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1 QAQ (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. I Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ashaway_____ 620 Asha way National Bank.»’65 L. A. Briggs______ J. S. Cole. Washington M5 $45-4)^% par 50 57-93 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. ‘Bristol____ 12.707 Bristol H20 ♦ Ezra Dixon, Centerdale__ 3830 Greenville Trust Co.—-T§’29 Providence D13 57-113 Centerville __ 3035 (See West Warwick) Kent G12 ‘East Greenwich Union Trust Co.____ ®T»§’06 Kent H13 4157 ♦ 57-100 East Providence Provid. E17 26.088 1400-16%♦ 57 111 Liabilities. Loans Bonda Surplus ther Miscel Paid-up Depos LOiabili and and AND its Capital Profits Diacounti Bacurities laneous ties 36.020 S $ 100,000 $ Frank Hill. 29.420 i 23.820 S 134.86C $ 28.78C $ 25,050 N.Shawmut, Bos,: Prov. N.,Prov. 4,000.000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi dence).. For Statem ent See Home Office. 1st N., N. Y. Howard Owen.A/ffr. (Branch of Greenv ills, R. I 1st N„ Bos.: R. I. Hospital Tr. Co., Prov. Howard V. Allen, (Branch of Mgr. F. B. Halliday, A. G. Johnson, Mgr. E. E. Penniman, Ch. of Bd. ®Tt§'21 Irv.Tr. Co..N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Prov. 1st N„ Bos. Pro vidence, R. L)__. (Branch of Provi dence, R I.) For Greenville ___ 1230 Greenville Trust Co. C. E. Walcott_____ H. S. TurnerProvidence Dll $52-6% par 40 57-97 ®T«t§ 1822 E. C. Nickerson, Indnstrial Tr. Oo„ Prov. 4,000.000 10 718 600 A. Mgr R. S. Chapman, Statem ent See Home Office. N. Ex., Greenville, R. I. (Branch of Green viUe, B. L). Mgr, Wm. A. Sprague, 150.000 109,050 1,212,730 31,510 720,440 677,220 25.480 80,150 1st N„ Bos.; R. I. Hospital Tr. Co., Prov. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. R. H. Chapman, M. W. Mowry, A. Tr. Hope Valley ..1269 Washington Trust Co. Washington K6 $220-10% 57-101 d®T»t§’65 R. P. Mitchell, Narragansett.1357 Wakefield Trust Co..__ «5’35 Wash. M14 57-103 E, J. Bateman, A. Sec. (Branch of West erly, B. I.)_____ Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Prov.: 1st N„ Bos. (Branch of Wah efield, R. L) — Chase N„ N. Y.; Prov. N., Prov.; Merch. N.. Bos. Mgr. Mgr. ‘Newport ...27,757 Aquidneck Nat’l Exchange Peter King. Newport L20 Bk. & Sav. Co. „.d®W’54 $107-10% par 50 882,950 6.367.630 3,054,190 Geo. H. Proud ___ J. W. Thompson .. Mary Greene 300,000 361.850 8,737,020 Wm. R. Harvey H. A. Curtis. A. C. Congdon Jas. W. Thompson Lewis D. Simmons, Betsey Tompkins Washington Sq. Offi ce, 57-76.• Jr., Tr. Off. Thames St. Office, 57 -77.• 4.000.000 10718 600 (Branch of Provi dence).. Geo. W. Bacheller, INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. For Statem ent See Home Office. Mgr, ♦ 57-80 d®T»t§’05 Newport National Bank *1803 G. W. Sherman.__ W. P. Carr................ W. Stevens_______ C. E. Livesey. $91-8% 57-72 120.000 146.970 602.980 152,810 NEWPORT TRUST CO. 300,000 490.620 5,093,910 18,290 57-79 57C S C. T. Sherman, Esmond______ 542 Greenville Trust Co..........512 Providence D12 57-109 *200-10% par 100 Savings 5% Principal Correspondents. Cash & ExCHAN«B8,Du* from Banks Mgr. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. (Providence P. O.) Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Ch. of Bd. 57-99 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RHODE ISLAND Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Clark Burdick____ E. A. Sherman ___ G.W. Bacheller, Jas. P. Cozzens, Bank of Newport Wm. H. Hammett 57-75 ®»t§1819 OlneyvUle_______ Union Trust Co. ...d®T»t§’97 (Tnd. Sla. Provi $345-8% par 100 ♦ 57-104 Bradford Norman 186.420 23,000 3,055,970 1.794,430 118,180 22,380 5.896.630 16 915 220 103,400 656.160 2,946,330 20 538 900 H. G. Wilks, Tr,... Wm. P. Carr. Sec... A. L. Slocum, A.TV. 607,470 7lidaC A.N •« dUU 11 V • il< L/Um X <i VJUU it Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Bos.; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. Industrial Tr. Co.. Prov. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. dBMS'Ol 252,520 157.190 1st N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Phil. 934.230 Bos.; 1st N. Phil.: Industrial Tr. Co., Prov. 592,360 st N.. N. Y.: N Shawmut and 1st N., Bos,: Newport Tr. Co., Newport. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. R. I.)__ H. B. St .John, Mgr. J. J. Thompson, (Branch of Prov idence, Earle D. Steere, 4.000,000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi dence).. For S tateme nt See Home Office. A. Mgr, dence) Providence E14 Pascoag______ 3680 Providence B7 Pawtucket..73,100 Providence D16 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO. ♦ 57-105 INDUSTRIAL ♦ Robert Wilcox, ®*5’01 Ch. of Bd. rPawtucket Bra C. A. Moffett, '______ Mgr. TRUST CO. dB®T*t§1900 I Sla ter Branch :• H. W. Fitz, ^ V.P. and Mgr. Mgr. A. Mgr. Kent G12 Phenix Trust Co.. d®T«t§’99 $75-8% par 50 57-106 (Pawtucket Branch) nch: (57-54) 4.000.000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi dence).. E. L. MofTitt, For S tateme nt See Home Office. A. Mgr. (57-53) J.F. Browning, Lewis E. Martin, A. Mgr. H. C. Jackson, A. Mgr. Tr. Off. and A. Mgr. A. J. Donahue, R. S. Grant, D. A. Clarke.............E. R. Handy. Sec. and Tr. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. (Slater Branch) A. Tr. Off. 968.100 14 313500 30.000 Pawtucket Inst, for Savings E. N. Littlefield... J. B. McIntyre .... Ralph E. Kenyon, E. M. Love joy. Sec. Tr. H. W. Wood, A. Sec. 4% 57-51 ®»t§’36 (Pawtuc ket Office of Provi dence) .. F. M. Maxcy, H. A. Wilkinson, E. A. Tingley, Rhode Island Hospital Trust A. Mgr. A. Mgr. Mgr. Company ♦ 57-52 d®T»t§’67 Phenix______3325 Industrial Tr. Oo., Prov. Mary E. Glenn, A. Tr. 100,000 137,530 903,260 12,690 5.424,320 9.056,890 488,060 593,890, 200,000 630.400 26,490 45,030 N.. Bos. fty. Trt Co. and Empire Tr. Co., N. Y 1st N„ Chi. and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. Suitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; R. I. Hospital T Co., Prov.; N. Shawmut. Bos. (West Warwick P. O.) DEPENDABLE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORRESPONDENT—-THE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK BOSTON Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 ^44 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ■LOTT Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa».$LastSale%Div 'BLACKSTONE CANAL NAT’L BK. 1352-12% 57-13(20MarketSq.W31 PROVIDENCE (Providence Co., E 15) Fed. Bes. Plst. No. 1. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-uf Capital If you appreciate prompt and careful at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections on Providence. Walter C. Nye___ 57-58 d®«t$’71 (Cranston and Westminster) Columbus Exchange Bank Mariano Vervena— *95-10% par 50 ♦ 57-40 B®»J§T0 V. L. Raia, V. P. (1-2 Market Square) (Branches at 361 At C. P. irons......... .... Charles C. Darling ArthurB.Hathaway C. A. Sylvia______ R. E. Lyman wells Are., 572 Chari 500,000 $ $ R. W. Cooke, Tr... C.H.Jackson. A.JV, P. R. Weatherbee, and Principal Miscbl- Gin k lx LUVSOVS 0IAMM,I>Ol Sacrum. Raaovaoas vmi Baku correspondents. Bonds and Discounts 1.637,880 22,257,290 132.160 Dante State Bank______ «§’25 Domenico DiLuglio Prank Galiano----- Ernest DiLuglio, F. P. Galiano, Sec._ 57-44 (487 Atwells Ave.) Tr. Joseph Paolino •High Street Bank___*}§1826 H. A. Grim wood... W. A. Hathaway... Victor H. Frazier. H3fi-io% par 50 57-12 A. L. Peck L. C. Ray (846 Westminster) 50,000 75,000 120,000 265,760 es St., and 1 Govern or St.) EORGJEn beni l 57-84 dB0T«tl’87 HOWARD W. FITZ ilARL^CRAWFORD 6.222,280 327,510 ulU 1,262,820 Guaranty Tr. Co., and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. V.: Merch. N„ 1st N„ and 2d N„ Bos. ■ 2,064,730 4.000,000 10,718,600 137 631 010 WILLIAM METCALFE. D ' A.Sec. Tr. Off. Bond Department SHELDON E. F. SEABURY. v.P. Tr. CLAYTON D. A. Tr. Off. N. E. CARR, A. Sec. M,E-REfl5 ’m ™ C.B.'COLEMAN.A.Sfc. A. Tr. 969,060 Chase IV., R, T.j If. Bk. Rep., ChL; 1st Rs Bos. 430,860 N. City and Bk. of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; N. Rockland. Bos.; Banca d'Am. e.d'Italia, Rotne; Banco di Na poli, Naples, Italy. Acting Tr. F. M. HOWE - - - - - - - - - Assistant Secretaries Trust Department Loan Department S. M. NICHOLSON, , BpBERT J. CONNERY j. CUNLIFFEBULLOCK HARRY C. OWEN. Ch. of Bd. GEORGE E. GALE V. P. V. P. and Sec. Vice-Presidents «• H- WILKINSON E-S. HARTWELL. V.P. CLYDE A. BINES. JOSHUA M. ADDEMAN S. W. BISHOP H. C. JACKSON. A. Sec. Janus « ‘INDUSTRIAL . „ T LITTLEFIELD AMES WES R. Mac COLL ERNEST CLAYTON. TRUST COMPANY SIM ELLERY HOLBROOK. WARDE. SMITH 15,000 16,097,560 122,410 $ A.Tr. 200,000 (111 Westminster) Loans 979,620 $ 3,560,880 $ 1,210,950 $3,197,430 $ 1,971,560 $ C. T. Cambio. Sec.. O. L. Moia, A. Tr... M. Ruggieri, A. Sec, A. G. Vervena. par 100 Resources. Surplus Other total AND Liabili Profits Deposits ties ALBERT R. PLANT-JOHN D. BRANCH -C. P. BR0WH. ALBERT R. PLANT. Cash, and A. Tr. O. Tr. Off. CITIZENS SAVINGS *495-15% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Savings Banks do not handle collections) 1,180 41,730 1,859,650 550,280 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bo«. 5,678,330 00,484,330 49,653,540 5,002,850 12,888,130 1st N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Old Colony Tr. Co. and 1st N., Bos.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Midland Bk., Ltd., Lon. (Washington Park Branch (57-41) at 1473 Broad St.) (Atwells Ave. Branch (57—42) 220 Atwells Are.) (Exchange Branch *(57-2) 63 Westminster) (.Elmwood Branch (57-45) 602 Elmwood Ate.) Treasurer's Dept. A. Jr. Off. Foreign Department ... Collections will receive our careful attention. Branches ece ihiwstucucitm DunnE ... ... ..... W.GRANVILLE MEADE R’ ,p' in Pawtucket, Newport, Woonsocket, Bristol, Warren, *EE ADVERTISEMENT OR RHODE ISLAND INDEX. A. Tr. Off. FELIX FERRARIS. Pascoag.Wickford, Westerly, and East Providence. A. Sec. Auditor (9 Branches throughout the State) R.S. GRANT, CABLETON E. TAFT Lincoln Trust Co.__B®T*t5’04 A. Silverman G. E. Smith______ G. W. Holt. Jr., Tr. A. W. Pierce. Sec... \ par 25 57-39 P. D. McKendall. P. C. Joslin F. A. De Blasio, J. W. Beck, Auditor Ch. (61 Weybosset) A. Tr. 125.000 183,570 1,449,210 11,420 930,020 463,620 116,770 258,800 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Shawmot, Bos. •Mechanics National Bk. C. C. Harrington — par 50 57-9 ®»tl823 (34 Dorrance St.) Morris Plan Co. of R. I. ®»t’a5 J. R. MacColl____ H. W. Rice______ *150-7% par 100 57-43 T. P. Green, Ch. H. T. Merriman (25 Canal St.) (7 Branches) A. J. Thornley Shirley Harrington P. A. Church H. R. Chadsey 500,000 482,900 6,245,340 526,530 3,836,270 2.988,810 40,800 888,900 1st N.. N. Y. and Chi.; Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st N„Bos.; Un. Tr. Co., Cleve. |H.J. Wells, Tr.__ H. E. Gladding. E. R. Drown,A.See. Sec. and Gen. Mgr. J. E. Burke. A.Sec. A. B. Grinnell, A. Sec. 750.000 390,720 4,099,460 756.870 5.346,580 60,600 408.180 850,000 1,216,650 8,609,780 610.580 7,887,540 1,207,810 457,680 1,733,980 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 153,020 23,450,530 14,450,590 701,370 2.018,430 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, and 1st N„ Bos.. Blackstonf Canal N„ Prov. oin fin fwi oU,UUU 537,200 N, Olty and Chase N.. N, Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; N.Shawmut and 1st N„ Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. 23,778,220 32,535,660 416,220 2,219,450 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and Merch. N„ Bos. *58-8% *87-6% ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE par 60 57-25 ©T<’51 (146 Westminster) *110-10% HENRY L. WILCOX .... FRANK W. GALE_ _ _ _ W. H. PERRY______ E.B. FESSENDEN, C. PRESCOTT KNIGHT. WM. P. CHAPIN, JR., VERRAN0C. HART, Ch. of Bd. V.P. and Tr. Off, (Cert.) A. Tr.O. 181.680 Send US your items and Collections for Providence and vicinity. Promptness and careful attention to every detail. Moderate charge. Peoples Savings Bank-.©»i§'51 O. C. Marshall....... 4X% (27 Market Square)57-37 Webster Knight. Ch. •Phenix National Bank __«t’35 Webster Knight— *130-12% 57-21 par 50 (83 Dorrance) Providence Inst, for Savings Wilson G. Wing... 4% 57-36 ©»t§T9 (2 Branch) (86 South Main) (Providence continued on next page) DEPENDABLE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John B. Branch.__ C.F.Stevens,S«c, Tr. W. P. Dodge, A,Sec. George M. Snow R. W. Upham, R. H. Blake. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. W. P. Chapin J. E. Thompson.__ J. E. Thompson ... P. W. York., C. W. Herrmann P. W. Matteson__ Le B. Bradford, Tr. Wm. Gammell. Jr. E. W. Mason, R. H. I. Goddard A. Tr. W. H. Congdon, A. 4,111,140 36,356.760 450.000 P. M. Mason, Sec.. H. V. Mayo, A. Sec. P. R. Kenney, A. S ec. Tr. i CORRESPONDENT—THE 1,394,570 3,111,770 2,319,060 56,630,500 598,450 2,471,650 9 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK BOSTON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rhode Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map The BLUE BOOK Costs Less Based on circulation, advertising space in the Rand M9Nally Bankers Blue Book costs one-third that of any similar publication, and reaches a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. THE RAND M9NALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY The Bankers BLUE BOOK ESTABLISHED 1872 Rand M9Nally & Co., NEW YORK CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Publishers WASHINGTON, D. C. 536 So* Clark St*, Chicago SAN FRANCISCO 1345 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-Mc.Nally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1420-12% par 100 57-1 B©T*I1791 (20 Westminster St.) (Federal Becerra District No. 1) (Barings Banks do no Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. ("THOMAS L. PIERCE E. G. BATTY........... E. G. BATTY........... | M. J. BARBER. Ch. of Bd. (Mr Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Capital Profits Principal Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. WViDENCE NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PRO VIDEN CE—Continued Other Liabili ties Loans and Discount* Bonds Mibcbl- and LA.NBOUB Rihouboib SncuBirnee { 1,500.000 $ 2.755,090 $12593560 $ 1,803,260 $ 9,994,410 $ 6,316,060 $ correspondents. * Ex- Cam chax«m,Ddb FROM BaVKI r... .... 86,750 $2,254,690 ;nem. bk. & ir. go. auu Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Shawmut and 1st N.. Bos., Phil. N.. Phil. (Empire St. Branc h F, L. Sa wyer. Mg r.,C. L.E ddy, A.M gr.) Oldest Ban k in America under Nation al Charter. Pawtucket Office CLIFFORD B. COX, HERBERT J. WELLS. G. H. CAPR0N. Sec... GEORGE 64,512,190 38,580.540 3,036,910 10,888.560 T. Aud. 3,000,000 9,085,780 97,418,260 Ch. of Bd. Asst, Secretaries GREENHALGH. FREEMANS. BORDEN, nilipiIC llUflt .. THOMAS H. WEST.JR.. SUMNER E. SIMMONS Ch, of Bd. of Mgrs. Mor. West Side Br. | First National Bank, New York President Guaranty Trust Company, New York HERBERT A. M.McL. MILLER. Mgr. NUNR0 Vice-Presidents For prompt and efficient service, send us your First National Bank of Boston, Boston WILKINSON, Mgr. East Side Branch C. 0. LEWIS Merchants National Bank, Boston Asst. Managers L. e! I newrerry collections on Rhode Island and vicinity. National Shawmut Bank, Boston EUGENE A. TINGLEY Second National Bank of Boston, Boston FRANK M.MAXCY First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago . ...... . „ ...rDERSON Woonsocket Office Trust Company, Cleveland T. SHERMAN Commercial and Savings Accounts of individuals, Union CHARLES N. COOK. I'M 0.Asst. First National Bank of Philadelphia, Phlla. Tr, Officers Ch. of Bd. of Mgrs. Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia business houses and organizations solicited. C. HERBERT POND. RALF Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh aw mum •RHODE ISLAND mmrn HOSPITAL TRUST COMPANY IS Westminster St. Providence 14000-20% ♦. 57-33 d©T»i§’67 par 1000 wm Sflls Mgr. Asst. Managers theodoreVSook HERBERT P. SUTTON THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN NEW ENGLAND 1,000.000 1,232.270 27.648,400 145,000 18,934,850 7,407.250 ♦Union Trust Oo___d®T«tl'64 W. F. Farrell .— F. E. Chafee_____ L. R. Holmes. Tr... H. R. Fox, Sec........ (Hopkins Square Br\anch, (57-,46) F. F. Simonine, Mgr.) H. F. Williams, Wm. De Lancey John Congdon 1350-8% ♦ 87-24 A. Sec. Jacobs, A. Tr. W. A. Soban, A.Sec. par ioo (62 Dorrance) of Natio nal, Stat e and Pr C. P. Brown, Mgr.. Providence Clearing House — H. L. Wilcox------States, etc.) (15 Westminster) (Me mb errs indicated b y a *) .140 176 216 168 BRANCH OFFICES Weybosset St., Providence Angell St., Providence Main St., Pawtucket Main St., Woonsocket 3.683,570 N. City and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. Providence—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Name of Banker •Mem. A.B.A. nNew §StatetPriv. YEAR tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIlMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships L. P. WESTC0TT. Mgr.................. ..................... . H. M. Rylleshv & Co.. Ohl.. N. Y. Underwriters. Wholesalers and Retailers Bos.. Phil., Pitt.. Det ■ Minpls., St. Paul. Mil., Kan. C., and Des Moines of Investment Securities Specialists in Public Utilities. H. M. BYLLESBY&CO. (Turks Head Bldg.) Name of Banker Other Offices. Correspondents •Mem. A.B.A. nNew §State1Priv. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. Estab-; and Bank Depositories. ifMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished! T02 The First National Bank of Boston, BANKERS THCE0RFp,0RRSATTi,0ANT,0HAL °LD C0L°NY United INVESTMENT States Government, Municipal, The First National Old Colony Cor ... JR ATI_ poration. Boston, New York. Chica go, Cleveland, St. Louis, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Roch ester, Washington, Atlanta, Hart ford, Worcester, Rutland and Portland. _ Guaranty Co. of New York, N. Y. f H. R. McPeck, Representative ------------------GUARANTY CO. OF NEW YORK—'1*26 [ (Investment Securities) (623 Hospital Trust Bldg.) (R. I. Hospital Trust Bldg.) Public Utility, Railroad, and other In vestment Bonds and Notes; Bankers’ Acceptances, Bank, Insurance Company and other Investment Stocks. Direct Private Wires to Principal Cities. (Ralph Knight. Representative-------------------- Halsey Stuart & Co., N. Y„ Chi., Phil., Bos.. St. b., Det., Mil.. Clev.. Pitt, (investment Bonds) and Minpls. (Telephone: Gaspee 5877 HALSEY STUART & CO------------ J (Incorporated) (10 Weybosset StA HORNBLOWER & WEEKS (10 Weybosset) BENJAMIN COOKE, Mgr. Y88 • INVESTMENT SECURITIES MEMBERS OF THE New York, Providence, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Detroit Stock Exchanges and The New York Curb Exchange. Offices In Boston, New York (2), Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Portland, Maine. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank depositories. Ernest G. Adams. F. A. Singleton and Kidder. Peabody & Co. N. Y., Bos.. and Newark. T. I. II. Powel, Representatives (Investment Securities) C. A. KILVERT & CO.......................—± (Turks Head Bldg.) B. Leach & Co., Inc.. N. Y., Chi. LiEACH, A. B. & C0». INC........-............. 1 (Investment Securities)---------------------------------- A.and Principal Cities. (Hospital Trust Bldg.) Lee, Higginson ft Co., N. Y„ Chi., _,.J (D. W. Lovell. Mgr........... . and Bos. 48 J (Bonds) LEE. HIGGINSON & CO----- ----(622 Hospital Trust Bldg.) ( (Branch of Boston, Mass.) Livingston & Co.................................... ±| (103 Grosvenor Bldg.) N. City Co.. N. Y. and correspondent THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY — 18 (Investment Bonds)....... offices. „ (Industrial Trust Bldg.) Old Colony Corp.. N. Y.. Bos.. Hart., OLD COLONY CORPORATION-- .1 Investment Securities. Portland, Me.. Springfield and Wor (234 Hospital Trust Bldg.) cester. Mass., and Rutland. Vt. Paine. Webber & Co.. Boston. New 'Frank T. Hertell. Mgr-------------------------------------York, Chi cage, and other cities. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. PAINE. WEBBER & CO.—--------YMI. Members Boston, New York, Chicago, Cleve land, Detroit and Hartford Stock Exchanges, N tv (636 Hospital Trust Bldg.) Peck. Frederick S.-----------------------± _ York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade (Branch of Boston) F L. PUTNAM & CO., INC,-—— ___ f S. S. Burton, Resident Mgr.-------■((R. 1. Hospital Trust Bldg.) i l (Investment Securities) Richardson & Clark............. ...............± (85 Westminster) W. W. White & Co---------------------~± KIDDER, PEABODY & C0.~ -I’651 (10 Weybosset) Providence Stock Exchange_ THE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK -OF BOSTON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships I S. James Foster, Pres, Frank D. Lisle, Tr. Foster B. Davis, Sec. invites your new England business 1346 Number under Name of Hank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.lFed. Res. Dist. SlatersviUe___2152 Providence A10 Wakefield____ 2/16 Washington M13 *Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. RHODE ISLAND Vice-President. Cashier. ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Continued Liabilities. Loan* Bonds Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Other sad and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Cash ft KxCHANGIB,DtTX PROM Barks $ 100.000 J 53,090 $ 439,530 100,000 $ 391,040 $ 135,780 $ 5,000 $ 160,800 Prov. N., Prov.; 1st N.t Bos. First Nat. Bk. of Smithfleld F. E. Bartlett____ I. H. Sweet---------- C. E. Seagrave ___ C. S. Seagrave. *56-6% par SO 57-107 •±1818 171,380 Chase N., N.Y.: Prov. N„ Prov.: Merch. N , 113,030 51.100 1.646,790 2.682,290 416.850 3.945,550 200.000 WakefieldTrustCo. d®T*t§'90 Benj. F. Robinson. Geo. A. Kroener.. W. F. Clemens, Tr. Bessie P. Chappell, A. Tr. Bos. $113-10% par SO 57-90 E. J. Bateman, A. Tr. Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. E. A. Cady, Mgr... E. R. Cutler, 4,000.000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi Warren_______7997 INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.-aS'04 For S tateme nt See Home Office. A. Mgr. ♦ 57-108 Bristol G19 4,000,000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi J. M. Pendleton, Lewis Stanton, Westerly 11,177 INDUSTRIAL TRUST C0.*t§ 04 For S tateme nt See Home Office. Mgr. A. Mgr. Co., Chi. 1st N.. Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. ♦ 57-86 Washington N3 WASHINGTON TRUST CO. HAROLD 0. LIVING EVERETT BARNS. Tr. A. L. PERRY — THOMAS PERRY, STONE. Sec. JAMES IV. SHAW. C.P.C0TTRELL>C7i. V. P. and Tr. Off. 59,000 585,050 ChaseN„ N. Y.: Merch. N.. Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; R. I. Hospital Tr. Co., Prov idence. 561,400 2,500 2.732,470 2,838,810 183,240 215,080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.. Bos.: Prov.N., Prov. 235.630 Prov. N., Prov.; Centreville N.. West War wick. lrv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 619,110 4,737,830 7,976,980 .PROMPT ATT ENTION TO ALL BANKING MATT ERS ENTRUSTS D TO U S. $500-16% parl0057-85d®T*t§1800 Centreville National Bank E. W. Whitford— d*tl828 Kent G12 18.215 $170-7% par50 57-91 Centreville Savings Bank G. B. Parker............. i H% 57-92 ©t§’88 Union Trust Co.____ ®T*§’24 ♦ 57-112 Wtckford____ 1065 INDUSTRY LTRjST CO.-*! 02 Washington J14 Wickford Savings Bank J. P. B. Peirce... 57-85 ®*§'55 4M% Woonsocket 53,400 INDUSTRIAL TMST CO. Providence A13 ♦ 57-68 *i»1800 Rhode Island Hospital Tr. C.N. Cook. Ch.ofBd. Co...♦...57-70 -..®T*t§’25 Union Trust Co.________ *’25 H. S. Rickards. Mgr. ♦ 57-71 Woonsocket Inst, for 8avings Chas. N. Cook_____ i)4% 57-62 ®*t!’45 Woonsocket Trust Company J. M. McCarthy.__ $225-8%parl00 57-69 d®T»tT2 West Warwick 100.000 R. E. Waterhouse.. J. R. Abramson.... C. S. Christie______ E. W. Whitford, 248,670 783,840 403,180 49,650 1.330,480 4,659,670 Sec. and Tr. (Branch of Provi dence, R, I.). H. A. Gilman, Mgr. Thaddeus W. Hunt, Basil K. Major. A. Mgr. Mgr. 4,000.000 10 718 600 (Branch of Provi dence) ._ For S tateme □t See Home W. C. Kingsley ___ Frank E. Brown, 51,240 Sec. and Tr. 358,130 Industrial Tr. Co., Prov. Office. 210 238.790 147.740 11,860 11,190 Prov. N., Prov. E. C. Francis, Mgr. F. W. Rounds. 4.000,000 10718 600 (Branch of Provi dence).. A. Mgr. For S tiateme nt See Home Office. R. W. Bowen........... C. H. Pond. Mgr... H.P. Sutton.A.Mpr. (Branch of Provid ence, R. /.) C. A. Post. A. Mgr, T. P. Cook.A. Mgr. (Branch of Provid ence, R I.) 1st N„ N. Y.; 2d N„ Bos. --------- E. H. Rathbun . L. Arnold, Tr.... Samuel Farron. 245,890 14 685 400 1,026,750 A. Tr. 100,000 228,480 4,293,050 Henri DesRochers. W. E. LaFond, Tr,. W. S. Hunt. A. Tr. (Branch at 521 So cial St.) Frank A. Jackson Entire State in No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. G Charlotte Br. 6,140 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. lrv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 5.440.340 9,790,150 41,650 2,306.820 1,963,380 209,350 685,890 Chase N., N. Y.; Industrial Tr. Co., Woon socket; 1st N., Bos. 148.110 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Bos.; Blackstone Canal N.. Prov. SOUTH CAROLINA Abbeville ___ 4570 Farmers Bank of A bbnille___(Purchased by Peop les Slate Bank of So uth Carolina, Janua ry C 500,000 2,122,450 10117310 A.Tr. | 29, 1930) Abbeville F6 Eva E. Reams____ J. F. Barnwell. Tr. $ Operatives Trusl Co.___ §19 A. L. Brogden____ 67-506 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA 6.360 $ ■ F. E. HARRISON. Exec. V. P. J. C. THOMPSON. 2,000,000 803,380 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Ga. R. R., Augusta; S. C. N„ Columbia. 84,930 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Augusta, Ga.: Columbia N., Columbia. See Charleston for complete list of corres 2,000,000 430,180 (Branch of People s State B ank of S outh Car olina, Ch arleston. S. C.) pondents. 289,300 65,000 SOUTH CAROLINA 67—647 dB®*t§’29| (Anderson continues on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 200,000 S. W. Vandiver Exec. 329,730 3,638,610 68,450 649,050 2,927.320 277,480 249,450 442,680 220,600 34,340 BRANC HES IN ALiL D ISTRIC TS OF THE ST ATE AS SHOW N ON T HE MA P. (Formerly Allendale Bank) MARSHALL P. ORR, See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. BRANC HES IN ALL D ISTRIC TS OF THE ST ATE AS SHOW N ON T HE MA P. 67-648 dB©T»t§’29 . Aiken............. 4103 Bank of Western Carolina W. B. Turner_____ J. B. Salley______ W. W. Muckenfuss V. P, and Cash. 67-132 «t§'87 G. H. Ballentine Aiken J9 Farmers & Merch. Bank ±§’06 J. P. McNair_____ 67-1 S3 ‘Allendale___ 1893 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. G. Glenn, Exec. . District Cashier Allendale Mil SOUTH CAROLINA ~@t§'29 67-216 ] PEOPLES STATE BANK OF 430,180 (Branch of People s State B ank of S outh Car olina, Ch arleslon, S. C.) Dist. Cash. COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA ROLINA. Send us your co llections. ‘Anderson ..11,087 CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK E. P. Vandiver.... C Anderson D5 $105 67-62 ®t 22 J. W. Norwood, Ch. 2,000 R. M. CATHCART. 2,000,000 74,560 2,029.160 25,000 1.794,980 430,180 233,700 (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Carol ina, Dist. Cash. I COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA , Send us your co llections. . - :l-.~ COLUMBIA, S. C. 291,040 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. Rich. Ch arleston. S. C.) BRANC HES IN ALL D ISTRIC TS OF THE ST ATE AS SHOW N ON T HE MA P. ■ CHARLESTON, S. C. 9.000 pondents. iSsUl ^S^$§$kW: Wz‘&'&yl'2&Z m¥$mm- ^ Ar./JsSfm^-LEblDj ilfflL ^S^.VARNVILLEo CHARL^ct SOUTH CAROLINA CAPITAL SURPLUS RESOURCES Main Office G. RHETT G. RHETT. Complete Banking SEND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C Chairman vice Throughout South Carolina YOUR SOUTH CAROLINA COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nine Out of Ten Two Out of Three Nine Out of Ten — Two Out of Three — Unless you advertise your bank in the BLUE BOOK you are running counter to the judgment of NINE OUT OF TEN of the American banks which advertise in bank directories. of such banks set the example of using the BLUE BOOK EXCLUSIVELY and treating any other bank directory advertising as useless duplication. (These are not claims but facts* No research is necessary to check them—simply compare the BLUE BOOK with its nearest competitor* All Advertisers Exclusive Advertisers Total Banks Advertising Exclusively in BLUE BOOK 4657 Banks Advertising Exclusively in nearest competitor 860 3797 Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK You’ll find as follows: Reserve City Banks Other Banks 388 146 242 4269 714 3555 Total Banks Advertising in BLUE BOOK Total Banks Advertising in nearest competitor Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK Total Reserve City Banks Other Banks 6235 2438 3797 783 541 242 5452 783 4669 In Other Words 88% of those Banks in the United States that buy bank directory advertising, advertise with Rand McNally Bankers Directory. 66% of such Banks advertise exclusively with Rand M(Nally Bankers Directory. Note Especially Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The BLUE BOOK’S Dominating Position with banks outside the Metropolitan centers. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q/l n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ IOt/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. — -------------------------- -—_----------------------------------------- Town and County. *County Seats In No. 5 F. R. D. G Charlotte Br. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Anderson ..11,087 {Continued.) J. E. SULLIVAN______ W. E. RANKIN \ Send us yo ur Anderson business dir SAVINGS BANK / Collections , Bill of Ladi ng Drafts an ect. d all items g 1140-6% 67-60 B®T»t§'08 iWe remit on day of paym ent. par 100 President. (R S. SMALL- SOUTH CAROLINA ) Andrews 1968 Andrews Bank & Trust Co. 67-609 ®Tt§’25 Georgetown G14 Commercial & Savings Bank$10 par 10 67-613 d®§’25 Antreviiie____ 107 Bank of Antreville___t§'19 C Abbeville E6 $100-8% par 100 67-563 Aynor________ 275 Bank of Aynor______ ®+§16 $100-8% par 100 67-472 Horry G22 i Bamberg___2210 Bamberg Banking Company Bamberg K13 67-171 t§’87 ‘Barnwell ___ 1903 Bank of Western Carolina 67-225 <109 Barnwell L10 Katesburg ___ 2848 Bank of Western Carolina C Lexington Gil 67-486 ®«§T7 M. M. Andrews.___ 87-169 » Beaufort___ 2831 $185 par 100 67-159 Beaufort P14 C Anderson D6 $76-10% ‘Bennettsville3197 Marlboro C20 67-203 ilina Sai 67-202 arlboro 67-154 (Mil;— J. 12,600 { 4.130 $ 66.770 10.000 5.600 60.000 Geo. J. Holliday... 5,870 101,050 40,880 331.310 100.000 , 8,010 $ 15.000 $ 2,280 39,590 4.490 ___________ 54,000 $ 84,230 4,160 222,000 2,840 3,500 610 4,420 2,490 96,190 _____ of Aike n. S. C.) 125.000 104.000 876,990 Principal correspondents. Cash k Ex changes,Due from Banks , S. C.)_ Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., Irv. Tr. Co., and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Charleston, Columbia and Greenville; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. ,s. c. $ 43.900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Char.: N/C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wit. 10.890 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil. 9,000 Amer.Tr. Co., Charlotte; Far. Bk. of Abbe ville. Abbeville. 32,660 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Conway N„ Con way; Am. Bk. & Tr.Co., Columbia. 150,000 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Char. Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; S. C. N.. Columbia; Ga. R. R., Augusta, Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Ga. R. R„ Augusta: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia, 248,360 863.520 333,900 36,390 120,550 Cent. Han: Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex. and So. Car. N.. Columbia.; Am. N., Rich. 53.700 518,520 536,940 67,040 209.860 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char.; Sav. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Sav.; N. Ln. & ExColumbia. 330,940 71,500 7,000 140,340 Chase N.,N.Y. So.Car. N-, Greenville; Am. Tr.Co.. Charlotte, N. C. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. 600.230 N. City, N. Y., 1st N„ Phil.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. R. S. Small.............. W. E. Greer........... H. R. Campbell-__ H. G. Campbell.— {Branch of South Carolina Savings Bank, C harleston .8. C,).. 87.200 — 1.240 767.190 59.700 377.540 1.016.140 P. L. Breeden____ R. M. Smoak H. L. McColl. Jr. 37,460 14,570 239,040 21,690 295,280 25,000 P. M. Crosland, E. T. Crosland....... E. T. Crosland........ H. L. Townsend... Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 53,880 180,200 138,850 29,410 156,000 134,250 C. N. Brasington.. 100.000 H .T Riley A. D. Matheson, O. C. Covington Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 100 8.450 367.150 466,440 2.020 98.100 50.000 E. W. Breeden. Jr. O. A. Matthews__ J. W. Smith E. P. Miller. •i 50,890 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; So. Car N.. Char, and Columbia; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 46,730 So.\\JCar. N.. Columbia; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., i 1 • Q 4 a f A T3 1 r\ a 111* 9- til n ft f\ O ( aK wu., oiaie-x lau. dk. & ir. l*o., men. 41.980 Chatham Phenix, N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; TVT fir TV Pn Wil Gfofo irldll. Dion Dir JN. P Dir JjK. & IT.L>0., Wil.,• otdl6 uK, Tr. Co., Rich. 74,720 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia. & ur. lit. rat run_______ R. E. McCaskill... H. W. WOODWARD- R.W. McGUTCHEN— W. G. PARROTT............ H. A. DuRANT................. This bank invites correspondence regarding its super ior facilities for making collections in Lee County and vici nity, and guarantees prompt service at very reasonable rates. 15,000 5,000 123.000 20,000 12.010 85,730 75.000 130.790 594,070 1,600 62,710 5,000 63,230 8,760 2,970 502,280 99,010 105,850 44,380 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. C. Bk. Wil.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. _____ & Tr. Co.. 92,710 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., WU.j Columbia N., Colombia. ’ ®»t’01 Peoples Bank.—dB®l $442 par 100 ♦ 67-200 $ {Branch of Aike n. S. C.) Met. HARTLEY 0. C. SHEALY - laneous prom pt SE RVIC E. j SEND US Y OUR BATES BURG ITEM 8 DIRECT. (Prompt, person attention given Bill of Lading Dr afts, Cash and Ti me Ite ms ®»tl900 v and remitted fo ai r promptly on da y of payment at 1 owest rates. 51.590 1.177.070 50.000 rR. K. HARLEY............ W. F. MARSCHER — W. F. MARSCHER____ M j SAMS___________ <1 THE BANK OF F. W. SCHEPER. JR. GOOD SERVICE. j Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items, (.given prompt a ttentlon. 40.960 483,820 25,000 C. M. Horton. John A. Horton First National Bank__ _ {Closed January 17, 1930) 1 A O Baskin i J. E. Du Rant___ W. P. Baskin .. 25,000 75.010 193,000 T. C. Parker. Mgr, C.H. Love. A,Mgr. {Branch of Gaffne y, S.C.) 67-628 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iven E. A. Patterson ... J.R.UNGER- Resources. Miscel Bonds And Securities (Branc h of So uth Car olina Sa vings B ank, Ch arleston Affiliated with The South Carolina National Bank. C harleston Combine d resourc es $40.00 0.000. 7.940 / T. B. KERNAGHAN— A.C JONES BISHOPVILLE NATIONAL BANK $126-8% i par 100 r Liabilities. ~ Loads D epos Other Paid-up Surplus and and Liabili Discounts its Capital Profits ties | « -rx. _ U. S. rarsons____ Raymond Andrews 1 B. Grant............ ....... tt Bcthune. 299 A. B. McLaurin ... D. T. Yarbough... 5% par 50 67-289 Kershaw E16 Merchants & Farmers Bank John T Stevens, 8% par 50 67-512 ©t§’18 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. T. M. Clyburn Cherokee A10 - J. B. Ballentine. Mgr, Marlboro Trust Company 67-525 dB®T*t§ par 50 Planters National Bank $100-8% par 100 67-155 ® ’Union Savings Bank...-t§ 67-156 67-199 H G EZELIE A. V. P. H. H. Stokes____ W. D. Rhoad......... Emile B. Price.— H. L. Hinnant___ N. P. Smoak Perry A.Price.lUer. 3135-8% ‘Bishopville. .2090 Lee F17 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. G. W. Camlin____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 140-8% Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 120,000 55,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Wil.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr.. Rich.; So. Car. N.. Char. Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. CharH Hi Hi 42,500 75,510 Special Attention Given Collections 1 Q4Q x u Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab In No. 5 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bon i C Charlotte Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Lords Bonds Miscel Cam A Exther Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and and OHAN0SS,DtTE Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Barks ties Blackstock___ 206 Bank of Blackstock_____t§’0‘ E. M. Kennedy.... S. D. Mobley______ E. M. Kennedy *140-6% par 100 67- 290 Fairfield D13 $ Blackvllle____ 1421 Bank of Western Carolina 67-229 »t*07 Barnwell Kll (Branch of Aike n.S. C.) 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 57,000 $ 10,000 $ 60,000 S 1 12,000 Principal Correspondents. 10,000 Oom’l. Chester; Winnsboro, Winnsboro. T. L. Wngz, Mgr.. So. Car. N„ Columbia. • Branch vllle____181 Planters Bank Orangeburg K15 . . Brunson_______ 099 First National Bank Hampton M12 (Closed November 26 , 1929) . . . (Closed) Buffalo. 20R0 Bank of Buffalo_______ tS’lS 67-510 Union CIO •Camden ......3930 Kershaw F15 Emslie Nicholson. J. H. Riley_______ R. H. Y1TFS______ ___ H. G. GARRISON, JR. M. B.WILLIAMS 5EST m THE COUNTY®” 1 “OLDEST AND STBONf aeno your timuen Business uiren. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, COLLECTIONS AND ALL ITEMS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. 67-144 d©*tl’8! FIRST NATIONAL C. J. SHANNON, JR. BANK ®ro< — h Loan & Savings Bk. d®»tl’ll T. J. Kirkland____ R. E. Stevenson.... J. S. Lindsay *100-8% par 100 67-392 Cameron _ 521 Bank of Cameron___ d®t!'0C A.O. Rickenbacker 0. D. Boll 67-294 *37.50-8% Calhoun 115 par 25 Campobello. 309 Peoples Bank................ d®tl’01 8% par 50 67-295 J. P. Dantzler. J. Whitaker. Jr.... .. S. W. Taylor H. L. Bomar_______ T. B. Waldrop......... J. C. Farmer______ J. D. Waldrop____ C Spartanburg A7 Centenary Marion G21 S3 Farmers & Merchants Bank 67-589 §’22 B. B. Baker _____ Central sox Pickens C5 11,030 $ 340 6,160 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co., Union. 100,000 132,000 1,115,930 — 813,450 332,860 160,580 41,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. ¥.; S. v/, an• niiu In, Li!* ol i«i*f tommoisi 54,960 382,160 157.190 39,110 117.210 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Columbia N., Columbia; Am. Tr., Charlotte, N. C. 240,393 124,350 3,500 92,650 Chase N..N.Y.; So.Car.N., Columbia; An.. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 14,050 16,300 70,370 Chase N., N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wi .; Edisto N„ Orangeburg. 75,000 30,990 534,710 100,000 13,610 347,270 25,000 34,600 193,460 200 152,530 15,000 2,200 104,660 300 110,720 3,390 (Branch of Mario n, S. C.) 8,050 Cent. N., Spartanburg. Far. & Merch., Marion. (Closed November 15 . 1929) * Chapin 204 Bank of Chapin_______®}|’08 J. L. Cromer______ S.J. Clark C Lexington Fll 67-297 Chappells_____207 Farmers Bank..... .......... ©tl’09 C Newberry F9 1125-8% 67-298 .......... Robt. A. Frick.......... 10,000 6.000 107.000 65,000 26,000 W. A. Webb_______ W. O. Holloway... E.L. Cook_________ 15,000 6,000 107,000 48,340 4,400 20,000 N. Ln. & Ex„ Columbia. 4.460 36,440 Cent. Han. Bk. &. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Bk.of Greenwood,Green wood. 1 THE S OUTH CAROILINA NA NONAL BANK, charlest-e --llec°l7b,a- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49,920 Prompt and careful service; Charges reasonable. TRY US. 67-145 •• 55.600 L A. WinKOWSKT— S. W.VAR LANDINGHAM. LEWIS L. CLYBURN- Send us your Collsotlons. “We actually pemlt the day we collect.” . 6,860 H. G. GARRISON BANK OF CAMDEN *225-12% par 100 5.000 s- c- $ pecia Ail ention Given Collections 1349 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ •Mem.A.B.A.«New JSUtetPrir. tMen. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$Last8ale%DlT. ‘ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 1190-8% President. Vice-President. Cashier. A. E. BIRD.................. J. D. LESEMANH— H. MILLS B. LANE, Ch. J. E. SCHROEDER HENRY SCHACHTE, JAMES CONNER W. H0PKE, CHARLESTON (Charleston, N 19) County Pod. 75.900 (Federal Reserve District No. 5) Ass’t Cashier. M. L. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Subplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Resources. Principal Correspondents. Miscrl- Cash A Ex changes,Du* Discounts Securities Rbsoubcrs from Banks Loans Bonds and and LA NEGUS RUNEY.............. V. P. and Cash. C. T. HENDLEY $ 200,000 $ 195,850 13,739,090 $ 32,760 $ 1,732,860 S 1,637,040 1 154,810 $ 642,980 N. City and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. Vice Ch of Bd. Try Us for Prompt and Courteous Service. par 100 67-16 dB©T«t’15 262,760 3,150,590 200.000 1,586,910 1,710.850 ♦Carolina Savings Bk._B®Ttl’74 H. P. Williams ___ W. P. Carrington.. E. A. Williams__ Sidney B. Jones__ j""j"~Bon noitt. Mg r.) (Branch at 239 Ki ng St.; J. J. Bonnoitt, A.C. Porter Williams 1225—12% par 100 ♦ 67-5 E. A. Williams J. H. Rodolph. Sec. 270 31.960 42.810 30.138 116.240 J. A. McFall_____ 14.730 E. T. Edwards___ Wm. M. Thorne.— Charleston Mutual Sav. Bank 67-20 ®*§'20 ‘CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Seat, A. E. BIRD—.......... J. E. SCHROEDER — A. C. K0STER-—-— M.B.LANE.CA o/Bd. j. n. LESJEMANN J. E. SCHROEDER. HENRY SCHACHTE. JAMES CONNER Tr.Off. Vice Ch. of Bd. B. 46,000 269,590 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Phil, and Atl. 48.300 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Car. N., Char. 38.310 R. MYERS--------500.000 570.060 4.061,720 13,810 2,607,150 1.882,070 404.730 220,800 8,000 251,650 N. City and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Tradesmens N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Sav. COMPLETE COLLECTION FACILITIES. SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. of SOUTH CAROLINA *300-12% par 100 67-0 dB®T*t§’74 Arthur Lynah----- H. C. Ohevea_____ J. W. Snowden___ W. L. W. Weston.. ♦Miners & Merchants Bb. 1120-8% 67-9 ®§’89 50,000 38,070 412.890 1,250 148,080 125,330 N. Y.Tr. CO..N.Y.: 1st N.. Balt. HEAD OFFICE PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA 67-3 R. G. RHETT. Chairman of Board WILLIAM BARNWELL, R, G. RHETT. JR.. President E. H. SPARKMAN. Vice-Chrm. of the Board 2,000,000 Vice-Chairman of the Board (Columbia) c D Will BERN V. P.. Mar.. Bond Dent. K. E. BRISTOL. V. P. and Trust Officer THOS. H. DAVIS. Vice-President F. W. SCHEPER, JR., Cashier CHARLESTON OFFICE Complete Banking Service for South Carolina. South Carolina National Bank $350-10% 67-1 Columbia (2), Darlington, Dillon, Ebrhardt, Estill, Florence, Georgetown, Greeleyville, Greenville, Johnsonville, Kingstree, Lake City, Lamar, Manning, Moncks Corner, St. George, St. Stephen, Seneca, Summerton, Summerville, Sumter, Tlmmonsvllle, Varnville. “Modern Investment Securities Service'’ Chemical Bank & Trust Co.................New York Central-Hanover Bank & Trust Co...New York Bank of America N. A.............................New York Chase National Bank...............................New York Equitable Trust Co...... ...................... NewYork First National Bank..______ Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co..Chicago Philadelphia National Bank______Philadelphia Philadelphia First National Bank________ National Shawmut Bank............................. Boston First National Bank_________ Baltimore First National Bank........................... St.Louis First & Merchants National Bank__ Richmond First National Bank..................................... Atlanta Hibernia Bank & Trust Co...............New Orleans Whitney National Bank.................... New Orleans (see Peoples Securities Co.) SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS. THE 1,067.950 12,148,300 6,915,620 1,855,970 5,157,290 Guaranty Trust Co...... .......................... .New York W. H. CARY. Vice-President (Columbia) C.6. FURMAN. JR.. Vice-Pres. (Greenville) BRANCHES IN ALL DISTRICTS OF THE STATE AS SHOWN ON THE MAP F. C. BILLING, Secretary Offices In Abbeville, Allendale, Anderson, Clemson College, (formerly Peoples-First National Bank of Charleston) E.R. CROFT .Exec. Vice-Pres.andDist.Cash, J. A. JOHNSTON. Exec. Vice-Pres. J. L. WALPOLE. Asst. Exec. Vice-Pres. W. H. SCHROEDER. Asst. Exec. Vice-Pres, DWIGHT HUGHES. Asst, Exec- Vice-Pres. R, H. REYNOLDS. Asst. District Cashier E. N. THURSTON. Asst. District Cashier J. C. SIMONDS. JR., Asst, Tr. Officer T. A. WILBUR, JR.. Asst. District Cash,, EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Asst. Dist. Cash,, First National Branch * Central Branch, ©T«t’6o 430,180 22,579,050 R. S. SMALL_ _ _ _ _ A. R. LA COSTE........ 6. N. FISHBURNE— R. E. MUCKENFUSS1.500.000 1.550.640 27,286,780 2,343,760 19,784,000 5,239,000 2,240,130 5.418,050 Guaranty Trust Company.................... New York J. H- LUCAS J.H. MCGEE. A. F.l.F.DENARO Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co.,New York L. R. EISENMANN. P. and Ir.Off.l^.’. SCARPANational City Bank.......... ....................... New York V, P. and Mgr. Bd, Dept, ~ "I. SCHMET National Bank of Republic........................Chicago R. C. de ROSSET A. P. LYON..... National Shawmut Bank................. Boston D. E. HUGER, Jr.. A. First National Bank........... .............. Philadelphia C. and A. Mgr. Bd. State-Planters Bank and Trust Co...Richmond Dept. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. (Offices.253 KingSt.* (67-1-2) 565 King St.» (67-1-3) 302 King St. (67-1-4) Also offices at Columbia and Greenville. dB®T*t’S4 par 100 (Charleston continued on next p age) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C, Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LvJOV7 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep. ©Sav. $Las tSale% Di v. SOUTH CAROLINA SAVINGS BANK dB®Tt§’18 „ CHARLESTON—Continued ' President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Resources. Loans AND Bonds AND Discounts Saousmufl Principal Correspondents. MibcblCash A ExUHIOIS auMM,Dn Rhouiou rmOM Baku R. S. SMALL__________ A. R. LAC0STE............. R.E.MUCKENFUSS, JR. J. H. McGEE, Tr. Off * 450,000 $ 231.100 S 6.744.510 $ 21,540 $ 4,234.450 $ 556,330 i 273,730 i 2.382,640 So. Car. N.. Cnar., Columbia and Greenville. GEORGE NORWOOD (Bran chesat An derson, Be lion, Cher aw, Dillon . Florence, Fountain Inn, Gr eenville, S t, Matthew s, and Wil liamston.) B. M. EOWARDS AFFIL1 ATED W ITH SO UTH CA ROLINA NATIO NAL BA NK. 67-507 Tr (Nary Yard, Bra, Sta, of Charle ston) Charleston Clearing House.___ E. H. Sparkman... (Members indicated by a ♦) Mgr. R. M. MARSHALL & BR0.,{&f (33 Broad) fALEXANDER MARS !!*!-!-> t Partners____ TRAPIER K. MARS HALL 11 < Specializing In South Carolina 1 Real Estate Bonds. ^.Public Utilities. A.Mgr, (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Banks, Total D eposits of Natto nal, Stat e and Pr by Citie s, States , etc.) J. Walker & Sons and R. J. Lisman & Co., N. Y.; Alex. Brown & Sons, Balt.; John L. Williams & Sons, Rich. Municipals and First Mortgage ’57 PEOPLES SECURITIES GO., '23 R. G. RHETT................. auat- R.G. RHETT, JR., Tr. T. J. SIMONS. JR., Affilia ted wi th Peo ples-F irst N ationa I Bank Guaranty Trust Co., New York. Sec. and Asst. Tr. Asst.V. P. H. G. 00TTERER. na. th Peo pies S ted wi Affilia tate B ank of South Caroli Auditor UNDERWRITER S AND DEALERS IN INVESTMEN T SECURITIES, MU NICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL BO NDS. South Carolina Security Co. par 10 (2 State St.) T*tV17 Chase N..N.Y. In No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist. C Charlotte Branch SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNeW§StatetPri». *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Liabilities. [Estab. Entire State in No.7 ♦Fed. Res.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep. ®Sav.$LaatSale%Div Fed. Res. Dist. President. Cashier. VicePkesident. Cheraw_______ 3160 South Carolina Savings Bank Chesterfield CIS 67-641 ©t§'28 Che*nee. ___ 600 Bank of Ohesnee_____ •tfli H. B. Carlisle______ J. J. C. Ezell . C Spartanburg A9 67-299 Y. E. Hatchette ASS’T CASHIER. (Branch of South W. O. Hines.............. J. D. Thorne______ % ‘Chester______5557 ♦Commercial Benfc.__(s>tS'90 R. B. Caldwell___ Robert Gage----------Robert Gage_______ J. S. Caldwell.......... C Chester Oil 1119-1% ♦ 17-124 M M ‘NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK llM-8% par 100 67-127 M II » _____ « « _____ •< ®»t*06 1. M. JONES-------------- 50,000 $ 118,120 937,690 100.000 77.590 948.800 Bank, C harleslon , S. C.) 890 S 573.110 ________Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. Car. N.. Columbia. $ 69.250 697.760 1 236,100 $ 43.680 Y.: Carolina N., Spartanburg; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. ity. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; lst& Merch. N., Rich.; 178,270 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., WIL; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 159,290 672.850 86,730 160.020 366.070 N., Charlotte; Columbia N., Colum bia. M CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attention. 11. ♦White Bank___________ ti*14 T. H. White. 15% 17-125 W. C. White- Chester Clearing Honse____ Robert Gage______ (Members indicated bv a ♦) M. H. White. H. White- - 50,000 65.370 611.870 23,420 407,650 234.760 1.000 114.160 22.000 149.040 25.000 171.310 — 1 U'UVU N., Columbia State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 20,000 119.600 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. T.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. ft Tr. Co., WinstoD-Salem. Sec. and Tr. 67-529 (Bank in Pickens Co,) (Succeeds Fort Hill Bank) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. N. i. McDILL, Act. WM. McKIHNELL — S. F. MURPHY------- ♦Peoples National Bank W. A. Gorki 11_____ John Frazer. $200—12% par too 67-126 ®Tt’65 Peonies Savinas Bank Savings 28.440 i 536.030 t 100,000 ‘Chesterfield ..856 Bank of Chesterfield ..@§’29 J. A. Welsh.............. R. L. Gardner____ R. T. Redfur. Jr.„ 25,000 Chesterfield C17 67-640 Ciemaon College. F. C. Anderson, D. H. Henry, 2,000,000 C Oconee C5 420 Exec. District Cashier (Branch CUffcon________ 8055 C Spartanburg Afl Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Oa81 A £z Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND and CHASSSS'DUX Liabili and Capital Profits its Discounts Bsouritias laneous from Bmi ties 7.570 430.180 of Peopl es State Bank of 5,560 29,740 Am.Tr.Co.,Charlotte;So.Car.N., Columbia. South Ca tolina, C harleston , S. C.) pondents. BRAN CHES I N ALL (Closed May 24, 192 9) THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, ST ATE AS DISTRI CTS OF THE SHOW N ON T HE MA P. CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections 1351 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 5 F. R. D. C Charlotte Br. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Clinton______3787 M. S. Bailey ft Son. Bankers Wm. J. Bailey_____________________ 67-146 ®tt'«8 G Laurens DO Commercial Bank-----®*tl’10 H. D. Henry. $125-10% par 100 67-148 First National Bank---, t'06 B. H- Boyd _ 8% 67-147 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. C. Adair_______ John H. Young___ F. M. Boland_____ L. H. Davidson .. G. A. Copeland.... G. W. Copeland... J. L. Davidson G.W. Copeland Clio_________ 1009 Bank of Commerce- d®t$’24 J.C. Covington___ J. C.Covington. Jr. J. L. Bennett. Jr... 67-600 Marlboro D21 par 100 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK. 4% par 100 ®«t5 09 67-256 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued A. L. CALHOUN, JR- D. J. McLAURIN...... REMBERT PATE ....... Liabilities. Paid-up SURPLUS Deposits Capital pHOFIT8 $ Resources. Other 11.180 $ 944.530 $ 50.000 29.720 414.450 100.000 59.400 434,610 25.000 2.770 124,790 75.300 30,000 33.500 658,000 First National Bank -d®t’19 G. F. Hambright.. I. J. Campbell------ V. Q. Hambright.. M. M. Stroup.......... 25,000 17,500 415.000 •Columbia. .50,600 Capital Trust Co.---------B§’26 G. M. Berry______W. J.Roddey, Jr— E. R. Thayer. Sec. and Tr, 67 625 Jno. Roddey C Richland G14 *7-25 And 9.320 $ 25.100 $ 949.270 _______ $ 120.000 42.430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: So. Car. N., Columbia; 1st N., Atl.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 66.190 Gty.Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Colum bia. 25.460 358.570 91.720 113.270 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. T.: N. Ln. & Ex., oulumhia, Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 6.680 ------------ 61.750 Cent. Han.Bk.&Tr.Co.. N. Y.: N.C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil.; Peo. 1st N.. Char. 17.809 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 150.450 80.030 _______ 15.000 correspondents. 271.550 $ 131.000 76,020 25.000 $140-8% par 100 67-532 110 And Principal Cash A EX CHANGES,Dux laneous from Banks Miscel 17.470 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo Clover .... 1608 Bank of Glover--------d®»tS'06 J. Lee Robinson... M.L. Smith---------- A. M. Suggs______ F. L. McElwee.__ 8. A. Sifford G York A12 j $162-10% par 50 67-300 ‘COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Bonds Discounts Securities 20.201 $ 25,600 _______ Loans J. B. BAXTER- - - - - - G. M. BERRY........... LEROY SPRINGS,— T. E. MARCHANT. V. P. and Cash. J. N. BEARD W. J.RODDEY, W.J. RODDEY, Jr., Ch. of Bd. Excc. V. P S. J. ZIMMERMAN. E. R. THAYER Act. V. P. dB®*t'23 Equitable Trust Co......... T5’22 JohnP.Thomas. Jr. J. W. Thomas_____ O. S. Moore. Tr.... A. M. Lumpkin. Sec. par $100 67-583 Federal Intermediate Credit F. H. Daniel. Bank....67-598________ ’23 L. I. Gulon_______ R. J. Taylor, See. „ J. E. Cagle. Myr, 464.300 {Affiliate d with C olumbia 500.000 53.030 6,330,980 530.000 26.000 -------- 165.500 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N..Gastonia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 300,000 30.000 140.000 Peo. N., Rock Hill. 10,000 National Bank)_I______ Col. N., Col. 500,000 1,632.660 2.487,650 1,002,620 2,261.070 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl. DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS MAKING COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY - - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED - Columbia N., Columbia. inn nnn s.noo.nnn 9,219,030 1.409,920 ’ Z ~ 673,480 >11.0ill* AJfkt Al. \J\Jee xv. sonville; 1st N.. Atl,; N. City Bk. & Tr Co., Raleigh. 11.836,970 11 333120 1,168,130 120,720 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Peo.-lst N. Char. 6.302,430 Federal Land Bank Dist. 3- (See pane 26 for com plete information) 67-597 First Caxolinas Joint Stock S. R. Spencer........ . A. Scarborough Land Bank. .67-596 ------ ’22 $110-8% par 100 A. B. Lindler. Sec. and Tr 785,000 {Termor y A orth Carolina ana Sou th Carolt na) Homestead Bk..67-604.®§'13!Robert Moorman.. H. T. Patterson... Marie McGarity... Christie Benet {.Morris Plan Bank) Industrial Loan Bank..T§’23 U. R. Brooks_____ I. M. Mauldin____ Harry Cantey. Sec. $25 67-593 44 900 240 S. C. Rhame--------- F. A. Hoefer_____ Elliott Moore_____ ♦Lower Main Street Bank 8% 67-448 ®tS’14 35.000 57.910 ‘NATIONAL LOAN & EXCHANGE BK. $125-10% par 100 67-28 T. J. ROBERTSON_ _ T. B.STACKHOUSE—- BURNELL SLOAN — J. E. MATTHEWS J. J. EARLE. Tr. Off. G. P. MILLER BURNELL SLOAN LUCILLE SLOAN, E. S. CARDWELL A. Tr. Off. d®T«t’03 National State Bank___ (Columbia banki continued on next paye) 381,850 461,900 211.680 5.852,520 1,120 Columbia N., Columbia. 45,020 32,000 81,560 SEND YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. Special attention given collections. Prompt Remittance. {Absorbed by People s State Bank of Sout h Carolina, Decembe r 3, 1929). CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 59,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. C. N.. Columbia. 834,970 1,473,610 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 330,320 3,026.390 1,559.540 YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500,000 1,000 l Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eacb bank ln L- S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. «New § Slate 11'riv •County Seats. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab.! In No. 5 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bnnd i LIABILITIES. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. C Charlotte Br. d-SafeI)ep.©Sav.$I.astSaIe%Div •Columbia..50.600 'PEOPLES STATE BANK OF ILLIAM BARNWELL, V ice Chairman of Bo ard J. C. GOODWIN, Dis trict Cashier E DWARD A. WAYNE, A sst District Cashier SOUTH CAROLINA _ , . W. H. CARY, V ice President F. W. SCHEPER, JR., Cashier W. T. CASSELS, a sst. District Cashier (Continued) 67-636 ®T§’29 (Formerly Peoples Bank) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CA ROLINA—Continued Office at 15 30 Main St. Resources. Loam Bond* Paid-up Subplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and Liabili Capital its Diaoounti Saeuritias laneous Profits ties $2000 000 $ 430.180 Bran ch of Peo pies State Bank of Char leston, So uth Caro Office at 12 41 Main St. COMPLETE B ANKING SEBVI CE FOB SOUTH Send Us You r Collections BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O SHO WN ON THE M CAROLINA Principal Correspondents. Cash A EsCHANGES, Du* from Banks I ------------Gty. Tr. Co., Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., Bk. of Am. N. A., Chase N., and Eqult. Tr. Co., N. South Ca rolina. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. lina Co., Chi.; Phil. N. and 1st N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Balt.; 1st F THE STATE AS N., St. L.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: 1st AP N., At!.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Whitney N., N. O. ♦THE J. D. BELL-............. J. J. ROBB.. SOUTH CAROLINA R- S. SMALL........... B.J. M.M. EDWARDS----BELL T. J. LYONS NATIONAL SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS Also Offices at Charleston and Greenville BANK $260-10% par 100 % 1,500.000 1,550.640 27 286 780 2.343,760 19 784000 5,239,000 2,240,130 5,418,050 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y. State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. (Branch of Chari eston, S. C.) Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 67-22 dB®T*t’34 ♦Victory Savings Bank W. H. Harvey, D. R. Starks----------G. L. Floyd------------- E. W. Vance______ par 10 67-587 ®§’21 Ch. Of Bd. and Pres. G. Lee Ratliff W. H. McCormick. H. Williams $50 14.590 5,490 126,110 5,000 108,460 5,000 30,590 7,140 N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. V. P. Columbia Clearing House ___ S.C.Rhame...............G. M. Berry...............J. B. Baxter. ___________________ (Members indicated by a *) Sec., Tr.. and Mgr. PEOPLES SECURITIES CO. (W. L. CAIN, Reside nt Manager_______ ___ Converse___ 1025 Converse Savings Bank. (Closed) C Spartanburg A9 . •Conway____ 1969 Conway National Bank„»t’03 W. A. Freeman.... H. L. Buck-------- - A. K. Goldfinch.... T. B. Ludlam_____ Horry H22 8% 67-231 T. T. Elliott Cope................. 266 Orangeburg J13 50.000 48.010 649.300 50,000 362,440 218.000 22,880 193,990 ChaseN„ N.Y.; N. C. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Wil.;lst & Merch. N , Rich. Conway Savings Bank...5’10 W. A. Freeman.... H. L. Buck_______ A. K. Goldfinch___ T. B. Ludlam______ 67-233 T. T. Elliott 10.000 37.320 432,400 8,750 328.790 20,860 18.490 120,320 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK S’ SPivey. $200-10% parlOO 67-454 d®»I’14 B. G. Collins. Ch. 25.000 38,920 520.500 25,000 346,110 77.790 9,760 175,760 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Peo.-lst N.. Char. 30,000 1,610 30.220 23,410 10,000 5,620 22,880 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Southern Bk. & Tr. Co., Orangeburg; Peo. 1st N., Char. Spartanburg A9 Darlington F18 — Harry Turner. Mgr. E. L. Moore, 67-642 A. Mgr. Cowpens Security Bank__ •Darlington.. 4669 'J. A. McDermott.. W. B. King_______ C. A. Spivey_______ Bank of Cope_______ d©t§’18 F. A. Adden----------J. I. Vallentine____ R. R. Knight___________________________ $50-4% par 50 6 7-496 Cowpens____ 1284 American State Bank__©t§’29 C Home Office—Charleston. Affiliated with Peoples-First National Bank, Charleston 1 RS AND DEALER s in INVESTME NT'securities (MUNICIPAL A ND INDUSTRIA L BONDS. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. (Closed May 2,1929) Bankof Darlington, Inc. A. M. Coker----------B. F. Williamson.. C. E. Byrd................. H. M. Hill. ♦ 67-139 T»t§,87 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF (Branch of Gaffn ey. S. C.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W.M. HAYNESWORTH, F. C. HUFF. Exec. W. R. WILLIS, 100.000 — 2,000,000 676.170 5.780 557,230 70,990 16,940 127.780 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 430,180 District Cashiei' A District Cashier (Branch of Peopl es State Bank of South Ca rolina, C harleston S. C.) COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA ROLINA. Send us your c ollections. BRA NCHES SOUTH CAROLINA See Charleston for complete list of corre spondents. IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THE M AP. 67-140 d®T*t§’29 (Succeeds Peoples Bank) Denmark____ 1254 Carolina Bank & Trust Co. Bamberg K12 67-616 ®T»S 23 D. N. Cox.—......... R. A. Easterling— F. V. James----------- B. M. Steadman____ THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20.850 96.440 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 26.480 410 89.400 Chase N..N.Y.; N. C. Bk. &Tr.Co.,Wil.;Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Columbia. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 oeo t° eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1030 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. [*Mem.A.B.A. wNew § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 5 F. R. D. C Charlotte Br. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%Div. ‘Dillon..___ 2205 Dillon E21 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA —Continued Resources. Liabilities. Prisidknt. VIC*-PRESIDENT. R. S. ROGERS. Exec. Ass’t Cashier. OASHin. F. M. FITTS. „ , Dist. Cash. _ Paid-op Capital SUKPLU8 . nd profits Depos it* Other Liabili ties j.h.stackhousejr., $2000 000 $ 430,180 A. Dist, Cash. {Branch of Peopl es State Bank of Bond* and and Di.coust. SMuriti.s Loab. Principal Correspondents. Oaah a ExMiscel CHASOIB, Dui laneous ■ Babe, South Ca rolina, C h arleston. S.C.) See Charleston for complete list of corre spondents. Bank, Ch arleston. S. <?.)___ S. C. N„ Columbia, Char, and Greenville. BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THEM AP. COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA ROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA .Send us your c ollectlons. 67-637 d®«t§’29 {Succeeds State Bank of Dillon) South Carolina Savings Bank 67-639 §’28 Donalds_____ 310 Peoples Bank____ ____ f§’25 W. M. Agnew____ W. E. Algary. 6 7—62 2 C Abbeville E6 $50 par 50 Due West____702 First Trust & Savings Bank S. R. Spencer___ E. L. Reid.... 67-620 ®t§’25 C Abbeville E7 Duncan_____ 116 Peoples Bank..............®t§'25 O. M. Moore_____ M. C- Davenport.. 67-608 C Spartanburg B7 par 100 Easley______ 3568 Commercial Bank.—®Tti’17 W. M. Hagood----- C. B. Hagood-----$100-8% par 100 67-480 _Pickens B6m (Branch of South Carolina Savings E. R. Edwards.. B. T. Carlton- E. C. Donald.__ 25,000 R.B. McDill.... 24,300 114.480 1,230 55,810 11,960 8,340 0. M. Polger___ 1.760 501.570 38,060 65,210 J. O. Sltton----------- J. C. Watson, Ellenton_____ 386 Bank of Western Carolina 67-309 •t§,09 Aiken L9 P. P. Hungerpiller. A. F. Lide Elloree______ 925 First National Bank d®T»t'08 Robert Llde_____ 87-276 Orangeburg J15 8% {Closed January 21, 1930) Enoree______ 1820 Bank of Enoree_______ ______ Spartanburg C9 Estill..............1393 35,550 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Greenwood, Greenwood. 26,680 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Columbia N„ Columbia. 8,000 639,560 (Succeeds Hampton Banking Co.) 64,940 Chase N„ N.Y.; Carolina N„ Spartanburg; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 152,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Peo. N„ Greenville. 40,890 81,550 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Phil 76,280 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 77.000 45,000 396,860 76,000 57,810 462,330 Pearle Padgett----K., Augusia, Gfa.; Peo.-lst See Charleston for complete (Sub-offi ce of Var nville) 2,000,000 430,180 J. B. Ehrhardt, respondents. Asst.DistrictCashier (Branch of Peopl es State Bank, of South Ca rolina, C harleston . S. C.) J. H. Allen____ 57,401 S. D. Berry. H. E. Gifford. 50.000 2,000,000 Ass7. District Cash. (Branch 67-634 (Succeeds Hampton Banking Co.) Eutawville....... 286 Bank of Eutawvllle—-Ol’ll F. K. Norris_____ P. F. West........... J. L. Hinnant.— J. D. Martin_____ Orangeburg J16 $75 par 50 67-880 R.O. Bowden, Mgr. Fairfax..............957 Loan & Exchange Bank -t§’28 67-631 Allendale M12 371,140 300,450 49,090 of Lading Draft*, 43,200 322,640 50.010 292,410 99,850 (Sub-offi ce of Var nville) 430,180 of Peopl es State Bank of South C arolina, 10,070 Charlesto n, S. C.) (Branch of Hamp ton. S. C 58,580 1,721,440 100,390 743,480 706.520 211,400 590,450 575,000 64,560 Y.; 1st N., Y.; Ga. R. N.. Char. list of cor Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ga. R. R.. Augusia. Ga.: So. Car. N., Columbia. 63,580 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. C. N„ Char ; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Edisto N., Orangeburg. BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THE M AP, 15,000 11,000 125,000 J. R. CLEMONS— WIheo ition rive n Collection*, BUI Prompt, person ml attention 43,420 BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THE M AP. (Branch of Aike n, S. C.) Mgr. W1 SAVINGS BANK 263.300 $ 5,240 mJHBUOK ‘COMMERCIAL & 5,080 * 1,500 $ 16,260 67-183 FRANK J. IRAID- F.H. icLEOO. 280.480 $ $ 63,490 20.100 Ehrhardt_____105 ----------S STATE HUNK Ol 29 Bamberg L13 67—635 ‘Florence ...13,182 Florence F20 11,720 $ 84,270 100,0(K ‘EdgefleidT... 1866 Bank of Edgefield.. ®T«**'tt J.C. Sheppard — Thomas H. Rains- E. J. Mims___ ford io% 67-182 .Edgefield H8 Farmers Bank_______•Jl’fiO A. E. Padgett------ T. H. R&iusford.. W. A. Byrd____ Hampton Nil 3,780 $ J. S. McClimon. Easley Loan & Trust Co-------- {Closed November 8, 1929) 8% par 25 12.500 See Charleston for complete list of cor respondents. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peo.-lst N..Ohai Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex.. Columbia; Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. N., N. Y.: S. 0. N.. Char.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 344,010 Chase and all Item*. SEND THEM Dl RECTT o US. ♦ 67-78 d®»tll#00 ‘FIRST ttWFkr- Mr—SA" "• "us,,""s- k I Wk~ BANK, A CLEAN BANK, A LIQUID BANK NATIONAL BANK AthatNEW will give TO YOU the kind of service on matters IN FLORENCE eioo-109? porioo 67-614 dB®*t’25 ‘PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA 106.000 63,160 1,292,570 225,710 Chase N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr., Rich.; Columbia N., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N., Atl.; American Tr. Co., Charlotte. entrusted to it that It would appreciate FROM YOU. E. B. WULBERN tExec. F. E. WATSON, District Cash. 2,000,000 430,180 A. Dist. Cash. (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Carol ina, Cha rleston, W. A. BEATTY. COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH C AROLINA. Send us your C ollectlons. 67-644 ®»+§’29 ♦South Carolina Savings Bk. 67-645 §’29 F. J. Brand. Florence Clearing House.. E. H. Lucas_____ S. C.) BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THE M AP. (Branch of South Carolina Savi ngs Bank, Ch arleston. S. C.) See Charleston for complete list of cor respondents. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Char. E. H, Lucas,Sec.. ( Memhers indicated by a * THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections I ^4 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ^County Seats. In No. 5 F. R. D. G Charlotte Br. C York Ais" C Greenville C7 Furman_____ 2i Hampton N12 ‘Gaffney_____ SOI C Cherokee A10 •Mem.A.B.A.n'New J State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Bes.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice President. President. Cashier. First National Bank T. B. Spratt. 8% par 100 67-209 d®»t'l] Savings Bank of Fort Mill W. B. Meacham... Wm. Mack________ *75-8% par50 S7-20* dB®T*tl’87 South Carolina Savings Bk. *115 par 100 67-626 dfi®T«+5'26 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. F. Causey______ J. C. Richardson .. *50-8% par 50 67-315 d®Tt|’10 American Stale Bank (.Closed February 19 30) First National Bank 8. A. Ligon .. Ass't Cashier. ___ Liabilities. Resuukces. Other Loans Bond* Cash t Ex Paid-up Surplus D epos Miscel on and and AND Liabili A no is, Du* Capital Profits its Diaoounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ W.B. Meacham, Jr. Miss Marjorie Mills C Spartanburg A8 Granltevllle __256( Aiken 19 Gray Court....318 C Laurens D7 Great Falls...3520 . C Chester D14 40,000 % 12,040 % 425,420 % 25.000 12.660 40,0001 * 277,780 S 189,510 101,160 (Branch of South Carolina Savings Geo. Wenck______ W. P. Ellis............... F. A. Munn______ 15,000 3,200 90,000 125.000 135,760 926,590 72,700 % 61,370 55,600 % 111,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 19,000 47,560 Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am.Tr. Co. Charlotte. Bank, C harlcston .S. C.) 69.000 23,000 788,710 320,730 Principal Correspondents. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. Car, N.. Greenville. 16.000 N. City, N.Y.; Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sav.; So. Car. N.. Char. 1 (Closed February 13 , 1930) ♦Merchant! A Planters N.Bk. O. M. Smith______ W. O. Hamrick___ R, S. Lipscomb___ G. G. Watts______ *200-12% porlOO 67-123 d® «t’01 Georgetown E21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAR0LINAd®<i’29 $100 par 100 67-105 (Succeeds Bank of Georgetown) Farmers Bank______ d®|'20 *123-8% par 10 67—670 Bank of Graniteville *32-8% par 25 67-316 d®»t5’02 Bank of Gray Court..®t§’08 *100-8% par 50 67-317 Bank of Great Falls dB®J5’17 io% 67-484 W. D. Morgan, Exec, R, M. Cain, District Cash. . 2,000,000 430,184 J. I. Hazard. Jr., Asst. Dist, Cashier (Branch of People s State B ank of S outh Car BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTRI CTS OF THE SH OWN O N THE MAP. M. E. Bowden____ B. M. Gramling ... J. L. Glass................. L. H. Johnson____ 10.000 3,250 35.970 J. M. Posey______ O. P. Boys worth „ W. L. Rearden.__ Bessie Arthur____ 25,000 14,560 204,170 R. L. Gray________ H. A. Ropp.............. R. C. Mullican____ K. H. White............. T. C. O'Donnell™. Greelyvllle____ 645 Williamsburg J18 176,600 STATE 39,870 760 134,700 17,460 237,040 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.; Am. Tr. Co. Charlotte. S. C.) 3,140 43,050 42,890 25.000 26.550 151,010 132,800 6.500 31,770 50.000 72.590 401,890 132.340 153,480 15,570 See Charleston for complete list of cor respondents. AS' 6,200 Cent. N., Spartanburg. 23,850 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Western Carolina. Aiken. 31,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N.. Greenville. 223,090 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. (S ub-Offi.ce of Kingst 2,000,000 430,180 See Charleston for complete list of cor Asst. District Cash. (Branch of Peop les Stale Bank of South C arolina. Charlesto n, S.C.) respondents. 67-318 (Succeeds Williamsburg Bank & Trust Co.) THE BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTRI CTS OF SH OWN O N THE MAP. STATE AS • Greenville .27,311 Brandon Community Bank__ (Closed) C Greenville B7 Farmers <fc Merchants Bank.. (Merged with Peopl es Stale Bank of So uth Carolina) ‘FIRST NATIONAL *237-10% 67-43 niMj/ DAIl IV T#t72 ‘PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK *350-15% 67-44 F. F. BEATTIE------- R HFIY H I WIHH W. R. CELY. Tr. Officer Efficient Collection Department. 376,940 1,800.070 200.000 503.360 2,847,530 139,070 51.443,000 487,670 16,190 278.540 170,720 Remittance made on day of payment. rWM. C. BEACHAM - C.B. EARLE................ T. G. DAVIS................. M. R. SAMS, Jr............ 57,530 2,449.280 569,220 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st* Merch. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Char lotte, N. C.; Fifth Third Un.Tr.Co., Cln. 709.880 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb. \ YOUR COLLEC TIONS ON GREE NVILLE AND VIC INITY SOLICITS D. /Special att ention given Bill of Ladi ng Drafts. dB®T«t'87 1 PROMPT SERV ICE. PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SO. CAROLINA *101-7% par too 67-53 d®T«t’29 (Formerly Woodside National Bank) -------------- --------------- ALESTER G. FURMAN, J. JR JOHN L. WILLIAMS, ' G. THORNTON, ___________________ District Cashier COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CAROLINA Send us your collections d on next page) THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, 2.000.000 430.180 Gty. Tr. Co., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bk. of Am. N. A., Chase N. and Equit. Tr. Co., (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Carol ina, Char lesion, S. C........... N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. 111 Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phila. N. and 1st N. Phil.; BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR! CTS OF THE STATE AS N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Balt.; 1st SH OWN O N THE MAP N., St. L.; 1st & Merch. N ., Rich.; 1st N., Atl.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Whitney N., N. O. . A. Exec. 1 ♦Piedmont Sav. & Trust Co. F. F. Beattie_____ W. R. Cely_______ H. J. Winn, 6% 67-46 ©Tt§'16 Sec. and Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 200.000 50.000 1 134,840 2,519,870 44,2301 1,945,580 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 1 388,700 414,670 1 Greenville. Special Attention Given Collections , rtcc Id JO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority^ The American Bankers Ass n. SOUTH CAROLINA Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. ^New §State tPriv. »County Seats. In No. 5 F. R. D. C Charlotte Br. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. »Greenvllle__27,311 (Continued) President. Ass’t Cashier. cashier. Vice-President. R. S. SMALL -......... GEORGE NORWOOD - J. F. DAVENPORT-- WM. E. HENDERSONERNEST PATTON. A.P.YOUMANS Ch.o.fBd, A.V.P. J.G.READ1NG> p SOUTH CAROLINA J.W. NORWOOD, NATIONAL BANK SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. Also offices in Charleston and Columbia. *280-10% 67-50 Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits OTHER Liabili ties Principal Correspondents. Bonds Cash ft Ex.Loans Miscel changw ,Dui and and Discounts Saeurities laneous from Banks $ $ Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & $1500 000 $1550640 27286780 $2 343760 19784000 $5 239 000 $2240130 $5418 050 Merch. N., Rich.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Balt. (Branch of Charle ston, S.C ) dB®T»t’34 par 100 J. B. Galphiu Wesley Key. V. P. and Cash, South Carolina Savings Bank *100-8% porioo 67-45 d®T»T§’90 (Branch Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. Car. N., Greenviile. ] oouin Carolina Savings Bank, Ch arleston) 0 Bank of South Caro lina) Woodside National Bank____ (See Peoples State H. J. Winn. ♦Greenville Clearing House W. C. Beacham—— R. 1. Woodside.... Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a ♦) ALESTER G. FURMAN CO. (Not Inc.) Greenwood F7 88 AMERICAN BANK par 100 67-90 ALESTER G. FURMAN robertrw. |jdgen5 , JR.^Partners BROADUS BAILEY f R. E. GAINES...... i n TAVinn Investment Bank ers and Brokers Mortgage Loans Member Mortgag C. R. CALHOUN_ _ _ Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peo., N., Greenville; Peo.-lst N., Char. i ation 100,000 - 195.450 77,500 326,920 2,500 27.860 19,240 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr.Co., N.Y.; State-Plau. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Char lotte. 1,507.690 40,490 124.500 538,230 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y ; So. Car. N., Greenville. \ “SEND US TO UR GREENWOO D ITEMS DIREC Cash and Time Items Remitted d®Tt§’20 1 Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Lfor on Day of Payment. J. R. SLOAN- - - - - - - - - l:i»—ua,M—Umm GAMRRELL BANK OF GREENWOOD 67-84 3,570 •t5’88 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN GREENWOOD CO.” All Matters Sent Us Given Prompt Attention. 100.000 J. P. Abnej--------- M. C. Taggart------- 150,000 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. S. Harzog. par 100 67-85 d®§1900 NATIONAL LOAN & EXCH. BANK—67-86-------®.t’03 H.L. WATSON- S. C. HODGES- - - - - - W.T. BAILEY—- G. C. HODGES, JrW.T. BAILEY 100,000 128,980 1.981,940 338.440 4,500 384.140 1.500 104,550 29,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Car. Greenville; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 20.000 1.250.000 100,000 1.241,570 132,000 166,880 250,730 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Am, Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 387.370 15.800 20,640 64.070 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 220.170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Peo. N.t Rock Hill; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 6.680 Only National Bank in Greenwo od. Collections m adeand remitted for promptly. 50.000 R. H. Bearden........ Greer...,_____ 2292 First National Bank...®»’21 M. C. Davenport. J. T. Smith--------67-198 C Greenville B7 tno -8% E.C. Bailey______ T. E. Smith______ W. B. Smith............ Greer Bank & Trust Co. B.A. Bennett,Active *150 67-196 ®Tt§1900 C. L. Cobb. V. P W. E. James. Active Planters Savings Bank.*t§’07 R. M. Hughes........ W. M. Ballenger... J. E. Gibson______ 67-197 par 100 (Closed and placed i n hands of State Ba nk Examiner, Janua ry 29, 1930) Bank of Ilagood. J 100.000 5.640 432,240 91.260 1.037.390 6,250 848.890 63.310 102,530 11.270 841,260 40.230 78,890 129.490 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 140,000i 30.000 12,160 | 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex. Bk., Columbia. 50,000 61.540 967.060 25,000i| 12,000i 250,000 *200—16% Hagood________ 25 Sumter A8 Lucile Tuten .Hampton____706 Loan & Exchange Bk------§’07 T. H. Tuten_______ W. C. Mauldin----- R. O. Bowden-----8% 67-259 Hampton M13 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections Nrnnber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven ) ftar.h hant In TT ft ovnl..^irniv k,t rru„ n_ _ _j «. .. “,u"cr Bivwii Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inv/Uil till LiLi . •Mem.A.B.A.ftNew {StatetPrir {Mem. 8Ut« B. Ass’n. [Eitab In No. 5 F. ft. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond C Charlotte Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div *Oounty Seats. BANK OF Darlington E17 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. CL. VAUGHAN_____ A. L. M. WIGGINS— J. A. MCINTYRE------- L.S. KING............. HARTSVILLE *2oo-io%^ 67-161 Prebidewt. d®»5’03 W. E. W000HAM < Oldest and stro ngest bank ln Ha rtsvllle. 1 Efficient collect ion department, ^Remittance 111 a deon day of paym ent. Peoples Bank...................©510 W. Egleston M. S. McKinnon .. G. H. Thomas tiao-8% 67-163 M. C. Crouch, V.P. G. H. Thomas Paid-up Capital % Liabilities. Surplus t,„.___ AND Profits its 75,000 J Lancaster C15 Other Liabili ties Loans Bonds Misceland and Discount!> Sacuritie?( LANEOUB 10,580 8 678.0001* Oi Planters Bank______ 67-619 Williamsburg 120 par 10 C York BIO §’24 H. E. Baddy, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50.000 32,750 274,590 20.650 54,340 ; tuaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Hartsvill Hartsville; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 25,000 W. D. Harmon ___ E. W. Ingram........... 8,000 L. M. Allison Bank of Hodges Holly Hill......... 52 Orangeburg K16 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. J. McCoy______ W. A. Jeffers____ _ M. Heesemann___ 8% par 2S 67-428 d©t§’18 First National Bank J. Francis Folk.... A. B. Bennett......... J. W. Black_______ W. S. Hart_______ *85-8% 67-321 d®T»t’05 par 50 G Anderson E6 t§’ns E. S. Tlnslev__ BANK OF HONEA PATH 8% par 50 67-185 _ S. C. Riley (A. F. MATTIS0N— ] L. A. MORRIS. Ch. < “Send Us Your 1 Collections, Bill Uterns Remitted ©•tf'OS J.F. SHIRLEY-------- M. M. of Bd. ERWIN---------- 34.150 325.290 1,000 193,330 27f700 8.800 18,560 7,570 4,960 1,000 13.030 S 90.090 27,810 17,330 14,410 - 113,350 2,970 1,000 31,260 1 8,650 20.000 14,760 20,000 15,290 108.750 29,610 139.900 670 11.910 21,160 < lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car, N.. Char.; Edisto N.. Orangeburg. 50,000 50,360 636.080 25,000 408,370 98.270 41,610 213,170 ( fiiase N., N. Y.: Peo.-lst N. and S. C. N„ 93,090 20,800 A. M. GRAHAM-------- Char ; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 50,000 32,590 434,390 348,880 29,890 26,740 Miss Gladys Hatchett.. 100.000 17,810 412.920 25.000 23,440 319,730 50.000 354.400 268,660 117,300 3.450 105.590 C !ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st & Merck. N.. Rich. 8.510 91,000 S tate-Plan. Bk.&Tr..Rich.; 1st N., Spartan burg; Wach. Bk. & Tr. Co.. WinstonSalem. Chesterfield C16 VommiWa ’ ” “ 67-611 (Succeeds Williamsburg Bank dk Trust Co.) J. P. Gamble, Jr., 2,000,000 430,180 (Sub.-offi gstree) .. ______ S ee Charleston for complete list of corres Asst, Diet, Cash. (Branch of Peopl es State Bank of South Ca rolina, C harleslon ,S. C.) pondents. HES IN ALL DI • Johnston____ 1101 Bank of Western Carolina Edgefield HB 67-385 *§'11 H. C. Fanning, Mgr. W. W, Rhoden, A. Mgr. Jonesrllle ___ 1209 Bank of Jonesville___ •tS’Ol F. E. Snear*____ _ Reuben Lindsay... P. J. Free________ Union BIO *100 par 100 67-246 Everybody’s Bank____‘tS’D? . J. M. Gault________ />■ iti ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A.i nm M >1 n. A. I.ittlainhn THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, 111,470 C ity. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: So. Car. N., Greenville; Am. Tr. Co., Char. Jefferson_____ 454 Citizens Bank Johnsonvllle ..271 Florence H21 «■> men.: dk. 01 Greenwood, Greenwood. National Bk. of Houea Path B. D. Rieeel._ J.C.Gamhrell.......... G. C. Swetenburg. *100 67-595 ©t’23 Theo. Riegel, V.P. L. A. Brock G. E. Thompson, Ch. 155.610 rv. Tr., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich Am. Tr., Chariotte. 25,000 HoneaPatb Item s Direct.” of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time for on Day of Pay meat. Inman________694 Citizens Bank_____ d®»t§'20 H. E. Chapman.__ Jas. A. Chapman, Jr. J. P. Parker.. C Spartanburg A8 *65-8% par 50 67-547 83,050 : rv. Tr„ N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; S. C. N., Char. . . (No Ba nking).. Hodges.............. 28 Greenwood F7 . Du* Charlotte. Jas. E. Caskey___ Bank of Hickory Grove J. S. Wilkerson.... W. F. McGill____ *60-6% par so 67-319 ®Ttl'06 Principal correspondents. kE Cash x changes, from Bank* 66,7701? 128,2801 S 221,840 Merchants dk Farmers Bank_ (Liquidating ) ------ TT l*/ For In Resources. 47,870 $ 961,440 $ Trust Co. of South Carolina J. J. Lawton_____ A. L. M. Wiggins.. J. A. McIntyre. *200-10% 67-660 T§’20 J. F. Wilmeth Sec. and Tr. Bank of Heath Springs Leroy Springs____ 10% par 100 67-277 ®T»tl’09 volume. 1 ■■H BRANC ST ATE AS STRIC TS OF THE SHOW N ON T HE MA P, (Orone h of Aik en, S. C. )_______ -krs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. C. N„ Columbia; Ga. R. R„ Augusta. 50.000 6,000 120,000 123.000 6,000 47.000 1:st N., Ball.: Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co.. Union; Am. Tr.Co.. Charlotte, N.C 25,000 12,350 105,700 72,620 5,300 55,910 Clent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; State-Plan GREENVILLE, S. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Char lotte. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given <jrh to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 100/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County ^County Seats. In No. 5 F. R. D. C Charlotte Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of m.s volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$I.astSaIe%Piv. Kershaw_____1022 Bank of Kershaw—d)*l§’04 J. T. Stevens____ Leroy Springs___ T. B. Clyburn____ D. P. Dye. 16% 67-326 Kershaw D15 {Closed January 3, 1930) Peoples Bank_______ ..... P. G. Gourdin.Exec, G. E. Douglas, •Klngstree___2074 sS8lHCSflROLINAdB@T*?iF29 Dist, Cash. Williamsburg 118 67-610 Tr. Co.) (Succeeds Williamsburg Bk. & Victor Lewis — Kline_______ 238 Bank of Kline______®tS’ll B. M. Jenkins. Sr.. Victor Lewis. 67-387 Barnwell Lll E. L. Montgomery, J. R, Matthews, Lake City___ 1606 Dist. Cash, Exec. Florence H19 67-^527 'srases (Succeeds Citizens Bank and Planters Bank) Loans Bonds ther Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and j and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties 100,000 $ BR ANCHE S IN AL L DIST BICTS 8,870 SHO WN ON THEM 71,750 66,040 Cash k Exchangbb.Ddi from Banks 37,230 $ 354.960 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch, N., Rich.; 1st N.. Balt.; Am. Tr., Char.; Col. N.t Columbia. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. ina, Cha rleston, S .C.) OF THE STATE AS AP 9.440 N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N., 3.640 Augusta. $ 581.310 $ 88,930 $ 851,780 2,000.000 430,180 (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Carol 10,000 Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Prbsident. 67,210 $ See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. BR ANCHE S IN AL L DIST BICTS OF THE STATE AS AP. THE M SHO WN ON 41.480 155.150 Chase N., N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil.; 1.970 243,400 26.010 366,000 50,000 Stait-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 2,000.000 430,180 (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Caro lina, Cha rleston, S . C\) Lake View___ 330 Bank of Lake View----- tS’10 R. S. Rogers-------- L. M. Oliver_____ W. M. Gaddy____ R. E. Pace________ 8% 67-346 Dillon E22 R. B. Scarborough. 2,000,000 430.180 B. S. Josey. Exec... R. C. Huggins, Lamar.............. 784 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF District Cash.,Asst, District CashJ (Branch of People. s State B ank of S outh Car olina, Ch arleston, 5. C.) Darlington F17 SOUTH CAROLINA—©§ 29 BR ANCHE S IN AL L DIST BICTS OF THE STATE AS 67-638 SHO WN ON THE M AP. (Succeeds Lamar Peoples Ban k) ‘Lancaster__3032 Lancaster C15 BANK OF LANCASTER $128-8% par 100 LEROY SPRINGS. D. A. WILLIAMS...... G. W. WILLIAMS------ J. H. P0AG------------ 250.000 54.000 1,838,120 % See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. 26,500 1,217,980 446,580 63,890 440,160 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st and Merch. N., 22,000 190,000 15,000 20,500 90.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte; Bk. of Com., Spartanburg. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Ch.of Bd.and Pres, W. C. THOMSON Prompt service given on all items. 67-166 d@T»t§'89 Landrum_____980 Mutual Bank_______ d«t§’16 B. T. Earle--------$65 par 50 67-475 (Closed) i.ane_________ 308 Bank of Lanes_______ ... Williamsburg J19 Latta...............1079 Farmers & Merch.’03 67-224 Dillon E20 J. Y. Bryson-------‘Laurens____4629 Farmers National Bank 67-452 ©'26 C Laurens D9 Palmetto Bank........ d©t§’06 R. B. Terry---------*135-10% par 100 67-118 C. H. Roper........... Peoples-Enterprise Bank s% 67-115 ®»t§’24 Leesvllle____ 1216 National Bank of Leesvilie H. F. Hendrix-----67-242 ®»r05 C Lexington Hll 8% C Spartanburg A8 .Islington 894 Bank of Western Carolina 67-401 *5’12 C Lexington Gil Home National Bank..®*t'08 $120-8% 67-264 Lockhart........2040 Lockhart Bank_____ ®t§’19 $125-12% par 60 67-516 Union CIO Loris_________ 600 Farmers Bank------------ tS'19 67-521 Horry F24 Lyman_____ 1809 Lyman Savings Bank..©§’26 67-623 C Spartanburg B8 *24-4% R. G. Christopher. J. G. Landrum — V. T. Barnette J. A. Christopher 15.000 13,500 265.000 (Branch of Mario n, S. C.) H. A. Bethea____ F. N. Kennedy.... J. H. Nabers____ Eula Osborne Bolt 50,000 4.420 W. D. Ferguson... L. G. Balle_______ D. R. Simpson......... 50.000 70,470 115.000 8.030 115 1.500 42.560 841,700 520 673, 148,070 46,950 69,210 76,740 J. W. Todd--------- C. F. Fleming____ H. L. Kennedy.— 100.000 46,730 743.990 5,840 560 J. L. Matthews---- H. A. Meetze____ L. B. Livingston... 50.000 21.300 516.190 24,250 262 220.630 12,000 24.550 519 100,890 42,460 5.680 108 63,910 4,690 79 9.750 12.280 ________________ Louis Rogers, Jr., R. E. Cook, A. Mgr. (Branch of Aiken, S. C,).._ Mgr.i 50,000 15.420 654,870 S. B. George-------- C. E. Leaphart___ J. E. Kaminer.........T. R. Keisler--------Frank George 10.000 28,170 169.300 Emslie Nicholson. J. S. Herin-----------------------------J. Roy Fant-------10,000 4,810 153,940 D. W. Hardwick. O. E. Hickman ___Chas. D. Prince.—-------------------- Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; siait-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 17.690 S. Car. N.. Greenville. 103,990 Chase N., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville, Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 190,180 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte, N.C 116.270 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Columbia N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ga. R. R., Augusta; So. Car. N., Columbia. 81.720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Columbia N„ Columbia. 35,920 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Nicholson Bk. & Tr. Co., Union 66.730 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil. M. E. Rowden___ H. L. Bomar_____ J. H. Caldwell------J. E. Groce C. B. Hayes. 10,000 4,000 60,000 51 23,000 Cent. N„ Spartanburg. L. Tallon_____ J. D. Daugherty — Lynchburg___506 Peoples Bank-----------d®l’19 W. J. McLeod----- S. E. T.Mims Lee G17 W. D. McClary, F. C. Reedy, ‘Manning ....2022 Exec. District Cash, Clarendon 117 67-629 35,000 5,020 62,820 31.930 49,510 Chase N„ N. Y; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Wil. 2,000,000 430,180 Ch. of Bd par 20 'WtMxUh, {Branch of Penpl es State Bonk of BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTB ICTS O F THE STATE AS SHOW N ON THE M AP. {Succeeds Clarendon Banking Co.) •Marlon_____8392 Marlon F2l R. L. WILLIAMS- 100.000 88,810 *225-12% 67-137 ©T»t§’03 Marion National Bank©»t’ll S. W. Norwood__ |J. W. Johnson____|J. S. Johnson--------|W. F. Miles---------nr 100 R7-138 100,000 38.330 1,025.8401 P. C. EVANS BETHEA FARMERS & H.' I CANDLISH, 8:L. D.. LIDE attention given to Bill of Lading iteme. MERCHANTS BANK Special Prompt service and reasonable rates. s mc a South Ca rolina, C harleston S. C.) 758,990 56,450 691,250 47,980 96,960 813./50 187.820 178,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Ch.of Bd\ THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. 91.250j 165.300 Chase N„ N. Y.; lst&Ylercb. N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Dirppfnrv lindpr fhp nilfhnrifv rtf Thu ,4 merino» Uonl/nfo 4 cc’n — Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A.‘"•New § State tPrlv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. President. Vice President. In No. 5 P. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. G Charlotte Br. I oco J.UJU Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Mayesvllle 839 Bank of Mayesville. . (Closed for liquidati on) Sumter G17 McColl. 212S Consolidated Bank of McColl D. L. McLaurin___ T. J. Bethea............. 8% 67-206 ®»5’97 Marlboro C20 ‘McCormick .1284 Farmers Bank _________ t§’06 J. R. Harmon. McCormick G7 67-270 “ PeoDles Bank_______ ®»t5'17 67-485 patd-up Capital $ PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA *80-10% 67-337 ®»tS’29 ( J.R. WILLIAMS, Liabilities. Surplus DeposITS Profits Principal Correspondents, 18,110 $ 242.230 $ 2.030 $ 57,490 $ 41,530 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Am. Bk. & Tr, Co., Rich. 326,230 282.110 10.440 26,480 60,510 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. Ln. & Ex„ Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N., Augusta. Ga. 42.600 7.800 262.400 169.320 15.260 47.090 81.130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Citiz. & Sou. N.. Augusta,Ga. 30.000 12,070 128,630 69,280 28,710 1,690 2.000,000 430.180 40.000 $ P. G. Fooshe______ District Cashier TIES Resources. 1 Bondi Cash & Ex Miscel- ; CHAHQM.IhJI Discount! Securities LANUOU8 prom Basis Loana 13.290 F. O. Robinson......... P. J. Robinson___ W. M. Harmon GEORGE K. BONNOITT. M. M. WIGGINS. Other $ 250.170 $ 75.000 Meggett_____ 1050 Exchange Bank.........®*t§’21 C. W. Geraty_____ Charleston N17 8% par 50 67-586 ‘Moncks Corner Berkeley L17 309 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 71,080 Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; So. Car. N„ Char. Ass’t District (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Caro lina, Cha rleston, S . C.) Cashier See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. BRA NCHES IN AL L DIST RICTS OF TH E STAT E THE M AP. AS snow N ON j COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA ROLINA. vSend us your co Ilectlons. (Succeeds Farmers & Mercha nts Bank) ** _ •• Peoples Bank 67-554 par 50 Mullins 2379 Bank of Mullins Marion F22 67-179 .. ®ti’20 G. W. Law___ ®t|'02 S. W. Norwood.... FIRST RATIONAL BANK 8% 67-181 .. J. S. Jones. Jr. .... W. W. Altman____ E. T. McMillan.... fS.H.SCHOOLFIELD W. A. GRAY________ G. W. mini FY' T. L. SMITH A,n ROGERS 155.000 3.200 265.000 25.000 6.700 250,860 22,800 200,420 3.750 66,200 50.000 14.110 324,220 25,000 150,960 42.050 33,350 4,000 966,290 338,350 128,550 80.500 823,630 72.630 152,470 25.000 ®»t’08 ) THE ONLY NA TIONAL BANK I N MULLINS. (.Special attentlo n given collection s and all out of to wn Items. Lowest Rates. 95,550 S. C. N.. Char.; Columbia N„ Columbia. 34,980 1st & Merch.N., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. N. C. 186,970 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co..Wil. Prompt returns • Navy Yard___ 1025 South Carolina Savings Bank (See Charleston, S, C.) Charleston M 19 (Br, Sta. of Charles ton) ‘Newberry___ 5894 COMMERCIAL BANK John M. Kinard... J. Y. Me Fall . . C Newberry E10 8% par 100 67-110 ®«t*'96 J. M. Kinard, Jr. •-- ... “ Floyd Bradley......... Exchange Bank___ d®»t§’05 H. L. Parr________ M. L. Spearman... W. B. Wallace . *150-8% par 100 87-112 National Bank of Newberry_ (Closed July 1,1929) •• Nichols... 191 Bank of Nichols______ •t§’ll B. B. Elvington_. Marion F22 67-397 G. M. Ford............... H. Y. Taylor 100,000 100.510 1,668.040 100,000 103,150 864,390 25,000 21,640 234,550 50,000 43.920 203,600 11.687 1.630 28.870 R. H. Wright .... Ninety Six.__ 773 Cambridge Bank --.•®t§1900 W. J. Patterson... L. M. Lipscomb ... O. P. Parkman......... M. A. Gaillard____ *100 par 100 67-256 Greenwood F8 L. M. Lipscomb. Ch. North____ 7nn State Bana of North, „»1.§’25 H. C. Wannamaker. W.o. Culler............. Louise I. Pou______ F. L. Knotts, Jr... Orangeburg 113 67-618 L.K. Etheredge North Augusta Bank of Western Carolina (Augusta, Ga. P.O.) 67-342 ®»t§’10 Aiken J8 O. B. Whatley, Mgr. 1742 M. D. Kerby, A. Mgr. 474 Farmers National Bank Orangeburg .712 67-386 ®ril H. P. Fulmer 0. T. 33,740 Dowling____ J. H. Chitty............. Nellie Keader..... 400 Farmers Bank...............®ifll 1 S. J. Tomlinson.... B. M. Truluck........ R. E. Smith. Jr.... E. C. Rush________ Florence H18 *25-8% par 25 67-286 J. M. Thompson THF S riL 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NAarifiNAi iAMIA mM WM IIUNnL 1\ .IINA CHARLESTON, 121.280 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 250,090 24,030 14,980 42,160 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk. Of Greenwood, Greenwood. 21,770 3,000 1.500 15,910 Chase N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Columbia. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ga. K. R., Au gusta, Atlantic Sav., Char.; S. Car. N.. Columbia, 9,100 7.350 46,100 7,070 23,070 26.000 10.000 80.000 25.000 uo 000 . Olanta. 19,690 (Branch ofAiken .S.C.)_ North Charleston Port City Bank........ d®*t§’18 Wm. C. Wilbur.... W. B. Wilbur_____ H. Wilbur ... Charleston M19 699 par 100 67-502 Norway 140,200 439,370 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;So. Car. N.. Greenville; N. Ln. & Ex„ Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 99,320 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; So. Car. N., Greenville. 50.000 s. c. 9,460 16,500 20,590 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Peo.-lst N., Char. 15.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. ■ 42,260 275,220 — it s.c COLUMBIA GREENVILLE, S. c. 107,700 23,400 6,500 211,890 N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil.; Peo.-lst N., Char.: N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; 1st N., Florence. Qi Iff O jecia 1 All eniio ulVBd uOllBCTIOnS j -iocn lOOy Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ^OTTHTT-T Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n._________ SUU 1 fl ‘Orangeburg. 7280 Orangeburg J14 'EDISTONAT’LBK. t2SO-io% par loo 67—02 lilUoi ulli 87 B7 87 97 pkesidejn r. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Paid-up Sc™ DeposCapital pROFIT8 IT8 ©««_ ties Principal Correspondents. Cun & EX Loan. | Bond. MlSCEL- CHANGE*,DUE . and . o LANEOU8 took Banks Discounts Securities B. H. MOSS.......... WM. L. GLOVER- WM. L. GLOVER (Closed Nonember 26.1929) 'SOUTHERN BANK TDIIOT On ,12) 8-7 *12)8% Pplr<lTnI1IT So. Car. N., Columbia; $ 110,000 $ 249.590 $3425880 $ 110,000 $2 606 630 $ 490.430 $ 148,400 $ 650,000 Chase N., N. Peo.-lst N., Char.; State-Plan. Rk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; N. Shawmut, Ros. US TOUR ORANGEBURG ITEMS DIRECT." Collections, bill of d®T«t’89 ‘SEND lading drafts, cash and time items remitted for on day of payment. Planters Bank & Resources. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem. A.B.A.»New §State tPrir. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 5 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond C Charlotte Br. d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc... see Laws. PA ROT TNA___ Pnntimied ^UIlllllUCU fsiT.if2i ®t •z% 2i F. A. ADDER_ _ _ _ W. M.HUGHES -— SC0VILL WANNA- S. A. FAIR KFBnr. . . . . . !™B: MRtJ0H# “The Bank to be With" 100.000 45,000 1.050,000 78,500 501,000 478,000 24,000 184,790 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wll.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 2,600 28.480 Bk. of America N, A., N. Y.; So. Car. N„ Greenville. 1,660 29,600 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent. N.. Spartanburg. 2,690 13,470 Chase N., N. Y.; Independence Tr. Co. Charlotte. Collections a specialty. Prompt service. reasonable rates. We remit on day of payment, Send us your Orangeburg items. Orangeburg Clearing House. W. L. Glover. (Members indicated by a *) S. Wanna maker. Sec. and Tr. 61,430 R. M. Bryson____ Miss Henry Etta Owings 25,000 16,880 J. R. Westmoreland M. G. Stone_____ Thomas J. Trowell Pacolet_______ 500 Employees Savings Bank 67-483 ®J8’17 Spartanburg B10 *27-10% par 10 20,000 33,580 203.490 U. F. Moore_____ C. A. Knight____ 17.000 3,000 76,740 78,830 Pampllco_____452 Bank of Pamplico__ ®<S’18 W. J. Gibbs_____ L. A. Hyman, Jr... L. M. Coleman ___ A. J. Coleman, Jr. Florence G20 *50-8% 67-505 par 50 25,000 5,250 279.310 61,560 91,310 13.250 142.790 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., Florence. Farmers & Merchants Bank N. B. Finklea____ J. H. Poston_____ Allen Brown____ Kathleen Cain___ 67-453 ®T»tl’15 26.000 12.140 219.310 163,320 500 4,180 88,660 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; So. Car. N.. Char. Owlngs______ 176 Bank of Owings... par 50 67-458 C Laurens C7 -114 G. W. Pageland____ 521 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. U. F. Moore-------Chesterfield 016 67-602 Tt§’23 50,6 4.410 200 185,570 44,650 *150-8% Pelzer_______ 6675 South Carolina Savings Bank *200-8% 67-349 ®»I§’86 C Anderson C6 par 100 (Succeeds Chicora Bank Janua ry 27,1930) J. H. Ramseur------ Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; S. C. N., Greenville. (Branch of Charle ston, S. C.)------ 136.310 N. City, N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. ‘Pickens_____ 895 Pickens Bank--------- ®«tf’98 J. H. Bruce-------- Frank McFall------ J. E. Boggs______ *200-10% par 100 67-250 Pickens B4 20.500 32,400 735.670 523,960 120.270 Piedmont.__ 3690 Bank of Piedmont_____ tl’08 J. E. Wakefield .— Chris. Saber_____ E. P. Suber______ 67-351 C Greenville C6 15.000 45.000 300,000 110.000 175,000 Pomarla_____ 288 Bank of Pomaria......... ®tS’08 Z. T. Pinner_____ R. H. Hipp______ John C. Aull____ 67-353 C Newberry Fll *50-8% 15.000 9.000 65.000 81.000 Prosperity.......748 Bank of Prosperity —®«tS’02 G. Y. Hunter____ J. F. Browne____ J.A. Counts_____ Harry O. Frick. 67-260 C Newberry F10 8% 50.000 15,940 437.800 290,600 76,400 67.100 69,650 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Columbia N., Columbia. 50,000 14,260 285,820 160,080 76.700 55.720 57.580 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Car. N. and N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 15,000 12,210 11,710 62,370 Citizens National Bank D. H. Ham______ J. A. Price______ J. R. Dawkins___ 6% par 100 67-261 d®t’25 Reevesville ___200 Bank of Reevesville____ l’06 A. R. Johnston-__ Carlisle Johnston.. J. Y. Bryson_____ M. E. Smith 67-354 Dorchester K15 THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLESTON* S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 8.030 77.050 Chase N„ N. Y.; State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co , Rich. 8.000 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Ln. & ExColumbia. 12,000 So. Car. N„ Char. Special Attention Given Collections 1360 Number Ubder Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given n. ea<ih bank Ux.S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 5 F. K. D. "C. Charlotte Br. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ‘Rldgeland.__418 BANK OF RID6ELAND S. B. Owens______ J. P. Wiae_______ S. B. Owens______ W. C. Preacher. Jasper P13 J60-io% 67-355 ®»t8’10 C. E. Perry. Ch. par 25 Ridge Spring..597 Peoples Bank............ d®«t8’05 F.G. Asbill______ W. H.Stuckey___ W. H. Stuckey ___ E. M. Lott...... G Saluda H10 8% par 60 67-356 J. C. Watson Ridgeway_____ 429 Bank of Ridgeway __.d©t§’99 N. W. Palmer____ W. C. Edmunds.— S. P. Thomas____ Fairfield £14 *275-10% par 100 67-357 Rock Hill.... 9383 NATIONAL UNION BANK W. J. Roddey, Jr.. J. E. Gettys.......... . F. E. Grier_______ W. C. Holroyd____ C York BIS *210 67-71 ®TT98 W. J. Roddey, Ch. G. A. Beach. Act. B. T. Dickson, W. B. Dunlap, W. L. Roddey, Act. V. P. and Tr. Off. A. C. and A, Tr. Off. F. E. Grier PEOPLES NAT’L BANK dB®*t’09 67-73 *225-10% par 100 Salley________ 400 Aiken Jll ‘Saluda_____ 1203 C Saluda G10 Seneca______ 1460 C Oconee C4 T. L. JOHNSTON...... J. I. JOHNSON_ _ _ _ C. L. COIN............... J. G. BARRON_ _ _ _ SIDNEY FREIDHEII# JOHN R.LONDON.A.C. j. C. RHEA SOUTH CAROLINA 67-646 Liabilities. Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos Other | Loans B.°nndd* Miscel- Cm ft Si and and Liabili GHAHOM,Dtni Capital Profits its Discounts S*euriti*a LANE0T7a from Baku ties $ 15,000 $ 30,000 $ 232,000 $ 30.000 60.500 254,210 25,000 56.130 500 $ 172.000 W.P.NIMMONS, Exec. R. T. Fewell, A. Sec. 15.500 $ 198.310 47,090 16.350 168,910 106.560 96.000 13.560 300.000 209.200 2,320,340 56,560 1.752.520 315.590 135.250 33,910 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. * Tr. Co.. Rich.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 682,730 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st & Merch. N.. Rich ; Columbia N.. Columbia; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 100,000 175.800 2,143,650 108,300 1,078.240 854,250 180.000 415,270 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. 67.000 32,500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ga. K. R., Augusta; Citiz. & Sou. N., Savan. 60.890 N. City. N. Y.; Columbia N. and So. Car. N., Columbia. 81,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 25,000 145,000 J. A. Jones, Jr....... (Branch of Aik on, S. C W. A. Crouch_____ M. F. O’Brien O. C. Gunter_____ H. H. MACAULAY, Diet, Cash, COMPLETE BANKING SERV ICE FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Send us your collections. Principal Correspondents. 38,000 $ “SEND US YOUR ROCK HILL BUSINESS DIRECT.’ PROMPT SERVICE — REASONABLE RATES. Peoples Trust Co............TS’08 J. B. Johnson-------- R. E. Barron______ C. L. Cobb, par 25 67-74 Sec. and Tr Bank of Western Carolina L. A. McMillan___ 16% 67-360 ®«t§’10 Farmers Bank of Saluda B. W. Crouch. W. N. Padget_____ S. R. E. Addy___ *225-8% par 20 67-271 d®j-§'03 Planters National Bank M. T. Pitts___ H. E. Unger______ J. A. Pitts_______ *100-8% 67-272 d®t’ll par 100 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued 52.000 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Am. Bk. & Tr Co. Rich.; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Sav.; Peo.-1st N.| Char. 82,950 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. Peo. N„ Rock Hill. .) ---- 25.000 26.590 404,400 283.390 97.710 14.000 100,000 20,080 695,080 522,500 170,600 40,730 2.000,000 430,180 (Branc h of Peo pies Stat e Bank o / South Carolina , Charles ton.S.C.) See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. BRA NCHES IN AL L DIST RICTS OF THE STATE AS SHO WN ON THE M AP ®t§’29 Seneca Bank____________ (Closed January 23, 1930. Receiver app ointed on February 8) South Carolina Savings Bank 67-650 §’30 Sharon __ C York Bll C. V. Stribling____ J. F. Alexander___ (Branch of South Carolina Savings Bank, C harleston . S. C.) Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. C. N., and S. C. Sav., Char. .419 First National Bank. d®t’08 *140-6% 67-362 par 100 Planters Bank............ d®tl’18 *110-6% 67-499 par 100 Slmpsonvllle ..566 Farmers Bank________dtl'14 67-457 C Greenville C7 ino-8% par 50 Hmoaka...____ 132 Enterprise Bank ...d®»t§'20 Colleton L14 *125-6% 67-287 par 100 J. H. Saye_______ J. S. Rainey______ J. S. Hartness.. 25,000 10,700 230,240 40,990 216,210 30,000 9,730 51,000 Peo. N., Rock Hill; 1st N., Gastonia, N.C.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. W. L. Hill.......... 36,000 15,650 178.710 4,870 113.050 54.590 35.750 30,840 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Car. N., Columbia. D. L. Bramlett ___ S. B. Huff.................. R. P. Gaines.....__ Miss Margaret Martin 25.000 9,840 244.870 234,400 10,250 9,400 25.660 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Car. N., Greenville. W. H. Yarn______ D. E. Sauls............. C. B. Fox................. Calla M. Crosby ... 25.00(1 13,970 55,050 60.170 9.180 24.640 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; So.Car. N.. Char. ‘Spartanburg 25,537 C Spartanb. B8 W. L. ISOM---------R. F. PHIFER...........R. F. PHIFER 150.000 145,020 621.000 270,780 828.170 108.480 82,060 168,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.; 1st N., —'" Balt.. 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 100,000 71,160 811,630 130,000 893,650 88,890 30,060 100,190 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ind. Tr. Co.. Charlotte; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. ‘AMERICAN NAT’L BANK 67-37 *190-10% G. F. Hambricht.. J. D. Hambright *Bank of Commerce C. D. Ward____ 8% 67-40 ®T*t5’10 B. T. Earle. Ch. (Spartanburg contin ued on next page) J. W. Bell_______ C. W. Boyd_______ H. C. Hicks............. E. O. Frierson THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5: V This bank makes a specialty of handling cotton drafts as weU as all other collections. T»’03 Promptness and service our motto. Collections remitted for at lowest rates. WE ARE ACTIVE, MODERN AND PROGRESSIVE. A. R. Coleman V. C. Earle CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. In No. 5 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. C Charlotte Br. Carolina National Bank ‘Spartanburg — —— President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Loads Bonds Miscel Cash k ExSurplus Depos Other Paid-up And changi!,Ddi And AND Liabili-; Discount! its Capital Profits Securities laneous from Baku TIES Principal Correspondents. (Closed December 30 , 1929) 25,537 (Continued) .. •• C. C. Kirby.............. M. E. Bowden........ H. B. Chapman — $ 400.000 $ 375.350 $3 771350 $ 390,000 $2,932,100 $ 576.100 $ Tnhn A. Law . •Central National Bank 67-35 dB®T»t'95 41,150 $1,387,780 l W. R. France J. N. Wright, Jr. M. E.Bowden H65-io% par 100 Phil.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 1st N. Atlanta. (Closed December 30 1929) 'FIRST NATIONAL .. A. H.CHREITZBERG- F C.R0RFRS______ ROY E. LEONARD.... J. W. ISOM................... W. F. KLUGH, A. C. V. J. RECTOR L. L. PATTERSON 454.050 3,184,240 500,000 185,680 3,387,020 •Merchants & Farmers Bank A. L. White—........ A. Z. Cates._____ Gabriel Cannon.__ H. McG. White $220-12% 67-84 100.000 114,770 M Montgomery Trust Co. T. S. Crawford -— H. F. McGee_____ C. D. Ward, Sec. and Tr. Ckas.E. Zimmerman $100-6% 67-594 dBT«5’23 par 100 100.000 21,690 •• •SouthernTrustCo.d®T*t§’04 W. L. Isom............- R. F. Phifer............ R. F. Phifer, Tr... J. W. Wingo. A.TV, $157.50-10% 67-38 60,000 38,700 480,490 Spartan Savings Bank®*tl’15 H. L. Bomar, 10% 67-41 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. D. Burgess____ E. Louis Hertzog__ 10,000 6,600 90.630 5,000 Spartanburg Clearing House. j A Taw (.Membert indicated by a*) Frank C. Rogers, See. and Tr. 50,000 21,380 263,550 50.000 2,000.000 430,180 67-33 BANK VIQ681 Dan* in mo vouiuj. ®T**71' 897,140 187.200 458,170 < 137,880 109,960 141,450 i vuuuii muia. Personal, immediate serviee bill of lading and other drafts. Low rates. Your items are handled as we would like you to treat ours. 815,230 81,160 721,870 par 100 •• Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Am. Tr. Co., Char.; Cltiz. & Sou. N., Atl. Tr. Co., Charlotte; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 1st N., Spartanburg. 470,470 1.900 14,480 6.100 85.260 92,380 Corn Ex. N.Bk. &Tr.Co.. Phil. 20.860 Cent. N., Spartanburg; Am. Tr. Co., Char lotte. ANDREW M. LAW-— S F HANNON______ H 1 Rl AP.KFORn Tr. F 1 CUNNINGHAM. A. M. LAW & ESTABLISHED 1892—INCORPORATED 1912 COMPANY - Investment Bankers —Southern Textile Securities. Sec. Springfield___798 First National Bank.._®Tt'08 H. F. Gleaton____ E. J. Boland, B. C. Boland.. 67-286 V. P. and Ch. of Bd. Orangeburg J12 $50-8% H.H. Smith 177.770 68,700 32,550 par 50 105,910 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: S. Car. N.. Columbia. (Closed) Anderson E6 ■i THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, W. T. Brown, Exec. T. M. Wells. »St. George...1386 Dorchester LIS District Cash. 67-632 (Succeeds Dorchester Banking Co.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Caro lina, Ch arleston. BRAND HES IN ALL D ISTRIC TS OF THE STA TE AS SHOW N ONT HE MA P. CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1362 & oac*h bank ‘A1 U'S' Directory, under the TOWN ANDOOUNTT. ‘County Seats. In No. 5 F. R. D. C Charlotte Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Liabilities President. VickPrksidknt. Cashier. *36.75-8% St. Stephen ...312 Berkeley K18 Ass‘t Cashier. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. »St.Matthews 1780 South Carolina Savings Bank Calhoun 114 67-218 E, W. Keller.... ®»t *9 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA-®*;* 29 D. A. Stack. 67-468 W. D. McClary. Exec. Dorchester M17 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA 67-365 W. W. Davis, J. M. Nelson. ®*iS’29 (Formerly Bank of Dorchester) —-— “ Bank of Summerville_____ (Merged with People s State Bank of Soul h Carolina, Decembe r 12. 1929) (Consolidated with National Bank of S outh Carolina, Dece mber 24, 1929) Sumter _—10,012 Citj/ National Bank_______ Sumter H17 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK *225-8% par 100 -------- “ SOUTH 87-63 d®»t'87 CAROLINA 67-64 “ --------- “ As a rule, collections go direct to the First National Bank. We are no exception to this rule. Prompt service and reasonable rates assured. Our collection department under official supervision. Oldest bank In Sumter County. Let ns handle your Items In this vicinity. W.J. CROWSON, Exec, V. P. G. C. WARREN. Dist. Cash C.) 430.180 BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. Earle Rowland___ H. L. McCoy. D, J. Cain F. M. GAIN, A. Dist, Cash. F. S. 106.000 163,770 1,343,660 $ 300,000 252,650 2.294.660 2,000,000 NANCE. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. STATE $ 48,020 1,158,200 $ 183,600 S 283,920 1,893,570 615.640 65,070 % 248,580 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.: S. Car. N., Columbia; S. Car. N., Char. 115,5© 506,430 Chase N.. N. Y.; Peo.-lst N.. Char : Merch. & Far. N., Charlotte; 1st N., Balt. 430,180 .Send us your C oliecttons. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. (Succeeds National Bank of Sumter) [Sumter Clearing House......... W. J. Crowson.. Earle Rowland. R. L. Lybrand- Florence G18 67-192 SOUTH „ Mrs. 8. C. Craft... A. C. Patterson C. B. Carter, Mgr.. E. L. Chapman, t§’03 PEOPLES STATE BANK OF Sec. and Tr. B. E. Craft____ (Closed January 24, 1930) Timmonsvllle i860 Commercial & Savings Bank 50. ©0 15,670 217,120 250 115,680 52.600 56,620 (Branch of Floren ce, S. C.) S. H. YOUNG, Exec.. L. T. HARTZ0G, Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Com’l & Sav„ Florence. 2,000,000 430,180 (Branch of People s State ~B ank of So uth Caro lina, Cha rleston, S .C.) District Cashier COMPLETE BA NKING SERVIC E FOR SOUTH C AROLINA. .Send us your c ollections. See Charleston for complete list of corres pondents. BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. CAROLINA 67-643 ©§’29 J. C. Roe G. W. Nicoll. Geo. W. Johnson.. 15.000 11,860 202,210 2,210 147,950 Trenton.............271 Bank of Trenton____ ®t§’05 A. C. Yonce--------- W. W. Miller______ W. W. Miller-------- H. B. Kemp_______ Edgefield 19 *95-8% 67-370 ‘Union----------- 6141 Bank of Union___ ®T»t§T9 B. F. Kennedy___ Ip. E. Wilburn_____ W. W. Alman J. F. Jeffries Union CIO i*ioo-6% 67-103 35.000 28,120 200,810 2,320 209,0/0 19,270 7,850 150.000 12,440 620,510 90,0© 747,460 13,720 80,280 923,130 585.320 72,460 .. NICHOLSON BANK 19,110 EMSLIE NICHOLSON- W.S. NICHOLSON.... M. A. MOORE_ _ _ _ D. L. CARLISLE J. nUY rAHT We d® a General Banking Business. Send us your BUI of Lading Drafts and CoUectlons and receive prompt attention. 206,360 1,424,730 ATRUSTCOMPANY Remittance made on day of payment. 67-100 d®T*t5'89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58.130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;N. Ln. & Ex. and Columbia N.. Columbia. A. Mgr. Travellers Rest Farmers Bank_______ ®J§’09 W. L. Gassaway C Greenv'le B5 3 2 2 *57.50-8% par 50 67-369 .. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. Car. N„ Char, and Coi. ®.f29 C Lexington 112 1*25-8% par25 67-366 Taylors_______ SOVCilizens Bank_____________ C Greenville B7 „ Securities laneous A. Dist. Cash. (Branch of People s State B ank of S outh Car olina, Ch arleston, s. C.) COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE FOR SOUTH CA ROLINA. BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE (Members indicated by a *) Swansea............ 690 Bank of Swansea...d®«M'08 W. H. Witt____ „ 2,000,000 NEILL O’DONNELL- JOHN D. LEE-.... 0. L. YATES_____ J. W. KINARD... *National Bk. of So. Carolina C. G. Rowland......... Geo. D. Shore ... *175-8% 67-66 d®T*t’05 G. L. Ricker. V. P. Earle Rowland PEOPLES STATE BANK OF Bank, C harleston ,S. C,)._ Principal Correspondents. Miscel District Cashier 4ssi. Dist. Cashier (Branch of the Peo pies State Bank of South Ca rolina, C harleston . S.c.) BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. J. A. Guerin, Exec. J. F. Bischoff, 2.000,0® 430.180 A. Dist, Cash. (Branch of People s State B ank of So uth Carol ina, C h arleston, S. C.) ©t§’30 (Formerly Bank of Santee) Summerville 2550 (Branch of South Carolina Savings Bond* and BRA NCHES IN ALL DISTR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. PEOPLES STATE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA Clarendon 117 Disoounta Loans and (Sub- office of Moncks Corner) 2,000,000 $ 430.180 A, District Cashier. (Branch of People s Stale B ank of So uth Caro lina, Cha rleslon, S (Succeeds Farmers & Mer chants Bk. of Moncks Corner) 957 Resources ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its TIES F. M. Kirk. 67-619 summerton. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. (?. GREENVILLE, S. C. 64,230 N. City, N. Y.: So. Car. N. and Peo. State Bk. of S. C„ Greenville. 30,060 Chase N„ N. Y.; So. Car, N„ Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Augusta, Ga. 31,480 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte;So. Car. N„ Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N„ Atl. 250,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Guaran ty Tr. Co., hi. Y.: tsi N.. Phil.; State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Peo.-lst N., Charleston. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given The Rand-McNally Bankers’ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Th< Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued ... Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. 00 05 *County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 5 F. R. D. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond C Charlotte Br. d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Miscel Cash k ExLoan* Other Paid-up Subplus D bpos and CJHAJTGib, Dpi and and LiabiliO APWAl Profits Discount* Securities laneous from Baku TIES Principal correspondents. " Varnvllle........1160 WJNUE9JS. Hampton Nil 67-633 (Succeeds Hampton Banking Co.) Wagener......... 607 Bank of Western Carolina •a’Ofi •7-212 G Aiken 111 E. C. Glenn, Exec,. B. C. Pendarvis, $2 000 000 $ 430,180 R. H. Anderson. District Cash. Asst. District Cash. (Branch of People s State B ank of S outh Car olina, Ch arleston. S. C.) BRA NCHES IN ALL I)1STR ICTS O F THE STATE AS SH OWN O N THE MAP. E. L. Richardson, Mgr. • Walhalla 2068 Bank of Walhalla.... d»*|’03 S. L. Verner______ J. W. Bell __ $125-8% par 100 87-810 C Oconee C8 50,000 56.590 8 853,500 33,000 11,040 298,940 $ C. H. Fraser Miss I. L. Neyle 100.000 35,290 J. A. Diederich_____ 100,000 V. R. Bid ton________ L. C. Harrison ___ Geo. Kaufman____ • Walterboro—1853 Bank of Walterboro..®i§’23 C. G. Padgett_____ A. D. Dodd___________ E. W. Black_________ H. W. Black, Jr.,CA. J. D. Von Lehe $125-8% par 100 67-592 Colleton N16 $ 754.880 $ 36,750 $ pondents. Bkrs. Tr. Co., N.Y.:Ga. R. R., Augusta:So. Car. N., Columbia; Citiz. & Sou. N.. Savan. 27,180 $ 141,280 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. 189.040 11.390 6,500 137,280 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Peo.-lst N.,Citiz & Sou. N„ and So. Car N.. Char. 715,250 635,500 41,440 87,920 85,660 Chase N.. N. Y.: Carolina Sav., Char.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Richmond. 43,860 385,970 371.250 29,310 36,140 25,000 17,170 301,770 255.270 59.460 5,310 93,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Peo.-lst N. and So. Car. N., Char.; Citiz. & Southern N., Savan. 23.900 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Columbia N., ColumDia. Ware Shoals..4000 Bank of Ware 8hoals.___ t5'07 B. D. Riegel_________ J. C. Gamhrell _____ P. M. Washington. Theodore Riegel 16% 67-374 Greenwood E7 50,000 136.000 610.000 130.000 590.000 144.000 42.000 150.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Honea Path, Honea Path. Waterloo Laurens E8 S.000 5,000 38,040 13,010 56.560 7,730 9,620 7,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Greenwood. D. M. Norwood 10,000 8.580 117.550 15,720 98,080 4,070 750 48,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Palmetto, Laurens. S*2fl F. C. Rogers______ Alfred Moore____ J. 8. Loyleii.. 25,000 8,800 72,540 63,830 17,150 4,310 21,040 1st N., Spartanburg; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 50,000 7,770 493,450 30,000 353,000 41,350 40,540 116,330 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Gitiz. & Sou N.. Atl. 25,000 3,860 209.220 1,950 113,320 35,730 8.560 82,420 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. Colleton Banking Co,.®»t5'91 J. E. Peurifoy............. 67-193 T. P. Murray C. A. WitselL____ Farmers & Merchants Bank 1, M. Fishburne.— M. H.Hiott—.............. A. F. Henderson J. G. Padgett $115-8% 67-194 d®Tt§’02 par 100 C. W. Satcher______ F. G. A shill Ward_________ 284 C Saluda H9 67-455 Bank of Waterloo____®J5’10 J. C. Smith_______ R, V. Golding_____ G. W. Foliar 67-375 C $164-8% (Laurens P. O.) Laurens D8 Well ford...........18 C Spartan burg B7 $27.50-8% C $50 Oconee 08 .. 1,230 C. S. Link, Jr._____ par 25 67-120 R*ng nf TO Allforrl 67-568 .T. TV Hull Westminster Bank—d®»t§’94 J. R, Sullivan_____ J. P. 8tribitng------ Oscar Tack ♦ 67-213 par . _ 50 Whitmire____ 191 Newberry D10 67-615 WUllamston..23; Anderson C6 South Carolina Savings Bank $75-10% 67-377 dB®T»t§'99 Willis ton_____ 81 Barnwell Ell Windsor______ 1( Aiken Jll •Wlnnsboro—.18! Fairfield E13 Bank of Williston—®»t|'05 A. M. Kennedy ___ W. E. Prothro____ G. W. Whitaker... J. J. Rell 67-378 J. L. Smith (Closed) 50,000 24,340 339,550 4,000 208.260 78.970 24,290 106,370 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Augusta; Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte. Bank of Fairfield—d®»}|’06 J. M. Jennings____ S. C. Cathcart____ R. P. Blair 67-189 50,000 48,070 293,970 2,280 303,220 34,890 15,800 40,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 50.000 55,000 456,910 7,340 283,580 130,120 2,080 153,460 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Ln. & Ex., Columbia. 150,000 199,730 996,700 203.500 686,640 703,080 33,820 126,390 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N-, Rioh. 77,800 20,850 277,230 63.150 376,100 3,650 21,590 37,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte; Cent. N., Spartanburg. 50.000 18,500 224,730 17,000 240,070 16,951 16,680 36,520 Chase N.. N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., Charlotte; Car. N., Spartanburg;S. C. N., Greenville 10.000 3.500 72.750 4.670 38.260 11,000 2,360 38.310 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. & Sou. N., Savan.; Peo.-lst N., Char. 1,020.000 59.000 Wm. W. Lewis.... C C Chris. Suber____ W. H. Sullivan . . (Branch of South Carolina Savings Bank, Ch arleston. S. C. ) — $l90-8%par 100 Merchants & Planters Bank J. W. Cathcart—.. 67-190 ®§'ll S. Lindsay J. W. Cathcart. . Winnsboro Bank..._®»t§’96 T. K. Elliott______ W. D. Douglas____ O. F. Elliott ___ par 25 67-188 $75-12% C Spartanb’g C9 D. B. Irby, J. B. Kilgore_____ J. E. Brockman .. Lucy Parsons_____ BANK OF WOODRUFF^ ♦ 67-173 d®«JS'01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 $100-8% First National Bank .—*tT4 67-174 Woodvllle______ (Pslter P. O.) Greenville C6 T. B. McTeer_____ Loring Terry____ Vemassee____ 3 67-412 Beaufort 014 ‘York.............. York B12 (Closed for Liquida tion) 67-491 C C 8. G. Anderson ___ S. G. Anderson Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; S. Car. N., Char., Columbia, and Greenville. Loan & Savings Bank®»t§'89 T. M. Ferguson___ $200-10% par 100 67-164 W R Vfnnre T. M. Ferguson.__ M. E. McOorkle___ THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 130.000 1,000,000 CHARLESTON, S. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. GREENVILLE, S. C. 151,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co.. Charlotte. Special Attention Given Collections Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 A t0 each bank 111 U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1JU1 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.»New | State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State No.9 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.?La.stSale%Div. * Aberdeen __ 15,035 Brown D18 'ABERDEEN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. 1300-18% 78-12 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA Cashier. W, W. BASSETT- - - - - S. L. ALLEN- - - - - - - - - - C. A. IREMERJ. C. BASSETT. Cl,. CLARKE IASSETT Ass’t Cashier. CLYDE BOWMAN CLAYTON WALKER One of the Largest and Strongest Banks In South Dakota. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k Kx ther Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and and CHA*au,Dv> Capital Profits its Diaoounta Securities laneous ntoif Bmi ties { 100.000 $ 880,850 $1860170 $ 122,100 $1060470 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Rk. & Tr. $ 170,320 $3662370 AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. Principal Correspondents. Co., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Oma.; St. P., and Fargo; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Stk. Yds. N., So. St. P. COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $450,000,000.00 ®T»t’85 (Formerly Aberdeen National Bank) Citizens Trust <fc Savings Bk, (Merged with First National Bank, Jun e 24,1929) Dakota National Bank______ (Merged with First National Bank, Jun e 24.1929) 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'FIRST STATE SAVINGS BANK $225 F. H. GANNON-........ F. G. SUTTLE -— J. H. SUTTLE----------J. E. KOCH............... J. H. JACKSON A. SEVERSON E. A. PORTER D. H. LIGHTNER J. C. BASSETT-...... C. F. HAUGE............ W. M. RUSSELL- - - - - - - M. H. HUGHES_ _ _ _ MARYSCHNUDER par 100 C. F. EASTON M. J.Gage__ 50,000 | S. W. Narregang F.W. Hatterscheidt E. M. Keller, Sec.. 55,190 877,180| 6,910 607,790 194,810 36,350 50,000 Northw. N., 150,330 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen 15.000 17.750 Akaska________ 128 Akaska State Bank__d®«t5’06 C. G. Schilling — August Rettke ___ J. W. Pleinis_____ ___________________ J. A. Nathan. Ch. $200-10% par 100 78-493 Walworth E13 15.000 Alcester_______ 481 State Bank of Alcester S. Swenson.............. H. W. Peterson ... E. F. McKellips... L. S. Eaton_______ $120—8% par 100 78-329 d®Bt§’89 Union 025 D. C. Hammitt AAlexandrla___ 865 First National Bank in Alex H. J. Wagner-------- E. W. Radeke...........Jacob Schiltz.............J. T. Basche______ andria 78-168 d®»t’24 Uanson L21 25.000 E. C. Rhodes 609,920 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 50,000 { 71,250 CORPORATION. COMRINED RESOURCES OVER $150,000,000.00. 100,000 NARREGANG INVESTMENT par 100 COMPANY ®’83 1,516,230 1,423,090 COMBINED RESOURCES OYER $477,000,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS. ((Investment Ban her)_________ . ’81 1 FARM AND Cl TY LOANS. 50,000 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION 78-13 dB®«t*’01 $300-20% 152,760 3,317,730 $ St. P.; 1st N. and Minpls. Established 1883 Oldest Bank in Aberdeen 78-11 dB®*$’83 ar 100 100,000 1st N., Aberdeen. First Mortgage Loans —Investme nt Bonds Agar. Sully G13 Aberdeen Clearing House.— C.Attractive F. Hauge______ RateW. s—W. Ample Bassett______J. Securit y. E. Koch, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Mgr. .86 Agar State Bank______ •tS’10 Guy Wilson_______ Claude M. Jones... J. E. Schoof_______ Margaret Sunne 78-484 $100 par 249.040 990 13,370 123,000 520 21,000 490,000 50,000 6,500 580,000 25.000 5,230 214,400 125,580 59,380 114,470 13,330 84.490 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; 1st N., Minpls. 12,160 25,250 1st N., Chi. and Aberdeen; Northw. N„ Minpls. 99.000 1st N.. Chi.; Toy N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Minpls. 65,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls ; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Secur. N„ Sioux F. 55,600 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Ex. Sav„ Sioux F.; 1st N.. Minpls. 279,000 151,000 7.000 36,500 462.500 109,100 36,400 1,020 117,480 64,900 7,680 100 Alpena________ 521 Bank of Alpena.............. dt§’92 J. E. Shull-------------J. D. Evans________ K. T. Aisenbrey... A. J. Aisenbrey—— Jerauld J1S $150-10% par 100 78-321 J. J. Feick Amherst_______ 180 Farmers State Bank d®tS’07 Marshall C20 78-496 Andover_______ 353 Citizens State Bank.__ dtS’02 Day D20 78-299 Arlington........... 977 Citizens State Bank Kingsbury 123 $105 par 100 78-191 d®i§1900 First Nat. Bk. in Arlington $100 par 100 78-190 dB®T»t’01 a Armour.......... .966 ARMOUR STATE BANK--*! 94 Douglas N19 $225 7S-161 Arnold Bornhoft.. Chas. Moeckly ___ M. E. Bornhoft............ ................... ........... 5,000 8.000 143,000 Earl L. Stone_____ J. H. Bond______ I. Ada B. Stone_____ _________________ 25,000 7.360 89,320 G. H. Glendenning Martin Peterson.. C. P. Swift_______ C. P. Stanwood. C. W, Quinn Wm. P. Allen.........Max Royhl..................Wm Habel______ H. R. Tande.___ 25,000 15,040 25.000 8,000 rB. N. BEAUMONT C. W. CONOVER... E. E. DUBES............ G. G. CARL0N— 40,000 4.000 400,000 6,510 245,800 10,000 12.000 65,280 14,050 6,250 212,730 600 102,450 92,510 14,900 250,000 25,000 133.500 102,000 9,500 200.000 160,000 10,000 200,210 1,400 31,520 ) Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Cred it Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US. [Sfeo palmer " A‘ D‘MATHER —-R- mckinnon—w. h. palmer.— CITIZENS STATE BANK < Ch. of Bd. $200-10% 78-160 d®«tl’84 J Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. v.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 107,000 2,220 25,000 1,830 27,000 Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co,, Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 38,320 Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen; IstN., Minpls. 43,510 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls,; Corn Ex. Sav„ Sioux F. 63,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. Paul and Minpls. 74.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux G.; Mitchell N„ Mitchfli; 1st N., Minpls. 45,910 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Secur. N. Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Aberdeen National Bank and Trust Company ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA tf.S. DEPSSTMRV 1885 OFFICERS J. C. BASSETT, Chairman of the Board W. W. BASSETT.................. President C. A. BREMER.......................... Cashier S. L. ALLEN................ Vice-President CLYDE BOWMAN. . . Ass t Cashier CLARKE BASSETT. Vice-President CLAYTON WALKER. Ass't Cashier Capital, Surplus and Profits Resources over ... - $270,323.69 $4,000,000.00 Affiliated with First Bank Stock Corporation Combined resources $450,000,000.00 South Dakota Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX TO COUNTIES. Armstrong.. G 11 Aurora........L 18 Beadle..........I 19 Bennett........ N 9 Bon Homme 0 21 Brookings ... I 24 Brown..........C 19 Brule........... L 17 Buffalo..........J 16 Butte.................G3 Campbell... .C 13 Charles Mix. N 19 Clark........... G 21 Clay.............0 23 Codington.. ,F 22 Corson......... D 10 Custer.............L 3 Davison .... L 20 Day..............E 21 Deuel...........G 24 Dewey..........E 11 Douglas.... M 19 Edmunds .. .E 16 Fall River ...N2 Faulk........... F 16 Grant........... E 24 Gregory....... N 16 Haakon...........19 Hamlin........H 22 Hand............ I 17 Hanson........ L 21 Harding..........D 3 Hughes....... I 14 Hutchinson. ,N 21 Hyde........... H 15 Jackson.........K 9 Jerauld........K 18 Jones........... K 12 Kingsbury'.. .1 22 Lake............. J 23 Lawrence........12 Lincoln........N 24 Lyman.........K 14 McCook.......L 22 McPherson. .C 16 Marshall.... C 21 Meade............H 5 Mellette... .M 11 Miner........... J 21 Minnehaha.. L 24 Moody.......... J 24 Pennington.. .K 4 Perkins...........D 6 Potter.......... F 14 Roberts........C 23 Sanborn ... .K 20 Shannon........ N 6 Spink........... G 19 Stanley.......... 111 Sully............H 13 Todd........... N 12 Tripp...........N 14 Turner.........N 23 Union...........0 25 Walworth. . .E 14 Washabaugh.M 8 Washington. .M 5 Yankton ....0 22 Ziebach.......... G 9 A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map A REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF SOUTH DAKOTA’S LEADING BANKS AND INVESTMENT DEALERS Advertising in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory “The Bankers Blue Book Aberdeen National Bank First National Bank . First State Savings Bank C. F. Easton _ Narregang Investment Co. Armour State Bank _ Citizens State Bank Butte County Bank _ First National Bank Belvidere State Bank Security State Bank First State Bank First National Bank Brookings County Bank . Brookings Mortgage Co. First National Bank . Farmers State Bank Clark Co. National Bank _ Ware & Griffin Bank Custer County Bank _ First National Bank Home National Bank Fall River Co. Bank First National Bank _ Union County Bank Corn Exchange Bank First National Bank First National Bank _ First National Bank National Bank of Gary Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Armour Armour Belle Fourche Belle Fourche _ Belvidere Beresford Bowdle Britton Brookings Brookings Canton Carthage Clark _ Clark Custer _ Deadwood Dell Rapids _ Edgemont Elk Point Elk Point Elkton _ Flandreau _ Freeman Garretson - . Gary ” Geddes Charles Mix Co. Bank _ Gettysburg First National Bank _ Groton Brown Co. Banking Co. Groton First National Bank _ Hartford Community Bank _ Highmore First National Bank _ Hot Springs Bank of Hot Springs _ Howard Miner County Bank _ _ Huron Farmers & Merchants Bank _ Huron National Bank of Huron Ipswich Bank of Ipswich _ 1 rene State Bank of I renc Iroquois Farmers & Merchants State Bk. _ Lead First National Bank _ Madison Security State Bank Menno Menno State Bank _ Midland First National Bank _ _ Milbank Farmers Merchants Nat. Bank _ _ Miller First National Bank _ . Mitchell Commercial Trust & Savings Bank Mitchell Mitchell National Bank Murdo Jones County State Bank _ Parker First National Bank . Parker Parker State Bank _ Pierre First National Bank _ Plankinton Case & Lathrop State Bank _ Rapid City First National Bank _ Rapid City Pennington County Bank _ Redfield American National Bank _ Redfield Redfield National Bank _ First National Bank ... Ree Heights Farmers State Bank' _ Rockham State Bank of Seneca _ - Seneca Citizens National Bank ... Sioux Fal s Corn Exchange Savings Bank - Sioux Falls First National Bank & Trust Co. _ Sioux Falls Security National Bank _ _ Sioux Falls Citizens Investment Co. . Sioux Fans Chas. G. Lowery Co., Inc. _ - Sioux Falls Bank of Spearfish Spearfish Farmers & Merchants State Bank _ Spencer First National Bank _ _ - St. Lawrence Commercial National Bank Sturgis Dakota State Bank Tripp Farmers & Merchants State Bank . - I ripp First National Bank _ Tyndall Citizens Bank & Trust Co. _ - Vermillion First National Bank & Trust Co. _ .Vermillion First State Bank ----- - Volga Commercial State Bank _ Wagner Bank of Wakonda ----- Wakonda Citizens National Bank . - Watertown First National Bank _ Watertown Peoples Savings Bank _ - Watertown Citizens National Bank . Wessington Farmers & Merchants State Bank - Wessington Aurora County Bank _ . White Lake First National Bank _ White Lake American State Bank _ Yankton Dakota National Bank Yankton First National Bank & Trust Co. Yankton 8,000 Advertisers in every edition. This number of adver More Banks and Security Dealers advertise tisers alone exceeds the paid circulation of any similar directory. in the Bankers Blue Book than in any other In every section of the country The Blue Book leads in publication of any kind and their advertisements Prestige, Circulation and Advertising and is increasing its lead reach a larger audience than that afforded by each year. all similar publications combined. SINCE 1872---- THE STANDARD FINANCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Official Numbering Agent for the American Bankers Association 1 qcc J.OU3 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. *County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. '"New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Artas..................177 Campbell B14 10% President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. Jacob Bentz______ F. W. Schirber.— 78-498 Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Defos- Other Paid-up AND Capital Profits TIES A. F. Schirber____ $ 15,000 i 25.000 3.500 Ashton ... .365 Ashton State Bank... d*tJ’06 W. H. Francis........ Spink £'18 $150—15% 78-316 par 100 Astoria State Bank ... (.Closed April 4,1929 ) Astoria .. , 243 Deuel H25 15.000 17,840 Gwladys Davies... Aurora________235 Bank of Aurora_____®*tl’91 F. L. Messner____ Gus Felkamp_____ $165 78-501 Brookings 124 Avon . _ (55(1 Avon State Bank____*111900 J. C. Greenfield.__ Estella F. Bernard Brandt... F. B. Popkes 78-297 Greenfield Bon Homme 020 R. W. Griffith Badger 194 Badger State BankdB®Tt5’07 Andrew Nelson... P. C. Peterson........ F. A. Carpenter ... 78-502 Kingsbury H23 par too Baltic 307 Dakota State Bank_d®*tl’02 O. S. Thompson ... C. T. Hegnes_____ P. A. Riswold Minnehaha L24 $100 par too 78-503 A. L. Dregseth $ 140.000 $ 12.000 $ 200,000 Artesian. ___fiOfi Artesian State Bank---dtl'94 O. E. Adams.......... Ole Oleson ______ S. G. Callihan____ H. H. Silkensen... Sanborn K20 *150 78-241 140.000 210.000 157,630 $ Resources. Loans Bonds Cash k Ex Miscel- change and *,Due and Discount! Sscuritias LANUOUb from Banes 25.000 23.500 $ 1,270 86.850 61,230 21,400 25,000 7,410 133,880 550 101,250 55,000 34,830 408,730 2,020 300.600 15,000 3,200 140,000 80,000 25,000 69,580 362,520 269,940 3,000 64,000 J 35.000 Principal correspondents. 62,000 1st N., Minpls., St. P., Aberdeen, and Mobridge, 40,000 1st N., Chi.: Secur. N.. Sioux O. 6,670 36,990 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls., Redfield N., Redfield; Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 4,000 40,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. 109,530 90,450 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1st N. and Secur. N., Sioux N., Sioux F. 51,000 8,200 15,000 32,450 19,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; Northw. N., Minpls. 139,710 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux F.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Mpls. 40,000 6,000 13,000 11.120 1st N.. Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F.; N. Bk. Huron, Huron. 23,000 Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 800,000 200,000 15,000 400,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. Bancroft _ .103 H. M. Best_______ W. H. Boorman... Kingsbury I 21 *100-10% par too 78-704 Beardsley ............45 Farmers State Bank___ t§’19 F. G. Bormann ___ John Bormann___ E. G. Bormann . . Hutchinson N20 78-779 25,000 »BelleFourche2200 B0TTE COUNTY BANK J. T. Craig_______ W. B. Penfold____ W. B. Penfold____ DeWitt Malvin ... par 100 ♦ 78-95 d®*tl'91 John Clay, Ch. Butte H2 •• •• H. G. VVeare............ W. E. Dickey_____ J. R. Mock_______ T. J. Broadhurst... FIRST NATIONAL BANK *350 par 100 78-96 d®*t’02 T. C. Gay 75,000 45,000 1,300,000 25.000 47,800 939,410 95,540 807,840 62,390 46,710 190,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; U.S. N„ Oma.; 1st N.. Deadwood. 10,000 25,810 344,840 1,200 186,570 112,020 5,370 77,890 Stock Yards N.. Chi. and Oma.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Sioux F. 50,000 18,000 700,000 500,000 80,000 50,000 16,000 624,000 450,000 75,000 15.000 Belvldere __ _lfi3 BELVIBERE STATE BANK O. A. Hodson_____ E. M. Pier Jackson L10 10% 78-505 d®**8'07 Bemls . 113 Deuel 024 17,080 76,500 26,320 (Closed March 14, 1929) Beresford____ 1507 First National Bank -d®*’06 J.J. De Lay, S. O. Steensland.. A. R. Olson.... ......... H. A. Bergren........ *150-10% par 100 78-683 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Union N24 T. A. Peterson .. .. C. H. Olsen______ H. P. Petersen____ SECURITY STATE BANK *120-6% par 100 78-126 d®*t§’06 R. P. Sundstrom Big Stone City.581 Grant E24 tRIson 155 Perkins D6 Blunt_____ .504 Hughes 114 71.850 Farmers State Bank. _ ........ 188,000 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 1,000 164.000 Stk.Yds.N. and 1st N,. Chi.; Secur,N„Sioux C.; Citiz. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. (Closed April 5,1929 ) Bison State Bank___®*tS’09 John H. Brandt... S. L. Anderson___ R. A. H. Brandt ... Louise Monserud.. *190-20% par 100 78-486 G. S. Henry Dakota State Bank..d®+I'07 F. S. McDaniel___ E. O. Anderson___ *150-10% par 100 78-257 10,000 9,250 216,690 91,340 76,970 3,800 25,000 20,000 27n,nnn 104,000 108,000 16,000 87,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 2.500 232,500 135,000 25,000 55,000 45,000 Live Stock N.. Sioux C,; Oma. N.. Oma. H. R. Mueller........ . 10,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 Bowdle . __769 FIRST STATE BK.-d®.«’07 J. O. Gross, F. G. Grosz______ E. H. Gruenhagen. 78-211 Edmunds D15 45%-160 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. C. Gross Berget Bra band t M. C. Gross " ___ *• Security State Bank.. ®ti’22 Alex. Searle______ M. Knndert______ K. J. Kundert____ A. C. Merkel............ 78-819 C. N. Searle 30,000 47,360 429,510 25.000 4,000 240,000 Brandon _ 144 BrandOD Savings Bank A. N. Graff............ A. A. Risty______ K. J. Pearson d®*tS'05 Minnehaha L25 *150 par 100 78-510 20,000 18,300 192,000 Brandt... 307 Deuel H24 Brentford 173 Spink F19 Bridgewater ...934 McCook M22 25,000 5.000 175.000 15,000 5,000 25.000 16,530 Bonesteel . . 009 Dakota State Bank ..dB,15’23 J. H. Meyhaus____ R. J. Taylor............ *115 78-259 Gregory 017 Bonilla _ _ __ 88 Bonilla State Bank.. ..*t|'07 W. J. Craig—........ Louis Schnetser__ F. B. McKichan *125 par 100 78-509 Beadle H18 First National Bank...®t’16 H. O. Hanson........ . Jas. Carton_______ E. A. Peterson .... L. K. Lindland____ 78-721 Farmers State Bank._®*t5'06 A. E. Eske_______ E. G. Bohl................ C. R. Cuatt *200-15% 78-481 Farmers National Bank A. H. Mayer______ T. S. Mayer______ H. H. Maver_____ 8% par 100 78-172 d*i’04 E. H. Mayer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,100 57,980 1st N.. Chi., Minpls., and Aberdeen. 17,000 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Redfield N,. Redfield; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 58,790 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N.. Aberdeen; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; Bank of Ipswich. Ipswich. 35,000 1st N., Chi.; Aberd. N., Aberd.; Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpls. 390,570 26,940 32,670 165,000 56,000 12,500 1,000 162,500 12,650 26,000 30,150 Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 153,000 4.000 155,000 10,000 120,000 4,000 26,000 352,270 13,810 267,310 50,920 16,580 30,000 Northw. N., Minpls.;Citiz.Tr. & Sav.,Aber deen: Am. N.. Redfield. 72,800 C.; Northw. N., Minpls. 35.000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Watertown. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -i oca to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lOUU Directory under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PRESIDENT. Bristol fi?1 Citizens National Bank ( Day E21 ( *186-10% 78-718 ®t’16 First State Bank........ d®t§’02 78-303 iKrlttnn .1113 Farmers & Merchants Bank Marshall C21 1200 par 100 78-727 d®»t§’16 FIRST NATIONAL 78-176 ‘Brookings... 4613 Brookings I 24 BROOKINGS Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Loans and Surplus Depos Otber Paid-xjp and Liabiliits Capital Propits TIES 11,500 S Principal Correspondents. G. A. Aasland........ $ 25,000 $ 7,280 168,000 91,570 40,520 S M. J. Meuer______ 20,000 14,440 220,750 75,510 3,910 34,880 50.000 27,040 436,950 289,310 41,920 78,800 . /S. A. BELL_______ W.W. THORP_______ W. S. GIVEN............ - C. C. ANDERSON. A, ClL&fh CLfld \ W. M. JAHNIG Fieldman HOWARD DAKINS ] Oldest Nation al Bank In Marsh all County. J. W. HOODECHECK 1 Depository for U. S. Postal Savin ga and for State of South Dakota. \ Sight drafts IS c. Reports 25c. 50,000 13,000 400,000 % 290,000 56.000 56,000 71,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ •WllUpis* rtliu SI/* 1*9 5j|/OvlJ$ XUS* Bi*a So. St. P. fG. A. McGARRAUGH C. A. SKINNER_____ A. R. JOHNSON.......... R. W.KRUGER_____ PHILO HALL 50,000 6,000 315,000 134,000 117,000 20,000 100,000 Chase N., N,Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux Falls. 23,140 1,106,440 581,950 259,090 20.000 318,540 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. A. J. Behrmann... H. A. Winje. $ Bonds Miscel Cash k Ex and change*,Du* Securities laneous? prom Barks Claus Reyelts 30,000 56,690 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N.,Minpls.;Aberdeen N., Abeideen. 66,500 Dont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N., St. P. 103,970 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P.; Mellon N„ Pitt. COUNTY BANK par 100 _ Bruce . Brookings BANK Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State fPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Ped.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sa7.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 78-856 I “A NEW BANK ” YOUNGEST IN BROOKINGS. d®»t§*28 (, COMPLETE BA NKING SERVICE . COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Security National Bank Van D. Fishback -- C. O. Trygstad—.. Horace Fishback, E. H. Carlisle____ 78-844 ©»’25 Jr. 50,000 J. Flittie_____ G. M. Dystie............ BROOKINGS MORTGAGE CO., <f G. First Mortgage Loans. INC.--.........-...........-.........18 { SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN T O NONRESIDEN T INTEREST. 25,000 .310 Bank of Bruce .. . 124 1120-8% par 100 78-413 d®5'13 Frank Goodfellow. L. C. Ribstein____ L. A. Grape______ 25,000 6,170 155,450 610 86,540 64,770 9,570 26,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 25.000 14,000 301,000 1,500 170,000 125,000 6.500 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. ‘Buffalo 163 First State Bank______ d5'13 H. W. Clarkson — H. J. Devereaux... T. L. Seppala_____ R. A. Johnson-----$100-10% ♦ 78-680 Harding D2 par 100 F. W. Wilson Harding County Bank F. M. Gilbert_____ W. M. Bennett___ W. H. Adams____ $100 par 100 78—513 d®»t§'09 25,000 12,750 290.200 470 213,350 65,030 3,500 46,540 1st N.,St.P. 10.000 35,380 249,570 207.080 10,000 23,380 56,500 1st N„ Minpls., Bowman, N. D., and Belie Fourche. Buffalo Gap ...104 Buffalo Gap State Bank $150-5% par 100 78-407 d*t§’06 Custer M3 15.000 11,730 163,520 116.910 27,150 8,940 iRurke 700 Burke State Bank.. d®+§’05 L. S. Lillibridge... James Connell____ E. A. Klarup______ par 100 78-386 Gregory N16 H. Gunvordahl. Ch. 35,000 3,500 100,000 65,000 15.000 8,500 38.190 1st N., Chi.: 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Minpls.; Pennington Co., Rapid City. 50,000 1st N., Chi. and Oma. Butler.............. 180 State Bank of Butler Herman Schmidt.. N. O. Nelson_____ L. H. Loken______ A. R. Loken______ 78-440 dB©t§’03 Day E21 15,000 90,000 75,000 3,000 Bryant___ 632 Bryant State Bk..dB®*+i'15 $125-10% par 100 7 8-7 05 Hamlin H22 H. G. Temte______ L. A. Jacobson___ W. H. Schneider .. N. B. Streeter____ O. M. Isham_____ Camp Crook ..141 Little Missouri Bank James T. Craig.__ W. B. Penfold........ A. C. Frohlich____ B. W. Keating____ ♦ 78-515 d®»«’02 Harding D1 Canlstota..........540 Canistota State Bank J. F. Schlueter .... R. L. Armstrong.. tuo 78-331 d®J5’26 McCook L22 25,000 15,700 378,000 25,000 13,930 306.420 940 1.200 333,000 12,300 190.450 20.430 10,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Webster. 58,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Butte Co.. Belle Fourche. 81.560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; 1st N„ Minpls. 18,750 7,000 Am. Ex., Pierre: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpls. 27,680 171,050 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Cash and Minpls.; Minnehaha N„ Sioux F. Securitie s 89,430 127,240 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Sioux C, and Minpls. 54.130 Canning __ _8l Hughes 114 Canova...............33£ Miner K22 Farmers State Bank___ t§’19 W. 8. Nye, B. S. Summer will.. R. L. Swenson.___ $100 par 100 78-782 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Security State Bk..d®*t§'21 A. F. Clough_____ S. E. Strobel_____ H. A. 8chueller... $150 par 100 78-388 C. H. Lindbloom 15,000 1,500 50,000 250 41,000 25.000 20,630 378,280 1,510 226,690 ‘Canton____ Lincoln N25 M _ .W Farmers State Bank P. A. Overseth___ Knud Ulrikson.__ E. M. Dean, Cash. K. E. Jacobson___ par 100 78-75 d®»t5’01 and Sec. H. E.Iverson A. Helgerson 50.000 10,000 826,290 40,750 570,530 139,850 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50.000 6,000 628,260 50,000 279,090 354,160 18,400 82,610 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. 15,000 6,570 124,490 96,250 12,000 16,980 20,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Watertown; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 25,000 10.000 275,500 211,000 20.000 34,500 45,00(1 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 10% par 100 78-73 dB®T»t’79 G- J. Moen_______ Ira Bartholomew. G. W. Knutson___ A. Anderson Carpenter......... 100 State Bank of Carpenter W. A. Hicks______ Clark H20 $220-10% 78-519 d®»t§’06 par 100 Carthage_____ 663 FARMERS STATE BANK $115-10% parlOO 78-264 d®*t§’07 Miner J21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. A.Stone---------- D. P. Amsberry.... V. T. Robbins____ 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence i lOO/ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonds Miscel Oabh k ExOtueb Paid-up Subplus D epos and eiiANaiB,Dui and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diacounts Securitise laneous from Banks ties Castle wood___559 Citizens State Bank_©*t§'02 J. B. Vaughn ...... H. F. Luebke_____ C. N. Halvorson... Arndt E. Dahl........ $ 1% par 100 78-237 Hamlin G23 25.000 % Centerville...1168 Bankof Centerville .d®t§’83 Jas. S. Thomson... M. S. Steadman.... J. N. Thomson___ 1120-6% par 100 78-155 D. C. McMurchie. John Dwyer Turner N24 Ch. ll •• T.I. Gunderson — Robert Peterson.. Nora M. Anderson. First National Bank..d®1900 J urnpis Mee _ J. M. Mee 12% par 100 78-156 50,000 C. H. Coxe_______ C. J, Andresen ___ B. W. Olinger........ »Chamberlalnl521 Chamberlain State Bank $100 par 100 78-102 d®«tS’03 Brule L16 Chancellor___ 270 Chancellor State Bank G. F. Hofmeister.. H. G. Meier_______ Turner M23 1275-20% par 100 78-522 d«tS'04 Uriah Tinker........ Chelsea State Bank------ »tS’06 O. M. Mortenson__ 1250-10% 78-523 par 100 Faulk F18 Claremont ....310 Brown C20 *250-20% .('lark t?7Q Clark G21 .. •• A. T. Hagen. ___ 78-111 100,009 8,620 f 231,340 $ 3,250 $ 102,420 $ 99,820 $ 10.500 $ ('R.J.MANN- — E.M. JONES_ _ _ _ _ _ CHAS. CARPENTER— L. L. MANN_ _ _ _ _ _ Principal Correspondents. 55,480 1st N.. Minpls. and Watertown. 74,810 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Secur. N. and Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 205.500 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 321,460 940 280,260 8,930 25,620 50.000 1,000,000 25,000 875,000 50,000 45,000 1,120 110,950 60,090 91,290 240,000 120,000 53,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Live Stk. N. and 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell; Northw. N.. Minpls. 82,500 Drov. N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux F.; Northw. N., Minpls. 75,920 4.900 10,040 28,630 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 160,000 25.000 233,580 204,130 13,810 266.380 17.000 10.000 47,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Minpls. 123,810 114,430 15.830 51,660 1st N., St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls,; Citiz, N„ Watertown. 17.240 25,000 9,830 279,530 15.000 17.500 410,000 15.000 3,220 100,650 15.000 16,000 250,000 25,000 45,210 412,900 25.000 4,380 311,000 25.000 7.080 264,360 620 Vance Weaver 78-525 CLARK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK *210-6% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 24,350 96.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aber deen. 55,930 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Citiz. N.. Watertown. j AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. dB®*t’02 (.COMBINED RE SOURCES OVER $450,000,000. fM. S. ELTON........ C.S. EVANS- - - - - - - - - G. C. GRIFFIN...... ... ) Negotiate Farm and Mortgage Lo a ns. WARE & GRIFFIN BANK 78-112 d®«J§’04 ] Special attentl on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas b and Time Item S. (.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 C for Credit Reports. C. C. Swenson_____ S. E. Anderson.... A. G. Berger ‘Clear Lake ...976 Deuel County Nat’l Bank *120 78-846 d®*’26 DeuelG24 9,300 1st N.. Citizens State Bank.__«t5’06 C. H. Allen 78-360 _____ E. A. Weiseth........ Wm, J. Berdahl... 15,000 15.000 250,000 240,000 Moody E24 A. W. Carlou_____ R. E. Montgomery- W. L. Wichner—. Tripp Countv State Bank Oral Cork *200-6% par 100 78-234 d*tS’08 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. C. Flinders 25.000 11.000 260,000 200,000 10,000 16.000 Tripp N15 70,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Oma.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. R. Krege_________ W. A. Krage______ R. H. Dennert_____ F. W. Atkins 15,000 15,430 180,680 112,160 35,390 21,640 52,740 Aberdeen N. and 1st N.. Aberdeen; 1st N.. Minpls. Earl Baertsch........ N. G. Herman........ 25.000 3.000 155,000 55,000 90.000 101.960 20.000 16,640 18,630 Northw. N., Minpls. 19,400 25,910 94,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.;Secur. N., Sioux C. 16,200 150,000 1st N., Chi.; Northw N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 16,000 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sioux F. J. P. Kluge 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. 553 Colton Savings Bank________ (Closed November 2, 1929) Minnehaha L24 Colton ___ Columbia___ 279 Columbia State Bank *215-10% pdT 100 Spink F20 *120-6% par 100 78-854 Corona State Bank.... dt5’03 T. A. Belgum____ E. H. Benedict ___ H. A. Fenner...__ *150-10% par 100 78-468 15.000 8.320 133,340 Roberts E24 M. A. Dice______ Karl Fromm.......... Corsica State Bank.... »tS'05 M. A. Dice. Ch. of Bd. *200 par 100 78-404 25.000 20,080 348,340 253,870 Douglas M19 Farmers State Bank...dt8’05 Peter Nieveen ___ P. VanDerWerp .. F. E. VanZee____ 78-403 24,000 7.200 600,000 450,000 Corson State Bank.. d®t§’19 A. G. Risty............ O. T. Rovang____ C. W. Wirstad ___ tioo 78-778 15,000 3.000 90,000 20.000 6.600 15,000 15.000 •• „ 78-527 d®»iS'05 820 Brown D19 570 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. 20% Minnehaha L25 Faulk F 17 *• 11 Minnehaha L24 F. H. Wilson------- W. F. Fick ............ Howard Holt ........ Bank of Cresbard..d®»tl’07 *125-10% 78-375 par 125 R. N. Stiles.......... M. G. Anderson... Guaranty State Bank *100-10% 78-729 d®»ti'17 par 100 Crooks State Bank----- •tl’OB W. L. Baker_____ A. E. Bowring----78-657 ’ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62,000 27,000 16,500 219,000 169,000 10.000 25,600 41,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 5,500 130,000 100,000 25,500 25,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 2,000 125,000 95,000 13,500 20,000 16,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Minnehaha N..Sioux F. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given i oco to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lOUO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.UFed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav $LastSale%Div 4 Custer..............803 CUSTER COUNTY BANK Caster L2 $150-10% 78-232 dB©*$f’90 par 100 First National Bank..d®<’81 $150-10% par 100 78-231 Davis________ 236 First National Bank.d®*t’20 Turner N23 $100 par 100 78-767 4Deadwood ...2432 Lawrence 12 FIRST NATIONAL BANK President. Vice President. Cashier. T. W. Delicate____ Ass-t Cashier. G M A. K.Thomas. A. S. Halley ............ Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Theo. Peenstra.... B. H. Bnnger_____ CW. E. ADAMS .. G. Y. AYRES.............. C. O.GORDER-.......... A. H. SHOSTROM___ J J. GOLDBERG.F.P. Moll ) $175-8% par 100 78-57 d®»t’7« ( C. A. Golden______ Oluf Hegge______ M. E. Wicks S 25.000 S 17.160 J 437,250 $ Dolton State Bank____B ti'04 H. J. Smith. $150 par 100 78-535 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Draper State Bank-----dti’06 George Hayes____ 78-435 (Purchased by Far Farmers State Bankd©*tl'10 G. A. McGurraugll$225-15% par 100 78-446 Eagle Butte ...251 Citizens State Bank d®»tS’10 Q. E. Leach.............. Dewey F10 78-347 Eden. 165 First National Bank.d®»t’19 Henry Kettler____ $125-10% par 100 78-789 Marshall D22 1.360 229,750 4.890 95,450 57,160 960 105.190 7,650 71.190 8.000 14,510 128,050 1,784,960 100.100 846.670 1,081,410 34,880 247.000 69,000 10.000 65,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr .Co., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux P.;Toy N., Sioux 0. 300,180 168,600 32,110 63,860 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N. Bk.&Tr. Co., and Corn Ex, Sioux. F. 76,610 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 61.540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. and Sioux C.; 1st N., Minpls. 150.000 25.000 6,000 335,000 1 22,660 517,080 n-rv L. E. Honlton_____ 25.000 4,000 6.160 207,110 83.890 12.500 12.000 20,850 1,150 173,670 25,650 40,470 25.000 16,240 970 230.300 16.480 21,710 8,600 194,000 67,500 12,350 64,220 7.710 4,770 27.720 Oma. N., Oma. 4,340 112,570 98,250 8,520 39,500 15,900 277,850 5.000 7.840 91«t>80 5,990 218.500 J. T. Schroeder.... I. T. Kehn................ 10.000 13,110 360 115.550 34.180 28.030 5,020 97.620 9,650 9,420 FALL RIVER COUNTY BANK T. B. Quigley_____ $160 78-179 d»t§’08 First National Bank.d®»t’02 A. B. Larson_____ W. R. Pagel______ par 125 78-536 Farmers State Bank d®t§’14 J. V. Gill____ ____ W. F. Bushnell___ 78-685 Cl. W. FREEMAN ... J. A. NEWGARD...... ONLY NATION J J. C. CATES. Ch. ) Save time and get service on Co d®*'01 (fee in advan CE; Plain sight $150-10% par 100 78-117 V. A. Jorgensen... 15.000 10.930 15.000 11,030 261.250 84,420 105,590 13,750 A. B. Lord________ 10.000 5.410 171.990 113.100 17.230 8,780 O. R. Skola .............. 46,000 10,000 133,600 114,400 12.800 7,100 190,620 13.290 22,070 120,710 67,110 8,300 170.000 25.000 182.580 82,410 38,390 422.000 290.000 4,500 295,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.j iat N., ChL; secur. N., Sioux C. 112,800 63,310 19,810 40,330 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;Northw. N. Minpls. C. T. Volin W. C. Gifford .. 315.350 Lawrence Authier. W. L. Temple____ 20,000 11,000 220.000 M. E.JOHNSON...... B. J. 25.000 10,5/0 254.690 20.000 61.000 950,000 iL. C. FOREMAN — WM. WEBER_ _ _ _ _ R. F. PETSCHAW_ _ _ F. A. KAEMPER_ _ _ 11,890 15.000 Elk ton............... 852 CORN EXCHANGE BANK Brookings J25 par 100 78-851 J§’26 )Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen (fee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, lSe; Cred it Reports, 25c. j TRY 1 ! S. 2)9,360 It UNION COUNTY BANK 20%,78-116 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d®'>*'82 26.190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux F. 44,510 Secur. N.t Sioux C.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. ay 18, 1929.) O. S. Nygaard____ Paul H. Brandt.— 181,500 M 121,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. 38,500 1st N., Chi. and Sioux G.: Northw. N„ Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. and 1st N..Minpls.; Redfield N„ Redfleld. 870 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 45.090 Minpls.; Dakota N., Yankton, 209,160 lhase JS., a. K.;Uunt. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Oma. ' 7,870 " 38,890 30.000 mers State Bank, M H. R. Hommedal .. F. E. Riley M. Lord_________ Marie Lord Frank Schlekewy, Jr. 88,660 ChaseN..N.Y.;Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.,Pennington Co.. Rapid C,: Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Deadwood. 69,510 1st N.. Rapid City; Oma. N.and 1st N.. Oma. 25.000 15.000 ____ 17,250 i 25.000 25.000 “ 2.100 1 243,570 J 132,030 $ Principal Correspondents. Martin Schaefer... A. J. Wieland____ Dixon________ 100 Peoples Bank.... ............ ‘tl'Oe Gregory M15 78-534 Doland_______ 603 Security State Bank.d©t§’27 P. A. Aldrich____ P. T. Hansen_____ M. J. Twiss_______ Spink G 20 $120-6% par 115 78-244 Edgemont___ 1092 Fall River N1 Egan_________ 426 Moody K24 *Elk Point....1319 Union P25 Liabilities. Resources. Loros ther Bonds Mibcbl- Oasd k ExPaIH-UP Surplus Dbpos- LOiabili Rod Rnd Capital Profits ITS Discounts Sseuritiss LANXOU8 from Barks ties P. R. KENEFICK------ F. G. BOWLES_____ 50.000 P. J. ENRIGHT sight draft for pr esemation and insures prompt, personal attentlo n. Peoples State Bank....dt§’18 H. P. Meyer______ C. J. Noyes______ T. H. Meyer............ 20% par 150 78-761 H. C. Meyer, A. C. P. C. Nelson Dimock State Bank—d®t§’ll par 100 78-648 Dolton_______ 123 Turner M22 Draper_______ 157 Tones K12 4 Dupree. _ 269 Ziebach F9. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued AFFILIATED WITH THE NOR THWEST BANC ORPORATION COM BINED RESOUR CES OVER $477, 000,000 CF. M. ENRIGHT—. FRANK GINSBACH — Dell Rapid■... 1582 HOME NATIONAL BANK Minnehaha K24 $200-8% 78-94 d®»t’10 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each (.25 CENTS for c acta credit report •• -------New First Nat’lBankin Dell E. J. Elliott_______ John Schmidt........ Rapids_____ 78-848 d®»t'26 $150-7% par loo Delmont............513 Deimont State Bank—dt§01 A. M. Shaw............. A. F. Litz............... Donglai N20 10% 78-355 Security State Bank...®ti'02 Wm. Moeller_____ John Lehr 78-359 iDe Smet___1009 Kingsbury 121 Dlmock —113 Hutchinson M20 SOUTH DAKOTA J. D. Rathman ___ SIMONSON....... AL BANK IN EL K POINT. llections and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng drafts, lSe; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U S. W.A.SCHAETZEL- J.6. SCHAETZEL- GEO. C. KIMMEL— IVAR HAYH0MEwiaesi oamt in union uounxy. 29,700 49,000 83,510 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.;Sec. N.. Sioux F.:lst N., St.P. and Aberdeen, 48.290 1st N., Minpls. and Aberdeen; Live Stock N.. Sioux C. ^tock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; IstN., Minpls.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitts. 112.240 oma. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Lead. 40,950 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Secur. N. and Citiz. N., Sioux F. 58,000 Chase N.. N. Y.;Cont. Ill Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. 35,880 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux C. Your Union County business will have prompt and careful attention. . Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given QAQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNT!. »Uounty Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Eed. Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.^-New § State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Emery___ Ron Farmers State Bank.dB*t§’24 H. M. Bleeker____ Hanson L21 1125 par 100 78-301 “ ...... Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Leo Schroeder___ Richard Fluth___ $ M J. J. Hofer . . Security National Bank 1125-5% 78-816 d®*t’20 J. W.-Hofer par 100 Esmond...,__131 Esmond State Bank_d®»tS’06 A. Komierud E. F. Blankenburg. Kingsbury J21 1150 par 100 78-538 Estelline ......585 Farmers National Bank Fred Beskow____ F. B. Stiles............ A. J. Boeder_____ Hamlin H23 par 100 78-803 d©»t'20 Ethan . 3RD Security State Bank .d®t§ 06 P. L. Clark............ C- L. Breckenridge F.C. Breckenridge Davison M20 $200 78—383 J. J. Walter Eureka. _ 1228 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Phil. Schamber, McPherson C15 $200 par 100 78-167 d®»t§’07 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. .. .. Guaranty State Bank. '20 Wm. Boettcher ... $150-10% 78-166 par 100 Fairfax______ SI 2 The Farmers National Bank John N. Ellerman. W. J. Thomas__ par 100 78-275 ’29 Paul Krambeck. Ch. Herman Fritz Gregory 017 Chas. H. Groth.__ Falrvlew ....163 FairviewState Bank ®«tS1900 G. J.Moen 78-539 Louis Anderson Lincoln N25 Faith ROR Farmers State Bk.. d®«t#’10 H. C. Boke...... ........ par 100 78-392 A. L. Naslund Meade F7 Farmer IdR First National Bank. d®«t’19 Theo. Roster $100 78-780 Hanson L21 Farmingdale._.64 First State Bank_____ t§'10 Adolph Mailman .. 78-540 Pennington K4 $125-6% ‘Faulkton___815 First National Bank _.©»t’15 G. C. Johnson........ J. T. Hovren____ $200-12% par 100 78-709 J. P. Shirk m Faulk F16 ( Merchants Bank_____ »t§’99 P. H. O’Neil........... C. L. Turner_____ $300-20% 78-185 Fedora us Fedora State Bank___d®t§’04 78-541 Miner K21 Ferney 1R3 Edmund Harry___ John Hoops______ Brown E20 78-542 Flresteel...........80 {Closed January 20. 1930) Dewey E10 ‘Flandreau . 1850 Farmers State Bk._ dB®*§’26 Robert Dailey____ W. G. Cowles____ $110 par 100 78-86 Moody J25 M » J. T. Bigelow_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200 78-85 dB©«t’01 par 100 Florence _ . 306 Codington F22 •• Fulton Hanson L21 2ft 40.000 % 25,860 $ 384,020 $ 25.000 14.630 223.150 TIES 2,050 $ 239,620 $ 100,220 $ 5.000 108,590 42,490 S 104.850 15,720 20,000 5.000 105.000 83.000 10,000 13.000 25,000 3,440 164.360 63,890 74,490 7,500 20.000 8.800 200,000 150.000 46,000 Eugene Liedle....... 25,000 34,000 364,000 2,000 249,000 20,600 106,200 Robert Johrans... M. W. Weber____ 25,000 15.000 543,060 31.800 378,180 90.380 45,880 25,000 69,080 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mitchell N„ Mitchell. Secur. N„ Sioux E.; 1st N„ Minpls. 38,620 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.: Toy N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 24,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; Oma. N.« Oma. 46,920 1st N.. Minpls. and Watertown. 46,600 49,270 Minpls.; Com’l Tr. & Sav.,Mitchell. Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Aberdeen. 100,420 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen; Bk. of Ipswich. Ipswich. 34,000 Oma. N.and Packers N., Oma.; Northw. N., Minpls. 95,500 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 126,600 1st N., Minpls.; Com’l Tr.& Sav.. Mitchell; Stk.Yds.N.,So.St.P.;Live Stk.N.,SiouxC. 44,050 1st N., Minpls.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 25.000 6,030 227,970 25,000 117,850 107,150 O. L. Greguson__ Cornelias Kjelson. 20,000 19,790 280,850 1,290 182,430 23,530 20,480 D. R. Miller . 25.000 20.130 455,640 132,560 231,280 10,330 25,000 1,010 108,560 61,350 17,240 11.930 10.000 4.500 46,010 15,150 50.840 1.260 18,320 25,000 15,160 238,190 16,630 187,710 37,370 14,870 25.000 41.300 480.000 2,300 330,000 27.310 61.290 20,000 1.000 150,000 90,000 21,000 15.000 13,360 95,000 96,000 5.230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Rapid City; Northw. N., Minpls. 55,020 1st N.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Redfleld N., Redfleld. 130.000 Bk. of Am. N. A. (Atl. Off.), N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 60,000 Secur. N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F.: Northw. N.. Minpls. 22,870 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Groton. 50.000 15.2/0 396,550 1.320 213,610 103,740 5.380 140,420 N.City, N. Y.;Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 40.000 30,910 738,270 39,020 501,920 132,700 68,260 140,310 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Secur. N. and 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 175,450 Faith L. Thompson F. S. Rrooks A. E. Kimber___ J. T. Mitchell T. M. Moore W. G. Cowles......... M. J. Martinson ... W. D. Spear 4,310 128,290 30,600 38,870 1st N„ Watertown; Midland N., Minpls. 321,160 19,540 151,390 102,040 38,360 76,360 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.and Pierre N„ Pierre. 8.800 183,000 * 5,200 102,000 48,000 52,500 24,500 Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., Redfleld. 8.510 140,040 91,080 26,000 5,320 41,150 1st N., Aberdeen; Northw. N., Minpls. 30.280 327.770 213,850 117,560 11,080 30,570 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Aberdeen N., Aber deen; 1st N.. St. P. 35.000 33,800 973,910 6.300 740,390 219,070 11,710 77,840 1st N., Chi.; Live StockN.. Sioux O.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Northw. N.. Minpls. Merchants State Bank..§'99 John Gross. D. J. Mendel____ J. M. Wollmann... J. J. Wollmann___ Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 10% par 100 78-227 Henry L. Gross 30.000 19.170 431.080 2,100 268,730 122,100 64,700 26,810 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohl.; Secur. N„ Sioux C.; 1st N.. Minpls. Fulton State Bank ..d©t§’24 H. A. Blumenberg. F. L.Colflx $116-8% 78-829 25.000 16,000 196,000 164,000 28,000 8,000 15.000 4 550 6/,210 45.X70 23.050 630 Wm. Haves_____ Manuel Sylva George C. Blum ... 15.000 J. D. Cannon Rex Ferry______ 25,000 C. F. Gilbertson... 30.000 15.000 25.000 Franz Johnson....... J. O. Rahdfl. . August Senn_____ E. G. Cummings... J. C. Bassett____ I. T. Parkhurst___ M. A. Berg Freeman......... 917 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. J. Waltner____ John J. Waltner... J. J. Tschetter.__ A. J. Waltner....... 78-228 •’02 John C. Mueller.CA, John C. Mueller Hutchinson M22 $250-15% par 100 ______ CITHER {Merged with First National Bank, Wa tertown, S, D.. Apri l 9. 1929) Guaranty State Bank.__116 0. Huppler___ 78-719 ‘Fort Pierre 759 Fort Pierre National Bank Karl Goldsmith.... 78-188 d®»’09 $100-5% Stanley 112 par 110 Frankfort _ 443 James River Bank ....dtl'82 John Noonan, Sr... Spink G19 78-336 Frederick ___ 372 Farmers State Bk. .d©«tl'06 F. H. Geranen....... $190-10% 78-313 Brown C18 par 100 " First National Bank d®»t’82 J. C. Campbell____ $250 par 100 7 8-314 « Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dap osAND ITS Capital Profits Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents, Loua Bonds Miscel- Oais A Exand LANEOUs Diaoounta Securities rmoK Banks ‘Gann valley.. .213 Bank of Gann Valle v©d»t5’25 W. J. Hughes____ 6% par 113 78-847 Buffalo K17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... Julius Bertsch ___ Mildred Soladay __ 2,450 Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 17 WO f!nnt 111 Rlr_ Rr. Tr. Co., Sav , Mitchell. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence nhi.r flnm’l Tr X, 1370 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew SStatetPriv. JMem. State B. A6s’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Garden City...258 Citizens State Bank ddX§’22 J. A. McGillivray.. 78-822 Clark F21 »Gettysburg.. 1046 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Potter F14 par 100 78-171 «f07 Cashier. A8s’t Cashier. H. L. Gerber Liabilities. Resources. n,™ * Miscel- CHAMOM.Du* D epos Paid-up and and AND LiabiliCapital Propits TIES DUoounts Baouritias LANJBOUh non Barks $ M. J. McGillivray- Garretson___ 678 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Thos. Wangsness.. d®»’94 Minnehaha L25 35% par 100 78- 21 2 Gary . _ . 533 First National Bank d©»t'09 Samuel Lewison.. E. B. Lewison........ 78-282 ( Deuel G26>4 NATIONAL BANK OF GARY E. W. DAVIES______ E. L LOHR par 160 78-281 ®T6 Gayvllle 309 Security State Bank...®tl’01 L. Berkley_______ 78-545 Yankton 023 _ Geddes______ 1002 CHARLES MIX COUNTY BK. -(IS.M.BANBURY_ 25 CENTS sent to us with each s Charles Mix N18 78-204 d»t§1900 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 25,000 $ 3,970 $ 152,200 $ 640 S 115.430 i 25,000 15,560 508.840 25.000 25.000 463,270 52,920 100,430 45,970 25.000 34.280 425,070 376.990 50.000 6.000 387,000 rA. RICHARDSON, J. F. WEAVER_ _ _ _ R. RICHARDSON...... L. E. WEAVER......... ) Ch.ofBd.andPres. ELLIS TILLOTSON ) AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP ORATION. 25.000 25.200 460,070 fH. M. GRIFFITH — M. J. HUGHES......... HENRY FRICK_ _ _ _ R. A. NOLD_ _ _ _ _ _ 30.000 51.550 628,880 F. W. Schirber... N. S. Schirber_____ P. J. Schirber____ Ann Schirber_____ 15j000 15.000 A. R. Scott_______ 15.000 1,500 25.000 25,000 320,000 15.000 4,200 108,880 380 Dan Brenneise H. E. McKee_____ L. H. Nollkamper.. B. M. Kendall____ G. R. Burkholder.. 50.000 9,890 429,380 1,590 H. H. Fromelt____ A. J. Fromelt____ 10.000 7.500 92,000 25.000 10,000 444,930 25.000 35,930 E. F. Ovrom. L. A. LOHR............. Alma Jacobson . T. E. Wangsness R. E. Voce J. F. Thoelke 25.000 L. N. Aaseth_____ T. B. Wetteland P. N. Lund. Sec. H. F. WARNER_ _ _ _ lght draft for pre sentatlon. and Insures prompt,p ersonal attention 29,710 $ 2,000 S Principal Correspondents. 34,670 1st N,, Minpls. and Watertown. 224,640 163,260 44,720 429,360 38.600 44,350 100.120 26,500 25,890 315,000 35.000 30,000 99.490 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Sioux C. 63,000 Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N. and Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; Met. N. and 1st N., (St. Anthony Falls Office). Minpls. 25.000 256,990 125,130 20.740 132,400 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.: 1st N., Sioux C. 3.190 333,110 211.570 47,300 121,630 Cont. ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.: 1st N.,Minpls. 90.000 55,000 20,000 95,000 89.700 7,900 45,000 1st N., Aberdeen and Mobridge; 1st N.and Northw. N.,Minpls. 13,900 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Aberdeen. • 7,870 ' 116.780 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.: 1st N. Bk. &Tr.Co., Sioux F. 53,890 Cont.HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. F.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 18,900 1st N., Minpls. and Watertown. l COMBINED R ESOURCES OVE R $450,000,000. — Glencross______ 8 Dewey D12 Glenham 169 Walworth D13 Goodwin . 148 Deuel G24 Greenway_____ 59 McPhersonB15 Gregory _ 1251 Gregory N16 Grenville 256 Day D22 POTTER COUNTY BANK $200 par 100 78-170 Glencross State Bk._d®t§’20 $200-10% par 200 78-813 Glenham State Bank. _d»tS'07 par 110 78-546 First National Bank.d®»t’15 10% 78-547 Greenway State Bank _dt§’07 $120 par 120 78-548 Commercial State Bk. par 100 ♦ 78-724 dB»t§’16 First State Bank........ ..... tS’ 15 78-702 Groton______ 1113 BROWN COUNTY $U5-io% ♦ 78-132 Brown D19 par 100 .. d®»tl’84 ) AFFILIATED W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORP L COMBINED R ESOURCES OVE R $450,000,000. M. J. Van Orman.. Chas. C. Swenson. Samuel Lewison... (R. A. MATHER____ d®«t§’89 \ ARNOLD RINGGER, ( Ch.oj Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. H. Kaehuiein A. Rerreth Fred Odenbach___ BKG. CO. $250-20% par 100 78-131 d®»t’82 aAW?BEHE* D H. E. MUELLER...... J. J. WARKEKTIN — S- C. YOUNG......... W. B. Miller______ Alex Highland___ J. Williams_______ Harrisburg___ 205 Harrisburg State Bk. d®J5'01 W. H. Wasem____ H. G. Leubecher .. J. E. Loberg______ Christina Mueller. par 100 78-550 Lincoln M25 Hartford 645 Minnehaha L23 • Haytl ___ 327 Hamlin H22 Hazel___ 221 Hamlin G22 Hecla..................533 Brown B19 Hermosa 93 Custer K14 Herreld 475 Campbell CIS COMMUNITY BANK—dt§’25 $180-10% par 100 78-840 First National Bank ..__#t’09 78-421 First State Bank..........®t§’01 $200-20% 78-551 First National Bank dB®»t’87 $125 par 100 78-291 Hermosa 8tate Bank.. BtS'08 $160-10% 78-552 Farmers <fc Merck. State Bank State Bank of Herreid $1 par 100 78-323 d©«tS’06 $150-8% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12,990 60,000 Citiz. N.,Watertown: Merch.N.andlst N., St. P.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Minpls. 19,240 1st N.. Minpls. 239,770 98.050 89,730 63,310 Oma. N., Oma.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 74.000 9,000 550 259,270 86,710 66.370 68.120 Chase N., N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Miupls.: IstN., St. P.and Aberdeen. 489,400 25,000 367,420 104,200 23,430 1,030 80,290 Cont. Ill .Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N..Minpls.; Abeideen N., Aberdeen: Stock Yds. N., So. St. Paul. 31,540 Cont.IIl.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Chi.: North w.N, Minpis : Secur. N..Sioux F.: Toy N.. Sioux C. 113,500 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz. N.,Sioux F.: Northw. N.. Minpls.: Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. | 12,000 1st N., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Web ster. 15,330 246,420 194,300 13,400 58,540 25.000 8,500 290,000 150,000 53,000 7,000 W. E. Tetzlaff........ Arthur Arneson... Amelia Casjens.... 200,000 16,850 26,570 j 25 cents require d ou each sight dr aft or credit repor t. YVe specialize Lon collections. Promptness assu red. Try us on an ything. Sam Petersen 25.000 7,680 287,830 A. Melham 25.000 5.000 235.000 G. E. lane_______ F. G. Suttle______ 25 000 5,000 289,930 25.000 24,000 355,600 Andrew Hanson ... A. T. Hesnard___ ('Closed for Liquidat ion December 19. 19 29) F. W. Schirber.... N. S. Schirber........ M. J. Schirber____ A. J. Dobmeyer .. F. E. Con Ison UMF# d®'05 UO 46.270 35.000 fF D. GREENE_ _ H. C. HARRIS_ _ _ _ C. P. SWANSON—— W. W. SWANSON FIRST W ITH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORPO NATIONAL BANK iL AFFILIATED COMBINED R ESOURCES OVE R $450,000,000. 78-142 45,000 49,970 J. L. WOOD—...... - CHAS. J. MAHL...... M. J. DROBNY LH. L. LEWIS......... J L WOOD— Hetland 233 Geo. Pettis_______ E. J. Waby G. Bergerson par 100 78-553 Kingsbury 122 ^Highmore... 1224 Bank of Highmore___d»tl’85 C. H. Drew---------- A. L. Hill.................. $116 par 118 78-143 Hyde 115 14% par 100 265,000 | | 1 | 9,800 170,000 10,000 190,390 90,960 71,000 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Watertown. 12,930 4,500 208,330 20,000 25.000 5.000 240,000 23.000 15,740 202,030 880 154,760 23,240 15,300 25.000 11.030 153,960 150 130.510 890 15.440 50,000 58,860 771,190 54,540 390,990 360,140 15,400 1 200,000 1 77.090 1st N., Watertown and Minpls. 35,440 1st N.,Aberdeen; Northw. N., Minpls.: Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 191.760 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N.. Oma.; Penning. Co., Rapid City. 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Aberdeen. 45,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; IstN..Minpls; Corn Ex. Sav.. Sioux F. 43,300 Sec. N.. Sioux C.: Northw. N., Minpls. 168,060 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; 1 Secur.N. and Livestock N., Sioux C. I 1 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence io»7i 10/1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. EntireStateinNo.9 ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Hill City.__ ...308 Hill City Bank ___ d®»t§'03 78-554 Pennington K2 $220-20% par 100 Hlilsvlew______ 97 HillsviewState Bank—1§’17 78-7 38 McPherson D15 $165 Hitchcock____ 331 Hitchcock State Bank $250-12% 78-415 ®»t§1900 Beadle H19 par 240 Holmqulst____ 123 State Bank of Holmquist Day E21 78-556 ®:§’07 Hosmer_______ 513 Farmers State Bank...d«§’20 Edmunds D15 $150-12% par 100 78-794 *Hot Springs .2447 BANK OF HOT SPRINGS Fall River M 3 $175-10% par 100 78-70 d®»t§’94 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loaoi Bond a Surplus! Other Miscel Depos L Paid-up and and iabili AND its Capital Profits DiicounU Securities laneous ties I C. E. McEachron— E. M. Gentry_____ H. R. Edwards. 10.000 $ 12,450 $ 222,230 $ 91,310 S 84,640 $ 20,520 A. J. Haerter_____ Markus Imberi.... G. J. Imberi______ 15.000 3.000 76.130 4.410 61.460 9,160 16.090 G. C. Fullenweider C. M. Henry-------- L. O. Anderson-__ H. C. Fields......... Max Royhl 12,000 21,470 331,400 1,950 217,420 20,560 29 220 19.270 | 5,000t 10.460 99,100 480 79,370 4,820 15.000 38,030 416,720 12,070 278,920 109,780 20,490 Heckenlaible I. M. Humphrey... A. S. Halley............ G. C. Smith______ J. C. Stiegar S. J. Clarke 40,000 34,170 1,026,110 3,660 643,800 199,540 57.270 Houghton____ 140 Bank of Houghton____ t§’08 Brown C19 78-558 Horen_________307 Farmers & Merchants Bank Potter E14 $100 par 100 78-78 6 ©«tr20 Hoven State Bank ..d®»t§'06 mo par 100 78-438 C. A. Aarnes_____ P. J. Hedblom____ Hugh Jones______ E. H. Peters--------- 10,000 15.000 90.000 Henry Thuente.... Geo. G. Schmidt— P. J. Hackl.............. S. F. Gross---------- 15,000 2,000 117,000 9,000 99,800 5,500 35,700 Chris Gentemann F. L. Reardon____ M. H. Goebel.. Thos. O'Brien. Peter C. Abler Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 25.000 12,950 398,490 15,090 260,460 16,470 68,540 [ JESSE GASS- - - - - - 25,000 210,000 82,000 104,000 J 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pi seutation and ( 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention Theodore Hanson. J. F. Peschong .... C. I. Danforth.. 6.000 ‘Howard.........1120 MINER COUNTY BANK dt§'26 $125 par 100 78-852 Miner K 22 New First Nat. Bank d®«’26 par 100 78-151 Hudson______486 First National Bankd©t’04 Lincoln N25 $350-10% par 100 78-343 Hudson State Bank _d®t§’92 $138-5% par 100 78-342 Humboldt ....426 Bank of Humboldt —d®t§’24 % par 100 78-832 Minnehaha L23 Hurley_______626 Turner County Bank.®tS’83 20% par 100 78-271 Turner N23 ‘Huron----- 10.204 FARMERS - - - - - - - - - - - & MERCHANTS Beadle 119 BANK— . 78-43__dB®»+§.18 $150-10% par 100 25,000 9,500 192,000 100,400 73,000 9,000 60,610 9,030 6 NATIONAL BANK OF HURON $150 10% par 100 ‘Ipswich. 918 Edmunds D17 78-39 C. J. Carlson______ Edwin Carlson___ J. H. Westby. Arthur J. Haerter Christ Albert J. Haerter. 0. A. KVERNES— 48.460 422,850 29,500! 364,250 25,000 11,000 236,000 l.OOO1 156,000 22,000 9,000 102.100 36,530 22.730 78-411 ®*tl’94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 154,350 6.000 289,780 100,000 G.C.FULLINWEIDER-CAMDEN RAYBURN-C. E. VOIGT—........ H. C. WHALEY— L. H. CORNELL W. L. VOIGT 150,000 LARGEST BANK IN BEADLE COUNTY. l H. E. BEEBE- - - - - - - W. K. BEEBE „ llections. Fee in presentation of ports. Try our s J. A. Strom----------W. A. Rogers advance: plain sight drafts ervlce. G. C. Loomis------- C. R. DOOLITTLE_ _ LILLIAN THIEL 32,130 560,730 175,290 3,647,320 7,830 170.200 19,460 50,740 950 207,210 289,580 61,930 70,530 1,868,470 1,515,940 140,0101 99.630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; 1st N., Minpls.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. 22,090 1st N. and Mid. N., Minpls.: Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. Far. & Merch. N., Webster. 72,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N. Minnls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 204,340lCent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N.. Oma. 25,000 Cont.III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; IstN., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 20,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Aber deen N„ Aberdeen. 106,080 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Dak. N„ Aberdeen, 44,100 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N.. Sioux F. 97,220 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co, Chi.; Toy N„ Sioux O.; 1st N„ Minpls. 86,000 1st N.. Chi.; Live Stock N. and Secur. N„ Sioux C. 30,960 Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Minpls. 93,210 Stock Yards N.. Chi.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 135,100 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 518 710 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BAN CORPORATION COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $477,009,000.00 170,930 25,000 106.630 875,450 667,310 141,290 27,560 15.000 7.500 306,000 195,000 34,000 23.500 32,000 8,470 190,260 680 170,580 23,450 5.640 31,740 1,600 173,200 75,350 16,000 217,250 10,000 111,000 0. HUSO— liED BANK, MHHMHHfii JOHN 40,000 31,910 408,300 P. H. Schultz_____ R. J. Skarloken... H. D. Harrington.. H. C. Strub 25,000 31,000 325.000 180,000 80,000 15,000 1,000 200,000 125,000 21,000 J. E. Spiry. 15,000 16,200 176,800 130,850 19,280 W. C. Hick*______ G. W. Hicks_______Jacob Helm........... .. C. L. Hicks. 15,000 16.550 231,540 1,040 208.960 8,280 Lawrence Authier W. R. Melvin..........E. J. Kostel.— 10,000 8,400 103,150 13.960 100,710 ST AN D OL 48,210 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Pennington Co., Rapid City; Oma. N„ Oma. 11,830 1st N„ Minpls.; Bk. of Ipswich. Ipswich. H. N. Johnson .— P. N. Johnson___ Pearl .McGinness .. P. Spiry--------------- C. F. Spiry_______P. H. Spiry-------- 29,470 23,720 11,390 and 1st N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N. and 1st N., Aberdeen. 60.000 !ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen. )LPlease Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Reports FARMERS & MERCHANTS J- Baldridge--------STATE BANk „ $200 par 100 78-245 d®«t§ 2a Isabel________ 310 Dewey County Bank—®tl’10 Dewey E9 78-350 Java__________ 510 American State Bank.®tS'06 78-284 Walworth D14 First State Bank ...d®t5'03 par 100 78-283 Jefferson______510 First State Bank---------- §’27 78-339 Union Q25 12,960 I. A. Churchill____ G. M. Townsend— W. M. Griffith........ Chas. E. Barkl, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, L. J. Manning Send us your co 25c for personal $600-20%parlOO 78-180 d®»t§’84 25c 1 for credit re First State Bank _..d®»$5'01 J. F. Holdhusen ... $200-10% 78-181 par 100 25,000 30.000 correspondents. 55,000 Northw N.. Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. 30.000 Oliver Lee_______ 0. A. Eystad— Irene_________ 466 CitizensStateBank—d©t§'05 M. E. W. Christiansen. 5% 78-412 Clay 023 Ch, ofBd, and Pres, Iroquois---------641 Kingsbury 121 98,000 _______ Rudolf Miller____ R. G. Eilers_______ C. H. Sanderson... James F. Toy__ rM. PUN BEEBE STATE BANK OF IRENE I T. N. Tor kelson... Axel Johnson____ Jay Huisman_____ N. W. Bergstrom.. C. O. Bemiss W. A. Fowles, Ch. W. R. Larson.......... C. A. Wagner___ H. W. Wait_____ C. E. Dan_______ E. L. Wait F. E. Jackson_____ W. H. Benson .. E. G. Breen______ W. A. Breen............ dT*}’96 BANK OF IPSWICH 0. J. BOOS- - - - - - - Principal Cash k Ex- : CHANGOT.DtTl from Baku Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls. St.P.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; 1st N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Sioux F. and Yankton. N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; Secur. N„ Sioux C. Itock Yds. N.. So. St. P.: 1st N.. Aberdeen; 70.000 1st N., Minpls.; Bk. of Ips., Ipswich. 30,390 Lberdeen N. and 1st N„ Aberdeen; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N..St.P. 23,170 )ont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Aberdeen. 23,420 )ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 Q79 XxJJ ^ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. oMem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond No.9Fed.Res.'Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH DAKOTA -Continued Liabilities. President. Junius________76 State Bank of Junius F. J. Frautschy. Lake K22 par 100 78-561 d®»tS'06 Vice President. E. W. Cole. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P. P. Dahl_______ E. E. Whitmyre... S Kaylor_______ 306 Farmers State Bank d®t§’24 Frank Billars, Fred Magstadt... A. G. Voll______ Wm. Billars. Hutchinson N21 1125 par 100 78-830 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. •Kennebec____354 Commercial State Bk.dTtMO T. F. McGuigan.__ V. A. McGuigan__ E. B. 8err_______ W. J. Benn._ Lyman K14 io% 78-419 Resources. 15,000 1 2,100 $ 15.000 12.500 88,000 % 229,560 $ 1,310 74,000 S 4.100 $ 144,780 55,050 210,000 12,800 109,020 9,000 10,000 1 17,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lake Co. N„ Madison: Northw. N., Minpls. 9,420 49,120 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.: 1st N.and Live Stock N„ Sioux C.; Northw. N., Minpls. 30,000 9,400 230,000 Kidder....____ 200 Kidder 8tate Bank....d»tl’06 C. E. Castle_____ John Powers____ W. L. Johanson.... Marshall B21 *100-8% par 100 78-564 20.000 5.990 138,860 Kimball_____1193 Kimball State Bankd®*t§’92 J. R. McClenahan. Brule L17 78-197 S. S. Stowell_____ Marie E. Ho Ion__ 40,000 8,000 465,000 220,000 Klngsburg____250 Bank of Kingsburg. d®t|’14 L. O. Ginger!ch.... O. H. Bochmann. Bon Homme 021 10% par 100 78-697 T. C. Pier.............. Philip Pier............ 15.000 4,000 110,000 70,000 20,000 5,200 10.000 7,300 100,630 440 73,220 6,500 11,360 391,000 14,640 198,000 17,000 169,640 91,940 71.870 8,050 Kranzburg ___ 129 Farmers State Bank. d®tl’l2 John Stricherz__ Mike Kranz______ A. B. Turbak_____ Codington Q23 *240-16% par 100 78-663 Peter Deville •Lake Andes...849 Lakeside State Bank.®»tl'04 G. M. Caster____ A. O. Steensland.. G. H. Patrick......... A. F. Agena_____ Charles Mix N19 *175-10% 78-174 C. Stedronsky Lake Norden__451 Lake Norden National Bank F. B. Stiles_______ L. S. Spencer_____ Arnold Gerberding Martiu Hanson .... Hamlin 119 *140 par 100 78-858 dfi®T»t'28 Lake Preston.1026 Community State Bank H. M. Larson____ H. Kopperud.......... G. J. Ostroot____ Gorden Maxam___ Kingsbury 1 22 *150-10% 78-834 dB®*t§’25 Principal Correspondents. Loan* Banda Miscel 0 in * Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and AND CHA WOES,Dus Capital Profits its DUoounta Saauritias laneous from Banks ties 42,400 _____ 43,450 Stock Yds. N., Chi. and So. St. P.; 1st N., Sioux C. 10,050 36,780 Northw. N. and 1st N., (St. Anthony Falls Office), Minpls. 40,000 253,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Sec. N.. Sioux C., Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. ALLIa OldlL, ldllKlOll, SlOtK l(lSa JNat U[D(i- 27,290 1st N., St. P. and Watertown. 65,400 Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Secur. N.. Sioux C.: Northw. N.. Minpls. 25,000 5,000 174,070 25,000 16,390 339,010 1,010 194,450 109,260 12,580 65,120 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. an'd N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 20,000 17,000 507,900 2,490 302,910 116,450 53,060 74,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.:1st N.. Aberdeen; Mellon N„ Pitt. 174,740 2.854,060 49,300 802,900 1,963,570 82,170 329,460 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N.; N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and U. S.N.,Oina.; Northw. N., Minpls. par 100 31,240 1st N., Watertown; Northw. N„ Minpls. Langford____ 436 Commercial State Bank____ (Merged with Lang ford State Bank Jan uary 1, 1930) Marshall D20 Langford State Bank par 100 Lead________ 6810 Lawrence 12 78-290 dB®*tS’03 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *400-25% par 100 A. J. Anderson .... John Anderson___ V. E. Swenson__ Gust. Hoberg_____ fR. H. DRISCOLL— CHAMBERS0 KeIIAR" R. E. DRISCOLL.— folbfW WM.ANDREWS 100.000 AFFILIATED WITH THE NOB THWEST BANCO RPORATION 78-19 dB®T»t’79 (.COMBINED BE SOURCES OVER $477,000,000.00 Miners & Merch. Sav. Bank V. A. Lussier____ A. L. Revell_____ J. A. Bertolero___ par 100 78-20 d®»$5’03 25,000 18,740 655,700 3,000 330,860 250,960 9,000 111,620 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; D. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Minpls. Lebanon_____ 351 Citizens State Bank___®|'10 I. J. McGinity___ David Sell............... R. A. Jackson_____ M. E. McGinity.... Potter F14 78-352 Theo. Kapp Lebanon State Bank _______ (Merged with Citize ns State Bank) 20.000 2,000 310,000 21,920 212,000 32,000 47,520 62,400 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Live Stock N.. Sioux C.: 1st N.. Minpls.; Potter Co., Gettsyburg. Lemmon_____ 1077 First National Bank.d®»t'25 Wilson Eyer_____ G. P. Allen............ J. K. Clark............. J. Howard Eyer__ Perkins B7 *200 par 100 78-845 Robert Raney Lela Tarter (Formerly New First National Bank) Lennox______1072 Exchange Bank______ at§’83 Louis Jacobs_____ Wm. Raker.............. Henry Jacobs____ D. D. SchroederLincoln M24 *150 par 100 78-192 meier 30,000 38,480 611,550 30,530 334,330 165.180 23,920 25,000 25,000 410,000 267,000 53,000 10,000 •Leo la__ _____ 620 Bank of Leola_____ d®tJ’84 Fred Kusler______ E. D. Berridge........ W. C. Turner------- E. A. Heupel............ McPherson C17 *225 par 100 78-279 E. Berridge, Ch. 25,000 18.550 418,590 2,110 265,010 32,310 21,400 187,180 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Bk. & Tr. Co., Aberdeen. 130,000 Gty. Tr. Co.'. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Corn Ex.Sav., Sioux F. 145,000 1st N„ Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N.. St. P. Lestervllle......... 291 Farmers State Bank. d®tS’19 J. A. Weiland........ John Ripple______ A. J. Weiland....... C. F. Koblas______ Yankton I 22 *120-8% par 100 78-755 25,000 10,890 165,810 810 131,620 11,010 12,810 46,170 1st N., Chi.; Toy N.. Sioux C.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. 25,000 4,200 199,820 24,900 136,010 43,920 24,000 10,000 5.000 60,000 49,990 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Live Stk. N., Sioux G.; 1st N.. Minpls. 12,000 Stock Yards N., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitch ell. 16,000 15,330 163,970 28.500 12,160 *140-10% Letcher______ *26 First National Bank. ®*f'02 W. A. Anderson__ Wm. E. Ryan____ Frank Winsor------ E. M. Schmida____ Sanborn K20 78-344 Loomis.___ ...129 Loomis State Bank_...®tl'05 A. F. Smith_____ C. A. Davison_____ John Nolan..----Davison L20 78-569 Lyons_________ 67 Farmers State Bank ___ t|’06 G. M. Gunderson - O. J.Stordahl_____ Allen Hildahl____ Minnehaha L24 4% par 125 78-573 Banks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65.000 610 108,040 i 47,220j Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.; Northw. N., Minpls. Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 'XI'X ■i'J/ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. l own and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Y ice-President. Cashier. ASS’T 0A8HIER. •Madison____4386 Dakota State Bank.dB©*S’12 Guy E. Mitchell... K. Y. Mitchell........ H. W. Mitchell—. J. L. McGrath. Lake E28 par 100 78-660 SECURITY STATE BANK $150 par 100 78-60 dB®»4§’99 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA- Continued C. A. Stensland.__ H. M. Cornell-------- G. L. Scully______ E. J.Dirksen— Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds ther Oa*b ft ExPaid-up Surplus Dbpos- LOiabili Miscel cha and *oib,Du* and AND ITfl Capital Profits Discounts Sacuritiss laneous from Barks ties i $ 50,000 $ 16.590 $ 341,670 30,000 15,070 1 229,870 $ 592,350 $ 1,560 1 Mansfield_____ 175 MansSeld State Bank J§’1900 F. J. Simmons____ H. C. Borchard .— A. R. Baisch........ 15,000 5.000 160.000 ____________ Marcus_______ 39 First State Bk. of White Owl F. F. Reich_______ D- R. Murphy____ R. W. Douglass- 25,000 15,730 116,880 — 450,000 Brown E18 Meade H7 78-575 $135-10% parlOO 78-576 •ti’10 18,600 $ 80,830 $ 351,750 78,400 20,870 95.000 45,000 10,000 124,620 ................. 8.080 248,000 150.000 ------- ~--- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 78,960 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N„ Sioux C.; Mid land N„ Minpls. 187,970 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Aber deen and Minpls. 24,900 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Stock Yds. N„ So. St. P.; 1st N.. RaDid City: Com’l N„ Sturgis. 95,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux F.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. 75,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen; 1st N., Minpls, 103,330 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Aberdeen and Minpls. Marlon______ 620 Farmers Tr. & Sav. Bk. J. J. Smith________ John Hieb________ E. J. Graber — Turner M22 J. C. Thomas $150-8% 78-294 d®»tf'04 Jesse Tieszen. Esther Pfaff 25.000 18,000 •McIntosh ___704 Security State Bank d®»t|’16 A. L. Gibeau... Corson B8 $150-10% par 100 78-715 McLaughlin...649 First State Bank........ ®»t§’10 J. O. Van Nice.. Corson Cll $300-10% 78-396 J. S. Chase 15,000 16,000 260,000 ____________ 85,000 114,000 8,000 10,000 35,440 379,450 2,140 143,570 147,930 32,200 25,000 8,460 122,990 510 100,650 500 34,520 21,280 Chase N„ N.Y.: 1st N.. Sioux C.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Vermillion. 5.660 26,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen: Northw. N„ Minpls. 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 50,780 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Live Stk.N., Sioux C-: 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Minpls. 78,400 Stock Yards N„ Chi.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Pierre N„ Pierre. par loo P.C. Jackson_____ R. H. Jackson .. Geo. J. Gibeau C. D. Monroe .......... Geo. Petersen — John Ran par 100 Meek ling_____219 Bank of Meckling--------- tf’08 L. L. Eves_______ J. W. Steele______ H. G. Taylor Clay P28 $160 par 10,000 17,000 165,000 83,000 76,500 State Bank of Mellette $125-7% par 125 78-285 »J§’93 A. I. Tollefson ___ F. B. Fischbach... N. D. MacArthur . 15.000 8,000 130,000 — 90,000 25,000 MENNO STATE BANK „ J. W. Ulmer______ J. W. Ulmer, Jr.__ R. H. Seydel_____ L. E- Schmitt. 25,000 23,320 535,610 2,040 274,430 180,810 79,950 25,000 17,210 362,960 19,480 230,790 95,220 20,240 Mellette......... .459 Farmers State Bank _...d|'05 H. Cady_________ Spink F18 $260-10% par 100 78-286 Menno_______ 937 Hutchinson N22 par 100 Midland_____ 240 Haakon J10 Marion J. Smith__ 100 78-578 78-226 George P. Cady ... Wm. R. Cliff.......... dB®<§ 01 LOVALD_ _ _ _ V. L. FERGUSON.... J. M. STANFORD FIRST NATIONAL fTHOS. JONES----- C.H. K.B. MADSEN < Prompt, Person al attention given Cash Items and Collections. BANK 115c mustaccom pany Sight Drafts for presentation, 25c for Ratings, $125-8% par 100 78-436 d®«t’06 (.Direct collectio n facilities on Ma nlla, Ottumwa, L eslle, Midland State Bk.-.d®t§’08 H. G. Taggart, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 78-437 Moenvllle, Grandfl eld, Ha yes, and Stamfo rd. J. J. Willoughby... E. S. Willoughby .. 25,000 14,050 125,980 9,140 119,430 4,100 24,510 26.130 1st N. Sioux C„ Minpls. and Rapid C.; Drov. State, So. St. P. 50,000 25,000 440,970 10,220 257,510 160,350 18,950 89,380 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 125,000 1,270,000 — 565,000 445,000 60,000 375,000 Gty.Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 190,000 180,000 20,000 53,180 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. $120-7% •Mtlbank____2444 Grant E24 FARMERS & rw. S. GIVEN- - - - - - - N.J. BLESER- - - - - - - - “SCH"ECK........ BENEDICT. MERCH. NAT’L < E. H. Asst, to Pres. AFFILIATED W ITH THE NOBT HWEST BANCOR PORATION. BANKIN MILBANK )(.COMBINED BE SOURCES OVER $477,000,000. $150 par 100 •Miller_______1528 Hand 117 78-7R dB®»t’29 A. B. CAHALAN........ C. M. THOMSON. ELLEN AASBY FIRST NATIONAL r F. D. GREENE— BANK AFFILIATED W ITH 50,000 FIRST BAN K ‘STOCK CORP ORATION. 78-114 dB®T*t’03 (.COMBINED RE SOURCES OVER $450,000,000. $260-16% par 100 H O Raril Hand County State Bank 78-115 ®»t§’92 C. E. Hull.......... .. 25,000 12.560 400,000 H. H. Haag_____ 10,000 5,130 115,080 600 79,870 6,500 8,250 36,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Redfield N.. Red field. Julius Berkley____ E. L. Hanson .......... O. R. Meeker— Adela Simonson .. 20.000 4,400 163,460 1,360 90,660 54,890 6,420 37.250 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Sioux C. H. R. Kibbee_____ J. W. Bryant_____ K. A. Loomer___ H. R. Kibbee. Jr. 100.000 54,850 2,360,700 8,180 1,035,960 987,480 63,750 A. F, Smith______ H. D. Lewis_____ J. N. Shelby____ C. A. Davison H. E. Hitchcock.. E. H. Milieu, Tr... M.F. Patton, See.. 100,000 112,400 2,488,000 100,000 31,830 533,240 M. E. Beckley____ W. P. Jones_____ H. O. Peterson— F. M. Regan 25,000 38,050 540,990 436.540 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 501,200 Kountze Bros.,N.Y.;lstN..Chi.and Minpls.; Secur. N„ Sioux C. and Sioux F. 109,160 Kountze Bros.. N.Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell. 71.750 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Aberdeen. W. J. Hal bower ... Miranda...........113 Miranda State Bank ..»tl 07 Philip Findeis____ C. M, Henry. Faulk G17 $150-6% par 100 7 8-582 Mlsslonhlll.__ 189 Mission Hill State Bank Yankton 023 $125 par 100 78-583 d»t§’27 •Mitchell... 10,119 COMMERCIAL TR.&SAV.BK. Davison L20 6% par 100 ♦ 78-31 dB®T»t* 9/ MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK M. F. Patton_____ 78-30 dB®*t'86 Mitchell Trust Co..dB®Tli'66 A. F. Smith______ 78-33 Mobrldge........ 2822 Citizens State Bank.®»tl’10 W. F. Malland____ par 100 7 8-120 Walworth L12 8% parlOO ___ First National Bank d©»t’15 F. W. Schlrber, M. J.Schirber_____ H. A. Swenson.__ L. A. Nylen______ $200-6% par 100 78-118 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ... P. F. Gores______ _ Security National Bank G. V. Cunningham. 78-798 ©•t’20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 98,850 2,090 j 963,800 1,281,950 52,300 366,760 91,010 100,240 359,610 116,580 56,100 50.000 6,000 250,000 40,000 200,000 40,000 56,000 50,000 12.990 371.240 25.000 177.800 138,090 26.900 ' 50,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., Northw. N„ Minpls. 116,430 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N.. Minpls ; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1374 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State fPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.8Fed.Res.Dist, d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. 78-584 $100-6% par 100 78-305 ! Ch, of Bd, and Pres Morristown State Bank *110 par 100 78-432 •tg'Q9 J. H. Byrne_____ L. L. Eno ___ E. W. Oolleran ___ G, G. Stadel______ G. T. Holm............ H. W. Batzer____ G. P. Meurer Mound City State Bank M, I. Larsen______ H. F. Larsen____ A. *167-20% par 100 78-585d®«t§'06 First National Bank in Mt. J. M. Newell, J.G. Trotter_____ R. Vernon_____________ ®t’29 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 25,000 $ 4,500 $ 250,000 35,00a 8 000 . ! 210,000 100,000 S 15,000 6.000! 15,000 10.000i E. Harris_____ O. E. Fristad......... 25,000 9.300! 276,000 25.000 2,500 165,000| — 267,520 % 1,130 ! 170,000 $ 34.000 J 18,000 $ 140,000 58,000 18,000 17,000 Principal Correspondents. 57,500 Mellon N„ Pitt.; 1st N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 37,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux F.: 1st N., Minpls. 15,000 1st N., Aberdeen; Northw. N., Minpls. 86,000 3,000 173.460 46,910 19,080 201,000 3,300 31,000 110,000 25.000 17,500 40.000 1st Tr. & Sav. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Drov. State. 8o. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. and Rapid City. 20,880 1st N„ St. P.; N. Bk. of Fairmount, Fairmount. 160,110 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. 85,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 54.200 Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 75,000 Mitchell N.. Mitchell. *120 par 100 78-229 .... : Clark County Bank_________ (Closed August 26,1 929) Bank or New Efflngton *100-10% par 100 78-679 B. W. Schouweiler, Otto Olson •J5’13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. . ___ H. A. Stenson____ Ada Olson______ James T. Craig.__ W. B. Penfold___ D. J. Hull Reclamation State Bank *200 par 100 ♦ 78-452 d®«t§T0 Orlin Holcomb____ F. H. Rector_____ G. A. Bailey_____ Underwood State Bank *250-10% par 100 78-587 *tl’08 G. F. Schneider.CTs. ■ * i. m Bank..*iT9 L. A. Pier.. Norris_________ 130 Blackpipe State Mellette M10 78-772 E. A. Waterbary.. O. A. Hodson____ E. L. Hodson........ F. Barth, Jr. Nunda State Bank..®*15 07:M. O. Dahl... *300-20% 78-455 F. A. Smith Bank____ dtt 97 F. A. Smith.. 20% 78-426 Okaton State Bank....d§ 18 David Huehes *150 78-659 Oldham National Bank A. Eopperud_____ $135 par 100 78-838 dB®»t ’251 First State Bank... d®»38 Paul Deis.... *120-25% par 100 78-592 First 8tate Bank... d®«tl' J. H. Gropengieser *100-10% par 100 78-377 Onida National Bankd®*t B. S. Payne_______ *120 par 100 78-839 Oral______ ____ 103 Oral State Bank............ Ttg Dan Mosier............. Fall River MS *100 par 100 78-748 Orient________ 267 Orient State Bank.dB®«tS Ed. Gooder, Faulk G17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *250 par 100 78-598 Olai Overskei....... L. A. Hansen____ Nunda________ 176 Lake J23 Oacoma _______201 Lyman L16 Okaton________ 65 Jones Ell Oldham_______ 404 Eingsbury J22 Onaka................157 Faulk F15 ‘Onida_________632 Sully H13 Ree Valley Bank_________ Thos, Hughes___ -__ E. N. Folsland A. O. Levee_____ F. F. Phillippi....... W. E. Lane......... .. Jake Fix________ J. Green__ PARKER STATE BANK M. Plin Beebe.. $150-8% par 100 78-843 d®»t§'25 Alan Bogue, Ch. First National Bank...T«t’05 C. Rempfer------$180-10% 78-159 Hntchinson County Bank W. H. Shaw .. 6% par 100 78-157 dBQ'tS^ First State Bank...d®»t8'04 F. E. Lemmon.. $225-20% par 100 78-380 American Exchange Bank Chas. L. Hyde.. 6% par 100 78-55 d®t§'07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 78-52 W. D. Nelson— ®.f83 Pierre National Bk,.d®*t’89 J. R. McEnight 10% par 100 78-53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69,070 5,800 20,130 554,320 392,790 40,530 — 20,000 20,000 250,000 120,000 70,000 15,000 10,000 10,080 160,000 116,350 16,570 — 45,000 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Butte Co., Bellefourche. 15,000 3.000 117,930 74,780 23,580 6,360 29,850 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.; Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Belvidere State. Belvidere. 17,230 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. 30,030 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 23,900 Drov. State, So. St. P.; 1st Tr. & Sav.. Sioux C.: 1st N.. Pukwana and Minpls. 72,420 1st N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sicrax F. 12,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.;Merch„ Faulkton. 60,680 1st N„ Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls ; 1st N„ Pierre. 58,670 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Am. Ex., Pierre. 15,000 Pennington Co., Rapid C. 8,890 | 11.000 4,490 83,820 320 44,590 11,570 26,240 10,000 4,540 90,430 360; 50,860 29,810 4,620 15,000 7.420 119,530 6,470! 25,000; 11,580 288,030 15,000 5,000 70,000 25,000 11.610 359,040 Chas. L. Hyde, Sr.. A. J. Owens.......... F. J. Eager........... W. H. Durr stein J. M. Melson____ F. K. Weldon 25,000 4,100 15.000 C. B. Zemlicka__ Geo. I. Gunnison.. A. Martinmaas__ Peter Anderson . V. L. Gotthelf.... Alan Bogue______ Earl David Wudel____ W, C. C. Hansen.__ V. B. Clikeman—. Rempfer__ J. M. Moes............ F. W. Moeller....... J. A. Eloiber........ R. E. Shaw ( Formerly Bank of Philip) par 100 88,520 21.670 . Philip------------- 708! First National Bank___d»t'30 J, C. Nelson______ ....................................... E. F. Walden____ Henry Shendel Haakon E9 |l0% par 100 78-247 $150-10% 3.470 25.000 M. R. Brown____ .... Luther Nelson C. 15,000 83,780 31,620 3,550 120,120 118,830 13,230 70,000 — 174,420 126,480 35,640 237,260 117.12 J 82,720 7,840 4,000 60,000 53,000 20.000 36.360 415,570 313,250 25,230 75,560 57,890 1st N„ Minpls.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 25,000 12,510 320,340 195,020 89,020 24,920 73,530 1stN., Chi.and Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. 25.000 20,000 260,800 168,450 61,950 20,550 25,000 47.000, 410.000 155,000 210,000 46,000 54,850 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Bk. of Ipswich, Ips wich; Secur. N„ Sioux F. 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. 299.090 139,790 29.660 406,000 166,000 22,000 1.560 (Merged with Orient State Bank) •Parker______ 1309 FIRST NATIONAL BANK K. I. Shager.. $240 par 100 78-109 ®t’79, Turner M23 Plerpont......... 432 Day D20 ‘Pierre_______ 3560 Hughes 113 and profits Bentz_____ Nisland................156 Irrigators State Bank James T. Craig.... W. B. Penfold___ Geo. W, Malcolm.. *200 par 100 78-474 ®»t§'10 Butte H3 Parkston___. Hutchinson M20 Paid-up Capital Resources, Lords Bonds Oasb A IxDepos Other Miscel chan and and «m,Du* LlABILI-i its Discounts Securities laneous raou Banks TIES A. ‘Murdo_______ 748 JONES COUNTY STATE BANK C. E. Lange_______ F. M. Eratz_____ Wm. Lange.. par 100 78-354 d®tg'06 Jones Ell R. P. England Naples_________105 Clark G22 New Efflngton 328 Roberts B23 Newell_________387 Butte H3 New Underwood Penington J5 186 Ass’t Cashier. Dan. Jantz______ H. H. Rnss ! Montrose Bank.......... d©t§’86 L. S. Eetcham, Cashier. Vice-President. Bank of Monroe-------- ®tS’07 John Noordsy.__ *200 || Liabilities. Town and County. Monroe_______ 235 Turner M23 Montrose_____ 471 McCook L23 Morristown.... 208 Corson B8 ‘Mound City ..564 Campbell C13 Mt. Vernon___ 601 Davison L19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued F. M. Roberts .... ___ .... O. E. Neuman___ 40,000 24,650 18,060 487,260! | i 1,790 I 50,000. 25,000 610,000 ... 10.000 24,450 313,260! 78,570 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Com'l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 91.000 Stock Yds.N., Chi.; N.Bk.Huron, Huron; 1st N-, Minpls. 195,390 89,550 4,910 Byron S. Payne ___ J. E. Mallery____ Paul S. Dewell___ J. P. Mallery 270,150 144,570 57,600 56,560 1st N„ Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen; Stock Yds. N..So. St. Paul. 146,890 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Mellon. N., Pitt.; 1st N., Sioux C. B. J. Binf ord_____ L. L. Branch_____ M. M. Davis____ W. N. Van Camp 497.280 541,310 47.840 189,920 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N,. Minpls, L. B. Albright____ H. R. Horner 256,850 476,290 17.470 177,280 J. A. Anderson H. P. Alleman........ 1 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence & Tr. Co., 1 q>7ir lO/D Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND OOUNTT. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. *PIankinton.__803 CASE I & LATHROP STATE $2<W BANK-78-199 d©Bi§1900 Aurora L19 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. par 100 78-201 d®t§T0 Platte................1393 Commercial State Bank»t§'97 78-128 Charles Mix M18 Farmers State Bank.—*£§'97 78-129 Platte State Bank........*+§’06 78-130 Pollock........... 501 First National Bankd(D*tT8 $140 par 100 78-752 Campbell B13 Pollock State Bank.d®«t§'01 $100-15% par 100 78-596 Presho________537 Farmers & Merchants State Bank 78-826 dT«t§'24 Lyman K14 1175-6% par 110 Pringle_________ 42Pringle [! State Bank... d®t§’20 $125-8% par 100 78-805 Custer L2 Pukwana__ __ 3811 Farmers State Bank _.dt§’05 $100 par 100 78-466 Brule L16 President. Vice-President. FIRST NATIONAL $300-12% par 100 RANK DHI1IV 78-44 d®T*+’81 Liabilities. Surplus DkpobPaid-up and ITS Capital Pbofits 50.000 8.000 875.000 620.000 29,000 114.000 25.000 30,000 485.000 366.000 4.000 83,800 81,200 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Livestock N., SiouxC. L. W. Ross........ . B. Knudson______ E. V. Knudson Ch. of Bd. and Pres. James Pollock, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. N. J. Thomson, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. B. A. McAreavey.. T. W. Delicate___ A. J. Jones_______ John Talich 25.000 7.000 195,000 50,000 7,720 705,070 1,660 $ 266,050 $ 14,800 8,900 $ 44,030 $ 104,500 54,500 37,000 561,270 1,600 157.150 25.000 8,230 2, 830 15,010 183,930 10,320 31,220 41,610 1st N.. Minpis. and Bismarck. 30.000 15,280 343,690 12,130 283,130 11,000 62,240 44,750 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpis. 25.000 19.660 322,800 1,250 171,570 97.510 10,960 88,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N Minpis.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. 15.000 2.490 93,120 760 11,380 27,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Oma.; Custer Co.. Custer. 160,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. &Sav. and Mitchell N., Mitchell. 78,920 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell; 1st N., Minpis. 30,000 1st N.. Minpis. and Sioux C.; Citiz. N.. Sioux F. 20.000 30,000 410,000 W. A. McMillen... 25,000 10,130 406,540 O. Groce.............. 25.000 5,000 115,000 55,420 17,170 250,000 50,000 267,610 115,830 4,300 80,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 1,319,250 665,410 45,730 Jennie A. Glass A. R. Newman........ F. J. H.Groce. Sr.— Win. Carmody 25,000 1 fcYWAr...... A. S. HALLEY_ _ _ ttmin- NOEL W. KLAR— W.H. JOHNSON v.p. FEE IN ADVANCE; Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge 100,006 105.730 2,217,800 443,160 AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION if paid. For Prompt and Efficient Service in all branches of Banking send your items on Western South Dakota direct. 78-45 dB®T»t§ 88 Chi.; Northw. N., Minpis.; Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $477,000,000.00 50,000 B. W. Carll............. G. H. White............ H. B. Brockett— Orlin Holcomb 40.000 192,900 3,530,570 15,080 1,789,450 879,200 52,230 1,067,670 Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Minpis. 683,980 40,000 388,750 201,620 74,880 120,330 Cent-. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpis.; Live Stock N.« Sioux C.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 33,070 1,003,550 17,000 541,120 297,270 65,850 199,370 21,600 MILL1 ON.” (.50 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. par 100 W F. BRUELL_ _ _ _ C. M. HENRY........ - R. J. CRAIN......... . REDFIELD NAT’L Cl A CRAIN C. C. CRAIN < “SEND US YOU R REDFUELD IT EMS DIRECT.” G. M. MYERS BANK J Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems Remitted Fo r 78-63 50,000 Chi.; 1st N.. Minpis. Prom ptly on Day of Paymen t. B®*t’01 (.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 5 0cfor Credit Reports. 15,000 6.290 60.550 43.000 2,900 5,950 29,930 25.000 21,950 285,910 167,630 88,550 3,300 73,380 20.000 7.280 136,300 45,950 42,010 6.770 68,850 15,000 5,640 95,550 92,880 3,500 20,000 5,000 155,000 118,000 32,000 7,900 C. Hogeboom_____ O. H. Yetter______ E. W. Levtzow___ H. M. Steele. Act. Michael Hauck___ Bernard Mayer.... 25,000 20,000 198,000 10,000 157,000 12,000 43,000 41,000 15,000 13,350 111,600 630 65,890 9,700 35,130 29,860 W. Christen______ H. J. Schipke.......... 10.000 20,000 222,470 _____ 126,800 82,440 13,250 29,970 E. L. Stavig ........... C. J. Champion.__ L. F. Waddington. Albert Fogel.......... 20.000 18,080 184,000 2,380 136,040 40,100 12,480 Security State Bank..-•£§'19 F. F. Reich_______ i $100-5% 78-795 W. GARDNER_ _ _ _ C V GARDINER FIRST NATIONAL BANK . IMFtWw C. 1TH FIRST BAN K STOCK CORPO RATION $200-6% par 100 78-600 d®#+07 (combined re SOURCES OVER $450,000,000. II. A. Gaede. Reliance State Bank....§’24 Isaac Dirks, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, $110-10% par 110 78-831 Renner________ 19! First State Bank_____ d£§.’19 Ben Mekvold_____ 78-770 Minnehaha L24 par 100 Revillo________365 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. H. Lien ............. P. A. Hagen............ P f! T ien $150—6% 78-835 dB®*t§’24 Grant F 24 par 150 Rockham____ 371 FARMERS STATE BANK 78-406 d©«JI'07 Faulk G17 Roscoe...............427 Farmers State Bank $163 par 100 78-362 d®JS’10 Edmunds D16 First State Bank..-.d®»£5'03 $280-20% par 100 78-361 Rosholt..............314 Rosholt Community Bank__ Roberts B24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8.580 S 352.070 $ John H. Talish.— (Closed March 28,19 29) rS. W. CLARK-— R. HOWELL...... - J.l. O’CONNELL.. L. D.ROBERTSON. ‘Redfleld_____ 27511 AMERICAN NAT1 BANK c < AGGREGATE RESOURCES OF STOCKHOLDER S OVER “TWO $125-10% 78-64 d®»t 06 ] 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and Spink G18 Redowl________ 25 Meade H6 Ree Heights...312 Hand 116 Reliance______ 291 Lyman K15 ties Principal Correspondents. Vf a Tlek C. E. Lien_______ F. L. Murray .. .. Ravinla______ 161 Charles Mix N19 par 100 Resources. Loans Bonda Carr A ExMiscel ch a non, Du* and and Discount* Securities laneous from Banks Other W. F. Smith______ G. E. Cool................ L. J. Chastain........ 25.000 $ $ H. T. Gerhard____ H. K. Gjolme_____ PENNINGTON COUNTY BANK G. F. Schneider.__ $350-16% par 100 Ass’t Cashier. 68,340 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Mitchell N.. Mitchell: Secur. N., Sioux C. 31,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,St. P.; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. 57,570 Foreman-State N..Chi.; Secur. N„ Sioux C.; 1st N„ Minpis. 170,000 1st N„ Chi.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. First National Bank..©«tTl J. S. Sanborn_____ $200 par 100 78-465 Ramona______313| Ramona State Bk.. d®»£§’01 $150-8% 78-384 Lake J23 par 100 ‘Rapid City..74651 Pennington J3 CASHIER. W. T. Lathrop........ A. N. Lathrop____ H. P. Wilmarth.... F. C. Smith.____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued W. S. Brown, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Herman Tschirley, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Chas. W. Christen. H. A. Warner. J. H. Wilkinson ... N.. Sturgis. Northw. N., Minpis., Live Stock N.. Sioux C. 14,590 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Minpis. 22,100 IstN.. Minpis. Bed field; Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. Alerdeon; IstN. andNorthw.N.,Minpls. 35,840 lout. 111. Bk. & Tv. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tv. Co., Minpis. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 "37 A Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town andI COUNTl •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. ‘County- Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.OFed. Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Diy. Roslyn________ 255 Day D21 Rowena_______ 110 Minnehaha M25 •.Salem..............1104 McCook L22 President. Vice-President. Farmers & Merchants State N. O. Monson____ 5% Bk------- 78-777____ ©t§’19 Rowena State Bank—d*t§’16 Phil. Jacobson ___ $135 par 100 78-722 McCook County Nat ional Bk. F. B. Stiles_______ 78-841 »r25 Scenic. .121 State Bank of Scenic...•JHO pete Lemlev. Pennineton L6 a 78-603 Ch. of Bd. and Pres Scotland......... 1186 Farmers & Merchants State Chris Weidenbach. Bon Homme N21 Bank .—78-817___®»t8'20 $125-8% par 100 ‘Selby .568 First National Bank d®*t'09 H. P. Gutz, Walworth D14 $165-10% 78—262 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, par 100 Walworth County State Bk. E. A. Walter 78-261 dB®t*’99 Seneca_______ 259 Farmers Security Bank B. A. Chester. Faulk F16 $140 par 100 78-374 d*t§09 Ch. of Bd. and Pres STATE BANK OF SENECA Thos. O'Brien, $210 par 100 78-373 d©»t§’03 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Sherman.......... 193 First National Bank ... .*’24 Thos. Wangsness. Minnehaha L25 par 100 78-825 Sinai_________ 230 First State Bank.... d©l§’07 H. Melemseter.__ Brookings J23 $120-8% par 100 78-605 ‘SIOUX Falls 30,127 Minnehaha M24 $300-8% par ioo 78-850 A New Growing {Formerly Citizens National B ank in Sioux Falls) •m"ssT vsftm e' ste«"s-- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Bonda MlKPILPaid-up Surplus Depos Other and T aSStT* and and Liabili Capital Propits its Diaccunfca Saouritiaa LANHOUS ties Peter Lardy.......... . J. Schad--------------- George Gilbertson. 16,000 $ Will Webster_____H. O. Severson____ H. E. Buchanan W. A. Barnhart.__ A. B. Knox________ F. B. Kolbeck........ 15.000 5.000 25,000 18.620 12.300 $ 131,160 __ Principal Correspondents. Cash A Exfrom Baku $101,760 $ 22,680 $ 17,280 $ 89,000 5.000 9,000 10.000 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sioux F. 328,800 171,840 137,740 7,090 55.740 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Watertown; Secur. N., Sioux F.. Toy N., Sioux C. 12,130 Nortliw. N„ Minpls.: 1st N.. Rapid City. 78,000 $ 16,740 1st N., Minpls. R. C. Stirk________ G. F. Hecht_____ 10,000 2,240 61.460 43,090 1,590 18,590 Gottlieb Hertz.— G. C. Weidenbach. Cyril Vancura------ 30,000 30,000 548.000 305,000 203,000 28,100 80,000 ChaseN., N. Y.; 1st N.and Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and Sioux C. E. Overholser ___ C. A. Potter .. 30.000 3,130 428,530 19,400 249.660 128,390 31,370 V. M. Walter_____ E. A. Walter.............. J. W. Hoven______ 30.000 11,000 270,000 40,000 202.000 50,000 78,000 J. A. Benson_____ Leo. A. Traver ___ A. G. Williams___ 15.000... 71,650 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Aberdeen. 30,000 1st N..Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls ; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 1 2,000 1st N.. Minpls.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. N. L. Hanson_____G. A. O'Brien_____ Chas. Pew_______ 10.000 4,000 153,800 88,320 5,010 52,760 Carl A. Digre____B. O. Wangsness.. Melvin Nitteberg. 25.000 4,800 164,430 134,210 9,120 13,040 J. M. Eastby--------[A. E. Boyum______ E. H. Boyum_____ 25.000 7,500 Max Gutz. J. M. TOOHEY......... RAY G. STEVENS_ _ _ RAY G. STEVENS 80,000 13 000 70,000 570 140,000' 90,000 125.000 34,550 1,587,820 704,900 629,360 6.360 100,000 34,700 729.360 316,180 6,100 22,290 Northw. N.. Minpls : Am. N., Redfleld; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 37.850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sioux F. 20,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. H Tr.Co.. Minpls.;Sec. N., Brookings. 410.740 Chase N.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Mfnpls; Oma. N., Oma. 43,000 _______ Bank Offering Pr ompt and Elflcie nt Service. CORN EXCHANGE 0. V. MEYHAUS-— W. C. HOLLISTER-— 0.G. V.B. MEYHAUS McMAHON...... F. 0. JOHNSONMEYHAUSF. D. MlULLAGE SAVINGS BANK COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. 323,070 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux C. Tr. Off. $125-6% par 100 78-849 dB®T*t§’26 FIRST NATIONAL COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. W. L. BAKER-------MAX A. KUEHN- - - - - - - B. H. RE QUA_ _ _ _ _ C. 0. ROWLEY_ _ _ _ IRA A. MOORE H. L. JONES R. A. PANKOW 200.000 129.530 4,658.880 1,687.050 1,724,980 338,470 1,343,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. 2,094,300 2,631 390 213,660 1,313.050 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.j Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C. BANK&TRUST CO. A Live Bank with Successful Record of 45 Years. IN SIOUX FALLS On Collections our Superior Facilities Guarantee Satis facto ry Se rvlce. par ioo 78-2 dB®TVt'85 (Formerly Minnehaha Nation al Bank) $225-8% 'SECURITY NATIONAL BANK W. Z. SHARP. D. A. MoCULLOUfiH JOHN BARTON---W. Z. SHARP, Mgr. Tr. and Bd. Dept. AND TRUST CO. . LOWE-...... - HIP J.0RMS p.h. McDowell. A, Mgr. Tr. and 78-4 dB®T«t’90 SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS ON SIOUX FALLS FOR CAREFUL ATTENTION AND PROMPT RETURNS. par 100 (Formerly Security National Bank) SOUTH DAKOTA'S LEADING BANK. Union Savings Bk.dB®T»t§'29 J. C. Vandagrift.. M.W. Sheafe H. G. Hodgins........ H. O. Engen_____ $100-6% par 100 78-859 Wm. C. Duffy Sioux Falls Clearing House W. Z. Sharp............ W. L. Baker.. John Barton, Sec.. B. H. Re Qua, Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) F. W Koneman. D. A.McCullough-. H. R. Bigham, John Barton CITIZENS INVESTMENT CO. W. Z. Sharp, Sec. and Tr. (107 So. Main Ave.) ’ll $150-10% the Security Natl onal Bank. Ch. of Bd. Affiliated with E. M. STANSBURY— REX H.HATFIELD,Sec. E. LOWERY, Tr____ E.G. PETERSON, Mgr. 250,000 CHAS. G. LOWERY CHAS. 6. L0WERY-d Listed Sto cks and Bon ds. GO. is { Sioux Falls, Office (Incorporated) (200,1st Natl. Bk. Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Unlisted an Co. and 1st N., Chi.j Northw. N., Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION $550-20% { 432,570 5,557,340 COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $477,000,000.00 200.000 200,000 124,000 1,050,000 25,000 FARM AND Cl TY 8,170 1,100,000 160.000 11,170 117,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Corn Ex. Sav., 1st N., and Secur. N., Sioux F. . LO ANS. Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. 5,500 Forman & Co., Chi.; First Nat. Bk. &Tr! Co., Sioux Falls. City, Iowa-. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Branch of Sioux 1 077 lO / / Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers" Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.DIst. •Mem.A.B.A.flNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. president. CfllTTH fi A A iJKS U A n i/niVLf A CASHIER. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Pnntimiofl k/UXlUllUCU Liabilities. Resources. Lo»n« Bonda Miscel Oasi k Izther PAID-UP Surplus Depos LOiabili and cha*«m,Dih and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritiaa laneous from Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. ‘Slueton____1468 Citizens Security National E. J. Turner............ J. A. Robertson... Henry Helvig____ M. O. Eikum_____ S Bank....78-89____dB®J’02 Roberts 023 A. F. Ertsgaard $200 par 100 W. O. Sampson 40,000 $ 336,320 J 182,590 $ Principal Correspondents. 72,000 $ 157.190 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N , Minpls.; Merch. N., Ced.R.: 1st ^..Aber deen. 50,000 $ 46,000 $ 612,000 $ First National Bank ®T»tl900 J. A. Rickert_____ Henry S. Morris__ S. K. Olberg______ 78-88 75,000 27,000 410.000 74,000 352,000 110,000 60,500 63,300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. South Shore...299 South Shore Bank—d®*t§’17 H. P. Andrisen___ Albert Beskow.... H. G. Andrisen___ C. G. Pederson — lioo par 100 78-369 Codington F2S T. R. Hanson 25,000 9.960 128.870 22,510 128,230 1,310 47,090 9,710 Midland N. Bk & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Peo. Sav.. Watertown. jH. 6. WEARE—- W. E. DICKEY......... W. E. DICKEY........ J. M. RAMSAY — Spearfleh ____ 1349 BANK0FSPEARFISHd®*t§ 82 ^15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and 78-124 Lawrence 12 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention 25,000 82,550 1,612,720 229,930 1,565,790 | 24,970 33,740 325,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Stock Yds. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Deadwood and Sioux C. Spencer.............. 599 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE Wm. Hoese_______ J. A. Callant_____ McCook L22 M. Cremer BANK —78-274 —d®tS’06 H. C. Lueth par 100 25.000 10,150 326,580 257,180 37,690 27,420 55,880 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux B. and Sioux C.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Com'l Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell. Springfield____689 Springfleld State Bank L. A. Gray________ P. G. Mon fore........ E. B. Dwight_____ Vinta It. Kibble... Bon Homme P20 *110-10% 78-833 dBt§’24 par 100 25.000 20,000 350,000 130,000 192,000 Stlckney _ _42fi First State Bank........ d»t§’06 J. E. Bachmore.__ L. E. Bachmore.__ Aurora M19 78-390 .. W. T. Lathrop____ W. P. Smith______ Stickney State Bank par 100 78-391 d®»§’06 20,000 15,810 332,060 197,700 20,000 5,000 336,000 25,200 244,490 39,640 CL T. JARMUTH — F.D. GREENE.............. LOUIS STECHMANN St. Lawrence 343 FIRST NATIONAL BK..®r06 ) AFFILIATED WITH FIRST B ANK STOCK CO BPOBATION Hand 1 17 *200-6% par 100 78-610 (.COMBINED BE SOURCES OVER $450,000,000. 25,000 31,550 288,690 25,000 171,430 113,450 15.000 70,260 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Miller and Minpls. St. Onge__........ 156 St. Onge State Bank d®tS’06 H. L. McLaury.... Guy Bailey_______ B. E. Colby_______ P. O. Colby______ Lawrence H2 *100-18% 78-611 par 100 10.000 6,710 155,290 510 89,660 28,200 18,100 36,550 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Deadwood. Stockholm .. H6 Grant F24 *125-10% Geo. W. Berg_____ 15,000 11,210 233,170 760 116,560 51,100 32,050 60,430 Citiz. N.. Watertown; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Stratford 261 Farmers State Bank Albert Schley____ A. J. Schley______ E. S. Wicklander.. Brown E19 *100-10% 78-398 dB®*tS’06 par 100 .. First State Bank...d®»tl’06 A. P. Robinson.__ O. H. Christian.__ Arthur Sueltz____ *150 ♦ 78-397 par 100 15,000 13,760 164,660 780 118,840 9,000 32,000 33,370 N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Aberdeen N., Aber deen; Northw. N., Minpls. 111.840 24,130 113,900 9,550 30,360 12,160 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Aberdeen. .. O. B. Fornell_____ R. R. Rerp 78-612 d®t§'07 30,000 16,440 i 60,000 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C. ano Sioux F. 164,570 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Northw. N., Minpls. 5,600 65,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.: Mitchell N., Mitchell.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. Strool _ 16 First State Bank______»tS'08 Geo. P. Allen, L. C. Toner............. A. O. Rolien Ch, of Bd, and Pres, B. R. Strand Perkins D5 par 100 78-613 15,000 12.000 207,780 107,000 75,000 15,000 37,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. ano Aberdeen. ‘Sturgis______1448 Bear Butte Valley Bank H. J. Walker-------- H. B. Jennings........ Frank Burroughs. F. L. Christensen— *200-8% 78-666 d©»tS’13 Meade H13 25,000 50,440 560,580 337,680 73,560 25,860 198,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Minpls. 50.000 50,000 869,810 404,060 415,390 16,690 189 480 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.- Stock Yds. N. andU. S. N., Oma.: Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 13,000 132,000 43,800 63,800 15,800 50,000 8,000 260,000 235,000 23,000 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK *300-8% par 100 78-80 (THEO. HASS______ W. H. JOHNSON_ _ _ JOHN KELLY F. P. HAMPTON - C. W. WALDMAN-— A. C. FAVERTY - ) AFFILIATED W ITH THE NOBT HWEST BANCO BPOBATION d®«t’03 (.COMBINED BE SOURCES OVER $477,000,000. Summit. .___490 Peoples State Bank Geo. Anton........ . *126-10% 78-682 dB®*t§’13 Roberts E23 par 100 H. P. Andrisen___ J. E. Paulson_____ Ole Mo Tabor 422 Tabor State Bank____®t§'26 M. B. Welfl_____ J. J. Noll________ F. J. Frana______ J. E. Palensky___ M. J. Rada Bon Homme 021 *110 par 100 78-614 A. G. Honner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,800 1 I II 11,000 I 11 I 46,600 1st N., Minpls.; Peo. Sav., Watertown. 57,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.-, 1st N., Oma and Sioux C.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 14.000 I I I Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1378 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.WNew § State tPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Thomas______ .68 Farmers State Bank.. dt§’08 H. P. Holen............ O. M. Gorder____ Hamlin G22 $150-5% 78-616 par too ‘Timber Lake .537 Bank of Timber Lake Oscar A. Olson___ H. E. Beebe.............. Dewey Ell 78-490 dB©«t§'25 M. P. Beebe, Ch. Regina Eterman $225-15% par 100 Tolstoy_______ 244 Farmers State Bank.d®«tl’07 H. M Griffith Thos. O'Brien ___ Eugene Herrboldt. Potter F15 par 125 78-617 Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up DeposITS Capital Profitb $ 15.000 $ Other TIES Resources. Loans Bonds MI8CEL- Cash & Exand and Discount* Securities LANUOUh FROkf Banki 1.000 $ 8,570 $ 115,040 % 94,000 $ 20.000 11,000 180,000 15.000 10.290 114,650 2,210 78,050 Bank of Toronto........d®t§'28 A. S. Thompson ... H. P. Mortenson... par 100 78-857 Security State Bank ..d»t§T8 6% par 100 78-765 E. M. Klatt, DAKOTA STATE BANK L T? Klatt $150-20% 78-209 dB®»t5’01 par 100 A. Reich_____ ___ FARMERS &MERCH. STATE F. H. FTirseh E. E. Heinrich BANK Edward Schaefer $135-10% 78-820 ®Tt§ 22 Tulare................ 359 State Bk. of Tulare d®»t$’06 H. H. Ringer Axel Anderson___ C. W. Peterson .... G. M. Ferten_____ Spink H18 par 100 78-619 K. E. Olson M. W. McCoy 25.000 4,540 188,790 1,000 49,360 250 Turton________ 265 Farmers State Bank d®»t5’16 Spink F20 $150—10% par 100 78-7 1 3 William Wells ___ John Mannie Twin Brooks ..157 State Bank of Twin Brooks__ {Closed August 7,19 Grant E24 CA. A. DYF_______ ‘Tyndall_____ 1370 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 78-134 ©«J’84 ) Save time and g Bon Homme 021 (.FEE IN ADVAN Utica__________160 $125 par 125 78-623 Yankton 022 Valley Springs 403 Minnehaha County Bank L. Christensen___ 78-625 ®«t§'27 Minnehaha L25 par too Vayland_______72 Bank of Vayland..........dtS’09 J. T. McOalien $150 par 100 78-6 26 Hand 118 Veblen................ 524 Bank of Veblen___dB®t§’27 E. W. Schouweiler. $l50-5%par 100 78-855 Marshall B22 29) Toronto_______ 392 Deuel H24 Trail City______ 46 Dewey Dll Tripp________ 927 Hutchinson N20 ‘Vermilion ...3410 CITIZENS BK. AND par 100 78-693 Clay P24 TR.C0. dTt§’14 C. H. Ch. of Bd. 10 225,360 114,680 28,200 23,720 1st N., Mobridge and Aberdeen; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpls. 29,520 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 40.000 17.690 215.000 117,100 54.370 62.760 38.450 1st N„ Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Mitchell. 20.000 1,450 114,920 115,940 830 15.160 21,990 Redfleld N.. Redfleld: 1st N., Minpls.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C. 15.000 9.500 185.000 115,000 800 50,700 33.000 Am. N., Redfleld; Northw N., Minpls. 40.000 459,000 100,000 57,000 123,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N..Sioux C.;Northw. N., Minpls. 29.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. State, Yankton; Secur. N., Sioux C. 60,420 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 28,680 Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Chi.; IstN,.Miller. 17,560 120.000 J. B. Severson____ A. M. Christensen M. L. Pottinger— 201,920 590 8,000 16,170 90,580 250 E. Schouweiler.— 20.000 12*500 128,000 50,000 12,500 457,000 100,000 67,000 2,245,000 - S. E. Siverson.......... G. A. Klefstad 50,470 - - 25.000 105.000 13,000 145,770 27,250 5,670 57,350 13,800 13,160 74,130 52.520 8,600 241,000 85,000 57,000 1,423,000 550.000 87,000 Maud E. Sloan T.N. HAYTER----------- FP. GR. HYnF MILLER H. C. Callanan____ N. C. Callanan........ Edw. C. Lee . ___ W. M. Henry.......... F. W. Henry......... 25,000 25,250 1st N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; N. Bk. of Fairmont, Fair mont, N. Dak. 132,500 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.: 1st N.. Minpls. 377,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. AFFILIATED WITH FIRST BANK STOCK CORPORATION COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $450,000,000.00 50,000 F. B. Skeia First National Bank_.d®T’97 George Nelson .— C. J. Glood ............. E. W. Nelson_____ $150-8% par 100 78-327 L. J. Rasmussen Victor.... ........... J. T. Hovren_____ Gny O. Johnson.... 78-686 Roberts B23 V. E. Larson_____ Elwond Scip.n Vienna_______425 Farmers National Bank F. B. Stiles_______ $160 par 100 78-784 d®«t’23 Clark H22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15.790 68,820 7,000 Volga_________ 601 First National Bank.d©»t’02 Edmund Hillestad. J. f). Lea 12% par 100 78-255 Brookings 123 Robert Henry........ FIRST STATE BANK . % par 100 78-254 dB®‘4|10W> 60,060 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 360,270 11,590 C. J. Wilson__ 250 6,000 25.000 W. F. LEHMANN...... OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN CLAY COUNTY. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Vivian________ 168 Vivian State Bank....dt§’09 O. C. Dunlap $125 par 125 78-421 Lyman K13 109,650 Co., Minpls.; Bk. of Ipswich, Ipswich. 18,630 Northw N„ Minpls.; Stk. Yds. N., St. P. 12,500 650.000 $250-l0%parl00 78-68dB©T#t'75 {Merger of First Nat’l Bank EiU'i and Vermilion Nat'l Bank) Viborg_______ .709 Farmers State Guaranty Bank H. E. Monk par too 78-328 ®»’98 Turner N23 45,480 31,000 25,000 24,000 E. M HART 6,000 22,090 1st N., Minpls. and Watertown. 15.000 et service on Col! ectlons and Credl t Reports by send ing CE: Plain sight d rafts ISc; Credit Reports, SOe. T BY US. 20,000 A Walla G. K. BROSIUS 80,000 20,990 $ - WILLIAM THOMPSON- H. F. ABBOTT- M. J. Chaney____ Vj• Hi* A 1CU 113------- M. A. Chaney_____ FIRST NATIONAL M. L. BARRETT-_ THOMPSON, BANK & TRUST COMPANY J 96,540 Principal Correspondents. 1.500 312,500 235,000 10,500 30,500 88,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Toy N., Sioux C.: 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N.. Sioux F. 40,000 4,300 480.000 350.000 45,000 41.300 10.000 5.000 104,000 101.000 88,000 Drov. N.,Chi.;Northw. N.,Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 18,000 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N., White Rock. 25,000 8,570 150,500 87,270 54,740 25.900 41,170 1st N., and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Wat ei town. 10.000 11,730 76,970 51.780 8,100 18,780 19,460 Northw. N.. Minpls. Sioux C. 25,000 12,000 340.000 210.000 80.000 20,000 15,000 7.000 310.000 211,000 60,000 25,000 . 6,000 Live Stock N., 73.000 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. 50,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.| Midland N. Bk. &Tr. and 1st N„ Minpls.' Secur. N. Brookings. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 QVQ 00 *4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Kes.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Volin _________304 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. John Onrsland Yankton 023 Sioo-5% 78-812 d®t§’20 par 100 Volin State Bank___d®t|’02 E. O. Lien____ $120-8% par 100 78-630 Wagner_____ 1444 Charles Mix 019 Ole Lee 78-164 par 100 BANK OF WAKONDA 78-831 Julia Johnson.__ . S 15,000 P. O. Breen......... 30,000 12,000 283,000 30.000 36,940 592,590 paying taxes a sp ectalty. Negotlat e farm t gage lo ans. on to all banking matters entruste d to ua. B. V. Morgan.......... E. J. Petrik............. J. S.Silvis_______ 50.000 20,000 d®if93 M. J. Chaney__ C. H. Barrett_____ Sam Jacobson____ F. A. Swezey W. B. Simons $110 par 110 78-633 Wallace 8tate Bank dB®t'19 E. T. Heena. $100 par 100 78-762 Warner_______136 First State Bank..... d»tl’06 Brown E18 par 100 78-635 C. F. Hange.. Codington G23 78-717 W. D. MORRIS— Ch. of Bd. $300-12% 78-23 dB©M’80 par 100 (Formerly First National Bank) par 100 d®»«T5 17,400 $ 24,090 Drov.N.,Chi.:Am.State.Yankton: Northw. N.. Minpls.: Live StockN.. SiouxC. 222,110 23,700 29,800 344,440 138,600 35,320 143,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Secur. N„ SiouxC.; Northw. N. and IstN., Minpls. 450,000 270,000 3,500 136,500 110,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stk. N.. Sioux 0. 360,630 24.370 32,000 75,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi,; Secur. N. and Live Stk. N„ Sioux C. 10,000 1st N., St. P.; Pennington Co., Rapid C. 14,680 18,810 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Watertown. 2,090 49,390 C.,Minpls. and St.P.; Am. State,Yankton. E. A. Adams______ P. O. Brekke_____ 20.000 11.770 72,300 H. A. Ustrud_____ 15,000 5,100 70,720 380 48,700 12,520 24,010 5,970 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N„ Watertown. C. W. Wolter_____ C. L. Seaman_____ 15,000 10,000 165,000 5,000 76,000 80,000 12,000 27,000 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.: 1st N..Minpls.; Aberdeen N„ Aberdeen. 25.000 8,000 225.000 158.000 30.000 70.000 15,000 2,500 89,500 62,600 9,900 16,000 18,500 1st N., Chi. and Aberdeen; Northw. N.. Minpls. 705,470 906,120 81,580 251,110 Equit. Tr.J)o., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi., Minpls. 100,000 L.T. MORRIS------- H. M. HANTEN.— H. M. HANTEN 125,810 1,668,480 13,000 76,000 25,000 70,570 50,000 Co., Rapid C.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 'FIRST NATIONAL I: o. BT c.tlJMhr 1 tIHM"- L.i: C.5: IMP"J. 0DEGARD. BARGER BANK & TR. GO. “Oldest Bank in Codington County.’ 78-27 $ NORTHWE BANCORP ORATION COMBI NED RESOURCE S OVER $477,000, 000.00 78-24 dB®T»i’83 par 100 (Formerly Citizens National Bank) $135-7% 3,570 AFF ILIATED WITH THE $330-8% 'PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK 62,460 S 115,000 Pearl Hemphill, Wm. Holm______ L. A. Hollenbeck.. d®»tf'16 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 'CITIZENS NAT. BANK & JR. GO. 350 $ 5,000 Watauga_____ 210 Farmers 8tate Bank $165 par 100 87,790 $ 10,000 .145 Bank of Wasta......... ®«2|'07 W. C. Blair.............. Michael Qninn.__ S. H. Aos. Pennington J6 $125-10% 78-636 Corson B9 S 400,000 Wasta iWatertown 10,319 4,380 10.000 ____ 209 Farmers State Bank d®»J|’2 R. H. Packman.... Fred J. Deakman. A. S. Nystrom____ Pennington K7 $125-6% par 25 78-464 Wallace..............209 Security State Bank.d®t§’06 Ezra Adams. % Principal Correspondents. 50,000 Wall. Codington F22 . MA ANDERSON THELMA ®»tr02 First State Bank dB®»tl’1900 F. S. Strohbehn, 78-163 Ch, of Bd, and Pi Olay 023 ........ W. H.FREI_______ JOHN KABERNA ........ H.P. STEDROUSKY-. ... $150 par 100 Wakonda____ 441 Resources. Liabilities. Surplus Loam Bondi Other Carr ft IxPaid-up D bfob Miscel cranom and and and .Dci Liabili ITS Capital Profits Discount* Sieuritiia laneous non Barks ties Ass’T Cashier. Cashier, Ole Pederson_____ O. A. Hart. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK $150-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued : f. V. P. A. Cash. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT SINCE 1880. SEPARATE COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. H. D. RICE. fcVffir G. K. BURT-......... M. j. ORANGE. 527,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls. AFFILIATED WITH THE NORTHWEST BANCORPORATION COMBINED RESOURCES OVER $477,000,000.00 108.000 114,280 2,493,830 90,060 1,140,500 1,079,570 50,900 106,806 21,450 544,320 29,100 446,510 113,400 22,260 112,690 Chase N.,N.Y.;Cont. HI. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 20.000 10,000 225,000 11,000 154,000 42,000 20,000 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Minpls. 10,000 5,000 66,000 50,800 4,400 15,750 10,050 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Citiz. N„ Watertown. At your service all the time at Watertown, South Dakota. Best Farm Loans and Farm Loan Bonds always available. Write us your noods. Watertown Clearing House L. T. Morris______ G. K. Burt.............. R. D. Goepfert, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr. Waubay______ 1007 State Bank of Waubay dt5’02 A. T. H. Bosland.. P. M. Engelhart ... Conrad Mogen___ G. C. Mogen.__ Day E22 $100-10% par 100 78^183 Oliver Hovland Waverly. -58 State Bank of Waverly Wm. Comes.............. J. P. Antony_____ M. T. Antony_____ A. M. Antony__ Codington F23 $150 par loo 78-677 d®*tl’13 Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N„ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •\lem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPri*. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. ‘Webster..........1687 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank David Williams-__ A. T. Cooper_______ W. B. Stevens_____ Day E21 78 81 ®»’88 Frank Wagner Resources. Other Loana Bonda Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos L and AND and iabili Capital Profits its Diacounta Saeuritian laneous ties I 50.000 % 14.530 t 922,740 1 48.400 $ 486,860 $ 227,660 & Principal Correspondents. Cash Ex changes,Dui from Banks 50,000 25,280 297,820 1.040 132,660 58,290 $ $ 321,150 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st & Am. N.. Duluth. 159,200 Empire Tr, Co.. N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & 24,000 Tr. Co. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Aber deen. Wentworth.__ 309 Wentworth Bank___ d®t§’01 A. J. Harrington... C. W. Harrington— Helen Harrington . J. P. Harrington .. Lake E23 6% par 100 78-639 C. N. Fader 15,000 5.130 213,800 7,650 153,890 36,990 20,000 40,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Sioux N., Sioux G.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. Wesslngton.__ 717 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK E. B. DINSMORE.......... J. I.McNEIL............ - 0. W. HALLBACK— W, C RUDDY Beadle 118 par 100 78-250 d®*r26 30,000 14,200 268,380 17,990 214,570 34,900 31,500 49,600 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N.Bk.of Huron, Huron. 22.000 19,850 200,250 134,140 9,140 52,190 46,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.:N.Bk. of Huron, Huron; Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 38,000 475.000 375,000 78,000 85,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Com'I Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell. 10,000 1,000 100,000 65,000 30,000 30,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 5.000 11,710 54.160 25,170 10,410 5,250 25.000 24,750 374,780 165,830 176,930 6,500 15.000 1.050 84,090 25.000 25,600 714,520 25.000 26,500 446.360 25.000 10.690 141,140 20,000 18,000 25,000 •• «• Security Bank & Trust Co. Wm. M. Naessig... Andrew Hedman.. E. M. Hanse_______ $150 par 100 7 8-82 dB©T*t§’92 H. O. Johnson DARK——78 252—.d@*t§ 06 $145.50 par 100 G. P. SCOTCHBROOK- JEANNETTE C. E. SCOTCHBROOK SCOTCHBROOK *Wesslngt’n Spg’s Jerauld County Bk._d®»t§’24 J. E. Ziebach, Geo. H. Sickler ... L. M. Larsen______ H. F. Jansen Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Jera ld J18 1414 $l#o-io% par 100 78-827 F. W. Bunday Westport______215 Farmers State Bank Don W. DeVey ... O. C. Matteson.... A. W- Rrfitag $125 78-640 dB®»t§'08 Brown D18 par 100 We tonka.,____ 134 McPherson D17 Wewela _____ Tripp 014 Wetonka State Bank . . {Closed July 3, 1929) 64 Wewela State'09 par 100 78-641 White .521 First National Bank Brookings 124 $165-10% 78-287 M. Rail . —.© 02 R. H. Holden______ Henry Moore_____ G. F. Gripentrog.. 25,000 30,050 U. 8. N., Oma. 100,270 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Minpls. , -V White Butte...84 Guaranty State Bank..®t§’20 M. Petersen_______ Perkins B6 par 100 78-814 Ray G. Hughes.__ S. Margaret Durick White Lake...570 AURORA COUNTY BANK Ludwig Loevinger. E. P. Sale-Pope ... A. J. Krier________ Aurora L18 78-269 d®«it’83 Frank R.Loevinger » FIRST NATIONAL BANK** 06 John Goeres______ $300-10% par 100 78-270 John P. Gilbertz .. 3,310 62,560 7.830 14,250 Northw. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aber deen. 561,780 44,290 160,570 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. IN. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st N.. Minpls. 374,980 10,000 24,920 104,120 64,000 230.000 1,000 148,000 83,000 62,000 586,000 25,000 393,000 117,000 84,000 25.000 13.500 196,200 95,400 46,000 18,110 65.190 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 18.760 299,040 207,400 14,180 63,480 59,220 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill.. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St.P. »t. r. 122,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux G.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. ‘White River... . (See Wood) White Rock___ 319 First National Bank__d®l’03 John L. Caldwell- M. C. Powell.............. A. W. Powell______ Roberts B24 $135-10% par 100 78-357 White wood.._.300 Whitewood Banking Co. T. O. Mitchell___ Lawrence 12 4100-8% par 100 78-645 dtS’88 H. L. McLaury .... Guy Bailey.......... ...... J. W. Davis . Willow Lake . 514 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. H. Chase_______ A. F. Batien_______ C. L. Chase________ L. D. Batien_______ Clark H21 $100 par loo 78-706 dB®*t§'15 C. H. Chase. V, P. L. J. Warkenthien L. A. Pietz, A, C,' F. G. Siewert {Consolidated with First State Bank — d®»tS’93 C. M. Jensen... $125 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78-3 1 7 N. L. Heinzen.......... Roy H. Fenner.__ 1.480 16,870 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 28.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Deadwood. ts Bank October 1, 1 929) Wllmot.......... .. . 567 First National Bank .d©»t'19 John A. Munro.... Wm. Cameron_____ PaulJ. Carstens... J. M. Aasiand____ Roberts D23 $165-8% par 100 78-766 .. 16,760 104,000 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron. Huron. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1 “3R1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPrlv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State In ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Ml Fed.Res.Dlst. d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. Winfred_____ 310 Lake E22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued Liabilities. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. O A SHIRR, Ass t Cashier. Bank of Winfred.-.d©«t§’22 J. R. Shirey....... Thos. Westall........ M. A. Chapin______ E.E. Connor. 78-424 Wm. Hoese. Ch. Paid-up Subplus AlfD Capital Profits 25.000 5,000 $ 341,560 •Winner_____ 2203 Bank of Winner -dB®T»ti’09 R. R. Jones........... T. C. Montgomery. J. Wagner, .4. C. .. Albert Scheinost.. Tripp M14 par 100 78-214 A. Hansen 25.000 5,320 Security Bank.... dB®»tl’10 F. J. Kirchman.... q. F. Kares______ Lloyd Mengel............ ..................................... 1200 par 100 7 8-217 40.000 Witten............. 221 Farmers State Bank__’09 Tripp MIS 78-491 B. Q. Rahn---------- Fred W. Rabn—. W. H. Rahn Wolsey_...........454 Bank of Wolsey. Beadle 119 (Consolidated with j First Stale Bank Oc tober 14, 1929) Frances Einkopf First State Bank___ d®tl'06 R. F. Chenoweth .. Louis Schnetzer ... C.N. Schnetzer... W. L. Darling____ 78-812 S. J. Chenoweth Wood........... .....210 MelletteCounty Bank®»t§’12 H. A. Kiser..............R. R. Jones................J. H. Snyder..............D. K. Gallagher____ Mellette Mil 78-658 , » , ^ . Pearl S. Coash (Formerly Mellette County Sta te Bank, White Rive r, S. D.) •Woonsocket.1203 Sanborn County Bank R. E. Hazen---------James Hall ___ Sanborn J19 1200-15% 78-828 d®«t}'24 T. M. Brisbine W. R. Jamison ___ S LiImli- 484,090 $ Resources. Bonds and and Discounts Sssuritiss LANBOUB „„ Bm, Load■ S 309,420 1,710 $ 166,590 S 193,640 I Fain------------ 184 Beadle 120 •Yankton___ 5307 Yankton 022 Farmers State Bank ..dtl'06 W. M. Davis--------- W. F. Musolf--------- J. D. Kaufman ___ Bessie Kaufman___ $125-5% 78-046 C. A. Kaufman par 100 'AMERICAN STATE BANK $$15-8% par 100 127,100 N. Bk. Rep,, Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C. 441,160 327,730 5,290 60,770 87,360 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux O.: LiveStk. N., Oma. Saunders Co. N„ Wahoo. 155,550 27.450 9,880 103,190 LiveStk.N.. Sioux C. Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; Oma. N„ Oma. 15,000 14,440 266.630 20.000 6,800 284,000 2,900 150,540 4,160 18,520 140,460 Com Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 25,000 1,680 125.270 350 32,600 54.450 17,900 47,360 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C.; Bk. of Winner, Winner. 25,000 15,000 500,000 280,000 120,000 30,000 110,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co„Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 26.000 15,080 291,990 67,290 . 51,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Toy N„ Sioux C.; 1st N„ Minpls. 10,000 17.500 212,500 20.000 8,220 197,760 1,320 910 214,490 ----------- 40,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Minnehaha N. and 185.000 15,000 163,490 2,100 18,280 43,030 Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F.; N. Bk. of HuroD, Huron; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls. 577,630 602,850 116,450 343,930 Irvlnir Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Oma. N., Oma. 285,000 595,000 20,000 95,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls., Stk. Yds. N., Oma. 35,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., N„ Sioux C. Citiz. N„ Sioux F.; Sioux C. Live Stock N„ J. W. 0HLMAII —. J. M. LLOYD- - - - - - - H. E. EDMONDS— H. C. NYBER6....... 50.000 A MODERN BANKING INSTITUTION 113,030 1,477,830 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 78-49 dB®»Tt8'93 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports, ‘DAKOTA NATIONAL BANK $250-6% par 100 78-50 dB®T*t’09 J.A.DANFONTH -.. WM. JjJMIUj— H. C. DANF0RTH— J. J. GOETZ_ _ _ _ SEND US YOUB YANKTON BUSINESS. 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and 25 CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attention ♦Farmers & Merchants State T. J. Frick______ Robert Yaggie........F. B. Ray_____ Bank....78-788... d®»t§’20 J. W. Donokoe par 200 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BK. & TRUST CO. $150-20% 60,320 Cont. Ill.- Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ Minpls. and Sioux C.; Corn Ex. Sav., Sioux F. 28,790 par 100 Worthing.........274 Peoples Security Bank.®8'04 Henry Bradshaw.. Wm. Bradshaw.... Charles Bradshaw. J. R. Warsing........ Lincoln M24 $160 par 100 78-462 IN. V. Gerber State Bank of Worthing Thomas Brady. F. M. Brady--------- F. M. Brady _____ 78-461 ®tl'0S R. J. Brady Principal Correspondents. 78-48 E. R. HEATON, . Ch. of Bd, and Pres, G-SUTTON.-,-- F. R. WYNN ,BRENNAN 100,000 30.000 765,000 50.000 8.000 229,000 161,000 30,000 61,000 50.000 33.650 874,360 292,000 321,920 66,170 100,000 LUCY FRENCH- THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE TWO DAKOTAS. Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 18c { Credit Reports,25c. TBY US. dB®T»8'72 277,930 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. Yankton Clearing House .... F. B. Ray..................J. A. Danforth____ H. E. Edmunds, (Members indicated by a *) | I Sec. and Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Minpls.; Lire Stk. Banks Advertising in this Directory give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* mreciory j. ^ TOWN AMD COUNTY. • viem.A.B.A. “NewsetUieTeriv •County Seats. {Mem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Adams ville. 459 Bank of AdamsviUe...®tr04 J. W. Martin.... 8M McNairyP6 tno-8% 87-291 Farmers AMerch. Bank..S'0fl 87-292 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE Cashier. Asst Cashier. Liabilities. Subplus Depos Paid-up AND Capital Profits its Kesouki es. Bonds Miscel Loans and and Liabili Discounts Securities laneous ties Otheb 6.770 1 8.920 $ 61,520 3,500 5,100 118,960 19,550 7,500 4,560 $ 163,590 $ 1,120 $ 102,110 $ J. R. Pettigrew.... Robert Smith_____ H. W. Yancey------ 8,333 8,940 150,460 1,500 S. E. Johnson_____ H. A. Perry_______ E. S. Coltrain........ 25.000 13,940 237,160 J. L. Littlefield... W. O. Phillips------ Troy Hair_______ $ 40.000 J PKUNUPAL COKRESPu.NDE.NXt.. k Ex- Cass changes,Dui from Banks 8 M Crockett N4 $135-10% par 100 87—314 PEOPLES BANK Alexandria ___ 510 6 N De Kalb M13 6 N Putnam M15 •Altamont____114 6 N Grundy P14 (Branch of Tipto n County -Farmers Mrs. G. C. RanH. H. Edenton___ Cary Alsobrook. dolph, A. Mgr. A, Cash, and Mgr. I§'19 87-643 S. 87-766 §’29 8,100 37,180 8,100 1,230 15,000 1,190 63,770 36,000 81.710 1,000 12,540 10,700 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. J. W. Marler_____ Jean Woodlee____ 10,000 3,790 90,180 27,120 100,440 13,750 8,730 8,170 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash J. T. Brown 15,000 6.380 121.940 72.100 1.020 5,110 T S Falls 10,000 12,940 118,980 111,500 3.910 J. C. Chambliss.__ 20,000 12,300 170,990 20,000 160,210 41,030 4,250 17,790 4th & 1st N., Nash. J. B. Smith, Jr.. 14,400 9,330 172,810 24,550 197,090 590 6,000 17,400 A. E. WALTHALL-— F. R. DODSON-........ 75,000 45,000 700.000 630,000 103,000 j n. cate — ___ 20.000 3,730 66,970 700 70,450 100.000 60,020 778.750 100,000 634,990 10.000 10,760 113,700 66,320 Cumberland Mountain Bank J. H. Northcut.... 87-596 tS'16 T.B.Northcut, V.P. L. V. Woodlee $100-10% par 100 8 M Shelby P 2 Arlington Bk. & Tr. Co. 1125-10% 87-316 ®Ttl'05 8.B. 8mith 6 N(pheatham 1110 Cheatham County Bank.tS'09 CITIZENS NATIONAL BK. , 1180-10% par 100 87-161 d®»t 07 F&i Lutii8 B&iik mo-4% par 100 87-659 IT • D 1 JUuT — — Edgar Childress ... First National Bank___*t’72 Tipton P2 8 M Carroll 87-1*0 Planters Bank________tl’07 $200 87-317 N5 Cannon N12 R. S. McDill............ R. McNatt________ Odis Schackelford. 10,000 2,300 91,000 Robt. Robinson__ B. R. McKnight... Carl Bass—---------- Gwen McKnight.. 13,200 3,950 172,300 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-318 *t§’27 $150-10% Greene County Bank.©«t§’29 87-770 C. C. Castles____ Barretville Bank & Trust Co. A. P. Armour $125-10% par 100 dB®T»t8’20 L. W. Hughes, Ch. E. M. Moore J. H. Barret 87-672 193 Ranlr riTfS’10 JDa.UK. nf UI Rplfact Dcliaal ------- Li | lv Oil $140-8% par 100 87-322 J C Tate J. F, Glenn. par 100 Q?n UdUh Ul U1 UChC b Crockett 04 & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., 14,840 6,110 Cent. Han. Bk. 135,450 48,300 220,030 Cent. Han. Bk. 7.500 5,600 55,040 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co.- 51,700 10,000 4,400 37,200 3rd N., Nashville; Milan Bkg. Co.. Milan; 1st N„ Jackson. 114,260 11,370 9.370 61,710 4th and 1st N., Nash. 126,140 15,740 72,940 Union Plan.N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Fid. Bk. and Tr. Co., Memp : 3rd N., Nash. 27,540 28,920 Tenn.-Hermitage N.,Nash.; 1st N., Cookeville. Athens. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chattanooga; City N.. Knoxville. Far. Union, Cov. City N., Knoxville; Greene Co., Greene- {Branch of Oreene ville, Ten n.)............ ville. 30,000 13,660 305,980 4,450 139,270 15,000 10,710 139,280 4.670 113,300 Paul Tate_______ Henry McKay....... 10,000 5,460 74,540 59,000 8,000 flon lor ------- .Tofrn T. Clary ucU. nPmv 1 rUAlcl 20.000 4,500 155.000 125.000 2,100 25,000 18,720 434,180 282,660 29,000 15.000 7,290 167,500 95,690 8,500 Paul Barret______ Ellen Trobaugh—— 87-323 04 20,700 Am. N. and 3d N„ Nash. 2,300 R. B. Cummings Patv ______ vv»iai,y Bellbuckle___ 471 Bank of Bell Buckle___tl’8* T. H. Woods........... T W E. B. Shoffner 6 N Bedford 012 $110-9% 87-297 RaIIh 8M 100,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. (Closed) Beechgrove___169 6 N Coffee 012 6N Marshall 7.250 Am. N„ Nash. (Closed in February 1929 for liquidation) Baxter.............. 521 Baxter Bank & Tr.Oo.©Ttl'06 Lawrence Grace... Van 1). Nunally__ 87-320 6 N Putnam M14 $226-6% RAlfaet 26,510 1st N., Memp. 87-319 Bailey ton____ 169 6N Greene M22 (Kerrrille P. 0.) 8 M Shelby P2 L. E. Gwinn ____ C. T. Strong_____ W. W. Templeton. 65,090 4th & 1st N., Nash. $120 par loo Auburntown ..125 6N (8. F. L0CKMILLER < Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding (fee in advan CE: Ptain sight draftsp ISc; Cred it Reports, 2Sc. T RY US. ........©IS 20 %J t $165-10% 8M G. W. Fambrough— 87-280 $170-10% I,*' 102,970 4th and 1st N., Nashville. 111,380 •Ashland City .649 Ashland City Bk.&Tr.Co. 1224-10% 87-279 BOTtS'Ol : Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 5.000 T. J. Clark................ J. T. Moore______ S. D. Poteet........ . $150-10% par 100 87-610 •Athens_____ 2380 6 N McMinn P17 Union Bank, C otington) 25,000 H. Hamilton........ 1115-6% par 100 87-316 6 N Giles Qll 91,470 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp ; 2d N., Jackson; 4th & 1st N., Nashville. 99,110 4th&lst N. and Am. N., Nash.; Peo. Sav.. Henderson.; 1st N- Jackson. 130,090 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. J. C. Hamlett....... J. B. Fleming___ G. T. Lewis_____ H. L. Cates.............. Bells Banking Co...........•ti ll B. B. Barnes----------- S. A. Sanford_____ : U A Tjivlnr par 100 87-512 52.400 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Am. N., Nash. 10,750 B. A. Evans F.. r. Smothers OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank AND of St. Louis 1— 155,490 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.: Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. . . 85,600 1st N.,Memp.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 1— A THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C0„ CINCINNATI Union Planters Main Building Manhattan Building ' JOINTLY OWNED AND MANAGED Giving Memphis And The Tri-State Region Every Banking Service, National and State Combined Capital Funds $11,200,000 Combined Resources $52,000,000 Union Planters Manhattan national Bank & Trust Co. SAVINGS BANK & Trust Co. Founded 1869 Founded 1885 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tennessee INDEX 24 TO _ 25 82° COUNTIES. Anderson.. .M 18 Bedford....... 0 12 Benton......... M 7 Bledsoe........O 15 Blount......... O 19 Bradley........Q 16 Campbell... ,L 18 Cannon....... N 13 Carroll........... N 6 Carter........M 24 Cheatham.. ,L 10 Chester...........P 5 Claiborne ... L 20 Clay............. L 14 Cocke.......... N 22 Coffee.......... P 13 Crockett........ N 4 Cumberland. N 16 Davidson.. .M 11 Decatur..........0 7 De Kalb.... N 13 Dickson........M 9 Dyer..............M3 Fayette.........P 3 Fentress.... M 16 Franklin .... Q 12 Gibson.........M 4 Giles.............P 10 Grainger... .M 20 Greene........M 22 Grundy........P 13 Hamblen ... M 21 Hamilton... .P 15 Hancock. .. .L 21 Hardeman.... P 4 Hardin............Q 6 Hawkins.... L 22 Haywood........0 3 Henderson. ...06 Henry............. L 6 Hickman........N 9 Houston........ M 8 Humphreys .. N 8 Jackson ....M 14 Jefferson... ,M 20 Johnson....... L 25 Knox.......... M 19 Lake.................. L3 Lauderdale.. ,N 2 Lawrence........P 9 Lewis.................09 Lincoln....... Q 11 Loudon........O 18 McMinn. . . P 17 MeNairy........ Q 5 Macon......... L 13 Madison........ 0 5 Marion........ Q 14 Marshall... P 11 Maury......... O 10 Meigs...........O 17 Monroe........P 18 Montgomery . L 9 Moore..........P 12 Morgan .... M 17 Obion..............L 4 Overton.... M 15 Perry.................07 Pickett.........L 16 Polk.............Q 17 Putnam .... M 14 Rhea...........O 16 Roane......... N 17 Robertson.. .L 11 Rutherford.. N 12 Scott............ L 17 Sequatchie . ,P 15 Sevier.........N 20 Shelby............ P 2 Smith......... M 13 Stewart...........L 8 Sullivan ....K24 Sumner........L 12 Tipton............0 2 Trousdale... L 13 Unicoi.........M 23 Union...........L 19 Van Buren . .0 15 Warren........ 0 13 Washington . L 23 Wayne............P 8 Weakley......... L 5 White.......... N 15 Williamson. .N 10 Wilson........ M 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. G. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map A REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF TENNESSEE’S LEADING BANKS AND INVESTMENT DEALERS Advertising in the Rand McNally Bankers directory The Bankers Blue Book Peoples Bank - --- -- -- -- - Alamo Citizens National Bank ------- Athens Bank of Bolivar -- -- -- -- Bolivar Bank of Bristol -- -- -- -- -- Bristol First National Bank - -- -- -- -- Bristol Washington Trust & Savings Bank ----- Bristol Caldwell & Co. -- -- -- -- -- Bristol American Trust & Banking Co. - - - - Chattanooga First National Bank - -- -- -- - Chattanooga Hamilton National Bank ------ Chattanooga Caldwell & Co. ---------- Chattanooga First Securities Co. - -- -- -- - Chattanooga Hamilton Securities Corporation - Chattanooga First National Bank -- -- -- Clarksville Northern Bank of Tennessee ----Clarksville Southern Trust Co. -- -- -- Clarksville Cleveland National Bank ------- Cleveland Tipton County-Farmers Union Bank - Covington Union Savings Bank ------- Covington First National Bank of Franklin County - - Decherd Peoples Bank - --- -- -- -- Dresden First-Citizens National Bank ----Dyersburg Mercantile Bank & Trust Co. ----Dyersburg First National Bank -- -- -- - Elizabethton Erwin National Bank - -- -- -- -- Erwin First National Bank -- -- -- -Etowah Williamson Co. Banking & Trust Co. - - - Franklin Citizens Savings Bank ------- Greeneville Fruit Growers Bank - -- -- -- Greenfield Bank of Halls -- -- -- -- -- - Halls First National Bank in Harriman - - - - Harriman Harriman National Bank -----Harriman Peoples Bank -- -- -- -- -- Henning Merchants State Bank ------Humb'oldt Peoples Bank -- -- -- -- Humboldt Bank of Huntingdon _______ Huntingdon First National Bank -- -- -- -- Jackson National Bank of Commerce ------ Jackson Second National Bank - -- -- -- - Jackson Little. Wooten & Co. ________ Jackson I. B. Tigrett & Co. - -- -- -- -- Jackson First National Bank - -- -- -- -- - Jellico Union Bank ____________ Jellico American Bank &z Trust Co. - - - Johnson City Tennessee National Bank ----Johnson City Unaka & City National Bank - - - Johnson City First National Bank - -- -- -- -Kenton Bank of Kingsport - -- -- -- Kingsport First National Bank - -- -- -- Kingsport City National Bank - -- -- -- -- Knoxville Commercial Bank & Trust Co. ----- Knoxville East Tennessee National Bank ----- Knoxville East Tennessee Savings Bank ------ Knoxville Holston-Union National Bank - - - - - Knoxville Holston Trust Co. _________ Knoxville Bankers Investment Co. of America - - - Knoxville Caldwell & Co. -- --- -- Knoxville American Bank & Trust Co. ------ Lebanon Lebanon Bank & Trust Co. ------ Lebanon First National Bank - -- -- -- - Lenoir City First National Bank - -- -- -- -Loudon Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. ----- Memphis First National Bank - -- -- -- -- Memphis Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co. - - - Memphis Union Planters National Bank & Trust Co. - Memphis Caldwell & Co. -- --- -- Memphis Commerce Securities Co. ------- Memphis Falls & Co. - --- --- -- Memphis First Guardian Co. - -- -- -- -- Memphis Franklin Bond & Mortgage Co. ----- Memphis Goldsmith & Galbreath ------- Memphis Marx & Bensdorf -- --- -- Memphis National City Co. - -- -- -- -- Memphis Saunders & Thomas, Inc. ------- Memphis A. K. Tigrett & Co. - -- -- -- -- Memphis I. B. Tigrett & Co. - Memphis S. M. Williamson 8z Co. _______ Memphis Farmers-Peoples Bank - -- -- -- -- Milan Milan Banking Co. - -- -- -- -- - Milan City National Bank - -- -- -- - Morristown More Banks and Security Dealers advertise in the Bankers Blue Book than in any other publication of any kind and their advertisements reach a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SINCE 1872 ” First National Bank - -- -- -- - Morristown First National Bank ------Murfreesboro Murfreesboro Bank & Trust Co. - - Murfreesboro American National Bank ------- Nashville American Trust Co. - -- -- -- -- Nashville Bank of Tennessee - -- -- -- -- Nashville Broadway National Bank ------- Nashville Commerce Union Bank ------- - Nashville Fourth & First Bank & Trust Co. - - - - Nashville Liberty Bank & Trust Co. ------- Nashville Tennessee-Hermitage National Bank - - - Nashville Third National Bank in Nashville - - - - Nashville American National Co. - -- -- -- - Nashville J. C. Bradford & Co. -------- - Nashville - -- -- --- - Nashville Caldwell & Co. Commerce Union Co. - -- -- -- - Nashville Fourth & First National Co. ------ Nashville Halsey, Stuart & Co. - -- --- - Nashville J. W. "Jakes & Co. - -- -- -- -- Nashville I. B. Tigrett & Co. - -- --- -- Nashville Peoples State Bank - -- -- -- -- Newbern First National Bank - -- -- -- -- Newport Commercial Bank & Trust Co. ------ Paris First St. Bank &z Trust Co. ------- Paris First Trust 8z Sav. Bank - -- -- -- - Paris Citizens Bank --------- Pulaski Peoples Bank - -- -- -- -- -Pulaski Union Bank - -- -- -- -- -Pulaski Peoples Bank - -- -- -- -- Ridgely Farmers Union Bank - -- -- -- -- Ripley First National Bank -- --- -- Ripley First National Bank -- --- -- Rockwood Rockwood National Bank -----Rockwood Bank of Sevierville - -- -- -- Sevierville Citizens Bank -------- - Shelbyville First National Bank - -- -- -- Springfield Peoples Bank - Stanton Sweetwater Bank &z Trust Co. - - - Sweetwater First National Bank - -- -- -- - Tullahoma Farmers National Bank ------- Winchester Home Bank & Trust Co. ------ Winchester 8,000 Advertisers in every edition. This number of adver tisers alone exceeds the paid circulation of any similar directory. In every section of the country The Blue Book leads in Prestige, Circulation and Advertising and is increasing its lead each year. THE STANDARD FINANCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Official Numbering Agent for the American Bankers’ Association -i ooo 1383 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number oiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. r,New §State t l’rii ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M Memp. N. Nash. tlviem. State B. Ass’n. ‘Benton_____ 525 6!! Polk Q17 Bethel Springs 409 8 k McNairy P5 Bethpage_____ 98 6N SumDerL12 Benton Banking Co----- d.tS’07 $125-6% par 100 87-324 Bethel Springs Bank.—1§’03 $U5-10% 87-325 Farmers & Merchants Bank $150-10% 87-326 tl’10 Big Bock____ 197 6 N Stewart K7 Big Sandy___ 603 8 M Benton L7 Big Rock Bank------------ J§'12 $112-8% 87-540 Peoples Onion Bk. &Tr. Co. 87-304 . ©S 27 Blanche______ 262 6 H Lincoln Qll ‘Blountvllle ...250 6N Sullivan L24 Bluff City....... 524 fi N Sullivan L24 ‘Bolivar____ 1031 8 M Hardeman P4 Blanche Banking Co----- J8’06 P. A. Twitty-------87-327 $120-10% Farmers Bank of Sullivan Co. H. H. Massengill.. 6% par 300 87-328 ®tt§'06 Bluff City Bank........®t8'05 $no-6% 87-329 BANK OF BOUVAR-dtDWI 87 6. M. SAVAGE $225-20% par 100 87-233 Hardeman County SavinesBk D. M. McAnulty .. 87-234 d®T»tS 03 $150-12% [Estab. par 150 Vice-President. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%I)iv. CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. 5 25,000 W. P. Lang--------- W. M. Lowery — Founta L. Love— J. M. Park. Act. 25,000 W. E. Cobb---------J. S. Motley-------A. Williams-------- J. R. Stovall------10,000 Mrs. Rosalie John C. W. Perdue____ J. B. McKee____ Claude Senter-----son O. C. Whitesides. Ch. 25,000 W. B. Hall______ W. E. Barnett------ O. L. Griffin_____ D. E. Lee............... 10.000 Jno. N. Maddot... C. B. Brock_____ 87-331 6 N Cannon 012 $155-10% J. H. Banks-----of Brazil................*» 05 T. K. Happel------- D. M. Dinwiddle.. Brazil________ 175 $Bank 100-6% S7-332 (TrentonP. O.) 8M Gibson N4 R. F. Miller_____ J. C. Chisolm_____ M. E. Hill_______ Bank Brighton_____265 Brighton Savings L. K. Baird 87-333 ®»t8’10 6 N&5 Sullivan K24 $185-12% par 100 87-82 dT«t§’12 ★Bristol Sav. & Loan Carp. $14-8% par 10 68-847 ®§’22 ★City Bank_______ d®*t§’22 $100-8% par 100 87-692 ★Dominion National Bank $200-12% par 100 87-80 d®T«t'90 FIRST NATIONAL *7-79 par BANK dB®T*t’fl 4.810 3.960 61,680 52.440 2,860 35.290 Am. N.,Nash. 6,740 Bd. largest bank Bristol Clearing House (Members indicated by a ★) 15.470 211,680 317,960 4,420 15.840 43,000 39,130 319,470 195.620 65,480 16,800 4,450 23,020 24,090 10.000 7,000 65,000 77,000 264.450 1,707,620 2,800 ton Co. Far. Union. Covington. 35,630 800 46,330 118,070 30,980 267,090 307.510 1,000 4,610 300,000 160,690 2,002,540 1.868.960 481,880 112,340 250.000 293.000 2,936,280 760,580 2,210,880 1,131,870 190,780 IN BRISTOL. R. K. Weekley, 250.000 200.000 J. W. Lynn--------- C. P. Daniel, Sec. and Tr. A Sec. and A. Tr. (No com merr.inl h ankino b J. W. Wright 770,930 H.E. JONES_ _ _ _ J. A. MAHONEY C. A. JONES J.D. MITCHELL. Ch. of Bd. H. A. JONES H. A. JONES_ _ _ _ V. M. BAKER-........ 13,060 Am. N.. Nash.; Gibson Co.. Trenton. 8,500 Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.;Tip- 291.890 17,650 25.000 129,280 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 201,040 Chase N„ N. Y.: Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. , 123.700 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Memphis; 1st N., Jackson. Cannon Co. Bkg. Co., Woodbury. an.) 12.500 133,000 1,776,070 25,380 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N.. Fayetteville. 107,860 Lin. N.,Oin.; 1st N.. Bristol. Bk. of Bristol. Bristol. entrusted to us ipped to handle a II banking matte rs Reasonable ehar ges. Sena us you r items. 305,370 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke, Va.; 3d N., Nash ville. 1,150 Dominion N. and 1st N., Bristol. 38,140 Cb(*se N.. N. Y.: Dominion N., Bristol; 3rd N., Nashville. 364,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third On. Tr. Co.. Cin ; Corn Ex. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Phil. 711.330 N. City and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., City N.. Knoxville; Phil. N..Phil.; State-Planters Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Dominion N. and 1st N., Bristol. usinenn) 101,540 619,946 160,790 103.910 102,070 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth 100,000 46,590 464.41C 138,330 47.930 200,000 42,210 1,062,770 933,93C 86,010 60.260 177.41C Equitable Tr.. N.Y.; 1st N., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 225 J N. City, N. Y.; Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memo.: Am. N.. Nash. 100.009 W. H. Gibson, Sec.. A. E. Andersen .— H. A. Jones--------- W. F. Smith, Tr... O. D. Hamrick (Union Trust Building) H. Benoett___ D. D. Shaw---------- J. M. Jackson____ J. F. R. Chapman 87-140 Homer Rainey___ W. G. Berson-----G. W. Lyle--------First State Bank---- ®»t§'17 R. M. Chambliss .. Brownsville Bank....®»t8'69 J. O. Bonier______ $30-10% par 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 427.660 130.940 Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln.s Merch. N., Rich. 1st & Caldwell & Co.. Nashville. Tenn. CALDWELL & CO. ------ W. G. FARR, Mgr..., mo ♦ 2,980 11,020 412,940 50.000 IRVIN . JAS. W. LYNN — J. H-CALDWELL-— W. F. SMITH- - - - - - - - R. Y.O RMAN E. W. KING, Ch of E. W. KING 1.650 48.820 62.090 ns ol Banks, | This bank will receive the accou nts and eollectio nd give Bankers, Cor porations, firms and Individuals a Its will care. ess entrusted to tlon to any busin prompt atten 87-81 dB®T»tS 06 par 100 ‘Brownsville..3062 3d N.. Nash.; 1st N„ Memp. 670.370 W. H. Gibson------- H. H. Galloway.... H. A. Miller, Sec. and Tr. W. H. Blakley O. D. Hamrick----- John G. Anderson. E. J. Reynolds -— Lucy Reynolds .— M. Bellamy----C. S. Carter........... A. P. Moore_____ A. E. Andersen— H. H. W. Spargur J. W. Wright. V.P. A. E. Andersen UNB Transacts a general ban king busines We solicit your collecti ons. You will be pleased wit h our servic OLDEST AND Thoroughly equ Prompt Service. Union Trust Bank......... BT5’20 J. H. Faucette — C. S. Carter. V. P. $110-8% par 100 87-88 $215-12% 50.920 40,040 200.000 $260-12% 100 ‘WASHINGTON TR. & SAV. BANK 47.600 50.000 OTTERN- - - - - - R.L. PENNINGTON- R. W. KELLY- - - - - - J. H. McCUE H. W. POWERS BANK OF BRISTOL 4,000 S 29,950 6,290 (Branch of Wood bury, Te R. P. Knox, Mgr. Can ft lx* HA.aow,Du» PROM Daru ville: Clev N., Olev. 60,000 lent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Secur.. 2d N.. and Bk of Com.. Jackson. 8.160 1st & Peo. N., Gallatin; Am. N., Nash. 10,020 15.000 33,460 503,530 J. J. White______ C. H. Massengill — C. J. Phillips......... J. W. Swadley of Bristo l, Bristol (Branch of Bank W. H. Roden, Mgr. 16,720 37,250 579.370 30,000 JOHN L. MITCHELL- ZEVELDA INGRAM— Bradyvllle____106 Cannon County Banking Co, Bristol_____ 8370 17.080 $ 162,290 $ 15,010 | 151.130 $ 34,300 $ 110,000 13.000 185.000 10.000 CBranch of Camde n, Tenn. (Formerly First National Ban k) 8M Tipton 02 Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loan, Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili and its Discount* Securities laneous Capital Profits ties B. M. Gee—.......... B.M.Gee_______ H. C. McAnulty— Edgar Galloway O. E. Cox Var 100 +1 R. V. Atkins------ M. J. Lett.............. P. Yates. Act. Bank of Bradford------- •+§ 03 J. H. Rochelle----- R. Bradford_____507 $200-15% J. N. Alexander par 100 87-330 8 M Gibson M5 of Bradford) (Merged with Bank Farmers Bank---------------- 8 M Haywood 03 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 87-141 ----------------■ sanpNai rni ict r*r\ 681,480 400 PIMPIM M ATI flupr Stotv Years of Service ____ . „ ,„Pl“IPb«r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1384 eacJ1 bailk U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ______Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND OOUKTT.! oMem. A.B. A. »Ntw {State tPriT ‘County Seats. TMem. State B. Ass’a. [EsUb. ig. is P. Ees. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Memo. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Di?. E Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Liabilities. President. V ice-President. Cashier. Abb't Cabbies . Paid-up Subplus Dbposand Capital Propits ITS Resources. OTHER Lo»m Bonds i Cass ft fi and MlACEL- CMAJTAM'Dini LlABILIAnd TIES DlmiiU 0««uritUfl FAMOUS non Basks i Bruceton....... 1012 Home Bank...............®T«t§’24 A. S. McWaters.... A. E. Durdin.. 8 M Carroll M 6 $80-e% 87-700 G. R. Allison____ Beatrice Warmack. S 10.000 $ 5.550 $ 60,750 Brush Creek ..406'Parmers Banking Co. T. H. Nixon. 6 N Smith M13 *118-8% par 120 87-334 dTti’09 Ch, of Bd. and Pres J. E. Evaus... B. N. Nixon........... B. A. Rodgers___ D. D. Young, Sec. 10.000 2.000 60,000 J. B. Willoughby .. O. S. Mooney____ J. B. Willoughby.. Mary M. Willoughb y 25.000 E. E. Rader 13,120 299.190 $ par 50 ------- 1025 Peoples Bank.......... ®.«'06 6 N Hawkins M22 $130-14% 87-135 Bumpus Mills.250 Farmers & Merch. Bank W. B. Pugh--------- J. G. Walker R. E. Holland____ Russell Clark____ 6 H Stewart E8 $110-8% par 112 87-386 dti’Ofi A. A. Acree B“run*----—--247 Burns Bk. & Trust Co.. -TtS’19 W. D. Buttrey___ L. E. Buttrey____ H. B. Tidwell......... Marie Garton......... 6 H Dickson M9 1100-6% 87-033 S 32,340 55,000 S $ 3.000 2.970 12,850 1,630 85,250 6,300 5,830 42,900 4th& 1st N., Nash,; 1st N.. Dickson. 59,110 350 2,850 17,210 Citiz.N.and 1st N., Dickson; 3d N., Nash. 6,150 11,930 31,2401Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.; Dominion N„ Bristol, Vu 110,660 15,000 1,840 62,680 A.M. Stout______ F. E. Eller 25.000 2,190 147,860 3,110 128,840 »Byrdstown... 125 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. S. S. Parris______ Jas. Beaty.............. E. L. Mullins____ R. A. Harwell....... IN Pickett L15 par 100 87-75 2 ®t§’28 10,000 7.370 50.610 8,720 61,430 S. O. Huddleston.. John Taylor_____ Everett Hassler... Alviu C. York 10.000 8,860 152,480 16,000 118,190 44,080 Calhoun____ 236 Calhoun Bank______ dTtS’19 T. B. Saulpaw___ R. A. Davis............ B. A. McMurray... Mrs. Mattie Henry 6 N McMinn P 17 $ioo~6% 87-063 25,000 4.780 53,940 13.0201 82,120 6,500 par 100 Pickett County Bk. & Tr. Oo. T. P. Hill, $100-20% par 60 87-888 Til'04 12,000 Am. N., Nash. 291,750 3,000 par 100 Peoples UnionBank & Tr. Co. E. E. McDaniel___ A.S. Justice, Act... Lindsey Melton... $125-8% par 100 87-663 ®Tt* ’ 13 H. E. Cantrell. V. P. J. L. Nobles (Formerly Peoples Bank & Tr ust Co.) M. C. Bowles 6,500 3d N., Nash. 8,230 16,840 Am. N„ Nash. ' 8,120 Hamilton N., Chattanooga, 25.000 270,000 25,000 5.370 51,770 -------- ! 43,670 50.000 35,950 631.920 63,960 394,010 Dewey Lumpkins . Mamie Shults. 25.000 4.500 147,940 -------- 97,130 E. P. Fowler____ Frank Kyle .. 20.000 1,510 154,470 _____ 109,660 1,750 S. D. Bilyeu_____ Willma Davis. 15.000 200 57.920 -------- j 35,520 1,950 Alton Davenport.. 12,000 1,560 58,830 -------- 11 49,450 ' 169.900 R.E. Key ------- “ ,,, Branch o /Nashvil le, Tenn. )....... 25.000 ‘S^n^f&vri;920 ”Citizens Bank & Trust CO W. E. Wright____ W. H. Turner......... W. G. Bird well___ IN Smith M13 87-772 ®§’29 ,, Office. Smith County Bank...d«t§’92 J. C. Davis______ W. B. Ford______ F. F. Robinson.... A. C. Grigg... $200-8% 87-24* 270,000 50,000 4th ft 1st N„ Nash. 4,790 228,820 j par 100 CaryvlHe .310 First State Bank...d®Tt§'24 R. L. Gallaher, Leonard Cross___ 6 N Campbell L18 $110-6% par 100 87-781 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, G. E. Moore rn«J yrr--420 Bank of Oelina----------- ‘iS'95 W. L. Brown____ F. B. Mayfield____ IN Olay L14 1150 87-341 .. .. I ------- " Farmers Bank & Trust Co. J. A. Howard____ W. C. Monroe____ 87-746 dTt5’26 9*“*" ToTTi1d A0 v B&nk of Center Town...trio T. H. Arledge----- T. M. Jackson........ {MeMtnniUleP.O.) 6% K7-4K? J. H. Brewer IN Warren N13 par 100 ‘Centervllle . 882 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. G. Oarothers... R. L. Peery_____ • n Hickman 00 $135-8% 87-826 tS'10 N. D. Bates par 100 ------- “ First National Bank____«t'85 J. B. Walker____ Geo. Stanflll_____ $185-10% 87-229 S. W. Murphree 39.740 Chera. Bk. &Tr. Co ,N. Y.; Unaka & City N.,Johnson City. 8.770 par 100 ‘Camden____ 800 Commerce Union Bank_«t§08 A. V. Bowles, E. L. Dodd______ H.H. Fry.............. E. H. Fry________ (Camder IM Benton M7 87-272 Ch. of Bd. 35,220 Com. Un., Nash. 10.000 25,000 B,jt{er .....—.5781 Johnson County Bank.»t|’05 L. L. Goodwin___ L. H. Goodwin .... W. J. Pierce___ 6 N Johnson L25 10% 87-387 8,740 $ Principal Correspondents | 33,680!Am. N. and 3rd N.. Nash. 82,810 96,180 cent. Han. Bk. ft Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1 N., Nash, 15.790 64,510 Holston Un. N., Knoxville; 1st N., Coal Creek. 64,580 Am. N., Nash. 2,160 33.530 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 5,160 17,760 City Bk. ft Tr. Co.. McMinnville. 13,700 9.020 34,220 Am. N., Nash. 62.280 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. N.and 4th & 1st N.. Nash. I Ed. Russell_____ W. L. Downey ___ 30.000 11,560 171,570 13,700 S. S. Cunningham.. J. B. Walker. Jr... R. M. Olagett 50.000 44,370 407,910 12,250 407,110 38,540 6.590 SecurityBank & Tr. Co. Nixon Huddleston. C. D. Sargent_____ T. M. Huddleston.. J. B. Bogle.... ....... $120-6% 87-733 ti’25 W. H. Nnnnelly par 100 cbV«i H1U...1030 Bank of Chapel Hill..d®t§’05 P. H. Ezell______ J. F. Blackwell.... H. K. Stephenson. H. B. Powell......... IH Marshall 011 $100-10% 87-142 25.000 7.240 123.770 19,550 124,250 9,700 18,070 23,550 Am. N., Nash. 20.000 4.160 153,060 2,020 151,560 4,030 4,780 18,860 Am. N.. Nash. 40,000 30,210 311,220 41,480 299,150 47,070 13,600 10.000 8.720 126,360 29,160 160,800 1,720 2,750 ------- “ 1 | par 150 WO.Hlwassee Bank...........®»tl'07 W. J. Eldredge.__ S. W. Shelton_____ J. E. Quisenberry.. T. B. Isbell............ IN Bradley P16 $87,60-7% 87-343 par 60 ‘Ourlotte___ 200 Bank of Charlotte_____Ttl'06 W. B. Leech_____ J. N. Loggins____ F. H. Hickerson... J. A. McMillan.__ IN Dickson M8 $175-8% 87-344 Dickson County BankingCo. W. H. Neblett........ W. T. McGee_____ N. H. Eubank____ D. B. Greer, Mgr.MBranch $100 87-651 Tt*’19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI of People sBank.V anlear.T enn.) ... 63,090 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 8,970 Am. N., Nash. 4th ft 1st N„ Nash ; 1st N„ Dickson. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. iS. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1385 •Mem,A.B.A.nNew§StateTPri?. tM*m. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%Div. President. E.Y. CHAPIN AMERICAN TRUST & BANKING GO. 87-41 $325-15% par 100 Vice-President. dB®T«t’65 par 20 ass t Cashier. Loans and Discounts SUCUBITIHS Rbsoubcss 96,540 l 4,586,810 $ 663,460 $ Principal Cash chanqm,Db* tslom Bank* 709,370 $1,219,540 tkVRA LR.‘DURHAM H. R. RUTLAND II. PH r Asst. Vice-Presidents W. H. DeWITT______jj. j.. NIC 3IBBS TOWELL J. W. DjJRRE U— 2.500.000 2,368,400 24,765,300 2,264,960 1,814,180 20,810.420 2,324,600 6,047,910 T. 0. TROTTER. JR., ft ft A. Tr. Off. H. A. MINOR. Comp! AlHBEb kfa T. 0. TROTTER, JR. Auditor E.T. MURRAY. „ Mgr, Main St, Br% V. P. and Tr. Off. (Volunteer Branch, Georgia Ave. and Ninth St.). (Main Street Branch, Market and Main Sts.) 87-38 par 100 T. R. PRESTON. . . . . . - C. M. PRESTON--— W. E. HARRELL. . . . . . W. J. INGLE-. . . . . . . . . . . 2.000.000 1,454,400 20,369,970 2,111,160 16,250,510 2,895,200 1,616,510 5,173,300 JOHN STAGMAIER LULA A. STRAIN* R- JF. L. UNDERWOOD Sec. 0- U. DYKES Main Street Branch: W. E. TOMLINSON. V. P.; |. A ANDERSON. Assl. Cash. 0. B. HARRIS C. F. HALL, A. And. ft ft “erqeN, E. B. SHADDEN, B. H. ROGERS,-! .And. ' Ass(. Cash, and RossvllleBranch, Ga.-Tenn.: J. E. HARRIS, V.P. J. F. GARDNER, Assf. Cash, and Mgr V.-P. & Aud. ° ’ Asst. Tr% off. East Chattanooga Branch: G. L. RICE, Asst. Cash, and Mgr, A. E. MACDONALD D. B. SPEARS. dB®T»t’05 E. L. BRINKLEY Asst. Tr. Off, Every modern facility for making collections. Our established policy to remit for items on the day we make collection. We solicit the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and Individuals. Highland Trust & Savings Bank....... .87-706.. d©T*tS’23 Phil. N„ Phil.; 1st N., Ciu. Guaranty Trust Company___________ New York Chase National Bank..................................New York Chemical Bank & Trust Co.............. ...New York National City Bank__________________New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co..Chicago First National Bank........................... St.Louis Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. St. Louis Central Trust Company.............. ........ Cincinnati Fifth-Third Union Trust Co.________Cincinnati First National Bank........................ ...Philadelphia We have unusual facilities for handling collections at reasonable charges, guaranteeing prompt service. Designated Depository for the United States, City of Chattanooga and State of Tennessee. ’HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK 1265-12% correspondents. A £x- ‘SEND US YOUR DRAFT AND NOTE COLLECTIONS" Vice Presidents 87-30 Cashier. Resources. MibcblBONDS LANEOU8 AND * J. P. HOSKINS. . . . . . . . W. A. SADD. Ch. 1325-14% (Hamilton Q15) County Seat.—Pop. 73,500. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties —- S.L.PROBASCO.Ad. BRADLEY CURREY J. D. BASS-------D.H.GRISWOLD^cf. E.Y. CHAPIN, Tr O. ft. W. TOMLINSON, Auditor J. F. JOHNSTON E. Y. CHAPIN, JR., C. 6. MARTIN. A. Tr. Off. l 625,000 1 1.034.530 $ 5.423,110 { Ass’t Tr. Officer MAY Y. dB®T»t5’12 FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHATTANOOGA (Federal Reserve District No. 6) Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Chem. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Cin.; Un. Tr. Co., Co., N. O.; Bk. of San F. Our Stockholders own the HAMILTON SECURITIES CORPORATION with paid in capital of $500,000.00 T. R. Preston......... W. N. Dietzen........P. A. Northern C. M. Preston, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 9 330 173 OfiO 560! 183,380 6001 142,860 24,970 24,610 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 1116-6% par 100 Industrial Credit Union Bank J. M. Horton-------- C. G. Walline_____ C. F. Smith..............W. G. Smith..., 87-753 d©§'27 par 10 58,080 13,090 114,840 Loveman Bank---------®T»tl’07 B. E. Loveman .— William Howard— F. W. Pike______ ______ 6% par 100 87-88 Geo. M. Clark.____S. L. Deakins, Morris Plan Bank---------®t'16 T. M. Clemons -__ John Stagmaier . Mgr,, Sec. and Tr. W. B. Schwartz 87-728 (7th and Cherry Sts.) 1(1,000 15,820 155,810 155,200 4(1,550 383,570 50,000 32,250 429.030 4,200 38,270 Ham. N„ Chat. 166,820 1,760 13,120 1st N„ Chattanooga. 111,790 681,610 5.350 10.140 4,180 389,010 1,280 $12,60-6% Z. C. Patten............ G. H. Patten........ St. Elmo Bank & Tr. Co. J. R. Huff $160-8% 87-87 dB®W5’13 par 100 Chattanooga Clearing House D. H. Griswold— C. M. Prestou. (Members indicated by a *) (Chattanooga continued on next page.) L. H. Lamb, Jr........J. H. Persinger... J. T. Owen W. A. Sadd, Sec__ F. A. Nelson, Mgr. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35,370 17,450 73,620 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N,, Chattanooga. 1 RESOURCES $90,0OO;QOO.OO ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 1386 CHATTANOOGA •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriT. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. CALDWELL & CO.—...... *111 ROGERS CALDWELL- E. J. HEITZEBERG (414 1st N. Bk. Bldg.) J.D. CARTER F. 0. MARR H. C. ALEXANDER (8th and Broad) ASS’T CASHIER. E. H. LAWMAN, Sec. and Tr. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. ®»t’68 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $300-25% par 100 87-68 d©«t’65 CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. par 100 Archer Howell___ E. B. Trahern. R. E. Atkins A. B. Durrett____ C. W. Bailey_____ J. J. Conroy ... Wesley Drane, Ch. M. A. Bland R. B. Broster. Sara W. Hood......... Birney Austin W. H. Wall—........Mary N. Morrison. R. E. Burchett STERLING FORT— -F. N. SMITH .... — f. 0. WARFIELD- - - - - - - - L. B. ASKEW........... W. E.BEACH NELLIE MANSON C. B. FLETCHER HERE IS OUR RECORD: Oldest Bank In Tennessee. Through all of the panics and the Civil War we have kept on paying out good money. 87-67 dB®T*t5’54 Fee in advance: Emory Kimbrough, Frank Goodlett SOUTHERN TRUST CO.Tifill O. W. Bailey-------- M. L. Cross______ G. G. Foskett_____ W. D. Meacham... 87-71 par 100 $ 60,000 S 5,000 $ Principal Correspondents. chassis,Ihi tbom Basks 4,500 $ 20.000 Am. N.. Nash Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; E. Tenn. N„ Knoxville; 1st N„ Bristol, Va.,andTenn, 100,000 120.000 100,000 191,890 1,417,370 $ 397,380 1,482,450 340,470 56,9301 226,820 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz.-Union N„ Lou.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N„ Nash. 100.000 106,780 887,090 693,640 118,940 23,900 258,140 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. 100,000 108,960 786,570 743,770 71,450 14,420 165,890 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.: 4th A 1st N., Nash. 600.000 458.000 750 M. A. Bland, V. P. J. G. Holleman 50.000 165.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz.Dnion N„ Lou.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Northern Bk. of Tenn., Clarksville. 100,000 35,000 100,000 50,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ties 4,500 $ 75,000 Resources. Lomai Boada Miscbland and Discount! Saeuritias Min, charge 15c with each sight draft; 25c for credit report. Northern Bank Trust Co. Sterling Fort......... S. D. Durrett______ L. B. Askew par 100 87-73 BTt§’19 Security Trust Co........TtS’12 George Fort. $130-8% 87-72 theb Dbpos- LOiabili IT8 (Branch of Roge rsville, T enn.) $105-8% $200-12% Paid-up $ 10,009 $ NORTHERN BANK OF TENNESSEE $225-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume.For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued R.C. Armstrong, Jr. First Trust & Sav. Bank Emory Kimbrough C. C. Brown___ $200-12% 87-70 ©T»t§’06 Hamilton National Bank, Chattanoga. All the stock of this Company Is owned by the Stockholders of the Hamilton National Bank of Chattanooga. Cash, and Mgr. AClarksville.. 8110 Clarksville National Bank CAPITAL STOCK IS WHOLLY OWNED BY TRUSTEES FOR RATABLE BENEFIT OF SHAREHOLDERS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Phopits 87-755 87-69 1st N., Chattanooga. DEALERS AND UNDERWRITERS’ STOCKS AND BONDS. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. MISS M. DAMEW00D, Capital Stock, $500,000. A. N. Gordon____ Homer Powell. Church Hill... 275 Citizens Bank-................ §'28.................................. 6 N Montgomery L9 900,000 Liabilities President. Christiana___ 784 Bank of Christiana____ t§’09 John M. Powell 6 H Rutherford Oi2 ti47-io% par 100 87-345 6 N Hawkins L 22 MiscelCash k ExLANHOUS cha ifoss, Dus Discounts Securities Resources from Banks Capital and Surplus. DEALERS IN MUNICIPAL, GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES. LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES. DIRECT WIRE TO NEW YORK. Other Offices, Principal Correspondents. Bonds AND Kidder, Peabody & Co., Equit. Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., and 1st N., N. Y. $ Sec. and Tr. S. C. BROOKS, A.Sec. J. M. ADAMS, A. Tr. r a a’25 aMem.A.B.A.ttNew § state tPrir. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. Loans AND ROGERS CALDWELL. T.G. DONOVAN, Sec.. WESLEY A. BARTON? _ _ _ C. H. JERDEN. UNDERWOOD THE HAMILTON T. R. PRESTON......... C.F.M.L. PRESTON_ SECURITIES CORPORATION * Tow* AND County. ^County Seats. Fie. is F. Res. Dlst. M Memo. N Nash. Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Res. Mgr, cH,°nSnKINS- - - - - - - l-1- LUPTON FIRST SECURITIES U/W. PVA. SADD, Z. C. P ATTEN w. R.E. DU BROCK T. S M ‘ " l300 COMPANY dnc.) H. R. RUTLAND FRED A. HAHN Ch. of Bd. Cashier. 75.000 205,000 125.000 5,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y.; Northern Bk. and 1st Tr. & 8av.. Clarksville; Am. N., Nash. 25.000 1st N„ Clarksville; Citiz.-Un. N„ Lou. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 1387 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and countt. •Mem. A.B.A. nNew §State fPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Bes. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. IULSUL uIABIIMTIES. Bond* Miscel Cash & ExLoan* Surplus Depos Other chanoib.Dtj* Ass'T Cashier, j Paid-up and and Liabili Diacountl and its Securities laneous from Bank* Capital Profits ties Frank J. Harle.__ $ ^Cleveland ...6522 Cleveland Bank & Trust Oo. J. £. Johnston -— P. B. Mayfield. 87-92 d®T«’06 6N Bradley Q16 12% J. E. Johnston .— W. P. Iang —.......... F. J. Harle---------- C. L. Wilson............ CLEVELAND NAT. BANK 87-91 «t’66 ' Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 75,000 $ 150,000 68,050 $ 800.680 $ 18,000 S 814,200 $ 26,220 $ 82,920 S Principal Correspondents. 38,400 1Clev. N., Olev. 172,520 1,515,050 236,710 1,448,500 400.790 30,270 194,720 1 [quit. Tr. Co., and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chattanooga. 614,090 12,010 10,150 99,390 l !hem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 411,640 5,000 40,570 79,520 i )hase N„ N. Y.: Hamilton N„ Chattanooga; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 30,870 1,410 2,020 13,960'Tenn. Hermitage N. and 3d N., Nashville. 46,610 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. M. O. Petty_______ 75,000 94,250 566.380 J. H. Still................ B. F. Campbell___ James G. Cate........ J. W. Hayes 50,000 21,900 434,840 R. Youngblood .— J. B. Phillips 12,500 230 35,540 T. F. Hassell.......... W. A. Hughes------ J. J. Montague.... 50,000 46,650 171,510 5,630 192,510 6,110 28.560 »Cllnton___ ..1409 Peoples Bank________®tl'18 J. H. Wallace........ O. N. Rutherford.. J. H. Worthington- Ernest Taylor-----G.M. Rutherford 87-619 61 Anderson M18 *200-10% W. W. Underwood. H. F. Rutherford.. Union Bank_______d®#t§’94 H F Miller ElizabethMargrave *250-16% 87-847 par 100 T. L. Young_____ O. K. Leach--------Coal Creek....1204 First National Bank .d®*2’08 Sam Watts________ R. L. Gallaher .... G. P. Norman, Ch. S1 Anderson M18 *200-10% 87-848 30,000 26,830 249,190 430 244,850 2,500 5,790 53,320 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 60,000 60,510 361,750 348,780 69,410 7,000 47,080 Chase N..N.Y.; Holston Un.-N.,Knoxville. 50,000 52,030 354,430 24,500 329,010 46,150 32,000 73,800 N. City, N. Y.; Holston Un.-N., Knoxville. W. A. Patton____ A. R. Curtis--------- Williemai Curtis... J.G. Northcut 15,000 1,750 88.940 460 70,640 1,380 2,290 W. E. Stammer----- E. M. Covington— 15.000 14,250 140,000 115,000 9,250 B. 8. Petty.. Merchants Bank------>tS'02 1175 87-92 •• •• Peoples Bank____d®T»tl'll J, T. Huffine . H50-e% 87-94 par 150 Clifton_______ 715 Clifton State Bank_____ t§’29 87-764 6 N Wayne P7 .. Peoples Bank. . ........ tl'90 W. S. Howard____ 9% par 100 87-346 Coalmont_____ 275 Coalmont Savings Bank fi | Grundy P14 *100-4% 87-680 ®Tt5’20 par 100 College Grove..275 Bank of College Grove C. B. Haley_______ 61 Williamson Nil 5200 par 100 87-350 dB©tl’U W.J.M. Covington, Ch. Collierville____989 Citizens Bank---------- @2417 I M Shelby Q2 par 40 87-607 Peoples Bank_____®T*tl’08 J. L. Hutton------*200-12% par 100 87-254 Coilinwood___ 698 Bank of Coilinwood..®tl’17 61 Wayne Q8 *175-10% 87-611 ^Columbia.... 5526 Columbia Bank & Trust Co 6 N Maury O10 8. H. Brlsby._ R. T. Young J• HCiblCf H. F. Kelsey 8 8 »Cookeville ...2395 Citizens Bank............d»ti’14 87-564 N Putnam M14 *400-10% H „ First National Bank___ •t’10 87-190 Copperhlll.... 1102 First Nat. Bk. of Polk County *210-20% 87-96 d®W08 6N Polk Q18 par 100 Cordova ... _ 2nn Cordova Bank & Trust Oo. 87-544 ®T»J4'12 M Shelby Q2 10% 8 430 31,010 35,340 25,000 22,720 389,210 289,630 At A (ll&vl ••»»» Ua AJ• JILUfAUHJUJ' W. P. Ridley 10,390 5.900 Un.Plan. N. Bk. & Tr.. Memp. 112,110 Union Plan.N. Bk. & Tr.and 1st N.,Memp. Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. # 25,000 200,000 200.000 _______ Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 2,940 50,450 2.940 114,890 1,561,980 157,750 999,280 479,730 104,900 450,710 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi-; Citiz. Un. N.. Lou.; 1st N„ St. L. 28.100 725,190 288,210 877,160 180,560 58,890 124,900 N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N. Nash.; Hamilton N., Chat. Phoenix N., Col. 324,990 6,000 25,250 54,110 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 147,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Am.N., Nash.; Hamilton N.t Chattanooga. 190,000 N. City, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 25,450 40,000 O. K. Holladay----- 15,000 40,840 354,510 W. L. Whitson------ O. E. Cameron. .. S. D. Wilhite-------W. A. Hensley O. L. Knoedler___ F. J. Longworth .. 0. D. Sheets______ Wm. L. Parrish... 50,000 60,550 950,620 49,000 755,170 190,050 17,000 25,000 38,960 631,360 23,700 438,970 68,050 22,000 Geo. T. Webb____ F. R. Farley--------C. A. Chaffee 10.000 14,350 111,160 -41,860 18,410 3,290i 71,940 Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 25,000 21,410 155,210 350 158,640 6.13C1 3.90C1 33,290 Am. N., Nash. 70,000 9,410 117,880 10,000 167,770i 19,250i 8.99C1 11,270 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Com’l Bk. & Tr. CoParis. T>. C. Wilhite THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,220 24,800 31,850 1st N.. Chat. 45,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. Waynes boro. Te nn.)___ 0Closed July 24, 192 9) L. R. Harwell____ Comersvllie ...314 Farmers Bank............. ©tl’04 D. O. Kennedy___ E E Smith 6 N Marshall Pll *177.50-8% 87-353 par 100 Cottagegrove ..210 Cottage Grove Bank k Tr. Oo. J. C. Rainey__ ___ J. W. Olive_______ J. T. Rainey, Jr,... A. F. Smyth______ 87-354 Tt*’05 II Henry L6 *112-6% 8 12.000 E. F. Moreland.__ Fred Kirk.. ____ M. Y. Kirk (Branch of Bank of Way nesboro, A. H. Spain, Mgr,. Maury CountyTrustOo.-TI'H *150-12% 87-89 par 100 H. B. Cochran____ J. L. Hughes-------C. A. Parker______ Maury National Bank *225-12% 87-85 dB®*t’93 W. M. Chaffln.F.P. R. L. McKinney par 100 J.Lem Thomas.... H.G. Kittrell. Jr.. J. E. Voss________ Phoenix National Bk..®»t'05 -----J. A. Turner 7% par 100 87-86 J. Lem Thomas----- H. G. Kittrell, Jr„ Phoenix Trust Co.------- T§ 29 Sec. and Tr. 87-88 Como________ 165 Farmers and Merchants Bank (Closed) II Henry L6 —— 30,000 Resources Over $90,000,000.00 1 j joo Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'r-New § State tPrif ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam ther Bond* 1 MlSCBIr Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and chamois, Dui Capital Profits its Dixoounts Securities 1 LANEOUS FROM BaMKS ties ‘Covington ...3410 First State Bank_____ •JS'H R. M. Robison____ L. P. Flippin_____ E. L. Worrell_____ S. B. Lowenhaupt. $ 8 M Tipton 02 *160-12% 87-567 W. C. Howard J. O. McQuiston.Jr. M ** “ - ** 60,000 $ TIPTON COUNTY- fJ. T. GARNER — W.L. SHELTON___ PFTFB FVFF FARMERS UNION BANK 1 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen iFEE IN AI)VAN CE: Plain tight draft*. ISc; Crad it Report*. 25c. ding TRY V S. $61.40-10% par 50 87-H1 M H CHFBBMI 200,000 W. S. MAYES 37,670 $ 691,960 $ 325,500 $ 279,860 $ 113,290 1,342,410 $ 33,000 1,198,450 87-545 d@T*t§T2 G. B. Gillispie ___ C. P. Simonton Geo. G. Harvey B. S. Jamieson__ 50,000 I. L. Wortham 27,100 467,890 140 ; 393,460 Cross Plains ...143 Cross Plains Bank.__ T«tS'07 J. E. Cook..... ........ W. L.Sanden____ J. H. Richards ___ Miss Lila Covington 87-356 6 N Robertson Lll $152-10% R. E. Cook par 100 ‘Crossvllle___ 948 Cumberland Bk. & Tr. Co. J. R. Mitchell....... G. E. Harrison__ J. S. Bowden......... Mrs. J. S. Bowden. 6 N Cumberland N16 87-701 Tt§’22 G. M. Martin 4,900 143,250 First National Bank__d«tl900 J.R. Mitchell....... J. T. Horn_______ $140-9% par 140 87-357 Culleoka______ 350 Bank of Culleoka iS'04 John P. Graham... C. C. Denton____ M. C. Adams_____ J. W. Gibson____ 6 N Maury OlO 87-358 50,000 15,050 453,370 10.000 10.000 67,000 Cumberland City Citizens Bank & Trust Co. M. McFall—......... 6 N Stewart L8 400 *235-20% 87-572 ®Tt§14 O. H. Atkins Cleo. Summers....... Mrs. Cleo. Summers 10,000 11,260 104,110 Cumberland City Bank J. W. Lewis........... S. E. Bradford___ Alex Dougherty... Mary B. Stacker... $195-10% par 100 87-359 ®t§'04 10,000 9.430 89,430 Frank Richardson. 25,000 2,600 112.910 H. B. Jarnagin ___ Nell K. Taylor ___ 40,000 W. F. Boren______ W. O. Hill ______ H. P. Boren_____ 7,500 4,680 68,600 25,000 82.900 634.790 Cumberland Gap. Peoples Bank______ d®tS’05 Lon Overton 6 N Cl’b’rne L20 304 87-360 Halsy------------ 375 Citizens Bank_ .. 6N Hamilton Q15 Frank Richardson _ 87-361 Darden_______ 210 Bank of Darden______ t5’15 Asa Davis_____ 8 M Henderson 06 $100-10% par B0 87-562 ‘Dayton 1701 American National Bank A. P. Haggard____ L. N. Rodgers......... 6 N Rhea P16 $460-40% 87-179 ®»t'01 “ _____ " “ ------- " 80,620 366,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memo. 14,120 137,560 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. N„ Nash. 14,250 16,120 4th & 1st N.. Nash. Am. N., Nash.; 1st N.. Springfield, 5,000 119,150 3,920 16,000 34,140 4th & 1st N., Nash. 400,940 54,180 13,030 64,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Hamilton N.. Chat.; Am. N., Nash. 17,000 Am. N., Nash. 9,060 14,370 Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky.. Lou.; 1st N., Clarksville. 62.000 14,000 26,210 Am. N. and 3d N., Nash. 115 940 18,630 4th & 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 84.530 8,230 2,360 15,200 — 23,550 19,370 50,880 3,600 3,630 22,170 25,210 TwffJTilv l«il,890 6,140 120,840 (In Hands of Receiv er.) ‘Dandrldge___ 439 Jefferson County Bank®tl 06 .T. R. Hill 6 N Jefferson N20 41,780 86,000 25,000 *• ** ____ _ " 8,950 $ 175,310 Chem. Bk. & Tr.Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Memo, and St. L,; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. ■ Cowan.............. 636 Bank of Cowan____ dB»ti'06 Q. M. Thorogood— S. R. Hampton....... B. B. Looney____ Chas. Fnrgy 153,560 25,000 2,500 197,190 12,970 6 N Franklin Q13 $150-10% 87-355 Ross Hawkins par 100 Crockett Mills. 106 Bank of Crockett Mills.. S’19 F. M. Henderson. (Branch of Bk, of Crockett, Bells, Te ,nn.) .... 87-649 8 M Crockett N4 A. Cash, and Mgr, •• ____ 42,660 Principal Correspondents. dT»t§'88 UNION SAVINGS BANK $15-10% par 10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued C. Y. Whitener.— American Trust Co......... T§'25 A. P. Haggard........ W. P. Haggard.... C. V. Whitener, 87-740 Sec. and Tr. Dayton Bank & Trust Co. J. D. Ellis, J. T. Crawford.... B. L. Morgan........... Blanche Gross......... $155-8% 87-178 d®T»*|’04 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. John Rose Knoxville. ’ 42,620 25,000 2.650 3,500 340 40,000 40.420 352,470 20.000 285,810 78,520 34,520 54,040 ‘Decatur...,__ 142 Meigs County Bank____ J|’07 J. W. Liilard, W. J. Abel_______ C. E. Buchanan.... E. W. Culvahouse. 1N Meigs P16 $162-10% par 100 87-862 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, C. A. Culvahouse 26,000 14,780 116,060 19,640 129,220 19,890 13,100 13,270 1st N., Chat.; Citiz. N., Athens. *^®®*^urvMle..315 Decatur Oountv Bank. •1S,99 Frank Fisher_____ W. G. Smith_____ q m uecaurr U7 par 100 87-368 J. A. England. V.P. P. H. Welch 30.000 20.000 184.000 900 136,000 5,500 5,400 88,000 it N., Jackson; N„ Nash. 50.000 41,690 522,910 48,250 429,090 141,270 14,150 78,340 hem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th A 1st N. Nash.; Hamilton N., Chat. D?*®"1 -r-.—,8.1-5 FIRST NAT’L bk. of FRANKo n r ranxun ms UN CO.--87-364.........dT*t’89 $200-12% par 100 “ -------- “ Home Bank & Trust Co.T§’24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. S. Simmons ___ T. K. Williams___ W. F. Smith______ Geo. Neal Bass___ D. M. Powell. Ch. \ Geo. Mitchell. Jr., Mn-r 23,800 N.. Chat.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. (Branch of Winch, ester, Te, nn.) .— THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI - " 4th & 1st N„ and Am. Cliem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 1 oon iooy Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ------------------------- ----------------- Town and Codittt. •Mein.A.B.A.nNew §StateTPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LaslSale%Div. President. Vice-President. $100 par 100 6 N Dickson MS Citizens National Bk..d»t’06 W. H. McMurry $140-8% par 100 87-187 •• 87-575 $ C. M. Lovell. S. E. Hunt - W. R. Boyte________ W. A. Meadow.___ C. C. Halbrook First National Bank.._d*t’M S. G. Robertson... J. A. Myatt______ W. J. Johnson____ J. F. Crosby______ D. E. Beasley J. G. Mitchell $240-10% par 100 87-186 Dixon Springs. 294 $120 par 100 id Smith MIS R. P. East . . W. W. Brandon ... James Brandon. R. E. Gorham..__ Logan McElroy___ Amanda Walter.__ Peoplaa Bank A Trust Oo. W. C. Howell. $227-16%por230 87-268 ®T«tl'10 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 6 N De Kalb N1S .. 50.000 24,890 70.460 527,980 $ 100.000 53,190 1,307,220 888,860 465,270 14,970 175,760 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N„ Nash,; Un. & Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 116.580 36,150 134,470 8,500 16,060 50.000 760 126.070 10,000 151.480 1.360 3,340 30,650 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash.; Northeri Bk. of Tenn., Clarks- 25.000 27.510 176.790 164.170 20,070 5,660 39.390 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 25,000 11,010 105,100 30,860 403,100 H. V. Parrish_______ C. H. Ross 15.000 24,240 75,530 .Dunlap_______ 1465 Sequatchie County Bank 87-369 ®Ttl'05 6 N Sequatchie P15 $225-20% P. B. Smith._____ Sam B. Wilson ___ Miss Una Lamb... 20.000 23,200 153,000 Dyer R. A. Landrum___ H. Wilson------------- W. E. Baird ............. A. H. Sanford S. A. Bradley 40,000 30,540 249,070 A. J. Thornton ___ R. B. McDaniel___ C. W. McDaniel... Farmers & Merchants Bank C. O. Ewell, $185-12%parlOO 87-223 d©*tl'95 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. M. Evins Will Banks 40,000 35,420 249,720 W. Ducktown Banking Co. $175-«% por 223 87-257 dT»tj’04 J. Parks Kimsey, Ch. Dukedom__ .315 Dukedom Bank 8 M Weakley L5 $200-1*% par 260 87-868 ____ 1250 Gibson M4 $177-10% par 100 i5’04 W L, Jones 87-224 FIRST-CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 87-104 12,300 Am. N„ Nash. Am. N„ Nash. 36,700 132,060 1,470 25.900 Union B ank, Cot ington) E. W. rJ.M. TARRANT- R. S. WATKINS J. N. PARKER. < Ch. of Bd. J FIFTEEN J. F. BIGGS, V. P. and Cashier T V. WHITE L. ZIMMERMAN 300.000 18,360 4th & 1st N„ Nash. Chase N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 94,370 4th and 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N„ St. L. 374.790 520 33.830 326,230 17,530 8,660 106,530 Cent. Han.Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Olev. N„ Clev. 67,510 42,200 1.700 8,350 1st N., Paducah; City N„ Fulton, Ky.; 4tli & 1st N„ Nash. 154,200 2.000 7,000 25,000 , 217,200 63,090 20,060 44.260 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 3d N.. Nash.; Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 15,150 203,550 66.780 16,030 53,930 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 4th & 1st N., Nash., 1st N„ Memp. 1.250.000 210.000 17,000 450,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. 715,250 16,620 74,760 231,030 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N..St. L. and Memp.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 91,740 5,000' 120.000 1.550.000 33.000 1st N„ Chat. CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and Ltwentt-five CENTS for each credit report ins nres prompt, per sonalat tentlon ®T*t'68 MERCANTILE BK. & TR. CO. 87-106 dB®T«tS'07 Fred Moore______ N. W. Calcutt......... 100.000 45,160 780,620 111,880 * (Closed November 12 . 1929) Eagleville_____ 504 Bank of Eagleville___ •tS'01 S. M. Williams ___ 6 N Rutherford Oil $150-18% par 50 87-305 R. P. Hay J. H. Dyer, W. W. Puckett___ Alnor Dryden......... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. John W. Taylor $53.50-8% par 25 87-306 G. T,_ Rir.p. Mar. East Chattanooga Hamilton National Bank 87-370 ®T»t’07 4720 6N Hamilton Q15 {Formerly Hamilton Trust & j Savings Bank) ■■■■1■M 10.000 23,850 10.000 11,590 149,940 61,830 152,950 5,000 2,120 77,570 8,080 2.500 20,640 Am. N, and 4th & 1st N., Nash. 8,350 Am. N„ Nash. (East C haltanoo ga Branc h of Chat lanooga, Tenn.) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Citiz.-Onion Lou.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 22,000 4th & 1st N. and Tenn. Hermitage N„ Nash.; Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co., Cin. 85.000 Mgr. 87-632 $150-10% par 100 123,410 Chem 3,600 25,000 »• 37.360 15.000 Johnson ___ at 379,050 4 100,540 116.000 364.170 .. 84,450 {Branch of Tipton County- Farmers PEOPLES BANK..................«t§T9 $350-20% 21,040 Am. N., Nash. 3,500 7,600 .Dyersburg_. .6444 8 M Dyer M3 11.390 $ 20.000 40.000 8M 37,500 {Formerly Dowelltown Banking Co. Weakley County Bank.*tS'87 H. S. Copeland___ 87-265 Polk Q18 $ 66.400 N„ J. Jeter__________ C. S. Jeter__________ Mrs. Nellie B. Tucker 6N $ {Branch of Smith ville, Te nn.)___ i First Trust Company _.Tt§'16 87-588 A. P. Johnson____ W. V. Bosson______ W. A. Stewart, Jr. Doyle_________ 213 First National Bank_____ t’12 J. M. Gamble, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. S. B. Sims $150-10% par 100 87-367 W. F. Ward 6N White N14 .Dresden____ 1007 8M Weakley M5 13.370 $ 87-536 d©T*tl'12 G. R. Lannom, Ch. tDnver ... .. 4flfi Dover Bk. & Trust Oo.T*tl'OS S. C. Lewis 87-267 6N Stewart L8 .. 15,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash A ExCHANOI8,Dm from Banks 87-866 G. R. Lannom ___ J. F. Weakley......... 6II Davidson Mil $120-7% par 100 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Other Bondi Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diicounti Securities laneous ties Ch, of Bd. and Pres. R. B. Harwell 6N Lincoln Q10 .. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. H. M. Sherrell, Act. H. E. Sherrell. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued ■■ 1 OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. BANKS BANKERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M -VIemp. N Nash. •Jlem.A.B.A.r,New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Eaton. 275 Bank of Eaton ....____ tS’lo G. W. Dodds____ A. W. Taylor_____ W. H. Hoover____ 8 M Gibson N4 87-371 Elbridge _ 175 Bank of Elbridge ____ •tS’OQ W. T. Call HOO-12% Var 50 87-372 8 M Obion M3 W Via 1200-10% par 100 87-148 Liabilities. j Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Depos Other Paid-tjp Surplus and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ Russell Wright----- ‘Elizabeth ton 2749 Elizabethton Trust Co.. T§’28 A. Mothwurf I. S. Wolf_______ W. A. Hale, Tr.Off. $110-8% par 100 87-754 6N Carter L24 E. C. Alexander. Ch. E. C. Alexander Max Korfl. V. P. C. L. Grindstaff FIRST NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc.. cee Laws. T ENNESSEE—Continued 10,000 % 4,000 J 15,000 25,790 250,000 15.070 $ 79,310 43.020 87,440 $ 110,330 Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Due from Banes $ 2,690 $ 3,500 40,930 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Trenton. 57,490 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; Bk. of Obion, Obion. $ 105,470 275,120 123,620 956,010 136,840 91,600 264,950 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Unaka & City N.,Johnson City;City N., Knox ville; 1st N., Bristol; Am. N., Nash. 71,120 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Unaka & City N. and Tcnn. N., Johnson City; 1st N., Bristol. 15,160 Am. N., Nash. 52,500 42,900 1st N. and Holston N., Elizabethtown. E. C. ALEXANDER- E. H. HOLLY, Act... 6. J. HOLLY............S. J. FLEEN0R — H.E. JONES, S.T. MILLARD, Act. Ch. of Bd. c. L GRINDSTAFF The Oldest, Strongest and Largest Banking Institution In Carter County. We do a General Banking Business. d®»t’09 Prompt, Efficient Service on Collections. 75.900 55,910 1,194,860 Holston National Bank.»t’17 J. B. Nave. Sr.___ N. T. Perry ______ H. C. Hathaway... C. H. Ritts. Jr..... N. C.Nave C. R. Hathaway. 87-602 Act. V.P. Elkton_ 212 Bank of Elkton tS'fld J. E. Baugh........ ..... J. C. Curtis............. J. W. Hughey 6 N Giles Q11 $140-8% par H0 87-373 50.000 7,740 398,440 85.000 323,080 127.740 19,520 20,000 10,390 26,800 5.000 43,180 250 3,600 Englewood . 1271 Bank of Englewood.-®»t§’05 R. H. Hicks______ D. P. Brendle____ W. W. El edge____ Blaine Lawson .... 6 N McMinn P18 $120-8% 87-374 40,000 7.750 180.220 10.000 191,780 5.480 Envllle................153 Bank of Enville 8M Chester P6 87-375 15.000 7,000 145.000 10,000 2,620 113,190 6,000 95,510 18,710 5,060 25.000 16,000 500,000 25,000 415,000 5,000 70,000 70,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Unaka & City N. and Tenn. N., Johnson City. 20,000 45,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tenn. N., Johnson City. Ti§’nR H. S. Lott .............. J. L. Johnson_____ T. C. Smith.............. Cora Sewell______ L. C. Smith ‘Erin....................855 Houston County Bank & 6 N Houston L8 $110 Trust Co. 87-661 TtS’20 S. W. Lasher ( T. R.XEYS............ \ L. L. MCINTYRE, ‘Erwin_______2965 ERWIN NATIONAL BANK J Ch. of Bd. 6 N Unicoi M24 $180-10% 87-226 d@«t’10 j Strong and pro par 100 1 Send us your “ V Prompt, carefu 1 R. ROBERTS, Act. E.P. KEYS-................ CARL HARRISON-T. G. FALL •• •« Estill Springs .300 „ 6 N Franklin P12 Ethridge. 218 6N Lawrence P9 Sidney Boone____ J. E. Collier______ First State Bank___ d®«t§’19 R. M. Barry--------- T. C. Hensley____ Roy Tucker............ L. C. Hurd ............. 35.000 20,000 485,000 25,000 $149.50-6% 87-225 par 149.50 . Home Bank & Tr. Co... tS’ll Ray Tate, Mgr.... < Branch of Winch ester, Te nn.) .... 8% 87-511 Farmers & Merchants Bank S. H. Massey____ W. L. Brian_______ 10,000 1,630 58.780 2,400 $100 par 100 87-376 ®t|’10 R. M. Benson .. Union Savings Bank 87-771 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE 12,520 Am. N.. Nash. 30,230 360 11,150 4th & 1st N., Nash,; Home Bk. & Tr. Co., Winchester. 31.070 4th & 1st N., Nash. 5,060 707,210 50,000 562,800 61,750 49,030 138,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr,, N. Y.; Ham. N„ Chattanooga. Pearie Duffey____ 33,000 6,170 432,580 20,000 322.200 86,520 31,120 51,910 Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. H. E. Dryden____ D. L. Conger_____ j Morgan Eslick____ Sallie F. Harris.... Rose H. Caughran 75,000 103.350 889,650 258,100 1,088.350 83,940 41,400 50,000 4,510 269,900 52,160 216,900 58,120 37,810 60,000 54.330 516,520 199 970 ±£0,0/U CQ1 rran oyi.oyu 0 1 AftO oyu 9QA 10,730 20.000 4,900 150,740 4,730 80,170 11,5d0 o,490 63.740 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 1stryyN.. or rikn t)|rChattanooga. JiL &p 1„1 85,520 Lnem. ck. &O, rTl„ ir. Co., XT N. v Y.:. 4th 1st XT N., Nash. 83,160 2nd N. and Secur. N., Jackson, Tenn. 15,000 1,190 44,420 5,630 47,470 2nd N., Jackson. Farmers National Bank J. A. Moores......... $90-6% par 100 87-122 ®»t’12 " •« First National Bank..®T*t'73 T. D. Sugg----------$160-6% 87-121 Finger................375 Home Banking Co....d*t§’15 J. R. Harris______ 8M McNairy P5 $100-10% par 140 87-584 “ 115,000 Tenn. Hermitage N., Nash. 50,000 Peoples Bank________ •tS'10 T. W. Cantrell ___ 87-198 ‘Fayetteville. .3629 Elk National Bank........ _t'87 6N Lincoln Qll 87-123 •• 55,000 gresslve. Erwin’* items. 1 attention. Mo derate rates. r J. S. REED------- J. N. REED_______ J. A. McCLARY—- J. F. TYE------------R. L. CAMPBELL Etowah............ 2516 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ) “SEND US TO 6 N McMinn P18 $125 par 100 87-196 d®»t’08 (.Special attention UR ETOWAH IT EMS DIRECT.” given Bill of Lading Drafts and all ma tters sent us. .. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Athens. W. F. Cannon____ Jean P. Gill C. F. Bagley......... R. E- Eeenfiy —— J. J. Moyers W. P. Massey_____ D. McCeaskill____ B. Hi Msssfiy §’29 J. F. Mitchell. J. O. Massey______ L. A. Weaver_____ C. F. Walker Ch. of Bd. and Pres. —- INPINNA T| FIFTH THIRT IINIDN TRUST irvL1 uniun ItUO 1 rn ou., r u inuinNH 7,520 112.410 Chase N„ N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE3FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS loni l«jyi Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M Memp. N, Nash. •Mem.A.B.A.^New J State TPrii. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 6N Bedford P12 Flat Creek Savings Bank 8% par 100 87-378 ti'09 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Capital Liabilities. Surplus AND ITS Profits Resources. Loan* Bond* ash & Ex Other Miscel- Cha wa*8, Du* and and Liabili- Discount* Securities LANEOUS from Banks TIXB 6,560 $ 25,000 7,010 131,520 W. J. Smith.......... 10,000 3,820 49,610 I. M. Rnrke Mrs. M. S. Wilhoite 50.000 12,450 459,520 $ F. J. Hyde................ J. W. Greer, Jr. 75,000 17,510 578,160 WILLIAMSON CO. BANKING J. B. Briggs, Act... Robert Hodge........ A. T. Fugitt. Jr.... J. M. Liggett. Jr... &TR. CO. 87-138 .d@TtS’89 W. W. Campbell. Carter Cox Act. V. P. $225-10% par 100 Friendship ___ 487 Bank of Friendship.__ •tl'04 3 no. L. Powell ___ C. E. Sweatt_____ 87-380 8M Crockett N3 150,000 120,330 10,000 15,000 Fountain City .510 City Bank of Fountain City Cowan Rodgers___ (Knoxville P. 0.) $27.50-6% 87-719 d®T»t§’23 W. S. Shields. Ch. par 20 6N Knox M19 (Formerly Fountain City Bk.) Frankewlng.__104 BankofFrankewingd®Tl§’21 P. W. Phelps .. $120-8% par 100 87-677 W. E. Jackson 6N Giles Pll C. E. Dale ‘Franklin____3123 First Bank & Trust Co. S. J. Wilson, W. J. Smith______ Newt Cannon, Jr... GH Williamson Nil $134-6% par 100 87-750 ©t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. «• •• J. A. Jordan. Harpeth National Bk. .©•t’06 $250-15% 87-139 M. T. Regen par 100 M •• Frlendsvllle ...530 Peoples Bank______d®*tl'15 $144 par 100 87-381 6N Blount N18 142.370 5,700 15,470 City N., Knoxville. 47,990 4.290 11,150 Am. N„ Nash; Citiz., Pulaski. 37,330 15,000 64,310 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 547,100 101.090 22,340 114,260 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ and Broadway N., Nash. 968,020 921,470 129,080 29,980 157,810 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y-: Am. N. and 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; 1st N., St. L. 18,020 401,070 230,720 6,500 78,800 84,000 40,000 114,130 445,330 S 198,370 4th ft 1st N., Nash.; Union & Plan N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 14,200 Bk. of Blount Co., Maryville. Gibson Co.. Trenton. 87-685 Peoples Exchange Bank 87-382 d®«JS’08 par 100 ‘Galnesboro.. .351 Bank of Gainesboro.__«tr89 6N Jackson L14 $175-10% 87-383 .. Security Bank & Trust Co. $110 par 100 87-767 d©T»1§’29 ‘Gallatin____2757 Commerce-Union Bank ©§’23 6N Sumner L12 87-708 M „ First & Peoples National Bk. $200-12% 87-153 ®T»t’90 M •• Sumner County Bk. ft Tr.Co. $62-8% par 50 87-155 dB©Tt8'05 8M Crockett N4 21,450 renn.-Hermitage N., Nash. of Qibto n County Bk.. T renton. Tenn.). T. E. Wilkison___ Frultland .110 8M Gibson N4 5,340 $ 58.920 $ 69,160 10,000 $ $ Principal Correspondents. D. B. Davis______ $100-10% Gassaway_____ 165 6N Cannon N13 19% Charles Brown ___ Frank Gailbreath. 10,000 3,640 141,450 50.000 45,160 404,220 50,000 7,030 Wm Hall 240 12,260 38,000 Merch. State, Humboldt; 1st N.. St. L. 400.770 45,450 16.770 54,880 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 5.900 111,830 90,980 30,280 Am. N., Nash. Bk.of Am.N.A,, N.Y.; Com.-Union, Nash. Nashmll H. G. Hogan, V. Ch. J. S. James, Ch. of Bd. W V Allfin 18,500 104,590 A. C. Earls______ J. B. Swaney, A. C. G. W. Pardue 803,910 172,470 42,000 129,890 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Am. N., Nash. 430,940 350,130 33,940 42,800 85,280 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th ft 1st N„ Nash. 2,390 79,970 53,410 1,060 4,420 12,500 14,220 156,430 95,840 ________ 10,200 77,110 1st N.. Memp.; Ripley Sav. Bk- & Tr Co., Ripley. 10,000 23,250 157,770 65,640 3,110 77,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. Slate. Humboldt 100,000 35,310 917,910 J. T. Baskerville. C. G. McLean____ W. F. Brown_____ A. J. Swaney_____ E. T. Seay. V. P. C. B. Brown, Act. 50.000 31,210 nivdfi Hall __ Howard Kidwill... 12,000 W. A. Sanford___ Max Parker. ___ Shelah Jetton____ J. H. Kid will. 95,050 35,480 Am. N.. Nash. 87-384 Gates Banking&Tr.Co.Tt§’04 .1. W. Pfiarsnn 8M Lauderdale N3 15% par 50 87-385 Gibson_______ 249 $60-12% par 25 87-386 8M Gibson N5 Gladevllle___ __ 53 Commerce-Union Bk.d©+§’20 87-662 6N Wilson N12 $200-8% Bank of Gleason_____ T*t§’01 8M Weakley M5 $165-10% par 80 87-301 it i. Farmers & Citizens Bk. $70-10% par 50 87-302 ®T»t§'07 Goodlettsvllle 1036 Bank of Uoodlettsville 6N Davidson Lll $200 par 100 87-387 ©*{§’89 GordonsviUe ..278 6N Smith M13 Grand Junct. .497 Bank of Grand Junction 8M Hardeman par 100 87—389 ®«t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. B. Lee ............ . A. E. Scott J. C. Warmath.... J. C. Ammons____ A. M. Dunlap Carl Parks............... 128,450 50,540 142,230 111,290 15,440 197,020 13,570 127.18C 76.33C M. E. Fanning____ 20.001 23,600 191,450 J. D. Bradberry— 12,500 13,180 S. H. Wilhoite____ Chas, Cartwright.. J. C. Garrett ___ Com.-Union, Nash. Nashvxll e. Tenn.) (Gladevi G. W. Spickard ... A. J. Spickard, Ch. of Bd. and Mgr. 44,630 30.000 17.500 184,000 25.00C 6,700 225,400 15.00C 9,200 69,000 22,000 3,080 91,130 3.250 11,620 56,000 Cont.lll. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N.,Nash.; Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 29.560 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 16,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N, Y.. Am. N.. Nash. {Closed June 20.192E ) C. B. Parham_____ S. S. Carver B. P. Shirley_____ A. H. Willoughby.. 8.000 35,810 1st N.,Memp. 6,000 74.80C 12,500 86.46C 15,85( 13,900 4th and 1st N., Nash. 6N Jackson M14 $150-6% par 100 87-390 Graysville........786 Graysville Bank____ ®T»t5'06 S. G. Hutcheson... T. E. Downey_____ K. F. Johnson____ Bsrtli&TcfiEiiP Merle Morgan $115-8% 87-391 L. M. Grimsley 6N Rhea P16 par 100 OFFERS UNSURPASSED F ACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TH LF 1FllFTH 1 Hill nu r 1 n THIR ■ 13,880 Hamilton N., Chat.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. ■ ui mu TRIJST GO., CINCINNATI | UI 11 Ull ■ in 1 QQ9 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWW AHP COUNTT. *Connty Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. MMemp. N Nash. Liabilities. eMem. A.B.A. nNew §State fPriv. IMen. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. V ice-Pbesident. Cashier. Ass’t Cabhieb. Paid-up AND Depos- PROFIT8 Greenback.. 175 Bank of Greenback d®*tS’ll 6N Loudon 018 170-10% 87-515 par 50 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. .T. Phillips 87-726 ©t§’24 6N Robertson Lll $110 * Greenerllle. .3775 6N Greene M22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued CITIZENS SAVINGS W. < BANK H. A. Griffitts.......... C. O. McCall Mary Anderson... $ 25,000 $ Resources. Bondi Cash & ExMiscel- chakq and »s,Dui Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banks Principal Correspondents. 1 Other TIES 13,300 $ 159,290 $ 150,040 $ 5,070 $ 12,590 $ 29,880 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Lenoir City; City N„ Knoxville. _ rJ- H. RADER...... G. WADDELL* C Send us your G 1 A progressive b (.Special atteutio W. H Savage E. L. CHASE- h. 10,000 R. G. HILL...... —- 75,000 80,250 45,450 320 4,950 40,890 Am. N„ Wash.; Com.-Union. Springfield. 45.000 1,037,610 $ 162,920- 949,530 107,320 91,620 172,070 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co.. N. Y.: Hamilton N., Chat.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville. 1.000,000 155.000 487,460 1,700 134,710 158,8/0 Chase N„ N. Y.; City N., Knoxville;HamiJ- 651,220 7,560 59.180 165,990 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Unaka & City N„ Johnson C. 282,000 10,000 32,800 134,090 32,870 2,500 1.670 reenevllle buslnes s direct. ank of complete service. n to BUI of Ladln g Drafts, Cash an d Time Items. - 10% par 100 87-499 d®T*t8'll First National Bank T. D. Brabson......... J. E. Hacker ............ L. C. Willis.............. D. K. Lawson............ $300-12% 87-182 dB®T»t*89 par 100 Greene County Bank W. H. Armitage... J. A. Susong............ P. C. Wakefield... Mrs. F. D. Roberts $230-12% 87-183 dB®T*tS’96 J. H. Kilday 65.000 74,000 1,390,000 75,000 93,780 464,560 C. E. Myers_______ 75.000 14,780 794,170 Volunteer Trust Co...BT»i’23 H. C. Maloney____ P. C. Wakefield.... O. C. Armitage, $120-6% 87-699 See. and Tr. par 100 100.000 18,500 D. K. W. A. Coats_______ J. B. McAdams.__ Stella M. Brasfield. Greenfield ____1474 FRUIT GROWERS BANK 125-20% 87—205 ®T»tS’05 IN Weakley H5 $par 50 •• •• Greenfield Bank______®»tj'99 R. L. Goolsby............ J- N. Rav $200-20% ♦ 87-204 12,500 21,000 192,830 30,000 32,640 249,140 174,750 25,740 350 Halls__________ 1400 BARK OF HALLS—~d»H’99 W, tM Lauderdale NS $152-1215% par 100 87-245 HURT................. 70,000 36,500 400,000 286,000 90,000 17.000 113,500 Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; lstN..Memp.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N„ St. L. Peoples Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. C. Wilson W. R. Jeffries.......... F. R Hurt J. E. Peery________ $125-10% ♦ 87-246 T‘iS’04 T. L. Cook par 100 Hampshire___ 227 Hampshire Bank........... ®t§'ll J. T. Akin................ .. R. K. Stalev______ Jno. P. Stephens.. IN Hanry 09 87-393 25,000 12,540 241,020 16,470 186,120 9.900 17,590 81,420 4th & 1st N„ Nash.: Un. Plan, N. Bk. & Tr. Memp.; N.. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. Ill, 10,000 13,100 62,480 350 55,980 5,950 3,540 100,000 18,870 780,980 100,000 569,010 128,320 119,510 182,120 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Hamilton N„ Chat.’ City N„ Knoxville. 119,550 Chase N„ N. Y.; Holston Un. N., Knox ville; 1st N., Chattanooga. 33,500 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. M 14 .. .. Union Bank & Trust Co. J. M. Reaves______ J. A. Rush__________ J. P. Boles_______ 6% par 100 87-646 ®T4§’19 L. C. Haynes, Ch. .. T. NUNN____ W. C. PATTON______ n n WIRRFN F. H. .. Hardman ____4019 IN Roane N17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 87-126 rG W. CARSON_____ L. G. CARSON.............. BANE CARSON G.‘ P. AlSi Active M. H. RUTHERFORD- 149,420 j 210,800 ' 375.000 ChaseN., N.Y.; HolstonUn.N., Knoxville. \ “ SEND US YO UR HARRIMAN BUSINESS DIKE CT.” d®*f60 1 Prompt Attenti on given BUI of L adlng Drafts and all matter sent us. (.Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presentat Ion and 25c for cr edit - re ports. ton N„ Chattanooga. 4,500 57,470 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 110,950 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 20,450 Am, N„ Nash.; Phoenix N., Columbia. IN HARRIMAN $125-#% par 100 »* *4 HARRIMAN NATIONAL BK. H. L. Durell. ____ N. C. Blanchard... 8% par 100 87-128 d®T«I'21 J. A. East. V. P. Tom Tarwater » Hartsrille___ 1023 Bank of Hartsvilie... dTt|-'84 Russell Wright___ R. C. Owen________ R. G. W Pnrymr IN Tronsdale L12 $300-12% par 100 87-259 P. F. Burnley, Ch. A. F. Littleton Manye Hammock. •• ______ •< Citizens Bank..... ................. tl’05 R. C. Owen________ T. J. Thompson.... C. A. Hammond__ $200-10% 87-260 ‘Henderson.. .1181 Chester County Bank...J|'04 J. E. Rowsey............ W. H. Thomas_____ J. M. Fry IN ChesterP5 $165-12% 87-232 par 100 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. F. O’Neal - J. W. Stewart_____ J. E. Brown.............. $125-6% par 100 ®T»tl’89 87-231 .. Peoples Savings Bank J. G. Hardeman— G. E. McKinney $120-10% 87-650 ®»ti’13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27,440 557,070 399.420 102.840 12,700 25,000 28,000 251,000 143,500 118,000 9,000 25,000 16,050 228.000 205,000 2,000 22,280 25,000 17,800 291,750 3,820 148,310 32,520 17,950 60,000 13,300 255,180 16,900 176,280 52,320 16,940 24,460 Am. N., Nash. 139,600 1st N.. St. L„ Memp., and Jackson. 99,850 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 2d N„ Jackson; 3d N„ Nash. J. A. Ward................ A. P. Smith . Hendersonville 415 Bank of'07 J. H. Stephens ____ Miss Sarah Berry.. T. B. Ellis_________ II SamnerLll 87-394 I ; 50,000 1 30,000 9,610 279,730 20,000 2,500 64,090 2,450 147,610 THE FIFTH THIRD lJNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 63,680 34,100 1 16,300 4,120 123,790 1st N„ St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 18,480 Am. N„ Nash. Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name or Hank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* TOW* AMD OODJJTT. ^County Seats. Fir. is F. Res. Dist. MMemp. |Nash. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew JS^atetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.?LastSale%Div. Henning______ 495 | M Laaderdale 02 .. .. ♦ President. PE API FS RANK 87-594 Cashier. Vice President. J. D. Alston . R. B. Lipscomb 87-286 Ass t Cashier. Resoi RCES. LlABIL ITIES. Lords Bonds Miscel Cash k Ex S urplus O ther Paid-up Depos Liabili changes, Dus and and AND Discounts Securities laneous from Banks its Capital Profits ties W. B. Drake_____ W. D. Barfield .... $ 100,000 $ 48,600 $ 239,040 $ S. G. Grable............ R. B. Ohrisman.__ Vester Clark------- 15.000 16,070 181,170 3,000 144,710 J. W. Green............ John Bean 12,000 140 21,280 170 22,080 J. C. Ashley........ - J. W. Nixon____ _J H. P. Nixon............ W. H. Gwaltney 20,000 9,330 105.890 35,400 107,320 8,710 $ 29,580 $ 165,440 4th & 1st N„ Nash.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 23,160 10,650 2,440 9,760 30,520 ‘Hobenwald...742 First National Bank..®*t’20 11 Lewis 09 $125-6% 87-666 par 100 #• ee Hohenwald Bk. & Tr JDo. F. A. Goodman___ $189-10% 87-898 d®T»t8’0S 8. H. Hinson. V. P. par 100 45,000 135,000 W. L. Bell................ T. B. Poore______ J. L. O'Guin______ H. N. Mann 35,000 4,700 150,000 Joe Overbey______ A. M. Rasbnry------ N. T. Plummer ___ G. N. 8prineer 30,000 28,000 262,000 274.000 8,650 2,420 62,230 39,580 J. R. Holliday------ L. M. Williams___ S. H. Wilaon 10,500 54,200 8,550 2,850 22,320 4th & 1st N-. Nash. 164,970 8,200 5,800 59,540 Am. N. and 3rd N., Nash. 144,410 11,350 2,100 78,260 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 26,760 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Bk. of Bolivar, Bolivar. 0 15,000 16,840 206,670 Hornbeak_____410 Bank of Hornbeak____ *il’04 H. D. Smith. IM Obion L3 $302-20% 87-401 par 100 J. C. Ellington........ W. P. Ellington— Laura Bomage — 26,000 45,640 166,860 J. P. Mitchell____ J. R. Hanna______ 12,000 2,540 142,100 90,790 32,500 6,580 99,880 1,500,070 1,067,590 359,260 74,940 Bank of Hornsby............ti’20 87-669 Hard’m'n Q5 8% Gibson N« CA. R. DODSON.— ^ u L. A. De Priest G. E. McDEAlMON 10% ‘Huntingdon.1121 BANK OF HIJ^6D0N-«tl 87 Neill Wright .......... Robt. Pitts.............. 26,000 55,780 656,410 G. W. Parish_____ W. E. Noles______ 40.000 54,860 488,590 W. F. Oattis 25,000 5,640 101,210 25,000 5,290 110,860 10,000 8,380 15,120 10,000 9,250 78,430 504,360 105.920 15,870 111,050 Chase N.. N. Y.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 4th & lit N-. Nash. 39,650 464,760 88,290 19,540 50,510 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 20,000 57.620 20,800 10,690 62,740 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N.. Chattanooga. 80,760 37,010 2,150 Carroll NS J. T. Hester. j. T. Peeler Hun Hand___ .223 First National Bank------ 1'07 j. 0. Breeden, Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 87-402 11 Franklin Q12 $100 J. E. Hatfield.......... ‘Huntsville___ 315 First National Bank .—•t’ll D. T. Chamber.... E. S. Bashears........ Scott L17 $125 par 100 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. T. W. Seay.............. C H Webb $175 par 100 87-709 ©Tt5’23 ClaudieP. Halliday J. B. Robertson... W. TT. Tinnit ■■■■MU THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C(L CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,230 4th k 1st N.. Nash. 87-403 Erie Coppedge .... J B TiaHifr Indian Mound 157 Bank of Indian Mound Elmer E. Wolfe 87-710 d®Tt§'23 6N Stewart L8 $182-19% •• 202,560 Chase N„ N. Y. Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo„ Memp.; 1st N.. St. L. of Tipto n Count V-Farme rs Unio n Bank. Covingt on, Ten n.) 87-601 Farmers State Bank--.*ti’15 12% 87-586 II 108,600 3,610 87-118 d®T»tl 87 \ All business ha ndled promptly. E. (.FORTY - TWO YEARS’ SERVIC PEOPLES BANK.—d®«tl'17 —— IM MERCHANTS STATE BANK $176-12% par 100 Am. N„ 87-399 S. L. Barger______ IM 35,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Nash. 41.000 4th & lit N., Nash. F. A. Penick. L. E. Trevathan Humboldt.__ 3912 23,010 Am. N„ Nash. 5,080 Hollow Rock ..198 Bank of Hollow Rock..*tl'09 I M Carroll MS $100-16% par 50 87-400 |M 9,070 Com. Uu., Gallatin. . Am. N., Nash. of Living stun, Te rm.) .... HHham_______212 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. W. R. Officer_____ J. A. Hargrove.... \fp.R. Fisk 87-687 ®Tt5’21 • 1 Overton L14 36,720 1st N.. Memp. Onion Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 1st N., Jackson. (Branch of Boliv ar.Temn HickoryValley. 260 Hardeman County Sav. Bk. IM Hardeman Q 4 $186-6% 87-897 ®$S'll UoUaday______ 177 IM BentonN7 $100-10% par 100 490 i 293,700 $ Principal correspondents. E.L. Vaoghan, Mgr. (Branch of Tipto n Count y-Farme rs Unio n Bank, Covingt on) .... Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co Memp. ..ll'16 Jno. T. Garner ___ S. H. Johnson ____ J. T. Taylor______ Henry________ 230 Peoples Bk. k Trust Co. $180-10% 87-395 T»t§'06 tM Henry par 100 Hermitage Bank of Hermitage Springs Estus Cherry_____ Springs_____ 115 par 100 87-758 t§"28 Clay Q18 Hickman_____325 N. S. Ashley--------87-396 || Smith MU $150-6% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TENNESSEE—Continued 7,800 ■■I 2.780 35,020 3,510 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. 38,090 3rd N.. Nash. 55,730 ■■■ AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 ^94 & eacb bank ln u- s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Tig.isF. Res. Dist. f,1 Memp. N Nash. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §S'tatetPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Iron City_____355 Farmers Bank. Liabilities. President. -TiSTO J. L. Hollis.. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. J. M. Forsythe____ L. May .................... D. P. Hollis. N Lawrence Q8 par 87-404 J6Backsboro___ 638 Campbell County Bk. & Trust Winston Baird.__ R. L. Qallahar____ J. R. Baird_______ N Campbell L18 *100-10% 50 *125-6%._Co.. 87-683.. dTtS’21 Jacks Creek 76 Jacks Creek Bank_____ t§’19 J. D. Anderson. 8 M Chester P5 Jioo-io% 87-630 ‘Jackson.__ 19,925 811 Madison 05 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *150-10% par 100 87-59 d®«t’73 Roy Watlington— J. H. Smith_______ W. E. Rhodes W. A. CALDWELL - W. D. McKINNIE. HUGH W. HICKS. . . . . . F. M. VANOENActive C. 0. BOND, F. A. McKINNIE Ch. of Bd. T. G. HUGHES rR. S. FLETCHER— G. C. WILKERSON. OLIVER BENTON Active HOLLAND NAT'L BANK OF COMMERCE I SEND US YOU WM. R JACKSONITE MS DIRECT par 50 87-63 d®T*r05 par 100 87-60 d®»t’86 78.940 S 6,200 12.400 S 7,630 42,600 52,680 4,020 8,110 10.000 10,170 95,850 60.950 200.000 $ 113,740 3,168,330 $ 398,200 2,021,380 4.060 730,080 177,310 39,160 21.510 Am. N., Nash. 10,410 Holston Un. N., Knoxville. 51,010 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Peo. Sav., Henderson. 951,500 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. Hi Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: Fifth-Third Un.Tr. Co.. Cin.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 107,860 102,310 281,010 4,830 7,590 5,900 1st N„ Secur. N., and Second N„ Jackson. 100,000 102,380 1,454,330 203,700 878,410 590,690 93,760 297,560 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.,Chi.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. R. C. SMITH- - - - - - - - R. M. WISDOM_ _ _ _ C. B. ROWLETT K. B. MONYPENY 100,000 162,550 2,270,390 363,510 1,418,610 786,740 31,080 660,020 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Memp.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. and 3d N.. Nash. 100,000 51,560 1,314,850 699,150 519,210 42,180 305,860 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memphis; Am. N., Nashville. Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Jackson: Am. N., Nash.; Ham. N.. Chat. 'mam 100,000 Partners. ’26 Not Inc. (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) MUNICIPAL, L ISTED AND UNL ISTED SECURIT 1ES. I.B.TIGRETT&CO. T13 (Market & LaFayette Sts.) Bankers Securities for Investment Fiscal Agents for Municipalities and Corporations ‘Jamestown__ .400 Bank of Jamestown —d*t§’04 W. L. Wright--------W. R. Case_______ A. B. Norman_____ E. O. Peters______ 6 N Fentress L16 *150-10% par 100 87-405 Farmers Bank___ 87-693 11.250 I 109.240 25.000 50,000 SIMPSON RUSSELL— .Send your colie ctlons to the only “Honor” bank In Jackson. We give service. Security National Bank Bruce Mitchell.__ W. Q. Morgan____ H. E. Oglesby, Charles A. Hendrix *70-7% 87-65 dB®T*t’13 V. P. and Cash. par 60 LITTLE, WOOTEN & COMPANY 5.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex change*,Dui from Bank* l Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. 'W. D. NELSON— R. L. BEARE ■ SECOND NATIONAL BANK *247-14% Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and AND and Liabili Capital Propits its Diaoounta Sseuritiag laneous ties FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentlon Jackson Bank & Trust Co. Lawrence Taylor.. T. V. Ashby______C. E. Castle_______ 87-722 ®BTt§’24 *90-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued t§’22 -• W. M. Johnson — O. O. Greer- 50,000 9,940 513,240 361,440 116,420 28,860 69,560 4thand 1st, N., Nash.; Fifth-ThirdUn.Tr. Co., Cin.; Hamilton N., Chat. B. R. Chism. Kirby Johnson ___ 20,000 10,470 156,530 116,960 39,950 4,110 25,970 Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. D. M. Hall_____ M, McCullough.__ 25,000 8,700 206,320 175,370 2,220 8,260 54,170 1st N., Chat, and So. Pitt. 25.000 40,000 400,000 25,000 300,000 90,000 10,000 90,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and Holston Un. N.. Knoxville. 50,000 17,500 563,750 24,140 511,000 41,450 30,000 72,940 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City N.. Knox ville; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 23,000 255,000 1,820 226,530 12,760 15,000 50,530 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Gin.; City N„ Knoxville. *107 ‘Jasper_______ 728 Farmers State Bank_ 6 N Marion Q14 f Jackson, Tenn, Or * ICES ^ L1ttle Rock, Ark. dwicpg (Closed October 7, 19 29) Marion Trust & Banking Co. A. A. Cook______ F. A. Kelly .. par 100 87-106 ®TtS’04 *140-8% Jefferson City 1414 First National Bank C. T. Rankin_____ I. M. Cate ... 87-641 dB®*t’l9 6 N Jefferson M19 *200-12% S. H. Rankin par 100 C. A. Catlett_____ Mossy Creek Bank_________ (Closed May 25, 192 Jellico________1878 6 N Campbell K18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *200-15% par 100 87-185 UNION BANK________ *125-8% par Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 87-184 S. C. BAIRD. Ch.ofBd.andPres. H. B. McGOMB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HENSON IMP" “SEND US YO UR JELLICO IT EMS DIRECT.” d«t'02 .Prompt attentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts an d all matters sen t us. J. L. Heffernan.__ S. K. Dossett_____R. B. Grinstead. d.tS’18 Z. D. Baird, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY i one idyl) Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Tow* and Counti. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Asi’n. [Estab. 00 Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts-.T-Trust B-Bond CO M Memp. N. Nashv. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Johnson City 6N Wash. L24 14.362 AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO. PUHBUn. ( U. o. BUWtno-----J Send us your Jo \ East Tennessee / Prompt person kby an officer of Vice-President, Am’t Cinm, CARRIER, BLAINE TAYLOR —- 1 D MrNIFI 1,770 $ 201,000 $ $ 30.000 $ JESSE TILLEY 7,590 87-74 a. H. SHUMATE— H. C. BLACK -............ P. H HIINTFR W. B. MILLER ___ T.W. ROLAND______ Bristol; Tenn. N.. Johnson City. 84,600 91,560 17,740 590 5,500 39,990 485,290 2,200 475,250 620 6.680 86,170 89,270 1,979,830 287,700 1,408,470 520,770 221,020 406,540 776.100 2,872,580 461,230 370,480 723,090 625,000 35,800 27,500 118,300 31,240 211,910 3,039,370 Knoxville; Unaka & City N.. Johnson City. N., Nash. maSQ A" • Olin UUQUii UIVI AAJ a. a. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Am. N. Nash.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Com'l N. High Point. N. O. On. Tr.6o.. Cin.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. (Branch West Ma rket St.) •t'01 V. B. Cox___ ___ J. M. Fink______ Paul M. Fink-------- 25.000 36,000 742,300 3,300 City N„ Knoxvilie; Tenn. N„ Johnson 26,000 30,720 279,960 26,760 158,480 125,680 9,600 68,650 !hase" N., N. Y.; Holston-Un. N.. Knox ville, Unaka, and Johnson City. 10,000 13,770 89,300 1,500 66,120 10,320 2,680 35,450 Hamilton N„ Chat.; Elk N., Fayetteville. 25,000 3,530 G. CLEVE H0LL0M0N J. R. CARROLL______ F. L. KERR entrusted to ns. n to all business Drafts, Cash and time items our sp eclalty. with eaeb Sight Draft for present atlon and 25c for credit r eports. 281,400 140,580 10,190 39,150 120,000 st N., Jackson; Am. N., Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 50,000 46,660 (DAVID ROLLER — J. G. PRESTON_____ W. R. JENNINGS........ R. THOS. BEATY........ d®»t*'09 KFIFTEEN CEN h each sight draf t for presentation , and (twenty-five CENTS for each c redlt report lnsur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 408.960 459,790 5,530 63,570 50,000 1,307,910 224,690 155,850 507,310 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th and 1st N., Nash. 31,090 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N.. Rockwood anc Harriman, Tenn. 40,880 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chat.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 20,390 3d N., Nash.: 1st N.« Dickson. Bela Poteat____ First National Bank------ 1'89 A. A. Deakins____ J. H. Epps. Jr. -— Frank S. Patton... F. Fred McPherson J. M. Ward $225-10% 87-252 Kelao_________ 144 Peoples Bank______d( 6 N Lincoln Q12 $175-12% par 240 87-510 R. D. Cowley------- T. J. Winford____ (C.O.RAMER, ■ i Pres.and Ch.ofBd. Kenton_______804 KENTON BANKING CO. *!§’30 < Special attentlo 87-250 ) BUI of Lading 8 M Obion M« par 115 (.Please send 15c (Merger of First National Bank and Peoples Bank) BANK OF 47,670 C 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Rep arts. •Jonesboro___815 Banking & Trust Co.--T#t§’86 6 N Wash, M23 10% par loo 87-251 Kingsport.... 5692 6 N Sullivan L23 400.000 511,150 $ 19,480 634,220 1,130 TENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL BANK $ 19,500 $ 4,650 S 180.000 hnson City items direct. ’s newest Bank, al attention give n all Items entru sted to us, this bank. par 100 87-749 dB®Tt§’27 65.000 Franklin Guaranty Bank $110-6% par 100 8 7-78d®T»l§*16 51,690 T. H. McNiel, Mgr. F. B. Taylor, T. H. McNiel_____ E. J. W agner _........ Industrial Bank of East Ten Sec and Tr. nessee, Inc. F. A. Gammon, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 50.000 S. J. Rose - Chris Cox_______Peoples Bank_____ d®»ti'20 Joe A. Summers $150-8% 87-76 par 100 200,000 ftWBBt- G.T. WOFFORD_____ LESLIE H. DRIVER, O.P. cox................... V. P. and Cash. N. 0. SHOUN J. A. SUMMERS ) Ch of Bd. CHARLES E. CROUCH EDWIN G- CROUCH, Tr. Off. \Thls New Bank Is directed and managed by capa ble and efficient ) bankers of tw enty years’ exper lence In this com munity. /Collection item s receive prompt and satisfactory service. 87-678 dT*’20 V Please send 15c fo r presentation of dra ft* and 25c for Credi t Reports. UNAKA & CITY Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cass k Exther Depos LOiabili CBAN«aS,Dvi Paid-up Surplus and and AND its Discount* Sseuritiss laneous non Baku Capital Profits ties T P FINPH 86,760 63,490 City. Farmers & Merchants Bank_ (Closed June 12, IS 29) FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225 par 100 87-601 dB®T*t 1 •.Kingston____ 516 First National Bank d®t’2 6 h Roane N17 $115-8% par 100 87-702 Kingston Bank & Tr. Co. 87-408 TtS’S Kingston Springs Bank of Kingston Springs d©ti'l 6N 175 10% par 135 87-409 Cheatham Mlo Harpeth Valley Bank®t§’2 *mn 87-711 A. D. BROCKMAN — r J. FRED JOHNSON ^ SEND US YOU B KINGSPORT BUSINESS DIRE (.Prompt Attenti onGlven Bill of L adlng Drafts And 100.000 C. C. HAMLETT—— TOMC. WARRICK CT. All Matters Sent Us. W. C. Hartsell ___ D. H. Evans, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. M. Rose_______ Archie Eblen_____ A. L. Pendergrass- I. F. Robertson----- Mrs. Ethel Burgess J. R. Hickmon A. E. Beard---------- R. E. Harris--------- H. K. Stephenson. __ . . _ 111,950 1,933,810 25,000 6,930 126,700 12,500 118,310 13,900 7,830 25,000 32,900 185.570 7.490 194.700 __ __ 15,390 20,000 9,900 140,240 3,850 147,160 25,490 4,830 27,830 10,450 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,430 . .. 10,130 2.810 4th & 1st N., Nash. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 1 TQfi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ®a<ih bank ^ U'J- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seat8. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M isMemp. N. Nash. eMem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav,$LastSale%Div. .Knoxville. .105,400 Bankers Trust Co. 6 N Knox N19 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loaaa Other Bond* Caib k *xPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel CHiN8M,DtT* AND and and iabili Capital Profits its Diioounta Securities laneous FROM Bini ties (Merged with Fideli ty Trust Co. as Fide lity Bankers Trust Co., June 1, 1929) RSo 0f Bd- (One Branch) ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK A. P. FRIERSON. E. F. BEARING- - - - - - R. S. HALE. Exec. V. P. G. W, OWEN, jf., A. C. and Aud, COWELL SMITH A.V.P. andCompt. W. K. JORDAN o. c CHAPMAN GEORGE CASTINGS. I. L. G. STOOKSBURY, W. M. FULTON A.V.P.andCr.Mgr. A. V. P. and Mgr. No. Knox Branch J.K. WEEMS. A.V.P. LARGEST BANK IN KNOXVILLE $ $1000 000 $ 586,780 12228220 $2586250 $ 9,994,460 $1984150 $ 839,740 $3 582910 Co.. Chi.; Am. N., Nash.; Un. Tr. Co., Ciev.; 1st N., Atl. 1200-12% par 100 Principal Correspondents, Send us your items direct for Knoxville, East Tennessee and the Appalachian Region *7-48 dB®T*t’S8 Our facilities are unsurpassed in this City 'H. E. CHRISTEN- jj COMMERCIAL BK *20 par 28 87-736 G. M.CAMP... ......... P 1 HUFF COLLECTION 8 GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. .BILL OF LADI NGS A SPECIAL TY. F. H. CAGLE B. H. MCMAHAN Commonwealth Trust Co. J. T. Brownlee____ W, M. Brownlee... W.M. Brownlee,TV. J.W. Brownlee,Sec. par 100 87-759 T§ 27 325,000 15.720 100.000 911.500 431.870 415,200 384.720 1,450 753,590 30,340 592,010 406.940 3,030 48,020 Chem. Bk. & Tr Co., N. Y.; 3d N„ Nash. City N., Knoxville. 39,870 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. Day & Night Credit Union Bk. (Closed January 19 30.) ‘EAST TENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK is 00-10% par 100 87-45 d®T»t’72 WILLIAM RULE, JR... H. L. VANCE—_ _ A.C.arad THE STOCK OF THE EAST TENNESSEE SAVINGS BANK** ^ IS OWNED BY THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ___________ EAST TENNESSEE NATIONAL BANK Empire Trust Co............. BT’22 C. A. Nickerson, A. II. Rule. *100-10% 87-707 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, Fidelity-Bankers Trust Com M. D. Arnold. Jr... B. A. Morton . pany-----87-57___ dBT»ti'14 J. A. Wallace, Powell Smith *275-12% par 25 Exec. V. P, E. C. Mahan (Merger of Bankers Trust Co and Fidelity Trust Co.) (Knoxville continue d on following page) 673,190 9,244,750 613,190 7,589,670 1,648,050 V.; 1st N., Chi. M. F. Nickerson __ 200,000 264.900 6.092,870 _____ (Branch at North 4,507,240 186,620 274,040 1.589.870 ville. Knoxvill e87-58*) 50.000 J. W. Conner. V. P. A. N. Walling. 1,000.000 1,186,450 J.H. Price, V.P. and A Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Off. J. P. Hess. 21359180 14 621480 247,820 8,440,200 236,130 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and E. Tenn. N., Knoxville. A. Tr. Off. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 473,720 1,819,690 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Oldest and Strongest Bank in Knoxville. EAST TENNESSEE S. V. CARTER- - - - - - - JNO. L. BOYD............ 0. B. HENDERSONTITRn.n.ntNFiY, SAVINGS BANK 87-55 dB®T»t§T0 . 1 000.000 Designated Depesltery for the United States, State, County and City of Knoxville. We make a specialty of and have unequalled facilities for handling your East Tennessee items and collections. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 1888 1930 Resources more than $17,000,000.00 OFFICERS WITHIN 50 MILES OF KNOXVILLE WILLIAM S. SHIELDS Chairman of the Board COWAN RODGERS President POWELL SMITH - D. C. CHAPMAN W. M. FULTON We have Vice-Presidents ALLEN P. FRIERSON Cashier <- COAL IRON ZINC MARBLE LUMBER COPPER TEXTILES ALUMINUM SULPHURIC ACID Assistant Cashier and Comptroller - DAN M. CHAMBLISS D. C. CHAPMAN W. M. FULTON A. P. FRIERSON ROY N. LOTSPEICH COWAN RODGERS O. T. ROEHL G. W. OWEN, Jr. E. F. DEARING DIRECTORS J. K. WEEMS Assistant Cashiers I. L. G. STOOKSBURY Assistant Vice-President North Knoxville Branch ' C* ,500,000 Potential Hydro Elec. H. P.71 JJ “The Ruhr of America” and The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WM. S. SHIELDS POWELL SMITH J. G. STERCHI T. A. WRIGHT, Jr. ROBERT S. YOUNG LARGEST BANK IN APPALACHIAN REGION Unsurpassed Facilities for Handling Items on Knoxville and East Tennessee Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Holston-Union Banks OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Holston-Union National Bank J. B. Ramsey, President Hols ton Trust Company Holston-Union Company BANKING —ALL DEPARTMENTS AFFILIATED (Investment Division) M. B. Slaughter, Trust Officer York Coleman, Manager V J Officers of N position to extend to Cor respondent Banks SERVICE beyond the bounds of routine banking. Unexcelled facilities for the handling of transit items. I Holston-Union National Bank J. B. RAMSEY, PRESIDENT RALPH W. BROWN, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JOE HACKER, JR., VICE PRESIDENT A. Y. RUSSELL, CASHIER \ r KNOXVILLE — situated at one of the gateways to THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK — the only National Park (with one single exception) in Eastern America. Combined Capital Assets Combined Resources $2,000,000 $16,000,000 1 oq'7 LO'd/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’u. TOW* AK» OOUXTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fie. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond H Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Knoxville .105,400 (Continued) President. 87-50 Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. Vice-President. HOLSTON-UNION NATIONAL BANK $240-16% par 100 1 rJ. B. RAMSEY......... R.W. BROWN.............- A. Y. RUSSELL, Sec.. M. B. SLAUGHJTER^ E. V. CULLUM, JR. F. C. ALLEN, A. Tr. 87-748 250,000 66,070 96,100 42,170 35,000 2,180 R. A. Brown, J. N. Haddox South Knoxville Bank $100-4% par 100 87-744 ®Tt§’26 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. W. L. Knight J.G. Sullivan. BANKERS INVESTMENT COMPANY OF AMERICA, CWM. W. SKINNER-^Stocks, Bo A. Tr. Sec., Tr. and Mgr. 666,430 40,600 Holston-Un. N.. Knoxville. 616,270 122,220 14,640 City N.. Knoxville. 154,620 4,790 803,980 85,060 470,710 144,160 148,520 5,010 327,950 A, Sec, Grace Hurst Sec, and Mgr. GEO M HOWELL Tr. nds and Mor tgage Securi ties. 0 inc. CALDWELL & CO........... tl ROGERS CALDWELL-. F. n. IIARR 5:J:WE'e (311 West Clinch Ave.) ‘Lafayette ___ 547 Citizens Bank________ T»t5’09 6 N Macon LIS $148-10% 87-274 par 100 Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Co------------------- §’25 $100 87-732 LaFoilette___ 3056 First National Bank d®»t'04 87-146 6 N Campbell L18 $225-20% par 100 31,290 Holston-Union N., Knoxville. S. O. Houston,V.P. (Holston N. Bk. Bldg.) ROGERS CALDWELL. T Kidder. Peabody & Co., Equit, Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., and 1st N., N. Y. G DONOVAN Sec. Res. Mor. H.C. ALEXANDER W. A. Smith______ P. East ...................... William Parker... L. f! Parker W H. Smith 30,000 7,790 244,430 48,350 W. E. Carter 20,000 560 59.810 50,000 49,870 50,000 24,400 io ooo 5,000 F. O. Smith............. D. T. Alexander... ! 166,960 105,080 10.180 48,350 Am. N„ Nash. 3.500 71.070 4.290 1.960 625,690 12,390: 588,030 36,790 16,720 96.410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Oin.; Holston-Un. N., Knox ville. 303,500 13,000 284,100 19,600 17,500 69,700 6.540 4th & 1st N. and Com.-Un., Nash. R. B. Meriman M. H. Irwin______ T. E. Satterfield .. L. 1. Manner........... J. J. Dudley______ W. S. McKamey. Ch. G. B. Gallaher— Peoples National Bank $140-8% 87-603 d®«t'17 W. A. W. Carden, H.G. Murray_____ David Reynolds. Walker Cuiick___ Bk. of Ky.. Lou. Ch. par 100 La Grange......... 250 «Bank of LaGrange—©§’30 P. R. Beasley.......... W. B. Cowan_____ T. W. Rives _____ 87-773 8 M Fayette Q 3 LancasterBanking Co,—tl’04 C. W. Simpson .. B. Rowland_______ Jack Davis.. J. B. Rose lioo 87-411 Lascassas Bank & Trust Co. Alex Bell............. .. W. R. David........... W. R. Will ird......... $165-8% par 100 87-576 Ttl'14 100.220 30.000 12,500 15.000! 15,000 Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 15,780 1,970 87-194 5,510 6.110 29.630 3,560 17.950 4.500 40,700 T’enn,).. Bk. of America N. A.. N. Y.; Com.-Union, Nash. ©TtS'89 D. H. Rrnck . First National Bank..©«t’02 J. H. Stribling......... Al. J. Smith. . W. W. Richardson *200-12% par 100 87-195 90,940 78.420 71,660 Citizens Bank------------- ©t§’19 J. R. Newton........... M. D. Harrison.... T. M. Leech_______ J. N. Leech . ‘Lawrenceburg 29.000 650 12,000 87-640 6 N Lawr.QO 2461 N. C. Jeter J. W. SDrinper. Jr (Lawren \ ceburg 0 ffict »j N athville, J. D. Boynton, Ch.. Commerce-Union Bank M. Dugger ____ H. B. Watkins 75.000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & 1st N., Nash.; Am. Tr. Co., Char lotte, N. C.; N. Bk. Ky., Lou. W. C. Thomas, Knoxville Clearing House... A. P. Frierson......... Wm. Rule (Members indicated by a * Affiliated Banks by « + ) $200 Principal Correspondents. BT*§’26 Morris Plan Bank ...®«t§’16 R. S. Hazen______ G. L. Price_______ $110-81/10% 87-720 A. L. Chavannes par 138 (414 W. Clinch Ave.) Lancaster______ 82 SN Smith M13 Lascassas______ 86 6 N Rutherford N12 Resources. Liabilities. i Cash & ExLoans Bonds Subplus Other Miscel chang Paid-up Depos L *8,Dui ; and and AND iabili laneous from Banki its Capital Pbopits Discount! Securities ties J. B. RAMSEY............. R.W. BROWN_______ A. Y. RUSSELL........... OL VERBRANSON, Jr. JOE HACKER, Jr. H.K.BOWEN.A.F.P. WN . IRBY GENTRY D. A. ROSENTHAL $ $ J.A.McMILLAN.A.C. C. 1. COVER $ 750,000 $ 953,160 12525980 $2306180 10360260 $2015500 $1765 440 j $2 394 120 n. o. muiMmiLi Unexcelled facilities for handling collections and dB@T»t’91 all items on Knoxville and East Tennessee. Your business solicited HOLSTON TRUST COMPANY 1 8% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 33,700 879,000 70,000 875,000 49,000 133,700 68,850. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 1 TQR -LvJ-7U Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD OOUMTT. ^County Seats. Fig. iiF. Res. Dist. M Hemp. N. Nash. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPri? $Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSaIe%Diy Liabilities. President, V ice-President. Cashier, Asb't Cashier, fJ. H, GRISSIM____ ELMER CURD________ W. 0. FERRELL_______ E, L. MARTIN S. H. HAMILTON 1 ‘Lebanon_____4084 AMERICAN BANK & TR. CO. 6 N Wilson M12 *125-8% 87-115 d®»t§'01 1 Special attentlo par 100 I BUI of Lading d \Bleate tend 15c to* Commerce-Union Bank ----- --A. E. Potter................ $400-10% 87-in d®Ttl'10 J. J. McFarland. par 100 Ch. of Loc. Bd. '* ______ “ LEBANON BANK & TR. CO. A. A. Adams______ 1112-6% par 100 87-737d®T»t§’25 Lelpers Fork... 375 Bank of Leipers Fork__ il’ll M. A. Meacham... 87-529 (Franklin P. 0.) 6N Williamson N10 rJOHN F. EASON— Lenoir City...4210 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < SEND US YOU 6 N Loudon N18 $60-9% 87-124 ®»t’04 1 Prompt attentl (.PROMPT SERY Peoples Bank______d®T$|’10 O. J. Hardin______ $120-8% 87-125 par 100 vLewis burg .. 2711 First National Bank....®t'07 W TV Mot 6 N Marshall Pll 1300-16% par 100 87-193 J. C. Adams, Ch. M •• Peoples & Union Bank Thos. L. Cathey ... $176-9% 87-192 dB®Tt*'89 D. B. Clayton. Ch. par 100 ‘Lexington... 1792 Central State Bank... dtl’07 T. Edwards8 M Henderson 06 $125-10% 87-208 par 100 — First National Bank___ «t'23 J. W. Stewart.......... $210-10% par 100 87-703 - $ 100.000 $ a. j. mckinney— S. F. CARROLL--------- MRS. A. W. CARROLL Farmers Bank________T»t5’05 J. 8. Fleming.___ 87-415 Lobelvllle______380 Bank of Lobelville.__ dtl’05 N Perry 08 $167.50-10% par 100 87-416 C. N. Daniel 8,330 316,850 292,260 11,730 10,000 1,100 41.000 24,440 7.600 100.000 27,890 593 470 45,030 437,900 200,840 23,860 103,800 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N„ Knox ville. 43,750 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.: Un. N.. Knoxville; Hamilton N. Chat. 8,750 212,000 40,000 207,000 20,000 40,000 G. E. McAdams.__ J. Lee Moss_______ D. Ira Shires_____ W. H. Hardison E. H. McLean. V.P. 80,000 132,000 830,000 80,000 717,000 153,000 i% OS'/A C. C. Houston____ S. K. Walker S. E. Crutcher 75.000 50,400 538.960 503,140 11,220 11,410 138,590 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. Claude Fesmire ... R. O. Pope 26.550 10,570 562,940 304,280 62,230 15,560 0. H. Johnston.... John A. McCall... W. B. Wilkinson.. 25.000 47,090 508,170 354,630 73,810 2,610 217,980 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Jackson and Hemp.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. 173,560 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th and 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. 25.000 5,060 97,890 90,210 8,450 30.000 5,310 431,700 421 520 25.000 15,950 142,540 40,000 103,280 50.000 14,110 371,600 1,220 359,930 S. W. Murphy.......... R. A. Lewis. G. H. Maxwell. A C . • E. D. White_______ W. H. Estes _ 50.000 J. C. Bnrns, Sr.... Ralph Patterson.. Ora M. Sanders.... 24,340 86,430 209,000 8,200 ‘London____ 1900 6 N Loudon 018 32.100 55,080 301,430 308,380 9,500 50.000 13,250 211,680 __ 7.500 2.300 127,090 ‘Lynchburg... 365 Farmers Bank......... .. d»tf'88 Thos. Mot low____ W. K. Parks_____ F. M. Waggoner... J. D. Motlow____ 6 N Moore P12 $155-6% par 100 87-420 50,000 32,690 243,900 24.200 10,320 52,560 Moore County Bank 5144-6% 87-506 i riL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,610 M. B. Hill_______ J. W. Hamilton__ L. Daws _. J§’11 Jack Farrar. -.......... F. D. Waggoner ... G. F. Waggoner... J. F. Baxter_______ Tl UNION TRIKT 1 THF FIFTH THIRr 111L) UlilUli 1 KUO 1 Pfl OU., PIINPINNA O inUINNH 11 59,760 4th & 1st N., Nash. 53.540 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Hamilton N.,Chattanooga,. 32,860 19,140 57,540 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville 1st N.. Chattanooga. 30,850 600 8.190 97.260 1st and 2nd N*. Jackson* Cent. State and IstN. Lexington; 3rd N.. Nash, 261,010 13,340 13,450 38,780 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Elk N.. Fayetteville. 80,980 400 9,320 27 900 8,250 7,510 Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Dickson. 84,000 Am. N., Nash. ®*t’22 1 Special attentlo n given collection s, sight drafts, ca sh and time Item s. (.Send us your L oudon Items for p rompt, careful at tentlon. Lnray .................. 225 Luray Banking Co........ $112 G. W. Priddy___ 8 M Henderson 06 $133-10% 87-549 27,360 4th & 1st N., and Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., St. L. Guarant y Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash, 251,000 — 6,420 * „,v 25,600 rc. P. TALIOFERRO- C. H. BACON______ SAM WILSON—........ MAUDE JONES.........- 21,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N. and Broadway N., Nash. 17,230 25,000 Bank of Loudon.. d®T«tl’89 Q. A. Tipton_____ $150-10% 87-418 par 100 245,650 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 45,490 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Unaka & City N„ Johnson City. 85,110 87-419 17,000 Am. N., Nash. 50.000 14,100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 43,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. W. D. Padget— 12.500 $120 ■ 25,000 Loretto ___ Kfi7 Bank of Loretto_______®tl’10 Wm. Sandschulte. W. H. Augustin.__ W. C. Caper ton.__ 6 N Lawrence Q9 $300 87-417 6 Principal Correspondents. 70.250 $ 883,970 $ 107,630 $ 105,370 $ 151.320 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fourth & First N„ Nash. R LENOIR CITY ITEMS DIRECT. on given BUI of Lading Drafts an d all matters sent us. ICE OUR SPECI AI.TY. ‘Livingston.. .1215 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. W. R. Officer, J. A. Hargrove___ T. B. Copeland___ C. E. Rowe................ 6 N Overton L15 $100-10% 87-566 B©Ttl’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Edith Windle " 30.910 $1047 130 $ Resources. Loads Bonds Miscel- 0*sd k Exand and Disoounta Securities LAHXOU8 FROM BiSU Nash. F. M. Me Daniel... W. R. Hays Annie L. McDaniel F. Buchanan A.T. Beasley______ W. H. Bizwell.......... Mrs. Claud Gatlin.. Limestone_____300 Farmers & Merch, Bank Thad A. Oox__ ___ D. B. Pence_______ W. J. Propst_______ R. Taylor__________ 6 k Washing. M23 $3331-25% 87-412 dT«’08 par 100 ‘Linden___ 450 First National Bank _..dt'12 G. W. Pearson, O. A. Kirk S. F. Polk_________ 8 N Perry 08 $150-10% par 100 87-413 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ....... 1 Paid-up Subplus Depob- Othxb Liabili Capital ITS Profits ties n to all business entrusted to us. rafts, cash and tl me items our spe clalty. th each tight draft for vretentation and 25e for credit reportt. Geo. R. Bouton Batey M. Gresham. (Branch of Nathv ille, Tenn .) Liberty. _ .285 Liberty Savings Bank R. B. Vanatta______ T. F. William*___ J. M. Bradley. 6 N De Kalb N13 $130-8% 87-309 ®Tt§’05 M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 4.620 Am. N., Nash. 1 IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Town and Countt. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M Memp. N Nash. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §Statetl’rif. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ! President. C H. Witt Bank of Lynnville...©•tS’ll par 100 87-421 6 N Giles P10 Peoples Bank__________ Vice-President. 'Madlsonvllle. 850 6 N Monroe P18 •« ii 87-530 ii „ (, $ 10,800 274,820 5,000 16,630 43,560 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; 1st N., Chattanooga. 26,960 31,990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chattanooga. 105,000 1,690 133,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 169,700 65,930 14,860 37,180 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 210,000 175,000 30,000 40,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 487,380 46,110 126,160 Chase N..N.Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 594,220 131,870 65,93 0 179,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 728.470 219,420 64,180 225,250 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y,; Holston-Un. N., Knoxville: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 179,890 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; East Tenn. N.. Knox ville. 60,750 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 50,000 26,810 263,210 50.000 6,050 166,970 2.560 166,620 W. P. Hickerson—. M. W. Hickerson.. 25.000 56.000 400,000 6,250 218,580 A. F. Vincent........ Alvin Vincent— 20,000 8,820 248,850 10,000 Milburn Gardner . D. Hall. _ 35,000 5,000 Bank of Blount County JohnM. Clark____ M. H. Gamble____ $136-10% 87-157 ®»t§’92 Leo Seaton_______ 100,000 49.030 825,420 D. F. Young______ J. N. Badgett.......... J. O. Tucker------- 100,000 92,540 998,890 E. F. Ames______ W. W. Elmore____ A. F. Renaker 100,000 36,160 1,028,050 100,000 489,940 478,090 119,290 387 Bank of Mason............®»t§’03 J. W. McCraw____ W. E. Frawley___ W. T. Williamson. W. M. Williamson. Tipton P3 $250-10% par 100 87-423 20.000 16,080 169,530 240 77,500 61,620 5,990 J. W. Newman___ R. G. Jones______ 10,000 6.000 95,000 65,000 10,000 J. D. Riddick 10,000 26.000 170,000 112,000 5,000 13,000 15,000 9,250 61,170 63,910 760 4,810 10,000 2,000 35,000 1,250 23,000 30.000 47.250 423.790 34.550 394,770 First National Bank—®«t’14 Thomas N. Brown. E. F. Ames $150-10% 87-570 Maury City.__452 8M Crockett N4 $65-10% 87-424 $300 87-502 D. J. Conyers_____ J. F. Peal__ Vaughn Moore____ E. M. Smith_____ 'May nard vllle. 375 Maynardville State Bank 87-684 ®t§’21 Chas. E. Sexton.CA. 6N Union M19 par 100 McEwen 635 6N Humphreys M8 A. J. Curtis---------- R. L, Eason_______ .T. C. Parks 2,000 35,000 1st N.. Jackson: Bk. of Trenton, Trentoi ; N. Stk. Yds., St. Louis. 750 433,020 218,090 J. C. McKinney ... Zettie E. Gardner. 10,000 3,800 71,580 39,500 Brown Seals______ 50,000 39,600 427,760 312,720 89,220 53.990 G. M. Smith______ F. S. Clark______ L. H. Curtis______ R. S. Walling 180,000 191,450 1,544,510 216.610 1,292,920 300.800 102,860 R. S. Walling____ E. J. Ramsey_____ 90.000 173,920 28,230 202,210 13,310 50,830 H. S. Wilson Butler Smith-------- M. T. Pass J. D. Elkins. V. P. Thos. Mason TXT n Qro tt O c J. H. Mathis_____ J. B. Rowlett------ - W. R. Rowlett____ YY t U• vjrlil Vco------ 55,000 45.000 657.650 56,720 355,850 285,2501 30,570i 15,000i 7,000 290,490 142,570i 5.00C1 2,80Ci par 60 'McMinnville 2814 City Bank & Trust Company 87-527 dBTt§'12 6N Warren 013 $175-8% par 150 •« i. First National Bank-d©t’74 John L. Willis, Ch. $325-12% 87-158 par 100 *« par 100 78.000 Am. N., Nash.; 1st N.. Jackson. 15,940 City N.. Knoxville. 24,500 Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Nash.; 1st N., Dickson. Peoples National Bank—Tt’81 87-159 Medina Banking Co....»tS’05 $128.50 par 100 87-308 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ernest Smallman.. E. W. Walling T R Clark 139,310 Am. N., Nash.; Union Plan. N. Bk. &T . Co.. Memp.: City N.. Paducah. 125,590 4tli & 1st N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 43,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 61.430 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 435,980 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 25.800 1st N.. McMinnville. M. T. Ausbrook, Ch. G. M. Smith 87-721 AND FOREIGN 18,740 22,420 j. A. Bramley____ McLemoresville Bank of McLemoresville 87-427 t§'07 8M Carrol N5 315 $65-io% $100-6% 123,020 30,000 Commercial Bank____•tS’lO 87-218 Medina 358 8M Gibson N5 7.900 87-769 McKenzie___ 1630 Bank of McKenzie____«t§*88 87-217 8M Carrol M6 •• 27,930 Chase N., N.Y.; Am. N., Nash. 4,700 95,970 531,420 {Kenton P.O.) 8 M Obion M4 22,000 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash. 31,040 S 9,220 15,000 «. Principal Correspondents. 57,990 1,480 15.000 85.000 Mason Hall____26 Mason Hall Bank_____ •JJ'IO •• 22,000 $ 260,000 $ Frank Smith____ 87-162 Bank of Maryville..d®*t§ ’86 J. A. Cox. ____ $180-10% par 100 87-156 8M 15,000 $ 239,000 S J. M. Gardner____ 6N Blount 019 Mason 30,000 $ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $100-8% par 100 87-163 $140-10% •• Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash b ExSurplus Depos Other Paid-up CHANQRB.DUt and and AND L iabili its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Capital Profits ties P. E. Hickman____ $ par 100 W. N. Magill, Bank of Madisonville J. F. McConkey... J. F. Llewellyn.__ W. J. Lambdin— $200-10% 87-422 d®T«tS’90 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 C. F. Hunt C. L. Melton______ Monroe Bank & Trust Co. 87-623 d®Tt§T9 Peoples Bank & Tr. Co.Tt§’06 A. M. May par 100 87-238 8M Weakley L4 flee, R. W'tt Ass’t Cashier. E. R. Doolittle ___ V. H. Ellis..............I. E. Connors d®»t5T3 'Manchester. 1114 First National Bank—.•tl900 W. H. Ashley_____ T. FF. Willis 87-237 6 N Coffee P13 «« Cashier. (Absorbed by Bank of Lynnville, Septe mber 10, 1929) V. I. Witherspoon. 6 N Davidson Mil $100-6% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued BANKING —CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 142,690I Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 162.12C1 2d N.. Jackson; 1st N., Memp ; Third N., AM All! Alllll ■ V 1 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 1400 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eatih bank in u s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. MEMPHIS—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 8) - •Mem. A. B. A. nNew § State tPri?. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond President. Vice President. Cashier. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘BANK OF COMMERCE T. 0. VINTON S. J. SHEPHERD— A. C. BURCHETT - LEW PRICE...... " B.SH0WDEII J. H. FISHER. See. J. T. WILKINSON L A THORRm J.R. PIPES, F.F. STURM £• §■ s-J- shepherd, h. d. burkett R. B. BARTON Gen. Counsel E. C. LEWIS T. W. VINTON. A. T. FORBES Tr. Officer & TRUST CO. *455-18% par 100 J.L. ROSS, 26-1 dB®T«tS05 A, Tr. Officer ----------- —--------- Liabilities. ----- L.E. WITTENBERG, $3,000,000 $ 2.929,410 $33902 840 *455-12% par 100 H. W. Hurt............. 26-51 dB®T»tl'*5 ""08BIS 41,220 $25014810 $ 3.320,800 $ 3.596,840 $ 8,001,010 N. City and Bk. of N. Y. Collection s on Mem phis and Mississip pi points given spe cial atten tien. Our super ior faciliti es guaran tee satisf actory se rvice. &/ Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & 11* vO« dllQ J.sli It*, v^lil*, yvulCiUuy N., N. O.; Mtlc.-Com. Bk. N., St. L. & Tr. Co. and 1st 100.000 93.890 586,940 24,610 668.890 50,000 2,250 320 66,170 117,750 1,180 59,800 Dn. Plan. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Memp. 75,560 2,780 Union Plan, N. Bk. A Tr. Co. Memp, 1.000.000 1,378,400 24,577,430 50,000 13,977,500 5,286,980 1,469,080 6,272,270 1st N., N. Y.iCont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Whitney N., N. O. 221,350 116,670 135,550 105,240 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union Plan. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Memphis. 6,559,960 1,222,470| 537,010 2,509,590 Chase National, New York; Central Trust Co. A.V.P. OLDEST BANK IN MEMPHIS, ORGANIZED 1864 ‘MANHATTAN SAVINGS BANK TRUST COMPANY $ (For com plete infor mation se e page 21) SSL- R’ L CRENSHAW— J. R. CRAIG- - - - - - - - W. A. LANCASTERC. H. CRAIG TROY BEATTY, Jr., F. E. MAXWELL Ch. of Bd. L. Y. WILLIAMSON Tr. Officer S. W. McOOWELL S. P. FORTUNE J. A. DENTON S. W. WARDLAW W- H. FELTUS, Hill State Bank & Trust Co. Frank F. Hill. *250 par 125 26-91 ®T§’29i Cash & Ex changer,Doe from Banks 1.11* Federal Reserve Bank of St. (Memphis Branch federal Reserve Ba nk of St. Louis, Mo. Louis...........26-3........... ..... n‘ correspondents. • (70 Madison Ave.) P. S. SMITHWICK, ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 28-2 dB®T»t'64 a counts Principal A ud, ^Commercial & Industrial Bk. R. O. Johnston.__ E. W. Ford............ Jno. M. Fox Jr.. F. L. Walker......... *165-6% par 100 26-81 d®T*t§T3 H. B. Everett V. P. and Cash. + Depositors 8av. Bk. A Tr. Co. C. E. McFarland __ par 100 28-68 tS’10 Loans Dis - Resources. Miqckl.Bonds, Securi LANBOU8 ties. etc. RiSOURCIS . Robert L. Jordan.. Eldridge Armistead Napoleon Hill. WILLIAM WHITE, Bmc. V. P. GILMER WINSTON, A. S. WOOLDRIDGE - S. N. CASTLE.......... W. C. MCDANIEL E. A. WRIEDEN, Senior V. P. 250.000 62,500 266,300 700.000 1.810,750 8.307,380 11.800| 1 Auditor F. T. COCHRAN J. 0. MCDOWELL THE STOCK OF THE MANHATTAN SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY IS OWNED BY THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE UNION PLANT ERS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Tr. Co., St. Louis; Canal Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans. Complete Banking Service. Send us your business for prompt attention. Reasonable Rates. Accounts of Banks and Corporations invited. Union Planters National Bank & Trust Co. and Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co. Jointly owned and managed. STRONG—MODERN—PROGRESSIVE. Dependable Service Given to Out of Town Clients. Send your Memphis Business to Us. Mississippi Joint Stock Land C. V. Moore_____ L. K. Thompson... J. F. Tenney, «% Bank ...26-88.............. T8 Sec. and Tr. 350.000 151,400 *State Savinas Bank ..d®t*’87 J. Y. Montedoniec W. F. Cleary____ G. H. Herbers....... *305-14% 26-53 par ioo TennesseeJointStockLandBk. C. V. Moore L. K. Thompson... J F. Tenney, 26-85 '18 Sec. and Tr, 50.000 73.000 250,000 92,000 1,444,000 28.000 (Territory Mississip 736,000 427,000 (Territory of pi A Ten nessee)__ Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memphis. 80,000 352,000 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y ; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; Bn.Tr. Co., Pitt.: 1st N„ St. L. Arkan sas and T ennessee). Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. (Memphis hanks continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Over Sixty Years of Service 1401 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1 •Mem.A.B.A. “New JS'tate TPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Paid-up Capital Other Total Deposits Liabili ties Surplus AND Propits Miscel Bonds LOANS laneous and AND Discounts Securities Resources Principal Correspondents. Cash A Exchahqm,Dt7> from Banks $ 3.500,000 $ 5,260,620 $28672580 $ 1,103,610 $23452160 $ 1,973,750 $ 2,136,570 $10974340 Guaranty Tr. Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., Chase N., N. City, and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Branches: Shawmut, Bos.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; “Main St.,” Branch: K. L. NAZ0R, -4. Cash, and Mgr, Bk. of Tenn., and Com. Un., Nash.; Midland Bk., Ltd., London. J. WALPOLE, A. Cash, “North Memphis Savings Bank,” Branch: • Auditor OSCAR H. HURT, Cash, and Mgr, E. F. L0HGIN0TTI , A. Cash, J. I. CONNERS, A. Cash, WILLIAM WHITE—. JOHN J. HEFLIN GILMEH WINSTON, EDW. C. TEFFT Senior T . P. FRANK S. BRAGG N.B. GENTRY M. K. REVILL $55-16% par io 26-8 HdB®T»f69j» GENERAL BANKING {Formerly Union & Planters ** utnitnwL BHnnln'’ Bank & Trust Co.) SPECIAL ATTENTION Memphis Clearing House. Ass t Cashier. 1 Union Planters Natl Bank & Trust Co. Resources. Liabilities. ( Oashier. Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MEMPHIS—Reserve City—Continued C. T. DENTON, Sec. R. J. MCELROY- - - - WIGHTMAN HUGHES. W. P. THOMAS 2V.O//.D.N. SHEPHERD W.F. HARPER. 0. K. EARP A. Tr.Off. DODDRIDGE NICHOLS A. A. HITCHCOCK E. A. WRIEDEN, BUSINESS TRANSACTED. GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. J. V. Montedonico. L. A. Thornton___J. L. Kennedy, SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ON TENNESSEE INDEX. CABLE ADDRESS "UNIPLANT” Union Planters National Bank & Trust Co. and Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co. jointly owned and managed 1 Mgr. (.See pag es 28-29 -30 for N umber of Nationa l, State a nd Priva Banks,T otal Dep os its by Cities, S tates, et c.) (Members indicated by a*) < Affiliated members indicated bu a+ ) Memphis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. 1!Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices. Correspond ents and Bank Depositories ROGERS CALDWELL. 'ROGERS CALDWELL. I President 1 F. D. MARR, V.P. T. G. DONOVAN, Sec. I E. J. HEITZEBERG. V. P . BENJAMIN COLBY. Mgr. I J. D. CARTER. V.P. ,H. C. ALEXANDER. V. P. Kidder, Peabody & Co., Equit.Tr. Co., Gty.Tr. Co., and 1st N., N. Y. Year Established CALDWELL & CO............................ -1 (1005 Union Planters Bank Bldg.) (Investment Securities). CHASE SECURITIES CORP Bldg.) (Bk. of Com. Bid FRANKLIN BOND MORTGAGE COMPANY (25 So. Second) Chase Sec. Corn. Head Office. N. Y.: Other Offices. Chi., Du-! luth, Indpls., Kan. C., Oma., Memp., Mil., Minpls., Salt Lake! C., St. L., and St. P. GOLDSMITH (10 So Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year Established. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Other Offices, Correspond ents and Bank Depositories IC.ILCU»"lWe!!TV. T..............................................^Manhattan &. feXS'K.1 JOHN C0LLIGAN, V.P. (HOMER STONE, Sec. and Memp. Tr. .INSURED FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS E. F. Goldsmith and T. Q. Galbreath, ___ , Not Inc...'2S, LOCAL STOCKSr BONDS’ OF"EVERY econdSt.) .DESCRIPTION. .Partnership.......... .............. ..................-................ 1st N., Bk. of Com. & Tr., and First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. Manhattan Savgs. Bk. and Tr. { Mortgage Loans, Real Estate, Leasing,: COMMERCE SECURITIES COMPANY L. K. THOMPSON. Pres. W.G. LEFTWICH.F.P. R.B. SNOWDEN, V.P. J. R. PIPES. Tr. R. S. HARRIS. V. P. R. S. HARRIS. Sec. SOUTHERN MUNICIPALS. LOCAL SECURITIES. OWNED BY BANK OF COMMERCE & BT26 TRUST CO. FALLS & COMPANY--------(Falls Bldg.) {I . W. FALLS. Pres. Post i i Flagg. IN. Y.; Manhattan falls AUSTIN. V. P. nvestment Securities. Corporation and Sav, Bk. &Tr Co..Memp. Municipal Bonds—Local Securities. Insurance. Farm Lands. ,TH| NATIONAL CITY COMPANY—-l. {............ (Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. Bldg.) SAUNDERS & THOMAS {Incorporated) (1109 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) (Farnsworth Bldg.) Principal office at Chicago. Bonds (71 Madison Ave.) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. A. SAUNDERS. President E. C. THOMAS, Vice President L. C. ANDERSON, Vice President MUNICIPAL, FIRST MORTGAGE, RAILROAD, FOREIGN. A. K. TIGRETT & GO. (115Monroe Ave.) INC. Co., Memphis. N. City Co., N. Y. City and Cor respondent Offices. STOCKS — BONDS — SECURITIES S. M. WILLIAMSON & GO. FIRST GUARDIAN COMPANY - Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co. and Man hattan Sav.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Memp. dB'12 S. KL WILLIAMSON. Pres. > P. 8. CLARKE. V.P. 'V. A. CRAWFORD; Cash. W. T. AVERY, W. H. OGDEN, Tr. Sec. A.K.Tigrett & Co., Jackson, Miss. Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. I Mortgage Bankers. City Loans. Insurance — Fire, Marine, Liability, LSurety and Beal Estate Bonds. RESOUROES $90,000,00O.OO ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 4.09 t0 earh bank in u s exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Town and County . *County Seats. Fig is F. Res. Dist. M . Memp. N ■ Nash. eMem.A.B.A.nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Mercer_____ 200 Bank of Mercer.................tS 05 T. E. Mercer. J. W. Handley ___ O. O. Malone 8 M Madison 04 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 87-428 Middleton____ 321 Bank of'05 G. T. Webb_______ F. 8. Simpson. 8 M Hardeman Q4 $200-20% par 100 87-429 John Wilson rW. L. Milan_____ 2057 FARMERS-PEOPLES 87-199 8 M Gibson NS 10% BANK •tS'19 f Bank of Millington.__.#tj'04 par 25 87-430 Bank of Milton . _ -1}'20 $100-6% par 109 87-664 Planters & Merch. Bank f’12 87-514 Mohawk Bank. ... dtS'17 87-597 6 N Greene M22 8% Monterey____ 1445 Bank of Monterey .d©»t5’01 6 N Putnam M16 $150-6% par 100 87-431 $50-10% Ass’t Cashier. _ 1. HARRISON.... 1. N. McLEAN..........- .. Warren 013 400 $ 10,000 $ 27,130 $ 310 $ F. B. Walker. J. D. Denney .. Moore Blankinship L. L. Harwell N. L. Flournoy ___ Eugene Woods.... L. J. Black E. A. Harrold J. F. Black W. P. Haney-------- S. L. Madry A. J, r.rnshy W. B. Ray_______ R. M. Speck J. S. Woodford___ W. .f. W. Jas. P. Welch Welch T. Ray _ _ _ J. T. Reed 3,300 $ $250-12% RANK (W. D. BUSH0NG- tNUUk- H. M. TAYLOR----- E. C. RH0T0N...... Ch.ofBd.andPres. D. S.F0RGEY Special attentlo n ou BUI of Ladln g Drafts, Cash an d Time items. 110c should be se nt with each Sigh t Draft for presen tatton and (.24c for each rep ort. HONOR RO LL BANK. j < par 100 87-107 .. Morristown Trust Company E. M. Shelley____ L. S. Noe. _ 8% 87-100 ®T»tl’07 Moscow - - - 314 Moscow Savings Bk. ...•ti’05 W. B. Franklin ___ Junius L.Crossett. 8M Fayette Q3 10% par 177 87-433 J. H. Baldwin Moshelm 525 Mosheim Banking Co. dTti*07 H. J. Wisecarver.. Onnie Cox________ 6 N Greene M22 8% 87-434 ‘Mountain City Bank of Mountain Cltv. tl’07 J. A. Shull________ R. W. Smythe____ J. K. Walsh.............. 6N Johnson L25 724 $200-15% par 100 87-284 F. E. Jones $200-15% 87-283 »t§’01 W. B. Mount, V. P. I. W. Nave Mt. Juliet ___ 816 W. W. Hamblen 6 N Wilson Mil 10% par 100 87-435 Mountpleasant W. H. Kittrell 6 N Maury OlO 2093 $200-12% par 100 87-181 ®»tl'00 •4 44 First National Bank..©»t’09 D. W. Shofner____ .T s. Hill 87-180 F. S. Wheeler Munford __S82 Munford Union Bank_Tt$’25 J. M. Crigger.......... J. B. Witherington $15-10% par 12.50 87-438 8 M Tipton 02 J. W. Corbitt ‘M urfreesboro J. R. Jetton. V.P. Commerce Union Bank 87-704 ®T«5'23 and Ch. of Bd. 6N Ruth’d N12 5367 $2io-s% ■T. M. Rutler J. C. Beesley_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $300-18% 87-98 d®T»t’69 par 100 44 ____ 44 R. T. BELL. JR______ N R MANFY _ C. D. 1 VIE 4 $240-15% 87-100 dB®T»ti’05 a«M“ par 6,960 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Jackson. 127,150 12,440 5,500 97,470 Fid.Bk. & Tr., Memp.; Secur. N., Jackson. 20.000 25.060 197,770 50.000 48.670 508,400 129,790 495.510 72,110 22,420 146,830 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 30,200 502,940 12,830 10,000 11,590 94,310 N. City. N. Y.; Am. N.. Naah.; Bk. ot Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 48,860 Chester Co., Henderson; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. 16,640 105,290 Bk. of Com.&Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N.,St.L. 4,200 15,070 3rd N. andTenn.-Hermitage N„ Nash.; 1st N., Murfreesboro. 15,000 Citiz.. Pulaski; Am. N„ Nash. 7,630 43,260 Chase N., N. 25,000 79,770 485,120 10,000 2,310 57,680 15,000 25,010 287,660 10,000 1,780 44,350 10,000 3,500 90,000 20,000 9,530 236,090 214,720 30.000 15,640 230,150 194,740 40.000 1,460 75,000 62.000 25.000 7,370 197,600 630 83,430 108,280 8,600 150,000 24,000 350,000 240,000 485,000 157,000 61,000 18,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville; Hamilton N., Chat. 160,000 1,491,000 115,000 1,493,000 82,500 140,500 150,000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N.. Knox ville; Am. N.. Nashville; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 54,430 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; City N.. Knoxville; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 36,100 1st N.. Memp. 9,540 185,690 100 20,050 36,970 80.000 5.120 27,060 $130-10% FIRST NATIONAL Principal Correspondents. 10,050 $ 17,520 S ) FIFTEEN CENT 8 sent to as with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for eaoh c redlt report Insur es prompt, person al atten ttOD. 87-689 TS’22 W. C. Officer Citizens State Bank__ B§’20 J. E. Blankenship. Thos. Mason___ H. A. Cunningham. J. D. Jarrell___ .. par 100 87-653 rD. R. BACON------ LYNN SHEELEY........ JOHN G. HAYES-— p. j mvF ) SEND US YOUR MORRISTOWN ITEMS DIRECT. ‘Morristown .5875 CITY NATIONAL BANK 87-108 d®«J’07 ) Collections, BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time it ems given special 6 N Hamblen M21 $110-8% (.attention and r emitted for on da y of payment. 6N Liabilities. Resources. Lord* Bonds Other Cash & EX Mibcbl- CHANGE®,I»US Paid-up Surplus Depos- L and and and iabiliITS FROM fimi Discounts Securities Profits TIES $ .. F.L. Simpson.___ PATRICK —- G. V. ALEXANDER. C. Active J.E. FIELDS •* __ _ •* MILAN BANKING C0.-*»'93 J. Fuqua __ 87-200 Milledgeville__130 Tri-County Bank..............t§’Z9 .T.H. Taylnr 8 M McNairy Q5 $60 par 50 87-763 Millington.........657 8 M Shelby PI Milton 105 6 H Rutherford N12 Minor Hill___ 39 6 N Giles Q10 * Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of- this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 100,000 40,000 13,260 365,640 20,000 317,270 38,770 28,420 17,000 14,600 146.800 4,100 117,300 15,800 13,300 5,000 32,500 Y.; 1st N., Greeneville. 48,860 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th Nash. 15,000 4th & 1st N„ Nash. & 30,290 Peo. N.. McMinnville. 20.000 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Unaka & City N„ Johnson City. 16,210 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bristol; City N„ Knoxville. 35,000 N., Bristol. 22,890 Am. N., Lebanon and Nash. 35,000 8,000 220,000 215,000 500 20,000 17,520 256,540 240,210 21,320 25.000 22,000 339,000 273,000 55,000 10.000 8.000 77,560 60.340 7,540 4,850 Will H. Kittrell.. 25.000 8,070 234,130 1,850 203.150 4,020 10.560 51.310 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; Am. N., Nash.; Maury N„ Columbia. T). W. fleell 50,000 13,340 313,500 50,000 224,230 103,550 12,290 S H Raws 20,000 8,520 203,990 100 84,690 47,900 5,700 86,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 94,320 1st N., Memp. E. T. Rambo Mrs. Elmer Curd.. 23,000 Jas. R. Jetton, Jr.. (Branch of Nathv ilie. Ten n.)........ O R Bell ........ W. B. Carnahan... HOMER POWELL-— BESS REEVES_ _ _ _ J. L. FREEMAN 300,000 120,000 1,900,000 90,700 1,996,000 96,550 43,230 100,000 128,130 1,033,600 57,800 821,030 236,450 150,310 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; Com. Union, Nash. Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. Un. N., 274,920 Lou.; 4th A 1st N., Nash.; Ham. N.. Chat. 111,740 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 228 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNA1 1 __________________________ ____________________________ ^___________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st N., Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks NASHVILLE—Reserve City Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Number given TAHQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -•■■'-'O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.riNew fStatetPriy. {Mem. BUte B. Ass’n. [Estab. fP M DAVIS Pi D. HOUSTON, Ch. of Bd. ♦AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 1360-20% dB®T»J'83 87-3 par 10 Vice-President. President. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. J. ALEXANDER — M E PARR E. R. BURR . Ass’i V.-Presidents C. H. WETTERAU PARKES ARMISTEAD HENRY POINTER GEO. J. HEARN. Jr. HERBERT FOX J.W. WAKEFIELD MACLINP. DAVIS V. (Davidson M 11) County Seat. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 6) Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up SUBPLU8 AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties BUFORD WILSON—- $ 2.000.000 1 2,058,190 $22107 020 $ 2,227,930 (2 Branch es) P. D. CASTLEMAN P.J. MURPHY,,1ITT MEREDITH FLAUTT, resources. Pop. 139,600 Principal Correspondents. MiscblLoans Bonds Caib A ExLANlOfi CBAHQE8,DllI and and Discounts Sbcc Biros Rssoukcbs non Bams $18 260150 $ 3,980,450 $ 267,640 $ 5,884,890 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and Chase N., N.Y.; Com. III. Bk. & Tr Co. and 1st N.,Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.: N. Bk. of Ky„ Lou ; 1st N. and Phil. N„ Phil.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. Auditor Collections soli cited with the assurance of Intel ligent attention. ^Prompt remitt ance. R. BURR.............. ROY HARPER, Jr-, Tr. K. H. DODSON, Sec... V. (.WITHERSPOON WILLIS H. HAYNES. CURRELLVANCE. Tr. Off. A. Tr. J Ch. of Bd. E. E. MURREY d®T»t§’21 D. L. BEASLEY, A. Sec. SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN T O COLLECTION S. /-pain *360-8% par 10 87-5 m navis 1kREMITTANCE BANK OF TENNESSEE 87-27 E. P. D. HOUSTON. ♦AMERICAN TRUST CO. T*t§’10 74,480 4,099,540 763,480 1,143,080 500.000 322,110 8,365,280 2,878,390 2,391,170 8,285,330 721,180 668,090 Chase N. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Canal Bk. &Tr..N. O.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st. N., St. L. 973,240 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Phil. Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 425,440 5,076,410 195,780 4,408,450 482,280 133,670 J (i Office) HUMPHREY HARDISON D. Y. PROCTOR......... - J. T. MARTIN_______ 0. Y. PROCTOR „ C. C. POTTER, A.V.P. TAVEL PICKARD. 300,000 ♦BROADWAY NATIONAL BANK Citizens Savings H. W. J.Hale _____ J. C. Napier_____ A. G.Price.. ___ 50,000 2.600 236,950 30,000 195,970 52,700 29,650 H. W. BRUCE_ _ _ _ _ E.H. AYRES,Jr.,V.P. J. H.TIDMAN. Asst, Tr. Off. V, P. and Tr. Off, J.R.JETTON, SR. V.P. E. L. DODD. V. P. 6E0. W. BATES J. S. BOYD J. H. POTTER 500.000 (2 Offices) 577,580 9,733,180 949.050 8.901.070 308,250 1,183,770 87-18 Bk. & Tr. Co. d©Tt§’04 P. A. Boyd . . Taylor, Ch. A. t. rul ♦COMMERCE UNION BANK $250-10% par 20 87-24 dB®T»*§’16 Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta. ..87-10_ _ _ _ _ IhH------ VV. C. Sheffield J. W. Pitt C. F. LOVELL. J. E. POWELL Send us your Na shville items for prompt attenti on. Land Bill of Ladi ng drafts a spec laity. of ___ • (Broadwa y Office 87 Phil.; O. 87-730IMorris Plan Bank) W. 150.000 Staley........... par 100 -756) 41,120 Am. N., Com. Un. N.. 4th & 1st Bk. &Tr. Co., and 3rd N„ Nash. 1,366,710 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Bk. of America N. A.. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Fulton N., Atl.; Liberty Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. Collections (Nashville Branch, Federal Reserve Ba nk of Atlanta)____ (For complete infor motion see page 19) First Industrial Bank ___ ©'ll 8% N.. A. V. P. T«r0€ ) Located in the heart of Nashvill e’s wholesale dtsCtrlct. Bill of Lading drafts a s pecialty. Prompt remittance. 87-7 4% par 5 F POTTFP Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. V.: Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Am. N., Nash. 5.021,710 MADE PROMPT LT. ROGERS CALDWELL J. D CARTER______ E. A. G00DL0E........... F. K. KIRTLAND_ _ _ B. G. WILSON E. J. HEITZERERG C. A. WALSH F. D. MARR ft 564,290 Chem. 474,210 1,000,000 (1 Branch ) fj. E. CALDWELL_ _ H. L. WILLIAMSON - W. P. SMITH_ _ _ _ _ J. T. HESTER-......... J. W. MILLER. V. P. H.S. REYNOLDS T. D. WEBB, V. P. JNO. F. JOYNER and Credit Mgr. WM. J. ALLEN RANDALCURELL. F. W. WILLIAMS JAS. R. KELLAM, JR. V. P. and Tr. Off Ass’tVice presidents F. W. WILLIAMS, Auditor GEO.E.FARMER ♦FOURTH & FIRST NATIONAL GEO. R. KNOX, JR. BANK______87-1- - - - - dB©T»t,63 M. J. KINGINS 2,625,000 . 358,540 571,330 3,336,190 30,205,670 17,866,940 27,383,800 24.780 98,110 60.090 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th and Am. N„ Nasn. 3,443,550 14,937,180 & 1st Bk. & Tr. 8,269,260 Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., City. N. Y. and N. (11 Branc hes») Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers and Corporations in vited. Special attentio n given all coliec tions. (Nashville continued on next pa ge.) 1 1 THE FIFTH THIRD 11 NI0N TRUST C 0.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 oJNATI Co., The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 Number under Name of Bank is tlie New Transit Number given 14D4 1° each bank 11 i: s>- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ -L~VJ~ directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §Slate tl'riv t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$l,astSaIe%Div. ___ PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT. NASHVILLE—Continued—Reserve City Liabilities. Ass’T Cashier. CASHIER. ^LIBERTY BARK & TRUST COL |R E- DONNELL ... B. W. GRAVES- - - - - - - W. S. CHAPPELL........ M. D. JOHNSON 1125 par 100 87 735 d®Tf+5'25 | Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties $ 100,000 S 27,810 S 1,003,930 % Loans AND Peoples Bank & Tr. Co. 87-19 Much.- 74,960 $ 867,460 $ 53,600 J W. D-Hawkms VV. A. Reed............J. L. Horace.. d®T»t§'l ,1 J.W .Simmons, T .P.iE. M. Lawrence X A. LINDSEY .... SIMONS.,— CHAS. H. HILLMAN... F.P. PROVOST. . W. HALL. Active p, ,, ,, P I.B. DOZIER, Active 8,092,990 2,422.470 18,150,020 41.745 8.360 260.610 54.170 260,120 2,900 66,980 300.000 85,600 2,086,680 105,000 1,792,320 166,360 185.560 78,980 5,037,380 180,510 39.040 95.000 382,950 11,490 100,350 Collection item s and all business will receive the attention of an .officer of this bank Prompt re turns. Accou nts of Banks and Bankers solicited. ARRIS— *™MiparflNNfflB#,K STHBIH*®1-?■ Ubt-w-j#* " ■ - eCONNE.. 100 87-4 dB®T«r27 $215-4% ...... Ch.ofBd. N.A. CROCKETT 0. W. JOHNSTON...... P. de Graauw. M' Parris--------E'- »-W............... E->- 600.000 220,570 5,947.430 25,000 68,340 345,370 (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Banks, Total D eposits Affiliated Bks. by+ Principal Correspondents. Caph k ExcniLsau,l>tJi from Banks 32,910 S ITEMS EN TRUSTED TO US WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTE NTION. Nashville Trust Co._dB®T»+§’87 JL E. Caldwell........ iciias. Nelson C B Hearn Tr 800,000 1,080.900 10,454.820 17,483,470 M. S. Webb. par 20 87-8 T. D. Webb V P. W. W. McNeilfy "" J. M. Vaughn. V. P. and Sec, (4 Branch es) p. k. Bell, 1 . P. ,T. C. Wilkersou A. Sec. W. Gill. V, P. and Tr. Off. par 500 bonds Discounts Sboubitibs Rusodbcus 1215-9% $600-6% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 6) 252,720 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. B1. of Ky., Lou.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 1,103.710 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. City, and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. 34,960 1st N., Com.-Union, and Lib. Bk. Nash. 4th & & Tr. Co., 433.030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. V.; Cont. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Boat men’s N„ St. L. 1.590,060 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.: 1st N.. Atl.; Phil. N„ Phil. 38,930 ChaseN.. N. Y. Number of Natio nal, Stat e and P rivate by Citie s, States , etc.) Nashville-Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. TMem. State Bks. Assn. ILVlem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab- Other Offices. Correspondents Bank Depositories lished and P. 0. HOUSTON. Ch.ofBd. A. B. STEVENSON. -4. Sec, and A. Mgr. PAUL M. DAVIS. President. B. F. MADDEN. -4. Treat. R. A. SHILLINGLAW. Vice-Pres. and Treas, Investment Bankers and Dealers. Corporate Financing. AMERICAN NAT! COMPANY PRIVATE WIRE CONNECTIONS TO PRINCIPAL CITIES. All of the stock of this Company Is owned by the stockholders of the American National Bank of Nashville. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established Other Offices, Correspondents Bank Depositories f EDWARD POTTER, JR., President T. H. TEMPLE, v. P. and Mgr. COMMERCE UNION COMPANY Municipal Railroad Public Utility Industrial { (312—3rd Ave. North) and J. W. NAPIER, Vice Pres. GEO. W. BATES, Sec. and Treas. PAUL A. RYE, 1'. Pres, and Sales Mgr, First Mortgage Real Estate Foreign Government AFFILIATED WITH COMMERCE UNION BANK. J. C. BRADFORD & COMPANY (Nashville Trust Bldg.) CALDWELL & CO. (400 Union St.) tV17 J. C. BRADFORD I WALTER M. ROBINSON JO GIBSON, JR., Mgr. Trading Dept. I. A. NUNN, Mgr. Municipal Dept. INVESTMENT BANKERS. I CORPORATE FINANCING. ' SOUTHERN MUNICIPAL BONDS. Private wires to Principal Cities. ROGERS CALDWELL. President. F. D. MARR. Vice-Pres, E.J. HEITZEBERG. Vice-Pres. J. 0. CARTER. Vice-Pres. H.C. ALEXANDER, Vice-Pres. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VELL. Tr. ■ Sec. FOURTH & FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY HALSEY, STUART & CO............ Kidder Peabody & Co., Eqult. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., and 1st N., N. Y. Investment Securities. Southern Municipal Bonds and Southern Corporate Financing. (212 Union St.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Investment Securities INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOURTH AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK M. F. McDaniel, Representative Telephone 6-6466 Incorporated (1005 Nashville Tr. Bldg.) J. W. JAKES & COMPANY JAMES E. CALDWELL, Pres. T. D. WEBB, V. P. R. E. McNEILLY, Sec.-Treas. MEREDITH CALDWELL, V. P. B. 0. CURREY, Sales Mgr, ne fJ.W. JAKES. President. J. L.WILKERS0N. Sales Mgr. Dealers in High Grade Invest ment Bonds and Bank & Trust Co. Stocks. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Chi., N. Y., Phila., Pitt., St. L., Det., Milw. Clev.. and Minpls. Correspondents: Fourth & First National Bank, Nashville Member Tennessee Bankers Association, (Local Securities Bought and Sold.) (SPECIALIZING IN TENNESSEE MUNI CIPAL BONDS THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Resources Over $90,000,000.00 1 Ar>c •I'vJ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S exclusively by Tbe Kand-McNally Hankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ll. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. J1New §State fPrn. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond H Hemp. N. Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Newbern......... 1767 Farmers & Merchants Bank I. N. Williams____ 8 M Dyer M3 H80-i8% 87-203 d®T»til900 par 50 PEOPLES STATE BANK $300-22% 87-674 par 300 , •• - New Market...710 6 N Jefferson M20 Ass Cashier. J. B. Crenshaw.__ t Cashier. Leans Bonds Ga«h A EX Paid-up Surplus Depos- ^Other Miscel- CHANGES,I>OI Capital Profits ITS TIBS 1 Discounts Securities LANEOU8 from Banks «• correspondents. 25,006 $ 57,110 S 460,520 S 25,000 55.950 311,000 20,000 329.370 8,810 8,110 60,660 Chase N„ N, Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N.. St. L.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Meinp. H. C. MANTOOTH 50.000 W A WILLIS , Active MS DIRECT (.Prompt attenti on given Bill of La ding Drafts and a 11 matters sent to us. 18,410 527.340 81,640 515,060 84,350 33,280 44,700 Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr. Co., N. Y,; CityN., Knoxville. 19,300 220,000 Chase N., N, Y,; East Tenn. N„ Knoxville. N. E. Lancaster rN.L. SCOBEY.......... s. 1, BIFFLE.............. W. S. COLE................ NORA N.WILSON BELLE LAMBERT < Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. j15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon, and (.25c with each request for Repo rt or Rating. t 6,700 $ 285,160 $ 89,030 $ 27,030 i 148,100 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N„ St. L. and Memphis. (Closed for liquidal ion September 30, 19 29) Cl. A. FISHER........... ‘Newport____2763 K.WM a*Sin« 6 N Cocke N21 ) SEND US YOU •* Principal Merchants & Planters Bank W. D. AlcSween... R. O. Minnis _ $225-25% par1008 7-174d®T««’ 90 New Tazewell 184 Citizens Bank____ _____ tf'12 A. B. Ritchie 87-638 6N Claiborne L20 ... Y. J. McMahan___ fl. R. Mims. Lee T). Stone Lee D. Stone_____ 100,000 150,000 1,075,000 1,080.000 59.720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr„ N. Y.; City N„ Knoxville. 25.000 18.500 151,560 119,040 Nlota (5fi7 Bank of Niota---------------- till W. I. Hale............... H. M. Willson .... C. B. Staley______ A. L. Sewell............. 87-608 6H McMinn 017 12,000 11,500 77,000 94,000 2,500 Nolensvlile ___ 206 Nolensville Bank........... TtS’06 J. W. Williams___ H. J. Brittain_____ W. P. Kimery____ H. J. Brittain, Ch. ( N Williamson Nil $125-10% par 100 87-440 10.600 1.310 108.560 99,960 6.960 13.550 Am. N., Nash. 10.000 7.420 81,340 250 63,340 11,430 3,000 21,230 Am, N„ Lebanon: Am. N. and Tenn.-Hermitage N„ Nash. Normandy____ 265 Duck River Bank.............. till S. S, Thorneberry. J. W. Waite............ H. E. Prince_____ 6N Bedford P12 $150-8% par 180 87-441 North Alexandria (See Brush Creek) 10.000 5,100 78,000 2.100 68,000 14,600 2,600 10.000 Am. N„ Nash. Oakdale 1662 Oakdale Bank & Tr.Co. S. N. Oakley, D. P. Ooans_______ S. N. Oakley_____ Mrs. Edith Francis 87-524 Ttil2 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. A. Furguson 6 N Morgan N17 10.000 10.500 200,000 150,000 Oakland . 10,000 6.110 98,430 61,810 14,600 3,110 34,090 Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. _____ R. A. Hutchison... M. E. Everett 35.000 17,340 229.950 202,880 5,000 5,100 C. E. Dean_______ H. H. Wallace........ 25.000 15,250 155,190 135,130 69,300 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; Un. Plan N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. 55,190 1st N.,St. L.; Am. N..Nash.; 1st N., Memp. Vahuic, 121 Peoples Bank_______ dTt5’15 6N Wilson N12 $185-10% par 100 87-587 M . H. Beadle E. W. Weatherly .. D. Henderson 360 Oakland Deppsit Bank.Tti06 J. N. Clay________ L. D. McAuley .... P. D. Henry______ 8M Fayette PS $85-10% par 50 87-442 Ohlnn 137fi Bank of Obion________ •tS’SO W. J. Nichols____ L. G. Moffat______ J R. Mills 87-218 8 M Obion M4 »• •• Commercial Bank______ tS'OB W. P. Beaird, $75-12% par 50 87-220 J, L. Roland Ch. of Bd. and Pres. »• “ W. H, Buttram.... B. L. Sadler.. H. F. Cooper ___ W. H. Potter_____ C. C. Newport........ f!. R. Rvrd W. T. Pennington 87-716 Oneida Bank & Trust Co. W. J. Jeffers Ruth E. Laxton... C. Cross__________ E.G. Foster. — $no-5% par 100 87-718 d®Tti'24 W. J. Jeffers, Ch. Ooltewah 621 Bank of Ooltewah ..®T»t8'07 A. L. Tallant 81 Hamilton Q16 $150-10% par 100 87-445 J. S. Marshall____ Hunter Furches... 5,110 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32.510 470,860 25,000 21,190 180,990 25.000 2,000 76,170 20,000 9.280 24.000 7.920 25.000 ! 9,330 30,410 City N„Knoxville; Hamilton N..Chatta nooga; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 355,350 114,820 21,580 61.620 Hamilton N„ Chattanooga; 5th 3d Un- Tr. Co.. Cin.; 4th & 1st N„ and Am. N., Nash. 140,680 22,680 28,170 35,650 1st N„ Chattanooga and Rockwood. 1,500 50,800 19,060 7,490 95,530 16.000 116,000 10,560 143.230 7.500 152,130 6,750 27,320 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N., Somerset, Ky ; Am. N„ Nash. 14,240 nooga ; Clev. N„ Clev. Orllnda sis Bank of Orlinda ______ tS'04 V. E. Crocker......... R. L. Porter______ H. M. Johnson____ Lucy J. Williams 1 6 R Robertson RU $130-6% par 100 87-446 CirTii Tuinr TUC UmUPi TDIICT 1 Kuo 1 1 lit Mr IH InlKL\l iikjinw 25,000 City N., 65,000 Hamilton N„ Chattanooga. (Branch of,Xnxhv ille Trust Co.. Nas hville, T «?nn.)__ A. C. Dorris, Mgr. Old Hickory..3050 Old Hickory Branch Nash 6 N Davidson Mil ville Trust Co. 87-621 ®Tt§’l8 11.110 Oliver Springs.777 Tri-County National Bank V. C. Slenknecht.. W. L. Foster........... Ann Richards____ 25,000 130,000 122,050 14,190 t'22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 6N Roane N17 $160-16% par 175 87-686 Oneida 013 First National Bk.__ ®«t’04 Talmon Sexton.__ $226-40% par 100 87-444 6 N Scott 1.17 B. L. Sadler, V. P. .. First Trust & Savings Bank O. C. Newport____ $200-10% par 100 d©«t§'23 4,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; Knoxville. CO., CINCINNATI 23.760 4th & 1st N„ Nash. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 t0 eac-h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ATLMJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town andCounty. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res.Dist. M Memp. f| Nash. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State t Priv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Paris.______ 5800 8 Henry L6 COMMERCIAL BK. & TRUST CO. 1225-12% 87-110 ®T<5’77 PRESIDENT. (J. C. PORTER........ ) A. B. LAMB. Ch. < The Oldest, Str I We do General (.Prompt, efflcie Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Liabilities. Resources. Loros Bonda Miscel Cam* k ExD epos Other Paid-up Surplus and Rod chajm»m,Dot AND Liabili its Capital Profits Diacounta Saeurities laneous vrom Baku ties $ 100.000 $ 124,510 $1229080 $ O.C. BARTON............ W, F. BALGH WM K PORTER W.C.JOHNSON W. H. WHITLOCK ongest and Large st Banking Instit utloo Id ftieory C onnty. Banking Business nt service on Coil ectlons. 18,510 $1035880 $ 196,210 $ Principal Correspondents. 32.390 $ 207,620 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr., N.Y.; 4th ft IstN. Nash.; h. Bk. of Ky., Lou. par 100 100,000 fJN0. R.RISON— J. F. ADEN-.......... C. B. ADEN---------- W. C. RAINEY— FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO______d®T»J§’29 A Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credl t Reports by send Ing *115-8% par 100 87-112 (Formerly First National Bk,) Lfee in ADVAN CE; Plain sight d rafts, 15c i Credit Reports, 25c. TR r us. 3,630 951,200 50.000 13,480 360,550 R. M. Brown 10.000 10.000 W. W. Jennings... 25.000 Roy L. Allison___ Petersburg ___ 560 Citizens Bank_________ t§’18 87-560 a ms R. K. Morgan 6 N Lincoln Pll *160-8% .. First National Bank—„#t’12 A. O. Marsh______ J. L. Scott________ *175-15% par 100 87-449 M. P. Marsh Philadelphia ..328 Bank of Philadelphia...t§’12 A. F. McCrary___ W. E. Edwards.__ E. M. Sizer 87-531 6 N Loudon 018 *125-6% FIRST TRUST |&SAyiNGS *120-8% par 120 87-695 re. E.HASTINGS- W.E.GATLIN_____ W. I. DALE.............. 175,230 Chase N„ N.Y.: 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 811,570 15,000 58.840 Am. N., Nash. 305,910 37.780 36,500 95.000 78,720 5,500 2.500 26,740 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Jackson. 22,110 168,320 111,890 55.330 3.100 45,110 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; 1st N.. Jackson; 1st N., Memp. 15.000 1.500 105.000 74.000 20.300 16.150 10.550 Am. N.. Nash.; Columbia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Columbia. 30,000 38,120 254,680 280,010 62,720 6,800 16.000 1,600 49.360 facilities for handling outs ide Items, d®T»t§’22 ) Progressive arid modern (.Special attentio n given collection s and all business entrusted to us. Parsons 429 Bank of Commerce___ »t§'15 87-299 8 M Decatur 07 *200-10% .. Farmers Bank. . ..-TtS’07 J. F. Houston____ io% 87-300 W. E. Jordan ‘Pikeville_____ 488 Bledsoe County Bank & J. W. Blackburn... S. H. Blackburn.... Trust Co..87-757 d©Tt§’28 6 N Bledsoe 015 .. .. JT R. Lee .. . . First National Bank _d®»t’14 E. A. Lee___ .... Coy H. Coulter___ *150-15% 87-294 W. L. Kelly Pinson Savings Bank___JS’06 W. F. Watlington. W. F. Watlington87-451 8 M Madison 05 *140-8% 25,000 67.180 40,440 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 13,450 Hamilton N., Chattanooga; City N.. Knox ville. 48.860 75,000 10,000 65,000 3.000 18,000 88,200 351.750 33,670 53,710 14,380 1st N., Pikeville; Hamilton N., Chatta nooga. 27,340 1st N., Chattanooga. 60,000 20.000 298,270 7,500 2.370 49.630 30.620 E. E. Sloan............ H. W. Hackett.... O. W. Stephens... Herma Goad_____ 10.000 6.000 75.000 70,000 M. F. Williams.__ Phineas Trent____ 10,000 21.000 60.000 J. F. Bradley_____ M. F. Walker_____ 6% 87-624 Portland 869 L. D. Austin_____ R. W. Enders_____ E. D. Brooks_____ 87-533 6 N Sumner K12 $75-12% par 100 Mrs. Georgia J. W. Clark_______ Prospect Station Prospect Bank & Trust Co. R. A. Sherrill____ Abernathy 87-454 ®J§’05 6 N Giles Q10 215 *230-8% 10,000 4.780 100.170 25.000 6.520 259.660 10.000 7.550 48,020 10,020 51,530 300 15,890 ‘Pulaski 2780 CITIZENS BANK-B®T«t§ 72 W. L. Abernathy— P. C. Edmundson— M. D. Sullivan____ C. F. Vaughan____ Kate Clarke 87-134 6 N Giles Q10 jioo-12% 100.000 68,700 734,560 464,550 553,650 594,790 103,130 116,250 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; Citiz.Union N.. Lon. rE. E. ESLICK-— SOL. COHN_ _ _ _ _ G. B. ABERNATHY- MARK ESLICK —J.H. MAY #¥ 75,000 15,190 472,780 67,280 455,510 17,990 89,600 67,150 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. ol Ky., Lou. TR. H. PORTER---- W. J. YANCEY- - - - - - - THURMAN SMITH-— J. S. RAMBO_ _ _ _ _ G. C. BROWN H. T. SMITH 200.000 77,810 859,720 154,580 975,490 106,440 85,500 124,690 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 3rd N. Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky.. Lou. Pleasant Shade 124 8% 6N SmithL13 87-555 Pleasant VIew.375 6N Cheatham L10 .. .. 87-452 PEOPLES $50 par 50 «t «« 2,000 3,270 24.520 1st N., Jackson. 21,000 Tenn.-Hermitage N.. Nash. 2,000 35,000 Am. N., Nash. 75.620 4.200 35.130 4th & 1st N., Nash. 229.120 19,050 56.000 43.020 Am. N. and Com. Un., Nash.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 7.870 Am. N., Nash.; Citiz., Pulaski. BANK —d®»tS 82 < Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, ) 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon 87-135 (.and 25c with ea ch request for He port or Bating. UNION BANK_ _ _ dB®T»tS'20 *130-10% ♦ 87-136 par 100 J Prompt attenti on given Collect! ons, BUI of Ladln g drafts,Cash and Time I terns. (.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for credit reports . OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank ofAND St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST GO., CINCINNATI 1 A rv7 1407 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. M Memp. N Nash. Town and County. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ot tnis volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Depos- . Other Paid-up AND ITS J Liabili Capital jProfits ties 25.000 3i 14,290 55 177,730 5! Dayton Chitwood— B. W. Chitwood— 8. A. Chitwood— C. C. Chitwood.— 12.500 10,000 par 185 Mrs.Frank Harrison Rfcevllle_____ 530 Riceville Bank------------- Til’ll J. L. Ware .............. J. O. Bradford .— F. T. Harrison .— 10,000 8,000 $ Thos.A.Humphreys Puryear_______ 325 Farmers Bank & Trust Oo. C. H. Parks_______ J. M. Bumpass ____ 8M Henry L6 10% par 100 87-448 87-828 6N McMlnnP17 $125 par 100 Lake L3 par 75 ["S, T. KIRKPATRICK M. F. SAVAGE------- ‘Ripley______ 2070 FARMERS UNION BANK 87-173 10,210 111,470 76.000 • 87-509 Peter Fyfe_______ Peter Fredickson. (Branch of Tipt <JTI C0.~ 87-617 B. F. Hardison .— W. B. Shaw............. Planters Bank................... il’05 W. N. Wyatt-------- T. J. Murdock------$85-10% 87-289 8M LauderdaleN3 $160-12% 470 $ 150,890 ‘5 2.410 35 120,650 6,850 . 84,000 250 IWk, 100,000 12,310 180,240 25,000 25,010 441,330 *. T. SAVAGE- - - - - - - J. 0. PARIS--------- 8,050 3> 56.100 i1th A 1st N., Nash. 16,680 1ith & 1st N., Nash. 5,500 5,000 IHamilton N.t Athens. 6,150 39,920 159,960 304.220 37,680 11,700 H. D. F0LTS — R. M. PRICHARD ~ H. B. M00RER, JR. 25,000 12,950 387,640 18,750 235,610 19,050 16,560 H. D. Folts------- Alonzo Klutts......... H. B. Moore--------- 12,500 6,470 108,940 11,300 88.320 11.300 5,010 First Savings Bank d®Ti§'14 Alonzo Klutts — $125-10% 87-632 87-554 Chattanooga; Citiz. N„ iOhaseN., N.Y.;Bk.of Com.ATr.Oo.,Meirp. Farmer s Union Bank, Co tringlon). . FIRST NATIONAL BANK *i 13 V. P. M0RIARTY $150-10% ,from Barks ED ON FOR 15 CENTS PER LHUNDRED DO LLARS, FEE TO ACCOMPANY IT EM. ®»t§ 08 I COLLECTION Principal Correspondents. ,I.»H ft F.X'HANGX8,D uE t5 ’19 Rldgely_______810 PEOPLES BANK--------- tl’18 Jno. T. Gamer___ G. F. Richardson 8M Bonds Loans Misceland j LANEOUS and Discounts ■Securities dTt5’07 Redbolllng Spgs Red boiling Springs Bank 6H MaconKlo 230 $185-12% _________ ResouiICES. |_____________ LlABIL][TIES. <SURPLUS 98,820 1Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Memp. and Chi.; Mtle.-Gom. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. „ „ . 137,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Union Plan. N. Bk.A Tr. Co.. Memp.; Citiz. On. N„ Lou.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 173,110 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; 1st N., Memp. 34,580 1st N., Ripley. J. A. Porter______ G. M. Partee---------- 50,000 35.450 1,026,130 2.070 668,040 85,600 19,500 340,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. <' Tr. and Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr., Memp. J. M. Fisher-------Rives_________ 495 Farmers A Merch. Bank •t§’03 B. J. Wade----------- J. B. Candle_____ 8 Obion L4 $180-10% 87-455 W. H. Perkins......... J. F. Hargrove — W. M. Todd.... Robbins______ 410 Robbins Bank & Trust Co. d®Tt§’07 6 N Scott L17 $105-5% par ioo 87-456 15,000 13,930 70,500 10,260 63,750 1,000 9,500 35,430' N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Far. Ex., Union City. 15,000 7,490 69,370 2,620 57.820 18,950 11,770 50,000 65,000 1.274,980 48,050 1,011,230 98,160 52,020 276,620 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Chat tanooga; City N.. Knoxville. 50,000 33,900 368,940 50,000 365,570 54,570 17,880 64,820 ChaseN.. N.Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 50,000 76,800 985,490 925.170' 64,270 38,940 62,420 48.660 83,510 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N.. Knoxville. 182,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Oity N.. Knoxville. par 25 W. R. Miller____ Ripley Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-172 ®T*tl’03 $125-20% I par 50 Rockwood___ 4652 6N Roane N17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-15%, 87-113 d®*i’89 par 100 . WM. ENSMINGER J. N. DERRICK — r POLK TARWAT- 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for presen tation, and I 25c with each request for Repo rtor Rating. (ROLL OF HON OB BANK—FRO MFT SERVICE O fl. N. BARNETT. J. N. BAKER......... C. 0. STUBBS- B. M. JOHNSON PEARLH oyV ROCKWOOD NATIONAL BANK .SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIRE CT. 87-114 ®»i 22 Special attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Oas $150-10% par 100 end 15c with Bank......... ®«tl'S7 Thos. P. Summers. J. O. Phillips___ 87-221 6 N Hawkins L22 $225-20% W. K. Armstrong Rod. Armstrong. Hawkins County Bank $200-20% 87-222 d®tl’99 par 100 6N Hamblen M21 8 Gibson M4 •Rutledge____ 518 6N Grainger M20 3. C. Stamps______ s. W. Cope.............. Mrs G. K. Lyons K. L. Watterson . J. C. Horner ._ W. R. McCalla.Afffr, Rosemark Bk. A Tr. Co. $225-12% 87-528 ©Ttl’lB 50,000 53,800 (Branch of Barrei tiille Ba; nk & T rust Co., Barretvil le, Tenn. ) it; nor1 1D»UUL 20,001 1 175,001 i E. N. Campbell. $100-6% Co...87-458---------- T»521Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Home Exchange Bank •tl’09 G. R. Dickson____ J. C. Paris--------J. C. Paris, Ch. J. M. Landrum $90-10% par GO 87-262 Rutherford Bank-------Til’97 W. P. Elrod______ J. W. Akin—— 20% par 50 87-261 N.J.Johnson____ Edgar Petre... Citizens Bank & Trust Co. $200-12% 87-842 d®»t5’19 L. H. Miles............... J. W. Haun........... 25.00C1 15.00C 1 42,051) J. D. Reagor____ .. B. H. Swink Fred P. Elrod------- Carlos King . M. J.Savage C. B. Cabbage------- 15,00() 6.79C) 12.50() 28.22C) 25,001) 30,76( ) par _ T.M. Godwin-------- Nelle Manly---------- 50,001 ) 51.561 ) L. G. Shelton.. luO Geo. W. Jaynes. J. W. Dickson n H E FI FT H T HIIR[) UN ION TRUST I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. M. Nance 532,980i 722,260 J. B. Rives----------- J. W. Boyd-----------— M. Baird Rossville Savings Bank $200-10% par 100 87-457 15’09 Russellville.__ 213 Russellville Bank & Trust C. E. Fuller. Rutherford—..792 1 8. ach Sight Draft. Cradit Reports 2 5c. ‘Rogersvllle ..1402 Citizens Bosemark____100 (KerrviUe P. O.) 8 M Shelby P2 Rossville______ 171 8 M Fayette Q3 5.930 1st N„ Chattanooga. D().. iCl N 70,001) ... . Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 75.00C) Union man. N. Bk. A Tr. Co., Memp. 56.00C 8,080i 60,771 )__________ 22,09:) 165,231 ) 10,960 i 138,951) 2,501 ) 10.201) 7.27C ) Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Morristown. 46,331) 4th & 1st N., Nash. 287,111) 1,5201 139,501) 101,221) 22,921) 65,711 ) Am. N.. Nashville. 278,201) 49,941 ) 24,681) 39,391 ) City N.. Knoxville. 23,601 ) 77,350 24.7513 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 336,451 mINAT | 289.0713 89.731) 354.651 9 The Bankers' Bank Since 1863 1408 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given bailk 5 U- S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND UOUNTY ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist MMem. N Nash. •Mem. A.B.A.^New § State tPri?. ! iMem. State B. Ass’n. rRstah ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this T ENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Saltillo 3fie HardinOounty Bank__ •M’Ol L. A. Parker............ T. R. Akin_______ L. B. BJneham 8 M Hardin P6 »6o-io% 87-460 par 60 V n 111 m A Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and Liabili its Capital Profits ties Loans Bonds Cash t ExMiscel CH and and A N(1 B8, Dui Discounts Sscuritiss laneous from Banks 15,006 $ 4,380 $ 44,920 Santa Fe _ 30! Bank of Santa Fe —®TtllO M. F. Walker_____ A. H. Forgey_____ W. T. Holland........ 8 N Maury N10 87-461 M. M. Cook 10,000 4.000 60.000 $ 3,500 Sardis_______ 419 Peopiea Bank............. ... *tJ’21 W. R. Totty______ R. H, Presley_____ J. W. Newman.... Kayte Holland— 8 M Henderson P6 1120 87-679 T. H. Phillips 10,000 1.940 63,960 2,280 Saulsbury___ 19( Hardeman County Savings 8 M HardemanQ4 Bank 12% .87-738___®t§'25 S C. E. Cox, Mgr,___ 21,400 306,420 270 50.000 20,040 224,000 53,300 10,000 9.630 149.310 30,000 41,100 548,920 30.000 5,230 364,780 50,000 30,820 660,630 15,510 30,00u D. L. Vaughan........ R. S. Moore............ R« S. Roberts, Jr._ Harry Cornell, E. L. Kennedy ___ J. W. Patterson... NinaS. Patterson.. .Selmer _ 516 First National Bank........ »t’07 J. L. Alexander... A. L. Smith____ P. L. Basinger........ W. L. Weatherly.. 8 M McNairy 05 1200-10% 87-288 A. E. Davis par 100 — Selmer Bank & Trust Co. B. M. Kendrick ... J. E. Williams___ M. E. Smith______ Troy Smith_______ luo-8% 87-650 ©*tSTD par 100 *£evlerr111e___776 1 8 Sevier N20 BANK Uh SEVIERVILLE 1225-12%par 10087-275 d®»t8'88 " —“ ------- ( FRANK MURPHY J. S. BALLARD.... W. S. MURPHY — M°RS.CJ°.C.C0Lr' < Personal attent ion to drafts and credit reports, w hen accompanied 1 by feeinadvanc e of 15c. for colle ctlons and 25c. for credit reports. (.Send us your it ems. Tourist ac counts Invited. Sevier County Bank J. B. Brabson.......... $341-20% 87-276 d®T»t§'09 par 100 Sewanee 530 Bank of Sewanee............»t§’07 Telfair Hodgson... W. B. Nauts____ 6 N Franklin Q13 Sharon.............. 506 Bank of Sharon.. 8 II Weakley M5 $92-10% 87-466 par 50 .Shelbyvllle 2912 CITIZENS SI Bedford P12 $810-20% •18 02 R. H. Jackson........ BANK............. *1106 87-144 Farmers National Bank $200-12% 87-143 par 100 S. L. Atchley_____ • W 1 iVllZC _________ A. B. Shields J. E. Huffman_____ D. D. Hix.................. B. D. Kingree_____ A. B. McGill______ R. S. MoSlll............ H. E. Williams Principal Correspondents. 39,240 1st N. and 2nd N., Jackson; Tenn.-Hermi tage N.. Nash. 19,000 Am. N., Nash.; Maury N., Columbia. 6.560 36,020 Peo. Sav., Henderson; Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash.; Cent. State, Lexington $ 150,830 19,750 6.000 157,940 4th & 1st N. and Am. N.. Nash.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. and Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memp. 129,270 11,310 55,920 1st N. and Manhattan Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. 3.721) 76.120 6,700 89.100 4th & 1st N., Nash,; 1st N., Lexington. 17,950 123,960 2d N., Jackson; 1st N., Memp.; Am. N., Nash.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 167,270 32,490 10,800 189,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 13,170 565,740 72,470 23.080 93,330 Chase N„ N.Y.; City N., Knoxville. 32?),04u 29,000 333,480 29,440 29,870 37,660 N. City, N. Y.; Holston Un. N., Knox ville. 66,210 657,350 1,190 529,440 103,160 37,780 10,000 9,590 158.740 41,690 57,500 2,800 84,370 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and E. Tenn. N„ Knoxville; Am. N., Nash. 76,330 Chase N..N.Y.; Am. N.. Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 35,000 33,650 216,730 163,770 63,100 8,310 56,920 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr„ Memp. 50,000 47,720 514,950 478,550 30.080 38,500 65.540 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N„ Nash.; 1st N.. Chat. 100,000 55,990 810,660 916,980 146,130 30,290 100,000 103.260 681,810 ^mithvilla___ 137 First National Bank.... t’27 J. C. Foster______ J. C. Starke______ J. C. Starke______ J. T. Christian ___ SI DeKilb N13 $150-8% par 110 87-235 J. W. Wakefield,'CA. 30,000 3,600 140,000 15,000 250 75,730 nFirst Trust Co_____ U00 87-760 TC29 I. C. Starke........... J. T. Christian____ E. F. Adkins_____ L. T. Tramel . 6,730 240,550 113.800 139,330 728,940 186,300 120,000 23,600 60.840 1.450 2.740 18,500 90,660 hem. Bk. &Tr.,N.Y.; 1 Am. N., Nash. 30,000 7,040 24.390 ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 285,620 W. P. Cooper_____ R.Sandusky______ E. B. Maupln_____ W. L. Parker_____ 17-142 dB®T»t'86 N. P, Evans, Ch. Katherine Steele par 100 4,240 $ ■ ■ hi 1st N., Chattanooga. Peoples National Bank $200-12% $ — 199,190 First National Bank d®t’23 H. C. Butler______ E. E. Conner______ A. T. In»le »H0-6% 87-717 par 130 M 20,830 D Union Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Tenn. 50,000 First National Bank.. ®»t'87 E. W. Ross_______ A. M. Patterson... H. M. Williams.... A. R. Williams___ 10% par 100 87-176 Scotts Hill____123 Farmers State Bank____ t§’06 R. L. Wylie 8 MHenderson 06 1185-10% 87-464 $ (Branch of Boliva r, Tenn.) .Savannah ....758 Citizens Bank........ .......®t§'04 F. C. Williams___ J. H. D. Berry____ D. A. Welch______ 8 M Hardin P6 *120-12H% 87-177 J. K. Barlow “ ll Ar I n T'Avim- Liabilities. HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Number given 1 400 t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ A‘toy Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. M Mem. N Nash. eMem. A.B. A. ’’New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. • Resources. Liabilities. Loans S ubplus Bonds Miscel Cash k ExO ther Paid-up Depos- Liabiliand and ,Dub AND laneous changm Capital Profits from Banks TIES | Disoounts Scouritias Smyrna.... .........463 First National Bank--..»t'08 W. O. Hlbbett........ A. W. Jordan____ _ J. N. Barnett_____ A. D. Maddux_____ J 6N Rutherford Nil 87-467 W. H. King............. S. M. Coleman ___ .T. R. MilieuSmyrna Bank A Trust Co. $100 par 100 87-599 ®t§'16 iSneedvllle ,...246 Citizens Bank----------- ©t&'OG A. T. Drinnon........ L. C. Jarvis--------- C. M. Collins_____ Martha B. Collins.. 6N Hancock L21 $106-10% par 110 87-296 Soddy.......... .....1200 6N Hamilton P15 *• .. 7,450 S 6,000 $ 50,000 3d N., Nash. 970 56,250 1.700 44.820 2,000 7,000 15,110 Am. N„ Nash, 25.000 2,860 263,710 6,610 185.740 24,860 87,620 22,540 Chase N„ N. Y.; Morristown Tr. Co., Mor ristown. 106,150 132,240 20,070 736.000 338,500 104,330 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Memp.; 3d N.. Nash. 140,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. i H. P. Stainback___ Wyatt Wilkinson.. Mrs.Ruffin Mathews 25.000 7,700 330,090 A. A. Cook_______ R. C. Aycock_____ H. A. Griffith.......... 100,000 70,000 900,000 A. A. Cook_______ J. T. Fergason..... W. M. Cameron.... 10,000 5,000 92.000 144,500! 12.000 1st N., So. Pitts. 100.000 852,170 11,500 89.460 300 13,720 221,570 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky.. Lou.; Hamilton N.. Chat. 18,550 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 5,490 96,890 4,920 21,320 11,380 Com. Union Sparta; Lib. Bk. & Tr., Nash. 236,450 68,440 20,600 44,040 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 50,000' 400,000 S. H. Alexander... T. W. Simmons.__ W. P. Bryant.......... M. B. Jackson........ 36,500 500,000 50.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. V. Sprouse $150-6% par 100 87-734 ®W25 (Branch of Nashv ille Trust Co., Nas hville, Te Springfield Bank BranchNashville Trust Co.dT«t§’72 10% 87-167 Robertson Co. Bk. & Trust Co. (Merged with Sprin gfield Bank Branch, Nashville Trust Co. ) 125,000 20,000 91,500 Chtm. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. N., Nash. (Closed for liquidat ion May 14, 1929) J. H. Potter______ T. K. Potter. T. H. Fancher........ Peoples Bank A Trust Co. 87-601 TtS'21 j. F. Kell................ $105-10% par 50 87- 581 Bank of 8prlng City.®#tST0 T. R. Preston____ A. B. Collins, Ch. $175-12% 87-470 par 100 Commerce-Union Bank 87-551 ©Tti’18 PEOPLES BANK $#5-To% ” .. 87-505 wia J. T. Garner____ Stanton Rank ‘t|'8S $150-10% par 100 87-472 Stan tonriile...100 Peoples Bank______ ©•it'll 87-518 8M McNairy Q6 $00-10% par 70 Stayton .82 Stayton Bank A Trust Co. 6N Dickson L9 $125-10% par 100 87-474 ®t*’07 St. Joseph____327 87-475 6N Lawrence Q9 $180-10% Strawberry Plains Bank of Strawberry Plains ®i§’20 68 200 $110 par 100 8 7-657 Jefferson M20 Summertown .500 Summertown Bkg. Co.„t§'08 66 Lawrence P9 87-476 Sunbright........218 Sunbright Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-745 ®Tt§’26 6N Morgan M17 par 100 H. T,. Rav R. L. Hill............... J. L. Quarles_____ R. J.Snodgrass.... H. C. Smith.......... J. R. Lee C. G. Bostick Spring Hill___403 Commerce-Union Bk.®»t§'01 $225 87-471 6N Maury OlO 8M Haywood P3 20,630 $ 200.000 $ 2,000 87-209 •» 6,250' $ 180,000 $ 10.000 95,000 * ‘Springfield ..3860 6N Robertson L10 .. 25,000 S Principal Correspondents (Closed January 27, 1930) »8omervilie_.1106 Somerville Bank A Trust Co. 8M Fayette PS $100-10% par 110 87-212 dMS'IO So. Pittsburg 2356 First National Bank__dT«t'87 87-165 6N Marion Q14 So. Pittsburg Sav. Bank 87-166 ®tt'07 Southside____ 316 6N Montgomery L9 ‘Sparta ___ 1517 Commerce-Union Bank $200-8% 87-210 ® t§’18 6N White N16 6N Van Buren 014 Spring City... 1001 6N Rhea 016 Non-Hank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- T ENN ESSEE—Continued O. T. Jones______ (Sparta Office of Nashvili «, Tenn.) 100,000 900,310 25.000 1,260 95,780 J. M. Brady______ J. W. Lewi*............ J. B. Brady_____ 10.000 13,750 105,280 A. B. Collins______ Ellen P. Ault.......... 25.000 38,150 306,390 J. E. Powell_____ H. G. Bernard........ J.D. Fancher......... Nasb. . ! Lester Irvine____ (Spring Hill Offic. « of Nas hville, Te L. E. Harris______ Peter Fyfe Ed. Peeler. Mgr.... (Branch of Tipto n Count y-Farmer s Union G. W. Meux______ W. H. Maxwell___ G. N. Albright .... Geo. J. Culbreath.. W. J. Coppcdg# A. J. Sorratt-------- S. J. Pounds______ E. A. Kendrick___ J. W. Kendrick___ B. W. S. Nicks.... S. T. Gray................ C. S. Smith................ 157,120 (Spring field Offic e of N as hville, T E. H. Ayers, Jr.... R. \T, McKay Tr. Co., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nashville; 1st N.. St. L. Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; Com.-Union, Nasi;. Covingt on)........ Chase N., N. Y,; Bk. of Cora. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Tipton Co.-Far. Union, Coving ton. 6,830 114,800 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Memp. 53,050 Bank, 25,000 14,100 241,720 1,140 107,270 12,500 5,000 63,660 600 28,490 1,750 2.800 48,720 2d N., Jackson; 1st N.,Seimer; Corinth Bk. & Tr. Co., Corinth. 5.500 8,150 109,980 85,410 10,000 3,500 24,710 1st N., Dickson; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Mable Bryan 12,500 13.500 127,260 112,540 100 8,890 31,720 4th & 1st N„ Nash. Marv Thomas.. 10,000 400 128,590 104,980 300 16,940 L. W. Crane.. __ A. J. Gould______ J. B. Alford_____ 6,850 2,880 22,190 19,920 John Johnson____ E. W. Sedman____ W. E. Jeffers.......... 15.000 3,000 55,050 57,850 2,090 2,660 10.460 1st N., Harriman; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. 10.000 ’ 60,000 5,030 96,910 900 76,050 10,260 8,200 18,330 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tenn. N.. Johnson City. 6,170 240,980 40,000 231,280 58,520 23,270 34,080 Hamilton N.. Chat. 75,000 45,030 571,960 65,000 625,190 22.290 17.450 92,050 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chat. .T. H. Relfiw _ B. Hollmann............ R. L Bryan A. C. Parrott_____ G. C. McBee______ W. K. Parrott . Surgolnsville ..210 Holston Valley Bank.__*i§’12 W. C. Lyons______ J. F. Barton 6N Hawkins L22 $150-8% par 100 87-537 W. P. Britton____ Sweetwater 1972 First National Bank.d©»+T8 n, P. TTalp 87-616 6N Monroe 018 $100-6% par 100 .. SWEETWATER BK.&TR. CO. J. P. Hoskins_____ S. T. Jones, Active 540 par 25 87 188 ®T,i§'84 W. Mervin Seymore THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 142,100 Bk, of Am. N.A., N.Y.; Com.-Union, Nash. 5,000 I 21,760 East Tenn. N., Knoxville. 8,540 Am. N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co,, Nash, OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 41 fl t0 each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. isF. Res. Dist. M Memp. N Nash. •Mem.A.B.A.'H'New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Intei^st Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. — ----------------------------1 ““------Liabilities. ----*--------Resources. Principal Correspondents. S urplus Dbpos- Other Loans Bonds Cash k ExAss’t Cashier. Paid-up M iscel and ITS Capital Propits Disoounts Securities LANEOU8 from Banks TIES TENNESSEE—Continued ---------------------------- Cashier. ‘Tazewell _ _ 184 Claiborne County Bank »t5’99 J. T. Hushes .... W. H. Eppes............ G. S. McCallough . $ 87-477 6N Claiborne L20 20% M. B. Carr par 100 Telford_______200 Bank of Telford............t§’20 John M. Scott.... H. B. Campbell.__ F. H. Wagner. 87-676 6N Washington M23 UiO-8% 25.000 $ 20,000 6.090 105.710 103,910 Telllco PIains.1220 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. M. D. Shearer____ D. B. Stephens.__ B. H. Stephens___ Elzie Mae Luther. 6N Monroe P18 $106-6% par 100 87-667dB®Tt§’20 25,000 18,780 180.720 175,560 100,000 80,190 439,110 $ 15.000 6,000 Tracy City.__2669 First National Bank........ i’04 R. B. Roberts........ Samuel Werner... H. J. Rowers 6N Grundy P14 87-480 L. M. Hines 25,000 ‘Trenton......... 2751 Bank of Commerce——<§’16 R. R. Boone.............. G. W. Everett........ J. G. Faucett____ C. A. Boone............. 8M Gibson N4 $185-12% par 100 87-151 G. W. Everett, Ch. Robt. Banks ‘Tlptonvllie ..1050 First State Bank & Trust Co. J. T. Burnett_____ J. C. Jackson_____ J. J. Gwaltney .... *173-15% 87-247 Tt§’23 8M Lake L3 A. E. Markham Toone 294 Merchants & Planters Bank J. A. Overton.......... E. W. Overton____ O. M. Foote 8M Hardeman P4 $125 8 7-479 tS'05 J. S. Anderson, Ch. 28.170 $ 288.390 $ 124,150 $ 60.000 75,230 $ 14,520 $ 124,660 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville: Fifth Third N., Cin.; Am. N., Nash. 9,350 19,370 14,270 18,540 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Unaka & City N., Johnson City. 15,300 1st N., Chattanooga. 420,710 34,160 86,000 58,000 3,000 24.530 543.160 381,630 60,000 30.000 375,000 260,000 75,000 30,000 100,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Plan. N. Bk. and 1st N., Memp.: Miss. Valiev Tr. Co.. St. L. 177,760 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N. Memp. 120,360 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Jackson, Tenn.: N. Stk. Yds.. E. St.L.,Ill.; 4th& 1st N.,Nash. 224.430 1st N.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Memp. 46,000 Secur. N. and 1st N., Jackson. 230,410 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hamilton N„ Chattanooga. •• Bank of Trenton & Trust Co. Sylvane Freed____ $175-12% 87-150 T«i5’03 80,000 32,010 538,130 17,370 348,530 131,850 9.380 .. Citizens National Bank W. L. Wade............ J. W. Jetton, Jr... Bob Harwood.__ $120-I0%pari00 87-714 dB®t’23 75,000 19,440 336,430 75,000 208,250 171,980 5,280 58,000 31,100 487,490 404,630 25,450 146,510 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N. and 2nd N.. Jackson. 20.000 2,500 175,500 123,500 8,000 66,500 Am. N.. Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Un. Plan N., and 1st N„ Memp.; 1st N„ St. L. 15,000 1.580 SB.Rfin 55,410 830 10,830 36,410 Am. N.. Nash.; Merch. State, Humboldt; City N., Paducah. 10,000 9,920 144 8?0 65.710 17,400 5,080 76,540 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Memp.;N.Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds . Ill. 10,000 5,500 45,000 45,000 18.420 12,800 140,000 125,000 .. •• Gibson County Bank.. diS'79 A. S. Elder_______ T. K. Happel $200-10% 87-149 W. A. Cresap par 100 W. A. Cresap ___ R. R. Burress Trezevant____ 587 Farmers & Merchants Bank B. C. Lundy______ J. J. Ryan, Jr_____ A. A. Argo_______ G. S. Funderburk.. 8M Carroll M5 $110-10% par 100 87-269 <§’16 J. J. Ryan, Ch. «• “ Peoples Bank—..............TtS’06 I. G. Hurt................ $120-10% 87-270 Trimble. 781 Farmers Bank -iS’ll C. E. Garner.. 87-500 8M Dyer M 4 .. Trimble Banking Co.___ iS’90 E. E. Parks. . $80 87-481 O. D. Hamilton.... Irl Hendricks_____ Troy__________516 Bank of Troy. Tennessee J. R. Moffatt _ *185-16% par 170 87-482 <§’89 8 Obion L4 J. O. Rennett W. F. Roberts •• M _. A. H. Pitts R. W. Mahon_____ Mrs. J. E. Moffatt. 15,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 41.430 1st N.. St. L.; Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Old N., Union City. M. R. Forrester .<§’18 John Conk H. F. Anderson.__ 25,000 10,000 90.000 80,000 8,000 5,000 Tullahoma ...3479 Farmers & Merchants Bank G. C. King 6N Coffee P12 $112-6% par 100 87-432.d©t§'09 B. M. Smoot______ J. E. Brantley___ 25.000 3,230 78,5nn 50,720 5,000 16,380 34,630 4th & 1st N., Nash. 50.000 87,380 510,640 50,000 320,130 291,300 12,300 74,280 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 4th & 1st N. and Am. N..Nash.; Ham.N., Chattanooga. 50,000 75,230 474,500 50,000 362,370 174,400 29,960 50.000 61,650 642,110 1,670 390,810 139,600 8,040 83,010 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 216,970 Cent. Ban. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash. 75,000 57,000 743,000 58,600 442,000 131,700 56,900 303,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; Citiz. Un. N,. Lou. 84,000 45,850 563.280 33,250 391,810 120,660 16,430 197,490 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds., Ill.; City N„ Paducah. 10,000 10,850 154.760 123,110 20,600 7,100 24,800 Am.N., Nash.; Citiz. N.and 1st N., Dickson, Tenn. .. Citizens Rank $145-8% par 100 87-613 W. W. Pierce.. .. T. A. Pierce . FIRST NATIONAL BANK <’84 S. S. Blackman ___ W. M. Ross_______ E. R. Thnma 87-129 M T. D. Lawson Traders National Bank .<’89 E. 1. Hitt_______ J. M. Ransom____ j. n. F/itr______ 87-130 T. L. Huffman, Ch. H. McCoy ‘Union City..4412 Farmers Exchange Bk. <§'08 C. W. Miles. Jr.... C. E.Beck............ T. E. Parks______ 8 Obion L4 $185-12% 87-103 Ruth Chiles •• _____ <• Old National Bank—d<’10 A. L. Garth.............. J. S. Roberts_____ J.W. Kerr Birdie Caruthers— $215-18% par 100 87-101 J. P. Verhine R. D. Kerr •• <• Third National Bank.©»i’90 Hunt fir Elam H. Dietzel . . Dixon Williams... W. B. Crenshaw „ *200-12% par 100 87-102 J. T. Walker, Ch. Marvin Owens Unlonvllle____194 Unionville Banking Co. ... (Closed May 4,1929 ) 6N Bedford Oil Vanleer .180 Peonies Bank __ t§’07 W. H. Neblette.__ W. T. McGee 6N Dickson M9 $150-10% par 100 87-483 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. H. Eubank____ L. Bolthrop J. L. Browning THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI resources 32.000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Citiz.-Unlon N., Lou.; Far. Ex.. Union City. $90.000,000.00 1/111 ItII Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. r Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.TlNew § State tPriv. 00 CO JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond H Memp. N Nash. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. 6N Warren 013 $150-6% par 100 87-484 i Yick-Prksident. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $200-10% Morgan M17 $150-10% par 100 Bedford 012 87-486 25,000 Tiffin ntt C. A. Zumste d»JS'06 71,570 $ 16,430 $ 900 y 8,500 y 5,610 5,200 100.000 10.000 1st N., Chattanooga. 10,000 115.000 J. B. Powell 25.000 9.000 265,160 9,940 179,780 3.270 29.670 25.000 7.630 212,320 950 184,790 13,500 15,160 ' • Mrs. A. A. Strong . J. C. Pannell_____ W. P. Clark______ 92,380 lamilton N.. Chattanooga; Holston-Un. N„ Knoxville; Fifth Third Un. Tr., Cin. 32.4501 32.450'Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 87-277 Watertown___ 933 American Bank & Trust Co. 6N 32,150 J ■ Wartrace_____ 619 6N 13,000 $ 87-485 ‘Wartburg ____212 Citizens Bk. & Trust Co. 6N 25,000 $ Principal Cor respondents. tS'05 Vonore________ 275 Bank of Vonore____ d>t§’07 R. D. Colthar 6N Monroe 018 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Other Cam k £z* Miscel CMiron.Pui Paid-up Darosand and and Liabili rrs Capital PHOfTTS Disoounts Bacuritiss laneous no m Baxu ties _ y J. R. Ramsey Viola..................... 183 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. B. Smartt. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TENNESSEE—Continued 87-761 Wilson M13 Thomas Bell_____ (Branch of Leban on, Tenn .) - §'28 Lebanon Bank & Trust Co. $112-6% 87-762 d©Tt§’24 par 100 (Branch of Leban on. Tenn A j Am. N.. Nash. ' 12,400 220,910 Cent. Hati. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1.1 N., Nash. 21,020 34,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.;4th & 1st N„ Nash. 17,800 48,000 50.000 33,140 536,030 29,750 312.970 Merch. Bk__tl’lQ C. W. Turner--------87-240 25.000 5,470 194.950 430' 170,690 • Waynesboro..775 Bank of Waynesboro ®TtS'04 Russ Yeiser............... A. H. Spain_______ Jav Yeiser 6 N Wayne P8 $ieo-io% par 100 87-488 25,000 18.000 202,000 1,800 170,000 “ _____ " Wayne County Bank.. .Jl'14 C. L. Normon____ 87-573 Westmoreland 357 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. P. Donnell-----6N Sumner L12 iioo-6% par loo 87-489 tt’26 15,000 4.160 140,650 420 49,580 11,870 4.100 20.000 2,600 87,000 84,000 100 12,000 15,000 Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. R. Howell 20,000 9,810 144,050 10,000 128,000 19,130 16.890 19.850 Am. N.. Nash.; 1st N.. Dickson; Un. Plan. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.; Memp. M. Armen trout.__ 15.000 30,610 247,990 5,850 236,300 8,270 11,000 48,880 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Morristown Tr.Co., Morristown; Greene Co.. Greeneville. Whites Creek _120i Whites Creek Bk. & Tr. Co. M. E. Link________ T. J. Wilkinson___ J. B. White_______ W. F. Teasley.........[ 6N Davidson MIL*150-6% 87-526d®T»M’12 par 100 Whitevllle.........749i Whiteville Sav. Bank..tSl600 O. T. Webb_______ 8 M Hardeman P4 $175-12% 87-263 20.000 16,900 136,360 20,970 126,990 41,020 5,670 25,000 16.000 420.460 292,480 Whltieyville....82 Bank of Whitleyville. dt8'16 W. I. Kittrell_____ J. R. Rlrdwell 6 N Jackson L14 *230-12% 87-589 ! par 50 W bit well____3028 Bank of Whitwell____ dU§’06 J. 3. Dyke*________ 6 N Marion Q14 |$i87-io% par 100 87-494 15.000 16.500 120,000 110,000 21.600 11,780 82,840 W. B. Ridings......... Mason Sanders.— W. B. Nolan______ j .Waverly...........1054 6N Humphreys M8 $180-12% par 100 Farmers $150-10% R. A. Haggard.. J. F. Walker Daily Freeman. T. Y. Carter White Bluffs ..449 Farmers & Merch. Bank J. H. Heath---------- M. D. Buttrey____ J. K. St. Clair 6 N Dickson M9 1*125-8% 87-491 d®»t*'04 D. W. Street \par 100 White Pine___ 421 Citizens Bank........... d®tS'06 P. C. Wakefield____ J. C. Bell_________ R. C. Bell ... 6 fj Jefferson M21 ;$300-i8% 87-493 (Branch Wilder................315 Bank of Laurel..............®t§’18'W. B. Ray------------6 N Fentress L15 *176 87-608 Wildersville ___130! Wildersville Bank_____ t§’09 C. W. Scott_______ S. W. Murphy 8M HendersonN6 87-495 Willlston____ 175 Bank of Williston.......... ......tS’ll H. F. Crawford.— .T. F. Rarrnn 8 M Fayette P3 $40-6% 87-604 W. J. Crawford... Mary Emma Riddle W. H. Rippel......... .. D. W, Kvan*__ _ Ruth Krotzer,A.C. Roy Buchanan '•••> >r>p !‘i ■ t 1 BANK & TRUST CO. Is. M. Alexander... W TC WallrPr John Minnich 87-213 ©T‘tl’88 .Wl.ichester .2203 FARMERS NATIONAL BARK 6 N Franklin Q12 12% par 100 T*f07 “ ------ " HOME 8% J. P. McCaslin ‘Woodbury....278 Cannon Co. Banking Co..t8’21 J. F. Adams, 6N Cannon N12 $146-13% 87-678 Ch.o/Bd. and Pres. “ _____ “ Commerce-Union Bank Walter Hancock, 87-281 ®t§'88 Ch.o/bd. O A Kflnnflfi v Woodland Mills Farmers Bank________ t§‘10 L. T. Holliday.......... • At m3 lillCUJ ■ m m H j j A 8 M Obion L4 272 *125-10% par 100 87-496 Miss Gladys Bragg R, P. Knox Yorkvilie_____ 325 Bank of Yorkville______TJ8’06 N. B. Walters......... Sain Pack_________ W. H. Fones-------- Mary Pack_____ __ i 8 Gibson M4 $120-10% 87-497 vnr 500 28.320 11,000 Nash. 20,550 Am. N., Nash. 24,000 Am. N. and 3d N., Nash. 10,830 15,180 nooga. nn.)___ th & Is nooga. 7.500 3,670 88,490 40.410 1,290 6,670 10,000 4,460 45.940 _____ 15.600 3,650 3,560 35.000 65.450 629,660 507.900 117.590 16,250 100.000 19,660 593.770 25,000 6,830 101.510 38,370' 94.690 Am. N., Nash. 168.670 Ohem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Memp. and Jackson. 118,530 of Bank of Monte rey, Mon \ terey, Te 51,290 N., Lexington, 37.590 1st N., Memp. 126.730 Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 609,980 29.970 98,040 12,870 34,700 68,740 'hem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 42,260 10,1401 10,140|Tenn.-Hermitage N.. Nash. (Woodbu ry Office of Nashv ille, Ten n.) 15,000 9,500 40,000 7,500 12,390 93,640 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102,640 87-239 42,000 2.520 80,390 18,000 2,300 3,200 30,160 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Citiz. N., Trenton. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 1419 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given L? each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. _ PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Abernathy___ 1510 First State Bank----------•iS’OO S. R. Merrill_____ lioo tAbllene___ 10,456 Taylor E14 par 100 ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. Loana Bonda Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and iabili Capital Profits its Diaoounta Securities laneous ties ♦ 88-903 L. A. Harral______ N. C. Hix_____ w. McCarty. A. B. Reid................ $ Ercell Givens 25,000 S S.J. HUHNALLY...... 125,000 15% 88-116 d«t§'22 ♦Central State Bank C. T. Hutchison. J. V. Howerton ... R. Peters_________ A. B. Hutchison... 1100 par 100 88-115 d©»t§’24 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 100.000 *ABILENE STATE BANK ’CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 1200-14% 88-113 Principal correspondents. Cash St ExOHANG«8,Du» from Banks ( Taken over by First State Bank, Hillsbo ro, Texas) Hill G19 Hgle BIO Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State f Priv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. ... [Estab. No. 11 F. R, D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Dents:T-Trust Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous.SSan A. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Abbott________ 303 First State Bank . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS A. E. POOL- - - - - - - J.6.HIGGINBOTHAM- g. B. MILLER. Active GEO. L. PAXTON, SR.. W. G. SWENSON...... GEO. L. PAXTON. JR- HOMER H. SCOTT— Ch.of Bd. and Pres. W. J. BEHRENS L. A. SADLER 0* SHELTON, V.P. J. M. RADFORD J.A.LITTLETON,F.P. L. S. MONGER , BERT E. LOW, v.P. C. M. CALDWELL 11,500 J 178,000 S 176,000 S 41,550 1,363,340 959,500 2,000 $ 105,000 10,000 S 13,610 41,200 Drov, N„ Kan. C,: 1st N„ Lubbock. 451,790 Equit. Tr. Co„N, Y.: Cont.N, and Tex. N„ Ft. Worth: Dallas N, and 1st N„ Dallas; Ex. N„ Tulsa, 12,890 712,610 $ 85,840 576,220 72,370 130,490 132,240 Chase N„ N, Y,; Ft.Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Mtle, Bk. & Tr, Co„ Dallas. 231,550 773,740 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas; Ex. N., Tulsa. 200,000 188,530 2,596,510 46,950 1,283,310 743,400 200,000 117,140 2,736,050 116,000 1,226,930 784,530 210 000 Collections Given Prompt Personal Attention. d®«t’02 QUICK RETURNS. par 100 TRY US. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. C. W. BACON.......... W. R. KEEBLE. TAR. ANDMERCH. NAT. BANK 1175-10% 88-112 FLEMING JAMES 86,170 1,071,560 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dal.; 1st N„ St.L. and Ft. Worth. T«t’89 par 100 Abilene Clearing House____ Henry James .......... G. W. H. Free, Sec. L. Paxton, Sr— {Members indicated by a*) Agua Dulce.__112 First State Batik____________ (Merged with State National Bank, Rob slown, Texas, Octob er 11, 1929) S Nueces P17 Alamo..,______ 500 First State Bank...........•tS’20 Jos. G. Cox----------- F. $175-6% 88-1918 S Hidalgo Q4 par 100 Alanreed______ 263 First State Bank.......... »t§’06 F. $125 par 100 88-905 Gray D5 E. Knapp____ A. H. Cox............. R. McCracken.. J. T. Blakney_____ E. B. Hedrick____ Jennie Sherrod.... J. T. Wilson 25,000 16,500 250,000 15.000 350 70,000 4,000 42,000 20,000 61,500 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; 1st N., Kan. C. 750 8.600 38,000 Am. State. Amarillo; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 105,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Dallas. Alba...................1352 Alba National Bank___«t’03 88-410 Wood D21 Will Craver...........- L. B. Cranford___ D. S. Armstrong... R. D. Patterson Howard Hill 40.000 8,000 185,000 20.000 115,000 20,000 9,500 * Albany______ 1469 Albany National Bank Jno. F. Sedwick... W. G. Webb, Active J. A. Clarke............. Ollie E. Clarke C. B. Snyder Roy Tuggle W. H. Green 80,000 50,030 659,090 122,200 428,880 186,500 105.610 190,370 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Stk. Yds. N. and 1st N„ Ft. Worth. A. W, Reynolds.— T. E. Dodge........ ..... W. L. Hatcher. First National Bank.. d«t’83 J. B. Matthews. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. 88-619 W. R. Nail 75.000 86,600 685,510 75,000 542,400 289,340 9,000 81,370 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com.Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 133,350 1,410,080 63,100 1,323,820 63,700 70.260 248,750 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon ; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. Shackelford E14 par 100 88-620 d®T«t’01 $185-12% par 100 *Alice..................1880 Alice State Bk. & Tr. Co. P. A. Presnall......... Felix Hobbs______ L. A. Walker........... Julian Gomez. s Jim Wells P17 $200-25% par 100 88-391 dBT*t§’93 Wm. Adams, V. P. H.H. Presnall. Act. Texas State Bank ___ d»t§’28 W. L. Pearson------ A. Parr -------- --------- J. L. Carlisle G. A. Parr, Act. 88-2134 Allen__________360 First National Bank____ t’06 S. P. Bush________ J. N. Bush________ Jas. Garland Collin D19 $100-10% 88-908 Minnie Rose. 88-2150 * Alpine _______ 931 First National Bank d®«t’04 H. L. Kokemot — G. W. Baines, Act- G. W. Baines-------- Z. M. Decie____ $190-12% par 100 88-467 S Brewster J6 State National Bank _.__»t’23 B. F. 88-468 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000 19,610 561,470 201,160 38,080 28,530 25,000 8,040 132,400 117,560 1,200 4,500 388,300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: City N., San Antonio and Corpus Christi. 42,180 Dallas N., Dallas. 75,000 49,550 544,850 76,700 424,320 82,990 9,930 228,870 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Frost N., San 50,000 58,000 410,600 39,400 425,000 23,270 1,000 87,600 Chase N., N. Y.: City N., San Antonie; Union N., Hou. M. Whisenant par 100 Allison_________20 nFirst State Bank .............§’29 I. C. Thurmond----- R. N. Higgins, Jr— Hugh Garrison___ D. A. Light ner. Wise D17 100,000 Berkeley____ Geo. C. Miller____ H. W. Ferguson G. B. Crawford.... 20,000 Antonio. Making a Profit from Collections and Credit Reports Thousands of banks decline to render free service on Collections and for Credit Reports. They have adopted the “Fee-in-Advance” system. We are daily in receipt of letters like that below endorsing the system. fc Gc® * Get Your Fee-In-Advance! The Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory furnishes, without cost to advertisers, a supply of cards mentioned above. These cards are sent by the banks to those forwarders who send in collections or requests for credit reports without a fee, and generally the fee for the service is forthcoming. These fees generally more than pay for the cost of the Directory and the advertising lines. This System is in General Use and is Universally Approved Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HOUSTON, TEXAS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $3,000,000 Business of Non-Residents Given Particular Attention. RESOURCES FORTY-EIGHT MILLIONS Superior Facilities. Correspondence Invited Texas INDEX TO COUNTIES. Anderson . .G 21 Andrews.... F 8 Angelina.. .H 23 Aransas... .O 19 Archer........ C 15 Armstrong. . D 4 Atascosa.. .N 16 Austin........ K 20 Bailey.......... B 8 Bandera... .L 15 Bastrop .. .K 18 Baylor........ C 14 Bee...............O 18 Bell............... I 18 Bexar.......... L 16 Blanco.........J 16 Borden........E 10 Bosque. .. .G 17 Bowie......... C 23 Brazoria.. ,M 22 Brazos......... I 20 Brewster.... K 7 Briscoe, All, E4 Brooks. . . .R 17 Brown........ G 15 Burleson ... J 20 Burnet.........1 17 Caldwell.. .K 18 Calhoun... N 20 Callahan.. .F 14 Cameron.... Q 5 Camp......... D 22 Carson..........O 4 Cass............D 24 Castro, A 9, E 2 Chambers .K 24 Cherokee .. G 22 Childress A 12, E6 Clay............ C 16 Cochran. . . .C 8 Coke........... G 12 Coleman.. .G 14 Collin......... D 19 Codingsworth .... D 6 Colorado... L 20 Comal.........L 16 Comanche . G 16 Concho... .H 13 Cooke......... C 18 Coryell. . . H 17 Cottle......... B 13 Crane........... H 8 Crockett ... I 10 Crosby. . . .C 11 Culberson... G 4 Dallam......... A 2 Dallas.........E 19 Dawson... .E 10 Deaf Smith.D 2 Delta.......... C 21 Denton.. . .D 18 De Witt.. .M 18 Dickens . . .C 12 Dimmit... .O 14 Donley......... D 5 Duval......... P 16 Eastland .. .F15 Ector............F 8 Edwards.. .K 12 Ellis..............F 19 El Paso......... FI Erath.......... F 16 Falls........... H 19 Fannin........C 20 Fayette... .K 19 Fisher......... E 12 Floyd.......... B 11 Foard..........B 14 Fort Bend. . E 22 Franklin... D 22 Freestone. . G 20 Frio..............N 15 Gaines...........E 8 Galveston. .L 23 Garza......... D 11 Gillespie.... J 15 Glasscock.. G 10 Goliad........ N 18 Gonzales.. .L 18 Gray............. C 5 Grayson .. .C 19 Gregg..........E 23 Grimes.........I 21 Guadalupe .L 17 Hale............ B 10 Hall. A 12, E 5 Hamilton. . G 16 Hansford . . . A 4 Hardeman . Al3 Hardin.........J 24 Harris.........K 22 Harrison. . .E 24 Hartley.........B 2 Haskell.... D 13 Hays...........K 17 Hemphill ...B6 Henderson .F 21 Hidalgo,R17, P4 Hill.............. G 18 Hockley.... C 9 Hood...........E 17 Hopkins... D 21 Houston. ,.H 22 Howard... .F 10 Pludspeth.. . G 2 Hunt.......... D 20 Hutchinson . B 4 Irion........... H 11 Jack............D 16 Jackson. . ,M 20 Jasper.......... I 25 Jeff Davis.. ..15 Jefferson . .K 25 Jim Hogg. .R 1 6 Jim Wells. ,P 17 Johnson... .F 18 Jones...........E 13 Karnes. .. .N 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kaufman . .E 20 Kendall ... K 16 Kenedy... R 18 Kent........... D 12 Kerr............K 14 Kimble........ J 14 King............C 12 Kinney.. . .L 12 Kleberg... .Q 18 Knox...........C 13 Lamar.........C 21 Lamb.......... B 9 Lampasas. ,H 16 La Salle ....015 Lavaca........L 19 Lee................ J 19 Leon........... H 21 Liberty........J 23 Limestone .H 20 Lipscomb... A 6 Live Oak.. .O 17 Llano...........I 16 Loving........ G 6 Lubbock ...CIO Lynn.......... D 10 McCulloch. H 14 McLennan.G 18 McMullen . O 16 Madison... .1 21 Marion. . . .D 24 Martin........F 10 Mason..........I 15 Matagorda.N 21 Maverick. .N 12 Medina. . . .L 15 Menard .... I 14 Midland. ...G9 Milam.........I 19 Mills...........H 16 Mitchell.. . .F 11 Montague. C 17 Montgomery^ ^ Moore............ B 3 Morris........D 23 Motley .... A 12 Nacogdoches G 23 Navarro .. .F 20 Newton .... I 25 Nolan.........F 12 Nueces........P 18 Ochiltree.... A 5 Oldham......... C 2 Orange.........J 25 Palo Pinto . E 16 Panola........ F 24 Parker........ E 17 Parmer, A 8, E 1 Pecos........;. . I 8 Polk.............. I 23 Potter............ C 3 Presidio..........J 5 Rains.........D 2l Randall........D 3 Reagan.. . . H 10 Real............K 13 Red River. ,C 22 Reeves........ H 6 Refugio ....019 Roberts......... B 5 Robertson ..120 Rockwall . .D 20 Runnels .. . G 13 Rusk........... F 23 Sabine........ G 25 San Augus tine.........H 24 San Jacinto J 22 San Patricio P 18 San Saba ... I 16 Schleicher . .1 12 Scurry.........E 11 Shackelford E 14 Shelby........ G 25 Sherman.... A 3 Smith..........E 22 Somervell. F 17 Starr. .R16.0 3 Stephens.. .E 15 Sterling... .G 11 Stonewall. .D 13 Sutton......... J 12 Swisher A10, E 3 Tarrant... .D 18 Taylor.........F 13 Terrell............ J 9 Terry.................D§ Throckmor ton..........D 14 Titus.......... D 22 Tom Green H 12 Travis..........J 18 Trinity.... H 22 Tyler............I 24 Upshur.... D 23 Upton............H 9 Uvalde .... L 14 ValVerde. .K 11 Van Zandt E 21 Victoria. . ,N 19 Walker.........I 22 Waller........K 21 Ward.................G7 WashingtonK 20 Webb..........P 14 Wharton .. M 20 Wheeler.........C 6 Wichita... . B 15 Wilbarger. .B 14 Willacy..........0 5 Williamson I 18 Wilson ...,M 17 Winkler .... G 7 Wise........... D 17 Wood........ D 22 Yoakum. .. .D 8 Young.........D 15 Zapata........R 15 Zavalla. ... N 14 A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map INVESTMENT INQUIRIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis your own institution or its customers will be taken care of promptly, courteously and satisfactorily, if referred to any of the leading security houses, listed in your Bankers Directory, The Blue Book. OR F Choose your correspondent bank, broker and attorney from the old, reliable RAND M<?NALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY. Keep a copy handy in your lobby for your customers to use. They will appreciate it. Him 1413 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ Vice-President . President. Cashier. Abs’t Cashieb. Alto_________1081 Alto State Bank______ dt§'27 H. H. Berryman... H Cherokee 628 par 100 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and Capital Profits $ 25,000 $ its Other Liabili 8,560 $ 131,200 S ties 1,450 " Resources. Bonds Oasb A ExLoan a Miscel aujroaa.Ita* and and Discounts Securities laneous raox &tsu i 80,110 $ 800 $ 3,970 $ Principal Correspondents. 81,320 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 2d N.. Hou. 88-704 Continental State Bank*t§'09 88-703 Alvarado_____ 1284 Citizens State Bank___ tl’25 1125 par 100 88- 664 Johnson E18 First National Bank___ Brooks Thompson. 25,000 M. J. Hogan______ J. A.Shattuck, Act. 24,950 25,000 2,210 40,000 30,430 211,730 2,100 20,450 146,360 110,650 8,860 12.250 472,470 430,690 25,000 231,260 7,250 W. B. Norman 54,190 Union N., Hou.: Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 41,800 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. (Volunlary Liquidat ion December 29,192 9) Alvin______ ,.1619 Alvin State Bank............ t§’93 W. L. Browning... I. H. Kempner .... H Brazoria Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued to each bank in U. S. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.llF.R.D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. W L22 88-572 First National Bank in Alvin par 100 88-2083 t’24 Alvord_______ 1376 Alvord National Bank.—J'09 S. M. Covington, Wm. Covington.__ Wm. Covington___ Wise 017 *175-8% par 100 88-643 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. J. Byrd First National Bank ..-4’25 W. G. Barksdale .. VI • VJf • UAi ASlldlC .. *100 88-1989 ‘Amarillo.. .39,200 Potter D3 CHAS. A. FISK.... ALVIN HILL......... JOHN WHEATLEY- AMARILLO BANK & RAY WHEATLEY. 0%nr US YOUR BUSINESS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE. TRUST COMPANY SEND COLLECTIONS AND OTHER ITEMS. 87,210 Hou. N„ Hou.; U. S. N., Oalv. 11,000 City N..Galv.; 1st N.. Hou. 25,000 5.000 75,000 94,000 50,000 50,000 160,000 110,000 100,000 65,000 67,780 800 100,000 91,220 1,954,060 617,350 132,150 37,920 1,357,850 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. 11 • X-O., S !>• Xa. * IvJL Lie* ol- XI* LOi) Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 100,000 236,770 7,707,670 98.000 4,470.980 1.146,270 206.010 2,319,170 N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N.f Ft. Worth. 125,000 56,900 2,116.210 330 397,630 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Ex. N., Tulsa. 300,000 155,780 6,657,890 157,860 2,621.510 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 25,000 1,000 3,550 50,000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 21,510 Oont. N.. Ft. Worth. Ch. 88-97 dB®T*t§’06 Amarillo National Bank B. T. WARE- - - - - - - - - H. J. FARWELL- - - - E. C. LACY B.T. BAKER JAS. FARWELL SEND IIS YOIIR AMARILLO ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS. PROMPT ATTENTION AND REMITTANCES. •t’92 88-95 T.WARE—........... S.R. VAUGHAN_ _ _ _ A. C. WARE S. D. VAUGHAN A. H. WARE C. C p |n^RAN F. M. BUTLER. . . . . . . . . F. M BUTIFR R. G. LONG AMERICAN STATE ).J C.H PAUI BANK_ Modern—Safe—Dependable—With Ample Resources. YMCch.ofBd. 154,650 63,500 1 d®T»t§’16 88-100 12% par 100 Special Attention Given Collections. ‘FIRST NATIONAL RANK 88-94 ^™‘'dB®T*t’89 ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1125 par 100 1,682,670 88-96 d®*t’05 W. H. FUQUA............... J. S. CHESNUTT____ C. J. E. LOWNDES G. H. MCKINNEY H. E. FUQUA............... G. H. MCKINNEY, Tr. Off. 801,460 4,119,850 1,015,810 N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Wichita and Houston. Seventeen Reserve City Correspondents assure Superior Collection Ser vice. SECURITY AND SERVICE SINCE 18&9. W fl'RRIFN J T, MOORE J. A. RUSH, -Act. C. L. O’BRIEN______ W, D O'BRIEN 150,000 11,810 1,239,680 146,430 947,580 86,420 171,060 243,100 9,910 1,920 Send us your collections. Prompt Service—Quick Returns. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. 342,860 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft.Worth; Ex. N.,Tulsa, Okla.inter state N., K. C. Amarillo Clearing House ___ Amherst____ (Members indicated by a *) .690 First National Bank...«t'25 James Duffy______ Rogers Willett-__ Lamb B9 10% 88-2092 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 18,680 299,530 88,280 1st N., Ft. Worth, Amarillo, and Lubbock; 1st N., Dallas. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank iu U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1414 A Tow and County. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso HHons. SSan A. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Oashizz. Ass’t Cashier. Amman ns vllle 217 Ammansville State Bank ___ (Closed March 6,19 29) (Lagrange, P. 0.) H Fayette K19 •Anahuac____513 Security State Bank..d»t§’25 B. G. Riviere.......... J. M. Johnson------ F. C. Mull................ . .. sioo par ioo 88-912 H Chambers L24 a Anderson____ 613 First National Bank.__ •t'04 $200-8% par 100 88-913 Andrews State Bantc—»t§T0 $125-10% par 100 88-914 Angleton State Bank...*+S’05 *150-10% 88-644 par 100 '* _____ ** Brazoria County State Bank $200-10% par 100 88-645 d»t§'08 Anna_________538 First National Bank_____'13 *145-10% par 100 88-1632 Collin C19 Annona______775 First National Bank____ t'04 Red River C23 $130 par 100 88-916 Russell Exchange Bank»tt’16 88-1740 »Anson______ 1425 Anson State Bank ....•t§’ll $150 par 100 ♦ 88-461 Jones E13 H Grimes J21 a Andrews. _315 E Andrews F8 ‘Angle ton. 1043 H Brazoria M22 , M Anton 500 Hockley C9 Appleby______ 363 H Nacogdoches G23 Aransas Pass.1569 S San Patricio P19 ‘Archer City 689 Peoples Exchange Bk. 60% par 100 88-2065 Archer C16 “ “ " __ •• -.j 17.500 S 1.290iS 140.950 $ .............. 25,000 25,000 185,000 J. S. Means______ R. M. Means_____ E. H. Minton_____ 10,000 4,250 63,720 Louis J. Wilson.__ E. L. Boston______ E. L. Lehmann........ Mrs. T. J. Bennett ■ A. R. Rucks 25,000 22,260 498,190 B. M. Jamison___ D. B. Jamison____ J. G. Jackson_____ J. B. Jackson____ —_ 25,000 38,040 561,630 R. C. Moore_____ Dow Rattan........... H. O. Giles J. C. Barger J. M. Stiles______ M. W. Guldens.__ 35,000 11,080 180,730 30,000 11,220 81,750 E. K. Russell___ 25,000 E. W. Harrell____ C.G. Rowell______ G. O. Harrell......... A.A.Dnnwoody. Jr. C. B. Brown R. M. Harrell 50,000 L. W. Clark........... Lowell Short Jewell Rhine_____ Thos. E. Baker.__ T. L. Blacksher___ W. H. Young L. J. Usher______ O. H. Johnson____ ! 29,150 24,870 ; 20,330 $ 9,270 $ 70.950 Cent. Han. Rk. & Tr. Co.. NT. V ■ 1st NT Hou.; U. S. N., Galveston. 64,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So.Tex. Com'IN., Ho. .; U. S. N„ Galv. 18,360 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Midland. 138,300 25,700 6,500 35,790 20.000 3,810 199,980 290,440 27,910 291,410 217,540 6,000 71,970 86,610 73,260 78,470 1,450 8,500 50,360 35,210 550,830 381,230 115,020 42,980 50,000 121,670 807.400 606,380 226.000 33.220 19.700 41,270 49,280 25,990 2,400 46,150 Ft.Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Citiz, N., Lubbock. 86,690 80,680 4,910 25,000 23,000 400,000 280,000 125,000 17,870 1st N„ Hou.; Com’l Guaranty State. Nacogdnches: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 150,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio; 2d N.. Hou.* 15,000 Alamo N., San Antonio; City N„ Corpus Christi. 1,320 1,576,030 10,000 50,000 325,000 15.000 364,460 24,630 1,225,920 400,000 130,190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. N., Wichita Falls; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. City N., Wichita Falls. _____ 300,000 100.000 Equit. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N., Wichita Falls. 600,000 40,000 3,000 153,340 1 1 J. M. Houston____ 50,000 2,180 172,870 Frank McKnight.. F. A. Capps______ Thos. Spruance, Ella V. Day.............. T. A. Lee V, P. and Cash. L. S. Sartain, • ^.......... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. B. Wyatt_____ It. W. Taylor ...... E. C. Engel____ _ 50,000 28,000 647,000 25,000 20,000 10,110 106,140 6,890 25.000 10,000 146,000 25,000 40,000 220,000 50,000 25,000 350,000 45,790 15,280 525,000 26,920 137,070 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 50,000 175,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N. Ft. Worth; N. Bk. of Com., Dallas. 52,370 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hou.; Citiz. N., Tyler; Dallas N.. Dallas. 28.800 Chase N„ N.Y.; N. Bk. of Com., San Antonio. 44,570 7,930 38,280 112,000 17,000 3,200 ■ T. F. Murchison... J. W. Murchison... A. S. Ford, V. P. and Cash. T. B. Wofford____ T. P. Faulk. A dive J. J. Faulk. Ch. V. 1. Stirman S. M. Cain, V. P. • 96,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. CoDallas. 130,180 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft.Worth; N. Bk. Com., Dallas 6,770 14.500 J. T. La Rue. Ch. 10.810 Am. N.. Paris. 5,270 W. L. Andrews.... C. R. Conner............ P. J. Hays........ W. A. Springer___ J. M. Miller. Jr.... R. L. Springer____ Roy Riddel B. Sigler____ J. C. La Rue______ 109,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co., N. Y,; 2nd N. and 1st N., Hou.; Citv N.. Galv. 19,840 Collin Co. N.. McKinney; Dallas N.. Dallas: Com’l N„ Sherman. 34,580 Red River N., Clarksville; 1st N., Dallas. 20,000 225,000 D. R. Couch.. 56,260 1st N„ Hon.: U. S. N„ Galv. 10,000 25,000 .. J. C. Havs C. L. Hays . ■>'l 3,120 $ 62,310 $ 67,390 J. R. Barry_______ W. C. Sparks_____ B. R. Smith .......... W. E. Tedford Arlin Yeager A. J. Beavers_____ T. H. Robb, Ad.__ TIES Principal Correspondents. . ' _ G. B. Kennard____ Dudley Brown____ Gary Thomas.. Atlanta 1469 Atlanta National Bank .d»J’Q5 L. F. Allday______ $235-15% par 100 88-519 Cass D24 _____ “ Farmers State Bank____t§’13 C. W. McClung___ *125-10% par 115 88-1554 * T. R. Richey______ *235-10% 88-518 par 100 Aubrey..............819 Aubrev State Bank........... 15’21 W. P. Ratchford.. *100 par 100 8 8- 92 4 Denton C19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ Resources, Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash ft Exand Diaoounts B«curiti«8 from Bajtkh Other .. . . Power Banking Co......... tt’05 F. M. Power______ Ruth Hutcheson... *250-200% 88-2075 Power State Bank____•J5’09 T. B. Wilson.......... C. E. Graham_____ Jno. P. Fleming... $200-12% par 200 88-919 Leona Shelton Arlington.__ 3031 First National Bank Tarrant E18 *1(>0 par 100 88-2018 d©»t’21 " _____ '* First State Bank........ d<!’15 $150-12% par 100 88-1708 Am ____ afiu Am State Bank. _ iltS'll $150-10% par 100 88-921 Smith F22 Asherton____ 13501 Asherton State Bank. d»tS‘H $125-15% 88-922 S Dimmit E23 par 100 ‘Aspermont . .436 FirstNational Bank____•i’Ol 88-923 Stonewall D13 20% ‘Athens_____ 31761 Athens National Bank d»4'02 Henderson F21 1 $190-10% par 100 88-386 * •* _____ ** First National Bank___ •t'90 $150-10% par 100 88-385 ;v.’ " *' Guaranty Bond State Bank 20% par 100 88-387 •t§’l(l Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DhposITS Cajpital Promts ___ First National Bank __d*t’02 J. J. Steele, J. H. Warren_____ K. H. Anderson ... J H Fry $365-25% par 100 88-460 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. nAnton State Bank_____§’29 88-2156 Appleby State Bank___ ti’19 $110-10% 88-1888 First National Bank... d*t’12 $200-8% par 100 88-1482 First State Bank ____ »t5’10 $75 par 100 88-918 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EXAS—Continued 100,000 210,000 32,500 10,000 220.000 65,000 10,000 50,000 524,830 125,160 53,540 686,950 13,010 353,470 298,930 3,400 48,780 1,089,090 7,500 50.000 104,680 T. J. Swint______ H. A. King______ H. F. O’Neal T. A. Howe............. R. E. Florence___ W. D. Manning___ M. J. Brooks R. P. Dunklin____ V. A. Clements.... 50,000 79,490 751,040 48,5501 394,380 200,380 15,000 25,000 9,050 130,280 1,500, 119,090 650 7.150 50,000 99,310 477,690 48,700; 265,930 175,010 15,910 J. R. Phillips_____ •T. F,. Rnnar _ T. L. Phillips 25,000 7,000 11,000 _ 62,000 350 14,650 40,000 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 130,000 2d N., Hou.: Dallas N„ Dallas. 584,330 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N and Dallas N„ Dallas. 198,840 Dallas N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Hou. 319,320 Com’l N„ Shreveport; City N , Dallas; State N. and Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 38,930 1st N„ Dallas; State N., Texarkana, Ark.; Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 218,850 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 65,000 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. S Travi* J17 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 20% par 100 18-18 Collections and Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. $1 149490 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Dallas. dBT«tl*12 820.540 7,941,380 324,020 4,474,090 2,152.220 386,160 2,373,470 Chase National Bank, New York . National City Bank, New York First National Bank, Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago First National Bank, St. Louis Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis South Texas Commercial Natioual Bk., Houston First National Bank, Dallas . TRY US fELDRED MCKINNON W. BREMOND.JR.— LEO KUHN. HERMAN BOHN < A State Bank op erating under St 1 Collections and Requests for Cre I FEE IN ADVA NCE; Plain sight d v Special attentlo n given Bill of La 50,000 (No Ban king Bus E. H. Hughes, Sec. H. W. ATKINS...... . R.E. CARRINGTON F. M. DU BOSE 200.000 31,630 1,871,030 10.000 113.490 309.320 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; 964,030 5,982,750 598.230 685,130 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Mtle.-Com Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 384,800 Eqnit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 1.011,100 679.560 ate Banking Law. dit Reports MIJS d by rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 50c. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 88-2117 dB®T*t§’27 ♦Texas Bank*Trust Oo. 300.000 SPECIAL COLLECTION RATES TO BANKS AND MERCHANTS. Vf Rk. A- Tr. do., Dallas. • : Security Trust Co. B©T*tl’20 F. W. Sternenbert T.J. Butler........... Clarence McCul lough $280-20% parlOO 88-22 D. O. Reed, V.P B. P. Cravens. Act. par 100 $ 300.000 $ 539,360 $5271650 $ 330,000 $3366050 $1751580 PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS AND ALL MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US. d®T«t’90 'REPUBLIC BANK & TRUST COMPANY 88-21 Banks • STRONGEST DIRECTORY OF ANY BANK HERE. Citizens Industrial Bank §’28 Harvey Harrell.— C. E. Barrett . 88-2140 $135-*% from MtHHIh IVii&umu" parlOO par 100 H. PFAEFFLIHE.R. L. WROE Principal Correspondents. & Ex- Cash chasgi8,Dt71 d©T*t’90 Austin National Bank 0-17 Resources. Liabilities. Loads Bond, Other Miscel D epos Paid-up Surplus And and and Liabili Diaeounta its Capital Profits Securities laneous ties Ch. of Bd. «■ “F,lTS 1370-16% Cashier. V icr-Prksidknt. R.C. R0BERDEA0-- L. J. SCHNEIDER- L. D. WILLIAMS H. A. WROE. THEO. LOW THE ^Austin____45,133 ASS’T CASHIER. oto No. 11 F.R.D.Efl ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. I President. TEXAS—Continued -4 C O Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A. ^NewfStatetPriv. | »County Seats. tMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. O O Iven Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number giv S. exclusively by 'tne The Rand-McNally i /ii c to) each bank in U. s. uana-mcniaiiy Banke cankers’ It-ID Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Sam Sparks------- A. C. Bull................. H. A. Turner. Albert Taylor 400,000 401,540 6,467,800 960,800 200,000 64,200 2,026,840 747,080 1,587,290 743,700 322,330 65,450 175.020 64.030 23,050 121,640 Tex Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Houston N.. Houston. J. S. Bache & Co.. New York. 59.520 1,850 6,010 87,470 Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Dallas: Citiz. N., Waxahacliu ; State N.. Corsa. 10.000 28.160 280,140 15,000 23,590 116,260 Ellis F19 Avery................1540 First National Bank___ t’12 Joe M. McCarver.. B. H. Williams.... W. G. Bryan_____ W. H. Murphy .... 40.000 2,790 158,650 20,000 122,550 21,500 11,190 64,190 Texarkana N., Texarkana; Red River N .. Clarksville. R. C. Henderson .. D. R. Coulter_____ R. Y. Salmon------- Robert Salmon........ R. Y. Salmon. Ch. A. V. Simpson il7S-in% Cass D23 (Liquidating) Bagwell_______ 420 First National Bank. Red River C22 Bailey________ 313 First National Bank... B*t'09 Hugh Leslie..------ L. B. Tefteller .... G. E. Carpenter. $140 88-929 Fannin C20 15,000 14,910 116,740 10.750 81,570 9,980 12,000 53,860 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas: 1st N. and Com'I N . Shreveport: Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 25,000 7,000 144,520 77,700 900 6,100 ♦University Bank..dB®lt’22 M.C. Parrish-------- Bruce O’Keefe.... M. C. Parrish. Jr. H. L. Sullivan____ 88-2069 E. McKinnon ... Austin Clearing Home. (Member* indicated by a*) J. S. BACHE & CO......... (Littlefield Bldg.) M. C. Parrish. Jr., Sec. and Mgr. Members Princip al Stock Exchang Avalon________310 First State hank..............*l’14 W. T. Woodruff- C. R. Feaster-------- J. A. Watson.......... J. E. Varnell_____ {Italy P.O.) Red River C23 $275-26% 10% 88-1539 88-1431 Avlnger______ 519 First State Bank__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 91.820 1st N.. Paris. 1416 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. *Countv Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. IIP. R. D. EE1 ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Callahan F14 President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. First National Bank ...•t'85 Tom Windham___ Ace Hickman_____ Robert Norrell.. *170-15% 88-491 Henry James, V. P. W. S. Hinds par 100 A. R. Kelton Liabilities. Resources. Lords ther Bonds Miscel- Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili and and ,Dui Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities LANEOUS changes from Barks ties $ 50.000 $ E. L. Finley_____ P. G. Hatchett___ T. E. Powell_____ H. W. Ross First State Bank___ Ji50-io% 88-492 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 39,780 $ 918,740 % 25,030 $ 572,150 1 130,500 S Principal correspondents. 14,690 $ 316,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Dallas; Far. & Merch. N.,Abilene; 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 50.000 10.850 277,330 3,050 208,580 2,030 32,190 98,410 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., F'. Worth: N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 40,000 20,020 305,920 45.000 194,710 62,350 49,620 104,260 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N„ Hou. 100.000 44,720 502,960 16.260 376.070 121,310 43,600 122,960 100,000 74,670 790,540 26,900 529,620 82,750 52,000 327,740 1. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex, Com’l N., Hou. C. W. Boyd.............. 20,000 9,390 3,550 40,770 lont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth. A. Meadows______ Ruth M. Smith___ 25,000 10,790 First State Bank______»t§’10 J. W. Short______ H. E. Rambie____ I. E. Adamietz____ Miss M. Dugos____ $165-7 to 12% 88-930 par 175 20.000 16,490 195.240 Bangs________ 709 First State Bank..........»t§’06 W. P. Eads, E. B. Sikes............... L. G. Porter........ . $175-14% 88-931 Brown G15 C'ft, ofBd. and Pres. 25.000 20,000 175,000 Bardweil_____358 First National Bank___»t’14 J. W. Tolleson.. N. W. Worthy____ D. W. Ramsay____ 40.000 16,830 267,280 t§’09 W. T. Woodruff... A. T. Watson.......... L. O. Heaton.......... 25,000 1,700 40.000 ‘Ballinger___ 2767 Ballinger State Bank.. «t8'05 E. D. Walker_____ C. P. Shepherd.__ S. Raker Runnels G13 tioo-5% par 100 ♦ 88-259 A. R. Murchison .. Farmers & Merchants State G. G. Odom.............. J. F. Currie ............. J. L. Chastain........ Bank.__ 88-260_____ *t§’09 Fred Kiechle. Act. $150-10% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -t 86 $185-12% 88-258 fJ. Y. PEARCE — D. M. BAKER_____ R. G. ERWIN............ HARRY LYNN ........ F. M. PEARCE 4.VbWS0" i/ Prompt “LARGEST BA NK IN BALLING ER.” attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Iten) S. Rep. N. Bk.' & tr. Co., Dallas. vSEND US YOU R BUSINESS. Balmorhea___263 Toyah Val 1 ey St at e Bank E Reeves H6 $125-10% par 100 88-1378 d»t§’ll A. W. Wigley____ S. Mayer.................... O, O. Boyd ‘Bandera..........423 First National Bank........t’20 F. M. Montague ... E. Buck S Bandera L15 $no par 100 88-1830 1.200 107,970 900 8,590 22,740 Alamo N., San Antonio. 189,540 5,130 1,880 36,370 I. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Stk. Yds.; N., Fort Worth. 153,000 60,000 st N., Dallas Citiz. N. and 1st N., Brownwood; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. par 100 Ellis E19 $100-10% par 100 88-932 Barry _..............319 First State Bank Navarro FI# ‘Barstow.......490 E Ward G7 $150-10% 88-871 Citizens State Bank... «t§’07 C. E. Nichols_____ L. II. Nutt________ O. P. Jenson $100 par 100 88- 934 Edward Miller,Ch, Kenneth Clark.... Bartlett_____ 1731 Bartlett National Bank_dt’04 T. B. Benson. __ J. W. Jackson____ W. E. Cox .............. P. M. Cox Bell 118 $140-10% 88-465 par 100 First National Bank___ tl900 $200-10% 88-464 par 100 ‘Bastrop_____ 1828 Citizens State Bank___•t§’09 H Bastrop K18 $225-10% 88-496 par 100 First National Bank., d‘t‘89 10% par 100 88-495 J. M. Allen Lora Modesette C. C. Bailey______ E. T. Jones_______ E. T. Jones_______ E. E. Lindemann .. W. W. Walton, Ch. R. B. Ramsey E. Lawhon, A. C. I. Jurecka 242,200 21,400 #7 non 48,000 13,700 8,830 201,080 131.690 82,110 4,730 100.000 42,780 339,290 69,100 365,540 73,600 12,000 100,020 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 72,560 373.720 147,250 27,390 120,190 ihase N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N.. Dallas. 157,140 30.000 21,200 156,360 113,250 13,550 147.460 lent. Han.Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.Y.; 2d N.. Hou.; Am. N., Austin; Mtle. Bk. & Tr, Co., £)alJas 128,490 !hase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Austin N., Austin. 401,000 95,000 20,000 198,000 ( luaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 20,000 13,820 66,690 Jhase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; Citiz, N., Waxahachie and Ennis. 52,000 lep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N.,Hou.: State N., Corsicana. 31,370 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 100,000 50,780 445,420 W. R. Janke Paul D. Page_____ J. L. Wilbarger— H. J. Kesselus____ C. W. Eskew_____ H. B. Combs 30.000 40.300 285.500 W. A. McCord, W. B. Ransome___ H. G. Griesenbeck E. F. Pearry Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50,000 48,400 300,080 65,000 18,000 550,000 50,000 10,850 432.820 16,620 213,720 176,440 59,350 60,780 •ent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.: 2d N..Hou.; U.S.N., Galv.; Dallas Bk.&Tr.Co., Dallas. 85,780 1,093,480 42,490 711,320 244,720 18,540 347,160 'Quit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union N. and 1st N., Hou.; U.S. N., Galv. ‘Bay City___ 3454 Bay City Bank & Tr. Co. Hy. Rugeley_____ P. R. Hamill______ P. R. Hamill______ H Matagorde M21 $100 par 100 88-292 •i§’07 J. Erwin Citizens State Bank. «t§’25 F. S. Robbins_____ S. .T. St,vies Geo. R. Burke____ A. L. Holloway___ $100 par 100 88-293 W. C. Lloyd S. S. Taylor First National Bank—d»J’01 V. L. Le Tulle........ George Herder.Sr. E. L. McDonald-__ F. A. Rates. ... $100-10% 88-291 J. C. Lewis James Castleton Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ 100,000 13,170 i A -i f, It-!/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A."New § State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estao. No. 11 F. R. D. EE1 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Beasley_______ 217 Beasley State Bank — -tS'07 C. H Fort Bend L21 $110-8% par 100 88-1750 »Beaumont .56,300 H Jefferson K25 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK $325-16% par 100 88-25 J. $217-10% par 100 BANKdB®i,r22 88-24 d(DT»*’M *TEXAS NATIONAL BANK 5,240 $ 179,550 $ 8,550 $ 148,000 $ 18,000 $ 16,020 3,529,640 604,510 1,563,930 570,690 250.000 209,670 3,235,590 272,550 400,000 705,930 10 537 390 150,000 5,211,650 1,107.570 W. El ray Howard. S. T. Weaver .. 125,000 29,220 1,186,760 H. W. GARDNER — C. E. WALDEN- - - - - - HERSCHEL NEEL—- MORRISS MILLSL. J. HEIMAN C. E. WALDEN, Ch. 250,000 182.880 3.526,930 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex* CHAsa«8,Dmi FROM BaHKB 13,180 34,160 State N., Hou.: U. S. N., Galv.; Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. 855,240 1,450,340 Chase N., N. ¥.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N., Hou.; Whitney N., N. O. J. T. SHELBY, Act... 6. H. PETKOVSEK— M. S. MURCHISON W. L. PONDROM, Act. Prompt personal attention given Bill ot Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 746,820 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y-; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Phil. N.,Phll.; 1st N., St. L.; Union N., Hou.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Orleans. P. B. DOTY —. . . . . . . L. PAIILTULL0S, Act. H. A. DODO................ KYLE WARD- - - - - - - - 6. W. FORD CHAS. B. DURDIN FLORENCE GRANGER FIRST AND OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANK. 249,860 5,224,250 N. City and Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Hou. UNEQUALED FACILITIES FOR MAKING COLLECTIONS. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BANKING MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US. Wm. S. Mason 748.250 283,500 56,770 255,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Hou. N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 292,790 2,588,350 931,190 86,310 646,750 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. 1,510 34,870 35 620 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Com. N. and City Sav. & Tr., Shreveport; lsi N., Longview. 2,700 V. P. O. S. Hunter of Bd. and V. P. 88-27 d®T«t'07 Beaumont Clearing House _ P. B. Doty— (Members indicated by a*) tifflfoil; Rep., Chi.; 2nd N., Hou.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., New Orleans. Ad. V. P. and Tr. Off. F. P. Boren, Mgr... BeckvUle____ Panola F24 Continental State Bank»t§’09 H. H. Wilkinson... Herman Jacobs — Herman Jacobs — Bedias________ Citizens Bank----------- tt’14 88-1672 88-936 86,360 SEND US TOUR BEAUMONT ITEMS DIRECT. S% par 100 Grimes 121 20.000 $ 606,590 5,567,120 $145-10% par 100 ♦ H $ W. H. Penkert. 250.000 ♦Security State Bank & Trust T. H. Nees..............O. B. Sawyer. Company- 88-28. _d©T»tST9 O. E. Fullen, Ad. J. E. Withers $250-50% Resources. Liabilities. Loana Bond* Miscel SUEPLUS Other Paid-up D epos and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Diaeounta Securities laneous ties »t'01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $300-12% par 100 Ass’t Cashier. C. H. STR0ECK-__P. P. BUTLER. Ad. A. E. WEAVER — A. S.DENMANS.W. PIPKIN L.R.CRABB E. STEDMAN CITY NATIONAL '■ 1 “ 88-28 Cashier. Vice-President. Borchert........ J. W. Weeks— A. Robinowitz Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued 30,000 1,580 135,410 94,990 15,000 450 17,010 14,330 25,000 8.95U 150,370 50,320 2,500 8,610 6,600 30,800 122,890 So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; 1st N., Navasota; U. S. N., Gal. . „ 4 159,640 N. City, N. Y.; Hou. N.,Hou.: City-Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co.. San Antonio: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. J.G. Wilkinson, Ch. B. Harrison--------- J. T. Simes______ J, T. Simes_______ W. R. Hall - First State Bank------- dt§'03 Mrs. R. E. L. Up W. W. Williamson R. A. Parten. church *BeevUIe..........3063 Beeville Bank & Trust Co. J. F. Burke---------- J. S. Hall________ L. Borroum.. 10% ♦ 88-279 Tt§’06 S Bee 018 $120-10% par 130 ♦ 88-937 14,360 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Union N. and So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Citiz. N., Navasota. O. J. Bocquet____ Mary E. Wofford 50,000 32,740 417,830 5,180 308,210 Helen Ransom____ Clarence Miller 100,000 144,260 607,690 48,050 542,890 61,220 61,140 234,750 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N„ Dallas; Frost N., San Antonio. FIRST NATIONAL BANK x „ G. A. Ray----------- J. E. Wilson--------- J. B. Barry_______ B. W. Adams.......... Miss O. Hynes $200-10% par 210 88-277 d»t’90 100,000 110,500 560,200 407,260 100,100 52,000 260,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; So. Tex. Com 1 N.. Hou.: Alamo N., San Antonio. R. J. cook— COMMERCIAL NAT. BANK $225-12% par 100 88-278 d®«t’93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John R. Scott-------- R. E. Miller. I. J. Miller , ., _ 1418 -------- under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ft“5SL£ank *2 excJusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 P. R. D. EE1 ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSan A, (l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Bellevue_____ 782 First National Bank___ t’07 A. W. Melton_____ W. T. McNeillClay C17 20% 88-988 L. S. Spivey Cashier. L. B. Moore Bells__________585 First National Bank....... i’01 C. R. Badgett____ G. D. F. Whiting.. Joe. Hughes .. Grayson C20 $180—10% par 100 88-939 Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Depos Other AND Liabili Capital Profits its ties N. T. Gainea_____ I 30.000 $ P. H. Wilson__ tBellvllle___ 1217 Austin County State Bk. H Austin E20 $140-10% par 100 88-369 d»tl’09 Max Bader_______ C. F. Tesch_______ E. T. Yogelpohl... Herbert Vogelpohl L. M. Trenckinann First National Bank.dB®*'91 H. F. Granau.......... A. E. Mewis_____ H. O. Fischer____ 88-368 L. F. Weige, Active »Belton____ 5098 Belton National Bk._ d®»t’54 W. W. James......... A. D. Potts______ Ghent Carpenter.. C. F. Proctor____ Bell 118 $260-20% 88-227 G. W. Tyler $i60-io% par 100 Peoples National Bank__t'07 Thomas Yarrell.__ J. H. Bloomer___ Slade Yarrell____ Henry Carden .. $120-0% 88-228 Benavides____819 Merchants Exchange Bank F. Vaello Puig____ S Duval Q16 $166 par 200 88-18 46 ®»tt’09 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew§StatetPriv. F. Vaello. Jr.......... J. M, Cadena_____ Ben Franklin..519 First State Bank______ tf’ll W. I. Weldon___ A. E. Sweeney....... J. M. Minnis____ Delta C21 $116-12% 88-941 H. W. Miller ‘Benjamin____ 413 First State Bk. & Tr. Co.»t§’29 G. H. Beavers_____ C. H. Burnett..___ A. C. McGlothlin.. Lu Ella Hudson ... Knox C13 $125-20% par 125 88-942 (Formerly First National Bk.) Ben Wheeler ..362 First State Bank...............|’ll S. O. Cooper____ H. H. Gamble_____ C. L. Youngblood __ C. B. Gulledge___ Van Z&ndt E21 $125-10% par 100 88-944 Berclair......... 861 Berclair State Bank....... t|'13 C. B. Lucas______ R. P. Lucas______ R. L. Webb____ H. M. Guthrie____ S GoliadN18 $100-8% 88-1530 D. R. McDuff Bertram_____ 516 Farmers State Bank—•tl’18 G. G. White____ Jno. H. Griffith, Reed Davidson ___ Mrs. B. Newton .. Burnet 117 par 100 88-1814 J. H. Griffith, Ch. Ch. of Bd. and V. P. 6,000 $ 137,000 Resources Loam Bondi Miscel and and Disooun ta Securities laneous $ 94,000 $ 30.000 35,000 $ 25.000 26.260 133.230 J 21.630 87.710 100,000 11,030 776.610 68,900 376,260 50.000 18,000 547,000 73,000 50.000 23,410 710,130 50.000 16,080 283.370 FIRST STATE BANK—*$T27 H.H. Wilkinson.. G. O. Ferrell__ 88-946 $125-10% par 100 J.G. Wilkinson, Ch. J. G. Howell__ J. W. Beavers »Blg Spring...4273 First National Bank.. d»i’90 L. 8. McDowell.... R. C. Sanderson.. R. L. Price______ H. H. Hart... Howard F10 par 100 88-235 R. L. Price E. O. Price State National Bank—d«$’i W. B. Currie. T. S. Currie. Active Ben Carpenter..— Edith Hatchett ... $240-25% 88-237 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. C. Walker Lee Porter. A. C. Robert Currie B. REAGAN. WEST TEXAS NAT’LBK. $250-20% par 100 88- 236 d»t'02 { Ch.of Bd.andPres. R. T. PIKER- - - - - - - - R. V. MIDDLETON .. E. ••• nw I taVI MIL.---R. G. ELLIOTT, Aud. B. T. CARDWELL 76.560 Chase N.. N. Y ; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Com’l 255,070 153,850 171.350 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Union N. and 1st N., Hou. 303,600 243,000 66.400 24,200 362,060 127,100 28,900 48.700 100,310 194,300 13,000 90,520 Guaranty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou • 1st N„ Dallas. 20.000 49,500 7.510 (Individ ual Reap onsibility S100.000) 48,310 9,960 6,270 12,460 Alice .State Bk. & Tr.. Alice: Corpus Christi N.. Corpus Christi; Alamo N„ _ San Antonio. N. and Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 15.000 16.000 50.000 25,000 6,250 504,570 20.000 5,000 100,000 20.000 9S0 49.810 30.000 7,210 206,580 25.000 12.000 60.000 41,510 1.760 10,000 203,530 201,730 75.000 5,000 28.500 120,170 100,000 7,050 52,000 50.000 138,130 1,079,230 49,250 905,150 50.000 142,310 1,267,160 48,850 289,670 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. 50,000 110,860 1,581,810 46,580 47,330 5.000 N. City, St. L.; 1st N.. Paris. 124,730 1st N.. Ft. Worth.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co. Austin. 45,000 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Cs. and No. Tex N Dallas. 9.710 34.330 Union N.t Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co.. Victoria. 10,400 11,700 101,520 N. Bk. Com.. Hou.; Austin N., Austin; City N„ Taylor and Galv. 23,690 35,800 Epuit.Tr. Co., N.Y.; Am. N. and Austin N„ Austin; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 10o,850 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.- Ft Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 32,000 60,050 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co. Dallas. 110,000 45,490 255,960 Equit. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Cont. N.. 840,220 324,900 24,430 669,050 53,000 Ft. Worth. 20.000 13,910 92,040 K. R. Hood______ Bryan Halreli.......... 25,000 12,000 First State Bank.... dtl’12 Pierce Harlan ___ Wm. A. Harlan .... Wm. A. Harlan.__ Leon Hagan ............ ♦ 88-1447 25,000 6,000 Bishop______ 1325 First National Bank__*t’12 L. A. Kerr_______ W. E. Whitten S Nneces Q18 $145 88-2071 K. R. Hood Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Corn'I N„ Hou. Oom’l N., Hou, L. E. Oliver______ 1200 62,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y. 318,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Stk. Yds. N-. Chi.; Ft. VV N., Ft. Worth: Mtle. Bk. & Tr., Dal. 66,370 1,000,830 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas. B BIG SPRINGS ITEMS DIRECT, on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Items and re in 11 ted for on d ay of pa yment. SEND DS YOU Blgwelli_____ 715 First State Bank.............*§'14 Prompt attend B. H. Hoisomback.. A. Blalack.. S Dimmit N14 $135 par 100 88-1687 par 100 $ Principal Correspondents. 6,850 D. C. Reed & Co.............•Jt'SS D. C. Reed______ T. J. Taylor_____ C. N. Moses_____ (Individ ual Reap ontibility $2,000.00 0).. 88-945 Big Lake______625 First State Bank_____ *t|’18 O. C. Sanders. C. G. Cromwell___ T. Emerson______ Fulton Emerson .. 30.000 39,460 332,400 Reagan H10 3,000 239,530 $225-20% 88-1555 Ch. of Bd. and Pres Hurman Schneeman D. S. Hitt, Jr. par 225 Big Sandy___ 658 Upshnr £22 Cash ft Ex OMARIM'Din non Baku 2,000 85,900 150 2,040 198.600 91.060 21,590 22.050 100,900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N. Hou.; City N., Corpus Christi. 235,000 135,000 40,000 91,000 Alamo N.. San Antonio; Corpus Christi N. Corpus Christi. 39,860 Alamo N. and Frost N., San Antonio. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1/iq to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ l^tiy Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. »New §SUte tPrif. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab No. 11 F.R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust, B-Bond PasoH Hous. SSan. A. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. Blackwell_____ 417 First National Bank___*t'07 L. T. Youngblood.. J. T. Harmon_____ J. T. Harmon.. Nol&n F12 1176-20 % 88-947 Liabilities. Resources. ordi Bondi Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other 1 Land Miscel- Oam ft Exand and L iabili Capital Peofits DUoounti Siouritios LANJGOUh vrom Banks TIES 25.000 $ 30.530 $ 163.360 25,000 42.300 170,150 $ 25.000 11,650 C. E. Harter______ Vogt Powell______ 25,000 Bloomburg___436 Bloomburg State Bank d*J|’16 V. D. Glass_______ J. W. Glass______ E. D. Simmons ___ Oass D24 A. L. Knowles, Act. *125-8% 88-951 $ $ 138,930 $ 2.100 $ 6,580 $ par 100 Bianeo_______ 719 Blanco National Bank..»t’06 G. W. Wall_______ P.T. Brigham........ Chas. E. Crist____ .Toe Rnckner S Blanco K18 H50-10* 88-948 Principal Correspondents. 71.280 1st N., Sweetwater: 1st N. and Tex. N., Ft. Worth: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 41,780 194.800 27,150 21,320 35.960 Chase N., N. Y.: Alamo N„ San Antonio: Am. N., Austin. 67,130 190 72,460 750 5,750 25,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Brownwood. 4,140 92.130 11.240 97.730 1,990 8,230 24,560 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 2d N., Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co.. Victoria: 1st N. and Bay City Bk. & Tr. Co., Bay City.' 25,000 7,670 178,760 3,650 152,600 400 11,560 50,000 20.140 356.280 25.000 264.470 27.050 11.420 148.470 N. Tex. N„ Dallas; Corsicana N„ Corsicana; Citiz. N.. Hillsboro. 20,000 1,650 35,980 42,980 4,590 14,690 Victoria N., Victoria: So. Tex. Com. N., Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 30,000 5,040 130,420 91,870 3.280 27,890 42,420 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Am. N. and 1st N„ Paris. 25.000 6,440 117.510 37.860 5,380 7,210 103.140 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N. and Cent. State. McKinney. 17,500 2,500 105,000 15,000 60,000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth: Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv. 35.000 28,330 323,770 7,400 186,780 106.080 6,600 95,050 Chase N„ N. Y.: Alamo N„ and Frost N„ San Antonio: Union N„ Hou. 25,000 5,240 193,980 19,100 160,710 40,500 6,270 35,830 Equit. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Hon.: Alamo N., San Antonio. Bogata _1225 First National Bank____t'14 W. H. Grayson........ E. G. Hutchings... J. M, Pike_______ (loo 88-1665 Red River 022 50,000 3,670 101,550 51,280 89.910 68,270 30.840 17.470 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Bomarton „ .617 First State Bank___ $100-5% * 88-956 Baylor 014 32,000 4,450 125,560 830 99.620 16,550 28,970 29,170 IstN.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls, Tex. Dick Saunders____ Roy U«gfi. A. C. Sim Smith 200,000 58,550 980,390 561,510 417,210 95,010 165,200 Chase N., N.Y.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N.. Dallas. Neil Williams_____ J. F. Wright A.B. Kennedy, V.P. C. B. Hodge 150,000 18,910 833,650 598,990 324,190 169,510 167,170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas. 17,500 9,120 242,710 120.590 22,600 8,280 117,860 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov. N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo; 1st N., Dallas. Booth_______ 319 Bank of Booth, Uninc.. »tt'08 P. I. Booth_______ H Fort Bend L22 15% 88-959 10,000 2,160 55,920 26,080 5,250 380 36,370 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. and Rich. Borger..........15,000 First National Bank.. d»J’26 .T. W. Mingns ..... Reuben R. E. Cook W. E. Barron_____ Hutchinson K 4 *100 par 100 88-2115 W. W. Barron, Ch. C. F. Spencer 50.000 2,350 421,910 210,250 53,320 34,910 par 100 Blanket___472 Brown G15 Blanket State Bank........ JITS W. J. Richmond__ Luke Reeves.......... 8. B. L&ey . . *112-15% par 100 89-1597 Blessing_____ 265 Blessing State Bank__ • J|’07 A. B. Pierce H Matagorda N21 $125 par 100 88-950 Elbert D. Bailey... par 100 Blooming Grove Citizens National Bank. «t’03 R. L. Harris . ___ S. A. Roberts_____ Navarro F19 898 *180-10* 88-753 Bloomington 600 First State Rank 88-1550 H Victoria N19 *110-8* T. M. George, Jr... C. D. George Jf'13 Chas. C. Zirjacks.. S. M. Crum.............. R. D. Hasbrook.... Blossom _ 969 Blossom National Bank...'27 par 100 88-763 Lamar C22 G. B. Lowrance .. D. C. Chambers.... Wilson Norris____ J. A. Womack Blue Ridge 429 Security State Bank..._tl’ 15 J. A. Barnett_____ A. H. Eubanks ___ Jesse Harben____ *100 par 100 89-952 Collin C20 Blum _____ Hill Fit 496 Farmers 8tate Bank....J| 09 W. H. Taylor_____ T. C. Mattox.......... E. A. Taylor. *100-10% 88-816 Beatrice Wheat... 4.650 50,000 par 100 •Boerne ______ 1153 Boerne 8tate Bank _ d»t!’06 R. Spencer______ W. C. Ammann.... W. E. Janensch... E. L. Harz *175-12% par 175 89-954 S Kendall L16 .. .. Oltizens State Bank.. d»+|'20 Bodo Holekamp... H. O. Adler______ H. G. Adam . $145-8% par 100 88-1954 Paul Holekamp, Ch, Max Beseler C. M. Holekamp.... -dtl'07 E. W. McGlothlin. J. W. Ross, Act___ J. W. Ross________ J. T. McKenzie 50,510 State N„ Texarkana. Ark.: Dallas; Com’l N., Shreveport. 1st N.. par 100 •Bod ham.. 6008 First National Bk._dB®T*t'8S $ioo-e% 88-210 Fannin C20 par 100 ,4 __ _ __ ** State Bank & Trust Co. *130-10% 88-211 dB©T»t§’09 par 100 (Consolidation of Fannin A. B. Scarborough, Zac. Smith... Ch, of Bd. and Pres, J, M. Wells Chas. Halsell T. B. Williams___ 1. W. Evans, Achtte M. C. Spivy. Ch. L. K. Hargrove, County State Bank and State National Bank) Active 255,300 R. L. Nnnnelee Booker...... ......... 82b First State Bank_____«t5’24 J. W. Bell............. E. H. Wheat______ A. S. Bnrran. Lipscomb A6 *114-10% 88-1883 par 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 175,790 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo. 1 4.9 n Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1“tto each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 9 UUUCI |)llv (lUliUUlli/ 1 Town and County. *County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso HHous.S.SanA. oMem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass’T Cashier. Liabilities. ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits i iHid A. J. Turner--------- H. S. Walker_____ $ Bowie_______ B179 CITY NATIONAL BANK®*t’»2 C. C. Hutchison... F. E. Moore M. F. Allen Montague C17 par 100 88-330 .. .. First National Bank____»t’90 T. R. Coffleld ___ S. W. Heard............ David Warren —. G. L. Cady-----------S. W. Heard, Ch. $250-20% par 100 88-329 M * •• Security National Bank*t’20 $150 88-331 J. T. Lawson_____ I. L. Chandler____ R. C. Thomas-------P. E. Boedeker Boyce State Bank---------till W J- Patten $100-10% par 100 88-1372 ___-.128 Ellis E19 20,620 $ 160,540 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 50,000 60,000 300,000 47,500 285,000 63,380 30,000 70,000 N. City. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 50,000 50,300 412,130 19,500 373,720 57,700 23,000 77,500 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 10.000 6,670 65,420 25,000 9,500 85,000 50,000 79,140 2,710 60,200 25,000 499,460 339,880 80,000 21,460 17.500 100,000 75,000 100,000 55,000 300,000 300,000 100.000 W. D. Crothers... S. S. Graham----- 130,000 101,130 791,900 805,390 91,900 Harl Fowler_ _ _ _ Farmers & Merchants State A. B. Carrithers... Bk. ♦ 88-2086_ _ d»t§’24 S. W. Hughes, Ch. B. F. Gray, Act. $125-10% par 100 Farmers State Bank_ _ _ _ _ _ (Merged, with First State Bank, Hillsbo ro. Texas, December 13. 1929) 50,000 12,500 275,500 _ Henry James_____ 25,500 _____ 88-1421 Taylor F13 »Brady„„_ _ 2197 Brady National Bank—_«’05 F. M. Richards._ J. E. Bell________ Clarence Snider... 88-349 E. L. Ogden. Ad. McCulloch H14 .. Commercial National Bank G. R. White........ . Lewis Brook_ _ _ $175-12% par 100 88-348 d»t’07 W. D. Crothers — Hill F19 Mllus Robinson ... Brashear_ _ _ _ 319 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. C. M. Patton........ 10% 88-964 *t|ll J. D. Lindley Hopkins D21 First State Bank_ _ _ »t|’09 J. C. McNeill........ J. F. Harris_ _ _ _ J. S. Montgomery. H. P. Ogburn...... . H Brazoria M22 $220-40% par 100 88-965 Brazos_ _ _ _ _ _ 317 Brazos State Bank----- i§’20 R. A. Wheeler_ _ _ O. G. Wharton _ _ S. C. Wheeler........ Zadie Overton...... Palo Pinto E16 $115-7% par 100 88-1557 »Breckenrldgel846 Stephens E15 FIRST NATIONAL $180-10% par 100 •• 56,300 $ 543,670 $ niuu DHIll\ d,j,04 88-966 M E DANIEL W'. H. GREEN, Ch. J. E. THOMPSON— C. E. MARTIN_ _ _ _ 0. A. GILLMORE —Q. E. MARTIN j. B. ROBERT 60,000 4,710 123,390 20.000 32,060 463,000 20,000 4,000 65.000 57,180 114,110 2,078,090 72,050 1,584,190 200.000 199,120 47,870 221,150 194.000 187,260 Chase N., N. Y.; Frost N.. 8an Antonio. 50.000 Par. ft Merch. N., Abilene; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 137,870 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 70,500 Dallas N., Dallas.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 89,850 1st N., Dallas: Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; City N„ Sulphur Springs. 93,110 Chase N.,N.Y,;U.S.N.,Galv.; 1st N.. Hod. 7,130 20,720 1st N., Weatherford and Ft, Worth. 347,090 338,970 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 24.920 94,720 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. Largest Bank in West Texas. Excellent facilities for handling your business. •« 20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. N. and Texas N„ Ft. Worth. 2,560 7,410 50,840 20,000 19,190 1st N., Dallas. 55,000 Chase N..N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: Am. N.. Austin. 77,500 190,000 890 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 49,250 $ 24,450 $ 444,010 S 50,000 $ 25,000 *BrackettvllIe 1630 First State Bank______»t|'06 N. P. Petersen.... John H. Stadler... H. V, Atkinson— D. R. Stallknecht.$250-20% par 100 88-962 S Kinney M12 . . Resources. Loans Bonds Cash 4ExMiscel chaxgis and ,Dt;x and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks 75,000 R. E. Pettv Boyd........ ..........410 Continental State Bank—1|’09 W. M. Koonce____ $155-10% 88-961 Wise D17 _ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued 75.000 18,990 456,180 430,540 Brcmond......1025 First State Bank---------*t5’05 C. W. Brown.......... T. A. Averyt.......... S. M. Peters--------- E. D. Brazier_____ R. W. Brown.A. C. H. C. Walker 10% par 100 ♦88-967 Robertson H20 50,000 35,730 466,480 339,100 38,560 16,700 157,850 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; IstN.. Hou.; 1st N., Waco; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. E. W. Reichardt — O. E. Baumgart.... G. A. Kunkel_____ W. J. Sloan Wm, Seidel 100,000 33,160 697,490 100,000 536,120 155,400 77,000 162,120 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; State N„ Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. 203,790 1,376,140 158,830 762,660 502,650 173,280 450.160 N. City, N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N„ Dallas; Mtle.- Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 848,290 270,690 20,870 Wm. Pardue, Jr... 10% par 100 88-2062 iBrenham __ 5066 Farmers National Bank H WashingtonK20 $200-12% 88-1719 dlM’16 M „ FIRST NATIONAL $235-12% par 100 .. •• || RANK WHIIIV dy.j>83 88-216 Giddings & Giddings 88-215 d@»tt’66 Washington County 8tate Bk. 88-217 •tl’05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. A. LOW- H. F. K0LWES, Ad.. ALMOT SCHLENKER- H. 6. BROESCHE— A. F. MENKE 4b YtAKs Yuunu, ununinu hll ma umt. Send US Your Brenham Business for Service. 150,000 B. Bassett J.S. Giddings, Adive H. A. Kelling....... O. H. Winkelmann G. W. Bosse 50.000 29,370 694,770 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; Hutchings Sealv & Co.. Galv. 134,280 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y., Union N„ 1 Hou, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given l/io-i It-41 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TEXAS—Continued Town and County. ►Mem. A. B. A. rtNew §State fPriv. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Eitab. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ►Fed. Res.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond PasoH Hous.SSanA. l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Cash & Ea Loans ther Miscel ch Depos LOiabili Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up S_urplus arom,Dm and and AND its Capital Discounts Securities laneous from BahKB Bridgeport_____ 1872 3ridgeport National Bank___ (.Purchased by First National Bank) ( Wise D17 m first National Bank---------- *t’07 Frank Turner____ C. N. Workman — D. A. Campbell___ W. E. Hines............. $ 35,000 $ 300-20% par 100 88-412 Britton___________ 370 aritton State’ll W. W. Seeton____ O. O. Davenport— D. T. Bobbitt........... Horace Kiprey------J. W. Bobbitt 180-10% par 170 88-969 Ellii E18 {Bank in Tarrant Co.) Sabine H23 Coke G13 2.500 120,000 70.000 207,470 151,710 1,350 Mande McNeill.___ 30,000 5,300 84.000 96,000 ii si bldltj oduk 88-1759 jR. B. GREASER (oldest 88-65 d©T»t’03 ... bank 93,860 ’ex. N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., 7,800 15,500 I. Bk. Com., Hoo.; Am. N.. Beaumont; 54,480 Union N. and 1st N., Hon.; 1st N., Dallas. Dallas. Jasper State. Jasper. 84,710 67,810 20,230 25.900 26,880 555,020 16,080 399,850 i3,000 32.730 187,400 50,000 20,000 450,000 105,000 180,000 26,700 208.300 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. .— 25.009 2.500 100,000 36,000 A. W. BUCHEK................ G.C. WAGNER. V. P. and Cash. C. E. BAZE W. B. SELLERS, Act. C. D. CONWAY, And. IN LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLE Y. 200.000 127,240 2,184,210 326,090 1,557,800 322.270 149,760 250,000 311,470 3,183,790 232,250 1,866,020 1,135,100 60,910 18,730 st N., Lubbock; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Com. Tr., Kan. C. Dallas; Liberty N„ Okla. C. 60,000 1st N., Dallas. 807.700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2nd N.. Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. - 915,480 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Hou. and St. L. Prompt and efficient service assured on all business entrusted to us. tioGrande ValieyTrust Co. W. B. Sellers_____ D. F. Callahan .... G. P. Street, V. P, and Cash, 88-2143 §’29 STATE NATIONAL CJ. G. FERNANDEZ. BANK 88-68 d®T«t’14 " 10,150 6,110 B. LONGORIA, JR. JOHN GREGG............. — M.FERNANDEZ................ E. J. TUCKER, P, M. LAMBERTON V. P. and Cash. 0. G. SCHENDEL A. 0. CHAMPION J Ch. ofBd. & Pres. _ 40,000 1st N.. Sou. 171,880 L. N. Fulgham______ J. S. Cauthron FIRST NATIONAL 0% M Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 36,500 I. T. Fulgham DAkl K 160-5% jar 100 DHPIrV d©T»i'91 IN BROWNSVILLE 88-64 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK u 16,790 23,740 .Take Hall. A* 4,770 25,000 J. H. Jones...................... _ 65,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. Cont N., Ft. Worth. 24,600 L. L. Bradshaw_____ $ $ 65,090 25.000 First National Bank ..d»t’19 125-15% par 100 88-1870 »Brownsville 12,512 S Cameron R5 1,570 25.000 *Brownfleld___2030 3rownfleld State Bk._ .•t|'07 W. H. Dallas_________ A. A. Copeland, Act Morgan L.Copeland Leo Holmes__________ J. S. Powell, Hon. N. B. Hilyard, A. C. Leia Duke 275-20% par 100 ♦ 88-974 Terrv D9 Brownsboro ...416 Henderson F21 59,680 $ _ . W. W. Meadow — C. N. Williams.... E. B. Jacks..................... Copies State Bank.__ »tr26 J. H. Jordan 88-1828 first National Bk. in Bronte L. T. Youngblood.. J. B. McCutchen— 160-10% par 160 88-2034 »t’25 Brookshire ...1050 [farmers State Bank.. dtt'15 W. D. Mills H Waller K21 150-I0%par 100 88-973 « 10,400 15,000 75,000 1,000 Brookeland _____813 Brookeland State'10 % par 120 88-972 Sabine H25 »• $ 250,000 $ 45.000 % 320.000 Principal Correspondents. A. ASHHEIM, Act,... A. H. FERNANDEZ... C. M. WATSON------ 20,920 1st N., Brownsville. 200,000 10,000 19,000 188.900 250,000 80,370 1,836,480 174,560 1,235,280 161,450 188,000 756,680 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N.. Dallas. 652,040 3,750 6,000 137,030 Cent.Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; Gty. State, San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 10,000 84,000 1st N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 242,450 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou.; Cont. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 287,400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas; Hutchings Sealy Co., Galveston. j Cash and time items, collections , hill of lading d rafts and all ban king (.matters given p ersonal attention . SEND YOURB USINESS DIREC T. 150-10% par 100 rexas Bk.& Tr.Co. oar 100 ♦ 88-69 ‘4 _ ■ 1 d®T*+§'25 E. Champion_____ M. H. West.............. John G. Champion. Daniel Yturria.... GOGGIN NAT’L BK. 220-10% 100 88-157 d®«t’10 fJNO. T. YANTIS ■IBST88-155 NAT'L BANK \ ®«t'92 par ... “ _____ » Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35,330 649,710 13,770 50,000 10,000 231,000 100,000 158,630 856,770 241,050 759,230 217,400 137,360 100.000 92,100 1,009,940 169,600 932,550 119,800 31,890 100.000 333,080 1,778,910 99,500 1,347,600 494.700 100.000 Daniel Yturria, Sec. 88-66 8675 Brownwood State Bank O. C. Walker_____ O. N. Mayo_______ O. L. Plyler. __ E. E. Me Clakky ... Odis Petsick Brown G15 130-8% 88-169 ®t§’21 oar 110 .. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK F S. ABNEY______ CHESTER HARRISON, CLYDE MCINTOSH — RUTH GILMORE-----242-16% 88-158 d®T*t’06 H.M. HUGHES Act. oar 100 HARRY KNOX F R OH 11AM GEORGE KIDD.......... WILL TALBOT............ C. L. MCCARTNEY— .. *Brownwood — 100,000 J. A. WALKER--------- MILLARD R0MINES-- DEAN RIPPETOE — NORMAN A. LOCKS W. 0. KEMP j LARGEST INV ESTED CAPITAL AND OLDEST B ANK IN BROWN COUNT Y. Prom pt service; quick returns. (.Send us your co llections. 197,000 | 369,190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N . St. L.; So. Tex Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 eacb bank in H. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 499 Town and County. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. EE1 PasoHHous. SSan A. ‘Mem.A.B.A. nNew §StateThriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President. — Cashier. *Bryan. _ _ 6307 City National Bank ...d»t'89 E. H. Astin_______ E. W. Crenshaw... H Brazos 120 1200-10% par 100 88-231 Jno. M. Lawrence FIRST NATIONAL — BANK $250 par 100 “ ___ _ 88-230 dT»t’73 FIRST STATE BK. " &TRUST COMPANY ♦ 88-232 «ti'09 Bryson................ 263 First State Bank.__ -Ttl’07 Jack D16 $285-20% par too 88-976 " Ass’T Cashier. R. H.SF4IF- If. S HIGGS_______ C F IflNFS PAT NEWTON .. . J.N.DUIANEY 0. W. KELLEY Banks, Corporations , Wholesale Houses, Manufacturers, Jobbers and Individuals will find our Service Prompt and Satisfactory. H. C. Shanafelt ... E. Hughes________ T T Stuart G. L. Jones ____ G. T. Graves E.Kniba ... . R. E. Burroughs... J. A. Springfield Mrs. J. R.McCarroli ___ tS’15 J. I. Mixson_____ Hardy Richardson D. E. Gunter L. V. Withers Burkburnett .5300 Farmers State Bank...«tl’13 A. A. Knehn______ W. R. Hill, Active W. D. Utts_______ E. C. Schwegler.__ Wichita B16 10% 88-1493 G. D. Rigsby «• G.R. KINCAID. Active A. R. HILL__________ F. T. FELTY________ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1. E. HARWELL M. W.McNATT J. A. STALEY. V. P. Investment correspondence Invited. d©«$’07 Prompt attention given items entrusted to us. Largest bank in the city. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10% par 100 88-778 BurkevlIIe____ 520 Burkeville State Bank $120 par 100 88-1796 Newton H26 Burleson Johnson Resources. Bonds Mibcel- Cam ft XxDiscounts Securities LANEOUB mom Makmm $ 753,900 $ 347,200 1.134.940 . -------- S 167,500 100,000 695,410 ay* vnj » xa • ii* 1st 11 # • 1st N., Dallas. 242.030 l 137,290 100,000 132.800 1.628.980 19.750 1.070,460 q 1 • l. t, 437,560 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 129,000 34.800 647.270 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. . 10.000 13,770 148,570 90,880 13,750 11,740 55,960 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 25.000 6.990 195,780 114,650 1.890 14,390 96,820 ChaseN., N.Y.; Mtle.Bk.&TT.Co..Dallas: Union N , Hou.; Cameron State, Cameron. 17,500 2,410 69,050 23,040 21.500 9.280 30,040 Austin N., Austin; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Dallas. 20.000 14,950 94,860 74,300 1,770 5.050 48,680 Hou. N.. Hou.: Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 10.000 1.250 86,750 46,310 20,000 1,690 73,130 75,000 39,490 642.460 100,000 38.950 764.000 10.000 4,600 42,490 950 41.250 Citiz. N., Tyler: 1st N.. Jacksonville; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 27,490 N. Bk. Com., Hou. 40,840 14,780 12,660 477,460 23.850 87,710 167,910 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Wichita Falls; 1st N.. Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. _t§’18 J. P. McMahon.Jr. A. A. McMahon.__ S. A. Dickerson___ Med a Low________ G. E. Bransom .... C.T.Seets________ 125,000 522.540 184.180 71.060 225,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Secur. N. and City N., Wichita Falls; Cont. N.f Ft. Worth. E 31,710 17.500 14,330 4,840 112 110 ‘Burnet______ 966 Burnet 116 Barnet National Bank __»t’03 A, Howell------------- Sam H. Munn-------- J. H. Chamberlain W. L. Chamberlain 12% par 100 88-737 L. G. Gh&mberiain 30,000 10,230 113,460 First State Bank............. •tl’08 H. B. Duncan.. 88-738 .. H. F. Yoe_________ W. C. Galloway... Chas. Schnabel.... 20,000 14,210 126.350 Burton State Bank_____ JJ'06 Thomas Watson__ Wm. Dallmeyer... G. W. Weeren____ J. F. Holchak........ $200-10% 88-983 Ed. Schatz First National Bank ...d»t'07 R. L. Ligon___ — T. H. Harrison____ Leo J. Curtis_____ Olan Ridings _ 20% par 100 88-984 W. S. Cummings 20,000 16.160 112.210 25.700 81,080 42,520 10.830 25.000 22,000 250,000 35,000 220,000 25,000 25.000 Bynum_______ 158 First National Bank.........J’04 L. C. McCommas .. J.M. White.............. R. D. White______ E. L. McCommas.. $150-20% par 100 88-985 G. L. White. Ch. 25,000 25.350 218,440 10,550 80,470 92,750 2,540 . 30,000 11,040 1st N., Hou. Tex. N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas. 1 iWU 30,000 F19 Digitized forHill FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis u 1 auu 2nd N., Hou.. 1st N.. Dal. • Burlington ___ 413 Burlington State Bank-.tS’07 T.F. Hardy______ T. J. O’Neill______ J. P. O’Neill______ R. S. Laird.. par 100 88-982 Milam 119 Burton________ 425 H Washington K20 Byers ___ ___ 621 Clay B16 ■ J.6. HARDIN, 241 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. R. N. Warren......... C. C. Taylor. $145-12% 88-1637 till G. W. Bransom E18 par 100 Principal Correspondents. Loans . Bullard_______ 413 Security State Bank___ +§’07 H. J. McCarroll — Lewis R. McCarroll Smith F22 $125 88 - 2045 M 1 $ 150,000 « 157 090 $1 OSn fisn f H. 0. BOATWRIGHT L. L. MclNNIS......... - TRAVIS R. BRYAN... R. S. WEBB. Jr........... 610 CitizensState Bank____ t§’25 O. Wiley.............. $125-15% par 100 88 896 Buna__________ 519 Buna State Bank H Jasper J25 $100 par 100 88-1709 1 J. H. Beard Buda. ____ . 490 Farmers State Bank__..d|'28 M. C. Parrish, S Hays K17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par too 88-2133 H21 Liabilities. Paxd-uf SUKFL.US DKFoa- ^Other Capital Profits rm TIES )OLDEST BANK BETWEEN DAL LAS AND HOUS TON. ESTD. 18 73. (.SEND US YOU B ITEMS DIBEC T FOB PBOMPT ATTENTION. Buckholts____ 515 Buckholts State Bank.. t§’07 T. F. Hardy . Milam I IS 88-977 Buffalo Leon Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued 76,260 1,590 5,680 63,410 Hou. N., Hon.; D. S. N.. Galv.; Citiz. N., Waco. 109,670 30,000 11.450 32.560 So Tex. Com'l N.. Hou.: Am. N. and Austin N.. Austin; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 53,230 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dallas; Austin N. and Am. N„ Austin. 101.900 5.430 39.640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; State N., Hou.: Mtle Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 62,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 103,580 1st N..Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Bon. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 4.9 Q t0 each bank U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*■ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Paid-up Capital Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Lo'na Other Bonda Miscel 0 *aa k ExD epos and AND and L iabili oaurau.Din its DiioouuU Securities laneous Profits ties s sn nnn $ T EXAS—Continued Town AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New §StatetPriv. 'County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El;♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso H Hous. SSanA. ri-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice President. Cashier. Caddo______319 First National Bank________ (Voluntary liquidati on effective February 16,1929) Stephens E16 Caddo Mills ...614 State National Bank., ©t'06 H. F. Royce______ G. L. Rutherford.. Hunt D20 T. G. Shaw. V. P, 10% par 100 88-986 'Caldwell___ 1689 Caldwell National Bank Ass’t Cashier. Rov Johnson J. A. Harper C. C. Nelms_____ R. J. Alexander— E. S. Dushek____ A. F. Grabow, V.P. B. F. Delamater, V. P First State Bank in Caldwell H. H. Womble.. W. M. Stone______ H. D. Cherry_____ *105 par 100 88-566 t5'28 F. St. Wrba. A. C. J. J. Krenek, V. P. r 7fin t 271 34e 100,000 58,660 50.000 9,820 50,000 Seth Burnitt____ 496.090 $ $ 98,100 29,350 $ 122,000 S 23,610 S 133,120 Cent. Han.Bk.&Tr. C0..N.Y.; Rep. N.Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Texas N., Ft. Worth. 366,930 120,300 25,180 240,430 N. City, N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; 1st N., Dallas. 386,980 165,170 109,230 16,200 156,230 Chase N.. N.Y.: Union N., Hon.: U. S. N., Galv.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 30.000 475.000 75,000 225.000 15.000 240.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas. 50.000 19.230 183,200 5.000 71,440 20,000 59,970 106,010 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: U. S. N„ Galv. T. F. Hardy---------- J. C. Tucker_____ G. T. Graves______ B. J. Matocha____ E. H. Rinn G. T. Graves 60.000 5,080 480,020 5,100 304,000 83,490 52,940 109.760 Chase, N„ N. Y.: Union N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas: Citiz. N., Waco. Citizens National Bank Oxsheer Smith ___ T. S. Henderson... 88-281 ©T<’01 W. O. Newton. Ad, Phillip Reid.......... Lester Williams Ladis Marek 100,000 124.650 1,058,260 490,340 150,730 329,160 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 89 S. W. Cheeves........ H. M. Hefley____ H. M. Hefley.— A. K. Gurecky___ 75.000 44,380 737,310 148,090 606,200 88,000 99.430 17.500 500 73,870 4.490 25,050 Camp Wood...265 First State Bank______+§’07 W. Puett________ C. L. Wells.............. F. W. Weber.— $100-10% par 100 88-933 S Real L 13 an.ono 1,470 8.3,320 'Canadian__ 2187 H Burleson J20 $165-10% par 100 88-565 t'03 J. W. Ripple. V, P. G. R. Kocurek___ J. H. Siptak Calvert. 2099 Calvert State Bank___ <§’06 S. M. Gibson.... Wm. McIntosh... Geo. B. Gibson........ Robertson I 20 *150-10% par 100 88-355 W. C. Anderson.Ch. Citizens State Bank...<§’27 Scott Field. Jr.... H. M. Sneed______ *100-10% 88-354 par 100 'Cameron ....4298 CAMERON STATE BANK Milam 119 10% 88-282 d®*t§’06 *250-12 a% par 100 $210-10% par 225 88-280 G. L. Avriett Campbell____ 583 First State Bank______J§’25jj. E. Pine. par 110 Hunt D20 88-1381 H. T. Johnsey____ R. D. Butler____ H. A. Blackburn .. 181,660 1,622,190 12,530 87,980 3,510 211.150 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas. 58,770 Dallas N., Dallas; Citiz. State, Greenville. 20,740 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Uvalde. Com’l N., CANADIAN STATE BANK rw. C. ISAACS —- JNO. C. ISAACS. . . . . . G. L. ADDISON- - - - - - M. W. MCINTYRE —C. W. ISAACS 52.000 16,000 355,910 12,370 267,160 16,610 21.170 131,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK fH.E.HOOVER. . . . . . C. W. ALLEN. . . . . . . . . . K. M. YOUNG. . . . . . .. MARION J. ALLEN... MARY OWEN 100,000 42,690 523,070 25,000 396,610 43,210 29,560 221,370 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. A Tr. Co. Kan. C.; 1st N., Dallas; Am. N., Austin. A. V. McQuiddy... H. S. Wilbur.......... H. I. Dawkins____ 100,000 45,000 570,000 275,000 10,000 48,000 382,000 Irv. Tr . N. Y.; 4th N.. Wichita; 1st N. Amarillo; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 'Canton............583 First National Bank____ t’07 M. L. Cox................ W. L. Steed______ Irby Christopher.. Lamar L. Sides.... 40,000 45.980 237,320 10,000 167,990 11.800 32,040 121,470 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallai. 'Canyon____ 1618 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 90 J. W. Reid. Oscar Hunt... \Ch. of Bd, and Pres. G. E. Nance W. C. Black_____ _ L. W. Cole............. 50,000 6,790 403,510 46,900 255,660 111,500 40,800 FIRST STATE BANK- <§ 10 ♦ 88-586 par 100 Carbon__...741 First State Bank---------<§’10 Eastland F15 88-889 Carlton_______ 780 Farmers State Bank .. $100-10% par 100 88-988 Hamilton G16 J. M. Black. R. H. Wright. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Grady Oldham.— 40,000 28.740 4n.+ non 316.700 2,960 2,250 99,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth N. Bk. of Com.. Amarillo; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 151,920 Kquit. Tr. Co.. N. V.: Stock Yds. N„ Kan. O.: 1st N. and Amarillo N., Amarillo. S. P. Rumph____ D. S. Rumph_____ E. R. Trimble____ Devoe Dover_____ 25.000 10,000 321.180 135.700 15,720 W. P. Barnes, H. F. Sellers_____ H. M. Everett____ Antha Bell............ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20,000 2,000 125.000 72,000 20,000 Carmine___ __ 310 Carmine State Bank___ <§’ W. H. Stuermer, J. A. Weyand_____ H. L. F. Doerr ___ W. A. Plueckhahn. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25.000 30,300 246,480 25.000 67,470 435,350 Hemphill B6 \par 100 *175-12% par 100 ------ " 88-511 < Send Us Your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time j Items for Pro mpt Attention. d<’92 V.Plain Sight Dr a fts ISc. Credit Reports 25c. Mi nimum Charge. SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BK. W. A. Johnson 1*125—10% par 100 Van Zandt E21 Randall D3 88-512 t Excellent facllit les for handling your Canadian b uslness, prompt ) attention give n all items entr usted to us. TR Y US. <§’06 {.Plain sight dr a fts ISc. Credit reports 25c. Mi nimum charge. 88-1957 d®»+’20 88-705 !.$too 88-584 *i50-m% H Fayette K19 'Carrlzo Springs S Dimmit N13 954 *200-12% par 100 88-989 Citizens State Bank. d«t§’ 24 D. O. Richey. A. E. Eardley.. par 100 88-2090 \Ch. of Bd, and Pres, W. L. Barnard $300-10% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Neal Butler............ V. W. Adams_____ E. A. Dittmar, V.P. 2,000 142,320 95,650 20,080 138,680 207,380 3,000 169,810 Stk. Yds. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Waco: Dallas N., Dallas. 55,000 Liberty N., Waco. N. City, Clev. 45,700 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 178.760 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: City Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co., San Antonio; Laredo N., Laredo. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I4.74. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Liabilities. Town and County.' •Mem. A.B.A.nNew § state f Priv. Resources. Bonds Miscel and Securities laneous * County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. EE1 ♦Fed.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Paso H Hous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Carrollton____573 Farmers&MerchantsStateBk. R. L. Thornton----- J. T. Rhoton............F. H. McMurray... .1. E. Lipscomb. Jr. $ Dallas D19 $110 par 125 88-991 t§’02 1 (Formerly First State B aTik') •Carthage ....1366 First NationalBank........ «t’94 J. W. Cooke______ J. G. Woolworth.. A. L. Ross........................................................ Panola F23 88-414 I ! ' First State Bank--------»t510 B. F. Payne. Jr____ R. L. Oden................H. R. Allison................. ..... ............ ...........; 1 | $200-10% par 100 88- 415 25.000 $ 4,650 $ 156,160 jS 125,720 50.000; 27.600 412.120 $ 25,000 27,280; 285,170 6,830 32.870 13.050 Cason................. 515 State Bank of Cason-.-.JS’06 L. Y. Turner...........W. L. Manns............J. W. Wardlow.___ J. W. Mann*. Morris D23 * .10% par 100 88-992 10.000 Catarina______ 14 Catarina State Bank...d«§’29 M. A. Shumard.... Wm. H. McKinney Chas. Rees________ 1____________ S Dimmitt Q 14 par 100 88-2137 25,000 5.000 102,000_______ Cat Spring....316 Cat Spring State Bank._t§’12 Charles Dittert... M. H. Dittmar ___ C. Theuman_______O. C. Theuman____j H Austin K21 $187.50-10% 88-1480 20,000 18,500 275,000 _______ Cedar Hill____ 318 First State Bank......... A. E. Eshleman_________ A. J. Anderson___R.G. Brandenburg, Joe Wilson. Cash, and Sec. Dallas E19 $100-10% 88-993 R. L. Thornton. Ch. par 100 20,000 2,220' Celeste______ 1022 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»tl900 S. R. Granberry... M. B. Harrell-------E. T. Fry-------------- Frank Barnard___ 1 Hunt C20 $120-10% 88-771 50.000 11,000 240,000 25,000 6,000 1 i $ 7,910 182,790 $ 115,040 39.740 36,750 15,000 » Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 24,420 23,000 212,500 93,430 85,180 Public N., Hou.: 1st N., Dallas. 2,710 22,570 Rep. N, Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville. 3.000 56,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Groos N„ San Antonio. I 75,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Groos N„ San Antonio. _.. 6,750j 6,750 64,360 24,400 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. . 29,960 35,290 16,670 5,000 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex. and Citiz. State, Greenville. 312,000 153,000 42,000 3.000 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 10,000 par 100 Ceiina_____ 1126 First State Bank______»i§’25 J. S. Collins............ C. M. Moore, Act... Lee B. Newsom ... N. Perkins Collin C19 $110-10% ♦ 88-809 JR. L. Thornton, Ch.\ par 100 .Center_____ 1838 Farmers State Bank—d*f§’15 R. J. D. Ellington. R. S. Sanders.......... H. E. Norris................IT. E. Morrison .... H Shelby G24 $200-10% 88-507 W. B. Rider J. B. Sanders Principal Correspondents. 35,000 58.630 500,000 25.000 35,000 500,000 84,920 Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; 2d N.. Hon.: Com’l N. Shreveport; Mtle. Bk. &. Tr. Co., Dallas. par 100 '• ____ " State Guaranty Bond Bank R. C. Adams---------M. B. Simon_______T. W. Smith________ P. D. Jones.... .........., 88-508 "tHO J. W. Parker ! P. Ham 410,000 U. S. N., Galv.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N„ Hou. 1 $275-30% 20,000 1,670 66,900 Harold Sullivan_______________ 10.000 22,0201 Chandler____ 630 CitizensGuarantyBondBank J. R. Hicks---------- E. R. Cade................ W. W. Green_________________ Henderson F22 [$i5h-20% 88-1510 •i§’13 25.000 •Cbanning 531 First National Bank. S% par 100 88-997 Hartley C2 2,100 41,520 6.180 12.620 30,340|Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Frost N., San Antonio. 139,230 20,090 4,590 64,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 14,290 131,900 25,000 2.100 25,000 10,000 160,000 15,000 150.000 Chapel Hill ...1221 Farmers State Bank___tS’07 Henry Schaer_____ J. R. Routt________ A. E. Mueller_____ J___________ H Washington K20J$215-10% 88-998 | W.B.Rayson. Active par 100 Charlotte_____610 Charlotte State Bank.__ tl’18 R. C. Roos------------ E. J. Pruitt---------- W. S. Sasser_________________ S Atascosa N16 |10% par 150 88-1513 12,500 13,770' 110,970'________' 87,970 30,000 15,000, 150,000 Chester_______319 Chester State Bank—di§'21 L. M. Feagin------- Jno. H. Kirby........ G. C. Enloe______ H Tyler I 24 110% par 100 88-1972 10.000 9,500 79,000 Chico.............1020 Chico State Bank______ t§'09 T. S. McCurdy____ J. J. Blanton.......... V. E. Baldridge... J. P. Lynch______ Wise D17 1130-10% 88-647 25,000 8,680 Center Point .613 Guadalupe Valley Bank»t§’08 O. C. Jones-----------Lee Mosty________ Geo. L. Sellers. S KerrK15 88-994 E. Galbraith, Ch. ; .Centerville Leon H21 760 Centerville State Bank.»t8’10 Ed. Holleman_____ D. A. Sullivan ___ 10% 88-995 , <17 E. S. Collins.......... E. S. Collins, Jr... J. C. Collins.......... Belle Burns Gty. Bond State, Athens. 96,540 C. A. Watson-------- Eunice Terrell —- 25,000 110 141.870; T. L. Hardin_____ C. E. Baley_______ H. L. Couch 100,000 35,000 735,000 R. D. Wiley. V. P.. Grace Powell, Sec,. J. H. Harrison, V.P. W.H. N ewberry,J r„ A. Sec. 100.000 43,310 R.D. WILEY_ _ _ _ H. CRISTLER- C. E. CREWS_ _ _ _ J. H. WARB— FIRST NATIONAL r J. J.M. CREWS. C.E.CREWS, J. H. HARRISON.^ F. F. WEDDINGT0N Ch. of Bd. R. A. BOWERS BANK Send ns all fo ur collections on Childress. 50.000 “ _____ ** First Bank of Chico.... tt’95 R. L. Morris._____ A. L. Morris--------I 88-646 Echols___ W. P. Jones, Active. .Childress ....5003 City Nat’l Bank in Childress A. B. Echols--------W. P. Jones. Ch. C. C. Badgett, Childress A13 $200-18% 88-252 d»t’01 Active. par 100 Farmers & Mechanics Tr. Co. J. H. Cristler. .... J.M. Crews---------R. A. Bowers 10% par 100 88-2048 tS’21 C. E. Crews, Ch. 88-254 40,000 Amarillo N., Amarillo. ■ par 100 $250-20% 20,000 ; ®*t'09 L.We need the 19,900 18,810 4,100 280 44,680 Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr. Co., N. Y, Com. N„ Hou. 42,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 80,000 59.000 4.100 86,430 — 22,780 257,000 88,000 225,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 74,920 87,050 3,390 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Childress and Wichita Falls. 291,140 35,360 456,420 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., Ft.Worth, and Wichita Falls. 175,000 3,630 135,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 25.280 Am. N„ Beaumont; 1st N„ Hon. 76.740 517,820 (Without banking 119,190 1,418,590 1,100 2,000 nt pritile get) 39.820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 88.130 1st N„ N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. money to pay for thla Adv. Bates guaranteed. First State Bank____<|’08 A. J. Fires________ J. M. McClain..........Roy Coffey________L. H. Rigby — $200-20% 88-253 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 20,000 . 418,830 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 AO K t0 eacil bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' liAJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. No. 11F. R. D. E El PasoHHous.SSan A. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. T EX AS—Continued CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Loans Honda Miscel Cash It Ex Paid-up changes,Dm and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Disoounts Securities laneous FROM BaHKB ties $ 25,000 $ 25,380 (Individ ual Resp onsibilit V, 11,000, 000) ChUllcothe... 1351 Bank of Ohiliicothe, TJninc. F. L. Moffett_____ L. G. Hawkins........ M. R. Allensworth Lucy Stephenson O. H. Dodson 88-640 »tt’03 Hardeman A14 M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest itates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. M 39,340 $ 291,240 $ 25,000 $ 183,820 $ First National Bank—•t’18 W. R. Ferguson... H. J. Tabor______ L. J. Nuckles____ E. L. Grimes______ 88-1826 par 100 E. F. Baxter_____ Chilton______ 516 Chilton Citizens Bank..ItT7 F,T. deGraffenried 88-1793 Falls H19 .. u First State Bank . .. t5”I0 Roy Levy_________ W. E. Shankle____ S. B. Adams............ J. B. Landrum 88-1000 25,000 20,000 6,900 190,000 30,000 Chlreno , 521 Ohlreno State Bank____}§’ll T. E. Baker_______ T. J.Curl_______ E. M. Sowell_____ T. J. Curl, Jr........... H Nacogdoches 924 $200-12% par 100 88-1412 15,000 25,920 85,470 72,970 Cbrlesman.__ 219 First State Rank $125-10% 88-1662 U Bnrleson J19 10,000 3,900 38,000 500 25,450 C. Kniker________ O. W. Rawe--------- Elmer Schlather .. 25,000 24,660 195,430 3.790 S. E. Hitt son______ J. D. Lauderdale 100,000 37,900 50.000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Waggoner N.. Vernon, 61.500 $ 4220-40% tj’14 John Boedeker___ W. D. Rmrd_ Cibolo________262 Cibolo Bank, Uninc... dtt’13 A. G. Janszen_____ 88-1612 S Guadalupe L17 $200-10% par 100 Cisco________ 7422 Cisco Banking fin, , d»tt’05 R. Q. Lee________ Guy Dabney, Ch, $125-10% 88-379 Eastland F15 par 100 .. •• FIRST NATIONAL BANK $175-12% par 100 88-1743 ‘Clarendon .. 2456 Donley D5 »t’17 DONLEY COUNTY STATE BANK 27,000 $ 108,250 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Tex. N„ Ft. Worth. (Individ ual Resp onsibility $300,000) Citiz. N., Waco. 80,000 Guaranty Tr.Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Waco.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 99,000 5,730 47,780 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; U. S. N., Galv.; Oom’l State, Nacogdoches. 4,490 6,460 16,680 Union N„ Hou.: 1st N.. Dallas. 115,480 70,830 8,610 53,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou,; Alamo N., San Antonio. 654,590 580,990 6,940 89,830 114,720 Chase N„ N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas. 43,510 741,720 372,210 323,600 30,780 108,640 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 75,000 22,020 867,070 458,810 73,350 18,240 418,680 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft, Worth; Com. Tr. Co„ Kan. C.: 1st N„ Wichita Falls, Tex. 50,000 8,940 244,130 202,470 18,320 82,280 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.; Am. State, Amarillo. -- 50,000 47,280 343,440 52,300 350,970 52,400 3,500 86,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N„ Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. E. W. Bowers . .. B. W. Sunkel_____ 50,000 108,340 795,170 37,300 482,540 132,910 90,120 285,240 EQuit.Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st, Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 400,000 51,100 964,990 225,200 1,103,870 191,310 122,420 223,690 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ Dallas. 25,000 25,000 101.000 85,000 60,000 50.000 5,230 278,240 5,620 181,920 21,050 10,330 100.000 22,570 808,020 101,780 358,350 451,090 25,850 100,000 37,500 1.144,820 32,300 440,260 413,390 113,180 347,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N„ Hou.; 1st N„ St. L. 128,220 10,000 23.400 76,450 Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 205,000 45,000 50,000 75,000 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.Y.;PublicN.. Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; City N.. 1 Galveston. W. D. Boyd Guy Dabney______ P. C. O’Laughlin J. A.Lauderdale C. H. Fee........ ......... R. L. Poe_____ F. E. Clark Principal correspondents. A. Spears............. .... Geo. P. Fee E. J. Poe fWESLEY KH0RPP— F. E. CHAMBERLAIN. HOLMAN KENNEDY - ann'i^lbourIand’ ) Excellent facillt les for handling y our business, (.Prompt attentl on given Items en trusted to us. Sec. $250-10% par 100 88-434 T»t§'06 .. .. Farmers State Bank ‘tS’^ W. P. Cagle_______ J. B. McClelland.. J. D. Swift_______ Van Kennedy_____ $115-8% par 100 ♦ 88-1450 J. W. Morrison rW. H. PATRICKH. W. TAYLOR. C < and se »tl900 1 Security Special attentlo (.We get the mon FIRST NATIONAL BANK — 6% par 100 88-433 0. CARAWAY_____ W. W. TAYLOR — F. W. TAYLOR h. of Ed, rvlce. n to bill of ladln g and commercial collections. ey or give reasons. ‘Clarksville.. 3886 First National Bank..dT»t’89 C. D. Lennox_____ $250-10% 88-403 Red River C22 ** U Red River National Bk. d*t’74 A. M. Graves_____ M. T,. Rims J. M. Butcher. Ch. C. E. Williams $165-10% par 100 88-402 ‘Claude. _ 770 First National Bank...d»t'04 B. C. Wooldridge Armstrong D4 88-827 C. O. Eight____ __ $100-8% 88-828 par 100 ‘Cleburne...14,162 City National Bank—d©»’27 Johnson F18 D. S. Sowell. V. P. 88-2123 u u Cleburne State Bankd*t§’23 Geo. R. Christie... $130-12% par 100 88-86 T. E. Williams.__ B, D. Wren.. Clifford Walker... W. A. Carroll ___ J. M. Crain______ R. L. Combs W. A. Scott. . W. E. Abbas, Act. J. D. McDowell___ F. M. Douglas_____ II. R.. Frinn J. E. Standley........ H.L. Williams. A. C. D. C. Carpenter H. C. Custard Cleveland 1020 Farmers State Bank..dt§’26 J. A. Guinn_______ Chas. O. Austin___ O. L. Witherspoon H Liberty J23 par 100 88-2111 Chas. O. Austin,Ch. •• .. $130-10% par 100 88-1492 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Noble Garvey......... O. A. Duncan____ Miss Billie Welch.. 25,000 11,360 201,710 25.000 20,000 325,000 18,500 26.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. G.; 1st N.. Amarillo 125,780 Fid. N. Bk. &Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Amarillo. 197,080 149fi j.-T4(V Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Meffl.A.B.A. wNevr 5St»t» tPm. IMera. State B. Asa'cl [Eatab. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSan A, d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div PRESIDENT, iff27 Farmers State Bank... ‘tl’Oe J. M. Jenson_____ *150-18% ♦ 88-670 Bosqne G18 T. C. Parks, Ch. A. C. Brandes par 150 Clint___ Cashike, VICE-PRESIDENT. Clifton __ .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Asb’t Cashie*. .T. Wise Liabilities. 1 Resources. Bonds Camh A XxPaid-up Surplus Depos Other j Loam Miscel CHAvaBM'Din and and L iabili and Capital its Diaoounfc Securities laneous non Bim Profits ties $ 50,000 1 30,060 $ 554,750 $ 22,430 $ 401,28C $ 151,600 S 20,500 $ 83,840 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Dallas: U. S. N„ Galv.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. (Absorbed by Farme rs Slate Bank, Febr uary 4. 1930) _ . 319 First National Bank---d»t’25 W. D. Hawes. 25,000 5.350 99,770 1,000 95,970 900 3,260 30,980 1st N„ El Paso. 25,000 13,880 152,710 7,700 149,260 7,500 5.670 36,870 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 25,000 6,450 162,350 133 4S(1 5,870 54,470 Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene: 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Baird. Addie Phillips.......... 25,000 7,010 120,550 116,750 1,990 3,370 30,440 1st N„ Ft. Worth; West Tex. N„ Big Spring. J. W. Thompson... E. E. Thompson... 15,000 3,500 65,000 49,000 3,000 13,000 25,000 State N. and City N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Hou,; Am. N„ Austin. HEMPHILL.. J. A. HORNE-............... 1 n SMITH A. W. BURKETT - — CENTRAL STATE jcF.C. W.W.TAYLOR, Ch. ) Send us your C oleman Items dir ect for prompt at tention. BANK d*t§’i6 (. Fee in advance plain sight drafts 16c, Credit report s 50c. TRY US. 75,000 12,120 539,390 438,010 7,100 75,660 105,730 Chase N„ N. Y.:Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: DallasBk.&Tr. Co., Dallas; Liberty N„ Kan. O,; Hou. N„ Hon. 200,000 74,750 967,060 872,980 10,410 49,830 308,590 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dallas N„ Dallas; H. E. Vanderford— Miss V.M.Campbell $120—8% 88-2095 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 J. W. Merrick............ C. A, Bowman. — Clyde________ 610 Clyde National Bank—«t’07 W. P. Miller, $100-8% par 100 88-885 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. G. Hampton Callahan F14 E El Paso G1 .. First State Bank--------- *i5T6 M. H. Perkins. W. H. Bryant--------- R. C. Clemer_______ H. A. Jones________ $125-10% 88-884 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. par 100 Coalioma..........619 First State Bank................ t5’08 J. B. Wheat_______ $150-10%^ 88-1004 Howard Fll par 150 ‘Coldsprlngs.. 619 Cold Springs State BanktS’07 L. C. Cooper_______ H San Jacinto J23 ‘Coleman......... 2868 Coleman G14 $100-10% par 100 par 100 88-1005 *125-10% par 100 88-1716 88-312 88-311 fJ.P.McCORD. J Ch.of Bd.and Pres. R. 1. BOWEN________ S. H. GRAY.................... H.R.STARKWEATHER J. T. SAUNDERS____ FRED PADDLEFORD Stk. Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; Ex. N„ Tulsa; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. J Largest Bank In Coleman County. Special attention given Bill of Lad! ng draf ts, Cash and Tf me Ite ms. [.Pleas* send 15c wit h each sight draft for Presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. *t’92 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $160-10% par 100 7,000 Clarence O. Ford J. W. Keeland COLEMAN NATIONAL BANK ®«t’86 rJ.C.DIBRELL........ W.N.McGULLOCH,Act. E. C. EDENS.......... C. G. PITTS - - - - - - - - J.S. ROGERS H.B. WILSON ) OLDEST BANK In COLEMAN C OUNTY ESTD. 18 86. 100,000 58.760 912,800 526,940 25.000 27,500 150,000 125,000 305,910 58,920 B. Farr________ P. T. Shores_______ J. B. Oobler_____ _ 35,000 Colmesnell.__ 719 First State Bank ____dtS’ll L. M. Feagln $200-10% 88-1033 H Tyler I 24 J. P. Mann.. Maurice Courtney.. 15.000 13,870 157,640 CITY NAT’L BANK $225-20% 88-463 «J1900 par 100 te COLORADO NATIONAL BANK $225-16% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-462 r 6.1. LASKY 0. H.ARNEIT_ _ _ _ T.W.SiONEHQAD, Jr. J. Active C. PRITCHETT— T. A. RI6KARBSQI-. S. A. MARTIN 60,000 80,370 944,220 14,150 a Plan, N„ Sher 133,630 2,420 3,820 46,660 Am. N., Beaumont: 1st N„ Hon.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; City N„ Galv. 712,500 117,760 27,700 240,770 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Ft. Worth Ft. Worth. 1st N., Dallas. 876,940 45.220 80,720 421,020 Chase N« N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas: 1st N„ Ft Worth: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. par 167 Mitchell Fll 42,500 1st N.. Dallas; Mereh. man. par 100 ‘Colorado___ 5.000 & Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth: Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; Hutchinss-Sealy & Co., Galveston 179,790 Cent. Han. Bk. LSend us Your C ollectlons Promp t Service Quick R eturns. Collinsville 837 Security National Bank.t’19 J. $200-10% 88-1839 Grayson C19 si Principal Correspondents. j SEND US YOU B COLORADO B USEfESS DIREC T. (.Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all matters ssnt us. M. THOMAS, SSBIyt- &1«T J. ) Ch. of Bd. Act. J. H. SMOOT------- 100.000 164,110 1,134,780 TRY US P OR R ESUL TS. \ Prompt return s. Superior aer vice on aH Bank) ng matters, 1 Save time and let service on Col lections and Cre dit Reports by sc ndtaig dT»tH2 lUEB IN ADYA VCK: Plait* tight draft*, 15c; Cre dit Itapart*, Me. 1427 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (See West Columbia) Columbia______ H Brazoria L21 * Columbus ...1720 Columbus State Bank—1§’19 H Colorado L 20 1150-8% 88-1863 First 8tate Bank____d»if'13 1150 par 100 88-1523 tComancne... 3524 Comanche National Bmk io% 88-340 d»t’89 Comanche G16 First State Bank.......... *t§T0 $210-16% par 100 88 342 PatsID EXT. Vice-President. E. B. Mayes---------- H. Braden, Active.. S. Hamburger G. H. Miller______ E.G. Miller, Active John Hastedt J. B. Chilton--------- J. D. Waring------- Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Cooled ge______880 First National Bank____ «t'04 $165-10% 83-863 Limestone G19 First 8tate Bank_______ t|’09 $135 par 100 88-867 *Cooper_____ 2563 Delta National Bank...^1900 $100-10% par 100 88-533 Delta C21 First National BankinCooper par 100 88-532 *t’27 CoperiUe_____ 304 Citizens State Bank_________ Collin D20 Copperas Cove.509 First State Bank------- .3109 $100 par 100 ♦ 88-1012 Coryell H17 ^Corpus Chrlstl S Nueces P18 11,825 Loans Bonds Miscel ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and it* Capital Profits Discounts Sseuritiss laneous ties 1 W. H. Miekow. O.G. Hoegemeyer. Miss Maud L. F. J. Wend el, A.C. Me Dow W. C. Chilton_____ Geo. Hulsey............ Robert Eaton E. E. Anthony........ J. F. Tate----------- 50,000 $ J 280,230 i 92,870 $ 14,160 1 373,420 50,000 12,320 532,940 100.000 30.490 355,990 S 65,000 394,280 W. B. DeJernett.. D. N. Hargrave___ D. N. Hargrave___ C. C. Apperson___ T. I. Knight E. E. Faires J.T. Jackson______ R. L. Thornton, Ch. of Bd. T. S. Falvey. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. Wahrenberger .. J. C. Bindley_____ J. M. Branom_____ W T Rininn .Tr. W. T. Peek Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Due from Banks 24,380 J 45,100 51,140 386,750 55,100 21.540 54.110 751.190 161,630 441,360 287,860 126,680 25,000 60,000 390,000 3,200 179,000 198,000 20,000 50.000 21,600 528,140 190,200 128,000 96,070 35.000 4,500 240,000 113,580 90,110 40.190 Equit.Tr., N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’IN.and Hou. N..Hou.; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 74,120 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Hou. N„ Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 74.230 1st N.. Dallas; IstN.,Ft. Worth; Am. N., Austin. 176,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. Ft. Worth; Hou. N.. Hon.: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 70,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Mtle. Com.Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 185.460 1st N.. Dallas. 75,810 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; City State, Greenville; Sulphur Springs State, Sulphur Springs. 46,000 1st N„ Dallas: Hou. N.. Hou. R. L. Porter______ J. M. Griffith_____ 32,500 8,000 275,000 177,000 106,000 R. D. Simonton ... A. R. Woodson____ 50.000 19,250 326,080 199,380 109,260 14,000 72,690 Chase N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N., Waco. S. C. Rose_______ 75,000 52,900 321,760 312,040 78,600 5,100 W. J. Sellers, Jr... 75,000 3,470 199,860 J. R. Watkins____ L. L. Allard ........... 50,000 32,320 485,170 37,500 109,670 207,390 9,650 128,910 Equit. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Dallas; U. S. N., Galv. 144,370 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.. Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. 278,270 1st N.. Pans: 1st N.aud Dallas N., Dallas. W. I. Bartley____ A.D. Stockton........ 50.000 30,240 286,700 50,000 113,220 88,950 47,780 C. R. Clements.__ B. P. Gilmore_____ 25,000 3,870 186,620 117,290 2,430 22,850 200,010 1,350,190 589,160 126,710 711,410 Chase N., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. 248,810 3.606,110 12.760 3,081,990 317,130 111,430 557,120 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. 161,970 35,460 207,260 — 51,150 41,260 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 2d N., Hou.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 224,860 718,460 12,380 Corpus Christi N. and State N., Corpus Cliristi; Com'l State, Linton. 702,700 75,410 884,590 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. and St. L.: Alamo N.. San Antonio; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 2,500 81,880 496,720 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; State. San Antonio. (Merged with Farme rs tfc Merchants Stat e Bank, September 26, 1929) J. R. Wallace_____ R. T. Bell ............... O. A. Bronstad R. L. Wallace. A. W. Jowers____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. F. Henslee------- J. M. Hagood_____ J. W. Good W. A. Tynes______ L. F. Hooten_____ 75.000 99,140 166,990 Merch. N. and Dallas N., Dallas. (Closed) J. 8. Clements____ C. A. Boyer___ P. L. Downs rCLARK PEASE_ _ _ W. R. NORTON......... P.A. KERBY........... PAT. HENRY.......... S. E. DYER. Tr. Off, E. B. W00TT0N. M. A.PEASE 200,000 80TELL0. JR........ R. M.BOERUM H.T. SELLERS 200.000 J. W. George_____ C. D. Johns. A. E. Dabney, Jr... W. P. Pittman........ Mrs.C.D. Sevier. Ch. V. P. and Tr. Off. par 100 (Formerly Corpus Christi Tru st Co.) 100,000 2,230 L. H. Gross........... . Gladys Hickey, 7V.. T. E. McMillan. Sec. Guaranty Title & Trust Co. H. B. Baldwin. $100-6% par 100 88 -2 149 T»'14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. R. Kleberg 300,000 306,880 348,830 jGEO. R. CLARK-— G. J. MERRIMAN. Act. FRANK BLUNTZER— 8. L. BENTON_ _ _ _ W. N. BLUNTZER E. R. KLEBERG._ _ _ 200.000 178,090 3,400,380 100,000 2,215,780 J. E. GARRETT— W. T. HARRIS......... C. C. STONE- - - - - - - - A P VAN HORN_ _ _ L. W. WHITE. Act. 100,000 CITY NATIONAL BANK&TRUST CO. 81,670 J. W. Moore Comfort______713 Comfort State Bank .dB«+§’07 A. S. Faltin_______ V. J. McAteer____ Albert Faltin. $300-16% par 100 88-1008 S Kendall K15 Commerce ...3842 First National Bank___ «i’89 $150-10% 88-335 Hnnt D21 par 100 Security State Bank of Commerce—88-4144____§’29 par 100 »Conroe...___ 1858 Farmers & Merchants State H Montgomery J22 Bk. $110 par 100 88-1925 *+§’20 First National Bank ...•t’14 $125-15% par 100 88-1684 First Slate Bank____________ RESOURCES. id ABILITIES. row* AND CODNTT. oMem.A.B.A.^NewgStatetPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. I). E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSa!e%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 113,170 2,264,300 73.420 1st N.. St. L. and Temple: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: City N., Galv. A. Tr. Off. C. Collections give n personal attent Ion of an officer o f this bank. Fro mpt ret nrns. $200-12% par 10088-125 d®T*t’05 CORPUS CHRISTI NATIONAL RANK $200-10% par 100 88 124 d®T»t’89 RICHARD KING — E. J. MILLER. ROBERT J. KLEBERG Ch. of Bel. Save time and get service on Co FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight 8. dlt Reports fey 8e ndlng dit Reports, 25c. TBY U S. CORPUS CHRISTI BANK & TRUST CO. 88-128 dBr*+§’28 $130 STATE NATIONAL BANK $175-10% 88-126 u> Hi uLAtiKi Jr* d©**'07 (SEND US YOU R ITEMS OIREC T. 'Prompt attenti on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s and re ml tted for en d ay of pa yment. TEXAS STATE RK. & TRUST CO. $135par loo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 127 T*t§'25 Send us your C orpus Chrlstl lte ms direct for pro mpt personal attention. Plain sight dra fts 15c; credit re ports 25c. TRY US. 52,890 833,320 405,090 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11P. R. D. E El Paso HHous, SSanA. Corrigan H oMem. A.B. A. ”New §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Navarro F20 'CORSICANA NATIONAL BANK *300-20% •• 88-107 Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Other Bonds Cass t ExPaid-up Surplus D epos Miscel chanom and and and Liabili .Dit* Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous non Banks ties 15,000 $ 18,890 $ 238,360 S H.SLAY jl'B.'foRTSoLc'*' R R.TFRRY H.G. JOHNSTON J. T. FORTSON | FORTY-TWO YEARS IN BUSI NESS. SEND US N.T. CHAMPION----- 200,000 H. D. WILLIAMS J.H. BROWN VOI R ITEMS D IRECT. 329,150 3,126,360 500,000 425,070 3,567,600 300,000 ♦First National Bank J. N. Edens. *225-12% par 100 d®T»t’85 C. H. Mills. V. P. 88-106 *FIRST™STATE BANK " 200,000 58,790 1,316,560 5,700 J. N. Garitty, Act. J.H. Roberts_____ C. W.Croft,A.C. W. J. Rochelle GEO. E. JESTER—.. J. E. BUTLER. Active R P RATFS J. 0. BURKE. „ _ E. A. JOHNSON dxci» v. r. $ 158,610 $ 11,790 $ 13.700 $ 88,190 1st N. and So. Tex.Com’l N.. Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. $ 210,470 2,141,060 400,030 154,720 1,170,170 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. and Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 2,797,210 827,020 60,690 1,107,750 N.City, N. Y.; Dallas N„ Dallas; Ex. N„ Tulsa. 913,110 238,170 54,690 F 1 SFIIF_______ W. L.' HOLMAN, Jr. A. N. JUSTISS on all items to get results. 375,060 Chase N., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; 2nd N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. Please send 15e with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ♦State National Bankd®»{’17 I. N.Gerf—............ % $153-8% var 100 88-111 M Principal Correspondents. ®«{’87 \.Fee in advance, plain sight draft s ISc, credit rep arts 25c, prompt attenti an. OF CORSICANA *150-10% ♦ 88-109 ®»{§’07 •• Cashier. M. Woodard »Corsicana..12,364 " _____ Vice-President. 718 Citizens State Bank ....{§’10 L. P. Atmar______ L. M. Feagin_____ C. C. Pool________ E. T. Sparks______ $ *225-10% 88-1834 Polk I 23 •• ____ President. N. S. Roberts W. M. Davidson... J. C. Sweatmon ___ R. L. Hill 300,000 118,920 1,337,840 384,750 797,560 517,060 453,630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cout. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co.. Chi.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Hou. N„ Hou. Corsicana Clearing House... Geo. E. Jester___ _ J. H. Roberts____ N. T. Champion, N. S. Roberts, (Members indicated by a *) Tr. See. and Mgr, •Cotuila_____ 1058 Farmers & Stockmans Bank J.H. Zachry____ 88-447 S LaSalle 015 .. Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Laredo; Com’l N., San Antonio. {f'16 Stockmens National Bk,..'04 L. A. Kerr 88-446 T. R. Keck H. H. Wildenthal O. F. Binkley, Act. *250-15% Coupland____ 535 Coupland State Bank __dt§'li O. W. PAuger____ A. M. PAuger. Williamson J18 *176-10% par 100 88-1014 E. F. Marburger. Covington___ 413 First State Bank............. {§’20 M. T. Davis---------- J. W. Harper_____ R. C. Smith $223-15% par 100 88-1015 Hill P18 Crandall........... 616 Citizens National Bank..•{'01 W. A. Brooks $400-20% par 100 Kaufman £20 88-853 First National Bank — Geo. N. Gibbs____ F. B. Fowler (Taken over by Citi J. W. Godfrey____ 75,000 86,980 435,410 25,000 21,300 175,140 20,000 26,530 196,910 25,000 68,080 175,580 3(1011 / t),8ej0 20,000 3,320 142,310 50,000 67,990 59,100 388,730 69,430 14,590 101,110 1,050 34,100 6,850 138,670 26,850 7,500 77,270 1st N., Dallas; 26,360 64,160 114,890 27,000 88,970 1st N., Dallas. 7,000 10,560 50,450 N. City, Clev.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 106,570 1,650 5,690 535,220 431,360 90,480 14,180 117,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; 1st N., St. L.; Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas, 258,340 1.013,810 931,540 102,390 22,040 316,170 N.City, N.Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N.Bk.Com., Hou. 183,730 Chase N„ N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio. 85,180 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou. 1st N., tft. Worth. December 14, 1929) Cranfllls Gap..127 First Security State Bk._t§’10 H. F. Sellers______ W. P. Barnes.__ $140-10% 88-1016 Bosane G17 Wm. B. Bertelsen . par 100 Crawford 57a Farmers State Bank...»{|’13 A. O. McCollum__ B. N. Garrett_____ C. M. McCollum... 88-1525 McLennan 018 ^Crockett____3061 Crockett State Bank...*{§’07 D. O. Kiessling___ G. W. Crook-------- .T. M. Fill. H Houston H22 $250-20% par 100 88-245 H M First National Bank__ •{'92 Arch. Baker_____ D. G. Moore....... 24% par 100 88-244 John LeGory Crosby_______ 417 Oroiby State Bank___ •{§13 J. T. Hare____ — J. A. Clawson____ C. A. Fortner . H Harris K23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-1542 W. H. Denny, Jr... T. E. Walden 100,000 40,000 14,000 300,000 209,000 51,710 1st N„ Waco, and Hon. 125,000 City N., Galv.; Hon. N., Hou. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given llUUvl Ulc (*1111111111,1 Ui Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Liabilities. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. »County Seats. tMeia. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. GASHIEK. ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-up Surplus DeposITS Capital Profits Other 50.000 1 13,340 $ 303,180 Taylor Bond______ R. B. McGowen... C. I. Powell 25,000 18,470 324,660 $ G. B. Scott_______ J. D. Coulee______ A. R. Clark 30,000 15,800 378,100 $ Russell McCurdy.. ‘Crosbyton___809 Citizens National Bank..«t'P7 1130-10% par 120 88-1363 Crosby Cll .4 >4 (Purchased by Citiz ens National Bank, Dec. 15,1929) TIES Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Caih k Exchahom,Ddi and and Discount! Securities laneous from Banks Principal correspondents. $ 173,350 _______ Ft.Worth N..Ft.Worth; Citiz.N., Lubbock. $ 220,910 246,520 $ 12,500 11,290 $ 104,130 r. Bk. Com., Dallas. Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 168,980 76,450 15,790 162,750 75,000 396,670 619,810 ___ T. N. Bell................ T. N. Bell................ Lawrence Kimsey 100,000 ual12,260 respo nsibility over $1,0 00,000) (Individ Gordon Bell Alton B. Bell 238,290 30,620 251,840 30,000 M. L. Hnghiton ... M. L. Hughston — T. L. Johnson........ First State Bank »t81900 s. s. Bell. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $235-20% 88-608 par 237 _ n 42,000 5,600 60.000 10.000 Crowley _____318 Continental State Bank -ti’09 H. H. Wilkinson... C. F. Dickeson — ...... 88-1021 Tarrant E18 13,300 44.109 2,500 35,600 Crystal City.. 1137 ^Winter Garden State Bank J. Schwartz.............. J. C. Flanagan------ S. Scott Pegues — Vivian Deem.......... 88-2151 §’29 S Z a valla Nil 325,000 59,000 350 non 25.000 «» *» Zavalla County Bank—‘tS109 B. H. Holsomback. T. C. Garner______ A. O. Williams— K. D. Morgan.......... $300-20% par 100 88-1022 754.510 rJOSEPH SHERIDAN- W. H. GRAHAM........ - T. 0. BUCHEL--------- 0. E. MOELLER — 100.000 101,810 802,200 25,000 •Cuero_______3671 W. A. DRAWE T. 0. BUGKEL DEWEY SCHORRE S DeWitt M18 ) Intelligent and prompt attention to all business se nt us. $250-14% 88-308 d®»t’07 (.Moderate charg es. Remittance same day collecte d. TRY US. par 100 215,690 21,000 173,700 3t N.. Dallas: Inter-State N.. Kan.C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 20,190 53,990 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita. Cross Plains...700 Farmers National Bank .*t’07 1175-10% par 100 88-1020 Callahan F15 M « First State Bank........ d*t§’20 ““““““ $200 ♦ 88-1387 par 100 .T W Bell ‘Crowell_____ 1176 88-609 Foard B14 6,300 30.000 Oont. N.. Ft. Worth. 22,000 ihase N.. N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.; City-Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San A. 100,000 fty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Frost N., San Antonio. 101,230 7,000 166,270 f. City, N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 135,570 61,670 78,570 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Frost N., San Antonio. BUGHELNAT.BANK FARMERS STATE BANK & TRUST CO. par 100 “ -------- “ 88-307 dT*i§ 26 H. RUN6E & GO. (Unincorporated) 88-806 Hopkins D21 H /"Louis Schorre... l S. C. Lackey, Ch. W. K. Breeden F. A. Schorre_____ J. Edgar. Jr--------- 417,580 32,550 274,360 \ Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by send Ing 1 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY U S. (.This rule does not apply to Draf ts with Bills of La ding attached. f Bk. of America N. A. and N.Gity. N. Y.; 1st N.,St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. PAUL DORNBLUTH__ (.Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Tlmg Ite ms. d»tt’45 40,250 34,160 211,580 9,000 3,100 46,820 So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st State, Jacksonville. 7,500 103,940 29.970 5,890 63,820 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Com’l N., Shreveport. 186,720 48,850 116,740 133,000 3,700 71,550 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. CO..N.Y.; 1st N.,Dallas; 1st N., Shreveport. 59,730 537,670 1,300 432.550 1,300 14,180 200,680 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N.. Wichita and Amarillo: Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 75.000 62,080 833,810 74,350 698,240 155,060 39,190 152,740 Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Lib. N., Okla.; 1st N., Amarillo. 60.000 40,000 390,000 15,450 329,000 15,45( 36,000 125,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fid. N. Blr. & Tr. Co.. Kan. 0.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 28,630 197,820 w. V. Watt.............. E. O. Wallace........ 25.000 20,500 225,000 S. C. Williams......... 30,000 25,840 140,280 National Bankof Daingerfleld W. O. Irvin______ C. W. Jenkins......... J. Y. Bradfleld........ W. D. Russell-----$165-15% 88-650 t'92 par 100 50,000 39,420 CITIZENS STATE BK.-d*i§’20 L. C. McCrory____ L. B. Steel, Act,... S. E. Brown............ L. V. Carter______ O. H. Finch $200-15% 88-362 par 100 50,000 J. A. Childers, Act. W. E. Far well.......... Nell W. Conover.. M. M. Alexander A. H. Hesse 88-1023 66,790 1st N., Dallas; 1st N.. Sulphur Springs. 156,590 40,000 ‘Datngerfield.,843 Citizens National Bank .•t'04 W. T. Connor. Jr., R. L. Cason------------ J. W. Pate... — $166.68-10% par 100 88-651 Ch. ofBd. and Pres. J. C. Jenkins Morris D2S 44 25,060 First State Bank,-------- »t§’07 W. E. Conner_____ T. C. Mars________ J. F. Weaver.......... Cecil D. Ward........ Jack Callan $200-20% 88—538 Curt Branom (Merger of Cumby State and F irst National Banks) Nacogdoches G23 $100-10% par 100 44 75,000 hase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Waco; 1st N„ Dallas. 31,320 Dalby Springs 226 Dalby Springs Exchange (J. D.Lumpkin)__ Bank. 88-1715 tt’14 Bowie C23 Dallam B2 .. „ 44 .4 First National Bank .d®»f’0S $225-10% par 100 88-351 Midway Bk. & Tr. Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-353 dB®T»«'07 C. C. Woods............ 1 1430 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given n,.ea(ih bank *5 Uexclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New IStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. As»'n. [Gttab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$bastSaIe%Div. DA L«LrA S—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 11) (Dallas County E-19) Liabilities. PRESIDENT. VlCX PRESIDENT. Oaskisb. ASB’T CASKIM. Resources. tfkr Paid-up Surplus Total LOiabili AND Profits Drfositb ties Capital Loans and Discounts Miscmi.- Qua A >xBonds LAOTOVB «unn,Dra and Sicviinn Rnsoiou ran Aim County Seat—Pop. 217,800 Dallas Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Principal Ooh respondents. American Exchange Nat’l Bank (See First National Bank in Dallas) City National Bank______ 'DALLAS BANK & TRUST GO. *157.50-10% par 100 (See First National Bank in Dallas) R- TENNANT.- - - - - L. C. McBRIDE — J. W. SHULL........... B. H. McCULLOCH .. VERNON J. CAREY 0. A. MANGRUM O S GREENE L.S. BRINDLEY F. 0. GREENWELL R.E.HAMMAN Z.GOSSETT GEO. A. NICOUD . L. W. STAYART Accounts of Banks and Bankers Invited on favorable terms. Collections given special attention. Correspondence invited. c-c-"'ElciEi?M.y-AHp““Evs 32-10 dB©T*tl'03 {Formerly Dallas Trust & Sav■ mgs Bank) Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank H. W. Ferguson... *154-8% par 100 32-68 Bt'19 Dallas Morris Plan Bank©»t'18 J. B. Adoue. Jr.... *155-8% 32-71 W. F. Wright, par 100 (1003 Main) Exec. V. P. 'DALLAS NATIONAL BANK *145-8% par 100 32-64 dB®T»t’20 F. F. Florence. W. L. Roots T. P. Jnnkin. E. L. Flippen J. K. Hexter Ass(. Vice Presidents $ 1.600,000 T. A. Ferria, H. O. Pool. See.... 2,571.200, V. P. and Tr. J. A. Mounts, A. Se e. 100,000 J. 0. GILLESPIE...... 8. C. BRDGE- - - - - - - - J. 8. TEHIS0I % 441,740 $ 6.864.220 $ 911,370 250,000 $ 5,102,900 $ 1,587,110 43,266,560 43,192,070 1,658,370 (Territory Texas an d Oklaho mo) 333,780 64,000 503,500 44,260 (Jnr. Cer tificates) 51,270 $ 1,814,670 % 1,086,420 58,150 $ Gty. Tr. Co., 1st N., Chase N., and Am. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., Los A. 812,260 Eouit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 8,180 i. 6. JESTER_ _ _ _ _ L. B. GLIBBER GRIFFITHS CARNES 500.000 155.750 4,937,140 493.780 ,190,580 1,685,620 605,230 Stop sending Tracers after your Collections. Send us B.-L. drafts, notes, etc., and watch results. Dallas Union Trust Co..BTt5’20 T. H. Obenchain___ J. B. Walker_____ Hugh Bass, Tr____ J. B. Walker. See.. Hugh Bass J. P. Brown, A. Tr, V. K. Ogden. W. B. Head A, Sec. 1135-8% par 100 32-65 1,605,230 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 125,000 44,970 208,030 118.900 6,789,450 79,937,110 8,624,600 23,610 427,360 18,650 27,300 Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. ♦Federal Reserve* (See page 24 for co mplctc informatio n) 32-8 First National Bank in Dallas NATHAN ADAMS- - - - - G. H. PITTMAN_ _ H. C. COKE, LANG WHARTON Ch. of Bd. A. V. LANE R. H. STEWART, J. C. CHIDSEY Vice Ch. E. S. MCLAUGHLIN J. A. PONDROM, E.J. GANNON, Jr. Ch. Ex. RAY NESBITT G. A. MCKINNEY, B. B. JOHNSTON 1st V. P. R. V. SANDERS PAUL BANNA, H. H. SMITH_ _ _ _ _ H. Y. SCURLOCK E. A. HOUSER, C. J. OLDHAM J. J. KETTLE, RALPH BANKS J. J. 0. CONNELL, C. B. PARROTT C. J. SAVAGE, SAM TURNER EUGENE McELVANEY B. F. SIMS Asst. Vice Presidents P. 0. NEWTON, Aud, LEE NEWBURY, G. W. BRIGGS, V. P. and Cash. V. P. and Tr. Off. R. L. EZZELL, A. Tr. Off. 8,000,000 61,891,630 11,798,610 7,062,370 22,598.550 N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., Equit. Tr. Co., and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Phil. N. and 1st N., Phil.; N. Shawmut and IstN., Bos.; 1st N. and Mtle.Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. THE SOUTHWEST'S LEADING BANK Compt, E. M.BRUHNS, Unexcelled Collection Facilities Mgr. For. Dept. *75-14% par 100 32-1 dB©T»t’75 (Merger of American Exchange National and City National Banks) Grand Avenue State Bank par 100 32-75 ©t5’27 nHillcrest State Bank_..®§’30 32-78 (University Park-1 ♦Liberty State Bank..d®»t§’20 $160-6% par 150 32-63 J. F. Witt W. F. Miller_____ H. A. Flusche 25.000 1,120 C. E. Wyatt ............ B. McKinney, Jr., W. P. Yarbrough 25,000 2,500 J. E. Lawther____ F. E. Austin... T, F. Hart, Ch. S. Dysterbach J. S. Pulliam, V. P. J. M. Cum by C. L. Dowlen____ A. W. Krause, Jr. T. B. Fisher 150,000 13,030 (Dallas banks continued cm next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. F. Miller... H. A. Olmsted____ C. E. Wyatt___ 186.560 100 1,803,620 10,850 156,030 2.590 54,160 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 1st N„ Dallas; Far. N„ Plano. 1,004,730 471,270 111,500 389,990 Gty.Tr. Co. N.Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 2d N.. Hou. For Your Collections DALLAS NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS Capital BILL OF LADING DRAFTS Surplus AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $400,000.00 BILL OF LADING DRAFTS WE REMIT PROMPTLY ON DAY OF PAYMENT STOP SENDING OFFICERS TRACERS AFTER J. D. GILLESPIE President YOUR COLLECTIONS O. C. BRUCE Yice-Pres. TTT J. C. TENISON Cashier SEND US B. L. JNO. C. JESTER Asst. Cashier DRAFTS, NOTES, L. B. GLIDDEN Asst. Cashier ETC., AND G. CARNES Asst. Cashier WATCH RESULTS ALL BUSINESS WILL RECEIVE THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF AN OFFICER CAPITAL Try Us for QUICK ACTION and Efficient Service Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND SURPLUS $600,000.00 Now it’s the First National Bank IN DALLAS A Merger of The American Exchange National Bank AND The City National Bank Total Resources Over $100,000,000 Superior Transit Service Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE ^ SOUTHWEST’S Expert Collection Facilities LEADING BANK •Mem.A.B.A.uNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Djv. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DALLAS—Continued Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1/1Q1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ItOI Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 11) Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-Pkisidiht. Tot— Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Deposits Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. LE0TA BRANUM OTHER Miicbl- | cam* k lxbonds LAMIOOl | OLA.NM,Dt71 and RISOUBCBS! nbOM Ba.hxh Diboocntp Siictimrrrae Loans and TIES Asst, V.-Presidents KEMP KbMr Sa. BURGE BUHuh, $ 2,000,006 $ 731.430 $15 018810 * 285.960 $10 982620 $ 2,517.240 $ Principal Correspondents. 333.210 ? 4,203,120 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st L. THORNTON--— J.W.H00PES-—— - H.A. WIDDECKE...... M. J. RACH0FSKY BURRUS, DAN 0. ROGERS 'MERCANTILE J.R. PERRY RAY HOPPER, w. M. HOLLAND C.. W. BELEW JOHN CANNON YOUR ACCO UNT A ND CO RRES POND ENCE F. E. HENDRICKS J. F. HOLT, JR. BANK & TRUST CO. INVI TED. J. L. CR0STHWAIT R_ Q£AT0N GLENN COLE BAILEY C. MALONE H. D. WALLACE, All tna tters given perso nal at tentio n by J. D. FRANCIS OF TEXAS dB©T an offi cer. 0. D. MONTGOMERY, JR...... 'NATIONAL BANK J. MWP*R. B. MADDOX OF COMMERCE Ch.ofBd Dallas Clearing House Association Members shown by ♦. Affiliated by + N., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N., Kan. C. MILTON CRANK C.BROWN P0NDR0M Asst, to Pres, $30-8% A.V,P. and Compt. par 20 ♦32-61 •t§’16 Tr. Off. B. ADOBE, par $290-15% 100 32-4 d®T*t'89 8EBR8E MILLEB— 150.000 445,800 100.000 25.000 4,404,630 150,000 2,494,760 1,421,310 144,460 1,089,910 Equity Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Miss. 1.110 912,640 337,000 42,240 235,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 537.350 442,450 263.220 110,760; 6,774,540 39,833,350 8,182,520 Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. All collections will receive an officer's personal attention, And will be remitted (or on day of payment. Try us for quick service. North Texas National Bank___ (Consolidated with Republic National B ank & Trust Co, Oc tober 14, 1929) +0AK CUFF BANK & TRUST CO. $160-8% par $125-10% 160 par par 100 1.400,800! 32-53 dB®T»+§’28 1 For Prompt Atten tion Send Us Your Items Direct Remit ted for on Day of Pa yment. 100 Jr., R. A. Ritchie_____ W. F. Knox. Sr...- F. E. Blount. Sec... W. F. Knox. A. Sec. L. M. Dabney, Jr. 32-76 F. F. FLORENCE....... BEN C. BALL -...... EUGENE DEB0G0RY W.O.CONNOI, Ch. of Bd. RUPERT ELDRIDGE J. M. HADRA WIRT DAVIS, v. Ch. of Bd. JOHN R. HAVEN WM. Z. HAYES E. S. OWENS, Ch. Exec. Committee W. G. KELLY S. A. L0NGM00R dB®T»t’20 L. WAGGENER, Exec. V.P. JN0.E. OWENS F. E. AUSTIN, v. p. J. W. ROYALL C.S. MITCHELL, V.P. ‘REPUBLIG NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. $75-15% CR. D. SUDDARTH— M. F. REED- - - - - - - - - - M. F. REED —........ 1. P. RAINB0LT...... C. R. MOORE W. 0. CONNOR, < Ch. of Bd. J. F. COPELAND par 20 S2-B2 R.G. STOREY, Tr.Off. W. 0. ANDERSON -— R.F. NICHOLSON, HAYS E. BASSETT Compt. L. S. DUPREE Asst. V.-Presidents J. B. GRIFFITH JAMES M. CUMBY F. B. L0E D. W. FORBES J. W. MASSIE M. A. KNIGHT E. L. PREWITT R. J. MacBEAN H. M. RUSSELL ROBIN WILLIAMS H. V. SMITH 200.000 4,000,000 83,950 1,500,000 52.203,570 AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK R. J. RAPHAEL, Aud. 100,000 26,040 M. J. Norrell -........ H. L. Holliday____ H. L. Holliday------ W. E. Cunningham VV. M. Holland 125,000 25,260 32-77 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bk. of Am., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi.; Franklin Am., Miss. Valley Tr. Co., Mtle. Com. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N.t Bos.; Security-lst N., Los A.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; 1st N., Atl.; Guardian Det., Det.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Ex. N., Tulsa; 1st N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Okla. C. GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION BY Ealy J. Moses------- A. L. Slaughter----- D. L. Donohue........ E. L. Swindells___ T. K. Irwin B. A. McKinney — F. S. Mansfield, Sec.-Exam. (Associate memb ers by +) 1,738,000 15,724,230 Guaranty Tr. Co., Equitable Tr. Co., Chase N., ALL MATTERS SENT US 32-68 Dallas Clearing House______ (Members indicated by a *) 4,870 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y„ 1st N„ Dallas. 922,450 156,355 2,360 821,760 26,760 28,370 55,140 32,650 141,300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 304,990 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Number of Natio nal, Stat e and Pr ivate Banks, Total D eposits b y Cities, States, etc.) 1432 Dallas Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. Year IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Estab±Mem. Local Stk, Exch.lished Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. ±Mem. Local Stk. Exch. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories 1 (1407 Main St.) Brown-Crummer Investment Co.—..1 (1408 Kirby Bldg.)........ ......... .................... .............. Brown-Crummer Inv. Co., Wich. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchance Memberships Year Established Bitting & Co_________ Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories (DON A. HICKS Br.Mar. See head office at New Orleans. High Grade Investment Securities. L Commercial Paper Bankers Acceptances. HIBERNIA SECURITIES CO-.Inc.—-1 ( (806 First Nat’l Bank Bldg.) CALDWELL & CO.-...... -.......-....... 1 CHARLES D. PEARCE, JR., Manager................... Caldwell & Co., Nashville, Tenn. (811 Republic Nat’l Bk, Bldg.) BOND DEPARTMENT DALLAS UNION TRUST CO____ ’20 FIRST NATIONAL ST. LOUIS CORP.. (1528 Main St.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES CO. | Listed and Unlisted Securities bought, Dallas N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. sold and quoted. (Dallas Nat’l. Bk. Bldg.) f REECE T. FREEMAN..... ............... . l REX N. YOUNG GARRETT & COMPANY----------- -t'24 par too (708 Am. Ex. Nat'l Bldg.) .... corresponding offices. Prescott, Wright. Snider Co________ 11 W. B. GARRETT. V. P. Corr: Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. Texas Municipal Securities, Investment Bonds. (Investment Bonds) . (Am. Ex. Bk. Bldg.) Participating distributors and dealers in ..Public Utility and Industrial Securities. Member Texas Bankers Assn. (Municipal, Corporation and GovernmentBonds.) Branch Offices: New York, Dallas, Ft. Worth and Houston, Tex. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY First National Bank, Dallas. INVESTMENT SECURITIES—MUNICIPALS 'P. B. GARRETT, Pres. I E. R. THOMPSON. Sec. (Republic N. Bk. Bldg.) Correspondent of First National Company, St. Louis, Mo. (Investment Securities Partners] ALBERT W. HILLMOND FREEMAN. HILLMOND & YOUNG- flFTFYfl? t’24 n _•* 1 c ? . V. P. and Gen. Mgr. tuny Main at 1 nninnn INVESTMENT BANKERS, FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE, (1407 Main St.) divided Profits $1,000,000 INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. MUNICIPAL BONDS, LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES. JARRATT COMPANY. J.E.................... If O. U. Wymer, Res. Mgr...___ ____________ Home Offices: San Antonio. Tex. /LEMUEL SH0WELL, Ass’t Vice Pres.. , Branch of (see) New York. (Allen Bldg., Commerce & Ervay Sts.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad, Industrial and Corporation Issues. F. M. DRAKE & CO, (208 Magnolia Bldg.) INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP.-— W. B. NEWBURN, Representative______ T. H. 0BENCHAIN. Pres,______ HUGH BASS, V. P. and Treas, W. B. HEAD, v. P. J. B. WALKER, V. P. and Sec. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Secur. Tr. Co., Austin. Head Office, Kansas City. Mo. M. H. THOMAS & GO. 1887 INVESTMENT BANKERS Dealers In Stocks, Bonds, Listed and Unlisted Securities. TEXAS—Continued Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNcw §8tate fPrlv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. (Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSan.A. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Damon ___ 363 Damon City State Bk. .•t§’25 J. E. Hooper.......... H Brazoria M21 *100 88-2102 1 Darrouzett___ 266 First National Bank.__ «t’25 F. E. Evans............ L. L. Draper______ Guy Winningham.. Chas. T. Phillips .. Lipscomb A6 $125-10% 88-1799 Beatrice Winningpar 100 ham Dawson_______950 First National Bank____ t’15 C. M. Newton — Navarro G20 $240 par 100 88-777 •• J. M. Lee ___ J. F. Smith A. L. Edwards____ Liberty National Bank.«t’07 F. H. Simpson........ M. L. Berry_____ E. B. Dawson_____ 88-776 C. O. Weaver C. D. Berry $230-25% Dayton ............2527 Dayton State Bank_.©»tS’07 W. T. Jamison____ J. E. Berry_______ R Liberty K32 $100 par too 88-1024 Deauville . ?.m First«6tate Bank------dt§’19 C. C. Nelms..___ H Burleson J19 $178-8% par 182.83 88-1837 J. C. Seibert. Ch. John Gerdes ‘Decatur......... 2205 Wise D18 S. W. Seibert. . SIMMONS. Ad. E. P. GIBSON-------- N. A. MOORE_____ FIRST NATIONAL CW. T. WAGG0NER-- J.SAMA. BELLAH P. R. BAITS ) Oldest and Larg est Rank, $110-10% BANK ,+-g3 (.Prompt and car eful attention glv en outside buslne ss. par 100 88-509 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Liabilities. Resources. Loam ther Bonds Miscel Paid-up Surplus Dspoft- LOiabili AND and and Capital PROFITS m Discounts Securities laneous ties 17.500 $ 5,000 $ 285,770 $ 25,000 2,800 197,490 25.000 32,490 188,580 50,000 65,650 50,000 250 $ 96,230 i 105.160 S Fbincipal Correspondents. Ex- Cash A changkb,Dce from Banks 8.530 $ 94,560 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y„ 1st N.. Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 68,340 4th N„ Wichita; 1st N„ Okla. 148,660 750 7,540 25,000 100,110 26.500 13,000 373,320 48,300 317.770 63,000 10,000 5,000 359,630 8,120 282,900 9,380 34,330 96,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N. and 1st N.. Hou.; Tex. N., Beaumont. 10.000 8,290 68,350 220 53,090 5,000 3,650 25,130 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.iD.S.N. Galv.;Caldwell N.,Caldwell. 100.000 8,760 591,600 72,660 461.220 159.780 60,260 91,750 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 1st N., Hou. and Waco; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dal. 146,500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. l/ioo 14JJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.%New § State TPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘Count y Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E11 ♦Fed. Res.Depts'.T-Trust B-Bond PasoH Hous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. CA3HIER. Ass’t Cashier. Surplus and Capital Profits Other Depos Liabili its ties Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel Loan* and and Discounts Securities laneous Cash t Ex0HA3iaX8,DTTX Bants 40,000 $ 204,580 Texarkana N.. Texarkana; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. A. G. Crump............ E. E. Bearden...........-H. E. Medford------BeKalb...............910 First National Bank—»t’07 C. C. Cramp______ $125-10% par 100 88-708 Bowie C23 100.000 $ 49,680 541,220 $ 50,000 382,870 113,450 S J. D. Tate________ Joe Ashby-------------DeLeon______ 3302 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. W. H. Williams—. R.R. Harvey-------W. A. Nunnelley $200-25% par 100 88-702 d»t’05 W.A.Nunnelley, Comanche F16 Ch. 50.000 49,900 367,200 37,160 361,370 63,510 18.000 61,380 Equit. Tr. Co., N. ¥.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Waco. 48.000 14,050 153,120 850 163,610 10,500 10,230 31,670 1st N., Waco; 1st N.. Dallas. 100,000 35,010 319,010 110,540 471,210 18,570 74.770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Com'l N. San Ant. B. E. Wilson______ Ross Stafford, Act, B. F. Peirce______ J. A. Walker........... Del Rio National Bank J. R. Johnson Roy Hudspeth $125-8% par 100 88-136 d®T»t'04 150,000 75,000 1,223,000 100,000 1 100,000 106,000 56,000 286,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N.. Dallas. E. E. Sawyer-------- R.T.Hunnicutt.Act. M. D. MeNutt____ L. Stanley... FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. A. Gilmer H. B. Ross $285-12% par 100 88-13a ®»tl900 A. Zambrano, Jr. 100.000 197,440 1,505,430 175,960 1,297,760 137,140 148,270 395.660 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. 8t. L.; Frost N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 300,000 787,080 897,230 336,790 454,009 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 125,780 144,390 17,590 8,940 245,950 1,391,780 844,240 183,890 413,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N.. Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. Security State Bank—*t§'20 B. J. Pittman------- C. W. Cogburn......... Thelma Daniell----- Nina E. Butler. $ioo 88—1924 C. B. Freeman____ iDel Rio.........10,589 Del Rio Bk.&Tr.Co. ©T•ti’10 C. P. Scales----------- T. L. Drisdale____ SVal Verde Mil $160-4% par 100 ♦ 88-137 Denison____ 19,008 Grayson B19 CITIZENS NAT’L BANK $147 par 100 88-37 dB®T*t’25 W B MUNSON. Jr FORD SEALE. Act.... HENRY ETTER_ _ _ _ _ M. A. REGENSBURGER W. S! HIBBARD.’ChT E REGENSBURGER R GEISENHQNER, p G. C. GROVES Banks, Corporations, Wholesale Houses, Manufactur Individuals will find our Service Prompt and S ers, J atisfa E. L. Hopkins, J. W. Madden____ Leo Murphy, A.Sec. and A.Tr Sec. and Tr. T. F. Foley 50,000 fW. L. PETERSON - J. W. MADDEN------ T.F. FOLEY_ _ _ _ _ LEO MURPHY-------A. J. MARTIN, A. c. E. L. HOPKINS J. A. FOSTER 100,000 North Texas Loan & Tr. Co W. L. Peterson... 10% par 100 88—40 BT 8S A. F. Platter. Ch. THE STATE NATIONAL BANK $250-12% 88-3a dB©T*t 83 par 100 75,000 150,000 2,000,000 , obber s and ctory 4,190 218,500 2,268,460 ) A. F. PLATTER,CA. 9,050 State N.. Denison. nk. Collections on D enlson and vicinl ty given personal attention by an o fiicer of the ba 50,000 50,150 818,750 50,000 478,990 190,580 75,400 224.820 Chase N., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 40,000 11,840 452,170 60,800 269,570 120,620 43,100 131,520 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk, & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. Joe Grant_________ K. V. Kimball------ 28,000 42,620 165,520 120,840 9,300 38,640 67,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Paris. First National Bank .— Bt’Q2 Mrs. J. H. Moore.. J. G. Wright-------- J. B. Griffin............. A. Hutchinson----Emma Kinsey W. L. Baughn $175 par 100 88-780 50.000 48,460 332,560 229,730 74,500 10,000 140.430 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Dallas: 1st N. and Am. N.. Paris. 35,000 10,750 219,010 146,300 500 13,860 104.110 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N., Paris; 1st N. St. L. 50,000 9,410 126.760 94.080 54,240 40.650 47,200 Chase N„ N. Y,, Frost N„ San Antonio; So. Tex.Com’lN.. Hou. 10.000 12,700 101,340 61,800 23,760 880 J. W. Degan............. C. E. Miller............... R. M. Barns---------- L. E. Preston. »Denton_____ 7626 Denton County Nat. Bank Dixie Boyd F. C. Davis $180 par 100 *8-214 »t’#2 Denton D18 First State Bank.. $no-8% 88-1474 .•+*'12 W. E. Smoot-------- M. L. Martin_____ W. C. Orr---------O. M. Curtis R. W.Bass------Jno. W. Crain par 100 Deport________ 821 Deport State Bank-------1§’09 J. R. Hutchinson. T. Jeffus.. par 100 88-2116 Lamar C22 W. T. Crittenden.. F. D. Inzer_______ Wm.W. Metcalfe Detroit______ 1530 Citizens State Bank —1§’23 T. D. Wilson_____ Ralph Pearce Red River B22 10% par 100 88-540 Planters National Bank_ Devine............... 995 S Medina M15 (Formerly First Nat ional Bank, In Liq uidation) Adams National Bank—»i’04 W. S. Lilly............. $125-10% par 100 88-1025 D’Hauls_____ 2513 D’Hanis State Bank-----tS’16 E. Zander $150-12% 88-1726 S Medina M15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,650 W. M. Williamson W. M. Williamson R. B. Teel Jacob Reily. J. P. Ephraim.. G- R. Thompson. 50,000 37,600 2d N„ Hou.; Gty. State. San Antonio. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 4^4 Jo each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State f Priv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. £ El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TnistB-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA, d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Dickinson____717 First National Bank.__el'll Paul Lobit____ H Galveston L23 1120-8% par 100 88-1414 Vice-President Chas. J. Blume Cabbies. 88-1028 Dime Box_____219 First State Bank........ }8’17 J. L. Kocurek, Aas’T Cassius. J. H. Jones. Dllley________ 513 Dilley State Bank ___detl’07 S. M. Cratcnfleld ~ F, J. Avant, Act__ F. J. Avant S Frio N15 15% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS’—Continued Liabilities. Loads Paid-up Subplus Dbpos- Other And AND Liabili Capital Profits m Discounts ties $ Dick Rogers__ , Resources. Bond* and Miscel Securities laneous Principal Correspondents. Oeea* Bx non Bera 25,000 10,780 $ 138,310 $ 24,400 $ 20.000 30,820 133,940 17,500 110,150 800 37,200 54,110 Alamo N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 1,490 64,980 20,890 2,500 57,480 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: Hou. N„ Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 41,570 S 106,010 $ 5,430 $ 45,480 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and City N„ Galv. C. C. Nelms_______ L. J. Kocurek....... Joe Spacek, Jr........ 15,000 12,560 116.790 Bruce McLean. Bruce McLean ... Ester Noble... J. J. Hastings 25.000 27.500 235.530 Dodd City___ 495 First National Bank__ Bt'01 S. D. McGee, J. W. Van Noy Fannin C20 $120-10% par 100 88-900 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. O. McGee___ R. H. Mills............ 30,000 6,990 117,680 Dodsonvllle.__513 First state Bank________etS'10 G. W. Deahl___ Collingsworth E6 par 100 88-1030 C. E. Crews, Ch. Gladys R. Nisbett E. J. Smith______ 25.000 29,160 388,990 218,730 48,300 J. D. Hudson____ M. N. Eskew_____ 15.000 3.500 45,000 24,000 11,500 28,000 Hou. N„ Hou.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth 84,480 30,200 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. V.: Hou. N„ Huu.: 1st N. Brownsville; City N„ San Antonio. 11,630 25,530 Com’l N. and Merch. &Plan. N., Sherman, H Lee J19 1180-8% par 100 88-1744 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. ‘Dlmmltt____ 162 First State Bank_____ *tS’07 R. McLean. Castro £2 par 100 88-1029 J. G. Nisbett_ Donle____ ,...218 Donie State Bank____ •{§’10 A. B. Crider.__... O. Wiley, Jr,___ Freestone H21 $115-10% par 100 88-1884 A. G. Easterling Donna______ 1579 Citizens State Bank..d»I§’2 C. L. Skaggs_____ E. C. Couch........... W. C. Early.......... S Hidalgo Q4 1100 par 100 88-1031 F. E. Knapp 40.000 434,900 Dorchester___ 162 Dorchester State Bank...§'28 E. Mackey______ Grayson C19 $100-8% par 100 88-1032 J. 17,500 59,880 Dublin.... ........ 3229 Dublin National Bank.. *J'93 W. Harris ___ Erath F16 $200 par 100 88-359 R. W. Gray, Ch. Maurice Reid— B. W. Lafferty H. Graham____ T. Mackey_______ C, K. Leatherwood 60,000 65,670 528,730 50,000 18,050 251,090 15,000 10,520 148.790 25,000 12,140 84,580 Ophelia Johnson— T. Westmore land, Jr. 50,000 17,450 293,950 S. 0. BOOTHE__ 75,000 42,680 Farmers National Bank, •t’lo D. L. Harris_____ Walter Hamilton.. J.S. Little______ J. W. Hall_______ $125-10/, par 125 88-361 B. W. Lafferty ‘Dumas_____ 113 First State Bank____ •ti'09 Noel McDade___ Moore B3 $170-10% par 100 88-1034 W. W. Daugherty.. Lucian Burnett.__ Gaye Crigler__ Dundee______409 First State Bank........... tj’09 A. Albright______ S. G. Helm___ Archer B15 $125 par 100 88-1036 Horace Flatt____ Eagle Lake.__2017 Eagle Lake State Bk. d»t§’29 Geo. Herder, Sr— S. O. McCarty....... W. E. McRee. H Colorado L20 par 100 88-489 H. Lee Johnson FIRST NATIONAL BANK *150-8% par 100 88-488 d»t’04 CH. S. STRICKLAND B. L. VINEYABD_ _ _ W. E. LENHABT HAYES STEPHENS j Oldest Bank In the County, (.Send us your B ill of Lading Draf t» and Time Ite State Bank & Trust Co. 88-263 East Bernard..523 H Wharton L20 dT«t§'06 J. D. Beck______ F. F. Niggli______ M. J. Boehmer__ A. Rivera, Jr.___ C. F. Carson Viguera Banking Co...*tt’20 Isidro Viguera ___ Oipriano Viguera . Irene Garcia_____ E. M. Salinas, 88-2087 F. N. Garcia, Afyr. Asst. Mgr. Union State Bank__ dtj’07 R. B. Boettcher__ Clem Boettcher... J. J. Toman_____ Albert Lupic____ H50-io% par 100 88-1037 W, C. Buis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150.000 9,400 2,000 34,180 355,110 104,280 1st N., Amarillo; Drovers N., Kan. C., Mo. 51,400 7,160 40,230 22,530 14,350 5,600 132,890 1st N.. Dailas. 176,130 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co.,N. Y.:lst N.,Chi. and Ft. W.; U. S. N„Galveston, 413,450 113,800 10,000 139,680 N. City. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth.; 2d N„ Hou. 232,910 1,900 12,360 71,960 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas; 2nd N„ Hou. 3.910 41,100 Inter-State N. and Stk. Yds. N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., and Amarillo N„ Amarillo. 143.650 77,500 11,170 8.730 24,320 Secur.N. Wichita Falls; Dallas Bk.&Tr. Co.. Dallas. 660 217,690 3.200 41,910 99,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 578,890 20,500 304,880 258.370 27,760 126,060 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N„ Hou. 380,940 3,595,600 151,130 2.105,450 1,298,670 69,150 804,390 N. City. N. Y.; Frost N. and Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N„ Hon. R. ‘Eagle Pass...5765 First National Bank__ «}'90 Geo. C. Hollis____ Wm. Hollis............ J. T. Glass_____ W. A. Hewatt___ S Maverick N12 $350-20% par 100 88-261 E. H. Schmidt. Ch. J. L. Barrera, Act. 181.870 100,000 25,590 530,690 7,880 433,710 17,300 54,430 158,720 Chase N. and Irv. Tr„ N.Y.; AlamoN., San Antonio; Hou. N„ Hou. 75.000 40,780 347.540 73,100 317.920 11.370 88.920 118,200 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tex. State Bk. &Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 50.000 25,000 300,000 200,000 75,000 100.000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: IstN.. Hou. 1435 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and cocntt. *Connty Seat 8. No. 11 F. R. D. £ El Paso H Hous.SSanA. ‘Eastland ...12,435 Eastland F15 •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State t Prii tMem. State B. Ass’u. [Bctab ♦Fed. Res. DepU:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. Pusumrr. Vic* PHBSIDBfT. J. D. McRae, W B. Smith. d*I'23 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Walter Gray EXCHANGE NATIONAL BK. 8% par 100 88-2070 T.l. OVERBEY—. W. A. MARTIN. J. E. BUTLER TEXAS STATE BANK io% 88-768 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EX A S—Continued Oashiik, Asst Oashizr. Guy Parker_______ Paid-up and Capital Profits $ H. BRELSFORD, JR... FRANK LOVETT- - - - - - Surplus 50.000 $ 100,000 Resources. Other Depos L iabili its ties I 188,210 $ 10,220 $ 301,080 36,560 Principal Corkxspondzntb. Loam Bond* Miscel and and Diacounti Securities laneous 78,490 $ 9,570 $ 85,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 702,340 J 113,000 531,470 212,690 100.090 107,650 Gty. Tr. Co., N. V.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 1,280 21,560 33,900 11,040 27,470 1st N.. Bonham; 1st N„ Dallas; Mercb. & SAFE—PR OMPT—ACC OMMODATI NO. d»t§’24 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by eon ding FEE IN ADVAN CEi Plain eight draft*. ISci Cm Jit Rmnorte. 26c. TRY US. Ector_________ 454 First State Bank_______tf’05 W. R. Lotos______ W. H. Harper____ W. H. Harper........ O. G. Weatherby.. *100 par 100 88-1088 Fannin C20 15.000 360 77,340 Ed couch______405 Delta State Bank____ dt§’27 E. C. Couch............ J. F. Byrnes______ V.M. Sutphen___ C. R. Schlemmer .. $130 par 100 88-2120 S Hidalgo 24 25.000 7,000 70,000 62,000 Eddy__________seo First National Bank....*t’I4 J. R. Knight_____ D W. Harwell____ Fred Stewart_____ Willie Block______ McLennan H18 $175-10% par 100 88-755 50,000 40,440 125,380 138.170 Eden_________ 593 Eden 8tate Bank____d»tl’07 H. Q. Maclean___ R. G. Armor............ W. T. Molloy_____ J. L. Dae lei.... $110 par 100 88-1039 Concho H13 50,000 8,310 305,090 31,830 266,580 25,000 10,940 200,030 25,000 117,080 25.000 22,500 375,000 Plan. N.t Sherman. 20,000 20,000 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N., Brownsville; Hou, N., Houston. 24,450 6,800 45,400 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Waco. 36,690 91,970 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co„ N. Y.: Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 26,500 290 118,110 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 150,000 110.000 42,500 120,000 2d N.. Hou.; Guaranty State. San An 850,960 500,500 154,840 285,810 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; City Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co., San Antonio; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 231.150 1,800 27.570 104,030 Alamo N., San Antonio; Merch. N. and 1st N„ Brownsville. Ed ge wood____820 Farmers & Merck. State Bk,. (Purchased by First National Bank) Van Zaudt E21 First National Bank___ »t'00 R. M. Millsaps. $200-15% par 100 88-782 Lee Joyner, Ch. J. P. Downs, Active G. M. Youngblood. W. A. Presley, W. H. Pickens ‘Edinburg___ 1406 Capitol State Bank d©»+§'25 M. L. Paden______ W. L. Pearson___ G. W. Walton____ 88-2096 S Hidalgo Q4 par 180 Edinburg State Bk. &Tr. Co. A. T. Baker___ par 225 88-1040 dMI’ll W. R. Montgomery W, D. Gardner.__ E. S. Hearne___ W. S. Ramsey 100,000 JOE BURNS_ _ _ _ R. E.PORTERFIELD- CLINTON FRASER, Sr. ED. R. SMITH 50,000 NEAL A. BROWN, W. L. TAYLOR Counsel MRS. GRADE CALLAW AY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK $125 88 -2141 J ©’29 s Began Business Only National Gateway of Lo JOE BURNS. Mana non-resident la 148,540 1,530,020 10,000 13,560 304,560 tonio: City N.. Corpus Christi. Sec. to Cash, May 9, 1929. Bank at County Seat of Hidalgo C ounty. wer Rio Grande V alley. “ In the G arden of Golden Grape Fruit.” ger Real Estate Loa n Department also acts as agent for nd owners. ‘Edna_______ 1735 Jackson Co. State Bk. d»tl’07 S. G. Drnshel. H J ackson M20 88-542 A. E. WestholT. E. T. Rose S. D. Scott D. H. Allen. 55.000 49,250 768,070 34,420 339.690 406,050 18,450 142,540 2d and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. El Campo ....1766 Commercial State Bank R. B. Wallace .. H Wharton M21 $200-10% par 100 88-480 d*tl'21 Geo. P. Willis R. E. Kirk E. A. Knebel.. Jesse Appling 50.000 50,760 1.127,770 F. E. Appling 57,500 379,220 424,600 65,180 417,030 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou • U. S. N.. Galv.; Dallas Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. J. F. Kubela_____ G. P. Stallworth.. E. J Soderman R. Cervenka, A. C. J. F. Drozd G. F. Stovall 100,000 111,540 521,970 106.000 11,840 209,550 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N. and 2d N., Hou. First National Bank..d»t’02 G. A. Rives____ 18-47# Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92,860 544,960 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 AO A to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. No. 11 F. R. D.EE1 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso H Hous.SSanA d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Eldorado 329 First National Bank____ «t’07 J. B. Christian___ .T. F. Hill Schleicher 112 io% 88-784 R. P. Hinyard par 100 Electra. _ 4744 Wichita B15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ELECTRA.......... — d©»t’29 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Resources. W. O. Alexander _ L. L. Baker______ $ 75,000 $ 76.500 $ 475,000 $ 20,000 S 288,700 * 304,820 Chase N„ N. Y.; Ft. WorthN„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Wichita Falls. 447.780 72,460 65,390 164,770 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; City N.. Wich. Falls. 25,000 229,140 204,580 59,100 447,810 N. City. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’] N.. Hou.: Austin N., Austin. 16,500 135,610 61,860 21,000 64,070 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Austin N„ Austin. 63,070 88.400 16,120 48.910 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; Mtle N„ Dallas. 54,340 83,800 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Royall N. and East Tex. N.. Palestine. 3,400 24,610 1st N., Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; John Schuhmacher State Bk., LaGrange. 75,000 18,350 657,050 Elgin National Bank ... »t’07 W. H. Rivers, Jr... W. P. Culp. Sr. ... W. P. Culp. Jr------ R. H. Arbuckle___ $250-10% 88-497 par 100 Roland Johnson... First State Bank____d*t§’28 M. C. Parrish_____ C. B. Sullivan......... par 100 88-498 John Barton, V. P. A. F. Anderson. Jr. 50.000 132,690 732,960 25,000 3,400 237,650 Ellasvllle . 127 Eliasville State Bank..»t§’24 W. T. Donnell____ W P NpwpII W. O. Cunningham F. M. Atchison .— *129-10% par 100 88-1968 Young D15 H. C. Brock, Active 25,000 11,500 175.000 - - - Elkhart 1013 Elkhart State Bank___ t§’ll 88-14 2 9 H Anderson G22 *125 W. A. Weatherford R. E. L. Parks____ J. B. Parker______ Elbert Kyle D. S. Lively 20,000 13,040 285,630 EUtnger 3R2 First State Rank t§’12 H Fayette K20 *112.50-8% par 100 ♦ 88-1475 C. W. Ehlinger.__ 12,500 5,140 72,490 “ FIRST STATE BANK— 88-1041 Elgin................1630 H Bastrop J18 •• -tS’ll S. E. Honaker_____ C. W. Coffey______ T. T. Weatherall.. M.M.McGann.A.C. D. H. Dale J. A. Wise, V. P. J. R. Brewer i 2,770 183,290 53,570 8,540 1 EL PASO—Reserve City •Mem. A.B. A. MNew §8tate fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Gstab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. *EL PASO NATIONAL BANK 88-15 d®T*t’25 1150-10% par 100 •Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas..__88-1___I_______ First National Bank 1120-10% par 100 88-4 (El Paso, F-l) County Seat.—Pop. 117,800 Resources. Liabilities. President. 12,400 1 248,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. 30,000 729,180 A. S. Haaf............... Chas. C. Hair J. N. Fulcher.......... E. Schlaffke, Ch. 97.400 $ 3,000 2,330 88-1376 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Principal Correspondents. 493,690 100,000 *100-10% par 100 . Surplus Depos Other I/oan* Bonds Miscel Cash A Ex Paid-up changes,Dux AND and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discount* Socuritios laneous from Banks ties Surplus and Propits Other Total Deposits Liabili ties Loans Bonds and and Dnootnrre Seoubitub MI8CB L~ Gain k ExLAKBOVa CU AXam, Dux Rbsodbobb from Banks El Paso Clearing House Association Members shown by *. Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. C.M. HARVEY......... s. D. YOUNG.......... - H. A. JACOBS- - - - - - - W. S. WARNOCK- - - - - HOMER HARRIS, JR., jfc H. GOLDSTEIN T. N. JENNESS. And. j. F. JENKINS A. V• H> ui Bni AN EL PASO’S NEWEST BANK CONFIRMS ITS APPRECIATION OF BUSI NESS BY RENDERING EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTION SERVICE. $ 301.000 $ 168,240 $ 3,091,870 526,000 $ 1,732,890 $ 1,193,380 $ 170,000 $ 989,840 1st. N., Dallas. Send us your items on Southwestern points including Old Mexico. *’18 (El Pato Branch, Federal Bttertt Ba nk o/ DaUcu. Tta,). (See Pa ge 24 for c ompltt e i«/orm ation) F.M. MURCHISON,, J-W.^ER ...... J. E. BENTON- - - - - - - - B. L. MEYERS N H.W. MOORE. J. M. MANDEVILLE MANDEVI JOSHUAS.RAYNOLDS A. Tr. Officer f. E. BILLETT Ch. of Bd. WM.GRAVES.H. S. SCHUMACHER SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR HANDLING COLLEC TIONS IN ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, WEST TEXAS, dB®M’81 AND OLD MEXICO. (ElFRASER Paso Banks Continued on n\ext page.) Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,000,000 301,310 13,373,940 1,180,340 8,011,210 2,927,640 1,330,940 3,585,810 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; Secur.-lst N., Los A.; 1st N., Bos., Kan. C., and St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. OUR WIDE ACQUAINTANCE AND EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS IN OLD MEXICO Enable us to give efficient and prompt attention to collections and payments throughout the Republic of Mexico Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,200,000.00 We specialize in the prompt handling of Bill of Lading Drafts on any point in the great Southwest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OVER 49 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE gained from conservative policies enables us to offer modern service in all departments Prompt remittance made on collections through reserve accounts in important centers Splendid facilities through connections in this territory insure quick action on collection items SEND YOUR ARIZONA, WEST TEXAS, NEW MEXICO AND MEXICO COLLECTIONS TO US ❖ Accounts of Banks, Corporations and Individuals Solicited ❖ The State National Bank El Paso, Texas SINCE 1881 1437 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Est&b. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. "State National Bank $500-12% par 100 88-6 of EL PASO—Reserve City The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. President. (El Paso, F-l) County Seat__ Pop. 117,800 (Branch of Reserve Bank, District No. 11) Liabilities Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Other Liabili Loans and Discounts ties Resources. Miscel Bonds AND laneous Securities Resources Cash ft ExCHANGKS,DUI from Banks C. H. BASSETT-. G. D. FL0RY —. G. G. MATKIH—- P. H. ANDERSON _ R. W- McfiFEE R. E. OWEN, Aud. F. M. SMITH W- W- SCOTT S 300.000 $ 877,890 $13301630 $ 24,200 $ 6.640,160 $ 3.786.970 $ 418.570 $ 3,658,020 PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. d®T»t’81 E1 Paso Clearing House-------- F. M. Murchison... (Members indicated by a *) (See pag See. and Tr. /J. S. CURTISS — GEO. L. HOGE_ _ _ _ _ Q.E. LEONARD....... . S. E. FREESE_ _ _ _ _ J. S. CURTISS & CO____ 1 J’10 \Oldest Inve J Participati (Established 1910' (First National Bldg.) ) Southwest $250-20% par 100 1 Utility, Ind stment Firm ng Distribut ern Common ustrial and M V Mexican S ecurities. FIRST MORTGAGE COMPANY (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) in the South ors and Deal and Pfd. Sto unicipal Bon -30 forN Banks, T otal Dep osits by El Paso Clearing House Ass’n Members shown by* Affiliated banks by + Principal Correspondents. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Shaw., Bos.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr., San F.; CItiz. N. Tr. & Sav. and Calif., Los A.; 1st N., Dallas; Frost N., San Antonio; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Austin N., Austin; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; United States N., Den.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galveston. te Cities, S tates, et c.) ' 50.000 New York City. west. ers in all cks, Public ds and . (L. H.0RN00RFF_ T.B. NEWMAN-....... W.E. WARD; Sec. and Treas. C. C. HESSEY. W. H. r. JUUU. ) SPECIALIZING IN FIRST (.MORTGAGE R EAL ESTATE PA PER. A. Sec. 750,000 21,330 989.310 j Auditor 7.230 1 635,220 1st N., El Paso. ’ll • * TEXAS—Continued — TownandCounty. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is. F. Res.Dist. ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond MMem. Br. N Nash. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Elsa s Hidalgo Q2 $127 par 100 88-2124 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Loam Depos Other Paid-up Surplus and and and L iabili laneous its Capital Profits Discounts Securities ties H. B. Seay________ T. F. Rives.............. P. L. Davis_______ W. H. Moore______ $ Elyslan Fields. 321 Security State Bank__ XS’IS J. M. Furrh______ J. D. Furrh E. S. Fry $180-20% 88-1576 Harrison E24 J. B. Furrh__ 20.000 $ 6,580 $ 121,590 $ Principal Correspondents. 6,440 $ 32,700 City N., San Antonio; 1st N„ Mercedes. 44,120 11,100 105,560 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Dallas; 1st N„Si .L.; Com’l N., Shreveport, La. 26,330 1,800 34,410 102.730 1st N.. Dallas; Corsicana N., Corsicana; 1st N., Hou. 86.000 50,000 15,000 16.830 218.810 470 90,330 $ Emhonse____ 347 First National Bank___J’25 O. H. DeLafosse, G. G. Owen_____ W. E. Harrington . Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M. Montgomery $150-10% 88-1044 Navarro F19 30.000 16.880 117,950 440 .Emory 721 Bains D21 $241 -10% par 300 88-710 25.000 50,000 180,000 Y. L. Rountree.__ $ 10,000 $ 119,030 ft Ex Cash changes, Du 1 from Banks par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. B. Clayton_____ O. H. Bodes............ 0. H. S. H. Hood Rories ._ 116,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk.&Tr.Co., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. i 40Q Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND CODNTT. ^County Seat8. No. 11 P. R. D. E El Paso HHous SSan A. •Mem. A. B. A {State tPrlr. +Mem State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depta:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Prcsident. VICE-PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this T EX AS—Continued Cashier. Ass t Oashiu. Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonds MI8CBL- Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and chances, Due its Capital Propits Discounts Securities LANBOU8 num Banks ties Principal Correspondents. . Enloe____ ____ 398 Enloe State Bank in Enloe J. M. Hagood_____ M. W. Smith______ O. E. Cregg par 100 88-1504 {*'28 Delta C21 M. F. Young Ennis________7224 ♦Citizens National Bank F. A. Newton____ J. L. Clarke............ H. R. Thomas........ 1156-10% 88-176 ®*f94 Bills F19 Clair White J. J. Hodo, Jr.. A. C. « _____ •• ♦FARMERS STATE BARK W. Weatherford.. E. C. Hawkins, Act. C. S. Cook ______ 1120-10% 88-2031 .tl’22 W. F. Verner......... E. F. Nesuda 100.000 65,480 877,130 $ 185,380 511,980 428.250 14,000 273,750 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and Dallas N„ Dallas: 80. Tex. Com’l N„ Hon, J. Baldridge, Jr.... J. Evarts J. R. Glaspy 50,000 15,660 533,000 342,570 27,180 31,270 197.640 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. W. M. Tucker____ C. W. Sanders____ 20.000 17,180 2?.~,snn 200,380 9,540 15,970 36,580 Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Memp. and Childress. F. B.Cornelias.__ 25.000 15,000 73.970 25.840 U. a cX. IN • aliu LdllaS IN •« Ual ids. 1st IN • and Gty. Bd. State, Athens. Brant..................319 First National Bank___t’25 W. C. Brooks-------- J. W. Burney_____ E. T. Brooks. ___ 1175-12% 88-1487 Coryell H17 par 100 25.000 7,000 151,000 Fabens. 1K?7 First National Bank— d»t’20 H. L. Birney, luo-10% 88-1952 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. C. W. Bickley. Act. E B1 Paso 01 par 100 50.000 32,640 270,440 40.000 41,500 « „ •* M First National. Hank S 17.500 $ 3,500 $ 150,000 $ 91,000 S 4.000 $ 10.000 1 66,©0 Mtle. Bk. & Tr, Co., Dallas: 1st N., Paris. (Closed February 8, 1930) Ennis Clearing House______ F. A. Newton_____ E. C. Hawkins........ R. T. Blakey, (Members indicated by a*) See.. Tr.. and Mgr. EsteUlne______ 394 Estelline State Bank.d«tl’05 S. H. Moore.......... P. L. Vardy . 1200-20% 88-1048 Hall A12 R. C. Wiley par 200 Eustace. .....513 First State Bank_______ tl’10 J. M. Melton 88-1049 Henderson P21 10% G. J. Cook______ iF&lrfleld . 629 Fairfield State Bank...rtl'12 T.J. Hall_________ 0. H. Watson 88-1452 Freestone G20 w. w. Hill Jr, PklTlh , - SR? Citizens Bank. 10% 88-1583 Hunt 029 Vincent Carr_____ tt'12 G. C. Waggoner . G. E. Childs E. F. Glazener 10.000 17.740 84,410 90.000 30.000 5,000 115,960 63,490 43,120 139,910 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; State N„ El Paso: D. S. N„ Galv. 312,440 128.660 93,400 5,160 166,710 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hon. N., Ho a., 1st N., Dallas. 75,000 45,000 9,400 8,000 58,0© Tex. N. and Cont. N,. Ft. Worth. 32,000 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. J. R. Scott. Jr., *Falfurrias... 1825 First National Bank T. R. Bennett. Geo. M. Ludwig... F. L. Vickery_____ *120-10% 88-1967 d®«t'20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Active S Brooks Q17 par 100 50.000 30,100 756,580 40,170 5,81.750 84,660 24,940 185,500 Irv. Tr., N. Y.: City Cent., San Ant.: City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Corpus Christi. Falls City_____ 521 Falls City National Bank.7'07 J. W. Moezygemba F. P. Moczyeretnba. A. D. Opiela. *160-10% par 100 88-1052 S Karnes M17 G. J. Moezygemba 25.000 17.390 141,730 17,800 96,290 58.850 12,690 34,090 Cent Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Amonn; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hon. 25.000 27,280 464,140 12,150 288,880 18,200 18,620 20,000 6,500 279,910 249,190 4,120 10,000 15.000 4,000 60.000 60,000 25,000 23.650 274,410 21,750 191,750 John I. Richardson Farmersvllle. 2167 Farmersville National Bank_ (Consolidated with First National Ban k in Farmersville, D ecember 7, 1929) Collin D20 .. First National Bank in J. E. Pendleton... O. E. Carlisle_____ G. H. Beam_______ W. H. Jouett.......... Farmersville..............®»t’29 Levi Wilson *200 par 100 88-454 tFarwell ...509 Security State Bank ®»t§'25 J. H. Head................ G. D. Anderson. *100 par 100 88-2089 Act, Parmer A 7 Fate....................299 First 8tate Bank______ tl’07 J. D. Miller______ J.N. Miller---------- W. B. Waller. 88-1054 Rockwall D20 Mrs. W. B. Waller- Fayetteville. ..390 Farmers National Bank—1'17 C.G. Vetter______ O. A. Vetter 88-1741 H Fayette K20 *125-8% T. G. Fordtran par 100 .. Fayetteville State Bank»t§’16 Lee Heinsohn___ J. R. Kubena 88-1055 *150-7% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. R. Kubena____ Joe R. Kubena.... 30,000 - . 25.000 252,860 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Dallas. 43,090 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Drov. N.. Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com.. Amarillo. 15,000 1st N., Dallas: 1st N„ Royse City. 129,100 129,610 5.870 139,370 71,450 12,260 83,480 So. Tex. Com’l N. and Public N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Dallas. 20.320 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co Hou.; Mtii. Rk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given Town and county. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El PasoHHous.SSanA. •Mem.A.B.A.»New §StateTPriv. lM«a. State B Ass'n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. ■ President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued Vice-President. Ass Cashier. t Oasbikr. Resources. Liabilities. Other Uabh ft Ea Bond* Surplus Loan* Miscai^ ch D epos Liabili Paid-up anoxb,Dub and and AND its Capital Pro pits Diwcounta Securities LAN* on s fbom Banks ties Fentress______ 269 Fentress State Bank_d<S'16 C. E. Tolhurst------ Carl Waller............... P. G. Mahoney......... J. W. Lipscomb___ t 88-1710 W. J. Tiller S Caldwell L18 *200-10% par 200 in Min t lo.aso { 104,900 Ferris .1586 Farmers & Merch. State Bank D. H. Moyers____ A. E. Cox_________ H. Weatherford... L. W. Moyers____ *2«M5% ♦ 88-633 +4'06 Ellis E19 .« IS Ferris National Bank.. _ <'02 J. M. Batchler .... S. W. Cole............. Lloyd Wilson_____ Robert A. Orr *165 par 100 88-632 Lloyd Wilson 50.000 60,000 325.000 $ 65,000 31,310 300,380 M. Fernau, Jr.____ F. A. Nesrsta-------- R. F. Meyer............ 50,000 33,970 612,400 35,000 10,290 242,160 R. A. WISEMAN-------- W. W. HERRINGTON. L. H. MITCHELL......... S. W. TEJR n given BUI of Lad Ins Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 50.000 25,080 C S. V. HOUSTON— J.T. HOUSTON-------- E. FRANKLIN---------- E. L. WHITSETT......... E. F. WOOLSEY, JR. 50.000 $ 59,470 $ 36,640 $ 4,140 $ Principal Correspondents. 25,040 Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Dallas; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 238.000 1st N. and Htle.Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas. 5,000 184,000 3,000 10,000 15,600 292,460 18,800 25,670 385,370 85.320 49,520 176,160 N. City, N. ¥.: So. Tex. Com’1 N., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 4,990 166,970 1,180 19,500 104,790 So.Tex.COm'l N., Hon.: Austin N„ Austin: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 333,750 48,700 303,190 81,330 4,190 68,820 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; 1st N„ Hou. 51,410 444,330 51,850 327,310 55.200 19,670 195,420 N. City. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 50.000 50,420 571,930 12,500 378,700 64,400 47.610 194,160 Drov. N.. Kan. 0.. Mo.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo. Floyd County National Bank T. 8. Stevenson... S. A. Greer_______ Jas. K. Green......... May M. Garrett___ J. Clements. A. C. L. Surginer *175-12% 88-836 d®<’09 C. Surginer, Jas. K. Green Joe Breed par 145 Ch. and V. P. 50,000 21,100 610,380 50,000 466,880 125,930 40,290 J. J. Belew.............. J. R. Patterson ... Raymond Seale.... 12,500 1,280 73,800 56,350 5,050 6,580 Katie L. Graves... Flynn________ 419 Flynn State Bank--------- $|’17 W. E. Reed_______ A. E. Gormley____ R. L. Oden. Cash., Sec. and Tr. *190-10% par 100 88-1776 G. T. Rouse, Ch. Leon H21 10,000 9,930 82,530 2,000 53,650 2,000 2,730 W E. Stuart______ O. A. Crump___ ... A. W. Kincade — F. B. Sumpter____ 25.000 21,490 328,460 7,500 263,240 41,020 9,370 68,810 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr., Kan. 0.; 4th N., Wichita; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 10.000 9,950 47,550 35,390 580 2,420 29,100 Ft. Worth N. and Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 50,000 41,270 150,640 51,460 199,820 26,250 25,670 41,620 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 100,000 24,130 190,380 103,400 215,260 103,450 22,610 76,590 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Dallas. 25,000 55.000 145.000 165.000 10,000 50.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Onion N., Hon. 20,000 1,210 112,980 113,690 5,480 14,800 Citiz. N.. Waxahachie; State N., Corsi cana; 1st N.. Dallas. W. D. Bloys______ 35.000 29,740 285,870 186,470 Bruce Hinsey _____ 50,000 12,510 780,250 25,000 6,400 160,000 Flatonia 995 *150-10% H Fayette L19 88^761 Jno. A. Kerr Florence______ 763 Williamson 117 *150-20% par 100 88-1066 J. A. Brewster___ W. C. Love ......... P. A. Wales, Act. jW. It. WISEMAN— »Flores villa...1518 CITY NATIONAL BANK -Tt 07 Y Special attentlo *160-12% 88-587 S Wilson M17 ' Pwm tend 15c wi par 100 *■ _____ •< th each tight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Riser to. FIRST NATIONAL BANK02 < FIFTEEN CENT 8 sent with each sight draft for pr esentatlon. ] Insures prompt , personal attent Ion. *200-15% 88-588 (.Thisdoes not ap ply to Bills of Lad lng drafts or note a. par 100 Thos. Montgomery O. M. Watson......... E. L. Norman. . A. M. Moore Mrs. J. N. Farris J. V. Daniel * Floy dads___ 1384 First National Bank.ddX'M *250-20% 88-835 Floyd Bll par 100 — 75,360 Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Fluvanna 517 First State Bank______ *t§'07 D. A. Jones. *100 par 100 88-1058 Scarry Dll Follett 5 fifi *215 Lipscomb N8 88-1806 98,350 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 19,600 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Snyder: Far. & Merch. N.. Abi lene. 46,070 Public N.. Hou.: Tex. N., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Dallas. Forest___ 1R2 Fanners & Merchan ts State Bk. {Closed for liquidati on January 16,1930) H Cherokee G22 Fores tburg___ 264 *180-20% Montague C17 J. F. Freeman____ W. F. Landers___ G. D. Wylie.. - 88-1775 Forney 1845 City National Bank___ <1901 J. B. Sowell_______ C. B. Drake_______ *225-10% 88-681 O. J. Ledbetter Kanfman E20 par 189 ** >< Farmers National Bank <’89 W. A. Brooks_____ J. M. Davis, Jr. ... J. M. Davis. Jr.... C. C. Senter *ns-io% 88-682 •• Forney State Bank___ <§T5 *325-10% ♦ 88-1704 Forreston_____ 420 Forreston State Bank_.ti’06 Ellis F19 *150- io% 88-1060 aFL. Davis.__ .525 E Jeff Davis 16 a Ft. E O. W. Reagin______ O. W. Reagin T. A. Ferris_____ Port Davts State Bank . d»l’ll J. W. Espy----------- W. S. Miller .. 12% par loo 88-1401 Pecos 18 par 100 88-787 24,960 '353,240 S. C. Johnson J. M. Montgomery. H. L. Winfield........ Pecos County State Bank 88-2131 •§ '28 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jas. W. Fields......... C. O. Williams____ .. J. H. dark_____ Stockton 1297 First National Rank_..d<T0 R, E. Ellis................. H fl Watson George Anderson 91,730 220 265,550 7,250 156,900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; State N.. El Paso. 21,980 227,020 ChaseN.. N. Y.; Ft.Worth N.. Ft. Worth; San Angelo N., San Angelo; 1st N.. El Paso. 94,000 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Cent. N., San Angelo. 1440 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. 1115 par 100 37-24 37-22 Vice President. C. E. Gillham_____ dT»t§’28 A. P. Barrett, Ch. ’CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK *150-6% par 100 President. dB©T*t’21 Cashier. FORT WORTH ASS’T CASHIER. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Propits ties 100.000 $ L. E. Reynolds___ R. H. Sandsberry.. $ Lanford Coffman H. H.WILKINSON J. G. WILKINSON, 22,470 $ 1,763.640 A. E. THOMAS J. H.ERIKSEN_ _ _ _ T. 0. VOGEL_ _ _ _ _ _ E. H. WINTON J. E. WILLIS, Tr. Off. V.M. BLAKELY H. C'. WALLENBERG, H. C- BURKE, JR.. Ch. of Bd. A. V. P. (Tarrant, E18) County Seat (Federal Reserve District No. 11) A, V. P, and A. Tr. Off. 750,000 388.720 8,689,420 $ Resources. Miscel Cash A EX Bonds laneous CHANGES,Dui and and Discounts SECURITIES Resources FROM Banks $ 719,200 Principal Correspondents. Loans 420,440 $ 5,135,710 222,250 J 2.051,170 23,860 $ 1.219.550 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Chase N., Equit. and Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Fore man-State N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Hlb. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. O.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Ex. N., Tulsa; 1st N., Dallas. 543,520 2,816.950 995,250 Guaranty Trust Co.................................... .New York National City Bank New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co..Chicago 7,407,900 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Chicago First National Bank St. Louis Mercantile Commerce Bank & Trust Co. St. Louis ALL BUSINESS SENT US RECEIVES PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION BY AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK. W. E. CONNELL, ’FIRST NATIONAL BANK 37-1 *310-14% par 100 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. T.B.YARBROUGH.. R. C. MARTIN------- CHAMP CLARK-— J, N. SPARKS E.N. RATLIFF, A.c. F. A. ROGERS Asst. V.-Presidents: A. B. CULBERTSON. Tr. Off. W. H. WALLERICH J. B. HAMILTON. F. W. POWELL A. Tr. Off. n. m. uuncn Wo have superior facilities for handling your Texas Items and dB®T*t’77 oollections. We collect direct. Prompt. Reasonable. 1,000,000 1,160,000 24,139,070 124,870 14,739,110 3.281,680 Your business invited. rort worth National Bank *67.50-12% par 20 37-5 dB®T*t’73 K. M. VAN ZANDT— R, F, HARPING___ E. E. BEWLEY W. M. MASS IE B. H. MARTIN R. C. HEARNE R. W. FENDER GUY PRICE ELMER RENFRO......... P G WEILER W. E. WELCH K. V. JENNINGS, A. V. P. C. W. BRASELTON E.P. VAN ZANDT, W. B. CAYCE A. V. P. s. 0. HARTMAN J. A. OLSON 2,500.000 2,505,760 36,049,570 6,809,820 27,370,320 7,956,590 We cordially invite correspondence of Banks and Bankers desiring efficient and N.Y.Tr.Co., Chase N., N. City, and Gty.Tr.Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N., Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Boatmens 1,770,080 10,768,160 N., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F.; Secur.-lst N. Bk. of Los A., Los A.; Whitney N. and Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. ; Mellon N. and Un. Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st N., Bos.; Guardian Det., Det. satisfactory service in this territory. FraternaJ Bank & Trust Co. W. M. McDonald *100-10% 37-57 dTt'12 ’STOCKYARDS NATIONAL BANK 37-12 ®T»}'0S Texas National Bank. . J. W. Hightower .. Harry Manack____ rw. L. PIER............ F. L. PELTON--------- F. L. PELTON-......... HfeRSCHELSGHLAALSLGOW 15,420 2,670 609,840 200,000 147,340 3,217,090 352,460 390,350 82,700 39,590 2,555,500 3.090 421,420 584,840 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 22,200 917,770 Chatham Phenix,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Inter-state Nat’l, Kan.C. 131,190 173,610 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. A. A. REPPER [Special att ention given all business entrusted t o our care (Closed February 1, 1930) *Union Bank & Trust Co. (100 Main) 37-60 d©T*t§’28 Fort Worth Oknrtng House___ (Members indicated by a*) J. S. 8ACHE & CO........ ...... f HUGH L.CLAIBORNE for FRASER (Petroleum Bldg.) \ Members Prlnc Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ J. C. Griffith______ C. M. Pearce_____ D. R. Gilliland E. H. Winton_____ Mayo Bowen, Sec. and Tr. . Resident Manager ipal Stock Excha nges. 100,000 25,620 (See pag es 28-29 -30 forn umber of Private Banks, T otal Dep osits by 293,870 Nationa l, State and Cities, States, etc.) J. S. Bache & Co.. New York. TEXAS AND SOUTHWEST SERVICE OCATED in Fort Worth —the Hub ^ of the Southwest—serving more than three hundred of the Southwest and Texas Banks, as Correspondent and Depository — we are enabled to serve advantageously Banks, Corporations, Individuals and Business Men needing banking service in this section, I "PMRECTED by officers of long experi ence, our highly specialized and effi cient Collection and Transit Departments, thru personalized confidential service assure prompt attention to all items, and quick returns, on bill of lading drafts and other Southwest business sent thru the The Fort Worth National Bank „ . ,e „ United States Depositary Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth Oil — Resources $47,000,000.00 is the Livestock Rail Grain Cotton and Industrial Center of the Southwest — — — — Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $5,000,000.00 Backed by the Ideals and Resources of a Dominant Organization IFTY-seven years of unbroken service is the To meet these conditions, to make the bankers record of the bankers directory. This has directory the outstanding and standard work been possible only because of the policies of its kind, has been the steadfast aim of Rand and resources of the organization behind this M?Nally & Company. The bankers directory publication. The bankers directory contains is universally relied on as a reference work. It is over 3000 pages. More than 50 questions are looked to continually by bankers and business answered about every bank. Eighty maps are men for information. It must be authoritative. given. A resume of the commercial and banking It must be complete. Users demand dependable laws. A buyers’ guide. A list of bank- information. And the bankers directory today recommended attorneys. Foreign attorneys and leads all similar publications combined in cir the like. And because facts are in constant flux, culation as well as in the number of advertisers constant effort must be made to keep the in who use its pages regularly. Surely that is proof formation given authoritative. In the present that the publishers have realized their aim. edition of the bankers directory, more than The number of advertisers using the bankers 269,000 revisions were required, and that after directory greatly exceeds the number of paid only six months. subscribers to any similar publication. F A Service in its Field Unapproached by any Other Bank Directory 1 The bankers directory circulation ft Based on circulation, advertising far exceeds the total of all other sim rates are one-third those of other ilar publications combined. It is bought similar publications. by nine out of ten bank directory sub scribers. C. Less than one-fourth of the banks advertising in the bankers O The directory itself is thoroughly directory consider it necessary to ad revised twice yearly. vertise in any other bank directory. 9 It is published nearer the date of its information than any similar H Advertisers not using the bankers directory. • * directory rarely use any directory. A More than 8,000 advertisers regu- That is why we say, the bankers larly use each edition. directory can do your job alone. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Because the bankers directory is first in prestige, circulation and preference among directory users, it will serve you best. O Q The bankers directory is published by the Official Numbering Agent of the American Bankers Association. Get the facts before you sign any contract for bank directory service. Rand McNally & Company 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago Washington 270 Madison Avenue, New York San Francisco Los Angeles Largest Publishers of Banking Publications in the World Established 1856 Official Numbering Agent, American Bankers Association l/l/ll att -L Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and codnty. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. No.ll F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso H Hous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. TEXAS—Continued Resources. LIABILITIES. Vice-President. President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. First State Bank ..dB©»t8'13 J. J. Carter_____ W. T. Maris----*190-15% ♦ 88-1551 Loan* Bond* Miscel Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and Liabili and its Capitai. Profits Discount* Securities laneous ties 48,300 $ 215.270 $ 138,210 $ Principal Correspondents. t Cash Exchangis,Dui from Banks 5,960 $ 148,720 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 50,000 $ 62.790 S 347,060 $ W. 0. Crane--------- A. D. Rhodes. B. E. Finch 30.000 27,500 390,000 160,000 132,000 4,220 145.000 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N.. Hou. and Waco. Ray Perry----------- Carrie Watkins. 40.000 24,620 197,710 130,960 4,730 6,310 120,320 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas; Royall N„ Palestine. ‘Franklin ....1131 First National Bank___<’05 R. M. Duffey.......... Jno. H. Lomax .... D. J. Mauk---------- Alys Truett.. *200-20% par too 88-521 Robertson 120 par Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. $ 100 First State Bank_______t§'09 J. F. Austin______ B. 0. Oely.......... H Anderson F22 *150-10% par 100 88-1061 Bk. of Am. N.A.. N. Y.; Hutchings Sealey & Oo„ GalT.; City N., San Antonio. Adolph Gold______ Albert Koennecke. A. W. Henke.......... Lawrence Knopp.. ‘Fredericksburg Bank of Fredericksburg Mrs. T. D. Smith 88-370 <t’87 SGillespie J15 3050 50.000 Wm. Bierschwale. M. J. Bierschwale. W. F. Bierschwale 30.000 10.000 P. Geo. Maercky.. W. 0. McLendon. R. D. Collins_____ 0. K. Phillips........ Freeport_____ 1798 Freeport National Bank H Brazoria M22 *145-10% par 100 88-1548 d<’13 50.000 27.270 508,520 16,850 165,660 284,130 20,170 H. J. Farwell____ Jesse M. Osborn Friona 315 Friona State Bank------<§’19 Mrs. M. M. *115-10% 88-1661 Henschel Parmer El par 100 20.000 16.270 398,980 2,000 266,260 70,510 9,800 90,400 1st N., Kan. O.; Amarillo N.. Amarillo. 25.000 660 102,060 2,000 57,000 10,370 8,500 54,180 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 25,000 58,150 293,760 252,930 45,880 9,200 68,900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st JM„ Dallas; Corsicana N., Corsicana. 75.000 20,610 189,120 44,940 235,770 28,000 16,910 49,040 1st N., Hou.: Corsicana N„ Corsicana Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 17,500 4,750 55,750 320 18,810 8,500 48,010 Red River N„ Clarksville; Am. N.. Paris. 250.000 81,420 914,850 174,400 968,720 187.960 68,680 195,310 N. City. N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 65.000 41,310 760.840 93,590 524,010 180,100 107.310 149,310 N. City, N.Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; 1st N„ and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 212.260 1,017,920 ................ 779.360 315,900 80,270 254,640 N. Citv. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; 1st N„ Dal las; ist N.. St. L. 44,210 15,910 8,930 30.170 Far. & Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Rusk j 1st N„ Hou. •• H Citizens Bank ...........<+'05 Oscar Krauskopf.. 88-371 First State Bank_______§’29 M. C. Parrish .......... C. B. Sullivan_____ J. P. Self................ W. C. Holt 88-818 Collin D19 Frost.................._913 Citizens State Bank........ t§’09 J. M. Scott............. R. F. Shaw-----A. H. Strain *310-13% ♦88-814 Navarro F19 par 100 G. L. Haley. J. B. Strain ........... J.C. Young. S. F. Jones.............. J. C. Beck, First National Bank ___ <’03 J. W. Matlock. V. P. and Cash, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 88-813 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co..N. Y.: Frost N., San Antonio; So. Texas Com 1 N.. Hou. 130,680 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou. *170 Fulbrlght____330 Fulbright State Bank...t§’27 Edgar Hooker____ J. N. Henry.. par 100 88—1566 Red River C22 S. Ramsey_______ Mrs. H. H. Wilkin son J. W. Gladney........ G.D. Bell_______ P. H. Wilson D. T. Lacy, ‘Gainesville ..9016 FIRST RATIONAL BANK *125-10% 88-144 ®< 83 Ch. of Bd. and Pres J. W. Schad Cooke C18 C. A. Loftis par 100 *• h First State Bank_____ <§’05 J. W. Downard___ J. F. Morris______ Claude Jones ____ Wm. Leuie_______ F. Morris, Jr., Act *160-10% 88-146 S. M. King----------------- Roy T. Potter____ Raymond P. King. J. A. Smoot Lindsay National Bank 88-145 d©T<’02 200.000 *215-12% par 200 Gallatin............165 Farmers & Merck. State Bk. W. T. Norman par 100 88-1881 t§’19 H Cherokee G22 $100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .— W. H. Garner____ J. L. Richey______ 10.000 820 1 447 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I?. each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' GALVESTON Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPm. tMem. 8tate B. Ass'n. [Estah ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. , President. (Federal Reserve District No. 11 H) 1 Vice President. _________ •" /I______________ Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. „ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Galveston, M23) County Seat Pop. 50,600—Reserve City Liabilities. Other Paid-up 1 Surplus Total AND Capital | Profits Deposits Liabili ties Loanb Resources. Bonds | Mi&cbl- j Principal 1 SEALY HUTCHINGS GEO. SEALY . HUTCIMS, SEALY & CO. GALVESTON correspondents. Cam A Ex. AND LANBOU8 cmamcm,I>u* Discounts j8»cuBrrnBs|B*sou*CB* rsoai Bank* AND TEXAS (Unincorporated) BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1854 ESTABLISHED 1854 We Offer Efficient Service for Your Texas Business. ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK J250-8% par 100 4 6 9 d®T»t'07 "FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. L. MOODY, JR_ _ W. L. MOODY, A. A. HORNE With direct connections and wide facilities throughout the* 200,006 $ 353,030 S 8.119,390 $ 185,000 $ 4,685,900 $ 1,721.170 200,000 319,410 200,710 State of Texas, we can give you quickest action at a minimum cost on all Texas business. CR.WAVERLEY SMITH ICHAS. FOWLER- — F. W. _ _ CATTERALL, _______ F. ANGLER_ _ _ _ _ _ \ H. A, EIBANO Cash, and Tr. Off. E. KELLNER F.w.rCATTERALL < WE SOLICIT y )AND OFFER /THEOLDEST N 1250-16% par 100 46-2 dB®T»t'65 V. ESTABLISHED SEALY HUTCHINGS GEORGE SEALV ‘HUTCHINGS — S. MARCUS GREER— IRA BERRY......... I. M. HERZ, Tr. Off. G. H. SCHEEL SEALY AND OUR TEXAS BUS ivfss COMPLETE BAN KING SERVICE, ATIONAL BANK IN TEXAS. 3,786,460 2,269,170 1,613,190 211,980 $ 2,238,380 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Phil. 67,980 556 240 Chase N„ 1st N„ Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., and Irv. Tr.Co..N. Y.;lst N„ Chi., Kan.O., and 8t.L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Peun. Co. and 1st N„ Phil A.Tr. Off, 1865. EST ABLISHED 1854. We offer efficient ban king service for ban ks. corporati ons and Individuals N. City, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. COMPANY 46-1 *^’54 *W. L. Moody & Company 46-3 ®»tt’66 (W. L. Moody, Jr., Shearn Moody)... J.B. Mills. Security Trust CompanydBTJ’12 William Gammon . 1100-8% par 100 46 -53 W.L.Moody.Jr.. Ch. •South Texas National Rank C. G Sweet______ 46-7 ®T»i’74 S. Hutchings, Ch. "UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Frank Smith. J. P. McDonough.. J. W. Hopkins, W. HenryReybaud, A. Sec. K. Tidemann Sec. and Tr. E. R. Cheesborough A. T. Schwarzbach H. W. T. Rabe....... G. D. Haden E. O. Cone, Active A. W. Moore fl. H. KEMPNER.— J. W. BUTLER......... A. J. PETERSON, E. T. McBRIDE...... . Cash, and Tr. Off. E. J. DE 6ARBIERIS R. L. KEMPNER, A. LION I v- p- 0. A. WALKER, JR. 0. P. DOYLE, And. R. J. KELLER $133-7% par 100 46-4 dB®T«t'74 Galveston Gleanne House____ A. A. Horne.......... Chas. Peek_______ D. P. Doyle, Mgr, .. (Member* indicated by a*) N. City and Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 300.000 73,910 750,000 347,320 1,000,000 934,710 996,890 197,270 114,460 5,530.360 80,420 2,691,960 2,200,190 162,510 1,653,440 N. City, and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 334,150 10.622,880 1,232,520 6.384,540 1,036,000 3,220,050 2,539,960 Kquit. Tr. Co., Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.O.; Union Tr. Co.. Pitt, and Clev.; Los A.-lst N. Tr. &Sav., Los A.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Bk. of ltalv N. Tr. & Sav. Assn.. San F. (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Banks Total Number of Natio nal, Stat e and Pr ivate Deposits by Citie s, States , etc.) Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS G.P.MANN&CO. trio (200-203 Am. Nat’l Ins. Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. P. MANN, Pres.... Governmen t, Railroad, Industrial, Inves tment Secur sties Municipal, P ublic Utility and Foreign Sto cks a nd Bo nds. Bonds. Mortgage Loans. City N„ Galv. Mem hers Gal Eif'h Mem bers Tet Assoc veston C otton ange as Bank era’ iatlon |E. A. Pierce & Co., and Chatham-Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: City N„ Galveston; Public N. and C. P. Mann & Co., Hou. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i/l/io to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ It'T'O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats No. 11 F. R. D.EE1 PasoH Hous.SSanA. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Ganado_______716 Citizens State Bank—-•tS’10 H Jackson M20 1125-10% 88-1064 par 100 Guaranty Bond State Bank 88-1798 t§’25 Garland____ 1421 First National Bank—..»t’04 Dallas D19 $105 par 100 88-773 STATE NATIONAL BANK $i35-io% 88-774 d»t’06 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Resources. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. T. N. Mauritz------ Fred Mauritz _. Ajss’t Cashier. Cashier. 0. F. Combe-------- P. J. Snlak. W. F. Miller, J. M. Yoas_______ B. H. Treybig......... J. V. Petrash. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L.L. Caldwell------ L. R. Guthrie........ W. O. Jamison .... L. B. Spillers . J.W.Rabb A. R. DAVIS. .'■MR-— B. L COOKER- - - - - - HEYWARD WHITE— FORD SEALE Bondi Miscel Loads Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and iabili it* Capital Profits Discount! Siouritiia laneous ties $ 50,000 S 17,500 20,000 50.000 100,000 86,000 $ 124,000 325,000 3,490 9,000 76,930 12,930 53,080 265,920 32,400 591,210 99,550 405,650 11,170 125,000 9,240 99,940 1,000 85,000 5,000 10,000 60,230 180 5,000 60,040 S lx- $ 155,000 So. Tex. Com'l N. and 1st N„ Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. 333.790 6,550 Principal Correspondents. C**m k GHAieiifDn rtoi Baku 60,550 37.380 148,240 69.380 GORDON FLORENCE 15,170 State N. and Marine Bkg. & Tr. Co., Hou. 85,940 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N.. Dallas. 199,880 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. V.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. Send us your it ems direct, .Prompt, person al attention give nBfll of Lading P rafts. Cosh and T lm e Ite ms. Garrison____ ..603 First State Bank______ tl’10 L. L. Williams___ D. M. McDuffie.__ J, K. Garrison.. H Nacogdoches G24 $200-15% 88-1066 A. C. Irwin par 100 Garwood_____ 462 Garwood State Bank___tl'10 Geo. Herder, 8r„ Frank Arnold__ G. J. Olsovsky . H Colorado L20 10% par 175 88-106 7 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Gary_________ 514 Gary 8tate Bank........... »t§’22 Z. L. Daniel_____ W. M. Byrn ___ J. S. Du Bose ... Panola F24 25% par 100 88-1365 25.000 46,530 1st N., St. L.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Com’l N., Shreveport. 28,000 1st N. and Hou. N., Hou.: Eagle Lake State. Eagle Lake: U. S. N., Galv. 33,180 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Com’l N., Shreveport. 25,000 2,000 100,000 Earnesteen Hooper 12,500 13,470 72,560 B. B. Garrett____ F. W. Straw_____ Eiland Lovejoy -__ 100,000 119.010 671.490 100.000 540,420 284,250 30.800 M. Blankenship... J. P. Kendrick. 100,000 99,560 535,940 38,450 430,620 165,700 4,650 50,000 27,250 519,500 274,600 167,000 30,150 125,000 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: 1st N., Waco. 50,000 5,010 314.980 3,000 202,970 34,550 26,000 109,470 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co-, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Cttiz. State, Austin; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 50,000 40,630 547.980 40,250 377,590 107,670 35,330 158,270 Chase N.. N. V.; 1st N.. Hon.; 1st N.. Dallas; Am. N„ Austin, First National Bank___ •t’OO J, E. Cooper, E. H. Eanes______ E.H. Eanes______ Lott B. Rogers .... $125-8% par 100 88-309 Ch. of Bd. and Pres 100,000 10,460 360,920 330,250 200,530 499,450 31,600 70,040 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; 1st N.. Dallas. ^George West..267 First National Bank___ t’17 E. G. Majors_____ J. J. Dabbs______ E. E. Bartlett____ C. J. Ska loud__ Grace Armantrout S Live Oak 017 $120-10% 88-1790 par 100 {Liquidated by Segu in State Bank & Tru st Co,. Seguin, Tex.) Geronimo____127 Geronimo State Bank— S Guadalupe L17 ‘Glddings ___ 1650 Citizens State Bank...d«t5’06 1. J. Fariss______ Paul Nerger-------- E. Schuhmann___ $130-8% par 100 88-472 H Lee K19 50.000 7,510 260,170 85,000 222,940 112,480 12,080 55,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and Tex.State Bk & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 50,000 17,170 376,060 77,480 274,080 129,120 33,770 First National Bank____ t’90 88-471 ‘Gilmer_____ 2268 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank $150-10% par 100 88-561 '01 Upshur E23 First National Bank— •J1900 88-560 Gilmer State Bank____ tl’10 $110 88-562 Girard............ 156 First State Bank...........t§’27 $110 par 100 88-2126 Kent C12 E. G. Jaehne, Jr.__ 60,000 75,050 329.450 18,600 272,040 95,050 7,600 M. R. Smith......... Mrs. M. R. Smith W. A. Marshal)__ L. O. Blonnt J. H. Mathis-----Alvin Spencer Lois Bailey_____ 50,000 30,890 392,340 55,000 230,560 83,870 26,630 83,730 Chase N.. N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Am. N.. Austin; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., 11r S 108,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; Union N. and 1st N., Houston; 1st N., Dallas. 187,170 1st N„ Dallas; Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 100,000 50,000 600.000 380,000 145,000 50,000 10,020 198,750 179.930 6.290 12,080 25,000 4,620 125,270 90.160 25,430 1.740 15,000 13,100 142,700 123,430 4.360 3.150 25.000 14,460 89,270 71,530 ‘Glen Rose ...1036 First National Bank inGlen Geo. P. Snyder ___ C, A. Bridges____ C. A. Bridges____ J. W. Bridges Rose.__88-788.............«t’24 Somervell F17 25,000 160 202,480 88.690 69,210 Godley....___ 613 Citizens National Bank._t’18 I. T. Vickers, H. F. Long_____ J. R. Beaver_____ O. T. Harris____ $100-10% par 100 88-1072 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Johnson E18 ‘Goldtbwalte.1214 First National Bank In Gold W. B. Summy.. J. E. Brooking.... D. H. Harrison__ W. E. Summy__ Mills H16 th waite ...88-673........... t’24 25,000 2,070 121.450 94,650 1,450 6,240 25,000 6.370 165,260 100,000 900 11,560 100,000 51,450 616,150 420,760 25,220 44,500 iGatesviile ...2499 First National Bank__ *t’89 Leake Ayres____ Coryell H17 $250 88-441 Gatesville National Bank«t'02 1). E. Graves _— $250 par 100 88-442 Guaranty Bank & Trust Com C. C. Sadler___ pany ___88-1628__dT«J5’14 Irvin McCreary.... Irvin McCreary ... L. S. Holmes. B. K. Cooper 135.020 Chase N„ N. V.; U. S. N.. Galv.; 1st N., Waco. „ 172,930 N. City. N. V.; 1st N„ Dallas: 1st N. Hou. $175-10% par 100 ♦ ‘Georgetown .2871 Williamson J18 CITY NATIONAL BANK $140-10% par 100 88-1971 d»t’20 O. W. Sherrill___ H. H. Onstot____ I. O. Williams.. MissO.McLaughlin. Sec. Farmers State Bank., .•tl’05 E. G. Gillett_____ W.L. Price______ W.L. Price_______ $200-10% 88-310 E. R. Sinks______ E. G. Jaehne____ A. J. Nisbet____ J. S. Hillsman 11. J. Childress -... J. P. Ray, Act.___ C. T. Crosby____ R. C. Barnell. Ch. T. S. Ragland____ J. W. Croley_____ H. P, McGaughy... L. G. Martin, A. C. W. R. Stephens___ R. B. Nelson........... V. E. Todd____ W. H. McKinzie... J. D. Patterson, Sr, Marvin Carlile. J. A. Parks Gladewater___550 Everett Banking Co., Unin Mrs. L. J. Everett Carl B. Everett__ Loyce Phillips. corporated.88-1379'll Gregg E23 Glendora ___ 419 Glen Flora State B&nk.*tf’07 P. G. Brooks, W. A. Dayvault.. W. W. Armstrong.. Ch, ofBd. and Pres. H Wharton L21 $130-10% 88-1071 1,650 5.740 par 100 21,520 225,000 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; So. Tex. Com. N., Hou. 60,460 1st N.. Rep. N., and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., £)allas 37,590 Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 41,510 Rep. N. and 1st N.. Dallas: Com’l N., Shreveport; 1st N., Longview. 51.460 So. Tex. ComT N.. Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 48,220 Cent. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.T.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. $250 par 100 1,300 47,480 Ft. Worth N. and Stk. Yds. N„ Ft.Worth. 84,170 1st N„ Dallas: 1st N., Hou. $128 par 120 Trent State Bank__«tl’08 88-674 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. O. Dew. W. E. Fairman ___ W. B. Fairman__ Grover Dalton — 277,110 1st N., Dallas. 1 AAA J-i ' ' Number under Name of Rank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. . •Mem. A.B. A. »New § State tPriv. i ^County Seats. jMem. State B. Asa'n, [Estab. No. 11 F.R.D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous.SSan.A. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In____ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back, of this V/UIUulUCU volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ------ =----Liabilities. Resources. 1 Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos Other Loan. Bonds Cam k ExAss’t Cashier. Paid-up Miscel CHairaw.Ihni and AND L iabili and Capital Profits its Discount. Securities laneous moil Bamu ties TITV A o A -*-***-*aw7 Town and county. •Goliad s Goliad Cashier. Vice-President. J. C. Burns—_____ J. E. Pettus_______ J. M. Burns______ Mrs. A. Tumlinson $ 25.000 $ 5,000 $ 107,000 $ Mrs. M. L. Burns f JOSEPH WEAR- W. E. FOWLER — E. A. MARTIN.— J.P. WEBER------50,000 59,460 525,080 1 DEN. ■ ■■ v -.■■■ s ) Ch.of Ba.ana Pres FIRST NATIONAL BANK \ All Items given careful attention, and remitted for on day of payme nt. f 150 88-452 d8»491 / Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by tend par 100 V. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, /5c; Cred it Report*. 25c. TRY U S. 2025 N18 s% M M President. •« 88-1845 9,100 $ 131,000 $ ®tt'19; R. L. Pettus______ J. H. Pittman____ J. H. Pittman___ L. J. Lntenbacher. Goliad Bank & Trust Co. R. A. Burke «ii2.50-io% 88-653 d®*t§’08 50.000 S 252,130 $ 40,760 80,200 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N.. 1,450 248,110 45.280 49,580 66,700 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.: Alamo N.. San Antonio: 1st N., Dallas. •4 U a* •• Farmers National Banlc.»t'Q6 $300-10% 88-296 (ionzales State Bk. ft Tr. do. --1106-10% par too 88-295 T*41’08 First State Bank §-'21 $175-10% 88-1973 Citizens State Bk. & Trust Co. Goose Creek, ,7044 $110 88-1992 dB®T*t§'20 H Harris L23 Gonzales County. One of the olde st private banks In Texa 8. [ )Do a general Ba nklng and Excha nge business. 1 Collections sen t us will receive p rompt attention. J. 3. Douglass___ R.C. Botts.............. J. H. Daniel. C. T. Rather, Ch. F. M. Fly-.............. J. C. Bright_____ V.S. Marett-........ V. S. Marrett G. A. Vesta), J. Y. Lane----------- R. F. Stephenson.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres, J. W. J. H. Rayson_____ H. C. Wood H. W. Robertson.. E. V. Kopecky Vera Rhea_______ 100,000 58,140 822,790 75,000 1,350 245,000 9,260 32,630 N. C. Galloway— 50,000 Fincher Hugh Echols, Jr., W. W. Sloan Active, V. P. •* •• Goose Creek State Bank W. B. Dopiantli—. Mrs.W.E.Duplantis W. L. Thompson.. J. W. Riggs. par 110 88-1988 dB®Tt§'20 E. T. Arnett *• <• Security State Bank -d^tS^ W. F. Miller______ G. A. Lillie______ W. T. Busch______ W. W. Green.......... $100 88-1770 W. T. Busch. V. P. J.P.Weickershimer H. P. Henegar........ R. M. Barton_____ Frank Boles............... Gordon..............675 First National Bank—.d*t’01 A. P. Wilbar, $125-10% par 120 88-850 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, Palo Pinto E16 Gordon Bkg. ft Mtle. Oo.tlOOO 88-849 Gordonviile.... 168 Gordonviile Siate Bank $no 88-1383 •tS'll Grayson CIS Goree________ 614 First National Bank-----•t’06 88-1075 Knox C14 Gorman . 82(10 Continental State Bank H. McAdams, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 88-522 444,010 352,070 42,740 15.950 16,410 201.000 10,000 54,380 1,033,480 2,040 52,459 759,210 26.000 390 138,390 10,000 112,470 8,700 25.000 10,430 261,490 100 200,500 32,660 50,000 15,000 151.230 6,260 175,970 8,050 30,360 15,550 37,260 9,550 6,680 3,120 169,600 5.9001 125,710 11,990 33,450 52,600 1st N.. Hon.; U. 63,860 Marine Bk. & 8. N., Galv. Tr. Co. and State N.. Hou. 30,000 30,330 455,520 — 298,660 101,860 W. F. Turpin_____ 50,000 16,900 135,840 120 119.890 5,810 29,550 - T.0.0EATS........ — J. C. WHITE BLAKE ALLISON 100,000 116,460 1,066,940 25,000 622,490 466,060 51,940 167.920 Chase N., N.Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft Worth: 1st N.. Dallas. 56.500 214,260 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N..FL Worth: 1st N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Wichita Falls; Austin N„ Austin. 117.340 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N., Fort Worth. 47,610 1st N., Ft. Worth and Mineral Wells. ■ Oldest Bank in Young County Y ears Continuous Service—Same Lo cation. \ Accounts, Colie ctlous and Corre spondence Solid ted. . ’ THE A. GORBETT_ _ _ _ R. V. TIDWELL. Active H. L. TIDWELL. G. D. HINSON MRS. H. D. CRISWELL 50,000 106,030 1,021,760 50.000 542.180 414,830 100,000 414.940 164.230 74,980 179,610 37,060 10,180 281,200 315,500 14,980 “The Old Reliable ” of Graham, Texas. •Granbury___ 1364 Co., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hon. G. Mayo_________ dB‘t’90 GRAHAM NATIONAL W. BANK $300-10% par 100 88-623 Tr. 5,630 Oom’l N. and Cent. State., Sherman; Citiz. N.. Denison. 32.470 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N..Wichita Falls and Ft. Worth. 720 25,000 (Consolidated with First. National Ban k) I Thirty- nine 346,290 Equit. 31,240 Ft. Worth N. and Tex. N., Ft. Worth; DallasN - Dallas. 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 12.500 . 244,870 Chase N., N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.: Alamo N.. San Antonio. 45,000 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.: N. Bk. Com., San Antonio: Am. N.. Austin. 7,400 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: 1st N.,Quanah. 7,230 E. Braly — W. First National Bank—»tT900 O. P. Newberry... C.E. Herrington... $275-25% par 100 88-741 Graford_____ 719 First National Bank___#t’07 R.P. Lee________ A. F. Jones__ Palo Pinto D16 $125-10% 88-1076 par 100 ‘Graham____2544 /GRAHAM STEWART MALCOLM G.STEWART C. G. BL00DW0RTH Yoane D16 (e. s. graham. I Ch. of Bd, $175-10% par 100 102,750 T. E. McKinney... W. J. Gardiner— Ethel Sanderson.. Tom Isbell_______ H. A. Pendleton... Eastland F15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN GRAHAM 10,000 Hou.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hon.; Frost N.. Ban Antonio; 1st N„ Dallas. C, E. DILWORTH --- EVERETT LAWLEY - DILWORTH BANK —. •itw 88-294 (U nincorporated) S Gonzales L18 15,000 N. City. N. Y.; Bo. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 315.310 326,770 31,450 100 53,860 d»t'01 Inquiries and Collections—QUICK RETURNS—Officers Personal Attent ion. Most Modern Equipment and Facilities this section Texas. ' D. C. Cogdell_____ J. N. Nutt----------- W. F. Juliff__ Hood E17 $125 par 100 88-616 Grand Prairie 1263 City National Bank..........t’07 W. G. Liggett.......... J. F. Waggoner, J. T. Yeager. Acting A. N. Smith. V.P. Dallas E19 88-730 Digitized Grand for FRASER Saline 1528 Siate National Bank___•|,07 J. C. Alsup.............. .1. E. Andcws 88-692 J. E. I’ersons Van Zandt E21 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. B. Hunt __ Geo. A. Jones____ 100.000 80,000 400,000 P. Waggoner______ 40,000 5,910 250,320 50,000 38,000 677,540 1 ' 87,230 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth 69,370 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Dallas N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 140.270 Equit. Tr. Co„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Dallas N., Dallas. i a ac loTJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. ^N'ew §SXaie jPn». ‘County Seats. iMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F.R.D.E El ♦Fed. Kes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Grandview_ 1084 P SrUlOi 5 Ok ALCl Dili AN Al 1 114UA 88-700 »i’04 Johnson F18 First National Bank___ *t 90 — *250 88-699 Granger_____ 1944 First National Bank... di’02 Williamson 118 Si 10-10% par 100 88-493 Grapeland____936 H i Houston G22 Grapevine____821 Tarrant D18 ‘Greenville. .14,386 Hunt D21. Gregory______ 517 S San Patricio P19 »Groesbeck ...1522 Limestone G20 Groom SI 9 Carson 1)4 »Groveton___1103 H Trinity H23 Hansford A4 Gunter..............575 Grayson C19 Gustine_______ 312 Comanche G16 Hale Center ...519 Hale BIO • llallettsvllie .1444 S Lavaca L19. llallsville............. 542 Harrison E23 ‘Hamilton__ 2018 Hamilton G17 Vice-President. Cashier. O. L. Wilkirson... C. P. Talbert Resources. Liabilities. Loan a Bonds Surplus Depos Otfer Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili and its Diaoounta Saeurities laneous Capital Propits ties 1.950 $ 24.610 T. S. Wilkinson___ $ 40.000 $ 25.620 $ 95.580 $ 29.400, $ 147.510 $ Ass t Cashier. Principal Correspondents. Cash t Ex OHANai8,I>Tri FROM BaNR# $ 16.530 N.Oity.N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. 169,550 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 40,000 10.610 67,100 9,000 102,400 50.000 24,600 138,640 T. D. Bartosh____ V. P. and Cash. G. E. Holmstrom G. F. Wilcox, V. P. 53.280 10,000 256.050 6,690 373,660 35,000 A. A. Spacek____ I. C. Parma ............. Wm. Bartosh------Granger National Bank.»t’20 E. A. Bartosh. V. P. F. R. Zrubek 1125-5% par 100 88-1928 3,140 2,150 99.930 15,000 17,190 145,200 W. D. Granberry.. Leon Anderson___ Farmers & Merch. State Bk. G. E. Darsoy______ T. S. Kent $215-10% par 100 88-1078 tfi’07 25,8701 9,130 96,840 19,720 134,880 20,000 Grapelan* State Bank. JI'll C. W. Kennedy___ J. R. Pennington.. H. A. Layne ............ Mary S. Hallmark.. $200-10% par 100 88-1392 220,000 H. D. Lipscomb___ Grapevine Home Bk.dBt+1900 R. E. Morrow. (i ruirmd ual rt.spo nsi bihty Over One M illinv Dollars j Ch. of Bd. and Pres. S. A. Wail $167-15% par 100 88-831 200.000 50,000 22,000 210.000 Tarrant County National Bk. M. A. Buchanan $U2-s% 88-1917 •fin H. E. Saunders. Ch. W. R. Buckner par 100 8,940 277,150 481,510 100,000 25,470 831,710 .1. W Ward B. R. Brown_____ Paul Dodd.. ._ _ Citizens State Bank ...<§’20 J. C. Thompson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $120-8% par 100 ♦ 88-122 199,980' 533,500 2.213,100 250,000 307,760 3,854,500 Benton S. Clark ... J. B. Clayton_____ C. B. Jones_______ J. A. Norton............ W. A. Butler L. A. Clark $200-12% 88-119 d©T»t'07 J. W. Birdsong, H. Eugene Norton Active V. P. T. R. East par 100 W. B. Wise E. C. Beet on 5,650 250,730 6,250 25.000 394,100 38,300 E. N. Tutt________ A. H. Barnett_____ Shirley Taylor___ First National Bank___*t'12 May M. Green Watson August Floerke $222-6% 88 1079 par 100 14,400! 134.000 154,020 50,000 409,410 35,440 J. C. Kimbell. __ Citizens National Bank *{’02 J. E. Bradley 88-570 52,000 35,000 3,000 150,000 25,000 Continental State Bank .tS’09 H. H. Wilkinson... J. D. Whitcomb... A. M. Beeman____ Maye Bridges____ J. G. Wilkinson,Ch. par 100 88-571 1,060( 17,150 148,550 25,000 249,000 15,620 G. N. Groves_____ C. L. Harrison. Farmers State Bank.. «i§’13 $140-10% par 100 88-1503 50,000 105,500 25.000 313,500 I ft TTnsel 1 20,220 C. L. Culver______ State National Bank. d»t’25 J. W. Knorpp____ $100-16% par 100 S8-1080 74,610 794,480 100.000 100,000 737,940 100,350 Hayne Nelms.......... Z. F. Divine _____ Gordon Keily_____ First National Bank„.©»J'02 R. R. Robb. V. P. B. A. Platt $200-10% 88-1081 3,050 3,180 121,100 7,710 125,240 40,000 L. P, Atmar______ W. L. Hutson_____ Wrn.H, Hensley___ $100-10% par 100 88-1558 161,450 69,810 7,500 270,060 25.000 Walter W'ilmeth... A T? Bnrt First State Bank_____ *+§’29 P. B. Higgs, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 88—2142 10,100 39,930 1,740 121,930 25.000 L. W. Millen______ C. B, Polk Continental State'09 J. G. Wilkinson, Ch. $110 par 100 88-1082 20,000 1,770 82,610 60,030 25.000 2,700 J. W. Robinson____ C. Willingham____ Jewell Watson____ First State Bank ........ »5’22 $105-10% 88-2051 900 149,840 25,000 5.410 309,570 First National Bank-__’flO R. F. Alley________ N. Alley____________ Nelson Perdue____ A. H. Lemond_____ Leona M. Perdue $'.75-10% par 175 88-1084 58,540 427.500 555.110 1,031.840 48,720 60.000 J, H. Simpson_____ Bruno Cohn _______ FIRST RATIONAL BANK-'t 90 S. H. Simpson_____ A. Klatt............... .. 88-597 11,100 158,060 3,240 205,710 40,000 Peoples State Bank...d»t§'92 $100 par 100 88-2138 1,950 2,850 58,490 89,910 6,720 25.000 Mrs. Francis MolFarmers State Bank__•TS’IS G. F. Molhusen____ P. C. Tucker________ ■ husen J. B Cullen Sr.,C7i. $100-10% par 100 ♦ 88-1882 20,630 8,140 126,590 115,300 8,390 25.000 E. P. Hunt _________ First State Bank-----------»tJ 09 J. W. Holloway.___ C. W. Rutland_____ C. F. Haywood .... ti25-m% 88-1085 T. P. Black. Ch. par 100 5.160 282.460 50.000 33.710 281,370 PAUL EDMISTON-------n. E. MOORE______ J. A. McDURMAN — C. M. RUSH 17,230 35,500 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: 1st. N„ Waco. 33,700 82,320 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Hou.: Citiz. N„ Waco. 66,502 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com. N„ Hou.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 64,720 1st N„ Dallas; So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou. HAMILTON BANK & TRUST GO. HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK ♦ 88-529 (• President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (.In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued 40,000 33,560 224,770 39,400, 122,570 T. B. Sullivan.......... J. S. Fox, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. O. Lamb 9,900 29,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Ft. Worth, N., Ft. Worth. 67,500 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Tex. N. and Cont. N„ Ft, Worth. 33,280 174,190 Chase N„ N. Y.; Rep. N, Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 507.990 1,357,650 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Dallas; 1st N„ St.L. 4,850 9,000 26,000 201,220 IstN., Chi.;Alamo N„ San Ant.; So.Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Corp. Chris. N., Corpus Ohristi. 212,230 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Hon, 65.000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 7,200 117,780 1st N, and Rep; N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; So. 18,220 185,000 Drov. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 147,660 N.City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 30,160 Chase N„ N. Y.; 2d N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv eston. 69,710 Amarillo N„ Amarillo; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C.; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 90,100 Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 21,530 22,830 28,740 10,080 8,390 30,900 10,620 11,520 21,590 10,620 1st N.. Fort Worth; Dallas N„ Dallas. 180,850 Is’ N.. Plainview; 1st. N„ Dallas; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. 185,590 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co„ N.Y.; 1st N., Hou. 64,790 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co„ N. Y.; Un. N. and 1st N„ Hou,; Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N.. Dallas. Rep. N.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Marshall 51,620 N.. Marshall; 1st N.. Longview. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dallas Bk. 23,160 & Tr.Co., Dallas; U. S. N„ Galv.; Com’l N„ Shreveport, La.; 1st N„ Marshall. 135.880 N. City. N. Y.; Rep. N.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. { SEND US YOU R BUSINESS DI / Prompt persona I attention given BHUoT Lading Dr afts, (.Cash and Time Items and remitt ed for on day of payment. T»t*’06 $200 par 100 88-528 d»t’81 Perry National Bank ____ t'20 $135-10% 88-1980 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. H. Harrell_____ C. P. Lane J. J. Parmele, J. Nelson_______ O. Williamson------ jA. H. WILLIAMS... C. B. JAMES_________ H. E. CHESLEY C. 1. JAMES_________ W.G.BARKLEY.......... C. V. ALLEN 100,000 79.090 384,750 100,000 16,480 511,540 21,870 251.130 134.790 36,850 162,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ 203,290 198.720 19.970 206.030 1st N„ Dallas; Stock Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 2d N., Hou. ^Oldest, largest a nd strongest ban k In County, (Prompt,, person al attention give n all banking in a tters. G. M. Carlton........... J. Cleveland, Jr.... 1 44fi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. ♦County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso HHous. $SanA. oMem.A.B.A.'U’New § State tPriv. {Mem, State B Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President Hamlin .__ 1633 Farmers & Merchants JonesD18 National Bank_____d‘t’07 $150-25% par 100 88-430 .. First National Bank... »t'06 H. H. Wilkinson ... $175-10% 88-428 J.G.Wilkinson, Ch. pur 100 Handley 905 First National Bank d©*t'25 J. M. Beaty______ Tarrant E18 $125—12% par 100 88-1526 Happy............ ..419 Swisher E3 $135-10% par 100 88-1087 Cashier Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Other | Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus D bpos MiaCEL- Cash * Exand AND and LiabiliCapital Profits ITS Diaoounta Securitise rmon Baku TIES W. C. Russell_____ $ F. Carpenter 40.000 $ 36,800 $ 511,160 Lennie Greenway. 40,000 36,000 550,000 S Ben T. Merritt ___ Ray E. McOleskey. 25,000 10,600 Alden C. Mann.... 25,000 — Martin McCain___ Jno. T. Day $ 333,290 $ 40,000 74,620 $ E. L. Peteet_____ T. E. Little W. N. Peal B. F. Johnson B. M. Holland Hal lie Peal . W. E. McKenzie E. O. Anglin______ T. C. Jeffrey_____ R. R. Davenport J. S. Whitewood__ H. P. Gartrell____ Jno. S. Morris____ C. E. Bliss C. F. Rnnk S. H. Fields 180,000 90,000 180.400 121,700 45,400 5.100 43.800 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 18,490 368,520 167,090 650 14,870 229,400 1st N., Plainview; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C ; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L. 20.000 11,220 72,940 50,870 400 2,080 54,280 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Marshall; Com’l N., Shreveport. La. 50.000 17,780 684,450 380,650 1,950 29,420 70,000 36,850 1,008,210 20,000 23,620 340,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.: IstN.. Brownsville. 260,940 Qty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Hou.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr., San Antonio. 26,510 N. Bk. Cc m., San Antonio: Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N., Horn 15 000 C. L. Holbrook___ H. D. Holbrook ... Principal Correspondents. 18,660 $ 161,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Far. & Merch. ».. Abilene; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N., Waco. 150,000 226,000 City N., Sweetwater; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. Wm. D. Weiler T. H. Campbell___ .T ff White Harleton_____ 513 First State'll Harrison E23 $150-10% 88-1088 E. L. Peteet. par 150 Ch. of Bd, Harlingen___1784 First National Bank ..d»t'22 Carter Stewart, $150-20% 88-2039 S Cameron Q5 Ch. oJBd, and Pres. “ _____ '* Valley State Bank „„d«tl'24 20% 88-1390 Harper 115 s Gillespie J15 $175-10% 88-1707 par 100 Harrisburg ...1461 {See Houston) H Harris L22 Uarrold.... .........362 First State Bank______‘tl'll Wilbarger B15 $100 par 100 88-1090 Harwood ..... 2(10 S Gonzales L18 $200-15% 88-1873 par 100 ♦Haskell..........2300 Farmers State Bank...»t§'04 $130-10% par 100 88-375 .Haskell D13 Haskell National Bank—«t’90 $200-20% 88-374 par 100 First National Bank___ «tT5 $100-10% 88-1093 Wood E22 par 100 Hearne . .2741 Planters&Merch. State Bk. 88-381 *t»’07 Robertson 120 Vice-President. J. W. Ezell__ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ^volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 12.500 15,920 3,460 18,810 787,070 85,870 77,170 82,580 5,000 6,690 105,790 83,830 1,480 6,300 61,560 4.120 2,810 250,000 40,000 47,000 375,760 35,180 37,480 71,540 1.100 11,700 88,670 _ 29,260 Ft. WorthN„ Ft. Worth, City N., Wichita Falls. 48,590 N. City. N.Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou. 50,000 23,000 325,000 60,000 55,320 324,740 30. non 9,120 61,280 50.000 15,080 399,830 150 195.870 52,660 5,400 211,130 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hon. 75.000 63,520 796,140 1,720 760,180 13,980 23,530 138,690 Equit. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Laredo N., Laredo: So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 35.000 17,450 337,720 21,590 221,480 1,500 70,200 118,590 1st N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 12.500 12,000 106,710 58,280 15,000 3.000 54,940 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dal las; CityN.,Galv. 25,000 15,490 459,540 295,000 102,500 27,520 100,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N.. Hou. 25,000 25,950 482,560 139,960 294,530 22,680 96,640 Chase N.. N. Y.; 8o. Tex. Com'l N., Hon. 1st N., Dallas. Homer Harris, Jr.. 100.000 61,080 1,083,420 561,080 John Wright 50.000 S. L. Oliver ____ P. C. Wright.......... 75,940 493,260 427,880 49,200 E. F. Crim, Act. V. P. A. H. Bevering---- C. J.Parcliman, Act. W. L. Mount_____ Otis Percifleld........ 50.000 ♦Henrietta.... 2563 Dale Bros. & Co., Bankers 88-1733 dB®Ttt’16 W. H. Myers, Ch. (Individ ual respo nsibility over $1, 000,000) Clay B16 214,810 R. C. Montgomery. H. S. Post R. C. Couch, Act. Mrs. M. S. Pierson. O.E.Patterson. Ad. Hardy Grissom E. M. Slaughter... C. B. Smith J. G. Philen............ W. H. Ely..... ......... Roy O. Ely________ Thos. M. Hefley... O. G. Hudson ♦Hebbronvllle 2020 FIRST NATIONAL BANK*t’l3 H. C. Yaoger .. ... C. W. Hellen 88-1601 W. T. Acklen S Jim Hoeg Q16 $!57-io% Hedlev 594 Donley E5 .. „ Security State Bank.. .•t§’13 $145-10% ♦ 88-1616 par 100 Heldenhelmer 249 Heldenhelmer State Bank $160-10% par 160 88-1096 tf 10 Bell 118 Payne Briscoe____ T. R. Miller (Consolidated with Security State Bank . June 24,1929) J. G. McDougal W. B. Quigley____ J. W. Noel______ O.L. Johnson T. H. Heard, V. C. Marshall___ V.Oanmn. .. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Oscar P. Pate........ L. E. Pratt ___ ♦Hemphill.__ 2219 First National Bank .d*t’06 $165-10% par 100 88-1097 Sabine H25 .. Hemphill State Bank (Taken over by Firs t National Bank, M arch 30, 1929) ♦Hempstead ..2515 H Waller K21 ♦Henderson ..2273 Rusk F23.. CitizensState Bank. -»t5’06 A. R. Woodson___ A. 0. Dannelley. $200 20% par 100 88-417 A. H. Keefer Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank W. E. Norvell____ E. B. Alford______ $160-12% par loo 88-315 d»t’03 First National Bank ___ *t’02 W. p. White_____ Homer Harris____ 88-314 C. L. Brachfleld rCARL M. WORSHAM « _____ •• W. B. WORSHAM & CO. Ahh Howard A. T. Moore______ Ada Thomas W. S. CULWELL_ _ _ UW......... <( SEND US YOU B ITEMS DIREC T. Bankers.88-396___ ‘tt'98 1 Prompt Person al Attention Give n All Matters Se nt Us. {.Fee in Advance: Flain Sight Drafts ! 15c. Credit Reports 25c. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ 72,900 24,990 20,300 i 100,000* 53,000 Equit.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Rep. N. Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas: 1st N.« Hou. 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Rep. N. Bk.&Tr.Co., Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Wichita Falls. 50,000 (Establis hed 1898) (Individ ual resp onsibility $1,000,00 0) 1 61,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls: Mtle. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Dallas. 64,540 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 16,060 Hep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N.. Mineola. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Boatmens N., St. L.: 1st N.. Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth ; City N., Wichita Fails. ; 1 A/1'7 -lit/ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. /■County Seats. No. 11F. R. D. £ El PasoHHous.SSanA. •Mem.A.B.A.»New $ State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Deaf Smith E2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 •• Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds MISCEL Casb k >xther Loans Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili ouMu,Dn and and AND its Capital Pbopits l Discount! Securities LANEOUS mom Bark* ties fGEO.L.MUSE. , r> E. B. POSEY-........... E. B. POSEY—......... CLIFF ESTES______ $ 50,000 S 48,750 $ 241,620 1 34,810 $ 685,720 $ 91,500 $ 1 Ch. of Bd. and P res. J SEND US YOU R HEREFORD 1 TEMS DIRECT, Principal Correspondents. 19.930 $ 466,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Amarillo: Stock Yds. N„ Kan. C ; 1st N„ Dallas. ) Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Given *+'06 1 Prompt Attenti on. (.Fee in Advance : Plain sight draf ts, ISc; Credit R eports SOc. 88-482 C. B. Williams____ H. It. Fritz, Act____ E. S. Ireland_____ Miles Roberson — J. A. Pitman 50,000 6,420 588,890 7,040 454,220 WESTERN NATIONAL BARK G. A. 1. Parker___ B. C. D. Bynum ___ O. C. Acker.......... E. C. Eubanks......... N. M. Bartley $235 88-488 *t'03 50.000 27.810 230,440 48.700 206,380 tl30-io% par 100 88-484 <• President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued 61,250 26,300 171,830 Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr. Co.. N, Y,; InterState N„ Kan. C,; Ft, Worth N„ Ft, Worth; 1st N„ Amarillo. 17.250 72,070 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Drov, N„ Kan. O.; Am. State. Amarillo. • (Liquidating) Uermletgh____ 613 Scurry E12 50,000 75.000 300,000 -1 88,000 195,000 Guy O. Eakins........ W.M. Cheney------- H. F. Sellers. V. P. and Cash. 60.000 47,620 272,590 27,500 151,560 98,030 28,000 130,130 N. City, Clev,; 1st N,, Ft. Worth; Dallas N„ Dallas; Lib. N„ Waco. Bessie Tyson_____ 25.000 28,500 495,030 6.250 442,470 7,750 14,300 90,260 4th N. and 1st N„ Wich., Kan.; Amar. N„ Amarillo; Drov. N„ Kan. C. E. B. Tinker. __ C. M. Duncan_____ C. G. Smith 200,000 46,240 1,478,270 196,250 346,420 1,104,570 73,490 396,280 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N.Y.; lstN„ Chi; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N.,Hou.; Cont, N„ Ft, Worth. ___ W. W. Siddons____ John Wynne, See... H. G. Denman, A. See. W. C. Robertson 100.000 79.970 400,000 7,000 90,000 200,000 266,970 30,000 Guaranty Tr, Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk, &Tr, Co., St, L.; 1st N., 100,000 28,020 722,670 100,000 545.580 200,300 67,500 Dallas. 137,310 Gty, Tr, Co., N. Y.s Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. Uleo__________ 1686 First National Bank.—..’90 G. M. Carlton_____ R. A. Dorsey-------- E. H. Randals------- C. L. Woodward... 10% par 100 88-578 Hamilton F17 .. Hico National Bank $170 par 100 88-679 _»t’04 First National Bank in Higgins__88-713__ —•t'Ofi $200-20% par 100 (Formerly Citizens National B /Hillsboro ....6952 Citizens National Bank $125-10% 88-169 d®»2’93 Hill F19 par 100 Lipscomb B6 .« ,4 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ank) A. L. Smith_______ R. f!. West, T. G. Hawkins, Ch. C. S. Morgan Colonial Trust Company Ed. Woodall. $150-10% porlOO 18 -172 B ©T11'12 W. M. WILLIAMS- S. H. ANBERS0N ... 0LREY DAVIS — BROOKS H0RD — W. P. COOK . .. J. W. Kelley______ C. H. Hyde . T. H. Black. 142,000 N, City, N.Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. FARMERS RATIONAL BANK $150-10% par 100 88-167 d®*t 87 Oldest National Bank in Hill County. Collections Solicited and Promptly Remitted for at FIRST STATE BANK—*i»’l5 It. F. Siddons-------Thos. J. Files, Ch. $125-10% ♦ 88-170 par 100 Hitchcock____ 667 CitizensState Bank___dt§’ll 88-910 H Galveston M23 par 100 M Mod erate Rate s. J. L. Beavers-------- 100,000 3,000 900,000 400,000 25,000 M. T. Brooking___ 10.000 5,000 75.000 55,000 8,000 578,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 5,000 M Holland_______ 690 First National Bank------ 1*05 L. B. Mewhinney— J. V. Cavitt______ Logan Mewhinney G. B. Mewhinney.. W. S. Reed $150-10% 88-794 Bell 118 50.000 35,620 435,080 6,250 274,780 50.000 40,000 475.000 58.500 230,000 30.000 17.700 308,330 iU* First National Bank----- »t’01 J. M. Finger______ E- de Montel_____ Horace Bradley— Charles Finger----$225 par 100 88-317 Hondo State’06 fj W TTinp $200-10% 88-318 J Ney- . J. R. Chancey_____ 100.000 790 361,340 50,000 13,640 344,210 J. W. Smith............ W. L. Gibson-------- O. B. Akin________ W. M. Smith_____ 15.000 10,050 116,040 $165-10% par Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 S8-147* 76,830 125.000 24,430 150.910 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; 1st N., 28.500 240,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and Alamo JN.. San Antonio; So. Tex. 17.560 183.110 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co.. N.Y.:lst N., Hou.; Dallas. OomT N.. Hou. Honey Grove..2642 American National Bk._«i'26 J. H. Floyd............... M. E. Daniel-------- R. M. McCleary___ R. J. Thomas. V. P. G.W. Morgan. V.P. J. M. Raiden M. E. Daniel, Ch. $100 par 100 88-384 Fannin C21 D. E. Taylor First N at ional Bank i n Honey W. O. Connor-------- Leslie Wa^gener.. J. B. Hembree . .T. O. McKenzie Grove par 100 88-382___ «I’30 Bowie C24 N„ Galv.; Public N., Hou. N. City, N. Y.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv. 88-1099 S Medina M15 22,000 City 155,360 53,820 2,000 Guarantj Bond State and City N., San Antonio. 247,600 5,400 49,680 213,250 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. 160,060 13,960 13,000 220,820 Chase N., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 32,590 23,800 3,810 82,900 Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Texarkana N. and State N„ Texarkana. 1448 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. HOUSTON—Reserve City [Estab, President. ♦Feci. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. AMERICAN TRUST •‘“JiOMPANYKF'29 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. FLOYD IKARD_ _ _ EDGAR MONTEITH — W. B. ROBERTS 35-69 , d©T»tS 19 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank____ 85-75.................. t’28 Federal Land Bank.__Diet. 10 55-77 + Federal Reserve Bank 85-4 «Dist. 11 FEDERAL TRUST CO. 8160 par 100 35-82 d®T»t§’25 FIDELITY TRUST CO.dBWS 14 1*% par 100 85-68 Paid-up Capital 100.000 Surplus AND Profitb t nipORTTO UEPOBITB Other Liabilitub Affiliated Banks by + Miscel Loans Cash t ExBonds laneous CHAH<3Bfl,DUB and and Discounts SBCUBrrnBB Resources rmoaa Baku Principal correspondents. 28,970 Chase N„ N. Y.; Public N. and State N„ Hou. 32,010 $ 18,480 $ 259,400 71,770 25,250 449.840 221,300 15,230 308,370 Chatham Phoenix,N.Y.; PublicN.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Hou. 439,370 2,917,420 367,420 335,430 777,820 Irv, Tr. Co.. N. Y.i 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 11,798,090 13,224,410 3,011,850 797,840 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ 1st N. and 2d N., Hou. 10,000 $ 107,170 73,820 $ 211,520 $ 25,000 Complete B anking, Trust and Real Est ate Service. Channel State Bank___d*t§’23 W. B. Hilliard .... W. F. Humphrey.. A. G. Mclver......... R. V. Martin______ $200 par 100 88-2064 C. C. Geiselman Citizens State Bank— d®»lST9 Carter Stewart___ J. M. McIntosh___ A. V. Pace, L. B. Thompson $100 par 100 16-68 V. P. and Cash. T. E. Thomas CITY BANK & TRUST GO. Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A. nNew §State t Priv. tMem. Stats B. Ass’o. (Harris County, K 22) County Seat, Pop. 164,954. (Branch of Federal Beaerre Bank, District Ne. 11) J. A. . . . . . . . _ J. R. KUBENA_ _ _ _ F. E. HOOD-. . . . . . . . . . . . F. 0. LANDRUM. . . . . . . D. S. CAGE. V.P. E P. GREENWOOD ELI MARKS. Active V, P, T.TELLEPSEN.Y.P. WHARTON WEEMS J, W.KEELAND,ac<. H. L. SADLER,TV-Ctf. Young, progres sive bankers. It ems given promp t attention. M. H. Gossett........ R. D. Johnson.... Geo. E. O'Neill__ L. R. Buchanan. S. A. Lindsey, Ch. J. V. VanDeMark (Houston Branch, Federal Reserve Ban k of Dallas, Texas) Mgr. 25.000 14,580 383,700 100.000 13,110 881,640 300,000 91,160 3,567,370 5,000,000 236,010 90,860 Gty. N, and Public N„ Hou. ■ (Set page 26 /or com plet* information) C. H. BRYAN-. . . . . . . . W. T. CARTER. Jr.. Ch, J. A. EMBRY. T. P. PRIDDIE.Jr.,— T. P. PRIDDIE, Jr. — WINSTON CARTER. Tr. Off. WINSTON CARTER W. I. PHILLIPS, D. T. AUSTIN A. Sec. R. PORTER (See page 32 for eo mplet* inf ormation) 400,000 208,180 200,000 348,970 2,706,290 168,820 2,193,430 68,920 100,080 114,310 136,800 172,410 418,410 105,340 1,120,860 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., U li 1 011 IN* dim i UUllt IN* lik. & 11 • LOn HOU* N.Y.; V. P. and Mgr. R. E. Dept. Complete B anking, Trus tand Real Es tate Service. W. W. Moore.__ O. P. Cnllinan----- J.Y. Powell, Tr—R. E. Powell. E.G.Floeter.F.P. C. S. Derham R. D. Looney. Sec. and A, Tr. { (Trust fu nds) 103,920 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 2d N.. Hou. A. Sec. and A. TV. R. M. Catlin. Jr. mereial banking business. Not doing a com F. M. LAW............ W. S. COCHRAN— M. D. JENKINS.... H. T. McCLURQC. A. BROWN, J. T. SCOTT, S. R. LAWDER H. R. ELDRIDGE Mgr. of Bd. Dept. Ch.ofBd. w> A< KIRKLAND C. MEADOWS D. U. CUNNINGHAM Asst. Vice-Presidents J. A. HARLAS0N H. L. DART0N J. W. HAZARD H. D. BRINGHURST D. B. LACY C. C. HALL ®*t'66 G. G. TIMMINS FIRST NATIONAL BANK fc 85-1 T. M. Gullette. G. A. Egan, See. and Tr. V.P. and Field Mgr. R. S. Sterling Guaranty National Bank_____ (Consolidated with Public National Ba nk & Trust Co., Oct ober 12, 1929) First Texas Joint 8tock Land O. 8. E, Holland— H. P. Ellis.............. Bank_____ 85-76_________t’l# G. M. Bryan, Ch. Tesse Andrews GUARDIAN TRUST $430-9% C. M. MALONE—-- F. A. HEITMANN-----------W. W. McGAR, 7V._„ L. M. DUGGAN, Sec... JAS. A. BAKER, Ch W. B. BAKER L. A. D0WLEN.A.7V. R. NEILS0N. A. Sec. W. B. BAKER, Tr. Off. J. S. WHITWORTH. PJ] HdB®T«JM7 0. W. JACKSON, V. P. L. B. DUQUETTE ENNJSCARGILL.V.P. NORMAN STERLING A. p■and A pr. UU| 35-67 M. M. GRAVES. V. P- iv. H. WALNE 2.500.000 + HOUSTON LAND & TR. CO. 5,001,590 25,578,850 5,268,193 3,704,980 lln. Tr. Co., San F.; Guardian-Det., Det.; Ex. N., Tulsa; 1st N., Okla. C.; Barclays Bk., Ltd., and N. Province Bk., Ltd., London. 550.000 143,370 600.000 1,070,200 7,859,370 100,000 7,740,170 (Terri torn Texas and Oklah oma) 5,587,840 344,090 4,500,840 1,530,110 641,500 1,000 Thru One D oor to all Yo ur Ban king, Tru st and Inves tment Matte rs. par 100 (Niels Esperson Bldg.) Harrisburg National Bank W. J. Stoner_____ L. O, Willrich....... M. P, Longley___ par 100 35-81 d®*l’25 1,104,000 35.060,170 50,000 19,490 379,890 164,140 161,210 19,030 153,840 637,150 4,726,130 P. B. Timpson___ W. M. Rice---------- H. L. Weyrich, Tr. C. L. Bybee. Sec___ 1,000.000 4,171,290 1,118,220 353,770 R. E. Paine, V. P. O.R. Weyrich, Act. A. J. Heinze, J. H. Schnell, Jr., od. C. VV. Sta lnaker, A . Sec. W. O. Mo nroe, Jr,, A. Sec.\ F. C. Smith, Act, A. Tr. Off. Aud. continued on next pa ge) Digitized(Houston for FRASER $165-6% par 100 36-vl dB®T*tS'8fl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chase N., N. City, Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co. and IstN., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., 9,113,630 N. O.; Cnion Tr. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt.; 71,080 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N„ Hou. 1,570,180 Gty. Tr. Co., Bks. Tr., and N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., O.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Guardian-Det., Det. 105.000 N. City. N. Y.; State N„ Hou. 873,830 N. City and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rer. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., Hou. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Established 1666 & HOUSTON’S OLDEST AND LflRG-EST BANK years of intimate contact uHt/u the banking, commercial, industrial anof agricultural development ofJtouston *s Trade Territory enables us to render a valuable service to those who favor us with their business. If your requirements are exacting, x>Ti £?*x 1 Vga Capital, Surplus and Undivided. Profits $3,500,000.°.? send us your domestic and foreign* collections for prompt and efficient handling. Resources Forty-Eight in Excess °f Million Dollars National BJIlillfll niIm Idf Commerce p CAPITAL AND] to«*P*LpiSlS3.000,000.00 EEexas OFFICERS JESSE H. JONES Chairman of Board N. E. MEADOR .......... President A. D. SIMPSON.......... Vice-Pres. R. P. DOHERTY, Vice-Pres. and Trust Officer A. F. FISHER............... Vice-Pres. SAM TAUB................... Vice-Pres. W. W. FONDREN. Vice-Pres. J. H. GARRETT............... Cashier C. O. WILLIAMS . Ass’t Cashier A. M. McDADE. . . .Ass’t Cashier T. CRAWFORD. . . .Ass’t Cashier J. K. FLEMING............... Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORS A Nation-Wide Service For many years this Bank lias constantly widened its facilities, and extended its banking connections. Beyond the mere question of growth, however, has been the tradition of an individual attention to the requirements of its correspondents. Collections intrusted to us will receive efficient and careful attention. Resources over $14,000,000.00 J. H. CHEW F. T. MANLEY E. H. COOMBS N. E. MEADOR R. S. COON WILL F. MILLER R. P. DOHERTY J. F. B. RAWCLIFFE II. S. FILSON PENN RETTIG A. F. FISHER JAMES W. ROCKWELL W. W. FONDREN TOBIAS SAKOWITZ J. II. GARRETT A. D. SIMPSON D. J. HARRISON J. H. SMITH F. J. HEYNE SAM STREETMAN W. O. HUGGINS SAM TAUB JESSE H. JONES J. MARION WEST JOHN T. JONES W. G. WINTERS C. L. KERR J. WOLFENSTEIN J. W. LINK, Jr. G. S. WORTHAM a tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Vice President. President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 35-3 1225 ®»t’76 85-70 n.f.pennington, G. L. H. KOEHLER MELVIN ROUFF. „ A. E. KERR Act. V. P. F. P. STERLING JOS. F. MEYER, Jr. J. M. HOWE 1UI1 aw V P U/AI TCO n (TCP NR Ch. of Bd. d®T»t§’28 A. W. WILKERSON — B.C. BUKOWSKI, Cash, and Tr. Off. P. C. REHRAUER H. H. GIESEKE S. A. GIRAUD 1. H. BLUME-. . . . . . - N. E. MEADOR....... A. D. SIMPS0H — J. H. GARRETT-— C. 0. WILLIAMS— JESSE H. JONES, R. P. DOHERTY J. K. FLEMING, A. M. McDADE Ch. of Bd. A. F. FISHER d. T. CRAWFORD S. TAUB R. P. DOHERTY, W. W. F0NDREN Tr. Officer par 100 35-60 dB®T»$’12 Public National Bank & Tr. Co. Carter Stewart___ O. M. Longnecker. H. H. Galloway.— W.S. Keenan. A. C. J. W. Carter par 10 35-73 d®T»t'21 J.H. Tallichet, Ch. of Bd. J. D. Dyer (Formerly Public National Ban k) E. C. Roberts P. J. Studdert Sam Rouse SAN JACINTO ■■ TRUST CO. par 100 35-71 dB®T*t§ '20 Seaport National Bank__ 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK $285 par 100 85-6 dB®T*t’07 *S0. TEXAS COM NATIONAL BANK $320-10% par 100 35-2 *•WIER................... $230-0% par 100 35-64 dB®T*f' (Houston continued on next pag Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. A. Barrett..........G. D. Francklow H. H. Pool G. B. Jones. Tr.Off. Emma L. Meyer, AND 870,950 $10283830 $ 1,164,990 $ 1,291,140 $3,404,770 t Re mitted Tr. Co., Chi. at Pa r. 2,291,150 7,560 1,898,320 106,370 184,690 2,434,200 12,057,080 774,680 7,371,370 2,938,910 1,727,920 1,680,150 572,900 252,370 Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. 661,710 St. L.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. HkDErSkAZBO '•F-80K"ER 1,000,000 4,227,750 j Mellon N., Pitt.; Guardian Det., Det. 2,472,090 800,000 387,230 8,476,050 1,330,560 6,268,690 500,000 497,270 5,088,220 330,220 3,550,770 961,850 430,720 1,472,370 1.226,000 16.790,950 1,136,530 11,018,580 2,697,380 2,117.580 4,319.940 'UaUiUUJ a uruiA AN • UR. AX- i * ■ State N., Chi.; N. O.; 1st N., Dallas. A. Tr. Off. IMnfflpr W. L. COLEMAN S.'J.'j(Aj]ll| .W.A.CKEB.^;kJfe.« St! L.;*Md.*Tr. Co’.J Balt.: Guardian Det., Det ' Complete Banking and Trust Facilities. (Consolidated with City Bank & Trust Co,, October 2, 1929) G.M.BRYAN. . . . . . . . . . B. D. HARRIS, Act... H. J. BERNARD---------- H.F. GUNTER_ _ _ _ _ H. M. ROWE. Aud. H. M. SEYDLER J.W. NEAL, Ch.ofBd J. A. FITE, Act. L. R. BRYAN.Jr., del E. C. BARKLEY, ^ y ? u7uBLEN Act.V.P.and Tr.Off. g- g. HAMBLEN iRM&00D 1 n. R BHTRN’J RRYAN. JR , R. E.Mgr WILLIAMS, L. Bd' Dept H. M. uAifnUUU' SEND YOUR ITfcMS DIRECT. SPECIAL ATTEN TION GIVEN A LIL MATTERS SENT S. M. McASHAN J. A. BAKER. CA. J. M. D0RRANCE. V. P. F. A. HEITMANN.p d®T«t’86 STATE NATIONAL BANK 300,000 BONDS Well quali tied to serve you in all de partments $30-10% $265-8% 862,250 {13 411540 $ by* Miscel Cam k Exlaneous chanohs.Dtji Discounts Securities Resources FROM bAHKf Loans AND Hous ton Co llectio ns Audi. 'NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE *365-10% Other Total Paid-up Surplus AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties -- $ 1,000,000 $ T.*.WCD0«AL0-.WHAK MARINE BANKING W. F. MILLER-. . . . . . & TRUST CO. $175 par 100 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. 'HOUSTON NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. HOUSTON—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given /\r\ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1449 Directory, untf ‘ ^------------ - * *----- *---t >. A, WILKINS------------ E. F. GOSSETT— E. P. STALLINGS WM. 1. PATTON GEORGE ELJ.IS.JR. R. H. HANHA __ JOHN DREAPER 1,000,MO ;nase uiy. ir. cu., auu umn* vu., Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; Whitney N.,N.O. US. B. W. RALSTON.... E.W.V0GELP0HL W. S. PATTON, Tr. Officer JOHN DREAPER> Equit. Tr. Co.,Gty. Tr. Co., Chase N.,aud N.Clty, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Boat oints. men’s, St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1 princ ipal p ts atal Dir ect Co r resp onden Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Shawmut, Bos. s.Writ e for t erms. f Texa tate o A. Tr. Officer We re mit fo r the S 1,500.000 1,150,000 26,330,000 638,220 15,337,110 1,538,690 410,000 12,322,420 6,377,590 852,660 4,352,220 1,851,850 463,000 IHftMB.Tr Hffllfc- Bwr* «»'■ ,mler “Complete financial service” given out of town banks. Unexcelled facilities for handling collections, sight drafts and general correspondence. Send us your Houston Items direct. 600.000 217,960 - 1,381,130 Equit. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. I,.; Phil. N., Phil.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 14 SO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ea(lh bank in u- 8 exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab President. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ’UNION NATIONAL BANK dB®T*flO HOUSTON—(Continued)—Reserve City __________(Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 11) Liabilities. Other Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total and Vice-President. Capital R. M. FARRAR_ _ _ _ H. FINCH...... J. S. RICE. ch. ofBd. T. J. CALDWELL GEORGE HAMMAN, “ J:t®EEr V. P ___ Profits Deposits Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabili Loams AND Bonds ties Discounts Miscel laneous and SxouBims Resources OauEExoras«m,Dub nos Barm Houston Clearing House Ass’n. Members indicated by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. C. A. DWYER- - - - - - - - HUGH WOOD j. F. V P.--J.- -G. ‘ FOWLER.A. "1WLEF----- - -QRMEROD -----D. A. OTTO. Tr.Off. H.M. WERTHEI HEIMER $ 1.000.000 $ 1,223,420 $15 673830 $ 1,178,890 $ 8,315,780 $ 5,754,610 $ 935,210 $ 4,070,840 Chase N. Kountze Bros., Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. N. Bk. Bep. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and Miss. Valley Tr., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co. N. O.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Mellon N., Pitts.; Phil. N., Phil. ?: 8: pil If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections for Texas—particularly for HOUSTON. Honston Clearing House_____ E. F. Gossett------ S. R. Lawder...........C. A. Dwyer. (Members indicated by a* Mgr.-Sec. Afiliated Banks by +) 1275-10% par 100 35-5 .(See p ages 28- 29-30 fo r Numbe r of Nati onal, Sta te and P Banks, T otal Dep osits by Cities, States, e tc.) Houston—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Yeab IMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. ljshed. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships J. S. BACHE & CO. Members Principal Stock Exchanges (Houston Cotton Exchange) BANKERS J. H. JONES, W. W. MOORE. Tr. Pres.andCh ofBd. A. H. PARKER, N.E. MEADOR. V.P. Sec.&A.Tr. MORTGAGE J.M.R0CKWELLV.P. L.H.WILLIAMS.A.Sec. lY.F. MILLER. V.P. Capital COMPANY pX F. J. HEYNE" V.P. Surplus $2,000,000 & Profits $1,124,100 ______ (708 Main St.) W.W. MOORE. V.P. B.V.CHRISTIE & COMPANY* (Not Inc.) (1st Nat’l Bank Bldg.) no (505 First National Bk. Bldg.) PPM, & CO., 'nc DEWITT C. DUNN. m (Union Nat 1 Bank Bldg.) 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Telephone Preston 3251 GRAY & WILMERDINfl------ (Fourth Floor, Gulf Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Y. Tr. Co. and Bk. of America, N. A., HIBERNIA SECURITIES CO .’<f RInc____ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., and Straus N. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; 1st N., St. L. See head office at New Orleans A. W. BARRETT. Br.Mgr..................... . High Grade Investment Securities Loans on Real Estate First Mortgage. Sell First Mortgage Real Estate Notes. Investment Bankers TRUST COMPANY STOCKS Investment Securities Affiliated with Continental Illinois Company, Chicago Telephone Preston 6966 LINK-FORD COMPANY, INC.. J. W. LINK. Pree. J. W. LINK. Jr., V. P. & Tr. Gulf Bldg. (Established 1923) 'flMrEKE { A. W. SNYDER, Resident Vice-President___________ (Second Nat'l Bank Bldg.) (1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.) V. P. A See. 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Hon. MERCAN (St. Louis) R. W. FORD. ELWYN CARROLL. Vice-Pres. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES. Capital Stock 0100.000.00 Members: New Orleans Cotton Ex., American Bkrs. Association, Texas Bkrs. Association, and Investment Bankers Association Correspondents: H. N. Whitney & Sons and Post & Flagg, N. Y.; C. P. Ellis & Co., N. O.; Mercantile - Comm ere e Company, St. Louis. t JULIAN SHERROD. Dist. Sales Mgr. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (Investment Bonds) WILLIAM S. MACKEY. Pres, and Treas. V.P.andSec. Investment Securities Municipal Bonds, listed and Unlisted Secur Correspondents and Other Offices, Bank Depositories. J. S. Bache & Co., New York. E. A. Pierce & Co.. New LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND York; Fenner & Beane, BONDS, INSURANCE, BANK AND New Orleans. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY i Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year Correspondents and Other Offices. Bank depositories. N. City Co., N. Y., and correspondent offices. ities Investment Securities CHARLES A. BROWN, Manager Bond Department. DEALERS IN CORPORATION, MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT BONDS. NEUHAUS & CO. Kt’07 (Union Nat’l Bank Bldg.) (Second Floor) HUGO V. NEUHAUS_ _ GEO. V. ROTAN. Partners. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members: Texas Bkrs. Ass’n., Houston Cotton Ex. and New York Curb Ass’n. Correspondents: Spencer Trask &, Co., Clark, Dodge & Co., Post & Flagg, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N., 1st N., and So. Tex. Com’l N.t Hou. Stocks and Bonds. 0.1. McLean. Mgr. Gray & Wilmerding, Main Office. 5 Nas SETH LAMB & CO.— .•$1875 Members: American and Texas Bankers Association New York Correspondents: Goodbody & ( New York Stock Exchange. Co.; Jno. F. Clark & Co. (State Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Members: New Orleans Cotton Exchange. sau St., N. Y.; Branch offices — Birming Members < New York Curb Exchange ham, Atlanta, Boston, Stocks—Bonds—Cotton l Boston Stock Exchange Specialists In Texas Securities. i /i e i It'D 1 Number under Name of Bank Is the New 'transit. Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Principal Correspondents. TOW* AMD C50UNTT. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. No. 11F. E. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. Bonda Miscel Cash A Ex Other ! Loana change,Du* Depos Liabili Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and and AND its Capital Profits Diaeounta Securities laneous rROM Banks ties { Howe_____ ___ 583 Farmers National Bank—1’01 J. P. Davis----------- W. M. Harrell------ A. F. Thompson— 0. C. Massie______ W. W. Ferguson 88-1101 Grayson 019 (lowland ____ _ Howland State Bank.—tl’10 M. S. Bledsoe_____ M. F. Shelton........ 1200 par 100 88-1102 Lamar C21 A. M. Huddleston. Hubbard____2072 First National Bank____ <’#5 W. E. McDaniel— J. H. Weatherby.. J. H. Weatherby.. W. A. Putman. Ch. W. B. Barnes 50% 88-456 Bill G19 A. B. Keitt_______ First State Bank................ 31 09 J. C. Keitt............. *325-10% par 100 88-457 R. M. Kasling......... A. G. Daniel---------Hughes Springs First National Rank.—dBt’03 W. B. Duncan------Barney McDaniel A. E. Starnes Cass D24 831 *250-10% par 100 88-1103 A. J. Hartel, Jr..— J.O. Scott................ A. J. Hartel, Jr— Tom F. Cruse____ Hull State Bank............<§’19 Hull________ 300 88-1832 H Liberty K24 *125-10% W. Griffith---------Humble_____ 3527 Humble State Bank.—<§’07 J. W. Fincher ..— H. F. Bozarth-------- K. Stone_________ H. W Bennett *250 88-1104 H Harris E23 424,720 $ 115,470 I Iquit.Tr.Co., N.Y.: lstN.,W 178,480 9,380 27,870 170,100 J ltle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; H 339,130 317.500 35,900 175,330 tep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dal.; 280,720 12,860 14,240 60,720 431,350 31,220 13,200 125,900 23,620 64,200 50.000 164,820 50,000 5,420 330,410 40.000 105,050 640,540 25,000 20,930 322,590 50,000 54,110 493,820 20.000 50,000 82.270 3,740 Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas, Citiz. N.. Waco. Com'l N„ Shreveport, 119.250 18,870 66,330 49,250 144,170 377,030 15,770 J. G. Ashford____ W.C. Jones. Ad... Franklin Jones.— Raymond Davis----- 50.000 29,280 408,040 33,140 229,870 162,060 39,890 9,690 26,720 E. L. Angier D. D. Rogers_____ W P Witt E. E. Brown____ _ J. P. Johnson------- W. H. Farley____ W. L. Bradley__ J. M. Crews, Ch. Hi U» W 11________ J. M. Crews W. W. Martin-----Miss T. B. Schulze L. A. Niebuhr 88-1640 H Victoria N19 tioo lola___________ 318 lola State Bank_______d*tl’07 R. E. Cleveland, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, |j Grimes 121 *150-15% ♦ 88-1108 (owa Park.__2041 FIRST NATIONAL BANK innft C. Blrk__________ *150-10% 88-1109 d®<1900 JohnHirschi, V.P. Tom Corridon Wichita B15 par 100 10.000 Carroll Duke_____ H. A. Mills_______ Miss Dosia Smith 380 62,470 810 37,000 1.710 276.680 24.400 68.670 25,000 7.600 226,520 17.500 3.690 119,490 77,190 1,500 5,000 56,990 1,900 70.000 39,370 2,380 151,490 82,880 59,000 1,810 190 26,000 33,000 100.000 T. Mitchell----------- 17,500 42,690 1.094,390 2,800 20,000 2,000 20.000 148.940 230,670 25.000 G. W. Bradley------ 25,000 T A P.brletiA R. C. West----------- D. W. Gilbert____ E. O. Terry............... At A • iiTZTuK. — — — — —--- J. J. Brandenburg— 100,000 13.760 25.000 TP TP. Hill A. C. Golden Y. So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N., Dallas. 88,620 ity. Tr. Co.. N. 25.000 20,000 20,000 20.000 11,650 23,320 176.800 4.150 143,990 745,500 32,080 31,680 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine lik. & Tr. Co. and So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; 12,000 1,150 3,000 50,000 59.500 64,740 390,660 76.950 21,570 39.730 28,730 150,320 U. S. N„ Galv. d N., Hou.; Victoria N. and Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. yCIllt Liau. XJPLt aa. Vi-x Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 30,000 Citiz. N., Waco: 1st N., Galv. 50,000 100.120 U. S. N.. Galv. it N« Childress; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N., Lubbock; Drov. N., Kan. C. 38.200 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 115,440 23,650 65,000 6,350 100,000 N. Y.; 1st N„ So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. N., and 2d N.. Hou 165,410 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. 250 25,000 par 150 Dallas D19 24,650 1st 1 N., Dallas; Am. N., Paris. 25,360 % 566,670 ]£• Slotuick ———— ———— H. C. Koontz If • tt, OU11 CJr .. ———~ Hill G19 7,030 59,000 2,950 Inez____ ______ 210 Inez State Bank------------- 1§’12 H. W. Dodd Irving..._______357 16,750 489,700 36,470 W• J• Harris Irene_________ 264 37.470 50.000 B. C. Ivy, Sr______ Millie Byrd---------- Indian Gap.__ 121 Gter.-Am. State Bank „dt§’10 *100-10% par 100 88-1106 Hamilton G16 industry_____ 518 Industry State Bank___ tl’ll 10% par 100 88-1107 H Austin K20 Iredell..............780 Bosque F17 Ireland ____ ...251 Coryell G17 960 $ 57,580 1st 1 N.. Dallas. 32,500 Gibbs A. Wynne.. E. R. Allen—......... J. E. Allen. V. P. 88-1105 H Angelina H24 ^Huntsville.. .4689 First National Bank. d<’90 J. P. Gibbs----------Tom Ball, Active W. L. Dean. Ch. *200-20% par 100 88-400 H Walker 1 22 First State Bank—©T<§’19 88-1847 Iredell State Bank......... <§'09 *175-20% par 100 88-1110 First National Bank. ..Bt’12 *i«o-io% 88-1448 par 100 First National Bank-------- 1'15 *140-12)4% parlOO 88-1111 Irving State Bank_____ <§T0 *150-10% 88-1112 10.000 $ 147.500 $ 11.860 $ 197.530 6,920 Huntington.. .515 Huntington State Bank .t§’ll J. J. Collins______ Huntsville State Bank *175-10% par 100 88-401 »i§’07 Hutchins_____ 368 Hutchins State Bank...t§’19 88-1915 Dallas E19 Hutto.___ _____571 Hutto National Bank .—1’10 Williamson J18 *185-10% par 100 88-715 Id&lou ......__ 520 Security State Bank—<§’29 par 100 88-1976 Lubbock O10 30.000 $ 77,130 24,000 6.900 120,150 7,190 10,150 30,650 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Ft. Worth 101.140 1st N., Dallas; 1st N.. Hou.; Citiz. N., Hillsboro; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. N., Ft. Worth. Bertha Porterfield. Italy _________1350 Farmers National Bank.<’07 Whit George-------- P. E. Wood_______ R. G. Dohoney------*150-10% par 100 88-666 011s F19 J. C. Williams------First National Bank----- T<’01 K. G. Stroud--------*225-16% par too 88-665 Memmie Pierce----P. E. Hooks______ First National Bank—d<’90 Itasca________ 1599 J. A. Davis 20% 38-602 Hill B19 40,000 19,330 247,270 _____ 141,370 57,600 6,500 50.000 81,090 305,860 50,180 323,690 63,000 15,000 50,000 93,100 524,620 50,000 233,340 50.000 33,880 400,500 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Dallas; Ft. W. B. Rees---------- Joe J. Ince_______ W. B. Blair 60.000 257,080 74,350 7.500 39,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth 298,880 260,970 24,320 255,120 48,650 18.26C H. E. Chiles--------ITASCA NATIONAL BANK <’01 *150-20% par 100 88-603 slacks boro ...1373 First National Bank-------<’90 James W. Knox.. 88-563 Jack D16 D. R. Sewell E. M. Davidson— H. A. Wills Ed. Sewell------- . J. W. Kinder------- Kirk 8tewart-------- S. V. Stark—........ Jacksboro National Bank *135-10% por ioo 88-564 <’05 J.H.Timberiake, Chh . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 50.00C 14,390 244,330 30,120 562,690 28,340 327.86C 60,000 100,000 19,980 Waxahachie. . „ 85,440 Worth N., Ft. Worth; U. S. N., Galv. N.. Ft. Worth; Un. N., Hou.; Citiz. N., Waco. Chase N., N. Y.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 208,630 St. L.; Drov. N.. Kan. C.: Ft. W. N.. Ft Worth. 104,140 1st. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 14S9 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority.of The American Bankers Ass’n. [•Mem.A.B.A.oNew SStatefPrif ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc No.Il F. R. D. E PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LaslSale%Div President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this T EX AS—Continued Cashier. (G. S. BLANKIN SHIP F. 0. NEWTON...........- F. D. NEWTON______ Ass’t Cashier. 8MT Jacksonville ..3723 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G. L. NEWTON, EVERETT LOVE LELA TUCKER, A. C. H Cherokee F22 $250-ifi% 88-327 d *41900 < Ch. of Bd. J. T. LEWIS par 100 1 SEND US YOU R JACKSONVIL LE ITEMS DIKE CT. ............. (.Prompt attend on given Bill cf L adlng Drafts and all matters sent First State Bank_____ d»+S’ll A. G. Adams... . .. Frank Devereux .. H. L. Earle______ W. C. Bolton, Ch. Tol Smith, Act. R. H. Odom B. W. Cocke,'A cl. Texas State Bank____ t§’21 W. J. Weatherby-- J. R. Dunn, Act. ... J. P. Douglas......... KateS. Davidson.. $150-10% 88-152) -------------------------------------------- -—-------Liabilities. I Resources. Loan* ther Bonds Principal Correspondents. Paid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili Oasb k Ex and CKAHa»,I>U* Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securitise LANEOUS rson Baku ties if 75,000 * 143,490 SI 111 120 S 137,290 |$ 824,120 $ 256,560 $ 40,690 8 345,540 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Coat. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. _ 62,500 70,390 1,383,820 50,000 15,500 20,000 22,850 J. H. Seale, Jr....... B. G. Graham___ 25,000 29,840 S. T. Russell........... L. J. Fortenberry . Ruth Cammack___ H. W. Hardy 100.000 36,820 685,200 W. M. Hunter____ Thos. Fowler_____ 40,000 22.500 300,000 J. F. Sims________ J. G. Staples_____ Etta F. Staples___ 15.000 5,000 65.000 50,000 520 164,590 111,730 92,870 39,310 25.000 35,250 387,870 307,750 53,000 19,450 10,000 12,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 22,500 475,000 230,000 75,000 17,500 6,220 35,280 1st N.. Shreveport; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth. 156,850 21.200 12,520 60,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; CHtiz. State, Austin; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 35,840 1,200 5,590 107,760 Dallas N„ Dallas; Greenville N., Green ville. 1260-15% ♦ 88-328 par 100 24,320 786.270 362,540 200,000 25,000 71,910 14,050 7,500 528,780 44,670 31,500 100,000 85,000 40,000 15,000 225,000 165,620 227,600 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.and 1st N„ Dallas; 1st N„ St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 65,500 2d N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk, &Tr. Co., Dallas. 7,810 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; Rep. N Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; Rep, N. Bk. & Tr Co., Dallas. 103,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi,; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou, par 150 Jarrell ......... 215 First State Bank_____ •ij’ll E. M. Wilson__ - J. A. Comer_____ Williamson 118 $150-10% 88-1404 Otto Miller, Ch. par 100 *Jasper ........2019 Citizens National Bank J. H. Seale______ W. P. Cook H Jasper 125 $200-20% 88-1655 d®.t’14 A. N. Stone 1,430 par 100 Jasper 8tate Bank.__ d»J|’ll W. P. Smith_____ *175-10% 88-893 par 100 Jayton_______ 615 First National Bank__ •! ’07 M. S. Sandell_____ 10% par 100 88-111* Kent 012 Jean.................. 310 Jean State Bank_______ JS'20 Graham Stewart... Young C 15 $125-10% 88-1966 ‘ Jefferson____2549 Marion D24 4,000 209.000 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N.. Abiiene. 26,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Graham. (Closed February 19 30.) Jefferson Bank & Trust Co. J. A. R. Moseley .. J. O. Brooks______ J. C. Adams______ H. B. Meisenheimer $100 par 100 88-2002 Tt§'20 Rogers National Bank..'»t 04 H. A. Spellings__ G. T. Haggard___ J. W. Badget.. .. 88-362 Jerrnyn______ 213 Oliver Loving & Co., Bankers Oliver Loving___ J. W. Loving____ John H. Tucker... Oliver Loving, Jr.. Jack D16 88-1114 •tt’ll Jewett_______ 460 Jewett 8tate Bank__ {11900 O. Wiley, Jr_____ R. B. Adams. . J. T. Adkisson___ Leon H21 in% 88-1115 Joaquin_____ .323 H Shelby G25 * Johnson City.350 Blanco J16 256,060 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Am. N„ Beaumont. Texas State Bank __d®t§'26 Luke Motley_____ J. H. Ilolliday____ J. W. Motley____ LaurajVlotley......... par 100 8 8 -2113 Johnson City StateBank»tl’06 Ernst Klappem- A. R.Grote______ Albert MouTsund.. Hattie Casparis__ $150-16% 88-1117 bach Josephine____519 First National Bank—.‘fOS E. Brown_______ G. B. Yeatts_____ G. B. Steinbaugh.. Collin D20 $100 par 100 88-111* Joshua_______ 810 Citizens Banking Co..__ *t’04 Angus McMillan... Johnson E18 88-1119 • 25,000 5,490 50,940 25,000 12,280 211,640 30.000 5,570 114,820 26,910 ! 25,000 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 39,940 2,000 O. C. West______ _ Sal lie Tom Drake.. tJourdanton ..682 Atascosa County State Bank J. A. Waltom_____ Jourdan Campbell. J. K. Lawhon____ V. F. Parma_____ Atascosa N16 $115-10% par 100 88-112U •tl’08 28,990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Marshall N.. Marshall, 94,820 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. 225,000 Central Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hob. N., Hon.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 1st N.. St. L.; Ft. Worth N. 1st N.. Dallas. 62,500 36,600 100,000 Ft Worth-' 456,570 — 349,980 25,880 22,400 160,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; Alamo N. and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 102,330 776,280 693,600 19,690 122,610 227,500 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Inter-State N„ Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N„ Ft Worth. 35,000 19,000 125,000 100,000 38,100 50,000 102,050 849,250 25,000 3,370 91,040 ‘Kaufman___ 2501 Farmers & Merch. Nat l Bk. Wood Nash_______ Nestor Morrow___ J. R. Trantham ... Kan fman E20 $150-10% par 100 88-1696dfK'15 Michaux Nash, Act. 75,000 47,730 312,310 First National Bank ...t'88 J. A. Nash................. C. B. Ilarton............. *215-10% 88-431 J. W. Park 100,000 71,150 309,350 Keller State Bank_____ tl'21 T. H. White_______ J. E. Jarvies.____ $U5-io% 88-H24 20,000 15,910 191,170 Kemp_______1213 First National Bank___ **'02 L. J. McDougald.. C. R. Pannill_____ Kan fman B20 $125-10% par 100 88-543 50,000 38,780 234,880 ‘Junction___1269 Junction State Bank... »tr08 W. P. Riley, E. E. Bolt............. . C. T. Holekamp... S Kimble J14 $250-13% ♦88-1121 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Justin_______ 493 Denton D18 Jnstin 8tate Bank-____ •il’07 W. N. Shnfner ___ J. H. Allen—........... J. T. Gossett_____ Miss Faye Hood... 88-1122 J. W. Collins ‘Karnes City ..787 Karnes CountvNat.Bk.d»l'01 T. D. Ruckman___ J. D. Ruckman___ H. W. Isensee........ J. E. Yeary.............. StKarnes N17. $225-12% par 100 88-1123 A. Janer (Assets taken overby Karnes County Na tional Bank) Katy ___ 228 Katy State Bank . ------ t§’20 W. C. Stockdick... J. M. Stewart___ J. K. Holcomb........ H Harris K21 $100-8% par 100 88-1663 Keller_______ 259 Tarrant D18 84,780 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24,350 433,310 101,010 37,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 19,500 42,550 .......... 2,280 78,140 192,430 160,680 46,740 98.850 362,940 106,000 171,070 230 260,990 20.800 18,770 471,830 N. City, N. Y.; So. Texas Com'l N., Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 74,590 Public N.. Hon.; U. S. N.. Galv. 113,330 Chase N.,N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 2d N., Hou. 3,750 52,020 Tex. N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth. Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and No. Tex. N., Dallas. 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given yico to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.7lNew§StatetPriv. ;Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El •Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. KESOU RCES. Liabil [TIES. Bondi ash & Ex Loan* _Paid-up 1 Surplus Depos Other Miscel Chanqks .Du* and and Liabili Diicounti its Securities laneous from Banks Capital pROFITg ties 10,000 200 10,000 P. R. Goff, Jr......... Kenedy_____ 2015 First National Bank...»t'06 5. P. Ruhmann__ Fred Schroeder... W, E. Ruckman---- Frank Bucek, Jr. Clem Reasoner, J. B. Cannon 88-867 S Karnes N17 V. P. 100,000 34,710 422,860 CJ. W. NICHOLS —- ■ W • 1IIA iii 1. w ------- H. W. Me GOLDRICK — ROY YOUNG________ LQ.HOLCHAK J SEND US YOU W. H. ATKINSON R ITEMS DIREC T. 100,000 67,660 683,500 10,000 2,670 36,410 10,000 17,480 ------ R. P. Walker ___ S. Jennings 50,000 E. M. Westbrook. Lnther Westbrook A. L. Bain............... Wade J. Price........ B. B. Coates W. E. Smith I. Coates______ Kerens National Bank—•t’10 E. E. Nettles_____ R. P. Coates_____ Andrew Talley___ C. F. L. Hulan R. P. Coates. Ch, Sam Rowe 1165-15% 88-1864 W. S. Whiteley.— R Kempner____ 189 Kempner State Bank—-t8'17 Lampasas H17 1108 88-1767 NICHOLS NATIONAL BANK SB-668 20% ®*t 06 Wehh Prompt,personal attention given Coll ections, Bill of Ladi ng Drafts. ICash and Timelte ms and remitted for on day of payment. Kennard_____ 610 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. R. L. Barclay------- J.C. Merriwether. $107.50-5% 88-1611 tl'18 H Houston H22 Kenney.............202 Kenney 8tate Bank----- tl’12 Philip Freitag — $250-10% par 100 88-1467 H Austin K20 Earl Seale Kerens_______ 1343 First National Bank----- »t’04 W. T. Stockton___ W. S. Price. Ch. Navarro F20 $300-30% par 100 88-745 „ $150-10% par 100 par 1.000 $ 8,000 12.000 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 1,200 1st 1 N.. Dallas; City N„ Temple. 383,080 S 108,360 25,720 89,310 G uaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Alamo N., 8an Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. 577.280 6,500 36,800 230,580 C ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Uom'l N., Hou., Alamo N., San Antonio. 640 39,150 1,590 5,140 3,840 C rookett State and 1st N.. Crockett; N. Bk. Com., Hou. 114,470 450 46,880 60,700 1,790 33,030 S o. Tex. Corn ! N., Hou.: 1st N.. Galv. and Brenham. 114,000 274,000 25,510 237,770 80,680 21,130 123,920 1 st N.. Dallas; Corsicana N. and 1st N., Corsicana. 50,000 18,890 305,360 121,160 107.290 21,870 123,930 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 80,000 35,040 296,420 95,190 3,000 26,460 237,540 'orsicana N.. Corsicana; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. - , 48,900 1 1 | + 88-746 100 i (Indwid ual Ret pontibil itv SI.00 0,000)... •Kerrvtlle___ 2353 CHARLES SCHREINER BARK L, A, 3cni61001.. (Uninc.) 88-458 •Jt’6fl S Kerr K15 O. B. Sohwethelm Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Frost N.. San Antonio. 120,980 I. City N. Y.; City-Cent.. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Hon. N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 79,610 First State Bank___ d«tl’07 A. B. Williamson.. P. L. Williamson.. A. J. Lochte 30,000 30,030 572,140 30,700 395,620 102,030 44,240 Kilgore............ 863 Kilgore National Bank d*t'0fl F. D. OberthieT... $115 par 100 88-1126 Gregg E23 L. N. Crim............... J. B. Oberthier__ 25.000 1.630 168,690 25,400 79,030 45,080 17,000 S. Young____ ____ 50,000 950 116,750 54,460 2,000 25,030 33,550 140,120 base N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas, Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 6,900 55.600 base N.. N. Y.; Hoa. N., Hon.; San An tonio N., San Antonio. -—- 88-459 R H Wolfe, Killeen.,.........1298 First National Bankd®T»t'01 P. L. Downs. Ch. G. T. Holiabaugh $100-5% par 100 88-627 Bell H17 „ W Sutton First State Bank_____ »tr07 H. C. Smith, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. $175-20% ♦ 88-628 68,910 Temple. T. H. Minor ......... G. C. Black______ 35.000 15,000 337,010 5,430 131,450 87,310 C. C. Henny........... Sam Finable, Jr.... Sam Finable, Jr.... Estella E. Firnble. •Kingsville ...4770 First National Bank $125 par 100 88-1268 dB®»t'26 S Kleberg Q18 First State Bank.-.d®»t§'09 J. E. Garrett____ H. Andrews, Act... V. E. Lanfear___ W. C. King............ H. Allison $125-10% 88-265 50,000 12,500 150,000 50.000 100,000 100,000 35,000 25,000 non 365.000 30,00( E. A. Hodges_____ 50,000 100,000 1,200,000 700,000 250,000 150,000 250.000 base N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’) N.. Hou.; IstN., St. L. 67,000 15,000 80,000 luarantyTr. Co.. N. Y.: IstN.. Hon ; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. par — 160 R. J. Kleberg___ E. W House--------Robert J. Kleberg & Co. J. D. Finnegan 88-264 d®»tt’04 40,000 40,000 340,000 6,000 264,000 Allen.......... 20,000 15,500 130,000 3,000 125,000 _______ C W. Furr______ J. M. Crews_____ W. C. Harp_______ Roy Key..............— 35,000 9,730 96,240 280 90,720 T. E. Robbins____ J. M. Averitt_____ 25.00C 9,740 155,896 13,000 J. A. Wilson_____ V. H. Pyeatt____ 25.00C 37,040 226.86C Basil Bryant--------- C. P. Geisselbrech 10.00C 4,29( 96.49C J. W, Beeler--------- L. C. Conn Kirbyvllle........ 1165 Kirbyvllle 8tate Bank_d»tS06 $200-12H% par 100 88-372 H Jasper I 25 W. F. MoCreighV. Mamie A. Winton. Minnie 10% Kirkland.......... 524 Childress A13 90,000 base N., N. Y.; Hou. N.. IIou ; Tex. State Bk. & Tr., Corpus Christi. 3,50( 40,000 1st N.. Hou. 1.25C 6,876 42,410 1st N.. Childress and Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 105,16( 15.00C 10.50C 72,970 1st N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Mereh. N., Abiline. 20,000 135,771 76,00 12,70 1,630 19,94 84,420 Drov. N., Kansas City. Mo.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth City N.. Wichita Falls; U. S. N.. Galv. 50,810 Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co. anc Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 88-373 $120-10% ♦ 88-1127 Kleberg 11F First Stale Bank___________ (Taken over hy Firs l National Bank, M Dallas E19 Knox City____ 695 Citizens Slate Bank___ t§’20 jj F White $130-10% 88-2000 Knox C13 par 126 0, J&Luison . —— J. H. Davis---------First National Bank-----‘fOa — $200-15% 88-621 par 100 J. T. Davis—.......... P. H. Whitworth. Irvin de Cardova $io<Tio% 88-1436 Bosaue F18 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis esquite, Texas, Mai ih 16. 1929) 1 38,01 0 3,64 I Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 4S4 i?, eaclh bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. ‘County Seats, No.11 F. R.D. E El Paso H Hous.SSanA. *.\lem. A.B. A. "New iState fPriv {Mem. State B. Ass’n. lEstab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bont d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this T EXAS—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Kosse 879 First State Bank..........«t§T8 A. J. Jennings.__ J. W. Jennings-__ A. J. Rich Limestone H20 par 100 + 88-1823 •• Kosse National Bank___ t’29 J. J. Suttle______ C. 0. Robertson.. 10% par 100 88-802 $ 5,140 $ 207.170 $ 440 % 38.03C $ 26,450 $ 92,970 $ 80,300 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 25,000 2.390 98,050 670 63,520 10,750 18,650 33,890 Chase N., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., fi Q20 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. of Com., Amarillo. Dallas; 2d N.. Hou. Will Rousser_____ W. T. Bagley.......... C. H. Moore 17,500 1,510 81,820 Krum 77? Farmers & Merch. State Bank J. O. McClister__ Denton D18 ti2o-io% par 100 88-1132 t§’10 B. F. Wilson_____ 30,000 12,350 139,120 R. H. Kretzmeier. E. B. Miller______ L. C. Schlemmer F. W. Miller W. H. Hawkes........ A. P. Parma______ H. F. Keller 30.000 7,220 95.890 25.000 35,030 287,760 B. H. Mercer.......... A. L. Bartley. 25,000 3,500 100,000 A. H. Knox______ $125-18% 88-1134 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. ‘Lampasas ...2107 First National Bank—_ *t’84 W. B. McGee__ Lampasas 117 12% 88-393 _____ « ------- “ 88-395 28 &0 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Austin N., Austin: 1st N., San Marcos. 30,000 56,000 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co. 15,900 406,260 338,720 10,540 31,690 50,000 41,240 728,690 442,660 t?E> 280 47.350 75.000 7,740 421,090 56,640 269,150 138,980 45,220 107,120 L City, N.Y.: Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 100,000 45.080 967,740 13,630 718,240 148,720 56,430 203,050 iquitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; 25,000 4,060 209,000 50,000 36,780 889,990 O. B. Norman____ C. A. Hollinsworth W. Barfoot. A. C. R. McCormick 50,000 45,000 H. Shockley_____ 12,500 50,000 W. K. Crawley.__ M. E. Smart W. T. Manger Lancaster___ 1190 First National Bank ..dt’19 J. H. Darbv______ J. E. Gist_______ W. Y. Perry Dallas E19 par 100 88-1874 B.F.Lyon, Ch.of Bd. •------- ** R. P. Henry & Sons, Bankers Mrs. N. D. Henry. R. P. Henry, Jr.__ 88-679 *tf’89 -------- •• White*Co., Bankers..*it'98 L.F. White_______ H. E. White______ J. O. McShan____ 88-680 K. L. White. V. P. B. E. White Fred Wnl f Floyd Barkley 31,000 141,210 1st N., Chi.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. fisn Chi. 1st N., Brownsville: City N. San Antonio. Hou.; 1st N.. Dallas; Frost N., San Antonio. 2on non Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 1st N., Ft. Worth. 8,960 459,990 298,700 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth 1st N., Dallas. 700,000 225,000 155.000 115.000 300,000 luaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Ft 3,380 53,220 2 7.280 3.Q60 5,100 32,750 lou. N., Hou.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth 57,680 539,770 397,150 45, von 42,490 278,300 102,250 9,850 87,140 iquit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; lsl 56,200 4,420 65,310 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Dal! and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 371,730 19,450 _____ Worth N., Ft. Worth. 1st N., Waco. 102 500 ihase N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou. 1st N.. Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth. N., Dallas; Un. N., Hou. ........ (.Individ ual Ret pomibil ity, $200, 000)____ Co., St. L.; 1st N., Hou. W. G. Lyon, Jr___ 50,000 22,540 104,870 23,300 74.780 J. K. Henry______ L. L. Henry Iquit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mtle.-Com. Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N., Dallas. (Individ ual Res ponsibil «!/, $1,00 0,000). 25,000 13,220 250,880 La Pryor______ 415 La Pryor State Bank S Zavalla N13 *110-8% 88-1647 par 100 15,000 5,100 70,480 T. W. Alexander.. San Antonio: 1st N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. of Tex., Dallas: Greenville, N. Ex., Greenville. 228.570 La Porte______ 889 First National Bank .®*f23 0. K. Clarke______ A. N. McKay,Active A. N. McKay H Harris L23 6% par 100 881135 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8.370 42,000 (J. F. WHITE. C. C. ABNEY______ C. C. ABNEY---------- C. A. NORTHJHGTON 50,000 55,800 J Ch.of Bd.andPres. W. H. BR0WNIN6 »t'05 ] Save time and get service on Co Mentions and Ore (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts. ISc; Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng dit Reports. 25c. TRY US. *±5T4 1. A. Hope ............. B. F. Kite.......... .. 24,650 58.120 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. 14,000 J. R. Key . ........ . Ed. Hocker____ R. L. Walker Stokes Brothers, Bankers 88-394 *411900 96,280 16,210 125,000 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK *175-12% par 100 1,110 92,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Alamo N., J. O. Adams______ W. W. Williamson. Myrtle Duren____ T. E. Adams ‘Lamesa ugs First National Bank... d*t’05 E. R. Yates.......... . J. E.Barron............ Dawson E9 *185-10% par 100 88-872 Henry J. Price, Ch. W. K. Crawley •* M Lamesa National Bank R. C. Couch______ *150-10% 88-873 d®»t’06 W. V. P. Baker La 111 kin______ jgg First State Bank______ t§T6 D. L. Truett___ W. T. Hayes______ Comanche F16 *117 88-1742 115,880 16,180 John Schuhmacher State Bk. Leo Frede________ C. J. VonRosenberg 14% par 100 88-452 *J§’09 H. Amberg 311 First National Bank .. dt‘16 D. H. Davenport, 9,850 103,980 w N ftravpQ Vada Albright La Feria.............. 236 First National Bank W. H. Bardwell, W. T. Cone........ . B. H. Dunlap .____ D. W. Sigler______ S Cameron Q4 *145-10% 88-1516 dB®»t’25 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, B. H. Dunlap. Act. W. M. Wiseman par 100 ‘Lagrange___1669 First National Bank___»t'88 Geo. E. Lenert _ H. Ehlers.............. Wm. F. Hofmann.. L. V. Vanek........... H Fayette K19 $180-15% par 100 88-453 Lakevlew ___ Hall E5 73,890 160,030 First National Bank—.d*t'90 A. E. Sweeney ... *100-15% par 100 88-623 W. E. Weldon, Ch. ___ “ Principal Correspondents. Cash Sl Ex changes,Dot from Banks 25,000 * Kress________ 325 Farmers State Bank _d»i§’26 C. A. Burchard Swisher A10 *100 88-1131 Kyle_________ 744 Kyle State Bank____ d*t§'ll H. W. Niemann___ *100-10% 88-1133 a nays &17 par 100 Lacoste_______ 521 La Coste National Bank.*iT2 Edmund Keller.__ S Medina M15 *250-18% 88-1451 par 100 Ladonia 171 a Farmers & Merchants State R. L. Thornton___ Fannin C21 Bank ....88-624___ *+§’29 Resources. Loam Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and Liabili Capital 1 Profits its Diacounta Securities laneous ties 5,000 Iquit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L N.. Dail&s. 163,730 39.870 6,000 ’ublic N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Un. N., So. Tex.. N„ Galv. 70,810 3,570 4.770 16,430 I liberty N., Kan. C.; Alamo N. and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. i/irr ItOO iunus Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.rlNew § State tPriv*County Seats. +Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11F. R. 1). E El ♦Fed. Res. Dapts :T-Trust B-Bonri PasoH Hous.SSan A. d- SafeDep. ©Sav.$LastSale%Div iLaredo....... 27,159 S Webb Q14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK LAREDO NATIONAL BANK ItOO-3% par 100 88-30 d®»t’80 $300-20% par 100 88-31 d®*t’95 MERCHANTS President. Vice-President. TEXAS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. CHAS E. RICHTER—. A. M. BRUNI............G. P. FARIAS-------- ALBERT MARTIN — W. B. HAMILTON H. S. CLUCK , J. G. de la GARZA Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Loam Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discoun ts Securities laneous ties & Special Attention given to Collections Prompt. Personal, Persistent Efforts. United States Government Depository. $ 250.000 $ 47.390 $1461340 $ 193,300 $1049340 $ 272,500 $ 161,560 $ 468,640 A. ZAMBRANO, JR— J. H. ZACHRY, Active------------------------ L. F. MARTINEZ— 200,000 udiiniug jl umv 506,100 3,185,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash Ex changes,Due from Banks First and oldest Established Bank. Unequaled facilities for making collections. Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. B. M. ALEXANDER— GEO. F. STURGIS-— A. L. VIDAURRI....... P. W. BUTTRON—. A. W. WILCOX, Ch. EO. J. DE LACHICA wiLii iicatcaii dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 197.300 2,768,920 368,320 53,080 898.080 N. 230,620 City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 970,030 24.720 514,630 342,910 39,990 10,000 38,190 5.150 20,700 _____________ 7,270 25,370 Alamo N., San Antonio; Laredo N. and 100,000 89,330 934,430 5,830 421,870 400,930 59,050 247,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Frost N.. San Antonio; A. E. Register__ 15.000 7,750 60,000 H. W. Wiseman... 20.000 14,920 192,680 H. L. Whittle....... 12,500 9,580 115.750 56,620 2,650 1,630 76,930 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Cont. N., Ft. F. H. Ferguson — 15.000 4,670 77,250 26,670 40,330 3,760 26,160 So. Tex. State, Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Miss Alta Wilborn 25,000 4,700 98,990 63,730 22.000 Leander________283 First State Bank----------1§’18 C. R. Mayfield----- J. C. Wallace____ J. M. Shows_____ Miss Carol Mason. 15.000 1.200 121,500 77,000 5,050 — 43,000 1st N., Hou.: Austin N. and Am. N.,Austin; 10.000 2,050 37,060 20,850 — 14,750 13,470 State N., Texarkana: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. 35,000 70,000 15,000 40,000 Am. N., Beaumont; State N., Hou. 170,250 65,050 19,690 77,190 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. STATE BK.&TR.CO. $137-5% par 100 88-33 dT»t§’17 par 100 Larue________ 145 Citizens State Bank___ t5’12 Tucker Glenn------ C. Dunklin______ Mrs. Tucker Glenn Henderson F21 $140-10% 88-1411 Lavernia______ 480 La Vernia State Bank__t§'09 Hugo Kott----------- W. R. Wiseman... J. V. Wiseman — 20% par 100 HR—1136 S Wilson M17 Lawn__________ 510 Security State Bank—f§’19 Henry James......... W. J. Taylor, Act. AnnaLeeThompson io% 88-1723 Taylor FI4 League City ...525 Citizens State Bank-----J§’06 Sealy Hutchings— C. H. Anderson__ E. D. Singeltary... 88-1138 H Galveston L23 First State Bank---------•tS^O Ed. Bell------------- Sam F. Cooper___ Otto Tampke......... ‘Leakey............... 326 Bob. Davis $100-10% ♦ 88-1911 S Real L14 par 100 10% 33,410 PERSONAL ATTENTION. DomingoGonzalez. Mexican-American Com’l & Domingo Gonzalez Tr. Banking Co. (Uninc.).»t'21 88-34 P. H. Stanford___ I. Hirsch .............. Union State Bk. & Trust Co. E. S. Russell------J. B. Da Camara $i 0-10% 88-32 d»tS’ Williamson J17 100,000 SEND US YOUR LAREDO AND MEXICO ITEMS FOR PROMPT 1st N.. St. L. Dallas N.. Dallas; 1st N., Athens. Texas. 5,290 96,610 125,820 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. Worth; 1st N.t Dallas. and City N., Galv. 32,000 City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Sabinal State, Sabinal. 88-1815 Leary__________ 57 Guaranty State Bank.. t§'19 T. W. Morgan___ F. D. Crook_____ W. McLendon....... 88-1867 Bowie C 24 Leggett............... 220 Farmers State Bank—1§’13 A. W. Peebles----- J. W. Cruse______ J. A. Riley______ E. L. Hinson, Jr. J. W. Cochran, Ch. $175-10% 88-1577 H Polk I 23 1st N., Laredo; Banco Nacional de Mexico. Mexico. 25,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N. and 45,000 110 ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City-Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San An tonio; Hou. N., nou.; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 16.000 9.000 130.000 5,000 50,000 12,520 214,000 55,660 U. S. N.,Galv. Co., Dallas. par 100 Leonard______1383 First National Bank__________ (Absorbed by Leona rd National Bank, effective February 11 , 1930) ^Fannin 020^ Leonard National Bank.«£T2 J. J. Pendergrass.. O. S. Ferguson___ Homer Collins....... A. Golden______ $110-8% par 100 88-1469 D. T. Janes______ G. B. Coleman... Leroy__________ 150 Leroy Bank----------- ®»tt’07 R. C. West----------88-1139 McLennan G19 tLevelland......... 420 First National Bank .. •+’25 Jno. H. Doyle------ W. G. Frazier___ S. C. Roach............. J. R, Roach. $17.5-10% 88-2104 Hockley C9 par 100 «First State Bank...........§’29 VV. A. Green-------88-2154 Lewisville____ 815 First National Bank---- «t’04 B. L. Speicer____ $150 par 100 88-716 Denton D19 Lewisville State Bank__»tST0 J. W. Degan_____ $100-10% par 100 88-717 Lexington.......... 600 Lee County State Bank__t§’05 D. F. Wade--------$250-14% 88-1140 H Lee J19 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.000 13,000 100,000 25,000 15,000 550.000 C. J. Young____ 20,000 5,470 E.L. Berry______ M. H. Milliken .... E. R. Wolters.. J. E. Graham 25.000 A. Hayes________ Ben Savage____ Milton McGregor.. Clarence Rasche. D. N. House_____ H. H. Mann....... . F. C. Davis____ R. L. Donald T. M. Williams. C. W. Rasche (Respo risibility over $500. 000).... Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Waco. Oltiz. N. Hillsboro; U.S. N..Galv. 313,000 1st N., Lubbock; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 75,000 180,000 22,000 120,000 20,000 65,000 15,070 45,400 1st N., Ft. Worth; Lubbock N., Lubbock. 2,250 156,190 70,020 26,450 23,430 88,770 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas. 50,000 2,230 100,900 70.970 6,800 25,290 50,070 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Republic 25,000 42,000 286,600 257,800 27,850 93,480 44,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Gty. N.. Hou.; U. S. N., 25.220 72,400 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Dallas. Galv.; Am. N., Austin. 1456 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow N AMD COUNTV. ‘County Seats. No. 11 P. R. D. E El PasoHHous.SSanA. oMem.A.B.A.nNew § State tl’riv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (i-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSa!e%Div. Vice-President. Cashier. Aas’T cashier. T. F. Calhoon, E. B. Pickett, Jr,. O. p. Baillio______ H. Newberry... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. Part low (J. W. Connell an d C. F. Hickman, O inner*)___________ M. C. Parrish.......... C. B. Sullivan_____ J. M. Shows.............. First National Bank.........t'07 !uo-io% 88-875 First National Bank___ «t’25 $110 par 115 88-2106 wFirst State Bank.......... §’29 88-2152 $100 ‘Livingston ...928 First National Bank-._d»t’02 $250-20% par 100 88-545 H Polk 123 First State Bank.........d‘JS’10 $225-20% par 100 88-546 oldano_______ 1645 Citizens National Bank.dt'23 S Llano 116 par 100 88-504 MOORE STATE BANK <§'23 88-2052 $198-20% par 100 ‘Lockhart___ 3731 S Caldwell K18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $250-10% par 100 88-321 d«t’89 LOCKHART NATIONAL BANK 88-322 $U0-9% Lockney_____ 1118 Floyd Bll ‘*1900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 170 88-1145 75,000 $ 15,750 $ 642,100 $ 5,260 $ 398,500 $ 193,980 ? 290,000 170,000 61.750 60,000 (Capital and Sur plus) 710 91,420 17,500 58,390 22,260 25,000 5,500 1,800 200.000 C. E. Davis.............. O. R. Taylor______ S. L. Henderson... R. C. Daniels. 20,000 10,000 34.000 1,000 58,000 35,000 13,000 228,850 3.570 73,450 22,560 25,000 W, 8. Fant. G. F. Followell. A. J. Nelson___ _ E. B. Bennett 95,000 1,600 $ 144,030 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv. 25,250 5,220 19,330 46,000 Hou. N., Hou.; Am. N.t Beaumont. 23,750 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 95.000 1st N„ Dalias; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 7,500 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; State N„ Texaikana. 9,730 174,680 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dalias; State N„ Texarkana. Roy Simmons___ G. B. Hunt.... 25.000 5,000 86,000 51,000 J. C. Hilbun______ J. T. Elms.......... F. G. Sadler M. C. Parrish____ C. B. Sullivan .. C. D. Stone______ 25.000 9,850 414,920 267,490 1.470 38,900 102,060 3,950 55,350 4,360 J. W. Cochran........ A. L. Carter— M. S. Tew J. L. Muller______ A. W. Peebles, G. G. Nettles__ V. P. and Cash, H. B. Davis, Jr. A. W. Watts.......... 50,000 84,600 443,240 13,360 411,960 68,500 17.660 25,000 54,230 200,120 25,350 273,890 G.M. Watkins____ A. S. Johnson .. Grady Faubion ___ W. B. Haynie 75,000 12,970 214,620 175,390 3,460 25,450 21,560 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: So. Texas Oom'l N..Hou. U.S.N.,Galv.; lstN.,St.L, 98,290 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Frost N.. San Antonio; 1st N., Dallas. SAM C. HASSE-50.000 Save time and g et service on Colle ctlons and Credit Reports by sendi ng FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y US. 30,780 623,940 1,520 441,410 37,000 6.680 221,160 Alamo N.,San Antonio; Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N. Hou. W. B. SWEARINGEN B. J. BELLAMY. Act. ARTHUR A. WIEDE— H. W. HOFFMAN E. B. C00PW00D J. P. CARDWELL BEATRICE FORKE 200,000 72,080 1.431,170 25,000 785,250 529,450 44,250 344,290 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas; Frost N„ San Antonio. 200,000 44,290 755,540 33,050 630,540 111,530 44,000 25,000 17,200 265,000 — 203.500 10,000 33.200 246,810 Equit.Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; Rep. N„ Bk. & Tr. Co., Dalias. 60,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y: 1st N.’ Piainview and Amarillo; Ft. Worth N.’ Ft. Worth. 185,000 Com.Tr.Co., Kan.C.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Lubbock: 1st N., Amarillo. 84,760 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hugh Sullivan----- M. W. Etter. E. B. Lee 25,000 J. F. CAGE........... J. F. BUTTERY....... T.J. MOORE....... P. L. BARKER { 37,000 1st N., Weatherford and Granbury. 9,250 141,910 1st N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N. and Citiz. N„ Lubboch. 63,390 Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Austin N„ Austin; Citiz. N„ Lubbock. 93,080 Chase N„ N.Y.: 1st N„ Hou. n given collection s, bills of lading, sight drafts, cash ms. All items wil 1 receive prompt and careful atus your Lockhart business. Ch. of lid. Special attentio and time ite G. W. Walton____ W. B. Kelly_____ tentiou. Send *i’08 John Artie T. Baker.......... . Storey.... S. L. Rushing, Ch. of Bd. Security State Bank--*+§'25 Carl McAdams____ 88-2103 Lohn__..............._83 Lohn State Bank______t§’20 H. D. Bradley____ McCulloch H14 88-1985 Lometa______ 995 First National Bank___wflS W. W. Tippen____ Lampasas H16 $175-10% par ioo 88-1531 C. E. Mayben, Ch. $175 10% $ 25,000 First National Bank____ *14 L. L. Harper............ W. B. Duncan... 88-1658 G. W. Beasley, Ch. Principal Correspondents. Lomi Bonds thxb Oam A Kx Paid-up Surplus Dbpo*- LOiabili Mibcel- ,cbamh And and ,Dvi AMU ITS Capital Profits DiooounU Securities LA.NBOUB nra Baku ties R. G. Marchman .. T. J. Morris............ W. R. Ward--------- M. T. Boyd__ $125-10% par 100 Lipan_____ ..300 Hood E 17 Littlefield ....2050 Lamb Bfi Resources, Liabilities. President. ‘Liberty_____ m7 First-Liberty Nat'IBk. _»t’13 B. G. Riviere_____ D. J. Harrison........ Valry Brown_____ Wendell Smith. H Liberty K23 $120-10% par 100 88-1608 Valry Brown First State Bank_____ dtl’06 $125-10% par 100 88 -7 40 Liberty Hill.__ 528 Connell & Hickman____ tt’07 Williamson 117 88-1141 Farmers State Bank.........§’28 88-2135 Lin dale_______701 Farmers & Merchants State Smith E22 Bank:____88-837............ t«12 ‘Linden______702 Citizens State Bank.........d§'27 Cass D24 $110-10% 88-1143 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Dorsey Baker____ M. R. Snyder____ Mrs. Katie Price— G. T. Meriwether J. C. Broyles_____G. Hudson. 25,000 10,000 275,000 _____ 115,000 J. H. Smith______ W. P. Roberts. Jr.__________ 30,000 15,000 168,350 570 121,870 2,100 5,200 C. E. Mayben____ Matie Kirby______ 25,000 13,610 280,820 194,780 26,150 11,000 87,490 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. W. C. Dowell___ G. U. Harkey------$iou-s% 88-803 tf'27 par 100 ‘Longview___ 5713 First National Bank .®T*t’89 Smith Price______ V. R. Hurst_____ Gregg E23 $150-10% 88-188 R. M. Kelly. Ch. Mrs. J. W. Yates C. B. IrwiH— J. Newton Dodd,Jr. 25.000 11,930 167,710 45,210 95,500 15,480 48,450 Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Green ville N. Ex. and Citiz. State, Greenville. Mays H. Wood____ 60,000 71,560 828,410 61.000 546,430 131,050 96,310 100,000 35,000 822,190 258,510 384,710 352,970 182,370 247,180 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas Com’l N.. Shreveport; Sou. Tex. Com’l N. Bk., Hou. 295,620 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N.. Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Com’l N., Shreveport,La. 30.000 16.210 335,010 139,010 101,960 41,100 99,140 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Far, & Merch. N., Abilene. 56,390 Citiz. N., Waco and Cameron; Sou. Tex. Com’l N. Bk., Hou. 71.680 Drov. N., Kan. O.: Amarillo N.. Amarillo; 1st. N., Lubbock; Cont. N., Ft.Worth. Lone Oak.__ 1017 Hunt D21 LONE OAK STATE BANK Rembert National Bank G. A. McCreight... W. B. Smith............ R. M. Rea ... $i4o-io% 88-I9J dB®»i’12 J. C. Turner, Jr., par 100 Ch, Loralne_______ 610 First State Bank______<*’07 C. H. Laskey.......... J. C. Hall, Act........ M. A. Edwards.— Mitchell E12 $200-20% par ioo ♦ 88-842 R. E. Bennett Lorena________ 475 Lorena National Baai.®»f’28 Oxsheer Smith .... E. A. Buckley, Act, O. C. Stanford. McLennan H18 $100-15% par 100 88-719 Lorenzo_______950 First State Bank_____ <§'17 W. P. Fullingim... Fred Wiese_____ Emzy Pieratt_ $225-10% » 88-1688 Crosby CIO par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John Hughes_____ 25,000 2,670 122,350 25,000 30,390 344,570 22,610 10.000 82,770 5,000 5,850 317,870 14,020 19,000 Dallas Number under Name of Bank ts the New Transit Number given 1/IC'7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raud-McNally Bankers’ 1'tC)/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State tPrir (Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦ Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSan A. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Falls H19 “ “““ «• ____ _ " Jones E14 S Caldwell L18 Lufkin National Bank E. J. Man tooth_____ 88-343 d®B»roi Citizens State Bank.—•t§’14 T. T. Brown *200-20% par 100 88-1648 S. J. Francis, Ch. Lipscomb Bk. & Tr. Co. *200-20% ♦ 88-581 dWI'09 ____________ 12,490 lhase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Hon.; Libert: Waco. 65,000 10,000 75,900 7,500 11,790 Elsie Barron_________ 25,000 27,180 254,400 6,250 219.630 8,830 7,610 76,760 4,000 40,570 2,300 1,220 110,050 40,000 40,000 20.000 26,000 75.690 966,860 528,080 271,330 463,660 1.588,280 113,400 134,130 725,890 708,700 375,450 77,760 253,800 J. A. Harrelson ... A. B. Milliken............. Paul Millican................ H (4 Millican W- L. ELWOOD................ C. F. DREXEL-.............. S. G. WILSON................... F. W. GROCE W. 0. STEVENS PAUL HARDWICK. A. C. RUTH FORO C. F. DREXEL 25,000 5,970 119,170 16,000 10,000 100,000 166,000 17.770 iity N., Galv.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Victoria. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. DEST ESTABLIS HED BANK. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each sioht draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. J. M. DENMAN-.............. T. E. BUCKNER MATTIE RANDOLPH L. C ELLIS_______ A. V. WEAVER A. E. Sweatland... N. R. Miller__________ N. D. Shands C. C. Trevathan, A. 0 • G. A. Kelley R. P. Rector_________ R. E. Henry_________ Jas. A. Abney 50,000 J. H. Gibson_________ C. B. Richardson Addie Walker_____ 100,000 42,290 530 5,680 733,680 538,330 36,680 53,220 159,260 1,918,870 72,700 1,370,200 180,480 115.280 575,000 3,560 43,460 23,200 1,000 75,000 88,580 818,600 Talitha Strater.... 16.000 5.000 130,000 O. A. Schatz________ Mrs. Dora Schatz A. E. Schatz A. J. Gidley_________ Geo. C. Tondres— 30,000 18,120 175,380 1.750 92.880 51,500 15.000 17,000 167,050 4,560 105,670 34,770 O. A. Phillips______ MissIoneMonaghan 25,000 5,000 130,000 E. Woolverton_____ L. L. Dellis...................... 50.000 67.050 317,730 0. 0.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & 755,830 628,950 State. Stamford; Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 178,650 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; City N.. Galv# 584,870 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.t 1st N., St. L. and Hou.: Reo. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Ant. 144,400 105.000 754,360 11.000 17,320 ____________ 101,000 23.700 19,530 100,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: lit «.. Hou.; City Cent. 600,000 J. O.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Dallas. Tr. Co., Dallas. 50,000 G. C. Walker._____ H. M. Ainsworth l.yons . . 359 First Stat8 Bank_____ •t|,10 J. F. Lyon____________ O. F. Lyon...................... *150-10% par 100 88-1150 J. M. Woods H Burleson J20 E. M. Wells................... $180-20% par loo 88-1151 W. H. Gray S Atascosa M16 H. R. Barnes------------Farmers & Merchants State Kaufman F20 *i50-io% Bank.88-1380.«tS’ll par 100 *■ First National Bank............. »t’02 Bush Wofford______ Walter Tynes. Jr., Active 20% 88-1152 ‘Madlsonvllle 1076 Farmers State Bank... *^§’07 3. E. Viser, Active ♦ 88-548 H Madison 121 G. A. Parten.-----------” “■ *125 par 100 88-547 Magnolia Park.. (See Houston) Malakoff________1020 First National Bank--------dt'13 S. J. Riddlesperger T. F. Murchison .. R. E. Skiles Henderson F21 *200-10% par 100 88-1587 First State Bank--------------------§'08 H. L. Flagg *275 par 100 88-1153 20,000 10,000 25,000 C. E. Craig____________ Lyford___ ___..421 First State Bank................ •t|’12 A. D. Struthers, *100-10% par 100 88-1477 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. L. Bernard S Willacy Q4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 224,090 luaranty Tr. Co., N.T.; So.Tex. Com Hon.; 1st N., Waco; D. S. N.. Galv. 7.960 Henry Lieb___________ F. M. Webb................... T. R. Putnam------------- J. C. Tonroy................ .... 57,470 30.000 32,290 1,273,420 4878 First State Bank & Trust Co. K. W. Denman 88-346 ®T*3I’10 H Angelina H23 Hou.; State N., Brownsville. Fred Swenson............. L. S. Stockton............. Emmaliue Cbromcak 100,000 J.D. MITCHELL------------ R. H. HESTER ................. K.T. THOMAS C. A. GAMMILL. Jr.. LUBBOCK NATIONAL BANK V. L. ELLIS *140-10% 88-1772 d©«t’17 ) Save time and g et service on Colle ctions and Credit Reports by sendi ng Lfee IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, lSe; Credit Reports,25c. TR Y US. par 100 .Lufkin 95.500 Principal Correspondents 35,340 104,600 46,740 2,314,960 88-1149 215.320 i 20,000 $ 17,930 200,000 par 100 67.580 i 25,750 25.000 nnv RinnFi F R FRIENO CO. L. SLATON, 1 Ch. of Bd. and W. S. POSEY FIRST NATIONAL BANK < Pres. *135-8% 88-437 d©»$ 08 (largest ban par 100 K IN LIJBBROC K COUNTY. — 100 $ 413,760 40,510 2,013,730 rc. E. MAEDGEN .. 48,540 $ 100,000 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK M 7,450 J 61,040 Lott National Bank-------- t’16 W. R. Peters_____ *205-20% 88-688 Louise_____________ 327 Peoples State Bank—»il’27 A. E. Schoeneberg. 88-877 H Wharton M20 *uo-8% par 100 First National Bank______ •t'01 H Houston H22 *ift&-6% par 100 88-781 State National Bank—, t’25 K. D. Lawrence_____ par 100 88-780 Loving State Bank................ tl’10 10% 88-1141 Young C16 /'FRANCE BAKER ... 1 S. C. ARNETT. ‘Lubbock.... 4051 1 Ch. of Bd. Lubbock CIO ) FIRST AND OL / Special attentio *150-10% par 100 88-436d®*t’06 V Please send 15c wi 25,000 $ 50.000 H. A. Patton______ R. E. Cross.............. Fred Slim________ C. L. Trice 1(108 First National Bank. ®»t’02 A. L. Patton. 1275-20% 88-867 RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bonds Cash k Is Loads Surplus Depos Other Miscel om a.*»m,Dur Paid-up _ AND and and Liabili- Discount* Sseuritiss laneous non Baku its Capital TIES $ A. N. Tandy______ Los Fresnos ...150 Los Fresnos State Bank 88-2128 t§’28 S Cameron R5 par 100 litU Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws^ TEXAS—Continued 339,950 34.080 10,000 188,940 32,360 16,370 210,300 N. City, N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 35,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N., San An tonio; 1st N.. Brownsville. 63.540 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: State N. Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co. and No. Tex. N., Dallas. 63,170 Chase N., N.Y.: Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dal las; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 43,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 74,440 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 93,040 Hou. N. and Union N., Hou. J. P. McAdams_____ 25,000 24,930 280,780 Thompson... S. W. Jackson............. 50,000 17.92C 268.72C 12,350 187.01C 15,450 23,210 25,000 25.500 170,000 15,250 79,570 50,120 33,870 72,190 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 10.000 20,230 81,810 55,300 530 11.240 44.960 Fid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., H.C. Riddlesperger Martin Eastwold — O. A. Truelove.... 1 123,320 So. Tex. Com’l Austin. N.. Hou.; Austin N., Dallas; Gty. Bond State, Athens. 14CQ -*■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and count* . ‘County Seats. No. 11 P. R. D. EE1 PasoHHous.SSanA. Malone Hill G19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Innpr'Y A Q___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this A OUUllllUCU volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §Sute tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-TrustB-Bond (!-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. dXS Malone State Bank____ t§’04 tno 88-1154 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. ther Lo&na Bonda Miscel- Cash ft ExDepos- LOixbili Paid-up Surplus and AND Capital Profits Discounts Securities LANLOUts from Banks TIES Starley Erskine... $ M. M. Traylor, Act. T. J. White Manor.. 827 Manor State Bank........dt§’27 M. C. Parrish____ F. W. Cnrrnll tioo par 100 88-2122 S Travis J18 C. B. Sullivan 40.000 $ 42,890 $ 282,620 5,800 34,440 Hou. N.. Hou.; Austin N., Austin. 88,970 45,280 44,410 3,420 23,610 Tex N„ Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 29,820 208,450 96,240 101,690 8,170 67,170 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. W. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 22.500 9,590 155,290 106,950 2,420 14,750 25,000 10,140 169,890 157,500 3,710 6,000 37,810 Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk, & Tr. Co„ Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Austin, 70,000 101,620 455,700 70,000 416,650 157,070 7,760 115,830 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: State N.. El Paso; Alamo N., San Antonio.; U. S. N„ Galv. Marfa State Bank.__d»tST0 T. M. Wilson_____ T.C. Mitchell- — 5107-8% 88-474 100,000 14,400 389,220 100,000 494,440 1,200 26,680 81,300 N. City, N. Y.; 2dN„ Hou.; 1st N.. El Paso; Am. N., Austin. Marion.___ 540 Marion State Bank........»t|’06 C. E. Tips__ ___ C. A. Krueger........ S Guadalupe L17 *225-15% par 200 88-1157 30.000 41,480 290,140 195,300 71,050 10,000 100.000 36,300 751,300 474,800 19,400 33,500 100.000 200,090 603,780 26,630 100,000 106.000 380,000 100,000 70,300 776,400 85,270 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Alamo N. and City. Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Anto nio; So Tex. Corn'l N., Hou. 359,900 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Corn’l N„ Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Waco. 339,330 Chase N.. N.Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco; 1st N., Dallas. 154,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union N., Hou.: Am. N., Austin: 1st N., Gaiv. 319,630 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Waco.; 1st N„ Dallas. State Bank of Mansfield 5135-10% par 100 88-845 »4:S’06 W. S. Poe Marathon........ 826 Marathon State Bank.. •t§’09 1150-12% par 100 88-1156 S Brewster J7 Marble Falls...639 Home State Bank..........t§’25 *140-15% par 100 88-2093 Burnet J16 ‘Marfa______ 3553 MARFA NATIONAL BANK 1200-10% par 100 88-473 d©‘t’07 S Presidio J5 It aa C. W. Hess .......... J. J. Roberts M. C. Parrish_____ J. F. Montgomery. D. E. Fowler_____ H. K. Galloway— J. F. Montgomery, Ch. M. D. Bownds____ Thos. C. Crosson __ C. P. Peavy............ F. W. Raxtnn ‘Marlin 43ln Citizens Nat’l Bank.d©»t’20 J. C. Fountain____ Falls H19 *135-8% par 100 88-1923 “ _____ “ “ _____ *• “ ______ " Marquez. qri Leon H21 ‘Marshall ...15,867 Harrison E24 •• First National Bank—®»t'92 *300 88-249 First State Bank______ t5’09 88-251 Marlin National Bank *165-10% par 100 38-250d®‘tl900 F-arl Clark J. W. Powers_____ B. J. Linthicum.__ T. E. Battle Rodney Donohoo—. J. A. Dunkum___ J. A. Reed_______ G. E. Glass G. W. Glass, Ch. A. W. Flinn VV.F. McKinley.__ C. A. McCoy. First State Bank. ___ i§’06 D. W. Carrington.. R. D. Barkley____ R. P. Carrington.. P. W. Barkley........ *100-10% par 100 88-1159 Citizens State Bank...®i8’10 Jesse I. Carter ___ E. Key, Jr.______ Laura M. Powell— *350-10% par 100 88-48 E. Key, Jr., Ch. First National Bank E. Key___________ dB©T«t’84 VV. L. Barry 88-45 5250-10% par 100 MARSHALL NATIONAL BANK rW. C. PIERCE, JR.- M. M. RUNS—. . . . . . . H.D.AECHTERNACHT R C. MARTINW. D. RAINS ] Send us your M 1 Collections and 5250-10%par 100 88-46dB©T»t'89 (.by FEE INADV *• •* State National Bank..®»t’25 D. C. Driskell____ *130-8%, par 100 88-49 Mart..................3105 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank T. M. Wilson_____ 88-325 »t’04 McLennan G19 10% First National Bank..d«t’01 E. B. Smyth_____ *300-30% par 100 88-324 ll •• First State Bank______•tl’09 W. W. Woodson... *150-15% 88-326 Martlndale___517 Merchants & Planters Bank J. B. Martindale... Unincorporated S Caldwell K17 20% par 100 88-1160 •tt’18 rCHAS. L. MARTIN‘Mason............1150 S Mason 115 \ Oldest and mos 88-549 d‘tt’01 15 CENTS sent (.25 CENTS for ** •• First State Bank______t§’i9 • M 8% 88-1892 •I Mason National Bank___t’04 J. W. White_____ *160 par 100 88-550 COMMERCIAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. T. Womack____ B. H. Bell. A~C. " O. H. Clark G. M. Boone 1 arshall items dir Requests for Cre ANCE: Plain sigh P. P. Taylor______ ect for personal a dlt Reports MUS t drafts, 15e; Credit R. J. Miller______ ttentlon. T be accompanied Reports, 25c. W. M. Thomas___ 93,060 $ 25.000 5,020 35,000 30,000 10.300 150,000 25.000 63,570 379,570 1,000 78,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Dallas N., Dallas. 24,990 E. C. Watson___ 5,300 8,000 $ 54,140 Mansfield 7io Farmers & Merch. State Bk. W. W. Sfiptnn $120 par 100 88-2125 |§'27 Tarrant E18 20.000 $ 177,900 $ 101,200 $ Principal Correspondents. 100,000 97,200 477,760 158,250 375,000 205.630 502,270 147,370 15,300 60,000 8o. Tex. Com. N„ Hou.; City N„ Galv. 294,110 113,280 9,590 1,546,000 595,000 94,500 59,500 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Hou.; Com’l N., Shreve port. 592,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas: Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 115 000 8,350 74,620 63,260 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 200,000 256,000 2,400,000 100.000 200,000 1,300,000 100,000 900,000 500,000 300,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Miss.Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 1st N„ Dallas. 100,000 23,260 660,160 58,800 581.960 60,040 4,730 J. H. Punchard..„ A. T. Stansell, V. P. and Cash. W. P. Shelton V. W. Robertson. J. R. Gillam R. W. Bass_______ J. C. Rogers______ Chas. E. Smith R.N. Martindale.— F. P. Johnson........ F. W. Slaughter... 50,000 64,600 260,190 45,000 189,930 83,500 51,090 50.000 91,730 405,470 50,000 374,580 116,500 52,120 30,000 10,000 225,000 150,000 40,000 195,490 ChaseN..N.Y.: Mtle.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Dal.;Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Bk. of Com.. Hou. 95,250 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.: 1st N., Dallas; Citiz, N., Waco. 54,000 So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou.: 1st N., Waco; 1st N., Dallas. 75,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Waco and Hou. 25,000 14,680 99,460 62,040 3,600 73,510 Austin N.. Austin; Alamo N.,San Antonio. WALTER M. MARTIN MRS. W. M. MARTIN . R. E. MARTIN 60,000 3,000 411,000 250,000 30,100 35,000 resentatlon, and t, personal atten tlon. C. P. Kothmann. 25,000 S. M. Loelfler F.. A. Loeffler 50,000 Etta M. Hofmann 28,820 332,820 266,110 25,150 20,500 51,800 297,310 220,730 123,420 26,750 MAX MARTIN-. t progressive ban k In Mason. to us with each Sight Draft for p each credit repo rt insures promp E. O. Kothmann... K. M. Eckert, A.C. C.S. Vedder. . D. F. Lehmberg .. 24,550 158,900 ustin N„ Austin: Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 74.870 Com’l N.,San Antonio; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; U.S. N.,Galv.;Rep.Bk.&Tr.Co., Aus tin. Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; San Antonio N„ 52,760 San Antonio: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., %t. L.; Austin N„ Austin. i A en J.T'Oy Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. «New §Slate t Priv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. to ‘County Seats. No. 11 F-R.D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S —Continued CASHIER. ‘Matador.......... 692 First National Bank-----»t’17 W. W. Moore------- R. P. Moore............ $150 par 100 88-1773 Motley B12 C. D. Bird______ Elmer Stearns ___ FIRST STATE BANK d«t§’07 $175-10% ♦88-1162 par 100 Matagorda... 1019 Bank of Matagorda ._d®tt’03 88-1163 H Matagorda.N21 J. R. Nelson_____ Mathis ..............915 First National Bank.. d*t’20 J. S. Hall. Sr_____ C. B. McAnally___ 88-1717 S San Patricio 018 C.F. Miller.............. First State Bank______ dtS’ll $200-10% ♦ 88-1164 W. T. Dunn............ J. P. Hilliard_____ Boys Savings Bank .—®§’15 Maurice vilie.... 68 Gordon Dunn 88-2035 H Orange J25 (Taken over by First National Bank, Loc khart, Tex., Dec. 13, Maxwell 421 S Caldwell K17 M. Bowden ___ E. A. Robason____ May................... 413 First National Bank____»t’06 G. W. Plummer'-.. A. Mrs. Mary E. Gray $200-10% 88-1167 Brown F15 J. S. Sherman-----W. T. Norman ___ Farmers and Merchants State Maydelie.......... 315 H Cherokee G22 $110-10% Bank. ..88-1533__ §’13 par 100 C. H. Wilemon----Maypearl_____ 417 First State Bank---------- 1§’30 L. H. Wilemon ___ 88-878 Ellis F19 (Reorganization of Citizens State Bank) M. H. DeLong........ Homer Rogers. McAllen_____ 5831 First National Bank in McAllen_______ d©»t’18 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. A. Hughes S Hidalgo Q3 $100 par 100 88-1809 F. G. Crow________ E. L. Womack_____ E. Osborn, STATE BANK & TRUST CO. F. par loo 88-1168 d®T»:§’25 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ass’t Cashier. LIAdI L1TIJG9* Bondi Miscel Cash * ExLoam chamgm,Dui Depos Liabili and Paid-up and AND Discounts Securities laneous from Banks its Capital Profits ties $ 30,000 % M.S. Patton W. N. Pipkin-------J. R. Whitworth J. W. Nelson_____ 37,500 41,840 603,310 $ 2,000 330,940 1 1,050 11,500 43,660 City N., Corpus Christi; 2d N., Hou. 143,850 1,700 16,000 9,320 . 88,470 Alamo N., San Antonio; Union N.; Hou.; Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. 8,170 27,960 7,370 38,670 1st N., St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Brownwood. 50,190 Far. & Merch. State Bk. &Tr. Co., Rusk; 1st N.. Jacksonville: Dallas N., Dallas. 13,210 113,020 30,000 36,240 183,780 6,200 1,610 8.930 25,000 31,950 112,610 24,000 119,550 10,000 1,000 70,380 1,660 23,040 — 25,000 G. B. McReynolds. C. L. Rike 60,000 2,700 728,030 527,900 16,350 55,470 191,000 321,960 145,000 57,880 65,120 9.750 135,980 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N.. Chi.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Ant.; Ex. N., Tulsa. 109,540 Cent. N., San Angelo; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 90,000 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth. 1,550 4,550 206,720 51,850 McCaulley___715 First State Bank—........ t§'18 D. W. Maberry___ S. E. Miers_______ $115-10% 38-1169 Fisher E13 par 100 McDarie .462 McDade State Bank___*t§T3 W. H, Harvey........ J. F. Metcalfe........ J. F. Metcalfe ___ Louise Metcalfe.— H Bastrop J19 10% par 100 88-1478 f S A MSI FR J. E. BROWN, Act.„ G.W. ENGLAND------ R. 0. McENTIRE...... McGregor ___ 2081 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G.W. LEE 88-448 d»+’89 ) Prompt Persona I attention given Bill of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Tim e McLennan H18 $200-12% par 100 (.Items and reml tted for on day of payment. 25,000 4,000 120,000 50,000 " '* COLLIN COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Howell E. Smith, C. G. Comegys............. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $210-10% 88-218 dB®T*t’69 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 American National Bank»t’09 Geo. W. Sitter............. J. L. McMurtry ... F. II. Bourland Gray D5 C. C. Bogan_______ Citizens State Bank... •t§’06 $135-18% 88-843 par 135 R. H. Timmons----First National Bank...«t’26 E. H. Jones. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 15% par 100 88-2085 Terry C9 Medicine Mound First State Bank--------- 1§’20 D. M. Boyd______ Hardeman B14 210 $100-10% par 100 88-1956 Megargel_____ 521 First State Bank______•*S’10 C. E. McCutchen .. J. E. Branson-------Archer C15 4» •• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92,000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas 56,000 25,000 Collin D19 9,810 140,000 McCamey___6300 Security State Bank—d#t§’28 L. C. Eastland____ C. M. Bender........ - L. E. Strozier_____ H. S. Granberry —. $150 par 100 88-2127 Upton H9 Add G. Wilson........ W. C. Wilson________ W. A. Dowell $ioo ♦ 88-220 dB®*t§’05 A. H. Eubanks, Act. V. P. 8% par 100 fi. A. SCOTT......... THOS. JOHNSON. Exec. 1 J. S. HEARD, V.P. H. W. WARDEN. Act. j Special attentlo i) given to bill of 1 $125-8% par 100 88-219 d®T*t’83 (.Remittance ma de promptly. Wi . 1929) M. W. Robason-— 600,150 CENTRAL STATE BANK Chase N., N. Y.; Union N.. Hou. 95,020 25.000 9.120 ‘McKinney.. 6677 333,U-50 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 100,000 50,000 J. H. Smith 19,900 1,900 150,000 R. J. Bentley........ L. S. Austin I.1 11SL OldlC Del UK.. —— *1-S U $125-10% par 100 ♦ 88-449 9,900 S 364,480 Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N-. Ft. Worth. $ I 115,050 25,700 $ 437,730 Principal Correspondents. San Antonio; Ex. N., Tulsa. 68,310 1st N., Hou.; Austin N., Austin;U. S. N., Galv. 178,980 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas.; Ft, Worth N., Ft. Worth. 15,700 5.510 130,790 1,000 53,910 22,920 7,860 50,000 87,000 499,220 36,450 410,550 68,000 15,140 T. C. Vahrenkamp Hattie Kirkpatrick. Mollie Gulledge 50,000 16,690 327,330 _____ 111,880 139,290 66,430 76,410 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; U. S. N., Galv. A. H. Eubanks_____ W. S. Cameron_____ W. B. Quesenbury 75,000 15,360 763,510 133,500 433,040 271,100 79,330 THOS.JOHNSON............. E. L. KISSINGER— 150,000 69,840 1,413,550 450,000 880,180 912,250 65,500 203,900 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 225,450 Equit.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Rep. N., Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 100,000 58,990 1,790,520 48,950 642,060 331,510 133,990 332,890 900 19.200 61,920 Chase N.,N.Y.; IstN., Amarillo. 149,690 13,540 28,210 44,280 N Bk. Com.. Amarillo Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Dallas. 59,920 3,370 15,550 17,500 — adlng and comme rclal collections. 11 make credit rep orts for 85c each. C. G. Comegys............. M. E. Crump________ % N. J. Burkett R. L. Howard.............. Nona Cousins, Sec. W. E. Bogan............ S. B. Morse_______ 25,000 8,660 381,250 25,000 8,750 204.070 E. T. Cadenhead... Theo. C. Lucas___ 25,000 1,000 184.680 15,000 2.960 27,070 10,000 47,820 25,000 17,360 200,000 8,700 135,000 J. C. Haynes______ J. E. Branson........ E. W. Tripp_______ 900 890,910 Gty.Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-StateN., Chi.; 1st N., Dallas. 131,840 1st N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Lubbock. 7,210 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Childress and Wichita Falls. 45,000 1st N„ Wichita Falls; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 1 Afifl Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 eacb bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Oonnty Seats. No 11 F. R. D. E El Paso H Hous.SSan A. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav. $Last Sale%Div, President. V ick-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Pi.IO-t7P Surplus Dbpos- Other MISCEL- Cass ft lxand and Liabili Capital Profits ITS Disoounts Sseuritiss LANROCg rami Bajkb ties : Melissa National Bank J. B. Gibson______ J. M. Graves_____ H. 8. Wysong____ P. C. Ogilvie______ 1 25,000 1 $210 par 100 83-1173 dB®t’ll First National Bank___ «i'16 E. A. Haze.............. Oscar Sellers_____ L. M. Baze. .............. Jno. R. Jones_____ 25,000 $200-15% par 190 88-1713 # W. J. Sutton Alvis Waldrep •Memphis___ 2839 CITIZENS STATE (W. B. QUIGLEY-— A. BALDWIN--............. R. L. MADDEN............. V. B. ROGERS______ 75,000 Hall E6 ) Send Us Your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Item S. $140-10% d»tfo7 ) Remitted For o n Day of Paymen t. (. Minimum Char ge Plain Sight Dr afts 15c., Credit Reports 25c. par 100 88-440 Melissa________260 Collin C19 Melvin....____ 262 McCulloch H14 27,460 S 236,250 $ 23.400 253,050 39,170 624,250 70,930 1,141,370 23,700 $ 134,420 $ 107.390 $ 4,300 $ •• FIRST NATIONAL $160-10% BANK d»t’01 par 100 88-438 HALL COUNTY NATIONAL BANK fS. S. MONTGOMERY W.J. WILSON............. D. L. C. KINARD < Oldest and Larg est Bank in Hall ) Send Us Your Memphis Items D VMinimum Char fire Plain Sight Dr T.E. NOEL- ____ W. C. MILAM-........... CIATE PROMPT CHARGE SEND ge plain sight dr W. P. Bevans.......... 7.300 1,930 463,110 4,390 94,180 178,660 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Amarillo: Fnter-State N., Kan. C.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 100,000 867,290 105,300 103,350 336,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth “ __ __ M M8nard National Bank. »JT9 J. R. Smart............ $140-10% par 100 88-1861 fH. B. SEAY. 1 Ch.ofBd.and Pres. < SEND US YOU $168-8% 88-2012 dB®**’20 J Prompt, careful (.PROMPT REMI FIRST NAT’L BANK HIDAL60 COUNTY afts 15c., Credit Reports 25c. AND CAREFUL SERVICE AT A US YOUR MEM PHIS ITEMS. aft 15c; Credit R eports 35c. Geo. C. Stengel .. 50,000 77,290 538,170 51.130 275,530 176,380 52,700 $200-15% par 100 88-1175 C. A. Martin______ R. M. Hey man___ B. A. Wyatt JOHN C. JONES_____ S. H. COLLIER. Actue R MERCEDES IT attention given TTANCE. TRY fN.P. BARTON____ S.P. SILVER-............. J. HOWZE < A modern Prog Tensive Bank rend J Cash letters re mi tted for same d®T»i|’07 {.Personal presen tation of ail othe N., Ft. Worth; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 100.000 65,890 617,080 6,780 609,550 6,000 31,120 ____ JACK TROLINGER-— 0. W. DUBE-- 25,000 29,110 349,040 100,000 51,390 683,930 130,610 268,370 9,870 22,000 718,110 125,830 25,450 J. HOWZE_________ THEO. BLANCHARD.. FLOYD LANGFORD ering 100% Servlc e. day received. r collections. 65,000 70,000 102.910 Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 96,540 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. EMS DIRECT. Collections, Bill of Lading drafts, Cash an d Time Items. OUR SERVICE. son non 520,000 50,000 65,000 300,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Frost N„ San Antonio; 1st N„ Kan. G; Hou. N. llou. W. E. Sheppard ... R. V. Ferguson___ M. C. McCorkle ... Miss Belle Stockard S. P. Gibson. ___ J. D. Leatherwood. W. A. Andrews___ G. P. West.......... . Sam Batman, Sr. Booth Warren F. Y. Gaither 25,000 7,320 25,000 11,160 50,000 33,670 166.270 464,040 12.020 103,940 6,250 43,680 14,050 4,030 6,250 296,980 114,250 20,110 28,160 Mertens_______ 342 Hill F19 Mertzon _ 667 iTion Hll Mesquite_____ 674 Dallas E19 “ _____ First State Bank_______ t5lo $160 ♦ 88-1177 First National Bank___ 10 $300-20% par 100 88-1178 First National Bank-.d«f02 $125 par 100 88-829 First State Bank_______ Jf’10 $200-10% par 200 88-880 Mexia_______ 3482 City National Bank ..dB»+’21 $170-10% par 100 88-2023 Limestone G20 FARMERS STATE 25,000 13,640 150,430 2,150 103,540 17,220 3,700 Payette Tankersley G. C. Magruder.... V. T. Hughes_____ 25,000 87,690 360,060 7,050 344,190 9,300 11,130 C. A. Tosch ............. Bedford Galloway. N. E. Shands_____ J. D. Bruton O. H. Britain_____ E. S. McKenzie___ I. N. Range, Ch, Blake Smith_____ Emile Nussbaum __ David Murphy, C. E. Carter______ J. Desenberg, Ch, J. Desenberg V. P. and Cash, J. F. Smith 50,000 2,930 270,710 24,250 231,200 28,470 11,660 7,150 104,560 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. SWEATT____ 25,000 100,000 76,780 1,328,890 66,760 Citiz. N., Hillsboro. 115,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Stk.Yds. N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth. 76,550 Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Dallas. - 71.110 1,350 20,670 100,700 644,270 359,900 54,000 548,200 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Hou. 310.000 10,000 239.500 232.000 Chase N.,N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. E. L. Smith W. M. WHITE_______ J. L. HEARN-............ C.G. WHITE.......... 100.000 J. NUSSBAUM J. L. HEARN , L 88-1660 BANK J Largest and mo st progressive ba nk in Limestone County. (.Send us your it ems for prompt a ttentlon. Reason able fee for eollec tions. parlOO unl,n d.-ff'ia •• _ M PRENDERGAST-SMITH Jack Womack........ J. San ford Smith.. N. Hollingsworth.. Sam McCord_____ 100,000 NAT’L BK.................... u B. S. Smith, Act. $150-10% par 100 88-846 •Miami............... 935 Pint State Bank.. . d»8*'07 B. P. Talley. W. L. Mathers.. H. A. Talley 25,000 10% 88-758 Roberts C5 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, W. I. Whitsel J. R. Henry, V. P. C. C. Shields for FRASER fJ. 122,620 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Pt. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas.; Citiz. N., Abilene. W. E. Buie_______ R. C. West_______ W. R. Stockard-__ Geo. D. Fansett... J 78,470 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 85,450 1st N.. Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Green ville. (Closed February 10 . 1930) _" 143,090 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Inter-State N., (Closed) Farmer* State Bank_______ G. P. Robertson... $ioo 88-812 till First National Bank.. __J'04 K. M. Moore______ $190-10% par 100 88-1176 Farmers A Merch. Nat. Bank J. T. Warren $185-12% par 100 88-409 ®»t'04 “ M 211,970 N.City, N. Y.: 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. BANK & TRUST CO. Mercury. 518 McOolloch H15 •Meridian___ 1024 Bosque G18 Merit__________340 Hunt C20 Merkel_______ 1810 Taylor E1S 182,980 N. City, N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. N„ Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. (Formerly Bevans National Bank) Mercedes_____3414 S Hidalgo R4 and 1st N., McKinney. 1.350 County. ireet for Prompt Personal Attentlo n. rW. C. DICKEY......... J. H. READ................... T. H. DEAVER............. G. M. DUREN_______ < IF YOU APPRE ) MODERATE $175-10% par 100 88-439 d*t’06 (.Minimum char •Menard_____ 1164 Bevans State Bank___ *}§’30 William Bevans... Menard 114 8Jp*xm 100,000 66,300 1st N. and Dallas N.. Dal.; Collin Co. N. 109,820 ^BANK M Principal Correspondents. 17.500 43,580 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. :• 70,000 1.000,000 — 400,000 500,000 20,000 250,000 Equit.Tr. Co., N.Y.; 2d N., Hou.; 1st N„ 450.000 58,000 29,000 217,150 Inter-State N.. Kan. 0.; 1st N.. Amarillo and Wichita. Kan.; 1st N., Dallas. Dallas. 77.150 650,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 eacb bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kaud-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’u. ------ i------- :------------- --------------- :------------Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. *County Seats. tMere. State B. Ass’n. (Estab. President. Vick-President. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Cashier. ‘Midland.........1795 First National Bank d»t'90 Clarence ScharE. P. Cowden_____ E Midland F9 bauer 1425 -30% par 340 88-388 M M Henry James_____ The Midland National Bank 1290-10% par 100 88-389 »t’03 J. V. Stokes. Ch. Midlothian 1298 First National Bank___•t’Oo .1. H. Darby $80-10% par 100 89-715 J.G. Oliver. Ellis B19 Act. V. P. J. H. Young______ 88-1875 H Madison 1 21 par 100 (Closed for liquidati Milano .821 Milam 1 19 W. R. Hunton........ Miles_________ 853 Guaranty Bond State Bank $100 par 100 88-1180 d»t§’23 Runnels Q13 J. E.Davis. Milford _ 940 Ellis F19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued — 1 AA1 J- “bl Ass t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Other Loan* Bonda Miscel- : Cans it ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- Liabilicuanq*i,Dt7i and and and Capital Profits ITS Discount) Sseuritisa LANEOU8 TIES $ 100,000 $ 176,190 n 518 740 $ Bert Ross 14,100 $ 785,840 $ 240,870 $ 42,490 $ 739,820 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. R. C. Adams 75.000 92,410 794,130 50,060 480,460 203,310 6,740 321,100 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Ex. N., Tulsa. Ralph Crabtree... 60,000 6.320 283,510 25,000 267.720 57,270 12,770 37.070 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Mrs. Julian Wakefield 15.000 2,970 72,420 47,630 R. L. Holland........ . 50,000 6,520 250,940 157,360 980 36.140 112,970 San Angelo N.. San Argelo; 2d N.< Hou.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 10,000 8.130 130.260 133.590 500 5,110 10,390 1st N., Dallas; Waxahachie N.. Waxahachie; Far. N., Hillsboro. 25.000 7,930 149,240 103,000 21,470 3,880 53,830 1st N., Dallas. 35,000 1st N., Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth; Citlz. N.. Weatherford. G. J. Martin R. F. Wakefield... Principal Correspondents. 21,570 Union N., Hou.: U. S. N„ Galv. on, March 29, 1929) C, S. Coleman J. W. Rnssnn G. L. Do Ptiy.......... 1.210 88-798 First National Bank........t’24 J. K. McDaniel-__ J. G. Cheatham ... 88-797 Mill sap_______ 815 $125-10% par 100 88-1181 Parker E17 G. A. Holland_____ J.M. Littlefield ... M. D. Plum lee____ Vydell Plumlee J. M. Littlefield. Ch. Lee Byrd 25,000 4.500 110.000 10,000 85,000 25.000 4,500 Mlneola........... 2299 88-499 Wood E22 .. Mlneola State Bank . $125-10% par 100 88-500 M. H. Landers___ F. E. Adams______ J. D. Harris............ 75,000 14,670 253,200 50,000 184,960 50,000 55,660 102,250 Equit. Tr.Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 50,000 35,000 365,000 220,000 50.000 35,000 145,000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 100,000 25.450 570,360 49,100 437,310 127.350 54,500 125,750 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Dallas. 60,000 49,820 729,730 169,970 584,980 184,700 106,560 133,280 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 100,000 24,000 579,870 126,300 426,510 220,050 84,290 30,000 8,390 227,310 169,840 12.610 7,700 96.880 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft Worth; 1st N., Weather ford. 75,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 50,000 21,240 601,300 405.920 53,900 32,170 208,390 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.: 1st N.. Brownsville; City N„ San Antonio. 100.000 2.720 451,250 279,920 6,500 49,250 218,310 Chase N., N.Y.;N. Bk. Com., Hou., 1st N„ St. L. and Brownsville. Mobeetle_____ 667 First State Bank_____ «tj’l0 A. Finsterwald___ J. M. Arrington___ H. L. Flanagan ___ G. L. Key $125 par 100 88-1184 Wheeler Ct 20,000 11,000 175,000 86,000 28,000 19,000 73,000 Ft.Worth N., Ft. Worth; Com. Tr.. Kan. C. Mont Belvlen .263 Mont Belvieu State Bk. _tl*25 S. R. Williams —_ H Chambers E23 $100 par lio 88-1993 Mrs. G. Z. Banks.. 17,1>00 2,660 100,220 50,790 21,680 8.690 39,210 Hon. N.. Marine Bkg. & Tr. Co., and Hou. Land & Tr. Co., Hou. J. M. Powell ___ 12,500 20,000 100,000 50,000 20,000 30.000 32,500 So. Tex. Com’l N. and N. Bk. of Com., Hou. E. M. Matthews... 50,000 66.230 535,090 48.460 428.350 52,250 15,860 25,000 4,000 37,000 25,000 41,000 25,900 9,000 16,000 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 25,000 14.690 161,190 157,770 1,100 8,460 33,550 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth: Alb. N., Alb. 10,000 11,000 54,000 34,000 9,600 2,100 33,900 1st N., Weatherford; Far.-1st N., Stephenville. •*|’07 H. W. Meredith. A. P, Buchanan___ H. O. Rogers______ E. L. Barnett_____ Mineral Wells 7890 City National Bank___d»t'25 L. E. Seaman_____ par 100 88-1943 W. J. Wood Palo Pinto E17 .. First National Bank. d*tl900 J. P. Williams. .. J. W. Smith $183-12% 88-242 par 100 •• •• . ... W. H. Roach-------- B. A. Yeager, Act.. J.L. Miller STATE NATIONAL BANK $150-10% par 100 88-243 d®«t'06 W. C. Poston. Ch. R. S. Dalton L. P. Strawn R. M. Loflin_____ H. S. Rucker_____ 88-1182 Palo Pinto E15 Mission____ ..3847 First National Bank.ddM’ll W. W. Jones______ L. II. Smith. Ch. $140-12% 88-1393 S Hidalgo Q3 par 100 M •• FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST Joliu H. Shary____ CO________________ T»I8T0 $105-10% 88-1183 O. E. Cannon.......... H. E. Smith Rafael Guerra........ T. M. Melden_____ H. T,. Starr B. F. McKee, Aud. L. R. Lehman J. J. Cavazos W. B. Wood. ___ Ewing Norwood... Montgomery. .428 H Montgomery J22 3% Z. 8. Teague. L. D. Johnson.. . R. L. Connelly___ Moore_______ 575 1.20-8% S Frio M15 par 100 $100-10% 27,850 88-1186 Moody______ H06 First National Bank___t'Ol J. C. Reynolds___ T. J. Buckner. J. W. Donaldson McLennan H18 $200-12% par 100 88-734 Shackleford E16 V. Lambert 203,310 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 88-1187 par 100 88-1188 Morgan Mill ..261 1200-10% par 100 88-1588 Erath E16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. H. Green_____ C. B. Snyder.......... F. C. Pool________ Moody Burnett___ Glen Cottle J. Cottle J. E. Underwood.. J. E. Stigler 4,600 l 1 4fi? Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in u- S* exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El PasoHHous. SSanA. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Moulton______ 762 Farmers & Merchants State F. T. Fehrenkamp E. D. Boehm______ Elo C. Fehrenkamp H Lavaca L19 H5b-io% Bank.88-1998_d«+§'20 J. T. Jaeggli par 100 First StateBank ..._d«t§'05 O. Buescher_____ F. J. Wagner. Act. Geo. Von Lienen.. L. A. Migl_____ *150-10% 88-1190 Wm. D. Green J. M. Meiners par 100 Mt. Calm_____ 626 First National Bank___ t’12 B. Hillyer______ Alva Bryan_______ R. C. P. Pool........... Hill G19 88-720 FIRST NATIpNAL BANK IN MT. PLEASANT-------- d»t’82 *125-8% par 100 38-297 Guaranty Bond State Bank tUO-8% ♦ 88-1532 »tST3 par 100 ‘Mt. Vernon..1212 First National Bank._.»tl900 Franklin D22 *125-10% 88-419 par 50 Merchants & Plan. Nat. Bank $135-10% par 100 88-420 •{'06 Muenster.......... 450 Muenster State Bank Cooke C18 *185-5% 88-2068 d»t§’23 par 250 ‘Muleshoe.........820 Blackwater Valley State Bank Bailey A8 *150 par 100 88-1679 •tS’14 Mullin ______ Mills G16 10,960 $ 289,830 50.000 22,630 343,900 330,040 50,000 30.230 150,780 168.130 12.500 2,470 98,760 75,000 7,650 E. S. Lilienstern.. S. P. Pounders — R. F. Lindsay____ YT. Rraneh R. L. Lamb 60.000 J. L. Rutherford. J. M. Fleming. Ch. of Bd, and Pres M. L. Edwards H. Hightower,A.C. D. H. Dawson J. T. Harper, O. R. Hill________ W. J. Moore______ Ch. of Bd. and Pres, N. E. Dupree J. T. Groom. A. C. J. W. Meurer. Frank Trachta___ J. M. Weinzapfel— Ch, of Bd. and Pres 19,240 62.810 Cent. Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas. 65,890 53,220 Liberty N.. Waco. 20,210 308,810 79,470 205,160 7,690 454,870 1,350 274,600 53,800 29.320 41,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Dallas; Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 166,190 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N. Dallas: Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 50.000 11,000 206,000 17,210 87,300 14,040 33,100 134,440 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 100,000 32,120 176,500 47,630 237,610 39.520 17,490 17,500 19,040 127,060 102,740 30,960 4,700 61,620 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N.,Dal.: Greenville N„ Greenville. 25,200 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth: 1st State, Gainesville; City N„ Wichita F. J. E. Aldridge......... 25.000 6,290 285,870 188,190 50.000 18,970 60,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Am. State, Amarillo. R. H. Patterson... Birdie Burkett......... 15,000 1,230 52,940 3,640 45,470 11,850 15,490 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. E. W. McGlothlin. E.W. McGlothlin.. Ira Bowden_____ _ Fred Broach Jack Mayes Fred N. Warren _ Fred N. Warren__ H. B. Williams ___ S. A. Bowden M. A. Asher........... Elya Barfoot............. 40.000 54.650 520.650 26.250 203,480 28.650 40,040 35.000 1,910 165,200 152,130 21,850 8,000 25.000 9,000 125,000 60,000 L. B. Miller_____ 15.000 5,900 109,690 12,000 12,710 49,980 15,260 ■ 25.000 4,000 71,000 2,600 80.000 1,600 4,000 17,000 1st N„ Gainsville; Citiz. N„ Denison; 1st N„ Dallas; City N„ Wichita F. 100.000 65,980 1,096,830 228,550 970,150 189,600 97,040 234,560 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas. 100,000 130,720 1,073,150 3,000 790.580 180,750 42,240 293,290 Guaranty Tr, Co., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 117.000 41,300 12,540 150,000 153,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. 208,840 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; D. S. N„ Galv.; 1st N„ Dallas. J. C. Stringer......... J. A. Banister R W Ham W. B. Petty J. H. Smith_______ G.T. Andress ____ J. .T. Rndisill W. W. Davison $ 15,000 369.370 Equit.Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 1st N.. Wichita F. 20,130 Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Wichita Falls 84,000 64.630 N. Bk. Com.. Dallas. 50.000 25.250 225,000 100.000 41,090 311,350 30,000 213,590 43,680 72,120 100.000 237,070 890,890 61,310 722,570 294,800 63,060 U. M. Brock_______ 20,000 790 75,950 58,830 5,000 1,440 31,470 F. J. Horak_______ W. Winkelman ___ A. C. Schendel___ J. W. Weeks S. T. Kneitz 50,000 10,000 387,530 170,390 128,970 17,510 130,660 J. Q. Davis ............... Geo. H. Jones____ R. A. Taylor______ 25.000 7,120 109,980 27,200 88,670 25,900 5,000 49,740 1st N., Dallas. G. W. Duke............ A. A. Allen----------- 10,000 6,170 62,220 1,800 27,070 28,200 2,270 21,030 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth. Navasota____ 5060 Citizens National Bank _«{’99 W. S. Craig______ L. S. Pierce............... W. T. Taliaferro.. H Grimes J21 88-276 E. H. TERRELL......... C. E. HENRY........... — HUNTER (T. M. OWEN, Ch.ofBd.and Pres. EWING NORWOOD. Act J. N. RATCLIFF, And. YARBOROUGH nally paidin $50,0 oo.oo)*100’000-00 \°;‘£ Earnings $50,0 Surplus and un divided Profits Ea rned, $237,070 Collections ma de promptly and remitted for on day of payment. Neches_________325 Neches State Bank... ..§’29 J. E. Angly, W. T. Todd.... Anderson G21 *100 par 100 88-2139 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. E. Williams Need ville______215 First National Bank....{’18 H. Hacksted______ H Fort Bend L21 *110-8% 88-1801 par 100 Nevada_______ 578 First National Bank ...•{’01 J. M. Gay____ Collin D20 *77.50-6% par 62.50 88-1195 Newark_______ 359 First State Bank.............. §{'13 R. A. Hudson. Wise D18 *175-20% par 100 88-1534 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,530 i 532,210 A. B. Childs............ C. F. Flnvrt W. G. Gronberry c»pit.i 1,350 $ Alamo N„ San Antonio. G. R. Pope Naples................ 887 Morris Countv Nat. Bank A. B. Gallaway_._ M. N. Heard____ *125-12% par 100 88-661 »t’93 Morris C23 H. B.Stevens d«t’90 63.500 19,730 1st N., Hou.; Stone Fort N., Nacogdoches, Dallas N„ Dallas. L. B. Mast________ R. W. Monk G. H. Davidson. B. H. Wilson A. C. 88-275 $ 8,950 ‘Nacogdoches 3546 Commercial State Bank T. E. Baker.............. John Schmidt— d»t§’10 V. E. Simpson. V.P. F. H. Tucker H Nacogdoches G23 *175-10% ♦ 88-271 par 275 Stone Fort National Bank I. L. Sturdevant__ C. A. Hodges .. *250-10% 88-269 d®»{’03 W. U. Perkins par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 219,950 69,440 E. R. Hart________ J. E. Aldridge. First National Bank ,__d»t'04 C. A. Eiland_ *225-25% 88-743 First State Bank............. *t§’17 J. W. Ryan_______ *125-20% par 100 ♦ 88-1774 J. I. Staley. V. P. Murchison___ 517 First State Bank........... __{§’12 J. T. LaKue, Henderson F21 *100-10 %♦ 88-1490 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Murphy...........134 Liberty State Bank___ Tt§’22 D. Miller_______ Collin D19 *135-8% par 138 88-2058 Myra__.................417 First State Bank......... dBtS'10 Chas. Graham.____ Cooke C18 *125 par 116 88-1194 T. P. Rosson. Ch. $ 18,240 I. N. Williams____ A. J. Copellar......... .T R Hart F. A. Smith, Ch. Munday_____ Knox C14 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash ft Exchangxb,Dtjx vrom Banks 2.620 First State Bank_______ {§’06 W. H.G. Chambers. A. J. McDonald ~ *100 par 100 88-1193 L. L. Wilson *290-10% par 100 Resources. _ Loans Bonds Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus AND ! Depos- Liabili and and Capital Propits Discount* Securities laneous its ties 50.000 $ Mt. Enterprise 764 Merchants & Planters State T. Arnold________ D. Langston, Act... E. Bohannon........... Rusk F23 Bank.... 88-1191______ t§’08 *Mt. Pleasant 4099 Titus D22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXA S—Continued E. Tex. N„ Palestine. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 14cq Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND COUNTY. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso H Hous.SSanA. •Mem. A.B. A. '“New §StatefP/iv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. New Baden___ 185 Paul Schultz Bank.. d©tt’94 Paul Schultz______ H. P. Schultz_____ •T. P. Rnltnn Robertson H20 88-2098 FIRST NATIONAL BANK James Hubbard—. T. P. Trimble........ J. P. Looney *200 par 207 88-421 »tl900 W. H. Eubank........ New Boston Nat. Bank..t'07 Jas. H. Simms____ M. A. Hart............... W. A. Lowery------$200-10% par 100 88-422 First National Bank .-.d»t’90 Walter Faust____ H. Dittlinger____ ‘New Braunfels S Comal L17 3590 $225-12% par 100 88-289 H. G. Henne B. W. Nuhn . Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposITS Capital Profits $ 113,330 Mrs. Gretchen Lewis New Boston ...869 Farmers State Bank___§T7 J. P. Wever............ Miss Jennie Tapp. L. C. Baker______ D. A, Chambers... 88-1794 Bowie C23 __ $ 8,170 $ ties Resources. Bonds Miscel- Cash A Exend Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banks 61,880 S Lo&di 33.690 S 7.900 $ 141,270 $ 46,930 Rep.N. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Dallas; TexarkanaN., Texarkana. 40.810 136,220 24,690 25,170 98,060 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 45,000 138,000 40,000 619,300 355,770 277,500 13,460 63,600 694,260 552,550 121,700 4,000 28,120 475,080 144,650 397,160 168,020 31.950 150,720 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; 2d N„ Hou. 22,210 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wiehita Falls. 59,220 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 34,020 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 10.800 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Bowie. 30,000 37,080 176,240 30,000 34,500 155,000 100,000 165,620 50.000 100,000 86.500 Texarkana N., Texarkana 1st N., Dallas. 25,000 560 82,430 6,700 64,390 6,250 21,850 17,580 182,810 5,180 181,900 4,700 9,750 15,000 9,170 113,570 100,110 580 3.020 C.C. Hutchison___ O. M. Shipp______ J. R. Younger____ 10,000 3.630 45,640 45,800 C. S. Mitchell........ H. S. Hall, Ch. E. H. Baumgart, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. W. Keeiand____ R. M. Traylor. VJP. J. M. Hinton_____ S, A. Brown. Ch. C. U. Campbell D. N. Campbell,Ch. C. McCall............... H. L. Swearingen.. 30,000 16,130 313,370 J. J. Frnka_____ M. C. Koch______ G. F. Boelsche R.W. Miller______ Richard Traylor _. Elliott Campbell, K. S. Keeiand Act. V. P. F. M. Caraway........ Ellen Weher _ . .. 30,000 10,000 210,000 40,000 9.700 264,880 25,000 610 41,640 1,800 10,000 2.670 120,600 143,720 7,000 90,000 100,000 28,000 196,740 1.920 7,560 39,130 750 21,690 J. F. Wood, Jr____ Mrs. E. F. Park___ 50,000 27,500 313,000 150,000 15,000 65 000 J. A. Fnoshpe W. F. Leonard ___ A. D. Lunn G. M. Utt................. Gould Whaley____ Joe L. Janeway.... 125,000 25,030 616,190 508,080 6,050 75,970 50,000 8,730 339,800 304.100 14,950 16,250 Nordbeim____ 443 First National Bank...»I’10 H. A. Stuormer.— A. L. Teiwes _____ F. O. A. Ladner... F. Menn _________ S DeWitt N18 $130-8% par 100 88-899 25,000 10,800 220,000 139,000 Normangee___662 First National Bank___«tT2 T. W. BrowD ........ A. J. Rogers, Act... O. Youngblood___ H. M. Brown_____ 88-1488 Leon I 21 25,000 17,250 148,670 G H Phifer 25,000 17,830 238,300 Guaranty Bond State Bank A. Krohn, A. H. Keefer.......... W. E. Shannon... Clara Krohn $185-20% par 100 88-1203 •tS’ll Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A.L. Lipscomb, Act. 25,000 25,850 184.490 20.000 7,000 40,000 69,000 Oakwood State Bank__d»t§’10 O. Wiley. Jr_____ R. R. Wiley______ R. R. Wiley............ L. L. Haley *100 par 100 88-749 Stacy Keller 25.000 6,910 328,060 186,950 First National Bank___»4T4 *200-30% par 100 88-1686 Odem State Bank. ._•*§ 14 *175-10% 88-1667 Citizens National Bank..»t’06 $150-14% par 100 88-1208 Odessa National Bank *130 par too 88-2132 d*t’28 J. M. White. A. C. Daniel______ W. P. Starr . . H. A. Ross . . Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Levi Beach H. E. Odem______ C. C. Smith_______ J. S. McGloin_____ 25.000 21,110 331,330 2,940 25.000 2.800 124.000 25,010 W. F. Bates______ R. N. Henderson.. Henry Pegues____ R. J. Bates______ 50.000 23.180 803,770 35,000 467,810 161,100 27,970 T. G. Hendrick___ Carl Akin________ Wiekliffe Skinner.. 30.000 10,340 268,620 176,860 1,600 3,390 Security National Bank____ _ (Merged with Farme First State Rank $135 par too 88-1202 H Madison 121 Oakland____ 26 Oakland State Bank___t§’21 M. Rhodes............... O. O. Strunk__ H Colorado L 20 *112.50-7% par 100 88-2019 Leon G21 Odell........ ..........317 Wilbarger A14 Odem_________ 362 S San Patricio P18 ‘Odessa............ 105( E Ector G9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ional Bank, Decemb er 31, 1929) »t5'66 H. E. Shaw______ J. L. Nash_______ „ H. R. Mayes Josephine Brooks.. 540 Am. N., Austin; 1st N.. Bryan and Frank lin. 25,780 50,000 W. H. Patton correspondents. 31,480 118,020 R.J.Johnson_____ J. W. Daws Edgar MacDonald J. F. Larimore J. J. Perkins_____ C. B. Daniels_____ E. J. Vanvetterman E. H. Remington.. T. R.Coffield G. W. Heim______ Peter Ballard ._ J. Roy Lawson. Principal 46.920 3,100 30.000 $ Other Daniel E. Reeh The Guaranty State Bk,dl§’21 Emil Heinen_____ R. B. Richter____ G. 0. Reinarz-----$225-12% par 100 88-2028 A. R. Rothe R. P. Heinen New Braunfels State Bank Hermann Zipp, J. R. Fuchs............. R. E. Kloepper.__ $125-6% 88-290 dBtS’08 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Walter Zipp Newcastle ___ 1452 First National Bank __«tT4 *100-10% par 100 88-1651 Young D15 First State Bank___ d»t§’08 io% 88-1196 Newlln.............. 211 Farmers State Bank____ JS’ll *125-10% par 100 88-1197 Hall E6 Newport______ 280 First State Bank______*t§’13 88-1527 Clay C17 ‘Newton_____ 1238 First National Bank ___*t’26 H Newton I 25 *180-10% par too 88-1198 New lllm_____344 New Uim State Bank _..t§’06 H Austin K20 *110-10% parlOO 88-1199 New Waverly..411 New Waverly State Bk..tS’07 88-1200 H Walker J22 Nixon________1124 Nixon National Bank___*t'25 S Gonzales M18 *too par too 88-1691 Nixon State Bank ...®‘t§’06 $150-10% par 100 88-1201 Nocona..........1422 Farmers & Merch. Natl. Bk. 10% 88-614 «t’05 Montague B17 Peoples National Bank_»t'21 *110-10% par 100 88-613 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc... see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 25,000 109,030 32.770 13,100 128,870 31,510 24,310 89,980 Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 32,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. N. Y.; State N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 103,360 Hou. N. Ex.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Huntsville State, Huntsville. 15,670 Frost N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. 160,000 N. City. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 179,190 Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman; 1st N„ Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 63,230 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 41,800 75,000 1st N.. Hou.; Frost N., San Ant.; U. S. N., Galv. 17,380 56,730 1st N., Dallas; 1st N.. Hou. 12,510 134,670 238,180 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Austin N., Austin; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. 129,610 City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 133,960 State N., Hou ; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth. 7.150 80,910 Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hou. N., Hou. 5,250 11,750 So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 15,160 133,550 2d N., Hou.; Tex. N. Ft Worth: City N. Galv.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 164,890 47,070 168,430 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita. Falls. 133,980 12,670 15.480 Hou.; Guar. Bond State. San Antonio. 253.220 Iquit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas, 127,100 lent .Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Ft. WorthN., Ft.Worth. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each hank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LDirectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. —■ Town and county. OMem.A.B.A.»New § StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. County Seats. Vice-President. President. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued — Cashier. ...... Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and Capital Profits its ties Resources. Loan* Principal Corkespondent*. Bonds Cass k KiMiscel ohaj tti and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks »«*3,D and O’Donnell__ 1823 First National Rink.__ «t’25 $150-10% par 135 88-2105 Lynn F2 C. H. Mansell_____ J.L. Shoemaker,Jr. W. S. Oathev_____ $ 25,000 J 14,000 $ 144,080 Oglesby_____ 316 First National Bank -__ t'25 W. Guy Draper $120 88-1209 Coryell H18 T. P. Rucker ___ 25,000 12,230 234,050 22,320 10,000 5,040 78,100 34,460 City National Bank.__d»t’22 M. D. Wolverton.. G. B. Hamilton.... 60,000 41,840 407,290 267,590 64,560 38,750 138,220 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ft. W. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N. and Secur. N.. Wich. Falls. WRIGHT McCLATCRY. DeWITT McCLATCHY. FIRST NATIONAL Cl. W. HBNT............ J.H. K.L. THOMAS............. OLIN GALVIN LEBERMAN BATIK 5 Oldest Bank In OIney. Send us yo ur Items direct f or Prompt $225-20% 88-686 d»t'07 1 Personal Atten tion. Fee In adva nee. Plain Sight Drafts 15c 50,000 99,870 625,960 $ 45,950 255,180 356,070 38,960 171,560 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; 1st N.. Wichita Falls; Ft. Worth N„ Ft Worth. 20,000 5,000 106,140 200 15,490 L. L. Ragland___ 25.000 520 158,210 4,050 78.520 W. A. SIMS -......... 300.000 64,080 3,496,110 200,000 250.090 4,482,110 Oklaunlon__ 210 Wilbarger B15 $100-10% par 100 88-1810 Young C15 $200-10% par 100 {.Credit Reports 35c. par 100 §’29 G. T. Abbott Orange K25 •• L. E. Silcott L. E. Silcott_ _ _ _ _ fW. H. STARK____ J.O. SIMS_______ E. E. McFARLAHD. 203,290 333,420 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; and Hou.; Hibernia Bk.& Tr., N. O. R. Bateman. A. C. 112,780 4,241,250 350,980 84,700 3,950 7,440 C. D. Wilson 67,900 Ore City_____ 265 Security State Bank...»JfT2 J. H. Hudspeth.__ J. W. Williamson . $100 par 100 88-1430 Upshur D23 15,000 2,220 54,360 47,890 20,000 4,630 146,450 83,130 12,500 12,540 60,260 Sam Warren ......... Mrs. W. A. Gillespie 20,000 19,460 86,160 Scott Peters___... Mrs, Scott Peters.. 100,000 141,370 782,930 50,000 20,040 187.010 First National Bank...d»t09 T. 0. Phillips____ O. L. Thomas____ B. H. Marrs........... C. B. Bobo_______ par 100 88-605 P. E. Godfrey 50,000 90,420 473,360 Earl Mayo---------- O. A. Pressley___ Arthur Robertson 50,000 57,560 25,000 W FT. Stone 200 88-1216 Henry James.. — J. E. Hurt_______ D. D. Williams-__ J. B. Harrison ___ I. N. Wilkinson,Ch. Overton______ 628 First State Bank_____ •t§'12 R. A. Motley------Rusk F22 88-1434 $165-10% tOzona______ 440 Oxona National Bank d©*+’05 P. L. Childress__ Crockett 111 .. $225-20% par 100 88-1218 Citizens State Bauk----- *§’28 C, A. Phillips____ par 100 88-2130 Cottle B12 .. B. A. Holze ____ $105-10% par 100 88-1215 par 750 1,840 31,220 J. W. Woodley.__ Security National Bank $250-20% par 100 88-604 •$’10 4,000 82,030 1st N., Waco: Kep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co„ Dallas; U. S. N„ Galv, 7,120 47,710 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. &Merch. N.. Abilene. 40,370 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hou.; Com’l N., Shreveport. 72,820 850 600,130 78.750 11,040 409,390 Eauit. Tr. Co„ N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N. and 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 105,000 64,500 3,000 84,550 Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ St. L„ and Hou.; Dallas N., Dallas. 41,490 288,750 203.690 30,580 839,630 65,000 449,840 336,690 84,110 25,800 83,420 2,400 92,880 14,400 3,100 132,260 Cent, Han. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N.. Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth.; 1st N., Hou. 141,550 Cent. Han. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. 26,240 Am. N., Austin; U. S. N., Galv. 25,000 42,400 281,230 20,000 239,670 1,010 5,630 122,420 Chase N„ N. Y.; Stock Yds. N„ Ft. Worth. 50,000 15,580 367,230 39,050 186,670 158,860 63,870 75,000 W. E. West Annie Lehman__ H. G. Lehman.. 88-1440 Bastrop K19 »Paint Rock..531 First State Bank______t§'l() R. T. Trail.............. W. M. Houston___ J. M, Patton_____ P. W. Williams__ $250-20% 88-1220 W. O. Shultz Concho H13 par 100 Palacios ...1335 Palacios State Bk. Tr. Co. J. F, Barnett.......... C. B. Hansen_____ L.S. Appleton.___ 88-692 T»H’25 H MatagordaN21 $125-10% par 100 Paige ................475 Guaranty State Bk. ....t§’12 Chas. Kuhn 191,480 Alamo N„ San Antonio. 25,730 1st N„ Dallas.; 1st N„ Longview. Maxie Wilson Edgar Pace______ 368,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Com’l N„ Shreveport, 4,970 $250 .. 113,150 1st N., Plainview. 419,380 2,505,770 1,228,100 241,950 $165-15% 2,690 87,730 Texarkana N.. Texarkana; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Dallas. 8,820 Taylor F13 52.600 Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wichita Falls. (.“SEND YOUR ORANGE ITEMS DIRECT.” E. W. Brown, Jr. .. Orange National Bank $225-12% 88-180 dB©T»t’01 F. W. Hustmyre, G. M. Sells V. P. J. E. Harrison par 100 Ovalo________612 167,840 1st N., Waco. 6,500 25,000 Falls H19 7,350 31,010 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Lubbock. 14,980 Orange Grove. 219 Farmers State Rank....Jl’28 A. G. Engelking— Emil Osterloh____ Joe December........ Max Osterloh........ S Jim Wells 017 10% par 100 88-1564 Otto_________ 158 74,770 19,120 S TRY US. L. WALL, A. Cash. A.M. WILSON H.J.L. STARK FIRST NATIONAL F. II. FARWELL , L.J. LEWIS E. E. MCFARLAND ■< M.W. PEARCE Service given all business, Special attention given local Items. BANK dB®T*r«9 Prompt Bill of Lading D rafts our Specialt y. $200 -10% par 100 88-T79 .. . . State Bank of Omaha .•tl'07 W. Q. Farrier...... W. O. Davis. 10% 88-1212 Morris 023 H Ht \Tt Kinj' 4,390 $ 88-688 84 Olton State Hank 88-2153 mton Lamb A9 Monette J. Draper. $ 128,560 $ & & Ill H Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & 62,460 Cent. Han. Bk. Hou. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Union N„ 1 AAC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El PasoHHous. SSanA. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriT. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Cash k Ex Loans D epos Other Paid-up Surplus change*,Dry and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties *Pales tine...11,403 ♦East Texas National Bank H Anderson G21 par 100 M || •• .. If M #i Ellis E18 m J. E. Angly............. C. E. Williams, Act. D. S. Wommack... N. C. Woolverton-. $ 150.000 $ J. R. Cook. V. P. O. B. Rogers, V. P. d»t’ll D. M. Hodges. V.P. W. B. Flanagan 88-74 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 83,350 $ 850,274 S Porter Cooper........ ♦FIRST NATIONAL BK.d‘t'87 G. E. Dilley, V. P. C.L. Hufsmith.Ad, $225-10% par 100 88-71 75,000 35,280 297,080 ♦Robinson State Bk. & Tr. Co. Z. L. Robinson___ G. T. Robinson___ Wm. B. Robinson-. O. O. Miller, Jr.... 20% par 100 88-70 T»t5’81 50,000 42,390 523,460 100.000 Hampson Gary___ ♦Royall National Bank par 100 88-73 dBT*t’04 C. W. Hanks, V. P. J. F. Grigsby Palestine Clearing House... (Members indicated hv a ♦ ) 25% par 100 88-851 266,160 1,426,120 5,140 J 365,390 J 507,860 J 74,690 95,550 B. J. Walker Principal Correspondents. 53,380 % 162,630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Union N., Hou.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L. 281,980 79,610 29.780 90,680 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Dallas; Hou. N., Hou.* 155,490 294,460 2,500 163,390 Chase N.. N. Y.: Dallas N., Dallas; Miss. 112,820 312,860 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou,; 1st N„ Dallas and St. L. 1,075,710 Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N., Hou. 386,430 - C. O. Miller. Jr., Mgr. Y. Barron_______ L. B.Griffith.Acl. .. H. H. Coplen_____ C. L. Griffith_____ 34,000 76,000 337,000 300,000 50,000 D. R. Reddell_____ J. W. Stacks 25,000 20,550 162,000 51,300 81,600 6,670 50,000 52,660 2,203,900 11,260 1,471,860 133,870 30,000 50,000 50,150 1,328,580 5,000 1,025,980 86,530 24,730 50,000 15,420 452,390 10,290 249,380 100,390 10,130 168,190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. N. Y.; Sec. N„ 50,000 22,400 589,930 8,800 415,310 133,270 49,040 73,520 Chase N., N.Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; H. F. Huffaker___ Jack L. Moore____ 97,000 Chase N., N.Y.; X)stl ijts Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 67,980 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. $135-10% ♦ 88-852 par 100 First National Bank___ *t'08 B. E. Finley 88-819 Gray C5 .. . J. R. Henry.......... .. E. S. Vicar* DeLea Vicars J. O. Gillham B, D. Robison .. Pampa National Bank J. M. Dodson......... C. B. Barnard_____ A. J. McAlister___ $175 par 100 88-820 d»t’08 C. M. Carlock, -4.C. A. L. Prigmore (.Formerly Gray County State Bank) • Panhandle___ 638 First National Bauk.d®»t'27 F. A. Paul_____. E. E. Carhart Carson C4 10% par 100 88-2114 ”, •• .. .. First State Bank____d»tS’26 C. E. Deahl, par 100 88-861 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Geo. F. Crow_____ Panhandle Bank____ ©«tt’88 E. E. Carhart—___ Vern Wisdom........ 88-360 Paradise............ 520 First National Bank....... T’14 •I. A. Simmons____ O. L. Hartsell_____ J. H. Nix............... Vera F. Nix______ $120-10% par 100 88-1581 • I Wise D17 Peoples State Bank____ § 23 T. B. Peek.......... M.H. Peek M. H. Peek 10% par 100 88-1737 *Parls. 17.274 Lamar C21 AMERICAN J NATIONAL BANK ( S. L. BEDFORD ~ M.F.WISE-............. B. L. BILLINGSLEY B. K. LEE................. $225-12% par 100 Special Collect! 1 Prompt, person 1 We remit on .f07 V. Try us with y 88-65 $100-6% par M H *• •• 88-51 M. M. (R. F.SCOTT. SR.— J. A. SMITH, Act.... J. HUTT_______ CAVINESS—— R. F. D. MALLORY, J. E. CASTLEBERRY < Act V P WM. MILLING dB®T»+’87 j First and oldest established bank. Send us your C ollectlons direct. 100 E. H. McCuistion . T. G. Henley, Act.. J. M. Cecil______ MackHarrlv . LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK 88-57 dB*J'25 A. P. Park R. Red River Valley Trust Co. Wm. Milling, F. Scott, Jr......... J. A. Smith.’ C. H. Nash. Mgr... $95-8% 88-66 T§’20 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. A. M. Graves Sec. and Tr. W. F. Gill, Tr. Off. par 100 Taken over by Secu ■rity National Bank, Bowie, Tex., Decern her 31, 1929.) Park Springs.. 319 First Slate Bank_______ ( Pasadena_____515 Pasadena State Bank H Harris L22 263 Stonewall D12 Pea eland .186 H Brasorla L 23 Peacock. __ R. E. Parks, A. R. Cruse.......... . J. C. Thomas_____ L. K. Busch______ par 145 8S-1873 d©»tS'l« Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. W. Keeland Peacock 15 D. R. Couch_____ J. D. Patterson___ W. H. McKinzie... $200-10% 88-1689 Pearland Bank. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-1880 70,000 7,100 98,510 20,000 t ’17 W. E. Long.__ Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Lib. N., Okla. City. 68,000 12,000 12.500 53,850 20,000 13,280 38,470 Ft. Worth N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 153.OCO 167,440 1,655,600 336.020 1,463,090 350,900 93,150 401,910 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., St.L.s 1st N., 300,000 127,140 3,181,330 295,950 1,910,700 1,111,810 253,000 628,920 Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty.Tr. Co.,N.Y.; Cont. 372,640 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas and St. L. L They will reeelv e prompt and pe rsonal attention. $100-8% par 100 Wise C17 7.000 Okla.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Kan. C. Dallas; 2nd N., Hou. on facilities, al presentation brings results. day of payment and fire reasons f or non-payment. our Paris Items for quick service. FIRST NAT’L BANK .. 25,000 N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita. Amarillo, and Fort Worth; Austin N., Austin; 1st N„ St. L. 298,490 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo. Chase N., N.Y.; Stk. Yds. N.. Kan. C.; Mtle. Bk. &Tr.Co.,Dallas;Guar. State, Amarillo. 14.000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Decatur. 50,000 20,000 682,080 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: New Eng, W. E. Long.. .. Mrs. Alice Long. . 150,000 25,630 500,000 9,340 10,000 15,000 918,730 92,000 4,500 145,200 15.000 160,000 343,930 222,500 155,300 307,950 1,480 268,030 89,300 TOO 3,700 68,000 ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth and St. L.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 23,860 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Paris. 66.600 City Bk, & Tr. Co.. Hou. N., and State N„ Hou. 51,000 Ft.Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Far, & Merch. N„ Abilene. 2d N., Hon. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 AFift t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ----------------------------------------- ---- — ......... Town and County. •Mem. A .B. A. rlNew §State t Priv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. •Pearsall 21R1 S Frio N15 >. .. Peaster Vice-President. F. Carter 8,600 25,000 1,270 218,550 43,970 900 6,000 193,960 1st N., Chi. and Ladonia; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; N. City, St. L. 50,000 30,800 698,530 264,210 295,050 1,160 268,910 1st N.. Dallas and El Paso; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. Clarence Bell________ H. L. Holloway.___ 30,000 63,360 689,020 350,830 132,670 38,280 H. F. 16.000 6,210 156,970 260,593 Chatham Phenix, N.Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; State N.. El Paso: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C ; Dallas N., Dallas. 91,600 1st N.. Waco, Temple, and Hou. Penelope State Bank...J§’21 Henry Plunkett ... R. J. Cernosek Ch, of Bd. and Pres. $150-10% 88-2020 par 100 G. F. Wimberly... First National Bank.__ «tT3 J. P. Williams____ n f t.pp $150-10% 88-1639 par 100 25,000 10,480 119,400 25.000 12.500 102,500 F. J. Neumann ___ O. H. Hartmen.... 15,000 490 30,000 _. . Roy Tadlock______ A. C. Berry, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 88-1225 .Tames .... 10% par 100 88-805 .. •• Edna Cantrell____ Lester Bauman C. B. Rogers Perryton National Bank.»t’20 Geo. M. Perry ___ W. B. LaMaster... C. E. Woods______ J. D. Sims A. L. Wood $130 par 100 88-1858 E. B. Shankle____ M. J. Gregory____ R. A. Jefferies.... Miss K. D. Ger many R. A. Jefferies Petersburg.__ 168 $135-20% par 133 88-2021 Hale BIO W. O. Beall Continental State Bank«tS’10 H. W. Perkins___ io% 88-864 Clay B16 C. C. Kuempel____ Pflugervllle.__250 Farmers State Bank„.«t5’06 Peter Pfluger, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Jas. Fuchs $150-10% 88-1228 S Travis J18 par 100 First National Bank..d»t'12 W. B. Sellers.......... G. E. Langford.... A. J. Flowers____ A. H. Schliska____ John A. Cook. Ch. par 100 88-1438 S Hidalgo Q4 Pickton 213 Farmers 88-1810 .. .. 88-601 M .. 88-444 M .. $120-4% 88-1368 par 100 Pittsburg National Bank $100-10% 88-445 *$’04 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29,410 124,860 5,300 24,720 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Waco and Hubbard. 85,000 15.000 4,000 39,000 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 56,800 47,360 2,020 5,500 17,420 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Marlin N., Marlin; 1st N., Waco. 78,010 719,900 403,730 205,000 18,990 200,190 Drov. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 25,000 13,700 363,630 200,000 144,070 5,000 15,000 5,000 125,000 70,000 30,000 30,000 12.000 173,000 161,000 9,000 30.000 8,000 200,000 75,000 50,000 113,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; South Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 50.000 8,260 403,960 53,110 136,040 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N„ Brownsville. A. T. Allison 10.000 Datus Sharp______ M. R. Cowser_____ 25.000 3,000 25,000 236,470 61,600 53,260 1st N.. Amarillo and Wichita, Kan. 45,000 Am. State. Amarillo; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Plainview N., Plainview; Lubhock N., Lubbock. 45,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 7.940 No.Tex. N.,Dallas; 1st N., Sulphur Springs. 75,980 31,490 50,000 40,000 410,000 350,000 60,000 38,180 215,020 15,050 127,690 93,300 20,200 .. 100,000 42,000 564,000 94,000 391.000 187,000 65.000 W. A. Smith............ C. C. Truitt.............. C. C. Spencer.......... 75,000 10,760 219,720 160,000 36,320 59,760 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com.. Dallas; Texarkana N„ Texarkana. M. P. Light............ 50,000 28,000 265,000 205,000 70,000 118,000 Chase N.,N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. R. T,. Massey . R. A. Chance »tt’96 •Pittsburg.__2540 First National Bank_____t'93 $150-10% 59,670 8,490 Pilot Point National Bk._»+’92 H. W.Gee----------- F. S. Wilson $100-10% par 100 88-600 Camp D23 11.540 1st N., Dallas; Citiz. N., Weatherford. 18.530 & Merchants Bank G. E. Light Denton C19 1,500 15,230 t’18 a W. Miller First National Bank-----J’26 $100-10% 88-1229 B. F. Campbell, Ch. W. B. Williamson par 100 Pilot Point... 1499 Farmers 50,000 81,450 22,680 & Merchants Bank Hopkins D22 5,100 $ 22,780 City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Alamo N.. San Antonio. 29,000 J. A. Wiggins____ Mrs. J. A. Wiggins •Perryton____2025 First National Bank..d*t’07 F. P. Rogers______ Jno. N. Stump___ Ochiltree A5 J 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Frost N.. San Antonio; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L, 5,000 33,000 t’Ofi C. W. McCarty-__ G. A. Holland___ Farmers State Bank___t§'12 F. Fedra $100-7% 88-1473 Falls H19 33,000 $ 325,000 6,000 $125-12% Jack D17 $ 360,000 S 75,000 $ 10,000 88-1223 Security State Bank...»t§’24 Sol Mayer_______ $200-20% 88-2078 R. G. Middleton Hill G19 $ Principal Correspondents. 80,820 $ Pecos___________ 1445 First National Bank ..d»t’07 J. T. McElroy____ H. R. Anderson__ T. H. Beauchamp. G. C. Parker $250-15% 88-451 E Reeves H6 V. R. Davis Bell H18 Resources. Bonds Cash & Ex Miscel changes and and ,Du* Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Loaua 8,540 $150-10% par 100 .. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Df.pos- LOiabili and Capital Profits TIES 25.000 W. E. Weldon___ A: E. Sweeney____ D. D. Dunn Pecan Gap___625 Pecan Gap National Bank $100 par 100 88-1224 *t'28 Delta C21 * Ass’t Oashier. Cashier. Pearsall National Bank d«t'03 G. H. Beever_____ G. R. Sanders_____ $130-9% 88-475 R. L. Brown par 100 Security State Bank ..dt§’25 W. Trickey______ J. E. Field__ _____ .1. E. Field $130 par 100 88-477 - 310 Farmers Rank Parker D17 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of ttiis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 1‘tUU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. W. C. Hargrove— G. O. Hopkins____ J. Earl Selz.... ......... J. W. Peel_______ W. P. Averitt R. B. Lovell ... 46,020 F. E. Prince A. A. Hall 50,000 7,240 24,730 Dallas N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex..Greenville; 1st N., Sulphur Springs. 50,000 100.000 Merch.. and Plan. N., Sherman; 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 87,050 1st N., Dallas. 157,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 1 a c>7 i.T'U/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and coonty. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F, R. D. EE1 ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Cash A ExLoans Bondi Miscel CHANQ*8,I)P* Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous trom Banks ties $ iPIainvlew.__ 3989 First National Bankd®*41900 C. C. Gidney_____ R. A. Underwood.. C. D. Wofford, V. P. W. E. Risser Hale A10 1300 88-332 A. B. Martin •« «• L. PLAINVIEW NATIONAL BANK S. Kinder______ J. D. Steakley____ $165-5% par 100 88-334 d©T•+ 10 A. G, Hinn, Ch. of Bd “ “ (Succeeded by Plain view Securities Corp •• J. G. Dougherty... J.C.Anderson. Jr., V. P. David Bates______ E. J. Morehead___ J 100,000 $ 102,360 2,082,510 i H. D. Slaton C. C. Gidney 32,890 1,681,430 100.000 T, A. Miertschin.. W. H. Roberts 474,140 42,550 421,250 14,580 75,150 19,930 286,520 2,000 202,590 66,550 15,000 65,000 40,360 302,610 50,000 197,770 80,400 25,500 17,500 1,750 41,750 30,100 10,000 5,550 50.000 6.670 277,360 182,450 23,100 34,980 Ethel Whitte_____ 25,000 18,800 96,410 23,440 3,420 16,050 Fid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; Dallas N., Dallas. J. P. Gammill____ 12,500 12,520 77,310 1,250 3,700 29,260 Ft.Worth N., Fort Worth; 1st N., Dallas. Planters vllle...362 Security State Bank.—1§’27 A. L. Lipscomb, Sr., Walter Greenwood A. L. Lipscomb, Jr. Ch. of Bd.and Pres, H Grimes J22 $100 par 100 88-1807 F. B. Ricks_______ J. Point 219 First State Bank_______ f’10 S. 8. Bowers______ D. S. Peoples_____ F. Rains D21 88-1233 Polytechnic.. 4338 (Closed for examina tion February 1, 193 0) H, F. Wakefield ... $150-10% par 108 88-1234 E. Hunt_______ A. A. Smith 0. Montgomery. C. N. Skaggs______ E. C. McElroy___ 57,170 IstN., Amarillo; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. St. L. 84,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 1,460 60,000 F. Harrington........ D. S. Coleman_____ R. C. Hay*_______ Plano National Bank...«t’87 J. H.Guliedge, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $150-10% par 100 88-629 Denton D18 263,220 95,230 $ 441,190 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N.Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Kan. C.: 1st N.. Hou.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 37,010 445,820 N. City. N. Y.; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. &, Tr. Co., Dallas; Drov. N., Kan, C. 50.000 Security State Bank —•+§'19 J. C. Terry______ C. G. Goodman, Act. Lester James____ 88-1893 Plano 1715 Farmers National Bank A. Weatherford... C. W. Fouche____ H. Rice__________ Collin D19 10% par 100 88-630 d»’01 (Ind, Sta., Ft. Worth P, U.) Tarrant E18 23,140 1,091,410 36,180 $ .) •• Pleasanton... 1036 First National Bank- d»t’05 S Atascosa M16 $90 88-1232 t 20,980 1,733,250 1 Principal Correspondents. .. 85,240 12.500 1,250 154,300 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas; 2d N„ Hou.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 15,430 Public N.. Bk. Galv. & Tr. Co., Hou.: U. S. N., 105,990 Alamo N., San Antonio, 128 Guaranty Stale Bank_______ {Changed title to Fir st State Batik and la ter closed for liquida tion) Cherokee F22 Ponta H First. State Bank (Voluntary liquidali on) FIRST 88NAT’L BANK 140 dB®T»tl900 n\ P ?HFFk^ Parker D17 Port Arthur.40,000 H Jefferson K25 $875-24% par 100 G. N. BLISS_______ A.C. REICHLE_ _ _ _ W. L. WEATHERALL-JOE S. PARK, Act. W. F. SPIEGEL. A.C. J.M. NICKLEBUR A. R. BANKS. A.C. C. T. WEATHERALL E. L. CANADA ) 151,650 3,355,430 1,187,220 53,260 1,481,730 N. City and Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. N., Beaumont. 2,474,460 640,420 73,650 1,184,600 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.: Mellon N., Pitt.: 2nd N. and N. Bk. of Com., Hou. 100,000 821,660 5,004,330 100,000 310,670 3,911,160 51,300 l Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. MERCHANTS rGEORGE NATIONAL88-141BANK ©T«t'09 M. CRAIG- JOHN W. TRYON....... W. H. SMITHM. J. PAINT0N E. P. TUCKER. Ad. - L H. WHELESS------GEORGEW. DRAKE j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. LPltate send 15c wi th each tight draft fo r presentation and 25 e far Credit Reports. $317-12% par 100 •» •« * Port Lavaca .1213 S Calhoun N20 Port Neches ,.2450 H Jefferson K25 »Post.............. ..1436 Citizens National Bank Garza Dll 4. .< K. N. Cook______ H. Squyres 100,000 232,410 15,600 163,270 12,510 74.030 W. R. Selby______ Chas. T. Boyd Eunice L. Bourg___ S. C. Montgomery 50,000 55,090 520,690 8,780 360,690 94,140 31,780 25,000 21,630 437,730 60,2/0 316,230 49,960 15,690 I. L. Duckworth... P. S. Bouchier____ 25,000 6,350 163,070 2,500 96,910 H. B. Herd.............. S. B. Bardwell ___ J. T. Herd............. H. J. Dietrich____ C. D. Morrel, A. C. O. L. Weakley T. S. Dean.. 50,000 51,500 497,000 47,000 1 285,000 55,000 45,000 20,000 22,300 103,000 67,000 40,000 3,300 30,000 13,580 81,190 77,040 100 10,650 25,000 10,000 23,170 224,240 6,250 99,300 38,620 13,740 1.910 40,610 3,650 23,350 12.650 12.700 30,000 13,870 144,090 116,580 4,720 19,520 Seaboard Bank and Trust Co. $100 par 100 88-142 d®T»J§’25 E. L. Vaughan First State Bank........d««’09 W R Sells $125-10% par 100 88-502 First National Bank d©«t’20 Travis Holland.... F. S. Dengler.......... A. T,. Rrnnks $180-12% par 100 88-1963 R. L, Vernor $125-10% 88-1706 d»t'18 First National Bank ...d»t’09 88-1236 First State Bank..........•tS'22 S Atascosa M16 $150-10% par loo 88-1425 Poth_________ 263 Farm. & Merch.St. BondBk. d§'25 S Wilson M17 $135 par 135 88-2110 First National Bank ...d«t’13 $150-8% par 100 88-1535 Pottsboro..........454 Farmers State Bank—d§’18 $100 par 100 88-1821 Grayson B19 Powell State Bank........ •tl’10 $160-10% 88-1238 Navarro F20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. O. Stevens------ 84,560 1st N., Ft. Worth; No. Tex. N., Dallas. W. O. Stevens, Jr. W. S. Sasser_____ Richard Voges ___ Wm. Eckel____ 15,450 98,200 1st N., Dallas; San Jacinto Tr. Co., Hou. 147,950 Chase N.. N.Y.: 1st N. and Hou. N„ Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 162,750 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas; Am. N., Beaumont. W. C. Hasse______ . E. L. Whitsett____ R. J. Woellert____ W. H. Woellert___ G. W. Brown_____ A. S. Allen . S. J. Brown______ Mrs. J. N. Hollingsworth H. H. Hanks______ E. B. Baltzegar—. 100 260,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 37,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 37,070 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 127,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Groos N.. San Antonio. 7.470 Com’l N-, Sherman; 1st N.. Dallas; State N., Denison. 47,140 Cent. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallv Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. --- —:----- ----------------- — ~ Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. ”New§StatctPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Paid-up Surplus DEP08No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond ▲nd Capital PnOFITS ITS Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Premont_____ 1024 Premont State Bank .. .»t5T3 C. M. Laughlin___ T. L. Alden_______ C. M. Alden______ S Jim Wells Q17 1195-10% par 200 88-1599 Presidio_____ 2045 H Presidio Jo Priddy.................Ill Mills G16 Princeton 50(1 Collin D20 Pritchett...........213 Upshur E23 Proctor ____.325 Comanche F16 Prosper . _ -34; Collin D19 Purdon_______ 346 Navarro F19 Putnam.............516 Callahan F15 •Quanah_____ 3691 Hardeman A14 «• ^ *• 10% par 100 88-1804 R. W. Gray_______ C. F. Luker............... R. R. Evans J. G. Wilkinson, Ch. R. L. Horn E. L. Dupuy ........... B. Woodard---------- . Resources. Loftm Bonds Misckl- Cash k Kxand Discount! Seeuritiss LANZOUS nOM Bin* Other TIES $ 70,640 57,440 $ Principal Correspondents. 2,680 $ 32,360 Alamo N., San Antonio: Alice State Bk. & 6,560 1st N., Amarillo: Far. State, Wick.; 1st N., Alpine. 10,110 CogginN, Brown wood: N. Bk. Com.. Dal las.: Texas N., Ft. Worth. 93,870 1st N., Dallas: Collins Co. N.. McKinney. U. N. Clary_______ W. E. Bat ton_____ 5,000 7,200 7,130 16,000 11,730 199,166 22,000 7,360 29,940 15.000 10,000 47,350 22,640 $ 4,030 24,120 * 200 100,630 25,690 6,700 200 24,500 550 2,420 29,750 Chase N., N.Y.; Hoa. N., Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 240 47,670 3,600 2,510 18,810 1«N.. Ft. Worth: 1st N., Dallas. 27,680 75,000 12,710 25.000 70,000 25,000 9,000 155,000 10,000 47,500 20.000 8.040 188,120 25,000 9,200 150,000 25,000 27,500 210,000 100,000 110,510 936,890 48,400 813,030 59,000 40,600 283,170 50.000 77,250 686,350 7,460 462,670 54,170 27.900 276,320 luaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dn. N., Hou.; 100,660 Oont. N.. Ft. Worth. 100,000 N., Corsicana. J. A. Clements R. L. Clinton—___ E. B. Caskey _____ J. D. Hughes______ Oscar Fulkerson. — D. T. Haden L. T. Clark, Ch. Rosa Coker, A. C. C. T. Watkins____ H. M. Bumpass___ J. S. Dearea_____ T. C. Phillips. V.P. I. R. Hollingsworth W. D. Baker............. C. M. Powell______ 50,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. N.,Ft.Worth: Rep. N.Bk. &Tr.Co., Dallas, 15,000 6,140 51,400 19.370 620 6,330 Liberty N., Okla.: 1st N.. Dallas. 46,210 )al. N.. Dallas: State N., Texarkana; 1st N.. Atl. 20,000 4,500 100,000 21,000 25,000 8,500 70,000 Ireenvllle N. Rx., Greenville; Mtle. Bk. Lena Alexander... 25.000 34,070 256,220 1,670 200,630 900 21,920 93,510 st N.. Ft.Worth, Plainview. and Amarillo; C. E. Bedwell C. L. Shamburger— 50.000 30,010 343,120 420 120,510 710 k) J.C.Barrow _____ J. W. Whitworth.. J. A. Davis & Tr. Co., Dallas. Bank) Orlin Stark_______ J. B. Russell_____ Lizzie Shoemaker, Amos Persons, Ch. A. Cash. J. H. Ingram_____ H. Y. Puckett......... H. V. Puckett, Ch. John Haney.. __ E. L. Haney_______ A. L. Winfrey____ Drov.N., Kan.C. 44,830 258,210 tep. N. Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas. 25.000 12,160 196,800 133,960 1,200 10,310 60.000 21,000 390,000 190,000 40,000 36,000 205,000 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Flora Bell Massev. 20,000 6,110 72,520 57,270 7.200 8,900 27,960 lont. N„ Ft. Worth; Merch. & Plan. N., HALL WALKER_____ C. B. PRUET.............. R. L. HAMRICK 75.000 Edwin George. Jr,. H. C. Wilkinson ... 25,000 9,070 558,010 102,310 367,900 23,060 100,800 'oreman-State W. If. Holcombe__ Dunn Lowery_____ 25,000 21,590 327,330 222,520 850 21,270 129,280 ihase N., N. Y.; San Angelo N.. San 15.000 7,580 91,300 26,250 Ed.C. Raymond... R. L. Bull________ 50,000 2,410 187,520 82,850 1.650 6,720 W. H. Bostick____ F. R. Wilson____ 20,000 50,530 469,990 160,660 242,770 31,050 C. J. Hollingsworth A. L. Winfrey W. E. McLaughlin. J. Edd McLaughlin M. A. McLaughlin. Carl D. Lewis......... S. H. Reynolds____ J. C. Queener, Ch, of Bd. and Pres, ank) - F. G. YONKER CITIZENS STATE W.0. D.D. DILLINGHAM CONWAY, Ch. *100-8% BANK d<§’25 - 89,200 ont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Lubbock; Am. State. Amarillo. Amarillo and Dallas, 11,290 652,970 842,720 102,980 39,000 Sherman. 134,040 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. C!o„ Dallas. 88-2107 Commercial State Bank E. R. Maher............. par 100 88-2 1 29 d<§’28 •Rankin .............. 45 First State Bank_____ dtS’27 J. F. Lane.............. *175-10% par 100 88-2118 Upton H9 Kavenna______ 412 Ravenna State Bank__ tl’OS 12% 88-125* Fannin C 20 2,000 N., Chi.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Dallas, Angelo: Stk. Yds. N.. Ft. Worth: InterState N.. Kan. C. J. R. Rainey............ J. T. Keene______ John Pal more____ H. A. Spies •Raymondvllle First National Bank .-.d»’25 D. E. Decker........... 88-2100 S Willacy Q4 3250 par 100 Raymondville State Bk. H. E. Tomme_____ $210-10% 88-1254 d<»’97 par 100 .. Raymondville Trust Co.T»S’16 S. L. Gill *138 par 100 88-1738 Reagan A?x First National Bank—.•+'08 J. G. Barganier—. Falls H20 *200-10% 88-1255 Red Oak____ 367 First State Bank----------i§’06 W. S. Hazard, Ellis E19 *167.50-12% par 100 88-1256 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Red Rock .315 First State Bank d<8'07 H Bastrop K18 par 100 88-1257 Red water_____ 319 Guaranty Bond State Bank E. T. Page. Bowie C24 *110-10% 88-1470 d<8’16 par 100 •Refugio______ 933 First National Bank___ <’23 J. M. O'Brien. S Refugio 019 par too 88-1258 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,840 S ... Tr. Co.. Alice. tt’17 *110 par 100 88-1480 State Bank of’07 88-1241 Continental State Bank <8'03 par 100 88-1242 First National Bank—<’16 *140-10% par 100 88-1701 Farmers State Bank _<|’09 *175-20% par 100 88-1246 First National Bank .d<’07 *250-20% par 100 88-800 Security National Bank_<’17 *250-18% 88-301 10,000 $ 20,000 Citizens State Bank___ <§’07 J. S. Heard ............ T. Ben Wilson........ J. W. Neal _ W. T. Hooten, Jr.. J. W. Chappell *120-10% par 100 88-1240 First State Bank_____ .T12 R. S. Maberry____ J. J. Johnson........... J. K. Mitchell____ par 100 .. J nPresidio Valley Bank—§’29 R. C. Sparks ........... F. A. Hornbeck___ A. M. Wilbanks.Jr., 88-2155 S. H. Veille Act. V. P, and Cash. Farmers & Merchants Bank Mrs. Ella Jeske.. D. A.Jeske___ Queen City ___ 398 Guaranty Bond State Bank *100-10% par 100 88-1246 tl’ll Cass D24 (Formerly Guaranty State Ban Quinlan______ 58C Security State Bank___ t§’29 *100 par 100 88-1615 HuDt D20 (Formerly Quinlan National Qultaque_____ 460 First National Bank.._d<’20 *225-20% par 100 88-1953 Briscoe All •Quitman___ 1027 First National Bank___ <’14 *125-10% par 100 88-1249 Wood D22 Balls..... ..........-1042 First National Bank— d<’18 *150-10% par 100 88-1747 Crosby C10 m Security State Bank & Trust Co.♦88—1457 _ dT<8 T2 Randolph____ 421 *120-10% par 100 88-1250 Fannin G20 (Formerly Continental State B Ranger_____ 16,205 Eastland E16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued 1468 76,690 (alias Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N.,Bonham; Ft. Worth N„Ft.Worth. 148,710 State,Harlingen; City N.. Corpus Christi. 8,000 114,050 lity Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. and Brownsville; State N., Denison. W. H. Dreyer_____ S. K. Gill, B. L. Jenkins, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. W. Flinn______ H. Kirkpatrick___ A. P.burke 50,000 14,400 18,500 180 25.000 31,320 142,950 65,010 70,150 4,240 59,870 T. A. Ferris 25,000 17,830 139,200 100,230 5,000 3,710 C. C. Watterson__ R. Mr.Cee _ Marlin N.. Marlin. E. B. Furlong V. O. Smith.. 57,393 11,750 __ F. L. Spencer____ 10,000 16,130 64,460 260 33,770 14,750 3,990 73,080 ( base N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Daiias; Ouiz N., Waxahachie. 38,340 < 17.000 16,830 126,810 1,650 48,150 20.000 3,820 90,320 100,000 41,710 885,580 ____ 344,800 408,600 29,020 N., Texarkana; 1st N.. Dallas. F. B. Rooke...........__ B. A.Johnson......... C. Baumgartner... 1 244,870 < ent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex Com’l N„ Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 1469 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 9 uuuri tiir dULiluril'j ui --------------- i.:.---------------- Reinhardt.........216 Reinhardt State Bank—1§’19 *120 88-1468 Dallas D19 President. E. C. Hart................ Rhome________415 Wise D18 Rice......................611 Navarro F20 Richards_____ 419 H Grimes J 21 Richardson___ 610 Dallas D19 Richland_____ 375 Navarro G20 Richland Sp’gs521 San Saba H15 “Richmond...121 II Ft.Bend L22 Cashier. Vice President. R. Ass't Cashier. Paid-up Capital Liabilities. Surplus Depos AND its Profits 15,000 i $ W. Ueckert — J. C. Reklaw________109 Citizens State Rank___t§’21 88-1999 H Cherokee F22 15.000 Shankles____ i,ooo 1 Resources. | Other Liabiliiitto 50,000 First National Bank in Rhome par loo 88-1259 t’29 J. B. Bradley.......... First State Bank______ t8'28 L. M. Pollan. V. P. J. B. Fortson 1100-10% par 100 88-1260 T. P. Witt.................... Richards State Bank —.•tl'll *200-10% par 100 88-1427 Citizens State Bank___»tl’06 C. B. Chick, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *150-10% par 100 ♦ 88-1261 Mrs. M. C. Hillburn A. N. Brown, Jr— Mrs. E. N. Swink 88-2076 First State Bank ______ t§’13 W. H. Gibbons .— A. D. Nelson_____ E. B. Prather 88-1543 First National Bank. _d«t’13 A. E. Myers. Act. *200-10% par 100 88-1552 D. R. Peareson— J. C. Johnson_____ Fui t Bend National Bank *100 par 100 88-2094 d»+’25 E. W. Punchard ... First State Bank______ ti’06 F H MillP.r L. C. Holze. Ad. 88-894 Ringgold_____ 41? Ringgold State Bank—1§'05 C. L. Gass________ E. E. Carlton.......... Montague B17 *150-10% par 125 88-1265 “R logrande... 303? First National Bank —»t’20 S Starr Q2 *100 par 100 88-1922 ■ rh p GUERRA* Ch.i) HINOJOSA 1 ‘of'Bd. and Pres. F. D. GUERRA, Act. s, $ 30,000 $ 1.000 Cameron Q5 Rlovlsta_______5 Johnson 118 Eastland F15 2,200 35,390 2,040 144,450 107,650 750 71,810 8,000 61,440 20,850 J. R. 25.000 Chambers___ Mrs. J. D. Bookman Lacy W alker Barton Lawson.__ Vliss Odell Christie 25,000 3,510 281,050 12,500 19,610 108,710 35,000 J. W. Richards— H. C. Davis............. 30.000 W. M. Brown_____ 30,000 Hettie 0. Nordhausen Clyde Johnson .... Robt. H. Schulze ... J. F. Burton, V.P. Geo. B. Marsh------ E. Laurel___ E J GUERRA______ J. ___ A. GARZA-........... 12.780 CONTINENTAL STATE BANK *140-10% par 100 88-839 fH. H. WILKINSON— R A HORTON \ J.G.WILKINSON.CA. W. E. TYLER. Act. Dallas; 2d N., Hou. 480 41,340 128,010 $ 2,900 108,520 355,840 1,500 193,280 31,100 6,610 56,480 16,440 213,300 4,330 54,200 27,670 30,200 10,160 194,130 20.000 90,000 263,200 468,380 3,820 201,130 115,990 2,600 4,450 120,000 200,000 $ 50.000 86,810 757,320 42,400 25.000 4,800 181,590 2,400 40.000 10,250 241,000 110.000 150.000 9,000 39,954 28,200 6,500 13.350 99,870 11.230 12,500 4,900 295,080 8,000 191,740 20.000 5,770 88,230 25.000 1,250 132,000 50,000 26,610 . 495,560 Chi.; 1st N.. Ilou. and St. L.. 90,760 D. S. N. and 1st N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou. 27,250 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. N., Galv.; Citiz. N„ Waco; 1st N., Dallas. 39,340 Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 48,000 Merch. n.. Brownsville; City N., San An tonio. 82,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.; 1st N.. Brownsville; Frost N., San Antonio. F. V. TUNNELL_ _ _ 32,610 Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Far. State. San Benito. 91,500 City N,, Cleburne. 20,000 6,040 128,880 105,380 16,940 25.000 11,000 100,000 38,000 6,500 28.000 31,050 453,480 55,000 219,550 192,080 49,460 106,430 25,000 10,000 206,750 39,470 186,420 29,890 32,360 32,540 8,300 51,900 730 26,940 2,440 167,390 1,200 24,410 J Send us your It ems direct for pr ompt personal at tentlon. *t§'09 L. Plain sight draf ts 15c credit repo rts 50c. «t’05 rc. F. FALLS-........ - D E JONES E.'F. bucy RAYLANORETH_ _ _ _ ROBERT SPROWLS— \ Special attentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts an d Cash Items. / Save time and get service on Co llectlons and Cred It Reports by send ing LFEE IN ADYAN CEt Plain tight drafts. I Sc; Cm dit Reports, SOc. TRY U Riverside State Bank—tl’13 Mrs. H. B. Yelver- T. A. Kelly, Jr. ... ton *150-10% 88-1589 G. M. Yowell- _ S. W. Weatherall*125 par 100 ♦ 88-1674 D. R. Campbell.... *250-10% par 100 88-1270 F M Stnhhs First National Bank...d»t’24 *120 par 100 88-2081 20,000 John Yelverton ... s. 3,240 F. L. Ferguson 25.000 5,270 186,410 W. W. McCutchen. 30,000 58,520 294,260 319,790 O. W. Whitley___ 50,000 26,470 273,510 190,570 2,500 155,250 Texas State Bk. &Tr. Co., Corpus Christi; Hou. N.. Hou.; Alamo N„ San Antonio. 267,480 Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi; Alamo N., San Antonio. 400.000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; State N.. Corpus Christi; Alamo N., San Antonio. 5,330 506,410 255,910 1,650 39,700 50,000 38,000 750,000 202.000 159,000 77,000 Carlton Parker .... 40.000 10,000 170,000 140,000 7,280 17,340 .T. V. Cray W. W. Barron____ *176-10% par 100 ♦ 88-1714 A. Turnbull 26,910 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 56,660 San Angelo N., San Angelo. 1,650 50,000 3,000 51,560 City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou. 6,320 Walter Eschberger Bryan Harrell____ Talmage Williams. Gouger National Bank .•t’lO *125-10% par 100 88-1271 W. H. Daimwood . Wm. Bauer. Jr. ... State National Bank . d»t’13 *220 88-1590 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dallas. - dT*t§T0 VFee In Advance Plain sight draft s, 15c; Credit rep orts, 35c. Try us. • Arroyo State Bank---- •t§’25 J. T. Lomax_____ B. M. Holland........ J. W. Porter_____ 88-2099 E. H. Dixon______ C. H. Coffman........ A F, Scott *150-10% par 100 88-2009 FIRST NATIONAL BANK “Roby_________l Fisher E12 35,000 88-1266 *125-20% par 150 88-840 Riverside_____ 318 H Walker 1 22 Roaring Sp'gs Motley Bll “Robert Lee___ Coke G12 Robstown.......... 8 S Nueces P18 f 15.040 24,760 FIRST STATE BK. \ Send Us Your R logrande Items D irect. & TRUST CO. 1 For Prompt Personal Attention. S correspondents. Tex.) U37-io% *110-8% par 100 Principal Honda Loana Cash 6 KxMiscel OHAHOBB, and and Dl) * Diaoounta Sacuritias laneous trom Banks (Absorbed by Hillcre st State Bank, Dalia Renner________211 Collin D19 ----------- — 1 town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.^NewSStatetPriv. “County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.I)ppts:T-Trust B-Bonri PasoHHous-SSan A. <l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSa1e%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ---------,J’“' “ .t Rates, Holidays, etc., sets Laws. — TEXAS—Continued * 38,500 1st N., Fort Worth; Far. & Merch. N. and Citiz. N., Abilene. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 470 & eac.h bank in u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -l-t/ vt Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN and C0UNTY.«M e m. A. B. A. ’iNew § State tPrl?. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond PasoHHous.SSan A. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Rochelle______515 Rochelle National Bank _J’10 S. H. Gainer______ R. Moseley______ O. E. Rice_______ R. C. Boyd McCulloch H14i*i40-io% 88-822 R. Moseley. Ch. par 100 Rochester_____ 768 First State Bank___ d©<§’07 R. C. Couch______ L. M. Kay.............. J. L. Teal. Haskell D13 $150-15% ♦ 88-1273 par 100 Rockdale____ 2323 Citizens State Bank Milam J19 -------- “ “ -------- “ C. M. Travis. C. A. Doss Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-op Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and AND L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 25.000 $ 25,000 15.000 s 100,000 J 9,340 9.710 152,640 First National Bank.. <’90 J. W. Garner_____ J. F. CofBeld, Jr,. C. R. Isaacs_____ _ W. C. Marrs___ *125 88-398 75,000 22.570 242.380 50.000 17,800 264,700 25.000 23,000 493,000 35.000 17,900 50.000 H. B. LoflaDd_____ L. H. Chisholm .. J. A. Underwood 25.000 Rockdale State Bank..<§’07 H. H. Camp_______ Gust. Backhaus... J. T. Hale_______ T. B. Ryan____ .*125-10% 88-399 par 100 ‘Rockport.—1545 First National Bank___< 00 Cyrus B. Lucas ___ F. W. Heldenfels. A. C. Glass______ Pat. Mixon____ S Aransas P19 $100-10% par 100 88-594 Fred A. Bracht Travis Johnson ‘Rocksprings. 1000 First National Bank <’20 T. B. Phillips_____ T. A. Williams__ F. W. Weber____ S Edwards K13 10% par 100 88-1930 Walker Ragsdale -------- " First State Bank.........d<§’05 W. J. Greer______ L. Greer______ M. O. Grooms____ W. B Singleton.. *U5-io% 88-1275 ‘Rockwall .—1388 First National Bank in Rock- C. J. Walker_____ J. O. Wallace____ Rockwall D20 1 wall____ 88-672............. <’06 M. H. McKoy.E. P, J. L. Briggs '.(Merger of Farmers National and Security State Bank?) Rogers---------- 1256 First National Bank— <’0l W. B. Thomas____ F. L. Denison_____ Bell 1 18 88-625 “ -------- “ 1 Rogers State Bank........<§’07 M. V. Baugh______ L. J. Fuchs_______ | par 120 88-6 26 W. P. Baugh, Act, Ropesville........ 110. First State Bank...........<§’24 S. B. Pierson_____ R. T. Dopson____ Hockley C9 88-2088 W. L. Elwood Roscoe.............. 1079!First National Bank... $’20 P. E. Harkins_____ E. A. Costephens. Nolan E12 $125 par 125 88-1979 “ --------- “ Roscoe State Bank___ <§’06 T. M. Dobbins____ W. D. Haney_____ *175-20% 88-748 par 100 Rosebud..........1516; First National Bank.. <1900 C. F. Brown______ N. E. Stockton... Falls I 19 *200-10% 88-567 Ozier Easley, V, P, J. J. Nussbaum ! par 100 “ --------- “ Planters National Bank_.t’06 J. A. Tarver______ S. G. Henslee_____ *300-20% par 100 88-568 Rosenberg.__1279 First National Bank ...<’25 A. W. Miller_____ J. W. Weeks........ . H Fort Bend L21 $135-6% 88-2072 F. A. Schawe, Ch. Abe Robinowitz par 100 “ --------- “ Rosenberg State Bank.<§’10 D. W. Schuech ___ F. L. Tiller______ '*200-10% par 100 88-658 Rotan.......... —1000 First National Bank .._d<’07 J. V. Heliums____ G. L. Robison_____ Fisher D12 1150 par 100 88-675 R. C. Couch, Ch. R. V. Colbert “ --------- “ Rotan State Bank_____ <§'15 J. E. Kennedy____ Roy Riddel_______ 10% 88-1697 Round Rock...900 Farmers State Bank..d<§'20 T. E. Nelson_____ J. C. Jackson_____ Williamson J18 *150-10% par 100 88-1978 Round Top ___ 150 H Fayette R19 Rowena_______345 Runnels G13 RoundTop State Bank..$§’12 Fred Fricke______ *135-6% par 100 88-1489 First National Bank....<’08 H. B. Halfmann... ,*200-12% 88-1277 G. H. Dierschke.CA, par 100 Rowlett---------- 108 Farmers & Merchants State R. L. Thornton.... Dallas D19 Bank___88-2145_______§’29 jpar 100 “ ------ - ” First National Bank________ (Taken over by First Roxton------------641 First National Bank____ <’01 C. R. Caldwell____ Lamar C21 *195 par 100 88-792 Royse City....1289 First National Bank....®t’0? J. D. Miller______ Rockwall D20 $120-12% 88-638 “ _____ “ First StateBank____ d<§’09 W. H. Adams______ $160-10% ♦ 88-639 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, 'par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 95.000 $ 2,000 $ 30,000 $ 74,250 & Ex- Principal Correspondents. Cash changi8,Ddk from Banks 33,000 1st N., Ft. Worth. 189 780 Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene; Fort Worth N., Ft. Worth. 30,000 88-1484 20.000 $ 229,690 W. T. Ramsel_____ P. H. McCawley $135-10% “ G. R. Couch, Ch, <§T2 H. C.Meyer______ Ira Perry. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEX A S—Continued 147,990 3,800 6,850 33,700 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; lstN.,St. L.;Hou.N. Hou.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 246,700 25.95C 24,340 61,720 Chase N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. Austin N., Austin; Dallas N., Dallas. 210,230 11,220 12.700 98,350 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.;lst N„ Dallas. 25,790 294.700 168,350 11,950 91,790 159,040 26,950 191,260 5,500 16,200 24,630 319.270 390 305,660 300 22,910 25,910 'rost N.. San Antonio; Chas. Schreiner, Kerrville, Tex.; Am. N„ Austin, 65,430 liase N..N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Am. N.. Austin. 7,200 342,080 118,500 212.440 86.590 91,440 18.750 N„ San Antonio; City N., Corpus Christi. 102,300 & Tr. Co., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. R. B. McElroy____ Joe Cook________ 50,000 37,280 431.990 493,950 R. E. Guess_______ Loraine H. Zellner. 25.000 4.460 180,710 92,240 H. A. Jamison____ 25,000 4,670 103,580 2,590 129,310 6,010 55,080 35,190 14,630 Hou. 111 920 L City. N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; So. Texas Com. N„ Houston, 30,340 st N., Ft. Worth and Lubbock. R. E. Gracey_____ H. G. Norris_____ 25,000 5,000 100,000 — 47,710 26.810 17.410 12.030 1st N., Ft. Worth. B. E. Hamilton ___ W. R. Potter_____ 30.000 32.980 246.670 350 210,490 1,070 15,000 83,440 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. N. E. Stockton ___ V. D. Nicholson. 50.000 69,980 684,900 38.800 568,950 69.000 19,360 186,370 lo. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N., Waco. 11.250 499,200 12,500 6,000 172.760 98.580 16,270 254,780 ’hem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Un. N., Hou.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 95,390 Cquit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Dallas; Un. N.. Hou. E. A. Donaldson__ G. Metz, Jr------- 50,000 72,450 638,780 J. E. Junker______ 25,000 11,230 346,770 R. J. Stepan______ F. W. Schawe... Perry Mueller J. H. Kennedy.__ J. O. Kennedy... J. F. Dowell, V.P. Guy Patterson____ H. T. Fillingim ___ 40,000 40,530 444,330 71,670 445,860 51,850 36,720 30.000 32,640 210,630 54,430 239,540 19,690 17,880 25.000 30,140 240,500 15,000 229,890 700 24,500 G. R. Lundelius... A. W. Klattenhoff. J. L. Nelson 25,000 20,230 262,800 8,100 123,020 77,320 12,950 1.300 D3ll3S H. A, Dippel___ ~ E. L. Fricke______ 16,000 3.400 66,590 Wm. Gleich.......... 35,000 36.790 433,620 J. H. Buhler______ L. 0. Neal............. J. E. Coyle 17,500 2,850 86,670 National Bank, Ga rland, Tex,, Februa ry 18, 1929) T. W. Watson____ G. Poteet.................. C. L. Cunningham. W. M. Bludworth J. C. White. Active Mack Sorrells------ F. I. Webb_______ 30.000 40,340 306,350 50,000 17,650 A. A. Reese______ J. H. Parker______ C. B. Terrell______ 50,000 30.180 E. J. Gervenka___ J. G. Dierschke___ 62,110 !o. Tex. Com’l N., 1st N., and Hou. N.. Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 50,600 st N.. Ft. Worth: Republic N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 55,550 n. Worth. N., Ft. Worth.; Dallas N., 102,450 1. City. N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. Am. N. and AustinN., Austin.; Rep.N.Bk.&Tr.Co., Dallas, 22,660 lo. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 39.390 20,760 4,480 331,980 3,990 11,290 500 5,510 83,920 ____ _____ 158,400 21,800 40.700 93,500 C 292,890 12,5)0 170,320 12,500 27,890 167,430 1 248,310 — 83,870 26,350 32,320 185,940 C _ 158,140 1 7. City, N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N.. Ballinger. 18,040 JMtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 14.71 -*■ 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each 1,ank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ' Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. TEstab ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc Paso H Hou.SSan A. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President —| Vice-President. Cashier. | Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its ties Rule_________ 890 Farmers State Bank_.d«t§’17 AndrewA.Bradford AndrewA.Bradford Nora Hudspeth.__ l $120 par 120 88-1752 Haskell D13 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. W. D. Payne “ First National Bank____»f06 $115 88-1280 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued 25,000 i 70,240 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Alamo N„ San Antonio; 2nd N„ Hou. 233,510 169,780 5,960 12,670 103,070 Hou. N., Hou.; Rep Dallas. 685,110 126,000 101,000 43,680 340,000 Union N., Hou.; Dallas N.. Dallas. 50,000 7,960 50,000 9,640 BANK & TRUST CO. $100-10% ♦88-527 par 100 dT*t§’07 uimr.K 1 78.000 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Citiz. N.« Abilene. 72,970 ‘Rusk................2348 Citizens State Bank.-.»t§'20 H Cherokee G22 Ui2-io% 88-1939 E. L. Gregg, Ch. par 100 f r 53,000 $ 63,090 369,650 FORD............ Banks 231,370 12,120 A $ 91,000 from 64,670 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 fW. T. NORMAN___ j 21,240 Runge ............. 1070 Runge State Bank__ d»t§’25 W. R. Lokey.......... P. W. Tom_______ M. A. Ryan, La Riifi Lynns 88-1415 S Karnes N18 $105-10% A. Tips, V. P, V. P. and Cash, E. G. Gerhardt T. Dromgoole FARMERS & MERCHANTS STATE Discounts Securities Principal Correspondents. 31,200 142.660 1 A. R. Odom, Jr.... Resources. Bonds Miscel Ci»n t Eiand CHANGES, DU« laneous 102,780 $ 17,240 T. H. Cobble............ E. R. Gregg and $ 5,700 $ 190,000 30,000 E. J. Cloud_______ J. L. Hill, Jr........... Loads 30,000 5,900 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., J Send Us Your Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts , Cash and Time Items D irect. (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 1 Sc; Cred it Reports, 50c. TRY U S. Sabinal iiax SABINAL NATIONAL BANK H. P. Stone ______ Geo. A. Kennedy.. Hubert G. Peters _ E. S. Rothe_______ 88-516 «r05 S Uvalde M14 •• .. Sabinal State Bank ....<§’25 Ed Bell__________ W.O. Woodley. Jr., B. W. Hillis_______ Shubert Robbins... Sioo par loo 88-517 C. P. Wood, V. P. K. K. Woodley 100,000 61,070 192,400 230,310 53,000 21,220 48,940 Frost N.,San Antonio. 40,000 9,980 214,350 187,930 4,500 12,500 59,400 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Sacul_________ 115 Sacul State Bank........ ...§’13 A. E. Crawford ... R. O. Treadaway . M. B. Campbell___ H Nacogdoches G22 $100 par 130 88-1.536 10,000 3,000 31,220 26,700 100 3,590 13,820 Stone Ft. N., Nacogdoches; 1st State. Jack sonville. Sadler 4?n First State Bank______t§’27 Dexter Spalding... B. F. Wood.______ C. L. Spalding____ S. R. Kirk________ $100 par 100 88-1281 C. D. Terry Grayson B19 17,500 4,510 40,000 30,000 10,160 Citiz. N.. Denison; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. Sagerton 425 Continental State Bank.t§’09 G. R. Couch_____ F. W.Stegemoeller P. L. Summers____ J. H. Parsons_____ $125-20% 88-1282 Haskell D13 par 100 Saint Jo QS5 Citizens National Bank..«t’06 Jas. R. Wiley_____ S. H. Camp.............. Geo. D. Pedigo___ .1, T,. Huey $140 par 100 88-770 Montague C18 12,500 1,370 75 non 25,000 7,550 152,980 30,000 40.000 350,000 25,000 600 40.000 30,000 500,000 384,950 3,724,570 530,000 2,398,460 758,320 250,000 374,240 2,272,210 156,000 1,975,680 559,330 61,230 456,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Atl. N., Bos.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 2nd N., Hou.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 767,520 4,150 26,150 201,280 Chase N., N. Y.; State N., Hou.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 3,492,590 724,000 M II First National Bank___ »t’92 H. D. Field 88-769 S. M. King .foe Rowers par 100 Geo. A. Wright----- Saltillo IRQ First State Bank.... .........tS’ll George Moyer____ P. D. Henry_____ Whitley Reed____ $ioo 88-1416 Hopkins D22 »San Augelo.10,050 Tom Green H12 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK $225-10% par 100 “ 88-90 dB©T»t'07 W. C. BLANKS-___ L. L. FARR............0. C. CARTWRIGHT CLAUDE GIBBS, Jr. W.C.JOHNSON JACK RANSOM L. L. FARR, Ch. of Bd. ROBERT MASSIE EMETTE WESTJ. W. JOHNSON BROOK, Tr. Of. ("GEORGE E. WEBB-- C. A. BROOME.............. C. R. HALLMARK-— i H S. W. MARCH ) Correspondenc e invited, (.Prompt attentl on given outside business. - GUARANTY STATE BANK Roy Hudspeth____ H. Schneemann ... C. G. Dunklin 88-92 •I§'20 San Angelo National Bank M L. Mertz, C. W. Hobbs... 20% par 100 88-88 d©T*t’84 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, j R. A. Hal! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 sfin 45,000 350 20,000 9,560 98,600 9,660 15,750 30,000 150,000 103.000 50,000 IORDAN _____ Ira A. Swope L. D. Thorn H. O'Bannon R. B. Johnston, A. C. A. B. DeMontmollin, Jr. 100,000 300.000 32,110 866,970 337,380 5,072,230 36,600 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Far. Abilene. & Merch. N., 71,090 1st N., Wichita Falls and Ft. Worth; Lind savN., Gainesville. 150,000 1st N., Dallas; Lindsay N., Gainesville. 10,000 1st N., Sulphur Spgs.; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Merch. Plan. N.. Mt. Vernon, Collections a sp scialty. Prompt attention to all banking matters, We want your bu siness. Correspondence invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ib t-:s2 $175-10% 1,600 175,000 1,807,720 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos. 204,430 1,325,190 N. City, N. Y.; Cont Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.: 1st N., IIou.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Number under Name uf Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1472 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B.A. nNew § State fPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$bastSale%Div. Alamo National Bank ©T.t'91 30-2 SAN ANTONIO 1 President. Cashier, Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Bexar, L 16) County Seat (Federal Reserve District No. 11) Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Loans Resources. Miscel Bonds laneous Discounts Securities Resources and and Principal Correspondents. Cash k ExCnANGlB.Du* from Banks WALTER P.NAPIER, J.B. MARTINBALE- TH0S. R.LENTZ- LOUIS ELMEND0RF Pres.and Tr.Off, G. A. C. KALFF W. C. HERPEL ERNEST STEVES’ OTTO MEERSCHEIDT, Active H. A. SMITH Ch.ofBd. ERNEST L. BROWN, Active A. J. WEYEL, JR„ A. Cash, and $ 2.000,000 $ 1.121,480 $11842630 $ A. Tr. Off. 57.810 $ 8.904,440 $ 552,550 $ 2,071,300 $ 3,493,620 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; IstN. and ForemanState N„ Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Fidelity N. Bk. & Tr., K. C.; 1st N., Phil.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Anglo & London Paris N.,San F. ■ COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Our superior facilities guarantee satisfactory service. TEST THEM. SEE Dl SPLAY A DVERTIS EMENT . Carl Gildemeister. 5,000 22,230 1,300,000 570,960 18.688,170 160 24,960 8,470 6,070 N. Rk. Com., San Antonio. 30-63 Central Trust Company ‘CITY-CENTRAL BANK & TRUST (See City-Central B ank & Trust Co.) W. R. KING_ _ _ _ _ _ A. F. BARNES_ _ _ _ _ A. G. ENGELKE- - - - - - - MARTIN CARLE —FREDERICK TERRELL, W. A. WILLIAMS W. M. YATER, Compt. D. A. SAFFARRANS Ch ofBd w. W. COLLIER T. H. HARVIN HARRY H. ROGERS. R. 0. HUFF R. E. PORTER RUSSELL C. HILL, Ch. Exec. Com. COMPANY $200-12% 30-1 dB©T® 10 par 100 (Merger of City National Bank, Central Trust Co,,and Guaranty State Bank) J. E. YOUNG A. M. RUSS A. H. PIPER R.F.SPENCER WALLACE ROGERS B. R. WEBB CARL D.NEWTON Commercial Industrial Bank I. Brenner_______ H. Brenner 30-/3 ©§’28 G. B. Taliaferro... L. J. Hart___ Commercial Loan & Tr. Co. Z. D. Bonner *175-8% par 100 dT§1900 ‘COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK *140-8% par 100 30-13 ®«t’13 ‘Commonwealth Bk.&Tr.Co, *165-4% par 100 30-16 d®T«t§'16 Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, San Antonio 30-72 • First Slate Bank of so. San Ant. 4,492,810 1,465,960 3,704,520 Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. l CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ON ANY MATTER. EFFICIENT ORGANIZATION—PROMPT ATTENTION. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. R. Langley, Cash, and Sec. J. Hernandez____ A. B. Crowther. Tr. E. A. Baetz, A. Sec, T. J. Hart. Sec. G.B. TALIAFERRO- CHAS. BAUMBERGER— E.A.BAETZ- - - - - - - - A. B. CROWTHERZ. D. BONNER Try Us. 100.000 225,000 370 300.000 68,760 2,638,030 2,670,910 117,250 1 2,972,770 1,535,000 2,197,120 1,770,360 308,070 600,980 Tr. Co., St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Cleve. WE OFFER EVERY MODERN FACILITY FOR CARING FOR YOUR BUSINESS \V. R. Wiseman, T. N. Smith_____ T. II. Jarrell. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Hugo Kott (See page 24 for co mplete information) V.P. and Cash. L. C. Robalin. 300,000 142,030 3,123,640 1,240 2,343,860 265,150 229,930 1,435,890 17,952,010 1.462,010 13,884,210 3,546,540 1,349,960 Branch, Dist. 11. 727,970 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 2nd N„ Hon. (See So. San Antoni o) J. H. FROST_ _ _ _ _ _ JOHN FROST. . . . . . . . . . . - ROBT. C. SMITH -— T. V. MULLER ... T. C. FROST, L. A. SCHREINER F. V. PANCOAST, F. F. EVERETT Ch. of Bd. GUS. J. GROOS V.P. and Tr. Off. T. C. FROST, JR. JOSEPH MUIR, NED MclLHENNY A. H. MUIR, V Ch of Bd L. L. LENTZ ^ _ A. Tr. Off J. M. GADDIS, V. P. ||E0. JR|PcAHNflS «. T. HEBDON, W d©T«t’99 Tourists' and visitors' accounts solicited. ‘FROST NATIONAL BANK *350-15% 30-9 100 Digitized par for FRASER 2,218,770 13,114,620 DIVERSIFIED FACILITIES EFFICIENT SERVICE. (Son Antonio banks continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,200,000 SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE COLLECTION OF COMMERCIAL DRAFTS. 3.269,200 & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Dallas. National Bank of Commerce SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 1111 SPPjfL OFFICERS DIRECTORS JOHN KING BERETTA PRESIDENT m 1 «: I R. L. BALL, Chairman R. D. BARCLAY A. C. SCHREINER VICE-PRESIDENT J. P. BARCLAY * ' W- ^fil 1 I • 9|' JOHN M. BENNETT SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT J. K. BERETTA V* A. V. CAMPBELL R. D. BARCLAY CASHIER S. R. KNIGHT ASSISTANT CASHIER A. B. SPENCER E. A. HOFFMANN ASSISTANT CASHIER •*v 1 R. J. KLEBERG </ v/. -47: if* g tfgftmBml Spr, 'll I1 J .1 J. P. BARCLAY Total Resources over $10,000,000.00 This institution is ever ready to co-operate with you in your Texas Banking Business and is especially well equipped to give you prompt service on your Southwest Texas collections. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital and Surplus Established i8gi ALAMO NATIONAL BANK $2,500,000.00 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Prompt and careful attention given all business entrusted to us. Our collection facilities are unexcelled. Officers Directors ERNEST STEVES ERNEST STEVES, Chairman WALTER P. NAPIER, President & Trust Officer J. B. MARTINDALE J. B. MARTINDALE, Vice-President G. A. C. HALFF G. A. C. HALFF, Vice-President JOSEPH COURAND OTTO MEERSCHEIDT, Active Vice-President GEORGE C. VAUGHAN ERNEST L. BROWN, Active Vice-President WALTER P. NAPIER THOS. R. LENTZ, Cashier LOUIS A. ELMENDORF, Asst. Cashier OTTO MEERSCHEIDT W. C. HERPEL, Asst. Cashier R. W. MORRISON H. A. SMITH, Asst. Cashier ERNEST L. BROWN A. J. WEYEL, Jr., Asst. Cashier & Asst. Trust Officer Serving the Banks and Commercial Interests of Southwest Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis It/O •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. (Federal Reserve District No. 11) Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. A. W. GUENTHER— ADOLPH GR00S...... 'GROQS NAT’L BK. fANZC0B"0S - GHAS. IKE S. KAMPMANN 0EUSSEN. Act, 1190-10%par 100 30-8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN ANTONIO—Continued Number under Name of Hank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. HENRY SCHIPFERS EUGENE WALTHALL Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus i T AND DFVHRlTq i LlABILICapital PBOFIT8 DfcVOSITS TIES $ 350,000 $ 295,9501$ 2,076,780 $ Resources. Principal Correspondents, Miscel Cash & Ex laneous changes,Du* Discounts j Sbctjbities Resources prom Banks Loans ! and 250,000 $ 1,388,320 $ Bonds AND 338,740 $ 358,890 $ 886,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Canal Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. O. d®T»t’54j\Excellentfacllit ies for handling y our San Antonio items. i I Prompt service on collections, L Correspondence given attention b y an officer. Guaranty State Batik. (See City-Central B ank & Trust Co.) Merchants & Mechanics Bank L.B. Randall_____ J. W. Spencer_____ J. L. Cavenaugh-. ( Unincorporated) *310-15% 30 56 tt’12 NATIONAL BANK J. K. BERETTA......R. D. BARCLAY-__ A. V. CAMPBELL— S. R. KNIGHT-----JP-Barclay e. a. hoffmann OF COMMERCE YOUR BANKING BUSINESS INVITED. REFER YOUR COLLECTION ITEMS TO US FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. 1165-10% ■par 100 30-11 dB©T»t'03 *D. & A. Oppenbeimer _<l»tt’58 ( Henry. Jesse D. and Mrs. Adelaide 30-10 (226 W. Commerce) Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio. Martha Randall... 600.000 510.390 San Antouio Joint Stock Land Wm. B. Lupe_____ T. C. Frost.. Bank..........._30-68............... t’19 A. P. Graves 8% par 100 J. Locke, Tr............. J. M. Reed, Sec.,.. 1.226.500 354,160 San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. R. S. Springall, 600,000 517,000 Sec. and Tr. Geo. R. List, Auditor San Antonio Morris Plan Bank G. C. Vaughan........ W. S. Hendrick. Rex Logan, $147.50-8% par 100 39-71 ®»t'18 H. Partee, V. P. Act. Sec. and Tr. (227 VV. Commerce St.) Edwin Chamberlain E. A. HolmgrePn *SAN ANTONIO NATIONAL BANK 30-51 569.570 3,049,640 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C., and Bos.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn., San F.; So. Tex. Com’l., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 525,000 5,000 158,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Frost N. and City N., San Antonio. 50,000 450,000 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Frost N.. San Antonio. 19,063,100!-------------- (Territory , Texas an d OIdaho ma) 7,242,000 54,000 Tr. Fds. 6,331.000; 555,000 377,000 1st N.. Chi.; 1,150,000 N. City, N. Y.; San Antonio N„ San Antonio. (fFtlAotd banking or discount privileges) Alamo N., San Antonio. 100,000 WM. L. HERFF.......... T. 0. ANDERSON.— T. D. ANDERSON....... W. A. RAMSEY WM. EIFLER S. E. SCHOLL 500.000 132.730 2,684.370 387,160 1,339,190 557,190 200,0001 50,000 100,630 550 80,510 254,270 60.000 47,410 343,410 374,580 1,450 211.990 1,595.890 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk.& Tr. Co., St. L. Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. IMMEDIATE PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN EVERT BANKING TRANSACTION SENT US. •+’66 ^Southwest Trust Co-------- T§’29 E. A. Dittmar____ W. A. Sandlin-------H. M. Lutz 39-74 J. O. McCaskill (City Cent. Bk. Bldg.) Standard Trusi Co_______ Tt’12 J. M. Bennett____ Glenn Lucas----------6% par 100 30-55 *1). Sullivan 1.209.270 N. City, N.T.; Cont. 111. Bk, &Tr. Co.. Chi. 26,000 W. L. Herff_______ Wm. Eifler... 5,691,650 Oppenhoimer, Ow ners).........— 100,000 d©T»t§’92 L. G. Denman, Ch. V. W. Lackey 596,090 S EE DISP LAY AD VERT IS EM ENT Sam Houston State Bank & W. S- Scott, J. E. Brinkmeyer— J. E. Brinkmeyer — C. G. Colesworthy Trust Co—30 65—d©T»+§’20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. W. Church $128-8% par 110 30-52 8.813,650 & Co_______ •tf83 30-5 D. J.Sullivan ____ J. D. Williamson, R, A. Kennedy, Sec, 16,390 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Groos N., San A. 32,080 32.700 N. Bk. Oom., San Antonio. N. City and Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co , Chi.: Boatmen’s N., St. L.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. ___ George Armbrust— The Texas State Bank & Trust Co____ __________________ _ (Merged with Centra l Trust Co., Februar y 23, 1929) San Antonio Clearing House.. R. D. Barclay_____ E. L. Brown............... T. G.Leighton, Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sec. (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Number of Natio nal, Stat e and P rivate Banksf Total D\eposits by Citie s, States, etc.) 1474 San Antonio — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Name op Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. UMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Year Established. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange memberships Year Established. | Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. LEWIS, J. E. JARRATT J.E.L. E.H.E. JARRATT, PENDLETON, MORTGAGE COMPANY f WALTER P.NAPIER.Pres. WM. P. FITCH. V. p.___ Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y. ALAMO NATIONAL COMPANY—t < HARRY J. POLK. See. j. G. WILSON. Tr. First National Bank, St. L., Mo. W. S. BAIN. Alamo National Bank, San Antonio. INVESTMENT DIVISION OF H. H. DEWAR, Mgr. Bd, Dept. Mgr. Lnt Dept. THE ALAMO NATIONAL BANK v_ MUNICIPAL, GENERAL MARKET AND L OCAL SECURITIES Members: Inv. Bhrs. Assn., Mort. Bkrs. Assn., Texas Bhrs. Assn. •t’12 J. S. BACHE & CO..................... Members Principal Stock Exchanges. jj. S. Bache & Co., New York. (Gunter Hotel Bldg.) E. C. Tarrant Guy S. McFarland I _ Gus. J. Groos S. L. stumberg j Partners MORTGAGE LOANS. Members Mortgage Bankers Association of America Established. 1883 Est. 1910. Not Inc. (106 E. Crockett) Loans on Texas Farms, Ranches and City Property. (Alamo National Bank Bldg.) FRANZ C. GROOS. Ch. — N. LEE PETRICH. V. P.__ Capital $600,000 Surplus $100,000 ELMER A. DITTMAR. Pres. W. E. ENGEL. V. P. v v JOHNraLUMSM A E (Mr AVr offim&"*Vbo.CM. JUHN U. WILUAMSUN. A. t. ROBERrSON. A. v.F. Mtle-_Conu Bfc & Tr, <*, st> Louis. (Suite 801 City Central Bk. Bldg.) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS AND Frost N. Bk.. City-Cent Bk. &Tr Co.. MANL0VE & CO_______ 04 Phone Crockett 2885 BONDS - GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, N. Bk. Com.. Alamo N. and Groos W. C. (City Central Bk. Bldg.) AND CORPORATION BONDS N* Bk" San Antonio. Members Mortgage Bankers Association of America and Texas Bankers Assn. E. B. CHANDLER & GO. ----------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- —------------------------------------- Dealer in all local THOMAS G. LEIGHTON B. F. DITTMAR C0.M J President W. B. JACK BALL, Secy. Vice President R. D. JARRATT, Treas. Vice President FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY. Members Mortgage Bankers Association of America. JARRATT COMPANY uuminill Capital . . . $1,350,000 The oldest investment house in San Antonio. - INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealers in local Bank stocks and controlling interests of business enterprises G raranty Trust Co.. New York t Li jnillini 1 Jno. F. Clark & Co. First Nat’l Bk., Dallas, Republic Nat'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas, Alamo Nat’l Bk., San Antonio, J. E. JARRATT, President °fflCerS L. A. MEADOWS. Secretary Surplus and UnC<mt. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chicago W. F. FIELD, Vice-President G. H. ALKIRE. Treasurer divided Profits . 250,000 F rst Nat’l Bk., St. Louis Members: A. B. A.; I. B. A. Texas Bankers Ass’n. ^ E. PENDLETON, Vice-President MUNICIPAL, CORPORATION, AlND government bonds f irst Nat'l Bk., Houston. Jl Correspondents: J. B. Colgate & Co., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. securities. TEXAS—Continued Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. ?JNew §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. No. 11F. R. D. E El PasoHHous.SSanA. .San Augustine H San Aug. G24 1268 JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonda Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Diacounta Securities laneous ties Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dui from Banks COMMERCIAL STATE BANK W. G. Sharp______ N. G. Roberts, Act. T. I. Mathews....... W. L. Polley-------- $ 50.000 $ 24,440 1 357,450 — $ 159,900 $ 44,580 J 17,430 $ 209,980 Hou. N., Hou.; U.S. N.,Galv.; Com’l State, Nacogdoches; Com’l N., Shreveport. John Burrows, Jr. 37.680 157,150 2d N.. Hou. 95,940 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.»t’02 R. C. Downs_____ A. T.Low. Act.___ J. B. Ball________ Nannie Lou Young. 262,900 51,910 410,760 $ 26,010 65,000 *150-10% par 100 88-1283 J. W. Williams 52,450 189,710 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. 2,350 939,980 81,040 San Benito ...5070 35,250 1,165,590 60.000 Cl. T. LOMAX_ _ _ _ E. E. OGDEN- - - - - - - - A. HERBST- - - - - - - - - - C. MORRIS- - - - - - - - - S Cameron R5 & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N.. Hon.; Mtle. Bk. G. W. RALSTON. Act. i < SEND US YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. &Tr. Co., Dallas.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. *i5o-io% nail!/ d«t§’u 1 Prompt persona 1 attention given Bill of Lading D rafts, Casta and Co., St. L. $125-10% par 100 88-14 58 •X§’12 FARMERS STATE par 100 DHiliV 88-320 l Time items an d remitted for on day of payment. THE SAN BENITO E. H. OOWNS........... 0.H.G.H.P0LLEY--— E. C. BREEDLOVE— T. W. MOORE............. MARSHALL. BANK&TRUST GO. *100 par 100 88-319 d(D»t§’U .Sanderson.. .1254 Sanderson State Bank .•t5’07 Joe Kerr________ A. Mitchell......... S Terrell K8 10% 88-1284 Sandia_______ 161 W. T. Mumme, Banker, Un W. T. Mumme___ S Jim Wells 018 incorporated’ll Sandia State Bank____ j§’12 Vernon Porter___ H. P. Brown.__ *100-5% par 100 88-1472 .San Diego...3525 San Diego State Bank—•tS'07 N. A. Hoffman....... W. K. Hoffman. S Duval P17 *175-10% par 100 88-268 Sanger______ 1204 First National Bank___ t’05 88-553 Denton C18 Sanger National Bank—_t’07 *170-1% par 100 88-554 San Juan....... 1203 Security State Bank._d»t§’20 S Hidalgo Q4 *120-10% par 100 88-1981 .San Marcos..4527 First National Bank__d»t'86 *150-8% par 100 88-233 S Hays K17 State Bank & Trust Co. *200-8% par 100 88-2 34 dT»t§’06 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. T. Chambers.__ B. L. Spencer — J. H. Hughes J. H. Hughes____ J. T. Chambers. 33,560 91,560 129,180 Equit. Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., 406,360 360,790 52.180 7.500 720 62,560 32,740 33,800 484,330 93,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. N„ Hou. Comw. Bk. & Tr., San Ant.; Un.N.,Hou.; Alice State Bk. & Tr.. Alice. 35,640 Alice State Bk. & Tr., Alice; Comw. Bk. & Tr.. San Antonio. 255,970 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., llou.; Corpus Christi N.. Corpus Christi; Alamo N., San Antonio. 37,220 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 95,350 | Dallas N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft .Worth, 205,300 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.Y.;lst N.. Browns ville; City Cent.Bk.&Tr.Co.,San Antonio. 180,210 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas: Hou. N.. Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 269,990 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Hou.; AustinN..Austin; Alamo N..SanAntonio. 21,870 652,130 50,000 57,170 K. E. Schlabach... 10,000 R. E. Glover-------- C. G. Palacios....... 35.000 H. R. Laurence.—. L. H. Lemons____ 3,950 473,650 50,000 Act. SEND US YOUR SAN BENITO ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT PERSO NAL ATTENTION. REMITTED PROMPTLY ON DATE OF PAYMENT. W. T. Mumme___ Mrs. W. T. Mumme 1,630 4,900 98,540 188,000 12,260 E. L. Berry--------- E. B. Brown_____ 30,000 56.280 152,740 25,000! 183,740 25,000 8,050 30,000 15,210 173,630 10,430 109,540 9,000 15,380 L. M. Green_____ It. L. Mann____ G. O. Hughes......... John H. Hughes. Jr. I J. L. Stone______ 25.000 18,130 328,800 85,650 50,000 30,970 A. L. Blair_______ Ed. Kasch_____ H. J. Williamson— W. E. Kellerman.. 60,000 53,020 444,330 60,000j 293,860 108,700 34,570 W. G. Barber------- E. L. Thomas__ J. M. Cape. V. P. C. Rudorf C. C. Wade______ 50,000 40,270 642,250 215,280 422,420 5,000 250,380 Chi.; 2nd N., Hou. -i d >7C ■1 v/J Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. +Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond PasoHHou.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loan a Bonda Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos and and AND Liabili Capital Propits its Diacounfca Saeurities laneous ties *San Saba ___ 2011 City National Bank.—d»t’83 T. A. Murray____ J. T. McConnell__ Clay Kuykendall .. H. D. Chadwick ... $ 100,000 $ *120-12% par 100 88-423 San Saba H15 R. W. Burleson SAN SABA NATIONAL BANK 88-425 *150-10% f J. W. GIBBONS— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued W. H. HINYARD. Act. W. C. DOFFLEMYER- JY WALKER....... J.F. CAMPBELL „ J. E. HAGEN „ 47,500 $ 522,740 $ 20,000 $ 513.880 $ 466,760 2,250 33,120 $ 89,530 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 10,930 60,690 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 27,550 320,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas; Hou.N.,Hou. 134,510 Stock Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; 2d N., Hou. 29,920 423,920 50,000 68,910 488,510 Leman Brown____ Miles Wofford.__ P. P. Bond______ D. L. Pieratt.. S. W. Childers. Ch. C. B. Verner J. T. Cantrell. F. R. Gilbert____ E. C. Watson____ C. Hatchett__ 50.000 29,590 444,600 71,460 377,700 1,900 81.570 25.000 10.120 107,350 25,000 107,190 26.310 8,110 C. G. Hooks-------- E. C. Pope______ 25,000 7,000 140,000 134,000 1,700 25.860 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 30,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. N. and City N., Beaumont; 2d N., Hou. 26,000 1st N., Dallas. , 8,750 68,390 Equit.Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Guaranty State. San Antonio. 105,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou. 50,000 86,780 53,710 $ < Send Us Your S an Saba Items Di rect for Prompt, Personal Attenti on. I Collections and Credit Reports M UST be accompa nled by FEE IN A DVANC E. «t’10 APlain tight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. Santa Anna ..1407 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •* 06 Burgess Weaver.. C. W. Woodruff... O. L. Cheaney___ E. M. Easley.. V. L. Grady, Coleman G14 *205-10% par 100 88-574 O. Ray Brown 193,980 65,55 Ch.ofBd. State National Bank ...•t'07 88-575 First National Bank___ t'06 *125-10% par 100 88-1285 Saratoga StateBank....£$'08 *100-8% par 100 88-1286 First State Bank______t5'09 ♦ 88-1287 Schertz State Bank___ tf'13 *225-20% par 100 88-1610 Farmers State Bank-dBt§’24 *200-10% par 100 88-2074 FirstNational Bank.__»t’06 88-690 *155-10% par 100 Santo_________524 Palo Pinto E 16 Saratoga_____1525 H Hardin J24 Savoy_________378 Fannin C20 Schertz_______315 S Guadalupe L16 Schulenburg. 1246 H Fayette L19 Schwertner___519 Williamson 118 Seadrift______ 321 S Calhoun 020 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, P. H. Sterling___ Mrs. P. H. Sterling J. B. May.. H. H. Arterberry. S. A. Bibby_______ 25,000 1,280 90,000 E. Zander _ Otto Ullrich____ H. P, Thulemeyer. 25,000 32,590 329,060 H. W. Eilers_____ J. J. Bucek. 25 000 26,000 439,000 Gus Kussek_____ 25,000 56,000 518,170 W. O. Luedemann, Tinus Frank___ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. A. Hahnke R. A. Wolters____ E. R. Vogt____ Julius Schwartz T. B. Benson. First National Bank .... t’12 A. Schwertner. Ch. of Bd. and Pres, *100-10% par 100 88-1481 Peoples State Bank____tS’28 O. H. Ryon______ R. C. Barton.. *100-6% par 100 88-1602 F. A. Schmidt. V.P. CITIZENS STATE BANK *125-10% par 100 88-427 dtS'07 SEALY STATE BANK-d-t§*25 *125-8% par 100 88-426 ‘Seguln_____ 3631 CITIZENS STATE 88-1755 S Guadalupe L17 *1*0-8% par 100 3,000 25,000 412,160 28,100 2,670 28,150 7.210 106,310 27,500 42.620 5,000 50,000 2,000 47,000 16,000 9.150 99.700 _____ W. E. Russell____ 17.500 2,500 175,000 fR. A. ENGELKING . E. W.JOSEY- - - - - - - - G. R. BQRGEL- - - - - - - HUGO HESS- - - - - - - - - 50.000 26,220 499,540 25.000 11,740 240.120 167,030 10,590 412,610 243,850 R. Ryon .... 1,020 4.550 4,000 92.390 18.140 181.240 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; l9t N. and So. Texas Com’l N.. Hou. 90,700 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Bartlett N.. Bartlett. 13,500 City-Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Victoria N„ Victoria. 20.650 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 60,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. State, Amarillo, 110,000 — 25.000 330,610 156,780 14.720 74,680 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 39,320 70.510 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; City N.. Galv. 36,340 80,640 Chase N.. N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; City-Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 33,480 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Gty. Bd. State, San Ant.; Dallas Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. 78,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; 1st N., Dallas. ) Send us your S ealy Items direct for Prompt Atte ntlon. {.Plain Sight Dr afts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. '"LEONARD TILLOT- A. G. PREIBISCH— A. J. LAAS............. ALOIS KIRCIN- - - - - - I R.T ENGELKING, W. H. KLUEVER Ch. I d®*t5'17 Geo. Hagn____ DAKIIf Wm. Steinmeyer.. H. E. Draeger....... Eugene Koepp.... Ferd Bading.__ Max Starcke KVNr- SEGUIN STATE BK. & TRUST GO. dM5’06 SO.Oflfl 112,360 M. Klenke_______ 25.000 7,790 163,730 620 94,820 63,020 5,810 WALTER FEY _ _ _ _ 50.000 42,010 515,290 12,500 359,990 134,260 47,320 ] Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Immediate Attenti on given all collectio ns. 88-304 DrtP,rV ©T97 E. Nolte & Sons. Uninc....... Edgar Nolte_____ Eugene Nolte........ A. A. Vordenbaum 88-303 •tt’70 H. H. WEINERT-— HY. KOEHLER- - - - - - - H. J. BLUMBERG---- 0. ROSENBUSH. 0. E. WEIGANG Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. Personal Responsi bilily ove r $1,000,0 00............. 100,000 114,880 1,349,630 17,320 795,200 272,850 61,940 5.340 141,320 1,770 22,820 451,830 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; 1st N., Dallas; UniOD N., Hou. Immediate pers onal attention gl ven every bankln g transaction sen t us. tSemlnole....... 329 First State Bank............ *8'27 S. R. Simpson____ W. A. Cox ............ B. B. Curry______ M.Cook__________ par 100 88-883 Gaines E8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28,000 Save time and get service on co llectlons and Cre dlt Reports by sending Lfee in advan CE: Plain tight drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRYU S. FIRST NATIONAL 88-305 2,200 354.000 17.500 rc. E. TIPS---------- par 100 180,310 25.000 Farmers State Bank....t5’17 Geo. Hagn_____ 88-1771 *200-8% 42,000 _____ Laura Snook. *126-8% par 100 *210-12% C. A. Vogt.. F. L. Tegge. Seagovllle........615 First State Bank_____ •t8’05 M. P. Hawthorne.. R. L. Ard________ R. Hawthorne. Dallas E20 *170 88-1289 Seagraves_____720 First State Bank in Seagraves C. M. Armstrong.. O. H. Hearne_____ H. C. Jones__ Gaines D8 *200-10% 88-1786 •ti'17 Sealy________ 1640 H Austia K20 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Dui from Baku 25,000 11,780 • 206,560 82,770 1st N,, Ft. Worth; Lib. N., Kan. C. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 147fi i? each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11F. R. D. E El PasoH Hous.SSan A. ‘Seymour 2121 Baylor C14 •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Farmers National Bk,_.<’04 R. E. Baskin____ $220-20% par 100 88-406 First National Bank__ <’90 G. S. Plants.......... $200-15% par 100 88-405 First State Bank__ d<§’10 J. T. Lively ____ Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. par 100 88-656 FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. L. Roger. Act... J. F. Sanders____ O. P. Jones. d<’04 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. W.S. Pendleton H. E. Pendleton Shepherd___ 513 Peoples State Bank... •t§'21 L. C. Cooper_____ J. C. Kelly.. ___ Mrs. Zula M. GraH San Jacinto J23 $113.10-10% par 100 88-2029 C. O. Ford ham ‘Sherman. ,.16.528 ^Central State Bank.d<§’18 Barlow Roberts... Ben F. Smith____ Grayson C19 par 100 88-44 Commercial National Bank__ (Purchased by Merc hants & Planters National Bank Sept ember, 30, 1929) par 100 Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonda Other Cash ft Ex Paid-up Subplus D epos Miscel cjhangm and .Duh and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous vbom Banks ties E. L. Craddock D. A. Holman____ .T. C. 3nwin i 50,000 i 57,490 $ 415,980 S W.B. Craddock.Act. C. L. Caldwell___ 75.000 78,500 474,810 R. L.Caldwell,A.C. H. E. Nichols P. H. Bunkley.. L. D. Jones______ 35,000 6,600 198,730 B.F. Rune E. H. Small______ O. T. Nicholson... O. T. Nicholson__ B. A, Skidmore.... 50,000 40.000 750.000 O. J. Walker Shamrock 1227 Wheeler D6 $250-10% Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEX A S—Continued 88-655 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. 10,400 $ 50,670 $ 106,440 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. 25,000 386,950 34,810 66,580 164,980 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.t Ft. Worth; 490 197,750 2,100 10,310 300,000 50,000 50.000 30,660 City N., Wichita Falls; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 440,000 1st N., Amarillo: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C, 50,900 194,940 Drovers N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo and 12,500 $ 368,460 $ Worth and Wichita Falls; Mtle.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Dallas. 25,000 108,650 799,500 687,310 20,000 2,620 118,490 98,310 1,000 7,940 100.000 11,440 356,340 243,050 10,560 88,090 1st N., Wichita Falls. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Okla. C. 11,050 33,840 State N. and City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. 137,120 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. C, B. DORCHESTER W. R. BRENTS. ch.of Bd. P R MARKHAM V P F. Z. EDWARDS......... L. S. 0M0HUNDR0 L. 0. GARDNER____ B. B. WILBANKS C. F. DOUGLASS, F. Z. EDWARDS, JR. F. c. DILLARD A. V. P. 800,000 347,950 5,502,830 R A PH5PM5N C. L. ROLISON, A, V. P. SILAS HARE Our facilities for handling collections are unsurpassed . Our returns are quick a nd rate s low. We reach ail north Texas and south Oklahoma points. 575,000 4,213,680 1.547,630 407,100 1,057,360 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. IU.Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou, 88-41 dB©T<’72 Shiner______ 1300 H Lavaca L19 Shlro............... .513 H Grimes J21 ‘Sierra Blanca .723 E Hudspeth H3 Silsbee______ 3060 H Hardin J25 ‘Silverton....... 416 Briscoe All ‘SInton_____ 1058 S San Patricio P18 Sherman Clearing House-__ (Members indicated by a*) Farmers State Bank ___tl’07 $150 88-685 First National Bank.__J1900 88-083 Wolters Bros. Bankers ttl900 88-684 Farmers State Bank----- J|’10 $200-10% par 100 ♦ 88-1385 Sierra Blanca State Bank par 100 88-1765 d©<5’17 Silsbee State Bank___ <|’06 88-1293 First National Bank... d<’07 $600 par 100 88-823 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK $250-10% par 100 88-556 •t§’09 C. B. Dorchester__ W. R. Brents......... Barlow Roberts, Tr. O. J. Garbade____ D. Garbade............ E. Bunk.. _____ 30,000 17,800 91.900 C. B. Welhausen. E. F. Wolters....... Peck Welhausen... Wm. Green, V. P. M. E. Wolters____ Edwin Wolters__ G. Wolters______ 50,000 93,910 824,540 W. S. Davis_____ P. B. Parten, Act... E. R, Thomas.__ 25,000 20,170 125,000 30,000 3,770 158,350 J. N. Collier_____ R. L. Weathersby. N. A. Cravens___ 40,000 25,190 495,750 John Burson, Bland Burson......... Frank P. Bain___ Tony Burson____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 30,000 71,790 181,530 50,000 75.00C 62.500 G. W. Love.... ........ Harry Moore____ ROY JACKSON........... W. C. SPARKS W. D. Williams... J. E. HOLBROOK-__ 39,160 78,390 4,340 2,290 54,670 1st N. and 2d N.. Hou.; Oomw. Bk. & Tr. 322,450 363,380 17,720 304,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N.,Hou.; 83,700 N.City. N.Y.; Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin; State N.. El Paso; 1st N.. Dallas. 154,040 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Beaumont. 34,360 1st N., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; InterState N., Kan. C. 142,000 17,430 Co., San Antonio. Alamo N., San Antonio. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Gom'l N.. Hon. 68,550 40,120 17,170 358,840 31,900 16,050 241,130 10,500 • 4,470 675,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 450,000 N. City, N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas.; City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Corpus Christ!. 87,880 1,202,730 583,320 40,870 2dN.. Hou.: City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; 1st N., Dallas. 154 580 79,390 19,680 84,510 City N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Corpus Christi; Alamo N., San Antonio; Beevllle Bk. & Tr. Co., BeevUle. 109,600 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo and Lubbock. 267,770 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Lubbock. 7,080 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Deca tur. Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. 7,500 i n nnoTHP BRUCE GILLETT Excellent facilities for handling out of town items. Modem, progressive methods. Special attention given collections, B/L drafts, cash and time items. rH.E. 0DEM......... J. F. 0DEM, Act.... FRED JOHNSON-------- EDGAR BONORDEN— H. EWING SINTON STATE BANK. .<l'06 < SEND US YOUR JAS. ITEMS DIRECT. 88-555 par 100 ) Prompt person al attention given Bill of Lading Dr afts, (.Cash and Time Items and reinltt ed for on day of p ayment. Skidmore........ 1217 First State Bank______ J|’06 V. E. Kessler____ A. W. Galloway ... E. R. Rennert___ $100-8% par 100 88-1298 S Bee 018 Slaton______ 1525 First State Bank------©<812 Lubbock CIO < 10% par 110 ♦ 88-1370 Slaton State Bank___ d<§’10 $250-10% par 175 ♦ 88-1433 Slidell.................321 First State Bank___ ,...t|*10 Wise C18 par 100 88-1297 Smiley____ ....515 Smiley State Bank....... <812 S Gonzales M18 $131-10% par 100 88-1499 Smithfield........ 166 Smithfield State Bank... Tarrant D18 Smlthville___ 3204 First National Bank _.d<’03 H Bastrop K19 par 100 88-288 First State Bank..........<§'07 $200-10% par 100 88-287 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 4,010 J. H. Brewer. W. H. Sewell...... G. W. Bownds....... Katrina Terry____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. J. Murray____ W. E. Olive............ Carl W. George ... J. S. Tekell_____ E. L. Berry______ E. B. Brown____ S. B. Powell_____ 40,000 O. R. Culpepper — E. Weekley---------- G. Patteson_____ J. B. Patteson, Ch. L. C. Duderstadt (Closed) Roger Byrne......... - E. H. Eagleston... A. T. Wilkes_____ W. C. Miller __ Emii Buescher----- R. K. Harris____ O. F. Forester....... J. J. Stalmach___ B. A. Spillar 1,300 233,000 25,000 6,490 494,040 10,000 2,580 26,590 220 29,930 30,000 10,020 60,000 250 63,300 50,000 36,340 507,980 24,050 266,780 186,500 35,200 50,000 51,740 2,600 259,330 9,000 73,180 271,420 850 122,000 2,750 40,800 224,030 1,250 32,480 2,380 129,890 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 34,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou., St. L. and Dallas, 1477 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11R. F. D. E El PasoHHous.SSanA. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State{Priv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. iSnyder 2179 First State Bk. &Trust Co. Scurry Ell $150-10% 88-367 T»t8'07 par 100 .. Snyder National Bank 1165-10% par ioo 88-366 ©•{’04 First State Bank______{§’20 S Bexar M16 $105 par 100 88-2008 PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued Vice-President. Ernest Taylor, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. II. P. Wellborn Robt. H. Curnutte M. A. Fuller _____ CASHIER, ASS’T CASHIER. Resources, Liabilities. Loans Bonds ther Miscel Dbpos- LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and Capital Profits Discount, Securities laneous TIES Marshall Higgins.. $ Hollie Lewis 50,000 $ $ 433,830 $ 35,340 $ 663,280 743,630 $ 40,500 666,790 Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Dux 34,480 $ 83.140 $ 197,170 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth; D. S. N„ Galv.; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 13,890 95,980 170,310 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas and Ft. Worth. 42,590 Frost N. and Texas State Bk. & Tr, Co.. San Antonio. 100,000 62,830 R. B. Touchstone.. Chas. A. Fischer .. Garland Owens ... Miss Fay Long .... Ernest Eastwood 25,000 2.670 104,960 H. C. Harden_____ A. C. Bredthauer.. 25,000 8,630 177,580 3,310 100,480 40,500 18,780 54,750 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; State N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv.; N.Tex. N„ Dallas. .Sonora.........,1009 First National Bk.. d®»{1900 W. L. Aldwell_____ E. F. VanderE. F. Van derStuck- G. H. Neill---------Sutton J12 en $252-16% par 100 88-1300 Stucken Roy E. Aldwell Sourlake..........3032 Citizens National Bank W. E. Lee, H Hardin J24 $100 par 100 88-1778 ©*{’17 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. T. F. Rothwell 100,000 137,290 812,110 104,790 600.520 173,900 45,850 50,000 5,590 382.580 48,240 276,350 135.360 18,210 333,920 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 56,500 1st N„ Hou 25,000 27,900 402,200 20,050 301,990 26,790 55,250 10.000 6,050 65,000 24,000 800 9,100 160,000 15,000 10,000 137,480 10,600 17,450 Somervllle____1878 Citizens State Bank..d»t§’25 H Burleson J20 $110-10% par ioo 88-1299 .. A. C. Alexander___ •• Sour Lake State Bk...d*tl'08 F. H. Carpenter___ $125-10% par 100 88-1301 M. E. Pivoto Southland____183 Southland Bank, XJninc.____ (Closed) Garza DIO Southmayd—261 Security State Bank __d{§’22 Grayson C19 $145-8% par 100 88-2044 So. San Antonio.. Bexar L16 705 Spearman____719 Hansford A4 First State Bank..........*{§’17 $175-10% par 195 30-64 Fidelity Bank of Commerce par 100 ♦ 88-1784 •t§'17 *' “ First National Bank ._d«{’07 par 100 88-1086 Spring________175 Spring State Bank_____{§'10 $100-10% par 100 88-1303 ' H Harris K22 Sprlngtown ...715 Springtown State Bank_t§’12 io% 88-1444 Parker D17 Spur________ 1100 City National Bank___*{’10 $200-10% par 170 88-559 ^Dickens C12 Spur National Bank..d®»{'09 $135-10% par 100 88-557 F.H. Carpenter. Jr. R. H. Lester W. B. Russell ___ _____ R. L. Smith .. Stamford State Bank_T»{§'20 $125 88-247 Stanton. 1421 First National Bank — W06 $400-20% par 100 88-722 E Martin F10 ( Home National Bank—#t’08 $130 par 100 88-723 225,000 13,680 166,050 25,000 14,450 565,210 197.000 356,250 5,000 25.000 4,000 130,000 80,000 50,000 2,000 25,000 2,480 80.890 74,610 2,470 3,560 40,000 29.760 617,750 10,000 287,350 110,050 34,800 100,000 45,700 547,250 145,610 409,220 218,750 43,060 167,530 N.City. N.Y.; Ft. Worth N. and Cont N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 100,000 81,210 798.990 70.000 486,230 136,170 35,300 392,510 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 100,000 5,000 365.000 20,000 240,000 70,000 40,000 140,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Rep.N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas; 2d N., Hou. Clay Markham .... 50,000 24,160 296,120 132.790 90,880 29,570 J. E. Millhollon . Jim Tom________ S. C. Houston........ A. L. Houston. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. B. Lewis J. B. Wilkinson ... Henry James.......... J. R. Vance, Ch. 25,000 90,300 493,020 192,890 29,250 12,500 117,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft.Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 398.680 1st N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft Worth. 25.000 5,000 160,00C A. R. Woodson___ W. S. Fant.............. P. H. Miller............ H. P. Gibson. H. P. Hogan. Ch. C. A. JODiih_______ W. B. Lep. Act. ... W. T. Andrews, Jr. F. G. Collier C. B. Jones W. K. Williamson E. S. Lee. A. C. F. E. Morrow_____ E. P. Bunkley____ T. E. Hamilton___ Hattie Barr_______ J. W. Frey______ E. L. Frey Jack Teddlie B. B. McCollum... R. M. Holcomb.... O. L. Hindman L. W. Phillips........ Hugh McClesky S. A. Mah&ffey ___ 5.450 25,000 7,500 63,000 15.000 10,500 71.000 100,000 84,500 716,940 716.250 456.76C 414,400 558,400 75.000 8,000 375.000 100,000 225,000 50,000 208,000 26,850 50,000 7,900 319.510 19,950 303,280 60,000 132,210 419,400 15,000 442,730 18,600 96,510 8,710 3,96!) 40,050 161.190 95 C 30.41C 3,290 171,910 A. P. Borger______ J. R. Miller______ J. T. Peyton_____ Phill Borger______ 25.000 9,010 113,500 A. F. Lockhart___ 40,000 12,500 115.140 L.M. Price_______ P. J. Pronger_____ Miss Mildred Jaclrson . Arthur Russ Ethel Bowen_____ 25,000 56.230 476,090 25.00C 12,570 335,400 W. T. Martin, W. A. Ross____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 80.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 75,000 J)OLT 2/0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74,500 N. Bk. Com., FrostN.. and Gty. State, San Antonio. 44,650 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; City N., Guymon, Okla. 46,410 1st N., Amarillo and Wichita; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C. 27,000 City Bk. &Tr. Co. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 27,720 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N. and Citiz. N„ Weatherford. 265,300 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; IstN., Ft. Worth. 19,500 A, E. Cameron____ .Sterling City .867 First National Bank ...dt’10 W. L. Foster_____ J. T. Davis_______ -T S. Cnlfi $250-15% 88-725 B.F Lee Sterling Gil $150-10% par 100 88-2121 First State Bank______{§’08 $100 par 100 88-1806 First State Bank---------•ti'00 88-868 Sherman County Nat’l Bank par 100 88-1818 *{’18 47,150 Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman. 15.000 I. E. Cameron, J. E. Peck______ $100-10% par 100 88-1304 Mills Hlfi __ H. H. Hardin_____ »StephenvilIe_3891 Farmers-First National Bk. W. H. Frey $125-7% par 100 88-356 dB*t’06 m Erath FIB^ First State’19 J. J. Mulloy............ B. B. McCollum___ par ioo 88-1901 •« •« J. W. Moss.............. R. N. Carlton........ Stephenville State Bank 88-357 {§’01 Stinnett___ 100 Hutchinson Stockdale___1031 S Wilson M17 .Stratford........ 472 Sherman A3 M H 91,100 Mellon N„ Pitt.; Hou. N„ Hou.; 1st N„ Beaumont. 25.000 E. E. Hammond___ G. E. Fluth A. J. Swenson........ E. G. Keese--------- Chas. F. Markham. Stamford........ 3704 FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. V. Colbert. $160-10% par 100 88-246 *{1900 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. R. Robertson Jones D13 J. C. Bryant T. E. Harrison.. J. R. Pratt. Jr., Act. C. B. Gray, First State Bank_____ *{§’08 Dallas Southard, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. W. P. Lyles $ioo ♦ 88-248 V. P. and Cash. G. W. Coats .. 82.230 11.500 4,040 375,580 50,660 4,670 26,100 Fort Worth N. and Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Trent State,Goldthwaite: U. S. N..Galv 185,130 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 75,000 Cent.Han.Bk. &Tr. Co. N.Y.; Ft.WorthN„ Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr.Co„ Dallas. 67,220 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 2nd N„ Hou.: 1st N., St. L. 153,790 IstN., Hou. 38,330 Amarillo N., Amarillo; Dal. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 15,140 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; 2d N„ Hou. 177,700 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo and Wichita. 149,020 1st N., Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan.C.; 1st 1 N.,Amarillo; Ft. Worth N.» Ft. Worth Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 470 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ -*• ‘ • 0 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir ‘County Seats. iMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. EE1 ♦Fed. Hes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous, SSan A. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Strawn........... 2457 First National Bank..®»t'12 T. B. Stuart............ 88-1456 Palo Pinto E16 par 100 Strawn National Bank R. C. Hinkson____ *100 par 100 88-1306 dfl®‘J'04 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEX A S—Continued Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. J. H. Stuart......... E. S. Britton L. P. Strawn, Act.. J. I. Encke____ Geo. J. Watson Streetman ___478 First National Bank.__»t’07 J. R. Cooper........... J. A. Hawthorn ... R. C. Cole $210-25% par 100 88-1307 Freestone G20 $ 50,000 $ J. L. Bonner Sudan ..............320 First National Bank.__»t’23 V. C. Nelson____ P. E. Boesen____ J. C. Barron_____ W. H. Lyle______ Lamb B9 88-2067 Sugar Land...2019 Imperial Bk.&Tr. Co..«tt’09 G. D. Ulrich........... W. T. Eldridge —. Gus Herder, H. W. Helmcamp . H Ft. Bend L22 88-1308 V. P. and Cash. E. O. Guenther Sulphur Bluff.264 First State Bank______ *§’04 J. M. Fleming___ C. E. Mahaffey ___ O. H. Mahaffey__ $125 par 100 88-1309 Hopkins D21 ‘Sulphur Springs City National Bank........*t’89 W. O. Womack___ W, W. Jones, Active R. B. Carothers—. J. C. McDonald___ Hopkins D21 5558 $36.50-20% 88-194 R. M. Womack Minter Smith W. A. Buford First National Bank In Sul E. L. Ashcroft....... B. B. Cain, Act....... B. C. Cain, E.A. Kistenmacher phur Springs_______ at'86 E. R. Brinker, Ch, J. E. Buford V. P. and Cash. $150-10% 88-193 Sulphur Springs State Bank J. C.Lindley......... Chas. F. Ashcroft. G. S. Prim _ 5% 88-197 *t§'27 W. I. St. Clair....... J. R. Kinnemur Sunset..............665 Sunset State Bank.........t§’07 A. E. Thomas......... $150-25% 88-1310 Montague C17 par 150 Sweeny____ _ 510 First State Bank____ **§’19 J. R. Smith_____ A. K. Warters....... D. H. Chenault__ H Brazoria M22 $100-10% par 100 88-1853 Sweet Home.. 414 Valenta Bros., Bankers®t'13 1. E. Valenta____ 88-1592 S Lavaca M19 Liabilities. Resources. ther Lokdi Bondi Miscel Cash & EX Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous CHANGES,I>UI prom Banks ties 1,630 % 260.840 $ 12,500 S 233,130 S 27.900 50.000 20,000 1,000,000 10,000 25,000 24,070 165,220 120,240 25,000 19,660 462,610 291,700 224,000 648,100 900 * 31,430 Bankers Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth 1st N., Dallas. 176,470 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. andStk. Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. 4,350 89,700 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corsicana N., 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 12,000 202,670 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Amarillo N.. Amarillo; 1st N., Lubbock. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; D. S N.. Galv.; 1st N„ Hou.; N. Shawmut. Bos. 20,000 13,000 80,600 100,000 211,550 997,460 100,000 84,400 800,370 60.000 50.580 10,000 10,000 26,800 41,000 100,000 616,430 313,200 39,070 440,300 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Gty. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Dallas. 105,000 302,150 520,680 26,770 240,190 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Rep. N. Bk.& Tr. Co., Dallas; Boatmens N., St. L. 577.000 182,340 232,560 60,210 1,000 51,000 41,000 212.470 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Greenville N.. Greenville. 22,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Bowie. 5,500 58.000 51,000 10,800 2.200 45,800 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; City N., Sulphur Springs. 9,500 1st N., Hou.; D. S. N.. Galv. Rose L. Svoboda... Alamo N., San Antonio. ‘Sweetwater. .4307 City NationalBank.dB®<’19 H. H.Wilkinson___ Mose Newman__ Oscar Pate........... P. R. Hamilton___ $110-10% par 100 88-1644 Nolan E12 J.G.Wilkinson, CA. E. C. Brand. Act. Alton Cain 100.000 35,310 1,068,740 295,550 14,540 16,200 877,750 R. K. McAdams... W. L. Boothe____ Clyde B. Payne-__ R. S. Calvert_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 88-224 d®»i’01 E. E. Shaw par 100 Texas Bank & Trust Co. G. E. Bradford.... T. L. Hughes......... J. N. Dulaney___ F. R. Hull ♦ 88-1668 T»tS’13 R. A. Ragland 100.000 60,920 595,070 4,500 38,500 468,970 Swenson______ 94 Swenson National Bank »t’12 R. S. Ward......... J. D. Patterson, Sr. Willie Stafford__ 88-1572 Stonewall D12 $180-10% T. H. Ward par 175 Sylvester_____ 315 First National Bank__ *t’25 C. M. Webb. W. A. Cross.____ V. B. Carothers ... H.C. Duff.............. . $115-12% par 100 88-1314 Fisher E13 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. V. L. Carothers Taft.................. 1030 First National Bank_d©«t'23 E. N. Tutt............... L. C.Ivey_______ Geo. B. Wither___ Lena O’Neal_____ S San Patricio P18 $100-6% par 100 88-2057 A. C. Tutt Raymond Mullen 25,000 21,240 74.810 107,010 35,000 12,000 160,000 149,000 16,500 12,000 62,500 22,390 386,120 313,130 2,370 4,150 J. B. CAGE* Active.. HOJWER EASTERWOOD R. R. KRETZMEIER 50.000 TAFT ITEMS DI FIRST STATE BANK...•tS’23 par 135 ♦ 88-2061 l We will give pro mpt, careful att entlon to all bust ness entrusted to us. Taft Bank.................d®»tt’10 E. N. Tutt......... A. C. Tutt.............. R. E. Ferguson__ John LaGue........... 88-1315 16,130 355,820 94,310 1,900 12,750 $175-15% 100,000 \MM%m 946,130 101,790 1,084,590 110 540,120 268,840 114,000 17,490 v ru vir ' T>* • T., r 1. worm N.. Ft. Worth: Republic N. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Dallas; Com, Tr., Kan. C. 363,530 Ity. Tr. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Dal.Bk.&Tr.Co., Dal.;Com'lTr. Kan. C. 21,630 Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Stamford. 29,500 uar. « aaercn. r».. Abilene; City N., Sweetwater. 151,340 st N., Chi.; So. Tex Com’l N., Hou.Alamo N., San Antonio. 312,990 V Antonio, '-■u., iJaiias, .niauiu x\., ; st N., Chi.; So. Tex. Com'I N„ He Alamo N., San Antonio. ‘Tahoka...........786 First National Bank.... *t’07 A. L. Lockwood.__ W. D. Nevels____ W. B. Slaton____ R. P. Weathers.... Lynn D10 10% 88-726 50,000 82,550 725,850 Security State Bank.—«tS'16 G. E. Lockhart___ R. H. King, Active. Carl D. Grilling___ $120 ♦ 88-1711 Talco..................421 Talco State Bank...........i§'12 E. S. Lilienstern.. A. A. Smith______ Felix Jones_____ Mrs. E. V. Titus C22 88-1479 Broadstreet Talpa________ 425 First State Bank..........*§’05 H. E. Evans_____ WayDe Bennett... ColemanG13 $250-15% par 300 88-1316 J. A. Norris, Ch. 25.000 1,040 20,000 7,390 20,000 47,010 150,320 17,500 5,000 75,390 .... 425 Tatum State Bank... t§’27 A. O. Menefee....... J. W. Mullins____ F. E. Cook.............. DigitizedTatum......... for FRASER $135-10% par 100 88-1317 Rusk E23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 12,380 611,050 15,500 25,660 128,460 39,020 29,570 12,300 73,610 1st N.. Wichita Falls; Drov. N.. Kan. C, 71,340 44,630 940 8,140 45,010 iepublic N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; Texa N.. Texarkana. 119,540 10,350 12,970 75,130 *m. N., Austin; Dallas N., Dallas: Cc man N., Coleman. 53,280 6,070 5,090 33,490 !ont. N., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Longvie Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 650 218,570 !ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. W01 N., Ft. Worth. 1479 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. TEXAS—Continued tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Vice-President. Cashier. President. No. 11 F. R. D. £ El Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. PasoHHous.SSanA. Taylor_______ 5965 City National Bank___»tlBOO J. H. Griffith.......... J. M. Griffith......... !J. M. Griffith-......... Williamson J18 *180-10% par 100 88-185 S. 6. GERNERT-— S. G. GERNERT —F. H. WELCH and ca reful attention gl ven to collections, FIRST NATIONAL BANK <83 Prompt Bank In the Coun ty. Oldest National $160-10% par 100 88-183 Taylor National Bank. d<83 G. M. Booth______ S. G. Yakey ............. C. H. Booth, V. P. and Cash. Joseph Stasny *150-12% par 100 88-184 R. F. Riley.............. Teague............ 3306 First National Bank-----dt'06 John Riley______ R. F. Riley, Ch. Freestone G20 *275 par 100 88-272 Teague National Bank.d*t'25 J. E. Woods............ W. P. Harrison___ McNeill Drumwright Roy Simmons, Ch, *160 par 100 88-2101 John H. Sweatt___ O. D. Hallum-------Tehuacana ___ 614 First State Bank--------- »t8T7 W.M. Moody, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. Thornton Limestone G20 *135-10% par 100 88-1753 Tell___________418 First State Bank---------- +8’17 S. B. Crain---------- J. A. Stinnett____ R. C. Wiley........ — 88-1782 Childress A12 *140-20% H. Davis. Jr. ... Temple____ 11,055 City National Bank........ <02 Chas. M. Campbell C. Roddy------------- J. W. B. Glass, A. C. n>% 88-59 Bell H18 C. D. Seybold------T. A. Cheeves........ A. L. Flint............ Farmers State Bank.. »t8'10 *110-8% par 100 88-61 Lem Burr________ P. L. Downs .. F. F. Downs_____ First National Bank in J.E.Lastovica, A. C. F. L. Denison Temple.. .88-58...-d©<82 Loans Cash & ExBonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel changxs Paid-up ,Due and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 210.400 $ 21.270 47.950 $ 521.300 $ 129,850 83.370 8 651.510 H. A. Lettermann. $ 100,000 Ass’t Cashier. 263,950 Ity. Tr 36,700 616,830 168,200 49.730 258,420 77,940 510,970 245,560 35,850 233,300 171,120 510,230 71,000 126,870 1st N„ Dallas; Hou. N„ Hon. 25,000 — 18,050 156,650 1,280 760 150,000 124,140 782,340 50.000 193,120 704,620 60.000 42,530 623,690 153,000 Addie Mae Willis. 25,000 6,000 65,000 3,050 10.000 7,690 190,430 Hou. Mexia. 47,880 st N„ Childress and Wichita Falls. 777.150 296,200 118,240 327,830 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ 901.000 603,640 137,300 31,050 230,730 lhase N., N. Y.; Dallas N., Dallas; So. Tex. 58,700 1,327,580 939.390 29,500 68,230 449,160 17.250 1,247,170 55,000 200.000 P.L. Downs. Jr.— H. C. Surghnor 100,000 E. W. Moore--------- James Paton______ A. J. Jarrell Mrs. Barkley Burns First State Bank_____d»tl'10 Luke Motley_____ J. M. Parker_____ S. D. Lloyd_______ 50,000 5,420 312,380 235,200 4,520 35.100 92.990 40.000 65,400 270,060 254,730 17,130 23,500 80,090 1,292,280 608.350 60,000 693,580 1135-5% 88-60 *245-20% par 100 88-1318 fW. P. ALLEN. . . . . . . . BEN ALLEN, istV.P. J. R, HAMILTON. . . . . . W.P. ALLEN. JR.— 200.000 B.L. GILL»SR.»C/t. £. W. CARTWRIGHT AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK B.L. GILL, JR. _ dtt Reports MUS T be acoompanle d by *250-12% par100 88-151 d®T<05 ) Collections and Bequests lor Cre (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 50C. First National Bank.d©<88 *200-10% par 100 88-150 State National Bk. in Terrell $100 par 100 88-152 ddX06 Texarkana.. 12,437 Bowie C24 'STATE NATIONAL BANK 8% 81-75 ®T<96 S. J. Bass_________ B.L. Gill. Sr.. Ch. Ed. R. Bumpass ... O. F. Walton. Ch. M. C. Roberts_____ M. H. Pace______ H. M. Hellams____ J. C. Porter. A. C. A. H. Boyd E. F. Morrow D. E. Nicholson ._ P. M. Helms______ I. G. Morris.......... — W. Arthur Reid Ei A. FROST. f' " 26.720 265,610 1.913,600 275,000 200,000 27,000 940,000 200,000 640,000 200,000 70.000 457,000 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co„ 100.000 15.200 416.420 11,050 374,120 14,050 15,000 139,500 A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. Unexcelled facilities are offered for the prompt and efficient handling of accounts of individuals, firms and banks in Southwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas. 244.350 6.290,950 523.140 400.000 3,254,510 2,018,770 QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. REASONABLE BATES.___ *300-15% par 100 88-101 K.’ E. McCURRT. p -A. R. COONEY, A.V.P. j ®: 5: clduVnamv .... ^.Officer VI. MONTGOMERY St. L.\ 1st N., Dallas, hase N., N. Y.. Rep. N. Bk. & Tr.Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 682.250 13 079 220 771,530 7,247,680 4,024,730 304.660 1.880,500 See Texarkana, Arkansas. Equit. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; 1st N., Miss. Valley Tr. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. 552,860 3,207,730 Tr., Kan. C.; Whitney N. and Marine Bk. & Tr., N. O.; 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’i N., Hou.; Am. Sou. Tr. and Bkrs. Tr., Little R.; Coml. N. and 1st N., Shreve.; Mellon N., Pitt.; W. L. Moody & Co., Galv. House) Texas City.__ 2509 First National Bank. d®<16 J. A. Fambrough — P. D. Harlow........ . J. L. Sterling, Ch. G. E. Whitney H Galveston L23 6% par 100 88-205 Texas City National Bank Carl Nessler------- F. L. Noble_______ W. B. Tarpey $112,50 par 100 88-204 d®<ll H. F. Rixey---------Texllne_______ 762 First State Bank ..d®»t§’15 T. H. Rixey, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *100-10% par 100 88-1695 Dallam A1 The Grove____ 105 Planters State Bank------ tl’17 W. J. Dube_______ H. A. Winkler____ 88-1785 Coryell HI* L. R. Smith -------------------------------------- 25.000 1,370 132,690 10,000 93,240 18,850 B. L. Johnson........H. M. Dansby— 50.000 55,500 611,700 25,000 107,500 342.900 B. W. Baer______ Mrs. R. F. Hefley— 16.000 7,590 125,560 104,230 J. M. Britain-------------------------------- 15.000 3,110 90.020 47,890 50.000 19,130 161,610 30,000 25,890 201.380 Thorndale.__ 1224 First National Bank-----<01 C. A. Nelson.......... . W. H. Rivers_____ Chas. A. Davis........ Claud Eads-----------io% 88-728 Milam J 19 Thorndale State Bank.. J|’07 j. W. Garner------- Chas. Sailer............ Sam Clement_____Norman Clement.. J. B. Wills *127.50-8% par 100 88-729 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.000 Established in 1887. d®T<87 OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN TEXARKANA. ARK.-TEXAS. Prompt service and reasonable charges (*Members of Texarkana, A rkansas. Clearing l For Banks at Tex arka/na, Arkansas, tee Arka ntas Bank list) Dallas; So Tex. Com’i N-. Hon. Com’l N„ Hou. lhase N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hutchings Seally & Co.. Galv. lhase N., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk, & Tr.Co.and 1st N„ Dallas: Hou. N., Hou. 2nd N., Hou.; Rep. N. Bk.& Tr. Co., Dallas; Com’i N„ Shreveport. Eauit. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L. Y EMAN Ch. of Bd. TEXARKANA NATIONAL BANK 1st N„ Dallas; Austin N., Austin, alias N., Dallas. 56.000 (ep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Far. State. V. C. Northington. H. F. Blum Paul Casimir------- D. F. Wade.............. FIRST STATE BANK.©•tS’2l J. S. Hillsman.F.P. Kaufman E20 79,610 D. L. Thomson .... A. F. Priesmeyer P. W. Curry--------H. B. Middleton 75,000 Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’i N„ 324.530 150.000 88.250 1,149,280 Galv. 819,020 99,580 ALF.WEIDENBAUM BEN F. H0LUB *250 Terrell_______ 8816 Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew § State tPriv. Tenaha______577 H Shelby F24 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 26,570 15,620 41,840 N.City, N.Y.; City N.,Galv.; Hou.N., Hou. 291,800 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: U. S. N.. Galv.; 2d N.. Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. 6,770 38,150 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; Gate City N., Kan. C. 48.250 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Temple; D. S. N.. 188.000 26,800 23,770 205.700 2,620 9,360 Galv.’ Guaranty State Bk. & Tr. Co., Gatesville. 19,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Comu N.. Hod. 39,590 Equit. Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Onion N.. Hou.; Amer. N.. Austin. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1480 ea(lh bank U1 u-, s exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ ________ Directory, underrthe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. . ’,) *County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. No. 11 P. R. D. EEi Paso HHous. SSanA. Thornton..........733 Limestone H20 1300-20% par 100 88-833 Thrall________ 272 Farmers State Bank..d Williamson J18 $140-8% par 100 88-1565 Three Rivers ..516 First State Bank......... S Live Oak 017 S125 88-1670 Throckmorton First National Bank... Thr’m’n D14 685 1150-12% par 100 88-1320 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acc^s.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. 7 B. B. Barron_____ J. P. Morris........... J. E. Barnett____ J. E. Barron 3 C. D. Johnson___ Fritz Fuchs_____ Murrah Nolte____ Julia Kerlin 4 Clyde Owens........ E. G. Majors_____ M. T. Buckaloo__ Paid-up Capital Surplus AND Profits Depos its Other Liabili $ 50,000 S 122,15C 1 421,506 $ 20,000 11.00C ties Resources. Load a Bonda Miscel and and Diacounti Securitios laneous 23,900 $ 224,526 180,006 90,870 149,770 % 151,090 $ 6,100 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex OHAIfGM,Du* from Banks 8,530 I 233,410 N. City, N.¥.; So.Tex.Com’l N.,Hou.;lst N.. Dallas. 124,030 Equit.Tr. CO..N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.: Austin N„ Austin; State N„ Denison. 11,310 76,660 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 25,000 11.910 205.290 75,000 59,570 483.320 60.000 18,280 337,160 33,630 G. E. Hairston ... B. J. Hawthorn___ R. T. Blair L. F. Brown_____ D. R. Sullivan___ W. F. Isbell, Jr,... 40,000 11,100 253,520 24,130 17,500 7,030 102,280 0. F. Hartman .... Nolen Hayden___ E. D. Jackson....... Myrtle Gilbert Tolar._______ Continental State Bank. tS'0! H. H. Wilkinson... R. W. Simmans ... Frank Curl_____ n n rinri Hood F17 $185-10% par 100 88-1322 J. G. Wilkinson, Ch. Tomball____ Guaranty Bond State Bank A. R. Woodson___ G. W. Brautigam.. A. H. Keefer........ H Harris K22 $300-20% 88-2015 »{§’2: W. L. Schweinle par 300 Tom Bean____ 367 First National Bank___•J’OI J. H. Dickson....... E. 0. Thomas......... C. H. Lackey____ Grayson C20 $200-10% par 100 88-1324 Toyah_______ 1218 Citizens State Bank.__»tS 0( E. B. Daniel_____ M. McAlpine_____ E. B. Daniel, Jr__ E Reeves H6 $125-10% par 100 88-696 Trent________ 312 Home State Bank_____•t§’2i J. T. Warren_____ T. L. Stevens____ L. E. Adrian____ R. B. McRee, Jr... Taylor E13 $200-10% par 100 88-2030 Trenton______616 First National Bank.__•t’01 J. B. Robinson___ Y. B. Reed_______ John Donaghey.__ Fannin C20 $300 88-858 17,500 7.890 245,240 162,750 20,000 10,000 14,200 150,000 125,000 850 20,700 40,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 20,000 244,000 110,000 92,000 12,000 60,000 South Texas Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco. 25,000 17,560 139,210 25,000 74,150 82,850 25,000 7,870 77,020 5.000 87,060 15,560 25,000 25,000 185,000 4,000 151,000 5,000 83,000 1st N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 40,000 42,590 264,220 9,700 114,910 153,150 7,300 P. H. Cauthan___ Geo. R. Barnes___ F. M. Goodrum___ 50.000 16,940 272,840 7,300 200,780 36,240 16,820 L. P. Atmar______ J. W. Atmar. Act... W. H. Mangum___ P. T. Sanderson 30.000 35,720 219,380 1,830 202,070 81,150 Dallas N., Dallas: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N.. Greenville; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 93,260 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: So. Tex. Com’! N„ Hou.; City N„ Galv. 65,870 1st N., Groveton; 1st N., Hor.; Rep. N Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas.; U. S. N., Galv. J. H. Sharp_____ S. Jarvis________ Jno. Walton Pace. Edna Marwilsky... N. F. White. A. C. M. A. Jarvis M. C. Parrish____ C. A. Ham, Act,.... W.S. Fite Ray T. Edwards... 25,000 34,590 197,030 25.000 11,690 160,780 14,000 97,260 32,270 8,940 73,000 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N., Jacksonville. 25.000 26,570 168.520 3,070 145,350 1,700 4,000 72,120 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas; Un. N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco, 50,000 100.000 311,770 J. Ross Noland,Act. J. D. Cleveland... J. L. Cantrell Albert Bivens 50,000 90,000 700,000 C. E. DUKE.............. S. T. WHITMAN____ G. B. JORDAN........... L. STRINGER-------- 50,000 42,000 361,380 25,000 2,500 62,610 25,000 25,750 16,000 13,090 Timpson......... 1526 Cotton Belt State Bk... H Shelby P24 $200-15% par 100 88-530 D. B. Thomas___ A. C. Daws______ Garland Eubank. Stroud Kelley....... J. E. Blankenship. J. C. Black______ F. T. Cooke, Act. Guaranty Bond State Bank. W. D. Wade_____ 1200-15% 88-531 •15’0: Tioga................ 777 State Bank______f§’2 E. E. Ledbetter___ Qrayson C19 $125par 100 88-1321 Tivoli________139 Guaranty Bond State Bank L. R. Jeter______ S Refugio N19 1120 par 100 88-1630 **§’2! Trinity______ 1363 H Trinity I 22 88-1386 1150-12% par 100 te Bank___ $200 par 100 88-1326 Troup_______ 1258 First National Bank .. Smith F22 $200-20% par 100 88-677 10% 88-2063 Graydon Eubank Ola Greenlee Troy................... 509 Bell H18 xchange 88-1327 C. A. Maedgen__ Truscott______261 Knox C13 : of Trus 88-1329 T. B. Masterson __ Evelyn Clark, Act. B. L. Chesser......... C. R. Haynie.......... B.D. Carter ‘Tulla_______ H89 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. C. Cowan _ Swisher A10 $230-20% 88-636 d»t'02 par 100 TULIA BANK & TRUST GO. 88-637 $225-25% par 100 Wm. L. Maedgen.. _ W. C. HULSEY, 20,100 145,470 62,590 54,080 109,010 a ?r,n 48,780 9,180 9,060 13,620 4,870 19,000 14,260 Individu al Respo nsibility J1 000 000 50.000 471,290 71,020 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Wichita Falls. 186,930 City N.. Dal.; Hou. N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Com’l N„ Shreveport, La. 121,700 1st N., St. L.: 1st N„ Dallas; UniOD N , Hou ; City N.,Galv. 65.280 Tex. N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman. 94.260 Gty. State, San Antonio: Victoria N., Vic toria; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 43,640 Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 12.260 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; State N., E1P. 52.370 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 41,290 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 310,000 250,000 90,000 240,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth, Amarillo and Dallas. 260,970 86,570 40.720 65,120 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Amarillo; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Cont. N.,Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 10.000 45,220 520 3,240 51,120 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Childress; 1st N., Wichita F. 215.850 46,240 235,130 5.270 27,570 44,870 Citiz. State, Memp., Tex.; 1st N.. St. L. Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 152.840 350 96.060 1,400 6,860 77,950 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene: Cont. N., Ft.Worth. Inactive dT»t§07 Turkey........... ..562 Farmers & Merchants State T. W. Bell.............. U C, Edwards___ Geraldine Edwards Hall All Bank —.88-2136........*t§'28 Jesse Jenkins $120 par 120 First National Bank_d»t’18 John Sharp______ G. H. True blood... Bertha Sharp____ G. O. Coker $150-10% par 100 88-1800 J. II. Frossard Tuscola_____ .418 First State Bank.............t5’12 O. G. Brown_____ Walter J. Taylor, $160-15% 88-1501 Act. ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,450 269,230 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given rne Amencau liters AB9 u« tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats No. 11 P. R. D. E El Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous.SSan A. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. $ 250.000 $ 523,380 $2 047 530 Other TIES $ $175-12% / Personal presen tatlon. We obtal n reasons for non -payment and re mlt pro mptly. LSave time and s end your Items dl rect. Try us for g eod service. 130,000 106,450 E. H. Vaughn------- H. M. Eagle.......... J. R. Harrell............ par 100 par 100 S. A. Lindsey Act. V. P. A. Golenternek 88-77 dT*t’13 J. M. Stephens, Tyler State Bank & Trust Co. C. J. Brogan............ J. D. Stringer $115 par 100 88-81 dB®T*t§’24 T. B. McConnell, 82 Bank of Tynan________ tt’20 7% 88-1982 J. E. Montgomery. A. 755,770 $1825 990 $ 481.850 ........ 260 First State Bank .—d©t5’21 $110-10% 88-1991 S Uvalde L14 par 100 1,376,060 200,000 W. A. Pounds, Jr— E. C. Williams........ $ 922,750 H. Steinmeyer . J. W. Vanham. 3.200 44.240 st N., Hou.; Com’l N.. Beeville; City N., 75,000 1,000 76,000 6,000 18,000 City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 168,580 1,037,810 102,420 1,060,570 20,000 4,200 T. M. Griffis, Jr. .. S. E. Brown............ 10,000 10,000 125,000 5,000 L. E. Walker_____ S. Tweedy.......... Roy S. Pool. Valley Mills...855 First National Bank in Valley W. T. McNeill........ A. Carl C. Heath C. E. Dansby, Active Mills .....88-1332_____*t'08 Bosque 018 $185-10% par 100 Della Walker_____ M W Keel C. E. Peery_______ Valley View....762 First National Bank------ *t'05 S. E. Humphries... 35,000 3,730 218,230 25,000 15,250 114,380 Act. V. P. 95,400 41,410 396,340 — 16,550 60,000 1.000 14,000 183,830 4,050 10,000 90,670 28,800 Coleman 014 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Valley View National Bank E. Williams______ R.O. Odneal______ O. B. Johnson........ C. H. McCuistion $115-7% 88-1675 t’14 88-1333 par 100 Grayson C19 par 100 88-576 Horn____614 Van Horn State Bank..* Culberson H4 $150-50% par 100 88-1334 .Vega_________ 513 First State Bank---------• 10% par 100 88-1335 Oldham D2 Velasco_______621 Velasco State Bank _.d* H Brazoria M22 $165 par 100 88-1336 Venus________ 842 Citizens Bank------------$150-10% par 100 88-2087 Johnson E18 Farmers & Merch. Nat. ] k Van E $100-10% J. N.Ivy L. N. Skinner------ S. H. Hudgins------ Ghas. Skinner____ W. R. Reed______ W. M. Barnes------- 88-286 88-284 J 1 .Vernon_____ 13500 ★Farmers State Bank..* 88-285 ★First State Bank....d« $210-10% J. L. Greening........ L. A. Cartwright ~ L. Umphress, V. P. and Cash. Laura E. Lloyd Spencer Taylor W E. Nejll R. Durrill, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. C. Hunter F. E. Donegan........ Ford Brandenburg. O. E. Winder____ R. L. Thompson__ G. E. Walker Brooks Thompson, L. E. Eskridge___ Ohas. Barker........... Ch. of Bd, and Pres. A. M. Bourland .— F. L. M&ssie, Act.. R. B. Gibson______ R TC Martin A. A. Hingst Emory Rhoads.Act. T P Kin. J. H. Pendleton... A. E. Harroun......... J. B. Ross________ D.L. Green, V.P. W.S. Lundy par 100 88-887 $160 par 100 88-283 37,890 13,000 189,820 246,670 hase N., N. Y.: Frost N.. San Antonio; Fid* N. Bk. A Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Hou. N., Hou. 75,000 •alias N., Dallas; Coleman N., Coleman; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 86,070 st N„ Waco; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Hou. N.. Hon.; U. S. N., Galv. 12,060 29,330 t. Worth N.. and Tex. N.,Ft. Worth; City N.. Wichita. 22,000 43,110 lont. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., 6,000 85,000 50,000 56,600 473,800 30,000 29,3/0 234,990 206,180 50,000 26,250 246,450 ________ 194,970 16,140 64,810 3,590 4,340 61,850 100 15,160 65,000 1,200 35,900 Dallas. 12,500 10,360 23,750 75,070 10,000 13,250 129,790 100 25,000 2,700 80.000 18,900 628,700 , . 3nt. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.,Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman, tate N.. El Paso; 1st N., Dal.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. Bk. &Tr., Co., Austin. 77,210 Inter-State N., Kan. G.: 1st N., Amarillo. 20,400 147,260 12,700 75,490 34,370 25,190 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N., 2d N.,and Union N., Hou. 76,030 24,500 1st N., Ft. Worth. 40,370 321,630 Iquit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas and 92,950 Ity. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. G.; 100.000 63,570 822,710 4,410 50,000 63,260 774,220 150,000 600,070 319,040 25,410 Wichita Falls; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 1st N., Ft. Worth. m. 125,000 146.640 1,184,490 170.100 1,060,610 255,940 77,780 231,900 /L. 6. HAWKINS, L. E. PIPER......... H. 0. COLLEY...... E. NORWOOD- - - - - 1 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. W.0. ANDERSON D. B. MAY ) LON BYARS \ SEND US Y OUR VERNO N BUSINE8 S DIRECT. 1 Prompt att antion given Bill of Ladi ns d*t’«9 l Drafts and all matter* sent ua. 100,000 120,850 1,276,600 48,400 833,330 326,140 52,010 334,370 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. V ernon Clearing House____ {Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,250 ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 59,080 25,000 L. K. Johnson, Act. L. J. Massie J. C. Sumner ’WAGGONER NATIONAL BANK $215-25% par 100 211,430 R. W. Abbott........... V. P. and Cash. M. K. Berry Jessie Milner 1 C. T. Herring— W. D. Berry............. G. C. Morris. par 100 Galv. (Purchased by First National Bank, Dec ember SI, 1929) Van Alstyne..l588 Continental Stale Bank. $200-15% luaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Com’l N., Shreveport. 12,000 O. A. Mills Pauley, Valera_______ 412 First State Bank—......... t5’15 Geo. Ch, of Bd. and Pres. A. Broyles $175-10% par ioo 88-1700 $165-10% par 100 91,540 44,000 50,940 88-240 13,960 Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 440 337,890 FIRST STATE BANK—•**« 13,000 338,070 15.000 50,030 par 100 $175-10% par 100 N. B. Pulliam........ *t’03 93,800 315,060 60,000 88-239 545,390 373,130 T. H. McNelly......... I. L. Martin______ J. H. Ashby. Jr.— B. C. Dermody___ H. W. Little T. C. Garner, COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK $270-20% 835,250 r. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 10.440 100,000 Wilbarger B14 346,090 50,000 W. F. Morgan------ Cooke C18 $ S. M. Cohen W. J. Stephens, A. C. Mrs. F. R. Coker C. W. Harper........ V. H. Smith A. E. Umlang Utopia. .Uvalde______3885 s Uvalde L14 Bondi Miscel Cash k ExLoan* chahqii,Du> And and DiaoountB S.curitiftg laneous prom Banks CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK \ Collections sent us will receive pro 88-78 d©T*J1900 Peoples National Bank S Bee 018 Surplus DkposPaxd-up ITS Capital Profits Ass’t Cashier. J. W. FITZGERALD— H M BELL .............. CLAY HIGHT A. F. SLEDGE mpt attention. $325-20% Tynan_____ CASHIER. Principal Correspondents. Resources. LIABILITIES. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. .Tyler............13,037 Smith P22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued L. K. Johnson------ A. E. Harroun........ M. K. Berry. Publicity Director ' /UI1U XI All. UiA. Ou Xl. wu,, „ L. and Wichita Falls; 1st N.. Dallas. Ft. Worth: 1st N., Dallas; City N Wichita Falls. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I? each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ^ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 148? Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § S'tate tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. II F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Rcs.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. ‘Victoria___ 5957 Peoples National Bank_*t’19 J. M. Pickering H Victoria N19 1127-10% par 100 88-1825 VICTORIA BANK A TRUST CO.; J. V. Vandenberge. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Vice-President. J. H. Clegg- Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Loans Depos Other Paid-up Surplus AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discount! ties Herman Fischer... G. L. Mikeska_____ $ 50.000 $ 26,720 $ 525,660 200,000 295,020 1.820,880 $ Victoria National Bank Jay Welder _ Jos. O'Connor........ T. O. Taylor_____ E. H. Schneider... par 100 88-255 dW’13lJas. F. Welder, Ch. C. C. Zirjacks, Act. 500,000 368,510 2,722,710 88-257 »t§T0 D. E. Blackburn, Act. V. P. 1175-12% Securities LANE0US S 432,350 $ Thos. O’Connor... G. B. Davidson .— V. E. Goldman.... Wm. J. O’Connor L. L. Schnchert 1250-12% Resources. Bonds Miscel- 50,870 1,638,840 62,080 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex change,Due 7rom Banks 3,700 I 104,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. N., N. Y.; 2d N. Hou.; Frost N-, San Antonio. 333,200 98,120 296.610 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N„ Dallas. 482,600 2,378,990 1,003,330 190,210 501,290 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hon. WACO (McLennan, G 19) County Seat Pop. 46,600—Reserve City. (Federal Reserve District No. 11) •Mem.A.B.A.nNew } State tPri?. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sa?.$LastSale%Div. ‘CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 12% 48-3 Liabilities. President. rW. G. LACY_ _ _ _ d®T«t’84 Vice-President. Cashier. fcMHHr H.V. HARMAN- Ass’t Cashier. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties OTfflfciuS t 250.000 $ Loans AND Resources. Miscel Bonds laneous and Discounts Securities Resources 279,620 $ 2,861,780 12,808,000 $ 226,350 $ 6,444,130 Principal Correspondents. Gash * Ex changes, from Banks Dui 189,800 t 1,340,510 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.: 1st N.. Dallas. (.Collections GIv en Prompt Atten tlon, and Remit ted for on Day of Paymen UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. “THE BANK OF SERVICE.” Farmers Improvement Bank R. L. Smith______ J. F. McGowan ___ I. P. Anderson. 48-54 ©flO 15-6% "FIRST NATIONAL BANK B. DUPREE. Active K. H. SHERMAN......... BERT PERRY. p GRIBBLE.Actne R. B. WAITE E.A.FLOWERS.Actire J. T. WILLIS W. B. BRAZELT0N W. J. NEALE Send your Central Texas items to Waco—the leading city—and to the First National Bank—the leading bank. We give satisfactory service. ‘FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BK. par 100 48-6 dB®T‘t§ ‘ J. M. Nash_______ J. K. Rose... J. B. Duncan 1160-10% par 100 48-9 d®»t'18 J. B. Duncan. W. C. Kolb____ E. B. Patterson 3,410 72,440 29,980 — 1.000.000 303,600 11,098,040 1 051,000 7 218,400 3 747,210 . 278,710 12.250 626,660 213,450 165,070 100.000 17,620 39,300 1st N., Waco. 1.157.740 , , , 2 208,320 Chase N., N. ¥.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; 1st N., Dallas. 282,430 Hon.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. J. B. EARLE- - - - - - - - C. F. DUMAS.............. C. F. DUMAS_ _ _ _ _ P. A. GORMAN F. H. WEAVER 300.000 148,650 , 2 944,850 300,000 , 1 961,110 548,760 415,330 768,300 Tr. Co., St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Official attention given bill of lading drafts, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. A modern commercial bank built for service. National City Bank... d©»l’03 J. D. Mayfield____ J. D. Mayfield. Jr. F. P. Mayfield, Dan Morris ___ 6% par 100 48-52 E. L. Humphreys V. P. and Cash. W. D. Mayfield Waco Savings Bank___ d®5’90 C. M. Seley---------- Mrs. James B. Baker J. C. Dillard, 8% par 100 48-51 Sec. and Tr. ♦Waco State Bank.__d©*tt’74 C. M. Seley............. I. W. Seley.............. 48-2 Waco Clearing House------------- W. W. Woodson... (Membersindicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 119,040 l W.W000S0N...... R. E. ROTAN, Ch. Of BJ. r 1200-12% par 100 48-1 dB®T»t’74 •LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK 14,260 O. B. McMahan, Sec. 100,000 58,640 650,100 115,680 309,400 287,450 105,150 25.000 11,290 174,330 450 142,490 41,280 9,380 100.000 21.770 365,160 173,440 88,300 45,930 (See pag es 28-29 -30 for Number of Natio nal, Stat e and Pr Bank s, Total Deposits by Citie s, States etc.) 222,420 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas, 17,920i Waco State, Waco. 179,260 lhase N., N. Y.: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas: Mi Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Sou. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers uireciory f UUUCl bllC RUbllUl IbJ VJ1 * 1 TEXAS—Continued Town and Coonty. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. :l-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, Cashier. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities, Bond* Miscel Cash k ExLoam D epos Other Paid-up Surplus chamois,Due and And AND Liabili its Capital Profits DUoounti B*curit!«a laneous from Banks ties 1 179,400 $ Waelder............ 894 Farmers State Bank_-_«i5'07 G. C. E. Vaughan.. C. L. Holbrook____ S. H. Vaughan........ G. O. Stone_______ l 50,000 f 14,220 f 222.680 S Gonzales L18 1130-8% par 100 Williamson 118 *175-15% Walburg State Bank—-t§’13 Julius Leschber ... W. C. Wedemeyer. Theo. Walther ___ 88-1623 par 100 Waller________ 518 Guaranty Bond State Bank H Waller K21 A. W. Omland____ W. P. Castle_____ Austin L21 Walnut Springs Bosque F17 itirbl olillc iiuUK.----------4-8 9,320 25.000 27,200 157.000 40,000 15.720 479.780 20.000 tWaxabacble .7958 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK T. A. Ferris______ R. W. Getzendaner W. A. Canon______ F. L. Shoemaker— 200,000 *150-12% Ellis F19 M H 88-162 W. A. Canon J. N. Langsford T*t'84 Republic Bank & Trust Co. 88-165 T»tS'28 »Weatherford 6203 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK tuo-io% par 100 88-199 r 1 Hfii i ftNn dB*t 68 fW S FANT “ ----- " FIRST NATIONAL BANK *250-20% par 100 88-198 (.Send us your 108,000 44,000 255,200 88,060 54,000 Cent. Han. Bk, Hou. 5.850 17,500 & Tr. Co., N. V.; 1st N„ 175,280 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr, Co., N, Y.; Hou. N. and So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou.; City N„ Galv. 37,000 1st N„ Waco; Hou. N„ Hou. 41,000 5.710 145,870 1,810 70,670 4,900 97.820 Eauit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Shreveport, La, and Marshall; 1st N„ Dallas. 16.770 1,778,840 98,150 1,091,770 457,790 106,680 437,510 Chase N„ N. Y,; Cont, Ill. Bk, & Tr, Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Dallas; Mtle.-Com, Bk. &Tr. Co„ St, L, 420,970 108,400 47,500 478,460 Eauit, Tr, Co., N. Y.; Mtle, Bk, & Tr. Co. and Rep. N.Bk. &Tr, Co„ Dallas; 2d N„ Hou,: Ft, Worth N„ Ft, Worth. J. C. Payne Tr. Off. G. W. Kelly 955,330 . 100,000 FRED SMITH.......... J.B. WITHERSPOON.. W. T. HAND............ J. S. CAMPBELL D. S. WRIGHT 100.000 48,900 821,500 97.850 614,820 222,800 5,000 225,620 Chase N„ N, Y,; 1st N„ Ft, Worth; 1st N„ Dallas. J. E,dWHITSETT-...... M measures 100.000 151.720 929.780 160,000 818,050 342,110 18,810 162,530 Gty. Tr, Co„ N, Y,; 1st N„ Dallas; Ft, Worth N„ Ft, Worth. 75,000 38,000 525,000 199,220 410,000 222,700 87,000 117.520 Cent. Han. Bk, & Tr, Co,. N, Y,; Rep. N. Bk, & Tr, Co,. Dallas; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 100.000 20.750 511.590 548,330 3.700 24,230 56.071 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Alamo N„ San Antonio. 100.000 31,380 718,290 2,030 549,910 3,290 103,290 195.210 Eauit. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Hou.; D.S. N„ Galv.; Frost N., San Antonio. 15,000 12,450 86,270 uoo 58,190 2,820 9,600 GEORGE FANT GEORGE FANT “ WEATHERFOR D” business. R R Holt Act. First State Bank — d®t§’08 88-752 E. C. Vacek John F. Heger H. Brasher Wilbur Seydler.... J. Hajovsky Act. V. P Weinert State Bank—•tS’Ol G.R. Couch----------A. R. Couch 88-1341 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. N. Langsford. W. V. Shadle.......... E. S. Braselton.__ Howard L. Bell.... H. L. Brevard E. H. Martin T. A. Hill State Bank...-t§’lS F. F. Anders. 88-751 Haskell D14 27,710 Hou. N., City Bk, &Tr. Co„ and So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Am. N., Austin. E. D. Miller______ C. M. Hall................ J. H. McQuatters.. J. S. Rutherford C. M. Hall *250-15% par 100 *240-15% 22,740 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. »t’80 par 100 Colorado L19 1,020 a Excellent faclllt les for handling collections, Merchants & Far. State Bank *150-10% 88-200 dBtS’8S H 83,530 88-1836 8% Parker E17 160 90.000 17.500 w W?ill»f»p W. m. Waterman.. S. R. LaRue.......... .. Ernestine Vaughan *128-10% 110.530 S 15.000 88-611 F- S. Fry Harrison E24 80,830 Chase N„ N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou.; City-Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. Theo. Viaclovsky W. T. Brown *125-10% par 100 88-1336 1449 *100-10% par 110 25,770 S R. C. Mathews *200-10% par ioo 88-1690 »4:S’15 Wallis.................. 885 Wallis state Bank— -d»tl’06 Chas. Kaechele.__ F. Pazderny______ J. F. Esterak......... E. V. Esterak-------- H 600 i F. F. Jurek 88-1337 Principal Correspondents. WreB Reid 44,210 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 1 484 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW* AND OOU*TT. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPri?. ‘County Seat9. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. OASHIEB. ‘Wellington ..1968 City National Bank in Well J. C. Doneghv, W. H. Lynn_____ J. A. Lucas______ Collingsworth E6 ington-— 88-857____ »t'10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 10% par Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonda Miscel Paid-up Subplus Depos Other and and and L iabili Capital Pbofits its Discounts Securities laneous ties C. B. Anderson__ S 100.000 $ 210,000 $1024 000 i 5,000 $ 967,000 A. E. Smallwood.. E. M. Hunter____ 25,000 7,150 436,210 309,090 $ Wellington State Bank.d*S'06 D. D. McDowell... A. Y. Bell_______ L. A. Manzer___ 8% par 100 ♦ 88-855 F. H. Royal. Ch. J. C. Terry..—__ 50,000 15.000 368,000 20,000 5,420 121,760 D. B. Coate......... L. R. Clifford 25.000 10,540 218,470 Mary M. Heller 25,000 31,850 50,000 First State Bank_____ 1§13 W. T. Norman___ T. B. Warner____ E. B. Bailey______ par 100 88-1545 1125-10% Weslaeo_____ 3010 First National Bank-d®»i’24 T. F. Rives_______ W. S. Ray................. W. S. Ray........... . S Hidalgo Q4 tioo par 100 88-2091 H. B. Seay, Ch, Security 8tate Bank _d»t§’20 E. C. Couch______ A.C. La Duke___ W. C. Baker_____ 1225-20% par 10088-1944 West-------------1629 National Bank of West W. R. Glasgow.__ W. T. Harris____ H. F. Ellis.____ S. H. Anderson__ MeLennon G19 88-514 ®t'06 U. E. Biggs State National Bank in West C. W. Holloway__ W. R. Denton........ H. C. Edwards_ J. W. Rendek....... 1112-10% M-516 d®»t’26 Banks 900 16,710 141,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Dallas. 205,680 2.650 13.880 157,890 1st N.,St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 45,110 2,130 3,570 62,910 188,710 36,050 30,920 469,440 12,320 386.370 2,210 43,900 30,000 507.360 55.000 114,320 365,570 27,990 129,440 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Dallas; Citiz. 50.000 80.500 335,120 129,390 10,060 276,170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; U. S. N. Galv,, Liberty N„ Waco. 465,610 7,500 6,050 73,970 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Dallas; 1st N.. 90,760 58,140 32.160 32.340 N. Bk. Com. and Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 1250 par 100 Wells________162 H Cherokee H22 from $ 167,000 1 205,000 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N Dallas; City N., Wich. Falls. 1100 First National Bank in Well G. W. Deahl_____ J. G. Nisbett .. ington___88-856____ »f28 M. M. Kern, V, P. H. A. Holcomb Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changeable Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., 96.370 Union N., Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas. 61,240 City N., San Antonio; Merch.N., Browns ville; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 106,130 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 2nd N„ Hou.; 1st N.. Brownsville. N., Waco. par 100 West State Bank........ •£{'20 P. S. Skrabanek... J. R. Cuff______ 10% par 100 88-518 F. E. Seith______ E. A. Deiterman... 50,000 26,440 476,700 West Columbia First Capitol State BkSXS'lB T. L. Smith_____ J. H. Hardcastle H Brazoria M22 3525 tioo 88-1838 W. D. Harris....... M. M. Galloway... 25,000 5,070 175.530 Westminster.. 263 First State Bank_______ t§’09 A. H. Eubanks____ A. G. Wilson____ I. S. Proctor____ Collin 020 tioo par 100 88-1345 G. M. Harrington.. 12.500 1,580 40.490 33,940 300 8,910 11,420 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Cent. State, McKinney. R. J. Wright_____ L. F. Worthing... H. E. Williams ___ J. T. Murphy 50,000 51,240 1,023,010 541,280 265,050 64,420 253.500 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N„ Galv.; 1st N.. Hou. ‘Wharton___ 2346 Security Bank & Trust Co. A. A. Mullins____ N Wharton M21 1200-10% ♦ 88-535 dT»f|'02 par 100 Wharton Bank & Trust Co. B.O. Roberts____ M50-io% » 88-586 dT.ti’98 parXOO ‘Wheeler_____ 721 Citizens State Bank____ j'08 J.M. Porter_____ Wheeler C6 1250-25% 88-1847 Waco. P. G. Brooks_____ E. G. Brooks___ G. C. P. Gifford 100,000 145,740 923,300 598,130 298,520 10,490 261,900 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas; U. S. N., Galv. 20,000 26.760 401,520 219,720 870 10.160 217,530 Ft. W. N.. Ft. W.; 1st N., Wich.; Western Ex., Kan. C. Clara Finsterwald. 25,000 10,000 155,000 79,000 15,300 76,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wichita. Nora Morris. B. R. Weaks 45,000 29,940 468,140 18,700 286,550 Drov. N.,Kan. C.; Amarillo N., Amarillo; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 16,000 5.500 65,000 L. D. Price.............. W. L. Estes 50.000 13,730 431,410 80,000 319,920 91,350 42,520 121,350 Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. R. A. Gillett_____ W. T. Simmons__ T. J. Lilley. A. C. C. B. Bryant, Jr. 100.000 132,320 548.840 98,650 428.370 331,190 17,190 103,060 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.:lst N., Dallas; Merch, H. G. Webster___ 100,000 46,080 240.840 96,500 224,270 141,360 7,940 50,000 25.460 284.360 49,300 247,500 86,060 32,410 17.500 2,020 16,980 1,750 33,820 D. E. Holt_______ R. D. Holt............. C. D. Hatchett. J. N. Porter First National Bank_.d»t'19 W. G. Stiles, A. Finsterwald. 1140 par 150 88-1897 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. B. Craig______ White Deer ___615 First National Bank....•!*20 T.A. Horn______ J. H. Skaggs_____ J. C. Freeman .... Carson C4 88-1934 A. J. Dauer, V. P. Bob McCoy, Active Whltehouse ...367 Guaranty State Bank__tf’13 O. H. Willingham. J, S. Gilley______ A. 8. Langford__ Smith P22 $110-10% 88-1635 par 100 Whlteaboro.. .1810 Whitesboro National Bank C. B. Dorchester__ B. B. Wilbanks___ F. A. Jamison___ Grayson C19 $125-10% 88-634 d«t’30 F. D. Thomas par 100 (Consolidation of Whitesboro National, First National and Security State Banks) Whitewrlght..1666 First National Bank____•t't2 W. H. King______ F. E. Douglas____ Grayson C20 $235-12% 88-524 par 100 Planters National Bank D. S. McMillin------ T. H. Sears......... $135-8% par 100 88-525 »t’97 Guy Hamilton Whitney____ ion First National Bank____»i'05 W. L. Sanderson.. G. M. Mann_____ Hill G18 $140-10% par 100 88-800 Whitt______ 527 Parker D17 J. N. Collier_____ W. A.Winkleman.. Whitt State Bank........... §’24 W, S. Fant______ J. R. Fondren___ J. M. Pearson___ $120-10% 88-1795 par 117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. K. Tuttle_____ 7.700 50,000 286,170 1.650 42,000 35,000 Cont. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Rep. N. & Plan, N., Sherman. 109,860 1st N.. Dallas; Merch. Sherman. Plan. N., 43,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Citiz. N.. Waco; 1st N.. Dallas. 4,350 1st N.. Weatherford. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given /IQC to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers -L tOj Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. [Estab. »Gounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 58.026 Wichita B16 'CITY NATIONAL BANK $180-8% par 100 88-130 dB®T«t'»0 * FIRST NATIONAL BANK $57.50-12% par President. Vice-President. ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. W. M. MCGREGOR—- C. E. McCUTCHEN— A. M. MILLER- _ _ _ W. U. McCUlCHENR. K. FRENCH R. E. HUFF. CARTER MCGREGOR Ch. of Bd. FRED M. GATES W. 0. CLINE Oldest Bank In Wichita Falls. s j. R. KINQAID.. Act... M. A. ELLIS'J. I. STALEY. Ch.of Bd.and Pres. RICHOLT Y.TINGER N. M. CLIFFORD, Act. V. P. ....... JOIN R. L.MATHIS- — $ 2.641,600 Chi.; 1st N.\ Dallas; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Okla. 1,000.000 740,650 7,605,220 1,298,060 5.741.960 2.092,000 $1181330 1,628,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 200.000 225,000 2,500.000 300,000 225,000 2,500.000 500.000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Kan, C.. andSt, L.; Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas. PI H.SIMMONS.Aciire LESTER JONES------ J. KARRENBROCK "WICHITA STATE JOHN HIRSCHI....... P.LESTER JONES „ W. L. STEWART GILL Invited. All Collections and Banking BANK too& TB. CO. Accounts Matters entrusted to us will receive j. 150.000 22,490 108,420 230,090 17,420 3,470 400,000 114,560 1,485,260 97.050 2,212,210 83.990 118,040 29,930 1st N., Wichita Falls. 683,530 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L.; Mtlc. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Prompt and Careful Attention. 88-132 d®T»t|’09 Wichita Falls Clearing House W. L. Robertson— (Members indicated by a *) fJULIAN A. BOBO. l Gen l Mgr. H. L. Hunter. Mgr. R. BOBO, m Secy. <fc Treas. Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y.; Hornblower & Weeks and S. W. Straus & Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Wichita Falls. C.HARRY HERNBLOM. Ass’t Secy. INVESTMEN T BANKERS Stocks, B onds and Inv estment Sec urities. (Waggoner Bldg.) Wlldorado.........189 The Wildorado State Bank.. W. E. O’Neal-------- H. H. Elam............... Laura W. O’Neal.. T. W. Watson. 20.000 6,520 62,880 88-1349 J|'09 First State Bank-------- *t|T6 L. C. Cooper-------- M. J. Graybill......... L. R. Paddock........ $175-10% par 130 88-1350 First National Bank____ t’W5 J. C. Lybrand. -— John E. Owens.__ J. H. Human........... J. H. Human $l75-pirrl00 88-589 R. W. Garrett------ W. M. Teel_______ E. H. White............. R.W. Curtis, Active B. W. Bruce. Ch. VanZandt County Nat. Bank H. T. Fry_________ H. Gilchrist, Act— C. A. Jones_______ $125-10% par 100 88-590 d*t’01 A. W. Meredith,CA. (Closed) Wllmer________263 While Banking Co._______ Dallas E19 Wilson________ 160 Wilson State Bank-------- t§’19 Wm. D. Green------ L. Lumsden______ J. R. Houston____ *135-10% par 100 88-1900 Lynn CIO Winchester.__410 Winchester State Bank»J§’08 S. F. Drake_______ Mrs. W. A. Giles.. E. J. Hart_________ J. F. Mohler H Fayette K19 *200-10% 88-1352 Wlndom______ 389 First National Bank....«t'25 W. Lee Dowlen— Jessie Floyd-------- Max Wheeler.......... *100-10% par 100 88-203 2 Fannin C21 {Liquidating throng h First National Ba nk, Mount Pleasant Winfield...........1025 Winfield National Bank__ Titus D22 Wingate_____ 213 Security Bank. _______ tt’17 J. W. Dixon______ J. D. Dunn---------- Duncan Hensley... 88-1763 Runnels F13 Winnie..............321 Farmers & Merch.StateBi__ R. A. Thornton.__ C. G. Mendenhall. O. Graham........... — 18-1156 *31 TO HChambers K24 par 100 20,000 6,030 114,260 $80-6% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ $ 5.084.300 2,325,300 prompt and etn clent service If you apprecla te promt send us your “WICHITA FALL S” Items and coll ectlons. State Trust Co. .--dB®Tt§’20 R. E. Huff------------- Wm. E. Huff______ Wm. E. Huff, Tr... 6% par 100 88-1931 Oldham D3 W tills.................1020 H Montgomery J22 Wills Point ...1811 Van Zandt E21 s $ 470,800 7,700,100 1,780,300 We cordially invite correspondence of Banks and Bankers desiring efficient and satisfactory service in this territory. 88-129 dB®T»*'84 THE BOBO-HEFLIN CO. correspondents. We solicit your correspondence and give prompt se rvice. Outside items given special attention by an officer. $235-l6%parl00 88-1899 d®»t’20 $150-9%par Principal Cash & Ex Load* I Bondi Other Miscel changes Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili ,Dtra and and 1 AND its Capital Profits Diaoouuta Securities laneous from Ba ?ats ties J. T. HARRELL- - - - - - W. L. ROBERTSON — ORAL JONES-- - - - - - - - W. S. ABBOTT R. E. BASHAM J. A. KEMP, Ch.of Bd. fc. E. BASHAM W. S. ABBOTT, _ _ R.f.f S Off. J. L. RANDEL ORAL JONES H. S. DAVIS, A ^ uditor 1.000.000 25 'SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. ‘Wichita Falls Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 1 C. E. Dean________ D. Childs MissAllye Smith.. F. E. Lea Laura Goodwin___ H. G. Cook_______ Carl E. Wright___ 1,420 57,690 5,000 28,130 Amarillo N., Amarillo; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 26,350 N. Bk, of Com. and City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hou.: City N.. Galv. 75,500 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co., 90,690 16,190 7,070 50,000 26,760 295,120 277,910 15,000 20.260 100.000 52,410 498,890 418,760 61,600 18,340 50,000 10,260 197,360 113,590 162,990 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dallas N„ Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Dallas. 144,030 Chase N.. N. Y.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Dallas. 30,970 87,830 Citiz. N„ Lubbock: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 21,040 Chase N„ N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. Mercantile Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 92,970 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas. 15.000 6,110 134,570 15,000 5,600 52,340 40,000 3,500 165,350 2,500 11,920 15,000 990 400 37,270 Dallas 48,600 1,350 1,940 59,780 39.100 24,960 135,230 53,070 300 4,370 91,900 Winters State. Winters; 1st N., Dallas. 25,030 17,970 4,590 18,460 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Oity N., GaW.: 1st N., Beaumont. 7.950 Tex.) Miss Leila Harter.. . Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 4Rfi t0 eacb bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 17UU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued TOWM AMD COUNTY. Liabilities. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. | President. No. 11F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. I{es.Depts:T-Trust I Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Dly. Winnsboro ...2184 C. M. Cain __ Wood D22 88-487 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t cashier r- First National Bank._»J'01 Alf. Morris........... G. D. Hurdle_____ T. A. Wright. Mrs. Pearl James.. C. H Morris. Ch. V. P. and Cash, Resources. jDther Loans Bondi Cam k ExPaid-up Surplus Defos- L AND iabili and CHAmaa^toi Capital Profits ITS Diaoounta Sieuritiis LANEOU8 nou Baku ties $ 10,000 f 3.000 S 40,000 I 25,000 100,000 164,880 Winona.............550 Wi nona St at e Bank....... tS’10 J. F. McClung....... M. Starnes............ Smith E22 *150-10% par 100 88-1357 20,000 15,790 111,090 Winters......... .1509 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Henry James------- I. N.Wilkinson. Act. Lvle Defffihach Runnels F13 $150-10% 88-1627 d»t’15 J. W. Dixon par 100 Winters State Bank_..*t§’06 Jno. Q. McAdams.. C. T. Rives, Inactive Carl Henslee____ H.W. Robinson, Jr. *250-20% 88-606 W. D. Meadows. par 100 Ch. 40,000 16.150 248,710 1,850 139,780 50,000 71,760 848,140 24,350 Wolfe City___1859 First State Bank____ 1930) Hunt C20 Wolfe City National Bank S. A. Longmoor.... Ula Bush................ R. L. Mullins____ J. O. Jones______ in Wolfe City ..88-582.. •t’89 12% par 100 25,000 19,390 298,800 — Woodsboro ....519 First National Bank___«i'19 W. M. Dodson....... F. B. Rooke........... H. Cummins_____ G. W. Dahse____ S Refugio 019 *220-10% par 100 88-1471 25,000 30.110 312,080 Woodson........ 225 Woodson State Bank_..*JS’07 G. D. Dickie........... Alex. Dickie____ Throckmorton D15 *200-10% par 100 88-1358 12,500 16,430 140,790 15,000 69,690 60,000 *205-15% par 100 88-485 Nan Hambright.__ ‘Wood vide.__1218 Citizens State Bank ..-•t§’20 L. M. Feagin____ D. P. Mann............. D. P. Mann______ J. B. Shillings___ H Tyler 124 *350-10% 88-1910 Vivian E. Raney par 100 Wortham___ 1100 First National Bank___*t'03 M. C. Strange....... N. B. Boyd_____ A. J. McKinney... C. K. Bounds_____ Freestone G20 *150-10% par 100 88-759 F. C. Graves First State Bank____ •t8,07 J. L. Bays............... T. B. Poindexter, J. P. Stubbs______ U. L. Davis.............. 20% ♦ 88-760 Active G. O. Summers Wylie................945 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. R. L. Thornton___ W. F. Boyd_______ C. E. Stewart_____ Leeton Hillis .......... Collin D19 88-2146 t§’29 C. C. Fawcett 636.270 $ 115,350 $ 458,390 S 185.670 78 fi4ft 5,000 $ 23,000 1st N„ Sulphur Springs and Winnsboro. 81,240 291,200 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. 3,280 64,960 So. Tex. Com’IN., Hou.; 1st N„ Dallas; City N„ Tyler. 1,500 20,380 145,030 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. W. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Dallas; 2nd N„ Hou. 274,660 9,460 75,300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 84,130 1,050 19,540 238,470 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 15,670 110,560 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Groos N., San Antonio. 240,950 25,000 Principal Correspondents. 163,840 3,200 15,000 12,690 1st N.. Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Bieckenridge. 478,870 346,430 23,180 31,650 162,290 1st N., Hon.: Am. N.. Beaumont: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas; City N., Galv. 40,000 250,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 321,150 228,420 57,590 19,010 25,000 4,640 160,840 132,690 5,000 5,000 50.000 3,500 306,370 217,770 24,050 31,430 86.630 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio: U. S. N., Galv. 713,190 231,890 64,970 431,180 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. 100,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas; 2nd N., Hou. 91,120 So. Tex. Com’l N.,‘Hou.; 1st N. and Dallas N., Dallas. 47,780 Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas Wylie State Bank ..._______ (Closed) Yoakum....... .6184 S Lavaca Ml9 Bank.—88-1792.. _®»t5’17| (Bank in Dewitt Co.) YOAKUM NATIONAL BANK *235-12% par 100 88-222 ®»t’07| C. J. Huth............. John Machae, E. J. A. Merti........ Harry Thiele, Jr._. Active fW. T. BRIAN-------1 E. B.CARRUTH»C7i. wm ............ PERRY WENDTLAND - T. A. RIDGEWAY.... 100,000 82,410 1,210,280 48,550 A’. A. RIGGS Com’l N.,Hou.: N.Bk. Com.. San Antonio; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 1 Collections sent us will receive pr ompt attention and remitted on day of p ayment (.Prompt attend on given all Bank Ing matters entru sted to us. (Bank in Dewitt Co,) Yorktown.__1723 S Dewitt M18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK iR. P. NORTH...... Wr E. P. ZINCKE___ 0. W. EHLERS...... 50,000 83,570 730,830 501,520 14.990 116,930 40,910 ■"(send us you K ITEMS DIHEC T. (Prompt attentt on given BUI of Lading Drafts, Co Uectlons, Cash an d Time Items, and re mltted for on d ay of pa yment. «t’03 First State Bank_____ »t5'07 F. Kraege. ............ Wm. Metz.............. W. C. Metz............ J. E. Strleber....... io% 88-660 Gus Thuem 220,030 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. *180-10% par 100 88-659 ‘Zapata...........1527 Bank of Zapata................t’19 Wilmer Threadgill R. San Miguel, Jr.. S Zapata PI 88-2073 Zephyr............ 750 First State Bank............. t|’07 Wm. Skipping .... J M. Beaird_____ W. L. Johnston... D. A. Johnston .... Brown G15 *225 par 100 88-1361 Mae Johnston Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 35.000 34,030 446,340 281,210 12,500 5,000 25,000 31,500 10,000 1,700 Fin 000 42,000 39.510 13,970 180,680 Chatham Phenix,N.Y.;Gty.State, San Ant. 4.000 10,990 3,700 7,000 D. & A. Oppenheimer. San AntODio; Am. N., Austin. 10,960 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N„ Galv. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sound and Progressive RECORD OF THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS of banking service to industries of the inter-mountain territory indicates the dependability of this institution and the experience of its officers in financial affairs of this region, an experience which will make their service valuable to correspondent bankers. A Since we are in close touch with business in this territory, we are able to handle your collections efficiently. Our policy is one of sound and progressive banking. Total Resources more than Fourteen Million Dollars CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Officers J. E. COSGRIFF, President E. A. CULBERTSON . . . Vice-President J. H. GRUT . . . Vice-President and Cashier EUGENE GILES.....................Vice-President G. S. MURPHY......................Assistant Cashier dci *n rn &S <d p 8Cf.f crp8 m (S S- ~ —. o & p- bs_b <c> bb __ _ to 05 CO Ol H V* Ea pp § toco tocotocom c _ cd .*4 p i-« p p »—* w w. rt» ~^ " hit bob Ol •qfcOfcOWM hj pO CD O g? CL (T5 P g S. b ►— S bL t-i H- ^ Kf* © CO 05 p ^ CD ^ P tr g QQ p^ t-fp b : 0 L tO tro ►-* M >-*• I-* 05 CO tO fel o P Odd cpp o<7Q =.g ww WW Oo Srt) 2 t-lfiS o'S' M P s. ™; OQ . e> Ep H'*' w bob Hh►— # bk H* H- >— tO -*4 00 ►— CO o o c 2 H m (/> 2 8 2 OO tO r> o 3 xo a*». aa ft a s G. 5 ft- <(KJ P K> TO Ln 5*3 ggft Co 0?r 0 Prt cnw. c rh 3 -i n> ^ ft gg ft " rt & Co o c; ft -t -te *K at s* O O O O o s* l-H W nr 5’ I_ tb to t-y* M-* fs- P O P P 3 P Cu P- O ^ p- O 3 g. aP TOp D-'* '* P Tl 90 C/3 H C/3 W O G ?o G ri’ W c/> p p tf s* po r o ?r ?b *1 co Q 3 £ I’ O H K cn TO Cl. g^i3 O a to R ® O P-P t*5 C/i bd CO p; mb rt> c/i a rt CD o pi. ~P o rt O" t*l 8| 50 P 3 § TO O 2 3 Cd o p v> ™ O o b' g cr> *> O rt b Pb CL CD - O x~ ^3 — A ccounting Systems See Back of W a sh in g to n , D. C. M ap T ru s t D e p a rtm e n t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3L CL po bJ O ?d > H o •5 b* “ o o p C pb Id p o o 3' E rtH 5:0 !G o o G 3 o4 3 o 50 o -§ ^ o o o M Sr a g* -b o sir 5 ?? G H > 5r« X sr P P A BANKING EXPERIENCE OF 71 YEARS Resources over twenty-five millions CHECKING and SAVINGS TRUSTS and INVESTMENT SECURITIES SAFE DEPOSIT WALKER BROTHERS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY ESTABLISHED 1859 INCORPORATED 1903 Member Federal Reserve System 1445 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav..$LastSale%Div. Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank 88-700 »t'04 First National Bank___ 90 *250 88-699 Granger_____ 1944 First National Bank... dt'02 Williamson 118 *110-10% par 100 88-493 Grapeland____931 H Houston G22 Grapevine____821 Tarrant D18 »Greenville__ 14,386 Hunt D21 Gregory______ 517 S San Patricio P19 »Groesbeck___1522 limestone G20 Groom________319 Carson D4 •Groveton ___ 1103 H Trinity H23 Gruver________'75 Hansford A4 Gunter_______ 575 Grayson C19 Gustlne______312 Comanche G16 stale Center ...519 Hale BIO >Hallettsville .1444 S Lavaca L19_ PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. BANK & TRUST GO. HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK ♦ 88-529 G. F. Molhusen___ P. C. Tucker____ J. B Cullen. Sr.,CTi, J. W, Holloway___ C. W. Rutland... T. P. Black. Ch. M. E. MOORE J. A. McDURMAN — Principal Correspondents. Loads Bonds Miscel- Cash t Ex Surplus Other Depos Liabili Paid-up 0HAIK]>8,DTrB and AND its Capital Propits Discounts Securities LAjhi eOUh prom Banks ties 95.580 $ 29.400 $ 147.510 $ 1.950 $ 24.610 $ 16.530 N.Oity.N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas. 40,000 $ 25.620 $ 40,000 38,560 224,770 39.400 122,570 40.000 10.610 T. D. Bartosh .... G. E. Holmstrom 50,000 24,600 138,640 9,000 102,400 67,100 17,230 35,500 So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.: Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: 1st. N„ Waco. Wm. Bartosh-........ 35,000 6,690 373,660 10,000 256.050 53,280 33,700 Leon Anderson___ 15,000 17,190 145,200 2,150 99,930 3,140 9,900 Mary S. Hallmark- 20,000 19,720 134,880 25,870 96,840 9,130 29,780 82,320 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; Citiz. N„ Waco. 66,502 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com. N„ Hou.; Hep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 64,720 1st N„ Dallas; So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou. L. H. Harrell_____ C. P. Lane_______ J. Nelson_______ O. Williamson — D. E. Throop____ O. L. Williams........ M. A. Buchanan $ 220,000 (lmtimd 50,000 ual respo ns-i bxlity Over One 22,000 210.000 25,470 831,710 Dollars i 200.000 8,940 277,150 481,510 199,980 2.213,100 533,500 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Ft. Worth, N., Ft. Worth. 67,500 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Tex. N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 174,190 Chase N., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 33,280 DdlldS 507.990 1,357,650 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Dallas; 1st N„ St.L, Paul Dodd_______ 100,000 Benton S. Clark ... W. A. Butler H. Eugene Norton 250.000 Shirley Taylor__ 25.000 38,300 394,100 5,650 250,730 6,250 J. O. Kimbell____ 50,000 35,440 409,410 14.400 134,000 154,020 9,000 Maye Bridges___ 25,000 3.000 150,000 35,000 52,000 26,000 C. L. Harrison___ 25.000 15,620 249,000 148,550 17,150 7,200 307,760 3,854,500 1,060 169,550 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 4,850 201,220 IstN., Chi.;Alamo N„ San Ant.; So.Tex, Com'l N., Hou.; Corp. Chris. N„ Corpus Christi. Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Dallas; Hon, 212,230 N„ Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 65.000 117,780 1st N, and Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; So. Tex Com'l N„ Hou. 185,000 Drov. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 147,660 N.City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; So. Tex. Oom’l N.. Hou. 30,160 Chase N„ N. Y.: 2d N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galveston. 69,710 Amarillo N., Amarillo; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C.; Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 90,100 Cont. N., Ft. Worth. C. L. Culver........ - 25.000 20,220 313,500 105,500 50,000 18,220 Gordon Reily____ 100.000 100,000 737,940 100,350 794,480 74,610 21,530 Wm. H. Hensley— 40,000 7,710 125,240 3,180 121,100 3,050 22.830 A. R. Bort_______ 25.000 7,500 270,060 69,810 161,450 L. W. Millen____ 25.000 1,740 121,930 10,100 39,930 — 28,740 Jewell Watson „. 25.000 2,700 60,030 20,000 82.610 1,770 10.080 A. H. Lemond___ Leona M. Perdue Bruno Cohn_____ 25,000 5,410 309,570 149,840 900 8,390 60.000 555,110 427,500 30,900 H. J. Schornack__ 40,000 3,240 158,060 11,100 J. M. Lloyd_______ Mrs. Francis Mol husen C. F. Haywood ___ E. P. Hunt.............. 25.000 6,720 89,910 1,950 58,490 2,850 10,620 25.000 8,390 115,300 20,630 126,500 8,140 11,520 G. M. RUSH- - - - - - - - - PAUL EDMISTON- 59,000 33.710 281,370 202.460 5.160 21,590 100,000 79,090 384,750 251,130 134,790 36,850 162,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Dallas: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; 2d N.. Hou. 100,000 16,480 511,540 203,290 198.720 19.970 206.030 1st N., Dallas; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 48,720 1,031.840 58,540 205,710 10,620 1st N., Fort Worth; Dallas N„ Dallas. 180,850 Is? N.. Plainview; 1st. N., Dallas; Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C. 185,590 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Hou. 64,790 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Un. N. and 1st N., Hou.; Alamo N.,San Antonio; 1st N., Dallas. 51,620 Rep. N.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: Marshall N.. Marshall; 1st N.. Longview. 23,160 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Dallas Bk, & Tr.Co., Dallas; U. S. N., Galv.; Com’l N„ Shreveport, La.; 1st N., Marshall. 135.880 N. City. N. Y.; Rep. N.. Bk. & Tr.Co., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. SEND US YOU R BUSINESS DI RECT. Prompt persons I attention given Bill of Lading Dr afts, .Cash and Time Items and remitt ed for on day of payment. T»t§’06 j A. H. WILLIAMS—. C. B. JAMES —...... C. I. JAMES_ _ _ _ _ _ W.G.BARKLEY H. E. CHESLEY C. V. ALLEN 21,870 “^Oldest, largest a ud strongest ban k In County, 'Prompt, person ai attention give n all banking ma ttere. *200 par 100 88-628 d®i’81 Perry National Bank ___ t’20 E. A. Perry... *125-10% 88-1980 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ass’t Cashier. O. L. Wilkirson... C. P. Talbert------- J. A. Ingle_______ T. S. Wilkinson„ T. B. Sullivan.......... J. S. Fox, J. J. Parmele, V. P. and Cash, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. O. Lamb G. F. Wilcox, V. P, I. C. Parma______ A. A. Spacek____ John Baca________ Granger National Bank.«t'20 *125-5% par 100 88-1928 E. A. Bartosh. V. P. F. R. Zrubek W. D. Granberry.. T. S. Kent_______ G. J£. Darsey______ Farmers & Merch. State Bk. *215-10% par 100 88-1078 JS’07 Grape Ian* State Bank.-is'll C. W. Kennedy___ J. R. Pennington-. H. A. Layne______ *200-10% par 100 88-13 92 H. D. Lipscomb___ H. C. Yancey_____ Grapevine Home Bk.dBt+1900 R. E. Morrow. Ch, ofBd. and Pres. S. A. Wail *167-15% par 100 88-831 J. D. Thweatt____ Tarrant County National Bk. D. E. Box________ *U2-s% 88-1917 *tT9 H. E. Saunders, Ch. W. R. Buckner par 100 J. W. Ward_____ B. R. Brown........... Citizens State Bank__ »t5’20 J. C. Thompson, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. *120-8% par 100 ♦ 88-122 Greenville National Ex. Bank J. B. Clayton_____ C. B. Jones.............. J. A. Norton........ ... L. A. Clark *200-12% 88-119 d©Tet'07 J. W. Birdsong, Active V. P. T. R. East par 100 W. B. Wise E. C. Beet on E. N. Tutt................ A. H. Barnett_____ First National Bank .<’12 May M. Green *222-6% 88 1079 Watson August Fioerke par 100 Citizens National Bank *{’02 D. Parker________ W. W. Brown_____ L. B Cobb, Jr......... J. F,. Bradley 88-570 Continental State Bank .Ji'09 H. H. Wilkinson-.. J. D. Whitcomb... A. M. Beeman____ J. G. Wilkinson,Ch. par 100 88-571 Farmers State Bank.. ®I§T3 J. Cull Sanders___ J. P. Morris_______ G. N. Groves_____ *140-10% par 100 88-1503 Slate National Bank. d®I’25 J. W. Knorpp ____ John Fraser______ I. C. Dnsell_______ *100-16% par 100 88-1080 First National Bank__ ®»J’02 L. P. At mar_____ Hayne Nelms.......... Z. F. Divine______ R. R. Robb. V. P. B. A. Platt *200-10% 88-1081 First State Bank_____ *+§’13 L. P. Atmar______ I. Friedman............. W. L. Hutson_____ *100-10% par 100 88-1558 H. B. Hart............ Walter Wilmeth__ First State Bank______ «4§’29 P. B. Higgs, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. par 100 88-2142 Continental State Bank®;S’09 H. H. Wilkinson... C. B. Polk______ W. F. Conger_____ J. G. Wilkinson. Ch. *110 par 100 88-1082 First State Bank............ •§’22 A. D. Pettit............ J. W. Robinson.. C. Willingham___ *io5-m% 88-2051 Nelson Perdue___ First National Bank-__•t’lO R. F. Alley............. N. Alley_______ *175-10% par 175 88-1084 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-'t 90 S. H. Simpson____ A. Klatt_______ J, H. Simpson____ 88-597 Peoples State Bank.—d®t§’92 C. T. Dufner............ W. D. Timm____ M. I. Bozka............. $100 par 100 88-2138 Hallsville_____ 542 Farmers State Bank__•t§’19 Harrison E23 *100-10% par 100 ♦ 88-1882 First State Bank--------- ®t5'09 *125-10% 88-1085 par 100 • Hamilton__ 2018 Hamilton G17 Resources. Liabilities. Town and Coontt. •Mem.A.B.A.ri'New § Stale Thru. ^County Seats, No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso HHous.SSan A. Grandview._. .1084 Johnson F18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EX A S— Continued G. M. Carlton........ J. Cleveland, Jr.. — J. T. Chesley-. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given i a a A to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ J-tTU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriT. {Mem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. No. 11 F. R. D. E El ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Paso HHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Hamlin.. __ 1633 Farmers & Merchants JonesD13 National Bank..........d»t’07 ? 150-25% par 100 88-430 First National Bank... <’06 $175-10% 88-428 par 100 Handley ... 905 First National Bank d©<’25 Tarrant E18 $125-12% par 100 88-1526 Harper_______ 145 First State Bank_____dtl’15 S Gillespie J15 $175-10% 88-1707 par 100 Harrisburg ...1461 (See Houston) H Harris L22 Harrold..............362 First State Bank______*J§T4 *100 par 100 88-1090 Wilbarger B15 Harwood 200 First State Bank______ tj’14 S Gonzales L18 *200-15% 88-1873 par 100 ‘Haskell.......... 2300 Farmers State Bank.._<5 04 Haskell D13 $130-10% par 100 88-375 '* ...... 44 Haskell National Bank..<’90 *200-20% 88-374 par 100 Hawkins.. _ 164 First National Bank___<’15 $100-10% 88-1093 Wood E22 par 100 Hearne .2741 Planters&Merch. State Bk. 88-381 <§’07 Robertson 120 Vice-President. Cashier Guy McNeal_____ .1. W. Fzell Ass’t Cashier. J. M. Beaty______ Wm.' D. Weiler Ben T. Merritt .— Ray E. McOleskey. T. F. r.ittle E. L. Peteet, W. N. Peal Ch. of Bd. Carter Stewart, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. B. F. Johnson J. T. Lomax______ B. M. Holland C. L. Holbrook___ H. D. Holbrook.... R. C. Montgomery. H. S. Past R. C. Couch, Act. Mrs. M. S. Pierson. O.E.Patterson, Act. Hardy Grissom J. G. Phflen_____ W. H. Ely............. Roy O. Ely_______ 0. G. Hudson Payne Briscoe____ T. R. Miller _ J. G. McDougal___ W. B. Quigley____ J. W. Noel O. L. Johnson T. H. Heard, V. O. Marshall___ V. Canon.__ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Citizens State Bank <§’06 A. R. Woodson____ *200 20% par 100 88-417 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank W. E. Norvell____ *160-12% par loo 88-315 d<’03 First National Bank —.<’02 W. P. White________ 88-314 Oscar P. Pate......... A Ml Howard Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,000 36,000 550,000 $ 25,000 10,600 25,000 $ 333,290 $ 40,000 74,620 $ * Ex- Principal Correspondents. Cass chassis. Dm non Basks 18,660 $ 161,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N.. Abilene; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N., Waco. 150,000 226,000 City N., Sweetwater; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 180,000 90,000 180.400 121,700 45,400 5.100 43,800 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Dallas. 18,490 368,520 167,090 650 14,870 229,400 1st N., Plainview; Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C ; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L. 20.000 11,220 72,940 50,870 400 2,080 54,280 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Marshall; Com'l N.. Shreveport, La. 50.000 17,780 684,450 380,650 1,950 29,420 70,000 36,850 1,008,210 20,000 23,620 340,210 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hou. N„ Hou.: IstN.. Brownsville. 260,940 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Hou.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr., San Antonio. 26,510 N. Bk. Ctm., SaD Antonio: Dallas Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; Hou. N., Horn 3,460 18,810 787,070 85,870 77,170 82,580 5,000 6,690 105,790 83,830 1,480 6,300 15,920 88,670 61,560 4.120 2,810 50,000 23,000 325,000 60,000 55,320 324,740 9,120 61,280 50.000 15,080 399,830 75.000 63,520 35,000 15,000 12.500 29,260 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. City N., Wichita Falls. 48,590 250,000 40,000 47,000 375,760 35,180 37,480 71,540 1.100 11,700 150 195,870 52,660 5,400 796,140 1,720 760,180 13,980 23,530 138,690 Equit. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Laredo N., Laredo; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 17,450 337,720 21,590 221,480 1,500 70,200 118,590 1st N„ Ft. Worth: 1st N., Dallas. 12,500 12,000 106,710 58,280 15,000 3.000 25.000 15,490 459,540 24,990 295,000 102,500 27,520 100,000 Cent.Han. Bk.&Tr.Co..N. Y.; 2d N.. Hou. 25,000 25,950 482,560 20,300 139,960 294,530 22,680 49,200 427,880 53,000 96,640 lhase N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hon.; 1st N„ Dallas. tJval | $ yu ’Quit.Tr.Co.,N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Dallas: 1st N., Hou. 140,380 st N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 72,900 _____ 61,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; Mtle. Bk.&Tr. Co., Dallas. 64,540 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N. and 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 16,060 Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N., Mined*. 211,130 Hon. 54,940 lase N., N. Y.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dal las; CityN.,Galv. arch 30, 1929) A. 0. Dannelley... A. T. Moore______ A. H. Keefer Ada Thomas E. B. Alford______ Homer Harris, Jr.. R. T. Bfown______ John Wright P. C. Wright Homer Harris______ C. L. Brachfleld E. F. Crtm. Act. V. P. C. J. Parchman, Act. W. L. Mount________ Otis Percifleld............. I:M.... f CARL M. WORSHAM W. S. CULWELL----} SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T. Bankers.88-396______ <t'98 1 Prompt Person al Attention Give n All Matters Se nt Us. (.Fee in Advance: Plain Sight Drafts 15c. Credit Reportage. W. B. WORSHAM & CO. 36,800 $ 511,160 Loans Bonds MmcxlDiioounta Sseuritiss lanioub (Consolidated with Security State Bank , June 24, 1929) _________________ __ ____ •• 40.000 $ E. M. Slaughter... ‘Henrietta.___ 2563 Dale Bros. & Co., Bankers A, H. Bevering_____ 88-1733 dB®Ttt’16 W. H. Myers. Ch. Clay B16 ________ C. E. Bliss C. F. Rnnlr ‘Hemphill.___ 2219 First National Bank _d<’06 A. M. Jones.............. L. E. Pratt $165-10% par 100 88-1097 Sabine H25 •• •• Hemphill Slate. Bank (Taken over by Firs ‘Hempstead ..2515 H Waller K21 ‘Henderson ..2273 Rusk F23 HalliePeal D. J. Evans_______ W. E. McKenzie E. O. Anglia _____ T. C. Jeffrey_____ R. R. Davenport J. S. Whitewood__ H. P. Gartrell____ Jno. 8. Morris____ W. G. Bouldin____ Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other Capital Profits ITS ties W. c. Russell_____ $ F. Carpenter H. H. Wilkinson ... Martin McCain___ J.G. Wilkinson, Ch. Jno. T. Day ‘Hebbronville 2020 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’13 H. C. Yaeger_____ C. W. Hellen 88-1601 S Jim Hoee Q16 $157-10% W. T. Acklen Redley 594 First, State Batik Donley E5 .. Security State Bank.._<§T3 $145-10% ♦ 88-1616 par 100 Heidenhelmer 249 Heidenhelmer State Bank $160-10% par 160 88-1096 tl’10 Bell 118 Resources. Id ABILITIES, President Happy_______ 419 First State Bank_____<|'09 T. H. Campbell.__ Swisher E3 $135-10% par 100 88-1087 Harleton 513 First State'll Harrison E23 $150-10% 88-1088 par 150 Harlingen___1784 First National Bank ,.d<’22 *150-20% 88-2039 S Cameron Q5 ** . . . „ Valley State Bank___d<S'24 20% 88-1390 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, T EXAS—Continued 100,000 50,000 61,080 1,083,420 75,940 493,260 50,000 (Individ ual respo nsibility 65,810 over $1,1 000,000) 50,000 (Establis hed 1898) (Individ tial resp onsibility $1,000,00 0) 47,130 tep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Wichita Falls. N., St. L.: 1st N.. Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth ; City N., Wichita Fails. 1 AAf7 J-T’T'/ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.^New SStatetPrix. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. FEstab. No. 11F. K. D. £ El ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonc PasoHHous. SSanA. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. f GEO. L. MUSE. 1 Ch. of Bd. and P J SEND US YOU 'l Collections, Bil *i*06 1 Prompt Attenti vFee in Advance FIRST NATIONAL Deaf Smith E2 BANK par 100 88-482 Vick-President. Cashier. E. B. POSEY............... res. R HEREFORD I ! of Lading Draft on. : Plain sight drat TEMS DIRECT. s, Cash and Time PRESIDENT. ASS’T CA8HIER. E. B. POSEY............... t;i IFF FSTFS 91,500 S 19.930 i 466,240 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Amarillo: Stock Yds. N., Kan. C ; 1st N., Dallas. Items Given 6.420 7,040 588,890 26,300 454,220 (Liquidating) eieo__________ 1636 10% par 100 88-578 Hamilton F17 G. M. Carlton_____ .. $170 par 100 88-679 •• Ed. Woodall. 88,000 195,000 27,500 151,560 98,030 28,000 130,130 N. City, Clev.; 1st N..Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas; Lib. N.. Waco. 495,030 6.250 442.470 7,750 14,300 90,260 4th N. and 1st N., Wich., Kan.: Amar. N., Amarillo; Drov. N., Kan. C. 200,000 46,240 1,478,270 196,250 346,420 1,104,570 73,490 396.280 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi; 1st N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 100.000 79,970 400,000 7,000 90,000 200,000 266,970 100.000 28,020 722,670 100,000 545,580 200,300 67,500 30,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Dallas. 137,310 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worths So. Tex. Com’I N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. 230,440 E. H. Randals____ C. L. Woodward... 50.000 75,000 300,000 Guy O. Eakins____ W. M. Cheney------ H. F. Sellers. F. P. and Cash. 60.000 47,620 272,590 Bessie Tyson_____ 25.000 28,500 E. B. Tinker. . C. M. Duncan C. G. Smith ___ W. W. Siddons....... John Wynne, Sec. _ H. G. Denman, $150-10% parlOO»8-172B©T+l'12 61,250 27.810 J. W. Kelley______ O. H. Hyde . First National Bank in T. H. Black. Higgins—88-713— »t'06 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $200-20% par 100 48,700 A. See. W. C. Robertson W. M. WILLIAMS- S. H. ANDERSON ... 0LNEY DAVIS - BB00KS K0RD —- W. P. COOK 17.250 142,000 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N.. Dallas. FARMERS RATIONAL BANK $150-10% par 100 88-167 d®»t 87 FIRST STATE BANK—•**•15 $125-10% ♦ 88-170 Oldest National Bank in Hill County. Collections Solicited and Promptly Remitted for at M || Mod erate Rate s. J. L. Beavers____ 100.000 3,000 900,000 400,000 25,000 M. T. Brooking.. . 10.000 5,000 75,000 55,000 8,000 578.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Mtle. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. Thos. J. Files, Ch. Citizens State Bank.. .dt§’ll 88-910 H Galveston M23 par 100 72,070 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Drov. N.. Kan. O.: Am. State. Amarillo. 206,380 50.000 National Bank A. L. Smith______ R. C. West 88-169 d®»2’98 T. G. Hawkins, Ch. C. S. Morgan 171,830 State N., Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Amarillo. WESTERN NATIONAL BARK G. A. F. Parker___ B. C. D. Bynum -__ O. O. Acker______ E. C. Eubanks......... $235 88^481 «t'03 N. M. Bartley ^Hillsboro___6952 Citizens $125-10% Hill Fl9 par 100 48,750 t 241,620 S 34,810 $ 685,720 $ Principal Correspondents. ts, ISc; Credit R eports SOc. 50.000 Hermletgh._613 Scurry E12 •« 50.000 $ J. A. Pitman $130-10% par 100 18-484 Higgins Lipscomb B6 Resources. Liabilities. Other Loans Bonds Casa * IxMISCBL- <auuMsa,I>vv D epos Liabili Paid-up Subplus and and AND Capital Profits its Discounts Securities LANIOUB pros Bark* ties S ll “-------- '* Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EXA S—Continued 5,000 22,000 City N„ Galv.; Public N., Hou. N. City. N. Y.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv. (H. L. Roberts)... 88-1099 Holland_______ 690 First National Bank___ t’05 L. B. Mewhlnnej— J. V. Cavltt_____ Logan Mewhinney G. B. Mewhinney— W. S. Reed 1150-10% 88-794 Bell 118 50.000 35.620 435,080 6,250 274,780 76.830 24,430 150,910 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; 1st N., Dallas. First National Bank___*roi J. M. Flneer______ E. de Montel_____ Horace Bradley___ Charles Finger — $225 par 100 88-317 50.000 40.000 475,000 58,5001 230,000 125,000 28.500 30,000 17.700 308,330 Honey Grove..2642 American National Bk..«$'26 J. H. Floyd............... M. E. Daniel........... R. M. McCleary— R. J. Thomas. V. P. G.W. Morgan. V.P. J. M. Raiden M. E. Daniel, Ch. $100 par too 88-384 Fannin C21 D. E. Taylor J. B. Hembree. First National Bank in Honey .T. O. McKenzie Grove par loo 88-382___ «t’30 100.000 790 361,340 240,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and Alamo M„ San Antonio; So. Tex. ComT N.. Hou. 183,110 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co.. N.Y.;lst N., Hou.; Guarantj Bond State and City N-, San Antonio. 213,250 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas. 50,000 13.640 344,210 J. W. Smith............. W. L. GibsOB-------- O. B. Akin________ W. M. Smith_____ 15.000 10,050 116,040 S Medina M15 „ Bowie C24 Hondo State Bank-------tl’06 $200-10% 88-318 $165-10%par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-147* -T 17.560 155,360 53,820 2,000 247,600 5,400 49.6S0 160,060 13,960 13,000 220.820 Chase N., N. Y.; Rep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 32,590 23,800 3,810 82,900 Rep. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas; Texarkana N. and State N., Texarkana. 1 a ao ■‘to HOUSTON—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPriv. JMem. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. CASHIER. AMERICAN TRUST FLOYD IKARD- - - - - EDGAR MONTEITH — W. B. ROBERTS ----- -------—- - - - - - “•.COMPANY^9 Complete B anking,Trust and Real Estate Service. Paid-up Capital $ 100.000 Subplus D dIpOs™ Profits Resources. Other ties 10,000 $ 107,170 $ 73,820 25,000 FEDERALTRUS1CO. 35-82 d©T»t§’25 FIDELITY TRUST CO.dBWI 14 lift par 100 85-63 32,010 $ 18,480 71,770 25,250 15,230 439,370 2,917,420 367,420 335,430 11,798,090 13,224,410 or motion) Federal Reserve Ban k of Dallas, Texas)__________________ (Ses page 32 for co mplsU inf 163,820 203,180 2,706,290 400,000 2,193,430 68,920 100,080 172,410 418,410 105,340 .Young, progres sive bankers. It ems given promp t attention. Federal Intermediate Credit M. H. Gossett____ R. D. Johnson____ Geo. E. O'Neill___L. R. Buchanan, Bank____35-75.................. t’2S S. A. Lindsey, Ch. J. V. VanDeMark Mgr. Federal Land Bank.... Diet. 10 (.See pan* 26 Jot com plete information) 1160 par 100 211,520 S 221,300 'J. A. ELKINS. . . . . . . J. R. KUBENA_ _ _ _ F. E. HOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . F. D. LANDRUM- - - - - - 0. S. CAGE. V.P. E P. GREENWOOD ELI MARKS. Tr „ T.TELLEPSEN.F.P. WHARTON WEEMS Active V. P. d®T*+§ 19 J. W. KEELAND* Act. H. L. SADLER.^.O#. C. H. BRYAN-. . . . . . . . W. T. CARTER. Jr.. Ch. J. A. EMBRY. $ 259,400 25.000 14,580 383,700 100.000 13,110 881,640 300,000 91,160 3,567,370 5,000,000 236,010 CITY BANK & TRUST 00. „ 35-77 + Federal Reserve Bank (Houston Branch, 85-4 ‘Disk 11 MibcblBonds Cash t ExLoans ohahqm.Duh AND Discounts SaCUBITIKB Rbsovbobr vbom Baku 449,840 Channel State Bank___ d*J§’23 W. B. Hilliard .... W. F. Humphrey.. A. G. Mclver........ . R. V. Martin-------1200 par 100 88-2064 C. C. Geiselman Citizens State Bank_-d®»llT9 Carter Stewart........ J. M. McIntosh___ A. V. Pace, L. B. Thompson 1100 par 100 16-68 V. P. and Cash.\T. E. Thomas 35-69 (Harris County, K 22) County Seat, Pop. 164,954. (Branch of federal Beeerre Bank, District No. 11) + 28,970 Chase N„ N. Y.; Public N. and State N„ Hou. 90,860 Gty. N. and Public N„ Hou. 308,370 Chatham Phoenix, N.Y.; PublicN. Bk.&Tr.Co., Hou. 777,820 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.( 1st N„ St. L.; Rep. N. Bk. Co., Dallas. & Tr. • T. P. PRIDDIE.Jr_ _ T. P. PRIDDIE, Jr. — WINSTON CARTER^ WINSTON CARTER W. I. PHILLIPS, „ B.T. AUSTIN A. Sec. R. PORTER V. P. and Mgr. R. E. Dept. $ Affiliated Banks by PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 3,011,850 797,840 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ 1st N. and 2d N., Hou. 1,120,860 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr., N.Y.; I Complete B anking, Trus t and Real Es tate Service. W. W. Moore.__ 0. P. Collinan___ J.Y. Powell, 7Y.„_ R. E. Powell. R. D. Looney. Sec, and A. Tr. E.G.Floeter.F.P. C. S. Derham A. Sec. and A. Tr. R. M. Catlin. Jr. mcrcial banking huiiim. { 200.000 348,970 136,800 114,310 (Trust fu nds) 103,920 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 2d N„ Hou. Not doing a com F. M. LAW......... - W. S. COCHRAN— M. D. JENKINS —- H. T. McCLUNG—C. A. BROWN, H. R. ELDRID6E J. T. SCOTT, S. R. LAWDER FIRST NATIONAL BANK * 86-1 Ch.ofBd. w< A> kmkland Asst.Vice-Presidents Mgr. o/Bd. Dept. g MEADOWS D. U. CUNNINGHAM 2.500.000 J. A. HARLAS0N ®*1'66 First Texas Joint Stock Land O. 8. E. Holland.— H. P. Ellis.............. T. M. GuUette. G. A. Egan. Bank_____ 85-76.................. flfl G. M. Bryan, Ch. Sot. and Tr. V.P, and Field Mgr. Tesse Andrews | ft. 8. Sterling Guaranty National Bank (Consolidated with Public National Ba nk & Trust Co.. Oct ober 12, 1929) GUARDIAN TRUST *430-9% par 100 1,104,000 35.060,170 5,268,190 3.704,980 100,000 7,740,170 and Oklah oma) 641,500 25,578,850 H. L. DART0N J. W. HAZARD H. D. BRIN6HURST D. B. LACY C. C. HALL G. G. TIMMINS C. M. MAL0NE------ F. A. HEITMANN. . . . . . W. W. McGAR. Tr.„_ L. M. DUGGAN, Sec... 0*WAJACKS0N>; p. W.B.BAKER L. B. DUQUETTE Pfl ldB®T»tJT7 STERLING 6NNJs«vv-?: NORMAN 35-67 W. H. WALNE L. A. D0WLEN.A.7V. R. NEILS0N. A. Sec. W. B. BAKER, Tr.Off. J. S. WHITWORTH. 550,000 143,370 600.000 1,070,200 7,859,370 (Terri 5,587,840 344,090 | 4,500,840 1,530,110 1,000 Thru One D oor to all Yo ur Ban king, Tru st and tment Matte rs. A. V. P. and A. Tr. Off. Chase N., N. City, Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co.and IstN., Chi.; Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., 9,113,630 N. O.; Cnion Tr. Co. and Mellon N., Pitt.; Phil. N. and 1st N., Phii.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Cn. Tr. Co., San F.; Guardian-Det., Det.;Ex. N., Tulsa; 1st N., Okla. C.; Barclays Bk., Ltd., and N. Province Bk., Ltd., London. 71,080 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 2d N., Hou. 1,570,180 Gty. Tr. Co., Bks. Tr., and N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi., Bos. and St. L.; Inter. Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; City Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Guardian-Det., Det. (Niels Esperson Bldg.) Harrisburg National Bank W. J. Stoner_____ L. O. Willrich........ M. P. Longley____ W. A. Weisspar 100 35-84 d®«i’25 + HOUSTON LAND & TR.C0. 50.000 19,490 379,890 164,140 161,210 19.030 333,770 153,840, 4,171,290 1,118,220 P. B. Timpson____ W. M. Rice---------- H. L. Weyrich, Tr. C. L. By bee. Sec.... 1.000.000 637,150 4,726,130 [C. W. Sta lnaker, A , Sec. O. R. Weyrich. Act. A. J, Heinze. W. O. Mo nroe, Jr., A. Sec J. H. Schnell, Jr., od. A. Tr. Off. Aud F. C. Smith, Act. continued on next pa ye) Digitized(Houston for FRASER *105-8% par 100 86-61 dB®T»t5’8# R. E. Paine, V.P. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105.000 N. City. N. Y.; State N„ Hou. 873,830 N. City and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Ker. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Ohi.; 1st N., Hou. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Established 1666 & HOUSTON’S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK 64wars of intimate contact witho the banking, commercial, industrial anol^ agricultural development ofHouston’s Trade Territory enables us to render a valuable service to those who favor us with their business. If your requirements are exacting, -ft \Mz Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $3,500,000.0.? send us your domestic and foreign collections for prompt and efficien/t handling. Resources in Excess Forty-Eight °f Million Dollars National BJ|gK|jpF Commerce CAPITAL ANi||sWr*P*I pljj $3,000,000.00 „ MB: if HOUS/EPW, iHEXAS OFFICERS JESSE H. JONES Chairman of Board N. E. MEADOR .......... President A. D. SIMPSON.......... Vice-Pres. R. P. DOHERTY, Vice-Pres. and Trust Officer A. F. FISHER............... Vice-Pres. SAM TAUB................... Vice-Pres. W. W. FONDREN. . . Vice-Pres. J. H. GARRETT............... Cashier C. O. WILLIAMS . . Ass’t Cashier A. M. McDADE.... Ass’t Cashier T. CRAWFORD. . . .Ass’t Cashier J. K. FLEMING............... Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORS A Nation-Wide Service For many years this Bank has constantly widened its facilities, and extended its banking connections. Beyond the mere question of growth, however, has been the tradition of an individual attention to the requirements of its correspondents. Collections intrusted to us will receive efficient and careful attention. Resources over $14,000,000.00 J. H. CHEW F. T. MANLEY E. H. COOMBS N. E. MEADOR R. S. COON WILL F. MILLER R. P. DOHERTY J. F. B. RAWCLIFFE H. S. FILSON PENN RETTIG A. F. FISHER JAMES W. ROCKWELL W. W. FONDREN TOBIAS SAKOWITZ J. II. GARRETT A. I). SIMPSON D. J. HARRISON J. H. SMITH F. J. HEYNE SAM STRF.ETMAN W. O. HUGGINS SAM TAUB JESSE H. JONES J. MARION WEST JOHN T. JONES W. G. WINTERS C. L. KERR J. WOLFENSTEIN J. W. LINK, Jr. G. S. WORTHAM 1449 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Liabilities. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Capital d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. . W. FINCHER, Act. T. M. MCDONALD — L. V HAHN ...... • ALLEN KYLE BRYAN1 SPARKS j.L.|.50EHLER R-F-PERR'RGTO";, 'HOUSTON NATIONAL BANK 35-3 55-70 d®T«t§’28 'NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1365-10% par 100 35-60 dB®M’12 1. H. BLUME-......... A. W. WILKERSON — B.C. BUKOWSKI, Cash, and Tr, Off. P. C. REHRAUER H. H. GIESEKE 5. A. 6IRAUD Well quali fied to serve you in all de partments N. E. MEADOR...... A. D. SIMPSON — J. H. GARRETT-— C.0. WILLIAMS— JESSE H. JONES. R. P. DOHERTY J. K. FLEMING, A. M. McDADE Ch. of Bd. A. F. FISHER Aud. T. CRAWFORD S. TAUB R. P. DOHERTY, W. W. F0NDREN Tr. Officer H. H. Galloway.__ W.S. Keenan. A.C. Public National Bank & Tr. Co. Carter Stewart.__ O. M. Longnecker. J. W. Carter par 10 35-73 d®T«t'21 J.H. Tallichet, Ch. of Bd. J. D. Dyer (Formerly Public National Ban k) E. C. Roberts P. J. Studdert Sam Rouse *30-10% SAN JACINTO TRUST CO. *265-8% par 100 35-71 dB®T*t§ '20 *285 par 100 55-6 Other Liabili ties STATE NATIONAL BANK AND 870,950 $10283 830 $ 1,164.990 $ 1,291,140 $3,404,770 862,250 $13411540 $ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Hous ton Co llectio ns Re mitted at Pa r. 300,000 252,370 7,560 2,291,150 1,898,320 106,370 184,69G 661,710 N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. C'o., St. L.; Bep. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. • 1.000.000 2,434,200 12,057,080 774,680 7,371,370 2,938,910 1,727,920 1,330,560 6,268,690 1,680,150 572,900 800,000 387,230 8,476,050 500.000 497,270 5,088,220 4,227,750 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L, Mellon N., Pitt.; Guardian Det., Det. 2.472,090 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Foreman State N.. Chi.; N. O.; 1st N.. Dallas. 330,220 3,550,770 961,850 430,720 1,472,370 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hi tle. Cf m. Ik. A Tr. Co. St. L.; Md. Tr. Co., Balt.: Guardian Det., Det 1,136,530 11,018,580 2,697,380 2,117,580 4,319,940 Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Whitney N..N.O. 15,337,110 1,538,690 . 1,000.000 1,226,000 16,790,950 M;iom--EpsmilMS - B. W. RALSTON—E. W.V0GELP0HL 1,500.000 1,150,000 26,330,000 W. S. PATTON, Tr. Officer JOHN DREAPER, A. Tr. Officer 638,220 Dir ect Co r resp onden tsatal 1 princ We re mit fo rtheS tate o f Texa s.Writ 410,000 12,322,420 Equit. Tr. Co.,Gty. Tr. Co., Chase N.,and N.Clty, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Boat ipal p oints. men’s, St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Shawmut, Bos. erms. e for t J.A.WILRIRS—Tfi:Mjjj— “Complete financial service” given out of town banks. Unexcelled facilities for handling collections, 6ight drafts and general correspondence. Send us your Houston Items direct. *230-6% par 100 35-64 dB®T»t’15 ( Houston continued on next pap «) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BONDS 2, 1929) H. J. BERNARD- - - - - - - H. F. GUNTER.......... H. ».N0WE. N. M.SEYDLER liv'SlW. «• f L. R. IBYAR, JR., »• GEORGE ELLIS.JR. R. H. HANNA JOHN DREAPER d®T»t’86 AND A. Tr. Off. I:ISL, S. M. McASHAN J. A. BARER. Ch. J. M. D0RRANCE.p F.A.HEITMANN. Resources. |Houston Clearing House Ass’n. Members indicated Mibcxlby* Affiliated Bks. by + Cash k Ex LANIOU8 chan»*»,Dui Principal correspondents. Discocntb SjBCVBmSB RiaouBCfB from Bark* --------------- 1 Loans H. H. Pool R. W. WIER............ DWIGHT P.REORDAN- C. 1. THOMASON-— HARRY L. WALKER. A. R. CLLNE_ n. r. nAUuL rrc UNDERWOOD NAZRO W. L. COLEMAN. B. F. BONNER Tr. Off. .W.ARCHER.AF.P. J.D.McCOOK, A.V.P. Complete Banking and Trust Faclilities. G. M. BRYAN.......... B. 0. HARRIS. Act... J.W.NEAL,Ch.0lBd. J. A. FIIE.-4d. j'r iffAL * H-VWIIWOl Profits Total Deposits SEND YOUK ITEMS DIRECT. Q.M IRVING.A.'ZV.Otf. dB ®W07 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL MATTERS SENT US. NATIONAL BANK *320-10% par 100 35-2 A. Barrett.......... D. Francklow AND G. B. Jones. Tr.Off. Emma L. Meyer, Seaport National Bank________ (Consolidated with City Bank & Trust Co., October 'SECOND NATIONAL BANK C. G. Surplus $ 1,000,000 $ MELVIN ROUFF, r Act. V. P. JOS. F. MEYER, Jr. Act. V. P. WALTER n STERLING ®»|‘76 MARINE BANKING W. F. MILLER......... & TRUST CO. • $175 par 100 Non-ltank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc..see Laws. HOUSTON—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 600.000 217,960 852,660 6,377,590 ■ 4,352,220 1,851,850 463,000 1,381,130 N., Phil.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 14SO i?, eacih bank ,n u- 8 exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mein.A.B.A.nNew §gtste tPriv. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TnistB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. Vice-President. HOUSTON—(Continued) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. C. A. DWYER—...... HUGH WOOD J. F. F0WLER.A.V.P. J. G. QRMEROD 0. A. OTTO. Tr. Off. H. M. WERTHEIMER j. s. riSe?ca. ofBd. f. j. Caldwell ANDREWS ‘UNION NATIONAL GEORGE HAMMAN, A.E. L.H. CARTER BANK mm *278-10% 100 35-5 dB@T»t'10 If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send V. p. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. City ) Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits $ 1.000.000 Resources. Other Liabili Loans Bonds and and ties Discounts Miscm.- Skcuritobb RasouBCBs Cash M XxOHAKOBB'DUI rmoM Bank* Houston Clearing House Ass’n. Members indicated by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. $ 1,223,420 $15 673 830 $ 1,178,890 ' $ 8,315,780 $ 5,754,610 $ 935,210 $ 4,070,840 Chase N. Kountze Bros., Equit. Tr. Co., and Gty. H« <i IN • A • 9 IN • DR* AUp> itllU UUUlt All* l>K< & Tr., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., par US your items and collections for Texas—particularly for HOUSTON. nouston Clearing House_____ E. F. Gossett........ S. R. Lawder......... O. A. Dwyer. (Members indicated by a* Mgr.-Sec. __ (Seep ages 28- 29-30 fo r Numbe r of Nati onal, Sta te and P rivate Affiliated Banks by + ) Banks, T otal Dep osits by Cities, States, e tc.) and Miss. Valley Tr., St.L.;N. Shawmut, Bos.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co. N. O.; Citiz. N. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Mellon N., Pitts.; Phil. N., Phil. Houston—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.SfateBks.A'n. Estab^Mem.Inv.Bks.A'n. lished. J. S. BACHE & CO. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships ....... Members Principal Stock Exchanges (Houston Cotton Exchange) J. H. JONES, W- W. MOORE. Tr. Pres.and Ch ofBd. A. H. PARKER, N. EMEADOR. V. P. Sec.AA.Tr. MORTGAGE J.M.ROCKWELLV.P, L.H.WILLIAMS.A.Sec. 1Y.F.MILLER. V.P. Capital COMPANY P;S F. J. HEYNE. V.P. Surplus $2,000,000 & Profits $1,124,100 (708 Main St.) W.W. MOORE, V. P- B.V.CHRISTIE & COMPANY’ (Not Inc.) (1st Nat’l Bank Bldg.) Investment Bankers Investment Securities Affiliated with Continental Illinois Company, Chicago Telephone Preston 6966 DEWITT C. DUNN & CO., Inc DEWITT C. DUNN. (Union A at 1 Bank Bldg.) 19 W. BARRETT, Br. Mgr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. Y. Tr. Co. and Bk. of America, N. A., HIBERNIA SECURITIES CO.,’ -<f 0- A. High Grade Investment Securities N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., and Straus N. Inc....... Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Loans on Real Estate First Mortgage. Sell First Mortgage Real Estate Notes. E. A. Pierce & Co.. New LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND York; Fenner & Beane. BONDS, INSURANCE, BANK AND New Orleans. TRUST COMPANY STOCKS CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY t (505 First National Bk. Bldg.) Pres, and Treas. WILLIAM S. MACKEY. LINK-FORD COMPANY, INC.. Gulf Bldg. (Established 1923) "E,C*"»»WHE"CE J. W. LINK. Pres. Investment Securities CHARLES A. BROWN, Manager Bond Department. DEALERS IN CORPORATION, MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT BONDS. J. w. LINK. Jr., v. P. & Tr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I R. W. FORD. v. P. A See. ELWYN CARROLL. Vice-Pres, Capital Stock *100.000.00 Members: New Orleans Cotton Ex., American Bkrs. Association, Texas Bkrs. Association, and Investment Bankers Association Correspondents: H. N. Whitney & Sons and Post & Flagg, N. Y.; C. P. Ellis & Co.. N. O.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com.. Hon. A. W. SNYDER, Resident Vice-President_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (St. Louis) Mercantile - Commerce St. Louis. Company, (Second Nat’l Bank Bldg.) (1st Nat’l Bank Bldg.) NEUHAUS & GO. It'07 (Second Floor) (Union Nat’l Bank Bldg.) N. City Co., N. Y., and correspondent offices. HUGO V. NEUHAUS.—GEO. V. ROTAN. Partners. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members: Texas Bkrs. Ass’n., Houston Cotton Ex. and New York Curb Ass’n. Correspondents: Spencer Trask & Co., Clark, Dodge & Co., Post & Flagg, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N., 1st N., and So. Tex. Com’I N., Hou. 0.1. McLean. Mgr. Gray & Wilmerding, Main Office. 5 Nas SETH LAMB & CO— __#tl875 Members: American and Texas Bankers Association New York Correspondents: Goodbody & ( New York Stock Exchange. Co.; Jno. F. Clark & Co. (State Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Members: New Orleans Cotton Exchange. sau St., N. Y.; Branch offices — Birming GRAY & WILMERDINfl------ f Stocks and Bonds. (Fourth Floor, Gulf Bldg.) See head office at New Orleans STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES. B1T1AB11 THE JULIAN SHERROD. Dist. Sales Mgr,. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (Investment Bonds) „ V. P. and Sec. Investment Securities Municipal Bonds, listed and Unlisted Secur lties FIRST NATIONAL BANK Telephone Preston 3251 Correspondents and Other Offices, Bank Depositories. J. S. Bache & Co., New York. BANKERS T’zo Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Correspondents and Other Offices. Bank Depositories, Members < New York Curb Exchange L Boston Stock Exchange ham, Atlanta, Boston. Stocks—Bonds—Cotton Specialists in Texas Securities. , aci JLtOI Number under Name of Bank Is the New 'transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. TOWN AND OOXJNTT. aMem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPrir. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. R. D. E El, ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond PasoHHous.SSanA. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Howe Grayson ClB President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 683 Farmers National Bank—1'01 J. P. Davis______ W. M. Harrell____ A. F. Thompson__ 0.0. Massie______S W. W. Ferguson 88-1101 Howland __ 415 Howland State Bank.—tl’10 Lamar C21 1200 par too 88-1102 Hubbard_____2072 First National Bank........05 Bill G19 50% 88-456