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BANK STOCKS OF BOUGHT ALL « PRINCIPAL SOLD CITIES « QUOTED Collateral and Stock Exchange Loans 5-YEAR ANALYSIS of CHICAGO LOOP BANKS. Our new chart containing following information for the last five years on Chicago’s principal hanks, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, Deposits, Earnings, Book Value, Selling Times Earnings, etc., invaluable for Bank Stock Investors. Furnished Free of Charge on Request W. M. DICKEY & CO. INCORPORATED Members Chicago Curb Exchange 105 W. Adams Street - Telephone RANDolpli 7030 CHICAGO A BANK FOR BANKERS OF THE GREAT MIDDLE WEST r"FHE intimate association of this bank with the Live Stock Industry situated as it is at the chief live stock market of the world, places it in a position to render an unusual service to the banks throughout the Middle West. Since its organization, three quarters of a century ago, many thousand banks in that section have made use of our facilities. f Combined Resources over Thirty Million Dollars 1 THE STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK TOE STOCK YARDS TRUST &SAVINGS BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of CHICAGO ■g g 3 s s eg g f.|: g:gg§Sc-|S • o • ■ s. a- i ; ; e............... •: : o : : ■< e • g . ® • : . . s . : $ : ■ : : : ■ s; . e>: : : : r : ; g - • ™ • : r 5 i ; t ‘g.! 1 I c b">bbob:z:b:A ^>Mb wLaO: ooomsi- HiMwtaHocosN'jMooo'- b 5S>w*4W^ji^^SStooooooSoa5o»£SooaiSu<^aoo«5So5S5«^jOH-5Sroo>« >hb: C Z Z H o H°m n x (/> *OWOOH^OOOHsIlO*aO)W^Ql H n C m ft 0 A N. L. ROGERS AND KIMI'WV. Inc. 416 Main St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PEORIA, ILL. N. L. ROGERS W. W. ROGERS L. P. LOCKE E. T. ANTHONY • - - President V ice-President Sec. & Treas. Asst. Sec. Investment Bankers Branches Decatur - Danville Springfield - Galesburg CORRESPONDENTS: Central National Bank & Trust Co., Peoria Home Savings & State Bank — Bank of Peoria, Peoria Second National Bank, Danville Citizens National Bank, Decatur Lamson Bros., Chicago — Swift, Langill & Henke, Chicago B efore YOU SIGN ^ A contract for bank directory service, give careful consideration to the following facts: 1. The Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory (The Bankers Blue Book) for more than 50 years has been the stand ard publication of its kind. 5. More than 8,000 Commercial Banks, Savings, Trust and Investment Banking Houses advertise regularly in each edition. 2. It has a paid circulation several times larger than its nearest competitor, and larger than all similar directories combined. 6. The number of advertisers alone greatly exceeds the number of paid subscribers to any similar work. 3. 90% of the banks subscribing to bank directories buy the Rand McNally Bankers Blue Book. 7. Its greater prestige, circulation and preference is de served because it is the most reliable and comprehensive reference book of its kind and the publishers spare no expense in keeping it complete, thorough and up-to-date. 4. Based on circulation its rates are one-third that of any similar publication. 8. The Blue Book is the Official Numbering Agent of the American Bankers Association. Your next bank directory should be The RAND BANKERS DIRECTORY The Bankers Blue Book since 1872 ■oU. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M9NALLY RAND M9NALLY & CO., Publishers, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago NEW YORK CITY SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, D. C. ocr Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-MeNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Tows ahd County ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District •Mem.A.B.A.»New 8 State tPri? {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bont d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Abingdon ....2721 wAbingdon Bank & Trust Co S. Nirdlineer . 7 Knox F9 par 100 70-577 d©§’3C O. N. Custer, Ch. “ “ First State & Sav. Bank Liabilities. l President. (Closed November Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. H. C. Buckeley___ H. A. Anderson.. $ 75,00 $ 45,00( $ 955,00 )$ 196,000 $ 780,00( $ 192,00()$ 25,00( 6,950 192,510 Addison______510 7 DuPage C20 Adrian _ i in 7 Hancock G5 Akin_____ ____ 216 8 Franklin 016 Albany 491 7 Whiteside CIO 25.00C 11.030 252,450 State Bank of Adrian J. D. Whitcomb... Chas. Anguish____ Kent Schneider... Edith Schneider... lioo par 100 70-1977 dB®t§'19 J. C. Wolfenbarger Akin State Bank_______t5’07 C. 0. Boater. .... Rosco Pavne A. S. Todd $150-15% 70-1124 35.00C 5,360 82,310 12,000 8,180 Albany State Bank John A. Parker.... P. T. Harvey 70-1015 dB®«tl'89 25,000 M. W. Olds First Trust & Sav. Bank H. R. Senior .. . 70-1014 d®»t§’02 Lillian M. St rating Olive Senior Albers_______ 265 Peoples Bank_____dB®tS’16 D. L. Schaeffer___ 8 Clinton N12 $215-7 H% 70-1885 par 100 •.Albion______ 1584 Albion National Bank 8 Edwards N20 $225-14% 70-777 dB®»t’08 S. A, Ziegler_____ par 100 (KEMP BOWMAN... " 6.90C 9,(MX 31,300 Drov. N„ Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; Com’l N„ Peoria. 114,74C 128,780 13.740 87,810 750 30,970 31,220 1st N„ Chi.; Melrose Park State, Melrose Park; Bellwood State, Bellwood. 15,670 N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; Mtie. Tr. & Sav.. Quincy. 90,100 89.440 600 1.126 15,050 262,730 207.850 52,560 25,000 29,330 345.840 1,400 318,370 20,730 11,790 Frank Heckenkem- B. J. Mueller_____ Clara Broeckling.. per 10,000 11,770 137,470 1,120 72,710 46,760 26,610 W. W. Brown ... W. H. Brosman 50,000 26,240 381,620 58,040 370,150 153,070 2,500 50,000 22,000 657,850 39,000 479,500 138,600 69,740 81,010 Citiz. N. aud N. City, Evansville; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., III. 55,000 27,120 1,013,390 748,190 91,060 104.490 151,780 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stock Yds. N., and Drov. N., Chi. Addison State Bank dB®t8’02 A. C. Mesenbrink. E. G. Miessler. 1125-7% par 100 70-1127 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $205-12% par 100 70-776 A. A. Korn W. C. Trihe 0. A. MACAULAY-.. C. E. HUGHES______ E. A. SMITH-............ W. B. STANDRING HAZEL CATES 12,530 19.120 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 42,360 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Peo. Tr. & Sav. and Clinton N.. Clinton. la. 55,680 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; City N., Clinton. Ia.; 1st N., Joliet. 13,170 1st N„ St. L.; Far., Trenton. 40,190 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y. dB®*t'06 J Prompt Attenti on Given all Coll ections. L Please tend 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t8, ALED0 STATE BANK ®*tl'6B \ Oldest Bank In Mercer county, 1 Special attend on given Bill or Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. vPIease send 15c with ecteh sight dr aft tor presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repor ts. $176-10% 70-622 FARMER 1 f J. W. McROBERTS. J Ch.ofBd.andPres. < NATIONAL BANK Send your Aledo 70-625 dB®»JT0 1 Prompt efflclen V.P1«om tend 15c to par 100 240 < Oldest Bank—S trong— Modern— Progressive. rS. R. AML0N6 —- E. E. EMRICK______ E R PETRIE •Aledo 7 Mercer E7 55,00<)$ 244,000 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. 184,40( $192-10% par 100 -------- Principal Correspondents. 9, 1929. Sold assets to the Abingdon Bar k & Trust Co.) Adair________ 315 Farmers State Bank___tS’14 Q. D. Baily______ F. L. Sweden_____ R. H. Hammond... Sarah Burn hart-__ 7 McDonough H8 15% par 100 70-1836 K. R. Hammond “ Resources. Leui ther Bond* MISCEL Camw A lxPaxp-ui Surplus Depos LOiabili ud ud and CHABOM'Dm CAPITA! its Diaeount Sceuriti* LANEOUS from Baku Profits ties 65,000 23,840 549,010 131,230 576,270 51.950 91,050 49,810 Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. Alexander........ 211 Alexander State Bk.®»t|’10 J. A. Brown............ 8 Morgan Jll $100 par 100 70-1128 25,000 39,750 151,950 3,610 140,050 9,820 9,960 UV|TUU N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Ayers N., Alexis__ 830 Bank of Alexis______ ®tf’87 W. B. Weir, W. G. Stevenson__ H. E. Britton_____ $150-8% par 100 70-934 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 7 Warren E8 40,000 27,300 270,000 300,000 10,000 50,000 14,710 330,890 24,800 295,520 39,410 25,000 65,490 317,760 30,000 179,510 175,970 50,000 18,610 761,440 348,920 322,500 41,990 116,640 Vltle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N., Joliet. 25,000 64,240 511,370 910 134,410 402,170 24,670 40,260 Dont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 10,000 1,870 34,630 5.000 36,670 1,450 5,450 “ -------- “ $150-10% par 100 •• _____ •• C. A. MILLER----------- G. L. CANDOR - - H. A. MELBURG____ Items and collect! ons direct to us. t personal service. Unexcelled facili ties. ith each eight draft for preeerUatien and ISkfor credit rrperts. First National Bank.d®»t’94 Harry S. Laflerty.. E. C. Hanna______ E. L. Beal tioo-4% 70-985 par X30 __ - Algonquin........693 Algonquin State Bk. B. C. Qetzelman... Albert Wilbrandt. Geo. D. Keyes____ 70-1129 dB®»«T3 7 McHenry B18 $200-10% ■>ar 100 Alhambra____354 aitx State Bank___d©t!’07 Adolph Hits______ J. D. Leef________ 3. G. Hitz. 8 Madison Mil 5% par 100 70-1078 Allendale 451 8 Wabash N21 AllenvfUe_____ 286 7 Moultrie J17 First National Bank.. $50-10% par 100 70-1130 {’06 iV. M. Price__ H. A. Fox ___ PeoplesState Bank—d®tl’21 N. E. Mann . ___ rheo. Snvder loe 70-1743 ... FI A Wot r. H. McClain r. w. Lee 1 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 and Trust Company — Jacksonville. 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Peo. N.. Monmouth. 27,620 57,860 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Bk. of Monmouth, Monmouth; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Elgin. Chicago 7,930 st N.. Sullivan. RESOURCES MORE THAN 1 A BILLION DOLLARS 256 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tie authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow* urn ooujttt. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §S'tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. »Oonnty Seats. Fig- under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep. ©Sav.$LastSale %l)iv. Allerton_____ 371 State Bank of Allerton 70-1131 d®»tl’91 7 Vermilion 120 1130-8% Alma_________ 366 Alma State Bunk-_____ t|’21 70-1132 8 Marion M15 1100-6% Alpha_________ 281 Farmers State Bank-.©tl’18 $100 par 100 70-1113 7 Henry R0 Alsey_________229 Alsey State Bank_____ tl’20 $150-6% 70-2037 8 Seott J9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. ELLINOIS—Continued PniitciPAL Cohjoe&poh dents . PKK8IDKKT. Ass't Cashier. Oashik. Vicb-Pkisident. Surplus Depos Other Loams Bondi Cabs A IxPaid-tjp MlSCBL- CMAjr«is,Dx;* and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Disoountc Soonritiu LANBOUB noa Banks ties Robert Allerton.__ Harry Allen............. Ora C. Hays_____ Mary D. Hansen— $ Harry Allen, Ch. A. U. Hutcmson... T. H. Boring............. L. O. Downey____ 50.000 $ 22,360 $ 177,300 S 15,000 1,060 92,750 3,160 $ 158,610 S 10,650 S 41.880 S 41,690 1st N„ Chi. and Montlceilo: Cotn'l Tr. tk 6,750 O. 0. Orssig______ J. R. A merman.. 30.000 12,260 189,670 18,520 138,220 31,360 22,870 H. L. Northrop----- Oscar George. R. R. H. Cnrtis__ 25,000 9,110 59,080 3,270 69,550 6,050 10,050 10,810 1st State. Winchester. KLITZIHG F.GIESEKING 50.000 26,600 590,000 25,000 376,000 193,000 49,000 73,600 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; 1st N.. St. L. W. J. LUER-............ W.C. GSCHWEND— G. M. WILHITE- 100,000 155,160 1,553,390 70,130 1,319,550 214,140 145,490 199,510 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; N. Cityand Mtle. Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L. 100,000 692,030 5,624,340 32,420 1,995,740 2,675,190 200.000 573,270 5,076,640 1M.OOO 55,200 1,040.380 par 150 "J. E. RHODES...... J.M. RHODES — T. C. GLOW E. HOFFHEISTER.— W. 0. A1 turnout 1352 FIRST RATIONAL BARR .. M. C. ALWERT lime Items. 8 Effingham L16 $175-8% par 100 70-765 d®«t'07 | Special attentto n given BID of La ding Drarts, Cash and■ — v.Please tend 15c v» th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rU. [AUGUSTLUER-- W.F. LOEILLKE, Sec. E. L. WYSS W. C. GSCHWEND Alton______ 26.797 ALTON HANKINS & TRUST CO. 8 Madison M10 $l85-6%»arl0070-155dB®T»tl’02 , Bill of Lading Drafts, Collection s and aD Banldn g Hatters i entrusted to us are assured prom pt, personal and efficients FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight dr aftt, 15c; Crtdit Re ports, 25c. ALTON NATIONAL BANK 16% par 100 70-152 Organized 1837—Nationalized 1865 OVER 90 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS COMMERCIAL BANKING 70-1134 D. N. McMASTER N. H. NELSIN-------FIRST RATIONAL BANK $l20-6%par 100 70-1958 dB®t’19 Alto Pnss_____500 8 Union Q13 Alvin..................386 7 Vermilion H22 Amboy______ 1944 7 Lee 014 R. S. BACON—...... Please send 15c wi th each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Re\ F.H. VAUGHAN— W. A. GREEN........... H. H. BADGER- - - - - - - ! Oldest and Larg est Bank—Thoro ughly Modern, Special attenti on given Bill of L adlng ing drafts, Cas Please tend 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 12% par 100 70-1136 Anchor. H. B. Ulmer.. .315 Anchor State Bank___ t5'21 Jacob Martens ___ J. H. Nafziger.. 6% 70-1137 7 McLean G18 Anna________ 3019 ANNA NATIONAL BANK«tl900 J. B. Jackson H. H. Kohn______ G. R. Corlis .. 70-521 G. C. Parks 8 Union Q15 rRAD BURNETT._ _ W. F. BRUCHHAUSER. C. R. FORD_ _ _ _ ANNA STATE & TRUST BK. I Young, Progres slve, Hustling for Business, $166-8% par 100 70-1810d®»ti’17 924,370 128,370 6,770 80,840 411,180 25,800 494,500 47,340 3,170 50,000 5,800 235,000 65,000 200,000 70,000 60,800 25,000 12,440 298,480 5,440 144,320 140,290 8,950 20,000 4,000 77,750 74,590 50,000 5,000 350,000 310,000 40,000 889,400 409,070 100,000 106,920 1,356,020 47,490 5,300 47,780 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N., Chi. 21.400 1st N„ Chi. and Rossvllle. 50,000 Stock Yds. N.. Ohi. 191,680 120,270 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. M. G. Martens. CLARA M. FORD.... B. M. Seay.__ 25,000 18,080 210,900 50,000 52,860 643,880 50,000 14,010 50.00( 100,430 909,230 145,000 25,000 6,860 151,640 30,000 11,930 496,690 174,310 22.710 6,150 5n,snn Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N., Bloom- 313,480 308,050 33,070 286,880 124,500 39,470 116,880 Chatham Phenlx, N. Bk. &Tr.Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 63,670 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; N. City, St. L.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo. 660,300 389.870 39,610 28,420 95,760 65,900 17,480 3,050 340,290 78,500 38,430 24,750 ington. ts. M. L. DeWitt Anna wan____ 429 STATE BANK OF ANNAWAN < OldestEstablish ed Bank-Unsurpa ssed Collection S ervice. $100-6% 70-1139 dB®W21 7 Henry Dll ) Bill of Lading D rafts given Specia 1 Attention par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 136,070 Chem. Bk. & Tr.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr., Chi,: Miss. Val. Tr., St. L. 22,800 ForemanState N. andDrov.N.,Chi.:Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg. 25,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st Galesburg N., Galesburg. s. i. (_ Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and (SAMUEL PONT...... T. H. JOHNSTON...... E. A. JOHNSON.— W.W.CALHOUN, CA. C. DWYER T7 xi • vjhj, XI • X., VJUUli All* UKiOCi Al. UUn Ullli< ts. WWm \ Special attentto n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. FIRST NATfOHAL BANK L. B. Tut hill______ Oliver Alden_____ H. O. Sifford_____ $350-20% 70-625 dB®T»t’90 J.N. Dickinson, Ch H. C. Sifford par 100 Annapolis____ 206 First National Bank —d*t'12 O. G. Holmes, D. N. Stanfield ____ Fred Smith_____ 8 Crawford L21 $130-6% par loo 70-1768 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. THE 41,250 1,247.010 50,000 70-1794 lJftlll\dB®T.t 68 2,017,440 2,824.210 For real service send your buslne as to this new ba nk. Special attentto n given Bill of U ding Drafts, Cash and Time I ten Farmers State Bank__*t|’10 L. G. Keith_______ G. W. James, Jr— Roy Wilkins_____ Dan Ragains... $200-10% 70-103# Grace B. Call__ State Bank of Alvin___t§’02 O. O. Hamilton___ Geo. E. Crays____ Bert Call______ 70-1135 Frances Lester. Amboy State Bank___ »tlT2 G. P. Miller............. R. W. Ruckman... W. J. Kirby.... FIRST NATIONAL RINK 280,000 1st N., St. L.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 8% par 100 70-154 $300-l2%par 100 393,120 1,384,750 Irv. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr, Co., Act s in a II Tru st Ca paciti es. St. L. Your Alton Business Cordially invited. dB©T»t’37 Altona________ 506 Bank of Altona.__d®»tl'91 G. N. Larson_____ O. C. Craig_______ H. S. Whiting___ Knox E10 burg. n. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK G. M. Levis_______ L. A. Schlafly____ E. W. Joesting.— W. B. Allen $325-16% 70-164 dB®T»V9fl par 100 First Trust & Sav. Bk..»M 09 D. A. Wyckoff -__ J. E. Kelsey______ H. E. Busse_______ 7 Say.. Danville. 47,780 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Salem N., Salem. 39,650 Dror. N„ Ohi.: Bk. of Galesburg, Gales 54,280 114,880 N. City,N.Y.;lst N.,Ohi. and St. L. 32,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N.. Joliet. 84,440 Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.;lst N., Peoria and Joliet. LPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company ^ Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 OC7 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig, nnder Town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©SaY.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Antioch_______ 775 First National Bank.._®t’26 C. K. Anderson___ R.C. Abt............. 7 Lake A20 *125 70-2096 W.J. Stratton,V.P. W. A. Rosing .. .. J. E. Rrnnk State Bank of Antioch 70-387 d®»*l’03 Chase Webb $130-10% 7% par 100 W. F. Ziegler____ G. B. Bartlett.. F. B. Kennedy F. A. Doll. Geo. W. Tyson ___ J. P. Carson.. __ 70-1028 Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loads Other Cars * BxMiscel dLuran^Dn Paid-up Surplus Depos- Liabiliand and Capital Pbopits Diaeounta Soeuritios laneous room Barrs TIES S 80.000 S Apple River...484 Bank of Apple River J, M. Speer.............. C. I. Moore_____ 7 Jo Daviess All 6% par 100 70-1028 dB»t§’96 .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Areola_______ 1831 First National Bank----- «t’74 J. K. Allisor, H. R. Logan______ A. F. Bradbury.... Myrtle Walker.... CTi. of Bd, and Pres. 10% par 100 70-634 7 Douglas J19 ("A. E. CRUM............ CHRIS LOVEKAMP — JOHN THEIYOGT .... $ 221.110 % 105,000 $ 20,000 $ 341,920 18.890 $ .. 62,240 1st N., Chi. 75,000 28,690 818,840 $ 19,000 594,550 80,410 61,860 187,610 1st N, and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 25.000 12,340 210,840 37,970 226,750 13,570 22,270 23,560 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Freeport; Galena N., Galena. 30,000 19,000 300,000 255,000 14,000 25,000 55,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi. 50,000 21,620 516,360 341,940 139,540 38,500 25,000 20,000 196,000 196.000 17,650 4,000 50,000 Arenzvllle....... 479 FAR. & MERCH. STATE BANK < Young, growin g. Competent 0 fflclal attention to nil business. $150-6% par 100 70-1053 t8’10 1 Special a ttentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 7 Cass 18 LPlease send 16c wi th each Sight Draft and 25c for Credit Report*. .. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 118,000 1st N.,Chi.andSt.L.; Ind.N., Indpls. 23,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of 111.. Ohi.: 1st N„ St. L.; Ayers N., Jacksonville; N.Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 100,000 68,000 407,000 120,000 302,000 357,000 6,000 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. S. W. McCarty.... 25,000 15,290 240,020 2,010 180,970 34,030 10,860 56,460 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N., Decatur; 1st N.. Joliet. Argo________ 5000 Argo State Bank-.dB®,t5’10 W. G. Knoedler__ S. M. Frankland, C. L. Genesen____ N. R. F. Swanson . $100 par 100 70-1141 Exec, f Cook C21 M. J. Kelly 50,000 42,940 969,560 41,100 549,960 358,960 47,210 147,460 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Ced. R. N.. Ced. R. 100,000 50,054 849,150 45,950 726,200 103,990 74,370 140.870 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 75,000 53,980 728.710 12,000 506,240 199,400 45.800 118,250 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. Armlngton___ 368 Farmers State Bankd®»t}’12 J. C. Britt_______ Jacob Appenzeller. Grover Fisher — Auburn Lipsey__ 7 Tazewell H13 70-1716 O. E. Pratt The Verry Bank ...d®»+§’74 Fred F. Verry T. A. Verry ____ F. W. Jones______ 25,000 5,000 93,320 17,460 109,980 25,000 34,340 145,560 Armstrong ___ 325 Farmers State Bank.—$§’04 A. S. Bass_______ Stanton Foster.__ 7 Vermilion H21 70-1145 Arrowsmlth _._ 344 Arrowsmith State Bank if’21 J. H. Jacobs . — Raymond Webber. Verna Perry. 7 McLean H16 par 100 70-1094 G. A. Builta 25,000 35,000 25,000 First National Bank___ t’82 Herman Engelhach Wm. H. Roegge__ O. H. Niemann.__ A P Hart $240-12% par 100 70-1052 Argenta______ 528 Gerber State Bank .d®»tl’ll O. H.Parr $180-8% par 100 ♦ 70-1140 7 Macon 116 AriingtonHeights 7 Cook B20 2250 .. .. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS STATE BANK—70-1143—dB®»tS’01 E. N. Berbecker__ A. F. Vnlz Henry C. Behrens. Henry Hennig____ $150-8% par 100 Peoples State Rank __ 70-1715 par 100 if’11 Waldemar Krause. Otto Landmeier .. W n Kreft 70-1144 First National Bank S. A. Vradenburg.. C. H. McDonald... E. W, TViyd • '; ' 100 70-843 dB®«t'89 (Bank in Moultrie County) $17* par 7 Douglas J18 „ J. A. Eyman .. J, D. Eads . ) ... $22* 70-845 d®tl'10 (Bank in Moultrie County) Ashknm _375 7 Iroquois F20 $200-12% par 100 Ashland ___ 1122 7 Cass 110 70-1084 dB®t§’19 BANK OF SJULES,REARICK & COMPANY— dB©t§’81 $250-5% 70-832 W. C. Meents____ A. L. Lemenager— R. R. Meents_____ 17,450 25,950 1st N.. Ohi.: Gent. N., Peoria; Peo., Atl. 163,830 9,460 5,650 244,850 3.000 17,800 329,490 102,840 17,690 86,440 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.: Millikin N., De catur: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Palmer N.. Danville. 89,580 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co..Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington and Joliet: Merch. & Ill. N., 30.000 9,760 314,310 1,170 50.000 17,270 421,630 47,550 25,000 28,160 204,480 185,150 20,000 20,110 32,380 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre Haute N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 30,000 10,000 510,000 250,000 200,000 10,000 90,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Tr.& Sav.. Kankakee; 1st N., Joliet. 50,000 55,000 490,000 5,000 475,000 40,000 15,000 70,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; Ill. N., Springfield. 50,000 13,500 250,000 30,000 286,000 3,000 26,500 28,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 25,000 15,640 282,860 2,640 136,350 121,400 14,250 54,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; ForemanState N., Ohi.: Mtie.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., SL L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. 8tk. Yds. Mardell Lemenagar W. S. Rearick........ H. B. Baxter. __ J. J. Wyatt.............. E. R. Clemons____ S. W. Anderson 13,340 1st N., Bloomington; Am. N., Lincoln. par 100 H Ashley .. . Farmers 8tate Bk...d®»tJ'05 William Man_____ F. C. Wallbaum— R E. Man $100 par 100 70-831 7K1 Ashley State Bank d®»t§'01 W. H. Seibert........ 8 WashinrtonN14 10% par 100 70-1146 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fred Brown F. J. Fitzgerald. S. N. Zahn Stanley G. Berry.. R. Rrnwn T. J. Ferguson CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY •—■ CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 Number trader Namt *f Bunk is tSe New Transit Number riven to eacli bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 4|JQ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AW) OOtJWTT. oMem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriv ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Kes. District. d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. pkisidknt. Vic*-P*K8iD*irr. o ashler. ASS’T C A sunt. Liabilities. AkhiDU U J&UJtatS • Lous Bonds thss Cabs 4 lxPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscbl- C!AUUM,D and AND and t7I Capital Profits it* Discounts BoonritiM LANBOUS prom Banks ties Ashmore____ 548 Ashmore State Bank. d»tS’21 R. M. Childress... E. E. Boyer_______ J. P. Moseley_____ E. R. Hawkins___ $ 15,000 1 7 Coles K20 $1H par too 70-1147 Ashton____...882 7 Lee 014 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws Jindexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, ILLINOIS—Continued ASHTON BANK___ dB®*ti'69 R. 8. Charters----- G. A. Hamel_____ P. W. Charters.__ M. E. 70-044 97.790 S 50,000 123,680 841.240 35,000 12,000 5.000 $ 15,000 85.080 J 1.000 $ 14,970 $ 20,640 1st N.. Obi. and Charleston; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 656,500 233,580 20,080 200,000 175,000 15.000 32.000 38,000 400.000 230,000 90,000 30,000 115,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; MiUikin N. and N„ Decatur, 25,000 75.000 550,000 472,600 42,000 24,000 50,000 10,000 363,000 22,000 313,000 76,000 100,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.: Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L.; Millikin N„ Decatur. 56,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria; N. Stk.Yds. N.. N. Stk.Yds., Ill. 50,000 15,000 225,000 30,000 220,000 64,000 36,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; Cent. N„ Peoria. 50,000 18,000 345,000 8,990 174,590 112,900 10,030 132,770 1st N., Joliet; Springfield Marine. Ill. N.. and 1st N„ Springfield. Atkinson____ 778 Atkinson Trust & Savings A. A. Nowers_____ John Causmaker__ 7 Henry DIO Bank. 70-1149 —d®t$'20 50.000 45,120 788,520 653,840 120,720 18,810 90,270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. Atlanta_____ 1173 Atlanta National Bank J. A. Hoblit______ T. J. Gilchrist____ H. L. Wiseman.__ J. A. Ash________ 7 Logan H14 $172-8% par 100 70-756 d®*t'87 50.000 36,610 299,910 232,580 149,540 21,040 37,360 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 50,000 79,000 343,000 60,000 166,990 27,910 YE. J. YENEBIC8- Charters----- 3.900 $ Principal Cokuspondcnts. MARCUS VENTLER — N. H. TEIENI6I.__ FARMERS STATE BARK Growing and P regressive—Excell ent facilities. Bf Sclent service. T ET US. dB®«’07 <) Special attentlo ■ given Bill ef La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. K Phase send 16« wt tk each eight draft far presentation and 2Se far Credit Rap art*. Assumption.. 1852 First National Bank .©tlflOO C. C. Corzine.__ A. H. Corzine____ E W Nichols 27,000 7 Christian J15 70-650 119,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 70-045 Illinois State Bank d®»ti'83 D. Lacharlta_____ Leo Johnson______ E. W. Hight............ E. Wayne Hight__ 70-658 Karl Hight. A, C. R. H. Lambert fJOHN SKINNER. 1 Ch. of Bd. & Pres. Astoria_____ 1340 7 Fulton H9 ASTORIA STATE BARK ti30-s% par 100 70-759 d®*ti’C TRAYRER_ _ _ DAVID SKINNER J. W. C. G. McHUGH............ 1 Modern, Progre ssive Methods, P ersoanl Service— (Excellent faetlltle s. 1 Special attentlo n given Bill ef La ding drafts. Casta and Time Items. K Please tend 15e »i tk each eight draft far presentation and 25« far Cradit Rap WUa Peoples State Bank—_®t§’28 Geo. H. F.lgin .. . 70-758 Athens.____ 1241 Athens State Bank—®«tl’10 Allen Mott.__ 7 Menard 112 12% 70-1148 Clela Danner .. J. S. Culver_____ Lewis Grnbb .... 1180-10% par 100 Peoples Bank---------------- $’87 J. L. Bevan_______ $180-12% 70-717 . • par 100 Atwood______ 883 First National Bank —d»t'02 0. S. Morrison___ E. O. Burger. 7 Piatt 118 $260 70-1151 Auburn_____2660 AHBBRR STATE BANK J. M. Stockdale__ 7 Sanramon J12 $180-8% ♦ 70-678 d®*ti’91 par 100 0. H. Turner.......... R. P. Connell_____ W. R. Personett__ Flossie E. Call___ A. O. Merriam Peoples State Bank.d®t§’26 J. F. Hummel....... W. E. Orr_______ C. F. Seales.__ par 100 70-2104 M. R. Kessler .. R. R. Smith........... •»* 25,000 60,000 24,740 589,710 25.000 2,620 107,060 fFRED W.IEARD — LEDSONKING....... S. E. McAFEE_____ H. EARL ROBISON.. 60.000 LOUISE W. ROBISON Augusta____ 1085 FIRST RATIONAL BANK 7 Hancock H6 $128-8% par 10076-flO dB®t’03 j Soto ttuno and g et tarries on OoB actions and Credi t Reports by send Ing Ira IN ARYAN Ul Plain eight J raftu, 15c; Cradit Rartorte. 25c. T RY CS. State Bank of Augusta R. R. Robbins____ S. P. Gordon______ B. J. TTfkes , 70-820 ©t§'29 (Succeeds First Trust & Sav ings Bank) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank and Grace Clark 25,000 50,000 7,500 3,130 485,000 15,000 217,010 5.660 20,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Cent. N., Peoria. 21,240 30,690 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.; MUllkin N., Decatur. 452,330 83,660 39,140 80,710 Ill. N.. Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 88,770 16,140 14,610 15,160 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk.Yds., Ill.; Ill. N., Springfield. 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; State Sav. Ln. A Tr. Oo„ Quincy. 154,800 1,000 13,000 Trust Company — Chicago 80,370 Drov. N., Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy. Where Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ mrectory, maer me auiooruy ui Town and county. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Kes. District. iu •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPri». [Estab. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PBX81DCNT. YlCS-PBSSIDXNT. OASH1XK. Ass’t CASHIER. Aurora_____ 47,100 American National Bank------- (Consolidated, with First National Bank January 2, 1930) 7 Kane C18 GFn I.THON __ S. W. THORNE P.G. HARTZ............... n T MA^ON F. C. PAULL J. S. SEARS , * J. F. HARRAL, Ch. JUDD CHAPMAN AURORA NATIONAL RANK LARGEST CAPIT AL RESOURCES 1N THE CITY. Send us your Aurora Items Direct for Prompt Attention. $230-12% 70-78 dB®T»t'83 par 100 ♦Broadway Tr. & Sav. Bank G. W. Alschuler... Frank Thielen____ H. D.Mombleau — C. E. Day. S20O-u% 70-81 dB®T*tl 27 A.M.Hirsh.CA.o/JSd. B. W. Randolph A. Cash, and Tr.Off. par 100 V. C. BONESTEEL— H. H. ALSHULER____ 6. W. BIRD. P.G.CASTENS---------V. P. and Cash. F. J. DILLENBURG M. E. MASON F. 8. WATS08, Ch. H. E. ntfcu, a . v.r. mtD ILtBt PETER KLE N, V. Ch. JOHN KNELL W. G. KUEFFNER C. D. OTTE. A. C. J. C. WEILAND $250-18% HANK 71-77 JOHN BRENNECKE par 325 um,l\lB®T«4,tt “-------- “ 'FIRST NATIONAL .._____ » „ m 'MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 'OLD SECOND NATIONAL BANK $200-8% par 100 70-79 dB®T*S’78 U N — M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued RESOURCES. | Liabilities. ( Bondi Miscel Cam 4 ExLoads Surplus Depos- Other Paid-up L iabili ITS Capital Profits Discount* Securities laneous ties Principal Correspondents. $ 300.000 $ 312,470 $2947 360 $ 348,600 $2375 290 $ 782,940 $ 388.760 $ 361,430 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 200,000 241,170 2,023,200 156,000 1,642,890 300,000 245,640 5,652,170 386,220 4,313,080 Spec ial at tenti on gi ven 412,580 317,300 1st N. 247,600 Equitable Tr. O©., N.T.: Foreman State N. and Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 827,960 N. City and Chatham Phenix, N. Y.j Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., t oalIC ollec tions. Clev. 881,340 561,640 F.J. KNIGHT------------ R.L. McWETHY------ W. 6. NICHOLSON— W.Y.SLAKER -------D. J. DE FRATES C. D. KNIGHT, _ U, E. COLWELL Tr. Officer R. N. STOLP 300,000 284,980 2,950,080 375,000 2.230,620 1,035,690 62,020 581,730 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. WILLIAM 8L8R6E-- I.J. COOPER---------- R. 1. ROBINSON — 6. A. SEARBEAITJ. W. DUNLOP EMILY A. HURD M8.M0 296,190 2,109,620 200,000 1,683,920 779.970 29,000 312,910 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUS5T SERVICE Bill of Lading Collections receive pecial attention Co.fChiV; 1st N., Bos. Coleettons o specialty and remitted on day of payment. Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. 70-76 d®T«t’71 Aurora Wearing Hone —— G. W. Alschuler... W. G. Nicholson__ 1 S. W. Thorne, 3Y. F. J. Knight, Sec.. (Mtmben indicated by a*) W.W.ARMSTRONG COMPANY W. W. ARMSTRONG- D. L. ARMSTRONG— H. G. GRIFFETH, C. L. MOMBLEAU, Tr. (Memb ers Inve stment Bankers H. A. ESSER V. P. and Sec. Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., Aurora. Assocla tion)... INVESTMENT BONDS — Government, Municipal, Industrial, ,ns Public Utility, Farm Mortgage. (Incorporated) (57 Fax St.) G. R. Wortman Company...T GlenR. Wortman.. Charles E. Greene. E. E. Hinckley, Sec. (Incorporated) First National Bank Bldg. I Jackson PIS Averyvllle. 18,000 55,000 1st N.. St. L. Clyde Cheatham.. T. J. Smith—......... 40.000 15.000 463,000 245,000 200,000 F G F. J. Hempen____ 15,000 11.000 224,000 134,000 46,000 f! Hi U VCnUAII Ui 1 LUnlnll 6. W. PENDARVIS — OPAL 1. SCHRODT — 25,000 21.500 152,640 111,590 28,500 8.600 50,440 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Far. & Mech., Gales burg; 1st N., Joliet. Florence Fennessy 50,800 80,550 675,280 592,560 108,250 13,140 91,880 Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co. and Stock YdsN., Chi.; Bk. of Galeaborg, Galesburg. C. A.Carter........... W. R. Preston___ W . P. Isom , i—i____ N. R. Lessley 25,000 5,960 118,600 95,040 11,920 13,000 29,450 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. H. B. Smith______ Glenn Walker____ Loren Smick_____ 25,000 11,010 114,710 104,080 12,000 2,790 31.860 Drov. N.. Chi.; Macomb N., Macomb; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria. First National Bank..d®t’73 $145-6% 70-1152 par 100 ____ (See Peoria) Arlston______ .888 State Bank of Aviaton____ 70-1153 B®ti 20 t Clinton N12 $200-10% par 100 ■ WILL RnKUrCIl —— 70,000 1st N.. it L.; Union Tr. Co., B. St. L.,111. Avon _ . .877 AVON STATE BANK dB®*ri3 < Teuug and gro wing, huetlmg fo r basinesa. Scud ua years, 1 IS CEJT8 aent to ui with each a Ight draft for pro sent*Meat, and $200-8% 70-1787 7 Fulton G9 LM CENTS fOr ea ch credit report In (urea prompt, pe nonol attention. par 100 F. W. Tompkins... G. E. Merrill_____ Tompkins State Bank Isu-iMt n~92Q ®*8S‘S4 A T? £V* Prpctnn J- ludiUU Baldwin _ 353 Baldwin State Bank ...dtl’03 A. 78-1154 8 Randolph Oil Bardolph State Bank.__t§’22 R M Lo^f\n 7 McDoooueh G7 $160-6% par 160 70-1155 Riipif aIviIi Dal UUIJJUddw Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ———- - CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY ___ CHICAGO capital $20,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is tlie New Transit Number given IP. each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tomt AJtD OOUKTTt »Connty Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Othkr Loabi Bonda Paid-up Surplus Dbpoo- L MI8C1L- Cam * KxAMD and iabili and canwa^Doi Capital Profits rrs DisoounU Saeuritiaa LAXIOUB FROM lAVU ties i. C.PLA6GE. 16. A. LA6ESCHULTE FRANK G. POHDT— * 75.000 $ Ch.of Bd.andPres.l Barrington. .. 1743 FIRST NATIONAL 6K. A modern, pro gresslve bank. T our business cord tally invited, 7 Lake BIB *145-7% 70-194 0-1946 dB®*’18 1 Special attentio n given Rill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. par 25 -Please FIRST STATE BANK 1250-10% ♦ 70-1156 dB®*tl'91 par 100 Barry_______ 1490 BARRY 8 Pike J5 *220-10% par 100 STATE BANK 70-695 d®t»’06 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *350-18 % par 100 Bartelso_____ 246 8 Clinton N13 Bartlett_____ 371 7 Cook B19 Bartonvllle... 1688 7 Peoria G12 (Peoria, P 0.) Banco. .. 267 7 Hancock H6 70-694 d®»t’01 tend 15<- w ith eark eight draft for 50,000 M. 0. STRUBINGER T. D. KAYLOR........ J. H. JONES............ P. A. MOYER- - - - - - - - 74,290 $ 32,780 $ 116,140 1st N„ Chi. 50,000 74,870 805,390 5,290 652,210 111,920 27,410 52,000 375,000 53,000i 460,000 7,000 20,000 fall attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. e tend 15c to ith each tight draft for yre* eruption and 25c for Credit Repo rU. - - YlrCEa MUST PLEASE Y OU. TRY US. .OUR SER |9 fT.A. RETALLIC-— L.F. BRIGHT- - - - - - - - 0. WILLIAMSON-— A. J. HAMILTON---EDW. GRAMMER u« INE 144,010 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 60,000 137,660 766,630 58,850i 805,400 102,170 21,080 Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 104.780 1,730i 43,040 59,140 3.930 19,440 Southern Ill. N„ E. St. L. H. E. Schnadt____ 40,000 14,820 234,840 1,340i 192,250 47,080 9,920 41,740 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N., Elgin. J. H. Stickelmaier. 25,000 32,370 529,610 14,670i 252,010 219,540 34.210 95,900 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. Albert Naegelin... Roscoe Arthur. 26,000 9,540 W. 8. BEEN......... W.R. JOHNSON - 100,000 89,690 E. R. NELSON. Cash, and Tr. Off, A. Cash, and A, Tr. Off. par 100 Bank of Richwoods__.dt§’08 E. E. Williams____ William Franke... J. F. Tribble_____ W. E. Zigrang.. 70-1160 Farmers Bank........ .......»tl’05 R. H. Sykes______ E. R. Lake_______ J. L. Stauffer_____ Kate B. Peacock... io% 70-1162 BEARDST0WN STATE ....... J. Phil Ruppel........ H. W. Hackman___ E. T. Hunter______ *160-12% 70-339 ®tl'10 M. H. Harris. Ch. of Bd. *113-6% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL J0“N8CH"LTZ BANK d>®«« 94,490 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. lections and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng drafts, ISc; Cre dit Reports, 25c TRY US. Blase Bach 15,000 4.040 FIRST NATIONAL C. D. NEWLIN- - - - - - - H. N. WADE- - - - - - - - - - B. B. PADDOCK. BANK d®W91 43,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo.. Obi.: Is N.. 8t. I .; Mtle. Tr. & Sav. and State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co. Quincy. 236,540 1,670i 232,460 1,000 10,510 28,790 Drov. N. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; 975,680 146.800 570,550 521,810 92,630 127,170 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and- Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 177,290 1,699,610 105,050 923,820 705,560 48,240 404,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Cbl. 123,630 24,700 11,320 273,810 300 8,840 Ill. State, Quincy. special at Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items, FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with eaeh sight draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, peno nal att entlon. 70-432 Batchtown ....273 8 Calhoun L7 Baylis..................388 8 Pike J6 Beard stow n.. 7111 7 Cass 18 10,000 $ 301,610 $ FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each e redlt report insur es prompt, perso nal att entlon. fH. T. WINDSOR — *200-10% 26,810 $ 413,000 $ presentation a nd 25c for Credit R sports 'A. L. ROBERTSON- H. P. CASTLE_ _ _ _ A. L. ROBERTSON— A. T. BLITSCH- - - - H. J. LAGESGHULTE U. T. LAMEY First and Oldes t Established Ban k. ) Save time and get service on Col iFEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight Bartelso Savings Bank Jos. Bergmann__ F. H. Jansen_____ «% par loo 70-1157 ©iS‘21 L. D. Jantzen Bartlett State Bank..d®J§’10 E. J. Schmidt___ H.W.Schnadt____ *100-10% par 100 70-1158 +Bartonville State Bank F. J. Collier_____ J. M. Barton_____ $230-12% 70-2020 dB®*JS’20 par 100 (Bank affiliated with Peoria Cl earing House Ass’n + ) Basco State Bank.. d®»t§'19 Samuel Naylor ___ Otis L. Wood. *125-6% par 100 70-1160 Batavia______4395 BATAVIA NATIONAL BANK 7 Kane C19 *175-8% 70-433 d®T»t'Gl par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 100,000 25.000 2,200 136,500 25,000 35,400 272,030 50,000 39,150 495,980 4,430 459,230 100,000 209,490 1,652,990 177,080 858,840 934,720 78,470 267,560 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 100.000 182.360 1.336,980 202,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ 620 4,650 1st N., St. L. 49.480 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk.Yds. 53,760 76,570 1st N.. Chi., St. L. and Joliet. A. E. SCHMOLDT---- F. M. CONDIT- - - - - - - - P. P. WIN HOLD — OLDEST AND LARGEST BANkMoDKRX EQUIPMENtI 70-337 UNEXCELLED FACILITIES AND PERSONAL SERVICE. Your business invited—Collections a Specialty. Please send 15c presentation fee with plain sight drafts and 25c for credit ratings. First State Bank..dB®»tl’*9 Robert H. Garm. Roy H. Garm_____ A. A. Krohe______ H. A. Greve______ 12% 70-338 H. J. Brannan Beason_______ .252 First National Bank...®!’14 0. M. Colburn.. J. F. Rooa L. A. Whitnah____ O. W. Smock_____ *160-10% par 100 70-1855 7 Logan H14 Beavervllle____ 402 Beaverville State Bank Z. T. Lambert.. H. Lambert............. F. J. Lambert____ M. J. Soucie______ 7 Iroquois F22 5% par 100 70-1164 ®t8’03 Beckemeyer 1153 State Bank of Beckemeyer Theodore Zieren.. A. F. Gross______ F.C. Mahlandt._ H. H. Weisenseel.. 8 Clinton Mi3 «% 70-952 ®J}’66 Beecher_______ 609 FarmersStateBank dB®tl’l« H. Wehmhoefer, D. D. Van Voorhis. H. E. Ehlers_____ W. F. Ruge_______ 7 Will E22 *187.50-10% par 100 70-1165 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. First State Bank_______JI’lB Wm. Plagge______ J. O. Warner____ Marie D. Werner. 8% 70-1913 Beecher City..828 First 8tate Bank -.d®t|'06 W. J. Campbell.... J. T. AIlsop_____ S. C. Tennery___ 8 Effingham L17 *140-8% par 100 70-11M Bellalr_______ 121 Bellair StateBank______J|’21 G. W. Freeland.__ Lester Payn_____ H. H. Straker____ H. L. Adklston___ 8 Crawford L20 *110-4% par 100 70-1793 *425-16* par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank and 40,000 23,320 — 754,320 597.350 65,640 126,730 27,990 129,410 50,590 20,990 Chi. and St. L. 17,040 Stk. Yds. N„ Ohi.; Am. N„ Lin. 25,000 7,480 130,320 3,500 129,350 9,500 500 26,950 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; 1st Tr. A 25,000 2.500 193,230 800 106,570 58.730 5,100 49,490 Miss. Valley Merch. State Tr. Co., St. L.; 25.000 53,500 382.000 9,500 350.000 55,000 20,000 45.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chl.;lst N.. Joliet. 25.000 39,120 312.610 20,000 235.090 106,940 17,250 37,450 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25.000 8,360 232,120 230 175,090 37.310 9,000 44,310 1st N., St. L. and Joliet; N. Stk. Yds. N.. 10,000 1.340 94,090 10.580 65,120 3,440 26,290 Oil Belt N.. Oblong; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Sav.. Kankakee. Far. A Merch.. Carlyle. N. Stk. Yds. Trust Company—Chicago Co., St. L. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT nci 401 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Belle Prairie....78 8 Hamilton N17 Belle Blve____311 8 Jefferson 016 ‘Belleville...26,969 8 St. Clair Nil Vic* President. PRESIDENT. AS8*T GASSIER. Cashier. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaie%Div Farmers State bank ...ti ll G. Oarnson_______ V. B. Campbell.... Frank Of born____ Clara Osbori tit 1-10% 70-1710 Belle Rive State Bank ..§'20 Geo. W. Threlkeld Alva Irwin---------- Herman E. Gibbs.. tioo 70-1167 BELLEVILLE E. M, IRWIN. BANK & TB. GO. 70-141 d8©T’28 ■ m»ER-BWNBor F.nir GEORGE NIESS C. WULLER WALTER FREUOEN- PHACRV0ETYWLIPPERr" F‘ W' KE'NER......... WALTE” K0TTMANNLEE GRANDCOLASTJ H. E. SCHMISSEUR EDWARD ABEND- - - - - L. D. TURNER-....... R. W. HILGARD—-.... FRED RHEIN ----P. J. KAERCHER, P. K. JOHNSON J. E. CARSON. Tr.Off B. E. GROSSMANN. Ch. of Bd. G. W. RINCK.A.IV.O/. A.Tr.Off. Cmnplete Banking Sendee. Acts In all Trust Capaeli Collection* given Prompt Attention. Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank. ♦ 70-137 dB®T«tl'59 F. McNary____ IHenry Reis, ^Fidelity Trust Co......... T§'29 Peter Fellner____ IW. IBerthold Heymannl Sec. and Tr. $120 70-2132 A Bank of Strength, Character and Service. Your Belleville business cordially invited. UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE. W.J. REICHERT {J. E. SMITH, n Ch. Bd. and Pres. Rellmont_____ 464 First State Bank________l'15 8 Wabash N21 8% par 100 70-1168 »Belvtdere____ 7804 FARMERS STATE BARK $200-10% 70-303 dB®»+§ 08 7 Boone A16 par 100 100.000 300,000 60.200 $ 4.940 42.170 $ 430 13,760 24.770 306,160 1,935.030 265 040 1,817,360 468,100 113,310 257,470 375.300 244,940 130,820 62,110 65,510 341.040 2,818.080 1,316,280 79,780 611,550 28,070 441,010 .3,743,640 A CO MME RCIA L BA NK. Mem her F edera 1 Res erve Syste m. 250,000 ARTHUR EIIIAH- ^H®*- A COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE. YOUR BELLEVILLE ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT, CAREFUL ATTENTION. $250-10% parioo 70-140d®T«tT9 A. O. Meienbrink Therese J. Amling G. Glos.. Belle wood 1881 Bellwood State Bankd®tl'14 Albert F. Amling— Henry P. H. Korrell $225-6% par 100 70-1854 7 Cook C20 Bellflower_____411 EXCHANGE STATE BANK *130-8% par 100 70-1089 tS 90 7 McLean H17 150,000 1.000 N. Stock Yds. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 1st N., E. St. L. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. St. L. 50,000 GEO. I. M. ROGERS - CYRUS THOMPSON—PHILIP GASS.......... E. H. MSS------— GEO. E. BAKER C. A.HEILIGENSTEIN. $400-23%parl00 70-138 d®T«t'74 ST. GLAIR NATIONAL BANK 15.000 TRY THIS NEW COMMERCIAL BANK WITH YOUR COLLECTIONS AND OTHER ITEMS ON BELLEVILLE AND VICINITY. $350-16% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. Other Bond* Miscel OamSIzLoans Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabiliand and and Capital Profits its Diaooantfl Securities laneous TIES S 10,240 $ 13,600 $ 10,000 $ $ 51,110 2,520 $ 62,430 Tr. Officer COURTESY—SEEVICE-SAFETY-SATISFACTION. Prompt Attention given all Collections. S30o par 100 70-139 dB©T»*l’M *130 par 100 Resources. Liabilities •Mem.A.B.A.n-New }StatetPri». JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond BELLEVILLE NATIONAL BANK BELLEVILLE SAVINGS BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued A. G. GOOCH...... C. T. SEWELL- - - - - - - T. A. WILLARD- - - - - - 383,760 3,348,430 475,000 2,534,570 1,284,700 190,660 397,260 150.000 212,180 1.881.220 192,670 1,226.550 825,980 109,480 274,060 Chase N.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 163,370 321,150 23,380 21,290 10,000 77,090 Irv.Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Melrose Park State. Melrose Park. 114,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: John Weedman N., Farmer Oity. M AN •* AN • JL • »UU A luvivi-v Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., St. L. 50,000 45,790 480,680 40,000 21,240 348,160 263,170 and Time Items. 50c for Credit Repor ts. O. O. Gilkison____ 25.000 5,770 79,400 78,280 120,370 881.490 3,210 688,670 146,620 93,990 31,000 700,000 52,000 427,300 343,400 1,200 4,790 917,480 340,100 47,290 141,160 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Oo. am. Drov. N.. Obi. 56,300 688,590 366,310 30,140 110,820 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yards N., Chi. I. WALTER BROWN. 1890. sslve Methods, n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash ith each sight draft f or vresentation and ESTABLISHED P. R. Fisher--------- R. C. Gilkison____ Modern, Progre Special attentlo H. K. Funderburg. A. C. Meyers_____ Please send 25c w G. E. Gilkison------ with each sight dra ft for presentation 200.000 E. O. Harvey___ 100,000 F. J. Downs and 25c for Credit Reports. 75.000 0. W. PERRY- - - - - - - - 8,530 8.700 23,010 Foreman-State N., Chi.; 1st N., Mt. Car mel. 175,780 Bk. of Manhattan Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Stock Yds. N., Ohi. 86,800 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. [A. Gates White- FIRST NATIONAL BANK 70-302 $125-5% par 100 dB©T«*'#5 PEOPLES BANK----$250-14% 70-304 SECOND NATIONAL BANK l Please send 25c Depository. We get servlee on Col CE: Plain Sight J. R. Balliet______ I United States Save time and .JEE PleaseINsend 15c with each sight dra AIJVAN '0. WRIGHT.— rF. H. S. Whitman — J. F. MEYERS_ _ _ _ "F. R. COVEY- - - - - - i solicit yonr bnsi lections and Cred Drafts, J5c; Crsd W. G. Greenlee- ness. It Reports by sen ding TRY U S. it Reports, 28a. 100,000 159,480 1,181,750 T. G. Reed A. E. McCormick ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 100.000 S. E. GORMAN_ _ _ _ M P PFALF a.'e.heinemTnn';' 91,660 947,900 1 $200-10%parioo 70-303 d®»t’84 FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to ns wit b each Sight Dra ft for presentatlc n, and .TWENTY-FIVE cents for each C redlt Report tnsu reg prompt, peri onal att entlon. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company •— Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS _ „„„ 262 ♦„NunJbvr Vn,der,TIV*me of Bank is the New Transit Number given niP^«^ank *5 UV^' e“luslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and oountt. ‘County Seats. Kg. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. 7 Piatt •Mem.A.B.A.»New SStatstPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DiT. ___1668 First National Bank_ 117 Pucsnuarr. Liabilities. VICR-PRESIDENT. Cashier. A. L. Wilkinson, J. F. Sprague____ d©‘ti’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, R. S. Milligan Benld_______ 3515 FIRST NATIONAL BANK t Macoupin L12 *350-3% 70-1169 ®T»t'04 [\l. W.RIZZIE_ _ _ F. W. EDWARDS BANK d®tS’21 FIRST STATE BANK-®t«*80 10% 70-1096 ‘Benton..........7201 Benton State Bank____ I Franklin 016 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Paid-up Capital Surplus and Profits Resources. Othbr Loui Bond* Dbpoo- LIABILI MlSCBL- Oabb * Ixand and OHAjraaSylhra rra Discount! 8«euriti«f LANXOU8 rmo« Buxi TIES $ 50,00(1 $ 17,690 S 591,960 25,000 53,640 1,154,670 $ 74,800 338,910 W. A. Ernsting__ 70,000 13,100 593,000 30.280 495,180 86,490 48.520 C.E. THOMPSON....... R. W. HAFERMANN 50,000 19,160 423,790 290,000 118,590 15,280 R. Adkins. S 471,82(1 $ 57 Qfid $ 1st N.. OhL and Monticello; Millikin N., 6,000 191,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Merch. State Tr. Co. and 1st N., St.L. Decatur. H.N.RIZZIE ;rman. 772,200 W. F. Franzen___ A. W. Franzen rH. HEINEKE_ _ _ _ H. R. HEIKEN- 76,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 69,080 Prompt,Person al and Efficient S ervlce. Your bus Iness Invited, Special attentlo u given BUI ef La drafts, Cash and Time Items. „ Please tend 15e w BA each eight draft ding /or presentation an d 25c far Credit Rep orU. U-ilSlss JACOB SHUCK- - - - - - - G.C.TALLYN- - - - - - - WALTER SEIDL- - - - - - ngest Bank. You r Business Appre elated. Bill of Lading Drafts and all Co Uectlons Given P ersonal Attention .Please send 15c w ith sight draft for pr esentation and 25c / or Credit Reports. (Closed October 19, 1929) fG. C. CANTRELL— Mir- G. A. POWERS- - - - - - G. A. POWERS 50,000 40,680 350,090 3,000 143,560 243,990 20,230 36,000 State Tr. & Sav., Peoria;’ Streator N„ Streator. / 111,550 1,597,240 - dB®»t’02 TOTAL BESO URCES, $2,138,08 9.30 par 100 Prompt and Effl clent Service In £ very Department 70-541 Send us your C ollectlons for Qul ck Returns. Berwick______ 221 Farmers State Bank...tll900 H. V. Greene... Malcolm Johnson.. Sarah Neff____ William Watson, 7 Warren F8 *190-6% par 100 70-1171 Sec. Berwyn....... 18,856 +American State Bank F. C. Topinka, Albert Novotny... Albert Novotny.. C. W. Krch........ 7 Cook Oil *175-6% par 175 dB ®Tt§ ’ 22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. W. Horak 70-2062 Berwyn State Bk.dB®WI’08 E. L. Wagner.......... C. B. Mead______ R. W. Teeter_____ O. A. Hero____ *225-8% par 100 70-1172 R. W. Teeter Berwyn Trust* Sav. Bank Byron C. Thorpe .. Geo. H. Anderson A. A. R. Nelson, B. D. Thorpe_____ #i90-6%parl0O7O-2058dB®*tS'22 H. A. Sellen. V. P. C. W. Ostrander V. P. and Cash. + First National Bank Francis Karel____ F. J. Stastny_____ Francis Karel. F. A. Peterzelka . *190 par 100 70-2076 dB®Tt’23 A. J. Sabath. Ch. + Oakwyn State Bank F. C. Topinka... C. E. Zitnik___ C. E. Zitnik — J. J. Hering_____ *150 par 100 70-2084 dR©J§’24 A. J. Razim, Ch. Joseph Bokr (Oak Park, III. P. O.) A. Novotny Ridgeland State Bank F. J. Krajic____ Jacob Cejka ___ Frank J. Krajic... W. K. Pflaum_____ *150 70-2090 dB®t§’25 +TwelfthStreet State Bank Byron C. Thorpe.. J. W. Vistain. Arthur Vistain Jos. Votava_____ tl75-2%porl0070-1907dB®»t§’l6 (Affiliated with Chicago Clear ling House Ass’n+ ) P. L. Evans ' Bethalto_____471 Bethalto State Bank J. M.Olin. R. E. Marshall.... H. E. Kelsey_____ L. C. Bowman___ S Madison L11 *140-6% 70-2060 d®#+5'22 Ch. of Bd, and Pres par 110 Bethany............842 Scott State Bank___ A. R. Scott_______ W. A. Wilkinson.. T. A. Scott______ Smith Scott_____ 7 Moultrie J16 70-022 Beverly—.......... 102 Beverly State Bank.d®»t|’l9 G. A. Hendricks John G. Sykes____ Wm. Funk________ Hazel Hull_______ *115-5% par 100 70-1882 I Adams 16 Biggsvllle_____ 425 First State Bank______ §’27 F. E. Abbey______ E. L. Werts.............. A. P. McHenry ___ par 100 *120 70-2119 7 Henderson F6 W. C. Ivins Bingham_____192 Bingham State Bank....('20 A. Brackebusch.__ S. J. Elam________ E. C. Fitzgerald... „* Fayette-Ll4 *125-7% 70-2017 Birds_________ 290 State Bank of Birds ._®t$’18 I. Gerhart________ W. T. Lindsay____ L. E. Osborn______ I Lawrence M22 *115-5% par 100 70-1175 Bishop Hill.__ 274 Bank of Bishop Hill d®*tS’20 B. J. Arnquist......... Jno. Wampler V. A. Wigren_____ H. Baird_________ 7 Henry E10 5% par 100 70-1176 Bismarck_____ 300 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. E. D. Brown______ E. L. Chenowith .. W. W. Hagley____ Helen B. Handell. 7 Vermilion H22 „ 70-1177 *2105 BlandlnsvUle.1002 First National Bank...®*’08 Sephus Keys_____ a L. Welsh_______ Willis Craig_____ Louis Schwerer ... 7 McDon’gh G7 *125 par 100 70-871 Kathalyn Goatley Huston Banking Company R, L. Cutler______ Geo. B. Huston.— Chas. K. Peck____ S. C. Spielman........ par 100 70-870 d®»2§’95 E. N. Irish Ruth York Continental Illinois Bank and vxan. xaa. juiia., UU N., Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. 329,300 772,420 912,990 205,530 247,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.,’ Chi.; 1stN., St.L. *375-1#% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 14 540 Splendid facilitl es for handling y our business In t 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre L25 CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt, p Bensenvllle___ 650 First State Bank__ ®«m#00 C. A. Franzen___ 7 DnPage B20 *300-12* 70-1170 Benson______ 414 FARMERS STATE 7 Woodford F14 par 100 70-1097 Asst CASHIER. (Taken over by Slat e Bank of Bement, July 1, 1929) State Bank of Bement *150-8% par 10070-712 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continu ed 30.000 100.000 25,260 82,860 122,100 1,683,600 96,940 — 1,109,320 18,330 496,990 53,130 Monm.juth, Monmouth. 246,260 ( hase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi. 100.000 75,820 1.332,530 90,180 908,350 349,190 146,450 100,000 68,000 850,400 8,350 665,500 120.980 79,190 161,080 (’hatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 100.000 46,000 854,000 100,000 431,000 309,000 160,000 N. Bk. Rep.,Chi.;Cicero Tr. & Sav,Cicero. 200,000 1 7. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50,000 20,760 716,590 21,350 453,340 230,170 31,800 100.000 48,720 606,870 44,120 448,770 180,360 79,020 91,550 C 100,000 67,570 961,010 5,760 807,040 130,950 67.770 128,590 C 25.000 13,000 195,000 — 140,000 70,000 8,000 75.000 19,260 427,570 17.270 378,170 38,910 48,370 12,000 3,570 66,380 52,900 12 93,400 C ’ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. State. Berwyn. 15,000 Ill. I State, East Alton; 1st N., St. L. 73,640 C Decatur. 550 25,000 6,870 91,200 64,820 33,200 4,960 25,000 3,010 41,590 50,600 11,600 2 280 30,000 10,900 122,000 114,000 29 000 4,900 20,000 12,040 185,760 151,310 34,100 492 194,540 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep.. Chi. 30,000 5,000 56.080 10,000 78,840 30,000 12,500 173,590 19,590 174,630 31,800 60,000 43,140 810,270 755,080 30,000 7,300 Trust Company — Chicago 20,580 1 15,000 Clont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Lawreuceville. 2? 35(1 s ville. 21,960 C ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria, 115,160 Clont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Vds. N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.,St L.; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Humbet under Nunc of Bank ia the New Traostt Nnmbet dvw OAO to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-MeNolly Bankers* 4DO IM rectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. ILLINOIS—Continued ^County Seats.. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. .Bloomington ‘AMERICAN STATE BANK 1800-20% ALBERT WOCHNER- C. F. J. AGLE- - - - - - ADOLPH WOCKNER - HERMAN WOGHNER “ YARD T. FAHEY. PAUL F. BE1CH Principal CORRESPONDENTS. Loftna Bonds Miscbl- Clan k Exand 'HAXOU'Dui and Diaeounta Saeuritiaa LANEOUS rmou Baku Other Liabili ties S 100.000 304,900 (2922150 536,950 $2839650 423,300 101,120 499,920 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.s Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t.L. 100,000 300,160 2,639,870 202,980 2,429,730 306,250 140,330 366,710 Ckase N., N. Y.s Cont. Ill. Bk. A Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Cont. N., Indpls. 500.010 171,740 3,449,400 295,200 2,530,890 1,084,370 230,840 570,240 Chase N., N. Y.j 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 100.000 98.060 1,172.630 — 552,150 362,330 91,350 364,860 Chase 100.000 42,300 1,104,920 1,180 761,340 216,300 63,780 206,980 Cent. Han. Bk. Bk. Rep., Chi. 200,000 204,350 1,469,500 59,620 1,217,010 179,420 117,420 419,620 1st N., N. Y.; Oont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Cont. N„ Indpls. 1,980,030 629,870 150,840 626,730 N. City, N. Y.: Oont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi. 96,640 1,847,876 2,287,150 131,640 790,700 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N.Y.; Foreman State N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi Complete Banking Service. Prompt, personal attention given Collections. 70-107 dB®T«il'02 70-106 FRANK A. HOWELL 0.^. AGGS----- C.R. McELHENY- ttfeAHP- UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE. Your Buslnoos Invited. d®T»tl’91 70-103 IN THE COUNTY OoHeetlons solicited and promptly remitted for. First Trust & Savings Bank Wilber M. Oar ter..IH. K. Hoblit------- (Leonne Roblnioa- Henry E. Klafke. |b. A. Franklin. V. \P. and Tr. Off. 70-105 dB®TH’21 ‘LIBERTY STATE BANK MEAN COUNTY BANK 1165-6% par 100 Surplus DbposPaid-up AND IT8 Capital Profits Ch. of Bd. WILBER M.CARTER 'FIRST 5:5* cinoi NATIONAL BANK•m LARGEST BANK 14% Ass't Cashier. Cashier. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. ‘CORN BELT BANK 1410-20% par 100 Resources. Liabilities. TOWN AND COUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. 7 McLeanGlS 30,421 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Total (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this P. A. J0HNS0H_ _ _ _ E. E.FINCHAM- - - - - - - R. E. SHEARER- - - - - - - R. P. CARLOCKSAMWALDMAN, N. (Met. Br.), N. Y.; Harris Tr. Sav., Chi.: 1st N., Bloomington. & & Tr. Co., N. Y.i N. Ch. of Bd. THINK—Did It ever occur te you dB®t§'19 that Invariably The New Bank will naturally render the most sattafbetary service? 70-111 1228-1% par 100 70-108 A trial will sonvtaee. May we hear from yon? fW.L. RUST........... H. H. RUST- - - - - - - - - \ LEE RUST, Ch. H. M. STONE N.C.RISHOP- - - - - - - ) Prompt and Efll cient Service on all Collections, (.Send your Bloo mington Items to us. Tour buslne ss cordially Invlt ed. ®«tl’03 W. L. Moore------- L. H. Weldon_____ G. R. Morrison — Robert K. Okell C.L.Niedermeyer G. F. Dick. Jr.. Marauis, Ch. G. F. Dick, Jr. Sec, 24% par 100 70-104 Tr. Off. F. D. Marauis C.H. Bennett, Mgr. Bloomington Clearing House ♦PEOPLE’S BANK- d®MiM F. D. 100,000 592,720 2,694,440 300.000 410,480 4,250.250 300 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. (.Membert indicated bv a *) Blue Island.13,134 Blue Island Trust & Sav. Bk. (Closed) 7 Cook D21 L. Zacharias, Jr First National Bank..®«2'96 Christian Krueger. H. F. Klein................ F. L. Zacharias... J. F. A.Vincent- A. C. P. W. 8eyfarth J. L. Zacharias, C.h A. L. McCord 70-1178 50.000 20,910 264,89C _____ 250,436 34,150 7.000 100,000 6,000 499,690 18,440 295,446 203.190 26,040 12,000 3,770 85,000 40.00C 28,310 _____ Wm. McTaggart— B. W. Lucas___ 15,000 3.50C 92.00C 63.00C 15.00C 11.50C A. Baker__________ g. J. Hicks------ 10.00C 40C 40 Q0( E5.00C E. L. Bankson. Blue Mound.,881 State Bank of Bine Mound A. W. McClure ___ W. O. Matthew.— G. M. Bankson — 1120-5% 70-1776 d©»t§’12 7 Macon J15 par loo Bluffs________ 1009 Bank of Bluffs_____d®»JI’98 E. L. Kendall------- H.C.Knoeppel----- J. A. Knoeppel. 12% par 100 70-1179 I Scott J8 Bluford..__ ...165 Bluford State Bank. d®15'19 Douglas Moss, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. I Jefferson N17 1120-7% par 140 70-1851 Bondvllle_____ 260 Bondville State Bank__ ______ (Closed for liquidati 7 Champaign H18 Bone Gap____455 First State Bank........ ®»’20 W. K. Kimzey.. 71-1182 8 Edwards N 20 4% Bonnie...__ ...302 Bank of Bonnie----------- tS’10 j. H. Sledge.. | Jefferson O 1 1108-8% par 100 70-1183 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. F. Coffman____ J. H. Hassebrock.. 44,220 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Millikin N.. Decatur. 99,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; Mtle.- Com Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L, 22,000 3d N„ Mt. Vernon: N. Stock Yds. N., N Stk. Yds. on. March 30. 1929) CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY ^CHICAGO 21,000 1st N., Mt. Carmel. 15.40C Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co„ St. L.; Ham. N Mt. Vernon. capital $20,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- ILLINOIS—Continued . eMem.A.B.A.^New § State fPrl* tMem. 8tate B. Ass'n. [Estab *County Seats. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div 7 Hancock H 5 7 Grundy E 19 Bradford_____ 9 7 Stark E 12 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Oashikk. Ass't Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits Farmers Bank of Bowen George T. Pearce __ J. W. Williams___ W. C. Rowland___ Edith G.Kettenring 1 70-1184 ®»t§’91 G. W. Nash, Jr. Peoples Stale Bank ... PHENIX BANKING CO. 70-949 W. L. Thompson .. fE.G. REES........... W. H. HARMON......... D. N. PHENIX........... B. D. PHENIX d®*t§'81 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drarts. Cash and Time Items. Bradley State & Savings Bk. F. F. Marcotte........ Jos. Peschel............ E. C. Vandagrift... 7 Kankakee E 21 70-1717 d®»+§’ll $120-8% par 100 First NationalBankin Braid- N. P. Keyes............ T. L. Francis.......... A. H. Nelson_____ Kate Fallon............ 7 Will E 19' $300-30% 70-1185 wood par 100 d®*t’2l Breese______ 23! First National Bank__ •i’lo FerdKrebs_______ A. H. Timmerman. 8 Clinton M 13 $150-10% par 100 70-628 fJ. 0. MADDING.— CLAY SEED-............ R. H.BENNER......... Macoupin L 10 7 PeoriaTli' Broadlands___ 7 Champaign ] Brocton ...__ _ 7 Edgar j‘2'l’ Brookfield ___3589 7 Cook C 20 Brookport___1098 8 Massac R 18 Broughton__ 50t 8 Hamilton P17 Brownfield . 99 „ 8L Pope Q 17 Browning.........456 7 8chuyler H 8 Browns______ 388 8 Edwards N 21 Brownstown . 518 8 Fayette L16 100 25,30!)$ 49,37c>1 33,590 Mtle. Tr. & Sav. and State Say. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy; 1st N.. Joliet. n": 4 r: n Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria. 10,000 288,970I 16,09!') 18 8Jfl1 10,OlvJ 50,000 18,130 494,330 16,890 298.8001 43,5001 105,710' 131,350 25.000 17.280 295,810 25,000 35,920 369,350 50.000 10.160 50,000 100,000 900,000 25.000 5,000 103,760 25,000 W. I. Gillham____ David P. Gill.......... W. A. Schneeberg. W. G. Strohbeck .. 70-1021 d®»t’09 Exchange State Bank®»t§’ll G. L. Dungan........ 70-1186 First State Bank........... »J§’92 W. A. Cool ley____ 70-1187 Brocton Bank_______*t§’21 Roy C. Helton____ $125-par 100 70-1188 Brookfield State Bank E. B. Graham_____ $170-6% 70-1730 dB®*t§'12 par 100 Brookport National Bank H. W. Hoilfield.__ $200-12% par 100 70-740 d®«’03 First State Bank 5’04 O. W. Allen, $100-7% 70-1189 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Union State Bank___ *t5’21 H. F. McC lan chen „ 70-1781 First State Bank... ®tS’20 John Schultz____ $145-6% par 100 70-1190 Browns State Bank t5’20 D. A. Macauley— „ 70-1191 First National BankdB®»t’13 M. J. Griffith. $175-10% par 100 70-1192 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, H. O. Cady______ Charles C. Carson. Chas. F. Dugan___ J. R. Schelkopf Luella M. Kenney. H. K. Allen .... 980 79,020 Peoria. 198,800 39,5101 in cnn 1U,DUU 90,170 91,350 288,940 6,540 43,430 : 77,580 340,700 22,220 33,990 : 300,000 500,000 100,000 60,290 23,550 51,940 150,000 ( 'ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Merch. State Tr. Co., St. L. 18,340 ] 20,360 601,280 35.960 174,260 ( 35,920 I 157,830 1,436,200 C. L. Chesrown___ G. J. Kaericher... K. L. Kaericher ... F. C. Schultz 8,040 217,050 5,000 178,250 30,290 10,630 6,960 152,440 28,450 107,500 89,080 4,590 50.000 20.000 347,420 339.060 30.000 3.750 195.250 189.460 25.000 12,890 156,140 9,660 122,350 100,000 30,810 933,300 29,380 379,200 301,910 25,000 O. A. Butterworth K. L. Holifield____ M. H. Holifield .... 25,000 30,000 V. B. Campbell___ 25,000 11,130 W. H. Noel.__ 15,000 2,520 58,100 III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st n!, St" L. 195,000 St. L. 11,690 N. I Bk.Rep.. Chi.; N. City. St! L. 10.850 68,810 1 st N. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Merch 9.790 33,500 437,390 65,050 32,250 CJont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Citiz. Decatnr; Com'l Tr. & 8av., Danville, 38,040 Clont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletct Am. N„ Indpls. 211,850 Cfont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N.. Joli Ill. N.. Peoria. 176,690 106,490 8,120 120,080 1,680 24,220 54,930 3,200 4,680 110,000 90,000 7,500 62,000 65,000 276,420 35,000 86,580 Clity N.. Paducah. Ky.; 1st N.. Joliet; City. S. L. 6,080 1 stN„ St. L.; 1st N., McLeansboro; Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. F. M. Skiles R. J. Fleming_____ Homer C. Cox........ 30,000 15,000 O. A. Bunting____ C. C. Ruby_______ 10,000 1,000 C. E. Stine_______ C. A. Griffith_____ Mayme L. Griffith. 25,000 28,310 283,390 25.000 21,590 412.330 25,000 7,080 139,370 50,000 15,000 375,000 . par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. Brussels_____ 280 Bank of Brussels........ __*S’21 E. E. Williams ___ _Jno. J. Kinder.__ P. M. Zigrang____ Geo. Gebben_____ 8 Calhoun L 8 $120-16% par 100 70-1193 Buckingham..165 Farmers Bank......... d®J§’10 J. F. Hosier______ W. B. Hosier L. L. Henry . 7 Kankakee F19 $100-4% 70-1194 Buckley...........461 7 Iroquois G 19 lanbous i Om ft lz> omAiraa^Dva no* Baku 348,500 FIKST NATIONAL BANK par 8,560 $ 261.34C $ 22,010 $ 233,640) 1 MlSCEL- 10,860 50,000 m'.H.'bbM'....... Brighton State Bk. .d®t§’13 O. C. Isenberg.— T. L. Strohbeck... D* J? • lUWSt)........ O. J. Hermes____ $110-6% par 100 70-1020 $250 ties Loans Bonds and and Diaoounti1 Sacuritiee, 50.00C J 1 Our Commerci al, Collection and Trust Departme nts are at your se 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time'ltems. rvice. {.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft 8 ITB Other Liabili Resources. Co., E. St. L. State Bk. of Breese dB®t§’ll H. B. Hummert.__ A. J. Helwig______ V. J. Hummert___ E.T. Rickher $250-6% 70-629 E. G. Hustedde par 100 Farmers State Bk.dB®TI§’24 L. G. Gee________ W. S. Titus $250 par 100 70-539 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1251-10% 70-637 d®T»t'06 Dbpo»- II {Closed for liquidati on) Bradford Exchange State Bk. Rosa L. Thompson Robert Thompson. L, H. Yeck $120-10% 70-918 dB©*t§'72 par 100 i% 50.00C I For In volume. F. E. Singleton.__ M. R. KaDlin I. E. Merritt______ Leona Stroup......... 1 nn 2,500 nnn 42,690 381,300 140 117,770 19,190 230,000 110,000 12,810 KI. City, St. L.; Pope Co. State, Golconc 1st N„ Paducah, Ky. 35,000 1; 19,000 1: 26,800 41,160 C 10,360 67 %w?6n R of Calhoun Co., Hardin; 1st N., St.L. U1 uu u Bk. 7.520 27,120 C ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Jol iet; City N., Kankakee. 100,000 C Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Where Bankers Bank OAC 265 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n^ Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew $ State tPrir. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav,$LastSale%Div. Buda......... ........... 796 7 Bureau E13 LINDNER & B0YDEN BANK President. rr... V ICE-PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tins volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Ass’t cashixk. Cabbies. LINDNER- C. W. B0YDEN------- G. R. LINDNER— S:»«eu Paid-up Capital $ PRINCIPAL GOKKISPONSENTS. Resources. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Liabili AND its ties Profits Bondi Loan* and and LANEOUS Discount! Securities CAUft MX■AP«ld,I>TJl rmoar Baku 23,450 1 71.640 C 350,320 145,630 300,620 267.840 37,200 10,360 61,610 1 5.410 134,960 136,640 5,000 3,650 25,080 I 1,470 52,830 9,500 54,350 13,190 3,310 234,870 30,750 50,000 $ 26,340 504,800 $ 50.000 25.900 30,000 15,000 9,900 Chi. ) Oldest Olde Bank — Modern Equipme nt and Facilities, (.Pron .Prompt attentl on given all bust ness. Collections a Specialty. (A State Bank) 8% par 100 70-1196 d®*ti’02 Farmers State Bk—d*t§’12 J. F. Ellington___ H. M. Robinson $150—6% par 100 70-1718 F. S. Castle____ Buffalo Prairie State Bank W. H. Elliott, »ioo-6% 70-2032 d®»JS 20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 (Closed October 11, 1 929) Bulpitt_______ 470 Farmers State Bank----------- -7 Christian J 13 Buncombe ....280 First State Bank----------- ti’20 P. T. Chapman___ C. D. Nobles_____ 70-1754 8 Johnson Q 16 8% Bunker Hill ...977 First National Bank. .®»t'13 Charles E. Drew__ A. S. Cuthbertson. 70-857 8 Macoupin L11 14% Burgess_______ 124 Farmers State Bank..-•£$'12 J. B. Morford____ J. P. McCreight ... 8200-6% par 100 70-1731 7 Mercer E 8 Fred Pflngsten___ D. C. Roach_____ Burlington___ 209 8tate Bank of Burlington 6% par 100 70-1976 ®t§'19 7 Kane B17 W. J. Singleton___ G. W. Singleton.— State Bank of Burnside Burnside_____ 350 79-1198 ®t*'W 7 Hancock G 6 8225- 8% par 100 G. E. Simpson.—. Burnt Pralrle.,400 Burnt Prairie State Bk.t§’05 John G. Powell___ Geo. H. Brown, Ch. 8160-10% par 100 70-1199 8 White 019 C. S. Clarke......... . Bushnell_____ 2716 Bank of Bushnell.—B»t§’21 B. C. Roach_______ 7 McDonough G8 12% par 100 70-652 Buffalo_______ 476 7 Sangamon 113 Buffalo Prairie .42 7 Rock Island D7 J. E. McCann_____ E. L. Crane.. G. P. Lester C. S. Boruff—....... Calvin Mathis-----I. E. Sanford------- W. Fahrenkrog. Horace Pyle G. C. Burns--------- 26.000 61,770 464,510 10,000 235,350 25,000 31.750 110,000 20,000 154,000 12,000 26,000 7.950 1st 1 N„ Vienna. 60,320 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 20,750 1. Bk. ReD. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d N., Monmouth. 15,000 St N.. Chi. 20,000 21,000 200,000 200,000 E. F. Nortrup------ K. R. Crabill......... 25,000 31,000 165,000 173,500 19,000 2,500 26,000 Jont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ill. State Quincy. 15,000 6,000 65,720 51,420 25,000 4,980 10,320 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Ray O. Brown .— Albert Clarke .. Jas. Garretson 100,000 23.230 554,220 558,130 15,700 17,440 86,170 lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Com'l N., Peoria. 50,000 56.230 691,650 550,540 140,520 26,270 C. P. Spiker.— 80,540 'oreman State N., Chi.; Cent.N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. KORN........... C. E. OBLANDER — 0. M. McELVAIN------ C. E. HENRY---------- CLARA A. W.KUKUK 75.000 44,400 430,910 347,370 144,840 53,160 78,45ol !hase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: 1st N„ Peoria. Ray Bar rick---------- Edith M. Jewell.. Byron...................855 Byron State Bank..dB®tS’21 C. B. Linn________ G. F. Bonn_______ 60,000 16,140 456,770 233,970 197,450 54,650 46,840 Drov. N., Chi.; RockfordN. and Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rockford. 25.000 9,670 362,600 1,270 288,960 64,610 10,320 34,660 1st N., Joliet; City N.. Kankakee. 250,000 103,190 1,796,160 144,370 1,614,370 307,580 119,980 251,792 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chl.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 100.000 31,850 1,178,300 68,600 565,570 539.44C 130,901 142,830 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 250,000 95,320 2,173,610 1,865,74( 368,45 75.28 313,050 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chl.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rt. L.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. H. C. Hattendorf. W. J. Fultz....... muMb B. H. Alexander ._ J. H. Spiker---------- L. E. Brew baker... 8210-8% par 200 70-553 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8200-8% 79-661 d®»£ 92 par 100 6% par 100 70-890 7 Ogle B14 929. Liquidating thr ough Farmers State Bank) Cabery............... 299 Cabery State Bank_______ _— (Closed March 14, 1 7 Ford F19, D. W- Clayton-— Farmers 8tate Bank ..dt$'04 H. Raab..................... A. H. Robillard.__ G. B. Aldrich-------- F. J. Wagner 8130-3% par 100 70-1109 .Cairo............. 15,572 8 Alexander R14 ALEXANDER COUNTY BANK *160-8% 70-173 d®T*t$’86 par 100 CAIRO NATIONAL BANK FIRST BANK & TRUST COMPANY *160 par 100 79-175 (lB©T»t'0l 8220-12% parlOO 79-172 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis d®T»£6'«5 LVIoos— kWr/r-ME^EL Ana. 5,000 73,500 r« prompt and efficient service send year Items and eeDeettons direct. E. A. SMITH----------E.G. PIRN Q. E. BECKWITH. A. 0. HICKC0XW. E. MULKINS A modern collection department maintains a special messenger service to all parts of city. B-L Drafts and other collections given personal attention. REEDGREEN____W. H. WOOD ------------- H. R. AISTHORPE, H. C. STEINEL. 0. B. HASTINGS Cash, and Sec. H.E. EMERSON The only Caro bank that maintains a separate Collection Department and makes a special effort in that line. We get results. Try us. 266 .. 5“.deLN!ime °,f ®an.k the New Transit Number given ™ *h bank *? u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW* AID QOtfSTT. •Mtm. A.B. A. nNew §8tate fPrlr *0ounty Seats. tMem. Stats B. Ass’n. [Eat&b. £lg. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond fDd. Beg. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Prbsidiht. y ice-President. Aas’T Cashier. Oasiisb. d®«t§’25 76-1260 Cambria_____ 675 Cambria State Bank..dl§’21 Thos. Waldron.... John Reeves____ I Williamson P14 $125-8% 70-1544 TJ. E. WESTERLUHD. 7 Henry Bll $325-8% mtu-m Ben Level_______ KW | Special attentl •n given BUI of Please send lie LWo pay 4% Into B. Hadley......... William Ringle, Ch, with each sight dr real an Time De Pmorrra 25,000 ; First Trust & 8avings Bank W. A. Hill. J. C. Kowalski__ W. J. Hartman. *uo 70-1658 d®»t§’10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Oamargo---------ISS Oamaiwo State Bank ..d»T8 A. A. Armstrong .. H. D. Biaka_____ Lloyd Flanagan... 7 Douglas 120 ‘Cambridge.. 1335 FARMERS Liabilities PiiD-vr SWLtra Daros- LOsaaa m iabiu Capital Caledonia____ NO Caledonia National Bank J. A. Brown______ J. O. Ralston J ■ A. Greenlee___ 7 Soon* All 70-1858 ®*i’14 OjiWu1—' .230 Parmera State Bank____ §’21 Samuel Bartley— E. F. Provines____ J. E. Began.__ • Blehland 1120 $110-3% par 100 7S-17I1 Calumet City 7492 Calumet City State Bank Arthur Jennette... J. W. Jaranowski.. John Carroll__ 7 Cook 022 $165par 100 70-2091 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES. ILLIN OIS—Continued HARRY S. WHITE- 1 FAY R1SHEL_ _ L. H. HUNT Ladtatc Drafts, Ca sb and Time Ite ixa TIBS 11,120 $ 137,210 I Principal Correspondents. Loua ud Boadc Miscblaad Disco sate Sacoritica unoci 12,520 t 101,090 S 49,530 $ 4,700 1 30,540 1st N.. OH.; 2d N.. Belvidere; Rockford N„ Rockford. 3,120 Old N„ Evansville. 15,000 1,570 18,510 2,030 30.580 50,000 19,830 620,250 149,790 237,700 443,200 20,740 138,230 Chase N„ N. Y.: Union and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st Tr. & Sav., Hammond, Ind. 50.000 31,490 265,630 64,370 183.680 137.040 36,400 15,000 13,960 55.420 52.930 54,370 Public N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav. and Hammond N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hammond22.140 Ht N.. OhL 25.000 4,210 150.290 117,960 9,200 6,000 50,000 3,360 9.300 126,620 1.047,640 51,350 592,590 527,770 40,620 46,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. andTr. Co., St. L. 114,620 Chase N„ N. T.; 1st N„ Stock Yds. N„ and Drov. N.. OH.; 1st N„ Peoria. presentaiio n and 25e for Ored it Rcpor ts. William Rlngle___ V. B. Hadlgy _ KPTOb®.™ Ray Blomgren____ Dan McKillop par 100 A. E. Anderson Camden_____ 367 Camden State Bank........ tl’21 J. H. Race_______ M. Belle Ritchey. Roy O. Daly______ Cyrene M. Hester. 7 Schuyler H6 $100-5% 70—1877 par 100 Cameron____ 250 State Bank of Gameron.21'01 George Brnington P. H. Sheltom_____ W. H. Johnson. 7 Warren FI $180-8% par 100 70-1261 50,000 125,500 712,700 50,300 646,900 172,000 87,900 12,000 1,920 72,970 17,000 88.640 7,500 1,950 50,000 46,890 170,560 21,000 189,120 42,960 25,630 15.000 8,320 229,220 2,840 77,050 146,990 2,520 John Gubbins_____ James P. Hickey _ Emmett Hickey... 25.000 15,000 140,000 8.500 145,000 15,000 7,000 21,500 Drov. N., OH.; Merch. ft IB. M.. Peoria. J.H. HOKE- - - - - - - - - - FRED S. OMER----- H. R. STABLER----A. M.STABLER ed Bank —Perse 25,000 4,670 279,640 197,400 59,640 18,270 33,990 1st N„ Chi.; State Sav. Ln. ft Tr. Co., Campbell Hill.306 First State Bank........... t§'21 Geo. Tegtmeyer.. Wm. Williamson. I Jackson P13 $100-6% 70-2052 Edward O. Knop 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drwr. 1st N. and Cent. N., Peoria. OhL: 6.000 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy; 1st N„ Augusta. 30,750 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi. Peo. Tr. & Sav,, Galesburg. 28,820 1st N„ St. L. par 100 Campgrovtf___ 223 Camp Grove State Bk..dtl'02 Wm. J. Gill........ 7 Marshall B12 10% par 100 70-1203 fARTHUR E. GAY, Camp Point...994 I Adams II aa"BwiF-4w" par 100 I Ch.of Bd.and Pres. Farmers State Bank dB®t§’24 Wm. Vollbracht, L. Nicolai.............. par 100 70-2007 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Wm. Geibert Peoples Bank______ dB®§'93 M. W. Callahan___ M. F. Henry_____ #% par 110 76-818 Campue______ 228 Campus State Bank dB®t§’21 L. F. Walsh... 7 Livingaton F18 6% par 100 70-1204 Canton____ 11,027 7 Fulton QU CANTON NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK Earl C. Pierce......... Rnby G. Rainier. 40,000 9,450 93,520 95,450 22.950 8,640 H. G. Henry______ N. Greenhalgle.__ F. D. Thomas 25.000 2.500 350,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 7.500 182,500 100,000 60,000 M. B. Bute_______ T. M. Walsh______ C. A. Walsh___ E. A. HEALD- - - - - - H. B. HEALD- - - - - - - - - H. WHITEHEAD_ _ _ _ _ C. F. I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Send us your Canton Collections. 370 I. E. HEGLY.. Mu'! a........ 6. W. SMITH Ch, 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Oo.,Ohi.; 1st N.,Dwight. 125.000 146.740 1,428,920 111,010 794,170 682,540 114,380 220,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Peoria. 101, MO 148,120 1,647,290 100,000 1,120.590 544,820 101,620 228,370 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Com’l N„ **'C'ARMSTR0RG -1:1:MR E.R. REEDER_ _ _ _ Tr, Officer Established 1864—66 years off Service. Vigorous Attention and Quick Returns on all Collections. Peoria. (Please enclose 25c for Credit Reports or Ratings) d®T«t’64 FIRST STATE BK. U. 6. ORENDORFF.— A. L TAFF- - - - - - - - - - - GEO. WILSON. & TRUST GO. „ . _ Cash., Sec. and Tr. 6. W. LANE , A. Cash., 100,000 111,530 1,607,160 A.Sec. and A, Tr. 944,670 585,850 55,370 232,870 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Peoria. 196,720 67,430 12,930 43,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N.. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. Modern, Progressive, Hustling for Business, we want yours. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts and Bank Collections. $185-8%parl00 70-222 d®T»||'07 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25e for Credit Reports Capron________.550 Capron Bank_____ dB®#t§’05 O. L. Chester-------- W. R. Harriett.. 7 Boone A17 $200-10% 70-1206 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,310 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Ill, State, Quincy; N. City. St. L. 77,500 1st N., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ill. State, and Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS RECEIVE SPECIAL CARE. Please send ISc presentation fee with sight drafts; 25c for reports. $290-12% par100 76-221 d®T»t’l7 $265-12%porl0076-120 Quincy; Far. Tr. Co., Maryville, Mo. Oldest Establish nal and Efficient Service. 15 CENTS sent to ns with eaeb sight draft fer pr and 1*5 CENTS for e aeb credit report Insures prompt, esentatien, personal attentl Jas. G. Blaine.. 35.000 31,710 242,990 11,000 Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 267 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and coontt. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPrif. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. RESOURCES. Ajm t Ounra. T> ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. IBffK ‘CarUnrlUe...S212 t Macoupin K10 HNHU Principal Correspondents. Bonds Mibcbl- Oabh t lxLout Other Darea- L Paid-up Surplus ohabbm.Dvb and ud iabili AND rra DImouM SNVitilB LAKIOUB nM Iabke Capital Profits ties J. M. ETHERTOK— F. M. HEWin- - - - - - - - J. E. ETHERT0N- - - - - - W. J. OTTESON....... $ 60,000 Carbondale__6267 CARBONDALE NAT’L BANK c | Jackson P14 1100-10% par 100 70-381 d»t’05 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ox this ILLINOIS—Continued $ 62.020 $ 514,170 I 56,900 S 355,810 $ 113,040 $ 117,830 $ 106,400 Cont. III., Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. We pay no often tion to plain Sight Drafts or Credit Inquiries Unless 15c accom panics each draft for presentation, and 26c each reque st for R eport or Rating. .This rale d«ea not apply to BUI af Lading Drafte, Cash or Time Its DU. W. A. SCHWARTZ — J. E. MITCHELL —- G. N. ALBON, Jr....... W. A. SCHWARTZ. J. E. MITCHELL 100,000 69.000 1,050,000 600,000 300,000 81,000 588,350 292,380 75.000 238,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Coni. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. OhU 1st N..St.L. 1 Ch. of Bd. , We pay no attenti on to plain Sight Dr afts or Credit Inquir tea Unless 15c accom panies each draft for presentation, and 25c each request for Rep ort or Ra ting. ..This rule does not apply to BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash or Time Ite ms. JOHN (.ANDERSON RIVERS M. ANDERSON JOHN NESTERMEIER VALTER N. RET — 100 000 93,790 Bank Bk. Tr. L.; of America N. A., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtle-Com. Bk. & Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. Ridgely-Far. State, Springfield. 115,760 833.760 114.620 856,650 47,650 615,100 241,140 113,190 99,490 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., 8t. L. 48,830 568,970 39,820 412,020 137,730 103,350 74,500 1st N..Ohi. and StL. 38,000 270,120 8,300 224,520 31,200 37,800 25.000 24,570 359,320 15,000 209,850 182,970 16,000 50.000 31,300 841.910 81,600 207,230 694,090 30,000 73,480 N. City, N. Y.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.:Un.Tr. Co.. E. St. L. 100,000 46,360 931.720 — 563.520 268,310 94,290 40,000 30,230 481,080 39.880 214,120 245,400 44,830 151,960 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Ohi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr.Co., St. L.: N. City and Old N.. Evansville. 86,850 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Old N., Evansville; N. City, St. L. 40,000 81,960 540,090 14,360 393,890 181,250 35,560 Oldest and Lar geel Bank halta aouptn County, Collections a ape elalty. Remit n day of payment. T eur bnstnaes tnv Mod. .PEE IN ADVAN CEx Plata sight 4 rafts, 25s; Credit Be peris, the. 50,000 W. F. Burgdorfl.. F. W. Burton____ A. L. Hoblit........- Ira McCollom........ OarHavOls National Bank C. H. Diesel P. O. Landoa •soo-io% 70-466 ®W88 70-465 70.000 H. A. STEIHMEYER W B. OTWELL......... J. P. DERBY- 'W!AVU9Q Prompt Service i Special attentlo „Pitas* send 15* w Farmers State Bank .®tl’03 J. E. O’Hara_____ 1250-10% 70-1206 $1*0-8% par 100 Carloek_____375 7 McLean G14 on Colleetlona. J. HOWARD GAGE n given BUI ef La ding Drafte, Cash and Time Items ith each sight draft far presentation and 25sfor Credit Rope rU. 25.000 S. E. Maurer-------- G. E. Ewins-------- R. W. Vincent----- J. H. Schaefer....... Theodore Zieren.. P. V. Schaefer-----‘Carlyle____ 2027 Farmers & Merch. Bank | Clinton M 13 10% par 100 76-651 dB®*t5’04 First National Bank----------- Fred Schlafly____ H. J. Schlafly......... J.M. Krebs--------io% 70-650 ®T»tl900 ‘Car ml_____2667 I White 020 F. Marlin__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK +,n9 T. W. Hall_______ R. D. Stinson------- E. P. Hubele____ J. F. M. Ziegler 70-522 d®*t 93 $200-10% par 100 Arthur W. Charles Julius C. Kern_ National Bank of Oarmi Roy E. Pearce $200-12% 76-523 d®*2 1900 Jno. M. Crebs, Ch. of Bd. par 100 J. J. Harrell__ J. E. Dennis — D. J. Hillyard Frank E. Pomeroy. E. W. Pomeroy. J. G. Endicott .— Carriers Mills 2343 Oitisens Savings Bnnk®tl’09 Thos. L. Ozment.. Geo. G. Mugge... $100 par 100 70-708 t Saline Q17 First National Bank... dt’05 H. C. Henderson.. S. W. Cape........... 76-707 FreemanMotsinger 25,000 2.730 149,990 Ed. Williams---- 25,000 9,870 209,030 WHITE COUNTY BANK $230-12% par 100 78-524 d®*3i 04 ‘Carroll ton... 2020 CARROLLTON BANK-dtl 77 B. C. Hodges........ Henry Schafer .— 0. H. Bldred-----par 100 70-601 I Greene K 0 MEE5«. ir% Cartervlll*___1404 t WllllamsonP15 70-600 ft. LWHITESIDE.. S. E. PIERS0R- - - - - J. G. Dagley Beatrice Ozment.. CLYDE UNDER----- L E. WATSON. Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash Please send 16e to» th sack Sight Draft far presentation and LOLDEST ESTA BUSHED BANK. 76-513 par 100 76-514 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 141,830 1,188,920 920 156,850 60,340 29,520 1,077,170 18.600 64,320 1,143,620 51,110 16,720 322,320 192,400 37,020 78,180 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 95,390 457,210 21,400 115,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. &. Tr. Co,. Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co„St. L. 145,750 Equitable Tr.Co.. N.Y.; Cont.III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohl.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & 220,220 Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N„ St. L. 50,000 52,070 527,750 50.000 33,940 552,430 rt«. d®»tl'04 FIRST RATI0RAL BARK-*! 05 F. M. HILLER- - - - - - - B. I. JAMES — $160-10% 100,000 65,700 ChaseN..N.Y.: Cont. IlI.Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L,; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.: Citiz. N.. Evansville. 52,250 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N.. Harrisburg. , . „ • 23,130 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; N City. St. L. < Oldest Bank In the County. Bp eetal attention gl ren coUeettene. .. •« 64 ) Please send lie with eaeh Stgbt Draft for present atlon and (.Me with each r Dfunt for report or rating. GARTERVILLE fJ. B. SAMUEL— WALTER ROWATT— M.V. SIZEMORE, STATE & SAV. BK. $225-10% par 100 105 170 1 inn,67n J. J.Eldred— George Geers 24,210 101,250 25,950 47.900 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Corn Belt, Bloomington: Cent. N.. Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. . ,„ „ 15,250 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.,St. L.; 1st N.. E. St. L. MIKE FERRELL. EMMA TYGETT—. MABEL HADFIELD 53,180 Continental Illinois Company —Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 268 tnJl^bKr ?nde'N*me of Bank ls the New Transit Number given &.2&bank *5 Uv S- delusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers" Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oouwrr. •Mem.A.B.A. "Nsw {State TPri». ‘County Seati. tMem. State B. Aas'n. fBgtab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSaIe%Div. Liabilities. PxKaiDKirr. Tici-Pusidxnt. Oaiiih. Ass’t Casiiu. ‘Carthage.__ 2129 Dime Savings Bank.d®«t§’04 G. E. Pumphrey.. . Lilian B. Berry ___ Fred Salm................ Otis L. Wood. 7 Hancock H 6 1175-7% 70-597 Ellis E. Cox par 100 mm Ltlybank 70-696 (1A [fc-wk0-,E,uli"----- L- «• CHEiteitL—tmom« f. I e®ckCanty. Co Uectlons d®t’63 1 rmiv invfS d'en*,,t*ed0.°P da T Of payment. G eneral Banking. 1.FLE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Dr afti, 16c; Credit Rep ort*, 25e. re. R. MARTIN---- W. F. PETTIT............ LEO L. HELFRICH_ _ _ ELZY L. BROSS_ _ _ _ J GHAS. C. WETZEL Cwry------------ 463 7 McHenry B 18 Casey---------- 2189 7 Clark K 21 Catlln ______ 931 7 Vermilion 121 Cave In Bock ..349 _ 8 Hardin Q 1» Centralla ...14,082 8 Marion N 15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates. Holldavs. etc sap T .w. ILLINOIS—Continued f 50,000 s 140,000 10,000 f 400,000 1 9.120 813,350 100,000 30.000 484,000 323,030 415,870 25,000 33,560 15,750 169,990 35,000 600,000 6,000 190,000 4,200 125,000 30,260 711,340 Old National Bank dB®T*t'#5 F. F. Noleman — C. C. Davis............... Harry Kohl________T. G. Braden... 1400-20% par100 70-235 100,000 215,000 2,200,000 60,000 Cerro Gordo 1008 STATE BK.QF CERRO GORDO TJ. W. VENT- - - - - - - EARL GRISWOLD-— BERT L. CHAPMAN - .. ..................... . 7 Platt I 17 ' 70'0-018 ) .P.1***® r?uSend your Items dlrec t to as. *200-12% par 100 d®»J|’M J Unexcelled facll I tics for hand Ung Bill of Lading Dr arts. K. Please tend 15c u ith each eight draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep srts. Chadwick___ 582 Farmer* State BankdB®tl’09 C. W. Moore--------- C. H. Dimon______W. J. Schreiner____________________ 30,000 7 Carroll B 11 70-1047 First National Bank_•tlQOO N. H. Hawk-------- S.J. Campbell------- O. M. Kingery____ F. W. Zugsehwerdt 50,000 *200 par 100 70-1046 Chambersbnrg Chambersbnrg State Bank H. W. Cummings.. J. H. Dennis......... H. B. Dennis_______________________ 20,000 8 Pike I 7__ 220 70-1213 t§04 Champaign.18,191 7 Champaign H19 F- S. BAILEY.......... J. W. STIPES............ J. H. SNIDER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.000 dB®»t'87 “A Roll of Honor Bank" 70-195 641.470 345,060 4,000 1 36,000 $ 154,530 117,290 ITEM S. 24,050 138,720 63,230 402,770 25,000 300,000 50,000 350,000 5,000 105,030 23Q.950 205,322 105,280 25,790 220,460 146,820 8,350 Thos. A. Haras. 50.000 F. H. BARTON. And. C.M. CALVERT, Mgr. Save Dept. G. MOORE' T. J. KNOTT Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.: Coat. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi,; Ill. State, Quincy. 111,290 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi. Stats St. Bk. h Tr. Oo., Qnincy; 1st N. Joliet: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. 8tock Yds. 11,850 87,400 2/0,000 150,000 40.000 86.000 200 470,070 203,000 113,880 159,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. City, St. L. 942.000 225,000 7,800 392.200 Cent. Han. Bk.&Tr. Co. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: N. City. St. L. 821,790 1,082,120 383,530 25,680 435,190 12,530 280,000 50.000 350,000 84,000 37,700 Foreman-State N., Chi. 149,370 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st N..8t.L. 33,260 Coot. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Ind. 115,000 N. Oity. N.V.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 36,000 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: 2d N., Dan 111,800 ville. 58,000 N. Oity, Er&nsTilla. Ind. 458,510 Chase N., N. Y.. 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 41,290 62,660 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Milliken N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur: 1st N., Monticello. 25,000 10,000 27,000 70,000 40,000 1st N., Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N., Chi.; City N., Clinton. Ia. 40.000 Stock Yds.N.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 62.000 15,000 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Qnincy; Jacksonville N., Jacksonville. 190,210 1,000,359 44,250 359,530 347,100 45,630 5,000 532,560 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 700,000 Ohi. N. M. HARRIS —7-H.S. CAPRON-------- V. J. WILSON_ _ _ _ _ _ F. W.BECK B. B. HARRIS 60,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Tr. Co., Ohi.; Ill. State, Qnincy. 300,000 CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SERVICE ______________ Collections Given Special Attention. Citizens Slate Bank_________ (Absorbed by First N ational Bank Novem ber 29, 1929) •Commercial Bank. .tin Geo. W. Busey___ M. W. Bnsey —. J, 0. Somers__ 70-197 P. G. Baser 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4,500 26,020 92,000 1.376,000 20% par 100 70-196 75,000 59,120 100,000 'CHAMPAIGN NATIONAL BANK Principal Oosuspoinnara. Ill.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. MERCHANTS STATE BANK W^^Rich^r'^nn" 9;?,hBgW?ian--------C. H. Rebbe............. M. E. Barron.. *200-10% 70-236 dB®T»tS100C w. l). Richardson. Jacob Peifer w. P. Harper, A. C. G. B. McNeilly par 100 otto Erbes. A. C. Ralph Bilge 90,000 * 450,000 $ s END U 8 TOO R CAR THAGE ) «^-Pro|5ire S!,T*’ “a8t,,n* f® r Business, Years Appreciated. *125-5% 70-1986 HeE m ADVAK rre»C* °“ 9®‘J dtlons and Cred It Reports by sei ding par 100 LI!EE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, lSe; Credit Reports, 25c. 1 RY CS. Cary Bute Bank___dOwtf'ld C. T. Allen. . N. B. Kerns____ E. W. Meyer_____ 0. M. Kerns 1185-10% par 100 70-1838 25.000 Wm.Wascher Casey National Bank__*t'06 $300-20% 70-610 25.000 Eagle 8tate Bank___B®t|21 F. Bower____ J. V. Price----------a. F. Shimel_____ A. H. Lindsey .. *130-8% par 100 70-618 25.000 G. F. Shimel, Ch. First National Bank.d®«t’93 J. E. Turner-------- W. C. Turner.............J. W. Dixc ... Edward Turner ... 50,000 $230-i7H% par 100 70-617 „ _ _ , A. L. Ruftner RachaelRichardson First National Bank.. d»t'M w IS“;b; t-e-ow-o-—0. n. mo — Mae Church_____ 25,000 10% 70-1210 Robert Puzey Hardin County State Bank James Herrin.........W. P. Warford.... c. C. Kerr 15.000 — O. D. Ledbetter.... *200-15% 70-1211 {'08 City National BankdB®»i’21 A. Rettinghouse... Louis C. Koelling.. A. J. Johnson Ssheman .... 100.000 a% 70-2040 E. E. Fyke UKSUUKUIca. Loam Bonda MiacsLr- Oamb k BxPaid-dp Surplus DftPOft- Other and and Liabili and Capital Profits m Di*count* SMuritiia LAJ7IOU8 nm Baku ties H. Modern. Progressive. Hustling for Business. Yours invited. ®»t’65 Accounts of Individuals. Firms and Corporations Solicited. Satisfactory Service Please send 15c with each sight Draft for Presentationand 25c for Credit Reports. 190,000 198,200 6,714,750 200,000 3,869,500 1,742,280 130,240 1,464,940 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. ( C hampaign eontinu ed on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank AND Trust Company ^ Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150.000.000 269 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State t Pri»JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Kstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'TREVETT-MATTIS BANKING CO. (Continued) 70-lBfl •» d President. Cashier. Vice-President. ( flOSS R. MATHS— J. H, IHtYtll-------< We make a spec ialty of highest g J Prompt attenti on given all colle CORRESPOND \Pleate tend 15c toi th Sight Draft for pr Ass’T Cashier. l-t-HHfcr ♦University State Bank B. E. Spalding____ O. A. Harker........... $135-5% 70-1970 dB®<§’19 W. B. Hayes par 100 .. •• Champaign & Urban a John Burke. See... Clearing House (Membert indicated by *) Chana 142 Ghana Banking Co.......... t§’13 W, S. Grant 5% 70-1819 7 Ogle B14 “ -------- “ THE NATIONAL TRUST BANK $210-10% 70-358 dB®Tt’19 S 717,090 $ 108,520 S L. F. THEY----------- $ 100.000 $ 121,640 J 904,130 F. Pearl Garver... F. L. Zell Principal Correspondents. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi. and St. L. ( 48,770 $ 251,400 Chase 50.000 17.130 25,000 7,230 60.000 30,670 25.000 52,720 370,140 703.410 149,240 23,230 227,930 : 1st N„ Chi.: Citiz. State. Champaign. H. Trevett, Tr____ W. Alan Grant — V. P. Ainsworth... C. W. Ainsworth.. Paul Ahhntt Chapin_______ 505 Chapin State Bank-------- tl’92 John Onken.___ $300-14% 70-1214 8 Morgan 18 par 100 ‘Charleston ..6615 First National Bank...®«i'65 W. J. Kenny. __ $280-12% 70-357 7 Coles J19 I. H. Johnston Resources. Liabilities. Oa«h * ixMiscel CMAir«ifi,DTn Paid-up SU hflUh Dbposand and Liabili AND Capital Profits ITB Discount! Securities laneous from Banns ties rade First Mortga ge Farm Loans. ctions. ENCE INVITED. esentation and 25c for Credit Report*. It Chandlerville .909 $200-12% par 100 70-910 ®t§'27 7 Cass 110 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Lavs. ILLINOIS—Continued T. U. Markham___ F. W. Schultii — 2,000 15,570 i !ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. 1 Chi.: Kochelle N., Rochelle. 24,810 31,780 st N., Chi.; Com’l N., Peoria; Elli< State. Jacksonville. 89,580 33,500 39,530 1,357,930 365.910 48.810 1.252,450 260,840 118,260 187,960 20.000 1,100 108,950 344,130 138.630 516.830 234,980 24.980 175,070 218.990 225.850 105,900 $ G. W. Baker_____ R. L. King C. E. Prater, A, C. E. S. Cochran 100.000 151.480 1,478.620 ✓W. H. DREWELL— G. H. JEFFRIES____ F. W. GLAAR----------- S. H. SIMMONS_____ M. F. ROMINGER FRANKPOPHAM J. W. GANNAWAY 200.000 74,620 1,470,520 12.710 Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 176,450 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 339,440 1st N., ChL; N. City, St. L. a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. j\ Collections Prompt attenti on to all banking matters entrust ed to ns. ^ Please send 15c with each Sight Dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for each report. 43.500 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Ill. N. and 1st N., »pringfleld; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; lit N., Joliet. 64.140 G. Pereboom_____ Aletha G. Smith... 25.000 15,710 219,500 d®t§’03 Frank H. Herr.__ Mary M. Herr____ E. B. Herr..... .. S. H. Herr____ .. Chatsworth ..1087 Citizens Bank____ 70-831 7 Livingston G18 M •• T. J. O’Connor ___ John Brosnahan... J. M. Fischer_____ Commercial National Bank .T. n. florhett. $200-12% 70-830 d®< 1900 40,000 14,030 474,920 12,920 235.580 208,680 33,460 40.000 17,030 372,020 51.760 346.460 55,850 48,010 30,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. L. L. Silliman......... Victor L. Nickel - 30.000 56,880 938.010 7,000 602.660 225.470 10,830 192.930 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: Oent.N., Peoria; 1st N., Bloomington. State Bank of Cherry®<l'06 John W. Blee_____ M. H. Flaherty___ Chas. L. Connolly. Burton Waite......... $115-10% 70-1217 25.000 12.850 323.310 10.000 127.840 192.680 3.020 47.610 Foreman-State N., Chi. 25.000 48,210 322,500 910 249,330 110.880 7,400 29,000 1st N. and Drovers N., Chi.; 3d N., Rock ford. 25.000 28,400 428.910 2,390 274,180 126.660 25.000 22,830 394,920 27,100 321,320 83,270 20.280 44,950 Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. C. R. Torrence.__ E. C. Richter____ 50.000 41,160 775,310 470,880 244,280 59,550 91,770 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. J. S. Honnsley.... F. W. Cundall__ _ J. H. Parker................ F. B. l«ach, Chesterfield ...363 Chesterfield State Bank 8 Macoupin K10 $200 par 100 70-1219 ©<§’98 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25.000 13.510 217,120 1,000 159.890 42.900 5,680 ChAfitnut ?fiO Bank of Ohestnnt____ dtl'2i M. Leimbach_____ J. L. Williami____ W. G. Smith_______ E. Kretzinger____ $160-8% 70-1220 7 Logan 114 40.000 20,570 . 184,960 1,250 160,720 26,240 10,100 48.150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 49,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 7 Sangamon J12 Caldwell State Bank.__ tl’96 A. B. Moore............... 70-1215 (Closed April 7, 192 9) Chehanse 541 7 Iroquois F20 Chenoa _ 1311 State Bank of Chenoa.«tl’B2 A. D. Jordan_____ 70-771 7 McLean G16 7 Bureau Dll Frank W. Howe... R. W. 1\ne Cherry Valley .480 Cherry Valley State Bank 7 Winnebago B16 $200-10% 70-1218 d®<J’10 par _ . ... Helen L. Kehoe... 100 J. O. McNelly____ ACnester 2904 Bank of Chester-------®<l’13 I. C. Beare............... C. G. Randall_____ 8 Randolph P12 $200-12% 70-627 .. L. Kuhrtz_________ C. F. Bnhrmester. Geo. Hoffman____ J. S. Morrison.. Bnena Vista State Bank J. L. Montroy D. H. Holman $200-8% par100 70-529 d ®<§ ’ 21 M .. First State Bank....®<l’97 $200-12% 70-528 var 83,860 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; Boatmens N.. St. L. J. S. Morrison 100 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company —• Chicago Where Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank Is tie New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 270 •Mew.A.B. A. »N«w §8Ut* t Pri». tliin. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. CHICAGO—Central Reserve City (Cook County, C22) County Seat, Population (Federal ] Liabilities. Vice-President. President. Ass'T CA8EIEB. 0 ABUSE. + Adams State Bank.. dB®§’l* Joseph Klicka____ Adolph Lonek____ John T. Slama____ N. F. Kochka 1285-13% par 100 ♦ 2-211 Paid-up Capital S Surplus Am Profits 200,000 $ Othkr Total Dcroerm Liabili ties 249,910 $ 2,422,710 l Loan AKD Discounts 15,040 S 1,231,050 S 985,280 S 192,120 S 479,210 Bkrs. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Bk. Rep., and Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi. (1861W. 26th St.) ns State Bank, Sept ember, +AETHA STATE BANK 2-250 1225-8% par 100 (2375 dB®T*tlT3 ALBANY PARK NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 5, 1929) Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 688,350 Irv. 200,000 205,170 3,840,390 29,090 1,709,550 1,814,340 62,410 300,000 82,060 4,624,900 368,680 2,291,010 2,321,640 190,770 572,210 200,000 310,650 4,680,740 268,610 1,615,240 2,834,310 178,970 831,480 N. City and Gty. Tr. Co., N. M. B. KARMAN....... M. B. KARMAN -...... l J. SANDERS -.......... 200,000 159,430 2,882,040 75,020 1,925,860 943,230 60,500 DUANE SWIFT* Samuel Levin, Ch. Chas. H. Burr Win. A. Cunnea Walter T. Fisher Sidney Hillman James Maltman__ David S. Da via------- Geo. T. Jengel, R. H. Feld ____ Cash, and Sec. T. G. Beam H. J.Weber, A. Sec. W. E. Erickson andMgr. R. E. L.De pt. Lincoln Are.) 3,157,400 Resources. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Mocil- Oash A HzAffiliated Banks by+ bonds iviNttWyPn ANL Principal Correspondents. SidruriBS RaaouBOBa noa >i m LEW H. LIMBERT— THOS. L JOHNSON—- E. C. NAGEL, V. P. and Cash. g1q!.c._lqwe rnAnivbAHr Can* nuinc* Lowpirouw SAFETY-PLUS SERVICE— Your Business Invited. Refer Your Patrons to Us for Courteous Attention MURRAY MacLEOD- N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. $250-6% par 100 2-805 dB®T*t'W (1424 Lawrence Ave.) L. S. ifallek_____ 0. F. Smith... +Alliance National Bank •350-13% par 100 2-824 dB®*t’21 C. F. Smith, Ch. F. J. Burns __ (1604 W. Chicago Ave.) ‘AMALGAMATED TR. & SAVINGS BANK 2-140 dB®T*tl'22 SAMUEL LEVIN. Ch. •}. Bd. M. Adams_____ P. Kasxuha Tr. 386,950 A. D.MARIMPIETII Asst. Vice-President $175-6% par 100 (111 W.Jackson Bird.) R. F. Crowley_____ A. Y. (CHICAGO'S LABOR BANK.) f JOHN BAIN................ P. J. B0LLER—............ ROBERT BAIN P:Mza°kiewicz AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO. par 100 2-233 dB©t§’24 (1939 Milwaukee Ave.) (.SEND US YOUR 300.000 50,570 DIRECTORS: A. D. Marlmuletrl Harry A. Millls J. S. Potofsky Sidney Rissman B. M. Squires 422,020 383,540 45,000 & Sav.. Chi. Y.; 1st N. and Mid. City Amalgamated Bk. of N. Y. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Sidney L. Schwarz Frank Rosenblum Joseph Schlossberg Stephen Skala Leo Wolman 307,070 36,320 90,670 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. NORTH-WEST S IDE COLLECTIO NS FOR QUICK SERVIC E. AmerlcanTr. A SafeDePosit Go. Wm. J. Moore___ 1100-10% par 100 2-72 dTI’10 C. B. Moore. V. P. (127 N. Dearborn) V, P, and Tr. Off. H. A. Moore, Tr.__ K. W. Moore, Sec.. G. H. Nauman, A. Sec. Armttage State Bank dB®tl'25 John Bain, John H. Bain_____ Erwin Larsen_____ Cl. H. Baker 1230 par 100 2-871 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, C. C, H. Zillman E. L. Brand (3400 Armitage Are.) Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. 1,000,000 425,260 ( Trust en d Vault B u$inei$ on lv) 200,000 67,610 612,330 79,470 456,370 244,700 186,070 72,270 Equit. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Foreman-State N., Chi. + Ashland State Bank M. C. Zacharias__ Leon’rd Rntkowski E. E. Placzek_____ F. E. Rutkowski.. 1140-8% par 100 2-818 d®»t|’21 L. V. Maelejewski John P. Bonk (1804 So. Ashland Ave.) C. SzczepkowaH 250,000 177,060 1,853,590 1,730 716.880 1,090,860 229,170 245,470 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., N. W. Tr. & Sav., and Calumet N., Chi. + Atlas 200.000 67.580 2,077,660 14,160 1,632,730 304,280 109,220 313,160 Chatham PhenixN.Bk.&Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Merch. N..Ced. R.; Uu. Tr. Co., Cleve. 4 Auburn Park Trust & Savings J. J. Mclnerney___ John Kohlmann__ Bank______ 2-487 _.dB®*t§’21 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Harry W. Williams K. M. Connors 1300-6% (734 W. 79th) S. Inlander, V, P. C. H. Meacham par 100 300,000 128,030 1,152,570 78,100 722,550 767,410 41,950 126,810 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. W- Eng. Tr. & Sav., ForemamState N., and 1st N., Chi. Ashland Sixty-Third State Bank (Merged with West Englewood Trust & Savings Bank, Janu ary 22, 1930) Exchange Nat'l Bank Daniel M. Healy... Daniel J. Healy___ B. M. Blaukenheim E. T. Nordholm___ 2-272 dB®»t'15 Peter Malakates hi So. Halited St.) 1160-6% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Otte & Co. 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A* S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map NORTHERN BANK NOTE COMPANY hmIhH Fullerton and Racine Avenues CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LITHOGRAPHED BANK CHECKS, STOCK CERTIFICATES, BONDS, AND LETTERHEADS OF QUALITY AND DISTINCTION. : El'SCfe1 “Let FOUNDED IN 1891 BY S. W. EARLE U —II Ml EfKRSON • Et : J[□ Q tp i-rzr_Av^ I*___, E □ aciaa a? • ST. I | □ sr. □ □ □ plCD [ ST. □□ I iirpgppipp □ □ pp W. I ONTARIO k.... , ST. ilr-i.ta;n □ □ □ □ p dftZM c □□ NORTHERN *\ | Play Ground AV. Quality” ______ I ^J\JCITY LIMITS SUPERIOR HURON IT ERIE zz OHIO □ □ QO. E. ST ONTARIO ST il TT i.----------------- -r— t— grand— st. ,T, □!®DD ST. _ ______ Lake Shore CHICAGO v?cz] so^r W. I SUPERIOR I *?□ □ . „ i hur<5n I iczta □ w. □IdlLia ------------V---------------------W—l-ERIE-S Your Next Order be □ □ nose ^□it)tfD|=]snsa?n.a5nia!cizf ------- r — -^-ave-ti vJfcgS&Sdi □sD iSi BpOIM =IBT ' ! AUSTIN n o ■AVE. |r I CITY LfMITS ta] £T OUTLINE MAI? OF n. ,L)!Qlr“3i iialaja w -—* o CHICAGO □i Sr ■Jaiaisp ---- 'SURJIPP w la a □ > H M O City Limits, Parks and Boulevards. ■P garni—| ’^LIMITS • CENTRAL PORTION !□ OF CHICAGO LDiODfffljDDD n *'____ Z MONROE —tfn n LJ_j l_.._.jiLJ L_J|L_ ^--------- 1---------1 SHOWING RAILROADS, DEPOTS ST. AND STREET TRANSPORTATION LINES. oiai: ni-^nniB; | JACKSON BOull SCALE 3 % Inches =1 Mile StJfc Band-McNally’s 11x14 Map of tho Central Portion of Chicago. Copyright by Rand-McNally & Co. msrn\ X0WA3C ft □; —-p___STV-l EXPLANATION s Railroads Elevated R. R. _____ g Electric Lines ___________ SON-j------ RAILROADS. OKPOT NO. !□ 1. iQiQ ST. ]-ag=DS#zMizs V) S5 ZJPL. UI □SSL FORQUEB ___ ____________ | ST. ■ z oaaa hlr jzzi; ppi_aP]giQ, ____L ■ DE KOVEN | BUNKER | | ! I ST. | OOjfl ~ lU 1 f tL_ L !~cz ST'i a'lniio'ltzci l ST. fl aiLPiN ST. 'CZCZfZJfZZ ~i----------- 9T,------------ -r------ 8T,H ST. g Illinois Central (Suburban). Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. Chesapeake & Ohio of Indiana. Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Chicago & Western Indiana. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville. [9^ sr: nr 00 VO Erie. Grand Trunk Railway System. Wabash. Baltimore & Ohio. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal. Chicago Great Western. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Salnte Marie. .Pere Marquette. Illinois Central (Central Station). Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis. Michigan Central. IllI fia czpiirj 3 ,n o 8*irN WL 3 & Illinois Central (Suburban). Chicago & North Western. ( Chicago & Alton. J Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. J Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. I Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, j Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific. ■< New York Central. | New York. Chicago & St. Louis. n H o o in > ][ ^ M W m © HH W tM 4) §Hr- 3-E 3^ 10 I0 su 9 o ST. k'U-lO- in O fe til a w H § W. I7VPLJT •W 18 T."--------------------- ROM fe t3 □□ p ^Li B BANK STOCKS OF ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES - BOUGHT - SOLD - QUOTED Collateral and Stock Exchange Loans Write for Complimentary Analysis Chart of Principal Chicago Bank Stocks W VV. M 1V1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DTOKFY 010R.E, l & tSL ff) inc. Tnr - 4 105Telephone w. adams street Randolph 7030 CHICAGO A REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF CHICAGO’S LEADING INVESTMENT DEALERS W. S. Aagaard & Co. A. C. Allyn & Co. Babcock, Rushton & Co. J. S. Bache & Co. Bacon, Whipple & Co. Baer, Eisendrath & Co. Baird & Warner, Inc. Baker, Fentress & Co. Bankers Co. of N. Y. Bartlett & Gordon, Inc. Bartlett, Knight & Co. A. G. Becker & Co. Bertles, Rawls & Donaldson Knight Blanchard & Co. Blyth & Co. Bond & Mortgage Co. Borregaard Brothers Braun, Bosworth & Co. Brokaw & Co. John Burnham & Co., Inc. George H. Burr & Co. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Inc. Cammack, Clark & Co., Inc. Camp, Thorne & Co., Inc. Carman, Snider & Co., Inc. Carson, Goldsmith & Co. Central-Illinois Co. P. W. Chapman & Co. Ralph Chapman & Co. T. L. Chapman & Co. Chase Securities Corp. Chatham Phenix Corp. Gerald R. Child & Co. C. F. Childs & Co. Cochran & McCluer Co. Cody Trust Co. Commercial Credit Trust Continental Illinois Co. Continental Mortgage Bond Co. Cronwall & Co., Inc. Crowley, Doherty & Co. Earl I. Custin & Co. Dangler, Lapham & Co. Paul H. Davis & Co. Dawes fiz Co. Detroit Co. Advertising in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory “The Bankers Blue Book ” W. M. Dickey & Co., Inc. Dillon Read & Co. Dodd & Co. Paul C. Dodge & Co., Inc. Henry L. Doherty & Co. Eastman, Dillon & Co. Emery, Peck, Rockwood Co. Equitable Bond & MortgageCo., Inc. Equitable Trust Co. of N. Y. Ericson-Dauber-Fischer Co. Farnum, Winter & Co. Fidelity Bond & Mortgage Co. Field, Glore & Co. First Guardian Co. First Investors Co. of Ill. First National Co. of Detroit. First National Old Colony Corp. First Wisconsin Co. Folds, Buck & Co. Foreman State Corp. Forgan & Co. Forgan, Gray & Co., Inc. George M. Forman & Co. Porter Fox & Co. Walter Freeman & Co. Gatzert Company Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. Guaranty Co. of New York Guardian Detroit Co., Inc. Haines, Spencer & Chancellor Hallgarten & Co. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Hambleton & Co. Hanchett Bond Co. Harris, Upham & Co. More Banks and Security Dealers advertise in the Bankers Blue Book than in any other publication of any kind and their advertisements reach a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hathaway & Co. William C. Heinemann & Co. Heitman Trust Co. Hibernia Securities Co. Hickey, Doyle Sz Co. Hill, Joiner Sz Co., Inc. Hoaglund, Allum Sz Co., Inc. A. Holinger Sz Co. Hornblower Sz Weeks Ernest W. J. Hughes Sz Co. Huszagh, Musson Sz Co. Industrial Acceptance Corp. Frazier Jelke Sz Co. F. B. Keech Sz Co. Kent, Grace Sz Co. Kissel, Kinnicutt Sz Co. F. N. Kneeland 8z Co. E. T. Konsberg Sz Co. Krenn Sz Dato, Inc. Kulp, Jacob Sz Co. Lackner, Butz Sz Co., Inc. Lamson Brothers Sz Co. Lamborn, Hutchings Sz Co. Lane, Roloson Sz Co., Inc. M. D. Lawlor Sz Co., Inc. A. B. Leach Sz Co., Inc. Lee, Higginson 8z Co. Leight Sz Co. E. Sz S. Loewenstein Mallard Sz Co. Manning Sz Co. Mathias Sz Co. Matthews Sz Lewis Co. H. H. Maynard Sz Co. McGowen, Cassady Sz White, Inc. W. B. McMillan Sz Co. C. W. McNear Sz Co. Merch. Sz Manufacturers Securities Co. Miniter 8z Co. Mitchell, Hutchins Sz Co. F. S. Moseley Sz Co. Leon C. Murdock Sz Co. National City Company E. Naumberg Sz Co. Neely Sz Co. Nelson Brothers Bond Sz Mtge. Co. Norris 8z Kenly John Nuveen Sz Co. Old National Securities Corp. Ohrstrom, G. L. Sz Co. James H. Oliphant Sz Co. Otis Sz Company Otte 8z Company Paine, Webber & Co. Peabody Sz Co. Pearsons-Taft Co. Peoples Securities Co. Alger Perrill Sz Co. E. A. Pierce Sz Co. Prince Sz Whitely R. E. Prochnow Sz Co., Inc. Prudential Company H. T. Ray Co. Lawrence Regan Sz Co. Remer, Mitchell Sz Reitzel, Inc. Ritchie Bond Sz Mortgage Co. Ritchie, Teter Sz Co., Inc. Rogers Sz Tracy, Inc. E. H. Rollins & Sons William L. Ross Sz Co., Inc. Russell, Brewster Sz Co. Salomon Bros. Sz Hutzler Schimberg, Trahan Sz Co., Inc. C. L. Schmidt 8z Co., Inc. Seasongood Sz Mayer Seaverns 8z Co. Shawmut Corp. of Boston Sherritt Sz Co. Henry W. Sites and Associates Slayton, W. L. Sz Co. H. Smith Sz Co. Smith Bros. Securities Co. Smith, Burris Sz Co. Smith, Graham Sz Rockwell H. C. Speer Sz Sons Co. Stanley Sz Bissell, Inc. Stansbury Sz Co. Lawrence Stem Sz Co. H. O. Stone Sz Co., Inc. Stone 8z Webster Sz Blodget, Inc. Stranahan, Harris Sz Oatis, Inc. Straus Brothers Investment Co. S. W. Straus Sz Co., Inc. Studebaker Securities Co. Sutro Bros. 8z Co. Swift, Langill Sz Henke. Thompson, G. W. Sz Co. John R. Thompson Securities Corp. Averill Tilden Sz Co. Spencer Trask Sz Co. M. J. Traub & Co. Troy 8z Co. Troy, Graham Sz Co. Trumbull, Wardell Sz Co. Utility Securities Co. G. Stuart Watson, Inc. Harry C. Watts Sz Co. West 8z Co. White Phillips Co. Whiting Sz Co. R. E. Wilsey Sz Co., Inc. Winthrop, Mitchell Sz Co. Woods, Faulkner Sz Co., Inc. Wyant Sz Co. F. M. Zeiler Sz Co. 8,000 Advertisers in every edition. This number of advertisers alone exceeds the paid circulation of any similar directory. In every section of the country The Blue Book leads in Prestige, Circulation and Advertising and is increasing its lead each year. SINCE 1872---- THE STANDARD FINANCIAL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD Official Numbering Agent for the American Bankers’ Association 271 •Mem. A.B.A. »Nsw SBUta fPrlv. IMml Mats B. Aas'n. [Eitab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. vioe-Pkesidknt. T.F. Chamberlain. .T. F. Cahill +AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK par ioo 2-237 dB®T«t'lS M. J. Collins. Ch. G. R. E. Williams F. M. Sandera (5634 W. Chicaeo Ave.) $190-8% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. cashes. ASS’T CASBIBE. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Resources, Liabilities. Chicago Clearing House Ass'n. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ MllCIt Cam A BzOthbb 1 Loans Bonds Pion-trr Surplus T otal LANHOWE CHARMS, Dura iND AND AND DarotiTs Liabili Capital Profits Principal Correspondents. Dhoouxtb Shoukitihs Rasotrmoaa r»9H Bma tibs P. V. Bar more____ S F. A. Clarke Jos. A. Graber, A. J. Kouba Tr. Off. Theodore Aalborg. Aud, (P. D. Castle____ H. M. Gardner____ L. D. Castle............ W. A. Gilmore___ 0. S. Oastle. Ch. Frank Young Ml! dB®T»2l’91 (.OLDEST BANS WEST OF THE L OOP. 200,000 $ 143,340 % 3,029,570 $ 190,450 $ 1,476,210 $ 1,522,450 $ 500.000 268,940 150,530 6,667,020 4,662,410 1,627,860 217,140 $ 347,560 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 368,090 928,120 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Rep., Ohi. -•■AUSTIN STATE BANK „ ai ) $300-10% par 100 (MIS W. Lake St.) of Nopit e, Italg) (Branch Banco di Napoli. N. Y. (MS So. Halsted St.) 2-298 Bankers State Bank.dB®il'21 S. F. Flower A. Flower, Ch. 2-335 (400 E. 47th St.) $175-6% L. H. Marks Frank Flower____ L. W. Frank, V, P. and Cash. C. M. Follis N. B. Schreiber Ann Connor Mgr. and $317-1$% 2% extra par 100,000 20,000 1,059,570 5,620 912,440 75,600 42,030 155,110 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ced. R. N.. Ced.R. ■ 35.948,540 38,684,120 (Branch of Mowtr tal, Cana da) . C. T. Aulph, A. Mgr. .. Bk. of Montreal and N. Oity.N.Y.; Merck. N„ Bos. Bk. of Montreal. San F. 100 Bk. of M.Y. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Merch. N. Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.: 1st Seattle Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. W. H. Daviee, Mgr. P. R. Chapman, 10,000,000 21,465,840 (General Managers Office, To ronto, Ont Asst. Mgr. + Bank of Nova Scotia..-•tS’32 par 100 Ml $332-16% (101W. Monroe) Belmont-SheffleldTr.&Sav.Bk. J. H. Johnson........ C. J. Schwartiug— E. M. Anderson, Roy Segersten.__ V. P, and Cash. $150 2-397 ®*§'27 Geo. F. Anderson (1002 Belmont Ave.) 200,000 57,460 1,451,100 42,250 1,299,110 160,220 67,710 223,770 Eauit. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Foreman-StateN., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. -t- Beverly State Savings Bank John W. Cater — H. B. Horton_____ John W. Seger — Eunice H. Short— par 100 2-154 d®»tl'23 (1357 W. 103rd St.) 100,000 78,380 1,068,300 16,080 687,960 355,870 59,610 159,340 N. City, N. Y.: 1st Un. Tr. & Sav., Harris Tr. & Sav., and Pullman Tr. & Sav.. Chi. + Blnga State Bank.dB®«tl’20 par 100 M07 (3452 So. State) 200,000 48,420 1,466,040 11,340 1,039,870 230,870 174,270 575,000 12,643,650 546,230 10,736,960 1,284,030 208,110 $215-8% C. N. Langston___ R. H. Mickey.......... I. V. Cantey 280,790 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi. $160-7% ^BOULEVARD BRIDGE BANK $211-8% par1loo'z-E* dB®T«tl'21 (Me Ne. Mich. Ave.) + BOULEVARD STATE SAV. BK. par 100 2-322 dB®»tl’21 (1621 Irvine Park Blvd.) $130-4% LOTOS — J. DeF.RICHARDS— JOHN F. HAGEY. GEORGE McHENRY. A. v. p. C.F. MEYER, A.V.P.andTr.Off. B.BOTSFORD YOUNG, A. V. P. LOUIS SCHAEFER. Auditor WWHfFH. M. DRISCOLL H. M. DRISCOLL. Mgr. Credit Dept. J. A. DONOVAN. Mgr. Bond Dept. OLIVER 0. STEELE. Mgr. Service Dept. CHAS.M. REDM0N-. „ . n , Afgr, Business Extension Dept. R H WITTF CHARLES JOHNSON- 1 F HAGGLUND ft: MB!FRANK IWICMec. F. a: fenske Collection Ch. of Bd. Prompt attention to usagjw Corresponde nee invited. 500,000 John F. Hager Wm. Wrlgley. Jr. RobertW. Stewart JametC. Cox John D. Black 200,000 40,880 nineTOftfli Peter E. Kroehler Gilbert Scribner James R. Offield RoyD.Keehn 1,616,380 11,610 865,350 2,035,780 Guaranty Tr. Ce., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mereh. N*$ Ced. It* Wm. T. Beatty Philip K. Wrlgley Nathan W. MacChesney Taylor Strawn Lawrence H. Whiting 736.030 103,520 163,980 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Northw. Tr. & Sav., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. < Otti; & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. LEO LUDWIG---- Ch. of Bd. 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. *Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. {Men. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Loans AND R. N. BALLOU......... ELMER A. SUGKOW.. WM. D. S0LT—b’SHAUGHNESSY" * *' M. 0. JONES "" BOWMANVILLE E. M. HEIOKAMP. J.P. W. J. FEL0MANN G. W. HEIOKAMP THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT. NATIONAL BANK 100 2-223 dB®*+'12 We specialize on Bill of Lading Collections. Miscbu- Discounts Sbcdhitieb Rbsoubces Profits d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. BONDS Cash A Ex changes,Dob from Banks Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by+ Principal Correspondents. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $ $ 3,302,570 $ 1,468,560 $ 275,890 $ 200.000 $ 202,170 200,000 118.290 400,550 5,090 280,980 229,140 159.340 John L. Hopcia___ L. J. Dobrowolski 200,000 55,590 1,383,860 119,700 1,150,940 329,610 68,820 670,840 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cent. Tr. Co., of Ill., Cbl ; 1st N., Joliet. par (4806 N. Western Ave.J $380-9% H. J. Vedder______ A. C. Utesch............. H. M. Leslie Braiberd State Bank..dB®,§’28 John Bain, Ch. of Bd, and Pres. F. A. Mulholland $190 par 100 2-403 T. E. Barry E. F. Wiegel. V. P. W. H. Buhlig (8646 So. Ashland) Y. Tenczar. 54,470 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. Brighton Park State Bank 2-343 dB®l (4363-65 Archer Ave.) Leon A. Wachowski X. A. Csonstka___ Albert Wm.JI.Schmidt,CA. Wm. H. Schmidt Broadway National Bank J. M. Appel______ J. P. Ward H. Holsman W. F. Woodruff. Ch.ofBd. .T. T. Perkins W. C. Kassube......... 200.000 130,770 2,130,370 43,250 1,256,200 681,080 165,770 Arthnr Q. Strassheim 0. F. Pone Henry Strassheim, Ch.ofBd. P. F. Sekeppers. Wm. H. Hughes__ V. P. and Cash. Clarence L. Jensen 200.000 77.190 2,548,820 13,980 1,108,560 929,830 41,680 758,920 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Foreman-State N.. Chi. 200.000 60,200 1,238,790 37,980 903,790 384,930 60,030 188,230 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Foreman-State N., and Calumet M., Chi. 300.000 264,530 3,534,090 61,480 2,501,360 1,044,040 46.970 567,740 Chase N.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N., and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Skandinaviska Kredit. and Aktiebolaget Svenska Handelsbanken, Stockholm. Sweden. 100.000 40,760 794,340 37,060: 314,450 523,260 9,460 Thomas J. Daley.. Fred R. Denlar.__ E. K. Engel 400,000 415,430 5.778,400 110,140 3,089,500 2.523,300 44,610 O. A. Christensen. H. E. Koeber_____ Martin Katte_____ R. Ostengaard........ R. L. Peck. Ch. H. A. Arnold P. J. Schmidt. A. Cash. E. P. Wallenius 400,000 278,600 3,948,510 232,690 2,512,820 1,341,880 321,090 600,000 887,540 11,159,320 10,212,130 541,970 706,690 $135-6% $185-7% par 100 2-347 dB® (6371 Broadway ) $170 2-332 dB® (Broadway and Clark) John Bain, Wm. J. Long_____ J. A. Isaacson____ J. F. Hennessey +Bryn Mawr State Bk. $210-6% 2-350 (2110 E. 71st St.) Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Wm. H. Hunding Leslie Bain Robt. Bain par 100 dBS (5157 N. Clark) P. C. Mellander.__ J. P. Friedlund ... E. M. Olson, Eric Hanson______ C. Bostrom, Ch. C.J.Johnson V. P, and Cash. Ernst Lindskog J. F. Schuler Burnside Trust & Savings Bk. N. O. Geyer............. E. H. Block_______ par 145 2-375 dB®«t§'2‘ C. De Haan, Ch. (9300 Cottage Grove Ave.) $U0 CALUMET NATIONAL BANK E. G. Seip, C. D. Masters___ Ch, of Bd, and Pres, F. A. Tnucnam 209,790 N. City. N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co., of Ill., N. W. Tr. & Sav., and Marshall Square State, Chi. 401,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 124,990 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. 1,046,550 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr.Co„ and J. II. SchroederTr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt. 2-105 dB ®W8i par ioo (9047 Commercial Ave.) $280-10% + Oapital State Sav. Bank $212-6 + 2% par »»♦ 2-238 dB®* (5437 N.Clark) + CENTRAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT BANK (A Stat• Bank) dB®T*t§’12 2-215 (1110 W. 35th St.) par 100 $700-18% WM. N. JARNAGIN- FRANK L. WEBB, WALTER R. J. R. R0LLEY DAVID E. SHANAExec. v. P. COSTELLO S. M. GOLDBERG HAN, Ch. of Bd. H. E. P0R0NTQ THOMAS KEKICH, THOMAS KEKIC!H F. C. H0EBEL, Auditor H. P JOHNSTON Asst. v. P. GEARY V.STIB6ER. W. A. O’BRIEN, Tr. Officer 1 684,010 N. City, N. Y.: Foreman-State N., Chi. 2,439,650 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. A. Tr .Officer In the Manufacturing Center of Chicago. Where Industry and Commerce Meet and Grow 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i CHICAGO BANK STOCKS BOUGHT - QUOTED SOLD Otti: & Co. “ Chicago u Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___________________________________________________ facility for meeting the requirements of out-of-town banks very E THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $8,000,000 DIRECTORS A. WATSON ARMOUR - - - - Director, Armour &.Company EDWARD L. RYERSON, Jr. - President, Joseph T. Ryerson &. Son, Inc. SEWELL L. AVERY...................... President, U. S. Gypsum Company MARTIN A. RYERSON ALBERT B. DICK, Jr. - - - Vice-President, A. B. DickCompany WALTER BYRON SMITH DEFOREST HULBURD President, Elgin National WatchCompany JOHN STUART ------ President, The Quaker Oats Company JOHN T. PIRIE ------Carson, Pirie, Scott &. Company EZRA J. WARNER - - President, Sprague, Warner <St Company SOLOMON A. SMITH - - - President, The Northern Trust Company NORTHWEST CORNER LA SALLE AND MONROE STREETS - CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. S. Aagaard & Company 208 South La Salle Street CHICAGO UNDERWRITERS & DEALERS IN HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES TRADING FACILITIES—CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Central Trust COMPANY OF ILLINOIS Central-il NEW YORK CHICAGO PITTSBURGH DETROIT When you establish a correspondent connection with Central Trust Company of Illinois, you open, in effect, an office in the heart of Chicago’s financial dis trict .... an office fully equip ped to give you prompt satisfac tion in every phase of transit business and ready to act as your representative in Chicago. is Company 208 So. £a Salle St. Chicago, Illinois CLEVELAND GRAND RAPIDS MINNEAPOLIS MILWAUKEE ST. LOUIS PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO Central-Illinois Company is engaged in underwriting and national wholesale and retail distribution of securities. It has headquarters in Chicago, represen tation in New York, and branch offices in fourteen other cities. OFFICERS EUGENE V. R. THAYER LOUIS H. SCHROEDER Chairman of the Board Vice Chairman of the Board PHILIP R. CLARKE President CARROLL E. GRAY, Jr., Executive Vice President NEWTON P. FRYE Vice President TOTAL RESOURCES - - - $177,898,968.14 TOTAL DEPOSITS .... 149,027,067.87 CAPITAL and SURPLUS - 20,000,000.00 J. SANFORD OTIS - Vice C. H. IRELAND - - - Vice HOWARD F. ALLEN - - F. E. WACASER - Sales President President Treasurer Manager JAMES A. CATHCART W. W. HINSHAW, Jr. HENRY P. SHAW - ANTHONY J. MICK - - Vice President - - Secretary Sales Manager Sales Manager The CENTRAL Group 208 South La Salle Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Central Trust Company of Illinois Central-Illinois Company Central-Illinois Securities Corporation 208 South La Salle Street WT. Cont’d—Central Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ci/O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. t—* 00 •Mem.A.B.A. «New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sat.$LastSaIe%DiT. List of (Federal Reserve City No. 7)_______ __________________ ♦riJCSOURCES. ♦Liabilities. MibcblLoans BONDS Other Surplus LANIOUS T otal AND Paid-up and and Deposits Liabili Discounts Sscu arras R>80ubcbs Capital Profits ties Officers % CHARLES G. DAWES, Honorary Chairman of the Board 12,000,000 S % 11,513,860 149027070 s s 5.419,340 113645240 23,371,280 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this - volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Cash k ExCBA»6M,Dci from Babui s 4,347,640 36,596,110 JOSEPH E. OTIS, Chairman of the Board PHILIP R. CLARKE, M. E. GREENEBAUM, ♦Statement of Condition December 31,1929 EUGENE V. R. THAYER, President Vice-Chairman of Board Ch. Exec. Committee C. HOWARD MARFIELD. WILLIAM R. DAWES, Vice-President, Chairman Discount Committee Vice-President DIRECTORS COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT J. E. CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS ♦ 2-23 1IdB©T*t§’02 208 South La Salle Street MEMBERS American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. Charter Member, Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago. Last Sale 375 Last Div. 12% plus 2%. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARLES C'.' HAFFNER, JR. Si A.MATTINGLY STUART H. OTIS : walteS R. WERNER * W. A. SILLS • geo'rgelf. RETTIG ! itell.: fc: HTW. SCHIMMELPFENG E. S. SACT HILAND B Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President and Cashier Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Secretary Asst. Vice-President Asst. Vice-President Asst. Vice-President Asst. Vice-President Asst, Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst, Cashier Asst. Cashier Comptroller ARTHUR E. BENDELARI, Pres., Eagle Picher Lead Co. DARRELL S. BOYD, Fisher, Boyden, Bell, Boyd & Marshall JOSEPH H. BRIGGS, Vice-Pres., H. M. Byllesby & Co. PHILIP R. CLARKE, President R. FLOYD CLINCH, Pres,, Crerar Clinch Coal Company : % , Vice-President Asst, Vice-President Asst. Vice-President Corporate Trust Officer Personal Trust Officer Personal Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer Assl. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer Asst. Trust Officer REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT * TUTTLE................................................ Vice-President L. M. CORRIGAN : : : : : A,f ’"“'ES SAVINGS DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manaoer FOREIGN DEPARTMENT Pam & Hurd EDWARD N. HURLEY, Chairman, Executive Committee. Electric Household Utilities Corp. C. HOWARD MARFIELD, Vice-President, Chairman Discount Committee FREDERICK H. MASSMANN, Vice-Pres., National Tea Co. JOSEPH E. OTIS, Chairman of the Board CHARLES G. DAWES, JOSEPH E. OTIS, JR., HENRY M. DAWES, BURTON F. PEEK, Honorary Chairman of the Board Pres., Pure Oil Co. RUFUS C. DAWES, Pres., Metropolitan Gas & Elec. Co. TRUST DEPARTMENT WILFRuS L °BURGESS i G.’ r! He'lFFRICH’ • GUSTAV*EJW?TTMEYER, JR. 0. C. BARTON . S. CROSSLEY HARLES J. GREENEBAUM HARRY B. HURD, WILLIAM R. DAWES, Vice-President GEO. W. DIXON, Pres., Arthur Dixon Transfer Co. GEORGE B. DRYDEN, Pres.. Dryden Rubber Co. S. M. FELTON, Chairman of Board, Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. JAMES E. GORMAN, Pres., C. R. I. & P. Ry. Co. JAMES E. GREENEBAUM, Vice-President M. E. GREENEBAUM, Vice-Chairman of the Board Vice-Pres. and General Manager. The Alemite Mfg. Corp. Chairman of Board, Camel Co. NEW YORK First National Bank Chase National Bank National City Bank Guaranty Trust Company Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company Bankers Trust Company Irving Trust Co. BOSTON First National Bank BALTIMORE First National Bank ST. LOUIS Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. PHILADELPHIA Market Street National Bank PITTSBURGH Bank of Pittsburgh N. A. Mellon National Bank SAN FRANCISCO Anglo & London Paris National Bank American Trust Company LOS ANGELES Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles NEW ORLEANS Hibernia Bank & Trust Company CLEVELAND Central United National Bank Vice-Pres.. Deere & Co.. Moline. Ill. CONRAD H. P0PPENHUSEN, Poppenhusen. Johnston. Thompson & Cole T. W. ROBINSON, Vice-Pres.. Illinois Steel Company CHARLES B. SC0VILLE, Real Estate, Oak Park and Chicago RAYMOND W. STEVENS, Pres.. Illinois Life Insurance Co. EUGENE V. R. THAYER, Chairman, Executive Committee RAWLEIGH WARNER, Vice-Pres. and Treas.. Pure Oil Co. A. G. WELLS, Vice-Pres., The Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. WALTER H. WILSON, Vice-President MARK W. WOODS, JAMES M. HOPKINS, Chicago Clearing House Ass’n members shown by* Affl 1 iated Banks by + Principal correspondents. Pres.. Woods Bros. Corp., Lincoln, Nebraska FOREIGN LONDON Lloyds Bank, Limited j. Henry Schroder & Co. BERLIN Deutsche Bank und Discontogescllschaft Dresdner Bank PARIS Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas Credit Lyonnais J. P. Morgan & Company GENOA Banca Commerclale Italians SYDNEY Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd. TORONTO Bank of Montreal ATHENS Bank of Athens Ionian Bank, Ltd. SHANGHAI Equitable Eastern Banking Corp. Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank MEXICO Banco dc Mexico 274 . . , , TT Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Div. $150 par 100 2-385 dB®’ . (7906 Cottage Grove Ave.) + Chatham State Bank $260—4% par loo 2-336 dB<sK8" (7850 Cottage Grove Ave.) CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City ____________________ ■ President. A. W. Tobias Liabilities. Vice-President. A. H. Meyer. __ CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. S. G. Bo berg. Resources. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits $ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Federal Reserve City No. 7) 200.000 $ 40,240 $ Other TIES 690,540 1 Loans Bonds Mibc&l- Discounts Securities Resources 4,500 $ 732,650 $ 116,800 $ Cash ft Exfrom 23.740 $ 62.080 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Wood- lawn Tr. & Sav.. Chi. Edward C. Barry.. Jas. E. Loye______ Alex R. Eunson ... T. C. Fromme____ John Bain. Ch. Horace E. Larkin Edward D. Barry CheltenhamTrust&Savings Bk F. M. Phillips____ J. H. Ciolek_______ W. A. Woodsworth $130 por 100 2-393 dB®§’2< J. J. Elias. Ch. Julius Lencioni (2900 E. 79th) C. Clemensen CHICAGO BANK OF COMMERCE Principal Correspondents. Banks 300.000 128.620 1,214,600 57.340 804,050 669,900 41,900 184,710 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. W. Englewood Tr. & Sav., and Drov N.. Chi. 1 $150 par loo 100 2-383 (5940 W. Chicago Ave.) Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + 200.000 44,160 540,090 29,800 477,570 205,830 104,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk Rep.. Chi.; Joliet Tr. &Sav.. Joliet. L. P. Hwais_______ Martin Johnson__ Chas. J. Ternand, H. W. Gortemoller P. L. Evans. Ch. Robert A. Schiewe Mgr.R. E, Ln. Dept. L. H. Prybylski. Martin Jacobson 200,000 45,690 541.170 12.030 488,010 127,300 73,420 110,150 Cent.Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Home Bk. and 1st N., Chi. & Tr. Co. Ch, Ex. Com, H. S. HENSCHEN_ _ _ fflUBP- E. A. SCHROEDER — PHILIP WE1NHEIMER- 3,000,000 1,500,000 1.000.000 1,328,650 600,000 Guaranty Trust Co.____________ ____ __ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co............ Chicago -84 CHICAGO CITY BANK & TRUST FRANK C. RATHJE— H. I0TTSCHALK_ _ _ ttMEkr F. 8. lATIJEC. S. CLAUSSEN M.W. RATHJE, Tr.Off. MAX' GOLDMAN F. J. BURKE COMPANY “The Bank whare Knowledge, Service and Courtesy go Hand in Hand” Z-116(Halsted at 63rd St.) $485-12%-$% extra par 100 dB<2)T*tt'M J. B. Gallagher......... G. C. Williams......... O.N.Hoel 1-74 (208 S. La Salle) $135-10% par 100 G. C. Williams, Tr. May Stinson,A.See. 7,594,060 277,680 6,287,520 1,651,100 813,320 + Chicago Lawn State Bk. Wm. H. fisher___ Wm. S. Leslie.... Chicago Morris Plan Bank___ CHICAGO TITLE fc TRUST COMPANY •T|’| (Changed to John H. Bain_____ P. A. Rattray........... Wm. A. Canavan. L. A. Klotzbucher A, Cash. J. F. Belica 1,448,440 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. (.Chicago City Bank <fc Trust Co., Guar antee Tru st & Savi ngs Bank and United State Ban k of Chica go mergin g Februar y 22, 1930, under the title of Chicago City Ban k & Trust Co. 4,000.000 (Territory 49,331,220 46,553,050 of Illinoi s and low a) 599,500 5.131,640 742.700 (Deficit) $360-12% 2-323 dB®T«I*’Jl John Bain, Ch. par 100 (3150 W. 63d St.) $607-16% par 100 - 420.000 513,940 3,104,660 2,277.170 1,271,700 24,190 304,330 IIL Bk. & Tr. Co., Stock Yds. N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. Bk. & Tr. Co.! Chi. lhase N„ N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. S Englewood Tr. & Sav., Chi. Person al Loan & Savings Bank) A. R.MARRIOTT- - - - - - H.D.PETTIBONE, H. B. RILEY, Ch. Tr. Officer Vice Presidents A. Tr. Officers: '.Herman (69 W. Washington) H.J. TANSLEY.See.. 12.000.000 16,063,690 — 13,036,960 17.674,930 14,083,990 9,592,380 R. H. MUELLER, 649,340 National A. Sec Tr. T.J. MCGRATH. (Reserves) Tr A. Sec. Tr. FRIEDA TOW. A. Sec, NO COMMERCIAL BANKING OR COLLECTIONS W.C.TAGGARTiA.TY. HANDLED W. MONFORT, A. Tr. H. W. MELTZER,Cash. JOHN C. BROWN. Transacts A General Trust Business J. H. NORTHCOTT. A. Sec. Controller C. J. OLSEN, A. Sec. Will take charge of closing real estate sales for non-residents. W. V. CARROLL, JR., E. S. BRUCE, A. Sec. Financial Off. JOSEPH D. SHELLY, Makes Abstracts of Title. Guarantees Titles to Real Estate. A.. Tr. and And. at. arm n. City Bank, New York. Chief Escrow Off. Otte & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks 6/3 •Men.A.B.A.»New SStatetPrir. (Um. Stats B. Au’a. [Kstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-gkfeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. (Federal Beeerve City Nt. T)________________________ Resources. Liabilities. President. Asst oashiee. CASHIER. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 97c Surplus Othbr Total Paid-up and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Loans MugilLAHIOWI Bonds and I and Discount* Securities RssoumcaM OaO k lloaeaaa«,Ihn Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. JOHN A. LYNCH, CA.0/^^c.C=less castlE( DAVID R. FORGAN, V.-Ch. of the Exec Comm. ’CHICAGO TRUST COMPANY Ass't. Vice-Presidents Vice Presidents DAVID F. GLADISH HAROLD E. SPLON A.J. BAER,, FRANK R. GURDA C.H.F0X 2-32 fd®T»il'02 H. W. HAWKINS „ (79 W. Monroe St.) (Affiliated with The National Bank of the Republic) V.-Ch. of the Exec. Comm. LUCIUS TETER, Ch.ofthe Board ’ JOHN W. O LEARY, Pres. GEORGE WOODRUFF, V.-Ch. of the Board ’ tala Secretary and Cashier WILLIAM T. ANDERSON JOHHaI McCORMICK FRE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADOLPH TZER. Trust Officers kkjc?.. $ 3,000,000 $ 1,303,260 $ 9,632,200 $ 864,180 $ 7,655,210 $ 964,710 $ 1,671,860 $ 4,507,850 Bankers Trust Company........... National Bank of the Republic Asst. Secretaries R. D. „ C. F. Bt___ B. A.BOWLBY CHAS. C. OUNLAP W __ New York ____ Chicago The offioers of this Bank give their personal attention to the needs of our Corre spondents. This enables us to render more than the ordinary service of a bank. Mm, •* be mi service tm ,mu? . N. L. SCHANK______ J. E. REiSEL---—— J. 8. S0IIRES------- F TFSSMFR R. K. MacFADDEN. CHAS. JtHWSEH, Ch. F. M. SP0HR Comptroller fa FREYTAG,L L. GARDNER O.J. B0HO0LF Mgr, R. E. Ln.Dept. Vice-Ch. HL F.°HAWKIHS J. TESSMER F.T.fUTU.£v 8+9% Z-2S1 dB®T»+»’13 H. H. BERNAHLVp par 100 (S228 Lincoln Are.) E.UMBRICHT,A.v.p: ’CITIZENS STATE t BANK OF CHICAGO ■ 700,000 1,429,860 10,226,020 _________ 8,787,770 2,064,100 200,000 200,000 1,281,440 834,670 49.510 1,454,500 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Bep. and ForemanState N., Chi. We Specialize on Bill of Lading Collection* 1125 par 2-13* 100 dB® (6 W. 55th St.) City State Bank of Chicago. L. Koefoot....... J. P. Smyth_____ J. A. Woodrow — A. H. B. Staver. C. A. Life, Mgr. R. R. F. Nestlehut Ch. of Bd, and Pres. J. A. Woodrow E. and Bd. Dept. 226,420 N„ Joliet. (Closed November 2, 1929) 297,390 N. City, N. Y.; Foreman-State N.. Ohi. 300.000 152,600 2,841,900 18,480 1.932,800 972,420 110,380 200.000 59,120 1,966,930 2,000 1,269,040 126,890 69,020 763,090 Irving Trust Co.............. ........... ..........—New York M. O. Pfaff.........—- H. W. Gielow_____ A. S. Lindblad. 200,000 163,980 2,377,350 178,000 2,296,180 176,580 30,000 416,560 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. E. T. Nelson_____ + Commonwealth Trust & Sav Edward B. Lucius. Bliss N. Britton ings Bank—2-166..dB®#t§’ll *240-6%+2% par 100 (6847 Wentworth Ave.) Michael Bolker___ L. P. Timmins____ A. S. Helquist_____ W. G. Dooley_____ J. +Community State Bank J. B. Taslitz B. Taslitz. *205 par 100 2-221 dB®T»tl’19B W.M.Heymann.C/i. Mgr. Bd. Dept. (3600 W. Roosevelt Road) 200,000 138,620 2,393,080 22,210 1,785,170 402,530 155,000 200,000 67,830 1,588.160 43,270 856,480 718,590 84,560 (5146 W. Chicago Ave.) J. T. Bashraville, Howard F. Sammon Howard F-Sammoa Arthar O. Oka-----I. R. Ocheltree C. P. Owen J. J. Cronin, Ch. W. R. Henriksen inhn w inw____ W. F. GLEASON....... H.H.GRAF._------1 WARNER TT’Uf MQRP J. H* SECRESTE ’COMMERCE TR.& F Located In the heart of the Produce District In the new South Water Market. SAVINGS BANK Facilitate the collection of your BILL-OF-LA DING DRAFTS ON COMMISSION AND PRODUCTS MERCHANTS by sending them *130 par 100 2-377 d®st5'24 (1425 So, Racine Ave.) C. W. Bainbridge.. + Commercial State Bank $251-6% par 100 2-299 dB®J§’2( (4801 Lincoln Ave.) Otte aV Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis National Bank of the Republic_______ Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bk. & Tr. Co.__St. Louis Union Trust Co.„....................... -...........Cleveland direct to us. Mgr.R.E. Ln.Dept. 29 So La Salle St. CHICAGO 411,220 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Foreman-State N. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. 239,630 Bk. of U. S., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. WEEKLY MARKET REV,EW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS ?76 ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i?,eac^ baak *9 u-exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPriv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond d-SafeDep. ®Sav. $LastSale%Div. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 7) OfBcers Statement of December 31, 1939 Ass’f to Chairman Board of Directors 2-3 Chicago A union of the resources, facilities, personnel and business of the Continen tal National Bank & Trust Company and the Illinois Merchants Trust Co. ♦dB®T*t§'57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume^ For Interest Dates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Chicago Clearing House Ass’n Members Shown by* ___________ Affiliated Banks by+_____________ CORRESPOXDEXTS. George M. Reynolds, Chairman, Executive Committee Arthur Reynolds... Chairman, Board of Directors Eugene M. Stevens President Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co. J Assistant Cashiers P. C. Milner George Allan James A. Walker W. A. Hutchison William H. Gilkes James G. Dickson Hiram R. Castles Fred D. Letz A. F. Wellmann Harry L. MacGregor C. G. Nelson William J. White Frank F. Spiegler William E. Walker Arthur C. Johnson Dunlap C. Clark W. J. Bruebach Willard G. Butler Fred C. Venables T. S. Robinson John T. Gallagher A. A. Hutchison Lester T. Boe J. L. Falkenthal H. P. O’Connell James R. Lcavcll Vice-Presidenls Herman Waldeck Frank G. Nelson John Jay Abbott John E. Blunt William T. Bruckner Norman J. Ford John R. Washburn J. Edward Maass John F. Craddock Sterling B. Cramer Cyrus A. Barr C. E. Estes Wilson W. Lampert John J. Geddes George H. Wilson John H. Hogan James G. Wakefield Dan Norman Edward F. Schoeneck Abner J. S til well Carl A. Blrdsall Assistants to Vice-Presidents Second Vice-Presidents Hugh H. Saxon T. Philip Swift Charles Fernald Fred E. Bates F. E. Loomis Richard Wagner C. M. Smits Walter J. Delaney Rudolph E. Vogel Jos. T. Leimert Norman B. Shaffer Harold H. Shockey Lee B. Doty J. S. Macferran Reuben A. Lewis John J. Mitchell, Jr. Spencer L. Hart W. A. Sumner Fred M. Naber Mark P. Collor W. B. Allen Comptroller Frank L. King Assistant Comptroller J. F. Verbelle Auditor William Woodward Cashier Reuben G. Danielson Assistant Auditor M. I. Ronnlng Foreign Department Herbert G. P. Deans............................................................. Vice-President William G. Mackintosh.......................................................... Vice-President Arthur W. Roberts................................................... .Second Vice-President H. J. Sampson........................................................... Second Vice-President W. N. Duncan.......................... Manager W. J. Blacklock................................................................ Assistant Manager G. W. Rlsley...................................................................... Assistant Manager John Rabino........... London Representative, ’ll Cornhill, London, E. C. 3 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks.............................. $ 209,457,680.75 U. S. Gov’t Bonds and Treasury Certifi cates.................................................... .............. 62,958,195.41 Demand Loans Secured by Collateral.............................. $252,161,783.50 Time Loans Secured by Col lateral ..................................... 233,019,443.22 LEADING BANKS AND BANKERS IN ALL IMPORTANT CITIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Other Loans and Discounts 192,316,819.62 677,498,046.34 Bonds and Other Securities........................... 103,629,557.90 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank..................... Customers’ Liability under Letters of Credit.................................................................... Customers’ Liability under Acceptances.. Other Banks’ Liability on Bills Purchased and Sold.............................................................. Interest Accrued but Not Collected........... 4,200,000.00 34,325,143.36 3,552,657.58 Bank Building...................................................... Other Real Estate............................................... 15,000,000.00 230,054.58 26,959,368.10 38,792,489.89 LONDON REPRESENTATIVE 77 CORNHILL LONDON, E. C. 3 $1,176,603,193.91 LIABILITIES ONE BANK OUT OF Capital..................................................................... $ Surplus..................................................................... Undivided Profits................................................. 75,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 5,879,583.94 Reserve for Contingencies............................... Reserve for Taxes and Interest..................... 10,000,000.00 7,021,612.73 Other Reserves...................................................... Bills Payable—Federal Reserve Bank......... Liability under Letters of Credit................. 2,306,574.50 29,500,000.00 28,147,973.52 EVERY FIVE IN THE UNITED STATES A CORRESPONDENT Liability under Acceptances.......................... 38,983,011.82 Invested Capital Liability on Bills Purchased and Sold. . . . Discount Collected but Not Earned............ Deposits, Demand.................$665,197,726.38 34,325,143.36 1,646,375.74 Over Deposits, Time....................... 213,595,191.92 878,792,918.30 $1,176,603,193.91 $150,000,000 277 Trust Department Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co. 3-3 Chicago (.Continued from preceding page) David R. Lewis............................................................... Vice-President Frank F. Taylor........................... Vice-President William P. Kopf............................................ Vice-President Arthur H. Evans........................................................................... Vice-President DIRECTORS Philip D. Armour First Vice-President, Armour A Co. William W. Atterbury Personal Trust Divison H. W. Kitchen.................................................................. Second Vice-President W. H. A. Johnson............................................................Personal Trust Officer A. B. Hussander...............................................................Personal Trust Officer P. C. Butcher....................................................................Personal Trust Officer H. J. Fairweather............................................................Personal Trust Officer Probate Division M. W. Lowell.................................................................... Second Vice-President B. E. Bronston....................................................................Probate Trust Officer E. F. Soukup....................................................................... Probate Trust Officer Custody and Agency Division R. D. Cameron.................................................................Second Vice-President C. G. Sedgwick...................................... .......................... Personal Trust Officer G. R. Scott........................................................................Personal Trust Officer C. B. Overaker...................................................................... Assistant Secretary President, The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Sewell L. Avery President, United States Gypsum Company Alexander F. Banks President, E. J. A E. R. R. Co. Henry A. Blair President, Chicago Surface Lines Chauncey B. Borland Managing Borland Properties Eugene J. Buffington President, Illinois Steel Co. Investment Division N. B. Freer........................................................................Second Vice-President Dudley Hall, Jr..............................................................Trust Investment Officer Clifford D. Caldwell President, By-Products Coke Corporation Corporate Trust Division F. E. Musgrove............................................................................................SecondVice-President Robert F. Carr E. J. Claussen................................................................. Second Vice-President President, Dearborn Chemical Co. H. P. Smith...................................................................... Corporate Trust Officer S. G. Morse.......................................................................Corporate Trust Officer William J. Chalmers E. B. Stofft.........................................................................Corporate Trust Officer Alfred Cowles Lewis C. Davis.........................................................................................AssistantSecretary President, Rialto Trust Business Development Division Samuel Witting..........................................................................................SecondVice-President D. A. Crawford MEMBERS American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Federal Reserve System Chicago Clearing House Association Real Estate Division President, The Pullman Company Charles H. Binney................................................... SecondVice-President Henry P. Crowell Joseph B. Hall....................................................................................... AssistantSecretary A. C. Tosch.............................................................................................. AssistantSecretary Chairman, Quaker Oats Company E. E. Freund........................................................................................... AssistantSecretary Edward A. Cudahy J. F. Vanek.............................................................................................. AssistantSecretary Chairman, Cudahy Packing Co. Personnel and Operations R. M. Kimball................................................................ Second Vice-President C. E. Ronnlng....................................................................................... Secretary Herbert G. P. Deans Vice-President Savings Department Telephone STATE 9000 Cable Address “CONTBANK” MORE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis George M. Reynolds Marshall Field Chairman, Executive Committee Field, Glore A Co. Donald M. Ryerson Stanley Field Chairman, Joseph T. Ryerson A Son, Inc. President, Field Museum of Natural History Martin A. Ryerson Milton S. Florsheim Chairman, The Florsheim Shoe Co. Fred W. Sargent President, C. A N. W. Railway Co. George F. Getz Chairman, Globe Coal Company H. A. Scandrett President, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul A Pacific Railroad Co. Charles F. Glore Field, Glore A Co. Charles H. Schweppe Frederick T. Haskell Lee, Higginson A Co. William F. Hayes Vice-President, Menominee River Lumber Co. Chairman of the Executive Committee, Southern Pacific Company William James P. Soper President, Soper Lumber Company Albert A. Sprague Hale Holden Sprague, Warner A Company Eugene M. Stevens Kelley President Chairman, The Miehle Printing Press A Mfg. Co. D. F. Kelly James W. Stevens , Chairman, Illinois Life Insurance Co. President, The Fair Robert W. Stewart Eames MacVeagh Vice-President, Franklin MacVeagh A Co. Charles H. Markham Chairman, Illinois Central Railroad Company Cyrus H. McCormick Chairman, International Harvester Company D. R. McLennan Alfred J. Favero..................................................................................... AssistantManager George B. Everitt A. M. Bruch............................................................................................AssistantManager President, Montgomery Ward A Co. Charles W. Nash BILLION Chairman, Board of Directors Vice-President and Treasurer, Sinclair Consolidated Oil Co. Lawrence A. Downs C. F. Monahan...........................................................................................SecondVice-President President, Illinois Central Albert S. Martin........................................................................................ SecondVice-President Railroad Company John P. V. Murphy...............................................................................Manager J. W. Knight............................................. Assistant Manager Bernard A. Eckhart D. Edward Jones.................................................................................... AssistantManager President, B. A. Eckhart Milling Co. J. W. Rubecamp.......................................................... Assistant Manager Louis Eckstein John E. Shea................................... Assistant Manager R. G. Gadsden....................................................................................... AssistantManager President, The Ravinia Co. HAN Arthur Reynolds J. Fletcher Farrell Edward F. Swift Vice-President, Swift A Company Herman Waldeck Vice-President Lumber, St. Paul, Minn. Charles P. Wheeler William H. Mitchell President, Pickands Brown A Co. Mitchell, Hutchins <£ Co. F. Edson White Walter P. Murphy Chairman, Standard Railway Equipment Company President, The Nash Motors Company IN President, Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Railway Co. Fred E. Weyerhaeuser President, Marsh A McLennan, Inc. DOLLARS W. B. Storey President, Armour A Co. F. E. Williamson President, Chicago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad Co. RESOURCES lumber under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 97ft to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 4/0 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A.«New S8UU tPrif. {Mem. State B. Ase'n. [Betab. Pueinnrr. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. CONGRESS TRUST & SAVINGS RANK par 100 2-80 dB®*t§’27 Congress Bank Building (510 S. Wabash Ave.) COSMOPOLITAN STATE RANK (Federal Reserve City Me. 7) Oaskiu. Ticb-Pmsidot. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City AU'T oaskiu. Habilitiks. urplus Othxb Paid-uf S _ AND Ummiimi Liabili Capital ties Loams AJQ> Omnium ii RESOURCES. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Mdcil- Gam* MzAffiliated Banks by + Bonds unon auauMhi and Principal Correspondents. Raonma IBM lilU W. F. GREGSON_ _ _ T. H. ERICKSON - .. O.W. REESE............... J. W. GORBY_ _ _ _ _ P. F. W. PECK. Ch. SAMUEL BAY M/C. GREENER. Mgr. Bond Dept. $ DIBEC TORS W.F. GREGSON S. A. BENNETT 500.000 $ PHILIP F. W. PECK mmr* as. sBunw*. 55,590 $ 2,401,300 $ 285,530 $ 59,890 $ 795,750 Guaranty Trust Co.________________New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co...Chicago First National Bank____________________ Joliet YO UB CHI CAGO B USINES S INVIT ED. ALFRED COWLES , R. H. McELRO EUGENE R. FARNY „ „ ROY 0. NEREI MITCHELL D. FOLLANSBEE j. SANFORD 01 G.F. 96,650 $ 2,980,240 $ c R. DARMSTADT ... THOMAS N. WEBSTER 1.000,000 FISCHER-------- A. F. HAMMANN...... J. u i m rim. a v p ie Li OnLiAnlli WM. F. JUERGENS ^• and Audt CHAS.F. BUEHRLE A.F. MADLENER, JR., A. V. P. R. Y. ELLIS. LMdt A. C, and Tr. Off. A. M. HAMMANN. omple te Ba nking Servic e. 712,540 11,800,780 405,640 7,901,880 2,036,900 813,490 3,166,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 880,490 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ IstN., and Calumet N., Chi. 2-277 dB®T»tl’15 UNDER STATE, GOVERNMENT AND CHICAGO* CLEARING HOUSE SUPEBV ISION. EVERY FACILITY FOB PERFECT BANKING SERVICE. 1370-10 + 2% par 100 (Chicago Ave. and Clark St.) COTTAGE GROVE STATE ML EDWARD B. CARSON, A. M. SUMMERS...... E. G. CAREY- - - - - - - - RICHARD F. EVANS 2-189 dB®T*tl 11 Ch. of BcL. and Pres. ALBERT H. JOHNSON C. J. SHORLEY, G. H. MITCHELL Auditor A. C. RENSTROM, WM. G. NELSON 200,000 161,570 3,739,830 69,800 2,197,620 1,044,790 48,290 200.000 69,720 1,722,710 30,090 899,230 292,700 557,900 272.700 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. H. W. Ladewig.... Albert Sedlacek... Albert Sedlacek... F. G. Nosek_____ Orawford State 8av. Bank Jas. Andresky par 100 2-281 dB®*tl’18 Adolph Braun (4001 W. Roosevelt Rd.) 200.000 106,170 2,329,480 45,190 1.481,090 472,910 288.730 438,110 Equit. Tr. Co.,N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Merch. N.. Ced. R, MATHIAS........ S. J. RATAJCZAK. , J. A.TUPY-.......... DEPOSITORS STATE BANK. jR:fD:?« ietAkov A. M. SMIETANKA, V. P. and Tr. Off. V. P« and Cash. C.STAUDAGHER ♦ 7-244 dB®T«t§ ■ par ioo (4701S. Ashland Ave.) K. ZAREMBSKI. S.F.BOGDANSKI.Aud- WALTER KLARECKI 400.000 331,260 5,755,280 126,780 3,327,550 1,984,350 462,110 839,620 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. + Devon Trust & Savings 2-811 dB®’ (Clark and Devon) B. L. Rosset______ R. M. Coleman ___ R. M. Coleman.__ G. W. Story........... Chas. W. Peters 200,000 132.670 1,611,490 8,360 1,034,000 484,970 7,290 426,260 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and 1st N.. Chi.; Ced. lenraHN Emil J. Dirks------- H. J. Dirks............. Ewald E. Mueller.. Gustav Hake____ H. E. Nieman 200,000 80,930 1,718,710 8,660 1,189,940 511,730 66.940 J. S. Pawlikowski— Charles Ipsen, Sec. 300.000 A. S. Kaplan, Tr.Off. C. M. Pozorski, Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dep t. 472,130 3,068,780 276,690 1,477,770 1,941,420 117.560 580.860 N. City, N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. 250,000 43,210 1,507,430 343,600 934,460 604,350 411,160 194,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 500,000 487,710 7.921.860 58,900 5,257,780 1,844,350 361,000 1275-8% par 100 (7527 Oottage Grove Ave.) Tr. Off. + Cragln State Bank dB®*tl’22 Fred H. Groen — William Wickert__ J. E. Roche. Thomas K. Warke. V. P. and Cash. F. X. Milano John Tomaszewski, $l60-«% 2-846 Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dep t. par 100 (1959 Le Claire.) $250 $225-10% A. V. P. s- $150-1% par 100 R. N., Ced. R. N. J. Wietor 239,680 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. $155-5% par 100 (1166 Diversey Parkw itmii Jenisch _ L. S. Voenlld____ Samuel Rosen 2-504dB®T«tl 19 Wo. Ganschow, Ch. •/ Bd. C. K. Shapiro (2601 W. Division) Isaac Grossman Anthony Overton.. Julian H. Lewis—.. Donglass National Bank Leroy P. Johnson $175-®% par 100 2-384 dB®t’22 S. A. T. Watkins, Ch (3621 State St.) A. J. Kolar ____ DrexelState Bank_.dB®T*+5’02 R. J. Neal. . C. A. Polansky. $315-10% ♦ 2-125 Auditor par 100 (3944 Cottage Grove Ave.) + IIVISI0M STATE BARK $350-13% par 100 'DROVERS NATIONAL WM. C. CUMMINGS... F. H. MERCER f.*E. CHAMBERLIN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis □ T. A. Roane_____ W. T. Searcy C. Poffenberger.__ Bdw. Proderman.. E. L. Unland.TV.O#. A. H. Tiedemann S. A. MALCOLM. F. P. ana Cash. 1,505,340 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. F, M COVERT___ 4 HI ft E DROVERS SERVICE.rr BANK (4201 S. Halsted) $375-10%+2% 2-34 dB*t'82 par 100___________________________ A. J. Wilson____ 1.MM00 807,380 20,408.590 540,760 12.425,740 2,691.500 57,290 7,672,200 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase. N., and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. All ft ranch as of Banking. W» Specialize In handling “Stock Yards’’ business. ©TTE & CO 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 CHICAGO & NEW YORK BANK *™ INSURANCE STOCKS Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 970 eMem. A.B. A. "New §State fPriv. tMtn State B. Ass’n. [Bnub. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. D revert Trait ft Savings $600-12+8% par too Bank I-1M B®T*tt'02 (4201 Halated) (Federal Reserve City Me. 7) Liabilities. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Oman Paid-up Subplus Total and Liabili Capital Profits Dnpoene ties C. A. Newman____ $ Wm. C. Cummings F. N. Mercer_____ M. M. Otstott, V. P. and Cash. C. S. Brintnall 350,000 I 859.090 $ 7,355,110 $ Loans Bonds and Dnoouim and SacvBrra* 211,310 $ 7.251,290 $ Chicago Clearing Home Ann. Memberi aftown by * Affiliated Bki. by + UlKlIr union Raooian 441,080 Principal Oo: I 1,083,150 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Irving Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.: Drovers N„ Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N„ Foreman-State N. and Cent.Tr. Co. of III., Chi. 200,000 165,980 1,356,000 74,110 754,460 717,620 $ 82,280 241,720 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Cent. Tr. Co. of 111. and Onlnmet N„ Oht. i-Edge water Trait ft 8av. Bank W. G. Hettich------ R. O. Byerrum------ W. E. Christensen. E, W.Schellenberger 2-310 dB®t&’21 Harry F.Hamlin.CA, H. J. Byerrum 150,000 29,490 578,570 48.040 365,830 262,980 86,680 90,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Bk. Rep., and N. W. Tr. E. C. Hansen.......... N. E. Roberts_____ G. F. Ryan Edison Park State Sav. Bank Ning Eley. $135 par 100 2-388 dB©t§’26 Pres.andCh.of Bd. T. W. Barrett (6733 Olmstead Ave.) 200.000 51.840 429,090 3,460 361,270 206,240 25,480 + niton State Bank..dB©ti’21 John Bain, Chas. A. Sistek ___ T. W. Zillman. 6% 2-ill (4132 Kliton Are.) Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M. E. McGivern par 100 200.000 35,220 1.103,400 27,940 824,850 251.360 133,190 Sait Side Trait ft Sav. Bank D. F. Anderson.... Wm. Hirschfeld. par 100 2-402 d®«t8’19 R. E. L. Brooks, Ch. F. M. Stanley Chas. W. Frey____ R. Boegelsack. Alex Uddman $200-7% (10101 Ewing Ave.) R. B. Munroe & Sav.. Chi. $125 par 100 (5545 Broadway) Walter F. Walsh. Edwin Kostka Empire Trust & Savings Bank R. F. KopperF. B. Garbark......... W. H. Coy................ Jos. F. Koskiewicz. 2-398 dB@I§'28 schmidt (3256 No. Crawford) 91.400 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. 156.170 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and 1st N„ Chi. 200,000 39,530 850,400 350,000 91,320 2,779,040 R. W. GRUENWALD.. 200,000 239,810 M. Ariani________ E. Ariani_________ 200,000 78,660 230,790 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 524,050 268.640 66.440 221,310 2,353,890 295,240 153,590 638,940 Equitable Tr. Co„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. and Joliet. 3,114,670 25,850 2,018,110 932,700 123,800 505,720 Irv. 1.992,590 25,850 258,930 1,590.370 134,750 313,050 Equitable Tr. Co. and N. City, N- Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Banca Commerciale Italiana, $l30-parl00 L. H. WHITING. *150-1% par 100 d®»t§’21 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. R. T. BADGER- - - - - - - W. A. NICOL.......... C. E. SWANSON----- Exchange State Bank__________ (Closed November 21 , 1929) ♦Federal Reserve Bk.» Dist. 7 (Seepage 20 for oo mplete informatio n) 2-10 (230So. LaSalle) Fidelity Trust & Savings Bank.. (See Uptown State B ank) ♦'■flWSUSHi.UCIUS TEJJ-! "%m $250-i% par 100 (235 W. 13d St.) R. J. MITCHELL---- E. E. WYATT-— Tr. Co., N.Y.; Foreman-State N„ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N„ and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. of Bd. First ItalianStateBk.dB®«+§’20 S. Ariani, Ch. of Bd.and Pres. 2-310 (1201 W. Taylor St.) par 100 L. Sormani, Genoa, Italy. Sec. and Aud FIRST NAT’L BK. OF CHICAGO See Page 280 $535—16%—10% extra par J. M. NICHOLS....... WM. L. SHARP— J. J. NICHOLS, H. G. JOHNSON- - - - - - 200,000 738,930 6,512,070 67,800 2,389,640 3,654,510 95,520 1,379,120 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. Ch.of Bd 100 (MT W. 03d) PHILIP STOCKTON, Pres... Vice-Presidents L. M. MAXSON. Tr. (N.Y.) BERNARD W. TRAFFORD, JAMES COGGESHALLJr.(Ros.) A. B. KENNEY, Sec. (Bos.) Ch. of Bd. EUGENE I. COWELL.. (AT. Y.) W.E. SULLIVAN, Mgr. F-WINCHESTER DEN 10 (Bos.) Exec. Vice-Presidents JOHN W. EDMUNDS. (Bos.) EDWIN R.MARSHALL(N°s) WILLIAM EDMUNDS. (Bos.) ALLAN M. POPE. N. Y. NEVIL FORD. (N. Y.) R. PARKER KUHN (N. Y.) WM. H. POTTER. Jr. (Bos.) C. T. W.TIGH (N. Y.) ARTHUR C. TURNER (N. Y.) ‘18 HERBERT T. C. WILSON (Bos.) T»E FIRST NATIONAL OLD COLONY CORPORATION (111 W. Monroe) Otte & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co. 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 $25 000 000 , Capital , Surplus and Pro fits.____ Bernard W. Traff ord, Ch. Francis B. Hart DIREC TORS Edwi n R. Ma rshall Alla n M. Po pe INVES TMENT United S and othe Bank, In Private tates Co vernmen r Investment Bo surance Compan Wires t o Princi The First National Bank of Boston, The First National Old Colony Corporation of Boston, New York, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Washing Philip S tookton ton, Rochester, Hartford, Worcester, Provi G. Wing Daniel dence, Rutland, and Portland. BANKE BS t, Munic ipal, Pu blic Util ity, Rail road, nds and Notes ; Bankers Accepta nces, y and ot her Inve stment S tocks. D irect pal Citie Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks 280 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §State fPriv. JMera. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towus with Nearest Banking Point (In • dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th is volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law s. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. Paid-up Capital List of Officers. Resources. 8°S™ Total Profits ^posits Other Liabili ties Loans Bonds and and Discounts Securities Miscel laneous Resources Cash & ExCHANGB8,DUE from Banks $ $ $ $25 000 000 $26805 660 365 677800 $41 825 330 302021010 $22112680 $31963 630 103 211550 Frank O. Wetmore, Chairman Frederick H. Rawson, Chairman .1 Harry A. Wheeler, Vice-Chairman Melvin A. Traylor, President The First National Bank of Chicago 2-1 (Dearborn, Monroe and Clark Streets) MEMBER Chicago Clearing House Federal Reserve System American Bankers Ass’n Illinois Bankers Ass’n Building with Chicago Business SINCE 1863 1700-18% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Edward E. Brown............ .Vice-Pres. John P. Oleson_________ Vice-Pres. Craig B. Hazlewood____ Vice-Pres. Bentley G. McCloud____ Vice-Pres. B. C. Hardenbrook.......... Vice-Pres. Frank M. Gordon______ Vice-Pres. Charles R. Holden_____ Vice-Pres, Arthur W. Newton_____ Vice-Pres. John F. Hagey__________ Vice-Pres. R. Frank Newhall, Vice-Pres. & Cash. C. V. Essroger___________ Vice-Pres. William J. Lawlor........... Vice-Pres. H. H. Heins_____._______ Vice-Pres, George H. Dunscomb___ Vice-Pres. A. N. Cordell___________ Vice-Pres. John S. Gleason________ Vice-Pres, Harry Salinger_________ Vice-Pres. James B. Forgan, Jr.____ Vice-Pres. Walter M. Heymann____ Vice-Pres. Hugo A. Anderson______ Vice-Pres, Herbert P. Snyder______ Vice-Pres. Emil A. Stake___________ Vice-Pres. A. B. Johnston_________ Vice-Pres. John J. Anton_____ Asst.Vice-Pres. O. C. Brodhay_____ Asst.Vice-Pres. James L. Buchanan. Asst. Vice-Pres. Claude B. Carter ...Asst.Vice-Pres, William K.Harrison, Asst. Vice-Pres. Chester E. Herrod..Asst.Vice-Pres. Fred W. Loco______ Asst.Vice-Pres Thomas J. Nugent..Asst. Vice-Pres. R. K. O’Hara______ Asst.Vice-Pres. E. M.Tourtelot____ Asst.Vice-Pres, H. Lindsay Wheeler.4ss(,Vice-Pres, Walter LIchtensteln.Fxecutiue Sec. G. P. Allmendinger__Ass<. Cashier Thomas J. Butler____ Asst. Cashier Clarence E. Carlson__ Asst. Cashier Richard S. Carr______Asst. Cashier Ephraim S. Clark____ Asst. Cashier Guy W. Cooke_______ Asst. Cashier A. V. Dillon__________Asst. Cashier M. J. Hardacre_____ Asst. Cashier Paul L. Hardesty____ Asst. Cashier Leland L. Hobbs_____ Asst. Cashier Edward A. Hoeft_____ Asst. Cashier Edward J. Jennett___ Asst. Cashier Albert G. Keck_______ Asst. Cashier Charles J. Maurer..........Asst. Cashier Charles Z. Meyer_____ Asst. Cashier Alexander C. Miskelly.As3t. Cashier H. R. Ross___________ Asst. Cashier Carl E. Schiffner______Asst. Cashier E. E. Schmus________ Asst, Cashier Norman G. Stockdale.Asst. Cashier Melvin H. Thies_____ Asst, Cashier Charles H. Wood, Jr..Asst. Cashier William A. Zimmerman. Asst.Cash. P. M. Riesterer______ Asst. Cashier William Rosbe_____ Asst. Manager William R. Abbott President, Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Walter H. Alford Vice-President & Comptroller, The Nash Motors Co., Kenosha, TPis. Robert Allerton Farmer Philip D. Block President, Steel Co. Inland Edward E. Brown Vice-President Augustus A. Carpen ter Vice-President, Ayer & Lord Tie Company Richard J. Collins The Fulton St. Whole sale Market Co. Secretary and Treas urer, Hart, Schaffner & Marx D. Mark Cummings Capitalist Richmond Dean Vice-President, The Pullman Co. AUDITING DEPARTMENT H. L. Droegemueller______ Auditor J. P. McElherne____ Asst. Auditor Julius J.Buechner___Asst. Auditor Howard Elting Harry Salinger______ Vice-President Fred B.Tedford____ Asst.Vice-Pres. Win. G. Strand__________ Manager G. F. Richards______ Asst. Manager LAW DEPARTMENT Harold V. Amberg_General Counsel John N. Ott______________ Attorney C. Edward Dahlin___ Asst. Attorney Homer J. Livingston,Asst. Attorney Charles R. Holden Vice-President Hale Holden Chairman, Executive Committee, Southern Pacific Co. Marvin Hugliitt, Jr. Carl A. Johnson President, Gisholt Machine Co., Madi son, Wis. Walter J. Kohler President, Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis. Clifford M. Leonard President, Leonard ConstructionCompany Benj. H. Marshall Architect Chauncey McCormick Vice-President, Miami Corp. Harold F. McCormick Chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee of the Board, Interna tional Harvester Co. George A. Ranney Vice-President & Treasurer, Interna tional Harvester Co, Guy A. Richardson Vice-President, Chicago Surface Lines Clive Runnells Vice-President, Pull man Car and Manu facturing Corp. Silas H. Strawn Winston, Strawn & Shaw R. Douglas Stuart Vice-President, Quaker Oats Co. Bernard E. Sunny Chairman of the Board, Illinois Bell Telephone Co. George G. Thorp Vice-President, III. Steel Co. Melvin A. Traylor President Robt. R. McCormick Charles R. Walgreen Ira. N. Morris Frank O. Wetmore President & Editor, The Chicago Tribune Capitalist President, Co. Walgreen Chairman James Norris Albert H. Wetten James B. Forgan, Jr. John P. Oleson Harry A. Wheeler Vice-President Vice-President Charles K. Foster Joseph D. Oliver Daniel Willard Carl R. Gray Potter Palmer Fred. E. Williamson Vice-President and Treasurer, J. B. French Co. Vice-President, Amer ican Radiator Co. FOREIGN BANKING DEPARTMENT . BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mark W. Cresap DISCOUNT AND COLLATERAL DEPARTMENT ______ —----------- President, Union Pacific Railroad Co. John H. Hardin Vice-President, American Optical Co. Albert H. Harris Chairman of the Fi nance Committee, New York Central Lines Craig B. Hazlewood Vice-President H. H. Hitchcock Chairman of the Board, Hitchcock & Company President, Norris Grain Co. Oliver Farm Equip ment Company Palmer Estate Charles S. Pearce President, Colgate Palmolive-Peet Co. George Pick George Pick & Co., Investment Securities Henry H. Porter Chairman, Chicago Transfer & Clearing Co. Frederick H. Prince F. H. Prince & Com pany, Boston, Mass. Frederick H. Rawson Chairman Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + President, A. H. Wetten & Co. Vice-Chairman President, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. President, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co. John P. Wilson Wilson, Mcllvaine, Hale & Templeton Thomas E. Wilson President, Wilson & Co. Warren Wright President, Calumet Baking Powder Co. William Wrigley, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Co. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CHICAGO NEW YORK Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company Chase National Bank ’ Chatham & Phenlx Nat. Bank & Trust Co. Chemical Bank & Trust Company Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Equitable Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company Irving Trust Company Kountze Brothers National City Bank New York Trust Company Pacific Coast Trust Co. BALTIMORE First National Bank BOSTON Atlantic National Bank Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company Merchants National Bank National Shawmut Bank Second National Bank BUFFALO Liberty Bank Trust Co. CLEVELAND Guardian Trust Company Union Trust Company LOUISVILLE National Bank of Kentucky NEW ORLEANS Canal Bank & Trust Company Hibernia Bank & Trust Company Whitney National Bank PHILADELPHIA First National Bank Pennsylvania Co. for Insurances Philadelphia National Bank PITTSBURGH Exchange National Bank Mellon National Bank ST. LOUIS Boatmens National Bank First National Bank Mercantile Commerce Bank & Trust Co. TORONTO Bank of Nova Scotia Canadian Bank of Commerce Imperial Bank of Canada WINNIPEG Bank of Nova Scotia Canadian Bank of Commerce MONTREAL Barclay’s Bank of Montreal Royal Bank of Canada Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 281 (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Resources. Other Bonds Miscel Loans Cash & Ex Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Paid-up Surplus Total change, Do k Liabili- : laneous and AND AND Affiliated Banks by + Capital Profits Deposits Discounts Securities Resources from Bankb TIES List of Officers. $ $ 7,500,000 $13 738780 116904 710 $ 9.505,180 $93871170 $38398 780 $ Frank O. Wetmore, Chairman Harry A. Wheeler, Vice-Chairman Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Frederick H. Rawson, Chairman Melvin A. Traylor, President 696,040 $14682670 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS OF THE FIRST UNION TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO. REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT Vice Presidents First Edward E. Brown John P. Oleson Frank G. Guthrldge John D. Pollock George Hill Roy W. Thies REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Vice President James B. Kaine Fred L. Krlz Assistant Cashiers Clarence E. Cross James P. Feeley Walter G. Kropp (Dearborn, Monroe and Clark Streets) , * TRUST DEPARTMENT Roy C. Osgood_______ Vice-President Charles R. Holden____ Vice-President The Stock of this Bank is John C. Mechem______ Vice-President Owned by the Stockholders of Oliver A. Bestel_______ Vice-President The First National Bank Rufus F. Chapin______ Vice-President of Chicago Raymond J. Darby____ A. Vice-Pres. Joseph R. Julin____ ______ Secretary Robert L. Grinnell___ Cory. Tr. Off. Coll Gillies........... Corp. Tr. Counsel Forrest Williams, FIRST-TRUST JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF CHICAGO ’22 (1st Nat‘1 Bk. Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. O. Wetmore, Chairman L. K. Boysen, H. A. Wheeler, F. M. Gordon, M. A. Traylor, C. B. Jennett, Chairman Vice Chairman V. P. and Mgr. V. P. Pres, V, P. and A. Mgr. E. E. Brown, V. P. Walter S. Davis_______ Asst. Secretary John H. Hamel_______ Asst. Secretary Charles W. Johnson------ A. Secretary William W. O’Brien____ A. Secretary Louis R. Rochetto------ Asst. Secretary Frank J. Shannon------ Asst. Secretary Henry H. Benjamin.Perscmal Tr.Off. R. W. Foley............ ..Personal Tr. Off. Emerson R. Lewis..Personal Tr. Off, Personal Tr. Counsel C. B. Hazlewood, E. A. Stake, Tr. B.C.Hardenbrook V. P, W. L. Cohrs, A.Tr. Sec. C. W. Weldon, Geo. Hill, A. Sec. F. H. Rawson, AUDITING DEPARTMENT H. L. Droegemueller, Auditor J. P. McEIherne, Assistant Auditor Julius J. Buechner, Assistant Auditor Austin Jenner Julius O. Sorg John H. Grier Louis H. Northrop J. H. C. Templeton A. Tr. H. V. Amberg, Gen’l Counsel & CHICAGO First National Bank Vice Presidents Frank M. Gordon Irvin L. Porter Albert C. Koch Alfred T. Sihler, Assistant Vice President Bank BOSTON First National Bank Assistant Managers Emil C. Grunwald BOND DEPARTMENT HdB®T«t§'69 2-75 Bankers Trust Company Chatham & Phenlx National Trust Co. Clark, Dodge & Company Equitable Trust Company First National Bank Guaranty Trust Company Irving Trust Company J. P. Morgan & Company Bank of America, N. A. Charles P. Kenning Assistant Managers Walter L. Cohrs Clarence B. Jennett B. C. Hardenbrook__ Vice-President C. George Fleager______ Asst. Cashier Arlan W.Converse. V.-Pres. and Cash. W. Potter Holst_________Asst. Cashier Roy R. Marquardt. .Asst. Vice-Pres. C. Edgar Johnson______ Asst. Cashier Frederick G.Murbach .A. Vice-Pres. Thomas S. McCarty.___ Asst. Cashier Daniel W. Westervelt, Assistant Cashier 2-9 ■ar too Louis K. Boysen Craig B. Hazlewood B. C. Hardenbrook BANKING DEPARTMENT Trust and Savings Bank NEW YORK CITY Vice Presidents LAW DEPARTMENT Harold V. Amberg, General Counsel C. Edward Dahlln, Assistant Attorney John N. Ott, Attorney Homer J. Livingston, Assistant Attorney AFFILIATED COMPANIES of The First National Bank of Chicago and First Union Trust and Savings Bank. First-Chicago Corporation 63 Wall St., New York 413 Wells Bldg., Milwaukee Walter Lichtenstein, Executive Secretary National Safe Deposit Co. First National Bank Bldg., Chicago The Directors of the First National Bank of Chicago, shown on the opposite page, constitute the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee of this Bank. 4.600.000 528.720 69340 000 {Bonds issued) 1.496.260 74 478 020. __ 1,133,910 Combined Resources over $600,000,000.00 353,050 Affiliated with the First National Bank of Chicago and the First Union Trust and Savings Bank Loans on Illinois and Iowa Farm Lands Under Provisions of Federal Farm Loan Act 9Q9 * Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ea(ih bank *5 U-J5- exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mm.A.B.A. nN«w {State fPrlr {Mea. State B. Am*. [Ketab ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City /ITa*!****.! 'FOREMAN-STATE NATIONAL BANK HAROLD E. FOREMAN Dibootjmts Sictjxitub Rasouacis OSCAR 6. FOREMAN s 134834460 Chairman of the Executive Committee Chairman of the Board and and LANBODB Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by+ f Mem. Inv.Bks. Assn. Oamm k IxoaAMMyDva from Principal Bajtu correspondents. * Leading Banking Institutions in all principal $ * 8,086,750 10,601.530 40,978,010 cities of the world. Vice-Chairman of the Board WALTER W. HEAD HAROLD E. FOREMAN DIRECTORS Albert I. Appleton, President, Appleton Electric Co. C. Edward Carlson, Vice-President Waddlll Catchlngs, Goldman, Sachs & Co,, New York City Delos W. Cooke, Capitalist Walter J. Cox, Executive Vice-President Joseph W. Cremln, Cremin & O'Connor Wm. C. Cummings, President, Drovers National Bank J. J. Dau, Chairman of the Board, Reid, Murdoch A Co. John N. Dole, Chairman of the Board, H. M. Hooker Glass and Paint Mfg. Co. Edward J. Engel, Vice-President and Director, The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co. OSCAR H.HAUGAN Chairman of the Board Vice-Chairman of the Board Alfred K. Foreman, Vice-President WALTER W. HEAD President WALTER J. COX, Executive Vice-President EDWIN G. FOREMAN, JR., Vice-President GERHARD FOREMAN, Vice-President MORRIS E. FEIWELL, Vice-President GEORGE N. NElSE, V ice-President C. EDWARD CARLSON, Vice-President ALFRED K. FOREMAN, Vice-President JOHN F. PHILLIPS, Vice-President Edwin G. Foreman, Jr., Vice-President Gerhard Foreman, President, Foreman-State Corporation TBUST DEPARTMENT WILLIAM C. MILLER, Vice-President CHAS. A. MCDONALD, Vice-President ANAN RAYMOND, Vice-President NEIL J. SHANNON, Vice-President JOHN W. BISSELL, Vice-Pres.-Secretary EDWIN C. CRAWFORD, Vice-President LOUIS W. FISCHER, Vice-President HARVEY J.CARSON, Vice-President Harold E. Foreman, Chairman of the Board VICTOR G. KROPF, Assistant Secretary RICHARD FISCHER, Assistant Secretary CHARLES W. ROBERTS, Assistant Secretary LEWIS C. COYNER, Assistant Secretary ALFRED S. THORWALDSON, Ass<. Secretary EARLE L. HARRAH, Assistant Secretary BENJAMIN G. KILPATRICK, Assistant Sec, JOS. T. KECKEISEN, Assistant Secretary Oscar G. Foreman, Chairman of the Executive Committee Leroy A. Goddard, Retired Banker John M. Hancock, Lehman Brothers, Bankers, New York City 'FOREMAN-STATE HAUGAN, HARRY KRAUSPE, TRUST AND JEVNE CHARLES T. ROTHERMEL, ANTON 0. SATRANG, FRANK J. KLAUCK, EDWIN J. LITTOW, SAVINGS BANK HENRY HAYES, CHARLES F. ROHNER, EDGAR J. MALMBERG, Oscar H. Haugan, Vice-Chairman of the Board Walter W. Head, President BEAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Second Asst. Vice-Pres. Second Vice-President Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary John Hertz, Chairman of the Board, The Omnibus Corporation Ralph J. Hines, Senior Vice-President, Edward Hines Lumber Co, Willard W. Jaques, President, Jaques Mfg. Co. Byron V. Kanaley, Cooper, Kanaley & Co. and. Trustee Notre Dame University F. E. Lackowskl, Chairman of the Board, North-Western Trust & Savings Bank A. Lanqulst, Chairman of the Board, Lanquist Construction Co. Albert D. Lasker, Chairman of the Board, Lord <fc Thomas and Logan Oscar G. Mayer, President, Oscar Mayer & Co., Inc. Charles A. McCulloch, Capitalist George R. Meyercord, President, Meyercord Co., Vitrolite Co,, and Haskelite Mfg, Corp. George N. Neise, Vice-President Carl Nyquist, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Wm. A. Peterson, Proprietor, Peterson Nursery Samuel Philllpson, President, Samuel Phillipson & Co. Charles Piez, Chairman of the Board, Link Belt Co. Marvin B. Pool, Manager Butler Brothers Emil G. Selp, President, Calumet National Bank W. Edwin Stanley, Mitchell, Hutchins & Co. John R. Thompson, Jr., President, John R. Thompson Co, Percival W. Trudeau, Vice-President Philip K. Wrigley, President, Wm. Wrigley Jr, Co, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT EDWARD L. JARL, Vice-President MARSHALL J. FLETCHER, Vice-Pres,-Cash. Resources Exceed i Resources. Bonds Loans OSCAR H.HAUGAN OSCAR G. FOREMAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this ** S $ $ $ 11.000.000 13,508,540 167263650 11,728.570 Chairman of the Executive Committee 1-78 MX Liabilities. Othsh Paid-up Surplus Total and LiabiliCapital Profits Dxpositb TIBS President WALTER J. COX, Executive Vice-President GAYLORD S. MORSE, Vice-President GEORGE N. NElSE, Vice-President TRYGGVE A. SIQUELAND, Vice-President $525-18% •t’62 ALFRED K. FOREMAN, Vice-President 2-18 JAS. S. RODIE, Controller GERHARD FOREMAN, Vice-President LOUIS J. MEAHL, Second Vice-President (Merger of The Foreman PERCIVALW. TRUDEAU, Vice-President MAX J. THIES, Second Vice-President National Bank and The C. EDWARD CARLSON, Vice-President OTTO J. HANSA, Second Vice-President State Bank of Chicago) EDWIN G. FOREMAN, JR., Vice-President KENNETH CARPENTER, Second Vice-Pres. FRED H. CARPENTER, Vice-President FRANK W. DELVES, Second Vice-President AUSTIN J. LINDSTROM, Vice-President GEORGE H. CAMPBELL, Second Vice-Pres. J. E. SULLIVAN, Vice-President CHARLES L. BOYE, Second Vice-President H. T. SPIESBERGER, Vice-President BASIL I. PETERSON, Second Vice-Pres. OSCAR F. MEREDITH, Vice-President V. L. BARTLING, Second Vice-President C. RAY PHILLIPS, Vice-President JOHN H. BARTELME, Assistant Cashier ANDREW F. MOELLER, V.-P.-Cash. HENRY A. BOESE, Assistant Cashier THOMAS G. JOHNSON, Vice-President ELMER L. CARLSON, Assistant Cashier W. F. COPELAND, Vice-President KARL L. BOCK, Assistant Cashier JEVNE HAUGAN, Vice-President JAS. B. GALLIGAN, Assistant Cashier CHARLES A. BURNS, Vice-President DONALD E. MCCLURE, Assistant Cashier 33 North LaSalle RICHARD G. JONES, Vice-President ARTHUR F. RINDER, Assistant Cashier Street FRED A. ROZUM, Vice-President-Mgr. Foreign Dept, (Formerly The Foreman Trust and Savings Bank) WT- List of Officers d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%Dir. ...... __ nti... 2,500,000 S 3,024,820 29,996,850 S 200 t 998,970 24,891,390 { 4,255,530 — S 7,373,720 I Million Dollars Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Completely Developed Facilities With an augmented directorate, a larger official staff and a more complete depart mental organization, this banking institution stands ready to serve in every capacity. Every modern banking service is offered by the Commercial, Savings, Trust, Real Estate Loan and Foreign Departments. Corporations, banks and individuals are invited to use the complete facilities of this old bank. A Union of The Foreman National Bank The Foreman Trust And Savings Bank and the State Bank of Chicago Foreman-State National Bank Foreman-State Trust and Savings Bank CHICAGO, ILL. Resources Exceed 200 Million Dollars Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sound Investments For Banks W E offer a broad list of selected securities suited to ihe re quirements of banks conservative clients. and their Inquiries will receive our prompt attention and involve no obligation. The Prudential Company 111 W. Washington St. CHICAGO Distributing Investment Trust Shares Series A & B Issued by Chicago Trust Company, as Trustee. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 9R3 •Mem. A.B. A. "New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond (Federal Reserve City, No. 7) Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. d-SefeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. FBARKLIR TRUST & SAW. BK. S. W. Straus. 2-203 dB®f«J|12 S. J. T. Straus E.F. Olson $374-16%+4% extra par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City E. F. Olson_______ A. A. McKay — Irvin J. Rich. St. Leo A. PoQuette Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties I 300,000 $ 766,560 J 3,289,490 % Loans AND BONDS AND Cub ft Exchanom.Dui Discounts SlCUBITIIB RasouBcaB 57,950 $ 2,922,030 $ 545,880 $ Principal Correspondents. Miscel laneous vbok 3,540 $ Baker 942,560 Straus N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Straus N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R. (Michigan Ave. and 16th) + FULLERTON STATE BAR.. WALTER J. RATHER. 2-245 dB®t§’14 $210-6%+2% extra par 100 (1423 f aliertoa Art.) Gage Park State Bank_ SfeHMI IDT—. E. A. CONLEY. IIKTYN PAUL D. TORY 166,630 600,000 150,000 2-78 (39 8. La Salle) 1fBT«i’29 +GARFIELD STATE B...... $325-8% par 100 2-222 dBd)T«i§’13 (4010 W. Madison) J. H. KENNA_ _ _ _ _ W. A. BLUMTHALE.W.JOHNSON.TV.Ojf L. E. WOODRUFF C. M. STEVENS. A. F. ADAMS Counsel J. I MCGOWAN 800,000 646,090 9,855,320 453,340 6,947,810 2,950,110 277,700 E. J. Geringer ___ Robt. Storkan 100.000 14,000 247,000 22,000 112,000 168,000 27,000 D. A. CLITHER0...... F. P. ROSS. Ch. of Exec. Com. J. W. SIXEAS. A. A. MARQUART J. H. KENNA P. C. GRIFFIN THOS. R. HEANEY Ch. of Bd. J. J. WALSH J. L. SIMMONS W. A. MCCLELLAND $500-15% par 100 par 100 2-76 B®T*t’25 (105 So. Dearborn) HALSTED EXCHANGE NAT.BK. $130 par 100 2-387 d®’26 (1929 So. Halsted) ANDREW T. MURPHY-E. N. HEINZ—HENRY R. KENT. , CHAS. B. JENKS 168,220 Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. W. Tr. & Sav., Chi. 571,690 N. City, N. Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. CHAS. B. JENKS, Cash. and Tr. Off. W. W. LEGR0S- 106,690 1,579,130 N. City. N. T.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 76,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 1,000,000 164,300 3,437,760 5,610 2,717,500 507,850 45,610 200,000 38,580 616,100 47,060 282.580 434,630 51,620 N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & 1st N.. Joliet; Merch. N., Ced. R. 673,220 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Co.. Chi.; 1930) 1,330.640 Ch. of Bd. Tr. Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., ChL; N. City, St. L. “THE DOWNTOWN BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE.” C. L. Jernberg____ E. Heymann______ G. L. Nelson______ E. C. Martinsen ... C. J. Obalil /dB®»t|’12 6 2-227 (6910 S. Halsted) par loo 200,000 +HARB0R STATE BANK 200.000 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO 3,514,110 174,260 1,500,260 1,928,270 163,050 025,990 Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., ChL; 1st Wls. N., Mil. 62,960 1,220.770 8,620 466,800 668,810 23,900 332.840 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. M. W. Quinn_____ W. C. Stone---------- R. E. Evans______ G. N. Sheffer__ d®<§'23 A. T. Stewart, O. E. Quinton, C. J. Skidmore (7851 Stonv Island Ave) Ch. of Bd. V. P. and Sec. Otte & Co. 329,200 DIRECTORS Robert E. Barbee, William J. Ratbje, Henry F. Eldmann, Gustavus J. Tatge, Herbert W. Eldmann, John E. Traeger, Henry Kloese. 200,000 $165 par 100 2-365 132,920 Chatham-Phenix N, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. +Hamilton State Bk.dB®ali'21 C. E. Kanaley......... E. W, Carlson-------- H.P. Hoot — C. J. Guderyahn (3845 Broadway) $125-6% par 100 2-800 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,165,620 Otto J. Meier____ Herman Boettcher. 751,830 300,000 ,674,380 838,110 2,166,800 58,630 P. P. Kleffer D. W. Carlson {Merging with Chica go City B ank & Tr ust Co., F ebruary 22 BAER HALSTED STREET H. F. EIDMANN........ H. W. EIDMANN — HENRY KLOESE........ FRED T. HUGr H....... FRED Km and STATE BANK!L*$350-8% A ROLL OF HONOR BANK % extra r 2,324,870 Distributors of Investment Securities. aoringerAStorkan.Ine. d®§'21 J. Storkan, J. Goringer-----par 100 2-316 Ch, of Bd. and Pres, (1511 Rooierelt Bd.) Guarantee Tr. & Sav. Bank H. F. Jaeger_____ John Mneller . 2-149 (835 W. 63d) dB®t§’08 Otto J. Meier GUARDIAN NATIONAL BANK 285,270 (Merged With Chic ago Lawn State Ban k, February 5, 1930) RUSSEL — G. B. MILLER -.......... S. M. GREILING GARARD TRUST & E. A. GARARD........ ANDREW H. R. STAPP M. F. SIMMS. Tr. Off. E. K. HART SAVINGS BANK $125 par 100 3,528,510 250.000 JOHN BADEERTh'G 56,720 1,287.440 8,460 883,140 446,520 50,570 172,390 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS (umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. no A •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SSUtetPriv. [Estab tMem. Stata B Ass'n ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. ALBERT W. HARRIS . . Ch.o/theBd. Harris Trust and Savings Bank FRANK R. ELLIOTT. I0HN S. BROEKSMiT 1ARK A. BROWN . . iUY E. REED . • . IHARLES G. FISHER !ARRY E. WEESE • Vice-Pres, Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Treasurer . Cashier Asst.Vice-Pres. Asst.Vice-Pres. Asst,Vice-Pres, richardfe.mpritchaf Asst.Vice-Pres. *900-1«% ♦ 2-28 HdB®T*tl'82 DONALD P. WELLES. Asst,Vice-Pres. par ioo Organized as . Asst, Cashier CHESTER A. BUSH . N. W. HARRIS & CO., 1882 , Asst. Cashier JOSEPH B. MITCHELL Incorporated 1907 , Asst. Cashier Mc«n,: (115 W. Monroe) , Asst, Cashier . Asst. Cashier VINCENT YAGER . . Asst. Cashier HERBERT L. ODNHAM HENRY C. KINKAID . Mgr, Sav’gs Dept. Hatterman & Glam State Bk. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. HOWARD W. FENTON . . . President Banking Department Ch. of Bd. and Pres. ‘HOME BANK & TRUST GO. *400-16% par 100 2-106 dB®T«W’ll (1200 N. Ashland Av.) Liabilities. Surplus Oteis Total AND Liabili ties Propits D*w Resources. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Mokjbi^ OabNIxAffiliated Bk*. by + Loam Bom* unovi ■ iu—,TNi AND AND Principal Oorrxspondxnts. P—ww Diesunai Raonn fM Iarh $ 6.000,000 $ 7.012,050 $89 963 540 $ 2,676,620 $56 596 220 $27129 350 $ 1,084.190 $20 842 450 8rTS RUFUS UNKHQRST . • • Comptroller RKH ART .... Auditor JEFFRIS • • Publicity Mgr. Trust Department HAROLD ECKHART..................Secretary CHAS. J. R0UBIK, JR. . Secretary PAUL N. MITCHELL . . Asst. Secretary MERWIN Q. LYTLE . . , Asst. Secretary WENDELL C. GRIFFITH , Asst. Secretary LYNN LLOYD . . . WILLIAM H. MILSTED FRANKLIN 0. MANN . GEORGE A. GLOW . WILLIAM 0. HEATH ( Asst. Secretary Asst. Secretary Asst. Secretary Asst, Secretary Asst. Secretary Guaranty Tr., Equitable Tr., Banker* Tr.. and Harris, Forbes A Co., N. Y.j 1st N., and Harris, Forbes & Co.. Ine., Bos.: Wells Fargo Bk.& Union Tr. Co., San F.: 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. L.; Secur.-lst N. Bk. of Los A.. Los A.; Bk. of Scotland, Lon.; Credit Lyonnais. Paris. Carefully Investigated Municipal, Railroad, and Corporation Rondo for Invoetmont. (Merged August 19, 1929.with the Home Bank & Trust Co. HEITMAN TR. GO. FRED P. HEITMAN, 2-79 dB®T»t§’13 (10 S. LaSalle) Successor to HEITMAN BOND & MORTGAGE COMPANY Paid-up Capital Bond Department AN C_. JJNGLE . . . Vice-Pres, . . Vice-Pres CHESTER ..... , . Vice-Pres FRANK MCNAIR . . . . Vice-Pres M. HADDON MacLEAN EDWARD B. HALL . . , Vice-Pres , Vice-Pres PAULS. RUSSELL . Asst. Vice-Pres GEORGE I. BELL . DONALD C. MILLER . Asst. Vice-Pres DUNCAN M. ROWLES. , Asst.Vice-Pres Asst,Vice-Pres WALTER L. HUDSON . Sales Mgr EVERITT A. SHERWOOD Win. FRANCE ANDERSON - Sales Mgr JULIJEN H. COLLINS . . Asst, Sales Mgr GEORGE PACKARD Mgr. Mun’pal Dept Heeewisch State Bank d®tS’13 W. E. Schmidt, A. C. Klucker____ Clande Collins____ O. A. Koehanskl... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *190-6% par 100 2-207 F. J. Zacharias (13858 Brandon Ave.) *350-20% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City PHILIP C. LINDGREN- K. L. REINKE. A. FRED P. HEITMAN, 78,480 1,474,580 666,170 — 369,070 110,040 967,180 29,220 507,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and Calumet N„ Chi. PHILIP C. LINDGREN, Tr. Tr. FIRST MORTGAGES, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS NEVER A LOSS TO AN INVESTOR TRANSACTS A GENERAL TRUST BUSINESS Sec. 117,640 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N., Northern Tr. Co., Reliance State and Harris Tr. &Sav., Chi.; State Bk.&Tr. Co., Evans ton. IhrVESTMENTS ACt;eptabliE FOR G1LJARDIAh(SHIP AhrD 250.000 633,170 93,460 324,340 OTHER TRUSTS. STROhIG — SAFIE-PERM ANENT infHHF— PETER L. EVANS —. L. D. GLANZ „ F. W. GEORGS P. DRYMALSKi A.J. 6LENICKI 100.000 5:i«EN J. J. BLAZON, Sec. and A, Tr. Off. 1.200,000 1,072.110 8.766.400 993,580 7,734,840 2,669,210 250,050 1,377,990 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Bk. Rep., and 1st N.f Chi.; hi. Shawmut, Bos. Member Federal Reserve System. < ‘STREN GTH—8 ER VICE—CO U RTESY” Acts in all Trust Capacities. For prompt attention, send your collections direct to us. All Branches of Bankin 8- 1 + Howard Ave. Trust and Sav. G. K. Hall............... Bank........... 2-341....d©t§’22 *135-4% par ioo (1560 Howard) + Humboldt State Bank C.C. Collin*______ *140-10% 2-275 dB®T*t8’17 par ioo (2722 W. North Ave.) + HYDE PARK-KENWOOD NATIONAL BARK dB®T«t'12 *325—12%-1-3% par 100 2-210 (1525 East 53d St.) R. W. Beach-----J. L. Zender L. J. Rubin C. H. Collins .— V. W. Becking........ 200,000 65,930 1,509,450 27,440 1,143,690 321,780 34,110 303,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. C. H. Collin*_____ B. Dahl____ C. J. Collins 500,000 213,000 4,600,000 204.000 3,160,000 1,030,000 391,000 936,000 N. City and Ohem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cent. Tr. Co., of Ill., Chi. 600.000 515,720 9,993.020 163,540 5,249,460 2,579,590 599,300 2,843,930 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 1,107,080 419,510 110,360 J.A. CARROLL — M. A. HARMON_ _ _ _ EUGENE ABEGG- - - - - - IRENE M. REYNOLDS JOHN J. O'CONNELL, E. F. SMELTER A. K. BROWN. Ch. E. S. FORD EUGENE ABEGG Sec. C. H. WILLIS H. H. POTTER J „ F.A.HELMH0LZ (Consolidation of Hyde Park Real Estate Fir st Mortgages on Choice Hyde Parkand South Sh ore Prop ertles. National and Kenwood Natio nal Banks') 1-C Bank & Trust Co. .Tay W. Hays.......... S. J. Aurelius — Fred Gardner 2-402 dB©*t§’29 E. B. Carson Ch. (1538 E. 53rd) i CHICAGO BANK STOCKS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m !S. J. Aurelius.......... T. R. Shannon. E. L. Wilbur BOUGHT - QUOTED SOLD 300.000 103,110 Write 1,408,620 for List. 57,780] 232,560 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi. OTTE & CO. 29Slt!™treet CHICAGO in □ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 285 (redoral Reserve City Ne. 7) Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.«New 5State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. + [mmel State President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Aag’T Cashier. FI. S. Karas Bank_dB®tl’14 2-257 (2800 Belmont Ave.) ___ Otto W. Lewke $160-6 + 2% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Othbb Paid-up Subplus Total AND Capital Pbopits Dnpoaiv Liabili ties $ 300,000 $ 137.950 $ 2,052,150 $ Loans and Dncoswm Resources. Bonds Carr A Xzouna^Dn SuDRirm Rbaowbos* PROM Barrs and Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. 26.910 579,160 $ 1,686,000 $ 37,980 $ 213,870 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 200.000 80,250 1,282,650 26,240 637,250 684,570 29,440 237,880 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Darmstadter & N. Bk., Berlin. Germany; Wien er Bk. Verein, Vienna. Industrial State Bank Martin J. Moran.. H. J. Coleman .... Wm. C. Yodak----- Jos. A. Stieber....... $125-4% par 100 2-122 dB®t8’21 Henry J. Clark (4700-02 So. State St.) 100,000 29,050 650,560 69,250 401,840 235,820 55,000 156,210 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and So. Side Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 0. E. Ummach....... Wm. H. Schmidt.. Frank I wick____ Wm. Gronert, Jr.. 800,000 195,430 3,008,980 57,510 2,209,750 644,580 236,080 471,490 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Fore man-State N., and N. W. Tr. & Sav., Chi. 300,000 205,650 4,212,170 128,290 2,192,920 1,860,140 144,320 648,730 + Immigrant State Bk. Emery Szoeke___ A. B. Revesz___ - F. M. Just______ Joseph DeBellis, Mgr. Italian Dept. L. L. Bauer 100 2-814 dB©»t§’21 (343 W. North Ave.) $175-9% par Independence State Bank. 2-298 ®t§’2 (Milwaukee, Irving Park an Cicero) (Closed January 15, 1930. Expect to reo pen.) R. T. Ummach G. R. Benson Wm. L. Runzel P. H. eleven ........ THOMAS K1ECHAK... EDWARD GEHRS IRVING PARK MURRAY MACLEOD- R. . MBALLOU E. H. R0THE, D “A BANK OF SAFETY AND SERVICE.” NATIONAL RANK Banking In all its branches. par 2-202 dB®T»t’12 N. r. l c onald $80-12% ------ Comptroller 20 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. THE LA RGEST NATIO NAL BA NK ON CHICA GO’S G BEAT N ORTH SIDE. (4201 Irvine Park Bird.) Irving State Savings Bank... (Closed December 14, 1929. Deposit liabil ity assumed by Sheri dan Trust & Saving : Bank) + Italian Trust & Saying* Bank E. B. McKnight... F. H. Ottolin____ F, H, Ottolin_____ B. A. Nelson, A. Cash, and Aud. 2-824 d®»J5'21 M. M. Morse. Ch. C. M. D. Verni, (495 Milwaukee Ave.) 200,000 38,180 1.937,800 63,810 1,046,670 813,950 146,580 232,590 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. 8s Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. 8s Sav. Assn.. San F. +Jackson Park National Bank F. M. McKey____ O. B. Cottle______Geo. H. Maywald.. M. J. Proper.__ F. II. Bennett, John A, Carroll, Tr. Off. Ch. o/Bd.l (1960 E. 71st St.) 200.000 55,630 2,568,460 220,270 1.639,040 786,140 154,570 464,620 Cent. Han. Bk. 8c Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 300,000 272,500 4,573,630 159,990 2,057,820 2,373,910 200,410 673,980 N. City and Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep. and 1st N , Chi. 18,420 69,560 Chase N.. N. Y.; Home Bk. 8c Tr. Co. and Cont, Ill. Bk. 8c Tr. Co.. Chi. $145-6% par 100 A. Aud. $270-6% par 100 2-856 dB®T*I’2S + Jefferson Park Nat'l Bank F. H. Esdohr------ J. E. Fitch______ R. D. Andrews. $400-12% 2-196 dB®T»+'ll R. D. Andrews par loo J. A. Esdohr... J. F. Iglewski A. H. Bast (4790 Milwaukee Are.) +Jefferson Park Trust 8c Sav Newton Jenkins... O. E. Gorski..........L. J. Kwiatkowski. M. A. Genin._ ings Bank__2-364..dB©t§'24 Elmer R. Weber, A. J. Kowalski (4841 Milwaukee Ave.) CASPAR AMER. ffif. STATE BANK ♦ 2-120 dB®T*tr05 $230-8% par 100 30,840 504,430 9,580 418,460 138,420 1,600,000 447,380 13,919,330 850,000 6,660,570 7,962,440 Mgr. R. E. Ln. Dept. $180-4%par 100 M Sf Tl WBt - VSSM^ Auditor (WHS-iS- UNSURPASSED COLLECTION FACILITIES. 2,193,710 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. 1 Bk. Bep., Chi. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals invited. (1900 Blue Island Ave.) Otte & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks 90R dumber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. oMem.A.B.A.»New ! State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Kaufman State Bank Louis Kaufman, H. V. Silvertrust... M. Lazar, Jr........... $175 par 100 2-71 dB®«S’20 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (124 No. La Salle) Kenwood National Bank Resources. JOthrr Paid-up Surplus Total Capital Profits Deposits TIES $ 200,000 $ 38,340 S 1,013,310 { 200,000 70,000 Loans AND Bonds and MnciLUlflOUS Discounts Sicumrms RSSPUBCNS 26,130 $ 343,330 S 683,010 $ Oajh k BxcxAV«BS,Dtri no> Baku Chicago Clearing House Ass’n Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 53,530 $ 197,900 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Equit.Tr. Co., N. Y.; ForemanState N„ Chi.; Darmstaedter N..Berlin, Germany; Wiener Bk. Verein, Vienna. (See Hyde Park-Ke nwood National Ba nk) ^Kenwood State Bank W. L. Martin........ . Willis Moore_____ F. S. Williams___ *135 2-411 ©t§’29 F. S. Williams (1159-1161 E. 47th St.) Bess S. Heptig........ 230,100 890 220,260 107,320 63,570 3,804,420 781,250 489,630 109,840 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi, . R. G. KIMBELL------ „ H. OLSEN............. R. JAS. LARSEN —- H. J. SCHEFFNER — W. A. AEPPLI A. A. MUELLER. Sec. E. A. PAULSON LILYM. HANSEN CELIA G1ERSCH. o G. H. SCHIEWE J. J.ViSSER.V,P. and A. Sec. 300,000 Tr. Officer P. H. SQHROEOER. Mgr. Bond Dept. __ & SAVINGS BANK E. W. ISRAEL. And. HENRY C. MICKOW, Mgr. Vault Dept. 1350-11% par 100 2-195 dB®T»t§’09 + KIMBELL TRUST (3600 Fnllerton Ave.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City 174,050 4,961,420 269,220 630,290 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. We are equlpt to handle your North-West Side business promptly and satisfactorily. OUR OWN 6% First Mortgage Gold Bonds. Write for list. WM. S. KLINE.......... J. R. FREY----------- H. M. MATSON D. J. DEVEHEUX-600.000 565,560 9,833,340 118,430 7,073,180 1,453,380 0. J.DEVEREUX. F. K. HAYS, 0. F. DAHLSTROM Asst. V. P. A. Caih. and Mgr. D. G. WIELAND DI&ECTOKS E.J.RUSSELL, Asst.v. Sav. Dept. M, c. TRAVERS C. B. HAZLEW00D. Ch. WILLIAM V. KELLEY H-L. WILBUR, „ M. 0. MILLER. ^ EDWARD F. SWIFT H. E. UEVEREAUX. Mgr. Credit Dept, Mgr. Bus.Ext. Dept. SHELDON CLARK S.E. THOMASON CHESTER A. COOK V. P. and Tr. Officer 0. G. PETERSON, Mgr. JOHN R. THOMPSON, JR. $600-6%+3% 2-303 dB®T»+§'20 D. M. DEININGER J. P. CUMMINGS* R.E.Ln.Dept. H. H. WINDSOR* JR. par 188 A. Tr. Off. JOHN B. DRAKE BERTRAM M. WINSTON (605 N. Michigan Ave.) ISAAC M. HAMILTON WHEELER SAMMONS MURRAY W0LBACH “In the heart of the Great North Central District" Wra.S. KLINE "LAKE SHORE TRUST & SAV.BANK Chern. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. mta1" hnkNP“ "LAKE VIEW STATE E. D. McCABE RANK ........... W. 0. J. HATTSTAFnT n M RIVFS F.A J0ERGERGEO. R. BOYLESu„ GEO. K. McCABE. C. G. McCABE 0. D. GRANSTRANO A. C. R. F. HICKEY E. F. McCABE D. M. RIVES EDW. REISING R.E.HERRMANN V. M. MERTES $500-10% par 100 2-164dB®M8’ll (3179 No. Clark St.) "LAKE VIEW J. J. BUDL0RB TRUST &SAV.BANK ____ 1500-6%+4% 2-134 dB®T*t§’05 par 100 ** wm—pp— BMS® 700.000 400,000 7,951,850 562,490 6.516,770 1,406,440 715,690 975,430 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. WM. H. BLEBCMKE— E. t. BURMEISTER Mgr. R.E. Ln. Dept. Tr. Off. 0. W. COX- Mgr. New Bus. Dept. CLARENCE MILLS A. E. WAHLSTROM. 500,000 1,349,410 12,355,400 228,960 7,362,870 4,139,250 594,670 2,336,980 Chase National Bank, New York. Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. OLDEST BANK ON THE NORTH SIDE ” (1201 N. Ashland Ave.) — Laramie State Bank...dB©§'25 C. A. Mueller____ B. F. Meservey.__ A. E. Brucker__ $135 par 100 2-372 J, P. Garner. Ch. (5200 W. Chicago Ave.) Ctrl O/in 200,000 41.660 1,344,330 3,0e)0 J. J. Salat.............. R. F. Hajicek, Joseph J. Janda... V.P. and Cash. Charles J. Roubik Joseph Kopecky Joseph M. Zalusky 250,000 316,970 6,139,660 177,160 1.573,520 4,136,990 fj. J. SALAT...........- F. B. HAJICEK____ FRAHK j. VASEK —. ANTONPR0MINSKIGE0RGE KIRCHMAN j FRANK KIRCHMAN, JOSEPH POLAK LEE J. HRUBY < Ch, of Bd. JOSEPH KOPECKY 1500-16%+4% 2-137 dB®T»i§’ll F. L. KAREL 500.000 307,250 4.499,570 112,420 2,077,210 2,456,590 +Lawndale National Bank F. G, Hajicek, J. P. Matthew___ Edw. E. Dobbeck 1480-20% par 100 2-204 dB®T*t’I2 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. Joseph F, Polak (3337 W. 26th St.) +LAWNDALE STATE BANK 178,020 385,800 473,280 Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Ced. R. N.. Ced. R. 45,000 1,128,280 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 885.440 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. II Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Prague Credit, Prague. par loo (3205 W. 22d St.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ©TTE & CO. 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City given (Federal Reserve City No. 7) •Mem. A.B. A. «New {State tPrir. tMem. State B. A<w’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Fnsmarr. Ass’t Cashjr. yicB-PrasinmT. Oatru 200,000 % • J. E. Malloy______ $ Lawrence Avenue National Bk. Herman ElenbOkren F. H. Massmann... J. H. Jeffries, V. P. and Cash. C. A. Teller, Sec. Geo. I. Pilat 1125 par 100 2-379 dB©»+’26 (3224 Lawrence) WM.KAIAKER ........... (A. S. HELQUIST ... K.B. B001JEY______ H- WIERSEMA, , V. P. and Cash. J. A. LISS jff.i. NEVMANI^ MILTON ROSENTHAL J. W. THOMPSON E. H. RUDORF. Aud. (Blfil Reosevelt Road) Lincoln Trait A Savings Bank O. B. Conklin $285-12% par 100 2-230 dB®T»*l'I3 (Irving Pk. Blvd. and Lincoln Ave.) LOGAN SQ8ARE STATE & SAVINGS BANK H S SAVAGE G R BOYLES BENJAMIN KULP. $395-14% ♦ 2-248 dB®T«tl’18 par 100 (81(8 W. Mad lion) (Formerly Madison & Kedzie State Bank) U. M. Foerster. V. P. and Tr. Off. W. J. Michel A. N. R. H $l#s-fl% 2-851 ®*tl23 (2551 Milwaukee Ave.) ’MADISON-KEDZIE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 700,000 493,540 10,332,160 400,000 122,780 400,000 200,000 193,090 $ 729,550 $ 504.780 $ 51.240 $ Affiliated Banks by+ Principal Corrrsponbrnts 275,620 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 278,500 7,229,160 2,938,340 66,890 1,569,820 Guaranty Tr. Co., Equitable Tr. Co. and Bk. of U. S., N. Y.; 1st N. and Foreman-State N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 1st N., Joliet. 2.420,230 38.640 1,763,060 368,880 425,050 424,670 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Obi.: Ced. R. N.. Ced. R.; Bk. of Toronto. Toronto. Ont.. Can ada. 199,420 4,733,670 70,530 4,123,780 435,760 186,410 657,660 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N.. Chi.; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L,; Los A.-1st N. Tr. &Sav., Los A. 141,680 3,475,130 183,400 2,056,610 942,380 205,180 796,040 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N. 1,321,660 12,488,470 233,170 11,542,390 1,209,720 777,200 2,513,990 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State St. Tr. Co., Bos. / careful and p arsons] attention VWe Specialise on “WBff BED IP' Items. L. A. DeLaorler— Lincoln State Bank--dB®*t§'12 Q. F. Leibrandt ... J. J. Cullen.............. M. FT. Wnlpe . C. E. Gilleland. $145-8% 2-200 F. J. Selden Mgr, Sav. Dept. par ioo (3105 So. State) + 20,160 $ 1,147,950 $ Chicago Clearing Home Ass’n. Members shown by* M. S. SCHWARTZ ) Collections give n prompt, par 100 Liabilities. I Resources. Maon- CUaGlxSurplus Bowse Loads Othsr AJTD 1KD L iabili Dboowti Siovmime Kaaovaoas fmm Karo Piorrri Darosirs ties Ch. of Bd. E. T. Behrens, B. J, Malburg........ R. E. Johnson, J. B. Bobzlen V. P. and Cash. H. J. Brown A. Cash. A. MUELLER, Exec. A. A. MUELLER......... R. NEW C. MAUER A. REZEK mr1A. Cash, and Mgr. Chi. R. E. Ln.Dept. D. W. CLARK................ P. A. SGHROEDER ... P. R. 6RQHS.............. HILMER R.TESS. t.vwaF FRANK J. GORMAN A. V. P. and Aud. S. SPRINGER DENNIS E. MADDEN kBP rar A. Tr. Officer PHILIP KENT. „ Tr. Officer H. T. YUENGER. A. Vice Presidents 2,000,000 F. E. SHORTESS HEll'RYEICKENBERG HENR? hSholt ‘THE BANK THAT 8ERV ICE B UILT” !!E?!«rLL F. C. Stranbing ... 300,000 143,010 3,568.280 25,090 2,459,670 1.039.790 26,900 510.020 N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Home Bk. & Tr. Co. Wm. B. Thomas... L. S. Tark................. Emil Herzog, V. P. and Cash. Wm. Rusnak 200.000 55,000 310,000 15,000 344,500 45,500 55,000 135,000 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep.and Home Bk.&Tr., Chi. +Marauette Park 8tate Bank Wm. Brietzke, Michael Maisel.— B. M. O’Oonnell, J. W. Utesch, Jr... V. P. and Cash, C. C. Durkin par 100 2-242 dB®T»t*TS Ch. of Bd. and Pres. John F. Kurent W. L. Stoetzel. (6814 S. Western Ave.) 300,000 191,420 3,023,770 81,830 1,781,800 1,319,870 69,910 425,440 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and West Englewood Tr. & Sav., Chi. + Marshall Square State Bank L. A. Wachowskl— X. A. Czonstka — X. A. Oeonstka___ A. L. Formanek... E. L. Wachowski 2-182 ®»tl’20 Wm. H. Schmidt, Wm. H. Schmidt (till W. 22d 8t.) Ch. of Bd. +Marshfield Trust & Savings B ank (Taken over by Citizens State Bank. November 12, 1929) 200,000 109,070 1,949,880 118,390 1,462,610 494,420 115,970 304,330 Chase N..N. Y.; Northw. Tr. A Sav. and Cent. Tr. + Mayfair State Savings Bank T. B. McGrath. Jr. J J, £)ninn par 100 2-382 dB®t§’26 Geo. M. Getschow, Ch. (4434 Lawrence Ave.) 200,000 54,480 1,510,990 28,430 857,840 698,690 24,850 212,530 Chase N.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. + MADISON SQUARE STATE R. A. Schiewe .... O. E. Stimining Charles Bohm BARK-------- 2-301. ..dB®*i'22 Peter L. Evans, $210-8% par 147.61 (4812 W. Madison St.) $145 par 2-405 (2654 North Ave.) 100 ... 8. P. Tomaso and 1st N., Chi. Ch. of Bd. Fred W. Georgs Market Traders State Bank ____ (Consolidated with Mid-City Trust & Savings Bank, Jan uary 20, 1930) $325-8% A.Cash. and Tr. Off. $115-6% $140 ©TTE & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CO. A. H. Carson______ G. C. Andrich. Mgr. R. E. Ln. De pt. 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 CHICAGO & NEW YORK Co., of Ill., Chi. BANK *»» INSURANCE STOCKS 288 Number Name of Bank is Is me the mew New Transit Number given >er under uuuer xvame oi nann to each ’—'• ------------- bank In TTU. “S. —*—~ exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A. B. A. **New S8tate fPrif. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Kstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sar.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Yicepresident. nrun nn /-*____/-* . , n Samirr. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this (Federal Reserve City No. 71 issT Cabhie*. ‘MERCANTILE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK HARRY N. BRUT------- WM. W. FARRELL-- J. G. ROSELAND........... C. F.H.RAWSON, J.E.O’SHAUGHNESSY B. H. RUBENZIK,Sec. T. Ch- ofBd■ «• H. RETTMAN J. C. SCOFIELD, A. H. A. SWANSON, Aud. Tr. Off. y. + Metropolitan State Bank 2-270 $215-8+2% par 100 (2201 VV. 22d St.) John B. Breaza___ John Krotkas. S. A. Szymkewiex S. S.TyrakowsU ♦ 2-169 dB@T»tfT2 1435-10% + 4% extra par 100 (541 Jackson Blvd.) a LrllL/AuU--- vXint U--- Central ReSerVC CltV Liabilities. Othxb Paid-up Subplus Total and Capital Pbopits Diroam Liabili ties Loin Discounts Resources. UlKIlr Bonds Oabb b EaroiAieai.Dn Sacuarria. RaaovmoaR non Bash W. WENNER.......... " CLARK G. TOBORG H. THORNE We offer you dependable and rellabla banking facilities and conveniences — together with a genuine personal interaat in your affairs by the men who operate this bank. J. O. Bream. $ 600.000 $ 564,050 $11927610 $ 471,530 $ 9,276,290 $ 1,493,590 $ 200.000 X|hUt)|I9V Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. Chase National Bank 126,530 $ 2,666,780 First National Bank Union Trust Co. 89,300 New York Chicago Cleveland 385,990 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Foreman-State N., Chi.; Wiener Bank Verein, Vienna, Austria. W.J. RATHJE............ J. L. KOHN_______ I.0. IENGTSEN — 3 F RFNT79PH J. J. WALSH. A. Cash. J. LEVINSON HifiOLOOSBOHHE, L. H. FREISE. M,in V. P. and Mgr, Bd. A. Cash, and Mgr. Dept. u . A. bHUtnnALU A. M. TIERNEY WM. L. BREITSPRECHER. Auditor A. Cash, and Mgr. A. Cash, and Mgr. V. C. WINNEN, For. Dept. New Bus, Dept Tr. Officer ‘MID-CITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK $400-12%+2% 2-36 dB®T*t§’ll par ioo (101 Midiaon) Midland National Bk..dB®«’27 H. F. Wuehrmann. Frank L. Webb.... V. I. Vanicek.......... $300 par 100 2-391 D. E. Shanahan. Ch. (Archer Ave. at Sacramento) 1,000,000 790,000 14,738,000 666,000 10,684,000 . 3,109,000 1,379,000 AGRO WING BANK THAT OFFE RS A PROM PT AN D CFF ICIEN T SER VICE. National City Bank First National Bank_____ 2,022,000 Union Trust Co. Cedar Rapids National Bank.. New York Chicago Cleveland Cedar Rapids 200,000 52,750 1,923,580 29,500 1,215,300 590,350 41,430 358,750 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N., Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Foreman-State N. and Terminal N., Chi. 300,000 45,800 702,920 16,050 625,360 94,270 187,780 157,360 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. Millard State Bask. dB®ti‘21 R. A. Cepeir, E. J. Kridera_____ J. P. Havlleek____ Anton Bhu.. $100-8% 2-232 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. James Friedl par 100 (|«45 W. 23th> 100,000 81,660 979,690 770 371,790 506,360 87,180 196,770 Kaspar Am. State and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Montrose Trust A Savings Norman O.Geyer.. E. F. Turnbloom... Joseph Doran........ dB®«tl’24 Bank_____2-366 100,000 22,280 1,035,770 31,230 693,610 237,690 71,140 186,830 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Nat. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 200,000 80,260 1,587,520 115,730 1,097,620 486,740 126,070 25,000 6,050 145,260 1,520 126,100 21,870 10,170 300,000 292,270 5,451,190 375,780 3,011,060 1,694,920 Midway State Bank..dB®t§’26 L. C. Wagner $160 par 100 2-384 (6236 Cottage Grove Ave.) P. E. Wagner ___ n a ^ , T. B. Pearson,____ W. H. VanHoesen $140 par ioo (3159 Montrose Ave.) "miiiiuH"& Wm. Schulze.......... A. E. Rushton........ G. W. Graper.......... O. E. Kenyon.......... $225-10% par 100 2-172 d®*tS'04 (1987 W. 111th St.) Mt. Greenwood Trust & Sav H. W. Elmore____ E. E. Elmore_____ W. Thompson........ ings Bank 2-409 dB®T»+§’27 $160 par ioo (3052 W. 111th St.) Mutual National Bank d®T*!’17 Frank C. Rathje— A. W. Hamer _ B. D. O'Connell, J. Masterson.......... $300-6% par 100 2-290 F. H. Korthauer, T. J. Weldon V. P. and Cash. C. R. Gill (7844 S. Hals ted) V. P. H. A. Fischer. J. W. Nelson, Aud, I. V. Erickson V. P. and Tr. Off. ©TTE & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone .Randolph 4660 Chicago 273,080 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 19,690 1st N., Chi. 364,730 1.348,520 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. Specialists in Bank Stocks (Federal Reserve City He. 7) Liabiijtiks. Othbb PAID-UP Subplub Tori AND CAPITAL Pbofits D Broun Liabili TI1I »Mem.A.B.A.nN«w ISUtatPrij. <0 tUna. Stats B. Ass’a. [fcUb. ♦Fed. Bes.DeptsrT-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®8>T.$Last8aIe%DiT. Vicn-Pm»sn>nwT. PaaeiDBHT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given non to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 40y Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Aju’t Cashibb. Caszibb Resources. Chicago Clearing House Ass n Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + Bonus I Miscat- Qamm k ExAND j AANBOEB omoM,Dtn Principal Cobbespondbnts. Duoooim Saoranaa Rmoubom noiftunu Loans AMD OFFICERS THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC JOHN A. LYNCH, Chairman of the Executive Committee DAVID R. FORGAN, CHARLES S. CASTLE, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Comm. 6E0RGE WOODRUFF, Chairman of the Board LUCIUS TETER, Vice-Chair, of the Board HUGO E. OTTE, Vice-Chair, of the Board JOHN W. O’LEARY, President WARD C. CASTLE, Executive Vice-President Assistant Assistant Cashiers Vice Presidents Vice-Presidents 10,500,000 W. A.ANDRESEN lit? par 20 (Affiliated Chicago Trust Co.) 1145-16% lips. $ $ I $ 2,875,050 140 201550 24,969,480 78,667,320 36,509,340 20.132.880 43.237,420 if AALTE R sT 'lllfLT6RE N F. J. ITZEL. “THE BANKERS’ SERVICE STATION” lNTl_ &.IENPRl»S0N OF CHICAGO 2-13 dB®*t’91 (134 So. LaSalle) DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENTS. Vice-Chairman of the Executive Comm. AN WENDELL D. WEST W. R. SCHUSTER __ AGNER S. W. WHITE Cashier E. P. VOLLERTSEN t.'g.'wIlsSn Controller W. E. HARRISON Manager, Investment Dept. OFFICE OF LONDON REPRESENTATIVE, 8 KINO WILLIAM ST., LON DON, E. C. 4. OFFICE OF NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE, No. 5 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. OFFICE OF PACIFIC COAST REPRESENTATIVE, CITIZENS NAT’L BK. BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. A. E. WIGELAND Bank of America N. A. ... New York Central Hanover Bk. & Trust Co. New York Equitable Trust Co............................New York Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. . St. Louis Mississippi Valley Trust Co. . St. Louis Atlantic National Bank . . . Boston First National Bank...................... Boston Boston National Shawmut Bank . . Wells Fargo Bk. & UnionTr. Co. San Francisco Bank of Italy National Tr. & Sav. Assn. . San Francisco Market Street National Bank . Philadelphia Tradesmens National Bank & Trust Co. Philadelphia Philadelphia Nat’l Bank . . . Philadelphia Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. . . New Orleans Security-First National Bank . . Los Angeles FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Over 15,000 Foreign Correspondents throughout the World. 782,650 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. E. ("!. Ranr + HTIMML l»«VfoDL»W. P. M. Lori ah------- R. M. Ashcraft— G. J. Claus.............. A. 0. Zimmerman A. O. Mann, Ch.efBd. H. ft. Spellman 1-828 dB®«’21 par 100 (1826 K. 6M »D 300,000 227,870 3,639,460 117,040 2,049,030 1,243,540 W. G. McLaury .... J. V. Farwell, III. M. D. Goldberg-__ C. A. Johnson........ ♦National Builders Bank A. J. Mulroney, C, W. Torset *250 par 100 2-47 d®T*t’27 J, E. Lindquist. Ch. Tr. Off. L. C. Phillips (On the Wacker Drive, at LaSalle) 500,000 120,350 4,480,170 380,540 3,697,870 527.030 561,860 JAMES DAVIS- - - - - - - Wm. H.OELLERiei.. tfcBHHARTHUR KQRT A. C. and Aud. JAMES M. HURST. Asst, to Pres. F. C. ULLRICH. Mgr. Mtge. Sal e« Dept. V. P. and Tr. Off. N. J. REULAND. „ AGNES J. OLSEN* Sec. A. W. J. LEITZ.Msr. Safe Dtp. Vaults 7,952,650 168,960 7,575.690 182,940 751,900 1,172,940 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 209,160 *300-8% *N0EL STATE BANK ♦2-185 dB®T»tl'05 par ioo (1601 Milwaukee Ave.) *285-12% 71,120 1.185,550 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill,, Chicago. V.P. and Mgr.R.E. Ln. Dept. North Austin Trust & Savings Bank. (Merged wit h Austin National B ank January, 1930) G. B. Prick_______ Landon C. Rose —- T. A. Fitzsimmons. W.Rt Lot* North Ave. State Bank W. G. Zander. <Sec. H. E. Kraati 2-148 ®»25'0« R. L. Tearney V. E. Ferrara {600 North Ave.) 800,000 381,440 9,286,820 50,630 3.097,330 5,314,680 151,000 1,755,880 Chase N., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.rCont.Ill. Bk. &Tr Co.,Chi.-.Wells Fargo Bk. & DnionTr. Co., San F. + Northcent er Trust & Savings Ohas. K. Schick.__ A. O. Buehler____ A. C. Wiklnnd____ L.G. Schelllng.... W. B. Granstrand Andrew Erbach Bank_____ 2-852 -dB®*t»’23 (1940 Irving Park Bird.) *140-4% par 100 100,000 46.230 1,371,570 22,580 928,040 362,960 41,270 208,120 Chase N. and N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. *180-7% Otte & Can Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS lame or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 290 City No. 7) •Mem.A.B.A.n-New SStatefPriv. Mm. State B. Ask'd, [btab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANYBANK SOLOMON A. SMITHH. 0. EDMONDS, W. S. MILLER, FRED A. CUSCADEN, H. H. ROCKWELL, L. B. ROBBINS, A. B. CASWELL, JAS. A. RUSSELL, G. F. SPAULDING, Vice-Presidents Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. LAMSON H.DATE. -CHARLES M. NELSON I.1.JUUWM, CHARLES M. NELSON. H. H. ROCKWELL, Sec. iKMIPLEY.^’ L. L. MCARTHUR. JR., D. B. McDOUGAL, W. H. MOONEY. F. J. KOCH, BAVI0 JOHNSTONE. GEORGE MAC HAR6, B. W. FRENCH. PATG. MORRIS. J. A. PROSSER. F. S. BOOTH, Second V .-President* THOMAS S. E: ... Htn HARVE H. PAGE. NORMAN SHEACH, ALBERT V. KING. Paid-up Capital $ 2.080.000 LlAEIUTEES. Surplus Total AND Profits Deposits $ $ 7,003,730 56.466.850 Bjmourcm. Other Liabili ties Loans Bonds and and MisohjlLANIOUB Discounts SaCUBlTIBP Rjbsoubcbs $ S $ 3.924,040 41,592,040 10,176,320 North Town State Bank O. A. Christensen. Ralph L. Peck........ W. T. Larsen...__ V. H. Eckersall... 2-389 dB®W26 Harry E. Koeber (2341-3 Devon Ave.) A. J. KOWALSKI —- J. N. BUDZBAN......... J. V. BBOONICKI —‘NORTH-WESTERN E-F. E.J- PREBIS.......... LACKOWSKI, M. S. SZYMCZAK M. F0ERSTER, F. G. ROGALSKI 1450-12%+ 3% par 100 w i BANKdB®T »tl’06 W. (1201 Milwaukee Ave.) of Bd'JAS- Cl WHITE r Ch. Exec. Com, J-”AY"EH- Rotterdam. 1.425.930 21.400 1,250.000 1,063,750 18,513,570 773,540 200.000 H. J- S- fBANMOWSKI, S. MIECZKOWSKI, 58,850 972.900 454,740 59,390 SCHMIDT, AN AUTHORIZED TRUST COMPANY. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. Mgr. For. Ex. Dept. MARION G. KUDLICK, BDiiun QflRRAV Tr. Off. VINCENT JOZWIN, Exec.V.P. A’ ° ' Pan* C IP A L CORRESPONDENTS Co., N. City, Chase N., Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., See. TRUST ft SAVINGS non Chicago Clearing Honse Assn. Members showD by * Affiliated Banks by + and Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and P. G. MORRIS, JOHN M. MEIKLE, K. J. SHECKLER, H. J. KARCH, N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon Mgr. Bond Dept. Mgr. Real Estate Mgr. Foreign N., Pitt.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Bk. of Auditor M.F. SKINNER. Dept. Exchange Dept. Com., Det.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: 1st G. D. MAXFIELD. A. Mgr. Bond Dept. Asst. Auditor B. S. STEFFENS. R. K. PRETTY. N., Balt.; Westminster Bk.,Ltd. and Barclays L. F. WATERMULDER. Mgr. Credit Dept. Mgr. Service Ext. Bk., Ltd., London; Morgan & Co. and Soclete A. Mgr. Bond Dept. Dept. Gencrale Paris; Deutsche Bk. und DlscontG.E. GOODEN, ogesellschaft, Berlin; Botterdamsche Bankv., 1135 par 100 ♦ 2-42 A ExDux Cash chamois, Baku $ $ 2,757,340 14,868,930 Guaranty Tr. Co., 1st N., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Asst. Cashiers A, Mgr. Bond Dept. Asst. Secretaries 1828-16% ♦ 2-15 1dB®T«tl’89 par ioo (50 S. La Salle) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Coat'd—Central Reserve City 219,140 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cap. State Sav., Chi. National City Bank ....................... ..........New York Foreman-State National Bank...... ..........Chicago Union Trust Co._........................... .........Cleveland This Bank owns and Controls the Dept ' Mgr. R. E. Ln.Dept. NORTH-WESTERN SECURITIES CO. F. H. Esdohr_____ R. D. Andrews.— Hertel Esdohr........ E. J. Sass________ 616,840 27.090 490,200 148,310 59,150 82.260 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Jefferson kk. N., Chi. 100.750 1,031.000 221.490 736,710 508,900 166,070 141,570 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Wiener Bk. Verein, Vienna. Austria. 290,000 84,350 1.794,000 34.640 1,067,100 452,470 171,900 421,510 Bk.of Am. N. A.. N. Y.; Cent. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 200.000 71,810 1,021,810 35,000 711.560 471,430 31,220 114.290 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi,; 1st Wis. N.. Mil. 500.000 135,280 5,025.070 50,590 2,870,950 1.073,630 74,340 Stefan Kovae____ John Papanek........ 100.000 81,900 1,013,620 198.660 497.180 731,240 24.860 nPark Manor State Bank par 130 2-412 dB®l (7096 So. Chi. Ave.) John A. Bain, E. C. Barry---------- A. R. Eunson.......... Robert A. Bain-----1 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B. M. Pierzynski A. W. Gustafson R. O. McClellan J. J. Mclnerney, Jr. 206.000 50,670 486.020 28,510 278,240 138.720 288.830 59,400 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. + Parkway 8tate Bank N. M. Percy_____ _ P. P. Linell______ R. M. Jones. D. A. Orth. Mgr. R. E. and i Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 100.000 55,340 785,58C 506,000 254,640 25,420 154,660 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. 100.000 40,000 Jno. L. Novak. Frank Steiskal.... Jos- V- Novak........ Ch, of Bd. and Pres. O. L. Steiskal 200.000 Frank Ransford .. B. L. Rosset, Ch. Max Woldenberg, V. Ch. par ioo (6101 Northwest Hy.) ■ 8% par ioo 2-817 dBC (1117 S. Loomis St.) 4- Ogden National Bank 2-160 dB©' S225-6% + l% par 100 (3959-61 Ogden Ave.) Old Colony State Bank 2-395 dB®T< (1215 N. Clark St.) $150 par 100 .*■-»« A* L. Peterson___ Diderich Lunde___ Merl Shewman .— Chas. C. Carlino___ Morris Jepsen Robert Showers +0LB DEARBORN STATE BK. R. A. Drum —........ E. L. Voss__ .... A. F. Whitehead. S130 H. F. Roberts____ par 100 2-69 dB®T*Jf'l£ Lucius Teter. V. P. and Cash. G. W. Chaffee Geo. F. Kremm Ch. of Bd. C. R. McEldowney C. F. Crist, Aud. (203 No. Wabash Ave.) G. W. Fawell. '» ■ Papanek-Eovae State Bank 1200-6% par 100 2-315 dB®t8' (886 Milwaukee Ave.) *130-3% par 100 2-368 dB@T® (1950 No. Clark 8t.» \ CHICAGO BANK STOCKS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tr. Off. !■''t Martin Papanek— Sam Papane.k C. R. Jandns, Ch. H. P. Sinden 1,692,020 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N. Ced. R.; 1st N.. Joliet. . Bd. Dept. BOUGHT QUOTED - 140,900 Foreman-State N., Chi. Otte & Co. 29Sn:f:":itreet Chicago Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 9Qi to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. d-8afeDep.©Bav.$LastSale%DiT. ‘PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. ijEMZAGEX MSWr-Mpk-lteHcttjj:JETOWSKI E. NYLIN JOHN DE GERALD OF CHICAGO JAMES F. GONLAN. ElMR KOLB aVsCv; p. liWs'ay whabton. Tr. Officer THE SOUTH SIDE'S GREATEST BANK" *93-16% 2-45 d®T«f’09 Commercial, Savings, Trust, Investment, Real Estate Loan and Foreign Depts. par 29 (1642 W- 47th) (Conversion of Peoples Stock Yards State Bank) E. H. REYNOLDS— lift _____LA. HINTZ_________ R. R. OLSON — F. B. WEAKLY. 6. L. PENNELL. See. and Tr. Officer A. Caen, and And. *THE PEOPLES L, H. RITCHIE. Y. CARTER. TRUST & SAVINGS NINA BANKING DEPT. BANK Individuals. d®T»tf’10 $ 1.000.90* $ Loans and 2,500,000 916,450 25,530,910 1,501,520 27,926,390 -Invlt« m accounts sf Basks, Firms, 648,840 $ 2,882,520 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr. Co , N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 1,988.480 185,690 5,139,270 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 1st N., Bos. YOUR BUSINESS CORDIALLY INVITED. 30,130 592,460 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N„ and 1st N„ Chi. 1,316,110 284,570 668,960 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch.N., Ced. R.; tn. Tr. Co., Cleve. 6,377,420 3,367,790 500,000 1,722,210 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N., 1st N., and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 1,196,710 970,160 55,680 1,125,220 8,098,430 907,420 11,008,470 500,000 241,190 4.057,740 79,500 2,608,800 -t-PIoneer Trait & Sev. Beak C. J. Peeples_____ 0- B. Sekenbert... N. F. stone______ H. S. Oatlnnd----F. W. Collins J. L. Sunde. R. H. Lovett *400-16% 2-188 d®T»t§’13 Tr. Officer A. C. Andersen J. F. Ansberg par 100 (4000 W. North Ave.) 750,000 649,020 10,475,360 93,040 B. 8. Davis______ Edw. A. Pratt___ E. O. Lneck........... George Johns 300,000 2,051,950 199,410 par 100 Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by+ Principal correspondents. Rush C. Butler Robert J. Graf Cyrus McCormick Donald B. Douglas Wayne Chatfield-Taylor Robert B. Upham Earle H. Reynolds 1,500,000 *260-10% k Cash Exchahqkh.Due r»om Banks DIRECTORS Service Extension Dept. 11 • Jp ■ r 6fKlIlS_------S. B. Clark, Sec. Walling R. B. Umberger Joseph E. Otis, Ch. Miscel laneous Discounts Sbcubitieb Rhsoubcbs 329,170 $ 7,687.180 $ 5,971.790 $ P. D. Armour George H. Reynolds S. M. Felton Herman Waldeck Joseph T. Ryerson Chas. Ward Seabury E. P.Waud INVESTMENT UNIT—The Peoples Securities (_____ 2-370______ and "CHICAGO’S LAKE FRONT BANK" C. L. BANDLOW JOHN P. WITTS. Mot. Safe Dept. Vaults J. A. NYLIN. C. E. HARVEY. D. V. MCCARTHY. ,IAL LOAN & SAVINGS Willoughby G. Bonds During the year 1929, the Peoples National Company was organized from the capital assets of the bank, which capital stock is held In trust for the stockholders of this bank. The assets of the Peoples National Company in excess of $200,000 are not included in this statement. FOREIGN DEPT.—Sells Foreign Exchange, lasses Letters sf Credit and Travelers Cheques. TRUST DEPT.—Authorised by Stats of Illinois to act In all Trust Capaoitlss. d2No.2riek.Ave.) 576,690 $15 284 470 $ Cash,, Mgr. Sav Dept. A, C. and Mgr. Credit Dept. Mgr. Women’s Dept. 2-29 +2% extra, par 100 Other Paid-up Surplus Total Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties mLlWkot. H. B. BRAY J. A. NYLIN *609-12% Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City J. J. Krumeich____ G. T. Peck, Aud. (105 W. Madison St.) L ROSSET........... GEO. P. PHILLIP------ M. J. LONG_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . E. P. ANDERSON... S. A. STAMBERG, N. W. CONRARDY PETER PHILLIP. Ch. of Bd. Tr.Off. E. J. McCUE, Aud. B. "PHILLIP STATE The constant aim ef the Officers of this Bank is to personal attention to the needs of our BANK & TRUST GO. give depositors. Our special attention is given to *240-10% par 100 2-119 dB®T»tl'95 (7001 No. Clark) + Per tat e Park National Bank the care of collections and wo rospoetfBlly invito your business. "ROGERS PARK’S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK" (140 par too 2-862 dR®*t’22 H. J. Slevert, Ch. (4717 Irving Park Blvd.) Progressive State Bank. 423,650 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and 1st N., Chi. (Closed December 27 . 1929) Otte & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94,850 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given PUTP APH _ _4_» j _ «•, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (indexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 0Q7 to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ UJtll^ALrU COIlt Cl—Central Reserve CltV u u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n.__________________________(Federal Reserve City No. 7)__________ J •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPri». JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trast B-Bond d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. + Prudential State Sav. Bk. 1300-10% 2-297 dB@N par 100 (708 W. North Are.) »i7«-6% 2-289 par 100 President. Cashier. Vice-President. - Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. JOTHEB Paid-up Subplus Capital Pbopits Deposits Liabili ties Geo. K. Schmidt, Carl J. Richter___ Otte F. Oloefu___ Geo. K.Schmidt.Jr. S Ch. of Bd. and Pres. K. G. Schmidt Frank B. Rebelling 200,000 $ B. Horwich,Ch. of B. Jadwin________ B. Jadwin... Bd. and Pres. A. N. Horwich 200,000 66,860 500,000 334,510 $ 3,697,470 $ Loans and Discounts Resources. Misoaoh LANBOUS LANIOITO SaouarrisB Rasotraon Bonds AND Principal Correspondents. 860,610 $ 2,367.710 $ 1,885,880 $ 131,150 $ 707.840 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. O©., N. Y.; IstN.. Chi. and St. L, 1,015,170 128,430 795,290 151,620 120,110 343,450 Bk. of D. S., N. Y.: Foreman-State N„ 1st N., and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Ohi. 438,920 6,015,580 177,550 3,400,550 2,384,130 342,310 1,005,060 Guaranty Tr. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.: Clev. Tr. Co.. Clev. 200,000 128,060 2,280,400 21,460 1,102,560 969,490 107,240 450,640 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ced R. N., Ced. R. 750,000 798,540 10,702,980 261.830 7,470.760 3,420,890 115,730 1,505,949 N. City, N. Y.;lst N„ Chi.; Ced. R. N., Ced. B.; Albert J. Kemper .. A. Jon win Irving Berk, Aud. Chicago Clearing House Assn, Members shown by Affiliated Bks. by+ (1147 Blue I. Ave.) + Pullman Trust & Savings Bk. D. R. Bryant_____ E. G. Sweeney____ A. E. Price............... 2-104 dBf>T<------P, E. Pearson W. W. Craig, A.Sec. (400 E. 111th St.) 1270-8%+4% par 100 + uiEaswaoi j*rL i par 100 2-20# dBG 1140-0% W. D. Rathje John W. Hackett— 4 V l)tn B.L. Sweeney (1806Wilson Ave.) H. S. CLARKE 'RELIANCE F. 0. IIBREY......... MARTIN T. O BRIEN, BANK & TRUST CO. J0HNT PAIN A.C. GREIERIM, 2-38 MURLIN HOOVER V. P, and Sec. 6. W. WEBER V.P.andMgr. *280-10% + 1. J. KEHRES------Un. Tr. Co., Clev. dB®T»tl’17 5% extra pdrioo (1540 W. Madison) “INVITES YOUR WEST SIDE BUSINESS'7 Ridge State Bank____dB®§’28 Wm. H. Fisher.__ John H. Bain.__ $200 par 160 2-400 John Bain, Wm. S. Leslie Ch. of Bd. (7048-50 S. Western) H. A. New berg + Ridge way State Bank $iso-«% 2-157 dB®*t§’23 N. K. Reese, Ch. par 100 (1722 W. Chicago Are.) R06ERS PARK NATIONAL BANK 2-229 dB®t’12 par 100 (W79 N. Clark) $260-12% W. H. CREIER_____ John H. Bain_____ E. L. Sinclair_____ A. G. Morden, Charles J. Zofkie A, Cash. A. Duncan Pacaud Wm. F. Lawley___ Wm. O. Conrad. S. G. Robbins V. P. and Cash. J. 1. HASTIE------R. G. CLARA Fault Custodian E. H. PERCY________ W. R.COSSEY____ 200,000 100,000 389,250 37,600 288,740 216,930 170.430 50,740 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peo.Tr. & Sav., Foreman-State N„ and Chi. Lawn State, Chi. 200,000 42,530 1,058,550 11,360 860,840 183,070 53,250 215,280 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; Foreman-State N„ and 1st N„ Chi. 100,000 81,230 2,194,800 63.670 954,290 950,940 155,170 379,300 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. City, St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. ANNE E. KELSEY, Mgr. New Bus, Dept, For quicker, better service send your NORTH SIDE items and collections direct to this bank. Only National Bank and MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IN ROBERS PARK. Roosevelt State Bank Alexander Flower. Frank Flower_____ Thos.E. Breen .... J. L. Hnnniford... $i7$-s% 2—820 dB®!l'21 Samuel Flower Anton Hons par ioo (1501 So. Parkway) Norman Schrieber 100,000 53,640 539,620 12,000 535,580 37,160 36,420 Rose land National Bank 200,000 64,340 983,600 54,000 433,980 569,430 132.960 165.580 1st N., Chi. A. A. Worth_____ G. Stenberg............. J. Isherwood, 200,000 252,900 4,102,860 131,730 2,753.420 881,430 179.990 872.660 Cen. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi. R. C. Hansen_____ A. C.Svoboda_____ 200,000 25,890 263.650 5,530 257,920 57,550 42,630 136.960 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr, Co., and Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi. S.8. Shuster____ W. R. Neel.............. F. W. Roth. A. C. I. W. Wool J. Schiff, A. C. B. L. Cohen N. Taflove, A. C. S. P. Rosenfeld 600,000 422,400 5.239,290 630.600 4,163,930 1.534.740 310,360 883,260 Equitable Tr. Co,. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. IU.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. •185-6% par 100 2-876 dB®T»t’24 . (10833 So. MiehiganAve.) + Roseland State Sav. Bank Theophilus Schmid Cornelias Teninga A. J. Zimmerman.. Leo. S. McVey____ I. E. Berkson V. S. Platek David J. Harris.__ Karl Vieth_______ $350-8% par 100 2-155 dB®T»tS’09 W. E. Schmidt, Ch. Edward Schottler, V. P„ Sec. & Tr. Off. (11431 So. Michigan Ave.) Safety State Bank___ dB®§’29 D. V. Harkin, A. W. Sathern........ par 100 2-406 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. F. Keeney (5617 Belmont Ave.) +Schiff Trust & Savings Bank B. J. Schiff_______ S. 8. Shuster____ $360-16% dB®T*tl’»2 S. Phil llpson par 100 2-180 S. W. Schiff (728 W. Roosevelt Road) r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ©TTE & CO. A. Sec, 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 Chicago 96,080 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. Specialists in Bank Stocks 293 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. (Federal E—arre City No. 7) Resources. Li ABnJTixs. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPn». JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Rcacrrc City Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. W. I.Goodspeed- H. V. Collins.......... J. C. Baud. Second Humboldt State Bank 0.0. Collin*—. IHO-8% par 100 2-567 d®5 24 (3234 North Ave.) A. Valkenaar +Second North Western State F. E. Lackowski... S. Lizmanski____ Chas. A. Eisner-— H. H. E. Shoskey. Sec. H. S. Fennema Bank dB®*tl’l® Wm. H. Schmidt. Julius C. Smith Ch. Exec, Com, F. J. Tomczak $230-6% par 100 }-28l (2956 Milwaukee Ave.) $ Surplus Total AND Profits Deposits 100,000 $ 33,260 $ Other Liabili 833,580 $ ties Bonds Miscel Ca8u & Ex changes,Du* laneous and and Discounts Securities Resources from Banks 13,530 S Loans 505.170 $ 209,850 S 91,670 $ Chicago Clearing House Ass’n Members Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. 173,690 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; Humboldt State and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi 353,870 N. City Co.. N. Y.;Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co..Foreman- 350.000 159.340 4.646,100 140.860 3,167,160 1.515.480 259,790 SSI, IN 409.930 5,706.140 96,450 4.127.070 1,567,630 21.110 J.B. FORSaR, Jr., MJ.GRAU ION. Aud.-------V.P.andMgr.R.E. Ch. of Bd. H. A. JOHNSL..---------------1, Dept. "THOS. MATHIESEN.^ dB®T»tl’06 $675-11% 3% extra ♦ 2-14# SECURITY—SERVICE- SATISFACTION par ioo (767 Milwauke e Ave.) 7N.I 706,780 8.735,900 207,740 6.585,050 2.355,070 64,530 1,345,760 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. + 8ervlce State Bank dB®*5’24 D. V. Harkin____ Wm. F. 8iewert—. A.W. Sathern........ Thos. F. McNally.. J. B. Campbell 100,000 96.050 1,782.340 7,240 1,188,830 355,340 SECOND SECURITY BANK 2-185 dB®T •ti ll par loo (1951 Milwaukee Ave.) $440-15% "SECURITY BANK E, Ln, Dept. shown by State N., and Northw. Tr. & Sav.. Chi. 927,810 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi, Off• Bill of Lading Drafts receiva spacial attention. n. I. COLLI IS____ A. L. SCHMIDT 134.400 307 060 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union Bk. of Chi. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. $205 (5601W. North Ave.)2-S6S par 100 s.“p»£e sTsif.-; mwht mm~J#"ES ;; ......... . ■ j-*. ili&t «• c. THE SHAWMUT PUBfflLI" ,m"6T°x' CORPORATION OF BOSTON Dealers in Bankers Acceptances, United States 1.500.900 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr.Co., Gty. Tr. Co., Equit able Tr, Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., and Irv. Tr. Co., N. ¥.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi.; N. Sbawmut, Bos.; Pennsylvania Co., Phil. 750.000 (Surplus) J MOYLAN HAYES* ROHL C. WIG6IN n EUGENE A. CHASE. ^THOMAS W.STORROW. Asst. Treasurer* Sec. (120 So. La Salle St.) (Boston Office: 40 Water St.) Government Obligations and other Investment Secu pities. E. L. Read---------- W. R. Prince-------- J. R. W. Bjorkman P. W. Baddeley .... H. S. Hane, A. C. C. E. Gregg J. F. Brasor $$50-$% 2-156 1®T«t*09 E. G. Seip. Ch. A. R. Pedersen Gerhard Foreman. M. O. Olson,Tr.Off. A. H. Zellar, (Lawrenee Ave. and Mgr. Int. Sales H. W. Van Ixian Ch. Ex. Comm. Broadway) Morris H&levy M. C. Engstrom, Compt. C. J. Wabich____ H. Beanpre---------- W. G. Pokorny. Sherman State Bk.. dB®#tS’21 B. Zaleski. V. P. and Cash. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Frank Peska $110 par 100 2-182 (4801 So. Ashland) Geo. Lenz_______ A. H. DehntBg___ Sixty-Third and Halated State C. H. Dehning -__ P. J. OlauM W. H. Dehning H. F. Thiea 8av. Bank....2-266...®tt’14 $260-u% (6258 Halsted St.) B. Skala. Joseph Skala. Chas. Krcilek_ Skala State Bank........ d®«tl'19 Frank J. Skala, 8% (870 W. 18th 80 2-284 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. W. Bermes. W. J. McDonnell . Guy Brown. South Ashland National Bank Harry B. Staver. $145 par 100 2-404 dB®’28 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. A. Woodrow (6905 So. Ashland Ave.) C. E. Rowe —......... C. V. McErlean—. John H. Doig------- W.W. Qildersleeve. South Central State Bank F. A. Cramsie $140 par 137.50 2-401 d8®5’28 (9 E. 79th St.) +MEMIM TRUST A SAV. BK. Warren W. Smith. Arthur H. Hansen J. G. Collin*--------- G. A. Nelson____ N. M. Fredrickson K. K. Knapp. $305-8% par 100 2-126 d®T«X»'02 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. E. L. Wagner Counsel H. C. Kriewitz G. A. Nelson. (2959 E. 92d) Tr. Off. C. A. Nance.......... J. L. Lynch______ Wm. A. Carlson ... J. F. Springer___ -)-South Shore State Bank $240-8% 2-263 dB®iS'19 J. A. Carroll, Ch. R. C. Christy Frank P. Leahy par ioo (2654 E. 75th St.) SOOTH CHICAfiO SAV. Otte & 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO . 1,992.160 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Foreman-State N..Chi. 1 000,000 688,000 12 272 400 130,450 9,333.310 2,459,430 305,950 200.000 59.590 900,810 61,550 672,220 241,940 154.400 153 410 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., ’ Northw. Tr. & Sav. and Drov. N.. Chi. 200,000 257,260 2.275.960 102,610 2,073,510 266,720 62.690 432 920 Irv. Tr. CO..N.Y.; Stoek Yds. N.and Coot.Ili. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st Tr. & Sav., Hammond. 200.000 55.830 1.535,740 9,520 261.190 1,221,750 58,680 259.470 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Zlvnostenska. Prague. 200,000 20.000 510.610 20,190 456,790 132,670 14,220 147,120 Chatham-Phenix, N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi. 200,000 25.000 303.750 41,660 357,900 111,350 39,530 800,000 640,000 7.852.380 97.560 5.229.360 2,700.000 673.860 786 720 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. ’ Bk. Rep., and 1st N„ Chi.: Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 200.000 140.280 2,191.110 1.652,450 180,480 167.500 530.950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Y.; 1st N„ 61.630 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS Chi BROKERS LOANS ^g^^S^n^T.^s^exciuSyeiy by^^Lin^iMdfa^iSuifinn!* * CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv. tMem. Sut« B. Ass'n. [EsUb. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trnst B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 'SOUTH SIDE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK *as_io% 239 par too unm' (47th at Cottage Grove Ave.) PaiilDINT. I.K.MWELL_ _ _ E. G. FOREMAN, Jr.. Ch. Exec. Com V icb-Prbsidrnt . CHETHAM J. F. RUSSELL, (Federal Reserve City No. 1) Camus. Am't Camus. A. V. P. Liabilities. Othbr Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Propits Dbpositb Liabili ties J 1,000,000 $ Hi S'. R. J. FFORDRESHER, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this X'\JL luiciLSi uai/CB) UUIlUajS) olL.| 500 IjaWS, J Loans Diroouwtc Resources. Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* UncaL- Garb k ExBoros Affiliated Banks by + LANIOVS <SA*«M,I>VI AND SiouBirnu Rasoumosa PROM Bam Principal Correspondents. 260,150 $ 7,309,890 $ 99,900 $ 6,019,410 $ 763,970 $ 994,520 $ 892,040 N. City N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi. " Mgr,R,BtLoans OFFERS YOUB SOUTH SIDE BUSINESS PERSONAL SERVICE Southwest State Bank J. R. Hitt 1165-10% par 100 2-191 d®»t§’13 (5100 So. Ashland Ave.) J. A. Calek_____ R. W. Hawkins R. W. Hawkins.__ G. T. Kszei_______ L. W. Janlcki 200,000 138,730 3,053,160 48,970 2,378,540 217,320 96,000 + South West Trust & Savings *170-8% Bk... 2-217... dB®T*§’l2 par ioo (3500 Archer Ave.) 749,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Drov. N. and Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet; Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. E. R. Litsinger.__ C. P. O’Connor.__ R. A.Mourek, C. B. Litsinger. J. L. Heenan. See, and A. Cash. 400,000 190,530 5,406,140 41,360 3,701,510 1,308,930 216,750 810,840 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.:Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ced R. N., Ced. R.; Un. Tr. Co.. Clev. ^Standard National Bank H. C. Laycock____ C. R. Webster____ K. E. Staehling.... E. F. Cronin______ 2-408 @’29 (7915 So. Ashland Ave.) 30,000 50,000 State Bk. of Beverly Hills C. V. McErlean ... H. C. Stanton_____ G. A. Herzog........... G. H. Triezenberg. par 100 2-380 d®#t§’26 J. P. Fitch Mary J. Krebs (9443 So. Ashland Ave.) 200,000 61,000 1,093,530 106,150 938,370 218,270 89,320 214,710 Gty. Tr, Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 100,000 99,870 1,147,720 9.740 707,980 364,020 76,780 208,550 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Foreman-State N., Chi, 200,000 69,090 1,402,830 48,070 940,790 446,660 113,070 219,590 Equit. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 200.000 265,100 2,483,210 57,880 1.319,810 1,269,230 37,080 379,470 Chase N.. N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. 1st N.. Drov. N., Foreman-State N., and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Com’l Tr. Co., Jersey C. 832.820 19.250,700 444,580 12,690,310 1,229,520 769,980 7,188,290 Chase N. and Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 337.500 534,440 8.898,330 388,620 6,275,550 2,851,870 68,420 963,060 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Chi. 400.000 332,280 3,656.510 313,680 2.578,050 1,627,090 29,730 467,610 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Union Bk. of Scotland, Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland. State Bank of Chicago A, Sec. A. Sec. Co., Chi. (Merged, with The F ank and The Forem an Trust & Savings Bank as The Fore man-State National Bank and The Fore man-State Trust & Savings Bank) Mate Bank of Clearing Henry P. Isham... Lambert Bere......... Lambert Bere____ W. L. Duerr__ 2-171 d®«tS‘13 (5601 W. 63d) . State Bank of West Pullman H. J. Relchwein .. M. F. Cockrell____ Lewis W. Howes .. Frank Boersma.... $101-6% par 100 2-U8 dB®tl’91 G. F. Roberts. Ch. (624 W. 120th St.) + STOCKMEN'S II.& SAT BK. E. J. A. Gold_____ John E. Traeger... P. E. Oostin______ S. A. Van Dyk____ it 136 F. J. Gatz W»»-i2% par ioo d®»J|'06 G. V. Olson (Halsted and Garfield Blvd.) *THE STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO *373-1#% par 100 2-147 •I’68 (4150 S.Halsted) *3.5-16% nor ioo 2-123 (4150 South H«d»ted) C. N. STANTON- - - - - - T. W. BOYER_ _ _ _ 0. R. KENDALL----- H. E. HERRICK........ G. F. EMERY J. J. STAIGER H. 1. TIFFANY A. S. BAGNAIL The Clearing House of the Chicago Live Stock Market SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON ILLINOIS INDEX. C. N. STANTON_ _ _ _ A. G. LEONARD-...... *6s?*gz.epH(Prter, JAMES BUBGESS— H. 1. TIFFANY J. T. MANGAN Tr. Officer +Stony Island State Sav. Bank John Bain $350-10% 2-286 dB®T*tS’23 par ioo (6760 Stony Is. Ave.) ______ T. F. Golden W. M. Fisher Otte & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,356,000 Et. A. Bain________ Chas. H.Meacham, A. C. and Tr. Officer A. Rasmussen, Jr. M. H. Callahan.... Stanton Orne D. A. Campbell Wm. Eunson A. Tr.Off. T. R. Larkin, Jr. 29 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW AND FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS OF CHICAGO BANK STOCKS ON REQUEST INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS BROKERS LOANS 295 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Baud-McNally Bankers’ STRAUS NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. OF CHICAGO (Federal Reserve City No. 7) Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Capital Profits S. W. STRAUS______ S. J. T. STRAUS....... J. H. KRAFFT—........ H. N. SNAPP ---.......... M. L. STRAUS H. N. GOTTLIEB. Sec. N. H. 06LESBEE, § 1.000.000 J. H. KRAFFT J. A. WOLFF. A. Sec. Compt. J. R. FRAZER. F. P. J.C. HIRSCHFIELD. V and Tr. Off. A. Sec. yy (; JRESSLAR, Asst.VicePresidents F. M. HICK0K Assl. Tr. Officers A. Compt. !: S: S! kffiiee ld $385 par 100 2-77 dB®T»t'28 (306 So. Mich. Ave.) £: ff: Oman + Superlor State Bank Bernard Horwich— Benjamin Colitz— Bernard Jadwin... Myron Jadwin____ David Weinberg dR®«5 23 1120 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Other Liabili Resources. Bonds MiscelAND LANHOU9 ties Securities Resources 572,680 $13305 560 $ 110,530 $ 6,079,170 $ 1,857.340 $ DIRECTORS Cash A Ex change*,Dus from Banks Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by1 Affiliated Banks by + Principal correspondents. 61,760 i 6 999,500 Gty. Tr. Co. and Straus N. Bk.&Tr.Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbt.; N. City, Clev. MELVIN L. STRAUS HARRY N. GOTTLIEB F. W. STRAUS B. M. KERSTEIN SIMON W, N. ROBERTS 101,710 Bank of U. S„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 100,000 28,990 502,980 28,960 368,960 171,000 19,250 750,000 411,780 3,614,960 14,320 2.548.750 770,280 47,290 350,000 73,980 2,316,770 152,470 2,081,860 308,220 66,980 436,170 Chase N., N.Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. or Ill.. Chi.; Engineers N. and Un. Tr. Co., Cleve.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R. 200,000 128,800 2,818,090 601,770 1,438,390 99,470 507,260 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. IANIEL V. HARBIN- L. P. CUMMINGS — L. H. T0LZIEH- - - - - - - JOHN B-NICHOLS— 1.006,006 !. E. SCHLYTERN. jfiHN GULLIKS£Nbu E. 0. NELSON. ^ H0WARD A, RICE Ch. of Bd. CLARKE WASHBURNE Mgr. R.E. In. Dept. MAX 0. BERNHARDT H. B. AHRENSFELD H. M. GQ0DSPEED. C. H. HALLQUIST FRANCIS H. HAYES, Mgr. inv. Dept. h. g. KEATS. V.P.Tr.Dept. Tr. Officer J. M. TREVEILER, 1,393,520 9,162,730 9,105,190 1,689.530 627,240 1 448 420 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; ’ ' Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 2-861 (3500 W. 16th St.) "THE TERMINAL NAT'L BANK OF CHICAGO $35 par 20 37,500 scares 2-83 ©’29 FRANK L. WEBB........ ALAN C. DIXON......... H. E. ROBERTSON—EMORY D. STOKER-DAVID E. SHANAHAN. H. E. ROBERTSON GEO. W. ANDERSON Chairman of Board DAVID S. OAKES. B. W. SPORLEOER, STUART H. OTIS, AsM. to Pres. And ,UH Vice Oh. of Bd. J. o. CAVANAUGH, ri EUGENE V.R. THAYER, A.V.P. 1,426,730 Chase National Bank.__ Central Trust Co. of Ill. .New York ...Chicago Ch. Exec, Comm. (Daily News Bldg., 400 W. Madison) 4 TRANSPORTATION G. C. JEWETT.......... N. K. REESE-.......... I. E. LIPT0I- - - - - - - - J. F. HOFMEISTER NEWTON JENKINS ^ j^L. ^ f F.C.PERCIVALi Mgr. Ins. Dept. Auditor Located In ftha heart of the Railroad, Coal, Oil,Print BANK OF CHICAGO ing, Publishing, and Pager Industries of Chicago. 1130 par 100 2-70 B©*J§*2« (000 S. Dearborn) We are prepared to take cere of collections promptly and respsctfully Invita your buslnaaa. Triangle Stale Bank. (Closed September 1 0, 1929) Otto Baumrncker . John G. Zelazny _ Stanley Dvorak—. +Twenty-Sixth Street State J. V. Zelezay. Stephen Abel, Jr., Bank..^ 2-157 dB®Tt§'19 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, John G. Zelezny Mgr. R. E. Dept $190-6% (3856 W. 26th St.) par 100 ’UNION BANK OF GHIGA60 A. Sec. and A. Tr, Off. B.J. SCHNEIDER. Mgr. Personal Ln. Dept, $385-10% par 100 2-41 B®T*tl'W m V. Dwrbsrn) Tbe thoughts and activities of the officers and employees of tbe Union Bank of Chicago are directed toward and culminate ln one purpose —to serve the Individual needs of our customers. Union State Bank of South 3. F. gmietaaka... O. R. Merrill_____ Edw. H. Bash.......... P.3. Kilisxewski. M.C. Hart L. J. Pachynski Chicago__ 2-115—.d®»tl'19 C. R. Cave, Ch. of Bd. $220-8% (3026 E. 82d) par 100 250,000 1,314,130 Prague Credit. Prague. Czechoslovakia. DIREC TORS Alexander H. Revell, Jr. Walter J. Buettner John S. Bydell William Cameron Werner A. Wieboldt Joseph B. Fleming Leo P. Cummings C. Wallace Johnson Clarke Washburne Olaus O. Krabol Daniel Y. Harkln Lloyd Maxwell Charles E. Schlytern D. A. Baggio 207,110 3,649,780 279,250 2,872,810 912,850 69,130 531,350 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.: U. S. N., Indiana Harbor; E. Chi., Ind. Union Trust Co. ____________ (Merged with First Trust & Savings Ba nk as First Union Trust & Savings B ank) Otte & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 Chicago Specialists in Bank Stocks to each bank in U. S. exclusively by ThrEand^McNaUy1 Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSale%DiT. V i ci-PresidBarr. PusiDnrr. OMTED STATE BANK HOST. ANDERSON... F. A. PUTNAM.— *450-15% par 100 We Special™i on *-l» dB®Tt»’14 (6000 8. Hlisted St.) CHICAGO—Cont’d—Central Reserve City Cashier. Ass't Cashier. WM,C.FAHSBENBER Bnghncood” and "South Side Collec “ {.TffMIT lion*. Unity Trust & Savings Bank H. M. Ellinwood, W. J. Sievert......... W. C. Koeritz____ 1148 P?J„I30 2-399 dB®T«t§'28 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. (3909 W. North Ave.) + Universal State Bank Jos. J. Elias, F. M. StresenWm.M. Antoniaen, H.G. Batchelor Jr. 2-20i d®tl'17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, renter V. P. and Cash. G. A. Sukys par 100 Jas. p. Doody (3252 So. Halsted 8t.) + UNIVERSITY STATE BANK par 100 J-291 dB®»t*’ (1154 E. 55th St.) THE UPPER AVENUE BANK $150 1.229,000 185,050 J. W. Algar........... A. M. Frale........... W. A. Sutherland 300,000 234,800 3.019,630 81,580 2,378,420 816,000 359,710 ^E0SG00DKE"' HENRY c' MURPHY-- E- C’ SCHUMANN...................... ............ 1.000 100,000 826,960 33,990 885,860 150,070 31,490 O. W. Hoff______ «. 8. KIMBELL ’23 flflyffi«G . jj. 8. A. J. JENNINGS. A, Tr. Off. E. F. Wiegel _. 100 2-358 dB®T»t§’23 John Bain, Ch. W. MERLE FISHER. C V. P, and Cash, f A. C. UTESCH. a. c. e J 81.880 Bkrs. Tr. 0*„ N. Y.: 1st H. and N. Bk. Rep., OhL 1^520 Chatham-Phemx n. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st _sepl________ Joseph P. Rend Walter S. Ross Wheeler Sammons Albert W. Sherer Warren Wright James B. Herrick 500,000 152,100 4,868,810 350,640 4,382,270 563.300 45,300 880,500 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 800.000 321,260 10,353,100 669,880 6,427,5301 4,043,730 590,630 1,082.350 N. City. N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st Wis. N„ Mil.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. 300,000 86,910 1.509,020 35.330 1.159,740 286,130 750,000 674.860 5,722,000 564,870 4,287.620 2,193,290 764,420 466,390 Chase N..N, Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; Un Bk. of Scotland, Glasgow. 300.000 260.400 1.971,410 46,000 1,540,250 726,070 50.630 260,850 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 283,080 Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & --------- Sav., Kimbell Tr. & Sav., and 1st N„ Chi. EROufoN Jos. C. Flaherty... George Maisel____E Geo. Stevens, S A. Cash, and Tr, Off, Otte & €o. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 326,070 Ghatham-Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.s N. Bk. Rep. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Lietnvos Bankas and Lletuvos Kredito Bankas, Kaunas, Lith. WRITE FOR LIST. 100 (7900 S. Ashland Ave.) DIRECTORS William S. Kline J. Mayo Lenz Henry C. Murphy Roy S. Osgood Charles S. Pearce OUR OWN 6% First Mortgage Gold Bonds. 2-129 dB®T«t»’06 + West Highland State Bank Principal Cobrxspondknts. U>B _ , „. -------------------R. p. BRAUERVa. c; WANDA WOLOWSKl Located in Chicago’s North-West Side Manufacturing District. (1824 W. 63d) $350-6% par Eugene I. Burke Eugene B. Clark Chester A. Cook Bror G. Dahlberg Geo. F. Getz Weymouth Kirkland Offers a complete banking and investment service. Specializes in North Side Collections ... iiiP0,T4 JOHI IAIN $400-8% par Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + (Closed January 28, 1930 for examinati on and adjustment) WEST-CITY .... __ Rnoncn Cam A lxOlAMHflWn nua Baiu 481,600 $ 3,012,260 $ 61,620 $ 1,789,420 $ 1,522,810 $ 81,500 S 461,740 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and 1st N. (Merging with Chic ago City B ank & Tr usl Co. an d Guarant ee Trust & Savings Chi.: 1st N„ Joliet. Bank, February 22, 1930, under title of, Chicag o City Ba nk & Tru st Co.) 200,000 33,740 ■673,410 79,840 534,570 84.140 208,080 160,200 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N, Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Northw. Tr. & Sav„ Chi. 1.836.960 A STRONG INSTITUTION TRUST & SAV. BK. + WEST Sxovrxtixis LANIOUI 75.990 ♦Washington Park Nat’l Bank Isaac N. Powell. Wm. A. Moulton.. Y. R. Anders**___ Ernest R. Smith. 2-144 old 2-40 new dB®T<’10 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, A. W, Harper F. J. Nelson, D. F. McDoaald (6306 Cottage Grove Ave.) A. K. Foreman, A, Cash, A. G. Fiedler $265-10%+2% extra par 100 Ch, of Exec. Com. par 100 2.355 ^ (4715 Parker Ave. Dnoovim and 3,012,140 par 100 2-407 d®«t§'29 THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED AS TO FACILITIES AND PERSONNEL (919 No. Michigan Ave.) TO HANDLE EVERY BANKING TRANSACTION West Central State Bank and Resources. MiicblBonds $ 300,000 $ ChUof Bd. 2-30° (10d0 Wilson Ave.) (formerly Fidelity Trust & Savings Bank) Loans 288,940 UPTOWN STATE E. M. WARNER......... H. L. BENSON............ E. C. DOSE- -i-AMHVE. KAHN BANKTdB©*i§'20 Located in the “HEART OF UP-TOWNL. CHICAGO” $130 Liabilities. Othih FAID-TTF Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Drpomtb Liabili ties 200,000 $215-6%+4% $250-8% Mon-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Beeenri city If*. 7) 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 SBSA&t BANK »*> INSURANCE STOCKS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given CHICAGO----- Continued----- Central Reserve City volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. nnti to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers rmienl Keurn City No. 7) n«re££rv! The American Bankers Ass’n._________________________ (Federal Ke«me uni) ------_ Directory, under under the authority Chicago Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Resources. ■' " i T.I ANILITIES.^ Liabilities Affiliated banks by -1Oasa A *xMiscslBONDS •Mcm.A.B.A. "New JState tPni. Loans S urplus O ther cwA*«as,I>vs Total LANBOVS AND ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-up Principal Correspondent!. Cashier. and IMem. 8Ute B. Ass’n. [Bstab Vice-President. and PRESIDENT. Deposits Liabili Discounts SioraimB Rsao traces C apital ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond ties Profits d-BafeDep.©SaT.$Last8ale%Di?. 297 of Ralph S. Davis _— John Lundqnist. + West Irving State Bk. $150-5% par 100 2-160 d®§ 28 A. J. Schorsch, Ch L. L. Schorsch F. H. Hoff (6005 W. Irving Park Bird.) J. H. Edwards. John Bain, West Lawn Trust & Savin Bank--------- 2-392........ dB< §'27 Ch.of Bd.and Pres, W. H. Fisher $185 par 100 410,280 $ 190,060 $ 30,000 444,070 140,420 120,270 65,420 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 2,970.720 206,870 1,699,820 921,260 246,720 617,380 N. Y. Tr. Oo„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co.. Chi. Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 655,850 13,322,450 294,190 8.859,280 4,091,320 295,660 2,026,230 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wls. N., Mil.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 28,180 815,480 83,770 56,120 4,489,380 998,470 476,720 200,000 $ 155,870 $ 1,314,000 $ J. H. Bain________ L. L. Bain A. A. Wuerffel, 200.000 105,650 434,550 200,000 107.570 1,720 $ 278,940 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and 1st N.. Chi. 791,800 E. S. Liljeberg____ BL V. Berg—...— $ M. D.'. Schmf aldt Mgr, R, E, Ln.Dept, (3942 W. 63d) (Merged with Garfie Id State Bank Nove mber 12, 1929) West Madison Slate Bank. A.B.Walterhausen, West Side National Bank Thomas J. Healy. Albert Pick, Jr— Thomas J. Healy. A. Cash, and Sec. $167-10% par 100 2-287 dB®*t 17 E. R. Lit singer, F. G. Salerno (1601 Roosevelt Rd.) V.P. Herman Elenbogen WEST SIDE TR. & SAV. BANK 2-132 L. H. HEYMANN —- dB®T»t§’05 $385-14% par 100 (739 Roosevelt Rd.) IkW-H:®--!: SeyVaHM s J’. il&H EdIaR l seltzer/' off' I beMcin H J _ 1,000,000 "XTiCfr.’Officer % E. KJOSS A. J. DEETUMANN. Auditor On the “WEST SIDE” It’s the WEST SIDE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK West Thirty-FirstJUte BaiUt Ignatius Chap $130-7% par 100 2-826 dB®ti 21 Frank Chap. E. J.Visk A. 1. Chap. G. V. Chap-------- 176,070 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 106,000 42,210 961,070 600,000 690,440 5,581,940 200,000 341,880 3.878,350 55,670 2.896,660 681,620 189,730 707,890 Chase N„ N. Y.; Oant Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 8,513,930 535,090 5,909,800 2,170,240 900,110 1,137,770 Bkra. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cbl. M. A. Dolinyak (555 W. 31st St.) iHwmi par 100 H. i. IAIPER- - §mr“- H. L. MILLER--------- UWr 907,800 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. ChL (.Located In the Geographical Ce nter of Chicago. (2354 W. Madison) WIERSEMA STATE BUK $280-1%+S% 2-11* di®»tl 91 par 100 (11108 Michigan Ave.) WOODLAWN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK $356-10%+2% par 100 dR®T*t§'05 ♦ 2-117 (1180 K. 63rd Street) F. J. Wiersema___ Asa Wiersemn......... Geo. Dalenberg— N. W. Wieraena— H. O. Roempler 0. L. Wiersema A. W. TORI AS---------- fj; fAtfOA '■ "Sl'jV. Officer _ A.Tr.Off. E.C. MORGAN. BLING. L BABCOCK. A, Cash, and Aud. THE BIG BANK OF THE GREAT SOUTH SIDE You and your patrons always will receive Courteous and olllciont service here.________ 600,000 Established 1894 MEMBER Federal Reserve System Chicago Clearing House Association te Banks T. T. Thedieck, ( See page s 28-29- 30 forN amber of National , State a nd Priua T. C. Stibbs. To tal Depo sits by C ities, Sta tes, etc.) Chicago Clearing House---------- Solomon A. Smith- Harold E. Foreman A. Mgr, Sec. and Mgr, Howard M. Sims, (164 W. Jackson Blvd.) (Members indicated by a* Chief Examiner AfA Hated Banks by a + Otte & Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 So. La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 4660 CHICAGO Specialists in Bank Stocks 298 Chicago__Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year +Mem.State Bks.A’n. EstabHMem.lnv.Bks.A'n. lishkd. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices CORRESPONDENTS AND BANK Depositories Members of firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Minn. Chamber of Commerce Chicago Board of Trade Winnipeg Grain Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade New York Cotton Exchange St. Louis Merchants Exchange New York Curb Exchange Omaha Grain Exchange Chicago Curb Association New York Produce Exchange Buffalo Corn Exchange W.S.AAGAARD & COMPANY (208 . LaSalle) «Y11 80 J. R. SMALE, V. P. and Tr. , Pres. T. W. AAGAARD, V. P. F. G. EMRICK, Sec. W. 6. IREEN, A. Sec. Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Correspondents and Bank Depositories MEMBERS OF FIRM W. A. Lamson H. H. Lobdell E. F. Thompson G. E. Booth H. J. Rogers J. A. White LAMSON BROS. & CO. Established 1874 Bank Floor —166 W. Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 2400 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN PROVISIONS, CONSIGNMENTS IN ALL MARKETS Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Ca. of 111., Chi. W. S. AAGAARD, ||;Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year TMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabTMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lishkd. ll±Mem. Local Stock Ex. SEE ADV. ON 7th FEDERAL RESERVE MAP. I Underwriters & Dealers in High Grade Invest ment Securities. BAER, EISENDRATH & CO. “THE HOUSE WITH A RECORD’ 208 So. La Salle St. Telephone: State 0208 Continental Hllnols Bank and Trust Co. Foreman-State National Bank Franklin Trust & Savings Bank Mortgage Bankers WALTER S. BAER, President JOSEPH L. EISENDRATH, v. P. and Tr. MERVIN K. BAER, Secretary UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS SMALL ISSUES OUR SPECIALTY Pi£st Mortgages^ and Real Estate Bonds of the Better Class O CORRESPONDENTS : Cent. Tr. Co. of III., Northern Tr. Co., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. A. Tr.andA.Sec. Co., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & T. M. WAKELEY, Ant. Secy. Chi. A. C. ALLY!. President 1IIVU . Ui ALLiN E-»-THCMAS.F.P.<*rr. 6. H. OSIORNE. A ANa J.G. MEINERS. 6.L.SPORSLER, nnuDAAiv v.P, ^11 A.S.HUYCK. St..v. P. UUIVlrAnT INCORPORATED \ JJ' f 1^* T‘ P' (Main Office; J’ Cfl„SEY. ' • p<67 w.Monroe) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dlinn o, U/ADIICD IMP Warner g. baird, President EDWARD A. NELSON, Exec. Vice Pres. RALPH A. HUNT, Vice President L. MALCOLM SCHWEERS, Vice Pres. DAI nil 06 WArmtlli I Nil I _ . . „„„ c 1,855 BONDS & MORTGAGES _______ (134 So- La fr*16 st-)_______ Other Offices New York, Boston, Philadel phia, Milwaukee, Minneapo lis,St.Louls,Detroit,SanFran_____ cisco. Baker, Alfred L. & Co—±’96 (141 LaSalle St.)____ ________ ___________ BAKER,FENTRESShenrtey "aaS- .. c*A’l?.yERfllLL ,aee,,tr_ess urimfv'p7C0IT* r u® ' RAMSAY WEBSTER, COMPANY miB.c. M.A. MUNSON, H. THOMPSON, pre’ r BABCOCK, RUSHTON & CO. Chicago—137 So. La Salle St. 333 N. Michigan Are. New York—50 Broadway Des Moines—516-518 Walnut St. BACHE, J. S. & CO.........± 26 (Main Office) (231 So. LaSalle St.) ±Y95 J. S. Bache & Co.. New York. BRANCH—116 So. Michigan Ave. PARTNERS BACON, WHIPPLE & CO. 105 So. La Salle Street Stale SI 00 Investment Securities Cnilsted Stocks, Bonds and Bank Stocks. - Listed Stocks and Bonds Members_Chicago_Stock_Exchange_and_Chicago Curb Exchange Association Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ °°e*espondknts Baker. Kellogg & Co.. Inc-H (ill W. Monroe) 'rawnr,w (105 s. La Salle St.) Originators and Distributors of Investment Securities *ck°fBd- BkT*- Tr C.., N. Y. Sec. and Tr. Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., a. Sec Cbl. Underwriting Specialists in Timber Secured Bonds of Lumber and Paper Companies. (20* So. La Sanest.) New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Curb Association WILLIAM T. BACON JAY N. WHIPPLE WILLIAM B. HOLTON DANIEL R. WINTER WILLIAM D. KERR _________ LESLIE WAGNER PJ a r 2nd V, P. 2nd V.P. Members Members Principal Stock Exchanges. OLIVER S TURNER Vice Pres HOWARD j. HAGER,’ Vice Pres. CLIFFORD A. RAVENHILL. Treas JACOB M. SHERBAHN, Secretary ’03 ^MALCOLM R. MACDONALD,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y Chicago Representative | INVESTMENT SECURITIES fR. D.Gordon, Pres., I H. C. Cham pi in, Paul Weis, rTlSB.fp«H!tr-TO j Inmtmcnt Bonds—Industrial, (Main Office) V. P. (First Nat’l Bank Bldg.) See. and Treat. Direct Wires to Correspondent Offices Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Harris Tr. & Sav., and Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Bartlett & Gordon Inc., Mil. Government, Municipal, Railroad. I Public Service. r Augustas Knight, E. B, Bartlett. V. P. and Tr. Cent. Tr. Co. of HI.. Northern Tr. Co., I Pres. N. S. Knight. Sec. and Bk. of Montreal, Chi. (137 So. La Salle) T*2< L Investment Securities BARTLETT, OUGHT & C<L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I PRESTIGE RELIABILITY CIRCULATION ADVERTISING Since 1872 The Rand M' Nally Bankers Directory Leading all similar publications combined in circulation and advertising and increasing its lead each year. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPECIALISTS IN CHICAGO BANK STOCKS F. M. ZEILER & COMPANY Members Chicago Stock Exchange THE ROOKERY CHICAGO Telephone Central 5387 Industrial and Public Utility SECURITIES ORDERS EXECUTED IN ALL MARKETS Inquiries invited on all listed and unlisted securities 299 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.StateBks. A’n. EstabilMem.Inv. Bks. A'n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.State Bks.A'n.EsTABIfMem.Inr.Bka. A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Bennett, James E. & Co. ±’80 (332 So. LaSalle) BERTLES, «AWkSoAmM (Incorporated) A.G.BEGKER&GO. I1 r-'v ■ vl (208 So. LaSalle Sti) A. G. BECKER & CO., 1 INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Blake Bros. & Co.. N. Y. and Bos.; Curtis & Sanger, N. Y. and Bos. Blake Brothers* Wright, Inc. INVESTMENT BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1893 Underwriters and Distributors of Domestic and Foreign Securities 100 So. LaSalle Street Chicago, III. KNIGHT BLANCHARD AND COMPANY 1 39 Sooth La Salle Street INVESTMENT BONDS Correspondents Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. KNIGHT BLANCHARD, Prm. C. A. BLANCHARD, V. P. EDWIN BOEHMER. V P. J. C. MANNING, E. PJ. P. BRENNER, See. and Tr. IMPROVE MENT BONDS BONDS-SHORT TERM NOTES-COMMERCIAL PAPER PREFERRED AND COMMON STOCKS BLTTi A C0. ----- -.iT14 Members New York Stock Exchange 54 Pine Street (105 Sft. La Salla) Other Offices—N. Y.. Phil., Bos., San F.. Los A., Seat.. Port,,and London. England. New York ' “ v .VJi! J’DSjtfOff Members American Bankers Assn. Illinois Bankers Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. BRANCH OFFICES St. Louis, Mo. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ -18 p. RJ • ’ The offerings of A. G. Becker & Co. Include bonds, short term notes and commercial paper, thus embracing practically every type of Investment for secondary reserve requirements. The bonds and short term notes on our list are the carefully selected obligations of American and foreign municipalities and of railroad, public utility and industrial corporations of strong credit. Commercial paper offerings include the names of some of the leading Industrial concerns in the country, with whose financing we have been identified for many years. It has been our privilege to serve several thousand banks during the past 35 years. We welcome the opportunity of placing this extensive experience and the facilities of this national organization at your disposal. We are always glad to supply credit and Investment Information and analyses without obligation of any kind, or to submit offerings to meet specific investment requirements. ■ 1 r, BOND & MORTGAGE CO., THE (11 So. La Salle St.) FOUNDED 1895 BORREGAARD BROTHERS RUSSELL FIREBAUGH, Pres, E. RAY GRANT, Treas. and V. P. IDA WAGNER, Sec.&Tr.Off. Cont. Ill. Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of Republic Chicago Underwriters, Distributors and Dealers in First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds exclusively. Railroad and Public Utility Bonds (105 W. Adams) J. A. Moore, Resident V.P,. BRAUN, BQSWORTH &C0.1 (I Municipal Bonds. (30 So. La Salle) BROKAW & COMPANY (105 So. La Salle) Randolph 4560, Brann, Bosworth & Co.. Toledo. Cincinnati, and Detroit. Distributors and underwriters of corporation and municipal securities. Direct wire connections with New York, Philadelphia and Boston. We maintain a position In certain securities and buy and sell all types of stocks and bonds on every exchange. 300 Chicago-Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Yeak tMem.State Bkg.A’n.EsTABtMem.Inv.Bks. A n. lishkd. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year I tMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A'n. dished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bane Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Bulger & Co., J. p..............± (332 So. La Salle) Oamp, Thorne & Co.. Inc.. N. Y.. Seattle, St. L„ Mlnpls., Mil., Davenport, Des M„ La Salle. Ill., Janesville, Wls. and Port land, Ore. CAMP, THORNE & CO., INC. INVESTMENT BONDS. (28 So. In Salle) P. W. CLEVELAND. BURNHAM, JOHN i.s. ADAMS.CHER, hem ! E. W. RICHMOND. & COMPANY, me. INVESTMENT SECURITIES So. fiARLV. p. V.P. M20 LaSalle) V. P. and See. Tr. Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Nor. Tr. Co., Peo. Tr. & Sav., ForemanState N., and 1st N., Chi. I’M CARMAN, SNIDER & GO. INCORPORATED (208 So. LaSalle) 1 GOVERNMENT, INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS BURR, 6E0RGE H. & GO. (Com’l Paper)........Bdw. J. Winters, (Inseetmeni Seeuritiee) Resident Partner “wurns CHICAGO Boston Minneapolis President J. H. Briggs Vice-President Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re tailers of Investment Securities —Specialists in Public Utilities New York Detroit John J. O’Brien Halford Erickson Vice-President &. G. Hunt Vice-Preeident A. S. Cummins Bobert J. Graf M. A. Morrison B.W. Lynch and Treasurer George H. Harries First Viee-Prssidsnt and Secretary Vice-President C. C. Levis Viee-President O. G. Corns Vice-President Vice-President Des Moines Carson, Goldsmith & Co.. Mil.,Wis.; Northern Tr. Co.. Oont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chl.Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Chi. (208 South La Salle Street) Affiliated with Providence Kansas City EUGENE V. R. THAYER LOUIS H. SCHROEDER _ Vice-Chairman of Board PHILIP R. CLARKE, President T, JR. NEWTON P. FRYE Chairman of Board.......... .. CARROLL . Executive fice-Pres. Vice-President Iicefrea- JAMES A. CATHCART, Vice-Pres. WM. W. HINSHAW, JR., Secretary HOWARD F. ALLEN, Treas. CHAS. H. IRELAND Vice-President 1 ------------------------------------------------------- } HERBERT M. CAMMACK, GAMMAGK, fWALTER LEROY KROUSKUP, KENNETH K. COX, CLARK & GO., Inc. < ERNEST P. CLARK, Pres. V. P. and Sec. Treas. V. P. (.INVESTMENT SECURITIES Chapin, 8, B. & Co_______± (209 S. La8alle) Telephone State 8760 Central Trust Co. of Ill. and National Bank of Republic, Chicago. WBmm LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Underwriters and Dealers In vestment' Securities Central Trust Company of Illinois, Chicago Chicago New York Pittsburgh Cleveland Detroit Grand Rapids Minneapolis Milwaukee St. Louis Portland San Francisco Vice-President Pittsburgh M. A. Goldsmith_____________________ CENTRAL-ILLINOIS COMPANY1 H. W. Fuller E. J. McKay Direct Private Wires—Chicago—New York—Boston—Philadelphia (208 So. La Salle St.) (Suite 632-638) Continental Hllnols Bank Trust Co., Chi. Vice-President Vice-President Vice-Preeident Philadelphia St. Paul Milwaukee Pres' H. B. SNIDER, V. P. W. N. JOHNSON, Sec. and Tr. Geo. H. Barr & Co., N. Y.. Chi.. Bos., St. Louis, Phil., Kan. C., Hartford, London England, and Paris, France; Geo. H. Burr Conrad & Broom, lac., San F„ Los A. Pasadena, Seattle, and Spok. (105 W. Adams St.) «T05 H. M. 231BYLLESBY AND GO.f So. La Salle St., jj* Chapman, Grannis & Co... Y (112 W. Adams) j Telephone Randolph 0891 I >" CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 301 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem. StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members op Firm Branch managers Exchange memberships •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstablIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. P. W. CHAPMAN & CO. INC. (115 W. Adams) CHILDS, C. F. AND COMPANY C. F. CHILDS and COMPANY (INCORPORATED) Chicago, III. 1 Oj^cer*—p. W. CHAPMAN,f5r««.,H.L. HARKER, BIRGER L. JOHNSON (N.Y.), E. S. LARSEN, R. EMERSON SWART (N.Y.) andG. E. HAMLIN, V.P*.\ ARTHUR D. NELMES. Treat. (N. Y.) G. A. CASAVANT, Sec’y. General Sales Mgr— E. S. LARSEN V. P. Western Sales Mgr.—G. E. HAMLIN, V • P._ _ _ _ _ INVESTMENT SECURITIES Complete Investment Market Service to Banks, Bond Departments, Dealers, Brokers, and other Financial Institutions American Bankera Assn. Investment Bankers Assn. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass, Buffalo, N. T. Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Dallas, Texas Denver, Colo. Detroit, Mich. Houston, Texas Kansas City, Mo. Los Angeles, Calif. Milwaukee, WIs. Minneapolis, Minn. New Orleans, La. Philadelphia, Pa, Pittsburgh, Pa. Portland, Ore. St. Louis, Mo. Salt Lake City, Utah San Francisco, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. T. L. CHAPMAN & CO.......... (120 So. La Salle) Telephone Randolph 5864 T. L. Chapman, Pres....................... Guy L. V. Emmerson. V. P. { Central Trust Co. of Ill.. Chicago. John A. Lennartson, Treas. Bonds and Stocks New York, N. Y. BRANCHES Wire System—Own. Phone—Franklin 6001 and Postal Phone___________ RALPH CHAPMAN * C0.r22 INVESTMENT SECURITIES SI Broadway MEMBERS Other offices—New York City, Pacific Coast Affiliation, P. W. Chapman & Co., Inc. of the Pacific Coast. Representatives—Grand Rapids, Mich., New Orleans, La., Milwaukee, Wis., Minneapolis, Minn., St. Louis, Mo. UNDERWRITING DISTRIBUTORS & DEALERS IN MUNICIPAL, PUBLIC UTILITY, FOREIGN AND BEAL ESTATE ISSUES. (208 S. LaSalle St.) ESTABLISHED 1911 231 S. La Salle Street Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships CHASE SECURITIES CORPORATION Underwriters, Wholesalers and Distributors (137 So. La Salle St. Randolph 5900) CHICAGO, ILL. SCHUYLER B. TERRY, Vice President CHARLES C. WELLS, Asst. Vice-President Direct Private Wires Connecting Trading Offices in all Principal Cities CHATHAM PHENIX C0RP.- (105 So. La Salle St.) (•JOSEPH D. MURPHY, V. P-----------------------------FRANK W. BOWEN, Ass’t V. P. ) MARVIN C. LEGGETT, Ass’t V. P. Head Office NEW YORK OTHER OFFICES Denver Milwaukee Duluth Minneapolis Indianapolis Omaha Kansas City St. Louis Memphis St. Paul Salt Lake City Branches in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Des Moines. Other offices in New York, Phil., Bost., St. L„ Cin., Ean. City. INVESTMENT SECURITIES f (G. R. Child, Alexander Milne and Guy B. Child, Hornblower & Weeks, N. Y.; 1st N„ Ohi. CHILD.CERALD B.ftC0.-H < Partners) (39 So. La Salle) l (Investment Securities) For many yean we specialized exclusively in U. S. Govern ment Securities. Through the medium of rendering a com prehensive service to Banks, Dealers, Brokers, and other Financial Institutions, we developed a nationwide market. We have enlarged our scope to include General Market Securities and are now equipped to render an equally com prehensive service in them. Through our Trading Offices, located In aB principal cities and connected by direct private wires, we are In constant touch with all important market centers. Our contacts with Banks, Dealers, Brokers and Financial Institutions everywhere, are unexcelled. We invite you to avail yourself of the complete facilities we offer for your convenience in serving your clientele. Clement, Curtis & Co.........± (231 S. La Salle.) Capital and Surplus over $700,000. Pres. FIRST — G.J. DRIEVER. J'L'«ft,rr MORTGAGE COCHRAN & M. P. BRUSH, REAL ESTATE. F. i. WENIGMAN, GOLD McCLUER CO. BONDS Cont. Ill. Bank & Tr. Co. and ForemanState Nat’l Bank, Chi. v.P? Sec. Established 1881 (40 N. Dearborn) W. RIDDLE,Pres. BESTER:P. PRICE, A.Sec. Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st Foreman-State N., Cent. Tr. of Ill. Co.. HIRAM S. CODY, V.P. EDWARDS.CLARK,A.Sec. N„ Chi. Tr. Co., Congress Tr. & Sav., and Harris THOMAS T. ROBERTS, MARLEY HALVORSEN, Tr. & Sav., Chi. f LEWIS C00',®T&W V. P. and Tr. A. Sec. Members Illinois Bankers Association Gen'l Counsel Chicago Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage Bankers Association of America Real Estate Loans Chicago Real Estate Board JCapital and Surplus $1,150,000 Cook County Real Estate Board National Ass’n Real Estate Boards ARTHUR C. CODY, Sec. ROBERT W. CAMPBELL, Colvin & Co.------------- ±t’88 (89 So. La Salle St.) 302 Chicago •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year TMem. State Bks. A’n. EstabUMem. Inv. Bks. A'n. lishkd ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Offices NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO MINNEAPOLIS MILWAUKEE DETROIT CLEVELAND KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS OMAHA DES MOINES TULSA ATLANTA HOUSTON Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Members op Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year IMem. State Bks. A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. A’n. lished. ±Mem, Local Stock Ex. Continental Illinois Company (230 So. Clark St.) A. E. DUNCAN. C. R. WARREN. Pres. DAVID R. FORGAN, V. P. A. FRASER. V. P. Directors A. F. Banks Chauncey B. Borland Bernard A. Eckhart Stanley Field Charles F. Glore Charles H. Markham D. R. McLennan William H. Mitchell Arthur Reynolds George M. Reynolds Charles H. Schweppe Eugene M. Stevens Edward F. Swift F. Edson White This company is affiliated with the Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company, Chicago. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Commercial Bankers. Purchase motor receivables, open accounts, industrial installment paper, etc. COMMERCIAL CREDIT TRUST Capital and Surplus $8,000,000 Total Resources $30,000,000 Affiliations: Commercial Credit Company, Baltimore: ^“™I?e1r£,al Credit Corporation, New York, N. Y.: ConHE. £al Guara?ty Corporation,Limited, Montreal,Can ada, Commercial Credit Company, Inc., New Orleans. Ch.ofBd. c. E. VESY. V. P. u. J. HUTCHINSON. Tr. W. Y. RAHN. See. CHICAGO 231 So. La Salle Street INVESTMENT - Telephone State 9000 SECURITIES CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE BOND COMPANY CAPITAL TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS Vice President W. E. HOWARD. Vice President T. J. Bryce------------ --- ------------------------------------------ Vice-President George W. Pearson .............-------------Vice-President Francis M. Knight ................................ Vice-President Ray L. Junod......................................................... ............Vice-President George F. Hardie ..................:........................................ Vice-President Donald L. DeGolyer ....................... .......... .......................... Vice-President John H. Stewart............................ ....Vice-President Howard D. Whitehouse ............ ....................... Vice-President Benjamin R. Brindley......... ............................. ...s'econd Vice-President E. D. Brooks------- -------•----- --------------------------- Second Vice-President John S. Loomis..........................................i......... ..Second Vice-President Anthony Von Wening----------------------------------- Second Vice-President Charles Z. Henkle----------------------------------------- Second Vice-President R> O. Dunhtll----------------------------------------------- Second Vice-President Woodbury S. Ober............... Second Vice-President John W. Denison................................ Second Vice-President (rank L. King------ ------....------------------------ Secretary and Treasurer George A. Waldorf ..,...... ............ —.......Manager, Trading Division John H. Rumbaugh— -------- Manager, Government Securities Division John J. Brugman------------- Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Fred W. Thoma-------------------------------------------------- Sales Manager Clifton L. Nourse.......................................................... . Sales Manager W. R. Bennett.................... ............................................... Sales Manager Clifton H. Merry-------------- ------------------------ ----------- Sales Manager James G. Couffer --- -.-.Assistant Manager, Municipal Bond Division Lloyd A. Sturtz ................ ..................... ....................................Auditor R’ °- BERG« Pres, and Tr, G. F. BENJAMIN, Arthur Reynolds, Chairman, Board of Directors Eugene M. Stevens, President James R. Leavell, Assistant to Chairman, Board of Directors (20 W. Jackson Blvd.) (Telephone Harrison 6768) OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS A. C. THOMPSON, Officers European Representative LONDON Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships O.TedmSnd. GEORGE F.BARRETT GEORGES. BOND CHARLES J. ENLIND CARL A. MUELLER GRONWALL&GO. Asst, Secretary J. ARNSDORFF. Asst, Secretary A. S. MAHER. Carefully Selected First Mortgage Bonds Asst. Treasurer Underwriters and Distributor s of Investments. Specialize in Securities of Ti mber and Lumber Companies. (231 S. LaSalle St.) INC/ (HUP'........... CROWLEY, DOHERTY & CO. (120 South La Salle Street) (Telephone State 3283) CDSTIN, EARL lM & CO.. f. A. NELSON. hH Secretary INVESTMENT SECURITIES Cont’l Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N.. Chi. {Members Chicago Curb Exchange Assn.) (Investment Securities) Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N.. Chi. (David Dangler. R. L. Lapham and James Curtiss. Partners, (Investment Securities. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Northern Tr. Oo., N. Bk. Rep., 1st N., and Harris Tr. A Sav., Chi. (89 S. La Salle) ■) PAUL37H.SouthDAVIS & CO. 5AUwLv®r7T|!fF"E-"•JTMt.l.t J, HALL, La Salle St CORRESPONDENTS Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Hornblower & Weeks, N. T.. Bos., Members: Clev., and Det.; Cent. Tr. Co. of NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE H.l. MARKHAfif, T. E. HiMlSON, Ill., Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., LYMAN BARR and Foreman-State N., Chi. CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE LUTHER DEARBORN S7 Snnth T.a Hallo Sf „ ’1C 7’ W. M. GULIN. Underwriters mnd Dealers in Public Utility end Industrial Securities. DAWES & GO., Incorporated (39 S. La Salle Street) Telephone Central 9SS0 CHARLES C. DAWES, Pres... E. G. SUTCLIFFE. Treas. Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Harris Trust & Savings Bank, and C. B. FLETCHER,V.P. J. R. KIMBARK, V. P. National Bank of the Republic, E. H. WILDER, V. P. j. y. SAMMIS, A. Tr. Chicago. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 303 • MMn.Am.Bks.Assn. Year tMem.State Bks.A’n. EstabYMem.lnv.Bkt.A'n. lishkd. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. DETROIT COMPANY, THE • Mem.Am.Bk8.Assn. Year j tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships EQUITABLE BOND & MORTGAGE CO., (INCORPORATED) Other Offices: DETROIT, NEW YORK, BOSTON, LOS ANGELES AND SAN FRANCISCO. (137 So. La Salle St.) E. M. BURNETT, Resident Manager F. N. WARD, Asst, Resident Manager Affiliated with Detroit and Security Trust Company, Detroit. Telephone Randolph 7030 W. M. DICKEY, Pres. H. L. WILLIAMS, V. P. H. M. HAUGHEY, Treas. L. D. SAMPSON, Sec. First National Bank, Chicago. Foreman-State N. Bank,Chicago F. B. Eyre & Co., New York CORRESPONDENTS OFFICERS: JAMES C. JOHNSON, President 1st N., Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and City F. MARVIN AUSTIN, Chi.; Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Vice-President- Treasurer State, Lou. Tr. Co., Lou. E. L. AUGUSTUS, Vice-President H. E. CHRISTENSEN. Secretary UNDERWRITERS AND D1STRIBU- (Equitable Bldg. 180 W. Washington M‘,LL‘E| tfEIR, Manager Bank Dept. TORS ii,11WM. F. GRAY. General Sales Mgr. REAL ESTATE RONDS. UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS W. M. DICKEY & CO., INC. (105 W. Adams St.) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Equitable Trust Oompauy of New York. Mali Offioe, 11 Broad St. EQUITABLE TRUST COM PART OF NEW YORK —1 (105 80. LaSalle St.) COLLATERAL AND STOCK EXCHANGE LOANS. BANK STOCKS OF ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES - BOUGHT - SOLD - QUOTED. ERICSON-DAUBER-FISCHER CO. See Advertisement on Illinois Index and Chicago Map DILLON,READ&CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES.......... (134 So. La Salle) Ditt. Panl C., & Co.--------- ± (120 S. La Salle) Dillon, Read & Co., N. Y., Bos., Pitt., and Phil.; Dillou, Read Corp., Lon., Eng., and Paris, France. JOSEPH F. DIXON & CO...... J JOSEPH F. DIXON.............................. . Northern Trust Co., Chicago. DODD & COMPANY--- - - - - - - (Investment Securities)___ ...___ _ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. Dodge, Paul C. Dodge, M. C. Norris, DODGE &G0JC., <(1J H.PaulA.o.Tubby, PAUL C. ’ll (.INVESTMENT SECURITIES Foreman-State N. Bk. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. (208 So. LaSalle St.) t Investment Securities. Pres, Tr. Sec. V.P. Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago (Suite 600—208 S. LaSalle) jFairman. Johns & Co. (112 W. Adams) INVESTMENT SECURITIES Continental Illinois Bank Bldg. (231 South La Salle St.) Telephone Dearborn 7070 MEMBERS; NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE FARNUM, WINTER & CO. ± (120 W. Adams) Branch Offices: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee, St. Joseph ‘ , Mo.; Kansas City. (120So. LaSalle) mawnrn' A. D. HENDERSEN, Resident Manager___ New York Office, 60 Wall St. (208 S. La Salle) EASTMAN, DILLON & GO. ± y (104 So. La Salle St.) EMERY, PECK, RBCKWRRR CO. (2W So. La Salle) •tVl# MEMBERS NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO. AND PITTSBURGH STOCK EXCHANGES AND N.Y. CURB EXCHANGE Other offices: New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Wash ington, Richmond, Reading, Scranton, Allentown, Plttston, Trenton, and New Brunswick. F,,EL<lM0yiJR8EC0 |G. A. Holder. Diet. Mgr. [First Mortgage Real Estate Gold Bonds. FIELD RL0RE A COMPANY INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (120 W. Adams) HeadOffice—St. Louis. Mo. Branch Denver. Field, Qlore h Co., N. Y. T20 Security Underwriters, Distributors, and Brokers. W. H. EMERY. V. P. Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. and Northern Tr. Oos. , PECK. Pres. F.‘P‘R0CKW00D. V.P. A Tr. D. B. PECK.F. P. Ohi.; Emery, Peck & Rock wood Co. lftlwaakee. A. L. GAGNON, Sec. High-Grade Investment Securities. Municipal and Corporation Ronds. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Parol 1 Bros.____________± (231 So. La Salle) UNDERWRITERS AND ‘IlilSlsTToremin-' FIRST GOARDIAN COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS OF GENERAL StateNatlonal (Bankers Building) Cedar Rapids Indianapolis Cleveland Milwaukee MARKET SECURITIES Bank. SPECIALIZING IN PUBLIC UTILITIES 105 W. Adams St. i originators of high grade securities Telephone Randolph 0891 specializing in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 304 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bits. A'a. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem. Inr. Bks.A'a. lished ifcMem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, correspondents and Bank Depositories Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bk*. A'n. Year tMem.StateBk8.A’n. EstabfMem. Iur. Bks.A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Organized to administer an Investment Harris Tr. & Saves. Bk.. Chi. Trust fund and to aid In the selection, purchase and sale, on order, of Inrestment Bonds for CUents. Ill West Monroe THE INVESTMENT AFFILIATE OF THE fMTo'ir““prc FOREMAN-STATE NATIONAL BANK The INVESTMENT SECURITIES. First National Company of Detroit, Inc. and First National Bank in Detroit are under the same ownership. (Incorporated) (231 Bo. La Salle) SEE ADVERTISEMENT IN BANK LIST TMIMPJSSu (111 W. Monroe) FIRSTWISCONSINCOMPANY INVESTMENT SECURITIES_____ UNDERWRITERS OF AND DISTRIBUTORS (105 So. La Salle) SECURITIES FOLDS, BUCK & GO. i (208 So. La Salle) OFFICERS GERHARD FOREMAN ROBERT B. WHITING EDWIN M. STARK HAROLD E. WOOD BOUDINOT ATTERBURY ALBERT C. LORD JOHN W. OGDEN D. T. RICHARDSON JOSEPH F. NOTHEIS JOHN J. BURNS G. W. BLAIR LAMBERT J. MULLIN President - VicePresident - - - - VicePresident - Vice President VicePresident - - Vice President f Specialists in \ Chicago Bank Stocks___ _________ FORGAN & COMPANY (105 W. Adams) Secretary A Treasurer - Assistant Treasurer FOREMAN-STATE CORPORATION FORGAN, GRAY & COMPANY Incorporated '23 (105 So. La Salle St.) John R. Gray, Pres, and Tr. D. L. Shillinglaw, V. P. F. E. Durst, See. Investment Bankers. St. Louis, Mo. 314 N. Broadway Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. FORMAN, GEORGE M., & COMPANY Established 1115 INVESTMENT BONDS 112 W. Adams St., Chicago 120 Broadway, New York Des Moines - Minneapolis - Peoria, 111.- Springfield, III. St.Louls - San Francisco - Indianapolis - Lexington, Ky. Foreman-State National Bank Building, Chicago CHICAGO 33 N. La SaHe St. Milwaukee, Wise. 425 E. Water Street Telephone Randolph 7730 VicePresident - Second Vice President - Other Offices New York City 24 Broad Street Vice President - - Underwriters and Distributors JAMES R. BUCK, President DONALD W. GREEN, Sec, <fc Trees, CECIL DIXON, V. P. W. SCOTT LINN, V. P. GEO. N. GIVAN, F. P. F. S. YANTIS, V. P. (N. Y.) S. W. MOZLEY, Ass’t. Sec, A. G. LINDQUIST, Ass’t, Trees, Vice President - - Telephone Central 9303 Bonds and Stocks lor Investment - Affiliated with First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee. t NEW YORK 52 Wall Street PORTER FOX & GO., Telephone Central 2707 INCORPORATED 120 SO. LA SALLE ST., Cont^TBk^TrTo!^fCTr Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. City, Em pire Tr. Co., Equl t. Tr. Co., Fid. Tr. Co., and Anglo-South Am. Tr.Co., N.Y.; Met. N., Mlnpls.; Boatmen’s N., 1st N., and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Ia. Tr. & Sav., Des M.; British Linen, Edinburgh, Scotland. Continental Illinois Bank & Tr. Co., Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., and Northern Tr. Co., Chicago. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES IN CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializing Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 305 •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Ybar jMem. State Bks.A’n. EstabiMem. Inv. Bks.A’n. lishbd. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members op Firm Brach managers Exchange memberships rW. W. FREEMAN, J. 6. LINNER, FREEMAN, WALTER & GO. (Ill W. Washington) TIP Pres. .mUv.P. A**, and Tr. Walter A. Gatzert.Fr**--------------Modie J. Spiegel,V. P. Herman F. Hahn, V. P, August Gatzert.Sec. and 7Y«a«. GATZERT COMPANY — (231 So. La Salle St.) Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. Estab1 Mem. Inv. Bks.A'n. lished, ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Northern Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N.. Chi. nmCSTMKNT SECURITIES. HAMBLETON & COMPANY Fred E. Adams, Vice Pres____ ___ _____ Hambleton & Co., N. Y., Balt.. San F.. Phil., Bos., Newark, Syracuse. Wash., D. C. Hart.. Prov. and Brooklyn. (105So. LaSalle St.) H’07 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Foreman-State N., Straus N. Bk. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Calif, and Un. Bk. & Tr. Co., Los A.; Secnr. N., Okla. Hamilton Investment Co. ... (38 So. Dearborn Street). Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. (.Branch Offices; N. Y., Los Angeles, Okla, C, and Phila.) . Goddard & Co., N. Y. Goddard. Kneessi & Co.___ (105 W. Adams).. Gorrell & Company. Inc....11 (209 So. La Salle) GREENEBAUM SONS INVESTMENT COMPANY ( Founded 1855. INVESTMENTS 9 So. LaSalle St at Madison ) SECURITIES Highest grade investments for Banks, Insurance Companies, Estates and Private Investors. Write for Lists. HANCHETT BOND111#)COMPANY (Incorporated W.F. HANCHETT, Pres. H.6. HANCHETT, V. P. E. C. STODDARD, V. P, F. E. SEDGWICK, V. P. Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Tr. Co. of III., Chi. (19 SO. La Salle) SPECIALIZING IN MUNICIPAL BONDS AND OTHER HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS CIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUEST OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES MEMBERS York Stock Exchange, New York Curb New York Office. 11 Wall Street. HARRIS, UPHAM & CO. ± New Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, (112 W. Adams) (Investment Securities) •BAR Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange. Irving D. Fish, 2ndV. P. Guaranty Oo. of N. Y., N. Y. J, H. Arends. Sales Mgr, (120 w. Adami) GUARDIAN DETROITCOMPANY INCORPORATED % (105 W. Adams St.) 1 HAINES, SPENCER & CHANCELLOR, Inc. (208 N. Wells St., Suite 203) New York Office, 342 Madison Ave. Other Offices: Boston, Buffalo, HALL6ARTEN GO. ±TH (201 So. La Salle) Harris, Winthrop & Co,. Branch of Detroit—with other offices in New York, New Orleans and Atlanta. Corres pondents, Guardian Detroit Company of Cali HATHAWAY & COMPANY (Commercial Paper and Investment Secu Hathaway & Co., N. Y., Bos., St. L„ Phil., fornia, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Pitt., Seattle, and San F. (208 So. LaSalle) «r99 rities.) Officers: J. Allen Haines, Chairman of the Advisory Board: Pierce Archer, Jr., Phila Board, delphia; E. A. Burrows. Chicago; E. B. J. Beaumont Spencer, President. Busby. Detroit; Howard Elting, Chicago; Hamilton B. Bole, Vice-President and Perry C. Euchner, Geneseo, N. Y.: Harvey Treasurer, B. Harrison, Buffalo, N. Y.; Sherman ANTHONY W. STANMEYER, Pres. Edward Bowditch, Jr.. Vice-President and Peer. Ithaca, N. Y.: Herbert L. Satterlee, EDWARD G. HENKEL, Vice Pres. Secretary. N. Y.; Henry P. Talmadge, New York; GEORGE J. KASPARI, Secy. J. P. Thorny. St. Louis. H. L. Wright, Vice-President GEORGE G. HEINEMANN, Treat. Captain Frederic B. Bassett, U. S. N. (Ret.) 420—Otis Building—424 Chicago, Vice-President 10 So. La Salle St. REFERENCES Harry D. Cleveland, Chicago, Vice-President Chicago Foreman-State National Bank, Chicago Title & Financial Counsellors, Economic Merger s, Industrial and Public Utility Financing, Industrial Engineering, Organ!* atiou of New Enterprises, Foreign Tr. Co. or any Bank or Banking Institution in Securities. | Chicago. HEINEMANN, WM- G. & COMPANY FIRST MELVIN L. EMERICK, Resident Partner____ &G0. INVESTMENT SECURITIES ... INVESTMENT BONDS. Halsey, Stuart & Co., N. Y., Phil., Bos., Pitt.. Det.. St. L.. Mil.. Minpls..and Clev. See adv. in front section of Directory. INCORPORATED (General Office) (201 Sn I* Salle) •tTOl Telephone: State 3900 LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1870 Hallg&rten & Co., N. Y. and Lon., England. Telephone: State 3900 HALSEY, STUART & Co. Co, Dissolved Dec. 12. 1929 HEITMAN TRUST COMPANY Incorporated In 1913 (10 So. La Salle St.) BT’13 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 FRED P NEITMAN. Pres, and Tr. Cont. HI. Bk.&Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co., PHILIPb.lindgreh,gJ*Kfi£Sls2?ftJdori8Ste,,S!“£ KARL L. REINKE, A. Tr. Sav.,Chi.: State Bk.&Tr.Co.,Evanston. CAPITAL, SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $1,000,000-First Mortgages and First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. Never a Loss to an Investor at Any Time ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES IN CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS SPECIALIZING Chicago-Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies. Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. HIBERNIA STRIDES CO, (1252 Cont. Illinois Bldg.)1 Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem.Am. Bks. A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabiMemJnv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories f MALCOLM SEMMES, Mgr........................... sufnMasm.nn S. (.Commercial Paper—Bankers Acceptances See Head Office at New Orleans. 1 rLJ.DOYLE,PrM. M.J. HICKEY, JR.,V. P. J.J,0'C0NN0R,S«c.<fc Tr. Correspondents; Equitable Tr. Co. and Pacific (39So. LaSalle St.) j Traders in Unlisted Securities. Coast Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. New York office—67 Wall St. (.Private wires to leading financial centers. Co., 1st N.t and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. HICKEY. 00YLE & CO......... Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships ) J.F.HICKEY,P.P.(N.Y.) if&rais:- HILL, JOINER A M„ INC. •tVOl (137 So. La Salle St.) Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS (39 So. La Salle St.) P. B. Skinner and YV. D. Owen, Resident Partners. ± *tT88 MEMBERS OP THE New York, Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Detroit Stock Exchanges and the New York Curb Exchange. Offices in Boston, New York (2), Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Providence, and Portland, Maine. INVESTMENT SECURITIES DIRECT PRIVATE MIRES. ERNEST W. J. HUGHES, President HARRY E. CONLEE ,Exec, Vice-President Correspondents: OLE 0. QUALL, V.-P. WM. C. LAUBE, V.-P. Guardian National Bank, Chi. PAUL R. HARRIS, V.-P. B. JOHNSON, Sec. Melrose Pk. State, Melrose Park ARTHUR G. SMITH, Treas. 10 So. LaSalle St. Telephone Franklin 0247 FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS ERNEST W. J. HUGHES & CO. ■ ' • : Hitchcock & Company......... If (39 So. La Salle) Hulburd. Warren&Chandler± H0A6LAND, ALLUM & CO.' Incorporated CHICAGO II SO. LA SALLE ST. FRANKLIN 0220 W. K. HOAGLAND, Pres. GEO. F. ALLUM, V.-P. H. 0. JUDSON, V.-P. H. R. WALTON, V.-P. T. A. TUNNEY, V. P. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 150 BROADWAY JOHN 0264 NEW YORK HUSZAGH, R.L K8SZA6R--------- --------J. I.MUSSSR, Partners. INVESTMENT SECURITIES MUSSON &St.)CO.'84 N. (33 HILDEBRAND. President A. HOLINGER & CO. EUGENE nUNUQifi.BRs«as 11 So. La Salle St. ’97 Capital $200,000. REFERENCES Continental HI. Bank & Trust Co., Chicago Title and Trust Co., or any other banking institu tion In Chicago. La Salle iORF.:::—-CCEPTA-CE (105 W. Adams St.) Specializing in HIGH GRADE CHICAGO ITR8T MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. BttaUiehed in ISM. J. W. SCHROEDER, Representative_ C**L Tr. Ca. at HI., ■‘•reman-State N., 1st N. and Iherldaa Tr. Jk Eat., Uni. Branch of (see) New York. A. JULIUS BREUHAUS. Treasurer FIRST MORTGAGES AND REAL ESTATE BONDS “33 Years of Perfect Investment Service'1 Jackson Bros.. Boesel & Co. .± (332 So. La Salle) LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS spl-cal'z'hg in Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. 307 •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Year JMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabITMem. Inv. Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Frazier Jelke & Co. Private Wire System F. B. KEECH& CO........ -1± (231 So. LaSalle St.) KENT, GRACE & COMPANY i Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem.Am. Bks. An. Year| tMem.StateBks.A’n. estab-i HMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. I ± MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE CHICAGO NEW YORK 112 W. ADAMS STREET 25 PINE STREET Telephone State 3112 2 E. 57th St. KRENN & DATO, INC. (936 North Michigan Ave.) EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Edith Rockefeller McCormick Trust J. E. May, Thos. Miller, H. C. Strotz, F. B. Keech & Co., N. Y., Wash., D. C. Ret. Partners' Phil., and Prov. Members of the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and Winnipeg . Grain Exchange. T. L. GRACE, Pres. J.F. KENT, V.P. JACOB KULP & GO., IN( Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORRESPONDENTS Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N., 1st N., Lake Shore Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Irving Trust Co., N. Y. Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Foreman-State Nat’l Bank, Chi.; New York Trust Co., N. Y. Chemical Rank & Trust Co., N. Y. INVESTMENT SECURITIES T. J. GRACE, Sec. Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. J. A. JOHNSTON, Tr. I LACKNER, BUTZ AND COMPANY Telephone Dearborn 3300 !■ (33 S. LaSalle St., Chicago) PHONE Dearborn 8686 Municipal BONDS Corporation (208 S. LaSalle) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Inc. ’04 (111 W. Washington Street) Francis A. Laekmer , Ch. of the Board T. C. Butz, Pres. Walker Jansen. V. P. R. O. Butz, V. P. and Tr. Philip Carper, Sec. Carr espond ents 1st N., 1st Union Tr. Co., Fore man-State N. and Builders, Chi. Investment Bankers. SPECIALIZING IN REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Branch Office Springfield, Illinois R0BT. STEVENSON. Resident Partner_____ KISSEL, KIHIII0UTT&C0.±1 (120 W. Adams St.) Members New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges and New York Curb Associa tion. BANKERS BUILDING & Co.. Bos.; Baker Watts & Co.. Balt. F. N. KNEELAND & COMPANY (INCORPORATED) v^u*, m.l JRFWnF R TRDIIP. Resident Partner ______ uner unices! .Lidinuoiii, \ Members "of the New York Stock Ex- New York and Havana, Cuba; Blackstone LAMB0RN, HUTCHINGS & CO. < change. New York Cotton Exchange, Hotel and Edgewater Beach Hotel,Chicago. ! (231 So. La Salle St.) ± ) Chicago Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. i LAMSON BROS. & GO. Chicago * (166 W. Jackson Blvd.) Members New York, Chicago and Principal few York Office; Produce Exchange. Private Wires. Stack Exchanges. SEE HEAD OF LIST. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Edgar T.Konsberg. Pres.............— K0RSBER6. E. T.. & C0.T<* R. H. Breseman. Is* V. P. and Tr. Frank C. Scheid. 2nd. F. P. (U W. Jaekaon) Arthur O. Kiesgen, Sec. (IncessUment Securities) Pynchon & Oo..M. Y.; Coat. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st N., Cht. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LANE, R0L0S0N & GO., INC., (209 S. La Salle) R. M. R0L0S0N,Pres. N. B. DAWES, V. P... R. H. MABBATT, V.P. H. T. WARNES, S. L. CASTLE, V. P. Acting Sec. and Tr. Well, McKey & Co., N. Y. and Boston; McCluney & Co., St. L.; Lane, Piper A Jaffray, Inc., Minpls. Commercial Paper, Investment Securities 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS Specializing in 308 Chicago Am.Bks. As’n. Year +Mem.StateBksjLs’n.EsTAB. IMem.Inv.Bks.As’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships OTHER OFFICES, CORRESPONDENTS and Bank Depositories ''M. D. Lawlor, President_________ W.R. Boag, V.P. Geo. H. Watson, V. P. I A. Gerhardt Nelson, V. P. L Investment Securities LAWL0R & COMPANY, M.D. (Incorporated) (105 W. Adams St.) LEAGH, A. B. & «tT89 GO,,. ( (39 So. La Salle St.) MATTHEWS & LEWIS GO. (231 S. LaSalle Street) NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, and Principal Cities. MATHIAS & COMPANY-. (105 W. Adams St.) oii _ LEE, HI66INS0N & GO. ftr« (209 8. La Salic St.) Member New York, Boston and Chicago Stock Exchanges INVESTMENT ^ *-> ^ . > _ ■ EL w Uni I I El 9 BOSTON, NEW YORK AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES Continental Illinois Bk. & Tr. Co. Foreman-State NatT Bank. Cosmopolitan State Bank. Chicago. 100 N. LaSalle Street, CHICAGO INVESTMENT BONDS Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories ORMAN LEWIS, President FRED C. MATTHEWS, Vice-President FINLEY P. DUNNE, Secretary and Treasurer INVESTMENT SECURITIES [Member Chicago Board of Trade Investment Securities l Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton MAYNARD & CO., H. H.-~± INVESTMENT SECURITIES______ Telephone State 40S0 Members Chicago Stock Exchange. (120 So. La Salle) LEIGHT & COMPANY Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships 1st N. Bk„ Chi. f INVESTMENT I SECURITIES. | See Advertisement ’ in Front Section Incorporated) 'Mem. Am. Bks. As'n. Year IMem.StateBks.As'n.EsTAB"MemJnv.Bks.As'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Branch Office Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Cent. Tr. of Ill. and Foreman-State N., Chi. Wires to Jerome B. Sullivan & Co., N. Y„ and Roberts & Hall, Cin. McDonald & Co., Frank E..± (120 So. LaSalle) Mc GOWEN, GASSADY & WHITE, INC. (100 W. Monroe St.) Telephone Randolph 7253 W.B. McMILLAN & CO....... (120S. LaSalle) ±t’26 T. N. MC GOWEN, President Correspondents T. G. CASSADY Vice President Me Gowen, Cassady & White, Inc. K.T. WHITE, Vice President Detroit and Minpls. H. G. MEALEY, Vice President Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. J. M. PETICOLAS, Vice President 1st N., Chi. Investment Securities W. B. McMillan_______ H. P. Pulver, Partners Investment Securities Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N., 1st N., and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi. Lester, Carter & Co.____ ± (209 S. La Salle) Lewis-Dewes & Co., Inc.__II (111 W. Monroe) fO. W. McNear, E. W. Thomas. Tr_____ Lobdell* Co., Inc., Edwin L. (209 So. La Salle) •1 MeAEAR, C. W. & CQ.--T0 (105 West Adams) E. & S. LOEWENSTEIN (39 S. La Salle Street) EMANUEL LOEWENSTEIN SIDNEY LOEWENSTEIN LEO SCHOENBRUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST CO. Real Estate First Mortgages and First Mortgage Bonds. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENTS FOR PRIVATE INVESTORS, ESTATES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Pres. ' Harry Nott, V.P. iC. F. Stem holt, 1st N. aad N. Bk. Rep., Ohl. Municipal Bonds. V. P. and Sec. MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS SECURITIES GO. (231 South LaSalle St., Phone State 7420) ARTHUR GREENE, Pres. p. W. JONES, V. P. S. E. STEINBERG, V. P. and Tr. R. G. HATHORN, V. P. J. LISTON NAU, V. P. F. A. TILLMAN, JR., Ass’t. V. P. e. R. CARLSON, Ass’i. V. P. L. HUTTNER, Sec. R. W. MADDEN, Compt. CAPITAL ASSETS exceed $4,700,000.00. RESOURCES over $23,000,000.00. OUR SHORT TERM COLLATERAL NOTES OFFER ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Lowitz, E. & Co,. Affiliated with: Merchants & Manufac turers Securities Corp., New York. Merchants & Manufac turers Acceptances, Ltd., Toronto. M. & M. Securities Co., St. Louis — Detroit (129 So. La Salle) Mills & Co., W. 8................± (120So. LaSalle) MALLARD & COMPANY— (105 W. Adams St.) Telephone State 9691 MANNING & CO.......... (105 W. Adams St.) 'Robert R. Mallard, President____ Russell W. Geyer. Vice-Pres. Lester H. Holt, Secretary _ Investment Securities L. B. Manning. Pres.__________ R. S. Pruitt. V. P. Investment Securities Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Northern Trust Co.. Chi. ’ Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi. MINITER AND GO. (105 W. Adams St.) STEPHEN MINITER, Pres. W. E. SEABERG, V. P. EMIL HORWEEN, Sec.-Tr. Telephone Franklin S068 INVESTMENT SECURITIES LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Telephone Randolph 0^91 BANK DEPOSITORIES Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Com pany, Chicago. ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS spec,Al,z,ng 309 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year IMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabUMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished, ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Morrison & Townsend___ ± (208 So. La Salle St.) Mitchell, Hutchins & Go CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS BANK BUILDING Other Offices Correspondents and Bank Depositories Morrison & Townsend. N. Y. F. S. M«s«lu? * C«., N. T., Alb. and MOSELEY, F. S. 1.00™,^. & GO. . ro* Investment COMMERCIAL PAPER, STOCKS AND BONDS. ,,,, ... . , Securities (112 W. Adams) -------------------------- Chicago-------------------------- Investment Securities Mosser. Willaman & Co.. (29 So. LaSalle St.) Inc. tt’84 LEON G. MURDOCK & COMPANY, INC. (105 W. Adams St.) STOCKS, BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Members: NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE LEON G. MURDOCK, President CLAUDE L. HENNEY, Vice President ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES Telephone—Randolph 0891 Specializing in Consolidations and Mergers. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (State Bank Building) CHARLES E. MITCHELL, Chairman HUGH B. BAKER, President LEE E. OLWELL, V.P. & Executive Assistant MORTIMORE H. BRADLEY, Treasurer CHARLES S. WALL, Secretary *16 INVESTMENT BONDS OVER 50 OFFICES IN THE LEADING CITIES OF THE COUNTRY 11,000 MILES OF PRIVATE WIRE HEAD OFFICE: 55 WALL STREET NEW YORK CITY F. F. WINANS, Resident Vice-Pres. J. L. TURNBULL, Asst, Gen, Sales Mgr, R. L. LESLIE, Dist. Sales Mgr, Associate Member: NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE B. Naum bare ft Oo.. ». T„ Phfl.. Boi. Pori., ted St. L. NAIMBBIf, E.*C0.-1t84 CORRESPONDENTS OF KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - CHAS. D. BARNEY & CO. (120 S. La Salle) F. B. Keech & Co., N. Y. and Chi. 106 S. LaSalle St.) CLARK, DODGE & CO. f Alvin E. Nelson, Pres, ) Earle S. Nelson, Tr. 134 N. LaSalle. Uptown Br. ) Ira A. Brewer, V. P. LA. J. Deutschman, Sec. A Gen. Counsel 6310 Broadway Capital $600,000. First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. TELEPHONE STATE 1700 MILWAUKEE OFFICE: 446 EAST WATEB STREET NORRIS & KENLY---- (208 So. La Salle) James Norris------------------------Perry H. Kenly, John C. Evans James S. Rutherford Wesley M. Oler { Norris & Kenly, Kenosha, Wis. 310 Chicago •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year +Mem.StateBks.A n. EstabIMem.Inv. Bks. A n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. - Selected List of Investment Dealers^Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Year Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories j Northwestern Securities Co. (1201 Milwankee Ave.) PEABODY AND COMPANY Noyes. David A.. & Co.___ ± (208 So. La Salle) Established 1865' rJOHN NUVEEN —-J. M. STIGKNEY. Cashier................. Gtr. Tr.Co. and ChathamPhenix N. Bk.& Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. jJOHN NUVEEN,JR. NUVEEN, JOHN & j Municipal QO, (. Bonds. &Tr. Co.. Chi. and Government ( E. 0. Divine. Pres. t INVESTMENT BANKERS. 0HRSTR0M.6. L. & CO.—1 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Incorporated ? CHICAGO UNDERWRITERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS, OF PUBLIC UTILITY, INDUSTRIAL AND REAL ESTATE SECURITIES A. S. PEABODY, Chairman of the Board E. A. PECK, Vice-President and Treasurer F. A. THULIN, President J. F. KENNEY, Vice-President E. EDSTRAND, Executive Vice-Pres, J. J. WEISHEL, Vice-President W. C. GIBSON, Vice-President and Sales Manager ROSS BYRON, V ice-President (3* Re. Dearborn) (208 So. La Salle) 10 So. La Salle St. DETROIT MILWAUKEE WM. J. MARSHALL, Vice-President F. H. MASON, Vice-President K. W. MOORE, Vice-President ELLIOTT STEVENSON, Vice-President J. B. GREEN, Secretary ST. LOUIS MINNEAPOLIS Branch of New York. (231 S. La Salle) fJohnJ. Bryant. Jr.. Res. Partner Members BLIP RANT & CO., JAI. H. 98 1 York Stock Exchange (Rockery Bldg.) ± s.New \New York Curb Exchange 1 Chicago Stock Exchange \New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange Chase N„ Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Fidelity Tr. Co., (Sty. Tr. Co., and Title Guaranty & Tr.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Bk. of Nova Scotia, Foreman-State N„ Peo. Tr. & Sav.. and 1st N„ Chi. PEARSONSTAFT COMPANY (106 S. La Salle St.) IT Established 1865 OTIS & GO. (105 W. Adams) ±f ’99 HARRY CONNORS, Partner; Mgr. Inx, Dept, STANLEY MORRILL, Partner,; Mgr, Brok, Dept, Investment Securities Otis & Co., N. Y., Det., Den., Colo. Springs,Cin., Col., Akron, Cleve.. Phil., Canton, Massillon. O., Kan. C., Par., Ia., Buff., Bos., Hart., Lou., Mil., Tol., St. L. OREN E. TAFT, Chairman Pres, and Tr. N, V.P. and Sec. Irv. Tr. Co. and Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., Seattle. Offices In New York City, San Fran cisco,Seattle,Los Angeles,Milwaukee. a E.V.P. >ELL, V.P.(San Francisco) 6. P. SMITH. V. P.. (New York) J. DUNCAN MATTHEWS. Mgr. (Seattle) DEANE L. WEAVER, Mgr. (Los Angles) Underwriters, Wholesalers and Retailers of Invest* ment Securities PEOPLES SECURITIES COMPANY (Branch of Cleveland) Affiliated with The Peoples Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago National Bank of the Republic - Chicago Chicago Trust Co. ..... Chicago HOWARD A. OTTE, President First National Bank ..... Chicago M. H. OTTE, Vice-President (29 So. LaSalle Street) Northern Trust Co. - - - - - Chicago C. E. ENYART, Vice-President Telephone Randolph 4660 Ralph B. Leonard & Co. . - New York OWEN V. VAN CAMP, Secy.-Treas, BANK AND INSURANCE STOCKS-BROKERS AND INDIVIDUAL COLLATERAL LOANS OTTE & GO. Specialists in Bank Stocks Weekly Market Review and Five Year Analysis Chicago Bank Stocks Mailed on Request Ottenheimer. L.. Sons. (8 S. Michigan Ave.). Chase N„ N. Y. Michigan Avenue at Washington Street ROBERT B. UPHAM, President HARRY L. SCHMITZ, Vice-President ALBERT H. KELLER, Vice-President Telephone Randolph 8800 EARL H.REYHOLDS, Chairman of the Board C. R. GLEASON, Vice-President ARTHUR M. TARMAN, Treasurer W. F. FLURY, Asst. Vice-Pres. and Sec. 0.1. DUNN, Assistant Vice-Pres. D. S. DIXON, Assl. Secretary F. H. KEEFER, Ass<. Secretary Underwriters and Distributors of Corporation, Public Utility and Real Estate Securities First Mortgage Loans on Chicago and Suburban Property Individual Real Estate Mortgages—Correspondence Invited. Paddleford & Lamy ___±’23 (208 S. La Salle)__________________________ Pynchon & Co.. John F. Clark & Co., and Otis & Co.. N. Y. f Alger Perrill— Rodney N. Perrill Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Members Chicago Stock Exchange. A _ Members Chicago Curb Exchange Ass’n. Distributors and Bond Dealers. Associate Members New York Curb Exchange. Private Wire Connecting with Members New York Stock Exchange. PERRILL & CO. ALGER ±13 | Stock Brokers, Participating INVESTMENT SECURITIES PAINE, WEBBER & CO.—± Members New York, Boston, Chicago, Paine. Webber & Co., Boston, New York, (209 So. LaSalle 8i.) Cleveland, Detroit and Hartford Stock Ex Detroit and other cities. change, NewYork Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. (231 So. La Salle) 105 W. Adams St. i Telephone Randolph 0891 | originators specials,ng in of high grade securities CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 311 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am.Bks. A'n. Tear +Mem.StateBks.A’n EstabiMem.Inv.Bks. A'n Lished ± Mem. Local Stock Ex. E.A. PIERCE & CO, (105 W. Adams St.) ± (1425 So. Racine Ave.) (164 N. La Salle St.) Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Los Angeles Curb Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Memphis Cotton Exchange New York Curb Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange New Orleans Stock Exchange New York Produce Exchange San Francisco Stock Exchange New York Cocoa Exchange, Inc. San Francisco Curb Exchange Rubber Exchange of .New York, Inc. Seattle Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Seattle Grain Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange Dallas Cotton Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchange Houston Cotton Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange Los Angeles Stock Exchange National Raw Silk Exchange, Inc. Liverpool Cotton Association, Associate Members Private wires. Stock. Bonds. Cotton. Grain, in principal American and Canadian markets. WHITELY (Established 1878) WIRES TO PRINCIPAL CITIES 208 So. LaSalle St. ± Telephone—Ran. 9272 Members Main Office New York Stock Exchange 25 Broad St., N. Y. Chicago Stock Exchange Offices In Cleveland, Akron, Cleveland Stock Exchange „ v_. ~ . r_____ New Haven, Hartford, New York Curb Exchange jyew Brita,nj ]yewark, Chicago Curb Exchange Philadelphia, Albany, Association Detroit, Reading, Indianapolis Chicago Board of Trade •Mem.Am. Bks.A’n. Year tMem. State Bks.A'n Estab-! 1Mem.lnv.Bks. A'n Lished ± Mem. Local Stock Ex. I REMER, MITCHELL & REITZEL. INC.......... (208 S. LaSalle) 1EcA8?!«f (134 No, La Salie) '22 Geo. J. Prochnow. Pres. Sec. I BONDS FOR INVESTMENT. Telephone, Central 0283 (281 8. La Salle St.) **176 PRUDENTIAL GO. 'WALDEMAR deBILLE. l Pres, and Tr. Is. EDWIN EARLE, V P. GEORGE A. FLETCHER. The Baltimore Trust Co., Continental Illi V, P. nois Bank & Trust Co.. Harris Trust & DANAG.MORRISON.Sec. Savings Bank. The Prudential Co., Bal F. W. HOERBER, A. Sec. timore. INVESTMENT BANKERS Conway Bldg. t’25 (111 W. Washington Street) ,UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS (39 So. La Salle) 'H. T. RAY. Pres. \ F. L. NORTH, v. P. C. M. MURPHY, Sec. E. L. MITCHELL, L. M. CRESPIGNE, Cash. Asst. Tr. I UNDERWRITERS & DISTRIBUTORS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Howard Van S. Tracy. Pres. Edwin William Rogers, V. P. and Tr. Gordon D. Gregory, 2nd V. P. Ralph S. Longstaff, 3rd V, P. Richard J. Hickey, Sec. Pres. F P. and TV. ILAND B HI. V.P. and Sec. V.P. (231 te. La Salle) V28 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. IU. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cent. Tr. Co. of III., and 1st N. Bk., Chi.; Boatmen’s N., St. Louis. INVESTMENT SECURITIES (105 W. Adams) Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Cont.-Ill. Bk. & Tr, RUSSELL. BREWSTER & CO. ( Members New York Stock Exchange Members Chicago Stock Exchange Co.. Chi. 112 W. Adams ±172 <l Investment Securities. Investment Bonds Nat’l Bk. of Republic, Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Foreman-State N., Chi.; Frederick H.Hatch & Co., New York. Specialists In Chicago Bank Stocks and the better class of Unlisted Securities. Participations In underwritings. 0HN W. ESMOND, V.P. DAVID A. WARNER, V.P E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y., Phil., Bos., Den. C. H. BLISS, A. Tr. Los A.. San F., G. Rapids, London. Eng., M. H. WILDES, V.P. Tfl Paris, France and Milan, Italy. inInvestment Bankers ROSS, WM. L. & S^j COMPANY, ING. R. D. GREEN, Rothschild & Co.. RAY, H. T. & GO., ING. Cont. Ill, Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. L. E. Walls, V. P. Peo. Tr. & 8av., and Foreman-State N„ Chi.; H. S. Brownell. V. P. Springfield Marine and Springfield Secur. A. A. Reinecke, V. P. Sav., Springfield. Walter O.Caldwell, Jr.. V. P. Real Estate Bonds and Mortgages Security Oar lint Cenalderntlen. E. T. Cawley, A. Sec. Ohai. T. Ritchie. Pres. C. K. Anderson. V. P. Wm. A. Sheehan. _ V, P, and Sec. Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi. ROLLINS, E. H. A SONS THE MARTIN C. REMER. FRANK R. MITCHELL, Pres. V. P. EDWIN W. REITZEL, Sec. and Treas. Foreman-State National Bk., Chi. TETER, Pres. STUART T. RITCHIE, RITCHIE, TETER & CO., Inc. "PARK L. DONALD ROTHENBERGER, Tr. V. P. & Sec. (105 W. Adams St.) (120 So. La Salle) (231S. LaSalle) Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Investment Securities ROGERS & TRACY. INC. PR0CHN0W. R. E.A CO.. Inc. i R. E. Prochnow, Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships J. W. Davis & Co. and Clark, Dodge & Co., N. Y. U. S. Treasury Certificates and Notes, Liberty and Treasury Bonds, Bank and Bankers’ Acceptances, Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures, Municipal and State Bonds, Foreign External Bonds, Short Term Securities, Long Term Railroad Bonds, Equipment Mortgages, Industrial and Public Utility Bonds, MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Canadian Government, Provincial, and Municipal Obliga tions. Preferred Stocks, Bank and Insurance Company (1776 Continental Bank Bldg.) Stocks, Common Stocks. Offices: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Minneapolis and Cleveland. DISCOUNT HOUSE OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER ’ LAWRENCE REGAN & CO (105 West Adams St.) EDWIN J. LUDWIG. Pres. CLIFFORD J. BAIRD, Tr. 1st N., Chi. WILLIAM B. HEALY. V.P. OVE VETT, Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES LEON C. MURDOCK & CO., Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Telephone Randolph 0891 ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES in CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS specializeg 312 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. ■Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabiMem. Inv.Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. SCHTMH#N (231 So. La Salle St.) Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year tMem.StateBks.A'n. EstabIMem. Inv.Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. • other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories fL. J. Schimberg, Pres, and Treas. B. N. Trahan, V, P. & Sec. . Geo. Vandervoort, V. P, SLAYTON, W. L. & CO. - Branch of Toledo. Other offices In New York, Orlando, and New Orleans. (208 So. La Salle) IDT. Pres. . V. P. <fc Secy. GERS. V. P. <fc Tr. Smart, R. H. & Oo.______ ± (208 So. La Salle) Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi. V. P. & Sales Mgr. (120 So. La Salle) n vestment Securities mm\ 'Ashley B. Smith.............. Norman S. Smith Randolph 6507 (1404-105 So. La Salle) Schuberth & Co.. Wm. A.. ± (120 So. La Salle). .Investment Securities 'CEDRIC H. SMITH, Pres................................................... I NELSON W. BURRIS, P. and Sec, E. A. Pierce & Co. and Livingston & Co., N. Y. SMITH, BURRIS & COMPANY IE. W. ERZBERGER, Tr. Midwestern Syndicate Managers (120 So. La Salle St.) Government, Municipal, Railroad, Corporation and Foreign Government BONDS. (33 South Clark Room 629 (Correspondent*): Season good & Mayer. Cincinnati and New York. Wholesale Distributors of Guaranteed First Mort* gage Real Estate Bonds and Catholic Institu tional Securities; also Syndicate Participa tions in Industrial Stocks and Utilities. H. SMITH & COMPANY (1118 Bankers Bldg.) SEAVERNS & COMPANY (208 So. La Salle) TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 7171 GEO. A. SEAVERNS L. C.SEAVERNS BURFORD L. PORTER HENRY C. POHLZON MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade (Associate) New York Curb Chicago Curb Exchange Association (Depository) Union Bank of Chicago. 0CKWELL & it % (208 So. La Salle St.) Telephone Randolph 8470 (120 So M EMBERS: New York Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Associate) New York Office: 50 Broadway. I M- & SONS CO. (88 S. Dearborn) GEORGE C. MOSELEY* Resident Manager. IV. W. SPEER, Pre».._R. B. WALSH. V, P_________Chase N., N. Y.; lit N., Northern Tr. Co., B‘ *• CAMPBELL, Sec.and Tr. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. H. G. SPEER 0RA- SEE BANK LIST 1 THE Ross Beason & Co., Inc., N. Y„ Los A. and Salt Lake C.; Foreman-State N., Chi. for “FIXED TRUST SHARES” “Corporate Trust Shares” “ Basic Industry Shares.” W. E. BAIRD, Manager U ’87 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Farnum. Winter & Co., Lamson Bros, and E. Lowitz & Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Scott. Burrows & Christie .± (208 So. La Salle)........................................ SEAS0NG00D &st.)MAYER Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Schimberg, Trahan & Co., Inc., Det., Lansing, Slaughter. A. O. & Co____ ± (120So. LaSalle) Grand Rapids. Investment Bonds. iPubllc Utility Originations. SCHMIDT. C. L. & CO.. INC. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships 1’85 Munlolpal, County and School BONDS FOR INVESTMENT Salle St.) Spencer Trask & Co---------- (See Trask, Spencer & Co.) Shearson. Hammill & Co.--± (200 So. La Salle) SHERRITT & CO. PUBLIC UTILITY AND. . INDUSTRIAL FINANCING. Telephone State 9712. STANLEY & BISSELL, INC. (120 8* LaSalle) V13 Sincere. Charles & Co........ ± (231 So. La Salle) STANSBURY AND COMPANY (105 W. Adams) "HENRY W. SITES. Managing Director, MIGUEL A. Financial Engineering, General Surveys, Stein. Alstrin & Co.. 1 OTERO, Special, Santa Fe„ N. A/.. JOHN HURLBUT, Syndicate Organizers and Managers. Wholesale Security Distributors, Or ' Special, GUY W. SEEM, Special, p. o. PEDERSEN, ganize, Finance, Operate, Manage, I Special,W. E. NATTRESS, Special, Statesville, N.C., Direct Industrial and Financial Enter [.HIRAM D. FRANKEL, Special, M. J.SERRA, Special. prises and Fund Raising Campaigns. Stein Bros.. Securities Co. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Investment Bonds. Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr.Co.and Stanley & Bissell, Inc., N. Y. and Clev. Members Investment Bankers Associati on. Incorporated (208 S. La Salle) (176 W. Adams) (Randolph 5654) 'H. R. Brobst, Resident Vice-Pres.. Northern Tr. Co., Chi. S?ANSSTbW Investment Securities (211-219 S. La Salle) (209 S. La Salle) 105 W. Adams St. i ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES Telephone Randolph 0891 I specializing m CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 313 Chicago—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. A n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. LAWRENCE STERN AND COMPANY Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bks. A’n. Yeah tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A'n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. Other Offices. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories DIRECTORS WM. WRIGLEY. JR. CHAS.S. PEARCE HERBERT L. STERN JOSEPH J. RICE. v.P. E. C. WAMPLER, V.P. (231 So. La Salle St.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES JOHN HERTZ A. D. LASKER CHAS. A. MoCULLOCH ALF. ETTLINGER.F.P. R. D. KAUFMAN, V.P . L- STERN. Pres, Sullivan & Co...................... ± (327 S. La Salle) Chicago New York BANK DEPOSITORIES First National Bank of Chicago Foreman-State National Bank of Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Tr. Co.. Chicago Chase National, New York SUTRO BROS. & CO.- ±196 (135 S. LaSalle) H. F. NORCOTT- Pres. H. D. BENNETT.V.P. C. C. NILES, v. P. (Affiliated Corporations) M. W. GEORGE. Sec. W. SCOTT CARROLL. Compt. and A. Sec. C. P. PACKER, JR., Tr. EDWARDS. FLYNN, LESLIE NEEDHAM, STONE, H.0.& CO, Foundation Laid 1835 (Clark & Madison Sts.) I. A. Escb, Resident Partner. New York Office, 120 Broadway. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EX CHANGE, CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE, NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE. First National Bank, Chicago Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chicago Partners SWIFT. LANGILL & HENKE Gen. Counsel (168 W. Monroe) Real Estate and Mortgage Investments HARofoBLUl! ±’26 1st N.. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.. Harris Tr., Northern Tr., Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. SPECIALISTS IN CHICAGO BANK STOCKS AND UNLISTED SECURITIES AND BROKERS IN CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ISSUES ( Robert H. van Densen, STONE & WEBSTER AND V. P, and Mgr. Chicago Office Stone & Webster and Blodget. Inc.. N. Y.. BLODGET, INC.............. 1 •<l (Investment Securities) Boston, and Phila. (33 So. Clark St.) STRANAHAN, HARRIS & OATIS, INC. Branch of Toledo. Other offices New York, THOMPSON, 0. W. & CO. (208 So. LaSalle) Detroit, Central Tr. Co., Chi. T24 Investment Securities, Underwriters and Distributors. Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 39 So. La Salle St., Chicago V. P. OATIS, V.-P. and Mgr. Chicago Office (AbeAckerman. Pres, Alvin H. Baum, V. P. STRAUS BROTHERS J. I. D. Straus. V. P. Herman Baum, V. P. INVESTMENT CO. . . . . . . Teo ;1M. E. Gueroult. V, P. Maurice Brubaker, See. (33 No. LaSalle) ' First Mtge. Bonds STRAUS, S.W.& GO. Wm.J. Bolitho. tr. LIEB. .JR.. Pres, and JOHN R. T , H. M. HENRIK_ _ V. P. and Sec. Tr. THOMPSON SECURITIES CORP. (208 So. LaSalle) I-23 Directors Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. Capital $10,000,000 Government, Municipal and Underlying Corporation Bond S. Sec. & Gen. Counsel Mlfe" STRAUS. INCORPORATED Founded 1882 JTI2 W. (Straus Bldg., Michigan Ave. & Jack- 'mf, son Blvd.) Telephone Wabash 4800 Asst. Sec. Thomson-Laadt & Co. S. ff. Straus & Co., Inc., N. Y. Telephone State 3521) (Merged with Peabody & Co.) Investment Securities Thomson & McKinnon___ ± (209 S. La Salle) f Bd. STUDEBAKER SECURITIES COMPANY (231 So. LaSalle St., JOHN R. Ohem.Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi.; Straus Bros. Co., Inc., Buff, and Rochester. N. ¥. Branches: Det.,St. L,, Ft.Wayne.Mil.. Evans ville. Tol.. Grand Rapids. Clev., Indpls and South Bend. Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities TILDEN. AVERILL & CO. (134 So. La Salle St.) ' A, Tilden, Pres.. W, F. James. Jr., Tr. L.E.Tilden. V.P. J. H. Rawleigh, Sec. Investment Securities. MANAGEMENT George M. Studebaker, President John J. Seerley, Treasurer Orville J. Taylor, Vice-President Ed. M. Posey, Sales Director TRASK ft C0„ SPENCER i CHICAGO, ILL. —KANSAS CITY, MO. —COLUMBUS, O. —WOOSTER, O. —DES MOINES, IA. JEFFERSON CITY, MO. —INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — EVANSVILLE, IND. —MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. (208 8o. La Salle) ±«tT70 ARTHUR R. GILBERT Res. Partner__________ Spencer Trask & Oo.. N. Y.. Alb.. Phil. Providence, and Bos. Investment Securities MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. 105 W. Adams St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Telephone Randolph 0891 i originators of high I specializing in grade securities CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS 314 Chicago — Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. • Mem. Am.Bks. A n. Year tMem.StateBKs.A’n. EstabIfMem. Inv. Bks. A’n. lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. TROY(105&W.COMPANY Adams) Members of Firm Branch managers Exchange Memberships L. J. TROY, President LINCOLN V. AQUADRO, V. P. RICHARD S. MORRIS, Sec. A TROY, GRAHAM & COMPANY, INC. (111 W. Monroe St.) (Telephone Randolph 4430) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Adams, Salesman___________________ Branch of Davenport, la. WHITE-PHILLIPS CO., THE f Stanley (39 So. La Salle) 1 Harry Young, Salesman L Michigan Are.) ■TOM* Chicago Trust Co., Int’lTr.Co.,Den. Chicago. U. S. Nat’l, Den. Harris Tr., Chicago Colorado Nat’l, Com. Tr. Co., K. C. Den. Frank 8. Whiting, V. P. 1st N„ Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Blv’d Harry M. Bicknell, Bridge. Chi. V. P, and Treas, .Investment Securities. rR. E. Wilsey, B. J. Clarke, V. P. and Tr. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; C. E. Doyle & Pres. Wilbur Helm. V. P. and Sec. Co., N. Y. W. B. Egan. V.P. N. P. Zech. V. P. I Investment Securities. WILSEY ft COMPANY, R.E. I (Incorporated) V14 (120 So. La Salle St.) Memlme Investment Bankers Aes’n. THQS. J. WARDELL ) CHAS. L. TRUMBULL YPartners_____________ _ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., N. Bk. Rep. and Northern Trust Co., Chi. E. D. NORTON ) (105 W. Adams) ± Investment Bankers F. Klotz, Sec. Investment Bonds Specializing in Public Utilities. TRUMBULL WARDELL & CO. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships rL. H. Whiting, Pres. Tr. L. J. KNAUF, President D. GRAHAM. Vice Pres. S. A. GRAHAM, Treasurer P. F. Um^l Secretary •Mem. Am. Bks. A'n. Ykar JMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. A’n. lishkd ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. , Members New York Stock Exchange Associate Members New York Curb Exchange Members Chicago Stock Exchange Members Chicago Board of Trade WINTHROP-MITCHELL & GO. (The Rookery) ±’07 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Winthrop-Mitchell & Co.. N. Y. Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, Kansas City Board of Trade, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Winnipeg Grain Exchange. ^Investment Securities Wollenberger & Co--------»1 (105 S. La Salle)__________________________Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. UTILITY SECURITIES COMPANY 230 So. La Salle Specializing in Public Utility Financing Participating in the financing of Commonwealth Edison Company, Middle West Utilities Company and subsidiaries, The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company, Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Midland United Company and subsidiaries, Insuii Utility Investments, Inc. and others. NEW YORK MINNEAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS LOUISVILLE G. STUART WATSON, Pres.____________ R. G. WATSON, V. P. C.J. SCOFIELD, JR., Sec. J. FRANK ALDRICH, V.P. G. STUART WATSON, INC. (29 So. LaSalle St.) ST. LOUIS RICHMOND MILWAUKEE DETROIT Transportation Bank, Chicago. WOODS, FAULKNER & CO. A. E. FAULKNER -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. L. G. DEUELL INVESTMENT SECURITIES Inc. (29 So. La Salle) 'WM. H. WYANT WYANT & G0.«» I (39 So. La sail*) Members Investment Bankers Ass'n. embers Indiana State Bankers Ass'n, ZEILER.F.M.&CO. (209So. La Salla) ±’98 INVESTMENT SECURITIES HARRY G. WATTS & GO. HARRY C. WATTS, CHARLES G. DAWES Foreman-State N. and Harris Trust & Sav ings Bank, Chicago. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Woods, Faulkner & Co., Kan. C.; Northern Tr. Co. and Transportation, Chi. CHICAGO SECURITIES. (Member Chicago Stock Exchange) Chicago Stock Exchange.. R. Arthur Wood, Pres. Paul H. Davis, V, P. Leroy A. Goddard, Tr, Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi. Investment Securities. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Bk. Rep., Northern Tr. Co.,: 1st N., Harris Tr. & Sav., Cent. Tr. Co. of III., Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi. Tr. Co., and ForemanState N., Chi. Charles T. Atkinson, Ch, Wm. A. Schuberth. V.-Ch. Charles T. Atkinson. Sec. Incorporated (39 So. La Salle St.) Webster. Marsh & Co------ ± (209 So. La Salle) WEST & GO. •If 1900 (120 So. La Salle St.) CHAS. W. ISAACS, Jr., Resident Manager MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK Iranch of (see) Philadelphia. Ofllces EXCHANGE in New York, Atlanta, Baltimore,Bos MEMBERS NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE ton, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, San Fran MEMBERS PHILADELPHIA STOCK cisco, Allentown, Altoona, Harris EXCHANGE burg, Johnstown, Lancaster, Pottsvllle, Reading, Scranton, Springfield, Listed and Unlisted Stocks Wilkes - Barre, Williamsport, and and Bonds York. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LEON C. MURDOCK & CO.. Inc. RATES OF COMMISSION The minimum commission on transactions in bonds shall not be less than $2.00. The minimum commission on transactions in stocks shall be not less than $5.00; Pro vided, that upon transactions between members the mini mum commission shall be $1.00 upon stocks selling at $10.00 and above per share, and 50c upon stocks selling be low $10.00 per share, but not less than $1.00 per share; 105 W. Adams St. Telephone Randolph 0891 Provided, also, that there shall be no minimum commis sion fixed upon transactions in odd lots executed by mem bers for and on behalf of odd lot dealers who have been approved as such by the Exchange, but the commissions to be charged to odd lot dealers upon the execution of transactions in odd lots shall be calculated without any minimum. ORIGINATORS OF HIGH GRADE SECURITIES spECALmNajN CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 31 S I?, each bank in L - s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Town and County, o.Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦F ed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DlT. Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Chicago Heights ^•Citizens National Bank: Cecil A. Evans____ F. M. Miller............ A. J. West_______ Irving T. Webb.__ 7 Cook D22 22,117 70-181 ©M’29 COMMERCIAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n D. T. McClure, W. G. Nichols____ J. H. Cummings. ther Loana Bonds Miscel Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and chawqm.Dci and Capital its Discounts 8ecuritias laneous from Bank* ties Profits 200.000 3> 50,000 $ 301,160 $ 50,000 $ 236,980 $ 139,980 $ M. F. Walwer. 200.000 237,570 2,103,210 13,800 First National Bank & Trust W. W. M. Davis... E. R. Davis, Jr., C. F. Meyers, I. D. Ruge......... Co----------------------- d®T»i'01 E. R. Davis. Ch. V. P. and Tr. Off. V. P. and Cash. F. W. Landsea 200.000 151,570 2,971.670 200,000 127.180 2,435,740 $200-i0%pari00 70-119 dB©*l'06 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 45,700 $ 178,500 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. 834,190 55,790 300,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet and St. L. 225,560 1,384,710 1,219,080 125,270 719.750 ChaseN.. N. Y.:Cont.ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.and 1st N.. Chi. 58,070 1,168,180 1,110,940 151,840 390,030 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 1,363,670 $225-12% par 100 79-179 FIRST STATE I.UWE!,-l,’nuH....! ........ „.TOAIOS. BANK par 100 dB®»I§'93 70-178 Chllllcothe__.1986 First National Bank®T«tl909 7 Peoria F12 $225-10% 70-669 Trnitt-Matthews Banking Co 10% par 100 70-66* d®»Ji’68 Chrlsman ___ noi First National Bank........ j’04 7 Edgar 122 $200-8% 70-804 State Bk. of Ohrisman.®tl,6I 76-80* Christopher _ _3830 Christopher State Bank I Franklin P15 $275-20% 76-1761 ®*t*'12 ~ If. E. He! Asst, to Pres. A. (j. 5?Hi^LLADING DRAFTS and all banking MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION. $340-12% fNEY O. B. Zinser______ F. N. Coon_______ Fred Scheeler......... R. H. Zinser............ 25.000 45,000 290,000 145.000 147.000 40,000 R. H. Truitt--------- W.M. Mead______ W. M. Mead______ O. K. Mooney____ Henry Truitt J. B. Lindlay_____ J. M. Wasson........ Frank McOuddy— 43,200 44,590 748,120 9,040 563,910 130,250 24,100 26.000 30.550 211,890 25.000 175,920 47.370 6,800 O. A. Newkirk ___ F. J. Light_______ D. O. Light_______ Raymond Nowlin. 50,000 98,830 346,920 221,460 202.720 19,990 A. E. Pika________ R. Teffertillar .... a L. Pike_____ 35.000 42,210 827,230 9,680 300,740 410,660 46.950 60,000 37,320 1,304,930 48,110 238,580 980,970 34,470 196.330 Chi. Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. City and 1st N.. St, L. 100,000 101, 690 1,018,570 24,710 690,090 247,400 104,660 202,820 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. First National Bank d®*l'06 G. W. Ward______ W.T.Silkwood, Act. Ray M.Cook___ $250-14% par 100 70-12*1 J. G. Gillespie Alta M. Hereford. Ernest Browning Cfeero______ 71.600 BAKER STATE BARK i CNAS. J. BAKER. F. J. SONNLEITNEIt7 Cook 021 $140 par 100 70-1915 dB®<|'19 I Ch. of Bd. <k Pres. ANNA MACHESKY {Chicago P. O.) [Try this progre ssive young bank for prompt perso nai service. (5825 Roosevelt Road) ' Quick iReturns on Collections. Give os a trial. + CICERO STATE HOWARD HUGHES—G. C. STOFFEL- - - - - - - S. D. WITXOWSKI. (25th St. & Cicero) +Cicero Trust & Savings Bk. Byron O. Thorne, P. L. Evans_______ A. F. Sobotka, W. P. Kozelsky___ $300-12% 70-1841 dB®T*tlT4 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. John W. Rakowski V. P, and Cash. W. Wyrzykowski par 100 (5200 W. 25th St.) 76-2012 niiiy dB®«'20 (6000 W. 22nd Street) Mid-West State Bk.dB©t§‘27 $130 par 100 70-2118 (5939 Roosevelt Rd.) +Pinkert State Bk„dB®TIT6 $350-12% 70-1916 par ioo (4810 W. 22nd St.) 51.590 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N.. Indnls. 155,750 Gty. Tr. Co. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Otn.: Mtle.-Com. Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. City, St. L. 151,100 260.000 3,750,000 20.000 2.650,000 900,000 578,000 Equitable Trust C9. „_„__r_New York 22,000 Coutllieuial Illinois Bitllk & Trust Co* Chicago Collections presented and remitted for promptly. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. par 100 1260-7 y2% HARK par 100 wriiwiv 25.000 Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 126,700 1st N., Ohi.; 1st N. and State Tr. & Sav.. Peoria. 62,350 N. Bk. Rep.,Chi.; Fletcher Am.N.,lndpls. BBUNO DRAKE. V. P. and Cash. D. DANKOWSKI IKOWSKI CICERO’S OLDEST BANK Invitee yonr business. 'ER 70-1222 nflyi/ $coo-i2% KflRK 1B®T*» 97 FIRST NATIONAL OTTO Ch. of .... D CHARLES KRUPKA— STANLEY L.CHLEBOUN JAMES KLIMA- - - - - - - EMIL SMRZ M. A. WIESE E. J. TUBER, Aud. d. and Pres. Complete Banking Service. Special attention given Collection*. J. E. Melich, J. F. Rerabek_____ J. E. Melich........... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Carl O. Ryd i Edwin G. Melich .. R. N. Ballou, Alfred Pinkert .... C. M. Higgins_____ G. C. Hupka______ Ch. of Bd. and Pres, Harry Pinkert C. J. Beranek BARTON. WESTERN STATE 'RANK KlRCHMAN* H F TmL ------ HENRY “E ™AL BANK Ch. of Bd. Tr. Officer FRANK I' VALESZL ' Q. P. KIRGHMAN, Sec. 200.000 156,570 2,446,440 300.000 306,130 4,419,240 18,300 1,592.180 632,000 407.590 Chatham-Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 189,550 770,220 Guarantv Trust Co. 122,130 2,589,500 1.787,780 “THE ONLY NATI ONAL BANK IN C ICER O.” 100,000 28,760 322,840 3,530 200,000 221,880 2,877,040 200,000 500,000 115,990 3,878,360 30,060 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 38,610 1,865,850 1,147,740 106.000 379,330 Irv. Tr.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 46,580 2,186,250 1.236,980 245,500 872,200 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. 1 > and Trust Company Chicago • & Tr. Co., N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1 (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House Ass ’n + ) Continental Illinois Bank Ww York Kaspar American State Bank, Chicago 208,010 178,460 i.csr^.inn — ■■■■ “THE ONLY BANK IN CICERO UNDER CHICAGO CLEARING ♦ 7<M778 ( 6601 Wwfnd^Sn HOt)SE A^» FEDERAL RESERVE SUPERVISION”.___________________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 316 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town amd County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Bes. District. oMem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrir. JMem. State B. Asa’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®SaT.$LastSale%DiT. Pabsidcmt. Ciane________526 Oiane State Bank _»t5’20 J. W. Barth. 1 Wayne N18 1200-18% par 100 79-1224 7 Iroquois 020 Asa’T Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. J. J. Peltier............ Iroquois County State Bank Sam A. Brown____ John Reineke_____ Herman Salmon, two par 100 79-1226 d®tS'89 Jr. Peoples State Bank. dB®i’20 F. L. Brum back... Otto Newman____ Luella C. Rose.... par 100 70-1968 R. F. RMirri J. F. Shafer. Joe Fite Claremont___U6 Claremont State Bank dii'll C. J. Sheraden, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. t Richland M20 $128-8% par 100 70-1711 D. A. Frederick... " ----- a DU rifon “ 19.500 5.500 58.000 10.000 5,500 25,000 7,500 180.000 90,000 60,000 12,500 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N„ Pax- 431,530 52,070 11,850 76,400 1st N„ Chi.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. 80.000 52.500 5,000 123.280 2.200 10.250 16,750 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 111,440 59,870 13,800 240,220 184,660 12,510 67,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st Tr. & Sav„ Kankakee. 52,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; City N.. 25.000 7,860 218,750 600 H. G. MOREL------ M. L MOREL-------- EL. iz a^ etSlrWse~ J(J. 6. GLEASON — 25.000 38,200 414,050 12,500 621,900 363,680 D. A. Smith Farmers State Bk.~d®t|'20 R. L. Lutton------- R. R. Meents_____ D. M. Meents____ W. J. Ruckrigel___ J. J. Ruckrigel $128-7% par 100 79-1012 $135-7% par 100 70-1971 d®tl’19 FIRST NATjOIM^BANK-l 02 $228-12% par 100 79-896d®%'72 JOHN WARNER BANK . 70-396 d®*tl'90 45,570 1,035,070 John Warner_ _ _ Q. Lewis_ _ _ _ (G. 8. MARVEL-— W. R. PARKER_ _ _ _ R. C. PARKER_ _ _ _ CHAS. M. scon.— < Send us your Cl inton business. Special attention given Bill 100,000 24,430 802,150 2,870 310,760 360.700 18,700 75.000 39.810 636,910 20,000 443,840 106.200 37,000 25,000 101,400 951,220 21.810 591,100 420,380 9.520 25,000 17.500 200,000 140,000 7,500 363,770 25.000 171.630 139,040 27,570 28,200 69.160 15,670 66.150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. and Joliet 44,690 1st N.. St. L. 40,050 4,150 49.850 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi. 151,850 33,750 9.070 36.060 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Ohi.; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds.; III. State. Quincy. 232,300 39,130 23,950 First State Bank_________ <112 John D. Mesler.____ J. A. Oerny_______ D. A. Burgeois 85,000 8,240 176,900 98,220 24,350 162.430 25,000 296,150 Coffeen___________ 945 Coffeen National Bk,..d<’06 Louis Spinner______ F. W. Barry 8 Montgomery L14 $180-8% par 100 79-671 |J. W. BAILEY... W. H, Duecker.___ L. T. Wilderman.. Fays G. Libber— 35,000 12,240 220.380 MoLEAl------ L. H. RINEHART— 25,000 33,010 307,180 25.000 21,400 184,330 25.000 10,610 318.640 E. 1. ] Prompt attentl on given Colleetl oas and Correepo ndence. d®«t'07 {Please enclose 15c with each Sight Dr aft for preaentatio n and 25c for each report. PEOPLES STATE BARK 79-788 a! _____ 95,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 8tate St; Bk. & Tr. Co.. Q ninej. 115.540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 37.750 70-1762 79,430 1st N„ Chi. 25,310 25.000 8180-14% par 100 239.290 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Obi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L : N. Stk.Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 184,690 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co„ 8t. L. J L. Walker................... M. C. Lockard............. R. F. Wallace. A.C. P. T. Chapman. Jr. 70-739 Kankakee. of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items. {Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft fo rpresentation and 2 5«/or Credit Reports. First National Bank. -•11990 I. H. Lawrence_____ 79-1280 H. H. Lamer Colchester___ 1387 7 XeDon'gh G6 30.000 193,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y-: 1st N. and Cont. Ill Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi.: Millikln Lee Fosnough d®tl 67 • STATE BANK OF CLINTON $118-8% “ 24,260 130,800 J. .. 166,320 130,000 1,300 ton. 130,800 5.390 10.000 6.000 Drov. N„ Chi. 17.000 1st N„ Olney. 73,740 1st N.. N. Y. and Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L. 7,500 (Now operating an investment bank) .80 Cloverdale 7 Da-Page B19 Coal City_______1744 First National Bank d®«fl2 Wm. Campbell___ R. W. Carper_____ J. H. Thornton___ N. R. Campbell... 24% par 100 70-1724 7 Brandy £18 VWW ■■ M AAA ^ • WV Coatsburg State Bk...® t{'09 H. C. 8prick_____ W. A. Heidbreder . D. L. McNeall par 100 70-1129 8 Adams IS *• 58.000 70,000 15.000 J.T. Yeldell. . M. Pevehouse 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 55.000 30.000 F. A. Wever_____ Jane Babb. A. C. 17,000 35,000 Chase N..N.T.: Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr.Co.,Chi.; N.Stk.Yds, N„ N. Stk.Yds., III. 3.500 C. C. Dunham, Sec.. Clayton State Bank d®t§’28 .T. S. Wallace...__ Oscar Franks_____ W. H. Craig . . 70-2123 8. A. Brown_____ F. H. Luecke— M. A. Brock______ Mabel E. Brock__ Claytonville State Bank $200-12% par 100 „ 8,000 1,000 S 25,000 •• 8 Union Q15 343,000 497,030 H. E. Teach PRIWCIPAL OOKRESPONDEMTS. 15.000 cyiQS DEWITT COUNTY NAT. BANK ea 5,000 50,000 $ 24,760 14% par 100 70-394 i* 358,000 J Oldest Bank In Clifton. Send ns your Drafts, Not es, and COsb ite ms, (.direct for prom pt and satlsfacto ry service. C. E. Cope........... 100,000 Richard Snell_ _ _ Leonard W.Ingham 7 Dewitt H16 H 10,000 2,500 $ 140,000 $ 60,900 O. L. Bartlett Claytonville.. .164 7 Iroquois G 21 Clifton_ _ _ _ _ 638 7 Iroquois F20 85,000 TIES 319,010 Clayton 10S8 Bartlett & Wallace State Bk. J. R. Moffett $175-8% par 100 70-889 dB®tf’88 8 Adams 16 •• 8,500 $ 200,000 $ Resources. Le&ma Bond* Miscel OiiilliAnd and witw.Bn DiaeauaU SaouritiM laneous VMM Baku 16,110 J. E. Gibbs______ J. B. Gibbs . „ O. H. Bones. 15,000 $ I Other 50,000 Clay City_____648 Olay City Banking Oo..<|'92 O. W. Hopkins. $126-8% par 100 79-1227 I Olay H18 .. Liabilities. Surplus DnroaPaid-up AND Capital Profits Alva Bradham. ___ $ F. M. Brock. Clarence_____280 Clarence State Bank d®ti*02 8. Frederick_____ par 100 79-1236 7 Ford G19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued _ dB®*16 06 R. L. CARSON........... R H SHELLEY n. E. CARSON------ i n RiR^nM \1 ASpecial modern equip ped Financial In stltutlon. attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. {Please send 15c tot th each Sight Draft fo r presentation and 25 efor Credit Reports. Colfax________ 976 Fanners State Bankd®»tl'15 B. B. Harris-------- W. A. Harris_____ C. L. Harris............ F. E. Leaf_______ 7 McLean G17 $150-8% 70-1880 nvestment Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Securities 260 Continental Illinois Company ^Chicago 59,130 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bloomington and Joliet. 1st N„ CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 01^7 -t / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW* AMD OOtJWTT. ‘County Seats. Wig. under town is Fed. Bes. District. Collinsville .10,573 I Madison Mil •Mem. A.B. A. "New § State fPrir. {Mem. BUte B. Ass'll. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. C. 8AUEN FIRST NATIONAL (A. 1 BANK “ SUte Bank of Collinsville R. Guy Kneedler — 1200-12% 70-293 dB®*tl'91 W. E. Hadley, Ch. par 100 Colli son .200 Peoples State Bank____ ti'99 R. O. Vinson 7 Vermilion H21 70-1281 Columbia____ 1592 I Monroe N10 M. 6. Oiiim. PEERS------- W. L. KAEMPER- AnsT tUasin tlWM-ir lOOJXX) 25,800 15,000 STUB?1"— 58,880 66,580 1,022,110 H. L KUNZ Gen. L. Gehn 16,610 56,608 407,490 670,370 20,200 90,640 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., ChL; 1st N„ St. L. 10,000 215,310 26,010 14.000 33,320 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Joliet. 7,000 1st N.. Chi. ttts. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., 8,150 120,100 1.450 110,693 10,942 16,910 16,150 Peo. Tr. 28,880 243.970 26,250 234,380 43,250 15,400 31,080 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 9,000 125,000 22,000 110,000 75,000 50,000 13.500 200.000 10,000 115,000 75,000 48,000 35,000 Foreman-State N. Chi.; Brookfield State, Brookfield. 30.000 21.310 110,070 128,220 5.000 11,380 17,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; Corn Belt. Bloomington. 15.000 7.000 140,000 94,000 12,000 5.000 36,000 3.000 108,000 3,000 95.000 25,000 11,000 10,000 500 24.000 5,000 18,000 5,000 8,000 25,000 27.460 238,450 25,000 102,440 160,610 10.080 ft. T,. Mnnre Ed. Cosart 25.000 16.420 283,020 244,500 18,000 13.250 R. F. Peterson........ 25.000 8,000 210,000 7,000 150,000 33,000 36,000 31,000 1st N., St. L,; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 25.000 23,380 280,500 25,000 249,500 60,040 44,330 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N„ Indpls. Thos. Joes Martin Kennedy.. Martin Coleman, Ch. Geo. W. Baker — Chas. Blim______ Otto F. Rohe____ Alice G. Ryan___ Fred B. Rohe Chas. Blim, Ch. 30,000 19.500 252.810 25.000 10,210 150,550 L. Irene Meeker... 25,000 16,000 25,000 11,160 & Sav., Chi.; 111. SUte, Qnincy. 21,000 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.,St. L. 36.000 Chi. Tr. CO., Chi. ,®if'20 J. P. Holland . Cottonwood ...200 State Bank of Cottonwood R. H. Hale_______ 70-1938 dTiJ'17 8 Gallatin 019 (Omaha P. O.) Coultervllle ..1407 First National Bank d®»t'13 T. P. Armstrong... James Geggie_____ J. K. Carlton_____ C. J. McKelvey___ 8 Randolph 012 $200-6% par ioo 70-1287 SUteRk. of Oowden.d®tl’10 1150-10% ♦ 70-978 R. O.Clarida............ R. M. Tavlnr Creal Springs. 1002 Citizens SUte Bank___dtl’10 H. L. Patterson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 79-888 8 Williamson QIC 1100-4% Crescent City .310 First National Bank .B®*$’02 $230-12 % 79-1288 7 Iroquois F20 par 100 Farmers Bank_____d®»tl’14 1150-7% 70-1239 7 Ogle B15 par ioo Crete _ 045 Farmers State Bk._dB®iS'20 1130-8% 79-1996 7 Will D22 par ioo Citizens SUte Bank dB®t!'18 $120-7% par 100 70-1062 7 McLean G17 J. E. McDermott — Peter McDermott.. t'07 A S. E.Thnmae____ G. M. Meeker 18.000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi. 8,000 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 42,770 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. ■ -. 48,310 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L. 200,100 21,430 7,920 72.880 Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.: Rochelle Tr. & Sav., Rochelle; Rockford N„ Rockford. 147.640 1,100 21,740 25,290 Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com’l. Chi. Heights. 300,000 250,000 19,000 7,000 65,000 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington. 174,100 12,100 1 174,610 15,140 5.490 27,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.: Citiz. N„ Evansville. 10,000 W. A. Elliott M Stum A. H. Cleveland__ R, P. Kinney___ 7&~124c Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86.070 71 tto 84,370 25,000 7 IPirct Nstinnsl RbnNr 391,810 25,800 Cornell______ 528 Farmers State Savings Bank__ (Closed February 7, 1930) 7 Livingston F17 Cornland____ 219 SUte Bank of Cornland®tt'20 0. P. Lanham____ J. T. Irving............ M. B. Drake. 6% 70-1985 Logan 114 par 100 150,050 Irv. Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Htle.-Com Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 809,850 10,530 210,650 George Shumate... C. C. Opdycke____ F. G. Weiss ._ . 8 White 020 87,420 1,238,130 17,990 50.000 SUte Bankof Colusa. ®t|’19 George W. Single- Jesse Lionbercer.. Everett Dorothy .. Genevieve Dorothy 1115-4% par 100 70-1984 ton First National Bank.d®»f88 J. S. Richardson _ Wm. Ditch_______ L. M. Corwin_____ Leslie G. Archer... $160-8% par 100 70-1233 Concord State Bank___ tS'68 Walter McOartr__ Occille McOartr— 1180-8% par 100 79-1284 8 Morgan 19 P. Elennian Chas. Bossert Congress Park.321 Congress Park State Bank A. H. Hein 1131.50-6% 70-2108 dB®»t§’26 7 Cook C22 par 100 N. L, ElbertCooksviUe____297 State Bank of Cooksville $125 par 100 70-1285 ®»t|'92 7 McLean G17 7 Shelby K15 PiUMCIFAL OORRESFONDEHTa. 72,350 $1228110 $ 567,980 $ 147,000 $ 271,720 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City and 1st N„ St. L. mann sheimer Colusa 224 7 Hancock G5 Compton..........283 7 Lee C15 79-1893 $ 181.180 $ 148,660 11893790 1 ) FIFTEEN CKNT S sent to ns with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd 1 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS tor aneb e redlt repert Insnr as pswaapt, person al atton l Oldest and Larg est Bank. Monroe Co. Sav. Bk.S Tr.Oe. 1125-6% par 100 70-1800 ®2S’20 7 Bock IsTandCIO im-4% | Resources. LIABILITIES. Loua Bonds Mibctcl- Gam* lxthbb Paid-up Drnroa- LOiabili and and ajtd ■iwm.Hw Cxmu Pionrt m DiMonata ■senritiss laubous ties Chas. Maurer____ G, G. McCormick.. Robert Ittig____ C. A. Hartmann Mary A. Meyer O. L. Lumaghi J. P. Henry______ M. S. Campbell___ FIRST NATIONAL rC. SCHULER-— E. A. WEIHEL BANK d|®*j,°5 1250-12% par 100 70-1282 .. Vicn-Pnnmnmrr. \ Courteous- Safe-Conser vative-Progr essive. / YOU WILL PIN D BANKING A P LEASURE WITH THIS INSTITUV TION. CAN WE 8EBV8 YOU? 70-294 “___ — PtnmuT Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued and Trust Company — (Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 010 TSWIAHDOOCSTT. ^County Seats. Fie. under town is Fed. Ret. District. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew IState tPrir. tMem. State B. Aaa'n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Cask k iiPaid-up Surplus Depos- _Other LiAbiuiand asuwe*A,I>ox Capital Propits ITS Discounts Securities LANSOTJB nuns Banks TIE8 Crystal Lake .2249 Home State Bank _.d©*t§’15 Wm. Pinnow______ B. Raue____________ A.H.Henderson,Jr. Hilda Kegebeln.__ $ 7 McHenry B19 $225-12% 70-1876 C. E. Cohn par loo fW. H. WILBUR.......... P. F. ROSENTHAL-— LYNN RICHARDS — E. T. HUFFMAN - — •• _____ .. •• || ...... 63,100 15,530 $ 123,750 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; 1st 923,420 63.870 908,980 11,750 82,780 50.000 18.180 249,050 50.000 17,950 son ooq 25,000 5.820 274.620 25.000 24,840 Marie Gemmil'.... 15,000 1,650 A. F. Lentz.......... ..... J. F. Karraker .... 25,000 5,000 Italene Acks--------I. Underwood 25,000 1.090 Gertrude B. Wagner 25,000 25,000 Elizabeth Maynard Esther Parks First National Bank..........t’07 J. L. Shearer______ Chas. Ottmuller... W. J. Kiley_______ J. W. Shearer____ $200-10% par 100 70-1243 Eugene Kiley Dahlgren............ MS Dahlgren State Bank--31'07 L. L. Aydt | Hamilton 016 $100-6% 70-1067 50,000 219,950 102,310 11.500 198,510 122,500 6.450 44,950 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Chi.: 4.000 143,380 117,690 5,500 42,870 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. CO. and 1st N., Chi.; 388,300 20.000 263,200 148,710 7,570 38,660 Cont. Ill.. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., 121,170 150 37.860 61,350 7.400 31.350 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 117,000 3.700 13,670 15,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., E. 159,610 117.730 16.100 14,070 37.790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 10,380 is*? i?n 122,220 18,620 40,120 37,530 1st N., and Stock Yds. N., Ohi.; 1st N., Joliet and Freeport. 27.000 275,000 240.000 50,000 350,000 350,000 Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 1st N., Joliet; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. Kankakee. St. L. Wm. Rawls_______ (Closed July 19, 19 29) Dakota .248 Dakota State Bank ..d®3S’09 H. A. Hilmer............. F. A. Butterfield.. 7 Stephenson A12 $100 70-1246 Dallas City ...1140 Farmers State Bank.®«$l'04 J. U. Vaughn-------J. H. Vass ........... S. G. Rowe________ 7 Hancock OB 70-776 C. A. Eckles " __ " First National Bank___ *1000 L. M. Loomii______ W. N. Byler. 70-774 Dalton City ...441 Hlght State Bank_______ $*’92 G. E. Hight................ 7 Moultrie J16 70-1246 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st la. State Tr. & Sav., Burling ton. 40,000 Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Ohi.; Merch. N.. Burlington, la. Drov. N., Ohi.; Mtllikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. H, F. Blaek 75,000 33,500 C. R. Hight 30,000 10,000 Danforth______308 Farmers 8tate Bank.d‘31’15 H. 0. Wolgast, W. H. Whitsitt — Robt. R. Kohl man. Arthur Borchers.. 7 Iroquois F26 10% par 100 70-1248 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 30,000 21,630 256,540 9,010 153,490 122,490 170 Danvers 616 Farmers 8tate Bank d®$|’ll J. C. Nafziger_____ Wm. Miller................ W. D. Kitchell.... M. E. Hedrick.......... 7 McLean 014 11*5-7% par 100 70-1608 Robert Otto 40,000 13,920 373,480 4,100 318,000 52,800 13,020 25.000 42,100 399,000 12,000; 385,150 18,400 150,000 185,270 893,450 50,000! 964,320 122,630 -------- " First National Bank. d®«$’03 H. D. Stephenson.. Peter Risser_______ H. H. Argo________ L. S. Stuckey------$225-9%par 100 70-1249 Fred Stappenbeck & •% 100 'COMMERCIAL TR. GEO. ‘Danville....38,800 ‘AMERICAN BK. TR. CO. A. M. BUSHNELL- W. M. ACTOR 7 Vermilion H22 par 70-90 dB®T»$*'07 70-86 dB0T‘t»'O3 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-85dB DT«t'67 (Danville Banks Co ntinued on next page) $250-10% W. TELLING_ _ FRED ___ J. A. FOSTER____ J. H. WILLETT, Tr. Off. BASS. V. P. and Mgr. kiBIMrJNO. H. McGORMIGK . E. R. TELLING......... G, R, TELLING EVERY BRANCH OF BANKING BUSINESS; COLLECTIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C.P. NELSON- - - - - - - E.R.E. KIMBROUGHJAS. A. MEEKS Oldest Bank in J. RAMM............. B. C. ENGLISH ..... J. E. WHITMAN Eastern Illinois. M.B.STINE 41.020 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 47,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Ohi.; Cent. N, Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; Corn Belt, Bloomington; 1st N.. Joliet. 39,150 N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.: Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria: 1st N.. Bloomington. 45,860 145,910 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. 200.000 119,630 1.348.760 30.000 1,124.090 173.220 87,750 313,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. andN. Bk. Rep.,Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. Trust Dept. Trust Deposits $180,700. U. S. Bonds, Real Estate Mortgages and other securities $480,700. W. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, COLLECTIONS AND ALL BANKING AND TRUST MATTERS ENTRUSTED TO US WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33,470 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Merch. k 111. N., Peoria. State Bank of Onba...©3102 Frank Heller........... F. E. Gray................... J. E. Herbert tiso-20% 70-644 Cutler_________ 363 First State Bank..dBT*tS'20 F. M. Norton______ 1 Perry 012 1115-3% 70-2036 par 100 Cypress................ 438 Far. k Merch. State Bank D. O. Casper. I Johnson Q15 1115-6% 70-1244 dtl’13 " 121,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.and 1st N., Ohi. Cullom A31 Farmers State Bank....$*’18 Chat. R. Jewkes__ R. R. Meents______ John D. Raboin__ 7 Livingston F18 tiQO-6% par 100 70-1935 H. D. Raboin M 75.000 9,000 $ 318,030 $ 117,600 $ I OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK * 1 Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. V.Please send 15c un th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor is. Cuba__________ 1484 First National Bank..........t’02 K. Layne__________ William F. Irwin.. 7 Fulton G9 70-646 _____ 39,690 $ 501.220 $ 70-787 dB®»t*’15 (North Crystal Lake P. O.) •• 25.000 $ Principal Correspondents. N.,Joliet. UNITED STATE BANK $200-12% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLIN OIS—Continued and 450,000 415,430 2,604,460 493,000 2,307,720 828,550 297.000 Trust Company — Chicago 529,620 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS to the Banks and Attorneys adver tising in this publication. They want and appreciate your business and are especially equipped for handling collections of all kinds promptly, safely and at minimum expense. If your bank desires and has facilities for offering our subscribers the class of service they demand and you are not advertising now in the BLUE BOOK, we offer you a decidedly profitable investment. Write for full details on service rendered and small cost involved. RAND M9NALLY BANKERS BLUE BOOK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Standard the World-over since 1872 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 FOUNDED A. D. 1860 MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK DECATUR, ILLINOIS Capital, Surpl and Profits Collections promptly remitted same OFFICERS GORIN BROWNBACK GORIN LEWIS President Vice President W. A. HAMMER C. A. IMBODEN B. GRALIKER B. A. IMBODEN Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier MILLIKIN TRUST COMPANY Same officers and ownership as MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK) Capital, Surplus and Profits $250,000.00 fiduciary capacities only—Executor, Trustee, Guardian, Recer Tin Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD COCNTY. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Danville 38,800 (Continued) oMem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPrir tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed.Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘PALMER NATIONAL BANK $200-6% par 100 70-87 dB®T*$'92 ‘SECOND NAT. BK. 12% par 100 70-88 d©T«3’73 Liabilities. PBISIDKKT. Vict-Peisidemt. CASHIKX. Ass’t OASKI1 J. A. CATHCART. - C. K. PALMER-... C. A. WHITE____ J. E. McMILLAN. J.E. WALKEN, STANLEY MIRES. A.c.andTr.Off, THOMAS CONNOR Asst, to Pres. A.c.andTr.Off. lit, HITCHENS _ .. . # • ii ii i .. . . W. A. LARSON Collections a Specialty. Iteps sent us direct nave particular attentioa and are renwtted on day of payment C.V. McCLENATHAN. W. H. MARTIN- - - - - - H. E. DOUGLAS- - - - - - 0. W. MOORE E. F. REESE. Tr. Off. E. F. REESE F. Y.PARISH. Tr. Off. J. F. UHLEIN Robert Gibson, Danville Clearing House___ J. A. Foster______ Geo. W. Telling... W. J. Ramm, See. and Tr. Mgr (Members indicated by a*) /Stocksand Bon ds................... ......... N. L. ROGERS & CO.. INC. (First National Bank Bldg.) K. O. Knudson, Ch. Daniel Kloepping. G. A. Larsen. Darts_________ 337 State Bank of Davis Edwin Gunderson of Bd. and Pres. 7 Stephenson A13 $120-5% par 100 70-1250 d®t§’28 »Decatur.__ 57,100 WM. BARNES. Jr...... W. R. McGAUGHEY- W. C. GILMOREJ. E. FRE REEJLAK7 Macon 116 M. M. WOOD, W.C. GILMORE J. W. DOHERTY Ch. of Bd. ‘•THEBANK THAT SERVICE BUILT.” ‘CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $200-12% par 100 7f-70 dB®T<’*l ‘MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK 12% par 100 70-69 d®M'60 “OF DECATUR rssodrcbs. Chase National Bank..............New York Illinois $ 300,000 $ 182.350 $1975 570 $ 300,000 $1333 560 $ 724,300 $ 199,810 $ 500,240 Continental Bank & Trust Co._______Chicago Fletcher American National Bank......... Indianapolis 500.000 354,040 2,142,580 400,000 2,323,230 387,030 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Branch Office (see) Peoria. 25.000 11,000 273,160 58,740 211.830 5,120 33,470 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Rockford N.,Rock ford: State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 763,710 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Hi. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 250.000 229,050 3,533.570 237.430 2,055,620 1,089,770 340,950 500.000 553,020 8,385,930 500,000 4,663,830 2,539,530 158,800 2,576,790 Cent. Han. Bk. and Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. 0. B. GORIN BERNARD IERNi 6RALIKER ESTABLISHED 1800 B. A. IMBODEN We Invite the Accounts of Banks and Bankers. Send your Decatur items and collections direct to us. J. A. MERIWEATNER-I. IL MAXATLASS. MAX Ch. of Bd. - - - - - N.R.6RE60RY - E. L. MAJOR W. A. DERR, Tr.Off.• I. J, IRADFIELD SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. 100.000 300.000 1,020 187,940 318,750 3,698,910 82,100 168,300 2.377,150 1,278,680 296,390 38,550 172,560 “DECATUR’S OLDEST NATIONAL BANK. Collections will be presented and remitted for promptly. Deer Creek.__344 Deer Greek Bank------- ®S'21 J. A. Danforth___ 7 Tazewell G13 70-1251 Deerfield______610 Citizens State Bank___ ®§’29 Jno. L. Walker___ 7 Lake B20 70-2131 Deerfield State Bl£..d®,tS'20 Rudolph Lauer___ $150-6% par loo 70-2028 DE KALB TRUST & SAVINGS BANK—.......... dB®T»:i'W 43,310 643,020 Real E state Mor tgages, R eal Estate Trust De pt. Trust Deposits $572,530. <k Perso nal Prop erty, and other sec urities $5 72,530. par 100 70-71 d®W73 Decatur Clearing House____ O. B. Gorin........ ..... J. A. Meriweather. Wm. Barnes, Jr.__ W. D. Mauucring, Mgr W. A. Derr, Sec. CMember* indicated by a*) N. L. ROGERS & CO.. INC- Stocks and Bon ds /_______ _____ (Standard Life Bldg.) DeKalb_____7871 7 DeKalb B16 Principal Oorkkspondxmts. Loam Bonds Miscel Surplus Dspoa- Other and and Liabili and m Oafitai, Profits Discount. S.euriti.p laneous ties A complete staff af active officers me they personal attention to aH business entrusted to this bank. Miliaria Trust OoapanrTti' 15 O. B. Gorin______ J. M. Brown back. . G. P. Lewis, Sec. __|W. A. Hammer, J. P. Gorin C. A. Imboden, A. Sec. par 100 70-1871 A. Sec. B.Graliker, A, Sec, B. A. Imboden, .4. Sec, ’NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued L. J. Danforth____ B. A. Danforth___ G. H. Danfortb F. H. Walker_____ W. W. Mcllvaine.. E. K. Butler T. J. Knaak______ P. II. Dietz_______ Ira Gardner______ R.F. MCCORMICK - H.G. WRIGHT......... C. D. THORNTON — BERTHA ECKBERG_ R. C. FRAUTSCHY E.B. STILL Send us your D eKalh items and 70-265 Special attenti on given Bill of par 100 First National Bank__ •t'BI S. P. Ell wood____ 8. E. Bradt______ $450-24% 70-262 C. E. Bradt S. E. Bradt_______ E. P. Ellwood____ First Trust & Sav. Bank 24% par 100 70-265 dB®T#t*’03 O. E. Bradt De Land_____ .542 First National Bank. d©*t’01 G. R. Trenckard-.. G. R. Hursh______ *100-10% par 100 70-1059 H. L. Swartz 7 Piatt H17 $175-8% 15,770 55,440 50.000 11,380 73,030 25.000 13.460 434.040 15,000 75.000 42.600 1,347,000 5,000 collections for ef Sclent service at lowest r ates. Lading Drafts. F, O. Crego______ 8. A. Tyler100.000 190,020 2.213.090 O. Shipman E. O. Wood______ M. Lindberg______ 50.000 163,270 1.511,640 F. H. Parks G. R. Hursh-.......... G. R. Madden. 35,000 28,070 278,250 C. L. Fray 17,000 270 i 15,000 91,140 15,722 54,000 7,070 Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 22,330 42,630 Com’l N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 86.850 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. 146,600 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Rep.. Obi. 260,480 $ 128,630 11,540 857,000 378,000 88,000 39,400 1.700,050 592,050 34,700 891,390 538,350 129,900 178,330 139,240 20,260 35,000 First National Bank_______ New York First National Bank........ ...........Chicago 785,650 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co._________ Chicago Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co........St. Louis First National Bank ____ St. Louis Indiana National Bank...Indianapolis Branch Office (sec) Peoria, r*v. 25,000 Millikin N„ Decatur. 215.710 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 165,280 N. City. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N. and Cent. Trust Co. of III., Chi. 38,470 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo., Bloom ington; 1st N., MonticelJo. , Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given qon to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Director?, under the Authority of The Amerfesn Ranimna 4 Town and Cocntt. •Mem. A.B.A. »»New {State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab PUSIDKHT. Vice-President. Fig. under town Is ♦Fea. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this ILLINOIS—Continued Asa’r Cashier. Gassier. Liabilities. Resources. ; Lotna Other Bonds MlBCBI/- (kn a Paixv-uv Surplus D»o»mnd and and Liabili quw,I>w Capital Profits m Diaoounti Bdouritias LAJODOUS from Bam ties rWM.R. BALDWIN ~ WM. H. BALDWIN F. B. SHELTON- - - - - - E. R. RHOADES- - - - - - $ 75,000 $ he Bank of G ood Service. Delavan____..1191 BALDWIN STATE BANK , 7 Tazewell H12 12% par 100 70-806 6®<l 20 116 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and [25 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. [W. W. GBABB ----- JOHN T. CULBERTSON, R. 6. SUNDERLAND.. 15,250 $ 425,090 i 2,290 $ 319,160 $ 121,210 $ 12,300 $ Principal correspondents, 64,960 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., 1st N., Peoria. 69,000 54,840 395,230 55,000 299,520 104,490 17,500 133,560 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. Depue_______2128 DePue State Bank dB®«M’06 Henry Ream____ Albert Frey______ $260-14% par 100 70-1254 7 Bureau Ell 26,000 40 010 524 QQO llillt J/IIV 11,000 320,280 faUdfUUU 4,980 72,070 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi; 1st N„ Joliet. De Soto______703 Albon State Bank-------- tS’20 G. N. Albon, 8r..„ G. N. Albon, Jr.... Arthur Albon. Jackson P14 7K% par 100 70-1930 15,000 15.780 51,000 61.370 12.290 151,050 1,869,610 178,800 1,423,260 285,670 327,610 362,910 N. Bk. Rep., 1st N. and Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 294,770 68,600 258,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 41,710 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st N„ Cham paign. 14,890 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st ^.Bloom ington. 75,000 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; 1st N„ Effingham. 51,550 1st N.. Ohi.; N. 8tock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds,; Ill. N., Springfield, 111. TAZEWELL CO. NAT’L ..... 70-805 ®*t'i Denver---- .....218 Harmony State Bank 7 Hancock H6 “WHERE SAFE Special Attentl l Pleat* tend 15e w (Consolidated with B TY, COURTESY on given Bill of L ith each sight draft f asco Slate Bank, Ba AND SERVICE R adlng drafts, Cash or presentation and sco. Ill,, April 4,192 {WttfsorEIGN.” and Time Items. 25e /or Credit Repor ts. 9) 8 Des Plaines...8451 7 Cook B20 Dewey. .134 7 ChampaignHlS Dewitt_______ 263 7 DeWitt H17 Dleterlch_____ 522 8 Effingham L18 Divernon___ 2382 7 Sangamon J12 DES PLAINES i: umr an^S^rlmge^t Ba Ch. of Bd. Oldest, Largest STATE BANK Our Policy: Pro mpt and efficient $250-6% ♦ 70-1255 dB©T»t*’05 Collections pres ented promptly a par 100 ^Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra First Nat’l Bank..dB®T#t’13 A. L. Webster___ H. T. Bennett....... 8% par 100 70-1790 Chas. Boesche Dewey State Bank—®JS’02 70-1256 State Bank of Dewitt .dtS’12 $102-6% par 100 70-1701 First National Bank___ *’09 70-1257 Divernon State Bank.®»t§’ $100-6% 70-1258 WM. F. 6IABPKER 825.590 47,500 1,090 11,000 3.000 42,640 4,590 4,050 156,000 96,000 9.000 301,050 15.580 32,750 61,410 5.000 13,030 55,030 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Han. N. and Jefferson State., Mt. Vernon. 256.150 3.249,530 24,350 1.805,770 1.358.320 207.390 258,550 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 293,000 2,665,900 99,000 1,450,000 1.272,000 75.000 2,290 79,000 26.000 2,110 36,070 26,000 10.000 259,000 W. L. Beaty_____ F. A. Stutsman .... J. W. Rettberg—. 60.000 23,990 317.940 16,000 4.540 116,940 R. O. Grays . J. O. Purcell____ John D. Breeze. . Rnby B. Davis IrMOf" •••• 100.000 < Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied by IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports 15e. d©»t'55 Jl FEE No advance fee required on Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash or Time Items. BANK DIXON NATIONAL BANK 70-Slt 50,500 20.000 N. J. Stlpp_______ G. R. Brown_____ 75,980 1.271.110 L. Grieser A. A.Jones__ W, CalliMn.. Claude Watt____ J. T. McCord____ L. R. Agee----------- John rW. C. DURKES —- W.B. BRINTON........ J. L. DAVIES- - - - - - - par 100 260,000 nk. Service In Every deportment. nd remitted for o n day of payment . ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports . 50.000 EL H. 8chulze___ P. E. Flaminio___ C. W. Goodyear E. M. Vennum....... J. F. Guynn_____ W. W. Osborne. DU___________229 First State Bank.______i’19 A. L. Smith, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. M. L. Marshall 70-1260 8 Jefferson N16 * Dixon______ 8541 CITY NATIONAL par 100 7 Lee C13 K-MSfiir6 8,120 1st N„ Carbondale; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. d®T*t'71 T A. P. ARNINGT0N. E. H. RICKARD....... L. L. WILHELM - - H.G. BYERS_ _ _ _ _ _ J. B. LENNON < Collections and j FEE IN ADVA v.No advance fee (Closed) Horace Holmes. O.E.Waterman, Ch. W. H. Weatherly.. 100.000 Dixon Trust & Savings Bank Dolton______2076 First National BankdB®*t’07 W. H. Baker........... William Staat___ $226-12% par 100 70-664 7 Cook D22 R. P. Blake Dongola........ 660 First National Bank___ t il M. A. Smoot_____ R. A. Anderson.__ T. T. Eddleman___ 70-1701 8 Union R15 First State Bank______ •106 H. J. Neibauer.__ J. B. Jackson.. E. L. Goodman .. ........... 70-1261 50,900 81,280 769,240 95,100 423,850 t>i 0,UU\J 80.840 25,000 33,270 315,510 1,400 215,350 67,340 15,900 26,000 34.790 302,870 224,190 72,510 15.780 14,420 Donnellson....403 Slate Bank of Donnellson____ (Closed January 4, 1930) 8 Montgomery L13 Donovan_____ 410 Farmers State Bank d®*$!'15 7 Iroquois F22 6% par 100 70-1101 State Bank of Donovan par 100 70-1100 d®t8'98 Dorchester___179 Dorchester State Bk._®t§’20 70-2021 8 Macoupin Lll $131-6% Dowell_______ 422 Union State Bank___©tS’24 $120 70-2079 8 Jackson 014 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 360,000 Irr. Tr. Co.. M. Y.: 1st N., Ohi. Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied by NCE; Plain sight drafts, 16c: Credit Reports 25c. required on Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash or Time Items. C. G. Anderson.__ G. F. Miller_____ G. M. Thomas___ Edwin Peteraon... C. Waterstradt F. S. Johnson..___ Ruth A. Johnson.. C. I. Johnson.__ L. W. Johnson___ 26.800 7,540 221,160 196,120 30.000 1.900 125.390 113.280 A. H. Bauer............. Wm. B. Rust____ Wm. Henrichs........ Florence Rust____ 15.000 10,970 60,810 1,040 57,120 9,160 9,330 W. A. Lafont------- Chas. Rogers, Jr... J. Starkweather__ 15.000 1,500 141,890 15,880 56.280 45.050 9.160 Continental Illinois Bank and sss 6 740 29.590 Trust Company — Chicago . 112,340 N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.: 1st N„ Joliet. 76,590 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; 1st Bk.& Tr. Co., Cairo. 50,180 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Cairo. 33,390 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Oont. N„ Indpis. 14,420 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N„ Joliet12,210 Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Citiz. N„ Alton. 63.600 1st N., St. Louis. Where Bankers Bank 321 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWV AMD OOUHTT. to ^County Seats. Fie. under town is Fed. Res. District. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this ILLINOIS—Continued VTAllima Liabilities. eMem.A.B.A.nNew SSUtetPrlv. tMem. 8tats B. Asg'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trast B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sar.$LastSale%Div. President. VICE-PRESIDENT. (Usnuat. 108*7 Cisum. Downers Grove... Downers Grove State Bank I. G. Heartt. Wm. Bender______ E. H. Kailer . 7 Dupage 019 3543 *200 par 100 70-554 dB®*t§’28 CURTISS S. CURTISS— •» « FIRST NATIONAL J. W. HUGHES______ S. fi: N BALLOU H. 0. FELDMAN 1?AF I n topnut Resources. Loms Boada thsb 0Atm k lzPiB-or Surplus Dbfos- LOiabili MlICZb- <au— bid AND ud m,Ppi Oirrn.1 Promts prow Bare Dtnoaata Sxmritiaa TIBS $ 100.000 $ 109.270 $ 738,080 $ H M KAUT E. C. CURTISS 38.870 $ 650,740 $ Hotno 11 Allrlavre n(n nnn T a nr a Principal correspondents. 98,550 1 118.760 $ 118,180 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Joliet. 100.000 71,590 1.331.370 35,0® 914,310 374,310 80,050 100.000 20,000 38.150 194,090 10,970 16.320 26,090 33.740 125,540 139,660 10,0® 16.999 5.780 216.110 3,000 70,200 133,140 5,500 25,630 Stock Yds. N„ Cfti.;McLean Oo„ Blooming ton. 31,590 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 76.909 43,050 443,070 40,000 440,450 9,310 71.900 79,450 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 50.999 73.860 926,190 105,050 720.270 ,370 44,0® 96,360 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. 344.480 51,200 8.110 169.290 Chi. Tr. Co.. Chi. BANK $250-10% par 100 79-555 d®»t'10 .. .. SecurityNatlonal Bankd®t’28 G. H. Bunge............ V. J. Morton_____ W. A. Grotefeld—. W. J. Dornacher— *126 par 100 70-2127 J. M. Nargney Farmers State Bank .®«t|’01 *240-10% par 100 79-1298 7 McLean H16 -if'IQ Dubois_______ 443 Dn Bols State Bank | Washlngton014 79-1894 Dundee. —5005 7 Kane BIS *150-#% par 100 Id J. R. Carlisle____ G. L. Clarke______ Walter R. Kimzey Charles Reminger. J. P. Setzekorn ... E. C. Cor gnu rF H.HAFOFR___ ROY E. CAMPBELL— ROY E. CAMPBELL— OSCAR STFFGF C. 5. SINCLAIR LfboH ««nd 15c t» ith oath Sight Draft for prmmimtion and the for Credit Rtpor to (6 8 BONEFIRST NATIONAL BANK 70-416 d®»Jl®0 j Special attentio *200-10% par 100 l Please oond 15c wi Dunlap..__ ...158 Dnnlap State Bank____if'98 W. D. C. Threshie. 7 Peoria F12 79-1299 Dupo________ 1393 Dapo 8tate Sav. Bk.d®«i|'lS G. O. LiadOBaana _ 8 St. Olair N10 $160-10% par loo 70-1814 A. D. EDWARDS........ Wi. L GRAEIIN6.. 0. J. I0LLMAIH — n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. th taeh tight draft fo r proiontation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. 25.000 H. Winchester___ G. L. Winchester.. Oont. Ili.Bk, &Tr. Co., Obi.; 1st M„ Peoria. 25,900 39,350 434,060 W. W. Parks_____ J. G. VanKeuren.. A. J. Guerrettas.. B. H. Melvin_____ 60,000 78.380 513,300 20,530 385,160 161,970 26,450 L.S. Smith_______ L. S. Smith. Jr.___ L. S. Smith. Jr..— Chas. Rogers. Jr. Emma Weinberg 69.000 124.690 956,280 40,840 729,210 154,300 144,160 144,140 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,St. L. H. O. Miller______ W. B. Hall ._ . 60.000 131.920 1,264.090 149,350 981,670 433,6® 16,130 163.870 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.,St. L. 209,760 103,660 8,340 160.060 142,490 39,640 39,620 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Ohi.; Rockford N. andPeo. Bk. & Tr. Go., Rockford: Beloit 8tate. Beloit, Wis. 47,250 N. Bk. Ren,. Obi.: Rockford N„ Rockford; 1st N., Joliet; 2nd N„ Freeport. 257,190 609,760 32,810 105,930 Chase N„ N. T.: Coat. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 680,610 860,650 89,010 160,380 IstlL, Obi. 194,360 19,030 55,250 33,790 N. Bk. Rep. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi. 53,180 Oont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. Walter J. Forester Gao. Oroessmana.. Florence Baird C. H. Nelson______ 30.000 302,220 60.000 28.640 306.740 rEDW. MeWLLIAMS. L.A. WEICKEB. 60,000 H. J. WEST - A. S. LOWER Dwight______ 2266 BARK DF RjglggT- d®*if H 1 Collections and Requests for Ore dlt Reports HUB T be aeeompanle d by 7 Livingston JS18 llB IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight D rafts, 15c; Credit R eportM, 25c. 53,090 892,630 M 10% par 100 70-981 A. E. Swinson____ 1.6. Pattonon— J. H. Graham, Ch. J. H. Graham____ L. O. Haddington.. illSSS- (TRANK L SMITH.. J. H. OUGHTOH_____ E. M. HOFFMAN — JOHN J. DOHERTY. A dive FIRST NATIONAL BARK G.S.HYDE,CT.o/Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK { OLOm AND L *100-5% 70-850 d®»i'86 ) Special attentio par 100 [.Please send 15c w East Alton___1669 Illinois State Bank d®»J|'04 J.M. Olln_______ I Madison Mie 1110-6% par 100 70-1173 E. Dubuque..1103 EAST DIBUQUE SAV. BANK S. C. Peaslee_____ 7 Jo. Daviess A8 *230-8% par 100 70-1268 d®«f'»l J. A. Meuser, Ch. of Bd, “ - __ " State Bank of B. Dnbnque F. F. McGuire____ *185-10% par 100 70-1891 d®f'19 O O i1 P* Bast Lynn___ 350 State Bank of East Lynn 7 Yermlllon G21 T. Q. Luxton_____ Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60.000 125.650 1,571,010 44,000 CE; Plain Sight D rofU, 16c; Credit Re porto, 26c. f W. 1. MARTIN___ G.S.HYDE__ §9 hubf— 4,070 88,630 Cent. Tr. Oo. of Ill., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 1 Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MBS T be acoompanle d by d®»t'05 (.FEE IN ADVAN Earlvllle_____ 1012 EARLVILLE NATIONAL BARK A. J. Foot. H. H.BnlliS. 7 LaSalle D15 *125-6% par 100 79-861 d®«t’05 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. M 94,630 1st N.. B. St. L.; 1st N„ St. L. Ohas. LaCroix, Sr.. Albert Metzger___ H. Breldeeker____ L. J. Dyroff 29,160 M 48,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1 Special attentio n given BUI of In ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •• Duquoln..__ .7285 DU QUOIN STATE BARK *250-8% 70-371 d®«if'15 I Perry 014 par 100 •• _____ « First Bank ft Trust Oo. *350-20% 70-368 dB®if'09 par 100 _ •« First National Rank..®«i'92 *340-20% 70-870 Durand_______549 Citizens State Bank 7 WlnneDtgo A13 (170-6% 70-1048 dB®i!'18 par 100 .. _____ « Durand State Bank *100-10% 79-1049 dB®«if 04 par 100 ___ 111,420 G. H. Wiley. - ARGEST BANK— n given Bill of La ith each eight draft f O.Gnerich. . 50.000 6,910 245,510 60,000 11,390 515.170 61,780 444.400 101,800 39,000 SUPERIOR COLL EOT ION SKRVIC E. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor to. FI. V. Meyer 60.000 41,120 848,710 13,900 329,3® 180,220 37,870 ROSCOE LYNN-------- H. J. MILLER______ J. A. Meuser___ _ E. O. Klotz______ F. P. Oourtade___ Fred Mutschler 50,000 55,000 950.000 450,0® 450, ®0 30,0® J. H. Keiffer.......... . R, J. Cullen. 25.000 31,870 579 450 421.900 120,760 2,800 26.900 5.000 1?K ryy) 1OT.0® F. P. McCord . J. B. Helbing_____ Continental Illinois Company—Chicago 406,340 Oont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Boatmens N„ 8t. L.; Oltis. M.. Alton. 125,0® Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 90,860 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Consol. N„ Dab. 27,000 1st H.. ObL CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 322 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town ANDCOONTT. *Connty Seats fir. under town is Fed. Bes. District. , Vice-President. President. Aaa'T CASHIER. P*JB-OP OiSHIES. Surflus N. A. Larson_____ R. V. Speybroeck. J. F. Ryan----------- B. H. Ryan............ par 100 70-547 d®»t§ 04 aim Oamtal Promts F. T. Shearman___ F. T. Shearman ... L. B. Ltitt—......... $ 100.000 H. A. Anderson Bast Moline 10,653 Manufacturers State Bank Jean A. Pope. 7 Rock Island D9 1100-1% par 100 70-548 d®»tl'10 STeTE K&T Resources. I/I ABILITIES. •Mem.A.B.A.«New §State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. $155-8% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 100,000 Depos its Other Liabili 34.270 J1 435 980 $ 74,900 1,841,210 ties Principal Correspondents. Loaaa Bonds Miscair Can A Inand and aiwatPoi Diaeounta Securities LAimOXTB ' vBOm Buru 9,680 $ 641.040 1i 649,480!l 11,520 616,510 1,002,590 78,590 1i 210,810] 165.320 Peo. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Moline. 243.220 1 7. City, N. Y.: Cont.Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Moline State Tr. & Sav., Moline; Cent. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Rock Isl. font.Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch.& Ill. N. 35,000 < Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria, font. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Peoria. 26,350 ( J. G. Knuppel....... J. H. Heberline... I. T. Roberts .— 50,000 25.000 366,000 J. D. Vanetten.__ E. D. Furrer_____ Helen L. Furrer. 50.000 22,480 200,970 2,310 165,710 70,000 13,700 HERBERT R. DENNIS MILTON MOOBERRY - ETHEL M.McFARLANE C.P. SESTER 35,000 46,860 662.480 24,580 278,000 107,240 29,890 263,790 i font. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N.. Peoria. *Fond Du Lac State Bank Warren Sutliff..... Samuel F. Ruetter. Samuel F. Ruetter. $125 70-1983 ®tS.’19 50,000 10,280 322,960 255,710 15,420 14,340 97,800 Cont. i Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi,; Lst N.. Peoria. Gaston ________466 Corn State Bank-------- JS’01 B. L. McFadden. 70-1087 7 a Mason Hll. Farmers State Bank...-t§’95 G. A. Hawks____ 8% 70-1086 East Peoria...2214 + FIRST RATIONAL BANK 7 Tazewell G13 $250-i2%parl00 70-1270dB®»+ 03 (Member Peoria Clearing Ho use East St. Louis 74,000 | St. Clair M10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN EAST ST. LOUIS A«s’n*; affiliate d with +) 400,000 396,060 8,902,510 907,580 4,533.510 3,602.410 150.000 333,940 3,984,900 201,230 1.634,640 2,078,850 P. S. Abt_________ W. J. Stailey, E. A. Guyton, J. E. Hamlin Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, S. D. Sexton J. E. Hamlin. Nell R. Hayes, Counsel j A. Sec. and A. Tr. 100,000 301,070 3,129,810 42,200 G. A. MILLER_ _ _ _ J. F. SCHLAFLY....... F. J. SHAY—........... 0. L. LEMING PAULA. SCHLAFLY. J.B. CLARK, „ S. C. JARVIS, Sec. H. J. H0RMBERG, Ch. of Bd. V. P. and Bond Officer A. Sec A. SCHLAFLY, E. C. WEIHL, Tr. Off. 600,000 400,000 5,177,940 58,850 2,683,920' 1,944,780 A. C. JOHNSON. A. W. BALTZ- - - - - - - - R. F. READEN—— C. 6. RJ98ERS. W. K. CANNADY 0. 5- ROGERS. Sec L. A. PfJlFFER J. J. HALPIN H G. ALLISdN.-A.Sec. H. W. CHITTY D.D. G00DELL.-4.See. ESTABLISHED 70-17 <$.*-! Southern Ill. Trust Co. 12% par 100 70-19 $160-8% ♦70-18 dB®WI’01 par 100 EddyvlUe____ 173 I Pope Q17 Edgewood___ 488 8 Effingham L16 C. REEI 7 Christian J 14 C. Reeb_________ Ffift) NeW [Y_ _ _ _ S. D. BARBER M. J. BURNS LL, 1 ' Auditor ' 1,457.330 1,635,950 143,000 813.560 let N., N. Y.} Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 7,500 472,290 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; lst N. and Chi.: lst N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; lst N.t Phil. Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; lst N„ Joliet. 392,230l 1,215,870 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N. City, N. La rgest Capit al Re sourc es in the C ity. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; lst N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Mellon N., Pitt. Ch. of Exec. Com. “The only bank that financed East St. Louis'’. Mary M. Maynor.. J. L. Ragan----------- J. C. Ragan______ 15,000 1,230 46,410 44.640l 1,500i 4,280 i 12,220 N. City, St. L.; Old N., Evansville, Ind.: H. R. Burton_____ C. F. Schoenberg.. 15,000 7,950 174,780 4,150 22.53C1 132,700i 2.00C1 45,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; lst N., St. L. E. A. Stokes---------- S. Phindsey, Jr. — R. E. Sudbrink. L. E. Swigert 40,000 10,000 300,000 23,5301 281,55() 16.94C ) 8.50C) 66,540 lst N., Golconda. (Closed) J. H. King.. nEdinburg State Bank 70-2133 d®§’29 Turner State Bank__________ (Closed) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stook Yards, lllinoi s.) Send us your East St. Louis and Stock Yards business direct and save one day. We will give it prompt attention at reasonable rates. State Bank of Eddyville John Stone. $112.50-8% 70-1271 tS’12 „ „ State Bank of Kdgewoodtl’20 J. G. Allan. 8% par 100 70-1082 Edinburg.......... 823 Citizens State Bank. 1865. . . ollection Service. d®T§'01 UNION TRUST COMPANY Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.,ChL; let N. and Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., 8t. L. A Full Staff of Active OffiMre. We Invite Your Account ° Unsurpassei "*TimTo««ros (Refer to National $$26-20% 830,000 1,700,240 N. City and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. A Commercial Bank with a Modern Trust Department 70-16 dB®T*t’65 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK 450,000 Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company —s Chicago State, Springfield.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 30 0 j Town and County ‘County Seats Fig. under town if Fed. Res. District •Menj.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriY tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div PxucsmsgT. ‘Edwardsville 5336 8 Madison Mil BANK OF P#fc EDWARDSVILLE $300-16% par 100 a 70-407 dB®«J*’M EDWARDSVILLE M NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. par too ••_____ •• 70-410 YxoB-Ps«siDMrr. AmT Cashhr. FRANK 1. SANDERS.. IMP ) OLDEST AND I AUGUST BANK NTH* CITY. 1 Your banking fa usiness cordially Invited. »% HENRY EVERSMM— HENRF/lBl!lElffl«riG' 70-455 K%8ll ^A^l7(hlB01?d(8>tS-90 $200-0% par 100 WERHSIH8 — WM. 8. WBI6NT- - F R WFRN8INR W. KOBOLDT <( Try the "First National" First f or Complete Ban P. king Standee, ] 15 cents sent to us with each sigh t draft for present atlon, and L25 cents for eac h credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. JJAMES MEREDITH- HARRISON C.L MORRIS......... BEAN REEVES MATHEWSDN ] Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. V. Please send 15c w ttheach Sight Draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit El Dara_______ 165 El Dara State Bank.__ t§’20 Pat Phebus_______ 8 Pike J6 7<K1707 W. L. 8trubinger_ (A 70-485 d®*t§1900 State Bank) $156-10% par 100 70-486 live appreciate and want your business. 5,681,070 39.310 985,420 203.940 5,874,540 57,840 Edwardsville N„ Edwardsville. nets) 50,630 713,590 63.320 253,240 50,000 36,070 555,290 25,000 10.000 170.000 50.000 78,410 624,040 24,700 455,470 55,710 24.950 155,200 25,040 129.910 &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 20.000 ( 150,000 497.610 167,670 43,000 15,000 3,000 547.000 894,000 4,000 175,000 78,000 110,780 12,500 7,800 36.690 Cont. f Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. 8t. L. 986,290 1,908.900 100,390 653,260 C ant. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Bk Rep., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 37.330 74.870 C Chi. Reports. 3,500 r. J. Patterson___ L. ...........298 State Bank of Eldred__tl’ll Howard Burns... $iOO-<%par 100 70-1272 ELGIN NATIONAL BANK 70-98 ®«f92 F. Wise_ _ _ _ _ _ W. John Danger _____ O. Reynolds... W. M. SVm. T. W. English____ Cannedy___ W. Glos... A. J. Wilkenine... Muirhead___ Henry Muntz_____ C. F. O’Hara I. C. Duck continued o n, next page) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56,600 110,000 1,510,000 Send us your B-Lane other Collections. Elgin______ 36.000 Klein City Bkg. Co.B®T»tS'69 J. M. Peck, Lyman Black_____ George 7 Kane B18 Wo par 100 707-95 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. (Elgin 105.250 17,500 Mtle. 1 Tr. A Sav., Quincy. 225.000 (Ihase N.,N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. 3lease send lSe presentation fee wit h sight Drafts anc 2Sc for Ratings. Greene K8 " 110.000 10.000 C. H. BURNETT----- L E. BURNETT-_ _ _ W. D. UPCHURCH_ _ J. J. BASINGER_ _ _ B. E. SKELTON NEZ LYON SONS, BANKERS OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK Tint State Bank____ ®»J5’86 - 438,300 G. P. BURNETT St par 100 '* _ 278,580 Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. BIburn.................571 Elburn State Bank dB©t§’10 W. A. Beith............. W. R. Gum_______ J. P. McMahon___ A. B. Strom_______ 7 Kane 018 $125-6% par too 70-1019 8 1,795,410 1,293,330 < Oldest and Lar 70-454 dB®T»tT*l 1 Please send 15c gest Bank In BUI ngham County. with each Sight Draft for present atlei l and Me with each request For Report or Kattng. LB. 8. Eld red. 65,870 • (Torrito ry of Ilh FIRST NATION ALBANKd«r&0 .. 127,680 3,412,080 Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 350,000 t'22 EFFINGHAM STATE BARK 8 Effingham L17 8% ♦ par 100 Eldorado___ 5004 8 Saline P18 200,000 PSIKCIFAL OORBKSPQlfDKNTS. 25,860 $2 030 511 $ 7*8.740 S 240,771)$ 324,770 Chase N.. N. Y.; Coat.Ill. Bk,& Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.: Mtic.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.f St. L.; Un. Tr. Co., East St. L. (Merger of Edwardsville National Bank and Citizens State & Trust Bank) rW. K. ENGBRIN6___ — $ 156,OM $ 199,0111 12969 92 $ t«' )>,; Illinois Midwest Joint Stock Frank Godfrey___ Ernest Hoover........ J. M. Pyle. Sec____ 4 Effingham...4024 RESOURCES. IiUBIUTUS. Loan* Bonda PAro-ur SURPLUI Darofr- Othkb Miscsl- Ojjoi A Bxand and AND Liabili aaAjr«M,]>tn CAPITAL rm Discount! Bocuritiat lakboub non Ban* Pbojtn ties ' i CHARLES E. A. FRESEN______ W. G. MARTIN-........... WM. AHRENS............... BUtSUhtNSIEIN Vi. L DUCKLES A. C. BOEKER juo. in. till t. n. rUUo Only National Bank at Madison County Seat d©T*t’17 Land Bank 70-411 $120-6% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued and 50.000 18,520 25.000 7,220 262.000 1.000 300.000 176,850 2.963,190 200.790 100,000 135.340 1,393,320 24.930 65,000 Clent. Tr. Co. of III., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st Tr. & Sav.; Harris burg. 932,040 Trust Company^ Chicago 275,370 C ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 324 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND OOUNTT. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State t Pri?. *Oonnty Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice President. Asa’T Cashier. Gassier. 12% par 100 70-86 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Paid-up Liabili AND its Capital Profits ties J. M. BLACKBURN ... F. W. SHEPHERD— J. M. H0CKETT-. d«372 Elmhurst Trust & Sav. Bk. $250~7%parl00 70-688 d B ®T*2 TO Peoples Trust & Savings Bk. $150.7% par loo 70-2073 dB®t§’23 York State Bank.. dB®*t§'27 $125 par 125 70-2115 Elmwood____1242 Farmers State Bank ,d®«t$ '88 $135-8% par 100 70-1280 7 Peoria F10 First State & Savings Bank $150-6% parieo 70-1733 d®*tlT2 156.010 70-784 “"©.t’tt par 100 383,380 2,615,180 115,000 1,509,690 334,620 1,013,680 I A. G. Fischer--------William Graue. Ch. Alben F. Bates-----E. B. Fischer, Ch. A. A. Timke______ A. G. Fischer, Ch. M. T. Lott------------J. E. Smith, Ch. 906,010 344,090 950.430 324.740 624,220 167,670 35.200 670,200 325,000 300,360 57,810 98,900 1 58,910 763,840 528,480 199,310 14.450 122,010 1 18.500 335,000 255,000 47,000 6,500 12.200 281,720 242,770 17,740 33,790 200,000l 1,500) 9,220 131,800 ) 95,450 55,740 4,000 10.000 185,000 ) 135,000 43,250 20,500 9,090 106,060 34.350 76,510 4,010 9,000 156,780 0 136,000 5,500 23,080 86,770 2,146.710 0 1,167,820 644,520 163,790 50.000 17.810 303,990 0 254.680 60,100 10,400 V. Madden................ C. S. Williston.......... L. T. Furnas.__ L.J.Goebel.A.CasTi. A. Reed E. W. Marquardt Robert H. Stone.— A. G. Jacobek------Elmer J. Engel-----H. D. Bargelt Willard Mowers... Joe Reilly_________ L. J. Goebel_______ Harold Miller, Sec. 0. W. Lott_________ C. E. Clinch_______ W. J. Threw----------- 100.000 42,010 867,550 0 556.800 301.530 72,220 100.000 37,900 618.320 0 424,770 227,310 24,400 50.000 12.500 165,700 146,200 32.000 60.800 23,820 453,790 .. 285,510 137,760 L. E. Seltzer______ Wm. T. Jaques___ 26.000 11,620 315,390 10 226,170 63,250 5,450 E. M. Lovett______ Edward J. Klein.. 150,000 50,780 1,775,790 ,0 1,085,960 592,690 77,690 Sec. D. A. J aquas------- Arthur J. Cook — 25,000 25.000 14,720 223.320 !0 178,8.10i 36,100 16,820 100,000 14.450 566,810 .. 505,3301 8,030i 94.240 75.000 l N„ Evansville. Ind. 49,620 I )rov. N„ Chi.; Ill. N.. Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 15,030 t lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; 1st N. and N. City.. St. L. 32,250 1 st N.. Ohi.: Peo.. Bloomington. 15,270 1st 1 N. and N. City, St. L. 41,200 ( kmt Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Core Belt, Bloomlaeton; 1st N.. Jeliet. 477.340 C hem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. State, Elmhurst. 52,610 Elmhurst 1 229,290 ( lont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 96,920 1 lent. Han. Bk. & Tr Co.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 50,000 I lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Elm hurst. 89,340 1 rv. Tr.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Com’l N„ Peoria. 57,650 7. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; March, ft Ill. N., Peoria; 1st N.. Galesburg and Joliet. 237,780 I Ihase N., N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Cent. Tr. Co. of 111. and Pioneer Tr. ft Sav.. Chi. 31,730 1 EMMA R. BLESSING— 38.30Ci 40,740 28,340 1st N., Ohi.; Normal State, Normal. 92.06C) 21.22CI 20,080 4,840 Drov. N„ Ohi.; Ill. State, Quincy; 1st N., Joliet 74,890 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 60.000 Coni. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 14,760 98,450 24,960 319,040 50 30 7,66( t 13.810 255.770 !0 172.12C ) and Chi.; Peo., Bloomington; Merch. ft Ill. 103.27C1 880 R. E. GORDON- - - - - - - A.M. YOUNG...... 73,650 N.. Peoria. Save time and get better service by enclosing 15c presentation fee _ with plain si gbt drafts and 25c for credit ratio gs. Continental Illinois Bank Tr. Co. of Ill. and 1st Un. Tr. & Sav., Chi. 76,860 b f. City and Harrlman N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. ... i A. W.Sathern.F.P, SMITH...- - - - F. B. STITT- - - - - - - - A. H. WAITE- - - - - - - - - L. K. EVANS- - - - - - - - - MAX C. A. ROBERTS , J. F. SHEPARD 156,150 J 1,244,390 130,000 288,200 2,062,440 60.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 405,580 C 70-735. dB®*tl900 Special facilitle s for handling Bil 1 of Lading drafts and Note Collect ions. Please send 15c wi th each sight draftfo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. $100 par 100 25,000 G. M. Thomas------- W. L. Baldon............ J. N. Thompson... FARMERS EXCHANGE BK.12 3. L. Baldon, $120-7% par 120 76-1752 d®»t* Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 35,000 L. J. McCormick. Farmers State Bank...*ti'18 FloraA.MeOormick R. L. McCormick.. C. J. McCormick _ J. B. McCormick 70-1281 30,000 Taylor State Bank_____"W17 Wm. Wyllie.............. Ammi Lewis_______ J. M. Wyllie----------- J. P. Wyllie______ $105-6% par 100 70-1282 COUNTY NAT. Elvaston______ 204 7 Hancock G5 Emden_______ 4(2 7 Logan HIS Emlngton____ 176 7 Livingston F19 and BMVitiMI Pi O. W. Balgemann.. E. Schram-------------- I. D. Lyle................... F. W. Newman. + Elmwood ParklState Bank M. B, Marwood__ F. H. Booth .. Elmwood Park (Ckicags P. O.) 1380 $i60-4%porl0070-20S*dB®»t5’20 T, A. Siqueland. Ch. 7 Cook C22 A. F. Keeney— D. V. Harkin, Westwood State Bank lioo 70-2121 dB®§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, A. C. Svoboda aring House Ass’n) (+ Affiliated with Chicago Cle El Pas*_______ 1638 FUST 7 Woodford G16 $140-6% DisoouaU Principal Coe respondents . | MlBCEL- 1 Oau b BzLANBOUB 'NUMM»1>VI ihwIaiu Cash Items and Collections a Specialty. Remitted on Day of Payment. Prompt Attention to all Banking Matters. 100,000 Hone Trust ft Savings Bank M. M. Cloudman .. G. E. Hunter----------- O. K. Fairchild____ 12% par 100 7(H>7 dB®T»tl'#2 100,000 Union National Bank .d®i'04 J. A. Russell--------- A. L. Metzel----------- A. L, Metzel______ G. R. Sylla............ W. H. Bosworth 10% par 100 76-08 P. LAMB, CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS CO Telephone Elgin 3192.............................. ROBERT Representative (472 Division Street) 75.000 Frank Fraser--------- A. L. Cox__________ A. E. Mougin_____ S. B. Reynolds.... Elisabeth. .687 Elizabeth Exchange Bank 70-874 dB®*i§ ’88 7 Jo Daviess A10 H7o-io% par 100 40,000 O. O. Daniel______ Lois E. Nash. ELIZABETH STATE BANK Jacob Bertsch------- B. Dittmar... $180-10% par 100 70-878 d®«t|'89 50,000 C. D. Ledbetter... E. F. Wall, Jr........... ‘Elisabethtown First 8tau Bank--------- ©»■<* W. P. Warford—. G. W. Ledbetter — Florence Fletcher I Hardin Qlfl 1066 $200-10% par 100 70-1273 50,600 M. E.Jones_______ M. L, Lippott--------- C. L. Brennan............ Elkhart_______457 Elkhart State Bank -d®i|’20 J. R. Jones......... H. C. Groves M. E. Jones, Ch, $120 70-1274 7 Logan 113 25,000 T. Y. Butler............ H. H. Nooner--------ElkvlUe_______800 Blkvllle SUte BJt.-dB©»H'06 E. E. Kimmel--------- 0. J. Ohamness____ $160-7% 70-1276 8 Jackson P14 30,000 K, M. Thorson----Elliott................ 344 State Bank of Elliott------ !'88 0. E. Cameron.......... E- D. Cameron------par 100 70—1276 7 Ford G18 15.000 W. C. Feaman----W. R. Dial________ Klllsgrove_____ 208 Feah ef Bills Orov*.--®JI*64 J. W. Beare. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. | Randolph Oil $140-6% par 100 70-127? III., April 11, 1929) ills, London Mills, Bank of London M EUlsvUle______ 244 Farmers State Bank_________ (Taken over by State 30,000 7 Fulton QO C. O. Krcitzer------- Edith Bowman__ C. A. Shinkle______ Ellsworth_____ 325 But of Ellsworth-------25'81 $160-6% 76-1278 7 McLean H18 150.000 par 160 H.C. SCHUMACHER A. F. BATES.......... Sec. O.W. BALGEMANN Elmhurst___ 15000 ELMHURST STATE BANK OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK— YOUR BUSINESS INVITED, $250-10% 70-588 B®T»tl’03 7 Du Page 028 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre seutatlon, and par 100 25 CENTS for e acb credit report insures prompt, persona] attentl an. par 100 70-2110 dR®t§’23 First National Bunk Resources. Bonds Loana and S Otto H. Parlasca.. I 300.000 I 218,830 2,434,370 S 200,510 $1352 030 111 116 930 :1 126,900 11 557.850 E Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. Elmer E. Egler F. J. Wolff Elgin________36,000 First National Bank.-.d*t'65 Alfred Bosworth. J. M. Fletcher____ G. W. Glos. (Continued) par 100 70-84 HOME NATIONAL BANK dexed ILLINOIS—Continued 159.770 Trust Company 6,700i 55,28() 14,500i Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 325 _________ ____ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Countt •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Town Vice-President. President. Cashier. Enfield.............. 929 First National Bank------ 1’05 W. A. McClain .... Clinton Staley........ L. A. Gowdy. 8 White 019 Gallatin P18 70-892 1175-12% EQUALITY STATE BANK par 100 70-1283 d®»t§’29 {H. A. MURPHY...... H. 0. BUELL.......... ASS’T CASHIER. Please send 15 c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor 70-1284 Esmond_____ ,255 Esmond State Bank.d®*tS'09 L, W. Rand_______ J. F. Elliott______ L. C. Lundgren—. 7 De Kalb B16 ‘Eureka_____ 1559 $100-6% par 100 70-1285 FARMERS STATE BANK 7 Woodford Q14 1200-10% ♦ 70-715 dB®T*t8'13 par 100 R. E. Potter R. DICKINSON...... J. M. ALLEN............ B.L. COLBURN- - - - - - - C. L. KAUFMAN Oldest and Lar gest Bank. { 70-1859 par 100 Evanston ...47,600 7 Cook 622 th each sight draft for presentation and 25« for Credit Reports. Please send 15c wi Q.N. Blumenschein M. L. Harper......... M. H. McKee___ d®»t’14 H. A. Pearson_____ W. L. McKAY.......... C. J. RANG— ‘♦CENTRAL STATE BANK dB®T»t5*21 ) SI50-5% par 100 CITY NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY CHAS. N. STEVENS... EDWIN SHERMAN, V. P. and Tr. Off, R. 0. 60LTRA W. D. P,ARTLOW HURD COMSTOCK, HAROLD Y0RT. V. P. and Cash. A. C. and Mgr. Inv C J TIPPET, Dept, The only NATIONAL Bank In EVANSTON 70-114 dB®T«ri900 Complete Banking, Investment and Trust Service—Mortgage Loans— Travel Bureau COMMERCIAL J.F. HAHN- - - - - - - - - - JflLllAM EASTMAN- FRANK C. McCABE— CARL E. BERGSTROM. TRUSTni|||/ & SAVG’S Send your collectionsC. andA. ROGERS other matters to this Modem, Growing bank where *135 par 100 [j All 70-2082 70-115 dB®T*t§’14 ILLINOIS STATE BANK , $125 par 100 70-2113 28.750 $ 180,880 I 144.260 15.750 $ correspondents. 47.880 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.,St. L.; Old N„ Evansville. 24,230 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Harrisburg. 25.000 6,630 113.640 19,090 123.780 1,000 15.360 40.000 34,090 777.300 37.040 665.540 64,790 31.200 25.000 5.000 115,000 102.000 15.000 6,000 50.900 47.390 615.650 327.220 51.650 19,870 25.000 29,140 295.950 191.770 75,770 13.910 68.640 1st N.. Chi. and Joliet; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 718.960 394,280 2.760 210.540 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Foreman-State N. and 1st Un. Tr. & Sav., Chi. Is. 100,000 61.680 1.159.100 300.000 509.920 8,161,650 500 5,760 223.720 5.242,470 2.057,080 126,910 1st N.. N. Y. and Chi.: Peo. Tr. & Sav.. Clinton, la. 22,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Rochelle Tr. & Sav.. Rochelle. 314.810 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N, Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.: 1st N.. Peoria. 412,480 1,482.370 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. V.; N. Bk. Bep., DIRECTORS C. M. Moderwell William W. Buchanan John A. Nyden Hurd Comstock E. E. Sheridan Chester A. Cook Edwin Sherman Thomas H. Eddy J. H. Fall, Jr. Charles W. Spofford David R. Forgan Charles N. Stevens Nels M. Hokanson Charles E. Ware William S. Mason Rawleigb Warner 200.000 77.780 1.339,310 22.500 1,107,280 304.470] 17.7901 1st N., and Cent. Tr. Co. of HI., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N., St. L. 210.050 Chase N., N. V.; Cent. Tr. Co. of III. and Cont, III. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chl.;Un. Tr. Co., Clev. AN AUTHORIZED TRUST COMPANY they shall reoeive the personal attention of officers of long banking, trust and business experience in this community. EVANSTON TR." c-J-G0LEE..........fcHKpsr-ELMER M-GAL,TZ-F*J-PFAHLER— & SAV. BANK $215-8% par 100 15.640 I 314.380 Principal THE FACILITIE S OF A YOUNG, STRONG BANK. WE OFFER rtment offers sou nd investments. WRITE US. LOur Bond Depa 70-116 tl27-12% par 100 ig Point . Member Federa I Reserve System Special attentl on given BUI of L adtng drafts, Cas h and Time Item FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1185-8% 30.000 C. E. DAVENPORT... Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Ba nk. Special Attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Erie.....................957 First National Bank-d®»t’03 R. L. Burchell........ O. A. Wilson—.__ R. C. Burchell____ L. C. Burchell. 7 Whiteside CIO 12% par 100 Resources. Liabilities. Bond* Loan* Gum A lxPaid-dp Sdbpldb Depos Other Miscel ounsi*,Doi and and AND L iabili Capital its DUoount* S*ouriti*s laneous non fiim Profits ties Mattie Connery.... J. M. Quindry _ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 200,000 180,140 3,497.930 52.130 2.336.840 850,050 61.830 56.380 475,150 209,590 143,010 62,220 304,560 671,230 1,039,160 681.480 Chase N„ N. V.; N. Bk. Rep. and Har ris Tr. & Sav., Chi. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE. “YOUR BANK IN EVANSTON.” We solicit your account, large or small. Prompt attention given collections and escrow matters. J. H. TAFT- - - - - - - d®t§’26 NORTH AMERICAN TRUST CO. $100-«% par 100 70-2105 BT5’21 (Formerly Iroquois Tr. Co.) —H. W. M0G6....................... .................. 100.000 17.420 J. J. BAILEY.......... L.M. COOLEY.................... .................. 1,420,620 529,150 " H.E.KEl 677.890 23.930 N. City, N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. 6,030 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. A GENERAL TRUST COMPANY BUSINESS. (Evanston banks eo ntinued on next page) Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Company ^Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 09c 04U Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. aNew § State tTriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦•Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Evanston ...47,600 (Continued) ' STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY $400-16% ♦ 70-113 dB©T*t8'74 par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed1) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINIOS -Continued Liabilities. President. Vice President. Resources. Surplus Paid-up Depos Othik AND Liabili Capital Profits its ties Ass’t Cashier. Oashier. Bonds Loans Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous Principal Correspondents. Cabb & Ex0HAN(1XB,I>UI raou Banks $ WIRT WRIGHT- - - - - - C.J. LUTHER............ F. U. CARLBORG....... O.M.LAGERHAM : — $ 503.003 % 616,780 12 285 250 $ 457,710 $9 570120 $1667130 $ 668,240 $1954 260 National City Bank_______ New York WM. A. DYCHEL. J. KNAPP F. 0. POTTER. See. J. F. MURRAY Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co., Ch.o/Bd. 0. H. TOMLINSON, Trust Dept. A. C. LEXOW, „ Cblcago F. J. SCHEIDENHELM, V. P. Trust Dept. E. A. BARBER* A. C. Svgs.Dept. niREOTOKS Foreman-State National Bank,Cbicag Vice Ch. of Bd. Mgr. Vault Dept. A-K.SCHEIDENHELM. Philip R. Shumway First National Bank_____ ___ Chicago Arthur Andersen Oscar H. Haugan V.P.,R.E.Ln. Dept. Augustus Knight Sewel L. Avery M. W. READING. James F. Oates A. Mgr. R. E. Ln. Scott Brown H. Poppenhusen L. Buck C. Nelson , < Dept. Robert W. Campbell F. J. Scheidenhelm OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN EVANSTON William A. Dyche Commercial banking. Savings, Bond and Trust Departments. G. H. Tomlinson Howell N. Tyson Charles P. Whitney Wirt Wright Union Trust Co................... Pittsburgh Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia Evanston Clearing House.... C. J. Golee............ J. A. Brooks.......... H. Comstock, Tr... G. H. Tomlinson. Sec. C. A. Rogers (Members indicated by * ) (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House Ass 'n +) Evansville....... 575 Bank of Evansville--®»tS'96 70-1287 8 Randolph Oil Ewing_______ 341 Ewing State Bank--------JJ'03 70-1288 I Franklin 016 8% Falrbury____2390 Fairbury Bank__ dB®*t§’74 70-563 7 Livineston G17 par 100 G. N. Sauer______ P. E. Saner______ A. E. Schnette___ G. A. Theobald — 25,000 30,670 573,160 14,310 187,160 J. J. Pearce_____ Willis Payne____ C. V. Glark____ - Mollie Clark . 15,000 1,780 74,490 5.000 70.780 Herbert Powell. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Farmers State Bank.d®tJ’18 J. C. Meis___ 70-1960 ‘Fairfield___ 2574 Fairfield Nat. Bank..d®t'03 A. J. Poorman 8 Wayne NI8 70-572 100,000 Mrs. L. B. Dominy. Chas. Steinberg__ R. E. Thorn e. J. C. Dawson C. A. Purdum C, R. Voris J. Nussbaum_____ Joseph Gerber .... O. F. Heins ... P. H. Koeley Ora A. Shanks G. W.John*_____ J. R. Meyer_____ Chloe Weaver___ D. L. Garrison W. H. Boze 60,000 1,400,000 1,100,000 --------- Mtle.-Com, Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. 9,180 77,740 16,200 9.300 100,000 110,000 250,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria and Joliet. Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Peoria. N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;N.City,St.L. 369,060 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 40.000 13,270 453,450 1,370 263,730 83.790 15,630 144,950 85.000 71.000 805.040 60,000 582.360 294.230 26,000 118,450 Lenore Clark___ 50,000 70,000 605,110 13,380 405.440 148,860 57,600 131.600 Fairmount.__870 First National Bank-®»t'05 G. R. Catlett____ E. R. Catlett____ S. T. Gatlett_____ John E. Cast___ 7 Vermilion 120 70-933 M. F. Porterfield.. N. R. Porterfleld.- W. B. Porterfield.. Wilfred Hickman Porterfield’s State Bank D. C. Lewis $125-9% par 100 70-932 B®t5’91 30.000 8,620 208,430 17,210 178.020 30,730 7.340 48,180 25.000 6.750 100,000 85,000 10.000 21,750 15.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City, St. L.; Citiz. N., Evans ville, Ind. Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co.,Chi.: 2d N.. Danville; Citiz. N., Decatur. 1st N.. Chi. and Joliet; 2d N.. Danville. 513 5Q0 14Q 470 37,310 86,040 Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr.Co..Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 310,380 39.120 4,500 30,160 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. and Joliet. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-6% par 100 70-571 . d*t ! F. M. Brock-------- T. J. Hilliard____ S. R. Meeks B. F. Thomas Falrvlew____ 572 Fairview State Banking Co. John W. Gaddis__ P. B. Voorhees__ O. L. Wilson____ 7 Fulton G10 $225-10% 70-1290 d®»tl'95 par 100 Farina______ 701 State Bank of Farina. ®tl'02 O. T. Wade______ J. P. Haley______ E. J. Dorr______ 8 Fayette M16 $175-10% 70-1292 Farmer City..1678 Old First Nat. Bank. d®t'74 E. C. Murphey___ J. F. Saxton..___ E. R. Rinehart__ 7 De Witt H16 $100 par 100 79-703 C. O. Gillespie .— G. M. Kincaid___ F. L. Weedman..— John Weedman Nat. Bank $175-12% par 100 70-704 d®t'85 FarmersvUle .. 513 Farmersville State Bank K. L. Hayes______ C. H. Ball______ E. W. Ball______ 70-1293 t§’92 8 Monte’y K12 par 100 Farmington _. 2631 Bank of Farmington .. «J§'03 E. L. Parks........... Geo. Ross______ Donald Parks____ 7 Fulton G10 70-588 Alfred C. Steen burg & Co. A. C. Steenburg ... W. C. Steenburg.. Clyde Steenburg _. Lin Dikeman 70-587 t§’68 Ferris_______ 297 Farmers State Bank dB®t$’05 $150-4% par 100 70-1294 7 Hancock G5 Ftdelity.............155 State Bank of Fid.elity©i5’20 8 Jersey Klo $100-4% par 100 70-1813 Fleldon............248 State Bk. of Fieldon..d»t8'10 6% par 100 70-1295 8 Jersey L8 Fillmore_____ 511 Fillmore Bank____ ®«t§'80 8 Montz’y L14 par 100 70—1296 Fillmore State & Savings Bk. $150-6% W. J. Singleton, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 85Q Q?0 3 700 J. H. Irish______ 50.000 32,410 La Ven Newton... K. A. Connor John T. Kendall.. Robert Cleary W. A. Baker_____ 65.000 14,010 352,290 49,350 301,030 143,760 19,240 16.610 75.000 98,880 562,880 73.900 526,560 146.060 31,090 106,940 292,740 5.000 200.000 36,000 230,000 5,000 7,000 34,000 12,840 429,500 2,860 230,300 113,390 24,100 230,300 C. W. Bolton........ 50.000 26.350 384.250 — 342,780 28.550 43,740 46,530 N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N.and 1st N„ Peoria. James D. Baird__ A. L. Casburn___ B. G. Tribowlet ... 25,000 12,460 272,850 5,010 209,080 61,380 12,250 32,610 Drov. N., Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy. 4,000 58.810 15,000 5,850 10,560 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 91,270 33,530 15,600 23,450 135,800 40.300 32,700 41,200 132,160 23,300 30,120 17,320 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: 1st N.. Joliet. 1st N., St.. L.; N.Stock Yds N.. N. Stock Yds. Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 180.560 11,710 24.330 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 125.000 22,000 50.000 Cont. Ill.'Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. John Ewin______ J. H. Ryan........ . Alfred Van Bebber 25,000 3,990 57,230 William Wieehard, L. J. Krueger___ F. C. Heitzig____ 25,000 4 ixn 134,680 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. N. B. Allen............ J. A. Herren____ F. Herren______ A. B. Herren___ 25,000 5,000 209.000 M. T. Mason_____ C. D. Moody____ John Q. Bost____ 25,000 7 000 170,910 25.000 5,930 165.680 25.000 7.000 165.000 JOHN CRIBBET, Ch.ofBd.and Pres, A. C. ATKINSON. . . . . . THOS. F. KIEM- - - - - - MILLIE SPRIER. URSULA SHUCK Modern, Progre sslve, Unexcelled ice. Special At tention all Collec Banking Matte rs entrusted to u J. G. Mitchell....... Fisher. _ 747 Fisher State Bank__d®t§’82 S. E. Albin....... 70-926 7 Champaign H18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill. N.. Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 1st N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 35.000 50.000 11,000 par 100 70-1837d®»5’14 Findlay............ 882 FIRST STATE BANK 7 Shelby J16 $100par 100 70-1297 d®«*§’27 1st N., Chi.; Citiz. State. Champaign. 1st N., Chi.; Peo., Bloomington. Facilities, Efflci tions, Escrow M atters, and s. E. M. Vennum___ W, L. Davis ... Continental Illinois Bank 1 and 20,000 1 Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank 327 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given > each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued . _a__ ....ti.n .nitA o-inxlnun ItutiLarc Afic^n Resources. Liabilities. ‘County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bund Fed. Res. District.j d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. flthlan______ 482 Farmers State Bank.d®+8 19 7 Vermilion 120 par 100 70-1967 Flanagan_____637 Farmers State Bank d®*tS’83 7 Livingston F16 7% 70-1299 “ ____ “ Flanagan State Bk, d©T»t§'13 1150-7% par 100 7 0-18 2 6 Flat Bock____ 745 Flat Rock Bank____B®t§’09 8 Crawford L211250-15% par loo 70-1308 *' _____ “ (Peoples State Bank—-«t5’18 lHO-6% 70-1938 Flora________ 3558 First National Bank d®»t’72 President. Vice-President. Ass Cashier. t Cashier. Leo Freese---------- E. E. Freeman__ R. H. McAlister... Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital its Phofits $ 25.000 $ Other Liabili ties Principal Correspondents. JLo*ne Bonds Oash k ExMiscel OLAMaM,I>ui and and DUoount* Securitise laneous FROM BAJnefl 12,440 $ 19,490 $ 26,480 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 6.450 $ 113,830 — S 86,860 $ — 338,050 21,990 13,900 13,000 70,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 63,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet A. J. Locker_____ Ben Wiechman___ P. C. Hahn______ P. V. Barnhart___ 35,000 18,040 379,240 Thos. Dillon_____ J.H. Linneman, Jr. J. H. Duis_______ H. J. Schwerin — W. L. Tohill........... Grant Taylor------- Miss Dorothy Piper 25,000 12.500 290,000 207,000 44,000 43.300 63,680 506,750 416,910 43,320 5,990 J. O. Weger_____ A. N. Vinsel____ C. M. Weger____ Myrtelle Dickinson fl. F. Pixley-------- G. J. Price............ C. E. Hemphill__ H. C. Michels___ t Clay M18 1240 par 100 70-535 “ _____ " Flora National Bank_d®»t ’19 F. H. Simpson----- T. J. Friend_____ C. E. Gibson_____ Charles C. Snyder. J. C. Scudamore 1100-5% par 100 70-536 D. J. Brumley----- E. F. Mann.... ........ R. B. Hewetson__ A. C. Panzar......... . Flossmoor....... SOOiFlossmoor State Bank J. A. Carroll. Ch. 7 Cook D21 iioo par 100 70-2126 dB®+§’28 H. A. Beasley----Foosland-------275 First National Bank—d®t'19 7 Champ’n H18 par 100 70-1957 Geo. W. Kreling— Elsie White_____ W. K. Walker___ J. Pemberton, Forest City.—314 Forest City State Bank 7 Mason Hll *175-0% 70-1303 d«it’99 Ch.of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 11.430 174.030 129,380 14,900 17,130 50.006 86,040 585,470 461,630 122,870 53,970 000 tf,500 300,000 205,000 107,000 25,000 6.320 84,150 _____ 81,740 5,850 12,780 15,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 7,000 180,000 2.000 62,000 101,000 17.000 25,000 17,200 106,750 1,980 102,520 24,410 9,410 34,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; 1st N.. Cham paign. 14,590 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch.& Ill. N., Peoria. 100.000 119,900 1,783,240 99,380 1,126,040 582,060 133,240 100,000 98,600 1,881,250 103,740 1,475,700 442,720 22,290 242,870 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Avenue State. Oak Park. ces $3,1 100.00Q (Resour 21,980 337.640 83,590) 5,860 262,270 116,140 18,750 68,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.iForest ParkStateBk..Forest Park. 33,200 377,000 3.800 283.000 61,900 9,900 84.200 Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merck. & Ill. N., Peoria. 35,004 11,730 312,320 246,570 48,200 19,570 75,DM 83,710 857,110 11,870 472.070 420,140 34,130 30t00O 2,960 194,220 117,240 61,390 13,160 25.000 9,630 279,300 _____ 224,680 40,980 8,820 Jos. J. Novotny ... Richard Novak— 25.000 6,820 75,740 120 44,250 31,800 4,040 O. B. Herschbach. F. L. Hasenjaeger. H. C. Folkers, JPolkers. Frankfort....... 497 Citizens Bank....... . d®G*13 Frank Geo. Eisner, Sec. Ch.of Bd. and Pres. $235-10% par 100 70-1306 7 Will D21 Wm. L&nkenaa— F. Warning--------- J. A. Lohring------- F. J. Kohlhagen, Frankfort State Bank Sec. $218-12% par lO070-1815d®+S'13 Franklin_____ 611 Franklin State Bank .d»t5'86 M. B. Keplinger — F. T. Miller-------- F. T. Miller........... J. M. Keplinger... 70-1307 8 Morgan J10 par 100 30,000 35,280 201,370 14,500 225,260 — 2,260 53,630 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Joliet Tr. & Sav.. Joliet. 8,280 37,720 Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Oo..Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 3,400 52,410 $ 48,700 147,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N.. Via Cannes. Inri. 49,050 N, Bk Rep., Chi.: 1st N., Robinson. 131,730 N. Oity, N V.: Cont.111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co.,N..St. L. 115,000 1st N„ Chi.: N. City. St. L. par 100 Forest Park 13,133 7 Cook C21 FOREST PARK STATE 1225-15% par 100 ALBERT C. RODS—AUGUST TH0DE—F. C. BECKER- CHAS. KRAMP ALBERT R0j ‘0jb a$k in the township. — Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 261,170 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25e for Credit Reports. 70-333 dB®T»i§'87 (WM.F.GROSSER. WM. RIEGER- - - - - - H. F.CARLS0N...... + HARLEM STATE SAV. BK. X Ch.of Bd. and Pre s. $250-14% 70-334 dB©T»*8'04 { Kindly send 16c with each sight draft and 2ae for credit reports. par 100 Trust&SavingsBk. Wm. H. Gardner.. Jos. Bristow------- H. W. Leverentz... Chas. Treder......... it’. Roosevelt T. L. Lobstein $110 par 100 70-335 d®+§’26 A. C. Roos. Ch. (+Affiliated Member Chicago Clearing House) J. W. JENNINGS. - J. F. WALLACE- - - - - E. B. FUNK- - - - - - - - - - WM. G. FOLLMER_ _ VELMA B. BROWN Forrest.. 965 FIRST STATE BANK d®«’14 7 Livlngst on F1811225-8% par 100 70-1304 (. Please send 15c vri th each sight draft f Henry Gerwig....... M. H. Eakle-------Forreston_____884 Commercial State Bank 1210-12% 78-1782 ©tJ’ll 7 Ogle B12 m C. L. Robertson... C. A. Beebe______ Forreston State Bank Estella F. Greenfle par 100 78-1805 d®*tl’87 Fowler_______ 175 Bank of Fowler —dB®I§’19 R. M. Stahl_____ H. L. Myers--------$110-3% par 100 78-1995 8 Adamsl5 Lake State Bk. dB®*t§’23 E. H. White_____ J. K. Manning-----Fox Lake . 467 Fox ___r,.J. G. Wagner 7 Lake A19 $125-8% par 100 70-2071 _ ^ to1 , FoxBiver Grove 193 First State Bank _dB®+§’27 IF. C. Topmka....... E.D. Black—. 7 McHenry A19 B20 par 100 70-2109 1 George KotasRa 25.000 or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. A. V. Silverthorn. Jennie Geiseman.. Herman Brandt — A. J. Roskam Id J. B. Bedale-------- Mildred Erke------A. H. Franzen____ J. Milo Halverson. 225,220 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi. 44,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 101,350 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi. 35,380 Ill. State, Quincy. 39,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Roselle State. Roselle. 27,590 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. State, Berwyn. 336,460 256,080 118,340 50 000 18,960 222,000 226,930 24,030 50,000 27.000 400.000 327,000 50,000 35.000 W. R.Schutt......... Wm. H. Schewe... Franklin Parkgi4 State Bank of Franklin Park H. E. Dodge, 7 Cook B21 $250-10%parl0O7O-1309dB®,t5’22 Ch. of Bd. an d Pres. 75.000 32,720 704,080 137,740 456,050 370,140 53,490 Free burg___ 1594 First National Bk,..dB®»t'05 R. E. Hamill------- D. F. Baltz.............. Susie M. Wolf___ 8 St. Clair Nil j$250-12% car 100 70-1310 ‘Freeport... 20,688 FIRST NATIONAL BANK T*t 64 ADDISON BiOWELL- JOHN BRUCE- - - - - - - - J. M. CLARK-------- J. I. HINDERKS—. 7 Stephenson A;3 70-145 50.000 87,920 535,030 49.000 263,760 368,540 35,090 54,550 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. 8t. L. 98.800 2,045,920 593,790 185,230 590,040 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co. and ' ' /■ FrankllnGrove589 Citizens State Bank.d®+§ 20 C. W. Crum_____ Elmer Cline---------- L.J. Miller______ W. L. Riegle, Sec... 7 Lee C14 *125 70-2009 •' _____ •• fW. C. BURKES.... F. H. HAUSEN— FRANKLIN GROVE BANK $165-10% par 100 50,000 43,770 ' L. L. BURKES—— F. H. SENGER_ _ _ _ 70-1308 d®»tS 89 < Collections and Bequests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be aecompanle d by 1 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr ajts, 15c; Credit Be ports, 25e. 156,000 545,170 2,621,010 Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Avers N.. Jacksonville. 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds.N.. Chi. 65.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co and Drov. N.. Chi. 69,860 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Oak Park Tr. & Sav., Oak Park. Stock Yds. N„ Chi. ! Freeport Trust & Sortings Bk. {Merged with Guara nty Trust & Saving s Bank. February 3, as Union Bank & Trust Co. ) ( Freeport banks con tinned on next pane) 1 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • and Trust Company^ Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT noo xJ£iO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in IT. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and ootnmr. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Aas’n. [Fatah. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Feesideet. ▼ice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Paid-up Su®^U8 Depos- Other B?nd’ Misceland L iabili CAPITAL pROFIT8 ITS Discounts S.euriti.s ties Principal Correspondents. Gash A Bx 0saroi«,Dti* from Barxi Freeport___ 20,688 Guaranty Trust <£ Savings Bk. (Consolidated with Freeport Trust & Sa rings Bank, Februar y 3,1930, as Union B ank & T rust Co.) (Continued) Knowlton Slate Bank______ (Consolidated with Guaranty Trust & Savings Bank, Aug ust 12. 1929) (Liquidating. Depo sits taken over by F irst National Bank) Second National Bank_____ $ 100,000 S Security Trust Oo.... RT»’16 G. W. Chapman... A. J, Clarity_____ C. B. Courtney, 1100 par 100 7 0-151 A. J. Clarity, Ch, , Sec. State Bank of Freeport J. F. Smith______ L. R. Jungkunz___ W. C. Pfender. M. B. Antrim....... 70-149 d®«*l'»l H. H. Antrim, Ch. O, W. Dorman A. B. Tracy J.S.Coleman.WCTi. A. F. Schulte Jacob Weiss Stephenson County Bank. (Consolidated with iState Bank of Freep ort, January 2, 1930) parlOO C. H. Green........ A. O. Kaney............. F. H. Altemeier ... J, F. Mougin... C. L. Snyder, Ch. K. H. Knowlton Henry Zanoni J. H. Rife Give us a trial. UNION BANK { FULTON STATE & TRUST CO. par 112.50 Fulton______ 2446 7 Whiteside 010 70-150 d©Tt§’ll Satisfactory Ser vice Guaranteed. Unsurpassed Co Uectlon Service. rH. W. IN6WERSEN- GUSTAV 6RADERT. BANK 10%par 100 70-1311 d®»$|’02 Whiteside Co. State Bank. 1150-8% par 100 13 GALENA NATIONAL BANK 70-420 par 100 200.000 75,000 76.100 S 66.960 $ 2.340 2,262,780 850,010 262.090 1,116.680 Chase N. and Cent, Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. V.: Coni. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi. 795.510 690,520 1,080,160 203,910 167,940 259,010 chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 04,620 1,289,130 552,320 640.700 34,260 225,470 Chase N„ N. L; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. 200.000 $3 889 220 25,000 Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. I I Oldest and Lar gest Bank—Mode n Equipment — Unexcelled faclllt les. I Special attentlo n given B-L Draft , Cash and Time' Items. 15c should be se nt with each Sigh t Draft for presen tatlon and Uc for each Sp eclal Re port. R. P. JONES-------- R. C. RIEGEL......... A. G. JONES-_ _ _ _ _ _ E. M. JONES- 15.000 2,47o! 194,350 3.580 156,830 12.750 11,210 34.610 1st N.. St. L.; 1st Tr. & Sav.. Harrisburg. 50,000, 41,920 661,650 49,220 653,670 10.000 90,210 58,880 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Dub. 238,330 2.637,790 149,050 826,950 2,094,060 24,080 180,690 Lrv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cont. Ill. Bk. 529,400 40,000 207.200 448.900 23,500 85.500 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1,080 2,583,470 502,150 280,280 515,300 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., 970 1,395,020 432,300 267,620 69,480 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. and Time (terns. 25c for Credit Repo icmmm 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention T. R. GOLDTHORP. 0. B. BLEWETT----- S. J. HUGHLETT....... J. T. HISSEM........... 100.000 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. ESTABLISHED 1853 — LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN JO. DA VIESSC OUNTY !. Special care given BUI of Lading Collections. d®«3’5* Please enclose IBc presentation fee with Sight Drafts and 2Se for Cred it Rat in gs. m HURST- - - - - - A. J. NILLH0U6E— R. V. STEPHAH------100,000 Our long experien ce, unexcelled facil ities and personal attention to all d®l»t’65 1 banking matters entrusted to us a guarantee of Satisf actory Service. T RYUS. Pleats send 16c w» th sight drafts for pr esentation and 26c. for Credit Report*. 95,700 MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK 70-421 1150-8% par 100 ‘Galesburg..30,087 7 Knox F9 BANK OF C.G.CRAI6, GALESBURG 70-133 dB®T«tr91 Ch.ofBd. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N., Chi. H- *• CRAIG............ L. H. STREEDAIH-— LAMBERT PETERSON- Unsurpassed Collection Service. Bill of Lading Drafts receive Special Attention. 125,000 625,060 3,130,060 Please send 2Sc for Credit Reporte. Farm. & Mechanics Bank S. V. Stuckey___ iG. T. Townsend...IF. O. Gustafson, lAxel Gabrielson. $165-4% 70-131 dB®T**l’«9 Cash, and Tr. Off. H. V. D. Wilson (.Galesburg Banks c ontinued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.390 Northern Tr. Co., Ghl. (Placed in hands of State Banking Depa rtment January 31, 1930) Galatia______ 868 FIRST STATE BANK~®»t«19 I Saline P18 70-1956 • Galena____ 4742 FIRST STATE & SAVINGS 7 Jo Daviess A9 BAN K—70-1789_ d®«tf E. E. MACHAMER—- E. D. THOMSON. 400.000 S 196,750 $ 130.150 J 1.850 Continental Illinois Bank and 200.000 205,020 1,767,250 Trust Company — Chicago and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number eiven qon Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. $M«m. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Galesburg..30,087 (Continued) . . . . . C. H. BROWN- - - - - - - - - H. A. ANDERSON FIRST GALESBURG OMER N. CUSTER-— S.H. NIRDLINGER. HUGGINS H. M. LARSON, M. F. CLINE President. cashier. V ick-President. N. L. RQGERS AND CO. Inc. Stocks par «% $ { 425,000 $ 623,310 10215230 $ 298,450 16549420 $3 709 200 $ 177,040 1,125,040 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. Branch Office (See) Peoria and Bond John Miller______ B. P. McFadden ... W. N. Nelson. Thos. McClure F. C. Peterson_____ 100,000 59.300 590,000 21,700 575,000 20,500 80,500 70-548 ®«t'82 1st N., Peoria. A. E. Johnson 60,000 33.030 1,010,280 30,000 491,580 435,240 62,500 100.000 50.000 833,080 41,420 040,050 194,040 85,880 Gardner______ 937 Exchange Bank----------®M’71 W. S. Allison_____ J. L. Swanberg— Wade S. Allison... J. B. Allison______ 7 Grundy E18 6iS6-8% 70-882 25.000 16,610 317,670 2,760 183,390 123,860 2.000 First National Bank d®*3 M A. G. Perry............... J. C. Leutz.........— B. O. Jeffers___ par 100 70-883 L. 8. Collins-------Garrett_______ 270 Garrett State Bank-------**T7 F. L. Reeder-------70-1313 7 Douglas J18 25,000 39,200 443,960 67,500 258,490 198.780 50.210 15,000 9,530 75.820 74.010 9,000 25,000 9,580 174,520 131,520 52,800 10.000 2,000 50,000 45.000 E. YOCUM______________________________ A. E. ANDERSON— E. L. STEFRENSON- Oldest and Largest Bank. Modern Progressive Methods. Send us your Items direct for quick returns. 6250-4% Farmera State Buk—®«3i’20 W. E. Storm______ J. D. Hardinger — T. R. Storm---------- B. H. Hooten... 6100-8% par 100 6100-7% par 100 70-1314 State Bank of Geff —-Tfll O. A. Barr________ Owen J. Chaney__ M.G.Karr------------- Bertha L. Karr.— 70—1775 Central Trust & Sav. Bank G. B. Dedrick____ C. M. Bills............... John Greenwood.. A. E. Fehlman . 6200-10% 70-500 ®T«tl'07 FARMERS NATIONAL BANS J. A. BRADLEY. . . . . . . . W. H. HOSFORD- - - - - G. A. MEEKER- - - - - 70-498 d®*t 76 par 100 First National Bank.d®«t’04 O. W. Hoit_______ I. N. McBroom... 10% par 100 79-497 STATE BANK OF ♦ 70-581 dB Own_______ 1228 Exchange State Bank . 7 DeKalb B17 Farmers State Bank... OSCAR NELSON— FRED SMITH —— C. B. HAGANS_ _ _ _ W.S. ZAREMBSKI- 52,800 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 68.170 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet; Cont. N., Indpls. 6,000 18.780 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. of Mattoon. 7,000 10,000 N. City. St. L. Mat toon; Fleteher-Am N., Indpls. 100,000 101.760 1,073,790 110 626,360 275,780 103.210 270,310 Gty, Tr.Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. 50,000 172,880 1.100,310 49,000 685,430 494,350 41,010 151,410 Eiu't. Tr. Co., N. Y.: lit N. and Stock 200,000 143,590 1.727,720 98,650 1,139,790 697,900 61,220 271.050 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N.and Cont. 111. Bk. & 50,000 490,000 5,000 268,000 245,000 37.000 143,050 1.816,240 67,240 1,241,680 488,910 96,090 71,060 285.260 23.950 84.140 100,000 60,000 15 CENTS sent to ns with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and .15 CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal attentto and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. Yds. N.. Ohi. Tr. Co.. Chi. 55,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st. N.. Joliet. 299,850 Chase N., N.Y.; N.Bk.Rep., 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. {Closed December 13, 1929) {Closed December 13, 1929) Georgetown.. 3081 First National Bk. d®*tl900 O. P. Clark „ 7 Vermilion 122 97,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 16,950 Millikin N.. Decatur. . RIVENBURG Chas. M. Morton .. J. H.White............. J. C. Fischer .Genera_____ 4135 First National B*nk-d®«t'07 M. A. Joshel____ _ A. B. McIntosh.— Wm. O. Wood____ Emil BergQuist—— 6200-10% par 100 70-582 7 Kane 018 6200-8% 144,790 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Pleats enclose 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation, BANKERS 6300-15% 95.000 Foreman-State N. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 100 70-547 d®**i'6t Si76-t%(A State Bank) Gays..................... 274 7 Moultrie K17 Geff___________ 322 I Wayne N18 Geneseo_____ 3375 7 Henry DIO correspondents. Trust Co., Ju ly 1, 1629) NHMfcSWS V. A. WIGREN- - - - - - - J. W. NELSON- - - - - - - - A. C. DEEM-GALVA FIRST » F ,E“ Vigorous attention given Collections. Quick returns and consistent charges. NATIONAL BANK Reasons given for non-payment. L.M.YOCUM & CO. L. 1176-7% Principal SEND US YOUR GALESBURG ITEMS. Peoples Trust & Savings Batik (Merged with First G alesburg National B ank Oalva________ 12974 7 Henry Ell RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bonds Lout Other Miscel (Uai * ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and ouaaia.Dn and Diaeounta Saeuritias laneous its Capital Profits ties H. E. HANLON dB®T*3’6 (Hill Arcade Bids.) Ass’t Cashier. Aud. NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 70-130 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. R. Sandusky______ R. F. Dukes... Oren P. Clark. 41,870 1st N„ Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 60,000 19,000 285,160 25,000 26,900 353,890 268,360 87.590 7.700 42,280 1st N.. E. St. L. 25.000 11,830 124,600 131,060 1.240 8.300 20,830 N. Bk. of Rep,, Chi.; State Bk. of Free 8176-8% par 100 70-604 A. B. Michels--------- A. W. Baltz--------- H. O. Michels. Germantown.. 70S Gemmate wn Sav. Bank 70-1315 dB®t0’O6 | Clinton N18 6200-12% par 200 John Renken. German Talley 232 German American State Bk. C. F. Borchers____ Reint Poppeu. 7 Stephenson B13 6100-4% par 100 70-1816dB@ti,07 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Company—Chicago port. Freeport. CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 330 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AMD COUHTT. eMem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv •County Seats (Men. State B. Ass’a. [E-stab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDei>.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. Gibson City., 22S4 FIRST RATIO HAL BANK OF *200-14%. -GIBSON-dB®«t'72 7 Ford 01* par 100 70-640 Fusinnrr. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Tick-President. OiUll ASl’T OASEIl Liabilities. ther Pua-or Surplus Dbfoo- LOiabili AMB Capital rrs Profits M. C. IMATTINSON_ W. E. PROCTOR L. E. ROeKWOOB, CHAS. BARROW { n Special Attenti rge on BUI of Lad each Sight Draft Ch. G. A. Wash______ Gibson Oity State Bank Collections give W. A. Davidson $300-12% par l00 70-641 8®»tS’14 Gifford............. 502 Morse State Bank........ ®7§’85 No advance cha E. B. Wooldridge.. Send 15c with 70-1317 7 Champaign H20 J. Gillespie_____4063 American National Bank R. C. H.McClure........ Isaacs_____ W. E. Schmidt___ | Maconpin Lll $225-10% 70-608 dB®T •t’90 W. A. Osborn, V. P, J. D. par 100 TH. W.Morse............. RICE_____ T. E. ELLIMAH. . . . . . . . CA. of Bd. GILLESPIE NATIONAL BANK J. M. RODINER, attentio n given Bill of La $220-12% 70-609 dB®»t’05 <J Special FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with par 100 (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each Peoples State Bank R. E. Long_______ J. N. English_____ $140- 6%par 12570—2057d®»t5’22 BRYSON STRAUSS — L. E. PHILLIPS. $ 80.000 $ ties 27,580 $ 759,490 $ on. lng Drafts and N ote Collections, for presentation and 25c for each report. 30,000 S. A. Taylor.......... W. A. Davidson ... 19.870 523.500 J. T. Morse . 167,350 Resources. Bonds MlflPSI. Gain S Exand and manna anutM>" Loan, and and Discounts Securities LA*B0U® rasa Run 80,000 J 439.600 * 331.840 $ 2,000 l! ,000,1 10 Principal Correspondents. 129.750 329,130 54,000 $ 121,630 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; Milliken N., Decatur; Peo., Bloomington. 16.500 100.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.: Ind. N., Indpls. 19.150 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Champaign. 70,940 Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 25,000 11,2501 46,250 6.500 C. H.Isaacs . Leta Stehlin 50,000 49,720 770,920 129,010 337,000 534,910 56.800 G.B. MEYER-- H. M. RICE — 50,0001 71,170 836,010 72,750 244,030: 632,040 53,320 102,540 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 41,490 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 106,830 Cent. Hau. Bk. & Trust Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. dlng drafts, Cash and Time Items, each sight draft for presentation and credit report In sures prompt, per sonal at tentlon . 50,000 33,130 191,990 Anna Skamenca... E. S. HERRON- - - - - - - - L. C. POLLOCK— J.W. WILD MARIE W.HAUSMANN Gilman_____ 1448 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < Oldest and Lar gest Bank—Mem ber Federal Beser ve. 70-77* dB(D*t'6 I Bank and Merc antile collections promptly handle d. 7 Iroquois F20 50.000 28,870 473,860 141,700 I '• 8.870 j 50.880 ' I 70,690 139,290 32,510 342,540 132.230 22,000 30,000 (.Send 15c prese ntation fee with Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Report Gilman State & Sav. Bank A. A. Gran)______ Wm. Haubach___ *160-7% par 16070-772 dB®*§’12 Edward W. Meyer rs. 0. SMITH, J Ch.of Bd.andPres, - d®»J§’93 < We charge reas 70-661 J Special attentio \,Please send 15c wi State Bank of Girard d®J§’73 Hal. Metcalf_____ ar100 70-660 Glasford............645 farmers State Bk. d®»t§1900 J. I. Maple, *225-14% par 100 70-1318 Ch. Iof Bd. and Pres. 7 Peoria Gil 071. fJO l. walker _ Glencoe...........3381 CITIZENS STATE BANK Sppecial attenti $142.50-6% 70-2)101 dB®+§'26 <(PI 7 Cook B21 Please send 15c par 125 Girard_______ 2387 8 Macoupin Ell PEOPLES BANK +GLENC0E STATE BANK 70-1319 $375-221% par 100 dB®*t§’08 {Affiliated with Chicago Cleari Glen Ellyn.__6700 Du Page Trust Company 70-1719 d®Tt§’12 7 Du Page 020 $330-10% par 100 GlenElIynStateBk.dB®*t§’05 $300-14% par 100 70-1320 Gianview_____ 760 Glenview State Bank—— §’20 $130-6% 70-2030 7 Cook B20 •Golconda.__1242 First National Bank__ d«t’04 $126 par 100 70-837 8 Pope Bit Pope County State Bank *125-8% par 100 70-836 d»t§’93 Golden............. 654 EXCHANGE STATE 8 Adams H5 par 100 70-1030 BANK d®t§’20 GOLDEN STATE BANK Goldengate.__266 8 Wayne N19 Goodfleld 125 7 Woodford F14 Good Hope.... 353 7 McDon’gh G7 Good wine........ 121 7 Iroquois G20 J. 0. BURTON- - - - - - - - J. H. TIETSORT...... E. A. GIBSON- - - - - - - onably for good c ollection service, n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor R. C. Hamilton----- A. O. England____ J. C. Firth ________ R. A. Addy_______ MabelS.McElhaney T. N. Newsom J. C. Firth F. S. GRAHAM. . . . . . . . - A. L. ROGERS......... E. K. BUTLER......... on given to Colle ctions. with each sight d raft for presentat ion and 25 cents 25,000 15,000 150,000 130.000 50,000 20,000 385,000 365,000 ' ' ■ ■ ■' . •I W. P. Cooper_____ E. H, McChesney.. H. C. Cooper.......... F. Johnson, Ch. H. J. Lutter. Ch.... J. H. Gaetje........ .. J. J. Peter-----------W. J. Smeal, Sec. Phil. A. Craig_____ Barney Phelps.__ Abraham Baker, Ch. of Bd.andPres. J. W. Dixon.......... W. S. Watson_____ H. V. Hesselman.. 17,000 8,000 65.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Ill. N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 65,630 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St. L. 28,970 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N. and Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 93,950 Com’] N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Foreman-State N. and 1st N„ Chi. I 50,000 ' 24,080, , '7-v 341,760; 223,680 112,530 14,000 50.000 28,450 275.490 10,000 287,540. 29,910 17,530 50,000 21.520' 284.780 78,770 206,940 116,280 17,880 j 52,510 1.011.300 333,490 35,000 156,940 Chase N., N. Y.: Northern Tr. Oo., Cont, Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., and Foreman-State N., Chi. 235,520 127.960 204,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. &’Tr,Co. and N. Bk. of Rep.. Chi.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R.; 1st N., Joliet. 117,770 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. k wsr 15 CENTS sent sight draft for pr esentation, and 25 CENTS for each credit repor t insures prompt, personal attentio ng House Ass’n + ) F. J. Bogan.......... . H. H. Hilton ___ _ R. M. Lord, Helen G. Sanders, R. B. Treadway W. G. Shirer, Ch. Cash, and Sec. A. Sec. 30.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. r..;"’ for Cre dit repo rts. M. B. ORDE......... JOHN JEFFREY- - - - - - - FRED. W. BRAY...... C.M. KISCH........ 75.000 92,770 1,316,460 50.000 62,000 928,3601 3,880 476.130 P. E. McGough 35.000 45,640 726,500 16,610 456,040 217,290 32,640 E. J. Williamson .. 30,000[ 66,460 581,920 81,680 : 383,660 266,370 28,210 Lotelle Fowler.__ 50.000 14,000 315,000 50.000 270,000 89,440 28,030 N. L. McClure____ 50,000 9,350 350,000 245,000 89,000 40.000 T. F. AWERKAMP — ALBERT JANSSEN__ Ch.of Bd.andPres. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and tiro* Items. ^Please tend 15e w ith each nohi draft for presentation an d Tie far credit rep oris. M. KING__ _ _ _ B. W. WHITFQRB—. G. W. NETHERY...... 50,000 4,350 372,270 ............... ' 316.530:............... 378.4001 500 279.330 50,630 15,000 79,600 800 M.L. THOMAS, A Modern, Prog resslve Bank with Depart $125-6% 70—107 70-1031 d®«»10 Prompt, person al attention glv par 100 Please send 2Sc for Credit Repor First State Bank_______ t§’20 C. A. French. John J. Williams.. 70-1321 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Goodfleld State Bank d®t§’14 W. R. Simpson___ io% 70-1865 Good Hope State Bank.«{§'90 Alvah Allison... C. P. Kline... 70-1322 Farmers State Bank d-J§'20 S. A. Brown........ F. L. Carman. *122.50 par 100 70-1323 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. M. Hess_______ Z. A. Frechette.__ 10,440 a thoroughly org anlied Collection ment. en all business entrusted to us. ts. A. B. Gill.................. Emily Gill___ J. J. Williams S. E. Naffziger___ 15,000 5,640 63,160 10,000 8.570 120,340 ThaleJ. Huston... 25,000 25,000 210,000 J. P. Hoffman........ H. H. Solomon____ 15.000 4.130 69.620 Continental Illinois Bank and 107,510 570 210,000 8,000 44,130 2,000 26,000 76,610 9,930 81,810 1st N.. Chi. 139,810 N. City. St. L. 65,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Old N„ Evansville, Ind. 74,090 1st N.. Chi.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk.&Tr. Co., Quincy. 32,760 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: III. State, Quincy. 8,480 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 5,100 26,370 Coot. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: Far. State, Eureka. 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. 2,000 41,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co,, Chi.; Iroquois Co., State, Cissna Park. Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER SI50.000.000 ooi OOJ. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B'.A. *New §State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$I.astSale%I)iv President. GorevlUe_____ 581 Citizens State Bank____t§’17 8 Johnson Q15 $115-5% par 100 70-1905 First National Bank____t'05 $120 par too 70-1324 Gorham......... 505 First National Bank___«t'14 8 Jackson P13 $130 par 100 70-1302 Grafton.......... 949 Grafton State Bank... dJ§’69 $ioo 70-1325 8 Jersey L9 Grand Chain..500 First State Bank.__ d©+§’ll $225-10% par 100 70-1326 8 Pulaski R15 Grand Ridge.. 389 First National Bank dB©*t’03 7 La Salle B16 $50-10% par 20 70-1327 Grand Tower..750 First National Bank „ 8 Jackson Q1S 12% par loo 70-1328 dB®*J 05 Granite Cttyl8.166 First National Bank ___ 70-225 dB®*1900 8 Madison M10 $300-12% par 100 Granite City National Bank 18% 70-226 dB®«’02 J. A. Grisham, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. B. Hudgens____ T. A. Bradley, Ch. Henry Arbeiter.Sr. OASF1ER. V ICE-PRESIDENT. E. L. McMahan__ M. M. Terry..____ S. Edwards............. H. N. Thomas__ C. C. White A. J. Schoenbcrn. Gay Harris______ Angela Diepen J. M. Turner. brock E. D. Amsler____ J. P. Catlin............ E. D. Amsler_____ L. J. White— J. P. Catlin. Ch. F. K. Hook R. O. Huthmacher. T. W. Rowe_____ F. V. Lyrley--------- FIRST NATIONAL BANK $150-8% par 100 70-811 ®«$ ’06 A. Pike J7 5,400 $ 25.000 4,440 par 100 70-783 158,800 17,530 7,630 142,920 47,350 18,100 25.000 16.300 143,630 139,700 25,110 5,780 L.: Alton N.. Alton. 19,340 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 25,000 32,500 313,100 10,000 97.540 225,120 14,100 43,830 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25.000 10,370 135,330 24,100 62,000 108,640 3.000 323,240 1,006,910 1,203,000 159,500 5,000 195,630 H. D. Karandjeff W. J. Biel 150.000 107,280 1,596,230 1,960 All* OKi 06 -L1 • GUn LUll. 133,960 70.850 20,260 6,310 353,000 182,000 29.000 49,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi 249,400 29,890 27,700 84,480 412,660 166,030 41,210 36,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: N. City. Evansville. 50,490 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; Old N., and Citiz. N., Evansville. Ind. 250,380 25,000 255,090 23,000 6,110 38,840 Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; lstN..St.L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 688,990 71,000 600,040 148,250 57.230 68,550 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 50,000 283,490 229.330 12,390 L. T. Sikes______ E. B. Neville_____ J. F. Morse______ 50.000 58,000 505,000 E. P. Bowman.._ E. R. Bowman........ G. F. Bowman__ 25,000 45,380 260,680 12,500 Wm. L. Williams.. 50,000 30,590 505,320 Frank C. Smith.— E. H. Trabne_____ J. P. Roodhouse... Jessie B. Parks ... 25,000 22,670 RALPH METCALF 55,000 59,080 660,090 25,000 2,000 150,000 M. M. James............ H. O. Ewart._____ 50,000 20,460 482,870 Peter Drish_____ E. M. Runyon_____ 50,000 25.000 150,000 nview State Bank, 169,260 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Boatmens N„ St. L. 113,220 142,860 M. B. METCALF 49,800 408,490 472,980 25.000 C.T. METCALF. 21,140 1st N., St. L. 255,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L. VJUllla 14,220 E.K. METCALF- 1,227,930 50,480 518,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: ForemanState N.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 1,173,930 1.526,560 2o, 000 42.190 S. A. Blood.............. J. C. Blood.. R. L. Blood 46,430 1st N„ St. L. 195,780 85,300 2.788,440 L. 1. Harris------- 16,260 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cairo. 16,010 Copt. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L. 224,830 150.000 G. L. Potter______ J. J. Algeo .............. J. H. Dnzicker 4,400 $ 11,060 8.220 T. D. Gradinaroff Henry C. Jones H, B. Anderson. 1,000 $ 21,920 9,670 105,140 2,096,450 Hubbell------ A. W. Ruge. 96,440 J 102,850 from Baku 25.000 100,000 J. W. Hopkins 1,180 74,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; La Salle N.. La Salle. 33,460 1st N., Chi. and Joliet. 29.620 Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. 125,000 78,120 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 40.000 1st N. and Foreman-State N. Chi.; Cent. N., Peoria. 180.000 January 6, 1930.) 99.250 Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 75,000 74.980 718,620 525,480 141,010 103,670 W. Riedemann.Milton Kersey . 100,000 60,500 992,320 688.100 261,140 9,500 J. M. Daniels_____ J. M. Daniels-------- F. E. Martin ... G. J. McCune J. R. Heiple--------- H. E. Diggle_____ E. F. Blessman 120,000 50,410 1,519,260 1,250,470 197,570 58.830 246,870 1,300 13,000 62.370 24,310 54,890 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. Natl. Stk. Yds. 2,500 27,260 Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Ill. State, Quincy: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Ernest Tripp------- P. V. Deames.......... H. H. Mathews. E. E. Mitchell........ H. 820 25,000 32,430 238,760 50,000 J. S. FELMLEY_ _ _ _ W.O.CUNNINGHAM W- A. STONE— for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied by d»t'73 (FEE IN ADVA Requests NCE: Plata Sight D rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25e. 33,710 314,010 38,370 294,510 25,000 25,370 237,530 35,000 293,140 S. Griggsville State Bank $200 par loo 70-784 d®<S'2S S. Bradshaw__ D. S. Kennedy..... C. R. Howerton__ R. P. Farrand.. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,000 $ 17,990 Cash ft Ex obasohs.Dtt* 25.000 GRIGGSVILLE NAT. BANK $140-10% 82,710 $ 104,400 50.000 J. G. Pletsch.......... J. H. Buhn............ . Greenup National Bank. <'06 J. A. Campbell.... 10% par 100 70-795 Green Talley..446 Green Valley Bank.®*t§1900 J. E. Phillips.......... 7 Tazewell G12 $150-8% 70-1331 Greenvlew........755 First State Bank________ (Purchased by Gree 7 Menard I ll $110 70-1707 H. J. Wernsing— Greenview State Bank $200 70-1332 d®»tl’15 W. A. Joy_______ •Greenville ...3091 Bradford National Bank io% 70-501 ®t’67 8 Bond M13 State Bank of Hoiles & Sons C. E. Hoiles____ ♦ 70-502 ®T»tl’69 W. D. Castle_____ Grldley______ 720 State Bank of Gridley $230-6% 70-1333 d®ti’Bl 7 McLean F16 par 100 8 25.000 * A. H. Thielker___ S. C. Toman Greenup..........1230 First State Bank---------Jl’10 J. L. Carr...i—— J. P. Ewart--------- G. Borden ________ Cora Brussel 70-796 70nmberlandK10 Griggsvllle___1343 Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bondi Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili and and and Capital Pbopits its Difioounta Saouritias laneous ties $ A. L. Smith... Grant Park___459 First National Bank...®t’21 August Buchmeyer John Rosenbrock. P. 70-2013 7 Kankakee E22 $210-8% First National Bank dB®*3’01 $200-10% par 100 70-1829 State Bank of Graymont $110-7% 70-1822 d®«'13 par 100 Gray slake____736 Merchants & Farmers Bank 20% 70-1330 dB®*+§’02 7 Lake A20 Grayville........1749 Farmers National Bank par 100 70-655 B®»t’M 8 White 020 First National Bank—®«t’95 $200-12% 70-054 par 100 Greenfield.__1149 FarinersState Bankd®«+§’07 70-812 8 Greene K9 Ass’t Cashier. M. M. Pickles ____ R. E. Wiggins_____ Ora Wiggins............ II. A. Hudgens O. E. Schimpf------ E. Schwartz____ Blanche Peters___ G. L. Tetherington E. Rammer______ A. G. Meyer______ N. Fleishman, Ch. C. W. Pershall F. W. Kottmeier J. G. Boggs----------- G. H. Hanlon_____ L. F. Fresen______ Frank J.Fijan, A.C. H. Niedringhaus, Ch. + Granite City Tr.A 8av. Bk. Wm. Champion — Chas. Pauly, Sr.... R. C. Barney_____ $225-12% ♦ 70-227 d®T*t8’10 B. Schermer, V. P. A. W. Morris®, Jr. T. F. Leyden. V. P. par 100 ( + Affiliated members of St. L outs Clearing House Association) Granville____1427 7 Putnam E15 Graymont___ 150 7 Livingston F16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued and Trust Company — Chicago 194.080 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. City, and 1st N„ St. L. 182,800 Chase N.. N.Y.: Cont.Ill. Bk.&Tr.,Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., N.Stk. Yds. 35,020 1st N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; 1st N„ Bloomington. Where Bankers Bank qqo Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities Resources. Loans thbb Bondi Miscel Gash * MxAss’t Cashier. Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and nnd OHAMa^DVI Capital Profits its DUoounta Sieuritiie laneous ebom Banks ties Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.»»New § State tPrlr. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Bambnrg____ S52 Bank of Hamburg____ ®S'07 W. S. Wilson.. _. O. B. Glendenny... Spencer Waldron.. Ray De Long------- $ | Calhoun K7 1150-10% 70-1337 25,000 f 18.390 Hamilton___ 1608 First National Bank..d®i’80 J. D. Piggott___ H. C. Dadant____ R. R. Wallace____ H. M. Guerdon. 7 Hancock H4 1100-0% 70-698 rJ. W. WILLIAMS— (IAN WIIIIAMS < 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and PEOPLES STATE BANK 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. *125-0% 70-699 ©tl'M LBIII of Lading D rafts given specla 1 care. 50,000 10,000 439,660 329,020 94,270 25.000 9,450 236.790 5,000 220.220 3,690 25,380 25.000 15,340 172,420 20,000 192,170 13,450 Hampshire ___618 First National Bk..dB®*t’20 Frank Channing.. B. W. Lanfer......... A. G. Eichier____ H. J. Reid— _ *150-8% par 100 70-2002 7 Kane B17 25,000 30,500 378.620 246,300 C. S. Backus_____ State Bank of Hampshire *280-8% 70-1339 d®Tt*‘82 par 100 Hanna City State Bk.d®»ti’07 H. B. Pinkerton .. *150-0% par 100 70-1340 7 Peoria Gil' rA. R. SPEER____ Hanover_____ 787 HANOVER STATE BANK 7 Jo Daviess A10 6% par 100 70-1009 d®t§’20 ] Collections and IF EE IN ADVAN 25,000 40,050 254,620 255,710 Hammond___ 7 Piatt 118 James Helfrlch... T. B. Lewis____... H. E. Eskridge ... State Bank of Hammond par 100 70-1388®»tl’01 286.530 $ 23.220 S 248.680 $ $ $ 50,720 Franklin-Am. Tr. Co., St. L. 84.680 26,940 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Northern Tr. Co., Chi.: Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk. Ia. 4.500 22,630 1st N., Monticello; Millikin N.. Decatur. 104,330 11,160 72.330 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Elgin. 23,410 6,920 33,620 1st N..Ohi.; Union N., Elgin, State Tr. k Sav., 1st N., and Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. 9.000 44.752 *115-0% ‘Hardin______604 Bank of Oalhonn Oo. *170-14% 70-1341 I Calhoun L7 .d‘tl’98 Alex. Reid C. W. Johnson....... F. C. Petersen— H. W. Harding.__ J. F. Fuller.------- S. J. McCahren.— 25,000 16,300 284.440 1,340 210,630 64.930 12.850 38.660 W. L. LIMAGE_____ J. A. SPEER- - ~ G. H. SPEER— i 50,000 12,610 390,360 17,000 331,490 79,440 20,360 38,680 50,000 35,260 394,580 312.010 22,300 19,390 126.140 15.000 1,800 44,000 2,000 42.000 2,000 1,800 17.000 1M.M6 <1,630 1,255,230 118,260 053,200 603,900 74,220 203,730 75,Ml •2,500 1,250,000 175,000 510.000 735,000 157,500 165,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 156.606 95,630 1,867,120 72,630 1,017,240 764,650 200,780 202,710 ’hase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; M’tle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 43,670 15,000 Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied b y CE: Plain tight d raft*, 15c; Crtdit Re port*. 25c. F. A. Whiteside.. E. E. Williams___ Wm. M. Fisher___ Philip Aderton—.. Hannon_____ 202 Harmon State Bank___${'21 F. H. Kugler_____ A. B. Clatworthy. W. H. Kugler *100-5% par 100 70-1342 F. B. Smallwood 7 Lee «1S ‘Harrisburg ..7125 8 Saline P17 % CITY NflT'L BANK *175-12% par 100 70-385 dB®ri’95 FIRST NAT’L BANK *250-12% par 100 70-384 d®<89 FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK *850-20% ♦ par 100 70-387 G. G. MUGGE-------- C 4 SlfliH___ E. R. Kugler . . ARTHUR WIISflN CONOVER vvlTiw lllfll r ■VflSVSa NHILLin IV H LC FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain Sight Draft*, He; Credit Reportt, lie. TRY US. Louis. F. S. GRAY_______ 1. L. IEEI................ EVA FORMAN For Serriee—Use the “First National”—far Hahtv. 15 CENTS sent to ns with oaeh Sight Draft for'presentation, and 25 CENTS for each Credit Report Insures prompt, personal attention. J. V. CAPEL............ ii. A. tfe'Y 6. 0. DAVENPORT H. 0. BUELL---------- i.wMs Mi. . . Modern, Progressive, Cp-to-Date Methods and personal serriee. dB®T»»'66 Special attention given BUI of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleat* ttnd 15c with each Sight Draft far pr Mentation and 2he for Credit Reporte. FIRST STATE BANK *225-20% par 300 70-509 d®«tt’09 fl. L. AXTELI_____ E. ^Special att 40,070 30,000 245.950 5,000 231.700 30,650 & Tr. Co..Peoria.; Lincoln N,, Lincoln, S. SMITH............. F. R. PHELPS - M. P. SULLIVAN.... 56.666 ention given Bill of Ladin g Drafts, Ca sh an d 125,920 1,140.230 Tim e 959,030 125,740 60,630 170.750 564,780 115,940 147,370 93.470 Chi. Ite ms. with each Sight Draft for praeent ation and 2Se for Credit Report* Harvard State Bank Herbert D. Crumb. Blake B. Bell____ Edward A. Crumb. R. M. Galvin 78-868 dB®*2l’M H. J. Ferris *200-3% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N., Chi.; Mtle-Com. BkV & Tr. Co., St. L. 0. M. KARRAKEB___ G. M. WASSON par 100 7 McHenry A17 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. T. V RRFRfi Sen d us your collections for LOUIS Hartsbnrg____832 Harts burg State Bank Klaas Behrends... Henry VanQerpen Daniel Van oerpen J. P. Paynfl 7 Logan H18 *200-8% 70-1848 d®$l’M Harvard.......... I2M Principal Correspondents. Continental Illinois Bank and 130.000 51.190 735.370 5.010 Trust Company—Chicago Tr. Co.. Chi. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 333 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. ‘County Seats Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPriv. | tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Harvel________B51 Harvel State Bank..d®t5’95 H. H. Zimmerman. August C. Best.__ J. A. Huber . 8 Montgomery K12 70-1344 HAVANA NATIONAL BANK $425-16% par 100 .. 70-473 d®T»t’75 re. p. king—.......... twm- Resources. Liabilities. Loan a BoncU Qua A SxD rpos- Other Miscel oaiaaaxDn Paid-up Surplus and and LiabiliAND Capital Profits Diacounta SMuritiu laneous waaBuxa TIES $ Harvey............9931 Bank of Harvey.—d®»t§’91 G. A. Stevenson__ G. H. Gibson__ __ G. N. Burnett.. . A. F. Waldschmidt 7 Cook D21 $300-10% 70-308 par 100 .. First Naiional Bk._dB®T*t’07 W. D. Rogers_____ William Plagee___ 6% par 100 70-309 Bruce Rardin ^Havana_____3614 7 Mason H10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued P. D. DIEFFENIACHER L. W. ARNO----------- 50,000 1 3,350 S 237,220 $ 9,000 $ 270,000 $ 3,000 1 10.890 $ Principal Correspondents. 15,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 100.000 203,670 1,817.800 46,610 910,170 699,150 97.850 461,110 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 100.000 110,000 1,900.000 50,000 1,090.000 580.000 110.000 380,000 Chase N. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1M,M0 304,370 1,778,110 50.000 1,035,530 938,400 7,500 251,040 1st N..N.Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & 105.820 35,470 21.000 19,350 1st N„ Chi.; N. City, St. L,; 1st N„ Joliet. 38.900 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. Tr. Co., St. L.; Merch. Ill. N.. Peoria. 83,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. Tr. Co.. Ohl. «' Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 16c v>i th each Sight Draft for presentation and 26c for Credit Repo rts. Largest and Str ongest Bank In M ason County. Havana State Bank F. H. Gerbing........ H. J. Hackman ___ H. V. Bortel_____ W. S. Luebeck........ $120-par 100 70-1972 dB©t§'28 6.060 25.000 6,290 144.280 100,000 77,550 515.250 273,790 328.480 50,620 50,000 35,220 538.200 471.900 34,030 34,000 15,000 4,400 154,100 800 102,570 42,470 4,400 00,000 11,500 238.890 4,710 227,370 18,000 18,700 35.000 3,670 100,690 97,340 11,960 9.540 H. W. ZIE6LER_____ 50.000 78.000 895,000 29,960 677,500 322,500 610 52,350 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. R. W. MILLER______ LAURETTA E. MERDIAR 65,000 80.750 603.300 36,390 529,010 123,230 72.150 61.060 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. Herrick 601 State Bank of Herrick .$$’04 A. L. Chamberlain. J. Q. Torrence........ Edward Bender.__ R. T. Clark $200-10% 70-1349 Shelby K15 25,000 13.000 150,000 150,000 10,000 Herrin .13,323 City National Bank._.d>t’07 Jno. Alexander.__ R. A. Karr_______ J. P. Benson 70-330 Williamson P15, 12% G. W. Keaster___ D. A. Davis 00,000 67,000 1,005,000 475,840 515,780 24.450 First National Bank ..*+1900 G. H. Harrison ___ A. K. Elies_______ John Herrin__ ___ H. A. Whitten berg. 40% 70-328 J. P. Adams, A. C. Paul A. Dawson 50,000 186,860 2,390,790 49,090 1.039,460 1,310,490 57,130 Herrin State Sav. Bank.tS'04 E. M. Stotlar_____ W. C. McCormick. O. W. Lyerla_____ M. Gain $200-10% 70-329 50,000 48.950 700.030 508.170 93.230 36,710 25,000 43,000 400,000 353,000 7.500 25,000 24,360 174,750 164,160 33,350 5,630 15.000 5,780 94,160 63,280 14,500 14.070 .. Mason County Bank B. L. McFadden... O. E. Coppel______ C. E. Coppel______ E. E. Everitt ___ $190-10% 70-472 d®Tt§’65 R. M. McFadden par 100 Hebron______ 631 Hebron State Bank._.®»t§’98 C. W. Bailey -__ J. W. Smith E. G. Smith______ 70-1346 McHenry A18 $150-6% F. S. Smith 7 8 Hecker______ .159 State Bank of Hecker dti'13 Ernst G. Feurer, H. S. Braun. $130-0% 70-1807 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. Monroe Nil par 100 .. J. R. Braun______ _ H. J. Braun . __ 24,860 Mtle.-Com. Bk. Tr. Co., St. L. ) Hegewtseh (See Chicago 7 Cook D22 ‘Hennepin____377 Putnam County State Bk. P. M. Morine_____ John Dore..._ - W. A. Puwn $110-6% 70-1347 d®t§’20 Putnam E13 par 100 Henning___ .347 Lane Brothers State Bank L. V. Lane______ J. O. Lane —.. Marie Krown_____ Vermilion H21 70-1*48 dt§1900 J. M. James 7 7 7 Henry________1637 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. L. JONES, M. J. DUKE_______ Marshall E13 $240-10% 70-692 dB®T»t'65 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. porlOO rC. A. PHILLIPS — V. P. TURNER______ R. W. MILLER HENRY NATIONAL BANK -------- ” $180-8% 70-693 ®»t'04 ] Modern, Progre sslve, Up-to-Date ^Special attentlo n given BUI of La 7 8 .. 7 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31,030 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. N.. Granville. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st 20,500 1st N., Chi. and Danville. methods and nne quailed facilities. ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. .. Herscher_____ 449 Citizens State’05 Kllian Fritz______ Albert Denault___ Joseph Peterson.. John 0. Peterson. 70-1073 Kankakee E19 $160-6% .. •• State Bk. of Herscher F. W. Kammann .. Roy G. Wilcox .... Frank J. Karchet— Fred W. Bossert $175-8% 70-1072 d®*tS’02 par 100 Hettlck 293 Hettick State Bank ....t5'07 O. M. McCollom... C.M. Patterson.__ 70-1350 Macoupin Kll $110-5% 8 & & & & 50,000 1,090 28,000 Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. St. L. 184,840 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 267,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. Louis. 160,880 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 105.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee; 1st N.. Joliet. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO 22,050 1st N.. Ohi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. 23,080 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. capital $20,000,000.00 004 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND OOOHTT. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District, d- Safe Dep. ®Sav. $Las tSale%Div. Eeyworth........851 Farmers State Bank___t§'06 7 McLean H16 1175-6% parlOO 70-989 Heyworth State Bank ..t§’91 *160-10% par 100 70-988 Hidalgo_____ 193 Oitusas State B*nk_.d©t§’20 8 Jasper K19 *125-7% par 100 70-1351 Highland___ 2902 Fanners A Merchants Bank 8 Madison M12 70-544 •t§‘08 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities, President. Vic* President. OUSXIKK. Ass’t Casmu Paxo-itf Surplus ahd Oaphajl Profits ther Dnpoe- LOiabili ties C. H. Russum_____ H. A. Lott................ J. T. Buck____ .... Esther Lake______ 30,000 20,020 $ 166,590 S F.L. Wakefield.... E. C. Bishop._____ L. T. Rutledge.__ H. L. Howard____ 30,000 23,030 198,250 F. W. Kuechler, James Tor bit_____ C. L. Carr________ John M. Bowers... Ch. of Bd, and Pres. J. J. Spindler____ Martin Hnber____ John A. Leu............ Emma B. Appel.. 2,060 76,000 85,000 Resources. Loans Bond* and and Diaoounta Baauritias LAXXOUB 620 $ 134,600 J 2,500 198,400 42,970 1.020,830 12,460 100,000 112,680 1,249,480 75.000 C. F. Grant...____ M. C. Hart_______ R. L. Erskine, C. W. Reidel, Sec. and Tr. Off. Ass’f Sec. North Shore Trust Co. A. W. Vercoe_____ F. G. Gardner___ W. M. Dooley____ L. L. Larson_____ *250-8% 70-1686 dB®T«t§’ll W. M. Dooley E. J. Grundy, Sec. par 100 High wood___1446 HIGHW00D STATE BANK John Gourley____ Harry Olander___ J. E. Engquist____ E. C. Benson______ 7 Lake B 21 *115 70-2100 d®t§’26 ‘Hillsboro___ 5074 GEO. H. FI8HEBJ. J. FBEY- - - - - - - - - - - ANTHONY SCHINDLER. 8 Montgomery LIS “THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE our motto. Prompt attention given to Collections and all bankint matters entrusted to us. Please send 25c for Credit Reports. *250-8% par 100 70-480 ®f82 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 70-542 d®T*t'03 ' J. B. MEHZ_ _ _ _ _ A. H. SCHOTT- - - - - - - LEO AMMAN!- - - - - - - EARLE. MALAR__ FLORENCE HOEFLE "First In Age, Safety and Seme Highland Park Highland Park State Bank J. M. Appel_______ C. F. Grant___ 7 Lake B21 6167 *200-6% 70-439 dB®T*t§’99 S. M. Hastings, Ch. V. O. Appel par 100 TRUST COMPANY <205-12% ♦ 70-479 47,460 Cont. Ill, Bk. I Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Bloomington. 26,910 Coat. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; Peo.. Bloom ington. 9,000 Peo. State, Newton. 19,050 9,410 788,350 208.560 39,300 115,400 485,330 924,100 22,490 106,000 1,390,440 39,190 901,360 456,750 89,840 162,680 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Boatmens N„ St. L. 500,000 212,490 4.168,070 77,480 2,464,430 1,880,370 145.710 467,540 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi. 100,000 150,440 976,900 10,350 50,000 30,000 600,000 15,000 75.560 8,500 125,040 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill,; U. S., St. L. 145,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. J. K. McDAVID------ AMOS MILLER_ _ _ _ _ F. L. McDAVID. 200,000 97,150 1,235,040 100,000 59,980 613,280 509,650 461,440 146,000 120,380 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of III. and 1st N„ Chi. 315.000 155.000 15.000 140,000 Foreman-State N. and Cont, Ill. Bk. & 'Tr. Co., Chi. 106,600 652,260 850,200 29.000 107,330 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 27,000 485,600 180,350 51,000 103,970 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Oldest Bank in the County. Member Federal Reserve. Offers a Complete Banking and Trust Service. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. ®Ttl’69 Peoples National Bank_«J’8& 70-481 Hillsdale______ 252 Old Fanners A Merck. State 7Rock Island DIO Bank .... 70-1352 d®t5’0S *125-7% par 100 Hillside_______555 Hillside State Bank dB®t§’27 7 Cook C21 *200 70-2122 U1U view______ 577 Hillview State haak--®»$$’17 8 Greene K7 *100 par 100 70-1353 Hinckley........... 665 First National Bank. d®«t’18 7 De Kalb C17 *225-12% par 100 70-1001 Hinckley State Bank *200-10% 70-1002 d®«t*’M par 100 Hiudsboro____ 463 First National Bk.dB®«tl900 7 Douglas J20 par 100 70-1354 J. M. Baker............ C. W. Grassel........ D. F, Brown______ W. B. Seymour.... Edwin L. Hanson.. C. H. Nundle_____ Stella Morgan........ Hinsdale State Bank *170-6% «. 70-583 dB®n§'02 par 100 Hoffman______ 157 Fanners StateBk___ ®»t§'21 8 Clinton M14 *110-8% par 100 70-1355 Holcomb_____ 172 Holcomb State Bank 7 Ogle B15 $125-8% 70-1356 B®t§’92 par 100 60,000 10.500 3(6,000 316,000 50,000 35,190 726,440 466,680 136,520 12,800 72,150 11,440 100,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 195,620 Chase N„ N. Y„ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Peo. Sav. Bk. k Tr. Co., Moline City N.. Clinton. 71,660 Chase N., ;N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Cicero. 9,840 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Anton Vendley.__ E. J, Thiele.............. E. W. Heidorn____ Joseph J. Marik... Otto Kaspar, Ch. C. R. Angle______ George North........ Chas. V. Arnold... L. R. Forrester.__ Roy Schmidt_____ C. W. Rimsnider.. E. F. Schmidt........ 25,000 23,150 137,940 3,940 34,780 25,000 1,580 62,890 10,000 69,720 25,000 12,710 182,030 11,670 197,850 2,050 17,500 14,010 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. G. S. Potter, L. J. Stewart_____ Jai. H. Clark.......... E. T. White............ Ch, of Bd, and Pres. C. W. Heinemeier 50.000 28,850 369,880 5,050 376,160 6,840 36,360 34,430 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stock Yards N„ and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Willard VanAuken G. M. Hudson ___ W. C. Watson____ George Spicer........ Phoebe Reid 35,000 7,850 195,770 35.170 139,820 75,440 24,480 34,040 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. F. C. Bibb________ M. O. Heideman... 50,000 38,090 1,171,350 938,550 173,810 22,700 124,380 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont, 111. Bk. & Tr.. Co., Chi. Philip R. Clarke, W. C. Castle______ Walter L. Johnson Bertha W. Irvine.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. C. E. Raymond L. P. Conover, R. E. Klein Tr. Off. C. R. Bowman____ Vincent Meyer___ H, N. Husmann. 100,000 28.210 1,128,080 664,120 536,600 100,150 105,490 10,350 2,250 12,240 Merch. State, Centralia; N. City, St. L. 293,010 142,950 4,210 50,330 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; 3d N., Rockford. Hinsdale_____ 4042 First National Bank___»t’10 Wm, Hardy_____ 7 Du Page C20 70-584 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,130 $ Dus U CENTS sent to us with each g Ight draft for pro sentatlen, and .25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attoatlo State & Trust Bk. dB®T#t§’03 A. F. Kaeser —... C. J. Hug_________ Geo. W. Harris.__ L. F. Boulanger... *225-11% 70-543 J. G. Bardill, Ch. O. M.Streiff, A. C. Ruth Bardill par 100 HILLSBORO NATIONAL BANK MONTGOMERY COUNTY LOAN & 25.000 l Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex changes, from Banks E. E. Stanbury ___ George W. Yeo.__ F. E. Sheaff — H. N. Johnston___ 15,000 2,170 113,160 100,000 23,960 352,200 160,630 14,340 19,900 f' . Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company ^ Chicago 116,060:N. Bk. of Rep., Chi, RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 335 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow* AND OOCMTT. »Oounty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPrir. t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div 1 Pkxbidext. CASHIER. VlCB-PKBaiCXHT. Holder.............129 State Bk. of Holder..di§ 05 H. M. Murray___ Steve Evans_____ 7 McLean 016 $140-6% 70-1357 Homer.............978 7 Champaign 120 Wm. A. Klliott__ 40,000 7,500 213,500 162,000 50.000 rC. 0. BABB------- F. A. RAYNOR_ _ _ _ _ C. D. BABB EFFIE M. HAYS....... RAYN0R-BABB STATE BANK j Special attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. 8% par 100 70-839 d®»t§1900 L Pleone send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 Scfor Credit Reports. 9,580 185,000 157,200 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ^ C. H. Wallace___ G. R. Catlett 6% 70-2025 ®»t’20 par 15,000 S 57,000 Principal Correspondents. $ 23,500 1st N., Chi. and Bloomington. 30.000 $ 7.000 Wm. L. DoePD--.-. G. F. Thies______ H. A. Feddersen... 50,000 17,000 278,350 $ 18,690 185,550 59.140 64,060 100,000 75,000 650,000 16,000 350,000 191.000 110.000 82 Wm. McFerren__ D. J. McFerren... Roy Bonghton__... J. V. Evans_____ 100,000 85,400 741,040 64,100 599,270 187,590 100,000 45,000 800,000 74,980 739,220 181,900 24,370 135,830 45.420 23,320 220,290 69.000 7,770 165,320 250 8.860 168,000 10,000 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Ferae B. Davis 100 It. W. Ylt AK C. H. Burton par 100 Hopedale National Bank»t’09 W. H. B. McCormick I. W. Hamilton.__ C. W. Sutter $128-8% 70-1359 Hoyleton State & Savings Bk. W. E. Breuer____ D, Rixmann_____ H. H. Weigel____ Corinne Beckmeyer $i60-8%parloo 70-1360 d®t§’06 VW' fElGK (See Winnetka) Wm. Humphries... Hudson 8tate Bank------1|’07 J. F. Shepard, Ch, of Bd. and Pres, $100-6% par 100 70-1361 T.. Mftlton State Bank of Hull_____tl’06 W. H. Lease_____ L. W. Meyer____ J. F. Lacy 70-1362 First National Bank—d©t’04 J. W. Poorman___ E. M. Mulliken__ C. C. Franklin- .. $160-8% par 100 70-1863 First National Bank____t’17 O. M. Smith_____ Max Cohen______ W. W. Luca*.... Frances V. Wright par 109 70-1933 Hnghes State Bk. —dB®t§’90 F. K. Page_______ O. O. Williams__ $200-10% par 100 70-1364 50,000 12,090 209,330 25,000 17.600 275,000 25,000 22.170 169,890 25,000 28,000 145,000 Wm. P. Hoy_____ Paul Kreutzer___ W. F. Bartelt___ O. H. Marsh........... Elsie Heuer Frank Whlpkey... Henry Manfredinl. W. B. Sizemore... State Bk.ofHuntleyd®»tl’13 $180-10% par loo 70-1365 Hurst State Bank______t$'08 8% 70-1366 Farmers & Merchants Bank par 100 70-1791 ®}'20 Newlin State Bank---------- '02 70-1367 C. E. Rains, Ch, of Bd.and Pres, A. C. Musgrave.__ O. E. Leggitt Allen Newlin____ Carl A. Newlin.__ Leo L. Newlin___ Iliiana_______ 400 (See Slate Line) (.State Line, Tnd. P.O.) 7 Verm nH22 (lllopolis____ 814 Farmers State Bk..d®*$f'90 0. A. Can trail_____ E. J. Me Dermott. John C. Fait_____ W. J. Stapleton... 70-928 7 Sangamon 114 $160-7% 62.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2d N., Dan ville. 73,200 Coat. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N., Decatur; Champaign N„ Champaigu. 55,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 190,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 56.350 147,320 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., CM.; Merch. N„ Indpls. • 98,860 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; McLean Co., Bloomington. 41.230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria; Peo., Bloomington. 32,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. 26,000 11,590 145,850 6,250 114,100 37,290 4.000 42.660 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; McLean Co.. Blooming ton. 25,000 State Sav.. Ln. &Tr. Co., Quincy; Hannibal Tr. Co., Hannibal, Mo. 33,300 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Mattoon, Mattoon. 30,000 12,700 201,450 32,910 102,230 56.600 50,910 68,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 30,000 23,160 172,110 88,590 48,400 44,310 43,960 1st N., Ohi.: Merch. N.. Indpls.: Citiz. N.. Decatur; 1st N„ Paris. 50,000 59,340 391,920 413,470 70.050 27,450 25,000 3,000 275,000 150,000 13,570 5,000 50,000 20,000 7.590 137,710 103.320 11,800 40,300 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. 82,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Boatmens N., St. L. 50,180 Citiz. N.. Evanston, Ind. 25,000 27,210 208,860 10,200 124,320 15,820 31,120 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. 40,000 39,700 256.990 150 255.880 23.560 6,890 50,510 Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr.Co., Ohi.; 1st N.,Springfield; Millikin N.. Decatur. 100 Ina 8tate Bank-------- B®§’04 $100-8% par 100 70-1369 First State Bank & Tr. Co. 70-1370 ®T*t51900 State Bk.of Industry dB«t§’01 $300-24%par 100 70-1371 Ingraham State Bank._dti’20 $150-7% 70-1372 Iola State Bank_____ _i|’20 7% par 100 70-1373 15,000 5,000 75,000 70,000 1.300 13,700 25,000 7,940 117,000 500 109,770 9.900 7,980 J. W. Bailey_____ T. D. Sullivan___ D. D. Bruner____ Ivan Swearingen.. 25.000 53,340 218.700 _____ 238.270 14,650 8.700 10,000 1 3d. N., Mt. Vernon. 22,780 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d N„ Danville; 1st N.. Joliet. 35,420 M. D. White_____ Wm. Deimel_____ Cecil Hastings- Wm. Weber_____ 10,000 11,740 190,090 81.710 104.070 2,600 23,520 Nelle Cruse___ J. W. Vickrey___ Ethel Owens____ 15,000 8,270 63,770 64,010 950 5,240 25,000 44.670 188,490 172,630 62.280 5,680 25,000 2,160 84,490 5,000 94,920 25.000 7,860 90,820 32,670 78,150 S. A. Thompson... J. M. KeUey_____ Frank Coffman.... J.T. Fry. V. P. S. E. Brown J. A. McMillan___ F. N. Odbert____ H. E. Watkins___ Wade Taylor____ Geo. W. Brewer, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Ipava_________720 Ipava State Bank___d»tf'02 H. O. Robinson, B. E. Fleming___ H. M. Stroose___ Katharine Wood .. $260-12% 70-1374 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Golda Bird 7 Fulton H9 par 16.500 Henry Gottschalk, 1). A. Nietfeldt—. N. W. Edwards.... A. H. Schoeling.__ Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Fred H. Gold J. A. Cowing, I. E. Merritt, J. H. Dyer______ Hoopeston National Bank $175-10% 70-425 d®»t'09 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, par $ 60.000 I 13,000 $ par 100 Ina................ ...398 8 Jefferson 016 Indlanola____ 359 7 Vermilion 121 Industry...........604 7 McDonough 117 Ingraham___ 202 8 Giav M18 iola ................... 279 8 Clay M17 Resources. LIABILITIES. Bondi Loans Gash * Xxther Miscel chamobs Dbpos- LOiabili PAH>-ur Subplus and ,Duk and and 1TB Capital Profits Discounts SMuritiis laneous non Basks ties 100 Hoopeston... 5451 FIRST NAT. BANK.-d©.t 7 Vermilion G22 $175-10% 70-424 Huntley...........720 7 McHenry B18 Hurst.............. 1222 8 Williamson P15 Hutsonville___665 8 Crawford L21 Aju t Cashier. Hazel P. Boston__ $ par Homewood.. 1389 Cook County Tr. & Sav. Bk 7 Cook D22 $!30-6%par l0O70-2083dB®t§’24 Homewood State Bk. $185-10% 70-1368 dB®*tl'08 Hopedale......... 556 7 Tazewell G13 Hoyleton......... 527 8WashingtonN14 Hubbard Woods. Hudson______ 309 7 McLean G15 Hull__________648 8 Pike J5 Humboldt___343 7 Coles J19 Hume________609 7 Edgar 121 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued ------ - Joliet. 16,850 :ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Clay Co.State. Louisville. !ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: OomT N.. 17,610 1 Peoria; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 100 Iroquois_____ 276 Iroquois Farmers State Bank H. M. Watkins. 7 Iroquois F22 $110-5%pari00 70-1375 dB®t§'19 Jas. Appleget___ J. D .McCarty___ TV P. Strand Irving________ 519 Irving National Bank.d©+’07 Frank R. Fowler... A. H. Kelly 8 Montgomery L13 $140-4% par 100 70-1376 Ross Jarrett-------- W. V. Berry, Sec... Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 12,200 46,720 17,710 Trust Company — Chicago Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.’.Cont.N., Indpls. 9,520 Cont. i N.. St. L. 13,760 1st : INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given qQK to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriT. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other Capital Profits ITS TIES Resources. Loans Bond* MlSCXlr Cjjm A lxDiioount, S.curiti.H UANEOU8 non Brno Principal Correspondents. Irvington_____ 258 Farmers State BaDk dB©tS'12 G. W. Klostermann A. J. Hartley_____ A. F. Niemeier___ L. E. Mitchell____ % 8 Washington N14 1170-7% par 100 70-1738 25,000 $ 17.430 $ 232,020 S 2,500 S 167,060 S 75.600 S Itasca 339 Itasca State Bank.dB©T*tS’17 H. F. Lawrence__ E. H. Deike............. H. H. Franzen R. A. Franzen........ 1250-6% 70-1904 7 Du Page B20 par 100 luka____ _____ 435 luka State Bank------- ®t5’05 D. W. Holstlaw Ernest Robinson— H. D. Holstlaw.—. Lois T. Holstlaw.. 70-1378 8 Marion M16 *125-10% 25,000 21,770 260,050 6.340 171,880 51.980 25.000 5,000 250,000 200,000 15.000 100,000 Foreman-State N., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. Ivesdale______ 390 First National Bk..........-•t’02 R. E. Milligan........ D. J. Holtermann _ Ralph Roie_______ J. L. Meyers_____ 7 Champaign 118 *275-20% par 100 70-1379 25.000 31,500 333,900 253.210 35,500 101.700 1st N.. Chi. and Monticello; Millikin N„ Decatur. 4,668.870 3,606,690 1,036,700 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr.Co..Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr, Co., St. L. 145,560 347.450 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. ft Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. ft Sav.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 46.040 69.980 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Mtle.-Com, Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. ♦Ayers National Bank ‘Jacksonville dB®*t’52 8 Morgan J1015,931 12% par 100 70-164 •• M ‘ELLIOTT STATE BANK 8% par 100 70-166 dB®T«tS'66 M.F. Dunlap_____ AndrewRussel.F.P H. J.Rodgers,7, P. Frank Elliott_____ E. M. Dunlap.......... H. K. Chenoweth H. C. Clement C. A. Johnson— . J. W. Elliott C. A. Hemphill Albert Cram ___ C. S. Black W. G. Goebel.......... R. I. Dunlap. A. C. J. J. Kelly. A. C. F. R. Rantz_______ J. H, Russel............ M. M. Finney W. J. Hauck J. A, Palmer______ L. F. Jordan 200,000 1,082,590 7,434,910 F. J.HetaL, 0. F. Leach............. M. C, Reynolds 100,000 26,330 626,430 25,000 6,190 57,990 15.000 7,790 51,220 13.100 50.000 38,010 965,800 770 State Bank of Jerseyville P. J. Fleming____ W. J. Chapman___ Wm. F. Hanley, R. G. Bradshaw *350 70-445 ®«tS’90 R. L. Smith V. P. and Cash. F, C. Herold 50.000 54.210 1.030,820 5,130 Jewett State Bank.......... §’20 J. B. Cartmill.......... John Platz.............. *100-8% 70-2005 J ohnsonville State Bank H. Land.................... F. F. Schultz.......... 4% 70-1829 ®tS'19 Citizens State Bank d®.J5’07 W. H. Grant______ Harry Barlow____ *250-io% par 100 70-493 G. N. Vanderhoof. 15,000 1.690 D. L. Richardson.. 15,000 630 41,900 4,100 47,570 L. D. Hobbs______ Dorena J. Bertane.. G. E, Combs, A. C. A. R. Starrick 50.000 63,350 719,610 860 PETER WASTIER-— A. C. STIRITZ............ WM. HUCK............ — kL BLEDSOE-.......... 50,000 tt it inn m. utiun LCU DCbOCn Prompt, careful attention given all bank and Mercantile Collections. BUI of Lading Drafts receive special care. 5% par 100 70-492 d®«t*’04 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ‘Joliet 41,900 Commercial Tr. & Sav. Bk._ (Merged with First National Bank July 1, 1929) 7 Will D19 F. W. WOOUIMFF-— J. LOUIS FIFER, UM~ V. P. and Cash. GEORGE WOODRUFF. Ch. of Bd. HARRY W. OSMAN. In Charge oj Trusts JOHN T. CLYNE, Tr. Off. J. W. McDOUGALL •• •• v. Ch. of Bd. F. J. SGHMEISSER. PAUL G. THURM. H.F.NAUMANN 1,040,000 ROBERT A.CAMER0N. L. H. SANDIF0RD.. „ __ .l" "r. Off. 08,400 925,440 »» •• ♦Farmers State Bk. ft Tr. Co. A. 0. Rice. 4% 70-169 ®TM’ll » II Farrell State Bank (Merged with Ayers National Bank Ja nuary 20, 1930) Jacksonville Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) Jamaica State Bank—®t§’20 *118-7% par 100 70-1380 Citizens State Bank $§’1900 *150-4% 70-1381 Jersey State Bank.-d®*tl’03 par 100 70-446 Frank Elliott_____ .. Jamaica............217 7 V ermilion I 21 Janesville 321 7 Cumberland K19 »Jerseyvllle.._3839 8 Jersey 18 “ ____ “ Jewett______ 243 7 Cumberland K19 Johnsonvllle 133 8 Wayne M18 Johnston City 7137 8 William'n P16 10% par 20 70-59 dB®T»t’57 138,420 1,921.460 29,810 1,091,870 674.990 387,020 249,720 50,410 21,210 3,880 72,480 120 6,380 709.760 145.480 28,420 546,650 407,890 29,250 367,020 269.840 108,580 658,560 210.030 48,550 28,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 59,490 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Andrew Russel,Sec. W. I. Baird______ J. E. Trisler_____ C. H. Harwood____ T. M. Stanberry —. F, Best___ T. S. Chapman ___ G. W. Campbell ... J. Irving White__ R. M. Warner_____ C.G. Reddish.V. P. H. L. Chapman Minnie Barron JOHNSTON GUY STATE BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200,000 594,760 5.500 $ J H. B. GREEN, A.v.P. ' 60 000 66.690 6,160 923,030 10840 040 138,220 7,474.890 0,723,660 700,000 834,500 0.009,060 98,000 5,470,120 1,638,730 100,000 230,980 2,248,300 — 13,670 1st N«i Uhl., Oulu 1 Tt. & S&Tn D&DVUI61 8,130 N. Bk. of Mattoon. Mattoon. 170.930 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 156.370 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N„ Joliet. 10,000 Far.8tate,Tol.;N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 7,890 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 88,370 1st N.. St. L. 117,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of 111. and N. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 8.070 4,741,870 1st N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. III.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi. A.7.P. “THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT” II M JOLIET NATIONAL BANK 70-61 dB®T«t’91 *450-20% par 100 WM.REDMOND.......... p. f. mcmanus....... WHS;— JOSEPH J^NOA........ Tr. Officer SIS 890,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 68,870 458,450 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Oo.,ChL 1 “THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE” .. Joliet Trust ft Sav. Bank E. T. Geist.... ......... T. F. Donovan____ August Beltzner, L. Henry Gates.... ♦ 70-63 dB®T«t5’09 L. M, Rnbens Cash, and Tr. Off, A. R. Blackburn *300-12% par 100 J. M.Barr, A,Tr.Off. J. R. Thurlow (Joliel banks contin ued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 333,310 Continental Illinois Bank and 1,494,010 557,950 Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank 337 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to •Mem.A.B.A.H'New § State tPriv. [Estab. ‘County Seats, tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sa?.$LastSale%Div. Joliet______41,900 (Continued) WILL COUNTY NATIONAL BANK I800-i*% Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. tO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued to each bank in U. S. President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. CASHIER. C. E. WILSON- - - - - - - J. L. CARLSON- - - - - - - C. F. HINRICHS- - - - - - - E. E. O’HERON. F. I. WEISHAAR As»'tCash.& Tr.Off. 0. W. McGOVNEY Loam Bondi ther Miscel Paid-up Surplus Dbfos- LOiabili and and and Capital Profits raa Diaeounti S.curiti.. laneous ties $ 200.000 $ 220.060 $3 230040 $ 501.000 $2410 510 $1225,310 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex oba*gm,Dtt* prom Barks 76,310 $ 500,470 N.City,N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.;Un. Tr. Co., ---------- Clev. “SERVICE YOU WILL APPRECIATE.” 70-60 dB®T»t’71 par 100 ^Jonesboro ...1090 8 Onion J15 Joppa______ 651 8 Massac R16 K. L. Kir rater ____ 50,000 21,510 351,770 8,200 207.520 132.840 76,050 15.060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Otu., 1st N. and St.L. N.. St. L. Joppa State Bank..d(D«t8'20 Louis Henne_____ A. D. Bnnchman .. J. O. Bremer_____ $120-0% 70-1999 par 100 15,000 4.150 89,340 230 80,040 11,130 8.280 9,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. CM.; N. State. Metropolis. Reed Bridgford... 25,000 2,050 188,940 126,370 Joy State Bank---------- ®tl’20 H. R. Kiddoo_____ J. E. Shingledecker C. A. Morrow_____ 30,000 8,640 215,080 186,350 24.040 7,790 36.440 Drov. N., Chi. C. J. Goetzman.__ 15.000 5,090 80,120 59,630 8.890 5.880 25,880 N. Bk. of Shawneetown. Shawneetown; Citiz. N„ Evansville, Ind. W. 7. Suhling___ H. W. Wtldhenser 25,000 4.060 358,990 275,830 4,290 22,020 85,910 1st N„ St. L.; Greene Oo. State, Carroll ton. R. W. Greene___ 21,000 7.010 145,580 36,000 140,440 5.000 41,790 26,370 N. City. St. L.; N. Stock Stock Yds.. Ill. 170,400 1,012,030 ________ 1,415,770 247,800 201,710 First National Bank .®»t'! io% 70-1388 Joy____________ 529 O. A. Bridgford & Co.'s Farmer’s Bank.............. tS’94 7 Mercer E7 70-1054 $ioo-fl% par 100 I. O. Kir raker.... M. 1. Bridgford— Thos. Rixleben. A. G. Bridgford. 70-1055 B. Jennings_____ Junction_____ 321 First State Bank_______ l'20 E. Eberwine______ 8 Gallatin P19 $100-10% 70-1385 Kampsville..--428 8 Calhoun E7 Kane________ 473 8 Greene L7 Bank of Kampsville'20 io% 70-1386 0. J. Sutter_____ Kane State & Savings Bank W. B. Greene____ W. Parker Pope... $100 par 100 70-1387 ®8’13 .Kankakee . 18,470 American Trust & Savings 7 Kankakee E21 Bank_______________ CITY NAT. BANK s% par 100 70-189 par 100 20% H. M. STOKE- - - - - - - - ?;hSU»*1»5PTEB C' *' 70-188 d®T»t5’16 — E. A. LE A.u RAUEKE -L. E. BECKMAN, L , „ „ H. ZE._ R. D. TAYLOR, W. H. SIEFERT V. P. and Cash. 418,050 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Cont. N., Indpls., Ind.; 1st N., Joliet. ONLY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERYE SYSTEM IN KANKAKEE A Modern Commercial Bank and Trust Company, with every Department 200.000 106,660 3,972,480 200.000 321,900 3,779,670 18.560 2,628,410 1,012,480 260,980 487,820 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.;lst N., Foreman- 102,270 2,705.710 800,010 230,070 City, N.Y.; Drov.N., Stock Yds. N„ 727.140 N.and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State N., Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; 1st N., Joliet. “THE BANK OF STRENGTH AND SERVICE.” Send us your Kankakee collections. Prompt, personal] attention to all business. Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mi 200 000 70-192 d®T»tS'93 FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK par 100 AMER The “CITY BANKS’’ of Kankakee Invite your business. Oldest and Largest Financial Institution in the County. COMBINED RESOURCES OYER $6,671,120 LEN SMALL Yd*. N.. N. 1929) H. M. STONE.......... L. BABST................. F. M. LOCKWOOD.— W. E. H. H. TROUP E. E. d»t’90 CITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK $225-8% (Closed, December 26 S. P. Greene 55,580 Stock Yds. N., Drov. N„ and Cent. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Merck. N.. Bur lington. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY CHICAGO capital $20,000,000.00 QQ8 vvfU Number under Name ol' Bank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* nirPPTikrV. linrlor fhn anftmeifir nf rriio Town and Counts. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-8afeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. A _t--------n_____1-____ Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. T. S. Wright____ F. S; Anderson___ $ Farmers State Bank..dl§'2C Chas. L. Wood -__ James Strouse....... $125-10% 70-1388 * 54,790 100 50.19C 25,000 30,000 375,000 60.000 370,001 15,000 4.640 131.640 30,000 14,650 30,000 23,000 30.000 19,420 7.60C 46,500 $ 53,410 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. 10,830 10,990 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 70,000 49,000 Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr Co., Galesburg; 1st la. State Tr. &Sav., Burlington, la 44,210 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St.L. 128,400 4,880 48.510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,JoIiet; City N„ Kankakee. 240,000 170,000 50.000 13,000 180 nfiQ 118,040 70,730 11.610 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; N.Bk. of Decatur. Decatur; De Witt Co. N„ Clinton. 30,100 Northern Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 2d N.. Freeport. 125,000 181,900 2,122.730 104,490 1,420,760 656,940 198,640 257,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. S. L. Arter______ O. L. Karsten____ Gr* H. Whitney.... B. O. Ball 100,000 145,890 835.320 16.690 838.050 34,860 60,080 164,920 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. C. D. Terry............ S. M. Cox .............. C. S. Eastman___ F. M. Rogers ......... J. H.Andrews.F.P. J. N. Gamble 100.000 58,450 477,810 3,000 461,630 104,150 150.000 37.590 1.337,220 65,630 1,006,870 291,090 98,410 194,070 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., N. Bk. Rep., and Drov. N., Chi. passed Collection Service. / Bill of Lading Drafts receive spe clal attention. \ Please send 25c fo r Credit Ratines. Kewanee State Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co....70-246 d®TJ§'12 $250-12% par 100 '"mw r A. J. MATHER____ R. P. PALMER........... R. P. PALMER ANe£ banking an < Send your KEW d trust matters ♦ 70-245 BANK. Member Federal Reserve System. par 100 dB0T«t*'8O L attenti on and satisfacto ry service. TR Keyesport 544 StateBank of Keyesport W. E. Miller ____ Robert Burnside 70-1391 ©ti’13 8 Clinton M14 $150-9% par 100 Kincaid_____ 1453 Kincaid Trust & Savings Bank W. R. Richardson. A. L. Shrout_____ Ira Anil.................. 7 Christian J13 $150-8% 70-1889 ®t»’l5 — 700 70.02C i 186,780 ] PE0.PLES STATE SAVINGS DHniY-----*V) u‘*o^--- --V£yS 69.800 1 320,92C i 9.200 WHITING_ _ L. D. QUINN. . . . . . . . . . . . H R IUN1 __ E. V. DANA E.F. ARSON.A. Cash. C. G. PONTE A. C. BENNISON Kewanee__ 19,738 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARTHUR NELSON 7 Henry E10 g. V. ARMSTRONG $300-12% 70-244 dB®T*t’71 | Oldest and Larg est Bank. Unsur ** J 342,630 $ 29,950 (E. S. ____ 50.000 ITS volume, nor 11iterest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Other Loanfl Bonds Miscel and Liabili and CHA»ain,Du laneous Dinoounti ties Securities 67,930 Kempton nfifi State Bank of Kempton A. S. Hatch......... . J. T. Oorkill. G. M. Ruckrigel... 7 Ford F19 $150-10% 70-1390 ®t§’14 par 100 Kenney______ 504 Farmers State Bank d®»t§’90 Johnson Aoghen7 DeWitt 114 $160-10% 70-1032 b&ngh par 100 Kent................. 104 StateBank of Kent ...dt§'23 W. E. Schlafer....... G. L. Ditzler_____ B. S. Keister____ Isobelle Wheeless. 7 Stephenson All 6% par 100 70-2064 “ AND Sybel A. Allen ___ Kelthsburg.__ll48 Citizens State Bank®»t§’02 J. S. Allen___ .. G. L. Hartgrove... ----------$250-10% 70-717 7 Mercer E6 par 100 Kell__________322 Kell 8tate Bank____ ®+|T3 D. E. Peace_____ R, A. Jeffries____ R. S. McNeilly___ W. H. Ward_____ 8 Marion N16 70-1799 par 100 Surplus Ass’t Cashier. Capital Profits Kansas______ 944 Kansas National Bank B. H. Pinneil........ E. E. Covalt____ 7 Edgar J2J 10% par 100 70-884 «t'72 K eerie,s I Wayne N17 nuu-j>ium tunus wiui i^earesi ILLIN OIS—Continued . L. L. PRIESTMAN___ tHoL»N^ION 73,480 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Prompt Y US. 25.000 7,450 183,320 143,140 24,200 16,000 33,930 N. City. St. L.; State Bk. of Hoiles & Sons, Greenville; Merch. State, Centralia. Lyndoll Wells ___ 37,500 21.750 540 000 370.000 125,000 22,500 Kinderhook .332 Kinderhook State Bank R. T. Piper______ F. A. Longnecker.. E. M. Oetting___ Fern L. Oetting... 8 Pike J5 $150-7% par 150 70-1953 ®«t§’18 90,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Taylorville N.. Taylorville; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 17,000 8.000 150.000 125,000 35,000 30,000 28,940 242,350 — 189,280 65,480 25,000 12,000 93,890 1,580 50,000 33.320 279.040 40,000 £.000 2.550 112 400 Kings...............152 Farmers Bank______ ®t8'87 L. J. Doeden____ J. W. Hoff master.. Francis R. King... $200-10% 70-1394 7 Ogle BIS par 100 Kingston __ 235 Kingston State Bank—®{$’09 W. L. Pond............ H. A. Lanan_____ J. M. Butzow.__ 7 DyK&lb BIO $105-6% par 100 70-1395 Kinmundy___898 First National Bank.d®*t02 C. F. Pruett___ 8 Marion M16 $160-8% par 100 70-868 " ------- " R. C. Robb______ O. R. Alderson___ W. W. Lowe State Bank of Kinmundy H. E. Miner_____ E. W. Doolen____ H. L. Warren____ F. E. Jones______ par 100 70-869 *g’20 Kinsman 157 7 Grundy E17 Kirkland. 5Qf> 7 DeKalb B16 State Bank of Kinsman t§’07 6% 70-1396 State Bank of Kirkland $230-11% 70-1397 d®t§'13 par 100 Kirkwood 882 First National Bank___ J’75 7 Warren F7 $300-12% 70-896 par 100 Knoxville___ 1708 Farmers Nat. Bank d®T*t’62 7 Knox F10___ $275-12% par 100 70-675 P. R. Cosgrove ___ D. A. Ryan......... F. J. Coveny__... 3,470 6.890 227.980 108.700 4,310 2,000 43,060 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Rockford N.. Rockford; Rochelle Tr. & Sav., Rochelle. 1st N„ Chi. 61.370 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 13,060 Cont, Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr„ St. L.: Salem State, Salem. 36.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 25,000 13,000 135.000 137,000 G. W. Ault______ Ohas. Turner____ C. H. Greenwood.. A. M. Klick_____ H,000 66,760 564.700 510,730 68,400 A. R. Tubbs. 50.000 142,250 806,390 49.300 754,650 157,110 26,470 109,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N„ and Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 60,000 118,650 1,217.430 59.180 808,550 366,670 59,180 220,860 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Stk. Yds. N. and R. E. Gamble C. B. Perrine____ J. W. Cochran___ W. W. McBride, H. Huugins______ 3. G. Etnire____ R. H. Cronoble Ch. of Bd. and Pres. F. S. Walliek. A. C. L. R. Philblad Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 Mtle. Tr. & Sav.. Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. am. 86,230 1st N., Cm.; 3rd N., Rockford. Trust Company ^Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT qqn Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. *Gonnty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. ‘Lacon 1484 7 Marshall E14 •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.(s)Say.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 A. W. Bradford ... F, E. Wilson______ T. M. Hancock ___ J. W. Shorei. »t’65 12% par 100 70-13U8 A. L. Frye Lacon State Bank..........<512 R. M. Barnes____ J. F. Held_____ Q. W. Smith------1170-12% par 100 70-1757 ESTATE _ _ _ _ _ _ F. E. WILSON. Mar.. THOMPSON FARM LOANS 64 r:ij«0N iois and Io wa Corn Belt Fir st Farm Mortgag es for sale i at all times and in any amount. Correspondence Solicited. Ladd .................2040 FARMERS & MINERS BANK jTHOS. CAHILL, Sr.. $200-16% 70-1399 d®<8’89 115 CENTS sent 7 Bureau D14 par 100 (585 CENTS for e La Fayette___258 La Fayette State Bank Baxter Fuller_____ 7 Stark E10 $136-5% 70-1400 d®tS’15 par 100 La Grantee.__ 6525 'W. J. TEWKSBURY7 Cook C20 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .Send us your WM. LIPKE........ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued JOHN CAHILL......... ROY M. CONWAY. Liabilities. Other Depos L Paid-up Surplus iabil AND its Capital Profits TIES Loans Bond* Miscel Car* A liand and ounM,Doi Diaeounti SaeuritiaE laneous run iuna I $ 390,41C S 346,806 S 50,000 S 69,610 S 622,970 25,000 25,220 204,480 170.96C 42,266 $ 36,360 9,090 Principal correspondents. 32,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 42,860 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Peoria. Correspond ant: First National Bank. Laaon, III. Mem be rs Mort Iowa 25,000 35,570 566.370 rs. Assn . of Am erica a nd ortgage Assn. 4,950 249,910 293,760 89,500 Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi,; 1st N., Joliet. to us with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio i. John W. Fields___ H. A. Raser---------|H. 6. Craig......... 25.000 13,820 b. LtoLII RICE_ _ _ FRED F. LOVELL_ _ J. 0. BOOTH...... C. LESLIE 51,750 1,077.390 80,240 342.590 3.499,520 712,720 JOHN - - - - - -C. TULLY -VELL Resouk css. 100.000 164,180 167,520 3,650 6,700 621,530 416,960 42,100 2,460,830 1.512,200 450,210 531,580 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., N. Bk. Rep., Home Bk. & Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 26,970 42,910 33,310 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Keokuk N., Keokuk, la. 62,210 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Quincy Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 40,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 409,800 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 25,130 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria and Joliet. 228,780 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. eMv, Grange items direct for promp t personal attent Ion. $140-4% par 100 70-392 dB®t’25 P. L. EVANS_ _ _ _ _ _ S. “ '.BARRETT KILGOUR, LA GRANGE STATE A.H. N.B. SANQUIST— .tit IVERSON A. H. KEMMAN TR. & SAV. BK. - r. l. i Ch. of Bd, $300-12% 70-390 dB®T<5’99 par 100 {Banks affiliated with Chicago La Harpe.........1323 First National Bank..®»t’98 7 Haneock 66 $150-10% 70-761 par 100 La Harpe State Bank ..<§’98 $350-12% 70-760 par 100 La Hogue______92 La Hogue State Bank ._t§’20 7 Iroquois F20 $130 7U-1401 Lake Forest ..3657 + FIRST 7 Lake A21 $250-12% par 100 NATIONAL BANK 70-488 1R.1M ash, and Sec, NKINS- ILLI / ' UICK 1ILLJAMS 400.000 Clearing House Ass n +) J. M. Lyon______ C. W. Warner____ Fred Randall_____ R. K. Adair______ J. E. Thompson,Jr. 50,000 15,220 249,600 41,000 252,630 D. R. Burr 25.000 25,740 413,360 38,300 424.280 15.910 80,030 92,150 2,013,060 1,227.080 1,710 2,310 601,640 460.150 14,620 169,360 21,150 10,690 W. F. Bradfleld.... W. B. Kaiser_____ Rolla Link.. C. L. Kaiser J. B. Haubach____ F. Haubach_____ Chas. H. Pool— fFRANK W. READ _ H.C. DURAND - - - - - WM.H. HARDING PHILIP L.SPEIDEL 25.000 100.000 dBT<'07 | Special attenti on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cm h mad Time Item s. lPlease send 15e with each tight dr aft for pretentati on and 25c for Ore dit Rep orts. rJ. H. CLENDENIN- JAMES ANDERSON, JAS.’ A.*f1 NDLAY jSec. I CLAYTON MARK. SR. 50.000 Sec. Ch. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and $180-6% 70-1602 dB®T«t§’ par 100 .25 CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House Ass ’n +) Lake Villa.. -.407 Lake Villa Trust & Sav. Bank F. M. Hamlin_____ C.H. Stratton____ D. R. Manzer .. 25.000 7 Lake A20 70-1772 dB®tl’12 Lake Zurich 316 State Bank of Lake Zurich Henry Steil______ J. D. Fink_____ A. J. Crawford.... O. H. Crawford.__ 25.000 7 Lake B18 $150-8% 70-1898 dR®<§’16 Lamoille_____547 La Moille State Bank M. E. Williams.... J. 8. W. Pope____ Reeve Norton.. Mary A. Remsburg 35.000 7 Bureau D14 $118-5% 70-1402 dB<§’20 par 100 GUYWOLF- - - - - - - - T. I. PACKARD- - - - - - R.D. BRAY_ _ _ _ 50.000 H. B. PUTERBAUGH-Lanark_______12«7 EXCHAN6E STATE BANK Our Collection Service will Plea se you. TRY US. 7 Carroll Bll 0-808 ! Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor i. Bill of Lading D rafts a Specialty. First National Bank..®<’70 E. C. Franck_____ G. O. Lamp_______ C. H. Bowers_____ P. F. Eckerle__ 50.000 par 100 70-807 R. Chisholm J. D. Chisholm Lane.... .............. 225 State Bank of Lane____t§’19 W. M. Lane_______ Byron Miller_____ Gordon V. Day___ R. H. Miller___ 25,000 $100 par 100 70-1403 7 DeWitt 115 Lansing._.__ 1409 Lansing State BankdB®<|'00 H. F. W. Schultz. Fred Vierk, Jr.... W. J. Winterhoff. 100,000 $200-15% 70-1404 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Cook D22 par 100 -“■urnf Oak Glen Trust & Savings Bk. Anthony Meeter... Henry Bock_____ $130-3% 70-2094 dB®Tt§’25 par 100 (Oakglen P. O.) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,780 93.500 289,810 3,170.280 Wm. E. Maurer___ and 50.000 90.360 1.075,770 17.110 205,610 330 18,370 258,390 3,050 217,240 34,040 9,610 14,730 267,250 1,600 128,240 117,290 15,930 33,740 314,380 308.020 6,000 16,210 76.840 582,740 558,870 88,180 16.680 9,200 116.000 93,700 21,650 8,100 95.100 748,680 9,000 654,730 133,810 65,790 17,170 218,500 5,000 140.970 92,180 11,700 49,550 Trust Company — Chicago 130.060 Chase N., N. Y.: Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 46,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 43,910 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N.,Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 57,130 Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 67,900 1st N., Drov. N.. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 95.400 1st N.. Stock Yds. N., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 26,750 1st N..Chi.; DeWitt Oo. N.. Clinton. 98,450 Guarantee Tr. & Sav. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Hammond, Ind. 45,830 Foreman-State N., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Hammond. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given oah to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J“u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. eMem.A.B.A.n-New 5 State tPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d- Safe Dep. ®Sav. $Las tSale % Di v. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. La Prairie........ 174 LaPrairie State Bank„©t§’19 J. T. Ross_______ 8 Adams H6 70-1969 J. A. Thompson... La Rose______ 171 La Rose National Bank d»t’14 G. B. Harper_____ 7 Marshall F14 8% par 100 70-1849 D. W. Davis. Ch. E. H. Zilm............... *' C. N. Hollerich.... Frank D. Flaherty. W. 8. Titus . Web Kinder______ Mary L. Fuchtman Farmers State Bank L. G. Gee.................. G. W. Lackey-------- S. R. Nigh.. 1200-8% par ioo dB®T»3l'09 S. J. Gee. G. W. Mullins Ch. of Bd. W. B. Hiteshew 70-496 •• .. Ogle BIS 8 St. Clair M12 Lee 018 7 La Salle D16 “------- 7 Cook C20 .. $ 25.000 200,000 S 100,000 10.900 150.780 90.000 $ 3,000 $ 113,370 36,120 218.410 3,950,030 S 310,520 2,537,100 975,870 32.000 501.310 25.000 13,000 t 4,500 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 19,000 Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; Quincy-RicKer N. Bk. &Tr„Qnincy; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 32,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.: Merch. ft Ill. N„ Peoria. 105,010 1.066,970 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 391,550 127,000 65,880 73,880 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. .Chi. 25.420 2,067.660 568,390 64.160 472,000 Chase N„ N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 165,000 57,500 8,000 36,500 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Chi.; Millikln N„ Decatur: Far., Mt. Pulaski. 30,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Galesburg. 83,030 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. .. *Lawreneevllle Citizens Banking Co...«tS’02 C. F. Breen . 70-495 5080 $no-8% 1 Lawrence M22 7 $ LOO.OOO .T. F. nahill Tri City Clearing House....... Ralmund Radeke. (Members indicated by a♦) Sec. and Tr. Chas. A. Culp_____ G. A. Voile.. Latham______ (44 State Bank of Latham H. A. Elliott.......... par 100 70-1408 _d®*ti’ll 7 Logan 114 Laura 107 Laura State Bank .... •t}'20 J. A. Elliott_____ A. J. Mathers____ Geo. B. Barrett ... 70-1409 7 Peoria Fll 7 RESOURCES. Loam Bonda Mibcbl- Cash k lxDiaoounta Saeuritiaa LANBOUB noi Banka fSTUART DUNCAN.. Y. J. DUNCAN - - J.6. BARTLOSZEW- J. L. SCANLON . .. 100.000 247,630 2,799.160 SKI WM. F. CANNON WALTER DUNCAN ♦LA SALLE STATE BARK 70-204 dB®T»tl’94 ) (.Collections made and re mittod prom ptly at lowaa t rata a. “------ " „ ♦LaSalle Sav. Bk. A Tr. Co. J. F. Cahill tioo 70-206 dB®*»13 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dapos- Otheb and ITS Capital Propits TIES 25,000 $ La Salle....... 13,907 ♦LA SALLE NAT’L BARK & WAYNE HUMMER —- 6. A. WILSON--------- A. W. WINTZ.............. C.F. WACKER--------7 La Salle E15 TRUST CO. C. D. CHARLTON, ^ 10% par 100 70-203 dB®T«t’80 (Formerly La Salle National Bank) “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued " 27,000 215,000 25.000 4,780 201.940 5,000 198,660 100,000 15,300 602,160 16,000 368,420 256.540 25,470 183.010 1,320,550 693,590 10,840 153,780 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Harris Tr. ft Sav.. Chi.; Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N„ St. L. 146,700 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 55,260 1st N. and Harris Tr. ft 8av„ Chi.; Rockford N„ Rockford. 109,270 lit N.. E. St. L. H. A. Seed............. L. S. Bobbitt Karl Glover 125,000 E. E. Thorn______ R. M. Rainwater.. 148,160 1,722,590 7,810 100.000 39,720 977,300 100,000 761,570 227,760 81.000 F, L. Ayres______ S. E. Sprecher____ A. R. Mize_______ 25,000 8,860 287,670 39.200 248.340 4.050 4.370 J. F. Reid. . C. E. Chamberlin.. Charles D. Vernor. A. O. Johnson C. H. Rissetter ___ S. B. Eden________ J. O. Prestegaard.. Thelma J. Bly____ 60,000 51,090 556,400 25,790 241,280 315,410 17,330 25.000 33.160 229,400 210 194,650 12,800 6,140 74,170 Cent. Tr. Co. of III.. Chi. O. M. Danielson... Benj, Benson_____ A. N. Anderson ... H. R. Thompson... S. C. Grover 25,000 34,000 291,000 304,810 4,810 5.000 35,380 Cont Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 56,350 30.000 rH. W. WATTS- - W. C. FARLEY_____ W. V. STRONG______ R. A. JACOBS............ FIRST RATIONAL BANK $350-10% 70-1041 ®»t’05 } FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each Sight Dra ft for presentatlo n, and L TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each Credit Report Ins ures prompt, per sonalat tentlon. 366,820 381,660 67.580 6,600 49,820 N. City. N. Y.: Drov. N„ Chi. J. B. Ludwig_____ Claus Scheel______ W. L. Buszkiewicz. E. W. Buszklewlez. First National Bank $no-6% 70-1979 dB®t'19 J. A. Skarin par 100 G. V. Strand. .. E.W.Cauidwell... M. A. Strand_____ W. W. Sniegowski. LemontNational Bank par 100 70-1413 ®«t’20 G. S. Walker. Ch. First National Bank 70-494 dB®T»t'88 Leaf River State Bank $198 70-1410 ®*i|’07 First National Bank d©Tt’06 $200-8% par 100 70-1411 Lee State Bank ©t §’03 $200-10% 70-1412 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. $180-6% 70-1040 ©t§'02 par 200 F. W. Keller_____ N. M. Tohin 25,000 TA. J. CLARITY— W. G. B0EKE......... J. C. DUNN.............. J. H. HINDS- 52,500 25.000 8,000 635,750 308,040 265,530 8.140 87,040 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 25,000 14,560 395,650 197,710 180,320 5,000 52,180 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50,000 37,040 811,200 574,190 170,900 34,610 118,540 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Freeport. 50,000 32,110 549,050 388.880 119,680 81,180 54,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Oo„ Ohl,; 1st N. and State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 32,900 167.100 950 28,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. 8tock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. < FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c minimum: 25c minimum if paid. Lena............... ,1149 CITIZENS STATE BANK 70-810 ©•!} 82 } Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y US. 7 Stephenson A12 par 100 LPay and get the Service. rGEO.L. BALDWIN M. W. SCHUDT .... < LENA STATE BANK d®*ti'67 Over 60 years R enable Service at ] FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with 70-809 (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each L. W. BALDWIN Lensburg..........602 State Bank of Lenzbnrg Philip J. Schiller _ G. G. Steinheimer. 8 Saint Clair 012 par 100 70-1687 dB®*t§’ll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank 12,730 your service. each sight draft for presentation, and credit report Insu res prompt, nerso nal atte ntlon. Elsie Schaller.. . and 20.000 26,760 182,470 Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER SI 50,000,000 Numoer under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 341 to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State fPrit. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. VICK-PRISIDKMT. par 100 ILLINOIS—Continued OASXIEX. Ass’t cashiib. Resources, Liabilitixs. Lorbb Bondi Miscel Cam * ExSurplus Depos Other Paid-up oba*0U,Dui And and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Bieuritiu laneous mo* Banks ties Ella Thiel.................. $ F. J. Loflhach Noah Albert. State Bank ofLeonore *125 par 100 70-1414 d®Tti’21 S.T. Baleh First National Bank.........+'06 Lerna________806 IHO-8% 70-1415 7 Coles £19 7 La Salle E16 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. R. O Hall fH.H.CRUMBAUGH 0. E. DOOLEY..... R. E. KIMLER-------- C. L. CRUMBAUGN- principal Correspondents • 68,650 $ 18,050 $ 16,820 $ 18,510 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 9,500 97,210 40,970 12,000 49,760 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Oont. Ill. 386,290 50,000 339,790 72,210 24,980 66,200 21.740 332,720 73,390 408,180 990 41,970 51,690 1st N., Chi.; Bloomington Ind. N.. Indpls. 50.000 56,150 427,010 313,620 75,660 41,490 102,390 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Ghi.; OomT N. 50,000 101,200 538,100 307,410 316,360 40,160 74,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria and Joliet. 30.000 66,050 249,310 30,000 39,840 288,610 29,470 48,360 1st N., Chi. and Bloomington. 25,000 $ 9,230 $ 25.000 9,590 50.000 16,890 75,000 J 87,800 155,850 $ Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Stk. Yds. N., Chi.: Fletcher Am.N„Indpli.: 1st N.. Bloomington. LeRov IRSn FIRST NATIONAL BANK o \ Bill of Lading Drafts and Notes given special atte ntion. 7 McLean Hitt *210-8% 70-689 ©*'84 i FEE IN AD VAN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge i /paid. par 100 (.Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. 11. A. FLEGAL,--— 0. M. WALDEN------- M. C. GRIZZELLE— LA MAR MOORE......... 1 Ch, of Bd.and Pres. LEROY STATE BANK _ (120 par 100 70-688 \ Special Attentl on given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. d®t§24 (Pleaee lend 15c wi th each light draft Jo r presentation and 5 0c/or Credit Reports. \All business ass ured prompt atte rJOHN SKINNER— i t uni ucc d@»tl’94 S 15 CENTS sent to us with each s l 25 CENTS for e ach credit report h s nnvn *Le wlstown...2279 FARMERS STATE BANK 7 Fulton H9 70-603 *215-10% par 100 LEWISTOWN NATIONAL BANK *275-14% par 100 Lexington.__ 1301 7( McLean G17 70-602 70-767 STATE BANK OF LEXINGTON 70-766 •tl’OB Oldest and Largest Bank R. T. Claegett......... L. B. Strayer_____ Chas. Beach______ •Lincoln.... 12,443 7 Logan H13 •• || •* || m 49,400 243,950 32,500 179.920 120,670 45,990 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Ohl.;Peo„ Blooming ton. 30,000 12,770 253,540 2,000 235,090 10,500 21,880 80,840 1st N., Chi.; Ill. State and Mtle. Tr. & Sav., W. C. HUBBELL_____ DALES. COLLINS-— H. C. MEYER 70.000 71,330 710,430 15,150 478,770 208,350 68,430 111,360 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk.fc Tr. Co., 100,000 G A WRIGHT _____ F. J. WRIGHT V P. F. S, KERN—........... . andCash. R.M. DILLON Ri F: WRIGHT to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt personal attentl on. 75,000 (i n rpiisp A E SUTER ............... WM. E. LARSEN........ 0. J. BOEHM............... 104,900 953,200 59,200 609,900 389,500 68,400 149,500 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 101,100 863,260 16,380 688,920 165,780 34,950 164.080 20,700 193,590 2,500 JR «K- J L. TAYLOR_____ KE COUNTY *240 par 100 70-2092 d®T*t§’25 (a progressi VESTATE BANK . PROMPT SER VICE. State Bank of Lima d®*t§’10 W. L. Wade______ R. S. Whitefleld.. E. F. Jacobs............ Panline Snyder ... *127.60-6% par 100 70-1417 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 20,000 G. C. Dean .............. Julins N. Kline.— Jesse E. Kline ___ E. W. Longlett___ F.W. LONGAN ------ ROBERT SCHUSTER,Sr. W.H.BERGER------- MfW.........J. A. 1 ABACi VJ Od% 25.000 150,000 161,020 1.769,460 Quincy. Chi. *225-8% par loo 70-216 d®«t’87 ♦LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK P. E. Kuhl „„„„ D. H. Harts---------- W.P. Kuhl, Cash. and Tr. Officer *250-12% 70-215 d®T»t’85 J. E. Hoblit........... O. M. Kiest ♦Lincoln State Bank *210-10% par 100 d®«tS’04 70-217 J. E. Hoblit_____ Lincoln Clearing House .— 53,540 Quincy-Rtcker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 176.900 9,950 1,400 143,000 1.412,310 341,680 165,620 304,770 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St.L. T. A. Cox_________ Frank Bollin Albert Schweikert Ray Gelsthorp 150,000 100,000 164,860 1,233,040 146,550 970,530 386,100 116,090 221,630 682,110 69,440 42,670 133,790 118.370 627,790 51,000 R. O. Farquhar .... 75,000 46,700 1,006,730 82,540 807.030 214,230 31,360 159,450 Litchfield Bk. &Tr. Company Frank R. Milnor .. E. B. Appleton.... L. O. 8chalk______ L. P. Brubaker, Sec. E. B. Appleton, G. L. Settlemire *160-8% par 150 dB®T«ll‘02 Tr. Off. ♦ 70-353 L. W. Cline *150-8% par loo 70-354 d®t‘07 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. E. Morgan 100,000 51,000 784,330 19,060 502,100 221,000 53,100 178.190 50,000 28,980 364,83a 82,420 284,180 178.360 15,000 48,680 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, cash AND TI ME ITE MS. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c tor Credit Reports ALL BUSINESS ASSURED THE PERSONAL ATTEIN TION OF AN OF F1CER. (Members indicated by a *) Litchfield____8216 FIRST NATIONAL BK.-d®t 60 .T. R. Miller___ 8 Montgomery L12 *250-10% par 100 70-352 »» F. W. Wald.. N. E. Franklin .... Libertyvllle ..2125 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ch. of Bd. *290-12% 70-687 dB®T,t’02 ) 7 Lake A20 (.WE SERVE LA par 100 rr. P WRIfiHT (yjfe; LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 12% par 20 70-686 dB®T»i’92 Adams H4 and Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Ight draft for pre gentatkm, and Insures prompt, p ersonal attention i. j. McNally........... T.B. WATSON............. OUR UNEXCELLED FACILITIES AND rtSUSUNAL A1TKNT1UN ARE A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE. d®»t’94 Please send 15c presentation fee with plain sight drafts and 25c for credit ratings. Liberty_______ 510 *120-8% par 100 70-1416 8 Adams 16 8 ntion. TRY US. ANN1 R Rill V p e fill 1 111 . G. A. Sihler______ A. F. Heath____ CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANYN—^ CHICAGO N. City. N. Y.: Oont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 1st N.. N. Y.: Foreman-State N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Ridge ly-Far. State, Springfield. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. ATr.Co., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. Louis. Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. capital $20,000,000.00 ------------under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew§StatetPrw ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Littleton_____300 7 Schuyler H8 Little York___333 7 Warren E 7 Livingston... 1365 8 Madison Lll Loam!_______ 462 7 Sangamon Jll Littleton State Bank___ t§'07 *115-8% 70-1418 First State Bank........ ®«t§’16 70-1419 First National Bank—®»t’ll *150-10% 70-1697 Loami State Bank______ tl'05 7% 70-1044 Lockport____ 2684 FIRST NATIONAL BANK PRESIDENT, Vics-Presidknt. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ILLINOIS— Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources, PAn)-rp Surplus Depos Other AND Liabili Capital its Loans Bondi can * lx Miscel CHANGES, and and I>UI Discounts Securities laneous roost Banks Profits ties J. W. Bailey_____ T. D. Sullivan____ V. A. Horney__ B. C. Horney_____ % 25,000 $ W. B. Weir.............. H. L. Martin.__ Ray M. Whiteman. 40,000 25.000 22,010 297,370 $ F. J. Nipper 25, ©0 17.000 140.000 50,000 73.700 1,133,650 49,990 714,670 468,760 9,320 185.400 15,080 148,660 41,100 9.430 137.340 14.000 15,760 163,700 113,190 5.300 648,000 126,000 20.500 R. L. Brownlee. D. E. Aylward .... J. A. Hebenstreit. H. A. Malench . A. E. Washburn... Geo. Basse____ C. H. MUEHLEN- PHILIP YOST.......... A. P. DAILEY......... LEO P. WARD.......... 7 win mo 7% 70-1420 ®«t'07 a PFORDT Loda________ 530 State Bank of Loda___•t|,56 _. N. P. Goodell— W. S. Goodell.. 7 lion a Oil 020 par 100 76-1421 8. Goodell— N. P. Goodell-. A.I00BELL ft SONS CO...’66 (ill ILLINOIS AND INDIANA FARM (A Co-Partnership) Lomu________.211 _ Commercial Trust & Savings F. A. Strickler........ A. L. Foggy-----7 Henderson 05 Bank... 76-1777„B®«tl’14 *115-6% par 100 Lombard........ 1331 First Trust Bank—dB®T+§’23 Charles W.Hadley, S. L. Rathje_ _ _ _ *160 par 100 70-2068 7 DuPage 020 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. A. B. Moe ''WILLIAM WEHRS LOMBARD STATE BANK F. A. Horn_____ C. 8. Moffett... A. Goodell. A.G. Curtis, Tr.... C.S. Moffett,A. Tr. M. A. Stevens, Sec. LOANS AND FA RM LANDS. H. F. Strickler .... E. A. Logan_____ B. Abeler, V. P. Fern O’Connor___ HARRY B. DAVIES- GEORGE H. FISCHER. MARTIN MEYER.. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK, 76-1422 dB®«tr09 | Special attentlo n given BUI of La MODERN—PRO ding drafts, Cash , ^Please send 15c tci th each sight draft fo r presentation and Westmore Trust & Sav. Bank P. W. Sears............■ P. A. Riemenschnit- N. P. Herrington. *125 par 100 70-2099 t§*26 ter (Formerly listed at Westmore) Arthur F. Stebin London Mills. 346 8tate Bank of London Mills Seaton Moon_____ N. W. Hummel___ W. A. Sampson___ *220-7%parl00 70-1425 d®‘till 7 Pulton G9 Long Point___247 State Bk. of Long’03 W. A. Moon______ O. B. Wheeler........ F. D. Allen______ 76-1424 7 Livingston E16 *240-12% par 100 4,100 $ 47.340 93.080 $ 222.630 99,550 272,460 S 52.870 129,020 30.000 50,000 6.720 131,940 25,000 10.880 275,900 35,000 42.000 865.000 25.000 >,030 56,780 7.210 62,690 11,750 10,760 11.000 266,700 10.400 20,200 20,000 GRESSIVE. TRY US. and Time Items. 25c for Credit Repor <«. E. F. Deicke. Sec... 253.000 140.460 146,720 Longview_____ 273 Longview State Bank M. H, Keefe______ A. G. Anderson.... E. C. Churchill___ D. D. White.. dt§1900 7 Cham'n I 20 12%-par 100 76-1425 20,000 17,300 207,060 189,490 Loralne_______527 Peoples State Bank—®t5’24 J. A. Ausmus.......... L. I. Randjes_____ Newell Sapp_____ Everett Poling. par 100 70-1427 8 Adams H6 20,000 7.000 225.000 35,000 44,910 463.240 25.000 30,000 255,000 30.000 18.140 158,540 50,000 9.670 384,830 25.000 5,280 52,610 25.000 16,100 62.640 Lostant_______911 Farmers State Bankd®»t|'95 J. A. Whitney___ M. B. Whitney___ Bertha Taylor........ A. J. Kennell— 70-1428 7 LaSalle E15 *210-10% par 100 ‘Louisville____797 CLAY COUNTY STATE BANK J. V. Dillman.......... D. W. Dillman.. James W. Cogswell Anna McKnelly 8 Clay MIS *200-8% 70-098 dtl'05 par 100 I. S. Ikemire. Lovlngton.__1479 HardwareState Bk-d®»J}’85 S. P. Drake______ L. G. Hostetler___ J. R. Drake.............. A. A. Shields ___ 7 Moultrie J17 8% 70-866 H. H. Clore / J. S. STROHM.— L. WILT.-- - - - - - - - dB®t§’21 [.Our Cashier wi // give your Colle A. ettons his person al attention. Lowpolnt_____ 275 Banta Bros. Bank___dt§'05 Frank D. Banta. A. L. Banta______ Wm. C. Stanter, Leoria Kief— 7 Woodford F14 *275 70-1429 70-1892 Lyndon...........325 7 Whiteside Cll Lyons_______ 2564 7 Cook C21 First State Bank... ©»+§’14 O. J. Chamberlain W. S. Teach............ C. A. Conrad____ *100-7% par 100 70-1833 Lyons State Bank...d®t§’23 R. W. Teeter.......... John Killips.......... John A. Rann........ *140 par 100 70-2075 Macedonia.__ 210 8 Hamilton 017 Mackinaw____828 7 Tazewell G13 Macedonia State Bank..JL20 C. C. Boster__ *ibo-io% 70-1118 First National Bank-d®f0? G. C. Helm.... *165-10% par 100 70- 965 25,000 2,450 100,860 25,000 17,970 547.990 L. W. Fisher_____ C. D. Kern___ Nellie Kern____ 10.000 7.970 133,590 Frank Morford... Wm. T. Elliff__ Deane Elliff____ 50.000 57.400 505,990 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND 15,500 12.000 100.000 20,000 par 120 16,160 Onion N„ Macomb. 26,860 Cent. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Peo. N„ Mon mouth. 39,020 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Boatmens N„St. L. 5.060 55,000 L0VINGT0N STATE BANK 6,470 $ 7,000 50,000 40,000 Farmers A Merck. State Bk. Li. C. Gullet_____ Alfred Phillips___ Fred McCollum. 213,720 140,000 25,000 *150-5% par 150 76-997 d«t5'92 3,650 30.000 Principal Correspondents. 30,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr., Chi.; Springfield Marine, Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 114,580 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 56,350 Chase N„ N, Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; 1st N„ Joliet. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., Greenwich, N. Y. 21.570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ill. State. Quincy; Burlington Sav., Burlington. Ia. 49,590 1st N„ Chi. 147,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Foremau-State N., Chi.; Elmhurst State. Elmhurst. 9,810 Elmhurst State, Elmhurst. 61,700 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 2d N., Monmouth. 38,870 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 9.790 45,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi; 1st N.. Tuscola. 234.000 12,900 230,460 195,240 9,530 7.000 211,000 14,000 25,000 67,000 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Oo„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N., Joliet. 10.000 159.230 17,740 16,300 240.590 71,800 55.260 23.410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds N„ N. Stock Yds. 76,850 Millikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, De catur. 3,200 58.970 350 11.600 10,610 99.590 900 9,770 98,200 5,890 10,100 8,690 264,910 230,190 20,950 105,870 12,000 8.530 25.160 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 225.670 339,480 9,000 95.410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Bloomington. 56,170 25,000 Drov. N.. Chi.; Mtle.Tr. & Sav., Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. Trust Company ~ Chicago 107,920 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 15.160 1st N„ Chi.; Millikin N„ Decatur. 4,090 State Tr. & Sav., Peoria. 14.140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; City N.. Clinton. 83,600 Chi. Tr. Co. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Where Bankers Bank o/o JtJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabii ITIES. Town and county. •Mem. A.B.A. "New §State tPri?. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Aas’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res- District. d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSale%Div. PSESIDKNT. 12% par 100 70-364 J. O. Peasley . T. H. McMillan TTAAfpr L F GUMBART ALBERT E. BAILEY d®«t§’04 Union Trust Co. —d®«+§’19 M. Henson........ . ♦ 70-405 Maeystown„„270 State Bank of Maeystown 70-1990 ti'19 $ ties 532,1^0 50.000 10.500 241,000 100.000 140,000 850,000 100.000 155.650 1,122,280 $ $ 398.490 $ 92,100 $ 8,000 8,000 L. RAY MURPHY — HAROLD HOEL............. H. 0. EWING Reports 25,000 $ 145.100 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill.Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.: Quincy-Ricker N. Bk.&Tr. Co., Quincy. 40.500 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy.; 1st N., Joliet. 203.000 50,000 90,000 610,000 330,000 97.900 812,220 403,850 44.640 215,110 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. HarrlsTr. & Sav.. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 21,280 492.620 434,750 22,000 24,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 130,580 Chem. Bk.&Tr.Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. E. St. L. 286,000 3,500 17,000 50,000 Foreman-State N.. Ghl.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. HI. 290.000 152.000 14.000 49,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St.L. 240,000 Equit.Tr.Co., N. Y.: Cont.III. Bk. &Tr.Co.. Chi.. 1st N., Peoria. . • 8,520 132.280 145,000 50,250 53.200 926,420 50.000 6,500 300.000 John Frangoulis... A. V. Andreoff ___ J. J. Ropac_______ Florine E. Bowker Walter W. Bowker 50.000 35,000 390,000 Geo. P. Jobb------- A. H. Hoffmann... Wm. Altes_______ 15.000 17.100 180.300 147.400 30.700 1.400 29.000 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St, L.; 1st N.. E. St. L. 25 WO 4,000 120,000 110.000 18,000 1.000 20.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet and Princeton. 25,000 33,680 445.460 288.410 145,110 8,900 89,820 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 25 000 19.860 119.940 124.320 13,620 13.870 12,990 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Ayers N., Jack sonville: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 40,000 30,000 245,750 230.990 29.570 60,930 34,090 Cont.Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 25,000 10,000 140,000 90,000 5.000 20.000 60,000 Cont. Ill.. Bk. &Tr. CO„ Chi. Fred Rankin______ R. L. Mahr............... W. S. Maloney........ 25.000 91.390 387.180 3.810 360.740 39,380 11.170 96,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria: Herget N„ Pekin. G. J. Schuneman — F. C. Schuneman.. Fred M.Schmidt.. 25.000 30,000 262.000 28.000 223,000 39,000 40.000 43.000 1st N.. Chi. and Joliet; Cent. N. Bk.& Tr. Co.,Peoria. M. P. Seibel______ G. P. Seibel.............. 25.000 16,680 311,270 11.650 233,320 46,800 43.320 41,170 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Com’l N.. Peoria; Far. N., Princeton; 1st N., Joliet. 25.000 29.860 243.880 6.000 146.040 80.060 6.000 146.040 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Peo.. Bloom ington; Moore State, Monticello;;lst N.. Joliet. 55,000 1st N., Chi.; City N., Kankakee. C. O. Naumer_____ M. B. Eiler.............. H. C. Ransburgh R R STIinFRiKFR GOOD BANKI NG SERVICE PE RSONALLY REN DERED. ^Send us your co Uections for pro nipt attention. 1175-20% par 100 1170-6% par 100 11.500 Principal Correspondents. RESOlJRCES. Loan* Bondi Car* ft Ei Miscel CXA*GM,I>T7I and and Discount■ SecuritUs laneous FROM BAJI» 50,000 '0. S. SCHOOLEY— r N ^MITM TRI-CITY STATE BANK 70-403 100,000 i ' Other Liabili Joel H. Gloyd Farmers State Bank.®*t5'16 J. H. Highly_____ par 100 70-1897 First National Bank d®»t’06 A. W. Baltz______ Frank Troeckler — 1200-12% 70-404 par 100 1130-6% par 100 Paid-up Capital $ 70-362 dB®T»t’71 I Special attentto n given Bill *f La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items ^ Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and X5e for Credit 18% Monroe OlO Cashier. Surplus Depos AMD its Profits i Oldest and Lar gext Bank In the County. UNION RAT’L BARK _ 8 t E. C. Wolfe. . d®»t'08 J. W. BAILEY Maeon_______ .788 7 Macon J16 Madison..........4996 8 Madison M10 .T \f Ass Caskibx. Vice-President. .Macomb____9817 Citizens State Bk—d®+§’90 E. T. Walker_____ Mrs. J. Binnie, Ch. 7 McDonough G7 1125-7% par 100 70-363 First Trust & Savings Bank Frank Haynes-----W. A. Binnie 1125-8% 70-365 d®*t§’10 MACOMB RATI BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Loui* Fans. Jr._ 30.000 Mahomet........ 649 Mahomet State Bank__________ (Closed February 19, 1929 for liquidation) 7 ChampaignH18 Malden____ 233 Far mers& Traders State Bk. H. J. Sutton___ 7 Bureau D13 1135-5% par 100 70-1434 ®tS’l0 G. E. Bartlett. .. Malta .......... 391 First National Bank____ t’01 T. W. Dodge--------70-1435 7 De Kalb B16 1320 par 100 Manchester ...456 Farmers & Traders State Bk. W. F. Ellington__ 8 Scott J8 Manhattan.:..526 7 Will D 21 10% par 100 70-1436 Tt§’19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1200-10% par 100 70-1077 28.090 <lB®»t'07 JAMES McSNATI. Manhattan State Bk—d«$’17 B. D. Jones____ H6o-«% 70-1076 HENRY EBERHART-- C. 0. HEIBT——— A. TERHYSES-------- 39,840 Chas. Schleeter par 100 Manlto______ 758 Peoples State Bank ....•t§'05 E. E. Ethell........ 7 Mason Gil ltoo-12% 70-1437 par 100 Manlius_____ 309 First National Bank—@t’02 C. Schuneman.. 7 Bureau D12 1200-6 % 70-1121 First State Bank........ d®t§'02 F. S. Johnson — 70-1120 1140 par loo Mansfield____ 7 Piatt H17 Peoples State Bank—©t§’10 George Howe— 70-992 par loo Manteno____1182 Citizens State Bank ®«tl’93 F. M. Wright.. 70-791 7 Kankakee £20 1165 Manteno State & Sav. Bank Otto Weber... 1200-8% 70-792 ®tSS’06 L. 1187.50-8% H. Wessler____ Duane Ross______ Clayton Howe 25,000 85.000 400,000 350.000 75,000 25.000 28.000 320.000 240,000 80,000 25.000 27.740 139,080 154,530 27.060 par 100 Maple Park___384 First State Bank ..dB®*t§’03 S. K. Truby ... 1140-12% 70-1438 7 Kane C17 par 100 Mary Hamsmith. T. P. Burns C. G. Campbell___ F. W. Emberson... . . rrouftp Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53.000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Sav., Kankakee. Aime Benoit and 19,000 Trust Company—Chicago 7,400 21,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Sycamore. Where Bankers Bank Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Li A DILI TIES. Resources. Surplus Depos Other Loan a Bonds Miscel Gash k ExPaid-up and and Liabili and COASOM'DCI its Capital Profits Discounts SaouritiM laneous FROM Ba.RU ties Maquon State Bank. ®*§’03 D. S. Hartsook.... W. L. McGirr____ Roy Bowman_____ Howard Hartsook.. $ $300-10% par 100 70-1064 Marengo 175* Dairymans Stats Bant (Closed December 11 , 1929) ^ McHenry B17 First National Bank E. D. Patrick_____ C. B. Whittemore.. C. H. Woleben------ H. J. Feiertag____ E. C. Robb $286-12%parl0070-656dB®T«l '71 Marine. 676 First National Bank. .d®»i’14 8 Madison M12 70-1852 “ Marshall State Bank ♦ 70-560 $150-8% par 100 d®«t5’05 _____ «• _ FirstNational BankdB®T‘*’92 $300-16% par 100 70-1441 Mason . . 324 Farmers State Bank.-®t§’12 70-1442 8 Effingham L17 Mason City...1880 Central Illinois State Bank $138-8%par10070-672 B®«tS'03 7(i Mason Hll New Farmers State Bank 70-671 ®«t5’86 Matherville . 886 Matherville State Bank $100 70-1443 ©tl’10 7 Mercer E8 Matteson____485 First State Bank ...d®*ii’04 8% par 100 ♦ 70-1444 7 Cook D21 Mattoon.__14,739 7 Coles K19 $225-12% par 100 ♦ 70-210 “ “ wrn par 100 45,000 233,000 27,000 498,070 27,630 181,990 1,103,680 889,920 155,350 100,000 1,400,000 460,000 122,000 72,650 196.390 184,260 41,610 15,000 296,000 105,000 755,000 111,580 1,975,810 T. A. Cox________ E. B. Jackson____ B. G. Gulledge.... E. B. Jackson B. Pearce. A. C. L. O. Caplinger E. J. Aikman, A, C. J. C. Keltner 150,000 60,000 1.982.000 rW. N. HAMILTON — JOHN H0TZ ................ H. E. HAMILTON —- C. A. HACKER............ 50,000 21.680 307.220 600.000 40,000 $ 148,250 Northern Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. 65,000 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Ohi. 56,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds, 220.420 Equit. Tr. Co., W. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 310,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y,; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co . Chi.; N. City, St. L. 29,280 On. Tr. Co.. E. St. L. 30,000 379,000 100,000 25,640 421,640 4,890 384,290 67,950 42,280 75,000 83.230 M3,171 124,200 372,271 226.990 81,890 100,000 80.000 550.000 60,000 387,000 215.000 50.000 60,000 38,600 404,990 350,930 61,980 25,070 25,000 14,280 403.520 41,600 320,490 43,700 24,050 39,200 ChaseN„ N.Y.: Cont Ill.Bk.&Tr.Co.,OhL; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., 8t. L.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 50,000 15,000 375,000 5,000 280,000 75,000 51,000 39,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.. Joliet and Terre Haute. Grant Euchner .... 25,000 8,000 65,000 75,000 3,000 Urban S. Postel... 100,000 75.860 512,200 41,130 275,750 296,740 72.590 E. R. Hagist______ E. F. Scheve_____ Edna E. Richter... Oscar Hagist A. K. Gibson_____ Ella Gibson_______ W. G. Bussman.... W. O. Cornwell J. H. Dearborn.__ W. G. Burnsmier.. F. W. Buehrig........ O. B. Theobold___ 100,000 231,740 835,620 54,670 245,200 odOtUiU 25,000 500 100,000 90,000 50,000 32,780 248,790 188,830 " 77,000 2,220 W.E. Ainsworth... W. A. Grandy____ C. W. McKnight. . 125,000 97,680 662,950 774,420 43,850 10,000 15,000 1,500 105.000 26.000 83,000 60,450 S. M. DAGGETT — R. L. Hunt T. R. Martin_____ StankoKanzlarich, A. D. Simpton........ Sr. G. H. Fortmiller.. J. G. Hauck. Henry Schulze.__ H. F. Nortmeier .. W. S. Rea, Sec. W. T. Osborne__ H. O. Ragland____ H. O. Ragland____ O. O. Scott_______ J. F. Brewster W. R. Bowman Fred Grant 57,650 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Citiz. N., Decatur. 44,MO Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Joilet. entatlon and R. A. Mitchell.... W. E. Morris, Active E. D. Morton_____ Robert Prewett... J. J. Meehling Drew Casteel G. S. Richmond... Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. J. S. Weis_______ F. A. Hoag_______ Edw. Vollmer, A.C. C. H. Hoots Martin Behrend 25,000 57,810 140,000 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co„N. Y.; 1st N..Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 65,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.: Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 41,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 84,110 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N, Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Joliet, 12,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds 63,520 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 115,190 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 12,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. Tr. & 131,350 2,180 164,110 11,130 100.000 8,930 143,000 1,043,000 14.000 920,000 135,000 41,000 204,000 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi:MtIe.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L. 150,000 327,680 2,888.950 111,260 2,011,400 855,960 128,610 481,910 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal correspondents. pecialty and reml tted on day of p ayment ed to us. rts, 25c, G. A. Hammond... Meade Sharp______ Geo. Hammond.... Martinsville State Bank $150-8% 70-730 dB®«t§'06 Chas. Cooper, Ch. 11 75,000 100,000 Martlnton ....250 Martinton State Bank A, J. Nourie______ E. S. Martin_____ 70-1440 d®»t|’12 7 Iroquois F21 $175-8% par 100 Mascoutah.. 2343 Bank of Mascoutah.dB®t}’23 Julius Postel__ ... Philip H. Postel... 8 St. Clair N12 $185-6% par 100 70-2072 " 50,000 Joab Goodall_____ L. C. Campbell,.__ B. E. Mitchell.......... L. C. Campbell W.S. Burkhart A. C. Sara FitzGerrell Martinsville. .1437 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t 03 B. D. BENNETT.......... J. 1. 8RYD0N--------- J. C. BRYDON--------- H, T, RARH $170-12% 70-729 7 Clark K21 .. 11.000 $ 201,870 $ 161,000 35,000 Marissa............1000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < First and oldest established bank . Collections a s 8 St. Clair 012 $120-8% parlOO 70-646 d®t'03 (Prompt attend on to all Banking matters entrust (.FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo •• ____ •• STATE BANK OF MARISSA F. J. Wagner......... G. F. Dryden........ . D, R, Campbell.__ Andrew Brown 70-647 dB®«tS’03 $160-7% par 100 Maroa.... .........1193 Crocker & Co., Bankers J. Crocker............... J. H. Crocker____ 7 Macon 116 70-813 dB®»«'67 | MORRIS LEWIS - S. R. LEWIS--------- E. B. DOWELL........ Marseilles___3391 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 La Salle D16 70-489 ®T»t’71 1 ISc most be se nt with each gig ht Draft for pres L Me with eaeh request for Repo rt or Bating. ‘Marshall........2222 DULANEY NATIONAL BANK H. B. Dulaney____ J. R. Burnett_____ 7 Clark K21 $250-is% par 100 70-559 dB‘t’92 _____ 63,110 1 415,160 s Herbert Gehrs____ Harry H. Turner.. ‘Marlon ___ 10,478 First National Bankd®T«t’91 Shannon Holland.. 8 Williamson P16 $300-*)% par 100 70-817 •a M Marion Trust ft Sav. Bank J. H. Burnett_____ $l50par 100 70-818 d®T«tS'90 •• 30,000 $ 0 •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.®Sar.$LastSale%Di? First National Bank (Closed August 13,1 929) w Town and Countt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. Maquon 441 7 ( Knox F10 ( Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS- Continued pc Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given Q44 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 34,810 1st N.. Chi. ‘fJveTcorrJs^ondenV O/i c ■JtJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. msmm~ 50,000 62,380 342.670 38,650 62,150 106,950 1Lrv. Tr.Co., N. Y.iCont.IIl. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Elmhurst State. Elmhurst. 55,000 1,250,000 _______ 790.000 305.000 100.000 210.000 <3hasp N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co. and 1st N„ Chi. 20,180 417.870 40.800 346.970 48,800 337.790 93,590 6,630 48.550 1st N.. Chi. 30.000 17.880 240,330 1,500 186,590 48,360 6.550 48,210 iCout. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Free 25,000 1.020 80.390 60.000 29,250 426.690 180 285.830 50.000 11,650 742,100 25.000 25,000 35.000 500.000 Henry W. Matem. 30,000 25.170 219.720 S. J. Miller______ John B. Fullenwid- H. W. McDaniel— er J. C. Brook............ C. R. Pendarvis... Alma D. Pendarvis 25,000 50,000 25.000 E. L. Wagner, Ch, Gerald J. Carey Frank W. Aldrich. H. M. Palmer____ J. W. Baker.......... Wesley Wilcox— J. H. Baker, F. W. Aldrich. S. B. Van Ness Asst. Tr. Off. Tr.Off. V. B. Campbell___ par 104 70-2130 McLean............687 7 McLean H15 McLean State Bank & Trust $150-6% par 100 st NationalBan *McLeansborol827 70-681 | Hamilton 018 12% iples National 1 12% 70-680 G. W. Hogan. Jr.__ O. H. Hyatt........... U. B. Barnett------ C. E. Biggerstaff.. G. A. Swanson E. B. 8immons.... H. L. Warner........ H. Y. Armstrong.. 17.860 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 131.890 17.420 80,980 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.: 1st NBloomington; Mtle.-Com. Bk andTr. 588,250 87.680 43,300 320,000 110,000 _____ 198,360 33,050 7.290 120,780 10.0001 111.160 52,740 283,310 20.0001 260.230 25,780 296,520 17,0001 74.560 1.215.740 48.2501 Co.. St. L. ----------- F H .............. Ass t Cash. R. W. B. ........... 200.000 109.510 1st N.. 8t. L. 130,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr.Co., 8t. L.; Old N„ Evanville. Ind. 13,000 31.480 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. 10,100 41,800 1st N.. Chi.: Ridgely-Far. State, Spring- 22,910 74,340 48.520 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.,Ohi.; Far. & Mech., 231,870 88,150 4,530 39,740 Cont. Ill. Bk. and Tr. Co,, Ohi.t 1st N„ St. 864.870 258.160 159.360 256.170 N. Bk. Rep., Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi* 100,140) 1,597.770 1,030,600 187,570i 282.530 lrv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk. &Tr. F. E. Whitfield MEYNGLOS A. H. HAHN. „ t J. JANASKY CITIZENS STATE C.SendWOLFus your collections. Prompt, efficient service. Reasonable Rates. We specialize in Bill of Lading Draft BANK J. port. 17.400 71.160 Winnie Garrison McNabb..........162 $135-6% 70-1449 7 Putnam E15 par 100 Farmers State Bank. S. A. Mendenhall— Mecbanlcsburg 70-1451 7 Sang'n J14 470 R. N. Marshall— Media..................170 70-1452 7 Henderson F7 $230-7 % Medora_______ 483 FarmersState BankddMS’L J. L. Tober.. ___ I Macoupin L10 $210-15% par 100 70-1766 correspondents. 50.000 G. E. Clapp.............. A. J. Campbell.... E. C. Barker......... B. E. Isham-------- $110 Principal 52,030 SI 361 760 ji 638,940 11 135,640!l 281.730 (■’hase N. and Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Coni, 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 303,520 tl 862 530 par 100 70-1446 McConnell___ 178 McConnell State Bank_.t5'12 Wilbur Shippee___ 7 Stephenson A12 1118.66-6% par 100 70-1720 (Closed May 1,1929 ) McHenry___ 1146 Citizens State Bank_____ 7 McHenry A18 Melrose Park.7147 7 Cook B20 200,000 100.000 I. G. Baumann___ Proviso State Bank dB®»t§T3 A. J. Busscher........ G.A. Hart, Ch. 1175-7% par 100 70-270 Resources. Loans Bondi Cash It Exther Miscel- thajigm Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili .Dtti and and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta iSecurities LANEOUS from Banks ties - WM. H. REICH------fW. 6. HEIDEMANN A. F. AMLING . Maywood ...14,243 MAYWOOD STATE BANK .. $3so-io% 70-: 70-268 dB®«t8’01 ‘ 7 Cook C21 (.Oldest, Lar gest and Str ongest Bank in Maywood. par 100 P. Bullard------MAYWOOD TR0-26#SdB®f5’06 C. W. Bullard____ F. F. Gustavison — Joel E. Bullard. — J. Grace C. Seemann 1150-6% 70 T. L. Favoright par 100 (Closed February 8, 1930) Peoples Slate Bank 1185-12% 1 Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.J|'New SStatetPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. Mazon______ 442 7 Grundy E18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Chi. field. Galesburg. L.; N, Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.: Cltli N„ Alton. S. Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 35c for credit reports. $225-8% par $375-10% par 70-423 dB®*t8'06 100 (k. F. AMLING....... 70-422 dB® I 100 Melvin_______ .540 Commercial State Bk. par 100 70-1454 dd 7 Ford G18 70-1860 . W. 6. HEIDEMANN - HERMAN WEISS...... KBF 200.000 L. 0. Arends_____ 60,00( 356,030 2.442.300 Co.. Chi. (.Oldest, Lar gest and Str ongest Bank in Melrose P ark. a. T Tehl _______ W P Tehl Henry Arends Mary Arends____ d • At oLllAApt - ———— J, AdamRuppel... K. FRANCIS.......... R N STACY F DUFFY B. QUIGG------- H. J “The Bank of B etter Service.” G ive us a trial. B!1 of Lading drafts collection s, etc. Becelve pedal attention ®tl *. \J Note Please send 15c with sight drafts for presentation and 25c for credit L. reports. fW. B 14,30C 252,56( 25,(XX 5,09( 104.33C 25,Q0< lO.OOt 198,20( 50.000 35.000 405.000 22,0200 199,330 1 94,880 i 24,000) 20,670 Cont.Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N., Joliet. 15,0000 128,640) 40C i 4.62C ) 15,760 11st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st I6.89C) 188.540 N.. Joliet. 27.770 1 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ill. State and Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Qnincy. Mcndon______645 FARMERS STATE BANK 8 Adams 15 $125-6% 70-1850 MENDON STATE BANK ORVILLE STRICKLER. C. A. CHITTENDEN— J. W. I08ART- - - - - - - M. C. BRAY- - - - - - - - - - Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Bank In Mendon. ____ Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts. Cash and Time Items. rack nahi fan-it (or W 25< fn~ Honoris, $125-5% par 100 70-1455 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TT 10 1.500 215.2011 180.201> Emmmm 48.301 ) 47.801• 1st N., Chi.; .State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., s and Qulncy-RIcker N, Bk* & Xr* Co*9 Quincy. • 0 u Number under Name or Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority ol The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county •Mem. A.B.A. “New §State fF'riv. *County Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Feii. l{es.Depts:T-Trust B -Bond President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Fed. Res. District d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Mendota....... 3934 7 LaSalle D15 FARMERS & Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS —Continued Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Depos Other Loam Bondi Paid-up Miscel and and .L iabili and its Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities laneous ties D. C. HASKELL.........JOHN GOEDTNER—- E. F. LEWIS________A. A. LAHDGRAF . $ 50,000 5 32,820 S 588,900 Young, Growing, Progressive. Give us a trial. MERCH.STATE BK. Collections given prompt, personal attention. $130-6% 70-460 d®«t§’19 For quick returns. Low Rates. Send us your business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 70-459 84,340 $ 18,840 $ 106,020 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. E. P. FASSETT---------J. C. CORBUS..............F. H. HASKELL------- E. J. WELSCH. Oldest Established Bank. Modern Methods—Prompt, Efficient Personal Service. Collections a Specialty. Please send 25c with each request for Report or Rating. ®»J’65 MENDOTA R. N. CRAWFORD- ADAM KLIYLA-— B. J. FEIK- - - - - - - - - E.A.WALKER. C. WALTER JACOB Vigorous attention given collections. Quick returns and consistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. NATIONAL BANK $150-8% par 100 $ 462,520 $ Please send 25c for Credit Ratings, par 100 $250-12% Principal Correspondents. Casn & LxCHANGIB, I»DB from Banks 70-461 d®«t’97 100.000 100,000 207,660 736,280 $ 99,070 76,060 1,031,320 593,860 367,800 104,840 76,500 Chase N., N.Y.;Cont. III. Bk.&Tr.G'o. Drov. N., and Stoek Yds. N., Chi. 1st N., Joliet. 160.960 1,001,670 203,070 27,250 136,350|Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Cent. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co. and Stock Yds. N., Cbl.; City N., Clio ton, la. 289,440 24,780 4,910 62,550 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Mtle.-Oom, Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Ayers N„ Jackson ville. Please send 25c with each request for Report or Rating. Meredosla___ 810 Farmers & Traders State W. F. Itoegge____ L. E. Hiuners......... C. A. Korsmeyer.. L. E. Roegge. 8 Morgan I 8 M. M.Cody Bank___ 70-880.1§’87 30,000 18,670 333,020 50,000 18,530 429.980 17,370 339,690 60,340 27.350 88,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 25,000 7,390 82.980 12,500 73,990 18,370 5,260 30,230 1st N., Chi. and Paris; Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpis. 50,000 90,000 600,000 425,000 175,000 125,000 60,000 127,530 802,070 75,000 473,080 481,070 21,940 60,000 80,000 600,000 50,000 400.000 200,000 175,000 50,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. and Paducah. Ky. 88,510 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Paducah; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 25,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; City N„ Paducah, Ky. Clarence Drake.... Elmer L. Primm... L. A. Spence_____ 35,000 8,000 235,530 5,010 135,300 59,610 43,230 45,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Springfield Marine, Springfield; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria; 1st N., Joliet. WARREN DAVIS____ PRISCILLA JONES — 50,000 21,950 436,730 346,100 35,000 10,200 117.380 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi, Mill brook....... 154 Farmers State Baak..®t§’21 J. D. Hollenhack.. B. B. Larson_____ Ralph R. Wittie. 7 Kendall D17 $130-5% par 100 70-1460 15,000 12,590 30,120 Mllledgevllle.. 746 Shumway State Bankd®fS’04 J. F. Greenawalt. C. A. Straka....... . H. C. Knox______ |0. M. Sunderland. 70-1461 7 Carroll Bll 50,000 95,970 863.550 Millington___212 First State Bank_____ t§’95 R. W. Scoggin....... Ruth Carpenter.__ T. K. House____ 7 Kendall D18 $150-6% 70-1462 25,000 12,500 110,000 Mill Shoals... 356 Mill Shoals State Bank.I§’21E. N. Glascock.... F. A. Blackford__ Dave Osborn____ Edith Osborn_____ $116-12% par 100 70- 9,6 8 White 019 15,000 2,980 65,990 $125-6% par 100 Nletamora....... 683 7 Woodford F13 METAM0RA STATE BANK $165 par 100 70-1456 d®tS’85 J. C. SNYDER.......... J. C. SNYDER_____ I. M. BELSLY......... "S. M. SNYDER, Ch. of Bd.and Pres CLARA SCOTT Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MTJS T be accoinpanle d by .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afis, 15e; Credit Re perts, 25e. M etcalf. ...509 First National Bank____ ’05 J. W. Whitehead.. Elmer McClain._ W. A. Barth.. 7 Edgar J21 $130-6% par 100 7 0-1457 . Gertrude J alien__ ‘Metropolis.. 5055 City National Bk. .d®T*t'07 L. G. Simmons ___ Frank C, Johns ... Lindeli W. Sturgis W. F. Cummins. 8 Massac R17 $250-8% par 100 70-428 iR. Wehrmeyer First National Bank dB®»t'84 H. J. Huinma__ 100 7 0- 4 26 $315-20% par Geo. Arensman.... L. K. McAlpin___ L. L. Helm_____ P. D. Arensman National State Bank ®«t’95 C. W. Hausmann.. E. A. Bormann 8% 70-427 Middletown ...587 Middletown State Bank B. F. Chesnut. 7 Logan 112 $125-6% 70-1923 d®+5’17 Noah J. Korte. L. H. Bremer... par 100 Milford..........1466 7 Iroquois G21 CITIZENS STATE BANK 70-76U First National Bank. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROGRESS. OF and credit iuformati on reported same day received. d®»t§’07 (Closed, National bank examiner in c harge.) Continental Illinois Bank and 9,380 12,500 56,230 730 846,330 3,750 100,000 37,550 67,480 4.840 13,130 Trust Company — Chicago 10,130 Sandwich State, Sandwich. 146,320 Stock Yds. N., N. Bk. & Rep., and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 22,450 Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Go. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 11.650 Old N.. Evansville, Iiid. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS qA*-/ ■" • Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources. Liabilities. Town and Ooustt •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPrh. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. *Ooanty Seats. Fie. under town Is ♦Fed. Ees.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Fed, Res. District. Mills tad t........... «U7 First National Bank 8 St. Clair N10 1200.107r parioo 70-1463 d®T»*'68 M limine______ 302 Milmine State Bank.®»tl’20 par 100 70-1464 7 Piatt 117 Milton________ 348 Farmers 8tate Baak-d®l’21 8 Pika J7 $100 par too 70-1465 Mineral_______ 808 First Statu Bank----- ®*l'21 7 Bureau Dll $100-8% 70-1466 ,V1 Inter________ 780 Farmers State Bank----- 15’80 7 Tazewsll H13 T% par 100 70-982 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in.back of this volume. For interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS -Continued PKMIDKMT. Vice-President. Ass'x Oaskiu. OAMLIUt. ther Dbpod* LOiabiu PziD-irr Surplus -| and Capital Paoprrs TIBS 64.000 $ 957,460 1 Bonda and MiscblDitoounta BacuritUa LANBOUB Mlnonk______ 2100 7 Woodford F16 Mlnooka______ 314 7 Grundy D18 Modesto______ 280 8 Macoupia Ell Mekena______ 475 7 Will £20 MoUne_____ 35,600 7 Roek Island D8 13,500 1st N.. Montieello: Oitia, N„ Decatur. 77,620 15,940 4,160 55,600 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock ----------- 136,960 100 11,280; 32,420 Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. ----------SI 290,000 32,000 10,000 98,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ceut. N. Bk. 281,520 19.540 44,580; 48,140 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Peoria: 1st N., Bloom 30,000 8,000 72,000 Estella B. Hoover. Artie B. Doss.......... M. B. Hoover_____ Beulah Denison.— 15,000 19,770 118,550 ______ Scott Boswell____ E. C. Studley-------- F. P. St rattan......... Doris Matthews... 25,000 2.970 152,800 B. ?. Quire.-—— G. E. Peine_______ P. R. Murphy_____ Emma L. Peine.— 60,000 30,000 340.090 (OTTO GRAFF......... 0. V. HALLSTEIN—- C. E. TANKER- - - - - - - EDA I. B0EBIII — 50,000 58,340 284,560 880 ’COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK 100,000 CHAS. A. LARSON............... -.............. - R. M. JOHNSON- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ’MOLINE STATE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 70-125 dB©T»t§’69 par 100 421,690 $175-8% par 10# 70-124 dB®T*tS‘57 8,350 64,710 Bk. of America N. A., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 88,380 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 21,400 242,360 141,470 10,000 137,230 THE0. L.T0LINE SOL HIRSCH------- 0. H. SEIFFERT F. G. ALLEN, CALVIN AIMSCh. of Bd. WORTH ED. AHDRIES, 0. F. ANDERSON, ft I. JOSEPHS0N H.J.GRlPPExec. V. Pres. W. H. CHRISliSON Mars. R. E. Dept. H. E. G0DEHN, 0 w! SWENSS0K C. L.WIITO 0. „ T. .. B0NMAK, _. . 100.000 1.000.000 A. Cash, and Tr. Officer. 35,130 884,530 489,460 12 427 980 30.000 14,660 29,530 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; Mtle.-Com. 200,000 18,000 25,800 17,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Joliet Tr. & 1.506.610 516,010 77.960 146,730 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 331,740 339,980 123,440 239,190 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L.; Ill. N., Springfield. Sav.. Joliet. 14,680 ! 7.764,370 4,840.700 367,470 Co., Chi. 659,190 1,020,660 N.City.N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. and Pitt.. Unuurpuseuil Collection Service. Bill of Lading Drafts glvdn Spoelal Cara. Mgr. Bd. Dept. LARGEST STATE BANK IN ILLINOIS OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO Oldest Chartered Savings Bank In the County. Oldest Trust Company in the City. 847,780 12189850 ’PEOPLES SAV. RANK & TR. CO. 5,000 38,400; 281.920 109,600 2,007,710 ington. 23.830 4,980 200,000 & Tr. Co., Peoria. 448.640 49,170 35,800 Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. A Live Progressive Commercial Bank. Bill of Lading Drafts and other Collections given prompt, careful attent Ion. $135-6% parlOO 70-128 d®»tl'12 Fifth Av. Tr. & Savings Bank W. J. Peterson.... Gee. W. Wood.........[Clark G. Anderson Helfrid G. Swan... $75 par 100 70-129 d®Tt|'19 $185-9% •i'V. id 70-983 20.490 82,560 1st N.. Hi. L. and SL St. L. 3,500 Isaac Hawver____ James Fisher------- A. L. Hairver_____ Floy C. Hawrur... < Personal Attest ton of an efTloer assured. Unexe oiled faetUtlee. T BY US. d®tS'91 ] Special attends n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. LPmm Mod Ih w iih task tight draft far jtrtttniaHtn and 25* ftr Credit R*P art* 100,000 Minonk State Bank—•tJ'l# J. C. Danforth ___ P. J. Simater______ F. C. Tneker_____JJ. M. Louis----- .... IS. B. Ogle 70-042 25,000 Farmers First Nat. Bk..»J M E. W. Matteson ,iN. P. Briscoe_____ W. F. Dirst______ Audrey A. Bell------70-1099 25,000 Bank of Modesto.............t§’ll Lewis Rinaker____ Wm. E. Sims______ C. M. White_____ E. W alkington $150-10% par 100 70-1467 25,000 Hokena State Bank- d®tl’09 ______ ____ —......... E. P. Krapp_______ O. A. Bartels____ E. J. Cooper--------H. J. Schluntz, Sec. $225-12% par 240 70-1468 correspondents. 71.870 60.000 MIRIER STATE BARK _ 8% par 100 Pkinoipal Cabs k XxCOZAMIByDlTl : from Bajtkj 65.000 $ 469,270 J 522,740 i 5,000 98,000 W. N. Baltz______ A.W. Baltz_______ G. F. Malt*----------- Etta Diesel_______ J G. F. Baltz Loan, and iWM. BUTTERR. C. SHALLBERG R.C. SHALLBERG SHALLBER C. E. BOL 1 WORTH A. T. FOSTER, „ J. DE BISSCH0P, G.W. CRAMPTON, V. P. and Tr. Mgr. A. Cash, and Tr. Officer Ch. of Bd. A. M, BEAL J. P. PEARSON ______O. F. Anderson____ !____ 508,030 627,220 Chase N. Joliet. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., DIRECTORS J. P. Pearson B. F. Peek H. W. Plain beck C. R. Rosborough W. A. Rosenfleld R. C. ShmUbcrg W. E. Taylor A. C. Vander Vennet T. F. Wharton C. D. Wlman A. E. Montgomery H. W. Nelson A. M. Beal L. K. Blackman Wm. Butterworth G. W. Crampton G. E. Evans A. T. Foster Wilson P. Hunt R. W. Lea Estebilahed 1867. Oldaat Bank In Rock Island county. Wu want Collections. Poreonal presentation and prompt roturna. Moline Clearing House-------- R. M. Johnson. Chairman 9,345,950 3,406,430 200,000 ' (Members indicated by a *) Momence ....2218 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 Kankakee K22i$i7S-io% 70-611 ®»t’03 •• _____ " J. J. KIRBY- - - - - - - W. KING................ £. P. CLEARY.......... J. J. KIRBY. JR......... 74.180 875,620 26,020 22,040 323,260 — 434,800 391,200 21,900 177,920 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; City N.. Kankakee. 217,670 107.140 20.690 24,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st Tr. ASav., Kankakee. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SER VICE, STRENGT H AND CHAR AC TER. Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems. 'parish S^aie Bank ...d®S'21 W. W. Parish_____IW. J. Parish...........Anthony Parish... V. A. Parish, Sec... 18% par 100 70-1856 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50.000 and 25.000 I Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 040 to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' JDirectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.O’New | State fPrir. ^County Seats. tMcm. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estah Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. PBKSIDKNT. V ICl-PRESIDENT. Monee. .395 Eastern Will Go. State Bank George Scnneborn. John Sonneborn ... 7 Will D21 $250-8% 70-1409 d®»tl’03 par 100 Monee State Bank ...,d»t8’13 William Flagge— Romeo lllgen_____ $100-0% par 100 70-1820 »M on mouth.. 8118 7 Warren F8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued OASHIEH. Ass’t Cashier. George S. Miller... E. H. Emde_______S H. M. Miller. Sec. 25,000 $ Arthur C. Albers.. Orville R. Albers.j Hjalmar Rehn. Sec. 25.000 h u. scon I ■ C0WII MONMOUTH TR. {J. D. LYNCH----- CLYDE E. DUKE — R. L. WRAY------- BERT & SAVINGS BANK Resources. 125.000 62.820 % 282,860 27.980 $ 300,830 I 206,830 270.500 1.572,500 ICK TEST OUR General Ba nklng. Excelle nt Service. P rompt remltta nee. Reasonable charges. Send us your Item s and collecti ons. 70-258 70-260 2.500 $ 11,110 $ 56.230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 167.210 55,240 11.680 1.450.000 53.60J 125,000 340.000 Chem. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N.Y.iCont. 111. Bk.& Tr. Co. anu Stock Yds. N.. Chi. FACI LITIE 25.680 1st N.. Chi.; Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. d®T§’05 NATIONAL BANK OF MONMOUTH $200-8% par 100 Principal Correspondents. Lords Other Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel Gam k Exand and iabili and oxa*qm,Dvi Capital Pbopits its Discounts Securities laneous rxo« Barks ties J. A. TUBBS. 5:5: MSS..... J-E-ZIMME" — 208.150 2.114.840 $ 196.300 1.426.460 913,360 98.150 281,320 Chase N.. N. Y.:Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. Oldest Bank In Warren County. Modern Methods—Prompt, Efficient Personal Service. Collections a Sp eelalty. d®»t’70 Send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation, and 25c for Credit Reports. JOHN C. ALLEN- W. B. WEIR------ C. M. JOHNSTON- in 75.900 167.250 1.094.920 49,250 859,740 348.020 61.640 117.030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. —— Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co and Stock Yds. N., Chi. Second National Bank®»t'74 O. B. Torrence___ E. O. Hardin______ N. E. Johnson____| par 100 70-251 O. D. Hardin______ D. B. Hardin. A. C. A. H. Cable 75.000 327.300 2.079,350 75.000 1.757.220 450.250 89.330 259.840 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., 1st N., and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. Monroe Center Monroe Center State Bank W. B. Tyler______ F. A. Hildebrand..iHoward Eychaner. 7 Ogle B15 252 $160-8% par 100 70-1471 d®l'02 W. H. Drill_______ 50.000 387,600 30,250 48.880 171.270 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and StockYds. N„ Chi.; Rockford N., Rockford. 756,1701 — ——| 329.4301 43.5001 .... — 220.250jLent. Han. Bk & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtlc-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. PEOPLES NATIONAL BARK $275-12% par 100 70-252 ®*t’90 { Vigorous att entlon given o olleotlons. Qu lok returns. Send 15c with eac h Sight Draft. Sen d 25c for Credit Rep orts. $425-12% .Montlcello ..2280 7 Piatt 118 FIRST NAT'L BANK $200-8% par 100 70-658 d®T*t’83 WILLIAM DIGHT0N — JOHN N. DIGHTON— 6.1. NOECKER_ _ _ j. E. L_Q.HR FOSTER EE 70-2070 THE MOORE STATE BANK $225-8% par 100 70-652 dB®*I»’70 DI6HT0N-1 LOAN DILATUSHI C0.“ par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tr.. A. Sec. A Sec. MONEY ALWAYS on HAND to LOAN on FARMS at LOWEST RATE. NO COMMISSION. Can always take care of all your customers promptly If you become our local representative. Banks and Loan Companies are invited to write us. '•,,K "■M00BE - 8: I; Hft — I: IBHrsz PIATT COUNTY'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK A commercial Bank organized for modern, efficient banking service. Collections and all banking matters given prompt attention. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS WILLIAM DIGHTON—FRANK HETISHEE— F. V.DILATUSH_ _ _ _ WM. A. STEEL.._ _ _ _ A. C. DIGHTON W. R. FISHER Under State Supervision. Affiliated with First National Bank. We have money at all times to loan on high-grade farms. Banks are Invited to refer their customers to us. Continental Illinois Bank and 547.920 65.210 1.035.780 98.350 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and A Bank of Strength, Character and Service PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL BANKING MATTERS. HETISHEE — F. V.DILATUSH, W. A. STEEL. A. C. DIGHTON FRANK HETISHEE. S«e.w. R. FISHER, ILLINOIS JOINT WM. DIGHTON- - - - - - - FRANK STOCK LAND BK.» par 100 150.000 40.060 450.000 108,800 6.750.000 161.12C 7.110,000 40,000 109,300 210.700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., « Chi. and Monilcello. 17,840 211,900 ChaseN., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr.Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. FarmLn. Bonds.) (Territory, Iowi1 and 111 Inols) 100,000 102.900 1,068.670 25.730 818,520 249.040 15 with eac Sight Dr ift for pres enlation a nd 25c for Credit Ratings meatis better an d quicker services 75.000 12.000 40,000 61,000 82..000 Farm Loo n Corretf ondent of the Equite\ble Life Societv of the United St ates 93.000 13,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.,N. Y.; 1st N., Montlcello. itturanes Trust Company — Chicago where bankers bank 349~ ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ uireciory Town and count*. oMem.A.B.A.nNew § State TPrl*. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. t Effingham L18 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Aas’T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Lords Bondi Qua * Xxther Misceu CBARPM'Dvi Depos LOiabili Paid-up SUBPLUB and and AND its Discount* BieuritUs LANEOUS from Baku Capital Pbopits ties S James M. Crews .. Crews State Bank & Trnst David B. Crews.__ Company.70-1472.........T§’02 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 25,000 S N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. $ 175,000 15,000 $ 175,000 Principal Correspondents. Morgan Park____ (See Chicago) 7 Cook C21 O. E. Collins_____ F. W. Gebhard.... A. W. Buck_______ F. C. Ferguson ___ 7 Grundy E18 *245-10% par 100 70-431 D, A, Gynds . _ G. A. Cunnea First National Bank ...dt’70 J. A. Cunnea_____ H. B. Wagner____ 4% par 100 70-430 A. V. GRIFFIN...... rE.e. CRYDER... nb'iHKAjmm 1 78,270 287,910 327.310 234,030 666,500 59,720 549.800 820 439.230 107,900 33,520 79.680 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N„ Drov. N., and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Joliet Tr. & Sav., Joliet. 273,540 1,002.830 98,750 852,400 426,270 80,060 197,380 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Stock Yds. N , and Cmit. Ill. Rk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Joliet. 300,000 50,000 92,950 Stock Yds. N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. SERVICE— The Reason for o ur rapid growth— SERVICE. Special attentl on given Bill of Lading and Note Collections. {.Please lend 15e with each Sight D raft for presentatA on and 25e for Cre dtt Repo rts. GRUNDY COUNTY NATIONAL DANK 70-429 Cf. H. CLAPP E. G. CARR............ W. 6.PENN M. C. HANSEN- - - - - - 100,000 Modern Equipme nt and Methods. < Oldest Bank. 1 Prompt Attentl on given Collect! ons. (.Send us yonr M orris Items dlrec t. ®»2'64 f J. ‘Morrison ___8000 754.870 * 327.580 1 138,190 \ *150-10% par too *380 fctKMbr 51.L70 1 108.980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Cc. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 769,310 i 135,100 100.000 d®«t’06 A. RIORDON.... A.W. RADGER- - - - - - - GLENN CRADDOCK 100,000 60,680 508,710 89.970 279,780 363,240 66,220 50,120 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 26.000 28.270 479.770 , _ 425,260 20,370 34,650 52,770 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.: Mereh. N., Clinton. Ia. 21,960 1,264,700 306,700 141,690 121.050 10,000 28,310 21.870 Cont.111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; lstN..St. L. 317.490 67,500 50,530 52,970 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and St. L.: Pana N„ Pana. 560.170 89,690 19,400 111,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cert. N. Bk, & Tr. Co., Peoria. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 Whiteside Cll *125-8% par 100 < Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts. Gash and Time Items, dB®»t 65 1 lk should be se nt with each Sigh t Draft for presen tation and L.4*e for each Cr edit Report. OLD EST BANK IN T HE COUNTY. 70-589 MORRISON STATE BANK *105-6% par 100 „ 70-1702 d®*tl*ll SMITH TROST & SAVINGS RANK 10% 70-590 (C. M. KINGERY-— wii R. i iiimnvn A. NORRISH H. W. WILLIAMS...... R. H. KINGERY_____ L Please send lie w ith each Sight Drat t for presentation and Sc for Credit Reparts. fE. A. SMITH------- RITCHIE- - - - - F. 0. JAMISON M.L. F. L. SMITH 100.000 210.370 1,500,250 209,490 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. < Prompt attentl on given to aU bus lness. ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by send l FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, ISci Credit Raparts, 23c. T RT US. dB®T*tl’57 par 100 S.000 7.930 149,960 50,000 19,590 372.120 F. W. Reuling.. . 75,000 32,500 673,400 H. J. Mueller_____ Ernest Kruse......... 50,000 16,860 465.670 3,510 318.380 125,820 12.030 79,610 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Chi. Tr. Co., Chi. Thomas Boyd......... G. J. Murphy____ EarlKarraker.__ A. C. Mertz______ ‘Mound City. 2766 First National Bank *250-12 % 70-621 d@‘t'04 I Pulaski R15 par 100 25,000 30,000 225,000 20,000 140,000 75.000 25,000 60,000 Cont.111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: St. Louis N. Bk., St. L.; Alexander Co. N.. Cairo. 25,000 23,350 192,370 128,150I 50,600 23.580i 38,400 EquitableTr.Co., N.Y.: N. Bk. Rep.,Ohl.: 1st N.. St. L.: 1st Bk. & Tr. Co,. Cairo. M errlsonvllle -1178 Farmers State Bank..®tl’17 7 Christian K13 8% «• .. 70-1919 Charles Rittger— L. H. Colbrook First National Bank.d®»t’03 W. F. Langen......... C. B. Lloyd............... Aloysius McLean.. 0. F. Gauble---------70-824 .. 46,780 Morrisonville State Bank____ (Closed for examina tion and adjustment ) Fred Reuling_____ H O. Dodds G. E. Wild *165-8% 70-1473 dB®*t§'88 par 100 H. H TUlg A. F. Poehlmann.. Morton Grove.__ Morton Grove Tr. & Sav. Bk. 70-1744 ®T*tl'12 7 Cook B20 1079 Morton______ 1179 Morton State Bank 7 Tazewell G1S «>© »• N. City. First State Bank ...d®*tl'M M. F. Browner------ F. J. Kuny _______ G. C. Trammell.... Geo. A. Tharp------- *350-10% par 100 76-626 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANYs—CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 3S0 OJU umber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac*h bank S' delusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mcm.A.B.A.aNew § State TPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Liabilities. President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Loans Bondi Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diaoonnta Saeuritias laneous ties Mounds..........2661 First National Bank..®»J’13 W. H. Spaulding__ L. B. Armstrong. F. L. Hoffmeier.... Marjorie Ferrill___ ! 25.000 $ 70-1821 8 Pulaski R15 $105-6% par 100 First State Bank____®»i5'06 O. T. Hudson_____ L. H. Frizzell____ H. C. Moore______ Agnes M. Alexander 50, ©0 70-1474 H. H. Melton Mt. Auburn...492 First National Bank F. B. Mulberry___ Clarence Bottrell. Maurice Smith ___ 40.000 7 Christian J15 $150-12% 70-1071 •Mount Carmel American National Bank J. M, Mitchell____ 8WabashN217456 $275-15% 70-323 dB©T*t’01 par 100 First Nationai Bank Walter R. Kimzey $200-12% 70-322 dBdK’90 par 100 15.000 290.000 12,060 163,730 39.000 162,500 43,810 11.860 290.000 100,000 775.280 669.080 109,980 B. H. Stansfleld K. F. Putnam K. F. Putnam____ BenlahSites-. N.L.Eastham, A.C. G. S. Faust 100,000 66,410 1,307,280 146,900 664.490 693,010 111,420 N. MILES ......... 200.000 64,430 2,500,430 2,003.520 365,710 100,240 75,290 14.930 1,360 33,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 76,560 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. &Tr„ N. Y.;Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st Bk. k Tr„ Cairo. 36,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mfllikim N.. Decatur; Springfield Marine, Springfield. 230,580 N. City. N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City, St. L.; Citiz. N„ Evansville. Ind. 151,660 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. St. L. 295,380 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Stk. Yds. N„ and 1st N„ Chi. passed Collection Service, edit Reports by s ending rafts, lSe; Crsdi t Reports. 25c. E. R. Tohe_______ Erma Daubs_____ 15,000 H. M. Knodle____ 80,000 39,580 645,070 47,690 662,600 10,850 55,850 C. Clavin________ E. M. Nischwitz. L. J. Hartke, A, C. Alma W. Prange A. E. Fischer........ . W. A. Helen___ N. J. Droste C. D. Busse______ 70.000 43,460 880,360 155,930 537,210 457,270 87,790 30,750 G. A. Voile.............. H. V. Wynd.... E. A. Downing 2,650 99,930 50,000 18,610 350,940 4.680 178,320 174,850 50,000 46,240 445,600 1,850 323,480 95,910 32,540 100.000 94.300 720.290 742.240 50,500 11.000 25,990 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 83,020 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 8toek Yds. N., Chi.; Rockford N.. Rockford. 67.470 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 40,310 1st N. Chi,; 1st N„ St. L. 91,750 1st N„ Chi. 110,850 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. 102,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 82,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. R. D. Clark______ George Rupp.......... B. R. Aitchison.. 100.000 96,440 596,730 49,400 621.280 102,560 16,050 W. T. Hersman.... C. A. Reid............... D. G. Gordley... 50.000 91,650 556,790 14,150 377,000 230,790 22,000 E. E. McCoy______ G. A. Moody_____ J. H. Briggs___ G. A. Moody C. P. Schneider 50.000 21,370 443,710 317.420 102,590 2,000 100.000 34.150 733,080 100,000 502,720 259,870 106,840 97.780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N. Chi,; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 125,000 72.240 770,510 750 618.620 54,910 173,380 121.590 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. 97,450 1,445,250 863,700 173,040 514.400 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Hl.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 142,000 50.000 7,000 31.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mffliirin N. and Citiz. N., Decatur. 38,920 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Millikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 18,340 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. Marlin Rich ...-___ 'J. W. Prinnell____ JEFFERSON STATE L. C. MORGAN- - - - - - - C. F. PURCELL-..— V. E. RICHARDSON -- SAM EDWARDS BANK L. L. EMMERSON— C. E. McATEE- - - - - - RUFUS GRANT--_ _ _ _ C. R. KELLER THIRD NATIONAL MT. VERNON’S LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK. A Strong, Progressive Commercial Bank. Personal Attention given Collections. Prompt remittance at Reasonable Rates. Send us your Bill of Lading Drafts. Prompt attention to all collections. $400-10% par 100 ?0-273 d®»*’01 Mount Zion...330 Mount Zion State Bank I. B. Spitier---------- G. O. Outten_____ _ D. 8. McGaughey.. C. E. Readhead___ 7 Macon J16 $185-8% 70-1476 d®»:§’08 par 100 Moweaqua.__ 1501 Ayars State Bank....®l§’20 M. S. Ayars______ Addie Ayars. H. B. Ayars Alice Ayars_______ 7 Shelby J16 „ 70-1951 State Bank of Moweaqua Herbert Mokler___ C. A. Stout... P. W. Neff-. $150 par 100 70-2128 dB®t§’28 Mulberry Grove First National Bank .. ®’04 Roland McKean... C. H- Floyd_____ 8 Bond L13 725 70-1477 n T~ F.. J. Stauffer. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,000 $ 161,010 1,423.910 0. P. MILES......... M.A.HARTMAN F. E. WEI OMAN Cabh k £x CHAHOM'Dtri FROM Banks 68,000 $ 100,000 First National Bank in Mt. (Closed January 7, 1930) Sterling • Mt. Vernon 10466 Ham National Bank.dB®t'69 Todd P. Ward____ S. A. Thompson.. 8 Jefferson N16 $165-10% par 100 70-2 72 G. C. Bond par 100 70-274 d®»i§’05 19,000 $ 129,000 $ L. E. McKittrick.. A. H. Gill........ H. H. Wood, A. C. H. V. Wallar fj. S. MILES- - - - - - - J. H. MILES- First National Bank..®«t’88 Robert Aitchison. 70-723 •Mount Sterling Brown County State Bank 8 Brown 16 1932 $250-12% 70-649 d®*«'01 G. J. Hersman____ par 250 Farmers State Bank.d®t§’14 C. F. McHatton___ $135-6% par 10 70-1853 5,000 J 196,000 $ C. F. Stein.......... John Coleman |S.J. CAMPBELL, Ch •Mount Carroll FIRST CARROLL COUNTY 7 Carroll Bll 1806 " SfATE 1 _____d®T«t3’29 I We solicit your business. Cnsur TEBANK— par 100 70-684 f Save time on C ollections and Cr .FEE IN ADVAN CEs Plain sight d Mount Erie.__230 Mt. Erie State Bank.__ *§'12 J. M. Allison_____ G. G. Hedrick____ 8 Wayne N19 14% par 100 70-17 22 G. G. Hedrick, Ch. Mt. Greenwood (See Chicago) Mount Morris 1260 Citueni state Bank d®»*8'93 C. A. Wishard, E. J. Dean_______ 7 Ogle B13 $175-12% par 100 70-1475 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Mount Olive. 3503 First National Bank d®t’04 J. F. Prange_____ E. H. Becker_____ 8 Macoupin Lll $200-12% par 100 70-475 J. C. Boeker Mt. OliveStateBank d®»t§’14 F. G. Droste.......... E. C. H. Niemeyer _ $135-7% par 100 ♦70-474 Mount Prospect Mount Prospect State Bk. Basse. Jr_____ C. H. Gewecke____ 7 Cook B20 349 $150-10%porl0070-1890d®«f§'ll W. Wm. Busse. Ch. Mount Pulaski Farmers Bank___ ._©•*£’72 T. A. Scroggin____ Ira Veail _________ 7 Logan 114 1510 12% 70-722 $165-4% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volnme. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. ILLINOIS - Continued and 125.000 30,000 204,200 2,569,730 30,000 165,000 25,000 5,090 320,600 243,870 53,900 14,000 25,000 10,000 92,360 960 81,980 13,500 14,500 40,000 24,700 285,000 40,000 240,000 74.700 Trust Company — Chicago 93,060 1st N., Chi.: Mtle. Tr. k 8ay., Quincy; N. City, St. L. 35,000 Chase N N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT 351 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raud-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOW*AND GOUNTT. ‘County Seats Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦F ed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Mundelein... 420 STATE BANK OF MUNDELEIN 7 Lake A 20 *195-6% 70-1555 dB©*+§’19 par 100 Murdock_____ 375 Murdock State Bank— t§’20 70-1478 7 Douglas J20 *ioo-fi% ‘Murphy shorn Citizens State & Savings Bk, |JacksonQl3 12,524 *162.50-121-4% 70-289 ®«J§’04 par 100 Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. M. C. REUSE. . . . . . . . R.F. ROUSE- - - - - - - - - M. C. MOTTA. E. SUTER Save time and sending FEE IN Reports, 25c. S. H. Porterfield.. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND Liabili Capital Profits its ties $ get service on Col lections and Crcd It Reports by ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 1 5c; Credit TRY US. A. T. Porterfield— M.J. Porterfield 50,000 S Lomna and Discount* Securities 2,690 $ 323,050 $ 42,250 S 349,470 Resources. Bondi Miscel and 55,230 $ 12,160 $ 52.970 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Libertyville Tr. & Sav., Libertyville. 10,000 12.500 75,000 68,410 240 18,030 17,780 1st N., Tuscola. 32,680 355.720 310,710 20,960 45,490 62,250 Cent.Han.Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.Y.;Foreman-State N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co,. St. L. 70,280 959,070 514,460 412,170 68,020 153,100 Chase N„ N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. First National Bank.dT«t’89 A. M. Carter........ JH. Borgsmiller, Sr. R. Q. KimmeL ... Walter King......... par 100 70-286 A. M. Carter, F. B. Herbert Tr. Of R. Q. Kimmel 63.640 598,610 79,700 263,910 400.570 32,480 94.990 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; ForemanState N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., St. L. 23,090 272,000 5,000 145,050 106,550 29,460 44,020 1st N., Mnrphysboro. 50.000 16,000 154,500 2,500 112,000 57,000 13.500 40.500 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. Alma F. Jennings. 30.000 12,550 119,200 105,550 30,900 8,100 M. M. SPIEGLER. . . . . . LOUIS H. CLEMENS 75.000 97,850 897.140 124,770 607,250 391,540 34.500 17.200 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Ayers N., Jacksonville: 1st N„ Joliet. 161,470 Chatham & Phenix N. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chi. Tr. Co.. Chi. 81,790 722,800 20,000 731.710 57.410 25,420 110.040 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr Co. 1st N., and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50.000 28,280 473,450 233,060 222,070 3,650 92.950 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. I Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. cPlease send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 75,000 Paul Krughoff........ Julius Huegely.__ A. G. Hartnagel... John Bohbrink___ 77,600 814,000 30,000 206,600 603,900 10,000 176.100 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Oo. and 1st N., St. L. 264,820 9,850,530 134,460 A. M. Carter______F. B. Herbert_____R. Q. Kimmel par 100 70-288 ©t§’89 R. Q. Kimmel, H. Borgsmiller. Sr. V. P. STATE BK.0FMURPHYSB0R0 Reet Thomas------- James Wild............— jCarl McCord *160-6% par 100 70-291 dB®t§’18 J. H. Hrabik Walter King. *160-16% Harry Cade______H. G. Strang_______L. C. Collins. Murrayvilie... 523 Murrayvilie State Bank 70-1479 ©»t§’08 8 Morgan J10 IRVING GOODRICH B.C. BECKMAN- - - - - - W. M. GIVLER... Naperville.__ 3830 FIRST NATIONAL 7 DuPage C19 *220-10% 70-477 par 100 REUSS STATE . *175-6 H% par 100 50,000 68,400 70-471 J.A. REUSS--— V. A. Dl C. L. S WARTZ dB®*t§’86 *175-8% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 70-626 OF NATIONAL CITY P. K. BOECKER C.T. GRIMES - - - - - 1ELIA A,_ CORNELIA jjjiE, 70-1480 dTB®»T’89 Nauvoo_______972 FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK 70-865 ©•t§’19 7 Hancock G4 *HO-6% 100 S. P. SCHR0EDER - E. J. B0ESCHEN ... mar- 0. J. SULLIVAN H. W. KRAMER. R. j.'w. mVnton J. R.D.GARVIN- - - - - - - J. W. SINGER. THIS BANK OFFERS THE ADVANTAGES OF ITS EXPERIENCE AND STRATEGIC LOCATION FOR THE HANDLING OF ST. LOUIS AND STOCK YARDS BUSINESS AND INVITES FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO OPEN A TRIAL ACCOUNT WITHOUT DISTURBING PRESENT CONNECTIONS. 750,000 35.000 16.020 498,360 80,000 6,292,420 2,102,820 19,560 2,585,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chase N., and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Stock Yds. N., and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Phlla.; 2nd N., Bos.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 525.540 12.000 43.390 48.440 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ill. State. Quincy. 821,070 265,250 11,000 104.010,Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy: ! State Cent. Sav..Keokuk. Ia. Successors to F irst National Ban Save time and get service on Co ilectlons and Cr edit Reports by se ndlng .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cr edit Reports, 50c. TRY U State Bank of Nauvood®t§’93 J. M. Fisher, W. J. Singleton... O. T. Pettit.......... - K. J. Reinhardt___ *225-10% 70-864 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100.000 Chi.: 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. Colleetions and Bequests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanie d by FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight d rafts. 15c: Credit Reports, 25c. .No advance fee r eguired on Bill of Lading Drafts. Ca sh or Time Items. 'S.D.GNANN- - - - - - E. A. BOLTON- - - - - - - - B. F. PABHROTH —- E. J. DACHROTH. . . . . . OLLIE R. LEWIS par with Fi rst Nat’l Bk.) d»t’02 NATIONAL STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK par 100 ' and Bequests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanie d by dB©»t’91 II Collections FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c: Credit Reports, 25c, .No advance fee required on Bill of La ding Drafts. Cash or Time Items. FARMERS & MERCK. NAT’L BANK 70-627 .......T06 par 100 25.000 (Affiliate BANK P. ZIEGEL — National Stock Yards______1209 8 St. Glair M10 correspondents. (H. O. Ozburn___ Isaac K. Levy____ R. J. Hodge.___ 50,000 -t A. R. Carter, Ch. ( Please send 45c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 50.000 HENRY QUERNHEIM- P. W. GRIFFITH. . . . . . A. B. STOELZLE— C. N. HARDY. . . . . . . . . . CITY NATIONAL BANK *260-20% 70-287 d©«t’92 E.A.WELLS.CA.o/Brf. W. W. KIMBALL. A lid par 100 *250-20% ‘Nashville.... 2209 8 Washington N13 Principal Gash k Ex CXA*aK!,Dui laneous prom Banks 100.000 93,130 1,008,110 100 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company ^ Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 352 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A. «New §State fPrir. *County Seats. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. President. Yioe President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier; Nebo................... 549 First National Bank —®t’14 J. T. Harvey_____ Wm. Franklin........ A. 7. Tnrnbeaugh 1200 7 0-17 29 8 Pika K7 V. H. Gheen Loadi Bonds Mibcel- Oah k lxand Duoounta Sacuritias LANBOUft rmOM Bam S i 221.060 i 25.000 $ 11.800 $ 307,070 Neoga_______1149 Cumberland Co. Nat'I Bank A. F.Wilson.......... T. W. Higgins____ 7 Cumberland K18 8% 70-846 d®tl900 50.000 15.000 Neponset_____ 476 Whaples & Farmers State Jas. W. Stabler-__ Jas. A. Briggs_____ Geo. W. Whaples.. L. H. Whaples____ 7 Bureau B12 Bank 70-1482 d®‘t*’59 1110-6% par 110 50.000 7.140 Newark_______391 Farmers State Bank ...dli’10 O. L. Miller. H. J. Naden______ Marie B. Munson.. Ivy U. Brewick... Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 7 Kendall D18 1175-10% par 100 70-1488 25.000 Peter Haupt .... New Athens ..1406 Farmers State Bank 8 St. Clair N12 1135par 100 ♦ 70-2019 dB®t*’20 T. H. Trap'pe, Ch, •I II State Bank of New Athens Martin Geiger____ 1200-15% par 100 70-1484 dB®»$*'14 New Baden...1550 Farmers & Merchants State F. Schlafly.............. 8 Clinton N12 ia% Bank 70-1485 d®»«’14 Casper Kiefer____ B. P. Moeser_____ Hedwig Deichman. George Krnpp — M 12.000 i 96,610 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.: Ayers N.. Jacksonville. 190.000 100.000 36.340 39,160 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 43,040 1st N.. Chi.; Merch & Ill. N„ Peoria. 3,520 173,190 38,190 22,000 18,860 180.040 1.060 108.120 88,070 5,110 23,660 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi, 25,000 16,220 232,600 114,080 120.770 4,080 34.880 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 0. J. Schmulbach . 50.000 36,360 508,390 22.000 290,940 180,230 37,470 108,110 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L„ Mo. E. Mueller_______ A. F. Ackermann . O. W. BillharU— 50,000 18,390 400,800 26,140 79,720 363,610 6,660 45,830 Union Tr. Co., E. St. L. 25,000 5,690 119,240 114,310 6,100 7,570 21,940 1st N„ CM. E. P. Stapleton .— 25,000 10,000 152.000 15,000 160,000 5.000 9.000 28,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., SpringHeld. W. M. Pfeifer____ E. Marie Chism... H. F. Zude 25,000 19,800 238,800 1,110 208,000 23,560 6,000 35,000 4,890 185.620 22.000 191.570 4.000 31.200 47,160 Cont. 111. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ill. N.,Spring Held; Elliott State, Jacksonville. 20,730 Drov. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Peo. Tr. A Sav.. Galesburg. 30,000 28,150 208,480 206,910 18,940 11,200 George Wirth, Sr,. F. W. Fries . G. W. Johnson ___ Mina M. Burkey... Geo. Basse_______ J. F. Horn C. B. Warren.. W. H. Panker____ W. H. Hartgrove .. fi. 8. BAKER-------- 600RTRET VILLUS- 8. M. HcKOWI.......... STATE BK. OF NEW BOSTON < Special attentlo n given MU of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 70-1486 *175-10% par 100 300,000 31.350 $ 215,760 $ New Bedford . 270 Farmers National Bank; W. K. Spratt, T. H. Dale 7 Bureau D12 1100-6% 70-1934 dB®t'18 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. New Berlin___687 7.1. Taylor 7 Sangamon Jll *140-12% par 100 70-985 *• •• Warren-Boynton State Bank E. B. Warren . 12% 70-984 dtl’77 New Boston ...714 Peoples State Bank .d®t$’20 F. C. Dixon _ 7 Mercer E6 $100-5% par 100 70-1896 Principal Correspondents. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other and Capital Profits ITS TIES 29,570 Stock Yds. N., Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N„ Chi. ®d**l’04 J Please send 15c w 1th each Bight Dra ftfor presentatio n and 25c for Credit Reports. (.Oldest, Largest and Streogeet Ba nk In New Boat •n. New Canton...640 New Canton State'Oi H. R. Alfs 8 Pike J5 70-1487 E. N. Fuller______ R. M. Atkinson.__ 25,000 6,250 60,000 37,300 435,930 175,160 274,640 11,950 25,000 36,540 182,560 117,030 82,070 6,780 38,240 Oont. 111. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi.; Lincoln N., Lincoln. New Lenox ....225 New Lenox State Bank F. A. Francis, Harry W. Storm .. *115 par 100 70-2117 d®t§’27 Ch. of Bd. and Prea. 7 Will D20 25,000 2.500 73,980 35,900 38,200 10,770 16,610 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Joliet Tr. ft Sav.. Joliet. Newman_____1225 FIRST STATE BANK~®t»l* George Frame, A. C. McIntyre___ Edgar Morrow........ Arthur E. Parr.... 7 Douglas J20 *165 par loo 70-1755 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. .. Newman National Bank J. T. Burgett-........ J. T. Burgett_____ C. C. Burgett_____ Scott Bnrgett, *250-18% 70-1491 ®*t’84 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. C. L. Reed par 100 60.000 16,420 113,460 146,510 1,930 11,360 30,070 Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Millikin N., Decatur. 50,009 81.420 494.220 50,000 423,500 103,580 21.600 126.960 Cout. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi.; Millikin N.. Decatur, Merch. N., Indpls. ‘Newton____ 2088 FIRST NATIONAL BANK KM. E. SCIACKMARN 0. L SIMS—........ j E. W. HERSH ___ A. F. GALVIR_ *200-10% par 10070-688 dB®8'01 t SPECIAL ATTE UiMivrac 8 Jasper LIU OLLECTIONS. 50,000 58,920 787,780 74.930 564,640 242,130 42,490 119,360 Cent. Hau. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. City. St. L. 50.000 62,400 694,820 50,000 565,940 121,210 46,620 123,450 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. ft Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. 111. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Chi.: N. City. Evansville. Ind.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. New Douglas..390 Prange State Bank____ i! 06 A. F. Prange_____ E. w, prange 70-1488 8 Madison L12 *150 W. W. Prange___ A. W. Prange_____ New Holland..457 New Holland State Bk. *8105 F. G. Wendell____ Harry Copper------ O. W. Binns... *200-10% 70-1400 7 Logan H12 par 100 " ------ " 61,480 Bremen and 1st N., St. L. Newton State Bk. & Tr. Co... (Closed. Deposits a ssumed by Peoples S tale Bank, December 31, 1929' rPETER RARRER— — Ira Y. La Forge... 1st N„ Chi,; State Sav.. Ln. ft Tr. Co.. Quincy. PEOPLES STATE HANK *225-10% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ROY MCCORMACK— PAUL WEBER. . . . . . . . . IELLSCHACKMANH 1 Since 1876 we have rendered Good Banking Service. 7 0-632 dB®tl'75 16 CENTS sent to us with eaeh sight draft for pr esentatlon, and L26 CENTS for ea ch credit report In sores prompt, pe rsenal attention. Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 353 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. tO Fig. under town is Co Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew§StatetPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. New Windsor..550 Bank of Ne w Windsor®»ti'20 7 Mercer E8 6% 70-1492 Farmers State BankdB®t8'14 $150-8%par 100 70-1863 Mantle .........613 STATE BANK OF NIANTIC „ 7 Macon 114 70-1493 d®*t§’90 Niles_______ 1258 State Bank of Niles.... d§’21 7 Cook B21 $250 par 100 70-2043 (Chicago P. 0.) Niles Center...763 National Bk. of Niles Center. $125 par 100 70-2125 dB©’28 7 Cook B20 Niles Center State Bank $400-16% 70-1494 dd>»’07 President. C. 0. Craig--------- Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass t Cashier. .1. Robb---------- H. G. Peterson ___ Harry E. Swanson. $ 50,000 $ 12.500 410,000 60,000 49,260 297,950 Fred Mau _______ Gust Franson......... G. L. Krejsa_____ Florence Nelson... 25,000 22,160 283,200 $ 35,270 Ferd. C. Baumann. J. P. Immel............ H. J. Mueller......... 100,000 W. J. Galitz_____ Samuel Meyer....... Robt. F. Hoffman. 200,000 rJ. C. SHAFER. . . . . . . W. H. GILBERT- - - - - - LEO DUGAN- - - - - - - - - EVERETT TAYLOR — I CHAS. E. PALMER, Ch, of Bd. Noble................ 580 BANK OF NOBLE-d®«t§l900 Oldest Bank— Superior Collect Ion Service, 8 Richland M19 $100-8% par 100 70-1016 I Special attentio n given Rill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. tPlease tend 15c u>t th each eight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 70-1017 W. T. S. GRAY. . . . . . JOHN L. REAL_ _ _ _ H.F.DIEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youngest and L argest Bank in N oble. Careful Attenti on, Prompt Servl ce, Reasonable R ates. Nokomls..........3465 Farmers National Bank____ (Consolidated with Nokomis National Bank July 8, 1929) 8 Montg’y K14 E. A. BURWELL. . . . . . JOHN W0LTMANN_ _ W. F. BALD, V. P. and Cash. A. J. W. SHOEMAKER NOKOMIS NATIONAL BANK { $200-10% 70-662 »t’72 par IOO Nokomis State Bank E. MUIl B.H.BROCKMAN $ 360.560 $ 6,710 J 420.800 25,000 Nllwood ..........449 Nilwood State Bank —15’08 J. C. Anderson.__ Chas. Elgas_____ W. E.Johnson___ Anna Kinney. 8 Macoupin Ell $110-8% par 100 70-1495 Niota________ 152 Niota State Bank___ ®t5'20 J. M. Fisher....__ H. Polimiller------- Geo. F. Brasfield.. 70-1983 7 Hancock G5 $135-5% FIRST NATIONAL BANK—•+ Resources. Liabilities. Lomii Bonda Camx k SiPlid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscsl- CHAVQM'Dvi and Mid AND Liabili Capital Profits its DUoount* Saouritiae lanboub non Barm ties John W. Petrie.__ Otto W. Swanson— Chester A. Olson .. H. B. Shroyer___ Doris E. Olson Waller Pritchett.. Derias Buckles.__ Carl W. Pritchett. Mary A. Downing.. par 100 3% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 290,000 3,740 23,850 $ 105,000 Principal Correspondents. 29,500 I 63,610 Drov.N.,Ohi.:Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg. 10,000 42,000 Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; 1st Gales burg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. 61,040 1st N.,Ohi.; Millikin N., Decatur. 268,480 71.750 5.680 141,760 120.410 13,360 960,070 483,130 497,040 17.530 205,190 2,164,230 26,610 1.265,530 961,430 32,050 6,150 58,580 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Park Ridge State, Park Ridge. 97,640 Foreman-State N., Chi. 337,020 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 25,000 6,410 72,120 80,510 5,950 16,000 11,000 115,000 70,000 30,000 25.000 1,730 131,040 118,190 13,330 9,640 26,000 15,000 210,000 9,700 190.000 34,000 23,700 12,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Htle-Com. 75,000 25,660 833,050 98,270 457,500 391,690 58,420 124.370 1st N. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; N. City. St. L. 19,000 670,000 200,000 31,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi. 18,960 125,990 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 10,920 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 41,000 Peo. Tr. & Say.. Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy. 16,610 1st N.. St. L. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. N., Vincennes, lnd.; N. 8tk. Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds. Special attenti on given BUI of Lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please send pro per fee with each Sight Draft for presentation, and with ea eh Req uest for Report or Rating. OLDEST, LARGEST AND STRONGEST BA NK IN NOKO MIS. (Closed February 7, 1930, for exa < inati on and adjustment.) Normal.......... 5143 First National Bank.d®»t’93 W. H. Odell_____ J. C. Aldrich......... T. H. Keys______ R. R. Armstrong.. 7 McLean G16 $275-12% 70-1496 par 100 Normal State Bank__®t5’14 E. E. Fincham___ Thos. Sylvester... J. F. Shepard____ $200-3% par 100 70-18 2 7 65.000 135,000 782,000 50.000 66,600 608,230 404.940 174,950 Norris City ...1300 First National Bank___ t'05 O. P. Witters_____ M. H. Baruum....... J. O. DeLap_____ Geo. Donald Ogden 70-853 8 White 018 $170-7% 25,000 • 15.000 147,000 160,000 32,000 35,000 Old N., Evansville, lnd. Norris City State Bank—1§’03 A. D. Barnes____ R. R. Grant_____ T. M. Edmonds.__ Joe Morris______ par 100 70-852 25,000 19,500 285,000 220,000 50,000 60,000 Chase N..N. Y.: Cont. ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 25,000 21,480 478,990 1,010 259,550 237,430 290 77,900 1,176,020 79.910 933,970 212,040 126,630 $150-7% Northbrook ...554 Northbrook State Bank Henry Rugen____ John P. Happ....... Herman Meier.... $225-6% 70-1840 d®<§’14 7 Cook B20 1st N.. Bloomington. 70,550 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. par 100 NorthChIcago5839 Lake County State Bank $205-10% 70-1844 dB®»tS'14 7 Lake A21 par 100 No. Crystal Lake. (See Crystal Lake) No.Henderson_201 Farmers Bank____ B®t5’92 7 Mercer E8 $120 par 100 70-1498 Oakdale_____ 200 Oakdale State Bank___*t5’21 8 Wash’gton 013 $350-10% par 100 70-1499 Oakford........... 351 First National Bank.__»t’06 70-1500 7 Menard 111 6% Oakglen______ 311 (See Lansing) 7 Cook D22 Oakland_____ 1210 Citizens State Bank d®til900 7jt Coles J20( 70-816 Oakland National Bk. ...dt’74 70-815 Oaklawn_____ 489 Oaklawn Trust & Savings Bk. 7 Cook J20 $175 parlOO 70-2095 dB®»t§’25 Wm. R. Dalziel.__ E. B. Sherwin....... H. J. Wasniewski— Elsie Streed.. E. D. Bennett. A. C. H, J. Davis C. C. Craig______ J. P. Schwartz___ R. A. Newcomer.. E. E. Blick______ 40,000 12,160 180,790 28,550 208,320 6,290 25,260 J. D. Garnholz ___ T. G. Tibby_____ T. G. Tibby........... Elvira M. Decker.. 15,000 27,430 221,090 1,000 89,490 144,180 4,190 J. M. Ott________ F. c. Schonewis— L. E. Ott________ 25,000 7,300 125,000 112,000 161,200 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. Ohi. 21,630 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Ohi.; Bk. of Galesburg. Galesburg. 26,650 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 14,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Ohi.; 1st N., Petersburg. A. G. Anderson---- B. L. Wiese_____ O. B. Widdows__ H. O. Anderson.... 26,000 9.150 140,390 1.240 116,780 32,590 26,420 Drov. N.. Ohi.; Ind. N., Indpls. H. J. Rutherford.. W. M. Zimmerman E. N. Carter_____ T. O. Moffett____ J. Rutherford, Ch. A. H. Behrend___ J. F. Schultz_____ I. E. Behrend___ D. Triezenberg ___ H. W. Elmore, Ch. 53,000 47,820 345,600 53,000 276,750 133,930 43,850 50.000 20,650 174,230 21,000 166,420 69,930 8,540 44,890 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N. Indpls 20,990 1st N., Chi. Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY — CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 354 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. Dlst. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JSUtetPrlT. (Men. SUte B. Ass't [Bstab. AVENUE STATE BANK Oak Park ...57,700 7 Phwidhht. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cook C21 AssT Cashier. CASHIER. VICH-PRXSIDEHT. A. E, KALTHER- - - - - - L T. WIELL----DOR* HpGRAHZOW W. S. HERRICK........ WM. EINFELDT. par 100 $300-16% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this ILLINOIS—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Subflub Dspob- Other Pajo-ot AND Liabili ITfl Capital Phofits ties Loam Bonds Cash k lx Miscel aaA«an,IhrK and and Diaoounta Bseuritiss laneous rfcow* Baid $ 300.000 $ 133,970 $5 250050 $ 60,260 $3774 720 $ 664,490 $ Principal Correspondents. 40.970 $1264100 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 30 years of continuous growth without merger or consolidation. OFFERS A COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE. 70-148 dB®T»+§’99 (104 N. Oak Park Ave.) W. 8. Herrick------ Wm. Einfeldt------ Adin T. Lovell___. A. E. Walther. See. 70-2058 TS'21 Affiliated with A venue State Ban k. Central Oak Park State Bank (Closed November 15 , 1929) AVENUE TRUST COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BANK T. J. CROWE_ _ _ _ _ EDW. MCDONNELL — W.G. WEATHERSTON- J. H. ROWE — ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN OAK PARK. Send your collections direct to us for quick returns. Consistent charges—Reasons for non-payment given. $100 par 100 70-144 dB®»t’22 W. H. Ellett, Jr. .. P. J. Schroeder.... North Oak Park State Bank C. V. Wellner, E.H. Gotsch. 70-2098 dB®t§’26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. OAK PARK Hr7e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V V. VALE TR. & SAV. BANK Ch. of Bd. $425-12% par 100 $215-5% par 100 70-2055 dB®T,t&’22 fHARVEY R. DOW- THOS. A. JACKSON - iifWfcr; (.Collections rem ltted for prompt ly at lowest rates. A, C. and Aud. K. M. BARROW, 7 Vermilion H21 8 Crawford L21 Odell_______ 1066 7 Livingston F19 Odin________ 1385 8 Marion M15 O’Fallon____ 2376 8 St. Clair Mil MEMBER FED Collections gi ven prompt atte Bill of Lading Items specially so Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House, + State Bank of Oakwood.ii'07 J. W. Johnston.— J. M. Van Allen... 70-1601 First National Bankd®»tl600 S. F. Odsll-------D. J. Odell______ $250-15% par 100 70-732 Oil Belt National Bank E. L. Douglas____ H. C. Kraft______ $200-8% parioo 70-733 d®»t'07 State Bank of Odell.d®«tl'06 C. A. Vincent------ T. M. Cosgrove___ $250-12% par 100 70-858 First National Bank____ t’tt C. H. Morrison — C. E. Sloan______ $150-16% par 100 70-1503 FIRST NATIONAL RANK 70-1504 dB®T*rt)3 14% par 100w',‘,,' 10,630 347,070 93,300 17,490 591,000 7.831,550 1,051,400 5,936,210 2,207,490 235,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi, 56,160 1st N„ Chi. 555,950 1,274,300 N. City, N.Y.:1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Foreman-State N., Chi. 25,330 277,700 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi. 60,660 994,660 2,165,730 50,900 378,690 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co.. N. Bk. Rep., and IstN., Chi.; Un. Tr.Co.. Clev. 75,270 1,594,780 42,240 200.000 311,020 3,018,310 1,109,140 25.000 5,260 129,960 94,440 13,280 14,070 38,430 Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. 50.000 87,720 840,700 48,650 622,550 296,800 15,500 92,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 50,000 60,950 568,930 87,270 429.800 216,410 53,330 M.H. Craven_____ H. V. Craven. 40,000 45,420 539,190 5,550 415,720 22,500 19,330 W. H. Farthing... 25,000 8,620 204,400 20,000 116,060 109,430 900 116,010 1,099.100 97,600 422.190 712,430 62,070 216,010 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. 37,500 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ E. St. L. MANN 100.000 Leo Freese______ 70-1081 Continental Illinois Bank and N„ Indpls. 67,600 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 172,600 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 31,640 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Cm. and st. L. pn Pnm Tllr a Xr Tr Pn 1lbl ct IN •« UUmrjlii UIH. • TVTtlo iUllt!rUUUliDKi ll.UUi, and N. City, St. L. 25.000 7,580 245,020 2,350 195,920 42,300 4,220 30,000 20,700 262,760 10.000 100,590 110,740 15,030 97,090 1st N,. Chi. and Champaign. 50,000 43,050 618,250 66,290 486,780 207,010 36,040 47,760 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; LaSalle N., LaSalle; 1st N.,Joliet. 25,0001 35.000 250.000 250,000i 500 Michael Schwarz Jay Freese---------- 400,120 100,000 J. B. McKnight— Effle Carroll___ D. E. Odell G. E. Tomlinson... Ruby Barker — Raimnnd Radeke.. J. Reizner----------- L. B. Koons______ H. M. Salisbury. Oglesby_____ 4135 *0GLESBY STATE BANK 7 La Salle E15 $140- 6%parl00 70-1506 dB®*» ’10 H. A. Bent, Ch. • use, LaSalle, III, *) (Member Tri City Clearing Ho A. O. Ruff.......... Ohio................... 874 FIRST STATE BANK ®«t§’09 F. R. Anderson— Joseph Braden.— V. R. Pomeroy 8% 70-1506 7 Bureau D13 Edna Husman . Ohlman______ 226 Ohlman 8tate Bank.d®tl’ll H. A. Hnsman------ Wm. Zeifang — for8FRASER Montgomery K14 $140-6% par 100 7 0-1051 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 362,850 117,000 C. C. Andrews____ M. Fox First State Bank —d®»tl’21 C. J. Schnetz_____ F. J. Reiss---------- T. T. Gordon_____ H. E. Fischer 7 Champaign H20 15% 40,550 850.000 SYSTEM. ntlon. llclted. Cl. H. SMILEY— G.W.TIEDEMANN— W. R. DORRIS- - - - - - H. T. BECHTOLD ) Oldest-Lar gest and Str ongest Bank (. Your Busin ess Invited. $140-5% par 100 ♦ 70-2044 Ogden_______ 448 First National Bank____t’ 100,000 656.000 era1EAresebve $235-8% ♦ 70-1741 dB®T»tl'12 par 100 Oblong_____ 1547 31,000 1,727,000 A. C. and Mgr, Real Estate Dept, W. H. RATTENBURY F.’C.'eHeR....... F. C. EBINGER- - - - - - F. C. OGDON. OTTO VASAK 1-SUBURBAN TR. & SAV. BK { Oak wood___ 678 100.000 500.000 6,810 Avenue State, Oak Park. 73,080 23,640 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE—AFFILIATED MEMBER CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSE Oldest and Largest Bank In Oak Park. -70-142 dB®T»tl’02 + PRAIRIE STATE BANK Y—-E. H. WEGENER- - - - - - ROBERT F. WITT. H. C. PILE, Sec. and A. Cash, Tr. Officer HERBERT M. GOTSCH. A, Cash, and A. Sec. EMIL F. ROEHLKE. ___ A. Cash.and A. Sec. 60,000 25,0001 12,480 101,350 610 113,640i 2,550I Trust Company — Chicago 54,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi. 7,000 i 16,260 Mtle.-Oom. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Wktere Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given oec to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dlst. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatefPriT. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. rW.G. FRANK------- L. F. DOELLING........ H.H.BENING < MODERN, PRO GRESSIVE MET Oka wv llle........ 614 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 Washington N13 $140-8% 70-1818 dB®T20 ) SPECIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN B LPlease send ISc with each Sight D par 100 “ _ M OLD EXCHANGE NAT. BANK 10% par 100 70-1607 ®t’10 Olive Branch..162 Olive Branch State Bk..t512 1 Alexander R14 70-1760 Olmsted...........818 First State Bank___ d®tl’22 8 Pulaski R15 $112.50-5% par 120 70-2060 *OIney_____ 4491 8 Richland M20 TXTfMQ___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this LV-/AO V^UIlllllUCU tt t Ass’t Cashier. OASHIIB. Resources. Liabilities. Bond* Miscel- Cash k XxLords Depos Other Paid-up Surplus and chahgin.Df* and AND Liabili- Duoounti its FROM BAimi SeeuritUs Profits TIES % WM E. FRIEND-- 50,000 $ 15,060 $ 335,470 $ 79,500 $ 174,680 $ 241,100 $ 32,180 $ C. H. Merrick........ C. H. Holle _____ F. Moehle ___ 50,000 54,000 600,000 15,000 5,000 88,000 0. 8. Miller, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 20.C00 5,700 J.S. FREEMAN_____ W. C. WEBSTER------ ALLEN HYDE---------- C. P. PORTER............ 75,000 50,000 CLAUDESHAFERrJAS. P. WILSON. HENRY GASSMANN T. E WARREN . LURA BAILEY 0LNET TR. & BANKING CO. < Special attentl on given eoHeetl ons In OIney an d vicinity. $204-s% 70-414 dB®»ti’12 ] PROMPT SKR VICE HAS BUIL T UP OUR BUSI NESS. par 100 {.Please tend 16e te ith each tight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repot ft. „ W. A. Moehle . _. 132,009 60,500 502,500 .. Omaha 44Q State Bank of Omahad*t§l900 $145-8% par 100 70-1508 8 Gallatin P19 Onarea State Bank dB®*t5’18 $240-12% par 100 70-778 7 Iroquois G20 Anderson State Bank 70-1026 ®»t§’76 7 Knox E10(i ...... First National Bank------1’16 $130-8% par 100 70-1027 Security State Bank------- S’10 8 Jefferson 016 1125-10% 70-1113 G. L. Land_______ W. G. Edwards.... H. C. Land______ Mamie Blackard.. G. B. Egley........ ..... Hpnrv Knoche___ O. W. Maddin____ I. M. Lindsey J. H. Anderson _. C. P. Dougan_____ A. J. Porter______ 105.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 18,000 Cairo N.. Cairo; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 16,220 St. L. N„ St. L.: 1st Bk. &Tr. Co., Cairo. 99,040 5,000 76,370 27,650 9,490 75,000 851,940 155,410 602,750 397,930 48,500 108,180 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtie.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Mtle. Com’l, Evansville, Ind. 64,590 752,730 600,560 110,080 43,920 114,770 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont, Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 93.360 28,670 15,510 591,540 79,970 18,910 17,040 Chase N„ N.Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. 8tock Yds. 151,890 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. 54,210 1st N.. Chi. 12,050 25,000 10,100 119,250 100,000 45,460 696,850 Brown 220 534,060 40,000 10,090 538,180 W. D. Cook_______ A.L. Harris______ R. W. Brown______ 35,000 13,630 288,980 197,660 116,450 __ C. R. Ham............... W. P. Estes______ 10.000 1,870 104,140 72,610 18,300 50,000 40,910 318,000 265,820 72,670 22,000 R. L. Roane . f F. D. DUTTON........ C. C. CRAIG.... ........... R. W. MELOAN *Oquawka........888 BANK OF 0QDAWKA.- ®«'18 < Strong, progres slve; hustling for ) BUI of Lading a nd bank eollectlo 7 Henderson F6 $145-6% par 100 70-1981 L.P1mu* tend 16c wv th each tight draft Jo 32.070 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.;Mtle.-Com. Bk, & Tr. Co., St. L. 4 000 70-412 .. correspondents. 25,000 6.000 Established 1864. Prompt attention to aU Business. Oldest and Largest Bank In Richland County. g.,,, Principal HODS, EXPERIE NCED OFFICER S, UNE XCELL Eb FA CILITI ES. ILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TI ML ITE MS. raft for presenta tion and 25c for C redit Re ports. D. I. Kirkham___ R. J. Hooks FIRST NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InFor Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume. R. 8. PARSONS- fl X THORNTON 25,000 36,450 Drov.N..Chi.:Peo. Tr. & Sav., Galesburg; Cent. Nat. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. 23,400 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; 3d N„ Mt. Vernon. 48,430 1st N.. Chi.; Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg; 1st la. State Tr. & Sav., Burlington, la. business. Tours Invited. Satlsfact ory s erv Ice assu red. ns given prompt personal attentio r presentation and 25 e for Credit Report!. iiaPoW RAUS COOPER — J. LOGUE AKIN JOHN A. RICKETTS est Rank. Codec tlons a Specialty. for each Special C redlt Report. Della O. Seidel___ H. M. Seidel______ W. M.Rppser M. J. Barnds W. M. Hartman 75,000 23,680 219,140 3,000 254,020 30,700 23,000 13,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. &. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N.. Burlington, la. 35,000 23.540 355,330 3,180 236,740 109,230 21,850 49,230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Freeport and Joliet. 10,000 2,250 28.380 3,880 36,460 CHAS. SCHNEIDER— G. R. HAAS.................. G. E. SCHNEIDER-— C. D. ETNYRE _ ‘Oregon_____ 2227 OGLE COUNTY STATE BANK ) Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates on Collections, $125-6% 70-613 d®*+§'07 (.Please enclose p resentation fee o f 15c. with each S ight Draft. 7 Ogle B14 par 100 .. .. OREGON STATS SAVINGS BK. S. W. Crowell____ C. M. Gale------------ A. S. Gale............. $185-10% 70-614 d©*t§’07 Rhoda Carr par 100 (L.C. WARIER- T. R LEES — - E C LOVE \'.mmLA. L. LOWE, Orion... 613 FARMERS STATE BANK Ch. of Bd. 7 Henry D9 *175-5% 70-1003 d9*0§'O8 Special attentle n given BSll of La ding Drafts, Cosh and Time Items. par loo 1 lie should bo s ent with each Slg ht Draft for pres entaMem and SSe for eat h Special Credit Report. “ ______ M W. W. Terr State Bank of Orion-d®*£§'90 J. S. Peterson____ E. K. Peterson___ $175-8% par 100 70-1004 100.000 31,180 528,830 38,110 579,430 1,900 46.060 Orland Park...348 Orland State Bank..d®*t§’2l Wm. T. Beagley... Louis P. Daniels.. Geo. E. Gee ............ Frank A. Powell... *175-5% par 100 70-2016 7 Cook D20 Oseo................... 105 State Bank of Osco dB®tf'06 0. H. Anderson___ H. L. Stoughton... H. L. Samuelson... 7 Henry D0 *150-7% par 100 70-1611 Oswego__ 676 Oswego StateBank.d®»+§'ll 7 Kendall C18 ♦ 70-1512 I^L'SeRTS, Ch. FIRST STATE BANK *165-8% 78-1510 d®»t§’19 ) oldest and Larg (.Please send 25c par 100 Orangeville ...428 State Bank of Orangeville Ivan E. Rote.......... 7 Stephenson A12 $138-7% 70-1000 dB®«tS’25 par 100 Orchard vllle....71 Peoples State Bank.......... 8’21 8 Wayne N17 70-1834 fP. E. HASTINGS — •• •• l ^ 2,210 Continental Illinois Bank and 61,140 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 30,000 40.640 492,550 368,660 98,180 35,240 30,000 56,730 489,530 430,530 78,580 7,150 60,010 Drov. N„ Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., and Stk. Yds.N.,Chi.; Cent. Tr. &Sav.. Rock Is). 50.000 71,650 692,210 518,260 185,090 12,820 25,000 42,360 302,010 10,000 256.470 76.620 11.650 101,020 Drov. N., Chi.: Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria; State Bk. of Rock Isl.. Rock Isl.; 1st N., Joliet. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 34,630 25,000 21,270 215,040 33,420 195,250 14,600 44,890 J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,850 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 70,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Rockford, N.. Rockford. 25,000 25,000 300.000 3,320 1 300,000 Trust Company — Chicago 39,990 Drov. N., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Old 2d N., Aurora. Where Bankers Bank -- --------------------- —~ —— -------- -—- - ~.= Transit Number given *?, eac,h bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ^ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A. wNew §StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Ottawa.... 11,542 7 La Salle D15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. OSCAR HAEBERLE— F. A. GERDING- - - - - - E. J. CASSIDY_ _ _ _ W. N. STRAWN f:M51E We cordially Invite your accounts and collections dB®T*t’65 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports 70-239 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND Liabili Capital Profits its ties Loans and Resources. Bonda Miscel and Diacounta Sacuritias laneous Principal Correspondents. C'AiH k Ex oha mom, Dui from Banks $ 250,000 S 380,190 $4 099 280 $ 150,000 $2522770 11629750 $ 353,830 $ 373,120 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. First Trust Company.__T§’H (Owned and controlled by the stockholders of the First National Bank. 70-242 Paid up capital, {50,000) NATIONAL CITY BANK 1150-71*% 70-240 dB®T«t'65 OTTAWA BKG. & TR. CO. •tS’03 70-241 T«t MORRIS LEWIS-...... H. G. COOK- - - - - - - - - - - S. R. LEWIS............. IRA A. H. OSMAN—. 0. M. ANDERSON Careful attention paid to all business entrusted to us. We offer every accommodation consistent with conservative banking to Individuals, firms and banks. H. L. Arnold John M. Berg_____ G. O. Grover______M. E. Farnsworth PEOPLES TRUST J. H. E06C0MB- P. J. CLUNE............ T. I. KENDRICK....... R. J. DWYER_ _ _ _ _ _ your Ottawa Collections direct to us. & SAVINGS BANK Send Quick Service - Reasonable Rates. $150-6% par 100 70-243 dB®*tST7 Palatine_____ 1210 First National Bank dB®*t’21 R. L. Peck............ . F. F. Danielsen___ E. P. Steinbrinck. 7 Cook B19 $uo-6% 70-1514 par 100 State Bank of Palatine C. F. Rennack........ E. H. Oltendorf... F. A. Sobering____ $345-15% 70-1963 dB®t§'19 par 100 Palestine........1803 Farmers State Bank.. d»t§’98 Robert Fife______ Matthew Fife___ O. C. Seeders____ 8 Crawford L22 70-748 $170-8% par 100 60.000 1.303,250 16,080 1,003,970 167.130 224,310 183.910 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 100,000 124.370 1,177,960 2,690 1,004,400 120,730 85,460 194,420 Chase N„ N, Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. 100.000 59,570 1,618,600 P. W. COBB- - - - - - - C. E. PATTON........ . WM. 0. RICHEY A. A. Locke. 1,201,470 250,330 142,300 4,920 151.640 13,700 7,810 37,320 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.: Milliken N., Decatur. 87,110 1,400 7.340 14.340 1st N., St. L. 15,000 165,550 15.000 7,970 87,730 Robt. L. Schoppe 50,000 14,430 285,050 42,080 253,750 60,750 50,550 G. Olms_________ A. C. Stroker 25,000 52,940 480,190 35,290 366,830 110,450 10,390 105,750 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northern Tr. Co., Chi. Frank Huffman. 50,000 35.620 399,780 1,120 309.640 50,350 22,380 W. F. FOX......... 25,000 20.620 297,320 24,650 265,860 47,460 9,240 104,160 1st N.. Chi.; Am. N. and 1st N., Vin cennes, Ind.: 1st N., Joliet. 45,030 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 23,000 156.000 152,000 16,000 254,560 183,950 70-749 ROBERTPADGET Palmyra............835 FIRST STATE BANK ~®tt’l3 8 Macoupin K10 $160-8% ♦ 70-1713 205,660 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Bep., Chi. 25,000 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentntlon, and .85 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentle L Palmer.............. 312 Palmer State Bank.... dtS'12 J. F. Miller______ J. L. Boyd_____ B. B. Boyd_____ J. C. Miller_____ 25,000 7 Christian K14 $190-8% 70-1515 R. J. McWard par 100 W. L. POWELL — JESSE A. SMITH...... H.H.C0X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Collections and Bequests for Cre dlt Reports MC8 T be aocompanle .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr ofis, 15c; Credit Rep arts, 25c. Paloma........ .....130 Paloma Exchange Bank C. C. Lawless.......... C. M. Henry___ 8 Adams 15 70-1517 ®t§’09 Pana.......... . 6122 Pana National Bank.. dR«t’03 C. B. Parrish_____ A. J. Johnson____ 7 Christian K15 $170-8% 70-349 E. L. White. Ch. John Gillespie par 100 Mabel Groves_____ J. H. Lummis__ J. A. Werner_____ H. N. Schuyler State Bank___ (Closed February 6, 1930) Panama_____1281 State Bank of Panama 8 Montgomery L13 10% par 100 70-1518 ®»t§’07 W. W. Mitchell.__ H. J. Grabruck.__ . A. Murray. Paplneau........176 Stale Bank of Papineau_____ (Liquidated by Farlmers Stale Bank, St. Anne, III,) 7 Iroquois F21 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,600 Bill off Lading Drafts receive special attention. Owaneco______ 334 Eaton State Bank........ dt§’10 W. L. Eaton, C. T. Singer... 7 Christian K15 $198-15% 70-1513 Ch, of Bd. and Pres. par 165 Ozark................ 112 First State Bank_____ »t§’21 L. G. Sullini_____ J. R. Barker_____ J. O. Moore.. 8 Johnson Q17 $130 par 100 70-2041 FIRST NATIONAL BANKd*t 07 200,000 AND Henry Hoekstra ... 25,000 1,500 26,500 1st N.. Chi. 7,000 45,000 1st N., St. L.; Taylorville N„ Taylorville; N, Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 34,400 75,710 1st N., Chi. and Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Pana N„ Pana. by 15,000 2,630 104,360 55,900 30,000 11,600 24,500 Peo., Camp Point; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 100,000 27,850 881,260 100,000 694,450 203,940 51,260 159,450 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 15,000 9,690 187,580 13,370 25.460 150.770 7.790 41,620 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; State Bk. of Hoiles & Sons, Greenville; N.City, St. L. Trust Company — Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT nc*i «JJ / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexeci) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Principal Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew IStatetPriv. Bondi Loana Other Cash ft ExMiscel OHANQBfl'Dui tiMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Dhpos- Liabili ‘County Seats. ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-up Surplus and and Vice-President. President. Cashier. and IT9 Diaoounta Saauritias laneous from Barks Capital Profits Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond ties Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. $ 100,000 1 119,440 |1 285 420 $ 95,250 SI 123 320 $ 117,950 S 133,030 $ 225,810 Edward Levings.. J. G. Brown______ C. G. Jurey--------- I.N.Shaw»Parls„........ — 7985 Citizens National Bank 7 Edgar J22 $225-10% 70-283 dB®t'02 298,930 30,000 R. N. Parrish----- Geo. V. Dole______ A. N. Young------- Jacob R. Sunkel— 100,000 210,090 1.608,930 104,110 1,295,110 399,090 Edgar Co. National Bank $280-10% 70-282 ®»t 73 par 100 FIRST NATIONAL ADIN BABER- R.K.SHELLEDY BANK & TRUST CO. fat® M Mib— E. P. UhY,A.Tr.Off. E. A. Powers______ R. M. Eagleson — Bernice Eagleson.. E. Brown, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Parkersburg... 246 First State Bank--------dtS’20 G. Richland M20 $140-6% par 100 70-2008 Park Ridge... 8383 Citizens State BankdB©t§ 29 Fred H. Esdohr...- R. D. Andrews .... G. par 100 70-2129 Park Ridge State Bank $300-331% 70-1520 dB®T*t§ 08 par 100 +Peoples & Merch. State Bk. $149 par 100 70-2103 dB®Tt§’26 (+ Affiliated with Chicago Clearing House) Pat oka________508 First State Bank........d«t§’03 8 Marion M15 $200-10% par 100 70-995 7 Cook B21 A. Palmquist— W. H. Malone, Ch. M. C. Appelt .------ S. R. Guard______ J. R. Lawrence .. E. N. Nelson Emil Buettner, Ch. Chas. H. Fisher.... P. J. Immel. J. A. Immel, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. P. J. Mojonnier— O. A. Nattier.......... F. M. Smith .. Mae Eagan. ‘Paxton_____ 3033 7 Ford G19 8 Pearl_________ 669 8 Pike K7 Pearl City....... 468 7 Stephen’n Bll 7 Winnebago A13 Pecatontca ...1088 fi,88n 108,420 63,640 35,680 8,470 17,510 1st N.,01ney; Mtle.-Com’l, Evansville,Ind. 50.000 19,320 463.620 235,070 227.410 7,160 64,440 22,020 1,277,400 343,820 11,580 100.000 75,000 1,744,250 1,140 par 100 70-1847 First National Bank H.’B. Shaw............. H. P. Larson_____ 70-515 d®»t’83 PAXTON STATE BANK ^ W. J. Lateer-------- M. L. McQuiston.. par 100 70-ol6 d®»t§ 94 Payson state Savings Bank H. F.Scarborough.H. M. Seymour— $100-6% 70-1066 d©t§’10 State Street Bank------ ®t§’10 H. C. Sprick------ W. H. Heidbreder par 100 70-1067 Peoples State Bank.._®t§’08 G. A. Minier______ T. J. Johnston.— 70-1522 Pearl City State Bank. <§’93 F. R. Erwin............ August Althof-----70-1523 Farmers State Bank d®t§’07 H. B. Barloga------- J. L. Kortendick — $200-12% par 100 70-863 Pecatomca State Bank J. E. Derwent------ A. E. Cooke............ 70-862 ©iS’73 Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtie.-Com., Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 50.000 12,860 632,160 15,820 325,950 270,960 13.980 99,940 25,000 17.000 183.000 10.000 170.000 26.000 18,000 21.000 209,840 11,300 107,630 100.000 31,580 616,260 40,020 526,380 78,220 81,870 101,380 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Stock 25.000 27.500 263.500 214,000 38.000 6,000 58.000 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., D. C. Swanson____ F. W. Schatzle___ 75,000 84.270 766,880 143,050 234,520 690,450 15,130 129,100 Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co..Chi.; Fletcher-Am. O. J. Egnell______ N. V. Lateer------- 100,000 28,180 525,600 15,000 406,920 116,400 46,460 99,010 N. City. N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; H. Brown...... . A. Helfenstein.__ A. F. Morris W. A. Heidbreder. Elmer G. Fengel.. Ella Carter Opal Foreman____ 25.000 7.990 139,420 3,410 80,750 25.000 9,960 85.000 15.000 4.170 83,760 A. L. Hurd________ Orie W. Dow........ . 30,000 11,140 424,170 E. S. Hamm______ W.B, Kortendick.. 75,000 80,000 40.000 35,000 H. J. A. Provoost..... N. A. Scott. W. D. Doty 100,000 AMERICAN NATIONAL _... < BUI of Lading Drafts and all co (Sections given p 70-231 d®T»t 87 j SEND YOUR P ERIN ITEMS DI RECT TO US. Tazewell G13 $325-14% par 100 V.Please send 15e w ith each Sight Draft for presentation an tentlon. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK $300-12% par 100 70-230 d®»t 75 HERGET NATIONAL BANK $276-8% par 100 70-232 •t’05 Ch. of Bd. & Pres. f A. A. SIPFLE—- T. W. MOTT------- N.J. FRIEDRICH.. field; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70-1524 9.250 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. Yds. N., Chi. Indpls. N., Indpls. Cent. N., Peoria; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 85.830 State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 34,950 State St. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 47,000 37,850 600 49,080 22,320 10,640 21,500 Farrell State, Jacksonville; N.StockYds.N., — 341,180 30,220 12,170 81,740 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., 404,810 311,000 205,000 22,000 440,000 290,000 130,000 N.Stock Yds., 111.; 1st N.,Joliet. Chi.; 1st N., Freeport. 46,000 Stock Yds. N. and N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Rockford N., Rockford. 95,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N„ Chi.; Forest City N.. Rockford. 280,940 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St.L. 309,640 2,231,340 128,710 1,665,150 757,410 66,190 244,630 1,768,990 100,500 971,420 868,580 87.900 286,220 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and 417,950 1.496,700 142.200 939.930 886.820 16,500 363.600 port. 100,000 Oom’l N., Peoria. I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Reports Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draf t for presentation S. t. HERGET- - - - - - - - ^|"farU "........ E' "• ”F...... Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sendli FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain eight drafts. I Set Credit Reports. 26c. TRY US. Penfield...........400 Bank of Penfield-. —1§’90 Michael Collins ... G. W. Hadden____J. H Collins 7Champaign H20 $100-5% N., N. Stock Yds.; Pana N„ Pana; Old N„ Centralia. 58,390 fH.M.EHRLICHER W. E.SCHENCK-— B. P. SCHENCK.... 1 son Park N„ Chi. 308,470 Ihatham Phenix. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & 242,930 FARMERS & MERCHANTS E. D. GIVEN- - - - - - - - WILLIAM PERBDE- H. E. DUFFIELD — BANK— .......................@§’14 Pekin..........13.324 7 10,000 4,520 $200-16% Adams 14 127,880 $100-5% $300-16% par 100 Payson_______ 453 320,360 50,000 \V. H. Shaw______ I. P. Davenport... I. P. Davenport...Louise Scott.. par 100 70-751 d@»t§'97 Burrei Dozier (Succeeds State Bk.of Pawnee) Pawpaw______ 665 State Bank of Paw Paw A. C. McBride........ J. H. LaPorte-------- Frank Wheeler.— W.T. Chaffee. $136-8% 70-1521 ®«t5’01 Eula Frantz 7 Lee C15 Sangamon J13 191,260 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Cht. 247.490 1,245,590 27,060 lont. Ill.Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Spring- Pawnee______1200 Pawnee State Bank 7 119,510 1,368,090 Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ indpls.: 1st N., St. L. This bank maintains a Special Collection Department. Prompt Service—Low Rates—We get Results. Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Bank In Edgar County. 10% par 100 70-281 dB©T4t’65 8 150.000 correspondents. 150.000 .. 25,000 Chi.; Com’l N„ Peoria. PR0GRE SS THRU BETTE R SERVI CE." 3.420 72.330 86.500 300 5,710 8,240 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 358 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eaci1 bank *5 u- s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNewgStatetPrh. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Say.$LastSale%Div. ’BANK OF PEORIA U40-3% President. Vice-President. PEORIA—Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties E. C. MAY-......... -G.A. CLARK--....... [■ B. FLEMING——— PAUL D. JONES- - - - - i. B. PATTISON, Sec. J. B. WOLFENBARGER. . par 100 70-12 dB®»t§’24 $ 200.000 $ 75,620 $ 1,754,880 $ Qen’l Counsel Resources. MiscblBonds Loans AND and Discounts SictjRrrme 7,350 $ 1,349,880 $ laneous Rbsourcbs 313,570 $ Principal Correspondents. Cara ft *xCRAiroi«,Du« from Banks 32,370 $ ' j ' 342,020 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria; 1st N., St. L.; Home Sav. & State, Peoria. The “BILL OF LADING BANK” of Peoria Prompt attention and immediate remittance given on Collections F. F. BLOSSOM — H. W. LYNCH_ _ CARL F. HA RICH F. G.HARSCH__ If. M. BLOSSOM I. L. McMURRAY. jF.J. DECKER EMILY F. KEMPSHALL A. Cash.IN. C. CATION A. 8. KLEINSCHMIDT, WALTER H. MEYER •CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO..... dB®W79 70-9 $400-16% par 100 70-4 100 70-2 d J. WACHENHEIMER -WM. HAZZARD- - - - - - WM. HAZZARD.......... J. F. O’CONNER_ _ _ _ W. J. COLEMAN W. G. McROBERTS, C. H. GOLDSTEIN Gen. Counsel R. W REAGAN PEORIA'S FOREMOST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION S. D. WEAD, Tr. Off. 7M 256,400 4,823,120 1,322,680 279,630 1,341,640 Fault. Tr. Co. and Irv. Tr. Co.. N Y.; Cont. 111. Bk & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1,477,060 10.546.380 1,239,800 7,155,250 3,327,670 1,910,920 1,994,400 Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; IstN., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.l..; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. Affiliate d with D ime Savl ngs & T rust Co. 250,000 V. P. and Tr. Off. Counsel A, Sec. W. Mackemer— E. J. Galbraith__ H. F. Reese_______ jw. G. Smith WILLIAM E. STONE- !y Nc.SJJTUFF Stone — HAROLD L. HARSCH- G. M. McKIBBEN — ......OLD L. HARSCH WM.E. STONE, JR., E.C.TEETERjA.Cas/i. V.P. and Tr. Off. and A. Tr. Off. ®T»t'63 GEO. M. BUSH W. E. STONE— — HARRY C. STONE— F. B. WEBER W. SUTLIFF jN J. B. STONE, Tr. Officer and R. E. □WORTH ‘FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK par 100 6,246,890 307,370 3,027,470 35.670 2,195,200 718,340 225,490 481,480 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Affiliate d with C ommerci al Natlo nal Ban k. dB®T»t§’87 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 Tfr-1 1.125,000 Commercial, Savings, Trust and Investment Departments 85 ♦Farmers & Mechanics State J. Bank.........70-1917 d®t§’17 *140-5% par 150 *425-14% 963,780 A .Cash. 1 Accounts of ba nks, bankers and others solicited, .Collections glv en very prompt and careful atte ntlon. ‘COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK B ®T«t' ‘DIME SAVINGS & TRUST CO. *500-16% par 300.000 d®T»tf’68 Mgr. COMPLETE BANKING, SAVINGS, TRUST AND INVESTMENT SERVICE SEE COMBINED FIGURES OPPOSITE PAGE." ♦Home Sav. & State Bank Henry W. Ulrich — F. T. Miller_____ Ray J. Bfllsley, Edward X. Kneer. *150-6% 70-3 dB®*«’92 W. Puterbaugh. Ch. Emmet C. May Cash, and Sec, John Denzler par 100 Franz Puterbaugh Walter S. Speck, Joseph L. Kimmel, A. C, and A. Sec. Auditor ILLINOIS VALLEY TRUST CO. P. J. RYAN............. 0. J. DOLAN par 100 70-10 BT»t&’12 (Peoria banks continued on next page) *225-7% . J. DOLAN, Tr. L. J. LIFKA, Sec....... 40.000 550,060 22,140 301,580 11,980 234,090 80,560 20,410 40,650 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. 1.225,120 6,808,390 629,070 3,923,060 3,817,150 197,180 1,275,200 Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L., Kan. C., and Det.;N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.: Un. Tr. Co.. Clev.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. & Sav. Assn, and Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., SanF.;N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.;FletcherAm. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Pitt. THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK IS OWNED BY THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEORIA. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. “SEE COMBINED FIGURES ON OPPOSITE PAGE.” 200.000 374,710 3.198,090 44,870 2,120,970 895,820 104,460 666,430 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. Co., St. L. 350,000 259,280 3,445,810 40,130 2,457,960 893,910 • 250,000 96,000 190,900 194,680 548,660 N.City. N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Tr. Co.. St. L. ' 394,460 104,260 19,770 18,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. ILLINOIS VALLEY TRUST COMPANY THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUST COMPANY IN PEORIA. | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS \\ 7E invite the accounts of banks * * and corporations whose trans actions would be facilitated by the hearty co-operation of Peoria’s oldest financial institution. “THE HEART OF ILLINOIS’ Our thorough organization and experience enables us to be of ex ceptional service to correspondents. We welcome personal consulta tion or correspondence with banks, corporations, firms and individuals. UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1863 Combined Capital Assets over $2,450,000.00 Combined Resources over $13,000,000.00 FIRST THE FIRST BANK IN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NATIONAL TRUST & SAVINGS VISIT US WHEN IN PEORIA BANK THE SECOND CITY IN ILLINOIS PEORIA MERCHANTS AND ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK Capital Assets over $1,450,000.00 Resources over $9,500,000.00 A Strong Commercial Institution offering Complete Service in Accounts of Banks and Bankers, Checking, Savings, Investment Bonds, Trust, and Safety Deposit Departments. Send Us Your PEORIA Collections A Bank for Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Merchants *«» Illinois National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of Peoria, Illinois 359 (Federal Beserv District No. 7)_____________ •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Paid-dp Capital ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. ‘MERCHANTS ■fffcWprir & ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK LUKE. HOWARD GREENE $ Comptroller W.l. MILLER. GERALD H. PAGE. Tr. Officer General Counsel Send us your collections for prompt returns, low rates, and careful attention to Instructions. H. B. WHITE. V.P. F.0. L?LUTHY 1350-16% par 100 70-7 dB®T**'M L. V. Howat--------- C. H.. Gray. ♦South Side Tr. & Sav. Bank Warren Sutliff-— E. M. Chandler -— $130 70-11 <Ut5 22 ‘STATE TRUST SAVINGS BANK $250-8% ——King Point (InNon-Bank Towns with Ne, in back of this dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law T volum“. For Interest Rates, lolidays, etc., see Laws. PEORIA—Reserve City—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. c. w. mm— RAMP' 600,000 $ COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. We especially Invite the Accounts and Collections of Banks and Business Houses. par 100 70-5 dB®T»tl'04 meh.arade Mortgage Loam on Illinois Farms, and Peoria property for Sale. rir j 913,190 $8,299,990 $ 94,120 160.000 correspondents. Cash k ExMlBClIr LOANP BONDS CHARfiUfDui LANIOUB AND AND from Bans D*BOOUNTS Sbcubxtibb Rbsoubcmb 999,960 $ 5,819,180 $ 3.388,940 $ 323,800 $ 1,281,210 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. T.; 1st N„ Cent. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Stk. Yds. N., Foreman-State N., and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St.L. SEE DIS PLAY A DVERTI SEMENT C. and !: Profits Principal Resources. Liabilities. Other Surplus TOTAL AND Deposits Liabili- 1,259,220 29,860 1,023,530 184,400 103,930 221,330 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1,941.270 128,730 1,801,880 328,180 120,140 340,780 Guaranty Tr. C«., N. Y.; Foreman-State, N. ChL; 1st N„ St. L.; Cn. Tr. Co., Clev. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet and Peoria. Tr. Off. 200,000 320,990 ----------------------------------u 'F. M. Blossom, A. See. F. tt Harsch, Henry W. Lynch— Carl ™ Ferdinand Lathy.. Peoria Clearing House— Sec. and Tr, ( Members indicated by a * f {Associate members indicated by + ) Peoria- Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year JMem.StateBks.Assu. EstabIMem.Inv. Bks. Assn, lished ±Mem.Local Stock Ex. GEORGE M. FORMAN & GO. Investment Securities.. (Branch of Cblcago, Ill.) Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank depositories George M. Forman & Co., Chicago, New York and principal cities. N. L. ROGERS AND GO., INC. Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Mem.Am. Bks. Assn. Year Mem.StateBks.Assn.EsTABIMem.Inv. Bks. Assn, lished ±Mem. Local Stock Ex. N. L. ROGERS, Pres._______ W. W. ROGERS, V. Pres. L. P. LOCKE, Sec. and Treas. E. T. ANTHONY, Ass't. Sec. INVESTMENT SECURITIES (416 Main St.) i,if * « J Decatur — Danville BRANCHES | Springfield — Galesburg Correspondents — Central National Bank & Trust Co., — Home Savings & State Bank —Bank of Peoria, Peoria; Second National Bank, Danville; Citizens National Bank, Decatur; Lamson Bros., -Swift, Langill & Henke, Chicago. (Peoria Life Bldg.) ILLINOIS—Continued TOWN AND COUNT!. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Figure under town ♦Fed. Res. Deptr.T-Trust B-Bond is Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Peotone____ .1090 Citizens State Bk $150-15% 70-791 7 Will D 21 President. dB®$8’87 P. M. Collin*. par 100 Peotone State Bk. -dB©»tl'll H. A. Rathje. $160-8% par 100 70-1911 E. H. Fedde.. F. C. Jurres—— Ass t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. correspondents. Dm A Sz- ClAHM,l>n LANROUS vmm Baku ■aswritisa $ 306,890 $ 23.000 $ 405,000 MIBORL- 89,150 $ 26,000 $ 25,000 41,750 267,760 291,600 25,000 10,230 263,660 $ 59,030 74,450 235,630 24,000 H. H. Reese_____ 100,000 10,750 289,110 15,000 298,610 12,670 43,070 Vince J. Ream.... Frank J. Ream 100.000 127,230 1,296,910 54,200 609,210 710,300 76,460 S. J. Marshall----Jos. Mankowski 100.000 225,000 1,286,5301 15.000 1,020.310 236,140 157,960 David S. Cross----- and 30.000 $ Principal RESOURCES. Bonds and 13,220 H. R. Bisen brand t Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S F. J, Hinrichs------ W. A. Nesbitt.. .1280 First National Bank~®»*'05 W. 0. Davis. Jr._ 70-1525 8 Randolph 013 $210-10% F. W. Smith.......... . J. A. Love_____ Perry_______ ..491 Perry State Bank---------$1 91 H. O. Reese-------- G. V. Griggs $110-*% 70-1526 8 Pike J7 par 100 Andrew Hebei------ Harry F. Ream .... J. J. Linnig_____ 9188 ♦Peru National Bank Pern_____ 79-277 dB®T»J’83 7 LaSalle E15 $250-10% par 100 Otto J. Loekle ___ ♦Pern State Bk.__dB®T»tl'90 Henry Hoerner.— Otto J. Loekle $281 par 100 70-271 ♦) (Members Tri-City Clearing House. LaSalle. Ill Percy_____ Liabilities. Dbfo»- LOxthbb PAID-Ur Surplus and ABILIAMD Discounts ITfl Capital Profits TIKB Trust Company — Chicago 36,240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 29,690 Chi. City Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Bk. Rep., and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 31,940 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Oo.. 8t. L.; 1st N., C<». Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. 60,510 Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Farrell State, Jacksonville. „ „ _ . T11 182,380 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. V.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 208,970 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 _ _ 360 U . Nu™b*r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n ni eac? bank J? Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.H’New § State tPriv. /County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T OA8HIER. Peso turn.......... <78 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. Everett Davis.. Henry Pfeffer.__ P. E. Starkey_____ 7 Champaign 118 $150-10% 70-1773 dtS’12 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-tti* Surplus Dbpos- Other OiH k Exand Miscel chaj and Liabili and »om,Ddi Capital Profits ITS Disoounta SteuritiM laneous from Bank* ties $ 30,000 $ 8,490 I 227,880 $ 153,120 $ par 100 'H. J. ADEN. . . . . . . . . . W. M. GROVES-....... L. B. 0TT_ _ _ _ _ G.C.FRANCKELTON, G. D. WARNSING ‘Petersburg...2432 STATE NATIONAL BANK 7 Menard 111 $150 par 100 70-558 ®»t’65 200,000 35,860 1,032.550 % 59.650 879,450 260,010 28,100 160,510 Chase N„ N. Y,; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. --544 Philo Exchange Bank L. E. Hazen____ Champaign 118 $100-10% 70-1036 d®t§'83 par 100 Harry G. Balster _ S. A.Thompson.__ 100.000 13,800 555,000 463,500 83,000 1,000 121.300 Stock Yds N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 111. N„ Springfield. Anna B. Hazen ___ J. H. Smith______ Nathan L. Rice.... 40,000 18,700 277,720 171,910 104,800 8,000 51,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Millikin N„ Decatur; 1st N., Champaign. Philo 8tate Bank..............S’20 C. A. Daly................ J. F. Plotner__ 70-1037 E. M. O'Neill J. F. O'Neill______ 26,000 15,000 190,000 156,000 W. E. Hazel.. Martha Schaefer... 10,000 4.210 74,990 30.980 C. R. Chambers ... E. E. Pierson____ F. S. Pierson_____ 12,000 3,470 77,910 45,920 50.000 123,790 761.360 49,500 188.230 50,000 85,000 860,000 26,000 60,000 37,380 329,680 50.000 25,000 11,970 150.130 Pittsburg____ 670 First State Bank........®t5’19 Geo. 8. Roberts... Joab Goodall_____ Paal Sanders_____ Opal Cole.. 8 Williamson P16 $150-8% 70-1991 30,000 21,140 100,180 ‘Pittsfield.__2129 Farmers State Bank A. Clay Williams.. Geo. C. Weaver.... Earl Grigsby_____ Paul Coley. 8 Pike J6 $300-10% 70-637 dB®T*t§’89 100,000 126,000 125,000 286.700 $150-10% -126 Bank of Piasa________ ®|’13 D. A. Wyckoff___ 8 Macoupin L10 $130 70-1816 Pierson Station State Bank of Pierson._t§'20 Leslie Lewis_____ Piatt 118 186 $165-10% 70-1528 ‘Plnckneyvllle 8 Perry 013 2649 T. M. Wilson__ First National Bank.d®*t'01 E. R. Hincke_____ W. A. Nesbitt........ Roy Alden W, A. Bommer70-534 C. N. Guy, A. C. scheim Murphy-Wall 8tate Bk. & Tr. W. K. Crawford... J. G. Taffee_____ C. J. Bischof_____ O. H. Dintelman... Company.70-533.. d®«tS’74 J. C. Niesing, Ch. $280 par 100 Piper City___ 715 First National Bank._*I’1900 Daniel Kewley___ J. K. Montelius ... F. A. Luther.......... J. J. Lyons____ 7 Ford F19 18% 70-999 State Bank of Piper citv W. F.Sternberg... J. P. Glass_______ J. E. Barger______ W. O. Keefe______ $127.50-6% 70-1000 d®tS’08 par 100 1.790 21,080 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Boatmens N„ St. L.; IstTr. & Sav., Alton. 4,630 42,820 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 684,670 19,040 92,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L. 252,000 575,000 34,000 160.000 ChaseN.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 314.230 79,800 5,800 134,120 8,000 16,240 28,740 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 5,040 52.720 45.030 44,190 14,420 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.;N. City.St. L.1st N., Marion. 900,000 12,000 722,000 280,000 872.280 49.960 792,450 341,660 65.990 133,840 1st N., Chi. and St. L. 12.370 373,930 175,670 16,780 100,400 N. Bk. of Rep.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 6,850 par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $125-20% par 100 Plainfield__ .1147 7 Will D18 Adams 15 „ $120-6% 67,230 1st N„ Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. 125.000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. . * „ Plainfield State Bank A. F. Lambert......... R. N. Ballou______ C. M. Wolf_______ Mrs, L. R. O’Toole. $180-10% 70-1812 dB®«tl'13 J. A. Henebry E. H. Van Dyke par 100 70-1530 ®tj’10 Plano. 7 S. H. BRUNSWICK— M. D. KING. . . . . . . . . . 35.340 . PWcst and Largest Bank In Pike County. PromPt attention given Collection Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Cred it Repo rts. 70-636 dB®T«J’65 Plalnvllle_____ 245 State Bank of Plainville 8 38,510 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Citiz. N„ Decatur; Citiz. State, Champaign, 150 Plasa. 7 39,540 Oont. Ill, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Cham paign, Special Attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash Time Items. . Please send 15c w ith each 8ightDraf tfor presentation a and nd 25c for Credit R eports. Schirding State Bank.®t}'04 Harry Schirding.. E. H. Golden ._ par 100 70-558 par 15.710 $ Ch. Philo. 7 S. E. WATKINS 58,010 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS 50,000 32,000 572,410 A. M. Carter.......... Frank Waters........ A. G. Richmond... 25,000 7,550 105.000 100,000 7,000 rA.E. LORO- - - - - - - - C. E. CLOUSE- 25,000 50,000 550,000 500,000 60,000 CHAS. M. JONES- 1473 FIRST STATE BANK—•t5 09 Largest Bank-“ Strength-Secnrlt y-ServIce.” Kendall C17 70-701 115 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for p resentatlon, and I'l_____________________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .25 CENTS for each credit repor t Insures prompt , personal attent Ion. - 20.000 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. 75,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 361 Town and coontt. •Mem. A. B. A. ”New §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Fig under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed.Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. E. T. Barton______ R. P. Wells______ C. O. Thomas. Pleasant Hill..433 Citizens State Bank 70-1531 d®»t§’20 8 Pike E6 Paid-up Capital C. W. Thomas____ $ J. L. Laugharn Resources. Liabilities. Loads Bonds Miscel Cash k ExSurplus Depos Other and chan«m,Dui and Liabili and its Disoounts Securities laneous from Banks ties Pbofits 40.000 J 30,000 TJ. F. TOMLIN........ M. H. CAMPBELL— G. 0. PURVINES— REED HENSLEY........ PLEASANT PLAINS STATE 1078 BANK—70-1532...d®«»'73 1 Collections and Requests for Cr edit Reports MU ST be accompani ed by ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts 15c; Credit Rep orts 25e. 7 Sangm’n Ill *145-15% par 100 3,640 1 173,930 $ 123,980 S 39,120 1 271.680 $ 34,330 214,030 20,000 257,880 25,480 142,540 5,900 i 50.640 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 5,500 34,980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Springfield. 22,980 11,540 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Qnincy. 21,000 73,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Quincy Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 21,200 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St.L.; State Bk. of Hoiles & Sons. Greenville. Pleasant Plains Plymouth........ 900 First National Bank d®*t’25 R. L. Cloud______ E. FTuev 7 Hancock H6 *125-4% par 100 70-1896 .. » Plymouth State Bank J. P. Metzger-----*200 parlOO 70-936 dB®»tl’86 Pocahontas__ 830 Bond County State Bank *100-8% par 100 $ Bond M12 Polo....................1867 7 Ogle B12 . 70-1533 ®J§’05 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 70-674 Clarence Jackson.. Manila If t............... 25,000 8,010 158,080 T T» Hall 25.000 29,270 325,190 279,310 25,000 13,150 231.580 190,620 52,900 5,000 65,000 54,030 892,580 733,170 196,410 34,000 500,000 100,000 56,100 90.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Drov. N., and Stock Yds. N., Chi. C. E. Hoiles_____ /W. T. SCHELL....... j. D. HERB........... - B. JOHN YEAKEL 39.520 Principal Correspondents. H. UNANGST.......... 64,000 J12,020 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. J Oldest and Larges t Bank—Modern E quipment—Efficient Service, lacil ities for handling your Polo items a nd collections, / Personal attention given drafts with Bills of Lading atta ched and notes. J Unexcelled «t'71 V Please send 15c w ith plain 8ight Draf ts for presentation and 25e for Credit Reports. __ L. E. Bacon_______ R. W. Hostetter 60,000 59,730 590,000 ‘Pontiac.......... 6664 Illinois State Savings Bank M. H.Greenebaum H. G. Greenebanm. J. C. Greenebaum, W. W. Greenebaum 50,000 64,520 867.480 15,450 451,480 374,320 9,400 162,230 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. J. MITCHELL.......... 50.000 31,000 682,780 50,000 557,370 145.630 31,760 79,020 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. H. E. VOGELSINGER. E. G. SCANLAN------C. A. HOLLINS, H. 1. SHEPHERD 50,000 66,640 900,850 48,740 650,420 E. G. Seanlan------- 50,000 17,460 126,200 tllHP— 60,000 62,530 782,610 eg ■ ' ' is Polo State Bank ....d®t§’18 A. M. Johnson ___ J. F. Scholl *200-10% ♦ 70-1939 par 100 J. O. Greenebaum 70-345 d®T»J5'03 7 Livingston F17 LIVINGSTON CO. NATIONAL BANK—.70-342—dB®»t’71 $200-12% par 100 NATIONAL BANK OF PONTIAC .......... E. J. Diehl ._ Cash, and Tr. Off. C A FIENHOLD........ LOUIS WOLFF............ J M LYON C.R.TOMBAUGH — H. H. SMITH -.......... 1. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 147,510 105,390 162,920 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N.,Cb!.;Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with eaeh sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt. personal attention. 70-343 d®»t'74 Pontiac Loan & Trust Co. C. R. Tombaugh... H. H. Smith______ O A. Rohiitf $160-8% 70-346 t§’13 par 100 $225-12% par 100 PONTIAC STATE BANK 70-344 $250-12% rF. A. 0RTMAN— C. A. SWYGERT—- W. J. BUTLER —- STATE BANK $160-8% d®»t5'03 Fern Grenlund___ 25,000 27.540 291,140 rF. H. SCHAFER-- D. N. SIMONSON- F. E. GILBERT— R. J. MULLERY... 75.000 41,350 958,550 J. W. SIMONSON. 199,560 31,370 106.290 Chase N., N. Y.j Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 7,540 237,970 61,910 12,200 39,130 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Rockford N., Rockford. 813,880 108,830 25.050 127,140 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.: Cent. Tr. & Sav., Rock Is!. , 1 Special attentlo n given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Items L.Please send 15c w Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 585,910 ®»t5’99 PORT BYRON 70-1010 par 100 28,000 16,350 N. Bk. of Pontiac, Pontiac. j Save time an d get service on Colleotion s and Credit Repor te by •endi ng (.FEE IN AD VANCE: Plain eight drafts. 25c; Credit R eport s, 25 e. Poplar Grove.. 316 Poplar Grove Bank..®«tS'03 John Foley_______ Fred Coyer— - __ Geo. F. Moran $200 70-1534 7 Boone A17 Port Byron.... 510 7 Rock Island D9 33,540 143,760 ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. Continental Illinois Company ^Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 362 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' TOWH AND COUNTT. *Oounty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. 0Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. ---------- i-------------------- ■— tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. „ (Merged Prairie City... 638 Bank of Prairie Olty~®tl’01 C 7 McDonoaghG9 6% par 100 70-1535 n Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. M ‘Princeton... 4126 7 Bureau D13 Craig J. VV. Wilson.......... S. S. Wilson_____ •• p. rC. D.TEDROW_ _ _ H. H. l H. C. ROBERTS. Ch. ) Vigorous attent I Prompt returns 12% par 20 70-442 dB©»t’79 V Pleat* tend 15c u>« (Consolidation of Citizens Nat tonal. Farmers Nati H O. L. Asselmeier.. Duncan Mudd____ ______ Preemption State Bank F. E. Sudlow.......... B. B. Whitsitt .... 70-1536 ®tl’20 CITIZENS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50,000 Surplus Depos AND its Profits 7.100 $ $ Resources. Principal correspondents. Loans Bonds Cash k BxMlSCBIr- OHAjraM,I>iri and and Discounts Sseuritiss LANBOU8 rmom Bim Other Liabili ties 216,600 4,780 42,560 Cont. III. Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Bk, Tr. Co., Danville. 216,060 S 10,290 184,960 29,500 3,430 42,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Galesburg, Galesburg. 23,000 348,250 107,600 33,000 43.720 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 570 168,810 61,400 35.940 41,780 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Mnfrs. Tr. ft Sav., Rock Isl.; 1st N„ Joliet. $ $ $ & ch 26. 1929) Preemption... 265 Farmers State Bank..®tI'20 Henry McCaw........ J. $126-0% 70—1708 7 Mercer E8 •• Paid-up Capital Palmer C. Smith _ J M. M. Goodwine with Goodw Prairie du Rocher State Bank of Prairie Du I Ran’lph 010535 Rocher...................d®»tl’06 $200-12% 70-1057 -------------- - Liabilities. Potomac . 816 Goodwine State Bank..t|'03 D. S. Goodwine... 70-907 7 Vermilion H21 „ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued FERRIS........ MARTIN ZEARING-_ D. B. FERRIS-......... G. E. ZEARING PEARL LAFFERTY L.E. BEETS. Pro Cash. Ion given coliectl or reason for no th each Sight Draft onal and First Nati 40.000 19.670 200,430 25,000 44,000 440,570 $ 25,000 7,700 274,650 10.000 2,000 114,000 100,000 203,000 2,600,000 300,0001 2,100,000 630,000 73,000 300,000 N, City and Chase. N„ N. Y.: Cont. ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N.. Peoria. 150,000 26,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Cent. Tr. & Sav.. Rock 1st. ons. n-payment. for Tireteniation and 25e for Credit Repo rt. onal Banks) 100.000 48,770 552,970 30.020 465.900 118.380 69.200 78.270 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.: 1st N.. Joliet Prlncevllle.__1035 Farmers State Bank A. B. Debord.......... H. L. Matthews... J. B. Mailer. Jr— Gertrude E. Walk$200-6% par 100 dB®»t5'0a ington 7 Peoria Fll 70-941 25,000 31,800 315,150 15,520 315,230 23,880 9,390 38,980 N. Bk. Rep. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. M. E. Tarpy. .......... F. M. Streitmatter 50,000 10.000 466,360 2,510 434.020 950 29,220 64,670 1st N., Chi. and Peoria. j H TABER_____ D.L. WOODARD_ _ _ _ 50.000 rC. J. WARNER — G F FRARY Prophetstownll50 CITIZENS STATE BANK b and Time Item s. adlng drafts, Cas n given BUI ef L ) Special attentlo 6% 70-841 ®d«tl’99 7 Whiteside Dll LPimn tend 15c ut th each Sight Draft / or presentation and 25c/or Credit Repor u. 18,900 515.260 408.930 66.770 29,700 78.750 Cont. Ill. Bk- & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 331.870 233.700 47.640 99,370 1st N.. Chi.: City N„ Clinton, la. 35,000 35,000 6,600i First State Bank___ d®«t§’02 n w. roll $135-6% par 100 70-443 FIRST STATE BANK d®.t|'72 par loo 70-940 (Succeeds Home State Bank) —— FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 70-842 Richard Cox (k FIELD E. E. JOHNSON....... 6. S. AYLSWORTH— F. RODEE IT. Ttafiyfcs Ethel Hughes........ (See Chicago Banks) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. C. Larson______ M. M. Althoff 60,000 0 54.690 538.450 4,700 66,000 59.440 02 ) Bare time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credl t Beperts by sen ding (.FEE Dl ADVAN CEt Plain Sight Drafto, ISes Crad it Raaarto. 35c. TRY U S. itjji Citizens State Bank PulaRkl 0 W PTirry $120-4% par 100 d®t|Y4 1 Pulaski R15 70-1537 Pullman________ 7 Cook C22 ___ .. A. G. Landahl____ T) W. Urant Continental Illinois Bank 15,000 9,100 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: St. L. N.. St. L. l and Trust Company—Chicago five a correspondent Otq OUO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, ILLINOIS—Continued resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §S'tate tPriv. (_4RH A Ex Bonda Lour tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Miscel cnxxoaa,Dni Depos Other P resident. V ice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Paid-tjp Surplus and and and Liabili ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond its Capital Profits Diacounta Saeuritias laneous raou Bini ties d-SafeDep.©Sav.SLastSale%Div tQulncy____ 39.800 ♦Broadway Bank of Quincy S. H. Thompson__ J.G. Stuart______ J. C. Whitefleld.. Ethel Groves. l 394,960 $ 146,260 $ 12,620 $ 86,780 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. $ 100.000 $ 25,150 $ 515,470 J. J. Michael t Adams 14 *135-6% par 100 70-55 dB©Ttl ’ 19 Alex Thompson 33.070 123,100 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 357.390 551,110 100.000 886,550 $ 4,630 73.480 Broadway State Sav. Bank S. B. Montgomery. Wm. H. Pape____ T. W. Wand____ T. G. Wand------F. W, Crane $175-6% par 100 70-56 dB®t§’20 192.730 547.420 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. V. 800,000 261,340 3.789.920 31,900 2,490,430 1,125,930 ♦ILLINOIS STATE BANK ,i/in W.:. SINGLETON ... WILLIAM RUPP. . . . . . . F. N. CASBURN. . . . . . J. W. NETHERY-— Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi/, Mtie. H. J. BUTZKUEBEN *2OO-8%parl0O70-54dB®T«tl 09 Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.. Town and County. ^Counts 8eats. Fig. nnder town is Fed. Res. District. __ J. MICHAEL.......... J.. H. SIECKMANN__ R. J. SOEBBINGJ. H. ?. ?. SCHELL " SIECKMANN HEC.................A. C. SCHNACK, 'MERCANTILE TR. T. P. CASTLE-........ - J.____ & SAV. BANK A.C. Quincy’s Most Conveniently Located Bank Offers unexcelled and personal service on all banking and trust matters Collections presented and remitted for promptly 200,000 144,230 2.567.350 44,050 1,501,750 1,013,030 144,500 296,350 Cent. Han. Bk.& Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. SEND YOUR QUINCY COLLECTIONS DIRECT TO US. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. SERVICE FEES IN ADVANCE: 25c BEFORE $l30-6%par 100 70-51dB®T*t’87 MAKING PRESENTATION OF ITEM. 25c FOR CREDIT REPORTS. 500.000 112,730 4,432,130 952,040 3,470.340 1,540,620 364,940 620,990 Cbem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Soith Side Stale 8arings Bk. S. B. Montgomery. A. R. Dick_______ (John A. Berlin....[H. E. Wenning. H. H. Brown IWm. A. Timpe 50.000 57,060 44.540 Il65-8%pori00 70-53 dB®T»tS’06 •QUINCY-RICKER NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Please send 25c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. BERNARD AWERKAMP R. W, [BRIGHT F. A.„r_ R. B.GNEIL J. L. THOMAS------ 8. G. ABENDS........... J.J.FISCHERJ. J. FISCHER--—T. F. AWERKAMP 1.0. ARNOLD *i35-7«% par 100 70-67 d®il’20 'STATE SAVINGS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY ♦ Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle-Coin. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Gate C. N., Kan. C. J.W. GARDNER_ _ _ _ E. N. MONROE-........ F. W. CRANE, ^ t THOS. BURROWS — S. B. MONTGOMERY. H. F. SCARBOROUGH v.P. and Cash. T. L. TUSHAUS Ch. Of Bd, HERMAN H. BROWN, H. G. METCALF, GEO. F. JASPER V. P. and Tr. Off. Mgr. Bond Dept, Q. C. MAYS B.A.KURZ 13,980 691,980 1.000,000 430.500 7.228.560 500,000 67.000 3,594,880 5,460 147,960 918,690 6.752,750 1,270,030 1st. N., St. L.; Lib. N., Kan. C. 511,850 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 126,820 1,428,150 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. III. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ch!.; Mtle.-Com. Bk.& Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos. QUINCY’S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. COMMERCIAL, SAVINGS, TRUST AND BOND DEPARTMENTS. 70-50 dB®T»t8’61 25c in advance required with Sight Drafts and requests for Ratings $190-8% par 100 ♦STJTE STREET BANK & TR. H. O. Sprick_____ G. H. Earhart____ 6%'* .. 70-52____ T«t|'90 Quincy Clearing House......... 8. B. Montgomery. (Members indieatedbv a ♦) Raleigh______ 264 Raleigh State Bank _d®t5’20 Jno. B. Lee--------$120-10% par 100 70-1538 8 Saline P18 Jos. C. Burtschi... Ramsey______ 772 Peoples State Bank 70-950 ®»«'ll 8 Fayette L16 $150-6% par 100 Ramsey National Bank®<’10 L. O. Thiele______ $250-10% 70-951 Rankin_____ ..644 Rankin, Whitham State Bank G. H. Whitham— 70-1539 dtl’75 7 Vermilion Q21 Ransom...........402 First National Bank dB®t'06 Geo. H. Smith___ 7 La Salle E16 6% par 100 70-1540 Rantoul_____1561 7 Champaign H20 FIRST NATIONAL par 100 70-754 ni|l|/ HARK J. H. Sieckmann, Set. Walter A. Heidbre- H. J. Heidbreder. der H. H. Sprick J. H. Sieckmann, Mgr. 3,023,690 662,600 103,800 _______________ 409,590 Kountze Bros.. N. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Boat mens N.. St. L. 15,000 3,090 114,930 58,740 47,300 4,000 30,000 21,500 157,860 152,350 13,700 12.940 30,380 Cont. III. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. R. K. Hunt............ J. E. Easterday___O. W. Hinton___ 25,000 42.000 280,000 25.000 208.000 106.000 19,000 33,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. K. Seidie________ W. M. Cutler_____John O. Speck.. 50,000 12,000 250,000 8,000 255,000 3,500 41,500 20,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Peo.. Blooming A. F. Schoch____ L. H. Gondolf___ W. J. Seguin.___ F. W. Benckendorf 25,000 32,610 245,510 6.500 162.510 93,940 9,000 ton. 44,160 Cont.Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. U.ON 45.000 500.000 300.000 200.000 427,760 84,150 H. O. Buell______ O. H. Musgrave.__R. O. Burnett.___ O. G. Casey. O. H. Hill W. H. WHEAT— 0. E. WILLIAMS...... J. M. Brown RICE- - - - - - - - - - - - - 6MWP 22,970 1st N.,St.L. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N..8t. L. 95.000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Ohi. Send ua you r collections for prompt re turns, Low rates a nd careful att ention to Instr uotlone. d®»t'99 , Please send 2Bc with each roquet t for report or rat ing. Fowler 8tatc Bank d®»{’17 Wiley M. Fowler.. John Wood______ H. L. Wood______ Frank Bartell, Jr. 70-1928 Rardln_______262 R&rdin State Bank___ tj’ll J. M. Rardin____ Bruce Rardin----- Walter P. Johnson Earl Long............ 5% 70-1688 7 Coles J10 Raritan............ 305 Raritan State Bank.......t|’20 James Lofftus____ Paul Van Arsdale. James K. Barry..._______________ W. D. Bricker 7 Henderson G6 5% par 100 70-1541 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,800 and 23,240 63,500 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 50,000 81,550 438,700 20,000 3,340 75,660 79,410 4,750 14,830 1st N„ Chi. and Char.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. 35,000 7,620 146,020 115,000 24,820 48,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., 28,410 Trust Company — Chicago Co.. St. L. Chi.; N. Bk. of Monmonth, Monmouth. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'UNew §StatetPriv. Resources. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Pig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. (J. E. McDAVID-— THOS. DOYLE Raymond. Ass’t Cashier. Surplus Loan* Bonds Miscel Paid-up Depos Other and ( »nd Liabili and its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous ties C. McNAUGHTON.... ALVIN CARRIKER___% 50,000 D. D. COX ABE MCNEILL C. T. SCHERER FIRST NATIONAL BANK $ 60,000 I 600,000 * 600,000 1 40,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash ft Ex changes,Dui from Banks $ 60,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi., St. P„ St. L. 1250-12% par 100 70-914 d®»t’03 ]A Strong, Prog resslve Institutio n. /1« CENTS sent to ua with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon and 125 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attentlo n. Raymond State Bank.......... (Merged with First National Bank, Ma rch 22, 1929) FirstStateBank.__d®»t§'75 Herman Schrieber H. Schifferdecker. A. F. Rathert_____ V. Guebert 10% par 100 70-789 30.000 37,490 588,740 229,990 361,650 $ RED BUD TR. CO. f AUG, EGGERDING - A. J. RATZ- - - - - - - - - - - W. H.BURKHARDT- 50.000 42,500 604.000 417,500 222,000 3,000 E. E. Hasemeyer.. 25,000 2,060 152,990 96,460 57,290 12,720 M, L.Snoddy___ 20,000 4,000 25,000 17,460 425.350 S 40,000 23,950 50.000 Rtchvlew..........330 Richview State Bank__t5’13 Alfred Pitchford.. Wm. Krietemeier. C. L. Edwards........ Ridge Farm...851 City National Bank....d«t’07 8 Randolph Oil 10% par 100 70-790 d®«»’88 J Special attenti on given BUI of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item (.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. Reddick..............2B9 Reddick State Bank. d®t§’02 A, Redmon............. 234 Redmon State Bank ___ t§’04 E. O.Snoddy_____ 7 Kankakee E18 150 par 100 70-1542 7 70-1543 Edgar J21 Reynolds........... 322 Farmers State Bank d®«tS’03 C. 7 A. L. SCHUETTE- H. Rieke______ E. S. Boyer_____ A. C. R. Jump_____ Bopes______ A. H. McConnel... John H. Dings .... 8 McHenry A19 1150-7% par 100 70-1545 Washington N13 1125-8% 7 Vermilion 122 par 100 dB®»tS’21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1140-7% par 100 70-876 d»tl900 N., 13,580 1st N., Ohi,: City N., Kankakee; 1st N., Joliet. Foreman-State N„ Chi,; Terre Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. Ind. 14,180 30,690 66,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Chi.; Cent. Tr. & Sav.. Rock Isl. 531,250 161,380 341,500 12.650 79,660 Stock Yds. N., Ohi.; Cent. Tr. & Say.. Rock Isl. 20,000 316,000 250,000 95.000 25.000 11,640 98,290 87,630 20,240 2,050 26,020 Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. St. L.; Merch. State and Old N., Centralia. 25,000 6,000 135,000 85,000 10,000 36,000 50,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co..Ohi,; Ind. N., Indpls. rT. H. REES- - - - - - C. M. HARROLD...... H. G. BARKER_ _ _ _ C. M. HARROLD. 50,000 < Oldest and Lar ading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. 1 Special attenti 65,000 145,000 125,000 50,700 40,000 44,300 1st N„ Chi.; 2d N„ Danville: Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. F. B.McConnell... Chas. Kruse______ W. A. McConnell- Leah M. Love.......... T. C. Schroeder 70-1739 70-877 54,000 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr, Co. and 1st St. L.; 1st N.. E. St, L. 17,990 Reynolds State Bank d®t§’88 R. P. Wait............. E. Pearl Wait........ R. 0. Wait______ Majel Alcorn_____ 10% par 100 70-1092 Richmond____533 StateBankof Richmond 46,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; 1st N„ St. L. 366,780 Rock Island D8 8% par 100 70-1093 7 18,200 P. B. Edmiston J. W. Foster............ A. P. Saunders___ Thos. Foster_____ V. Please send 15c w 1,000 37,000 Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep arts Rldgway....... .1102 First National Bank____t'09 Marion Drone........ James Doherty___ 25,000 8,760 185.350 153,690 3,600 37,840 23,980 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. George L. Land... Arnold Valter........ 35,000 15,900 320,000 211,700 38,130 40,460 80,600 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. O. J. Chaney.......... M. J. Michels......... 36,000 4,390 101,790 6.710 117,560 12,710 18,620 N. Stock Yds.lN., N. 8tock Yds.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. W. Smith_____ W. R. Giddings ... Marjorie Whiting.. 25.000 7,190 132,400 2,530 92,230 32,600 12,590 29,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Rio________-...202 Rio State Bank__..dB®»t§'03 R, E. Davidson___ C. E. Frankenbnrger R. O. Almgreen.... 40,000 4,290 225,160 215,920 8,500 12,520 32,500 Drov. N„ Chi.; Far. & Mech„ Galesburg. Rlverdale........1166 First Trust & Savings Bank Horace Holmes.... O. P. Reich______ John Harms, Jr.__ Milton Meeder ___ (Chicago P.O.) 50,000 30,000 425,000 250.000 180,000 10,000 80,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Dolton. 8 Gallatin P19 $100 par 100 70-855 Gallatin County Bank d»t8'95 W.S. Phillips........ 70-854 Rlnard.__ 113 Rinard Banking Co------ 1§’02 Wayne M18 1135-6% par 100 70-1547 8 E. A. Keith . Ring wood....... 200 Ringwood State Bk.d®»t§’26 A. 7 McHenry A18 7 7 Knox E9 Cook D21 1100 par 100 1100-8% par 100 70-1888 70-1548 1247-8%parl00 70-1899 d®»t8'16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank Frank Stewart and 15,000 Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 365 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Town and county. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued RESOURCES. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Miscel Garb A *xOther D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and CRAM**,DU* and its Capital Propits DUoounta Baouritias laneous from Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. 89,610 fl 253 780 $ Principal Correspondents. 74.140 $ 892,170 1 173,220 S 167.060 $ 260,080 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Ave. State, Oak Park. River Forest..4358 RIVER FOREST STATE BANK Henry Struble____ F. C. Pilgrim_____ J. A. Klesert.____ John W. Youle___ $ (Oak Park P. 0.) $200-6%parl00 70-1786 d©«ll 12 J.W.Broughton, Ch. J. A. Klesert 7 Cook C21 75.000 $ River Grove... 484 State Bank of River Grove Julius Wischnia... Edw. C. C. Serf.... W. R. Davis $i75-4%jwioo 70-2111dB@t§’26 7 Cook C21 25,000 22,000 228,000 30,000 137,000 127,000 6,000 50.000 32,520 651,110 74,600 414,200 270,800 10,340 112,890 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 66.780 1,075.560 8,290 562,120 436,320 70,830 181,350 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. of Rep., Chi. 51,480 3,640 ...... Edgar Cnvy .. Riverside.... 5,000 First National BankB®T*t’23 Joseph Harrington R. B. Cushing------ J. R. Osterherg ... E. P. Eckmann . Hazel Balfanz, Sec. 1225-8% par 100 70-2067 7 Cook 021 .. Geo. Morton_____ E. L. Wagner____ Ralph L. Pansier, T. P. Whiteford... Riverside State Bank Cash, and Tr, Off. N. W. Willard $300-14% 70-1549 d®T*tl'03 .■ 100,000 V F. R. Dickerson... E. H. Dasher_____ G. A. Fetter... Chas. Maddox . 25.000 14,260 232,560 209,000 7 Sangamon 113 H50-io% Julius Porth______ C. O. Parvin______ S. C. Sauder______ Ben Bechtel 50,000 26,840 335,510 322,540 7 Woodford F14 50,000 7,880 207,600 154,260 50,000 53.260 1,222,120 75,000 91,250 688,480 75,000 52,440 873,270 60,000 191,470 Roberts State Bank.d®t§’20 F. C, Linn_____ _ 4% par 100 70-1068 7 Ford G19 ‘Robinson.__ 3375 8 Crawford L21 ---- - Riverton State Bankd®»t§’07 James A. Easley, Ch, of Bd, and Pres, 70-1550 par 150 Roanoke StateBank.d®tS'13 70-1805 •• .T.S. Abbott . .... Valmore Parker. 70-458 rA. G. MESERVE ®»tV06 l ** 60,320 18,280 32,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 10,210 1,050,200 64,830 44,090 176,470 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N„ Chi.; Co lumbia N., Pitt. — W. W. ARNOLD-------- F F, MRF W. B. HITESHEW VERNON LITTLEJOHN LYLE E. CUNNINGHAM 649,000 54,460 62,390 88,880 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N„ Pitt. 18,480 566,640 234,810 72,510 145,230 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 733,440 97,970 609,970 265.780 59,550 147,600 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 75,460 1,181,740 17.200 910,810 126,500 118,290 218,810 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 31,690 470,090 20,330 415,380 53,040 28,500 75,190 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., and Drov. N., Chi.; Rockford N., Rockford 144,000 1,120,000 100,000 1,090,000 148,000 73,000 103,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Swed. Am. N„ Rockford. Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Ridgely-Far. State. 40,210 Springfield. A BANK OF STRENGTH, CH ARACTER AND S ERVICE jM: ffffcYp; ------- 66,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr, Co., Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. J. T. Athey, A. C. Ruth F. Allen FARMERS^PJtODUCERS 7,880 1st N„ Chi. and Springfield. 22,950 $250-15% 10% •* .I, n, J. A. Meis._______ 35,000 Foreman-State N., Chi, HENRY HUMMEt....... A. 1. WESTERMAN — G. A JONES_ _ _ J. R. HOWARD FIRST NATIONAL BANK«t96 \ Courteous. Pro mpt, Personal an d Efficient Service —TRY US. $200-12% 70-456 f Special attentlo n given Bills of L adlug, Drafts, Cas h and Time Items. ith each Sight Draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep •• THE ROBINSON STATE BANK $325-15% par 100 Rochelle......... 3310 7 Ogle 015 »• •• M M 70-1737 d»il’12 PEOPLES LOAN & TRUST GO. D. A. Mefford____ Dee Everingham E. E. Lindsay E. E. Lindsay_____ J. H. Lindsay.......... E. C. Lowe, A. C. NinaMcReynolds JAMES C. FESLER— A. A. PHELPS......... JOHN 0. MEAD, Cash. J.M. WEEKS. A.Cash. and Tr. Off. and A, Tr. Off. CHAS. F. HATHAWAY 100,000 “THE BANK OF GOOD SERVICE” Personal attention and quick returns on all collections and correspondence. $l50-8%par 10070-532 d®T»tl’99 J. A. Herrmann... Rochelle National Bank 70-530 ®»t’71 50,000 A. W. Guest______ P. R. Diederich... E. T. Berscheid... Clara Olson...____ Mark B. Smith 150,000 M. E. Waters_____ 300 Rochester State Bank Rochester J. M. Bell................. J. W. Cantrail........ J. E. Bell, V. P. and Cash. Thos. Thornton 70-1552 dBtflOOO 7 Sangamon J12 $125 25,000 28,830 254,510 4,000 228,560 32,710 10,850 O. J. Miller...____ C. H. Scandrett... R. P. Shafer Rockbridge... .225 Rockbridge State Bank 6% par 100 7 0-1553 d®t8'14 8 Greene E9 25,000 13,380 113,410 10,000 99,730 29,000 13,090 19,970 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds, ROCHELLE TR. & SAV. BANK 8% par 100 70-531 dB®T*t8 81 par 100 Rock City___ 159 7 Stephenson A13 10% Rock Falls.__ 2927 *FIRST 7 Whiteside C12 $200-8% par 100 Meade Dixon_____ Henry Graham. J. H. Graham....... S. H. Thoren......... C. O. Helmts. 25,000 35,020 456,840 350 181,230 233,850 32,220 69,900 1st N„ Chi.; 2d N., Joliet. fL.P.McMILLEN — fyPE.... A. V. SIEGLINGER— F. S. HOWE_ _ _ _ _ _ 50,000 33,000 655,010 54,470 451,970 183,930 58,620 97,970 Chase N.. N, Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; City N., Clinton, la. 70-1554 J According to lo cal clearing hous e rule sight draft s must be accom70-1556 dB®*t’08 5 partied by 25c presentation fee, requests for rat ings 25c. No ad1 vance charge required on bill o f lading drafts, n otes and cash NATIONAL BANK-— (^Member of Sterling-Rock Fa 'la Clearing House) Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Freeport: 1st N., • Continental Illinois Company—Chicago CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ __ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. fBTK ANDQoUNTY. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv iQoonty Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sai.$LastSale%Div. aBockford.. 82.800 7 Winnebago A16 'COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK H55-6%por 100 70-47 dB®T»t’20 'FOREST CITY NATIONAL BANK 70-44 *225-14% par 100 NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. 70-43 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Oashiks. Ass t Oashikk. B. D. HOGFELDT. ^ 0. B. HARDING- - - - - - J. A. BOWMAN- - - - - - - J. D. TAYLOR. J. A. ATWOOD, Cash, and Tr.Off. A. C. and A.Tr.Off. Oh, of Bd. E. E. JOHNSON R. B. SP0TTSW00D- E. H. KEELER......... E. G. ATKINS- EARL BREYVOGEL— p p |---------------J. D. WATERMAN, E. E. BRUMBAUGH F. C. BEGGIN. Tr.Off.• F! P."C0ND0N Ch.ofBd. G. H. REHR F. C. BEGGIN dB®T*t’89 300.000 393,390 3,979,890 217,600 3,394,710 400,000 449,000 647,170 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. N. F. THOMPSON A. R. FL0BERGH. A. TAYLOR H. A. CONKLIN-— E.J.HINZ.......... H. A. TAYLOR, R. A. PETERSON Tr. Officer H.R. LEAMAN H. P. HELM 500,000 377,050 4,466,030 400,800 3,496,270 956,130 625,160 666,320 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 250.000 194,700 3,101,970 300,940 2,862,760 333,780 135,900 515,170 Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi. ;Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 109,850 939,330 1.179.120 2,092,180 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. WE MAKE COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY AND REMIT ON DAY OF PAYMENT. L. E. SCOTT.......... L.E. SCOTT............ D. BENNETT. JR... STUART A. RALSTGN A. J.PERKS. Sec. c SODERGREN A. R. CRUMB, Tr. Off, Acts in all Trust Capacities., Your business invited. Bill of Lading Drafts given special care. 70-42 dB®T»tl’69 'ROCKFORD NATIONAL BANK 70-41 H.S. BURPEE........ W. E. BURWEL1. C. H.EKLUND------ M. E. iAKERW. F. WOODRUFF, p. C. j. G00DWILLIE. J.‘ T.. ATKINSON ATKIN’S Ch. of Bd. CHANDLER STARR V. P. R. F. JOHNSON 750.000 1,033,910 10106290 7,789,420 COMPLETE BANKING SEBVICK. We cordially invite your items and collections on Rockford and vicinity. dB®»t’71 Rockford Trust Co.-8M§’18 C. J. Goodwillie Chandler Starr.__ Joseph Olson, Thomas M. Keegan, W. F .Woodruff,CA C. F. Henry par 100 70-46 Cash, and V. P. V. P. and Tr. Officer 'SECURITY NATIONAL BANK TRUMAN JOHNSON-—6. E. BL0MQUISTG. 00BLER, Ch. 100,000 103,310 224,540 219,710 109,820 4,340 93,930 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 200.000 198,460 3,165,840 200,140 2,232,770 757,200 222,100 552,370 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman-State N., Chi. 125,000 417.420 3,386,120 131,700 2,010,620 1,249,150 152,780 647,680 Chase N., N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. E. A. ANDERSON---- RUPERT STANLEY R. JOHNSON. SANFORD'ENGLl Departments—Commercial Banking! Savings, Trust. SEND YOUB BOCKFOBD ITEMS DIBECT TO US. 70-48 PBOMPT SEBVICE—SEASONABLE CHABGES. *160-7% par 100 dB®T»t’20 BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS ESPECIALLY SOLICITED. 'SWEDISH-AMER J. A. ALDEN, ICAN NATIONAL BK, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *250-12% par 100 70-45 dB®T*t'10 J. T. PETERS- — G. Cash, A. PETERSON. C. A. R0HLEN-. and Tr. Off. L. E. Wj^.jj|jN “The Bank of Safety and Service” ACTS IN ALL TBUST CAPACITIES COLLECTIONS GIVEN PBOMPT ATTENTION (Rockfoid banks con tinued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis correspondents. $ 200,000 $ 156,430 f 1481660 $ 195,320 $1 111 580 S 540,020 $ 117,620 I 264,210 N. Bk. Bep. and Foreman-State N., Chi. CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE OUR AIM. Ch. of Bd. . COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. *300-12% par 100 Principal Qa«h a istsuMai^Ihii t bom Band A Live, Progressive, Growing Bank. Bill of Lading Drafts Receive Special Care. Quick Service on all Collections—Reasonable Rates. 0. FORBES_ _ _ F. F. WORMWOOD. 'PEOPLES BANK & GEO. TRUST COMPANY *200-12% par 100 Resources. J Surplus Depos Other Loans Bondi Paid-up Miscel AND and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Siouritlia laneous ties dB ®T»t’90 "MANUFACTURERS *195-10% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tht9 volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLLN OIS—Continued Continental Illinois Bank . and Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank ric.h *30/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafePep, ©Sav.fLastSale% Div. ‘Rockford ..82,800 (Continued) 70-40 $175-8% par 100 M. A. KJELLGREN E. .................. E.JfHAYERWESTERBERG. J. WESTERBERG ------------------- G. C. SPAFFORD 'THIRD NATIONAL BANK Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued X Resources. Bonds Miscel and laneous Principal Correspondents. Liabilities. Other Loans Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and AND its Capital Profits Discounts ties Securities $ 500.000 $ 501.600 $4803790 $ 263,430 $1560 480 $ 170,710 $ 646,740 Irv. Tr. & Ex- Cash changes.Lce from W. A. BEAMS... R. L. F0SBERG Tr. Officer B. J. EASTON, A. Tr. Officer Co., M. Y.{ Cant. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. u4 1st Chi. OLDEST BANK IN ROCKFORD. COLLECTIONS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. dB®T»t'54 Rockford Clearing House.— Chandler Starr ___ J. D. Waterman. F. F. Wormwood, Sec, (Members indicated by a *) A. G. Hofmeister.. Rock Grove ... 168 Rock Grove State Bk..dt§’20 C. A. McCauley.... J. W. Brobst------- L. W. Blunt.. 30,000 6,740 93,670 212,060 106,970 13,100 7 Stephenson A 13 $150-4% par 100 70-2004 1 *Rock Island 42.700 ock Island D8 'CENTRAL TRUST & SAVINGS BANK $200-8% 70-121dB®T»tl’00 par 100 MANUFACTURERS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 70-123 ®»§’20 ‘ROCK ISLAND SAVINGS BANK $250-10% par 100 70-120 dB®T»«’90 V, P.&Tr. Off. MS3: .ifflfc 70-117 dB®T»tJ’S2 par 100 046,650 1,238,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 500.000 401,180 7,937.340 128,060 200,000 19,530 2,182,390 50.000 1,335,250 200.000 323,310 6,526,060 142,550 3,317,560 2.422.700 240.480 1,211,170 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 200.000 301,340 3,417,010 41,060 1,637,570 1,797,820 123,360 Chi.; IstN., St. L. A.Tr. Off., A.Cash. and A.Sec. w« solicit the accounts and collections of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals. The Bock Island National Bank taken over by this bank April 1,1015. C. A. HALLGREN...... H. W.L TTEN./^.- R. P. GILLOLEY —~ F. M. BROWN. J. H. HAUBERG A. C. and R. D. MARSHALL 572.480 286,770 257,420 Chase N., N. V.; Foreman-State N., Chi. Tr.Off. Complete Banking, Trust and Investment Service. PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US. HUGH E. _ _ M.W.G.JOHNSTON E. STRIETERnu«n- - -CURTIS_ -Hr*:CABLE.---W.G. JOHNSTON Ch.o/Bd. departments: W. G. JOHNSTON .... I. V. OSTERiAN — R. W. OSTERMAN, A. W. CHRISTENSEN _ . Tr. Officer Commercial Banking—Savings—Trust. Send your Rock Island Items direct to us. Prompt Service—Reasonable Charges. I.S. WHITE—........ B. D. I\> I • ...JELLY...... K. T. ANDERSON....... C. F. CHANN0N. ^ DERS0N A. Cash, and Tr.Off. _ W. R. ASTER Established 1852 OLDEST BANK IN ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. SAFE AND SOUND FOR SEVENTY-SEVEN YEARS Your Business Invited. Rock Island Clearing House E. H. Krell—T....... H. E. Curtis........ Dl. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. Com’l & Sav., Davenport. MORRIS GEISMAR & CO. 14 (Central Trust Bldg.) B. D. Connelly E. H. Guyer B. C. Hartz INVESTMENT Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. DIRECTORS J. G. Huntoon A. W. Mitchell B. B. MacDonald Frank Mlxter R. C. Mitchell I. S. White Sec. and Tr. Refers to any bank in Rock Island. MORRIS GEISMAR. Principal 400.670 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle.- L. B. Wilson, (Members indicated by a*) SECURITIES Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,215,960 2,565,400 35,050 Drar. H.. Chi.; State Bk. of Freeport. Freeport. Bill of Lading Collections Especially Solicited. 'STATE BANK OF ROCK ISLAND $190-10% Banks and Trust Company—Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT . ----- rT^PV*er Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estate Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Dents :T-Trust B-Bond Fgd. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Aas't Oabiier. Liabilities. ther Paid-wf Subplub Dbfos- LOiabili 1IYD ITS PBOFIT8 ties C‘FITAX Resources. Loans Bond* Miscel Gun ft Izand and Oiaoounta S*euritl*B laneous rmom Baanc# Principal Correspondents. Rockport. .205 Peoples State Bank_..©t}’20 W. F. Beckenholdt J. H. Billings_____ L. M. Smith______ O. Borrowman____ 8 Pike J6 1125-10% 70-1714 20,000 Rockton ___ ...899 Rockton State Bank W. W. Liddle, G. C. Webber_____ A. B. Zwaska_____ Edw. Shotliff_____ 7 Winnebago A15 par 100 70-1989 d®t§’19 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 8,470 128.310 92,330 22,670 Roodhouse... 2928 First National Bank._®»t’89 W. D. Berry______ E. J. Vantnyle____ Charles T. Bates.. 8 Greene K9 10% 70-616 50,000 52,190 428,000 280,000 204,690 60,000 64.410 455,940 454,980 25,790 37,230 62,780 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 15,000 11,220 106,470 93.580 12.450 11,720 14,940 1st N„ Newton. 25,000 3,500 115,000 85,000 18,500 20,000 23,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 50 000 70.390 469,120 14,090 419,070 91,080 31,580 66.980 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co-, Chi. 50,000 32,000 610,000 39,000 620,000 4,500 31,500 75,000 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 2nd N. and N. Bk. of Monmouth, Monmouth. 4,500 Roodhouse Bank____d®5'73 H. S. Gilmore........ C. C. Van Doren... Jas. M. Orr_______ C. S. Savage_____ 10% par 100 70-615 Rosamond____ 319 Rosemond State Bank____ 7 Christian K14 8 Roselle_______ 422 Farmers & Merchants State C. M. Bentley____ W. F. Kramer........ 7 Du Page B20 R. S. Hillmann.... Bk. of Bloomingdale. •S’21 70-2026 ROSELLE STATE BANK par 100 J. H. HATTENDORF - L. WILKENING------- A. F. POTTRATZ___ E. H. FRANZEN__ OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. Ross villc_____ 1588 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 Vermilion H22 70-745 ®tl900 PHILIP CABLE_ _ _ _ H. C. GRAYS.......... T. E. HABEL_ _ _ _ _ T. C. STIFLE* 22,030 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2d N„ Beloit. Wis. 45,500 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 8,210 194,670 134,760 9.950 50,000 25,000 465,000 405,000 30.000 26,500 233,930 93,260 123,040 8,770 167,190 153,080 12.800 7,41.0 142,500 1.157.500 20,700 1,158,100 80,900 63,900 396,010 30,600 90.300 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.. 8t. L. 9,200 30,700 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Millikin N., Decatur; 1st N., Champaign. 20,690 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 25,000 25,000 par 100 70-585 Leo Freese. Jay Freese____ fJ. S. LITTLE......... J. C. GRAFF___ S. B. MONTGOMERY, W. J. Freese--------F. E. Fenters BRUGE SHINDEL-. IfWiHBr 120,000 ) Ch. of Bd. d®«’44 \ All collections g lven prompt pers anal sttsattsa. Quick Remltta nee or Reason lor nen-paymeat glv en l Please send 15c wt th each eight draft f or groeeniatian and 75c fm Credit JUper te. RUSHVILLE RUSHVILLE STATE BANK $200-12% par 100 70-586 ©tS'90 GEORGEDYS0N- A. P. R0DEWALD. GUT H. MILLER C. S. LORING SPECIAL ATT KNTION GIVEN $130-0% par 134 70-706 d®»t’ll H. R. Hall_______ B. F. Holmes—-—H. H. Bellamy..__ Flora S. Gorman... Continental Illinois Bank 6.560 20,910 50,000 86,160 917,280 11.740 548,280 25,000 8.000 160,000 20.000 160,000 15,000 3,750 88,430 610 72,460 4,770 9,860 15,000 7.500 56,930 10,150 72,910 1,000 6,280 50,000 84,870 970,760 53.400 430,400 413,240 33,000 50,000 79,170 812,950 1.710 593,930 132,070 31,800 40.000 13,880 209,410 24.100 157.390 56,370 24,180 54.770 N. Bk. Rep. and Northern Tr, Co., Ohi. 27,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. , „„ „„ Champaign and Ogden. 137,800 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Ohi.; State 8av. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy; N. Stock Yds.N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. TO COLUBCTIO BIB. Sadorus............ 413 Farmers First State Bank J. W. Mathews ___ C. W. Schroeder.. Arthur Goers_____ A. M. Schwerdt7 Champaign" 118 $130-6% 70-1103 ®*J5’10 feger Sailor Springs 284 Sailor Springs Banking Oo. J. M. Drake______ Russell Levitt........ Sailor Coggan. 8 Clay M19 $120-5% par 100 70-1706 t§’ll Salnte Marie..351 Sainte Marie State Bank tl 02 E. Barthelme_____ P. B. Laugel______ Merle D. Yost_____ Louis Laugel .. 8 Jasper L20 $140-io% par 100 70-1564 ‘Salem.............. 3457 SALEM NATIONAL BANK M. HINDERER-----JOHN C. MARTIN— JOHN 6. HAITI I— A. H. IACBHAN. 8 Marion M16 $250-14% 70-545 dB®«t'70 par 100 Salem State Bank........ »t§’03 Robert Martin........ C. L. McMackin— Benj. M. Smith.__ A. R. Williams .... 70-546 J. R. Chance Sandoval....... 1768 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 68,670 1st N„ St. L. 95.000 1st N., Chi. and Danville. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, 15e minimum; 25c minimum charge if paid. .Reliable Credit Reports 25c. TRY 08. Royal................. 102 Royal State Bank____dt5'20 7 Champaign H20 10% par 100 70-1561 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24,750 51,860 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 15,000 Round Lake...251 First State Bank__ dB©*t§’18 John W. Hart_____ A. B. Combs______ E. C. Webber_____ M. B. Webber____ 7 Lake A19 $200-8% 70-1560 Marion M15 5,940 $ SAVE TIME AND GET SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS AND CRFDIT G. E. GRAYS. 8 420 10,550 $ 70-1558 dB®J§’02 Roseville_____ 952 Farmers & Merchants Geo. F. Meachem, Arthur Taylor ... Arthur Taylor.... G. G. Watson 7 Warden F8 National Bank 70-912 »t’26 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. $150-5% par 100 Rosiclare____1522 State Bank of Rosiclare E. A. Knight. Wm. P. Warford.. E. F. Carter______ Henrietta Maze___ 8 Hardin Q19 $150-10% 70-1559 ®Tt§’20 (Rushvllle.__2275 BANK OF 7 Schuyler H7 $250-12% par 100 S 150,450 S (Closed for examina lion and adjustment February 7, 1930) Rose Hill...........202 tateBk.of Rose HU1..*I5'11 E. W. Hersh______ S. T. Whalin_____ L. B. Winter............ 8 Jasper L19 1180-10% par 100 70-1725 $350-18% 10.100 $ 190,830 AND Trust Company — Chicago 9,400 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8t. L.; 1st N., Newton, 282,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 186,040 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co., Chi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L. 49,450 Cont. Ili.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Rt. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DPI,f.Aim 3fiQ Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given bank *? u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the anthnritv nf inuriran itanu.c each ^County Seats. Y. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§BtatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab S ♦Fed. Res. Bents :T-Trust B-Bon (j t. d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div President. rH. A. SEVERY99 FARMERS TRUST & SAVING! < Bank7 De Kalb'ci7 BANK —70-562 -dB®«t*'li 1 Largest Special attenth 1210-10% par 100 {.Please send 15c « 7 Mason G12 Vici-Pbesidknt Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P. S. LINDNER— W. W. SEMWICK MB" Savanna_____ 5 7 Carroll BIO G. V. Weir____ .541,OOf 29,98( 283,17C C. R. Holdridge. W. R. Mitchell___ W. R. Mitchell. Ch, of Bd. and Pres J. S. Watts 30,00( 9.34C 115,900 I. M. Lish _ ___ T. L. Spafford........ J. P. Lannon P. H. Lannon. Ch. H. J. Meis 28 OOf 30,900 50.000 69.260 ..... S. R. T.annnn’79 Q. A. Schureman.. Robert Means____ O. F. lateer______ R. R. Cheney 100 100.000 8 Macoupin 50,000 20,000 i 4,400 99,OOf) 24,470 596,510 5,000 321,900ii gq ‘-{fin yjjfOou 5,060 697,120 15,330 586,070 155,300 14,500 127,440 1,328,820 147.800 875,000 588,610 80,620 270.000 25,000 2,550 61,530 25,000 ) Collections and Requests for Cr edit Reports MU ST be aceompan led by Im IN ADYA NCK: Plain Sight Drafts, 16c; Credit Reports, 25c. 39,850 368,630 14.670 108,380 25,000 27,400 191,880 35.000 35,000 3?n non jWM. TRAVIS— J. T. McFADDEN— R. J. KVAMME — IDA TRAVIS........ State Bank of Sciota.©*3l'0t G. F. Arganbright. G, B. Huston . io% 70-1570 C. K, Peck First State Bank (Closed January 7, 1930) E. M. Hainline __ J. C. Kennedy ' ' “ 8.560 uoo 186,000 35,320 58,830 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 47,010 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Merch. & Ill. N„ Peoria. 24,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Bk. of Pontiac, Pontiac. 134,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company....................... New York 75.840 National Bank of the Republic ____________ ____ ____________Chicago 1 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Company_____Chicago ( 159.840 1 ii ■mill | him I, ] ( 49,000 ( 72,000 1 10,470 75,930 Principal Correspondents. 59,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. 280,000 260.82C) 7,000 Farmers State Bank dB©t§’10 Herman Weiss ___ F. W. Pflngsten... R. G. Amling_____ 1135 par 100 70-1569 Cook B19 Sclota............ . 17.12Ci $ 320, OOf) 30,000 Saybrook State Bk._d®tlTl Jacob Froelich___ Jas. W. Curdiff___ H. R, Minard_____ Ethel Crawford... 5% 70-1692 par 5,170 $ 428,89() $ 243,170) $ J tem-* rr,P *'-.................................... 8 — Make us your “Financial Service Station” at Savanna. PROMPT ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS AND QUICK RETURNS. 70-464 dB®T**'07 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. 1185-8% 63,36 )$ 629,48 $ 18,OOf FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE BANK OF SCALES MOUND- 70-1567___ d*M'09 50,00 0 $ 50.00C E. W. Seelve BRUCEMACHEN........ C. M. HIGGINS_____ BRUCE MAGRENJ. F. ALTENBERN— ISAAC GILLESPIE, Ch. of Bd. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED. 1225-8%par l0070-463dB®»tl'02 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Ratings. 5 J 50,00( J. R. Norris COMMERCIAL STATE BANK 1212-10% par 100 Saybrook_____ 7622 Saybrook Bank.. 7 McLean H17 io% 70-938 Liabilities. Resources. ! thib Loaoa Bonda Miscel- Cash k Ex 3 Depos LOiabili PAID-U] SURPLU and AND and changes ,D ub Capita: Profit: its Diaoounti■ Securities, LANEOT78 from Banks ties Strong and ProfI resslve. n given BUI of 1 ^ adlng Drafts, Ca h and Time Ite ms. ith each Sight Draft for presentation ant 25* for Credit Repor ts. C. C. Jones Sandwich State Bank C. L. Stinson____ *140-7%par 100 70-561 dB®»t§’64 A. W. Colliflower 6 San Jose 8tate Bk. d®»tS’92 o. s. Bires______ W.G. Kelly_____ 1225-12% par 100 70-1565 W. H. Hindahl 0 Farmers State Bk__dB®t§’2C lioo-5% 70-1975 par 100 State Bank of Sannemin 1150-10% par 100 70-1566 dtl’87 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume, nor in ILLINOIS—Continued Bloomington; Merch. and Ill. N., Peoria; Morristown Tr., Morristown. N. J. 11,240 ( lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington. 38,870 Cont. ( Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 134,890 250.280 9,430 73,880 23.070 10,850 41,350 ( 24,840 44,280 C ont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 24.000 33,000 53,000 I •rov. N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Peo. N., Monmouth. 40,740 18.250 fip 97(1 1st UO,OlU 11 N., Chi., El Paso and Peoria. 3,350 State, Melrose Park. K10 Seaton______ 29' 7 Mercer E7 State Bank of Seaton— •tl'97 T. C. Seaton, J. F. Reily______ H. P. Sterett_____ A, D. Greer............ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 12% par 100 70-1572 Secor First National Bank____ t '02 E. J. Harseim.......... O. W. Frey.............. R. A. Burster . 7 Woodford F16 par 100 F.B.Stitt, Ch.ofBd. 70-1574 Seneca______1120 7 LaSalle Di7 25,000 fS.D.HOLDERMAN DAN DANIELSON- F. E. SUDL0W — J.C. THOMAS -_ _ 50,000 < Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ♦ 70-1575 dB®*ti’92 j Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Re ports. 6% par 100 (.Oldest, Largest and Strongest Ba nk here. 280,000 wyo,OuU 17,750 437,730 325,910 49,400 22,600 107,670 C'ont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 25,000 18,820 319,090 164,420 145.110 15,110 38,270 Clont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Ottawa. 25,000 21,520 371,920 213.790 132,020 24,340 54,790 Cont. C Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 40,000 15,050 230,990 . STATE BANK OF SENECA Serena________123 Serena State Bank__ d®tl’08 J. D. Marshall____ J. W. Temple_____ H. T. Marshall 7 LaSalle D16 par 100 70-1576 3. Scheidecker, Ch. Sesser________2841 First National Bank___ •t'06 R. D. Webb............ 0, B. Lewis_______ D. Lionberger____ (Franklin 016 70-1677 Sesser State Bank____ ([Closed April 27, 19 !29) Seward_______ 120 Seward State Bank dB®ti'21 13. S. Smith______1 3. P. Halsey..____ - G. N. Chambers..., lanet Smith.......... 7 Winnebago A14 4% par 100 70-2QS4 1 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,500 139,500 j 79,210 . Continental Illinois Company ^-Chicago 42,750 ISlorthern Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.: Rockford N.. Rockford. CAPITAL $2(0,000,000.00 07q Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ / yJ nirArfnrv. unrlap fhn Aiif.hnrlhr nf Thft A mpplAan ltAnkpra Aca’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. wNew § State tPrir. ‘County Seats. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [EaUb. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Oaseisr. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. RESOURCES. Surplus Other Dbpos- L Paid-dp and iabili ITS Capital Profits ties Bondi Loss* Oajb k !xMibcbl- CaLAWflM'Dua And and DUoounta Snuritiu LAXEOUS non Bans Andrew J. Dighton J. C. Haines----------- Myrtle M. Mitchell i Seymour State Bank d®t8’04 J. N. Diehton. 7 Champaign 118 9% Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 70-1578 Sbabbona ____735 7 DeKalb C14 George Mohr_____ John L. Storey____ Charles F. Stein... G. M Munson------Farmers & Tra. State Bk. Pearl Dickinson 7% par 100 70-1579 d ®t§'05 Shannon 638 First State Bank—dB©t§’30 D.S.Hoy 7 Carroll Bll W. H. Barron, Ch. par 100 70-1580 (Consolidation of Peoples State and State Bank of Shannon) R. A. Kersey______ A. S. Babb C. T. Wilhelms oSbawneetown City National Bank -..©•$’09 W. H. Brinkley___ J. P. Fitz Gibbons. Bess Ollinger______ H. McKelligott.— 1368 *100 par 100 70-667 8 Gallatin P19 G. J. GOETZMAN .... I-GEO. WIEDERHOLD C. 1. RQEDEl----------- M H GMT “ --------- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 25.000 $ 5,000 I 125,000 S 120.000 25,000 40,520 314,670 S 49,000 60,000 13,540 607.660 3,300 25.000 13.070 175.700 55,520 25,000 15,390 277,710 $ 373,910 105.250 Principal Correspondents. 10.000 $ 25.000 65,520 33,710 52,240 163.740 20,720 126,130 58.480 58.590 S 46.970 Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. ville. 256,380 33.700 162,870 105,200 22,090 40,300 85,010 1,097.270 110 586,820 435,990 46,830 162.740 Efficient Service, < Oldest and Lar gest Bank. Mod ern Equipment, 1 Unexcelled facll Itles for handling your Shawnee to wn Items and col lections • V Pleati tend 15c tot th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rU. " mo par 100 70-666 (C. W. BOYDEH------- A. W. BOYDER--------- W.LJACOISEA------- BLANCHE VERMUELE N l G. W. B0Y0EN. ARLENE GRUBB R. P. JONES J Ch. of Bd. 50.000 Sheffield 696 FARMERS STATE BANK 7 Bureau Ell *200-12% 70-1581 dB»t8’06 1 Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T bs accompanie d by par 100 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plata Sight D refit, 15«; Credit Re ports, 25s, tiwm- Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.; Citiz. N.. Evans ville. Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Foreman-State N., 1st N., Drov. N., and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.: Merch. & 111. N„ Peoria. 100,000 56,950 555,560 130,000 462.530 197,820 67,600 114,570 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; Ind. N., Indpls. W. F. Aichele __ Shelby Co. State Bank J. J. Ward F. R. Dove_______ *375-16% par 100 d®»tS'95 T. C. Dove 70-469 Shelby Loan & Trust Co. W.S. Middlesworth J. C. Westervelt.. L. C. Westervelt.- Margaret Fox------J. G. Eberspacher *140-7% 70-471 ®T*t§’09 50.000 62,070 590,290 24,450 457,600 66,410 55,270 147,530 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. 50,000 28,330 200,600 3,220 125,940 114,350 5,620 Geo. C. Hathaway. B. M. Ingalls______ C. L. Butler 40.000 11,610 239.540 20,100 246,070 1,000 20,520 State Bank of Sheldon F. G. Snow________ B. B. Bishopp______ J. F. Switzer______ R. H. Mason_______ 7% 70-821 B®*t§'75 60,000 12,540 270.340 10,000 286,920 17,460 8,120 40,390 Farmers & Merch. State Bank *180-6% 70-1582 d@t8’02 25,000 17,690 124.750 85,310 37,530 7.100 37,490 25.000 6,460 202,140 155,820 20,840 11,370 45,560 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 25.000 7,240 297,360 ___ 213,550 35,000 14,850 66,210 25,000 A.STEVENSON- W. 0. SWEET................ L. E. KELSEY.............. EUGENE KAHL —Shipman______ 333 CITIZENS STATE BANK , 70-1583 d®t§ 26 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. 8 Macoupin LIO *110-7% par 100 CPlease send 15c w ith each sight draft / or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor tat 4,560 162,520 2,570 125,920 29,000 13,490 26,230 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; 1st N. Joliet. 4,000 120,000 88,000 22,000 18,000 21,000 N TURNER___ ‘Shelbyvllle __8568 FIRST NATIONAL BANK d*t 73 7 Shelby K16 *250-12% 70-468 1 We want and a ppredate your bu sin ess. J Special atteotlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. par 100 (Pmom tend 15c in th tack Sight Draft ft r presentation meed 25 c for credit reports. »• •• •• M 36,240 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. par 100 7 •• 7 Iroquois F22 H LaSalle D16 70-822 *150-8% par 100 d©»t§17 First National Bank..d®tT5 E. J. Clark................ *120-6% par 100 70-1693 R. J. Cal lagan Sherrard_______ 437 Farmers8tate Bank d®»t8'10 A. N. Swanson, August Noren.......... C. R. Johnson.......... Jean M. Gibson... *120-8% par 100 70-903 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 7 Mercer E8 fF. F. Shumway..........26£ Citizens State Bank------- tS'10 H. E. Schwarz — H. F. Metzler_____ R. H. 8 Effingham L17 *100-8%, par 100 70-1117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank Mann and 25.000 _ Trust Company — Chicago 43,660 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Chi.; Cont. N„ Indpls. Bk. Rep.. Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Ill. Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; Cent. Tr. & Sav., Rock Island. Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 371 Number under Name of Bank la the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Resources. Liabilities. Load* Bondi MISCHLther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Subplus and and AND its Capital Profits DUoounta Bieuritiis LANHOUS ties Town and Oountt. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State t Prb- (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. ‘County Seats Fig. inder town is ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 7 Ford G18 Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in Dack of this ILLINOIS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 16,640 $ 451,340 $ 10,000 $ 161,670 $ 273,500 $ 30,600 282,800 33,050 25.000 8,850 158,300 . 25,000 19,790 188,340 S. S. Bigler........... 25.000 29,910 219,430 15.000 3,450 25.000 $ Sibley State Bank__dR®»l‘*0 R. D. Cameron ___ C. E. Cameron____ H. W. Dickerman.. 79-1584 par 100 0 C LEWIS ( W. A. HOLTON— J. A. CATHCART— M. G. HOI TON 30,000 $ $150-10% 6,000 $ f Principal Correspondents. Cask ft xxnon charsw.Due Basks 66,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 29,190 10,200 92,170 N. Bk. Rep., and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Merch N.. Indpls.; Palmer N., Danville. 92,610 49,720 5,100 44,720 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; Citiz. State. Champaign. 142,050 30,400 3,000 57,670 1st N..Chi.; MillikiuN.. Decatur; 1st N.. Joliet. 80,550 150,530 88,360 57,240 26,570 2,900 12,490 172,660 156,590 400 23,360 29,810 Cont. Ill., Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. k Tr .Co. Peoria. 35,000 24,480 219,540 14,650 245,940 5,500 16,000 26,290 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Monmouth. Mon mouth. 25,000 13,530 234,130 480 141,510 78,950 17,310 35,370 1st N., E. St. L. fH.G.HUPP____ J. N. ANTOINE......... E.W. HUPP---------- MARY J. MARTIN — 50.000 71,030 Somonauk __ 540 FARMERS STATE BANK 7 De Kalb C1G $175-10% par 100 d®»j|1900 j Vigorous atten tlon given Collect ions. Quick retu rns and conslste ut ebar gea. 70-1028 K.Send 15c with ea ch Sight Draft for presentation and 26c for Credit Rep orts. 682,690 27,510 654,210 56,310 24,110 95,700 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N.,and Stock Yds. N.. Chi. 189,450 3,550 25,000 Sid ell 800 FIRST NATIONAL BANK to us with eacb resentatlon, and sight draft for p ) IS CENTS sent 70-1585 d «L«7 7 Vermilion 121 $220-15% (.25 CENTS for e aeb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentl on. par 100 J. F. Rankin .. State Bank of Sidney dB®tl’ll Champaign 119 $120-6% par 100 70-1088 7 _. „ J. W. Cole.......... . G. 10% ' 70-1062 W. Townsend 8 Johnson Q17 7% par 100 **'!..1 , . *" 1 i T. B. Kerley........ J. W. Reynolds.__ O. R, Kerley........... Mary C. Kerley... t 1' K. Edwards __ Smlthshlre.__.275 SmithshireState Bank_di§'20 George Brooks__ A. $170-10% par 100 70-1582 7 Warren F7 St. Clair Nil as as 10,040 53,250 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 20,090 City N„ Paducah, Ky.; 1st N.. St. L, 70-1588 Smlthfleld 385 Smlthfleld State Bk.d®»**’12 A. H. Waughtel... W. L. Robinson.... L.L. Sutherland.. Vera Burrell___ $185-8% par ioo 70-1866 7 Fulton G& 8 ■ Herman Hulmes.. .. Opal Moore___ Slgel.....................292 Peoples State Bank_ dtS’20 A. W. Bigler, Ch, of Bd. and Pres. par 100 70-1586 7 Shelby K17 239.600 First State Bank__ d®t§’22 J. A. Miller. par 100 70-2059 N. F. Norman__ Pauline McElhioney Arthur Baltz......... William Ullrich .. Bettie Skaer....... . $132-6% 33,230 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi. 25,000 8,620 202,610 E. Cress________ R. S. Heinrich........ H. H. Holbrook.— D. E. McReaken... 25,000 7,010 87,960 920 37,680 61,810 7,390 South Holland South Holland Tr. ft 8av. Bk. C. E. Waterman... Horace Holmes.... M. H. Waterman.. Abbie Vander Giessen 7 Cook D21 1247 $300-12% 70-1723 dB®*i§’ll 4 irT WEBb par 100 50,000 91,160 719,890 5,240 406,100 286,160 71,460 25,000 16,510 160,580 137,460 23,650 10,500 30,480 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. 50,000 31,900 477,660 321,110 184,130 18,600 25,000 15,430 258,690 136,430 102,110 23,300 85,110 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Val. Tr. Co., St„ L. 37,280 Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. E. Davis—_ _ _ _ Lila M. Davis_ _ _ _ 25,000 49,520 172,070 144,090 55,000 22,140 E. 15.000 2,010 110,870 15,000 1,500 Somonauk State Bank—1§’13 L. B. Olmstead___ $110-6% par 100 70-1022 Horen tn 042 Sorento National Bank.*t'14 $105-6% par 100 70-1594 8 Bond L18 Marshall FIS SPARLAND STATE BANK. 8% par 100 70-1595 d«48’03 8 Randolph 012 First National Bank. d®«t'03 70-806 7 SPARTA STATE BANK $160-6% 70-W7 _ d®**!^ S. w ft Ri/iflPlI N. R. W. H. Wright......... R Wright ' w. w Aiichlton M J Marshall E. D. Grenslet.... Paul G. Brown.__ Genevieve Alexan '• i /. r... ■ ■ ‘ ■ 1 der J fi BRAWN E. J. KARSCH..... H. J. H0LD0WAYLESSLEY— 49,390 14,020 1st N., St. L. 102,550 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Dolton, par 100 7 Stark F12 State Bank of Speer —dil’OT R. N. Turnbull---- S. R. Stowell.......... io% 70-1596 Sprlngerton_ 818 Sprlngerton State Bank $loo-io%par 100 70-1597 tl’96 8 White 019 J. B. Hammaok._ J. 11. B. Qulndry_ _ _ H. Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hammack... Plmfi Quinary and 127,8601 10,080 ; 35,450 Foreman-State N„ Chi.; Cent. N.Bk. Co., Peoria. & Tr. 17,500 N. City, St. L. I ■ Trust Company — Chicago Where Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 'VJO to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 0/6 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town axdOodntt. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPri? ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Springfield .67,200 7 Sangamon 113 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital /PASCAL E. HATCH, J. A. EASLEY______ F. V. LVERS Ch.ofBd.andPres. y H. RANKIN E. A. HALL C. C. CARROLL 70-27 ' B»’63 L. T. SOUTHER - C. J. SCHNEPP------- $ 500,000 $ 335,170 $5 909740 $ 234,650 $4 689160 $ 654,300 $ 420,190 $1215910 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. and EDWARD P. EASLEY Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle.H. J. LINKINS, And. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Offers a com plete Banking, T rust and Investnnent Ser vice. GEORGE BIEDERMAN, For prompt, efficient, personal s 'FIRST NAT’L BK. *167.50-9% par 100 'FIRST STATE TR. &SAV.BK. 70-29 dB©Tt§’17 $167.50-9% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal correspondents. Surplus Dbpos- Other Loan* Bond. MISCKIf- Oaii 6 Exand and L iabili and c*Awe*a,Dtr« ITS DUoounta Seeuritiae lajobous non Baku Profits ties ILLINOIS—Continued A. And. “The FIRST Banks In Springfield.” COLLECTIONS 1 Combined Capital and Surplus over $1,711,600. Please »end 25c with each „ Combined Deposits over $10,393,120. EDWARD A. HALL. PASCAL E. HATCH — F. H. LUERS -......... GEO. P. KREIDER — 500,0001 406,430 4,483,380 116,070 Ch.of Bd.andPres. J A EASLEY H. J. LINKINS. GREGORY LUTHY, A. H. RANKIN Sec. and And, A.Tr.Off. L. T. SOUTHER L. T. SOUTHER. FRANK H. KcKELVEY , Farm Mgr, and A. Tr. Off. L C. C. CARROLL Tr. Officer GEO. BIEDERMAN, A. And. \ 'ILLINOIS NAT’L BANK dB®W86 See Page Opposite E. 0. KEYS L. L. EMMERSON A. 0. PETERSON FRANK H. LOWE P. EDWARD L. KEYS 'RIDGELY- L. L. EMMERSON. GEO. E. KEYS, MARGARET REINBACH, EMIL L. BANSBACH NATHAN COLE, RIDGELY WATTS FARMERS We shall be glad to handle the business of banks and their clients in the Capital City. STATE BANK $210-10% 100 ♦ dB®T»t§’ LOGAN C0LEMAR-H. M. MERRIAM— F.C.BRINKERHQFF-C. U. LUERS-------H. G. BENGEL’ H. A* HART ervioe sen d your bu si ness to us. A SPECIJILTY. •equeetfoi report or rating. 2.385.560 1,363,420 300.000 207,870 4,924.270 308,070 2,730,960 2,055,870 600.000 350,060 8,120,070 37,180 4,443,030 2,338,650 664,500 1,092,390 1st N„ Springfield. 195,970 V, P. and Tr, Officer $175-8% par 100 70-32 ----------- .......... Ch. Exec. Com. V. P. and Tr. Off. — Sec.and A. Tr. Off. Mgr, Inv. Dept, par — (ME MBER F EDERAL First National Bank______ New York 757,420 Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago Harris Trust & Savings Bank.Chicago First National Bank______ St.Louis Union Trust Company_____ Cleveland 985,820 1,339,810 National City Bank______________ NewYork Chase National Bank____________ NewYork First National Bank_________ Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. Chicago RESER VE SYS TEM) First National Bank..............................St.Louis CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 70-28 'SPRINGFIELD MARINE BANK $ - % porioo 70-26 d®T‘tl’51 200 9 a. w. BD..---------- tMHHbitlWntrG. W. BUNN. Jr.. C. A. S0RLING. f:5-WS0" 500,000 P. C. Y0C0M, And. 57,100 5,454,570 1.054,120 526,940 7,146,160 Oldest Bunk In Illinois. Collections given epeolul attention and remitted for on day of payment. 704,880 1,016,720 Irv.Tr. Co. and N.Clty, N. Y.; IstN. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. Your business Invited. Springfield Clearing House. See. F. F. Whitley, Mgr. . Springfield—Selected List of lnvestment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. UMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn tMem. State Bks. Assn. Year Estab- Memrers op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships lished. 0. L. BARNES. Pres. ALBERT H. RANKIN. Ch. of Bd. L. R. BRISTOW. V. P. LYLE V. BARNES. E. P. TfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Other Offices, Correspondents •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. and Bank Depositories. tMem. State Bks. Assn. A. E. RYAN. Cash, and See. 1st N., Springfield; Rockford N., Rockford; Un. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dav.; 2nd N„ Danville; Corn Belt. Bloomington. (American Banking Bldg.) J. L. DENNY. Tr. AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN • INVESTMENT COMP ANY OF ILLINOIS Cont. III. Bk. & Tr., 1st N., and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: Ia. Des. N. Bk. & Tr., Des M.: 1st D. L. BARNES. Pres. L. V. BARNES. V. P, N., Spring.; Com’l N., Peo.; U. S. A. H. RANKIN. RANKIN, A. E. RYAN. See. AMERICAN INVESTMENT COMPANY N.. Galv.; Ced. R. N.. Ced. R. , „ DDlCTnw' T7 ^T>' E.M. BARNES. , OF ILLINOIS-.—-------............... L. R. BRISTOW. V. P. Ass t Sec. Specialising In Automobile Paper, Farm Mortgages, Real Estate (American Banking Bldg.) .CAPITAL and SURPLUS $1,000,000 Loam. Do not accept deposits or collections. Main Office - Chicago. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS C0MPANY- MARTIN B. MANGAN. Representative Telephone Capital 5229 Lage & Company, N. Y (514 E. Oak Street) AMERICAN BANKING CO............T20 DAVIS, SMITH & McANULTY, INC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Year EstabDished. C. RUSSELL DAVIS. Pres. HARRY P. SMITH././5. { GEORGE M. FORMAN & CO. Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Other Offices, Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Investment Securities. George M. Forman & Co.,Chicago, New York and principal cities. (1001 Myers Bldg.) BUTZ & CO. —............. LWKffi 801 Ridgely Far. Bk. Bldg.) MATHENY, DIXON AND COMPANY Ht'10 r W. A. Sprinkell, A. Sec. and Res. Mgr. , (Branch of Chicago) [Investment Securities. Lackner. Butz & Co.. Chi. tUiUPW."' N. City, N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Springfield; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. mwwpW. J. O’BRIEN. See. and Tr. -INVESTMENT BANKERS FRANCIS B. SMITH. V.P. I’TOCl/and^BONDS—WIRES TO ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS. Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company ^ Chicago ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT (Tke ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK of Springfield Capital...............................$ 300,000.00 $ 304,000.00 Surplus & Reserves - Total Resources $5,550,000.00 Complete Banking, Trust and Investment Service * Correspondence invited Cl\ Good OFFICERS LOGAN COLEMAN H. M. MERRIAM H. G. BENGEL - - - Vice-Pres. CARL U. LUERS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - - President Vice-President F. C. BRINKERHOFF H. A. HART - - & Tr. Officer - - Cashier Banking Connection at the Cxi. State Capital is a most convenient necessity, and a valuable asset to every Illinois bank and to thousands of corporations, firms and individuals. - Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS OWSLEY BROWN President Springfield Boiler Co. LOGAN COLEMAN President LOGAN HAY Brown, Hay & Stephens, Attorneys H. M. MERRIAM President Franklin Life Insurance Co. R. H. McANULTY Attorney Accounts are Invited WM. W. SMITH Thos. C. Smith Sons The BLUE BOOK Costs Less Based on circulation, advertising space in the Rand M9Nally Bankers Blue Book costs one-third that of any similar publication, and reaches a larger audience than that afforded by all similar publications combined. THE RAND MPNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY The Bankers BLUE BOOK ESTABLISHED RAND McNally & NEW YORK CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co*, 1872 Publishers WASHINGTON, D. C0 - 536 So* Clark St*, Chicago SAN FRANCISCO 373 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. spring Grove..363 7 McHenry A18 Springvaliey .6493 7 Bureau E13 Stanford____500 7 McLean H14 State Line____400 , (State Line Ind. P. 7 Vermilion H22 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Spring Grove State Bank M. J. Rauen.......... $i30-6%par 100 70-1598 d®l§'20 Spring Valley City Bank Chas. W. Knapp... #275—12% par 100 dB®T*t§’05 70-1599 Stanford State Bank_d»tS’21 W. H. Springer.__ #185—8% 70-1600 par 181 Illiana State Bank.......... t§’06 Asbury Loring____ O.) 70-1368 (Formerly listed at Illiana, III,) rZ. Staunton.......6027 8 Macoupin Lll FIRST NATIONAL BANK $303-20% par 100 70-401 $355-20% par 100 70-400 cashier. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. $ 25,000 P. G. Hoffman____ A. J. Richardson. Peter Hollerich.. L. H. Luther___ F, W. Schulz_____ Mrs. M. K. Garst. Belle Garst............ F. HACKMAN — H. J. BURNS........... J. W. P. KERR- - - - - - - ELMER G. RAHM— 0. H. C. MILLER LOUIS W. 0ETTEL H.H. WILLOUGHBY MTOk par 20 STEWART STATE BARK 70-447 d®«t§’73 par 100 State Bk. of St. David ®t§’21 10% 70-2038 State Bank of Steeleville $300-20% 70-972 d®*+§’02 par 100 First State Bank.. dB®tl’02 6% 70-1602 $165-8% Steger______ 2304 7 Cook D22 St. Elmo.........1337 8 Fayette L17 270,150 236,370 36,520 8,630 140,920 82,990 45,260 Cont.Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co.,Chi.: Ill. N.. Springfield; Corn Belt, Bloomington; Cent.N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria Com’l Tr. & Sav., Danville. 647,220 5,000 106,740 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. 26,640 788,390 250,550 627.510 13,000 C. S. McCORNACK- HEJR^THU g; Mflf......... 100.000 17.580 445,490 10,000 417,270 79,270 3,450 100,000 100.000 100,000 1,200,000 110 000 Henry Walter___ Wm. Werre_____ A. W. Werre______ Theo. H. Schrader. W. H. Rohe, J. Solomon.............. Margaret C.Monnix R. H. Gansbergen.. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50,000 27.070 213.770 FAYETTE COUNTY BANK , Anna B. Whiteside A. R. Whitefort... Geo. W. Bledsoe.. L. E. Johnston. $130-5% 70-793 ®*t§ 96 Helen Zeigler semi-an. First National Bank......... ’09 W. H. Parks............ F. M. Fogler............ H. R. Fogler______ Ina B. Kelley.......... $175-8% par 100 70-794 30.000 10,970 19,240 S. A. Martin______ Sherman McLouth C. O. Moore______ H. V. BITT0BF— EZRA MATHEW. 350,000 80,000 986,300 83,750 55,090 73,090 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N.. Kankakee. 200,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 224,850 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. V. P. and Tr. Off. WM. L. FRYE. Cash, and Tr. Off. _______ __________ C. A. BURR - - - - E. T. JANSSEN 25.000 100.000 1 26,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. & 111. N., Peoria. 38,090 Cont. lll. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St.L. 44,000 55,000 5,500 361,940 75,670 3,600 2,860 192,210 28,250 44,850 261,890 1,020 173,260 89,730 7,700 244,820 20,000 106,100 158,260 11,320 33,880 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N..St. L. 100 1,017,880 202,380 84,780 216,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; City N.. Clinton, la. 919,600 624,210 201,530 454,970 360,480 59,280 287,870 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi; 1st N., Sterling. 1,124,080 618,470 77,430 188,700 Eauitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. 84,930 1,336.150 28,390 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 33,190 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co.,St. L. I This bank has built up a rcputa tlon on Collectlo ns. I Let us prove It! B-L Drafts a spec laity. k.Please send 25c with each Sight D raft for presentat ion and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts. FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t’70 par 100 70-297 *FIRSTTR.& SAVINGS BANK 70-300 dB®T*t§'16 'STERLING NATIONAL BANK 12% par 100 70-298 L. C. THORNE_ _ _ _ W. J. GALLAGHER— J. H. LINN- - - - - - - - - - - J. F. McGEE- - - - - - - Collections a Specialty. Drafts with Bills of Lading attached given prompt attention and remitted day of payment. 200.000 168,900 1,493,100 50,000 96,460 1,016,150 100,000 256,990 1,602,250 100,060 216,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. Affiliated with First Trust & Sav. Bank, Send 25c with Sight Drafts for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. L. 0. Thorne ___ W. J. Gallaghei... G. H. Stone, Affiliated with First National Ba nk. 0. W. HUNGATE —- E. F. LAWRENCE —- G. F. BLEY- - - - - - - - - - R. R. YOUNG ... S. G. CRAWFORD, Ch. of Bd. 49,450 & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi. “A Roll of Honor Bank” Vigorous attention given Collections. Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty. Quick returns—Consistent charges. OFFERING A COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY SERVICE. Please send 2bc with Sight Drafts for presentation and 25c for Credit d®T»t’82 Reports. Sterling-Rock Falls Clearing House___________________ (.Members indicated by a *) Steward_____ 253 First National Bk... dB®»t'02 $150-8% par 100 70-1603 7 Lee C15 Stewardson... 731 Stewardson National Bank 70-968 d®t’28 7 Shelby K16 $100 L. P. McMillen........ S. G. Crawford___ Ezra Mathew, Tr.. J. H. Linn, Sec.___ “Clearing House Rule requires fee in advance as ad vertised by local banks.” Andrew Richolson John Ullensvang.. M. M. Fell________ V. R. Smith______ 50.000 25,000 185,000 250.000 25,000 Albert Mietzner... H. J. Fritz............... Edwin H. Faster _. 25,000 10,000 125,000 115,000 5,000 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 850,000 73,340 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. ¥.; 1st N„ Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co and 1st N.. St. L. Ch. of Bd. Special attention given Bill of Ladl ng Draf ts, Cash and T1 me Ite ms. Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports .Oldest and Larg est Bank In St. C harles. 412,250 L70-299 «dB®T*+§’27 * s#* 80,000 69,820 1,180,170 6,000 100 Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 48,600 42,050 par 258,850 736,990 25,000 $170-4% par 100 58,100 128,820 15,000 Sterling_____ 8838 7 Whiteside C12 39,730 „ dB©«t'15 ) Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ' Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 23,140 Chi. Tr. Co., Chi. 120,750 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi. 56,690 30,000 ^Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 50.000 (J. N. COERVER_ _ H. BEINKE.......... . C. W. WEIS —...... G. ADOLF WEISS........ Anne........1067 Farmers State Bank___®:tl,07 E. C. Corkins_____ Paul Bonvallet D. T. Allard............I A. R. Bonvallet — Kankakee E22 $125-8% par 100 70-849 P. Baron. V. P. J. F. Hughes W. E. Marden, A. C. L. C. Wtiodington Charles--.51ra St. Charles National Bank C. W. Bolcum____ Geo. K. Tanner... C. Jay Marvin____W. J. Riordan------Kane CIS $50-10% 70-448 dB®»t’01 N. R. Swanson St. David.........1189 7 Fulton Q10 Steeleville........702 8 Randolph 012 18.740 S 384,260 925,360 $ 121.330 7.900 $ 525,260 71,870 50.000 S 123.260 S 7,840 $ 140.200 $ 50,000 24,000 Geo. Beckett______Fred R. Bell............ Principal Correspondents. Bondi Loan* Cach ft lxOther MISCEL OBAJfOM,lHf> Paid-dp Surplus Depos Liabili 1 and and AND its Capital Profits DUoounta SieuritUs LANEOUS non Baku ties d©«t’12 Splendid faclllt leg for handling y 'our business In t his vicinity. I All collections g Iven prompt, pers onal attention, w ltb quick remltta nee or r easonfo r non-p aymeat. STAUNTON NATIONAL BANK St. 7 St. 7 Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. ,,lNew §State t Priv ‘County Seats. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued 25,000 Continental Illinois Company ^Chicago 41.100 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Rochelle Tr. & Sav., Rochelle. 15,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 374 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A. nNew §State tPrlr. :m. State B. Ase’n. [Estab. ‘County Seat8. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-8afeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. St. Franclsvllle 8 Law'ce N22 1164 Stillman Valley 7 Ogle B14 318 Stillwell____ _ 252 7 Hancock H5 St. Jacob_____ 485 8 Madison M12 St. Joseph____ 772 7 Champaign H20 St. Llbory____ 289 8 St. Clair N12 Stockland____ 236 7 Iroquois Q22 PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Ass'T Cashier. CASHIER. 70-1604 resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Cash k *xOther Miboel- obaxsss Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- L JPoi and and iabili AND ITB Capital Profits Disooanta Ssouritisn LAHEOUE TUI Bun ties S Peoples National Bk.,®*t’07 T. H. Gutteridge.. C. L. Lewis---------- G. H. Corrie............ J. M. Corrie.. C.T. England J. M. England Stillman Valley Bank A. C. Brown........... F. C. Baker.............. G.M.Poley.............. T. Gibbs, Jr. . $180-10% par 100 70-752 $167-7% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued 70,000 36,230 S 537,390 I 50,000 33,090 599,270 10,000 5,130 50,140 $ 359,210 $ 256,700 J 16.500 S 8.790 61.740 100 1,920 19.640 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 264,620 94,340 6,000 33,840 1st N.. E. St. L. 36.000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Champaign. 28.960 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. 24,300 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 388,020 68,270 5,000 70-993 275.000 9,000 25.000 29,640 339,160 25,000 5.000 200,000 61,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Am. N., Vincennes, ind.: 1st N., St. L. 69.300 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N Chi.; 3d N., Rockford. 221,840 5,590 B®*t|’82 Farmers Bank---------- ®tl'21 J. B. Sutherland .. William Crear____ William Crear____ Glen Tanner.......... $130-8% 70-1721 State Bank of St. Jacob A. W. Baltz______ Frank Pike.............. Frank Pike---------- Russell Anderson. par 100 70-1605 d®t#'03 Exchange Bank........ d®tl’84 C. P. Mills................. A. E. White______ W. C. Peters_____ W. A. McCown.... Principal correspondents. 1st N., D. L. Schaeffer.... H. Lange.................. G. P. Wesseimann. 15,000 12,340 200,220 117,110 82,340 1.000 A. T. Sumner........... W. R. Sumner......... F. S. Putman_____ E. C. Sumner, V. P. C. E. Sinn 50,000 15,450 135,190 113,610 55,580 7,150 50,000 5,430 650.460 343,830 161,250 29,750 Bank J. L. Ridgway___ C. C. Ozment_____ O. B. Ozment ____ E. M. Ozment..— 16,000 2,790 204,690 101,300 29,500 10,440 84,500 Guardian N„ Chi.; City N.. Harrisburg. T. W. HOOPER-------- E.MABEL LTYERGOOD SYDNEY M.HOLBEH. J. J. DWYER-------Ch.of Bd.and L. F. DOYLE Pres. Special attentlo a given Bill ef La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 25,000 5.000 148,110 130,870 5,970 29,640 23.900 Citiz. N., Decatur; 1st N.. Taylorville; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. J. W. H. Chapman. J. Irving Owen— H. E. Shrout_____ R. A. Corzine Wm. Schneider ... W. F. Gluesenkamp O. J. Gluesenkamp 50,000 850 257,690 25,000 19,550 303,660 H. W. Bahde_____ Henry Von Behren H. W. Bahde------- 25,000 16,020 262.450 Martin Rail---------- Henry Faster, Jr.. Joe B. Kull------Strasborr State Bank, dtl'02 J. F. Kull____ 10% par 100 79-1618 Frank Kemnetz — Roy Singer---------- Fred Singer............ Farmers National Bank.*2’04 T. J. OOoonor $110-5% 70-1611 Philip Saunders... W. H. Jones.— PEOPLES T«8|J,fes BftMK G. Armstrong_____ F. T. Rolph — 35,000 11,600 240,400 34,100 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.: Millikin N. and N. Bk. of Decatur, Decatur. 67,930 Cont. III. Bk. &Tr.Co„ Chi. -.Salem N..Salem; 1st N. and Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St .L. 50,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Oh«.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. St. L. 25,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N.. 26.000 5,670 175.890 100,000 State Bank of St Llbory par 100 70-1888 d®tS’19 Sumner 8tate Bank .d®t5'02 $135- 10% ♦ 78-1606 par 100 Stockton____ 1443 PEOPLE’S STATE BASK „ 7 Jo Davloss All 78-884 ®»tl 87 $170-6% Stonefort_____ 502 Saline County State 8 Saline Q17 > par 100 70-1697 W. S. Eaton_____ Fred Hermann.__ P.M. Rindesbacher George Dalby— 1,850 171,060 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi. LeonaRindesbacher 3,260 t*’20 8 tontngton.. .1466 FARMERS STATE BARK 7 Christian J15 $174-10% 79-1688 till ^Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dm) t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Andrew Chapman . par 100 70-1608 ®»21800 St. Peter............386 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. H. Gluesenkamp... 8 Fayette M16 $165-8% par 100 79-1110 dt8’08 First National Bank____i'll August Borchelt... 70-1111 $150-6% Strasburg.......... 468 7 Shelby K17 Strewn_______ 248 7 Livingston Q18 Streator____ 15,076 7 La Salle £17 48,300 83,550 8,470 138,610 132,450 7,060 241,100 6,000 14,210 165.450 25,900 8.690 57,180 1,135,280 688,560 322.730 67,400 Decatur. 223,890 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 100,000 218,320 1,756.780 24,100 1,069,600 677,830 58.810 293.960 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., 100.000 391,800 3,075,000 127.870 1.942.430 1,078,250 140,210 24,710 NATIONAL BANK $300-12% par 100 H. W. LUKINS_____ E. F. PLUMB----------LOUIS RATER---------L. E. BUNDY Vigorous Attention given Collections. W. H.BOYS—....... S.W. PLUMB. 5*nr L. S0WBEN- Streator's Oldest and Largest Bank. ICK, Aud. 533,790 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 1st N., and Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi. nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, perso nal atie ntton. d®»t’74 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, 70-183 $500-30% par 100 A. E. Jones----------- D. Prescott____ — J. F. McMillan ___ C. H. Curry BANK OF STROMStrongburst...836 STATE BJ H. E. Painter Wm. Hartquist "...70-856.. .d®4§’89 7 Henderson F6 HURST $100 par 100 Sublette_____ 262 FarmersStateBank.d®»tl’20 G. F. Malach_____ George Erbes-------- A. A. Lauer..........— R. G. Lauer.............. $125-5%parl00 70-1612 ‘Sullivan____ 2582 FIRST NATIONAL BANK , 70-550 d®»t’05 7 Moultrie J7 $200-10% mBU-'WH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Blvd. Bridge, and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Qulok Returns—Consistent Charges. Reasons given for non-payment. 70-184 d®«t'82 UNION NATIONAL BANK $100-5% St. L. 36,020 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz, N„ ®T»t*'07 STREATOR Lee Dll 65.000 Paul B. Heflin 79-185 7 216,130 188,270 50.000 par 100 70-549 CHESTER HORN—- J. F. LAWSON- - - - - - - C. R. HILL—......... G. R. FLEMING........ 15c presen tatlo n fee in advance with Sight Draft 25c for Credit R atings insures p rompt attention. J. A. WERB, and 9,180 388.580 296,930 39,780 39.040 72,020 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 50,000 15.750 190,100 204.640 10,080 15.220 25.910 Drov. N. and Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 50,000 29,170 439.810 354,910 80.500 42,700 89,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. 50.000 24,000 340.000 300,000 40,000 39,000 35,000 1st N.. Chi.; Millikin N.. Decatur; N. Bk. of 48.400 of Decatur, Decatur. Bk. s, J. F. GIBBON-------- F.W. W00D-Ch.of Bd.and Pres, Please send ISc with each sight draft for present ation, and U 25c for Credit Reports. Continental Illinois Bank 50,000 Trust Company — Chicago Mattoon, Mattoon. RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS 07c Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrii. £Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. D. L. Schaeffer___ Adolph Baer........... W. E. Appel______ Summerfleld.. 277 Summerfleld State Bank 70-2048 dt8’21 8 St. Clair M12 *120-5% Summit_____ 4018 Summit State Bank C. ff,. Parlin . H. B. Kilgour, $160-8% 70-1613 dB®*t§’11 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. J. E. Maloy 7 Cook 021 par 100 Sumner 1070 First National Bank___ dt’03 a. w 70-747 8 Lawrence M21 *325-12% par 100 him E. A. Sheridan____ O. D. Atkins_____ Dale Gubelman___ R. McVickar, A. C. H. M. Lathrop j n A. E. HAMMER- .. •• SCHMIDT Milt W. M. MCALLISTER P. H. M. Bradley T.M WHITE............... FLOYD ROSE. . . . . . . . . K. J. M. CORMACK First Trust & Sav. Bank J. W. Dutton______ J. D, Beckler_____ A. L. Stark. Marjorie Cormack V. P. and Cash. Nellie Murphy, 70-451 ®Ttl’67 C. Danielson, V. P. and Tr. Off. 8 Perry 014 Tallula State Bank 70-963 •1 M C. W. Houghton _ 0. E. Greene____ _ BANK *t’08 GC. R. ALDRICH------- ARTHUR ALDRICH... R F WOODS............... (A. E. BENNETT-— J. L. WETZELL ROY BROWN--........... ) Careful and Pro nipt Collection S ervice. O. Wait.. .. L. W. DENISON........... Jennie V. Wait-— Edna C. Hartman.. TaylorSprlngsl526 State Bank of Taylor Springs J. A. Sullivan____ W. C. Anderson ... 70-1764 d®tS’17 C. W. Murdock. Ch. 8 Mont com. L13 *120-6% par 100 ‘Taylorvllle.. 5806 John B. Colegrove & Co. State 7 Christian J14 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 70-374 d®»tl900 (Closed October 11, 63,150 $ 500 * 18,130 1st N., St. L. 50,000 33,850 604,330 7,340 440,990 115,330 20,910 118,300 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; La Grange State, La Grange. 25,000 51,680 828,890 40,200 155,440 688,820 6,200 95,310 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Oont. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,St. L. 25,000 14,000 170,000 30,000 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Drov. N„ and Stock Yds. N„ Chi,; 2d N„ Monmouth. 175.000 175.000 71,470 2,240.810 167.400 1,846,160 564,570 177.090 266,860 N. City. N.Y.; Oont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 100.000 143,440 1,147,270 28,180 979.740 269,660 53,970 115,530 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Stock Yds. N„ and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 343,990 6,400 13,010 52,640 Drov. N„ Chi.; Oom'l N„ Peoria; N. 8tock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 5,550 12,680 50,000 8,330 332,720 50,000 10,040 119,380 156,370 50,000 8,460 238,230 258,420 40,000 20.000 650,000 400,000 50,000 25.000 11,990 237,780 11,900 30,980 199,690 17,060 38,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. N.. Chi.; Peo. Tr.» Sav., Clinton, la. 50,000 16,140 440,860 2,500 310,540 93,300 14,360 91,300 Cont, 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N.. Clinton, la. 35,000 11,370 277,770 131,120 142,940 9,840 25,000 7.000 170,000 140.000 65,000 100.000 57,840 602,240 372,370 266,170 13,600 4,820 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi. 24,740 1st N., Chi. and Springfield. 160,000 1st N„ St. L. 40,240 Stock Yds. Reynolds. N., Chi.; Reynolds State 55.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. ;Peo. N., Hillsboro; 1st N., Joliet. 1929) r J. A. ADAMS-— G. ANDERSON-— F. F. BAUGHMAN-. 101,420 77,470 145,470 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; Ill, N„ Springfield. J Collections ha ve the personal attention of an officer of the ba nk. Please send 16c w ith each sight draf tfor presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. L (Closed “ 38,010 1 ®t|’82 j 15c presentatfo n fee required in advance with Sig ht Drafts: ( Requests for Cr edit Ratings, 35c. 7 ----- 1.650 t < Special attentlo n given bill of lad log drafts, cash and time Items, 1 lac should be sent wltb each si ght draft for pres entatlon L and Me for ea cb special credit report. Taylor Ridge... 78 State Bank of Taylor Ridge R. P. Walt............... R. d®tS’05 Rock Island D8 I0%par 100 70-1615 10% par 100 99,590 S d»t§'20 TAMPICO STATE BANK *125 par 100 70-930 ** Frances Tomlin... First National Bank_____ t'89 S. R. H&lnes______ H. R. Winthrop.__ H. B. Haines-------Ola Switzer Henry Bailey 70-900 Tampico.............788 FIRST RATIONAL 70-931 7 Whiteside D12 par 100 3,550 J A. Sec. T. A. Tomlin____ Tallula ___ 761 Farmers & Merch.State Bk. J. P. Foster______ 8% 70-962 •t8'07 7 Menard Ill •• 15.000 S PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. | Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ^Please send I5e tvi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports. Table Grove...610 Farmers State Bank .®*t§’21 T. A. Hammond.__ W. R. Hammond... Q. D. Bally_______ C. A. Hammond... F. W. Johnson 7 Fulton H8 15% 70-1042 •• Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Otn A lx> Other | Loans Paid-up Subplus D hposand and 0*AMM,I>T>1 Liabili and ITS Capital Profits Discounts Sseuritiss laneous non Basks ties $ . F. c. Mandel Swan Creek ...190 Swan CreekState Bankt§1900 70-1614 7 Warren G8 ‘Sycamore.__ 4264 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 7 DeKalb B16 *165-8% 70-452 ©T*t’26 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued October 18, 1929) Taylorville National Bank___ {Closed October 18, 1929) Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ __'______Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Connty Seats tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. r. Teutopolls........728 g Effingham L18 5 H. J. Weber..____ J. H. Uptmon.......... 70-1616 Texlco________ 34 8 Jefferson N16 IlOO par 100 70-1617 Thawvtlle..........318 Thawville State Bank 70-1818 ® 7 Iroquois G19 Thebes.__ .....857 8 Alexander R13 1180-10% 70-1619 Thomasboro.. 261 anal Banl 7 Champaign H19 1150-14% 70-1620 par 100 Thompsonvllle577 Thompson State Bank. 8 Franklin P17 Thomson_____495 Thomson State Bank 8% par 100 70-1622 d(j 7 Carroll BIO Thornton..........767 Thornton State Bank 10% 70-1735 d 7 Cook D22 Tllden..............1137 First State Bank____ 8 Randolph 012 1130-4% par 100 70-1623 ItateBank.d Tlmewell..........267 1155-7% 70-1624 8 Brown 17 par 178 Tlnley Park... 493 Bremen State Bank dB( $110-6% par 100 70-1732 7 Cook D20 Tlskllwa............915 Farmers StateBankdO $200-8% par 100 70-924 7 Bureau E13 First State Bank.__ d $210-6% par 100 70-925 ‘Toledo_______787 7 Cumberland par loo K19 $150-10% Tolono_______ 693 7 Champaign 118 70-1803 onal Bai 70-908 1120-8% par 100 70-958 Liabilities. d V. President. Vice-President. □assies. Ass t Oasbieb. Resources. Other Loam Bond* Miscel Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- L AND and iabili and Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities laneous ties t 0 O. D. Frost_______ John Whitson........ J. D. Hawkins. 25.000 $ 29,000 $ 246,000 3,000 S 125,000 $ 140,000 10,000 2,990 98,630 0 2 H. C. Marchildon.. Harry Brown_____ Wm. R. Clutts -__ F. J. Marchildon .. 35,000 19.900 335,760 25,000 16,870 134,440 30,520 6 Geo. J. Babb____ _ R. 8. Capron 25,000 20,790 159,430 24,950 O. A. Thrasher ___ C. H. Dingledine .. B. F. Thrasher ..... O. J. Derrough ___ Grace R. Exton ... Principal Correspondents. Cm a Ex. CHAN018, Dm PROM BaKKS 5.000 I 38,000 Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: Mtle.-Oom. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N., Joliet. 3,920 40,220 3d N.. Mt Vernon. 65,570 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. 20,600 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1stN.. St. L.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo. 32,850 Cont, Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st N., Cham 58,640 8,850 235,530 82,180 7,380 143,010 14,630 28,590 120,850 68,590 7,880 paign. - (Closed) N. D. French_____ J. H. Miles.............. K. B. Carpenter... E. R. Davis_______ W, W. M. Davis... W. 0. Bielfeldt 0 Wm. Stevenson... A. R. Ottesen........ D, L, Hamilton. . 25,000 13,640 403,810 303,320 89,620 14.840 30,000 18,760 253,100 1.000 137,440 113,490 2,200 5,000 79,920 24,150 5,860 34,670 1st N..Ohi. 49.720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Heights. 14,620 1st N., St. L. 25,000 5.900 88,650 0. E. Chapman___ J. L. McPhail____ F. H. Manny_____ B. M. Moore______ 25,000 19,680 139,180 F. H. Henke______ Geo. Sehreiber... J. 0. Andres__ __ E. Hardinger........ H. C. Vogt, Ch. G. E. Weiss______ G. A. May________ J. L. Brown______ B. R. Battey . __ 75.000 29,070 228,170 106,080 138,530 11,500 81,130 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Ohi.; 1st N.. Joliet. 25.000 32,470 266,520 266,980 19.600 10,380 N. T. Schertz_____ Aimer Ioder_____ W. T. Stauffer____ J. H. Hedrich........ A. W. Hedrich 25,000 35,920 295,360 274,050 12,860 9,080 27,030 Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Stock Yds. N., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 60,290 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Princeton. J. B. Oartmill____ C. N. Greeson........ C. S. Rominger___ 25.000 2,160 88,510 56,020 1,000 3,110 55,540 Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Lerna. 50,000 17.500 250,000 22,500 250,000 65,000 1.020 O. A. Willis______ W. C. Greathouse B. C. Willis Wm. E. Olmstead. E. B. Armstrong .. W. 8. Redhed____ R. A. Bower, Jr,... H. W. Bedient___ Citizens Bank______d®t5’21 G. F. Meharry........ 8% par 100 70-959 (TAMES E. HATTANj Toluca_______2503 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 70-1962 ®*fl9 ) Toluca’s Growl 7 Marshall F15 $150 I Save time and Ifee IN advan V. L. Horton_____ F. D. Lewis______ D. S. Maxwell____ B. J. GHIGLIERI------ F, 1. HENN 25.000 5,990 120,980 25,000 11,000 167,220 50,000 12,450 350,240 142,570 5,000 10,050 31,240 State 8av„ Ln. ft Tr. O0.1 Quincy. 25,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; N. Bk. of Mattoon, Mat toon. 103.670 30,050 130,330 11.600 7,730 5,080 196,940 160,910 20,250 7,200 216,530 77.270 10,540 22,340 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Champaign N., Champaign. 53,560 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Citiz. N„ Decatur: 1st N., Champaign. 39,660 1st N. and N. Bk. Rep,,Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. ng Bank Cordla lly Invites Your Business, get service on Co liectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY US. Tonlca..............439 Tonica State Bank ..®»t5’14 7 La Salle E15 $210-10% 70-1838 ‘Toulon_____1235 Chas. P. Dewey & Sons, Inc. 7 Stark Ell 70-797 ®t§’65 State Bank of Toulon $175-10% par 100 70-798 ®t§'03 Towanda...........404 Towanda State Banc___ tl’07 7 McLean G16 70-1626 L. A. Burgess____ George Pletsch.__ J. J. Dunne______ H. I. Baldwin____ Walter Clark Chas. P. Dewey... M. D. Dewey_____ M. D. Dewey_____ C. P. Dewey, Jr.... S. M. Adams____ J. H. Lloyd______ H. W. Lloyd______ Tremont_____ 976 First National Bank.d®«t’02 7 Tazewell G13 tiso-8% 70-943 par 100 Trenton_____1200 Farmers Bank____d® ‘tl'OS 8 Clinton N 12 $200-6% 70-691 par 100 First National Bank.d®»t’12 70-690 Triumph____ 152 First National Bank__ d»3'05 7 LaSalle D16 $160-8% 70-1628 par 100 Trlvoll...............157 Trivoli State Bank dB®»tS’20 7 Peoria Fll $105-5% 70-1629 par 100 J. E. McIntyre___ Gk E. Bird_______ R. It. A. C. Schneider, Act, A. B. Hammel____ R.Hoyt____ ____ D. L. Schaeffer.... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued 25,000 38,750 271,900 100.000 20,000 700,000 50,000 32,500 450,000 25,000 21,120 125,830 60.000 32,570 25,000 Z. T. Remick_____ H. C. Elsenmayer - 0. W. Eisenmayer George Otterbacb. W. N. Mitchell.... M. F. Worsley ___ Vf. I. Worsley......... 40.000 Oren Clark_______ 8. R. Hilts. S. S. Boulton_____ E. Steumky W. H. Duckels Wm. Arnold, Peter Stalter______ Ch, of Bd, and Pres, Continental Illinois Bank talph E, Du Mars. Fremont Opie, Jr. and 676,270 38,490 Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co.. Chi. 143,730 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N.,and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 115,000 1st N., Ohi,; Com’l N„ Peoria. 400,000 30.000 111,960 17.290 4.370 427.540 322,740 135.980 23,370 33 440 492.540 299,560 209,030 8,030 25,000 23,630 299,130 18,250 47,420 243,690 3,990 70,910 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Boatmens N„ St. L. 25,000 22,500 240,000 25,000 207,000 62,000 3,500 40,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 3,060 108,800 12,290 128,550 2,900 16,260 550 Trust Company — Chicago 38,880 Drov. N. and 1st N.. Ohi.; 1st N„ Bloom ington. 38,020 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Peoria. 34,360 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle.Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 16,440 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Peoria. Where Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given OJJ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ ' ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. 7. Troy ................1312 8 Madison M12 par 100 5 John Feldmeier__ D. G. Jarvis 70-1630 FIRST NATIONAL BANK d<s Tuscola State Bank 70-579 1 Ullln________ 652 8 Pulaski R14 1130-8% par 100 70-1632 Union________30 State Bank of Union 7 McHenry B17 *250-11% 70-1691 dB(Dt§ par 100 ‘Urbana....... 11.348 7 Champaign 19 *BUSEY’S STATE BANK par 100 70-257 Urbana Banking Co.. Ursa_________ 125 8 Adams H4 President. Vice-President, Cashier. Ass't cashier. L. P. Wetzel____ $ 40,00(1 $ 45.00C $ 670.00C)____ $ 178.00C) $ 502,00C) .S 0 JohnWeldon Harvey Short 4 F. H. Jones______ r A. W. WALLACE-— E. H. OWEN-. . . . . . . . . . J.W. Weldon__ - 50.00C 10.00C 200.00C1 S J. F. Turner 50,000 23.00C 233.00C) . 60,000 106.05C 1. D. URQUHART. . . . . . F MURPHFY 611,02C1 25,000 210,000) 10.00C is 58,000 382,53C1 169,290' 102,040' 366.41C11 1onn 1(7,390 12,000 140,0061 30,000 36,500 212,000 148,000 6,000 4.000 590,000 168,000 126.000 263,000 < lont. ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi. 20,000 400,000 200,000 100.000 130.000 C 45,840 W. E. VanVoorhls. Hazel M. Lear....... W. A. Victor____ J. B. Mathis........... L. S. Rhymer____ C. E. Needham....... 25,000 G. L. Torrance ___ H. J. Miller........... O. H. Schuette.... C. M. Siems 25,000 I'M. W. BUSEY____ P. G. BUSEY............ 8 < THE OLDEST BANK IN UBBA J We give collect! ons prompt atte (.Sight Drafts 15 c for presentatlo D. R. Fay.............. C. W. Rnlffi (Closed October 21, 1929) G. H. BAKER______ fi i RflNfiiRT 100,000 200,000 47,500 5,000 347,000 13.000 1.030,000 20,0061 50,000 60,000 700,000 45,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; La Salle N., La Salle. 84,000 1 NA. ntion at a low ra te. n. Credit report s 25c. G. W. Webber___ 0. F. Loeb_______ W. J. Holmes 75.000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N.. 8t. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 164,00C) „ < Oldest Bank In Douglas County. Please send J 15c with each S lght Draft for pre sentatlon and L25c with each r equest for report or rating. G. R. Helm. Principal Correspondents. Ind. N.. Indols.; Millikin N., Decatur, 169,0501 base N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls.; Millikin N.. De catur. 163,720 1 Chi.; Citiz. State, Champaign; Fletch er Am. N.t Indpls. 30,000 < lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cairo; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 53,000 1 )ont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Home N., Elgin. Oont. Ill. Bk &Tr. Co.. Chi. (For Officers See Ch ampaign) »140-C% par 100 70-1901 Utica...............1520 CA STATE BANRd©*i 7 La Salle D16 *225-8% 70-802 Taller________ 876 st National Bank d®»: 8 Franklin N15 *175-8% par 100 70-1947 Vaimeyer____ 406 Farmers State Bankd®»t! 8 Monroe 09 $150-8% par 100 70-1636 •Vandalla ....3316 8 Fayette L14 rui au Resources. Loam Bond* Miscel- Cash ft Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and and AND Liabili changes,Du> Capital its Diaoounti> Saeuritiae, LANEOUB non Banks Profits ties _ (Closed, February 8, 1929) Troy Grove__ 261 7 La Salle D16 70-1631 ‘Tuscola____ 2564 Farmers State Bank....: 7 Douglas J17 70-580 70-578 vuiumu. Liabilities. d V. Troy State Bank... uo with o itu iivui voii AfwUI&lU^t Aral Non-Bank Towns Nearest Banking JLPoint (In —^ Acces.), Lawyers, --- ---' oft" dexed Laws" (indexed) in •back his ILLINOIS—Continued Alex. Bradford___ A. E. Wait_______ Harold F. Nichols. Henry Barnes___ Althea Garner Geo. M. Reynolds. J. S. Geen.............. E. E. Childers____ M. F. Prentice.... C. J. Holland R. M. Chittenden.. W. G. Lambert.... W. C. Hake............ John Klein______ Killian Coerver... Philip W. Klein r J. W. SCHENKER. 70-510 dB< par" 100 First National Bank *250-10% 70-511 c par 100 *260-12% Van Orln_____117 7 Bureau D13 70-1997 Varna________ 359 Marshall County S 7 Marshall F14 *235-8% par 195 70-l( Venice.... ........ 8895 Venice Slate Bank.. 8 Madison M10 18.500 209,500 25,000 30.210 338,140 25,000 10.860 25,000 12,300 209,840 20,000 o nan 237,500 33,500 2,000 195,170 112.280 19,390 132,470 97,310 19,300 126,880 88,290 6,810 719,910 306,240 32,050 211,280 C 59,400 111,510 J7. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: Mtle-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 25,000 5 Joliet: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. L. 00,D1U lont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. Ottawa. 50.760 C base N., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr.& Sav., Ohl.; 1st N., St. L. 34,220 1 METZGER. . . . . . . . C. F. EASTERDAY_ _ C. N. BENNYHOFF_ _ EUNICE M. EASTER edit Ratings; mi nimum charges 25 DAY ce) 75,000 F. L. Rice_______ H. H. Sonnemann. R. H. Stnrgess___ Y. R. Hamilton.... H. E. Rogier, A, C. Lucile Creel John Quinn ....__ Wm. Esterday........ V. H. Anderson... F. E. Walter____ 100,000 60,210 25,000 10,770 212,170 177,620 25,000 25,890 262.740 241,400 38,880 5,290 38,050 C ont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N.. Chi.; Merch. & 111, N., Peoria. R. F. Bastien____ Roy Allard______ Edna Anderson.... 25,000 10,830 132 430 89,150 38,670 7.690 32,750 fi Jos. Fessant........... Geo. H. Givens. 25,000 30,790 144,060 25,000 117,590 81,440 8,650 17,170 Citiz. C N., Paris; 1st N„ Joliet. C. M. Whitney ___ Ross Mercer____ H. F. Chick___ 50,000 9,650 301,980 33,840 303,280 42,640 12,560 H. B. HalL. 11,000 6,450 107,540 500 87,020 9,900 5,100 23.470 M. W. Beal............ 1 G. L. Beal____ 30,000 14,200 284,930 190 213,440 46,400 4,770 HHU■■■WUmKmtti 50.000 24,590 215,200 . 165,570 15,500 20,700 64,710 00 a7a oo,U7U J Ch.of Bd.andPres. j (Mercantile Cr (.cents in advan J. U. A. R. Wright, O. H. Merritt_____ O. M. Hurl______ L. B. Phillips Ch. of Bd. and Pres, (Closed November 9, 1929) Vergennes........805 Vergennes 8tate Bank R. H. Blacklock... 8 Jackson P14 *125-6% 70-1638 d®t§’19 par 100 Vermilion........ 318 First National BankdB®»t’13 F. J. Fessant____ 7 Edgar J22 $150-7% par 100 70-1639 Vermont...._.1078 Peoples State Bank....»JS'16 D. O. Connell....... 7 Fulton H9 70-828 Vernon______ 230 Farmers 4 Merch. State Bank F. M. Smith............ 8 Marion M15 *200-10% parioo 70-1107 d©»t§'09 Verona.............. 184 Verona Exchange Bank F. L. Dix. 7 Grundy E17 par 100 70-1640 dB®t8’19 Versailles_____627 Versailles State Bank_tS'16 F. S. Morgan, Brown 1 7 *100-6% par 100 70-1641 Ch. of Bd. and, Pres. 8 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 Marie Hathaway... A.. H. Small N. W. Beal J. F. Wilson____ R. E. Reid............ . L. A. Tavlnr 117,790 1,076,700 965,020 74,400 417,520 611,200 25,800 Continental Illinois Company—Chicago Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. n! N„ Ohl.: 1st N., Princeton. 44,530 Drov. I 36,990 S N.. Murphysboro. 1 1US. IM,, Stock Yds., Ill.; Com'l N., Peoria: 1st N., Joliet. Sialem State, Salem: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. li n L wuw* AJXV. Ub 11. DU|, GUI., Olavo SAY,, Ln. & Tr. and Qumcy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr.. Quincy; 1st N„ Joliet. CAPITAL $20,000,000.00 N amber under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Diy. Victoria_______415 7 Knox E18 1200-6% STATE BANK OF VICTORIA Liabilities. Vice-President. President. r%. f 8*4IB - _ Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. C 1 A lARSON V, NFI SON Surplus Paid-up Deposand ITS Capital Profits PETER STROM-........ $ par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BAIK-t 04 70-1642 VILLA GROVE STATE BANK par 115 70-1980 35,600 $ 40,000 $ 300,000 $ 50,000 30,560 266,990 60,000 41,700 361,490 50,000 36,230 25,000 6,130 Bonds DUoounta S«curiti«a TIES 45,000 $ 330,000 $ MI8CELLANEOUb 6,000 $ (S.C. HENSON.............. 8. 8. DUNCAN--------------- GEORGE W. EWIH— GEO. W. HENSON.... JOHN R. HENSON 1 Cash k Ex- vrom Banks Principal Correspondents. 50,000 $ 34,000 Foreman-State N. and Stock Yds. N.,Ohi.: Bk. of Galesbnrg, Galesburg. 37,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: ForemanState, Chi.: Alexander Co. N.. Cairo; N. City, St. L. 46,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. E. St. L. 262,360 28,950 18,890 114,830 381,200 94,870 55,410 290,590 50,000 297,440 52,550 10,110 66,710 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 158,940 390 100,820 52,640 16.570 20,430 1st N„ Chi. < Oldest, Largest and Strongest Ba nk In Villa Grove. 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Pleas* tend 15c tr» th each sight draftfo r presentation and 25 e for Credit Reports. E. R. SHUEY----------------- L. E. LIINA RUSSELL TOHILL (PHILIP HERRIN — F J ENGLAND .. Resources. Lords Other ®tS’0S < Careful attentl on assured aU bu slness sent us. ] IS CENTS sent to us with each s tght draft for pre sentatloa, and (.26 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attaatle a. 70-1194 .Vienna Q07 G. H. Rridges F. R. Woelfle_____ C. M. Pickens J. R. Woelfle.......... 70-827 8 Johnson Q16 1160-10% par 150 W. L. Williams ... F. E. Worrell_____ L. Ridenhower___ First National Bk,_.d®«t’90 P. T. Chapman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres, D. W. Chapman 1200-12% 70-829 Villa Grove...2463 7 Douglas 116 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Prompt, efflclen t, personal attent Ion given all bus lness. d®«tS’19 IThe newest—per haps the best for collections—TRY US. lPlease send 15c w\ th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Report*. < Villa Park........ 854 State Bank of Villa Park G. A. Vangsness... O. M. Rogers 7 DuPaeeC20 «ii5 70-2087 d®t§’24 Villa Park Trust & Sav. Bk. H. D. Bargelt, L. F. Meehan_____ E. W. Kuenzel ___ 1275-10% 70-2065 dB®»t§’22 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 3.750 187,560 9,210 159.720 120 21,080 50,000 61,010 555,920 50,000 359,230 111,610 65,790 40,000 13,000 321,290 32,150 313,310 50,000 13,140 30,000 Drov. N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 75,000 25,000 635.500 14,500 585,000 55,000 25,000 85,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City, St. L.; Ill. N., Springfield. 50,000 20,920 638,510 518,420 27,600 77,670 10,000 85,820 N.Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr.Oo.of Ill.. Oil.: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds.; RidgelyFar. State, Springfield; Mtle.-Com., Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 11,030 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. 44,600 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.. Elmhurst; Melrose Park State. Melrose Park. 180,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. par 275 Cm. A. McGAUGHY- B. D. BAXTER......... GLENN H. SHEESLEY Viola................... 868 7 Mercer Q8. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK *125-6% 70-661 d®J’27 par 100 Virden............ 4682 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 8 Macoupin Kll 70-450 d®«H'93 .. .. State Bk. of Virden.d®»tl'66 *200 70-449 par 100 HW-...... \ SEND US YOU R VIOLA ITEMS AND COLLECTI ONS. /15 CENTS sent to ns with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n« O. R. Rohrer____ A. C. Moffet . . B. E. Shriver_____ J. H. Murphy H K. Hill B. B. Smith Virgil __ ____75 Virgil State Bask.. d®*i§’88 *125-6% 70-1048 7 Kane B17 H, J. Klemm Anna Reines______ Leo Schramer... 25,000 7,740 113,570 112,820 12,450 »’Virginia___1601 OentMalal Nat’l Baak 7 Cass 110 70-727 » •• People* Rank. 70-1942 (lien Petpfish Henry McDonald.. D. H. Salzenstein. A. J. Coons 50,000 36,000 370,000 325,000 75,000 60,000 32,900 210,000 204,000 20,000 3,000 100,000 22,300 466,480 90,450 532,300 55,760 30,020 20,000 16,750 171,800 1,570 25,000 14,690 270.460 G. P. FREDERICK-— I.M. WHITE________ E. A. SPLAIN_______ GRACE LIVEY 50,000 18,930 363 240 Walnnle 177 Walpole State Bank__dT+l'l0 Q. W. Hogan. Jr... C. W. Flannigan__ Palmer Lasswell -- Grace Lasswell.__ 8 Hamilton 018 $252 par 100 70-1646 10,000 15,460 53,600 “ . __ " 70 J5’18 R. O, Taylor______ Henry Cunningham Frank W. Bristow. Peteflsh, Skiles ft Go. dB»tt'70 70-726 Lee Skiles, Ch. *235-10 % 8MontgomeryK12 Walnut............. 771 Lee Skiles___ I. S, Yaple___ ... W. J. Devlin. G. E. Williamson.. E. M. Browning___ I, W. Kessler____ State Bank of Waggoner 70-1644 tS'84 CITIZENS STATE J. R. KNIGHT.............. 0. BAECHLER............ G. A. SHORT---------- M. ALSHOUSE............ , “THE BANK THAT SATISFIES” -UNSURPASSED SERVICE RAllV 70-955 dB®*t§’20 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send Vac with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. UHllIX *130-6% par 120 n. w. ross_____ “ ------- “ FIRST STATE BANK *110-6% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70-954 s 25,000 1st N.. Ohl. and St L. 30,120 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., ill.; Ill. N.,Springfield. 8.100 55,870 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Cont. Ill. Bk. & ^""""" Tr. Co., and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 172,810 7,200 196,500 49,670 283,930 55,510 41,100 66,500 2,500 2,860 i and Str ongest. Send u s your Collection s. d®*t§'20 <] Oldest 15 CENTS sent to us with each S lght Draft for pre sentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. Continental Illinois Bank and 75,900 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 61,140 1st N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. I Trust Company — Chicago 51,630 Drov. N., Stk. Yds. N., and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi,: 1st N„ Joliet; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 7,210 Peo. N., McLeansboro. ONE BANK OUT OF EVERY FIVE A CORRESPONDENT <570 * * Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. *Oonnty Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. District. Walton vllle__ 421 I Jefferson 015 $150-*% par 100 [Est&b. President. Wapella____ ..528 Fanners & Merck. Bank J. M. Greene .. 7 De Witt H15 10% 7o-io«i *ro; Warren____ 1253 7 Jo Daviess All Vice-President. Cashier. KnoT nop Walter Philp.......... C. O. Ellistnn 70-1114 SSI "UT XHI par 100 .. Ass’t Cashier. F. T. Greene........... *140 par 100 70HS07 100 10,470 $ 335,100 S 3,000 $ 212,050 $ 110,020 S 8,700 $ 42,810 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Jd N.. Mt. Vernon. 25.000 42,090 318,850 15,000 j 198,610 70,500 1,400 59,340 498,630 63,030 433,450 107,640 94,060 130,430 Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co.and Stk. Yds. N.,Chi.; 1st N., Bloomington; Millikin N., Decatur. 60,860 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds.N., Chi. 13,000 142,350 50,010 160,800 9,290 31,820 Cont. Ill. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. of De catur, Decatur; Merch. ft 111. N., Peona. H. R. Evans I J. C. CRAWFORD- JACOB SCHMITZ......... FRED SCHILDMAN — HENRY Z0IEL-------- 25,000 25,000 10,000 50,000 18,490 72,000 ________ 418,580 7,000 150,000 126,810 1,286,600 8,000 Wheaton Tr. & Sav., Wheaton. 78,000 13,000 8,000 388,700 1,470 61,160 42,740 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ill. State, Quincy; Keokuk N.. Keokuk, la.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 627,480 758,880 27,100 149,950 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co., St. Louis. 47,470 1st N. and Stock Yds. N.. Obi.; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 69,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Peoria. d®*tS’ll 1 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen (.FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain Sight Drafts, lSe; Cre dit Reports, 25c. T®§ US rW. A. DODGE------- EDWARD GRIMPE___ C. E. BRINKMAN___ J Par 25,000 S Principal Correspondents. rj. P. CARSON. Ch. GEO. W. TYSON......... E. R. SHERARD-......... H. J. PAUL 75,000 ) of Bd, and Pres. ] Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.Please send 15c u> ith each Sight Draft / or presentation and 25e /or Crsdit Repo rU. Warrenvllle... 156 Warrenville State Bank A. C. Hoy.................. Glen Mount 7 Dn Page C19 *150 par 100 70-2124 d®t§'28 FARMERS STATE BANK Liabilities. Resources. Honda Otheb J Loftaa Depos L Miscel Cam ft BxPAID-UP Surplus and and iabili j AND cham«m,Dvb it* Capital PaoriTB Diioouata Baeuritiaa laneous fbok Baku ties W. R. Newell____ i Warrensburg.,490 State Bank of Warrensburg George Faith— „ J. T. Tucker_____ J. A. Kruzan_____ Ruth Hursh............ 7 Macon 115 70-1047 tS-l( Warsaw............2081 7 Hancock H4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ILLINOIS—Continued 70-601 d®T«t5’64 ) Largest Bank In Hancock County 115 CENTS sent us with each Sigh t Draft Tor presen tatkm and (.85 CENTS for e ach Credit Kepor t Insures prompt, personal attentl on. Washburn........830 Peoples State Bank___ il’08 Wm. G. West_____ C. M. West............... F. N. Peabody___ Maimee Sangbush. 70-047 7 Woodf’d F13 Washburn Bank........ ®*t§’71 C. H. Ireland, R. McKee________ Adolph Woltzen__ O. T. Ireland_____ $200-12% par 100 70-946 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 50,000 11,970 247,990 231,360 21,820 10,300 50,000 30,000 459,000 ! 317,000 136,000 17,000 Washington.. 1643 Danforth Banking Company A. II. Danforth___ G. M. Stimson......... P. W. Busse............. F. P. Barker_____ 7 Tazewell G14 70-718 d®«J§’58 50,000 22,890 373,700 , 160,240 233,000 Henry Denhart.__ Frank W. Hops__ H. A. Kingsbury _ J. W. Stormer......... HENRY BERHART & CO. par 100 70-714 dB®«'66 F. M. Johnson____ Wataga State Bank.. dBti’10 J. E. Williamson.. S. R. Parkinson ... 100.000 18,020 937,850 876,860 1,000 38,010 35,000 11,820 161,920 125,370 12,150 45,830 25,390 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st Galesburg N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galesburg. A. L. Kolmer......... A. G. Quernheim.. 50,000 46,000 484,000 306,400 181,500 26,000 66,100 Bk. of Am. N. A., N. Y.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; 1st N., E. St. L. C. BOLLINGER N.B. PAUTLER—. J. F. SCHMIDT...... H H.BICKELHAUPT THOMAS SUCH 25,000 66,350 515,550 23,500 255,280 293,650 5,000 76,480 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill, Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; lstN.,St.L. 63,890 Kountze Bros.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Broad way Tr. Co.. St. L. taga BOX Km £10 $120-1% 70-H75 par 100 ‘Waterloo.__1180 Commercial State Bank I M01 roe N10 $175-1% par 100 70-638 d®*ti'82 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Jos. W. Rickert— Aurelia Hazelbach W. C. Heyl f A. ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation and d®»t'12 V TWENTY-FIVE CENTS with eac h credit report In sures prompt, pe rsomal $330-12% par 100 70-1747 (A.J.KOENIGSMARK CHAS GROSSE LOUIS W.DODE RUSSELL R.GREGSON 1,000 53,350 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Peoria. Com’l N., 158,250 1st N., Chi. and Peoria. attentl on. 35,000 43.660 466,340 2.140 319.340 132,670 31,240 30,000 57,740 507,690 3,390 493,850 48,900 8,080 50,000 24,450 694,370 5.640 565,180 17,650 34,820 50,000 31.080 437.220 49,300' 403.260 76,060 12,700 ......... J.S.EUANS................. JtE. S. MARTIN........ S. A. REEME—......... S. A. REEME L.L. GARFIELD FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK ASend US your collections for pr ompt, personal attention. par 100 70-575 d®»tSl09 (Quick returns— consistent charg es—reasons for non-payment. 75,000 30,040 422,720 2,730 228.030 159,860 17,500 125,100 Chase N„ N. Yr, Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. Watson____ ...316 Watson State Bank.........§ 06 A. L. Abraham A. A. Elliott .......... Edyth G. Abraham Thelma Oliver___ 70-1640 t Effingham LI7 $130 Wauconda____399 Wauconda Trust & Savings Ray Paddock_____ Jennie B. Putman. G. D. Stroker_____ M. M. Duers______ 7 Lake A19 Bank ...70-1650....®*JS'05 15,000 2.030 240,160 3,880 32,360 2,980 3,990 25.000 14.860 189.330 5,590 Effingham State, Effingham; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 16,650 N. Bk. Rep.. Obi.; 1st N.. Joliet. STATE E $226-12% l Please send 15c in advance with Si ght Drafts and 25c for Credit Reports. Waterman___401 Waterman State Bk.d©«t§’08 H. Roberts............ 7 De Kalb CM $300-10% 70-1648 47,980 1st N.. Obi. par 100 ‘Wataeka____2817 CITIZENS STATE BANK 7 Iroquois F21 ii% 70-574 jj. G. WILLIAMS... GEO. M. WILLIAMS- H.S. WILLIAMS-— B. H. WILLIAMS........ BERT BURDICK ®*t§’87 V‘THE BANK T HAT SERVICE B UILT” (Your business Invited — IJnsurp assed Collection S ervlce. First National Bank_d®»t’70 H. T. Riddell........... H. 0. Parker.......... F. M. Brockway... L. M. Goodyear ... $225-12% 70-578 156.820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr. Co., Northern Tr. Co. aud Stock Yds. N.. Ohi. 75,580 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. par 100 $150-8% $165-8% Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and 212,530 1 Trust Company ^ Chicago RESOURCES MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS oon Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* tt t TMOTC___rnritimiarl Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n.UU ^UlluIlUCU Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §StatetPrir. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Waukegan. 22,023 7 Lake A21 FIRST NAT’L BANK President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Depos- Other Loasi Bonds Miscel Paid-up and and and L iabili ITS Capital Profits Diioount, Securities laneous ties Principal Correspondents. ft Cash Ex changes, from Banks Dus W. D. JONES............... C B. HICKS................ $ 100.000 $ 165,630 $5236220 $ 140,350 $2 433 270 $2364290 $ 122,210 $ 722,430 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. G. MCARTHUR fCHAS N. STEELE-j CHAUNCEYJJONES, ) OLDEST BANK IN LAKE COCN TY. $275-10%par 100 70-159 dB©T*t’52 (.PROMPT ATT ENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIO NS. WAUKEGAN NATIONAL BANK *195-9% „ | Morgan J10 (H. C. BURNETT~ F. W. BUCK-............. W. R. WIARD-------- 0. H0UK0M -......... J. W. BARWELL, < Ch. of Bd. j Prompt attentl on given to *11 B anklng business. 70-163 dB®T«t'13 (.Quick returna* nd consistent ch arges on aU collec tlona. 250,000 201.590 3,660,640 M. E. SMITH -............. J. A. STENGER........... GEO. BURCHARO .... J. M. CONNERS RALPH SACKMAN 200,000 160,880 2,757,730 WAUKEGAN STATE BANK fC. W. STENGER — E. L. WAGNER. Ch. < “T 1 Send your Wau L Bills of Ladin HE BANK OF F kegan business d $150-3% par 110 g, Drafts and all 70-2097 dB©T*t§’26 First National Bank--©t'98 H. I. Deturk______ W. A. Dennis____ $115 70-710 A. w. Reagel Wemple State Bank..®tS’77 70-709 RIENDLY SERVI CE” lrect to us for pr ompt attention. Collections given special care. .T. T. Rarr Wayne City... 561 | Wayne N17 $165-10% par 150 70-1651 Way nes ville.... 592 Waynesville State Bank»tS'10 70-1652 7 DeWitt H15 $160-8% State Bank of Weldon.«t5’87 7 DeWitt 116 $300-12% 70-1653 Wellington.... 288 Wellington State Bank .tl'13 7 Iroquois E22 10% 70-1817 Wenona_____ 1203 7 Marshall E16 mMis" FIRST STATE BANK _ ** +WEST CHICAGO STATE BK. $225-10% par 100 70-594 2,527,820 1.296,580 279,510 500,290 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Coni. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 515,520 583,250 510,780 Gty. Tr. Co. and N. City. N. Y.; Chi. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 70,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co,. Chi.; Mtle.-Oom. Bk. & Tr. Co. St. L.; Ill. N.. Springfield. 82,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St.L.; Ridgely Far. State, Springfield. 25.000 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 1,509,050 100,000 5,000 450.000 160.000 472.000 136.000 37,000 50,000 32.330 631,260 11,600 330.230 290,820 22,000 W. B. Burnett......... R. D. Withrow-__ 25.000 15,000 220.000 175.000 25.000 35.000 H.W. Fisher_____ R. H. Selly............... 25,000 10,370 104,530 105,290 15,000 Carl Reeser............. C. A. Gale ______ W. H. Conn______ W. H, Gray______ C. C. Lisenby I. E. Merritt. M.R. Koplin__ _. M. F. Merritt_____ S. W. Boughton... 25,000 28,850 222,710 2,500 196,190 25,000 12,000 150,000 23,000 160,000 20,000 10,000 CLYON KARR---------- GEORGES. MONSER. 0. N. HARTER. 50,000 110,880 982,840 9,500 458.750 632,010 13,690 50,000 31.630 400,050 5,000 396,380 15,250 24,500 50,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 306.710 161,100 58.470 94.480 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. P. W. Wemple____ W. B. Burnett F. D. Hull________ and Tr. Off. < Seasoned, mode 70-742 $200-20% par 100 ♦ d®T»tS’14 1 We want, yours. (.Collections a Sp H. F. Gehant Banking Co. F. W. Meyer---------West Brooklyn 7 Lee 015 180 $200-8% par 100 70-1655 d®»t§’97 G. A. Dayton_____ West Chicago 2594 State Trust & Sav.Bank 70-593 dB®»tJ’91 7 DuPage 019 $200-8% par 100 “ W. H. Rohrer......... E. A. Moffet. 491,980 Cash. R. B. WORK ................ E. CLARK HARTER Hustling for bus lness. red. Credit Reports, 25c. each. O. L. Gehant........... H. W. Gehant____ A.L. Gehant C. W. Keppler......... W. W. Dayton ___ C. A. Turnquist.... F. E. Weimer rn, progressive. Satisfaction assu ecialty. Reliable J. W. Thier.............. fWM. EINFELDT— J. W. CARR............ J F CARR ""■Wu 7,500 22,820 148,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk, Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Peoria. 50,000 51,120 476.040 43,600 50,000 39,860 517.430 10,200 442,300 92,330 10,320 72,530 Corn Ex. Bk. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ave. Stave, Oak Park. 50,000 63.970 535.640 25,000 248,570 344,120 3,110 78,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1st Wis. N., Mil. 20,000 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L. d®»t5’08 < Modern Equlpm ent, Excellent Fac llltles, Efficient S ervlce. TRY US. J Special atientio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c tr» th each Sight Drafifo r presentation and 2 be for Credit Reports. (Affiliated members of Chicago Clearing House + ) Western Springs 7 Cook C20 1258 Westervelt___ 200 7 Shelby J16 TCpctflelri 033 7 Clark K20 West Frankfort 10,772 t Franklin P16 22,110 1st N.. Chi.: Cent. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Peoria; Millikin N.. Decatur; Peo., Atl. 60.550 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Bloomington. 20.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. A. E. Peters______ M. Bergland______ Western Springs State Bank $200-6% par 100 70-1912 ®»t§T6 John Obalil Farmers National Bank.-t'14 E. D. Barnett......... H. M. Rawlings... 70-1657 H. E. Spelbring—. G. A. Polk—........ First National Bank... d»t’06 Edmund Flagg..... Joseph Hall. Ch. $200-12% par 100 70-895 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( S, .(...SMITH----- 0. ] W.Jrf.WILLIAMSj^a, S. BROWN-............. { OLDEST AND L ABGEST BANK. 8'ALTER®Sri”cr. ElMilnr u. VI. LUliKAHU ........... 25,000 4,500 165,000 50,000 34,430 391,870 70,160 289,700 160,500 51.390 25.000 83.020 1,534,790 51,410 322.880 1,093,390 36.890 241,060 Cont. HI. Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 100.000 13,410 804,980 65,000 578.680 215.960 75.730 113,010 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; 1st N- St. I,. 25.000 38.640 786,490 85,230 360,570 352,040 59,450 113,300 Cont. lIl.Bk.& Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., N, Stock Yds. 170,000 44,860 Drov. N., Chi. j Special attentlo n to Bill of Lading Drafts and Bank Collections. (. Please send 15c pr esentation fee with S ight Drafts, 25c for Credit Reports. $400-20% par 100 70-630 ©T«t’02 (W. B. CRAWFORD- OKLEY HAYS............... E. B. CUNNINGHAM- C.A. 6ARDNER_ _ _ SAM ARSHT FIRST STATE ) SAVINGS BANK J 25 CENTS sentt o us with each slg ht draft forprese ntatlon, and (.50 CENTS fore* ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, pe rsonal attention. $250 par 100 79-1806 d®»I§’13 (Merger of Union State Bank and West Frankfort Bank & Trust Co.) ** West Frankfort State Bank C. W. Crim----------- R. W. Allen______ W. C. Crim_______ R. H. Sweet............ C. H. Purdue C. H. Miller 70-631 ®J§’05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company — Chicago INVESTED CAPITAL OVER $150,000,000 381 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew S Stale tPriv ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District. d SafeDep.(s)Sav.$LastSale%Div PRESIDENT. Vice-President. West Liberty..215 State Bank of W.Liberty t§'19 E. W, Hersh_____ E. B. Brook*.. 8 Jasper M19 70-1659 W. McHenry ..200 West McHenry State Bank P. S. Webster.... Simon Stoffel. 7 McHenry A18 1250-10% 70-1660 dB@»t*'06 E. L. Wagner, Ch. par 100 Westmont___ 105 First State Bank... dB®+§’25 E, F. Deicke, 7. DuPage C19 1135 par 100 70-2093 Ch. of Bd, and Pres, WestPolnt___303 Farmers State Bank.d®t8'16 Milo McMillan .... 7 Hancock H4 1107.50 par 100 70-1959 State Bank of West point A. T. Graham.......... 1150 par 100 70-1661 d®«t8’01 West Pullman (Sec Chicago) 7 Cook C21 West Salem ...946 First National Bank___ *t’09 William Harrison. 8 Edwards N20 1130-6% par 100 70-967 West Union ...536 First State Bank..........•t§’10 S. G. Drake______ 1130 70-1662 7 Clark K21 Westville___ 4241 First National Bank-----»t’04 J. F. Haworth........ *225-12% 70-1663 7 Vermilion 122 ‘Wheaton__ 4137 First National Bk..dB®t’09 E. E. Critchfleld.. 7 Du Page C19 1200-10% par 100 70-483 6ARY-WHEAT0N BANK 70-482 CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. A. E- Martin___ Resources, Liabilities. Loan a Bondi ther Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel CHAHOM'DU] and and and Capital Profits its Disoounta SieuritiiE laneous FROM BxHXi ties 10,000 t 15.030 $ 110,490 Gerald J. Carey R. L. Weber........ . 50,000 69,920 Wm. Werth .. A. A. Brackmann 8,300 V. A. Tripp____ Lillian Borman.. Wm. H. Lossie E. P. Whit ledge. 25.000 H. L. O’Brien. Fred Haas Geo. Cacheux. 30,000 890 J. L. Miller.............. G. C. Guthrie— 25,000 10,350 135,260 % 731,410 1 i l.oio 80.46C 1 36,866 J 4.01C $ correspondents. 14,196 1st N., Newton. 664,160 70,240 120,030 78,240 24,210 26,300 24,650 Cont. Ill. Bk, & Tr. Co., Chi. 129,760 92,220 11.800 16,900 39,730 Peo. Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; Ill. State, Quincy. 112,730 12,030 25,970 20,880 1st N„ Chi.; State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 244,000 55,000 23,000 90,120 26,090 7.590 Chas. F. Thompson Stuart L. Walser. F. S. Wiley. 25,000 8,500 275,000 L. A. Shawler____ J. E. Clatfelter.. 10,000 11,090 133,970 50,000 51,086 Principal 66,870 Irv. Tr.Co.,N. Y.: Northern Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Joe Tuvada............. C. Brooks________ J. Ann Vassen........ 25,000 37,940 696,370 268,060 330,400 12,750 M. B. Taylor_____ M, B. Taylor. Chas. W. Hadley 50,000 45,000 750,000 400,000 300.000 10,000 36,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. City, Evansville, Ind. 31,260 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet; Dulaney N., Marshall. 173,100 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d N. and Com'l Tr. & Sav., Danville. 140,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 100.000 88,320 1,871,810 120 1,357,590 346,250 95,860 260,540 Chatham Pbenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 100,000 476,000 50,000 140,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. Chi. 13,000 1st N., Newton. W. E. GARY............ H. L. WILSON........... A. C. ATWATER......... H. W. SUTCLIFFE, j ROBERT CAMPBELL. J. H. KAMPP V.Ch. of Bd. Ch. of Bd. A STATE BANK-OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ®T*t§’74 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 1235-8% Wheaton Trust & Sav. Bank R. L. Doran______ par 100 ♦ 70-2114 .d®T«t§’26 Bessie Chapman... State Bank of Commerce Wheeler______ 214 70-1664 ®J§’07 8 Jasper L19 Wheeling State Bank J. A. Schminke.__ Wheeling____ 313 1175-6% 70-2046 dB®+§’21 7 Cook B20 par 100 White Hall... 2954 8 Greene K8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tnis Volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued «wr Ch. of Bd. D. O. Dunbar_____ P. L. McPheeters. T. C. Hull. Sec........ 40,000 800,000 36,000 310,000 E. E. Foltz —.......... 1. M. Chapman___ 10,000 5,000 66,000 6,000 59,000 15,000 Chas. F. Balling__ L. C, Holtje--------- 25,000 18,630 254,610 3,880 133,650 126,340 5,010 100,000 12,990 484,180 87,800 416,000 98,940 109,490 675,000 50,000 400,000 330,000 E. J. PEEK- - - - ALONZO ELLIS GUY L0WENSTEW— GEORGE E. HILL— PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK---- 70-517... .d®«f77 Collections glv en prompt atten tlon. FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight dra ft for presentatlo n, and .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, pers onal att entton WHITE HALL NATIONAL BK. Special mttentlo n given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Items 1150-10% C. A. RUCKEL----- H. H. GRISWOLD— R.S. WORCESTER — A. E. VOSSELLER70-518 ®«t’85 100,000 50.000 & Tr. Co.. 37,120 N. Bk. Rep.. Cni,; 1st N.. Joliet. 59,750 Foreman-State N.. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 145,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Please tend 15e ui ith each sight draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep orto. .Personal, prom pt, efficient servi ce. TRY US. Whittington... 27 State Bank of Whittington W. Spencer______ J. J. Pearce______ G. C, Payne _____ Jennie B. Payne— 70-1887 t§’19 8 Franklin 016 1100-8% Wllliamsfield. .435 First State Bank Co.d®*il’08 David Orton_____ J. J. Nelson_____ William Cation___ 1180-6%par 100 70-1666 7 Knox F10 Harold C. Groves. N, Hussey........ ... M. E. Jones.............. J. R. Jones. Wllliamsville. 652 Williamsville State Bank J. H. Conrad 7 Sang’n 112 70-1667 d®»t§'90 Ira V. Curti*_____ Lottie O. Callen. Willow Hill....397 First State Bank........ ®t}'00 C. L. Dodd_______ John Hayes 8 Jasper L20 7% 70-1668 Wilmette........ 7814 E. B. KNUDTS0N — ROBERT STODDARD- D. G. STILES........... N. A. SCHWALI_ _ _ 7 Cook B21 FIRST NATIONAL RANK dB®T*i’16 70-1889 $250-8% par 100 WILMETTE STATE BANK ♦ 70-1669 1325-8% par 100 D.G. STILES 600 48,000 43,680 17,500 200,000 200,000 50,000 19,510 319,520 289,960 15,000 1,430 135,625 91,730 8,500 17,940 1,223,320 473,290 73,300 1,930,210 1,193,480 282,020 150,000 65,360 1,911,790 26,730 200,000 314,710 3,158,490 256,210 2,640 6,000 45,030 THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE JUDS0N F. STONE, W. D. LEARY----------- F. D. ANDERSON_ _ _ W. B. ROBINSON,. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. PHILLIP HOFFMANN J. ALDEN SEARS J. ALDEN SEARS, A.Cash cb a.Tt.C Tr.Off. C. E. CLIFTON, JR. OLDEST, LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK. A PROGRESSIVE AND AGGRESSIVE INSTITUTION. YOUR BUSINESS CORDIALLY INVITED. 13,480 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 54,990 N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Galesburg N„ Galesburg; Cent. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Peoria. 54,110 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 111. N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. 8tock Yds. 33,880 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Citiz. N., Evansville. 383,960 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Uo., N. Bk. Rep., and Foreman-State N., Uhl.; 1st N., Joliet. 523,700 Chem. Bk.& Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. “YOUR HOME BANK” MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE dB®T*tl’05 Investment Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M.C. CORNS Modern, progressive, up-to-date methods and unexcelled facilities. 10,000 30,000 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS COMPANY—CHICAGO CAPITAL $20,OOO,000.00 qqo <J04 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. District. ►Mem.A.B.A.fl'New S State tPriv. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond !-SareDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Dlv. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLINOIS—Continued Ass t Cashier. CASHIER. Vice-President. Liabilities. Depos- Otheb Paid-up Subplus and ITS Capital Profits TIES Resources. Benda Loans MiscelDUeounta Securities PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. jAJfB k Exprom Banks 42.470 72,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. V.H.Whitmore.Jr. 50.000 80,210 508,200 79,750 408,930 J 194,760 V. B. Stewart____' 5. A. Bittermann .. ___________ ___ F. D. Willard rohn Ladame_____ 3. H. Davis---------- Lucille Bertetto.. 50.000 78,440 640,130 11,790 490,420 153,250 9,120 25,000 9,800 183,210 25,000 46,450 147,500 18,570 I. C. Robinson___ 50,000 3,800 102,000 ____ 86,000 100.000 63,000 560.000 82,000 597,000 115,000 20,000 110.000 73,630 552,240 19,200 481,400 109,620 57,650 25,000 5.570 271.710 181,360 53,090 27,690 50.000 7,000 500,000 400,000 40.000 12.000 105,000 N. Bk.Rep., Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ 8t. L. Wing................... 122 Farmers State Bank.,®ti’ll F.T. Holloway.... Wm. Immke--------- W. W. Holloway _ 7 Livingston F18 *120-6% par 100 70-1705 Winnebago __495 Peoples State Bank._d®t5’28 A. M. Smith............ W. R. McGeachy.. D. K. Branstetter.. 7 Winnebago B14 *100 par 100 70-1758 {Formerly Winnebago St, Bk.) 15,000 5.000 120.000 70.000 40.000 10.000 20,000 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Joliet. 25.000 5,000 110,000 2,000 77,860 36.070 3,410 24.660 N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.;Peo. Bk. & Tr. ^..Rock ford. F. E. Bartelme.__ Arthur Laser ____ Wlnnetka... 6694 Hubbards Woods Tr. & Sav. Bk. ,*150parl00 70-2106 d®t§’26 7 Cook A21 „ .. Clarke Washburne. Sanborn Hale........ E. C. Haase.............. G. W. McKinney.. + Winnetka State Bank *300-10% 70-504 dB®*t§’M f M. K. MEYER —~ A. D. HERRMANN — A.T. WEINSTOCK-— J 0 BROOKS par 100 W. H. KLAUKE II •• +WINNETKA TR. & SAV. BK. J WINNETKA’S OLDEST AND LA RGEST BANK, ) Send us your co Uections for pro mpt service. 70-503 *250-12% par 100 dB©»tS’94 (.Please enclose 15c with each sight dra ft and 25c for credit ratings. 50,000 12.500 451,820 5,360 306.290 135,520 15,760 62,110 Chase N., N. Y,; Foreman-State N. and Cont. III. Bk.&Tr.Co..Chi. 75.000 103.740 1,435,770 36,060 945,560 512.100 47,950 75,000 78,120 1,736.96(1 695,630 931,870 18,000 144,960 Gly. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and Un. Bk. of Chi., Chi. 306,620 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Northern Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Chi. John Niemeyer.__ L. M. Coe.............. - Miss E. 0. Lynch. State Bank of Winslow.tJ’15 W. J. Kennedy, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. Frank Etzler 7 Stephenson A12 *20<M0% 70-1879 win 2143 H. F. Fesser______ C. H. Lockhart.... H. S. Armentrout. R. M. Short........... 70-1673 8 Montgomery L14 par 50 25,000 33.00C 275,00C 250.000 25.000 20,000 50.000 14,70(1 376,00( 167,500 242,500 35,750 Woodbine........ 14l Woodbine State Bank__t§’21 Wm. Heldenreich. 7 Jo Daviess A1C *160-6% par 150 70-2049 25,00( 12.50C 150.00( lll.OOC 26.990 17,560 35.00C 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi. R. E. Olson______ 40,00 35.37C 475,29 32,000 472.33C 44,500 65.83C N. City, N. Y,; Drov, N.. Chi.; Peo. Tr. & Sav., Galesburg. B. H. Williams... Lena Burgett Myrtha Schmidt. 15,00 6,50 175,60 1,000 148.85C 4,10C 20,00 4,01 91,79 Sadie Coats______ 25,00!3 25,67(3 188,3013 R. H. Welsh 50,0013 52,4313 41,20 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Citiz. State. Watseka. 16,49 3d N., Mt. Vernon; Mtle.-Com Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds 30,98!3 3d N.. Mt. Vernon: Mtle.-Com. Bk. &Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 152,0713 N.City, N. Y.; 1st N., E. St. L. II. E. Patou............ F. F. Berry 60,0011) 46,35i(3 Wilmington.. 1384 Commercial Nat. Bank 70-737 d®»t 76 7 Will E20 First National Bank.— ®»t’63 k. D. MacIntyre— •• _____ “ 70-736 3. Clavin. Wllsonvllle ....837 First National Bank 8 Macoupin Ell t200-l0%por 10070-2088dB®»t’2a ‘Winchester. .1540 Farmers State Bank.—1§’21 70-2042 g Scott J9 (R. W. FROST-........ E J FROST - \C.B007 - - FH0S. J. DUGAN------ M •• OLDEST ESTAB LISHED BANK, FIRST STATE BANK d©t§ 67 115 CENTS sent to us with each s ght draft for pre sentatlon, and *150 70-696 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. It •• Neat. Condit & Grout. Bkrs. I. T. Wilson............ R. M. Riggs______ S. G. Smith............ . P. E. Markillie____ Otie Scott G. W. Woodall *200-l2%par 10070-697 d®»t§’20 rH. E. MUNSON .... F. A. MUNSON........ - REGINA BAUGNER - P.H18 S HOOTS DAISY COOK J. A. TULL 37,000 ___ ___ 127,560 Chase N.. N. Y.; Coat. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N„ Chi. 30,490 Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 21,000 Harris Tr. & Sav„ Chi.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Elliott State. Jacksonville. 73,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Ayers N„ Jacksonville; N.Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.; Com’l N.. Peoria. 106.380 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Ohi.: Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co.. St. L.; Avers N„ Jacksonville. 40,150 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N„ Shelbyville; N. City. St. L. Windsor_____1000 CITIZENS STATE BANK \ Modern — Progr esslve — Efficient Service. TRY D s. 70-1811 d®t5’13 j 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and 7 Shelby C17 *175 U5 CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • C. C. FIREBAUGH___ E. R. DUNCAN.......... C. L. BENCE COMMERCIAL STATE BANK < Oldest and Larg est Bank In Wind sor. *150 70-1670 d®»t5’90 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and L*5 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • r l H Will ACT M •• (Banks affiliated with Chicago Clearing House As «’n + ) Wood hull____ 701 Woodhull State Bank 7 Henry E9 *150-6% par 100 7 0-981 d®»t5’ll 4 R Cox F. G. Tapper Woodland State Bank®*t§’09 G. M. Williams___ J. G. Williams____ A. L. Bauer------ ... 7% par 100 70-1674 Roy ffa rmorc 1*5*2? - J. W. Watkins ___ -L'dl LLivjl o CklUC Tlonlf DdllA----- 4-8 Mt 1 E N. Morgan *112.50-7% par 112.50 70-2077 First National Bank------1’2( ) G. B. Welborn .... W. R. Champ____ . Morton Wood____ *185-12H% par 100 70-1675 Wood River ..85019 First National Bank-..®t’2lJ Otto F. Nagel----- . W. K. Cannady —. G. G. Guker.......... .. 8 Madison M10 70-2033 T, 1 Sr/hlaflv _ -Joe Slivka_______ . J M Olin Wood River Nat’l Bank C. A. Caldwell *150-6% par 125 70-2080 dB®'2 4 Woodland 39 7 Iroquois G21 Woodlawn____30! )’ 8 Jefferson N16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62.030 Continental Illinois Bank and 50,030 3.95C 84.11( 7.59C 7.60C 25,140i 123,46( ) 99,59(1 10.08C) 774,46!0 48,000l 521,40() 202,23() 49.18C) 853,000 46,200i 596.08!3 122,15< ) 37.68C) Trust Company — Chicago 38,00(1 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr, Co.. Chi.; State Bk. of Freeport, Freeport. 44.97C Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 249,64!0 Northern Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: Alton 1 N. and Citiz. N.. Alton. Where Bankers Bank Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. oqq OOO Town and County ‘County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. Dist. ‘Woodstock..5523 7 McHenry A17 ' .. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State tPrlr tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d SafeDep.@SaT.$LastSale%Dhr. AMERICAN NATIONAL dB®T«f08 BANK 1250-12% par 100 .. 70-487 STATE BK. OF WOODSTOCK t250-io% 70-485 d®T»t»’88 par 100 President. WOODSTOCK NATIONAL BK. 70-436 ©•t'Ol I Madison Lll " -------- " 70-918 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-6% par 100 70-917 dR®i'08 OASIIK. WM. DESMONI, Jr... B.D. CHEASBRO_ _ _ E. F. FUES, A. C. F. V. GIESSELBREGHT E. A. ROGERS Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and Capital Profits its Resources. Other Liabili $ 100, ooc $ 135,100 $1619 510 $ ties PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS Loans Bonds Cash k ExMiscel chahg and and **,Du» Discounts Securitise laneous ■rom Banks 21,430 $ 227.440 Irv. Tr. Co., N. V.: Cent. Ill. Bk & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi,; City N„ Duluth. 25,020 $1 268 460 $ 345,970 $ Special attentio n given BUI of la ding drafts, eash and time Items. Please send JSc with each sight d raft for presenta tion and 25c for (. credit reports N L MILLER COONEY. fE. C. JEWETT...... W. S. MCCONNELL — H. T.Cash, and V. P ROBERT OLSON G. E. STILL, V. P. 50.000 96.860 812,850 667.770 175.200 41,010 75,780 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N.. Joliet. and Tr. Off. (.Please send 15c with each Sight D raft for presentat ion and 25c for Cr edit Re ports. 50,000 28,300 449,650 34,850 364,660 77,450 45,460 75,240 1st N.. Chi. A. Z. Rice— __ W. E. Meyer_____ S. B. Sandbach .... 25,000 10,130 272,940 22,850 135,840 141,700 12,180 41,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Mtle.-Com. Bk. & Tr. Co,. St. L. J. G. Sapp_______ Vera Peterson____ 25,000 22,170 355,050 25,000 rc. BROWN.......... F. R.OLSON_____ A. M. MARLIN-— RUTH FLEMMING < Special Attentl on given BUI of Lading and Note Collections. ) Save time and g et service on Sigh t Drafts and Cred It Reports by send ing 38,000 470,340 75.890 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohl.: OW». N„ Princeton. „. 50.930 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi ; 1st N.. Princeton. 50.000 35,000 75,000 14.010 C. J. CONWAY M. H. FITZSIMMONS. W. F CONWAY H. A. STONE } Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. LPlease send 25c tci th eoxh Sight Draft for presentation anti 25e for Credit Repor ta. First National Bank 8% 70-1678 d®»ri5 Wyanet..............825 io% 7 Bureau D13 Ass’t Cashier. Send your collections d irect to this progressive bank. Ourfacilit ies and serv ice are unex celled. rj. D. DONOVAN — — Vice-President. fJOHN M. HOY...... n W WHITING H. C. MURPHY. Ch G. F. RUSHTON A. C. SMITH, V.P. 1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ILLIN OIS—Continued 307.930 16,900 1.500 331,140 168.150 6.530 475,260 440,330 40,300 31,900 47.720 Merch- & III. N., Peoria. 671,140 667.890 64.750 67,520 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Com’! N.. Peoria. 30.450 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight D rafts. 15c.- Credit Reports, 25c. TR T US. rvi U PADTCD H. E. SELLON....... NOBLE MALONE W F WAHRER F ^ FflSTFR JOHN T. GOLGAN . Wyoming___ 1376 NATIONAL BANK OF WYO 7 Stark Ell MING- -70-725-----d®*t'08 ) Oldest and Stro ngest National B ank in Stark Cou nty. $260-20% /15 CENTS sent to ns with each si gbt draft for pres entation, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention. -------- " wHsum A STATE BANK 70-724 TG. S. RAKESTRAW H. E. RAKESTRAW— A. J. WALTERS------- !:l;lir- ,t! V* ] Oldest Establls hed Bank. Prom pt Attention give n Collections. V. Pleate send 15e u? »f A each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ti. 25.000 9,720 117,690 25.000 99,270 45,400 5,550 30,420 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.;N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 25,000 20,290 109,000 25,270 97,940 45,540 2,480 23,020 N. Stock Yds- N- N. 8tock Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L. 15,000 4,660 81,450 80,730 _____ 3,770 16,610 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; 1st N.. Oblong. 40.000 HAZEL SARGENT — JOHN SI CAN J'A.J. LAWRENCE— H A SLOAN Tates City........582 BANK OF YATES CITY 10% 70-1681 d®*i’20 | Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by 7 Knox F18 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Dr aftt, 15c; Credit Rep orU, 25c. par 100 12,330 323,810 239.150 33,080 10,060 93,840 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. & Ill. N., Peoria. 30.000 30,600 276,870 195,290 110,000 21,190 32,370 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Aurora. 91.750 1st N., Ohl.; Aurora N., Aurora. 8 Clay M17 8 Jasper L20 Rzra Repp . First National BaDk __d»t’22 W. P. Tally $140-6% 70-2053 par 100 Xenia State Bank........... §’20 F. C. Campbell -__ N. C. Gibson $160-7% par 100 70-1900 . State Bank of Yale......... t§’20 E. M. Wiman, Ch. of Bd. and Pr €8. $100-10% par 100 70-1680 ‘Yorkvllle........ 441 Farmers State Bank.d®iJ’14 7 Kendall D18 $150-10% par 100 70-1828 Yorkrille National Bank $225-10% 70-1882 ®»t’02 First National Bank 8fi Franklin Pi 6 $200 par 120 70-2051 d®»t'22 Zeigler State Bank $200-10% 70-1944 dB©«+S’18 par 100 First State Bank___d®»t§’08 $150-8% par 100 70-1683 7 Lake A21 D. C. Mewhirter... Fred Bretthauer... C. W. Beecher____ C. T. Chriitian___ W. R. Newton____ L. J. Jeter_______ E. I. Gutel.............. E. A. Shepard____ 25.000 35,890 225,000 16,500 166,450 17,200 26,990 M. F. Kohlsdorf... R. R. Frazier_____ 35,000 21.890 643,300 36.670 295,310 319,260 47,310 25,000 15,000 11,110 470,230 232,230 184,910 8,660 50,000 31,990 340,740 156.660 178,850 19,130 15.370 492,040 31.790 9,090 <?. OnyHitt Sail Barker............ Velma B. Corzine.. Dee T. Ashby___ S'. H. Reynolds— W. G. Finn.............. V. G. Voliva par 100 SV. H. Clendinen .. W. J. Bull 70-1785 Continental Illinois Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21.370 and W. J. Armstrong.. J. R. Paxton 25,000 72,260 482,240 Trust Company — Chicago Yds.; Mtle.- 74.980 1st N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and N. City, St.L. 60,990 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L. 68,080 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 61,950 1st N. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; 1st N.. Waukegan. °F1YEBa correspondent 004 . ,T „ , anslt Number given to each bank In U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and county ‘County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A. tt-New SStatefPriv. t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA Liabilities. President. Vice-President. 0X3 El XX. ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Loan* Bonda Paid-tip Surplus Depos Other Miscel and Liabili and AND Capital its Diaoounta Saeuritias laneous ties PBOFIT8 Principal Correspondents. Gabh & Ex changes,Du* from Banks. Acton_________ 620 Acton State Bank------©t§’28 J. A. Swails_____ A. J. Smock___ 7 Marion J15 $150-10% par 100 71-670 W. C. Raper______ Advance............ 417 State Bank of Advance W. J. De Vol. J. H. Fink____ 7 Boone 111 $150-8% par 100 71-671d®T*J’01 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G. H. Waters____ 25,000 19.290 179,220 79,430 138,290 22.680 J. R. Emahlser___ F. M. Pressnall—— N. C. Moore 50.000 6,000 650,000 10,000 500,000 40,000 Aaron S. Berger... John C. Savage___ 25,000 14,250 199,590 158,680 2,380 40,660 37,120 Foreman-State N., Chi.- Ind. N., Indpls.; Lin. N.. Ft. Wayne; U. S. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rochester. Albany............ 1333 Albany State Bank D. M. 8t. John, 71-672 d®T*t§’96 Ch, of Bd, and Pres, J. W. De Haven... B. A. Rnssell_____ Hazel A. Jones___ 7 Delaware H20 $160-8% par 100 30,000 15,020 255,610 11.030 205,170 2,150 39,720 64,630 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.; Del. Co. N., Muncie. ‘Albion...........1142 Albion National Bank E. P. Eagles............ J. W. Long.............. A. W. Larson_____ Frank W. Foote... 7 Noble C18 $175-6% par 100 71-566 dB®*t'07 G. O. Russell 25.000 22,000 375,000 18,000 275,000 68,000 30,000 rM. C. BECK_ _ _ _ _ F.B. MOORE.......... A. A. RARNUM------- 6LADE RALIHAN —- 35,000 17,900 391,200 20,000 296,000 40,800 67,300 67,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. &.Tr. Co.. Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.; Lincoln N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 60,000 Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Wayne. 13,910 76,260 20,000 119,480 2,300 6,800 24.290 701,590 495,420 115,570 24,100 120,790 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher-Am.N„Indpls, 26,150 569,360 344,000 158,710 20,070 113,360 Equit, Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Fletcher-Am. N„ Akron_________ 930 Akron Exchange State Bank H. D. Stoner............ W. C. Miller _ 7 Fulton D15 $150-10% 71-616 d®T»t§'91 State Bank of Akron J. J. King________ V. J. Lidecker. $135-6% 71-981 dB®T«’12 par 100 THE FARMERS STATE BANK $150-6% par 100 71-565 ®*t§’06 S 24,750 * rH. M ABAiS— W. F. WILSON------- H. A. BABUR. See. ' A Modern Com merclal Bank an d Trust Company 71-340 d®T»tri2 1 Our rapid, subs tantlal growth Is evidence of the se I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash ^Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 10% par 100 78,000 S WM. LEWIS. A. A 25,000 25,000 15,000 133,000 P. B. Norris_____ 25.000 4,000 200,000 Amo.....................274 First National Bank__ 7 Hendricks Jll $150-6% 71-674 J. N. Phillips____ Elsie M. Phillips.. 26.000 34,100 110,000 par 100 _ toe E. B. Owen_______ M. E. Kendall. dB®T»t§'90 J. L. VERMILLION. L.F. PERCE--------- Mrs. NETTA H. BING- C. A. HARDWICK E.S. RIDLEY AMAN ♦Citizens Bank.__d©T*JS’55 N. M. McCullough. E. N. Hill................ Carl L. White ... par 100 71-70 $150 'FARMERS TRUST COMPANY 71-76 104,940 ®T«tJ’12 17,470 Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 37,030 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.: 1st N., Lebanon. 176,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N.. Ft. Wayne. 15 300.000 93,000 25,000 GEO. I. NICM0L — J. M. LAB MORE- -A. T. DYE, 6,590 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 31,000 175,000 30,000 30,000 5,400 100,000 40,500 5,300 53,000 Cont. Ill, Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. F. F. Barr____ George Griffith 25,000 Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Grant Tr. & Sav. Co., Marion.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 28,700 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.; Ind N., Indpls. 230,850 2,426,460 649,870 1,523,210 630,790 1,084,060 369,130 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi. Merch. N., Indpls.; Un. Tr. Co„ Clev. 1st N„ Cin. 162,100 65,320 2,701,920 133,730 2,214,250 176,120 192,190 480,510 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; FletcherAm. N.. Indpls.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr, Co., Cin. 200.000 91,980 1,363,240 238,000 1,153,420 267,450 274,450 197,610 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr a fts, 16c; Credit Repo rte 26c. 71-71 $135-8% 5,990 t t&o far Credit Repar ts. W. W. McCormick. *ANDERS0N BANKING CO. 29,760 * Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. Amboy................460 State Bank of Amboy H. G. Ballard_____ Ohas. V. Gahs. 7 Miami F16 $95 par 100 71-1138 dB®TtS’19 $180-8% 70,350 $ In every respect, rvfee we render, and Time Items Ambla---------------------- 459 Farmers & MerchantsBank Hugh W. Torpey... John Gerlach.. 7 Benton G6 $100-8% par 100 71-667 tj'll ‘Anderson.. 33,854 7 Madison H16 14,770 t Largest Bank “ Service Built.” Tour business In vited. | Special Attentlo n given Collectio ns. Try Us. k.Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rsp orts. Alert_________ 232 Alert State Bank .dB®Ttl’14 John H. Deniston. L. V. Gant.............. Herman Armstrong Maurice Banister.. 25,000 7 Decatur L17 $112-6% par 100 71-1067 Martin Hill Alexandria ...4172 Alexandria Bank..._®T*t5’88 S. G. Phillips_____ I. S. Kelly................ E. L. McKown.. 30,000 7 Madison H17 15% 71-339 coMMEm w m 6,050 t ___________ Sec. and Tr. Besides general banking Items and Collections, send us matters requiring personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience. ♦Madison County Tr.Co, Linfleld Myers___ F. C. Kroeger____ H. M. Bartlow, L. E. Eggman, $125-8% parl0071-76dB®T«t§’14 F. T. Barber. Ch. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. National Exchange Bank {Consolidated with C itizens Bank Oct. 12 , 1929.) N., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. 185,100 47,860 895,500 62,620 610,170 279,140 118,000 183,770 N. City, N. Y.; Fletcher - Am. N.. Indpls. Anderson Clearing House... Carl L. White........ G. E. Nicholl_____ Edw. S. Ridley. Tr. (Members indicated by a *) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH TFIIRD LINKIN TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS In FORT WAYNE Prompt Attention Given Collections and other matters requiring immediate action and careful handling and the closest kind of responsible financial attention by the LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Capital - $1,250,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - $1,500,000 We Invite Your Collections in the Fort Wayne Territory THE LINCOLN TOWER _/ SAMUEL M. FOSTER, Chairman of the Board Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHAS. H. BUESCHING, President CEO. WALDSCHMIDT, Vice President OSCAR H. BUSHING, Cashier DIRECTORS OF THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. of FORT WAYNE, INDIANA ABE ACKERMAN, President Straus Bros. Company HENRY BEADELL, Retired CUSTAVE A. BERGIIOFE, Pres., Berghoff Products Company COONY BAYER, Pres., Coony Bayer Cigar Company FRANK E. BOHN, President, The Home Telephone & Telegraph Company CHARLES II. BUESCHING, President A. G. BURRY, Gen. Mgr., Fort Wayne Paper Box Co. WALTER E. COOK, Insurance JOHN J. DISSER, Manager, South Branch JESSE E. ESC1IBACH, Vice-President OSCAR G. FOELLINGER, Pres., News Publishing Company DAVID N. FOSTER, President, Foster-Rahe Co. SAMUEL M. F'OSTEll, Chairman of the Board B. F. GEYER. President, Wayne Company W. M. GRIFFIN, President Wayne Pump Company ARTHUR F. IIALL, President, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company MARK C. HONEYWELL. President, MinneapolisHoneywell Regulator Company JOSEPH C. HUTZELL, President, Ovclmo Company JAMES F. KEENAN, President, Keenan Hotel System W. ROBERT KLAEI1N, Robert Klachn & Sons, Undertakers HENRY W. LF.PPER, Vice-President E. C. MILLER, Fort Wayne Builders Supply Co. S. E. MULIIOLLAND, Vice-President, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. MAURICE C. NIEZF.R, President, Niezer & Co. A. II. PERFECT, President, A. H. Perfect & Co. MAURICE I. ROSENTHAL, Surgeon FRANK K. SAFFORD, Chairman of the Board, G. E. Bursley & Co. WILLARD SHAMBAUGH, Attorney F. L. SMOCK, Retired FRED J. T11IF.ME, Vice-Pres., Wayne Knitting Mills GEORGE LI. VAN ARNAM, President, Van Arnam Manufacturing Co. GEORGE WALDSCHMIDT, Vice-President OOO H DDDOOO OOOOOO WWWWW >> jS? Erg I S •< g E-S-” O 8 5 s efa g £ £ o g jf 8 g 5s (o' 20*Sb pglsp-i ff |5p|3-|-S.^r: ISglo^PB e Z Cfi's'DO •g gS'g'S 8 p: Esg. i • o' c& _ __ : : : : I d-: f I3S : ® • : : : : :::::. : : : : : : : q: : : : : •' : : : : : : :;:::; *: 4 ^e-c ^ W ■ KOI^Sl, *TJWf <Q rt-H 0*1 « ^ b “ia S«52i>522 225 L®ibh*£L t<®£ b~bb22i:2 5”o« bb *£££«£ 22bb£bb is®* £*-— * to to O | 0 OOCDOH>rf>>Q-gO) Cn Ot tfr* •—‘ Cr» CO h-Cn ►-* h* 00 O C5 W OOOH CO O CO GC M h* <1 O tO r-* 0© 05 to ^ C O CO rf* 03 tO O C© 0505 > 00 »+“■ OC 4* QO i—* 05 O' 00 “4 Ct WOMCflO 05 CO CO ‘ GO CO 00 tO CO “«4 **4 to >—» 00 CO CO -vl <35 c/5 O tr H C/5 O G JW o M •8 > O O o G Z H C/5 s 3 c *5 w g ° a o t- 2 o) os £„>& 5i>3 jr O rto *fl o o*+ w r* 5°g?" o 00 G m M as pn C/5 C/5 johwoe • EO^pi eo^5z £C/5>3J0 rL^z"^ S-^g r<^hr Sroi n^joS E 3 JO • Pig1 o I z I . <<<< me m» m» 11* n r> n o JO l n • (« ft ft ft ^ 5* ’ TJ TJ *0 *0 Z S A *i >i i «t * □ O ft ft ft ft ^ JO » ®. * “ <2 i—i rg. pi si»51515151 » »« y ft 3 3 3 3 C/5 C01 rntrtft See Back of W a sh in g to n , D. C. M ap T ru st D e p a rtm e n t — A cco u n tin g S ystem s JO j > ° n r z * £ ^E^JO^E 5>>0$P1 pi JO * jo 2 oo 5 73" ^JOPIHZOO *0 >2w „pi 2 C ” M 11 M ft o.«rP32 a. a. S' *.• „ * H £35 rw^JO . * §► o fcJ i 0c/32 nwo SH oh E o as “ ?cs > >>>> cn oo $ on cn p«i oo c» eo oo oo o z ftOftOO jy fi; p co 0) cn oo oo JJTTTT (0 SEND YOUR ;r~=.(ITEMS TO THE NATIONAL CITY BANK D A . r-xx. . , o Prompt H and Efficient Service Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EVANSVILLE, RESOURCES $8,500,000.00 INDIANA THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN SOUTHERN INDIANA Nine Out of Ten Two Out of Three Nine Out of Ten — Two Out of Three — Unless you advertise your bank in the BLUE BOOK you are running counter to the judgment of NINE OUT OF TEN of the American banks which advertise in bank directories. of such banks set the example of using the BLUE BOOK EXCLUSIVELY and treating any other bank directory advertising as useless duplication. These are not claims but facts. No research is necessary to check them—simply compare the BLUE BOOK with its nearest competitor. All Advertisers Exclusive Advertisers Total Banks Advertising Exclusively in BLUE BOOK 4657 Banks Advertising Exclusively in nearest competitor 860 Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK 3797 You*li find as follows: Reserve City Banks 388 146 242 Other Banks • 4269 714 3555 Total Banks Advertising in BLUE BOOK Total Banks Advertising in nearest competitor Difference in favor of BLUE BOOK Total Reserve City Banks Other Banks 6235 2438 3797 783 541 242 5452 783 4669 In Other Words 88% of those Banks in the United States that buy bank directory advertising, advertise with Rand McNally Bankers Directory. 66% of such Banks advertise exclusively with Rand M(;Nally Bankers Directory. Note Especially Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The BLUE BOOK’S Dominating Position with banks outside the Metropolitan centers. Qoc OOJ Number under Name of Bank )s the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A. "New §State fPriv, Liabilities. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Fig. Fed. Bes. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sar$LastSalc%Dlr. Andrews____ 1071 7 Huntington E18 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Oashier. Ass’t Cashier. 71-675 par 100 C. E. FULTS............ R. 0. BIXBV—...... TREVA HEFNER ...... S 25,000 S ®*tl'08 J According to R ule of Indiana Ba nkers Ass’n, J Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by Ifee in advan CE: Plain sight dra fts, lac; Credit Repo rts, 25c. ‘Angola_____ 2650 Angola State Bank.dB®t§’27 J. F. Cameron........ W. A. Helme_____ W. W. Elston. 7 Steuben B22 5125 par 125 71-1247 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5215-12% par 100 71-430 ©»t'03 . S. Croxton........ F. B. Humphreys . B. B. Goodale___ _ R. W. Sheffer 12% ®T*tl'89 CENTRAL BANK A. E. MARTZ- Maurice McClew... R. J. Carpenter.__ Carlton Chase. E. B. Willis 117,820 $ 75,000 92,480 1,287,860 50,000 36,180 65,280 49,250 720,720 313,450 383,230 67,880 $ 188,920 25.000 14,210 133,840 5175 Arlington State BankB*+§’05 Frank Offntt_____ par 100 71-676 25,000 19,520 144,160 5120-8% 25,000 4,810 172,290 25,000 7,880 161,320 51,000 1,066,410 The Bank That Does Not Loan To Itself. Merle Phillips .... W. R. Harrison.__ C. E. Downey_____ Ashley State Bank_dB®t5’20 E. F. Mortorfl___ Plin Legg________ W. C. Henderson.. R. V. King par 100 71-677 State Bank of Atlanta W. I. Bishop____ J. E. Scully.............. S. S. Walton_____ J. R. Plain. 5100-6% 71-678 d®T*tl'17 W. B. Schermer- H. W. Newlin.__ horn P. W. Brown D. G. Patrick, Tr... W. T. Pearcy, Sec. 100.000 J. D. Harman____ R. S. Harman____ 15,000 8,970 45,850 1st N.. Chi.; Lincoln N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 479,060 79,770 66,770 9,310 225,050 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep,. Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 79,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N., Ohi.; 1st N. and Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. 34,700 169,160 28,530 35,950 14,980 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 123,040 15,250 10,650 24,210 Old N..Ft Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. RAN 71-396 dB®T»P02 610 42,480 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ind. N„ Indpls.; Far mers Tr. Co., Rushville. 28,780 1st N.. Ohu; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. 124,110 21,390 1,310 144,030 20,000 9,290 33,790 148,510 39,410 19,950 20,120 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. 102,590 571,440 396,440 48,540 101,490 10,340 109,200 3,970 8,180 238,830 Guaranty Tr. Co„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 12,880 1st N„ Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 49,510 1,495,250 41,800 1.424,040 50,000 6,900 F. M. HINES......... WARREN LIGE- - - - - - - - WILLIS RHOADS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100.000 123,990 71-674 d8®»l’64 J. A. RIDDELL..... W. W. HOWE--------- H. J. SCHMUTTE...... H. H. JfJLL r 1a A. A. CONELTON CENTS lent to ns with each s lght draft for pru sentatlon, and CENTS for e aeh credit report Insure* prompt, personal attentio S. Morgan_____ E. T. Vest________ D. W. Cutshaw___ Kathleen Perry.... Austin............ 425 Austin State Bank_____ l’09 71-679 I L Scott N17 5140-6% A villa................ 537 Avilla State Bank..d®»t§’01 M. K. Jacobs____ S. K. Jacobs........... G. B. Hines______ W. P. Weimer____ 7 Noble 020 5100 71-680 138,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. 75,000 56,010 1,420,630 125,000 1,138,870 318,820 51,800 167,150 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ohi.: 1st N.. Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 60,000 22,060 413,640 67,180 295,920 109,270 107,000 50,690 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 115.030 1,364,250 127,410 546,950 926,630 58,370 E. L, Wilson 5180-8% par 100 Indpls. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. According to R ule of Indiana B ankers Ass’n, Si ght Drafts must . be accompan ied by 15c and R equests for Batin gs by 25c. Aurora______ 429!) Aurora State Bank William Stoll........ E. J. Libbert_____ C. B. Wilson---------R, M. Richmond... 7 Dearborn M22 5130-6% 71-375 dB®T»tl'M H. H. Bodey par 135 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wayne. W. H. W1LLENNAR — C. M. BJ0VW-.- - - - - - - E. P. LOMBARD- - - - - - - - J. D. HAGGARTY- Thls Bank Does Not Loan To Itself. ti7<hw% KdB®T«t»o4 A trained banking and credit specialist In charge. Collections a specialty. Send 15c for presentations, 25c for reports. par 100 wriiiii CITY NATIONAL BANK 50,000 1st N„ Ohi. and Ft. Wayne. Send lie for presentations, tic for reports. Areola State Bank___ d©TB Wm. F. Holt______ C. L. Thomas.__ 71-999 5150-6% Henry Greuttert Argcs State Bank__________ (Closed January 16, 1930) AUBURN STATE nov Bin, $ 71-1083 B®T»tt'16 A trained banking and credit specialist In charge. Collection* a specialty. Pkxncifax Correspondents. Ciu * Bx nixtu.Dc, Wayne. 15.000 6200-10% par 100 180 5,000 FRED B. MARTZ-FRED M. MARTZ- OTTO K. JENSEN. par 100 Attica______ 8392 Central National Bank & Chas. L. Meharry . O. S. Clark ... 7 Fountain H7 Trust Co—71-415........._.t'87 "First Bank & Trust Co. J. E. Morris______ D. G. Patrick. §’30 71-1262 Atwood..____ 315 Atwood Bank______ d«tt’20 T. J. Clutter_____ O. E. Beeson.. 7 Kosciusko 015 5140 par 100 /1-1164 ‘Auburn_____4650 7 De Kalb C21 19,980 10.000 par 100 Areola_______ 300 7 Allen D20 Argos_______ 1111 7 Marshall 013 Arlington____510 7 Rush K17 Ashley_______ 618 7 Steuben B20 Atlanta_______678 7 Hamilton H14 71-429 $ 290.000 $ 5,000 I 315,000 50,000 F. G. Gilbert STEUBEN COUNTY STATE BK. J. A. Croxton____ Arcadia_____ 1060 7 Hamilton 014 Loam Bond* Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discount* Sacuritias laneous ties STATE BANK OF ANDREWS rE. M. WASMUTH- 5150-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Biolldays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 100,000 174,730 N. Olty. N. Y.: Oont. Ill.Bk. ATr. Oo.. Ohi. 1st N. and 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. ’ 25,000 7,530 116,980 750 65. 39,800 500 25,000 8,850 341,730 20,000 193, 125,480 9,130 47,640 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Noble Co., Keudallville. Bainbrldge___475 Citizens Bank_______ Ttt'29 C. K. Hughes____ J. P. Hughes_____ C. K. Hughes_____ 7 Putnam J9 par 100 71-1252 10,000 500 119,550 12,000 57, 27,510 17,750 39,380 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N., Greencastle. Bargersvllle ...290 Bargersville State Bank.81'00 W. T. Connell____ J. W. Richardson.. Wilbur White.. 7 Johnson K13 5200-8% par 100 71-682 25,000 2,830 210,700 184, 2,800 8,900 1 H E FI FT H THIRD UNIION TRUST lC().. 1Cl N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mINAT | 44,110 Citiz.-Union N., Lou. 41,560 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 386 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. INDIAN A—Continued ^County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. PRESIDENT Ass Cashier. t Cashier. (Formerly Batesville Bank) J. A. Hillenbrand First National Bank 1220-8% 71-477 dB®T»t’05 par 100 J. A. Hillenbrand. First Savings & Trust Co. 5% par 100 71-1243 dB®T§ 26 S. Du Bois ... W. Bath State Bank-.-dB®t§'23 Bath. —142 7 Franklin K22 $125 par 100 71-1230 Battle Ground 444 Battle Ground Bank.d®tt’13 Wm. J. Walters. 7 Tippecanoe G9 $170-10% 71-1044 BEDFORD NATIONAL BANK $210-12% par 100 71-240 J. H. Wilker_____ W. E. Kretzmeier. Alex Volz----------J. H. Wilker..:— Wm.E. Kretzmeier W. W. Huneke ___ J. C. Barkley_____ I. A. Jaaues--------- R. Y. Jaaues_____ 30.000 25,000 48,300 400,000 ... 215.200 310,600 33,200 31,200 1.670 87,410 89.140 10,790 33,500 8,940 145,510 117,020 21,550 9,000 5.050 240,930 218,Qfl0 7,990 30,830 i 150,000 31,880 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 26,940 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; Far. & Tra. State, La Fayette; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 211,940 IstN., N.Y.; Cont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co.and 1st N.. Chi.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls. 100.,000 150,720 1,150.230 171,370 503,360 753,350 103,680 1. E. FARMER........ MILES STANDISH-— A. C. VORIS............ R. A. MOORE- - - - - - - - 159,000 222,220 1,309,360 26,200 929,500 265,050 264,850 257,760 1st N.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., 899,690 621.740 59,150 816.930 63,770 Citiz. N„ Bedford; City Tr. Co., Indpls. 760,000 210,000 215,000 10,400 Chi.; Citiz.-Cn. N., Lou.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls. Send your Cash Letters and Colle ctlons direct to t he | Largest and Str ongest Bank for prompt service, ort. ^Please send 15c with each Sight D raft for presentat Ion and Me tor e ach Rep H. P. Pearson, Sec, and Tr, 75,000 H. D. MARTIN-— E. B. CROWE- - - - - - - - R. 0. MARTIN......... 100,000 Bedford’s Oldes t Bank offers a co on given Bill of L Send 25c for Cred H. D. Merrifield— mplete Banking Service, ading Drafts and all Mercantile it Ratings. 64.890 522.010 65.000 1.240,000 220,000 Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FletcherAm. N„ Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Lou. N., Lou. 32.57C Aetna Tr. & Sav. Co., Indpls. E. R. Ryan___ _— 25,000 5,010 141,100 62,440 65,700 F. M. Hackleman.. O. W. Davis-------- C. G. Overhiser... 25,000 5.000 80,000 90,000 15,000 75,000 89.270 704,850 450 627,170 94,830 26,980 60,000 19,000 503,000 15,000 489.500 9,000 28,000 70.40 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N„ Ft. Wayne; 1st N„ Decatur. 25,000 8,770 191,670 27,3700 162,560 11,770 50,680 27,80 1st N., Chi. and Vincennes. J. F. LEHMAN- - - - ‘•‘■"Thwakie- 71-547 dB®»t8'91 Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Cin. 16,480 1st N., Batesville. R. H. Moore--------- W. E. Clark....... —. R. 0. Sowder ... $200-10% 71-238 dB©TtS’90 Prompt attenti Collections. par 100 Citizens State Bank.d®t5'22 W. S. Newcomer— Beech Grove .1459 7 Marion J15 $100 par 100 71-1216 Paul Ferris------— Bentonvllle ...175 Bentonville State Bank 71-1096 ®t8'20 7 Fayette J20 $103-6% BANK OF BERNE Tr. Co.. Chi.; 2d N„ Cin.; Fletcher Am. Cent/lIamBk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. 10,000 W. A. Brown.__ STONE CITY BANK 102,900 H. G. Leslie............ G. E. Buzick--------- Lela Stigleman.— 12% par 100 71-239 »t’91 C. H. Emery...CitizensTrustCo.dB®T*t819Q0|W. R. Martin. Ch. of Bd. and Pres $200-10% p ar 100 71-241 $250-12% par 100 30,000 $ 800,000 d®T«t’99 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Berne.... ..........1537 7 Adams F22 55.000 $ 115,000 $1150 000 552.400 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ’A»H k ExBonds Loans MlSCElr- (,hasoii .Dui and and Discount! Bseuritiss LANBOUS ,•bom Baku Other Surplus Depos Liabili Paid-up and its Capital Profits ties G. H. Goyert_____ G. W. Johanning.. C. L. Johnson____ I. G. Schein-----Batesville___2361 Batesville State Bank 16% 71-476 dB®Tt§’89 7 Ripley L20 8 L LawrenceN12 Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. *Bedford__,__9206 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ol this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. W.BAUMGARTNER 10.00C Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Fayette Bk. & Tr. Co.. Connersville. 120.59C Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N.. Indpls.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. I Oldest Establls hed Bank—Collec tlons a Specialty, Prompt attenti on given Bill of L ading Drafts, Cas b and Time Item ^Please send 16c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Reports RUDOLPH SCHUG - E. C. BIERIE.......... L. R. SCHUG...... THE PEOPLES 71548 STATE BANK A STRONG, PR OGRESSIVE, MO DERN BANK, VILAS SCHINDLER- E-c-B1EcRAW $160-10% par loo dB®*t8’03 Special attenti on given business of non-residents Unsxirpassed c T. M. Byers_____ Blcknell_____ 7635 Bicknell Trust & Sav. Co. 71-1093 d®Tt§'16 S Knox N7 Citizens State Bank®T+§W00 J. L. Donaldson... $150-10% 71-421 First National Bank. d®Tt’04 Wm. V. Barr-----$165 H-6% 71-422 Please send fee in advance. ollection service S. E. Dunn_______ N. P. Sartor______ Winifred Jones----B. F. Byers_______ B. W. Donaldson .. Hallie Stalcup........ 35,000 non 260,000 16,000 5,550 - - 64,020 321,350 21,000 85,00 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fletcher-Am.N.. Indpls.; Am. N., Vincennes. 65,62 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Am. N., Vincennes. 32,88 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Huntington Tr. & Sav.. Huntington. 51,89 Citiz. Un. N., Lou. Jno. S. Hoover— Thomas E. Pearce. R. I. Anderson .— 30,000 54,820 387,160 Blppus .375 Bippns State Bank —d®tS’ll John H. Sell-------- John Wagner------- H. L. Bolinger------ C. C. Diefenbaugh. nntingtonE18 $140-6% par 100 71-966 Birdseye_____ 627 Birdseye National Bank.»t’07 Jas. E. Glenn-------- W. N. Koerner— J. O. Sanders_____ L. B. McKinney — 71-683 8 L Dubois P10 C. E. Davis.............. L. S. Barkley.. •.Bloomfield., 187 2 Bloomfield State Bank ..t§’07 A. D. Haig------$200-20% par 100 71-482 Greene M10 25,000 11.900 158,230 6,5000 137.31C 19.09C 12,35(1 25,000 25,610 318,830 0 203.87C 141,30( 1.53C 30,000 20,500 345,720 0 219,67( 46,29( 30,76( 30.000 10.800 243,480 225.2700 185.70 20,09 250,25( 18,000 215,000 150,0000 120,00 78,00 0 155,00 55,0( Irv.Tr.Co.. N.Y.; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 46.00 44,00 9 18,001 20,0( Fletcher-Am. N., Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., and Peo. State, Indpls. 8 BLOOMFIELD TRUST CO. $130-8% par 100 71-1023 dB®TtS'13 j^ R. C. APPLEGATE. EDWARD H. STEIN— L. H. JONES, Sec. and Tr. { According to Bu le of Indiana Ban kers’ Ass’n. Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 16c; Credit Rep oris, 25c. Citizens 8tate Bank_.®tS1900 F. A. Van Sandt... R. F. Parsons------- Oscar Smith--------$155-8% par 100 71-483 J. E. Boswell------- L. J. Brown--------- J. W. Carter.. Bloo mlngd ale .479 Bank of Bloomingdale_Tt’03 T. H. Pence $115 par 100 71-684 7 Parke 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 10.000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 3.000 115,000 117,25 Cent Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; FletcherAm. N. and Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls.; Am. N.. Vincennes. 53.51 Chase. N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher-Am.N., Indpls. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY 007 00 • Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Assn. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. L is Louisville Br. ®Mem.A.B.A.»New §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President, President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. ‘Bloomington Bloomington Nat. Bk._d©t’06 W. B. Adams______ A. A. Beck_________ O. E. Tharp 7 Mouroe L12 12,589 *150-6% par 100 71-230 R. L. Cosier, V. P. F. E. Matthews .. CITIZENS LOAN & TR. CO. J. D. Showers____ Fred Matthews___ R. O. Pike *220-10% 71-228 dB®Tt§1900 par 100 .. First National Bk.dfl®T#t’71 P.B. Hill. *280-10% 71-227 I. C. Batman, par 100 •• «. MONROE COUNTY STATE BANK *250-10% par 100 R. B. Stull, Ch. of Bd. H. H. Buskirk OSCAR H. CRAVENS . EDWIN C0RR______ $ 100,000 % E. P. Eckels_______ oatronairp. 205,850 1,941,610 744,970 1,410,210 402,300 809,540 120,000 255,620 3,483,620 120,010 1,888,490 1,100,010 10,690 100,000 91,190 1,321,740 14,340 1,003,180 86,100 Collections and . ... C. M. Wrightsman. H. O. Moore H. C. Moore, R. N. Fitzpatrick— H. E. Thomas Old National Bk._ dB®T«t’29 Henry C. Paul_______ Frank H. Cutshall. F. W. Hitzeman____ .T. W. Stogdill 71-1257 F. J. Tangeman par 20 ** from 59,750 $ 150,000 229,340 Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes, Due Banks 78,960 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co..Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. 420,390 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi,; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Nat’l Bk. Ky„ Louisville. 799,110 1st N„ N. Y. and Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Lou. N., Lou. 208,660 Chase. N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.& Tr. Co., ChL; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Lou. Trust Co., Lou. (Taken over by Citiz ens Loan & Trust C o„ February 15,1929 .) Exec. V. P. “ 50,000 1 686,540 $ 150,080 $ 430,910 $ 371,990 $ A. T. Baker S. E. ALEXANDER... FRANK SOUTHERN— OUR SERVICE will merit your regular Correspondence Invited. Resources. Loan, Bonda Miscel and and Discount! Securities laneous 71-229 dB®T»t§’93 ‘Bluff ton.........5391 First National Bk. in Bluffton C. M. Niezer 7 Wells E19 *150 71-1256 ©T'29 •• Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos Other AND Liabili its Capital Profits ties V. P. and Cash. G. K. Carter Blountsville... 158 Blountsville State Bank £§’10 I. V. Thornburg____ Jacob Acker. 7 Henry H20 *125-6% 71-685 par 100 •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this INDIAN A —Continued 16,250 Gitiz* Stale, Newcastle. 100,000 50,000 437.310 34,890 327,780 139,670 24,540 130,210 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Wayne. 100,000 50,000 555,240 111,200 322,150 272,130 66,210 155,960 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Old N., Ft. Wayne. 244,200 1.028,670 555,380 70,270 110,940 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Lon. Union Savings & Trust Co____ (Closed for liquidati on March 23, 1929) .. (Closed February 13 Boggstown_____ 218 Suaar Creek State Bank . 7 Shelby K16 . 1929) (Consolidated with Fairland National Bank, Fairland, In d., September 30, 1929) rT.D. SCALES---------- DKbRHSEWYERYEEERJACHER VERNONSULLENGER J. M. KOHLMEYER— 56,540 1,252,020 112,500 ‘Boon vllle____4451 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < OLDEST BANK IN WARRICK C OUNTY. 71-390 d©ri4 1 According to R ule of Indiana Ba nkers’ Ass’n, Coll ectlons and Requ ests for Credit L Warrick Q7 *225-10% Reperts (.must be accom panted by FEE I N ADVANCE: Si gbt Drafts, 15c, par 100 Credit Enqulri ea, 25c. 8 .. ________ .. Peoples Trust & Savings Bank L.W. Bohn. L. L. Kindermann. J. D. Barker, Sec.. 10% par 100 71-392 ©>tl’14 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 60.000 100,920 937,810 303,210 Borden.................333 Borden State Bank.. d®tl’05 Geo. McKinley.... Geo. M. Johnson.. O. W. Scott_______ Ray McKinley_____ *160-8% par 100 71-686 L Clark 016 Bertha Naugle 25,000 10,500 252,170 25,640 Boston.. lgo Farmers State Bank...»t|'12 A. F. Nelson. 7 Wayne J22 *112-4M% 71-1005 25,000 3,500 140.000 40,000 12,550 234,930 25,000 49,700 100,000 38,320 8 W. F. Parks_______ T. A. Dougherty... Boswell .... 880 Farmers ft Merch. Bank tl’03 Geo. W. Day. H. E. Simpkins____ W. F,. Palmer 7 Benton F6 par 100 71-621 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. .. First National Bank..........t’97 C. F. Lawson,.____ *300-10% par 100 71-620 Bourbon___ 12S!) First State Bank____d®«§’02 M. M. Beck____ 7 Marshall C15 *100-7% par 100 71-585 _ E. E. Mvers . Grace Shuster____ James S. Bradley.. James N. Dewey.. O. S. Gaskill THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 581,550 4,500 94,440 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Old N„ Evans ville. 265,590 300 17,690 29,730 Lin. Bk. &Tr. Co., Lou.; 2d N.. New Alb.; Clark Co- State. Jeffersonville. 100,000 30,000 8.500 30,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Oin.; Dickinson Tr. Co., Rich., Ind. 185,670 1,970 22,280 82,110 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.: lst-Merch. N., La Fayette; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. w59,u00 43,600 10,100 65,320 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: lst-Merch. N., La Fayette. 547,000 37,280 36,300 99,300 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont.III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Wayne and Plymouth; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 388 Number under Name of Bank is the new Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. .County Seats. Fig. isF.R. Dist. L is Lonisville Br. eMem.A.B.A. nNew §8tate tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%DIy. .Brazil______9293 7 Olay K8 BRAZIL TRUST COMPANY $175—8% par 200 »* •• »» II 71-224 "" FIRST NATIONAL ■ 8% II RINK DHI1N Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 100,000 81,990 769,540 50,000 29,990 483,980 100,060 10,000 700.000 50.000 19,4/0 30.000 60.000 Wm. J. Snyder.__ E. F. Nolte______ C. E. Harris. n. w. . M. H. Johnson, S. W. Henderson, Active W. P. Luther. V.P. Sec. John B. Merzhon PRENTISS C.TILLEY H. F. BUCKLIN— H. F. BUCKLIN 112,400 376,000 463,240 73,890 350,840 66,850 29,850 329,000 388.000 328,000 311,000 112,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpis.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 466,830 814,970 171,900 338,240 783,440 18.720 367,860 5,500 308,810 53,490 3,680 57,680 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FletcherAm. N., Indpis. 56,100 Oont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpis.; 1st N.. Ft. Wayne. 52,870 529,760 411,490 57,350 76,060 OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT AND EFFICIENT. COLLECTIONS REMITTED ON DAY OF PAYMENT. Flora G. Came ___ Mary C. Jones ARCH----------- STATE BK._ _ _ _ _ < Prompt and Effl dent Collection 8 mice. 71-490 dB®Tti 17 j Special Attentl on given BUI of Lading Drafts. LPleas* send 15e to ith each eight di aft J or presentation and 25c for Credit Ropor te. LEOW. HECKAMAN T i WAITER H. MARVIN SEILER- CLARA LAUPPE- - - - - - HARMON CARBIENER STATE BANK 0*1$ 92 \ OLDEST AND L ABGEST BANK, $225-10% 71-489 1 Special attentio n given collectio ns. LPlease send fee in advance with plain sight draft 5 and request for UNION ill) Bridgeton Bank____©*ft’20 A. O. Benson_____ $110-5% par 100 71-1174 Bristol State Bank -..®Ttl’90 J. S. Leatherman.. $170-8% par 100 71-687 7 Elkhart Alfl Citizens State Bank ©Tt8'20 H. H. Mnsler------$125-6% par 125 71-1192 Broad Ripple 1552 (See Indianapolis) Ill Brook____ ____ 875 State Bank of Brook. ®J5’24 John B. Lyons____ par 100 71-688 7 Newton E6 Brldeeton _ 7 Parke J8 150,790 Cont.Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N. and Ind. N„ Indpis.; McKeen N„ Terre Hante. 116.430 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Cont. N.t Indpis. - BLANCHE B^AWSON f E. S. LAUDEMAN - WILLIAM SCHLOSSER CLAUDE E. WEISS— D. E. .. Principal Correspondents. D. P. CARPENTER- W. SIEGELIN.......... M L. RINGO.........1VM.E.CARPENTER, J. M. RAWLEY Sec. $ 100,000 $ 125,370 $1182770 $ 290,130 $ 551,710 $ 578,270 $ 245,540 $ 332,730 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., CbL; Ind. S. Send your Brazil items aud collection* direct to us. and Fletcher-Am. N., Indpis.; Terre We give personal service and prompt attention. Haute Tr. Co., Terre Haute. The Largest and Strongest Financial Institution in Clay County. 71-220 Riddell National Bank J. H. Riddell____ T. M. Riddell_____ F. J. Plott .. $150-10% 71-222 dB®Tt'85 par 100 Bremen_____ 2084 BREMEI 7 Marshall C14 $150-8% par 100 Liabilities. KJCttOOitLBKL 1 Other Loans Bonds Miscel Gash ft XiD epos Paid-up Surplus and and oba*«m,Dvi L iabili AND laneous its Capital Profits ntOM Bajtxz Diaoounts Sseuritiss ties N. D. FALLS J. F. Brown. Citizens National Bank liio-8% 71-228 ®Tt’07 $150-8% •• 71-021 dB®T»ti'W President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued report 87,720 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cost 111. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. s. 1,790 55,610 1,210 35,410 18,750 6,850 7,610 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpis.; 1st N„ Brazil. 30.000 16,990 177,730 7,750 83.150 118,500 7,750 C. K. Jndson--------- R. A. Cannien____ H. Kirkdorffer.... J. O. Bronson 26.000 7,840 169,100 4,600 141,740 7,200 21,040 23,060 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 36,560 Chase N.. N. Y.; Foreman-8tate N„ Chi.; 8tate Bk. of Goshen, Goshen. J. F. Lawrence.__ John B. Lyons. Jr. Ferd. Spangler ___ 50.009 28,490 Freeman Seller... Freeman Seller___ J. M. Hansel______ Maude Irwin C. W. Hilbish. 10.000 481,430 _______ 389.560 17.540 152,820 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. 35,000 12,800 267,830 232,120 13,480 26,800 26.000 40,000 257.000 240,000 7,500 3.000 50,000 113,900 557,780 50.000 413,170 198,700 23,500 60,000 Cont. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N. Fowler, La Fayette. 136,320 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; lit N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Oin. fJ.P. GOODWIN, F. A. WRIGHT......... GEO. E. DENNETT— F. I.WPST 100.000 NATL 8R00KVILLE BANK J Ch.of Bd.andPres. C. W. SHIRK EMMA C. STOCK $200-12% 71-468 d®T»t'66 1 Collections a sp eclalty. Prompt s ervlce, reasonable rates. par 100 1 We remit on da y of payment. Se nd us your “Broo kvllle” Items. “ _ _ _ _ “ Peoples Trust Company Caspar Ritzi------- H. Frank McClure. Will M. Baker. Ernest W. Manley. 75,000 Cash, and Sec. A. Sec. 71-1079 d©T»t§’15 Elizabeth Meyer, A. Sec, Broirnsburg. .1063 Brownsbarg State Bk.dB®*21 W. F. Evans._ 25,000 7 Hendricks 112 $150-8% par 100 71-609 1900 Hunter Bank_________ *2107 M. T. Hunter_____ 10.000 20% 71-608 98,930 611,620 115,000 534,000 249,010 28,550 114,060 Chase N.,N. Y.; 5th 3d Un.Tr. Co. and 50,150 347,670 59,150 364,730 44,430 35,760 47,050 N. City, N. Y.; Ind. N„ Indpis.: Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cin. 22,260 301,930 1,430 201,930 27,500 12,880 13,000 330.000 108,310 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpis. 83,000 Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpis. John J. Nagle____ W. T. Wagner____ Brooks ton___ 815 Bank of Brookston Ine. 71 604 0JT93 7 F9 «• «« White _ Farmers State Bank___ 5’05 L. A. Waugh_____ 10% 71-605 rW.H.SEN0UR--- » Brook vllle... 2220 7 Franklin E22 FRANKLIN COUNTY NAT1 ins™ FRANK GEIS.JR.— CARL C. HOFER...... 43,230 1st N„ Chi.; City Tr. Co.. La Fayette. Prompt and EIB clent Collection Service. BANK 71-464 dB®T»M900 )/ Special Attenti on given Bill of L adlng Drafts. $300 par 100 V.Please send 50 r ents for Credit B eports. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Indpis. 270,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Into each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TTMTiT A1M A___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. __ ____ AA’ _ _ __ VXH1U11UCU __________ volume. For Interest^Jtates^JIolidays, etc., see Laws. _ : ~ Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.rlNew § State tPrivt.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Loam Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex Other ‘County Seats. P aid-up Su?™us DeposP resident . V ice -P resident . C ashier . A ss ’ t C ashier . changes ,D ue and and AND | Tfra LiabiliFig, is F. R. Dist. ♦Fed. Bes. Depts :T-Trust B -Bond Capital Profits Discounts Securitiss laneous TIES L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. qqq OOy ‘Brownstown 1554 Brownstown Ln. & Tr. Co. Wm. Richards____ Edward Nierman.. C. Max Cribb. Sec.. Kathryn Horstmau $ A. Sec. I L Jackson N14 $i45-6%parl00 71-532dB®Tt§’19 •• •< T. P. Heller______ E. N. Kestner........ $150-8% 71-7H)(i~wing P.O.) „ M J. W. Beickman... H. W. Wacker____ Lillie Mercer_____ $150-8% par 130 51,500 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 69,370 5,590 29.440 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. 329,290 92,620 1,000 80,710 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Lou.; Ind. N., Indpls. 57,330 1,000 5,900 24,700 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Elston Bk. & Tr. Co.. Crawfordsville. 80,050 59,600 7,390 27,410 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co..Cin. 133,500 4,000 4,090 16,500 1st N. and Am. N., Vincennes. 177,000 500 44,500 36.180 S 408,900 $ 11,650 S 295,690 * 118,410 S 25,000 10,890 256,670 2,120 190.290 50,000 21,270 382,350 50,000 12,500 3,910 72,150 370 25,000 7,890 141.560 25,000 7,500 125,000 71-533" G. E. Pitts Vullatr Bant- tt’ORI.f. H. Foster Browns Valley .161 71-690 7 Montg. 1 9 $100-6% par 100 D. M. Clevenger... Ernest T. Maze ... Brownsville ...295 $115-6% par 100 7 Union J22 Brucevllle___1050 $120-6% 8 Knox N6 31,120 t 40,000 S 71-1132 J. O. Ashby . . N. P. Barr_______ C. H. Barr__ 71-1071 j .1. F. Arnold- 25,000 11,970 183,680 J. C. Eckhart_____ J. W. Scheidy____ 10,000 3,000 138,000 Max F. Mertz........ . J. T. Young 25,000 3,340 65,100 70,650 11,790 3,350 14,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Far. & Tr. State, LaFayette; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 7,690 Wabash Valley Trust Co., Peru. 10,000 2,300 110,360 74,560 20,810 8,020 19,270 Lin. N. Bk. & Tr- Co., Ft. Wayne. Burlington___817 Burlington State Bank.<§’14 H. L. Huddleston.. W. V. Polk______ Nellie Everman... 7 Carroll G18 $125-6% parlOO 71-693 25,000 17,190 222,030 184,690 9,140 7.400 62,990 Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Far. Tr. & Sav., Kokomo; Far., Frankfort. ___ W. C. Thomas____ George Duffey.... W. Duffey_______ ' Butler ............. 1745 First National Bank -d®<’08 C. H. Grube______ W. J. Mondhank.. L. C. Krill................ C. K. Bercaw.......... J. Gunsenhouser 7 DeKalb B22 $100-6% par 100 71-496 30.000 11,570 276,550 253,750 8,610 16,450 39,310 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 25,000 6,300 226,000 175,000 70,000 25,300 22,000 Chase N., N. Y.;lstN., Chi.. Ft. Wayne. and Tol. C H PHELPS O.S. FISHER.......... W A MASON L/C. HARDING nklug and Excha nge business. erialty and remit ted on day of pay ment. 60,000 23,200 624,800 354,900 268,800 18,100 66,200 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Lin. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne; Ohio Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., ToL.Un. Tr. Co.. Clev. Butlcrvllle ....450 Butlerville State Bank.<§’28 J. J. Hutton____ .T. P Murphy.......... A. Ferguson______ Opal Grinstead___ 7 Jennings M18 $165-3% par 100 71-695 25,000 22,500 133,450 8,450 18,770 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co..Cin.;Merch.N., Indpls. O. L. Callaway ___ I. J. L. Harmeier.. M. B. Kitterman... 50,000 10,000 300,000 200,000 60,000 40.000 60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fletcher-Am.N., Indpls.; IstN., Cin. R. A. HICKS.............. R. A. HICKS. Tr......... R. H. RESSLER. Sec. 50,000 26,870 428,000 327,540 98,170 24,000 55,140 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ind. N., Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. Mary V. Hawkins.. 25,000 5,500 190,000 18,000 168,100 12,600 27,200 30,100 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co..Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. J. W. Bowman .... D. L. Musselman.. A. A. Roth_______ 25,000 4,640 102,030 9,800 95,380 2,900 22,500 20,690 1st N.,Ohi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Campbellsburg659 State Bank of Campbellsburg 71-696 ©<§’16 8 L Wash. 014 $150-8% 25,000 9,530 260,000 Stanley Hayden... Henry Heck______ Wm. G. Minor........ J. M. Hirsoh *Cannelton_. 2008 Cannelton National Bank ©<’95 8 L Perry Rll $210-12% 71-480 .. First National Bank...©<’09 H. M. Clemens ___ August Heck______ Norman Hafele.... John Conway $225-10% 71-481 50,000 22.830 361,230 50,000 297,170 142,330 14,800 29,770 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky.. Lou. 25,000 35,000 330,000 85,000 235.000, 150,000 11,100 j 80,500 1st N., Lou.; Citiz. N„ Evansville. Carbon 57 2 Carbon Rank ®t*04 J. B. Marshall____ $100-10% par 100 71-697 7 Clay K8 10,000 1,000 100,000 76.0001 16,000 7 $100 Jay G22 71-691 Buck Creek___271 7 Tippecanoe Gil $125-10% par 100 71-1140 Bunker Hill___ 550 Bunker Hill State Bank $uo 71-1253 ©Tt§'28 7 Miami F14 7 Kosciusko D15 $125-6% par 130 John Bonifas_____ Emma Bonham.__ E. E. Gaskill_____ James A. Fawley — G. M. Doran______ Mabel E. Doran... 71-976 Burnettsville..517 3tate Bank of Burnettsville J. C. Duffey. $200-8%parl00 71-694 d©Tt§’02 7 White Ell •• " |0.T. KNISELY — THE KNISELYBR0S.&COM PANY—-71-495 d®T<*’82 ] Do a general Ba (.Collections a sp $170-8% par 100 Cambridge City First National Bank & Trust C. S. Kitterman... 1863 Co_____ 71-451..dB®T<'63 7 Wayne J21 TABIRAM BOYD-----*» II WAYNE TRUST COMPANY •( Largest Bank— 71-453 T< §’83 ) Special attentlo (.Please send 15c tor 7 Carroll F12 .. 15,320 1st N.. Chi.; Citiz., Port. ®t§’24 Commercial Busl ness invited. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report Camden State BankdB®t§’20 C. M. Kennedy___ N. Fonts ............... $125-8% par 100 71-654 Farmers State Bank d®<§'07 71-655 Mabel Mayne 17,000 ' ': 35,000 11,040( 8,000 146,000 165,770 S. $115-6% par 100 Lucille M. Dem- Kenneth. Marshall. mary THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45,000 Cont. Iil.Bk. &Tr. Co..Ohi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 200,000 18,000 Riddell N., Brazil. - RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY OQfj ° Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •.Mem.A.B.A. nNew §State fPriv ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Carlisle_______ 973 Peo pies State Bank. B©T*+§’92 L. J. Kixmiller___ A. S. Wiggs______ R. O. Cramer_____ 8 Sullivan M6 $200-8% par 100 71-614 Carlos................175 Farmers Banking Company A. T. Ooggeshall. 7 Randolph 120 $225-6% par 100 71-1084 dtt’15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.l, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA -Continued LlABII ITIES. ther Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and its Capital Profits ties $ 50,000 $ S. W, Miller______ J. Blair Mills........ Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel and and Diaoounta Securities laneous 41,700 J 575,740 $ 10,120 $ 564,000 % 10,000 14,090 109,120 20,020 25,000 8,590 106,000 10,370 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dux prom Banks 26.070 $ 76,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N., Vincennes. 120,900 150 15,350 16,830 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 267,760 221,900 8,410 25,300 45,740 Cont. N., Indpls. 49,000 274,560 281,810 28,560 21.970 91.230 Chase N., N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 5th 3rd Dn. Tr. Co.. Cin.: Fletcher Am.N., Indpls. 1QJM10 3,110 fifl,760 52,120 7,000 12,080 Cayuga..............933 First National Bank ..d®t’08 G. L. Watson, E. W. Grubbs_____ M. P. Hoover____ J. T). Todd 71-701 7 Vermillion 16 par 100 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. M. P. Hoover Charles Mathes 25,000 22,000 266,000 245,000 29,500 — Cedar Grove...200 Cedar Grove National Bank Chas. E. Doerflein. Frank E. Schuck.. Alfred Moore____ Marie J. Kaiser___ 7 Franklin L22 $130-3% par 100 71-1143 dt’19 25.000 9,220 146,900 23,320 118,780 49,890 3,080 Centerpoint.. 371 First National Bank_„©t’08 C. O. Rentschler.. H. C. Koehler___ Wm. O. Graeser... J. H. Randolph.__ 7 Olay K9 $150-6% par 100 71-702 25,000 9,800 190,150 31,000 116,760 88,990 11,130 Centerville ___ 917 Centerville State Bank John F. Dynes.__ M. A, Stevens . . J. L. Bry an_______ 7 Wayne J22 $100-6% 71-1015 dB©»t5'12 par 100 35,000 5,500 210.200 174,000 22,500 7,000 Chalmers_____ 528 Citizens State Bank. —dt§’26 A. D. Raub, J. J. Nagle............. C. F. Minch______ Pearle Little 7 White F9 $100-10% par 100 71-658 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 25,000 2,510 125,730 116,030 15,250 14,510 Charlestown 820 Bank of Charlestown..<{’91 J. L. Cole. 8 L Clark P16 12% 71-610 Ch. of Bd, and Pres. 37,500 20,000 380,000 370,000 42,000 25,000 22,680 243,650 136,360 130,720 15,600 8,590 150,750 Carmel.............. 598 Citizens State Bank O. W. Nutt.............. T. A. Painter ___ Bailey Hawkins 71-698 d®»T«’07 7 Hamilton 115 O. F. Bailey . Carthage_____ 902 State Bank of Carthage W. P. Henley____ $200-8% par 10071-699 ®t§’76 7 Rush J17 Howard E. Henley Cates.... .............200 Cates Bank......................... tt’07 J. W. Young______ 7 Fountain 17 $150-10% par 100 71-700 G. B. Pavey First National Bank...d»t'03 John E. Long . $122-6% par 100 71-611 __ . J. F. Hyatt................ Arthur Helmkamp. .. J. Spriestersbach . E. B. Long. _____ Charlottesville 475 Citizens Bank. ____________ tt’13 J. N. Addison____ Frank McLarmon . Clarence Haskett— Joseph Walker .... 7 Hancock J18 71-1040 Chesterton...1604 Chesterton Bank............•}{’90 Charles L. Jeffrey J. H. Ameling____ E. L. Morgan_____ J. O. Johnson____ 7 Porter B9 71-704 Chrlsney.......... 495 Chrisney State Bank _.dt5’26 J. F. Bergman____ C. V. Jones_______ J. C. Fella________ F. J. Fella_______ 8 Spencer Q 9 $120-6% par 100 71-705 25,000 35.740 1,189,280 10,000 25,000 58,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 32,690 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 39,080 Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls.;RiddeIl N.,Brazil. 47,200 2d N„ Rich.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 17,450 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st Merch. N., La Fayette. 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 6,550 104,000 2,900 6,650 N. Bk. of Covington, Covington. 42,710 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 26,520 Fletcher-Am.N..Indpls. 883,940 208,580 6,000 154,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 25,000 4,500 256,000 186,700 38,000 25.000 3,040 170,350 137,610 18,730 13,020 29,070 Am. Tr. & Sav. and N. City, Evansville. 25,000 10,480 289,990 217,340 50.160 23,330 34,650 1st N., Ft. Wayne. Cicero_______ 906 Citizens National Bank E. E. Cornthwaite, J. E. Bert_______ Newton Wiles.... Ernest A.Carson. 7 Hamilton H14 $135-6% par 100 71-1080 d®t’15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 30,000 11,630 237,660 194,390 74,630 14,900 33,400 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls. Clarksburg___475 Clarksburg State Bank C. V. Spencer____ W. J. Kincaid........ R. S. Lowe______ H. R. Humphrey__ 7 Decatur K19 $200-6% 71-708 d®T*t§'04 par 100 25,000 35,000 175,000 200,000 15,000 — Clarks Hill____ 435 Farmers State Bank.. ©§’13 J. D. Shriver, W. J. Ellis.............. H. L. Fickle._____ Turner Thompson . 7 Tip’canoeHIO $120-6% 71-974 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. L. Kyger par 100 (Consolidation of Farmers Ba nk and Stale Bank of Clarks Hill) 25,000 5,000 191,100 173,100 5,400 10,300 32,300 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.; Far. & Tra. and N. Fowler, LaFayette. Clay City____1226 Farmers & Merch. Bank James L. Burns ... 7 01ayL7 71-567 ©TtS’95 50,000 17,700 309,860 319,270 195,390 101,040 335,210 65,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Terre Haute N., Terre Haute; Brazil Tr. Co.. Brazil. 25,000 14,870 185,550 25,000 83,690 111,240 7,130 48,360 N.Bk.Rep., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Terre Haute Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. Farmers State Bank..__t§’19 J. M. Sampson____ Whayne Schriefer. Louis E. Bays__ $100-8% par 100 71-1150 Churubusco 916 Churubusco State Bank F. M. Sonday........ . W. W. Shew______ R,. E. Roth _ 7 Whitley Ci9 $120 par 100 71-1248 d®Tt§’28 E. L. Hobrook L. W. Scattergood . _ Dane E. Burns First National Bank..©T»t’09 J. E. Conley_____ John Weber______ H. E. Sutton____ Mae K. Brinton.... 71-568 $130-6% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI 38,020 42,300 Citiz. N., West Side and North Side Evansville. 20,000 Fletcher- Am. N., Indpls.; Fifth-Third-Uu Tr. Co., Cin. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given ^^A Directory, Town and Codnty. (.Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State tPriv. :Mem. State B Ass n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. R. Dist. ►Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond -RafpDpp fsiSav :jI,astSale%Div. Abs’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. Resod ROES. Liabil ITIES, Bonds Miscel Cass t Sx> Lord* Surplus Depos Other and sa*«is,Dvi mud Paid-up Liabili and its Discounts Securities laneous rson Bamki Capital Propits ties Jmery Metzger___ b'ostor Cauffman__ L. W. Caldwell.... sTeva B. Decker----- $ Peoples Bank of Claypool 7. C. Tucker. Sec. B®§’29 7 Kosciusko D16 100 par 100 71-1255 Clay pool____ 356 A. L. Mitchell. Sec. and Tr. Dhas. B. Worrell... Clayton Bank& Trust Co. 7 Hendricks J12 1140 par 100 71-711 dB®»Tt§’28 Clayton_____ 493 Moved to Speedway Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued to each bank in■ U.a ■ S. exclusively by TheA Kand-McNally Bankers “ ii t a_ .r rru.« m jmlnu n Rea n oi*c 1 cs'll 25,000 S 2,500 ; $ 25,000 10,390 304,330 S 100,000 65,820 547,460 12,950 77,500 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; CityN.,Goshen. 20.000 Cent. C 30.000 321,950 3,400 10,510 16.800 C UUl. 275.230 234,440 27,710 175,910 C/uaac XII. JL»rv. uu AX. Am. N. and Cont. N,, Indpls. Ind, as Speedway State Bank) 7 Marion J 13 P Vntn CITIZENS BANK--------- 05 93 VI • M • oLULt ——— — W. B. Nichols_____ A. W. Hedges-------71-302 7 Vermillion J6 *125-6% par 100 Clinton____ 13,642 First National Bankd@T«t’02 71-303 *440-12% par 100 7 M. V. Robb.............. J. C. Straw_______ R. F. Robbins........... L. B. Marvel K. V. Brownell 30,000 92.790 1,407,080 Valentine Antonini John Donzero_____ 80,000 11.950 John Fenoglio-----Ninth Street State Bank tUO-6%parlOO 71-305 dB0»tS'19 — Putnam K 11 Coal City_____ 325 7 Owen L 9 First National Bank.®T*t’13 D. Y. *250-6% 71-712 Moffett Mellie B. Linley .. Smythe-------- _____________ 276,320 218,400 C riy. ±r. ^uM i.. viwue# at. vu. ^ 450,960 841,390 19,120 104,610 149,100 13,300 V/1A1. • 51,250 C^Uul. Ill. l-)tk. Ob 111 Am. N.. Indpls.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & 140,730 104,580 7,970 56.180 CJont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co., Chi.: Fletcher AM. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Greencastle. Chi.; Fletcher-Am. N„ Indpls.; Terre Haute Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. 25,000 9.180 269,030 6,250 Brazil Tr. Co.. Brazil. (Branch of Clay City, In 4.)-------- Farmers & Merchants Bank 71-1178 §’20 W. H. Shields-------- 0. D. Knight_____ Hertha M. Harris— ___ 522 First National Bank d®*t'06 7 Hendricks J11 $200-10% parlOO 71-713 ., lav Tr. Co., Terre Haute. ___ G. B. Rockwell___ O. V. Coatesvllle an. a. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ist-McKeen N. Bk. &Tr„ Terre Haute. 25,000 26.660 254,940 25,010 83,230 16,280 58,090 N., Indpls. 29,000 lout. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., C Indpls.; 1st N.,Frankfort. 290,390 268,270 fnlfuT 7Q3 Colfax Bank___________ tt’95 John M. Waugh___ L. A. Waugh______ H. R. Woodburn... 71-714 7 Clinton H11 174,000 College Corner... (See College Corner, Ohio) ‘Columbia City ^Citizens State Bank 71-1263 ©§’29 J. D. Adams--------- 25,400 55.020 st N.. Chi.; 1st & Tri Stat 104,160 3,820 50,190 18,740 5.080 37.800 1,050,000 78,000 950.000 66,000 84,000 127,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N. Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Old N. Ft. Wayne. 29,910 262,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co 5,660 Co., Ft. Wayne. C. O. Holmes 7 Whitley D17 COLUMBIA STATE BANK 6% par 100 dB0T« 23 71-1220 rW. H. CARTER------ W. W. WILLIAMSON— u A RFFSON B. P. LINVILL 100,000 - C.W. SLAGLE-............. 50,000 Sep. 14, Jan. 1, May 7, Oct., Nov. 6, \ COLUMBIA Cl TV’S NEW, PRO GRESSIVE BAN K Invites your f business. Pers onal Attention gl ven Collections a nd all banking matters entru sted to our care. rJOHN M. MOWREYFARMERS LOAN & TR. CO. *265-n% 71-407 dB®T»tl 07 < jONLY par 100 — R. R. FERREY........... C. A. EBERHARD R. B. BRUMBAUGH 0. V. SCHUMAN____ J. E. GATES r S GATES - 1923, R esource K 1934, M 1925, If 1926, ti 1929, 20,730 88,510 1,312,420 STRONG ANB PROGRESSIVE. “HONC R ROLL” BANK (.Prompt attent on given all bus ness. „ Ii Provident Trust Co,________ (Closed September 7, 1929) 942.92C 342.158 397,900 622,38(1 734,000 1,265,800 236,270 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne;-Union Tr. Co., Indpls. and | THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNA1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 _ Over Sixty Years of Service 392 fumber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. 'Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State TPriv. ^County Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. R. Dlst. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L Is Louisville Br. ' SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. ‘Columbus.. .9053 7 Bartholomew L15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $230-8% Prksident. ‘Connersvlllel2454 7 Fayette J 21 Cashier. Ass’t cashier. ELIZABETH LUCAS- GEO. H. LUCAS- - - - - - C. F. DEHMER_ _ _ _ _ W. G. WISSMAH . _^FRANK METZLER ESTABLISHED 1865 Oldest bank in Bartholomew County. IRWIN-UNION TRUST GO. WM. 6. IRWIN........ W. E. PARKER- - - - - - - - C. M. SETSER_ _ _ _ _ _ M. LIENBERGERHUGH T. MILLER W. H. SCOTT. Sec. A. W. COX F.P. BROCKMAN SCOTT SETSER J. W. SUVERKRUP GEO. VORWALD $200 par 100 71-234 dB®T»t§”28 Largest Trust Company in Southern Indiana. A Commercial Bank—Acts in All Trust Capacities. $120-9% par 150 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 71-1098 Grant Stewart____ Caroline Wells___ C. F. Lurton, Sec... CENTRAL STATE BANK CRAWFORD— J. A. BRAUN........ . CHAS. CASSEL FAYETTE BANK & C.EARLC. HULL TRUST GO. /T. C. Bryson ___ M. E. Leffingwell— A. H. Rieman_____ G. J. Eshelm&n___ 6% par 100 71-271 Ch. 86,900 $1243 260 $ Principal Correspondents. a Ex- Cash ohahoi*,Dttx from Banks 50,000 $ 910,090 $ 118,280 $ 208,700 $ 243,090 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Cln. 400,000 111,610 2,951,130 311.270 2,501,310 417,960 443,910 410,820 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. Collections personally and promptly presented and remitted for on day of payment. 10,000 5.720 40,190 21,190 26,600 1,430 7,620 Fifth-Third Un.Tr.Co., Oln.; 1st N., North Vernon. 100.000 57,210 847,250 797,570 28,080 27,420 151,380 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Chi.; 5th-3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: FletcherAm. N„ Indpls. ICE, Ity. CHAS. CASSEL- - - - - - - A. E. DEATON_ _ _ _ _ HELEN L. RIDDLE ALTON G. TRUSLER. Mgr. Ins. Dept PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN BANK AND MERCANTILE COLLECTIONS. par 100 ♦ 71-270 d©T»?§'02 $ 100,000 $ Gladys B. Riddle OGRESSIVE BAN K that Is hustlln RS with a GUAR ANTY of SATIS OLLECTIONS DI RECT TO US. B- dB®»t*'07 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bond* Subplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Baouritias laneous ties SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. par 100 dB®T*t’#5 71-238 Commlskey ...172 Citizens Bank________ ®Jt’15 T. J. Staples, 7 Jennings N18 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 250.000 1,368,230 68,370 487.220 516,970 I) TRU ST SER VICE. ESERV E SYST EM. COM PLETE MEMB 214,110 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 5th-3d Un. Tr. Co., Cln.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Please send 15c presentation fee with Plain Sight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings. E. L. Rickert_____ T. O. Bryson__ First National Bank $100 par 100 71-268 dB©T»t’57 L. K. Tingley____ B, W. Cole____ Chester Boone, Mabel Hart Tr. Off. W. D. Cameron 200,000 1,323,610 34,100 1,586,880 432,920 125,150 214,300 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: 5th-3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin ; Mtle. Com. Bk. & Tr. Co., St. L.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 32,600 1st N., Chi.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Ma Jos. Rich_________ Converse........1049 Farmers State Bank...ti’07 Edw. Powell—......... W. M. Beall... T. M. Green 7 Miami F16 $190 par 100 71-715 O. M. Whitmire... First National Bank.d®t'20 B. F. Agness--------- C. B. Lawson.. $120-4% par 100 71-1157 Cory..................304 Citizens Bank------------ ©tt’13 H. R. Nee*______ E. W. Morgan___ A. W. Thomas-----$180-6% 71-1024 7 Olay L7 25,000 1,550 223,300 216,000 250 43,400 40.000 10,180 371,210 200,890 127,000 43,070 10.000 9.000 135,000 96,000 27,000 ‘Corydon........ 1785 Corydon State Bank.®T+i’22 G. C. Simler______ W. J. Bulleit_____ R. E. Miller_______ Rose Keller ___ W. J. Bulleit, Ch. 8 L Harrison Q14 $140-8% 71-1208 Old Capital Bank & Trust Co. S. J. Elsby_______ --------------------------- A. B. Richert______ Laura Frederick... $135-8% 71-1208 d®Tt§’2; 75,000! 24,380 643,190 566.700 43,310 52,080 102,910 N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 150,000 40.000 810.390 791,180 3,200 73,730 150,190 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Alb. 15.000 1,500 80.000 86,000 60,000 22,780 454,190 3,160 60,910 79.180 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Obi. Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 25,000 14.500 109,280 34,230 56.020 35,900 N. Bk. of Covington, Covington; Merch. N„ Indpls. 50.000 21,310 275,700 19,150 26,000 66,680 Chase N„ N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr.Co., 30,000 Oitiz. N.. Brazil. par 100 Corydon Junction Jackson Township Bank {N*u>8ali*burvP.0,. $115-6% 8 71-I16a O. J. Henser______ O. 0. Damon_____ C. W. Dome______ O. M. Martin__ 7 Fountain H6 CITIZENS BANK 8% 71-484 d®*t5’14 par 100 I W.H.LYKINS. Ch.ofBd.and Pres. T, E. RAINIER- - - - - - JOHN LA TOURRETTE LURA L. WARD Oldest bank. Y to ns with eacS^d ght draft for pres notation, and 115 CENTS sent JM CENTS forea ch credit report 1 nsnres prompt, p ersonai attentio Fonntain Trust Oo..d®Ttl’03 C. H. Dicken-------- L. M. Dunlap...........J. M. Wilkey. See. W. E. Bllsland, $100-6% 71-486 A. See. par 100 THE NATI^ftL BANK OF COVING ... $140-14% par 100 71-485 10,000 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. New Alb. ®tt’20 l Harrison P14 ‘Covington... 1945 22,430 ! rion N.. Marion. 50,450 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. Marion. j M. MAYER. Ch. of Bd. and Pr S. J. METZGER - LEE PHILPOTT -— WARREN E. MJ-$ Special attentio n given rollertlo ns. 15c most be sent with each Sight d®»t’26 ! Draft for presen tation which Is er edited on exchan ge charges If eolle etton Is made. .Send 25c for ea ch Report. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING—CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oht; Ind. N.. Imlpls. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST GO., CINCINNATI Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State TPriv *Oocnty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Pig. is P. R. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. L is Louisville Rr ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Town President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. EBSOfiPCES, Bend* Loana Cabh ft ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- Other and and Liabili CBASOB8,Din Capital Profits ITS Diacountfl Securities LANEOUS prom Bank* ties Cralgville 218 Farmers StateBankdB®t5’17 David Klopfenstine Wm. Gerber_____ Gideon Gerber___ Della M. Grover.. $ 7 Weils E20 1120-7% 71-1100 25.000 $ 7.90C $ 108,810 $ 12,240 $ 125,790 $ Crandall ____133 Harrison County Bank George Woertz___ Guy D. Baker.......... W. H. Fisher 8 L Harrison Pla *100-5% 71-1172 d®t’20 par 100 10.000 1,500 iCrawfordsvllle CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 7 10,530 *225-10% 71-215 d®Tt’81 Montgomery 110 par 100 Crawfordsville Trust Co. *220-10% 71-216 dB®Tt*’W par 100 “ ------" Elston Bank & Trust Co. *137.50 par 100 7i-2I3d®T«t§'53 First National Bank. d@Tt'64 *305-20% 71-214 Cromwell.........121) Cromwell State Bank (The) 7 Noble C17 *150-10% 71-717 dB©Tt§'04 par 100 Sparta State Bank dB®Tt§’17 *125-7% 71-1119 par 100 Cross Plains...214 Cross Plains State Bank..§’06 7 Ripley M19 *175-8% 71-718 W. K. Martin_____ L. F. Hornaday V. W. Livengood.. W. G. McDaniel... lull* Li 1 U W. F. Hulet______ J. M. Waugh_____ W. S. Coppage, See. Hattie L. Pursel, 100.000 81,180 Wm. T. Gott. V, P. Chase Harding A. Sec. (No Ban king) J. C.Snyder______ T. H. Ristine_____ W. L. Stump. Sec... E. B. Kelly. A. Sec. I. C. Elston, Jr. P.P. R. M. McMaken C. H. King, V.P. A.R.Groves. A. Sec. S. Tannenbaum. S. B. Tucker........ . Claude Kimmell— 120.000 200,000 265,600 116,920 1.914,320 7,500 $ 11,780 $ 101,000 11,500 96,550 633,140 342,120 88,840 785,760 230,720 106,930 833,360 807,640 2,070,460 442,390 274,290 W. A. Collings____ D. A. Groves_____ H. E. Griffith 6,880 Old Adams Co.. Decatur: Marion N„ Marion: Old N„ Bluffton. /» 500 13,280 Principal Correspondents. Citiz. Union N„ Lou. 147,160 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Mercb. N. and Fletcher Am, N., Indpls. 61,540 251,730 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. 282,070 UllaSo JM«i IM* JL• • vOUli 111* jl)K* & 1 r* Lui* Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 162,280 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. State, Ligonier; 1st & Tri State, Ft. Wayne. 25,000 8,900 329,690 115,020 214,580 93,130 8,610 M. L. Hussey_____ G. S. Bouse______ D. T). Serrist 27,500 11,500 130,000 5,000 160,000 5,000 25,000 H. H. Buchanan, Wm. Gardeman... C. H. Brown_____ Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 20,870 252,770 215,350 58,930 4,300 25,000 9,650 146,950 147,900 12,860 12,840 13,380 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. New Alb.; Citiz. Un, N„ Lou. 60,000 57,140 544,440 404,570 19,100 41,750 50,000 65,700 1,337,400 980,120 244,310 19,000 196,160 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Un, Tr., Clev. 259,670 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 60,000 53,790 1,294,400 2,500 1.027,310 83,420 92,200 207,760 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. 60,000 67,260 992,700 220,140 1,083,590 40,530 68,950 15,000 16,330 226,010 5,000 194,910 4,560 4,690 147,030 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 58,170 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 10,000 4,030 152.310 11.000 159.030 30,000 8,810 202,000 25,000 26.280 426,470 12,000 21.180 100,000 40,000 Crothersvllle .1131 Union State Bank-----®t§’23 S. E. Benham_____ L. O, Wetzel______ G. E. Butler. 8 L Jackson N15 $140-6% 71-1226 par 100 * Crown Point. 3232 COMMERCIAL BANK J. B. Peterson.__ M. P. Hawkinson.. P. F. Hein. t 7 Lake C6 par 100 71-433 d®T*§ 95 F. A. Barr___ .. rNElL BROWN------- ALBERT MAACK.— ALBERT MAACK ...... J. N. LEHMAN...... J 5,370 OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ 71-432 dX'74 t According to R ule of Ind. Banke rs Ass’n. 34,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; Drov. N„ Chi.: Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Wayne. 20,060 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co„ Cin. f Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MOST be accompanied by V.FEE IN ADTAN CE: Plain sight dra ft*, 15e; Credit Repo rts, 2&e. •• _____ •• The Peoples State Bank J. J. Steeb_______ W. G. Woods_____ *275 par 100 71-434 ®»t§’04 Culver. 1080 State Exchange Bank®«t§’05 S. C. Shilling_____ John P. Walter___ 71-720 7 Marshall D12 *125-15% Irene Bogardus.__ C. M. Adams Cumberland ..630 Cumberland Bank... d*tt'07 Chas. L. Emery, V. C. Ambrose........ E. C. Huntington.. George Wiese____ *210-10% 71-721 7 Marion J15 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 Cutler 176 Cutler Bank __ tt’21 W. H. Bordner___ S. O. Quinn . ... Ruth E. Draper... 7 Carroll G12 $125-6% 71-2001 Cynthlana........568 Cynthiana State Bank *t§’05 J. S. McReynoldS— L. E. Pruitt______ W. O. Boren... .. 8 Posey Q4 *150-8% 71-722 Dale..................... 688 8 Spencer QB DALE STATE BANK *190-8% par 100 f JACOB WELLER— C. E. SCHAAF__ j Prompt returns on collections. A. J. WEDEKING___ PAUL HEICHELBECHBEATRIGE HOOPS 7 “ 884 First National Bank..®Tt’01 S. E. Scott_______ Wm. E. Jumn.__ Vermillion J6 71-634 _____ *' H F State Bank of Dana®T«t§’85 O. M. De Puy_____ Samuel Elder_____ T. Maddock______ 71-635 William Bonwell | *HO-6% 1 HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C(L 1CINCINNAT 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 187,1G0 8,700 11,880 33,070 Winslow Lanier & Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; N, City and Old N„ Evansville. 180.000 257.470 88,680 214,670 96,920 Citiz. Un. N., Lou.; N. City, Evansville. 142,340 290 117,040 7,700 3,000 47,060 Merch. N., Muncle; Anderson Bkg. Co., Anderson. 6,480 475.160 25,410 348,560 34,760 17,170 28.940 2QQ.X10 206,560 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Ind. N„ Indpls.: Ist-McKeen N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. 40.880 Cent. Han. Bk. &. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Ind.N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 71-723 dB®Tt§’04 L Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation an d 25e for Credit Rep arts. 700 Commercial Bank .--..Ttt’02 3. M. Hancock____ F. L. Thornburgh. Delaware H18 *215-16% par 110 71-724 Dana. 15.270 Carroll Co. Ln.& Tr. Co. and A. T. Bowen & Co., Delphi. Reasonable rates. Dalevllle _ 7 3.040 203,350 34,020 IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 394 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Jtand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatefPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. H. M. Towell_____ R. L. Pearcy O. M. Piersol____ C. L. Thompson tDanvlllc____1729 The Danville State Bank 7 Hendricks J12 *125-6% par 100 71-519 ©t§’04 Danville Trust Co..-®Tt§’99 H. H. Under wood- O. Z. Cook_______ C. Z. Cook, Sec. ... *100-6% par 100 71-518 Liabilities. ] Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits $ G. Z. COOK- - - - - - - - - AMOS NARVEY...... M. T. HUNTER.— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA -Continued FIRST NATIONAL LWe want an d appreciate BANK dB®«t’83 71-366 par 100 OLD ADAMS COUNTY your busine ss. 0. J.JARKLfSS—~ A. SCHEUMANHfJ.W. TYNDALL— G.T. BURK— ‘ MEIBERS ) Oldest and Lar gest Bank In Ada ms County, ) Unsurpassd Ser vice in Every Dep artment. (.Special Attentl on given Collect! ons. W. A. Lower, Sec. L. S. Armstrong, PEOPLES LOAN & TR. CO. M. Kirsch_______ H. M. Gillig— *150-4% 71-1060 dB®T«t§T5 * par 100 *150-10% Frank F. Plass----- Royse Davis_____ S. W. Goodman.__ A. T. Bowen_____ Joseph Been.......... H. B. Wilson, 295.180 207.150 20,900 7,630 1.990 138,150 38,360 139.810 16,930 39,050 100,000 15,000 400,000 100.000 300,000 210,000 15,000 85,000 '4. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; 1st N„ Cin. 280,000 85,690 220,440 97.590 21,360 75,050 Foreman-State N.,Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls 67,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; City N. and Far, & Tra. State, La Fayette, 44,000 Ind. N.. Indpls. 211 son 190,000 2,400 268,460 5,430 226,680 1.800 3,000 100,000 958,150 104,950 694,050 323,460 27,770 i?n non 31,500 1,150,000 950.000 32,000 142,000 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Ohi. 225,000 N. City, N.Y.;Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi.; 1st N„ Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 71-471 dB®Tt’03 H. J. Butz, Ch. 50,000 15,000 520,000 425,000 35,000 40,000 85,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.-, Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N„ Ft. Wayne; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 25.000 15,010 136,790 152.010 4,580 6,560 13.660 Am.N.,Vincennes, Ind.; Old N„ Evansville. 10,000 12,720 1,281,210 675.670 327.260 116,830 245.000 45,000 379,000 381,000 10,000 8,000 185,780 Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr.Co.. Ohi. 35,000 Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 502,420 28,940 41,880 93,000 6,000 8.100 15,770 40,930 69,970 12,500 2,290 20,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Citiz. State, Peru. 19,230 Ind. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Lou. 457,170 216,240 28,240 45.830 1st N.. Cin. 162,940 10,660 35,570 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Gin. 33,000 25,000 20,000 1st N., Rich. 10,750 25,000 3,000 300,000 H. J. Butz_______ G. A. Shaffer____ 75,000 25,000 717,000 50,000 24,410 583,950 10.000 6.500 109,000 1,620 75,000 (Circulat ion) 10% par 100 71-470 Bank of DeMotte._®tt’17 F. M. Hart—........ 71-1113 Citizens State Bank d©*t§'09 Ira L. Eikenberry. *110-6% par 100 71-7 26 Deputy State Bank.—dt§’07 D. W. Robertson, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *105-2% par 100 71-727 Dillsboro State Bk. dB®Ttl'01 Chas. M. Bowers .. *165-12% par 100 71-664 First National Bank.dB®t’03 Henry Marlman, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *150-8% par 100 71-685 Lamberson, Dublin...............630 First National Bank dB®t'07 Geo. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. *100 par 100 71-728 7 Wayne J20 Agnes, Dubois_______ 522 Farmers State Bank dti’09 M. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 8 L Dubois O10 *190-10% par 100 71-729 Dugger............1679 Dugger State Bank ...®tl’04 Peter Schloot____ 12% 71-730 8 Sullivan M7 Dunkirk_____2532 First State Bank of Dunkirk F. W. Merry— 71-731 <§’93 7 Jay G21 *136-8% Dupont______ 314 Dupont 8tate Bank. —®t§’l0 71-732 8 Jefferson N19 *125-6% par 100 >y< Dyer. 479 First National BaDKd©T»i’03 *200-20% par 100 71-733 7 Lake D6 Earl Park......... 542 Earl Park State Bank.®t§’06 A. Crawford____ H. C. Rathburn___ F. M. Hart, Jr.A. C. Cunningham. N. B. Hunt _____ Ruth Hay--------- 25,000 4,230 165,890 F. T. Wilson_____ F. A. Anderson — 25,000 2,630 76,330 Edw. Luke______ Chas. F. Gausmann Ada SmithHelen Ellerbrook Martin Fisse____ J. J. Booster------- 35,000 18,680 674,060 25,000 25,000 Chester Laymon.. H. E. Weaver__ 18,310 6,500 292,830 115,000 5,100 11,490 19,740 24,350 38,500 129,400 151,510 105,000 25,000 20.910 228,980 178,420 50,430 J. E. Griffiths......... R. B. Smith_____ V. V. Ingram. M. Young F. M. Dukes 25tnnr 7,500 son non 200,000 50.000 A. Littler.. 60.00C 37.90C 832,17C 648,19( 56.37C 64,330 200,00( 18,50( _____ 257,47 176,80( 11.14C 114.04 25 4,83( F. J. Seng______ John Thieman____ Henry Hentrup ___ Chas. L. Gaunt - — C. P. Fitzpatrick— F. F. H. May W. R. Dryden, J. N. Oallicott___ Ira W. McCoy------ G. T. Malott. 25 Q0( 13,500 203,00( H. L. Keilman.. P. Gettler---------- A. W. Stommel — 25,00( 30,21( 419,99C .. G. H. Hart_______ J. A. Richardson.. E. Childress_____ Flossie Cobleig___ 25,00 5,20 129,25( 3,090 ____ 124,000 1st N„ Chi.; Ind. N.. Indpls. 85,110 Gty. Tr. Co..N. Y.;Oont. Ill.Bk.&Tr. Co.. Ohi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Sav. &Tr. Co.. Indpls. 23,500 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi. 35,280 Citiz. N„ Evansville; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Citiz. Union N., Lou. 50,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N, ¥.; Cont. N., Indpls.; Am. N., Vincennes; 1st N., Terre Haute. . ... 164.27C Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Coat. III. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Cont. N., Indpls.; Marion N„ Marion; 1st N., Cin. 23.00C Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls.; N. Branch, Madison; No. Vernon N.. No. Vernon. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 1 H E FI FT H T HIIR[) UNIION TRUST iC().. 1Clf Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 114,260 3ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Fletcher Am. N. and Merch. N„ Indpls. 7,710 Lsl N„ Danville. 14.720 Sec. and Tr. DELPHI STATE DANK-®t§ 12 Chas. A. Gay____ J. D. Klepinger.... E. R. Smock_____ Nellie Haughey Demotte_____ 273 7 Jasper D7 Denver.............. 522 7 Miami E14 Deputy______ 325 8 Jefferson N17 Dills boro_____ 471 7 Dearborn M21 correspondents. 25,000 Yantis Wells____ H. E. Reed, Ch, of Bd, and Pres. W. M. Goslee CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK C. B. Shaffer__ par 100 Principal 71-365dB®T Decker______800 Farmers & Merch. Bank *150-8% par 100 71-725 ©<§'09 8 Knox 05 tDelphl_____ 2087 A. T. Bowen & Co...dB®Tt’37 iso to 200% 71-469 7 Carroll FU Carroll County Ln.&Tr. Co. *110-6% 71-473 ®Tt5’10 *150-8% ties Resources. Bonds Loana ash k ExMiscel -HAHflM.DtJI and and Discounts laouritias laneous ' von Baku 40.000 attentl on given BUI of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems. FIRST NATIONAL BANK x . Special Credit B evorts. *uo 71-517 d*t 63 Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presenta tion and 25c for ..Oldest and La rgest Bank. 23,750 25,000 Albert Cox--------- W. M, Hampton... J. A. Peterson___ J. H. Peterson__.l Darlington.... 823 Far. & Merch State Bank 7 Montg. H10 *150-6% par 100 71-629 d®tS’02 17.900 4,000 Peoples Banking Co...®tt’91 A. O. Carrick------- J. L. Graham____ L. W. Little_____ Roy E. Snyder *125-8% par 100 71-628 10.000 15,000 V. B. Taylor_____ M. Y. Cassel____ W. F. McBride_ _ Dayton ........710 Bank of Dayton-------- ®tt'13 7 Tippecanoe Gil *250-18% 71-1034 24,190 T. F. GRALIKER...... R.E.GLENDENING rC. A. DUGAN----* Decatur___ 4762 7 Adams E22 *155-6% Other Liabili 29,000 ___ INAT | 58,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi, 40,33( N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.: Far. & Tra. State. LaFayette: Cont. N.. Indpls. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 395 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. East Cblcago50,800 7 Lake B6 •• ----- •• •Mem.A.B A.^New § State fPriv tMeru. Stat e B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.(DSav.$LastSale%Div. *1 11 •• Cashier. Asb’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel ohanos and and and L iabili S'Dui Capital Profits its Discounts Baouritise laneous from Barks ties ERIOAN *CITIZI ■NS TR. & SA l BANK (Indiana Harbor) __ Vice-President H. K. GROVES______ I. DTTFNHFIMER___ J. W. DIINSING M A DAVIS _____ K „ „ „ , „ _ LEO E. STOCKWILL New, Modem, Progressive, Hustling for Business. $ 50.000 $ 38,990 $ 654,100 $ We Want Yours. Satisfaction Assured. STA r£ BANK Personal attention given Bill of Lading Drafts and ail Banking Items en trusted to us. 1160 par 100 71-124 dB®T*t§’17 Please send 25c with each sight Draft and 25c for Credit Reports. fl|Yj 1150-6% 71-197 dB®T«tS-09 par 100 (3 105 Michigan Ave.) • | President. R. WESTON POLLARD W. B. VAN HORNE— 0. S. JACKSON, Cash, and Tr. •• 100.000 f J. K. REPPA.— A. G. SCHLIEKER- F.J.GESCHEIDLER W.H. JACKSON — 50.000 < Special attentl on given to colle ctlona. Prompt J Intelligent rea son for non-pay ment. Eaat Chi eaga •% Ban4a a nd Firs t with each Sight D raft and 25c for Cr edit Report*. 71-120 dB®T*tS'99 KPlease enclose 15c FIRS! CALUMET TR. & SAV. BANK $108-6% par 100 - $120-8% par 100 • -- ■ _ 200.000 WALTER J.RILEY. c. A. WfSTBERG— j. ft. DALTON.........J. E. MILLER_____ ALFRED E. JONES. Wa La SPENCER Asst, to Pres. OUR POLICY —Promut and efficient service in everv department. Collections presented promptly and 71-121 dB®T«t’05 personally, and remitted on day of payment. G. J BARER____ . FRED I. SMITH____ F IMARYFY R A DTONNEII GEO.M.WITT, Y. P. C. W. BADER D.L.MITCHELL, A. C. R. J. SCHNEIDER OLDEST BANK IN INDIANA HARBOR. Prompt and Efficient Collection Service. Special Attention given Bill of Lading Drafts OF EAS>T CHICAGO 8% par 100 71-196 dB®T»J’08 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reporte. (3352 N • Michigan Ave.) (Ind ana Harbor) Indiana Sfe ite Bank M. E. Kozacik, Jr. StanleyRaczkowski John Shanks____ Julian Kondzield.. $250 71-200 dB®T*+5’24 Phillip Kleinman par 100 (In diana Harbor) Tohn Bochnowski.. L. E. Herod_______ T. S. Gozdecki____ tate Bank M. Dywan 1-1198 dB®T*t§'21 - UNITE 0 STATES NATIO NAL BANK 6% par 100 71-199 dB®T»t’14 (Indi ana Harbor) “ “ 41,600 582,460 57,010 460,330 129,850 107,030 83,860 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; Fore- 72.180 773,750 99,000 595,500 150,000 163,430 86,000 N. City. N. Y.:N. Bk. Bep. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Cbl.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 968,690 602.150 741,210 Mort gages f or sale. 98,890 1,690,690 587,290 264,730 National City Bank........... 200,000 WALTER J. RILEY ... C. A. WESTBERG. GEORGE MARCH____ Al RERT STFP. Exec. V. P. ALFRED JONES, Asst, to Pres, J.S.WALK0WIAK.V.P. W. L. SPENCER, V. P. ..New York First Wisconsin National Bank Milwaukee Fletcher American National 86.110 1,798,370 395,520 867,300 1,296,210 113,940 • 1NDIAIU HARBOR $180-3% par 100 69,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Gary; 1st Tr. & Sav., Hammond. 71-122 dB©T*+§’09 Our rapid substantial growth is evidence of the satisfactory service we render. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. NATI0 NAL BANK “---------’* 68,080 $ WALTER J. RILEY C. A. WESTBERfl.. E. C. KENNELL-__ ALFRED E. JONES. E. L. STECK Asst, to Pres. W. L. SPENCER FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TR. CO. — 21,720 $ correspondents. A. Cash, and A. Tr. Prompt and Efficient Collection Service. Send your Bill of Lading Drafts direct to us. Accounts of Banks and Business Houses Solicited on Favorable Terms. ‘EAS1 CHICAGO 1250-12% par 100 68,000 $ 651,920 1 Principal W. J. COLLINS, STA TE BANK ___ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 202,540 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. III. Bk.&Tr. Co., N. Bk. Bep.and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet. — 200,080 161,980 2,313,040 46,600 1,577,200 648,740 100,050 395,630 Central Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.__New York Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. .Chicago First National Bank . _ Chicago First National Bank.. .. ____ Joliet 50.000 54,850 478,520 29,600 397,110 10,570 77,850 127,430 Eduit. Tr., N. Y.; Foreman-State N„ Chi.; 1st N., Gary. 50,000 59,460 502,390 17,000 348,070 76,060 95,490 107.240 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Foreman State N.. Chi. 65.650 2,638,840 130,299 1,469,090 977,760 126.520 461,400 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Bep., Chi.; lit Wis. N., Mil. 200.000 wnen you entrust your collections or any banking business to us you are assured Prompt, Personal and Efficient Service. TRY US. East Chic!ago and Indiana J. K. Eeppa______ 1 R. W. Pollard_____ Jos. W. Dunsiiig. Sec.-Mgr. | Harbor <Clearing House. (Member* indicated by a*) 1 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources Over $90,000,000.00 , underName of Bank Is the New Transit Number given "£ *? UVk exci"sIT®iy ^ The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD QODNTT. •Mem. A.B.A. "NewijStateTPriv. *Oouaty Beats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res, Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Pkksxdent. V i cx- Peis id kmt. L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 396 East Enterprisers East Enterprise State Bank Wm. P. Truitt____ H. M. Stow 8 L 8 witz. N22 *100-6% par 100 71-735 t§’09 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this INDIANA—Continued O AS HI IE. Aas'T Oi&HiXR. Harry D. Stow____ Liabilities. Resoubcss. Loans ther Bonda Miscel Cash A Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and AND and changes,Doi Capital Profits its Diaoounta Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 25.000 $ 6,930 $ 141,600 $ Baton ... 1214 Farmer! State Bank©T**IM J.M.Motsenbocker R. S. Gregory........ Geo. W. Hoover... H. R. Nf 7 Delaware G19 71-5*6 30.000 36,150 346,640 Economy din Northern Wayne Bank®tfl0 J. S. Beard, C. A. Morrison___ J. M. Manning... 7 Wayn/9 120 $150-10% par 100 71-7*6 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Daisy Osborn____ 10,000 12,000 110,000 Edinburg____ 2376 Farmer* National Bank._J’03 D. J. Compton____ I. J. Drybread........ J. F. Drybread.... Irene Hughes_____ 7 Johnson L15 *150-8% 71-4 SS 25,000 7,670 126,110 . . Edith Hyde............ Jesse D. Ellis 100.000 56,810 616,120 Edwardsport ..784 Edwardsport Baak.._d®Ji’16 John Wolfe............ Frank J. Mabes___ 8 Knox N7 *150-7% par 152 71-7*7 Mildred II. Sellman 25,000 13,220 162,920 Elberfeld 473 Elberfeld State Bank.®»l§'05 R. K. Smith, R. B. Morris_____ C. A. Mnrrii 8 Warrick Q6 *150 par 100 71-7** Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. Koch ................... 25,000 19,420 397,210 Elizabethtown 313 Farmers ft Merch. Bank W. E. Springer___ W. E. Moffatt........ J. W. Springer........ E. E. Arbuckle___ 7 Barthol'wL15 *110 par 100 71-746 B®t§’90 D. M. Branliam 25.000 1,000 130,000 “ -------- Elkhart “ 27,104 THOMPSON STATE BANK F. D. Thompson... Martin Cntsinger.. I. J. Waltz *200-18% 71-4*7 dB@T*t§’70 John W. Graham par 100 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK W.H.KNICKERBOCKER H. BORNEMAN, SR— F. E. BERTQN. C.B.WRIGHT. ^ p _ 300,000 NELLIE M.ESHLEMAN e'lvam0.eessig senfl your Elkhart Items and Collections direct to the 71-114 “Old Reliable" FIRST NATIONAL BANK Accounts of *325-16% par 100 dB®T<’63 ooiiw, Mirpvrdiions, rirms ana individuals invited. *■ _____ •• *First Old State Bank Jacob Goldberg___ J. H. Kelly............. J. H. Rally 71-1156 S. T. Miller. Ch. F. J. Weiler *150-8% par 100 dB®T»t§’19 ST. JOSEPH VALLEY BANK — C. D. 6REENLEAF___ CONRAD ZIESELJ. W. FIELDMUSE, Ch. of Bi. - J. G. WALLICK.......... H. R. NELSON N.F. REICH E. A. KILMER ■1WLL “THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE/ ♦ 71-115 *275-15% par 100 d8®T»tl’72 Unsurpassed Collection Service .. 323,770 5,176,100 10,000 $ 133,450 S 10,700 27,300 $ 341,180 25,930 1,122,070 259.000 271,690 4,601,200 9,000 12,000 Fletcner Am. N., Indpls.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Rich. 24,000 114,280 29,280 8,300 30,920 Fletcher Am. N. and Merch. N., Indpls. 53,810 471,220 115,840 8,230 . 103,920 48,000 12,050 800 268.590 117,010 4,830 95,000 20,000 16,000 25,000 Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y.; FletcherAm. N., Indpls.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 3,264,170 1.732,880 198,980 703.820 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Cler. 99,990 98,780 45,410 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. N.. Vin cennes. 52,000 Gitiz. N. and Old N., Evansrill*. $ 555,659.60 2,736,667.47 3,430,981.37 ....4,137,242.53 4,952,190.00 —.5,176,097.12 134,870 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 593,350 2,665,170 1,684,000 871,620 495,450 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.s Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. 12,440 59,970 Foreman-State N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 253,240 178,000 32,830 Eilettsville____721 Peoples State Bank...®f§ 05 W. B. Harris_____ T. D. Headdy____ G. A. Draper_____ B. A, Draper 7 Monroe L10 *175-8% 71-741 25,000 16.830 250,000 200,000; 20,000 Elnora .865 Citizens Bank_____ dtt’03 Sam’IShufflebarger S. A. Whisman___ Harry Hitchcock.. Ruth Caress__ *250-20% par 100 71—742 8 Daviess N9 20.000 16,810 179,780 155,560 12,000 “ 181.870 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; N. Bk. of Ky.,Lou.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 607,240 5,000 _____ 53,350 Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls. 1,000 25,000 ** 28,970 C. R. GUTERMUTH *South Side State Bank D. B. Barnes_____ W. H. Theis_____ F. A. Reed_______ Estella A. Myers.*120 par 100 71-1238 dB®Tt§'25 19,850 Atlas N. and Fifth Third Un.Tr. Co.. Cin. 110,000 OUB GROWTH CONTINUES Deposits December 27, 1916 Deposits December 29. 1920____ Deposits December 29. 1922 Deposits December 31, 1924____ Deposits December 31, 1928 .... Deposits December 31, 1929.. . 100,000 930 $ P&IMCIPAL OOBKIHPONDKXTS. Elkhart Clearing House____ W. II. Knicker J. G. Wallick_____ F. A. Reed, Tr........ J. H. Kelly, Sec,__ (Members indicated by a *) bocker Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI J 50,000 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 2,000 47,030 Cont. N.. Indpls; Peo. N.. Washington. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 0Q7 - Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.?!New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Dents :T-Trust B-Boud L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Elwood 16.790 CITIZENS STATE BANK H30-7% par xoo 71-166d®T»tl’Sl ELWOOD STATE BANK .. $200-10% par 100 “ -------- " - President. ........ Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. 14,820 $ 834.970 $ 225,160 i 757,370 $ 130.250 $ 247,420 $ (WAYNE LEESONJPrompt Attenti ) According to Bn 'for Credit Bep 75,000 37.360 1,252.780 50.000 25,290 50.000 31,780 MICHAEL MEYER, SR. on given Bank an le of Indiana Ban orts MUST be ace CNAS. C.DE HORITY d Commercial Co kers Ass’n Collect ompanled by FEE GEO. H. DEHORITYllcctions. ions and Request s IN ADVANCE. rS. B. HARTING -— R. A. MCCLURE.......... J. 0. HIGBEE, R. W. HARTING. m Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. < A MODERN, G BOWING BANK. 71-169 d©T»tl’07 ) Send us your Elwood Collectio ns. LPrompt attenti on and remittan ce—Reasonable R ates. 71-167 CL C. DEHORITY - B. H. LEISURE_____ C.D. BABBITT--------- E. H. DEHORITY ) “THE OLD BE LIABLE”. L.PROMPT ATT ENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS. ONLY d©W82 Eminence s?R Farmers State Bank____ tl’14 0. E. Anderson.... E. P. Truax........ . $162-8% 71-1055 7 Morgan Kll Flla Patrick. ___ ‘English............576 Crawford Co. State Bank S. J. Elsby_______ Sam Benz _______ L. A. Helmbrecht. 71-74S dB®»tS’02 8 L Crawford P13 $300-20% par 100 <• _____ •• Principal Correspondents. 39,910 Equit. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N„ and Indpls. Nat’l, Indpls. 40,000 952.200 130,730 114.980 207,240 Chase N. and Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.. Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 627,090 150,300 595,260 17,610 211,540 28,280 1st N„ Chi.; Cont. N. and Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 648,670 85,400 467,630 233,300 23,680 91,250 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.: Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 71-168 dB®T«tl’OS FIRST NATIONAL BANK s% Liabilities. Resources. ther Loam Bonda Miscel Cabh & Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and changes,Dus and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties f GEO. L. SELLERS- J. W; CALLAWAY.... L. M. GROSS---------- H. If. SWISHER_____ $ 100.000 $ W. 0. MAINES / Collections a Sp eelalty—Personal Presentation —Pr ompt Remittance • 1 Unexcelled facli Itles for handling your Elwood Ite ms. ( SATISFACTOR ¥ SERVICE ASS URED. ELWOOD TR. CO. 8% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this INDIANA—Continued — English State Bank. d®t§’25 F. R. Gobbel_____ J. W. Bird________ *130-8% par 100 71-1239 Etna Green___557 Etna Bank______ dB®ttl900 S. B. Iden. 7 Kosciusko C14 20% par 100 71-744 . .. ACT S IN A LL TR UST C APACIT IES. MEMB ER OF FEDER AL RE SERVE SYSTE M IN ELW OOD. 25.000 18,500 180,000 76,500 180,000 8,000 90,000 22,000 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N. Indpls.; 1st N., Martinsville. 25.000 7,430 707,350 3,390 348,200 39,100 22,200 333,680 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Alb.; Lib. Ins., Lou. 25,000 6,500 261,440 1,010 227,010 18,000 12,750 36,110 Lin. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou. 45.000 69,430 391,570 404,780 12,710 41,090 47,420 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls,; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 2,599,820 785,230 562,790 262,490 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y,; Cont. Ill. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Chi. Althea 1. Hamlin ‘Evansville. .98,100 ^AMERICAN TRUST & M. S. Sonntag____ Walter H. Karsch. R.A.Guthrie. A.Tr. G.P. Stocker, V&nderburg R5 SAVINGS BANKdB®T**l 04 A. Sec. John H.Sonntag *225-l0%parl00 71-7 250.000 241,590 3,035,960 682,790 500,000 880,230 11368550 500,000 6,389.060 4.558,240 510,910 1,790,570 Chase N. and N. City, N. T.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Secur.-lst N. of Los A., Los A. 100.000 178.050 1,363,710 737,200 1.419,770 96.180 752,440 110.570 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of HI., Chi. EVANSVILLE MORRIS PLAN W. H. McCurdy.__ E. D. Koenemann.. Hugo Schuessler. T< tt. A. Eimendorf. 100.000 150,140 2,441,530 1.272,020 0. C. Carr, W. A. Carson W.G. Parrish. A. TV. Sec. (3 Branc hes) Exec. V. P. Daniel Wertz P.E. Padgett. A.Sec. (Evansville banks c ontinued on next page) 2.932,020 533,390 438,890 • 59,330 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; .Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Monroe State, Blooming ton. 8 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK •• $350-12% par 100 --- ---- 71-4 71-15 H. E. BACON, C. P. BACON Ch. of Bd. S. T. HESTON L. G. QTTO V. H.GOEKE, E. W. HALWES E-AtHhr d©T»t’74 Superior service on collections. Personal presentation^ prompt remittance; intelligent reasons for non-payment. Modern methods in ah departments of banking. CITIZENS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK *3o0-i0% par 100 W. W.GRAY............... J. B. GRAHAM............ G. W. SCHNUTE_____ C J FIIOHS W. W. GRAY-.............. 1 R GRAHAM C. E. TAYLOR, J. R. DILL, Sec. and Tr. Mgr. Ins. Dept. JOHN ERSKINE, McGinnis. Gen, Counsel and Mtge. Ln. Dept. H. E. BACGN, C. P. BACON Ch. of Bd. S, T. HESTON F. J. BERNHARDT A. C. FROELICH, V. P. and Tr. Off. d®T»tS’15 $225-10%.71-1231 -©*’16 1 parCO. 100 o. w. 1 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. oqo Town and County, •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State tPriv. -County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice President. Cashier. A3s’t Cashier. ^Evansville. 98,100 +Franklin Bank & Trust Co. J. L. Thuman_____ C. O. Wesselman... C. W. Dunn, P. M. Lawrence, 8 Vanderburg R5 1130-6% par 100 71-18d®T»f§’24 A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. (Continued) + HowellState Bank W. E. Brandis____ A. A. Kamp.............. C. T. Baugh_______ C. R. Conrad------$190-8% 71-9 ®T»t§’06 ♦IndianaTrust & Savings Bk. A. C. Richardt___ W. A. Richardt — O. W. Schneider— H. W. Sachs........... $150par 100 71-1251 dB©T<§’28 1AMASG0 BANK $185-10% par 100 71-14 dB©T»t§14 BANK ‘MERCANTiLEGOM’L BANK $110-5% par 100 par 250 40,070 $ 567,980 $ 50,320 $ 446,640 $ 88,430 $ 136,370 $ H.B. MCCOY.......... R. C. HARMAN- - - - - JOSEPH L. SIMS. L. H. TAYLOR. A.C. 86,940 Citiz. N., Old N„ and N. City. Evansville 12,500 600,000 10.000 260.000 270,000 35,000 75,000 Chase N., N. Y. 55,000 490,000 35,000 460,000 95,000 65.000 74,160 1,740,910 83,320 60,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; ForemanState N., Chi.; Old N„ Evansville. 1,622,770 146,310 63,050 166,260 Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N. and Citiz. N., Evansville. TH E BANK OF FR IENDLY SERVIC E. Mgr. Ins. Dept, and Mgr. Real Est. Complete Banking Service—Commercial — Savings — Trust. Your Evansville Business will receive the prompt, careful attention of our officers. Sight Draft B/L COLLECTIONS given special attention. 126,800 13,400 607,030 61,870 625,870 13,450 65,300 104,460 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Old N., Evans ville. 'A. F, KARGES_ _ _ _ EARL EICHIN I DANIEL WERTZ. 0. L CA0ICK 200,000 54,430 1,925,160 164,750 1,435,620 398,850 257,940 251,930 Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. HI. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi ; Fletcher-Am. N., Indpls. 580,000 461,610 7,182,010 W.H. JURGENSMEIER. Ch. o/Bd. THEO. REININGA— P. H. KUHN C. B. ENL0W-----------S. W. COOK............S. H. KUHN_______ J. H. DIPPEL_____ J. N. EMIG. V.P. J. H. CONNER J. N. EMIG, Tr. Off. S. J. PERRY FIRST and OLDEST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN INDIANA. COLLECTIONS: Receive special messenger service dB®T«t'48 with prompt remittance at lowest rates. 71-1 With our broad facilities, wa can handle items on Western KY., Southern IND., and Southern ILL. ’'North Side Bankd®T*tl’13 T. E. Rechtin____ Henry Korff. Sr... H. J. Folke______ J. O. Steinmetz___ J. H. Heldt, V. P. O. H. Ayer, Act, $150-6% par 100 71-13 *OId National Bank in $250-10% Wm. H. McCurdy.. J. O. Davis_______ J. O. Davis_______ F. R. Wilson S. L. Ichenhauser James T. Walker.- M. F. Schaeffer___ F. Schwegman A. H.Schnell. A.C. ‘WEST SIOE BANK G. A. BITTLER- - - - - - F.W. BOCKSTEGE — E. A. KLEIN —........ C. ZISS—........... GEO.E. RIECHMANN W. H. DRESS THOS. MACER A. W. HEBBELER Evansville_______ ®T»t’34 71-1 +Peoples Savings Bank C. F. Hartmetz___ 4% 71-3d®t§ '70 H. E. Dreier, Sec. $200-10% par 100 100.000 $ Principal Correspondents. k Cash EX CHANGES,DtJI from Banks j We solicit the accounts and col lections ' of banks, corpo rations, firms and Individuals.___ 71-8 dB®T»t*T7 .CORRESPOND ENCE INVITED. Hs bcM n Kit FEDE RAL RESERVE. ‘NATIONAL CITY BANK $220-8% Liabilities. Resources. Other Loans Bondi D epos Paid-up Surplus Miscel and and and Liabili its Capital Propits Discounts Saouritias laneous ties EDWARD KIECHLE. T. J. MORTON, SR.- E. J. SCHROEDER-— 0. 0. MATTHEWS ~ FRANK ELMENDORF F. W. BRANDENBERGER B. VEATCH— •LINCOLN savings H.B. WALKER......... HENRY T. J. Mr—" NORTON $182-6% par $100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIAN A—Continued 71-6 dB©T»t*'02 H. J. Reimer___ A. F. Bader O. E. Lamble F. W. Koch.......... H.J. Fitzgerald SE E ADV. 523,370 3,885,790 2,966,130 73.730 1,809,730 78,000 500,000 489,240 8,103,480 804,730 258.000 1,304.450 'AV *9 A-v • a. • » vuun, juti* i»n. a. tl« L/U*f Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Ind. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Lou.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. ON INDI ANA MA P. 100,000 Largest State Bank in Southern Indiana 707,490 1,107,570 463,190 97,520 196,310 N. City, N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi,; N. City, Old N„ and Citiz. N., Evansville. 4,584,560 2,728,140 1,353,110 1.231,650 N.Y,Tr. Co. and Cent. Han. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; 1st N„ St. L. 1,527,890 8,566,280 8,029,140 1,376,540 300,000 5,800,000 4,300,000 1,250,000 — 688,480 800,000 Fletcher Sav! & Tr.Indpls." AN *9 Iv • M. • 9 VUUt« All* I>n< fib A r* Y Ut and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls.; Citiz. Union N., Lou. PROMPT, PERSONAL AND EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE Evansville Clearing House__ J. H. Connor______ T. J. Morton, Sr. _. H. B. McCoy, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Mgr. (Associ ate Members by + ) Telephone Main *68. C. F. BOONE. Representative____ c,"TimuuMis (905 Riverside Ave.) H. B. Walker... Ewing $90 par 100 (213 SO. 4th) H. B. Veatch. Real Estate Loans T. J. Morton H.B.McCoy, Sec... R. C. Harman, A. Sec, (See Brownstovm, Ind.) 8 L ........... Fairbanks___ 115 Fairbanks State Bank_tl’09 Edgar Strain_____ Willis Drake. 8 Sullivan L6 71-746 Falrland...........551 Falrland National Bank J. C. Voris. Albert Totten . 7 Shelby K16 $210-6% par 100 71-747 d®t’06 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 112,000 23,000 635,000 651,000 4,200 ■ 102,800 12,000 L. H. Taylor, A Sec. W. H. Bradbury... 25,000 26,690 139.100 D. G. Gordon_____ Chas. Hughes_____ 25.000 12.830 181,900 125.700 25,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 112,460 6,930 47,800 690 31,170 Ist-McKeen N., Bk. & Tr. Co.. Terre Haute. 83,790 ifth Third On. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given —--------------------- — Town and County. *County Seats Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B. A.nNew § State t I'riv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. —— - Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. 4,490 117,840 90,870 33,000 3,900 50,000 9,000 350,000 331,000 17,000 10,000 51,000 Terre Haute Tr. Co. and 1st McKeen N. Bk.& Tr. Co., Terre Haute. 30,000 1,680 172,970 115,020 20,330 69,310 Fletcher Am.’N., Indpls.; Fifth Third On. Tr.Co.. Gin.: Del. Co. N.. Muncie. 25.000 7.670 193,260 172,640 4,130 18,000 31,160 Cont. N., Indpls. 25,000 18,000 463,010 187,050 275,220 15,050 28.690 Citii. Un.N., Lou.; N. City, Evansville. 25,000 9,300 129,435 $ 25,000 3.180 Blanche Wickard.. Nellie McCloskey. 25,000 14,960 E. C. Patty________ H. S. Eaton___ 25,000 120,000 120,020 24,200 101.690 36.730 10.390 541,540 21,190 352,260 154,540 8,200 87,680 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: lad. N.. Indpls. 166,440 350 4,740 62,900 Drovers N., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 103,000 28,000 4,150 14,000 Fifth Third Dn. Tr. Co., Cin.; Am. JN.. Indpls. 69,470 6,000 11,770 26,460 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Tol. Tr. Co., Tol.; New Paris State, New Paris. 82,000 — 2,000 15,000 Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls.; Citiz. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Frankfort. 216,530 141,540 73,730 15,230 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Old N. and N. City, Evansville. 93,760 66,440 11,000 35,010 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.: Citiz. N., Evansville; Peo.-Am. N., Princeton. 36,390 Chase N.. N. Y.: Ind. N., Indpls 2,000 50,400 Chase N..N.Y.: Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 209,440 ' 110,0001 Percy Dugan_____ 25,000 7,200 Paul Metzler_____ Frederick FrisiHger 15,000 7,310 90.090 10.000 3,500 86,000 25.000 20,680 373,820 27,540 25.000 4,030 153,470 23,710 205,870 376,240 .. 36,840 Cont. N., Indpls.; 1st N„ Greencastle. 6,260 1.300 . 71-751 ., W. S. Hoffman___ N.C. Wheeler____ First National Bank....®t’08 $145-6% 71-576 First National Bank_____t'06 7 Hancock 116 71-580 •• •• Fortville State Bank—.»i§’91 71-579 *Fort Wayne Bowser Loan & Trust Co. d®Tt5’19 7 Allen D19 105,300 $150 par 100 71-31 .. •• Broadway State Bank $250-8% 71-33 d®«J5’20 .. *Citizens Trust Co. $305-12% 71-23 dB®T,t5’B9 par 100 .. •• Dime Savings & Trust Co. $160-6% 71-34 dB®T<§’21 .. >. East Side State Bank $155 par 100 71-1259 dB©§'29 •* “ Farmers Trust Co..dB®l•J'18 $135-6% par 100 71-30 23.590 Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Fletcher 25,000 10.000 185,300 25,000 9,550 394,090 O. W. Scheumann . Wm. L. Griebel—. Jacob Bill, V. P, .. H. H. Hesemeyer, Sec. S. F. Bowser, Ch. H, J. Grosvenor 100,000 78,010 501,380 33,850 426,430 75,640 140,520 70,640 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st and TriState N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. G. W. Clark............ H. J. McIntosh... 25,000 33,960 434,110 l.ooo1 237,170 154,840 45,520 O. N. Heaton_____ E. F. Yarnelle------ W.B. Gutelius.See. W. M. Thomas, A. S. J. M. Brown. A.Sec. W. E. Doud 300.000 359,700 5,435,070 346,510 4,403,970 818,150 937,000 56,530 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Old N. and 1st N., Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am N., Indpls. 182,150 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.,Chi. H. G. Hogan______ C. A, Spanley, V. P. W. C. Qnimby 300,000 200,000 3,236,150 288,160 3,054,520 88,060 370,160 O. L. Morrow--------- Jessie Kinn&man— A. H. Denney_____ E. F. Cahen______ J. W. Trittipo W. S. Todd E. A. Barnes_____ M. M. Beaver H. C. Offutt B. F. Geyer............ G. A. Berghoff____ H. W. Meinzen Fred Kahn______ Ervin Kaiser, Sec... D. Garton, A. Sec, E. M. Popp John Essig E. G. Hoffman____ E. J. Disser. Sec. and Mgr. G. M. Leslie .T. B. Rnatz W. R. Dexheimer, V. P. " _____ *• C. M. Niezer______ First Joint Stock Land Bk. par 100 71-1222 B»t'18 C. A. Wilding, Ch. of Bd. (Ft. Wayne banks co ntinued on next page) 110,000 25,500 80,000 22,000 68,000 1,469,700 322,000 1,398,000 84,000 500,700 77,220 8,259,700 400,000 519,300 7,714,600 ■ (Farm L n. Bds.) (Territor y Indian adk Ohio ) 100,500 318,880 R. H. Lauer______ 25.000 I. L. Eisenmenger, A. Sec. W. Wasson, A. Sec. F. C. Heine. A .Sec. F. J. Mills. A. Sec. 200,000 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54,780 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls.; Marion N., Marion. 19,550 Fifth Third Cn. Tr. Co., Cin. 25,000 A. B. Hickrod------- Maude Conner____ Fort Branch.. 1339 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank I. N. Epperson___ H. F. Graper, Exec, V, P, $175-8% 71-575 ®T«t’08 0 Gibson P5 ,, 31,120 1st N., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; Marion N., Marion. 3,000 Chas. G. Bunton— A. W. Inman_____ Clint Alter.__ $ioo-i»% 13,480 $ 49,570 Fishers National Bank ®t'13 J. B. Manship, T. A. Beaver--------- A. P. Butz ............. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 7 Hamilton 115 $105 par 100 71-10 25 (Merged with Farm ers National Bank, Shelbyville, Ind,, Ju ne 22. 1929) Flat Bock____ 433 7 Clinton G13 850 $ 282,350 I. M. Branson_____ J. H. Lumpkin .— Wm. H. Alexander Farmland State Bank $180-8% 71-606 dB®Tt5’87 par 100 Sherman Wright— G. W. Turner.......... A. L. Hobbick____ New First National Bank in L. W- Greene Thelma Shaw Farmland 71-607 d®»t'26 $130-8% par 100 Ferdinand____884 Beckmann State Bank R. J. Beckmann__ E. J. Beckmann ... E. J. Beckmann... Marceda R. Quante | L Dubois Q10 $258-9%por 100 71-749 dB®t§’ll 8 $ 173,020 $ 336,770 W. A. Weir Flora .1441 Bright National Bk-d©»t'89 J. V. Bright............ 71-540 7 Carroll F12 $140-8% .. Flora State Bank__dB®»t5’27 G. E. Voorhees—. Nf P, Knp.ttlp $100-8% par loo 71-542 Florence Deposit Bank—18’03 L SwltzerlandN22 $125-10% 71-750 par 128 Foraker_______ 75 Farmers & Merchants Bank Milton Mishler.__ 7 Elkhart B15 $108-4% 71-1195 ®TIt’21 H. S. Weaver 7,480 $ 186,000 12,940 Farmland____ 878 7 Randolph H21 •a “ Fillmore State Bank —tS’ll $105 71-1054 Bonds Cash & Ex Loans Miscel changes ,Due and and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks 40,000 Herbert Lathrop— Farmersburg 1111 Farmersburg State Bank H. A. Baldridge... 8 Sullivan L6 $100-10% parlOO71-590 dB®tS’25 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Other Depos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits ties Fair mount. . .2155 Citizens State Bk..dB©Tt§’93 V. A. fifllhv Oliver P. Buller.. Pearl Buller_____ Harold C. Mahoney S 10% par 100 71-435 7 Grant G18 .. •• FAIRM0UNT STATE BANK (R.A. MORRIS........ W F MORRIS............ TORY M. PAYNE........ EARL MORRIS____ $168.66 71-436 dB©T«t§’02 t par 100 William Knecht— Fred W, Knotts.— Falmouth State Bank.. d§’10 7 Fayette J19 4% par 100 71-748 7 Putnam J10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 12,500 511,570 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Ft. Wayne. 20.000 Lincoln N., Fort Wayne. 77,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 1st N.. and Old N.. Ft. Wayne. 32,040 Equitable Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 400 v Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given eacb bank ln U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town andCountt •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrir. *County Seats. .'Mem. State R. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed.Kes.Dist ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. LSafcDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Fort Wayne (Continued) 103,300 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued Liabilities. President, Vice-President. 'FIRST & TRI-STATE NATIONAL BANK Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Resources. Loaaa Bond* ther Paid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili Miscel and and Capital and Diaoounta Securities laneous ties $ $ $ $ Principal Correspondents. Cabs A OHA MOM, Din raOM Baku $ .M. NIEZER_ _ _ _ E. G. HOFFMAN_ _ - A. WILDING, H. A. KEPLINGER Ch. of Bd. J, R. MCCULLOCH C. H. WORDEN, E.F.SCHEUMANN Vice Ch. of Bd. E. J. OISSER E. L. HOBROCK H.C. FAIR F. j. MILLS F. C. HEINE & TRUST CO. G. M. LESLIE 575-12% par 20 71-21 dB®T«t’63 E. F. YARNELLE M. B. FISHER (Consolidation of First. National Bank and Tri-State W. C. RASTETTER E. F. SCHEUMANN_ _ H. J. TAYLOR—2 000 000 1 100 000 25781410 3789350 19695 050 6.732,170 2,098,800 4,144,730 National City Bank.................New York FREDPOTTHOFF, WM. THIEL JR. Chase National Bank______ New York Guaranty Trust Company. ..New York n .. .,.„A-y-p-C. W. AUMANN D. W. McNABBi F.C. HELIKER. Equitable Trust Company.._Newr York A.V.P. A. C, and Auditor First National Bank__________ Chicago Special facilities for handling P. M. CERT!A. WAYNE L. THIEME, Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co._________________ Chicago Aooounts of Banks and Business Houses }\p-„anr:,iLr-Officer0C. SCHEIMANN. F. A. SCHACK, A. C. and Mgr. First National Bank___________ Boston In NORTHERN INDIANA. Tr. Officer Sav. Dept First National Bank_____Philadelphia Collsctlons have the personal attention of an officer. Mellon National Bank_____ Pittsburgh G. M. GILLIOM. Auditor Union Trust Company______Cleveland W. J. VESEY, Guardian Detroit Bank................Detroit SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT Ft. Wayne Morris Plan Co. \ F. Thieme........ |H. A. Perfect. 71-1232 ©'15 C. R. Willson, 7V..JGrace D. Binder, W.E.Morton, A.Tr.i A. Sec. Gen. Counsel Fletcher AraericanNat.Bk.Indianapolis Mississippi Valley Trust Co.__St. Louis Fifth-Third Union Tr. Co...Cincinnati 9,530 Lin N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Ft. Wayne. Loan & Trust Co.) 1195-12% par 100 'LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. $67.50-10% par 20 C. H. BUESCHING — J. E. ESCHBACH_ _ _ 0. H. BUSHING_ _ _ _ FRED W. ALLGEIER S. M. FOSTER, Ch. GEO. WALDSCHMIDT- E. W. YOUNG. Tr. Off. ERIC A BAADE H. . . . . W. . . . . LEPPER — C. E. FLOWERS, Aud. J. F. UTT J. J.DISSER E. H.DICKMEYER 71-27 UdB©T«r05 SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ON INDIANA INDEX. North Side State Bank Walter E. Cook___ P. C. Doolev............ Laurin A. Smith 1150 par loo 71-1258 d©T§’2 ‘OLD NATIONAL BANK 1375 16% par 100 71-19 HENRY C. PAUL, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. FRANK H. CUTSHALL - STEPHEN MORRIS AMOS RICHEY_ _ _ _ C.W.DANNENFELSER, F.K.JUR6ENSEH Tr. Officer F. W. HITZEMAN C.W.LINDENBERG. MARTIN SEEMEYER 100.000 68.380 •Peoples Tr. A Sav. Oo. Wm. P. Breen____ $120—18% 71-26 dB®M*’02 par 20 Wm. C. Rastetter.. South Side State Bank 71-1249 d®t§’28 Tri-State Loan & Trust Co.__ (See First & Tri-Sta Aug. E. O. Becker. P. J. McDonald, D. P. McDonald, M. C. MacDougal Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. H. Freiburger_____ F. D. Hoham, Jr. F. J. Gilmartin J. B. McKim, V. P. te National Bank & Trust Co.) 96,100 22,040 5,740 1,000,000 1,213,690 12227 910 2,563,250 10390 400 2,923,610 1,451,410 2,239,310 Irv. Tr. Co. and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman-State N. and North ern Tr. Co., Chi.; Union Tr. Co., Ciev.; Com. Guardian Tr. & Sav., COMPLETE BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICE Tol. Commercial Banking, Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Loans, Christmas and Vacation Clubs, Banks and Bankers’ De partment, Trust Department, Safe Deposit Vaults, Foreign Ex change, Travelers’ Checks, Collections, First Mortgage Loans, Bonds, Investments. 25,000 500,ON 12,500 156,700 1 80,860 49,440 33,130 34,650 Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 249,190 1,610,710 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Phil. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Ciev.; Ind. N., Indpls. SEE DI SPLAY ADVEB TISEM ENT 300.000 1,124,030 6,467,090 25.000 3,880 658,140 8,707,450 1,180,020 6,574,260 2.611,460 Unsurpassed Collection Service. Ws respectfully invite your business. dfl$T»t’35 635,350 12,500 201,200 607,700 6,106,080 2,430 64,180 921,830 919,180 128,970 551,740 Empire Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st & Tri-State N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 1st & Tri-State N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. \\ ayne. Fort Wayne Clearing House Frank J. Mills____ F. W. Hitzeman... Paul F. Kuhne. (Member* indicated by a *) Mgr. WILLIAM H. ROHAN COMPANY-——"............ | WILLIAM (215 East Berry St.) H. ROHAN R.G. SHIMEL............ ERWIN LAPP. ( Phone Anthony 1493 Sec, & Tr. Speci local pr eferred and co mmon First M ortgage Beal Es tate Bo nds Stocks and Old N. Bk., Ft. Wayne; C. F. Childs &Co., Chi. Fountain Clty.375 Fountain State Bank.dBT§’02 A. R. Swain. 7 Wayne 122 $125-6% par 100 71-752 Grace M. Breman . Luella Clements__ 25,000 2,830 Fountalntown 475 Farmer* State Bank...dtl'15 V. M. Nigh.............. R. W. Law 7 Shelby J17 $136-7% par 100 71-1073 Thomas Yater____ C. M. Rafferty____ 25,000 8,500 •Fowler______1442 Bank of Benton’OT Leo Dinwiddle___ 7 Benton F7 71-534 Perry Stembe!___ 25,000 23,000 485,000 75,000 35,840 544,380 15,000 389,980 88,580 59,440 132,210 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 10,000 4,820 92,350 10,000 67,300 4.0501 19,520 26,300 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Cent. Tr. Co„ Cin.; Grant Tr. & Sav. Co., Marion. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lemuel Shipman.. B. B. Berry_______ T. H. Embleton.... Paul Grav _ $165-5% parm 71-535 B©«tl900 Fowlerton........ 225 FowiertonBank.. dB®Ttt’15 Maurice Warner— F. 11. Hundley___ F. M. Hundley___ Iva Caskey.............. 7 Grant G18 $1920-6% 71-1087 par 100 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING —CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 113,900 16,390 106,890 7,520 26,940 17,770 Fletcher Am.N.,Indpls.;2d N., Rich., Ind. 70,000 — 76,000 12,000 5,430 10,070 Cont. N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., 195.000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Fowler, La Fayette; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST AND TRI-STATE National Bank and Trust Company of FORT WAYNE, INDIANA ,000,000.00 Resources $35,000,000.00 mi pa *-a 51 Uiiiiaw r | 'HE merger of the First National ^ Bank of Fort Wayne and the TriState Loan and Trust Company brings to our correspondents broader coun sel, greater strength, and service than ever before. We offer unexcelled collection facilities. Complete trust service is always available to our correspondents. Northern Indiana’s largest bank is at your service. Friiiniiuiniiiiiiiiimmuimimiiumiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiii.miiiiimiiii] First and Tri-State Building FIRST NATIONAL BANK ESTABLISHED IN INDIANA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Am ‘TUI to 0) Town and County. »Mem.A.B.A.nNew §S'tate tPriv t\Iem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br; d-SafeI)ep.©Sav.$I.astSale%Div. State Bank of Francesrille io% 71-753 ©»t§’02 Francisco State Bankd®JI’Q8 8% par 100 71-754 ‘Frankfort 13.051 Citizens Loan & Trust Co. $150-6% 71-254 dB®T»*5T6 7 Clinton Hill PtH 100 .. Clinton County Bk. & Tr. Co. 1200-4% 71-261 d®T is'91 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. ther Loans Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and changes,Due and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. 25,000 $ 25,430 % 354,890 10,000 200,000 181,000 33,000 H. R. Curts............. H. 0. McClamroch. Ralph Smith, Sec... H.W. Cripe, A. Sec. 75,000 73,420 763,340 $ 367,700 884,850 201,620 64,200 128,790 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. Tr. Co., Indpls. T, N. Lucas, J. A. Lucas.............. Harry Merrill, Sec. R. T. Lucas, A. See. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. W. J. Milroy 100,000 62,240 939,260 872,510 41,460 72,020 139,510 Chase N., N.Y.; Foreman-State N., Chi., Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. .< 1,780,100 228,430 34,640 380,560 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Merch. N., Indpls. A, Jf 8chnh J. M. Hussey_____ 100,000 Farmer* Bank -—d®T»tl'76 W. L. Brown_____ George C. Cullom.. 12% par 100 71-250 A. A. McClamrock $ 263,700 $ 4,000 227,810 2,093,930 46,700 $ 20,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 25,000 H. W. Foster_____ W. E. Tennell____ $ 7 Pulaski DIO .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B&nkihg Point dexed Acces.;, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws INDIANA—Continued 63,100 Oont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; lst-Merch. N., La Fayette. 21,000 Citiz. N„ Evansville. Rep., Chi.; $200 par 100 71-249 50.000 200,000 1st N., N. Y.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. 48,000 750.000 202,000 200,000 725,000 225.000 W. P. SIDWELL-------- W, W. GARROTT------ OLING. SYMONS------ P. J,. CO_AP.SJ.ICK----N., Indpls. H. H. HEAVILON n. n.DunntLL G. T. DINWIOOIE ENTION TO COLLECTl°ONSS AND4 Sec. THIS BANK GI1FES SPECIAL ATI Largest Capital R esources in Clint on Count 1 OFFEBS THE ItESULTS OF MAPIiY YEARS EXPEBIENCE IN THE FRANK FORT LOAN& TRUST CO. (A FFILIA TED) TBEATMENT O F ALL ITEMS KM BUSTED TO IT. DOES LARGEST Acts in all Trust Capa cities ■ COLLECTION BUSINESS OF ANY BANK IN THE CITY. d©*t’71 par 100 W. P. Sidwell_____ BTF1900 H.H. Heavilon.V.P. G. T. Dinwiddie FIRST NATIONAL BANK „ „ 71-252 Olin G. Symons, H. W. Bonnell, Sec. and Tr. A, Sec f A. A. ALEXANDER, R. A. TODD............- J. H. TARLTON ‘Franklin____4909 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK J Ch.of Bd.andPres. 71-364 dB®T»t’89 7 Johnson E14 $ico-8% ) fifteen cent S sent to ns with each sight draft f par 100 Ltwenty-five CENTS for each c redit report lnsur .. R | OTT G. M. JONES 70,000 30,000 1st N., Frankfort. 50,000 6,500 350,000 50.000 330,000 100,000 35,000 900,000 124,940 600,000 228,000 61.940 270.000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Ind. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Cin. 11.300 660,000 20,000 74,300 200,000 1st N., Chi,; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. or presentation, a nd eg prompt, perso nai atte ntion. 40,000 53,000 850,000 50,000 25,000 400,000 331,000 36,000 30,000 S. M. George______ C. B. Henderson, Harry Bridges, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 30,000 37,800 187,500 177,700 8,000 4,000 65,600 Ind. N., Indpls. Frankton 739 Frankton Bank___ d®»+t’05 C. C. Dehority ___ O. F, Cooper.......... O. A. Taylor.......... . Berlyn Danforth.. Luther Frank, Ch. $100-10% par 100 71-755 7 Madison H16 17,000 12,950 127,720 94,230 196,130 13.200 6,860 35,710 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 15,000 4,000 145.000 1,000 150,000 W. R. Johnson. L. A. Young--------- C. A. Brown.. ... Frank McConauFARMERS TRUST CO. „ ghy, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. $200-10% 71-989 d®T»tl’12 par 100 J. M. Robinson----- R. H.Sellers_____ Loui Zeppenfeld .. Franklin National Bank $30 par 20 71-363 dBT»t’56 W. W. Suckow. Ch. „ .. Union Trust Oo----------Ttl’12 10% par 100 71-996 J. H. Hancock____ H. C. Mitton______ R. T. Ellis . ___ Fredericksburg215 8 L Wash'ton P13 Bank of Fredericksburg_tt’17 $130-8% par 100 71-1108 Freedom Citizens Bank---------- ®tt’22 Floyd Livingston.. John Hoot............... Lewis A. Nelson... Elsie M. Neumeyer $100 par 100 71-1213 10,000 710 68.200 Freeliwdvflle Bank------ tS’04 W. F. Buescher— S. H. Kixmiller.__ E. F. Waudtke .... par 100 71-757 25,000 24,000 170,300 10,000 2,800 729 First National Bank..®»t’15 E. B. McNaughton. Elmer Sidel______ L. C. Weiplfi T. McNaughton,Ch. 7 Steuben A22 $176-12% par 100 71-1072 25,000 N. B. Mavity_____ E. E. MacDonald .. Lick..1980 FRENCH LICK STATE BANK ( W. W. Cave........ 8 L Orange O10 71-760 d®T*t§'03 \ Please send 15c pr esentation fee with S ight Drafts, 25c for Credit Ratings. 7 325 Owen L10 Freelandrllle. .574 8 Knox N6 50,240 600 12.410 15,690 Ind. N.. Indpls. 9,000 142,300 12,000 33,700 40,300 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Vincennes. 87,040 100 60,300 11,180 3,930 29,300 450.660 25,000 329,040 116,590 27,740 50,000 41,570 568,590 2,490,280 253,160 198,890 2,513,280 25.000 14,780 333,990 293,580 43,900 6,200 . 25.000 6,500 202,900 18,300 177.640 6,500 27,520 41,030 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls. W. F. Gephart Orpha M. Gephart. 25.000 100.000 11,490 95.160 10.000 13,180 10,180 N.Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Citiz. N.. Kokomo. Vernp Yonne G. W. Brown____ 1G.000 369,080 14,400 C. E. Hayes . 375 Farmers Bank________ tt'10 8 L Jackson M14 $100-4% par 100 71-758 ter Fremont French Friendship___276 7 Ripley M20 7 Fulton E13 15,000 Lib. Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; Am. Bk. &Tr. Co.. New Alb. $150-7% Freetown Friendship State Bank.»t5T2 H. F. Wortman ... L. H. Booster........ 71-998 6% Fulton State Bank------TtS’07 A. P. Copeland— M. O. Enyart.......... J. E. Snepp_______ L. C. Thommen. par 100 71-761 $165-10% Galveston........691 Citizens State Bank.d®t§’27 C. E Shaner $100 par 100 71-646 7 Cass F14 ,, G. W. Conwell Bank___ tt’05 Lyle Brown 25% var 100 71-647 J. P. Harris J, F. Cornell 93,850 362,740 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78,000 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Fletcher Am. N. and Merch. N., Indpls. Am. N.. 24,530 Seymour N., Seymour; 5th 3rd Un.Tr. Co., Cin.;Citiz.-Un. N„ Lou.; Ind. N., Indpls. 56,590 Old N„ Ft. Wayne: Tol. Tr. Co,, Tol. 185,110 ChathamPhenix N..N.Y.; Cont. III.Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N.. Tndpls.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 30,090 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.: Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 85,120 Foreman-State N., Chi.; Howard N., Kakornc. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 4.09 t0 eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ “\J£i INDIANA—Continued Directory, under the authority nf The Aineriean Rankers Ass’n. —— •Mem. A.B. A.'"New § State fPriv. ----- i---------------------- Town and County. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. ther Loans Bonds MlSCEI/- 1 Cash & Ex Depos LOiabili Paid-up Subplus changes,Dux AND and and its Capital Profits Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banks ties Garrett_____ 4796 Garrett Savings Ln. & Tr. Co. Monte L. Green___ A. R. Moore______ A. D. Green. Sec... Chas.P.McDermott $ 7 DeKalb 021 *115-6% 71-381 dB®T»t§’08 A. Sec. 40.000 $ 11,700 $ 219.000 ? 25.000 $ 190,000 $ 30,000 % 50.500 $ Principal Correspondents. 21,000 5th 3a Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N.,Ft. Wayne. par 100 65.000 Garrett State Bk._dB®T*t§’93 H. W. Mountz_____ W. B. Satterfield.. H. M. Brown_____ A. W. Gallatin.— par 100 71-380 50.000 Gary_______89.100 /ALBERT De FRIES- W. LEWANDOWSKI — i n PiP.HiTlNfl HELEN MARTIN-— 7 Lake B7 1 We maintain a special collection Dept, and remit promptly at lowe st rates ‘AMERICAN STATE BANK $300-15% par 100 71-148 dB®T<§’18 BANKERS TRUST CO. 10% par 100 71-1196 BT§’21 CENTRAL TRUST AND SAV. BANK $130-10% par 100 ( E. SCHRAGE_____ E. C. SIMPSON------- EMMA E. CLAUS. Sec. and Tr. HARVEY WATSON AUDREY WINTER. {T. R. SCHAAF........ l SPECIAL IZES IN MORTGAGE BONDS, SECUR ITIES AND \) W. /C. 0. HOLMES — WILLIAM FEDER-— G.P. SMITH, Sec. and R. F. RHOADES, 300,000 A. Sec. and A. Tr. IN SURANCE. Tr. V. E. CHARLTON, JULIA DREVENAK. M. K. WALSH, 100,000 39.880 803.280 56,060 932,040 23,080 215,430 1,505,530 155,370 (Special Deposits ) 57,530 1,143,270 162,520 682,580 133,510 33,280 407,330 334,630 156,280 157,930 1.738,010 9,130 271,250 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Calumet N.. Chi., 1st N., Gary: Bk. of Whiting,Whiting. 69,300 153,390 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 748,860 491,770 81.860 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 138,860 N. City. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Foreman-State N„ Chi. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Secs, and A. Trs. J We make a spe cialty of high gr ade First Real Es tate Mortgage B onds. 1 Suitable invest ments for Banks, Corporations, Li fe Insurance Com panies. Trustee s and P rivate 1 nvestor s. 71-147 d®T»t§’10 f Complete Trust and Banking Ser vice. Commercial Tr. Co—BTt§’22 H. G. Hay ... $130-8% 71-1210 * 64,190 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi. 78.260 151.100 715,620 112,050 74,940 25,320 44,010 Home Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Mid-City State, Gary. 449,960 3,151,110 2,048,270 275,000 916,150 Irving Trust Company.. ...New York P. H. Stevens____ H. G. Hay, Jr......... F. H.Jannasch,Sec. N. F. Brownfield. A. C. and Aud. F. H. Huber Harold A. Goldberg Edward B. Hall 100.000 145,440 50.000 19,790 F. R. SCHAAF.......... HARVEY WATS0H- E. C. SIMPSON — T. J. BURKE . ......... T. M* KITCHEN LE0 WOLF C. E. JOHNSON 250.000 FRANK BORHAN........ P. A. BORMAN............ ARTHUR A. RUTZ___ re, j. nuN" 71-926 dB®T«tl’0( ] Save time and g et service on Coll eetions. {.Plain sight dra fts, ISc. Gary Labor Bank J. J. Nejdl................ D. D. Melin_______ $135 71-1241 dB®T*t§’21 Mabel J. Trost 75,000 23,610 652,780 86,500 460,100 129,200 161,380 50.000 13,630 545,660 82,840 526,790 38,960 80,850 45,160 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Gary State, Gary. 3,638,970 1,621,350 382,800 785,510 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Chi; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co.. Indpls. 1,034,550 109,080 199,020 178,470 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. Bk. Kep., Chi. 254.410 80,250 44,010 __ par 100 ♦FIFTH AVEKUE BANK L. H. Glueck. $145 par 100 71-1229 dB®Tt§’24 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. L. H. Prybylski ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 71-144 $500-14% par 100 250,310 513,410 (No Ba nktng) 186,520 505,830 5,184,730 Cont. III. Bank & Tr. Co._____ Chicago First National Bank__________ Chicago National Bank of Republic___ Chicago GARY’S OLDEST BANK INVITES YOUR BILLS OF LADING AND NOTE COLLECTIONS. dB®»ro( Prompt attention given plain sight drafts and Requests for Ratings when accompanied by fee in advance 15c-25c. ♦FIRST STATE BANK 87,200 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Gary Tr. & Sav.. Gary. $160-8% par 100 par 100 W. W. GASSER— •THE GARY STATE BANK ‘GARY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK $325-8% par 100 $350-15% par 100 200,000 482,970 5,725,660 B. T. LEMSTER „ IDA K. GRAHAM_ _ _ SADIE ATKINSON. B. A. BECKER 100,000 130,080 1,126,130 Auditor and Tr. Off. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. PROMPT REMITTANCE. INTELLIGENT REASONS FOR NON-PAYMENT. 71-145 71-150 dB®TtS’09 Glen Park State Bank 7% 71-1211 dd par 100 (Gary banks continu ed on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. B. BAILE Y -_ _ _ P. H. WEST.......... n.K.tainucn. a. u. hiiliccn H. L. ARNOLD. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. H. L. CONTER LOUIS GOODMAN 164,900 Sec. Complete Banking and Trust Company Service. Bills of Lading Collections Receive Special Attention. Real Estate Department—7% 1st Mortgages for Sale. M. D. Heiny______ C. W. Prott_______ T. H. Dauer______ J. Palansky_____ T. M. Porter G. O. Verplank, V. P. 25.000 12,590 399,880 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 58,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. Over Sixty Years of Service Number under Name of Hank Is the New Transit Number given dfio T^UJ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. u *• Vice-President. Cashier. 71-1164 $150-7% par 100 HI ill/ KfiMKdB®w§’20 A Growing bank that offers a prompt, personal, and efficient service. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. W. J. Fulton_____ W. H. Hoeckelberg J. A. Hale MillerState Bank of Gary $110 par 100 71-12 36 dB®t§’24 71-149 $250-8% par 100 dB®T«t’17 (18: IIIIy? ) — Ch.ofBd. 25.000 JAMES HANSEN- JAMES HANSEN-. U. J. BQEHLER—. PAUL CHRISTY M. A. Kliott ♦Peoples State Bk. $135-10% 71-2000 dB®T»t&’21 par 100 " South Side Tr. and Sav, Bank (See Central Trust a nd Savings Bank) T. J. Hurley______ L. P.S woverlan d, Jr. M. .1. Vlnsio M. B. Mehilovich Gary Clearing Honse________ Harry Arnold_____ C. J. Dunn. (Members indicated by a *) Rdl 71—762 $110-8% par 100 98,800 $ 347,870 $ 417,350 $ 157.930 161,520 1,695,780 118,060 109,740 954,300 595,280 23,100 $ 155,010 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. 1'.: Home Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Gary. 12,650 17,210 vjOIit* III. dKi & lr. vOm vlilii uajy otal6» Gary, 267,080 300,370 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls.; Mellon N.. Pitts. 50.000 30,200 531,280 88,750 508,830 31.970 101,750 57,690 Bkrs.Tr.Co., N.Y.; Foreman-StateN„ Chi. 25,000 4,500 273.000 28,500 190,000 21.000 54,000 66,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; 1st N., Marion. 107,000 22,000 2,000 39,000 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N„ Muncie. Mgr. BESSIE GRIFFITHS- Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied b y A FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c. ) ©T»tS’06 Principal Correspondents. _____ James Hansen. rEDWARD BLOCH — JOHN C. MALAY____ 1 W BALI GAS CITY STATE BANK 150.000 3,410 Resources. Bonds Loans Cash A Ex Miscel chamois and and ,Dui Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ]a Growing Bank that of fers a Promp t and Efficien tServ ice. MAFe especia ily invite the accounts an d collections of ba nks a nd bu sines s hou ses. .. Gaston Liabilities. ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits ties LOUIS GLUECK_____ WM. FULTON-............... - F. H. HUBER-.......... -JOHN HAVRILLA— - 8 100.000 $ 55.030 $ 689,560 $ Mill RICHARDGLUECK A. GRABIEL OF AMERICA GasCitv. 2S7n 7 Grant F18 Ass’t Cashier. CITY STATE 'NATIONAL BANK . PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ____j LsOIltinil6Cl 'MID .. “ lINUiAiN A | Town and County •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estah. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bont L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Gary_______ 89,100 (Continued) TMTiT A 1VT A Gaston Banking Co___ »tl’09 Cbas. T. Beuoy, J. F. Kimmel_____ Margaret E. Case.. Loretta G. Brown.. $200-10% par 100 71-763 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. 25,000 A. HOSKINSON ... K. F. SHOEMAKER 50,000 30,130 412,960 13.850 364,220 16,500 48.320 77,900 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Old Adams Co.. Decatur; 1st N., Celina and Ft. Wayne. 25.000 11,780 149,350 560 138,960 18,500 6,900 22,330 Lincoln Bk. & Tr. Co., Lou.; 2d N. and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., New Albany. Glenwooti___ 324 Glenwood State Bank__ }§ 07 B. F. Thiebaud___ Jesse Murphy____ T. G. Richardson.. Mrs. T. G. Richard71-765 7 Rush J19 son 25,000 13.800 207,000 198,000 Goldsmith___ 318 10,000 1,550 166,810 126,650 10,750 4,500 50,000 13,090 201,920 158,940 99,060 11,660 167,700 16,000 7 Delaware G18 fA. G. Geneva 7 Georgetown 401 8 L Floyd L14 7 Tipton H14 Goodland 7 .. 1120 Newton E7 W. J. HEETER............ J. 0. BRIGGS______ Q. GENEVA-d®*;S 95 < Oldest Establls bed Bank—Safety —Service, $125-6% par 100 71-587 I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. v.Please send 15c tot th each Sight Draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts, 879 BANK Adams F22 BRIGGS......... OF 145,000 Georgetown State Bank t§’09 J. H. Sims............. $150-10% par 100 71-764 J. A. Wright............. R. A. Kelly Goldsmith Bank____ ®tt’20 H. C. Haskett_____ $100-6% 71-1161 First National Bank 71-766 par 100 ©Tt’05 Mort Kilgore. Ch. of Bd. and Pres. B. C. Constable ... State Trust & Savings Bank .James Bell_______ J. G. Hameton .... H. .T. Rrnnk $175-10% 71-1011 d©T»J5'12 25,000 8,700 235,900 54,650 49.780 N. City, Indpls.: Fayette Bk. & Tr. Co., Connersville. 37,590 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., Tipton. 50,010 Am. N., Indpls. 41,800 44,100 N. Bk. Rep., Chi. par 100 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 404. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number eiven t0 each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tows and Countt. •County Seats. Fig. F. R. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§ State tPrir. $Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. •Goshen____ 9890 7 Elkhart B16 CITY NATIONAL BANK 1200-10% ---------- “ 71-256 ®T*ti’54 State Bank of Goshen 71-258 dB®T*tl’74 Gosport 7 Owen «• .700 Gosport State Bank K10 par 100 71-633 d©t|’04 •• A.G. H00VENS--- J. 1. 0. WOOD, Ch. oJBd. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK CENTRAL TRUST CO. $200-10% par 100 71-404 B©T*t§1900 CITIZENS TRUST CO. $200-10% par 100 " its Resources. Other Liabili ties Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Oajh A KxMiscel OBAwau.DTT* and and Discounts Bsouritics laneous prom Baku M. YODER----- C. E. CORNELL — M. S. RUMMELL S 1(0,000 $ 77,310 $1456 520 $ 94,650 $ 984,350 $ 404,930 $ 133,970 $ 205,230 N. City, N. V.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., C. E.RUMMELL un. ir« to.) t/iev*} rietcner Am. N., Indpls. r eason s for non-p ayme nt. atm 120,570 2,201360 809.820 1.808.440 544.050 565,890 Han, Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. 416.360 Cent. Indpls.; Am. Tr. Co., South Bend. jf A. Sec. and A. Tr. 20,400 898,500 165,500 801,400 105.600 114,300 25.000 5,740 332,880 95,980 245,700 51,330 110,980 E. Cadick_____ R. F. Hurst_______ Joseph Forsythe.. 25,000 9,640 412,830 32,730 324,520 86.230 34,150 L. O’HAIR-....... S. A. HAYS—........ H. L.WELIS-...... J. B. CROSBY.A.y.P. WM. N. STILES. And. 100,000 117,240 758,560 96,560 391,810 370,770 Marley........... Sam Sanders............. Welch Wampler.. E. F. Gray........ .. Ill. N„ 163,100 Chase N., N. Y.: Foreman-State N., Chi. N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; Ind. N., Indpls. Fletcher Am. N. and Olde Gosport Stale Bank____ (Merged with Gospo rt Stale Bank Septe mber 15. 1929) Complete Banking and Trust Service TOUR BUSINESS INVIT ED AND APPREC IATED. $230-17% par 100 71-403 dB»i’83 _____ Depos 100,000 A. R, F. M Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Chas. A. Estes......... Geo. A. Riley........... Frank E. Yoder... O.P. Marti*____ •Greencastle. 3780 7 Putnam J 9 „ Ass’t Cashibb. est Bank In the cl ty. LCollections rece ive prompt, perso nal attention. D. ... Cashih. fHAINES EGBERT.. RAYDEAHL............ W. H. NYNfEYER...... 0. J.SCHROCK........ C. E. STOUT, Sec. and H.E. ROSCOE C. A. AITKEN A. Tr. C. W. PICKERING, ) Oldest and Larg Grand View... 680 Grandview Bank. dB®Tt§'03 Spencer R 9 $180-10% par 100 71-768 — Vice-President . Superior Service on Collections. Personal presentation, prompt remittance, intellig ent 71-267 dB@T«t’72 Correspondence invited. SALEM BANK AND TRUST GO. “ Liabilities. Pbesidint. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 1238-8% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 71-1033 dBT®r*’13 F. L. 0 HAIR.......... S. A. HAYS.............. - KENNETH E. WEST. Sec. E. A. Brown. ___ A. H. Hanna A. G. Brown A. B. HANNA_ _ _ _ _ _ FIRSI NAIIUNaL A. G. BROWN.......... ANDREW HIRT BANK W. D. MAYHALL. H. L. WELLS. A. Sec. 50,000 51,760 827.110 332,520 498,470 269,090 324,730 169,100 Cent. N., Greencastle. 50,000 JiU 746,520 32 / ,310 606.970 265,190 137,130 157,440 1st N„ Greencastle. 100.000 42,480 915,840 644,050 284,640 75,000 A. Sec. R. E. Brown. Tr. F.UcG Will 5 P. M. RUSH Oldest Bank in Putnam County. PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. $200-10% par 100 71-402 ®T*f63 * Greenfield.. .4168 The- Citizens Bank H. K. Boyd.............. N. C. Bin ford......... Sheldon B. Cooper W. C. Hatfield... 7 Hancock J17 71-368 dB®Tt§’74 r HARRY G.STRICK- CHARLES H. COOK - J. W. FLETCHER — C. H. BARR __ 200,120 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N. and Ind. N., Indpls. A FFILIA TED W ITH Cl T1ZENS TRUST COMPA NY COMB IN1 ED R ESOUR CES OV ER $2,3 00,000. 50.000 15,000 450,000 50,000 68,800 682,190 430,000 30,000 5,000 70,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fletcher 532,250 140,990 19,840 108,220 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am N., Indpls.; Fifth Third Un.Tr.Co., Cin. Am. N, and Ind N., Indpls. GREENFIELD BANKING CO. ) Ch.of Bd.and Pres. $300-20% 71-367 d©T«t§'71 ) Oldest and Larg est Bank. Promp t Service on CoOe ctions. par 100 1 Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. V. Pitas* send 15c vn th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor u. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N.» Indpls. Central National Bank—Affiliated: Central Trust Co. Combined Resources Over $2,300,000.00. A. G. Brown, Sec... L. J. Arnold, R. F. RRflWN_____ N. City, N.Y.; Old N. Bk. in Evansville and West Side, Evansville. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO , (CINCINNATI 320 FRESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY willingness COURTESY Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Aleui. A.B.A. “New §State f Priv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice President. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. 40^ tGreensburg. 5345 7 Decatur L19 8% 71-329 ©•J1900 1165-10% par 100 71-328d®T»+'83 C. P. MILLER-------- T. E. HAMILTONC.P CORBETT ass't Cashier. Resources. _Other Paid-up Subplus Depos- Liabili AND Capital ITS Profits ties $ 100,000 $ Loans and 81,460 $ 578,000 $ 100,000 $ 395,780 $ 268,810 $ 36,050 $ 158,820 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. T.; lit N. Chi. and Oin.; ina. N., indpls. 17.160 22.150 IAI S. FIRST 75,900 408,840 134.050 400.150 92,650 MORGAN L. MIERS. - F. R. ROBBINS............ 0. J. BUTLER------------ G W.ADAMS ............ W.E. KOENIGKRAMER 150,000 40,770 880,880 67,500 763,240 117,483 98,030 AND 47 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A COMMERCIAL BANK. Your business will be properly handled if entrusted to US. 75,000 112,000 750.000 300,000 818,000 140,000 171,000 First National Bank..........t’04 D. W. Harris, H. H. Gaylor........... Elizabeth J. Ward. Mary Hatfield......... tioo-6% par 100 71-769 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, 25,000 13,300 157,850 25,000 135.320 1,670 33,500 40.000 46,000 3X6 000 313,200 22,000 25,350 111,450 Cont. 111. Bk.& Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Tol. Tr.,Tol. 25,000 26,580 368,850 26,340 272,420 59,590 18,740 96,030 Oont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., and Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 25,000 GO,490 500,250 50,310 258,040 230,120 13,260 25.000 3,990 126,470 82,570 20,660 29,340 10,000 4,810 50.000 30,000 439,490 5,810 332,320 88,220 15,720 10.000 570 383,210 4,370 236,410 109,000 1,600 51,140 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., & Tr. Co., Ft. Wayne. 25.000 22,370 242.370 217,420 100 3.630 68,590 Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co.. Indpls. 688,000 227,000 74,000 C. W. Hamer........... G. O. Ball. J. T. Hunt.................. D. E. Demott______ G. W. Robison____ Wm. Adcock............ R. O. Calvert First National Bank.. d®t’06 E. E. Thompson ... *225-35% par 100 71-520 Grafton Johnson, Ch. 63 Griffith State Bank. d®Tt!'21 F. A. Malmstone. C. Oliver Holmes.. C. A. Leonard_____ *117-6% par 100 71-1191 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. G Wynne ville 215 Gwynneville Bank 71-1250 7 Shelby J17 par 100 par 100 Hamilton........387 Hamilton 7 Steuben B22 par 100 Ann Rein^er ....d»i'28 J. D. Case_________ R. R. Handy_______ W. P. Thurston ... Hagerstown.. 1238 Union Trust Oo._.dB®rt§T4 Horace Hoover. 7 Wayne 1 21 *200-10% 71-599 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Bank_____ 71-771 d-tt’05 O.H. Taylor... Chas. F. Porter... R. M. Hudson.......... M. F. Steffenson.. J. H. Teetor . Hamlet_____ 480 Hamlet State Bank._©«t|’ll C. J. Schwartz.... J. L. Denaut............. Jacob S. Short____ R. 7 Starke C12 S137 10% par 100 71~772 Hammond..56,000 7 Lake B6 160,390 Chase N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co., On.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Resources of more than $1,000,000.00 UNION TRUSTC0-dB®T«t§ 04 C. K. Harrison____ D. W. Weaver.......... G. G. Welsh, C. H. Ewing, par 100 71-330 See. and Tr. A. See, and A. Tr. Greenwood... 1907 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 71-521 ®*t’u6 7 Johnson R15 par 100 Lake B6 111.090 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Ind. N., Indpls. par 100 7 Principal Correspondents. Mibcel- Cajk a XxCULAJIAU,Dt7I Discount* 8*ouriti*(. LANEOUS raoM Baku Prompt attention ta all Banking matter* intmatad to ua. Greentown... 1163 State Bank of Greentown H. E. Murray, 71-583 ©Ttl'03 Ch, of Bd, and Pres. 7 Howard G15 $250-14% Griffith......... (In this Bonds Anua L. St. John 1250-12% Greens Fork...380 7 Wayne I 21 dexed Acces.), Liabilities. CASHIER. Citizens Nat. Bk... d©T«t’71 J. H. Christian____ F. D. Bird................. Locke Bracken ___ 1150-8% par 100 71-327 6REENSBURG NATIONAL BANK THIRD NAT'L BK. & TRUST GO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of INDIAN A—Continued Grace Short___ DvTjUU 2,000 A. J. SWANSON— DANIEL BROWN ... H. 0. REISSI8, Sec. and Tr____ _______ ‘AMERICAN TR. & Besides general banking iteme and oollectlone, eend pereonal handling by men of broad SAVINGS BANK mattere requiring truet and banking experience. s% 71-87 ®T»J*T1 us 100,000 110,000 1,077,000 10,000 C. H. WOLTERS, C. A. ETLINGi Sec. and Tr. A. Sec, and A. Tr. HARRY E. FOLK, FRANK HAMMOND A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec. and Tr. Off. 1,000,000 1,217,760 7,682,170 1,329,300 W. N. BRIDGE, LARGEST BANK IN HAMMOND. A, Sec. and A. Tr. Ch. of Bd. W. E. MEYN J. A. RIPPE, *315-12% ♦ 71-84 dB®T«i§'02 Unsurpassed Collection Service. par 100 Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. (Hammond Banks continued on next page) Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 1 HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C(L_CINCINNAT I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,660 2nd N.. Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co..Oin. 133,350 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 22,790 Cont. Ill. Bk. &Tr.Co„ Sav., Gary. N. Y.; Ind. N., Chi.; So. Side Tr. & 13,810 Am. N., Rushville. 89,040 1st N.. Chi.; Ind. N. and Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. Ohl.; Lin. N. Bk. Chase National Bank______ New York Foreman-State National Bank Chicago PUate send 15c with each sight draft and 25c for credit reports. ‘FIRST TRUST & fcMHfa— time-.. SAVINGS BANK 108,000 Citiz. N. and 3rd N., Greensburg; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 6,304.030 3,041,080 308,000 First National Bank_________ Chicago Fletcher-American National Bank Indianapolis First National Bank................. .Joliet Chase National Bank______ New York National City Bank________New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co. 535,430 1,348,680 Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co.________:______________ St. Louis OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 406 eaci* hauk *n S exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ________ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •Mem. A.B. A. rtNew jjState fPriv Liabilities. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. Fed. Res. Dist ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Hammond . 56,000 (Continued) 'HAMMOND NAT’L BANK&TRUSTCO. 1200 par 100 71-85 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Resources. Loans B°"?* 1 miscelPaid-up Surplus Depos Other AND and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts S.curiti.R UANEOU6 ties Principal Correspondents. 4 ?*troh Banks W.G. PAXTON............. A. H. TAPPER, P. H. FEDDER, W. E. GESCHEIDLER $ 400.000 $ 110,000 $3 000 000 $ 115,000 $2 000 000 $ 900,000 $ 225.000 $ 500,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., J. C. PAXTON, Is IF. P. V. P. and Cash. H. E. STOUT Chi. Ch. of Bd. H.J. GESCHEIDLER Prompt and Efficient Service in Every Department. Collections presented personally and promptly. n l c k Remittance or Reason for non-payment given. dB®T*t'06 tj Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Maywood Trust & Sav. Bank J. C. Paxton 71-1223 dB©Tt§’23 1115-6% par 100 Sec, and Tr. P. Siegrist, A, Sec. and A. Tr. ♦Northern Trust & Sav. Bk. Paul B. Lipinski _ R. O. O st row ski— B. Salik_________ John W. Wojcinski 16% 71-1049 dB®T»t§’14 PEOPLES CO-OP. STATE DANK Sl40-io% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. INDIANA—Continued 71-1177dB©T#t§’20 'STATE BANK OF HAMMOND dBOMi-u J. G. IBACH................ R. H. HARRINGTON - D. E. GAVIT................. L. G. EDER_________ 1 C CDVIM H n R1RI FR 50.000 10.500 288.000 7.000 256.500 13.000 29.500; 25.000 25,000 293,780 40,620 155,010 125,700 53,910 56,810 1,784,460 163,970 1,208,210 361,030 349,170 100.000 71-88 Hammond Clearing House... A. J. Swanson___ Theodore Moor ___ (Members indicated by a * Associate members by +) Farmers & Merchants Bank T. H. Richardson.. G. H. Denison___ $200 par 100 71-991 tfl2 Hanover Deposit Bank..tS’10 J. C. Reed.............. D. Carl Henning— $iio-5% 71-773 Bank of Hardinsburg...{t’12 D. B. Radcliff........ G. E. Roll........... $300-10% par 100 71-983 Eli Bringle, Ch.ofBd. Harlan State Bank.......©tS’ll Noah Amstutz___ 71-965 Citizens State Bank_©T#t§’79 James Cronin, Jr.. O.H. Hiatt______ 71-306 H. F. Hall 186,820 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Hammond N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hammond. OPENFJD FOR BUSINESS NOVEMBER, 1930 DEPOSITS Dec. 1930 $ 85,860 “ June 1932 $ 311,979 “ June 1924 $1,285,147 DEPOSITS June 1926$1,606,694 Oct. 1929 $1,784,456 “PROFITS SHARED WITH OUR DEPOSITORS'’ Send us your collections for quick returns. Bill of Lading Drafts receive special attention. A. H. TAPPER----------ENGLEHARDT ULL THE0. MOOR----------- J. V. HATHAWAY.... RICH J. E. HATHAWAY We make a specialty of highest grad e First Mortgage 1teal Estate Loans. Collections Invited—Personal servfc,e. 56,000 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Hammond N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Hammond. 49,780 1st N. andN. Bk. Rep.,01»t.: 1st Tr.&Sav., Hammond. 60,000 37.750 591,640 io,ooo[ 409.920 131,950 67.170 90,350 Chi. $175-10% par 100 Hanna_______ 413 7 La Porte CIO Hanover............360 8 Jefferson N18 Hardinsburg ..253 8 L Wash’ton 014 Harlan---------- 1000 7 Allen D22 ‘Hartford Clty6183 7 Blackford G19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Trank Hammond, Sec. G. D. Laramore... 10.000 9.830 186,740 172,440 5,330 Marv A. Raidt 25,000 3.250 130.000 1.420 107,840 27.200 C. D. McKinley.__ W. C. Summers__ 10.000 19,580 238,810 750 214.450 5,120 283,180 1,500 25.000 (JOHN BURNS-------- GEO. RAPP, SR........... E. W. SECREST, Cash, and Tr. Off. Spec! (.Bill of Lading Drafts, and all banking matters Union Trust Company C. J. Clamme____ L. C. Johnson___ Chas. Clamme. Jr., par 100 71-309 dB©T§’27 Sec. and Tr. HartsvlIIe_____284 First National Bank______ (Consolidated with Hope State Bank, H ope, Ind.) 7 Bartbol’ew L16 Haubstadt___ 563 Haubstadt Bank___ ®»tS’04 W. W. 8ipp______ T. A. Stunkel------- A. J. Lvnn 8 Gibson Q5 $210-8% 71-775 Hazelwood___ 119 Farmers Bank__________ (Sold to Clayton Ba nk & Trust Co.. Cla yton, Ind.) 7 Hendricks K12 Hazleton..........605 Hazleton StateBk.dB©T«tS'03 H. M. Arthur____ Aaron Trippet. Sr. C. W. McFetridge 8 Gibson 05 $200-10% par 100 71-7 77 Hebron______ 832 Citizens Bank......... T»t§’07 Geo. C. Gregg----- M. C. Bryant____ C. J. Hobbi_____ 7 Porter C8 $175-12% 71-778 $125-5% fer H. F. Han par 100 71-308 ®T»t’03 ) Send us your co Hectlons for qulc k returns. 100,000 Elmer Lucas EARL REAS0NER, A. Cash.&A.Tr.Off. al attention given entrusted to us. Harold Markin, 94,000 1,550,000 3,480 25.320 & Sav., La Porte, 25,210 fletcher Am. N., indpls. 8,500 6,390 14.120 39,800 ; d N., New Alb.; Clark Co. State, Jeffer sonville; Orange Co., Paoli. 36.900 Old 1 N„ Ft. Wayne. 181,190 32.590 1,150.000 125,000 370,000 ( JhaseN., N.Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N., Indpls. 75.000 23,030 506,980 54,830 419,420 108,170 71,570 60,690 1st ] N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N.. Indpls. 25,000 20.300 146,260 10,000 147,710 3,060 25,820 24,550 ( Ind. N.. Indpls. 40.000 29,790 607,480 335.700 271,540 14,300 55,730 ( Evansville. Alma V. Jones.__ 40,000 38,000 400,000 IS S40 15,030 375,000 35,950 11,220 261,360 28,520 7,330 137,780 — 17,450 13,770 ( 236,980 3,090 2,480 26,260 1 104,130 87,480 2,800 119,760 ( 10,000 10,000 I par 100 Hemlock_____ 310 Hemlock State Bk.. d©TT§'20 Ezra Van Auken.. J. W. Beaman___ O. L. Clifton 7 Howard G15 $100-6% 71-1179 25,000 7,130 Heuryvllle 480 Henryville State Bank C. E. Clegg______ J. J. Dietrich........ H. E. Clegg______ 8 L Clark o"l7 $145-8% 71-779 ©•t§’04 25JH1Q 13 ssn Highland_____542 Farmers & Merch.Sav. Bk. Henry Van Til___ Olaf Langeley........ John Groot______ 7 Lake B6 $uo-s% 71-1010 dB®T»t§’25 25 ono 12 500 Hllllsburg.__ 320 Hillisburg Bank____ d®tt’12 J. S. Snyder_____ J.M. Dunn______ G. T. Wood_____ Velma Huffer___ 7 Clinton G13 $120-4% 71-1001 20,000 7.500 136,880 Co.. Chi.; N. City. 55,820 jAm. N., Vincennes. 38,320 1 t N. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. par 100 1,530 par 100 par 100 70,000 11,500 89,000 par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST GO., CINCINNATI1 Over Sixtj Sav. and Hammond N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hammond. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Number undertt Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given . , o ____ a__..a___ a__i_____mi.n MolVollir Uon l.-nre “ , . under the authority of T he American Bar kers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. aOounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. Fed. lies. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Ti ust B-Bond L is Louisville Br. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. E G. Bounell............. Wm. E. Allen________ Hillsboro_____ 537 Hillsboro State Bank 7 Fountain H8 $150-10% 71-780 dB®t5’U par 100 Hoagland_____ 275 First State Bank — ©»t§'29 Andrew Fuelling 79-1261 7 Allen E21 W. F. MacPherson. Hobart______ 3450 AmericanTrust & Savings Bk. Herman Pope------------$125 par 100 71-1007 dB®T*t§’12 7 Lake B7 L. E. MAXWELL - c u name Ch. o J ®rr«t§'98 \ Special attentlo / 15c must be se Land 25c for eac . Farmers State Bank $130-6% 71-1048 dB®Tt§'13 par 100 Holland National Bank..t'08 $180-8% par 100 71-782 THE FIRST STATE BANK $200-10% 71-505 25.000 $ $ 132,740 5 17.890 l 177.240 20,570 iS -m ____.1 n aIo enn 1 o Wk. Ex- Cash & 7HANGB8,DUE from Banks 17,070 !$ 49,750 C Fletcher Am.N., Indpls. 30.000 1st 1; N., Ft. Wayne. 25,000 6,250 169,000 1.000 138.000 30,200 3,050 Jordan__________ 30,000 5,100 384,290 74,500 337.370 6,550 103,420 B.M. FINDLING — 50,000 20.000 1,000,000 710.000 80.000 50.000 151.080 490 14,140 91,230 C P. G. U /ilidnirD Principal Correspondents. 46.560 0 ent. Tr. Co. Gary. of Ill., Chi l N., Chi. and Gary 230.000 1st n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, nt with each SIg ht Draft for pres entatlon h report. Ira C. Melson____ H. E. Castor. 25.000 11,950 219,990 E. J. Rebber______ C. D. Henke_____ A. H. Loewenstein 25.000 29.320 143,760 24,420 102,560 102.760 2,530 14,630 1 Holton State Bank.___ J§’01 J. W. Simpers------ G. J. Stratton------ W. P. Castner........ Altana Sproessig.. $190-10% par 100 71-783 25,000 21,180 242,970 13.500 265,170 1,120 7,000 29.370 C 25.000 2,500 208,000 169,000 7,500 40,000 20,250 376,010 264,640 93,290 16,230 62,110 IL City. N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 1st N„ Ft. Wayne. Farmers State Bank—tS’17 Frank Strock_____ H. C. Doty_______ 8% par 100 71-787 25.000 21.810 259,590 110,090 139,990 13,700 42,630 1?oreman-State N., Chi.; Lin. N. Bk. & Tr. Co„ Ft. Wayne. Monte L. Green... Chas, F.Rodenbeck 0 Huntertown Bank par 100 71-997 dB®T*tt’26 10.000 5,900 115,310 47,140 32,410 26,470 25,180 1st 1 N., Ft. Wayne. 25.000 16,420 322.410 10,000 238.850 71.400 52,600 11,470 1 itiz. N., Evansville; Citiz. Un. N., Louis ville. 50,000 18,940 366.210 43,160 273,440 120,230 33.330 51,310 ( hase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; N. City, Kvansville; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. Hobbs................3 7 Tipton H16 8 fJ.W. IDDINGS— A. E. HALSTED, WM. RIPPE Ass’t Cashier. ' ResouIECES. LIABIL] TIES. Loans Bonds Miscel Surplus Depos- Other mnd nnd Paid-up LiabiliITS DiioounU Sseurities laneous Capital Profits TIES Dubois Q9 lolton______ 3 7 Ripley M19 Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. (Closed February 14 . 1929) Hope State Bank ...dB®+§T3 Arthur May.. ... Arthur C. Ketner.. Edna I. May Carty $1C0’ par 100 71-1013 R. F. McKenzie... C. L. Cottrill......... M. R. Preston_____ Howe. ..810 State Bankof Lima.d®»t§’21 7 Lagrange A19 $162.50-10% par 100 71-785 (See Evansville) Howell Hudson______ 38 7 Steuben B21 t 7 Allen C20 L. J. Hoine ............. A. K. Hoing ... ... Buntlngburg 3...1 Citizens Trust Co..dB®Tt§’13 C. M. Dowell_____ 8 L Dubois P10 First National BankdB®*t'07 S. L. McKinney.... W. J. Bretz--------- W. E. Menke-------- Raymond Schuler . C. M. Dowell. $132-6% 71-438 Ch. of Bd. par 100 H. J. Zahn_______ Howard H.Shideler H. L. Eberhart.A.C. Curtis Altman 200.000 174,490 1,504,200 467,550 1,287,020 261,280 493,820 304,120 st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Old N„ Ft. Wayne; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. F. E. Wickenhiser E. V. Fitch_______ G. D. Karns______ G. Morrow, Tr. Off. 200,000 135,930 2,932,890 100,000 2,131,150 702,630 92,700 442,340 4. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Un. Tr. Co.. Clev.; Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 932.000 65.000 699.00C 53,000I 222,00C 1 158,000 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N.t Ft. Wayne. Jacob Dick______ 4 Citizens State Bank Paul M. Taylor 7 16% 71-190 dB®T»t§’73 B. F. Biliter, Ch, o/Bd, FirstNationalBank dB®T*t’63 $225-12% par 225 71-189 HUNTINGTON TR. CM. B.STULTS ----- Pll AC MrRRPW J.C.'WEARLY 6. G SMITH W. R. CLARK.. JOHN ERNST 100.001 35.000 & SAVINGS $130-6% par 100 BANK } A Commercial Bank—acts In all Trust Capacities m r Huntington lte ms. 71-193 dB®T»ti'07 LPrompt, Efflele nt Collection Ser vice. Send us you Hymera________ 8 Sullivan L7 Idavllle............( 10 State Bank of Idaville 71-789 d®T+§’l£ 7 White Ell $130-8% par 100 Indiana Harborr. (See East Chicago) • (Closed March 7, 1929) Milton Timmons__ ■ m m■1■■■■ 25.001 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,000 (Jont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.,Cin. Irwin-Un. Tr. Co., Col. 9,321 191.071 5,000 188.121 8.401) 14.911) 18,950 Cont. 111. Bk. &Tr. Co..Chi.; Fletcher Am N., Indpls. IM TLJ IT PCNT dai n TV OF 1r$-IF FO IIRTH F OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS <nnvUi^ert^2n,e 408 ______ under *?anlt Is the New Transit Number given excJ^slT®,y Vy The Rand-McNally Bankers’ the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §8tate fPriv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Betab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. AETNA Vice-President. Cashier. COMPANY Ch. of Bd. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits ties Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited. S 250,000 $ 72,490 S 1,867,490 WE P AY 4% H. C. BINKLEY til! E. W. SHORT E. W. ROGERS. L. L. GREEN. IN Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. nnri A.Tr AT. MALCOLM LUCAS, W. F. WAGENER. JS. Tr. Off. Mgr. Rental Dept. m\W:Z: 500,000 602,470 3,043,380 494,200 Brightwood State Bank®tt§’18 J. M. Mendenhall, J. Henry Fisse___ PaulF. Cross......... R. W. Huggins....... Ch. of Bd. and Pres. par 100 20-76 (2355 8tation) 25,000 26,920 267,240 Broad Ripple State Bank William Dawson par loo 71-067 d®Tt§’ll (6237 Bellefontaine) Wm. B. Schiltges.. Fred J. Whicker. . Hazel A. Newby... 25,000 28,610 445,500 Oentral State Bank....... ®t§’23 James L. Gavin.. par 100 20-84 (2962 Central Ave.' George L, Clark... G. C. Appel______ O. C. Denbo ___ 25,000 15,860 287,540 CitizeusState Bank...®T»t§’09 Jno. W. Pull8n_ $210-12% 20-60 (2602 W. Michigan St.) Dick Miller______ CITY TRUST COMPANY $150-6% 20-75 dB®T«tl'17 H. O. Garman. par 100 V.P. (108-112 E. Washington St.) See Advertiseme O. W. Pullen____ Frank Driver____ J. R. Knight____ G. V. Underwood 100.000 127,430 H. J. Barnard____ D. A. Murphy, Set. C. M. Kelly. TV,... D. A. Murphy K. E. Smith. A. Sec. E. W. Davy, A. Tr. C. M. Kelly J. Forsyth. Aud. 250.000 $160-6% $400-10% $ 624,650 1 1.228,190 S 517,170 $ 709,520 S 359,750 Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co,, New York First National Bank...................................Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. St. Louis IIMTE REST ON SA VI IMG 2,684,200 2,768,750 854,670 2.644.060 s* 562,580 Cent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Tr. 224,490 245,670 2.930 58,210 250,940 32,680 500 36,690 229,000 810 4,410 211,880 31,560 15,790 73,560 1,434,550 53,380 695,530 751,960 70,910 196,960 135,330 2,712,950 3,564,900 3,532,670 1,332,800 1,387,960 1)0,290 5,365,960 375,810 3,284,680 1.184,790 81,850 1,640 q non 9P,n noo & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Inti, N., IndpU. 409,750 L City and Chem. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tr. Co.. Chi.; Ind. N., Indpis. R. tt. SPIEGEL —. D. H. JENNINGS... W. H. POLK_ _ _ _ _ C. T. BRADY 8. S. Depositary. Collections given particular attention. 400,000 Facilities for perfect banking service. 1,760,740 Tr. Co., Chi. Direct eonneotion with every banking town in INDIANA. (Merged with Rural St. Branch of Fletc her Savings A Trust Co., after June 5, 1 029) East Washington State Bank in* , 20-82 ®Tt§’22 (458 E. Washington) Farmers Trust Co....... ®T»il'06 $250 20-53 (150 E. Market St.) A. E. Metzger___ Samuel Mueller... Lee Welker_____ Earl Staudacher... M. V. Rinehart___ C. N. Williams, Ch. E. H. Forry, V. P. and Tr. Off. James McNulty.__ (.Indianapolis banks continued on following page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Indianapolis Clearing House Assn. Mem. shown by* Affiliated Banks by + Principal Correspondents. nt of City Secari ties Corp. in Inv estment Dealers List. East Side State Bank______ Fidelity Trust Company par 100 20-59 d®W|'O0 (148 B. Market) and We especially invite the accounts and collections of banks and business houses. Our quick personal service and reasonable charges will please you. 12,120 $165-6% Mibcul- Qamu k £zLANIOCI d»Ajr«M,Dtn Sicuimm R*»oubcie non Baku Bonds Co., Chi.; Cont. N., Indpis. 25,000 par 100 20-13 d®W’09 (17 No. Meridian) and Diaoookte Ins. Dept. R.E.Dept. Belmont State Bank dB®*!5'24 G. C. Forrey, Jr., L. P. Robinson.__ Wm. J. Clark___ Clem F. Miller__ Ch. of Bd, and Pres. par 100 20-92 (2101 West Washington) $125-6% Loans SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. 6% (Pennsylvania 20-74 ®M*T6 and Ohio) ’CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK Resources. Othkb Total Dbpositb Liabili - J. S. GRIGGS, Sec.... LS. HENSLEY, A.Sec. $120-6% par 100 20-61 dB®T«4l'12 DEPARTMENTS: Commercial Banking, Trusts, Real Estate Rental and Insurance (25 N. Pennsylvania) ’BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws. (Marion, J 15)County Seat, Pop. 382,100—Reserve City Liabilities. President. R. H. WALLACE------ L. M. RAPPAPORT—- 0. R. OLSEN. JV. E.S. GOODRICH, TRUST & SAVINGS INDIANAPOLIS (Federal Reserve District No. 7) THE FIFTH THIRD 33,460 389,500 1,120 19,040 4,040 Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpis. C. A. Ploch......... . R. E. Smith D. Harrison, A. Tr. Off. J. G. Flaherty___ T. P. Sexton R. E. Smith, Tr.... C. R. Kellogg, Sec. E. L. Sturdevant, Laura Hiatt, A. Sec. A. Sec. M. J.Young. A. See 300,000 242,410 1,236,850 299,330 1,014,700 466,560 303,160 294,170 I !kri. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Fidelity Un. Tr. Oo„ 1 Prov.Tr. Oo.. Phil. J. G. Flaherty, Tr. T. P. Sexton, Sec.. Maurice McNulty, T. X. Lanahan.A.S. 1'r. Officer A. E. Lamb, Aud. 100,000 150.000 1,737,160 97,500 818,140 861,360 79,490 325,680 C ent. Han. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cl N., Indpis ; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. TRUST CO., CINCINNATI IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Send Your INDIANAPOLIS Collections and matters requiring prompt, personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience to the Bankers Trust Company Pennsylvania and Ohio Streets, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Commercial, Savings, Trust, Investment, Insurance, Real Estate Sales, and Rental Departments Correspondence Invited Accounts Solicited DIRECTORS OF THE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Joseph G. Brannum President Brannum-Keene Lumber Co. John C. Cheney Shelbyville, Indiana Attorney Clarence A. Cook State Agent Fidelity-P/ienix Fire Insurance Co. C. A. Hilgenberg Realtor Victor C. Kendall Lewis A. Coleman Attorney Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Secretary-Treasurer L. S. Ayres & Co. T. S. McMurray, Jr. President T. S. McMurray, Jr., Inc. Martin McDermott President M. Clunc Co. Joseph E. Reagan President Baldwin-Miller Co. W. Edw. Showers Bloomington, Indiana President Showers Bros. Manufacturing Co. Robert J. Spencer Marion, Indiana C hair man of Board, Grant Trust and Savings Co. Henry C. Thornton President Thornton-Levey Co. Frank E. Wickenhiser Huntington, Indiana Vice-President First National Bank Frank B. Wilkinson Logansport, Indiana Vice-President Logansport Loan and Trust Co. Howard C. Binkley Company’s President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis With direct connections with more than sixty per cent of the banks of Indiana, we offer unusual facilities for the handling of Indiana collections* Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 4.AQ INDIANAPOLIS—Cont’d—Reserve (Federal Reserve District No. T> oMem. A.B.A. «New §State fPrir. {Mem. State B. Ass’n [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Yic*-PB»iDZirr. PRESIDENT. Qaiiii iil'T CASJUU. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSa!e%Div. •FLETCHER AMERICAN E. W. STOUT......... - G. C. FORREY, JR_ _ M.R. GREENS.V.P.G. H. MUELLER G. R. KEOGH Auditor W. F. C. GOLT H. E. SUTHERLIN H.TYNDALL G. WOCHER Established NATIONAL BANK L. HILKENE 1839. F. WOCHER $215—8% JO-1 d®T«t'38 par 100 R. K. SMITH. V. P. and Cash. M.W.SOCWELL. Mgr. Foreign Dept. THEO. STEMPFEL. V.P.and Tr.Officer E. H. IGLEHART. V. P. and Tr. Mgr. C. H. LARSH, Paid-up Capital Liabilities. SUDPLCP Total ADD Liabili Profits Dsp OBITS ties Resources. MiscblBonds LANIOUB AND Loans and DI8COUNTB Securities Rbsoubobe Fletcher Joist Stock Land Evans WoolleD. Hugh McK. Landon Geo. A. Miller, Tr, Emily M.Gammans 750,000 Bank___ 20-86 ________ ’17 Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Wm. B. Schiltges Sec. W. W. Talbert, A Sec. A. E. Metzger, V. P. Geo. A. Miller WOOLLEN — HUGH McK. LANDON- LELAND CRAWFORD, L. A. BUEHNAGEL, Tr. Sec. ‘FLETCHER EVANS HUGH McK. LANDON, A. E. METZGER A. S. JOHNSON, R. P. YOUNG, Ch. of Exec. Com. VINSON CARTER CLAIR MCCONNELL, „ A. Tr. E. C. McKINNEY, 0. S. MORRIS SAVINGS & TRUST Vi. S. GREEN0U6H, G. A. MILLER. A.Tr. A. Sec. Asst, to Pres. W. B.SCHILTGES S. G. KASBERG. Cash. H. L. WEBER, A. Cash. Jr„ H.F. CLIPPINGER DONALD S. MORRIS. COMPANY EVANS WOOLLEN, Tr. Officer E. G. FREIHAGE, Vice Pres. LAWRENCE A. WILES 661,770 1,500.000 15,214,550 15,726,380 308,620 545,710 10.968,640 9,812 .990 1.234.380 (Territ ory, India no A Ilit not*) 1.887,740 23.197,740 594,320 A.2V. A. Sec. ♦ 20-10 1dB®T»tl’17 Fort Wayne Ave. State Bank $130-6% par 124 20-85 d®T»t5’23 (840 Ft, Wayne Ave.) Forty-Second St. State Bank $166 par 100 20-79 d®T<5’22 (4209 College) +Fountain Square State Bk $125-7% par 100 20-58 d®TtS'98 (1605 Hoyt Ave.) INDIANA NATIONAL BANK $325-10% par 100 ?0-f dB®T«t’65 (3 Virginia Ave.) VINSON CARTER, F. A. OHLEYER, A. Tr. Officer ORPHA Counsel BURKE NICHOLAS, A.Tr.Off. A. C. Nobes______ S. G. Howard. A. Cash. Chief Aec’t C. M. Dawson_____ Sumner Clancy.— J. C. Mills________ J. H. Beaver ~ E. B. Raub. Ch. E. W. Strack. H. S. W00R JOHN F. KURFISS R. B. MALL0CH JAS. L. FISH H. H. MAA6 This Bank will paoaiva tha Aocounta and Coiiaotlona of all Banka, Bankara and Corporations, Firms, and Individuals, snd will glvs prompt attsntlon to any huslnass antruatsd to Ita oars. Indianapolis Joint Stock M. A. Hoffman, Geo. C. Forrey. Jr. F. C. Bopp------------- T. S. Hood. Sec. and Tr. A. S. and A. Tr $ioo.Land Bk..20-97 _____ '26 Indianapolis Morris Plan Co.» C. F. Coffinn_____ Ralph Gregory, Acting Sec. & Mgr 20-93 (151 N. Delaware St.) ...... »Tr. R.N. BRITTON, A.S 'F. C. DICKSON —INDIANA TRUST CO. M. P. BOWEN, Sec. A. W. KAYE. a\ See. J.P. FRENZEL, Ch. $240-12% 20-9 dB®T»t§’93 Mgr. Heal Estate WILL COWAN, A. Tr. lim,” par 100 $160-9% par''100 20-69 d»i|'13 (Union Stock Yds.) 25,000 8,200 200.000 25,000 13,280 522,490 11,200 359,860' 100,000 104,080 1,265,190 2,850 2.006,001 2 768,170 29,007,410 175.000 8,160 250,000 1,000,000 1,533,820 10,906,810 45,610 Gnaranty Tr. Oo.. N. Y.: Cent. Tr, Co. of Ill., Chi. Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 4.963,780 N. Cit> and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent.Tr. Co. of Ill. and Cont. III. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Shaw mut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cln. Twelve Offices over Indianapolis; Member Fed* oral Reserve System. 33,200 Ind.N.. Indpls. 25,000. 81,070 18,480 112,560 Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 855,540 385,130 10.350 221,090 HarrimanN. Bk. & Tr. Co-, N- Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Merch. N-, Indpls. 493,160 20,726,150 3,777,630 718,830 | SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MAP OF INDIANA. A. S. BENS0R-------C. H. CLARK----------- A. F. SINGLETON................................... Sand your Indianapolis and stock yards business direct to us. Quick returne on collections at raasonabla ratss. 100.000 10,000 ( 67,330 200,090 (Indianapolis banks continu ed on following page) 1IE FI FT H 1 HIIRI3 UN ION TRUST 1i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 312,070 475,840 1,810 10,450 36,360 2,650,380 5,712,790 750,050 25,950 113,790 9,046,130 First National Bank......... ..............................New York Chase National Bank__________________ New York First National Bank__________ Chicago Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co.___Chicago Philadelphia National Bank________ Philadelphia First National Bank.................. .Cincinnati 82,150 Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 4,363,760 Equitable Tr. Co. and Bkrs.Tr. 0«..N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ Ohl. and Ins. Dept. (Wash. St. andVirginiaAve.) LOIdestTrus t Company in Indiana. INLAND BANK & TRUST CO. L. G. Wild................. W. S. Johnson------- A. H. Humphrey, Sec, and Tr. par 100 20-98 dBT«t§’27 E. C. Shireman (Market & Delaware) Evans Woollen. Jr. T. M. Campbell___ Irvington 8tate Bank R. C. Wright. I. C. Bertermann.. $150 par loo 20-64 dB®Ttl'12 (5501 E. Wash.) ‘LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE BANK DEPARTMENTS: Commercial Banking, Savings, Certificate of Deposit, Safe Deposit, Trust, Bond, Loan, Beal Estate, Insurance, Building and Rental, Foreign and Travel and Farm Loan. Collections Solicited. Specialized service to correspondent bankers. M. RUNGE. Clyde W. Raub.Claude L. Noel. Wm. Nackenhorst-C. H. Stuckmeyer. H. J. Bndenz_____ J. W. Dunn F. B. STALNAKER—KERRY EITEL------- R. M. FLETCHERI. F. PATTERSON C. M. BROCKWAY, E. 0. MOORE Auditor. TH0S. H. KAYL0R noMBina Indpls. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by Affiliated Banks by + and prompt attention with the best facilities. par 5 (Penn, and Market) $105-8%+ 2% extra par 100 (Penn, and Market) Cxmb k tI. , cHaNO*J,DU1 Trust Co.________________ _______ New York OTTO J. FEUCHT...... $ 4.000.000 $ 1,339,010 $38 741740 $ 5,246,410 $27605390 $ 6,225,380 $3,164,930 $12331460 Irving National City Bank........................... .......... New York W. J. ARD. JR. Chase National Bank_________________ New York E. MARLON LUTZ Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co....Chicago R. C. SMITH SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. First National Bank______________________Chicago Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. G. P. SUOING. .............. ........................ ..................... ............ _St. Louis Mgr. Sav. Dept. Philadelphia National Bank.............. Philadelphia Collections given careful First National Bank......... ................ Boston tgr. Woman’s Dept. Mgr. (45 N. Penn. St,) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. City 135,000 97,400 Trust Dep 465,680 830 220,370 955,030 36,240 475,170 275,430 Cl N mINAT j 74,480 Ind. N.. Indpls. 95,240 218,220 N. City, N. Y; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co,. Indpls, 16,220 559,450 Ch»M N.. N. Y.i 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Cent. Tr. Co., Cin. The Bankers’ Bank Since 1863 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 410 •Mem.A.B.A. "New §S'tate tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeI)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Madison Avenue State Bk. 1132-6% par 100 20-95 d®T»J§’26 (1377 Madison Ave.) Maple Road State Bank 1150-6% par 100 20-94 B®+§’25 (3817 N. Illinois) Marion County State Bank 1250-12% 20-66 d@»t5’12 par ioo 139 E. Market 'MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 14% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt(Indexeil Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this INDIAN APOLIS- Cont’d— Reserve City (Federal Reserve District No. 7) Resources. Liabilities. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Surplus Other Total AND Deposits Liabili Profits ties 25.000 9,930 486,700 J. W. Pullen------- L. V. Wright.......... 25.000 10,540 192,460 C. L. Robinson.... R. C. Shaneberger. E. W. Hughes------ W. A. Barney____ C. E. Robinson 50,000 35,000 1,236,650 Geo. Hilgemeier .. Chas. Hafer--------- J. F. Davis______ L. P. Carper G. H. Mueller, Ch. K. T. Brock, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. J. P. FRENZEL,JR................... J. P. FRENZEL, 20-6 »t'65 (11 9o. Meridian) Ch. of Bd. $ 53,950 Miscel and and laneous 385,740 :$ 55,270 $ Cash t Ex change,Dui from Banks 26,590 !$ h[ndpls. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + - Principal Correspondents. 57,380 )Fletcher Am. N„ Indpls. 54,470 129,140 2,300 42,080 (3ont. 111. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N. and Citiz. State. Indpls. 816,240 284,970 85,270 189,130 .N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 5,844,480 5,036,060 1,025,000 Collections promptly made and remitted for at lowest rates. Tour account invited. We know your wants and we want your banking business. Sol Meyer_______ IJ. J. Kiser------------ A. J. Wichmann... J. E. Ohleyer L. E. Ostheimer, B. E. Fischer, 20-55 dB®T»t§'06 S. S. Kiser, V. P. M. S. Cohn A. C. and And Ass’t to Pres. Q.Jackson, V. P. F. S. Meyer (128 E. Wash. St.) Bonds Discounts 1Sbcubitchs ]Rbsoubces 3,350 $ 0. N. FRENZEL, JR. CARL H. BALSTHOS.A.RESSLER, WM. C. GRAUEL Mgr.Bond Dept. GEO. J. 0HLEYER 1,250,000 2,212,370 12853460 1,375,000 THE MEVER-KISER BANK Loans 300,000 458,890 3.958,230 315,600 672,420 3,283,190 527.000 25,000 51,740 567,900 1,640 480,020 59,670 52,610 200,000 213,760 3,731,490 13,393,450 2,788,140 Chase National Bank__________________ New York Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co.—Chicago National Bank of Republic................ ............ Chicago First National Bank_____________ _____ Cincinnati 5,785,280 Miss. Valley Tr. Co.___________________ St. Louis Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co.,St. Louis National Shawmut Bank___________ Boston Mellon National Bank________________ Pittsburgh Philadelphia National Bank________ Philadelphia 550,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Foreman-State N.. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. par 100 James L. Gavin —. J. L. Hogue. Northwestern State Bank par 100 20-68 dB®«t§’13 (1100 W. 30th) *peopleststatebank *225-6% par 100 20-52 dB®T»t§ 1900 136 E. Market St. J. L. Bray________ G. H. Wagner. F. E. MCKINNEY----C. R. WEAVER------ NEAL GRIDER, V. P. and Cash. A. E. THOMPSON, R. D. JACKSON, C. R. WEAVER, A. Tr. Off, V. P. and Mgr. V. P. Trust Officer 7. M. McWHIRTER A. J. HUEBER, 528,670 13,384,170 837,710 Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Foreman-State N. and 1st N., Chi.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 14,200 101,070 N. City, N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; City Tr. Co., Indpls. 3,760 334,980 N.City.N.Y.; Cent.Tr.Co. of Ill.,Chi.;Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. Bd. Dept. ..“The Frien dly Bank" 407,840 12.500 25,000 Postal Station State Bank Dick Miller______ H. O. Garman-------- A. C. Brock---------20-88 ®t§’23 (Illinois and South) 312,450 9,840 25.000 Roosevelt Ave. State Bank Garvin M. Brown - L. A. Bueunagel — W. E. Gatewood.. Homer Phillips.__ 20-83 ®t§’22 (1533 RooseveltAve.) 500,000 4,667,610 200,000 Irving W. Lemaux, G. W. Snyder-------- I. Watt Pugh, Tr... W. C. Kassebaum, ♦Security Trust Co. Sec, *390-14% 20-11 d®T«tS'01 Ch.of Bd.and Pres. H. V. Brady, A.Sec, par 100 (111-13 N. Penn.) 617,330 29,150 C. F. Mitchell____ R. C. Dittrich........ 26.000 Sixteenth Street State Bk, H. McK. Landon— Chas. W. Scott. *100-6% par 100 20-80 ®t§’22 (1541 No. Illinois) 57,870 1,451,510 L. C. Eugelking.__ E. L. Kuhn____ 50.000 L. A. Wiles____ John Lauck. +South Side State Bank 6% par 100 20-65 dB®T§’12 (1125 So. Meridian) 450,630 12,910 25,000 L. E. Yuncker____ F. W. Jungclaus—. A. J. Krueger, Jr.State Bank of Mas?. Ave. $100-5% par 100 20-77 ®t§’20 (815-17 Mass. Av.) 48.500 1,613,480 375.000 G. F. Miller______ Kathryn Holland ~ State Savings & Trust Co. S. R. Brewer ___ J. A. Houck, V. P. and Tr. *90-4% par 100 20-72 dB®T»tS'14 (123 E. Market) 600,000 2,346,830 9,384,850 H. F. McNutt, Tr. A. F. Gauding, Sec A. V. Brown_____ J. E. Reed. ♦Union Trust Company C. O. Alig, A. Tr. A. A. Ritchie, M. M, Dunbar (1 Branch) par 100 20-12 dB®T*t§’93 A. Sec R. A. Kurtz, A. Sec. G. A. Buskirk, *625-20% & 3% extra Tr. Off. E. E. Lett. A. Sec. J. F. King, A, Tr. (120 E. Market) 83,170 250,000 A. V. Brown_____ M. M. Dunbar____ II. F. McNutt. Tr. A. F. Gauding, Sec, Union Trust Joint-Stock E. E. Lett, A. Sec Arthur V Brown, Jr, Land Bank.20-96 _____ ’26 J. E. Reed. V. P. Robert Bracken, J. F. King, A. Tr. C. A. Sec. O. Alig. A, Tr. V. P. and Mgr. N. Fultz. A.Mgr. C. par ioo (120 East Market) 27,200 862,190 112,500 United Labor Bank & Trust John L. Lewis___ Wm. Dobson______ F. C. Bell. Sec----- Allan Gilmour, A. Sec Jacob Fischer Co............20-91... .d®T§’23 Adolph J. Fritz tioo par ioo (2 E. Market) 290,600 5.000 25.000 Virginia Ave. State Bank W. W. Godfrey.. R. C. Shaneberger. William Iverson.. A. R. Pollard_____ *120 par 100 20-90 d®T»t§’25 (630 Virginia Ave.) 88,390 2,422,370 200,000 C. N. Fields--------- C. N. Fields, Tr,... Wm. T. Pearcy___ Washington Bank & Trust J. E. Morris, J. E. Johnson, Aud. C. J. Clymer, Companv.20-63 dB®T»t8'12 Ch. of Bd. and Pres, F. W. Payne, A. Tr. V. P. and Tr. Off. *157-6% (257-61 W. Wash’ton) par 100 (See pag es 28-29 -30 forN A. V. Brown. Indianapolis Clearing House F. D. Stalnaker.__ E. W. Stout_______G. C. Calvert. Banks, T otal Dep osits by Sec. and Mgr. Affiliated banks by + ) (Members indicated by a W. P. Flynn. Exam'iner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53,980 Ind. N., Indpls. 50,790 279,270 1,860 10,400 2,350,770 2,082,050 72,970 5,890 594,300 N. City. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. 883,450 N. City, N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co, of Ill., Chi.; Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Co., Indpls. i 621,210 14,130 69,360 i 289,090 108.270 2,900 1,753,380 122,590 444,480 1 1 10,036,950 ) 429,090 34,110 ) 419,850 434,880t ) 170,500 91,000l 5,716,350) 1,360,600i 397,830i 985.460 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Chi. 596,420 2,906,150 44,789,520 88,920 Merch. N.. Indpls. 188,460 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi. 2,424,050 Chase N„ 1st N., N.City, and Bkrs. Tr.Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Harris Tr. & Sav.. and 1st Un. Tr. & Sav.. Chi. 29,030 Ind. N., Indpls. 12,000 i 1 6,162.33C1 7,900 % 145,050 Harriman N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Ind. N„ Indpls. 51,300i Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. 506,340 i N. City, N. Y.: Cont. Ill. Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. f National1 , State ci nd Privei te J tates, et c.) THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Resources Over $90,000,000.00 411 Indianapolis—Selected List of Investment Dealers, Brokers, Finance Companies, Acceptance Corporations, etc. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assu. Year JMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. BANKERS INVESTMENT GO. (408 Continental Bank Bldg.) Members op Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships Bert McBride. Pres. Edw. G. Hereth, V.P. R. E. McBride. Sec. and Treas. Other Offices Correspondents, and Bank Depositories Fletcher Am. N., Indpls. Capital and Surplus, $125,000. Corporation - Municipal - Government Bonds - Preferred Stocks. ri4 We underwrite entire issues - Correspondence Invited. ["Dealers In Government, Municipal, Ind. N., Indpls. CHARLESS. BECKER&C0MPANY±t'23 1 School and Road Bonds, Corporation (813 Merchants Bank Bldg.) Bonds and Preferred Stocks, N. Pennsylvania St.) CHASE SECURITIES CORP...... (Merchants Bank Bldg.) CITY SECURITIES CORPORATION ±Tt'17 (108 E. Washington St.) FLETCHER AMERICAN COMPANY (Fletcher Am, Bk. Bldg.) INLAND INVESTMENT COMPANY Members of Firm Branch Managers Exchange Memberships LEONARD G. WILD, President FREDG. GARDNER, Vice-President WM. M. BARTLETT. Jr.. Vice-President A. fl. HUMPHRIES. Secretary Treasurer Other Offices Correspondents, and Bank Depositories Indiana National Bank and In land Bank & Trust Company, Indianapolis. Member Indianapolis Stock Exchange. (Corner Market & Delaware Street) C. A. Jewett, Pres,____________________ Fletcher Sav. C. W. Jewett, V.-P. R. P. Jewett, Sec. and Tr. JEWETT & COMPANY .Members Indianapolis Stock Exchange. k BREED, ELLIOTT & HARRISON ±tT12 (100 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem.State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange. & Tr. Co., Indpls. Local Bonds and Stocks, Municipal & Land (Incorporated) Bank Bonds. Members Indianapolis Stock GEO.B. ELLIOTT. Pres. JEROME L. KAHN. V.P. Ind. N., Cont. N., and Fletcher Am (Fletcher Sav. <* Tr. Bldg.) ±tt'02 Exchanoe. , F. A- LIKELY.V.P. H- E- CLAYTON, N.. Indpls.; 1st N.,Oin. Paul R. Matthews, Representative_________ Lee. Higginson & Co., N. Y., Chi., LEE HIGGINSON & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 148 T. B. JOHNSON. Jr.. V.P. A. Sec. and Treas. (910 Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Bldg.) (Investment Securities) and Bos. E. H. CATES. V. P. E. L. KLINE,Sec. EVERETT F. Me COY, Pres. & Mgr._________ Ind. N. Bk., Indpls. E. F. McCOY & COMPANY. Inc_____ Investment Securities (207 Hume-Mansur Bldg.) Specialize in Real Estate Preferred THE MEYER-KISER BK. dB±®T«H’06 (Investment Bonds, Stocks, Commercial Pa per) (See Bank List) Stock. Investment Securities-Munlci- 20-56 . pal and Corporation Bonds. f 128 East Wash. Streets Investment Securities___ _____________ Chase Sec. Corp., Head Office, N. Y THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY-18 H NIVEN, Dist. Sales Mgr. (Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Bldg.) (Investment Bonds) Other offices, Chi., Denver, Duluth, Kan. C„ Oma„ Mil,, Minpls., St. L., GAVIN L. PAYNE. Pres. St. P., Memphis and Salt L. City MARY F. STUBBS. Cash. 'DICK MILLER. Pres. DWIGHT A. MURPHY. Ind. N. and Fletcher Am. N., WM. W. MILLER, Sales Mgr. ,C. MILTON KELLY. Sec. Indpls. GAVIN L. PAYNE V. P. Dealers in Conservative Investments Indiana Municipal Bonds Real Estate Securities & COMPANY (207 Continental Bk, Bldg.) N. City Co.. N. Y., and Correspond ent offices. Ind. Nat’l, Continental N., and Fletcher Am. Nat’l of Indianapolis. Specialists in Indianapolis Securities. GAS, STREET RAILWAY and TRACTIONS. We furnish Quick Bids and Asks. P07 MEMBERS INDIANA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION. . (Member Indpls. Stock Exchange) THOMAS D. SHEERIN & C0.~±tV17 Government, Railroad Utility, Munici Kissel Kinnicutt & Co.. N. Y.; G. 0. Forrey, Jr.,Pres. T g Hoodi See Guaranty Tr. Co., N. I.; 1st N., (Fletcher Savings <fc Trust Bldg.) pal and Land Bank Bonds. Fletcher Sav. &. Tr. Co., Indpls. Chi.; Fletcher Am. N., Indpls.; Members Indianapolis Stock Exchange E. W. Stout, M. A. Hoffman, A. Sec. Fifth Third Cn. Tr. Co., Cln. Theodore Stempfel, S.J. Rennard, A. Tr. :T.P. BURKE. Resident Vice-Pres._________ S. W. Straus & Co.. Inc., N. Y. and E. J. Wuensch, N. C. Estabrook. A. Tr. Chi. E. H. Iglehart, M. A. Hoffman. A. Sec. Investment Securities. Wendell Sherk, E. J. Wuensch, Sales Mgr. L. L. Campbell. A. F. Matzke.Afpr. Tra. Dept. Capital $2,000,000 (INCORPORATED; 182 / Riley 7701 Local Vice-Presidents J. P. Collett, Mgr. Analytical Dept. Founded 1882 telephones \Riley 7902 Long distance L, P. Robinson. Tr. 301 New City Trust Bldg. Largest Dealer In Local Corporation Ind. N.. Indpls. Dealers in conservative Investment securities. Bonds and Stocks. Indiana and Indianapolis Municipal and NEWTON TODD------------------- ±t 87 STRAUS, S. W. & GO. Corporation Bonds and Stocks. (415 Lemcke { Bldg.) SEE ADVERTISEMENT TOP INDIANAPOLIS MAP. Bank, Trust Company, Insurance and Head office Chicago, other offices in ("Evans Woollen, Ch. of Bd. and Pres. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr, UTILITY SECURITIES CO_________ Indiana Unlisted Stocks. Public Utility Minneapolis, Milwaukee,Louisville, (506 Guaranty Bldg.) A. E. Metzger. V.P. HughMcK. Landon, V.P Co. of Ill., Chi,; Fletcher Sav. & Securities. Richmond, St. Louis, Detroit and FLETCHER JOINT STOCK LAND BANK ' Wm. B. Schiltges, V. P. Emily M.Gammans, Tr. Co., Indpls. Members Indianapolis Stock Exchange. San Francisco. (Charter No. 3) '17 I Geo. A. Miller, V. P. and Tr. Sec. Washington Bond & Investment Co. =t jD. M. McLEOO. Afffr- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Penna. <fc Market Streets) I Capital $750,000 W, W. Talbert. A. Sec. Reserve $181,700 Surplus $661,700 UTILITY SECURITIES Dealers In J.(PUBLIC F. WILD, Pres. J.(255 F. W. WILD, Jr., v. p. St.) GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS AND Washington F. N. WILD, Sec. and Tr. George M. Forman & Co., Chicago, Investment Securities. OTHER HIGH GRADE SECURITIES New York, and principal cities. J. F. WILD INVESTMENT COMPANY (129 GEORGE M. FORMAN & COMPANY '85 (522 E. Market St.) Merchants Bank Bldg.) HALSEY STUART & CO., INC_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 (Investment Bonds) Telephone Riley 3547 — (11 South Meridian St.) OTTO F- HAUEISEN & CO............. ±. (Fletcher Sat. & Tr. Bldg.) Resident Mgr,, A. R. Hebblethwaite Halsey Stuart & Co., N. Y., Chi. Indianapolis Stock Exchange. Phil.. Pitt., Bos.. St. L.. Det.. Mil. Clev., and Minpls. Dealers In Corporation Bonds and Indiana National Bank, Indpls. Stocks, Bank and Trust Company Stock s. Government, Municipal, School and Road Bonds. Member Indianapolis Stock Exchange. Member American Bankers Association. Member Indiana Bankers Association. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondence Invited. C. L. Falvey, Pres.________ Raymond D. Jackson, V. P, Foster Clippinger, Tr. Cecil Weathers, Sec.. Rates of Commission. $2.50 per bond .25 a share on stock 1.25 per bond on U. S. Government bonds Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks 412 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank In U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Town and County. ^County Seat. Fig. Fed. Res. Dist. L is Louisville Br. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §8tate tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Say.$LastSale%Div. Jamestown___ 628 Citizens State Bank. 7 Boone 112 $200-10% par 100 ♦ 71-790 Liabilities. President. 0. F Martin _ Vice-President. CASHIER. r ALB. SOH DEB MAN -. .Jasper_______2539 THE DB80IS CO.STATE BANK | L Dubois P10 $140-10% 71-454 d®T«iS'85 ) Special Collect! par 100 (.Items. Send 10c .. Farmers ft Merch. State Bank J. J. Welp_________ $220-12% 71-455 d©tt'95 L. P. Joseph, Ch. par 100 (W.S. HUNTER. „ _____ |» HERMAN AMERICAN BANK ) Ch.ofBd.and Pres. $155-10% par 100 71-456 tl’lO j Send your eolle L progressive ban fJ. 0. DRISCOLL — .Jeffersonville CITIZENS TRUSTC0.®T*« 55 8LClarkP1710,098 $170-12% 71-186 j Special altentl LPlease send 15c w •• _ __ •* Clark CouDty State Bank R. A. McKinley___ $225-10% 71-187 dB®T«tS’17 F. M. Coots, Ch. par 100 First National Bank dB®T6'65 H . K. Heaton $160-10% 71-186 par 100 Jolletvllle____ 410 Jolietville State Bank A.W.L, Newcomer (Sheridan P. 0.) $100-4% 71-1187 B®t§’23 7 Hamilton 113 par 100 Jonesboro___ 1429 Citizens Bank-----------------it'05 Ed. Bloch.............. .... 7 Grant G17 $170-10% par 40 71-702 Jonesville_____ 213 Jonesville State Bank—ti'14 Fred Moorman___ 7 Bartholomew M15 $130-6% 71-1058 Kcmpton_____ 498 The State Bank of Kenmton C. J. Richman____ 7 TiptOD H14 $100-6% 71-798 ®Tif’04 par 100 Kendall vllle...5278 CAMPBELL & FETTER (Archy Campbell 7 Noble C19 8% par 100 Bankera. d®*2t 94 71-654 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK .. $125-2% par 100 dB®T,t’24 71-1228 •• A R OTIS •i it Revanni 7 Fulton D13 8.000 109,810 9,450 12.810 15,360 1st N„ Jasonville. J. M. Moore_______ 50,000 56,180 655,290 48.450 358,040 334,970 38,970 A. R. BOHNERT____ HUGO ME