Shelby G16 Fred Massnv W. A. Frost 1,360 (Closed for liquida tion March 17, 19 30) Warrior _____646 B Jefferson E13 Farm, and Merch. Bk..®§T4 Buck Sharp____ *175 par 100 61-437 A.D. Ray, Jr_____ {Merged viith First National Bank Dcce mber 3, 1930) * Wetumpka. „ 2357 B Elmore J16 >• First National Bank A. E. Hohenberg .. Irving Hohenberg. J. L. Law .. _____ John A. Howie___ E.J. Cain 61-202 dB©r*I'05 J. M. Holley, Ch. *800-21% par 100 25,000 W. J. Weldon........ H. T, Dickens____ E. W. Carter_____ Mrs. E. W. Carter. WUsonvllle___770 Wilsonviile State Bk. *125-8% par 10061-433 d®»t|’14 8 Shelby 616 10,000 4,590 42,020 Winfield 1254 Citizens Bank_______®t§’20 A. M. Grimsley... R. L. Hill, Acting_. W. L. Roberts____ Ralph Harris par 100 61-493 M, L. Lucas . B Marion E7 .. .Tanp Long Winfield State Bank..®t§’07 J. G. Stalcup____ M. C. Hollis______ W. W. Oray R. W.Harns *300-10% 61-667 Ch. o/Bd. Woodlawn.... ......... (See Birmingham) B Jefferson F13 25.000 12,500 163,420 15.000 25,020 149,800 3,750 111,390 Vnrk 25,000 39,300 218,200 3,390 155,660 __ 52,570 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. (Closed, July 10, 193 0) Radley_______527 Bank of Wadley___ ..•+§'08 A. J. Clardy_____ A. D. Cotnfiy H, L. Simpson n Randolph H20 *210-10% par 100 61-568 B Lauderdale A6 _ . 1706 Bank of York_____ d®*t§’ll R. F. Allison .. ,*250-10% par 100 61-391 B Sumter J4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. L. Adams______ R. L. Adams______ Mary Dillard_____ 32,660 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm 389,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. and Montg. 14,720 1st N., Birm. 22.280 42,720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 20,830 14,950 46,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm.; 1st N., Atl. 22,600 8,220 99,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm., Mobile and Meridian, Miss. 133.850 •wAajr THE ^ yy ^ ^ ^ ^ MERCHANTS ^ IS THE BANK IN aaAAAA^-^AAAAAAAA MOBILE ^aaa/vA/^^.aaaa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN PRESTIGE RELIABILITY CIRCULATION ADVERTISING Since 1872 The Rand McNally Bankers Directory Leading all similar publications combined in circulation and advertising and increasing its lead each year. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 U°° 20 A. S. Pratt & Sons, inc.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis into the Blue Booh whenever you want a report on any one anywhere. Find the town, select one of the Banks advertising, write your letter, enclose the fee 25c or 50c, mail the letter and your part is done—the Bank will do the rest. These Banks advertising in the Rand McNally Directory specialize in this service. They are prompt, intelligent and efficient. ALWAYS ENCLOSE THE FEE IN ADVANCE! MMPVPWii in i . Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given AQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ “■* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.riNew§StatetPriv. Town and county. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Cashier. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up •County Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Rond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Anchorage.. ..2277 Bank ot AiasKa_____ ®»$'16 G. F. Mumford.__ (Branch L13 59-5 •* " E. E. Porter_____ Winfield Ervin__ IT. M. Hamill $ 56,000 10% par 100 59-6 Wells Ervin Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALASKA TERRITORY QKfl Cordova___ L15 •> T. S. Sentt John Muller uoo-5% 59-8 T. G. Nestor __ _ E. M. Flohr_____ dB®T»§'09 •Fairbanks. -2101 First National Bank...BT»'05 E. H. Stroecker___ Lather C. Hess....... G. R. Wesoh 59-7 par 100 H14 Hvder 254 RnnkofHyder $130 par 100 59-16 P25 Idltarod (Flat P. O.) d(s)T»§'19 J. A. Hall . 100,000 E. D. Haddon____ J. A. Hall. Jr.____ E. E. Hall ___ •Juneau. N22 « B.M. Behrends___ Guy MeNaughton.. 4043 B. M. Behrends Bank $200 par ioo 59-1 dB®»§’91 .. First National Rank _d©«’98 J ohn Reck _____ P. R. Bradley___ R. H. Stevens____ $250-10%par 100 59-2 Ketchikan.. -.3796 First National Bank d®»'24 J. E. Berg John Koel_____ _ W. A. Pries_____ $200-20% 59-4 P25 par 100 -1213 G6 Petersburg. -1252 023 Seward... —835 MIS •Valdez L15 do? — .442 QiR 024 niUE/ ) facilities fo $225 DHIllVdB(g)T.S06 l SEND 20% par 100 59-3 G. R. Jackson___ Alaska 59-11 •+’ 04 Bank nr Petersburg___ «S’12 K. Stenslid______ $210-20% 59-10 par 100 Bank of Seward___d®«§'05 H. S. Balderston, $150-20% par 100 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 59-13 Bank of Alaska... dB®T#S’16 E. A. Rasmuson__ 6% par 100 59-14 H. D.Walbridge. Ch. G. E. Cleveland... 48,020 916,840 $ 103,580 1,604,160 25,000 412,470 397,810 48,440 619,230 550,740 15.160 80,050 60,470 15,360 25,000 11,250 105.990 17,750 58,430 123,570 2,139,140 1,004,560 792,030 76,770 103,140 1.603,040 12,500 966,540 413,910 79,840 993,990 55,200 554,810 324,030 6,000 625,170 239,350 15,800 50,000 75.000 50.110 r prompt ban dling of coll ections. US YOUR K ETCHIKAN 1 TEMS. 100,000 204,300 720,260 144,530 714,690 1,300 Frederick Nelson . T. S. Blsemore__ 25,000 42,100 515,050 261,590 180,400 16,240 M. D. Leehey____ 25,000 26,000 511,000 186.000 210,000 16,000 907,230 480,230 116,750 47,290 112,930 2,430 John Treichler.... E. R. Tarwater__ H. B. Thornquist— 1. J. Coulter_____ Geo. Mumford, M. B. Thornouist T. S. Scott A. C. G. Hedges C. P. Kirtland J. W. Gilson 140.000 25.000 76,160 1,780,740 15,350 22,300 157,290 (Branch of Skag way. Al aska)... Fig. is F. R. Dist. Principal Correspondents. Tr. Co. and Crocker 1st N., San F. 20,000 J 230,000 I. City, N. Y.; a. & L. P.N.. San F.: 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N. and N. Bk. Com.. Seattle. |N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N., Seattle. 17.500 262,080s st N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N. and Pacific N.. Seat tle. 32,360 653,840 ihase N., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: A.&L.P. N., San F.; 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N., Seattle. 9,500 34,880 Ihase N., N. Y.; 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N. Seattle; Canadian Bk. of Com.. Van couver. 690 65,380 25,000 100,000 E. McClain _______ Earl Hunter, Jr. C. H. Drury. ___ L. A. Berglund J. R. MacMillan J W Gilson, 10% par 100 59-15 d»§’14 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, Bank of Alaska ___ ©T*S'16 C.P. Kirtland____ par 100 59-12 489,340 Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; 1st Seat. Dex.-Hor. N.. Seat. 308.400 1. City. N. Y„ 1st N.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 289,460 Ihase N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.: Pac. N„ and 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N., Seat.; U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Montreal. Vancouver. 415,930 (. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N.. Seattle; Crocker 1st N„ San F.; Royal Bk. of Canada. Prince Rupert, B. C.; B. M. Behrends, Juneau. 164.050 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N.. Seattle. 123,920, Ihase N., N. Y„ N. Bk. Com., Seattle; B. M. Behrends, Juneau. 150,000 Jhase N.. N.Y.: Pac. N., N. Bk- Com., and 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N.. Sea.; Crocker 1st N., San F. 514,970 >1. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; B. M. Behrends, Juneau; 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N.. Seattle; Can. Bk. of Com., Vancouver, 34,980 st N.. N. Y.; 1st Seattle Dex. Ilor. N.. Seattle. 4. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.: 1st Seattle Dex. Hor. N.. Seat.; Can. Bk. of Com., Vancouver, B. C. ARIZONA L Los A. E El Paso. [ AJo__________4571 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. 150-8% ♦ 91-98 dB©T«+§T5 11E Pima N9 par 25 Benson..............925 Cochise County Statp Bank 91-63 d®T»t§'05 HE Cochise 020 par 100 Blsbee............. 8023 11E Cochise Q22 $ 253,050 $ 568,240 $ 66,790 $ 954,800 76,000 K.JESSEN _____ 66,850 1,154.390 fJ. R. HECKMAN— M. J. HENEGHAH___ W. A. BATES. Cashier and Mgr. A. J. HOWELLS P. J. GILMORE < One of Alas ka’s Strong Financial ins titutions. U n equ ailed MINERS&MERGH. Skagway M21 100,000 R Miners & Merchants Bk.»§’16 Harry Donnelley.. H. P. Sheppard___ M. S. Donnelley__ par 100 59-17 •Nome S G. I. Hedges_____ (Branch of Skae way. Al twtta).— 59-9 .. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex Loans Surplus Depos Other and and chan gib. l)u« and L iabili its Discounts Securities laneous r&OM Banks Profits TIES of Shag way. Al aska)... BANK OF BISBEE fM CUNNINGHAM, ) Ch. of Bd. and Pr 12% par 100 91-H d®T**«l900 (.Soeclal attentl MINERS & MERCHANTS BK. L. C. Shattuck___ $250-12% par 100 d|j®T»t§’02 J. M. Muheim. V.P. 91-18 Bowie..............415 Bank of Bowie___ d©»t§'17 D. T, Milner_____ HE Cochise N24 $150-6% par 100 91-117 Buckeye____ 1077 Buckeye Valley Bk. d®»tS’H H. M. Watson — Q P Rr'-'wn, Ch. of 12LMaricopaK10 10% par loo ♦ oi -78 ' Wm. Asher. Mgr. __ Melvin Jensen, (Branch Of Phoe nix. Ar A. Mgr, Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A, O. E.Kellond____ C. H. Morris_____ (Branch of Tomb stone. A Cent. Han.Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: IstN., El Paso: Secur.-lst N.,Los A.: Consol. N.. Tucson. Cont. HI. 36,270 $ 562,500 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi.; Secur.-lstN., Los A.; A. & L. P. N., San F. $ J. S. DOUGLAS — C. S. TH0MPS0N- J. C. WERTZ----- $ 200,000 S 236.240 3.062.360 es. on given to Cash 1 terns and Collec tlono L. J. Overlock___ I. F. Burgess------- J. H. Watson____ Ernest Beyer S. S. Shattuck A. R. Snilres Martin J. Foley, Acting P. H. Benson____ Nellie Vickery___ Bd. MUNICIPAL AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 250,000 $ $ 1,100,140 1,821,980 $ 357,520 3,145,560 3,390: 1,979,890 977,290 40,120 15.000 6,820 101.810 62,320 30,730 9,690 25,000 11,810 215,630 99,550 69,530 14,000 DWIGHT B. HEARD 759,160 Chase N. and N City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; W.F. Bk. &Un.Tr..SanF.; Bk. of Am. of Calif ..Los A.;Mtle.-Com.Bk.& Tr.Co.St.L. 20,890 Chase N„ N. Y.; Sou. Ariz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tucson. 6.9.350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Valley Bk & Tr. Co. and Phoenix N.. Phoenix. PHOENIX cr\ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County oMem.A.B.A. r‘New §3tate tPrii. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Fig is F. R. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond LLos A. E El Paso. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Dh. Town President. Vice President. Casa Grande. 1351 Arizona Southwest Bank 12 L Pinal M14 91-135 d®<§’20 Casa Grande Valley Bank W. P. Clements__ D. A. Trekell__ *135-6% par 100 91-96 d©T«t§'14 Chandler____ 1378 Bank of Chandler d®t«j§'12 A. J. Chandler__ A. E. Price____ 12 L Maricopa L14 par 100 91-84 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bauking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Propits J. M., {Branch of Tucso n, Ariz). C. A. Clements___ $ F. H. Bouton__ Scott Bentley___ Fred V. Price 50.000 $ 50.000 3,140 28.320 % Resources. Other Liabili ties 247,560 $ 25.000 $ 152,250 384.480 84,680 Clarkdale____5526 BANK OF ARIZONA__ <613 D. O. Saunders, {Branch u f Presc oil. Ariz ona)... 12 L Yavapai H13 91-88 Mgr Clemenceau ...603 Bank of Clemenceau J. S. Douglas. George Kingdon... Frank Work_____ S. E. Smith______ 126,540 804,710 50,000 23.700 12 L Yavapai H12 *290-20% 91-140 d©<§’20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. G. Thompson par 100 »Cllfton______ 2305 HE GreenleeL24 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. Coolidge............894 Arizona Southwest Bank 12 L Pinal M16 91-150 .§’28 noughts_____ 9828 Arizona Southwest Bank 11E Cochise Q24 91-29 ®T<§’26 BANK OF DOUGLAS![J.S. DOUGLAS20% par 100 Duncan_____ 515 11E Greenlee R15 ‘Flagstaff.......3891 12 L CoconinoG14 91-27 dB®T<6'02 R.S.Langford, Mgr. {Branch of Tucso n, Ariz.) H. T. Cowell, Mgr. {Branch of Tucso n, Ariz). F. T. WRIGHT____ J. B. CROWELL------ H. W. WILLIAMS — I Special facilities for making prom pt collections In First National Bank B. A. Packard—. *200 par 100 91-28 d®<’03 Bank of Safford__ d©T<§’28 E. W. Gravei____ E. E. Friday. L. H Welker, Mgr. 91-149 THE ARIZONA BANK 91-61 E. A. Haight, d®<5'87 First National Bank. (Merged with Arizo na Central Bank, De cember 23, 1930) ‘Florence.__1318 First National Bank.d®«t'17 J. H. Zellweger... H. Schewel_______ F. H. Thorpe__ 12 L Pinal M16 *130 par 100 91-115 F. C. El well GUbert_____ 791 Bank of Chandler.. ®T<8’14 Scott Bentley,Afffr. 91-119 Glendale____ 3665 Glendale Bank of Commerce 12LMaricopaK12 ♦ par 202,300 70,980 216,690 388,130 377,650 13,650 ora, Me 329,800 2,450.490 xlco. 100,000 92,720 1,608,970 100,000 9,800 1,167,670 1,217,030 45,760 456,290 80,020 891.920 Lowell BANK OF ARIZONA -.<677 R. K. Porter, Mgr, 91-45 Bank of Clemenceau 91-153 d©<§’30 {Branch of Saffor d, Ariz.) C. W. isham........... {Branch of Phoen ix, Ariz, )________ N.City, N.Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Crocker 1st N., San F.: Secur.-lst N., Los A. 25.000 3,210 289,060 10,920 85,950 12 L Apache J22 189,060 21.000 32,190 Chase N., N.Y.: Consol. N., Tucson. {Branch of Chand ler, Arizo na)____ Ihase N.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A.: Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix. Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. THE ARIZONA BANK—<S 87 91-67 (Formerly Arizona Central Ba nk) THE ARIZONA BANK-®<§'87 91-130 722,570 219,770 497,850 . (Branch of Phoe nix, Ari zona) ... 25,000 12,990 319,520 10,170 161,440 93,660 15,670 C. J. Walters.. J. H. Brown, Mgr. 96.920 (Branch of Presco tt, Arizo na)____ a-.IV. -A A . KJKJ., xi, x., XY + . -Jt *“V* . WVUU XA. VVJ., XV . X., OCCUi . J. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. torn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Calif., Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix. 50,000 24,270 493,970 .......... 121,440 346,210 2,970 (Branch of Phoen ix, Arizo na)_____ DWIGHT B. HEARD O L City. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Crocker 1st N.. San F ; 1st N., Kan. C. 97,620 torn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. 1st N., Los A. L City. N. Y.: 1st N.. Kan. C.: Crockerlst N„ San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. (Formerly Arizona Central Ba nk) ARIZONA SECURITIES Federal Reserve Bank of St.MUNICIPAL Louis AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS aawh. 1st N„ Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix; 1st N., Albuquerque. C. J. Walters, Mgr. I. L. Hart, A. Mgr. (Branch of Phoen ix, Arizo na)____ H. L. Horner, A. M Or. W. J. Hicks, Acting ✓ Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix; 1st N„ El Paso. Ihase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. &Sav. Co., Chi.; secur.lst N., Los A. (Branch of Cleme nceau, A rizona).. .........6050 Bans ol bowel!_____®*t8’10 M. J. Cunningham L. 0. Shattuck. (Ind. Sta. af Bisbee) *100-20% 91-68 11 E Cochise Q22 McNary_____ 114 Ex. Bk. Tr. Co. and Cbase N., N. V.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; State N., El Paso; N. Shaw., Bos.; Anglo-Lon. Paris N., San F.; Phoenix N., Phoenix. 383,250 Chase N„ N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am, Tr. Co., San F.; Citiz. N„ Los A. Chase N., N. Y.; El Paso N., El Paso; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.. W. R. Battin, Mgr. H. T. Ward,A.Mgr {Branch of Phoen ix, Ariz.) 91-108 dB©T<§’16 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. L. A. Peart, Mgr... 12 L Gila L18 ♦ 91-81 dB@W»T2 ‘Holbrook ___ 1115 First National Bank d®<’22 T. E. 'Taylor______ L. C. Henning____ J. R. McEvoy .. 12 L Navajo H21 *140-16% 91-144 par 100 ‘Kingman.__ 2050 12 L Mohave G5 449,830 Corn 25 Hayden.......... 2550 12 L Yavapai H12 Far. &Merch. N., Los A.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix: Ariz. S. W„ Tucson. 50,270 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.lst N.. Los A.;Com. N., Phoenix. 57,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix. Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.: Bk. of Calif. N. A.. SaD F.; Citiz. N., Los A. 225,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Corn Ex. Bk.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Calif., Los A ; Phoenix N., Phoenix. Cent.Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur.lst N.,Los A. Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix. Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.;E1 Paso N..E1 Paso.; Am.Tr..San F. ‘Globe..............7157 Old Dominion Bank G. F. Wilson_____ R. D. Kennedy___ G. C. Simmons____ P. A. Phillips.......... 100,000 284,840 2.512,980 — 1,457,630 *400-40% 91-22 d®T<8’91 12 L Gila L17 C. B. Y. Hind C. Troutman par 100 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. G. A. Johnson,Afffr. T. S.White, A.Mgr, {Branch of Phoe nix, Ari zona) ... ♦ 91-24 dB®T*t§1900 Jerome_____ 4932 55,820 $ (Closed April 0, 19 30) VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. *50-8% 67,350 $ V, P, and Mgr. F. E. Browning, A. Mgr (Formerly Arizona Central Ba nk.) 12L Maricopa IA4 % C.A.Spezia, A. Mgr. {Branch of Phoen ix.Ariz.) J. D. Williams, Mgr ♦ 91-39 dB©T<61D00 Principal Correspondents. Loan* Bonds Miscel Cash A Exand and chanqib.Dua Diaoounta Saourities laneous from Baku 1 PHOENIX 50 Questions Answered What Else Could You Ask? Here are the data on every bank in the United States and Canada as given in, this, the Bankers’ Blue Book: 1. Name of bank? 2. Address? 3. County and location on map? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Year established? A. B. A. transit number? Par value stock? Last sale stock? Percentage dividend? 9. New bank? 10. Closed bank? 11. Savings Department? 26. Cashier? 27. Assistant Cashiers? 28. Treasurer? 29. Assistant Treasurers ? 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Secretary? Assistant Secretaries? Comptroller? Auditor? Trust officer? Assistant trust officers? Directors? 12. Trust Department? 13. Bond Department? 37. Trustees? 14. Safe Deposit Department? 15. Member American Bkrs. Assn. ? 39. Surplus and Profits? 16. Member State Bankers Assn.? 41. Miscellaneous liabilities? 17. Member Clearing House? 18. Member Federal Reserve Sys.? 19. Member Investment Bankers Assn. ? 42. Loans and Discounts? 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. State Bank? National Bank? Private bank? Chairman of Board? President? Vice-Presidents? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38. Capital? 40. Deposits? 42. Bonds and Securities? 43. Cash and Exchange? 45. Miscellaneous Resources? 46. Principal Correspondents? 47. Branches? 48. Successor to? 49. Merger of? 50. Former name? a g cr 2. P o < o Cnt-1 > to W A SH IN G TO N , D. C. m "0 t/> o 3 (I) o■ I oo S ee B a ck o f W a sh in g to n , D . C . M ap e/> oo" C7D CO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oo 05 co co Oim ooo D P CD 2 p-. p p . OO o o > p B.f t3 D o cr co t-'SW bd'^d W t^MOO co to CO g B ; o ; o o C= 2 Zj o i°n S3 x Arizona. wJjjl g3 is S’ AT PRESCOTT The Phoenix National Bank PHOENIX, ARIZONA Jerome and Clarkdale UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY The Bank ol Arizona ESTABLISHED 1877 OFFICERS L. H. CHALMERS, Chairman W. C. WEISS - -Vice-Pres. H. J. COERVER - Vice-Pres. J. H. CALVERT - - Cashier S. P. APPLEWHITE,Jr., Asst. Vice-President of the Board and President E. F. BARROWS - Asst. Cashier E. K. FOLTZ - - Asst. Cashier W. W. ROBERTSON, Asst. Cash. F. A. CUTHBERTSON, Auditor Oldest Bank in the State DIRECTORS HENRY G. BOICE FRANK C. BROPHY L. H. CHALMERS All Banking matters promptly and intelligently handled Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. J. COERVER DELOS W. COOKE E. E ELLINWOOD W. L. HONNOLD W. K. HUMBERT JOHN H. PAGE W. C. WEISS We are Prepared to Give Efficient Attention to Your Arizona Business 51 Number uuder Name of Hank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Baud-McNally Bankers’ Town and County, County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. Fig is F.R. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bom LLos A. E El Paso. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. J. J. Fraser______ Mesa.................3711 First National Bank 12 LMaricopaK13 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO *200 ♦ 91-50 dB©T.iS’0! Miami.... ........ 7693 Old Dominion Bank .©•js,9] 91-55 12 L Gila L18 _ _ VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO ♦ 91-56 Morencl......... 6175 11E Greenlee L23 • Nogales____ 6006 11E S’taCruz Q17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *400-16% par 100 91-70 d®T»t’03 NOGALES NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZON A—Continued UaJSHIKR. ass t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Loans ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and its Capital Propits Discounts Securities laneous ties 91-155 0. H. HER0LD. . . . . . . . . W. W. BARBEE. . . . . . . . . . . T. RICHARDSON- - - - - - - C. E. WHEELERW.G. BOWMAN, E.J. DITTMER. N. 0. POMEROY Ch. of Bd. $ 100,000 { 100,000 321,940 3,121,770 Exceptional service offered to bankers and commercial houses for collec tions on Southern Arizona, and particularly down the West Coast of Mexico, by reason of our niany correspondents in the principal cities of that Uepubll t. 48.030 730.660 50,000 A. F. KERR ALAN GILLESPIE—. fA. M. GILLESPIE— E. K. CUMMING AT PHOENIX 'PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK 91-3 (Phoenix continued on next page) 121,680 563.920 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., New York Bk. of America N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Ido AflffPlPit. State National Bank, El Paso. 53.610 465.310 172,740 66.120 832,820 113.930 1,120 75,430 54,250 49,900 E. K. CUMMIN6. ) Ch. of Bd. ) Our extensive c onnections in t he States of Sin aioa and Sonora, I Mexico, enable us to give efficient and prompt atten lion to collections L.on Arms located on the West Coa st of Mexico. 194.350 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso; Bk.of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. San F.; Bk. of Am. N, Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 121,150 1,004.950 Chase N.. N. Y.: Calif, and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.: State N., and 1st N., El Paso. 2,990 14,240 Is: N., Nogales N. City. N.Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Crocker-lst N., San F. 52.320 12,100 11.660 1,997,680 748,350 90,880 24,530 34.110 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co.,N.Y.; VaL.Phoenix; Old Dominion. Globe; Citiz., Winslow. 755,930 N. City, N.Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; Crocker-lst N., San F. Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied .by FEE IN ADV ANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit R eports, 50c. NORRIS_ _ _ I. R0SENZWEIG (IT.. R.G. HAMPTON, Ch. FRANK McNICHOL — C. L. LANE. C. H. McKELLIPS — S. C. GANZ. Exec,... C. T. WASHBURN —. H. F. HERWIGT. A. MORRISSEY. J. T. MELCZER R.W.KRAMER,TV.OiT. F. E. ROSS Ch. of Bd, fl. A. BECKER. Asst. LOSCH Tr.Off. G. H. CAVIN J. H. DERMODY 100.000 dB®T«t’92 300,000 o. w". 716,140 11.270 291,030 450,820 398.830 5.242,120 i. 330,530 3,734,050 962,790 40.030 101.060 Bkrs Tr. Co., N. Y.: El Paso N„ El Paso. 378.680 1,195,950 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. SEND US YOUR PHOENIX BUSINESS FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION. 15% par 20 91-1 dB®<81 Morris Plan Co. of Arizona Wm, O'Driscoll, IH. R. Jordan_____ [H. R. Jordan, 7V.__|F. L. Jones, A. Sec. *24 par 20 ©’29 Ch. of Bd.and Pres.\ |C. C. Bradbury, Sec. andA.Tr. L. H. CHALMERS. W. C. WEISS — H. J. C0ERVER Ch. of Bd.and Pres. J. H. CALVERT - E. F. BAR{ROWS. E. N. H0LGATE. E. IL FOL A ud. W.W. ROBERTSON F.A.CUTHBERTSON 3peoial facilities for making collections in Arizona. SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. ARIZONA SECURITIES MUNICIPAL AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,725,330 1,262,590 91-8 dB®T»t'20 'FIRST NAT’L BK. OF ARIZONA par 25 129.820 Auditor d®*t§'87 NATIONAL BANK $150 par 100 Dus 20,120 $ 648,490 1 158,380 i 308,370 $ 314,850 $ 158,310 $ 145,450 Chase N.,N. Y.: Bk. of Oalif. N. A., SanF,; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav, Assn, and Calif., Los A.: Phoenix N-. Phoenix. Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; (Branch of Phoen ix, Anzo na)____ L. VV. Fletcher, L. E. Holcomb Valley Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phoenix. Mgr. A. Mgr. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N..E1 (Branch of Globe. S. W. Ellery, Mgr ___________ Paso and Globe: Citis. N., Los A. Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Of Phoe nix, Ari zona)... Lloyd Thomas, Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur.Mgr. lst N„ Los A. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Chase N„ (Branch of Phoe nix, Ari zona).. J. D. Williams, F. A. Stewart, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mgr. A. Mgr. Secur.-lst N.. Los A. L. H. Van Spanck- W. H. Passey . eren *200-12% par 100 91-86 d®*t’17 L. A. Martinez ___ Max Muller______ C. Mignardot____ R. H. Bibolet. Sec.. 100,000 41.920 1.864,810 Sonora Bank & Trust Co. W. C. Winegar W. P. Tiedemann. 91-94 d©T»t§T4 par 100 A. Sec. 13,790 31,990 Southern Trust Co. BTt§’21 Otto H. Herold__ W. W. Barbee____ T. Richardson. Sec. Grover Marsteller, 100,000 A. Sec. W. G. Bowman, Ch. 91-145 (Branch of Phoen ix, Ariz.) P. S. Virgin, Mgr. Oatman____ 1225 THE ARIZONA BANK 91-103 d®*t§'87 12L Mohave G3 (.Formerly Arizona Central Ba nk) 73,370 Mart McDonald... 25,000 6.680 Pay son_____ 310 Payson Commercial & Tr.Co. R. Hubert, *100 91-99 ®T*t§’15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 12L Gila 116 • Phoenix ... 48,111 250,000 76,110 3,266,740 E. A. HAIGHT_ _ _ _ _ 'LEO M. MEEKER — F. E. BROWNING S.P. APPLEWHITE, JR. 12LMaricopaK12 C. J. WALTERS C. W. ISHAM THE ARIZONA BANK ‘COMMERCIAL Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex changes, prom Banks 40,000 500.030 6.970 153,400 35.150 697,260 6.172.820 * 165,530 213,640 3,040,990 2,041,600 2.710 Morris Plan Corp. of Am. and Industrial Finance Corp., N. Y.; 1st N.. Phoenix. 19,180 370,070 2,082.940 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. and ForemanState N., Chi.; Crocker 1st N. and Anglo & Lon-Parls N., San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; 1st N., Den.; 1st N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Bos.; 1st N., El Paso; 1st N., Albuquerque. I DWIGHT B. HEARD CO. PHOENIX co Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Hand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. LLos A. E El Paso •Mem.A.B.A.n'New §StatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Diy. ‘Phoenix... 48,118 (Continued) 'PHOENIX SAV.BK. kHl CHALMERS, & TR. GO. President. Vice-President. W. C. WEISS Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. J. C0ERVER par 10 91-5 d®T»tS’H Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. - - - - - - H. J. COURT. Liabilities. Resources. ther Loam Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties R. 0. WALKER,Tr.Off. $ 250.0 Sec. and Tr. L. G. BLAKE, S.P. APPLEWHITE,Jr., R_ B_ QUILLIN, ’ F „ $ 417,580 $4609320 $ 5,520 $3 009590 $1221590 $ 164,6 Cash $ 886,630 Chase National Bank New York American Trust Co.___Sail Francisco Bank of America Nat’l Tr. & Sav. Assn.-------------------------- San Francisco California Bank____ _____ Los Angeles ffifcJS?-Dep A.Sec.andA. Tr. E’ N’ H0LGA1E\4urf AFFILIATED WITH THE PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE. Phoenix Title & Trust Co. G. W. Mickle____ $200-*% 91-151 T»’10 Thos. Clements___M. L. Hartley. TrL. J. Taylor. Sec... H. B. Wilkinson VALLEY BANK & L.W. D.R. RICKETTS, WAYLAND. TRUST CO. A. T. ESGATE. o SIMS ELY,Jr.......... ELY. Jr........... E, E. F, F. WHITTLESEY—WHITTLESE. 1,050,000 \ .P.andSec. C. H. TINKER. W. R. MONTGOMERY G. C. TAYLOR. A. V. P. LV N. TREAD A WAY. par 100 [ h. of Hd. and Pres. V.P. A.V.P. 269,400 259,350 124,770 752,920 13861350 42,550 161,550 255,090 102.210 7,188,040 4,437,050 168,940 Principal Correspondents. & Ex changes,Bub 110,500 Phoenix N., 1st N.. and Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix; Calif., Los A. 953.090 3,188,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. Aud, ♦ 91-2 dB®T»t§’14 $50-8% par 25 Phoenix Clearing Home. (Members indicated by a*) C. T. Washburn... J. H. Calvert.......... E. F. Barrows, Sims Ely, Sec. and Mgr. L. G. Galland, (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Nam ber of N ational, State a nd PriCities, States, etc.) S.P.ApplewhiteJr. vate Ba nks, To tal Dep osits by M em. oj Ex. Com GEO. E. LILLEY........ MAX I. GREENFIELD- E. W. LARSON, Sec. and Tr_______ _____ DWIGHT B. HEARD M. B. HEARD, INVESTMENT GO. 100,000 Northern Trust Company Bank „ Chicago Valley Bank & Trust Co.____ Phoenix Ch.o/Bd. Established 1897 SALT RIVER VALLEY FIRST REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. Hurd Bldg. ’#7 (Under Roosevelt reclamation project) Arizona Securlties-Municipal First Mortgage Bonds. •Prescott____ 5517 121 Yavapai 111 BANK OF ARIZONA fM B NAZELTII1I, I Ch. of Bd. & Pres. ) Collection* nolle 10% par 100 91-82 dT«tS'77 (.Oldest bank In First Nat. Bk. in Prescott E. C. Seale-----------$135 par 100 91-37 d®*t’28 B. Tilton, Ch. A. H. FAVOUR_ _ _ _ C. S. WHITE_ _ _ _ _ _ Arisons Eugene Neuman... P. H. Miller______ Fred C. Moore VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. ♦ 91-36 12% par 100 91-35 ®«iS'06 Asst. Mgr, M. B. Hazcltine Dixon Fagerberg__ D. W. Russell, Sec, and Tr. -------------- 2450 VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. 12L Pinal L17 ♦ 91-41 dB®T««'10 ‘Salford_____ 1706 Bank of 8afford..dB®T«i8'08 E. S. Wickersham. L. N. Stratton.. 11E Graham M22 $250-6% par 100 01-6’ R. Y. Gearhart VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. ♦ Scottsdale____500 12L Maricopa K1S Somerton____ 891 121 Yuma N1 Springer vilie ..518 12L Apache 124 7n Pinal L17 Farmers State Bank..d«t§’20 O L. Shawler, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 250,590 1,721,990 25,000 575,000 100,000 161,380 1,538,290 Clayton Hakes. A, Mgr, 66.000 33,470 403,530 66,810 (Branch of Pho entx. Ar izona).. 9,620 20,000 9,980 57,390 Round Valley Bank G. Becker. J. W. Becker. 91-126 d®T»tS'18 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Harris Miller P. F. Becker____ Glen G. Avery__ 30,000 31,300 263,320 Old Dominion Bank 91-107 ©T*t§’91 J. A. Small, Mgr... It. D. Craivford. *203 par 100 ARIZONA SECURITIES MUNICIPAL AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 399.630 100,400 365,000 183,000 1,425,750 196,860 52,250 181,350 233,060 92,910 47,440 10,450 13,750 195,130 76,950 13,860 (Branch of Phoen ix.Ariz.) S. R. McBurney... Opal White_______ par 100 91-180 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Farmers-Com’l State Bank... (Closed October 16, 1930) 1,171,970 350,590 1st N.. N. 1st N., Chi.; Sccur.-lst N., Los A.; Bk. of CaSIf. N. A., San F. 152,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Boatmen’s N., St. L.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Ass'n, Los A.; El Paso N., El Paso. Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Secur.lst N., Los A. 124,830 Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N.,Los A.; Bk. of Ariz., Prescott. Uiranoh of Pho entx Ar izona).. R. Y. Gearhart___ Ray Killian_______ Mgr. R. H. Fuqua.. G. H. Stack. M. C. Refsnes, Mgr. Thelmer Smith, 91-68 dB©T*IS 09 50,000 SEE AD V.0N BA CK OF M AP OF A RIZ0NA. 100.000 J. F. Houston, Mgr. R. F. Meeker, 'vae Yavapai Co.8av.Bank F A. HATHAWAY, ited on Prescott a nd all northern A rlzona point* (Branch of Globe, Arizona) Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. 62,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N., El Paso. Chase N. and Cent. Han, Bk. &. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. 25,340 1st N„ Phoenix; Bk. of Am. N, Tr. & Sav. Assn.. Los A. 38,690 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Albuquerque; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N V.- 1st N., El Paso; Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Citiz. N„ Tr. & sav., Los A. DWIGHT B. HEARD CO ■ PHOENIX 53 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in IJ. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWH AND CJOCNTY aCounty Seats. Fig is F. R. Dist. L Los A. E El Paso. •Mem. A.B. A. ?lNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Teuipe . 2405 Tempe National Bank Chas. Woolf 12L Maricopa K13 $225—12% par 100 91-54 d®»t'01 Vice-President. L. T). Crook Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. $49 Cochise County State Bank L. G. Fahnestock_ A. L. Heney_____ O. E. Kellond 11E Cochise P22 91-118 d®T»t§'17 J. H. Getzwiller, A. E. Davis V. P. $125 par 100 ARIZONA SOUTHWEST BANK $135-5% par 100 91-11 d®T«t’74 ’SOUTHERN ARIZ. BK. & TR. GO. — Fred Arzberger. Jr. C. H. Morris J. F. BROWN________ H. H. HOLBERT...........J .T. BROWN_______ 91-13 dB®T»t5'03 $325-12% par 100 M 12 L Coconino F12 12 L Navajo G18 “ -------- “ 16,360 $ 301.750 $ 249,390 $ 20.000 $ 177,930 312,980 44,500 202,850 77,330 44,070 120,000 30,550 1,149,370 46,800 624.680 437,940 73,350 400,000 230.740 9.183.500 400.000 *0.000 5,270 T. N. MC CAULEY— E. W. CLAYTON-......... P. E. LEATHERMAN- nmm~~ U.o.dltVtNoUN.k.1 • J. U. KINNtT „ G. H. BAYLESS, V.P. S. WILLIAMSON , GEORGE D. BEDELL 1,981,150 6,794,360 Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix; N. Shawmut, Bos. 68,490 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; 1st N„ El Paso; Consol. N„ Tucson. 210,750 San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; El Paso N., El Paso. 34.150 1.384,580 Ass’n_____________ San Francisco rity-First National Bank of Los Angeles_________ Los Angeles OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN TUCS0N. BUSINESS OF VISITORS AND HEALTH SEEKERS HIG HLY REGARDED. G. H.SAWYER-------- G. H. SAWYER-------- W.E. MEYER. W. E. LOVEJOY. LOUIS J. FELIX Ch. of Bd. and Pres. K. L. HART Mgr. Tr. Dept. A ss(. Secretaries A. J. MCKELVEY F. J. STEWARD, 250.000 368.340 5,065,220 100.000 40,200 1,139,150 38.750 2,726,270 1,487,780 191.080 1,317.170 Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; Phil. N., Phil.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix; State N., El Paso. We operate Real Estate aud Rental Departments. Special Service to Tourists. We serve in all fiduciary capacities. 567,490 480,860 92,320 $125-10% par 100 91-136 B. C. Straughan. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. M. Riegs____ John C. Riggs. O. M. Renaud Act. V. P. J. P. Cummings W. R. Curry______ Mattie J. Howell, Sec. 10.000 4,540 90,890 C. A. Smith......... ..... Chas. E. Reno____ 60,000 20,490 500,390 W. L. Lindblom, Mgr. THE ARIZONA BANK-*t§’87 91-76 138,680 Un. Tr. Co., San F.: 1st N„ El Paso. D. A. Harper. Sec. ational, State, R. G. Zepeda. Mgr. (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Aunt ber of Tucson Clearing House......... P. M. Clarke---------- E. W. Clayton......... A. J. McKelvey. Banks , Total Deposit s by Cit ies, Stat es, etc.) Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) Wlckenburg___734 12 L Maricopa J10 20% par 128 91-143 11 E Cochise 022 18,170 $ 664,540 % Special Service to Healthseekers ♦United Bank & Trust Co. P. M. Clarke........... $105 par 100 91-142 dB®T»l§’21 „ 1. W. SKATTABOE — 1. T. COWELL 50.000 J Principal Correspondents. A REAL PROGRESSIVE BANK-SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS 91-146 dB©T«t§’26 (Three Branches) 'CONSOLIDATED NATIONAL BANK $300 par 100 Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bonda O.tnft Ex Surplus Depos Other Miscel GHAHQM Paid-dp and and jDuI L iabili and its Diacounta Securities laneous non Bank* Capital Profits ties T. A Anderson.... H. S. Harelson — f .Tombstone. .Tucson.........32,506 11 E Pima 018 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA -Continued 25,380 Private 25,170 18,060 1.500 60,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.; Phoenix N.. Phoenix. 294,350 175,800 56,900 79,200 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; State N.. El Paso; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. N. City, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N.t Los. A.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Crocker-lst N., San F. (Branch of Phoe nix, Ariz .)______ (Formerly Arizona Central Bk. ) G. T. Stevens------- N. W. Chilson......... O. F. Oare________ James R. Chilson.. Citizens Bank of Winslow $110 par 100 91- 148 dB®T«t§’28 35,000 1,000 225,000 R. O. Kaufman... George Hammond. A. S.Brayman____ Agnes Janeway.— First National Bank Charles Chase 91-141 dB®T*t'21 $110-10% par 100 50.000 12,460 739,380 51,000 102,600 64,150 39,240 55,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Albuquerque; Citiz. N., Los A.; Valley Bk. & Tr. Co., Phoenix. 233,920 369.320 21,620 227,990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr., San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N., Albuquerque. .Yuma 4X9? Farmers-Commercial State Bk. (Closed October 17, L930) 12 L Yuma Ml .. " ____ _ “ ™01d Dominion Bank----- §’30 91-154 R. C. George. Mgr, Security Trust & Savings Bk. 91-131 dC®T»t§’19 $175-12% par 100 J. A. Chester........... -. C. Bickers _......... E. B. Jordan Yuma Valiev Bank 50,000 56,920 860,160 7,730 301,830 436,520 (Closed June 20. 193 0) ARIZONA SECURITIES MUNICIPAL AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix. (Branch of Globe, Ariz.) DWIGHT B. HEARD 109,250 127,220 N. City. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Valley Bk. &Tr. Co., Phoenix. C.A D * Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ACounty Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M MempL Little R. •Mem.A.B.A.wNevr § State tPrlv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. Alicia 342 Farmers Bank Lawrence D17 ......... President. Apt/ AMC AC n.XvxV/livoxaO Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Alpena Pass...361 Bank of Alpena Boone B8 (Closed December 15 . 1930) Altheimer____475 L Jefferson L14 (Closed November 1 7,1930, Liquidating) $75-15% par 25 Clark M8 ' 81-287 Resources. Liabilities. ther Loans Bonds Miscel Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ W. C Hay», G. W Tolleson___ W. H. Olds______ Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Cleda Olds •• .. a 447,100 50,000 23,530 293,600 128.500 41,460 863,770 75,000 24,360 779,080 McJunkins______ 5,000 8,750 75,410 Barker------------- D. L. Barker______ C. A. Barker_____ J. M. Barker, Jr. 50,000 59,440 318,870 10,000 30,430 209,450 50,000 26,150 217,490 40,000 69,650 174,840 15,000 18,840 129,240 15.000 2,500 66,000 50,000 32,090 900,000 J. S. Cargile. J. J. Hardin_____ H. L. Petty.............. A. P. Greene, ®T«t§'84 W.E.Barkman. V.P. J. W. Patterson A. Cash,. A. Sec. W. E. Barkman, Sec. and Tr. and A. Tr. R. C. Stone Merchants & Planters Bank J.G. Clark________ Dougald McMillan. J. W. Thompson... & Trust Co...........d®T*t§Tl I. D. Sallee $150-10% 81-469 Ashdown.......1607 First National Bank________ L Little River 04 Merchants & Far. Bk..»t5’03 $50-15% par 25 81-216 M. O. H. ,T. M. Caiishie _ McCollum ... W. H. Bost... . V. Albert McCollum.. Hughey McCollum. J. F. Summers____ T. E. Stanley_____ C. S. Airheart____ E. E. Rlalock ‘Augusta____2243 Bank of Augusta & Tr. Co. 81-205 d©Wt'91 L Woodruff G16 $175-12% par 25 “ ------ “ WOODRUFF COUNTY BANK fT. E. BONNER---- R. T. HARVILLE...... J. C. MCDONALD_ _ _ J. C. MCDONALD < Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts and T 6,200 $ 61,360 1st N„ Ft. Smith: On. Tr.Co.. Little R. 399,450 30,000 8,210 69,890 [In. Tr., Biers. Tr. Co.. Little IL; State N„ Texarkana. 284.500 47,100 11,550 63,100 N.City, N.Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N.. St. L.; Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 730,280 126,600 41,120 136,720 Chase N„ N. Y.; Coni. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; M l le.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 665,380 19,020 26,850 178,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Ilkrs. Tr. Co. and Union Tr., Little IL: Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 54,650 500 8,030 25,990 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Batesville; Un. Tr. Co., Little IL 285,610 120,490 26,950 63,000 Chase N., N. Y.. Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little lc; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 174,310 11,330 6,900 57,340 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L.; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 293,230 14,860 25,000 51,920 Chase N.,N. Y.; Bk. of Com. &Tr.. Memp.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 92,970 37,850 4,840 148,820 1st N.. St. L. and Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 23,470 152,410 520 22,350 29,000 88,000 10,750 3,750 10,000 Peo. Tr. Co., Little Rock; Boatmens N„ St. L.; Un. & Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 412,820 250,000 37,180 263,080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 39,100 10,820 67,740 91,370 Ime Items, $62.50-12% par 25 81-206 •tSIQOO 1 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for present atlon. L.And 25c for eac h Report. Bald Knob...1273 Bald Knob State Bank.*t5’04 T. J. Campbell. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L White G15 $50-8% par 25 81-289 «. 6,270 $ Closed) Atkins 12fi4 Bank of Atkins___________ vJS’QS J. f62 H -30% par 25 81-215 L Pope G10 H 500 $ 133,970 $ ( Ash Flat 212 Bank of Ash Flat________ tS'12 W. T. McJunkins.. $250 81-499 L Sharp B15 M 5,110 $ 177,190 S 35,460 ELK HORN BK. & TR. CO. $37.50-10% 81-133 par 25 25.000 $ 25.000 »Arkadelphla.3380 Citizens National Bank C. C. Tobey.............. W. B. East______ Howard Abraham. R. W. Dawson L Clark MO $140-8% par 25 81-134 ©»t’88 •> ,, E. R. Wynn______ E. R. Wynn______ Bing Moody______ G. C. Wynn John Q. Adams___ V. Kilman_______ $135 par 25 81-669 W.P. Jones. ____ C. W. Barnett____ H. M. Kennerly... ‘Batesvllle 4484 Citizens Bank & Trust Go. C. T. Jones L Independence D15 5% ♦ 81-116 ®T<t’10 .. (Absorbed by North Arkansas BankJun e 2. 1930) First National. Bank •» M North Arkansas Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes, Due from Banks (Voluntary liquidat ion effective March 15. 1930) Alma.________731 Commercial Bank____»t§’09 J. H. Cole________ J. F. Alexander ... $140-10% par 25 81-2 7 2 L Crawford F5 L Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. „j V^UIlllIlUCU 11,280 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. (Closed November 1 7, 1930) J THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK ^on%so?lars Send us your Pine Bluff items for prompt service UNION Arkansas9 faithful financial servant offers RAPID TRANSIT SERVICE Union Trust Company, progressive and dominating financial figure in Arkansas, is essentially a conservative bank. Day by day—year by year the factors of strength and dependability have been fused with the permanent and vital element of con servatism. You are invited to make use of our rapid transit service for your collection items... it will save you both time and money. This bank, compact and complete in all departments.. .ranging from Commercial Banking to Domestic and Foreign Col lection and Exchange . . . constantly en courages congenial, friendly relationships, and, better still, considers them important adjuncts to resultful service. We act as correspondent for banks in and out of Arkansas, and your collection items are cordially solicited. UNION TRUST ♦COMPANY* United States Depository LITTLE Member Federal Reserve System ROCK, ARKANSAS -OFFICERSMOORHEAD WRIGHT, Chairman of Board ----President G. S. JERNIGAN A. G. KAHN _ SeniorVice-President C. H. RICHTER E I. BODMAN _ Vice-President H. T. WILSON GEORGE B. ROSE Vice-President W. R. SNODGRASS C. P. PERRIE _ Vice-President FRANK J. WILLS ZAY B. CURTIS Vice-President and Trust Officer Z. T. WOOD L. J. GIBSON Vice-Pres. and Real Estate Officer J. R. CONNNER OSCAR McCASKILL Vice-President and Cashier W. B. MILLER A. BRIZZOLARA, Jr. Vice-President and State Rep. Secretary Asst. Secretary Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Rental Officer Vice-Pres. and Insurance Officer UTRUSCO CORPORATION, Bonds and Investments, Affiliated with the Union Trust Company, Claibourne W. Conway, Secy.-Treas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Arkansas INDEX TO COUNTIES. Arkansas... .L 16 Ashley......... Q 14 Baxter......... A 12 Benton............B 4 Boone............. B 9 Bradley....... P 13 Calhoun...... 0 11 Carroll............ A 7 Chicot......... Q 17 Clark........... M 9 Clay............ A 20 Cleburne. .. .E 14 Cleveland... N 13 Columbia .... Q 8 Conway.......G 11 Craighead... D 19 Crawford....... E 4 Crittenden . .H 21 Cross........... G 19 Dallas......... M 11 Desha.......... 0 17 Drew............0 15 Faulkner... .H 12 Franklin........ E 6 Fulton........ A 14 Garland.......... J 9 Grant........... L 12 Greene......... C 20 Hempstead. ..0 6 Hot Spring . . . L 9 Howard........M 6 IndependenceE15 Izard............C 14 Jackson........E 17 Jefferson .... L 14 Johnson......... E 8 Lafayette .... Q 7 Lawrence... .C 17 Lee................I 19 Lincoln .... M 15 Little River ..04 Logan............. G 7 Lonoke.......... J 14 Madison........ C 7 Marion........B 11 Miller........... Q6 Mississippi.. D 22 Monroe.........J 17 Montgomery . K 7 Nevada.........0 8 Newton........ D 9 Ouachita... .0 10 Perry............. I 10 Phillips........K 19 Pike.............. L 7 Poinsett....... E 19 Polk..............K 5 Pope............. F 9 Prairie......... J 16 Pulaski.......... 112 Randolph .. .B 18 Saline............J 11 Scott................ 15 Searcy.......... Dll Sebastian.... G 4 Sevier........... M 4 Sharp........... C 16 St.Francis . .H 19 Stone........... D 13 Union...........Q 11 Van Buren.. .E 12 Washington . .C 5 White...........G 15 Woodruff... .G 17 Yell.............. H 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. Pratt & Sons, me.—Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map LHE thousands of banks advertising in this publication do not advertise in order to grow and become prosperous. They advertise in the BLUE BOOK because they are already grow ing and already prosperous. Such are the type of banks you wish to entrust with your business. To pick out the growing and prosperous bank in any average city is very easy for the user of a Blue Book. Which is the best bank in Lemars, Iowa to entrust with a collection? Which bank in Belleville, Illinois shall I select to act in a trust capacity? At which banks in New York City will my account be welcome, appreci ated and deserved? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Look for the Advertising Banks in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Bankers Blue Book Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Town and Codntt. ^County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. •Mem. A.B. A. ,lNew §Statc tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. A RKA NS AS—Continued to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. cc Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. LIABILITIES. Bonds Other Loans Gash k ExMiscel 7HANaiS,DBI Paid-up Surplus D epos and and Liabili AND Capital Profits its Discount • Securities laneous FROM BaHM ties Principal correspondents. (Closed November 17 1930) L Saline J12 L Ouachita Oil L t White H14 W. O. J. Gatling... A. E. Duggar........... R. W. Launius------- $ C. E. Crossland.Sec. A. F. Jordan Farmers & Merch. Bank $25-10% par25 81-553 d«t§T3 T. E. Abington.__ Fannie Rainey____ Citizens Bank---------------d§’17 E. H. Abington ___ $150-10% par 100 81-588 (Closed November 4, 1930) Belleville________ 401 Belleville Bank----------- »t§'05 J. C. Woodson____ W. H. Crownover.. R. A. White par 25 81-294 L Yell H8 (Reorganization of Bank & Trust Co.) Moudy R.F. LAMBETH. 1®<— MRS. MALTA STEED, H.H. THOMPSON. Sec. Tr, MRS. E. WALTON, W. E. CARSON A. Sec. 22 (.Special attentlo W. J. COX and Time Items. ding Drafts, Cash n given Bill of La Benton * Ben ton 811S BENTON TRUST CO. par 25 81-485 d®T«i§ L Saline Jll „ F. T. I'fl.V. MARTIN-— „ J. W. Ferguson.___ 40.000 $ 7.770 $ 249,910 $ 50,000 $ 258,170 S 24,450 S 13,990 $ 51,080 c 34,000 25.000 11,000 126,000 91,000 26,000 11,000 10,000 10,120 91,360 43,810 5,890 2,560 50.000 5.670 447,840 140 306,290 25,980 35,860 20.000 10.340 255,100 ____________ 162.360 53.730 _____________ Bkrs. 'l’r. Co.. Little R.; Simmons N.. Pine Bluff. „ 59,210 1st N.. Ft. Smith: Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 135,530 base N., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 69,340 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Pearle Henry $120-10% par 100 81-681 »Bentonvllle__2203 Benton County National Bank {Closed December 6, 1930) •» B. D J WEST »Berryvllle___ 1286 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $170-12% par 25 81-251 ®»t'89 Carroll A7 U t {Merged with Bento n County National Bank which closed December 6, 1930) {Closed December 6, 1930) •• —- 60,250 568,830 112.000 480,690 238,150 8,500 25,000 2.500 126,750 20,500 116,790 8,310 16,890 20,000 2,120 31,570 32,200 4,390 1.130 15.970 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 25.000 13.520 138,940 124,590 24,900 3,650 45,170 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. E. St. L., Ill. 21,150 12,120 76,380 67,870 570 8,740 32,470 E.C. Whittington. 1. 200.000 73,700 894,980 584,610 69,550 218,830 295.690 Chase N.. N., Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 16.000 19.000 80,000 68.000 10.000 10,000 28,000 Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 25.000 25.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. 25.000 168.000 39,000 28,000 45,000 1st N.. St. L. and Ft. Smith: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 13,940 56,000 3,450 3,070 118,550 19,640 1st N. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., Newport. 33,600 Simmons N.. Pine Bluff: Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; 1st N., Camden and St. L. M. Dunn............ 81-297 Randolph B19 Black Rock___ 751 FIRST NATIONAL BANK SUM M Lawrence C17 $150-10 to 20% 81-602 J. E. Krone_______ J. H. Myers______ L. B. Sharp............. 20,840 par 100 *Blythevllle.l0,098 M Mississippi D22 .. 32,770 Peoples Bank of Biggers...............t5’03 Tom Biggers_____ L Hempstead N7 73,740 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., Si. I,.: Union N.. Springfield, Mo.: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 60,000 J. R. Neff________ Ras Stamps_______ Dorothy Boydston. A. M. Jackson PeoplesState Bank. d©*t§’31 par 110 81-252 {Reorganization of Bank) 0. GEORGE.................... W. H. M0LL0Y................ - RUTH McQUOWN 5% par 25 tie R. 81-618 FARMERS BANK & TRUST LB. A. LYNCH---— A M RIITT R. E. L. WILSON. F F WARRPU 1 i Li II nllllL.ll »»•—« R. L. BANISTER RILEY B. JONES C0>$3°-1°% par 25 { Ch.ofBd. 81-105 dB®T»t5’08 1 Collections a sp eclalty. Prompt, efficient service. Try us. LPlease send 15c w ith each sight draft / or presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. {Closed. December 1, 1930. „ Expects to r eopen in February) {Closed for liquidati on December 8, 193C ) L Sebastian G4 C. R. Forrester .... F. W. DavU... Craighead D19 $150-10% par 100 81-613 *Boonevi!le__ .2099 Bank of Boonevilte______ t8'98 L Logan H6 $225 R. L. Stevens-----------Helen Hare Robert Carr 81-194 Citizens Bank ............... • tS'10 Mattie Edwards... L. W. Burns_________ OharlesX.Williams L. J. Williams______ L. W. Burns, Ch. $140-10% par 100 81-195 .. J. E. Lightle L White F16 81-673 par 25 81-513 L Lafayette R7 Branch___________ 318 Bank of Branch________ ______ J. H. Meek {Closed November 17 30.000 200.000 W. B. Hammond.— W. P. Milliken-------- 10,000 2,310 80,710 J. W. Meek_____ 30,000 5,670 117,810 . 4,400 Margaret R. Meek .1930) THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 Smith. Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. !■■■■■■■ [■■■■■■■■I 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS cc. JO Number uuder Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L LittleR. •Mem.A.B.A.«’New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Brinkley_____ 3046 L Monroe 117 BANK OF BRINKLEY $56.25-12 Vi% 81-191 par 25 ©•t*’03 MONROE COUNTY BANKd®.}|u $40-12% par 25^ 81-190 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. ANDREW FLORA — JAMES GUNN--------- L. H. BRADLEY....... J. F. COLE Bonds Loans Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and AND Liabili Capital its Discounts Securities laneous Propits ties 25.090 $ 23,000 329.050 8 52,700 S 304.730 8 35.000 20,000 301,000 46.700 10.000 5,520 30,000 14.390 8 J.L. WOODFIK .... NEJU. EMMB1S- - - - - - L W.BROWN CARTER CHANEY—. 313,050 32,940 21,390 35.320 Boatmen's N„ 8t. L.; Bk. of Com. A Tr. Co.. Memp.; Union Tr. Co., Little R. 85,370 58,870 8,190 3,160 31.170 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Texarkana N. Texarkana. 220,090 181.640 41,050 7,010 34,780 Un, Tr. Co.. Little R.; 1st N.t St. L. Collections and C orrespondence giv on prompt, careful attention. Up-to-date Meth ods and EMipmont. —Unexcelled Facili ties.—Personal Ser vioe. -Your banking bus iness cordially invi ted and appreciate d. J. F. SEE------------ F. B. GARLINGTON - J. II. PARK............ ) Ch. of Bd. & Pres. ) Special attentlo n given MD of La ding Drafts, Cash and Tima Item*. (.Please tend 15c with each tight draft for prtttnta tion and 25c for {Closed August 7, 19 30) W. J. Copp_______ R. H. Way land___ K. O. Rodmaa TJ. D. REYNOLDS— S. A. DOYLE_ _ _ J. P. WRIGHT Boy Perry naan GARLAND HURT-— HOWARD EAST, Sec. 25,000 19.410 187,660 106.570 25,400 2,540 97,570 1st N.. St. L.: Un. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 100.000 10,000 377,950 300,250 44,420 19,960 123,310 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. I,.; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 150,000 64,060 1,649,310 875,570 816,860 23,060 197,890 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; City Say. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport. d®T*f§’30 / Please send 15 c ents for each sigh t draft for presen tation Land 25 cents for credit reports. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 81-94 ©»t’81 Merch, & Planters Bank.. Carlisle...____ 907 Citizens Bank_______®*t§’27 81-689 L Lonoke 115 {Reorganization of Arkansas Carthage_____ 558 Bank of Carthage___________ L Dallas Mil Casa______ 269 Farmers Bank________ t§’18 $25 par 25 81-592 L Perry H9 Cave City_____ 296 Bank of Cave City_____tl'06 81-310 LSharn D16 $310-25% to 40% par 160 Cave Springs..192 Bank of Care Springs_______ L Benton B5 Centerton____ 206 Bank of Centerton_.®«tS'05 par 25 81-312 Benton A4 •Charles ton...851 AMERICAN STATE L Franklin G6 $125 81-268 H. L. BERG---------- J. H. MEEK........... . J. H. MORGAN J. H. MEEK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. R. HOGG_ _ _ _ _ _ crlhsaxoenvy Bank of Charleston______ 50,000 “OLDEST BANK IN SOUTH WEST ARKANSAS.” Especial attention given collections and money transfers. Please send 15 cents in advance for each sight draft for presentation and 35 cents for credit reports. (Closed) M. B. Moore______ E. L. Crandall. E. A. Callahan, Ch. E. A. Callahan State Bank) {Closed November 17 . 1930) A. H. Hunt______ J. L. Woosley____ 25.000 J. R. L. Fowler----- J. C. Burton ... D. A. Tucker_____ 10,000 6.000 28,500 J. M. Street______ J. O. Lainan Eagle Street_____ R. A. Hood. 5,000 7,850 166,170 52.670 W. D. Hoback------ H. E. McGaugh.__ S. J. Anderson........ 12,500 1,250 65,600 55.270 660 cC. M. HIATT- - - - - - - - CLYDE HIATT- - - - - - - - CLYDE SPILLER— H. E. SHUMATE----- 25,000 3,030 186,130 94,970 65,190 :,500 117.000 5.000 51,000 5,500 8,000 35,000 10,040 88,500 Boatmens N.. Little R. St. L.: Peo. Tr. Co., 7,000 Peo. Tr. Co., Little R. 3,000 113,320 1st N.. No. Ark., and Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville: Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 13,520 40,480 IstN.. St. L. and Ft. Smith; Bkrs. Tr.C’o. Little R. {Closed) BK.»tllO < This modern, pro gressive bank resp ectfully invites you r business, We pay special attention to Collectio ns. LSend your items direct to us for qui ck, efficient servic e. Cherry Valley.325 Bank of Cherry Valley-t§’07 par 55 81-313 M Cross FI9 15 CEN tatio 25 CEN pers 18,600 1st N., St. L.; Am. N., Rogers. TS sent to us w ith each sight d raft for presenn, and TS for each cr edit rep ortInsu res pro mpt, onal at tenti on {Closed March 29, 1 930) W. M. Smith R. E. Haik______ J. Kelly Maddox.. Chldester____399 Bank of Chidester____«t§’09 T. H. Benton_____D. W. Stott________W. G. Rushing L Ouachita 09 $140-10% par 25 81-314 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57,550 Bk. of Com. & Tr. and Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Boatmen’s N„ St. L.: Bkrs, Tr. Co., Little R. Credit ReporU. Progres sive. CITIZENS BANK &TR.C0. \J Modern Send us your C amden items dire ct for prompt att entlon. $200 par 100 8 31,130 ^P lease send 15c u> ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts, f0. H. OAVIS. Camden_____ 7273 $25 par 25 81-699 L Ouchita 010 Cash & Ex CHAKG18,Dui tbom Banks 35,340 8 Send us Your Brin kley business direct, Special attention given collections an d all out of town ite ms. Buckner______264 Buckner State Bank.. •»’2S A. W. Friend------- J. E. Gantt______ J. B. Smith. $120-10% par 25 81-661 W. M. Owea L Lafayette P8 Cabot..................684 BANK OF CABOT_____ <*’03 L Lonoke H14 $37.50-10% 81-304 par 25 Caddo Gap....219 Bank of Caddo Gap_________ L Montgomery K7 Calico Rock...659 State Bank of Calico Rock $50 par 25 81-605 »t|T4 L Izard C18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. ARKANSAS—Continued THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Nolan L. Rushing.. LARGEST BANK IN PINE BLUFF. ARK. 10.000 13.100 117,210 10,000 3.000 43,260 16,310 99.270 2,030 89.010 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 59,950 4,430 8,200 Union Tr. Co., Little R.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr.Co.. St. L.; Merch.& Plans.. Camden. Specializes in satisfying service to banks and bankers c'v •J' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. LLittleR. .Clarendon .. 2149 M Monroe J17 M •• •Mem.A.B.A. w-New §StatetPri?. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%I)iv. Closed November 17 1930) Bank of Clarendon MERCK. & PLANTERS BANK Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Gash k ExOther Depos L Paid-up Surplus and and changu,Du> AND iabili its Capital Profits Discounts SeouritieB laneous prom Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. f|KE BONDI_______ J. T. BATEMAN-........ W. H. BROWN_______ J. H. CALHOUN.......... $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 398,150 $ 6,420 $ 229,480 S 8,950 $ ) SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN C OLLECTIONS, SI GHT-DBAFTS, j BILLS OF LAD ING, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. 1165-10% var 25 81-164 d®»tl'S>0 Closed for liquidati on February 10,1930 .Clarksville.. 3031 Bank of Clarksville .... . L Johnson F8 R. A. Morgan-------Farmers National Bank $125-10% par 100 81-625 <’20 F. Q. Poynor R. C. Temple Garner Fraser.... Luther Bradley.__ .Clinton 514 Van Buren County Bank L Van Buren E12 $180-10% par 100 81-315 .dtS’03 C J0.FIAUENTHAL Hnuw .Conway____5534 L Faulkner H12 < Oldest bank here with up -tp- date $50-io% 81-1ZI d@»tS'90 1 Special sttenno n given Bill of La v_Pi«a#e send 16c uni th each eight draft f par 25 “ “ FARMERS STATE BANK S. G. Smith _ . Wiley Mosley-----$50-10%par250 81-523 d@«t§’13 Frank Farris “ " Faulkner County Bk. A Tr. Co. (Closed November 2 9. 1930) .Corning____ 1550 Corning Bank & Tr. Co.-T§’95 81-211 Olay A20 Cotter lnfit Bank of Cotter......... .. d»t§’28 $140-10% par 100 81-692 L Baxter B12 Cotton Plant 1689 Farmers NationalBankd»t’22 .). W. Hill_______ S. M_ Rush C. T. Doss M Woodruff H17 $110-8% par 100 81-652 (Closed August 8, 1930) L Polk K4 Crossett_____ 2811 Bank of Crossett — d®»t8’03 E. W. Gates______ L. J. Arnold_____ $100-30% par 25 81-321 L Ashler R14 BANK OF CONWAY §'30 .Danville ..........761 nDanvilIe State Bank. 81-700 L YeH H2 Yell County Bank__ _______ .Dardanelle.. 1832 L Yell G9 First National Bank . ............ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued J. E. Chambers----- 48,370 $ 192,780 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memo.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L.: Un. Tr. Co., Little R. ) (V. E. King_______ King Basham_____ 60.000 5,800 Porter Maddox.__ 20.000 20,000 50.000 0PIE HARTJE -— CARL HENDERSON TH0S. G. WILSON svstem in all depar ^an^TIme Items. ding drafts. Cash or presentation and 25e for Credit Repor tB 60.000 H. C. Johnston___ G. Allison. .4. Cash. J. E. Lyon 41,560 40,160 966.690 336.000 90,000 275.000 175,000 15.000 10,000 115,000 Un. Tr. Co. and Bankers Tr. Co., Little R. 800.000 598,530 98,870 50,190 143.970 Ckem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co..St. L. 88,570 887.990 99,750 57,950 109.740 Chem. Bk.&Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.and Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 25,830 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. 50,070 1st N.. Chi,; 1st N.. St. L. and Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 409.000 56,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith. O. T. Harold_____ 50.000 Homer Horn _____ Maxine Hayes F. L. Maxwell------ J. I, Andrews____ 15.000 4,060 81,130 330 46,750 22,770 5,180 25,000 8,650 161,700 42,960 159.470 2,880 16,890 G. H. Norman------ 25,000 «• 69,290 692,870 445.970 202.750 3.650 25.000 2,200 52,530 27,190 5,000 134,780 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chi.iUn. Tr. Co., Little R.;Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 43.540 1st N.,Ft. Smith; Bkrs. Tr, Co., Little R. 1,500 22,000 10,000 6.550 4,900 35,550 Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 75.470 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; 1st N., St. L.; State N. and Texarkana N., Texarkana. Sam Bondi------------ J. B. Gatlin____ _ Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. (Closed September 9, 1930) (Closed November 1 5. 1930) (Closed) 14.000 1st N.. St. L. H. M. Day 10,000 H. J. Kuebler____ 10.000 3,450 78.000 51.000 12,500 17,530 198,470 131,840 12,490 8,690 25.000 41.980 243,520 217,720 30,290 21,670 Dlerka . 1544 L Howard M5 $31.25-10% par 25 81-328 Doddridge____317 Doddridge State Bank®tS’18 L Miller R6 $25-10%par25 81-593 Donaldson___108 Hot Spring County Bank L Hot Spring L10 par 25 81-662 ®*t§’23 Dover________ 510 81-329 ~ L Pope F9 Mrs.O.Simmignton M. B. Bearden 3 1 i cl . 275 Bank of Datto------------- ti'10 T. C. McGuire........ D. P. Day_______ $25-10% par 25 81-32'4 Deeatur______413 Lanier Rodgers___ W. K. Jackson ___ J W Hnrd $165-12% par 135 81-325 Benton A 4 Delight_______408 Bank of Delight_____«tf’ll C. E. Johnson, R. W. Stell Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 0. A. Kizzia $160-15% par 2581-326 L Pike M7 (Closed for liquidati on July 16, 1930) *De Queen..—2938 _ Sevier M4 R. P. Mitchell____ First National Bank—®*t’01 8% par 100 81-167 •« «» H. H. Cooper_____ F. It. Poole First State Bank — -d©»t§’18 Roy Williamson $100-5% par 100 81-583 Dormatt___ 2942 Exchange Bank & Trust Co. C. R. Bates.............. V. J. Trotter_____ S. G. Lockhart____ C. B. Bowman L Chioot P16 $120-5% 81-193 ©T»i§’10 .Dm Are 121k Farmers & Merchants Bank W. W. Bet hell L Prairie H16 10% par 50 81-233 »t§’01 (Closed November 1 7. 1930) *Be Valla Bluff 672 Peoples State Bank .. _ L Prairie 116 .DeWltt.......... 1853 DeWitt Bank & Trust Co. L. R. Myers--------- E. B. LaFargue___ Tom Davis L Arkansas L16 $32.50-10% 81-245 B©T«t§’29 •• a. First National Bank dB®«t’12 L. A. Black. J. W. Shackelford. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. P. Chaney $67.50 par 25 81-246 Dotto Principal Correspondents. W_ G. Baird Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,850 84,860 10,000 88,930 75,000 25,260 645,800 55,000 543,620 66,990 20,000 N. R. Kirkwood .. 50.000 14.940 132,976 108,390 4,100 10,100 50.000 35,000 250,000 220,000 20,000 10.000 50,000 75.000 600,000 385.000 210,000 40.000 11,100 224,006 106,00( 55,60( 82,950 450 17.80C 40,01( 1,060 22,080 S. M Terrill Mrs. Cora Douglas Kenzie Bessie D. Nabors.. 10.000 10.00C 1.94C 26.17C W. H. Paynter, 8r. W. M. Simpson___ G. B. Tuck______ 15,000 15,000 100,000 SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK rrmxTwm 50.000 T D N1t B. B. Daty._ 49.74C Mrs. W. W. Worrell J. K. McCullough- 5,340 Milton Winham—. 35,060 110,000 3.63( 10,080 5,000 Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. 75,890 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: State N., Texarkana. 13,046 Chase N., N. Y.; Texarkana N., Texarkana; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 170,430 N. Y. Tr. Co., Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs.Tr. Co., Little R. 75.320 1st N., St. L. 100,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Mtle. Com., Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 140.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr., Little R.; Mtle. Com.. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 92,00( 1st N.. Kan. C.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; State N„ Texarkana. 37,30( State N.. Texarkana 7,010 Bkrs. Tr. Co . Little R. 15,000 Union Tr. Co.. Little K.; Bk. of Russellville, Russellville 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS CO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPriv. * County Seats. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. lies. Hepts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS - Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash & ExPaid-up Surplus* Depos Other Miscel changis and and and L iabili ,Dd* Capital its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. M-Memp. L Little R. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Dumas______ 1669 Merchants & Farmers Bank B. V. Causey_____ J. M. Cox________ Walton H, Rice.__ D. G. Linton $25-10% par 25 81-330 »t§’09 L Desha N16 D. O. Porter . S Earl_________ 2062 Bank of Earle_______d#t§’25 H. C. Williamson.. C. C. Twist_______ L. J. Machen_____ S. A. Latimer_____ 81-204 M Crittenden G20 $37.50-10% 50,000 S 29,440i $ 419,2201 $ 10,000 $ 253,580 $ 151,740 J 21,830 $ 25,000 15,930i 30,000 10,610 90,230 76,310 40,580 par 25 "Kr EXCHANGE BANK G- W. JAMES.......... J. C. & TRUST GO. WILJ0JI---------- s. T. WHITE, JR.— S. J. FITZGERALD— . AT YOUR SERVICE New and up lo^ate^ftogTessIfnlnd Growing. par 100 81-668 dB©T»t§'24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 81-91 $300-12% par 100 d®T»$'03 81,500 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.;SimmonsN. andMerch. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Pine Bluff. 33,650 1st N., Memp.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Boatmen’s N., St. L. 91150 1,066,940 100,000 697,990 167.670 95,970 299,440 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Peo. Co., Little R.; Com’l N., Shreve Save tl me and get serv lee on C ollectlo ns and Credit Reports Tr. port; Boatmens N., St. L.; Ex. N., by send ing FEE IN ADV ANCE: Plain si ght dr a fts, ISc ; Credit Tulsa; State N., Texarkana.; Com. Reports 25c. T RY US. Tr. Co., Kan. C. H. £• jfcKIHHEY— C. H. MURPHY------ M. 0. WADE----------- H.W.0AWTH0N. R. H. GARRETT, F. E. RONEY ROY E. SMITH,L. WILSON Ch. of Bd. J. b. LASSITER 586,760 4,568,330 350.000 139,420 1,821,180 1,636,470 Largest and Most Modern Bank in Southern Arkansas. Unexcelled facilities for handling your business. WE GIVE SERVICE. Send 16c with sight drafts and 25c for credit reports for prompt attention. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE ALBERT R0WELL- _____ 125.900 2,060,960 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. City, Chase N., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co.,Chi.; Un. Tr. Co.,Clev.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N. and Com’l N., Shreveport; Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Un. Tr. Co., Little R.; Ex. N., Tulsa. P°S!IV .H. an ------- SA«E. BABB- - - - - - - - - HEARD WILLIAMS ~ SAM E. BABB w. L. NORWOOD, Auditor PROMPT ATTENTION ON ALL COLLECTIONS 63,880 1,308,100 100,000 BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY 10,940 799,180 410,740 66,260 $200-12% par 100 81-93 d®»t’19 Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 16c; Credit Reports, 26c. 206,730 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Little R.; Boatman’s N., St. L.; 1st N., Shreveport. 0 TRY US. Elkins_________243 Bank of Elkins.—d®«t5'12 John Clark, Roe Stokenbury-- J. E. Bunch Washington C5 $75-12% par 25 81-506 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Clyde West______ 10,000 17,730 154,860 120,810 10,000 16,750 35,030 • Elm Springs...182 Elm Springs State Bankt5’14 O. F. Hellstern.__ Kib Terry______ L Washington B5 81-538 R. F. Mustain._. Miss Nannie Eale. 10,000 4,500 65,760 46,790 200 2.150 31,130 Emerson_____ 373 Farmers Bank_______ d»t§’04 W. J. Maloch........ T. S. Grayson__ $25 par 25 81-332 L Columbia R9 N. T. Prator______ 25,000 5,000 55,000 Emmet_______ 387 Bank of Prescott______ J5'05 L Nevada 08 81-333 C. D. McSwain.. $50-10 and 20% par 25 81-213 75,000 Citizens Bank_______ d»t§’12 G. W. Morris.......... E. M. Faver............ Ben B. Morris___ 81-492 Sandford Wilbourn (Formerly Citizens Bank <& Tr ust Co.) 25,000 Eudora______ 2020 L Chicot R17 EUDORA BANK—-d®.t§’30 81-334 (Reorganization of Eudora Bank & Trust Company.) FIRST NATIONAL BANK $110-10% par 100 vEureka Springs 81-678 d®»t’25 BANK OF EUREKA SPRINGS L Carroll A7 2276 $150-10% par 100 81-472 d®»tS'll First National Bank____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. F. SCOTT. . . . . . . . . A. G. ANDERSON —- E. T. CASHION. . . . . . - R. C. GRUBBS. I TRYOURSER M. SCHWARTZ. 10,000 73,000 Tr. Co.. Little R. 5,000 9,000 Bkrs. i Tr. Co., Little R.; State N., Texarkana. CBranch of Presc ott, Ark England_____ 2130 Bank of England.........d»t§’98 C. E. Hankins........ E. A. Carl Lee____ A. W. Dickinson. L Lonoke E14 Principal Correspondents. WmoLLE CTIONS. R. H. MEYER- - - - - - - T. H. PRYOR------ G.E. HQGUEC. JOYCE Ch. of Bd. and Pr es. 68,210 159.950 25,000 25,000 190,000 40,000 5,800 254,380 25,000 8.100 202,300 232,650 2,940 41,100 26,470 1 liss. Val. Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Oo., Little R.: Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 50,000 197,000 12,000 21,000 60,000 I itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 122,900 237,400 79,770 49,420 56,480 1 st N.. St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R.; Sim mons N., Pine Bluff. 153,310 7.560 22,150 52,380 Com. ( Tr. Co., Kan. C. WE DANDLE C OLLECTIONS PR OMPTLY. WM. KAPPEN — D. SIMPSON......... W.G. BARKER-— Modern, Progr essive. Personal Service. Please send 15c with each Sight Draft and 35c for each Report. 1 (Closed December 16 , 1930) ispgaiiBinnia ya.g.g.g.i: THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK e r f e»» PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS L«J «mi.................. SJLULLU ■ i ■ j a ■ § JJLUJULa iiamn Items for this district receive prompt and intelligent handling if sent to us cq Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. •Mem.A.B.A.w-New § State fPri?. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. •Evening Shade Bank of Evening Shade-tS’Ol O.S. Westmoreland, M. Stokes________ E. B. Metcalf____ L Sharp C15 325 10% par 25 81-336 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Everton______ 180 Bank of North Arkansas (Closed December 17 Boone BIO •Fayetteville, .7394 Arkansas National BIc. . (Consolidated with F Washington C5 Citizens Hank______ ®»i508 F. N. Gray....... — 4125 81-90 (A. T. LEWIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK A.E.COLLIER.v.P. $200-10% par lOOsi-ay dBT»t’04 i(Send 15c with ea First Savings Bank — .®t§’12 81-517 Mcllroy Bank & Trust Co. 48% par 25 81-87 d3©T+»S’71 Fllppin_____ ,.325 Marion County Bank______ L Marion Bll •Fordyee____ 3206 Fordyee Bank & Trust Co. 81-127 d®T§’31 l Dallas N12 10% par 25 (Succeeds Bank of Fordyee) , 1930. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loans Other Cash & ExMiscel changis Paid-up Subplus Depos Liabili and and ,Doi AND Capital Profits its Disoounts Saouritiee laneous from Banks ties $ 10,000 $ $ 3,720 S 116,670 42,420 $ 26,260 $ 4,900 $ Principal Correspondents. 56,810 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. Hopes to re open) irst National Bank November 25, 1930) 25,000 F. P. EARLE-......... J. E. DOWELL F. P. EARLE—....... CARL A. SMITH —- 125,000 7,730 141,340 28,080 2,223.150 S 103,500 100,000 20.000 6,970 1,196,230 723,070 65,000 495.430 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. 32,550 262.860 Ihem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; 47,090 St. L. and Ft. Smith; Un. N.. Springfield, Mo. ch sight draft for presentation an d 25c for credit r eport. F. P. Earle_____ F. P. Earle______ Carl A. Smith----A. E. Collier, V. P. J. E. Dowell Marion Wassou---- Marion Wasson__ J. H. Mcllroy, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. B. McConnell 20,000 27,300 559,460 354,770 35,900 50,000 161,860 973.340 508,540 381,240 50,000 5,000 218,460 103,420 100,000 70,800 714.200 25,000 496.460 25 000 1.940 75,910 40,580 119,800 155,370 1,368,170 — 886,770 413,000 St. L. 216,100 1st N., Fayetteville. Merch. N., Ft. Smith; Dn. Tr.. Little R. (Closed December 17 , 1930) L. L. Trussell....... C. F. Sturgis------E. C. Benton, Active First National Bauit ®T»t’09 G. M. Hampton.-- W. T. Graham — J. A. Abernathy.. C. L. Talbot_____ 81-130 J. A. Abernathy Mildred Thomas Foreman___ 1576 Citizens Bank____ d®»t§’02 L. C. Shackelford. W. W. Blakely — L Little River N4 $150 par 25 81-219 170,000 Ihase N., N.Y.; Boatmans N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 18,740 101,100 11,120 12,510 142,570 54.690 489,500 33,070 32,480 107,690 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. 293,700 Merchants & Planters Bank.. (Merged with Citiz ens Bank) •Forrest City. 4594 M St. Francis H19 BANK OF EASTERN ARK. $250-12%-O 81-141 (W. W. CAMPBELLj ALOERSON - A. C. BRIDEWELL___ WALTER ALLEN-— E.P. TAYLOR C. L. SIMMONS JN0. W. 50.000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Francis Cou nty ) Oldest, Str ongest, Safe stBank in St. ®T»§’86 I Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Cred it Reports by sen ding lFEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc; Credit Reports, SOc. TR Y US. Planters Bank & Trust Co. S. J. Dean---- - — J. B. Fletcher---81-143 ®T#t§’l Louis McDaniel,Ch, R. L. Berry •FortSmlth.31,429 Arkansas Valley Tr. Co. Thos. L. Daily__ Leigh Kelley___ F.W.Youmans. $105-8% par 25 81-571 T§’0 Sec and Tr. Sebastian F4 50,000 30,030 506,210 $43.75-10% par 25 CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK R.H.KAGY. _ t R. H.JACKSON___ V. P. and Cash. H. S. PATTERSON 1 H NAKDIMEK H.S. NAKDIMEN, Asst, to Pres, Memp. 17,920 1st N. and Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 61,270 80,510 68,940 2,919,320 216,070 1,501,790 1,278,160 200.630 500.000 854,990 8.638,500 541,510 6,025,640 2,893,650 25,480 1,590,230 N. City, N.Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.- 500.000 642.780 6,722,780 516,000 3,759,740 2,553,050 23,540 2.045,230 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 150.000 25.410 203.000 40.960 56.670 423,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Clil.; Boatmens N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. OUR MOT TO: “Not the Largest, but the Safeet." We give special attention to collections. $150-I0%par 100 81-38 dB®T*’14 A H SICARD ____ A. Y. BERRY.......... S R STEVINSON — McLOUD SIGARD___ $275-12% par 100 81-31 dB©T*t’72 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK A. L. FERGUSON NEIL SIMS C. B. HERBERT. Aud. CARLE ROBBINS Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN ARKANSAS. United States Depository. Collections and correspondence solicited. W.J. ECHOLS......... W.H.JOHNSON ----- BflRFNWwR----- R. F. DJ6KJIS-----J. BUnENbAbbtH, , J. B. WILLIAMS Aud. W. J. ECHOLS, JR. Cunt. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. Located In one of the Largest Natural Gas Fields In the World. 81-32 dU®T*ri Fouke_______ 363 State Bank of Fouke_______ (Closed November 15 , 1930) Miller Q6 W. J. Powell____ Fountain Hill.215 Fountain Hill Bank____ tl’18 $25-8% par 25 81-MO L Ashley P14 A. F. Baiterton___ T. W. Simpson----Franklin_____ 163 Bank of Franklin____ $25-10% par 25 L Izard B15 81-338 lLiquidated Februar y 15, 1930) Fulton_______593 Bank of Fulton_______ L Hempstead 06 10.000 2.630 14,190 10.000 3,120 26.430 25,000 38,810 27.370 250 4,850 8,160 Merc i. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Pine Bluff. 2,620 9,310 »■■■■■■■■■■■■■ THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. !■■«■■■■■■■■■rn !■■■■■■■■> RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS irTITTTf ■ ■ ■ ■ W m 1TB ■ ■ ■ f ■'! ■ Eli 7 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given cn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Uand-McNally Bankers’ UU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. President. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. L Little R. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Vica-PBBSIDBNT. Cashier Liabilities Resources. Loam Bondi Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and L iabili and its Capital Discount! Securities laneous ties Profits Asst. Cashier Gentry________ 779 FIRST NATIONAL BANK«t'll Marion Wasson___ Vol. Wasson______ Tom Whiteside. $175-12% par 100 81-340 L Benton B4 Sadie Monroe Glllett................ 870 Citizens Bank..............®t§’23 A. M. Lowe. H. G. Place 81-657 L Arkansas M16 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. A. Trice S Hazel E. Stevens.. GUlham_______242 Bank of GUlham_____«fS’05 B. E. Hendrix___ H. A. Powell_____ M. N. Crockett.... $18.75-par 25 81-842 Sevier L4 Glen wood___1310 Bank of Glenwood.........»t§’12 Geo. W. Lawless — L. T. Merritt........... Me F. Gibbs . .. Wm. I. Meeks____ 25.000 $ 6,200 $ 353,390 $ 25,000 3,000 20,000 $ 154.760 $ 141,860 $ 80,130 6.630 7,500 67.920 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Exchano»s,Dtji from Banks 6,200 $ 101,770 Chase N., N. Y,; Drov. N., Kan. 0. 31.370 1st N., St L. 2,710 12,720 5,740 12,540 Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 20,670 5,760 36,420 Peo. Tr. Co., Little R.; State Texarkana. 22,000 Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 36.930 15,000 3,190 29,520 15,000 18,660 168,910 139,720 Gould_________827 Bank of Gould________ tS’19 J. D. Crockett....... C. H. Holthoff....... T. W. GUI . 81-621 L Lincoln M16 $120 22.000 5,500 55,000 56,000 4,500 Grady_________496 Citizens Bank____ d®»t§’20 C. E. Wood... _ $31.60-5% par 25 L Lincoln M15 20.000 5,610 107,130 63.510 13,700 55,520 Simmons N. Bk., Pine Bluff Federal Bk. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Boatmens N„ St. L. 25.000 31,860 223,970 164.780 8,100 70.040 1st N, and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; L Pike L7 J. A. Short B. 1. Hardey______ 81-557 n. Gravette______812 Benton A4 Green Forest..745 Carroll B8 BANK OF GRAVETT —•» 98 81-289 par 200 T. EDMONDSON- D. T. ROSEBOROUGH PHILO RODGERS TOM MWOOD MRS. T. CAW00D .... 37,300 Union N„ Springfield. Mo. ) Special attentlo n given BUI or La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Please tend 15c tr ith each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repot ts. First National Bank—»t’05 F. H. Hilboldt.... J. M. McAllister.. James Banks_____ G. C. Tinnin______ $300-12% 81-179 L. M. Pearson 25.000 27,570 175,790 25,000 180,950 29,350 6,750 CITIZENS STATE BANK- § 31 LUM ANDERSON _ _ _ 25,000 5,000 127,620 10,320 107,100 1,340 4,840 25,000 20,130 164,420 120,760 18,100 10,020 25,000 4,610 113,500 67,130 69,840 5,470 25.670 City N.. Ft. Smith. 5.500 2,350 53,510 38,100 190 2,900 20,610 1st N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 25,000 10,980 140.020 81-345 (Succeeds Farmers & Merchants Bank) First National Bank_ Green way........ 367 Bank of Greenway__ Clay B21 ERWIN-_ _ _ _ _ J. R. ANDERSON LOGAN STAFFORD. J. J. J A 1 HIIRRS 54.660 (Closed December 17 ,1930) (Closed February 8. 1930) rO.C. PACKARD-- B. L. WARE------------- W. N. WILKINSON — ALICE HOLLAND_ _ _ First National Bank____ «’17 I. H.Nakdimen----- V. R. Brownfield.. Jess McConnell_ 81-584 Gulon________ 288 Izard County Bank__________ (Closed November 17 L Izard D14 60.680 1st N.. Ft. Smith; 1st N., St. L. most modern ba nk In Greenwood. Special attention s. sight drafts, ca sh and time Item s. Save time and ending ‘fee In ad vance.” Plain slg ht drafts 15e and 25c. Grimthvllle.. 238 First Bank of Griffithville Jai A. NeavUle.— A. H. Hudgins_ _ _ B. F. Qmiom $37.60-12% par 25 81-347 tl'05 L White H1& , . 25,000 1930) C JAS. G. CLARK— c. Gordon............2172 CLARK L Clark N9 par W0 4.310 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O. Active »Greenwood ... 591 FARMERS BANK------- *tS 07 J Strongest and $43-10% par 26 81-228 Sebastian G4 \ given collection 1 get service by s (.credit reports par 100 N. v. McDaniel— IRVIN A. BLAKELY COUNTY BANK ivtmr- 53,410 179,150 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little Rock; Texarkana N„ Texar kana. 22,480 < Special attentlo n given B1H of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time items. 81-849 d®»tll900 ) Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation ond 25c for Credit Reports. Voidest and Stro ngest Bank In Gn rdon. First National Bank___ ®»’28 J. N. Stuart_ _ _ _ 81-694 ‘Hamburg.... 1517 Farmers Bank ft Trust Co. G. P. George- - - - - - $140-10% par 6281-181d®T»tlTl L Ashley Q14 Hamburg Bank_______ «J8 02 A. G. Blanks_ _ _ _ 10% 81-180 ‘Hampton.........669 Peoples Home Bank___ »§’30 C. R. Dunn.......... par 25 81-351 L Calhoun P12 (Succeeds Hampton State Ban k) ‘Hardy............... 508 Farmers bank_________ il'OS A. M. Metcalf........ L Sharp B16 81-352 Harrell_______ 316 Calhoun County Bank_»t§’07 B. H. Wood_______ $50-10% par 25 81- 353 L Calhoun P12 ‘Harrisburg.. 1111 Bank of Harrisburg... d»t§’28 F. P. Jones_______ par 100 81-6 9 3 L Poinsett El9 T. M. Wallis_ _ _ _ R. A. Stuart_ _ _ _ 25,000 3,570 91,000 47,930 19,500 F. N. Pugh, Ad... Leslie J. Serrett—. Lucille Bean_ _ _ 50.000 11,490 246,450 183,400 62,630 - 50,000 42.290 222,000 224,370 13,100 O. S. Stringfellow. N. N. Wood______ C. B. Lyon............... E. L. Hathcock 25.000 20,120 96.740 6,000 124,270 5,530 T. W. Jones............. F. G. McLean . 25,000 3,000 45,000 15,000 J.M. Jones_______ B. W. Harrell ____ Mary Beachboard. B. W. Harrell J. O. Metz________ J. M. Thompson... W. S. Martin_____ 15.000 21,660 117 4?n 25.000 15,640 80,740 A. H. Wilson D. E. Watson_ _ _ _ R. W. Baird______ Rob’t H. Baird . 1,260 58,560 ChaseN.,N. Y.;lstN.,St. L.: SlmmonsN.. Pine Bluff; Union Tr. Co., Little R. 63,000 104,700 57,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. 3,350 76,820 1st N„ St. L.; Am. Ex. Tr. Co., Little R. 470 12,000 21,650 5fi 030 17,590 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 13,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 1,080 26,670 Simmons N., Pine Bluff; 1st N., Fordyce. 8,000 58,610 Boatmens N„ St. L.: 1st N., Memp. .................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. — 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS ini$$$$Ti»n Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ARKAN S AS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loans Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A.?iNew §State f Priv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond MMemD. L Little R. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. • Harrison 3626 Citizens Bank & Trust Co.__ (Closed December 17 . 1930. Boone B9 First National Bank________ (Closed December 15 . 1930. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. •• $ 20.000 2,480 25.000 720 73.130 10,000 2,160 92,590 15,000 2,300 40,000 5,000 30.000 25,000 $ 73,620 S 90,480 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 22.020 $ 18,270 1st N„ Ft. Smith. 41,730 51,170 12,890 18,060 City N„ Ft. Smith. 52,660 3,450 4,840 43,790 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith. 40,000 2,000 3,300 14,000 State N„ Texarkana. 100,000 95,000 10,000 3,000 27.000 Mereh. N„ Ft. Smith 10,870 265,560 127,900 18,660 22,910 131,970 Chase N„ N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Little R.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 25,000 12,240 222,300 35,000 184,190 1,260 23,220 . Oldest, largest, and strongest Bank In Cleburne oounty. FIFTEEN CENTS sent to ns with each sight draft for presentation,and TWENTY-FIVE CENT'S for each credit report Insures prompt attention 30,000 5,000 235,000 25,000 170,000 54,000 71,000 Bankers Trust Co.. _______Little Rock R. T. Douehtie.--. Dewey Moore............. A. N. Tanner, Sec.. Dewey Moore, 75,500 62.000 1,250 50,000 16,500 Tr. Dep. (Only In Mims nl •*d T ruetBiui neat) 27,750 26,500 Bkrs.Tr. Oo.. N.Y.; Interstate N„ Helena. .. S'23 W. E. Watkins, M. P. Olney_________ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (J. E. Mitchell, Jr.) R. D. Mitchell, Jr. Ruth Aydelatt_______ JOHN K0C0UREK — Hasen ............ 787 BANK OFGi^lW PRAIRI|s ^ < The Oldest and L Prairie I E ) 15 CENTS sent L25 CENTS for e Strongest Bank 1 n Prairie County. to us with each si ght draft for pres eatatlon, and ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention 81-357 V A ROGERS G C STOCK HUGH B. WHEATLY - •Heber Springs Arkansas N ational Bank el'll S. B. Rector_________ W. C. Casey__________ N. B. DeLoach_____ Byron Masingill— L Cleburne 714 1401 $150 par 100 81-608 THE J. CLEBURNE CO. BANK $110 par 110 81-175 •Helena_____8316 M PhillipsK20 2,800 $ 158,320 8,110 W. W. Thompson.. M. M. McWilliams. W. E. Thompson Havana.... .............. 370 L Yell H7 M 25,000 $ 82.870 S 840 25,000 79,460 $ 81-355 Hatfield__________ 382 First State Bank______ L PolkKl $37.50-8% par 25 *1-665 «. Ex changes,Due from Banks 360 First National Bank in Hart- 1. H. Nakdimen... ford.par no 81-638 d®«t'20 M. M. Smith, Ch. W. E. West Hartman________ 542 L Johnson F7 correspondents. & In hands of receiver) Hartford............. 1210 Citizens State Bank_®«t§'20 G. C. Packard____ L Sebastian H4 1110-8% par 100 81-643 Kirk Dixon •• Principal Cash Expect to re open about February 15, 1931) C. C. Alexander... Peoples Savings Bk.-d®t§’23 10% por 100 81-470 Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. A. CASEY--------------- j. BITTLE, -.........J- L 2.000 • 85,870 Un.Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Vandeventer N„ St. L. MULLINS— W. E. WILSON-— t§’30 7>._ par 100 The Interstate National Bank (Closed January 2, 1931) “ *• * PHILLIPS NATIONAL BANK 81-63 d®«t’30 (Succeeds Merchants tfe Planters Bank) ARFF MAISEVERS______ — L L. DEAL. Active__ R R ED. B. CARVILLE JAS. H. PILLOW. . superior service on collections. rersonai presentation. Prompt remittance, intelligeut reasons for non-payment. Modern methods in all departments of banking. TRY US. D. T. HARGRAVES THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100.000 4,300 702,500 72,000 395,300 8,000 331,500 I 1 1 | Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS fi? Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac,h bank la u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. MMemp.L.LittleR. •Mem.A.B.A. ^New §State fPr V. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [EstaJd ►Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bor -SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Di V. President. Vice-President. Cashier, Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities, Resources Loans ther Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex Paid-up SURPLU Depos LOiabili AND and and change,Dui Capitai Profits its Disoounti Securities laneous from Banks ties Hermitage ....419 BradleyCountyBank®»t§'()6 A. E. Baker.............. J. C. Thompson___ J. D.Stephens___ Carl Thompson ... % L Bradley P13 37.50-10% par 25 81-359 20.000 $ Hickory Bldge.327 Oitizens Bank. M Cross F18 i35-10% par 25 81-587 10,000 1,500 Hindsvllle.........217 Valley Bank__________ t§'C 7 M. A. Linebarger, C. F. Fitch______ A. H. Berry.......... . Madison B6 260-10% 81-362 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 10.000 20,000 Hlwasse .168 Bank of Hiwasse______J§’2 0 James Banks_____ A. M. Galyeau___ Benton A4 140-15% par 150 81-363 V. L. Banks, Ch.of Bd. 10.000 6,000 25.000 31.980 tS’ 7 R. J. Kibler, J. C. Greenwood.- N. N. Townsend.. Ch.of Bd. and Pres. Maud Adcock Holly Grove...741 Bank of Holly Grove J. A. Walls______ P. C. Mayo_______ Taylor Claiborne.. J. I. Matthews, Jr,. L Monroe J17 0% par 25 81-275 d®»t5’0 3 “ ____ “ first National Bank ------- “ •• _____ •• ” ------- " 20,000 J 250,000 ___ 55,000 $ _ $ 185,000 $ 4.000 S 2.500 75,000 10.000 /2,00U 1.000 45.000 218,680 150 6.000 S 194.460 33,210 24,000 1st N., Huntsville: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. 2,550 13,450 1st N.. St. L. 14.590 250.000 first National Bank..d»t’2 4 R. G. McRae, H. J. Lemley_____ Lloyd Spencer____ S. McMath______ 110-6 to 10% par 100 81-109 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Roy Stephenson 100,000 15,000 540.000 50.000 10.000 270 onn 25,000 1,000 97,370 first Savings Bank & Tr, C(). R. G. McRae_____ H. J. Lemlev. . 81-107 ®8’2 4 ARKANSAS NAT’ iK.ot HOT SPRING! . Lloyd Spencer.... S. McMath 76,470 1,009,490 100,000 235.000 366,400 390,000 355.000 70,000 150,000 60.000 10,000 110.000 State N„ Texarkana. Mazie Gallaher___ 32,190 104,620 10,000 26,650 14,280 State N , Texarkana. FRED H. RIX_ _ _ _ C. E. MARSH.......... D. 0. SIMS, G. H. WOOTTEN...... G. HIGGINS, Ch. V. P. and Cash. P H HA11 MAN i * 1 s 150-7% porlOO 81-48 dB®T»t’7 9 ‘ARKANSAS 1[RUST COMPANY oc Cy t yu 649,560 ,MJ. HENDERSON BURGAUER, Tr. and Cash. ?E)M5S0" WSr D.J.Sec., A. STALLCUP, F.L. THOMPSON COMMUNITY BK TRUST COMPANY 100,000 325,660 1,962,020 3.45G 1,595,320 319,330 400.390 381,080 Tr. Off. 1 \ CHAMP WILLIAMS. J. N. COPPOCK........ J. 0. LANGLEY. \ Ch.of Bd.and Pres. JSend us yo Cash, and V. P. EMMETT JACKSON— H. GILLHAM. Sec. US. 100,000 61,940 927.690 75,080 768,330 129,770 ur Hot Sprin gs items dir ect. ) Prompt ret urns on Coil ections. (.Send your friends to us for courteo us, reliable s ervic e. (Hot Springs Natio n al Park continued on next pc ge) 95,390 60,700 St. L.; State N., Texarkana. ty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R.; St. N.. Texarkana. Give your patro ns coming here a letter to us. Cou rteous and efficient service guaranteed. Collections given special attention. Send us yo ur Hot Sprin gs business, /Prompt att ention given ail matters e ntrusted to 81-51 $ 500-20% par 100 dB®T*tl’0 7 (.Tourists ac counts invit ed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33,540 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L ; 1st N.. 667.660 L J. $ 50-8% ♦ 81-53 dB®T»t§’2 p arlOO Co.. St. L. Memp.; Peo. Tr. Co.. Little R. Citizens National Bank R. M. LaGroue___ R. M. Briant______ C. C. Spragins____ 81-110 ®»i'C 2 • 12,000 1st N.. St, L. _ (Closed November 17 . 1930) Horatio............1028 lank of Horatio___ d»t5190 0 John Elmer______ J. W. Jones______ J. E. James L Sevier M4 or 25 81-364 L Garland K9 95.000 Dn. Tr. Co., Little R. 6,500 t27.60-6 to 10% par 25 •Hot Springs Na- * Principal Correspondents. 1931) Hope........ .........6008 Arkansas Bk. & Tr. Co. L Hempstead 07 “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws iv.n (indexed) in back of this Tmlnmo __x n.i___ j__ _ ARKANSAS—Continued 205,820 ( Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R.: Com.Tr., Kan.C.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi., 1st N.. Kan. 0.; Mtle.- Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.,St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little K.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 0.; 1st N.. Ft. Smith; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.,Little R. ' i SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS to O'5 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Hot Springs Na tional Park 20,238 (Continued) ‘SECURITY BANK Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew {State fPriT. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Ectab ^County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. I Little R. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ARKANSAS—Continued President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. M. B. FOOTE......... L. D. COOPER-------- A. S. GOODWIN-...... B. F. PRICHARD - Loans Bonds Miscel Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and Liabili and and its Discounts Securities laneous Capital Profits ties $ 100.000 $ 95.540 $ 901,890 % 20,000 $ 713,660 $ Principal correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Due from Banks 35,240 $ 138,380 $ 230,160 Chase N„ N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. C. R. BIRNBAUM, Tr. THE BANK TH AT MAKES YOU FEEL AT HOME. (Hot Springs Savings,Trust Tour interests a re given first cons Ideratlon when y ou send your .business to this bank. and Guaranty Co.) 81-48 160-10% par 25 d®T»tl’91 Hot Springs National Park D. Burgauer........... D, O. Sims_______ J. O. Langley Clearing House A. S. Goodwin. F. L. Thompson, Mgr Sec. and Tr. (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ber of Nationa l, State andPrivate Banks, Total Deposit s by Ci ties, St ates, et c.) (Membera indicated by a *) (Closed November 17 , 1930) Houston........ .345 Bank of Houston. L Perry H13 65,600 220 35,880 14,880 1st N„ St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 203,720 125,930 3,110 25,900 89.440 Miss. Valley Tr., 8t. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr.. Memp. 11 Qfin 170,540 99,500 39,010 4,450 64,530 1st N.. Ft. Smith and 8t. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little Rock. 25.000 6,920 103,640 1,870 92,460 430 6,220 38,320 1st N„ Fayetteville. 50.000 50,170 545,750 — 517,460 30,180 17,820 99,200 1st N.. St. L. and Fayetteville. 25,000 19.530 199,600 25,390 162,410 40,910 12,210 53,980 1st N.,St. L. and El Dorado: State N.< Tex arkana; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 20,000 5,500 140,000 — 95,000 22,600 — 158,190 1,524,310 362,700 1,352,300 404.070 127,350 25,000 Roxle________ 1448 Bank of Hoxie----------d‘tS'08 John K. Gibson__ J. M. Lester---------- R. O. Rainwater 125 par 25 81-866 Lawrence C18 1,000 53,100 10,680 37,480 M Hughes........... ..815 Planters National Bank dt*20 A. L. Waring_____ j. o. E. Beck_____ A. L. Waring----M St. Francis 120 llio-fl% par 100 81-628 Humphrey___ 595 Merchants & Plan, Bk.. Jefferson K16 (Closed November 1 5, 1930 for liquidatio n) Huntington ...813 HUNTINGTON STATE BANK W. L. Seaman......... C. C. Graves---------- G. R. Holbrook .— B. R. Holbrook..— Sebastian H4 U25-io% par 100 81-496 ®«J§’12 ‘Huntsville... 602 Farmers ft Merch. Bk. dtl’ll J. H. Guinn______ Floyd Dotson_____ J. S. Miller----------- John S. Miller — Madison C7 130-5% par 25 81-264 First National Bank dB*t’90 D. W. Anderson $68.75-16% par 25 81-266 A. B. Bunch---------- Tom Hargis--------- O. W. Basham-----Clay McBroom W. C. Cluck Huttlg..... ..........1386 First National Bank d®»t'll F. W. Scott_______ D. M. Clowney____ A.G. Stephenson.. L Union R1S 1140-16% par 100 81- 477 Imboden_____ 564 Peoples Bank_____________ M Lawrence B17 (Closed November 7. 1930) W. J. Pruitt.......... S. L. Nance. ‘Jasper ______385 Newton County Bank.. tl’03 W. W. Moore, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Newton G8 1175-22% par loo 81-671 ‘Jonesboro. 10,326 American Trust Co._______ L Craighead D19 BANK OF JONESBORO Boyd Pruitt. 42.500 1st N„ St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. (Closed for liquidati on November 1, 1930) T. J. ELLIS_ _ _ _ _ _ J-E. PARR—...........J. W. GATZ E.'MCKEE R.E. JACOBS 200,000 361,470 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. and and strongest bank In northeast Arkan Special and personal attention given collections. $37.50-10% ♦ 81-67 d©T*tS’87 par 25 J. R. Hackett......... .. E. R. Gray............. Judsonla____ 1123 Bank of Judsonia ..d®«t§’22 Edward Stevens... Chas. Figley______ Mildred Johnson 1140-10% par 100 81-648 L White G15 W. H, L.Woodyard J. S. Eastland____ T. J. Lowdermilk. P, E. Bauer. Farmers & Merch. Bank J. A. Henson 12% par 25 81-649 d»t5’13 THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESOURCES SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS 20,000 5,000 95,000 102,000 17.500 24,540 212.400 157.890 25,000 Grand N.. St. L. 32,400 14,910 49,220 1st N., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co. Little R. 1 Send us your Pine Bluff items for prompt service Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac,h bank *5 u b exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ^ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. fi4 Town and County, ‘County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. MMesnp. L Little R. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPrii. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab President. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bon( Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div Junction City ,814 First National Bank L Union Rll THE MERCH. & FARME Non-Bank Towns with nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Loans Bonds Miscel Cash & ExDepos Other AND and Liabili and CHANaw,Dui its laneous Profits Disoounta Securities from Banks ties ARKANSAS—Continued Paid-up Capital (Closed for liquidati on) fP. E. MURPHY-— 1. A. BRINKER_ _ _ _ LEO. MURPHY_ _ _ _ M. P. MUSE S W. R. DAVIDSON j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. (-Please send 15c tcit h each sight draft / or presentation andt 5c/or Credit Reports 25,000 $ R. E.LeeWilson, Sr., F. A. Gillette........ . J. K. Childs............. Ch. of Bd. & Pres. R. H. Robinson 25,000 7,710 81.470 Kensctt______ 889 Bank of Kensett.. L White G15 io and 20% 81-649 Edward Stevens... J. H. Johnston....... R. W. Lewis______ Lissie Lewis............ A. P. Mills. V. P. J. E. Fondren J. H. Wiseman 10.000 9,410 70,020 Keo,.. 267 L Lonoke J14 10% W. F. Coleman.__ S. O. Cobb_______ J. F. Coffman____ Mrs. V. E. Coffman 15.000 6,430 70,550 $27.50-10% par 25 81-232 Kelser_______ 295 M Mississippi E22 1100 par 100 81-622 81-631 Klngsland___ 328 Cleveland County Bank. L Cleveland N13 Kingston____ 166 Madison C8 $71,25-12% 81-467 par 25 (Closed November J. O. Floyd______ Wm. B. Bunch Knobel______ 486 Bank of Knobel____d»tl’04 Joseph Sellmerer. R. Whitaker_____ H. C. Sellmeyer .. $25 par 25 81-375 Clay B19 ‘Lake City....... 760 Lake City Bank____ d«t§’30 C.C. Watson______ R. E. Townsend— F. E. Godwin.......... W are W atson____ L Craighead D20 81-697 ‘Lake Tillage.1582 Chicot Trust Company. (Closed November 17. 1930) L Chicot Q17 ( par 100 H. 8,380 $ 25,800 $ 115,670 and Peo. Tr. Cos., Little R.; Com'l N. and City Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Shreveport. 58.040 25,030 540 4,170 74,320 — 11.710 36,720 2,580 50,640 28,430 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 50,670 Peo. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little ] MEYER_____ ED. L. DAVIS............. E.N. McCAIN______ B. G. CLARK K.THORNTON ______ 10.000 16.150 5,470 53,720 25,000 5,000 73,510 50,000 32,700 550,000 91,020 — 3,730 33,790 Boatmen’s N., St. L.; 1st N., Huntsville 53,900 1,090 7,360 16,990 st N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little B 1st N., Newport. 49,220 2,400 6,150 45,740 .in. Tr. Co., Jonesboro; Mtle.-Com., S L.; New 1st N., Paragould. 51,300 392,000 162,000 2.900 65,010 3,220 4,000 130,000 (Assess Purchased by Farmers Nationa 1 Bank, Clarksville, Ark., March 1, 1930 ) Lavaca_______ 319 Citizens Bank____ ____ ‘tMO J. F. Bugg________ J. E. Coker_______ Sebastian F5 $225-15% 81-378 (Closed November Lead Hill_____268 Bank of Lead Hill.. Boone A10 {Closed December 16 Leola. . (Closed November 17. 1930) Lepanto_____1195 Bank of Lepanto__ M Poinsett E21 [Closed November 18. 1930) —-.379 Stale Bank of Leola. Grant Lll 15.000 10,600 7.190 24,040 Little R. Leachvllle ___1157 Bank of Leachville_ M Mississippi D21 17. 1930) 1930) Leslie.................657 American Exchange Bank A. F. Hudspeth, B. F. Hudspeth___ Roy Hudspeth____ Marie .Tones Searcy Dll 81-381 dB©»l§’21 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Eula Hudspeth ‘Lewisville__ 1061 First National Bank _-d»t’09 R. L. Bradshaw___ R. L. Searcy........ „ D. W. Gladney___ L Lafayette P7 $250-30% 81-383 J. W. Velvin 15,000 2,070 180,290 440 128,420 5,990 20,420 42,970 G 25,000 37,940 225,130 25,000 120,910 103,540 20,000 68,610 S Peoples Bank & Loan Co. W. D. Stewart........ I. I’. Le May_____ 1. C. Landes______ $50-15% par 25 81-475 d»tS'll 1. B. Burton 30,000 24,130 224.940 106,610 53,820 11,630 Lincoln______ 687 Bank of Lincoln___ ‘tfOS T. N. English_____ J. A. English_____ T. L. McColloch... W. T. Shannon___ Washington C4 10% 81-384 25,000 6,160 173,440 135.800 1.760 5.210 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis hase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. j Excellent facllit k-.81-598 _d®T»t'18 1 Prompt service. les for handling c ollectlons and all Items in this vlcl nlty. Reasonable rat es. Lamar_______ 449 First National Bank . L Johnson F8 L 39,830 * 252,370 J 17, 1930) W. L. Bunch_____ Tom Hargis______ H. P. McCracken FIRST NATIONAL 1 R. BANK 15,960 * 321,440 $ 1 107,010 S tulw iCAaihaiia, Ghiuii ii, dllu Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little IL; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 61,830 1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ce to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Iland-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Ch •Mem.A.B. A «New §State fl'rn JMem. 8tate 1» Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ♦ $45-10% par 25 Central Bank _______ _____________ Federal Bk. A: Trust Co. . (Pulaski, J-13) County Seat Population 81,679—Reserve City Liabilities. President. Vice-President. American Exchange Trust Co... (.Closed November 17 . 1930) ‘BANKERS TRUST COMPANY *1-26 dB®T*t5T4 LITTLE ROCK (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 8) Cashier. - Ass't Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Other Liabili ties Principal Miscel Cash k &xlaneous CHANOIg.IlUl Discounts Securities Resources irom Banks Loans and correspondents. Bondb AND -.........— ■ F. W. NIEMEYER— W. A. MCDONNELL - E.E. BEAUMONT. J. A. GREESON, A. Sec. a l *iiH7C’and Tr' P- MORTON,^.Sec. C. E. CROSSLAND, JOHN n R1I7BFF. V. P. and Cash. h. j. Mini. W. C. RiBENACK. JULIAN G. BLASS. E.J.RISLEY. JEFF BURNETT, uAt°ru£%ltal DepU H. C. COUCH. v• p■ and Tr•0ffAsst■ v■ p- M' El McCOl' P nff GORDON H. S. M. GARWOOD, J. L. SPENCE. JR.. RATHER CAMPBELL. V. P and Mgr. BROOKS BRADLEY. G Mgr* Inswept. Vice Presidents Bond DePl- 0. D. WALKER. R j BEATTY, Asst. Cashiers $ 600.000 $ 249,690 $10881050 $ 17,730 $ 6,625.830 $ 629,200 $ 270,150 $ 4.223,290 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Memp. THE B ANKE RS BA NK One-h alf the banks of Ark ansas use us as t heir L ittle R ock de posito ry. Auditor SAM FRAUENTHAL. General Counsel BESIDES GENERAL BANKING ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS, SEND CS MATTERS REQUIRING PERSONAL HANDLING BY MEN OF BROAD TRUST AND BANKING EXPERIENCE. (Consolidated with Federal Bank & Tr ust Co., March 17, 1 930) (Closed Janurary 1 7, 1931) Federal Reserve Bank___ «’19 For complete infor mation seepage 21 81-13 LitOe Ro ek Bran eh of Fed oral Reser M Bank, St. Loui 8, Mo. ... ■♦Peoples Trust Co....®T»t§’02 W. A. Hicks_____ J. F. Lenon.......... . H. W. Trigg. Jr.. W. E. Lenon, Jr., Cash, and Tr. 12% ♦ 81-10 O. D. Hadfleld Sec. B. Bodemann M. W. Jessup, Glynn Priest. A. S. A. Tr. R. R. Lindsey. A. S. Guy G. May 350,000 Southwest Joint Stock Land J. T. Robinson___ Moorhead Wright _ Jno. M. Davis, Tr.. G. Miller. Sec................ Bank...........81-684_______ ’26 G. Miller Thos. Talbot, $120 A. Sec 285.000 210,480 4,881,050 3,549,200 389,170 120,380 1,382,770 Chem. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Guaranty Tr. Co., and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N.. Dallas and Memp.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 512,380 68,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Un. Tr. Co., Little R. - 115,200 4,633,500 4,452,780 (Little Rock continued on next •page) THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Largest Bank-in Pine Bluff, Ark. 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS cc OD •Mem. A.B.A. "New §8tate f Priv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®S&T.$LastSale%Div. President. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 8) asb’t Cashier. Cashier. A. G. KAHN_ _ _ _ _ _ E.J.BODMAN.Sr.F.P. A. BRIZZOLARA, Jr... W.R. SRODBRASS, Tv MOORHEAD WRIGHT, G. B. ROSE „ C. H. RICHTER,Sec. F. J. WILLS, Compt. and Mtge. Ln. Off. Z. T. WOOD’ A. Cash. Ch. of Bd. OSCAR MC CASKILL. V. P. and R. R. Off. u t WILSOR. A. Sec. W. B. MILLER, ?• BRIffiR*. JB- C: W. CONWAY, P/mHOI ' J- GIBSON. Sec. Utrusco Corp, J. R. CORROR, UNION TRUST COMPANY ♦ *1-11 Vice-President. r“, -fc.iilsS dB®T«tl'02 $45-10%-par 25 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LITTLE ROCK—Cont’d—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. , A-Tr■0l- U ABUJJ IBS. Surplus Total Paid-up AND Capital Profits Deposits $ 50S.S0S $ Loans Bonds and and ties Discounts 452.470 $11232420 $ SEE AD TESTIS EM ENT Resources. Miscbl- Other Liabili SiouKims LANIOVS Rjmoubobs 53,050 $ 7,457,900 $ 1,142,740 $ ON AK KANSA S INDE Principal Correspondents. Oitaa k Ex>aa,Dtn Baiii 457,500 $ 3,179.780 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; Bk. of America N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. RMO*c* Representative *W. B. WORTHEN CO., BANKERS mo-i2% par 100 *1-7 dl®T«tt’77 B. M. Lamar-----r Emmet Morris... G. G. Worthen — J. H. Penick. J. F. Boyle V. P. and Cash. G. A. Zimmerman Q. N. Peay. L. E. Dishough Ch. of Bd. James Keith 405,930 4,273,230 6,800 2,863,200 350,850 541,140 1,130,770 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Whitney N.. N. O.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. John G. Potts F. J. Schmutz, V. P. and Tr. Off. 'Arkansas a nd Little Roc k Collection s given our prom pt an d A. M. Bowles. Mar LrttU Reek Clear me House -- Emmet Morris......... F. W. Niemeyer .. R. J. Rice, Sec. and Tr. *l-« Cltsmbers indicated by a*) M.W. ELKINS & CO. 200,000 car aful a ttantl on. See pag es 28-29 -30 for N umber of Nationa I, State a nd Priva teBanks Total De posits b y Cities, States, e te.) 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. MUNICIPAL BO NDS. 217 W. 2nd St. 'JUSTIN MATTHEWS METROPOLITAN . JR. 0. T0PF DAVID A. GATES, Tr. EDWIN E. MOORE. 175,020 250,000 42,510 150,000 20.000 152,800 307,450 7,290 Am. Ex. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. Sec. REAL ESTA TE MORTGAGES TRUST CO. B»t’25 NATIONAL SECURITIES CO. Bond and Investm ents bought and sold . Correspondence I nvited. F. W. NIEMEYER- STEVE GARWOOD, E. E. BEAUMONT, Sec. E. L. VILLARREAL. A, Sec, V. P. and Mgr. INVESTMENT DIVISION BANK EBS TRUST CO MPANY. 50,450 108,350 11,200 Specialtz lng ln t he orlgl nation a nd dlstrl button o f Arkans Mu ntclpal a ndIndus trial Sec uritles. (Incorporated) SOUTHERN SECURITIES CO. W. C. RIBENACK...... H. RS B. C. TERRY- - - - - - - - C. H. MOSES. ’27 Bankers Trust Co., Little Rock; Chase National Bank, New York. Sec,. ORIGINATORS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES, SPECIALIZING IN ARKANSAS SECURITIES. (Incorporated) 815 Boyle Bldg. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK BW » ■ ffFTwnm m LARGEST BANK IN PINE BLUFF. ARK. Specializes in satisfying service to banks and bankers Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren c.i-7 to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ U/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and oouhtt. ‘County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. MMemp.L Little R. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §8tate tPrii. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%Diy. ' PU8I9DT. Asa’T CASHIER. Oxanra. Vice-President. Lockesbur*... .747 Bank of Loekesbnrg 81-886 d®»t»’02 L Sevier ME .. (Closed August 15, 1930) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bonda MlSCSIr Oasb k Ai Loana Other Pxid-up Surplus D epos and and AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discount* Saeoriiias LaAJOBOUB rwou Bmi ties R. S. Ransacker.. R. C. Norwood___ $ 25.000 t 1,500 $ S 65,000 48,000 $ 2,500 $ 7,000 $ Principal correspondents. 34,000 1st N., St. L.; State N„ Texarkana. 30,000 33,520 434,810 304,730 81,370 41,280 70,950 1st N.. It L., and Bkrs. Tr.. Little S. 25.000 6.260 113,610 93,540 270 11,020 40,040 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L,; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. J. D. Leftwich___ 12.500 7,510 78,190 33,850 3,920 6,650 53,870 1st N„ Ft- Smith; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. H. P. Carrington.. J.C. McNeill.......... G. C. Campbell— R. 0. McDaniel 50.000 87,060 704,940 602,580 42,050 29,930 167,450 ChaseN.. N. T.: Mtle.-Oom. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; State N.. Texarkana. J. L. Davis, Jr.. Sec. and Tr. 10,000 160 50,000 103,520 615,460 100,000 78,170 727,260 ‘Lonoke_____ 1674 LonokeOonnty Bank —•t§’06 W. W. MoOrary__ W. C. Ellis............ . W. H. Toaag_____ H. E. Benton.. F. D. Ellis J. M. Gates 150 par 25 81-200 L Loaoke 11* (Closed January 8, 1931. Liquidating) Beaton B5 Luxora 1074 M Mississippi D22 8% par 25 Moses Sliman_____ L. L. McDearman.. Nora Wise_______ R. E. L. Wilson. Ch. of Bd. 81-387 Claude H. Kyle Magazine_____560 Bank of Magazine....®ti’06 C. C. Leftwich ... u H% 81-236 L Logan 06 J. O. Hutcheson... ‘Magnolia___3008 Colombia County Bank datl'92 L Columbia Q8 167.50-10% 81-161 „ „ Davis Banking Co________'29 10% M H T. 8. Grayson Farmers Bank A Tr. Co. $62.50-10% 81-168 d®T»t§’07 par 25 jN.J.GANTT_ _ _ M •• PEOPLES BARE____ d»t§’02 j Collections a sp 140-10% par 25 81-162 * All collections W. H. Warnoek___ J. B. Lee W R GANTT W. H. A. ReM. A. BQTB _ _ _ _ R C GREEN 22,880 $ 1,500 7,590 Dorcheat, Taylor. 26.960 530,000 90,860 25,000 655,630 89,550 37,640 110,480 Chase N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 185,250 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L. ecialty and remit ted on day of pay ment. have the person al attention or an officer of this ba nk. Robt. Smith, Jr.___ R. R. Chamberlain. H. H. Smith, A. C. W. R. Oollie J. E. Tonne, V. P. W. S. Richardson R. N. Boyle. A. C. Jester Jones 50,000 71,240 697,020 5,290 484,650 100,860 4,780 233,260 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Union Tr. Co., Little R. A. B. Cook.............. A. J. Eight.............. Geo. B. Cox. 30,000 20,900 399.470 6.230 233,450 78,970 13.830 First National Bank....*l’03 E. T. Bramlitt____ A. L. Strauss.......... J. W. Fulton______ J. H. Dealy_______ C. S. Smith. A, C. L. McDonald 140-10% par 25 81-182 25,000 6,010 364,560 25,000 185,960 94,140 13,360 130,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.: Bkrs. Tr. Oo.. little R. 127.100 Bkrs.Tr.Co.,and Un.Tr. Co., Little R. J. L. Dixon_______ R. M. Mayer_____ 15,000 2,500 122,680 1,250 86,250 30,060 10,250 C. H. Culver______ 10,000 4,240 117,870 79,460 15.000 16,000 80,000 100,000 a F. Vest 25,000 14,000 218,000 160.000 20,000 C. C. Graves S. A. Hodges____ R, W. Barger Nat’l Bank of Mansfleld 1185-10% par 100 81-249 d«t’01 W. L. Seaman, Ch. R. A. Graves, Act. W. G. O'Neal.......... 50,000 67,030 287,990 12,500 309,010 25,800 18,390 64,320 1st N., Ft. Smith; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C. O. L. William ion.. Hugh Mixon. ‘Marianna... 4314 BARK OF MARIANNA B. L. Ross, 1100-8% par 100 81-86 d®«tl 03 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, W. G. Hoyle M Let 119 J. B. Allen---------- 75.000 35,000 613,660 13,440 435,110 35,000 [100,670 166,320 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memp. 80,000 37,960 658,720 544,390 45,820 67,090 119,380 Chase N.» N. Y.; Boatmens N., St. L.; 15.000 6,230 54,690 28,360 15,490 7,100 24,970 1st N..St. L.; Bk.of Com.&Tr. Co., Memp.: Un. Tr. Co., Little Rock. ‘Malvern........5115 L Hot Spring Kit) •< 81-131 io% 81-559 J. A. Birch. Jr. dGMI’14 Mammoth Spring Citizens Bank_____d®*ti’04 L Fulton A16 600 127.50-10% par 25 81-388 M M 20% par 25 81-645 J. F. Martin MnnlU 19.9R Bank of Manila____d®t|’07 M Mississippi D21 1200-10% par 100 81-888 W. T,. Ynwell Mansfleld____919 First National Bankd®«t T8 I. N. Nakdimen__ 10% par 25 81-595 8ebastian H4 .. '* . " LEE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 1150-8% par 100 81-85 d®7«t’84 .Marlon 105>n Bank of Marion____ ®»t§’27 M Crittenden G2 *1.50-18% par 100 81-687 J. B IAB6ETT V MOYE E. 6. ROIERTSON— E. L. BRANSON. Cash, and Tr. Off. NENA60YAN . 5. B. DOZIER 18,500 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 65,000 City N., Ft. Smith; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. Unexcelled facilities for handling your Marianna Items and collections. Special attention given Bill of Lading Draft*. Pleas9 tend 15c with each sight draft fir presentation and 26c far Credit Reports. H. C. Williamson..j J. F. Rieves--------- 1 W. R. Rhodes ] Lorine Harbour___ ■■■■■■< THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,940 15,350 Chase N., N. Y.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Boat mens N.. St. L. 50,700 Com.Tr., Kan.C. PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS »■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ !■■■■**! Items for this district receive prompt and intelligent handling if sent to us 68 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. o.Vlem.A.B.A. ,lNew§State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PKES1DENT. V ice-Pkesident. Ass't Oashiek. Oashiek. Marked Tree 2276 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK B. F. Taylor______ W.H. Dilatush, Ad. A. J. Shame Mrs. K. C. Dilatush, 11 Poinsett F20 $25 par 25 81-497 d©T«tt’ll Ch. Marmaduke.,.894 Farmers Bank________ •tl’ll J. G. Meiser.......... .. W. F. Kirsch $190-10% par 25 81-254 Greene B21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dbposand Capital Profits ITS Powell Thompson. 8 Sadie Elliott 50.000 1 OlHEB TIES Resources. Bondi Miscel- Cam k Exand Diaoounta SoeuritiiB from Baku { 205,480 $ 12,600 8 209,000 Principal Correspondents. Loan* 5,170 $ 21,440 I 39,520 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. J. W. Lipscomb... Frank Boone. 15.000 14,290 103,030 Roy Cooke 50,000 10,000 203,110 $ Bank of Maynard-------- •tS'00 J R. Loftis, E. C. Mock.............. Buell Loftis_____ $33 par 25 81-394 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 0) 13,600 3,000 74 430 Bank of McCrory_____ •t§'03 H. W. Jernigan ... J. F. Morgan 10% par 25 81-261 25,000 34,340 224,960 100,000 20,050 560,830 15.000 12.500 101,000 McRae.. . . 45x Peoples Bank— _____ •tl'20 H. F. Hammack___ G. F. Price_______ G. M. Bennett____ T. H. Henry L White H14 par 25 81-565 10.000 1,000 73,960 ‘Melbourne 380 Rank of Melbourne____ tl'96 C. C. Aylor_______ Ed. Billingsley___ W. J. Billingsley— G. R. Landers____ L Izard C14 10% par 25 81-397 •Alena 3118 Farmers & Merch. Bank____ {Closed August 14, 1930) L Polk J4 Planters State Bk.__®»l§’ll W. W. Townsend-- W. E. Watkins___ F. C. Embry__ John W. Harper.. 15.000 11,150 100,250 62.570 30,000 29.300 443,760 381,960 30,000 12,260 312,760 36,000 212,190 100,110 14,000 1.550 44,830 2,490 28 620 ’ 7,480 18,050 1st N.. Ft. Smith. 34,170 7.600 19,210 State N., Texarkana. ‘Marshall. 62s L 8earcy Dll Marvell............. 624 M Phillips J18 Maynard____ 259 Randolph Aik McCasklli 170 L Hempstead N7 ‘McCrory ... 924 L Woodruff G17 Bank of Marvell.........d»t§’03 S. L. Cooke 81-38! . . J.B. Swift _ .. 8% par 25 rw. J. LAUCK___ .. Midland. 373 Sebastian H4 Mineral Springs L Howard' N6 712 Monette_____ 1111 L Craighead D21 •Monticello ..3076 L Drew 016 “ -------“ --------- “ THE UNION BANK--d®*t§’27 ] Special attentlo $140-5% par 100 81-98 1 Please send 15c L“THE BANK Midland State Bank_____ §’12 G. O. Packard____ 81-508 First National Bank..®»iT7 $120 par 100 81-591 The Citizens State Bank 83,340 33,430 Mtle.-Com. Bk, & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N.. 65,300 6,750 2,110 16,880 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Union .T. E. Rryan 177,950 24,590 6,530 75,220 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Un. Tr. Co., and Peo. Tr. 548,000 266,260 26,160 74,720 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Co., Little R. wmt— 55, Ml PUKE 234,270 Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 7,940 55 340 T. K. Bel) Hillift Davis 5,275 H. Dickinson_____ 121.380 10.530 102,130 156,550 51,430 175,160 Commercial Loan &Trusi Co. G. W. Lambert R. L. Hardy .. . J. D. McCloy_____ Joe McCloy_______ $225-10% 81-534 ®T»±§'12 M. L. Sigman Drew County Bank and Trust Co.___ {Closed Dece mber 9, 1930) 60,000 89,680 388 160 Union Bank & Trust Co. V. J. Trotter_____ R. L. Hyatt_______ James Jackson ___ Walter Carter ___ 81-156 d®T»*i’*7 J. G. Williamson 150,000 THE FIRST STATE bank uni,,» d®T«t§’30 PEOPLES BANK &TRUST CO. W. D. O’Farrell__ J. V. Hancock____ E. Meier____ rR.H. DICKENHORST E. E. MITCHELL-___ E. E. MITCHELL, JR.- S. E. McREYNOLDS L. T. OATES J.H. IRVING HAROLD BALCH ) Prompt attentl on given collectlo ns and all Items entrusted us. (.PROMPT, CAR EFUL SERVICE. n. S. MOOSE_____ A. J. STEPHENS..... BENTON GARRETT- < Unsurpassed eo $100 par 100 81-666 dTt5’23 I BUI of Lading D \.Please send 15c wi •Mountain Home Farmers* Merch. Bk,..ti’20 J.H. Wayland. .. 81-608 L Baxter B12 585 $175-10% CLARA LAUX_______ 50.000 2.530 8,400 24,760 Peo. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 58,240 Bkrs. Tr.. Little R. 112,690 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and 1st N., St. L.; Merch. N.. Ft. 8mith: Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 64,720 1st N., Ft. Smith; Tra. Gate City N.. Kan. C.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Tex. N.. Texarkana. 164,050 1,041,170 38,420 431,860 60,000 27,000 260,000 2,210 118,420 L. Jones. W. N. Baker ___ Roy Bodenhamer 25,000 6.640 269,880 A. A. Lancaster.. H. R. Case, Sec. G. R. Sansom_____ 20,000 10,240 208,080 ........................................................................ ................. ...................... THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK M. M. Lancaster 26,700 36,290 ranklin-Am. Tr. Co., i Little Rock. 251,760 160,220 20,280 105,580 60,390 530,300 594,380 76,180 214,740 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L. 1,070 301,620 39,190 31,960 148,570 Tr. Co., Little R. Uectton Service. rafts receive Care ful Attention. th each Sight Draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit ttepor ts. W- J. Baker_____ W. F. Batman_____ T. K. Morris---------10,000 _____ Peoples Bank.................dt5’06 C. A. Baker______ $225-30% par 25 81-402 •Mountain View. Bank of Mountain Viewii’15 J. L. Lancaster.__ W. H. Miller. 81-403 L Stone Dlt 458 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,050 n given BUI or La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. OF PERSONAL SERVICE.” G. K. Dixon______ C. N. Finn________ 6,200 •t§’26 12,790 with each sight dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. 5.700 $100 par 100 81-274 15,500 State N., Texarkana. 113,000 25,000 par 100 .. 7,900 25,000 $175-10% _____ 24,820 ___ «>-». .. 213,270 38,350 1st N„ St. L. Tr. Co., Little R, $210-10% par 25 •Morrllton... 4043 L Conway Hll 9,100 Memp. $300-25% par 160 81-98 _____ 12,500 {Closed December 17 , 1930) MeGehee___ 3488 First National Bank d®*t’17 E. S. Terral_______ W. H. Paul_______ W. E. Thompson.. C. F. Sisco________ $27.50-8% 81-585 K. G. Moriey, Ch. R. G. Verser l Desha 01< J. W. Willoughby, par 25 Jr. McNeil.............. 460 Bank of McNeil----------- atS’06 J. J. Lnek. L. A. Westbrook _ J. E. Blair .. L Columbia F9 $50-10% par 25 81-386 .. 72,360 180,000 280 20,000 30,000 75,710 1.790 9,710 182.270 11.800 10,860 163.260 6,970 4,050 437,000 Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. 40,000 Tr. Co., Little R.; Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 43,410 Com. Tr., Kan. C. 96,580 Mtle.-Com., Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L ; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 64.320 1st N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS cq Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond dSafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Bank ot Mount Holiv___ §19 1200-10% par 165 81-617 Bank of Montgomery County par 25 81-404 dt§’30 (Merger of Montgomery County Bank, Oden State Bk„ Oden, Ark,, and Caddo Valley Bank, Norman, Ark.) Mount Pleasant Bank of Barren Fork__dt5’13 l Izard 015 368 135-10% par 25 81-560 Mulberry_____895 Bank of Mulberry____ *tl’02 L Crawford F5 *400-20% par 25 81-2 57 •Murfreesboro 733 Pike County Bank____ *tl'04 *i29-to% 81-405 l Pike M7 •Nashville ....2469 Bank of Nashville_____ L Howard M6 Planters Bank & Trust Co,__ Nettleton_____ 748 Bank of Nettleton_____ dt’04 L Craighead DIP *75 par 25 81-406 Newark_______897 First National Bank-----•t’08 (.Independence E16 *37,50-10% par 25 81-407 New Blaine........ 83 Farmers State Bank___ L Logan 68 New Edinburg 450 Bank of New Edinburg»t§’04 L Cleveland N13 *175-10% par 25 81-408 •Newport____4547 Arkansas Trust Company___ Jackson E17 Town and county. •County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. LLittle R. Mount Holly.. 160 L Union Q10 •Mount Ida___512 L Montgomery J7 FIRST NATIONAL 81_m BANK Resources. Liabilities. Principal correspondents. Loads Bonds Miscel Cash k ExOther D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and And chaico *8,D di and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties % 57,810 $ 3,990 S 90,030 Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. $ 21,500 S 115,330 $ 15,000 Robt. Freeman__ S. W. Junkin......... lit li l allOll..—>••• Hattie Freeman... PRESIDENT. Vice-President. to 60% ♦81-54 M Mississippi E22 10,000 4,450 25,000 25,000 135,000 137,000 1,400 8,560 25,000 18,980 144,570 88,590 45,730 5,160 A. J. Younger____ Rachel Conyers___ S. B. Stevenson__ M. C. Alexander... Horace Wagner... 27,500 $ 250 25,000 590 $ 3,610 14,000 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 35,000 1st N„ St. L. and Ft. Smith; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 49.070 State N„ Texarkana; 1st N.,St. L. T. F. Alford (Consolidated with Planters Bank & T rust Co., April 5, 19 30) (Closed December 4, 1930) Henrv Kiech, E. E. Hale----- — J. C. Howell______ L. D. Kiech. Ch, of Bd. and Pres, G. M. Fields_____ T. M. Harrelson... B. F. Adams. 10,000 29,630 147,060 50,000 21.500 130,000 12,500 10,750 90,000 26,000 67,340 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jones boro. 80.000 Union Tr, Co.. Little R.; Miss. Val. Tr Co. 96,920 18,350 4,090 75,000 36.200 36,300 96,000 3.570 043,740 108.540 6.000 675.630 20,930 210 2,610 12,180 (Closed) E. M. Attwood___ C. B. Attwood____ Hi. x • A L • W UUU _ ——— 14.000 Simmons N., Pine Bluff. (Closed November 15, 1930) W. JL BILLINGSLEY N. C. WOLFF--------- W. T. PARISH----- F. A. JONES---------w WI N.S. CAMPBELL “Tk« h«nl> >*il4h 50,000 250,000 1,401,580 59.280 WE COLLECT. Gty. Tr. Co., N.T.; lat N., Chi.; Mtle.Com.. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Un. Tr. Co., Little B.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., and Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Ut should be sent with each request for report. H. L ALTHEIMER — 5,000 A. H. Matthews — 2,400 28,530 State Bank, Oden, Ark., and Montgom ery County Bank, M ountlda, Ark,, as Bank of Mon go mery Co unty, Mo unt Ida, Ark,, ) 5,170 21,470 108,480 Chase N., N. Y.; Bkrs. Tr. Co..Little R.; 166,200 8,190 243,130 50.000 Frank Thompson. Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. H. 0. TOPF- _ _ _ R. J. RICE_ _ _ _ _ _ CALHOUN_ _ _ _ H. W. STERLING. Z. T. 100,000 55,870 1,216,580 3,680 850,980 120 090 67,340 337,720 Chase N„ N.Y.; IstN., St. L. Tr.Off November 26, 1930) (.Merged with Caddo Valley Bank, Norm an, Ark,, and Mont gomery County Ban k, Mount Ida, Ar k„ as Ba nk of Mo ntgomery County, Mount I da, Ark,, (Closed December 12 . 1930) -H1900 IBANK OF OSCEOLA J. L. WILLIAMS —- H. Y. CARTWRIGHT— EMMA COX- H. A. BEHRENS L. E. GWALTNEY 20,000 6,040 58,390 54,580 1,220 16,190 12,430 1st N„ St. L.: Bkrs. Tr Co.. Little R.; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 50,000 27,780 297,780 262,290 2,340 36,330 74,610 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Boatmen’s N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little B. 7.080 216.800 150,380 58.760 3,890 50.560 Boatmens N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr.Co., Little R.; Merch. N.. Ft. Smith. 767,000 343,000 64,000 82,410 24,130 288,000 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Memp. Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 65,680 Lafayette-South Side. St.L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 10% par 25 81-182 d®»tl’91 15c must be sent with each draft far presentation and 25o for each report or ratin SFirst State Bank______ (Closed November 17 , 1930) Bank of Oxford________+§'19 W. AT. Word A. H. Caldwell___ D. S. Patterson.__ 10,000 *30 par 25 81-615 Bank of Ozan------------- t§’03 C. D. Ball.... .......... W. F. Robins____ B. A. Barrow.____ 10,000 81-413 First National Bank. ..•+’26 E. D. Hall. Harley Russell ___ J. C. Mainard____ G. D. Nichols 25,000 $110 par 100 81-685 Bank of Pangbur n____ (Closed November 15 , 1930) Oxford................ 118 L Izard B14 Ozan.__ ______ 124 L Hempstead N 6 •Ozark.............. 1564 L Franklin F6 Pangburn____634 L White F14 •Paragould ...5966 Nat'l Bank of Commerce W. F. Kirsch_____ par 25 81-80 d®»t’01 Eli Meiger, Ch, Greene C20 New First National Bank par 100 81-7# d®»t’*9 Security Bank & Tr. Co.____ (Closed for liquidati H. W. Woosley___ T. L. Payne. A. C. Grace M. Ellis L. U. Stedman R. N. Re.isp.l R. C. Mitchell........ P. E. Rogers____ W. L. Gatz J. E. Stuart on November 12, 193 0) THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51,730 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Fed. Bk. & Tr. Co , Little R ; 1st N., Ft. Smith; Community Bk. & Tr. Co., Hot Springs. 3,980 Neal C. Conyers.. R. E. Shell (*Member of Little Rock Clear ing House) Oden_____ _____ 98 Oden State Bank . L Montgomery J6 Okolona______ 460 Peoples Bank__ l Clark M8 Ola___________ 648 Bank of Ola-----*uo-io% 81-411 L Yell H9 169,690 168,580 10,000 par 100 *TWIN CITY BARKd®T-»'03 2,540 L. L. Beoverg___ W. G. Whittington O. M. Radford----- Norfork ........247 Citizens Bank_________ t§’13 C. A. Blevins......... *35-10% 81-537 L Baxter B13 par 25 (Merged with Oden Norman........... 478 Caddo Valley Bank____ November 26, 1930 L Montgomery K7 North Little Rock *Bank of Commerce d®J§’26 81-683 L Pulaski IL3 19,418 *115 par loo *513-12% Ass’t Cashier, Cashier, T-t’92 Oldest bank in this part of Arkansas. *600-50% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued 125,000 50,000 14,720 141,000 1,196,000 2,400 234,090 50,000 Citiz. N., Hope. 30,000 80.000 161,660 275,940 Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ /U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. - ........... Town and County. Mem. A.B.A. nNew§StatetPrii. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. -County Seais. President. Vice-President. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. nr\ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources, LIABILITIES. Bonds Loans ther Cass * *xMiscel CBAMUfllVl Paid-up Surplus Dkpo»> LOiabili and and XND CAPITAL Propits ITS Discounts Securities laneous ncm Basks ties Principal correspondents. •Paris..............3234 American Bank and Trust Co. (.Closed April 21, 19 30) (JL Logan G7. L. B. Crenshaw.... T. C. Blair FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 125 81-207 d®T*f«l W. C. Davis I. H. Nakdimen Parkdale...........371 Bank of Parkdale______ t§’10 R. G. Williams.... J. H. Caldwell___ W. W. Morris........ par« 81-416 L Ashler Rll Parkin.............. 1676 M Cross G 20 Pea Ridge___ 206 Benton A6 Perry________ 387 L Perry H10 Pettigrew____ 463 Madison D7 •Ptggott_____ 1885 Olay A21 •Pine Bluff. 20,760 L Jefferson L14 woo-io* Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 1HQ Perry State Bank____ •tl'SO J. B. Rose. 81-41* *25-10% par 25 80.000 $ 28,520 $ 508,670 $ 111,240 S 359,510 $ 271,920 S 15.000 29,620 41,000 8,560 68,560 10,000 9,900 61.960 34,380 J. M. Putman-------- 10.000 8,000 60,000 55,000 Mrs. Flora Rose... C. E. Linebarger— 25,000 1,240 137,100 __ RllaWnwhry Kenneth Boggs W. D. Lee________ T. M. Colquette___ Elmer Alexander 25,000 3,390 156.310 First Slate Bank_____ §’ 25 *26.26-10% par 25 81-676 Bank of Pea Ridge_____{I’ll $ 250 81,850 Ohaae N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; City N.. Ft. Smith. 23,980 Mtle.-Com. fik. k Tr. Co., St. L.; Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Monticello; Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 25,530 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk.Com. Tr. Co., Memp.; Bkrs.Tr. Co., Little R. 12,000 1st N-, Ft. Smith. 15,140 $ 590 500 21,940 75,020 39,370 49,200 On. Tr. Co.. Little R.; 1st N„ St. L. 80,680 1st N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. (Closed December 20 , 1930) Citizens Bank___________ Piggott State Bank___ dt§'30 par 25 81-698 *Cotton Belt Bank & Tr. Co O. C. Handlv .. *160-10* 81-42 dB® T«t§’26 E. H. Elsberr’y par 25 Merchants & Planters Bank <fe Trust Co._______________ (Closed November 1 7,1930) National Bank of Arkansas__ (Hands of Receiver, July 21, 1930) Simmons National Bank T. W. Leggett JO. NICH01---------- VII. NICHOL’Achre CHAS. A. aONNON. JIM,.......... L. P. HUTT, Active CORA NIVEN J. T. LLOYD 100,000 64,730 1,129,410 290.M0 608,410 5,907,570 180,000 77.190 12,840 14,000 1,172,060 127,020 12,720 552,600 4,247,250 1,735,050 162,350 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 144,260 1,142,010 Chase National Bank New York NsitioDAl Bs&uk of the Republic Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co._____ ____ ________ _ St* Louis National Shawmut Bank...........Boston All business intrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. dS®T«t *300-18% par 100 ’03 Pine Bluff Clearing House.. Harvfiv Hose (Membmrt indicated, by a *) MERCHANTS & PLANTERS TITLE 1 Wendell D. Lee, See. and Mgr. M. V. MEAD. J. W. JONES_____ J. L. LONGINO_ _ _ _ J. McLELLAN* Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. R. A. SMITH (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ational, Private Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, State s, etc.) nd Mercantile-Commerce St. Iain Is &INVESTMENTC0. (104 Main St.) T26 38,870 Bkrs. Tr.. and Peo, Tr. (Jos.. Little R.; 1st N„ St. L. 17,030 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., Ft. Smith. W. Caviness............ Donald Barger ___ Sam Adkisson_____ Plainview____ 654 Bank of Plainview........ *t|'07 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. T. Blount *125-10% 81-243 L Yell H8 R. L. Elliott. Hagan Shire .... Hume Sloan___ Farmers Bank______ d*t8'19 rt. n. Marker *30-10% 81-244 60.000 19,470 163,020 37,540 209,780 17,280 14,090 25,000 5,640 99,640 9,800 92,610 17,580 12,860 A. J. Nesbitt ___ W. H. Duff........... 40,000 20,000 150.000 125,000 20,000 25.000 40.000 219,450 392,150 74,910 1st N., St. L. 20,000 67,960 70,350 208,850 16,280 Mtle.-Com. Bk. par 30 PlumerrlUe...613 L Conway Gil •Pocahontas .1896 L Randolph B18 Pollard_______173 Clay A21 Portia_______ 416 Lawrence C18 Portland_____ 543 L Ashley Q16 Bank of Phunerrille__•tl'62 81-422 A. B. Payne Randolph State Bank__ (Closed November 4, 1930) Bank of Pollard_______ (Closed November 1 7.1930) Bank of Portia________ (Purchased by First National Bank, Bl ack Rock, Ark., Sep tember 2, 1930) Peoples Bank--------------dtS'08 par 25 81-248 Portland Bank------------- JJ'01 J W Pngh T. R. Pugh.............. 65,000 Mtle.-Com., Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. Tr. Co., Little R. L.; Bkrs. & Tr. Co„ St. L. 81-247 Pottsville___ 293 L Pope G9 Prairie Grove..743 Wash. C4 •Prescott___ 3033 l Nevada N8 W. H. Rankin_____ Citizens Bank________ t5'13 81-551 J. P. Harris. G. B. Shafer______ Farmers & Merchants Bank *160-10% par 100 81-256 ®*t§'29 Wren Scott, Thomas C. McRae. Bank of Prescott dB®T«t5’04 Cash, and Tr. S. J. Hesterly 12% 81-140 E. M, Sharp Firct State Bank____ ©•JJ'16 par 25 81-138 6% par 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK — D. Teeter____ 15,000 3,230 47,790 42,000 8,650 5,470 W. A. Stone 50,000 15,800 360.890 313,060 35,400 12,860 W. R. Hambright-. O. J. Stephenson 75,000 82,860 1,180,710 531,020 469,420 41,880 259,560 193,740 19,830 32,930 W. 50,000 6,130 230 Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. .......... ....................... 9.670 1st N.. St. L. 65.370 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Ark. N., Fayetteville. 296,250 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. St L. 69,180 Chase N., N. Y.: Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex.; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R. RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS 71 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and Coontt. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. •County Seats. {Men. State B. Au'n. [Estab. 8 Fed. Res. Dis. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memo. L Little R. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued President Cashier. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. ..254 Bank of Pyatt______________ (Closed December 17 . 1930) Pyatt. L Marion BIO Quitman_____ 338 Bank of Quitman........dil’03 R. L. Kane______ Beulah Kane------- B. F. Clark_______ N. H. Tarver. 81-424 L Olebnrne F13 1195-12% Resources Principal Correspondents. Loans Surplus ther Bond* Miscel Oau * lxPaid-up Dbpos- LOiabili and and and Capital Profits rra Discount* Soauritiaa laneous run lmi ties S 10,000 $ 11,150 % S 71,590 $ 70,560 4,260 $ 17,920 Union Tr. Co., Little R. par 100 Bat cliff__ _____231 Bank of Ratcliff____________ (Closed for liquidati on May 20,1930) L Logan G4 Ravenden_____ 361 Bank of Ravenden----*tr05 J. G. Richardson— Wm. Bottoms____ S. M. Ball_______ W. H. Bragg------81-425 Lawrence B17 Ravenden Spring* Lone Rock Bank____ ®tl’14 8. F. Davis---------- R.L.Higginbotham J. B. Duvall______ Mrs. Nettie Davis. Randolph B17 175 4% par 25 81-446 Rector..__ —1617 OUT B21 81-178 3,000 59,000 10,000 2,100 23,280 $ 25,000 25,000 185,580 180 15,820 1,890 17,270 38,000 $ 1.200 2,660 50,000 165,900 41,240 15.230 18.000 16,140 Peoples Tr. Co.. Little R. 40,720 1st N., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Little B. < The Strongest Bank in Clay Cou nty. d«tl’30 ] FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon. THE BANK OF RECTOR „ $27.50 re. H. HARBIN — G.C. JERNIGAN...... 0. A. HARPER----T. C. JUSTUS „ 10.000 (Closed November 2 1. 1930) First National Bank Roy Glasco........ . .314 Farmer* & Merchant* Bank E, L. Dickson_____ F. E. Belford. par 25 81-427 tS'll Randolph A19 .Bison________876 Bank of Rison............®»t5'02 N. A. McKinney... Walter Elrod,Active H. G. Attwood__ Searcy Elrod-------Walter Elrod, Sec. J. L. Sadler L Cleveland MIS $41.25-10% par 25 81-428 I. E. Moore Farmers and Merchants Bank (Taken over by Bank of Rison December 23, 1930) 10,000 4,500 35,770 240 28,840 4,420 3,040 50,000 25,900 280,180 65,860 346.580 18,560 17,490 39,320 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R„ Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. W. R. Spikes_____ B. F. Bryant------- T. E. Harris--------- R. L. Brewer_____ Rogers_______3554 American National Bank $140-8% 81-572 ®»t’16 Benton A5 50,000 5,630 170,620 49,460 109,280 70,900 29,420 50,000 28,160 260,960 50,000 250,520 23,550 41,070 66,110 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: City N„ Ft. Smith; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R, 73,980 1st N.. St. L.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith; Un, Tr. Co.. Little R. 797,980 812,850 500 51,300 Beyno. FARMERS STATE BANK $150-12% par 81-124 d®«tS’ll 150 WARNER ST. JOHNV. P. and Cash. BESS McNEIL J. F. PATTERSON- A. D. CALLISON- - - - - F. E. MILLER. 14,220 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. Prompt persona 1 attention given all business sent ns. .Send 14c with c aeh Sight Bfraft f or presentation, which we srodlt •n exeh ange eh Farmers Trust Co___ Tt§’23 I. C. Patterson.— J. T. Hull_______ J. F. Patterson par 100 81-660 Eva Patterson, Sec. 50,000 25,890 9,210 1st N„ St. L.; Un. Tr, Co., Little R. M.J. Hickey 75,000 107,820 547,650 4,150 456,490 87,060 58,940 132,140 Chase N„ N. T.: 1st N„ St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little B. ROY FALLS...... . EMORY FARRIS 50,000 19,390 285.960 15,000 235,240 20,600 25.740 88.760 Chase N., N. Y„ Union Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N..St. L. and Ft. Smith. 100,000 105,350 603,950 73,900 597,240 116,410 28,080 141,460 Chase N.. N. T.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. $185 First National Bank (Closed December 27 , 1930. Liquidating) •Russellville.-5628 Bank of Russellville.®»tl'97 Geo. S. Neal_____ R. L. Jenkins_____ L. M. Reed_____ A. J. Mathews, Ch. $50-10% par 25 ♦ Sl-119 L Pope G9 r*. D. SHINN------ W. L. OATES_ _ _ _ _ A. M. FALLS. FARMERS BANK&TRUST CO. $50-10% par 25 Growing and pr ogresslve. Special attention given o ut of town 81-616 d©T*tST8 business; all Ite ms In charge of a n officer of this b ank. [.Please send 15c fo r presentation of dr afts and 25t for ere dit reports. fL. I. BcCLURE— J. W. WHITE-------- M. A. PATRICK- - - - - - 0. B. HENRY___ $62.50-10% par 25 •Salem_______ 481 L Folton A14 Scotland_____ 234 L Van Bnren Fll Scranton_____ 332 L Logan F7 St. L. C. E. LEMLEY PEOPLES EXCHANGE BANK and Lar rest Bank In Bns seUvlHe. ♦81-118 ------ d®»«’#0 >«■« , Oldest FIFTEEN CEN TO sent to ns with each sight draft for preoeatattei .Insures prompt attention. Bank of Salem................t§’08 Rex Castleberry, Lannis Ashley........ H, J. Humphries „ Fay Castleberry. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 81-430 Bank of Scotland___________ (Closed November 1 7. 1930) 20,000 5,860 86,980 86,830 2,640 Logan County Bank...*t§’26 J, D. Baker______ R. L. Pierce.............. J. D. Knight_____ W. J.Kleck$110 par no 81-686 15,000 4,500 60,000 48.000 1.500 7,500 Otho King_______ H. K. Wood______ Guy J. Ellis. S. W. Sanford 50,000 51,000 581,620 490,900 77.360 18,630 95.720 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L,; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. J. S. Sanford_____ F. B. Welch_____ C. A. Foster. 30,000 80,480 562,560 50,000 457,370 128,870 16,270 117,560 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L,; Un, Tr„ Little R. 354)00 10,280 220,000 40,320 209,600 15,300 31,600 49,100 Chase N..N. Y.; Boatmens N„ St. L,: Sim mons NPine B,; Bkrs.Tr. Co.. Little R. •Searcy______ 3387 Bank of Searcy_____ dTtl’04 T. A. Watkins __ $54-20% 81-164 L White G15 par 26 Peoples Bank.......... ... dt«i’89 G. D. Booth______ $87,50-20% par 25 81-168 J. H. Deener 23,380 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 22.500 Bkrs. Tr, Co.. Little R. Union Bank & Trust Co.___ (Closed November 3, 1930) •Sheridan ....1590 Grant County Bank——•tl’03 M. W. Elkins, Lem Jones............... W. B. Frith______ C. A. Mitchell. Ch. of Bd. and Pres, $37.50-10% par 25 81-482 L Orant L12 THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. — RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS 79 • ** Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp.L LittleR. •Mem.A.B.A.*New § State fPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaY.$LastSale%Div. Sherrill_______368 L Jefferson K14 Shirley................ 292 L Van Buren E12 Sidney________ 817 L Sharp C15 Bank of Sherrill.. ©•t5’13 io% 81-556 Bank of Shirley_____—•t*’07 *125-15% 81-433 Bank of Sidney______ ®tl’12 *37.50-10% par 25 81-52 2 Siloam Sp’gs.2378 HUTCHINGS FIRST NAT. BK. Benton B3 *200-15% 81-146 dB®»t»5 par 100 (Succeeds First Nat. Bank in Siloam Springs) Producers State Bank *150-10% ♦ 81-148 d®*t§’21 par 100 State Bank________________ Smackover ...2544 SmackoverState Bank.»J§'29 L Union Pll *140-15% par 100 81-654 Smith ville___ 319 Citizens Bank_________ tl’01 L Lawrence C16 81-434 Sparkman____711 Merchants & Planters Bank L Dallas N10 *50-15% par 25 81-581 *tST6 Springdale... 2.763 Washington B5 PRESIDENT. d®»il'#4 FIRST NATIONALBANKd.: 07 *200-10% par 100 81-189 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ................ Other Liabili ties Loans and Discounts 7,520 $ 89,320 26.000 8,620 94,810 94,800 5 640 7 g50 5.000 2,620 116,620 41,240 5,000 1,290 H.G. HUTCHINGS— C. R. JONES -......... Z. W. FORD............ W. T. LA FOLLETTE 50.000 5,000 479.330 448,690 J 15 CENTS mus t be sent with ca ch sight draft, a nd (.25 CENTS with each credit lnqu try to receive atte ntlon. Paul Martin______ J. B. Thompson ... Paul Martin______ Z. E. Martin_____ 25.000 10,000 J- P. Bone. J. W. McGee_____ R. C. Pounders. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Thos. Miller______ (Purchased by Hutc hings First National Bank) Leo Berg_________ J. H. Meek_______ L. E. Tennyson. Jr. J. L. Young J. M. Street______ J. M. Raney______ Luka Johnston___ S 151,000 $ 8.000 50,430 $ 91 dan Simmons N.. Pine Bluff; Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Boatmens N„ St. L. Fed. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.: Grand N.. St. L. 76 710 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Batesville; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 108,470 Grand N.,St. L.; City Bk. & Tr.Co.,Kan.C 40,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 29,250 2,420 ;>q nsn 7.980 141.810 114,060 78,000 60,000 C. E. Hays_______ C. F. Sturgis______ C. E. Hays, Jr........ 10.000 13,040 180,360 rn T. LEWIS — 60.000 47,340 501,330 __ __ t 4,000 2,200 LEE SANDERS.. nsn 10,000 7.000 EEB.TcliM!i|SNGS ?.i 140,000 25.000 15,000 70,690 30,030 9,760 357,970 58,000 2,800 248,070 77,000 33,510 CLAIR FARRAR N. City, N. Y.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L. 12.000 Un.Tr. Co., Little R. 92,930 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 189,900 1st N.. Ft. Smith and St. L.; Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C. I Special attentlo □ given collectlo ns, and prompt r emlttanee on da 7 of pay m«t. ^Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Ortd it Bepor ts. 'L. POWELL, L. POWELL- - - - - - - - - - J. L. STAFFORD.— W. A. BRAVES_ _ _ _ 50,000 47,470 Ch. of Bd. MRS. LURA DEAN Bill of Lading C ollectkons our Spe cialty. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to os with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report lnsur os prompt, person al atten tlon. fR. B. CURTIS............ d©§’26 S J. C. ROBBINS. Ch. Peoples National Bank *200-10% par 100 81-651 d©»t’22 The State Bank_______ I§’19 *25-10% par 25 81-620 Farmers Bank_________t}’20 *125-10% 81-642 Bank of Sulphur Springs 81-443 »tr06 Benton Co. Banking Corp. *27.50 par 25 81-696 ’29 ITS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point uudexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel Gash ft lx and OAMM,I>UI laneous Securitise rwoM Banxi 25,000 S THE FIRST STATE BANK Success______ 308 Olay A18 Sulphur Bock-177 L Independ. E16 Sulphur Springs Benton A4 404 Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Paiu-u» SumpLus DEPOS AMD J. M. Barrett_____ W. I. Payne______ A. R. Merritt .. Mrs. A. R. Merritt $ L. M. Quattlebaum Edward Stevens... J. K. Eaion______ E. D. Williams___ A. F. McKnight.. First State Bank___d®»t§’23 Tom Hargis -----Wm. L. Bunch____ *120-8% par 100 81-856 J.R. Joyce Stamps............2705 BANK OF STAMPS—d®S19 T. F. Gillespie___ J. L. Davis______ L Lafayette P7 par 25 81H509 Bodcaw Bank.... .........®#t§’03 C. L. Cabe............... F. E. Baker.......... . io% 81-436 *Star City____ 932 Bank of Star City ~.®»f§’25 W. R. Alsobrook.. J. L. Puntney____ L Lincoln N14 25% par 25 81-437 Stephens____ 1045 The Bank of Stephens _»t§’31 P. C. Grayson_____ J. B. Morgan___ L Ouachita P9 81-438 Peoples Bank_____________ (Closed December 1, 1930) St. Francis.__ 294 Bank of St.Francis.........t|'04 W. H. Wagster.__ O. T. Olds._......... Olay A21 *150-10% par 150 81-439 St. Joe________255 Citizens Bank_____________ (Closed December 17 , 1930) Searcy CIO St. Paul_______ 19S Bank of St. Paul__________ (Closed for liquidati on December 12, 193 Madison D6 Strawberry ___ HI Bank of Strawberry___t§'25 J. S. Shaver______ R. E. Penn_____ L Lawrence D16 par 25 81-674 Strong...... ..........740 Citizens Bank__________ §'31 O. B. Clark R. L. Gorman___ L Union R12 81-441 (Reorganization of Victoria Ba nk) ‘Stuttgart„__4927 First National Bank_____ (Merged with First State Bank, March L Arkansas K16 81-135 Cashier. Capita*. Paopirs FARMERS & MERCH. 81-188 Vice-President. ARKANSAS—Continued (Strength and A 298,150 50,000 Smith. T. L. Fowler_____ P. L. Fowler_____ 25,000 3,550 134,490 15,140 118,150 11,960 18,280 J. D. Moore_______ G. C. Ward............ 30,000 1,700 65,450 4,120 75,890 — 12,690 A. P. Beasley____ H. B. Pipkin_____ 50,000 96,680 429,720 1,730 318,000 131,200 8,110 Paul Offutt............. H. H. Gray.............. 20,000 25.000 175,000 130,000 10,000 Clyde Whaley.. 30,000 5,380 127,130 100,190 10,000 5.400 55,000 36.000 Mary Hare.......... O. L. Dalton____ Marvin Taylor____ 10,000 2,770 20,840 R. L. Mann____ 25,000 2,500 85,000 75,000 15,000 548,900 8,250 11,010 R. 12,680 Itle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L.; State N„ lim^hLJSL Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Texarkana 120,820 N„ Texarkana. 66 non Simmons N., Pine Bluff; Boatmens N., St. L. 53,330 iss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; State N., Texarkana; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Litte Rock. 21.000 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., 8t. L. 31,560 1,940 8,370 Little R. 401,270 40,000 197 640 200,450 illingness to Serv W. B. Pfeiffer........ T. A. Pfeiffer____ Paul K. McCoy 50,000 45,000 818,000 5,000 590,000 82,550 45,000 Tezzie Smith_____ R. R. Hosey______ 12,000 3,610 31,960 — 27,480 1,670 800 G. E. Jimerson___ J. H. Caldwell____ J. J. Caldwell____ 12,000 6,000 50,000 Walter R. Eaton... J. A. Brown______ S. O. Whaley_____ Clara Abercrombie 10.000 9,830 90,000 Wm. N. Stranahan. J. M. Jones_______ Wm. N. Stranahan. W. J. Brown, Sec... |Loro Stranahan. Tr. 5,500 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 29,790 31. 1930) H. S. NEEL_ _ _ _ _ _ W. B. WALL............ A. M. HAYES J. D. SHEAR! EARER P. R. McCoy_____ J. C. Lewis, 87,040 THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK LARGEST BANK IN PINE BLUFF. ARK. 43,000 80,240 1.100 1,300 Co.. Little R. 17,620 'ranklin-Am. Ti Co.. LittleR. 25 nee Bkrs. Tr. 29.590 6,300 Specializes in satisfying service to banks and bankers Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 70 'J Town and County. ^County Seats. 8 Fed. lies. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. •iVlem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estao. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bonc d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Swifton........... 488 Bank of Swifton.......... •ti’05 W. R. Harvey____ W. E. Jones_____ W. D. Morgan____ Jackson Dll' 81-444 Taylor_______ 263 Dorcheat Bank_______ t§’24 J. L. Davis_____ L Columbia R 8 $30 par 25 81-667 Geo. T. Pickier.__ " _ ** $no-8% par 100 81-75 dB®W96 w- F. E. PHARR fctiMU* Ch. of Bd. Liabilities. Resources. 1 Loan* Bonda Miscel Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Other CHANG and and and Liabili Capital Profits laneous from Banks its Discounts Saeuritias ties $ ‘Texarkana .10,764 ♦Miller County Bk. & Tr. Co. S. C. Nancarrow__ J. H. Forbes______ A. R. Fleniken___ S. W. Alston, Sec... $125-8% 81-77 d®TtS'14 1 Miller P5 (For Banka at Tex par 100 arkana, Texas, see Texas Bank List) 'STATE NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued 10,000 $ 10,350 $ 285,000 10,000 3,300 75,000 52,210 $ $ 256,740 16,000 78,830 42,000 $ A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. UNEXCELLED FACILITIES are offered for the PROMPT AND HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS of Individuals, Arms and banks in Southwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas. 400.000 277,080 4,586,360 (See At so Texa rhana, QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS— REASONABLE RATES. 547,810 2.449,250 Chase N. and N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.. Chi.: IstN.. Miss. Val. Tr. and Mtlei-Com. Bk. &Tr., St. L.: STAN D LAR GEST 1st N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Whit. N. and Marine Bk. A Tr.. N. O.; 1st .-TEX N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: nable Charg as. Bkrs. Tr., Little R.; Com’l N. and 1st N., Shreve.; Mellon N., Pitt.; W. L. Moody & Co., Galv. 2,971,110 Pri vate Ba nhs, To tal Dep osits by Cities, States, etc.) (Closed November 28 . 1930) 57,270 rrumann___ 2995 Bank of Trumann_____•tl’ll J. A. Cash________ G. 81-488 L Poinsett E20 $37.50-10% par 25 25,000 41,640 122,840 116,530 R. O. Norris______ O. B. Armstrong_ Glenn Hodges 15,000 25,740 156,830 65,540 H. E. .Tames 50.000 32,070 269,860 10.000 2,690 75.000 57.330 765,490 75,000 26,000 780 non Tuckerman... 938 Bank of Tuckerman...«t| 03 F. L. Penix.......... . L Jackson E17 $67.50-10% 81-448 par 25 First National Bank___«1T6 James Graham____ $300 81-582 O. Campbell__ M. L. McKinney .. Earl Yarbrough.... Chas. Shaver Chas. E. Smith .... Clarence Atway__ Tupelo_______264 Bank of Tupelo...............tS’19 J. H. Snapp_______ A. L. Crittenden . $25 81-610 L Jackson F17 6,400 76,960 15,450 1st N., St. L.; Simmons N.. Pine BJuff; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 21,400 8,010 64,870 1st N„ St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro. 480 14,810 116,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mtle.-Oom. Bk.&Tr.Co., St. L.; Peo. Tr.. Little R.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. Ill. 230,730 46,000 1,500 53,690 1st N„ Newport and St L.; Union Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 14,780 2.700 6,430 53,730 1st N.. StL.; Un. Tr. Co.. Little R. 310,410 448,490 10.000 484,000 126,000 41,000 (Closed November 19 , 1930, for liquidatio n) ‘Van Buren __5182 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. David T. Bryan___ W. V. Boatright—. Frank D. Pape____ Wm. E. Neale____ Orawford F4 10% 81-101 dB®T»J5'86 R. W. Geliy •• Texas) ChaseN.and Gty. Tr.Co., N.T.; latN., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N., Dallas; Union 298,880 1,015,340 Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Com. Tr.Co., Kan.C.; Com'l N. and 1st N., Shreveport; 1st N„ Hou.; Canal Bk. & Tr.,N.O. Edward Kohl. Mgr. 29,410 ___ 53,100 Chase N„ N. Y.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 423.690 2,898,380 1476 530 50,000 •• 26,820 efficient nilar..................267 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. R. H. Wolfe, E. S. Terra 1.............. .T. H. Kimhrn L Drew 6 16 $25—8% par 25 81-446 d®T»§'13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. V. C. Harrell Tyronza ............573 Bank of Tyronza__ M Poinsett F21 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Texarkana N„ Texarkana. W.B. OGLESBY — EDW. KlIHI______ ram. Texarkana Clearing House... J. W. Wheeler ___ H. T. Wieeel ___ (Member1 indicated by a *) M_______ “ 1,300 $ 10.000 382,850 J. W. WHEELER —- N. P. SANDERSON —- R. M. BONE------------ G. B. ELLIS------------ 500,000 757.230 10175 090 722,950 6,187,110 H.T.WIEGEL J. J. KING, A. J. C. DUNHAM Estab lished in 1 887. OLDE H. E McCURRY.A.F.P. Tr. Officer w. MONTGOMERY, BANK IN T EXAR KANA , ARK 88-101 dB@T»t’87 A. R. COONEY, A.F. P. w. L. PHILLIPS, And. A. Tr. Officer Pro mpt S ervice and Reaso Thornton..........550 Citizens Bank . 1 Calhoun N12 $ 225,240 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ Newport. 80,110 TEXARKANA NATIONAL BANK $300-15% par 100 Principal correspondents. J. J. Izard FIRST & CRAWFORD COUNTY BANK— -d®T»tS’30 10% 81-100 (Consolidation of Crawford County Bank and First Nat ional Bk.) J. H. Butler______ R. E. Covey.............. C. E, Riddle______ Dell Miller 6,500 135,430 Bk- of Manhattan Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 230,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Miss. Valley Tr.Co., St. L.: 1st N. and City N., Ft. Smith. .................................................. THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS Welcomes Bankers’ Business RESOURCES $7,000,000.00 74 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND OOCNTT •County Seats. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. M Memp. L Little R. Viola_________ 280 L Fnlton A14 Wabbaseka___ 333 L Jefferson K16 Waldo________ 942 L Columbia P8 •Mem.A.B.A."New §S'tate fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Viola State Bank_______ i§’29 W. H. Bowling— par 25 81-533 Bank of Wabbaseka___ 01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *roi $200-20% 81-240 •Walnut Ridge LAWRENCE COUNTY 2007 $176-25% ♦ 81-177 par 25 Planters National Bank. •Warren_____ 2523 MERCHANTS L Bradley 013 Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Lout Cams k ExMlSCElr- chahgm Paid-up Surplus D bpob- Other .Duh and and and Liabili ITB Capital Profits Diaeount* S*curiti«8 LANEOUS nou Babths ties $ 10,000 $ 2.420 $ 61,000 $ 28,000 1 5.000 $ 1.000 $ Principal Correspondents. 38,000 (Closed for liquidat ion November 15, 19 30) Bank of Waldo______ *t|’99 Ivie E- Howell___ W. S- McKissack— 20% 81-265 Peoples Bank_________•tl'10 W. M. Fincher, Cha*. Clark_______ H. A. Fincher____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 81-266 fJ.T. FORRESTER J.L. CENTER_____ W. B. PILES______ M. C. BIRR- •Waldron.........1077 BANK OF WALDR0N-®»tt 1200-20% ♦ 81-230 L Scott 15 Lawrence C18 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued 171,390 19,140 8,720 25.000 12.000 287,080 25,000 20,000 109,670 S 60.000 29.140 387.160 306,490 66.500 11.080 150.000 61,810 33,190 7.000 21,260 123,470 124,840 1st N.. St. L.; State N., Texarkana.; Un. Tr. Co., Little B. 16,940 Texarkana N., Texarkana; Peo.Tr., Little R.: 1st N„ St. L. 92,230 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr„ St. L.; Merch. N„ Ft. Smith; Fid. N. Bk. A Tr.. Kan. C. < Special attentio n given BUI of L ading Drafts, Cos h and Time Rem *. 1 Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Or edit Rep ortt. LLargest Bank In Seett Cennty. M. C. Malone_____ J.G. Malone, Active T. R. Martin_____ Geo. Boeger W. F. Rowsey____ J. M. Lester______ 150,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.. Kan. C., and Ft. Smith; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 25.000 20,000 350,000 100,000 41,390 369.840 61,580 404.690 8,660 63,890 lii.oei 73,910 629.930 75,000 594.240 117.690 59,210 107,690 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Union Tr. Co., Little B. 75.606 74.710 572,880 42,990 528,020 62,360 70,780 104,420 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Ill w_/Oep liltvl© U>e 9 SjllUlUOUS aw*P a lll6 Bluff. 10.000 86.440 13,420 94.760 3,740 95,570 1st N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. Dud Bassett. Active (Closed) CARL HOLLIS............ . C. J. MANSFIELD— FRED M. HOLT____ A. L. MOODY_____ MRS. HELEN HARRIS A. L. GREENE. 6. B. COLVIN Mgr, Ins. Dept. & PLANTERS A COMMERCIAL BANK TR0ST & SAVINGS BANK Bill of Lading Collections our Specialty. 81-159 d®T»tl'W0 We invite the business of those who demand prompt and satisfactory aorviee. 10% WARREN BANK 81-160 150-15% par 25 (S.S. MEEK-------- LOUIS EDERIN6T0R- 6. L TABLET 01------ M. G. SII6EI_____ W. T. THOMPSON d®»J5’01 (Inviting your b nslness on prom pt and efficient sesvlea. •Washington . 457 Washington State Bk..<8ttS'17 W. B. Nelson 81-454 L Hempstead N7 Weiner----------537 Bank of Weiner_____ d»t§'09 T, Hnrne $37.50-10% par 25 81~456 Poinsett E18 Western Grove 121 Bank of Western Grove Newton CIO West Memphis par 100 81-612 dtS'19 Bank of West Memphis $250-20% W. H. Weir.............. J. W. Butler N. T. Butler............ 25.000 6.360 96.380 Wm. Enapple......... J. B. Huber E. E. Hogue 20.000 14,240 99,750 __ 10,000 11,560 52,090 Wm.H.Hundhausen E. J. White............... J. G. Gladden____ J. Patton ____ 25.000 12,490 190,410 Rice Growers Bank— d»t#'00 H. K. Smith_____ J. A. McCutchen.. A. T. Bell............. . Bernard Ray......... . par 25 81-458 (Closed August 16, 1930) Bank of Wickes_______ 15.000 12,500 58.000 The Bank ofWilmar.._dt5’25 W. S. Anderson— S. C. Wiscaver......... R. A. McKinstry — 81-460 (Closed December 11 , 1930) Wilmot Bank_________ 10.000 3,000 43,000 F. A. Gillette____ T. W. Hutson......... Bank of Wilson_____ ©*t|'05 J. G. Gullom. 81-462 R. E. L. Wilson, Sr„ R.EL. Wilson. Jr. Ch. K. P. Culloni, Act. (Closed for liquidati on May 12, 1930) Wilton............... 313 Bank of Wilton_______ L Little River N5 G. A. Winn............... Miss Lyda Winn — Winslow_____ 363 Bank of Winslow----------tt 05 81-464 Washington D5 10% R. A. Martin_____ D. H. Hamilton... •Wynne_____ 3505 Ctoss County Bank d®*tl’91 R_ Rlnr.t $130-10% 81-151 M Cross G19 50.000 43,240 320,040 MCrittendenH21895 Wheetley_____305 M St. Francis 117 Wickes_______ 182 L Polk L4 Wilmar______ 627 L Drew 014 Wllmot______ 777 L Ashley R35 Wilson______ 1255 H Mississippi E22 $ 120-par loo 81-695 d®*t§’28 $25-10% par 25 18,110 19,000 70,120 1,310 113,090 54,570 74,000 6,620 4.500 13,500 35,490 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Joneiboro, Jonesboro. 13,710 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harrison; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 55,730 Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memp.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. 17,000 1st N„ St. L.: Bk. of Oom. & Tr. Oo.. Memp.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 13,000 Boatmen's N„ St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 43,000 2,470 37,830 1st N.. 8t. L.; State N.. Texarkana- 322,280 7,640 85,830 Franklin Am. Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N. and Un. Plan N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 6.420 27,210 1st N., Fayetteville. Ark. par 25 $40-10% par 25 $175-12% rC. B. BAILEY- - - - - - j E HARRIS...... .... ALBERT HORNER-— T, M. F| | |S— par 100 81-573 10.000 3,950 62,350 42.670 60.000 21,710 301,210 236,490 41,810 28,950 75,670 Chase N., N.Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr.,Memp.; Miss.Val. Tr. Co.. St.L. 25.006 33.330 431.920 262,270 125,190 10,740 93.550 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N„ 1,500 Memp.; Un. Tr. Co., Little R. < Young, modern , progressive. Spe cfal Attention glv en BIO ef Luffing Drafts. j Please send 1*« with each Sight Draft for present atlaa L and Merer ear h report. •Tellvllle____ 478 Citizens Bank_______________ (Closed December 16 , 1930) L Marion Bll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE SIMMONS NATIONAL BANK Largest Bank in Pine Bluff, Ark. — 7 RESOURCES MILLION DOLLARS 90% BUY THE “BLUE BOOK” 90% of the subscribers to bank directories buy the RAND M9NALLY Bankers Directory, The Blue Book. BECAUSE— 1. it is the most reliable and comprehensive publication of its kind — 4. It is the Official Numbering Agent of the American Bankers Association — 2. It enjoys greater prestige and circulation than all similar publications combined — 5. It has been the Standard Financial Direc tory, the World-over, for more than fifty years — 3. Its advertising rates, based on circulation, are less than one-third of those asked by any similar publication — Standardize on The Blue Book for all departments Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Bankers Blue Book — established 1872 RAND M9NALLY NEW YORK CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & CO., Publishers . WASHINGTON, D. C. 536 S. Clark St., CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 3ff®«3MSRr *’ iportant as Bank of America BofA’ America National T rust &Savings Association a National Bank Bank of America... a Califomia State Bank identical in ownership and management, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis worry, or Cheques go together, anxiety about losing money or having it stolen If anything happens to un< ues, money counters i refunded Wise travelers never carry too much of a risk, Cheques now in convenient of the new currency, of our 438 banking offices in California, is insignificant—the protection of America NATIONAL TRUST & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION A consolidation of Bank BRANCHES CALIFORNIA nd Bank of America of California CALIFORNIA CITIES Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank LOS ANGELES President HERBERT D. IVEY Executive Vice President C. SUMNER JAMES Senior Vice President L. O. IVEY Senior Vice President E. T. PETTIGREW Vice Presidents Assistant Trust Officers JOHN BURBAW ALEX S. COWIE R. D. DAVIS HORACE DUNBAR J. E. FAUCETT FRANK E. FORKER F. B. GONZALES VAL J. GRUND J. M. RUGG K. B. WILSON J. W. BACHMAN FRANK A. FORD VICTOR T. JOHNSON W. A. McFARLANE CARL P. SMITH Assistant Cashiers S. W. BUGBEE C. E. CASE E. P. CHEVERTON RALPH EDWARDS G. LEO HESS E. S. LUSBY FORD E. PRIOR B. B. REYNOLDS WM. H. SCHROEDER B. A. STEEN J. R. ST. JOHN F. L. THOMPSON GEORGE H. TREIDE E. B. WARNER JAS. A. WEISS LOYD J. WICKHAM Vice President-Cashier F. R. ALVORD Vice President-Trust Officer HALCOTT B. THOMAS Junior Vice Presidents R. A. BRITT E. R. HILBERT F. D. LeBOLD H. P. TRACY Assistant Secretaries Manager, Mortgage Loan Dept. N. E. MUDGE HARRY O. MILLER H. \V. UNDERHILL Auditor W. E. PINNEY Assistant Auditor Spring Street at Fifth, Los Angeles E. R. ARNER THIRTY-FIVE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED BANKING OFFICES THROUGHOUT LOS ANGELES The Citizens National Company, under the same management as the Citizens National Trust and Savings Bank, underwrites and distributes high-grade Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Member, Los Angeles Stock Exchange $5,000,000.00 Capital $11,101,269.61 Surplus and Profits Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (As of December 31, 1930) > W A SH IN G TO N , D. C. in ■ TJ 3 s U) o 3 to oo See B a ck of W a sh in g to n , D .C . M ap CO E2- eo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LHE thousands of banks advertising in this publication do not advertise in order to grow and become prosperous. They advertise in the BLUE BOOK because they are already grow ing and already prosperous. Such are the type of banks you wish to entrust with your business. To pick out the growing and prosperous bank in any average city is very easy for the user of a Blue Book. Which is the best bank in Lemars, Iowa to entrust with a collection? Which bank in Belleville, Illinois shall I select to act in a trust capacity? At which banks in New York City will my account be welcome, appreci ated and deserved? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Look for the Advertising Banks in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory The Bankers Bine Book ,U t '■<! <yc to eacti bunk in u. » exclusively t>7 * ,C Kaud-McNally Bankers’ * 3 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. .----------------------------Town and Counts . •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPris ‘County Seats. 2 Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab President. Vice-President. 12 Fed. Res. Dis . ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bon j L Los Angeles Br. d-SsfeDep.©Sa».$Last.Sale%Div Alameda....35,08 Alameda £18 ‘AMERICAN TRUS1 COMPANY ♦ f (90-99) Bank ol ) Wallace Merris j E. C. Borton aii L (90-98) Alameda ®Ttl’5 null -naufc towns wnn Nearest Banking Point (lbdexeci Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume, For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liab L1TIE3. Paid-ui Subplu 5 Depos- Other Ltabili CAPITA] ITS Profits TIES Alameda Branch J. E. Hall, V. P. anc Mgr. (Branch • of Am rican T ust Co, m. A. Tr.Off,, A. S c. and A. Mgr. d W. N. McKean. Asst. Cashiers. -Webster Street Branch: L. Smith Mgr. W. I. Nicholas , A, Mgr San Prc ncisco, C alif " -------- “ Bank of America of Californio now Bank of Airier ca National Trust 6 - _____ » ‘BANK 1 $ ((90-1167) *Alame da Branch©Tt*'04 P. H. GOHN,V.P. and Mgr.; J, J. MULVANY 50 000 OOC 58 997 540 l V. P.: J. C. STA NNARD, A.v.P.\ R. (See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) 0. BARSOTTI, A. Mg r. of AMERICA Reso URCES. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Cash & Ex and c*ahsss,DdV LANEOUf prom Bark Saeuritia - —------------------- —--------------- —------------------- — Loans and Disoount Savings Assn., Web ster Street Branch Tr, Co.. Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN ®T»t'67 / (90-1248) *Webst er Street Branch ©K’04; C. R. OHLSO N, Mgr.-, V. K. MEED ON.a.m gr (Formerly Bk. of Italy Na tional Tr. & Savgs. Assn j 1 WITH BANK O Branch and Bk. of America F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. of Calif. Branch.) .. *» ★Commercial National Bank J. L. Delanay____ Frederick Maurer. *126-8% 90-102 d®*m R. V. Powell par 100 _____ ** Albany.............8569 (Branch of Berkeley) Alameda D18 Alameda Clearing House... J. L. Delanoy_____ Wallace Merrian .. (Members indicated by a *) AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-1027 Alhambra ..29,472 L Lot Ang. Q 5 .. ‘BANK " T- - m - . 33,070 1 440,700 * 81,200 S 254,380 I 157,290 J 73,590 1 169,710 Irv, Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Cent. N„ Oak. (See pa ges 28- 29-30 / or Num ber of Nation al, Stat e and Priva te Bank s, Total Deposi ts by C ities, S tates, e te.) Sec. and Tr. (Albany Branch. E. F. Marquardson, R. L. Smith, Mgr. A. Mgr. Set He ad Office, San Fra ncisco, Cali/) ®Tt|’54 AMERICA ^CALIFORNIA BK. -------- 100,000 of ( ___ V.H. JENKINS-------- A. J. STINTON, Mg,. 50 000 000 58 997 540 NATL. IR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (Alba mbra B rancb. 90-1052 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bk. of Italy 'Nat’l F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Sav. Assn, (Branch),) 90-243 “ Milton Wehr........... f--------------------------- D. W. Drew, Junior V. P. and Mgr. ®»«’04 ( All Banking Ma tters promptly ha ndled. C. C. Miller, 5,000,000 4,969.420 150,000 ♦Security Bank_____ d®t§’27 J. F. Sartori______ par 100 90-245 L. A. Norris, V. P. 0. M. Church S. C. Marshall 100,000 *SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK I* See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N-, Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. A. Mgr, (Alham bra Bra neb. See HeadOffi ee, Los A nyelcs, 0 alif-) j L. D. Bedford— Sage Shannon____ W. H. Bedford___ 3. C. Mound______ ♦First National Bank .®»J’ll 1 Valley-Oarfield O Sale Esslinger 1200-12% 90-241 free: (90-244) A, C, Murphy S. W. Pugh, Sec.... 5. G. MARSHALL. E. G. HARTSIG, R. V. P. and Mgr. A .Mgr. M. 130,000 2,581,710 33,000 1,102,780 1,302,460 55,590 597,200 405,230 272,350 10,430 (Affiliate d with an d owned by stockh olders of SecurityFirst National Bank of Los Any lies) (Alham bra Bra nch. For CLARK. 76,730 412,730 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 64,770 Chase N., N. Y.: Secur.-lst N., Los A. W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. , e HeadO A, Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-242 dB®T*t’22 Alhambra Clearing House __ 5. C. Marshall____ (Members indicated by a *) Sage Shannon____ D. W. Drew. Mgr., Sec. and Tr. AJiadena____ 1000 Altadena National Bank t. W. Robertson.. < )has. Ellis Smith., J. A. Sheldon____ N. F. Grevatt____ (Branch of Pasa- 1135 par 100 90-1164 dfl®*r26 VIrs. Zane Grey, dilton E. Giles 5. G. Bowen, Sec. dena P. 0.) Ch. of Bd. . Lot Angeles N16 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OHN WILLIS BAER. R. M. THURIN, Mgr. f. P. and Sup. Dir. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK dB®Tt’22 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 2,150 170.450 na Bran Eh. For 50,800 186,000 40,630 . mplete 10,760 JIC6, J-jOS 36,010 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Los A. , „ Pasadena Dist. OF LOS ANGELES 90-1029 9. a II If 1I i I M ■m 1 L La 1 /V l¥l R. S>TiEVATS> (Sc >. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED ijc • ” Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State TPrh. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Dents ;T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaie%Div. *AllliritS _ _ _ _ _ .LOuO Modoc CIO BANKOF AMERICA Vice-President. President. r Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Amador City..171 Bankof Amador County.§’27 Amador HO Anaheim... 10,995 ♦ANAHEIM FIRST NATIONAL Wm. A. Dolan, BANK 90-751 dB®*t'l2 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L Orange R5 $150-8% par 100 (Formerly Anaheim National Bank) Bank of America of California (Merged with Bank . Henry Skaug_____ O. W. Boyd_______ R. E. Routson Geo. S. Coonrod, A. C. C. M. Christensen. R. A. Blacow. Ben Baxter_______ R. L. Phegley------- C. W. Mohr.__ Wm. H. Bruns F. C. Rimpau F. H. Dolan .. 160,000 49,830 $1 263 270 $ 159,860 2,897.030 99,020 $1009 200 $ 243,190 $ 75,000 21,030 1.001,410 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Anahel in Bran ch. rs. RNIA. _____ 1.810,330 75,000 471.740 Calif. N. A., San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. 796,790 153,590 _____ ___ 489,970 55,580 456,190 W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. and Crocker 1st N., San F. 155.160 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. See HeadOffi ee. Son F ranciscOe Calif.) 395,050 18,730 196,840 921,190 5,250 85.020 1,311,540 130,000 S. S. Orr__________ J. W. Pheipi_____ H. A. Hawley_____ H. A. Hawley, Sec. and Cash. Louis A. Fry A. Nagel James A. Fay, Tr. B. M. Wells E.P. Folsom, A. Sec. (See pa ges 28- 29-30 t or num ber of N ational, State a nd E. E. Smith, Sec----Anaheim Clearing House ... W. A. Dolan . Private Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, State s, etc.) (Members indicated by a*) 90-768 d®»tl’12 BANKOF AMERICA r 50000 000 H. E. BLACK, Mgr... (Anders & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-541 ®T*t’67 (.WITH BANK O RNIA. RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO F AMERICA OPE (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch,) 50 000 000 CHAS C CRESPI. ( M. H. MANUEL. Angels Camp. 915 (Angels \ Ch. Adv. Bd. Mgr. Calaveras H9 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O 00-542 ®T*J 04 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. NATL. TR. BANKOF AMERICA Antioch 3503 Antioch Bank of 90-485 Contra Costa C24 Savings J. A. Weet J. G. Prewett Herbert A. Weat.. M. Irwin —........... 25.000 58 997540 on Bran ch. See HeadOffx ce. Son F ranc\9C0% Calif.) 58 997 540 Camp B ranch. 20,940 454,670 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. RepChi. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) 1,000 361,160 98,020 7,730 V. M. Parochini 34,700 W. F. Bk.& Un. Tr. Co. and United Bk. & Tr. Co.. San F. .... 4,000,000 2,436,550 r E M KING, Mgr. ._ RAY 0. KELLY. A. Mgr. (Antioc h Bran ch. See Head O ffice, L os Ang eles, Ca 90-483 dB®T't*’67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of America of F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California Branch) it J. G. Prewett____ Herbert A. West.. M.Irwin ________ First National Bank_..®*t’10 J. A. West $140-8% par 100 90-484 J. K. Otin. California Trust & Savings Bank.... 90-543 _.d®*t§'01 Oolnsa G5 Mgr,... F. M. Smith, BANK OF AMERICA f(9Q HU) Areartl NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 1 471,380 26,000 a Branch*: G. J. HA (Arbuck\ e Branch , See Hea d Office, Mil TflN. Afor. William R. 17,050 84,250 50 000000 58 997 54( (See Hea d Office, Ave. Branch*: F, C. WARNER. Mgr.\ CARLA. BARONE. ®T»ro4 A. Mgr (Formerly Bank of Italy Na (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. tional Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Br, LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22,230 235,100 200,850 41,050 Sacrame nto, Cali /.).......... Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 67,610 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Am. Tr., San F.; Cent. N.. Oakland Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. _____ A. Mgr. 50.000 Harry N. Stetson.. J. W. Lambert .... Arcadia_____ 5216 Arcadia National Bank L Los Angeles P5 $140 par 100 90-1310 d®*t'29 || 25.000 V. M. Parochini Chi.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. andSecur.lst N. Bk. of Los A.. Los A.; Am. Tr. and Crocker 1st N., San F. & Tr. Co., Chi. BANK OF AMERICA a. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 63.700 $ 160,030 1 ♦Southern County Bank $105-7% par 100 •» i of America Nationa l Trust & Savings A ssn., Anaheim Bran ch.) BANK OF AMERICA Anderson____ 1445 Shasta D6 100.000 of Jackso n, Calif.) r H. H. BENJAMIN......... E.E. SMITH. , „ s»ym. A. V,P, and Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-369 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bk, of Italy Nat’l F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN Tr. <fe Savgs Assn, Branch) -- ----- ______ See Head O ffice, Lo s Angel es, Cali f.) Principal Correspondents. 90-501 dB®T*t§’67 (Formerly Bk. of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California Branch) R. R. Baker__ _ Modoc County Bank_________ C. G. Lowell $175-8% 90-812 dB©T*t§’07 par 175 August May______ Alvarado.........1032 Bank of Alameda County 90-640 •il'02 Alameda G21 •• Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Miscel Card k ExLoads ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus chajtqm,Dui and and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous from Basts* ties $4 000 000 $2 436 550 (Altura s Branc h. REUEl A. LAIRD. Aasl. Mgr. T A WAIIS. Mar. V'tpgcw ' ti Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in Dack of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 5,620 71,600 Crocker 1st N., San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Son Fra ncisco, C alt/.)---- Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 65,980 8,090 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 77 ' f Town and County. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. [ Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State TPrlr. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeI)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Deposand ITS Profits Other TIES Resources. Bondi Loam Miscel- Cash & Exand and Diecoun ta Securities from Banks Areata_______ 1709 Bank of America of California (Merged with Bank of America National Trust & Savings B ank, Areata Branch) Humboldt Cl $ s “ _____ " BANK0F AMERICA 1 (____ ________ 50 000 000 58 997 540 HENRY A. SORENSON. F. H. TOOBY — (Areata Branch. See Hea d Office, A. V. P. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-544 ®T*t’67 j (Formerly Bank of Italy N, (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Arlington ....1550 Citizens Bank______ d*J8’07 L Riverside 018 16% par 100 90-545 1 300,740 $ Principal Correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Trust & Sav. Assn, Areata Branch) .T. W. Well« 50,000 22,340 $ 338,970 43,530 S 39,930 Chase N., N. Y.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. and Riverside; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., 27,100 $ S. H. Herrick Arroyo Grande BANK OF AMERICA JCJOSEPH S. GIBSON, F. DONKIN, A. Mgr,. 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Arroyo Grande Branch. San Luis 892 Mgr, Obispo M10 90-546 dB®T*tS’67 ) (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. See He ad Office , Los An geles, Cal if.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. California Branch) Artesia______ 3012 L Los Angeles 015 Atascadero... 2020 San Luis Obispo M9 First National Bank d©*i'06 Geo. R. Frampton. A. E. Frampton.__ A. T. Frampton... $200-8% por 100 90-547 First National Bankd©*t’25 O. L. Willett_____ N. T. Winter W. E. Hanson____ C. W. Rambo______ $135 par 100 90-1150 W. E. Hanson BANK OF AMERICA r 28,370 25.000 6,440 755.780 $ 25,000 338,270 334.930 67,230 312,270 34,000 172,620 126,080 19,290 108,720 Chase N„ N.Y.;lst N.,Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.: W. F. Bk. &. Un. Tr.. San F. 59,710 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. Chase N. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Atwate r Branc h.See He ad Office, San Fran cisco Cal if.) C. P. RALSTON, Mgr. { Merced J9 50.000 NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN MO-721 ®T»r67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Na tional Trust & Savings Assn, Atwater Branch) •« Bk. of Am. N. A., and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 4.000,000 2,436,550 BANK0F AMERICA fJ. E. WALSH, G. W. BRUNDAGE, P. G. OEHLER, (Autiur n Branc h. See Head O ffice, Lo s Angel es, Calif .) J Ch. Adv, Bd. V. P, and Mgr, A, Mgr 90-390 dB®T*§'67 (.WITH BANK O ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH Placer G9 •* California Branch) Placer County Bk._d©*t§’87 Alden Anderson... Geo. McAulay____ H. S. Clegg___ .. A. F. Sandrock__ $200-10% par 100 90-389 W. E. Lewis, A. C. E. S. Birdsall A. H. Schnabel Avalon_______ 1897 SECURITY-FIRST ROY E. MOTE, Mgr.. (Catalina Island) NATIONAL BANK L LostAngeles P16 185,000 16,370 130,450 1,683,150 962,920 672,300 125,020 254,730 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N.. Sac. (Catali nalslan d Branc A. (For Complete Report s ee Head Office, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-896 dB®.»t'19 Azusa________ 4808 Azusa Valley Savings Bank L Los Angeles P6 $210-16% par 100 90-454 ®tS'06 First National Bankd©*+’06 $215-7% par 100 90-453 J. B. Stair. W. W. Hetb______ L. F. Anderson___ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. H. Philleo J. B. Stair. V. M. Greever____ E. H. Philleo____ Wm. J. Holden___ Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Ruth D. Laws, Jere. B. Stair, A.C. L. F. Anderson Asst, to Pres. 50,000 100,000 808,090 240 602,750 234,160 10,430 69,940 1,203,140 101,470 753,300 306,780 95,920 52,770 • Bakersfield 26.015 Bank of America of California ) Bakersfield Branc h now merged with Bank of America N at’l Trust & Saving Assn. Ba hersfield Branch, \ First of Kern Bra nch merged with Ba nk of America Nat’l Trust & Savings A ssn„ Eas t Bakersfi eld Bran ch. Kern M13 .. ----- .. ‘BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSN. ®T*1’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy National Trust & Savings Assn.) » ‘FIRST NAT’L BANK ** Bakersfield Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) - A. C. DIMON, V. P. and Dist. Mgr.; 50000000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) OWIGHT L. CLARKE , V. P. & Branch i hir.\ SAMUEL M. CRIM. A. V. P • fi. H. w ITH BA NK OF AMERI CA OPE RATES LANDES. A. Mar. 438 BRA NCHES IN CAL IFORNI A. (90-142) EAST BAKERSFIELD BRANCH* CHAS. H. SCHULER, A. Mgr.; F. E. ESTRIBOU, 4. F. PUCCINFLLI. V. P. and A. M gr.;____ Gty. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. A. Mgr. A. 0. M. OSBORNE— DANA G. BING_ _ _ _ C. H. FRANEY_ _ _ _ ROBERT BRENNAN— EVERETT KING 500,000 197.370 1,906,750 TEST | O. R. Kamprath. (Seepag Sec. Tr. 22,170 1,514,290 580.390 OUR F ACILIT IES. 139,420 393,180 Chase If.. If. Y.$ Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Private Number of Natio nal9 St ate and Total Deposit s by Cit ies. Stat es, etc.) 1 Mgr., and Banks ,es28-29 V I/ll 1 1 A HA p c PACIFIC \ T<5 ( 9m If ILL IAIVI l%i 2>liA Ai 1 5 L/v BOUGHT A. S. Crites..............j A. C. Dimon______ | LOS ANGELES PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. (90-189) BAKERSFIELD BRANCH* IN BAKERSFIELD Thoroughly equipped to handle your business at this point and vicinity. Send your items direct to us. $150 90-141 ®*fl3 (East Bakersfield Office; Q. H. O'BRIEN. Mgr.) •• 63,760 Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.,San F. 318,540 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Lo* A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. -30 for COAST SECURITIES — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Tows ahd County. ‘Count; Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. L Orange P16 •Mem.A.B.A. n-New § State fPrlv. ;Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. — ' President. Vice President. Bank of Balboa — d®*t§'22 F, f!. Ferry 90-1024 J. P. Greeley, Ch. par 100 ' ........................... j CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. •• L Riverside 019 F. G. Winans_____ H. F. Haroldson.— First National BankdB®*t’14 R. W. Whitcomb „ *225-10% 90-829 A. Yarnell, Ch. C. W. Coughran ijQf 100 First National Bank d®*+’04 J. M. Westerfield-. D. A. Innes_______ W. J. Westerlleld. B. E. Hansen-------par 100 90-548 90-1007 75,000 i 7,090 $ 597,750 S 25,000 6,550 189,670 35,000 15,820 381,530 25,000 61,790 421,740 V. W. Pacini, 97,760 97,810 3,000 21,410 272,190 123,070 21,820 36,680 N. City, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. 27.000 347,630 89,140 28,010 70,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. 21,210 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. 8an F. 22,650 Secur.-lst N. and Calif. Bk.. Los A. 25,000 5,060 210,730 33,360 52,840 195,650 4,450 330 203,240 98,540 45,340 61,430 Chase N.. N. Y.: Secur.-lst N., Loa A. 429,540 199,560 13,020 58.080 Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Ass., Los A. Cash., Sec. and Tr. Beaumont... .1332 Bank of Beaumont ...d«t§’08 K. R. Smoot R. P. Stewart V.P. E. J. Gillis 90-549 L Riverside 019 *150-8% E. F. Nolting-------- H. W. Morrison... 50,000 45,590 312,630 Bell__________ 7884 Atlantic Avenue Bankd®§’22 P.i 90-1012 L Los Angeles 015 8% Miles Hutchinson 75.000 32,500 575,650 par 100 •• 70,590 S 183,920 Chatham Phenix N„ N. Y,; Secur,-lst N. and Bk. of Amer. N. Tr. & Sav, Assn., Los A. ®*tS’22 Fust National Bank dB®T*'19 C. r,e.Dori 90-915 Contra Costa C22 *100-4% » 590 S 200,970 t 224,950 $ Principal Correspondents. (See Hea d Office, San Ber rvardtno, Calif.) A. J. Weld, Mgr... Baratow______ 1808 L San Bernard..N19 Id ABILITIES. Resources. Loans Bonds Other Cass* SxD epos Paid-up Subplus Misckl- CBLAV*BS,IhrB and and AND Liabili its Capital PBOFIT Discounts Securities IaAJTBOUB nos Basks 8 ties D. J. Dodge............ R. W. Bailey-------- B. W. Harmer......... $ F. A. Gayden J. A. Gant, V. P. J. A. Beek Baldwin Park 1015 Baldwin Park Savings Bank R. L Los Angeles Q6 1150- o% porioo 90-1112 d(Dt§'24 A. farnell, Ch. «• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 50 000 000 58 997 540 RAY R. DAVIS, Mgr. A. P. ST. JOHN, , See Hea d Office, A. Mgr. (Bell Br ancb. (WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. ■- ( BANK OF AMERICA J- NATIONAL TR.& SAV. ASSN. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. Los An geles, C alif.) 90-975 dB®T*I§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) •• CALIFORNIA BK. 90-1051 ss 5,000,000 4,969,420 (Bell Br ancb.Se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.).. N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr.. Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. 25.000 14,020 377.880 240 154,910 153,120 19,260 25.000 13,110 394,130 10,000 222,230 129,090 9,940 89,840 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. C.H. Gonnett First National Bank__d®*'23 F. B. Woodruff___ R. V. Bashore par 100 90-1048 Harold Metcalf 80,970 Secur.-lst N. aud Seaboard N., Los A. ■ Belvedere Gardens ....5000 SECURITY-FIRST L Los Angeles 015 NATIONAL BANK (Br. Office of Loa Angeles P. O.) Pro. Mgr. ®*I§'04 (All Banking Ma tters promptly ba ndled. Bellflower___ 3110 Commercial National Bank L Los Angeles 016 *150 par 100 90-9S1 d®*t’20 •• W. G. Ross, Mgr... Glen E. Jones, (_ K. 1. DAVIS, Mgr.... (Belved ere Gar dens Br anch. Office , Los An geles) For Com plete Rep ort See H ead OF LOS ANGELES 90-994 dB®t’22 (4647 Whittier Bltd.) Benicia. ____2913 Solano B20 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-550 50 000 000 58 997 540 ( A.E.GIUBBINI.Mpr. tRenlcl a Branc b. See H ead Office , San Fr ancisco, r ( WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. @T*t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr,& Savgs. Assn. Branch) Berkeley___ 82,100 Alameda D18 'AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ ®Tt§'54 "(90-41) First Berkeley Branch* F. H. Thatcher. V. P. and Dial. Mgr.; G.T. G.C. Pettygrove, and O. C. Attletweed, Vice Presidents; A. B. Brear.W.S. Sch (90-1279)TelegraphAve. Branch* L. R.Smith. Mgr.\ W.C. Carlisleand J. A. (90—1280) South Berkeley Branch. F. C. Bishop. Mgr. 4 (90—1281) Elmwood Branch* E. M. Becker, Mgr. and R. C. Anderson,A. Mgr.. (90-1282) West Berkeley Branch. J. C. Green, Mgr.; T. E. Glazier A. Mgr. (90-1283) Shattuck Square Branch. J. S. Mills. A. V. P. and Mgr., W. F. C (90-1284) Claremont Branch. E. A. Sykes, Mgr. L(90-1285) Northbrae-Thousand Oaks Branch. L. C. Haines. Mgr. (Berkeley banks con tinued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Douglas, V. P. an d A. Dist. Mgr.-.W. S. Wood ,V.P. a nd Asst, Tr. Off. enck. L. G. Titus and T.M .Robinso n, Jr, Ass t. Cashie rs. Arneson , Asst M grs. onnors. A, Mgr, (Berkel ey Bran ctaes. Se e Head O ffice. San Francisc o. Calif. ) ■■ ■■■ William R. StaatsCo,, BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 7Q / Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ABO Ootnrrr. ‘County Seats. 12 red. Bes. Hist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.»New iSUUfPriv. tMew. BUta B. Ass’a. [Estab. Berkeley.__ 82,100 BANK OF AMERICA (Continued) ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sar.$LastSale%Diy. Liabilities. Fusionrr. (90-1256) VioiPRisionn-. Oasukk. Ass t Oashixk. (90-1246) University Branch*: {Merger of Bank of America of California Branches and Bk, of Italy Nat’l Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Rrso traces. Other Depos Liabili its ties Lout and Principal Cokhispondents. (Uam k *xMlftCBL- <aAMM,J>tra Discount. Securitise LAJWOUS Bonds mad 4,000,000 2.436.550 {See He ad OHic e, Los A ngeles, dR®Tt*l'67 BANK OF AMERICA Surplus and Capital Promts Puo-or $ W. C. KEES, Mgr. W. C. MOLDENSCHARDT, Mgr. Solano Avenue Branch*: Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Calif.) . CO MBINE D BAN KS OPE RATE 4 38 BRA NCHES i\ CALIF ORNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branches) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ®T*f’67 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued WARDO W. SORRICK, v.P. a nd Mgr.; W. T B. K.MILNER, ROY W.P HUNG. E. S. BENDE R. and 0. C. LITTLE, ht Way Branch •: LEON L. HERRICK, M Berkeley Branch* : E.M. LINDSAY, M Berkeley (Branch* • R. MARENGO. Mo A. Vice Presidents (90-48) Berkele y Branch*: {JENKINS, V.P.; 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Berkel ey Bran cbes. S ee Head Office, S an Franc isco, Cal if.) CO MBINE D BAN KS OPE RATE 4 38 BRA NCHES IN CALIF ORNIA. Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. $ S (90-1260) Dwig R.T. Evans. Chas. Parker, Tr— W. C. Dean, Sec.__ 5.000,000 13 707 670 17147 200 % 144,790 $1415680 A. & L. P. N.. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. (90-1257) South V, P. and Mgr, G.M. Brennan, A, Tr. F. R. Hodgson, Co., San F. (90-1258) West J. T. Wilson A. Sec Federal Land Bank. DUtVIJ motion see page 26) W. D. Ellis_______ 90-1087 First Nat’l Bank in Berkeley_ rica National Trust arid Savings Assn. Berkeley Branch, 90 -48; Berkeley Clearing House___ (See pa ges 28 29-30 f or Nam ber of N ational, State a nd Pri{For complete inforW. W. Sorrick____ Leo. G. Titus. Sec. H. Pilgrim, Mgr, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank___ 90-1075________'28 {Members Indicated by a *) Beverly Hlllsl7,429 L Los Anceles 015 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST and SAVINGS ASSN. ®T*t'67 vateB anks, T otal De posits b y Cities , States , etc.) {Now Bank of Ameanch. (90-1132) F. H. Thatcher___ tson Branch • H ARROLR.SMITH, Afgr .'0.1.PIERCE, A . Mgr (90 -1184) H. C. DOLDE, Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 {See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) — Com blned B anks op erate 43 8 branc hes in i Beverly Hills Br Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Clii. Cali for nia. {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l !Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branches) Wilshire - Bober BEVERLY HILLS NAT. BK. &TR. CO. par 20 90-1129 d®T»t’25 fO. N. BEASLEY— R. P. BISHOP- - - - - - - - G.J. BROOKS____ E. A. POE. A. C. and G. W. DAVIS, v. p. Escrow Off. and Tr. Off. L THE PIONEER R. S. BEASLEY GROUP OF BEY ®*t§'04 FIRST NATIONAL RANK 1100-20% par 20 90-902 dUd)T»t’20 77,470 $1490100 621,760 $ 575,750 173,790 346,270 Chase N„ N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co. Chi.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Wells Fargo Bk.& Un.Tr.Co..San F. ERLY HILLS W. F. Brandt. Mgr. P. R. Graham, CALIFORNIA BANK 90-1221 150,000 A. Mgr. All Banking Ha tiers Promptly H andled. R- L. HARGREAVES- FRED LeBLOND—— D. N. THOMPSON. Jr.- E. S. HARTZJ' R‘ SCANTUn' h' '' * A' WILLIAMSON.. P. B. .STORM F. NICOULIN A. Cash, and And. R. S. HARTMAN Exec. V. P E. QUIROLLO F. E. MAULDIN6 C.E.QUIR0LL0,?v.o# 5.000,000 4.969,420 Beverly 400,000 Hills O ffi.ce. S ee Head 403,300 7,488.120 Office, Lo s Angele s, Calif.) 659,310 5,014,640 2,078,550 854,550 1,003,000 i We respectfully invite your business; Your clients directed to us will be shown every consideration. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK GEORGE R. DODGE, J.W. EAGLE, A. Mgr. V. P. and Mgr (Beverl y Hills Branch. N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi • Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.’, San F.; 1st N., Pitt. Chase National Bank New York Commercial N. Bk. & Tr. Co. .New York Continental Illinois Bk. & Tr. Co., Chicago Bank of America National Trust & Savings Assn.____ Los Angeles For Co mplete ft eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles OF LOS ANGELES 90-1810 dB®T*t’24 A.0.SLAUGHTER, ANDERSON a FOX (Beverly Wilshire Hotel) 9524 Wilshire Blvd. Telephone Crestview 4141 In Charge: Res ident Partner. MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK WALSH. O’CONNOR & CO... Telephone Oxford 7151 9474 Santa vlnnica Rlvd. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Direct wires to A. O. Slaughter, Anderson & Fox, New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland. Los Angeles and Hollywood. EXCHANGE Branch of San Francisco. William R. Staats C Cco ). PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is tbe New Transit Number given orv to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ OU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. r t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Miscel Cam A Exthkh Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and C*A»#M,Dt7I and and its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saouritiae laneous PROM BaRX* ties S $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Bieber Branch. See Hea d Office. Mgr.. Principal Correspondents. San Fran cisco, Cal if.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N..N.Y.;Cont Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Los Ang eles, Cali /■) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-827 ©T»t 67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) r 4,000,000 2,436,550 CLAUDE L. PATTER (Bishop Branch. See Hea d Office, SON. Mgr. 90—1241 dB©T*t§’67 < (Formerly Bank of America of ) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California, Branch) BANK OF AMERICA Blythe_______ 1020 Farmers & Merch. Natl. Bk.. (Consolidated with L Riverside P25 L Ass NATL. TR. L Inyo 116 •• Cashier. JOHN KELLER. BANK OF AMERICA j Lassen C8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued •• Imperial Q22 F. B. Manush____ O. King First National Bank dB®*t'04 tioo par 100 90-554 BANK OF AMERICA LEROY HOLT r NATL.TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-820 ©T»t 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. i Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Lwith . Julia Crenshaw___ R. E. Campbell WALTER B. HAVEKORST. Mgr. PETER J. SCHARTZ, 50.000 940 $ 246,830 % 129,850 J 248,170 $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Brawle y Branc h. 30,610 $ 112,600 $ 36,240 Secur.-lst N.. Los A. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See Head Offi ce. San F rancisco. Calif.) A. Mgr, bank o F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 0 0, HORNF SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK — First National Ban k March 3, 1930) W.E. WALTERS, Mgr. C. A. JACOBSON. (Brawle y Branc h. For complete report, se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles) A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-508 dB®*t’23 2435 First National Bank.. d»t’12 H. W. Hawley____ Jno. J. Cox _____ $375-20% par 100 00-7S6 Orange 016 .. .. Oilfields National Bank W. E. Jackson____ W. (1. Davis par 100 90-1181 d®»t’26 W. C. Davis Brea . L 25.000 23,800 252.470 75,000 18,260 597.080 125.220 126.730 21.770 27,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Pan Am., Los A.: W. F. Bk. & IJn. Tr. Co., San F. 248,030 380,880 48,720 66,980 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F ; Secur.-lst N. and Citiz. N., Los A. Robert Smith 54,270 BANK OF AMERICA \r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. J. WALLACE, Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Brentw ood Bra nch. See Hea d Office, Son Fra ncisco, C alif.) & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-781 dB©T*:§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Buena Park ...520 Southern County Bank ®J'17 Louis A. Fry, Mgr.. (See Hea d Office, Anahei m. Caltf .)---------L Orange 016 90-865 Brentwood__415 Contra Cost a H6 Bprbank ....16,662 L Los Angeles 015 .. 4. “---------" NATL. TR. r { M.G. TAYLOR Mgr. J. L. HEY, A. Mgr... 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Burba nk Bran ch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco. Calif.) & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-966 ©T«f67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Bargs. Assn. Branch) BANK0F AMERICA NATL.TR. Burbank State Bank d(s>t§’29 L. A. Dymond, Val. A. Bonney.__ E. A. Pendarvis.— A, (4. Ora ham par 100 90-1313 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. T. D. Buffington »« E. L. Keller . Magnolia Park NationalBank Homer Reed, Russell B. Mullin.. par 100 90-1212 d®’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK R.O. CHURCH. V. P. and Mgr. J.O. BISHOP, A.Mgr. 50.000 13,000 285,000 100.000 15,380 283,250 (Burba nk Bran ch. 220 For complete 82,000 190,000 9,000 84,730 239,540 12,470 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Secur.-lst N. and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav„ Los A. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 67,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Seab. N., Los A. 62,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Bk. of Am. N. Tr. Sav. Assn., and Seaboard N.. Los A. report se * Head O ffice, Los Angdes) OF LOS ANGELES 90-556 dB©T«t'23 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA )SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED oi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. XOWW AMD GOUNTT ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Ang8les Br. i-urlingame 13,270 San Mateo Gli oMem.A.B.A.^New §State tPrlr tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDe[).©Sav.$I,astSale%Div President. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ( (80-557) Bank of ) G. H.Stern an ) (90-1288) Broad l G. B. Sweet, A ♦ V ice-President. BANKOFAMERICA r NAIL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.COMBINED BA MO-895 ®T*I’67 NKS (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Trust & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Byron.................. 3fif) AMERICAN TRUST Contra Costa 17 COMPANY ♦ 90-559 ®T«t§'54 Calexleo „ 0299 BANKOFAMERICA r~........ ........ Callpatrta___ 1554 L Imperial P23 TIES Resources. Bond* Cash & ExMiscel- chakqm ,Dui Diaoounta Sacuritiae LANEOUS from Banks Principal Correspondents. Loan* Cal.) Bk. of Am. N. A., Chase N., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. HENRY fl. MAIER. M .. Other % S 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Broa dway- B urlinga me Bra nch. (S ee Head Office, Los Angele s, Calif. ) A. H. SAGEHORN.Mgr ) 122 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Deposand Capital ITS Profits ®Tt§’54 90-1245 dB®T*I$'67 L COMBINED BA NKS (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch l Imperial Abs’t Cashier. Cashier. Burlingame Bran ch»; S.C.Teal. A.V P.and Mgr (Branr hes of A merican Trust Co ., San Fr anct8co, d A. H. Wright. A sst. Cashiers and As st. Secretaries. way Burlingame Branch; S. C. Teal A.V,P.\ Chas.C. S mons, M gr. Mgr. BANKOFAMERICA )f___________ ______ •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Mgr, and A. Tr. Off 50 000 00( 58 997 540 (Burlin game B ranch. See Head Office, S an Franc isco, Cm if.) Chase N., N- V.1 Cnnt. Ill. Bk. Chi. & Tr. Co.. OPERATE 438 BRANCHES 1 N CALIFORNIA. Mgr. 90-1325 dB®T«t§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) (Byron Branch. See Hea d Office, J. M. Poindexter, A. Mgr, W. E. O’BRIEN. Acting Mgr. & 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Calexi co Bran ch. See Head O ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., Chase N., and N. City. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. Tr. Co., Chi. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. First Oeutral National Bank J. O. Butts . ... T. J. West________ par 100 90-519 d®»t'27 C. R. Burr, V. P. J. B. Hoffman W. C. Jones SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK San Fra nets co, C 300,000 91,380 $2 097 420 (Ca)ipa tria Bra nch. Los Angeles.) H. J. INGRAM, Mgr. SI 805 660 $ 82,960 S 24,340 $ 575,840 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. F or Compl ete Repo rt See H ead Offic OF LOS ANGELES 90-830 dB®*t’23 Colls toga____ 1000 Oalistoga National Bank Andrew Rocca......... R. W. Westover... R. W. Westover__ Helen M. 1200-1#% 90-560 d©«t’09 Napa G5 Rockstroh Camarillo____ 524 l Ventura 013 75,000 19,680 871,430 $ BANKOFAMERICA r............................... ;) GEO. W.TIGHE......... C. W. CLAWSON,*^. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Camar illo Bra nch: See & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-841 ®T»r67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr, & Savgs. Assn, Branch.) Cambria______ 318 Bank oi Cambria.. d®»tl’03 A. smithers______ G. S. Dickie, Sec... 36,770 50,000 480,030 San Lots Obispo L8 $255-10% par 100 90-561 NATL. TR. Campbell___ 940 Santa Clara 123 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-562 R. G. Archibald, Mgr. 571,270 314,580 50,910 Head O ffice San Francisc 0, Cal.) 25,000 230,420 291,810 32,260 84,710 Chase N., N.Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N.. Oakland. Chase N.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 37,320 N. City, N. Y.; Anglo h Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A. (Campb ell Bran ch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) W. N. Lloyd, A. Mgr. T«tl’54 Carlsbad...........121 First National Bank.d®»t’27 3. L. McKeehan... Harold Ingraham.. S. Stephensen......... L San Diego Q19 (120 par 100 90-1205 L. C. Alles, Ch. R. H. Sonneman Carmel______ 2260 Bank of Carmel___ d®»t§’23 Monterey K6 (300-8% par 100 90-1102 Monterey County Trust & Sav. Bk..90-1323 __©T»t§’30 Carpinterla -.1260 L Santa Barbara 012 55,350 r. A. Work_______ □. O. Goold.. Andrew Stewart SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK ...... - - 0. L. Berfcey______ A. F. Halle I. E. Abernethy, Mgr. J. SAFWENBERG. Mgr. _ 25,000 1.240 144,280 58,520 30,510 13.270 68,210 Secur. 1st N., Los A.; 1st N., Oceanside. 50,000 72,840 917.340 679,760 154,570 30,390 165,640 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co..N. Y.; Crocker 1st N. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N., of Salin is, Calif, ( ... (Carpin teria Br Los A ngeles, C ilif.) A T,. P. N., San F. For Com plele Rep ort See H ead Office OF LOS ANGELES MO-693 dB®Tt’22 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I/ll | I Am % p % c A mi If. ¥ IL.LI1 1 2> \r>r L/v9m M lK A iTC PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES 1 BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 Humber under Name ef Bank u tn« New Transit Number pm to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town AND Oodhtt. oMem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonri 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Caruthers____134 First Nationel Bank.d®*t'19 W. C. Freeland----- A, Clevenger.......... Fresno Ell par 100 90-192 Castroville____675 Monterey County Trust & Monterey K6 Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel ther Paid-dp Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and its Capitax Profits Discounts Ssouritiss laneous ties Naomi Hammond.. $ 25,000 $ 25,050 S 49,030 $ non Bahi 21,470 S 59,630 $ (See Hea d Office.S alinas, C alif.).... BANK OF AMERICA P. M. Mickle ___ (See Hea d Office, JNO 6 MATTOSi Jr., F. T. DVSTERBERRY. c AUxeras, Calx/.).. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Center vllle Br anch. V. P. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. 56,000 Am. Tr. Co.. San F.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr, & Sav. Assn., Fresno. Secur. 1st N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Am. Tr. Co.. San F N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cfellf. N. A.. San P.; Calif. N.. Sac.; Reno N.. Reno. See Hea d Office, Son F rancitco, Calif.) ChaseN., N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 99-664 ®T«f’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 50,000 Arthur L. Harris.. Jacob O. Bowman . ...981 Bank of Oeres___ d®*tl'll V. D. Whitmore... Cares. $200-10% par 100 99-666 Stanislaus 18 Chios________ 7961 Batts E7 3,250 $ 132,830 S Principal Correspondents. Cash k Kx- Savings Bank_________ §'30 90-1326 Catalina Island.. (See A valon) Cedarvtll*___ 620 Modoc Oonnty Bank__®»t|’07 $165-10% 99-661 Medoe Bll Centerville ...1025 Aluneda G22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued LED. HARKNESS. BANK OF AMERICA J Ch. Adv. Bd. 30,520 369,550 244,400 50 000 000 58 997 540 WM. J. O'CONNOR... E. T. WILLIAMS^ S. K. TROXEL,'Afgr.' 11,000 83,910 N. City. N.Y.; A. * L. P. N.. San F.; Modesto Tr. & Sav.. Modesto; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Cent. N.. Oakland. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi. 174,760 64,930 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Amer.N. 110,760 (Chico Branch. See Head Office, 8a n Franci sco, Calif .) NATL. TRUST and (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. SAVINGS ASSN. 90-S05 ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. A Savgs, Assn. Branch) ♦Butte County Sav. Bank Gay 99-396 $140-11% par 100 d©*tS’0& 'FIRST NATL.TR.& SAV. BK. OF CHICO 8. Kennedy ALDEN ANDERSON, T. J. Bohiins. .. J. P. Poesehel_ _ J. F. Poesehel, 200,000 109,340 1,838,530 5,420 1,526,320 387,280 Sec. and Tr. MRS. S. MILLER- — P.S. YOCKEY...... — T. N. CREW_ _ _ _ _ N. CREW. Tr. Off. S. N. GRAVES. RAY W. SEAGER A. Tr. Off J. E. HOLUB Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. Tr. 160,109 94,560 2.955,940 145,500 45,510 1,045.020 40,040 1,340,610 1,275,000 117,900 “«HND US YOUR CHICO ITEMS DIRECT." & Sav. Assn., San F. 612,480 Chase N., If. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & (Jn. Tr. Co. and 'A. & L. P. N., San f.; Calif. N. and Cap. N., Sac. Collections, BUI ef Lading Draft*. Caih and Time Item* Given PromptPersonal Attention. 99-397 d®T«r07 J. A. Bennett____ A. H. Sanborn. R. C. Uhl________ ♦People's Sav. A Com'l Rank J. F. Morehead, 109.000 $150-1% ♦ 99-817 d®»tl'l4 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Lee Richardson par 100 T. J. Bohling_____ A. H. Sanborn. iMpr. S. K. Troxel, Chico Clearing House--------Sec. and Tr (Members indicated by a *) A. H. TOLLE. Mgr... Chino________ 3118 f EDWIN RHODES. 4,000.000 ‘BANK OF AMERICA J Ch. Adv, Bd. (Chino L San Beraardino 90-566 ®*t§'67 \ 017 (Formerly Bank of America (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C of California Branch) San Antonio Regional Clear W. A. Kennedy__ Oscar Arnold ___ A. H. Tolle, Sec. and Tr. ing House (Members indicated by a *) Cbowchilla___847 c............................. WM. A. ANDERSON. 4,000,000 ( BANK OF AMERICA Mgr. (Chowe Madera Jll ' '' 90-1262 dB®T*t§'67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C California) Chula Vista... 3869 50 000 000 fGREG ROGERS, j EDWIN T. SMITH. CHAS. P. MOIESi A. Mgr. (Chula Ch. Adv. Bd. Mgr. L laa Diego Qll BANK OF AMERICA l NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSR. 90-567 ®T*t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. A- Savgs. Assn. Branch) (Chula D. C. DICKINSON. SECURITY TRUST r Mgr. ) Special attentlo n given to collect ion Items, & SAVINGS BANK (.Reasonable cha rges and prompt remittance. 415,240 709,350 23,030 82,950 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. and Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F.; Cap. N.. Sac. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 2,436,550 Branch . See He ad Office, Los Ang eles, Cali /.) ALIFO RNIA. 2,436,550 hilla Br anch. See Head Office, Lo s Angeles . Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ALIFO RNIA. 58 997 540 Vista B ranch. Vista Br anch. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) S ee Head Office, Sa n Diego, Calif.) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. Irv. Tr. and Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and W. Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. OF SAN DIEGO M 90-1301 ®T»t§'28 Clarsmoat.__ 2719 Citizens National Bank 90-1142 d L Los Angeles P7 $125 First National Bank d@ $235-12% par 100 90-568 Martin Abernethy. J. E. Hundley....... Harry T. Belcher . Herbert K. Mead.. Chas. G. Neely Ira J. Cree, E. E. Jones--------L. P. Helmick........ Ch. of Bd. and Pres E. V. Decker LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve BankFRANCISCO of St. Louis 50,000 100,000 47,150 747,810 122,420 1,046,830 50,000 334,250 348,250 24,290 699,710 333,080 67,220 William R. Staats Co. 138,380 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 219 2?o N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 33 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to. eacb bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Tomr am oountt. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dlst. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cloverdale____ 759 ' Sonoma Q3 ENRICO PRATU R. 6. HALL. A. J. GIOVANNETTI. BANK OF AMERICA -!((.WITH Ch. Adv. Bd. V. Ch. Adv. Bd. M . BANK O PsniDDrr. 90-1237 dB®T»t§'67 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) •• .. First National Bk._d©T»t'*4 par 100 90-569 Ctavis ...__.1316 First National Bk._ dB®T»t'12 J. E. Good, 4% par 100 M-TM Frsano J12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. CoMhella ....1012 First National Bank. d®«t'12 J. M. Westerfleld. L Riverside P21 1200-12% par 100 90-717 OaaBnga_____ 2851 freeno Kll Vice President. L. E. Weldon_____ W. 4, Hill H. F. Good 0. H. Hollis______ H. A. Westerfleld. A. M. Westerfleld. CHAS.J.ENOS,tfrr. MISS MAY WEBB. A. Mgr. R. L. GOLDSMITH, A. Mgr. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK BANK OF AMERICA Resources. Liabilities. Lord a Rond* Cam * JB* Surplus Depos Other Miscel OU Paid-op lMM'DiTI and and Liabiliand its Capital Profits DUcounta Saauritiae laneous TIES See Hea d Office, Los An geles, C alif.) 50,000 $ 460,850 $ 216,480 $ Principal Correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 75,850 Chase N.. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San 7. N.City, N. Y.: Anglo Calif .Tr.Co.and Crock105,410 6,980 er 1st N„ San F.: Citiz. N.Tr.&Sav.,Los A. 253,000 26,840 39,440 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ 7,000 13,450 284,650 25,000 16,090 Chi.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Crocker 1st N„ San F. (Coalln ga Bran ch. (For Complete Report S eeHeadO ffice, Los Angeles) 50,000 64,380 $ 607,090 $ 50.000 337.070 10,130 ARTHUR C. WEAVER, J. F. LANGE,A.Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. (Colfax Branch. ■See Uea d Office, 147,190 18,300 $ 92,180 59,400 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y,: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. BANKOF AMERICA CHAS. SUENDERMAN, C. CATTORI. Mgr... 50 000 000 58 997 540 V. Ch. Adv. Bd. (Colraa Branch. See Head Office, S an Franc i$eo, Cali /■) RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. BANK OF AMERICA \ W. T. GARRETT, Mgr. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi. -Oelnia______ 2116 THE C0LBSA COUNTY BANK fT. HARRINGTON.— par 100 1)0-441 ®«t|'70 Oolm F6 ) Oldest and Lar (.Thoroughly equ •* ^^ ** First Savings Bank_d®4l ’02 $140-8% par 100 90-444 (_________________ Cwnvten... 12,516 L Lot Angeles Q4 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ( WITH BANK O 00-1069 ®T*t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) M •• COMPTON NATIONAL BANK H. E. Reed, $170—6% 90-1159 «I'26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 BANKOF AMERICA U Aaa’T OaaHiM. Geo. Cavalli---------- C. L. Sedgley_____ Emma Herrmann. r ROBERT A. PEERS, J Ch. Adv. Bd. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE 90-571 ®T*t’67 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Celma_______ 2063 (GEO.LAGOMARSIHO OLIVER GRANUCCI. V. Ch. Adv. Bd. Ch. Adv. Bd. San Mateo F16 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (with bank o F AMERICA OPE so-uso ®T«re,7 {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. tfc Savgs. Assn. Branch) Cel ten_______ 8014 L Ban Bern'dltfo Oil 90-299 d®T*tS'67 (with bank o F AMERICA N.T. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) M M Citizens National Bank lioo-ioy. par loo 90-300 cKjM'29 Norman H. Cooley •* Gab rim. $4 000 000 $2 436 550 qt (Clover dale Br anch. F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. OF LOS ANGELES . 90-292 dB®T*l'24 Colfax________ 912 Placer F0 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Colton Branch. See Head Office, ho a Angeles Calif.) & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. H. M. Hawkins— E. H. Allingham.. F. W. SCHUTZ............. T. CRANE_________ 50.000 400,000 gest Bank In Col usa County. ipped to handle your collections on this point and W. Bowes L. A. Mace_______ 439,420 98,400 153,340 371,670 26,600 130,620 2,519,210 100,870 2,325,310 414,650 118,930 475,870 258,410 60,610 12,960 viclnlt y. 100,000 20,930 744,490 P. F. LLEWELLYNi 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mar. (Compt on Bra nch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) FA MERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. G. E. Nygaard____ R. McGovney........... G. F. Whitaker .... H. J. MAYO 100,000 33,000 618,780 21,600 306,780 391,800 5,320 Cont. Ill. 49,160 Chase N„ N.Y.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr„ SanF.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. N., San Bernardino. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.: Cont. Ill. 291,810 Bk.&Tr.Oo.. Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. SanF.; Calif. N.. Sac. 70,530 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.: A. & L. P. N„ San F.: Cap. N.. Sac. Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 69,470 Secur.-lst N.. Los A.; Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. C. ........... A. R. TITUS, Mgr. „ DALE REED, A. Mgr. (Compt on Bran ch. (For Complete Report S eeHeadO ffice, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-499 dB®*t’26 Oontra Costa 021 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-626 (Concor d Branc b. D. L. MacMichael, S. C. Ferguson, Mgr. A. Mgr. ®T»t§’54 BANK OF AMERICA (................................... S. MAHLER, Mgr.and Asst. Tr. Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN 00-528 ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Corcoran____ 1768 First National Bank_d®«i’09 J. W. Guiberson .. C. E. Wilson______ Kings L12 $165-6% BO-684 J. B. Boyett. Nis Hansen par 100 Exec. V. P. — LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco , Calif.) W. E. IALLENGER. 50000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Conco rd Bran cb. CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. H. T,. Roberts B. G. Crary .. 100,000 54,300 See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) 590,440 50,020 505,340 164,000 William R. Staats Co. 24,460 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 100,960 N. City. N. Y.: Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Fresno. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 04 0 ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ( Lqs Angeles Br. oMem.A.B.A.o-New § State tPriv. tMem State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. lies. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$(,astSale%Div President. Vice-President. Corning_____ 1377 Bank of Corning___ d©<S’04 J. L. Donnovan.__ C. D. Hill. ___ Tehama E6 15% par 100 90-572 r................................... Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. . C. D. Hill___ .... Liabilities. Surplus Paid-op Deposand Capital Profits ITS $ EMERY A. SHOOK. BANK0F AMERICA -j Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.i, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 80,000 $ 11 Other Resources Bonds Miscel- Cash * lxDiscounts Sseuritiss LANEOUS nu>M Banks Loans TIES 44,520 J 826,860 $ 565,170 $ 266,530 S 5,790 S 113,890 Chase N„ N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Anglo* Lon. Paris N.. San F. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Cornin g Rranc h. See H ead Office Son Fra ncisco, C alif.) Mgr, Principal Correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 RRAN CHES I\ CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Corona_______ 7018 Citizens Bank_____ d®*tl’90 T. C. Jameson, T. O. Andrews____ Geo. E. Snidecor.. E. D. Hicks . ___ L Riverside 017 14% par 100 90-318 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. R. Emerson 50.000 First National Bankd©»t’05 G- E Snidecor ___ F. E. Snidecor ___ A. M. Root. Jr. ... G. V. Claytor......... $215-8% par 100 90-319 F. S. Johnson Coronado____ 5425 L 8an Diego Q18 BANK0F AMERICA r~~................... NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-573 ®T»1’67 ( MARTIN WICARIUS. with bank 0 R. M. ENGLISH. A. Casti. and Mgr. 90-843 dB®T*t’16 Costa Mesa ...213 Bank of Balboa____ d®t§'22 L Orange R6 $150-14% par 100 90-1046 L. W. BUTLER. A. Mgr. Mgr, and A. C. Covelo 419 Bank of Covelo______ d*l§'20 J. S. Rohrbough, Mendocino E3 par 110 90-927 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. " -------- “ •CreseentClty 1720 Del Norte B2 100,000 8,530 575,370 25,000 5,070 108,210 50,000 75,000 700,000 50,000 72.000 917,000 J. D. Rohrbough... BANK OF AMERICA r............... \ with bank 0 94,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N. and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N., Corona. 507,100 553,150 57.030 204,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; Secur.lst N„ Los A.; Crocker 1st N., San F. Head Office, S an Franc isco. Cal if-) Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Wells Far. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Am. Tr. Co., and A. & L. P. N„ San F. Covina Valley Savings Bank W. M. Griswold.__ M. Leonhardt......... J. D. Coles_______ M. LucileGloege.. $250 12% 90-433 ©<§’01 par 100 First National Bank dB»I’01 M. Leonhardt_____ W. M. Griswold... J. D. Coles G. H. Carson______ $350-20% 90-432 B. B. Jenks par 100 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ( 90-481 ©T-t’67 S ee 16,550 (See He ad Office, San Die go, Calif .)............. Covina.............2774 Covina National Bank.®*'06 J. D. Reed________ V. O. English____ V. O. English____ Emma M. Anderson L Los AngelesPb 10% par 100 90-434 " 4,510 194,070 (See He ad Office, Balboa, Calif.).. F. A. Gayden, Courtland____ 672 Bank 01 Courtland. d©«t§’19 W. C. Kesner_____ Geo. K. Adams___ Harvey Warren ... D. R. Arrasmith.. Sacramento 06 $60-6% 90-891 par 25 -------- 56,130 1.161,170 S 492.800 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 RRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. FIRST NATIONAL TR. & SAV. BK. .. 100,000 702,530 50000 000 58 997540 (Coron ado Bra nch. Mgr. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch) 45,420 C. R. MCRAE, 50,000 101,000 1.339,000 345,740 150,570 51,800 135,870 W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Bk of Am, N. Tr. & Sav.Assn.,San F.; Calif.N., Sac 440 59,100 41,900 18,910 18,800 Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. Ukiah. 25.000 400,000 300,000 — 150,000 Chase N., N. Y., Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 651,000 258.000 430,000 477,000 132,000 Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Ud, Tr Co., San F. 540.000 N. City. N Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Secur.-lst N.. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 50,000 50 000000 58 997 540 (Cresce nt City Branch. Mgr. and A, Tr. Off. Pac. N.. Los A. 92,000 See He ad Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Cont- Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 RRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ___________ Crockett 1845 Bank of Pinole_____ ®*tl’05 90-574 Contra Costa C19 8% — (See He ad Office, L. E. Hart,Mflrr.__. First National Bank.d®<’19 F.W. Hutchinson. Albert Aljets_____ Marion D. Parker. W. L. Desmond— (Valona Office) 90-889 A. S. Johnson Crows Landlng3l9 Bank of Newman___ ©*t|’03 _____________ Stanislaus 18 90-536 50.000 R. C. Osburn, Mgr. First National Bank. d®*t’10 George W. Fink . $120-6% par 100 90-537 L. McAulay, W. C. Crow Pinole, Calif.).. 18,790 55,490 758,470 ad Office, C. A. Filippini ___ Chase N., N. Y.; A. & L. P. N., Crocker 1st N., and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.. San F. 515,910 210,610 13,490 140.000 80,000 31,000 227,290 85,760 9,720 • Calif.). 25,000 16,000 270 non w I v • Uuv 25,000 32,470 317,920 142,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. ana W. F. Bk. & Un.Tr, Co., San F.; Cent. N„ Oakland. vuaou I i, VJl UUACl OtUl r • 60,000 1st N., N. Y.: Crocker 1st N., San F. Ch. of Bd. Cucamonga..2012 First National Bank d©»t’04 H. C. Wentworth.. Chas. B. Motsinger G. P. McCorkle___ Helen Todd 90-575 L SanBer’dinoOl7 $250-12% Peterson par 100 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA ' SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V Mil 1 Aim ILL ■IMlwl R CiTi Va ^ > 1 ft i A 25.090 i rv Isv T< i 1 2 i V /■ 77,700 1Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Secur.- 1st N., Los A. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES 1 BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. qc OJ Culver City...5669 L Los Angeles 015 Vice-President. President. Cashier. CECIL B. DeMILLE - H. BANKOF AMERICA NATL. TR. Resources. LIABILITIES. Town and County. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond [Estab. tMem. State B. Ass’n. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. L Los Angeles Br. $ Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued W. ASS’T CASHIER. PARKER,v p R. M. GRAY, A. Mgr. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Loans Bonda Cash k ExOther Miscel uhakoii Depos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and .Dui and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous from Banks ties S i 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Culver City Br anch. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-828 ©T«t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. <£ Savgs. Assn. Branch) .. First National Bank.d®»t’20 R. Wankowski, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R.B. Jeffries par ioo 90-933 “ -------- “ SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 100,000 f!. H. Dolan R. W. Green______ W. A. Dunn, V. P. 32,640 {1050 030 $ 100.000 $ 423.850 $ 595,650 S 130,000 $ 133.170 N. City, N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Far. & Mereh., Los A. For Com plete Re port See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) F.S. WHITTINGTON* G. WILSON, A. Mgr.. (Culver City Br anch. Southern County Bank..»§’27 90-1239 B. M. Wells, Mgr.. (Cypress Branch. See Head Office, A naheim, Calif.) .. BANK OF AMERICA f--------------------------- CARL E. NEWMAN. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Daly C ity Bra neb. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-1125 dB®T*t'25 L Orange N2 Daly City____ 7838 San Mateo F16 Mgr. S ee Head Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /■) Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y ; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O (Ind. Br, of Son Fra ncisco) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-946 ®T*+’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. Contra Costa E21 & Savgs. Assn. Branch) BANKOFAMERICA Jr --------------------NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (with 90-576 ®T»t’67 B bank o (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) m Yolo G6 m Kern L13 KRUGFR, Mar____ 50000 000 58 997 540 l Danvil le Bran ch. P AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. F. P. Wray Wilson Kleespie — G. J. Haussler____ ir. p, Wray 1200-8% 90-796 Bank of Yolo______ d®«tS’09 V. P. and Mgr. B. L. Harby 8% 90-577 Dorothy Cave_____ Growers Security Bank R. L. Turner_____ H. R. DeVenney.. E. A. Henley . . par ioo 90—940 d®*+5'20 E. A. Roberts 25.000 $160 par 100 90-864 Tulare K13 r BANKOFAMERICA j................................... 90-1254 dB®T»t§’67 1 Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH California Branch) L. E. NABERS, Mgr.. bank o F AMERICA N.T. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. 58.000 Solano H6 Woodla nd, Cali n... 50.000 14,340 499,800 39,760 207.920 266.430 67,450 25.000 15,000 316,370 25,000 150.810 106,080 28,670 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Dinub a Branc h. See Head O fRce, Lo s Angel es, Cali f-) 49.000 Capital N., Sac.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. 62.110 Calif., Los A., Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. 95,820 Crocker 1st N., San F.: Fresno. Secur.-lst N., Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. ee Head Office, L OS Report Angeles. ) (DInub a Branc h. ForC omplete H. GALLAGHER.Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-494 190.570 262.500 398,000 See Hea d Office, First National BankdB®*t’17 B. C. Britton_____ Ben Swanson_____ F. A. Wilcox______ Frank Hamm_____ N. Rasmussen M. Rasmussen Fresno Kll Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. See Head O ffice, San Francisc o. Calif.) dB®T*t 27 L. P. HALL, Mgr.... R. MOSS, A. Mgr. BANKOFAMERICA Jc --------- ---------------- 4.000,000 2,436,550 Dixon B ranch. S ee Head Office, Los An geles, C alif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 90-514 dB®T»t§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. of California Branch) u „ G. Clark Northern Solano Savings Bk. T) Rntt G. Clark Charles Bernath.. W. G. Hagelstein.. C. W. Sevits---------- $140-8% par 100 90-724 d®»tS’12 Butte Valley State Bk. d*t8’08 Siskiyou B6 1 1 P Rntt First National Bank d®«t’12 P. M. Doyle______ R. E. L. Stephens$140-8% par 100 90-515 125.000 400,000 230.000 142.000 38,000 236.210 162.290 70,970 9,230 27.000 450,000 50.000 24.000 25.000 14.080 43,000 $200-16% par 100 90-579 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ A Hil A/ll l 11 Am rv ILL D 80,000 Pac. Coast Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Cap. N., Sac. 365,000 50.000 < It A 1LT( 9 1 A#>l 1 & ^^1 64.000 Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co.. A. & L. P. N., and Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Calif. N.,Sac. 32,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N.. Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., and Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Calif. N.. Sac.; U. S. N.. Port. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGH1r — SOLD — QUOTED QA Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A "•New § State tPrii }Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seat. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. Dos Palos_____560 Merced J9 BANKOF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-580 ®T»t’04 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch.) PERSIDKNT. Vic* President. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Lords thkb Bonds Paii> -up Surplus Dxpoe- LOiabili Miscmland Am and Capital Profits Diaooanta Sacnritias LAiraous ties Ass’t Cashier. 25.000 Los Nietos Valley Bank W. O. Snrtnger, Frank Burke______ M. H. Baker, R. G. Walling, 75,000 par 100 ♦ 90-417 d(«K§’91 Pres, and Tr. Hogan Willeford Sec. and Cash. Asst. Cash, and Asst. Sec. Ducor ................ 155 First National Bank J. B. Dennis----------H. Zimmerman_____ Rhoda Perkins Tulare L13 1100-10% 90-768 dB®T»t’13 par 100 lliklyon C6 BANKOFAMERICA Margaret Anderson Eagle Rock.__2256 (Sta. Los A.P.O.) L Los Aagelei P4 . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . G. A. HUTAFF. V.P.. A. C. LEACH. Arpr.^C.O.PORTER.AJtfgr. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savings Assn, Branch) 29.830 $ 182.570 $ 100,160 $ 132.480 1,357,870 10.440 (Duns muir B ranch, 16.410 S 88,790 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Crocker 1st N„ San F.: Far. & Merch. N„ Lot A. 104,500 901.300 486,280 48,150 234.120 N.City, N. Y.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., and Secur.-lst N„ Los A. 25.000 66.240 40,600 18,280 85.880 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; 1st N.. Porterville. 150,570 4,000,000 2,436.550 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. See Head Office, ~L os Angel es, Calif, WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. BANKOFAMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 16-213 ®T«r04 25.000 6.790 $ 326,310 $ Valentine Sheet* 90-581 dB®T«t§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex OHAHaN,Dui FROM Banks 50 000000 58 997 540 J. E. MCCLELLAND, Mgr. (Dos Pa los Bra nch. See Head O ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.) WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA Downey.......... 2550 First National Bank..d®«'20 A. L. Darby----------John Edmondson .. Geo. C. Reimer____ H. R. Beecher___ L Los Angeles Q4 1200 par 100 90-928 Dunsmulr.__ 2610 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued J. B. HUDSON. Mar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 000000 58 997 540 (Eagle Rock B ranch: ~Si«H ead Offic e, San F Calif.) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1 WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. A. NORRIS, (Eagle Rock Br anch. Mar. For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 16-11 dl®M’22 B. Ban Diego .4148 (See San Diego) El Colon______1050 Onyamaca State Bk.d®»tl'07 C. S. Jndson, H. H. Hill____ Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 90-583 L San Diero Q19 $275-10% par 100 L iBBerW Q23434 BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-884 ®T»t’67 . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . A. Rossberg.. LEROY HOLT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. J. GIANOLA. A. H. KELLER. A. 0. KLEIN, WITH BANK OF AMERICA OPERATES 438 BRANCHES^IN ^CALIFO (Formerly Batik of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savings Assn. Branch) J. S. ROSS. E. L. CARSON, SECURITY-FIRST 0.6.V.HORNE, P. and Mgr. El Centro V. P. A. Mgr, (Inactive) NATIONAL BANK C. H. H. SMALL. 50.000 50.270 358.030 50000000 58997540 151,050 269.440 219,930 69,110 (EI Cen tro Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice San Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Francisc o, Calif.) Chi. RNIA. (El Cen tro Bra nch: For Com plete Rep ort See Los Ang eles) Head Offi dB®*t’23 El Cerrito ....3870 Mechanics Bank.......... ®t§’27 ((90-1211) Fairmo unt—San Pablo Bra nch, M. R. Marcos, Jr., Mgr.________ (Branche » of Rich mond, Ca Hf.) Contra Costa C 21 12% \ (90-1303) Potrero —San Pablo Branch , F. Giarmito, Mgr. ■Ik Grove_____ 475 Sacramento H8 60,970 A. & L. P. N., 8an F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N. Tr. &Sav., San Diego. A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES M-744 S. Hawes_________ G. M. TAVERNER. BANKOFAMERICA , 90-581 dB©T.t§"67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Asst. V. P. R. A. R0WE.M(,r.... Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Crocker 1st N.. San F. 4,000,000 2.436,550 (Elk Gr ove Bra nch, See Head O ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) N., Oakland; Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Digitized for LOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1A# | | 1 1 A IMI If I L La 1 A IVI R. SifAAl1 PQ w V/V/i PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 07 O' Town and County. ‘County Seats. 12 Fbd. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. #Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Refl.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. — ......... ■ Vic®-President. PRESIDENT. ASS'T CASHIER. Cashier. B Monte____ 3479 First National Rank_____ •t’0! A. T. C0lll8OB____ P. F. Cogswell-----G. P. Dobras T. H. Lambert M-58S L Los Angeles Q5 R, L. Arnold. Ass't to Pres. e« ss Southern Connty Bank *160 par 100 90-786 d<D*t»’13 F. B. Neeland. U Segunde__.3503 El Segundo State Bank S. F. Shumaker _____ Cash, and Sec. L Los Angeles Q2 *200-6% 90-719 d®*it’12 ee »» Elsinore...........1350 L Riverside P18 First National Bank..-B*t’20 S. F. Shumaker.... Edward Elliott 6% par 100 90-947 (Closed September 13 ,1930) .... F. B. Neeland. S. H. Burton................... A. E. Gustafson... Helen Holmes, First National Bk.dR®*i’87 G. R. Gough. A. Sec. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J.B. Lehigh *200-11% par 100 90-586 Emeryville ...2336 AMERICAN (Branch of Oakland) Alameda E18 M. W. Mountjoy, TRUST Mgr, ♦ 90-587 Paid-op S Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Other Miscel Depob- Liabiliand and AND Disoouats Saouritiss laneous TIES Profits 80,000 $ 44,260 $1 127 000 $ (See Hea d Office, 50,000 % 774,580 $ 263,000 $ Principal Correspondents. k Ex- Gash change*, Dui non Bank* 33,000 $ 224,750 Chase N.. N. Y.: Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; W. Yf. Bk. k Un. Tr. Co.. SanF. Anahei m, Calif. ) Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: Ottix. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. Tr.. San F. 31,230 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N. Bk. of Calif, and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 25,000 18,900 216,850 115,080 68,900 45,540 25,000 11,590 224,480 96,930 79.520 9,540 75,070 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; A. & L. P. N.,San F. 50,000 33,000 402,720 282,230 220,280 40,290 42,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Riverside. (Emery vllle Br anch. D. R, Hollingsworth. 100,000 See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) A, Cash.and A.Mgr. COMPANY .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA - Continued hlrpi'tnrv. under the author!tv of The American Bankers Ass’n. ®T*t§’54 BANK OF AMERICA c G. A. DIKE, Mgr. ... 50 000000 58 997 540 (Emery vllle Br anch. S ee Head Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1208 ®T*+ 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIEO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) C 4,000,000 2,436,550 J. J. RUTHERFORD. Encinitas.........317 BANK OF AMERICA J-------------------------(Encini tas Bra nch. S ee Head Mgr. L San Diego Q19 90-1218 d®T»§’67 ) (Formerly Bank of America of L WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Office, L os Angel es, Calif, ) California Branch) Rcoalon . 825 Escalon State Bank d®»t§’12 S. J. Irwin, C. M. Carlson.......... H. L. Morgenson... Esther H. Strand.. Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 90-743 8uJoeaain 18 *150-10% 50.000 35,890 333,530 9,170 50 000 000 58 997 540 ■seondlde___ 3421 BANK OF AMERICA r f-------------------------- H. W. BREWER, JRo E. E. TURRENTINE, A. Mgr. (Escon dido Br anch. S ee Head L San Diego Q19 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. < 90-461 ®T*t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIEO RNIA. 260,100 64,100 22,070 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co.. Chi. 82,340 Crocker 1st Stockton. N., San F.; Bk. of Am., Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Office. Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) Tr, & Savgs. Assn, Branch) ae h 1 F. E. HUNT. Mgr____ A.D. DRURY. A.Afpr. (Branch of Securi ty Trust & Saving s Bank, San Dieg o.Cal,).. SECURITY TRUST J( & SAVINGS BANK \ SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN T O COLLECTION ITEMS. (_ REASONABLE CHARGES AND Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.: A. & L. P. N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. PROMPT REMIT TANCE. 90-1079 dB®»+§ 26 Esparto_______ 217 Bank of Esparto... d®*t§ 1J M. O. Wyatt . 1110-8% 90-788 Tolo G6 . J. L. Stephens — F. W. Nissan Mrs. F. N. Paterson W. T. Tonne, Mgr. H. A. Green, ■fnm 37Q Scott Talley Bank-------•tl'02 99-596 Sisklyoa B4 27,700 27.890 328,200 790 288,100 51,300 13,820 31,440 Crocker 1st N.. Baa F.; Capital N„ Sac.; Bk. of Woodland N. A., Woodland. Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. (See Hea d Office, Fort Jon es, Calif A. Mar. H. T. TROLLNES. H.F. CHARTERS, »Eureka____ 15,752 BANK OF AMERICA f E. N. TOOBY, \ Ch. Adv. Bd. V. Ch. Adv, Bd. Mgr, & A, Tr. Off. Homboldt D1 { 90-145 dB®T«t§ 67 4.000,000 2,436,550 (Humb oldt Co unty B ranch. See Head Office, L os Angel est Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, dkSavgs. Assn, Branch) (.COMBINED BA NKS OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. C. W. CONNICK. 50 000 000 58,997,540 BANK OF AMERICA f E. N. TOOBY. Ch. T & RRFIfi A. V. P. (Eureka Branch . See He ad Office, J Adv, Bd, Tb. ^SAves^assa {.COMBINED BA NKS OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. — San Fra ncisco, C alif.) h#Tl. (Formerly First National Bk.) s M •• „ Bank of Eureka___ d*tl'89 C. H. Palmtag------- Coll Deane_______ C. F. Kdson______ E. A. Melanson.__ J. E. Locke 8% 90-146 200,000 411,880 1,336,160 1,035,930 298,540 26,650 T. R. Dinsmore___ H. F. Madsen_____ S. F. Matthias 100,000 491,400 4,350,500 1,761,050 2,516,530 52,540 Savings Bk. of Humboldt Co. O. H. Palm tag____ Coll Doan6 90-144 d®«:§'89 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. 636,920 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Port.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; A. & L. P. N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.. San F. 611,780 Anglo A Lon. Paris N., W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., and Bk. of Calif. N. A.. Sen F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given oq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 00 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. “County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. Exeter 2685 Tulare K13 BANK OF AMERICA President. Cashier. Vice-President. r........... ....................... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C A LIFORNIA—Continued Ass t oashikk. | Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds ther Cask t IiPaid-up SURPLUS Miscel CBAxaM,Dtn Depos LOiabili and and AND Capital Profits its Dieoounti Securities laneous rtoi Baku ties A. 0. OLESON. Mgr. T. B. C0UGHRAN $4 000 000 $2 436 550 A. Mgr. (Exeter Branch . See He ad Office, 90-589 dl©T.«'67 IwiTH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Los Ang eles, Cah /.) & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (Exeter Branch ) For Co mplete R eport see Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles) C. S. RUPERT, Mgr.. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal OF LOS ANGELES Fairfax...............365 Marin H5 90-899 dB@T»t’23 F. E. DICKEY, Mgr. . 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Fair fa x Bra 11c h. SeeH ead Office , Son Ft ancisco, & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN RNIA. CHES IN CALIFO 00-970 ©T»:’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. “Fairfield.........1131 First National Bank d®»t’67 Henry Goosen......... W.C. Robbins------- Geo. D. Mitchell.. Elsie Turri________ Solano A21 90-863 G. C. Miller $130-6% par 100 50,000 38,340 $ 473,460 Claus Mangels......... J. C. McGinnis ___ E. L. Dearborn, Sec. 75,000 22,090 Falroaks______519 Fairoaks Bank_____ d®t§’09 G. C. Hubbell_____ A. VanMaren_____ Frances F. Hubbell G. P. Van Maren__ Saoramento G8 $125-8% par 100 90-500 25,000 Fall Brook _ 510 First National Bank-d©*t’10 C. A. Steves_______ J. G. Kingsbury.... R. B. Cook________ Effie M. Burchard. L San Diego P18 $200-10% par 100 90-591 25,000 Solano County Bank-d®t§'29 $125 90-1304 Fall River Mills Shasta C8 369 BANK OF AMERICA r—......... 456,750 $ $ 264,070 $ 221,010 $ 530 im• Ul B 111, A> t 24• 1 AN • Att LUUli Ill* DK< A Tr. Co., Chi. Calif.) 30,700 $ 76,020 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Capita) N„ Sacramento. 74,380 Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co„ San F.; Calif. N„ Sac. 209,360 231,170 39,500 10,300 118,600 26,700 7,000 11,580 116,080 37,910 11,520 13,500 Calif. N.. Sacramento. 63,010 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav„ Los A. J. M. HOWARD. Mgr. R. C. YANK. A. Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Fall Ri ver Mill s Itranc h. SeeH ead Offic e, San F rancisco, Calif.) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 90-861 ®T“t’67 (.WITH BANK O E AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch.) Fellows ,.516 Kern M12 BANKOFAMERICA r~.....................—- E. A. EPPERSON,^. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Fellow s Itranc h. See H ead Office , San Fr ancisco, NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. “j*k» 01 Aiiii in• anu (jiidSc Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Calif.) in* y#* 90-1078 ®T»+§’67 (.WITH BANK O P AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) .. State Bank of Taft___ ®§’23 L. C. Taylor, Mgr.. 90-1067 Fcrndale_____ 889 Ferndale Bank____ ®»t§’98 F. N. Rasmussen — R. H. Smith. Humboldt D1 $300-15% par 35 90-504 “ ------------- “ Fillmore. _2893 L Ventura N14 of Taft, F. N Rasmnmen— E. P. Dalancbini__ R. B. Ring, Sec. S. Christensen 3df000 Russ-Williams Bkg. Company F. G. Williams___ Wm. N. Russ_____ R. S. Feenaty____ R. A. Grinsell____ 8% 90-505 ®«:i’09 G. M. Brice L 50.000 N.Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. A Dn. Tr. Co., San F. 1,590,170 76,420 679,200 BANKOFAMERICA r~~......................... GEO. W.TIGHE-------- G. W. HARMONSON, 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. (Flllmo re Bran ch. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-592 ®T»r67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch.) NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK RICHARD STEPHENS M. R. C0IB, Mgr.... R.RUSSELLSPITLER, A. Mgr. 440 (Flllmo re Bran ch. 605,660 922,350 10,000 340,710 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. 171,560 463,740 1,200 169,130 N.City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Crocker 1st N.,San F.;Bk.of Am.,Eureka. Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See Head Of hce, San For complete Francisc 0, Calif.) report se e tiead u ffice, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 9D-79Q dB©T«t'24 ANGELES - PASADENA Digitized forLOS FRASER SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iffi i ■ a mi \Lmlm IMlwl ft #1 R C|Ti 9 1 i Ai 1 %z > 1(L/vI\ PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES 1 BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given on to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n Town and County. •Mera.A.B.A.^New §S'tate tPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Feci. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Firehaugh..........506 Fresno J9 BANK0F AMERICA —----- ----------------------'—-—— ........... . President. r_______ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Vice-President. _________ Cashier. Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Surplus and Depos- Phofits Other LiabiliTIES Resources. Loans Bonds Misceland and Discounts Securities laneoub Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks s $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Fireba ugh Bra nch. See Head O ffice, San Francisc 0) M. L. HOFF, Mgr. ... Chase N., N.V.; Cnnt. Til. Rk.ATr. Co., Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. {.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-838 ©T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch.) r...................................... 50 000 000 58 997 540 G. E. DAVIS, Mgr... (Floren ce Bran ch. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. {with bank 0 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. L Los Angeles 015 90-1130 ©T4’67 Florence - 7ffi (Branch of Los Atigeles) BANK OF AMERICA Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr, Co., Chi. See Head O ffice, San Francisc 0, Calif. ) (formerly Bank of America of California Branch.) Folsom City..1525 Bank of Folsom___ d®*t§’10 T. Hinkle $210-12% par 100 90-193 Sacramento G8 H.S. Barbee Fontana 261 First National Bank LSanBernardino P9 par 100 90-1173 d®*t’26 Forestvtlle___ 210 Sonoma H4 R. F. Rnyle . J. P. Burney .T. P. Burney W. M. Rumsey, Jr. 50,000 76,150 $ 748,990 H. A. Ingold.............. 50,000 15,020 (See Hea d Office, Analy Savings Bank ...®5’07 90-694 655.660 $ 101,090 447,420 265,180 20,370 $ 96,160 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., San F,; Calif. N.. Sac. 17,610 91,570 Chase N.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. Sebastop ol, Calif. )________ Anglo and Lon. Paris N., San F. A. Cash, and Mgr. (See Hea d Office, Alturas, Calif.) .. Fort Bidwell 462 Modoc County Bank $165-8% 90-696 d©»t§’07 Modoc Bll Fort Bragg.. .3022 Mendocino F2 $ 415,240 % 343,370 $ N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Crock er 1st N., San F ; Reno N„ Reno. 50 000 000 58 997540 C. W. SAUER. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. (Fort Br agg Bra nch. See Head O ffice, San Francisc 0, Calif.) G. E. THOMAS. < A. Mgr. 90-734 ©T«r67 ) (Formerly Bank af Italy Natl, LWITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. BANK0F AMERICA J( — NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branch. Coast National Bank d®»t'04 W. J. Schultz______ A. H. Shafsky_____ H. T. Bolden 8% par 100 90-380 F. O. Albertson____ 100,000 32,330 1,075,610 50,150 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.; A.& L. P. N.and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.Co., San F. 89,540 Chase N„ N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 695.900 Fort Jones. 302 Scott Valley Bank.._®*t§’02 M. C. Bftfim G. W. Smith R. A. Walker W. T. Young, Sec... 100,000 910,710 91.210 125,000 984,070 78,810 $150-6% par 100 90-538 Siskiyon B4 FRED P. NEWELL Fortuna., .. 1239 ___________________ 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mar. Humboldt LI (For tun a Branc h. See Head Offi ce San F rancisco, Calif.) NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. {with bank 0 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-596 ®T*I'67 BANK0F AMERICA f (formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Fortuna State Bankd®*l§’27 H. W. McWhorter F. A. Leach________ E. E. Hill__________ $100 par 100 90-1215 Fowler.. _. 1171 Fresno K12 BANK0F AMERICA 90-597 (....................................... 9.050 250,840 350 104,930 111 480 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 17.380 L. C. RIGBY, Mgr... ®T*t§’67 {with bank 0 F AMERICA N.T. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) »Fresno_____52,513 Bank of America of Calif Fresno Kll 50,000 4,000,000 2,436.550 (Fowler Branch . See He ad Office, & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ESINC ALIFO RNIA. Rk. of Am.N. A. and Chase, N.t N. Y.; Cnnt, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Los Ang eles. Cal if.) (See Bank of Ame rica Nat’l Tr. & Sa rings Assn., Fresno Main Office) /(90-90) *FresnoM l Vice-Pres. and M lPres. and Asst. M NAT. TRUST. & SAV. ASSN. ) W. R. Price and ®T«*i’67 ) (90-1178) Belmont / (90-95) West Fre BANK OF AMERICA Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branches) ain Office:* 0. J. Woodward, Vice-P gr.\ A. W. Quinn, Vice-Pres. and A. gr.;R. L. Rehorn, Vice-Pres, and Asst. C. R. Puckhaber , Vice-Presidents. -Blackstone Branch • : S. C. Enos, M sno Branch*: c. M. dialup, Mgr. res., R. S. Heaton, Mgr.; A. Sala,ViceMgr.; R.E. Giffln, 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, 1st. Br. Chase N.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Or, 2nd Br. Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk.& Tr. Co.,Chi. 3rd Br. Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk.& Tr. Co.,Chi. \WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. First National Bank in Fresno (Closed July 7, 1930 “--------- “ “ ----- " *SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK “ ___ ** ) W. E. WHITE, WALTER SHOEMAKER CHESTER H.WARLOW, (Fresno Branch. V. P. and Mgr. HENRY AVILA Fresno Tr, Off W. A. SUTHERLAND. T.J. McALPINE. Fresno V. P. W. H. SCHMALLE. (Inactive) A. Br. Mgrs: OF LOS ANGELES 90-89 dB®T*t’22 Fresno Clearing House_____ Roy Pulliam . Mf W. F. White (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ber of N ational, State, a nd Private Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, State s, etc.) (Members indicated by a *) “ “ IU®i Ho"' (T. VV. Patterson Bldg.) [Investment Sec urities: Stocks and Bonds. 1 Branch of San Francisco X LOS ANGELES - PASADENA EF?ANr>SCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For Co mplele R eporls Se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles) 1 1 A llll ll/ll IAIVI fvILL p ciT A IIiT( ^ 1 i LI*2 * (yl/lV /- PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Qf) -3yj •Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number siren to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. row* and County. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. Fullerton__ 10,860 L Orange Q6 •Mem. A.B.A. "New §StatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. BANK OF AMER. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-430 ®T»t'67 President. Vice-President. r—....................... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel Gash A JSx and and AND Liabili omahsm,Dw> Capital its Disoounta Ssourities laneous from Baku Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. s $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Fullert on Bran ch. THOS. E. TAYLOR. Mgr. Principal Correspondents. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. See Head Offi c«. San F rancisco. Calif.) (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) M •• 'FIRST NATIONAL TR.&SAVGS.BANK S. W. SMITH. W. L. HALE-------------- H. V. WILLIAMS------- G. B. GOSSETT---------TUAn Q RPAN B. J. MERRILL Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. E. BEAZLEY 90-905 dB®T«t’20 1165-8% par 100 24,250 $1223 260 $ 115,090 $ 751,360 $ 455,540 $ 207,760 $ 197,930 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Bk. of Calif, and Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE. 'SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ 250,000 Escrow Off . F. C. KRAUSE............. H. A. KRAMSE. Mar.. H. M. SOWDEN. Reports See Head Office, Lo s Angeles A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES (90-429) dB®T*t'24 It M Fullerton Clearing House... S. W. Smith______ (Members indicated by a *) (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ber of N ational, State, a nd Private Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, State s, etc.) R. H. Biggs. Sec. and Tr. Salt —moo Bank of Galt______ d®«tt’12 W. C. Anderson__ F. M. Janes_______ W. C. Anderson.__ C. L. Genasci_____ Sacramento H8 $150-12% par 100 90-736 M. B. Anderson O. L. Genasci, 35,000 21,020 464,250 — 274,460 33,430 159,170 53.200 and Bk. of Italy N. A., San F.; Cap. N„ Sac. tk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Sec. and Tr. Gardena_____ 3509 L Los Angeles Q3 e« ii BANK OF AMERICA r......... -—............... J. J. BRUCKSHAW. 4,000,000 2.436,550 ( Garden a Branc h.See He ad Office, Mgr. 90-598 dB®T»tS’30 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ESINC ALIFO RNIA. California Branch) Farmers ft Merchants Bank R. Robertson......... R. B. Harper_____ J. D. Adams____ 1175-10% par 100 90-923d®»t§’20 J. N. Blake.__ .. 25.000 First National Bank.--.«t’09 J. M. Woodworth. Edward Chaffet... F. A. Monroe_____ A. J. Woodworth. 90-699 GUrey_______ 3502 Santa Olara J7 BANK OF AMERICA 634,630 372,450 177,820 24,910 E. L. WISECARVER. 50.000 6,230 30,100 278,680 689,960 130,770 107,450 17,510 50,000 Cecil L. Carlyle, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 4.000.000 2,436,550 (Geyser ville Bra nch. See Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles, C alif.) M. E. Kennedy. A. Mgr. (Gilroy Branch , See He ad OSic e, San 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Gilroy Branch , See He ad OSic e, San 54,170 and Los A. San F.: Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N. Santa Ana. Ik. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. Francis so. Calif W§'54 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST and SAVINGS ASSN. 90-378 Mgr., A. Cash, and A. Sec. 143.220 148,170 Mgr. 90-600 dB®T«t9'67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California. Branch) ♦ 99-722 .. r................................... 33,770 N.Tr. ftSav.Assn, Los A.;Am.Tr.,San F. Garden Grove .527 Citizens Bank_____ d®»t5’21 H. A. Lake............. P. D. Brady______ L. W. Schauer___ $135-8% par 100 9&-980 L Orange Oil Geyservllle___ 619 Sonoma GS 50,000 Los Ang eles, Cali /•) r................................... A. L. BROWN. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. Francis CO. Calif .) Chi. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. ®T»t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO William r. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD - QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ 91 l OWN AkD OOUKTT. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JSUtetPriTJMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div V IOB-PxS»ID*NT. PUKBIR. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Am't Ctimn Ci*iis« Pab*-up Capital ResoiJBCTB8. Liabu ,mK8. Loans Bonds .Surplus Dsroft- Other Cin A BxMiacBir- ■■ and and i ■—,T»w Liabili AJfD rr* Disoounts Soouritins LAnoui VMM lUSI ties PnOFTTB Principal Corr*6pondhnt8. Glendale.__ 62,736 American National Bank____ (Merged with First National Bank and operating as Colora do and Brand Office) L Los Angeles 015 “ -------- h “ Bank of America of California (Now Bank of Amer ica Nat'l Tr. & Savi ngs Assn., Brand Bl vd. Branch) as Brand BANK OF AMERICA {r (90-1103) (90-1025) Gatew Blvd. Branch:* A. H. SCHUREMAN. Vice Pres, and Mgr. WALTER BRANT. NATL. TRUST & SAV. ASSN. ay Branch.*_____ H.J. WELLMAN, Mgr. ®T»t’67 1(90 -960) Glend ale Branch.*____ L. J. PAUL, Mgr. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branches) „ " M -------- M WITH M. M. Bunning-----*FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN J. A. Logan_______ Dan Campbell____ Geo. E, Farmer, V. P. and Cash. J.W. Hibbert GLENDALE-90-679-d®»t’l0 Dan Campbell, Ch. Peter L. Ferry B. F. Lyttle, V.P. R. W. Jessup par 25 M, B. Jones 'SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES (90-358) Glendale Branch dB®T*t’22; R. F. KITTERMAN* V, P. and Mgr, H. B. LIBBEY, A, Mgr. E. E. OSGOOD. A. Mgr. (90-359) Glendale First Branch d|®Tai’20; D. H. SMITH. V.P. and Mgr., L M BROWN, A. Mgr.: J. E. MORTON. A. Mgr. (90-1230) Glendale & Broadway Branch dB®T«t’20; HERMAN NELSON, V. P. and Mgr. M. J. FLORA, A. Mgr. First Savings Bank...d®|’08 R. B. Gard. Ch.ofBd. andPres. C. W. Richardson 10% par 100 90-442 W. D.Isenberg, BANK OF AMERICA 90-1135 dB®T*+§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of 200,000 94,810 $2 320110 $ 50,000 $1 297 040 $ 912,270 $ 113,700 $ 341,910 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; ( Colorado and Bra nd Office 90-1187) Crocker 1st N„ San F. FOR C OMPLE TE REP ORTSE EHEAD OFFIC E, LOS AN GELES. J. W. Cullen. — * 25,000 75,630 837,580 C. W. Chamberlain 25,000 63,020 398,100 J. O. Mills________ W. H. Stone_______ 67,000 13,260 338,380 20,000 30,000 274,750 497,070 13,500 172,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.1st N.. Los A. 218,400 225,910 26,500 15,310 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N„ Glendora. 230.730 136,730 30,670 50,510 Far. &Merch. N„ Los A.; Crocker 1st N„ San F. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. B. Venberg (See Hea d Office, Saliruu, Cahf.).. Gonaales____ 1024 Monterey County Trust & Savings Bank.. dB©T*t§'94 Monterey E7 90-601 Graham______ 713 (Los Angeles P. 0.) L Los Angeles 015 j c Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. BANK OF AM ERICA OPERA TES 438 BRANC HES IN CALIF ORNIA. Sec. and Tr. O. C. Warren-------- C. W. Chamberlain D. H. Sellers........... Glendora____ 2761 First National Bank ..d*t’07 E. E. Gard, Ch, of Bd. and Pres, 0. W. Richardson L Los Angeles 017 1235-12% par 100 90-441 me-8% par 100 90-449 San Fra ncisco, C alif.) C, C. Farman. Mgr. A. H. Schureman, Glendale Clearing House.__ H. J. Wellman----(Members indicated by a *) M $ $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, A. Mgr. Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk, of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. San. F. 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Graha in Bran ch. See Head Off ce, Los A ngeles, C alif.) ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. ES 438 BRANCH WITH BANK O P AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT A. W. MODERWELL, Mgr. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. California Branch) Grass Talley..8817 Nevada F8 BANK OF AMERICA 4,000.000 2,436,550 (Grass Valley Branch. (See Hea d Office, Los Ange les, Cal.) ( GEORGE L. JONES. ) Ch. of Adv. Bd. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 90-277dB ®T*tl’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (.Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Wm.T. Garland... C. C. Carveth......... FlrstNatlonal Bank In Grass C. B. Grenfell____ tioo Valley 90-1108 d®»t’23 par 100 1I - LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis II \A/ 1 If 1 La La 50,000 11,940 1AM R. £iT A/ 427,260 76,710 His 243,540 271,170 11,000 & 40,200 Chase N., N.Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. Sav. Assn., Sac.; Bk.of Am. N. Tr. &Sav. Assn.. San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT SOLD — QUOTED r— no Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Ur. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Greenville____ 520 Indian Valley Bk._.d®»J§'12 Plumas E8 *120-8% 90-716 par 100 Gridley.............1941 Butte F7 NATL. TR. & SAVGS ASSN 90-492 ®T»4'67 BANKOF AMERICA (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) President. Roy Maxey, Mgr... Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dupoeand Capital Profits ITS 11 Other TIES Resources. Bonds Cass k Exand CHAHQlA,Dui Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banka Loans (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Bank of Newman___ ©»t§'19 H. B. Fuller______ H. L. Hotle 50,000 JAS. C. AUSTIN, 20,430 440,960 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Gustin e Bran ch. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. Bk, of Am. N, A„ N. Y,; Cont, III, Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi. 216,930 234,190 28,360 31,910 Chase N„ N.Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co.. Chi. See Head Of fice, San Francisc o, Calif,) BATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO ENIA. W. H. Jensen, Mgr. H. E. Langford, N. r—-........................... 47,700 OhaseN.,N.T.; Anglo-Calif.Tr.Co.. SanF. Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr. Co., N. Y,: Cont. III. Bk, & Tr, Co„ Chi. Bk, of Calif. N. A„ San F.; Calif. N., Sac. (Guada lupe Br aneh. F or Compl ete Repor t See He ad Office, Los Ange les) Mgr. BANKOF AMERICA Principal Correspondents. (See Hea d Office, Colusa.C alif GEO. W. DALESSI, OF LOS ANGELES 90-602 dB®T»t’22 Guernevllle___ 619 Bank of Quernevilie d®*t§’05 A. B. Swain_______ P.S. Hollingsworth $120-8% par 100 90-603 Sonoma HS H. B. Fuller. V.P. G. N. Bech Gustlne______ 1016 f...........—-.............. Uerced J9 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-807 ®T*t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMEEICA OPE BANK OF AMERICA Ass’t Cashier. W. B. Perry______ Cecilia M.Chamber- Cecilia M. Chamber- W. G. Adams_____ $ 50,000 $ 9,370 $ 255,010 $ 217,890 $ 40,980 $ 7,860 $ lain It. E. Lozano f E. E. BIGGS, DUNNING RIDEOUT- J. R. CRAIG, J. W. REINHARDT. 50 000000 58 997 540 ) Ch. Adv. Bd. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. A. Mgr. (Gridle y Brauc h. See H ead Offic e, San Fr and sco, Calif.) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Half Moon Bay 1125 San Mateo H17 Cashier. Vice-President. Grimes ............. 164 The Colusa County Bank Colusa G6 90-810 •§’13 Guadalupe ___ 919 LSanta Barbara M9 .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acoes.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this irarest nates, Mondays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued A. Mgr. L. RIZZO, JR., (See Hea d Office, .Calif.). Chase N.. N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. J. G. GILCREST, 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Half M oon Bay Branch. See Head Office, Sa n Francis co. Calif.) Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-605 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMEEICA OPE BATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO ENIA. (.Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ^Hanford____ 7028 Kings K12 •• _____ » BANK OF AMERICA r---------------------- — G. W. GLINES, 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Hanfor d Branc h. See H ead Office , San Ft ancisco, Mgr. and A. Tr Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-262 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMEEICA OPE BATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO ENIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Chase N„ N.Y.;Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. Calif.) Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) First National Bank.d®»t’01 R. R. Cunningham. F. R,. Hieht ___ 10% par 100 90-261 A. E. Horlock, Ch. H. M. Hetzler SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK R.J. DOWNING, Mgr. F. J. Stephenson.. C. C. High, A. C. VV. F. Kelley 150,000 A. LE ROY NEWPORT. 78,050 2,095,540 $ 102,720 d Branc h. ForC omplete A, Mgr. 1,393,580 Reports 227,780 See Head 270,010 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; A. & L. P. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.; Secur.-lst N.. Fresno. s Angeles OF LOS ANGELES 90-259 dB®T»t’22 Hardwick iso First National Bank___ efl* Etta M. Sharp___ Kings K12 90-787 Hawthorne...6596 First Exchange State Bank l Los Angeles Q2 90-1314 §’29 Hayward_____ 5530 Alameda F21 BANK OF AMERICA C. E. Bertram.__ J. L. Sharp_______ r..................... .............. 90-694 J. W. CARDOZA, 17,000 198,000 97.800 44,500 97,700 Crocker 1st N., San F. of Ingle wood, Ca lif I V. P. and Mgr. Mgr. and A. Tr.Off. NATL. TR. & SAVES. ASSN. 25,000 H. Krabbenschmidt OSCAR SAYLORS. Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 50000000 58 997540 A. Mgr. (Haywa rd Bran ch. See Head Offx ce, Son Francisc o, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. ®T.X’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMEEICA OPE RATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO ENIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) •• BK. OF HAYWARDS d®.t§ 91 90-555 *125-8% I. B. Parsons_____ F. O. Winton J. H. Gansberger W. W. Haley___ H.Henningsra__ HeaMsburg.,.2296 Bank of America of California (See Bank of Ameri ca Natl. Tr. & Savg s. Assn., Healdsburg Branch) Sonoma G4 ( GEO. H. WARFIELD-.J. H. MILLER. L. J. HALL. \ BANKOF AMERICA " - --- “ V. P. and Mgr. 'W. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. , 90-416 ®T*t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) R. HALEY. A. Mgrs. gUU,WU 236,400 2,907,250 !50000 000!58 997 540 (Healds burg Br anch. 5,480 2,214,790 See Head Office, S 721,140 164,710 im Franc ■isco, Cali ,f•) 248,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. and Oakland. Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill Bk. Tr. Co.. Chi. (.WITH BANK O F AMEEICA OPE ]BATES 438 BEAN CHES IN CALIFO !RNIA. Digitized for LOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED & Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.H’New § State tPriv t.Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.SLastSale%Div. L Riverside P19 Farmers&Merch.Bk.©*+§’07 16% par 100 90-491 — —--------------------------PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. n. R. nnypii Mermosa Beach L Los A. 014 4796 BANK OF AMERICA (........ r 90-1013 dB©T*t§’67 (.WITH BANK O {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) ♦First Bank ol ttermosa.5’13 Beach 90-780 (Camino Real Bran Resources. Liabilities. Lords Bonds Other ash k ExMiscbi/- cCranch D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and , Dux and its Capital Profits Discounts Sscuritiss LANEOUS from Banks ties T. J. Fletcher____ S First National Bank~d©*'15 Chas. W. Howard . C. E. Brouse______ W. N. Parkhurst.. Theodore Eggen... E. o. Eggen E. M. Stark, Ch. 8% par 100 90-490 "-------- " Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 50,000 $ 86,920 $ 769,480 50,000 27,970 519,800 $ $ 397,960 $ 390,500 75,000 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Herm osa Bea ch Bran ch. H. B. DAWSON, Mgr.. See 312,320 166,820 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. S 117,940 Chase N..N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N„ Loa A.; 1st N,. Riverside. 56,500 137,140 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav„ Riverside; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. Head 0 ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. G. S. Thatcher ___ G. S. Thatcher .... I. H. Heilman C. E. McKoin ch: 90-1050) ♦First NationalBankd®*t’22 R. E. Matteson ... G. S. Thatcher.... G. 8. Thatcher.__ E. A. Spiller E. C. Jones 1150-6% par 100 90-1002 50.000 17,500 350,000 50.000 15,000 400,000 55,000 63,240 471,080 340,000 73,500 23,700 41,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.: W, F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. 48.500 210,160 307,850 19,270 118,520 Chase N..N.Y.; Bk.of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A., Wells Fargo Bk.& Union Tr. Co.. San F. 25,300 381,520 136,480 39,990 56,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A.; Am. Tr.. San F. {*Members South Bay Clear ing House, Redondo Beach, Calif.) Highland_____ 715 First Bk. of Highland_*t§’04 J.R. Gill L S.Bernardino 018 U 40-7% 90-607 M. M. Randall____ J. M. Spaulding, K. M. Pennock___ Sec. r 50 000 000 58 997 540 V. B. BLAKEY, Mgr. Highland Park (Highla nd Park Branch . See H ead Office , San Fr ancisco, Calif.) (Sta. Los Angeles) L Los Angeles NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O RNIA. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO 16-112 ®T«i‘67 {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. A Savgs. Assn. Branch) r 50 000 000 58 997 540 dllmar ___ __ 64 A. AUSTERLAND. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) (Hilma r Branc h. Mgr. Merced 19 NATL. TR. &. SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O RNIA. RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO F AMERICA OPE 90-869 ®T»t’67 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) BANK OF AMERICA ___ BANK OF AMERICA Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ‘Hollister ....3757 Bank of America of California (See Bank of Ameri ca Natl. Tr. A Sarg s. Ass’n, Hollister B ranch) San Benito Jk “ _____ *' BANK OF AMERICA f D.M. PATERSON.^. F. S. FARIA, A. V. P. 50 000 000 58 997540 (Holllst er Bran ch. Chase N., N. ¥.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco. Calif.) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-392 ©T-1’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. A Savgs. Assn, Branch) *» ** L Lot Angeles N2 (Pop included in Los Angeles) J. R. Pendergrass. T A Wnrt nHollister National Bank J. J. Kelley 90-1332 ©T.t’31 ‘BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST and SAVINGS ASSN. CECIL B. DEMILL J Adv.Bd.: C.H. V \ (16-135’ Holly wo M. G. RUH, a. M 1(90-1104) South ®W67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. A Savgs. Assn. Branches) .. «» od Branch.* J, M. S E.V.P.andV. Ch. ANDERLIP, V. P. and od-Whitley Branc or.; ERNEST READ, A Hollywood Branc 100,000 I. A. Morris, V, P. and Cash, PHFNnit V P and C Adv.Bd.: C.E. TOBER Mgr.: HENRY DALTO h-’J.EARLMAIR.Mp . Mgr. h.* R. B. SPENSLEY 50,000 250,000 Crocker-lst N., San F. 100,000 San Fra ncisco, C alif.) ... Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. BANK OF AM ERICA OPERA TES 438 BRANC HESIN CALIFO RNIA. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 {See Hea d Office, MAN. V.P.and V.Ch. N, A. Mgr. r.,0.K.C0LE,A.F.P. WITH , Mgr, Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Bank of America of California (See Bank of Ameri ca Natl. Tr. A Savg s. Assn. Hollywood- Whitley Branch) II Bank of Hollywood . (Closed December 8, 1930) .. G. D. Thompson... C. E. Elfstrom____ D, E. Fulwider, Bank of West Hollywood 1135 par 100 90-1123 d®*7§’25 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 1 {Hollywood continu ed on next page) | LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■MU 51,500 12,000 625,000 44,730 255,430 352,590 William R. Staats Co. 43,220 82,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED qa Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number elm to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Baud-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and County. *Connty Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §8taU tPrii. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%Div. Hollywood________ (iContinued) CALIFORNIA BANK ®*t§’04 Yiok-Prxsiddtt. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Folnt (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued Am't Carrier. CASHIEE. Hollywood Branch •(90-252) HoUyvs. Blvd. 4 Hudson Aw.; B. B. Odell, Mgr. Hoilywood-Gramercy Branch • (90-1153) 5620 Blvd.: H. L. Holland, Mgr. W.Bellyw, Branch •(90-1152) 8un$vt Blvd, at SierraBonita 84.: Paul B. Kent, Mgr. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Loan Bonds Paxp-oc DlFOft- Other MlftCBIs- Oam ft ftxand Bad Bad L iabili ciAjraM'Doi Capital Profits m Diaeooata BMsritiM LANIOUB n*a Bakes ties $5000 000 $4969420 (Holly w ood Bra nches. Principal Correspondents, N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. * Tr. Co., Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; 1st N., Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. See Head Office, Lo s Angeles , Calif.) All Banking Matters promptly handled. ., “ .. --------- “ j Hollywood— McC adden Place Branch• ; (90-251) R. A. Britt ,Jr.V.P. and Mgr.; ♦Citizens National Trust 0 Savings Bank di®T»l'90 ( Hollywood— Bron son Branch•; (90-110 7) E. F. Bradley, Mgr. 200,000 26,550 $1 162 750 $ 160,000 $ 562,350 $ 651.630 $ C. A. Hubbard_____ Geo. McLagan......... C. L. Nelson______ H. W. French_____ Hollywood 8tate Bank L. B. Howard. Tr. par 25 M-984 d©*t§’23 C. A. Adams. V. P. C. L. Nelson 100,000 32,000 1,020,670 OF •* - ” 629,070 (99-648) Highland* Hollywood Branch dR©T*t’21; M. F. PALMER.F.P.and Mgr. L. M. KLAWITER, W. H. STEINIKE, and H. A. ANDERSON, Asst. Mgrs. (FOB C OMPLE TE REP OBTSE EHEAD LOS ANGEL ES) (90-1053) Sunset & Stanley Branch dB®Tt 23; R. A. KELLY. Mgr. GEO. W. OTIS, A. Mgr. LOS ANGELES (90-250) Vermont & Hollywood Branch dB©TC’22; L. F.HEAB, Mgr.; W C(99-1229)4Wilton & Hollywood Branch d|®Tt’24; H. I. YUNDT. Mgr. Hollywood Clearing House „ Roy A. Britt............ Norman McMillen. B. B. Odell, Mgr. and Sec. E. A. Pierce & Co............ ............ 6547 Hollywood B1 vd. #s8t.5iWTER#""EN- Cln Charge: Car leton B. Lyon__ j MEMBER NEW (6253 Hollywood Blvd.) YORK STOCK Telephone Hollywood 5181 Heltsille______ 1758 First National Bank d©»t‘10 Joel Anderson.......... L Imperial Q23 90-523 *185-15% par 100 N h S. B. Shaw, par 100 ♦ 90-624 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Hepland_______ 515 Savings Bank of Mendocino Mendocino G3 Coun ty..90-008.. .d©»t|’12 $112H-6% par 100 Hueneme ____303 Bank of Hneneme .d®»U’89 B. O. Gerherding.. Richard Bard.......... L Ventura 018 90-009 *76-8% par 60 Hugh bob_______040 Bank of Hnghson___ ®*ti'10 A. N, Crow A. A. Galt_________ Stanislaus 19 *220-26% 90-010 HuntlnstouBeaeh First State Bank..dB®*t§’23 S. R. Bowen.............. H. S. Young-----------L Orange P16 8690 90-1064 L. B. Tannehlll, Ch. J. R. McDonald (Merger of First National and Home State Banks) J. Ed. Huston “ 6,690 56.840 $ 278,470 313,630 121,530 95,130 Chase N., N.Y.; Citiz.N.Tr.& Sav., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr„ San F.; Un.Tr. Co., Clev. Chase N.. N. Y.: U. S. N. and Far. Merch. N„ Los A. (90-247) Hollywood & Cahuenga Branch dB®T*t'19: 6. 6. GREENWOOD. V. P. and Mgr.; RALPH C. LONG.K P.! FRANK K. GALLOWAY, A. Cash.; B. H. COWPER, A. Sec. (Members indicated by a *) .. (Bee Head Of fice, Los Angeles, Calif.).. ♦Hollywood National Bank N. W. McMillen... W. R. Fawcett.... Wm. P. Ralston — J. Prochaska Geo. Lounsberry, Wm. P. Ralston M. D. Patton, of Los Angeles Escrow Mgr. *120 par 100 90-1144 d®*t'25 Ch.ofBd.andV. P. ‘SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK “ A.A.Opa tz. A. M gr. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFIC E, N. T. Shaw, A. Mgr. EXCHANGE F. Roy Thompson. 50,000 41,210 75.000 6.210 Theo. W. Bolin G. H. Mills. Cash., Sec. and Tr. 79,380 413,490 28.780 147,600 69,160 57,780 231,890 84.100 37,360 181,020 33,820 R7 AA(\ Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Of'44U (See Hea d Office, Ukiah, C alif.).—. R. B. Shimmiu, Mgr. O. Ls (Kit . 517.440 Robert Nunn______ 50,000 30,400 M. A. Galt 25,000 29,100 306.080 50,000 12,520 529,400 W. R. Clifton____ O. A. Mosier __ P. B. Hess. H. S. Young, Mgr. 210 590 238,790 44,690 8,900 67,800 197,470 309,100 16,240 64,660 Sec. and A. Mgr. C. N.WHITTAM, Mgr. H. F. RAMPTON, A. Mgr, Hunttn gton Be Direct wires to A. 0. Slaughter, Anderson & Fox, New York City. Chicago, San Francisco. Los Angeles. Oakland, and Beverly Hills. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Secur.-lst N., Los A.;Secur. Tr.&Sav., San Diego. lllllli ITU Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. Crocker 1st N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. Ohi.; Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Crocker 1st N„ San F.; Modesto. Modesto. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co.. San F. uj/icet Los Ang eles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-611 dB®»t’21 Huntington Park Bank of America of California (Now Bank of Amer ica Nat’l Tr, & Sav' gs. Assn,, Clarendon j-Pacific Branch) L Los A.016 24.591 “ - " *BANK0FAMERICA C (90-976) +Claren \ J. H. CROS ®*f’04 / 90-1061) *Hunti (Formerly Bank of Italy N. Tr. MAX R. W & Savgs. Assn, and Bk. of Am. L. WITH BANK O NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1061 of Calif. Branches) (Huntington Park * ontinued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis don-Paciflc Bran ch,; BY V. P. and Mgr.\ F. E. ELMORE, A. M gr. ngton Park Bran ch,; 50 000000 58 997540 (See HeadOffi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. ALLACE. Mgr.-, G. W. UPSHAW. A. Mgr. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED qc Noffikef udw Nttuc of Bank la the Mew Transit Member gives to each hank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-MeMally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A»»’n. Tews AJfB CfiUKTT. 'County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Bist. L Los Angeles Br. 9Mem. A B.A. "New 58t»t« tPrii. JMem. State B. Ass’n. f Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSalc%Div PlMIBlST. Vim-FUi»wr* Huntington Park ♦CITY NAT’L BK.-dB®*t 26 L. H. Hamilton___ A. S. Flynn____ L Los A 016 24,591 $240-8% par 100 90-1174 Wm. S. Barker, Ch. F. H. Hamilton Nea-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dsxed Aooes.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, eto., sec Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cxawrax Ajw’t Cuiin. Liabilities. Resources. Loama Othib Bonds MlfClL- OamAKiPaid-up Surplus Dnroe- Liabilitad and AJfD Capital PaOFITB ITU ! Disooast* SoeoritM* LAJfBOUB IBM Basmj TIES D. F. Babcock_____ C. L. Violet______ $ 125.000 $ 46,690 $1352160 $ 4,630 $ 765,490 $ 494,530 $ (.Continued) Los Angeles Morris Plan Co. (6611 Pacific Blvd.) Mgr. 'SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK -------•• “ .. (H untin gton Par k Branch Leonard Shoultz, J. N. ROBINSON. (Huntl ngton P ark Bra nch; G. C. HUGHES. A. Mgr. V. P. and Mgr. of Los Los An geles) PWKCIPAL Co&BXSPONBENTa. 99.790 1 168.670 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr, Co. Chi.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. Angeles, Calif.) F or compl ete repor t, see Hea d Office, OF LOS ANGELES 4 90-901 dB®T»t 19 *WALNUT PARK NAT. BANK (See Walnut Park) Huntington Park Clearing House C. W. Wplter Geo. C. Reimer, Sec. and Tr. Max R. Wallace, Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f Priva te Bank s, Tota l Depos its by C ities, S tates, e tc.) Hynes________ 516 First National Bank d®«t'10 C. 8. Thompson ... J. J. Chamberlain . C. A. Thompson... Harry Wirtz______ 90-612 O. L. Coke L Lee Angeles Q4 par 28 50.000 21.230 619,170 72,180 356,910 249,980 22,770 132,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Secur.-lst N., Los. A. Indio 12ns First National Bank L Riverside P20 $106 par 100 90-834 d®»t'20 B. H. Hayes, Ch. B. G. Graff............... B. G. Graff_______ E. G. Brinkley......... 50.000 5.850 326,290 25,000 181,920 120,980 48,420 55,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. S. M. Greene Inglewood. .19,480 Bank of Inglewood 90-1179 dB®#t§’26 L Los Angeles 015 $50-6% par 25 .. .. First Exchange State Bank A. E. Nfitzel $200-4% R. E. Miller. Ch. par 100 90-1327 d©*t§’25 E. B. Harris______ R. F. Lamb _____ E. D. Boone... . . Newcomb Condee T. G. Stevens. A.C. Roland Robbins 150,000 56,030 1,180.240 6,690 782,180 336,470 40,350 Ross Walker_____ Charles Kellogg__ W. E. Carr Henry A. H. Robbins. V. P. Krabbenschmidt 200. OOP 42.490 1,299,380 940 667,460 604,280 102,150 (Formerly listed at Lawndale) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK — SV. G. BROWN............. A. H. NIETER. Mgr. . H. R. BROWN. A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES + 90-447 dB®*t’26 California Trust A Savings Bank____ 9fr-#46 ....®TI’94 Amador H9 K. S. CLAREY. 233,960 N. Bk. Com., Los A. (Inglew ood Bra nch, A. Mgr. Los Ang eles) 168,920 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, of Calif.. Los A.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. F or compl ete repor t, see He ad Office (See Hea d Office, Saerawte nto, Cmli f.)......... R. H. Frost, Mgr.. Irvington______819 Bank of Alameda County J. R. Blaoow, Mgr. 90-419 4'10 Alameda J23 ( FREDERIC SPOERKE. Isleton____ .2090 — Mgr. Sacramento H7 90-890 dB®T«t»'67 (Formerly Bank of America ( WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & 8.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH BANK OF AMERICA j (See Hea d Office, Aim-ado . Calif.) Chase N., N.T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. Chase N„ N. Y.: Crocker 1st N.. San F. 4.000,000 12,436,550 (Isleton Branch. See Head Office, L os Angele s, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. of Calif. Branch) •Jack son____ 2005 Amador H9 St ss F. N. SORACCO-......... F. J. POTTLE. Mgr... 4,000.000 2.388,100 (Jackso n Branc h. See Head O fflee, 90-1300 dR®T»t§’67 ) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Amador County BANK OF AMERICA J..................... Development Bank) Bank sf Amador Ooanty 10% par 100 *0-616 d®t5’9« C. R. Downs P. L. Cassinelli T. A. Hedgpeth.__ J. E. McLaughlin.. F. J. Payne, A. C. R. C. Merwtn Kelsey itlle___ 520 Lake Q4 BANK OF AMERICA \( Kerman L , Fresae J10 First Nat'l Bank in Kerman J. A. Johnson------ F. F. Minard.......... Wm. Rlcharda ___ 90-418 d®t'24 King City 1482 Meat gray K8 BANK OF AMERICA \ 125.000 352.050 2,578,580 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. L. MONK, Mgr. . (Kelsey ville Br anch. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (with bank 0 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. •e-90* ®T«t’67 1,888,440 822,660 69,970 274,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., San F.: Cal. N., Sac. See Head Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /•) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Sav. Assn. Branch) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-856 m L osAngel es, Cali D se PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 000 000 58 997 540 225,000 86,000 75,000 90,000 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Dn. Tr. Co., San F.; Secur.- 1st N. Tr. & Sav., Fresno. Chase N.. N. Y.; Oont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. C alif.) Chi. 2,700 See Hea d Office, dan Fra nciee0, ®T«t’67 Sav. Bk.__90-420_.d©»tr08 - E. RIANDA. 8.700 (King City Br aneb. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. { WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. <fc Sav. Assn. Branch) Monterey County Trust & LOS ANGELES J. R. SOMAVIA- 25.000 S. E. Coleman, Asst. Mgr. (See Hea d Office, SaMnat, Calif.). J. W. McKinsey. A sst. Mgr. William R. Staats Co. Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co..Chi.; Anglo a Lon. Paris N.,Am.Tr. and W.F. Bk.& Tr.Co.,S.F ;Sec.lst N.Bk.of Los A.. Los A. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED QA Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafcDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ttlngsburg ...1322 KingsDurg Bank___ d®«J§’ll C. E. Fosberg_____ P. G. Peterson___ O. E. Peterson ___ W. O. Nelson Fresno K12 J. L. Norman, Ch, par 100 ♦ 90-533 Knights Landii r Yolo G6 3 P. G. FRIDAY, Mgr.. \ BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR.&SAVGS. ASSN. 90-853 Laguna Beach 19 L Orange P16 La Habra.........22 L Orange Q6 ®T«r67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs. Assn, Branch) r~...........—-............ H. L. PERRY...........- 00-816 dB®T-t§’67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) L San Diego Q18 L. H. BREWER. Mgr. E. B. DEMAREST. Other TIES FIRST NATIONAL TR. & SAV. BANK Ch. Adv, Bd. Principal Correspondents. 82,260 $ 583.270 $ 179,170 t 175.400 $ 109.300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman State N„ Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Secur. 1st N„ Los A. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. (Knigh ts Land ing Bra nch. See Head Of, San Francisc o, Calif.) Co.. Chi. 50,000 14,430 422,000 224.080 147,860 8,280 106,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.'Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N., Santa Ana. Bank of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 4.000,000 2,436,550 50 000 000 58 997 540 (La Joll a Branc h. See Head Offi. ce, San Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Francisc o, Calif.) CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-1131 ®T«t’24 Karl Kenyon---------- D. M. Plaister____ LaJolla National Bank of San Diego............. dB®T»t '28 R. C. Bulger Karl Kenyon, W. W. Penry, $145 par 100 00-1296 Tr. Off A. Tr. Off. f F. H. BOGGS. _ 64,870 $ 790.010 $ W. C. STITT. A. Mgr. (Branch of San D iego, Cal if.).... B.W. SIBLEY.A.Afflr. J in _ i< j _ F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. A. L. CLARK, Mgr... BANK OF AMERICA r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN 90-621 ®T»r67 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-510 ®T*t'67 Resources. Loans Bonds Cash 4 ExMibcel- ohasom ,Dui Diaoounta Securities LANEOUS PROM Ba!T» A. Mgr. (La Hab ra Bran ch. See H ead Off) ce, Los A ngeles, C alif.) (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branch) * '.akeport.__ ] Lake 03 Surplus Paid-up DeposITS Capital Profits S 110,000 $ L’nv Inf-Axvni n ~ i. Trrvliimn Liabilities. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Citizens Bank... _d®»t§’23 B. B. Mason. Thos. A. Cummings A. B. McCord_____ E. H. Reaver Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $150-8% par 100 90-1031 BANK OF AMERICA Non-Bank Towns with Nearest banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued _________ GEO. H. VOSS. Mgr. 200,000 53.200 890,840 50000,000 58 997 540 (Lakeuo rt Rian cb. and A. Tr. Off. N. City, N. Y.; 1st Un. Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 622,020 238,000 107,910 176,100 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi, See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branch) Bank of Lake................... •§'74 F. A. Greene........... W. C. Moore_____ $260-12% 90-511 Lakeside_____ 432 Lakeside Com’l & Sav. Bank A. W. Hall ............... L. G. Scott L San Diego Q19 $150 par 100 90-981 d®’21 Lamanda Pk. Sta. (See Pasadena) La Mesa_____ 2513 f L San Diego Q19 DCash., W Greene, F. Louise Nordyke, Sec. and Tr. ______ Floyd Bosworth, BANKOF AMERICA - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25.000 Sec. H. A. HALL, Mgr,... 90-622 ®T»r67 (.WITH BANK O Lancaster___ 1017 L Los Angeles N16 Lankershim Larkspur____ 1241 Marin D15 582,160 416,600 230,280 7,650 143,930 108,550 35.330 non 58 997 540 (La Mes a Branc h. 50 non NATL. TR.&SAVGS. ASSN. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branch) 102,970 A, Cash,, A, Sec, F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 0. J. BANKOF AMERICA & • J. D. Keller, Mgr. . r Lc Dai Oil* _ N.C. Blanchard.. _ R. L. Davis._ J. S. Garbersou Fresno K12 d®*t’22 $160 par 100 90-624 La Verne_____ 2860 + (-:trniers& Merchant- Kan*, L. C. Klinzman L Los Angeles P7 $180-10% 9Q-836 d®i§'16 H. E. Belcher * First National Bank_®»t’O0 L. E. Cree________ $250 1085 90-496 par 100 (*Members of San Antonio R eqional Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco. Calif.) Bank of Southern California F. J. Belcher. Jr.. W. B. Whitcomb .. L. J. Heitkam____ J. L. Hobel.............. 50.000 341,530 10,580 265,540 95,320 5,140 $133par 100 9 1-11911 d®T«t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, (--------------------------- GEO. W. TIGHE...... DUVALL, Mgr. 50 000000 58 997 540 (Lancas ter Bra neb. S ee Head Office, Sa n Fraud sco, Cali NATL. TR. SAVGS. ASSN. 90-756 ®T«I'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 1 See North Hollywood) AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-1045 ®+5 ’54 Laton__________ 413 First National Bank Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F ; Cal. N., Sac. 21,900 V. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., San Diego. 10,800 ch* See A. Mgr. L. M. Garberson... 25,000 7,000 126.700 J. E. Davis 50,000 38,210 328,250 E. H. Boly________ O. L. Marshall ___ 25.000 ___ Secur.-lst N., Los A. San F. /.) Head Off ice, San F ran cisc o, Calif.) wee 3,500 25,460 Secur. 1st N., Fresno. 216,671 110,190 5,500 138,500 196,960 20,800 84.120 . City, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; 1st N.. Pomona. 268.070 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Ass'n, Los A.; 1st N., Pomona. Clearing House, Chino, Cali fornia) LOS ANGELES PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - 1 I 1 1 A HJ| W 1 La La 1 IVI fAAlPQ 1w V/Ui PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 97 Town and county. ‘County Seats 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.^NewSStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDei>.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. L Los Angeles 015 First Exchange State Bank 90-1126 d®*t§’25 Merced J10 President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. R. R. Hopkins, „ $ A. D. Campbell.__ C. D. Willis______ R. J. Prince First National Bank.-®»t'05 90-489 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash & ExDepos Other Paid-up Surplus Miscel chanq and and *s,Dd* AND L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties (Branch of Inglew ood, Cali /.)_____ Mgr. Le Grand Bank dB®*tS'13 E. T. Cunningham- F. A. Bondshu------- A. J. Grasmoen $135-8% par 100 90-792 par 100 Kings Kll Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 25,000 $ 150,000 Principal Correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn,, Los A. 24,380 $ 208,060 $ 15,000 $ 196,250 $ 28,500 1.265.800 12,500 938,300 45,180 $ 224,500 $ 154,200 31,000 Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. 139,800 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Citiz. N.Tr. & Sav., Los A. Lennox __ 1500 (See Inglewood) (Inglewood P. 0.) L Los Angeles 015 BANK OF AMERICA Placer G8 r WALTER JANSEN — W. M. 4,000,000 2,436,550 SPARKS. JR.. (Li ncol n Branc h. See Head O fRce, Lo s Angel es, Calif Mgr. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. 90-826 (lB®T*t§'67 (WITH BANK O P AMERICA N.T. -) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) a. •• Bank of Lincoln--- d®«$5’02 B. C. Musser______ W. V. Hayt______ J. A. Bannister___ $140-10% par 100 90-826 Lindsay Savings Bk. d®*t§’10 E. L. Daniells......... F. F. Hostetter.— R. E. Wolf. Lindsay______ 3878 Cash, and Mgr. $200-20% 90-425 Tulare K13 par 100 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHESTER DOWELL— A.M. HOSTETTER. Mgr. — 64,000 32,590 830,220 30.560 556,920 285,760 52,070 GertrudePfrimmer Stary Gange M. A.Jenvey 60,000 65,950 732,520 30,000 496,150 211,840 22,580 A.M. Seifert.. D. H. EDWARDS, A. Mgr, (Llndsa y Branc h. For 62,610 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co. and A. & L. P. N„ San F.: Cap. N.. Sac. 157,890 N. City. N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Am. Tr. Co., San F. Report, See Hea d Office, Los Ang d Complete OF losakgelest 90-424 Live Oak Kifi Sutter F6 dB®T*t 23 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-727 ( (with bank o OUNNIND RIDEOUT - E. H. COBEEN, Mgr.. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Live O ak Bran cb. See HeadOffi ce, San F ranci8cot Calif.) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. ®T»t§’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Livermore___ 3119 Alameda F25 H. J. Callaghan, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Douglas Beasley, Mgr. A. Sec. and A. Mgr, (Llverm ore Bra nch. See Head Office, S an Franc itco, Cali /.) ♦ 90-410 ®T«t§’54 ** M BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. bank o 50 000 000 58 997 540 F. P. CARDOZA, (Liverm ore Bra neb. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. bank o F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ESINC ALIFO RNIA. ( & SAVGS. ASSN. (WITH 90-409 ®T*t’67 See Head Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /.) Bk of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. ) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs, Assn, Branch) Livingston 803 Merced J10 BANK OF AMERICA W. R. r 90-1263 dB®T«t§’67 (WITH (Formerly Bank of America of LUTZ, Mgr. ... 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Living ston Br anch. California Branch) (See Hea d Office, Stockton. Calif:).. Lockeford 619 Union Safe Deposit Bk...§’07 San Joaquin H8 90-626 Lodi __ _ __ 6788 Bank of America of California San Joaquin H8 90-361 ®T»f67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) .. $200 90-844 W. H. LORENZ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - LLOYD MAZZERA, C. G. PRICE, V. P. and Mgr. A. R. KOLB, „ 1. A. PEDREIRA, C. M. FEROUN, 50 000 000 58 997 540 (LodiB ranch. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Cal if.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Tr. Co., Chi. 111. Bk. & A. Mgrs, (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE A.V . P. and A. Mgr. CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. RATES 438 BRAN J. B. Gundert____ H. C. Lange______ | L. Lachenmaier ®«t§T6 J. Kurtz. V. P. E. J. Mettler, Tr. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Mellon N., Pitt. (Merged with Bank of America Natl. T r, & Savgs. Assn., L odi Branch) BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. See Head Office, L os Angel es, Calif. SAN DIEGO lAfu i ■ C. A. Wishek____ a mm B WILLIAM Kb 150.000 Cta 45,420 1,049,720 atc 135,130 1 736,240 Aa 373,330 wTAATS vO» 123,340 147,350 Chase N.. N. Y.; Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co., San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. pacific coast securities bought - sold - quoted 98 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew IStatetPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond I Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Yice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Loma Linda..2500 First National Bank—d®*'29 F. E. Corson____ R. W. Thomas____ Roy S. Fellows. L San Bernardino *25 par 25 90-1312 S. S. Merrill 018 CALIFORNIA BANK 90-922 Lompoc____ 2845 L 8. Barbara N9 ®*t§’04 r Lo*n> Bonda Miscel and and Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous S $ 25.000 J 50.000 ties 19.390 $ 263,200 7.450 (Loin it a Branc h. See 42,690 $ 188.540 110,210 378,960 5,000,000 4,969,420 B. A. Beckham. F. W. McMullen. Mgr. Pro, Mgr, 241,080 S 15.000 36,970 Cash k Ex changes,Dui from Banks $ 61.350 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. Tr., San 1, 1st N., Eureka. 48,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. and Redlands. Head O, Los Angeles, Calif.) (.All Banking Ma tters promptly ha ndled. M. R.PATTEE, BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. IwiTH BANK O 90-449 Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and iabili its Capital Profits Loleta. .317 Bank of Loleta____ ©<§’10 R. O. Dickson____ W. F. Dickson___ E. E. HillHumboldt D1 1150-8% 90-627 Lomlta______ 725 LLos Angeles P15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. CALIFORNIA—Continued ®T*t 67 {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savings Assn. Branch) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Lompo c Branc h. Mgr. and. A, Tr, Off. See Head Offi ce, San F Calif.) N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Balt. Tr.. Balt,; 1st N„ Pitts.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Ohi. F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. HOWARD E. HUTTON* L. C. HUSEMAN, „ Mgr. A. Mgr. (Lompo c Branc h: ForC omplete Report S ee II ead Office, Los Ang eles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-451 Lone Pine........ 360 L Inyo K16 Long Beachl42,032 l Loi Angeles P15 dB®T*t'22 r............................. 4,000,000 2.436,550 DEAN L. SEARS, Mgr. (Lone P ine Bra nch. S te Head Office, Lo s Angele 8, Calif.) 90-1243 dB®T«t§'67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPEBAT ES 438 BRANCH ESIN C ALIFO BNIA. California Branch) BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION LONG BEACH MAIN OFFICE 90-120 ©T»t'67 (350 Pine Ave.) (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savings Assn.Branches) (Long Beach contin ued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50000000 58997540 (See He ad Office, E. J. WIGHTMAN....... -........... _____Vice President R. D. JUDKINS...........-.........______ Vice President J. I. DAVIS, Viet President and District Manager W. P. NESTLE----- --------- ______ Vice President JULIUS SLUM........................ ______Vice President Special Attention to Tourists and Home Seekers San Fr anciseo, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. Is Tr. Co., Chi. LONG BEACH BRANCHES: (90-1001) American Avenue Branch*, 301 American Ave. M. W. DAUBNEY, Mgr. F. E. HARDIKER. A. Mgr. (90-1198) North Long Beach Branch*, 5300 Long Beach Blvd, E. J. 0UTHIER, Manager (90-1199) Belmont Shore Branch*, 5200 E. Second St. C. W. MAY. Manager (90-1195) Redondo and Seventh Branch*, 3401 E. Seventh St. W. C. TOMLINSON, Manager (90-1119) Seventh and Pine Avenue Branch*, 650 Pine Ave. F. H. CHAMPLIN. Manager (90-969) First and Pine Branch*, Comer First and Pine Ave. J. S. DUTTON. Mgr. GEORGE V. H. BROWN, A. Mgr. (90-1197) Cherry and Anaheim Branch*, 2000 E. Anaheim St. E. R. DACK, Mgr. HARRY E. POAPST, a. Mgr. WITH BANK OF AMERICA OPERATES 438 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA. William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED qq Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Depos Town and county •’New §StatetPri . TMem.StateB.Ass’n. [Estat •County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. 12 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bon j L Los Angeles Br. d-S8feDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dh . President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Nationa 1 Nelson McCook „ H. M. Haskell.... M. A. White______ K. R. Moryaa ®T»t’2 0 Fred L. Dennie, W. J. Towner Fonda McCook S. W. Coverdale, V. p Graydon Hoffman Tr. Officer R. F. McCook A. L. Parmley F. E. Wall. V. P. ‘Citizens State Bk. d®»t§’2 Harry M. Turner A. F. Cheroske___ par 100 90-1070 T. G. Maurice ii PAI»-UI Surplus AND Capitai Propits Long Beach 142,03' ‘California First Bank 90-122 (Continued) 10% par 20 .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued its Resources. Other Liabili ties Bonds Cash & Ex Miscel changes and And , Dei Disoounti Sseuritias laneous from Banks S 300, OOC $ 130,60C S4 837 920 S 197,300 S3 267 01C $1006 960 $ 152.300 2,11C 20,000 329,370 ‘FARMERS &MERCH. BANC , C. .T. Walker $225—12% par 100 dB©»t§'0 ♦ 90-119 1,000,000 C. E. Huntington.. C. E. Huntington.. 628,360 12 184 400 G. A. Walker F. A. Ziegler, A.C. R. E. Jennings (East ong Beac h Branch •90-1226) A. R. Montgomery E. H. Archer, A.C. E. O. Miller V. W. 8ylvester, O. E. Wesenberg A. C. D. B. Williams, Auditor R. B. Avery, A. C, Farmers & Merch. Tr. Co. 100,000 150,760 550 C. Z. Walker_____ W. H. Dunn, C. E. Huntington, 16% par 100 90-1063 Tt§’2< C. J. Walker, T. W. Williams Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Ch. of Bd. H. McQuilkin, And H. I. Stewart, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Loads 187,790 51.79C $1130 950 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. ______ 239,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; Far. & Merch., Long Beach; Cent. N„ Los. A. 72,760 7,779,620 2,088,340 890,840 3,033,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.;Crocker. 1st N.,San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. 219,590 31,720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,: Citiz. N Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Far. & Merch., Long Beach. A. And. •• --------- “ ‘SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF LOS ANGELES ‘WESTERN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 12% » Long Beach Clearing House ............ •• 300,000 42,120 1,918,260 100,000 1,444,480 401,200 445,050 N.City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Seab. N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 69,650 (90-115) Long Beach Branch dB®T*r21: P. E. HATCH, V. P. & Mgr,; J. E. HATCH, v. P. & A. Sec.: C. C. JAMESON, A. V.P. & A. Sec.; L. C. POWELL, BROWN FUNK. H. E. SMITH and G. F. WILSON. Asst. Cashiers; p. c. SCOTT. Long Beach Tr. Officer & A. Sec.; Q. C. ROBINSON, Asst. Tr. Officer. Broadway and American Branch dB®*t’22: R. C. LEWIS. V. P. H. ADY, V. P; J. FRANK DICKERSON. H. H. FERGUSON. A. Mgrs.; C. E. AKERS. Long Beach V. P. (.inactive). (90-118) (90-1040) (90-1232) (90-1041) (90-1233) FOR C OMPLE TE BEP ORT SEE HEAD OFFICE , LOS A NGELE S. Anaheim & American Branch dB®+’21: WYLIE E. DUMM. Mgr. Belmont Heights Branch dB®t’22: R. G. WEBSTER. Mgr. Fourth & Cherry Branch dB©t’21: 0. E. BOWEN, Mgr. Hill & Atlantic Branch dB®r23: A. G. HOLLENSTEINER. Mgr. G. L. CRAIG, J. L. REED---------------- W. A. HARLAN. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. H. TUCKER R. H. CLOCK F.C. BLAIR, A. Cash. V. P. and Cash. C. C. AUGE. Tr. Off. Sec. and Tr. W. F. HERMAN. 225.000 233,310 3,074,580 6,860 1,770,200 1,027,590 595,640 Cent. Han. 146,320 A complete departmental Bank. Savings Commercial Trust. 90-121 d®M§'20 (Members indicated by a *) •• (Long Be ach Office of Los A ngeles M orris Pla n Bk,, L os Angei es, Cal.) Mgr. ‘Seaside Nat. Bank dB®»t’25 H. S. Beckman Naomi C. Tompkins J. B. Hines............... Joy A. Smith........... *150 par 100 90-1148 Wm. G. Blatt, V.P. J. B. Hines |H. R. Maltby, A.C. Janette C. Webster W. M. Bradfleld — “ Los Angeles Mor ris Plan Co. *135-7% ®’27 P. E. Hatch___ JOHN WILLIAM R. STAATS CO. ™ _ C. .T. Walker Mgr. B. HALBERT, Res. Mgr. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F. W. P. Nestle. Sec... (See Pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Nam ber of Nation al, Stat e and Priva ie Bank s, Total Deposit s by Cit ies, Sta tes, etc .) ............... Branch of Los Angeles Office. Paid up Capital $1,300, 000 Surplus & Profl ts $500, 000 808 Security Bldg. “ ____ ** Loomis_______ 319 Placer G8 TUCKER HUNTER DULIN & Investment Secu rities; Stocks and Bonds. C0.~------------------------------------ Branch of L<rs An *eles (Security Bldg.) California Trust & Sav. Bank s% 90-784 d®«t5'13 Branch, See Head Office, S acrament o, Calif.) Los Altos______520 First National Bank d®«t’20 F. S. Oliver_______ Santa Clara H 21 lilt par 100 90-906 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d. O. Adams______ W. T. Clements ... S. C. Garrett______ 111 | WW Ilia ||j| I La L 1 A (VI 25.000 19,300 272,070 R. S;t i\A T<> 28,000 66,870 (3c 224,680 .. 15,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Calif. N., Sacramento. 37,830 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES ] BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED I Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1UU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 nn Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.) , Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District, No. 12) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.«New SStatetPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits LIST OF OFFICERS Resources. Total Deposits Other Liabili ties i Loans Bonds and and Miscel laneous | Discounts Securities Resources Cash & Exchang*b,Dc« from Banks Statement of Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association $S $ $$$$$ BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 50,000.000 58,997,540 Statement of Bank of America — (A California State Bank) $$ S $$$?$ A. J. MOUNT, E. J. NOLAN, President Chairman of the Board 4,000,000 Main Office Los Angeles (7th and Olive) 16-5 2,436,550 56,695,430 7,600 31.772,540 18,281,620 3,102,020 9,983,400 $$ $ $$$$$ 54,000,000 61,434,090 1,054,734,910 54,866,470 701 030 880 267 421160 104 043 200 152 540 220 C. R. BELL. . . . . . . —- ____ Vice-Chairman LEON BOCQUERAZ- - - - - - - ._ Vice-Chairman G. A. DAVIDSON-. . . . . . . . __ Vice-Chairman W. W. GARTHWAITE-. . . . . . Vice-Chairman ORRA E. MONNETTE — _ Vice-Chairman CORRESPONDENT BANKS IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE Combined Statement COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF THE WORLD LOS ANGELES BRANCHES (16-197) Angeles-Mesa Branch,* 5365 Crenshaw Blvd., E. A. Seeley, Manager (16-181) Beverly-Vermont Branch,* 301 N. Vermont Ave., C. S. Smith, Manager (16-104) Broadway Office,* Broadway at 7th St., H. J. Pye, Manager A. M. Gould, Asst. Manager ®T*t’67 (A consolidation of Bank of Italy National Trust and Savings Assn, and Bank of America of California) 998.039.480 54,858,870 669 258 340 249139 540 100 941180 142 556 820 R. A. Wright, Asst. V.-Pres. (16-227) Brooklyn-Cummings Branch,* 2000 Brooklyn Ave., E. M. Sawyer, Manager EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENTS MARCO HELLMAN R. M. PHILLEO R. E. TRENGOVE HOWARD WHIPPLE H. H. ASHLEY W. A. BONYNGE H. R. ERKES IRVING H. HELLMAN E. J. WIGHTMAN (16-190) Brooklyn-Soto Branch,* 2332-4 Brooklyn Ave., (16-78) Harold H. Lutz, Manager Com’l National Office,* 9th and Main Sts., L. J. Stock, Manager L. M. Smith, Asst. Mgr. (16-194) Echo Park Branch,* 1570 Sunset Blvd., W. H. Hodell, Manager (16-141) Eighth & Vermont Branch,* 800 S. Vermont Ave., London Branch Office at 12 Nicholas Lane, London E. C. 4 F. M. Hughes, Manager (16-226) 57th & Broadway Branch,* 5636 S. Broadway, TV. Ord, Manager (16-179) First & Chicago Branch,* 2136 E. 1st St., Otto L. Aumack, Manager (16-211) Florence-Vermont Branch,* 7201 S. Vermont Ave., BANK OF AMERICA dB®T»t§'67 (Identical in ownership and management with Bank of America National Trusl & Savings Assn.) L. H. Hart, Acting Manager (16-191) 48th & Western Branch,* 4728 S. Western Ave., (16-17) VICE-PRESIDENTS P. M. PHILLEO, Manager STEWART McKEE C. W. PROLLIUS J. H. ROSENBERG J. A. TAYLOR T. J. BRANT B. H. BROWN A. G. MAURER L. H. MOORE J. A. WESTMORELAND 660 South Spring St. Los Angeles 16-31 STATE-WIDE SERVICE IN CALIFORNIA DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS TO US QUICK RETURNS Digitized for ON FRASER COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. F. Johnson, Manager H. C. White, A.ssL Mgr. T. C. Deane, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Ira E. Ogden, Assistant Manager H. B. Kelley, Vice-President A. L. Wightman, Asst. Mgr, Fourth & Spring Branch,* 401 S. Spring St., (16-105) Hill St. Office,. 855 S. Hill St., R. G. Johnston, Manager B. A. Stewart, Asst. Mgr. (16-239) Hollywood-Sunset Branch,* 4500 Sunset Blvd., Philo N. Fox, Manager BANK OF AMERICA (16-216) Industrial Branch,* 2363 E. 9th St., (16-61) Harry Schaar, Manager International Office,* 220 N. Main St.. John Lopizich, Vice-President I. J. Andreani, Asst. Manager Glen A. Watkins, Asst. Manager Travelers Cheques D. E. MacVicar, Manager F. H. Clavere, Asst. Mgr. L. Valperga, Asst. Manager (16-237) Jefferson-San Pedro Branch,* 3331 S. San Pedro St., It. E. Blaisdell, Manager (16-212) Jefferson-Vermont Branch,* 3403 S. Vermont Ave., ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENTS C. M. NOYES J. R. RUTHERFORD C. S. REUTER D. P. SINK, Jr. R. F. STEWART F. L. THOMAS J. M. TURNER D. R. BRANHAM R. E. DORTON J. E. FISHBURN, Jr. A. FENTON E. J. LAUNER HOMER LAWTON W. A. POLK E. I. VAUGHN Geo. T. Scott, Manager (16-210) Lincoln Heights Branch,* 2430 N. Broadway, Sold In denominations of (16-234) Main-Washington Branch,* 1844 S. Main St., $10, $20, $50, and $100. F. J. Aviani, Manager G. R. Anderson, Manager (16-143) Main at Pico Branch,* 1242 S. Main St., W. W. Bilbo, Manager (16-201) Manchester-Broadway Branch,* 8601 S. Broadway, M. Huggins, Manager Elmer H. Jacobs, Asst. Mgr. J. Meharg, Manager J- L. Wellford, Asst. Mgr. Now issued in the convenient size (16-215) Manchester Heights Branch,* 8600 S. Vermont Ave., (16-182) Melrose-Arden Branch,* 5784 Melrose Ave., It. A. De Craene, Manager (16-188) Melrose-La Brea Branch,* 7031 Melrose Ave., C. W. Cannon, Manager (16-196) 108th & Broadway Branch,* 10732 S. Broadway, Ed. Smith, Manager (16-235) Pico-Third Branch,* 3600 W. Pico St., L. E. Grill, Manager of the new currency— these cheques are extensively used by World Travelers ini -*■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Los Angeles, O 15) County Seat Pop. 1,231,730—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 13) LOS ANGELES •M«n.A.B.A.«New § S tate fPiiv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept.s:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Los Angeles Branches (Continued) (16-87) (16-113) BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION (16-314) (16-333) (16-333) ASSISTANT CASHIERS H. W. BROWER THEO. F. BARCAL G. C. CORNELL EDWIN S. COHEN C. K. GRENSTAD R. C. GRONER J. F. LIEBENGUTH SAM R. NEEL RAY C. PAVEY J. G. STEVENS (16-114) (16-333) (16-343) (16-330) (16-66) ®T*t'67 (16-143) (A consolidation of Bank of Italy National Trust and Savings Assn, and Bank of America of California.) Main Office Los Angeles (7th and Olive) 16-5 (16-391) Bank of America Company (16-341) The Investment Affiliate (16-184) Is Identical in Ownership (16-331) (16-238) (16-236) (16-238) BANK OF AMERICA (Identical in ownership andi management with Bank of America Natio-nal Trust & Savings Assn.) (16-232) A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE To the permanency and financial responsibility of a corporate trustee, the Trust Department of this Bank adds the advantages of statewide experience, and the most modern type of trust equipment in conducting all forms of trust activity for Its clients. 660 South Spring St. Los Angeles 16-31 STATE-WIDE SERVICE IN CALIFORNIA DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS TO US QUICK RETURNS ON COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS (16-5) (16-66) (16-334) (16-220) (16-202) Pico Heights Branch,* Pico and Fedora Sts., D. H. Coyne, Manager Pico-Hoover Branch,* 2201 W. Pico St., K. A. Nairne, Manager Pico-Redondo Branch,* 5086 W. Pico St., C. J. Graham, Manager Santa Monica-Vermont Branch,* 1101 N. Vermont Ave., V. N. Eltinge, Manager H. J. Kroeker, Asst. Mgr. Second & Western Branch,* 163 S. Western Ave., C. N. Willits, Manager Jerome S. Hall, Asst. Mgr. Gust E. Anderson, Asst. Manager Seventh & Central Branch,* 1303 E. 7th St., D. C. Slavin, Manager Seventh & Figueroa Branch,* 815 W. 7th St., H. L. Burris, Asst. Vice-Pres. & Mgr. James M. Hill, Asst. Manager Seventh & Hoover Branch,* 2727 W. 7th St., M. W. Dwyer, Asst. Mgr. Harry Christensen, Manager O. F. Salk, Asst. Manager Seventh & Mateo Branch,* 2001 E. 7th St., J. G. Hall, Manager Seventh & Olive Office,* 7th & Olive Sts., W. J. Braunschweiger, V. P. & Mgr. C. E. Robinson, Vice-Pres. W. G. Cuppa, Asst. Vice-Pres. R. A. Birchfield, Asst. V.-P. O. C. Williams, Asst. Vice-Pres. N. M. Fraser, Asst. V.-P. Grace S. Stoermer, Asst. Vice-Pres. Seventh & Westlake Branch,* 2000 W. 7th St., G. T. Stainbaclc, Manager Sixth & Alexandria Branch,* 3501 W. 6th St., L. H. Palfrey, Manager Sixth & Main Branch,* 601 S. Main St., E. A. Winstanley, Vice-Pres. & Mgr. R. C. Elliott, Asst. V.-P. Slauson-Avalon Branch,* 5836 Avalon Blvd., J. W. Stout, Manager Slauson-Vermont Branch,* 5821 S. Vermont Ave., R. S. Andrews, Asst. Mgr. H. G. Durand, Manager Temple-Fremont Branch,* 829 Temple St., J. L. Zimmerman, Manager Tenth & Hope Branch,* 601 W. 10th St., Lynn Folger, Manager G. M. Brown, Asst. Mgr. Tenth & Western Branch,* 999 S. Western Ave., A. L. Gainer, Manager Third & Olive Branch,* 256 S. Olive St., E. P. Hewitt, Manager Trust Dept., Los Angeles Main Office,* 660 S. Spring St., Trust Dept., 7th & Olive Office,. 7th and Olive Sts., 25th & Central Branch,* 2332 Central Ave., P. H. Streeton, Manager Chas. C. Hiskey, Assf. Mgr. 24tli & Hoover Branch,* 2412 S. Hoover St., Wm. H. McCartney, Manager Vermont & 48th Branch,* 4801 S. Vermont Ave., (16-136) Vermont-Melbourne Branch,* 1776 N. Vermont Ave., H. Stanton, Manager (16-192) Vernon-Broadway Branch,* 4400 S. Broadway, H. L. Porter, Manager (16-198) Washington-Crenshaw Branch,* 4182 W. Washington St., Geo. J. Rush, Manager (16-199) Washington-Vermont Branch,* 1561 W. Washington St., M. C. Norman, Manager (16-198) Washington-Western Branch,* 2201 W. Washington St., C. P. Lyon, Manager A. R. Brown, Asst. Mgr. (16-289) West Adams & Orange Branch,* 5133 W. Adams Blvd., R. B. Funkhouser, Manager H. C. Geyer, Asst. Mgr. (16-148) Western-Meirose Branch,* 700 N. Western Ave., C. Griffiths, Manager (16-329) Western-Santa Barbara Branch,* 1677 Santa Barbara Ave., K. B. Van Meter, Manager H. V. Walker, Asst. Mgr. (16-205) Western-Santa Monica Blvd. Br.,* 1100 N. Western Ave., G. F. Wright, Manager (16-189) Whittier-Lorena Branch,* 3359-61 Whittier Blvd., S. H. Silver, Manager (16-146) Wilshire-La Brea Branch,* 5328 Wilshire Blvd., Z. O. Hart, Manager (16-240) Wilshire-Vermont Branch,* 3166 Wilshire Blvd., Geo. W. Thompson, Manager (16-80) Wilshire-Western Branch,* 635 S. Western Ave., V. D. Farrand, Manager (16-108) York-Annandale Branch,* 101 Annandale Blvd., J. C. Johnson, Manager L. J. Ginder, Asst. Mgr. Attractive signs reading: “B of A” Travelers Cheques Cashed Here will be supplied upon request. Combined institutions provide Statewide coverage thru 438 offices in 343 banking communities. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT: We offer complete facilities for foreign banking transactions, including the purchase, sale and collection of bills and the Issuance of drafts in any cur rency, and Travelers’ and Documen tary Letters of Credit negotiable in for eign lands. Information procured con cerning foreign banks and firms. COLLECTIONS Accorded prompt and efficient attention. Your friends going to California will receive a cordial welcome at our offices. 102 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Re3.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank.District No. 12) LIST OF OFFICERS d-Saft'Dep.©Say.$LastSaIe%Diy. A. M. CHAFFEY, Chairman of the Board JAMES R. PAGE, President W. H. THOMSON, Executive Vice-President G. ALLAN HANCOCK J. G. MAULHARDT Junior Vice-President Vice-President H. C. PRATT T. E.IVEY, Jr. A. E. HUNTINGTON M. K. SALMON LEWIS E. BLISS J. A. SHINE GEO. A, J. HOWARD L. E. SMITH J. B. CHAFFEY E. C. STERLING H. J. ENGELBRECHT GEO. A. PEACHMAN C. A. BARKER. Jr. F. M. ARMITAGE C. C. OePLEDGE GEORGE E. JONES DON S. WILLIAMS LOUIS F. LAMONT Junior Vice-President Vice-President Junior Vice-President Vice-President Junior Vice-President Vice-President Treasui er Vice-President Auditor Vice-President Assistant Cashier Vice-President ■Assistant Cashier Vice-President Assistant Cashier Vice-President F. M. MAGEE H. J. MENDON ARTHUR T. BRETT W. J. MORIARTY Y. C. PORCH H. K. ROSE W. E. ALLANDER J. H. STEENSEN GEO. M.CHELEW GARDNERTURRILL W.E. CHISHOLM STOCKTON VEAZEY H. M. COFFIN A. R. WEYER D. W. DREW ROMAIN P. BURT Assistant Cashier Vice-President CALIFORNIA BANK 16-20 ®*t§'04 (625 So.Spring Street) Los Angeles $89-16% par 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Assistant Cashier Cashier Assistant Cashier Comptroller Assistant Cashier Junior Vice-President Assistant Cashier Junior Vice-President Assistant Cashier Junior Vice-President Junior Vice-President & Sec. Junior Vice-President PAUL EUBANK „ Junior Vice-President Assistant Cashier Assistant Secretary FRANCIS J. CALLINAN Assistant Secretary H.M. FRENCH H.F. CURRY HOMER E. GEIS „ , Junior Vice-President FLOYD L.GEYER „ B. L. DEIBLER R.B. HARRIS M. A. RELYEA Junior Vice-President Junior Vice-President „ Junior Vice-President Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary R. A. PEARCE „ Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary H. E. HUDSON L. H. VAN HOOREBEKE GEO. A. KERN H.G.BUNJES Junior Vice-President Junior Vice-President A. A. LAMM Tr. n j Junior Vice-President R.P.LEHMER „ Junior Vice-President BYRONJ.BADHAM R. H. BALLARD HARRY J. BAUEB LEWIS E. BLISS T.P. BRESLIN ASA V. CALL A. M. CHAFFEY J. B. CHAFFEY LEO. S. CHANDLER W. H. CODE WILCOX DRAKE Liabilities. Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties MxbcblGash & ExCHAN GIB, DUX LANBOCS Discounts Sucubittrsb Rbsourcbs from Banks Assistant Secretary Assistant Comptroller K. G. FREELAND Assistant Comptroller EARL K. SIMPSON Assistant Auditor Directors HOWARD S. DUDLEY W. M. EASON H. J. ENGELBRECHT ARNOLD K. FITGER A. M. GIBBS H. M GORHAM G.ALLAN HANCOCK PAUL G. HOFFMAN W. S. HOOK, Jr. GEO. A. J. HOWARD A. E. HUNTINGTON T. E. IVEY. Jr. GEO. B. JESS A. N. KEMP C. R. LUTON R. D. MATTHEWS JAMES R. PAGE A. J. PICKRELL SILSBYM. SPALDING RAYMOND W. STEPHENS JAS. 0. SWORD E. A. TAYLOR W. H. THOMSON IRVING M. WALKER E. R. WOOD Loans and Principal Correspondents. BONDS AND $ $ 5.000.000 $ 4,969,420 108512290 $ 2,096,630 $68619620 $25 559630 $ 5,179,280 $21219820 Junior Vice-President Vice-President Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (16-149) (16-150) (16-281) (16-151) (16-152) (16—153) (16-204) (16-154) (16-155) (16-156) (16-157) (16-158) (16-159) (16-160) (16-161) (16-287) (16—163) (16-164) (16-292) (16-306) (16—165) (16-166) (16—106) (16-168) (16—169) (16-282) (16-300) (16-170) (16—167) (16-171) (16—172) (16-173) (16-174) (16-175) (16-176) (16-177) Branches of CALIFORNIA BANK in the City of Los Angeles American Branch,* 146 South Spring Street Angeles Mesa Branch,* 2600 West 5ith Street Atlantic Avenue Branch,* 5191 Whittier Blvd. Belvedere Branch,* 3635 East 1st Street Broadway Office,* 758 South Broadway City Market Branch,* 1105 South San Pedro Street Eighth and Mariposa Branch,* 3200 West 8th Street Euclld-Lorena Branch,* 2825 Whittier Blvd. Federal Branch,* 2201 North Broadway Fifty-fourth Street Branch,* 5324 South Vermont Avenue Fifty-seventh & Central Branch,* 5701 South Central Avenue First & San Pedro Branch,* 319 East 1st Street First & Vermont Branch,* 101 South Vermont Avenue Florence & Compton Branch,* 1458 East Florence Avenue Forty-sixth & Western Branch,* 4527 South Western Avenue Hancock Park Branch,* 175 North La Brea Ave. Hollenbeck Heights Branch,* 1978 East 1st Street Hollywood Junction Branch,* 3705 Sunset Blvd. La Brea-Wilshire Branch,* 671 S. La Brea Ave. Main & Griffin Branch,* 2901 N. Main Street Main & Jefferson Branch,* 3331 South Main Street Market & Produce Branch,* 801 South Central Avenue National City Office,* 800 South, Spring Street Northeast Branch,* 4900 Huntington Drive Plaza Branch,* 344 North Main Street Sixth & Grand Office,* 608 South Grand Avenue Sixth & Western Branch,* 3955 W. 6th St. Sixtieth Street Branch,* 6000 South Broadway South Broadway & Vernon Branch,* 4386 South Broadway Southside Branch,* 8601 South Vermont Avenue Sunset Boulevard Branch,* 2035 Sunset Blvd. University Branch,* 3128 South Vermont Avenue Vernon Avenue Branch,* 4330 South Central Avenue Washington Street Branch,* 1600 West Washington Street Westlake Park Branch,* 2100 West 7th Street Whittier Boulevard Branch,* 3800 Whittier Blvd. Branches of CALIFORNIA BANK In the County of Los Angeles Alhambra Branch, 1910 West Main Street, Alhambra, California Bell Branch, 4040 Baker Avenue, Bell. California Beverly Hills Office, 9441 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, California Hollywood Branches: Hollywood Branch, 6544 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, California Hollywood-Gramercy Branch, 5620 Hollywood Blvd.,Hollywood,Calif, West Hollywood Branch, 7550 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, California Lomita Branch, 1123 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, California North Hollywood Branch,5223 Lankershim Blvd.,NorthHollywood.Calif, Ocean Park Branch, 165 Marine Street, Ocean Park, California Owensmouth Branch, 21530 West Sherman Way, Owensmouth, Calif. Pacific Palisades Branch, 903 Swarthmore Ave., Pacific Palisades, Calif. Reseda Branch, 18500 West Sherman Way. Reseda, California San Gabriel Branch, 641 West Las Tunas Drive, San Gabriel, Calif. San Pedro Branch, 1001 S. Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, California Bank of Santa Monica Branch, 1401 Third St., Santa Monica, California Terminal Island Branch, 601 Tuna St., Terminal Island, California Van Nuys Branch, 6279 Van Nuys Boulevard, Van Nuys, California West Los Angeles Branch, 11303 Santa Monica Blvd., Wilmington: West Los Angeles, Calif, Seaboard Branch, 544 Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, Calif. REFER YOUR PATRONS TO US FOR UP TO DATE BANKING SERVICE AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION National City Bank, New York. Guaranty Trust Co., New York. Chase National Bank, New York. Baltimore Trust Co., Baltimore. Continental Illinois Bk. & Trust Co., Chicago. First National Bank, Pittsburgh. Bank of California N. A., San Francisco. FOREIGN Bank of Montreal, Canada. Barclays Bank Ltd. & Martins Bank, Ltd. London and Branches, England. Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France. Credlto Itallano. Rome, Italy. ALL BANKING MATTERS PROMPTLY HANDLED Through our affiliated corporations, the CALIFORNIA TRUST CO. and the CALIFORNIA SECURITIES CO. we are able to render a complete trust and investment service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Complete Financial Service in Los Angeles, City and County, is given by California Bank which with over 2,000 correspondents is prepared to meet every banking requirement, both domestic and foreign. CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY Does a trust business exclusively CALIFORNIA GROUP CORPORATION Does auxiliary financing * § CALIFORNIA SECURITIES COMPANY Deals in high-grade securities PACIFIC MORTGAGE GUARANTY COMPANY Issues First Mortgage Assignments POMONA COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK, POMONA Does a general banking business Total Invested Capital of California Bank and Affiliated Institutions over $14,000,000 Combined Resources Over $135,000,000 Head Office: 625-9 South Spring, Los Angeles, California FIFTY-SIX BRANCH OFFICES CkCHKITVFII ( ST SATIOMA Ij P Bank of Los Angeles MORE THAN 700,000 DEPOSITORS Formed by the Consolidation of Security Trust & Savings Bank and Los Angeles-First National Trust & Savings Bank—two of the oldest and largest Banks in Southern California—effected March 30 1929. , SPIFF!! ^ a 24-hourTransit System, rapid messenger service be tween our Head Office and Branches, we offer to other Banks an unequalled service for the collection and return of items sent us. Air Mail lias shortened the time across the United States and up and down the Pacific Coast. Security-First National transit service makes this the logical Pacific Coast banking con nection for banks appreciating the impor tance of quick collections and returns. This is a complete Bank, operating un der National Charter, and conducts Com mercial and Savings Banking, with a large and completely appointed Trust Department. SERVICE bankers whose customers are coming to Southern California for an extended stay or to remain here permanently can render them a distinct service by introducing them to Security-First National Bank. We have unusually complete facilities for taking care of the needs of strangers, providing them with maps and informative literature and dependable in formation regarding the industrial, com mercial and agricultural interests of the large territory over which the Bank’s oper ations extend. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Security-FirstNational Company IDENTICAL IN OWNERSHIP WITH fcpxx; hitvFi n st National O Bank, of Los Angeles This Investment Subsidiary enjoys a wide outlet for bonds and investment securities through the many Offices and Branches of the Bank, in one of the richest sections in per-capita wealth of the United States. Security-First National Company under writes issues and participates in under writings. We have a full coverage of the Los An geles Metropolitan DistrictwithBranches at important business centers and resi dential districts. Also Branches in the following California Cities: Alhambra Altadena Beverly Hills Brawley Burbank Calipatria Carpinteria Catalina Island Coalinga Compton Culver City Dinuba Eagle Rock ' El Centro Exeter Fillmore Fresno Fullerton GlendaLe Guadalupe Hanford Hollywood Huntington Beach Huntington Park Inglewood Lindsay Lompoc Long Beach Lynwood Moneta Monrovia Montebello Montrose North Hollywood Ocean Park Oxnard Palms Pasadena Porterville Redlands San Fernando San Luis Obispo San Pedro Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa.Maria Santa Monica Santa Paula Saticoy South Pasadena Strathmore Tulare Van Nuys Venice Visalia West Los Angeles Westmorland Whittier Wilmington Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ino to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ 1UO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State TPrir. ISlem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ♦BANK OF AMERICA_ _ _ _ _ _ ‘BANK OF AMERICA NATION AL TRUST & SAVINGS ASSN. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Resources. Other Liabili ties Loans AND Bonds Miscbl- LANBOVB Discounts Suer: Himes RisocBcms and Principal Correspondents. C A nos Ba5U ajs Exch a nobs, Bits (SEE PAGES 100 and 101) (SEE PAGES 100 and 101) Bank of America of California . {Merged with Bank of Italy National Tr ust & Savings Assn. as Bank of America National Trust <fc S avings As sn.) 1,720 $ 7,310 $ 254,370 S $ 40.000 $ Bank of Commerce ..d®»t§'22 M. H. 8chumacher F. C. Legrand____F. C. Legrand------- H, S. Safranek, Sec. and A. Cash. 1150 par 100 90-1021 (4176 Whittier Blvd.) {Branch o f Inglewo od. Calif.) T. G. Stevens, Mgr, Bank of Inglewood____ ®t§’30 16-307 (6425 Crenshaw Blvd.) 131.370 $ 112,230 S 5,000 $ 54,800 Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am., Los A. Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Bank of Italy National Trust & Savings Assn.______________ {Merged with Bank of America of Cali fornia as Bank of A merica National Tr ust & Savi ngs Assn. Belvedere State Bank_________ {Closed December 16 , 1930) Broadway State Bank.dB®»§'23 L. B. Howard_____ W. D. Cochrane. par loo 16-111 Ch. (8564 So. Broadway) PAGE 102) ♦CALIFORNIA BANK- - - - - - - - - - - (SEE G. Allan Hancock, Ch. of Bd. A. E. Huntington, President Frederick R. CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY C, H. Lewis_______C. H. Lewis_____ Lewis E. Bliss... A. M. Chaffey J. B. Chaffey G. A. J. Howard James R. Page Behrends. B. L. Smith V. P. and Tr. Off. W. H. Thomson (620 So. Spring) T»ti’21 16-79 Central National Bank in Los Dain Sturges. Angeles—.....................d®»t’28 *27 par 20 16-285 (414 West Sixth St.) . (Formerly Western National Bank) Samuel S. Rolph, A. Tr. Off. J. C. Seaman, A. Tr. Off. Randolph Smith, A. Tr. Off. and Mgr. Corp. Dept. F. H. Schmidt, Cash. & A. Sec. H. M. Coffin, Sec. and Tr. D. L. Wyland, Aud. D. C. Geiselman, Esc. Off, Mariem McVey.— 35.000 7.750 374,060 4,320 239,780 123,360 16,630 41,350 Secur.-lst N.. Los A. Correspondents: Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., and W illiamPayne, Mgr, 1.000.000 41,368,150 775,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Inv. Dept. & A, Sec. Tr. Acc'ts. San F.; Barclays Bank Ltd. and Martins, Ltd., C. D. Sloan, London, England. Mgr. R. E. Dept. D , ■ rr . ( Cash..................................................................................... $ 806,176 H. F. Curry, A. Sec. Property in Trust: ( Rea, & Personal Property........................................... . 40,561,977 P. H. Dyste, A. Cash. 41.368,153 C. J. Fuglaar, A. Aud. Transacts a Trust Business Exclusively. L. Dean Petty, Chief Acct. Affiliated with the California Bank of Los Angeles, California, Combined Resources over $160,000,000.00, J. B. McCook_____ J. C. Parsons_____ P. W. Lacy, A. V.P. Exec. V.P.and Cash, 500,000 123,440 1,709,700 220,020 942,250 985,150 137,890 487,850 Chase N. and Chatham Phenix N.. N.Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. . TRUST LOS A'— "•0F THE (SEE PAGE 104) J. A. GRAVES. ‘FARMERS & MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK V. H. ROSSETTI-— G. H. NAEGELE WM. LACY J. M. HUTCHISON E. L ROWEL C. L. HOGAN. A. E: ELLIOTT E.MADER. Asst Cashiers ^ q g^KER. A. C. and Tr. Off. F.B. PUTNAM R. C. LEMMON, OF LOS ANGELESt A. C. and A. Tr. Off, *390-18% 1% extra 16-1 dB®T»t’03 por ioo S. CAMPH0USE (401 So. Main St.) Federal Reserve Bank of San {Branch of San Fra 16-16 Francisco. Dist. 12 «19 (Washington Bldg.. 3rd & Spring Streets) First Exchange State Bank 90-1127 ®*§’25 (11001 South Main) +German American Sav’gs Bk. C. L. Schloessmann i30por ioo 16-209 d (§)•+§’27 D. F. Smith, V. P. (200 W. 8th) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. S. HILPERT---ERNEST GARRETT F. B. DICKEY R. L. St. CLAIR W.J.CROSBY ncisco. National City Bank_________________________NewYork 2,171,300 12.943,540 Irving Trust Company........................................... NewYork Guaranty Trust Co.________________________NewYork Chase National Bank....................................... ..NewYork First National Bank____________________ Chicago Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co...San Francisco Authorized and fully equipped to do a Trust Business. Fifth Third Union Trust Co.................. Cincinnati Union Trust Company_______________ Cleveland This Bank is the OLDEST bank In Southarn California. Peoples Wayne County Bank.................... .Detroit Your banking account and collection Items for the Paolflo Drovers National Bank_______ Kansas City, Mo. Coast. Arizona, and New Mexico solicited. First National Bank................. Kansas City, Mo. National Shawmut Bank...................... Boston We have every facility for handling your businasa. TRY US. Hibernia Bank & Trust Co.______ New Orleans Canadian Bank of Commerce Toronto, Ontario Deutsche Bk. und Dlscontogesellschaft__ Berlin National Provincial Bk., Ltd,.London, England Soclete Generale................................... Paris, France 3.000.000 5,212,620 66,403,910 1,571,200 45,932,260 15,140,620 For compl ete information see page 25) Ross Walker, V. P. and Mgr. E. Zitzmann______C. T. Schiros............ K. A. Piper---------H. R. Kleinbach P. A. Kuhn, Sec. B. A. Walter Bk. of Am. N. Ass'n, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Ass’n.. Los A. (See Head Office, In glewood, C <»«/.) 500.000 122,460 2,831,740 20.630 1,166.130 1,946,140 42,410 320,150 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 D4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U- S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Rankers Ass’n. LOS ANGELES •Mem.A.B.A.wNew IStatetPriv. tMera. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Paid-up Capital HERBERT D. IVEY President Vice Presidents JOHN BURBAW ALEX S. COWIE R. D. DAVIS HORACE DUNBAR J.E. FAUCETT F. E. FORKER F. B. GONZALES VAL J. GRUND L. OTIS IVEY. Senior V. P. C. SUMNER JAMES , jExec. V.P. E. T. PETTIGREW. Senior V.P. J. M. RUGG HALCOTT B. THOMAS, Trust Officer K. B. WILSON F. R. ALVORD, v, P. and Cash. H.W. UNDERHILL Manager Mortgage Loan Dept, Junior Vice Presidents R. A. BRITT EARLE R. HILBERT F. D. LeBOLD H. P. TRACY Assistant Vice Presidents 180-20% par 20 LOUIS G. BRITTINGHAM dB®T»t'90 (457 So. Spring) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LOYD J. WICKHAM Assistant Cashiers S. W. BUGBEE C. E. CASE E. P. CHEVERT0H RALPH EDWARDS G. LEO HESS EARLE S. LUSBY FORD E. PRIOR B. B. REYNOLDS WM. H. SGHR0EDER J. R. ST. JOHN B. A. STEEN F. L. THOMPSON GEORGE H.TREI0E E. B. WARNER JAS. A. WEISS Assistant Trust Officers J. W. BACHMAN FRANK A. FORD VICTOR T. JOHNSON CARLP. SMITH W. A. McFARLANE N. E. MUDGE Assistant Secretary HARRY 0. MILLER W. E.PINNEY .R.ARNER . Assistant Secretary ......................................... . • Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Surplus Total AND Profits Deposits Resources. Other Liabili ties Loans MisckuCash A £xchamois,Dub LANHOU8 Discountb Securities Resources from Banks and Bonds Principal Correspondents. AND New York Trust Company________ New York $ $ “ $ 5,000,000 11,101,270 114 651020 10,788,640 $74992940 $24300440 11,719,950 $30 527590 Guaranty Trust Company of New York J. P. Morgan & Company___________ « OFFICERS Head Office 16-11 Reserve City Liabilities ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust 6-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles Continued (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No 13) , Assistant Auditor Bankers Trust Company______ “““ « National City Bank_____________ ' <« Chase National Bank___•• Chemical Bank & Trust Co.__. " “ Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co.Jl™~ “ Manufacturers Trust Company Hill Street Office* (16-14), 736 S, Hill St.; J. E. Faucett, V. P. and Mgr, Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago F. D. LeBold, Jr.V.P. First National Bank_________________ Trust Company________” Broadway Office.* (16-88), 308 8. Broadway; R. D. Davis, V. P. and Mgr.; H. P. Northern Stock Yards National Bank______ ™ Tracy, Jr,V.P, Mtle.-Commerce Bk. & Tr. Co._____ St. Louis National Shawmut Bank__________ Boston BRANCHES First National Bank_____________ Philadelphia American Trust Company..........San Francisco Atwater* (16-185). 3224 Glendale Blvd.; C. E. Bowers, Mgr. Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. Crocker-First Nat. Bk..................... Bererly-Falrfax* (16-304). 7910 Beverly Blvd.. Emory D. Mallek, Mgr, Bank of California N. A.________ Broadway-54th St.* (16-96), 5415 So. Broadway: H. B, Taylor, Mgr. Anglo & London Paris Nat. Bk. .. CeJ?t^aIr?I?,I,,,?factIir,ng D,str,ct* (90-1033). Los Angeles Union Stock Yards: Canadian Bank of Commerce.. Commerce Trust Company_____...Kansas City Earle R, Hilbert, Jr, V. P. and Mgr,; Lee V. Bone, A. Mgr. Hibernia Bank & Trust Co..............New Orleans Echo Pk.-Sunset* (16-116), 1601 Sunset Blvd.; A, F. Yaussi, Mgr.; Leo Shields, A. First National Bank__________________ Dallas Mgr. First National Bank______________ ... Houston Midland Nat. Bk. & Trust Co..___Minneapolis Eighth-Vermont* (16-98). 769 S. Vermont Ave.; Rudd Eyerdam, Mgr, Bank of Pittsburgh N. A.......... ........... Pittsburgh Union Trust Company........................... “ Hollywood-Bronson* (90-1107), 5882 Hollywood Blvd.; E. F. Bradley, Mgr. Union Trust Company.............................Cleveland Hollywood-McCadden* (90-251). 6720 Hollywood Blvd.; R. A. Britt, Jr. V.P. and Cleveland Trust Company_____ ____ « Mgr.; A. A. Opatz, A. Mgr. Citizens & Southern National Bank Atlanta First National Bank________________ Baltimore Larchmont Blvd.* (16-92), 155 N. Larchmont Blvd.; A. M. Matthews, Mgr.; E.V. Marine Trust Company__________ _ Buffalo Zigrang, A. Mgr. Huntington National Bank___ Columbus United States National Bank Denver Leimert Park* (16-308), 3423 Leimert Place; John C. Henderson, Mgr. Guardian Detroit Bank___ ---------------------------------------------------Detroit Lincoln Heights* (16-97), 2601 N. Brdwy.; H. C. Vogelsang, Mgr.; Frank Cantello, Commercial National Bank ..High Point, N. C. a. Mgr, First Seattle Dexter Horton Nat. Bk. Seattle Riggs National Bank.............. Washington, D. C. Main-Vernon* (16-122), 4378 So. Main St.; C. R. Laws, Mgr. Imperial Bank of Canada___________ Toronto Canadian Bank of Commerce_____ Vancouver Maywood* (90-1075), 4500 E. Slauson Ave.. Maywood; H. Gunnell, Mgr, Barclays Bank, Ltd.......... ............. .......... London Plco-Bronson* (16-117), 4117 W. Pico; H. N Weigand, Mgr, Canadian Bank of Commerce.... ** Bk. of India, Australla& Plco-Flgueroa* (16-90). 1301 So. Figueroa; Bert F, Vogel, Mgr,; Wm, Sprague, A, Mgr, Chartered China_____________________________ “ Deutsche Bank und Dlsconto GeseUschaft PIco-Hoover* (16-94), 2136 W. Pico; P. A, Baer, Mgr. ------------------------------------------------------ Berlin Pico-Swall Drive* (16-283). 8901 W. Pico Blvd.: Leo C. Lowe, Mgr. National Bank of Greece________ Athens Plaza* (16-119), 539 No. Spring St.; H, M, Ventura, Mgr.; C. E. Perkins, Assf, Mgr. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschapplj --------------------------------------------------Amsterdam Banque de Bruxelles____ ____ Brussels Santa Barbara-FIgueroa* (16-140), 4021 So. Figueroa; E. W, Thompson, Mgr, Bank de Commerce________ Antwerp Seventh-Alvarado* (16-99), 2044 W. Seventh St.;B Frank Harron, Mgr.; H. M. Hungarian Commercial Bank of PestlBudapest Bieber, A, Mgr. Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd............ Calcutta Sixth-San Pedro* (16-118), 501 E. Sixth St.; C, D, Hudson, Mgr.; S. J, Hopewell, Danske Landmands Bank________ Copenhagen Kansallis Osake-Pankki___________Helsingfors A. Mgr. Banco Hispano Americano___________ Madrid Christiana of Bank Kredltkasse . Oslo Third-Catalina* (16-187). 3651 W. 3rd St.; B. W. Winden, Mgr. Skandinavlska Kredlt A/B____ ..Stockholm Unlverslty-Westwood (16-310), 1088 Westwood Blvd.; J. R. Holt, Mgr. Credit Suisse___________ Zurich Dresdner Bank............. 'Hamburg Vermont-62 Place* (16-186). 6226 South Vermont Ave.; W. L. Rodman, Mgr, Canadian Bank of Commerce____Mexico, D. F. Vermont-Vernon* (16-93), 4371 So. Vermont Ave.; H. W. Brown, Mgr.; J. C. Wil Banca Commercial? Italiana______ Naples son, Asst. Mgr. Banque de Paris & Des Pays-Bas____ Faris Washlngton-Arllngton* (16-91). 2501 W. Washington; fi. M. Steward, Mgr.;E E Comptoir National d’Fscompte de Paris “ Groth, A, Mgr, Credit Lyonnais____________________ « Credito Italiano____ _____ Rome Washington-Westview (16-301). 4830 W. Washington Blvd.; J. R. McKee, Mgr. Bohemian Union Bank.Prague, Czecho Slovakia West Adams-CIoverdale (16-305), West Adams St.; G. C. Grant, Mgr, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.__________ Tokio, Japan Western-54th* (16-139). 5400 So. Western Ave.; F, A. Follett.Mgr. Bishop First National Bank______ Honolulu Western-Second* (16-89), 209 So. Western Ave.; H. F Overbeck, Mgr.; H E Banco Naclonal Ultramarino____ Lisbon Haan, A. Mgr. ' Banca Marmorosch, Blank & Co. Bucharest Banco National de Mexico S. A. Mexico Citv Wes tern-Virginia* (16-95). 1151 N. Western Ave.; H. W. Stockfish, Mgr. Chartered Bank of India. Australia Wilmington* (90-1180). 200 E. Anaheim St.. Wilmineton: W. D. Bower, Mgr. _and China......--------------------------- Hongkong Wiener Bank Verein. Vienna Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i r\c 1UD (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, No. 13) •Mem.A.B.A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dents :T-Trust B-Bond Vice-President. President. Cashibb. ASS’T CASHIER. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Div. Liabilities. Otheb Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties 500,000 $ 143,570 $ 2.853,880 S M. Zoff. A. Sec___ F. S. Hollister___ C. E. Scott. A. Tr. Off. lone Coulson, A. Sec. J.R.Ford, A. Tr.Off. M. Hyland, A. Sec. Wm. S. Porter M. E. Dimock, A. Tr.Off. R. S. Padget, V. P., Sec. and Tr P. M. Lee. 250,000 183,140 - - - - - - - W.E. CLARKE-—— R. gE LA.MARE ’NATIONAL BANK E. M. LEAF. . . . . . . . . . . . S.*.J.P_.HELLMANVESELIGH P. H. SHAFER, And. Q. B. CRAWfOM l.'W. WESTERFIELD OF COMMERCE OF M. BER6SVIK. Mgr. Bd. Dept LOS ANGELES 500,000 129,410 5.855,070 11,250 2,000.000 672,050 7.992,560 64,170 Los Angeles Morris Plan Co. W. H. Workman, E. W. Clark.... par 100 16-129 ®*’17 Pres, and Gen. Mgr. Edgar Baruch (835 So. Spring) $150-10% Metropolitan Trust Co. of G. A. Schaefer, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City Geo.G. Lamoreaux, L. S. Nordlinger, Cash, and A. Tr. (Deposits and Pay ments on Inv. Cert.) Sec, Edgar Baruch. Tr. P.G. Cottle.A.Mgr. 265,170 20,250 Resources Loans and Discounts BONDS MibculAND LANIOUS SacuBiTiss Rbboubcbs 3,580,670 244,160 * Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dei from Banks 47,360 J 134,580 Chase N„ N. Y. 147,560 52,770 8,900 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. 2,263,520 2,743,320 218,000 1,270,880 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Phil. X., Phil. 4,483,840 4,022,020 282,940 1,940,870 N. City and Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lstN., St. L. California—16-144 —T*tl 25 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, A. L. Rhodes $175 par 100 W. P. Waggoner (530 W. 6th St.) A. Sec. and A. Tr.O $29.75-4% par 25 16-121 ff. dB®*t’24 (439 So. Hill St.) ___ RAYMOND BORDEN—R. B. SV_ _ _ _ G. L. BROWNING. . . . . . H.C. zee. V. P. W. L. BROWN. A.v. P. GEO. B. BATES A. BLACKMORE , N. BROWNING.-*.F.P. RAYMOND BORDEN J. E. HAY.A.V.P. JOHN R. QUINN BANK K. L. CARVER dB®T»t’24 “FOR CALM SEAS OR ROUGH' 'SEABOARD NATIONAL $37.50-8% por 25 16-128 (612 So. Sprine St.) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Wilshire Branch 16 -193) (Wilshire La Brea B ranch 16-3 03) 106 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) ♦Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew IState fTriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. HEAD OFFICE Second Floor (6th & Spring Streets) dB®T*J'75 16-3 dB®T»t’75 Last Sale $94.00 Dividend $4.48 Per Annum HENRY M. ROBINSON, Chairman of the Board J. F. SARTORI, President and Chairman of Executive Committee M. S. HELLMAN, Vice Chairman of the Board Vice Presidents GEORGE M. WALLACE. V.-Pres. and F. Chm. Officers' Credit Comm. mm , CRAIG RUTH, 1.1Vice Pres, and Comptroller H. c!’BAR ROLL Vice Pres, and Cashier ostM Smpson JAMES E. SHELTON. Fice Pres, and Sec. D. M. REYNOLDS EDMUND W. PUGH, F. Pres, and A. Sec. J. R. DOUGLAS F. D. GIBBS W. H. BOOTH (Inactive) JOHN S. CRAVENS (Inactive) H. W. O MELVENY (Inactive) Assistant Vice Presidents H. B. RANEY W. W. COTTLE CHESTER C. LINCOLN V. 0. WROOLIE CHARLES F. ROSS COLEMAN YOUNG W. H. MESERVEY T. W. JOHNSON Assistant Cashiers J. S. FREDERICK RANDALL BOYD. A. Sec. P. M. PARKER E. L. UHLIK SIDNEY WYCKOFF C. T. WIENKE. Gen. Aud. V. B. WOOD. Auditor SECURITY OFFICE (16-10) (Fifth & Spring Sts.) dB®T*t Ftce Presidents ?"»[■1011 JOHN T. COOPER J. A. H. KERR JOHN G. CAREY W. R. MOREHOUSE 1 E. TAYLoS C. L. DAWSON. Jr. Assistant Vice Presidents J. J. FECKLER ARTHUR C. WIER IRVING J. MITCHELL HEAD OFFICE R. J. SEVITZ (Second Floor) tMffiin W. H. S0HLBERG GERALD S. TOLL OTIS BUCKINGHAM Assistant Secretaries H. W. LITTLE C. W. BROWN G. W. CASE L. H. ROSEBERRY, Vice Pres. J. H. GRIFFIN, E. W. WIDNEY, Trust Counsel WALTER L. NOSSAMAN, B. R. CREER, A«s<. Trust Officer T. H. BOYSEN, C. S. MACHIN, C. M. JAY, E. B. PENTZ, A. Tr. Off. and A. Sec. FRED M. RILEY, R. T. ADAMS HARRY H. CHASE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tr. Officer and A. Sec. JOHN VEENHUYZEN, Vice Pres. Trust Counsel A, V. Pres. and A. Sec. Asst. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer A. Tr. Off. FIRST NATIONAL OFFICE, (16-4) (Seventh & Spring Sts.)dB®*t R. B. HARDACRE, Vice-President and Chairman Officers' Credit Committee Vice Presidents CHESTER A. RUDE PAUL K. YOST « mb E. S. PAULY JOHN P. BURKE C. N. ROSENTHAL Assistant Vice Presidents RS hlfW F. A. SUMPTION ties Loans Bonds and Discounts and Securities $ $ Principal Correspondents. Miscel Cash & Exchanq*8,Duk laneous Resources fbom Banks $ M. A. THOMPSON W. R. ARNETT Assistant Cashiers W. W. STONE W. B. WHITNEY 1 $ Domestic Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., 1st N., Guaranty Tr. Co., Irving Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. *Statement of December 31, 1930 Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., Atl.; Balt. Tr. Co. and 1st SIXTH & SPRING OFFICE (ie-54) dB®Tt N., Balt.; 1st N., Bos.; M & T Tr. Co. (561 South Spring St.) and Marine Tr. Co., Buff.; 1st N., Cin.; Ohio JOHN B. McDOUGAL, Vice-President and Manager N., Col.: Un. Tr. Co., Clev.: 1st N. and JAY SPENCE, Vice-President . EUGENE GRENSTED, Vice-President Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N., Den.: Assistant Vice Presidents 1st N. and Guardian Det., Det.; 1st N.. El W. P. CALDWELL GEORGE M. MIDGLEY Paso; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st Wls. N., MIL; M. C. TROSTER A. H. THOMAS . . _ . .......... ION 1st N., Minpls.; Hibernia Bk.& Tr. Co., N. O.; Assistant Cashiers 1st N., Oma.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and PAUL H. LIPP Un. Tr. Co., Pitt.; U. S. N-, Port.; State Plan. CHARLES F. SNIDER Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Trust Department St. P.: Am. Tr. Co., Anglo & Lon. P. N., Bk. Vice Presidents of Calif. N. A., Crocker First N., and Wells BRUCE H. GRIGSBY W. B. STRINGFELLOW W. N. BUCKLIN. JR. Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st Seattle Assistant Trust Officers Dexter-Horton N., Seattle; Am. Secur. & Tr. Co. and Riggs N., Wash., D. C. C. HOGAN GEORGE C. COOK, VARIAN S. 30,000,000 22,493,810 543799660 14,893,260 326943760 134622000 32,566,690 117 054280 rmsr A. Tr. Off. and A. Sec, _ 0. TRAGETON W. W. FRENCH, A. Tr. Off. and A. Sec, ULBERT W. FARIES, FLOYD A. WALKER A. M. HADLEY S. C. BAXTER, , „ A. Tr. Off. and A. Sec. „ „Mil GEORGE W. KENT HARCOURT HERVEY. Asst. Real Estate Officer SHERMAN GAIL. Asst. Real Estate Officer GUARANTY OFFICE, (16-52) (Seventh & Spring Sts.) dB®T»+ M. N. AVERY. Vice President and Manager, Chairman Real Estate Loan Comm, W. W. GIBBS, JR., Vice Pres, and Asst. C. W. ROSENTHAL, Asst. Cashier Mgr. R. E. ZIMMERMAN, Asst. Cashier JAMES B. GIST, Ftce Pres, and Asst. Mgr. D. F. COX, Asst. Cashier I. C. SMITH, Ftce Pres. N. C. PETERS, Asst. Secretary D. Z. ALBRIGHT, Asst. Vice Pres. C. W. ENCOE, Asst. Secretary L. H. JENKINS, Asst. Cashier A. Tr, Off. and A. Sec. R. F. CHURCH, Vice-President JAMES STUART, Aast. Trust Officer and Asst. Secretary Security-First National Bank of LosAngeles with Resources of more than a half billion dollars serves the Southern half of California with 132 Offices and Branches in sixty-one communities as follows: OFFICES AND BRANCHES Trust Department The Security Trust & Sav ings Bank of Los Angeles (established 1889) and the Les Angeles-First National Trust & Savings Bank (established 1875 and nationalized in 1880) were eensoiidated at the close of business March 30, 1929, under national charter and the name SecurityFirst National Bank of Los Angeles. % Other Liabili Trust Department Assistant Cashiers 6th and Spring Sts. ♦Resources. Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits $ SECURITYFIRST NATIONAL BANK of Los Angeles Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City ALHAMBRA ALTADENA BEVERLY HILLS BRAWLEY BURBANK CALIPATRIA CARPINTERIA CATALINA ISLAND (Avalon) COALINGA COMPTON CULVER CITY DINUBA EAGLE ROCK EL CENTRO EXETER FILLMORE FRESNO FULLERTON GLENDALE (3) GUADALUPE HANFORD HOLLYWOOD (5) HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK INGLEWOOD LINDSAY LOMPOC LONG BEACH (6) LOS ANGELES (56) LYNWOOD MONETA MONROVIA (2) MONTEBELLO MONTROSE NORTH HOLLYWOOD OCEAN PARK OXNARD PALMS PASADENA (3) PORTERVILLE REDLANDS SAN FERNANDO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN PEDRO (2) SANTA ANA SANTA BARBARA SANTA MARIA SANTA MONICA (2) SANTA PAULA SATICOY S. PASADENA STRATHMORE TULARE VAN NUYS VENICE VISALIA WEST LOS ANGELES WESTMORLAND WESTWOOD VILLAGE WHITTIER WILMINGTON Foreign Barclays Bk. Ltd. (168 Fenchurch St.), West minster Bk. Ltd., Lloyds Bk. Ltd., Nat. Prov. Bk. Ltd. and Midland Bk. Ltd.. London: Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, Bkrs. Tr. Co. of N. Y., The Chase Bank, Comptolr Nat ional D’Escompte de Paris, Paris; Commerz und Privat Bank, Deutsche Bank und DIsconto Gesellschaft, and Dresdner, Berlin; Dresdner Bank, and M. M. Warburg & Co., Hamburg; Banca Commerclale Italians, Gen oa; Banco dl Napoli, Naples; NederlandschIndlsche Handelsbank, Amsterdam; Banque de Commerce, Brussels; Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, Canadian Bank of Commerce, and Bk. of Nova Scotia, Canada; Banco Naclonal de Mexico, Banco de Mexico, and National City Bank of New York. Mexico; Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich; Royal Bank of Canada, Barcelona; Ionian Bank, Ltd., and Nat. Bk. of Greece, Athens; Nederlandsche Indlsche Handelsbank and Mercan tile Bk. of India, Hongkong; Bk. of Hawaii, Ltd. and Bishop First National Bank of Hon olulu, Honolulu; Den Norske Creditbank, Oslo; American Oriental Bk., Shanghai; Wiener Bank Verein, Vienna; Kawasaki 100th Bank, Ltd. and Mitsui Bk., Tokyo; Philip pine N., Bank of Philippine Islands and Philippine Tr. Co., Manila. Security-FirstNational Company This company, owned by the stock holders of the Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles, underwrites and offers for sale such Investment issues as conform to the bank’s high standard of security and safety. A Monthly Summary of Conditions In the Pacific-Southwest is Issued by the Research and Service Department of the Security-First National Bank. Bequests to be added to the mailing list will be given prompt attention. 107 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriY. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dept* :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City T. Shirao, Mgr. Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.______ ’24 16-133 (200 S. San Pedro St.) CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. J. Hirota, A. Mgr.. K. Watanabe, Pro.-Mgr. Other Paid-up Subplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Wm. H. Allen, Jr.. M. S. Heilman ___ O. P. Clark, Dean Hoover, Title Insurance & Trust Co. A. Sec, Sec. cmd Tr. par 25 16-74 BT»t§’94 Stuart O’Melveny, H. W. O’Melveny W. W. Powell, (433 So. Spring) V. P. L. J. Beynon P. J.Horsch, A.Sec, Tr. Off. C. M. Sperry, A. See, Ben R. Meyer____ A. L. Lathrop____ P. E. Neuschaefer ♦Onion Bank & Trust Co. J.W.Lewis.A. V. P. ♦ 16-77 dB®T*tS’14 M. E. Getz, V.P. H. F. Hahn $325-7%+2% (760 So. Hill) J. C. Lipman, V. P. D. R.Cameron, F. H. Kerns, A. Tr. Off. Tr. Off. par 100 W. O. Neary_____ W. J. Hunter W. A. Barr L. Siegel Margaret Morris, T. D. Miles A. Sec. W. Watson, And. P. W. WEIDNER 0. M. SOUDEN, Ch. I%parl00 16-11 dB®T*t'06 (8th and Sprlne) EMANUEL.COHEN ,Ex, J. E. WOOLWINE— . _ VAN NORMAN J. A. SEELYE. A. C. H. B. HEIM, Jr. V.P E. L. HUTCHINS. _________ Tr. Off. P. H. SIMON, A.C. A. G. VAN DEVENTER, G. R. KARSTE. A. C. A. Tr. Of. O. K. HOVDEN. R. T. MINTON. G. C. MATTHEWS, WM. H. MCELROY. C. H. ORN. L. A. SIMON. P. H. SIMON. Loans AND Bonds Mucil- AND LANBOUS Principal correspondents. Oabm t ExCBAM«rea,Dui Discounts Sbccbittbs Rmoubcu «■ Bin. (Branch of Osaka, Japan). A. F. Morlan_____ A. R. Killgore----- E. W. L. Franklin, R.A. Morlan, A.Sec. S 4,000,000 $ 2,802,480 _________ $ Title Guarantee & Trust Co. V. P. and Cash. G. B. Colby, A. Sec. par 25 16-72 ®T«tS’95 J. T. Cooper, v, P, J. F. Keogh G.A.Reimers, V. P. R.L. Sparks, A.Sec. J. E. Rhind, V. P. H. R. Kleinbach (Title Guarantee Bldg.) •UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. Vice President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) Sumitomo Bk., Ltd., N. Y„ San F„ Seat., Sac., and Honolulu. 577,640 $ 2,628,680 $ 2,164,390 $ 1,366,760 $ 1,220,280 N. City, Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chi. Title & Tr. Co.. Chi. 6,000,000 8,292,210 579,360 1.420,920 3,791,670 8,024,150 1,634,820 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cap. N„ Sac.; 1st N„ San F. 5.000,000 2,360.470 $25 459 760 160,410 17,714,400 8,659,900 2,698,740 3,907,600 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N„ Chi.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; Bank of Montreal, Vancouver. B. C. 1,000,000 Branch Mgrs, IF YOU APPRECIATE PROMPT AND CAREFUL SERVICE AT A MODERATE CHARGE SEND US YOUR ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS. 492.850 13.437,500 34.970 N. W. Cor S. E. Cor. N.W. Cor Branches: North Da S. W. Cor N.W. Cor. Wabash a 126 N. La .2nd and Vernon . 6th and ly St. nea . Eagle Ro Brooklyn nd Everg rchmont Spring S Ave. and tiixel Sts. r Ave. 26 ck Blvd. a Ave. and reen Ave Blvd. ts. (16-29 Hoover St (16-295) (16-296) nd Ave. 3 Cornwell nues. (16(16-309) 7,968.030 1,947,480 323,480 4.726,330 Guaranty Trust Co. (5th Ave. Office)..New York Bank of Manhattan Trust Company__ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co....Chicago Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. ..San Francisco Anglo & London Paris N. Bk._____ San Francisco California National Bank____ ______ Sacramento And connections with all Southern California First National Bank____________________ Boston 3) . (16-294) 5 (16-297) St, (16-29 299) Western National (Name changed to C entral National Ban k in Los Angeles, A ugusl 1, 1930) Bank in Los Angeles West Side State Bank D. H. Parke_____ L. B. Howard __ «% par 100 00-1006 dB®*ti’22 F. F. Miller (4600 W. Wash.) F. F. Miller______ A. R. Collins, A, Cash, and Sec, A. A. Normandin, Tr. W. P. Sharpe, Jr., A. Sec, Wilshire National Bank Jas. N. Casady----- R. L. Heustis........ W. A. Casady........ $135-5% par 100 16-131 dB®»’24 L. E. Harbach, Ch. (4(1 So. Western Are.) 39,180 731,610 31.200 451,960 338,190 10,510 200,000 57,170 912,590 45,720 651,950 272,240 133,780 61,330 N. City. N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. 157,510 Chase N„ N.Y.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. &Sav. Ass’n, Los A.; Anglo & L. P. N„ SanF. M.Nagamatsn.Afpr. S. Oguri. A. Mgr(Branch of Tokoh ama, Ja pan) M. Kurai, A. Mgr. -(-Yokohama Specie Bank. Ltd. 18-75 (100 N. Main) **<’80 York Boulevard State Bank 60,000 O. C. Killian. $200-8% par 160 1*-100 dB®»I8’23 H. C. Hatterscheid V. A. Smith.. Albin Eklof R. E. Doherty____ 50,000 27,520 673,920 Yokohama Specie Bk.. Ltd.. N. Y„ San F., Seattle, Honolulu, and throughout the world. 339,190 238,160 75,020 99,060 N. City, N. Y.; Calif., Los A. (6060 York Boulevard) (See pag es 28-29 -30 forN umber of National ,State an d Prioat e Banks, Loi Angeles Clearing House A. M. Chaffey------ E. J. Nolan_______ H. N. Thompson, H. R. Maltby. Sec. and Mgr. Total Deposits by Citie s, States , etc.) A. Mgr. (Room 805-H. W. Heilman H. N. Thompson, C hiej Examiner Bldg.) (Members indicated by a * Affiliated Banks by a +) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 108 LOS ANGELES—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Alem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstablIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. J. E. JARDINE, Pres. JOHN S. STAATS, See. Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Wm. E. J.E.COGGESHALL,Y.P. T. K.GALLY, Tr. Staats Co., San F., San Diego, HARR YB. BROOKS, y.p. W. L. BERGER, A. Tr. Pasadena and Long Beach. U/IIIIAII D CTAATC PH PAUL B.HAMMOND, VP. H. R. MAURER, A. Sec. Paid-up Capital. $1,200,000 vTlLUAm ili olAAIo uu. Theodore e. j.e.cameron,A.sec. Surplus and Profits. $500,000. (640 S. Spring) ±.U’87 HAMMOND,V.P. WM. H. CONLIN,A.Sec. PAULV.BARNES, A. Sec. Pacific Coast Securities: Municipal and First Mortgage Corporation Bonds. Orders executed in Listed Stocks. Member of Los Angeles Stock and Curb Exchanges. Akin, Lambert & Co_____________± (401 Stock Ex. Bldg.) LE<jNNBicQU|PreS‘ CQUERAZ, AMERICA INVESTMENT CO. C. R. BELL, V. 11 MARCO HELLMAN, (650 So. Spring) W. ¥: BWffl.W. Ch. of Bd. ROBERT R. YATES. V. PMgr. fftviNGEH. HEILMAN, P' P. V. P. Capital: $1,000,000 Bacon. Wardell & Co--------------------± (650 So. Spring)____ ['Thomas W. Banks, Pres. Earl W, Huntley, M. A. Freston, A. Sec. I V.P. and Sec. A. E. Bush, A. Sec. Successors to R. E. Campbell & Co. (Lobby-Pacific Mutual Bldg.) Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. and Secnr. Tr. & Say. Los A. ROY BAYLY. Pres. WELLS MORRIS. CORRESPONDENTS: D. 0. FOSS, Cash. V. p. and Sec. Farmers ft Merchants National HAROLD BAYLY, Y.P.ondYr. F. 0. MAXWELL. V.P. Bank, Seenrlty-First National S. J. BELL, V. P. Bank, Los Angeles. MUNICIPAL and CORPORATION BONDS. “ Member Los Angeles Stock Exchange. Member Los Angeles Curb Exchange. II | | A PIJ| 1L INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND COMMERCIAL PAPER Members Los Angeles Stock Exchange .Members Los Angeles Curb Exchange. /GEO. A. J. HOWARD, Pres. I. E. BLISS, v. P. 'E.C.STERLING.Fxec.Y.P. A. M. CHAFFEY, V. P. A. E. HUNTINGTON,v.P. JAMES R. PAGE ,W. H. THOMSON GEO. SCHINDHELM. V. P. R. J. EICHLER. V. P. L. A. RENTSCH. Sec. A. M. GIBBS, Tr. Calif., Los. A.; Anglo ft Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Calif., Los A.: D. S. N„ San Diego. Capital Paid in $500,000. Surplus and Profits $250,000 Owned by the stockholders of California Bank. Government, Municipal, and Corporation Bonds. [ UWSthASMw. . CISCO AND LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGES Municipal and Corporation Bonds Phone Trinity 1241___________________ of the Pacific Coast (530 W. Sixth St.) CITIZENS NATIONAL COMPANY (Citizens National Bank Bldg.) D. IVEY. Pres......... J. CONNELL. v.P. 0. GE_ _ W. _ _ WALKER, _ _ _ _ _ V. P. JN BURBAW. Exec. V. P. 1 #4 1wl FIRST DETROIT CO., INCORPORATED (332 Van Nuys Bldg.) R. SifAAl 1 d Wm. Cavalier & Co., San. F„ Oakland and Berkeley. Main Office—San Francisco. BONDS GOVERNMENT — MUNICIPAL— CORPORATION rmmy.v:n ERLING. Sec. and Tr. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY Tr. & Sav., and Secur. 1st N., Los A.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. Owned by the Stockholders of The Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank Investment Securities BENJAMIN R. BRINDLEY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . . . . . . . . Second Vice-Pres. WM. W. WOODS, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Manager Telephone Tucker 4204 N. Y., Chi.. Bos., Phil., San F.. Doran Co., J. J_____________________ Now the D. G. Grant Co., Inc. Los A., Seat., and Port. J. DERRY KERR, Associate Manager______ Secur.-lst N., Bk. of Am., N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Far. & Merch. N. Los A. 11 'Barnaby Conrad, Ch. Exec. Com. Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., George H. Burr, F. J. Blanchett.V.P, Phil., and 8t. L.; Geo. H. Bnrr, Ch. o/Bd. F. F. Jackson. Sec. Conrad & Broom. Inc., San F.. W. A. Broom, Pres. Seattle, Port., Pasadena, Oakland, C.S. Thomas, V.Pres, and SaD Jose. (601 Security Title Ins. Building) (Affiliated with Continental Illinois Company. Chicago) Bell, Searl & Rosenthal, Inc.______ ± (907 Bank of America Bldg.) Brashears & Co.. 9....... ............ ±T22 (1040 Fidelity Bldg.) P. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Inc- 1± I Members Los Angeles Stock Exchange. . Members Los Angeles Curb Exchange. Vice President Vice President Vice President Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. 'Partners:R.E.CAMPBELL,Specio(D.J.BOGARDUS. Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Bk. of Am., N. BANKS, HUNTLEY A CO._ _ _ _ ±Vll I California Municipal and Corporation Bonds. David T. Babcock, Theodore B. Cadwalader, BLYTH & GO., INC. { Nelson Douglass, Jl-., (215 West Sixth) T14 Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships (120 So. Spring) WM. CAVALIER & CO------ -------- ± Head Office San Francisco. Affiliated With American Trust Co. (Formerly American National Co.) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA Federal Reserve of St. Louis SANBank FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA SECURITIES COMPANY V2! Sec, and Tr. American Securities Co--------------- ±11 (450 So. Spring St.)__ BAYLY (727 BROTHERS, INC. West 7th) GEO. H. BURR, CONRAD & BROOM, INC.±ro5 (629 So. Spring) L. D. WHITE, Asst. Sec. OWNED BY THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE BANK OF AMERICA OF CALIFORNIA (634 So. Spring St.) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabTMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. D’ARCY ROWE, Associate Manager INVESTMENT UNIT DETROIT BANKERS COMPANY (T^f\ vUi Other Offices: Detroit, New York, Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco. UNDERWRITERS AND DIS TRIBUTORS OF HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 109 LOS ANGELES—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabTMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished zfcMem. Local Stock Exchange. f (Pacific South West Bank Bldg. 215 W. 6th St.) INC. Chairman of Board President BERNARD W. TRAFFORD PHILLIP STOCKTON Executive /EDWIN R. MARSHALL. Boston Vice-Presidents LALLAN M. POPE New York THE FIBSTcOVYX COLON¥ ALVIN H. FRANK & CO. Other Offices, CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Affiliated with First Natl. Bk., Bos First Natl. Old Colony Corp., Bos Head Office; Branches: N. Y., Chi. Phil., Cleve., Balt., St. L., Wash. Prov., At]., Wore., Pitts., Port. Me.,Roch.,Rutland,Hart..Springf. San F., Port., Ore., and Seattle. INVESTMENT BANKERS United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Ban k, Insurance Company and other In.vestment Stocks. —Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities. JONES, HUBBARD & DONNELL, INC. ±T26 (412 W. 6th St.) Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships WM. B. HUBBARD, President HARRY L. JONES, Vice President FRANKLIN H. DONNELL, Vice President . NICHOLS MILBANK, JR., Secretary-Treasurer BRIAN K. WELCH, Vice President Members of Los Angeles Stock Exchange Los Angeles Curb Exchange. Municipal Bonds. Corporation Bonds. Investment Trusts. Investment Securities__________ B. & CO., INC__ Far. & Merch. N.. Bk. of Am. N. Tr, LEACH A. (Van Nuys Bldg.) & Sav. Assn., Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. rM. H. Lewis, Pres., J. H. Dinkins, V. P. C.A.Sheedy, V.P. M. H. LEWIS & COMPANY. . . . . . ±T1« E. M. Phillips, Sec. and Tr. (417 Oltizeni BWg.) --------is N.Bk. ] Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Calif, and Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Los A.; Cont. 111. Bk. & ^Municipal and Corporation Bonds ( H. W. Frank, Pres________ < Alvin H. Frank, V. P. ((Investment Securities) (650 So. Spring St.) Friedlander, Speth & Morton. Inc-.± (607 Bk. of America Bldg.) (Herman F. Hahn, Pres.____ GATZERT COMPANY.......... ........... k Walter A. Gatzert, V. P. (756 S. Spring St.) I Howard Claman, V. P. Telephone Van Dike 2046 Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Far. & Merch. N., Secur.-lst N.. Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., and C]tlZ' Nl Tl‘ & SaVl AsSn" LoS Al MEMBER Investment Bankers Association Estab. 1926 A. B. Leach & Co.. Inc., N. Y„ Chi., and principal cities. N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. &Sav. and Secur.-lst N„ Los A.1 Humboldt Sav., San F. Tr. Co., Cent. Tr. Co.. Straus N. and Foreman State N., Chi.; Secur. N., Logan & Bryan________________ ± (636 So. Spring St.) Okla. C. Subsidiary of Gatzert Co., Illinois, (other Branches: New Los Angeles Investment Sec. Co.__± (815 Stock Exchange Bldg.) York, Philadelphia and Oklahoma MacLaughlin Co., Leo G. .............± (626 Rowan Bldg.) Officers: City) Chase N., N. Y.; and Bk. of Am. N. rMILTON E. GILES, H. H. MARTIN, THE MARBLE, Pres----- FOWLER SHANKLAND, Sec.. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., President Assistant Secretary Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; Herzfeld . MARBLE, Exec. V. P. J. R. HODSON, A. Sec. N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. & Stern, N. Y. BERT M. WORCESTER, V.P. F. S. ROBINSON, A. Sec. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Far. KARL S. SWITZER, 'WILLIS H. BROWN. apital .... $ 500,000 & Merch.N.,and Secur.Vice-President Assistant Treasurer MILTON E. GILES & C0MPANY„±i (410 Bk. of Am. Bldg.) (650 So. Spring St.) JOHN M. G. MARBLE Surplus .... $151,567 COMPANY EDWARD C. WERNER, 'C. J. CRAMER. ^Secretary arid Treasurer Assistant Treasurer (609 So. Grand Ave.) 'D. G.Grant, Pres------ Alta R. Kalley, Edward T. Cook, V. P. Sec. and Tr. Formerly J. J. Doran Company. D. G. GRANT COMPANY, Inc........... ± (415 Citizens N. Bk. Bldg.) .BROKERS IN SECURITIES Graves. Banning &Co...................... ± (600 Calif. Bk. Bldg.) GUARDIAN DETROIT COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA *Mem. Am. Bks. Assn Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. HARVEY RONEY, V. P________________ W. F. WICKMAN, V. P. __ Branch of Detroit—Other office San Francisco. Correspondents in New York City, Chica go and New Orleans. UNIT OF GUARDIAN DETROIT UNION GROUP James R. Martin & Co_______ McCabe Fewel & Co__________ Merrill. Lynch & Co------------Miller & Co., Clyde E.______ Miller, Revel & Co. .. ................ Mitchum. Tully & Co._______ Morris, A. W.______________ 1st X., L. A. 11800 Investment Bonds, First Mortgage Certificates and individual first Mortgages secured by California Real Estate. .±11 (647 S. Spring St.) ... ± (716 So. Spring St.) —II (210 W. Seventh St.) ± (1262 Third Ave.) -±1 (510 Bk. of America Bldg.) —1 (650 S. Spring St.) —± (701-2 Haas Bldg.) R. H. MOULTON COMPANY (510 So. Spring St.) R. H. MOULTON. Pres......... FRANCIS MOULTON. V. P. V. E. BREEDEN. V.JP. JNICIPAL BONDS .MCI---------------------- Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; R. H. Moulton & Co., San F. and N. Y. V14 (530 W. Sixth St.) HALSEY, STUART & CO........ (INCORPORATED) -T01 (K. D. CLARK, Resident Manager____________ Halsey, Stuart & Co., N.Y., Chi., -< Telephone: Trinity 1068 Phil., Bos., St.L., Pitt., Det.,Mil., ( INVESTMENT BONDS Clev., and Minpls. (927 Bank of America Bldg.) (926 Bank of America Bldg.) See Head Office at New Orleans. (530 West 6th St.) fHome Office: 61 Broadway, N.Y.: Western Listed and Unlisted Investment I Offices: San Francisco, Cal.: Oakland, Cal.; Securities. ) Del Monte. Cal.; San Jose, Cal.; Los Angeles, Correspondents: Am., Anglo Calif.Tr. ) Cal.: Pasadena. Cal.; Hollywood, Cal.; San Co..Crocker 1st N.,andBk.of Am.N. (643 So. Spring St.) ±’01 / Diego, Cal.; Santa Barbara, Cal.; Beverly Tr.& Sav. Assn.,San F,; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. G. L. 0HRSTR0M & CO.. INC. V. Hills. Cal. (650 So. Spring) 'J. E. PATRICK, Pres----------------------------------- Secur.-lst N., Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. Los A. J. A. DONLON, V. P. and Treas. INVESTORS SECURITY CO., LTD. GEO. E. MOORE, JR., V. P. PACIFIC CO____________ (241 Roosevelt Bldg.) JOHN M. CHAMBERLIN, V. P. and Sec. (623 So. Hope St.) (210 West Seventh St.) Harris, Fred E._____________ ± Hay, Earl G.____________________ ± Hibernia Securities Co., Inc________ 1 E.F, HUTTON & COMPANY Municipal and Street Improvement Bonds LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA (525 W. 6th St.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Investment Securities_________________ Branch of New York. LEE A. PHILLIPS. Ch.ofBd. IF. S. BAER. Pres. F.S. BAKER. V.P.— Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. &Sav. Assn., Los A.; Am., Oak W. A. MARSHALL V- P. H. G. MARTIN. V. P. .±’04 ,S. J. FOX, W. WATSON LA FORCE. land; 1st N.. San Diego; Bk.of Am. 2V. and A. Sec. V. P. and Sec. N.Tr. & Sav. Assn., Long Beach. 1 Capital. $3,000,000. .Member of Los Angeles Stock and Los Angeles Curb Exchanges. William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT - SOLD - QUOTED 110 LOS ANGELES—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabVMem. Lnv. Bks. Assn. lishkd. dbMem. Local Stock Exchange. Paul-Bullis & Co----------------- Members op Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories ± 704 S. Spring___________________________ Paul-Bullis & Co., Santa Barbara. Offices in Chicago, New York, San L. WEAVER, Resident Mgr. Francisco, Seattle and Milwaukee. NORMAN B. COURTENEY, Manager---------------- Stocks. Bonds. Cotton. Grain, in Home Office, 40 Wall St., New York Leading Markets. PEARSONS-TAFT COMPANY-------------- DEANE (650 So. Spring St.) E. A.(515PIERCE & CO.= West Sixth Street) RATH COMPANY, HOWARD Q.......... ±1 (533 W. Sixth St.) City, N. Y. Pacific Coast Branches: San Private Wire to Principal Cities Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Pasa-dena, Portland, and Seattle, r Member Los Angeles Stock Exchange, Member Investment Bankers Association _ GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. TH. ] B. KLINGENSMITH. DISTRIBUTING CO., LTD. \INVESTMENT Pres. (632 So. Spring St.) Phone Vandyke 7171 ± Welch & Co., James M...................... ± Welch, Torrance C. & Co.________ ± Williams. Tenney & Co--------------- ± Witter & Co., Dean.—.................. ±1 (1306 Stock Exchange Bldg.) Schwabacher & Co_______________ 1 (458 So. Spring St.) OCvUIil 11LO WALSH, O’CONNOR & BARNES0N G. F. WOLCOTT & CO. MINERS, N. D______________(N-D- 8anders___ _____ _____________ Secur.-lst N., Los A. Bank Stocks, Featuring Cali fornia Controls (Sait* 1005 8torr Bide.) | Bai SFPIIRITIFS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. lnv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. Member New York Stock Exchange. Head Office at San Francisco, Assoc. Member New York Curb Exchange Calif.,Branch Office at Oakland, Member San Francisco Stock Exchange. Calif., Branch Office at Beverly Member San Francisco Curb Exchange. Hills, Calif. 202 Financial Center Bldg._______________ Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav„ Los A. (301 Fidelity Bldg.) 500 Van Nnys Bldg---------------------------------- Secur. 1st N.. Los A. (611 Van Nnys Bldg.) ,'H.r. S'G.. WOLCOTT. V? : FAIRMAN. Sec. p | W. J. MIDDAGH, Mgr. Unlisted Securities Dept. Cal. Bk., Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Pac. N., and N. City Bk„ Los A. Investment Securities. Young-Clarke & Co.. _____ ± 212 Bartlett Bldg. ! John Earle Jardine, Pres. L. E. GLICKSMAN, Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships {Affiliate: Los Angeles Local Stock Exchange.................. ................... j Paul B. Hammond. 1 stV. P. Sec. and Tr.\ U. S. Securities Corporation, 1 McClarty Harbison, 2d V. P. SECURITIES. James R. Martin. Tr, Floyd E. Sanford. Sec. Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. MINIMUM RATES OF COMMISSION. In Effect April 15.1930 Minimum the Pacific Coast Association of New York Stock ExOn Stocks Selling H. M. Robinson, J. E. Shelton, Charge efiange firms, which differs from the local schedule in tfie Ch. of Bd. V. P. and Sec, A consolidation as of April 30,1929. Under $1.00 per share...$5.00 per 1000 shares..$2.50 rates charged on stocks selling for less than $10.00 par, J. F. Sartori, Pres. Geo. R. Martin, V. P, of the bond departments, First and in the establishment of a $5.00 minimum com (Odd lots less than 1000 shares 12)4c per share) H. C. Barroll, V. P. Robt. H. Parsons, Securities Company and Secur mission on all transactions where the money involved At $1.00 and under $5.00 per share V, P, and Sales Mgr, ity Company. G. M. Wallace. V. P. is $50.00 or more. Tne Pacific Coast Association rates $5.00 per 100 shares.. $2.50 Nicholas Malouf, which vary from Los Angeles Stock Exchange schedule ±V2 C. F. Seidel. V. P. (Odd lots 12J4c per share) A. V. P. are as follows: (6th & Spring Sts.) At $5.00 and under $10.00 per share G. A. Meyer, Compt. Identical in ownership with Security $10.00 per 100 shares.. 2.50 Members of L. A. Stock Exchange Rates per 100 Shares Odd 1st National Bank of Los Angeles Members of Investment Bankers (Odd lots less than 100 shares 12}4c per share) and L. A. Curb Exchange. and serves as the Bond Depart Association of America Stocks Selling NYSE Listing NY'CE Listing Lots At $10.00 and under $25.00 per share ment of that Bank. $17.50 per 100 shares.. 2.50 50c and under $ 5.00 $ .1234 Simmons. E. C. & Co.____________ ± (706 S. Normandie) (Odd lots 25c per share) $1.00 .............. At $25.00 and under $50.00 per share $1.00 and under 10.00 .1234 443 S. Spring St. 811 W. 7th St. A. O. Slaughter, Anderson & Fox, 43 $20.00 per 100 shares..$2.50 $10.00 Tel: Faber Sill Tel: Trinity 0281 Broad St., N. Y„ Chicago, San Fran (Odd lots 25c per share) Under $1.00 ............ $ 3.00 Pro Rata In Charge: In Charge: cisco. Hollywood, Beverly Hills At $50.00 and under $75.00 per share Resident Partners f R. Ashley Cooper and Oakland, Cal. $1.00 and under ______ 7.50 Pro Rata $22.50 per 100 shares. .$2.50 \Frank B. Mannix $5.00 (Odd lots 25c per share) At $75.00 and under $100.00 per share $5.00 and under ______ 10.00 .1234 (433 S. Spring St., Title Insurance /SEE ADVERTISEMENT AT HEAD OF LIST. $25.00 per 100 shares..$2.50 $10.00 \ INQUIRIES FROM BANKS AND DEAL ERS INVITED. Bldg, and 811 W. 7th St.. (Odd lots 25c per share) Signal Oil Bldg.) On transactions where the money Involved is $10.00 or At $100.00 and under $125.00 per share less, the commission charge shall be optional. Smith, Camp & Co._______________1 S. B. Franklin, Mgr. Los Angeles Office. $30.00 per 100 shares..$3.00 (650 So. Spring St.) (Odd lots 30c per share) In billing less than board lots the commission shall in ITAATS C0.f WM. R........................ ±187 (See Head of Investment Dealers List) At $125.00 and under $150.00 per share no case be greater than that which is designated for the $30.00 per 100 shares..$3.00 transaction involving a board lot. rHUGH MCFARLAND, Resident Manager-----(Odd lots 30c per share) S. W. Straus & Co., Incorporated,! On Bonds Selling ^Charge™ At $150.00 and under $200.00 per share N. Y. and Chi. $30.00 per 100 shares. .$3.00 \ Investment Securities Up to $125.00, $10,000 lots (INCORPORATED) 1*82 (Odd lots 30c per share) $22.50 per $10,000 par value l Telephone—Trinity 7023 (Spring Arcade Bldg.) Less than $10,000 lots.$2.50 per $1,000 par value..$2.50 Streeter & Co.. C. C_____________ ± (805 Stock Ex. Bldg.) At $200.00 and over per share, the commission shall be At $125.00 and over rates for stocks apply (except Sutro & Co-------------------------------- ± (300 Van Nuys Bldg.) increased $5.00 per 100 shares additional for each $50.00 that an odd lot is less than $10,000 par value). Toole-Ttetzen & Co___ 1± (509 Van Nuys Bldg.) or fraction thereof increase in selling price. The minimum Liberty Bonds..$1.25 per $1,000 par value.$2.50 charge shall be one-tenth (l/10th) the commission charged Other Offices: San Francisco, Oakland. for 100 shares. The commission on odd lots shall be on In lots of less than $1,000 par value minimum charge Pasadena, Long Beach, Riverside, a pro rata basis. The commission on Rights shall be fixed is optional. r INVESTMENT SECURITIES; STOCKS Pomona, San Diego. Sacramento. by the Floor Trading Committee. AND BONDS. Hollywood, Fresno, Santa Monico, NOTES: Santa Ana, Stockton, California; —Seattle. Spokane, Tacoma, Wash NOTES: For all transactions in New York a charge must be made (458 So. Spring St.) ±*1’16 ington; Portland, Eugene. Oregon. for insurance, postage, exchange or any other expenses. On all stocks formally listed on the New York Stock Exchange or the New YTork Curb Exchange, the Los Ang Tucker-Reagan Co.--------------------- ± (814 Security Bldg.) PENALTY for violation of the above rates is suspension eles Stock Exchange accepts the commission schedule of and fine, or expulsion from the Exchange. Union Co.-------------------------------- ± I (3rd fl. Union Bk. Bldg.) (Ill West Seventh St.) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY A. 0. SLAUGHTER. ANDERSON & FOX STRAUS, S. W. & CO., TUCKER HUNTER DULIN & CO. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SANBank FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve of St. Louis William R. Starts Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOT Ill Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TownandCounty. o.Mem. A.B. A. mNew §State tPriv. fiVlem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Cashier. Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Los Banos__ 1875 Mereed J0 90-882 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k ExOther D epos Paid-up Surplus and and ohajtox^Dc* Liabili and its Capital Propits Disoounta Sacuritiss laneous non Banks ties (Los Ba nos Bra nch. Geo. M. Quintal, Joseph A. Enos, A, Mgr, A.Cash., A, Sec. and Mgr. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued S ( S 50 000 000 58 997 540 E. W. THIERCOF. F. j. ARBURUA, (Los Ba nos Bra nch. Mgr. and. A. Tr. Off. Ch. Adz. Bd. NATL.TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. {.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 90-522 J6 S ee Head Office, 8a n Franci sco, Cali f.) ®T»t5'54 BANKOF AMERICA Santa Olara Principal Correspondents S ee Head Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi, Office, 8a n Franci sco, Cali A) @T»r67 BANKOF AMERICA 1. (J. D. FAR WELL, NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. ) Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997540 D.HABIE.A, Afpr. N. W. IfcGRADY, (Los Ga tos Bra nch. A, Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. <S ee Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Cali /.) {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 00-028 .. » ®T«t'67 0. F. Ham she r....... F. W. first National Bank. 11 jo-8% #0-718 Knowles.— H. L. Roberts .. . Jno. J. Cox______ J. F. Oldham____ J. F. Oldham, Sec.. Los Nietos.........416 Bank of Santa Fe Springs 90-1049 d®§’23 L Los Angeles Loyalten.__ 837 Sierra Valley Bank..®*tl'03 Chas. Dubonrdlen- A. Ramelli________ ti35-io% 90-629 Sierra Fll S. H. Sherwood... L. H. Palmer ton__ & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; A. & L. P. N., San F. 18,000 $1000 000 25,000 3,880 152,560 52,910 77,780 15,290 50.000 19,670 570,880 260,850 305,310 7,870 66,500 A. & L. P. N., San F.; Cal. N.. Sac.; United 134,750 228,180 72,150 36,190 Chase N„ N.Y.; Seab. N., Los A.; Calif. 1st $ 500.000 $ 400.000 $ $ 50,000 110.000 100,000 Cent. Han. Bk. 15,320 U.S. N„ Los A. Nevada, Reno. par 100 Lynwood.........7322 National Bank of Lynwood W. R. White______ E. A. Moore_____ E. L Los Angeles 015 par 26 90-1238 d®*t’27 S. C. Smith SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK T. Enoch.......... S. A. KUHLE, 400,540 50.000 $ 20,740 N„ Long Beach. (Lynwo od Bran ch. For complete report se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles) Mgr... OF LOS ANGELES 90-938 ‘Modern____ 4665 Madera Jll dB®t 26 BANKOF AMERICA W. H. LEMMON, f-- Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. 50 000000 58 997 540 (Mader a Branc h. {See Head Of fice, San Franrit oo, Calif .) Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. C. R. NELSON. NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. A. Mgr. { Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. A Savgs. Assn. Branch) 90-382 .. ®T»t'04 First National Bank d®*t’04 *185 par 100 90-888 J. L. Butin, Ch. W. S. Hillis, Exec. V. P. C. B. Swift_______ 125,000 A. E. Christiana MaahattanBeach *StateBk. ofManhattanBeach Oeo. H. Kern . G. S. Thatcher.__ M. S. Wick............... N. B. Grose______ 90-996 d®*tl'22 1891 Jioo-6% L Los Angeles 015 par 100 (*Member South Bay Clearing House, Redondo Be ach, Calif.) Manteca ...1614 San Joaanln M BANKOF AMERICA s 26,560 1,191,100 593,230 324,400 165,460 60,700 131,280 43,460 G, M. Freeman 35,000 5,070 212,860 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Mante ca Bran ch. LEWIS WRIGHT, Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 3,800 See Head Of fice, San Francisc o, Calif.) Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F.; Secur.1st N„ Los A. 259,570 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.: W. F. Bk. &Un. Tr. Co.. San F. 21,300 Chase N„ N. Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi, {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl, (.WITH BANK O Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branch) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-712 .. 1 1 ®T«t’67 Bank of Manteca...d®*tf’18 Arbor Barth.. 6% par 100 90-875 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - SAN DIEGO J. M. Lindsey_____ George Williams.. 1 All | s 1 A IUI rVILL 1AIYI 50,000 19 mn 32,820 488,380 Af 1!IT( CS *11o Jt 1A ^ 1.840 301,440 167.710 31,380 & Sav. Assn., Stockton; Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co., San F. 72.500 Bk. of Am. N. Tr. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGH1r - SOLD - QUOTED 1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 112 JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. xCounty Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. BANK0F AMERICA Resources. Liabilities. town and county. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriT. Maricopa___ 1070 Kern M12 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Vice-President. President. r Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. $ $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Marieo pa Bran Cb, See KARL VANDER _ . HORCKilAfffr. Principal Correspondents. Loads Bonds Miscel Cash k JExther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and CHANOB8,Dui and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Read Off ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATESA38 BRAN CHES IN CALIEO RNIA. 90-340 ©T»l’67 (Formerly Bank of America of Calif. Branch) iMartlnez___ 6569 Contra Costa C20 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ M-401 „ R. Austin_______ L. w. Beede. (Marti nez Bra neb. Se e Head O ffict., San Francis co, Calif. )_____ A. Sec. and Mgr. ©T»t§’54 BANK OF AMERICA |ROBERT B.BOR LAN D. Ch. Adv. Bd........ A. J. HEALD, 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Martin ez Bran ch. Mgr.and A.Tr. Off. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See Head Of fice, San Francisc o, Calif.) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1117 ©T*t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch) S Bank of Martinez.__ ®»Jf’73 W. A. Hale . 90-407 $250 20% »Marysvllle._ .5768 Tuba F7 BANK OF AMERICA f NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O 90-232 ®T«r67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch ) .. DECKER-JEWETT BANK 7% *4 44 90-231 133,660 1,774,720 i 5,270 t 1,271,670 l 374,860 1 165,200 $ 201,920 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. of Calif.. N. and Am. Tr.. San F. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. h. SeeH ead Office , San Fr aneUeo, Calif.) FtAMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO H. B. P. CARDEN —- H. B. P. CARDEN....... G. W. BRODAHL..... J. F. WHEELER. Sec. 150.000 125,000 1,408,420 292,890 73,970 143,710 Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Calif N., Sacramento. 998,480 51,660 367,730 566,920 51,500 165,100 Bk. of America, N. A., N. Y.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. 424,690 2,958,900 2,860 1,197,210 2,031,570 141,020 186,650 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Bk. of Am, N. Tr. &. Sav. Assn.. San F. 117,540 1,526,450 d©»J|'58 Thomas Mathews, Dunning Rideout dB®»’17 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. W. 0. Owe*.. P. T. Smith Northern California Bank of Phebe M. Rideout. W. B. Swain______ 8. J. Ftauery____ W. T. Cnmiskey__ Saving! ..90-231_____ •JIM Maxwell_____ 360 Colusa F5 Mayfield KELLY-_ 100,000 50 000 000 58 997 540 L. DASSONVILLE. DUNNING RIDEOUT — W.R. SWAIN. A. Mgr. (Rldeou t Branc A. V. P. and Mgr. F.E. IIGBM v. p. RNIA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4-16% par 100 90-234 .. P F P. D- Butcher . .. W. D. Dockstader J. K. Rodgers_____ F. R. Jones 170,000 51,100 (See Hea d Office, W. H. Loyelace, The Colusa County Bank 90-70# •J9T1 50,000 Mgr. Coluea, OaUf.). Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.. N. B. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 1300 (See Palo Alto, Calif.) Branch of Huntington Park P. O. (Maywo od Branc h. See He ad Office , Los An geles, Ca it/.) .... Citizens National Trust & Sav. Bank. 90-1075..©«T’23 Guaranty Trust Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N„ San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. L Los Angeles 016 .. 50,000 4,030 352,500 McCloud 176 McCloud National Bank B. W. Lakin______ P. V. Games______ L. E. McGonagle .. C. A. Clements___ 90-#31 ©•t’09 Siskiyou C6 C. B. Daveney $325-50% par 100 25,000 72,470 918,730 McFarland.__ 517 First National Bank d ®»t’13 D. Billings________ C. A. Melcher____ L. R. Billings_____ $160-6% 90-791 Kern L13 25.000 23,450 277,720 Mendocino...1250 Mendocino F2 The Maywood Bank F. M. White......... . Charles Kramer__ $130 par 100 90-1251 d®*t§’28 C. H. Johnston BANK OF AMERICA c__________ f NATL.TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-633 ®T»r67 ( WITH (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. A. GORMAN. 50 000 000 58 997 540 A.Mgr,andA.Tr.Off. (Mendo cino Br anch. bank o F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 102,750 Secur.-lst N. Bk. of Los A., Los A. 160,160 133,640 10,050 35,010 253,520 667,080 2,820 127,790 Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A. and Crocker 1st N., San F.: 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 212,860 39,250 14.770 69,290 Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co.. San F.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Savg. Assn., Los A.; Bk. of Am. of Calif., Bakersfield; 1st N., Fresno. See Hea d Office, San Fra nClSCO, C alifA ■PS ■ 1 m William R. Staats Co. Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ■| BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 00 Town and county. iCounty Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. 12 L Los Angeles Br. •Mem. A. B. A. wNew §State fPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. San Mateo H19 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-1168 E, L. Hook, Mgr,... \ T. CUNNINGHAM, u ®T»t'67 (.WITH BANK O First National Bank in Merced. . _____ d®*t’27 100 90-1189 Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L iabili and Capital its ties Profits R. D. Gray, A. Mgr. (Menlo Park Br ancb. Wm. J. George.... 50 000 000 58 997 540 5: Vm-*"■ Ch. Adv. Bd. Lords and Discounts Resources. .• Bonds Miscel and Securities laneous (Merce d Branc h; Marin 1)15 correspondents, See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) ChaseN.,N.Y.; Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co„Chi. Seeff ead Ofhc e, San F rancieeo Calif.) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. W. R. Ford 100.000 35,970 $ i 579,230 l 151,090 t 886,700 13,660 8% par Mill Valley... 4164 Principal CAen A Ex- CH A NO 18, DU* from Bants A. Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-337 Ass't Cashier. S ( E. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) M Cashier. ®Tt§’54 BANK OF AMERICA Merced J10 Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued CHAS. H. HUNTOON, $ 278,690 Crocker 1st N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and A. & L, P. N„ San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; N, Bk. Rep., Chi. f F. F. BOSTWICK, (Mill V alley Br ancb.Se e HeadO ffice, San F„ Calif •) Mgr. J Ch. Adv. Bd. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-634 ®T«i’67 BANK0F AMERICA (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) .. >t Mill Valley Bank....d©t§’28 Thos, J. Sewell___ John Burt________ W. J. Swenson.— W. H. Robinson, Sec. It. L. White 1125 par 100 90-1247 Bank of Santa Clara H23 1140-8% par 100 »Modesto__. 13,842 Stanislaus 18 Milpitas...d®«t|Tl »» Giacomazzi _ 9. O. Reed 21,110 444,200 213,870 254,460 10,140 40,000 37,700 299,640 175,360 86,970 3,800 36,820 Am. Tr. Co.. San F. 111,260 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo Bk & Union Tr. Co., San F.: lstN.,San Jose 90-701 R. K. 'AMERICAN TRUST ♦ COMPANY 90-298 u 8. P. 50.000 W. R. Plummer, A. Cash,, A. Sec., and A. Mgr. e. San Fr ancisco). (Modest o Branc h. Seeff ead Offic ®T*t§’54 BANK0F AMERICA fG. R. STODDARD, 1 V.-Ch. Adv. Bd. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-296 Whitmore, A, V. P., A. Sec., and Mgr. ®T«t'67 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 R. D. NICHOLS. C. Z. VANDER HORCK J.M. WILLIAMS, (Modes to Bran Cb. See ffeadOffi ce, San F rancieco, Calif.) V. P. and Mgr. EUGENE RICE. 0. P. MILLER, Jr„ G. R. STODDARD. A, Mgrs. W. A. HARTER, j A. Vice. Presidents (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, and Bank of America of Calif: Branches) B M - - C. W. Sikes......... *Modesto Trust & Sav. Bank W. W. Giddings—. W. W. Cox_______ N. H. Ford . E.H.Tienken. A.C. C. R. Peterson 90-293 d®T»t§'78 G. A. Cressey, V.P. C. D. Swan 600.000 426,330 4,168,860 S 2,280 3,188,750 848,430 199,880 $175-8% u Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) L Los Angeles 015 (See pa ges 28- 29-30 f or Num ber of N ational, State a nd Private Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, State s, etc.) C. R. Peterson, Modesto Clearing House .— W. B. HICKCOX. SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 960,420 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; A. & L. P. N. and Crocker 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. Acting Mgr. (Monet a Branc h. For C ompleteR eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-635 Monrovia...10.89C L Los Angeles 016 t dB®»t 27 C. S. DANDRIDGE, BANK OF AMERICA (r NATL. TR. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (MoDro via Bra nch. See Head Off ice, San F.. Calif ■ ) Mgr. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-315 ®T#I’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) « « $135 par 100 90-1166 „ u SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES 1 1 F. R, Schallert___ T, C. Rogers______ R. E. Frith_______ C. H. Banks, V. P. and Cash. A. J. Lee Jas. G. Maxwell dB®T*+’24; JOHN H. BARTLE.v.P.; WM. J. (90-312) First J ELLERY, A, V.P. a ndMgr.: C.L.NICHO LS, A. Mgr.\ GEO. H. ANDERSON, A. Mgr. j (90-513) Second Monrovia Branch dB®Tt’24; JOHN H. BARTLE, V. P.; WM. U. ELLERY. A.V.P. and Mgr,; K. E. LA WRENCEi A. Mgr. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1A# III WW 1 Lh Li 1AM 150,000 45,500 871,010 37,540 550,880 322,710 105,770 124.690 N. City, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N. and U. S. N„ Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Uu.Tr. Co.,San F, (For Co mplete R eport See Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles) R. £iT A£iTi5 < PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT' — SOLD — QUOTED 114 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. 12 L Los Angeles Br. oMem.A.B.A.n-New §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trast B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (1 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Vice-President. Montague____ 507 Montague Banking Co. B. F. Reichman__ W. A. Simon.. Siskiyou B5 *iio-4 to 8% 96-636 d®«tt’06 par 100 Montebello...5498 First State Bank ....®»t§’23 G. S. Dodge . .. A. E. Zigler . __ L Los Angeles 016 *135-8% 90-1059 .. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Loam Bonda Miscel Cash b ExPaid-up Depos Other and AND and chakom,Dck L iabili its Capital Profits Diacounfcs Securities laneous prom Banks ties $ 100,000 $ A. E. Zigler______ Clara E. Barney... 25.000 39,450 $ 469,620 s S 528,830 $ 108,650 $ 9,350 406,160 Mgr. 165.620 25,730 $ 55,870 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. of Calif., San F.; Calif. N., Sacramento. 22,280 44,980 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los (Monte bello B ranch. Angel es) W. F. JOHNSON, 207.650 Principal Correspondents. OF LOS ANGELES, 90-747 dB®T*t 23 Monterey........ 9141 Monterey K6 BANK OF AMERICA .,Tl.T,.t|»«GS.@AS?|. r r 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Monte rey Bra nch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco. Calif.) GEO. W. ECKHARDT. Mgr. and A.Tr.Off. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CUES IN CALIFO RNIA. T. A. Work. . S. W. Mack............ 0. A. Met*. Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. lll.Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi. {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) M •• FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-6% 96-268 O. W. Keeley_____ Robert McKever, Jr. d®«t'04 M Gouverneur Morris Gen. Harper $140 par 100 90-1294 E. E. James______ 100,000 110,460 1,764,730 23,570 First National Bankd®»t’21 H. P. Thayer $250-12% 90-982 par 100 H. Rerg “ -------- “ 290.440 260 280,790 105,940 39,820 117,790 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 147,850 W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and A. & L. P. N„ San F. J. A. Maronde. L. H, Browning B. G. Rivers R. Timerhoff_____ 25,000 23,160 Bank of America N. A. and Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. See Hea d Office, Los Ang eles, Cali /•) 415,410 652,680 173,520 35,310 76,600 Chase N. andChatham-Phoenix, N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A. (Monte Rio Bran ch of Ban k of Over nevillt, C alif.) 90-1074 Sonoma H3 L Los Angeles 016 302,700 Mgr. 4,000,000 2,436,550 L. N. ACKERSON, BANK OF AMERICA r___________ {Monte rey Park Branch. Mgr. (Branch of Alhambr aP.O.) 90-1066 dB©T»t§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. LL. Angeles Q4 6406 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) H 1,389,680 450,580 Monterey Park... *4 25,430 {Branch of Salin as Calif. ) ... Louis Vidoroni, ^Monterey County Trust & Sav. Bk.,90-1331 §’30 200,000 W. H. Covey _ ... H. A. Baldridge__ 50,000 8,000 110,000 250,000 126,000 60,000 Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 9,000 Bank___ 90-1185 ______®’27 GEO. M. WESTRUM. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mgr. (Montr ose Bra nch. Angel es) F or Comp lele Rep ort See H ead Offic e, Los OF LOS ANGELES 90-1036 dB®t’27 Moorpark____ 216 American Commercial & L Ventura 013 Morgan Hill...908 Santa Clara J7 J. A. Murphy____ Leo Peel 25,000 16,350 142,300 227,100 88,670 31,500 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. Tr. Co. and A. & L. P. N., San F. 5,970 Savings Bank____ d®*t5’20 $165-5% par 100 90-868 r H. G. WEICHERT, 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. and, A.Tr.Off. (Morga n Hill B ranch. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-637 ®T«t’67 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Cali /•) {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Mountain View Santa Clara H21 3308 P. C. WHALEY. 50 000 000 58 997 540 WILBUR L. CAMP, r_________________ Asst. Mgr. (Mount aln Vie w Bran ch. Mgr, and A. Tr.Off. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-638 ®T»t’67 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. See Head Of fi.ce, San F., Calif Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. .) {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ’*______ •• First National Bank ..®*t‘13 Roger Sherman ... C. H. Segnr W. P. Wright. Ch. 96-778 Mt. Shasta...1009 Bank of Mt. Shasta d®»5’23 Louis Solari, $225-10% 90-1056 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Siskiyou Ca par 180 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis __ . J. J. Taylor_______ D. J. Nordberg.... 100,000 30,700 675,600 48.700 257,000 437,000 40,000 121,000 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Pac. N. and Crocker 1st N.. San F, J. M. Schuler_____ Chas. Capifoni___ E. W. Kennedy.... 30,000 27,180 373.160 3.000 103,020 253,700 15,510 61,110 Crocker 1st N. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Sac. TIC 11D Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *Napa.................6437 Napa Ha BANK OF AMERICA 90-226 dB®T*t§’67 Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. . ........................ HENRY BROWN......... F. E. TRUBODY, COMBINED BANKS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFO RNIA—Continued Mgr. R. S. HOLDEN, „ A. Mgr. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Cun a ExLoaaa Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and chassis,Dm L iabili and its DUoousta Securities laneous from Banks Capital Profits ties 4,000,000 2,436,550 (NapaC ounty B ranch. See Hea d Office , Los A ngeles, Calif.) Principal correspondents. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. OPERATE 438 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAV8S. ASSN. 90-M5 ©T*t 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branch) E. H. AMSTUTZ.Mpr. K.V.BUNCE. A. Afpr. E. R. HENNESSEY* ®T*t 67 GEORGE L. JONES— BANK OF AMERICA 90-367 ®T»I§'67 90-1081 ®T»J§'67 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Los A. P. V. Howell. Mgr. W. C. Kopp—........... ( Needles Branch o / San Be rnardino Valley B ank, San Bernard) no. Cal.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; 50000 000 58 997 540 H. A. CURNOW. Mgr.. JOHN J. FORTIER. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) A. Mgr. (Nevad a City B ranch. GEO. H. KELLOGG. BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. A. F. Sandrock, Placer County Bankd®eJI’07 90-640 90-988 ®T*X’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Newman_____ 1269 Stanislaus J8 R. R. RIEDEL, Mgr. A. Sec, and Mgr. (Newm an Bran ch. 150,000 See Head Off. ce, F. C. Brookings.... A. Dudek_________ 25,000 C. H. Way A. H. Fitzpatrick 25,330 1,377,520 749,710 88,780 220,520 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker 1st N.. San F. 334,880 370 147,310 143,400 20,180 61,840 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N.. Santa Ana. Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N. and A. & L. P. N„ San F. ®T*f67 CALIFORNIA BANK 90-964 ®«t§’04 12,470 (See Hea d Office, Alvarad o, Calif A. A. HONERCAMP* BANK OF AMERICA San Frandie •, Calif.) 149,810 2,111,390 A. V. P. Newport Beach First National Bk....d®*J’06 L. H. Wallace. L Orange P16 2203 6% par 100 90-641 Niles...................1517 Bank of Alameda County»l’08 90-642 Alameda F22 90-1200 CaUf.) A, Mgr. ♦ 90-944 ®T*tl'54 A. M. Souza, Jr.__ Bank of Newman___d®»t§'03 E. S. Wangenheim L. J. Newman ____ F. S. Powell, V. P. and Cash. E. J. Beall par 25 90-506 E. C. Hansen, (.Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi, 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Newha 11 Branc h. See H ead Offic e, SanFr J. C. Agostinho, R. Pitney, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY NATL. TR. & SAVGS. AS! Chase N..N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., 8an F.; Capital N., Sacramento. Auburn, Calif.).. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. $75-12% North Hollywood 5000 L Los Angeles P2 (See Hea d Office. Mgr. BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.‘ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 50000 000 58 997 540 (Newca stle Bra nch. See 'Head'Of flee, San Francisc o, Calif.) Mgr. (.Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Newball_____ 1027 L Los Angeles M15 See He ad Office, San Fra ndsco, C alif.) WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Newcastle____ 800 Placer G9 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Nation al City Branch. 35,750 $ 239,610 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ghi.; W. F. Bk. & Dn.Tr. Co. and Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Cent. N.. Oakland. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Needles...........3144 San Bernardino Valley Bank 90-323 d®:»'#7 LSanBern'd'oN24 ‘Nevada City. 1701 Nevada F9 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 167,500 $3 284150 $ 114,730 $2192 510 $1248 500 $ A. Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-753 150,000 J. E. BREAUXi Mar.. JAS. L. MATHEWS, BANK0F AMERICA (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branch) See Head Office, Sa n Fraud sco, Cali] COMBINED BA NKS OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. First National Bank.d®*i’67 Chas. E.Trower— B. C. Corlett-------- B. C. Corlett_____ H. S. Davis.. T. P. Amoss $220-10% 90-228 H. P. Goodman. Ch. par 100 National City 7301 L San Diego 019 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50 000000 58 997 540 and A. Tr, Off. (NapaC ounty B ranch. Ch. Adv. Bd. Mgr, 50000000 58 997 540 (North Hollyw ood Bou Ievard B ranch. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. See Head Office, Sa n Frandsc 0, Calif.) .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. H. E. Oatman, Mgr. H. L. Cady, A.Mgr. 5,000.000 4,969,420 (North Hollyw ood Bra nch. See All Banking Ma tters promptly ha ndled. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK FRED. WEDDINGTON, A. L. EDWARDS, V, P. and Mgr. A. Mgr, (North Head O fflee, Los Angeles, Calif.) N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.: 1st N.. Pitt.: Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. complete report, s ee Head Office, Los A ngeles) Hollyw ood Bra nch: For OF LOS ANGELES 90-623 dB®T*t’23 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given lift to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ■A w Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.TlNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Do„ot_„„^ ‘County Seats. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. No. Los Angeles San Fernando Valley Bank Olaf Halvorson. 227 90-972 ®*§’22; L Los Angeles 015 F. W. Prince_____ J. H. Willis _ F. J. Borchard No. Sacramento California Trust & Ssv. Bk. Sacramento G7 2097 90-1083 ®T5'23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili and Capital Profits ITS ties $ A.V. Chargin, Mgr. dexed Acces.), 25,000 $ 2,790 $ 185,570 $ Resources. Loans Bonds Cash & ExMiscel- chang and *s,Dok and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks 12,000 $ 119,400 $ (N orth Sacrame nto Bran ch. 76,950 i 2,770 $ See Head Of fice, Sac Clillf. ) _ _ Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co. of Cal., San F.; Cal. N., Sac. Norwalk________ 1517 BANK0FAMERICA r......................... ARTHUR KULZER. A. 0. SILVERSON, 4.000,000 2,436,550 L LosAngeles Q5 Mgr. A. Mgr. (Norwal k Branc h. See Head O ffice, Lo s Angel es, Cali f.) 90-644 dB®T*t§’67 < (Formerly^ Banlc^ of America j ( ^VTTH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Norwalk Com’l A Sav. Bank luo par 140 90-105* d®*t§'23 Novato____________ 510 Novato Bank Marin B15 ~tl'13 r b. j. b. 90-798 BANK Principal Correspondents. 26,250 Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. (Branch P. O. Sacr amenta) — (In this tncaL ibfkicS) iiuiiuayS) t)lU., SG6 LAWS* Lewis W- A. Johnson.... L. C. Marshall______ Angus Marshall_____ Elmer E.Owen, Tr, Earl C. Myer, Sec. Burdell. _____ Hermann Rudolff_ ............. AMERICA f- - - - - - - - - - - - - Oakdale_________ 2112 OF Stanislaos I 9 NAT’L TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. <( E. D. HERON, Mgr. . S. J. DIPPEL, A. Mgr. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 20,670 429,880 1.670 145,510 210,140 44,500 102,070 N. City, N. Y.: Calif., Los A.; Merch. N„ Sac. 50,000 21,210 389,920 120 246,220 154,670 9,810 50,540 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Oakdal e Branc h. See Head O ffice, Sa n Franc isco, Ca Uf■) Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ,„ , 90-750 ®T*f§’67 (WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (formerly Bank of America of California Branch) w SS First National BankdB®*t’04 W. Hodden___ 8% par 100 99-486 E. Rodden, Ch, ------ #4 . L. F. Brichetto___ D. E. Lee. E. Gome, Aud. J. A. Rydberg_____ G. T. Morrison 100,000 Stanislaus Co. Sav. Bk._.®§’05 W. Rodden_______ L. F. Brichetto___ D. E. Lee. 8% par 100 90-487. W. L. Rodden, Ch. 60,000 OAKLAND •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Reserve City 196,200 1,301,900 125,900 98,300 822,700 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits Total Deposits 732,100 162,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 219,800 (In Federal Reserve District No. 12) Resources. President. 1,175,600 56,700 Crocker 1st N„ W. F, Bk. & Un. Tr. and An glo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. (Alameda, E Liabilities. liariS 1 TIES 19) County Seat—Population 284,063 Principal correspondents. MiscelCash & RxLoans Bonds LANBOUS CHASG*S,Dl7I and and Discounts Securities Resources I ra031 Banes Broadway Branch*—Russell Lowry, R. T. Fisher, N. B. Campbell. and A. J. Anderson, Vice-Presidents; Geo. L. Ashby, T. W. Dunlop, Mssi. Cashiers and A. Secs,; F. H. La Vigne, A, Sec. and A, Tr, Off,; F. E. Crichton, A .V.P. and A. Sec.; C. F. Williams, A, Cash, and Asst. Sec.; E. J. Treanor, A. Cash, and A. Sec.; John L. Talt, A. Tr. Off. (90-1278) Elmhurst Branch*—W. P. Newbert. Mgr.; D. W. McElhatton. A. Mgr. (90-3) (90-1188) (90-1265) (90-1266) (90-1267) (90-1268) (90-1269) (90-1270) •*154 (90-1271) (90-1272) (90-1273) (90-1274) (90—1275) (90-1276) (90-1277) ’AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Dimond Branch—Alvah C. Conley, Mgr.; A. K. Roberts. A. Mgr. Fortieth-Piedmont Branch*—M. D. McLeod. Mgr.; 0. M. Pace. Frultvale Branch—F. N. Kornhans. Mgr.; L. L. Turner, A. Mgr. Grand Avenue Branch—L. P. Dodson, Jr., Mgr.; F. E. Brott, A. Park Boulevard Branch— H. V. Maze. Mgr.; C.M. Morton, A. Mgr. West Oakland Branch—L. C. Whitby. Mgr.: C. V. Leitas, A. Mgr. Eleventh-Franklin Branch* —F. C. Erickson. A. C. and Mgr.; Jose East 14th-73rd Avenue Branch—Lloyd Bradhoff, Mgr.; W. G. Day, Glenview Branch—H. L. Anderson. Mgr.; R. McClellan, A. Mgr. Market-Fifteenth Branch— M. A. Riggle, Mgr.; V. M. Pike, Fortieth-Telegraph Avenue Branch—F. T. Jenner, Mgr. Piedmont-Highland Branch—V. R. Walker, Mgr. San Pablo-Twentieth Branch—W. F. Schnitger, Mgr. Twentieth-Broadway Office—G. F. Wilson, Mgr. A. Mgr. (See Head Office. San Francisco, Calif.) Mgr. ph J. Vieira, A. Cash. A. Mgr. A. Mgr, Bank of America of California . (Merged with Bank of Italy National Tr. & Savgs. Assn,, Oakland Branches, as Bank of Americ a Nat’l Tr <fc Savin gs Assn,, Oakland Branches) (Oakland continued on following page) Digitized for LOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED OAKLAND—Continued—Reserve City Nambcr under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Dtreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 117 •Mem. A. B. A. "-New §State tPriv. fUea. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res. Depts .T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cashier. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-up Capital Surplus Total AND Deposits Profits (See BANK OF AMERICA Other Liabili ties PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Miscbi.Cash & Ex LANSOUS changes,Dui Discounts Sacubitiss Rmsoukcms from Banks Loans AND BONDS AND _____ $50 000000 $58097540 W. W. GARTHWAITE, Vice Chairman of Board of Directors (Alameda, E19) County Seat—Population 284,063. Resources. Liabilities. Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; 1st N.f Chi. Head Office, Sa n Franc isco. Cal */.) (90-1085) Allendale Branch. 3001 38th Ave.—F. E. READY, Mgr.; COLIN D. SHANKS, A. Mgr. GATES, Mgr LEROY SHARP, A. Mgr. , . (90-21) Broadway-Grand Branch,* 2200 Broadway—E. V. McCOY, Mar.; J. A. MALLETT, Assistant Manager. (90-11) College A venue Branch,* 5665 College Ave.—W. B. KENNEDY, Mgr.: J. H. BROWN. A. Mgr. (90-1315) Dimond Branch,* 2154 Hopkins St.—W. A. LUETGE, Mgr, (90-18) 11th & Broadway Branch,* 1102 Broadway—W. H. THOMAS, J. W. O’DONNELL AND J. L. OLIVA, A. Mgrs. (90-1202) Elmhurst Branch,* 9400 E. 14th St.—A. A. HENAS, Manager (90-12) Fruitvale Branch,* 3204 E. 14th St.-A. H. KOPPERUD, Ch. Adv. Bd.: R. F. THURSTON, Mgr ; L. R. PRYOR, Asst. Mgr. (90-1209) Grand-Lake Branch,* 496 Lake Park Ave.—R. J. CRAWFORD, Afpr. (90-1084) Grove Street Branch,* 5501 Grove St.—W. J. SINGLETON, Mgr.; PAUL H ERB 4 Mgr (90-2S) Melrese Branch,* 4580 E. 14th St.-A. S. DOWNING, Mgr.; R. T. DUNCAN, Asst, Mqt . (90-1201)NoTt/i Broadway Branch,* 4101 Broadway—JOHN T. THORNTON, Mgr. (90-1322) Park Blvd. Branch,* 3500 Park Blvd.—G. T. SMITH,Mgr.; M. J. NELLIGAN, (90-24) San Pablo Ave.Branch,* 5800 San Pablo Ave.—H. B. WHITE, Mgr.; (90-1160) Seminary 4t»e. Branch,* 2607 Seminary Ave.—J. E. JACOBUS, Mgr.; S P. KELLEY. A. Mgr. (90-1203) 74th and Foothill Branch, *7335 Foothill Blvd.—A. D. DODSON. Mgr. (00-26) Telegraph Avenue Branch,* 4881 Telegraph Ave.—WM. GHIGLIERI, Mgr. (90-1088) 33rd Ave. Branch,* 3301 Foothill Blvd.—J. A. PICCARDO, Mgr.; M I DYER ^4., AIqt, (90-27) Twenty-Third Ave. Branch,* 1254 23rd Ave.—J. W. FITTING, Mgr.; P A I ARQflN A Mar (90-26) West Oakland Branch,* 1228 7th St.-J. W. JEPSEN, Mgr.; L. A. M0GLICH, (90-1089) Boulevard-Fairfax Branch, • 5285 Foothill Blvd.—J. 6. J. Y. ECCLESTON—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President A. E. CONNICK-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President L. J. TESIO-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President J. A. THOMSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ Vice President H. G. JOHNSON-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice President A. E. CALDWELL-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _ _ _ _ _ Vice President P. D. RICHARDSON-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ Vice President W. M. FITZMAURICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ Vice President H. L. SUTHERLAND- - - - - - - - _ _ Assistant Vice President F. M. CERINI. . . . . . . . . . . . . - _ _ _ _ Assistant Vice President NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSN. ®T*J'67 Oakland Bank Oflice 90-1 1200 Broadway (Merger of Bk. of America of California Branches and Bk of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branches) WITH BANK OF AMERICA OPERATES 438 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA. A. Mgr. r J. F. CARLST0N — N. A. MOSHER------ J. F. HASSLER — f. C. HUMPHREY G«fe8,F.plSl.7lT|OER»L« (tffifnu ‘CENTRAL km NATIONAL BANK *460-9% par 100 V °"■ F8: S?eelelsse A. Tr.Officer ft. J.HODOWAL J. S. KILLAM.A.F.P. Quickest and Best Service Guaranteed on Collections. Send us your Business direct. dB®T*reo ‘CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK w-E- D*,IEf: v. 1,200,000 3,030,000 $29860570 $ 1,376,590 $19313450 $ 6,013,830 $ (Fruitvale Agency; O ee. J. Ha ns, Ass’t Cash, and Mgr.) J. J. FLYNN C. J. FEEHAN J. F. CARLST0N — T. A. CRELLIN........ H. C. SAGEH0RN - C. D. BOWMAN .... R. M. FITZGERALD M. R. BR0NNER. , E. J. GUIST0 CLAUD GATCH „ ...... A. Cash. w. R. WALKER E. C. PETERSEN H. S. WILLIAMS. , H. W. SANDERS A. Cash. 1,200,000 2,835,130 34,688,720 360 23,093,220 (Telegrap h Ate. Br anch: M. R. Bronn er, Ass't 5,104,430 665,600 $ 9,474,290 Chase N„ Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Anglo & London Paris N., San F.;lst Seattle Dexter Horton N.. Seattle; N. City Bk. of N. Y., London, Eng. 2,560,450 7,966,110 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo-Callf. Tr. Co., SanF. Cash, and Mgr.) E. N. HENDRICKS “OAKLAND INVITES YOU” Mgr. SafeDep.Dept. d®»t§’91 Central Savings Bank solicits your savings account upon arrival. •Farmers & Merch. Sav. Bank Edson F. Adams... Geo. S. Meredith .. F. C. Martens_____ B. C. Read_______ John Campe F. C. Martens _?0-5 ®»t$'92 Mark Skinner____ F. B. Richardson, E. E. Kottke____ _ BANK IN V. J. La Motte V. P. and Cash. F. W. Clinchard 90-22 dB®T«t'22 A. Andrew, V. P. C. J. Hammond. *400-8% par 100 90-9 II 300,000 180,090 6,065,790 6,460 4,575,370 1,003,780 254,820 1, 000.000 162,060 4,569,620 500,000 3,300,120 1,825,090 124,730 2d V. P. M. Skinner, Tr. Off. 4% par 100 672,490 86,900 507,650 14,980 21,520 K.D.Sanders.A.Sec. 100,000 F. A. Fletcher, Morris Plan Co. of Alameda Ira Abraham____ Sec. and Tr. County....90-1219............©’26 F. M. Bay,Ch.ofBd. F. D. Moyer, Exec. $100 par 100 e, and Oakland Clearing House--------- W. W. Garthwaite H. A. Mosher........ G. E. Sleeper,Mgr. G.8. Meredith, S«c. (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Number of Natio nal,Stat by Citie s, State s, etc.) Private Banks, Total D eposits (Members indicated by a *) e) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. 718,370 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & D nion Tr. Co., San F. 981,740 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Anglo & London Paris N„ San F. 15,330 Industrial Finance Corp., N. Y. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 -I o -L-LtJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab. *Countv Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LrstSale%Div. L Los Angeles Br. Oakland ...284,063 (Continued) “ _____ _ “ .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. President. (Resident Partn ] Member New Y & CO., WM....... 1 < Members Los A (417—14th) 1 Members Los A (.Municipal and CAVALIER Vice-President. Cashier. .* H. H. MICHELS ork Stock Exchan ngeles and San F ngeles and San F Corporation Bon Ass’T Cashier. Resources. ther Loan, Bonda Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel AND and and Capital Profits its Diaoounfca Saeuritias laneous ties Principal Correspondents. Carr & Xx GKAjraBK,i)l7t nov Barm C. V. GOODWIN, A. L WETMORE—-......... ge. Wm. Cavalier & Co., San F., Los A., aDd Berkeley; Am. Tr. Co. and Cent. N.. Oakland. rancisco Stock F xchanges. rancisco Curb Ex changes. ds. LEACH, A. B. & CO. INC.- (Investment Securiti es) (510 Central Bank Building) THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY A. B. Leach & Co., Inc.. N. Y., Chi. and principal cities. (Investment Sec urities) The National City Co. of N. Y. and Cor respondent Offices. of California (.Central Bank Building) E. A. PIERCE & COMPANY (360 14th Street) /JAMES D. KENNEDY , Manager_____ Home Office, 40 Wall St., N. Y. l Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, in Leading Markets • $hkV^HGHTER’flNDER- (In charge: Tho mas M. Dargie. __ oUN a rOA------ ----------------YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (409 Fourteenth St.) Tel. Glencourt 4260 TUCKER HUNTER DULIN & CO................ ................. 1 (Financial Center Bldg.) Direct Private wires to A. 0 Slaughter, Anderson & Fox. at New York City. Chi cago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Holly wood and Beverly Hills. California. f Investment Sec urities, Stocks an d Bonds. \ Branch of San F rancisco WALSH, O’CONNOR & BARNES0N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CMember New Y ork Stock Excha nge. Exchange. 'I Member San Fr ancisco Stock Ex change. (Central Bank Building) {Phone: Glencourt 0444) LMember San Fr ancisco Curb Ex change. Oaklev _ 761 Bank of Oakley__ (Closed December 19 , 1930) Contra Costa H 7 Oak Park (See Sacramento) Ocean Beach .713 (Sta.SanDiegoP.O.) L San Diego Q18 BANK OF AMERICA Head O fflce at San Fra ncisco. Branc h Office at L os Ange les, Cal if. $ I 50 000000 58 997540 (Ocean Beach B ranch. F. E. MANNING, Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. aO-1183 ®T»I’67 IwiTH BANK O (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIF ORNIA. Tr. <fc Savg. Assns. Branch) See Head Office. Sa n Franci sco, Cali /•) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See Head < N. City. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt. Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. Oceanpark ...8014 Bank of America Natl. Tr. & See Bank of A merica Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Santa Monic a Branch, Santa Mo nica, Cal if.) L Los Angeles 014 Savgs. Assn___ ‘CALIFORNIA BK. 90-335 “ ______ *' B. B. Harris, JuniorV.-P. & Mgr. ®<§'04 1 All Banking Ma tters promptly h andled. ^Marine Bank____ dB®#t§’ll 3145 par 160 90-834 Pro. Mgr. 5.000,000 (Ocean park Br anch. W. A. Blackburn, Mgr. C. E. L0NES. Mgr. ‘SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK O.B. MARSHALL. A. Mgr. (See Hea onica, C i (Ocean park Br anch. For Com \ Angeles, i s Angeie «, Calif.) Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; A & L. P. N., San F. ort See H ead Office , L'os OF LOS ANGELES 90-333 dB®T#t’23 (*Members Santa Monica Bay Clearing House) Oceanside.__ 3508 L 8an Diego Q17 BANKOF AMERICA R. W. HOOVER, Mgr. 50000 000 58 997 540 & SAVGS. ASSN. (Oceans Ide Bra nch. 90-1170 ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO ftNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) NATL.TR. “ “ First National Bank.d®*t’06 )eo. L. McKeehan L. c. Alles................; R. A. Davis_______ D. R. Pogue par 100 90-628 f. E. Jones. Ch, Laurie Porteous C. D. Lucas ANGELES - PASADENA Digitized forLOS FRASER SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis llfi ■ | WILL ■HBRj 100,000 ,See Head Office, ( Sa n Franci sco, Calif 27.300 !fl 078 290 , R. S523!!El * 432,190 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. $ 86,100 $ 221,930 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N. Tr. & Sav.. San Diego; Secur. 1st N„ Los A. > ( 119 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. L Ventnra N13 BANKOF AMERICA nn i l. 1 k. (HS4B* U ^ ^ *@T»r 6 7 Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Ch. Adv. Bd. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bondi Surplus Depos Other Lcasa Cash St ExMiscel chahobs Paid-up ,Dux and and AND L iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities laneous from Banes ties % S 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Ojai V alley Br anch. (■EDWARD L. WIEST, GEO. W. TIGHE........ H. L. JACOBSON, ^ ) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, llolidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco. Cal Principal Correspondents. *Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. ifi) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nal’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 25,000 Ollfe.................... 526 First National Bank d©»t'16 H. T. Moennich ... A. M. Lorenzen.__ E. F. Borchard ___ 1125 par 100 90-847 L Orange 017 Ontario___ 13,583 L8. Bernard. 017 5.000 $ 184.020 S 17,540 $ 101,220 S 100,310 $ 20,600 $ 9,430 1 1st N., Santa Ana. r J. B.QUAYLE.d.Mpr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 C A WARREN, (Outari o Branc h. SeeH ead Office , San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Mgr .and A. Tr.Off. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. RATES 438 BRAN F AMERICA OPE 90-291 ®T«t’67 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. Tr. Co.. Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) .. H. R. Rer? ♦Citizens National Bank *150-4% 90-1217 d®«t'27 par 100 „ „ *200-18% 90-288 dB@*t'02 Reed C. Williams.. R. C. Williams ___ W. R. White R. J. Gillilan .. Oscar Arnold____ H. O. Chapman.__ Geo. N. Knox____ M. F. Van Pelt.... S. W. Nagle, A, C. A. M. Stoeckel Q. B. Hard tag 100.000 125.000 30,080 644.390 175.890 1,782,560 141,190 368,990 355,580 129,270 647,670 1,259,800 32,210 158,880 i Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. 13,900 301,350 Chi.: Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Bk. of Calif N. A.. San F. par 100 “ -------- “ (*Members of San Antonio Regional Clearing House, Chino, Calif .) BANKOF AMERICA (c --------- ---- L Orange P17 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1055 ®T«f’67 (.WITH BANK O 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Oran ge Bran ch. R. C. RADDANT. Mgr. JAY BROWN, A. Mgr. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Trust & Savgs. Assn. Branch) M H First National Bank N. T. Edwards____ *125-20% 90-351 dB®T»I’06 F. L. Ainsworth. E. W. Bolinger par 25 Ch. D. F. Campbell W. F. Kogler_____ B. J. Fletcher Willard Smith, Roy Edwards V. P. F. T. Goode 300,000 106,710 1,869,810 Orange Barings Bank ©t§’06 H. L. Haynes_____ *360-20% 90-350 W. D. Granger, Ch. J. R. Porter E. W. Bolinger F. M. Gulick______ B. S. Brubaker____ 100,000 119,330 1,627,190 O, R. Barber_____ F, R. Franc Orange Cove...513 First National Bank E. M. Sheridan. *149-5% 90-910 d®»t'20 Ch.of Bd. and Pres. C. G. LeMasters, Fresno Kl2 V. P. and Mgr. par 100 BANK OF AMERICA Glenn £5 r Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. See Head O ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.) GEO. A. BARCELOUX. V. P.and Mgr. 25.000 J. R. FOTHERINGHAME, A. Mgr. 10,310 4,000,000 2.436,500 (Orland Branch. 345,130 305,000 92,500 1,096,380 976,930 54,570 353,700 1,227,060 288,060 77,740 253,660 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. San F,; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 275,880 143,990 24,130 28,940 N. City. N.Y.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. 8an F.; Secur.-lst N. Bk. of Los A., Fresno. See He ad Offic e, Los A ngeles, Calif.) Merch. N.. Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 90-512 dB®T»t§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) ** u First National Bank.d®»t’13 J. J. Flaherty____ *160-10% par 100 90-788 Or n*l sini First National Bank in Orosi H. J. Vac Kenzie.. Wm. Monypeny... H. A. Collin______ B. D. Moncrief___ *120 par 100 90-646 d®T»t’13 G. H. Reynolds Tulare K12 (Formerly National Bank of 50.000 33.090 522,070 35,000 323,330 228,360 9,050 79,420 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N., San F.; Calif. N„ Sac. 25.000 5,570 188,520 25,450 135,720 38,810 31,790 38,230 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N„ San F.: Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Fresno and Los A. Orosi) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ion to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Liabilities. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bont L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DiT •Oroville...........3698 Batte F7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. * '-------*■ " — -------- CALIFORNIA—Continued President. r BANK0F AMERICA Vice-President. mnw& Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F.LHUlffHBEY.Afpr ELMER S. ASHLEY. Paid-ui Surplus and Cafitai Profits % Resources. Depo^j- Other Liabili ITS ties Sae H tad Offic , San Ft ancisco, Off ®T«t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPI RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. #0-301 Bonda Cash & ExMiscel . chahoib and .Du; Securities laneous1 non Bastki PDTWPTDAT L/UxCK r’DDDlTCDnxTTVT’XTnic. rAiJNUirAL JL2S ^UNDENTS. $ 50 000 00( 58 997 54C ____ A. Mgr. and A. Tr (Rideou t-Smith Branch NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ) Loam and Diacount Calif.) . Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Tr. Co.. Chi. Cont. Ill, Bk. & {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Bank of Oroville (Savings) 90-303 ®f’92 C. W. Putnam___ First National Bank..®»t 03 C. •0-392 Owens mouth .427 l Los Ang. 014 Oxnard______ 6285 L Ventura 013 W. Putnam___ Carleton Gray____ L. R. Brown______ R. G. Stapleton___ E. J. Leggett. A.C. R. N. Heilman 30.00(1 73,340 $ 868.98C Oarlet.nti Gray 50.000 85.120 1,142,990 J E. J. Leggett. A.C. R. N. Hellmann CALIFORNIA BANK W. C. Hanson, Mgr, H. W. Wenberg, BANK OF AMERICA f W. H. LATHROP. Bank of A. Levy, Inc. J. P. Levy_______ Alpha Adams........... Alpha Adams_____ T. B. Carroll, G. W. STURGIS. 16,970 613.31C $ 239,840 $ 14.3901$ 104.7901 Crocker 1st N„ W. F, Bk. & Dn. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon, Paris N„ San P. 634,560 54,360i 429,200 176,9701 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: W. P. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Crocker 1st N„ and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San P. 5,000,000 4,969,420 Pro.-Mgr. (Owens mouth Branch. ®«tl’04 ( All Banking Ma tters promptly h andled. 99-822 % Set He ad Office , Lot An geles, Cal WS N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N„ Pitts.; Bk. of Calif. 4,000,000 2,436,550 Mgr. (Oxnar d Brauc h. See Head Offi ce, Los Angeles, Calif.) / Ch.ofAdv.Bd. par 100 90-1249 dB®T»J5'67 {Formerly Bank of Oxnard) LWITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S. A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. $493-10% par 100 99-372 d®»t§’05 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. LEHMANN, Oxnard V. P. {Inactive) JUSTIN PETIT, C. A. BRIGHT, A. C. and Sec. R. S. Durr, A. C. and A. Sec. Mgr.. Oxnard V. P. {Inactive) 200,000 794,440 3,035,030 200,000 2,430,270 1,234,730 190,220 374,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; A. & L. P. N„ SanP.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Far & Merch. N„ Los A.; Miss. Valley Tr„ (Oxnar d Branc h. For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) St. L. OF LOS ANGELES 4 90-871 Pacific Grove 5558 Monterey K6 dB®T»t’22 BANK OF AMERICA 90-388 dR©T*+§’67 E.S. JOHNSTON, Mgr. WM. BONTADELLI. { A. Mgr. H. E. DAVIS, A, Mgr, 4,000,000 58 997 540 (Pacific Grove B ranch. See Hea d Office, Los An geles, C alif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. {Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N. T. & S. A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California Branch) First National Bank T. A. Work. S. S. Parsons______ $125 par 100 90-1321 dB®*t’29 Ch. of Bd. and. Pres. A. W. Furlong Security State Bank d®*tS'89 B. O. Smith______ P. H. Smith. 90-387 A. O. Gates 8% par 100 Pac. Palisades. 900 L Los Ang. 015 Palmdale..........392 L Los Ang. N16 CALIFORNIABANK 90-1162 f_________________ Fred H. Tichenor. ®»t§‘04 1 All Banking Ma tters promptly h andled. BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. r_________________ \ Mgr, GEO. W. TIGHE_____ 100,000 25,000 259,670 119,710 104,410 68,800 91,830 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Monterey; Crocker 1st N., San F. 50,000 18,120 398,820 168,010 201,990 30,590 66,340 Bk. of Cal. N.A.andW. F. Bk. & Dn. Tr. Co., San F. 5,000,000 4,969,420 B. R. Fox, Pro.-Mgr, (Paeiflc Pallsad es Bran ch. C. M. MCGREGOR, See Head Offi ce, Lot A ngelee, C alif.) 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. (Palmd ale Bra neb. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) N. City. N. Y.; Cont.III. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; 1st N.,Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. ®T»t'04 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l 90-833 Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Palms_______1218 ( Sta. Lot Angeles P. O.) L Los Ang. Q2 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Palm Springs .417 L Riverside P21 BANKof AMERICA B Li E nkLouni NELSON Mar iii - iOTTO S.J. PEDERSEN. (Palms Branch. A. Mgr. For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-732 dR®*t’26 r---------------------------P. L. BOYD, Mgr-----, A. J. M. GARDINER, 4,000,000 2,436,550 . ) A. Mgr. '(Palm Springs Branch,. 90-1320 dB®T»t§’67 ) (■Formerly Bank of America of\ (WITH BANK O F AMERICA N. T. & S. A. OPERAT ]ES 438 BRANCH ] ES IN C .ALIFO]RNIA. California Branch) See H ead Offic <?, Los An (teles, Ca iW■) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. , ANGELES - PASADENA Digitized forLOS FRASER SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 121 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County, •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Ahgeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Palo Alto__ 13,652 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-278 & Vice-President. ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Paid-up Capital Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel Cash & Exand and Liabili gha iron,Dm AND its Discounts Saourities laneous prom Barrs ties Profits (Palo A lto Bra neb. K. Gelwix, H. F. Conedon. W. C. Cobb. A. V. P. and Mgr, A.V.P. and A. Mgr. A. Cash, and A. Sec. C. H. Parks, See Head Principal correspondents. Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /.) A, Cash,and A. Sec, T»t§’54 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued SAVGS. ASSN. $ $ ((90-617) Palo A lto-Stauford Bra nch: M.A.BUCHAN , Ch. of Adv, Bd., 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, R. L. CODY, A. v. P. and A. Tr. Off., 0. W. BUCHAN. Mgr., ft . A. PRIOR. A. Mgr. < (90-630) Mayfle ld-Stanford Bran cb: J. £ FREEOMA N, Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. San Fra nets co, C alif.)___ ChaseN., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. ©T*t’67 ) (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savings Assn. Branches) Palo Alto Natl. Bk..dB®#t’28 Charles J. Crary,.. W. R. Allen *200-6% 90-1290 J. L. McNab, Ch. C. E. Jordan O. F. Campbell C. E. Jordan______ n. R. Rerry 150,000 90,000 $1 230 000 $ 15,000 * 716,000 $ 488,000 $ 36,400 $ 244,600 ChaseN.. N.Y.; A. & L.P. N.,San F.;Secur.1st N„ Los A. par 100 I* artier_______ 564 First National Bank d®»t’ll Edwin Ross______ H. B. Quick ............. H.P. Higginbotham H W Miller Preeno K12 Pasadena ...76,086 L L. Angeles 016 par 100 100,000 7,080 297,600 109,290 138,830 79,940 90-718 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. ( (90-1136) Pasad ena Main Office*: okU!%A V. P. J.P. KENNEDY. V. P.\ WM.H. MAGEE. V.P.; 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, 76,700 Pac. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. and Fresno; Am. Tr. Co., San F. San Fra ncisco, C alt/.)___ Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. do-Mentor Branc h*:M. E. McMILLEN, Mgr, & SAVGS. ASSN. ®T*t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat'l (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savings Assn. Branches) H. Hubbard..~ M. Vilas Hubbard, H. D. Machin.......... w swiimv WW. F. Fiory. V. P. and Tr. Off. H. W. Lindsay, 10% par 100 (Formerly ♦ Asst, to Pres, 90-75 d®T*t§’ll H. W. Lindsay ___ J. L. Pardridge 530,630 N. City, N. Y.; First N„ Chi.: Oitiz. N. Tr. & Sav„ Los A.; Bk. of Calif. N. A„ San F. 300.000 477,160 3,703,480 3,890 1,925,780 1,662,610 365,514 500.000 258,430 6,948,120 198,940 3,671,720 1,719,670 452,780 2,061,310 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; A. & L. P. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. A, Sec. C. E. Burke Citizens Savings Bank) - T. W. SMITH -........ *FIRST NATIONAL J.H. S.1. MACDONNELL STUART. A. K. McQUiLLING Ch. •/ Bd. H. C. HOfALING BANK B»i*86 W. D. LACEY, *350-12% par 100 90-63 J.E. WHITEHOUSEH. G. SCHAFFER R.H. WHITEHOUSE A. 0. SMITH WALTON ALLEN Exie. V. P. E. Grimes First National Bank of La- W. W. Flatt. manda Park-------- dB®«t’16 A. N. Coll, Ch. *250-12% par 100 90-850 R. I). Hart (2 Branc hes) 25.000 22,600 733,300 10,000 374,000 208,400 43,600 164,900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Citiz. Com’l Tr.& 8av.,Pasadena; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. ‘FIRST Tiyi^ft SAVINGS J. S. MacDonnell.. H. I. Stuart. Ch. J. E. Whitehouse.. H. A. Colyer, 559,310 1,812.380 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs.Tr.Co., H. R. Whitehouse. 1,000.000 1,148.530 12 100 430 46,010 7,778,950 4,143,330 N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Far. Jr. V. P. 3. H. Wynkoop G. R. McComb J. D. Mackerras H. C. Schaffer, H. L. Margerum Tr. Officers: R. C. W ente, R. D. Wilf ong, Pau 1 Washb urn,and & Merch. N. and Calif., Los A., 1st N.. , Pasadena. V.P.& Chief Tr.Off. John McDonald Jr. V. P. Roger M. Bone H. C. Hotaling (90-1308 ) Haymo nd Bran c^*;(90-l 309) Gar field Bra nch*. 90-67 dB®T«*l’01 W. D. Lacay. *150-20% par 25 PASADENA NATIONAL BANK *160 par 100 90-1100 L. B. Howard.. ... S. L. Bierbauer. . A. H. Gage L. N. Partch G. S. Parker. Exec. R. F. Blaisdell, Aud. O. V. Partch Ch. of Bd. E. K. Hoak, A.V.P. W- F- Knight.__ dB®*ni W. D. Howard. .... I. J. Holloman____ W. D. Townsend .. H. G. Farrar_____ M. Piesinger, Sec... Pasadena Savings Bank 90-1008 d®»J5’23 A. F. Stevens, Ch. par 100 ■M (Pasadena continue d on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - SAN DIEGO ■ 100 000 35,240 1,757,630 101,340 771,570 727,070 164,510 331,060 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.Co., San F. 232,110 192,260 14,850 81,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Secur.-lst N., Los A. No. Fair Oaks Bra nch (90- 1224): A. H. Gage, Mgr.: No . Lake Av e. Branch (90-1225 ): O. V. Partch, Mgr, 50.000 ■■■1 15,110 455,450 ■1 ■■ m ■1 William R. Staats Co BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED ■too 144 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State fPriv. ACounty Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Pasadena__ 76,086 (Continued) Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Other Loans Bonds Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus D epos Miscel chang and and »k,Du« AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discount* Securities laneous from Banks ties ‘SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK (90-66) Pasadena Branch: dB®T»t’21 Dr. John Willis Baer, V. P. & Sup. Director, Pasadena District; Joseph Caunt, V, P, & Mgr., Chairman, Loan Committee; C. W. Gibson. Russell Ball and A. J. Hay. Vice Presidents; Miss Louise I. Hunt, H. J. Stocksick and A. R. Doerschlag, A. Mgrs, Trust Dept.', H. H. Lehman, V. P„ Pasadena Tr. Off. and A. Sec,', R. T. Segner, A. Tr. Off. and A. Sec.; M. R. Unthank, A. Tr. Off. OF LOS ANGELES (90-69) Colorado & Broadway Branch: dB®T«t’21 W. R. Scoville, V. P, & Mgr.\ E. W. Smith, A, Sec,; G, E. Milholland and A. B. Palmer, A, Cashiers. Tt'07 (90-1231) Oak Knoll Branch: dB®T«t’22 Lloyd C. Cosper, V.P. & Mgr.\ Theo. E. Fisher, A. Mgr. ‘SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 90-74 $325-14% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. ~ ‘ CALIFORNIA—Continued (For Complet e Report see Head Office, L 03 C. L. WRIGHT............ J. W. ROACH_______ L. R. RAWSON............ S. C. BRADFORD____ $ 300,000 $ 234,820 $3 094880 $ 332,170 $1971290 $1413780 $ S. S. WOLD L. o. ULI itn This progressive bank offers you every facility In keeping with the best banking practice. We invite your collections on Southern California points. Energetic and capable service. d®T«t’12 Principal Correspondents. Angel es) 35,520 $ 541,290 National City Bank,New York; National Bank of the Republic, Chicago; Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co., San Francisco; Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Los Angeles. Pasadena Clearing House .— T. W. Smith______ M. Vilas Hubbard— H. A. Colyer, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Mgr. Drake, Riley & Thomas...•H W.T. Wendt, Resident Mgr. Drake. Riley & Thomas, Los A. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (Investment Sec urlties) of Caliiornia (57 So. Los Robles Ave.) E. A. Pierce & Co._________ Spark & Metcalf St WILLIAM R. STAATS CO.- N. City Co., N. Y. and Correspondent Offices. MIST umar- ttHHV’* P.V.BARNESiA.Sec. ec. A. Tr. L2N.IN 500,000 Ja 9# STAATS* Sec. A. Sec. Pacific Coa st Securities WM. H. C0NLIN. Munloipill and First Mor fcsaa* Corporation Bond*. A. Sec. {Dealers in Inves tments) Orders executed in listed Stocks J. E. JARDINE------ (311 E. Colorado Street) Co., San F. and Los A. TUCKER HUIjYER DULIN & Investment Secu ritles: Stocks and Bonds (855 E. Green St.) T05 Branch of Los A ngeles c F. 6. WETZEL. L. D. PERKINS. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. A, Mgr, (Paso R obles Br anch. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-456 ©T.1’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr, & Savgs Assn, Branch) BANK OF AMERICA First National Bank In Paso R. C. Heaton Robles ___ dP®«t’22 A. Pfister, Ch. $150 90-987 Stanislaos 18 i Bank of Newman....©•U’ll 90-696 W. S. Eddy J. S. Campbell____ R. L. Olden___ __ Alice E. Nelson 30,990 647,080 51,000 Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /•) 466,580 165,460 41,580 1Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 155,440 ] W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Calif. Bk„ Los A. (Patters on Bran eh. See Head Offi ce, Newm an, Calif .)______ _______ ] N. City. N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., 8an F. F. H. Roberts,Mgr. Ole Tor vend. A. Mgr. Commercial Bank..d®*t§'20 W. W. Cox, W. W. Zacharias.. F. E. Douty______ J. D. Olson_______ $no 90-929 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SANBank FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve of St. Louis 100.000 See Head 75,000 17,400 340,000 227,000 90,000 William R. Staats Co. 52,000 63,400 1 Lon. Paris N.. San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 123 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Tra ns1 tNu ni ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers | Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonda Surplus Depos Other Cum k fcxMiscel cranoh P a . id up ASS T Cashier. and and .Due Liabili AND its Discount* Saeuritim laneous PROM BaJTU Capital PROFIT8 ties Town and County . •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. »County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%DiT. L Los Angeles Brch. PRESIDENT. Vice President. 0 ASSISE. Freda O. Smith,Sec. $ Perris..,______ 763 Bank of Perris----------- 1’10 C. R. Stewart_____ W.W. Stewart. Ch. 90-647 L Riverside P18 1126-8% Peseadero___ 715 San Mateo J5 BANK OF AMERICA c1 J. G. WILLIAMSON. Ch, Adv. Bd. 90-914 ©T*t67 Petaluma___ 8245 Sonoma A14 90-220 Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. H. Gwinn. J. B. Bloom, $ 97,640 15,420 $ 32,250 Citiz. N., Riverside; Calif., Los A. Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk, Rep., Chi. O ffice, San Francisc o,~Caiif.) Lucy Stone, A. Sec. (Petalu ma Bra nch.See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) E. C. Graves, A. Mgr. A. Cash, and A. Sec. V. P. and Mgr. O. F. Nelson, A. Cash, and A. Sec. ©T«t§'54 E. S. TOMASI. „ BANK OF AMERICA J(A. P.V. BEHRENS. P. and Mgr. A.V. P. and A.Mgr. 90-218 dB<DT—tS’67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.COMBINED BA NKS OPERATE California Branch) __ 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Sonom a Count y Branc h. SeeHe ad Office, Los Ang eles, Cali Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 50 000000 58 997 540 (Petalu ma Bra nch. See Head O ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. k Tr. Co., Chi. 438 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA. RIGHETTI, BANK OF AMERICA f COMBINED BA InUmAo uinuLAI — R.Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-222 6,440 S 113,870 ________ _ $ \ ®T«t 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) NKS C. L. Edmonston, .57 National Bank of Pico 90-1250 d®*t’28 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. 50,000 J. H. Wailes______ 2,960 92,110 34,100 43,520 Whittier N„ Whittier; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 887,190 130,860 252,050 Chase N„ N, Y.; A. & L. P. N„ Crocker 1st N„ and W. F. Bk. & Dn. Tr., San F. 85,660 $ 202,450 L LosAngeles 017 par 25 S. S. MacKinlay— Pinole_________ 781 Bank of Pinole— d®»tS’05 E. M. Downer. T. W. Hutchison, A. D. Dern Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. H. Standish 90-648 Contra Costa C19 1200-10% A. C. C. M. Hansen E. D. Armstrong par 100 Plru__________ 521 L Ventura N14 BANK OF AMERICA iwiTH BANK O 90-8*8 ®T*f67 Plsmo Beach..528 San Luis Obispo M9 Pittsburg.........9610 Contra Costa C23 BANKOFAMERICA 90-1223 dB®Tt«§’67 {Formerly Bank of America of California (Branch.) AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-553 ®T«t§’54 BANKOFAMERICA 180,000 162,720 2,490,110 $ 43,880 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Plru Br anch.Se e Head O ffice, San JAMES W. BRADY. Mgr, NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch.) Principal Cosrksfondiqjts. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. AMERICAN TRUST J. COMPANY ♦ 25,000 $ 50000 000 58 997 540 (Pescad ero Bra nch. See Head G. C. GIANOLA, NATL.TR. & SAVGS. ASSN (Formerly Bank oj Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Branch) Pico. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 1,606,610 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. Francisc o, Calif.) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. C 1 SMITH, Mar. ______ 4,000.000 2,436,550 (Plsmo Beach B ranch. See Head Office, L os Angel es, Calif. ) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N, Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. WITH BANK O F AMERICA N. T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. (Plttsb urg Bra nch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco. Calif.) S. H. Bergesen, A. Mgr. R. C. BRYCE, Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; N, Bk. Rep.. Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Plttsb urg Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice, San Francisc o,Calif.) Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-893 ®T*t 67 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA, {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l .WITH BANK O Tr. i& Savgs. Assn, Branch) Placentia___ 1606 L Orange Q6 BANKOFAMERICA NATL. TR.& SAVGS. 90-702 ®T»+67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) *Placervllle___2322 El Dorado G9 BANKOFAMERICA E. M. EVERETT. Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Placen tla Bra □ch. Office Sa n Franci sco, Cali /•) .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. GUY E. WENTWORTH- T. C. ATWOOD, 90-422 dB®T«i§’67 Mgr. MAX L. DAVEY, i# A. Mgr. LESTER R. McKENZIE, 4,000,000 2,436.550 (Place rville B ranch. ~See~He ad om ce Los Angele s,Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. A. Mar. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) F AMERICA N. T . & S. A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Placerville Nat. Bk._d©«t’21 D40-«% 90-971 par 100 J. A. Raffetto_____ R. T. Irish Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. <S ee Head ____ Mrs. M. Thomas... 50,000 19,110 76.370 569.380 | 133,600 404,910 1 41,970 134,380 Bk. of Am., N. A., N.Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav, Ass’n, San F. Number uuder Name of Batik Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallv Bankers’ Director... unler the authority of The American Rankers Ass’n TOWN AND OOUNTT. e.Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. | President. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust I_____ L Los Angeles Brch. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Pleasanton ...1237 Amador Valley Sav. Bk. $200-8% 90-7Q0 ©•; Alameda F23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued m Vice President. CASHIER. Ass'T Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Other Bond* Paid-up Surplus Misceland 1 Depos Liabili and and Capital Profits its Discount*i Securities LANEOU8 ties A. B. Pickard......... H. P. Mohr_______ Claude Smallwood. Oather Hampton .. $ 50.000 $ 33,810i $ 591,350 $ 8.530 S 420,310 S 227.96Cl * Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex changes, Dux from Banka 8.56C1 $ 26,860 Am. Tr. Co., San F. par 100 BANK0F AMERICA C ------------------ T. H. SILVER, Mgr.. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Pleasa nton It ranch. ®T*I’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. 90-466 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch.) First National Bank.d®*t’10 A. B. Pickard. H. P. Mohr ___ 90-467 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $220-9% __ Claude Smallwood. Oather Hampton .. 25,000 20,060 265,520 38,070 192,340 119.710 7,080 24,520 Crocker 1 1st N.. San F. par 100 Plymouth____343 Bank of Amador County.5’16 Amador H9 90-845 (See Hea d Office, Point Arena ...385 Bank of Point Arena., dtl’05 C. F. O’Brien____ A. D. Pitts______ P. W. Haggreen___ C. J. Buchanan, 6% par 100 90-649 Mendocino G2 A. Cash, and Sec. C. L. Kindall, Tr. Point Reyes Sta. Marin H3 219 BANK0F AMERICA r........... -..................... C. FORNI, Mgr......... NATL. TR. & SAVGS. A..... #0-650 25.000 |Crocker 1st N„San F. Jackson , Calif.) 11,430 192,560 110 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Point Reyes B ranch. See Head 126,060 10,440 15,090 77 ,dUU 11 1i irocker 1st N. and W. F. Bk. & Un.T SanF. ik. of Am. N. A., and Chase N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Office, S an Franc isco, Cali /.) ©T*t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch.) Pomona.........20,804 L Los Angeles 017 BANK OFAMERIGA ( WALDO O’KELLY........ C.B.EWING.A.Mpr. 50000 000 54136 370 (Pomon a Branc h. See Head Offi ce, SanF rancisco, Calif.) ( Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. NATL. TRUST and ( WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. SAVINGS ASSN. 90-180 ®T»i’04 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. <fc Savgs. Assn. Branch.) FIRST NATIONAL $250-12% mUI# par ioo KIlnR 90-177 phtHHF- R. E. SMITH______ C. A. STEADMAN- 90-17# 349,550 4,034,220 150,000 2,634,480 1,098,110 93,940 1,007,240 1 Chi.; Crocker 1st N. and VV. F.Bk. & Un, Tr. Co., San F.: Secur.-lst N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Ch. of Bd. d®T»t’86 ) Collections sent us will receive pro mpt attentio n. (.Quick retur ns at reason able rates. ‘POMONA COM’L & E. J. Sandford___ A. E. Huntington.. D. B. Woodbrldge. H. A. Marsh, Pro. Cash. SAV. BANK $200-12% par 100 3*0.000 J 100,000 75,830 836,490 260 497.870 356,410 72,090 86,210 ( Citiz. N. Tr. &Sav., Los A. d®*tl'04 (*Members of San Antonio Regional Clearing House, Chino, Calif.) Port Costa....... 519 Bank of Pinole..............®§’24 Oontra Costa C19 90-1115 Porterville___5303 Tulare L13 BANK OF AMERICA Celia Hansen, Mgr. (See Hea d Office, CHAS. OSBORN, 4,000,000 2,436,550 ( Pinole, Calif,).. N„ and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. r......................... F. W. VELIE, V. P. and Mgr. (Porterv me Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) A. Mgr. 90-365 dB®T»t’67 (Formerly FirstNationalBank) (.with bank o F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL RANK J. M. RIDGWAY, Mgr. (Porter ville Br anch. F or Compl ete Repor ,t See Hea .aujjicetij'os Angele s OF L0SAKGELES 00-304 dB®T"t’27 Digitized for LOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT - SOLD — QUOTED 125 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.TlNew§StatetPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 1 * Resources. Liabilities. Cash & ExLoam Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel CHANGES,DCS and and AND L iabili its Discounts Securities laneous from Banes Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Portola______ 1012 Plumas County Bank®.I§’21 Plumas E10 90-956 Gilbert Palmer, d Offi ce, Quincy, Calif.).. Princeton____ 319 The Colusa County Bank 90-737 *t§’12 Colusa F6 Darwin Picknell, d Office, Colusa, Calif.). ‘Quincy_____ 528 Plumas E8 Ramona_____1027 L San Diego Q19 Mgr $ Puente Savings Bank. .©S'17 W. S. Lower______ S. H. Robinson ___ G. L. Lower........... *250-16 % 90-855 C. J. Taylor par 100 Plumas County Bank A. H. Bar_________ H. S. Lee ________ H. H. Bar.................. R. A. Bar................. J. N. Stephan, Sec. Amelia Roberts *176-12% 90-652 d®«t8’03 par 100 90-638 *Bed Bluff....3517 Tehama E5 T. W. ANDREWS, Mgr. BANK OF AMERICA 67 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) P. H. LAMBERT,A/pr 90-711 dB®T<§'67 WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. L. P. RRONSON. i# par 100 ‘Bedding____ 4188 Shasta D6 90-321 90-703 ®T»t 67 204,740 115,960 593,070 628,840 9,930 20,920 Oitiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A, 90,330 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 50000 000 58 997 540 (Reddi ng Bra nch. See Head Of fice, San Francisc o, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 2,323,930 498,400 2,802,720 678,910 WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 110,000 BANK OF AMERICA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. H.FORD, V.P.andMgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. D.N.McLEOD.A.Mgr--------------- -----------HAROLD S. MACOMBER, 881,960 100,000 469,690 501,110 56,200 134,360 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Crocker 1st N, and A. & L. P. N., San F.; Cal. N., Sac. 109,310 1,830,630 5,820 1,178,220 742,230 3,410 131.900 Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and A. & L. P. N.. San F.; Cal. N., Sac. 79,410 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Redlan ds Bran ch. ee Head Office, Los An geles, C alif.) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y ; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. A. Mgr. ®T«r67 WITH BANK OF AMERICA OPERATES 438 BRANCHES IN CALIFOR NIA. {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK M. J. SWEENEY, 'V;P. (Inactive) EDW. M. COPE, JOHN P. FI WM. L. rPYLE, Redlands Vice Pres OF LOS ANGELES V. C. KINCAID, Mgr. J. W. ROACH, J. C. SEXTON, C. 0. MacNEILL, Redlands Tr. Off. A. M. SARGENT, CHAS. 0. PIERPOINT, *BANK0FAMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ®T#t'67 {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assti. Branch) *FIRST NAT’LBK. OF REDONDO Mgr. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO J. E. Walker. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *75-12% 90-347 dB®»t’06 par 25 South Bay Clearing House. M.S.Wick. (Members indicated by a*) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO C. V. Walker, Exec. V.P, ete Repor t See Hea d Office, eles) (Redl auds Br anch. F A. Mgrs, idents (Inactive) 90-171 dB®T*t 22 Bedondo Beach ^American Com’l & Sav. Bank J. L. Gabriel, K. Wallace R. W. Schaeffer___ A. B. McCord, L Los Angeles 9347 $60.50-4% 90-1036 dB®*t§'22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Cash,, Sec. and Tr. 015 par 50 90-346 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Angeles, Calif.) 90-317 90-170 162,850 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A„ San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. 460,580 lrv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; A. & L. P. N.. San F. E. C. Frisbie______ W. D. Tillotson ... E. S. Reynolds.— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 295,960 137,690 300,000 REDDING SAV. BANK-®t§ ll *110-8% 20,660 85,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.lst N„ Los A. 20,450 4,000,000 2,436,550 100,000 ©•j’88 103,670 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Ramo na Bran ch. See HeadOffi ce, Los E. O. Frisbie______ Francis Carr---------- E. S. Reynolds — Isabelle Joseph.. Emil Wickert 90-316 171,380 86,140 1,259.030 NORTHERN CAL. NAT BANK *135-12% i*SanBern'dino 018 H.STUCKSTEDE.Mj/r. H. MCLORIE. A.Mgr. BANK OF AMERICA {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branch) 321,560 & S.A. OPEBAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Erie Gans________ H. C. Swain---------- W. G. Moore-------- F. T. Joy-------W. E. McClure d®«tS'74 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 34,090 A. Mgr. (Red B1 uffBrau ch. See HeadO ffice, Lo s Angel es, Cali f•) BANK OF TEHAMA COUNTY 12% 50,000 $ 283,940 $ 103,320 $ 65,290 i 465,310 $ Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 84,510 $ 158,830 Chase N.. N.Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPEBAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA BANK OF AMERICA {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch ) N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F.; Calif. N., Sacramento; ist N., Oakland. Mgr. Puente______ 1034 First National Bank d®»t'10 W. S. Lower--------- S. H. Robinson ___ G. L. Lower_____ 90-651 C. J. Taylor L Los Angeles Q6 *250-16% par 100 H. Lesovsky_____ Puente National Bk. d®»t’19 G. G. Goodwin .— L. R. Yorba. $225-12% par 100 90-886 Principal Correspondents. C. H. Williams___ Edgar Skelton......... R. E. Mead 50,000 10,880 314,010 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Redon do Beac h Branc h. 1,280 155,680 185,140 21,690 Chase N.. N.Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A. See HeadOffi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. RNIA. 200,000 138,390 1.631,820 100,000 512,940 1,093,340 A. T. Hembree H. B Dawson. 13.670 334,600 129,320 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. C. H. Williams, Sec and Mqt, William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLO — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given I 9fi t0 eacl1 bank in u s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and oountt. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. £Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Other Bonda Paid-up Surplus D epos Miscel and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diioount* Securities laneous ties Principal correspondents. k Cash EX CHANGES,Du* from Banks \~ ‘Redwood City San Mateo G19 8962 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. $ $ 50 000 000 55 997 540 (Redwo od City Branch. See Hea d Office, CARL E. WA3KER. Mgr. and A, Tr.Off. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-376 ©T*t’04 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. San Fr ancisco, Calif.) Chase N. N V - 1st N chi *540-18% (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ** _____ “ -------- •• " Reedley______ 2589 Fresno K13 First Nat'l Bk. of San Mateo Lee T. Ross.. Connty ..90-374____ d»t’91 8% ____ E. T. Harrison____ E. R. Whitehead.. L. A. Behrens 200,000 215,860 SI 115 600 $ San Mateo County Bank Lee T. Ross, E. T. Harrison____ E. T. Harrison____ T. N. Thompson__ *% 90-375 dB®»tl'03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, A. D. Walsh 100,000 90,830 1,158.080 E. T. Harrison 92,640 $ 592,190 $ 726,850 $ 30,000 $ 275,060 Bkrs.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Crocker 1st N„ San F.; Calif. N„ Sac. 10,310 14,030 994,060 234,060 BANK0F AMERICA )rMARION NATL. TR. *540-18% DENEEN, R. H. RASMUSSEN, 50 000 000 55 997 540 Mgr, iReedle y Branc h. See H ead Office , San Fr anciscot A, Mgr. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90- 419 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Calif.) 117,070 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N., San F, Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Reseda___ .. 20fi L Los Angeles. 014 CALIFORNIABANK Rialto 1612 Citizens National Bank L SanBern'dlno.018 M M Richmond..20,093 Contra Costa D17 Geo. M. Keffer, *t§’04 AH Banking Matt ers promptly han died. 90-1034 Mgr, 5,000,000 4,969,420 E. A. Frahm, Pro.-Mgr. Reseda Branch (See He ad Office, Los An geles, Ca Uf.) N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; 1st N„ Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A„ San F. {Voluntary liquidati on, January 13, 193 1. A bsorbed by First National Bank) First National Bank d®«t‘06 E- M. Lash______ *200-8% par 100 90-653 H. E. Winslow E. W. Preston___ 3. E. McManis____ L. A. Mills 50,000 12,000 598,000 12,000 407,000 186,000 (Richmond Bran ch* (90-204).- Larkin J. Younce, V.P.and Dist. Mgr,, (See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alif.) A. Tr. Off., and A. Mgr. TO. R. LUDEWIG. 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Richm ond Bra nch. 10,000 69,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.lst N., Los A.; San Bernardino N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. San Ber nardino. AMERICAN TRUST J E. J, Esola, A. Ca sh,, A, Sec,, and A, Mgr,; John Regell 0, A, Cashier and A, Sec, Ivan Conn, A . V. P„ Richmon d 3ranch (90-1286 ): W. A. Kruger, Mgr, and Asst.Cash. W. R. A nderson. A, Mgr, COMPANY Tt§’54 jLPoint Twenty - Third Macdonald Branc h (90-1287); W. H. Boyd, Mgr, ♦ BANK OF AMERICA „ J Ch, Adv, Bd, GEO. E. BARNETT. V, P. and Mgr, J. L. RIHN. A. Mgr,. 90-1240 dB®T«t§’67 See Head Office, Los Ange les, Calif .) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. {Formerly Bank of America (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ESINC ALIFO RNIA. of California. Branch) „ „ •• First Nat. Bank in Richmond E. M. Tilden........... *125-5% par 100 90-206 d®i'23 J. F. Brooks Mechanics Bank..dB®*l§'07 E. M. Downer____ Geo. Thornton, Jr— 12% par 100 90-208 J.F. Carlston.V. P. E. M. Tilden Fred Candle______ M. G. Accornero... Ernest Emmrich, 100,000 40,950 571,400 98,170 200,000 367,140 3,732,720 7,850 100,000 186,600 1,315,800 6,000 292,960 349.610 76,140 91,810 N. City, N. Y.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 2,497,390 1,217,990 159,770 432,600 Chase N. and N. City. N, Y.; A. & L. P. N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Cent. N„ Oakland. 554,480 28,250 113,140 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cap. N„ Sac.; A. & L. P. N., San F. 42,620 115,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Calif. N„ Sac.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Anglo Calif. Tr.. San F. A, Cash, and Aud, (23d Ma cDonal d Branc h. 90-13 33) S. R. MacDonald Rio Vista___ 1309 Bank of Rio Vista. d®»t§’04 D. McCormack ... Alden Anderson.. F. E. Mitchell____ Verna J. Josselyn . Solano H7 .. _____ *200-12% par too » 90-654 Delta Bank_____ *190-8% par 100 90-1039 ®»t§'22 J.M.Henderson.Jr. John Rush________ Howard Heringer. Rose Leslie Ch. of Bd. and Pres. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. 912,580 ■I Staats Co. 50,000 37,570 562,090 326,100 165,810 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED inh 14/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Piv. San Joaqnin I 8 BANK OF AMERICA PRESIDENT. r Vice-President. CASHIER. H. L. DICKEY, Mgr.. T. C. SMETHERS, Ass’t Cashier. JAMES BLACK, Jr„ Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Surplus Depos Other Cash k ExMiscel cbangbs Paid-up and and ,Dits L iabili AND its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Capital Profits TIES i $ 4,000,000 2,436.550 A. Mgr. (Rlpon Branch. A. Mgr. 90-954 dB®T*7§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. (Formerly Bank of America Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued See He ad Office, Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi. LosAng eles, Cal if.) & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. of California Branch) 25,000 Rivera ...................919 Rivera State Bank.. .®«t*’10 L. W. Houghton__ Osborn Bnrke_____ F. H. Tieskoetter. 90-656 L Los Angeles P16 Fresno Ell ‘Riverside. _ 29.696 L Riverside 018 BANKOFAMERIGA NATL. TRUST and SAVINGS ASSN. 90-127 - — U HARRY McCARROLL. RIIPVWAI TFR 7.000 $ 40,510 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Far. & Merch N.. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. * First National Bank d®»t’ll E. L. Julien_______ G. C. Aydelott......... E. L. Julien_______ Panline L.Gobby.. 1150 96-709 c (■'........................ - P $ 172,770 % 175,410 S 26,170 $ 344,530 50.000 2,980 226,710 $ 14,040 139,010 89,890 34.530 40.300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hanford: W. F. Bk. &Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Sec.-lst N. Bk. of Los A.. Fresno. 5,000,000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. {Rivers! de Bran ch. See Head 6 ffice, So n Franc isco, Ca hf.) V, P. and Mgr. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. dB©T*t§'67 (Formerly Bank of America of California) ‘CITIZENS C. E. BROUSE---------- W. G. FRASER----------- jr:gb,rheed?Tr.oi:' M. Ml LICE.................. H. B. WELLS C' VZWALUWENBURG R. L. HAGLUND R. B. HAMPSON P. E. MlHLFRED 300.000 551,910 4,072,920 300,000 3,168,070 1,180,320 75,000 801,030 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., ChL; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.; Cltlz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. W. H. ROBINSON— L. CLAY FREEMAN— A. M. AYERS............- 200.000 123,940 2,681.060 215.000 1,602,620 88,960 734,600 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. NATIONAL TRUST SEND US YOUR ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS FOR RIVERSIDE AND VICINITY. PROMPT ATTENTION & SAVINGS BANK AND REMITTANCE. MODERATE CHARGE. 1450-10% par 100 90-124 dT*t’03 "FIRST NATIONAL JONAS E. KILLIAN— D. F. VELZY Special Attention to Tourists and Homeseekers. BANK Eastern and Calif ornla Bankers ar e on Our Staff, 16% par 100 90-125 — d®»t’06 (See Hea d Office.L os Angele *, Calif.) M. E. Dimock, Mgr, W. G. Fraser--------♦Security Savings Bank 90-126 ®<§'07 S. H. Herrick, Ch. F. A. Tetley C. O. Evans._______ H. L. Hicks................ M. E. Bonham C. W. Derby, A. C. and Sec. W. G. Mathews Clearing Ass’n Co., Chi.: Citiz. N. Tr. &. Sav., Los A.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. Long Beach. We Know Your R equlrements. Se nd Us Your Bust ness. Metropolitan Trust Co. of California---------------- T»t§’30 $175 90-128 Riverside 793,820 200,000 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Riverside. 2,429,980 195,870 3,242,380 696,860 30,440 480,980 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.iSecur.- lst N.. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. P. M. Buckwalter.. C. O. Evans, House Sec. and Tr. (Memberi indicated bp a*) G. B. Kellogg............ B. F. Berry................ BANK OF AMERICA ((90-957) ) (90-657) NATL. TR. & SAV6S. ASSN. First Branch*: J. H. BO CUIFI1 Mnr Rosev Ule Branch*: H. A . LINTHICUM, Mgr.-, 50,000 7,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F. Pinole, Calif.).. 90-1121 Rosemead____450C First State Bank... d®*t§'29 90-1305 L Los Angeles 015 par 100 Placer 08 (See Hea d Office, A. D. Dern. Mgr.... Rodeo..________564 Contra Costa C18 268,220 _____ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office, 5,960 69,010 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & San Fra ncisco, C alif.)------ Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 144,700 106.480 E.J. LISTER.A. Afpr. Sav. Assn., Los A. ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branches) vlllZcuS JDduR —oU par 100 90-1329 E. B. Huskinson H. T. Miller. V. P. G. S. Cryder LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. Anderson, Tr... 50,000 3,190 365,280 113,460 167,820 16,620 120,570 Cap. N., Sac.: A. & L. P. N., San F. P. L. Taylor, V. P. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 90 to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’u eMem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. »Sacramento 93,750 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Other Loana Bondi Paid-up D epos Miscel Cash k ExAND and and Liabili CHANaas,Dci Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties Principal Correspondents. Bank of America of California (See Bank of Amen ca Nat’l Tr. & Savi ngs Assn. Branches) Sacramento G7 ‘BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSN. (90-1109) *Sacramen to Main Office*: GEO. W. PELTIER, HILLIARD E. WELCH. J. E. HUNTOON, HENRY MITAU. aud B. F. VANDENBERG, JR., Vice-Presidents; A. H. BECKER, S. E. POPE and s. W. RUSSELL, -Assl. Vice-Presidents. (90-961)*Sixth and K Branch*: G. W. KRAMER. V. P.\ H. J. BOUCHER, V. P. ®T*t’67 and Mgr.; F. H. CONN, A. Mgr. (Formerly Bank of Am. of Calif, and Bk. of Italy N. Tr. (90-1292) Oak Park Branch*: H. J. SHERWIN, Mgr. & Savgs. Assn. Branches) (90-1291) Twelfth & K Street Branch*: H. F. FAUST, Mgr; ED NATHAN a. Mgr. L. E. WATERS, A. Mgr. ‘CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK 16% par 100 00-33 FRED W. KIESEL —- F. L. MARTIN A. B. CARTER. CHAS. S. KING C. F. DILLMAN, J. 1. BRUNSCHWILER V. P. and Cash. F. A. ROBLIN Ch.ofBd. Lc. COTTER D. A.SHERWIN life MBtns TdB®*t’82 F. W. Klesel_____ F. L. Martin............. A. B. Carter, Chas. S. King C. F. Diliman, V. P. and Cash. F. A. Roblin J. 1. Brunschwiler Ch.ofBd. C. C. Cotter D. A. Sherwin F. H. Pierce. V. P. J. F. Azevedo E. J. Rader J. C. Wilson W. J. Kamenzind A. S. May J. W. Haley H. M. Weston D. Hodge ‘CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK par loo ALDEN ANDERSON— D. S. WASSERMAN-—G. E. ZOLLER, H. D. MCGUIRE. H. C. MUDDOX. v. P. G. C. BASSETT Cash, and Tr. 90-951 2.000,000 OF AM ERICA OPERA TES 438 BRACN HESIN CALIF ORNIA. t 570,680 22559880 I $ S S 9,472,040 7,983,370 1,192.530 7,304,890 Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., Bk. of Calif. N. A., Am. Tr. Co., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. NATHDNAL PAR F>OINT PIONE:ers. 450,000 790,020 20 036 460 52,420 12541190 6,180,720 440,410 2,166,580 (North S acramenl o Branch , No. Sac ramento, Calif., A. V. Charg in, Mgr.) 500,000 637,670 14040190 482,180 5,783,330 5,557,750 J. H. STEPHENS-— C. J. HEESEMAN...... H. H. ROBINSON —F. L. . V* *•» '-'vru*. ah. uik. 06 XI, LjU.i Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. Am. Tr. Oo., and Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. 656,759 3,662,200 < -----vuuwucmai mi- nois Bank & Trust Co. and Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago; Anglo & London Paris National Bank, San Francisco. 50.000 110,550 1,018,900 778,710 208,510 35,080 200.000 177,270 2,719,430 200,000 1,494,220 871.780 208,000 906,080 39,280 157,150 (Chase N., N.Y.; Capital N., Sacramento. IRONNER_ _ _ _ SEND US YOUR SACRAMENTO ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION. 722,710 < lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ul.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.;Crocker 1st N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr., San F. \ dB®*+’20 Sumitomo Bank of Calif. N. Yatsushiro____ T. Hiraoka________ A. Ando $100 par 100 90-40 ®§’25 145,000 41,300 1.620,020 63,140 264,350 ■■ ■ William R. Staats Co. Sacramento Clearing House. H. H. Robinson___ A. H. Becker_____ W. E. Holmes. Russell House. Tr. Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) H. E. Welch TUCKER HUNTER DULIN % 822,260 Tr. Off. ♦Citizens Bank.........d®»tj'09 H. C. Muddox, H. C. Bottorff____ Russell House____ $225-12% par 100 90-645 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $175-8% par 100 WITH BANK (See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C alt/.).... Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Oar superior faculties guarantee satisfaetor7 service. SBND US YOUR BUSINESS. 90-38 dB®T*t’ll ‘MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK $ i 50 000 000 58 997 540 659,750 1 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Sumitomo Bk. Ltd., San F., Los A. and Seat. /Investment Sec urities, Stocks an d Bonds. /Branch of San Francisco) (Capital Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Digitized forLOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED , _ __ 129 tn Nijmber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank ^ U.the S. exclusively TheAmerican Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under authority ofbyThe Bankers Ass’n. <D •Mem.A.B.A.»New JStatefPrii. ‘County Seats. tMen. State B. Ass a. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PKK8IDNNT. Vice-President. Sallda_________ 100 First National Bank d®t'20 C. E. Capps----------- Henry Vosti_____ Stanislaus I 8 tioo par 100 90-021 ‘Salinas____ 10,263 'E.PALEXANDER. J. R. SOMA VIAMonterey K 7 Ch. Adii. Bd. BANK OF AMERICA W. T. RICE NATL. TR. & SAVRS. ASSN. 90-310 ®T»t’67 OASIIKK. Ass’T CASHIER. Henry Vosti____ Mrs. Lois Vosti... $ F. B. LAURITZEN. Mgr, R. E.WALSH. A.Afpr. A. C. HUGHES_ _ _ _ H. E R A. P. HOLM----'■i-m-- R. F.V.ROBERTS. P. and Cash. L. F.RIANDA . E. ABERNETHY VIDORONI 100 Salinas National Bank A. R. Patrick_____ T. A. Work________ L. E, Wyatt______ R. L. Dey_________ 90-1319 d®T»t’29 G. J. Pedroni •San Andreas. 1575 Central Bank of Calaveras C. J. Tiscornia, W. S. Dennis_____ F, A. Meyer______ J. A. Serra_______ Calaveras H10 90-989 d®»t$’22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. San Anselmo.4650 Marin C 16 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 77,990 $ 49,050 { 18,520 $ 26,680 Am. Tr. Co.. San F.; Modesto Tr. & Sav. Modesto. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. See Head Office. S on Franc ieco, Calif.) 437,390 6,272,270 100,000 250,000 62,500 1,225,640 13,550 60,000 64,210 1,028,890 3,461,000 2,538,370 452,680 757,610 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr Co Chi.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A,; Bk. of Am, N. ,YT-& Sav. Assn.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ W. F. Bk. & Un.Tr. Co., and Am.Tr. Co,. g3D Elmer L. Nielsen. Mgr. and A. Sec. -T . 759,080 379,170 630 412,700 Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, &Tr. Co., Chi,; Crocker 1st N„ SanF. 541,780 493,340 13,290 104,720 A°e,o&Lon. Paris N.. 8an F.; Stockton sav. & Ln„ Stockton. W. F. Neill, A.Mgr, (San An selmo B ranch. S eeHeadO ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.) m’54 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1155 28,510 * 400,000 par 100 ♦ 90-658 4,570 I 103,070 $ J. C. JURI R. TAVERNETTI, Trust Officers A. Tr. Officer par 100 1175-8% 25,000 % 50 000 000 58 997540 (Salinas Branch. Principal Correspondents. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA 90-809 dB®T«lS’00 par Liabilities. Resources. Loftna Bonda Miscel Ouh k EiPaid-up Subplus Depos Other and and L iabili and DCS Capital Profits its Diaeounta Sacuritiaa laneous CHARON, ties non Baiuu and A. Tr. Off. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Trust & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 1250-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Town AND CJOUHTT. fC. F. REINDOLLAR. H. P. BOSTICK. | Ch. Adv. Bd. V. Ch. Adv. Bd A. J. UHRICHi Mgr. 50 000 000 58 997540 (San An selmo B ranch. and A. Tr. Off. ®T-r67 See Ilea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C Oil/.) Bc'hi0f Am‘ N’ A" Nl Y,: N-Bk- ReD- (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ‘San Bernardino ♦American National Bank R. D. McCook. 37,481 90-134 d®T*t’16 San Bernardino *250-12% par 100 018 W. S, Shepardson Earnist McCook__ O. R. Ervin.__ H. T. Slater M. L. Stephens, Chas. Pease, Tr, Off. 150,000 133,450 1,999,800 157,600 1,214.750 893,490 62,810 A. Tr. Off. 269,800 Qt/« Tr-Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; W. F Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Bank of America of California (See Bank of Ameri ca Nat’l Tr. & Savg s. Mssra., San Bernar dino Branch) BANKOFAMERICA J. L. OAKEY- - - - - - NATL. TRUST and SAVINGS ASSN. _ 90-132 WILMOT T. SMITH, J. M. OAKEY, V. P. and Mgr. A.V.P. and A. Mgr. S. E. BAGLEY, J. R. THOMSON, A.V.P. and A. Mgr. Morris Plan Co._______ (435 E. St.) ’28 A. L. Sloan_______ Walker Smith____ D. W. Richards Pioneer Title Insurance & J. L. Mack .Trust Co._.90-135-_T#t§’17 C. K. Cooper, V. P. W. W. McEuen.__ R. L. Horine *200 par 100 W. Yates ♦8aa Bernardino Co. 8av. J. B. Gill_________ O. A. M. Ham______ — d®»tl’M R. E. Roberts par 100 A. R. Hamilton___ E. C. Spurgin. F. L. Whitelock, Sec. and Tr. 50,000 8,210 415,000 202,220 150,000 499,620 !,850,020 100,000 398.130 1 935,750 175,000 175,000 33,550 1,722,670 9.170 73.250 141,880 243,080 197,110 270,160 2,595,990 22,480 7,780 86.930 429,340 27,910 505,320 122,160 1 523,150 610,800 69,220 405,700 Central Hanover Bank&Trust Co., New York; Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago; Crocker First Na™ual Bank, San Francisco; Secur ity First National Bank, Los Angeles. 1,121,470 456,680 142,610 219,630 N. City. N.Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., and N. Bk. Com., Los A. W. N. Glasscock, J. S. Cameron.A.S, Sec. and Tr. E. E. Stidham,A.S J. W. Muir, A. Sec. W.J. Sullivan, A.S H. Wilson-------- ;m. C. Smith J. S. WOOD- - - - - - - - - H. H. WEIR_ _ _ _ _ _ SAN BERNARDINO"GIU- - For - - “■*"* _ . J M V. J. MICALLEF Prompt and Efficient Service Send your items to us. NATIONAL BANK , , d«t’87 San „Bernardino ValleyBank Bank T. F. Brioady, .... --------- —ley J. E. Woods______ J. E, Woods_____ *150-8% 90-131 d®«ti’80 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 SanBernardino Clear. House J. H. Wilson (Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Guaranty Trust Co.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Uni, A. Mgr. ®T«t’67 .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) *500-24% par 100 90-130 50 000 000 58 997540 (San Be rnardln o Branc h. SeeH ead Office San Fra ncisco.) Wilmot T. Smith. J. M. Oakey. John T. Ward____ E. T. Plummer R. B. Roberta. A. Mgr 276,170 Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. Cash k ExBondi Loan, Miscel -HAHaW,DOS and and laneous PROM Bakkb Diicounti Securities _ Bruno ...3610 i Mat to FII ce, San F ranctMCO, Calif.) BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAV8S. ASSI, 90-904 ®T*+ 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) San Carlos....1132 San Mateo F 16 90-1161 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) San Clemente.667 WITH BANK O F AMEBICA N.T. 9,>1144 aB®J»5'67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. Bank of America NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSN. ®T*t’67 SAN DIEGO MAIN OFFICE 615 Broadway (90-53) 2,436,550 . Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Head O ffi.ce, Los Angeles, Calif.) rlos Bra i & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO HARRY H. CAVIN,Mgr. VERA BAXTER. A. Mgr. IBANK OF AMERICA t Orange P 17 tlaa Dleco.147,995 L laa Ditto Q19 J. S. NEWHALL, Mgr, BANK OF AMERICA 4.000,000 2,436,550 --------------(San Cl emente Branch, See II ea d Office, Los Ange les, Calif. ) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. RNIA. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO 50000 000 58 997 540 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. (Se e Head O~) ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.' __________ G. A. DAVIDSON_ _ _ _ Vice Chairman Board of Directors LLOYD L. MUL1T___ Vice President and District Manager E. 0. HODGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —. . . . . . —Vice President GEO. BURNHAM................... ......................... -viee President L G BRADLEY_____ Vice President and Branch Manager EMIL KLICKA. . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Vice-President P R JENNINGS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Vice President C S RANNEY__________________ Assistant Vice President C J HOLLIDAY________________ Assistant Vice President L G PERNA___________________ Assistant Vice President C. ARNHOLT SMITH......... .................. Assistant Vice President P B ECKHART_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Vice-President W M HAMILTON_______________ Assistant Vice President SAN DIEGO BRANCHES (90-50) Fifth & Market Branch* 600 Fifth Avenue:--------------------------- N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. K, R. HARRINGTON, Manager. (90-58) Hillcrest Branch* 406 University Avenue:----------------------------- N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. C. T. CHANDLER, Vice President W. B.MILLER, Manager. (90-1116) Logan Heights Branch* 2196 Logan Avenue:---------------------- E. 0. TAYLOR, Manager; N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. J. A. P0LZER, Assistant Manager (90-1133) Normal Heights Branch* Adams Ave. and Felton St.:-------- Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. C. N. HARMER, Manager. (90-61) North Park Branch* 2897 University Avenue:...............................- N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. ROBERT L. SMITH, Manager. WITH BANK OF AMERICA OPERATES 438 BRANCHES IN (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. San Diego Branches) Bank of America of California Bank of East San Diego $150-6% 90-1101 dB®#t§ 23 par 100 California Savings Sc Commercial Bank (San Diego banks continued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; U.S. N., San Diego. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TMrcctnrv. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. m Town and oountt. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPrir. *County Seats. {Mem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 1, Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. ‘San Diego 147,995 (Continued) FIRST NATIONAL TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 16% par 100 90-49 President, Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F.J.BELCHER, JR., LANE D. WEBBER. R. C. EASOM- - - - - - R. H. GUNNIS....... V• •?. o,nd 1 r. Off. q H. MORRISON, F. H. W00LMAN W.B. WHITCOMB Compt, M. R. ENGLER MAURICE JAMES M.C.PFEFFERKORN P. J. HOFFMAN J. 0. MILLER JAS. L. BUCK ARTHUR DEWAR H. B. CASSIDY G. H. SCHMIDT H.M.ROYLE W. C. STITT A. BORTHWICK A. P. PROVOST R. M. ENGLISH Pres, and Ch. of Bd. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Other Miscel Depos L Paid-up Surplus and and iabili AND its Capital Profits Diaeounta Saouritias laneous ties Principal Correspondents. Cash ft EX CHANGEE,Dm from Barrs Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., N. City, Guar anty Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; $ s $1100 000 $1221450 25345 250 $ 868,830 16530 770 $5 078 640 $2 531350 $4 294 770 Crocker IstN., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Am. Tr. Co., Bk. of Montreal and Can. Bk. of Com., San F.; Secur.-lst N., Cltiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Far. & Merch. N., and BRANCHES Calif., Los A.; Royal Bk. of Can., Van East San Diego* (90-773) couver, B. C.; Barclays Bk. Ltd., Lon., Eng. J. L. BUCK, Manager JOHN GUNSALLUS, Asst. Manager 30th and University Avenue* (90-59) Manager E. H. PRATT, Asst. Manager H. M. ROYLE, United States Depository. Oldest Bank in San Diego. WE HAVE A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR TOURISTS AND NEWCOMERS. 1dB®T*t’83 R. M. ENGLISH, Coronado* (90-843) Manager LOUIS W. BUTLER, Ass<. Manager H. B. CASSIDY, La Jolla* (90-1131) Manager W. C. STITT, Asst, Manager New York Trust Company ..New York ‘SAN DIEGO TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 90-52 *110-10|% par 25 dB0T*tl’89 M. T. GILHORE- - - - - - J. W. SEFTON, JR.... C._ _W._ _WILSON_ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. E.CRAGIN N. R. MORISON, J. A.EDELI C. W. WILSON "......... , o 0/’ E. 0. CLAL C. L. REED S. MORGAN, G. P. SWENNES E.F. FARNSWORTH C. A. Tr. Off. k c. WELLS, 0. N. MILLAN M. G. RICHARDSON. Mgr. Bd. Dept, N. R. M0RIS0N A, Tr, Off, B. S. CHASE. 500,101 814,920 11312740 69,430 8,694,810 2,071,130 504,790 1,426,360 Guaranty Trust Company..New York First National Bank............. ...... Chicago Continental M. Bk. A Tr. Co...Chicago Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co., San Francisco Bank of Calif. N. Assn.__San Francisco Citizens N. Bk. & Tr. Co.._Los Angeles Security-1st National Trust & Savings Bank, Los Angeles SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS AND BILLS OF LADING—PROMPT REMITTANCEREASONABLE CHARGES. A. Tr. Off. _ _ _ A. J. SUTHERLAND- M. W. DONOHUE-_ _ _ KELLEY E.P. HARRINGTON, B. A. BUKER 'SECURITY TRUST C. H. MARTIN_ _ _ _ 0.P.A.R.E.C.J.E.DARNALL_ SUTHERLAND GORDON DECKER, BIXBY, 0. E. DARNALL, & SAVINGS BANK (90-1157) W. G. ANDERSON, 600,000 357,380 5,481,020 518,260 3,843,850 1,649,760 618,720 844,340 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Compt. OF SAN DIEGO 90-54 *200-10% par 100 dB®T*ti'93 Mgr. Bd. Dept. V. P. and Tr. Off. Sec. Fifth & University Aves. Branch* Mgr, Special attention given to TOURISTS and VISITORS to Southern California. GIVE YOUR CUSTOMERS A LETTER OF INTRODUCTION TO THIS BANK. Southern Title & Trust Co. Edwin Johnson, 8% par 100 90-1172 T*t§’26 E. E. Hubbell.. Exec, V. P. Leroy Wright R, S.Reed, Sec. SEND YOUR SAN DI EGO C OLLEC TION I TEMS D1REC T TO U S FOR PROMP T ATT ENTIO N AND RE MITT A NCE O N DAT E OF P AYME NT. 210,000 50,800 11,450 100,000 171,600 650 F. H. Tomkins (San Diego banks co ntinued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED | oo Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWH AMO COUKTT. *Ooanty Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPri? tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa?4LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. ‘San Diego 147,995 Union Trust Go-------- T»tS’13 J. F. Forward. Jr., (Continued) 6% 90-62 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, par 100 C. H. English, V, P, and Tr, Off, .. __ .. »_____» C. H. Forward____ F. H. Thatcher F. W. Stearns F. G. Forward ♦United States Nafl Bank J. R. Russell, W. S. Phillips 1200-8% 90-60 d®»t’13 Ch, oj Bd. and Pres. M. N. Wilson par 100 CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. Liabilities. II Surplus ther Lonna Drpos- 1 LOiabili and and CAPITA! Profits Discount ties Ass’t Cashier. PAID-UI Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this imlllin A XT'/-»■»• Tn4-A«nn4- n - J VT _ V* JU _ _ ****** nereM naies, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bondi Miscel Gan k Xxand CHAjruau.Dui laneous ScouritiiE from Baku J. D. Forward, Sec A.G. Reader.A.Scc $ 190,00C 6 159,19( — $ E. G. Merrill, Jr., and A. Tr. Off A.Sec.and A.Tr.Off L.G. Palmer, A.Sec W. H. Ferry, A.Sec and A, Tr.Off. and A. Tr. Off 3,820 6 203,94( $ 1. L. Russell -____ 2,000 100,000 86,000 61725 000 993,000 55.48C 6 572,000 61.35C $ 63,000 33,240 283,960 1st N., N. Y.: Foreman State N.. Chi.: Pacific N.. San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. San Diego Clearing House__ L. G. Bradley____ P. B. Eckhart........... B. H. Gunaia, (.Members indicated by a *) O. E. Barnall fwc. and Mgr. .. , THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY of California (Investment Secu rlties)... N. City Co., N. Y. and Correspondent (San Diego Tr.&Savgs. Bldg.) »• WILLIAM R. Offices. WILLARD P.FISHBURN 1,200,000 500,000 Son Dimas...2541 First National Bank—d»t’ll W. A. Johnstone .. F. H. Harwood ___ Fay C. Marchant.. Clark Thomas____ L Lob AngetesOl? 14% par 100 90-669 L. S. Taylor R. W. Teague, A.C. Hattie H. Offleld 50.000 80,770 446,390 73,750 249,210 256,560 79,580 66,550 W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N., Pomona. San Dimas Savings Bank W. A. Jokaitoae .. F. H. Harwood -__ Fay C. Marchant.. Clark Thomas____ 90-699 <S)*iTS’ll L. S. Taylor R. W. Teague, A.C. Hattie H. Offleld 25.000 32,830 280,390 7,940 210,760 104,900 2,010 28,480 Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Res. Mgr. STAATS CO.. Branch of Los Angeles. (410 Union Bldg.) TUCKER JUNTER DULINc (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) — /(Investment Se curl ties; Stocks a nd Bonds) 1 (Branch of Los Angeles) par 50 9 anFernando 7567 L Los A. 015 BANK OF AMERICA r NAT’L TR. (.WITH BANK O & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-859 ®T»t’67 ............................. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch) H. J. MULLER, Mgr. (San Fe rnando Branch. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50 000 000 58 997 540 W. A. ROBINSON, Mgr, JAS. S. WAGNER, A. Mgr, /On vi 1?A 1man do Branch. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi. See He ad Office, San Fra net 8 co, Calif.) For Co mplete R ,sport See Head O .ffice, Los Ang eles) OF LOS ANG1LES 90-768 dB®T*t’23 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SANBank FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve of St. Louis II | | A HH If 1 L. La 1IVI R. SirAAif*Q 1W V/VJ> PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED SECURITIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL BUYERS Bankamerica Particularly because of its Company, with 438 offices wide activity in the under in 243 California cities, is a writing and distribution of municipal issues, this firm is major factor in the active in qualified to aid in the selec vestment market of this state. tion of securities for institu To serve adequately its clien tional investment. tele of more than 35,000 in Inquiries from institutions, dividuals and institutions it addressed to our Municipal draws upon the security re Department, will receive in sources of the entire nation. dividual consideration. Bankamerica Company UNDERWRITERS Identical in AND DISTRIBUTORS ownership with AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND ASSOCIATION AND BANK OF OF bank of SAVINGS AMERICA, CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO 485 California Street PRIVATE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WIRE FACILITIES LOS ANGELES 650 So. Spring St. TO ALL IMPORTANT MARKETS State Bankers Association Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of State Bankers Associations are all listed in this Directory and this information, like all other contents of the book, is kept scrupu lously accurate and up to date. /^\FFICERS We find these association officers are always ready to be of cordial assistance to us in matters of mutual interest. Our Directory subscribers will doubtless have the same experience. SAN FRANCISCO—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1qq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' lOO Directory, under the authority Of The American Bankers Ass'n. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Officers. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SefeDep.@SaY.$LastSale%Div. _ Vice Pres, and Trust Officer TRUST POWERS Assistant Vice Presidents MEM. AMER. * CAL. BKRS. ASS’NS. A. E. BARY E. A. NELSON H. L. CHADDOCK S. W. SEMPLE A. T. MATTHEW AsststonI Vice Presidents, Asst. Secretaries and Asst. Trust Officers L. E. GRAYBIEL H. B. NICHOLS A. J. UNSWORTH Assistant Vice Presidents and Assistant Secretaries J. L. BERTRANE A. C. MCINTYRE Discounts Sicnsmis RaSOTTBOS W. H. TAPLIN A. W. ULPH BRANCHES IN THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION Alameda Los Banos San Anselmo Albany Martinez San Jose Berkeley Burlingame Menlo Park San Leandro San Rafael Byren Modesto Newman Santa Clara Campbell Oakland Santa Rosa Concord Palo Alto Petaluma Saratoga Pittsburg Emeryville Sausallto Gilroy Larkspur Point Richmond Sonoma Tlburon-Belvedere Livermore Richmond Tracy Banking Service Offices Throughout San Francisco Assistant Cashiers and Assistant Secretaries SAVINGSUNIONOFFICE* GRANT AVENUE AND O'FARRELL STREET RUSS BUILDING OFFICE 251 MONTGOMERY ST. EDWARD AHNEFELD D. C. AREGGER 0. C. ARMANIH0 R. H.CARSCADDEH H. H. CHRISTENSEN J. C. CRASE L. H. DELANO A. E. DUANE R. R. EMERY F. J. HART E. C. JOHNSON J. M. KNUDSEN A. P. LATHR0P E. C. MCMILLAN C. STEPHENS W. N. V0DDEN Assistant Secretaries MISSION SAVINGS BANK OFFICE. 4M VALENCIA STREET Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. E. HARRISON R.L. HATCH W. E. ANGER R. 0. BOYER G. C0NLAN H. 0. NOYES GEO.R0THERMEL F. L YETTER Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Trust Officers C. E. JOHNSON JAMES D. MITCHELL JAMES P. MARTIN CHARLES E. CONWAY, Assistant Secretary and Registrar Principal Correspondents. Mibcso- LANIODS C.ruthidtr RUSSELL LOWRY WM. A. MARCUS E. F. MOFFATT JOSEPH A. MURPHY R. M. SIMS m B. B. BROWN, Secretary and Asst. Trust Officer W. L. POWER, Auditor CHAS. A. SMITH, Controller H. F. ALLEN PAUL MCDONALD H.P. FALLIS and Statement of December 31, 1930. P. A. KINNOCH HARRIS C. KIRK E.Y. KRICK, Vies Pres. nfxri 12 11-24 ♦ • 464 California St. CABLE ADDRESS— “AMERICAN” Bonds AND 10,000,000 12,526,370 245070940 16,116,990 147110580 68,270,740 10,946,120 48,386,860 Vice Presidents C. 0. G. MILLER JAMES K. LOCHEAD W. B. 8AKEWELL J. C. BOVEY GEO. M. BOWLES P. A. 0INSM0RE J. E. DREW H.D.FRIMAN R. C.GINGG JAMES A. JOHNSTON GERALD D. KENNEDY LOANS S JOHN 0. MCKEE, Chairman of the Board FRED T. ELSEY, President ORGANIZED 1854 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A."New $ State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY (San Francisco County, E15) County Seat—Pop. 634,394 (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12) PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL PACIFIC COAST BUSINESS. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS INVITBD DOMESTIC Chase National Bank, New York Irving Trust Co., New York National City Bank, New York Bankers Trust Co., New York Guaranty Trust Co., New York J. P. Morgan & Co., New York First National Bank, Chicago Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago First National Bank, Boston Pennsylvania Company, Philadelphia Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank, Log Angeles Fifth-Third Union Trust Co., Cincinnati FOREIGN Amsterdam ..Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank Antwerp......... Banque de Commerce Berlin............. Deutsche Bank und DIscontoGesellschaft Calcutta.........Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank Copenhagen..Den Danske Landmandsbank Copenhagen. .KJobenhavns Handelsbank Genoa______ Banca Commerclale Itallana Hamburg___ Dresdner Bank Hongkong___Nederlandsch Indische Handels bank London...........American Trust Company London_____ Barclays Bank Limited London_____ Lloyds Bank Limited London_____ Westminster Bank Limited Madrid...........Banco Hlspano Americano Melbourne__ Commercial Bank of Australia, Limited Montreal____The Royal Bank of Canada Oslo________ Christiana Bank of Kreditkasse Paris______ Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas Paris . Credit Commercial de France Paris................Lloyds & National Provincial Foreign Bank, Limited Paris_______ Westmlster Foreign Bank, Ltd. Shanghai....... Nederlandsch Indische Handels bank Stockholm ...A-B Svenska Handelsbanken Sydney_____Australian Bank of Commerce Toklo..............Kawasaki-One Hundredth Bank, Limited Toronto..........The Bank of Toronto Vancouver__ The Bank of Nova Scotia Vancouver.__The Bank of Toronto Vancouver__ Imperial Bank of Canada Vancouver__ The Royal Bank of Canada. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QA. t0 eacJl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMenu State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. Cashier. H. FLEISHHACKER — H. L. _ _ _ _ GEO. A. VAN SMITH Vice-Presidents J.S. CURRAN M. FLEtSHHACKER E. R. ALEXANDER L. C. - - -PONTK - - - - 10US ANGLO & LONDON {■W““ PARIS NAT'L BK. fffc $180-10% U-17 dB®T»t’84 +$1 per share extra yearly par 100 (1 San some) (Federal Reserve City. District No. 12) Liabilities. PRESIDENT. VICTOR KLINKER ASS’T CASHIER. F. L. MOSS L. Trust Department F, PLATT KENT. v. P. R. ZIMMERMAN and Tr, Officer i, ARMSTRONG GEO. 0. LUNDY, A. C. LEDEME A, Tr, Officer C. RINGGER N. BALDWIN tODr Asa’tVice-Presidents F. F. 0UER Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City Paid-up Capital 10,000,000 Resources. Surplus Other Total AND Deposits Liabili Profits ties S Loans Bonds and and Discounts Misckl- LANBOUB ■CUBITUS Rbsoubcbs Principal Correspondents. A Ex- Cash is, Dui rue* Banks $ 8.360,950 109 762220 22,567,930 91.001,360 24,950,950 13.107,040 21,631,800 N. City, Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co. and 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.: Phil. N., Phil.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C.; Riggs N.. Wash.. D. C.; 1st N. and Den. N., Den.; Cent. United N. and Un. Tr., Cleve.; Lazard Bros. & Co.. Ltd. and Lloyds Bk. Ltd., Lon.; N. City Bk. of N. Y. and Gty. Tr. Co., Paris; Guaranty Tr. Co. of N.Y., Brussels; Banca Commerclale Italiana, Milan; Deutsche Bk. und DIseontogesellschaft, Berlin. Our Su perior Facilit ies Gu arante Satisf actory Servic e—TR Y US. W MBTT C. H. ALEXANDER E. J.BERGES ANGLO-CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY $475-12% par ioo ♦ 11-78 1dB®T»tl'00 (682 Market) mMCE*. *THE BANK M. FLEISHHACKER - H. FLEISHHACKER— LOUIS SUTTER, 0. C. SCHULTE- - - - T. C. TILDEN V. P. and Cash. WALTER GRAF R. D. BRIGHAM. V. P. F. V. VOLLMER. o E.G. LIND and Mgr. of Branches V. P. and Sec. A. M. WICKLAND (8 branches) C. L. SMITH F. H. LOUGHER. \VM. H, ARNOLD J. L. OSBORNE Tr.Officer and A.Sec. J.J. CAMBRIDGE. Jr.. LEON SL0SS, Jr. C. L. YOUNGOALE. , .. JAM Controller, 0. N. BEAL A. Cash. H. THARP. Tr.Off. 1.500.000 2,993,690 78,486,420 377,410 I 47,105,680 20,807,220 1,780,550 13,664,060 Guaranty Tr. Co.,Irv. Tr., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase Asst.Vice-Presidents: Grant Cordrey. Dario Righetti, H. Kanter, J. M. McCarthy, Henry C. Muller, A. L. McRowe, L. L. Formes, W. R. Carswell. W. E. Burns, B. J. Frankenheimer and H. T. Armstrong. Asst. Tr. Officer: W. G. White Commercial Trust and Savings. N., N. City, Coml. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., and Lazard Freres, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Tr. Co. of III., Harris Tr. & Sav., and Blvd. Bridge, Chi.; N. Shawinut. Bos.; Midland Bk., Ltd., Londqn; Chase N. Bk. of N. Y., Paris. We invite your business. (Seepages 135 a nd 136) C. K. MCINTOSH_ _ _ WM. R. PENTZ------- WM. R. PENTZ- - - - - - F. W. WOLFE_ _ _ _ _ _ F.B. ANDERSON, OF STUART F. SMITH, C. N. HACKETT, Ch. of Bd. V. P. <md Tr. Officer J. J. HUNTER HENRY M. PLATE 8.500.000 9,318,870 88,438,510 10,349,990 74.263,680 J.WM.S0LEN E. MCALLISTER, Jr. N. D. PLATT, H. L. MADDEN A. Tr. Officer FRED A. HURNI, 9,862,840 11,322,030 21.158,830 Laldlaw & Co., Irv. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Bk. A. Tr. Officer A. C. and Sec. CALIFORNIA BRANCH ES AT P ORTLAND .OREGON , TACOM A.WASHI NGTON, A HD SEATTL E, WASH INGTON. NATIONAL ASS’N Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer $249-10% U-l d®T*t’64 Mission Branch* : H.A.THA YER, Mgr par 100 PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE H.R.GL EES0N, A sst. Mgrs. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., Gty. Tr. Co., N. City, Brown Bros. Harriman & Co., and J. P. Morgan & Co., N. L; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N. Bk. at Pittsburgh, Pitt.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Midland Bk. Ltd., Lon. B. G. M0 BBS, R.S. SAYLOR a nd (400 California) Cable Address, “BankofccUa" Bank of Canton, Ltd........... §'24 (555 Montgomery St.) A. G. Wong, Mgr... Lee Chang, Tr._ _ _ G. C. Lee. 300.000 ABr anch of H ong Kong, China). Ass’t Mgr. Bk. of Canton, Ltd., New York, Hongkong, Shang hai, Canton, Hankow, Swatow, and Bangkok. (San Francisco continued on ne xt page) Digitized forLOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 135 (federal Reserve City, District No. 18) Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A. "New §State fPriv. {Men. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fad. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DlT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits LIST OF OFFICERS Other Liabili Total Deposits ties Loans and BONDS AND Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Resources Cash & Ex changes,Due from Bankb Statement of Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association E. J. NOLAN. A. J. MOUNT. BANK OF AMERICA C. R. BELL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vice-Chairman LEON BOCQUERAZ—......... _ Vice-Chairman G. A. DAVIDSON......... ___ Vice-Chairman W. W. GARTHWAITE...... _ _ Vice-Chairman ORRA E. MONNETTE— __ Vice-Chairman EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENTS W. E. BENZ W.E.BLAUER LOUIS FERRARI A. J. GOCK MORGAN A. GUNST 660 South Spring St. Los Angeles 16-31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ $ $ CORRESPONDENT BANKS IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE Statement of Bank of America (A California State Bank) $$ 4,000,000 2,436,550 $ $ 56,695,430 COMMERCIAL $$$$ '7,600 31,772,540 18,281,620 3,102,020 9,983,400 CENTERS OF THE WORLD Combined Statement P. C. HALE W. R. HARRELSON W. J. KIEFERDORF WILL F. MORRISH CHARLES P. PARTRIDGE A. PEDRINI A. E. SSARBORO GEO. A. WEBSTER ROBT. R. YATES San Francisco Branches: (11-95) Bay View Branch« -5000 Third St.—A. Armanino, Mgr.; J. Arees, A. Mgr. F. N. BELGRANO. JR. R.BOCQUERAZ R. B. BURMISTER HUGH L. CLARY OSCAR L. COX ARTHURS. CRITES J. M. DUPAS EDW. H.GEARY A. W.HENDRICK F.R. KERMAN A. KLEINHANS (11-90) (11-31) (11-85) (11-84) JNO. G. MATTOS. JR. W. H. MCGINNIS J. E MCGUIGAN JOS. A. MIGLIAVACCA G. W. SCHMITZ W. R. WILLIAMS W. L. VINCENT ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENTS L. ALLEN 0. AUSTAD GEO. V. BORDWELL C. W. BELL IVAN R. BEAN CARLBANIGAN G. K. CUNNINGHAM R. W. CORTELYOU LINVAL H. CASTLE E. N. DURANT J. E. FOLEY R. D. GORDEN F. B. HUGHES P. L. HUDSON ALFRED S. KAY C. G. MUNSON (11-110) (11-93) (11-128) (11-94) JAS. F. MOSES F. F. PALMERLEE ROBERTPAGANINI J. M. REYNOLDS H. R. SMITH S. G.SUCHER A. T. WALSH W.P. VALSANGRAC0M0 Vice-Pres.; E. N. Walter, A. Vice-Pres.; R. A. Sbarboro, A. VicePres.; V. A. Caglieri, A. Vice-Pres.; M. J. Simpson, A. Vice-Pres. Castro-Market Branch,*—Market & 17Ih Sts.—E. J. Stanley, Jr., Mgr. Clay-Montgomery Branch•—-552 Montgomery St.—V. L. Puccinelli, A. V.-Pres. & Mgr.; A. Chiappari, A. V.-Pres. & A. Mgr. College Hill Branch*—3835 Mission St.—W. L. Mitchell, Mgr. Columbus Branch*—-1451-55 Stockton St.—J. Raggio, Mgr.; R. Boriolo, A. Jl/ QT Corp. Trust Div., Calif.-Montgomery Office—485 California St. Day & Night Branch*—948 Market St.—F. M. Buckley, Mgr.; Jos. Giannini, A. Mgr. & A. Tr. Officer; Daniel C. Murphy, A. Mgr. Divisadero-Hayes Branch*—600 Divisadero St.—P. Arthur Pinkel, Mgr. Excelsior Branch*—4645 Mission St.—M. D. Fillipi, Mgr. Fillmore-Haight Branch*—546 Haight St.—W. De Martini, Mgr. Fillmore-Post Branch*—-1700 Fillmore St.—N. Geo. Nielsen, Mgr.; BANK OF AMERICA Travelers Cheques (11-172) Fillmore-Sacramento Branch*—2223 Fillmore St.—Nat Andreotti, Mgr. (11-65) French-American Branch*—108 Sutter St.—J. M. Dupas, V.-Pres. & (11-69) CASHIER London Branch Office at 12 Nicholas Lane, London E. C. 4 (11-120) Bernal Heights Branch*—433 Eastland Ave.—A. Bertolozzi, Mgr. (11-85) Calif.-Montgomery Office•—485 California St.—A. J. Gock, Vice-Pres. <fc Mgr.; II. V. Smith, A. Vice-Pres. & A. Mgr.; E. A. Bonzani, A. (11-122) (11-91) dB©T*t§’67 (Identical in ownership and management with Bank of America National Trust <6 Savings Assn.) $ 54,000,000 61.434,090 1054734 910 54,866,470 701030 880 267 421160 104 043 200 152 540 220 VICE-PRESIDENTS BANK OF AMERICA $ UNITED STATES, AND THE 11-35 Main Office San Francisco 1 Powell St. s 998,039,480 54,858,870 669258340 249139540 100 941180 142556820 Chairman of the Board President NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION®T«t'67 (A Consolidation of Bank of Italy National Trust and Savings Assn, and Bank of America of California) ss 50,000.000 58,997.540 (11-124) (11-104) (11-119) (11-125) (11-175) (11-170) (11-56) (11-35) (11-99) (11-86) (11-34) (11-106) Mgr.; J. A. Bergerot, V.-Pres.; W. D. Brown, A. V.-Pres. Fugazi Branch*—2 Columbus Ave.—A. Laiole, V.-Pres. & Mgr.; C. P. Cuneo, V.-Pres. ... „ m „ , ,, Geary-Divisadero Branch*—1500-4 Divisadero St. T. G. Schuster,Mgr. Geneva-Mission Branch*—5137 Mission St. W. E. Rose, Mgr. Glen Park Branch*—2901 Diamond St.—J. L. Kern, Mgr. Haight-Clayton Branch*—1599 Haight St.—A. F. Sodini, Mgr. Harbor Branch*—100 Embarcadero—J. E. Baugh, Mgr. Hayes Valley Branch*—498 Hayes St.—H. A. Pawleson Mgr. Humboldt Branch*—783 Market St.—J. A. Spears, V.-Pres. & Mgr.; E. H. Monroe, A. V.-Pres.; A. G. Luchsinger, A. V.-Pres. Internat’l Banking Dept.—477 California St. Jones-Geary Branch*—601 Geary St.—Earle P. Browne, Mgr. Market-Geary Branch*—706-708 Market St.—B.F. Edwards, Jr., Mgr.; E. J. Von Dor Mehdon, A. Mgr. Market-New Montgomery Office—631 Market St. Robt. R. Yates, V. Pres. & Mgr.; W. E. Johnson, V.-Pres.; Jno. Ed. Fitzpatrick, V.-Pres.; Lee Harris, V.-Pres.; J. Irilarry, V.-Pres.; Jno. T. Dispaux, A. V.-Pres.; L. E. Townsend, A. V.-Pres.; J. A. Donohoe, Jr A V -Pres McAllister-Fillmore Branch*—1019 Fillmore St.—Milton Jellins, Mgr. (Branches continued on following page) SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE CALIFORNIA INDEX. Sold in denominations of $10, $20, $60 and $100. Now Issued in the convenient size of the new Currency— these cheques are extensively used by World Travelers. 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i?. ea(Lh bank 1i1 U-J3- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City __________(Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §S'tate tPriv. ] tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST ASSISTANT CASHIERS J. C. BERRY J. V. BACIGALUPI EDWARD OINUARI J. H. GALLARATE E. HALLBECK ®T*t’67 L. OSTAGGI ANTONE PILCOVICH J. H. STAMPOLIS P. E. WARNER H. A. WAGSTAFFE ASSISTANT SECRETARIES AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION B. F. LANE R. F. MORETTI B. METROPOULOS J. E. NICHOLS U. OLIVIERI ELDRED C. ABEL W. G. CUPPA C. R. DUNLOP V. D. GIANNINI A. J. GRIFFIN D. LYNN J. R. MITCHELL R. F. MORETTI L. RASMUSSEN A. J. ROBILLARD A. T. SMITH E. E. WRIGHT (A consolidation of Bank of Italy National Trust & Savings Assn, and Bank of America of California) Main Office San Francisco 1 Powell St. 11-35 dB©T»i§’67 (Identical in ownership and management with Bank of America National Trust & Savings Assn.) Bank of America Company “B of A” Travelers Cheques Cashed Here will be supplied upon request. Combined institutions provide A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE To the permanency and financial responsibility of a corporate trustee, the Trust Department of this Bank adds the advantages of statewide experience, and the most modern type of trust equipment in conducting all forms of trust activity for Its clients. RESOURCES OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS 243 banking communities. Ba nk of America National Association Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association ... a National Bank . , . and Bank of America ... a California State Bank ... are identical in ownership and management 438 Offices in 243 California Cities STATE-WIDE SERVICE IN CALIFORNIA QUICK RETURNS ON COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Attractive signs reading: thru 438 offices in 243 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES SERVED BY 1 Powell St. San Francisco 11-178 DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS TO US San Francisco Branches— (Continued) (11-105) Mission-23rd St. Branch—2701 Mission St.—E. J. Mullin, Mgr. (11-118) Noe Valley Branch—*4100 24th St.—I). A. McNulty, Mgr'. (11-112) North Beach Branch•—270 Columbus Ave.—A. Boronio, Mgr. (11-117) Ocean-Faxon Branch•—1649 Ocean Ave.—E. J. Questa, Mgr. (11-171) Oriental Branch•—939 Grant Ave.—Dorothy Gee, Mgr. (11-89) Park-Presidio Branch•—801 Clement St.—H. H. Scales, Mgr. (11-121) Parkside Branch•—959 Taraval St.—L. W. Helscher, Mgr. (11-126) Pierce-Chestnut Branch•—2201 Chestnut St.—J. Zucchi, Mgr (11-88) Polk-Van Ness Branch*—1537-41 Polk St.—H. E. Praetzel, Mgr. (11-107) Portola District Branch*—2501 San Bruno Ave.—M. H. Barsetti, Mgr (11-123) Powell-Sutter Branch*—455 Powell St.—Frank F. Risso, A. V.-Pres. & Mgr. (11-177) San Francisco Main Office*—1 Powell St.—F. A. Ferroggiaro, V -Pres • R. J. Barbieri, A. V.-Pres.; H. F. Hogan, A. V.-Pres.; Helen M. Knight, A. V.-Pres.; C. E. Rowlands, A. V.-Pres. (11-115) 16th & Mission Branch*—2001 Mission St.—H. Blumenthal, Mgr. (11-92) Sunset Branch*—701 Irving St.—Merten Belcher, Mgr. (11-173) 38th & Balbao Branch—*3701 Balboa St.—It. Pasch, Mgr. (11-35) Trust Dept. San Francisco Main Office—1 Powell St. (11-34) Trust Dept. Market-New Montgomery—631 Market St. (11-116) 20th & Irving Branch*—1850 Irving St.—J. P. Hagan, Mgr. (11-100) 2Ath & Bryant Branch*—2850 24th St.—Phil. J. Kennedy, Mgr. (11-87) 29th & Mission Branch*—3286 Mission St.—W. A. Newsom, Ch of Advisory Bd.; J. A. Lombardi, Mgr. & A. Tr. Officer. (11-109) Union-Webster Branch*— Union & Webster Sts.—A. L. Riccomi, Mgr (11-98) West Geary Branch*—5500 Geary St.—W. G. Sedgwick, Mgr (11-62) West Portal Branch*—90 West Portal Ave.—A. M. Bartelme, Mgr statewide coverage The Investment Affiliate Is Identical in Ownership 'BANK OF AMERICA Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Alameda, Alhambra, Alturas, Anaheim, Anderson, Angels Camp, Antioch Arcadia, Areata, Arroyo Grande, Atwater, Auburn, Bakersfield, Bell, Benicia’, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Bieber, Bishop, Brawley, Brentwood, Burbank Burlingame, Calexico, Camarillo, Centerville, Chico, Chino, Chowchilla, Chula Vista, Lloverdale, Colfax, Colma, Colton, Compton, Concord, Corning, Coronado, Crescent City, Culver City, Daly City, Danville, Dinuba, Dixon, Dos Palos Dunsmuir,Eagle Rock, East Bakersfield, Echo Park, El Centro, Elk Grove, Elmhurst, Emeryville, Encinitas, Escondido, Eureka, Exeter, Fairfax, Fall River Mills, Fellows, Fillmore, Firebaugh, Florence, Fort Bragg, Fortuna, Fowler tresno Fruitvale, Fullerton, Gardena, Geyserville, Gilroy, Glendale, Graham, Grass Valley, Gridley, Gustine, Half Moon Bay, Hanford, Hayward, Healdsburg Hermosa Beach, Highland Park, Hilmar, Hollister, Hollywood, Huntington Park lsleton, Jackson, Kelseyville, King City, Knights Landing, La Habra, La Jolla Lakeport, La Mesa, Lancaster, Lincoln, Live Oak, Livermore, Livingston, Lodi Lone Pine, Lompoc, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Banos, Los Gatos, Madera Manteca, Maricopa, Martinez, Marysville, Mayfield, Mendocino, Merced, Mill Valley, Modesto, Monrovia, Monterey, Monterey Park, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Napa, Norwalk, National City, Nevada City, Newcastle, Newhall, North Hollywood, Oakdale, Oakland, Oak Park, Ocean Beach, Ocean Park, Oceanside Ojai, Ontario, Orange, Oroville, Orland, Oxnard, Pacific Grove, Palmdale, Palm springs, Palo Alto, Pasadena, Paso Robles, Pescadero, Petaluma, Piru, Pismo Beach, Pittsburg, Placentia, Placerville, Pleasanton, Point Reyes, Pomona Porterville, Ramona, Red Bluff, Redding, Redlands, Redondo Beach, Redwood Gity* Reedley, Richmond, Ripon, Riverside, Roseville, Sacramento, St. Helena, Salmas, San Anselmo, San Bernardino, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Clemente San Diego, San Fernando, San Francisco, Sanger, San Jose, San Juan Bautista', San Leandro, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, San Miguel, San Pedro, San Rafael Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Santa Rosa, Sausalito, Selma, Shafter, Solana Beach, Soledad, Sonoma, Sonora, South Hollywood, South Pasadena, South San Fran cisco, Stockton, Suisun, Sunnyvale, Susanville, Taft, Tipton, Tomales Torrance Tracy, Truckee, Tulare, Turlock, Upland, Ukiah, Vacaville, Vallejo Valley lord, Van Nuys, Venice, Ventura, Vernon, Visalia, Walnut Creek,’Walnut Park, Wasco Watsonville, West Los Angeles, Wheatland, Whittier, Williams, Willows, Wilmington, Winters, Woodland, Yreka, Yuba City. Foreign Department: We offer complete facilities for foreign banking transactions, including the purchase sale and collection of bills and the issuance of drafts in any cur rency, and Travelers’ and Documentary Letters of Credit negotiable in foreign lands. Information procured concern ing foreign banks and firms. COLLECTIONS Accorded prompt and efficient attention. Your friends going to California will receive a cordial welcome at our offices. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 137 President. Vice-President. Cashier. P.C. Harrison, Mgr. H. L. Cotter, A. Mgr. (333 California) *BMK OF MONTREAL -tt’is P. C. Harrison___ G. T. Eaton. »% Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Propits Deposits Liabili ties $ _ MOXTREM-—11817 -82 (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12) Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back Of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City Bonds and % 36.000.000 38,947,050 (Branch o J Montrea I, Quebec , C. E. Neuebaumer. 1 000,000 F. A. Birge,3«c.„. 916.000 209,450 S 3,556,370 $ 154,610 13,921,980 S Bk. of Montreal, N.Y.. Chi., Mexico, London, Paris, and Canada; Calif., Los A. 309,950 S 31,940 $ (San Francisco) ♦ 11-3 (333 California) California Joint Stock Land A. W. Hendrick... J. A. Bacicalupi. Bank........................................10 11-06 A. J. Mount W. E. Blauer E. A. Aldwell (1 Powell St.) 10% par 100 F. F, Palmerlee, Tr, Muriel Orton, C. F. Wente. V. P. A. Sec. W.W. Hopper. V.P. L. E. Cold well, A. Sec. California Pacific Title & E. J. McCutchen.. H. E. Monroe___ W. H. Smith, Jr„ W. W. Wilson. Trust Co...11-113----------T§'86 F. T. Elsey. V. P. B. J. Henley. Sec. and Mgr. A. Sec. 6% par 100 Principal correspondents. Miscel Cm k Exlaneous CH.SQ1R, DUI Discounts Securities Resources raoM Banks Loans AND 2.800,000 725,300 14,510,720 14,058,540 (Territory of Oregon and Calif ormo) 362,520 884,120 550,000 210,440 656,560 Bk. of Montreal, N.Y.. Mexico City, London, Paris, and Canada; Calif.. Los A. 1,333,040 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. and all branches. 1,889.330 1.911.440 245,870 Exec. V. P, W. S. Alexander, Harry Geballe, And. A. Tr. Off. (148 Montgomery) AN BANK OF COM- ^ G. W. B. Heathcote, (Agency of Toronto , Ontario) 30,000,000 30,516,350 Agent Chase N. and Canadian Bk. of Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; IstN.. Balt.; Merch. N.. Bos.; Cltiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Calif. Bk. and Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. (344 Pine Street) A. C. Steven______ W. J. Coulthard__ C. R. Kranz_______ H. A. Ford_______ Bruce Heathcote, R, D. Lovell, Sec. 1,300,000 CITY NAT’L BANK-dB ®T#t’26 Wm. A. Sherman.. L. E. Alt_________ L. E. Ait_________ Max E. Weyer____ 625,000 (344 Pine Street) par 25 ll-lli (20 O’Farrell) CROCKER HRST FEDERAL C. E. Virden E. O. Jones, A.V.P. WM. J. K. TRUST COMPANY par 100 U-71 ®T»t5’07 (Post and Montgomery Sts.) 1410-12% Crocker First 433,160 11,406,100 1,313,291 5^375.640 2,655,370 746,220 13,910 595,490 1,347,530 66,910 5,675,320 Ch. 11-27 ER-— ...... . „ . Exec. Com. W. W. CROCKER E. AVENALI J. g, HOOPER. It . WM. H. CROCKER-— 0. ). MURPHY- - - - - - - G.W.EBNER, J. K. MOFFITT. W. W. JONES A. G. READ, UK:Exec. Com. Q. H.MCCORMICK CHAS. PRATT, Jr., --------V.M.ALVORD, W.W.CROCKER,V.P. G.A.KENNEDY E. AVENALI. V. P. GEO. J. KERN J. F. MCGRATH. F.G. WILLIS, J- F,’ §LLJ;'MN> Jr* V. P. and Cash. R- A- NEWELL MS W. R. ROBERTS, Ass<. SAN FRANCISCO 1,854,520 36.197.690 90,000 444,480 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Tr., San F. Cashiers. . 0 000.000 4,215,090 72,885,100 13,377,930 4,081,740 Chase National Bank. California Bank._____ 21,480,990 14,079,470 H.H. HAIGHT, Mgr. For. Dept. A. R. ANGELL. A. Mgr. For. Dept. G.FERIS BALDWIN. Comptroller G. W. HALL, Auditor The OLDEST National Bank in California. The CROCKER FIRST Federal Trust Company is owned by the stockholders of the CROCKER FIRST National Bank of San Francisco and is governed by the same board of directors. $370-14% I I Q dB®T*t'72 COMBINED RESOURCES, $136,120,326 par 100 I I O (1 Montgomery) Unexcelled Banking Facilities. YOUR CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. OF 1.748,550 — C. U.McCQ r*Tr. T.E. JOHNSTOK. ash. A. Sec. LE, L R. EASTMAN. V. P. and Mgr. ~ Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer 1 500.000 F. G- WILLIS P. S. SCALES. R V. WALSH. A. Tr. Off. 0. J. MURPHY r R. R.PARDOW. „ W. H. CAMERON. E F. LAWRENCE V.P, and Sec. A, Cash, A. Tr. Off. W. D. LUX NATIONAL RANK 66,940 47,394,410 26,012,570 ...New York .Los Angeles Bankers Trust Company................... New York First National Bank................. New York Irving Trust Company...... ................. New York Chase National Bank.................... New York 5,904,830 17,166,300 Guaranty Trust Company____________________ NewYork Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co,...Chicago First National Bank___________ Chicago National Shawmut Bank....................................Boston First National Bank__________________ Philadelphia Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co............................. .St. Louis Union Trust Company................ Pittsburgh (San Francisco continued on ne xt page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 oo lOO SAN FRANCISCO—Cont'd - Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. JMem. State B. Aes’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vicb-Pbksidkot. Asa’T Cashier. Cashier* Paid-up Capital (Menl Reserve City, District No. !*) Resources. Liabilities . M isc»iBonds Surplus Oteib Loans T otal uraom AND ▲ND Liabili and Discounts 3SOU KITIBS Rasotrmoss Pnorrrs Deposits ties Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. Cadi 4 IxCOUMBByDtni rtOH Bani (See page 25 for co mplete information) *Teianl Reserve Bask 11-87 •$ Distil (Sansome & Sacramento Sts.) J. O. Tobin_________ R. M. Tobin, Sec. a nd Tr. 11-58 d®*|§’64 D. J. Buckley (Oor. Market. MeAllister and (Mission Office-, eVa lencia and 22nd St.) (Oeary St.-10th A re. Office: Geary St. and 10lh Ate.) Jones) (Branch of Hong Kong, Ch Hong Kong A Shanghai Btt. Corporation. 11-54_____ *§’84 $47 904 080 $35 455030 $ 1,475,270 $ 4,556,620 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Crocker 1st N. and A. & L. P. N„ San F. $ 8,686.420 $80 704 580 Hibernia Savings & Loan Soc. Hong Kong A Shanghai Bkg. Com.. N. Y. »no)_____ Agent (Ml California) (See Bead Office, of New York City)------ F. J. Corde, •81'01 N. City Bk.. N. Y., and all foreign branches. Acting Mgr. (200 Bnsh St.) Morris Plan Co.. 1100-6% 11-101 (554 Market) $ Blackwood___ E. L. Harms, A. Sec. and Compt. W. L. Shaw. See. <k Tr. M. I.Waters. A Bee. F. A. Gollman______ (3 Branches) F. E. Pastfle OoMt Joint Stock Land A. O. Stewart_____ Bank «%... 11-07_______ 72 G.T.McNeely.See., H. Hlse, Tr__ C. Braskamp. A. Tr. W. A. Rabbett, A. Sec. J. E. Johnson. lioo-6% par loo (464 California) 250,000 76.640 1,400,000 676,000 3,331,670 S 188,680 3,300,600 21,607,000 19,892,000 3,786,730 6,260,530 409,380 41,980 95,020 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N„ Wells. Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., and Anglo & Lon, Paris N., San F. 3.699,000 92,000 Bk. of Amer.. N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav., San F. 2.285,830 2,943,120 Chase N. and Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cert, (Territory Californi a and Art zona) A. Tr. ’PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO t H R GAITHER _ _ _ HOMER PURER- - - - - V. R. PENTECOST, , J. T. MORRICE V. P. and Caeh. E. 0. KAUFMANN, J.W. MASON, ,dj E. 0. KAUFMANN Mgr, For, Dept, Ch. of Bd. M. G. GIBSON HOMER PITNER, Sec. 1.080,600 ALLARD A. CALKINS, 11-39 d®T*t’24 Iho-4% porioo (333Montgomery) 452,540 8,675,620 2,425,410 N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.,Chi.; Market St. N., Phil. An Independent Bank GIVING REAL PERSONAL SERVICE . G. A. Belcher, Geo. Tonrny______ F. T. Krnse The San Francisco Bank V.P. and Cash. 116000 par 1000 ll-55dB®T»t§’68 Albert Frietzsche, P. S. Maddux, Asst, to Pres. V. P. and Tr. Off. H. H. Herzer. (526 California) (4 Branches•) Sec. and A. C. L. H. Hansen. V. P. and A, C. Sumitomo Bank. Ltd______ f’16 ie% 11-79 (815 California St .) H. P. Maynard___ F. J. Thym J. O. Cunha R. A. Lauenstein, 1,000,000 4,750,000 134 302 810 71,335,640 47,851,840 20,865,340 A. & L. P. N. Crocker and 1st N., San F. A. Sec. and A, C. (Branch of Osaka, Japan) T. Shirao, Mgr......... I. Kawasaki, Pro.-Mgr. M. Ogawa.Pro.Afar. Title Insurance & Guaranty Co. O. A. Boolean......... W. C. Clark_______ J. A. Ornstein 1350 par 100 11-114 T§77 R. F. Chilcott E.G.Schwarzmann, Sec. D. Stoney (130 Montgomery) 200.000 20,200 110,000 107,330 Sumitomo Bk., Ltd., N. Y., Seattle, Sacramento, and Los A. 2.860 Son Francisco continued on nex t page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA Federal Reserve of St. Louis SANBank FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO William PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 oq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LvJDirectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ■Mem. A.B. A. nNew 5 State tPriv. tMftm. State B. Aes’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DiY. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City Ass’t Cashibb. Liabilities' Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Deposits Liabili Profits ties Loans and Discounts Resources. Miscel Bonds and SaCUBITOB PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Case & Exlaneous oha*cii,Dub Resources non Baku OFFICERS President F. L. LIPMAN WELLS FARGO BANK AND UNION TRUST CO. CHARLES J. DEERING- _First Vice-Pres. FRANK B. KING- - - - - _ _ _ Vice-President H. G. LARSH- - - - - - - - __ Vice-President R. B. MOTHERWELL—... Vice-President L. E. GREENE— „Vice-President, and Trust Officer F. J. BRICKWEDEL-.Vice-President and Trust Officer ARTHUR D. OLIVER- - - - - Vice-President JULIAN EISENBACH — _ Vice-President I. W. HELLMAN- - - - - - - - - Vice-President F. I. RAYMOND_ _ _ _ _ _ Vice-President and Cashier F. J. HELLMAN- - - - - - - _ _ Vice-President I. J.IGAY- - - - - - - - - __ _ Asst, Vice-Pres. $296.25-13% ♦11-18 1dB@T»t§'52 and Secretary por 100 W. F. GABRIEL- - - - - _ Asst. Vice-Pres. Head Office (Market at Montgomery) W. J. BEVAN- - - - - - - _ _ Asst. Vice-Pres. Union Trust Office • 11-81 (Market St. at Grant Are.) A. H. SILVERNAIL—.__Ass<, Vice-Pres. F. J. CAMPBELL-—__ Asst. Vice-Pres. F. T. LETCHFIELD — __Assf. Vice-Pres. E. LEUENBERGER- .Asst,Vice-President and Manager Foreign Dept, PERCY A. WOOD_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trust Officer CHAS. DU PARC......... _ Asst, Cashier PARKER L. JACKSON— ..Asst, Cashier ROY E. WARNER-...... __ _ Asst. Cash. E. H. SHINE-......... —_ _ _ Asst. Cash. J. A. MILLER—....... Assf. Cash. $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ 0. A. STIVERS........... Asst. Cash. I.IN.N0 8,210,610 139234450 10 802 560 75,684,510 53,340,220 12,617,940 25,604,1 W. H. CULBERT.......... __ Assf. Cash. ARTHUR C. LATHAM...... _ Asst. Cash.1 H. FELDHEYM-.......... _ _ _ Asst. Cash.l J. A. SEIBERLICH....................... Asst.Cash. G. W. WICKLAND- - - - - - - - - „Asst. Cash.l R. H. REBELE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Asst.Cash. A. W. KOHNER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst.Cash. SPECIALIZE IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE. OLIVER CARLSON- - - - - - _ _ Ass£. Cash.' C. J. DAISS—......... _ _ _ Ass£. Cash.l ALL INQUIRIES GIVEN PROMPT, CAREFUL J. A. DUCOURNAU- - - - - - - - - - Asst. Cash. W. J. GILSTRAP— _ Ass£. Cashier and ATTENTION. Manager Foreign Dept. R. J. SCHRADER- - - - - Asst. Trust Officer JOHN F. SHIELDS— _ Assf. Trust Officer GROVER GRADY...... Asst. Trust Officer LEE CRAWFORD- - - - - Asst. Trust Officer G. E. JENNINGS— __Ass£. Trust Officer ALBERT J. ZklimH-Asst.Trust Officer National City Bank..................................... New York Chase National Bank______________________ NewYork Guaranty Trust Company...................... New York New York Trust Company...................................NewYork Irving Trust Company....... ................... NewYork Continental Dllnois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago First National Bank____________________Chicago National Shawmut Bank_______________ Boston First National Bank_____________________Boston First NatlonalJBank............................. St.Louis Commerce Trust Company________Kansas City Corn Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Philadelphia First National Bank_______________Philadelphia Pennsylvania Company......................Philadelphia Philadelphia National Bank..............Philadelphia First National Bank............................... Minneapolis MeUon National Bank............................. Pittsburgh Union Trust Co.______________________Cleveland First National Bank______;_____________ Detroit Guardian Detroit Bank____ ____________ Detroit Yokohama Specie (Ltd.), N.Y., Lo« A.. Seattle. 1________________ (Branch of Yokoh ama, Jap an)_ _ _ _ Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. T. Sakarauchi, Mgr. S. Suzuki, Sub. Mgr. T. Minowa, Honolulu, Buenos Aires, Bio de Janeiro, and P. P. Mgr. 11-58 (415-29 Sansome) •iS'80 throughout the world. CSee pag es 28-29 -30 for N umber of National ,Statean d Privat e Banks, T. P. Burns, tan Francisco Clearing House C. K. McIntosh___ C. F. Hunt_______ F. H. Colburn, Mgr.I (M&mbert indicated by a *) A. Mgr. TotalD eposits b y States, Cities, e tc.) SAN FRANCISCO—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstarItMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange. WILLIAM R. STAATS (156 Montgomery St.) Officers. S, Sec. ' Tr. ___ ___ R ,A.Tr. MMONDi V. v. P. H. R. MAURER. A. Sec. .TS? P.‘ HAMMOND, H.R.Mfll T. E. HAMMOND,/ p. J. E. CAMERON, A.Sec. P.V.BARNES. A. Sec. WM. H. CONLIN.A. Sec. Paid-up Capital. $1,200,000 Surplus and Profits. $500,000 (San Francisco continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year l •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Estab tMem. State Bks. Assn. lished. TMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange.1 Officers. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories. Win. It. Staata Cm., Lee Angeles Adams & Co.. W. W---------------------- ± (Merch. Ex. Bldg.) and Pasadena: Bkrs. Tr., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. Alanson Bros. & Co--------------=t (Kohl Bldg.) _______ ______ Associate Member San Francisco Stock and Curb Exchanges Pacific Coast Securities; Municipal and First Mortgage Bonds. Orders Executed in Listed Stocks. A. G. ALLYN & GO. f H. LOUIS RICH, Representative 1 Investment Securities Incorporated (Financial Center Bldg. V12 405 Montgomery St.) American Securities Co.___________ 1 (450 California St.)________ Ames, Emerich & Co.______________11 (405 Montgomery St.) Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Other Offices: N. Y.. Chi.. Bos., Buff., Den., Oma., Phil.. St. Louis. Minpls.. Det., and Milwaukee. (Affiliated with American Trust Co.) PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 140 SAN FRANCISCO—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. Ykab {Mem. State Bks. Assn. EstablMatn. Inv. Bks. Assn. lisbkd. ±Mem. Local Stock&Bond Exchange Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Anglo London Paris Co....... .................1 (1 Sansome St.)_____ Anglo Lon. Paris Co.. N. Y. and Los A. Bacon, Wardell & Co._____________ ± (Russ Bldg.) Barth & Co.. J................ ± (482 California St. ’ George Leib, Vice President____ . Roy L. Shurtlefl, Vice President (21st Floor Russ Bldg.) CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY N. Y., Chi., Bos., Phil., San F., Los A.. Seat., and Port. Curran & Dwyer....................... Investment Securities BENJAMIN R. BRINDLEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ Second Vice-Pres. BRUCE H. DE SWARTE-------------------------- Manager Telephone Douglas 5921 ± (Kohl Bldg.) Davis. Skaggs & Co._______________ ± (Ill Sutter St.) V14 De Wolfe & Co.. Chapman________ ± (341 Montgomery St.) Bolton & Co.. Robert C.. (Kohl Bldg.) Boren & Howell_______ (428 Russ Bldg.) Ehrman, Albert L._______________ ± (519 California St.) Filmer, Bradford & Maxwell______± (37 Montgomery St.) (C. B. Bradford, Pres.......................................... Other offices: Los A.. Oakland, Stocki Sherman Kimball. V.p. ton, Los Gatos and Sacramento; Pac. N.,San F.: Cent. N.. Oakland; P. C. Salterbach, V.P. /F. W. Stewart. V, P. Far. & Merch. N. Bk., Los A. -T20 IG. Gibson Paul, V. P, A. H. Fenske. Secretary R. G. Craig, Treasurer BRADFORD, KIMBALL & CO. (Ill Sutter St.) PAUL L. SIPP, Resident Vice-President____ ( FIRST DETROIT CO. INCORPORATED (2905 Russ Bldg.) Government,Municipal and Corporation Bonds Braxton, Cutler & Cooke____ Other Offices, CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships (1364 Kuss Building) (Affiiliated with Continental Illinois Company, Chicago) Berl, Edwin D___________________ ± (256 Montgomery St.) BLYTH & GO., Inc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year ♦Mem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange __ ± J. H. SCHINNELLER. President___ CHAS. H. DAVIS. Secretary (1 Montgomery St.) BURR, C0NRAD&BR00M INC., GEO. H. (490 California St.) CAVALIER & CO., WM.—- (433 California) CENTRAL-ILLINOIS COMPANY, - (914 Financial Center Bldg.) Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ SanF. BERNARD W. TRAFFORO m FiRSTcU&r colo", (Russ Building) (235 Montgomery Street) SPECIALISTS IN UNLISTED & INACTIVE STOCKS & BONDS BROWN ft CO., F. M_____________ 93 Chairman of Board Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (247 Montgomery St.). Geo. H. Burr. N. Y., Chi., Bos.. St. L.; C. S. THOMAS, V. P. Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc., Ch. of Exec. Com, L. H. WIGHT, V. P. F.. Los A.. Seattle, Port., W. A. BROOM, Pres. MALCOLM BRUCE, V. P. San Spokane, Pasadena, Oakland and F. F. JACKSON, Sec. San Jose. N. City and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Bk. of Cal. N. A., and Amer. Tr. Co.. San F.; Bk. -±H ot Am. N. Tr. &Sav. Assn., Los I Members New York, Los Angeles and San A.; Wm. Cavalier & Co., Oakland. 1 Francisco Stock Exchanges. Berkeley, Los A. , Municipal and Corporation Bonds. BSe. MS" H. S. BOONE BOONE... L._ _S._ STEVENS _____ MAX MIERSQN _ , F. E. CRONISE \ INVESTMENT SECURITIES (315 Montgomery St.) FRED C. EHMAN, V.P. HENRY BOHLING, rr DONALD J. SMITH, , Resident V. P. FOREMAN-STATE CORPORATION Sales Mgr. Phone—Douglas 0840 JOHN W. OGDEN, Resident Vice President Chicago 33 N. La Salle St. Tel. Dearborn 9700 New York San Francisco Russ Bldg. 51 Wall St. Tel. Hanover 1450 Tel Garfield 0228 Manager.................................... Goldman, Sachs A Go., N. Y., Main f lAlud___Pool*. 8. < i Centra* mmU Paper and Investment Office: 30 Pine St. I Securitie Securities) (Ill Sutter) Affiliated with Central Trust Com pany of Illinois, Chicago. Grimes & Swift_________________ ± (500 Financial Center Bldg.) -If / HORACE C. LANSING- OF THE PACIFIC COAST Affiliated with: First Natl. Bk., Bos.; First Natl. Old Colony Corp., Bos.; Head Office; Branches; N. Y., Chi., Phil., Cleve., Balt., St. L.. Wash., Prov., Atl.,Worc., Pitts., Port., Me., Roch., Rutland, Hart., Springf., Los A., Port., Ore., and Seattle. Investment Affiliate of Foreman-State National Bank OFFICERS CHAPMAN & GO., P. W., INC.' President PHILLIP STOCKTON Executive /EDWIN R. MARSHALL, Boston Vice-Presidents l ALLAN M. POPE, New York INVESTMENT BANKERS United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Ban k, Insurance Company and other In.vestment Stocks. — Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities. BARNABY CONRAD, wm Other Offices; Detroit, New York, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles. UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS. INVESTMENT UNIT DETROIT BANKERS COMPANY AFFILIATED WITH P. W. CHAPMAN & CO., INC. CHICAGO NEW YORK GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. GUARDIAN DETROIT COMPANY HARVEY RONEY, V. P. W. F. WICKMAN, V.P. OF CALIFORNIA (933 Russ Bldg.) Branch of Detroit—other office Los Angeles —Correspondents in New York City. Chicago and New Orleans. Unit of GUARDIAN DETROIT UNION GROUP Son Francisco continued on next page LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SANBank FRANCISCO - SAN 'DIEGO Federal Reserve of St. Louis William R. Staats Co PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 141 SAN FRANCISCO—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabilMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock &Bond Exchange. I Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositoeies Haley & Co., S. M----------------------- ± (315 Montgomery St.) HALSEY,STUART & CO_ _ _ _ _ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabHMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Lishf.d. ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Newell. Murdoch. Railey & Co..........± (1050 Russ Bldg,) •T01 'E. R. Whealen, Resident Manager Halsey, Stnart h Co., N. Y., Chi. Norris & Son. L. H............................ ± (425-429 Pine St.) Phil., Bos., St. L., Det., Mil., Clev., Pitt., and Minpls. G L 0HRSTR0M & CO, Inc _ _ Investment Securities ~ ”(235 Montgomery StT) (Incorporated) Telephone, Sutter 0911 (465 California St.) INVESTMENT BONDS Heller, Bruce & Co............... ...............11(220 Montgomery St.) Hellmann-Wade & Co.___________± (517 California St.) Hendrickson. Shuman & Co_______ ± (Russ Bldg.) Holt & Co.____________________ ± (412 Hunter-Dulin Bldg.) Branch of (see) New York Park, Howard G..................—....... —± (428 Russ Bldg.) Parrish, Kendrick & Co_____ —± (315 Montgomery) Home Office: 81 Broadway, N. Y.; Western Listed and Unlisted Investment OREN E. TAFT* BONAR RUSSELL Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty.Tr. Co., N Offices: San Francisco, Cal.; Oakland, Cal.;1 Securities. nr incnuc TiTT nniiniUVl Chairman Res, V. President Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. A Tr. Co., Del Monte. Cal.; San Jose, Cal.;Los Angeles, Correspondent: Am., AngloCalif. Tr. H. J. CURRY^ ^ Tr j. DUNCAN MATTHEWS Cal.: Pasadena. Cal.: Hollywood, Cal.: San Co., Crocker 1st N.and Bk. of Am. Montgomery & Bush ’01 Diego. Cal.; Santa Barbara. Cal.: Beverly N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; Citiz. IL. J.I Pill I CM A Manager vULLCHt Sealtu .Hills, Cal. N. Tr. & Sav. and Far. & Merch. (Standard Oil Bldg.. Established 1865) N.. Los A. J. E. DWYER.’ v. P .' INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP.— F. A. COLLMAN, A. V. P........ ............................ Branch of (see) New York. Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re (Home Office. Chicago) Offices In Chicago, New Fork. (711 Market St.) tailers of Investment Securities. G. P. SMITH. V. P. Seattle, Los Angeles, Milwaukee. Isenberg, Alex H.._______________± (Crocker Bldg.) (Chicago) E,F. HUTTON&G0MPANY JUDGE, MARTIN, JR. & CO. (Crocker-lst N. Bk. Bldg.) PEaRSONS-TAFT COMPANY \Partners___ ________ Logan & Bryan and Crocker 1st N, M. o. rAnHUrT J Bk., San F. ’21 I SPECIALISTS UNLISTED BONDS AND „ STOCKS Kahn, Sidney P.________________ ± (482 California St.) Keyston Co., F. B._________ .± (155 Sansome St.) Koshland, Max I. & Co.. .±1(12 Mills Bldg.) LEACH. A. B. & CO., Inc......... (Financial Center Bldg.) .1 f A. C. Stubb. Mgr-------------l Investment Securities (405 Montgomery St.) R. H. MOULTON & COMPANY 405 Montgomery St. 'H. H. Fair, Pres, H. R. Lawton, V. P. Peirce, Fair k On, Seattle. i Cyrus Peirce, Ch. (Seattle) J. A.McGregor,V.P.D. G. Sherwin, V.P. Pond, V. P. H. L. Barbase, Tr. PEIRCE, FAIR * CO ---..........1 1i Sam’l A. G. Simpson, V.P. A, M. Jorgensen, See. (432 California St.) IH. W. Bunker, V.P J. E. Dorsey. V P. , Securities, Bonds and Investments. A. B. Leach & Co.. Inc., N. Y., Chi. and principal cities. 'WM. W. WOODS, Manager Leib-Keyston & Company________ ± (50 Post St.) Lilienthal, Bremer & Co.................± (211 Montgomery St.) Logan A Bryan_________________ ± (401 Montgomery St.) Lundborg, Stever & Co.__________ ± (Kohl Bldg.) Manheim, Dibbern & Co.________ ± (485 California St.) McCreery. Finnell & Co.________ ± (111 Montgomery St.) McDonnell & Co......... .................__±1 (633 Market St.)_____ McNear & Co.__________ ________± (362 Russ Bldg.) Meigs & Co., J. J._______________ ± (315 Montgomery St.) MITCHUM.JULLY & CO.. g* SffiVC && E. A.(SOIPIERCE & GO., Montgomery St.) Home office, 40 Wall Street, New York City, N. Y. I Pacific Coast branches: San Francisco, ' Los Angeles, Pasadena, Portland, ■■ Seattle and Oakland. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Grain ia Lead ing Markets. (Private Wires to Principal Cities) 'McDonnel & Co.. N, Y, and Oakland, P0LLITZ & CO., EDWARD Kidder. Peabody & Co.. New York (1821 Russ Bldg.) and Boston; Wells Fargo Bk. &Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. , Branch Offices in Los Angeles, Oak | Member Investment Bankers Associa & Co.. Carl............................ --± land, Sacramento. Long Beach, San Raiss tion. E. H. Rollins & Sons__________ •! 76 Jose, San Diego and Seattle. Schwabacher & Co.-------------------Til Sbaugbnessy & Co.. Frank C.--------± R. H. MOULTON, Pres... V. E. BREEDEN, V. P... Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. Shingle, Brown & Co.---------------- T23 Bk. of Calif., N. A., San F.; FRANCIS MOULTON, V. P. and Secur.-lst N., Los A.; R. H. Moulton & Co., Los A. and N. V. MUNICIPAL BONDS T14 1 Underwriters and Distributors I Investment Securities THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA A. 0. SLAUGHTER, ANDERSON & FOX (317 Montgomery St.) (Branch—St. Francis Hotel.) 'FRED H. ST. 60AR CHAS. E. ST. GOAR MEMBERS: San Francisco Curb Exchange (256 Montgomery St.) (3000 Russ Bldg.) (665 Market) (111 Sutter St.) (440 Montgomery St.)_ Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. Am. Tr. Co.. San F. 317 Montgomery St. St. Francis Hotel A. O. Slaughter, Anderson & Fox. 43 Tel: Davenport 9600 Tel: Davenport 9600 Broad St„ N. Y„ Chicago, Los In charge: In charge: Angeles, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, '■Resident Partners E. G. Beckstrom and Oakland, Cal. SEE ADVERTISEMENT AT HEAD OF LIST. INQUIRIES FROM BANKS AND DEALERS INVITED. 55 Sansome Street INVESTMENT SECURITIES Montgomery St.) Smith, Camp & Co.--------------------- -- (1 (See Head of Investment List) STAATS CO., WM. R---- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (155 Montgomery St.) Steinhardt Lawrence J----------------± (Russ Bldg.) (San Francisco continued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 142 SAN^ FRANCISCO—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstablIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange. STRAUS, S. W. & GO. (INCORPORATED) Founded 1882 79 Post St. •1 Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships L. M. BATTSON, 7.P------------------------------ Investment Securities. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories S. W. Straus & Co.. Incorporated. N. Y. and Chi. Telephone Garfield 7050 On Stocks Selling; (407 Montgomery St.) TUCKER HUNTER DULIN & COMPANY Emil Sutro Sidney L. Schwartz Arthur N. Selby Gustav S. Schwartz Howard J. Greene Albert B. Sprott Geo. M. Lowry MEMBERS (Odd lots 12%c per share) San Francisco Curb Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Associ At $1.00 and under $3.00 per share—$4.00 per 100 shares_.$2.50 ate) San Francisco Stock Exchange Los Angeles Stock Exchange Los Angeles Curb Exchange WALSH, O’CONNOR & BARNESON 225 Montgomery St. Phone: Sutter 0700 ______ •• Banger________ 2967 Fresno J12 $5.00 per share—$7.50 per 100 shares .$2.50 (Odd lots 12%c per share) At $5.00 $10.00 per share—$10.00 per 100 shares.$2.50 (Odd lots 12%c per share) * $25.00 per share—$17.50 per 100 shares_$2.50 (Odd lots 25c per share) Pomona, San Diego, Sacramento, Hollywood, Fresno, Santa Monica, At $25.00 “ Santa Ana, Stockton, California; Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Wash ington; Portland, Eugene, Oregon. At $50.00 “ “ $50.00 pershare-$20.00 per 100 shares.$2.50 (Odd lots 25c per share) “ $75.00 per share—$22.50 per 100 shares._$2.50 (Odd lots 25c per share) At $75.00 “ Member New York Stock Exchange Branch Offices: Los Angeles, Cal. Assoc. Member New York Curb Exchange Oakland, Calif. Member San Francisco Stock Exchange At $100.00" Beverly Hills, Member San Francisco Curb Exchange Cal. " $100.00pershare—$25.00 per 100 shares.$2.50 (Odd lots 25c per share) “ $200.00pershare—$30.00 per 100 shares..$3.00 (Odd lots 30c per share) At $200.00 and over per share, the commission shall be in creased $5.00 per 100 shares additional for each $50.00 or fraction thereof increase in selling price. The commission on odd lots shall be on a pro rata basis. The minimum charge shall be l/10th the commission charge for 100 shares. Dean Witter & Co.. Los A., Seattle, *In no case need the commission on rights selling under fif Tacoma, and Portland, Ore, ty cents exceed five per cent of the money involved in the trade. ± __±f (Kohl Bldg.) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •• (Odd lots 12%c per share) At $3.00 INVESTMENT SECURITIES; STOCKS Other Offices: Los Angeles. Oakland, AND BONDS. Pasadena, Long Beach, Riverside At $10.00 (Hunter, Dulin Bldg., Montgomery & Sutter) Y19 TOW* AND OOUNTT. •County Seats. 12 Fed. Rea. DUt. L Los Angeles Br. Ban Gabriel..7224 L Los Angeles Q5 ^Charge*1 *Under $1.00 per share_________ $3.00 per 100 shares__$2.50 SUTRO & COMPANY ±tb Witter & Co.. Dean................ Year •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Members of Firm Other Offices, tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabBranch Managers Correspondents and lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. Exchange Memberships Bank Depositories. ±Mem. Local Stock & Bond Exchange. San Francisco Stock Exchange Bertram E. Alanson, Pres.__ .Paul F. Cadman, Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., Tr. (155SansomeSt.) Richard O. Simon. V. P. Exec. Sec. Ruth Kapelsky, A. Sec. Minimum Rates of Commission (In Effect April 28, 1930) Minimum #Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. {Mom. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Yi c*-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Liabilities. Resources. thbb Loan Bond* Gam A li Depo*- LOiabili Pajd-up Surplus Miscel (HAMM,Dm and and and IT8 Capital Profits DuooubU S«ooriti«s laneous rmou Bam ties r----------------------------C. C. Pearson. Mgr. W. W. Spencer $5 000 000 $4 969 420 Pro. Mgr. (San G abriel B ranch. S ee Head ®»ti'04 \ All Banking Ma tters promptly h andled. CALIFORNIA BK. 90-826 First National Bank.d®<’22 O. O. Threlkeld, H. F. Bannard------ J. A. Threlkeld...$110 par loo 90-1023 H. F. Bannard, Ch. H. G. Farrar 50,000 $ 239,250 $ 190,580 $ 22,510 $ BANK OF AMERICA r________________ E. R. HUDSON, 50000000 58 997 540 Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. (Sange r Branc h. 90-661 ®T«t 67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl, Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) San Jacinto..1346 First National Bank —«I’05 E. O. Ingalls_____ John Shaver_____ H. O. Dane______ Helen L. Wilhelm. L Riverside P19 $230-6 and 4% par 100 90-862 C. E. B rouse, Ch. 50,000 57.990 184,830 $ First Savings Bank ..d®i’ll E. O. Ingalls_____ John Shaver_____ II. O. Dane______ Helen L. Wilhelm. par 100 90-695 C. E. Brouse, Ch. 25,000 20,880 171,010 •San Joee...57,651 Santa Clara 123 Office, Lo * Angele *, ~Calif.) 14,200 S 484,520 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASS’N F. J. Oehler, O. L. Texdahl, C. W. Carlson_____ (San ‘AMERICAN TRUST T. S. Montgomery, V. P. V.P. and Dial. Mgr. A, Cash, and A. Sec. F. E. Whitmer, A. B. Walgren, A. Tr. Off. COMPANY A. Cash, and A. Sec. $600-16% ♦90-82 ®T»tS'54 Charge Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. BONDS Up to $125.00. $10,000 lots...$25.00 per $10,000 par value $2.50 , (Odd lots pro rata) At $12o.OO and over rates for stocks apply (except that an odd lot is less than $10,000 par value.) Liberty Bonds.............................$1.25 per $1,000 par value $2.50 NOTE; Whenever the commission charge based on the odd lot rate is higher than a charge for a round lot (100 shares) of the same stock, the latter amount may be charged. On all transactions where the amount of money involved is less than $50.00 but not less than $10.00, the commission charge shall be discretionary with member, subject to a minimum charge of $2.50 for each transaction. When the amount involved is less than $10.00 the commission charge shall be entirely discretionary. Orders executed locally in stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange or the New York Curb Exchange shall take the established New York-Western Rates for such Stocks which differ from the above schedule only in the round lot rates as follows. On New York Stock Exchange Stocks: At $ .50per share and under $1.00 per share-$5.00 per 100 shares At $1.00 per share and under $5.00 per share-$10 per 100 shares On New York Curb Exchange stocks: At $1.00 per share and under $3 per share-$7.50 per 100 shares The MINIMUM CHARGE for business transacted on the New York Stock Exchange or the New York Curb Exchange shall be $5.00, except that when the total amount involved is less than $50.00, the minimum charge is $2.50; and except that when the amount of money involved is less than $10.00, the commission charge shall be optional. For all transactions in New York (and all out of town transactions) a charge must be made for insurance, postage, exchange, or any other expenses. The minimum rate for insurance and postage on New York shipments, shall be 15c per $1,000 involved. J. G. Schaffer. Secretary 95,000 167,000 149,840 *>,4 «H, 74n /4U 137,730 65,610 4,740 Jo se Bran Ch. See Head Offi e«, San F randsco, Calif.).. ■ ■ ■ William r. Staats Principal Correspondents. N. City. N.Y.; Coat. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Bk or Calif. N. A.. San F. 96,370 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.1st N., Los A. ChacpN N • Y Pont in, Til dk Rlr.oJfc-TV Pn Phi uuaacii., x.,• v^uiu, , ir. v. u.,villi. *>« 94 OO, »4Ua Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; W. F. Bk & Un. Tr.. San F.; Citiz. N.. Riverside. 8,800 Chase N., N. Y.; W. F. Bk. & Uu. Tr. Co.. San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. and Riverside. Bank of America of California ] (See Bank of Amer ica Nall. Tr. & Sav gs. Assn., South Fir st St. Branch) (Son Jose Banks continued on next page) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A/% \/wr PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given -i a a to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ •ItO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. Resources. Liabilities. Cash A Ex Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel changes ,Doe Paid-up and and L iabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ $ *San Jose...57,651 Santa Clara 123 (Continued) “ -------- II “ M 'BANK OF AMERICA Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued (90-83) San Jose Main Office.; N. A. PELLEBANO, V. P.; F. C. MITCHELL, V.P. 50 000 000 58997 540 (See and Mgr.] 0. L. SLAGHT.J. H. BOCCARDO, J. H. RUSSELL, WALDO H. LOWE and J. E. MORRISH, Mgrs. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Hea d Office, Principal Correspondents. Chase N., N.T.; 1st N., Chi. NATL. TRUST AND (90-77) East San Jose Branch*: F. J. ROSE, Mgr. SAVINGS ASSN. (90-86) Hester Branch*: M. J. BOHNETT, Mgr. WITHB ANK O E AME RICA O PERA1T ES438B RANCH ES IN CALIF ORNIA. 1540-18% ®T»t'67 (90-85) South First Street Branch*: C. H. WAGNER, V.P.\ E. D. SHEPHERD, (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l A. V.P.-, H. AHLMAN, Mgr. Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branches) 600.000 996,890 $8117610 $ 500,000 $4584 340 $3 450050 $ 764,810 $1415 300 1st N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; A. E. Holmes_____ Paul Rudolph_____ H.M. Hnggina-----♦First National Bank d®*t’74 W. S. Clayton, 1st N., Phil.: Crocker 1st N„ San F. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. B. Clayton D. H. Leese, A. C. N. s; Gayle $325-10% par 100 90-78 ‘SAN JOSE NATIONAL BANK C. SINGLETARY— C. L. SNYDER WM. H. PABST---------- 6. S.E. JOHNSON, Ch. of Bd. G. A. SWAIN----------- F. A. LINQUIST------F. A. LUEDDEMANN 500.000 141,090 2,454,520 246,060 443.390 45,860 2.020,510 431,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; A. & L. P. N.t San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. H.T.RAYMER L. T. LENOX $37.50-6% par 25 90-84 d®T*t'20 Sen Jose Clearing Hoaae— F. C. Mitchell____ Paul Rudolph, See.. G. E. Pierson, Clerk (Members indicated by a *) Saa Juan Bautista..772 Saa Baalto 3 7 BANK OF AMERICA Chase N..N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr. (San Ju an Bra nch. See Head Off ce, San F ranciico, Calif.) NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-186 ®T«r67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CUES IN CALIFO RNIA. _ First State Bank —d®*§’24 R. W. Whitaker... F. S. Post.__ 90-1065 Capistrano.. 519 $125 ■par 100 L Orange PIS SanLeandroll,455 Alt mods E 20 * L. J. LAVAGNINO. (s- .... R. W. Whitaker__ Julia Errecarte___ L. F. Sterner, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-125 25,000 3,300 J. H. Skillen_____ (San Le andro B ranch. 114,300 78,300 4,000 222,000 53,300 1st N„ Santa Ana; U. S. N„ San Diego. 8,400 See Head Office, S an Fran cieco Cal if) A. V.P. and Mgr. Elsie Smyth A. J. Silva, A.Mgr, ®T*tS'54 H. C. BARTON. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (San Le andro B ranch. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. BANK OF AMERICA See Head Office, S an Fran cisco, Ca m Bk. of Am. N, A„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. P. 0. BARTLETT, A. Mffr. “-------- " (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l (with BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) “ -------- “ First National Bank in San G. R. Scott_______ W. H. Bridges____ W. H. Bridges____ A. J. Oliveira_____ Leandro 90-1298 ®*+'28 Howard Bronstein, J. C. Mendonea 100,000 20,320 2,040 750,000 460,000 300,000 25,600 75,000 Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. Ch. •Saa Lois Obispo Bank of America of California (.See Bank of Ameri ca Nat’l Savgs. Assn., San Luis Ob ispo Branch) r ». L. Ob. M » 8276 WM.H.NUSS»JR.,Afffr. A. 0. GORANSON. •• •• BANK OF AMERICA 0. K. COLCLOJGJL NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. F. A. CARPENTER. 50000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (San Lu is Obisp o Branc h. See H tad Off ce, San V ranei»iot Calif.) Chase N„ M. Y.; Oont Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. P.E. MANFREDI. A. Mgr, 90-218 ®T«t 67 (.WITH BANK O A. Mgr. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr, & Savgs. Assn, Branch) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK I. L. KEMPER, V. P. and Mgr. FRANCIS H. THR00P, A,Mgr. L J. IEF0SSET. (San Lu is Obisp o Branc A. Mgr. Report S ee Head Office, omplete Los Ange les) OF LOS ANGELES 90-236 dB®T#t'2« San Mateo..13,444 Baa Mateo G18 BANK OF AMERICA r (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. dk Savgs. Assn. Branch) F. L KillANETTI, 50 000 000 58 997540 (San M ateo B ranch. S ee Head A. Mgr. (with bank o LOS ANGELES - PASADENA 1 SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - All | 1 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IV CALIFO RNIA. National Bank of San Mateo Hall O. Rom____ W. 0. C hid eater „ D. W. Wisnom___ .T. R. Nissen par 100 90-285 d®*t'09 John Wisnom 1 Office, Sa n FYanc i*CO, Cal if.) ■ A AH rw ILL 11 Am re. p 100,000 c*T nr i ^ 205,250 1,938,090 A J!ill A LTIC 50,000 | 1,612,160 368,990 1Or% l/V Jm 21,560 290,640 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker 1st N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGH1f — SOLD — QUOTED 144 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given tp each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ten Miguel.__ 520 Sun Lais Obispo L9 BANKOF AMERICA President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays. fit.C.. Sfifl TiAwc. CALIFORNIA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. r Ass’t Cashier. F. B. PENDERY— Liabilities. Resources. i Principal Correspondents. Subplus Loads Bonds Paid-up Depos Other Miscel Cash 8c Exand and L iabili and chakqm,Dui its Capital Profits laneous DUoounta Ssouritiss ties frou Banks $ S 50 000 000 58 997 540 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ ChL (San Ml guel Br anch. See Head Office, S an Franc isco.Cali /•) NATL.TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O 90-770 ®T»t'67 F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nall. Tr, <fc Savgs. Assn. Branch) ten Pedro ..35,100 Bank of America of California (.Now Bank of Amer ica Natl, Tr. & Sav gs. Assn., San Pedr o Branch) l Los Angeles R3 (Part ofLos Angeles) BANK OF AMERICA r (90-209) Pacific Ave. Branch: JOH N J. GAUDINO. Mgr.. J (90-998) (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl, 1 NATL.TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-998 ®T»t’67 50 000 000 58 997 540 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N.Bk. Rep.,OhI. See Head Office, Sa n Francis co, Calif. ) San Pe dro Branch: |_. S. ANDERSON, Mgr.- E. M. TOSCANINI and F’ L. DAVIS. A. Mgrs.; J. V. LAMORE, A. M gr. and A. Tr. Off. Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branch and Bank of America of Cal L WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. ifornia Branch) BANK OF SAN PEDRO Ch.ofBd. n.m— M.L. MAYER............... 0. SaclEAl________ « nnr.r.n R.L. M0RTER C. M. SEBRIN6 -irh W.B. BORONER Oldest and large** BanklntenPedr*. j p martin IR ti35-7%porI00 90-207 d®«t§’88 Send na year eolle«tton* far pmmpt attention and qnlckretail’ ‘CALIFORNIA BK. r 90-97* “ -------- " W. 8. Rash. Mgr... P. H. McCandless, ®*Jf04 (.All Banking Us ‘SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANCELES •* 5,700 $3 035440 $1447240 $ 423,720 $ 611,490 1 Sav. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F, (SIXTH AND B EACON BRANC H«: 99-1 222) 5.000,000 4,969,420 ] Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. tters promptly b andled. +Citlzens Bank.„.d®»t§’22 J. S. Gibson, Jr.... _ 109,710 $4902480 $ Ass't Mgr. (San Pe dro Bra nch:See HeadOffi ce, Los A ngeles, C alif.) C.M. Cason______ *150 par 100 90-995 •’ 500.000 40.000 Marine Branch (90-213): dB@«t'21; W. J. SERGEL, Mgr, L. C. STEPHENSON. A, Mgr, 3,210 128,230 76,610 6,130 48,930 Calif., ( Los A. (For Co mplete Report See Hea d Office , Los An geles, C alif.) San Pedro Branch (90-212): dB®«t'21; F W. HEALY, Mgr.-, A. R. HAWN, A. Mgr, •• San Pedro Clearing House L. S. Anderson___ W. S. Rash_______ F. W. Healy. (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr, Associate member by 4*»nn Rafael 8022 llarin Clfi AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-214 Edwin T. Coman, V.P. and Dist. Mgr. (San R afael B A. Dist, Mgr., A. C. and A. See. See Head Office, S an Fran cisco, Ca lif) T»t§’54 FOOTE, C.F. REINDOLLAR, BANK OF AMERICA fH.S. A. R. MARALL. 50000000 58 997 540 1 Ch. Adv.Bd. V. Ch. Adv. Bd. H. P.V.BOSTICK, Ch. Adv. Bd. A. Mgr. (San Ra fael Bra nch: & SAVGS. ASSN. NATL. TR. /r, 90-217 ®>t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl, LwiTH BANK O Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branch) “ -------- " H. S. FOOTE, —... " ■■■■ Mgr.and A. Tr. Off. Bank of San Rafael.d®»t|'72 M. J. Pedrotti____ E. B. McNear_____ W. P. Murray, A. C. Latno, 90-215 V. P. and Cash. A. Cash, and A.Sec. Wm. M. Crane, A. Cash, and A.See. First National Bank in San M. J. Pedrotti___ E. B. McNear____ W. P. Murray, A. C. Latno. Rafael....90-1128 • '?.% ■■■ SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IBk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. par 100 “ See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Cali /.) ■ V. P, and Cash. A.Cash, and A. See, Wm. Crane, A.Cash, and A. Sec. 100,000 163.320 2.747.180 2.287,470 508,900 9,000 205.140 A and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 100,000 96.432 770.450 694,010 ■■ William R. Staats Co 77.190 195,680 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. m O ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div *Santa Ana.30,322 L Orange P17 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. C. L. COTANT — BANK OF AMERICA "*TL T8'li?,ss®f^ (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Resources. Surplus Depos Other Bonds Loans Miscel Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties 50000000 58 997 540 (Santa Ana Bra Principal correspondents. Cash Sc ExCHANQIBjDcE prom Banks Guaranty Tr. Co.,N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. neb. See Head Offi ce, San F .. Calif,) .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE BATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branch) Commercial National Bank J. P. Baumgartner A. I. Mellenthin.. A. I. Mellenthin E. T. McFadden 90-190 d©T»t'28 par 25 S. H. Finley Farmers&Merch.SavinesBk. W. B. Williams-__ W. B. Tedford__ Alex Brownridee.. E. P. Stafford, A, C. 20% 90-1*6 ©i{’19 FIRST NATIONAL BARK 90-183 1340-18% par d®T»t'86 100 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK (A. J.CROOKSHANK. W. B. WILLIAMS.— W. R. WILLIAMS__ 1 Ch.of Bd.andPres. f.‘ E.’ FARNSWORTH C. L. PRITCHARD. Tr, Officer A.P.TRAWICK. And. H. L. HANSON L. B. ARMSTRONG. E. L. CRAWFORD. Santa Ana V. P. CInactive) OF LOS ANGELES 90-188 ‘Santa Barbara L 33,613 S. Barbara Oil F. J. WAS. A. Tr. Off. Mgr........ Leland Finley G. C. Brooks 200.000 .1. H. Metz gar. A. D. Collver 150.000 51,980 $1322 280 $ 50,000 S 684,020 $ 606.760 S 261.000 2,993,340 2,597,270 313,260 F. M. ROBINSON...... 750,000 406,940 10 941 510 495,830 6,846,200 3,459,730 C. M. ROWLAND “Benda s your S anta An a Items direct” F. H. CL0YES Remltt ed for p romptly on day ofpaym ent. J. L. BASCOM H. C. CHANEY. 79.790 $ 253,690 N. City, N. Y.; Seab. N., Los A. 50.620 443,200 W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; 1st N.. Santa Ana. 332,020 1,956,320 1st N.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; W. F. Bk.& Un. Tr. Co.. San F.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. A. Tr. Officer, A. F. CROWELL. Jr.. (Santa Ana Bra A. Mgr, nch. For Complete Report S ee Head Office, Lo s Angeles dB®T**’2S BANK0F AMERICA (90-1151) Estad o-Cota Branch*: H. S. HOUSE, Mgr.-, A. G. GALLOTTI, 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. (See H ead Office San Fra ncitco, C alif.) Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. , G.Y.BARBER.A.Jifpr WARNER ED MONDS. V. P. ®T»t’67 (90-1591 Santa Barbara Main O fflce.: (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch) PAXTON. P. S. BELFORD— E.B. STARBUCK, COUNTY NAT’L H. H. EDDY...... — J.. D.e-: S.ftLSBURY M. R. CLARK, G. D. CARPENTER E. W. ALEXANDER HELEN BANK & TR. GO. Attorney A Bd.Off. Tr. Officer 1M.N1 320,990 4.699,120 165,910 ',498,550 1,221,740 335,630 1,380,100 LOW.A.Sec $205-12% par 100 Send Your Items and Clients to Us. “THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE.” 90-156 dB®T»t’75 - - - - - HY. SANDERS.......... - C. T. FERRIS 'FIRST NATIONAL SETH A. KEENEY-— J,DONALDILDLOWSLEYMY MYRICK, R. E. LEWIS, j. E. TURNER • GILL ____C.POPE C. J. DUNNEBACK. CHESTER T. FERRIS TRUST AND Information Department SAVINGS BANK “Special ServiceforandTravelers.” V. P. and Tr. Off. A- Tr- And. 90-155 $225-10% par 100 300,000 304,340 4,872,820 200,000 2,715,970 1,943,660 295.230 722.310 COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES. dB®T*t’71 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. City, N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; A. & L. P. N. and Crocker 1st N., San F.jPsr.A Merch.N.,Loo A. W. GUNTERMANN. V.P. and Mgr, DWIGHT MURPHY. V. P. (Inactive) R. C. SMITHERAM. H. M. GENTRY, A. Mgr, Santa Barbara Tr, A. N. SMITH. A. Mgr. Off. and A. Sec, (Santa Barbar a Branc h. For Los Angeles, Chemical Bank & Trust Co., New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago First National Bank_________ Chicago California Bank_________ Los Angeles Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank.......... ........................ Los Angeles Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co., San Francisco Crocker First National Bank, San Francisco Complete Report S ee Head Office, Calif.) OF LOS ANGELES + 90-157 dB®T*t 22 SantaBarbaraClearingHouse (Members indicated by a *) Santa Clara..6302 Santa Clara H22 Warner Edmonds.. Wm. Guntermann . J. D. Paxton, Sec. and Mgr, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-867 H. L. Warburton, Ch. Adv. Bd. T*tS’54 R0BT. A. FATJ0. Mgr. W. W. KENVILLE. NATL. TR. & SAV. ASSN. 90-286 ®T<’67 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Santa Clara B ranch.S ee Head Office So n Frame iscc.Cca if.) Chase N. N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. A. Mgr. WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ranch. See Head Office, 8a n Franci sco, Cali /.)----- A. Sec. BANK0F AMERICA {Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) L. E. Kenny, C. N. Brady, (Santa Clara B Mgr., A. C. and A. Mgr, William r. staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 A.F\ atU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. iSantaCruz 14,393 Santa Cruz J6 aMem. A.B. A. «New §Stat,e fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts ;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. ®T*t’67 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued cashier. Vice President. Ass’T Cashier. ( (90-168) Santa East Sa •: W. M. CARMEAH. 1 (90-164) C ruz Branch*: F. D. BALDWIH. Ch, Adv.B d.-, < Mgr, and A, Tr. O /.; A. H. FOSTER. A, Mgr, Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonds Other Cash ft Ex Miscel changes Paid-up Surplus DEP08and and ,Do* and Liabiulaneous Discounts Securities from Banks TIES Profits $ S Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (See Hea d Office. San Fra ncisco, C t.g.McCreary (Formerly Bk, of Italy Natl.. LWITH BANK O F AMEBICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn, Branch) '* __ “ JOHN E. COSTELLA — ("B. L. SHARPE...... E. DAUBENBIS........ G.S. TAIL JR., V. P. and Cash. SESNON ^COUNTY-FIRST NAT’L BK. < Quick returns PORTER on Collections, 90-163 dB®T«t’75 150.000 186,350 $1 417 730 S 150,000 $ 807,730 $ 747,570 $ 102,920 J Any of your cl lents directed to us will be well taken care of. 10%+2% par 100 „ ...... •• ★Farmers &Merch.Nat’l Bk. P. T. Phillips_____ $250-10% par 100 90-167 d<’92 J. H. Garrett L. F. Hinds______ A. J. Thorp ............ F. P. Williams 100,000 •• ★PeoplesSavings Bk. ®»t5’92 P. T. Phillips, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, J.H. Garrett 90-166 $140-10% par 60 L. F. Hinds.. ___ A. J. Thorp______ F. P. Williams J. E. Costella........... „ *s,?iwr&m#F 10% 61,890 $ 286,880 1st N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker 1st N., San F.; Calif. N„ Sac.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. 671,650 454,730 228,370 54,720 100,000 98,570 1,260,270 1,066,420 242,090 58,660 156,250 148,890 2,711,470 2,028,670 673,690 94,190 V.P. and Cash. Porter Sesnon 126,750 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Tr.. San F. 91,650 Am. Tr. and Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. 220,050 Crocker 1st N., Anglo & Lon. P. N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr., SanF. 90-162 dB®T»t5'70 Santa Cruz Clearing House — T. G. McCreary.... (Members indicated by a ★) Santa Maria..7057 L S. Barbara M10 ------ BANK OF AMERICA Jr NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1165 ®T*t’22 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl, (.WITH BANK O 1 P CniRONi J. L. GLINES. J , F. P. and Mgr. 50000 000 58 977 540 (Santa Maria B ranch. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C ait/.) Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. F AMEBICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. Tr, & Savgs, Assn, Branch) M •< P. 0. TIETZEN. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Santa Maria V. P, (inactive) J. A. CARTER, Mgr,. L. C. PALMTAG, E. (Santa Marla B ranch. For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles') A, Mgr. T. DOYLE, A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-396 dB®T<’22 ★American National Bank N. S. Gandy37,146 par 100 90-1146 dB®*t’25 L Los Angeles014 C . ... . Santa Monica •BANK OF AMERICA R. K. Gandy F. S. Welch. ___ R. A. Rattles C n FRANCIS VANCE C.KIBBE, Afpr. 100,000 50,310 432,810 5,370 130,430 275,580 26,420 156,300 N. City. N. Y. 50 000 000 58 977 540 (Santa Monica Branch, See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C ait/.) Guaranty Tr.Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1030 ®T<’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMEBICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. (formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Trust & Savgs. Assn, Branch) ‘CALIFORNIA BK. “-------- 90-191 m ©»t§’93 •• .. H. J. Engelbrecht, H. E. Hudson, V. P. in charge l All Banking ma tters promptly ha ndled. Junior V. P. J. B. Curran, See Hea d Office L os Angele s, Calif.) A, Mgr. M. A. Relyea, A.S. W. A. Blackburn.— Kenneth Hills 116,600 Santa Monica Savings Bank F. R. Bain......... .. par 25 90-1261 d®»t§'28 R. Bruce Hunter— R. S. Hunter 100,000 37,360 1,287,980 2,890 399,490 200 (For Co mplete R eport Se e Head N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; 1st N., Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N.A., San F. 844,800 229,490 33,720 333,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 251,580 219,710 12,010 19,280 N. City. N.Y.; Cent.Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Sec.-lst N., Los A.; Am. Tr., San F. Max Markowitz Monica Branch (90-194)dB ®T*t’23 Santa Moni ca Blvd, and Fourth SECURITY-FIRST \(*Santa SLiV.B.GILLESPIE. Mgr.-, GEO. C. HAAS , A. Mgr, NATIONAL BANK ) 14th & Wllshlr e Branch (90-1307) B©t'29 1406 Wilshir e Blvd., LLOYD •• 5,000,000 4,969,420 A. Mgr. (Bank o f Santa Monica Branch. J. W. Mahood, 90-1175 OF LOS ANGELES .. f H. Michel.................. H. A. Keliler $130-8% par 100 .. *| Office, L os Angele s, Calif.) ISTRICKLAND.Mffr. Santa Monica Bay Clearing V. B. Gillespie — N. S. Gandy House (Members indicated by a )* LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. B. Harris, H. M. Eberle, Sec. and Mgr. S. G. Merritt, A.Secs.andA.Mgrs. ■■■■ ■■■ William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1/17 It-/ Resources. Liabilities. Town and Countt. •Mem. A.B.A.«New § State TPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦ Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond LLosAngeles Br. d-8afeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Santa Paula..7452 L Ventora N13 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA— Continued to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Bonds Miscel Loans Other Paid-up Surplus and and Liabili AND Depos its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties S S 50 000 000 58 997 540 W-L«W GEO W TIGHE.V.F BANK OF AMERICA JrM. L. STECKEL. Ch.Adv.Bd. B. F. LUNDEEN. & Principal D Chase N„ N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. Bee Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Cali /.) (Santa Paula B ranch. correspondents. Cash Ex changes, oe prom Banks Mgr. and A. Tr.Off. NATL.TR.& SAVGS. ASSN, 90-1154 ®T»+ 67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat'l Tr. & Savgs. Assn.) Citizens State Bk.__ d®»§’29 A. L. Shively-------- R. C. Hedrick J. M. Sharp, Ch. $25 par 25 90-1317 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. F. WALDEN. V. P. and Mgr, 100,000 58,040 $ 434,860 $ 11.100 $ 308,610 $ 111,150 $ 73,390 $ 110.850 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Crocker-lst N„ San F. (Santa Paula B ranch. For Com plete Rep ort See H ead Office , Los A.) C. C. TEAGUE......... R. E. COWDEN, L. 0. WEBSTER, A, Mgr. A. Tr. Off. M. G. MacMURRAY, A. Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-400 dB®T*t'24 ‘Santa Rosa 10,636 Sonoma H4 ♦ “ ------ “ R. M. Cook. H. B. Fetch, V. P.,A. Tr.Off. A. Cash, and A. Sec. and Mgr. ‘AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 90-196 H, S. Chase_______ (Santa See Head Office, So n Franci set, Cali Rosa Br anch. /•) T*«*54 Bank of America of California (Merged with Bank of America Nat'l Tr . & Savings Assn. S anta Rosa Branch) BANK OF AMERICA r 50 000 000 58 997 540 JOS. T. GRACE— G. E. MURDOCK, H. E. BLACK, A. V P. A. V. P. (Santa Rosa Br anch. 5 ee HeadO ffice. Son Francisc NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. GEO. R. CADAN. 90-195 ®T»t 67 A. V. P. . (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. o, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. T.; N. Bk. Rep., Obi. Tr. & Savgs. Branch) ‘EXCHANGE BANK (J.F- p.R. POYIF EDWARDS. 1160-#% 90-198 d©‘t§'90 < Sr. V. P. (.ONLY INDEPE par 100 J. W. CLARK F. J. POOL H. F. WILSON Border Bank_____ ddX§’26 Baron Long 90-1169 200,000 249,810 3,515.630 1,050 2,349,580 922,680 294,340 399,890 N.Ctty.N.T.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Calif. N„ Sac. 344,740 220 136,080 148,840 51,890 61,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. of Calif., Bk.of Am. N.Tr.&Sav. Assn., SanDiego; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. NDENT BANK — 1931 IS OUR 42nd YEAR Santa Rosa Clearing House. Frank P. Doyle ... (Members indicated by a *) L San Diego R18 $150-8% A. J. LeBARON_ _ _ W. C. WATSON_ _ _ _ W. C.WATSON. And. C. W. REINKING OTTO WISTUBA B. B. Morrow. Sec. and Tr. C. Berner, V. P. and Mgr. G. H. Langworthy. James Fung---------- 50,000 2,950 par 100 Saratoga...........519 Santa Clara J 6 AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-808 Satlcay-------- 620 l Ventura 0IS (Sarato ga Bran ch. See Bead Offi ce, Son T raneiset, Calif.) E, Lanphear. A. Cash., A. Sec. and Mgr. ®T*t’24 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Satlco y Branc h. ForC omplete W. R. DUVAL-------- CLAUDE A. HUNT* Report S ee Head Office, Lo s Angeles ) Mgr. OF LOS ANGELES 90-715 dB©Tt’24 LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mm | 1IMIvI AM rw 1 L.L. P C|T, 9 iHA l\l 1 Z (rtr\ * LI* PAC:ific COAST SECURITIES | llllllir-mi.iuir-s.i.i.iius I 40 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. eMem.A.B.A.«'New § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Sausallto____ 3667 Marin D 16 •• _____ •• Liabilities. President. Vice-President. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-663 Cashier. C. D. Owen, A, Cash, and Mgr. Ass’t Cashier. F. D. Linsley, A. Mgr. Resources. Lords Bonds Cash & ExPaid-up Subplus Depos Othep. Miscel chanqes AND RQd .Due and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts S«ouriti«fl laneous ntoif Banks ties (Sausal ito Bra nch. Principal Correspondents. S ee Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .) ©T<§’54 BANK OF AMERICA fM. T. YGNACIO. ) V. Ch. Adv. Bd. ©T*r04 (wiTH BANK O (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. $ $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Sausal ito Bra nch. J. E. PUNMETT. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1110 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued S ee Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif -) Bk. of Am., N. A., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Haw telle (See West Los Angeles) Scotia.............. 2024 First National Bank d®«t’l# W. M. Nelson------- A. S. Murphy.......... E. P. McKenzie___ .T. M. McCall Humboldt, D1 60,000 Seal Beach ...1156 California State Bk. d®M’22 W. D. Miller____ j n. ori L Orange R5 6% par 100 90-1022 J. J. Dennl 25,000 5,660 188.230 Sebastopol... 1762 Analy Savings Bk. .d®*tl'04 A. B. Swain_____ A. F. Cochrau____ H. B. Fuller_____ B. L. Maddoeks__ Sonoma H4 $150-8% 90-468 H. B. Fuller Thomas Silk. A. C. L. M. Petersson 75,000 47,720 866,990 100,000 34,800 562,000 75,000 72.900 642,590 50,000 72,000 780,000 *256-10% par 100 90-664 96,040 $ 896,270 $ 88,800 $ 530,600 $ 485,740 i 3,560 8,150 $ 116,610 Chase N.. N. T.i Crocker 1st N. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Bk. of Eureka, Eureka. 83,530 C&l, lS'l ri>, LOUS tiOtCui iiKi 01 Am, JN • XT* & Sav. Assn., Los A. 602,580 253,260 61,040 25,000 323,000 233,630 40,950 137,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 73,240 465,680 246,140 12,450 139,450 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Ex.. Santa Rosa. 594.990 185,850 35,000 72,820 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. par 100 •• _____ •• First National Bank... »t’92 W. W. Monroe___ G. P. McNear......... $140-8% ”-------- “ Sebastopol Nat'l Bk..®*t’18 A. B. Swain, $150-8% par 100 « _____ 90-469 •• 90-872 A. F. Cochran......... H. B. Fuller_____ B. L. Maddoeks__ L. M. Petersson Thos. Silk Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. B. Fuller G. N. Beck Sebastopol Savings Bk.®|'$9 W. W. Monroe___ G. P. McNear_____ E. N. Panlson____ 90-479 Selma............... 3047 Fresno E12 BANK0F AMERICA rc. W. CHRISTENSE NATL.TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. (with BANK O 90-427 ®T*t'67 {Formerly Bank of Italy Nall. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Shatter...............511 Kern M12 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-913 ®T«I'67 (with {Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Hi Mgr. and A. Tr. Off----------------------- 0 Chase N.. N.Y.; Oont. Ill-Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES INCALIF O RNIA. Mgr____ 50000 000 58 997 540 (Shafte r Branc h. See H ead Offic e, San Fr aneitco, Calif.) Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Sierra Madre.3550 Sierra Madre Savings Bank H. EL Allen_______ C. S. Kersting____ W. EL Ingraham.. M. F. Seetey_____ L Los Angeles F5 90-606 d®«t§’2Z LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Selma Branch. SeeHead Office, S an Franc itco, Cal if.) J. WILSON, bank W. J. JOHNSON. 28.870 Bk. of Oal. N. A.. San F. 47,500 56,820 650.470 William R. Staats 6,090 455,810 217,120 33,920 54,020 N. City, N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los and Pasadena PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED A. 149 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B.and-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Coonty. ‘County Seats. 12 Fed. lies. Dist. LLosAngeles Br. •Mem.A.B.A.^NewiDtatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦F ed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Solsna Beach...56 L San Diego Q18 BANK OF AMERICA r...........-...... Vice-President. President. r Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA— Continued Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loans Cash & ExSurplus Depos Otheb Miscel CHAnais,Dus Paid- dp _ AND and and Liabiliits Capital Discounts Securities laneous $ $ 4,000.000 2,436,550 (Solana Beach Branch n A M0YNF88. Mar. See He ad Office, Los Ange les, Calif .) Principal correspondents. ____ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 90-1141 dB®T*t§'67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. Calif. Branch) Monterey K8 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. 99-748 & SAV6S.®T*t’67 ASSN. c 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Soleda d Bran ch, P.H. SMITH, Mgr. and A. Tr. Off, 1ChaseN.. N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. Se e Head O ffice, San Francisc o, Calif.) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (.Formerly Bank of Italy Nat'l Tr. & Sav. Assn. Branch) _____ S 14.030 $ 352,490 25,000 253,220 $ 63.670 J 17.680 $ Harald Harkson... P. B. Montanaro... Solvent_______ 312 Santa Y nez Valley Bank L 8a. Barbara N10 tiso-io* par 100 #0-772 ®t*’18 ead Office a Branc h. See H , San Fr aiuiMco, Calif.) R. J. Pagan!______ (Sonom F. M. Burris, Mgr. J. A. Baccaglio. Sonoma 980 A. Mgr. Sonoma H4 56,960 i N. Tr. &Sav., Santa Barbara. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ♦ 90-754 “ _____ " T»t§’54 BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-887 Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. c 90-765 dB®T*t'67 (.WITH BANK O C. H. Segerstrom.. Rowan Hardin____ First National Bank G. T. Barron io% par 100 90-414 d®»t'04 J. E. Baer a* •• Tuolumne County Bank C. H. Segerstrom.. G. T. Barron 10% par 100 90-413 ®tl'98 J. E. Baer. V. P. Geo. A. Morgan___ Citizens Com’l Sav. Bk. Santa Cruz J6 431.25 90-1328 ©t§’30 Southgate_19,632 Firestone Park State Bank S. M. Dudlext____ F. J. Theriot______ J. J. Craig L Los Angeles 015 90-1299 d®§’28 •. .. Otis Fry---------------South Gate National Bank C. W. Welter, *200 par 100 90-1145 d®*J'25 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. J. Smith & BANK OF AMERICA r SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ik. of Am. N.A., N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. Los A.: 1st N.. Berkeley. i f 792.350 848.370 183,980 28,600 42,280 142,210 29,430 36,780 166.740 104.350 8.460 52.750 731,240 262,300 389,910 43,790 4,000,000 2,436.550 South P asadena Branch. (See H ead Office 150.000 115,980 2,548.510 75.000 63,040 1.015,750 50,000 10,000 190,700 J. V. Hogan............ L.F. Sandschulte— Mildred Disalet 50.000 10,540 271,080 J. S. Hunt................ 50.000 18,240 150,000 680 _____ 87,000 462,090 1. City, K. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.: Crocker 1st N. and A. &. L. P. N., 8an F. 92,830 Irocker 1st N., W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., 1.623,050 W. E. Burden____ G. A. Griffin. R. F. Odgers Kate S. Oneto R. F. Odgers_____ G. A. Griffin, A. C. Kate S. Oneto H. A. Wright.......... C, H. Wright_____ 0. R. CLANTON, Mgr. 90-1043 dB®T«I§’67 \ WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) .. Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. ». 9o.Pasadenal3.730 L Los Angeles 015 See Head Off. ce, San F rands co, Calif.) . 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Sonora Branch. See Head Office, L os Angel es, Calif •) 1 R RYAN. Mar. BANK OF AMERICA [.......................-----(Formerly Motherlode Nat.Bk.) it 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Sonom a Branc h. E A BOYE. ®T«t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Sav. Assn. Branch) Tuolumne H19 r and A. & L. P. N„ San F. Tr. Co.. San F.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 103,470 Jhase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. Los A. , , Los An geles, Ca Hf.) _ Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. C. M. CHURCH. V.P.andMgr. D. L. BRAINERD. A Mgr. R. W. MEATHERINGHAM, A. Mgr. (South Pasade na Bran ch. For Complet e Report See Head Office, Los Ange les) OF LOS ANGELES 90-265 Sooth San Fran cisco_______ 6193 San Mateo F17 M M dB®T*J'22 BANK OF AMERICA (G. W. HOLSTON. ) Ch, Adv, Bd. and A. Tr~Off. c. j. McDonald. Mgr. 50000 000 58 997 540 (South San Fra nclsco Chase N.. N.Y.; N.Bk. Rep., Chi. Branch. See Hea d Office, NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1080 ®T»I’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat'l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) H. I.. Hanker Bank of So. San Francisco I. H. Potter. *160-8% 90-869 d®B*tl'05 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. S. Lombardi par 100 R. N. Fonrcans 150.000 132,100 2,403,450 1,290,610 989,860 San Fra ndscos Calif.) 71,430 333,640 Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Am. Tr.. San F, St. Helena....1582 Bank of America of California (Merged with Bank of America Nat’l T rust & Savgs. Assn. St. Helena Branch) Mapa H5 .. Ui r» l\t 1 ILLiYLLL* 50 000 000 58 997 540 (C. H. GREENFIELD, F. L. ALEXANDER — ■ • n. ALtAAIIUtn. Mgr. A. Mgr (St. Hel ena Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice, San j Ch. Adv. Bd. L.G. CLARK ,A.V.P. J. J. BRUSH, A. Mgr NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. and A. Tr. Off 90-4371 ®T*t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE HATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l BANK OF AMERICA Francis co, Calif ) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 150 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. xCounty Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Feci. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond 12 Fed. Res. Dist. k Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President, Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued CARRIER. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Depos Other Loans Bondi Miscel Paid-up and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties Principal eStockton. _ .47,963 Bank of America of California (See Bank of Amer ica Natl. Tr. & Sav gs. Assn. Stockton Main Office) San Joaquin H 8 '(90-109) Stockt on Main Office*: A. 0. ROTHENBUSH, V ice-President; 50 000 000 58 997 540 i JOHN M. PERRY, V. P. and, Mgr,; 4. J. ZITLAU and E. J. WAIT, y. P. and A. (See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco) | Afprs., L. BACIGAL UPI,A. V. P. BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TRUST AND Hunte r Square Branch •: L. J. ROSSI, Mg r.; L M. WESTPHAL, SAVINGS ASSN. I.(90-104) A. Mgr. dR®T*t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. .(90-1193) East S Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) STOCKTON SAV. AND LOAN BANK *175-5% par 100 90-103 dB®T»M’67 Strathmore ...262 Tulare K12 200,000 50.000 639,000 $2 937 000 58,810 429,550 $ Ins. Cert E. L. WILH0IT. Ch. T.E. CONNOLLY_ _ _ R. L. ERERHARDT, J.F.McCLORY, 1,000,000 1,008,610 8,466,800 of Bd. and Pres. (J. G. GRUNSKY. V.P. and Cash. A. C. and Sec. V. P. ana Tr. Off. A. N. DRAPER P- S. SMITH W. T. LEWIS 11 232 000 II509 000 I 131,000 $ 904,000 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Crocker 1st N. Am. Tr. Co., and Bk. of Calif. N. A. San F. 532,090 11,660 16,300 21,690 6,940 1,926,310 2,165,300 445,040 945,690 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. 413,850 493,100 Chase N.. N. T.;Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur.-lst N. and Cal., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., and A. & L. P., San F.; Cap. N., Sac.; Cent. N., Oakland. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. LARGEST INDEPENDENT BANK IN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. COLLECTIONS GIVEN CAREFUL ATTENTION. ♦Union Safe Deposit Bank E. C. Stewart------- J. A. Plummer____ C. E. Stewart___________ 6% 90-108 d®Wi’06 Stockton Clearing House__ L. Wilhoit_____ J. M. Perry_______ L. M. Westphal. (Members indicated by a*) TUCKER HUNTER DUUN & CO. (Bk. of Am. Bldg.). Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. WITHB ANK O F AME RICA o PERAT ES 438 BR ANCHE SIN CA LIFOR NIA. ide Branch*: W. J. ARMANINO, Mgr.; E. P.PEIRANO, A. Mgr. ♦First National Bank Percy T. Clechorn. W. B. Natter____ 7. A. Oramblitt___ J. W. Brown____ *250-12% 90-105 d®T*t’73 A. E. Gregson J. K. Henry par 100 Stockton Morris Plan Co.*’17 J. M. Perry_____ C. Q. Wakefield... Chas. Finkbohner', A. B. Ellis, Sec.... $180-10% par 100 90-111 E. B. Fuld, Tr. y. P. and Mgr. correspondents. Cash ft Ex uha*gm,Dui prom Banks 375,000 61,030 2,067,470 15,000 1,029,440 530,100 Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F. INVESTMENT SECURITIES; STOCKS A ND BONDS Branch of Sa n Francisco SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. D. EGE, Mgr......... (Strath more Br anch. ARTHUR GARBEN, 4,000,000 2.436,550 For Com plete Rep ort see H ead Offic Los An geles) OF LOS ANGELES 90-804 Suisun City...905 Solano A21 dB®t’23 BANKOFAMERICA Mgr. .(Suisun 90-530 dB®T*+§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C California Branch) Bank of Suisun National As R. D. Robbins, Jr. F. S. Jones_______ P. E. Mertz______ C. E. Torp_______ 100.000 sociation..90-529.. d®*t'76 W. C. Robbins J. W. Kinloch *500-20% par 100 Sunnyvale.__3094 C.C. SPALDING, Mgr. C. H. FOREHAND. 50 000000 A. Mgr. (Suisun S. Clara H22 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-672 ®T »t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) BANKOFAMERICA «Susanville. ..1358 Lassen DIO G. H. TAYLOR, BANKOFAMERICA <rJULES ALEXANDER, Mgr. A. Mgr. 90-739 dB®T*t§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT California Branch) Bank of Lassen County F. E. Humphrey... C. B. Clark______ C. H. Bridges, *100-6% 90-673 d®»t5’92 J. B. Spalding y. P. and Cash, par 100 Sutter Creek 1013 Bank of Amador Co....... +§’09 (Branch)_________ 90-674 Amador H 8 ANGELES - PASADENA Digitized forLOS FRASER SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Branch. See Hea d Office, Los An geles, C alif.) ALIFO RNIA. 216,650 1,627,080 1,105,870 659,790 51,700 2,436,550 See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisco, C al.) 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Susanv ille Bra nch. 126,370 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; A. & L. P. N. and Am. Tr. Co., San F,: Cal. N„ Sac. Chase N„ N. Y.;lst N„ Chi. S ee Head Office, Los An geles, C alif.) Bk. of Am, N. A, and Chase N„ N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. N. G. Mathews, 200.000 70,890 1,416,060 Asst.Cash.<£ Sec. C. M. Hall F. J. Payne---------- (See Hea d Office, Jackson, Calif.).. r. 839,280 642,980 Staats Co 83,130 121,550 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk of Cal. N. A. and W. F. Bk. & D. Tr., San F.: Calif. N„ Sac. Crocker 1st N„ San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 ci Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. »Coanty Seats. 12 Fad. Res. Dist. L Los Angeles Br. •Mem.A.B. A. "New §State tPm. IMem. State B. Ass’n. TBstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Cask ft ExLoans ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and mnd cha*«m,I>d* and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous nos Ami ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Taft. ...3317 Bank of America of California (See Bank of Ameri ca Natl, Tr, & Sav, Assn, Taft Branch) Kern M12 BANK OF AMERICA r NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Lwith *9-708 ®T*t 67 H. bank o $ 50 000 000 58 997 540 E. CLARK, Mgr.. J. L. BYRNE. A. Mgr. and A. (TaftBr anch.Se e Head O ffice, Son Tr. Off. E, G. Hoffman......... L. C. Taylor, L. D. Bachelder, State Bank of Taft _d®*t§'22 H. F. Owen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. V. P. and Mgr. 1125 par 100 90-1028 TahaehapI____ 736 Bank of Tehachapi__ ©»t§’92 Phil Mart 178-6% par 100 90-676 Kern M14 Temeeula____325 First National Bank.. .d*t'14 Mahlon Tail_____ G. A. Burnham___ Hugo Guenther L Riverside P18 $195 par 100 90-819 D. D. Coughran___ I. M. Duvall______ Roy Teeters, Sec... Terminal Island California Bank...............»§'04 1046 90-1252 L Los Angeles 015 (Member of San Pedro Cleari ng House) L. N. Libby, E. R. Lindberg, Pro.-Mgr. Mgr. O. P.McCloskey... F. C. Rickey_____ Inez Gunnison......... Thermal........... 518 Coachella Valley State Bank J. W. Newman.__ W. D. Gibbs______ n s. Ward 90-MS d®t§’21 L Riverside P21 par 100 Tiburon______327 Marin D16 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Francisc o,Cal.) C. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 13,540 $ 922,790 $ 114,600 7,900 % 565,130 $ 267,870 S Br, Mgr. W. R. Powers____ Terra Bella___ 165 First National Bank...®*t’ll 90-677 Tnlsre L13 Principal Correspondents. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Temple City__ 400 Temple Nat ional Bankd®«'25 L Los Angeles 016 *200 par ioo 90-1143 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued .. . Esther Harhaugh.. D. Owe*, Mgr... Ben Sewell. A. Mgr. 56,930 $ 168,900 Chase N„ N. Y.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. 167.750 127,490 10,490 84,180 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; A. & L. P. N„ San F. 164,840 99,460 59,730 9,410 44,150 Secur.-lst N. and Bk. of Am.N.Tr. & Sav. Bk„ Los A.; Citiz. N.Tr. & Sav.. Riverside. 200,700 126,170 58,370 26,840 27,000 Cent. N. and Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 35.000 35,600 318,970 25,000 22,930 25,000 12,680 340 5,000,000 4,969,420 (Termin al Island Branch, Los Ange les, Cali /.)_____ N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr Co., Balt.; 1st N„ Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. 25,000 6,400 157,000 39,500 93,060 87,480 22,270 25,000 4,330 92,040 1,740 95,490 4.620 3,590 n- Belve dere Br anch. S (Tlburo ee Head Office Sa n Franci 25,070 Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F 19,410 Secur.-lst N., Los A. SCO, Calil.) ♦ 90-1137 ®TJ§’54 Tlpton______ 314 Tulare L12 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. 90-997 ®T#t’67 (r A. M. TRAVIS. .. Lwith bank o 50 000 000 58 997 540 Mgr.. (Tipton Brancb . Set H ead Office , San Fra ncisco, C cdif.) Chase N.. N. Y.; Co., Chi. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl Tr, & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Tommie*_____ 410 Marin H4 90-678___ ®T»t oi CHAS. J. C0NTINI, r NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSfl. \ BANK OF AMERICA Lwith 50 000 000 58 997 540 ( Tomale s Branc h .See He ad Office, Mgr. bank o San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Bk, of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (.Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) Torrance___ 7271 L Los Angeles R2 BANK OF AMERICA r NATL. TR. & Lwith 90-1009 J. W. LEECH, bank o Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 50 000000 58 997 540 Mar.. (Torran ce Bran ch.See H ead Offic e, San Fr ancisco, Calif.) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) J. Delninger.... G. Satchell First National Bank d@*t'l James W. Post___ par 100 E. C. Nelson_____ R. 90-800 50.000 111,880 898,020 48,980 507,550 409,780 61,590 129,970 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. Wm. Larsen. Traey. .3829 San Joaquin 17 (Tracy Branch. See Hea d Office, San Fra ncisce, C A. Sec. and Mgr. R. O. Becklund, A. Mgr. COMPANY A. R. ARNOLD. Mgr. ( A. GRUNAUERJ Ch. Adv. Bd. 90-459 ©. (.Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) Lwith LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bank o f and A. Tr. Off. America ope 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Tracy Branch. See Hea d Office, Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 1 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT - SOLD — QUOTED 152 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A. B. A. «New §State fPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist, L Los Angeles Br ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©8aY.$LastBale%Db. Nevada F10 Liabilities. PRESIDENT. OASHIEE. Vice-Pres i dent . ASS’T CASHIER. BANK OF AMERICA C. S B. WHITE, Mgr... ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) 014 $170-8% par Tulare.............. 6207 Tulare K12 100 , Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N , N V/ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-968 50,000 14,500 Geo. C. Buck W. E. DUNLAP, BANK OF AMERICA Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-949 Principal Correspondents. $ (Trucke e Branc h. See H ead Office Tnlnnga____ 2311 TnjungaYalleyBk. dB®«ti'21 Emil Kirchner___ H. J. Thomas_____ L. C. Shaffer______ P. P. Correll L Los Angeles J 50 000 000 58 997 540 NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-1077 Resources. Loads ther Bonda Cau k XiPaid-up Surplus Dbpos- LOiabili Miscel OHAB«aa,Dra And AND And Capital Profits rw Duoounta flaeuritias laneous num Baku ties (Closed February 27 .1930) Tranquillity.. .165 First National Bank. Fresno K10 Truckee __._1525 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., 9ee Laws. CALIFORNIA —Continued ®T*t 67 A. C. ROSENTHAL. $ $ 220,000 $ 160,000 $ 400,000 25,000 S 70,000 50000 000 58 997 540 A,Mgr, and A, Tr. Off. (Tulare Branch. See Head Office, Sa n Francie co, Calif. Gltiz. N. Tr. Los A. ChaseN.,N. & Sav., and N. Bk. of Com., Y.;Cnnt. HI. RkA Tr Co Chi ) (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l .WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Tr. & Savgs.Assn. Branch) SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK GEO. F. GILL, W. P. WILLIAMS. J.i. T. B. WHIPPLE, L. T. BROWN. W. W. FERGUSON, A. Mgr. WALTER MOLINE, Tulare V. P. (Inactive) Mgr. ALLEN.A. Afpr. (Tulare Branch. For Com pleteRepo rt See He ad Office, Los Ang eles.) OF LOS ANGELES 4 90-353 Turlock______ 4276 Stanislaus 19 dB©T*t 22 BANK OF AMERICA V, P, and Mgr, A. Mgr. 90-322 dB®T«!§’67 {Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) WITH BANK First National Bank in J. E. Weaver___ Turlock 90-446 ot’SO par 100 F AMERICA N.T *Uklah__...........3124 Mendocino F3 BANK OF AMERICA 90-406 ®T«t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. &. Savgs. Assn. Branch) W. S. Leinberger. 0. M. GRANT, Mgr. and A. Tr.Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., Calif.) & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ESINC ALIFO RNIA. Claus Johnson____ Roy E. Weaver___ H. R. Anderson___ Lester H. Shock John Dung tan ... HeadOffi ce, Los A ngeles, A. Mgr. Peoples State Bank__ d®§’07 J. E. Weaver_____ Claus Johnson___ Roy B. Weaver___ H. R. Anderson__ par 100 90-1324 L. H. Shock Security State Bank d®»t§’22 F. Knndsen___ E. A. Malmberg ... E. A. Malmberg... F. V. Rajcs_______ $136-#% par 100 90-992 A. P. Klint, Ch. C. H. Widlund, Sec. Otto Swanson, Tr. Esther Erickson Tustln................ 926 First National Bank ._®ot’ll O. A. Vance. 90-726 L Orange R7 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Turloc k Branc h. See 75,000 12,280 624,430 75,000 27,500 697,330 50.000 20,340 435,730 50,000 70,050 552,720 $ 1,130 207,760 257,000 248,080 410,700 302,750 58,850 27,630 Am. Tr. Co., San F. 100 236,690 157,760 12,820 98,890 Cent. Han.Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Crocker 1st N. and Pac. N., San F.; Calif., Los A. 50.000 306,400 188,540 24,850 202,970 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Oitiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. 50 000000 58 997 540 (Ukiab Branch. See Head Office,~Sa n Fraud SCO, Cali Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Tr. Co., Chi. /.) First National Bank.d®«t'74 H. T. Hopper-------- F. C. Albertson___ C. H. Duncan_____ R. E. Gibson 100 90-404 S. E. Mitchell 100,000 76,230 1,167,270 100,000 670,300 546,330 38,280 188,590 Chase N..N.Y.; A.&L.P.N.. W.F.Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., and Bk. of Oal.N. A.,San F.; Cal. N., Sac. Sav. Bk. of Mendocino Co. Ohas. M. Mannon, A. L. Tracy_______ Wm. Bromley____ O. R. Archer d®*t5’03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Miss F. C. Bull 100,000 94,220 1,311,530 590 821,360 462,590 72,360 150,060 Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y.; W.F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. and Crocker-lst N., San F.; Calif. N., Sac. $230-10% par 100 90-406 L SanBernard’o F8 & WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. *180-10% par Upland.............4713 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Am. Tr. Co., San. F. *BANK0FAMERICA 90-884 EARLW. PAUL R. C. NORTON, Mgr.. dB®T»i§’67 (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Uplan d Branc h. See Head O dice, Lo £ Angel es, Cali /.) Rk. of Am N. A. and Chase N- N, Y • Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. *First National Bank.®»t’06 Chas. V. Barr_____ A. Podrasnik_____ H. S. Wilson______ C. D. Da Vail_____ par 100 90-386 R.F. Lemon A. S. Barr (*Members of San Antonio Regional Clearing House, Chino, Calif •) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 103,610 1,345,410 52,390 464,940 677,140 William R. Staats Co. 35,470 373,850 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Secur.-lst N.. Los A.; A. & L. P. N., San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED ICO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. | tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond LLos Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel chasoib and and and .Duk L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties Upper Lake.__ 520 Bank of Upper Laked®»t§’21 J. A. Yonngreen... Geo. W. Johnson.. Marion Y.Bucknell J.A.Youngreen, Tr S Lake F4 $125-6% par 100 90-965 R. H. Sneed, Ch. J. B. Baker Cash, and Sec Vacaville.......... 1556 Solano H6 BANK OF AMERICA E. J. COX, Mgr, and A. Tr.Off f NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-473 ®T«t'67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branch) __ " First National Bk. ._d©»t’10 $225-14% par 100 90-474 " M Vacaville Savings Bk._®ti’10 $225-14% par 100 90-475 Vallejo-------- 14.476 Bank of America of California Solano BIB Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CALIFORNIA—Continued 25.000 $ 11,270 $ 210,480 $ 5.000 I 99,730 1 120,180 $ 12,840 $ Principal Correspondents. 18,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. San F.; Sav.Bk. of Mendocino Co.. Ukiah. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Vacavl lie Bran ch. See Head Offi ce, San F rancisco, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont.Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ) (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. W. B. Attkisson .. S. P. Dobbins W. B. Attkisson S. P. Dobbins M. W. Brazelton 50,000 41.760 307,130 60,000 167,450 25,000 50,200 418,550 3,750 359,140 ___ 27.100 32,450 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. San F. Calif. N.. Sac. 89,490 48,870 Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. (See Bank of Ameri ca Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Vallejo Bra nch) BANKOFAMERICA \c............. ..................... 50 000 000 58 997540 (First-C entral 0 f Valle jo Bran ch. See Head Offi ce, San F randsco% Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. V. P. and Mgr. & Tr. Co.. Chi. i SUSS. ASSN. Calif.) 90-153 ®T»t’67 (-WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES.438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Nut’l Tr. dfc Savgs. Assn. Branch) Mechanics & Merchants D. Foley............... Chas. N. Bessac___ 100,000 44.530 469,510 268,700 13,480 32,710 Chase N., N. Y.; Capitol N., Sac.; A. & L National Bank _„dB®»t’29 H. L. Freudenberg P. N., San F. $40 par 25 90-1316 NATL. TR. •• '* “ VALLEJO COM’L NATIONAL BANK ®»’70 r 90-154 Valley Ford___ 162 Sonoma H4 T. J. O’HARA......... - B. C. BRYNE______ C. F. GEORGE......... - L.J. BUSSBOOM C. F. GEORGE G. H. MORAN R. 0. WATKINS 100,000 160,520 1,488,770 . 90-680 dB®T»t§’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C (f ormerty Bank of America of California Branch) r.................................. 1. H. MALIN, Mgr. .. 50 000 000 Van Naya___ 4,037 (Van N L Loo Angeles P2 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE NATL. TN. i SAVGS. ASSN. RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 16-195 ®T»'67 (formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) •a f_________________ W. E. Chisholm. Ralph H. Peterson, 5,000.000 Jr., V. P. and Mgr. A. Mgr. (Van N 1 All banking ma tters promptly ha ndled. 90-728 ®»I§’04 BANKOFAMERICA CALIFORNIA BK. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 111,250 312,900 Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F. and Los A. J. D. WILLIAMS......... C. A. LeBARON’ A. M. J. BAD ASHE* 4,000,000 2,436,550 B. B. HINSHAW A. Mgr. Valley Ford Br auch. Mgr. BANKOFAMERICA 349,190 See Head Office, L os Angel es, Calif. ) Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. ALIFO RNIA. 58 997 540 uys Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice% San Francisc 0, Calif.) 4.969,420 uys Bra nch. S ee Head Tr. Co.. Chi. Office, Lo s Angele s, Calif.) C. C. BOWERMAN. F. N. HIGH. A. Mgr. (VanNu ys Bran ch. For Mgr. i II aJO (T Chi.; Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt. Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. J OF LOS ANGELES 90-729 dB®T»t’26 Venice-------- 23.100 L Los Angeles Q2 •• BANKOFAMERICA \f NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O J. MILLER, Mgr..... A. E. GLAD, A. Mgr. 50000 000 58 997540 (Venice Branch . See Hea d Office, F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-982 ®T»t'67 {formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) ♦First National Bank _d*t’12 W.D. Newooesb.Jr. E. K. Carrier.......... E. K. Carrier_____ 0. J. Colo.................. 50,000 $200 par 100 90-713 F. J. Hefele SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK . H. MEBTEL,A4#r........ M. E. AIIITAGEi A. Mgr. 11,000 550 noo San Fra ncitco, C alif.) 190.000 155.000 69,200 Chi. 126.800 Assn, and Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Dn. Tr. Co.. San F. (Venice Branch . For Co mplete R eport See Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles) OF LOS ANGELES .. 90-766 dfl®Tt’23 Venice Barings Bank $200 90-681 dB©*ST3 ♦Washington Commercial & Savings Bank.... d®»+§'27 par 100 90-1206 (*Member Santa Monica Bay ff. D.Newcomb Jr. E. K. Carrier_____ E. K. Carrier_____ r. L. Fleming. W. G. Driver_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 25,000 24,760 401,210 50,000 3.800 309,000 700 341.220 73,780 18,360 18,310 115,000 165,000 15,410 59,000 N. Tr. & Sav., Los A eab. N. and Bk. of i Assn,, Los A. Clearing Bouse) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO H. Clarke Trigg___ SAN DIEGO William R. Staats Co. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 154 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD OOUMTT. oMem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. 12 ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SefeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Ventura._ 11,432 L Ventura 012 — BANK OF AMERICA PRESIDENT. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. JOS. M. ARGABRITE. V. P. and Mgr___ ANDREW W. OLSEN. A. Mgr. (Formerly Bank of America of ( Avenue Branch (90-345): LAVERNE SPAFFORD. Mgr. California Branch) BANK OF AMERICA TE. P. FOSTER,F.P. G. W. TIGHE- _ _ J. A. LAG0MARSIN0, L. E. YOUNGGREN. (Ventura Count y Branch (90-344); dB©T»t§’67 Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-842 <s>T*r67 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Other Loam Bonds Miscel Cash & ExPaid-up Surplus D epos and and AND chahgu,Dt72 Liabili Capital Profits its Diacounts Securities laneous prom Banks ties $ t 4.000.000 2,436,550 (See Hea d Office, L os Angel es, Calif, Principal Correspondents. ____ Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N„ N. Y., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. COMBI NED BA NKS OP ERATE 438 BRA NCHES IN CALI FORM A. 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Ventur a Branc h. SeeH ead Offic e, Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. San Francis co, Calif. > (.COMBINED BA NKS OPERATE 4 38 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr, & Savgs, Assn. Branch) DUVAL_____ UNION NAT. BANK T.W. G.H. GABBERT, Ch. tl«0 par 100 90-1177 dB®T«T’26 Vernon............ 1269 L Los Angeles 015 E. C. COREY. Exec. V. P. •• »* 110,150 $1295 080 i 205,180 S 607.050 $ 914,790 S 36,040 S 252,530 J. P. THILLE BANK OF AMERICA |r C. V. BECWAR, Mgr. L. G. CROPPER. 50 000 000 58 997 540 A, Mgr. (Verno n Branc h. See HeadO tRce, Sa n Franc isco, Ca lit.) (Lot Angeles P.0.) NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-848 200,000 H. M. WALKER, JR.- d©T»t 67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. California Branch) L. M. Gray_____ J. B. Leonis.___ J. J. Doyle _____ AT, Hill FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. F. Jennings 90-878 d(5>tT9 J. B. Leonis, Jr., W. J. Boyle Assi. to Pres. F. E. Burger First National Bank d®»t’17 J. C. Turner______ G. A. Marsh........... P. B. Marsh_______ 90-860 R. A. Drais LSan Bernard’oNlfc 1220-10% par 100 ‘Visalia_ _ _ _ _ 7263 Bank of America of California (See Bank of Americ a Natl, Tr. & Savgs. Assn., Visalia Bran ch) 25,000 25.000 235,310 2,329.930 28,200 357,890 390 1.204,910 756,440 10,200 60,220 137,680 281,240 11,950 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Tr. Co. and Crocker 1st N., San F.; Secur.-lst N.. Los A. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N.. N. Y. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 619,070 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Chi.; Bk. of Am. N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Citlz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. Tr., San F. 40,430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Am. N., San Bernardino. Tulare K12 “ A.A.FLUETSH, BANK OF AMERICA ____ _ _ NATL. TR. Mgr. and A, Tr. Off. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-267 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) M - ------- M SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. R. BARBONI. V. P. and Mar. 0. OVERALL, v. p. B. 1. JULIUS B. NIELSEN. Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Visalia Branch. See Head Office, Sa n Francis co,Calif.) HESSE, A.V.P.and A. Mgr. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. W. R. SPALDING. (Visalia Branch. F.e. BARBONI, For C omplete R eport See Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles) Visalia V. P. C. ROY FOUCHT, (Inactive) A, Mgrs. OF LOS ANGELES 90-269 dB®T*t 22 Vista_______ 250 First National Bank.d®»t'28 A. E. Bennett...... S. C. McCurdy___ W. C. Bissinger._ F. R. Myers_ _ _ _ _ 90-1253 L San Diego R18 par 25 Walnut Creekl014 Contra Costa D21 r J. A. MITCHELL. BANK OF AMERICA { Mgr. and A.Tr.Off. NATL TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-682 J. A. WASSON. 25.000 2.470 258,560 74,740 4,400 132,730 74,150 Secur.-lst N.. Los A. 50 000 000 58 997 540 A. Mgr. (Walnu t Creek Branch . See He ad Office. San Fra ncisco, C alif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. ®T«t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. <fc Savgs. Assn. Branch) Walnut Grove.631 Bank of Alex. Brown John S. Brown .... A. A. Brown_____ A. C. Schumacher. Stanford B. Brown d®«t§’16 Sacramento H7 8% par 100 90-683 Walnut Park.6000 L Los Angeles 016 (Hungt’nParkP.O.) •• Wasco______ 720 Kern M12 BANK OF AMERICA Jc 90-1220 ____ E. C. SCHULZ. Mgr.. 125.000 4.000.000 2,436,550 (Walnu t Park B ranch. dB®T#t§'67 555,650 1,075,340 187,800 1,539,130 16,440 204,500 N.City, N.T.; Calif. N.. Sac.; W. F. Bk. Un. Tr., San F. Head O ffice, Lo s Angel es, Calif -) & Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA N.T. & S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BRANCH ES IN C ALIFO RNIA. California Branch) *Walnut Park Nat’l Bank M. A. Patterson... W. H. Guest__ __ D. R. Colegrove__ 1250-8% par 100 90-993 dB®*t’22 D. R. Colegrove (*Af ember of Huntington Par k Clearing House) BANK0F AMERICA c NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-745 ®T»1’67 (with bank o (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs, Assn. Branch) Waterford___ 11C Commercial & Savings Bank A. A. Galt $125 par 100 90-935 dB®»t§’20 Stanislaus 19 Digitized forLOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 32,920 1.843.500 50 000 000 J.F. W.VBBA Mgr... 91,410 58 997 540 (Wasco Branch. See Hea d Office, 1,072,190 585,860 111,420 298,360 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Calif. 1st N., Long Beach. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.:Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. San Fran eitco, Ca Hf.) F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. S W. A ypr V. A. Spoonemore.. 30.000 8,760 192,080 144,570 William R. Staats Co 26,250 21,600 38,420 Crocker 1st N., San F.; Modesto Tr. & Sav., Modesto. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES DAIIAUT cm n AiiATrn ICC i. J J Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD COOMTT. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPrir. »Oonnty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dis. L Los Angeles Br. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Watsonville ..$344 Santa Ornz J6 BANK OF AMERICA President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued VICE-PRESIDENT. c...... .......................... CASHIER. Ass t Cashier. 1 DUNN VAN GIESEN. Mgr. HARLOW B. FORD. NATL. TR. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Othek Miscel Garb * BxD upos Paid-up Surplus and and LiabiliAND ITB Discounts Securities laneous vmoM Banks Capital Profits TIES % 50 000 ©0 58 997 540 (Watso nville B ranch. See Head & SAVGS. ASSN. < A. Mgr, 90-280 ©T»t 67 ) (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. (.with bank o F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. '* •• “ •• Tr. Savgs Assn. Branch.) & 90-281 J. S. Doadero........H. V. Kadderly d«tl’88 F. D. Barwash, Watsonville Clearing House Act’g (Member* indicated by a*) Sec. West Berkeley D17 (Bee Berkeley) West Hollywood Republic Bank.........d®»t§’22 F. M. Douglass___ W. G. Culbreth___ F. M. Douglass. JrH. E. Fisher (Loe Angeles P. 0.) West Los Angeles 5031 (Sta, Los Angeles) L Los Angelos Q 2 •• •* M 100,000 88,750 1,329,030 2,540 638,740 l 121,880 i 603.870 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.;Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co„ Chi.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. 1,722,350 293,940 103,750 232,880 Irving Tr. Co.. N. Y.; W. F. Bk.& Un.Tr. Co., and Am.Tr. Co..San F. 881,480 413,080 51.060 172,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur.-lst N.. Lot A.; Wells Farge Bk. ft Union Tr. Co.. Sah F. 65,000 100,000 26,250 40.000 Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. 4,300 90,130 Guaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Cap. N., Sac.; NAT. C.GREEN.-Mpr- M. 0. BANOWETZ. 25,©0 6,250 200,000 50,0© 49,410 830,800 60,000 298,940 596,840 75,000 11,240 619,480 2,910 336,280 171,690 67.830 132,820 Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; Cal. N., Sac. 75,©0 25, ©0 666,120 268, ©0 277,©0 86,950 134,170 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Secur.-lst N., Los A. (Sunset Branch. 90-1318) Anglo ft Lon. Parii N.. San F. 50 000 0© 58 997 540 A, Mgr, (West L os Angel es Bran Ch. See Head Offi ce. San F rancisco, Calif.) NATL. TR.& SAVGS. ASSN. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. ®T»t 67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. <fc Savgs. Assn. Branch.) CALIFORNIA BANK •<r 90-402 •• B. F. Shrimpton... Harold L. Molony. D.K. Noble ............ BANK OF AMERICA Jr 90-1006 99,130 2,181,250 % G. J. Sherman W.H. King_______ 2515 par 25 90-1044 (8921 Santa Monica Blvd.) L Los Angeles 015 West Hollywood First Nat’l Bank—90-665„dB®*t’07 $100 (8811 Santa Monica Blvd.) 70,000 49,150 SI 411920 See. and Tr. »Weavervllle.. .824 Trinity County Bank Mrs. E. C. Edwards H. Gray..................... Trinity D8 6% par 100 KhW ®.:ilM0 .T. M. White 190,580 82 436 690 i H. V. Kadderly, Watts............. 14.100 Farmers & Merchants Bank Paul Blythe, Exec. (£« Am/tUt P. 0.) 11*5-15% J. W. Siler 90-684 d®»tl'll W. J. Church. L Los Angeles Q3 par 100 Jr. Exec. V. P. Weed________ 1525 First National Bank Siskiyon 01 par 100 90 614 100,©0 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co..Chi. Office, S an Franc isco Cali /.) H. V. Kadderly *Pajaro Valley Saving* Bank C. A. Palmtag____ J. K. Porter_____ S7o-6% par 100 .. L. H. Lopes. C. A. Palmtag------*Pajaro Valley Nat. Bk. 1210-1*% 90-282 dB®»t'88 par 100 Principal Correspondents. B. M. Power, Uyr. H. T. Robinson, ®*J§’04 ( All Banking ma tters promptly h andled. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK J0HN lsteinbarger, Mgr. 5,000,000 4,969,420 Pro. Mgr. (West L os Angel es Bran ch. See Head 6 ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) J.F. RINGER, A. Mgr, N.Oity, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Balt. Tr.Co.. Balt.; 1st N„ Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. (West L os Angel es Bran ch. For Complete Report S ee Head Office, L os Angeles) OF LOS ANGELES + 90-403 dB®T*t 26 Westmoreland 321 L Imperial Q22 G. D. WALKER, Mgr. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Westm orland For Co mplete R eport See Head O ffice, Los Angeles) Branch. OF LOS ANGELES 90-879 dB®t 23 Westwood ....4356 Westwood National Bank W. J. Walker___ F, T,, Walker Lassen D8 90-937 d®*t*20 Wheatland ....479 Yaba at BANK0F AMERICA NATL. TR. & SAVGS. BANK •6-488 ®T«I’67 TFRICE BLACKFORD. ) Ch.Adv.Bd. IwTTH BANK O (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch.) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. W. Koerner .. Bert Bain RAY S. WILLIAMS. Mgr. and A.Tr. Off. 50,000 20.640 48,©0 796,480 176,210 139,670 N. City, N.Y.; Anglo ft Lon. Paris N.. San F. 598,730 50 000 ©0 58 997 540 (Wheatl and Bra nch. See Head Offi ce. San F rancisco, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Sanaa \. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED i Cc ijO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. Vice-President. President. BANK OF AMERICA 90-272 r F W HADLEY IMwLn.t. dfl®T*+§’67 (.WITH BANK O L C WICKER. Mgr. W. E. FRANTZ, „ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Cash A ExSurplus Depos Other Loans Bonds Miscel CHAVCM'Dni Paid-up and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous raoM Banks ties $ Whittier.... 14.822 L Los Angeles 016 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued $ 4,000,000 2,486,550 Bank of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Whlttl er Bran ch. See Head O ffice, Los Angeles, Calif.) S.A. OPERAT ES 438 BBANCH ES IN C ALIFO BNIA. A, Mgr. & (Formerly Bank of America of California Branch) C.E.CLARKSON. Mgr. A. M. MEYERS, SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS AN 90-911 HOMER F. SIMMONS, ( Whlttl er Bran Ch. For complete report se e Head O ffice, Los Angeles) A. Mgr. A. Mgr. LEON A. WEST, A, Mgr, dB®T*t’2B WHITTIER L. NATIONAL TRUST fct Mt~ H.W.E.DEMAREST BUTLER. fe SAVINGS BANK MfcSAWYER-------- Ch. of Bd. _ M. A. MacLEAN--------- S. G. BREES—........ Ci C. MORGAN 300,000 243,560 $3604820 $ 100,000 $2328690 $1248 000 $ 159,400 $ 512,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo Bk. A Un ion Tr. Co.. San F.; Far. & Mereb. N., Los A. V. P. and Tr. Off. 90-273 dB®T»*’05 Send Us Tour Whittier Items Direct for Prompt Personal Attention. (Merger of Whittier National Bank and Home Savings Bank) Williams_____ 851 Golnsa 05 BANK0F AMERICA ............... - H. C. STOVALL, Mgr. H. A. ATWOOD. 4,000,000 2,436,550 (Willla ms Bra nch. See Head Offi ce. Los A ngeles, C alif.) A. Mgr. 90-689 dB®T»t»’67 (Formerly Bank of America of (.WITH BANK O F AMEBICA N.T. & S.A. OPEBAT ES 438 BBANCH ES IN C ALIFO BNIA. California Branch) W. H. Baechtel J. E. Tuck_______ 50.000 W. H. Baechtel 61,340 596,340 WlUlts______ 1424 Bank of Willits........®«ti’04 B. O. Johnson 12% par 100 90-690 Mendocino F3 Leta L. Noonan.... First National Bank..®*i’14 O. M. Mannon......... W. H. Baechtel___ M. H. Haskett. Cash., Sec. and Tr. par 100 90-82* 4 Willows____ 2024 Glenn F5 Bk. of Am. N. A, and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. W. BANK OF AMERICA K. HATCH. 50,000 17,520 50 000 000 58 99.7540 (Willow s Branc h. Mgr. and A. Tr. Off. 241,420 See 100 256,520 296,350 27,090 50,000 73,010 221,260 12,570 127,830 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Canadian Bk. of Com., and Bk. of Calif. N. A., San F. Crocker 1st N., San F. 52,100 Head Offi ee, San Francisc o, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS..ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMEBICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. 90-478 ®T»t 67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat’l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) C. F. Byrd________ C. R. Wlckes______ E. M. Garrison ___ P. R. Merrill 200,000 First National Bank ddM’10 F. E. Brenneman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 90-477 H.G. Rawlins_____ Lehr Colville_____ 75,000 *BANK0FAMERICA (c E. E. EDWARDS. Bank of Willows - d®T«ti'80 F. J. Levy 90-476 par 100 194,100 1,776,700 32,300 480,360 25,000 1,428,200 579,300 91,600 96,700 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Bk.of Calif. N. A.. San F. 74,440 307,740 306,440 9,400 38,520 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.; Calif. N„ Sac. $125-6% Wilmington .12120 LLos Angeles P15 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Wilml ngtonB ranch. Mgr. See Head Office, Sa n Franci sco, Calif .7 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMEBICA OPE BATES 438 BBAN CHES IN CALIFO BNIA. 90-1016 ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Nat'l Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) 'CALIFORNIA BK. 90-979 c Paul Eubank, Don C. Fohl, Mgr.. L. H. Thee, Junior V. P. ®»t§’04 (AH Banking M atters promptly handled. Citizens National Tr. &Sav. Bk. of Los Angeles ©T*t’26 90-1180 SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5.000.000 4,969,420 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Balt. Tr Co.. Balt.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F. (Wilmin gton Bra nch. See Head Offi ce. Los A ngeles, C alif.).__ Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st Un. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Crocker 1st N.. San F.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. Pro.-Mgr. (Seaboa rd Bran ch. See Head Offi ce, Los A ngeles, C alif.) W. D. Bower, Mgr. ROBT. B. KNOX. Mgr. ALBERT W. DEWALT. A. Mgr, (Wilml ngton B ranch. For comp lete repor t see Hea d Office, Los Ange les) OF LOS ANGELES 90-1026 dB®»t’22 Wilmington Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) Digitized forLOS FRASER ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D. C. Fohl, Mgr.__ ■■■■SHMHK■■■■ William R. Staats Co. BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED 1 C7 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Los Angeles Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Windsor______ 495 Sonoma G4 Winters...............896 Yolo H6 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. F. J. Pool, V. P. and Mgr 90-1133 Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Loam Other Bonds Miscel Cash A Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and AND , Dv its Capitai Profits Discounts Securities laneous changes from Banks ties Miss M, E, Goddard (Branch of Santa Rosa, Ca Uf.)____ % BAKER. J. R. GRIFFIN, F. R. LEWIS, BANK OF AMERICA JfW. S. Ch. Adv, Bd. V.Ch.Adv.Bd. Mgr, and A. Tr. Off NATL. TR. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Principal correspondents. N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. % 50 000 00C 58 997 540 (Winter s Branc h. See If ead Offic e, San Fr ancisco, & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-502 ®T»t’67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. Calif.) Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Sargs. Assn. Branch) Frank F. Judy W. W. Stark . R. L. Niemann, Sec. Winters National Bank F. M. Wyatt. 137.50 90-1306 d®«f29 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 25 Woodlake_____ 320 First National BankdB®*t’12 J. H. Blair.. . Tnlare K13 ‘Woodland ..5542 Yolo GO 50,000 A. P. Hanry 25.000 $110-6% par 100 90-777 (J. D. HARLING, BANK OF AMERICA 1 Ch. Adv. Bd. C. E. GRUHLER. V. P. and Mgr. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. 90-331 R. H. SGHLUER, 26.500 $ 244,880 $ 4,530 130,730 25,020 $ 156,530 $ 122,080 $ 6,460 84,880 49,590 23,010 S 44,770 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Calif. N. and Capital N., Sac. 3,550 28,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F.; Los A.-lst N. Tr. & Sav.. Visalia. 50 000 000 58 997 540 Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Woodl and Bra nch. Se e Head O ffice. 8 an Francisc 0, Calif.) A. Mgr. and A.Tr.Off. ®T«t'67 (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. & Savgs Assn. Branch) .. Bank of Woodland National E. W. Armfield.__ J. I. McConnell ... Association________ ®»’68 L. H. Stephens par 100 90-328 P. T. Laugenour H. D. Porter 200.000 “ Bank of Yolo_____ d®«t5’83 G. N. Merritt.__ $150-8% 90-330 par 100 E. B. Hayward ___ J. A. Harby F. S. Lawhead........ I. C. Eiers » Yolo County Sav. Bank®5'91 E. W. Armfield.... J. I. McConnell___ 90-329 L. H. Stephens, P. T. Laugenour 659,840 200,000 596,960 362,550 1,110 224.730 N. City, N, Y.; Crocker 1st N„ San F.; Calif. N„ Sacramento. 330,000 87,900 2,278,200 1,660 2,017,650 385,450 99,090 195,570 Laidiaw & Co„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Bk. of Calif. N. A.. San F.; Calif. N.. Sac. E. C. Cooper_____ 200,000 216,680 2,561,730 2.157,810 383,800 138,290 298,510 Calif. N., Sac.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Yerba Linda..700 First National Bank.d®«t’16 J. W. Hargrave, A. P. Yerington... A. P. Yerington... Margaret Johnson par 100 90-851 L Orange P17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25.000 177,070 72,190 8,000 •• .. _____ 125,520 V. P. Siskiyou B5 BANK OF AMERICA NATL. TR. , r E. V. HARMON, 22,100 269,870 50 000 000 58 997 540 (First S iskiyou County Branch. Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. & SAVGS. ASSN. (.WITH BANK O F AMERICA OPE RATES 438 BRAN CHES IN CALIFO RNIA. 90-479 ®T«f’67 59,700 Secur.-lst N„ Los A. See H ead Offic e, San F rands co, Calif.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. Tr. Savgs. Assn. Branch) •• ________ «___ First National Bank in Yreka E. C. Frishie W. W. Barham, $37.50 par 25 90-1311 dB®«t’29 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. >Yuba City ..3605 Sutter G7 BANK OF AMERICA E. C. LITTLETON. r............................. (formerly Bank of America of California Branch) fC. R. BOYD, l Ch. Adv. Bd. NATL. TR. & SAVGS. ASSN. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 314,930 (Sutter County Branch 25,000 144,540 203,740 25,190 See He ad Office, Los Ang ties, Cali f.) 36,470 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Bk. of Am. N. A. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. NKS OPERATE 438 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. 50 000 000 58 997 540 (Yuba City Br ancii: S DUNNING RIDEOUT, T. P. COATS. JR., V. Ch. Adv. Bd. Mgr. and A. Tr, Off, GE0.T.B0YD.A.F.P, E. T. HUGHES. se Head Office, Sa n Franci co, Cali f.) Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. A. Mgr. 90-1120 ®T»t’67 (Formerly Bank of Italy Natl. [combined BA NKS OPERATE Tr. & Savgs. Assn. Branch) LOS ANGELES - PASADENA SAN FRANCISCO - SAN DIEGO 50,000 4,000,000 2,436,550 Mgr. 90-748 dB®R§’67 (.COMBINED BA BANK OF AMERICA Jas. A. Thomas.... II | W ILL. 138 BRANCHES I N CALIFORNIA. 1AM R. S>Ti iTi> (DC>. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES I BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED I 158 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow* AMD COUNTY. ^County Seats. State in No. 10 9. R. Dlat. Den. Br. sMem.A.B.A.nNew5StatetPriv. (Mem. Stat* B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. CASHIER. Liabilities. Resources. Loans thpr Bonds Miscel OAsa k Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and cia*«m,Dui its Capital Propits Discount* Securities laneous from Bank* ties { Agate State Bank— d®«t8’18 Alfred A. Storey .. D. M. Sultz_____ par 100 82-389 Elbert H18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO 10.000 % 4.610 t 62,000 Edna B. Clark____ Mary Wenig______ 30,000 10,930 343,240 S H. W. Zacheis.—. J. L. Ginder______ 25,000 13,380 $ 52,000 i 1,200 S 8,500 * Principal correspondents. 14,910 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr, Co.. Den. 15.210 180,720 115,160 10,900 92,600 U. S. N. and Int’l Tr. Co., Den.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Oma. N.. Oma. 560,120 6.250 180.060 272,460 9,100 143,130 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; 1st N.. Kan. C. and Pneblo. 50,000 55,050 1,008,460 58,230 690,440 239,250 13,820 228,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Western N., Pneblo; 1st N. and Den N„ Den. 20,000 10.000 235.000 165,000 15,000 10.000 15,220 62,300 41,900 24,280 2,380 28,950 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. H. C. Meyers ...... 25,000 6,390 142,680 74,890 34,320 18,700 46,170 U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. E. E. Benjamin.... J. W. Farris 25.000 12,030 361,320 183,150 110,740 17,250 93,450 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. 25.000 21,410 376,870 116,870 224.460 5,510 76,430 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Pueblo; 1st N., and Colo, N„ Den. J.D. Sivers_______ 25.000 35,480 416,640 28,500 284,210 101,890 16,400 103,120 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Colo. N.. Den.; 1st N.. Oma.; Stk. Growers N., Cheyenne, Wyo. J. F. Gilligan_____ 25,000 7,190 459,980 23,600 250,260 190,950 18,330 56,230 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 211 Bennett State Bank .®«tl’16 C. R. Campbell — A. W. Hamilton ._ D. Campbell______ Korinne M. Tripp.. 82-360 10,000 5,940 111,980 87,750 3,000 4.350 32,820 Cent. Sav. Bk. A Tr. Co., Den. Berthoud 811 Berthoud National Bk. John Bnnyaa-------- Thos. Kerley.......... Wm. 0. Banyan... L. F. Beta. 16% par 100 82-155 d®*t’92 Larimer D15 50.000 35,910 594,090 50,000 324,570 334,520 10,000 60,900 N. City, N. Y.; Oolo. N.. Den. Bettaune____ 16,000 6,220 26,040 22,000 49,600 530 13,120 10.000 3,600 77,290 3,500 75,930 570 4,290 Citizens National Bk.d®«t’16 Washington E21 $150 par 100 82-358 J. B. Fisher 4 Alamosa........ 5107 ALAMOSA NATI0HAL BANK H. E. Warren_____ 82-85 Alamosa P12 ®»t 07 •• •• American National Bank $225-20% par 100 82-84 dB®»t’05 M. D. Thatcher, Advisor to the Bd. M •• First 8tate Bank-----d®»}8'15 O. S. Fountain___ W. W. Platt______ A. J. West_______ 10% par 100 82-884 O. A. Hiller . . R. C. Lynn .. _ A. J. Maddux Alma_________ 110 Bank of Alma________ tS’82 J. F. Singleton___ 0. F. Singleton.... J. C. Singleton___ A. J. Singleton___ 82-207 Park Hll Antonito Conejos Rll 858 Commercial State Bank*t$’11 $200-20% 82-209 Arvada _ 1270 First National Bank..®*t’96 R. Stenger Jefferson Fli par 100 82-211 4 Aspen............. 705 Aspen State Bank ..d®»tl'08 G. B. Brown______ Harry Brown.......... Pitkin 19 $250 par 100 82-171 Jacob Hasbronck— Aug. Molander.... d®*t’06 Aurora______ 2295 First National Bank.d®»t’17 T. F. Gilligan-__ Arapahoe F15 Bennett Adams F17 6,250 $190 par 100 82-212 Ault__________ 732 Farmers National Bank Weld 016 10,000 85.000 Guaranty Tr. Co-, N- Y-; Stock Yds. N., Den. $225-10% par 100 Wm. Smith_______ 82-375 .97 Bethnne State Bank.®*tl’18 J. J. Delaney____ S. M. Delaney____ W. C.Stuhr_______ 82-888 Kit Carson H24 $125-10% par 125 Blanea . 252 $125-8% par 100 82-216 Costilla P18 W. G. Bean . A.M. Weaver.. J. M. Pinney 7,020 1st N., Colo. Springs; Drov. N.t Kan. C. 13,600 Am.N., Alamosa; Com’l N.. Kan.C.; Stock Yds. N., Den. Boone..................115 Citizens State & Savings Bank (Closed December 2 7, 1930 through volu ntary liquidation) Pueblo M17 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis am International Trust f Company DENVER, COLO mam mmm mam BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS COLLECTIONS In Colorado Wyoming New Mexico Montana Nebraska Utah Idaho Collections in this territory at tended to carefully and quickly, and to your advantage. Denver collections presented the day received and remittance mailed the day payment is made. The Trust Department of this Bank is prepared to represent banks in the management and handling of estates, the closing of real estate transactions and in connection with any other financial matter. This department operates under the broad trust powers granted by the Federal Reserve Act and is equipped for efficient service. Colorado National Bank OF DENVER (Established in 1862 as Kountze Brothers. Deposits $40,000,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nationalized 1866) Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $2,823,736 Complete Banking and Trust Service TO COUNTIES. Adams........ .F 17 Alamosa.... .P 12 Arapahoe... .G 17 Archuleta.. ,Q8 Baca........... Q 23 Bent........... N 21 Boulder.... .E 14 Chaffee .... .J Cheyenne.. . J Clear Creek U Conejos.... • Q Costilla.... .Q Crowley ... .L Custer........ M 11 23 13 11 13 19 13 47° A B c Delta........... .. J 5 Denver .... .F 15 Dolores.... .03 Douglas.... H 15 D Eagle.......... .G 9 Elbert........ H 17 El Paso.... K 16 Eo 40 fk Fremont... .L 13 Garfield.... Gilpin......... Grand......... Gunnison .. .G 4 .F 13 .E 11 .K 8 Hinsdale... ..0 7 Huerfano... .0 15 G Jackson.... ,C 10 Jefferson... .G14 Kiowa......... L 23 Kit Carson. .H 23 Lake.......... La Plata.. Larimer.... Las Animas Lincoln.... Logan ........ .110 . .P 6 .B 14 .Q 18 .J 20 .B 21 Mesa.......... ...14 Mineral... ..08 Moffat.... . .B 4 Montezuma . .P 3 Montrose.. . .L 4 Morgan... .E 19 H I ss° J Otero.......... .N 19 Ouray........ .M 5 K Park.......... Phillips. . . Pitkin........ Prowers... Pueblo.... L ..112 .C 24 ...18 .N 24 .M 16 Rio Blanco . ,E 4 Rio Grande ,.P 10 Routt....... . .C 8 .N 10 ..06 . .N 3 .B 24 .G 11 M Teller......... . .J 14 N Saguache. San Juan.. Ban Miguel Sedgwick.. o 38 Washington .E 21 Weld......... B 17 Yuma........ . .E 24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O P Q R j A. S. Pratt & Sons, Inc.— Specialists in Government Bonds WASHINGTON, D. C. See Back of Washington, D. C. Map THE INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY DENVER Capital, Surplus & Undivided Profits .... Resources ESTABLISHED 1891 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BUSINESS BUYS and SELLS HIGH GRADE AND TRUST $ 2,258,950.22 $15,683,454.81 WESTERN MUNICIPAL MEMBER MEMBER FEDERAL RESERV ^SYSTEM, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND CORPORATION BONDS 159 Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. State in No. 10 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond F. R. Dist. Den. Br. d-SafeDen.(s)Sav.$LastSale%f>iv. President. F. W. Kohler. tBoulder.__ 11,223 Boulder National Bank par 100 82-21 dB®T*t 83 Boolder E14 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 6% 82-23 par Cashier. Vice-President. ASS'T CASHIER. Liabilities, Surplus Depos Paid-up and Capital Profits 50.000 $ D. I. Hutchinson. C. Q. Walton-------- II. M.Williams.— M.0.BIILIG.CA.O/ F. I Bd. and Pres. J. REINERT— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tnis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Assji^ R. F. PHARES — M. A. HARVISON- its RESOURCES. Bond, Loans Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous Other Liabili ties $ 221,020 $ 340,480 $ 60,660 $ 609,410 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Cash & Ex changes,Ddk prom Banks 52,030 t 106,540 Chase N.. N.Y.; Colo. N., Den. 23.460 363.590 33,170 75.220 58,240 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. 80,000 1,839,700 100,000 752.840 825,040 211,410 330,410 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colo. N. and Den. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. 100.000 12,000 100.000 386,760 $ n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Special attentlo Credit Reports. I Please send 15c tot th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for l Unexcelled facll Itles for handling your Boulder lte ms. dB®T»t’18 125 FIRST NATIONAL C. H. CHENEY- - - - - - - HARRY P. GAMBLE - L. C. ALLISON- - - - - - - - M BANK alKiNNES "" “OLDEST NATIONAL»and “LARGEST BANK” _BOULDER COUNTY. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS. “The Bank of Service.” *200 82-19 dB®»t’77 par 100 IRA M. DELONG— R. W. JOSLYN- - - - - - - R. W.JOSLYN- - - - - - - W.E.GRAGG- MERCANTILE BK.& TRUST CO. *250-10% 82-22 50,000 60,000 750,000 38,000 528,000 172,000 83,000 115,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; IntT Tr. Oo. and D. S. N„ Den. 100,000 70,290 941,750 30.000 490,810 335,110 85.890 230,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: 1st N. and Den. N.. Den. 51,600 53,180 17,990 27,590 Kountze Bros.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; Den. N.,aud 1st N., Den. 148,890 2,310 9,870 279,480 30.000 17.410 103,490 1st N., Den. 26,450 54,750 131,340 Bk. of America N. A.,N.Y.;Colo.N., Den. clent service In a 11 matters entrus ted to us. Prompt and effl sentatlon, and 115 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre personal attentlo 1.35 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, d®T,tS’04 i. par 100 E. BURR — ' C. 6. BUCKINGHAM, FRANK TYLER-. . . . . . . HENRY M. SAYRE— C. A. W. BORDER | Ch. of Bd. and T. G. LASHLEY NATIONAL STATE BANK *200-12% 82-20 Pres. PROMPT I SEND US YOU R BOULDERITE MS DIRECT FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION. s d®T«t’77 L par 200 C. W. Burnheimer. Alva J. R. Lund... Elizabeth E. iBreekenrldge 436 Engle Bros.Ex. Bank ..*15'88 Gertrude Bugle-----Culbreath par 100 82-218 Summit Gil E. B. Emerson------ N. H. Buck----------W. E. Freeman, Briggsdale State Bank *300 82-320 d«t§ 12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. A. Brooks eld C17 20,000 14,160 116,210 10,000 18,500 177,510 Guy B. Kinsey------- H. A. Van Dusen.. Madge Hatcher----- 25,000 8.900 393.490 40,000 14,190 348,560 25,000 215,210 20,000 1,920 31,330 4,000 38,990 11,430 50.000 40,000 556,000 410.000 20.400 215,600]Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Den.; Oma. N.. Oma.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 25,000 43,810 523,640 19,540 81.420 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. N., and Stk. Yds. N..Den.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. T par 100 .Brighton ....3394 American State Bk. ®T<§'18 Philip Ruebel— par 100 82-899 Adams E 15 C. L. Hackley-------- E. J. Kinsall. First National Bk._d®T*t’88 M. R. Quinn---------- C. L. Hackley-----G. F. Frost H. A. Smith par 100 82-147 C. E. Brown______ Leslie B. Kelso.— J. N. La Tronico Broomfield........ 68 Broomfield State Bank *250 par 100 82-408 ®»tl’20 Boulder F15 Morgan D19 FARMERS STATE BANK *300-16% 82-341 par 100 82-133 fJ.M. NEEDHAM. H. W. TW0MBLY - ALONZO PETTEYS fTSSksV"1" 6.830 stk. Yds. N., Den. Ch. of Bd. and Pres, evidence of the I The remarkable growth of this b ank U conclusive and service. In our security d®»t*’15 confidence whlc h the public has ction Items. LWe give prompt attention to eoUe FIRST NATIONAL BANK *300-20% 50,400 Oolo. N.. Den. (Closed December 27 , 1930) Farmers State Bank. Brash..............2312 5,460 I rC. W. EMERSON . J. M. NUSS. . . . . . . . . E. H. MEIER- - - - - - - - ARNOLD SORENSEN 18,160 398,560 111,100 | SEND US YOU R BRUSH ITEM d®»t'02| (.Remitted for p romptly on day of payment. par 100 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis International Trust Company DENVER. COLO. BUYS AND SELLS , HIGH GRADE WESTERN. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Town and codnty. ‘County Seats. „ State in No. 10 F-R.Dist.DenyerBr. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab ♦Fed.Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div COLORADO—Continued President. ‘Buena Vista..751 First National Bank___•i,07 C. P. Aicher. Chaffee Jll Hto 82-220 Vice-President. Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume.__For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. L. E. Sheldahl .... R. E. McDonald... ‘Burlington..1280 Stoek ®r®WOTS State Bank Warren Shambure. Hobart M.Harrison Ella A. O’Brien Kit Carson H24 ** oi j. c> Co]eman $ Robt. W. Shamburg Resources. Loans Paid-up Subplus Depos Otheb Bonds AND Miscel and Liabili and Capital its PBOFIT8 Diaoounta Securities laneous ties 25.000 i 25,000 7,050 $ 122,840 $ 50.000 10,000 $ 500,760 61,140 1 57,200 * 350.000 12,460 12,750 S 8,650 Principal Correspondents. k Ex CHANGM,Din trom Banks 33,800 J- * Tr- Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Den. and Pneblo. 200,000 Clmse N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; Drov. N Kan. C. Byers----------- 260 Byeri State Bank .. Arapahoe 017 d©«J8’10 H. W. Miller, J.G. Price.. „ 1150 par 100 U-221 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, ----- TtS-399 Fir,t 8tlt« *•■*--- d©*tl'07 J. O. Burger_____ D. O. Moberly. B Paao 117 par too b-uj w W. Henderson, Ch. F. D. Moberly ‘Canon City..5938 Colorado State Bank J. M. Anderson... N. B. Cook........ . Fremont Lit *120-8% 82-54 d®»t§’25 G. S. Hammitt par 100 FIRSTIATIOIAL BANK W. H. Dozier____ L. G. Carlton__ 1175-20% par 100 82-52 d® *t '88 Fremont Oo. National Bank 1125-8% 82-si d©T*t’74 par 100 Caroondale . 283 First National Bank d®»f „ Garfield H7 $530-20% par 100 82-223 ‘Castle Boek..478 Castle Sock State Bank Douglas H15 82-37# ®»«’17 W. L. Best... J. M. Bentley. J. W. Mains_____ A. J, Turner____ R. L. Hinman___ G. F. Rockafellow D. E. Nickelson.. D. E. Nickelson... R. J. Wann, Ch. D. N. Cooper E. D. Tandy_____ W. A. E. de Beene W. C. Overhults... Oscar Lehow L. W. Cunningham A. Christensen.__ H. A. Senter______ 160,470 15,000 25,210 291,550 35,000 7,690 283,480 198,840 50,000 40,060 1,268,670 100,000 33,110 1,178,700 98,950 1,200 4,970 280.770 91,010 1st N.. Den. 7,000 45,190 Colo. Sav. and Ex. N.,Colo, Springs: Den. Pu£bioen‘: Jefferson’ 8t L-: l8t N» 58,720 11,930 56,690 Chase N., N Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Sou. Colo., Pueblo; U. S. N„ Den. 555.770 379,860 55,000 343,610 587,880 82,660 368.100 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co NDdDen N” Chi': 154 N" Pueblo; u- s> 297,660 \city,eN, Y.; 1st N., Pneblo; Colo. N. and 174,990 114,590 50,000 15,000 26,000 25.000 Colo. N.. Den. 25,000 50,940 279,990 2.500 100,000 50,000 22,100 414,650 12,520 318,180 60,240 39,840 81,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y ■ 1st N Uhs: N4 DenC°l0' N” Stk> Yds,N" and 25,000 15,000 170,000 15.000 139,000 27,000 13,000 46,000 Drov. N..’ Kan.' C.; U. S. N. and 1st N . 30,000 13,530 124,440 6.100 109,110 9,850 13,500 41,620 Den. N„ Den.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.; Am. N Alamosa. 25,000 6.000 239,520 10,000 198,430 26,230 12,550 43,300 Irv. Tr .Co.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Pueblo, and Den.; Alamosa N„ Alamosa. 25.000 13.270 290,530 24,750 19,080 259.270 5.900 69,090 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Den. N„ Den. F. R. Murphy_____ Luther Wilson___ 30.000 11,630 161.0901 17,270 166,390 500 15,690 J. J. Long_______ E. Gunderson____ W. M. Porter____ Elsie D. Webber.. 37,400 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Sou, Colo., Pueblo. 25,000 12,000 227,430 183,020 15,630 12,590 First Nat. Bk. ef Douglas Oo. W. L. Fales______ W. A. Palmer____ T. Christensen___ Harold C. Bonney. 82-224 d®»t’02 Cedaredge___463 First National Bank d®»t'I2 L.C. Bolton______ E. J. Ginter_____ P. K. Yonge______ Delta J6 10% par 100 82-225 D. J. Smith_______ Center______ loll First National Bank J. P. Barns______ J. L. Hurt_______ Saguache Oil 10% par 100 82-185 d®T»t’10 R. E. Laner____ L. G. Roberts.__ W. E. Gardner, Ch. of Bd Peoples State Bank.d®«:§’i9 L. T. Sharp_____ R. A. Allison_____ 1125-5% 82-417 par 100 ‘Central City 517 First National Bank ___•J,74 J. C. Jenkins. Gilpin F13 82-116 **#»*«?« 14,150 25,000 par 100 ‘Cheyenne Wells Ohorm ao Co. 8tate Bank Cheyenne J24 595 1150 82-302 d©»tS’C par 150 Collbraa_____ 341 Stockmens Bank—d®»t5’15 Mesa H5 *125-7% 82-227 par 100 ‘Colorado Springs •City National Bank d®*J 02 B1 Paso J15 33,237 82-8 •Ootorado Sayings Bk. par 100 «2-5 dB®T»tl’08 15,000 J. C, Milne, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Wilfred Fullerton Wm. O. Jenkins... Walter McLeod— H. O. Nelson J__ Martin Drake___ W. N. Armstrong.. W. N. Armstrong E. J. Eaton_____ O. H. Shonp_____ T. C. Strachan.... F. E. Evans____ F. P. Evans Jos, G. Ridgley W. R. Armstrong— O. E. Hemenway .. 0. C. Fingel—......... Louis Herwig—. C. A. Hibbard, James P. Shearer H. M. Wenzel, Lawson Snmner Ch. of Bd. W. R. Armstrong, A. Tr. Off. A. B. Barney 25,000 91,360 Ohase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Den. Den. 50,000 381,280 50,000 257,400 179,790 10,300 50,000 222,220 2,413,270 12,170 1,610,750 358,500 105,000 623,410 Chase N., N. Y.: Inter-State N.. Kan O ; Pueblo*" Den: Puebl° Sav- & Tr- Co., 100,000 168,370 1,970,420 100,000 1,129,200 595,130 110,740 503,710 Chase N.'. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O.; Den. N., Den. L. G. Carlton____ J. A. Barton. W. W. Udick, Chas. L. Tntt Sec.. Tr. and Tr.Off. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Reeve Burton 150,000 84,710 1,840,320 29,900 971,030 342,590 49,260 C. G. Graham R. O. Giddings 300,000 366,110 5.366,480 50,000 3.535,310 996,410 300,000 397,470 6,189,750 200,000 Tr. Off. •Colorado Title & Tr. Co. J. A. Connell____ *180-13% par 100 82-4 dB®T»tl’01 E.P. Shove. V.P. G. M. Irwin, V. P. •Exchange National Bank A, G. Sharp______ par 100 82-3 dB®T»t’88 Wm. Lennox, Ch. •First National Bank E. P. Shove— par 20 82-2 d®T*t’74 Irving Howbert.CA. W. I. Ilowbert.. (Colorado Springs e ontinued on next page) J. Hayes-Davis 0. C. Morris_____ J. D. Ackerman... R. S. Fuller, A. C. L. C. Lennox O. L. Godfrey____ F. R. Smith_____ O. W. White, A.C W. I. Howbert, James Strachan, Tr. Off. Auditor C. P, Mechling, 3,321,710 1,636,950 A. Tr. Off. TRANSACTS a banking Digitized for general FRASER AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; U S N Den.; Drov. N.. Kan. C.; U. S.. Grand Junction. 46,380 Chase N., N. Y. International. Trust Company DENVER. COLO. 742,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fid. N.Bk. & Tr Kan. O.; W. F.Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. 354,000 1,196,870 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; 1st N. and Den. N., Den. 290,500 1,838,060 Chem. BA,&Tr- Co-’ N- T- TrChase fii’ ™ d*Nm0l3,y’ N' Y" lst N- aad Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt.C. S. N.. Den. N„ 1st N., and Cel#. N.. Den.; Wells-Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr Co., San F.; Com. Tr.Co., Kau. C. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 1 1 | 1 A1 m m Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. oMem. A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. State in No.lO.F.R. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonc Dist. Denver Br. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div President. ‘Colorado *State Savings Bank®«tl’12 W. V. 8ims Springs 33,237 82-7 (Continued) "------- “ •1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO— Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel D epos Other Paid-up Surplus and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties M. A. Ege_________ H .R. Plummer.... P. L. McDaniel___ 1 A. H. Horton 50,000 $ 19,640 S 398,490 $ 282,210 $ 91,470 i & Principal Correspondents. Oabh Exchano*b,Due from Banks 43,200 $ 51,240 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: D. S. N., Den, Colorado Sp'gs Olear'g House J. A. Connell_____ Wm. D. Howbert— J. A. Barton, {Members indicated by a*) See. and Tr. II OTIS & GO. (Golden Cycle Bldg.) (INVESTMENT S ECIJRITIES (Branc b or Cle veland, O.) G. fl. RICHARDSON. Mgr. T99 Otis & Co., N. Y., Chi., Det„ Cin.. Clev., Phil., Col., Akron, Tol., Den.. Canton, Massillon, Kan. C„ Davenport, Buff,, Hart., St. L„ Bos., Mil,, Colo. Spgs. and Lou. Cope___ __ 83 Farmers State Bank „dtl’18 N. L. Fastenau.__ John G. Abbott.__ Carrie Ingersoll.. Washington Q 22 $150 par 100 82-387 10.000 1,000 14,000 5,000 1,000 ‘Cortes _. 921 Montezuma Valley Nat. Bk. G. O. Harrison___ S. J. Smith.. Montezuma Q 3 $300-20% 82-173 d@»r08 par 100 W. H. Harrison___ 30,000 45,000 410,000 360,000 50,000 J. J. Toole______ 25,000 3,510 440,560 307,570 55,980 29,000 76,510 130,240 125,770 13.470 76,640 Colo. N., Den. ‘Craig................1418 Craig National Bank d®T»t'14 W. R. DeakSns____ Lee H. Jones Moffat 0 6 $200 par 100 82-183 “ ------- “ _ FirstNational Bank..d®*t*14 O. A. Van Dorn___ F. B. Ranney_____ T. M. Kirkpatrick. M. P. Stockton .... $120 par 100 82-184 25,000 3,360 307,760 $ 10,000 3,800 125,000 60,000 12,000 Crested Butte 1251 Bank of Crested Bntte..«tS'81 J. W. Rockefeller. Martin Verzuh___ G. V. Benson. __ Berneice Gardiner. $200 par 100 82-241 Gunnison J 8 0. J. Diel, V. P. Mike Kikel 15,000 9,120 210,070 82,940 63,870 ‘CrlppleCr eek 1427 First National Bank..®*i'14 A. E. Carlton_____ V.H. Mann_______ P. H. House_____ Teller E 14 82-47 par 100 50,000 16,230 2,190,480 508,550 Crawford 137 Crawford State Bank d©tl'10 W. R. Roe $150-15% 82-229 Delta K 6 par 100 R. Zeldenthuis___ L. J. Savage--------- Elna E. Rodstrom . Aldeu Barnett Crook .231 First State Bank______*JS’16 A. A. Smith... 82-346 Logan B 22 O. W. Kreager____ L. R. Glllett_____ ... Crowley..............323 Crowley State Bank ...•tS'18 E. A. Howard, E. S. Howard_____ D. J. Brenneman.. par 100 82-402 Crowley M 18 th.of Bd. and Pres. Do Beoue _ 66,850 Fruit Ex. State, Paonia; Colo. Sav.. Colo. Springs; Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Grand Valley N., Grand Junction. 18,940 68,420 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo.; Gunnison Bk. & Tr. Co., Gun nison. 446,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; U. S. N.. Den.; 1st N., Colo. Springs. 75,000 4,000 3,700 52,900 Colo. N.. Den.; Stock Yda. N., On, 62,000 950 2,050 23,000 1st N„ Pueblo. 10,000 7,170 88,270 63,240 640 8,070 33,490 U. S. N., Den.; Grand Valley N.. Grand Junction. 25,000 2,500 81,980 83,350 9,510 18,170 19,450 U. S. N.. Den. E. F. Knappenberg 20,000 8,970 282,970 210,430 36,550 28,480 36,480 1st N.. Den.; Am. N., Alamosa.: Drov. N., Kan. C. Rio Grande State Bank Marx Lorig_______ W. S. Johnson____ H. H. Torbit_____ 82-150 d®«tS'07 25,000 4,300 276,520 181,350 67,700 10,700 46,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; U. S. N„ Den, 50,000 51,440 871,200 529,080 234,160 41,070 177,450 N. City, N.Y.; U.S.N.. Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Pueblo. - *• N.. Kan. C. 66 nnn *Del Norte.__1410 Bank of Del Norte -d®«ti’77 J. P. Russell______ Rio Grande 010 $160 par 100 82-148 _ ____ 75,000 Den. N. and 1st N., Den. 12,000 .. Lois McCoy_______ Deertrall..........390 First National Bank_d®»t'20 Fred A. Beuck.__ A. M. Sniff_______ Arapahoe G 18 $100 par 100 82-391 Bert A. Thayer. Ch. M 650 12,000 Colo. N„ Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 10,000 217 Bank of De^Beque d®T*t5T0 S. G. McMullin.... J. A. WUcoxson... F. H. Llschke. Mesa H 4 110,000 10,000 7,000 - — ; •Delta_______2938 Colorado Bank & Trust Co. Melvin Springer.. L. W. Sweltzer.... C. E. Parker_____ Delta K 5 $185-14% 82-102 dB®T»ti’08 par 100 ™a™cltIank,nG BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,010 9,130 International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION T1 \T 1\ 1 / LT 1 1 1 1 1 DENVER—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. 162 [Bstab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%DiT. ‘AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 23-56 1150-6% par 190 Resources. Liabilities. oMem.A.B.A. "New §StatetPriv {Men. State B. Asa’n. (Denver, G 15) Comity Seat—Pop. 287,861 (Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 10) Vice-President. Cashier. _ _ _ R- - - - - FRITZ. A. NAGEL, H. WOBTMANGHWOUT Cash, and Tr. Officer V. MABPLE G. D. JONES, m M FRANK KIRCHHOF — Paid-up Capital Ass’t Cashier. $ Surplus and Propits Other Total Deposits Liabili ties 500.000 1 484.670 S 7.688,250 S 500.000 135.030 Loans Bonds and and Miscel laneous Discounts Secubxties Resources 293.490 i 3,215,600 S3,824,820 S Caii k ExnOM Banks ciahoi8,Ddi Denver Clearing House Assn. Members shown by1 Associated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 198,760 $ 2,727,230 Harrlman X., N. V.; 1stX., Chi.;Union Tr. Co., Clev. A. Tr. Off. Send Us Your Denver Items Direct For Prompt Attention d®T«t’05 (17th and Lawrence) ........ "•T-,0WE"—tiBBk—KflRr" Mgr. Vault Dept. W. A.J.ETT0N. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO. par 100 ♦ 23-53 23-2 . d®T»t’62 95,920 207,250 1,423,840 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Crocker 1st N., San F. DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS AND BUSINESS TO THIS BANK. dB®T»t*'92 (15th and Arapahoe) ‘COLORADO NATIONAL BANK 2.326.010 3,507,990 A. Cash, and Aud, HHfl IfOLD 6E0RGE KLEIN, Auditor . 1 000.000 1,750,830 39,402,280 CROFT, JJ' H‘ I-1: BANCROFT, F.N Tr. Officer HU6H McLEAN, 216,960 17.465,390 12,131,160 957,630 11,815,890 X. City, N.Y. Tr. Co., KountzeBros., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., and Chase N., N. Y.; X. Bk. Rep., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st X., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; 1st X., Oma.; Fid. X. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. X. and Inter-State X., Kan. C.; Phil. X., Phil.; 5th-3rd Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cin. A. Tr. Officer SEE ADVER TISEMEN T ON C 0L0RAD0 INDEX. LBERGER HANLEY United States Depository. ® and other business Intrusted Western collections ___________ ___ to this bank will receive prompt attention 438,450 175,190 1.000 291.230 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 13,486,950 13,856,040 327,050 338,860 192,920 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Den. N.. 75,250 H.S. INGRAM - - - - - - A. J. BAIRD............. 1.500.000 1,485,730 29,440,790 H. J. JENNINGS. G. T. WELLS c°mpt. P j LAUGHLIN Conservat ive but pr ogressive . Busine "•E-P,K.W 13,953,930 7,788.480 E. H. Dahl_______ 50.000 116.060 F. W. Sanborn, Jr., Denver Joint Stock Land Bank T. E. McClintock — J. A. O’Brien.......... Effle L. Larson. A. Sec, A. Sec. par 100 23-89 t’22 (1002-1008 Midland Sav. Bldg.) 1,184,800 43,120 B. + Colorado State Bank 1325-20% 23-00 d®»tS'08 par 100 (1625 Broadway) F. Clark. F. L. Barkley— B. M. Clark.. 739,810 Mellon N.. Pitt.; 1st N.. Den.; Interstate N„ Kan. C. Den. 1107-6% C. K. BOETTCHER, ‘DENVER W.B. MORRISON. NATIONAL BANK G.B.HARRISON, Ch. oj Bd. Vice Ch. par 100 23-7 d®T»t*34 (17th and Champa) Active V. Pres. C. G. MITCHELL J’C’BURf“ W. FAIRCL0TH Pres. A. M. HAGERTY H. M. PORTER. V* P• AssL V. Pres. H. C. JAMES, v. P. Et j. WEGKBACH OLIVER ARNOLD J. A. NYBER6, *• J G. F. FOLEY S. L.ANRUD. „ BRUCE BIGELOW A. Tr.Officer j| q V0SBURGH. _ A. Tr. Officer 1,116.900 as intrust ed tousgi ven more than the n eoessary attention. Our faci lities are at your di sposal. Accounts and corre spondenc e solicite d. SE E DI8 PLAY 9,642,460 Chase N.,X. City, and 1st X., X. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st X., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris X.. San F.; 1st X., Kan. C., St. Louis and Boston; U. S. X., Omaha. ADVE RTISE MENT Mgr.Safe Dep. Dept. (Branch of Kama « City, M o.) reder&l Reserve Bank of Kansas City.23-19______ *'18 (17th & Arapahoe) 533,350 434,880 41,260 175,000 W. J. Marr_______ T. K. Hudson, Sec. First Industrial Bank.. ®*t’13 E. S. Kassler, Sr... C. W. Sorensen, Exec, V. P, G. W. Gano. Tr. 1120-6% 23-88 E. S. Kassler, J. Browne. A. Tr. P Ch. of Bd. H. T. Lamey par 100 (1638 Welton St.) F. L. Woodward (Morris Plan Bank) (For complete info rmation see page 23)________ 1,063,000 59.990 47.230 14,270 D. S. N., Den (Denver banks continued on next page) a Digitized for transacts FRASER GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS A BANKERS’ BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis truly interested service in every transaction prompt and efficient attention given collections in this territory cordial, informal service to your customers when send them to us DENVER. NATIONAL DENVER Service to the West COLORADO The First National Bank of Denver, Colorado Established May 10, 1865 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits OVER $3,700,000.00 Correspondence Solicited NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS Bankers Trust Co. Chemical Bank & Trust Company First National Bank Irving Trust Company Guaranty Trust Company The New York Trust Company CHICAGO CORRESPONDENTS Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co First National Bank Gerald Hughes Lafayette M. Hughes John W. Morey C. C. Parks M. D. Thatcher R. C. Thatcher SAN FRANCISCO CORRESPONDENT Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Company LONDON CORRESPONDENT Lloyd’s Bank, Limited PARIS CORRESPONDENT Lloyd’s National Provincial Bank,Limited (France), WICHITA, KANSAS CORRESPONDENT First National Bank A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Special Attention Given to Collections on All Western Points, at Reasonable Rates 1 cq -LUO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 10) Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. ™New §State t Priv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DENVER—Continued—Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Other Liabili ties Loans AND Discounts Resources. Denver Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * MlBCHLrAssociated Banks by + Bonds Gash & ExLANDOTJB chassis,Dux and Principal Correspondents. Sbcubitiis Rmsoubcss FROM Baku8 JOHN EVANS-------- C. C. PARKS----------J. C. HOUSTON D. J. G0URLEY —J.C. HOUSTON G. A- ASKLING GERALD HUGHES, ORLANDO PRESTON ROY CLARKSON s { 1 Ch. of Bd. P. K. ALEXANDER A. R. MILKS, R. J. KAVALEC 11,500.000 {2,345,800 46,078,990 $ 126,210 14,619,310 20,191,440 $ W. r. KObcKS Auditor W. S. LARSON L G. KENNEDY J. F. DAWSON 16% par 100 23-1 d®T*t 65 SEE DISPLAY ADVERT ISEMENT (17th and Stont) H. M. BEATTY, A.V.P. Prompt attention given to all Western collections. 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK + Guardian Trust Co. Denver R.Platt... Wm. J. Fine, Chas. R. Patch, F. V. Woodward... 28-72 dB®T*t§’ll C. A. Bowman, Ch. Mgr. Vault Dept. Cash, and Tr. Off. L. R. Kirby', (1636 Welton) Mgr. Bond Dept. par 100 'INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY JOHN EVANS------------GERALD HUGHES— J. F. VINCENT, Tr... J. W. MOREY, P. E. CLELANB G.W.BAILANTINEJR. Ch. of Bd. J. W. HYER A. Tr LEROY McWHINNEY C. B. ENGLE, A. Tr. G. B. HEISEN, A. Tr. J* TV* DHLLAnUj + Motor Bank___________ tl’16 A. C. Friedman, par 100 23-81 V. P. and Sec. (1269 Broadway) +National City Bank—d®»t'll A. E. Upton______ E. B. Upton............. E. B. Upton.._____ I. H. Score................ 1185 par 100 23-68 E. H. Peterson, Ch. (95 S. Broadway) 4-South Broadway Nat’l Bank H. W. Bennett___ J. D. Benedict____ J. O. Fredlund ___ W. C. McLaughlin. 23-90 d®*t’26 M. J. Sowle 100 Broadway South Denver Bank (Closed January 30, 1931) par 100 H.L. SANDERS. __ N. F.BEACHAM_____ N. F. Denver Clearing House____ 507,000 191,000 31,000 5,668,600 6,388,510 304,620 106,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F. 1,758.950 13.151.360 SEE DISPLAY 273,150 ADVERT ISEMENT 3,321,710 Chase N., Guaranty Tr., and Bankers Tr. Cos. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Calif. Bk. Los A.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 930 U. S. N.. Den. 5,500 100.000 29.750 737 210 200.000 27.050 642,620 10,000 250.000 121,950 1.962,510 469,540 176,530 409,720 296,560 419,710 1,585,810 528,950 25,720 268,470 10,800 11,270 328,880 416,740 9,593,280 9,857,200 175,830 63,420 157,460 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Den. N., Den.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 173,390 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C.; Colo. N., Den. 613.680 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi. and Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Den. Special facilities for handling live stock proceeds. JAMES RINGOLD......... 4. A. W. A. HOVER, Ch. of Bd. REED_________ 1. II inHFSnu 75.000 17,530 Am. N, and Colo. N., Den. H:HP— MS 1; S; Sleytt A. H. JEWELL, Tr.Officer 550.000 1,909,470 23,192,130 6,442,030 A. S. BROOKS, V. P. and Exec. Mgr. Tr. Dept. U.S. Depository—All collections in this territory and to the Pacific Coast. Also other business intnisted to this bank will receive prompt attention. Correspondence invited. John Evans______ Harold Kountze... C. A. Burkhardt, (Diambersindicated by a*) C. A.Burkhardt, Mgr. and Examiner TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING .AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000 BEACHAM-------- E. B. HART-------------RALPH HAWKINS Union Trust Co. dBT#I§’74 P. H. Troutman — S. W. Clark_______ E. J. Campen, J. R. Campen, *100 par 100 23-51 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. (1534 Calif. St.) 16% par 100 23-14 dB®T»f04 (57th and Stout) 505,000 All stock yards Items should be sent to us for quick service. »% par 100 23-55 d®T*t’03 (Stock Yds. Station) 'UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 500.000 _ , _ Traneaote a general Banking and Trust Buelnees. Buys and sells high grade Western, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. (17th and California) 135,000 1st N., Gty. Tr. Co., Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Bankers Tr. Co., N. Y.;Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.,Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mel lon N.,Pitt.:N. Shawmut, Bos.; IstN., Wichita, Oma. and Minpls.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C., Mo.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.; Lloyds Bk., Ltd., Lon. M. E. DUKES, Sec... I.R.SEL0VER ,A.Bec. H.L.MORGAN,A.See. C. W. COPELAND, A. Sec. L, U> IxmOi Mgr. Safe Dep. Dept. Tr. Officer G. M. McNETTi Aud. par 100 ♦ 23-18 lfd8®T*K'91 STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK 120,000 S 338,003 14,902,350 Sec. James Ringold, IV. (See pa ges 28-2 9-30 for Number of Natio nal, Stat Banks, Total D eposits by Citie s, States etc.) e and Pr ivate International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. Gty. Tr. Co., Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N.City.N. T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Oma. N., Oma.; Am. Tr. Co. and Crocker 1st N., San F.; Miss. Vai. Trust Co., St. L.; Mellon N., Pitt. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS DENVER__Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 164 Name •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iMem. State Bks. Assn. Tnv. Bks. Assn. Year Established. Other Offices CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships A. G. ALLYN & GO., ING. {INVElTM^NT^SECUttlTIES: (Security Building) Other Offices: Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelohia, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Buffalo, Detroit, St. Louis, Omaha and San Francisco. Name. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Mem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab lished. OTIS & GO,. RAYMOND SARGEANT. Partner Resident Mgr.. Otis & Co., N. Y„ Chi., Det., Clev., Phil., Cin., Col., Akron, Tol., Kan. REX ARTHUR. Partner, Mgr. Inv. Dept. C., Day., Colo. Spgs., Canton and -T99 C. E. WILSON, Partner, Mgr. Unlisted Dept. Massillon, Lou., Den., Mil., Bos., INVESTMENT SECURITIES. . (Branch of Cleveland, Ohio) (Equitable Bldg.) Boettcher-Newton & Co. and Chase f General Partners: ,J. Q. Newton, Chas. Boettcher II, J. F. N..N.Y.; 1st N.. So. Broadway N., Burns, Jr., R. P. Newton, J. L. Raichle, W. Colo. N., Den. N., U- S. N„ Int’l Tr. Co., Am. N., and N. City, Den.; F. Nicholson, and Wilbur Newton, Boettcher-Newton & Co., Colo. i Special Partners: Springs. 1M. D. Thatcher, C. K. Boettcher. Investment Bankers. .Members of New York Stock Exchange. BOETTCHER-NEWTON & CO. (828 Seventeenth St.) (700 17th St.) (310 D. S. National Bk. Bldg.) Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. T94 (Colorado National Bank Bldg.) SIDLO, THE FEDERAL SECURITIES COMPANY IHO-8% (317 Kittredge Bldg.) t 25 Hart., St. L„ and Buff. Home Office—40 Wall St„ New York. —B. FINDLAY, Manager. ocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, in Lead ing Markets. E. A. PIERCE & CO_ _ _ _ PECK-BROWN & COMPANY- - - - - - 122 BULLOCK, CALVIN............. Other Offices CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories Member of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships • HAROLD F. BROWN, President-, ROBERT V. BROWN, Colo. N„ 1st N„ and Int'l Tr. Co. Den.; Kountze Bros., N. Y. Vice-President-, R. D. CLEAVINGER. Secretary, Hi/i:,’ CORPORATION, PUBLIC Investment Bankers. UTILITY and REAL ESTATE BONDS. "Chas. T. Sidlo, Pres,-, Burdick Simons, Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st V. P. and See.; Richard M. Day, V. P. and N„ Colo. N„ Den. N„ U. S. N„ Int’l Tr. Co., and Am. Bk. & Tr. Tr.-. M. F. Roberts, V. P. SIMONS, DAY & CO.-......... 119 Corporation Securities, Municipal Bonds, and Co., Den. (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) s. Foreign Government Bonds. First Beal Estate Mortgages-----We Buy and Sell. (1636 Stout St.) M. E. Traylor & Co., Incorporated It’20 FIDELITY BOND & MORTGAGE CO. (Colorado National Bank Bldg.) Home Office—St. Louis. I. P. WALTON, Dist. Mgr, . First Mortgage Real Estate Gold Bonds. Branch—Chicago. UNITED STATES BOND COMPANY B 21 (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) rH. L. Shaffer, Pres___________________ | L. N. Degginger, V. P. V, M. Lewis, Sec. | Municipal Bonds and Investment . Securities. D. S. N. and International Tr. Co„ Den. GRAY, EMERY, VASCONCELLS & CO. ("Gray B. Gray, Pres., J. C. Vasconcells, V.P 1st N. and D. S. N., Den. (1717 Stout St.) HEATH, LARSON & COMPANY (602 U.S. N. Bk. Bldg.) THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY. (First Nat’l Bank Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T24 L. A. Greenlee, Sec. and Tr. (.Investment Bankers. "FORREST A. HEATH, President ERNEST W. LARSON. Vice-Pres. a?id Secretary 1 N. 0'HANLON, Treasurer N. E. CRIST. Asst. Secretary 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. Other Offices, Pueblo, Colo. UNITED STATES NATIONAL CO. (17th and Stout) WESTERN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION . AND PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. (Investment Securities) N. City Co., N. Y. and correspondent offices. 'James Ringold, Pres----------------------------U. S. N., Den. Henry Swan, Vice-Pres, A. A. Reed, Sec.and Tr. -123 Gerald P. Peters, Mgr. j Harold D. Writer, A. Mgr. (Affiliated with the United States National Bk.) .Investment Bankers. UTILITY BOND & SHARE COMPANY W. A. F0RANT, Resident Manager. Branch of Chicago. SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTILITY ' ISSUES. (210 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg.) International Trust Company DENVER. COLO. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 1 cr 10D Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Montezuma P3 President. VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. ass’t Cashier. C. B. Reid_______ C. H. Wehh J. J. Harris & Co.. Bankers $125-10%porl00 82-196 d®«I§’86 ‘Durango...... 5400 Burns National Bk..d®T*t’10 Chas. E. Stilwell.. T. D, Rnrns, $130-6% par 100 82-57 La Plata Q5 .Tr. _ Loans Bonds Other Miscel Depos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and and its Diaoounta Sseuritiss laneous Capital Propits ties $ Vernon Koontz... R. C. Macnmh Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Tnist B-Bond State in No.lOF.R. Dist. Denver Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Town and County. Dolores_____ 557 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., set Laws. COLORADO— Continued k Ex- Cash cha»om,Dui from Barks 100,000 22,070 666,100 80,000 360.440 248,490 24,760 68,520 Kountze Bros„Bkrs„ N.Y.; 1st N., Den. and Durango. 234,480 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Den.; 1st N„ Pueblo and Albuquerque. 473,780 33,000 297,170 107,610 108,760 104,230 Chase N.,N. Y.; 1st N„ Den. and Gallup; Western N„ Pueblo. 485,580 399,860 66,450 441,190 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City. N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and Pueblo; Secur.-lst N„ Los A.; Drov. N.,Kan. O.; 1st N. and Den.N., Den. 10,000 41,000 Southern Colo., Pueblo; Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. C„ Mo.; Stk. Yds. N., Den. 42,300 1st N„ Kan. C., Den. and Pueblo. 50,000 i 9,880 $ 326.730 J 32,850 $ 289,450 * 44,430 J 17,060 $ DURANGO TRUST COMPANY R. Williamson____ G. F. Fritz, Sec.... 100,000 11,000 First National Bank A. M. Camp............ par 100 82-55 dB@*t'80 A. W. Ayres______ K. S. Rucker_____ S. D. Monberg____ 100,000 24,810 1,268.270 Q. C. Anderson.... J. H. Jackson_____ ‘Eads________ 518 Eads State Bank___d®«J5’20 0. C. Anderson.— Powell Higginbottom Kiowa L22 m 6%-parlOO 82-438 25.000 5.500 150,500 25,000 3,650 238,200 10.000 141,300 56,900 36,350 50,000 10,030 487,210 2,750 262,990 81.210 15,500 190,290 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; IstN.. Den. and Glenwood Springs. 63,950 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Colo. N.. Den.; Stock Growers N.. Cheyenne. Wyo. 154,300 Den. N. and Colo. N.. DeD.; Drov. N., Kan. C., Mo. $100 par 100 82-56 dB®T»t5’09 C. T. Wilson, Aud, M. E. Skaggs First National Bank d®«t'87 Porter A.Thompson F. L. Pyles J. T. Gough, 10% porlOO 82-235 Ch.o/Bd. Frank Doll___ C. R. McCarthy... First Nat’l Bk. of Eagle Co. *Eagle_______ 341 $150-8% par 100 82-236 d®T»t’03 Eagle 89 30) (Closed April 17, 19 Eastlake State Bank ... Eastlake_____ 112 .. Adams El 5 Eaton_______ 1221 Eaton National Bank.®«t’07 C. N. Jackson------ R. C. Eaton____ 82-125 WeldClC Eckiey'_______ 359 Yuma E23 Elbert_______ 360 Elbert 116 Elisabeth_____266 Elbert H16 Englewood!.. .7980 Arapahoe 814 Erie.................... 930 Weld E15 Estes Park ___417 Larimer D13 ‘Falrplay......... 221 Park 112 Flagler_______ 540 Kit Carson H21 Fleming______365 Logan C22 Florence_____2475 Fremont L14 ‘Fort Colllnsll, 489 Larimer C14 B. L. Lorenzen.— FIRST NATIONAL BANK T. H. Wilson par 100 82-124 d®»t’02 J.D. Wilson, Ch. of Bd. Eckiey State Bank—d«J§'14 82—331 James Ringold— Elbert County Bank..dt§’07 James Ringold, Ch. par 100 82-237 James Ringold — Elizabeth State Bk. dB»t§'07 20% par 100 82-238 Englewood State Bank $176 82-424 d®§’19 J. M. Bish................ First Nat'l Bank ..d®T»i’09 W. D. Bish, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $125 par 100 82-239 James Brennan.... $100-10% par 100 82-240 Estes Park Bank— ®*tl’08 Samuel Service... Albert Hayden.... J. D. Stead, Ch. R. R. MacDonald $150-10% 82-241 J. F. Singleton.__ Bank of Fairplay------- *t5’98 J. C. Singleton, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 82-243 First National Bank..®»t’08 W.H. Lavington — T. J. Huntzinger 10% par 100 82—200 First National Bank.d®»t’17 A. R. Cochran........ X, A. Lambert.. . $130-10% par 100 82-382 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 82-92 R. S. Gast... dB®T*t 87 R. S. Oast. Ch. J. D. Allen______ E. E. Lea F. A. Tyson 25,000 19,000 384,930 294,090 64,920 5.960 R, L. Ritchey____ 50,000 7,430 322,370 145.720 32,770 47,000 Cosby McBeath 15.000 9,630 100,790 6,000 J. C. Stone__ __ par 100 82-26 P0UDRE VALLEY NATIONAL $220-i2%BANK82-25dB®T»t'78 par 100 Fort Lupton.,1578 Fort Lupton State 82-244 Weld E15 Platte Valley State $120 par 100 82-317 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,950 95.000 39,100 25,000 25,000 E. F. Tighe.— 10 000 14,300 151,000 90,400 2n non 5,000 225,000 150,000 25,000 20,000 725,000 15,000 14,420 328,690 25,000 13,370 282,950 F. E. O’Dell____ N. Eastin __ Wm. Whiles Chas. F. Hix____ R. H. Bradshaw... 17,730 1st N., Lin.; U. S. N.. Den. 95,000 U. S. N„ Den. 3,000 42,500 U. S. N„ Den. 105.000 1st N.. Den. 25,000 255,000 200,000 70,000 4,200 173,240 101,800 14,910 235.030 16,350 7,100 89,200 95,470 4,260 270,000 1st N., Den.: Com. Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Kan. C., Mo.; Mellon N., Pittsburgh. 72,350 Colo. N.. Den. 62.840 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Den. 24,820 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den. A. A. Dollison_____ K. S. Rehbock___ 10,000 16,340 160,850 A. E. Creighton... LaClede Yocum__ 25,000 16,000 250,000 165,000 57,000 4,000 45,300 17.500 76,940 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N.. Den.; Oma. N.. Omaha, 129,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Pueblo; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N„ Den. 33,860 N. City. N. Y.; Colo. Siprings N., Colo. Springs; U. S. N., Den.; Western N., Pueblo. C. L. Llppitt W. A. Rose, Cash, and Tr. Off. R. W. Morris a. C. MOORE------ A. G. KLUVER_ _ _ _ _ F. A. BRIMMER_ _ _ _ F. W. MOORE_ _ _ _ _ 26,560 65.000 U. S. N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 30,000 12,620 197.340 15,000 115,210 50,000 62,290 1,477,020 41,600 536,470 922,470 42,900 25,000 10,510 250.400 13,030 187,250 55,360 22,470 397,810 1,125,920 681,380 16,250 196.460 N. City, N. Y.; Den. N. and IstN., Den. 232,560 195,050 61,440 48,340 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Den. 298,140 1.414,500 972,890 82,830 475.920 Konntze Bros.. N. Y.: 1st N.a Ohl.; 1st N.and Oolo. N., Den. 238,870 125,000 200,000 61,470 1,360.740 100,000 16,210 J SEND US YOU R FORT COLLI NS ITEMS PROMPT ATTEN TION. d®T‘t'81 (.DIRECT FOR 8 2-27 d®T«tl90i TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS for AND-TRUST FRASER 77,730 220,000 Alice H. Mayer.__ Lewis Shook- R. BAKER, R. BRENIMAN_ _ _ _ _ G. A. WEBB......... - R. C. CRESSWELL— FORT COLLINS JCl. Ch.of Bd.andPres. M. M. ST. CLAIR S.W. BROWN. Tr.Off. NATIONAL BANK J COLLECTIONS MADE PROMPT LY AND REMIT TED ON DAY par 100 — 360,000 16% par 100 J. M. Dodson_____ Security National Bank H. M. Fox $110 par 100 82-395 d®*’23 A. I. Hadley, Ch. of Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 130,000 (. 308.800 112,370 OF PAYMEN T. B. F. Hnttel. C. H. Sheldon____ V. U. Wolf.. S. J. Rhode. . __ M. B. Rhode______ J. E. Philpott____ 156,810 2,341,190 F. R. Liggett—___ 150,000 W. M. Ward______ C. M. Whiteside 25 000 21,870 500,000 25,000 5,080 152,950 N. W. Thompson . — 157,910 International Trust Company DFNVFR COI O 170,000 Colo. N.. Den.: 1st N., Oma. 2,200 22,920 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. BUYS And SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 cc to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* XUU Town and county. ^County Seats. State in No. 10 F. B. Dist. Denver Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. •Fort Morgan 4423 Farmers State Bk...d®»tS'15 J. H. Bloedorn.__ C. F. W. Bloedorn. H. B. Bloedorn .... A. E. Grave*____ 82-33* Morgan DIO Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonda Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili and and AND Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 50,000 i 35,520 J 550,580 $ 16,000 J 200,000 50,000 900,000 Peoples State Bank ...d»t§’25 C. M. Stitt_______ C. M. Snodgrass... C. H. Mayborn........ M. S. Travis____ $187.50-7K% par 100 82-452 25,000 25,710 380,980 200,000 157.500 72,500 220,000 N. City. N. Y.; Den. N., 1st N. and Colo. 320,880 21,000 5,650 84,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. N. N„ Den. and Stk. Yds. N„ Den.; U. S. N„ Oma. 17.250 275,000 190,000 50,000 25,000 9,540 140,000 114,000 2,210 JOHN GAVIN- - - - - - - - L. A. STEWART...... Frulta_______1053 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 82-146 d®»t’07 ) Prompt, efficlen t service on all ba nklng matters en trusted to us. Mesa I 2 (. We Invite You r Business. 25,000 8,920 216,530 32,520 114,320 32,420 Genoa________ 218 First National Bank_d®*t'Ofi C. H. Stramp, Wm. F. Martin___ Lyle T. Lowe.......... A. A. Fruhling----par 100 82-246 Lincoln H20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. O. Dickey 25,000 3,500 60,000 28,500 89,000 ‘Georgetown ..303 Bk. of Georgetown .d®»tl’82 Mrs. M. Seifried Clear Greek G12 $150 par 100 82-138 McFarland ‘Glenwood Citizens National Bank »t'03 G.H.Bell. Springs 82-109 Garfield G 7 1825 First National Bank.®T»t’87 C. R. McCarthy. $400-24% 82-108 C. C. Parks. Ch. 30.000 6.000 132,000 3,400 A. J. Wirtk______ R. E. Heisler ___ 50.000 45,200 739,970 J. S. Hunn_______ J. F. Gregory____ H. B. Patterson. 100,000 107,650 1,558,320 ‘Golden_____ 2426 RUBEY NATIONAL BANK A. Phinney ... $300-i#% 82-96 dB®T»t’93 J. C. Burger, Ch. Jefferson F14 H. W. Pratt______ H. R. Greene_____ R. J. Kelly-------- 50,000 Granada______352 American State Bank.eJI’lS E.F, Page.. 8% par 100 82-249 Prowers N24 M. H. Durham ___ H. E. McKeever... 17,500 LEE WARNER- — rO. 0. FELLOWS— R. S. Patterson... J. B. Foley______ H, S. Bushnell Mrs. B. T. Napier 5,000 GRAND VALLEY NAT’L BANK par 100 82-39 "WILLIAM WEISER- W. C. KURTZ.......... A. E. BORSCHELL_ _ C. B. CANFIELD iW.J. MOYER, W. H. HINMAN. I Ch.of Bd. UNITED STATES BANK. .82-40. d®T»t§’25 103,810 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; Den. N. 12,850 8,450 6,700 Stock Yds. N„ Den.; Tra. Gate City N„ 70,400 57,000 17,000 21,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Den. N.. Den. 516,570 171,290 15.010 2,280 1,035,400 439,380 6,020 287,460 Ohem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Den.; 52,290 1,047,130 59,990 391,990 589,450 67.760 160,210 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. &Tr„ N. Y.; Cont. 54,910 5,920 59,940 7,820 5,700 100,000 53,160 2,016,120 _____ 1,246,020 295,780 120,920 525,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Den.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.; Secur. 1st N., Los A. 100,000 48,340 1,108,510 31,900 811,610 148,300 86,740 242,110 Chase N.. N. Y.; Den. N. and 1st N.. Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 78,790 1,500 86,830 5,570 14,370 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; 1st N„ Glen 100,000 178,710 3,262.740 198,130 1,198,850 1,621,390 200.000 67,040 1,919,200 180,950 1,300,190 •Greeley ....12,203 First National Bk,.d®T»t’84 J. M. B. Petrikin.. R. F. Graham........ J. S. Davis.............. 0. J. Seem____ par 100 82-33 Weld C16 J. O. Custer Chas. E, Southard W. R. Patterson, Tr. Off. T. C. PHILLIPS, H. F. WHEELER -— W. H. BARBER....... 6. A. SPEAR.. Ch.ofBd. and Pres. L.B. CARREL 6REELEY UNION $200-6% par 100 82-35 d®T*t’77 WELD COUNTY SAV. BANK 6% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7,480 82-34 dB®T»t§’89 and 1st N„ Den.; Grand Valley N„ Grand Junction. Kan. C„ Mo. 132,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Den. N„ Den. 12,340 1st N.. Pueblo, Lamar and Wichita. Conducts a gen eral Banking and Trust business. Largest Capital of any Bank In Western Colored Collections and cash ietters give ■ special atten Grand Valley..209 Garfield County State Bank A. T. Cooley______ J. E. Sipprelle____ J. E. Sipprelle. Garfield G5 82-250 »ir07 NATIONAL BANK Kan. C. 32,410 Tr. Off. I A thoroughly o rganlzed collect! on department, | Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters. dB®T*i'02 A Good Bank In a Good Town. E. D. BLODGETT_ C. D. SMITH_ _ _ _ _ E. W. 01NWIDDIE — G. H. MCI A. M. SCHMIDT, FRED MANTEY C. B.POHD, Tr.Officer W. 0. Er Ch. of Bd. A. C. MILNE A. M. SCHMIDT 62,250 1st N.. Den. and Pueblo; Inter-State N.. 47,010 1st N., Pueblo and Lawrence. par 100 •Grand Junction Mesa I S 10,247 and 1st N., Den.: Oma. N.. Oma. 900,000 25,000 Fowler State Bank ..d®»t§’07 H.W. Fox________ D. L. McPhllimy... E. P. Barnard........ par 100 82-141 14,500 $ 106,990 Bk.of America N. A„ N. Y.: Cent Snv. Bk. &. Tr.Co. First National Bk. _.d®T»t’90 J. H, Roediger.... L. C, Jacox_______ Max Roediger___ Roy Breitweiser.. par 100 82-90 Fountain_____ 577 First National Bank________ (Closed July 30, 193 0 for liquidation) El Paso K10 Fowler________ 968 First National Bk. ._d©»t’05 A. Waddington, Carl Thomas Bauer G. B. Warner........ . Ch.of Bd. and Pres. $200 par 100 82-142 Otero N18 5,580 $ 504,190 $ Principal Correspondents. Ex- Cash A chaj$q«s,Du* took Banks Prompt, efflcle nt service on all We Invite Yo ur Business. 25,000 1,500 wood Spgs. 631,290 20,700 100,000 64,000 963,000 534,000 206,000 International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. 335,710 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. N.,Den.; Stk. Growers N., Cheyenne. banking matters entrusted to ns. C. N. Jackson........ A. W. Ferguson__ H. W. MoGilp_____ E. L. Gordon... D. H. Jackson 898,640 Colo. N„ Den. N„ and 1st N„ Den. 43,000 344,000 N.City, N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr, Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Colo. N„ Den. 167 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaiiy Bankers’ TOWM AMD GOUKTT. ‘County Seats. State in No. 10 F. B. Dist.Den.Br. oMem.A.B.A.wNew IStatetPrir. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. ‘Gunnison... 1415 First National Bank d®T»t’82 S. P. Spencer. J. A. Steele---------- O. F. Spencer.__ par 100 82-126 Gunnison L8 Gunnison Bank & Trust Co. 0. W. Winslow___ W. W. McKee____ ri Hirtmin Prowers M24 M. J. Sievers 8% 82-127 ®T»t5’10 9RQ Hartman State Bank „dti’09 G. W. Sherman.__ C. E. Zink................ J.T,. Zink 1163 par 100 82-258 Haxtnn.._______ 1027 Farmers State Bank E. E. Intermill----- W. A. Trowbridge. Jioo por 100 82-190 d®*t§’09 Phillips 023 It ’ •« First National Bank.d®»j’17 0.0. McCuaS- __ E. G. Eaton______ H. W. Hartman___ F. W. Gipple_____ Routt 07 Viola Holmquist $100 par 100 82-189 O. L. Reynolds _ J. A. Brooks ___ Haxtun State Bank —•J§’19 C. J. Moser $100-6% par 100 82-419 A. N. Faucher____ L. E. Fitzgerald... Harry Fuchtel----Yampa Valley Bank -d*t§’02 Alva Jones, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8% 82-198 Weld A17 Hereford State Bank $100 82-418 d®»t5'19 „ First State Bank.__®*tS’08 E. A. Wiggenhorn, 82-255 Morgan D20 Jr. Hnlly 971 First National Bank.d®»t’07 7. H. Allen par 100 82-157 Prowers N26 12% Phillips 024 St «« M „ First National Bk—dB®*t’88 82-165 Phillips County State Bank $200 par 250 82-169 d®‘t5’09 F. P. O'Neal____ J. W. O'Neal................ S. 8. Worley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. N. White H. C. Hargreaves— R. L. Johnson______ H. M. Lee____________ R. H. McDonnall— S. D. Goddard A. Scheunemann, Ch. of Bd. First State Bank of Sulphur Springs Springs..82-299.. d®»t§’09 Grand Eli 142 $200-10% Hudson..................... 346 First State Bank____d»t§’24 $130 par 135 82-447 Weld E16 First National Bank $285-24% 82-267 d®T»t’07 Lincoln 120 par 100 68,050 $ 942,400 $ 34,870 419,680 10,000 4,000 39,900 25,000 22,580 179,110 50,000 1,000 227,500 53,560 $ 334,820 $ 305,650 $ 334,020 68,780 3,800 40,770 2,420 49,160 157,500 78,000 170,490 16,000 S 457,530 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. DeD. and Pueblo. 95,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Colo. N„ Den.; 1st N.. Pueblo. 8,430 6,080 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: 1st N., Lamar; Drov. N., Kan. C. 15.800 39,160 7,970 107,730 89,260 22,780 7,950 10,500 225,000 20,000 180,000 13,000 32,500 60,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. C., Chi.; Drov. N.. Kan. C.; U. S. N., Den. 15,000 9,830 107,340 4,970 109,460 4,240 23,440 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Stock Yds. N., Den.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. 15,000 12.500 100.000 80.000 _____ _____ 25,000 6,230 282,520 50,000 12,590 400,000 50,000 15,920 345,610 25.000 5.000 238,000 80,000 320,000 H. O. Gray, Sr.___ C. E. Morgan.......... 10,000 14,540 189,640 Thelma O. Paige — J. H. Wristen------ J • writtod Chas. Kugel, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. I. Thompson ... A. C. and A. Tr. Off. E. I, Thompson, L. M. Laurie J. P. Dickinson, Tr. Off. Carlos M. Allen Ch. of Bd. 12,500 6,840 108,890 25,000 52,780 522,730 John Atcheson, Jr. C. I. Spessard____ 25,000 14,650 Arley Sylvester— C. A. Brown, F. D. Blackmer ___ Vern C. Earll, First National Bankd®T«t'80 F. A. Miller. Cash, and Tr. Off. A. C. and A. Tr. Off. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Vern C. Earll 82-108 H. w, Balfour. 9RA T1HT Qtm fa Rant- 40,400 Chase N., N. Y.; Com’l Sav„ Sterling; 1st N., Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den. 53,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Lin. 30,000 7.500 ____ Principal Correspondents. 25,000 5,750 .. Paul C. Graves_____ T. H. Fox Idftllft 100 $116-10% par 126 82-357 Yu ms F24 Ignacio 464 Ignacio State Bank.d®*t5'10 $140-10% par 100 82-268 La Plata B6 20,720 Stock Yds. N., Den.; 1st N., Lin. 30.000 Oma. N., Oma.; U. S. N.. Den. 186.700 70.610 9,640 220,000 93.720 25.790 128,680 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Den. N. and Colo. N.. Den.; Oma. N.. Oma. 12,500 192,880 59,590 20,800 5,000 162,000 30.000 21,000 150,760 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Den. and Lin.; Stock Yds. N., Oma. 57,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; C. S. N., Oma. and Den. 45,000 25,750 12,000 250,000 20,000 16,500 95.960 36,820 4,620 3,020 17,550 64,630 1st N., Wichita and Pueblo. 25,000 1st N. Den.: Alamosa N„ Alamosa. 78,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Den. 76,580 1st N., Den. 26,920 21,270 62,320 478,580 126,310 149,480 99,010 46,010 8,780 50.000 130,250 125,420 17,170 38,280 5,000 4,720 25,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N.. Den. 110.000 15,000 8,000 65,000 U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo; Drov. N„ Kan. C. 54,500 5,910 7,200 58,090 1st N., Den. 50,000 13,870 225,300 10,000 8,000 55,000 77,020 Colo. N., Den. 57,930 Chase N.. N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. 35,330 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N. and Int'lTr. Co.. Den. 43,850 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 25.000 8,000 165,000 _____ 15,000 5,740 104,960 50,000 19.000 519,660 25.000 237,500 60.120 26,000 290.040 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oolo. N.. Den. 50,000 13,910 429,320 52.480 313,100 66,970 40,320 125,320 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma.; Colo. N.. Den. 75,000 5.000 5,000 82-260 Loon B21 T. M. Callahan_____ W. E. Letford______ P $2$o-M% re. F. PARKER---- e. V. WHITE.- C. F. SCRROEIER... E. S. EASTLAGK----- M. B. Rhode__ __ T. A. Rhode . . 15,000 4,500 150,000 75,000 Colo. N.. Den.; 1st N.. Oma. 82-421 TRANSACTS A. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reel j Largeat Bank In Sedgwick County (.Collections and Cash letters hav a the personal at tentlen of an offl cer of t he ban k. Kcenesbnrg ...297 First State Bank... d®t!?l S. J, T?h0<l6_ par 100 W 82-260 ‘JulMburg...l467 FI.iT .AT^i Sodcwlok A24 Weld E 16 50,000 $ 50,000 10,000 Idaho Springs 1207 Bank of Idaho Springs 82-105 ®»t8’18 Clear Greek F13 Weld DIE $ 25,000 Hooper Sta.te Bank ..d»t8’12 par 100 82-322 First State Bank—d®T»J§’30 J. E. Hanson__________ H. H. Addams_______ C. E. Myers O. G. Taylor, Ch. par ioo 82-170 (Merger of First National Ba nk and North Fork State Bank) ‘Hot Sulphur Tltflf Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Miscel Caih & ExLoans Other Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili and and ohahgM'Dui AND Capital Profits its Diacounta flaeuritias laneous from Banks ties 82-416 $140-12% por 100 BsOptr .... ....lelcl Alamosa 012 Hotchkiss______ 541 Delta J6 W. W. Chandler... Thelma Rockwell— J. S. Fletcher........ ‘Holyoke............. 1226 Citizens State Bank .®«t5’18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORAIX)—Continued International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 1 fiR .LUO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. State in No, 10. F.R. Dist.Denv.Br. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatefPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Kiowa_______185 Kiowa State Bank - d®»t5'07 1112.50-10% par 50 82-262 Elbert H17 Stockgrowers State Bk.»tS’19 8% 82-422 Kirk___________65 Kirk State Bank............. 1517 par 100 82-365 Yuma G2S Kit Carson___ 158 Kit Carson State Bank d»iS’0B Cheyenne G22 io% 82-309 Kremmling ...261 Bk. of Kremmling. d®»t§'07 Grand E10 1330-20% par 100 82-263 Lafayette____ 1842 First National Bank..d®»t’07 Boulder E15 1150 par 100 82-114 Laird............ .....210 Laird State Bank_____ t§’09 Yuma E25 82-264 La Jara..............602 First National Bank ..®«t'10 Conejos Q12 1175-10% par 150 82-182 ‘La Junta ..©7193 Colorado Sav. & Trust Co. Otero N20 ♦82-67 dB®T»t*’07 1160-5% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL SS. BANK d®»t’90 1120 President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. J. J. Kruse_______ 15,000 J. E. Wrape______ G. I. Idler. R. H. Calverley C. E. Collins______ Charles Scott___ H. K. Clark______ Lena Burkard.__ 10,000 3,850 Frank Jelinek____ Mildred Hale____ 10,000 35.500 F. C. Jones_______ C. L. Brown. $ 39,700 Den. N.. Den. 69,810 57,490 5,340 4,200 16,630 Colo. N.. Den.; Tra. Gate City N., Kan. C. 122,500 125,500 5,500 10,000 27,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 66,000 1st N., Den. 231,290 4,020 183,770 John Brown______ Thomas Ashton___ Buffer Roberts___ 15,000 ' 2,640 56,330 W. A. Braiden____ F. D. Calkins-......... O. A. Garris______ H. C. Hall___ B. Espinoza J. W. Shawcrof t W. S. Morrison ___ E. G. Woodbridge. J. H. MacDonald ~ W. A. Hart 40,000 22,050 392,530 75,000 47.500 50,000 { 114,790 78,190 3,300 116,050 69,730 13.080 41,430 450 5,220 31,500 233,510 85,660 9,500 512,000 4,000 437,000 99,000 33,500 5,940 483,880 48,860 326,140 130,370 16,810 50,000 18,690 321,270 253,840 80,780 6,940 50,000 66,410 560,950 18,520 288,730 218,520 12,050 50,000 45.000 740,520 46,800 487,570 105,070 24,260 25,000 8,380 210,030 108,120 52,230 5,300 50,000 35,000 543,000 503,000 25,000 20,000 80,000 1st N., N. Y. and Pueblo; Com. Tr. Co. and Inter-State N., Kan. C. 50,000 25,800 430,400 269,000 152,000 23.500 25,000 4,710 104,500 72,000 11,800 9,410 121,700 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. O.: Stock Yds. N.. Den.:Western N..Pneblo. 31,000 1st N., Den.; Western N„ Pueblo; 1st N, Walsenburg. 130,840 849,010 3.000 i 25,000 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Gash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and Zac for Credit Reports. Oldest and Lar gest Bank. Jennie E. Snyder.. J. N. Lamb_______ E. M. Reynolds Lewis Barnum____ J. C. Goudy_______ E. A. Lundgren ... W. E. Garrett R. E. Adams._____ W. W. Cooper____ O. E. Verrall.......... v 15,1930) A. 8. Booth_______ W. J. A. Scott____ H. H. Schumann.. ‘Leadrllle___3771 Lake Hio OARBONATE AMERICAN J. F. McDonald___ NAT L BANK 82-43 d»t’87 par 100 Llmon..............1100 First National Bank.dB®»t’17 A. C. Sinclair_____ Lincoln H19 *140 par ioo 82-370 Limon National Bank P. A. Thompson__ par 100 82-177 dB®T«t’05 F. L. Smith______ H. D. Leonard ___ W.G. Harrington. G. A. Conklin R. T. Gates____ J. T. Osborne J. D. Kessinger. Sam Frasier______ H. K. McArthur. H. R. Holmes P. B. Dunn_______ S. H. Bourne___ C, A. Miller______ W. C. Muth______ D. W. Spangler W. E. Letford____ J. H. Jones______ T. M. Callahan, Ch. D. C. Donovan Longmont Nat.Bk.dB®T»t’05 E. T. Ludlow_____ *130-8% par 100 82-64 Louisville____1681 First State Bank ...d®«t§’15 W. L. Tanner_____ Boulder E 14 82-333 Loveland_____5506 First National Bank H. Scilley................ Larimer D 15 *300 par 100 82-70 d®T*t’05 LOVELAND STATE BANK A. J. Swanson____ . 82-69 d ®T«T5*31 R. W. Truscott, a 36,810 U. S. N„ Den. 2.650 31,000 First National Bank..d®»t’01 John McIntosh___ C. A. Thomas_____ J. W. Rawlings___ Wilson R. Brown. par 100 82-111 First National Bank d®»t’24 W. M. Kincaid____ E. C. Stream______ W- H- Harrison.__ par 100 82-448 transacts 2,000 13,600 25,000 *Las Animas. .2517 BENT COUNTY BANK.®«tS 75 Bent N21 par 100 82-110 GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,580 82,300 10,000 ■.PHILLIPS_ _ _ _ ED. MARSHALL------ D. A. NORTON_ _ _ _ Ch. of Bd. 100,000 29,260 1,173,790 50,000 3,600 38,930 1st N., Den. 26,870 U. 8. N., Den.; 1st N.. Lin. 157,410 Chase N.. N. Y.; D. S. N., Den.; Am. N., Alamosa; Western N., Pueblo. 69.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Pueb.: D. S. N., Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 115,350 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ohi., Pnablo. and Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 48,400 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N.. Pueblo; Fid.N., Kan. C. 176.580 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Com Tr.Co., Kan. C.; 1st N.. Pneblo and Den. 265,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State N., Kan. O.; U. S. N., Den.; Western N.. Pueblo. 77,750 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Colo. N., Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 1st N.. Pueblo. 323,800 1st N., N. Y.: Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Ohi.; Colo. N. and 1st N.. Den. 25,000 2,000 160,000 140,000 30,000 Albert A. Fruhling 30,000 4,000 120,000 79,000 160,000 30,000 25,000 18,000 1st N.. Den. 73,370 Chase N„ N. Y.; D. S. N., Dm. C. C. McMurray. Lyle T. Lowe___ Principal Correspondents. & Ex Du* Gash changes, whom Banks 91,670 $ 115.750 Carl G. Breeze ___ Marie A. Jones__ La Salle______564 La Salle State Bank________ {Voluntary liquidat ion effective Februar Weld D16 (.Reorganization of Larimer County Bank & Trust Co.) 7,500 G. E. Bermont ___ J. M. Braden_____ J. D. Malcolm_____ Rose E, Sandberg. Valley State Bank. d®»t8’20 Charles Maxwell, Cora R. Strain .... H. L. Hooker______ par 100 82-432 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ‘Littleton ___ 2019 First National Bank d®»t’05 par 100 82-119 Arapahoe G15 Littleton Nat. Bank..®»t’09 par 100 82-120 Longmont....6029 Colorado Bank & Trust Co. Bonlder E 14 *ioo 82-425 dB®T»t§'20 First National Bank *250 par 100 82-62 d®T*t’71 10,000 $ 11,880 $ 110,190 V. A. Backlund___ E. R. Mourning___ R. H. Denny.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Resources. Loam Bonds Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and and its Capital Profits Diaeounta Securitise laneous ties Annie C. Reilly, La Junta State Bk..d®»tJ’93 John Richert_____ -10% par 100 82-66 ‘Lamar_____ 4233 FIRST NAT’L BANK—d»t 87 R. C. Thatcher -__ Prowers M23 par 100 82-86 Lamar Nat. Bk___d®T»tl900 B. T. McCIave____ 82-87 La Veta_____ 782 Huerfano P 15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued 17,000 1st N., Colo. Springs; Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C. Casper Broemmel. Willard Teller.__ 25,000 36,510 603,180 25,000 247,980 344,670 23.670 Geo. Malcolm____ 25,000 24,170 335,700 25,000 218,290 109,980 18.670 R. L. Hudson_____ E. Z. Bills_____ 50,000 10,550 372.140 294,220 54,400 11,600 155,680 1,382,340 915,860 435,520 118,810 393,370 249,060 93,000 W. T. Coon........ ..... L. B. Flanders___ P, E. Hamm_____ E. D. Welker J. R. Thirlaway.. A. H. McKeirnan.. E. R. Gunther ... J. D. Williamson H. H. Hoyt______ Annie Liddle.... D. T. Pulliam____ Alpheus Cox T. M. McKee____ W. J. Isaak, Exec. W. M. Ward, R. B. Handy_____ V, P. and Cash. W. L. Tharp C. O. Winton_____ J. M. Graham------ 100.000 75,000 29,660 835,600 15.000 6,270 153,530 100,000 50,000 49,520 75,670 2,200 53,870 1,003,960 49,700 751,140 257,590 51,290 266,770 21,120 209,810 63,430 26,080 10,040 International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. 62,930 1st N.. Den. 72,480 Traders Gate City N.. Kan. O.; Colo. N., Den. 167,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Den. 254,350 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Den. N., Den. 96,920 U. S. N.. Den. 147,500 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; U. S.N.. Den. 48,620 Den. N.< Den. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -------------------------------- A n A nw.n, SSWot.+PHo 1 TOWN AND COUNTY. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. PRESIDENT. State in No. 10 F.R. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond nist. Denver Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Boulder D 14 V ICE-PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued Cashier. Resources Liabilities. Bonds Other Loans Cash & EX Miscel CHANGES,Du« Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ( from Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. S State Bk. of Lyons d®»t§'04 *100 par 12 82-269 12,000 % 1.500 1 74,790 9,130 $ 69,580 90,810 S 18,140 i 9,690 C 19,270 8,890 26,990 \ * Unnassa______ 953 Colonial State Bank.d®+§'12 Christen Jensen... Samuel Jackson... W. O. Crowther, Sarah Jackson......... Cash., Sec. and Tr, 1160-20% 82-319 Conejos Q12 10,000 10,890 121,700 2,570 W. E. Faris----------- F. M. Shideler .... B, C. Bauer...........— H. M. Quillet 50,000 27,260 517,750 76,610 433,470 138,690 11,950 87,500 1 G. C. Flake_______ 20,000 45,730 425,610 7,280 330,600 92,390 22,450 53,170 C 66,770 Monteinma Q 4 First National Bank d®*J’10 John S pons el___ 16% 82-176 G. T, Cline, Ch. Manlteu_____ 1205 Bank of Maniton. dB®»tS’07 J. F. Campbell___ $350-28% par 100 82-270 H. M. Ogilbee, Ch. 11 Paso J 15 ICanianola ___ 578 J. N. Beaty & Co., Bkrs. W. C. Beaty......... — 25% 82-271 d®*t§’97 Otero M IS McClave State Bank— d*§’20 $110 par 100 82-434 Bent M 22 Den. Sav.. Colo. Spgs.; Den. N.. Den.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 121,210 C ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., C. A. Gregory.___ James S. Cook____ 25,000 19,440 293,870 145,320 W. C. Bourne. 15.000 5,630 74,880 74,800 40,000 12,860 404,320 59,300 386,480 5,030 43,260 30,000 11,550 272,920 150 241,290 4,750 5,620 62,960 ( ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. N.. 50,000 4,000 350,000 38,600 235,480 67,000 82,120 58,000 ( hase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo; Drov. N., is? First National Bank_______ (Closed July 3, 1930 ) Weld D 16 L. B. Walbridge... Alfeeker_____ 1069 First National Bank.—«t’04 82-154 Bio Blanco E 5 ee *« A. E. Fnrdham First State Bank— d®»t§’19 Chi.: 1st N„ Den.; 1st N„ Pueblo. 19,800 ( ent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: Fid. N. 4,400 Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den. ( 81,700 Chem. Kan. C.: D. S. N.. Den. $140 par 110 82-404 (Taken over by Secu rity State Bank, Ste rling, Colo.) Merino________ 230 LecanOZO J. P. Markey_____ John H. Beatty—.. Manta Vlata.,2610 First National Bank d®«t’04 82-95 Rio Grande P11 par 100 u ' Principal Correspondents. J. H. Smith, P. E. Harney. 25,000 12,830 237,330 p. L. Stitt J. R. Baily------------- 60.000 37,730 765,120 Tr. Off. Sec. and Tr. Co........ 82-413.dB®T*i§lf> Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $140 par 100 Wallace State Bank d®»t§’86 W. H. Fassett, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 82-94 N. B. Callaway.__ AMantroie ___ 3566 First National Bank d®«t’89 C. B. Akard............ T. B. Townsend, Jr. T. B. Townsend, Jr. J. A. Dutcher T. B. Townsend, Jr. 82-71 Montrose L 5 100,000 76,300 1,247,540 100,000 18,420 45,000 Kan .0. 179,930 45,990 16,940 32,290 ( iliase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; Western N., Pueblo. 566,930 142,190 53,560 145,160 i Ihase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Pueblo: 1st N., 190,170 : 1. City, N. Y.: ls< N. and Colo. N.. Den.; 1st N., Pueblo; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Den.; Com.Tr.Co. and Drov, N„ Kan. C. 100,000 992,580 326,770 14,300 15.000 354,820 131,650 13,480 55,000 9,000 6,000 67,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 10,500 16,000 U. S. N., Den.; Longmont N., Longmont. Ch. ,. „ MONTROSE NATIONAL BANK 6% 82—72 ®T»t 04 E. J. Kerbel-------- R. E. Dlemer........... H n Hardy _ New Castle___ 470 New Castle State Bank par 100 82-278 •1§'09 •arfleld G « mvat_________ 113 Niwot State Bank...®»t§’09 N. M. Henry------- A M Dodd par 135 82-279 Beilder B 14 Amos Entwistle... Nunn_________ 196 First State Bank----------*:i’08 B V Clark io% par loo 82-281 Weld B 16 __ Oak Creek„__1211 OakCreekState Bk. d®»t§’29 82-454 Routt C 9 Montrose Ki .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 82-180 _____ T. B. Townsend, Jr. C. B. Akard............... 10,000 432,430 127,000 10,000 90,000 65,910 ' & Tr.. Chi.; 1st N. and Den. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 10,000 6,500 90,000 10,000 6,090 80,930 62,600 1,900 3,310 29,210 Oma. N., Oma.; Colo. St., Den 25.000 6,290 148,430 61,150 63,360 1,890 53,320 Chase N.. N. Y.; Den. N., Den. 25,000 12,740 330 360 197,810 94,740 13,710 25.000 4,120 49,760 54,110 1,620 13,190 25,000 45,000 420,000 10,000 147,000 190,000 18,000 25,000 2,500 75,000 500 50,000 5,000 19,000 1 225,000 1 140,0001 52.00C 25,000 86,830 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: U. S. N„ 1st N., and Den. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo and Montrose. d®»t'10 (Consolidated with First National Ban k, December 13. 193( ) Oiwey Springs.228 Olney Springs State Bank Growler M19 par 100 82-348 d»tl'16 *Or4war ____113S First National Bank A M, Ward par 100 82-161 d®T»t’07 Growler M19 .. •• Ordwar State Bank d®TT§’22 par 100 E. A. Shaffer John W. Beaty.... J. C. Buell, Jr. 145,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Pueblo; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Den. 48,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; IstN. and So. Colo., Pueblo. 82-162 Otis___________ 52£ l First National Bank_®»V17 M. B. Holland____ Lon Felkey_______ B. L. McKenzie.... W. C. Zimmerman. 82-283 Washington B 22 par 100 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9,950 1st N., Pueblo; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 25,000) ■HI International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. . 77,000 D. S. N., Den.: 1st N., Lin. HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 170 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§ State tPriv. *Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. State in No. 10 F. R. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Dlst. Denver Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this COLORADO—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources, Loan* Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other Miscel- Cash k Exand and Liabili Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities LANEOTJS fbom Banks ties •Ouray................707 Citizens State Bank A. E. Walther, E, E. Wheeler____ D. S. Boyd____ R. E. Eullerstrand $ *140-12% 82-325 d®T»t§’13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ouray N 6 par 100 Ovid__________ 649 Ovid State Bank--. d®»t§'19 J. R. Coen __ C. R. Johnson____ *160 par 100 8 2-426 Sedgwick A 23 30,000 J 6,010 $ 286,450 15,000 8,000 •Fagosa Springs Citizens Bank.__ dB®»t§’08 David Hersch_____ M. R. Mickey____ F. M. Wiley............ Archuleta Q 8 804 *140 par 100 8 2-286 Whitney Newton, Jr. Palisade. *51 Palisades National Bank G. W. Bowman.__ A. G. Tilton____ F. L. Tilton............ Mesa I 3 *300 82-144 ©•t’05 50,000 12,000 25.000 W. S. Johnson ___ E. J. Johnson____ W. M. Hutchison.. Paoll. _______175 Paoli State Bank.. d®»*8T6 S. D. Goddard____ O. W. Lohm ___ Phillips 023 *160 par 100 82-354 P. Holmquist. Ch. Paonla ___ Delta J6 “ ___ 958 First National Bank..®»t’01 K. T. Lamb_______ *160-10% par 100 82-129 •* Fruit Ex. State Bk.d®»t§’01 Walt Thomas_____ E. H. Curtis____ Floyd Hammond.. 10% 82-128 Weldon Hammond, Ch Parker... 155 Douglas County Bank A. N. Johnson ___ F. G. Davis_______ O. S. Davis — .. Douglas G16 *120-8% par 100 82-446 d®t§’23 Peets . 244 Logan A21 Peyton . m El Paso 117 Plattevllle___533 Weld Dla Pritchett 451 Baca P 23 First National Bank d®»t’19 Ft. .1. Weeth *100 par 100 82-342 Farmers State Bankd©*t§T6 F. F. Hartman .... J. O. Phillips_____ *125 par 100 8 2-356 Platteville National Bank J. W. Birkle______ par 100 82-289 #t’09 First State Bank---------- *§'29 R. B. Holt. J. K. McKinnis___ *120 82-455 1 149,050 $ 104,340 $ 112,000 $ 15,000 95,000 14,000 250,000 500 140,000 50,000 14,530 491,760 24,350 116,130 212,790 23.050 10,000 3.500 43,170 38,230 6,000 5,750 25.000 10,160 301,010 195.260 87,540 12.890 30.000 5,000 300,000 234,000 20,000 10.000 3,500 60,000 60,000 3,500 8,000 6,900 18,000 24,980 8,000 W. J. Sawicki____ 25,000 4,500 83,000 18,400 90,000 A. L. Pieper______ 10,000 5,760 95,880 14,000 105,340 W. A. Roberts ___ 25.000 2,360 227,850 30,000 182,130 R. J. Unit 25.000 9,300 111,040 61,030 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 42-1 *PUEBL0 Sfl 10% par 100 TRUST 42-6 dB®T»t§’89 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. tUttr Ch. of Bd, Established 1871. L- T. RULE any uusiness m me line or Banning. Collections a specialty. BEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MAP OF COLORADO. 30,000 139,440 2,320,490 Alva B. Adams.... M. D. Thatcher.__ W. K. Dudley____ Edward McCabe... W. K. Dudley W. C. Smart 100,000 259,000 D. P. Duct_______ 75,000 itwk-- 100,000 par 100 42-9 d®T«j§’20 ‘WESTERN / G. F. TROTTER - ALVA B. ADAMS.. C. E. SAXTON ----WILLIAM SENGER 42-2 Pueblo Clearing House............ (Members indicated by a*) a Digitized fortransacts FRASER GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i W. K. Dudley, Sec. 0. M. Thompson, A. S. 203,660 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. N. and 1st N., Den.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 6,690 Colo. N,. Den.; 1st N„ Oma. 66.060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.;U. 8. N„ Den. 87,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colo. N. and Stock Yds. N.. Den. 21,210 4,460 Loans AND Discounts Resources. MiscilBonds LANSOUS AND Sboubitixb Rbsocbcbb 10,000 1st N., Den. 16,000 Oma. N., Oma.; Com. State, Sterling. 17,500 Ex. N., Colo. Springs. 20,820 Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y.; Colo. N. and U. S. N.. Den. 50,060 1st N„ Pueblo, Wich. and Springfield. 441,450 $ 4,705,730 15,124,580 $ 710 i Principal correspondents. k Oabh Ex changes,Due from Baku 1st N., Gty. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., 1st N., and Cont. ni. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Com. Tr. Co.. 1st N., Drov. N., Fid. N. Bk. &Tr., and Inter-State 275,310 J 7,283,720 N., K.C.; 1st N.,St.L.; 1stN.,Colo.N., Int’l Tr. Co., U. S. N., and Den. N., Den.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., SanF.; 1st N., Hon., Oma., and St.P.; Walker Bros. Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; Phil. N., Phil.: Mellon N., Pitt.; Cal. N., Sac.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 6,400 744,740 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo, 233,530 1,505,970 5,681,280 2,821,320 1.659,070 88,010 1.471,880 GuarantyTr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Colo. N„ Den. 23,760 538,040 417,890 25,880 34,910 158,110 Chase N*. N. Y.: Franklin Am. Tr., St. L.: Den. N., Den.; Pueblo Sav. & Tr. Oo., Pueblo. 154,100 2,200,780 881,750 1,000,600 27,000 649,320 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and 103,780 St. L.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; 1st N., Den.; Fid. N.Bk.& Tr., Kan. C.; U.S.N., Oma. M.C. HODGES ) Route Your Collections and Inquirie s Here. \ FIFTY YEA RS OF CONS ERVATIVE B ANKING. ©•*'81 R. C. Thatcher ___ 1 NATIONAL BANK 10% par 100 500,000 $ 1,076,300 $15371600 $ M. D. Thatcher___ R. C. Thatcher___ Geo. H. Hubbard.. Dey F. Whelan.... C. B. Carlile ‘SOUTHERN COLORADO BANK A. McGovern, Jr.. M. Walter________ R. L. Phillips $142-8% [| Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties $ 37,000 U. S. N„ Oma.; U. S. N„ Den. 122,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; 1st N., Durango. on K10 * atiimta ©•*’71 42-4 Vice-President. 50,970 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.'. Colo. N,, Den.; 1st N., Montrose. Pop. 50,096—Reserve City (Pueblo, M16) County Seat. Liabilities. President. 4,000 2.800 PUEBLO •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. 18,090 5 Principal Correspondents. ■1■1 HH HH HHHH H International Terust Company DENVER, COLO BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 171 hJ X Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Etatab. State in N0.IOF. R. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Dist. Denver Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Rldgwar zsq W. D. Jay_______ E f!nnn« 1165-12% par 100 82-292 Ouray M6 Rifle.. _ __ 1287 (Closed November 12 . 1930) Garfield G6 .T. H. Price Rocky Ford...3426 Rocky Ford Nat. Bank 12% par 100 82-77 d®*t’08 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Otero N19 0. M. Stanwood... Roeeen 164 Roggen State Bank_.®»t§’18 Weld E17 4% par 100 82-356 F. W. Nichols H. F. Fiock Rye _27K $110-6 to 8% par 100 82-428 Pueblo N16 .T. M. T.iftel R. B. Crozier, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ‘Saguache.... 1010 Saguache Nil E. G. Gotthelf____ C. Tarbell —.......... 82-160 G. H. Hazard.__ 10,000 $ 9,000 t 156,000 15,000 9,970 93,980 50,000 92,660 692,440 $ 10,000 4,000 47,000 15,000 4,160 39,400 60,000 27.600 50.000 10,950 $ 110,000 $ 50,000 26,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 7,000 $ 89,150 2,830 10,900 407,820 195,190 26,000 ft Cash Ex changes,Dus whom Banks 32,000 1st N.. Den. and Colo. Springs; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 16,070 1st N., Den.; Montrose N„ Montrose. 256,090 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Den. N„ Den.; Inter State N„ K. C.; 1st N„ Pueblo. 33,000 6,500 21,500 1st N„ Den. 2,510 40,130 6,900 14,040 Minneaua, Pueblo; U. S. N., Den. 408,110 27,000 356,300 61,480 13,500 91,430 Chatham-Phenix, N. Y.; 1st N. and D. S. N„ Den.; 1st N„ Pneblo. 549,900 12,500 217,160 259,200 17,500 129,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Colo. N. and Den. N„ Den.: 1st N. and Western N.. Pueblo. 21,510 1,201,440 114,000 297,100 909,530 11,500 218,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Den.and Pueblo. 65.000 20,000 d*J’80 Sallda ............. 5065 Commercial National Bank F. N. Cocbems........ R. J. Pendergrast W. F. Aenew------- E. S. Whitcomb... Chaffee Lll $150-8% 82-60 d®»t’05 Chas. Ankele par 100 .. First National Bank_d®»t'89 H. Preston.............. 8. W. B&nduaky__ Aylmer Reeves.Jr. W. N. Baird............ $166 par 100 82-59 J. F. White ‘San Luis..........025 San Luis State Bank Costilla Q13 $150 par 100 82-428 d®»*§’20 Sedgwick 444 Sedgwick A23 Seibert.., 273 Kit Oarson H22 Severance ___ 219 Weld 015 SUt_________ _ 264 Garfield G6 Resources. Liabilities. Loana Bonda Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Diaoounta Securities laneous ties $ Mate Gammon____ State Bk. of Ramah _d«t5’08 25% 82-291 El Paso 118 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO--Continued B. L. Steller First National Bank.d®»t'08 C. B. McKinstry-$150-8% par 100 82-295 Seibert State Bank.. d»t5’08 A. V. Jessee_____ $150 par 100 8 2- 296 (Liquidating throng _ Vance McKinstry. W. R. McKinstry. Bert Kvestadt____ W. L. McBride h First National Ba nk, Windsor, Colo.) Edith Reese __ First State Bank------ ®t»§’ll C. R. McCarthy— par 100 82-315 100,000 47.500 U. S. N„ Den.; 1st N., St. Jo.; Western N„ Pueblo; Am. N„ Alamosa. 15,000 7,500 125,000 26,000 6,720 175,800 25,000 134,070 27,040 14,170 10.000 2,120 106,040 1,850 76,320 23,520 8,300 11,860 1st N., Colo. Springs; Drov, N„ Kan. C. 10,000 580 70,130 26,280 8,360 9,470 36,600 1st N„ Glenwood Springs and Den. 158,660 369,370 2,840 203,220 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Pueblo and Den. 85,000 19,000 6,800 28,000 U. S. N„ Den.; Colo. Springs N., Colo. Springs. 332,400 40,730 8,500 82,950 Com’l N., Kan. C., Kan.; 1st N., Wichita and Pueblo; Citiz. N„ Ft. Scott. ‘Stlverton ___ 1301 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <’81 Harlan J. Smith— 82-106 San Juan 06 B. B. Allen_______ O. W. Nyberg____ 50.000 59,150 610,190 Simla. . 351 Simla State Bank___ @<§’25 V. C. Downing.__ $116-6% par 100 82-458 Elbert 118 F. W. Bieser.__ Pauline Pollock.... 15.000 3,000 120,000 Hannah Raker 25.000 27,760 401,690 25,000 5,000 100,000 65,000 4,500 35,500 25,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 25,000 26,410 545,630 487,940 41,790 18,650 48,660 Chase N,, N. Y.; Colo. N., Den. W. S. Sanders........ 50,000 86,910 1,009,490 782,250 138,620 10,030 215,500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; 1st N.» Oma.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. L. B. Propst______ 116,600 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; Oma. N., Oma. 228,280 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. N„ Chi.; Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Den- N., Den., 18,550 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N., Kan. C. 47,480 Colo. N., Den.; Tra.-Gate City N., Kan. C. ‘Springfield ..1393 First National Bank..d»t’14 T». E. Unit Baca P23 $100 82-437 J. A. Spikes______ ‘Steamboat Spgs. Bank of Steamboat Springs C. R. Monson_____ 82-122 d®<§’18 ti Routt CO 1198 par 100 First National Bank.d®<’02 Richard Jones .. 12% 82-123 Commercial Saving* Bank J. N. Sanders_____ 20% par 100 82-385 d®T<§’18 Logan 021 .. .. „ „ Security State Bank $160 par 100 82-450 dB®<§’25 State Bank of Sterling 7% par 100 82-449 d®<§’25 Strasburg . 216 First National Bank d®<’17 82-366 Arapahoe F17 Stratton 607 First National Bank -®<’18 82-392 Kit Carson H23 par 100 Sugar City ___ 598 Crowley MlB Swlnk ... 418 Otero N20 A M. Rbt R. A. Towns. A. A. Smith______ I. M. Totten............ G. A. Gribble 17,420 494,480 393,080 44,750 7,470 50,000 47,590 481.670 252,030 58,950 40,000 G. E. Totten_____ J. M. Rice________ 25,000 9,750 107,300 90,490 40,560 3,820 25,000 3,360 159,760 101,710 21,330 17,600 30,000 16,120 108,080 7,710 88,960 27,300 9,580 36,070 1st N., Pueblo. 20,000 7,570 89,860 12,500 43,280 31,470 8,500 46,680 1st N., Pueblo; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 800 24,840 970 24,950 150 4,580 State Bank of Sugar City $200-10% par 100 82-152 t§’10 First State Bank------- <112 John W. Beaty -— E. M. Reynolds___ $137.50 82-300 I | 50,000 J. W. Borders____ Frank Weibel, Ch. Ella T. Heaney___ Tewner______ 168 Peoples State Bank____ t§’08 $200 par 100 82-302 Kiowa L2S 10,140 Floyd L. Snyder... a. C! Lntin J. C. Railsback 14,750 57,230 D. S.N., Den.; Oma. N., Oma. 10,000 11,370 International Trust Company AN [.) 'I R USA BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ •• V. DENVER, COLO. 6,930 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Scott C. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION 11 TVT T\C 1 AJ V/l* Tr O 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWB AMD COUNTY. •County Seats. State in No.10. F.R. Dist. Denver Br. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew SStatetPriv. JMern. State B. Aas'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. ' Twe Buttes__ 158 Baca P24 Temen_____ Tama E21 Ass R. S. Gregory____ J. E. Liabilities. Resources. Loads Bonda ther Cash 6 ExPaid-op Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel ohan and and and «m,Dux Capital Profits its Diacounta Saeuritias laneous from Banks ties $ 100.000 $ 56,230 51 654 930 S 11,980 S 481,970 11070 890 J Principal Correspondents. 32,030 * 238,140 1st N„ N. Y„ Pueblo, and Den. 55,770 5,398,240 200,000 Geo. Hausman____ Trinidad National Bank par 100 82-14 d®W’8« A. J. Conway, V. P. G. M. O. Toller 100,000 29,580 798,340 150,000 479,600 370,830 95,440 15,000 6,830 90,570 4,970 77,800 16,410 3,060 20,100 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Den.; 1st JN„ Lamar. 20,000 5,210 47,580 5,000 60,320 470 6,530 10,470 N. Bk. of Wray, Wray; 1st N„ Den. 118,000 1,805,000 22,000 800,000 800,000 65,000 340,000 IstN., N. Y., Pueblo, and Den. 288,450 129,420 28,430 105,950 Chase N., N. Y.: Den. N„ Den.; Western N., Pueblo; 1st N., Trinidad. 162,030 9.040 58,430 Com’l N., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Wichita.Western N„ Pueblo. 77,940 7,670 15,460 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr., Den.; N. Bk. of Ashland. Ashland, Neb.; Drov. N„ K. C. Bank of Baca County io% 82-318 d®»t8'12 par 100 Guaranty State Bank *175-10% 82-99 d®»t§'09 par 100 S. L. Thompson__ Margaret M. Jones N. G. .Tones. . D. S. Hall_________ F. L. Harris Jaeob Thompson.. D. B. Ward.. T. H. Hudson____ N. F. 454 Colorado State Bank.d»t8’16 R. B.Holt______ *225-20% 82-359 par 100 Baca P24 Woodward... J. C. Hndelson___ F. G. Bloom______ Eli Jeflryes______ W.S. Keeney____ d«t'75 F. G. Bloom, J. H. Thatcher G. P. Prager Ch. of Bd. S. A. Morse Roy Thompson •Walsenbnrg .5503 First National Bank J. B. Blek______ J. J. Pritebard Huerfano 016 par 100 82-98 dB®T»t'03 R. L, Snodgrass Walsh____ Cashier. 200,000 82-18 158 Vernon State Bank___ etS’l? *135-10% par 100 82-374 ••____ •• t FIRST NATIONAL BANK *300-10% par 100 .. Oashier. Vice-President. •Trinidad ...11,732 CommercialSav.Bank®«t5’05 F. R. Wood_______ Ins Animas Q17 82-15 “-------- " Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this COLORADO —Continued Wuldana_____ 300 Weldon Valley State Bank Korean D18 *160-15% 82-805 •t|'08 J. H. Bloedorn___ J « niftlr, Jr. H. J. Kountz 60,000 1,858,590 2,489,660 122,560 1,383,200 1st N. andGuaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.. Den., Kan. C., and Pueblo. 132,040 N. City N. Y.; Den. N„ Den. N. F. Kastner___ N. W. Andrews.__ 30,000 19,300 502,950 Maude Holt____ J. K. McKinnis... 10,000 17,580 199,930 Alonzo F. S. Markley . . 15,000 6,120 79,950 W. L. Hauptli____ 25,000 5,000 135,000 26,500 90,000 26,500 20,000 55,000 1st N„ Den.; Floyd A. Thompson 25,000 35,050 233,790 20,000 147,450 82,880 4,200 79,310 1st N., Hazal Kail 15,000 1,500 150,000 100.000 W. 25,000 21,380 176,650 153,880 5,150 5,540 40,000 23,540 581,930 304,990 109,720 56,040 174,720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co,, N. Y.; 1st N. and U. 8. N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 50,000 27,000 524,720 29,580 270,340 136,410 18,260 206,290 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y,; Colo. N., Den.; 1st N., Lin., Neb. 30,000 37,180 415,010 30,000 233,030 187,540 15,170 76,450 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Den. and Oma. 25,000 17,010 334,620 215,170 80,360 9,660 N. S. Gashaw____ 40,000 2,810 189,510 205.210 41,940 22,050 71,430 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Stk. Yds. N., Den.; Stk. Yds. N.. Oma.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 24,890 Colo. N., Den.; 1st N., Lin.; Com. Tr. Oo., Kan. C. Alfred Itten____ H.E. Woolsey___ Mildred Stallings.. 25,000 10,000 200,000 150,000 8,000 14,000 Kastner____ Petteys ... WtlllaitM__ 533 First National Bank d®»t'05 A. J. Piatt, E. A. Shinn_______ Larimer B15 *150-8% 82-806 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. B. Persons 2,000 1st N„ Ft. Collins. par 100 Wuatcllffe____ 335 Westcliffe State Bank.*i}'20 G. L, Beardsley__ Gaiter M13 io% 82-897 Wiggins_____ 209 First State Bank____ •SI'OS G. L. Cobb______ Korran D18 82-308 Wiley_______ 589 State Ba nk of Wiley d ©«tS ’07 Harry Prowtri M2I *190-15% par 100 82-310 Cline Panline Beardsley J. M. Cobb . —....... F. A. Tempel____ Windier____ 1852 First National Bank d®»3’03 W. E. Hickman ... R. K. Hanna weld oii *250 par 100 82-189 W. H. Rice •Wray-------------1785 First National Bank.d®#t’07 M. B. Holland....... P T Snlllyan Taaaa B24 par 100 82-131 ee National Bank of Wray.»t’87 W.C. Grigsby____ P. C. Groves_____ par 100 *e •• _ •• ee E. C. Hickman.... H. C. Hickman.... E. F. Hilbert____ J. C. Graham and Den. 50,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 58,460 Com. Tr. Co., Kan, Co.. Den. O.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. (Closed September 9, 1930) lanaa______ 310 loett E9 M E. Carlin 82-130 •• Tama gj"1360 A. F. Esgar 15.000 Chi., Pueblo, (Closed Jandary 2, 1931) Farmers State Bank A. F. Barbezat—. Henry Gummer.... 82-314 d®*t§’H 10% First National Bank *100 par 100 82-192 d®<’ll Union State Bank__ ®»t{’20 par 100 82-460 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING forAND FRASER TRUST BUSINESS Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. C. Hnr.h Fred H. Cole. Sr„ Roy Shepherd___ I. L. Rising_____ J. W. Gardner....... M. A. Eversole ___ Ch. ofBd. and Pres. ■■■j _ a *7 —/\ ^ 61,7/0, Hffl International Trust Company DENVER, COLO. 63,000, 1st N.. Den. BUYS AND SELLS HIGH GRADE WESTERN. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS -w—^ Jl.OR a total of more than 420 years—the combined length of service of our 21 officers—we have been contacting the financial, commercial, industrial and mercantile interests of this rich old state. This experience is at your disposal when you entrust any banking transac tion to us. HARTFORD-CONNECTICUT TRUST COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oldest Trust Company in Connecticut TO COUNTIES. Fairfield.........N 5 Hartford.... E 13 Litchfield .... D 6 Middlesex.. .K 15 New Haven .K 11 New London. I 21 Tolland........ D 18 Windham... D 23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C/3 WASHINGTON, D. C. INDEX S ee B a ck o f W a sh in g to n , D .C . M ap Connecticut. Nine Out of Ten Two Out of Three Nine Out of Ten — Two Out of Three — Unless you advertise your bank in the BLUE BOOK you are running counter to the judgment of NINE OUT OF TEN of the American banks which advertise in bank directories. of such banks set the example of using the BLUE BOOK EXCLUSIVELY and treating any other bank directory advertising as useless duplication. These are not claims but facts. No research is necessary to check them—simply compare the BLUE BOOK with its nearest competitor. Exclusive Advertisers Total Banks Advertising Exclusively in BLUE BOOK 4657 Banks Advertising Exclusively in nearest competitor 860 Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK 3797 You’!! find as follows: All Advertisers Reserve City Banks Other Banks 388 146 242 4269 714 3555 Total Banks Advertising in BLUE BOOK Total Banks Advertising in nearest competitor Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK Total Reserve City Banks Other Banks 6235 2438 3797 783 541 242 5452 783 4669 In Other Words 88% of those Banks in the United States that buy bank directory advertising, advertise with Rand McNally Bankers Directory. 66% of such Banks advertise exclusively with Rand McNally Bankers Directory. Note Especially Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The BLUE BOOK’S Dominating Position with banks outside the Metropolitan centers. 173 (Savtag« Banka da art handle wilerttom) Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fid. Res. District. Ansonia...... 19.898 1 New Haven L9 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. Vice President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 51-14H d®T»l'61 and Tr. Officer Naugatuck Valley Morris Plan Bank-51-151-------- § T7 $100-8% par 100 «• ♦Savings Bank of Ansonia 5% 51-150 d®»I§'62 (*Members of Ansonia, Derby, Bethel........... 3886 Bethel National Bank.®»tT2 2 Fairfield L4 l%par 100 51-298 Branford...... 2365 Branford Savings Bank 1NewHavenN12 5% 51-267 ®*t§’89 Branford Trust Co.__dBTt§’07 16% par 100 51-292 D. E. Brinsmade..- William A. Borst, Sec. and Tr. F. M. Drew George Barber, V.P. C.S. Boies F. D. Hotchkiss, Theo. Wirths.A.TV. Wm. A. Nelson__ Tr. Ruth F. Davidson, " PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. 51-333 d®T»t§ 27 85-2% par 50 J. E. Brainard_ _ _ E. J. Rice, V. P. BRIDGEPORT-CITY TRUST COMPANY .. M •• .. •• ** ______ H " M “ ...... ** _ " ** M ...... " , " A. R. Abriola, Tr... Luigi Manzi, Sec... Frank Fosdick. Tr. Bridgeport-People's Savings Geo. H. Woods. J. S. Pullman. V.P. 4ya% Bank 61-27 d ®»t§’42 A. W. Burritt, Ch. C. W. Hawley L. B. Curtis. V. P. J. W. Tremallo- - - - O. E. Piccirillo, City Industrial Bank..-®§’22 Antonio Altieri, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Peter Riccio Sec. and Tr. $50-10% par 50 .. •• 5,027,210 2.257.920 65,660 547.900 45,000 344,600 237.100 5,700 8,080 1,406,310 566,850 16,740 41,200 25.000 89,010 285.660 23,670 239,270 137,180 390 75,000 62,690 451,850 58,830 292,710 58,390 273,220 300,000 354.430 7,218,560 9,000 100,000 25.000 1,300.490 75,610 4,789,470 1,847,360 687,530 616,350 E. S. WQLFE, , Ch, L. B. POWE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. A. BEERS. of Bd, and Pres. W. B. LASHAR 15% par 20 Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. F. A. Bartlett____ $160 par 100 51-343 dB®T*t§’29 Mechanics & Far. Sav. Bank J. M. Otis 51-34 ®.:§71 Morris Plan Rank ____§’15 FT R- \f>rwin. , . . $200-10% par 100 51-43 ' |B.D.Pierce, Jr. V.P. $280-6% par 100 51-40 d®T*t§’19 d©T»t§’19 A. Tr. J. W. Tremallo, 3.023,580 34 480 230 100.000 18,000 A. Sec. and A. Tr. SINNER SIMPSON F. T. STAPLES, V. P. and Cash. V, P. and Tr. Off mrw J. M. MERWIN......... M. LOUISE MORE|:i. HOUSE. A. Tr.Off. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 71.700 Bk. of Am. N. A., Brooklyn. 49,520 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Branford Tr. Co., Branford. 46.500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. & New Haven Tr. Co., New Haven. 24,040 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mech., New Haven. 941,160 17652150 4,724,570 3.025.990 2,189,670 N. Y. Tr. Co.. Gty. Tr, Co.. Chase N.« Bk. of Am. N. A., and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Shaw. Bos. 476,380 611,350 19 961360 17 354 490 (Certifica tes) 76.780 608,240 326,340 56,100 14 749 330 10 479 910 O.P. TOBIN A. C. Schnee_____ Martin Lee. Hulun M. Troll. Sec. and Tr. W. J. McLaughlin A. Sec. Wm. F. Blight R. F. Whitney. Tr, E. J. Morgan D. F. Wheeler____ H. E. Brown, J. L. Beardsley, Sec. and Tr. D.C. Warner A. Tr. George Hugo, Nellie J. Doyle, Sec and Tr. M. F. Judd A. Tr. C. E. Prior, Jr. C. E. Prior, Jr., Tr. J. T. L. Hubbard, V. J. Young, A. Tr. Sec. W. G. Brandt, A.S. 214,890 323,340 317,950 9,000 2.274,400 800 496,340 301,710 472,970 N. City, Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chase N., Mfrs. Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr„ N.Y.; 1st N. and Bridgeport-City Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 6,830 373,340 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bridgeport-City Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 5,240 849,210 Irv. Tr. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shaw., Bos. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. City, and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. 1.000.000 2.111.580 17654660 1,525,670 13 006880 4,934,240 1,015,580 3.335,210 Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 500.000 653,450 144,900 510,090 13 402 090 7,070,350 414,700 187,010 2,296 510 1.449,440 19 323 410 1.709.760 300,000 341.000 1,469,000 135.000 2.002,000 57,000 78,000 100.000 150,000 2,209,780 123.620 1,614.240 693,020 54,290 100,000 273,370 1,910,550 14,770 1.352,640 709,830 110,910 (Inv. C ert.) Jam es Stapl e s & Co. ’74 51-35 T. L. Watson & Co,..dB»tt’66 [Partners: J. E. Jud son, J. H. Watson, D. J. Morgan, R. D. Hartshorne. L. N. DeVausn ey, K. P. 51-33 (Bridgeport continu ed on next page) 468.980 Guaranty Tr. Co. (5th Ate. Branch), N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Ansonia N.. Ansonia. 184,000 F. Hubbard, Sec... Anna E. Partree, 3,092,520 22 828 000 City Savings Bank - d®*§’59 Benjamin Fletcher S. W. Hnbbell_ _ _ Richard W. Cogs 51-30 well, See. and Tr. C. B, Buckingham 100,000 15,000 Columbus Industrial Bk. .§’26 Jos. DelVecchio — Ralph Tremaglia— M. D. DelVecchio. Adeline K. 10% par 50 Tr. DelVeccbio, Sec. 300,000 118,470 3,494,190 Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. A. W. Tremain___ R. J. Mac Kenzie A. J. Endean, Margaret A. Krak, Includes Sec. and Tr. .4. Sec. a% par 100 51-41 dB®T»t§T9 C. E. Fraunberger, Reserves A. Tr. Agnes S. Casey, A. Sec. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6.810 217,460 1.027.710 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chatham & Phenix. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos85,840 111.390 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Bridgeport. 5% $300-8% par 100 51-42 •• 10C V. P. and Tr. Off. Collections a specialty. Personal attention given. 51-32 dB®T»J1806 Prompt remittance and reasonable charges. TRY US ...... 68,000 l 501,000 Chase N.< N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 5.00C 275,660 250.520 1,780.830 C. E. HOUGH_ _ _ _ _ E. H. JUDSON R. 0. GODDARD H. L. MOREHOUSE. & TRUST CO OF BRIDGEPORT M 95,000 $1 385 000 $1133 000 $ 135,610 Principal Correspondents. Sec. and Tr. R. J. Mac Kenzie.. L.W. Randall, Tr.. W. S. Curtis, Sec... B. L. Sullivan W. L. Bakos, A. S. Wm.P. Hutchinson H. C. Main, Sec.-Tr. R. L. Thibault, A. Tr. F. J. Green, Tr.Off. Bridgeport Industrial Bk..t’26 Antonio Tomassetti „ “ (V C. R. Lake. Majorie Wilford 74,550 1.750.000 2.019.400 22881810 C. W. BITZER. Tr,... F. G. HALL. H. S. HAWKINS. A.Tr. Sec. and Tr. Off. W. B. KING. A.Tr. HENRY HART, _ A. Tr. Off. MAYG. HUBBARD. V.P. and Tr. Off. A. Tr. Off. FRANK KOGER. Aud. Vice Ch. of Bd. H. B. TERRILL R. H. WHITNEY. . G. M. BARKER. Statistician Asst, to Pres. G. W. MEDER. fH. B. MERW1N- - - - \ EGBERT MARSH. I Ch. of Bd. and J Tr. Off. SC.BARNUM SEELEY. 51-36 dB®T«t§’92 1 $130-3% par 25 ______ and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Wallace H. Foote, W. R. Foote, Sec, and Tr, A, Sec. and A. Tr. .. 27,410 904.320 6,915.450 25,000 H. M. Judd Lester J. Nichols.. G. S. Pond........... .... W. H. Foote, Sec. W. R. Foote, Richard Bradley 50,000 Resources. Loans Bonda Cash & Ex Miscel changes and and ,Dus Discounts Bacuritias laneous prom Banks A. Sec. Seymour and Shelto n Clearing House, Derby, Conn.) >Bridgeportl46,716 American Bank & Trust Co. A. W. Tremain_ _ 2 Fairfield .07 6%parl00 51-38 dB®T*t§'H Black Rock Bank & Tr. Co. Gnv P.Miller $155-4% porlOO 51-3 27 d ® T*t§ ’ 26 — Paid-up LIABILITIES. Surplus Depos- Other LiabiuAND TIES Profits W. A. Nelson_____ J. S. Buckley_____ F. W. Davis. A. C. $ 200.000 J 380.000 $2 412 000 S ♦ANSONIA NATIONAL BANK U%par 50 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 475,410 Bridgeport. 1. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bridgeport-City Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 108,000 Bridgeport-City Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Bridge port. 269,700 lhase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. CoBridgeport. 395,790 125,310 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. Bridgeport. Emmon s. Wesle y Smith .and M. L. Grifflt h t Bk. & Tr. Co- Lanier & Co.. N. Y. Jhase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. a City Tr. Co- Bridgeport. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. CONNECTICUT—Continued m Town and County •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMsm. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. ‘Brldgeportl46.7l6 WEST SIDE BANK (Continued) [Estab. President. Vice-President. W. P. Kirk Adolf Sherman, $110-6% and extras par 26 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle Collections) Liabilities. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. V.P. and Cash. W. L. Norton Ch. B. I. Ashmun Resources. Loans Bonds Dmpob- Other Miscel and Liabili and ITS Diaoountf Saeurities laneous ties Paid-up Capital Wm. J. Whalen__ S 300,000 $ 719,650 14100 370 $ 157.060 $3524140 $1355460 $ 224,380 $ 173,100 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.: Bridgeport-City Tr. Co. and 1st N., Bridgeport. HEMPHILL, NOYES&C0.T15 f (Bridgeport City Tr. Bldg.) Bristol_____ 28,451 1 Hartford G10 ♦ Me mbers New York Stock Exchange. (.Underwriters a nd Distributors o f Investment Sec urltles. W. P. Calder-------- A. C. Purrington... M. L. Tiffany_____ J. Valentine, Jr., & TRUST C0.-'-d®T»tt’75 C. T. Treadway, W. A. Ingraham 51-154 Ch. of Bd. W. J. Tracy 502,690 3.988,530 300.000 par 100 51-155 dB®T»tr07 J. B. Sessions____ G. S. Beach_______ G. S. Beach. Tr,__ C. N. Gordon, C. L. Wooding, V. P. and A. Sec. (Liquidating) North Side Bank & Trust Co. $185 par 100 51-157 d®T«t§'2 Broad Brook.. 1586 Broad Brook Bk. & Trust Co. 1 Hartford C15 $250-8+4%par5051-311 dO Canaan_______ 565 Canaan National Bank 1 Litchfield A5 8% par 100 51-266 d® naan Savings Bank.(j 5% 61-266 Cheshire_____ 3263 Cheshire Bank & Truat Co. 1 New Haven Jil $160-5% 61-316 ®1 par 100 Chester______ 1463 Chester Savings Bank 1( Middlesex K17 61-269 d®*t8’71 Chester Trust Co.____ T«5’14 io% 51-300 Clinton............. 1574 Clinton National Bank..*t’56 1 Middlesex N16 51-270 Collinsville.. .3009 Collinsville Sav. Society 1 Hartford Ell i% 51-267 ®«J|’64 Cromwell......... 2814 Cromwell Dime Savings Bk. 1 Middlesex H14 5% 51-271 d®'71 Danbury.... 22,261 2 Fairfield L3 C. S. Burdge______ F. F. Barnes __ Dewitt Page, Ch, W.S. Ingraham H. C. Brook_ C. F. Ward.... 51-125 d®T»J1824 Savings Bank of Danbury 5% 51-126 d®*»’49 DANIELSON TRUST CO. 8% par 100 51-303 d B®T»tl’14 L. W. Greeno, Tr,_ W. R. Crumb, See.. 150,000 1,724.900 O. J. Depatle. Tr. L. E. Arnold, Sec... 25.000 445.730 25,000 H. C. Bates —.......... M. G. Brooks S. G. Redfleld____ O. L. Clark_______ s. r. Reed. E. T. Wriyht C. A. Farnham___ W. M. Reed______ H. L. Sanborn, B. L. Goodwin Sec. and Tr. T. W. Beaumont... S. V. Hubbard ____ R. S. Coe, Tr.__ HOME BANK & TRUST GO. 51-260 200,010 3,743.730 1,092.140 286,470 249,640 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil. N., Phil. 91,520 494,550 310.430 212,120 22,560 365,610 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2nd N„ Bos.: City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hart. Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 24,040 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 136,010 N. City and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.;lst N.. Bos. O. R. Havens J. A. Atwood 8 C. E. Mason Sec. and Tr. Sec. and Tr. dB ®T»tl'll 456,130 492,560 41,570 1.190.830 922,610 7.500 247,510 5,710 172,250 75,370 51,870 75.000 72,410 1,185,900 169,760 75.000 79,140 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Canaan N„ Canaan. ent- Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2nd N., New Haven. 44,390 1,003,750 370,460 87.730 129,920 1,680 795,180 407,600 37,000 70,500 Phoenix State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 27,300 N. City, N. Y.; Riverside Tr. Co., Hart. 168,520 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N..N.Y.; N. Shaw mut, Bos.; 2d N., New Haven, 66,420 hoenix State Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. .Hart.; 1st N.. Bos. 50.970 Middletown N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. N., Middletown. 1,411,060 896,720 5,000 191.840 1,988.050 1.384,760 678,430 65,730 250.000 352.790 3,098,690 213,200 2,105,540 1,145,730 223,460 439,940 Chase N..N. Y.; Phil. N.,Phil. 218,000 478.930 4.602.870 641,450 3,618,150 1,540,450 190,000 592.660 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: Bk. of Toronto, Montreal. 7,895.560 6.440,180 115,120 167,110 2,807,100 3,519,630 101,190 224,630 Ihase N., N. Y.; Danbury N., Daubury, 76,540 3,938,350 1,579,480 112,190 104,420 st N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Danielson , A. I. Gordon, 1 000,000 12616 810 1,001,160 A. Sec. and A. Tr. . H. Fanton_____ G. F. Lyon, Tr____ E. W. Bailey,A. Tr. F. A. Jacobs_____ Sidney W. Bard. 66,230 — 331.930 2.047,280 Frank Wittland.. J. E. Platt. Tr. Off. G.M. Bundle_____ F. E. Hartwell___ John M. Belden, 730 884,890 25.000 A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. H. Redfleld___ W. B. Gordon ____ John McCarthy___ 44.870 1.090.320 B. L. Goodwin. 688,820 5,963,730 Harold F. Field, A. Tr. J. A. Atwood_____ F. A. Jacobs............. O.H.Starkweather, H.E.Magoon, A.Tr. Tr. (H. S. NEILSON .... ALFRED' MO R EHA0USE G. F. BEARSE, Tr... B. M. BALLARD, A. Tr. 578,900 5,079,000 100.000 183.650 2,830,780 100,000 122,920 — 64,000 2.300,540 568,190 Couu. Tr. Co., Danielson: Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 65,300 207,560 6,630 261,800 1,160 50.000 419,480 3.809,180 49,100 2,100,230 1,855,430 23,500 100,000 317,040 2.370,670 28,440 1,202,670 1,202,740 101,270 155,440 xii, auu uuaiauty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Danbury N., Danbury. 244,380 18,720 N„ Danielson. 348,600 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut and N. Rockland, Bos.: 1st N.. Phil. 309,470 lhatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Bos.: 1st Stamford N., Stamford. J SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN B ILL OF LADING DRAFTS. f Please send ISc with each sight d raft for presenta tion and 25c for Credit Report 51-294 VTRY US FOR P ROMPT SERYIC E. Deep River ...1916 Deep River Nat. Bank..»J'49 H. J. Brooks, W. G. La Place.... Eugene S. Lord ___ 1 Middlesex L17 $150-10% par 100 51-259 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Deep River Sav. Bank R. U. Tyler______ A. W. Comstock . H. J. Brooks. Tr... J. E. Pratt. A. Tr.. 5% 106,530 Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Phoenix State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. A. L. Turner, Sec. and A. Tr. F. J. G. Bailey, 4% par 25 51-301 Sec. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. WINDHAM CO. NAT. BANK N. D. Prince_____ C, A. Tillinghast__ R. H. Dunbar_____ F. J. G. Bailey 8% par 100 51-253 dB®»U822 J. Leo Bodo $200-16% par 60 135,700 165,000 1,341,900 Killingly Trust Co..B®Ttl’14 N. D. Prince_____ C. A. Tillinghast__ R. H. Dunbar, Darien.............6951 2 Fairfield Q3 10 242630 5,153,920 — 1,912,770 13,790 ____ J. C. Edwards, Tr, C. J. Bates________ L. M. Brooks_____ J. C. Edwards, Tr. li-12* Danielson ___ 4210 Brooklyn Savings Bank 1 Windham E24 5% 51-268 d®»J5’72 4,712,950 A. Tr. A. H. Bowman____ G. W. Keeler_____ F. B. Holt.________ A. R. Platt. Ch. H. W. Durand Union Savings Bank d®»j|'66 G. B. Fairchild.... 5% 150.000 Sec. and A. Tr. P. C. Rouleau, 50,000 '54 51-127 DANBURY NATIONAL BANK 8% par 100 14 105 740 G. L.Goettler.A .Sec G. S. Fuller______ A. O. Lockwood___ C. W. Slocum.____ H. A. Holt C. A. Beavjon, Jr. G. 8. Fuller______ Allyn Fuller.. J. S. Reed. Tr. .. F. R. Collin, See... M. H. Grifflag____ $165-8% 149,110 508,510 4,044.560 V. P. BRISTOL TRUST CO. $400-12% 513,120 Br. of N. Y. Private wire connection with main office, branches and correspond ents in 48 cities. 592,930 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos. Sec, par 25 E. Ingraham, V. P. F. F. Barnes Bristol Savings Bank.d©S'70 Miles L. Peck........ G. C. Clark________ E. M. Peck, Tr____ Clara L. Barnfleld, 5% 51-153 W. S. Ingraham, S. R. Peck A, Tr. 12% Principal Correspondents. Cau k Ex changes, Due prom Banka d@»t§'51 FOR BRIDGEPORT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ITEMS 150.000 So 462,840 150,830 478,530 3,488.600 — 172,330 570.260 202,050 46,910 116,780 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 2.096,390 1,693,070 33,340 144,320 Chase N., N. Y.: Deep River N., Deep THE! FIRST N AT 10 N A L BANK & TRUST CO. 175 Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District •Mem.A.B.A.nNrw § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CONNECTICUT—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Derby______10,788 •BIRMINGHAM NAT’L BANK H. W. Wanning___ J. B. Atwater____ F. M. Clark_______ 51-183 dB®T»t’48 1 New Haven M8 1200-10% par loo .. .. ♦Derby Savings Bk.d®»t§’46 George E. Barber— H. S. Birdseye____ H. 8. Birdseye, Tr. 5% 51-182 ♦Home Trust Co. —®T»t§'93 Irving H. Peck.__ D. E. Brinsmade.. D. B. Giddings, — 1140-8% 51-184 Sec.. Tr. & Tr. Off. Ass’t Cashier. RESOURCES, Liabilities. Bonds Other Loans Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel cha and *qe»,Doi and iabili AND Capital its Discounts Saeuritiss laneous rmoM Bars ties Propits Principal Correspondents, B. W. Wheeler___ J 300,000 $ 519,920 S4 263160 $ 377,080 $3 317 780 $1447 250 $ 139,010 $ 556.110 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bo*. T. J. Manning, A. C, and Tr, Off. 995,410 8,820,400 10,360 5,067,760 4,444,750 50,000 120,500 559,950 18.120 50,000 50,250 L. R. Darling, A.Tr. W. E. Finney. A. Tr. Off. 52,540 261,110 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y. 40,830 69,980 615,980 219,820 121,440 74,810 3,000 120,810 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.: N.Shawmut, Bos. 86,610 93,040 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 545,530 102.020 205,230 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 82,650 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y,; N. Shaw., Bos.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Haven. 96,340 Chase N„ N. Y. 21,770 i. Ansonia, Derby, Seymour Frank M. Clark... and Shelton Clearing House Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) Devon 3500 Devon Bank & Trust Co.___ (Purchased by Milf ord Trust Co., Milf ord, Conn., March 22, 1930) (Milford P. 0.) 1 New Haven 0 East Haddam 2112 National Bk. of New England Walton Hall, Jr___ A. H. Dayton— — 51-272 d»t’05 1 Middlesex J17 •% EastHampton2616 East Hampton Bank & Trust Co_____ 51-304 d®T«t§’15 1 Middlesex 116 llSO-8% par 25 C. M. Watrous____ G. D. Brott. Tr. ... M. L, Carpenter. Sec, N. N. Hill 50,000 407,860 1,378,110 1,656,310 (Lns. & Inv.) EastHartfordl7125 EAST HARTFORD TRUST CO. 1 Hartford E14 11000-12% 51-305 d®T«t§T6 par 100 East Haven__ 7815 East Haven Bank & Trust Co. 51-341 d®T<§’29 1 New Haven M8 182 par 50 East Port Chester Byram National Bank (Port Cheater N. Y. P.O.) 1310-4% 51-330 dB®t’26 2 Fairfield R1 2027 par 150 Essex 2777 Bankers Trust Co._ _._T«§’25 51-326 1 Middlesex. L18 1125-5% par 100 .. Essex National Bank d®»t’07 8% par 100 51-256 «• M Essex Savings BankdB®S’51 5% 51-255 Fairfield___17,218 Fairfield Trust Co. 51-310 d©T»t§’20 2 Fairfield P6 175-2% par 25 Falls Village.. 625 Falls Village Sav. Bank 51-264 @<§’54 14 Litchfield B5 4% National Iron Bank___ <’47 1110-6% par 100 51-263 Farmington..1131 Farmington Savings Bank 1 Hartford F12 5% 51-273 d®tS'51 E. S. Goodwin........ R. D. Olmsted, J.R. Manion, A.2V. F. E. Fuller, Sec... V. P. and Tr. T. M. Phillips, E. E. King, Ch. Tr. Off. H. H. Bradley........ Francis J. Cox........ Harry B. Howard, Mansfield Dibble. Tr. Sec. Philip G. King William Rowe____ Robert Walker— T. F. Flandreau. Jr. 200,000 303,720 2,844,410 164,030 2,659,380 50,000 21,550 232,890 10,000 138,650 81,190 11,950 50.000 36,080 655,670 16,400 534,680 119,930 7,190 73,310 30,090 190,320 42,820 Bk. of N.Y. & Tr.Co., N. Y.; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. E, A. Bailey______ C. S. Gates. ._ W.H. Parmelee.CA, E. C. Bull, Tr.____ 25,000 13,560 107,670 C. G. Cheney.......... C. J. Bates_____ . H. B. Barnes_____ 25,000 47,590 469,980 25,000 283,460 284,800 1,879,230 12,180 980,710 1,094,960 235,800 2,088,900 10,010 1,501,620 680,770 53,150 525,850 19,250 158,220 92,060 12,490 8,025,510 4,480,740 193,810 422,480 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phoenix State Bk. & Tr. and Hart.-Conn. Trust Co.. 45,050 N. City. N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.: Hart.N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. W. H. Parmelee... James L. Lord E, A. Bailey, Sec. and Tr. H. B. Merwin........ De VerH. Warner. E.EllisDillistin, F. J. Leiss, A. Tr,.. Sec. and Tr. Helen I. Dunbar, O. G. Jennings,Ch. A, Sec, J. 8. Tracy______ H. C. Gaylord. Tr. J. L. Ensign, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Sec. and A. Tr. H. C. Gaylord ___ D. E. Dean______ W. R. Hubbell. T. H. Root..______ H K Smith G. G. Williams 200,000 50.000 68,340 573,730 53,640 201,310 51,800 1,342,080 11 780 440 J. H. Minikin, Tr.. Thomas Davis, A. Tr. 20,000 26,400 102,930 73,790 Chase N„ N. Y. 74,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y„; Hart.Conn. Tr. Co.. Hart. 249,400 N. Y. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bridgeport-City Tr. Co.. Bridgeport. 43,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 93.980 Tlhase N.. N. Y.; N.Y. State N., Alb. Glastonbury .5783 Glastonbury Bank & Trust L. W. Howe___ H. H. Hunt.............. B. F. Tamer, Tr... O. R. Morgan. See. 1 Hartford F15 P. K. Williams, Co............61-309. _.d®Tt§T9 1250-10% par 50 A. Sec, 100,000 236,910 1,569.610 53,910 1,409,500 430,170 75.710 G reenwlch.. 35,981 Geo. L. Geibel____ W. M. Anderson... P. W. Hatheway .. Fairfield R1 f,BST Ogden Bigelow Ogden Bigelow, 1170 par 100 51-148 dB®T<’27 Tr. Off. 150,000 67,260 1,584,810 88,140 1,127,100 547,210 45,210 600.000 901,600 11 108 840 166,920 10090 370 1,674,240 368,650 644,110 N. City Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Shaw.,Bos. 450,000 430.890 8,147,330 152,710 6,202,810 1,864,040 524,140 589,950 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N, Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 2 »icrK ■ — Greenwich Trust Co. John Maher______ E. J. Lucke_______ E. J. Lucke, Tr— 51-145 d©T<5’87 J. F. Walsh. Ch. A. W. W, Marshall H, E. Buermeyer, A. Tr. C. H. Bell. A. Tr. Putnam Trust Co.dB®T<§’14 R. L. Chamberlain. John D. Chapman. W. H. Brettman, 1150-8% par 25 51-147 Tr. Henry Fletcher 1330-16% par 60 “----“ A. W. W. Marshall, Sec. F. R. Gisborne, Jr„ A. Sec. A. G. Child, Sec.__ A. F. Rippel. Tr. Off. — (Care of Putnam Trust Co.) Guilford lxsn Guilford Savings Bank INewHavenNH S% 51-251 ®t5’75 Guilford Trust Co._-dT<§’14 1450-30% 51-252 par 100 Hamden.__ 19.020 Hamden Bank & Tr. Co. 1 (New Haven P.O.) H4o-8% 51-324 dB©T<§’25 New Haven Lll par 50 (Branch of Stamf ord, Con n.) A. H. Lombard ___ E. B. Broadbent... C. Van de Bogart— E. B. Broadbent, C. E. Clark, Sec.... Tr. J. C. Montgomery, C. O. Romberg, M. Warner. Asst, V, P. Ch. A. Tr. a nd Tr. Off. ■FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I. W. Dudley, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. F. Dudley, P. M. Griswold,, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec, and A. Tr, Edward Eliot__ ___ S. & 25,000 200,000 .... Putnam Tr. Co., Greenwich. 204,240 1,987,690 1,455,950 663,910 317,330 114,180 178.050 17,260 1,129,540 943,760 147,870 37,490 168,700 1,976,750 hum TRUST CO., BridgepofitII, rt‘rUNN ■ 50,030 170,690 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. 72,070 Irv, Tr. Co., N. Y.; Guilford Tr.Co., Guilford. 70.330 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., New Haven. 174,300 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Shaw., Bos.; 1st N„ New Haven; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co.. Hartford. finmillpfp and FlnmpQtin Rankinorl Jlctc Fnrp rum iorn ip anil UUIIIuOllU DallMII^I Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 17 A x/ ^ •Mem. A.B. A. "New jgtate | Prii. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond HARTFORD (Federal Reserve District No. 1) Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'BANKERS TRUST (400 par 100 QQ 51-331 51-332 & TRUST COMPANY 51-50 d®T«ti’51 C. C. CHASE- - - - - - - - - F. A. HAGARTY- - - - - - - - E. S. WARNER_ _ _ _ _ _ A. I. BALCH—. F.P. HOLT. Ch.ofBd. A. W. JACOBS A. I. BALCH. Tr. Off. H. B. SKINNER L. H. HOLT. E. S. WARNER P. M. PURRINGTON. H. S. WARNER ,, . v Ch. of Bd. F. F. SEGERBERG. A. Tr. Off. H. F. MERZ H. A. ALLEN. . _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. V. P. F. A. HAGARTY. Gen, Counsel Co V. Ch.ofBd. H. E. RIDER. A.V.P. Connecticut River Bkg. Co. Martin Welles_____ F. F. Fisher_____ J. J. Merriman 51-47 d»t§1825 H. W. Erving, Ch. L. M. Barnes. A. C. C. B. Miller Dime Savings Bank____®ti’70 R. W. Huntington. J.O. Enders.-____ 5% 51-58 N. O. Brainard ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 51-56 250.008 S 388,270 14.807,320 S 600,000 440,570 Bonds and and Miscel laneous Discounts Securities Rbsoubcss 27.700 S 2.248.330 {1,252,270 S PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Cash & Ex changes,Dm from Banks 361.470 S 1,611,220 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 2,508.390 832,210 2,817.540 987,200 57.220 519,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.; N. Shawmut, 2.042.310 24.610,440 2.084.130 20.493.290 5.832.350 1,305,940 2,105.290 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent.-Penn N., Bos. J.W. KNOX----E. G. JOHNSON. . J R. W. Dwyer_____ 1.000.000 JT Ull* e iiMOUlill/ 150.000 7,257,890 43.320 3,574,340 2,555,110 14,830 2,462.600 Gty. Tr. 80. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Penn. Co.. Phil.; 1st N., Bos. R. I. Williams.. R. A. B0ARDMAN— S. G. PIERCE—...... H. W. WHITE— M. A. CARPENTER. F. H. OLMSTED Sec., Tr. Dept. F. H. BIDWELL C. S. HOLCOMB, 1,155,670 j IX • U/Ulll 1 DK« tV 1T« Co., Alb. ; 658,000 1,150,000 7.919,710 1,427,470 11,773,420 N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 5.382,770 2.657,340 244,910 8,707,810 3,069.060 670,910 2.825.350 N. City, Chase N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Cent. Han. 691,840 25,393.630 1,630,440 2,763,740 8,039,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., 922.250 292,620 Chase Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.; 1st N.. Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. Tr. Off., Tr, Dept, dT‘t'64 ‘HARTFORO-CONN. TRUST COMPANY (120-16% por 25 51-57 $ Loans C. P. TOMLINSON — E. F. DUSTIN- - - - - - - - - C. C. BOLLES- $500-10% par 80 (235-10% par 100 Resources. Other Paid-up SUBPLUB Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Population 164,072 dB®T*t’27 ‘CITY BANK (200-30% par 25 ROBERT B. NEWELL- P. B. GALE--...... L. P. MERRIMAN. DAVID MOSELEY. J. 0. ENDERS) L. P. MERRIMAN Sec. and. Tr, A. Tr. Ch.ofBd. A. P. MCDONOUGH. M. B. BRAINARD, Ch. of Exec. Comm. A. Tr. County Seat COMMERCIAL BANKING OF ALL KINDS. d®T»tS'27 COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. ‘CAPITOL NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. (360 porlOO (Hartford County E 14) dW§’68 . J. B. BYRNE_ _ _ _ _ H.M. KENYON. Tr... L. A. ALLYN. A. Sec. A. H. NEWTON W.T. BARTLETT, Sec. E. W. MARVIN.4-Sec Trust Officers H. J. HOUSE, A. Sec. CLEMENT SCOTT N. W. LARKUM, SAMUEL H. SNIDER. A. V. - J. L. FENN A. Sec. R'.G.BLYDENBURGH K. I. WILSON, C. C. ROSS J. H. BARTHOLOMEW. WM. C. BOSE JR.. A. Tr. Off. • A. T. DEWEY J. OLNEY BR0TT, ARTHUR P. DAY, 3,000.000 4,411,380 29,724,380 h. Bd. of Trustt ? C.A. HUNTER Oldest T rustCom pany In Connect Icut. Sp eclal att entlon to collect! o ns and b 111 of lad lng draft s. Com plete ba nklng facilities Bkrs. Tr. Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., and Guar anty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. A. Tr. Off. ‘HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK & TRUST — COMPANY (46-14% par 10 dT*tl792 R.B. NEWELL_ _ _ _ -THOS THOS. A. SHANNONArS-PR^RD J. 0. ENDERS. Ch. of Bd • GEO. F. KANE A. SPENCER, Jr., WM. H. ROWLEY Ch. of Exec. Comm. E. M. CRAMPTON H.T. HOLT, Vice Ch. u, j, UTLEY FRANCIS PARSONS, HERBERT HUBBARD-0. W. HUBBARDW.S. ANDREWS. W. B. DIMON A. Cash, H.'SPENCER R. D. CHAPIN, Sec. E.W. OUTTRIM F. T. PECK, And. F. R. COLES Vice Ch. stfTole/Ts CLAYTON B. PARKER 4.000.000 5.459,740 39.665,850 1.481.550 30.666.200 3,321,820 3.582.960 13.036.160 1st N. and Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. TRUST DEPARTMENT: M. T. Hazen. V. P., A. G. Stronach. Tr. Off. A. M. Bunce. H. C. Bailey. T. L. Bestor. W. B. Dana. P. H. Graham and A. B Roch. AssociateTr. Officers', W. C. Macdonough, Asst. Secretary. COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE (Hartford continued on nextpage) FOR BRIDGEPORT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ITEMS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. / / directory, unuer me •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State tPriy. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. to Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this HARTFORD—Continued Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond CASHIER. Vice-President. President. ASS’T CASHIER. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Subplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Industrial Bank of Hartford, A. H. Newton-------- J. W. MacMorriS—- F. A. Morley, Tr... G. L. Hunt, Sec----- $ Dudley Carleton, A. L. Shipman Inc______ _____ ____________ §’29 A. M. Collens____ ®»tl’61 M. T. Hazen, V. P. Edgar J.'Sloan MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK 5% 51-55 Isidore Wise 100,000 $ A. Tr. W. S. Buckley, Tr. G. R. Edgerton, Sec. and A, Tr, W. H. Scrivener. A. Tr. H. G. Stedman, A. Sec. H. C. Chase, A. Tr. $ 249,480 2,556.280 $23 241530 Loans Principal Correspondents. Oabh ft Ex LAN1IOU8 changes,Dui and and Discounts SSCUBITUB R*B0T7BC*8 FROM Banks 197,710 $ 8,400 Resources. MibcklBonds $ 488,760 15 941 390 $ 8,874,780 15.320 $ 410.700 43,110 574,340 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Hart-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. - 54.000 110,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. Wm. J. Mulligan — Wm.J.Mulligan, Tr. Bertha K. Pilgard. Sec. W. H. Rosenfeld A. C.Spafard, A. Tr. 200,000 106,000 1.209,000 61,000 1,412,000 H . M. Toppin, Sec. Mgr. and Tr. E. S. Jardine, A. Tr. 250,000 181,930 928,580 76,290 1,361,230 13,240 14.880 R. M. O’Brien____ Fred P. Holt------- J. M. Hayes, Tr.... C. W.Cobb, Jr.,5ec. +Park Street Trust Co. F. O. Looser 3% par 100 61-51 d®T§'18 D. F. Burns, Ch. 200,000 236,770 4,351,920 161,890 870,770 3,809,660 154,000 116,160 Bk. of N.Y. & Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 2.903.710 27.648.620 366.790 21,499.920 773.940 1.076.160 9.169,100 Chase N., N. City, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cht.; 1st N., Bos.; Pbil. N., Pbil. 7,272,060 60.224,540 330,730 35,727.610 29,325,250 465,130 2,309,350 Bk. of N.Y. & Tr.Co.. N.Y.; IstN.. Bos.; Hartford N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hartford-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 467,020 3,540 306,880 233,210 36,490 1,733,170 12,296,590 402,940 7,381,310 6.742.690 51,810 256,890 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y,; Hartford N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 165,330 857,810 9.830,570 12,830 318,280 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Boa. + MERCHANTS BANK ft TR.CO. 1165-4% par 100 51-314 d®Tt§’22 L. R. Cheney_____ F. R. Cooley______ M. J.Burk, Isidore Wise $230-8% par ioo 51-319 Mutual Bank & Trust Co. (Consolidated with City Bank & Trust Co.) Pallotti, Andrelta & Co., Inc. (Closed December 23 , 1930) rL.P.BROADHURSTG. H. BURT, Ch. of Bd. <A.D.J0HNS0N,F.P. (“ESTABLIS 'PHOENIX STATE 1 BK. & TRUST GO. C. A. LILLIE- - - - - - - 8:8: L. A. PARTRIDGE HED 1814.” 0. M. HIBLER- - - - - - - F.S. FLAGG- - - - - - - - C. W. THORNTON. H. M. REED Auditor W. J. REID A.C. MASON* Tr.Off, R. L. MAKIN W. J. REID, Tr. Off. R. L. MAKIN. Tr. Off. 1,600,000 47,430 ♦ 51-45 dBT»t§1814 $440-14% par 425 {Suspended Decemb er 23. 1930) Society for Savings „®»t§1818 5% 51-46 R. C. Glazier, Tr— L. H. Hod^e, V. P. and A, Sec. V. P. and Sec. E. D. Willis. V. P. and A, Tr, H. C. Christensen, Owen Morgan, A. Tr. V. P. and A. Sec. C. P. Cooley, Ch. A. W. Creedon------ C. D. Jorgensen, Tr. Edward Dugan.Sec. 100,000 State Savings Bank______®§’58 C. A. Goodwin.......... C. G. Woodward — G.H. Stoughton, Tr. R. W. Chapin, A. Tr. 5% 51-54 — 4-South End Bank & Tr. Co. 51-340 d©T§’29 75,670 69,660 City Bank & Tr. Co., Hart. $120 par 50 500.000 +Travelers Bank & Trust Co. L. M. Hubbard___ M.Welles, Tr. A, W. Cudworth,—. J. B. Bolles, A. Sec. A, Sec. R. C. Dickenson. Tr. 0. 10% par 100 51-70 d®T*t8T3 F. F. Fisher, A. Tr. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Correspondents and Bank Depositories (18 flF l V yr n> Asylum St.) 115 Pearl St. {Hartford Continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tsar tMem. State Bks. Assn. estabItMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Member Local Stock Exchange GEORGE H. BURR ftC0.--~- Adams, Merrill & Co.______________ ■tamrrDO >a D All AC nd ivy« ± 36 Pearl St. Stock Exchange Bldg. -------------- i 9,491,480 {See pages 28 -29-30 f or numb er of Na tional,St ate and Pri vate Ban ks, Tota l Deposi ts by Cit ies, Stat es, etc.) Hartford Clearing House____ A. Spencer, Jr._____ {Members indicated by a * Affil iaied Banka by a +) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. year tMem. State Bks. Assn. establIMem, Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±M ember Local Stock Exchange 862,680 (18 Asylum St.) .’05 Phoenix State Bk. &Tr. Co., Hart. • - Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships ■John Woodard,Commercial Paver Representative Investment Securities Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y. Tucker, Anthony & Co., N. Y. and Campbell & Co.,______________________ ± 49 Pearl St. Securities_________________ FRANCIS R. COOLEY ft CO..............±-189 Investment Boston. (Members New York Stock Exchange) (125 Pearl St.) (Members Hartford Stock Exchange) 1 Correspondents and Bank Depositories. George H. Burr & Co., N. Y.,Chi„ Bos.. Hart ford, Kan. C., St. L.. Bi nghamton. Alb. and Lon..Eng., Paris, France. Geo. H. Burr. Conrad & Broom, Inc.. San F., Los A., Pasa dena, Seattle, and Spokane. Callaway. Fish & Co., N. Y.; Burr. Gannett & Co., Boston. 178 HARTFORD—Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. year tMem. State Bks. Assn. estabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn . lished. ±Member Local Stock Exchange Conning & Co.,_____ Eddy Brothers & Co. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. year estabTMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished ±Member Local Stock Exchange Correspondents and Bank Depositories 50 Lewis St. 33 Lewis St. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY_ _ _ _ (36 Pearl St.) 'Chairman of the Board President BERNARD W. TRAFFORD Executive | EDWII Vice Presidents t ALLAI PHILIP STOCKTON MARSHALL Boston POPE, New York FIRST NATIONAL™^ COLONY CORP. Affiliated with: First Natl. Bk.. Bos.; First Natl. Old Colony Corp. Bos. Head Office; Branches; N. Y.; Chi., Phi., Cleve., Balt., St. L.. Wash.. Prov., Atl., Worcester, Pitt., Port., Roch., Rutland, and Springf. (19 Lewis St.) PAINE, WEBBER & CO........... ±T80 (49 Pearl St.i United States Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Ban k, Insurance Company and other In^vestment Stocks. Direct Private Wires to Pr incipal Cities. Fuller, Richter, Aldrich & Co. (Investment Securities) N. City Co., N. Y. and correspon dent offices. Otis & Co., N. Y., Chi., Den., Kan. C., j INVESTMENT SECURITIES Tol., Akron, Canton, Bos., Dav., ( (Branch of Cleveland) Colo. Springs, Buff., Col., Cin., Det., Lou., Massillon, Phil., St. L.. Mil. V. R. Leavitt, Res. Manager. Investment Paine, Webber & Co., Boston, New Securities.____________________________ York, Chicago, and other cities. Members Hartford. Boston, New York, Chi cago, Cleveland, and Detroit Stock Exchanges; New York Curb Exchange, N. Y. Cotton Ex change, Chicago Bd. of Trade. Members Hartford Stock Exchange__ Members New York Stock Exchange Members American Bankers Ass’n. BROKERS. PITNAM A COMPANY, PAUL—-±. 05 (6 Central Row) 94 Pearl St. Shaw & Co.___________ GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK f E. G. Stewart, Representative______________ Guaranty Oo. of N. Y„ N. Y. (Hartford-Aetna Bldg.) T20 \ Investment Securities. STEDMAN A REN FI ELD..... --V.'tV (18 Asylum St.) f W. W. Mansfield, Representative___________ Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y„ Chi., Phil., Bos., St. L„ Det., Mil., Pitt., •JT01 L Telephone 6—3189 STEVENSON, GREGORY & CO. Minpls. and Clev. (Members New York Stock Exchange. (56 Pearl St.) Br. of N. Y. Private wire connec HEMPHILL. NOYES & CO...............T15 « Underwriters and Distributors of tion with main office, branches (75 Pearl Street) Stone & Webster and Blodget, Inc. ( Investment Securities. and correspondents in 48 cities. (16 Pearl) LEE, HIGGINSON & CO.............. T«8 Paul E. Callanan. Mgr,_____________ (Bonds) Lee, Hieemson * Oo.. N. Y.. tai , IT Hartford Stock Exchange_________ (36 Pearl St.) (Branch of Boston, Mass.) and Bos. Exchange Court HALSEYi STUART & CO.i(lncorporated) (125 Trumbull St.) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Jewett City...4436 JEWETT CITY SAV. 1 N. Lond. H2I 5% 51-275 BANK ®*’78 (Commercial Paper and Collateral Loans)____ Eugene Ballard, Pres. Wm. S. Conning, V, P, Ohase N..N. Y.[ Hart. N. Bk. & Tr Co., Hart.-Conn. Tr. and Phoenix State Bk. & Tr., Hart. CONNECTICUT—Continued W. P. E. Viering.Sec. R, C, Hastings, Tr. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume. PUSIDKMT. YiCB-PusiDnrr. Oakuikx. amt oashikk. Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Dbpob- Othf.r Miscel Cun A Rxand and and Liabili CBABsas^hn Capital IT8 Discounts Sssuritiss laneous non Bums Profits ties Arthur M. Brown.. J. H. Tracy_______ F. E. Robinson, W. A. Hyde, Alex McNicol 8m. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr J 200,000 $2 618 420 $ 179,210 $1522 040 SI 297 270 $ 105,95C ! 462.300 9.370 116,040 4,930 792,600 7.108,800 91,890 5.858.340 1,944,970 46,000 67.040 2,136,600 4.640 304,140 1.849,930 9,140 .Litchfield ....1075 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. P. Woodruff ___ Philip P. Hubbard. A. W. Clock______ E. C. Osborn______ 1 Litchfield FT *147-7% par 100 51-250 d»t’65 103,640 Litchfield Sav. Society J. P. Woodruff ___ R. C. Swayze_____ J. P. Woodruff. Tr, «% 51-249 ®«t§’50 Dorothy Baldwin, A. Tr. Madison_____1918 Madison Trust Co..d®T«t|’23 M. P. Rindge_____ INew Haven M 15 *100-4% par 50 51-317 Meriden.__ 38,481 City Savings Bank.. ®*tl’74 F. H. Billard_____ I New Haven 112 4M% 51-101 W. W. Gibson, V.P. C. F. Linsley. V.P. George Dowd_____ J. W. Neal, Tr.__ E.D.Whedon.A^Sec. See. 100,000 — 45.070 816,990 178,570 570,570 3,785,310 320,380 623,020 Principal Correspondents. 72,350 1st N.. Bos.; Thames Bk. & Tr. Co., Norwich. 100,400 Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Atlantic N.. Bos.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 143,970 Hart.-Conn, Tr. Co.. Hart. 85,070 Ohase N„ N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 333,624 78,340 164,210 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co,. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Waterbury. 5,160 2,204.750 1.900,830 53,890 175,570 Colonial Tr. Co..Waterbury; IstN.. Litchfield.; Brooks Bk. & Tr. Co., Torrington. 406,690 4,829.470 52,120 2.680,960 2,568,500 468,160 1,365.630 286,2201 G. Brown, A. Sec. Whedon. A. Tr. Floyd Curtis______ H. L. Wheatley, H. W. Ketelhut, Wm. H. Lyon Sec, and Tr. A. Tr C. P. Bradley FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t 63 Floyd Curtis_____ R. P. Hess_______ 12% and 6% extrapar 100 51-100 50,000 200.000 63,000 562,000 375,000 927,340 275,000 4.210 25,000 Chase N. N. Y.; Mech., New Haven; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hartford. 34,610 1st N., Meriden. 995,430 105,000 292,240 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 4.035.410 2,389.630 368,480 707,630 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. i Ch. of Bd. and Pres. NATIONAL BANK *80-12% (Branch at New Britain.) /"New York Stock Exchange. \ (Associate) Members New E. F. Hutton & Co.,N. Y. MEMBERS < York Curb Exchange. ) Hartford Stock Exchange, Branch—New Haven. U. B.A.ofA. / P. A. Wilde, Representative________________ Stone & Webster and Blodget Inc., l Investment Securities. N. Y„ Chi., and Bos. Jewett City Tr. Co.d®T»tS'21 Alex McNicol._ J. H. Shea________ C. L. Dudkowski, 8 25,000 *138-5% par 100 61-812 J. Q. Dolan K—utngton ..1882 Berlin Savings Bank.JDil'73 F. L. Wilcox_____ E. W. Mildrum___ H. C. Doming. Tr. J. J. Fitzsimons.A. Tr............ 1 Hartford H12 5H% 51-276 See. and Tr. UucevlUe____ 1600 Salisbury Bank & Trust Co. Robert Scoville ... H. F. London_____ H. A. Hoadley, Tr. Ruth Warner. A. S H. B. Callender, 40,000 1 Litchfield B4 *250-12%parl0051-261d®T*t§’09 A. Tr HOME Post & Flagg, N. Y.; Cortis & Sanger. Bos. 75 Pearl St. TOWIf AMD COUNTY. oMem.A.B.A.ftNew ! State fPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res. Dept* ;T-Trust B-Bond Fed'l Res. Dlst. d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSaIe%Div. Correspondents and Bank Depositories ( JOHN R. SMALL, Resident Mgr.______________ OTIS & GO. INVESTMENT BANKERS (36 Pearl St.) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships si-gg dB®T»t'54 par 25 (Meriden continued on next page) FOR BRmGEPORT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "cu- Jl 0U*CL“” Prompt Sorvlco on Collections BIH of Lading Drafts a Specialty 500.010 556,320 5,941,160 \ items 503,670 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 179 Town and Countt. aCounty Seats. Pig. under town is Ped. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Prir. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estan. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DiT. Meriden___ 38,481 MERIDEN NATIONAL BANK (Continued) *160-#% par 100 51-97 d®»t’8S Meriden Savings Bank 5% 51-98 d«t§’51 M It Meriden Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. *175-8% panoo 51-102 d©T»t§’89 President. Vice President. Harris 8. Bartlett. G. H. Wilcox, Ch, J. G. Nagel H. A. Curtiss. V.P. W. B. Church. ___ Wilbur F. Parker .. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Cashier. F. E. Sands_______ M. W. Taft. Tr.... B. R. Gardner. Sec. I. B. Miller. V, P& A J Sternberg A. T. Wm. C. Mueller Henry J. Thomas, H. H. Smith. O. P. Linaley A, Sec. Sec. and Tr. Burton L. Lawton | PURITAN BANK&TlUiSTCO. W. S. Alexander .. A. W. Pendexter . L. C. Dossin, Tr. .. E. E. Smith. V. P. *300-8% par 100 d@T»tST2 E.E. Schmelzer.C/i. A. E. Boynton P. Weber. V. P. A. F. Glaessner 51-108 D. T. O'Brien. Jr. ^Middletown CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK H. H. Warner..... T. M. Russell_____ 51-165 dB®Tt’51 R. C. Markham, Ch. E. F.Slaviu 24,534 *160-8% 1 Middlesex 114 par 100 City Savings Bank____ ®|’0S P. J. Stuscfc___ ___ Edward A.Gladwin Walter 6. Jomi. 5% 51-109 8m. and IV. •• H a U. Leach. Tr___ 5% 51-160 d®t§’58 ** M E. Dudley Butler.. Carlton H. Leach.. Elton E. Clark___ FIRST NATIONAL BK. *170-6% 51-167 d®T»t’64 par 100 II MIDDLETOWN NATIONAL BANK •• •• ** F. ASS’T CASHIER. 79,540 100.000 312,600 2,117,850 58,850 Dorothy Newberth B. G. Miller P. A. Pagano 200,006 251,510 3,239,040 193,340 204,460 1,544,720 E. A. Inglis______ C. T. Davis, Tr.___ H.C. Danforth, Sec. and A. Tr. T. M. Russel Earl Santangelo. A, Sec. V. P. and A. Tr. 100.000 100,000 100,000 Sec. and Tr. 50.000 J. W. Phillips____ J. B. Stinson, Tr... •• _____ •• 5,630 1,792,410 520,790 126,560 1,976,860 1,122,100 192,920 489,410 2,400 5.481,260 4,327,580 89,260 204,800 2,670 Mech..New Haven; Meriden N.,Meriden. 6,720 149,540 Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 591,990 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Al bany; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Bos. 39,270 Cent.N., Middletown. 190,280 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Middletown N. Bk. & 100,420 941,870 57,100 218,380 3,084,450 374,600 2,238,190 1,081,220 193,660 533,660 Irv. Tr., N. Y.j N. Shawmut, Bos. 1,264,300 12766 470 23,640 6,556,730 6,649,010 448,590 400,080 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Middle- 142,270 16,550 30,020 55,360 839,550 Tr. Co.. Middletown. Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 278,270 Chase N., N. Y.; E. J. Kennedy____ B. V. Olson_______ R. A. Phaueuf____ A. B. Cross, Sec. , 1930) Fidelity Industrial Bank J. M, ChernofF____ *30-3H% par 25 §’26 W. B. Rossberg C. H. Maxon, Tr... Sec. and A, Tr. TF. S. CHAMBERLAIN E. N. STANLEY------ W. H. JUD.0--.t------- C. L. SHELDON-----NEW BRITAIN NAT. BK. 4 *250-10% 51-89 d®T»t'60 i a.j.sloper5ca. A. S. PARSONS C. L. SHELDON* par 100 Tr. Off. H. W. HATSING ( (New Britain contin ued on next page) 34,230 402,140 835,440 100 16,640 47,120 2,311,070 982,930 30,000 204,080 2,021,340 25,340 1,035,590 1,020,620 137,480 157,080 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Bridgeport 657,030 532,820 2,000 42,990 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. of New Eng., E. 502,210 101,270 19,530 44,440 493,300 77,680 100.000 260,540 50.000 56,950 644,350 190,310 1,513,410 121,730 Bridgeport City Tr. Co., Bridgeport. and Bos.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. New Haven. Haddam. 42,410 City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 109,160 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mystic 1,140,250 1,490,600 River N., Mystic. 100,000 284,760 131,550 6.100 208,980 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., 6,310 502,460 156,650 56,560 41,950 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. 407,070 224,430 253,000 N. City., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N„ 4,000,000 3,900,000 210,000 150,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y. 5,261,240 2,918,430 185,950 1,303,170 V. P. and Tr, Off. E. E. Hotchkiss... H. A. Dalby, R. W. Paul. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. H. N. Olson. A. Sec. W. T. Bodenbach Wm.E. Attwood... Wm.E. Attwood, IV. P. G. VIbberts. Sec. Walter Meyer.M.T. Joseph F. Lamb__ H. L. White____ town N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. N„ Middletown. 50,900 Cent. N.. Middletown. 183,180 328,900 370,850 300.000 54,750 207,140 3,191,470 338,990 2,401,020 Ch. A. L. Adams_____ D. S. Tuttle_____ G. M. Rumney ___ B. N. Wilmot____ H. B. Tuttle, Ch. A. H. Dayton, L. A. Dibble. V. P. ;; Commercial Trust Company_ (Closed December 13 135,520 1.218,100 129,020 1,105,820 Chas. T. Aldrich.. L. B. Cranska____ T. J.Seaton. Tr___ H. Richardson, Sec. -------- 37,300 207,340 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Shavnnnt, Bos.; Send us your Business Charles H. Rogers. A. W. Chaffee. “ 306,290 / Cot UHU JL 7 • yJJJ • M. G. Hendley, A.R. Tuttle. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 11 Morris Plan Bank §'ix Harold S. Guy___ J. H. Bunce_____ R. W. Rice, Tr....... J. P. Bacon, Sec,... *40-10% par 25 51-171 E. E. Hubbard G. E. Nyren. A, Tr. E- J- Daley, A. Sec. Milford 12,660 Milford Savings Bk. ©•t§'72 Harry M. Merwin. H. C. Peck, 1 New Haven 09 5% 51-277 See. and Tr. •• .. n, W. Platt Wm. G. Bissell, MILFORD TRUST COMPANY A. B. Clark 10% par 100 51-293 d®T«t§’ll Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Naugatuck Sav. Bank®»tS’70 A. H. Dayton____ 5% 51-158 New Britain 68,128 Burritt Mutual Savings Bank .T. F. Conner 1 Hartford G18 5% 51-92 ®*J5’89 Paul K. Rogers.__ CITY NATIONAL BANK *100 par 100 51-95 d®T»t’25 Phil.: 2d N., Bos. 7,419,200 5,447,310 1,253,880 8,734,080 309,300 Wm. Laube. Jr., 5,630 90,610 $ 224,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Sec. A. BEACH......... W. W. WILCOX___ L. B. MARKHAM — A. H. GRISWOLD— E. K, HUBBARD _ ft* IVi nULlYl tov ' 110,370 E. J. Pickett,A. Tr. Anna E. Cullen, 126,320 Middletown Trust Go..Tt§’09 H. H. Warner *160-8% par 100 51-170 R. C. Markham, Ch. E. F. Slaviu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100.000 200,000 Act. V. P. Moodus SavingsBank®»t5’70 5% 51-278 Moosup Trust Co..dB®T»§’26 *125 par 100 51-279 Groton Savings Bank_®t§’54 4%+l % extra 51-232 Mystic River Nat. Bank»t'51 *125-12% 51-231 par 50 Naugatuck. 14,315 Naugatuck Bank & Trust Co. 61-161 ©T»t§’22 1 New Haven J9 *150-6% par 100 M It Naugatuck Nat. Bank *l35-3%par 100 51-159 d®T»t’83 1.519,300 11,750,470 August gchaab, 8m. W.L. Leach, A. Sec. E. S. King ______ & TR. CO. d®T»tl795 *ll2-7%-i% extra 51-182 par 75 Middletown Savings Bank 5% 51-163 d®«t§1825 E. R. Hudson, Moodus . . T22S 1 Middlesex J17 Moosup_____ 4001 1 Windham F24 Mystic_______ 6021 1 (NewLondon L23 Liabilities Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Cash k ExMiscel CHASSB8,Dui Paid-up and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Disoounts Securities laneous FROM BaOXB ties $ 200,000 $ 193,090 $1 589490 $ 380,430 $1402,010 $ 646,180 $ •• M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Principal Correspondents. Resources. CONNECTICUT—Continued Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1,800,000 6,460,000 N. Y.;Merch. N., Bos.; Phil. N.. Phil. Bos.; Merch.Tr. Co., Waterbary. Phil. 200,420 82,490 Chase N., N. Y.; New Britain Tr. Oo., 200.000 68,020 886,560 125,000 843,360 254,290 58,770 123,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 250,000 98,900 67,830 88,000 273,120 157,140 74,470 Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart.; Com’l Tr. Co., New Britain. 742,890 7,719,690 500,000 Ins Cert. 708,770 6,725,710 65,690 3,659,330 2,143,020 New Britain. Hart. 250,930 1,946,900 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. City, Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 1 Rf) iOU Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 10 eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. CONNECTICUT—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Liabilities. President. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed.Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. rF. G. VIBBERTS, H. H. H0WARD- H. H. HOWARD, C.J. HICKEY. , 1 Pres, and Tr. Off, F. W. MAC0MBER, Sec. and Tr. Off. Credit Mgr, W. E. ATTW00D, C. J. LAW, A. Tr.r L. A. SPRAGUE. Ch.ofBd. New Bus. Mgr. New Britain 68,128 NEW BRITAIN TRUST CO. (Continued) $225-8% 51-91 dT*t§’C par 100 { Peoples Savings Bank 4H% 51-93 ®»I§’07 Savings Bank of New Britain 5% 51-90 ®t§’62 New Canaan. 2872 First National Bank &Tr. Co. 2 Fairfield P3 $150-9% par 100 51-240 dT«t’65 New Canaan Savings Bank 4M% 51-239 d®»t§’59 Leo Bojnowski ___ B. F. Gaffney........... J. C. Loomis E. N. Stanley____ C. F. Smith___ H. W. Groth. A.Tr. E. B. Lawrence ... Stephen Hoyt ------Gardner Heath, Ch. J. H. Behre. Lewis B. Sutton... Resources. Other Loam Bondi Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and AND Capital Propits its Diaoounti Stouritits laneous ties Principal Correspondents. * Ex- Gash chanou,Dvi vbom Banks $1000 000 $ 749,290 $5 547 990 $ 161,160 $3571 340 $1 453 500 $1098 010 $1335 590 Chase N„ and N. Y. Trust Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. l_We are ecjulpp ed to handle Con nectlcut business promptly at low est rate s. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Paulin Nurczyk — S. Arszylowicz ____ Noah Lucas, Tr... C. B. Oldershaw, Sec. and A. Tr. G. C. Winger, A.Tr. D. S. Rockwell.— G. B. Searles........... G. F. Behre, 83,490 623,750 2,062,830 22 721240 100,000 F. Keating, Tr____ Sec. and Tr. SURANCE & 10................. 15 yUUUK! 330,000 335,710 18,690 587,620 13 980 690 10 774 000 207,670 809.770 187,090 613,990 407,580 67,580 178,820 1,733,910 62,870 1,316,190 526,720 87,710 118,070 22,840 Com'l Tr. Co., New Britain. 409,330 N.Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 125,780 Bk. of America N. A.. N. Y.; N. Com’) Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 44,980 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk, & Tr. Co.. New Canaan. (Branch of Slamf ord, Con n.)......... 1st N. Bk. & Tr, Co., New Canaan. (Care of First Natio ational Bank & Trust Co.) New Hartford 1836 New Hartford Trust Co. 1 Litchfield C9 C. E. Jones_______ H. M. Smith______ W. D. Fancher. C. E. Jones, Tr.... $66-8% par 50 51-280 ®T*t§1900 F. M. Chapin, Ch. Sec. and A. Tr, Frank B. Nichols, W. A. Watkins, Sec. and Tr. H.W. O’Brien,'/.r! par 100 Wm. Treloar. A.T. Broadway Bank& Tr. Co. Chas. G. Morris___ R. C. Lightbourn. W. O. Peck, Tr.... J. W. Singleton, $145-7% 51-16 d®T«J5'13 A. Tr. F. Hansen. A. Tr. H. P. Sage par 100 H. E. Baldwin Citizens Bank & Trust Co------ (Closed December 9, 1930) Columbus Bank & Trust Co. John Franco______ P. DeCicco_______ Michael Franco, Tr. F. A. Lattanzi, Sec. $75-4H% 51-24 ®T§'30 A. Capecelatro CONGRESS BK.& TRUST CO. H. V. Whipple......... Hyman Jacobs.... Emil Freda. $130-5% 51-19 dB®T»+5’23 L. M. Sagal, Sec. and Tr. D. S. Gamble Ch. of Bd. par 100 Connecticut Sav. Bank Burton Mansfield.. H. F. English_____ S. F. Strong, Tr.__ 5% 51-12 ®»t§’57 A. E. Hunt, A. Tr. ‘NewHaven 162,655 American Bank & Trust Co. Myron R. Durham. G. C. Foote_______ 1 New Haven M10 $525-12% 51-17 d®T»t$’14 J. H. Shaw. V. P. G. Bmanuelson 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK&TRUSTGO. $350-12%parlOO 51-9 dB®T»t’63 T.M. STEELE- - - - - - D. L. CHAMBERLAIN P.N.WELCH E.P. ROOT F. L. TROWBRIDGE E. B. SPALDING G. WILSHIRE. „ Aav. Mqt. WM. MCARTHUR, Compt, WARREN M. CRAWFORD CARL GARTNER- - - - - W.H.CRAWFORD WM. G. CLEAVER. Tr. Off CLIFFORD W. WILCOX GRACE E. BOURNE, NAPOLEON PATRY A. Tr. Off. G. M. REDFIELD J. G. McGILLEN, „ LEROY R. MYERS A. Tr. Off. J. C. REID, A. Credit Mgr. 25,000 41,840 384,060 197,060 224,650 100,000 596,210 2.643.780 1,500 400,000 300,370 3,204,570 360,430 3,310,630 442,220 80,000 10,000 35,000 325,000 2,083,240 405,990 499,460 100,000 500,000 50,000 175,000 299,650 2.161.780 4,968,200 32 465 800 1,097,730 2,104.120 110,700 21892 000 13 971400 44,600 208,060 H. B. Mathewson.. G. H. Brethauer .. A. H. Davis. A.V.P. R. B. Ross 300,000 1,500,000 19 673 910 J. H. Allen, Cash. R. 8. Shepard____ and A. Tr. Off. C. F. Hauser D.C.Texido. Tr.Off. R. S. May M. P. Bradley. Tr. W.B. Gumbart.See. F. J. Meyers, A. Tr. H. C. Holman, A.Tr. 500,000 792,590 9,577,390 1,082,790 6,537,840 3,708,700 300,000 258,850 1,314,630 73,360 1,871,010 47,290 744,910 7,088,220 109,070 4,436,860 3,093,400 75,000 640,100 4,969.490 564,920 3,512,230 2,186,430 209,400 National Savings Bank F. G. Hotchkiss__ F. C. Earle_____ 51-13 ®«ti’66 E. P. Root J.P. Kimberly. Tr. G. W. Cory, A. Tr. 5% $220-9% parlOO 51-8 dB®T«t’55 'NEW HAVEN BANK „ NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION $310-12% 51.—1. F. C. Burroughs... Henry Fresenius__ John E. Coburn ... M. M. Pratt_____ H. C. Holmes, V. P. F. C. Burroughs, L. C. Walsh. C. E. Smith Tr. Off. 500,000 1st N., Chase N., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mereh. N. and N. Shaw mut, Bos.; 1st N„ Phil.; N.Y. State N., Alb. 26,400 116,030 15 973 850 2,719,270 631,000 2,265,810 Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty.Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N. and N.Shaw.. Bos.; Market St. N., Phil.; Lib. Bk., Buff.; Mellon N., Pitts. 419,120 1,287,100 N. City and Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. A. Tr. Off. W. G. REDFIELD— G. J. BASSETT. . . . . . . . . ;. R. WILLIS_ _ _ _ _ !. H. RAYMOND_ _ C. E. CORNWALL . . . H. . . . .WELC . “.CH. Tr.Off. . W. WOODWORTH V. P. and Tr. Off. ABEL HOLBROOK 297,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Mech., New Haven. Collect ions a speclalt y. Bemitt ed for on day of pay ment. ♦MECHANICS BANK F. B. Frisbie---------- W. E. Frisbie_____ d®T»}§1824 R. E. Herman. V.P. G. S. Stirling H. B. Mathewson ♦MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK S. A. York________ J. F. Stannard___ $200-8% par 50 51-0 dB®T*’51 L. H. English,P.P. D. C. Texido R. L. Holbrook Morris Plan Bank.........®§’14 C. M. Walker-------- C. W. Whittlesey. $150-8% par 100 51-21 George J. Bassett 200,000 Bk. of Sicily Tr. Co.. N. Y. 1,260,000 2,051,830 18431580 1,208,680 14861430 3,990,100 1,128,390 2,972,160 100,000 51-2 304,460 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.: Bart.Conn. Tr. Co., Hart.; Merch. N., Bos. 414,500 1,266,800 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. General Industrial Bank Samuel Campner .. A. L. Starin______ Maurice Podoloff. J. I. Sachs, A. Tr.. ®§’28 Maurice Podoloff Tr 16% par 60 29,180 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Hurlbut N., Winsted. 95,040 Irv.Tr.Co.,N. Y.; Merch.N., New Haven. 1,600.000 2,570.710 11219710 444,6301 i 10 592 050 1,785.930 28,540 336,930 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 766,450 Chase N., N.Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil.; N. Shawmut. Bos.; Royal Bk. of Canada, Montreal. 373.990 3,082,190 Chase N. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. dT»tl792 par 100 New Haven Sav. Bank L. H. English........... F. F. Brewster----- W. R. Downs, S.G. Stirling, 5% 51-11 ©»t§'38 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. S. W. Hart W. P. Curtiss H. W. Crawford, A. Tr. (New Haven contin ued on next page.) for FRASER Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOR BRIDGEPORT ITEMS 6,442,670 33 968 020 26 508 650 12 565 400 425,000 911,640 Chase N. and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ‘New Haven____ (Continued) President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. 1 Town and County.1 eMem.A.B.A.^New §S'tate fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ^Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed.Res.District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CONNECTICUT—Continued Loans Surplus Depos Other Loans Miscel Liabili and and AND its Discounts Discounts laneous ties Profits Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Banks Pallotti, Andretta Co., Inc.__ (In receivership) BanoaCommercials Italiana. N. Y. and Napies, Italy. 51-18 ’SECOND NATIONAL BANK LOUIS L. HEMINGWAY EUGENE G. ALLYN— F. E. HUDSON--------- A. P. HALL, D. H. HEMINGWAY E. T. PERKINS, A. C. and Compt. Tr. Off. E. H. COWLES „ C. G. LEWIS, Tr. Off• G- NYE- A-Tr-°ff- $410-12% par 100 51-7 ®T»t'55 Sons of Italy Industrial Bk. Joseph Cubelli, J. J. Costanzo........... par 100 51-22---------- ®§'28 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. Di Nonno W. P. Curtiss____ D. B. Lyman_____ •U"I0N H. L. Gal pin, V.P. O. A. Day $380-12% 51-10 d®T»j|’78 E. M. Gaillard Rosario Giaimo. Sec. and Tr. L. D. Kennedy, Tr. G.E. Somers, A. Tr. F. H. Burdge. A. Tr. S. L. Stirling, W. H. Lockrow, A. Tr. AvA, and A. Sec. G. S. Stirling par 100 $ 750.000 $1734680 $9195020 $ 814,720 $6673260 $3 234 860 $ 621,430 $1964870 Gty. Tr. Co. and 1st N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. Francis Rossi, 100,000 2,550 44,050 A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. R. Daniell, See.. 1,458,700 2,139,160 12 074 600 E. L. Roth, Tr. Off. and A. Sec. E. G. Armstrong. Tr. Off. and A. Sec. 68,520 44,490 , . 56,470 6,970 150,250 1,440 9,360,270 3,116,220 1,717,250 1,523,250 1st N„ Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. . (Members indicated by a*) NEW HAVEN—Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS J. S. BACHE & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Members Prlnclp al Stock Exchang es._____________ _ (Tafft Hotel) H. W. Allen. Tr.... EDWARD M. BRADLEY & CO. E. M. Bradley_____ G. W. Hotchkiss—. E. H. Bradley, Sec. and A. Tr. F.E. Beecher. A. S Inc. t’68 (Investment Secur ities) M. W. Wetzler, LEACH A. B. & CO., Inc. ..1 (Investment Securit Mgr, (2nd N. Bk. Bldg.) LEE, HIGGINSON & CO_ _ _ (F. R. Cox, Represe ntative, Hartford Off ice)______________ J. S. Bache & Co., New York. PAINE WEBBER & CO__ 1 Paine. Webber & Co., Bos., N. Y„ Chi., and other cities. F. B. Keech ft Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ and R. L. Day ft Co., Bos. A. B. Leach & Co.. Inc.. N. Y., Chi., and Principal Cities. Lee, Higginson & Co., Bos., N. Y., & Chi. (129 Church Street) (129 Church St.) (Investment Securit rk? Boston, Chica go, Cleveland, De trolt and Uartfor d Stock Members New Yo Exchanges, New York Curb Excha ngc, New York Co tton Exchange, C hlcago Board o PUTNAM F. L. & COMPANY. .......... . . (265 Church St.) (Investment Securit CHAS. W. SCRANTON & CO.- MEMBERS NEW Branch of (see) Boston. Post & Flagg, N. Y. (209 Church St.) ±T61 ‘New London f Trade. Mgr_____ _______ ies) YORK STOCK E XCHANGE............ Mechanics Bank. New Haven. (Branch of Slamf ord, Con n.). S 699,370 $8 389 710 $ 295,050 $5965 970 $3 031800 S 176,440 $ 209.920,Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bo«. Mariners Savings Bank J. P. Johnston___ C. B. Waller_______ P. LeReyHarweed, H. H. Smith, Tr. A. Tr. and Sec. P. Le Roy Harwood 51-1 SI d®»ti'67 29,640 5% 1 N. London L21 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE W- H. REEVES- - - - - - E. W. STAMM- - - - - - - - E.W. STAMMGEO B. PREST. V.P. J. p. T. ARMSTRONG $ 300,000 Special attention given BUI of Lading drafts. Gash and Tint* I Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for CreditBeporte Prompt service. wei get results. re $300-10% par 100 51-185 d®T»$’52 National Whaling BamkTt’88 H. G. Pond_ ia% par 25 51-184 _ S. H. Miner. L. T. Sheffield......... New London City N. Bank $160-8% par 100 51-132 d®T»8’65 Chas. A. Gallup, Ch. Saving Bk. of New London Charles E. White.. 5% 51-188 d®«t!1827 R. H. Stearns_________________________ Nathan Belcher___ A. D. Forbes____ G. F. Cramer . Arthur Keefe I. S. Avery Alfred Coit_______ Geo. Whittlesey, R. W. Matteson, Horace C. Learned V. P., Sec. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. Alfred Colt______ Lucius E. Whlton. Jos. A. Stanners. Edward Bull, Jr.. Union Bank ft Trust Co. Carlos Barry Cash, and Tr. Off. M. M. Scott $160-8% 51-181 dT»t*1792 par 100 WIRTR10P TRUST COMPANY $150-6% par 100 51-117 ®T«Ir22 EIWAIB B. SMITH A CO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C.T. MCARDLE, o ALLING ffffilP F.W.I.T.HAUER____ A. Sec. V. S. JOHNSON, 220,000 682,600 4,064.270 2,049.860 682,820 5,223.290 150,000 686,950 548.910 39,890 200,000 239,360 3,090,230 202,770 _______ 2,926,450 25130100 456,990 554,580 Chens. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; M N., Bos.; ---------- Phil. N., PtatL 103,760 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 859,120 5,870 2,142,370 1,077,870 156,150 355,970 Cent. Han.Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st. N.. Bos. Phil. N„ Phil. 14 277 920 12853 050 295,540 630,030 Irv. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Un. Bk. & Tr„ New London. 543,650 Irv. Tr. Co., N. City, and Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hartford. 800,000 405,810 1,936,630 7,760 1,532,220 367,090 207,240 150,000 98,070 1,446,620 1,160 663,790 285,250 630,270 116,520 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Bos. A. Tr. Ch. of Bd. COLLECTI ONS SOL I Cl TED; PROM PT PRESENT AT I ON A ND R EMIT TANC E. Edward B. 8mith ft Co.. N.Y., Phil., and (Investment Bee urttles)_______ Bos. « ■- ■ e ■ i n i* n__!_!.___ 1 R9 ±04 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each ,3ank in U- s- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CONNECTICUT—Continued Town and County eMem.A.B.A.tiNew § State tPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab »County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Re3. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this neresi nates, noiiuays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Liabilities. PRESIDENT. First National Bank.dT»t’65 C. W. Hodge_____ #% par 100 51-223 New Milford Sav. Bk.®»t5’51 G. T. Soule_______ 6% 51-224 David O. Peck__ Newtown 482 Newtown Savings Bank 5% 51-281 ®<5'55 2 Fairfield K5 New Milford..4700 1 Litchfield 14 n " """ " Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profit ? Resources. ther Loiaa Bondi Cash ft ExDepob- LOiabili and and . Dm ITS Duoounti Securities LANEOUS changes ties from Banks R. F. Mygatt_____ R. E. Morphy__ W. B. Bull................ $ 200,00( $ 171.17C $1122070 $ 201,550 $ 932,920 $ N. B, Booth, Tr.Off B. E. Bostwick ___ M. G. Merwin, Tr,. P. E. Green, A. Tr 3,413,030 2,002,00C Cornelius B. Taylor A. T. Nettleton, A. T. Nettleton Sec. and Tr. 300, OOC 2,782,660 Norfolk__________ 1298 Norfolk SavingsBk.d®»tS’60 Wm. O’Connor, I. L. Hamant_____ M. N. Clark, S. A. Selden, A. Tr Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 51-282 1 Litchfield B7 5% See. and Tr. Norwalk_____36,019 Central Fairfield Trust Co. E. Hemming._____ C. F, Tristram.... I. P. S pining, Tr... R. Stoots, A. Tr... 51-204d ®T*t8’1824 2 Fairfield P4 par 100 N. Pierce, 89,490 79,780 588,240 48.38C $ 279.57C Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 259.36C 1st N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. & New Haven Tr. Co., New Haven. 20,OOC 115.77C Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Bridgeport. 35.24C 226,780 421,990 6,580 22,380 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Winsted and Bos. 200,000 190,750 2,612,440 173,580 2,307,070 342,810 327,110 199,790 Chase N., N.Y. Tr. Co., and Chem. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. — 511,590 3,902,500 105,320 2,449,100 1,939,210 71,040 60,060 N. City, N.Y.;N. Bk. of Norwalk, Norwalk. Sec. and A. Tr. Fairfield County Savings Bk. James <3. Gregory. Henry W. Gregory. Seymour Curtis, May Natteford, 5% 81-207 d®*t|’74 A. See. Tr. — M U .. M NATIONAL BK.0F NORWALK G. L. Woodward__ W. C. Baur_______ C, W. Gager____ S. L. Weed............. 240,000 311,720 2,390,640 *180-6% par 100 51-206 dB®T»'57 A. R. Malkin_____ W. H. Hunter____ F. A. Ells, Norwalk 8av. Society W. E. Grindrod, 1,248,620 9,094,800 61-205 d®*tS'49 See. and Tr. A. Tr. L. M. Raymond, A. Sec. H. G. Peck_______ Grosvenor Ely____ Frank Hempstead, A. E. Story. ‘Norwich ...23,021 Chelsea Savhigs Bank 2,307,700 16 493 620 61-118 dB®t#’68 F.Hempstead, V.P. J. C. Macpherson 1 New LondonI 21 5% Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. K. W. Fox, *' •• _ •* ________ Dime Savings Bank d®»tl'68 B. P. Bishop________ F. L. Woodard............. F. L. Woodard, Tr. J. H. Perkins, 5% 51-121 W. F. Lester. V.P. S. B. Palmer Sec. and A. Tr. •• Uncas-Merch, Nat.Bk.dT«t’62 H. F. Powers_____ C. D. Greenman, *120-6% par 100 51-117 V.P. and Cash Paweatuek ...8000 Paweatuek Bank & Tr. Co. E. B. Hinckley___ H. A, Stahle_____ F. M. Robertson__ 1 New London L25 *250-8% parlOO 51-3(13 ®T*t§’21 F. N. Wilcox, Ch. F. S. Opie (Westerly KJ.P.O.) Plainfield 8027 First National Bank. d®»t'12 8.T. Butterworth, Willard Staples___ B, F. Dawson 1 Windham G24 8% parlOO 51-298 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Plalnvllle____ 6301 PlainvilleTrustCo. d ®T«tJT5 J. H. Trumbull, 1 Hartford Gil *227-10 par 50 51-283 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Plantsvllle ...2100 Plantsville National Bank W. H. Cowles____ 1 Hartford HU 51-325 ®»'2a D. L. Underwood.. W.M.Eastwood.Jr. L. G. McLaren____ F. N. Wilcox, Sec. __ F. T. Wheeler------- A. A. MacLeod. T. P. Prior, A. Tr, Henry Trumbull Sec. and Tr, A.N. Johnsoo, A.T. O. A. Cowles__ ___ R. T. Olson_______ L. V.Walkley Portland .. 3930 PortIandTrustCo..d®T»J5’25 A. N. Shepard____ W. Gildersleeve... O. B. Ellsworth, C, S. Bell, Tr. Off... 1 Middlesex 114 *250-6% par 100 61-243 S. S. Hall. Ch. Sec. and Tr. ‘Putnam 7318 Cargill Trust Co.. d®T#t§’24 1 Windham C24 *180-6% par 100 51-214 Citizens National Bank *150-6% par 100 51-213 d®T»t’24 ... PutnamSavings Bk...d®St’62 «% 51-211 -- Ridgefield___ 3580 First National Bank & Tr.Co. 2 Fairfield N3 *150-6% 51-246 ®T»tl900 •e «• Ridgefield Savings Bank 4H% 51-245 ®tl’71 Rockville.........7445 First National Bank________ 1 Tolland D17 People's Savings Bank 61-195 ®tS'70 •• _____ 350,000 5,956,090 Norwich Savings Society O. R. Butts__________ C. D. Noyes__________ Guy B. Dolbeare, H. P. Hull. 2,383,800 22 721740 5% 51-115 d®‘t§1824 8. A. Gilbert, V.P. John Porteous See. and Tr. N. J. Ayling Thames Bank & Trust Co. F. E. Storer__________ T. C. Murphy________ W.T. Crandall, V.P. 1,100,000 819,030 4,661,860 *145-8% par 100 dB©T*t§’29 A. M. Brown, Ch. W. G. Park Sec. and Tr. G.R.Fellows. V.P. 61-116 ...... •• 50,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 258,400 12 449 530 6,138,950 49,780 - 6,679,190 17 940 830 132,330 353,180 Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., and N. City, N, Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 3,500 2.785,450 3,240,970 15,400 1,027,670 257,840 82,480 60,320 562,470 45,320 454,620 198,450 220 92,000 700,000 108,000 400,000 400,000 70,000 80,000 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Old Colony Tr.Co., Bos. 411,560 2,540,830 67,750 1,589,760 1,339,700 15,500 175,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.; CornEx., N, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil.; 1st N„ Bos. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 253,750 1,699,890 73,240 1,266,180 748,900 57,960 53,850 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Hart.-Conn Tr. Co., Hart. 120.110 924,640 117,990 1,275,090 95,320 191,370 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.,N.Y.; N. Rocklandand N. Shawmut,Bos.: Hart.-Conn. Tr., Hart. 172,230 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; R. I. Hos pital Tr. Co., Prov. 73,000 Bk, of N.Y.; & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut. 356,680 Bk. of America., N. A.. N. Y. 12,500 23,510 911,450 8,450 810,750 347,200 3,087,740 Geo. E. Benedict, R. L. Gilbert, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. [Absorbed by Rockvi le National Bank, J uly 26, 1930) J. E. Fisk________ Fred N. Bolding. T. F. North Sec. and Tr. F. H. Holt. W. F. Partridge. A. Cash, and Tr. Off. Cash.and A.Tr. Off, Bridgeport items A. Tr. 100,000 557,980 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N. and 1st N„ Bos. 136,500 1,254,600 1,430,790 Samuel Keeler____ 423,290 Gty. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Thames Bk. & Tr. Co. and Uncas-Merch. N„ Norwich. 184,750 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 87,770 1,809,390 50,000 47,950 86,100 Chase N.. N. Y. 149,300 120,000 Tr. 259,790 N. City, N. Y.; 1st Tr.Co., Alb. 3,594,140 2,427,670 100,000 Savings Bank of Rockville William Maxwell.. P. B. Leonard------- A. T. Bissell, K. M. White. A.TV. 51-192 ®J|'58 Sec. and Tr. E. L. Newmarket, tor 25,000 1,060,490 5,517,050 3,158,190 1,582,080 Samuel Reynolds.. Alexander Gilman Arthur E. Smith, J. E. Murray, M.H. Geissler, V.P. W. Danielson A. C. and A, Tr. Off. Ernest B. Kent___ John F. Reardon.. Arthur F, Hughes, Rockville National Bk .dW’64 F. T. Maxwell____ T G Talcntt 10% par 100 51-193 Charles Phelps Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 200,000 410,440 B. D. Bugbee........... L. M. Keith______ J. D. Potter, Tr. .. G. S. Shaw. A. Tr.. A, V. Davis_______ J. E. Ryan------------- A. G. Seymour.... R. E. Richardson — Principal Correspondents. 71,850 238,510 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Bos. 39,810 Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Bos. Bos.; Cargill Tr. Putnam. Co. and Citiz. N„ 66,350 417,440 348,210 50,790 254,130 2.011.880 60,150 1,511,050 698.820 52,030 64,330 Bk. of America N.A..N. Y.; N. Bk. of Norwalk, Norwalk. 487,690 4,488,520 61,340 3,342,870 1,640,400 26,600 28,280 199,090 1,224,750 100,000 952,550 340,920 97,740 232,630 Sent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 1,200,000 L5 518190 242,190 10 146 770 211,620 381,160 3ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y., Hart.Conn. Tr. Co., Han. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 183 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued (SiThtgi Banks Do Not Handle Collections) Resources. Liabilities. TOWN AH D 00U5TT. •Mem.A.B.A.»New $ State 1Triv Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loans Other Casa * Sx^County Seats. {Rea. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. Miscel CSLAKQ*a,DuX Depos L AhT Oiama. Paeo-op Surplus YioK-Puaxsnrr. fuiisiit. and and AND iabili its Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Capital Profits Discounts Seeuritioe laneous from Bars ties d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LnslSale%Div. Fed. Res. Diet. 34,200 SI 937 870 $1067 400 ? 74,110 S 229.880 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chase N.and Bk. 416,370 $2 758 700 $ 100,000 E. B. Boies. Seymour____6890 SeymourTrustOo—dB®T*t§ O. S. Boies______ 8. B. Church____ O.C. Oornforth, of Manhattan Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. ShawSec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. L. Ward 1 New Haven L8 16% par 100 51-234 ’05 mut. Bos. Seymour, and Shelto n Clearing House, O. G. Hummel. (Member of Ansonia, Derby, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Derby, Conn.) Sharon______ 1710 Sharon National Bank ...e’28 H. M. Dunbar_____ F. N. Wilcox-------- Geo. V. A. Kirby - C. W. Vosburgh— 1 Litchfield G 8 51-337 Shelton____10,113 ♦Shelton Tr. Oo. ..d®T#t}’21 Stephen T. Palmer Clayton S. Boles -- George 8. Willis, E. L. Miller, A, Tr. Sec. and Tr. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 2 Fairfield M8 6% par 100 51-291 (*Member of Ansonia, Derby, Simsbury........3625 Simsbury Bank & Trust Co. 1 Hartford D12 1150-*% 51-308 d@T»J5’17 par 25 Sound Beach..850 Sound Beach Trust Co. 2 Fairfield R 2 1105-4% par 50 51-321 d®T»t§’25 Southington .5125 Southington Bk. & Trust Oo. 1 Hartford HI! $275-10+2% 61-215 d®T»tS’16 par 100 Southington Savings Bank. i7o-{-extras 51-216 ©tl’flO Seymour, and Shelto n Clearing House, Derby, Conn.) B. K. Potter, A.Tr. H.B.Ellsworth------- Gee. E. Pattison, Woods Chandler, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Sec. and Tr. O. C. Williams, A. Sec. M. Ellen Cuff, Albert B. Austin.. Ralph G. Farrell.. A. B. Stanton, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. J. H. Pratt______ E. S. Todd ............ O. E. 8mith, Tr—. O.B.Kilbourn, A.T, C. E. Smith R. G. Simpson, See, Anna M.Kelly.A.S. {Wia 133,560 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co.. N. ¥.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Haven. 125,000 191,100 1,841,530 7,510 1.503,000 503,190 11,280 147,660 N.Citv.N. Y.; IstN., Bos.; Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 50,000 150,000 L. R. HURLBUTT — SOLICITED; PR 912,610 15,610 202,080 1,720,870 334,770 2,626,300 6,500 752,290 7,770 839,420 127,750 8,990 1,126,660 751,990 42,810 1,492,670 1.322,080 58,150 Chase N. and Mnfrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 151,470 Gty. Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phoenix State Bk. &Tr. Co., Hart.; 1st N., Bos. 152,830 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phoenix State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart.; 1st N„ Bos.: Southington Bk. & Tr. Co., Southington. 46,140 Irv. Tr. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr., Hart. 221,120 237,210 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr„ N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Phoenix State Bk. & Tr., Hart. 946.620 6,642.640 67,490 5,155,640 2,200,920 8,450 291,740 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Manchester Tr. Co., So. Manchester; 1st N., Bos. 100,000 381,010 3,234,310 PT PRESENT ATION AND RE MITTA NCE. 100,000 2,173,180 1,064,150 118,190 459,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 142.620 1,343,970 100,440 216,890 930,000 7,100,000 233,000 4,573,000 3,550,000 27,000 108,410 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 80. Norwalk. 113,000 N. City, N. Y.: City 700,390 6,916,660 34,460 5,631,530 1,764,030 170,080 50.000 200,000 150,000 John Keogh W. F, Tammany.— G. L. Wood ward, d®»J8'60 (Care of South Norwalk Trust Co.) W. H. Burr______ Southport.. 1480 Southport Savings Bank 61-227 ®»t§’64 8. 0. Bradley. V.P, 2 Fairfield P 6 5% Springdale.... 663 Springdale Bank & Trust Co. C.A. Lund ............. 2 Fairfield M 8 $130 par 100 51-335 d®T«§’28 W.W. Graves. Ch. 56,090 44,820 103,620 South Norwalk Trust Oo. TWMWfF"*1 57,310 285,500 1,678,670 H. M. Lane, A. Sec. Tr. 8. S. Adams, A. Tr. Richard H. Golden Joseph R. Taylor.. Okas. B. Hoyt. See. end Tr. $200-12%par5051-18SdB®T*H‘Ql South Norwalk Sav. Bank Edward Beard— 61-187 264,170 16,130 Charles F. Mills__ L. M. Wright____ S. 8. Velsor, TV—. $200-5% parl0051-190d®T»t*’14 5% 823,310 176.050 253,610 par 100 R. B. Hathaway, Manchester TrustOo.dT»il'04 R. La Matte Russell W. O. dhenew____ H. O. AlvonL A. Tr. Bee. and Tr. $190-4% ♦ 61-220 L. H. Marte. A. Tr. par 100 R. LaMotte Russell, Thomas K. Clarke, Savings Bk. of Manchester Frank Clkswer. Jr.. Sec. Tr. 5% 61-219 ®«t§’05 Peoples Tr.Co. of Norwalk 10,990 3,490 12,500 552,990 John F. Shea, HOME BANK AND TRUST CO. G. W. Strant_____ T. J. Rogers______ Lewis H. Sipe, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr, 61-221 d®T«tS’20 IHartf.E 1610,025 $140-4% CITY NATIONAL BANK 13, 321 $185-8% par 100 51-188d®T»t'82 2 Fairfield Q4 70,210 129,040 1,045,820 25,000 M. H. Holcomb.__ E. S. Todd________ P. C. Woodruff, Tr. J. W. Upson, A. Tr. S. Manchester South Norwalk 87,520 100,000 400,000 58,820 171,830 1,583,290 (Branch of Stamf ord. Con Chas. B. Jennings. B.S. Bulkley, A. Tr J. W. Perry----Tr H. H. Rennell G. B. Knapp, V. P. S. R. Osborn, Tr. __ John Ryle.......... Daniel T. Woodbury N. Adler. Sec, and A, Tr, H. R. Wightman— A. I. Mitchell___ F. G. Hanford Stafford Springs First National Bank „d«t'88 F. F. Patten, Ch. of Bd. <fe Pres 1 Toll’d B18 3492 14% par 100 61-247 W. O. Ladish, Tr... Grace B. Griffiths, 0. F. Chandler ___ R. W. Smith-----Stafford Savings Bank Sec, Hannibal Alden 5% 61-248 d®«ti’72 C. Allen. Ch. 335,030 1,076,690 485,920 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil. So. Norwalk Tr. Co.. So. Norwalk. ».)- 122,870 1,208,770 609,180 659,020 5.000 58,440 Fairfield Tr. Co., Fairfield. 172,420 134,460 6,800 47,630 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., New Haven; Stamford Tr. Co., Stamford. 444,290 146,830 1st N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Boa.; Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 105,090 Springfield Saf e Dep. & Tr.Go., Springfield; Hart.- N.. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart 50,000 13,370 297,950 50,000 197,400 593,140 279.040 40,630 265,690 3,481,490 ' 1,676,910 1,905,090 118,220 O. S. Purdy, W. M. Weed, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr 1,159,220 8,892,650 ' 6,515,440 3,455,470 110,170 215,810 N. Y. Tr. Co., and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;lst-Stamford N..Stamford. J. J. Oloon&n__ ♦FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST Louis J. Curtis, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. R. H. Gillespie CO. 10% 51-111 dB®T*t§’02 E. N. Fast, Tr........ Fred Greenwood, A. Tr W. E. Goulden, Tr. Off. J. L. Parry, 200,000 1,331,690 5,074,010 2,734,730 3,060,980 199,040 686,710 Chase N..N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil. N„ Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. ♦First-Stamford Nat’l Bank C. W. Bell_______ C. D. Lockwood. J. C. Durey & Trust Co. d®T»t’63 S. Merritt, Ch. F. W. Bogardus 8 %par 100 51-108 M. J. Morrison, 607,270l 4,025,430 4,892,280 1,825,950 984,960 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un, Tr. Co., Clev. Stamford.. 46.346 ♦CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK C. D. Lockwood__ J. A. Horne........ . 2 Fairfield R 2 4M% 61-109 d®»t§’69 par 100 A. Tr P.E. Cantrell____ 1,000,000 1,703,830 8,417,520 1 Acting N. H. Sherwood H. J. Schabert, O. M, Walker A, Tr. Off. G, J. Halpin C. H. Lind, Compt. Helen E. Finn, 1 A. Tr. Off. Louis Zezima------- Frank Rich. Italian Loan Association, Inc_________________ ®§’26 Morris Plan Bank______§T7 W. W. Graves------ A. W. Naldrett. C. S, Purdy 7% par 100 51-113 i Joseph Mastrick, Tr. F. M. Houghton, Matthew Pisani, Sec. Louise A. Sova, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Frank H. Barnes.. C. E. Ailing______ Basil C. Burke____ L. E. Morrell_____ 51-112 d®T»J’23 50,000 100,000 150,000 22,460 48,570 32,630 l 218,050 158,720 1 370,070 Repayme 158,500 3,020,710 4,700 4,490 Ist-Stamford N., Stamford. 184,120) 1,743,390 1,154,770 246,370 368,810 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. $265-4% par 100 (Stamford continued on next page) FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO., Bridgeport, Conn — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■MEmDomestic Banking! ra 184 (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Resources, Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew§StatetPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. *County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ PRESIDENT. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. $ 120,000 % Stamford__ 46,346 Stamford Industrial Bk, *05-4% par 50 51-342 ®»§’29 Abram Spelke. Ch, (Continued) 48,200 S 240,490 $ lnv. Cert. Sec. and Tr. 64,550 $ 409,980 S A. W. Dater--------- J. H. Bogardns ___ J. H. Bogardus, Tr. W. F. Cressy. Sec. ________ 1,400.830 11318 620 ♦Stamford Savings Bank H. L. Miller. A. Tr. A.M.Taylor, A.Sec. H. G. Waterbury 4K% 51-107 ®»t§’51 'STAMFORD TRUST GO. 12% W. D. DASKAM........... SAMUEL PIERSON — RALPH P. HOWARD, C. E. THOMPSON, Tr. Sec. F. H. KIRK, A. Tr. G. E. THOMPSON 700,000 1,821,240 9,333,930 46,570 $ 6,770 7,006,330 5,004,130 4,230 $ 150,000 25,740 4,195,290 5,599,360 1,111,390 12,450 Stamford Tr. Co. and Fid. Title & Tr. Co., Stamford. 565,770 Chase N., Bk. of Manhattan Tr., and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; lst-Stamford N. Bk. & Tr. and Stamford Tr.. Stamford. 974,876 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. Co., AUU *JiId5C XY • * i't • I ■ | 1 1111 i i.1 if X XI11 •, 1st N., Bos. 51-110 dB®T*I§’89 par 100 Stamford Clearing House... K. N. Fast........... W. M. Weed. Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) THE TITLE INSURANCE & MORTGAGE CO............ IS *200-8% par 100 f R.L.Chamberlain M. c. Maxwell....... R. E. Brush, Tr. .. R. L. Chamberlain, ^ C. E. Hoyt. V. P. F. B. Bart ram A. S. Webb. V. P. Jr., Sec. {.Title Searches. Guaranteed Mart gages. Wm. T. DeWaters, A. Tr. Stonlngton. 2,006 First National Bank------ ’51 M. A. Pendleton... G. H. Robinson.... E. N. Pendleton... H. A. Pendleton... 1 Nev?LondonM24 6% Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Cash ft ExMiscel chamoss Paid-up and and ,Dtti Liabili AND its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Capital Profits ties 230,000 129,030 100,000 70,220 2,296,800 2.308,870 35,390 331,570 8,480 167.220 49,160 135.070 183,610 51-286 Equitable Life Assurance Society of U. S., N. Y.; Branches at Greenwich, New Canaan, New Haven, So. Norwalk, and Westport. 59,430 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Merch. N., Bos. Stratford ...19,212 Stratford Tr. Co.-dB®T*5’16 E. W. Peck.__ 61-306 2 Fairfield O 8 6% par 100 S. W. Hubbell........ Walter E. Goddard. J. W. Tomcey, Sec., Tr., & Tr. Off, A. Sec. B. C. Warner E. M. Thibault, 100.000 201,090 1,868.800 5,590 462,070 396.780 1,201.720 114,920 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bridgeport-City Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Bridgeport. Suffleld____ ;.4346 First National Bank....»J’64 S. R. Spencer____ S. N. Reid... 100,000 20Q 050 258,300 125,000 461,620 130,430 27,530 20.810 1,106,980 755.610 4,920 72,760 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hart. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart.; Springfield Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Springfield. 76,190 Hart. N..Bk. &Tr. Co. and Hart.-Conn.Tr, Co., Hart.; 1st N„ Suffleld. 1 Hartford B 14 *176-10% par 100 Suffleld Savings Bk. d®»t§’69 S. R. Spencer 4H% 61-236 W. S. Fuller______ W. J. Wilson, H. K. Perkins, See. and Tr. A. Tr. E. Perkins Terryvllle.... 4200 Terryvllle Tr. Co.. dB®Tt§’28 1 Litchfield Q 8 *205 par 100 51-336 Edgar L. Pond____ L. J. Potter, Thomas ton.. .4188 ThomastonNat. Bk. d®»t’88 S. K. Plume 1 Litchfield G 8 6% Sec. and Tr. 1 Hart ford A15 8525 4% M. C. Guernsey ... 412,980 115.810 57.990 77,820 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Bristol Tr. Co., Bristol. 50,000 74,010 344,670 14,000 235,380 98,920 49,860 97,020 1st N., N. Y. 156,810 3,937,170 1,565,900 210,650 15,070 315,930 1,885.980 58,010 67,020 51-320 51-141 dT»t§ 61-140 Trust Co.) Torrington Savings Bank 4 H% 51-139 ®»t§ 100,000 F. M, Travis, Ch. F. M. Baldwin D. B. Bogardus___ W. C. Neth______ J. H. Seaton,TV.Oif. J. N. Brooks O. L. McNeil J. M. Wadhams, James McKenna 51-178 F. M. Cowles. . Sec. and Tr. 179,170 Chase N.. N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Waterbury; Tomaston N., Tomaston. 60,210 Banca Commerciale Italiana Tr. Co., N. Y. and Bos.; Springfield-Chapin N. Bk. & Tr, Co.,Springfield. 286,080 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 71,760 City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart.; 1st N„ Bos. 31,720 934,220 2,000 100.000 177.530 1,566,700 13,620 1,239,110 284,110 121.620 213,000 Cent, Ilan. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: N, Shawmut. Bos.: Phil. N„ Phil. 400,000 821,750 9,021.350 225,340 7.596.780 1.969,060 167,100 735,500 Chase N. and Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 273,410 4,042,250 18,000 2,755,760 1.470,630 174,030 39,870 A. Tr. S. H. McDonald... 121,240 924,130 1,117,980 25.000 453,360 495,040 157,270 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 37,220 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 111,100 48,890 100,000 2,666,340 193,290 1.663,680 1,178.870 15,000 102,080 N. City, N. Y. 200,000 194,850 2,151,410 423,090 1,932,030 694,910 85,690 256,730 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Bos. and Phil. 50,000 200,000 1,946,670 6,750 1,798,200 216,220 77,150 111,840 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mech., New Haven. W. J. Lum, Sec. and Tr. L. H. Hall............. E. A. Hillbom. 49.160 2,399,540 J. M.Wadhams, III R. K. Brooks, Sec. E. J. Dower. Cash, and Tr. 162,120 356.310 3.051.210 F.W. Bradley _ _ I. Tilden Jewett, F. S. Tyler, A. Tr. Tr. and Sec. O. A. Leonard, V.P. Chas. C. Talcott Un!onvllle._..2135 Unionville Bank & Trust Co. E. O. Heacox_____ E. T. House. T. S. Rourke 51-315 d®"~""‘“' 1 Hartford Fll *660-10% par 100 Wallingford.11,170 1 New Haven K12 415% 2.480 717,030 4 808 410 Ella A. Blakeslee, J. N. Brooks_____ J. M. Wadhams... J. H. Brooks, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. C. L. McNeil. Ch. par 100 512.500 100,000 Torrlngton .26,040 Brooks Bank & Trust Co. 10% 49,630 Sec. and Tr. John Radosti_____ Tudor Gowdy------- F. W. Mallard____ E. T. Gowdy--------- F. W. Mallard,Sec. *300-12% par 100 100,000 F. L. White______ H. E. Stoughton, Thompsonville Tr. Co. *75-18% 51-288 d®T«t! *Tolland_____ 1064 Savings Bank of Tolland 5% 51-289 d©t! 1 Tolland 0 18 1 Litchfield N7 253,840 1.669,050 51-242 Thomaston Savings Bk.»8’74 5% 51-241 TbompsonvIUe A. Tr. Off. 51-235 *200-9% par 100 51-179 Wallingford Bk. & Trust Co. J. A. Martin_____ E. H. Backes------- K. B. Reynolds___ G. H. Wilkinson,Jr.. Ohas.Loucks. V.P. M. T. Downes 1 FOR BRIDGEPORT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ITEMS THE FIRST NATIONAL IKE & TRUST CO. 185 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Miscel Surplus Depos- Other P aid up and and Vice-President. Cashier. LiabiliPresident. ITS Diacounta Saouritias laneous Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Capital Profits TIES d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSaIe%Div. 122.240 $ 251.360 $ 596,760 J 220,160 61,060 Central Industrial Rank—§’24 A. A. Guastaferri— H. A. Dochelli------ Nicholas Garzia ... T.A.Guastaferri, Sec 200.000 (.) Leonardo Lorusso. Nicola Garzia. 165-8% par 50 51-88 A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. THE L. S. REED_ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. D. TYACK ________C. F. HEEINEF .. ....... 600.000 818.240 11070 870 153,670 10326280 (1022210 541,860 E. 0. GOSS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. N. VON luBtL J. E. BULGER Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.W’New {State fPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. 4Waterbury.99,902 1 New Haven 19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued Ass’t Cashier. 'CITIZ. & MNFRS. NATIONAL BANK i me 1 feu i. H. LEACH W. P. Bryan. . ♦Colonial Trust Oo. 1505-12% ♦ 51-80 d©T*tl’96 par 100 Dime Savings Bank _®*i§’70 E. C. Northrop........ JohnP. Elton, Ch. 5% 61-77 K. C. Kazemekas. Kazemekas & Co., Inc. 168 par 50 51-87 ®tl908 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Mancini, Ruggiero & Palom- Luigi Ruggiero----ba Co.. Inc................... ®t’26 F. W. Palomba, Ch. 112.60-8% +4% 51-86 I. P. Elton A. R. Kimball........ Darragh de Lancey E. C. Kazemekas.. 3.E. Kazemekas, Jr. Nicola Palomba.— R.S. Walker .Tr.Off. 5.N. Andrew, A. Sec. Richard Preusser, Tr. John Zemantowsky S.C.Kazemekas, Tr. Rolond Ruggiero— Tr... Tr. 147,220 8.096,370 1,655,830 264,500 1,710.760 79,230 8,410.660 4,730,930 226.230 15,250 88.100 37.480 549,610 106.380 194.290 839.480 6,331.040 33,550 5,758,540 1,024.630 325.440 597.460 2,850 92,950 12,730 697.490 L. R. SCHICK, Sec. and A. Tr. J. C. BULGER, A.Sec. 500.000 100.000 100,000 par 26 n. B. Bradley. par 100 Geo. L. Peck F. M. Salmon F. D. Ruland umiiiM! 296,310 _____ 3,000 653.910 N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos.: Phil. N„ Phil. 519,720 191,360 146,750 5.720.610 571.320 414,060 1,297,570 ’ublic N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Pa. Ex.,N. Y.; Merch. Tr., Waterbury. lanca Commerciale Italiana, N. Y.; Rome and Naples; Peo. Bk. & Tr.. Waterbury. r. City and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mech., New Haven; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. ihase N.. N. Y.; Waterbury N. Merch. Tr. Co.. Waterbury, and Chi.; Phil. N.. Phil ; Un. Tr. Co.. Cleve. 13050 450 7,582.630 46,050 495,200 5k. of N. Y. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Citiz. & 3.391,460 1,528,120 120,570 433.090 IhaseN.and N. Y.Tr.Co., N.Y.; N.Shaw.. 4.738.000 1,843,000 28.000 Mnfrs. N. andWaterbury N., Waterbury. Bos. 140,000 & Mfrs. N.. Waterbury. 87.120 861.330 249,110 83,420 49.860 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Mnfs. N.. Water 1,000 1.613.00C 520.00C 128,000 157,000 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hart. N. 92,000 550.970 153,780 706.380 94,530 Chase N., N. Y.; Hart.-Conn.Tr. Co., Hart. bury. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart.; N. Shawmut. Bos. 154.360 2,489,510 212.510 2.208,600 397,940 242,580 107,260 Corn Ex. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; New Haven 370.630 3,428.680 61,690 2.791,940 973,680 179,810 215.580 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y. Bk., New Haven. Westport Bk. & Tr. Co.. Westport. of Stamj ord. Con n.)__ _ H. C. Lathrop......... 263.420 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 100.000 » wj Westport Bank & T ust Co.) Wethersfield. 7507 Wethersfield Bk. & Tr. Co. H. P. Dunham------ W. D. Shew............. H. E. Read. Tr..._ A. W. Hanmer, Sec 1175 par 50 51-338 d®T»t§’2 1 Hartford CI4 S. B. Potter, Tr,... C. E. Chamberlin, .Willi mantle Willimantic Sav. Institute A. Tr J. R. Smith, A. Tr. 12,102 5% 51-174 d®«’4 1 Windham F20 G. H. Gurley, H. W. Huber, 2V._ C. J. Alpaugh.__ E. F. Bngbee, Willimantic Trust Co. A. Tr. and Sec J. H. Wilcox, 16% 61-175 d®T*t*'l Ch. of Bd. and Pres J. E. Brick A. Tr. and A. Sec. par 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mut, Bos.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. L. Sniffen, A. Tr... 300.000 C. P. Harris, Sec. and Tr. E. W. Andersen, A. See. THE TITLE 0RTQAGE CO WINDHAM RATIONAL BANl 306.340 221,630 319.060 265,070 (Inv. Ce rt.) 4,980 99,330 1,351.020 500,000 655,430 6.551.820 F. W. Judson.......... A. J. Thomson-----I. H. Chase. Ch. 2,368,050 18 806 280 R. A. Cairns--------- E. S. Hunt. S. & T. C.R.Ganung, A.Sec. E. H. Jones, A. Tr. E. L. Tuttle. Sec.. 300,000 656.720 4,516.520 F. W. Chesson........ F. W. Chesson. H.S. Seeley. Tr. and Tr. Off. F.Bachmann, A. Sec. T. H. Hewitt. Ch. M. E. Horsley, A. Tr. Off. C. D. Olsen, A. Tr. W. L. Loomis, a. Tr. 779,000 5.969,000 L. W. Foote, Benjamin L. Coe _ N. R. Bronson------ R. E. Platt. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. Shirley Fulton 5% 51-79 d®»ti'89 E. L. Tuttle. Waterbary Clearing House— Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a*) Wn. H. Whay. Tr.. 75,000 971.620 109.980 H. H. Heminway, C. B. Buckingham— T. F. Carmody, Watertown... 6050 Watertown Trust Co. Tr. Off. Randolph Betts, 51-297 d®T»t5’12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1 Litchfield H8 ino-8% A. Tr. par 100 200,000 263,000 1,954,000 H. P. Meech .. L. A. Chapman. Tr. West Hartford Trust Co West Hartford R.T. H. Barnes,Ch. 1 HartfordE14 24936 Russell Davis 139.030 1,174,630 Thomas E. Prescott 100.000 Walter Hodgkinson James A. Walsh— West Haven.25,654 Home Bank & Trust Co. M.V. White. A. Sec. W. L. Larash, Ch. 51-323 dB©T« 1 NewHavenNie 165-6% West Haven Bank* Trust Co. W. S. Woodruff— 40.420 78,330 ♦Waterbary National Bank Hio-10% par 50 51-74 d®T*t’48 Waterbary Savings Bank 5% 51-75 ®*IS’60 ♦Waterbary Trust Company 1275-8% 51-82 d®T»IS,07 par 100 West Side Savings Bk. $400-16% par 100 51-173 d@T«t’S2 1,352,420 L. S. Andrew, Tr.. 1,000,000 3,050.000 7,530.240 J. B. Elis, A. Sec. R.S. Munger.A .Sec. R. N. Woodward.S ec._____ 1,053,460 12 577 770 E.W. McGann. A.S. 349.580 56,000 1,170 A. P. Kazemekas, Sec. and A. Tr. 994,530 25.000 52,390 Louis Masters------ 12%+3% 51-88 d®T»t§'10 par 100 F. J. Kenney, Morris Plan Bank______§'15 A. R. Kimball------ J. P. Elton______ C. H. Dayton, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. J. H. Goss 10% par 100 51-84 V. R. Nole, A. Tr. B. H. Millard, Luigi Ruggiero.— F. W. Palomba Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Sec. and Tr. par 50 61-85 ®T§’24 51-295 d®T»t§'“ 13,580 Merch. Tr. and Waterbury N„ Waterbury. A ttaoro uglily o rgani ze d collec tlon de partme nt. Send us your W aterbur y Items. We rem it on da y of pay meat. E. R. BARLOW, ‘MERCHANTS HENRY WEYAND —- P.J. S.M.NEAGLE------E.F. MORAN. A. KENNEDY TRUST COMPANY Westport____ 5826 Westport Bank & Tr. Co. $190-8% 51-233 dB®T«t§’ 2 Fairfield P5 S d 1400-20% par 10051-76 d®T*t’82 1185 par 60 Principal Correspondents. Cash Jk Exchanom.Dux probi Baku H. D. Pollard___ A. W. Buchanan.Jr H. S. Maine 50.000 368,410 10,270 191,630 235.320 22,040 31.630 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & 246,010 2.192,930 41.930 l,470.78f 819.260 98,830 92,020 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.Co., N. Y.; Windham N.. 51,930 Tr. Co. and Phoenix State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. Willimantic; Hart.-Conn.Tr. Co.. Hart. 100.00C 440,88C 1.S38.87C 24,900 974.74C 1.297.22C 6.420 126,270 Irv. Tr. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st 100.00C 408.S4C 3.849.25C 175,410 1.404.89 2.341.54C 58.55C 728.520 N.Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N„ N., Bos.: Hart.-Conn.Tr. Co.. Hart. Phil. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. IOC -LOU TOWN AMD GOUNTT. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.ONew SStatefPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Windsor.........8290 WindsorTrustCo.dB®T«t§T3 E. E. Edwards____ E. T. Garvin___ 1 Hartford C14 $150-12% par 26 51-299 G. R. Ford. Ch. Windsor Locks Windsor Locks Trust* Safe 4073 Deposit Co____ d®T»t§’08 1 Hartford C14 $90-10% par 25 51-238 Wlnsted......... 7883 First National Bank-.~»t’79 51-201 1 ^Litchfield GO $107-5% Hurlbut National Bank $190-10% 51-198 dT‘t’54 par 100 “ “ Mechanics Savings Bank 5% 61-200 d®*t§'76 “ ___ _ “ Winsted Savings Bank 6 H% 51-199 d®‘t§’fl0 Woodbury.__I744 Woodbury Savings Bank 1 Litchfield I 7 5% 51-290 ®»t§’72 J. M. Morse___ F.D. Hallett.. CONNECTICUT—Continued Cashier. G. W. Bill, H. L. Pelton, nA. Tr J. A. Norton Wm. F. Peetz .. H. S. Hitchcock___ C. M. Harvey.__ T. L.Shea Alice C. Nelson, H. S. Boyd, Tr. .. Claymont.... 420 Claymont Trust Co. $93 par 60 62-72 d®T«t§’23 198 First National Bank...®t’07 R. D. Lingo, Sussex M6 $190-8% Newcastle C3 62-53 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $130-6% 62-54 ®»t’49 " First N ational Bank d®T»t’04 S. N. Culver.__ $150-6% par 100 62-48 J. G. W. Perdue.__ _. A. Brewington___ ‘Dover______ 4800 Delaware Tr. Co. .d®T»tJ’09 William DuPont__ S. S. Baker. ........... H, M. Buckson, $200-6% 62-28 Kant G3 J.L.Sheppherd.CA. C. M. Curtis Mgr. aa Farmers Bank ..d®T»tll807 Henry Kidgely, $300-16% par 50 62-27 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, . Kent 13 373,820 38,850 3,750 528,910 3,864,900 45,620 2.604.260 1,625,550 150,540 507,880 5,571,860 168,490 2,861,600 3,233,810 94,370 75,000 907,170 18,370 742,190 203,610 35,000 488 114,390 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil.: Merch. N.. Boe. 220,240 N. City, N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil.: N. Shawmat, Bos. 59,080 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos. 58,450 Bkrs.Tr.Oo.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos.; Hnrlbnt N., Winsted. 19,740 Oltiz.&Mnfrs. N.. Waterbary; 1st N„ Boa, Corn Ex John Prankford 450 First National Bank..®»t’07 H. F. Wilgus, Ch... J. H. Long________ O. R. Dari* $210-8% 62-56 H. F. Wilgus par 100 Frederica____ 589 Delaware Trust Co. J.B. McBride_____ Kent 14 $120-6% 62-57 d®T*t§1900 Sussex N6 Georgetown Trust Co. L. L. Layton. $60-6% par 50 62- 42 d®T»t§’29 Ch. of Bd.and Pres. H. P. Layton Greenwood.__ 527 Greenwood Trust Co. d®ti'll J. W. Todd, $225-10% par 100 Saasei K3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62-64 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8,260 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Phil.; Far., Drover. 43,070 602,310 153,890 453.340 151,360 145.910 25.000 43,140 279,430 450 265.880 56,180 7,640 18,330 25,000 45.230 385,530 45,000 316,830 131,830 8,280 43,810 Phil. N.. Phil.: Selbyville. Selbyville; Millsboro Tr. Co., Millsboro. 60.000 137,600 567,150 49,000 339.350 430.860 3,670 39,870 Penn. Co., Phil. 40,000 75,000 634,000 8,000 490,000 175,000 27,000 50,000 25,460 360,190 11,040 231.250 157,260 2,500 W. W. Rawlins.... G. H. Short______ Edward B. Green.. Ralph L. Swain.__ C. W. Parker_____ W.S. Lord________ R n Mai .)... (Branch of Wilm ington, Del Geo. B. Dawson... J. L. Cahall_______ Phil. 50.000 A. Mgr. First National Bank John Carrow_____ W. J. Benson_____ E. P. Horsey_____ $315-16% 62-26 d®T«t'65 J. E. Leo Scanlon par 100 Herd Felton Bank.........-d®T»t§’08 F. L. Hardesty ___ L.P. Keller_______ N. M. Hammond__ $60-8% par 50 62-55 ‘Georgetown 1763 FARMERS BANK- d©T»J51807 R. G. Paynter, Sussex L5 $325-24% par 50 62-41 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. 98,650 Phil. N., Phil.; Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. Phil. Henry Cleaver___ . 838 Bank of Delmar___ d@»tf’97 G. L. Hastings ___ Sussex N3 $280-12% par 100 62-47 Felton 235,890 899,640 A. Sec. D. B. Has sard___ H. W, Bunting___ J. Cordney McGee. Delmar •• 30,070 227,290 (Formerly Clayton Bank) Delaware City 1005 Delaware City Nat. Bank aa 254,360 805,880 2,400 $ 46,660 $ 377.960 1 32,900 $ 228.810 $ 221,590 $ 22,860 S (Branch of Selby ville. Del .)____ Frederick Kniffen H. L. Rice.............. R. R. Wood, Tr.__ George Lodge, Sec. M. O. Bradbury, 824 Clayton Bank & Trust Co. R. Y. Wallen_____ J. R. Clements ___ $105-8% par 50 62-65dB®T»t§’13 Dagsboro. ...... 48,650 294,370 1 par 100 " 100.000 483,500 55,820 $ 111,150 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Atl. N„ Bos.; Riverside Tr. Co., Hart. N. Bk.&Tr.Co„ and City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. Uut LCd\} 44,670 N. City, N. Y.: Riverside Tr. Co.. Hart. J. S. Neal________ (Branch of Selby vilU, Del .1 Camden dfU Baltimore Trust Co. J. G. Townsend. Jr. C. du P. Ridgely.. G.C. Davis_______ Kent H4 $356-12% «2-52 d®T«t§’08 F. A. Townsend Kent F3 919,110 A. Tr. H. W. Viven______ O. H. Rawlins O. A. Newton $350-12% par 100 62-51 Clayton 10.590 $1 220 830 f 344,420 $ A. Tr. Principal Correspondents. DELAWARE Brldgevllle ....987 Baltimore Tr. Co. _d®T*tS’Q3 New Castle A4 Resources. Bonds Miscel- | Cam * BxDiscounts Securities LANEOU8 j nos Bamxi Loans 205,000 ___ L. L. Chase_______ L. B. Hurlbut, Tr,. C. H. Bunnell, Sec. W. W. Taylor, TIES 50,000 W. H. Phelps____ E. B. Gaylord____ G. L. Smith......... D. L. Vaill.._____ D. B. Tiffany____ J. A. Smith. Other $ 100,000 1 198,150 $1 423 470 1 .. J. D. Phelps______ R. A. Moran, R. S. Bidwell, F. S. Bidwell, Jr. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr State in No. 3 Fed. Res. District. Sussex E3 1 Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus DaposITS Capital Profits Sec, and Tr. __ J. A. Norton Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Savings Banka do not handle collections) 598.250 12 663 370 15153040 250,000 100,000 1.994,680 229,110 27,600 Bali. 55,680 Chase N.. N. Y.: Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 930,120 3,071,430 Cent. Han. Bk. Penn. N., Phil. 50.000 51,470 320,260 59,280 322,980 109,290 26,490 25,000 61,370 446,110 30,760 160,290 274,820 15,020 (Branch of Wilm ington. Del.) ... 500,000 2,779,390 27 940 340 ft Modi. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil.; 1st N„ Balt. 500,000 2,779,390 27 940 340 479,590 1,627,010 65,000 i>roY. 205,210 Cent. Han. Bk. Phil. & 113,100 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent.- Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N„ & Tr. Co., Phil. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Citiz.N., Balt.: Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 598,250 12 663370 15153040 930,120 3,071,430 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.: Phil. N.. Phil.; 1st N., Balt. 50,000 15,610 357,090 5,310 342,200 13,870 35,660 36,270 1st N., Phil.; Del. Tr., Co., Wil. 16,000 37,440 357,520 520 259,240 122,110 12,410 17,720 Phil. N„ Phil. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence WILMINGTON TRUST CO. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE rH<»* CAPITAL ........................................ $ 4,000,000.00 SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS 10,882,000.00 PERSONAL TRUST FUNDS - - 145,000,000.00 OFFICERS Chairman of the Board President James P, Winchester Henry P. Scott Vice-Presidents Pierre S. duPont S. D. Townsend H. R. Craig Tilghman Johnston Caleb M. Sheward Elwyn Evans Vice-President and Trust Officer Walter J. Laird Treasurer Herbert B. Mearns Assistant Treasurers Warren K. Ayres W. M. Davis V. C. Jefferis R. J. Davis J. H. Davidson Secretary W. S. Townsend Assistant Secretaries J. E. Hairsine D. P. Ross A. T. Stewart J. S. Bancroft DIRECTORS Henry J. Bailey Joseph Bancroft Thomas F. Bayard John Biggs Geo. P. Bissell W. S. Carpenter, Jr. Charles Copeland A. Felix duPont Eugene E. duPont Henry B. duPont Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Henry F. duPont Irenee duPont Lammot duPont Pierre S. duPont Angus B. Echols G. Layton Grier T. Allen Hilles George R. Hoffecker Tilghman Johnston Robert D. Kemp Charles C. Kurtz Walter J. Laird Wm. T. Lynam James C. McComb Frank A. McHugh J. Warren Marshall Edmund Mitchell Hugh M. Morris Robert H. Richards Harold S. Schutt Harlan G. Scott Henry P. Scott William F. Sellers Caleb M. Sheward W. Harold Smith Wilmer Stradley F. G. Tallman S. D. Townsend Thomas W. Wilson James P. Winchester William A. Worth Delaware INDEX TO COUNTIES. Kent............. H 3 New Castle. .E 3 Sussex..... .L5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 187 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 eacb bank U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew J State fPrlv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. State In No. 3, ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DELAWARE—Continued PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. S J. W. Powell, John P. Masten___ Harrington...1812 First National Bank Kent J3 3112.50-8% 62-43 dB®T*J’88 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 60 Principal Correspondents. Bonda Miscel Cua 4 BiLoam Surplus Dapoa- Other Paid-uf aa.Mu.Dri and and Liabili and ITS Capital Profits Diaeounta SaeuntiaB laneous non Biau ties 75,000 S 116,530 $ 924,130 S 12,500 $ 587,630 $ 336,490 $ 74,550 $ 129,490 Phil. N„ Phil. F, L. Masten. ___ Wm. F. Turner___ R. H. Knox 40,000 105,690 627,170 1,300 434,990 268,600 2,320 68,260 Maryland Tr. Co., Balt.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. L. L. Everett_____ M. V. Hart_______ Mary I. Moore____ C. C. Rod way, Tr. H. Schweitzer, Sec, 20,000 7,840 138,920 220 97,470 36,000 7,050 26,460 Cent. Penn. N„ Phil.; Farmers, Dover; Fruit Growers N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Smyrna. Laurel 2277 Peoples National BankT*t’03 H. C. Lewis---------- John H. Elliott—. E. E. Wootten........ A. E. Culver______ G. S. Windsor Sussex MB 62-32 100,000 153,720 1,062,760 97,460 1,018,980 166,930 144,300 Sussex Trust Co...d®T»t§’98 W. P. Orr................ H. K. Fooks_____ H. D. Williams.... H. M. Phillips........ *40-12% 62-81 par 10 150,000 438,310 2,900,400 261,730 2,759,740 728,710 94,460 Lewes lews Lewes Trust Co.—d®T»JS’28 J. M. Thompson — T. H. Carpenter__ J. L. Marshall____ W. O. Martin_____ W. E. Tunnell, Tr. Sussex K7 T. H. Carpenter, Ch. James Beebe $42.60-6% 62-34 par 25 50.000 477,920 6,280 485,840 7,500 37,450 438,310 2,900,400 261,730 2,759,740 728,710 94,460 Peoples Bank—dB®T#t§'05 S. L. 8app, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 16% 62-44 Hartlv _ Kent G2 II •• mi West Dover Trust Co. $55 par 60 62-67 d®T*tl'15 „ «• T. R. Ingram------- C. T. Melson______ E. C. Lodge Sussex Trust Co. d®T«ii'68 W. P. Orr, Jr., Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $400-12% par 100 62-33 150,000 40,300 A. Mgr. Milford. 371 q First National Bk. & Trust Co. Daniel Hirsch........ I. D. Short______ J. W. Hering $75-18% 62-29 dB®T»t’76 Sussex J5 par 10 W. F. McFaul____ J. C. Truitt, Sec.— *• 250,000 1,040,450 2,685,890 91,530 318,590 1,550,270 9,220 167,530 Phil. N.. Phil. 43,720 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; Delaware Tr. Co.. Wil. 167,530 Phil. N„ Phil. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. (Branc h of Wil mington .Del.).. Middletown..1247 Delaware Trust Co.d®T»t§’58 62-46 New Castle D2 $210-6% par 100 84,230 1st N., Phil. 1,197,580 2,520,260 170,340 179,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 1,402,270 289,050 137,430 149,320 N. Oity, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Milford Tr. Co.. dB®T»J8’01 L. N. Hearn______ W.V. Sipple______ G. T. Reed, Tr.... W. G. Sammons, A. Tr. $415-4% par 100 62-30 W. S. Daugherty, A. Tr. W. J. P. White___ J. E. Goalee.... . E. A. Steele ............ J. C. Ellis, Tr. Off. Mlllsboro_____479 Millsboro Trust Company J. W. Messick F. W. Lawson, Sec. L. E. Sipple, Sussex M6 $230-4% 62-58 ®T«t§'07 A. Tr. Off. par 100 100,000 30,600 75,280 673,510 24,140 431,160 317,400 35,370 19,600 Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; Far., Georgetown. Milton. nan First National Bank. d©t’26 J. C. Wiltbank, C. A. Burrows, Sr,. T. H. Douglas_____ F. B. Carey_______ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 62-73 Sussex K5 25,000 9,370 272,190 280 96,100 153,220 18,370 39,140 Phil. N., Phil. 167,530 Phil. N„ Phil. •> Jos. M. Lank......... W. L. Reed............ 150,000 438,310 2,900,400 261,730 2,759,740 728,710 94,460 Newark. s»nn FarmersTrustCo.dB®T,tS’56 D. Thompson_____ J. E. Dougherty... J. E. Dougherty ~ Edna A. Campbell. W.S. Kennady, Sec. 62-37 Newcastle B2 $145-16% par 50 100,000 163,380 1,544,500 40,730 1,395,060 177,480 183,730 R. H. Morris, J. I. Dayett______ W. A. Singles, Tr. Off. Sec. and Tr. N. N. Wright 100,000 160,000 1,310,780 1,030 1,149,230 207,130 66,420 New Castle 4131 New Castle Tr. Co..d®T«tl’08 F. de H. Janvier__ J.G. Shaw............... John F. Cloud, Frank H. Long, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. New Castle B3 $55-8%par25 62-60 50,000 93,930 840,320 1,230 618,680 242,340 39,120 85,340 N. City and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Phil. N.. Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co. and Far., Wil, Odessa 384 New Castle County Nat'l Bk. 62-82 ®»t’54 New Castle D21 $100-10% par 50 75.000 131,730 520,820 75,000 238,180 482,680 9,920 71,760 Phil. N., Phil.; Del. Tr. Co., Middletown; Del. City N., Del. City. " Sussex Trust Co. $200-12% 62-59 „ . -Ttl'95 Wm. P. Orr, Jr. __ .T. T.. Black _ . . Newark Trust Co. -d®T*t§'05 $140-16% 82-38 par 50 ■* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.T.Shallcross----- Frank Davis______ H. B. Roberts__ 92,330 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil.; Wil. Tr.Co., Wil. 148,520 Phil. N., Phil.; Secnr. Tr. Co.. Wil. i oo 100 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §S'tate fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ‘County Seats. Ent. State in No. 3 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. 1 Liabilities. Resources. Other Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili Miscel and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Vice-President. Rehobotb_____795 Rehoboth Trust Co......... t§’27 John Govatos, D. G. Anderson___ J. D. McCabe_____ (Rehoboth Beach $15 par 15 62-74 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. $ 25,000 $ 12,870 $ 141,420 $ 50,000 25,060 P.O.) Sussex K7 Seaford __ 24fi8 FirstNational Bk.„dB®T»t’65 Madison Willin, J. E. Dutton______ C. J. West— Sussex L3 $40-14% 62-35 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. C. Darbee par 10 .. Seaford Trust Co,. d®T»t§’29 E. J. Winder, J. E. Willey__ $80-6% 62-36 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. L. N. Hearn par 50 Selbyville_____ 661 Baltimore Trust Co........Ti’03 J. G. Townsend, Jr. 62-49 Sussex N6 " ------ “ Selbyville Bank..dB®T»t§’03 $80-8% 62-50 par 50 Smyrna .1958 Fruit Growers Nat. Bank & Kent F3 Trust Co—62-39„d®T«t’76 $300-15% par 100 .. 27,970 J 100,250 $ 4.570 $ 12,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ex.N.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil. 70,750 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. Phil. 100,000 G. M. Huston, Tr. . E. E. Willin, W. F. Haines. V.P. A. Tr. ____ 252,180 5,030 221,680 36,820 3,030 207,810 1,386.030 54,040 653,810 940,110 34,000 502,420 7,980 485,660 83,970 37,550 163.320 1,878,420 40,000 1,725.910 Corn L. Atwood. A, Sec. K. K. Brown. I. W. Long_______ I. L. Long, Tr. Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Dtxi from Banks 90.190 S . St. Georges___ 265 St. Georges Tr. Co.. d®T*tS’21 Frank Cleaver........ Griffith Ellison___ Benj. Vinton. 62-71 New Castle C3 $80-6% |W. B. Lester, Sec. par 50 .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this DELAWARE —Continued R. B. Morris.. 90,000 100,000 52,020 52,050 119,960 N. City, N. T.; Phil. N.. Phil.; 1st N„ Balt. 45,240 1st N„ Phil.; Del. Tr. Co.. Wil. 403,780 Cera Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; Far.. Georgetown, Del. W. R. McCabe____ D. W. Campbell___ E. V. Baker_____ W. B. Derrickson. 60.000 52.200 510.000 89.350 415,540 258,500 1.970 W. O. Hoffecker.. 50,000 155,110 814,680 60,000 698,610 191,460 128,950 60,770 Phil. N., Phil.; Del. Tr. Co., Wilmington. 100,000 153,620 884,350 110,000 614,340 431,920 116,020 85,680 Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st N„ Balt. 25,000 10,390 123,630 E. V. Baker C. L. McCabe, Sec. J. C. Hastings W. W. Hynson National Bk.of Smyrna E. H. Walls $75-8% 62-40 d®T»t’78 par 60 E. T. Porter____ Townsend____ 421 Townsend Trust Oo.d®T t§’18 Thomas iAttomns. L. L. Maloney........ Levi Lattomns___ $60-6% 62-68 Newcastle E2 Wm. C. Money, Sec. 135,440 9,930 35,540 Chase N„ N. Y.; Phil. N.. Phil. 13,740 Secur. Tr. Co., Wil. par 50 ‘Wilmington____ Artisans'Savinss Bk.®«t§’61 Robert D. Kemp... Edgar L. Haynes.. J. W. Boyer. Ralph Vinson. N. Castle B4 106,597 4 H% 62-11 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. " ___ '* Brandywine Tr. &Sav. Bank $130-5% par 100 82-17 d®Ttj’Z2 se «« ♦Central National Bank $145-6% par 100 62-6dB®T»t'85 .. .. .. V. D. Washburn__ L. B. Eberhardt__ W. H. Potts. Tr. .. 100,000 J. Carpenter... Howard F. McCall. 210,000 Robt. P. Robinson. P. Citizens Savings Bank, Inc. John Govatos- - - - $12-6% par 10 62-18 ®Tt§’24 F. J. Blatz, Tr-------- T. J. Mooney, Sec.. H. W. Porter, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Colonial Trust Co—B®T§’27 $12.60-8% par 10 62-21 Commercial Trust Co. ©T§’21 $10-6% 62-19 par 10 'DELAWARE TRUST COMPANY $210-6% par 100 1,250,690 7,189,940 36,750 3,978,850 3,932,460 147,040 395,290 58,800 78.870 218,970 176,750 41.670 Far. Del. Tr. Co., and Equit. Tr. Co.. Wil.; Phil. N„ Phil. 351,690 2,108,750 333,990 1,852,990 711,330 110,160 329,950 Cent. Han. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cent.Pa. N„ Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 258,670 52,970 146,080 308,170 289,330 11,680 460,820 Pasquale Del Campo C. B. Leone. Tr.___ D. A. Grimaldi, Sec 120,490 Daniel DePace, Gen ’l Consul 11,050 57,410 20.730 142,030 28,270 31,340 36,470 66,550 54,250 229,680 10,970 2,030 I. K. Kreshtool ... D. O. Hastings ___ C. W.Schagrin, Tr. Louis Rosenblatt. E. L. Harwitz. A, Sec. and A. Tr. TAYLOR, ?m,issEiu E.M.K. GARRIGUES, fWM. DUPONT, JR— JESSE L. SHEPHERD C. M. CURTIS < Ch. of Bd. Sec. 101,500 J.G. McMILLAN,-4.TV. 1.009.000 Sec. and Tr. P. D. LOVETT. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Off. }. V. P. and Trios. 380,270 Cent. N„ Phil.; Wil. Tr. Co.. Wil. 4,060 Cent.N., Wil. 8,030 Banca Commerciale ItalianaTr. Co., N.Y. 16.090 Cent.N., Wil. 894,390 8,451,970 139,580 5.960,410 1,349,370 164.680 3,011,470 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drexel & Co., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. 1.500.000 3,316.730 10 319 939 493,150 11307480 1,831,070 417,340 2,013,920 N. Y. Tr. Co., and Empire Tr. Co., 62-13 dB®T»t§'99 (.Collections soil cited and prompt ly remitted on da y of payment. ’EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY $115-16% ♦62-7 par 25 (Wilmington contin ued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dT«t§’89 V. DUPONT— H. T. SPRINGER, f. W. McKAIG H. T. SPRINGER E. VIRGINIA (MWAH*"j FRANCIS RICHARD REESE „ BAYNARD. BERNARDMORMAN. Tr.. 1 Ch.of Bd. J.B. JESSUP G. T. STEPHENSON ; Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec.and A. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. F. A. COOCH. Tr. Off. RODMAN WARD. ^ A. Tr. Off. 1 ion lOy Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number eiven to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town avd ootnrrr. *Oonnty Seats. But. Stats la No.t Fed. Bes. Dlft. ^Wilmington 106.597 (Continued) oMem.A.B.A.nNeo }State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ’FARMERS BANK 1H 1325-16% par 60 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. fHENRY T. BUSH ... F. H. GAWTHROP .... W. N. RALSTON— ) SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN C OLLECTIONS. d®T«i5 L Correspondents Invited. 1807 T.B. DONAHOEJOHN MCMILLAN P. 0. LYONS Resources. Liabilities. Loui Bondt Mnotlr Oabh A *xOthbr Surplus Dbpo»- LiabiliPato-ot and and CTIM—,I>W and Diftoounta Saeuritiaa LANlOtm VMM 1*11 OatitAn Profits rrs TIBI ’SECURITY ♦ #2-« dB®T»:*'86 *425 par 100 UNION C.B. EVANS. V.p.and THOMAS J.MOWBRAY. V. P, and Tr. Oen’l Counsel Ch. of Bd. WILLARD SPRINGER AQ.M0WBRAT.A7V JOHN RICHARDSON. J. B. SALMON. A. TV. H. J. ELLISON Jr‘ H. W. HARGADINE. L. L. MALOHEYJ. S. ROSSELL. A. Tr. A. E. JEFFERIS— $ Phil. N., Secur. Tr. Co.. Wil. 39.610 4,330 505,770 3,100,710 374,060 7,000 29.750 3,390 3,265,490 1.581.540 94,580 22,650 30,130 Industrial Tr. Co. and Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. 288,940 rv. Tr. Go., N.T.; Phil.N., Phil.; Un. Tj Co., Clev. 1.121.000 1,966,120 10178 330 230,930 7,439.620 4,422,070 468,050 1,166.640 H. J. ELLISON. Sec. and Tr, Off. S. H. CAR OTHERS. A.Tr.Off ■; A. J. H EIDRICH, Compt.; R. S. ROB ISON, H. S. TOWNSEND, R.E.Off. A. A. Tr, Off. SAMUEL COOLING, Vault Su pt. JOHN HARE. Jr. m Ity. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Is N. and Pa. Co., Phil. A. Tr. THE Special attentto n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please tend 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. Prompt Service on aO A. F. CRICHTON.. s s Principal Ookrkspondbnts $ 500,000 $2 779 390 27 940340 $ 598,250 12663 370 15153 040 $ 930,120 $3 071 430 N. Gtty and Irv. Tr. Go., N. Phil.; Merck. N.. Balt 5,non non nFidelity Bank & Trust Co. H. G. Little........... D. S. Hutchinson „ D. S. Hutchinson, L.H. Ball. Sec....... (Author Tr. 132.50 62-23 ®T»§’31 S. B. Hutchinson, J. R. Wilson, Jr. ized) Ch 34.975 T. M. Monaghan— C. W. McCaulley — Jacob Astro, Tr,... Milton Cannon,Sec, Fourth Street Trust Co. A. F. Hillis, A. Tr. 62-22 ©§’30 1,250.000 H. C. Stout.............. A. V. Hughes-------- H. C. Vandersloot, Mary R. Stuart, Industrial Trust Go. A.Sac. Sec. and Tr. *72-8% ♦ 12-14 dB®T»tl’20 Willard Springer, L. W. Stout. Ch. V. P. and Tr. Off. H. B. Walls. A. Tr. O. H. Kelley, A. Tr par 50 TRUST COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DELAWARE—Continued M. C. ROSE_ _ _ _ _ _ MARTHA E. SAYERS 203,175 FIRST TRU8 T COM PANY I N THE OF DELA WARE. 909,580 3,497,630 100.000 2,367,730 1,278,200 STATE — 1,064,460 1st N. and Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Phil. N.. Phtt ; Mellon N., Pitt.; Md. Tr. Co., Balt. NATIONAL BANK IKS dBT»t’39 +10% extra par 25 C. Bryan, A.D. Warner. Jr.,Tr M. V. Johnson, Wilmington Morris Plan Bk. James S. Stirling.. Royden A.S. V. P. and Sec. J. L. Conner, A. Tr. *100-6% par 100 62-20 ®t§’19 Iii5—n% 100.000 47,470 620,060 Wm. L. Cloud, A. Sec.____ 3,769,360 18 811330 Wilmington Bav. Fund Soc. Frederick K. Stene F. Bringharst____ 8. J. Horn, See. and Tr. Thomas Tatnall, Jr. . A. Tr. •p-io «tri2 NENBY P. IMTT P.S.BDPDNT- - - - - - - - I.B MEABNS. Tr. W. S. TOWNSEND. Sec, JAS. P. WINCHESTER, S. D. JJjVJSEND W. N. AY J. E. HAIRSINE. Ch7of Bd. I. L CRJD6 A. T. STEWART. . DAVIS. 0. P. ROSS. I. DAVIS. J. S. BANCROFT. Asst. Treasurers Asst, Secretaries W. J. LAIRG.Tr.Officer 62-9 di®T*tro# ‘WILMINGTON TRUST CO. *255-20% ♦ par 60 4,000,000 10770 410 24 608750 SEE OfDces : Tenth and Market Streets; Second and Market Streets.• Qsnaral banking buslnea* transacted. Liberal terma extended ta Banks this City and Stata ramlttad for »ron»»tly at lowest rates. Wilmington OlMring House Otho Now land (J(embre indioatod by a *) A. F. Crichton Paul J. Nowland, PAGE 200 49,720 5,250 10 377570 10686 190 617,820 26,900 726.650 582,110 28258240 3,570,430 17,860 904,360 N. City. N. Y.: Phil. N„ Phil. Chem. Bk. * Tr. Co., Birrs. Tr. Oa., Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N. and Irv. Tr. Co., W. Y.1 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phfl. N., Tradesmens N., and Pa. Co., INDEX Phil.; 1st N.,Balt.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 249,070 7.883,530 ADVER TISEM ENT O N DELA WARE and Is alter*. Collect tens on B. Morman Mgr. Cassatt & Co., Phil, and N. Y. CASSATT & CO_ _ _ _ ____ (264 Delaware Tr. Bldg.) HEMPHILL.N0Y ES & C0.Y15 (Equitable Bldg.) f Members New T erk Stock Exchan ge........................... \ Underwriters an d Distributors of Investment Seeur itles. Br. of N.Y. Private wire connection with main office, branches and correspond ents in 48 cities. J. A. W. Iglehart & Co.........1 (Delaware Trust Bldg.) LAIRD.BISSELL & MEEDS— (Du Pont Bldg.) | INVESTMENTS F. O. Bancroft Wyoming____ .684 First N&tionalBank __d»t’09 C. E. Weteel, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $200-10% parlOO 62-63 Rant H 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B. E. Cabbage. W. B. MEM BERS Branches in New York and Philadel New Yo rk Stoc k Exch ange, P h Had el phia St ock Exc hange, phia. New Y ork Cur b Exch ange Cora Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 33,860 19.870 145,850 40.000 254,270 308,070 55,790 50,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given u-. s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Reserve City 1 OH t0 each bank •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY President. Vice-President. (Federal Reserve District No. 5) Liabilities. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. CORCORAN THOM — B. F. SAUL- - - - - - - - - - C. E. HOWE. Tr... HOWARD MORAN , , m 1.479,990 113.50-2% par 10 + Bank of Brightwood d®»t§’22 R. L. Schreiner... C. L. Osborn_____ R. L. Schreiner ... 15-11S B. W. Perry Mrs.H. O. Day, Sec. (5913 Georgia Ave.. N. W.) 100,000 35,650 690,890 + BANK OF COMMERCE&SAV. M.D. Rosenberg... 100,000 211,020 100,000 250,000 Irvin Owings____ T. J. Groom............. Oliver B. Exline__ 16-88 d®*ti’07 J.M. Riordon. J. H. Milans. See. F. E. Robey J. Sanders Exec. V. P. T. J. Groom (501-7th St.. N. W.) C. A. Weaver. Aud. 1330-10% par 100 MiO-12% par ioo 15-1 dd>’87 (911 F St.. N. W.) 'COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 15-10 d@T*t’04 (14th and G Sts., N. W.) J. K. Troth S. Peacock, Aud. C. D. Garrett. Sec. FRANK J. STRYKER- L. WHITING ESTES - R. H. LACEY--------- A. E. YEATMAN........ W. J. HARRISON F. H. COX...... ........ H V,HUNT R.D.QUINTER,Yr.ojj. T. B. SMITH . ROBERT A. CISSEL. Comptroller M'.F.'SHO WALTER R. J. CHANEY BATES WARREN, HAYDEN JOHNSON. Atty. Organized, Equipped and Conducted 15-12 d®T»t’09 (1406 G St., N. W.) JOSHUA EVANS. JR.. W. P. LIPSCOMB._ _ H. L. 0FFUTT, JR.— Ch, of Bd, and Pres, G. j. GOCKELER H.t. 0FFUTT, JR. b. b. KUbtno Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85,040 668,680 82,700 105,730 1,844,520 20,600 1,380,900 322,480 338,260 134,500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Lin. N„ Wash., D. C. 37,610 1,033,040 70,650 622,670 372,290 153,230 92,120 Chase N„ N. Y.: Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 618,160 4,191,600 293,490 3,007,550 1,252,720 219,770 666,490 16,069,420 1,253,800 6,892,520 6,130,430 3,411,390 160.690 Chase N.. N. Y.: Com’l N. and Lib. N„ Wash.. D. O. Mtle. Tr. Co., Balt. 54.470 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; District N. and Merch. Bk. c Tr. Co. (DuPont Br.). Wash., D. C. 873,220 Chase N., N. Y.; PhU. N., Phil.; 1st Balt. N., 2.555,370 Chase N., N. Y. MARY J. WINFREE W.C.LOOKER_ _ _ _ T. S. MASON A. M. ATKINSON R. P. L0CHTE GEORGE SEE Try US for quick service at a reasonable charge, +Iast Washington Savings Bk. J. C. Yost________ 8. H. Walker.. par 10 15-62 ®*t§’05 Lewis Flemer (612 Pennsylvania Ave., S. E.) 125-16% 146,040 for Service. + Departmental Bank.®*t§’20 J. T. Exnicios____ Clyde Reed............ L. A. Rosafy, Sec... 110 par 10 15-102 E. W. Libbey R. R. Lizzi (1726 Penna. Ave.. N. W.) C. E. McCoy 1209-8% par 100 157,260 Oen’l Counsel It. D. bbUl 1. Zlld 225-10%par 100 'DISTRICT NATIONAL BANK 1,000,000 Co., Brown Bros., Harrlman & Co., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y,; Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Fid. Tr. Co., Balt.; Phil. N. and United Secur. Tr. Co. of Pa.. Phil.; 1st N., Bos.;Un. Tr. Co. and Farmers Dep.N., Pitt.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; Columbia N., Federal-Am. N., N. Bk. of Wash., Biggs N., Un. Tr. Co., McLachlen Bkg. Corp., and Wasb.Ln.& Tr. Co., Wash.; Guar dian Det., Det.; Citlz. & Sou. N., Atl.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 1,198,840 Tourists, new-comers and visitors will receive courteous attention. Collections given careful and prompt attention. WADE H. COOPER-— Cash h Ex changes, Dm prom Banks “Special services to out of town patrons in T.S. HOLLAND J. E. MORAN our banking, trust and other A. G. NICHOLS E. G. J0NSCHER departments. Correspondence invited/’ W.L. BEALE. Real Estate Officer J.D. FABER, Auditor. 132,840 'COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Miscil- Asst. Trust Officers 50,000 + Ohevy Chase Savings Bank John C. Walker__ T. W. Perry .. par 50 15-106 d®«§’21 Jas. A. Burkart (5530 Conn. Ave.. N. W.) J. E. Troth Bonds Asst. Secretaries +Anaeostla Bank— d®«ti'10 Maurice Otterback J. F. Campbell____ W. L. Koonti------ A. V. Pobl............... UWl (2000 Nichols Ave. S. E.) S. A. Manuel 1350-20% par 100 C. W. Warden (Anaeoitia P. O.) 190-4% Loans LANIOTTB and AND Discounts SxcURITIMB Rbsoubctbs A. H. SHILLIN6T0N R. L. FLATHER D. N. HOUSTON, Tr. Off. W. W. KECK E. E. SWAN H.W. IRELAND R. E. HARRIS P. 6. BRADY H. P. WHITE J. C. BOLIN, JR. C. C. BOSWELL 411-15% 15-55 d©T*i§’90 par 100 (15th St. at Penna. Ave., N. W.) Surplus Other Total Paid-up and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Population 486,869 Wash.D.C.Clear’g House Assn.members shown by* Affiliated banks by + Principal correspondents. F.P. H.SIDDONS.Sec. $ 3.400.000 $ 4,149,340 $30486750 $ 521,050 $18326910 $13855120 $2,350,230 $ 4,024,870 Chase N., N. T. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Asst, Treasurers (4 Branches•) (District of Columbia, J 11) Resources. Sec. and Tr. 106,040 50,000 1,268,950 52,020 960,180 1.000,000 606,750 8,581,030 1,569,700 6,525,110 1,729,990 122,060 124,080 N. City, N. Y.; Riggs N. and District N., Wash.. D. C. 1,387,520 2,114,870 Chase N., Irv. Tr. Co., and Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; Phil. N. and City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; N. Shawm lit, Bos.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., St. L. and Balt. u nusual collec tlon fa cilitles CO RRES PON D ENCE INVI TED. (Branches at Conn. A ve. and K St.,N.W„ and Ninth and N. Y. Ave.) 100,000 131,650 86,450 32,840 69,540 THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK---Leading Bank in Washington BANK ATTORNEYS ANKERS and other conservative business men prefer to refer their collections and other legal business to Bank attorneys. B You will find a specially selected list of Bank attorneys indexed in the back section of this publication. Please mention the Bankers’ Blue Book when sending collections to banks and attorneys listed therein. The publishers will appreciate it, and such mention is an incentive to the receiver of your business to exert his best efforts to give you a prompt, careful and economical service. FOR COLLECTIONS Use the Rand McNally BANKERS DIRECTORY and Selected List of Bank ATTORNEYS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF WASHINGTON, D. C For Nearly a Century the Leading Bank in the Nation’s Capital 1. White H. 2. State War & Na’ Buildi 3. Treasury Department 4. Income Tax Bureau Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RIGGS NATIONAL BANK 5. Veterans Bureau 7. Carlti 6. Washington Hotel 8. Department of Justice 9. Investment Building 13. Garfinckel Buildi • in merce 11. Hay-Ad; Visitors introduced to us by their bankers will be cordially wel corned and shown every courtesy Resources over 12. Washington Building 14. Tower Buildi 1 W Franklin National Bank A S H The Great Pennsylvania Avenue Bank LOCATED —PENNA. AVENUE AT TENTH STREET, N. W. In the Heart of the Wholesale District Uptown Office—1111 CONNECTICUT AVE., N. W. I COLLECTIONS—all kinds—SOLICITED N Charges 1/10 of 1%. Minimum 25c G Minimum fee must accompany collections T sent by other than banking institutions MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME O CORRESPONDENCE INVITED N DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS TO US JOHN B. COCHRAN President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THOS P. HICKMAN Vice-President D.C. I ■ 1 r« Weather Bureau J Rietc Dj_____ is 1------li tVoK dOTShs M'.VERNON PARK |[ aiTBKNUN »t. ^PuBl"■Puljllc Library '^ Fy/3ap SgDD^inn^ai iSssSQ mn 3 oga tj □ Csss ]DL 1 lifOODDBfl US Do Lu,L" ■nniriM-3 Convention Geo. )Vasliinfton~J s.l InK u —DeFrees-St — f St.___ « 1 |OntttPL-j k._I I Oov&rmnent| I \Prmting rs^. V'-'l 'Office f Co[reoran”\ \ Ai t Gallery, —■ i—h__ t—U. r- 0„. — „Theater 1 0< ntlnental Hall ( ). AJR.J ,/ U I \ /•. GROUNDS /k\ " or tmeHcanX o / ' '—M-writh '—MrurrHions----------—BIU«t -NavjHBkls:- line roe /' \\ ' JoUrd __ • ■ / 1 V -u _____ __ _ st- //L\'\'\ V_.\^ashlngton ^ 1 '— eUD □ l • op SQUAJEtfe \ y____ St. Grace Dodyc E. f \ C^O/V _ J* 8 Colnmlj'iR, Memorial! __ I rX| te‘ | --------------------=---- "*--------- ”L 0) st. !! A it H Internal 1Revenue fibi.. 1« | j •J Agricultural^ Wk^ *»**< i \ /Court-of A ppeajs s otYTost-orflte^^? ______ BoteCJIarMs* LJ L—H-------i u. Govern '"^•Svl Nations^-'' '.VMuseTim/ \i k*«»J it I| • \ □□□ East Capitol rant Me®9' Supreme, O J Court 1 RD 1 it}rary |of__ mm CapitOU'-L'v^ lai —«'wl J i Statekl... United Smithson lari’, K fecDn rtholdi jT^A. O /(''-V.vMqf4ument; A X O 1st forth e |ai£mei t Public |! />•" ^BathsJ \/S N ______ fp^nsioA Office 1= U.S.NAVAL Qro<* / Iq^rto^o'' NN\,y 'V/exeojtiyeY ! Cl ^Waahington-S-^ >••1 .j>iun$ionv _____( ItfVhjle HhnsjYj 13^ •1 Gouzaga ■ College J U LJ l_D) I y/MSljor [tropotiuk la FaIETTE Hldtropoli'ta F — emu Hall SQUA RE ) Hotel H CO 23 J St-1 K ""CD C J K ot. DODOQ 00^030 1 Logger M park d M School St.—| N J [Jl 2 RAND M9NALLY POPULAR MAP (MAIN PORTION) . SCALE 1:15,000 1 Inch = 0.24 Statute Miles 1 Centimeter = 0.15 Kilometers _ Statute Miles_____________ Railroads Yi 41)11111111111 F3DU ^Oll 14 Electric Lines Copyright by Band McNally & Company, Chicago, Made in U.S.A. _____ Vernon Ferry j; W ft O 51 cT , . // ,c street 1r r 5^__ G _______ Street S treel Yt 0 Kilometers o Street OF WASHINGTON, D. C. j_J pooo □Dan □ DiDf ] Zo IZZIEZZI [X tori noos □ 1 OMgggrn □ rr---------- / / ----1------ V ___ a, 5 si N I—Vau-Sic—| ■'pQuander-y 20 22 23 OtfCCb Q W A S H IN G T O N , D . C . \ \ See B ack of W a sh in g to n , D . C. M ap LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK Resources over $8,000,000.00 WASHINGTON, D. C nr~7/7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SEND YOUR B/L DRAFTS DIRECT Our Collection Department will give the best of attention PROMPT SERVICE - - LOW RATES A. S. PRATT & SONS Washington, D. C. Tax and Trust Service Government Bond Dealers We handle tax matters for Banks, Corporations and Individuals; also aid in establishing, operating and develop ing Trust Departments. We buy and sell annually millions of dollars of Government Bonds, special izing in those with the circulation privilege. Legal Department Agency Work We publish Pratt’s Digest and Pratt’s Handbook on the powers of National Banks, assist banks in organizing, converting, consolidating and liquidat ing, advise subscribers of all amend ments to banking laws and Treasury Regulations, practice before all local Courts and Government Departments. Since 1867 we have been the largest national bank agency for counting and witnessing the destruction of mutilated national bank notes and making examination of bonds depos ited to secure circulation and public monies. NATIONAL BANK AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. 191 •Mem.A.B.A.ftNew § State tPriv. tM«a. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. JOHN POOLE 'FEDERALAMERIGAN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. $50-2% par 20 15-9 d©T*t’13 (619 14th St. N. W.) (Consolidation of Federal American National Bank and Merchants Bank & Trust Co.) 'FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK 15-84 dB®T»t’14 $165-7% par 100 Vice-President. Cashier. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Continued (Federal Reserve District No. 8)—Reserve City Ass't Cashier. . WM. J. EYN0N-_ CHAS. D. BOYER - JOSEPH D.YERKES W."I WALLER ERSKINE 60RD0N, H.H.SHACKLEFORD CHAS.B.LYDDANE Tr. Officer LEON TOBRINER, WM.C.JOHNSON AUBREY 0.D00LEY, JOHN A. REILLY T. T. KELLER, ARTHUR J. LINN, Asst. Tr. Officers j Comptroller DO YOU WANT OUR BUSINESS? THEN SEND YOURS TO US. WRITE US ABOUT ANYTHING THAT INTERESTS YOU IN WASHINGTON. JO*. B. COCHRAN tMfBa SA««ELH.THRIFT J.G. STEPHENSON 15-96 Other pR0PIT8 Deposits Litai|i8LI" We Specialize on Collections. Charges Exceedingly Moderate. Make This Bank Your Business Home when In Washington. W. H. C. Brown — J. H. Mitchell........ Wm. A. Bowie------ W. L. Carter. d®«§’18 W. S. Carter, Ch. Loans Miscbl- Bonds AND LANUOUB and Discounts Secubitihs Rbsourcmb fkom Banks Principal Correspondents. N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., Chatham 2.000.000 S 1,490,530 $19 070 430 $ 1,215,660 $14942420 $ 1,988.640 $ 3,088,070 S 3,757,490 Chase Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., Phil. N„ and IstN., Phil.; 1st N., Balt.; 1st N., Bos.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Bk. of Pitt., N. A., Pitt. 15th & H. Sts., BRANCH: R. E.BOLLING, F. P. HARMAN, JR., F. E. GHISELLI, Vice-Presidents. H. J. D0N0GHUE, Asst. Cashier. DUPONT CIRCLE BRANCH; L. E. SCHREINER, Vice-President, W.G.BADEN, Assi, Cashier. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. and 20th ST. BRANCH, E. GERSTENBERG, VicePresident, BROOKLAND BRANCH, J. L. SHERWOOD, Vice-President, WM. H. MARTIN. Asst. Cashier, Every bank should have a correspondent at Washington. Let us represent you here. 225,000 4,818.960 146.080 {Branch at 1111 Conn. Are., N. W.) Indnatrial Savings Bank $13-6% Resources. Liabilities. _ „ __ j Surplus Total and Paid-up Capital ^iJon-Ban^Town^^tt^eares^Bankln^roIn^J^^ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back or tnis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Washington D. C. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Cash & Ex banks by +. changes,Dm SEE 402,660 3,100,010 478,160 1,226,660 ADV EITISEM E1T OR D. C. IHD 787,860 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. EX. SEND V ISITOR8 TO US. 50,000 11.940 532,900 3,000 172.390 290,020 86.400 49,030 Com'l N. and U. S. Sav., Wash., D. C. par 10 (11th and You Sts.) INTERNATIONAL /•John R. Waller.. A. C. Waller............ T. B. Lawler, See. and Tr. Wm. L. Symons J. R. Guthrie BANK (Commercial an d Investment Ba nkers. es. Loans. $160-7% t§’20 / Bonds and Inve stment Seeurltl VReal Estate. In snranee. Trusts. (16 Jackson Place) $15-6% par 10 15-108 d®*t|’21 5th and H St., N. W.) 48,170 N. City, N. Y.; Mereh.Bk.ATr. Co., Com’l N., mhI Rlgga Wash., D. C.; Federal Bk. Sc Tr. Co., Dubuque. AT TENDS TO PAT ENT8, SPECIA L SERV ICE DE PARTM ENT , raco ME TAX CLAIMS NTAL ARTME S, DEP TRADE MARK CASES, COUR TOF CL AIMS M atters 1.206.400 $405-10% par 100 d®T»t’l (318 7th St. N. W.) (Branch: Seventeenth and H Sts., N. IF.) 1,378,820 223,030 649,740 451,130 69,400 183,220 86,310 Bk. of America N. A. and Banco di Sicilia Tr. Co. 369,380 3,626,820 2,117,670 1,491.170 231,900 655,450 Chase N„ N. Y.; Federal-Am. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. 750,480 6,453,820 4,135,380 1,596,540 657,390 1,339,970 Bk. of N. Y.& Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., N. City, and Send Promp We oolleot amo unting u« you t remit and re to $5 J. B. Skinner____ + LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK Geo. O. Walson___ E. J. McQuade........ H. V. Cal nan------E. J. McQuade, T. P. Little page. $200-7% par 109 15-94 d®T*t 17 A. Tr.Off. Gen. Counsel (15th and Eye Sts.,) and Tr.Off. ‘LINCOLN NATIONAL16-0 BANK 791,120 23,440 F. J.Kaufmann, Jr. F. J. Kaufmann.Jr. W. E. Birch. L. H. Hoyle H. W. Barr BAWI— F. E. DAVIS_ _ _ _ _ H.T.OFFTERDINQER J. A. SOPER- - - - - - - - J. E. RICE A. S.GATLEY, J. A. SOPER G. F. WILLIAMS, A-fc Gen. Counsel and Exec. V, P, Tr. Off. :b: wIItzel S. DAVIS 615,980 618.750 400,00(1 124,970 r Wash Ington items tanoes at mod erate mit for Bill o f Ladl 00.00 or mor e at 1 / N. Y.; District N., Wash.. D. C. Wash.. D. C. direct, rates, ng Dra fte 10 of 1%. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., PhU.t 1st N. and Fid. Tr. Co., Balt. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK—Leading Bank in Washington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 192 eac.h bank «“d«*Name ef Sank is the New Transit Number given la u- S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InBxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume ‘--------------- ---- •Mem.A.B.A.»New 5 State fPriv. Uin. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Oashirr. d-SafeDep.®8aT.$LastSale%Div. + McLaehl*n Banking Oorp. I7fr-e% par 50 16-66 (10th and a Bti.) L. P. MeLaehlM— F. R. Homer (On. Branch) J. A. Massie Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits J. A. Massie, Tr. _ A McLachen, $ Sec. and A. Tr. Guy D. Cowl. A. Tr. E. L. W. Goldney, Aud. 150,000 S Other Liabili ties 233,360 $ 2,122,230 Resources. Washington, D. C. Clearing Mouse Ass’n Members MiscblLoans Bonds Oarb A JBx- shown by * Affiliated banks by + AND laniovi and cra*«m,Dtt« DXBOOtnVTB SucuBrriBfc R-BBOTTBOBa ism Baixi Principal Correspondents. $ 1,323,261) $ 808,150 $ 178,100 $ 256,070 Chase N„ Marine Midland Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Oo., N. I.: Kick* JN„ Wash.. D. 0.; Fid. Tr. Co., Balt. Merchants Bank and Trust Co.. (See Federal-Ameri can National Bank & Trust Co.) Morris Plan Bank......... par 100 15-117 (1401 H. 8t.,N.W.) + MBBIT VEU0N SAV. BANK Bertram Chester man A. J. Morris, Ch. re. N. WOODWARD.- 1160-6% par 100 16-67 dB®*jT26 (Itk and Mennt Vernon PI.) (.SpeelalAttenMo Willard G. Barker, E. A. Mooers, Sec. . E. H, O. Stokes, V. P. and Tr. V. Rhine, Ass’t Tr. A.Sec. and Aud. t«T R. T.HIGHFIELD — T. E. NORRIS L. E. MADIGAN, A. MISTRETTA 200,000 105,060 1,021,280 97,420 1,202,780 400,000 167,060 4,206,390 89,470 3,074,350 37,800 972,610 448,760 1,598,540 2,761,890 907,030 N. City. Chase N.. 1st N.. Gty. Tr. Oo., and J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Riggs N.. Wash,, D.C.; Equit. Tr. Co.. Balt. 3,279,920 616,510 1,824,710 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; FRANKW. LEE ■ Given Colleetie n*. Com’l N., Wash., D. C.’ TRY DB. +Montey Trast do. Wm. T. Dewart—. W.J. Lambert___ C. H, Pop*. Tr____ T. O. Willie, 16-81 dB®T«ilT5 0. H. Pope C. D. Ratcliffe, See. and A. Tr. O. D. Ratcliff* A. Tr. P. J. McMahon, (Munsey Bldg.) 2.000,000 1,536,450 4,944,830 842,240 4,056.070 A. Tr. 1225-12% par 100 15-7 367,190 Compt. 1150-5% par 100 ‘NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON 183,180 N. Met..Washington, D. C. L. STARKEY_ _ _ _ GEO. P. SACKS_ _ _ J. FRANK WHITE — JOHN ALDEN C. F. N0RMENT, JAMES TRIMBLE E. H. GRAHAM, A. C. WM. E. HOWARD Ch. of Bd. E.C.BRANDENBURG. R. J. DOOLEY 0. S. SMITH, Sec. of Bd, OLDEST BANK IN WASHINGTON, D. C. ^ °S' E. H. PARSLEY, And. 1 G. d©TM809 (7th St. corner C. Street and UNSURPASSED BANKING SERVICE. La. Ave. N. W.) 1,050,000 1.192,070 8.828,120 773,480 6.122,530 BRANC H OFFI CEs 1131 Water S t. S. W. E. H.GRAH AM. Asst. Cashier Phil. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Balt. YOUR BUSINESS CORDIALLY INVITED. *NATI0IAL CAPITAL BANK 1220-12% par 100 16-6 d.j’89 (•11 Penney Ivan la Art.. 8. K.) ‘NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK 1400-10% and 15-2 dB®T»tl814 4%eztra par 100 (613 llth St., N. W.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. H. McKee_____ 8. H. Walker W. P. C. Hazen H. O. Stewart____ J. S. Ridgely _____ JBIMSQI— C. F. JACOBS El____ C. E. HURT A. A. HOEHLING. R.P.HOLLIRGSWORTH, A. B. BEBFBBI V. P.,Gen, Cou., A. Tr. Officer |, L. EIKLBFF and Tr. Officer F. V. N. COOK, Aud. R. £, BRIGGS F. E. HILDEBRAND OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Located directly opposite United States Treasury. Accounts, Collections and Correspondence Invited. 200,000 295,800 1,785,390 934,390 536,360 50,040 760,390 6,118,230 970,580 7.895,500 Co.. Cin.;Phil. N.’, Phil. GE0R6EW. WRITE- 0. H. P. 800,000 1,607,740 18,291,110 936,960 6,651,500 v. .. **• vw., ii. i., isi n., tui., Balt., St. L., and Bos.; Market St. N., Phil.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK—Leading Bank in Washington Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given I no to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ x Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Keserve District No. 5)—Reserve City tMem. State B. Ass’n. CO [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. + NATIONAL SAV.ATR.CO. W. D. Hoover____ Wtoodbury Blair... Frank Stetson, 16-62 dB®T«'B7 A. A. P. Savage, Auditor V. P, and Tr. Officer extra par 100 (15th and N. Y. Ave.) D.Bornet, A. Tr.Off. $530-12%+5% + North Capitol Savings Bank Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §SUte tPriv. m Cashier. C. C. Lamborn, Tr, F. R.Dllmer, A. Tr, J.W. Calvert, A. Tr, W.H.Pardoe, A.Tr, Ass’t Cashier. Othbb Paid-up Surplus Total AND LIABILI Capital Profits Dbpobitb TIES E. P. Wilson, Sec.. $ 1.000.000 J.M.Boteler, A. Sec. A. J. Fant, A. Sec. B. Baird, A. Tr.Off. Theodore Michael. George Clagett__ P. Henry Coates.. E. M. Michael____ E. S. Burgess. Sec $ 3,038,410 $13489 940 $ Loans Bonds Miscall and and LANBOUS Discounts SacUBims Rasouacaa Cam k Exgbahges.Dtti from Bmi Wash. D. C. Clear’g House Ass’n Members showD by*: affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. N.. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Ce.. N. Y.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 43,630 $10 907520 $ 2,632,830 $ 1,951.080 $ 2,080,540 Chase 1.391.410 34,880 122,000 144,070 Chase N.. N. Y.: District N., Wash.. D. C.; 1st N„ Balt.; Phil. N.. Phil. 90,250 720,150 838,060 120,000 188,120 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Fed.-Am. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com’l N., Wash., D.C. 370,920 3,162,740 201.090 140,080 666,590 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Met.. Wash., D. O. 224,420 400,000 113,350 5,677,500 Bessie R. Pruner, Vernor Gowin, (Bonds) Sec. arid Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr, (.Territory : Mary lan d and Vtr ginia) A. B. Carroll, A. Sec. and A. Tr 5,968,310 57,780 248,990 140.190 Franklin N. and Riggs N„ Wash., D. C. C. W. SHOEMAKER.. E. T. BURDETTE—G. W. OFFUTT, amp. E. H. BOGLEY, Sec. 2,670,560 513.180 280,170 475,490 165,490 223,220 82,890 50,890 90.000 77,870 1,524,480 + Northeast Savings Bank L. P. Steuart____ G. F. Hoover_____ W. R. Lewis_____ J. O. Cardin. d®»IT6 Percival Hall (800 H St.. N. E.) 100.000 96,500 1,579,590 + Park Savings Bank..d®*5’09 (3. E. Walker____ G. A. Prevost____ R. S. Stunz, Wm. C. Strauss__ 15-70 A. F. Jorss V. P. and Cash. R. A. Houser W. H. Atkinson W. B. Todd.Sw. 100,000 245,210 3,454,380 15-78 ®*§’12 (N. Capitol and H Sts.) 115-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Continued $26-10% par 10 15-89 $75-10% par 10 (14th and Kenyon Sts., N. W.) Potomac Joint Stock Land Bk. Geo. A. Harris____ J. I. Cassedy .. of Alexandria___________’23 Vernor Gowin $180-7% par 100 15-116 (Munsey Bldg.) TH. W. OFFUTT, | Ch.ofBd.and Pres. 10% par 20 B. A. I0WLES-A. M. BAER 140,000 181,850 3,490,140 127,410 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Met., Wash., D. C, 15-60 I We have the Ioc ation, facilities a nd equipment to handle your bust ness pro mptly a nd satisf actorily. (1200 Wisconsin Ave., N. W.) i Personal attent ion given collect! ons of Bill of Lad ing Drafts, Notes, etc. Prudential Bank_____dB®5’22 J. R. Hawkins, A. M. Curtis____ E. A. Baker_____ J. H. Greene... $25 par 20 15-115 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. P. W. Price (717 Florida Ave.. N. W.) Thomas Walker aiMur- RIGGS R. V. FLEMING........ W. J. FLATHER- - - - - - FRANK J. HOGAN, _ CHAS. C. GLOVER, A. M. NEVIUS Gen. Counsel F ‘ Ch. »/Bd. G. 0. YASS, WM. H. DONOVAN, & B. O'NEAL A. Gen. Counsel ■' g' 0%^^ CHAS. C. GLOVER, JR. u aVi£w?2*£tuh‘ v. ch. of Bd. h. g. mmm geo. m. mckee, g'. f..... . RAINEY S. F. TALIAFERRO, a. Tr. Office, H. T. BISSELLE V. P. and Tr. Off. j, f BROOKS, R. Q HARX. Compt. A. Tr. Officer \R. E. HAYCOOCK, 100,000 3,609,100 21,730 387,930 NATIONAL BANK BRANCHES: Dupont Circle Branch*, 1913 Mass. Ave., N. W.. RALPH R. DEPREZ. A. Cash• and Mgr., L. E. JEFFRIES* JR.* A. Mgr. Northwest Branch*, 18th St. and Columbia Road, GREGG §. BURNS. A. Cash, and Mgr. and CHARLES G. HUBBARD* A. Mgr. Park Road Branch*, 14th St. and Park Road. CARL H. DONCH* A.Cash. and Mgr., J. A. KEENE. A. Mgr. Seventh Street Branch*, 7th and Eye Sts., N. W„ B. I. BOUDRER* A. Cash, and Mgr. Farmers and Mechanics Branch*, Wise. Ave. and M St., Cash, and Mgr. and H. W. BURNSIDE. A. Cash, and A. Mgr. $460-15% par 100 15-3 dB®T*t‘J6 (1508 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W.) Friendship Branch, Wise. Ave. and Warren St„ Mgr. H. L. SELBY. A. Accounts of Firms and N. City, N. Y.; Munsey Tr. Co. and U. S. Sav., Wash., D. C. 2,936,240 11,250,460 National City Bank................................... New York Chase National Bank........................... NewYork Bank of America N. A..............................New York Bank of Manhattan Trust Co.______ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co..Chicago Central Trust Co. of Illinois__________ Chicago First National Bank__________ Chicago First National Bank_______________ Philadelphia The Pennsylvania Co.................. Philadelphia Philadelphia National Bank______ Philadelphia First National Bank...... ............................ Baltimore Baltimore Trust Co._______ Baltimore First & Merchants National Bank...Richmond Banks, Bankers, Corporations, State Planters Bank & Trust Co......... Richmond Individuals cordially invited. First National Rank__________________ St. Louis National Sbawmut Bank................ Boston Merchants National Bank..............................Boston 4,023,610 53,923,960 Auditor 12,830 1,156,850 30,304,940 17,612,780 COLLECTIONS MADE FOR BANINS AND BANKERS ONLY. W. E. FREEMAN.A. Cash, and THE LEADING BANK IN WASHINGTON THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK—Leading Bank in Washington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q4, to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.«'New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK $210-9% par 100 15-4 d®T»’72 (509 7th St.. N.W.) 'SECURITY SAV’GS & COM! BANK President. Vice-President. (Federal Reserve District No. 5)—Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties V. B. DEYBER................. JACOB SGHARF______ W. W, HARLOW-........... i. K. SEYBOTH---------- $ S. J. PRESCOTT, W. M. HANNAY E« F< COLLADAY, G.M. EMMERICH. Sec. Ch. of Bd. 750,000 $ 549,630 $ 6,452,270 $ Counsel Loans AND Discounts Resources. MiscblBonds and LANIOVS Sbcu liras Rasociicaa 332,100 $ 4,634,360 $ 1,207.530 $ Cash & Ex change,Ddb from Banks Wash. D. C. Cle&r’g House Ass’n Members shown by*, affiliated Banks by+ Principal Correspondents. 901.520 $ 1.340,590 First National Bank.............. ................ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co..Chicago Philadelphia National Bank..........Philadelphia Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.___________ St. Louis 455,190 Chase National Bank........................ New York Chemical Bank & Trust Co..............New York Fidelity Trust Co.________________ Baltimore Riggs National Bank___ ___Washington, D. C. Canadian Bank of Commerce..Ottawa, Ontario Additional Offices. 1333 G St., N. W. THE BANK OF WE HAVE SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOB OBTAINING PROMPT BEPORTS AND RETURNS FOB YOUR ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS FOB WASHINGTON. F. G. ADDISON, JR. JULIUS 1. PEYSER, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Continued “UTMOST SERVICE" FRED McKEE.................. S. R.BAtfLSIR_______ T. H. LEITH..................... jmhp Ch. of Bd. Largest Savings Bank in Washington. 15-80 d®»t§’13 WE SPECIALIZE ON COLLECTIONS—“TRY US." 300,000 6,234,410 358,380 K. St. Bra nch at 151 8 54,850 K. St., N. W. 4,723,550 CHARLES 953,990 K. WEST, 814,910 Mgr. $475-16% and i% extra par 100 (701 Ninth St.) + Seventh Street Savings Bank J. D. Howard_____ Harry Kaufman... John J. R. Wright d®»5’12 A. H. Plugge, Ch. of Bd. (1300 7th St., N. W.) M. DeMarco.. A. T. Wallace, $305-12% por 100 15-77 E. J. Stellwagen... W. 8. Harban_____ E. B. Olds. Tr........... G.E.Hamilton.F.P. E. L. Hillyer. V.P. Assistant Treasurers Atty. and Tr. Off. and 2nd A. Tr. Off. W. F. D. Herron G.E. Fleming, V.P. E. B. Olds S. Wm. Miller 15-58 and A. Tr. Off. G. E. Flather $311-8% par 100 dB®T»§1900 G. E. Hamilton, Jr., (15th and H Sts., N. W.) + UNION TRUST COMPANY of the District of Columbia Acting Irving Zirpel, Sec. and 3rd A. Tr. Off. W. 8. Lyons. A.Sec. J. W. Clampitt, Jr,. .4. Sec. W. G. McGraw, A. Atty, A. Sec. + United States Savings Bank Wade H. Cooper... W. D. Barry - - W. R. De Lashmutt, John F. Cook- __ F. P. and Cash. W. H. Zepp (2000 14th St.. N. W.) $600-30% par 100 15-64 d®»t§’06 J. B. LARNER---------- H. G.MEEM —......... C. R. GRANT. V. P. andTr. J.J.EDSON.CA.o/Bd. ARTHUR PETER. V. P. and Asst. Treasurers W. H. BADEN. V. P. and Tr. Off. Gen. Counsel G. M. FISHER RALPH ENDICOTT A. H. LAWSON, ^ N. E. TOWSON, Mgr. For. Dept. N. E. TOWSON $440-14% par 100 15-54dB®T«t5’89 V. P. and R E. Off. J« M. MASON (900 F St.. N. W. ) G. 0. SCHWEINHAUT 'WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST CO. H.W.PRIMM. E. L. BRADY. Ass< R. E'. Officers Asst Tr. Officers 100,000 154,600 2,000,000 1.273,660 8,728,480 100,000 311,080 2,541,850 1,000,000 2,567,930 16,279,930 15-91 d®«t§’17 (719 10th St., N. W.) LEONARD MARBURY HARRY W. GAUSS BERNARD L. AMISS C. M. IRELAN, JR. T. E. JARRELL-— J. D. LEONARD—- J. D. LEONARD, Tr. R. J. EARNSHAW. WM. E. RUSSELL A. Tr. Woodridge-LangdonSav.&C’m’l A. S. Henderson... E. L. Norris______ E. L. Norris........... T. S. Mallon, Jr... 8. 8. 8ymons R. S. Campbell,Sec. (2027 R. I. Ave.) $30-8%par io Bank 15-108d®»§’21 Washington Clearing House... H. H. McKee. (Members indicated, by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chairman 446,550 37,930 West En d Office a 17 th St. at G, N. 1.482,240 409,100 107,530 205,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt.; Second N. 4,791,470 3,976,940 1,983,770 1,997,990 553,720 94,710 306,500 9,349,860 3,325,380 2,250,600 4,959,950 1,696,510 N. City. Chase N., and Gty, Tr. Co., N. Y. W.:C.H. Doing,V. P. In eha r*e. Chase N., N. Y.; District N. and Com’l N„ Wash. D. C.; Un. Tr. Co. of Md„ Balt. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Pitt.; Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Executes trusts of every des cription. Aooou nts accep ted on fav orabie ter ms and int erest paid thereon. Send your Washingt on collect ionsto us. -(-Washington Mech. Sav. Bank Ezra Gould______ E. F. Pickford___ C. F.Burton_____ A. 8. Offntt.. 100.000 160,080 C. F. Burton M. H. Buckingham L. W. Davis d®*t8’06 Sec. J. M. McCarthy (3401 Connecticut Ave) W. B. Mehler, Jr. (Branches at &th and G Sts.. S. E., 3608 G eorgia Ate.t N. W„ and Ninth and E. Capitol S te.e) + WASHINGT0N SAVINGS BK 6,000 Wash., D. C. $50-20% par 10 15-66 $12.50 par 10 1,943,770 2,822,710 2,057,880 469,480 263,710 296,710 Chase N.. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; District N.. Wash., D. C. 100,000 14,190 725,710 371,470 228,400 100,110 139,920 Chase N., N.Y.:N. Met. and Riggs N., Wash.,D. C. 50,000 63,520 481,990 326,450 147,520 41,800 79,750 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin N„ Wash., D. C. V. B. Deyber, See. C. E. Bright,Mar.. (See pag es 28-29 Total Deposits by Citie s, States , etc.) ,Statean d Privat e Banks, THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK—Leading Bank in Washington 195 WASHINGTON, D. C.—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. *Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Tear tMem. StateBks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ^Members of Local Stock Exchange. Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships BAKER, WATTS & CO........................ 1 R. BASCOM BROUN, JR., Representative. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year }Mem. State Bks. Assn. Estar IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Members of Local Stock Exchange HEMPHILL, NOYES & CO_____ -115 (Shoreham Building) (15th and H Sts., N. W.) (202 Barr Bldg.) (910—17th. St. N.W.) .113 Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members New York Stock Exchange. Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities. Br. of N. Y. Private wire connec tion with main office, branches and correspondents in 48 cities. Baker, Watts & Co., Baltimore. (Woodward Bldg.) BROOKE, STOKES & CO.___ Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships FBANKW. COE 1 ■Representatives_________ Brooke. Stokes & Co., Phila. & Balt. WM. C. COE Iglehart & Co,. J. A. W.__________ 1 (Shoreham Bldg.) .THOMAS A. DEVOR WASHINGTON OFFICE 737-15th Street, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1800 Baltimore ALEX. BROWN & SONS rE. E. Herrell, Pres, P. R. Boesch, Tr. Wash, depository: Riggs National. A. C. Lampe, H. W. Forster, V. P. and Sec. A. Sec., A, Tr. \ Commercial, Financing and Real Estate Loans (Investment Bldg.) Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities Correspondents: Brown Bros, & Co., N. Y., Phila., Boston, Chicago; Brown, Shipley & Co., London THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (741 15th St. N.W.) (Investment Securities------------------- Chase N., Tucker Anthony &Co.,and CRANE, PARRIS & CO________*i1t 83 ( MEMBERS WASHINGTON STOCK 15-73 (82115th St.. N. W.) I EASTMAN, DILLON & GO. * (1512 H. St. N. W.) (■INVESTMENT SECURITIES l Members New York Stock Exchange. ) Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange. ] Members Chicago Stock Exchange. 1 Members Pittsburgh Stock Exchange. V.Members New York Curb Exchange. J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO.—1±T62 THE FIRST NATIONAL OLD COLONY CORPORATION (1001 Fifteenth St., N. W.) GILLET & CO.......................... (Investment Bldg.) __ j INVESTMENT BANKERS United Stales Government, Municipal, Pubhc Utility. Railroad, and other Investment Bonds and notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Bank, Insurance Company and other Investment Stocks. Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities. Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Pittsburgh. Atlanta, Rochester. Worcester, Hartford, Providence, Rutland, Springfield.Portland.Me., Los Angeles. San Francisco, Portland, Ore., and Seattle. SIDNEY T. THOMAS, Vice-President.. Gillet & Co., Baltimore, Md. W. B. Van Devanter. Manager__ (Investment Securities) Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. Investment Securities. GUARANTY CO. OF HEW YORK ....120 Affiliated with: The First National BERNARD W, TRAFFORD STOCKTON Bankof Boston, The First National Executive (EDWIN R. MARSHALL, Boston Old Colony Corporation, Boston Ftce-Pres^e?^s(ALLAN M. POPE? Net« York Head office; Branches: New York, n •» SHANNON & LUCHS, INC., STEIN BROS. & BOYCE (Woodward Bldg.) SECURED BY REAL ESTATE IN THE NATION’S CAPITAL Hambleton & Co.. Hambleton & Co., N. Y., Chi. and Washington Stock Exchange. Balt. EDWARD W. GAMBLE, JR., Manager Branch of (see) Baltimore. G. M. FERRIS, Resident Mgr-------------------------- S. W. Straus & Co., Incorporated, N. Y. and Chi. Est. 1863. 1 STRAUS, S. W. & GO. (Incorporated) (929—15th St.. N. W.) Tel. National 5925 J. & W. Seligman & Co., N. Y, C.. Chicago, Pitt., San F„ and Albany; Seligman Bros., London; Weld, Grew & Co., Bos.; Leavens & Leader, Shamokin. FIRST MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS HERBERT T. SHANNON. Pres. MORTON J. LUCHS, V. P. and Tr. CHARLES A. JONES, V.P.andSec. Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y.. Chi. Phil., Bos.. St. L.. Det., Mil., Pitt. Clev. and Minpls. —1 (1521 K. St.. N. W.)_ '06 1435 K. Street N. W. HALSEY, STUART & CO,______ *101 C. P. LUKENS, Representative______________ Telephone National 3470 Frank P. Morse, Washington Manager_______ Telephone National 3605 Federal Am. N„ Wash., D. C. (619 14th St.. N.W.) (Incorporated) (1421 H. St. N. W.) (R. G. SHAW. Manager........ . ........... ........ Home Office, 40 Wall St., New York. -! Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, In Leadling Markets. Direct wires to other offices in N. Y., E. A. PIERCE & CO................... (Transportation Bldg.) Chi,, Phila., Pitts., Det., Rich,, (17th and H Sts., N. W.) Reading, Scranton, Allentown and Trenton. (729 15th St., N. W.) FEDERAL AMERICAN CO__________ Real Estate Loans and Insurance (81116th St.. N. W.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y. EXCHANGE. 11882 (Investment Securities) George Walson, Pres. Edward L. Hillyer, V. P. J. M. Johnston, Tr. C. J. Cockeler, Sec. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK—Leading Bank in Washington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Qfi lyu Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Comm. ‘County Seats. Fed.Res.Dist.No. 6 Jacksonville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §Staw tPriv. tMem. Stats B. Asa's. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Dept8:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div PRESIDENT. Alachua._____ 865 Bank of Alachua____ ®tS’04 J. L. Matthews par 100 63-138 Alachua D13 .. Vice-President. . H. N. LeRoy Carrier. amt gabrixk. If. V. Rddv J. M. Fowler . . DE SOTO NATIONAL BANK $170-10% par 100 63-115 63-114 ••____ « F. L. Burgust____ W. E. LEITNER- - - - - Mil* MIltLL LOVICK HOLTZENR. L. HOLTZENDORF— OORF <1M0 R0. TURNER J. E. RAULERSON - L F HILTON PAUI KFMP J. H.TREADWELL, Ch. of Bd. Complete Collection Department. Inquiries invited concerning conditions in this Section. 29,520 $ 20,030 8 45.320 Guaranty Tr. Co., N Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 25.000 27,730 250,610 25,000 80,450 100,500 10,160 137,220 Barnett N., Jacksonville. 25.000 75.000 1,047,800 66.160 607,950 268,850 77,280 259.880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: Fla. N., Barnett N., and Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. 25,000 32,000 290,260 150,000 111,000 16,000 70,260 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Atlantic N.. Jack sonville. 75,000 76,010 834,680 44,400 526,760 225,170 78,170 204,980 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Tampa; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. IN, 006 81,020 704,950 243,790 541,750 165,580 169,520 252,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Fla N., Jacksonville; Ex. N. and 1st N., Tampa. 18.800 6,650 3,230 42,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for credit reports R. P. Perkins 63-278 S. T. Fleming W. H. Powell ___ J. N. Greening------- W. T. Coates----Avon Park___ 3355 Barnett National Bank par 120 63-501 d©*t’30 Highlands J18 11.000 W. T. Coates .- — M. V. Pilcher F. J. Keiser______ H. E. Fairchild-__ Babson Park ..311 Babson Park State Bank W. R. Brewster $105-8% par 100 63-400 d®*t§'24 Polk 117 w.vrcr*!®» H. S. Day_________ Willard Hamilton. Thos. E. Chambers Preston Knapp___ par 25 56,210 50,000 10,000 267,080 130,000 115,060 241,650 9,650 90,720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 25.000 13,940 122,060 14,040 93,050 47,640 3,400 30,950 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville; 1st N., Tampa. 27,650 1,666,780 4,710 106,660 1,045,300 47,330 599,850 Irv. Tr. Co.. N, Y.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville. 116,020 39,500 20.720 34,730 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Barnett N„ Jack sonville: 1st N., Marianna. 212,000 209,050 10,610 108,230 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N„ Pensacola; Atlantic N. and Fla. N„ Jacksonville. 193,470 69,000 33,980 56,980 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Tampa; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 100,000 63-499 ‘Blountstown 1270 Bank of Blountstown ®«t|’07 A. Pick Higgins... J. D. Boggs_______ D. F. Stanflll_____ Pick Holliager___ $150-10% par 150 63-141 Calhoun B1 30,000 8,510 172,470 E. J. Folmar_____ 15,000 20,380 460,500 Marcia Minor 20,000 24,320 309,110 Holmes M9 15,220 $ 163,350 $ Florida Trust and Banking Co. (Merged with First National Bank, Jan uary 23, 1930) AlachuaD13 Polk 116 9,860 % 208,150 S Principal Correspondents. d®»t’07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. B.F. WELLES_ _ _ _ _ 25.006 % Jas. P. Hickey Apopka 1134 The State Bank of Apopka William Edwards.. $150-8% par 150 63-223 d®*t§’12 Orange G17 ‘Arcadia .4082 DeSoto K16 Liabilities. Resources. Loua Bondi Mibcil- Oah h lx Surplus D»o»- Otheb Paid-up and and Liabili nwiMM.Hiii and Capital Propits m Discount! Securitise LANBOUB vbm Barb ties S First National Bank..®»t’08 C. A. Williams......... E, B. Lewis___